I. I.IL/ FOR THE PUBLIC. OAL AND PIVATE USE OF EVANGELICAL CHRISTIA NS, F TIE TH EDITION I I I NEW YORKO IVION & PHNINEY, 178S FULTON STREET; (SUCCESSORS OF NEWMAN & IVISON, AND XARE t. INEV AN & CO.) $ CHICAGO: S. C. GRIGGS & CO., ll1 LAKE STREET. $ BUFFALO. PHINNEY & CO., 188 IMAIN STREET. JA UBURN: J. C. IVISON & CO. DETROIT: A. n F~ARpEN. g CINCINNATI: tOORETH ANDERSON & CO. I4I +s ~~~i' ~~~~~~~~~~~I ENTE ED, according to Act of Congress, ill the year 1847, mu ~ BY MARK H. NEWMIAN & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the n theers Southern District of New York. i9 I t I! STEREOTYPED BY To B. SMITHE J. D. BEDFORD, PRINTER 216 WILLIAM ST., N. Yr 59 ANN STREET. ADVERTISEMENT. I I ~ I AT the last imeeting of the General Assembly of the i Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, May, 1840, "the whole subject of Psalmody, with the procuring and furnishing an edition of Psalms and Hymns for our general use, in a way involving no pecuniary re- e sponsibility to the Assembly," having been "referred to the Consulting Commiittee, ior their deliberation and ac- tion, as they may deem proper and practicable," and said Committee, having throutg successive periods attended { to the weighty trust, endeavoring to perflrm the difficult duty assigned them according to the true intent of the [ Assembly, and for the edification of the church of God, did, at a regular meeating- in the city of 7ew York, Nov. 6th, 1842, unanimously -agee to approve and recommend this present volume, entitie Church Psalmist, or Psalms! and Hymns, for the public, social, and private use of evan-' gelical Christians," as being, in their judgment, the best adapted to the worship of God in our age and country; and as such it is commended to the Christian lublic, and $ especially to all the churches under the care of the Assera- bly, that they may mith one minqd and onse mzouthf glorify j C God, even the Father o/ our Liord Jesus Christ, and be?! profited and united in his worship and his praise. SAMTRUETL H. COX, Chairiman. I vIi-HEINRY A. ROWLAND, Clerk. S'Tihe Committee consists of thefollouing naemmbers: c M.INTIS-TER S. i REV. SAMUEL H. COX, D.D. I "" PHILIP C. TAY, D.D. ~$ " ALBERT BARNES, D.D. " WILLTAM ADAMS, D.D. P" DATID A. RIDDLE,.D.D. G * ELDERS. $ $ MATSON SO TT, M.D $ F. A. RAYBOLB, Esq., e JOHiN L. L:iASBO, Esq.. LOWELL HOLBROOK, Esq. FR DERIC BULL, Esq. iTMEMBBRS EX-OFFrCIO. REV. ERSKINE MASON, M.D., Stated Clerk of the General Assembly.' E. W. GILBERT, D.D., Permanent " " " HENRY A- ROWLAND, A.M., Temporary " i t~^~>*^<. ~ C t-i f~~"t'^r{~1 I I o Is CONTENTS. 0 i 0 I i PAGES. t PREFACE... 5-12 I THE PSALMS..... 13 —254 E SOCIPTURES..... 257-261 GOD..... 261 —2 8 9 CHRIST... 289-3 62 HOLY SPIRIT.... 362-373 TRINITY.......373-379 ALARMIN. S.. 379-388 CONmVICTION.... 388-391 INVITING.. a.. 391-404 PENITENTIAL 0.. 4-12 CONYERSlIO.... 413-424 CHRISTIAN.... 425-478 PRAYER.. 478-487 REVIVAL.... 487-493 ORDINANCES...... 493-508 SABBATH... 509-519 1 SANCTUARY.... 519-524 j MINISTRY.. 524~ —528 CHRISTIAN MISSIONS... 528-537 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 537-554 MORNING...... 554 —558 EENIN..... 558-564 MORNING OR EVENING... 564-566 I THE YEAR....... -75 DEATH....... 575-594 JUDGMENT....... 594-602 1-EAVEN... 602-622 D DIISISSIONS AND DOXOLOGIES... 622-626 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS 627-646 $ 4 —---- *~ *e -----— * * *r* Diminuendo, Diminishing from loud to soft. > Swell, Increasing and then diminishing. >< Inverted swell, Diminishing and then increasing. dol. Dolce, Gentle, smooth, gliding. af. Affetuoso, Tender, affectionate.'- " Staccato, Short and distinct. len. Lentando, Becoming slower and slower. - Dash, Contradicts former marks. $ ------— ~~~~~~~~~~~ P SAL S. PSAM 1, First Part, L. lL. The Righteous and the Wicked. 1 UAPPY the man, whose cautious feet $. Shun the broad way that sinners go; Who hates the place where atheists meet, And fears to talk as scoffers do. 2 He loves t' employ his morning light Among the statutes of the Lord, And spends the wakeful hours of night, With pleasure pondering o'er the word. > 3 He, like a plant by gentle streams, < Shall flourish in immortal green; i n And heaven will shine, with kindest beams, On every work his hands begin. p But sinners find their counsels crossed; < As chaff before the tempest flies, So shall their hopes be blown and lost, When the last trumpet shakes the skies. PJSALA 1, Second Part, L. i. I The Prospects of the Saint and the Sinner 1 T HRICE happy he, who shuns the way T- That leads ungodly men astray; Who fears to stand where sinners meet, Nor with the scorner takes his seat. 2 The law of God is his delight; That cloud by day, that fire by night,! 1Shall be his comfort in distress, And guide him through life's wilderness. 3 His works shall prosper; he shall be A fruitful, fair, unwithering tree, That, planted where the river flows, Nor drought, nor frost, nor mildew knows.. ~......... +.....)....................._ i 14 PSALM I.' 4 Not so the wicked; they are cast Like chaff upon tile whirllwind's blast; * 7l In judgment they shall quake for dread, $ > ]Nor with the righteous lift their head. I IPSAL, C. MI The End of tth Righteous and the Wicked. 1 "LEST is the man, who shuns the place J Where sinners love to meet; Who fears to tread their wicked ways, And hates the scoffer's seat: 2 But in the statutes of the Lord Has placed his chief delight; By day he reads or hears the word, $ I And meditates by.night, t 3 I8ie, like a plant of generous kind By living waters set, s mf7 Safe from the sto ris and blasting wind, Ejoys a peaceful state. m n 4 Green as the leaf, and ever fair, Shalll his plrofession shine; AllWhile fruits of holiness appear, Like clusters on the vine. I p 5 Not so the impious and unjust; $'~@ What vain designs they formn!:< Their hopes are blown away like dust,; Or chaff, before the storm. 6 Sinners, il judgment, shall not stand! Among the sons of grace, When Christ, the judge, at his right hand Appoints his saints a place. I 1 e PSAL M 1, S. X. L Thle Saintt happy tthe Sinner minserable,' 1 THE man is ever blest,. Who shuns the sinners' ways; Among their councils never stands, Nor takes the scorner's place: 2 But makes the law of God His study and delight, $ Amid the labors of the day, And watches of the night. $ PSALM IT. 15 $ < 3 He like a tree shall thrive,! Wmith waters near the root; e'Fresl as the leaf his name shall live; His works are heavenly fruit. p 4 lNot so th' ungodly race; They no such blessings find; < Their hopes shall flee, like empty chaff Before the driving wind. af' 5t How will they bear to stand Before that judgment-seat, $ nf Where all the saints, at Christ's right hand, In full asselmbly meet? 124 ~ PSALMI 2, First Part, C. I. i2 Christ exalted and hi s Enemies warned. \ The Lord's anointed Son? Why did they east his laws away, And tread his gospel down? I mf 2 The Lord, vwho sits above the skies, Derides their rage below; < He speaks with vengeance in his eyes, And strikes their spirits through:3 "I call iln my beloved Son, And raise him firom the dead; I make my holy hill his throne, And wide his kingdom spread." p 4 Be wise, ye rulers of the earth! Obey th' anointed Lord; $ rnf Adore the king of heavenly birth, And tremble at his word. sqp 5 With hnmble love address his throne, m$ mf For, if he frown, ye dlie; m 1 Those are secure, and those alone, Who on his grace rely. PSALM 2, Second Parf, C. M. I ^ 2^ Prayer for the KIingdom of Christ. Caff 1 FATHER! is not thy promise pledged i< - To thine exalted Son, That, through the nations of the earth, Thy word of life shall run?- ______* _*_bss_*__ z _ _ _ _ _ tBw~ZQIII 16 PSALMI II. - 2 "Ask, and I give the heathen lands For thine inheritance, And, to the world's remotest shores, < Thine empire shall advance." aff 3 Hast thou not said, the blinded Jews Shall their Redeemer own, < While Gentiles to his standard crowd, > And bow before his throne? zmf 4 Are not all kingdomls, tribes and tongues, Beneath th' expanse of heaven, To the dominion of thy Son, With all their millions given? 5 1From east to wrest, from north to south, Then be his name adored; { The world, through all its nations, shout iff Hosannas to the Lord. rSALT 2, First Part, S. If. Ch]rist dying and rising, I jlAKER and sovereign Ldrd li Of heaven, and earth, and seas! Thy providence confirms thy word, And answers thy decrees. 2 The things, so long foretold By David, are fulfilled, When Jews and Gentiles join to slay > Jesus, thy holy child. mf 3 Why did the Gentiles rage, And Jews, with one accord, Bend all their counsels to destroy p Th' Anointed of the Lord? "in 4 Rlulers and- kings agree To form a vain design; mf Against the Lord their powers unite, Against his Christ they join. f 5 The Lord derides their ra-ge, And will support his throne; He, who hath raised him from tle dead, Hath owned him for his Son. PSALMS II, III. 17 PSAL 2, Second Part, S. X.; CJLiChrist ascending and reignig. mf 1 H nE Lo'rd ascends on high, And asks to rule the earth; 5 The merit of his blood he pleads, And pleads his heavenly birth. 2 He asks-and God bestows A large inheritance; f Far as the world's remotest ends, Ilis kingdom shall advance. mf 3 The nations that rebel Must feel llis iron rod; f He'11 vindicate those honors well, Whic'h he received from God. nmp 4 Be wise, ye rules! now, And Aworship at his throne; o With trembling joy, ye people! bow f To God's exalted Son. < 5 If once his wrath arise, Ye perish on the place: Then blessed is the soul that flies For refuge to his grace. ~3 "PS>SAL 3, First Part, L. I. A.iMoraning Psalm. aff 1 ( LORD! howv many are my foes, J In this weak state of flesh and blood I My peace they daily discompose; But my defence and hope is God. 2 Tired with the burdens of the day, < To thee I raised an evening-cry; Thou heard'st when I began to pray, And tiine almighty help was nigh. 3 Supported by thy heavenly aid, I laid me donwn, and slept secure; mf iNot death should mIake my heart afraid, > Though I should wake and rise no more. mf 4 But God sustained me all the night; Salvation doth to God belong: f He raised my head to see the light, And make his praise my morning song. 18 PSALM III. PSAL3I 3, Second Part, L. IB. God, our Defence. gCff 1 HE tempter' to my soul bath said,T " here is no hlelp in God for thee:" Lord! lift thou up ti; servant's head; My glorly, shield and solace be. 2 Thus to the Lord I taised my cry, IHe heard nle from his holy Iill; f At his command the waves rolled by; > IHe beckoned, —and the winds were still. < 3 I laid me down and slept;~-I wole; Thou, Lord! my spirit didst sustain; Bright fr'om the east the morning broke,Thy comforts rose on me again. 4 I will not fear, though arimed throngs Compass my steps in all their wrath; Salvation to the Lord belongs; His presence guards his people's path. 3' )P 3SALT, First Part, C. T. e - Doubts anld Fealrs supporessed. \a/ 1 lY God! how many are my fears! \[ How'fast my ioes increase! Conspiring imy eternal dceath, They break my present peace. f 2 But thou, my glory and my strength, Shalt on the temspter tread; Shalt silence all my threatening guilt, And raise my drooping head. aff 3 I cried, and from his holy hill He bowed a listening ear; Mzf I called my'Fathe r,and my God, > -And he subdued my fear'. 4- He shed soft slumbers on mine eyes, < In spite of all my foes; I woke, and wondered at the grace That guarded my repose. f 5 What though the hosts of death and hell All armed against me stood? Terrors no more shall shake my soul; Miy refuge is my God. k + 0 0 __._ _ PSALMS I I, V. 19 PSALM4 3. Second Part, C. X. J l Moring Song. I ORD of my life! Oh! may thy praise 1 Employ my noblest powers, Whose goodness lengthens out my days, And fills the circling hours. 2 Preserved by thine almighty arm, I passed the shades of night, Secure and safe from every harm, And see returning light.: p 3 While many spent the night in sighs, And restless pains and woes, In gentle sleep, I closed my eyes,In undisturbed repose. 4 When sleep, death's image, o'er me spread, And I unconscious lay, Thy watchful care was round my bed, To guard my feeble clay. mf 5 Oh! let the same almighty care My waking hours attend; From every danger, every snare, MIy heedless steps defend. dol 6 Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days; < And let thy goodness fill my soul'With gratitude and praise. PSALM 4, First Part, L. I. 54 ~ ~ God, our Portion and Hope. p 1 GOD of grace and righteousness! Hear and attend, when I complain; Thou hast enlarged me in distress, Bow down a gracious ear again. mf 2 Know that the Lord divides his saints From all the tribes of men beside: < p He hears the cry of penitents, For the dear sake of Christ who died. In 3 When our obedient hands have done A thousand works of righteousness, We put our trust in God alone, ^ <.And glory in his pard'ning grace. %11-1%%%1 —%- f jA 20 PSALM IV. 4 Let the unthinking many say,M en "Who will bestow some earthly good?" < But, Lord! thy light and love we pray; Our souls desire this heavenly food. I 4w PBsdS LM!,4, Second Pa t, L. I I 4 3ttEvening','o r'g.. e f I.ILORY to thee, my God! this night, F For all the blessings of the light; mip Keep me, Oh! keep me, King of kings i Beneath the shadow of thy wings. I ff 2 Forgive me, Lord! for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done; That with the world, myself and thee, IMy soul, this night, at peace may be. m if 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; >< Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorions, at the judgment-day. dol 4 Oh! may m faith oni thee repose; May gentle sleep my eyelids close, mf That shall my framn more vig'rous make, To serve imy God w hen I awake. m Lord! let mv soul ior ever share The bliss of thy parental care; <'T is heaven on earth,'t is heaven above, To see thy face, and sing thy love. Z~ 4 IN:PSAL 4, First Part, C. M. -$ EP~,r,"Evening Devotion. m p I lORD! thou wilt hear me when I pray; - I alm for ever thine; I fear before thee all the day, Nor w -ould I dare to sin. 2 And, while I rest my weary head, From cares and business free,'T is sAeet conversing on my bed W ith my own hea'rt and thee. 3 I pay this evening-sacrifice; Mnf And, when my work is done, Great God! my faith, my hope relies Im Upon thy grace alone. PSALMS IV, V. 21 p 4 Thus, with my thoughts composed to peace, I'11 give mine eyes to sleep; m Thy hand in safety keeps my days, And will my slumbers keep. PSALE 4, Second Part, C. M. 4 God, the chief Good. I IN vain the erring world inquire For some substantial good; While earth confines their low desire, They live on airy food. 2 Illusive dreams of happiness Their eager thoughts employ; They wake, convinced their boasted bliss Was visionary joy. rmf 3 Not all the good which earth bestows Can fill th' immortal mind; 0 Its highest joys have mingled woes, And leave a sting behind. f" 4 Begone, ye gilded vanities; I seek the only good; To real bliss my wishes riseThe favor of my God. f 5 Immortal joy thy smiles impart; Heaven dawns in every ray; One glimpse of thee can cheer my heart, And turn my night to day. 6 Grant, O my God! this one request,Oh! be thy love alone My ample portion!-here I rest, For heaven is in the boon.;8^:1,PSALM 5, C. M.'5 A Jiforninr Invocation. f" 1 A WAKE, my soul! and with the sun A Thy daily course of duty run; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart! And with the angels bear thy part, Who, all night long, unwearied sing: High praises to th' eternal King. ' 22 PPSALM V. I 3 Glory to thee, who safe hast 1kept, And hast refreshed me, while I slept: Grant, Lord! when I friom death shall wake, i I may of endless life partake. f 4 Lord! I my vows to thee renewr; Scatter my sins as morning-dew; Guard imy first springs of thought and will, And with thyself my spirit fill. 15; gaPSALI 5, First Part, C. tM. K5 For the Lord's Day lJ.lorning. 1 LORD! in the morning thou shalt hear $ J My voice ascending high; To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye;-' < 2 Up to the hills, where Christ is gone To plead for all his saints, Presenting, at his Father's throne, Our songs and our complaints. sp 3m Thou art a God, before whose sight The wicked shall not stand; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, iNor dwell at thy right hand. mf 4 But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there; I will fiequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. cff 5 Oh! may thy Spirit guide my feet, In ways of righteousness; Make every path of duty straight,! And plain before my face.: 5 P HP5AL1 5, Second Part, C. M. $ $ ^JrT'ltorning Devotion $ 1 SOON as the morning-rays appear, I 11 lift mine eyes above;; My voice shall reach thy listening ear, And supplicate thy love. 2 Within thy house my voice shall rise i Before thy mercy-seat;' There will I fix my steadfast eyes, And worship at thy feet. ~~~Y~ I PSALM VI. 23 f 3 Thy righteousness, thy strength display, And my protection be; f m/f Teach me to know that only way, Mf' W5i'hich lelads to heaven and thee. PSALM 6, L. Di. 6 Temlptation in Sickness overcome. aff 1 L OPD! I can sun-fer thy rebukes, i 1i J i When thoun with kindness dost chastise, But thy fierce wrath I cannot bear; Oh! let it not against me rise. i'2 Pity my languishing estate, And ease the sorrows that I feel; The wounds thy heavy hand hath made, Oh! let thy gentler touches heal. 3 See how in sighs I pass my days, I'And waste in groans the weary night I My bed is watered with my tears; My grief consumles, and dims my sight. 4 Look, how the powers of nature mourn HI-ow long, almigty God! how long? $ < When shall thine lhour of grace return? } AlaWhen shall I make thy grace my song? 6: 6,2~~PSA&LIA 0, CM. 6 Prayer under Rebukes. aff 1 Nrmerey, not in vrlath, rebuke I Thy feeble worm, my God! 1My spirit dreads thine angry look, And trembles at thy rod. 2 Have mercy, Lord! for I am weak; Regard mv heavy groans; Oh! let thy voice of comfort speak, And heal my broken bones. 3 Oh I come, and show thy power to save, And spare my fainting brethl; For who can praise thee in the grave, Or sing thy name in death? FSALMI 6, 7s. H 6 Prayer in affliction. p I 1 ENTLY, gently, lay thy rod U On my sinful head, O God! \ < Stay thy wrath, in mercy stay, > Lest I sink beneath its sway. - - - - - - - - - - 24 PSALM VII, VIII. cff 2 Heal mne, for my flesh is weak; Heal me, for thy grace I seek; This my only plea I make,Heal me for thy mercy's sake. > 3 Who, within the silent grave, > Shall proclaim thy power to save? > Lord I my sinking soul reprieve; < Speak, and I shall rise and live. 4 Lo! he comes-he heeds my plea; Lo! he comes-the shadows flee; Glory round me dawns once more;,ff Rise, my spirit! and adore. PSALM 7, C. X. God's Care of his People in Persecution. aff 1 /Y trust is in my heavenly friend, l My hope in thee, my God! Rise, and my helpless life defend From those who seek my blood. 2 If I have e'er provoked them first, Or once abused my foe; Then let them tread my life to dust, And lay mine honor low. 3 If there were malice hid in me,I know thy piercing eyes,I should not dare appeal to thee, Nor ask my God to rise. f 4 Arise, my God lift up thy hand, Their pride and power control; Awake to judgment, and command Deliverance for my soul. PSALX 8, Firs Part, L. M. The Hosanna of the Children. f 1 ALMIGHTY Ruler of the skies! A Through the wide earth thy name is spread, And thine eternal glories rise O'er all the heavens thy hands have made. mf 2 To thee the voices of the young A monument of honor raise; And babes, with uninstructed tongue, Declare the wonders of thy praise. PSALM VIII. 25 3 Thy power assists their tender age To bring proud rebels to the ground; To still the bold blasphemer's rage, And all their policies confound. 4 Children amidst thy temple throng, To see their great Pedeemer's face; The son of David is their song,./ y And young hosannas fill the place. PSjALr 8, Second Part, L. M. Christ's Condescension and Glorification. f 1 0 LORD, our Lord! in power divine, How great is thy illustrious name! Through all the earth thy glories shine, Placed high above the heavenly frame. p 2 Down from his throne thy Son descends, A little time our form to wear; Beneath th' angelic hosts he bends, f Our sufferilgs and our sins to bear. f 8 But, lo! thy power exalts him high, In glorious dignity enthroned: lie bears our nature to the sky, O'er all thy worlks the ruler crowned. ff 4 Jesus, our Lord! in power divine, How great is thy illustrious name! Through all the earth thy glories shine; — Let all the earth resound thy fame. PSAL19 8, First Part, C. MX mf I 1 LORD, our Lord! how wondrous great Is thine exalted. name! The glories of thy heavenly state Let men and babes proclaim. 2 When I behold thy works on high, The moon that rules the night, And stars that well adorn the sky, Those moving worlds of light;nsp 3 Lord! what is man, or all his race, Who dwells so far below, That thou shouldst visit him with grace, And love his nature so?2 26 PSALI VIII. 4 That thine eternal Son should bear To take a mortal form, Made lower than his angels are, p To save a dying worm? In 5 Yet, while he lived on earth unknown, And men would not adore, Behold obedient nature own i < lHis Godhead, and his power! 6 Let him be crowned with majesty, I > Who bowed his head to death; < And be his honors sounded high, By all things that have breath. PSALI 8, Second Part, C. M. GQod's Condescension. mf 1 fI 0LORD, my King! how excellent Thy name on earth is known! Thy glory, in the firmanment, Ilow wonderfully shown! 2 When I behold the heavens on high,The work of thy right hand, The moon and stars amid the sky Thy lights in every land;mp 3 Lord! wlhat is man, that thou shouldst deign ~ 3 On lhim to set thy love, Give him awhile on earth to reign, Then fill a throne above? f 0 Lord! how excellent thy name, How manifold thy ways! Let time thy saving truth proclaim,Eternity thy praise. PSALnM 8, S. I. God's Grace to MJIn. r mf 1 0 LORD, our heavenly King! Thy name is all divine; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heavens they shine. 2 When, to thy works on high, I raise my wondering eyes, And see the moon, complete in light, Adorn the darksome skies; PSALIS VIII, IX. 27 3 When I survey the stars, And all their shining forms,p Lord what is man, that worthless thing, Akin to dust and worms? 4 Lord! what is worthless man, That thou shouldst love him so? nf TNext to thine angels is he placed, An d Lord of all below. 5 How rich thy bounties are! And wondrous are thy ways! Of dust and worms, thy power can frame A monument of praise. QI - ~PSALIE 8, 7s. 0~ i T?The Praises of C/hildren. f I.PLORY to the Father give,G God, in whom we move and live: 2M Children's prayers he deigns to hear; mf Children's songs delight his ear. f 2 Glory to the Son we bring,Christ, our prophet, priest and king! im) Children! raise your sweetest strain To the Lamb, for he was slain. J 3 Glory to the Holy Ghost; Be this day a pentecost: Children's minds may he inspire; Touch their lips witlh holy fire. 4 Glory in the hig'hest be To the blessed Trinity, For the gospel from above, For the word, that " God is love." e PSALM 9, First Part, C. M. W rath andl Mrcy from the.Judgnment-Seat. I'TITEI my wrhole heart I'11 raise my song, I f Thy wonders I'11 proclaim; Thou sovereign judge of right and wrong Wilt put my foes to shame. 2 I'11 sing thy imajesty and grace; My God prepares his throne To judge the world in righteousness, And make his vengeance known. t ~~~ 9~9H~~Z~P~~~WZIHZQ~~~n4~ QZHHZ~~ 28 PSALMS IX, X. mnp 3 Then shall the Lord a refuge prove For all who are oppressed, To save the people of his love, > And give the weary rest. mf 4 The men, who know thy name, will trust In thine abundant grace; For thou didst ne'er forsake the just, Who hmnbly sought thy face. f 5 Sing praises to the righteous Lord, Who dwells on Zion's hill; Who executes his threatening word, And doth his grace fulfill.:9 2tPSALM 9, Secona Part, C. M. 9 The FWisdonlo and Equity of Providence. qnf 1 IHEN the great Judge, supreme and just, V Shall once inquire for blood, p The humble souls, that mt ourn in dust, < Shall find a faithful God. p 2 He from the fearful gates of death < Does his own children raise: On Zion's hill, with tuneful breath, They sing their Father's praise. mp 3 Though saints to sore distress are brought, And w ait, and long complain, Their cries shall never be forgot, Nor shall their hopes be vain. f 4 Rise, great Redeemer! from thy seat, > To judge and save the poor; f Let nations tremble at thy feet, And man prevail no more. E PSA 1 10, L. M. Jehovah, the avenger of the Oppressed. 1 TEHOVAH reigns-your tribute bring; Proclaim the Lord, th' eternal King: Crown him, ye saints! with holy joy, His arm shall all your foes destroy. - 2 Thou, Lord! ere yet the humble mind Had formed to prayer the wish designed, Hast heard the secret sigh arise, f While, swift to aid, thy mercy flies. -- _-__ _ _ _ — PSALMAI X. 29 } 3 Thy Spirit shall or' hearts prepare;' Thine ear shall listen to our prCayer: < Tlhou righteous Judge! thou Power divine! I > On thee the fatherless recline. Jf 4 The Lord shall save th' afflicted breast, HIis arm shall vindicate th' oppressed, f l:lEarth's mighties b t tyrant feel his power, Nor sin, nor Sat,'an grieve them more. I 1 PSAL.1 i0, First Part, C. M. I \ Prayer heard, and Saints saved. 1 W H HlY dotllth the Lord stand off so far? *' And why conceal his face, When great calamities appear, And times of deep distress? 2 Lord.! shall the wicked still deride Thy justice and thy power? Shall they advance their heads in pride, And still thy saints devour. f 3 Arise, 0 Lord! lift up thy hand; nMp Attend our humble cry;,mf No enemy shall dare to stand, When God ascends on high. m 4 Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray, * And cause thine ear to hear: Hearklen to what thy children say, And put the world in fear.! SA^IK 10, Second Part, C. I I 0 The God of the Fatherless. 1 IJEAR, Lord! the sonng of praise and prayer lit In heaven, thy dwelling -)place, From children, made the public care, 2 kAnd taught to seek thy face. 2 Thanks for thy word, and for thy day; And grant us, we implore, Never to waste, in sinful play, Thy holy Sabbaths more.' 3 Thanks that we hear;-~but Oh! impart, I To each, desires sincere, e That we may listen with our heart, And learn as well as hear. i ~ ^~.^~ ~ ^^^~,.~_... 30 P1SALMS XI, XII. i _ * mf 4 Wisdom and bliss thy word bestowsA sun which ne'er declines: Oh! be-thy mercy showered on those, AVho placed us where it shines. PSAIi I1 11,.!, God, the Refuge of the Saints. 1 1Y1 refuge is the God of love: WJ Why do my foes insult, and cry"Fly, like a tim'rous trembling dove, To distant woods or mountains fly?" 2 The Lord in heaven has fixed his throne; His eye surveys the world below; To him all mortal things are known; His eye-lids search our spirits through. 8 If he afflicts his saints so far, To prove their love, and try their grace, < What may the bold transgressors fear His soul abhors their wvicked ways. r 4 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere; And, with a gracious eye, beholds The men that his own image bear. PSALMII 12. C. TI. 12 Prayer in Times of Wickedness. I 1 IELP, Lord! for men of virtue fail, I Religion loses ground; The sons of violence prevail, And treach6ries abound. 2 Their oaths and promises they break, Yet act the flatterer's part: With fair deceitful lips they speak, And with a double heart. 8 Lord! when inicuities abound, And impious men grow bold, When faith is rarely to be found, And love is waxing cold,nf 4 Is not thy chariot rolling on? Hast thou not given this sign? iay we not rest and live upon A promise so divine? _9-,q :~~ ~ PSALM XIII. 8 f? 5 "Yes," saith tle Lord, now will I rise, 3 And make oppressors flee; $ I will appear to their surprise, $ And set nmy servants free." f 6 Like silver in the furnace tried, Thy word shlll still endure; The men, that inh thy truth confide,,f 6Shall find the promise sure. g @^ ~?2 A 13, L.. $ 13 -H Jaelp in GPod alone. e aff 1 JI'OW long, 0 Lord! shall I complain, Ji Like one that seeks his God in vain? How long my soul thine absence mourn, And still despair of thy return? 2 How long shall my poor troubled breast Be, with these anxious thoughts, oppressed? If thou withhold thy heavenly light, I sleep in everlasting night. 3 Hear, Lord! and grant me quick relief, Thy mercy now shall end my grief; < For I have trusted in thy grace, And shall again behold thy face. nf 4 Whate'er my fears or foes suggest, Thou art my hope, my joy, my rest; < )My heart shall feel thy love, and raise My cheerful voice to songs of praise. n P1SA L] 13, 0C.:I& 13 Htope in Darkness. 1L- M Ty God! how long delay? i When shall feel those heavenly rays, That chase my feas away? 2 How long shall my poor lab'ring soul Wrestle, and toil, in vain? Thy word can all my foes control, And ease my raging pain. mf 8 Be thou my sun, and thou my shield, My soul in safety keep; MIake haste, before mine eyes are sealed > In death's eternal sleep. _rbShs *sf + _b Ibb.>:.te~~t*6;6~~~8~ 32 PSALMS XIII, XIV. nf 4 Thou wilt display that sovereign grace, t i Whence all mI comforts spring; I f I shall employ inm lips in praise, And thy salvation sing.. 13 Pieadig for.e, ic,. p 0 } cca 1 I ORD of mercy, just and kind! P L Wilt thou ne'er my guilt forgive?? N ever shall miv troubled mind, I IIn thy kind rememibrance, live? $ 2 Lord! howl long shall Satan's art Tempt mly ha assed soul to sin, Triumph o'er ily humbled heart, — Fears,wit out aind guilt wlithin? 3 Lord, my God! thine ear incline,' Bending to the pra yer of faith; r nf Cheer my eyes with light divine len Lest I sleep the sleep of death. /! 1't, rTI I 4 P^ ~ BLi 14, 0. 11a I f Jll Jiii^ Sin72nerCAsl. i " 1 0 TOOLS, in their hearts, believe and say, ~ Th at all eligion's vain; There is no God iwho reigns on high, Or min dis -th' affairs of men. - 2 The Lord, fiom his celestial throne, Looked dowrn on things below, I To flnd the man who sought his grace, ~ tOr did his justice know. i 8 BBy nature, all are gone astray,,, Tnheiri prat-ice a.ll the same;! There- s none that fears his Maker's hand. i There s none that loves is i name. } 4 Their tongues are used to speal deceit, Their slanders never cease: 8 \ < How swift to mischief are their feet? I q Nor'know the paths of peace. 5 Such seeds of sin that bitter root- In every heart are found;!, Nor can they bear diviner fruit,, Till grace refine the ground. 9~~tre'~~ a~ PSALMS XIV, XV. 33 $, PPSALE 14, 7s and 6s.: It 14 Thexn P'Salvation of Israelt iff H1 0! that tne Lord's salvation W Were out olf Zion come, To heal his ancient nation, To lead his outcasts home. How long the holy city Shall heathen feet profane? Return, 0 Lord! in pitpy; Rebuild her walls again., 2 Let fall thy rod of terror, Thy saving grace impart;, Roll back the veii of error, Release the rettered heart; Let Israel, home returning, Their iost Messiiah see; Give oil of joy for m1ourning, And bilnd the church to thee. I 1 BTALT 15, L. X., I15'The Citi-en of Zion.:" 1 I[^HO shall ascend thy heavenly place,! ~V Great Godi aind dwrell before thy face m The man that minds religion now, $ And humbly walks writh God below: 2 Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean; t Whose lips still speak the thing they mean; \ I To slanders dwell upon his tongue; EHe hates to do his neighbor wrong. 8 He loves ills enenies, and prays For those that curse himl to his face; I And doth to all mien still the same I That he would hope, or wish, from them. i 4 Yet, when his holiest works are done, 5 H is soul depends on grCace alone:; m f This is the man thy iace shall see, I MAnd dwell for ever, Lord! with thee. P AL T 15, 7s.' 1 i Thie Heir of Hceaven,. v Shall to heaven's blest mansions soar?! Who, an ever-welcome guest, In thy holy place shall rest? ~~)b~~BB~~e9~sa ~~ee6~sosua~awatos~~~zoo4e A- -^^ ^ _ ^- - - - - --- - 34 PSALM XV. XV 2 I-e, whose heart thy love has warmed; He, owhose wiill, to thine conformed, 1 Bids his life unsullied run; HIe, whose words and thoughts are one:in p 3 He, who shuns the sinner's road, Loving those -wiho love their God; mf Who, vwith hope and faith unfeigned, Treads the path hy thee ordained:m 4 He, who trusts in Christ alone,; Not in aught hilselt hath done: < HIe, great God shall be thy care, And thy choicest blessings share. I PSAT 18, L. M. i 10 Deatil and the Resurrection.; f 1'%:THEN God is nigh, my faith is strong, i HTis arm is my almighty prop; Be glad, my heart! rejoice, my tongue! I< Miy dying flesh shall rest in hope. a Cf 2 Though in the dust I lay my heald, Yet, gracious God! thou wilt not leave lMy soul flo ever iith the dead, N or lose thy children in the grave. < 3 My flesh shall thy first call obey, Shake off the dust, and rise on high; Then shalt thou lead the wondrous way, Up to thy throne above the sky. 4 There streams of endless pleasure flow; And full discoveries of thy grace, Which -we but tasted here below, Spread heavenly joys through all the place. i 1PSLfI I, First Part, C. i.! 1 6 Soupport and Counsel fromn God. I T ELT heathens to their idols haste, i And worship wood or stone;, mrnf lBut my decl lihtfu1 lot is cast i "dWhere the true God is known. $ I 2 His hand provides my constant food, He fills my daily cup; Mutch am I pleased with present good, m nzf But more rejoice in hope. *0***** **rs**Q~~B))~,t~~~SS -_-************) O04H06P%)09 PSALMS XVI, XVII. 35 3 God is my portion and my joy; His counsels are imy lig'h; m p He gives me sweet advice by day, And gentle hints by night. n 4 My soul would all her thoughts approve To his all-seeing eye; t mf Not death, nor hell, my hope shall move, While suchl a friend is nigh. 18 % PSAL. 1s, Second Part, C. lI. $1 6 The Death anld Resturrection of Christ. I I SET the Lord before my face, I He bears my courage up; -My heart and tongue their joys express, My flesh shall rest in hope. i m 2 "'My spirit) Lord! thou wilt not leave Where souls departed are; Nor quit my body to the grave, To see corruption there. 3 "' Thou wilt reveal the path of life, < And raise me to thy throne; Thy courts immortal pleasure give, Thy presence joys unknown." -" 4 Thus, in tle name of Christ, the Lord, $ TThe holy David sung, And Providence fulfills the word Of his prophetic tongue. $ mf 5 Jesus, whom every saint adores, p Was crucified and slain: j f' Behold! the tomb its prey restores, Behold! he lives again. f 6 When shall my feet arise, and stand On heaven's eternal hlills? There sits the Son, at God's right hand, And there the Father smiles. i7 PSALX, 17, L. M. SI /7 Prospect of the Righteous. mp 1 ITHAT sinners value I resign; Y! Lord!'t is enough that thou art mine; $< I shall behold thy blissful face, And stand complete in righteousness.. 36 PSALMS XVII, XVIII.,np 2 This life's a dream-an empty show; nf But the bright world, to which I go, I ath joys substantial and sincere; f When shall I'wake, and find me there " 3 Oh! glorious hour!-1Oh blest abode And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. $ p 4 My flesh shall slumber in the ground, * < Till the last trulmpets joyful sound: Then burst the chains, with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. 1$~ 17 ~ F Ai 17, S. o, t17 V&The Prospects of the Saint and Sinner. i mf 1 A RISE, my gracious God! 2 And make the wicked flee; They are but thy chastising rod To drive thy saints to thee. I> 2 Behold! the sinner dies,m: m His haughty words are vain; Here, in this life, his pleasure lies, And all beyond is pain. 3 Then let his pride advance, And boast of all his store; M f The Lord is my inheritance, M ]y soul can wish no more. 4 I shall behold the face f Of my forgiving God; And stand complete in righteousness, Washed in my Saviour's blood. 5 There's:a new heaven begun, When I awake from death,Dressed in the likeness of thy Son,And draw immortal breath. PSAL 18, First Part, -. X. I18 JL0Deliverance from Despair. nf 1 TIEE will I love, O Lord! my strength, f I M3y rogk, my tower, my high defence; Thy mighty arm shall be my trust, For I have- found salvation thence. a >~~~~~~~~~ PSALM' XVIII. 37 p 2 Death, and the terrors of the grave, Stood round me with their dismal shade; < While floods of high temptation rose, > lAnd made my sinking soul aftraid. a ff 3 I saw the opening gates of hell, i With endless pains and sorrows there,- $' Which none, but they that feel, can tell, — While I was hurried to despair. 4 In my distress, I called my God, $ When I could scarce believe him mine; He bowed his ear to my complaint; \ f Then did his grace appear divine. f 5 iMy song for ever shall record' That terrible, that joyful hour; And give the glory to the Lord, Due to his mercy and his power.! PSArIdi 18, Second Part;, L. Iv. 1 0 ~ ~ Tize Reward of Sincerity. m I ORD 1 thou hast seen my soul sincere, lIHast made thy truth and love appear; i Before mine eyes I set thy laws, And thou hast owned my righteous cause. I inp 2 What sore temptations broke my rest!! What wars and strugglings in my breast! But, through thy grace that reigns within, I guard against my darling sin.' 3 The sin that close besets me still, That works and strives against my will, — > When shall thy Spirit's sovereign power > Destroy it, that it rise no more? - 4 With an impartial hand, the Lord Deals out to mortals their reward: The kind and faithful souls shall find A God, as faithful, and as kind. -j o PPSALi 18, Third Part, L. M. 18 Rejoicing in God. 1m' UITST are thy ways, and true thy word, C Great Rock of my secure abode I Who is a God beside the Lord-? Or where's a refuge like our God? i 38 PSALM XVIII. i ft 2'T is he that girds me with his might, Gives me his holy sword to wield; And, while with sin and hell I fight, Spreads his salvation for my shield. i ff" 8 He lives, and blessed be my Rock, The God of my salvation lives: The dark designs of hell are broke: p Sweet is the peace my Father gives. 1' P3 JL 13, First Part, C. I. *1 JL CYVictory over temporal Enemies. < 1 WTE love thee, Lord! and we adore: \ Now is thine arm revealed; Thou art our strength, our heavenly tower, Our bulwark and our shield. \ 2sWe fly to our eternal Rock, And find a sure defence; I His holy name our lips invoke, And draw- salvation thence. 8 When God, our leader, shines in arms, AWVhat mortal heart can bear \ if" The thunder of his loud alarn-s,The lightning of his spear? 4 He rides upon the winged wind; \% And angels in array, In millions, wait to know his mind, i AAnd swidf as flames obey. < 5 He speaks-and, at his fierce rebuke, Whole armies are dismayed; His voice, his frown, his angry look, Strike all their courage dead. iM 6 Oft has the Lord whole nations blessed, For his own children's sake; The powers, that give his people rest, Shall of his care partake. PSAJLIM 18, Secon art, C. M.','1 J~ ~ Jehovah coming to reign. f 1 HI HE Lord descended from above,'$ [ And bowed the heavens most high, And underneath his feet he cast The darkness of the sky. I, rPSALMS XVIII, XIX. 39, 2 On cherubiml and seraphim, I Full royally he rode,; dAnd, on the w-ings of mighty winds, Came fl -ing, abl aroad. len 3 He sat serene upon tle floods, s > Their fury to resLtrain; $ f And he, as sovereigon Lord and King, For evermore shall reign.! 1 o8 B8TL 18, 8s and 7s. \ *j 0 8 llChrist triumph an t. f "!O the Lord Jehovah liveth; L He's my roeik, I bles is name; HIe, my God, salvation giveth; \ All ye lands! exalt ihis Ifhme. 2 God, Messiah's cause maintaining, Shall his righteous throne extend; O'er the world the SaTiour reigning, Earth slall aot his footstool bend. i 3 O'er his enemies exalted, Great Redeeier!-see him rise; Though by powers of hell assaulted, d God exalts him to the skies. if" 4 Jesus! hail! enthroned in glory,! There for everL to abide'; \ All the heavenvl hlost adore thee, \ \. Seated at t1hy Father's side. I PS^ ALt. 19, sFrst Pa1rt, L. M. 19.R Naature anil Revelation. f T1 TIHE heavens decla.re,hy glory, Lord!; $i I In everyi star thy wiisdom shines;. I But, when our eyes behold thy word, i:i We read thy name in fairer lines. 1 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And nights and days thy power confess; $ i But the blest volumne thou last writ f IReveals thy justice, and thy grace. $ 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey thy praise, Round the whole earth, and never stand: i \ So, when thy truth began its race, It touched and glanced on every land, i~O~ Q9~~~bg~9~)W~ I 40 PSALI XIX. 4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest,, Till through the world thy truth has run, Till Christ has all t he nations blest, That see the liglht, or feel the sun. 5 Great Sun of righteousness! arise; Bless the dark world with heavenly light; mi Thy gospel makes the simple wise, Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right. mf 6 Thy noblest wonders here we view, In souls renewed, and sins forgiven: acff Lord! cleanse my sins, my soul renew, And make thy word my guide to heaven. \ s Ia Qa 27 SALV 19, Secand Part, L, DI. 1 1. J TThe.Languaege of the Heavens. mnf 1 rHE spacious firmament on hig.h, T k With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their grett Original proclaim. 2 Th' unwearied sun, firom day to day, Does his Creator's power display, And publishes to every land, The work of an allighty hand. gnp 3 Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly, to the iistening earth, Repeats the story of her birth:m 4 vWhile all the stairs that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, s nf Confirm the tidings, as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. > 5 What though, in solemn silence, all lMove round this dark terrestrial ball? What though no real voice, nor sound, Amid their radiant orbs, is found?< 6 In reason'.s ear they all rejoice, f And utter forth a glorious voice; For ever singing, as they shine,The hand that made us is divine." $i Jlg~PSALM XIX. 41 19 9PSAE lM, 1. W., 6 Line. J v 4Starry teazvens. e n 1 TI-iY gloyi -LoCrd! the heavens declare,! }-'The firlmameint displays thy skill; The changing clouds, the viewless air, Tenimpest and caim, thy word fulfill; I Day iunto day doth ut ter1 spch, j And t, nightou to niLJght iy oweilge tesach. p$ 2 Thoiugh voice nor sound inform the ear, a'Well-known the l.o,-uage, of their song, W hen, one by one, the stars appealr,'p' Y Led by tle silent 1moon allong, $ mf Till round the earth, f' om all the sky? Thly beauty beaams on every eye. 3 Waked by thy touch, the morning sun' Comes like a bridtegrooim from his bower, I ~f And, like a giant, glad to run 0 His bright career with speed and power,- Thy flalming mnessenger, to dart Liie through thle depta of nature's heart. 4 While these itran1sporltin g visions shine, - Along the path of providence, If Glory eternal, joy divine, Thy worad reveals, transcending sense; My soul thy goodness longs to see, Thy love to man, thy love to me. 19.Divinez Revelation. THY lav is perfect, Lord of light 1 Thy testimonies sure; The statutes of thy realm are right, And thy con-mmandments pure. 2 Holy, inviolate thy fear, Enduring as thy throne; Thy judgments, chastening, or severe, Justice and truth alone. 3 Let these, O God! my soul convert, And make thy servant wise; < Let these be gladness to my heart, The day-spring to mine eyes. p 4 By these, may I be warned betimes; Who knows the guile within? 42 PSALM XIX. Lord! save me from presumptuous criles, Cleans1 me e from secret sin. 5 So may the nwords imy lips express, The thoughts that throng my mind, < 0 Lord, mlly stlreength and righteousness With thee acceptance find. it BQPSALM;i 19, First Part, S. X. 1 9L The Books of J'.atu~lre and Scripture. If I EHOLBD! thle lo:fty sky f 1- Declares its nmaker, God; And aill lis starry works, on high,' Proclaim his power abroad.,: n 2 The aarlkness and the 1ight Still keep theiir course the same; While ni;ght to ay, anLd day to night, Divinely teach his name. 8 In every different land, Their general, voice is known; They show the w-onders of his hand, An d orders of his tlhrone. f 4 Ye Christian lands! rejoice; Her e he reveals his word; \ We are not left. to nature's voice, To bid us knovw the Lord. m 5 His lavrs are' just and pure, His truth without deceit; H-is promises for ever sure,' And his rewarlds are great. f 6 W;Thile of thy works I sing, Thy glory to proclaim, Accept the praise, my God, my King! In mny Redeem-er s nam-e.: L^r QI-Im 19, Pseond Bart, S. 1-. \ I9^ The Gospel; for tke Seabbath.,. f 1 pEHOLD the morninrig-sun B Begins his glorious way; His beams through all the nations run, And life and light convey. 2 But where the gospel comes, It spreads diviner light; +i - PSALM XIX. 43 It calls dead sinners from their thombs, And gives the blind their sight m z2p 3 How perfect is thy word!,$ nAnd all thy judgiments just! m f For ever sure thy promise, Lord! And men "ecurely trust. aff 4 My gracious God! how plain $ Are thy directions given! $ 0h! ilmay I never read in vain, \ ~But find the path to heaven. 1 SAL 19, Third Part, S. M. 1 19. PraJer and Praise. aff 1 I HEAR thy word with love, - And I vould ifain obey; $ Send thy good Spirit from above, To guide me, lest I stray. 2 Oh! who can ever find The errors of his ways? Yet, with a bold presumptuous mind, I would not dare tra-tnsgress. i 8 Wiarn Ime of every sin, Forgive my secret f-ults, And cleanse this guilty soul of mine, Whose crimes exceed my thoughts. 4 While, with my heart and tongue, I spread thy praise abroad, Accept the worship and the song, y Saviour and my God! Pi Q9 P LAL 19,,. P. i. 1 9 The Ezxcellency of tie Scriptures. I I LOVE tle volumes of thy word; $ fi> To souls benighted and distressed! m n Thy precepts guide my doubtful way, Thy fear forbids my feet to stray, > Thy promise leads my heart to rest. zm 2 From the discoveries of thy law, The perfect rules of life I draw: These are my study and delight: ~ _ 1 44 PSALM XX. * [Not honey so invites the taste, $ j6Nor gold, that hath the furnace passed, $ nAppears so pleasing to the sight. mf 3 Thy threatenings wake my sltumbering eyes, Anld warn me l wlhee wy d1anger lies; ip q i But't is thy blessed gospel, Lord! That ilmaes mly guilty conscience clean, Converts lmy soul, subdues Ily sin, j hcl And givoes a fiee, but large, reward. af 4 WhTlo lrnows the eirros 0of his thoughts? 3ly God! forgive my secret faults, And from presumptuous sins restrain: vf Accept mpy poor attelmpts of praise, That I have read thy book of grace, And book of nature not in vain. P SAL 20, L. iM. 20O God, our Defence. 1mp 1 OW may the God of power and grace Attend his people's humble cry I mf Jehovah hears when Israel prays, And brings deliverance from on high. m 2 Well he rememberls all our sighs, Ilis love exceeds our best deserts; His love accepts the sacrifice p Of humble groans, and broken hearts. 3 Now save us, Lord! from slavish fear, < Now let our hopes be firm and strong, Till thy salvation shall appear, f And joy andi triumnph raise the song. FMrsU 20, G. t. 20 T rzCst in God. mip 1 THE Lord unto thy prayer attend, I In trouble's dacrksomlle hour; mf The name of Jacob's God defend, And shield thee by his power. f 2 In thy salvation we'11 rejoice, And triumph in the Lord; mn For, when in prayer he hears thy voice, He will relief afford. " 3 In chariots, and on horses, some For aid and shelter flee; I^'~ PSALMS XXI, XXII. 45 $ $ In But in thy name, O Lord! we come, And will remember thee. $ 4 0 Lord! to us salvation bring; In thee alone we trust; Hear us, 0 God, our heavenly King! Thou refuge of the just! 21Q ~ ~ PSALM 21, C. M. 21J God acknowSledledr in ational Blessings. I f IIN thee, great God! with songs of praise, I Our favored realms rejoice;; hAnd, blest vwith thy salvation, raise To heaven their cheerful voice. caff 2 In deep distress, our injured land $ Implored thy power to save; < For life we prayeld;thy bounteous hand $\ T:he timely blessing gave. i m 3 On thee, in want, in woe, or pain, $ Our hearts alone rely; Ouir rights thy Imenr wiill maintain, And all our wants supply. mf 4 Thus, Lord! thy wondrous power declare, And still exalt thy fame; n [ Wlile we wglad songs of praise prepare, For thine ahlmighty name. QQj ~ ~ vIMT 2LSS, IL. M.! > Christ's Sfferings n..d Exaltation. acff 1 TOW let our mournful songs record l The dying sorrows of our Lord; When he complained, in tears and blood, As one forsaken of his God. \ 2 The Jews beheld him tllhus forlorn, And shook their heads and laughed in scorn; — i anf "LHe rescued others firom the grave; \ NTow let him try himself to save." aff 3 They wound his head, his hands, his feet, $ Till streams of blood each other meet; By lot his garments they divide, And mock the pangs in which he died. < 4 But God, his Father, heard his cry; f Raised from the dead, he reigns on high; ^ ~^^ ~-^~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i 46 PSALMS XXII, XXIII. The nations learn his righteousness, - - ~ And humble sinners taste his grace. PSAL1i 2 2, C, 3LI, $ 4ChrCistii's Sulfferinlgs and Victories. c 1 " OW in the hour of deep distress, N My God! support thy Son, YWihen lonrrors dark my soul oppress,. Oh! leave me not alone 1" 2 Thus did our suffering Saviour pray, With mighty cries and tears; God heard him, in that dreadful day, And chased away his fears. f 8 Great was the vict'ry of his death, His throne's exalted high; And all the kindreds of the earth o Shall worship,-or shall die. pi 4 The meek and humble soul shall see His table richly spread; i < And all that seek the Lord shall be, With joys immortal, fed. mf 5 The isles shall know the righteousness $ Of our incarnate God;. f And nations, yet unborn, possess Salvation in his blood. I P SAiL2S3, L. X / 80vG <)O GTod, our Shepherd. I, eY shepiherd is the living Lord; $ T Now shall my wants be well supplied: His providence and holy word Becomle my safety, and my guide. 2 In pastures iwhere salvation grows, He make e ed le es me feed,e est; do There living water gently flows, And all the food's divinely blest. - 8 My wandering feet his ys ys mistake; But lie restores my soul to peace, And leads me, for his mnercy's sake, In the fair paths of righteousness. $ nm2 4 Though I walk through the gloomy vale, j Wirhere death and all its terrors are, 4~i~~-~ PSALM XXIII. 47 $ mf IMdy heart and hope shall never fail, For God, my shepherd,'s with me there, 5 Surely the mercies of the Lord Attend his household, all their days; There will I dwell to hear his word, < To seek his face, and sing his praise. PSALMI 23, L. I,, 6 Lines. 23 Jehovah, the Shepherd of his People. dol I rHE Lord my pasture shall prepare, T And feed me with a shepherd's care; H-is presence shall my wants supply, And guard mle wxith a watchful eye; nMy noon-day salks he will attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 WTlhen in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales a.d dewy meads, M Ny weary, wandering steps lie leads; p p Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. m 3 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious, lonely wilds I stray, Thy presence shall my pains beguile; The barren vwilderness shall smile, mf With sudden greens and herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around. I m 4 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, mf My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord! art with me still; In Thy friendly rod shall give me aid, And guide mne through the dreadful shade. PPSAL.ML S 23, First Part, C. ML 235 The watchful Shepherd. dol I II Y shepherd will supply my need, 1Jehovah is his name; In pastures fresh he makes me feed, Beside the living stream. 2 He brings my wandering spirit back, When I forsake his ways; 48 PSALM XXIII.' And leads me, for his mercy's sake, In paths of truth and grace. > 3 When I walk through the shades of death, I I? Thy presence is my stay; m, A word of thy supporting breath zMaf Drives all my fears away. 4 The sure provisions of my God Attend me, all my days; Oh! may thy house be mine abode, < And all my work be praise. m 5 There would I find a settled rest,While others go and come,No more a stranger or a guest, But like a child at home. QO3 64 ESALM 23, Second Part, C. K.: t23 Gratitude and Hope. lJ 1 J'Y soul! triumphant in the Lord,; I Proclaim thy joys abroad, And march with holy vigor on, Supported by thy God. i m" 2 Through every wiinding maze of life, His hand has been my guide; And, in his long-experienced care, My heart shall still confide. 3 His grace, through all the desert flows, An unexhausted stream; $ nmf That grace, on Zion's sacred mount, Shall be my endless theme. 4 Beyond the choicest joys of time, Thy courts on earth I love; }f But Ohil I burn with strong desire To view thy house above. } 5 There, joined with all the shining band, My soul would thee adore;A pillar in thy temple fixed, To be removed no more. PSALM 23, First Part, S. M. 23 The good Shepherd, 1 HE Lord my shepherd is, 1 I shall be well supplied: S ~ PSALM XXIII. 49 Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside? dol 2 He leads me to the place, Where heavenly pasture grows,! Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation flows. m 3 If e'er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim; And guides me in his own right way, For his most holy name. 4 While he affords his aid, I cannot yield to fear; Tho' I should walk thro' death's dark shade, < My shepherd's with me there. 5 Amid surrounding foes, Thou dost my table spread; My cup with blessings overflows, f And joy exalts my head. 6 The bounties of thy love Sha-ll crown my foll'wing days; $ Nor from thy house will I remove, $ Nor cease to speak thy praise. Qf): SPSAL 23, Second Part, S. M. 23 The Presence of Christ. 1 /HILE m Redeemer's near, My shepherd, and my guide, I bid farewell to every fear; My wants are all supplied. dol 2 To ever-fragrant meads, Where rich abundance grows, His gracious hand indulgent leads, And guards my sweet repose. aff 8 Dear Shepherd! if I stray, My wandering feet restore; And guard me with thy watchful eye, And let me rove no more.!23 PSALM 23, I. M. 0<3 The faithful Shepherd. 1 IIY Shepherd's name is LoveI nJ Jehovah, God above; 8 | 50 PSALM XXIII. doZ Where tender herbage grows, $ And peaceful water flows, l Ie gently leads, he kindly feeds,:> And lulls me then to sweet repose. He shows my feet the way; Yea, though through dreary glades,:> I walk in dismal shades,,mf No harm I fear, for thou art near, Thy faithful staff my progress aids. 3 When raging foes surround, My comforts still abound; I breathe a firagrant air, And feed on sweetest fare: Thus in thy fold, when worn and old, I'il dwell secure beneath thy care. 23 PTPSALiAV 23, 11s. 23eJ^ The Care of the good Shepherd. 1 THE Lord is my shepherd, no want shall I know; I feed in green pastures, safe-filded I rest; > He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, mnf Iestores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed. p 2 Through the valley and shadow of death, though I stray, M Since thou art my guardian, no evil I fear; Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay; No harm can befall, with my comforter near. 3 In the midst of affliction my table is spread; With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er; With perfume antd oil thou anointest my head; Oh! what shall I ask of thy providence more? mf 4 Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God! i Still follow my steps, till I meet thee above; I seek-by the path which my forefathers trod, Through the land of their sojourn-thy kingdom of love. PSALME 23, 7s. 23 ThLe heavenly Shepherd. | < I TO thy pastures, fair and large, - S dol J Heavenly Shepherd' lead thy charge; i 4~ - ~ It ~PSALM XXIV. 51 And my couch, with tencerest care, M idst the springing grass prepare. 2 When I faint with summer's heat, Thou shalt guide my weary feet, To the streams, that, still and slow, Through the verdant meadows flow. m f 3 Safe the dreary vale I tread, By the shades of death o'erspread; $ 7With thy rod and staff supplied, This my guard-and that my guide. 4 Constant, to my latest end, Thou my footsteps shalt attend; And shalt bid thy hallowed dome Yield lme an eternal home. 24 3PSALI 24, First Part, L. ]M. i ~24 Saints dwell in Heaven. m 1 rTpHIS spacious earth is all the Lord's, I And men and w orms, and beasts and birds; IHe raised the building on the seas, And gave it for their dwelling-place. f 2 But there's a brighter world on high, — Thy palace, Lord! above the sky: i Wlho shall'^scend that blest abode, And dwell so near his Maker, God? nmp 3 lie, who abhors, and fears to sin, Whose heart is pure, vwhose hands are clean; mnf Him shall the Lord, the Saviour, bless, And clothe his soul with righteousness. mn 4 These are the men, the pious race, Who seek the God of Jacob's face; < They shall enjoy the blissful sight, f And dwell in everlasting light. 4 PSALM 24, Second Part, L. M. / 46 /^b Christ's A.scension. f 1'EJOICE, ye shining worlds on high! IL Behold the King of glory nigh! Who can this King of glory be?The mighty Lord, the Saviour,'s he. 2 Ye heavenly gates! your leaves display, To make the Lord, the Saviour, way; Laden with spoils from earth and hell, The Conqueror comes with God to dwell. ^ ~~ -^^^~^^ ~ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, \52 PSALM XXIV. 3 Raised from the dead, he goes before, He opens heaven's eternal door, To give his saints a blest abode,: Near their Redeemer and their God.:2L4 QPSALMT 24, Third Part, L. M.:2^4^& Christ's Glorification. f" 1 UR Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high; The powers of hell are captive led, Dragged to the portals of the sky. 2 There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay:\ "ff Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates I Ye everlasting doors! give way." f 3 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold the radiant scene; He claims those mansions as his right; Receive the King of glory in. " 4 "Who is the King of glory, wlho?"The Lord, that all our foes o'ercame; That sin, and death, and hell o'erthrew; And Jesus is the conqueror's namie. 5 Lo! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemnn lay:fif" " Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates Ye everlasting doors! give way." 6 "Who is the King of glory, who?" — The Lord, of boundless power possessed; The King of saints and angels too; God over all, for ever blessed. 2$4 PSALM 24, C. M. 2,4 The Mbode of Saints. mf 1 HE earth for ever is the Lord's, T With Adam's numerous race; He raised its arches o'er the floods, And built it on the seas. 2 3But who, among the sons of men, Mav visit thine abode? He that has hands from mischief clean, Whose heart is right with God. 8 This is the man may rise, and take The blessings of his grace; __ ~ t .......PSALM XXIV. 53 - This is the lot of those, that seek The God of Jacob's face. f 4 Now let our souls' immortal powers To meet the Lord prepare, Lift up their everlasting doors; The King of glory's near. 5 The King of glory! who can tell The wonders of his might?; IHe rules the nations; but to dwell With saints is his delight. 24 PSALM 24, H. M. Christ exalted to the Throne. f / GOD is gone up on high, With a triumphant noise; The clarions of the sky Proclaim th' angelic joys: if Join, all on earth! rejoice and sing, Glory ascribe to glory's King.' 2 God seen in flesh below, For us he reigns above; Let all the nations know The Saviour's conquering love: ff Join all on earth! rejoice and sing, Glory ascribe to glory's King. 3 All power to our great Lord Is by the Father given; By angel-hosts adored, He reigns supreme in heaven: S ff Join, all on earth! rejoice and sing. Glory ascribe to glory's King. f 4 High on his holy seat, He bears the righteous sway; pm His foes beneath his feet > Shall sink and, die away; ff Join, all on earth! rejoice and sing, Glory ascribe to glory's King. f 5 Then all the earth, renewed In righteousness divine, With all the hosts of God, In one great chorus join: Join, all on earth! rejoice and sing, Glory ascribe to glory's King. 54 PSALMS XXIV, XXV. $Q^ 24 C7tPSALM 24, 7s. 2 C/hrist and the Saints in GlorJ. $ f" 1 "cTIDE, ye heavenly gates! unfold, W Closed no more by death and sin; Lo! the conquering Lord behold! Let the King of glory in." I p" Hark! th' angelic host inquire," " Who is he, th' almighty King?" Hark again! the answering choir } < Thus in strains of triumph sing: — f 2 " He, whose powerful arm alone, On his foes destruction hurled; A He, who hath the victory won, j HIe, who saved a ruined world; He, who God's pure law fulfilled, i Jesus, the incarnate Word; He, whose truth with blood was sealed;!He is heaven's all-glorious Lord." $ p 3 "Who shall to this blest abode Follow in the Saviour's train?" Wash away each guilty stain; mf They, whose daily actions prove Steadfast faith, and holy fear, Fervent zeal, and grateful love; — I They shall dwell for ever here." AI 25 ~ PSALM 25, First Part, S. M. I 5 lWaiting for Pardon and Direction. I rf I LIFT my soul to God, -'v trust is in his name; A Let not my foes, that seek my blood, Still triumph in my shame. 2 From the first dawning light Till the dark evening rise, For thy salvation, Lord! I wait With ever-longing eyes. qmp 3 Remember all thy grace, And lead me in thy truth; Forgive the sins of riper days, Andtfollies of my youth. 4 The Lord is just and kind; The meek shall learn his ways, + ^ ^ _ _z —----------------- ------ __ _ ** PSALM XXV. 55 $ And every humble sinner find The methods of his grace.,1 5 For his own goodness' sake He saves my soul from shame; He plardons, though 1y guilt be great, Through my Redeemer's name. Qp 69 F: PSALi 25, Second Part, S. M.: 25 Divine Teachinrg. m n 1 WTIHERE shall the man be found, $ V? That fears t' offend his God, That loves the gospel's joyful sounl, S And trembles at the rod 2 The Lord shall make him know The secrets of his heart, The wonders of his covenant show, And all his love impart. 3 The dealings of his hand Are truth and mercy still, With such as to his covenant stand, And love to do his will. 4 Their souls shall dwell at ease, Before their Maker's face; < Their seed shall taste the promises, i In their extensive grace. 2 5 PSAL, 25 Third Part, S. M. 2 5 Backslidi7ng and Repentance. e m 1 ],/INE eyes and my desire i 1.L[ Are ever to the Lord; I love to plead his promises, And rest upon his word. a off 2 Turn, turn thee to my soul, Bring thy salvation near; When will thy hand release my feet Out of the deadly snare? 8 When shall the sovereign grace Of my forgiving God Restore me, from those dangerous ways, My wandering feet have trod? 4 With every morning's light, My sorrow new begins; 156 PSALMS XXV, XXVI. Ie Look on my anguish and my pain, And pardon all my sins. 5 Oh! keep my soul from death, Nor put my hope to shame; < For I have placed my only trust In my Redeemer's naime. ^ 25 PB SALrT 25, Fourth Part, S. M.: <25 Pleading for Mr'Cy. M z 1 r0 G-od, in whom I trust, 1 -I lift my- heart and voice; Oh! let me not be put to shame, N'or let my foes rejoice. 2 Thy mnercies and thy love, 0 Lord recall to mind; And graciously continue still, As thou wrast ever, kind. aff 3 Let all my youthful crimes t 13e blotted out by thee; < And, Oh! for thy great goodness' sake, > In mercy think on me. n 4 His mercy and his truth The righteous Lord displays, In bringing wandering sinners home, And teaching them his ways. PS AL 266, L. M. i 2 Sel -Examination. rn 1 JUDGE me, O Lord and prove my ways, An Andr tr y reins, and try my heart; uy fiaith upon thy promise stays, $ iNor from thy law my feet depart. $ 2 Among thy saints will I appear i With hands well-washed in innocence; \ BBut, when I stand before thy bar, The blood of Christ is my defence. m f 3 I love thy habitation, Lord! g The temple where thine honors dwell; There shall I hear thy holy word, And there thy works of wonder tell. i 4 Let not my soul be joined, at last, $ With men of treachery and blood; grr~sir~~r,~H~,r~cr~s~rpoY PSALM XXVI 5 Since I my days on earth have passed Among the saints, and near my God. i 26 PSAL'T 26, H. M. 2 6&/0 Opening a Place of Worship. f 1 IN sweet exalted strains, I The King of glory praise; O'er heaven and earth he reigns, Through everlasting days; He, at his will, the world controls, Sustains, or sinks, the distant poles. 2 To earth he bends his throneHis throne of grace divine; Wide is his bounty known, And wide his glories shine; Fair Salem, still his chosen rest, Is with his smiles and presence blest. 3 Great King of glory! come, And, with thy favor crown T This temple as thy domeThis people as thine own: mp Beneath this roof. Oh I deign to show, How God can dwell with men below. 4 Here may thine ears attend > Thy people's humble cries, frn And grateful praise ascend, All-fragrant, to the skies: Here may thy word melodious sound, And spread celestial joys around. 5 Here may th' attentive throng Imbibe thy truth and love; f And converts join the song Of seraphim above; And willing crowds surround thy board, With sacred joy and sweet accord. Q^ PE ~PSALM 26, 7s. 026 The House of God. iff 1 EARCH miy heart, my actions prove, Try my thoughts, as they arise; For thy kindness and thy love Ever are before my eyes. ~ ~ ~ -~,e~. ~ 4~~~~,~~_~~~ ~~ 58 SPSALM XXVII. 2 I have loved the hallowed place, Where thine honor doth abide; To the temple of thy grace, Lord! my erring footsteps guide. 3 Gather not my soul with those, Who their deeds of blood pursue; Who, thy justice to oppose, Hold the tempting bribe to view. 4 Keep my soul from all offence; All my supplications hear; As I walk in innocence, Let me, Lord! thy mercy share.: ~27 QPSALM 27, First Part, C. M. Thle Clhurch, our - Delight and Safety. I f," 1 THE Lord of glory is my light, A And my salvation too; God is my strength,-nor will I fear WAhat all my foes can do. cff 2 One privilege my heart desires,Oh! grant me an abode, Among the churches of thy saints,The temples of my God. 3 There shall I offer my requests, And see thy beauty still; Shall hear thy messages of love, And there inquire thy will. np 4 When troubles rise, and storms appear, There may his children hide; m f God has a strong pavilion, where HIe makes my soul abide. f 5 Now shall my head be lifted high Above my foes around; And songs of joy and victory Within thy temple sound. Qy 27 PSALM 27, Second Part, C. M. 7i Pnayer andl Hope.. f 1 00N as I heard my Father say,U " Ye children! seek my grace," My heart replied without delay,"I'11 seek my Father's face." eLar~uPr 4a-~~~~ CU~M -~P"-~~IL-O~ I PSALMI XXVII. 59 p 2 Let not thy face be hid from me, S Nor frown my soul away; < God of my life! I fly to thee, > In a distressing day. mi p 3 Should friends and kindred, near and dear, t > Leave me to want, or die, m My God would make my life his care, I And all my need supply. mp 4 My fainting flesh had died with grief, HI-ad not my soul believed, To see thy grace provide relief;Nor was my hope deceived. Inf 5 Wait on the Lord, ye trembling saints! And keep your courage up; i f He'll raise your spirit when it faints, And far exceed your hope. _~ P gu SALM 27, Third Part, C. M. i & { vGod's Sanctzouary, a Refuge., I m 1 PRANT ine within thy courts a place, G Among thy saints a seat; For ever to behold thy face, And worship at thy feet; 2 In thy pavilion to abide, When storms of trouble blow, And in thy tabernacle hide, Secure from every foe. c$ff 3 Then leave me not when griefs assail, And earthly comforts flee; pp When father, mother, kindred fail, My God! remember me. f 4 Wait on the Lord, with courage wait, My soul! disdain to fear; The righteous Judge is at the gate, And thy redemption near. PSALM 27, 7s. i 7 Good, the Orphan's Hope, aff 1 IWHEN my cries ascend to thee, 1 Hear, Jehovah! from afar; Let thy tender mercies be Still propitious to mlly prayer. + _ _ _~s -~-_ _ _ _ ' 60 PSALMS XXVII, XXVIII. } n When thou badest me seek thy face, Quickly did my heart reply, Resting on thy word of grace,"< "Thee I'11 seek, 0 Lord most high!" aff 2 Should the world deceitful prove, And no more its help I share,Though decayed a mother's love, Though withdrawn a father's care,imf Then Jehovah's guardian eye Shall my orphan state defend, Shall a parent's place supply,He, my guardian, father, friend. 27 PSALKI 27, 7s and 6s. 2 &Conjidencc in Go4 f 1 ({ OD is my strong salvation, U What foe have I to fear? In darkness and temptation, My light, my help is near: Though hosts encamp around me, Firm to the fight I stand; What terror can confound me, With God at my right hand? 2 Place on the Lord reliance, My soul! with courage wait; His truth be thine affiance, p When faint and desolate:' f His might thy heart shall strengthen, His love thy joy increase; Mercy thy days shall lengthen, > The Lord will give thee peace. tQQj nPSALM 28, L. M. 28, Prayer and Deliverance from Temptation. aff 1 T thee, Lord! I raise my cries, I My fervent prayer in mercy hear; For ruin waits my trembling soul, If thou refuse a gracious ear. 2 While suppliant toward thy holy hill, I lift my feeble hands to pray, Afford thy grace, nor drive me still With impious hypocrites away. ~~~a 8~~aa4 — _ - _ __ _______~~~be4~e&B*8~ba~ I ~PSALMS XXVIII, XXIX. f 3 For ever blessld be the Lord,'Whose mercy hears my mournful voice I M$ y heart, that trusted in his word, In his salvation shall rejoice. imp 4 Let every saint, in sore distress, By faith aplproach his Saviour God; Then grant, 0 Lord! thy pard'ning grace, And feed'thy church with heavenly food. QO PSALM, 0. IMI.,$^0(D Deliverancc from evil Companions. af 1 1TIIE giddy wvorld, with flattering tongue, Had chalrmed my soul astray; And lured myv heedless feet to death, Along the flovery Aay. 2 For me they dug the secret pit, And forimec the hidden snare; Thoughtless, I followed where they led, Nor saw destruction near. 8 Mvy heart, with agonizing prayer, Besought the Lord to save; Unseen, lie seized my trembling hand, And brought me froml the grave. mf 4 He broke the charmi which drew my feet To darkness and the dead; From lips profane, and tongue impure, n p With trembling steps I fled. m inf 5 Homeward I flew to find my God, \, t And seek his face divine; f estored to peace, to hope, to life, To Zion's friends and mine. 6 My lips thy wondrous works shall sing, My heart adore thy grace; Thenceforth be love my sweet employ, And all miy pleasure praise. PSALII 29, First Part, L..L. \29J Storm and Thunder. f 1 IVE to the Lord, ye sons of fame! U Give to the Lord renown and power; Ascribe due honors to his name, And his eternal might adore. 2 The Lord proclaims his power aloud, Over the ocean and the land; - $ 62 PSALM XXIX. His voice divides the watery cloud, I AlAnd lightnings blaze at his command. ff 3 He speaks,-and tempest, halil and wind, Lay the wide forest bare around; < The fearful hart, and fiighted hind, f Leap at the terror of the sound. 4 To Lebanon he turns his voice, And lo! the stately cedars break; ff The mountains tremble at the noise, The valleys roar, the deserts quake. f 5 The Lord sits sovereign on the flood; The Thunderer reigns for ever king; [But makes his church his blest abode, $ lenf Where we his awful lories sing. S Q iS?P~~'SS S29, Second Part, L,.,I. 29'Te powerful God. I "1 TERNAL God, eternal EKing, From thee our hopes, our comforts spring; In thee we live, and move, and breathe. 2 Thy word brought forth the flaming sun, The changeful moon, the starry host; In thine appointed course they run, } > Till in the final ruin lost. \ f 3 At thy command the storm is dumb: And to the sea thy power hath said, - " No further shalt thou dare to come, And here shall thy proud waves be stayed." 4 Thy sway is known below, above, And full of majesty thy voice; And, as it speaks in wrath or love, The nations tremble or rejoice. len 5 The final, awful hour is near, Time passes on with ceaseless tread, When opening graves thy voice shall hear, And render up the sleeping dead. mp 6 Oh! in that great decisive day, May we be found in Christ, and stand, < While flaming worlds shall melt away, Owned and approved at thy right hand. , PSALMS XXIX, XXX. 63 I@ 29 PiBSALm 29, 11S. $ 29 Alscriptions of Glory to God..b" 1 t [VE glory to God in the highest; give praise,' G Ye noble! ye mighty! with joyful accord; All-wise are his counsels, all perfect his ways; In the beauty of holiness worship the Lord. $ 2 The voice of the Lord on the ocean is known, The God of eternity thunders abroad; The voice of the Lord, from the depth of his throne, Is terror and power; —all nature is awed. 3 At the voice of the Lord, the tall cedars are bowed, And towers from their base into ruin are hurled; The voice of the Lord, from the dark-bosomed cloud, $ Dissevers the lighltning in faimes o'er the world. > 4 The voice of the Lord, thro' the caln of the wood, < Awakens its echoes, strikes light thro' its caves; $ f The Lord sitteth King on the turbulent flood; The winds are his servants, —his servants the waves. $ 5 The Lord is the strength of his people; the Lord Gives health to his chosen, and peace evermlore; Then throng to his temple, his glory record; > But Oh l when he speaketh-in silence adore. $ f PSALgE 30, First Part, L. I,. e3 \.lDivinxe Comnpassion acknoowlcdg-cd. f 1 I WILL extol thee, Lord! on high; I At thy command diseases fly; Who, but a God, can speak, and save! > From the dark borders of the grave? f 2 Sing to the Lord, ye saints! and prove How large his grace-how kind his love; Let all your powers rejoice, and trace The wondrous records of his grace. 8 3 His anger but a mroment stays; His love is life, and length of days; i p p Though grief and tears the night employ, $ $ f The morning star restores the joy. \ e^kPSALS 31, Second Part, L. M,;30 o Divine Compassion acknoowledged.,$ s i waIRM was my health; my day was briglt; I - And I presumed't would ne'er be night; * 64 PSALM XXXI. Fondly I said within my heart,I " Pleasure and peace shall ne'er depart." 2 But I forgot thine arm was strong, Which made my mountain stand so long; Soon as thy face began to hide, * > MIy health was gone, my comforts died. af 3 I cried aloud to thee, my God! " What canst thou profit by my blood? Deep in the lust, can I declare Thy truth, or sing thy goodness there? 4 "Hear me, O God of grace I" I said, And bring me from among the dead:" m Thy word rebuked the pains I felt, Thy pard'ning love removed my guilt. p 5 My groans and tears, and forms of woe, < Are turned to joy and praises now; f I throw my sackcloth on the ground, And ease and gladness gird me round. 6 My tongue, the glory of my frame, Shall ne'er be silent of thy name; Thy praise shall sound thro' earth and heaven, For sickness healed, and sins forgiven. i) 1 PS:LP 31, First Part, C. X. t)1 DJelive'rance from Death. na I -NTO thy hand, 0 God of truth! J- My spirit I commit; Thou hast redeemed my soul from death, And saved me from the pit. 2," AMy times are in thy hand," I cried, > "' Though I draw near the dust;" mnf Thou art the refuge where I hide, The God in whom I trust. aff 3 Oh make thy reconciled face Upon thy servant shine; And save me for thy mercy's sake, For I'ml entirely thine. mf 4 Thy goodness, how divinely free! How wondrous is thy grace, To those who fear thy majesty, And trust thy promises! i xxPSALM XXXI. 65 f 5 Oi! love the Lord, all ye his saints! And sing Ilis praises loud; p He'l11 bend his ear to your complaints, ~ - lAnd recompense the proud. P SA/LM 31, Second Part, C. Il. 3 31 Dclivcrance J roam Slander and Reproach. If 1 /iY heart rejoices in thy name, 1h My Godt, iny help, ily trust! Tf Thou hast preserved my tace fiom shame, i Mine honor from the dust. 2 How great deliverance thou hast wrought, I Before the sons of men! The lying lips to silence brought, And inade their boasting vain! 3 Thy children, firom the strife of tongues, Shall thy pavilion hide; Guard them friomn infamy and wrongs,, / And crush the sons of pride. I m 4 Within thy secret prese nce, Lord! Let me for ever dwell; No fenced city, walled and barred, Secures a saint so -ell. g:P$I~ALO.i 31, Third Part, C. e,. Trust in God G s a Father. I/TY God! mry bFathler! blissful name! i 1 Oh! may I call thee mine? I May I with sweet assurance claim A portion so divine? 2 This only can my fears control, And bid bimy sorrows fly: What harm can ever reach my soul Beneath my Father's eye? 3 Whate'er thy providence denies, I calmly would resign; For thou art good, and just, and wise; Oh! bend my will to thine. 4 Whate'er thy sacred will ordains, Oh! give me strength to bear; Let me but know my Father reigns, And trust his tender care. a5f 5 If pain and sickness rend this frame, And life almost depart, +- ~ 66 PSALMS XXXI, XXXII. Is not thy mercy still the same, To cheer my drooping heart? 6 Mly God! my Father! be thy name M y solace and my stay; Oh! wilt thou seal my humble claim, And drive my fears away? 3PSALI 31, 7s. 31 God, a Rock and Fortress. m I I l ORD! I look for all to thee; J ^ Thon hast been a rock to me: Still thy wonted aid afford; Still be near, my shield, my sword I I my soul commit to thee, Lord! thy blood has ransomed me. mp 2 Faint and sinking on my road, Still I cling to thee, mly God! Bending'neath a weight of woes, I-larassed by a thousand foes, < Hope still chides my rising fears; > Joys still mingle with my tears. mf 3 On thy word I take my stand; All my times are in thy hand; Make thy face upon me shine; Take me'neath thy wings divine: Lord! thy grace is all my trust; > Save, Oh! save thy trembling dust. m 4 Oh! what mercies still attend Those who make the Lord their friend! Sweetly, sa-ely shall they'bide'Neath his eye, and at his side: Lord! may this my station be: Seek it, all ye saints! with me. 32J/w~ There shall they find a blest retreat. p 4 How safe beneath thy wings I lie, e When days grow da-rk and storms appear mp And, whefi I wlalk, thy watchful eye: -- Shall guide me salfe from every snare. 32 QPSALTI 23, S. S I e)W 14Forgivceness of Sins. m I HI! blessed souls are they, W Whose sins are covered o'er;Divinely blest, to whom the Lord Imiputes their guilt no more. mp 2 They mourn their follies past, And keep their hearts with care; Their lips and lives, without deceit, Shall prove their faith sincere. While I concealed my guilt, I felt the festering w ound; Till I confessed my sins to thee, And ready pardon found. 4 Let sinners learn to pray, Let saints keep near the throne; t 68 PSALM XXXIII. Our help, in times of deep distress, I m/l Is found in God alone. ~I <3 PSALMI 33, rirst Paart, C. M. Wo rks of Creation and Providence. } f 1 DREJOICE, ye rightelos! in the Lord; I IIThis work belongs to you; Sing of his name, his ways, his word; tHow holy, just, and true! 2 His mercy, and his righteousness, Let heaven and earth proclaim; I }His works of nature and of grace Reveel his wondrotus namLe. $ 3 His wisdom andc alnighty word The heavolenly arches spread And, by the Spirit of the Lord, Their slliMing hosts were made. 4 He bade the liquid waters flow To their appointed deep; The flowing seas their limits know, \ nAnd their own station keep. " 5 Ye tenants of the spacious earth! Wf ith fear before him stand: H e spake-and natnre took its birth, And rests on his conmmand. f 6 He scorns the angry nations' rage, And breaks their vain designs; His counsel stands through every age, < And in full glory shines. I 3 Qf PSALM 33, Second Part, C.,I. I 33e Creatures vain, and God all-sufficient. } 1 IDLEST is the nation, where the Lord R Hath fixed his gracious throne; Where he reveals his heavenly word, And calls the tribes his own. 2 His eye, wvith infinite survey,! Does the whole world behold I mp He formed us all of equal clay, D > And knows our feeble mould. I m 3 God is our fear, and God our trust,'I When plagues or famine spread; ___^___*st When men inl deep contrition lie. I p 5 He tells their tears, he counts their groans,, HIlis Son redee-ms their souls firoo death; His Spirit heals their broken bones,f They il- his praise employ their breath. 3 PSALI4 34, First Part, C. M. 3 plJ7 YPraise for eminent Deliverance. M 1 I LL bless the Lord from day to day; f - HuHow good are all his ways! +****- *_^_* - ------------------ ** - ------------- PSALM{ XXXIV. Ye humble souls, who love to pray t Colme, help mly lips to praise. 2 Sing, to the honor of his name, low a poor sinner cried; Nor was his hope exposed to shame, Nor was his suit denied. af 3 I told the Lord my sore distress, With heavy groans and tears; He gave lmy sharpest torments ease, And silenced all mly fears. mrf 4 0 sinners! come and taste his love, $ uCome, learn his pleasant ways, And let your own experience prove The sweetness of his grace. 5 He bids his angels pitch their tents, Round where his children dwell; What ills their heavenly care prevents, N o earthly tongue can tell. 6 Oh! love the Lord, ye saints of his! His eye regards the just: H ow richly blest their portion is, Who make the Lord their trust! 4 T iL 834, Seoond Part, C. M. 34 Praisc for Ofercies received. f 1 T wHEE will I blessLd, Lo, my God 1 To thee my voice I'11 raise, For ever spread thy name abroad, And daily sing thy praise. 2 My soul shall glory in the Lord, His wondrous acts proclaim; And magnify his name. 3 Mine eyes beheld his heavenly light, When I inplored his grace; I saw his glory with delight, And joy beamed o'er my face. m 4 Oh! taste and see that God is good, Ye, who on him rely! He shall your souls with heavenly food, And grace and strength, supply. -4,-~ r 72 PSALM XXXIV. } r 84bPSALT 34, Third Part, C. M. 3 4j9 Trusting and Praising God. I 1 r HROUGH all the changing scenes of life, d < In trouble, and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 Of his deliverance I will boast, Till all, who are distressed, From my example comfort take, I > And charm their griefs to rest. f ~ 3 Oh! magnify the Lord with me, With nme exalt his name; M p When in distress to hii I called,; < He to my rescue came. s nf 4 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just; Deliverance he affords to all, Who on his succor trust. 5 Oh! make but trial of his love; Experience will decide, \I How blest are they, and only they,; Who in his truth confide. 6 Fear him, ye saints! and ye will then Have nothing else to fear; Make ve his service your delight,He'11 make your wants his care. o r)l PSALI2 34, C. 34 Evening, of' 1 TINSPIRER and hearer of prayer, J Thou Shepherd and Guardian of thine. My all to thy covenant care I, sleeping and waking, resign: If thou art my shield and my sun, The night is no darkness to me; And, fast as my moments roll on, They bring me but nearer to thee. 2 Thy ministering spirits descend, To watch while thy saints are asleep;'By day and by night they attend, The heirs of salvation to keep: PSALMS XXXV, XXXVI. 7 f] ^ Bright seraphs, dispatched from the throne, Repair to their stations assigned; And angels elect are sent down, To guard the redeemed of mankind. 3 ~ Thy worship no interval knows;' Their fervor is still on the wing; And, while they protect my repose, They chant to the praise of my King. I, too, at the season ordained, Their chorus for ever shall join; And love and adore, without end, \ Their faithful Creator, and mine. 35 PSARLM 35, 8s, 7s, and 4. 35 ~ Christ exalted over his Foes. f 1 TO! the Lord, the mighty Saviour, J Quits the grave, the throne to claim; Object of his endless favor, God o'er all exalts his name; Those who hate him- Clothed with everlasting shame. 2f" 2 Shout for joy-with songs of praises, Ye, who in his name delight Shout-for God our Saviour raises To his throne in endless might;'T is JehovahCrowns our Lord, in realms of light;. f 3 God his servant lifts to glory, Bids him all his honors share: Now, Jehovah! we adore thee, And thy righteousness declare: Endless praises Shall thy ransomed church prepare. PSALI 36, L.. 3\ 0 Perfections and Providence of G6od. mf 1 I IGH in the heavens, eternal God! 11l Thy goodness in full glory shines; Thy truth shall break through every cloud, That veils or darkens thy designs. 2 For ever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep; 4" .74 PSALM XXXVI. Wise are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 3 My God! how excellent thy grace, Whence all our hope, our comfort springs! > The sons of Adam, in distress, M mf Fly to the shadow of thy wings. Mn 4 From the provisions of thy house, We shall be fed wNith sweet repast: There mercy like a river flows, And brings salvation to our taste. i nf 5 Life, like a fountain, rich and free, Springs from the presence of my Lord And, in thy light, our souls shall see The glories promised in thy word. nI oP ~PSAi 836, C. i. 3 6 The Presence andl Protection of God. A BOVE these heavens' created rounds, h Thy mercies, Lord! extend; Thy truth out-lives the narrow bounds, Where time and nature end. mf 2 Thy justice shall maintain its throne, Though mountains melt away; Thy judgments are a world unknown, i deep unfathomed sea. 3 Though all created light decay, > And death close up our eyes; < Thy presence makes eternal day, f Where clouds can never rise. n 4 Safety to man thy goodness brings, Nor overlooks the beast; Beneath the shadow of thy wings,: > Thy children choose to rest. i - PSALM 36, S. M. 3 6.lan sinful, God just. 1 W1 THEN man grows bold in sin, I v My heart within me cries,"He hath no faith of God within, Nor fear before his eyes." 2 He walks, awhile, concealed In a self-flattering dream; bbttf I 7PSALM XXXVII. 75 Till his dark crimes, at once revealed, Expose his hateful name. 3 His heart is false and foul, His words are smooth and fair; Wisdom is banished from his soul, And leaves no goodness there. mf 4 But there's a dreadful God, Though men renounce his fear: His justice, hid behind the cloud, Shall one great day appear. 5 His truth transcends the sky, In heaven his mnercies dwell; Deep as the sea, his judgments lie,; His anger burns to hell. 6 How excellent hlis love, W$hence all our safety springs! Oh! never let my soul remove From underneath his wings. PSALM 37, First Part, C. M \37 tGod, the Guardian of the Pious. m 1 NOW let me make the Lord my trust, And practice all that's good; So shall I dwell among the just, And he'il provide me food. 2 I to my God my ways commit, And cheerful wait his will; Thy hand, which guides my doubtful feet, Shall my desires fulfill. 3 Mine innocence shalt thou display, $ And make thy judgments known, mf Fair as the light of dawning day, And glorious as the noon. mp 4 The meek at last the earth possess, And are the heirs of heaven; True riches, with abundant peace, To humble souls are given.! B PSALM 37, Second Part, C. M. ) 37 The Safety of the Righteous. r m 1 LiY God! the steps of pious men $ IlL Are ordered by thy will; 0 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 76 PSALMAS XXXVII, XXXVIII. >< Though they should fall, they rise again; mf 2 The Lord delights to see their ways; Their virtue lie approves; He'11 ne'er deprive them of his grace, Nor leave the men he loves. m 3 The heavenly heritage is theirs. Their portion and their home; He feeds them now, and makes them heirs Of blessings long to come. {), PSALM 37, Third Part, C. M. t3 The Sinner and the Saintt. mf I THE haughty sinner I have seen, Not fearing man, nor God; Like a tall bay-tree, fiir and green, Spreading his arms abroad. m np 2 And, lo! he vanished from the ground, Destroyed by hands unseen; Nor root, nor branch, nor leaf, was found, Where all that pride had been.?f 3 But mark the man of righteousness, His several steps attend: True pleasure runs through all his ways, t P And peaceful is his end. >< 4 When sinners fall, the righteous stand, Preserved fiom every snare; f They shall possess the promised land, And cdwell for ever there. PSALM 38, CG. A. 38 Severe Chastisement deprecated. aff 1 MiIDST thy wvrath, remember love, Restore thy servant, Lord! Nor let a father's chastening prove, Like an avenger's sword. 2 My sins a heavy load appear, And o'er my head are gone; The burden, Lord! I cannot bear, Nor e'er the guilt atone. 3 All my desire to thee is known, Thine eye counts every tear; ^ ^^~^~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PSAL1M XXXIX. And every sigh, and every groan, Is noticed by thine ear. 4 But I' 11 confess my guilt to thee, And grieve for all my sin; I'11 mourn how weak my graces be, Ancd beg support divine. 5 My God! forgive my follies past, And be for ever nigh; < 0 Lord of my salvation I haste, > Before thy servant die. OQ rPBP~SAII 39, L. M. 139! 6 x tBrevity of human Life. aff 1 IH! let me, gracious Lord! extend U My view, to life's approaching end: What are my days?-a span, their line; And what my age, compared with thine? 2 Our life advancing to its close, While scarce its earliest dawn it knows, Swift, through an empty shade we run, And vanity and man are one. 3 God of my fathers! here, as they, I walk, the pilgrim of a day; A transient guest, thy works admire, And instant to my home retire. 4 Oh! spare me, Lord! in mercy, spare, And nature's failing strength repair; Ere, life's short circuit wandered o'er, I perish, and am seen no more.: QSALM 39, First Part, C.. 3 9 The Vanity of MvIan. imp TI EA C me the measure of my days, I Thou Maker of my frame! I would survey life's narrow space, And learn how frail I am. 2 A span is all that we can boast,An inch or two of time; Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime. S See the vain race of mortals move, Like shadows o'r the plain I PSALNM XXXIX. m nf They rage and strive, desire and love,:> But all the noise is vain. m 4 Some walk in honor's gaudy show; Some dig for golden ore; They toil for heirs they know not who, And straighit are seen no more. rnp 5 What should I wish, or wait for then, From creatures, earth, and dust?! They make our expectations vain, And disappoint our trust. i 6 Now I foibid my carnal hope,'MAy fond desires recall; I give my miortal interest up, $ f And nlmake iny God my all. I$ P2QSAL 39, Second Part, C. Mi. 39 Sick-bed Devotion. aff 1 ~ )OD of my life! look gently down, 1 Behold the pains I feel! But I am dumlb before thv throne. Nor dare dispute thy will. 2 Diseases are thy servants, Lord! Theyo come at thy command; I'11 not attempt a murmmring word, -'Against thy chastening hand. 3 Yet I may plead with humble cries,-' "Remove thy sharp rebukes; My strength consumes, my spirit dies, Through thy repeated strokes."' 4 Crushed as a moth beneath thy hand, We moulder to the dust; Our feeble powers can ne'er withstand, And all our beauty's lost. M 5 I'm but a stranger here below, As all my fathers were; May I be well-prepared to go, When I the summons hear. 6 But, if my life be spared awhile, Before my last remove, y.mn Thy praise shall be my business still,'-f And I'11 declare thy love. Thy praise shall he my hsnesssti PSALM XXXIX. 79 39 PSALMe 39, S. M. 3) 9 The Brevity of Life. p 1 1I ORD! let me know mine end,l My days, how brief their date; That I may timely comprehend, I-ow frail my best estate. 2 My life is but a span, e Mine age is naught with thee; * What is the highest boast of man > But dust and vanity ip 3 Dumb at thy feet I lie, For thou liast brought me low; R emove thy judgments, lest I die; pp I faint beneath thy blow. np 4 At thy rebuke, the bloom Of man's vain beauty flies; And grief shall, like a moth, consume All that delights our eyes. aff 5 Have pity on my fears; Hearken to my request; Turn not in silence fiom my tears, But give the mourner rest. 6 Oh! spare me yet, I pray, Awhile my strength restore, Ere I am sunmoned hence away, > And seen on ea th no more. 39 PSALMdI 39, 7s and 6s,., tirHuman Frailty.; m 1 OH! what is earthly pleasure, $i 0/ Compared with thy rich grace? Lord! teach us how to measure The remnant of our days,rmp How brief is our existence, How frail a thing is man; And grant us thine assistance, This feeble life to scan. m 2 How soon the hours of gladness, That cheer us on our way, p Are changed to gloom and sadness, Or filled with deep dismay! t a _~~~ _ * 0 0 *~ 80 PSALM XL. Man, in his best condition, Is vanity and dust; Soon past the fleeting vision; } > He then gives up the ghost. M 3 Earth's treasures quickly leave us, Its honors ne'er endure; Its pleasures but deceive us, Its hopes are insecure: mp But, Lord! while tinme so fleeting Is filled with many a snare, lMy soul on thee is waiting, }nf I'11 trust thy guardian care. PSALMT 40, First Part, C. M. 40 Deliverance from deep Distress. m I1 WAITED patient for the Lord,> > He bowed to hear my cry; in He saw me resting on his word, And brought salvation nigh. mp 2 He raised me from a horrid pit, Where, mourning, long I lay; And fiom my bonds released my feetDeep bonds of miry clay. f 3 Firm on a rock he made me stand, And taught my cheerful tongue, To praise the wonders of his hand, In a new thlaniful song. 4'11 spread his wvorks of grace abroad; The saints with joy shall hear; And sinners learn to make my God Their only hope and fear. 65 How many are thy thoughts of love! Thy mercies, Lord! how great! m$ f We have not words, nor hours enough, Their numbers to repeat. PSALM 40, Second Part, 0. i. 40L Incarnation and xtonement of Christ. m EHOLD I the blest Redeemer comes, Th' eternal Son appears, And, at th' appointed time, assumes The body God prepares. 2 Much he revealed his Father's grace, And much bhi truth he showed, ~,. PSALMS XL, XLI. 81 He preached the way of righteousness, Where great assemblies stood. > 3 His Father's honor touched his heart, p He pitied sinners' cries; n And, to fulfill a Saviour's part, Was made a sacrifice. mn 4 No blood of beasts, on altars shed, Could wash the conscience clean; mVf But the rich sacrifice he paid Atones for all our sin. 1 PSALM 40, Third Part, C. M. 40 God's Infinite Love. mf 1 LORD! lhow infinite thy love HIow wondrous are thy ways! f Let earth beneath, and heaven above, Combine to sing thy praise. 2 Man in immortal beauty shone, Thy noblest work below; > Too soon by sin made heir alone p ~ To death and endless woe. f 3 Then-" Lo! I come," the Saviour said; Oh! be his name adored, Who, with his blood, our ransom paid, And life and bliss restored. A~ i BPSALM 41, L. M. 4L Blessedness of the jMerciful. n 1 LEST is the man, whose heart (loth move, Bp And melt with pity to the poor; Whose soul, by sympathising love, Feels what his fellow-saints endure. n 2 His heart contrives, for their relief, Iore good than his own hands can do; Ie, in tlie time of general grief, I > Shall find the Lord Ihas pity too. n 3 His soul shall live secure on earth, With secret blessings on his head, When drought, and pestilence, and dearth, Around him multiply their dead. 4 Or, if he languish on his couch, God will pronounce his sins forgiven; qnf Will save him with a healing touch, Or take his willing soul to heaven. 4*4 82 PSALM XLII. PSALM 42, L. M. 42 Trustintg in Godl in Times of Despondency., mp 1 tiY spirit sinks within me, Lordl A_ ~ T1 But I will call thy name to mind; And times of past distress record, When I have found my God was kind. I 2 Yet will the Lord colmmand his love, When I address his throne by day; Nor in the night his grace remove; The night shall hear me sing and pray. And say —" My God, my heavenly Rock I iWhy doth thy love so long forget The soul, that groans beneath thy stroke?": mp 4 I 11 chide my heart that sinks so low: $ Why should my soul indulge her grief? mf Hope in the Lord and praise him too; Ile is my rest, my sure relief. 5 Thy light and truth shall guide me still; Thy word shall my best thoughts employ, And lead me to thy heavenly hill, f My God, my most exceeding joy! t42 PSALM 42, First Part,. M., 42 Desertion and Hope. aff 1 f ITHe earnest longings of the mind, T MIy God! to thee I look; So pants the hunted hart to find, And taste, the cooling brook. 2 When shall I see thy courts of grace, And meet my God again? So long an absence from thy face M My heart endures with pain. mp 3'T is with a mournful pleasure now I think on ancient days; Then to thy house did numbers go, < And all our work was praise. mp 4 But why, my soul! sunk down so far, Beneath this heavy load? Why do my thoughts indulge despair, And sin against my God? |,mf 5 Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand Can all thy woes remove; i~~ ~~ PSALM XLII. 83 f For I shall yet before him stand, And sing restoring love. A Q PSALM 42, Second Part, 0. M. q42^^ Thirstiag after God. rnp 1 A S pants the hart for cooling streams, -L. When heated in the chase, < So longs my soul, 0 God! for thee, And thy refreshing grace. mp 2 For thee, my God, the living God! 1Iy thirsty soul doth pine! nV f Oh! when shall I behold thy face, Thou Majesty divine! mp 3 I sigh to think of happier days, When thou, O Lord! w ast nigh; < When every heart was tuned to praise, And none more blessed than I. I p" 4 Why restless, why cast down, my soul?' < Trust God, and thou shalt sing f His praise again, and find him still Thy health's eternal spring. r SALE 42, 7s. Sj42 Prayer and Hope in Affliction. mp 1 JEARKEN, Lord! to my complaints, 11 For my soul within me faints; Thee, far off, I call to mind, In the land I left behind, Where the streams of Jordan flow, Where the heights of Hermon glow. > 2 Tempest-tossed, my failing bark Founders on the ocean dark; nf Deep to deep around me calls, With the rush of water-falls; > While I plunge to lower caves, p Overwhelmed by all thy waves. mf 3 Once the morning's earliest light Brought thy mercy to my sight, And my wakeful song was heard Later than the evening-bird; aff Hast thou all my prayers forgot? Dost thou scorn, or hear them not? mp 4 Why, my soul! art thou perplexed? Why with faithless troubles vexed? 84 PSALM XLIII. nmf Hope in God, whose saving name Thou shalt joyfully proclaim, When his countenance shall shine, Through the clouds that darken thine. A o PSALM 43, C. M. 43 Prayer in Jffliction. g mp I TUDGE me, O God! and plead my cause S Against a sinful race; From vile oppression and deceit, Secure me by thy grace. 2 On thee my steadfast hope depends; aff And I am left to mourn? To sink in sorrows, and in vain Implore thy kind return? m 3 Oh! send thy light to guide my feet, And bid thy truth appear; Conduct me to thy holy hill, To taste thy mercies there. < 4 Then to thlline altar, 0 my God! My joyful feet shall rise, f And my triumphant songs shall praise The God, who rules the skies. A o PSALM 43, H. i.' <43 Commencement of public Worship, im 1 N OW, to thy sacred house, I I turn my willing feet, Where saints, with morning vows, In full assembly meet: nnf Thy power divine Shall there be shown, And from thy throne Thy mercy shine. 2 Oh! send thy light abroad; Thy truth, with heavenly ray, Shall lead my soul to God, And guide my doubtful way; I'11 hear thy word With faith sincere, And learn to fear f And praise the Lord. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *' ~ PSALMS XLIII, XLIV. 85 m 3 Here reach tly gracious hand, And all my sorrows heal; Here health and strength divine, 011i make my bosom feel;: dol Like balmy dew, Shall Jesus' voice $mf {My heart rejoice, And strength renew. 4 Now in thy holy hill, Before thine altar, Lord! 3My harp and song shall sound The glories of thy word: O God of grace! IHIenceforth to thee, BMy life shall be f A hymn of praise. PSALMI 43, 7s. 43d Prayer iLn Distress. aff I TUDGE me, Lord! in righteousness; eJ Plead for me in my distress; Good and merciful thou art; Bind this bleeding, broken heart; Cast me not despairing hence; Be thy love my confidence. \ p 2 Send thy light and truth, to guide Mle, too prone to turn aside, On thy holy hill to rest, With truth and meekness at thy side. f 4 Thy throne, O God! for ever stands; Grace is the sceptre in thy hands; Thy laws and works are just and right; Justice and grace are thy delight. 5 God, thine own God, has richly shed His oil of gladness on thy head; And, with his sacred Spirit, blest His first-born Son above the rest. + fo fff~ - ---- - - - - -- PSALM XLV. 87 f, gPSALM 45, Second Part, L. M. 4 54 Christ and t his Church. mf 1 THE King of saints,-how fair his face! I Adorned -with majesty and grace, He comes, with blessings from above, And wins the nations to his love. 2 At his right hand, our eyes behold The queen, arrayed in purest gold; The world admires her heavenly dress, Her robe of joy and righteousness. * f 3 Oh! happy hour, when thou shalt rise To his fair palace in the skies; And all thy sons, a numerous train, Each, like a prince, in glory reign. 4 Let endless honors crown his head; Let every age his praises spread; While we, with cheerful songs, approve The condescensions of his love. f S FE PSALM 45, C. M. 4 5c Christ and his glorious Reign. I 1I'LL speak the honors of my King,-: EHis form divinely fair; None of the sons of mortal race M iay with the Lord compare. dol 2 Sweet is thy speech, and heavenly grace Upon thy lips is shed; Thy God, with blessings infinite, Hath crowned thy sacred head. f 8 Gird on thy sword, victorious Prince! Ride with majestic sway; Thy terror shall strike through. thy foes, And make the world obey. 4 Thy throne, O God! for ever stands; Thy word of grace shall prove m p A peaceful sceptre in thy hands, To rule the saints by love. n 5 Justice and truth attend thee still, But mercy is thy choice; < And God, thy God, thy soul shall fill With most peculiar joys. S 88 PSALM XLV. P ASALM 45, S. M. I 45 The Glory of Christ. dol 1 1Y Saviour and my King!! 1'L ~ Thy beauties are divine; Thy lips with blessings overflow, And every grace is thine. ~ f 2 Now make thy glory known; Gird on thy dreadful sword, And ride, in majesty, to spread The conquests of thy word. 3 Strike through thy stubborn foes, mp Or melt their hearts t' obey; While justice, meekness, grace, and truth,' f Attend thy glorious way. 4 Thy laws, 0 God! are right; Thy throne shall ever stand, And thy victorious gospel prove i A sceptre in thy hand. $ 45 BPSALMI 45, H. i. 45 Christ, the triumphant King. f" 1 GIRD on thy conquering sword, c Ascend thy shining car; And march, alnighty Lord! To wage thy holy war: Before his wheels, In glad surprise, Ye valleys! rise, p And sink, ye hills! nf 2 Before thine awful face Millions of foes shall fall, The captives of thy grace, — That grace which conquers all: f The world shall know, Great King of kings! What wondrous things Thine arm can do. m 3 Here to my waiting soul, Bend thy triumphant way; Here every fear control, f And all thy power display: PSALM XLVI. 89 1My heart, thy throne, Blest Jesus! see, len Submits to thee - To tlee alone. O$ pBBPSAL 46, First Part, L. M. } 0 CChurch's Safety amidst Desolations. m 1 / OD is the refuge of his saints, * VI When storms of sharp distress invade; Ere we can offer our complaints, IBehold him present with his aid. f 2 Let mountains from their seats be hurled, Down to the deep and buried there; Convulsions shake the solid world; Our faith shall never yield to fear. dol 3 There is a stream, whose gentle flow Supplies the city of our God; Life, love, and joy still gliding through, And watering our divine abode. 4 That sacred stream,-thy holy word,Our grief allays, our fears controls: Sweet peace thy promises afford, And give new strength to fainting souls. f 5 Zion enjoys her mnonarch's love, Secure against a threatening hour; f Nor can her firm foundations move, Built on his truth, and armed with power. P ALM 46, Second Part, L. I. 46 God reigns in Zion. f" 1 ET Zion in her King rejoice, Though tyrants rage, and kingdoms rise: He utters his almighty voice,i > The nations melt,-the tumult dies. $ 2 From sea to sea, through all the shores, He makes the noise of battle cease; < When from on high his thunder roars, > He awes the trembling world to peace. p 3 "Be still-and learn that I am God; mf I'll be exalted o'er the lands; I will be known and feared abroad; But still my throne in Zion stands." 6.,i.....~.~,,~. ~,~..~... 90 PSALM XLVI. f 4 O Lord of hosts, almighty King! While we so near thy presence dwell, Our faith shall sit secure, and sing Defiance to the gates of hell. PSAL 3 4S, Third Part, L. I. ~46 c The Refuge and Defence of the Saints. m$ f 1 Q OD is our refuge and defence, VIn- trouble our unfailing aid; Secure in his omnipotence, What foe can make our souls afraid? i f 2 Yea, though the earth's foundations rock, And mlountains down the gulf be huried, His people smile amid the shock; They look beyond this transient world. i p 3 There is a river pure and bright,l Whose streams make glad the heavenly plains, mf Where, in eternity of light, The city of our God remains. f 4 Built by the word of his command, With his unclouded presence blest, Firm as his throne the bulwarks stand; > There is our home, our hope, our rest. mf 5 Thither let fervent faith aspire; Our treasure and our heart be there; {f Oh! for a seraph's wing of fire! No;-for the mightier wings of prayer. 6 We reach at once that last retreat, And ranged among the ransomed throng, $ m Fall with the elders at his feet, f Whose name alone inspires their song. A PSALT 4S, C. X. G46 God, an unfailing RefLge,C m 1 GOD is our reifue, tried and proved, Amid a stormy world; < We will not fear though earth be moved, f And hills in ocean hurled. 2 The waves may roar, the mountains shake, Our comforts shall not cease; The Lord his saints will not forsake; The Lord will give us peace. PSALMS XLVI, XLVII. 91 dol 3 A gentle stream of hope and love To us shall ever flow; $ It issues from his throne above; mf It cheers his church below. f 4 When earth and hell against us came, He spake and quelled their powers: The Lord of hosts is still the same; The God of grace is ours. 4L6 PSALM 48, 7s. ani 63. Peculiar. 46 1'lThe River and the City of God. i mf 1 TROM the throne of God there springs - A pure, a crystal stream; Life and peace and joy it brings To his Jerusalem: Rivers of refreshing grace Through the sacred city flow, Watering all the hallowed place, Where God resides below. 2 God, most merciful, most high, Doth in his Zion dwell: < Kept by him, her towers defy f The strength of earth and hell: nm Guardian of the chosen race, Jesus doth his church defend: Saves them by his kindly grace, And saves them to the end. A S PSALM 47, L. M. $4 7/ 1~n Praise to Christ, the King. f TESUS, the Lord, ascends on high; e He reigns in glory o'er the sky: Let all the earth its offerings bring, Exalt his name, proclaim him King. i 2 Wide, through the world, he spreads his sway, And bids the heathen lands obey, $ His church, with willing offerings, greet, $ p And bend submissive at her feet. mf 8 His reign the heathen lands shall own; His holiness secures his throne: And earthly princes gather round, < Where Christ, the mighty God, is found. f 4 Princes by him their power extend, I Earth's mightiest kings to Jesus bend; 4 * * 92 PSALM XLVII. He bids them rule, he bids them die,Himself o'er all exalted high. |$.- PSALDI 47, First Part, C. Dr. 47 The sceCnsion and Reignt of Christ. f" H! for a, shout of sacred joy To Goci, the sovereign King; Let every land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing. 2 Jesus, our God, ascends on high; His heavenly guards around Attend him rising through the sky, With trumpets' joyful sound. 3 While angels shout and praise their King, Let mortals learn their strains; Let all the earth his honor sing;O'er all the earth he reigns. len 4 Rehearse his praise with awe profound; mn Let knowledge ]ead the song; Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. 5 In Israel stood his ancient throne:He loved that ancient race; mf But now he calls the world his own; The heathen taste his grace. P,SALAM 47, Second Part, C. X. 4 /7 (Christ, the King. f" I EXTOL heLord, the Lord most high, E King over all the earth; Exalt his triumph to the sky, In songs of sacred mirth. ff 2 God is gone up with loud acclaim, And trumpets' tuneful voice; Sing praise, sing praises to his name, Sing praises, and rejoice. 3 Sing praises to our God; sing praise To every creature's King: His wondrous works, his glorious ways, All tongues! all kindred! sing. f 4 God sits upon his holy throne, God o'er the heathen reigns; j ~ _ hPSALMS XLVII, XLVIII. 93 His truth through all the world is known, — That truth his throne sustains. mf 5 Princes around his footstool throng, Kings in the dust adore; f Earth and her shields to God belong;Sing praises evermore. \I &Y ^PSALM 47, Third Part, C. M. 47 Christ triumphant.' ARISE, ve people! and adore,A1 Exulting strike the chord; Let all the earth, from shore to shore, Confess th' almighty Lord.,ff"' 2 Glad shouts aloud, wide echoing round, I Th' ascending God proclaim; Th' angelic choir respond the sound, And shake creation's frame. f 3 They sing of death and hell o'erthrown In that triumphant hour; And God exalts his conquering Son To his right hand of power. if' 4 Oh! shout, ye people! and adore,Exulting strike the chord: Let all the earth, from shore to shore, Confess th' almighty Lord. QO PSALM 48, First Part, S. M. 40 Safety of the Church. mf 1 pREAT is the Lord our God, And let his praise be great; He makes his churches his abode, His most delightful seat. 2 In Zion God is known,A refuge in distress; f How bright has his salvation shone, Through all her palaces! n 3 When kings against her joined, And saw the Lord was there; f In wild confision of the mind, They fled with hasty fear. m 4 Oft have our fathers told, Our eyes have often seen, 94 PSALM XLVIII. IHow well our God secures the fold, Where his own sheep have been. nmp 5 In every new distress, We'11 to his house repair; mf We'11 think upon his wondrous grace, And seek deliverance there. 4 Q PSALM 48, Second Part, S. M. 48 (Gospel tWorship and Order. f 1 FAR as thy name is known, The world( declares thy praise; Thy saints, O Lord! before thy throne, Their songs of honor raise. 2 With joy let Judah stand On Zion's chosen hill, Proclaim the wonders of thy hand, And counsels of thy will. rn 3 Let strangers walk around The city where we dwell; Compass and view thy holy ground, And mark the building well;4 The order of thy house, The worship of thy court, The cheerful songs, the solemn vows, And make a fair report. 5 How decent and how wise! mf How glorious to behold! Beyond the pomp that charms the eyes, And rites'adorned with gold. m 6 The God we worship now'Will guide us till we die; < Will be our God while here below, i f And ours above the sky. 4s BPSALM 48, ls and 8s. 480 The Beauty and Strength of Zion. mf I nH! great is Jehovah, and great be his praise, Proclaim ye his triumphs in jubilant lays; On the mount of his holiness sing. 2 The joy of the earth, from her beautiful height, Is Zioi's impregnable hill; PSALMS XLIX, L. 95 The Lord in her temple still taketh delight, God reigns in her palaces still. 3 Let the daughters of Judah be glad for thy love, The mountain of Zion rejoice; For thou wilt establish her seat from above, Wilt make her the throne of thy choice. 4 Go, walk about Zion, and measure the length, Her walks and her bulwarks, mark well; Contemplate her palaces, glorious in strength, Her towers and her pinnacles tell. 5 Then say to your children-" Our refuge is tried, This God is our God to the end; His people for ever his counsels shall guide, f His arm shall for ever defend." 49 P^ISALi 49, C. TI. $49 Death and the Resurrection. mp 1 YE sons of pride! that hate the just, I And tramplle on the poor, When death has brought you down to dust, Your pomp shall rise no more. nmf 2 The last great day shall change the scene; When will that hour appear? When shall the just revive, and reign O'er all that scorned them here? i m 3 God will my naked soul receive, Called from the world away, And break the prison of the grave, To raise my mouldering clay. mf 4 Heaven is my everlasting home; Th' inheritance is sure; Let men of pride their rage resume, But I'11 repine no more. \f 5Q B~~PSALM 50, C. M. L50 The last Judgment. \ 1I THE Lord, the judge, before his throne, I Bids the whole earth draw nigh;; The nations near the rising sun, And near the western sky. 2 No more shall bold blasphemers say,* " Judgment will ne'er begin;" $ No more abuse his long delay, I To impudence and sin. --- ------- 96 PSALM L. f 3 Throned on a cloud, our God shall come; Bright flames prepare his way; ff Thunder and darkness, fire and storm, Lead on the dreadful day. f 4 Heaven fiom above his call shall hear,: ~Attending angels come, And earth and hell shall know, and fear -- His justice and their doom. mp 5 But gather all ny saints," he cries, " Who made their peace with God, By the Redeemer's sacrifice, And sealed it wTith his blood. m nf 6 "Their faith and works, brought forth to light, Shall make the world confess, My sentence of reward is right; \ f And heaven adore my grace."'i;5^ PSALMI 50, 8s, 7s, and 4.,, J50U God, the final Judge. $ f'1 T0! the mighty God appearing, IL From on high Jehovah speaks! Eastern lands the summons hearing, O'er the west his thunder breaks: Earth beholds him: Universal nature shakes. \ 2 Zion, all its light unfolding, God in glory shall display: Lo! he comes,-nor silence holding, Fire and clouds prepare his way; Tempests round him Hasten on the dreadful day. 8 To the heavens his voice ascending, To the earth beneath he cries:"Souls immortal now descending, Let the sleeping dust arise! Rise to judgment; Let my throne adorn the skies. 4 " Gather first my saints around me, Those who to my covenant stood; r mp Those who humbly sought and found me, Through the dying Saviour's blood: f Blest Redeemer! mp Dearest sacrifice to God!" lb'i4_ b+%b l - PSALM LI. 97 / 5 Now the heavens on high adore him, And his righteousness declare: Sinners perish from before him, But his saints his mercies share: Just his judgment! len God, himself the judge, is there. } - 11PSALM 51, First Part, L. M. 5 J 1 Ai Penitent pleading for Pardon. cff 1 QHOW pity, Lord! 0 Lord! forgive; k Let a repenting rebel live; Are not thy mercies large and free? May not a sinner trust in thee? 2 Oh! wash my soul from every sin, And make my guilty conscience clean; Here on my heart the burden lies, And past offences pain mine eyes. M3 y lips with shame my sins confess, Against thy law, against thy grace: Lord! should thy judgment grow severe, I am condemned, but thou art clear. 4 Should sudden vengeance seize my breath, I must pronounce thee just in death; And, if my soul were sent to hell, Thy righteous law approves it well. 5 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord! Whose hope, still hovering round thy word, Would light on some sweet promise there, Some sure support against despair. 1 PSALI 51, Second Part, L. X. 1.Native and Total Depravity. p 1 T ORD! I am vile, conceived in sin, 1 And born unholy and unclean; Sprung from the man whose guilty fall Corrupts the race, and taints us all. aff 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath, The seeds of sin grow up for death; Thy law demands a perfect heart, But we're defiled in every part. 3 No bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor hyssop-branch, nor sprinkling priest, Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea, Can wash the dismal stain away. ^~1 ~ ~ ~_ 98 PSALM LI. rnp 4 Jesus, my God! thy blood alone Hath power sufficient to atone; Thy blood can make me white as snow; No Jewish types could cleanse me so. aff 5 While guilt disturbs and breaks my peace, Nor flesh nor soul, hath rest or ease; Lord! let 1me hear thy pard'ning voice, < And make my broken heart rejoice. F! P1SALIM 51, Third Part, L. M. 51) The Backslider's Supplication. aff 1 0 THOU, that hearest when sinners cry!! Tlough all my crimes before thee lie, LBehold them not with angry look, But blot their mem'ry from thy book. 2 Create my nature pure within, And form my soul averse to sin; Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide thy presence from my heart. 3 I cannot live without thy light, Cast out and banished from thy sight:,~ < Thy holy joys, my God! restore, > And guard me, that I fall no more. aff 4 Though I have grieved thy Spirit, Lord! His help and comfort still afford; And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 6 r PSALMI 51, Fourth Part, L. I. 0 e) I Retturning to God. aff 1 A BROKEN heart, my God! my King! Is all the sacrifice I bring; The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 2 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns thy dreadful sentence just; Look down, O Lord! with pitying eye, And save the soul condemned to die. 3 Then will I teach the world thy ways; Sinners shall learn thy sovereign grace I I'1 lead them to my Saviour's blood, $< And they shall praise the pard'ning God. :$ PSALM LI. 99! $f 4 Oh! may thy love inspire my tongue; Salvation shall be all my song; And all my powers shall join to bless The Lord, my strength, and righteousness. PSAI 51, First Part, C. M. 51 JL Sin confessed and Pardoned. caff 1 OIRD! I would spread my sore distress, And guilt, before thine eyes; Against tliy laws, against thy grace, How high my crimes arise! 2 Cleanse me, 0 Lord! and cheer mv soul With tly fforgiving love; Oh! make my broken spirit whole, And bid my pains remove. 3 Let not thy Spirit quite depart, Nor drive mle firom thy face; $ Create anew my vicious heart. $ < And fill it with thy grace. in 4 Then awill I mnake thy mercy known, t Before the sons of men; Backsliders shall saddress thy throne, And turn to God again.: i1 PSALMI 51, Second Part, C. M.' 51 tJL ] Repelntanc/e?andzl Faithz in CnA rist. cff I ( GOD of mercy! heal my call, ] vMy load of guilt remove; Break down this separating wall, That bars me from thy love. \ 2 Give me the presence of thy grace; Then my rejoicing tongue; f Shall speak aloud thy righteousness, And make thy praise my song. i m 3 No blood of goats, nor heifer slain, For sin could e'er atone: * The death of Christ shall still remain Sufficient and alone. $! p 4 A soul, oppressed with sin's desert, My God will ne'er despise; An humble groan, a broken heart,, Is our best sacrifice. ~~H~~I~~~H II~~~~~~~HI4HIH~~~~~Hll~~~)eZZWIQH I~~~~~~ m~~9mZ'~ ; 100 PSALMS LI, LII, LII. * S 1 -% PSALM 51, S.. 5 1 The acceptable Sacrifice. 1 TO offering God requires, Nor victilns please his eye; < Else should his altars blaze with fires, > And flocks and herds should die. p 8 The humble, contrite breast, TAhe spirit's broken sighs, Mnp Are gifts on which his love can rest, Nor will the Lord despise. m 3 Thy mercies from above, To Zion, Lord! extend; m p Built by thy power, and watched by love, Now let her walls ascend. 4 Well-pleased, thou then shalt see IHer prayers and praise arise; Presented at the throne to thee, Through Christ, our sacrifice. PSALI 52, C. M. 52) Tthe Righteous and the Wicked. $m 1 WIHY should the mighty make their boast, And heavenly giace cdespise? In their own arm they put their trust, And fill their mlouth with lies. f Our God in vengeance shall destroy, And drive tlhem from his lface; No more shall they his church annoy, Nor find on earth a place. nf 3 But, like a cultured olive-grove, i Dressed in imlmoortal green, Thy children, blooming in thy love, Amid thy courts are seen. * f 4 On thine eternal grace, 0 Lord! I Thy saints shall rest secure,! And all, who trust thy hloly word, { Shall find salvation sure. 53 ~ BSALM53, C. 1, I <0ThLe foes of Zion. \ m 1 A RE all the foes of Zion fools, \ - Who thus devour her saints? i$ ~ PSALMS LIV, LV. 101 Do they not know her Saviour rules, p And pities her complaints? m 2 In vain the sons of Satan boast Of armies in array; qsf When God has first despised their host, They fall an easy prey. rn 3 Oh! for a word from Zion's King, I Her captives to restore:'f Jacob with. all his tribes shall sing, n: l And Jud'ah ween no more. PALT4 54, S. P. M. 54 J Prayer for Delivcrance J'rom Enemies. m 1p[Y God! preserve my soul; [ 17 Oh! Imake 5my spirit whole;: To save me, let thy strength appear; Strangers Iny path surround; $'RTheir pride and rao,e confound; mf And bring thy great salvation near. i 2 Those, who against me rise, Are aliens from the skies; They hate thy church and kingdom, Lord They mock thy fearful name; They glory in thlei shamne; Nor heed the wonders of thy word. nf 3 But, O tlhou King divine! } My chosen fi iends are thine; Thle nen that still my soul sustain; mrp Wilt thou my foes subdue, Create their hearts anew, p And snatch them from eternal pain? mf 4 Escaped from every woe, Oh! grant me, here below, To praise thy name with those I love; f lAnd when, beyoud the skies, Our souls unbodied rise, Unite us in the realms above. - 5r PSALM 55, C. i. ~ When lower worlds dissolve and die. if 5 Be thou exalted, 0 my God! A Above the heavens where angels dwell; Thy power on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell. IPSALi 57, Second Part, L. 1I. 5 7 Praise to the Eternal King. \f' 1 TERNAL God, celestial King! - Exalted be thy glorious name; Let hosts in heaven thy praises sing, And saints on earth thy love proclaim. n mf 2 AMy heart is fixed on thee, my God! I rest my hope on thee alone; I" I'll spread thy sacred truths abroad, To all mankind thy love make known. f 3 Awake, my tongue! awake, my lyre! With morning's earliest dawn arise; To songs of joy my soul inspire, And swell your music to the skies. PSALMS LVIII, LIX. 105 f 4 With those who in thy grace abound, To thee I'11 raise my thankful voice; $ While every land, the earth around, Shall hear, and in thy name rejoice. I, PSAL 58, L. P..I I 58 Wn,?tarninog to.liagistrates. 2m 1 IJUDGES! who rule the world by laws, I ~ Will ye despise the righteous cause,: p When one oppressed before you stands? V mf Dare ye condemn the righteous poor,: And let rich sinners'sc'ape secure, \WVhile gold and greatness bribe your hands? 2 Have ye forgot, or never knew, That God will judge the judges too? High in the heavens his justice reigns; Yet ye invade the rights of God, And send your bold decrees abroad, To bind the conscience in your chains. f 3 When once he thunders froml the sky, Your grandeur melts, your titles die, > Your power is crumbled to the dust:;< As empty chaff, when whirlwinds rise, Before the sweeping tempest flies, > Your hopes shall be for ever lost. f 4 Thus shall the vengeance of the Lord Safety and joy to saints afford; And all that hear shall join and say,- f " Sure there's a God that rules on high, > A God that hears his children cry, < And will their sufferings well repay." > F;Q1- P82PAIVI 59, S. P. TI. i) 5J ArMiserable End of the Wiicked. mf 1 H77IEN God in wvtrath shall comle, \ m Y To tell the sinner's doom, $ p What anguish shall the wicked tear! ~ m The men that slight his name, That boast of sin and shame, - No more shall ask-" What God can hear?" g 2 Thou hearest. omniscient Lord! t Each curse, and idle word, Of men who scoff with lips profane;- 5* 106 PSALMS LX, LXI. p And, when the hand of death Shall stop their impious breath, \ > Their souls shall seek for peace in vain. aff 3 Oh! how will sinners need An advocate to plead, Accepted at thine awful throne! How, in that solemn hour, < Would faith's transcendent power Outweigh all tihings beneath the sun I 2 p 4 Yet save their souls, 0 Lord i Subdue them by thy word, Though all their powers oppose thy reign; mp N2Tow may thy foes submit, And bow beneath thy feet, Nor let them read thy wrath in vain. 6 01 PSAtLRI 60, 7. 60.fJudgments deprecated. aff 1 ItHY, 0 God! thy people spurn? j: v f Why permit thy wrath to burn? i God of mercy! turn once more, All our broken hearts restore. 2 Thou hast made our land to quake,Heal the breaches thou dost make; Bitter is the cup wTe drink,Suffer not our souls to sink. i mf 3 Be thy banner now unfurled, Show thy truth to all the world; i < Save us, Lord! wie cry to thee, Lift thine arm —thy chosen free. mp 4 Give us now relief from pain,Human aid is all in vain: i < We, through God, shall yet prevail, He wvill help, when foes assail. iT i a i PSALt 61, C. M. 6 U God, a Refuge in Trouble. f 1 IAIL! gracious source of every good, Our Saviour and defence! Thou art our glory, and our shield, Our help and confidence. ~ PSALIMS LXI, LXII. 10o t nmp 2 When anxious fears disturb the breast, When threatening foes are nigh, To thee we pour our deep complaint, i To thee for succor fly. 3 Jesus! our Lord, our only hope, I Before thy throne we bow; m nf Thou art our strength, and thou the rock Whence living waters flow.:r 61^ ^PSALM 61, S. H. 610 Safety in God. aff 1 WI HEN, overwhelmed with grief, My heart within me dies; Helpless, and far from all relief, To heaven I lift mine eyes. 2 Oh! lead me to the r ock That's high above my head; And make the covert of thy wings My shelter and my shade. 3 Within thy presence, Lord! < For ever I'11 abide; mf Thou art the tower of my defence,! > The refuge where I hide. mf 4 Thou givest me the lot Of those that fear thy nalme; If endless life be their reward, I shall possess the same. PSALBI 62, L. M.,62 God alone worthy of Confidence. aff 1 IfY spirit looks to God alone; ~ 1 My rock and refuge is his throne; In all my fears, in all my straits, My soul on his salvation waits. 2 Trust him, ye saints! in all your ways, Pour out your hearts before his face; When helpers fail, and foes invade, mf God is our all-sufficient aid. m 3 False are the men of high degree, The baser sort are vanity; Laid in the balance, both appear Light as a puff of empty air.,~~~~ 108 PSALM LXIII. 4 Make not increasing gold your trust, Nor set your heart on glittering dust; Why will you grasp the fleeting smoke, And not believe what God has spoke? 5 Once has his awful voice declared, Once and again my ears have heard,f'11 All power is his eternal due; He must be feared and trusted too." mf 6 For sovereign power reigns not alone; Grace is a partner of the throne: f Thy grace and justice, mighty Lord I Shall well divide our last reward. 63 PSAL 63, Firt Part, L. M. 63 0 qadcption. mp 1 (GREAT God! indulge my humble claim, l Thou art my hope, my joy, my rest; mf The glories, that compose thy name, Stand allengaged to make me blest. 2 Thou great and good, thou just and wise I Thou art my Father, and my God; mp And I am thine, by sacred ties,Thy son, thy servant, bought with blood. mnf 8 With early feet Ilove t' appear Among thy saints, and seek thy face; Oft have I seen thy glory there, And felt the power of sovereign grace. f 4 I'11 lift my hands, I'11 raise my voice, While I have breath to pray or praise; This work shall make my heart rejoice, And spend the remnant of my days. 1 3 Q PSALM 63, Second Part, L. M. 6 3 Seeking God. aff 1 n GOD! thou art my God alone; V Early to thee my soul shall cry; A pilgrim in a land unknown, A thirsty land whose springs are dry. 2 Oh! that it were as it hath been, When, praying in the holy place, \mnf Thy power and glory I have seen, And marked the footsteps of thy grae. rnf ^ypowe ~andglory^haveseen, PSALMI LXIII. 109 lm 3 Yet, through this rough and thorny maze, I follow hard on thee, my God! Thy hand unseen upholds my ways, I safely tread where thou hast trod. 4 Thee, in the watches of the night, When I remember on my bed, r mf Thy presence makes the darkness light, Thy guardian wings are round my head. m 5 Better than life itself thy love; Dearer than all beside to me; wnf For whom have I in heaven above, Or what on earth compared with thee? 6PSALM 63, First Part, C. I.\ 0 6 3 The Mjlorning of the Lord's Day. mf 1 ARLY, nmy God! without delay, E I haste to seek thy face; iMy thirsty spirit faints away, Without thy cheering grace. mp 2 So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky, Long for a cooling stream at hand, > And they must drink or die. f 3 I've seen thy glory and thy power Through all thy temple shine; nm MIy God! repeat that heavenly hour, That vision so divine. 4 Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my best passions move; > Or raise so high my cheerful voice, < As thy forgiving love. f 5 Thus, till my last expiring day, I'11 bless my God and King; Thus will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing.,, PSALM 63, Second Part, C. X\ \) 63 Meditations by.Night. n WAS in the watches of tle night, I thought upon thy power; I kept thy lovely face in sight, Amid the darkest hour. ***-ee9~4~a~,~6sbse~a~ 6bs~%o~a~e~e ~b~a~t 110 PSALMS LXIII, LXIV. 2 My flesh lay resting on my bed,; < Mly soul arose on high; f "M y God, my life, my hope," I said, " Bring thy salvation nigh." mf 8 My spirit labors up thy hill, And climbs tle heavenly road; But thy right hand upholds me still, While I pursue my God. 4 Thy mercy stretches, o'er my head, The shadow of thy wings; i f My heart rejoices iii tlline aid;:M1y tongue awakes and sings. $ p 9 2.~PSALI 63, S.,i. 63 B Rejoicing in God. m 1 iY Go d! permit my tongue I lvl This joy, to call thee mine; And let my early cries prevail To taste thy love divine. 2 My thirsty fainting soul Thy mercy doth implore; N ot travelers, in desert lands, Can pant for water more. 8 For life, without thy love,': ]~No relish can afford; Mf lN'o joy can be compared to this,To serve and please the Lord. 7 4 In wakeful hours at night, I call my God to mind; I think, how wise thy counsels are, And all thy dealings kind. M 5 Since thou hast been my help, \ tTo thee my spirit flies; And, on thy watchful providence, My cheerful hope relies. mf 6 The shadow of thy wings My soul in safety keeps; I follow where my Father leads, And he supports my steps. Gi^P,PSALM 64, L. M. 64 Protection against Enemies. mp 1 REAT God! attend to my complaint, Uq Nor let my drooping spirit faint; ~4i I PSA1LM ILXVT. 1ll i I When foes in secret spread the snare, mf Let my salvation be thy care. }' 2 Thy justice and thy powver display, And scatter far tlh foes away; While listening nations learn thy word,' f And saints triumphant bless the Lord. 3 Then shall thy church exalt her voice, And all that love uthy name rejoice; By faith approach thine awful throne, And plead the merits of thy Son. 6 2 1f ISALI 65, First Part, L. M. I <5e Public P1rayer and Praise. \ nf 1 HE praise of Zion waits for thee, i My God! and praise becomes thy house; There shall thy saints thly glory see, And there performn their public vows. p 2 0 Thou, whlose mercy bends the skies, To save wvhen humble sinners pray i f All lands to thee shall lift their eyes, And every yielding heart obey. 8 Blest is the Iman, whom tho-a shalt choose, And give him kind access to thee; $ Give him a place within thSy lhose, To taste th, love divinely free. len, 4 With dreadful glory, God fulfills $ ma What his afflicted saints request; Ancd with almhighty wirath reveals Hiis love, to give his churches rest. f 5 Then shall the locking natiOons run To Zion's hill, and own their Lord; The rising and the setting sun Shall see the Saviour's name adored. j65 P r,3ALVT 65, Secondc Part, L.. D6 The Seasons of the Year. I 1 N God the race of -man depends, $,:Far as the earth's remotest ends; At his command the morning ray Smiles in the east; and leads the day. 2 Seasons and times obey his voice; The evening and the morn rejoice, 112 PSALM LXV. To see the earth made soft with showers, Laden with fruit, and dressed in flowers. 3 The desert grows a fiuitful field, Abundant food the valleys yield; \f The valleys shout with cheerful voice, And neighb'ring hills repeat their joys. 4 Thy works pronounce thy power divine, O'er every field thy glories shine; Through every month thy gifts appear; Great God! thy goodness crowns the year.! ~FPA.. L T 65, First Part, C. M. 65 V-orship of God in his Temple.' if 1 pRAISE waits in Zion, Lord! for thee; ip J There shall our vows be paid; mp TThou hbast an ear wrhen sinners pray; All flesh shall seek thine aid. p 2 0 Lord! our guilt and fears prevail,, 1 But pard'ning grace is thine; < And thou wilt grant us power and skill, mf To conquer every sin. m 3 Blest are the men, whom thou wilt choose To bring them near thy face; Give them a dwelling in thy house, To feast upon thy grace. 4 In answering what thy church requests,! < Thy truth and terror shine; And works of dreadful righteousness f m Fulfill thy kind design. 5 Thus shall the wondering nations see, The Lord is good and just; f The distant isles shall fly to thee, i And make thy name their trust. I rb r PSALTM 65, Second Part, C. M. 0^ 65 AS2 Psalmn for the Husbandman., I m 1 tOOD is the Lolrd, the heavenly King, ( Who makes the earth his care, Visits the pastures every spring, And bids the grass appear. 2 The clouds, like rivers raised on high, Pour out, at his command, PSALM LXV. 113 Their watery blessings froln the sky, To cheer the thirsty land.' 3 The softened ridges of the field Pelrmit the corn to spring, i The valleys rich provision yield, And cheerful lab'rers sing. mf 4 The little hilils, on every side, Rejoice at falling showers; The meadows, dressed in all their pride, d col Perfine the air w-itvh flowers. mf 5 The barren clods, refreshded with rain, Promiise a joyful crop; < Tlhe parching grounds look green again, And raise the reaiper's hope. f The various months thy goodness crowns; How bounteous are thIy ways! The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs, Qf / And shepherds shout thy praise. 6 p; PSALI 65, Third Part, C. T. 6 5 Goodn ess cf Gods' in t1S Seasons. f 1,r IS by thy strength tihe mountains stand1, God of eternal poweor! mp The sea grows caln at thy command, > And tempests cease to roar. m 2 Thy morning light and evening shade Successive comforts bring; Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad, Thy filowers adorn the spring. 3 Seasons and times, and moons and hours, Heaven, earth, and air are thine; - When clouds distill in fruitful showers, The author is divine. 4 Those wandering cisterns in the sky, Borne by the winds around, With watery treasures, well supply The furrows of the ground. 5 The thirsty ridges drink their fill, And ranks of corn appear;'mf Thy ways abound with blessings still, Thy goodness crowns the year. 114 PSALMS LXV, LXVI. PSALI 65, 7s. 65 Praise to God in Zion. f / 1 pRAISE on thee, in Zion's gates, 1 I Daily, O Jehovah! waits: Unto thee, whu hearest prayer, Shall the tribes of men repair. mp 2 Though with conscious guilt oppressed, On thy mercy still we rest; Thy forgiving love display! i > TTake, 30 Lord! our sins away. I 3 Oh! how bless6d their reward, Chosen servants of the Lord, $ Who within thy courts ahide, I With thy goodness satisfied. I mp 4 But how dire thy judgments fell,Saviour of thine israel!' < When thy people's cry arose,o On their proud and impious foes! f 5 By thy boundless might set fast, Rise the mountains firm and vast: Thou canst ivith a word assuage Ocean's wvild and deafening rage. m nf 6 When thy signs in heaven appear,: Earth's remotest regions fear; And the bounties of thy hand' f FilFl with gladness every land. $ 2PggAL 68, L. r,.'6 60 Praises to Cirist, the Saviour I f" 1 JESUS demands the voice of joy,Loud through the land let triumph ring; His honors should your songs employ,Let grateful praises hail the King. 2 Shout to the Lord,-ad-oring own, Thy works thy wondrous might disclose, Thine arm victorious power has shown; Thus did thy cross confound thy foes. p 3 Low, at that cross, the world shall bow,:m hAll nations shall its blessings prove; f While grateful strains in concert flow, To sing thy power, and praise thy love. a~~~O5d~~BBQ-b5 dM~-1" PSALM LXVI. 115 f. 4 Oh! bless our God, ye nations round! $ $ - People and lands! rehearse his name; i ff Let shouts of joy through earth resound, Let every tongue his praise proclaim. 6^ PSALM 6, First Part,o, C.. 6 TWLe God of Provirdlencc. 1 QING, all ye nations! to tle Lord, Sing with a joyful noise; With melody of sound record * His honors, and your joys. 2 Say to the Power that shakes the sky I " How terrible art thou! < Sinners before thy presence fly, > Or at thy feet they bow." m, 3 He made the ebbing channel dry, While Israel passed the flood; $ mf There did the church begin their joy, And triumph in their God. 4 Through watery deeps and fiery ways, We march at thy command, Led to possess the promised place, By thine unerring hand. f 5 Oh! bless our God, and never cease; Ye saints fulfill his praise: He kleeps our life, maintains our peace, And guides our doubtful ways. epr PSALE 6S, Seond Part, C. IH. 06 6 Praise to G&od for hearing Prayer. m " T1 i OWv shall my solemn vows be paid,. * To that almighty Power, Who heard the long requests I made, In nmy distressful hour. 2 My lips and cheerful heart prepare., To make his mercies known; Come, ye who fear my God! and hear The wonders he has done. 3 When on my head huge sorrows fell,:....I sought his heavenly aid; He saved my sinking soul from hell, > And death's eternal shade. ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 16 PSALMS LXVI, LXVII. i? 4 If sin lay covered in my heart, While prayer employed my tongue, The Lord had shown me no regard, I Nor I his praises sung. f 5 But God-his name be ever blessed!- Has set my spirit free; > Nor turned from himl my poor request, np N, or turned his heart from me. 6 PSALI 66, Third Part. C. 1, 0 0 Praises to God. f 1 l IFT up to God the voice of praise, - Whose breath our souls inspired;. ff Loud, andl more loud, the anthem raise, \With grateful ardor fired. f 2 Lift up to God the voice of praise, Whose goodness, passing thought, Loads every moment, as it flies, With benefits unsought. 3 Lift up to God the voice of praise, Fromn wAhom salvationl flows, Who sent his Son, our souls to save From everlasting woes. 4 Lift up to God the voice of praise, For hoTe's transporting ray, > Which lights, through darkest shades of death,, f To realms of endless day.!Q ^f~PSALM 67, G.,. 67 Prayer for th.e ELnlargemtent of the Church. i f I MHINE on our land, Jehovah! shine, UI With beam.s of heavenly grace; Reveal thy power through all our courts, And show thy smiling face. 2 When shall thy name, from shore to shore, Sound all the earth abroad, And distant nations know, and love, Their Saviour and their God? 3 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands \ Sing loud with solemn voice; Let every tongue exalt his praise, And every heart rejoice. ^ ^ - 3~ PSALM LXVII. 117 nf 4 Earth shall obey her Maker's will And yield a full increase; Our God will crown his chosen land,',> pWith fruitfulness and peace. m 5 God, the Redeemer, scatters round His choicest favors here, % < While the cleation's utmost bound f Shall see, adore, and fear. p^ 6rP~PSA _ iL 67, S. M. 670 The Conquest of all.Jations. m 1 T0 bless thy chosen race, - In mercy, Lord! incline; And cause the brightness of thy face On all thy saints to shine; fm f 2 That so thy wvondrous way $ May through the world be known; While distant lands their homage pay, And thy salvation own. f 3 Oh! let them shout and sing, m Dissolved in pious mirth; For thou, the righteous judge and king, Shalt govern all the earth. 4 Let differing nations join To celebrate,thy fatne; f Let all the world, 0 Lord! combine To praise thy glorious name. PSALM 67, 7s. 67 Praise from all JVations.' m 1 I? OD of mercy, God of grace! \ \: L[U Show the brightness of thy face; Shine upon us, Saviour! shine; Fill thy church with light divine; And thy saving health extend Unto eartlhs remotest end. m/f 2 Let the people praise thee, Lord! Be by all that live adored; * Let the nations shout and sing, Glory to their Saviour King;' m At thy feet their tribute pay, And thy holy will obey. : 118 PSALM LXVIII. f 3 Let the people praise thee, Lord! Earth shall then her fruits afford; God to man his blessing give; Man to God devoted live; All below and all above, One in joy, in light, in love. (38 PSAL. 68, First Part, L. I. 6080 The majesty of God. 1"' 1 INGDO:'.,S and thrones to God belong; KT Crown lnim, ye nations! in your song; His wondrous amues and powTers rehearse; HIls honors shall enrich your verse. 2 He rides, and thunders through the sky; His na-me, Jehovah, sounds on high; i Sing to Ilis name, ye sons of grace! Ye saints! rejoice befrie his iface. 8 He breaks the.captives' heavy chain, And pris'ners see the light again; nm But rebels, who dispute his will, Shall dwell in chains and darkness still. f 4 Proclaim him King, pronounce him blest; He's your defence your joy, y our rest: o WWhen terrors rise, and nations faint, f God is the strengtil of every saint. PSL, 63, econd Part, L. I,. 68 0Chri.sts A1scensioni. f 1 I O wRD! wI-hen thou didst ascend on high, a Ten thousand angels filled the sky; $ Those heavenly guards around thee wait, Like chariots that attend thy state. 2 Not Sinai's mountain could appear More glorious, when the Lord was there; len While he pronounced his dreadful law, And struck the chosen tribes with awe. f 3 How bright the triumph none can tell, When the rebellious powers of hell, That thousand souls had captive made, Were all in chains, like captives, led. 4 Raised by his Father to the throne, He sent the promised Spirit down, With gifts and grace for rebel-men, That God mnight dwell on earth again. That God _ _~ PSALMS LXIX, LXX. 119 PSAML 69, L. X. 69c Tic Sufferings of Chr'ist. aff 1 eDEEP in or' hearts, let us record L The deeper sorrows of our Lord; Behold the rising billows roll, To overwhelm his holy soul! m 2 Yet, gracious God! thy power and love Have made the curse a blessing prove; p Those dreadful sufferings of thy Son Atoned for sinhs that we had done. 8 The pangs of our expiring Lord m The honors of thy law restored; < His sorrows made thy justice known, > And paid for foilies not his own. aff 4 Oh! for his sake, our guilt forgive, And let the mourning sinner live: < The Lord will hear us in his name, f Nor stall our hope be turned to shame. I PSAL 69, C. DI. 69 QSufferifngs of Christ for Sinners. i m I jFATHER! i sing thy wondrous grace, I biess my Saviour's name; He brought salvation for the poor, I And bore the sinner's shame. < 2 His deep distress hath raised us high; m His duty and his zeal Fulfilled the law, which mortals broke, And finished all thy will. mnf 3 Zion is thine, most holy God! Thy Son shall bless her gates, And glory, purchased by his blood, For thine own Israel waits. f 4 Let heaven, and all that dwell on high, To God their voices raise; While lands and seas assist the sky, And join t' advance his praise. 70f \rPSALM 7T, L. M. 70 Prayer for Christ's Presence. O 1 5ET! haste, with every gift inspired, I V With glory, truth, and grace attired, e 120 PSALMS LXXLXXI. Thou Star of heaven's eternal morn! Thou Sun, whom beams divine adorn! 2 Assert the honor of thy name, And fill thy foes with fear and shamne; To help thy chosen sons appear, And show thy power and glory here. 3 Let saints be glad before thy face, And grow in love, and truth, and grace; Thy church shall blossom in thy sight, x Yield fruits of peace and pure delight. Mn 4 Oh! hither, then, thy footsteps hend; mf Swift as a roe, firom hills descend; f Shine, like the Sabbath's cheerful ray, Till life unfolds eternal day. i jyw7 1?PSALM 70, 7s. 70J Prayer in Darkness. aff 1 HASTEN, Lord! to my release, II Haste to help me, O my God I Foes, like armed bands, increase; Turn them back the way they trod. 2 Dark temptations round me press, Evil thoughts my soul assail; Doubts and fears, in my distress, Rise, till flesh and spirit fail. in 3 Those that seek thee shall rejoice; I am bound with misery; Yet I make thy law my choice; mp Turn, my God! and look on me. 4 Thou mine only helper art, My redeemer fiom the grave; f Strength of my desiring heart! Do not tarry, haste to save. PSALM 71, First Part, C. M. 71 TIhe aged Saint's Reflection and Hope. m I XMY God! my everlasting hope! I live upon thy truth; Thy hands have held my childhood up, And strengthened all my youth. \ 2 Still has my life new wonders seen, Repeated every year; PSALM LXXI. 121 Behold my days that yet remain, I trust them to thy care. i mp 3 Cast me not off when strength declines, When hoary hairs arise; < And round me let thy glories shine, > Whene'er thy servant dies. m 4 Then, in the hist'ry of my age, When men review my days, They'll read thy love in every page, / J In every line-thy praise. 7^41 PSALM 71, Second Part, C. X. 71 Praise to thie Saviour. mf I Y Saviour! my almighty Friend;:lt When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end,The numbers of thy grace? 2 Thou art my everlasting trust; Thy goodness I adore; And, since I knew thy graces first, I speak thy glories more. 3 3y feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road; And mlaeh, with cour'age, in thy strength, To see my Father God. I Af 4 When I am filled with sore distress For some surprising sin, I'11 plead thy perfect righteousness, And mention none but thine. f 5 How will my lips rejoice to tell The vict'ries of my King! M y soul, redeemed from sin and hell, Shall thy salvation sing. 6 Awake, awake, my tuneful powers! With this delightful song,'11 entertain the darkest hours, Nor think the season long. 71 rj i PSALM 71, Third Part, C. K. 7 1 Sustaining Grace implored. af 1 OD of my childhood and my youth! U The guide of all my days, 6 122 PSALMS LXXI, LXXII. I have declared thy heavenly truth, And told thy wondrous ways. 2 Wilt thou forsakle my hoary hairs, And leave my fainting heart? Who shall sustain my sinking years, If God, my strength, depart? mf 3 Let me thy power and truth proclaim To the surviving age, in And leave a savor of thy name, When I shall quit the stage. p 4 The land of silence and of death Attends my next remove; Oh! may these poor remains of breath < Teach the wide world thy love. $ 1 PSALM 71, S. M. i 1 J Early Instruction. mf 1 TpHE praises of my tongue I offeri to the Lord, That I was taught and learned so young, To read his holy word. rp 2 Dear Lord! this book of thine Informs me where to go, For grace to pardon all my sin, And make me holy tko. 3 Oh! may thy Spirit teach, And make my heart receive, Those truths which all thy servants preach, And all thy saints believe. mf 4 Then shall I praise the Lord, In a more cheerful strain, That I was taught to read his word, And have not learned in vain. $72 12PSALI 72, First Part, L. M. 7 Thze KIingdom of Christ. n if l I REAT God! whose universal sway: G The known and unknown worlds obey, I Nlow give the kingdom to thy Son;:f Extend his power, exalt his throne. do 2 As rain on meadows newly mown, So shall he send his influence down;'A: ~j~;~~..'jL-,- *_^__ — C-^~L-eWP 9~~WIQ PSALM LXXII. 123 His grace, on fainting souls, distills, Like heavenly cew, on thirsty hills. > 3 The heathen lands, that lie beneath p The shades of overspreading death, m Revive at his first dawning light; And deserts blossom at the sight. 9 4 The saints shall flourish in his days, Dressed in the robes of joy and praise; < Peace, like a river, from his throne, i f Shall flow to nations vet unknown. PSALM 72, Second Part, L, 1. 7i 7 Christ's lCingzdom anmong the Gentiles, f" 1 ESUS shall reign, where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; EHis kingdom stretch fiomn shore to shore, > Till moons shall wax and wane no more.! f' 2 For him shall endless prayer be made, And endless praises crown his head; imp His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With every morning sacrifice. f 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love, with sweetest song; $ bAnd infant voices shall proclaim I; Their early blessings on his name. 4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns; $ < The pris'ner leaps to lose his chains; > The weary find eternal rest, m And all the sons of want are blest. {f 5 Let every creature rise, and bring $ Peculiar honors to our King; Angels descend with songs again, To help the poor and needy, < And bid the weak be strong; > To give them songs for sighing, mp Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls, condemned and dying, Were precious in his sight. f 3 He shall come down, like showers Upon the fruitful earth, And love, and joy, like flowers, Spring in his path to birth: Before him, on the mountains, < Shall peace, the herald, go; f And righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. 4 For him shall prayer unceasing And daily vows ascend; His kingdom still increasing,A kingdom without end: The tide of time shall never His covenant remove; His name shall stand for ever; > That name to us is-Love. PSALI 72, 7s. * 2 The Reign of Christ. f 1 iASTEN, Lord! the glorious time, -i When, beneath Messiah's sway, Every nation, every clime, Shall the gospel-call obey. 2 Mightiest kings his power shall own, Heathen tribes his name adore; Satan and his host, o'erthrown, Bound in chains, shall hurt no more. mp 3 Then shall wars and tumults cease, Then be banished grief and pain; mnf Righteousness, and joy, and peace, Undisturbed shall ever reign.. f 4 Bless we, then, our gracious Lord; Ever praise his glorious name; All his mighty acts record; All his wondrous love proclaim. ^~ PSALM LXXIII. 125 I PBo PSALM 73, L.M. X. 73 q 0 Awfeul Result of the SinnLer's Prosperity. n mp 1 1IORD! what a thoughtless wretch was I, J To niourn and murm'nur and repine, To see the wicked, placed on high, I a< ~In pride and robes of honor, shine! aff 2 But, Oh! their end, their dreadful end! * Thy sanctuary taught ne so; $ < On slippery rocks I see them stand, * f And fierv billows roll below., i n 3 Their fancied joys,-how fast they flee! Just like a dream when man awakes; > Their songs of softest harmony, $ nm Are but a prelude to their plagues. 4 Now I esteem their mirth and wine 7mp Too dear to purchase with my blood; < Lord!'t is enough that thou art mine, f My life, my portion, and my God. ~73 FPsALM 73, First Part, C. X. 73 God, our Portion, here and hereafter. mp 1 OD! my supporter and my hope, J Mly help for ever near, Thine arm of mercy held me up, > 71TWhen sinking in despair. $ s 2 Thy counsels, Lord! shall guide my feet, Through this dark wilderness: m Thl hand conduct me near thy seat, To dwell before thy face. rmp 3 Were I in heaven without my God,'T would be no joy to me; And, while this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee. 4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint? $ f God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of every saint. m s 5 But to draw near to thee, my God! Shall be my sweet employ; Mf y tongue shall sound thy works abroad, And tell the world my joy. - ~ ^^^^^~~h \ 126 PSALM LXXII. * 7o BPSALX 73, Second Part, C. 1X. 3 T/he End of the Wicked. m 1 NOW I'm convinced, the Lord is kind To men of heart sincere; Yet once my foolish thoughts repined, And bordered on despair. 2 I grieved to see the wicked thrive, And spoke with angry breath,I"How pleasant and profane they live! How peaceful is their death 1" 3 Yet, while my tongue indulged complaints, I felt my heart reprove; * " Sure I shall thus offend thy saints, And grieve the men I love." 4 But still I found my doubts too hard, The conflict too severe, Till I retired to search thy word, And learn thy secrets there. m nf 5 There, as in some prophetic glass, I saw the sinner sit, " iglh mounted on a slippery place, Beside a fiery pit. 6 I heard the wretch profanely boast, / Till at thy frown he fell; > His honors in a dream were lost, p And he awoke in hell. $J rlPS.ALM 73, S. XI. 73 0The lyrstery of Providence. m 1 QURE, there's a righteous God, r Nor is religion vain; Though men of vice may boast aloud, And mien of grace complain. 2 I saw the wicked rise, And felt my heart repine, $ While haughty fools, with scornful eyes, In robes of honor shine. 3 The tumult of my thought Held me in hard suspense, Till to thy house my feet were brought, To learn thy justice thence.,* * r, * _ tn PSALMS LXXIV, LXXV. 127 mf 4 Thy word, with light and power, Did my Inistake amend; I viewed the sinners' life before, > But here I learned their end. p 5 On what a slippery steep The thoughtless wretches go! < And Oh! that dreadful fiery deep, > That waits their fall below! p 6 Lord! at thy feet I bow; My thoughts no more repine; mf I call my God my portion now, And all my powers are thine. PSALM 74, C. M. 74 The Church in dffliction. aff 1 WIILL God for ever cast us off? His wrath for ever smoke Against the people of his love,His little chosen flock? 2 Think of the tribes, so dearly bought With their Redeemer's blood; Nor let thy Zion be forgot, Where once thy glory stood. 8 Oh! come to our relief in haste; Aloud our ruin calls; See, what a wide and fearful waste Is made within thy walls! 4 And still, to heighten our distress, Thy presence is withdrawn; Thy wonted signs of power and graceThy power and grace are gone. 5 No prophet speaks to calm our grief, But all in silence mourn; Nor know the times of our relief,The hour of thy return. PSALM 75, L. I. 75 Power and Government from God. f 1 T thee, most Holy and most High! I To thee we bring our thankful praise; Thy works declare thy name is nigh, — Thy works of wonder and of grace. -%~ ~O. G , 128 PSALMS LXXVI, LXXVII. mi 2 Let haughty sinners sink their pride; Nor litt so high their scornful head; But lay their foolish thoughts aside, And own the powers that God hath made. i 3 Such honors never come by chance, $ Nor do the winds promotion blow; <'T is God, the judge, doth one advance; >'T is God that lays another low. m f 4 Now shall the Lord exalt the just, And, while he tramples on the proud, And lays their glory in the dust,'f Our lips shal l s ing his praise aloud. 1PSAL^T 76, C. M. 7 6 God's Destruction of his ancient Foes. m 1 IN Judah, God of old was known; i His name in Israel great; In Salem stood his holy throne, And Zion was his seat. 2 Among the praises of his saints, His dwelling there he chose; There he received their just complaints Against their haughty foes. 1mf 8 At thy rebuke, 0 Jacob's God! What hauglhty monarchs fell; Who knowrs the terrors of thy rod? 4 What power can stand before thy sight, \When once thy wrath appeas When heaven shines round with dreadful light, > The earth lies still and feals. \ mtf 5 When God, in his own sovereign ways, > Comes down to save th' oppressed, q nf The wrath of man shall work his praise,: m nAnd le'I restrain the rest. \ we PSALUT 77, C. M9, 7 7 Despondency overcome. v ff TO God I cried -rwith mournful voice,; I soughlt his gracious ear; In the sad day when trouble rose, And filled my heart with fear. ^ ~t i PSALM LXXVII. 129 2 Will he for ever cast me off? Hlis promise ever fail? Has he forgot his tender love? Shall anger still prevail? mp 3 But I forbid this hopeless thought, p This dark, despairing frame, m Remembering what thy hand hath wrought, Thy hand is still the same. 4 I'11 think again of all thy ways, And talk thy wonders o'er,Thy wonders of recovering grace, When flesh could. help no more. 5 Grace dwells with justice on the throne; And men who love thy word Have, in thy sanctuary, known The counsels of the Lord. PS7AL 7, 7s and 6s. 77 Seeking God in Jffliction. f I N time of tribulation, 1 Hear, Lord 1 my feeble cries; WAith humble supplication, To thee my spirit flies; My heart with grief is breaking, Scarce can my voice complain; Mine eyes, with tears kept waking, Still watch and weep in vain. 2 The days of old, in vision, Bring banished bliss to view; The years of lost fruition Their joys in pangs renew; Remembered songs of gladness, Through night's lone silence brought, Strike notes of deeper sadness, And stir desponding thoughts. 8 Hath God cast off for ever? Can time his truth impair? His tender mercy never Shall I presume to share? Hath he his loving-kindness Shut up in endless wrath? No; this is my own blindness, That cannot see his path. 4'. 130 PSALMS LXXVIII, LXXIX. M 4 Thy way is in great waters, Thy footsteps are not known: Let Adam's sons and daughters Confide in thee alone: Thy deeds, O Lord! are wonder; Holy are all thy ways: < The secret place of thunder Shall utter forth thy praise. PSALM 78, C, a. 70 The Works of God recounted to Posterity. m 1 ET children hear the mighty deeds, J Which God performed of old; Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told. mf 2 He bids us make his glories known,His works of power and grace; m And we'll convey his wonders down, Through every rising race. 3 Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs, That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs. 4 Thus shall they learn, in God alone Their hope securely stands; That they may ne'er forget his works, But practice his commands. 79 PSALMX 79, L. M. 7 Prayer for Israel. m f 1 ARISE, great God! and let thy grace A Shed its glad beams on Israel's race; Restore the long-lost, scattered band, Recall them to their native land. 2 Their misery let thy mercy heal; Their trespass hide, their pardon seal; O God of Israel! hear our prayer, And grant them still thy love to share. 3 Thy quickening Spirit now impart, And wake to joy each grateful heart; While Israel's rescued tribes, in thee, Their bliss and full salvation see. PSALMS LXXX, LXXXI. 131 $ ~on~ ~ PSALeM 80, L.. s O W Prayer in Declension. 1Af 1 PREAT Shepherd of thine Israel! U Who didst between the cherubs dwell, And lead the tribes, thy chosen sheep, Safe through the desert and the deep;-:> 2 Thy church is in the desert now; m Shine frtom on high and guide us through; Turn us to thee, thy love restore; $ > We shall be saved, and sigh no more. I mp 3 Hast thou not planted, with thy hand, $ A lovely vine in this our land?, mrf Did not thy power defend it round, And heavenly dews enrich the ground $ - 4 How did the spreading branches shoot, And bless the nations with the fruit p But now, O Lord! look down and see Thy mourning vine-that lovely tree. aff 5 Return, almighty God! return, Nor let thy bleeding vineyard mourn: Turn us to thee, thy love restore; < We shall be saved, and sigh no more. Q' PSAL 81, S. It. 81 $ LYWarniVng to God's People. Ij 1 QINGr to the Lord aloud, S And make a cheerful noise; God is our strength, our Saviour God; Let Israel hear his voice:n 2 "From vile idolatry Preserve my worship clean; I am the Lord who set thee free From slavery and from sin. mf 3 "Stretch thy desires abroad, And I'11 supply them well; m But, if ye will refuse your God, If Israel will rebel;4 "I'11 leave them," saith the Lord, i "To their own lusts a prey, And let them run the dangerous road;-'T is their own chosen way. 132 PSALMS LXXXII, LXXXIII. mnp 5 "Yet, Oh! that all my saints Would hearken to ny voice; Soon I would ease their sore complaints, i< And bid their hearts rejoice. mf 6 " While I destroyed their foes, I'd richly feed my flock, And they should taste the stream, that flows f From their eternal rock." PSALIg 82, L. DI. 82 God, the Supreme Ruler. mf 1 A iONG th' assemblies of the great, m ~1 A greater ruler takes his seat; The God of heaven, as judge, surveys Those gods on earth, and all their ways. 2 Why will ye, then, frame wicked laws? Or why support th' unrighteous cause? When will ye once defend the poor, That sinners vex the saints no more? 3 They know not, Lord! nor will they know; Dark are the ways in which they go; Their name of earthly gods is vain, >X For they shall fall and die like men. f" 4 Arise, O Lord! and let thy Son Possess his universal throne, And rule the nations with his rod; He is our judge, and he our God. \ o BPSALM 83, S. M.' 83 God arising to subdue Opposers. m I1 N D will the God of grace: Perpetual silence keep? The God of justice hold his peace, And let his vengeance sleep? f 2 Awake, almighty God! Assume thy sovereign sway;: Before thy throne bid sinners bow, And yield their hearts to thee. flen 3 Then shall the nations know, That glorious dreadful wordJEHOVA —is thy name alone, } And thou the sovereign Lord. Rim. _ _ _ _ PSALM LXXXIV. 133 84 PSALLM 84, First Part, L. M. 84Z The Pleasure of public Worship. m 1'OW pleasant, how divinely fair, 10L Lord of hosts thy dwellings are! With long desire my spirit faints, To meet th' assemblies of thy saints. 2 My flesh would rest in thine abode, < AMy panting heart cries out for God; m2f My God! my King! why should I be So far fiom all my joys and thee? 3 Blest are the saints who sit on high, Around thy throne of majesty; f Thy brightest glories shine above, And all their work is praise and love. m 4 Blest are the souls, who find a place Within the temple of thy grace; > There they behold thy gentler rays, < And seek thy face, and learn thy praise. f 5 Cheerful they walk with growing strength, Till all shall meet in heaven at length; Till all before thy face appear, And join in nobler worship there. P SALT I 84, Second Part, L. Y. 8$4 Public Worship; or, Grace and Glory. f 1 ( REAT God! attend, while Zion sings U The joy that from thy presence springs; To spend one day, with thee on earth, Exceeds a thousand days of mirth. nm 2 Might I enjoy the meanest place W ithin thy house, O God of grace! Not tents of ease, nor thrones of power, Should tempt my feet to leave thy door. 3 God is our sun, he makes our day; God is our shield, he guards our way From all th' assaults of hell and sin, From foes without, and foes within. 4 All needful grace will God bestow, And crown that grace with glory too; He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls. ~^ — 134 PSALM LXXXIV. Qd sa,~PSALM 84, First Part, C. M1. 84 @ The House of God. m 1 5i1Y soul! how lovely is the place, 5$ To which thy God resorts! I f'T is heaven to see his smiling face, Though in his earthly courts. f 2 There the great monarch of the skies His saving power displays, And light breaks in upon our eyes, r With kind and quickening rays. i 3 With his rich gifts, the heavenly Dove: Descends and fills the place; i While Christ reveals his wondrous love, And sheds abroad his grace. 4 There, mighty God! thy words declare The secrets of thy will; And still we seek thy mercy there, f And sing thy praises still. PSAL1 84, Second Part, C. M. 84J9 ARJ bsence from the Sanctuary. mnp 1 0 LORD! my heart cries out for thee, When shall I tread thy courts, and see WMy Saviour and my God? 2 To sit one day beneath thine eye, And hear thy gracious voice, Exceeds a whole eternity, Employed in carnal joys. 3 Lord! at thy threshold I would wait, While Jesus is within, mf Rather than fill a throne of state, Or live in tents of sin. 4 Could I command the spacious land, And the more boundless sea, < For one blest hour at thy right hand, I'd give them both away. oi 4PSALM 84, First Part, H. M. 184 Longing for the House of Godo mf 1 L ORD of the worlds above! How pleasant, and how fair, -—. — ~I I-PSALM LXXXIV. 135 The dwellings of thy love, Thine earthly temples are To thine abode My heart aspires, With waarmn desires To see my God. 2 Oh! happy souls who pray, Where God appoints to hear; Oh! happy men who pay Their constant service there; f They praise thee still; And happy they, } Yho love thie t may a To Zion's hbill. 3 They go from strength to strength,! > Through this dark vale of tears, < Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven appears; Oil! glorious seat, When God, our King, Sha1ll thither bling Our willing feet. Q ^ PSALe~ 84, Second Part, H.. 84 The Satbbatl in the House of God, Lmf 1 pO spend one sacred day, ~I. Where God and saints abide, Affords diviner joy, Than thousand days beside; Where God resorts, I love it moreI To keep the door, Than shine in courts. 2 God is onr sun and shield, Our light and our defence; With gifts his hands are filled, We draw our blessings thence; He shall bestow, On Jacob's race, Peculiar grace And glory too. Im 3 The Lord his people loves; His hand no good withholds * * _ _ Esssss__**___* W 136 PSALM LXXXIV. From those his heart approves, From pure and pious souls; } f Thrice happy he, 0 God of hosts! Whose spirit trusts Alone in thee. i84 PSALMI 84, Third Part, H. M. 84 Longing fo? God's House. mf 1 -11O lovely and how fair, O Lord of hosts! to me, Thy tabernacles are!.My flesh cries out for thee; / f BMy heart and soul, with heaven-ward fire, To thee the living God, aspire. rip2 2 Lord God of hosts! give ear, A gracious answer yield; 0 God of Jacob I heanr: Behold! O God, our shield; Look on thine own anointed One, And save through thy beloved Son. m 3 Lord! I would rather stand A keeper at thy gate, Than at the king's right hand, m One day within thy courts-one dayIs worth a thousand cast away. 4 God is a sun of lig It, Glory and grace to shed; God is a shield of might, To guard the faithful head; 0 Lord of hosts! how happy he, — $ The man who puts his trust in thee. A, PSAAL!M 84, 5s and 6s. 084 The Delights of God's House. m 1 JOW honored, how dear, 1 That sacred abode, Where Christians draw near Their Father and God! SMiid worldly commotion, My wearied soul faints For the house of devotion,The house of thy saints. O I PPSALM LXXXV. 137 1i f / 2 Oh! liappy the choirs, $ Who praise thee above: I filWhat joy tunes their lyres! TTheir worship is love: \ mf Yet, safe in thy keeping, And happy they be, > In this world of weeping, I $ < AWhose strength is in thee. $ inf 3 Though rugged their way, \ They drinlk, as they go,: Of springs that convey: New life as they flow: The God they rely on Their strength shall renew, $ < Till each brought to Zion, e /' Ilis glory shall view. Ir 4 Thou Ilearer of prayer Still grant me a place, Where Christians repair To the courts of thy grace; mf ~More blest, beyond measure, One day so employed, Than years of vain pleasure By vorldlings enjoyed. 5 The Lord is a. sun; The Lord is a shield: What grace has begun, With glory is sealed: IHe hears the distressed, He succors thle just; And they shall be bless6d, W i ho make him their trust. $ P6FSLIeL A 85, First Part, L. IM. O CJ Deliverance begun and completed. m 1 T ORD! thou hast called thy grace to mind, 1 Thou has reversed our heavy doom; So God forgave, when Israel sinned, And brought his wandering captives home. 2 Thou hast begun to set us free, And made thy fiercest wrath abate; $ Now let our hearts be turned to thee, mf And thy salvation be complete. 138 PSALMS LXXXV —LXXXVII. mp 3 Revive our dying graces, Lord! mf And let thy saints in thee rejoice; $ Make knownt\ thy truth fulfill thy word: We wait for praise to tune our voice. 4 We wait to hear what God will say; $ > te'11 speak, and give his people peace; nmp Bat let tlem run no more astray, < Lest his returning wrath increase. Q 83eS PSq^SALM 85, Second Part, L. i. 85 Salvation by Christ. f / I QALVATION is for ever nigh I' kJ The souls, who fear and trust the Lord; $ i And grace, descending from on high, Fresh hopes of glory shall afford. $'m 2 Mercy and truth on earth are met, [heaven; Since C-hrist, the Lord, came down from By his obedience, so complete, f > Justice is pleased, and peace is given. m mzf 3 His righteousness is gone before, To give us free acess to God;: i m Our wandering feet shall stray no more, But mark his steps and keep the road. \ o 9PSALi 88, C. 1. I, 6 AJ general Song of Praise to God. Iif JA There's none hath power divine-; ip Nor is their nature, mighty Lord!:.< Jaor are their works like thine. r mf 2 The nations thou hast made shall bring Their offerings round thy throne; For thou alone dost wondrous things; For thou art God alone. mp 3 Lord I would walk with holy feet; Teach me thy heavenly ways; And my poor scattered thoughts unite < In God my Father's praise.' t Q; PSALI 87, L. X. 87 The Birth-Place of the Saints. mf 1 p0D, in his earthly temple, lays u Foundation for his heavenly praise; =,..., g...;.....,...... ~, W. S i PSALM LXXXVII. 139 He likes the tents of Jacob well; But still in Zion loves to dwell. r m 2 His mercy visits every house, That pay their night and morlning vows, m rf But makes a more delightful stay, lWherle churches meet to praise and pray.. f 3 What glories wer described of old! What wonders are of Zion told! Thou city of our Go-d below!' Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know. Sf 4 Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jew, BShall there begin their lives anew; f} Angels and men shall join to sing The hill where living waters spring. I 5 When God makes p-o his last account Of natives in his holy mount,'T will be an honor to appear, As one new-born, or nourished there. 0a ~87 i ~ Glory of the Chlutrc,. f" 1 jLORIOTUS things of thee are spoken, U Zion, city of our God! He, whose word cannot be broken, Formed thee for his own abode: On the Rock of ages founded, What cane shre e try sine epose? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou mavest smile at all thy foes. mf 2 See the str.eams of living waters, Springing frio eternal love, To supply thy sons and daughters, And all tear of want. remove! Who can faint, while such a river Ever flows his thirst t' assuage?Grace, which, like the Lord, the giver, Never fails from age to age. 8 Round each habitation, hovering, See the cloud and fire appear, For a glory and a covering, Showing that the Lord is near I d _ _*_ 140 PSALM LXXXVIII. f" Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God I I-e, whose word cannot be broken, Formed thee for his own abode. $ 8t oSPSALM 88, First Part, L.'M. 08.Deatl, not the End of our Beinl. \ aff I H1-IALL man, 0 God of li-ght and life I'L For ever rmoulder in the grave? \ Cast tIou forget thy glorious work, Tlyv promIise, and thy power, to save? 2 In those dark silent realmns of night, Shall peace and l ope no moe arise? I N), fiture morninig light the tomb, Nor day-star gild the idarksome skies? I C 3 Cease, cease, ye vain desponding fears! \ < When Christ, our iLord, fiom dlarness sprang, I $ f Deat, the last f)e, was captive led, \ And heavyen with praise and wonder rang. 4 Faith sees the bright eternal doors Unfold, to miake her clildren way; They shall be ciothed cwith endless iife, And shine in everlasting day. b The trump shall soundtile dead shall wake, < F1rom the cold to mb the slumberers spring; f Through heaven, with joy, their myriads rise,'~ ff And hail their Saviour and their King. PSALI 88, Second Part, L.'. i \88 The Day of Grzace. tp 1 ITIIILE life prolongs its precious light,! v M,ercy is foun ad nd eace is given; p But soon,-ah! soon,-approaching night p pp Shall blot out every hope of heaven. n 2 While God invites, how blest the day! < How sweet the gospel's charming sound! n mf Come, sinners! haste, Oh! haste away, While yet a pard'ning God he's found. tp 3 Soon, borne on time's most rapid wing, Shall death commlland you to the grave, Before his bar your spirits bring, And none be found to hear, or save. ~~~~~s.o.............................:J $ PSALM LXXXVII. 141 p 4 In that lone land of deep despair, No Sabbath's heavenly light shall rise;'$ No God regard your bitter prayer, pp Nor Saviour call you to the skies.: 8 PSM3ALM 88, 3,.I. \88 Tire last.ccount. p SAW, beyonsd te tomb, ~ lThe awfuil TJudge appear, Prepared to scan, with strict account, The blessings wasted here. mf 2 His wrath, like flaming fre, I In hell for ever burns; And, from thati hopeless world of woe, *i No fugitive retur'ns. n* p 3 Ye sinners fear the Lord, AW hile yet't is called to-day; p Soon will the avful voice of death \ GColmmand your souls away. 4 Soon will the harvest close, The summer soon be o'er; 0 sinners! then your injured God op Will heed your cries no more. 88 OSALXI 88, 7s and 6s. i G)( Continual Prayer. cz' I ORD God of my salvation!\ * To thee, to thee I cry: I Oh! let mly supplication I Arrest thine ear on high: Distresses round me thicken; $ My life druaws nigh the grave: Descend, 0 Lord! to quicken; i Descend, my soul to save. $ 2 Thy wrath lies hard upon me, Tihy billows o'er me roll; $ My friends all seem to shun me, $ And foes bese't my soul; f WWhere'er on earth I turn me,' No comforter is near; Wilt thou, too, Father! spurn me? Wilt thou refuse to hear? A~- -~.. ~ ~_ A 1 142 PSALM LXXXIX. } 3 No;-banished and heart-broken,: < My soul still clings to thee;; mf The promise thou hast spoken Shall still m-y refuge be: To present ills and terrors \ May fiututare joy increase; i Anlnd scourg le 1ie fiom myI errors > To d1uty hoi soe, e, anl peace. -SALr 89, L..I, I t he tru. ans d ie' of t'he Lordi: Glo ry L-' onc lr _21 C to Aiercy and truthl for ever stan d,: tiLike heavenl, estab.iishedl by his hand. 2 Thus to his Son hoe swar, and said, — With tihee my covena.nt first is made i aIn thee shiall dying sinners live; i Glory and" grace are thine to give.; 3 "'IBe thou lmy prophet, thou nmy priest; $ Thy children shall be ever blest: 8 < Thou art Imy chosen King; thy throne f Shall stand eternal, like my own." 4 Now let the church reioice, and sing Jesus, her Saviour, and her KIing; Angels Iis heavenly woniders show, And saints declare his w orks below. oi Q353POALi[ 89, First8 Part, G. I \. Th7e filithifuilness of God. mf 1 Ai/Y never-ceasing songs shall show - The mercies otf the Lordu;'\ And nmne succe tleng ages know:ow i a1ithful. is his wodred.: 2 The sacred truths his lips pronounce f Shall firnm as lheaven endure; And, if lie speaks a promise once, Thi' eLternl grace is sure.: 3 How long the race of David held The promised Jewish throne! f But there's a nobler covenant sealed To David's greater Son. \ f 4 His seed for ever shall possess A throne above the skies: I ~ PSALM LXXXIX. 143 The meanest subject of his grace if Shall to that glory rise. 5 Lord God of hosts! thy wondrous ways Are sung by saints above; And saints on earth their honors raise To thine unchanging love. o 83Q9 PSALI3 89, Second Part, C. 1XM. 0 AR blessed Gospel. nf I TLEST are the souls that hear and know f The gospel's joyful sound; $ < Peace shall attend the path they go,,mf And light their steps surround. /f 2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up, Through their Redeemer's name; His righteousness exalts their hope, Nor Satan dares condemn. 3 The Lord, our glory and defence, Strength and salvation gives; i f Israel! thy King for ever reigns, Thy God for ever lives. 89 PSALQTI 89, Third Part, C. M. _fiHumble Worship. 8 9p 1 WTITH reverence let the saints appear,: And bow before the Lord; SI Hlis high commands with reverence hear, And tremble at his word. 2 How terrible thy glories be! How bright thine armies shine! Where is the power that vies with thee? m ( Or truth compared with thine? 3 The northern pole, and southern, rest On thy supporting hand; Darkness and day, from east to west,' < Move round at thy command. 4 Thy words the raging winds control, And rule the boisterous deep; < Thou mak'st the sleeping billows roll,'> The rolling billows sleep. f 5 Heaven, earth, and air, and sea are thine, > And the dark world of hell; 1 L44 PSALM LXXXIX. Hfow did thine arm in vengeance shine, When Egypt durst rebel 6 Justice and judgment are thy throne, m m Yet wondrous is thy grace; While truth and mercy, joined in one, Inp Invite us near thy face. SAIM 89, Fourth Part, C.., 89 Te ler.cies of God. IVf I THE mercies of my God and King \f J My tongue shall still pursue; Oh happy they who, while they sing i Those mercies, share them too. f 2 As bright and lasting as the sun, As lofty as the sky, From age to age thy word shall run, And chance and change defy. 3 The covenant of the King of kings Shall stand for ever sure; nmp Beneath the shadow of thy wings, Thy saints repose secure. IZ 4 Thine is the earth, and thine the skies, Created at thy will;;< The waves at thy command arise, i> At thy command are still. m 5 In earth below, in heaven above, Who-who is Lord like thee? Oh! spread the gospel of thy love, Till all thy glory see. So fli PSALM 89, L. P.e 1, 89< 7 0 Death and the Resurrection. n Inp THINIK, mighty God! on feeble man, — - How few his hours! how short his span! - Short from the cradle to the grave; Who can secure his vital breath, Against the bold demands of death, With skill to fly, or power to save t caf 2 Lord! shall it be for ever said," "The race of man was ever mades For sickness, sorrow, and the dust.?" "Th rcofmnwsee.md PSALM XC. 145 Are not thy servants, day by day, j Sent to their graves, and turned to clay? Lord! where's thy kindness to the just? 3 HIast thou not promised to thy Son, And all his seed, a heavenly crown? But flesh and sense indulge despair: \f 3- For ever blessed be the Lord, That faith can read his holy word, And find a resurrection there. 4 For ever bless6d be the Lord, Who gives his saints a long reward, For all their toil, reproach, and pain: Let all below, and all above, Join to proclaim thy wondrous love, ff And each repeat his loud-Amen, PSALM^ 90, L. lTi. 90J JMan mortal, and God eternal. i mn rIHROUGH every age, eternal God! I Thou art our rest, our safe abode; High was thy throne, ere heaven was made, Or earth thy humble footstool laid. 2 Long hadst thou reigned, ere time began, Or dust was fashioned to a man; m f And iong thy kingdom shall endure, > When earth and time shall be no more. 3 But man, weak man, is born to die, Made up of guilt and vanity; Thy dreadful sentence, Lord! was just, — > "' Return, ye sinners! to your dust." p 4 Death, like an overflowing stream, Sweeps us away; our life's a dream s An empty tale; a morning flower, > CGut down and withered in an hour. PSALM 90, First Part, C. M. 9 0 God, the Help of the Saints. m 1 0 GOD! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home,2 Beneath the shadow of thy throne, Thy saints have dwelt secure; 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ —_ 146 PSALM XC. Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. 8 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame; From everlasting thou art God, — To endless years the same. > 4 Thy word commands our flesh to dust- p " Return, ye sons of men!" m All nations rose from earth at first, p And turn to earth again. 5 0 God! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. \9CB PQ$SAITY 90, Second Part, C. X. 90 Breathing after Heaven. mp 1 RVETURN, 0 God of love! return; ll Earth is a tiresome place: How long shall we, thy children, mou'n Our absence from thy face? 2 Let heaven succeed our painful years, Let sin and sorrow cease; And, in proportion to our tears,' < So make our joys increase. sM 3 Thy wonders to thy servants show, Make thine own work complete; mf Then shall our souls thy glory know, And own thy love was great. 4 Then shall we shine before thy throne, In all thy beauty, Lord! mp And the poor service we have done Meet a divine reward. Q8^ ]LPSALM 90, Third Part, C. X.;I90J Preparation for Death. \ 9 1 IORD! if thine eye survey our faults, And justice grow severe, Thy dreadful wrath exceeds our thoughts, And burns beyond our fear. mnf 2 Almighty God! reveal thy love, And not thy wrath alone; I t~ PSALM XC. 147 }m Oh! let our sweet experience prove TThe mercies of thy throne. 3 Our souls would learn the heavenly art, T' improve the hours we have, That we may act the wiser part, And live beyond the grave. $ aPSALX 90, S. X. t 90 The Fra2ilty and Sh1ortness of Life. p 1 ORD! what a feeble piece LJ Is this our mortal frame! Our life how poor a trifle't is, That scarce deserves the name! 2 Alas the brittle clay, That built our body first! And, every month, and every day,'T is mouldering back to dust. m 3 Our moments fly apace, Nor will our minutes stay; Just like a flood, our hasty days > Are sweeping us away. m 4 VWell, if our days must fly, We'11 keep their end in sight; We'11 spend them all in wisdom's way, And let them speed their flight. $nf 5 They'11 waft us sooner o'er This life's tempestuous sea: > Soon we shall reach the peaceful shore,m n Of blest eternity. 0 EPSAIM o0, 7s. 90U J.Mew- Year's Day. m, 1 1TWHILE, w ith ceaseless course, the sun Hasted through the former year, i Many souls their race have run, mp Never more to meet us here:. - LFixed in an eternal state, e They have done with all below; We a little longer wait, But how little, —none can know. zf 2 As the winged arrow flies Speedily the mark to find; 148 PSALM XCI. As the lightning from the skies Darts, and leaves no trace behind,rmp Swiftly thus onr fleeting days Bear us down life's rapid stream; < Upward, Lord! our spirits raise,i > All below is but a dream. Z 3 Thanks for mercies past, receive; Pardon of our sins renew: From this nmotment, may we live \ With eternity in view': Bless thy word to young and old; Shed alroad a Saviour's love; And, when!ifae' short tale is told, < MMay we dwell with thee above. I: Q 1PMSLT 91, First Part, L. II. I 91 1 Divine Protection amid Dangers. 1 TE thatP ha.th inade his refuge, God,.0- Shall find a most secure abode; Shall walk ll l day beneath his shade, > And there, at night, shall rest his head. < 2 Then will I say,-" My God! thy power:f Shall be mIy fortress and iny tower; > I, who am formied of feeble dust, < Make thine almighty arm my trust." m 3 Thrice happy man! thy Maker's care Shall keep thee from the fowler's snare;0 Satan, the fowler, who betrays Unguardted souls a thousand ways. 4 If burning bealms of noon conspire To dart a pestilential fire; rInf God is thy life, —his wings are spread, To shield thee with a healthful shade. 5 If vapors, with nmalignant breath, > Rise thick and scatter midnight death, I - Israel is safe; the poisoned air! < Grows pure, if Israel's God be there. IQ1 PEPSALM 91, Second Part, L. M. 9 1 The Security of the Saints. $ 1 W THAT though a thousand at thy side, Yi At thy right hand ten thousand, died? i —----- PSALM XCI. 149 < Thy God his chosen people saves, i > Among the dead, amid the graves. m 2 So when he sent his angel down To make his wrath in Egypt known,; And slew their sons,-his careful eye: Passed all the doors of Jacob by. 3 But if the fire, or plague, or sword, I$eceive commission from the Lord, To strike his saints among the rest, Their very pains and deaths are blest. 4 The sword, the pestilence, or fire, Shall but fulfill their best desire; From sins and sorrows set them free, And bring thy children, Lord! to thee. PSALMI 91S, 0. 11. 91 JL C Exhortation to trust in God. 1 mp I "E sons of men! a feeble race, Y Exposed to every snare, i mf Come, make the Lord your dwelling-place, And try and trust his care. 2 He'11 give his angels charge to keep Your feet, in all your ways; mp To watch your pillow while you sleep, ~- And guard your happy days. 8 " Because on me they set their love, I'11 save them," said the Lord; mf "I'11 bear their joyful souls above Destruction and the sword. 4 "MIy grace shall answer when they call, *map In trouble, I'11 be nigh: $> My power shall help them when they fall, I< And raise them when they die. mf 5' Those who on earth my name have known, I'll honor them in heaven; f There my salvation shall be shown, And endless life be given." PSAM 91, First Part, 8s and 7s. 91 The Divine Protection. I pALL Jehovah thy salvation,' Rest beneath th' Almighty's shade; 1 150 PSALM XCI. In his secret habitation, Dwell, and never be dismayed: $ There no tumult can alarm tlee, Thou lshalt dread no hidden snare; Guile nor violence can harm thee, i n eternal safegouard there. 2 From the sWord, at noonday wasting, Froml the noisome pestilence, In the depth of midnight, blasting,; God shall be thy sure cefence: $ Fear not thou the deadly quiver, Wh'en a thousand feel the blow;' Mercy shall thy soul deliver,! Though ten thousalndc be laid low. 3 Since, with 1 pure and firm affection, Thou on God hals set thy love,' With the winlgs of his protection, IHe will shield thlee friom above; Thou shalt call on him in trouble, iHe will hearken, he will save; Here, for grief, rewa'rd thee double,,nf Crown with life beyond the grave. \ 9 13 P 81^PAL.I 91, Second Part, 8s acnd 7s.'..3,_ -teEveni.ng-Psahl. fip 1 AVIOTTR! breathe an evening blessing, I. k3 Ere repose our spirits seal; Sin and want we come confessing Thou caust save, and thou canst heal.' 2 Though destruction walk around us, Thoulgh the arrows past us fly, Angel-guards from1 thee surround us: We are safe, if thou art nigh. np 3 Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from thee; T Thou art he who, never weary,. TWatcheth where thy people be. 4 Should swift death this night o'ertake us, And our couch become our tomb, $ < May the morn in heaven awake us, f Clad in bright and deathless bloom. PSALM XCII. 151 92 Q PSALM 92, First Part, L. M. 9 i R Psarlnm for the Lord's Day. I rnf 1 AVEET is the work, my God! my King! k)To praise thy natne, give thanks and sing; I To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. m 2 Sweet is the lay of sacred rest, I No mortal care shall seize my breast; < Oh! may my heart. in tun e e found, > Like David's harp of solemn sound. f 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word; Thy works of grace,-how bright they shine! H-low deep thy counsels! how divine! mnf 4 Lord! I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart, And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil, to cheer my head. 5 Then shall I see, and hear, and know All I desired or wished below; i,7 And every power find sweet employ, In that eternal world of joy. Q QZ bA 932, Sec1ond Part L. I. j9 TAe Chu'rcch tthe Garden of God. *m R1 T ORD! t is a pleasant thing to stand! -J In gardelns, planted by thy hand; Let me within tlhy courts be seen, Like a young cedar, fresh and green. 2 There grow thy saints in faith and love, Blest with thine influence from above; Not Lebanon, with all its trees, Yields such a comely sight as these. 8 Laden with fruits of age, they show, The Lord is holy, just and true: None who attend his gates shall find A God unfaithful, or unkind.'a ~~~PSALM 9QQ2, Q. H.'' /,J P&Pueblic Worship. \ mf 1 QWEET is the work, 0 Lord I Thy glorious name to sing, ' 152 PSALM XCII. i To praise and pray, to hear thy word, $ And grateful offerings bring.? np 2 Sweet-at the dawning light, rS Thy boundless love to tell; > And, when approach the shades of night, -- Still on the theme to dwell. 3 Sweet-on this day of rest, To join, in heart and voice, With those who love and serve thee best,' < And in thy name rejoice. if 4 To songs of praise and joy T Be every Sabbath given, That such may be our blest employ Eternally in heaven. } QQPSAIM: 92, 7s. 9 2 Praise to God in the Sanctuary, f Ir 1 I-IOU who art enthroned above, T Thou by whom we live and move! Oh! how sweet, with joyful tongue, To resound thy praise in song When the morning paints the skies, \ When the sparkling stars arise, All thy favors to rehearse, And give thanks in grateful verse. mnp 2 Sweet the day of sacred rest, When devotion fills the breast, When we dwell within thy house, Hear thy word, and pay our vows; f Notes to heaven's high mansions raise, With repeated hymns proclaim Vlen GGreat Jehovah's awful name. mf 3 From thy works our joys arise, O thou only good and wise! Who thy wonders can declare? How profound thy counsels are I Warm our hearts with sacred fire; Grateful fervors still inspire; All our powers, with all their might, Ever in thy praise unite. PSALMI XCIII. 153 i I$ ( Q PSALM 93, First Part, L. T. I Tahe eternal and sovereign God. $ f 1 EHOVAH reigns; he dwells in light, $ Girded with majesty and might: The world, created by his hands, Still on its first foundation stands. 2 But, ere this spacious world was made, Or had its first foundations laid, Thy throne eternal ages stood,- Thyself, the ever-living God. 3 Like floods, the angry nations rise, $ iAnd aim their rage against the skies: < Vain floods, that aim their rage so high!-,> At thy rebuke the billows die.! f 4 For ever shall tly throne endure, Thy promise stands for ever sure; And everlasting holiness Becomes the dwellings of thy grace, ) 3. Dominion and Power of God, mf 1 THE Lord, the God of glory, reigns, J- In robes of majesty arrayed; HI-is rule omnipotence sustains, And guides the worlds his hands have made. 2 Ere rolling worlds began to move, Or ere the heavens were stretched abroad, Thine awful throne was fixed above; $ From everlasting thou art God. < 3 The swelling floods tumultuous risei ff Aloud the angry tempests roar, Lift their proud billows to the skies, And foam and lash the trembling shore. mnf 4 The Lord, the mighty God on high, Controls the fiercely-raging seas; m - He speaks!-and noise and tempest fly; > TThe waves sink down in gentle peace. 5 Thy sovereign laws are ever sure; Eternal holines s is thine; And, Lord! thy people should be pure, j < And in thy blest resemblance shine. 7 1 154 PSALAM XCIII. 9 3 o PSALM 93, S. P.,. 193 Thtle Mi-ajesty of God. > f' 1 THE Lord Jehovah reigns, And royal state maintains,His head with awful glories crowned; Arrayed in robes of light, Begirt with sovereign might, And rays of majesty around. 2 Upheld by thy commands, The world securely stands, And skies and stars obey thy word; Thy throne was fixed on high Before the starry sky; Eternal is thy kingdom, Lord! 8 Let floods and nations rage, And all their power engage; Let swelling tides assault the sky: The terrors of thy frown Shall beat their madness down; Thy throne for ever stands on high. mf 4 Thy promises are true, Thy grace is ever new; There fixed, thy church shall ne'er remove; Thy saints, with holy fear, Shall in thy courts appear, f And sing thine everlasting love. PS3ALM 93, 5s and 6s. f~93 ^ God's Servants should praise Him. f" 1 yE servants of God! I Your Master proclaim, And publish abroad His wonderful name; The name, all-victorious, Of Jesus extol; His kingdom is glorious, And rules over all. 2 God ruleth on high, Almighty to save; And still he is nigh, His presence we have: The great congregation His triumph shall sing, PSALMS XCIV, XCV. 155 Ascribing salvation To Jesus, our King. f" 8 Salvation to God Who sits on the throne!"Let all cry aloud, And honor the Son: Immanuel's praises The angels proclaim; mp Fall downI on their faces, And worship the Lamb. f 4 Then let us adore, And give him his right; All glory and power, And wisdom and might; All honor and blessing,With angels above,And thanks never ceasing, And infinite love. PSALM 94, 0. M. 94 iHelp in God. aff 1 AD not the Lord, my rock, my help, 11 Sustained my fainting head, My life had now in silence dwelt, > My soul among the dead. aff 2 "Alas! my sliding feet," I cried; Thy promise was my prop; Thy grace stood constant at my side, Thy Spirit bore me up. 8 While multitudes of mournful thoughts Within my bosom roll, Thy boundless love forgives my faults, Thy comforts cheer my soul. Q = PS^PSALM 95, L. M. 795 Warning against Delay. mf 1 iOME, let our voices join, to raise J A sacred song of solemn praise; God is a sovereign King;-rehearse Iis honors in exalted verse. 2 Come, let our souls address the Lord, Who framed our natures with his word; 156 PSALM XCV. He is our shepherd;-we the sheep, His mercy chose, his pastures keep. 3 Come, let us hear his voice to-day, The counsels of his love obey; Nor let our hardened hearts renew The sins and plagues that Israel knew. mp 4 Look back, my soul! with holy dread, And view those ancient rebels dead: mn Attend the offered grace to-day, Nor lose the blessing by delay. m f 5 Seize the kind promise, while it waits, < And march to Zion's heavenly gates; f Believe,-and take the promised rest; Obey,-and be for ever blest. i q ~ PSALM 95, C. MI. 95J Preparation for Prayer. f 1 QING to the Lord Jehovah's name, And in his strength rejoice; When his salvation is our theme, Exalted be our voice. 2 With thanks approach his awful sight, And psalms of honor sing; The Lord's a God of boundless might,The whole creation's King. rnp 3 Come, and with humble souls adore; p Come, kneel before his face: - O Oh! may the creatures of his power Be children of his grace. mp 4 Now is the time;-he bends his ear, And waits for your request; < Come, lest he rouse his wrath, and swear, mp "Ye shall not see my rest." 9, PSALM 95, S. M. 9 5j Immediate Obedience. f I C OME, sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glory sing; Jehovah is the sovereign God, The universal King. mf 2 He formed the deeps unknown;' He gave the seas their bound; 4_ _ I ItM _ tS PSALM XOV. 1.V The watery worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground. 3 Come, worship at his throne; I p Come, bow before the Lord: - We are his works, and not our own; HIe formed us by his word. 4 To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God. 5 But, if your ears refuse The language of his grace, And hearts grow hard, like stubborn Jews, That unbelieving race; — ff 6 The Lord, in vengeance dressed, Will lift his hand and swear,\ - " You, that despise my promised rest, > Shall have no portion there." Q ^ P~kPSALM 95, H. M. 95J J Seeking God to-d ay. $ f/bI 1 CLOiME, let us gladly sing i$ v TTo God, our Saviour King; With thanks his presence seek, In psalms his praises speak; He's God most high; let all draw nigh, f" And crown him —Lord of earth and sky. fI 2 HIe gave the mountains birth, iHe made this spacious earth; His are the sea and landThey rose at his command: fnm ten With reverence all before him fall, And on his name devoutly call. m 8 Come, kneel before his throne, For he is God alone; We are the flock he leads — The sheep his bounty feeds: To-day,-to-day,-his voice obey;mp Grieve not the Holy Ghost away. Qn,~;^:PSALM 95, 8s. O 95 Public Worship. f I O! come, let us sing to the:Lord, I In God, our salvation, rejoice; *- -- 158 PSALM XCVI. In psalms of thanksgiving, record Ilis praise, with one spirit, one voice: Jehovah is king, and he reignsThe God of all gods, on his throne; The strength of the hills he maintains; The ends of the earth are his own. mf 2 The sea is Jehovah's-lie made The tide its dominion to know; The land is Jehovah's —he laid Its solid foundation below: m Oh! come, let us worship and kneel Before our Creator, our God; The people who serve him with zeal, The flock whom lie guides with his rod. PSALIE 96, C. X. 9 6 C6A rist's Ifirst and second Coming. f" 1 SING to the Lord, ye distant lands! Ye tribes of every tongue! His new-discovered grace demands A new and nobler song. 2 Say to the nations,-" Jesus reigns, God's own almighty Son; His power the sinking world sustains, And grace surrounds his throne." 3 Let heaven proclaim the joyful day, Joy through the earth be seen; Let cities shine in bright array, And fields in cheerful green. 4 Let an unusual joy snrprise The islands of the sea; X Ye mountains sink, ye valleys! rise, Prepare the Lord his way. f 5 Behold, he comes,-he comes to bless The nations, as their God; To show the world his righteousness, And send his truth abroad. \ m 6 But, when his voice shall raise the dead, And bid the world draw near, > How will the guilty nations dread i pp To see their Judge appear! ;i ~ PSALM XCVI. 159 i PSALM 93, S. I.. O 9 Praise due to God alone. f"' 1 NTOW let our songs arise, In new exalted( strains: Let earth repeat it to the skies;The Lord, the Saviour, reigns I 2 Sing to the Lord, our God, And bless his sacred name; His great salvation, all abroad, From day to day proclaim. 8 Mid heathen nations place The glories of his throne; $ And let the wonders of his grace Through all the earth be known. 4 Great is th' eternal Lord, And great must be his praise: O'er all the gods, on high adored, His mightier arm he 11 raise. 5 Through earth, let every tribe, Let every nation, sing: ff Glory, and grace, and might ascribe To our eternal King. *\ Q ^PSALM 96, L. P. MP. I 96 The God of the Gentiles. f T ET all the earth their voices raise, J- To sing the choicest psalm of praise; To sing and bless Jehovah's name: His glory let the heathen know; His wonders to the nations show: And all his saving works proclaim. 2 He framed the globe, he built the sky, He made the shining worlds on high, And reigns complete in glory there; His beams are majesty and light; His beauties,-how divinely bright! His temple,-how divinely fair! 8 Come the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall feel his saving power, And barb'rous nations fear his name! $ Then shall the race of man confess The beauty of his holiness, And, in his courts, his grace proclaim. T 160 PSALMI XCVII. 9 7 7PSALM 97, First Part, L. M.! 97 Christ cominig to Judgment. \f 1 HE reigns! the Lord, the Saviour reigns! i Praise him in evangelic strains; Let the whole earth in songs rejoice, And distant islands join their voice. vmf 2 Deep are his counsels and unknown; But grace and truth support his throne:'Though gloomy clouds his way surround, i Justice is their eternal ground. len 3 In robes of judgment, lo! he comes; $ zShakes the wide earth and cleaves the tombs; Before him burns devouring fire;> The mountains melt, the seas retire. \ mtp 4 His enemies, with sore dismay, Fly fiom thle sight, and shun the day: <" Then lift your heads, ye saints! on high, ff And sing, for your redemption's nigh. 7 PSALM 97, Second Part, L. M. I 97^Jg &g Christ's Incarnation. f 1 rpHE Lord is come;-the heavens proclaim I- His birth; the nations learn his name: An unknown star directs the road Of eastern sages, to their God. 2 All ye bright armies of the skies! Go worship where the Saviour lies; if Angels and kings before him bow, Those gods on high, and gods below. m 3 Let idols totter to the ground, And their own worshipers confound; But Judah shout, and Zion sing, \, And earth confess her sovereign King. 9 Q y PSALM 97, Third Part, L. M 9/ 7 Grace and Glory. \ f 1 TH' Almighty reigns, exalted high T O'er all the earth, o'er all the sky: I Though clouds and darkness veil his feet,' H-is dwelling is the mercy-seat. mf 2 Immortal light, and joys unknown, Are for the saints in darkness sown; ~ C~~%rPII~~B~d~b~B~ ~PI+bVO~ B~QOI~Jt~lOCB ;I$ PSALMS XCVII, XCVIII. 161 < Those glorious seeds shall spring and rise,! f And the bright harvest bless our eyes. 3 Rejoice, ye righteous! and record The sacred honors of the Lord; None, but the soul that feels his grace, Can triumph in his holiness. 9 Qe CPSALM 97, C. M. 9 U 7 The Reignt of Christ. \ f 1 E isles and shoresof every sea! \- Rejoice-the Saviour reigns:! His word, like fire, prepares his way, And mountains melt to plains. X 2 His presence sinks the proudest hills, And makes the valleys rise; np The humble souls enjoy his smiles, > The haughty sinner dies. f 3 Adoring angels, at his birth, Make the Redeemer known; Thus shall he come to judge the earth, And angels guard his throne. i n 4 His foes shall tremble at his sight, And hills and seas retire; < His children take their upward flight, f And leave the world on fire. m 5 The seeds of joy and glory, sown For saints in darkness here, f Shall rise and spring in worlds unknown, And a rich harvest bear. Q$ {Q PSALM 98, First Part, C. M. 9 80 Praise for the Gospel. f 1 0 our almighty Maker, God, 1 New honors be addressed; His great salvation shines abroad, And makes the nationrs blessed. in 2 He spake the word to Abraham first; His truth fulfills the grace: The Gentiles make his name their trust, And learn his righteousness. 3 Let the whole earth his love proclaim, With all her different tongues;. —-- - 162 PSAULMS XCVIII, XCIX. And spread the honors of his name, In melody and songs., Q8 PSALM 98, Second Part, C. M. 98 Tihe joyfl Reignt of Christ. if" 1 OY to the world.,the Lord is come; Let earth receive helr King; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to tie earth,-the Saviour reigns; Let men their songs employ; $ While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, Repeat the sounding joy. rn 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And nmakes the nations prove f The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. PSALM 98, Third Part, C. MI. 9 8 Christ's fisrst and second Coming, f O God address the joyful psalm, TI Who wondrous things hath done; Whose own right hand, and holy arm, The victory have won. mn 2 He, to the Gentile nations round, Hath nmade his lmercy known; And, to the world's remotest bound, His justice shall be shown. 3 The promised Saviour meekly came, In And imna-n's full ransom paid; < Again he comes, his own to claim, / In awful pomp arrayed. 4 He comes with'power,-he quits the skies, To punish and reward; ff Oh! let one general chorus rise To praise the sovereign Lord. Qi QsPSALM 99, First Part, S. M. 99 TThe JM1ajesty anEd Grace of Jehovah. f T ^pHE Lord Jehovah reigns!- $ I Let all the nations fear: j 4b9bc3 _ 4~~~LC~Q~P~~a PSALMS XCIX, C. 163 mp Let sinners tremble at his throne, And saints be humble there. /f 2 Jesus, the Saviour, reigns!Let earth adore its Lord; Bright cherubs his attendants stand, Swift to fulfill his word. 3 In Zion is his throne; His honors are divine; His church shall make his wonders known, For there his glories shine. 4 How holy is his name How terrible his praise! Justice'nd truth and judgment join, In all his works of grace. P9SALX 99, Ssaoid Part, S. X. 9 9 A. holy God worshiped with Reverence. mf 1 EXALT the Lord, our God, > A And worship at his feet; n, His nature is all holiness, And mercy is his seat. 2 When Israel was his church, When Aaron was his priest, When Moses cried, when Samluel prayed,He gave his people rest. mp 3 Oft he forgave their sins, Nor would destroy their race; < And oft he made his vengeance known, in Wehen they abused his grace. nmf 4 Exalt the Lord our God, Whose grace is still the same: Still he's a God of holiness, And jealous for his name. And in his courts bow down; f/ Let hear't-felt thanks your tongues employ, < And him your sovereign crown. 4 For he is good beyond all praise, No bounds his mercy knows; His truth endures through endless days, H-is grace for ever flows. 100 Gn PSAd M 100, H. M. I10 U UJ.God's Goodness and Truth. f I QING to the Lord most high: c Let every land adore; With grateful voice make known H-is goodness and his power: With cheerful songs Declare his ways, And let his praise Inspire your tongues. 2 Enter his courts with joy; mn With fear address the Lord; He formed us with his hand, And quickened by his word; mf With wide command, He spreads his sway, O'er every sea And every land. m 3 His hands provide our food, And every blessing give; We feed upon his care, And in his pastures live: f nf With cheerful songs Declare his ways, And let his praise Inspire your tongues. m n 4 Good is the Lord our God, His truth and mercy sure; While earth and heaven shall last, $ His promises endure: qnf With wide command, He spreads his sway, O'er every sea \ And every land. 4~_ 16G PSALMS C, C. i- 0 YSAL 100ao, 7s. t1 O0 UPraise from all Lands. f 1 OT! be joyful in the Lord, Every land beneath the sun! In his praise with glad accord, Let all tongues and hearts be one: m For our God is God alone, Whose we are, and not our own; We his people are-the sheep He will ever rule and keep. C2 Come, and join the joyous throng Who Jehovah's praise proclaim: In his courts, with grateful song, Speak the honors of his name: m Rich his bounty to our race; Inexhaustible his grace; Ready to forgive and bless; f Ever sure his faithfulness. PSALM 100, 11s and 8s. 1 0 Thanksgiving and Praise in the Sanctuary. f 1 iE joyfill in God, all ye lands of the earth! > ) Oh! serve him with gladness and fear; f EExult in his presence with music and mirth, m With love and devotion draw near. len 2 Jehovah is God, and Jehovah alone, Creator and ruler o'er all: nz And we are his people, his sceptre we own; His sheep, and we follow his call. 8 Oh! enter his gates with thanksgiving and song, Your vows in his temple proclaim; His praise with melodious accordance prolong, And bless his adorable name. 4 For good is the Lord, inexpressibly good, And we are the work of his hand; His mercy and truth from eternity stood, And shall to eternity stand. K 01 n1PSALM 101, L. M. -1 0 L The JMagistrate's Song. m 1 A/iERCY and judgment are my song; IL And, since they both to thee belong, MIy gracious God! my righteous King! To thee my songs and vows I bring. If PSALM CII. 16' 2 If I am raised to bear the sword, I'll take my counsels from thy word; Thy justice and thy heavenly grace i Shall be the pattern of my ways. I 3 Let wisdom all my actions guide, And let my God with me reside: No wicked thing shall dwell with me, Which may provoke thy jealousy. 4 I'll search the land, and raise the just To posts of honor, wealth, and trust; The men, that work thy holy will, Shall be my friends and fav'rites still. 1 ^0Q PSALMI 102, First Part, L. X. J102 7 Men mnortal-the Church safe. m2p IT is the Lord our Saviour's hand TI Weakens our strength amidst the race; p Disease and death, at his command, Arrest us, and cut short our days. aff 2 Spare us, 0 Lord aloud we pray, Nor let our sun go down at noon; Thy years are one eternal day, And must thy children die so soon? 3 Yet, in the midst of death and grief, This thought our sorrow should assuage; — < "Our Father and our Saviour live: $ m Christ is the same through every age." 4 The starry curtains of the sky, Like garments shall be laid aside; w4f But still thy throne stands firm and high; Thy church for ever must abide. 5 Before thy face, thy church shall live, < And on thy throne thy children reign; mp This dying world shall they survive, < And the dead saints be raised again. PSALX 102, Second Part, L... 102 The unchanging God. m 1 I OREAT Former of this various frame! U Our souls adore thine awful name, And bow and tremble, while they praise The Ancient of eternal days. _~ 1.68 PSALM CII. 2 Before thine infinite survey, Creation rose as yesterday; And, a.s to-morrow, shall thine eye > See earth and stars in ruin lie. 3 Beyond the highest angel's sight, Thou dwellest in eternal light, Which shines with undiminished ray, > While suns and systems waste away. mp 4 Our days a transient period run, * And change with every circling sun; And, while to lengthened years we trust, $ > Before the moth we sink to dust. mp 5 But let the creatures fall around; Let death consign us to the ground; } < Let the last general flame arise, /' / And mlelt the arches of the skies;p G Calm as the summer's ocean, we Can all the wreck of nature see; < While grace secures us an abode f Unshaken as the throne of God. 1 n Q PSALM 102, First Part, C. X. 1 02 Prayer heard. and Zion restored. mf 1 ET Zion and her sons rejoice; A- Behold the promised hour! > Her God hathead her mourning voice, < And comes t' exalt his power. m 2 Her dust and ruins that remaine Are precious in our eyes; Those ruins shall be built again, < And all that dust shall rise. 83 The Lord will raise Jerusalem, And stand in glory there; And kings attend with fear. m f 4 He sits a sovereign on his throne, j p With pity in his eyes; He hears the dying pris'nelrs' groan, And sees their sighs arise. mp 5 He frees the souls condemned to death; And, when his saints complain, .4 ~ PSALM CII. 169 i nf It sha' n't be said, that praying breath Was ever spent in vain. 6 This shall be known, when we are dead, And left on long record; That ages, yet unborn, may read, f And trust and praise the Lord. 102 PSALi 10S, Second Part, C. M. 1 02 A Prayer for the ffGiicted. aff 1 ThEAR me, 0 God! nor hide thy face; $. ~ II But answer, lest I die; MH ast thou not built a throne of grace, To hear when sinners cry? 2 As, on some lonely building's top, The sparrow tells her moan, Far from the tents of joy and hope, I sit and grieve alone. n 3 But thou for ever art the same, 0 my eternal God! Ages to come shall know thy name, And spread thy works abroad. 4 Thou vilt arise and show thy face, Nor will mly Lord delay Beyond th' appointed hour of grace, That long-expected day. > 5 Me hears his saints, he knows their cry, And, by mysterious ways,: > B eRedeems the pris'ners doomed to die; \ f And fills their tongues with praise. \ PSALE 102, Third Part, C. M.' 102 God unchangeable amid Changes of Creation, m 1 HROUGHI endless years thou art the same, J1 O thou eternal God! Ages to come shall know thy name, And tell thy works abroad. 2 The strong foundations of the earth, Of old, by thee were laid; By thee, the beauteous arch of heaven, With matchless skill, was made. 3 Soon shall this goodly frame of things, Formed by thy powerful hand, Q~~~ 170 PSALMS CII, CIII. Be, like a vesture, laid aside, And changed at thy command. 4 But thy perfections all-divine, Eternal as thy days, < Through everlasting ages shine, mf With undiminished rays. ~C1 C) ~ PSALM 102, 7s. i10 Prayer in ffliction. aff I flEAR my prayer, Jehovah! hear; e Listen to my humble cries; See the day of trouble near; Heavy on my soul it lies. 2 Hide not, then, thy gracious face, When the storm around me falls; Hear me, O thou God of grace! n the time thy servant calls. f" 3 Earth and hell their censures pour, Madly rage against my soul: in When my God appears no more, mf Who their fury can control? aff 4 Hide not, then, thy gracious face, $ When the storm around me falls; Hear me, 0 thou God of grace! H ear me when thy servant calls. i c0 PSALIVM 103, First Part, L. M. 0 The Goodness and Mercy of God celebrated. f" 1 BLESS, 0 my soul! the living God, $ J C a all home thy thoughts that rove abroad; Let all the powers, within me, join In work and worship so divine. 2 Bless, O my soul! the God of grace; His favors claim thy highest praise: Why should the wonders he hath wrought p Be lost in silence, and forgot? mp 3'T is he, my soul! who sent his Son, To die for crimes which thou hast done: -He owns the ransom, and forgives The hourly follies of our lives. 4 Let the whole earth his power confess, I Let the whole earth adore his grace:.4. ~^~^^~.~ I PSALM CIII. 171 The Gentile with the Jew shall join, In work and worship so divine. i 1&o3 PSALM 103, Second Part, L. M. I 1 01 03 Fuorgiveness —gentle Chastisement. f I THE Lord,-how wondrous are his ways!! L How firn his truth, how large his grace I He takes his mercy for his throne; And thence he makes his glories known. $ 2 Not half so high, his power hath spread The starry heavens, above our head, As his rich love exceeds our praise,Exceeds the highest hopes we raise.! 3 Not half so far, hath nature placed The rising morning froml the west, s mp As his forgiving grace remioves The daily guilt of those he loves. len 4 How slowly coth his wrath arise! I -f On swifter wings salvation flies; And, if he lets his anger burn, > IHow soon his frowns to pity turn! f 5 But his eternal love is sure; To all the saints it shall endure: $ From age to age, his truth shall reign; Nor children's children hope in vain. 1 i 0 PSALM 103, First Part, S. M. 10 3 < O The.MLercies of God. f f" 1 "H! bless the Lord, my soul!' Let all within me join, And aid my tongue to bless his name, Whose favors are divine. 2 Oh! bless the Lord, my soul! Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in unthankfulness, And without praises die. mp 3'T is he forgives thy sins,'T is he relieves thy pain,'T is he who heals thy sicknesses, And makes thee young again. m 4 He crowns thy life with love, When ransomed from the grave; ~ ~na+____ A__*_*_*_*~oar -s __*_ —* 4 i 172 PSALM CIII.! HIe, who redeemed my soul from hell, I tlath sovereign power to save. < 5 He fills the poolr with good; I > He gives the sniferers rest; $ < The Lord lath judgments for the proud,' > And justice for th' oppressed. * n 6 His w ondrous os orks and ways I He nmade by Mloses known; $ But sent the world his truth and grace, By his beloved Son. }I PSALM 103, Second Tart. S. 1. 103 Praise to God for his.Mercies, I O1 I! bless the Lord, my soul! A His grace to thee proclaim: And all that is within me join 1 To bless his holy lname. mf 2 Oh! bless the Lord, my soul! His mercies bear in mind: Forget not all his benefits: i m The Lord to thee is kind. Imp 3 Hle will not nlways chide.; He will with patience wait; His wrath is ever slow to rise, And ready to abate. 4 He pardons all thy sins, Prolongs thy feeble breath; $ m He healeth thy infirmities,: ~cAnd ransoms thee fioml death.'f 5 Then bless his holy name, Whose grace hath miade thee whole; Whose loving-kindness crowns thy days; Oh! bless the Lord, my soul! 1 3 PSALM 103, Third Part, S. M. 103 Jllercy in the mtlst cf Judg-mente } Pf I I[Y soul! repeat his praise, I A Whose mercies are so great; VWhose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. 2 High as the heavens are raised Above the ground we tread,.4_.**, * -*.*__~~~~~~~~~~~~~__*^~~ I PSALiMS CIII, CIV. 13 So far the riches of his grace Our highest thoughts exceed. > 3 His power subdues our sins, p And his forgiving love, m Far as the east is from the west, Doth all our guilt remove. mp 4 The pity of the Lord, - To those who fear his name, * p Is such as tender parents feel; lie knows our feeble frame. 5 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower;: < If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, p p It withers in an hour. mp 6 But thy compassions, Lord! To endless years endure; mf' And children's children ever find < Thy w-ords of promise sure. \ 03 i r E PSALM 103, Fourth Part, S, M. 1 03 God's ominion; or, angeic Praise, i mf 1 -IHE Lord, the sovereign King, - Hath fixed his throne on high; O'er all the heavenly world he rules, i.tAnid all beneath the sky. y 2 Ye angels! great in might,: AlAnd swift to do his will, Bless ye the Lord, whose voice ye hear, Whose pleasure ye fulfill.' f 3 Let the bright hosts, who wait The orders of their King, And guard his churches when they pray, Join in the praise they sing. 4 While all his wondrous works, Through his vast kingdom, show Their Maker's glory, thou, my soul! Shalt sing his graces too. \ B^ A PSALX 104, L. M. i 104 God's Majesty as the Creator and sovereign King. - i IY soul! thy great Creator praise;' When clothed in his celestial rays, 1 174 PSALM CV. I i Ite in full majesty appears, Arnd, like a robe, his glory wears.! 2 Tile heavens are for lis curtains spread; $ Clouds are his chariot, when lie flies, On wingd11 storms, across the skies. $ 8 Angels, whoml his own breath inspires, His ministers, are flainllg fires;: AlhAnd swift as though.tt their armies move, 0 o To bear his vengeance or his love. M 4 Vast are thy works, almiighty Lord! All nature rests upon thy word; $ And the whole race of creaturles stand, Waiting, their portion ifron thy hand. $ f 5 The earth stands trembling at thy stroke, $ And at thy touch t io e inountains smoke; mzp Yet humble souls may see thy face, And tell their wants to sovereign grace. 6 In thee, my hopes and wishes meet, > And make my meditations sweet; /f Thy praises shall my breath enploy, $ Till it expire in endless joy. PSAL! 105, C. Ri1. 1L 05 Covenant witzh ibral'ham remembered,:?f 1 TIVE thanks to God, invoke his name, GAnd tell the world his grace; Sound through the earth his deeds of fame, That all may seek his face. in 2 Ils covenant, which he kept in mnlind For numerous ages past, To numerous ages yet behind, In equal force shall last. 8 He sware to Abraham and his seed, And made the blessings sure; Gentiles the ancient promise read, And find his truth endure. 4 Like pilgrims through the countries round, Securely they removed; And haughty kings, who on them frowned, Severely he reproved. ~ _._~_____ Ij PSALMS CV, CI. 1L5 5 Thus guarded by th' almighty hand, The chosen tiibes possessed Canaan, the rich, the promised land, e nAnd there enjoyed their rest. 6 Then let the world lforbear its rage, \ The churchl renounce her fear; $ mf Israel must live t lhrough every age, And be tl1' Aluiig'hty's care. 1 P't-LK 105, 7s. J'J. Encouragemient to seek God. f 1 TIH! give thanks unto the Lord; \ V All his wondrous deeds proclaim: $ Every tongue his praise record; $\ Every hemart a-dore his name. r 2 Seek the Lord, his grace Inplore, On his love your trust repose; Seek his presence evermore; mp There lay down your cares and woes. in 8 Ye, who lanke thle Lord your choice, Call to mld his works of love; $f Tell his wonders, and rejoice In your Kling vwho reigns above. in 4 Thou, O Lord! art true and just; mf Thou wilt crown, with sure success, All the waiting souls that trust In thy love and faithfulness. j fb Q PSALi 7108, First Part, L. II. -1. 0 6 SGod praiscd for his Goodness and Jefcrcy. m I [! reuner thaniks u to God above, The fountain of eternal love; Whose mercy firm, through ages past, jf Has stood, a'nd sihall for ever last. 2 Who can his mighty deeds express, Not only vast, but numuberless? What mortal eloquence can raise His tribulte of immortal praise? r 3 Extend to me that favor, Lord! Thou to thy chosen doth afford; When thou returnest to-set them free, Let thy salvation visit me. ~L- 15.... ~ ~ —.... 1 76 PSALM CVI. I M. mf 4 Oh! render thanks to God above, The fountain of eternal love; Whose Imercy firm, through ages past, f H las stood, and shall for ever last. I 1 06 - PSALM 106, Second Part, L. M. i 106. Praise to God for his Greatness and Jercry. 1 o0 God, the great, the ever-blessed, I Let songs of hotor be addressed; His mercy firm for ever stands; Give hinl the thanks his love demands. 2 Who knows the wonders of thy ways? Who shall fulfill thy boundless praise? — rn Blest are the souls that fear thee still, And pay their duty to thy will. 3 Relmember whavht thy imercly did For Jacob's race, thy chosen seed; I And, with the same salvation, bless mnp The meanest suppliant of tlhy gracoe. $ f 4 Oh! may I see thy tribes rejoice, And aid their triumphs with my voice: This is my glory, Iord! to be Joined to thy saints, and near to thee. I -Ibb PBFSA;LXI 106, S. MI.. 106 Israel punlishe and pardoned. m I )" OD of eternal love!' U IHow fickle are our ways! And yet, how oft did Israel prove Thy constancy of grace! 2 They saw thy wonders wrought, And then thy praise they sung: But soon thy works of power forgot, And niurmu.red with their tongue. 3 Now they believe his word, While rocks with rivers flow; Now with their sins provoke the Lord: > Till he reduced them low. p 4 Yet, when they mourned their faults, I' He hearkened to their groans; m Brought his own covenant to his thoughts, And called them still his sons.....~bLb~~~~C l~g b~I~~ ~I ~ PSALMI CVII. 177 I A i 5 Their names were in his book;' -lie saved themi fro0m their foes; e mp Oft he chastised, but nie'er forsook, The peopl)e wihom he chose. i * nf 6 Let Israel bless the Lord,: iho loved their ancient race; And ChristiLns join tile solemn word, — $ f Ammen,~to all the praise. $ I 07 Isa PSAL" 107, First Part, L. Mi. A: 107 \ Israel led to Cana-al ad Cristians to Ieaven. r'f 1:' IVE thaanks to GTod —be reigns above; A U ( Kini(d ae!lis tho-uglts, his name is love; His Imerlcy ages past have ilowAn, And ages to come shall own. A 2 Let the re-deemedt of the Lord The wondeIrs of his grace record;- Israel, the nation whom he chose, And rescued from their mighty foes. A 8 So, when our first release we gain A From sin's old yolke, and Satan's chain, Imp We have this desert world to pass,- A dangerous and a tiresome place. 4 He feeds and clothes us all the way, IIe guides our footsteps lest we stray;; srf HIe guards us with a powerful hand, And brings us to the heavenly land. $ f 5 Oh! let us, then, with joy record The truth and goodness of the Lord; How great his wor'ks-how kind his ways! Let every tongue pronounce his praise. 1 0i- PiLM 107, Second Part, L. I 10 T Tc Sceamans Song,. M m 1 W[OULD you behold the works of God, Y VV 1-His wonders in the world abroad?; Go with the mariners, and trace $ A The unknown regions of the seas. 2 They leave their native shores behind, And seize the favor of the wind: Till God commsands,-and temnpests rise, e A That heave the ocean to the skies. A ***_** "._~__*r*.+8* 178 PSALM CVI. > > 3 When ]and is far and death is nigh,: P Lost to all hope, to God they cry; < HIis mercy hears their loud address, > And sends salvation in distress. mf 4 Oh! may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness of the Lord; Let them their private offerings bring, And in the church his glory sing. i ~f" ~PSALT 107, C. M 107 Servants of God safe. rnf I lO~W are thy servaints blessed, 0 Lord! -l l How sure is their defence! Eternal wisdom is their guide, Their help, Omnipotence. i n, 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by t-Ih care, Through burning climes they pass unhurt, And breatihe in tainted air. f 3 When, by the dreadful tempest borne, \i I-High on the broken wave, i n They lknow thou art not slow to hear, N or impotent to save. > 4 The storm is laid-the winds retire, map Obedient to thy will; < The sea, that roars at thy command, > At thy command is still. mp 5 In midst of dangers, fears and deaths, < Thy goodness we'l1 adore; f We'11 prlaise thee ior thy mercies past, p And humbly hope for more. 0 7gr PSALMI 107, First Part, 7s. e 1 7 l D)ivine Guidance. \ mf 1 rHANK and praise Jehovah's name; For his mercies, firm and sure, From eternity, the same, To eternity, endure. 2 Let the ransomed thus rejoice, Gathered out of every land, As the people of his choice, Plucked fiom the destroyer's hand. ^ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _~~_ 1 T a~i2&TPSAL2MS GVII, VIII. 179 dol 3 To a pleasant land he brings, Where the vine and olive grow, Where, from flowery hills, the springs $ Through luxuriant valleys flow. mf 4 Oh! that inen would praise the Lord, For his goodness to their race; For the wonders of his word, And the riches of his grace. Tj r\^, PSALi 107, Second Part, 7s. I 107 The Dangers of the Ocean. mp 1 *rHEY who toil upon the deep, I And, in vessels light and frail, O'er the mighty waters sweep, With the billow and the gale, m Mark what wonders God performs,- When he speaks, and, unconfined, ff Rush to battle all his storms, In the chariots of the wind. 2 Up to heaven their bark is whirled, On the mountain of the wave; nmp Down as suddenly't is hurled > To th' abysses of the grave; f To and fro they reel —they roll, As intoxicate with wine; > Helm they quit, and hope resign. p 3 Then unto the Lord they cry; HIe inclines a gracious ear, Inf Sends deliverance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear: f Oh! that men would praise the Lord, For his goodness to their race; For the wonders of his word, And the riches of his grace. PSALM 108, C. M. 108 A1 JlMorning Son7g. Jf 1 WAKE, omy soul! to sound his praise, 1 8 Awake, my harp! to sing; Join, all my powers! the song to raise, And morning incense bring. 2 Among the people of his care,; And through the nations round, 1 180 PSALMS CIX, X,. Glad songs of praise will I prepare, And there his name resound. 1 3 Be thou exalted, 0 my God! Above the starry frame; Diffuse thy heavenly grace abroad, And teach the world thy name. B 4 So shall thy chosen sons rejoice, And throng thy courts above; > While sinners hear thy pard'ning voice' < And taste redeeming love. I 0 i OPSALE 109, C. II. 4 10 9 The Exanmple of Christ. I f 1 f OD of m y mercy and my praise I Thy glory is my song; Though sinners speak against thy grace With a blasplheming tongue. 2p 2 When, in the form of mortal man, Thy Son on earth was found, With cruel slanders, false and vain, They compassed him around. 3 Their miseries his compassion move, Their peace he still pursued; They render hatred for his love, And evil for his good. mf 4 Their malice raged without a-cause; > 9 Yet, with his dying breath, i p He prayed for murderers on his cross, And blessed his foes in death. m p 5 Lord! shall thy bright example shine In vain before my eyes? Im Give me a soul a-kin to thine, To love mine enemies. w f 6 The Lord shall on my side engage, And, in my Saviour's. namell, I shall defeat their pride and rage, Who slander and condemn. P 3ALX 110, L, Ni. 1 1 0 Clrist exalted as a. King and Saviour. Im"I 1 rHUS God, th' eternal Father, spake J To Christ, the Son" Ascend and sit 4~ _ _ ~^~ I PSALMS CX, CX1. 181; At my right hand, till I shall make $ > Thy foes submissive at thy feet. in 2 " From Zion shall thy word proceed; Thy word, the sceptre in thy hand, Shall make the hearts of rebels bleed, And bow their wills to thy command. mf 3' That day shall show thy power is great, When saints shall flock with willing minds, And sinners crowd thy temple-gate, Where holiness, in beauty, shines." f 4 Oh! blessed power-Oh! glorious day I How large a vict'ry shall ensue;f And converts, who thy grace obey, Exceed the drops of morning-dew. 1. 0 n$PSALI 110, C. SI. \1 1 i Christ's Kingdom and Priesthood. $ 1 JESUS, our Lord! ascend thy throne, } And near thy Father sit: In Zion shall thy power be known, i > And make thy foes submit. n 2 What wonders shall thy gospel do! Thy converts shall surpass The numerous drops of morning dew,; hAnd own thy sovereign grace. 8 God hath pronounced a firm decree, Nor changes what he swore; — Eternal shall thy priesthood be, When Aaron is no more." 4 Jesus, our priest, for ever lives, To plead for us above: Jesus, our king, for ever gives The blessings of his love. f 5 God shall exalt his glorious head, And his high throne maintain; Shall strike the powers and princes dead, Who dare oppose his reign. J b l PSALM 111, First Part, L. M. I 111 The Wisdom of God in his Works. f' QONGS of immortal praise belong To my almighty God; \, _~- ~~ 182 PSALM CXI. He has my heart, and he my tongue, To spread his name abroad.' mf 2 How great the works his hand has wrought! I-l How glorious in our sight!' And men in every age have sought His wonders with delight. ri 3 How mlost exact is nature's frame! How wise th! eternal mind! His counsels never change the scheme, That his first thoughts designed. 4 Wehen he redeemed his chosen sons, He fixed his covenant sure; The orders, that his lips pronounce, To endless years endure. 5 Nature and time, and earth and skies, Thy heavenly siill proclaim: What shall we do to mlake us wise, But lezrn to read thy name? 6 To fear thy power, to trust thy grace, Is our divirest skill; And he's the wisest of our race, Who best obeys thy will. PSALE 111, Second Part, C. M. 1 pe1 aPerfcctions of God. f 1 pREAT is the Lord;-his works of might } Demand our noblest songs; Let his assembled saints unite Their harmony of tongues. 2 Great is the mercy of the Lord, H e gives his children food; And, ever mindful of his word, He makes his promise good. 3 His Son, the great Redeemer, came To seal his covenant sure; Holy and reverend is his name; His ways are just and pure. Jt 4 Great is the Lord;-his works of might Demand our noblest songs; Oh! let th' assembled saints unite Their harmony of tongues. PSALM CXI. 18 - — ~ —- ~ I- 8 I -J nw C P.S-4SSa 112, C. MX. i~ 1 1 24 ^Blessings of the ciharitable. r n 1 HRICE al'p5ppy inan who fears the Lord, 1 Loves lisc coinmands, and trusts his word; Honor and peace his days attend, And blessings to his seed descend. m p 2 Compassion dwells upon his mind, To works of miercy still inclined; $ mn He lends the poor some present aid, Or gives them, not to be repaid. $ 8 His soul, well-fixed upon the Lord, Draws heavenly courage fiom his word; i < Amid the darklness, Clt l rise, snf To cheer1 his heart, and bless his eyes. m n 4 He hath dispersed hs alns a broad; His works are still beuore his God; His name on earth shall long remain, rTor shall his hope of heaven be vain. 1 PS.ALI 112o C,. i. J 11 ibzcrality- rwcoarded. m qn 1 I[APPY is he who fears the Lord, 1 J0 And follows his commands; $ Who lends the poor without reward, Or gives with liberal hands. mp 2 As pity dwvels within hlis breast, e To all the sons of need, $ m So God shall answer his request, -* With blessing's on his seed. i > 3 In times of dange'' and distress, $ < Some beams of ]i0ght shall shine, To show the woruld his righteousness, } > And give himin peace divine. n 4 His works of piety.and love, Reimain before the Lord; If Honor on eartl, and joys above, Shall be his sure reward. i P AII 112, L. P. 1 I f I1L 2 Blessings of the liberial;ant. 1n I^pHAT ma.n is blest whvo stands in awe i Of God, and loves his sacred law; His seed on earth shall be renowned: i Al~Hb _ A~)~45 I~~QQ~t*~~~~CO 184 PSALM0 CXIII. His house, the seat of wealth, shall be An unexhausted treasury, And with successive honors crowned. 2 His liberal favors he extends; To somne he gives, to others lends; A generous pity fills his mind: Yet, what his charity imlpairs, He saves by prudence in affairs, And thus he's just to all mankind. 3 His hands, while they his alms bestowed, His glory's future harvest sowed: The siweet rememlbrance of the just, Like a green root, revives, and bears A train of blessings for his heirs, ip When dying nature sleeps in dust. in 4 Beset with threateninr dangers round, Unmoved shall he maintain his ground; His conscience holds his courage up: < The soul, that's filled with virtue's light, > Shines brightest in affliction's night, < And sees in darkness beams of hope. 1 1 Fi tPSAMIT 113, First Part, L. I. J.1J.1^3 God, sovereiFn7. and gracious. 1 YE servants of th' almighty King!:! f JIn every age his praises sing; Where'er the sun shall rise or set, The nations shall his praise repeat. 2 Above the earth, beyond the sky, Stands his high throne of majesty; Tor time nor place his power restrain, Nor bound his universal reign. 3 Which of the sons of Adam dare, Or angels, with their God colnpare? His glories —how divinely bright, Who dwells in uncreated light! $ m 4 Behold his love! lie stoops to view What saints above and angels do; And condescends, yet more, to know The mean affairs of men below. ^ ~-~-_ ____.______ I PSALM CXIII. 185 np 5 From dust, aind cottages obscure, I17 HIis grace exalts the humble poor; $ < Gives them the honor of his sons, j nf And fits thell for their heavenly thrones. 8 113 -t PSAL 113, S Pcend Part, L. M. 1 ll 3 Pr -aLise for God's Cond07escension. f 1 ERVA'S i GS ofG od in joyful lays, I 1U Sing' ye thle Lord JeflOvaa's iraise; i His glorious name let all adore, From age to age, for everiore. $ in 2 Blest be that name, supremely blest, *I From the sun's rising to its rest: Above the heavens his power is known; \ hThrough all the earth his goodness shown. nf 3 Who is like God?-so great, so high, < He bows himself to view the sky; } > And yet, with condescending grace, p p Looks down upon the human race. 4 He hears the uncomplaining tmoan Of those, who sit and weep alone; He lifts the mourner fri'om the dust, And saves the poor in him who trust. f 5 Servants of God! in joyful lays, Sing ye the Lord Jehovah's praise; His saving name let all adore, From age to ag'e for evermore. 1 3j. JL< Tc C7ondescensiono of God. f 1 HALLELLUJAH! raise, Oh! raise i To our God the song of praise: All his servants! join to sing God, our Saviour, and our King. mf 2 Blessed be, for evermore, ~ That dread name which we adore! Round the vworld his praise be sung, Through all lands, in every tongue. 3 O'er all nations God alone,Higher than the heavens his throne; Who is like our God most high, Infinite in majesty? a^~' ~ ^^^^.-P~~CCb9Pb~~~ I 186 PSALMS CXIII, CXIV. 0 - > 4 Yet to view the heavens he bends;- 2mp Yea, to earth he condescends; - Passing by the rich and great, p For the low and desolate., < 5 He the broken spirit cheers,' > Turns to joy the Imourner's tears: \ - Such the wonders of his ways! Praise his lname, —for ever praise. 13.P.. 11SAL 13, L.... ^ JJL ^ MAajesty and Condescension of God. mnf 1 /E who deliglt to serve the Lord! J The honors of his name record, H Is sacred name for ever bless: Where'er the circling sun displays His rising beams, or setting rays, Let lands and seas his power confess. 1 2 Not time, nor nature's narrow rounds,' (Can give his vast dominion bounds; The heavens are far below his height: ~ Let no created greatness cdare With our eternal God compare, Armed with his uncreated might. m 3 He bows his glorious head, to view What the bright hosts of angels do, And bends his care to mortal things: His sovereign hand exalts the poor: He takes the needy from the door, < And fits them for the thrones of kings. S ~1 1 4PSALi 114, L.!., 114 iifjracles attendeing Israel's Journey. qn 1 WHEN Israel, freed from Pharaoh's hand, e Left the proud tyrant and his land, The tribes, with cheerful homage, own mqnf Their King;-and Judah was his throne. m 2 Across the deep their journey lay; The deep divides to make them way: Jordan beheld their march, and fled, With backward current, to his head. 8 What power could make the deep divideMgake Jordan backward roll his tide? Why did ye leap, ye little hills? And whence the fright that Sinai feels? B,...~saa ~Qea~~a4~~~h PSALMS CXV, CXVI. 188 len 4 Let everv mlountain, every flood, Retire, anld know th' approaching God! <" TThe King of Israel-see him here! f" Tremble, thou earth! adore and fear., i PSALIfA 115, L. M. 115 OThe true rGod, our Hope and Trust. m 1 I OT to ourselves, who are but dust,1 lNot to ourselves is glory due; Eternal God! thou only just, Thou only gracious, wise and true! $ f 2 The God we serve maintains his throne, Above the clouds, beyond the skies: Through all the earth his will is done; i > He knows our groans, he hears our cries. $ { mf 3 0 Israel! ma ke the Lord thy hope, i Thy help, thy refnuge, and thy rest; * The Lord shall build thy ruins up, i Andc bless the people and the priest. m 4 The dead no. more can speak thy praise, > They dwell in silence in the grave; f But we shall live to sing thy grace, And tell the world thy power to save. 1 6 Irb PSAL 116, First Part,.L, I. Ii 0 Gratcftl Recollectiols. inp 1 I LOVE the Lord; —his gracious ear! I Was opened to my mournful prayer; He heard my supplicating voice, < And bade my fainting heart rejoice. np 2 Return, my soul! and sweetly rest On thy almighty Father's breast; mf The riches of his grace adore, And tell his wondrous mercies o'er.; 3 What shall I render to the Lord? Or how his matchless grace record? To himi m-y grateful voice I'11 raise, And pour libations to his praise. mnf 4 His crowded courts shall see me pay > The vows of my distressful day; m In life and death, the saints shall find Their guardian God for ever kind. t,/U ~. --—.~M~B~B~M~~~I e 188 7PSALM CXVI. \ $ B g PSALM 116, Sacond Part, L. M. i JL U The S2int's Recst. 2. 1 PETURN, my soul! unto thy rest, i l1l From vain pursuits and maddening cares,' p From hourly woes that wring thy breast, i The world's allurements-Satan's snares. I mp 2 Return unto thy rest, my soul!; 1From all the wanderings of thy thoughlt; A -..[From sickness unto death, made whole- A 1T Siafe through a thousand perils brought. A 3 Then to thy rest, my soul! return, A IFrom passions every hour at strife Sin's works, and ways, and wages spurnmf Lay hold upon eternal life. n 4 God is thy rest;-with hea rt inclined To keep his word, that word believe; > Christ is thy rest; —ith lowly mind, A - ^ His light and easy yoke receive. - r a ]?SPLM 116, First Part, 0. M. 1 1 6 P il Tthanks for?estoring Jercy. p i 1 LOVE the Lord;-he heard my cries,; A And. pitied every groan; mf Long as I live, when troubles rise, I'11 hasten to his throne. > 2 I love the Lord;-he bowed his ear, And chased my griefs away; Oh! let my heart no more despair, AWhile I have breath to pray. ac 3 My flesh declined, my spirits fell, And I drew near the dead While inward pangs and fears of hell Perplexed my wakeful head. 4 " LMy God!" I cried, " thy servant save, Thou ever good and just! Thy power can rescue from the grave/f Thy power is all my trust." 5 The Lord beheld me sore distressed, He bade my pains remove: FReturn, my soul! to God, thy rest, For thou hast known his love. I PSALM CXVI. 189 6 My God liath saved my soul from death, $ > And dried my falling tears; Now to his praise I'1 spend my breath, And my remaining years. 1 PSALM 116, Second Part, C. M. Vows made in Trouble, paid in the Church. i /f 1 WHAT shall I render to my God, For all his kindness shown? My feet shall visit thine abode, My songs address thy throne. 2 Among the saints that fill thy house, My offering shall be paid; There shall my zeal perform the vows $m np,My soul in anguish made. m 3 How much is mercy thy delight, <'lThou ever-blessed God! imp How dear thy servants in thy sightHow precious is their blood m,f 4 How happy all thy servants are! How great thy grace to md! M My life, which thou hast made thy care, Lord! I devote to thee. mf 5 Now I am thine for ever thine; Nor shall my purpose move; Thy hand iath loosed my bonds of pain, $ And bound me with thy love. 6 Here, in thy courts, I leave my vow, And thy rich griace record; i Witness, ye saints! who hear me now, If I forsake the Lord. 11 fo PSAL 116, 7s, 1 16 Help fron God in Timne of Trouble. aff 1 THOU God who hearest prayer, * 0J Every hour and every where! Listen to my ifeble breath, Now I touch the gates of death; For his sake whose blood I plead, IHear me in the hour of need. 2 Hear and save me, gracious Lord! For my trust is in thy word; _________________ ___________________ A ' 190 PSALM CXVII. Wash mie friom the stain of sin, Thtat thy peace may rule w ithin; IMay I know myself thy child, Rtansomed, pardoned, reconciled. 3 Thou art merceiul to saveThou hast snatched me fiom the grave; I would Miss the chastening rod, 0 my Fat-1her and my God I Only hide not now thy face,, God of all-sufficient grace! 4 Leave me not, my strength, my trust! Oh! remember 1 am dust: Leave me not again to stray; Leave me not the tempter's prey: Fix my heart on things above; M ake me happy in thy love. fROM i rISALI 1117, L. M.I I 1 17 { Exhortation to Un.iversal Praise. f l'ROM all that dwell below the sides, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord! Eternal truth attends thy word; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. - 4 7 BgPBALDE) 1i17, C. M. 117 Praise to Gvd from alc l rNations. \f 1 n ALL ye nations! praise the Lord,!$ Ea wih a different tongue; In every language learn his word, And let his name be sung. 2 His mercy reigns through every land,Proclaim his g7race abroad; For ever firm his truth shall stand,Praise ye the faithful God. P1r L PSALI 117, S. M. $ 1 17 Praise to God for his Tr'uth and Grace. $ f 1 nHY n dame, allmighty Lord! i Shall sound through distant lands; ~$~~ ~ — ~~~~ —-^^^ ~^I~B~C~~~)C I ~ ~ PSALMS CXVII, CXVII. 191 Great is thy grace, and sure thy word; Thy truth for ever stands. 2 Far be thine honor spread, \: And long thy praise endure, \ > Till morning light, and evening shade, imp >* Shall be exchanged no more. 1l17 PSALm 117, I. M.! i 1. Universal Praise. f 1 -I EHOVAHI'S praise sublime! J Thlrough the wide earth be sung; Ye realms of every clime! * Ye tribes of every tongue! t His infinite colmpassion bless$ His ever-during faithfulness. } PSALI: 117, 7gs.' 117 Praise from aP Lands. \ f 1 I LL ye nations! praise the Lord; Il All ye lands! Syour voices raise; I Heaven and earth! with loud accord, Praise the Lord-for ever praise. 2 For his truth and mercy stand, Past, and present, and to be, Like the years of his right hand,Like his own eternity. \i 38 Praise him, ye who know his love! Praise him, froml the depths beneath; Praise him in the heights above; Praise your liaker, — all that breathe! $ r c)^ QPSAiM 118, L. M. $ 1 JL 1 0 new Song of Salvation by Christ. r n, 1 O! what a glorious corner-stone 18 The Jewish builders did refuse! But God hath built his church thereon, In spite of envy, and the Jews. 2 Great God! the work is all divine,The joy and wonder of our eyes! This is the day that proves it thine- - The day that saw our Saviour rise. f$ 3 Sinners! rejoice, and, saints! be glad; t IHosanna! let his name be blest: A ~ r 192 PSALM CXVIII.!: hA thousand honors, on his head, I < With peace, and light, and glory, rest! i mf 4 In God's own name, he comes to bring I Salvation to our dying race; $ 5f Let the whole church address their King, With hearts of joy, and songs of praise. 1 18 iQ PSALM 118, First Part, C. M. l Jl 0.Deliverance from a Tumult, \ n I 1 THE Lord appears my helper now, I Nor is my faith afraid! What all the sons of earth can do, Since heaven affords its aid. 2'T is safer, Lord! to hope in thee, And have my God my friend, Than trust in men of high degree, And on their truth depend. snf 3'T is through the Lord my heart is strong, In him my lips rejoice; While his salvation is my song, How cheerful is my voice! m? 4 Joy, to the saints, and peace belongs; The Lord protects their days; f Let Israel tune immortal songs To his almighty grace. 1 18 PSAL 118, Second Part, C. M. * JL JL 0 Public Praise for Deliverance. mp 1 T ORD! thou hast heard thy servant cry, P LJ And rescued from the grave;Now shall he live-for none can die, Whom God resolves to save. f 2 Thy praise, more constant than before, Shall fill his daily breath; mp Thy hand, that hath chastised him sore,: > Defends him still from death. mf 3 Open the gates of Zion now,' $ For we will worship there;The house, where all the righteous go Thy mercy to declare. 4 Among th' assemblies of thy saints, Our thankful voice we raise; PSALA CXVIII. 193 Mlp Here we have told thee our complaints, f And here we speak thy praise. PSALTI 118, Third Part, C. M. 1 Christ, the Foundation of his Church. l nf 1 IIEHOLD the sure foundation-stone, i Which God, in Zion lays, To build our heavenly hopes upon, And his eternal praise. > 2 Chosen of God, to sinners dear; $< And saints adore his name: mf They trust their whole salvation here, ] Nor shall they suffer shame. in 3 The foolish builders, scribe and priest, Reject it with disdain; mf Yet on this rock the church shall rest, And envy rage in vain. 4 What though the gates of hell withstood? Yet must this building rise:!f'T is thine own work, almighty God! And wondrous in our eyes. i PSAM 118, Fourth Part, 0. M. 1 18 Thc Lord's Day. n 1 rHIS is the day the Lord hath made; I He calls the hours his own: f Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. 2 To-day he rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell; To-day the saints his triumph spread, And all his wonders tell. | 3 Hosanna to th' anointed King, To David's holy Son: mp Help us, 0 Lord! descend, and bring fi Salvation from thy throne. in 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men, t With messages of grace; $ Who comes, in God his Father's name, > To save our sinful race.: f 5 Hosanna, in the highest strains, The church on earth can raise; 9 194 PSALMS CXVIII, CXIX. The highest heavens, in which he reigns, Shall give hini nobler praise.' 1 -g o;;;?PSALM 118, S. MVI. 118 01 Salvation by Christ. M m 1 QEE, what a living stone, k3 The builders did refuse: $ Yet God lath built his clurch thereon, In spite of envious Jews. 2 The scribe and angry priest Reject thine only Son; $ mf Yet on this rock shall Zion rest, As the chief corner-stone. I m 3 The work, 0 Lord! is thine, And wondrous in our eyes; This day declares it all divine; This day did Jesus rise. mf 4 This is the glorious day, That our Redeemer made: Let us rejoice, and sing, and pray; Let all the church be glad. f 5 Hosanna to the Kingt Of David's royal blood; Bless hin, ye saints!-he comes to bring Salvation fiom your God. n f 6 We bless thy holy word,! Which all this grace displays; And offer on thine altar, Lord! \ < Our sacrifice of praise. 19 PSALM 119, First Part, L. M.::119 IaJfflictions sanctified. m np I "RATHER! I bless thy gentle hand;1 -I How kind was thy chastising rod, That forced my conscience to a stand, And brought my wandering soul to God! 2'T is good for me to bear the yoke,! < For pride is apt to rise and swell; $ p'T is good to bear my Father's stroke, m That I might learn his statutes well. 3 The law, that issues from thy mouth, mf Shall raise my cheerful passions, more PSALM CXIX. 195 Than all the treasures of the south, Or richest hills of golden ore. 2I 4 Thy hands have made my mortal frame, $Thy Spirit formed my soul within; Teach me to know thy wondrous name, And guard me safe from death and sin. rn 5 Then all, who love and fear the Lord, mf In my salvation shall rejoice; For I have trusted in thy word, And made thy grace my only choice. I PSALM 119, Second Part. L. I.! 1 9 fflictions sanctiied by the Word. m I 1H! how I love thy holy word, $ I Thy gracious covenant, 0 Lord I > It guides me in the peaceful way; I think upon it all the day., mf 2 What are the mines of shining wealth, The strength of youth, the bloom of health VlWhat are all joys, compared with those, Thine everlasting word bestows? m 3 Long unafflicted, undismayed, In pleasure's path secure I strayed: $ > Thou madest me feel thy chastening rod, < And straight I turned unto my God. $> 4 FlWhat though it pierced my fainting heart? I bless the hand that caused the smart; ~'2p It taught my tears awhile to flow, > But saved mle fromn eternal woe. 1i 1 1Q PSALM 119, First Part, 0. M. 119 JBlessedness of Saints. In 1 LEST are the undefiled in heart, D Whose ways are right and clean; Who never from thy law depart, i But fly from1 every sin., 2 Blest ar1e the men who keep thy word, And practice thy commnands; mf With their whole heart they seek the Lord, And serve thee with their hands. mp 3 Great is their peace who love thy law, Mnf How firm their souls abide! 196 PSALM CXIX. * Nlor can a bold temptation draw $i Their steady feet aside. ~ m 4 Then shall my heart have inward joy, And keep my face fioma shame, When all thy statutes I obey. And honor all thy namre. 11 Q PSALM 119, Second Part, C. M. 1J 1 T Constnnt Converse with God. m 1 TO thee, before the dawning light, J My gracious God I I pray; I meditate thy name by night, And keep thy law by day. X 2 My spirit faints to see thy grace; Mn Thy promise bears me up: mp And, while salvation long delays, Thy word supports my hope. 8 Seven times a day I lift my hands, And pay my thanks to thee; Thy righteous providence demands Repeated praise from me. p 4 lWhen midnight darkness veils the skies, m I call thy works to mind; < AMy thoughts in warm devotion rise, mp And sweet acceptance find. 119 Q PSALM 119, Third Part, C. M. l 9 J Sincerity and Obedience. m I THrOU art my portion, 0 my God! I Soon as I know thy way, My heart makes haste t' obey thy word, And suffers no delay. 2 I choose the path of heavenly truth, And glory in my choice; Not all the riches of the earth Could make me so rejoice. 3 The testimonies of thy grace' I set before mine eyes; Thence I derive my daily strength, And there my comfort lies. mp 4 If once I wander from thy path I think upon my ways: ^~~<- ~ ~~~~Qr8~-~ ~ ~ -~^~hpr ~ llq~ $ PSALM CXIX. 1.97 I < Then turn my feet to thy commands, i n And trust tlhy pard'ning grace.; 5 Now I amn thine,-for ever thine;-, p Oh! save tly servant, Lord! r nf Thou art my shield, my hiding-place, $ 1My hope is in thy word. I 1-19a PSALMI 119, Fourth Part, C. M. 119J t Instruction from tile Scriptures. m 1 1'dOW shall the young secure their hearts,, 8-D And guard their lives from sin? Thy word the choicest rules imparts I To keep the conscience clean. 2 VWhen once it enters to the mind, It spreads such light abroad; The meanest souls instruction find, And raise their thoughts to God. 3'T is like the sun, a heavenly light, That guides us all the day; And, through the dangers of the night, A lamp to lead our way. 4 T-hy precepts make me truly wise; I hate tlhe sinner's road; I hate my own vain thoughts that rise, But love thy law, my God! 5 Thy word is everlasting truth; $ How pure is every page! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age.'PS ALM 119, Fifth Part, C. M. 119 J JDeight in the Law. t 1 HI! how I love thy holy law!'T is daily my delight;: And thence my meditations draw Divine advice by night. 2 Mfy waking eyes prevent the day, To meditate thy word: iMy soul with longing melts away, To hear thy gospel, Lord! 83 How doth thy word my heart engage How well employ my tongue! ****_*_~~~~~~~~_ ' 198 PSALM CXIX., - And, in nmy tiresomle pilgrima ge, Yields mne a heavenly song. 4 Am I a stranger, or at home?'T is my perpetual feast; dot Not honey, dropping fiomr the comb,' So imuch delights my taste. i m 5 No treasures so enrich the mind; Nor shall thy word be sold For loads of silver well-refined, Or heaps of choicest gold. > 6 When nature sinks, and spirits droop, - Thy promises of grace $ f Are pillars to support may hope,And there I write thy praise. g 1 Q PSALIV 119, Sixth Part, C.!M. 1 19 Co7nlict wzt/ Sil, anzd Comrfort from thle World. \ nm I OERD! I esteelm thy judgments right, J LAnd all thy statutes just: Thence I maintain a constant fight W-ith every ilattelring lust. I' 2 Thy precepts often I survey; I keep thy law in sight,, Through all the business of the day, To forIni my act-ions right. > 3 My heart in midnight silence cries — imp "How sweet thy comforts be!" {< My thoughts in holy Nwonder rise, I mf And bring their thanks to thee. i 4 And, when my spirit drinks her fill, i At some good word of thine, r f Not mighty men that share the spoil,', Have joys compared with mine. 11 PiSALI 119, Seventh Part, C. M.. J1 1 9v E;xcellency of the Scriptures.' m 1 T ET all tlhe heathen writers join L To form one perfect book; Great God! if once compared with thine, \ How mean their writings look! i 2 Not the most perfect rules they gave Could show one sin forgiven, i _........................................................ t~^ PSALM CXIX. 199 Nor lead a step beyond the grave; But thine conduct to heaven. rnp 3 I've seen an end of what we call Perfection here below; How short the powers of nature fall, And caln no further go! m 4 Yet men would fain be just with God, By works their hands have wrought;: But thy commands, exceeding broad, Extend to every toe hought. 5 Our faith, and love, and every grace, Fall far below thy word; \m-f But perfect truth and righteousness Dwell only with the Lord. \ i 19 Q PSAISM 119, Eighth Part, C. M. i Comfort from thZe Bible. i 1 ORD! I have made thy word my choice, \ My lasting heritage; < There shall my noblest powers rejoice,'mf IMfy warmest thoughts engage. i n 2 I'11 read the hist'ries of thy love, And keep thy laws in sight, mnf While through the promises I rove, With ever-fresh delight. f 8'T is a broad land of wealth unknown, Where springs of life arise; Seeds of immortal bliss are sown, And hidden glory lies:mp 4 The best relief that mourners have; It makes our sorrows blest:Our fairest hope, beyond the grave, And our eternal rest. 1 ^ Q PSALM 119, Ninth Part, C. M. 1 1 Teaching of the Spirit with the Word, mE 1 tIlY mercies fill the earth, 0 Lord! O How good thy works appear!! Open mine eyes to read thy word, And see thy wonders there. I mp 2 Since I'm a stranger here below, Let not thy path be hid; m But mark the road my feet should go, And be my constant guide. ^ ~~ 200 PSALM CXIX., np 3 llhen I confessecd my wandering ways, Tlhou theardest iny soul complain; Grant mte the teacliings of thy grace, Or I shall stray again. m P 4 When I have learned my Father's will, I'l teactl the world his ways: < Mvy thankful lips, inspired with zeal, f Shall loud pronounce hlis praise. 1 9 -PS ALI 119, Tenth Part, C. M. i 19 Pleading. with God. f c I pBEHOLD thy waiting servant, Lord! DIevoted to thy fear; Remetnber and confirmt thy word, For all my hopes are there. 2 lHast thou not sent salvation down, And promised quickening grace? Does not my heart address thy throne?And yet thy love delays! 8 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail; Oh! bear thy servant up; N'or let the scofing lips prevail, That dare reproach my hope. 4 Didst thou not raise my faith, 0 Lord? Then let thy truth appear: rnf Saints shall rejoice in my reward, And trust, as well as fear. 9 PS LM 119, Eleventh Part, 0. M. 119 JL tMv sorrows rise, my nature faints, ~ - When men transgress thy word. mp 4 My heart with sacred reverence hears The threatenings of thy word; AMy flesh, with holy trembling, fears The judgments of the Lord. " 5 My God! I long, I hope, I wait For thy salvation still; mnf While thy whole law is my delight, A And I obey thy will. 119 PSALm 119, Fourteenth Part, C. M. 1 9 BCenefit of aiffliction. ff 1 CONSIDER all my sorrows, Lord I V And thy deliverance send; ]My soul for thy salvation faints; When will my troubles end? 2 Yet I have found,'t is good for me To bear my Father's rod; Afflictions make me learn thy law, And live upon my God. 3 Had not thy word been my delight, When earthly joys were fled, My soul, oppressed with sorrow's weight, Had sunk among the dead. 4 kI now thy judgments, Lord! are right, Though they may seem severe; The sharpest sufferings I endure Flow fiom thy faithful care. 5 Before I knew thy chastening rod, My feet were apt to stray; m But now I learn to keep thy word, Nor wander from thy way. 119 PSALMt 119, Fifteenth Part, C. M. 11 i9 P8AL/ Pious Resolutions. 1 (0H! that thy statutes, every hour, S n Might dwell upon my mind; < Thence I derive a quickening power,: > And daily peace I find. mn 2 To meditate thy precepts, Lord! Shall be my sweet employ; __~__~ PSALM CXIx. 203 My soul shall ne'eir forget thy word; — Thy word is all my joy. 3 How would I run in thy commands,: If thou my heart discharge From sin, and Satan's hateful chains, And set my feet at large! nf 4 My lips with courage shall declare Thy statutes and thy name; I'11 speak thy wvord, though kings should hear,!Nor yield to sinful shame. P 1 SALMTI 119, Sixteenth Part, C. M.. 1 9L 7 Prayr for quickeniTg?Grace. aff 1 MY soul lies cleaving to the dust; A. Lord! give me life divine; From vain desires and every lust, Turn off these eyes of mine. 2 I need the influence of thy grace, To speed me in thy way, Lest I should loiter in my race, Or turn my feet astray. 3 Are not thy mercies sovereign still, And thol a faithful God? Wilt thou not grant me warmer zeal To run the heavenly road? i 4 Does not my heart thy precepts love, And long to see thy face? And yet how slow my spirits move, Without enlivening grace! im 5 Then shall I love thy gospel more, And ne'er forget thy word; When I have felt its quickening power, To draw me near the Lord. i -j Q n PSAIM 119, Seventeenth Part, C. M. JoL~ U 9The Bible, our Light.! m I -0W precious is the book divine, I - l By inspiration given! i Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. - dol 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts,: ip In this dark vale of tears; ~.-~L 2o!4 PSALUM CXIX. mf Life, light, and joy, it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. m 3 This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way, f Till we behold the clearer light $ Of heaven's eternal day. 119 PSALbI 119, Eighteenlth Part, C.. i i19J The Spirit and the Word. nm I'fHlE Spirit breathes upon the word, 1 A nd brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford A sanctifying light. f 2 A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic, like the sun; It gives a light to every age;It gives, but borrows none. in 3 The hand, that gave it, still supplies The gracious light and heat; C< Hiis truths upon the nations rise,> They rise, but never set. m f 4 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 5 My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of him I love, f Till glory breaks upon my view, In brighter worlds above. 11 7B Q PSALM 119, S. M. 119 TThe Bible, the Guide of the Young. mp 1 TWITH humble heart and tongue, V My God! to thee I pray: Oh! bring me now, while I am young, To thee, the living way. $ 2 Maki an unguarded youth The object of thy care; Help me to choose the way of truth, And flee from every snare. Iy heart, to folly prone, Renew by power divine; PSALMS CXX, CXXI. 205 i Unite it to thyself alone, And make me wholly thine. 4 Oil! let thy word of grace My warmest thoughts employ; Be this, through all my foil'wing days, Mly treasure and lmy joy. i m 5 To what thy laws impart, Be my whole soul inclined; Comle, Saviour! dwell within my heart, And sanctify my mind. 1 -a QS PSALM 120, C. M. 1 20 Complaint of Strife, and Dcs'ir for Peace. aff I THOU God of love, thou ever-blest! } J Pity nsuffering state; \ When wilt thou set my soul at rest, From lips that love deceit? 2 Oh! might I fly to change my place, How would I choose to dwell In some wide lonesome wilderness, And leave these gates of hell! mp 3 Peace is the blessing that I seek; t$ Itow lovely are its charms! < I am for peace,-but when I speak, mf They all declare for arms. > 4 Should burning arrows smite them through, Strict justice would approve; But I would rather spare my foe, p And melt his heart with love. f If1ll PSALM 121, L. M. @ 121 C4 God's guardian Care. } I HE lives-the everlasting God, 11 Who built the world, who spread the flood; The heavens, with all their hosts he made, > And the dark regions of the dead. m 2 He guides our feet, he guards our way; His morning smiles adorn the day; mp He spreads the evening veil, and keeps p The silent hours, while Israel sleeps. m 8 Israel, a name divinely blest, May rise secure, securely rest; 4 ~ 206 PSALM CXXI. Thy holy guardian's wakeful eyes $ Admit no slumber, nor surprise. 4 INo sun shall smite thy head by day,' Nor the pale moon, with sickly ray, $ Shall blast thy couch;-no baleful star Dart his malignant fire so far. 5 Should earth and hell with inalice burn, Still thou slhalt go, and still return, Safe in the Lord;-his heavenly care Defends thy life frolm every snare. 6 On thee foul spirits have no power: ap And, in thy last departing houl, < Angels, who trace the airy road, Tnf Shall bear thee homeward to thy God. Confidence in God. 121 PSALL 121, First Part, C. Df. mn 1 O heaven I lift my waiting eyes, T There all my hopes are laid: The Lord, who built the earth and skies, Is my perpetual aid. 2 Their steadfast feet shall never fall, Whoml he designs to keep; >'His ear attends the softest call; mp His eyes can never sleep. i nf 3 Israel! rejoice, and rest secure; \ Thy keeper is the Lord; His wakeful eyes employ his power For thine eternal guard. m 4 No scorching sun, nor sickly moon, Shall have his leave to smite; He shields thy head from burning noon, > From blasting damps at night. mn 5 He guards thy soul, he keeps thy breath, Where thickest dangers come; v m~f Go and return, secure firom death, Till God commands thee home. \ 121 Q PSALM 121, Second Part, C. M. 1 21i Help i7n God. i mp 1 VNCGOMPASSED with ten thousand ills, J Pressed by pursuing foes, _<~ X^~.. PSALM CXXI. 207 m 1nf I lift mine eyes unto the hills, From whence salvation flows. n 2 My help is from the Lord, who made And governs earth and sky; I look to his almighty aid, And ever-watching eye. 3 He, who thy soul in safety keeps, Shall drive destruction hence; The Lord, thy keeper, never sleeps, The Lord is thy defence. 4 The sun, with his afflictive light, Shall lharm thee not by day; Nor thee the moon nmolest by night, Along thy tranquil way. 5 Thee shall the Lord preserve from sin, And coinmfort in distress; Thy going-out and coming-in m?7Jf'The Lord, thy God, shall bless.'1PS AL 121, H. Xt God, our Protector. mf 1 GodI I lift mine eyes, \ 1 Frolm lhim is all my aid; The God who built the skies. And earth and nature made.: God is the tower To which I fly; H is grace is nigh In every hour. 2 My feet shall never slide, And fall in fatal snares; Since God, my guard and guide, i Defends inc from my fears: Those wakeful eyes, $ That never sleep, Shall Israel keep,; When danglers rise. 3 No burning heats by day, Nor blasts of evening air, Shall take my health away, i If God be with me there: 4 ! 208 PSALMS CXXI, CXXI. Thou art my sun, e And thou my shade,! To guard my head, By night or noon. I mp 4 Hast thou not given thy word, To save my soul fiom death? - - And I can trust my Lord $ To keep lly mortal breath: 4 n.f I'll go and come, Nor fear to die, Till from on high Thou call me home. 121 ~ PSAL 121, 7s. 121 Isracis Iecper. $ np 1 INTERVAL of grateful shade! $ I Welcome to my wearied head: Welcome, slumber! to mine eyes, Tired with glaring vanities. 2 That kind eye, which cannot sleep, These defenceless hours shall keep: By my heavenly Father blest, Thus I give my powers to rest. 3 What if death my sleep invade? Should I be of death afraid? While encircled by thine arm, Death may strike, but cannot harm. * n 4 With thy heavenly presence blest,! 0 Death is life, and labor rest: p o Welcome, sleep or death, to me,- Still secure, if still with thee. 01 PSALM 122, First Part, C. M. 12 144 Goilng to Chur'ch. mf 1 HOW did my heart rejoice to hear IMy fiiends devoutly say," In Zion let us all appear, And keep the solemn day/." 2 I love her gates, I love the road; The clurch, adorned with grace, Stands like a palace built for God, > To show his milder face. PSALM CXXII. 209'f J 3 Up to her courts, with joys unknown, The holy tribes relair; 5 The Son of David holds his throne, Arnd sits ill judigmient there.' > 4 He hears our praises nnd complaints; m 11)p Andl, while his awfiul voice Divides the sinners from the saints, < \We tremble and rejoice. 5 o Peace be within this sacred place, $ mf Anld joy a constant guest! Wt ith holy gifts ald heavenly grace, -Be her attendants blest I 6 My soul shall pILLay for Zion still, While if;e or breath remains; There my best ifiends, my kindred, dwell, f There God, my Saviour, reigns. t t i Q PBSALMf 122, Sscond Part, C. M. I tt2e Puzblic IVorship on, the Sabbath.! 1 ITITI-jov wve h!ail the sacred day, t V l Whiich God has called his own; With joy the sumimons we obey To -worship at his throne. M mI 2 Thy chosen temple, Lord! how fair! Where willing vot'ries throng, zmp To breathe the lhumble, fervent prayer, 17mf And pour the choral song. mp 3 Spirit of grace! Oh! deign to dwell Within thy church below; Make her in holiness excel$ With pure devotion glow.!' 4 Let peace within her walls be found; $ z Let all her sons unite mvf To spread, with grateful zeal, around, < 1Her clear and shining light. 5f Great God! we hail the sacred day, Which thou hast called thine own; With joy the summons we obey To worship at thy throne. i I~^ ^ ^ - - ^ ^~^ 210 PSALI CXXII. i QQ I PSALM 122, C. P. MI. 2 2/^ The Sabbath and the S7anctLtary. m 1 TIHE festal morn, Imy God! is come, i That calls me to thy sacred dome, T lhy presence to adoroe: My feet the sulmmons shall attend, "With willing steps thy courts ascend, > And tread the hallowed floor. mrnf 2 With holy joy I hail the day, That warns my thirsting soul away; I What transports fill my breast! if For, lo! mly great Redeemer's power Unfolds the everlasting door, And leads me t o his rest. 8 E'en now, to lmy expecting eyes, The heaven-bhilt towers of Salem rise; E'en now, with glad survey, I view her mansions, that contain Th' angelic forns, —an awful train,And shine with cloudless day. Inf 4 Hither, from ealtil's remotest end, Lo! the redeemed of God ascend, Their tribute hither bring; f Here, crowned vwith everlasting joy, In hymns of praise their tongues employ, ff And hail th' immortal King. PSALM 12?, S. P. I.'. 1. // IGoing to Church. mwf 1 11OW pleased and blessed was I, R To hear the people cry,"Comne, let us seek our God to-day!" Yes, with a cheerful zeal, We haste to Zion's hill, And there our vows and honors pay. f 2 Zion! thrice happy place, Adorned with wondrous grace, And walls of strength embrace thee round In thee our tribes appear To pray, and praise, and har The sacred. gospel' joyful sound. .i FbPSALM CXXIII. 211 3 There David's greater Son Has fixed his royal throne; n He sits for grace and judgment there: < He bids the saint be glad, > He makes the sinner sad, s p And humlble souls rejoice with fear. 4 -May peace attend thy gate, m?f And joy wstnhin tlhee wait, To bless the soul oi every guest: > The man who seelks thy peace, i< And wishes th-line increase — nf A thousand blessings on him rest! in 5 My tongue repeats her vows:- rnp "Peace to this sacred house 1" For here my fiiends and kindred dwell: m f And, since my glorious God Makes thee his blest abode, My soul shall ever love thee well. -ja 6 } PBALT 123, C. M. 1.23 Pleading witil Submission. ff 1 ( THOUi! whose grace and justice reign,, Enthroned above the skies, To thee our hearts would tell their pain; To thee we lift our eyes. 2 As servants watch their master's hand, And fear the angry stroke; Or maids before their mistress stand, And wvait a peaceful look;3 So, for our sins, we justly feel Thy discipline, 0 God! Yet wait the gracious moment still, Till thou remove thy rod. 4 Our foes insult us, but our hope In thy compassion lies; < This thought shall bear our spirits up,> That God will not despise. PSALM 123, 7s.,123 Waiting on God. I p I ORD! before thy throne we bend; j 12 Now to thee our prayers ascend: 4-17q~V~ - 212 PSALMS CXXIV, CXXV. i Servants, to our Master true, Lo! we yield thee homage due: < Children, to thy throne we fly, $ p Abba-Father! hear our cly. 2 Low before tiee, Lord! we bow, $ >< We are waeakr-but mighty thou: $ p Sore distressed, yet suppliant still, H ere we wa it thy holy will s mp 1Bound to earth and rooted here, Till our Saviour God appear. 3 Leave us not beneath the power Of temptation's darkest hor: i > SSwift to seal their captives' doom,?m7f See our fioes exulting come! i mp Jesus, Saviour! yet be nigh, f Lord of life and victory. I $ P^icALM 124, L, L. LE, I 124! Sonxr for Delivera- anc., m 1 FI AD not the Lord, —may Israel say,- We Had not the Lord maInintained our side, VWhen men to m7ake our' liTves a prey, < Riose, like the swelling of the tide;J 3ff 2 The swelling tide had stopped our breath;, 60So fircely did tlhe waters roll, mnp We had been swallowed deep in'death,- $ > Proud watfers had o'erwhelned our soul. f 3 A We leap for joy, we shout and sing, i > W1ho just escaped the fatal stroke;, m So flies the bird, with cheerful wing, When once the fowler's snare is broke. $ 4 Our help is in Jehovah's name, Who formed the earth, and built the skies:; He, who upholds that wondrous frame, Guards his own church with watchful eyes. } 1 125?PS l125, irst Part, C, M. 1250 Tlc Saint's Safety. f 1 TNSHIAKSEN as the sacred hill, U And firm as mountains stand, Firm as a rock, the soul shall rest, That trusts th' almighty hand. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )1QBL~68~yLq C~~949C~a, ~ h~~~~a ~ dI PSALM CXXV. 213 e f2 Not walls, nor hills, could guard so well Old Salemi's lanppy ground, As those eternal'arus of love, TThat every saint surround. p 3 Deal gently, Lord! with souls sincere, And lead them safely on < To the bright gates of paradise, $ WJ here Christ, the Lord, is gone. 125 Q rPsam 125, Second Part, C. X. 1.12 TThe Safety of the Saints. g fi 1\50THO make the Lord of hosts their tower, $ i ~ YShall like:Mount Zion be,. Inamoveable by mortal power,~- Built on eternity. 7zif 2 As, round about Jerusalem, The guardian nmountains stand, So shall the Lord encompass them Who hold by his right hand. 3 The rod of wickledness shall ne'er Against the just prevail, Lest innocence should find a snare, And tempted vi-rtue fail. 4 Do good, 0 Lord do good to those Who cleave to thee in heart, Who on thy truth alone repose, i Nor fr1om thy law depart. m 5 While rebel-souls, who turn aside, i Thine anger shall destroy, Mnp Do thou in peace thy people guide To thine ete.ral joy. 1i 2 PSPALI 125, S. M. 1 5c The Saint's Safety in Trial. f 1 IRIM and unmoved are they, F' Who rest their souls on God; Firm as the mount where David dwelt, Or where the ark abode.' 2 As mountains stood to guard I The city's sacred ground, So God, and his almiglity love, t I$ Embrace his saints around. 21.4 PSALMS CXXV, CXXVI. v 3 What though the Father's rod Drop a chastising stroke? Yet, lest it wound their souls too deep, Its fury shall be broke. p 4 Deal gently, Lord! with those, Whose ftith and pious fear,\m Whose hopeo and love, and every grace, 3 Proclaim their heart sincere.' 1 0;SALI 125, 8s, 7s and 4.'1 125;J0 The God of Zion. if 1 ZION sta.nds Awith hills surrounded,~- z Zion, k.e.;,t yo powerl divine; All her foes shall be confounded, Thlough the w-orld in arms combine:nHappy Zin! ~ What a Iavored lot is thine. e m2p 2 Every humian tie may perish, Friend to friend unfaithful prove, M.others cease their own to cherish, HIeaven and earth at last remove; nmsf But no chanoes Can attend Jehovah's love. m 3 In the furnace God may prove thee, < < - lThence to bring thee forth more bright; $ But can never cease to love thee; Thou art precious in his sight:! f God is with thee:-, GGod, thine everlasting light. 1 126 QSfAlIV 126, L. II. $ 126 JTful Change. i nz 1 /I- I:HEN God, fI0om sin's captivity, Sets Mis aftflicted people fiee,.Iost in amaze, tIhelr mercies seemn The transient raitures of a dream. i < 2 But soon their ransomed souls rejoice, f A.nd mirth and musi-c svwell their voice, Till foes confess, nor dare condemn, e " The Lordl hath done great things for them." } 3 They catch the strain and answer thus- i " The Lord has done great things for us, I Whence gladness'fills our hearts; and songs, i Sweet and spontaneous, wake our tongues." ^ ^^^~ ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^^~^^ PSALM CXXVI. 215 < 4 Who sow in tears shall reap in joy: $ $ Nought shall the precious seed destroy; mp Not long the weeping exiles roam, < But bring their sheaves rejoicing home. d$ Q^ PSALv 126, First Part, C. IM. I 12 TAe Cianre effected by Grace. e m, I n JHEN God revealed his gracious name,,~ ~Y I And changed my mourn ful state, > My rapture seemed a pleasing dream, 1mf TThe grace appeared so great. $'2 The world beheld the glorious change, And did thy hand confess; 5f My tongue broke out in unknown strains, And sung surprising grace. m' 3 Great is the workl!"-my neighbors cried, And owned the power divine; I f " Great is the work!"-my heart replied,- "And be the glory thine." inf 4 The Lord can clear the darkest skies, Can give us day for night; i Make drops of sacrled sorrow rise f To rivers of delight. mp 5 Let those, who sow in sadness, wait * - Till the fair harvest come: < They shall confess their sheaves are great, $ f And shout'the blessings home. 26 PSALE 126, Second Part, C. M. i2 Tlhe MIercy of God to his People. f 1 YE servants of the living God d! Let praise your hearts employ; And, as you tread the heavenly road, Lift up the voice of joy. m 2 Have they not reason to rejoice, Whose sins have been forgiven;- Called by a gracious Father's voice To be the heirs of heaven? < 8 How do the captive's transports flow, > When rescued fioml his chains!: < And how must sinners joy to know f Their great deliverer reigns! m 4 Oh! grant us, Lord! to feel and own The power of love divine, 216 PSALM CXXVII. The grace which makes us thine. 5 The spirit of adoption give: Teach us, with every breath, I< To sing thy praises while we live, > And bless thv name in death. PSALM 127, L. HII i 27 L The Blessing of God necessary to Success, i m 1 IF God succeed not, all the cost I And pains to build the house are lost; If God the city will not keep, The watchful guards as well may sleep. 2 What if you rise before the sun, And work and toil when day is done, Careful and sparing eat your bread, To shun that poverty you dread? 8'T is all in vain, till God hath blessed; Hle can make rich, yet give us rest: Children and fiiends are blessings too, If God our sovereign alke them so. 4 Happy the man, to whom he sends I Obedient children, faithful fiiends; How sweet our daily comforts prove, When they are seasoned with his love. 1 E27^ QSSAL 127, C. H. 1 2 7 I Effort in vain without God. 1 IF God to build the house deny, i The builders work in vain; And towns, without his wakeful eye, A useless watch maintain. 2 Before the morning beams arise, Your painful work renew, And, till the stars ascend the skies, Your tiresome toil pursue. 8 Short be your sleep, and coarse your fare, In vain, till God has blessed; But, if his smiles attend your care, You shall have food and rest. 4 Not children, relatives, nor friends, Shall real blessings prove, I Nor all the earthly joys he sends, If sent without his love.'_ —---- I _______ PSALMS CXXVII-CXXIX. 217! 127 PSALM 12'7, 8s and 7s. 127 Protection and Success are from God. i\ 1 TI AINLY, through night's weary hours, i V Keep ye watcih, lest foes alarm;Vain our bulwarks, and our towers, i But fbr God's protecting arm. 2 Vain were all our toil and labor, Did not God that labor bless; Vain, without his grace and favor, Every talent we possess. imp 3 Vainer still the hope of heaven, That on human strength relies; m But to him shall help be given, Who in humble faith applies. 4 Seek we, then, the Lord's Anointed, He will grant us peace and rest; Ne'er was suppliant disappointed, Who through Christ his prayer addressed. 12 PSALE 12S, C,.. JLW 2:0 ElHappiness of the Pious. 1 i (i H! happy mlan, whose soul is filled > V With zeal and reverend awe; m His lips to God their honors yield, His life adorns the law. 2 A careful providence shall stand, And ever guard thy head; Shall on the labors of thy hand Its kindly blessings shed. 3 The Lord shall thy best hopes fulfill, For months and years to come: The Lord, who dwells on Zion's hill, Shall send thee blessings home. mf 4 This is the man, whose happy eyes \$ Shall see his house increase; - Shall see the sinking church arise,> Then leave the world in peace.;1') c PSALIM 1i9, C. M. 1.9 Persecutors pusnished. mnp 1 TTP from my youth,-may Israel say, > U Have I been nursed in tears; mp My griefs were constant as the day, \ And tedious as the years. 10 218 PSALM CXXX. m 2 Up from my youth, I bore the rage Of all the sons of strife; Oft they assailed my riper age, $ But not destroyed my life. mf 8 The Lord grew angry on his throne, And, with impartial eye, Measured the mischiefs they had done, I < And let his arrows fly. \m 4 How was their insolence surprised < To hear his thunders roll! > And all the foes of Zion seized! p With horror to the soul. < 5 -Thus shall the men, who hate the saints, f Be blasted from the sky; p Their glory fades, their courage faints, I > And all their prospects die. I 1 d PSALM 130, L. M. 1 130 Pardoning' Grace, aff 1 PROM deep distress and troubled thoughts, F " To thee, my God! I raise my cries: If thou severely mark our faults, No flesh can stand before thine eyes, mf 2 But thou hast built thy throne of grace, Free to dispense thy pardons there; That sinners may approach thy face, And hope and love, as well as fear, mp 8 As the benighted pilgrims wait, And long and wish for breaking day, So waits my soul before thy gate;-! When will my God his face display mf 4 My trust is fixed upon thy word, e Nor shall I trust thy word in vain; < Let mourning souls address the Lord, > And find relief from all their pain. I mnf Great is his love, and large his grace, Through the redemption of his Son; He turns our feet from sinful ways, And pardons what our hands have done. PSALM 130, C. M. 130JU Trust in a pardoning God. aff 1 UT of the deeps of long distress, J The borders of despair, ~4~bB~~~BOQ1~saa~~,~s___ _ __ _ w b= t9~~d~ ;% ~ PSALM CXXX. 219: I sent my cries to seek thy grace,- My groans to move thine ear. 2 Great God! should thy severer eye, And thine impartial hand, Mark and revenge iniquity, No mortal flesh could stand. 3 But there are pardons with my God, For crimes of high degree; Thy Son has bought them with his blood,' To draw us near to thee. 4 I wait for thy salvation, Lord! W> ith strong desires I wait; I nf My soul, invited by thy word, Stands watching at thy gate. 5 Then in the Lord let Israel trust, Let Israel seek his face; i The Lord is good, as well as just, And plenteous is his grace. PSALE 130, First Part, S. L 1)30 Waiting on a gracious God. a'ff 1 VROf lowest depths of woe,! To God I send my cry; I Lord! hear my supplicating voice, And graciously reply. 2 Shouldst thou severely judge, i Who could the trial bear? Forgive, O Lord! lest we despond, And quite renounce thy fear. m 3 My soul with patience waits For thee, the living Lord; i.My hopes are on thy promise built,Thy never-failing word.! 4 My longing eyes look out For thine enlivening ray, More duly than the morning watch To hail the dawning day. mf 6 Let Israel trust in God! No bounds his mercy knows; The plenteous source and fountain, whence Eternal succor flows. 2200 PSALM, CXXX. I 1 > 1PSALM l3D, Second Part, S. M. I 30 eiJ1IMoulrning iin spiritu'lal Darkness. I at 1 Tof the depths of woe, J To thee, 0 Lord! I cry: $ < Darkness surrounds me, but I know, Mi zap lThat thou art ever nigh. 2 Then hearken to my voice,; Give ear to my complaint; < Thou bidst the moumlning soul rejoice, cf 3 I cast my hope on thee: Thou canst, thlou wilt forgive:! AWert thou to mark iniquity, 5Who in thy sight could live? i -4 I-Iumnbly on thlee I Tvwait, Conflessinog all my sin; Lord! I nam knock ing at thy gate,Open and let le in. 5 Though storms thy face obscure, < And dangers thleaten loud, f Jehovah's covenant is sure, His bow is in the cloud. \ i FJSALE1 130, 7s. i 130 The Chtild —likeC Temper. 1, 3 1 QIUIET, Lord! my friow'd heart;: in Make me teachable and -nild, UTpright, simple, free from art;'M'lake me as a weaneed child; F rom distrust and envy free, Pleased withl all that pleases thee. 2 What thou shalt to-day provide, Let me as a child receive; 8 What to-morrow Inay betide, Calmly to thy wisdom leave:'T is enough that thou wilt care; \ Why should I thle burden bear l 3 As a little child relies: On a care beyond his own, Knows he's neither strong nCor wise, Fears to move one step alone; Let me thus with thee abide, As my Father, guard, and guide. ^ ~,,c —-~-~-~4~ — PSALM CXXXI. 221 mf 4 Thus preserved from Satan's wiles, Safe fiom dangers, free from fears, May I live upon thy smiles, Till the promised hour appears, f When the sons of God shall prove All their Father's boundless love. ^1 1 PSALM 131, C. M. 13~1 IHLumility and Submission. m I TS there ambition in my heart? Or Search, gracious God! and see; Or do I act a haughty part? Lord! I appeal to thee. 2 I charge my thoughts, be humble still, And all my carriage mild; Content, my Father! with thy will, And quiet as a child. 8 The patient soul, the lowly mind, Shall have a large reward; Let saints in sorrow lie resigned, And trust a faithful Lord. i 1q 31 PSAUX 131, 7s. J131 0.J. n acquiescent Temper. mp L T ORD! for ever at thy side, 1 Let my place and portion be; $ Strip me of the robe of pride; Clothe me with humility. 2 Meekly may my soul receive All thy Spirit bath revealed; Thou hast spoken,-I believe, Though the prophecy were sealed. 8 Quiet as a weaned child, Wean6d fiom the mother's breast, By no subtlety beguiled, On thy faithful word I rest, f 4 Saints! rejoicing evermore, In the Lord Jehovah trust: Him in all his ways adore, Wise, and wonderful, and just. < _ * * ^ **b~o%~b _ a 2 222 PSALMI CXXXIL 0 0 Id 3 6 Q TPSeALI 13., First Part, L. M. Ot 1P2 >Thc Church, tice Dwe])ling-Place of God. m 1 WIHERE shall we go to seek, and find,' V' A. lliabtitP1on for oiur God?- ) A dxwelling for tl' eternal mind, Among the sons of fleshl and blood?? I lf 2 The God of Jacob chose the hill Of Zion, for his ancient rest;! And Zion is his dwelling still; ~ His church is w/ith his presence blest. 0 0 I f 83 "Here will I fix rly gracious throne, And reign for ever," saitl the Lord;; "L Here shall iny power and love be known,; And blessings shall attend my word. > 4 " Here will I meet the hungry poor, < And fill their souls with lixing bread; s m Sinners, who wait before nmy door,; With sweet plovision shill be fed. mf 5 " The saints, unable to contain < Their inward joy, shall shout and sing; The Son cof David here shall reign, And Zion. triumph in her King." I, g e) <;ny 2,SL, 1i32, Blecond Part, L. X, 1 32i 3 Promisns f e th Rei-1 o f C'rist as the Son of David. M. 1 OD! f.or t,1v servant David's sake, t P erfope rmo thine oath to David's Son: Thy truth thou n ever wilt forsalke; D I Look on thine own anoin-ted One. 2 The Lord in faithfulness hath sworn, His throne for ever to maintain; Froni realm to realmn, the sceptre borne Shall stretch, o3er earth, Mfessiah's reign. $ 83 Zion, my chosen hill of old,,ly rest, mny dwelling, my delight, With loving-kindness I uphold; I,Her walls are ever in my sight. 4 There David's horn shall bud and bloom, i aThe branch of glory and renown; ~ < His foes my vengeance shall consume; I f Him with eternal years I crown. +0*BQ~6~ Q~-~ b~~~o~~eP -— S - -- -------- I PSALMS CXXXIT, CXXXII. 223' 1 2 PSALX 132, C. tl, $ 1 iP3 P? rayert' f tthe Rein1' of Christ. If" 1 A RISE, 0 King of grace! arise, i. Ai d enter tCo thyi rest; t Lo! thy cliur l waits, witll longing eyes, Thus to cb owned and blest. 2 Enter, with all thy glorious train,- Thy Spirit and tihy word; All thlt the ark did once conitain Could no such ga'ace atford. 3 Here, miglity God! accept our vows; H Iere let thy praise be spread: Bless the provisiions of thy house, And fill thy poor with bread. 4 Here let the Son of David reign, L et God's Anointed shine; Justice and truth his court mlaintain, With love and power divine. f 5 Here let him hold a lasting throne; $ And, as lis ngdom grows, Fresh honors shall adorn his crown, A Lnd shaine confound his foes. 6I PL ) T 133, First Part, C. H. $1p3 ~:) rothAerly Love. d dol 1 0 O! what an entertaining sight Ar'e brethren whlo agree;Brethren, v Iose cheerful hearts unite, In bands of piety. ~ 2 When streams of love, from Christ, the spring, Descend to every soul, And heavenly peace, with balmy wing, Shades and bedews the whole:3'T is like the oil, divinely sweet, On Aaron's reverend head; The trickling drops perfumed his feet, And o'er his garments spread. 4'T is pleasant as the Imorning dews, That fall on Zion's hill, Where God his mildest glory shows, And makes his grace distill. 224 PSALM CXXXIII. r PSQALM 133, Second Part, C. M, 13 3 Excellence of Christian Unanimity. m I PIRIT of peace, celestial Dove I 0 How excellent thy praise! No richer gift than Christian love i lThy gracious power displays. dog 2 Sweet as the lew on herb and flower, That silently distills, At evening's soft and balmy hour, On Zion's fruitful hills:imp 3 So, with mild influence from above, Shall promised grace descend, mf Till universal peace and love O'er all the earth extend. ^Q r e PBSALM 133, S. M. 133 Ulnion and Peace. dol I IDLEST are the sons of peace, d D 1Whose hearts and hopes are one; Whose kind designs to serve and please, Through all their actions run. \ 2 Blest is the pious house, Where zeal and friendship meet; >o Their songs of praise, their mingled vows, dol Make their communion sweet. 3 Thus, when on Aaron's head They poured the rich perfume, The oil through all his raiment spread, And pleasure filled the room. 4 Thus, on the heavenly hills, The saints are blest above, Where joy, like morning dew, distills, dol And all the air is love. 133 Q PSALM 133, H. I. 1 3 3 Christian Friendship. dol 1 HOW beautiful the sight.0 Of brethren who agree, In friendship, to unite, And bands of charity!'T is like the precious ointment shed, O'er all his robes, from Aaron's head. - Ad ~ ^^e.___^^ —~.~^^^ T ~ PSALM CXXXIII. 225 I 8 2'T is like the dews that fill The cups of Hermon's flowers: $ Or Zion's fiuitful hill, 3Bright with the drops of showers:! When mningling odors breathe around, zmf And glory rests on all the ground. 3 For there the Lord commands Blessings, a boundless store, t From his unsparing hands- E'en life for evermore;: Thrice happy they who meet above,! To spend eternity in love. 3 P-SALM 133, S. P. M. i 133 The Blessings of Friendship, * m 1 aaOW pleasant't is to see T Kindred and friends agree! Each in tleir proper station move; Andll each fulfill tlleir part, With synpathizing hearlt, In all the cares of life and love! dol 2'T is like the ointment, shed On Aaron's s- c red head, Divinely rich, divinely sweet! } The oil thlrounl all the room: Diffused a choice perfuime, Ran through his robes, and blest his feet. 1 3 Like fiuitful showers of rain, $ That water all the plain, Descending firom the neighb'ring hills; i SnSuch strealms of pleasure roll! Through every fiiendly soul, Wihere love, like heavenly dew, distills. 133 3 PLIT 133, 6s and 4s. 13 1 0Unity of Love. dol I 1EHOLD! how good and sweet \ Folr brlethren thus to meet, iWith one accord! Sweet as the fragrance spread, When, over Aaron's head, The rich perfumee was shed, That pleased the Lord. 10* 226 PSALMS CXXXIV, CXXXV. 2 As Hermeon's dew distills, < Or that on Zion's hills, f To swell their store,m So God doth shed his grace On every dwelling-place, Where love illumes the face,nmf Life evermore. PSALM 134, First Part, C. M.: 134 Daily and niglhtly Devotion. mf 1 WIE who obey th' immortal King! J Attend his holy place;:< Bow to the glories of his power, f And bless his wondrous grace. 2 Lift up your hands, by morning light, And send your souls on high; Raise your admiring thoughts, by night, Above the starry sky. 3 The God of Zion cheers our hearts, With rays of quickening grace; The God who spread the heavens abroad, And rules the swelling seas. PSALM 134, Second Part, C. M. 1 34 Constant Devotion. mf 1 BLESS ye the Lord vwith solemn rite,D In hymns extol his name; Ye who, within his house, by night, Watch round the altar's flame 2 Lift up your hands amid the place, Where burns the sacred sign, And pray, that thus Jehovah's face O'er all the earth may shine. 3 From Zion, from his holy hill, The Lord, our Maker, send The perfect knowledge of his will,f Salvation without end. I f),~ PSALM 135, L. M. 1 teJ fGeneral Praise. f I pRAISE ye the Lord,-exalt his name, While in his earthly courts ye wait, Ye saints! who to his house belong, 4 Or stand attending at his gate. Be^~~~0 PSALMS CXXXV, CXXXVI. 227 2 Praise ye the Lord,-the Lord is good; To praise his name is sweet employ; Israel he chose of old, and still His church is his peculiar joy. M 3 The Lord himself will judge his saints; He treats his servants as his friends; mp And, when he hears their sore complaints, Repents the sorrows that he sends. f 4 Bless him, all ye who taste his love! People and priests! exalt his name! Among his saints he ever dwells; His church is his Jerusalem. 1 ) A. PSALM 135, C. X. 1~ 3d50 Praise due to God alone. f" W AWAKE ye saints! to praise your King, Your sweetest passions raise; Your pious pleasure, while you sing, Increasing with the praise. mf 2 Great is the Lord,-and works unknown Are his divine employ: But still his saints are near his throne, His treasure and his joy. 8 Heaven, earth and sea confess his hand; He bids the vapors rise; Lightning and storm, at his command, Sweep through the sounding skies. ft 4 Ye saints! adore the living God, Serve him with faith and fear; He makes the churches his abode, And claims your honors there. PSALM 136, L. M. l 36 Thanks for Creation and Redemption. 1 f I IVE to our God immortal praise;- G Mercy and truth are all his ways; Wonders of grace to God belong;Repeat his mercies in your song. 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown; His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. 8 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fixed the starry lights on high: dlJI —^ ~~~; ll09**~-YLL —L —^-~df * 228 PSALM CXXXVI. - Wonders of grace to God belong;Repeat his mercies in your song. $ Hs4 He fills the sun with morning light, lHe bids the moon direct the night: } HI-is mercies ever shall endure, $ > When suns and moons shall shine no more. I 5 He sent his Son, with power to save' p From guilt, and darkness, and the grave: $ rnf Wonders of grace to God belong;Repeat his mercies in your song. $ m 6 Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heavenly seat: < 1His mercies ever shall endure, > When this vain world shall be no more. 6 Q 1 36PSALM iG, CG. IM. 13 6J Wzondrous Works of God. rmf 1 GIVE thanks to God, the sovereign Lord;An H is mercies still endure, And be the King of kings adored;His truth is ever sure. 2 What wonders hath his wisdom done I How mighty is his hand! Heaven, earth and sea, he framed alone: How wide is his command! mp 3 He saw tle nations dead in sin; He felt his pity move; How sad the state the world was in! nf -How boundless was his love! > 4 He sent to save us from our woe,Inf His goodness never fails,From death and hell, and every foe,And still his grace prevails. 5 Give thanks to God, the heavenly King; His mercies still endure: f Let the whole earth his praises sing; His truth is ever sure.; ~l^ o ^PSALM 136, H. iM. ~1 3 U ) The Wonders of Creation and Grace. f 1 IVE thanks to God ost high,The ufniversal Lord, — The sovereign King of kings, And be his grace adored; 1 I p cPSALMI CXXXVI. 29 Thy mercy, Lord! Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word. 2 How mighty is his hand! What wonders hath hle done I He formed the earth and seas, And spread the heavens alone: His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name Have endless praise. *mp 8 He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin; p And pitied the sad state The ruined world was in: m Thy mercy, Lord! Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word. 17 p 4 He sent his only Son To save us from our woe, From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe: mf His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name $ ave endless praise. ff o Give thanks aloud to God, To God, the heavenly King; And let the spacious earth Ilis works and glories sing: f Thy mercy, Lord! Shall still endure; tAnd ever sure Abides thy word. PSAIM 136, First Part, 7s. 1 U3 6 God's JlMercies sure. $ mf 1 T ET us, with a joyful mind, L Praise the Lord, for he is kind; For his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. _- - -- - - 230 PSALM CXXXVI. 2 He, with all-commanding might, Filled the new-made world with light: For his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 3 All things living he doth feed; His full hand supplies their need: For his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 4 He his chosen race did bless, In the wasteful wilderness: For his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. p 5 He hath, with a piteous eye, Looked upon our misery: f For his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. f 6 Let us then, with joyful mind, Praise the Lord, for he is kind: For his mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 1 36 PSALIT 136, Second Part, 7s. 13 God's enduring Mlercy. f I TO our God loud praises give,Source of good to all who live: Praise his name, whose mercy sure Shall eternally endure. 2 To the Lord your homage bring,God of god-of kings the King: For his mercy, free and sure, Shall eternally endure. 3 Praise him for his deeds of might, For his greatness infinite, For his mercy free and sure, Which doth evermore endure. 4 He, by wisdom, built the skies, And bade earth from ocean rise; Filled the sun with glorious light, Gave the moon to rule the night. > 5 He beheld us when brought low, mf And redeemed us from the foe: ~i ~ PSALM CXXXVII. 231 m He doth every blessing give; By his bounty all things live. f" 6 Oh! give thanks-your voices raise To the God of heaven, in praise; For his mercy, free and sure, Shall eternally endure. PSALM 137, First Part, L. M. 13 7 i The Desolations of Zion lamented. af I 1HTIHEN we, our wearied limbs to rest, i Sat down by proud Euphrates' stream, We wept-with doleful thoughts oppressed, And Zion was our mournful theme. nf 2 Our harps, that, when with joy we sung, Were wont their tuneful parts to bear, p With silent strings, neglected hung, > On willow-trees that withered there. mp 3 How shall we tune our voice to sing, Or touch our harps with skilful hands? < Shall hymns of joy, to God our King, nmf Be sung by slaves in foreign lands? aff 4 0 Salem, our once-happy seat! When I of thee forgetful prove, Let then my trembling hand forget The tuneful strings with art to move. 5 If I to mention thee forbear, pip Eternal silence seize my tongue; P Or if I sing one cheerful air, < Till thy deliverance is my song. PSALM 137, Second Part, L. M. e137 Thle Remembrance of Zion. mp 1 0 ZION! when I think on thee, AMnf U I wish for pinions like the dove, s P And mourn to think, that I should be So distant from the place I love. 2 A captive here, and far from home, > For Zion's sacred walls I sigh; m Thither the ransomed nations come, And see the Saviour eye to eye. m 3 While here I walk on hostile ground, The few, that I can call my fiiends, Are like myself with fetters bound, And weariness our steps attends. 232 PSALM CXXXVII.: szf 4 But we shall yet behold the clay,' When Zion's children shall return:: < Our sorrows then shall flee away,' > And we shall never, never mourn. $ m 5 The hope, that such a day will come, > Mlakes e'en the captive's portion sweet: mp Thouglp now we wander far from home, mnf In Zion soon we all shall meet. i Camle, like departed joys, in sleep, 3 p Whose forms to sad remembrance rise, Though fled for ever fiomn our eyes. $ 2 Our harps upon the willows hung, Where, worn with toil, our limbs reclined; The chords, untuned, and trembling, rung With mourlnful music, on the wind, m While foes, insulting o'er our wrongs, $ mf Cried,-" Sing us one of Zion's songs." mp 3 How can we sing the songs we love, Far from our own delightful land? — < If I prefer thee not, above m f My chiefest joy, may this right hand, /f Jerusalem!-forget its skill, > My tongue be dumb, my pulse be still. PSALM 137, S. M..1. 1 37 Laove the yChurch. dol I I LOVE thy kingdom, Lord! I The house of thine abode, The church our blest Redeemer saved With his own precious blood. 2 I love thy church, O God! Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. m 3 If e'er, to bless thy sons, My voice or hands deny, v PSALMS CXXXVII, CXXXVIII. 233 These hands let useful slill forsake, > This voice in silence die. p 4 For her my tears shall fall; < For her my prayers ascend; ~- To her my cares and toil be given, i > Till toils and cares shall end. f 5 Beyond my highest joy, I / I prize her heavenly ways, mp Her sweet communion, solemn vows, mf Her hymns of love and praise. 6 Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given if The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. io P34P~hPSALM 137, 10s. 1 137 The captive Tribes. aff 1 A LONG the banks where Babel's current flows, $ The captive bands in deep despondence strayed; While Zion's fall in sad remembrance rose, > Her friends, her children, mingled with the dead. mf 2 The tuneful harp that once with joy they strung, When praise employed and mirth inspired the lay, p Was now in silence on the willows hung, While growing grief prolonged the tedious day. > 3 Their proud oppressors, to increase their woe, I mf With taunting smiles a song of Zion claim; Bid sacred praise melodious flow. While they blaspheme the great Jehovah's name. mp 4 But how, in heathen chains, and lands unknown, Shall Israel's bands the sacred anthems raise? O hapless Salem! God's terrestrial throne, f Thou land of glory, sacred mount of praise!- mp 5 "If e'er my mem'ry lose thy lovely name, I i If my cold heart neglect my kindred race,; Let dire destruction seize this guilty frame, > My hand shall perish, and my voice shall cease." r~ n~o PSALM 138, L. M, *1 3<( Praise for divine Protection. f o' 1'TITH all my powers of heart and tongue, W I 11 praise my Maker in my song; [ 234 PSALM CXXXIX. Angels shall hear the notes I raise, * Approve the song, and join the praise. mp 2 To God I cried, when troubles rose: $j I IHe heard me, and subdued iy foes;' He did my rising fears control, m mf And strength diffused through all my soul. i r 3 Amid a thousand snares I stand, Upheld and guarded by thy hand; $ Thly words my iainting soul revive, $ And keep my dying faith alive. f 4 I'11 sing thy truth and mercy, Lord; I'11 sing thle wonders of thy word; Not all thy works and names below So much thy power and glory show. O r Q PSAM 139, First Part, L. II. 1 3L9 TtAe Omniscience of God. mp 1. I ORBD! thou hast searched and seen me J1 throuh: Thine eye commands, with piercing view, My rising and mny restiig hours, My hleart and flesh, with all their powers. 2 My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to mny God distinctly known; IHe knows the words I mean to speak, Ere from my opening lips they break. m E 3 Within thy circling power I stand, $ On. every side I find thy hand; Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, I alm surrounded still with God. nip 4 Oh may these thoughts possess my breast, Where'er I rove, where'er I rest; Nor let rmy weaker passions dare Consent to sin, for God is there. e 1 39 PSTALM 139, Second Part, L. X. J3 9 Thle ever-present God. Imp 1 p OULD I so false, so faithless prove, i To quit thy service and thy love,; Where, Lord! could I thy presence shun, Or from thy dreadful glory run? mf 2 If up to heaven I take my flight, T' is there thou dwellest enthroned in light; i 4 A*. I PPSALM CXXXIX. 235 t - _- -; 1sap Or plunge to hell,-there justice reigns, i$ And Satan groans beneath thy chains. f" 3 Itf mounted on a morning ray, I fly beyond the western sea, Thy swifter hand would first arrive, And there arrest thy fugitive. in 4 Or, should I try to shun thy sight, Beneath the spreading veil of night,; I < One glance of thine, one piercing ray, nmf VWould kindle darkness into day. n'p 5 Oh! may these thoughts possess my breast, Where'er I rove, where'er I rest; * Nor let my weaker passions dare > Consent to sin, for God is there. 139 PSAL. 139, Third Part, L. M. 1 39 u Thie wonTderfal Formation of JMan1 in I 1 T WAS from thy hand, my God! I came, T 1 A work of such a curious frame; In me thy fearful wonders shine, And each proclaims thy skill divine. 2 Great God! my feeble nature pays Immortal tribute to thy praise; Thy thoughts of love to nme surmount The power of numbers to recount. 3 I could survev the ocean o'er, And count each sand that makes the shore, Before my swiftest thoughts could trace The numerous wonders of thy grace. 4 These on my heart are still impressed; With these I give my eyes to rest; And, at my waking hour, I find God and his love possess my mind. 1 39 1PSALM 139, L..., 6 Lines. $139 Gaod, good and nzom?ziscient. i n 1,rOW precious are thy thoughts of peace, i t God! to me-how great the sum! New every morn, they never cea'se; They were, they are, and yet shall come, In number, and in compass more Than ocean's sand, or ocean's shore. 236 PSALM CXXXIX. 2 Search me, O God! ancl know my heart, Try me, my secret soul survey; And warn thy servant to depart From every false and evil way: So shall thy truth my guidance be,:f In life and immortality. 1 30 Q PSALM 139, First Part, C. N. J13 God every where. aff 1 N all my vast concerns with thee, I In vain my soul would try, To shun thy presence, Lord or flee The notice of thine eye. 2 Thine all-surrounding sight surveys M y rising and my rest, Mly public walks, my private ways, And secrets of my breast. 8 My thoughts lie open to the Lord, Before they're formed within; And, ere my lips pronounce the word, He knows the sense I mean. 4 Oh! wondrous knowledge, deep and high, Where can a creature hide? Within thy circling arms I lie, Enclosed on every side. i mn 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, mJf Secured by sovereign love. 1 O l PSALM 139, Second Part, C. I. 13 Omniscience of God. mp 1 T ORD I where shall guilty souls retire, Forgotten and unknown? < In hell they meet thy dreadful firef In heaven thy glorious throne. np 2 Should I suppress my vital breath, To shun the wrath divine, $ < Thy voice would break the bars of death,' > And make the grave resign.!f" 3 If, winged with beams of morning light, I fly beyond the west, I $PSALM CXXXIX. 237 I wp Thy hand, which must support my flight, i< Would soon betray my rest. mp 4 If, o'er my sins, I think to draw, The curtains of the night, m Those flaming eyes, that guard thy law, Would turn the shades to light. m 5 The beams of noon, the midnight hour, Are both alike to thee: Oh! may I ne'er provoke that power, From which I cannot flee. 9 PSALI 139, Third Part, C. M. i 3LR D The JMercies of God. m 1 J O weRD! when I count thy mercies o'er, i L They strike me with surprise; [Not all the sands, that spread the shore, To equal numbers rise. 2 My flesh, with fear and wonder, stands, The product of thy skill; And hourly blessings, fi'om thy hands, Thy thoughts of love reveal. 3 These on my heart by night I keep; 1$p HIow kind, how dear to me! m i Oh! may the hour, that ends my sleep, Still find my thoughts with thee. $I g PSALM 139, C. M., 6 Lines. 1 3 0 God spiritually present. $ mf 1 PEYOND, beyond that boundless sea, l Above that dome of sky, Farther than thought itself can flee, Thy dwelling is on high; len " Yet dear the awful thought to me, That thou, my God! art nigh; -- mp 2 Art nigh, and yet my lab'ring mind $ Feels after thee in vain.< Thee in these works of power to find, m Or to thy seat attain; — < Thy messenger-the stormy wind; in Thy path-the trackless main. ff' These speak of th thee with loud acclaim; They thunder forth thy praise,~- ^ ~ ~ ~ ~~- ~ ^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 238 PSALMS CXL, CXLI. The glorious honor of thy name, The wonders of thy ways: m But thou art not in tempest-flame, Nor in the solar blaze. < 4 We hear thy voice, when thunders roll f Through the wide fields of air; m The waves obey thy dread control; p Yet still thou art not there: m Where shall I find him, 0 my soul! Who yet is every where? aff 5 Oh! not in circling depth or height, But in the conscious breast, Present to faith, though veiled from sight, There does his spirit rest; Oh! come, thou Presence infinite! mf And make thy creature blest.' A { PSALM 140, S. M. 1L40 A Complaint against personal Enemies. aff 1 aY God while impious men, lL With malice in their heart, lMy peace destroy, my life defame, Thy guardian grace impart. 2 Oh! hear my humble cry; Their fondest hope destroy; Their arts confound, their plots disclose, And blast their envious joy. 3 Thou wilt sustain the poor, And bid th' afflicted sing: < Before thee shall thy children dwell,- \ f Their Father, and their King. 141i Cisia PSALM 141, L. M. 141 Christian Watchfulness.-2 J Morning Psalm. - Like morning incense in thy house; And let my nightly worship rise, Sweet as the evening sacrifice. 2 Watch o'er my lips, and guard them, Lord I From every rash and heedless word; Nor let my feet incline to tread The guilty path where sinners lead. 4 ~ l PSALMS CXLII, CXLIII. 239 3 Oh! may the righteous, when I stray, Smite, and reprove my wandering way; Their gentle words, like ointment shed, $ < Shall never bruise, but cheer my head. p 4 When I behold them pressed with grief, I'11 cry to heaven for their relief; I< And, by my warm petitions, prove, mf I-low much I prize their faithful love. 1 J42j/ Looking to God in Trouble, aff 1 GO God I made my sorrows known, T From God I sought relief; In long complaints, before his throne, I poured out all my grief. 2 On every side I cast mine eye, And found my helpers gone; While friends and strangers passed me by, Neglected and unknown. < 3 Then did I raise a louder cry, t And called thy mercy near;- p "Thou art my portion when I die; Be thou my refuge here." $ p 4 Lord! I am brought exceeding low, Now let thine ear attend, < And make my foes, who vex me, know, f I've an almighty Friend. p 5 From my sad prison set me free; < Then shall I praise thy name, f And holy men shall join with me, Thy kindness to proclaim. $ 1A PSALM 143, First Part, L, M. 43 Prayer in a.ffiction. i aff 1 MY righteous Judge! my gracious God! } - Hear, when I spread my hands abroad, And cry for succor from thy throne; S Oh! make thy truth and mercy known. i 2 Look down in pity, Lord! and see The mighty woes that burden me; \ Down to the dust my life is brought, Like one long-buried and forgot. ~~WI~1)M Q~~9694~~~~2~ 240 PSALMS CXLIII, CXLIV. 3 My thoughts, in musing silence, trace The ancient wonders of thy grace; Thence I derive a glimpse of hope, To bear my sinking spirits up. 4 For thee I thirst, I pray, I mourn; When will thy smiling face return? Shall all my joys on earth remove?- And God for ever hide his love? PSALMIV 143, Second Part, L. H. 143 MlMental fflictions and Trials. aff 1 L]tEAR me, 0 Lord! in my distress, II Hear me, in truth and righteousness; For, at thy bar of judgment tried, None living can be justified. 2 Lord! I have foes —without, within,The world, the flesh, in-dwelling sin, < Life's daily ills, temptation's power, f And Satan, roaring to devour. aff 3 Oh! let me not thus hopeless lie, Iike one condemned at morn to die: < lBut, with the morning, may I see, mp Thy loving-kindness visit me. > 4 Teach me thy will, subdue my own; nm Thou art my God, and thou alone; By thy good Spirit, guide me still, Safe from all foes, to Zion's hill. 5 Release my soul from trouble, Lord! Quicken and keep me by thy word; May all its promises be mine; > Be thou my portion,-I am thine. 1 4 4 PSALE 144, 1,., I 1n4s4o Tolh Goodness of God. m 1 THE Lord is gracious to forgive, -1 And slow to let his anger move; The Lord is good to all that live, And all his tender mercy prove. f 2 Glorious in majesty art thou; Thy throne for ever shall endure; > And angels at thy footstool bow; I mp Yet dost thou not despise the poor. !S rPSALM CXLIV. 241 n 3 The Lord upholdeth them that fall; He raiseth mien of low degree: 0 God, our health! the eyes of all,- $ Of all the living, wait on thee. fn 4 Thou openest thine exhaustless store, And rainest food on every land; The dumb creation thee adore, And eat their portion from thy hand. m p 5 Man, most indebted, most ingrate, M Tan only, is a rebel here: Teach him to know thee, ere too late;Teach him to love thee, and to fear. 1$44j PSAL 144, First Part, C. M. J L~41 4 The spirituazl ictory. $ mf 1 OR ever bless6d be the Lord, F 1 My Saviour and my shield: He sends his Spirit, with his word, To arm ne for the field. 2 When sin and hell their force unite, I H-le makes my soul his care, Instructs me to the heavenly fight, $ And guards me through the war. 8 A friend and helper so divine Doth my weak courage raise: f He makes the glorious vict'ry mine, And his shall be the praise. il4t PAA ALIYI 144, Second Part, C. DI. 144f Th/e Frailty of Jlanm. p" 1 T ORD! what is mnan-poor feeble man, 1 Born of the earth at first? is life a shadow, light and vain, Still hastening to the dust 2 Oh! what is feeble, dying man, { Or any of his race, That God should make it his concern, To visit him with grace? f 3 Tkat God who darts his lightnings down, Who shakes the worlds above, And mountains tremble at his frown,- How wondrous is his love! ^~iT ~ ~ ~- - ~^a I 242 PSALM CXLV. i 1i 45 PSALM 145, First Part, L. M. 14 The Greatness of God.: Mf 1 ]JY God! my King! thy various praise m ~T_ Shall fill the remnant of my days; > Thy grace employ my humble tongue, < Till death and glory raise the song. n 2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear; And every setting sun shall see New works of duty, done for thee. nf 3 Thy works with sovereign glory shine, $ And speak thy majesty divine; $f Let every realm, with joy, proclaim $ The sound and honor of thy name. $ 4 Let distant times and nations raise The long succession of thy praise; And unborn ages make my song The joy and labor of their tongue. f len 5 But who can speak thy wondrous deeds? Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds: Vast and unsearchable thy ways,Vast and ilmmortal be thy praise. 1i 4 PSALM 145, Second Part, L. M. 1 4S 5 God's Goodness. f 1 E sons of men! with joy, record Y The various wonders of the Lord; And let his power and goodness sound, Through all your tribes, the earth around. 2 Let the high heavens your songs invite,Those spacious fields of brilliant light, Where sun, and moon, and planets roll, $ And stars, that glow from pole to pole. 8 Sing, earth! in verdant robes arrayed, With herbs and flowers, with fruits and shade; View the broad sea's majestic plains, And think how wide thy Maker reigns. mf 4 But Oh! that brighter world above, Where lives and reigns incarnate love:God's only Son, in flesh arrayed, $> For man a bleeding victim made. P -- ---- ------ ----— b*s s — b- --- -- - ------- :i $ PSALM CXLV. 243' f" 5 Thither, my soul! with rapture soar; There, in the land of praise, adore; The theme demands an angel's layDemands an everlasting day. 145 t PSALM 145, First Part, C. M. 1 145 0AL The Greatness of God. Tf' 1 T ONG as I live I'11 bless thy name, L My King! my God of love! My work and joy shall be the same, In the bright world above. 3 2 Great is the Lord —his power unknown; And let his praise be great; I'll sing the hon ors of thy throne, Thy works of grace repeat. 3 Thy grace shall dwell upon my tongue; And, while my lips rejoice, The men, who hear my sacred song, i Shall join their cheerful voice. n 4 Fathers to sons shall teach thy name, And children learn thy ways; Ages to come thy truth proclaim, I \ < And nations sound thy praise. } rn 5 The world is managed by thy hands; Thy saints are ruled by love;: f And thine eternal kingdom stands, *' Though rocks and hills remove. $ IA PSALM 145, Second Part, C. X. 14f5 Goodness of God. I m I SWEET is the melmry of thy grace, i$ yMy God! my heavenly King! Let age to age thy righteousness, f In sounds of glory, sing. 2 God reigns on high,-but ne'er confines His goodness to the skies; Through the whole earth his bounty shines, And every want supplies. I 3 With longing eyes, thy creatures wait On thee for daily food; Thy liberal hand provides their meat,! And fills their mouth with good. ~a*I~~U~H)~WIO —--— S ---------- - -- - 244 PSALMS CXLV, CXLVI. I - - ~-. I p 4 H-ow kind are thy compassions, Lord! How slow thine anger moves! < But soon he sends his pard'ning word, 2jf To cheer the souls he loves. 5 Creatures, with all their endless race, Thy power and praise proclaim; f But saints, who taste thy richer g:ta e, Delight to bless thy name. I 145 PSAT L 145, Third Part, C, I. 145f^ L! olGoodness of Providence. $ mf 1 I ET every tongue thy goodness speak, $ L Thou sovereign Loid of all! Thy streoentnling hands uphold the weak, f > And raise the poor wvho iall. p 2 When sorrow bows the spirit down, Or virtue lies distressedl I Beneath some pioud oppressor's frown, Thou givest the mourners rest. * rn 3 The Lord supports our tottering days, And guides our gilddy youth: Holy andl just are all his ways, And alll ti s w.ords are trunth.! np 4 HIe knows the pain his servants feel, He hears his children cry; i$ n And, their best wisthes to fulfill, H is grace is ever nigh. 5 His imercv never shall remove From m]en of heart sincere; -IHe saves the souls, whose humble love Is joined wsith holy fear. I f 6 My lips shall dwell upon his praise, $ And spread his fame abroad; I Let all the sons of Adam raise The honors of their God. I I I PSAL 146, L. X. 1 L Praise for divixe Goodness and TruthA. j rf 1 RAISE ye the Lord! —my heart shall join, $ w In work so pleasant, so divine: * My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last.;t~~~~~~9~6~be8~8~~ $b~gC'~0)88~~8 8 88~ PSALMS CXLVI, CXLVII. 245 2 Happy the man, whose hopes rely Onl Israel's God;-he made the sky,: And earth, and seas, with all their train; And none shall find his promise vain. ^ 3 His truth for ever stands secure; M ep He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor;, IHe helps the stranger in distress, p The widow and the fatherless. m 4 He loves his saints,-he knows them well, > But turns the wicked down to hell: < Thy God, O Zion! ever reigns; f / Praise him in everlasting strains. *: i v n PSALM 146, L. P. M. t 146 Praise to God for his Goodness and Truth. 1 I'LL praise my Maker with my breath; ~ L LAnd, when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers: My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 2 Happy the man, whose hopes rely On Israel's God;-he made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train: His truth for ever stands secure; mp He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor; - And none shall find his promise vain. 3 He loves his saints,-he knows them well, > But turns the wicked down to hell: f Thy God, O Zion! ever reigns; $ Let every tongue, and every age, In this exalted work engage: Praise him in everlasting strains. 4 I'11 praise him while he lends me breath, And, when my voice is lost in death, i f Praise shall employ my nobler powers: M ly days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 1 t @ 241^ i PSALM 147, L. X. j I 147 Praise for divine Grace. 1 pAISE ye the Lord!'t is good to raise! I Our hearts and voices in his praise; ~~><~'^<~-~,^^^, ^ ~* -<^~~~868~B~~~b~b~~~3~9~~~6~ 6 I 246 CPSALI CXLVII. His nature and his works invite T o malke this duty our delight. 7?f 2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem, And gathers nations to his name!; ltap His iercy imelts the stubborn soul, < And makes the broken spirit whole. inf 3 He formed the stars-those heavenly flames, He counts their numbers, calls their names; Iis vwisdoi's vast, and knows no bound,A deep, where all our thoughts are drowned I 4 Great is our Lord, and great his might, And all his glor ies infinite; >< He crovwns the Ineek, rewards the just, > And treads the wicked to the dust. } f 5 But saints are lovely in lis sight: He views his children with delight; > I-He sees their hope, he knows their fear, inp And looks, and loves his image there. 14f7 PSA.LI 147, 0. I. 147 i The SeasonO. f I /ITl-T songs and honors, sounding loud, Address the Lord on high; Over the heavens hle spreads his cloud, And watders veil the sky. dol 2 He sends is shoswers of blessings down, To cheer the plains below; I He makes the grass the mountains crown, And corn in valleys grow. mnp 3 His steady counsels change the face Of the declining year; He bids the sun cut short his race, And wintry days appear. In 4 His hoary frost, his fleecy snow, Descend and clothe the ground; The liquid streeams forbear to flow, The icy fetters bound. 5 He sends his word, and melts the snow, The fields no longer mourn; He calls the warmer gales to blow, * mf And bids the spring return. PSALM CXLVIII. 247 i < 6 The changing wind, the flying cloud, m?mf Obey his mighlty word: $ < With song's a1nd honors, sounding loud, o, f Praise ye the sovereign Lord. f PSALT/ 148, L. IS. \ 14^0 JOUniLversal Praise to God. f 1 I OUD h.lleieiahs to te Lord, i From distart \ worldSs where creatures dwell!. Let heaven begin the solemn w'ord, And sounda it c remadful down to hell. 2 Wide as his vist comuinion lies, MTake the Creator's name be known: i,'ff Loud as his thfunderl, slout hlis praise, And sound it lofty, as his throne. $ f 3 Jehovahl't is a gl(orious word; Oh! may it dwell on every tongue; But saints, wvlio best have known the Lord, \ Are bound to raise the noblest song. $ 4 Speak of the wonders of that love, Which Gabriel plays oil every chord; From all belouw, and all above,, Loud hallelujahs to the Lord. i 1 X o 3PAtL4t,!t:8, S.. I 148 Ex4or8ation to Praise. f' 1 T ET every c reature join,, To praise th' eternal God; Ye heavenly hosts the song begin, Anc d sonld his name abroad. 2 Thou sun with golden beams! And moon, Nwith paler rays! Ye starry lights! ye twinkling flames I Shine to your- Mlakcer's praise. 8 He built those wolds above, And fixed their wondrous frame; By his commandI they stand or move, And ever speak his natme. 4 Ye vapors! when ye rise, Or fall in showers or snomw,- Ye thunders! murm'ring round the skies, His power and glory show. 248 PSALM CXLVIII. 5 Wind, hail, and flaming fire! Agree to praise the Lord, When ye in dreadful storms conspire To execute his word. 6 By all his works above, His honors be expressed; But saints, who taste his saving love, Should sing his praises best. 14r 8, o PSALM 148, H. M. a 13.48( Praise from all Creatures. f" I yE tribes of Adam! join With heaven, and earth, and seas, And offer notes divine To your Creator's praise: Ye holy throng Of angels bright! In worlds of light, Begin the song. 2 Thou sun, with dazzling rays I And moon that rules the night I Shine to your Maker's praise, With stars of twinkling light. His power declare, Ye floods on high! And clouds that fly In empty air! 3 The shining worlds above } In glorious order stand, $ Or in swift courses move, By his supreme command: n" He spake the word, And all their frame, From nothing came To praise the Lord. 4 Let all the nations fear The God who rules above; He brings his people near, And makes them taste his love: I f" While earth and sky,'f Attempt his praise, \ EHis saints shall raise His honors high. PSAIL CXLVIII. 249 $ l PSFALIM 148, C. P. M. $ 1480 Pira ise — io;-, a't Creatutres. If"/ 1 REGIN, my Soul! th' exalited lay; D Let e.,chi enra)ptu'ed t1hought obey, I pAnd praise th' Almnighty's name; $ Lo! heaven, andl earth, and seas, and skies, In one melodious concert rise, I rTo swell tih inspiring theme. 2 Thou heaven of heavens! —his vast abode, Ye clouds! proclainl your 3iaker, God,-d Ye tlhnders speak h1is powaer: Lo on. the lightning's fiery wing. In triuimpnh, Awalks th' eternal King;Th' astonished,worlds adiore. $ if" 3 Ye deeps! wilth roaring billoaws rise, To join the tilhunders of the skies; Praise him vwlio bids yon roll;'> His praise in softer notes declare, p Each whisper linR breeze of yielding air! $ pp And breathe it to the soul. I f" 4 Wake, all ye soaringl throngs! and sing;$ Ye feathered w ble of the spri-ng! \'lHarmonious arnthes h raise $ To him, who shaped your finer mould, Who tipped your glitteri; ings with gold, $ \ And tuned your voice to praise. 5 Let man, by nobler ppassions swayed,~- i Let mnan, in God's own imlage made, e His breath, in praise, employ; Spread wide his Maker's name around, j,2, Till heaven shall eclo back the sound, I*': In songs of holy joiy. I E&o AAIM 148, 8s a.nd 7s. 148'Praise to God. e 1 PRAISE the Lo rd;-ye heavens! adore him! I r Praise him, rng;els in the height! I Sun and moon! rejoice before him; Praise him, ll ye stars of light!, 2 Praise the Lord,-for he has spoken; i tWorllds his mighty voice obeyed; Laws, which never can be broken, I PFor their guidance he hath made. 11*' 250 PSALMS CXLVIII, CXLIX. 3 Praise the Lord,-for he is glorious; Never shall his promise fail; God hath made his saints victorious, Sin and death shall not prevail.'f" 4 Praise the God of our salvation; Hosts on high! his power proclaim; Heaven and earth, and all creation! Praise and magnify his name. 1 1480 Praise for the Works of Creation. f" 1 HERALDS of creation! cry,L,, " Prtlaishe Lth ord-the Lord most high Heaven and earth! obey the call, Praise the Lord-the Lord of all. 2 For he spake, and forth from night * Sprang the universe to light; -le commanded-nature heard, I nAnd stood fast upon his word. 3 Praise him, all ye hosts above, — Spirits perfected in love! Sun and moon! your' anthems raise,! Sing, ye stars! your Maker's praise. $ 1, Q PSALM 149, C. M. \ 149 TJLhc Saints judging the World. n mf 1 A LL ye who love the Lord! rejoice, - And let your songs be new; I Amid the church, with cheerful voice, His later wonders show. $ 2 The Jews, the people of his grace, Shall their Redeemer sing; And Gentile nations join the praise, While Zion owns her King. m 3 The Lord takes pleasure in the just, Whom sinners treat with scorn; p The meek, who lie despised in dust, m ~f Salvation shall adorn. i 4 Saints should bejoyful in their King, > Ev'n on a dying bed; mnf And, like the souls in glory, sing;- For God shall raise the dead. m 5 When Christ his judgment-seat ascends, And bids the world appear, _ * ".s~+~~6~~ws~~c~as~s~ b~~~o ~~H1~~,~- ----— ~ —-— UI — PSALM CL. 251 Thrones are prepared for all his friends mp Who humbly loved him here.: 1 pf50 PSALM 150, C.., 150 ti Public and univessal Praise. f 1 TIN God's own house pronounce his praise; His grace he there reveals; To heaven your joy and wonder raise, For there his glory dwells. 2 Let all your sacred passions move, While you rehearse his deeds; But the great work of saving love Your highest praise exceeds. 3 All that have motion, life and breath! Proclaim your Maker blest; > Yet, when my voice expires in death,'f MYy soul shall praise him best. PSALM 150, H. M. 1 50 Praise on EartA and in Heaven, mf I N Zion's sacred gates, I Let hymns of praise begin, Where acts of faith and love, In ceaseless beauty, shine: I n mercy there, While God is known, Before his throne, With songs appear. f" 2 The trumpet's martial voice, > The timbrel's softer sound, mnf The organ's solemn peal, If His praises shall resound; To swell the song, With highest joy, Let man employ His tuneful tongue. f" 3 In heaven, his house on high, Ye angels! lift your voice; Let heavenly harps resound, And happy saints rejoice: The glories sing, That ever shine, With pomp divine,, Around your King. ~~4~~44 d' 2 522 PSALM CL. I l;, PSALI 150, 7s. 1 $ 0 U Exzhortation to Praise. If 1 pRAISE the Lord-his power confess; j Praise him in his holiness; Praise lin, as the theme inspires; Praise him, as his fname requires. 2 Let the trumpet's lofty sound if Spread its loudest notes around; Let the hIarp unite, in praise, W ith the sacred minstrel's lays. 8 Let the organ join to bless God —the Lord of righteousness; Tune your voice to spread the fame Of the great Jehovah's name. \ f 4i All who dwell beneath his light I In his praise, your hearts unite; WV hile the stream of song is pourecd, Praise and magnify the Lord. L 50 U U Praise from all livi'ng. f 1 DPRAISE the Lord who reigns above, I JAnd keeps his courts below; Praise lhim for his boundless love, And all his greatness show; Praise him for his noble deeds; Praise him for his matchless power; Him, from whom all good proceeds, Let earth and heaven adore. 2 Publish, spread to all around, The great Immanuel's name; Let the gospel-trumpet sound; Him Prince of Peace proclaim: Praise him, every tuneful string! All the reach of heavenly art, All the power of music bringThe music of the heart. 8 Him, in whom they move and live, Let every creature sing; Glory to our Saviour give, And homage to our King; mp Hallowed be his name beneath, < As in heaven, on eatLth adored; _^ ^~^^b_~~~~~~~b - PSALM CL. 253 f' Praise the Lord in every breath;Let all things praise the Lord. i 5o PSALM 150, 7s, 6s and 7s. i150J The universal Cahorus. ff" 1 ALLELUJAIH!-Praise the Lord, -I In the heights of glory; Hosts of heaven! with one accord, Shout the joyful story; Praise him for his mighty deeds, Praise ye him, whose grace exceeds All that heaven in songs concedes; Worlds of bliss! his praise record. 2 Praise him with the trumpet's tongue, Far and wide resounding; Praise him with the harp well-strung, While your hearts are bounding; dol Praise him with the sweet-toned lyre; nf Let his praise the lute inspire; ff Praise him in a mighty choir;Let his praise be loudly sung. 8 Praise him with the viol's strings, Waking joyous feeling; While the vault of glory rings With the organ's pealing: Let the cymbals ring his praise, Wake the clarion's grandest lays, Praise the Lord through endless days:Lo! his praise creation sings. 1 rPSAIM 150, 6s and 4s. J 15U Praise in the Courts of God. jf' I pRAISE ye Jehovah's name, 1 Praise through his courts proclaim,Rise and adore: High o'er the heavens above, Sound his great acts of love, While his rich grace we prove — Vast as his power. 2 Now let the trumpet raise Sounds of triumphant praise, Wide as his fame: t "_**t 254 PSALM CL. There let the harp be found; Organs, with solemn sound! Roll your deep notes aroundFilled with his name. 3 While his high praise ye sing, Shake every sounding string;-' Sweet the accord! i He vital breath bestows; Let every breath that flows His noblest fame disclose;ff Praise ye the Lord, I IS i______________ _____________ I M I Ir~~ z IR1' ~~a < X i r^ i9~~~~~~p ^~~u I ^^~ —-------— ~ —--- H Y I I SI THE SCRIPTURES. i$ z nHMN 1, C. M. The Bible suited to our Wants. mf 1 jIATI-ER of mercies! in thy word 1' What endless glory shines! For ever be thy name adored, For these celestial lines. 2 Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a fiee repast; Sublimer sweets than nature knows Invite the longing taste. 8 Here, the Redeemer's welcome voice i Spreads heavenly peace around; < And life, and everlasting joys f JAttend the blissful sound. $ (do 4: Oh! may those heavenly pages be. My ever-dear delight; And still new beauties may I see, tAnd still increasing light. inp 5 Divine instructor, gracious Lord I Be thou for ever near;:m Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there.'2 ^ Prophecy and Inspiration. m I'T WAS by an order from the Lord, The ancient prophets spoke his word; His spirit did their tongues inspire, < And warmed their hearts with heavenly fire. sq~ _ r -, - 9~~9.~%8MCP9~%9)H1~* 258 HYMNS III, IV. m 2 Great God! mine eyes with pleasure look On the dear volume of thy book; There my Redeemer's face I see, > And read his name who died for me. m 3 Let the false raptures of the mind Be lost, and vanish in the wind; Vmf Here I can fix my hope secure; This is thy word, and must endure. witY 3, C. fM. \~~~3 ~The Holy Scriptures.: p 1 T ADEN with guilt, and full of fears, L I fly to thee, nvy Lord! And not a glimpse of hope appears, M m But in thy written word. Does all my grief assuage; Here, I behold my Saviour's face, Almost in every page. 3 Here, consecrated water flows, To quench my thirst of sin; Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows;No danger dwells therein. 4 This is the judge that ends the strife, Where wit and reason fail;-:< IMy guide to everlasting life, > Through all this gloomy vale. in 5 Oh! may thy counsels, mighty God My roving feet command: Nor I forsake the happy road, That leads to thy right hand. 4 AHMN 4, L.,. 4 My.A Saviour seen in the Scriptures. 1f NI OW let my soul, eternal King! To thee its grateful tribute bring; p My knee, with humble homage, bow, My tongue perform its solemn vow. v f 2 All nature sings thy boundless love, $ In worlds below, and worlds above; But, in thy blessed word, I trace Diviner wonders of thy grace. < rss~~~s~6ba~est B~sbt**** **^* THE SCRIPTURES. 259 3 There, what delightful truths I read! > There, I behold the Saviour bleed: nf His name salutes my listening ear, Revives my heart, and checks my fear. np 4 There, Jesus bids my sorrows cease, And gives my lab'ring conscience peace; < Raises my grateful passions high, f And points to mansions in the sky. 6nf 5For love like this, Oh! let my song, Through endless years, thy praise prolong; f Let distant clinmes thy name adore, Till time and nature are no more. HYMN 5, C. M. 5) Revelation welcomed. mf 1 AIL, sacred truth! whose piercing rays Dispel the shades of night; Diffusing, o'er the mental world, The healing beams of light. mp 2 Jesus! thy word, with friendly aid, Restores our wandering feet; Converts the sorrows of the mind To joys divinely sweet. 3 Oh! send thy light and truth abroad, In all their radiant blaze; And bid tlh' admiring world adore The glories of thy grace. HYMN 6, L. M. 16 G iThe Blessinls of the new Covenant, mf 1 OD, in the gospel of his Son, GlIMakes his eternal counsels known, Where love in all its glory shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. in 2 Here, sinners of an humble frame May taste his grace, and learn his name; M3ay read, in characters of blood, The wisdom, power and grace of God. mf 3 Here, faith reveals, to mortal eyes, A brighter world beyond the skies; Here, shines the light which guides our way From earth to realms of endless day. sgp — _'~' —-— "~~~ 04C 260 HYMNS VII, VIII. Inp 4 Oh! grant us grace, almighty Lord! To read and mnark thy holy word, \ Its truths with meekness to receive,: hAnd by its holy precepts live. 5 May this blest volume ever lie Close to xny heart, and near mine eye,< Till life's last hour, my soul engage, mf And be my chosen heritage. { iiY-HN 7, L. KH. 7 A. written Revelation. f 1 I ET everlasting glories crown. Tlhy head, my Saviour, and my Lord! Thy hands have brought salvation down, And vTwrit the blessings in thy word. p 2 In vain the trembling conscience seeks Some solid ground to rest upon; With long despair the spirit breaks, Till we apply to Christ alone. 3 How well thy blessed truths agree! How wise and holy thy commands! mf Thy promises-lhow firm they be! How firm our hope and comfort stands! 4 Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith, with treacherous art, I'd call them vanity and lies, And bind the gospel to my heart. H YBIN 8, L. II. The Power of Truth. I"1 rTIS is the word of truth and love, T Sent to the nations from above; Jehovah here resolves to show What his almighty grace can do. 2 This remedy did wisdom find, To heal diseases of the mind;This sovereign baln, whose virtues can Restore the ruined creature man. 8 The gospel bids the dead revive,Sinners obey the voice, and live; Dry bones are raised, and clothed afresh, And hearts of stone are turned to flesh. :~i GGOD. 261 } 4 May but this grace my soul renew, Let sinners gaze, and hate me too; The word that saves me doth engage; f/ A sure defence from all their rage. GOD. } Q EaY 9, L. M., E xistence of God. Mn 1 THERE is a God!-all nature speaks, 1 TThrough earth, and air, and sea, and skies; f See!-from the clouds his glory breaks, When earliest beams of morning rise! m 2 The rising sun serenely bright, Throughout the world's extended frame, Inscribes, in characters of light, f His mighty Maker's glorious name. m$ n 3 Ye curious minds, who roam abroad, And trace creation's wonders o'er! Confess the footsteps of your God; < Bow down before him and adore. i rxTt 10, C. B.: mf 1 r ORD! when my raptured thought surveys J L Creation's beauties o'er, All nature joins to teach thy praise, And bid my soul adore. 2 Where'er I turn my gazing eyes, Thy radiant footsteps shine; Ten thousand pleasing wonders rise, And speak their source divine. 3 On me thy providence hath shone doZ With gentle, smiling rays; m Oh! let my lips and life make known Thy goodness and thy praise. 4 All-bounteous Lord! thy grace impart; Oh! teach me to improve Thy gifts with ever-grateful heart, mf And crown them with thy love. ~ ~ t t <~ ~t t4l4Ll - -4t- Of glory condescend,p And will he Nwrite his name,xMly Father and my Friend? < I love his name,-I love his word;, ff" Join, all my powers! and praise the Lord. \, I —3!H T 12, C.,I. \12 I God, the Crcator. mf 1 ]TERNAL Wisdonm! thee we praise, LJ Thee the creation sings; With thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas, 2 And heaven's high palace rings. 2 How wide thy hand hath spread the sky I How glorious to behold! Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye, And starred with sparkling gold. 8 Thy glories blaze all nature round, And strike the gazing sight, Through skies, and seas, and solid ground, With terror and delight. 4 Infinite strength, and equal skill, Shine through the worlds abroad; 4~~ ^ ~^CB~~~~~ 6~1~~)9~~~ GOD. 263 Our souls with vast amazement fill, And speak the builder —GOD. m 5 But still, the wonders of thy grace!:P Our softer passions move;! Pity divine, in Jesus' face, I V < We see, adore, and love. 113 HYMN 13, C. M. j.1 l3 God's eternal Dominiotn, 1np 1 tREAT God! how infinite art thou I p U What worthless worms are Awe Let the whole race of creatures bow, < And pay their praise to thee. M 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made: Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead. 3 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present in thy view; To thee there's nothing old appears — Great God! there's nothing new. mp 4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares; nm While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affiirs. mf 5 Great God! how infinite art thou! p What worthless worms are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, < And pay their praise to thee. -j 1 X zlHYN 14, H. MI.;1 J. ~jbPraise from all Creation. mf I NGELS! assist to sing 11 The honors of your God; Touch every tuneful string, And sound his name abroad: Come, pour the trembling notes along, f And swell the grand immortal song. mf 2 And, ye of meaner birth! Your joyful voices raise; Inhabitants of earth! Your great Creator praise: f~ Let your hosannas joyful rise, i f$ And shake the earth, and pierce the skies. ~s~a _ Ba~)nB4S~a~o4Cr~ 264 HYMNS XV, XVL: nf 3 Let clay and dusky night, In solemn order, join His praises to recite, And speak his power divine::f Let every hill and every vale Re-echo with the sacred tale. 4 Let every creature sing The honors of our God, Touch every tuneful string, And spread his praise abroad: Come, pour the trembling notes along,! ff And swell the universal song. 15i~ HM 15, L. M. 15J MJajesty of God. in 1 COMAE, 0 my soul! in sacred lays, Attempt thy great Creator's praise; mf But Oh! what tongue can speak his fame? What maortal verse can reach the theme? f 2 Enthroned amidst the radiant spheres, IHe glory, like a garment, wears; To form a robe of light divine, Ten thousand suns around him shine. mf 3 In all our Maker's grand designs, Omnipotence with wisdom shines; His works, through all his wondrous frame, Bear the great impress of his name. 4 Raised on devotion's lofty wing, Do thou, my soul! his glories sing; And let his praise employ thy tongie, Till listening worlds repeat the song. 6 e EI-iHYMN 16, 7s. 1 6 Praise for temporal J}ercies. f I pRAISE to God!-immortal praise, 1 For the love that crowns our days: Bounteous source of every joy! Let thy praise our tongues employ. 2 All that spring, with bounteous hand, Scatters o'er the smiling land;- All that liberal autumn pours d1rom her rich, o'erflowing stores; ~~b O~~t~4r~4B%90~~~~ ~e~ee~e~ee~I. GOD. 265: dol 3 These to that dear source we owe, Whence our sweetest comforts flow; These, through all my happy days, Claim my cheerful songs of praise. < 4 Lord! to thee nmy soul should raise f Grateful, never-ending praise; > And, when every blessing's flown, < Love thee for thyself alone. 1 Fy 7IYMN 17, S. M. 17 Praise to the Creator. m I A LMIGIlTY Maker, God! A How wondrous is thy name! Thy glories how diffused abroad, Through all creation's frame! 2 Nature, in every dress, 1Her humble homage pays; And does, a thousand ways, express Her undissembled praise. f 3 My soul would rise and sing Her great Creator too; Fain would my tongue adore my King, And pay the homage clue. 4 Let joy and worship spend The remnant of my days, And oft to God my soul ascend, In grateful songs of praise. i c} ~HYMN 18, H. M. 1 S Rejoicing in God. Inf I T0 your Creator, God, 1 Your great Preserver, raise,! Ye creatures of his hand! Your highest notes of praise: Let every voice Proclaim his power, His name adore, i And loud rejoice. 2 Let every creature join To celebrate his name, And all their various powers Assist th' exalted theme: 12 266 HYMN XIX. Let nature raise, From every tongue, A general song Of grateful praise. ff 3 But Oh! from human tongues Should nobler praises flow; And every thankful heart With warm devotion glow: Your voices raise Above the rest; Ye highly blest! Declare his praise. i m 4 Assist me, gracious God! My heart, my voice inspire; < Then shall I grateful join f The universal choir: Thy grace can raise My heart, my tongue, And tune my song To lively praise. 19 Wone 19, C. Me. 9J Wonders of God's Love. \ < I YVE humble souls! approach your God, f I With songs of sacred praise; nm For he is good, supremely good, And kind are all his ways. 2 All nature owns his guardian care, In him we live and move; But nobler benefits declare The wonders of his love. mp 8 He gave his Son, his only Son, p To ransom rebel-worms; m'T is here he makes his goodness known In its diviner forms. mp 4 To this dear refuge, Lord I we come,'T is here our hope relies;I> A safe defence. a peaceful home, p When storms of trouble rise. mp 5 Thine eye beholds, with kind regard, The souls that trust in thee: < Their hunble hope thou wilt reward, mf With bliss divinely free. *4,* ^ _*^ GOD. 261 i fm 6 Great God! to thine Almighty love, I VWhat honors shall we raise? f / ot all th' angelic songs above Can render equal praise.:g (Xfw IYMN 20, C. IM. 2 0U The Glory of God in Creation.: m I, THE God of nature and of grace In all his works appears; His goodness through the earth we trace, His grandeur in the spheres. 2 Behold this fair and fertile globe, By him in wisdom planned!'T was he who girded, like a robe, The ocean round the land. 8 Lift to the arch of heaven your eye; Thither his path pursune; f His glory, boundless as the sky, O'erwhelns the wondering view. I 4 How excellent, O Lord! thy name, In all creation's lines! Spread through eternity, thy fame I \< WWith rising lustre shines. < 5 These lower works that swell thy praise,'~f High as our thoughts can tower,:m Are but a portion of thy ways,The hiding of thy power. 6 Millions before thy presence stand,'< Who feel, while they adore, f Fullness of joy, at thy right hand, And pleasures evermore. O 1 QIl-YINS S21, 11s. 21 The MJercy of God. mf 1 rHlY mercy, my God! is the theme of my song, e 1 The joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue; Free grace hath alone, from the first to the last, Secured my affections, and bound my soul fast. i 2 Thy mercy has vanquished my obdurate heart, That wonders to feel its own hardness depart; ~~QCHIHHHII))~~~~QIOWIHI~~~~~~h~OI~~Q')b~~~~e~8~OI~ 268 HYMNS XXII, XXIII. > Dissolved by thy goodness I fall to the ground, < And weep to the praise of the mercy I've found. m np 3 The door of thy mercy stands open all day, To the poor and the needy, who knock by the way; No sinner shall ever a place be denied, [died. m 4 Thy mercy in Jesus exempts me from hell; azf Its glories I'll sing, and its wonders I'11 tell: >'T was Jesus, my fiiend, when he hung on the tree, m Who opened the fountain of mercy for me. 22HYMN 22, S. M.. 22 God, all and in all. mp 1 FfY God, my life, my love! M-1 To thee, to thee I call; I cannot live, if thou remove,. For thou art all in all. 2 To thee, and thee alone, < The angels owe their bliss; m They sit around thy gracious throne, $ And dwell where Jesus is. 3 Not all the harps above! Can make a heavenly place, mp If God his residence remove, 11 Or but conceal his face. 4 Nor earth, nor all the sky, Can one delight afford; No, not a drop of real joy, Without thy presence, Lord! mf 5 Thou art the sea of love, Where all my pleasures roll, The circle where my passions move, And centre of my soul. 23 HYMN 23, C. M. 2,4t Confiding in God. mf 1 rO thee, my God! my heart shall bring: 1 The lively, grateful song; I Attending kings shall hear me sing, $ With rapture on my tongue. i 2 Amid the glories of thy name;, Thy truth exalted shines; _~_'~'~' W _ _ _ ^ ~ ^^^^ w iM0fn^^ I GOD. 269 A faithful God thy words proclaim, In everlasting lines. p hen, in the day of deep distress, To thee, my God! I cried, $ mf With strength divine, thy powerful grace < My fainting soul supplied. m 4 Thou, Lord! wilt all my hopes fulfill, To thee the work belongs; Let endless mercy guide me still, mf And tune my grateful songs. Q 4L zLdHYMNg 24, C. M. 4p 1 EA The 4Mercy-Seat. D p I I-EAR Father! to thy mercy-seat I I My soul for shelter flies:'T is here I find a safe retreat, * When storms and tempests rise. 2 My cheerful hope ean never die, If thou, my God! art near; < Thy grace can raise my comforts high, $ snf And banish every fear. m 8 My great Protector, and my Lord! Thy constant aid impart; Oh! let thy kind, thy gracious word }> Sustain my trembling heart. 4np 4 Oh! never let my soul remove From this divine retreat; < Still let me trust thy power and love,. > And dwell beneath thy feet.! =Tz/I~IN 25, C. M.; L25 Prayer for quickening Grace. im 1 pERMIT me, Lord! to seek thy face, I ~PObedient to thy call; To seek the presence of thy grace, ily strength, my life, my all! 2 All I can wish is thine to give; My God! I ask thy love,That greatest boon I can receive,The bliss of heaven above. 3 To heaven my restless heart aspires; Oh! for a quickening ray, tBIWIlb***_.******o~ ~~~ *^_)r*** ***_*__~~8~ 2T0 HYMNS XXVI, XXVII. To wake and warm my faint desires, And cheer the tiresome way. 4 The path to thy divine abode > Through a wild desert lies; v A thousand snares beset the road, — < A thousand terrors rise. m 5 Satan and sin unite their art, To keep me from my Lord; mp Dear Saviour! guard my trembling heart, And guide me by thy word. M 6 My Guardian, my almighty Friend I On thee my soul would rest; On thee alone my hopes depend; Be near, and I am blest.,26 tPerpetual Praise. mf 1 rTO thee, great Source of light! T OTy thankful voice I'11 raise: And all my powers unite f To celebrate thy praise; > And, till my voice is lost in death, May praise employ my every breath. p 2 And, when this feeble tongue pp Lies silent in the dust, - My soul shall dwell among The spirits of the just; f Then, with the shining hosts above, ff In nobler strains I'll sing thy love. HYMN 27, C. 3X. God's Presence is Light in Darkness. nif 1 j/Y God! the spring of all my joys, -1T The life of my delights; The glory of my brightest days, i And comfort of my nights. Im 2 In darkest shades, if he appear, My dawning is begun; He is my soul's sweet morning star, And he my rising sun. mf 8 The opening heavens around me shine, With beams of sacred bliss, - -b - - - - - - - GOD. 271 While Jesus shows his heart is mine,: p And whispers-I am his. n 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay, < At that transporting word; f Run up with joy the shining way, T' embrace my dearest Lord.: 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe; The wings of love, and arms of faith, \ff SShould bear me conqueror through. 00' NHYMN 28, S.. 28wC0 God, my Creator and Benefactor. m I 1 Y Maker and my King! 111 To thee my all I owe; < Thy sovereign bounty is the spring, Inf Whence all my blessings flow. np 2 The creature of thy hand,On thee alone I live; My God! thy benefits demand More praise than life can give. 3 Shall I withhold thy due? And shall my passions rove? Lord form this wretched heart anew, And fill it with thy love. mf 4 Oh! let thy grace inspire My soul with strength divine; Let all my powers to thee aspire, And all my days be thine. QQ SATHY1I 29, C. M. e29 Thanks for Providence and Grace. m 1 ALMIGHTY Father, gracious Lord, A. Kind guardian of my days! Thy mercies let my heart record, In songs of grateful praise. i> 2 In life's first dawn, my tender frame p Was thine indulgent care; i~- Long ere I could pronounce thy name, p Or breathe the infant prayer. nif 8 Yet I adore thee, gracious Lord! For favors more divine;O~~k~~aea 6~~6~~~~~~~c~ba~~ea~ ~~ee~~, s~~~Ba~ e~~s~~a bi~~ ~~ ZM~~~ ~W~~~~~~~~~4~~~b~ 722 HYMNS XXX, XXXI. That I have known thy sacred word, Where all thy glories shine. 4. When blest with that transporting view 2> That Jesus died for me, \ < For this sweet hope, what praise is due, $ f 0 God of grace! to thee 5 Now shall my joyful powers unite, In more exalted lays, f Till I shall join the sons of light, In everlasting praise.; n I-2HIYIN 30, L,. I,. 3 0 J Ihmploring divine Inzflucnce. in 1 A/Y God! vwhene'er my longing heart.1 Its grateful tribute would impart, In vain my boldest thoughts arise,p I sink to earth, and lose the skies. 2f 2 Thy name inspires the harps above, With harmony, and praise, and love; < That grace, which tunes th' imnortal strings, Imp Looks kindly down on lmortal things. m 3 Oh! let thy grace guide every song, m nf And fill my heart and tune my tongue; Then shall the strain harmonious flow, And heaven's sweet work begin below. r) n 1fl-~ZIY 31, C. MIi. 3) I Tlwankcs for providential Favors. i f 1 THEN aIl thy nercies, 0 my God! V.:My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view. I'm lost / In wonder, love, and praise. i m 2 Unnumbered comforts, on my soul, qnp Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived Frolm wlhom those comforts flowed. 3 When, in the slippery paths of youth, With heedless steps, I ran, mJf Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. 4 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ; I;$ ~ GOD. 273 \, Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. 6 Through every period of my life, Thy goodness I'11 pursue; And after death, in distant worlds,! The glorious theme renew. f f 6 Through all eternity, to thee, A joyful song I'11 raise: But Oh! eternity's too short To utter all thy praise. HYMN 32, L. M. 32) Song of Gratitude and Praise. mf 1 m OD of my life! through all my days, I'11 tune the grateful notes of praise; The song shall wake with opening light, > And warble to the silent night. mp 2 When anxious cares would break my rest, 2 p And griefs would tear my throbbing breast, < The notes of praise, ascending high, i> Shall check the murmur and the sigh. np 3 When death o'er nature shall prevail, And all the powers of language fail, mnf Joy through my swimming eyes shall break, And mean the thanks I cannot speak. mp 4 But Oh! when that last conflict's o'er, And I am chained to earth no more,< With what glad accents shall I rise f To join the music of the skies! ef 5 Then shall I learn th' exalted strains, That echo through the heavenly plains, And emulate, with joy unknown,. The glowing seraphs round thy throng.'33\r HYMN 33, 8s and 7s. Praise to Jehovah. $ I SAINTS! with pious zeal attending, a Now a grateful tribute raise;, Joyful songs, to heaven ascending, i Join the universal praise. > 2 Round Jehovah's footstool kneeling,; p Lowly bend with contrite souls; _ _ * * * **a~bs~,Hs~~~H~we ~~~~~b~e~~~,,H^.A 274 HYMNS XXXIV, XXXV. dol Here his milder grace revealing, mp H-ere his wrath no thunder rolls. 3 Every secret fault confessing,! Deed unholy-tthought of sin, — m Seize! Oh! seize the proffered blessing, — > Grace from God, and peace within. f 4 Heart and voice with rapture swelling Still the song of glory raise; On the theme immortal dwelling, Join the universal praise. $ ARHYMIN 34, L. lM. <34 Retirement and Devotion. aff 1 l1Y God! permit me not to be Il A stranger to myself and thee; Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove, Forgetful of my highest love. 2 Why should my passions mix with earth, And thus debase my heavenly birth? Why should I cleave to things below, And let mly God, mlly Saviour, go? 3 Call me away from flesh and sense; One sovereign word can draw me thence; I would obey the voice divine, And all inferior joys resign. 4 Be earth, with all her scenes, withdrawn; Let noise and vanity be gone; In secret silence of the mind, < My heaven-and there my God, I find. H YMN 35, C. M. }35 God, our Refuge. aff 1 IEAR refuge of my weary soul! I On thee, vwhen sorrows rise,On thee, when waves of trouble roll, My fainting hope relies. 2 To thee I tell each rising grief, For thou alone canst heal; Thy word can bring a sweet relief, For every pain I feel. 8 But Oh! when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call thee mine; 4 s* GOD. 2715 The springs of comfort seem to fail, And all my hopes decline. 4 Hast thou not bid me seek thy face? And shall I seek in vain? And can the ear of sovereign grace Be deaf when I complain? < 5 No,-still the ear of sovereign grace > Attends the mourner's prayer: aff Oh! may I ever find access To breathe my sorrows there! 6 Thy mercy-seat is open still; Here let my soul retreat; With humble hope attend thy will, And wait beneath thy feet. Q Q 8IYELY3G6, C. I. 6 0 HNThirstifng after God. MP sa I WITHEN fainting in the sultry waste, And. parched with thirst extreme, The weary pilgrim longs to taste The cool refreshing stream:1 2 So longs the wveary, ffinting mind, Oppressed with sins and woes, Some soul-reviving spring to find,:Whence heavenly comfort flows. mn 3 Oh! may I thirst for thee, my God! i < With ardent, strong desire; $ r —~ And still, through all this desert road, To taste thy grace aspire.: 4 Then shall my prayer to thee ascend,: A grateful sacrifice; i mp My mourning voice wilt thou attend, And grant me full supplies. \''\) HYMN 37, C. M. \ & vGod, as seen in Nature. " 1 SING th' almighty power of God, That made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. mf 2 I sing the wisdom that ordained, The sun to rule the day; 276 HYMINS XXXVIII, XXXIX. The moon shines full at his command, And all the stars obey. 8 I sing the goodness of the Lord, t That filled the earth with food; He formed the creatures with his word, And then pronounced them good. 4 Lord! how thy wonders are displayed, Where'er I turn mine eye! If I survey the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky! m 5 There's not a plant nor flower below, But makes thy glories known; < And clouds arise, and tempests blow, mf By order from thy throne. mp 6 Creatures, that borrow life from thee, Are subject to thy care; There's not a place where we can flee, But God is present there. oH YMN 388, C. M. 30 IRejoicing in God, our Father. f 1 COME, shout aloud the Father's grace, And sing the Saviour's love; Soon shall you join the glorious theme,! In loftier strains above. mf 2 God, the eternal, mighty God, To dearer names descends; Calls you his treasure and his joy, His children and his friends. 3 My Father, God! and may these lips > Pronounce a name so dear? mp SNot thus could heaven's sweet harmony Delight my listening ear. m 4 Thanks to my God for every gift $ His bounteous hands bestow; mf And thanks eternal for that love Whence all those comforts flow. s lIM~HYMIN 39, L. M. J39 Pcrfections of God in his Government. f I TEHOVAH reigns-his throne is high, I J His robes are light and majesty; t GOD. - 27D His glory shines, with beams so bright, No mortal can sustain the sight. > 2 His terrors keep the world in awe; His justice guards his holy law;: dol His love reveals a smiling face; - His truth and promise seal the grace. 3 Through all his works his wisdom shines, $ And baffles Satan's deep designs; n f His power is sovereign to fulfill The noblest counsels of his will. > 4 And will this glorious Lord descend To be my father and my friend? Then let my songs with angels join; i I Heaven is secure, if God be mine. t n51o fYM 40, C. IA. 40 God, all in all. mp 1 MY God, my portion, and my love, l My everlasting all! I've none but thee in heaven above, Or on this earthly ball. 2 What empty things are all the skies,; And this inferior clod! There's nothing here deserves my joys,< There's nothing like my God. i np 8 In vain the bright, the burning sun Scatters his feeble light;'T is thy sweet beams create my noon; i > If thou withdraw,-'t is night. mp 4 How vain a toy is glittering wealth, If once compared with thee! Or what's my safety, or my health, Or all my friends, to me? n 5 Were I possessor of the earth, And called the stars my own,Without thy graces and thyself, ~ > I were a wretch undone. < 6 Let others stretch their arms like seas, mfi And grasp in all the shore; $ mp Grant me the visits of thy face, \ And I desire no more..*4, ** * Ar**^'*0^**0**** : 278 HYMNS XI XLII. Al a AHYLN 41, L. M. ^ 4fc 1. God's Condescension. I I T]yP to the Lord, who reigns on high, And views the nations from afar, S Let everlasting praises fly, i And tell how large his bounties are. 2 He over-rules all mortal things, And manages our mean affairs: < On humble souls the King of kings Mi n Bestows his counsels and his cares. mp 3 Our sorrows and our tears we pour Into the bosom of our God; He lears us in the mournful hour, And helps us bear the heavy load. < 4 Oh! could our thankful hearts devise M A tribute equal to thy grace, ff To the third heaven our songs should rise, And teach tie golden harps thy praise. 42. hioroY~n 42, S. MI. 4} Exzhortation to Praise. mf" I QTAND up, and bless the Lord, S Ye people of his choice! Stand up, and bless the Lord your God, With heart, and soul, and voice. 2 Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, m Who would not fear his holy name, $< And laud, and magnify? mfa 3 Oh! for the living flame From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our souls inspire, And wing to heaven our thought! 4 God is our strength and song, And his salvation ours; Then be his love in Christ proclaimed, < With all our ransomed powers. f" 5 Stand up, and bless the Lord,The Lord, your God, adore; Stand up, and bless his glorious name, Henceforth, for evermore. ~Q~~U _>_*es**s: E Anon~~~Q~ GOD. 279 ^AZ 1 NHYt 43, L. M. 43 MJenfe not conmparable with God. mp I QHALL the vile race of flesh and blood k Contend with their Creator, God? Shall mortal worms presume to be More holy, wise, or just, than he? nm 2 Behold! he puts his trust in none Of all the spirits round his throne; Their natures, when compared with his, Are neither holy, just, nor wise. 3 But how much meaner things are they, > VWho spring from dust, and dwell in clay! < Touched by the finger of thy wrath, i p We faint, and vanish like the moth. i > 4 Almighty Power! to thee we bow; < How fiail are we-how glorious thou! mf No more the sons of earth shall dare, f With an eternal God, compare. A~ i iEYMN 44, L. M. 44 Praise to God. f' I DPRAISE, everlasting praise, be paid i To him, who earth's foundation laid; Praise to the God, whose strong decrees Sway the creation, as he please. mzf 2 Praise to the goodness of the Lord, Who rules his people by his word; And there, as strong as his decrees, He sets his kindest promises. nmf 3 Whence, then, should doubts and fears arise? p Why trickling sorrows drown our eyes? Slowly, alas! our mind receives The comforts that our Maker gives. mf" 4 Oh! for a strong, a lasting faith,.$ ~ To credit what the Almighty saith; T' embrace the message of his Son, And call the joys of heaven our own. ff 5 Then, should the earth's old pillars shake, And all the wheels of nature break, Our steady souls would fear no more, Than solid rocks when billows roar. % 4A 280 - HYMNS XLV, XLVI. } 3 F: EHYIMN 45, C. N. 45J Goodlcss of God seen in his Works. mf 1 H[AIL! great Creator, wise and good t To thee our songs we raise; lNature, through all her various scenes, Invites us to thy praise. dol 2 At morning, noon, and evening mild, Fresh wonders strike our view; < And, while we gaze, our hearts exult, f WYith transports ever new. 3 Thy glory beams in every star \> Which gilds the gloom of night; n And decks the smiling face of morn, WUith rays of cheerful light. 4 The lofty hill, the humble lawn, qnf With countless beauties shine; p The silent grove, the awful shade, f Proclaim thy power divine. m 5 And while, in all thy wondrous ways, Thy varied love we see; Oh! may our hearts, great God! be led Through all thy works to thee. I? S~ HYMN 46, L. M.'46 Wisdom and Knowledge of God. f" 1 WAKE, my tongue! thy tribute bring ATo him, who gave thee power to sing; Praise him, who is all praise above,The source of wisdom and of love. 2 How vast his knowledge-how profound! > A depth, where all our thoughts are drowned; rM The stars he numbers; and their names < He gives to all those heavenly flames. mf 8 Through each bright world above, behold Ten thousand thousand charms unfold; Earth, air, and mighty seas combine, To speak his wisdom all-divine. " 4 But in redemption,-Oh! what grace! Its wonders, —Oh! what thought can trace! Here wisdom shines for ever bright:Praise him, my soul! with sweet delight.'^ ^~^ ~ ^^^^^ ~ ^~^^ ~ ^^^ ^-LY —— Y o. GOD. 281!,47HYMN 47, C. M. $ 47 Sovereignty and Dominion of God. mp l1 IEEP silence, all created things! I - And wait your Maker's nod;! o < My soul stands trembling, while she sings The honors of her God. 9 Life, death, and hell, and worlds unknown, Iang on his firm decree; He sits on no precarious throne, Nor borrows leave to be. 3 Chained to lis throne, a volume lies, \ With all the'ates of men, With every angel's form and size, Drawn by th'i eternal pen. 4 IIls providence unfolds his book, And makes his counsels shine; Each opening leaf, and every stroke, Fulfills some deep design. ip 5 My God! I would not long to see 3My fate, with curious eyes,What gloomy lines are writ for me, < Or what bright scenes may rise. imp 6 In thy fair book of life and grace, Oh! may I find my name, > eRecorded in some humble place, p Beneatlh mny Lord, the Lamb. HY4N Q8, H. M. 48 Faithfulness of God. mf 1 -IE promises I sing, T Whlich sovereign love hath spoke; Nor will th' eternal King Iis words of grace revoke: They stand secure And steadfast still; Not Zion's hill Abides so sure. 2 The mountains melt away, When once the Judge appears; And sun and moon decay, That measure mortal years; That __ 282 HYMNS XLIX, L. But still the same, In radiant lines, The promise shines Through all the flanie. 8 Their harmony shall sound I Through my attentive ears, When thunders cleave the ground, And dissipate the spheres; } Mid all the shock Of that dread scene, * p I stand serene, —, f'Thy word, my rock. 4,9 TeIYMNi 49, C. M. 49 The Glories of Redemption,. f I GATHER! how wide thy glory shines' How high thy wonders rise I Known through the earth by thousand signs,- By thousand through the skies. 2 Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power, Their motions speak thy skill; And, on the wings of every hour, We read thy patience still. i M 3 But, when we view thy strange design! p To save rebellious worms, <> Where vengeance and compassion join mp In their divinest forms,Im 4 Here the whole Deity is known; Nor dares a creature guess,-' <} Which of the glories brightest shone, i > The justice, or the grace. f 5 Now the full glories of the Lamb $ Adorn the heavenly plains; Bright seraphs learn Immanuel's name, And try their choicest strains. mp 6 Oh! may I bear some humble part, $:< In that immortal song; f Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, I f And love command my tongue. I,= rBHYMH 50, S. X. I 0\J The God of JMrcy and Justice. M 1 THE Lord on high proclaims; T His Godhead from his throne;- \ t___ GOD. 283 "Mercy and justice are the names, By which I will be known. p 2 1" Ye dying souls, that sit $ In darkness and distress Look froml thle borders of the pit, g < To my recovering grace." m 3 Sinners shall hear the sound; Their thankful tongues shall own,Our righteousness and strength are found In thee, the Lord, alone. 4 In thee shall Israel trust, > And see their guilt forgiven; - God will pronounce the sinners just, Inf And take the saints to heaven. $ q &ImISYN 51, C. 1.5e1 ilnmighty Power and i.Majesty of God. "' 1 ITHE Lord, our God, is full of might, n I The winds obey his will; < " He speaks,-and, in his heavenly height, f The rolling sun stands still. 2 Rebel, ye waves! and o'er the land With threatening aspect roar; The Lord uplifts his awful hand, And. chains you to the shore. f" 3 Howl, winds of night! your force combine; Without his high behest, Ye shall not, in the mountain pine, Disturb the sparrow's nest. 4 His voice sublime is heard afar, I> In distant peals it dies;: f" He yokes the whirlwind to his car, And sweeps the howling skies. p 5 Ye nations! bend-in reverence bend; Ye monarchs! wait his nod, < And bid the choral song ascend f To celebrate your God. F;' C) ~ HYMN 52, 0. It. tJ Good, holy, just, and sovereign. m 1H iOW should the sons of Adam's race \ 11 5Be pure before their God? i 284 HYMN LIII. If he contend in righteousness, mp We fall beneath his rod. nf 2 Strong is his arm, his heart is wise; What vain presumers dare, Against their 2MLaker's hand to rise, I Or tempt th' unequal war? f 3 Mountains, by his almighty wrath, I F rom their old seats are torn; He shakes the earth, from south to north, I > And all'her pillars mourn. m 4, He bids the sun forbear to riseTh' obedient sun forbears; Imnp His hand with sackcloth spreads the skies, > And seals up all the stars. < 5 Iie walks upon the stormy sea, f Flies on the storly wind: \ m There's none can trace his wondrous way, Or his dark footsteps find. 53 z1E qaYIS~ 53, C. DI. 5 )3 e The divine Purpose and Providence. mn 1 OD moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; I < le plants his footsteps in the sea, f And rides upon the storm. v mf 2 Deep, in unfathomnable mines Of never-failing skill, H ie treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will. < 3 Ye fearful saints! fresh courage take; m The clouds ye so much dread Inf Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. rn 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, i Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, I dol But sweet will be the flower. I GOD. 285 m 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. \ HYMN54, 0. L. 154 Love of God. 1f OvE, ye that know and fear the Lord!' And raise your soul above; Let every heart and voice accord, To sing that-God is love. m 2 This precious truth his word declares, And all his. mercies prove; \ WThile Christ, thl atoning Lamb, appears, To show thatc-God is love. t 8 Behold his loving-kindness waits, For those who from him rove, And calls of mercy reach their hearts, To teach themn-God is love. < 4 Thework begun is carried on, And every step, from first to last, Proclaims that-God is love. 17m S Oh! may we all, while here below, This best of blessings prove; < Till warmer hearts, in brighter worlds, i \f" Shall shout that-God is love. \; q^~; YMN 55, C..,. 5 t5tJ The Sovereignty of God. I HY way, O God! is in the sea; I A Thy paths I cannot trace, I JNor comprehend the mystery Of thine unbounded grace. 2 Here, the dark veils of flesh and sense MIy captive soul surround;' Mysterious deeps of providence iMy inward thoughts confound. As, through a glass, I dimly see I The wonders of thy love, I- ow little do I know of thee, i < Or of the joys above! ~2~sz~~bA bcs~~~~~Ml~a~FH~~as~z zC~b~,r-6a~ H~69aaa~ 9~9~~~C~bQ~4P 286 HYMNS LVI, LVII $ m 4 Though but in part I know thy will, I bless thee for the sight;! W~iWhen will thy love th e whole reveal, mf In glory's clearer light?; 5 In rapture shall I then survey Thy providence and grace; < And spend an everlasting day' f" lain wonder, love, and praise. 5 p, HY)raYN 50, 7S. 56 Universal Praise to God. f " I QONCGS of praise the angels sang, k k) Heaven with hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun,I When he spake, and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn, When the Prince of peace was born; Songs of praise arose, when he Captive led captivity. 1 3 Heaven and earth must pass away,t Songs of praise shall crown that day: God will make new heavens and earth,Songs of praise shall hail their birth. i > 4 And shall man alone be dumb, Till that glorious morning come? < No!-the church delights to raise I f" Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice, Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. 6 Borne upon their latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death; < Then, amid eternal joy, i,f Songs of praise their powers employ. o I TE'I^T 57, C. II. 5 t i. faithful God. \ mf 1 1EGIN, my tongue! some heavenly theme, i And speak some boundless thing,The mighty works, or mightier name Of our eternal King. +*~~~~~~O~lSSIB~- -----------— a —--- GOD. 281 I' - 2 Tell of his wondrous faithfulness, And sound his power abroad;, < Sing the sweet promise of his grace, $ vRf And the performing God. 3 Proclaim —" Salvation from the Lord, $.p For wretched, dying men;" m IHis hand has writ the sacred word, With an immortal pen. mf 4 Engraved as in eternal brass,: The mighty promise shines, Nor can the powers of darkness raze Those everlasting lines. 5 His word of grace is sure and strong, g $ As that which built the skies: The voice that rolls the stars along Speaks all the promises. 6 Oh! might I hear thy heavenly tongue, p But whisper,-" Thou art mine;" < Those gentle words should raise my song, *mf To notes almost divine. gns>HYM 58, 7s. fI E t h8 Thanksgiving. 1 f QWELL thre anthe, aise the song; k Praises to our God belong: $ Saints and angels! join to sing Praises to the heavenly King. m 2 Blessings from his liberal hand I Flow around this happy land: Guarded by his watchful eye, Peace and freedom we enjoy. e 3 Here, beneath a virtuous sway, May we cheerfully obey, Never feel oppression's rod, Ever own and worship God. < 4 Hark! the voice of nature sings /f Praises to the King of kings:: Let us join the choral song, dAnd the grateful notes prolong. $; 5Q lEHMN 59, c. M. 59J Endless Praise. mfy 1 VES-I will bless thee, 0 my God! $,m 1 Through all my mortal days, ~^OM I >~H~) S~~P1~~ II+0~'~~51 I 288 HYMNS LX, LXI. And to eternity prolong mnf Thy vast, thy boundless praise. 2 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim The honors of my God; I < My life, with all its active powers, i;f Shall spread thy praise abroad. 3 Not death itself shall stop my song, $ p ~Though death will close my eyes; s f My thoughts shall then to nobler heights' 4 < And sweeter raptures rise. -f 4 There shall my lips, in endless praise,! J Their grateful tribute pay: The theme demands an angel's tongue, And an eternal day. I ^f\ GsI7Y 60, L. MI. 60 God acknowledged in national Blessings. M 1 I REAT God of nations! now to thee G \r Our hymn of gratitude we raise; > With humble heart, and bending knee, o < We offer thee our song of praise. o m 2 Thy name we bless, Almighty God! For all the kindness thou hast shown,, To this fair land the pilgrims trod,This land we fondly call our own. f 38 3Here, Freedom spreads her banner wide, p And casts her soft and hallowed ray;nm Here, thou our fathers' steps didst guide In safety, through their dangerous way. I J/ 4 We praise thee, that the gospel's light, 3 Through all our land, its radiance sheds; > Dispels the shades of error's night, m And heavenly blessings round us spreads. 5 Great God! preserve us in thy fear; In dangers still our guardian be; Oh! spread thy truth's bright precepts here,~ I < Let all the people worship thee. o pE HNIYMN 61, L. P. M. 6W1 NatnJational Prase and Prayer 1f wIT:TH grateful hearts, with joyful tongues, To God we raise united songs; His power and mercy we proclaim: ___~e~ras^^^_^^^*6aoosa4ff*ebe~e.-II^b^S~b^ f! Y — ~ CHRIST. 289 Through every age, Oh! may we own, Jehovah here has fixed his throne,And triumph in his mighty name. rn 2 Long as the moon her course shall run, Or men behold the circling sun, Lord! in our land, support thy reign; Crown her just counsels with success, With truth and peace her borders bless, < And all thy sacred rights maintain. CHRIST. i i XHY 6C. 620 ZCChrist's.Nativity. i mf I M[ORTALS! awake; with angels join, m And chant the solemn lay; f Joy, love, and gratitude, combine To lhail th' auspicious day. 2 In heaven the rapturous song began, And sweet seraphic fire Through all the shining legions ran, And strung and tuned the lyre. 3 Swift, through the vast expahse, it flew, And loud the echo rolled; The theme, the song, the joy was new,'T was more than heaven could hold. 4 Down through the portals of the sky Th' impetuous torrent ran; And angels flew, with eager joy, To bear the news to man. 5 Hark! the cherubic armies shout, And glory leads the song; Good-will and peace are heard throughout Th' harmonious heavenly throng. 6 With joy the chorus we repeat- iff "Glory to God on high!" I X Good-will and peace are now complete; mf Jesus is born to die. { is *_s~s 1 290 HYMNS LXIII, LXIV. 63 f HYMIN 63, 8s and 7s. 4 630~ T' enrich the humble poor. ff 5 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace! Thy welcome shall proclaim; And heaven's eternal arches ring $ With thy beloved name. $ i..+**04^*F * * fi*.^ 0 :e^ GLCHRIST. 291 I ~ i G E 65, S 6., 65 e The XT e'atvity of Christ. I nf I ]EHOLD the grace appear 1:11 The blessng' promlised long! Angels announce the Saviour nearl I J In their triumiphant song:2 " Glory to God on high, And heavenly peace on earth; Good-will -to men —to angels joy,:$ At. the iEedeemer's birth." m 83 In worship so divillne { Let saints employ their tongues; O < With the celestial hosts we join, f 1J A K And loud repeat th-eir songs:- 4'" Glory to God on lighl And heavenly p eace on earth; Good-will to men —to angels joy, At our Redeener's bilrth."' " 2 J l allIyST.in 66, 7s. 0 06 Songs of the Jlgels. I f" I 1'ARK! the herald-angels sing,or " Glory to the new-born King;,p Peace on earth, and mercy mild,-r I God and sinners reconciled." f" Joyful, all yHe na.tions! r ise, Join the trium-ph of rthe skies; A With th' angelic host, proclairm," i Christ is bornl in Bethlehelm." p 3 Mild he lays his glovry by,Born that man no Iore mnay die; -.Born to raise the sons of eartlh; $ Born to give them second birth. $ f" 4 Hail! tlle lleaven-born Prince of peace I IHail! the Sun of righteousness I Light and life to all he brings,: Risen with healing in his wings. 5 Let us thlen writh angels sing, — 4 " Glory to the new-born King; I p Peace on earth, and Imercy mild,- God and sinners reconciled." 4 _ 292 HYMNS LXVII, LXVIII. ^6 7~ HJ~YMIHT 67, H. M. 67 Joy at Imzmanuel's Birth. nf" 1 T[ARK! hark!-the notes of joy a JfInI Roll o'er the heavenly plains, And seraphs find employ For their sublimest strains; Some new delight in heaven is known; I f Loud sound the harps around the throne. np"1 2 Hark! hark! —the sounds draw nigh, Mf The joyful hosts descend; A 0 Jesus forsakes the sky, To earth his footsteps bend; He comes to bless our fallen race; < He comes witth mlessages of grace. n f 3 Bear-bear the tidings round; Let every imortal know T What love in God is found, 2p What pity he can show; f" Ye winds that blow! ye waves that roll! Bear the glad news from pole to pole. g 4 Strlike-strike the harps again, To great Imi anuel's name; Arise, ye sons of men!ci \ And all his grace proclaim; f g" Angels and mien! wake every string, \'T is God tlhe Saviour's praise we sing. I IMIT 63, Ss and 7,. 68 The Songs of?nogels. mp" I ~_ARK! what mean those holy voices, IIt Sweetly sounding through the skies? I f" Lo! th' angelic host rejoicesI Heavenly hallelujahs rise. qnf 2 Listen to the wondrous story, \ Which they chant in hynmns of joy; —' f"' Glory in the highest, gloryGlory be to God most high! p 3 "Peace on earth, good-will from heaven, < Reaching far as man is found; > Souls redeemed, and sins forgiven;Loud our golden harps shall sound., f-9~)b)~~0~~)~4-OIHW)~~ZI~CZI~l~~e~)9 I CaHRIST. 293 I a ~ - 4 Christ is born, the great Anointed; i. Heaven and earth! his praises sing: Oh! receive whom God appointed, For your prophet, priest, and king. 65 " Hasten, mortals! to adore him;! Learn his name, and taste his joy; Till in heaven, ye sing before him,- I f Glory be to God most high I" $ $ 9 n Q RYT-N 69, H. 1. 6 9 The Birth of Christ. - L What lmelody we hear! dol Soft on the morn it floats,' < And fills the ravished ear: rnf The tuneful shell, The golden lyre, And vocal choir The concert swell. 2 Th' angelic hosts descend,.With harmlony divine; > See how from heaven they bend, 3 < And in full chorus join I 7f "Fear not, " say they, i f/"I Gl"Great joy -we bring;;- i Jesus, your -King, Is born to-day. "' 8" I-e comes, from error's night, Your wandering feet to save; inf To realms of bliss and light, \ > IIHe lifts you from the grave: n f This glorious morn, Let all attend; Your matchless friiend, f" 4 " Glory to God on high! Ye mortals! spread the sound, And let your raptures fly, To earth's remotest bound: M p For peace on earth, From God in heaven, To man is given, At Jesus' birth." i_ 294 HIYMNS LXX, LXXI. HYTlE4 70, 8s and 7s. 7 i{ \ The Incarnation. $ f" I QIEPHERDS! hail the wondrous stranger; \ Noow to Bethle'i speed your way; $ p" Lo! in yonder humble lmanger,! <" Christ, the Lord, is born to-day: mnf 2 Christ, by prophets long-predicted, Joy of Israel's chosen race;! > Light to Gentiles long-afflicted, Lost in error's darkest maze. f/" 3 Bright the star of your salvation, Pointing to his rude abode! Rapturous news for every nation: $ < Mortals! now behold your God!, mf 4 Glad, we trace th' amiazing story, Angels leave their bliss to tell; ~) < Theme sublime, replete with glory- < Sinners saved from death and hell. $ mnp 5 Love eternal moved the Saviour, A Thus to lay his radiance by; n mf Blessings on the Lamb for everGlory be to God on high!, i t Iz a rTU71,T 7s. 71o The Star in the East. m xf I qONOS of men! behold fiom far, O Hail the long-expected star;; Jacob's starl tat gilds the night, Guides bewildered nature right. 2 lever fear, that hence should flow W ars or pes ilence below: A > Wars it bids, and tumults, cease,! mzp Ushering in the Prince of peace. 3 Mild it shines on all beneath, i Piercing through the shades of death,- { > Scattering error's wide-spread night, < Kindling darkness into light. mf 4 Nations all, far of and near! Haste to see your God appear; a Haste, for him your hearts prepare, A Meet him manifested there. C~~)169a68.*C)*~4a9***bb~b~sew~zgtes ~ --— b - -- - - I cn3CHRIST. 295 72:j ^Qr-YTN 72, C. Mi. 7 2 ^ Joy of ane:gels at the Saviour's Birth. I" 1 I^HILE shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, < The angel of the Lord came down, f And glory shone around. >" 2 "Fear not," said he,-for mighty dread mnp I-ad seized their troubled mind,- " Glad tidings of great joy I bring, To you and all mankind.: 3 "To you, in David's town, this day, Is born of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ, the Lord, And this shall be the sign;mp 4 " The heavenly babe you there shall find, To human view displayed, All meanly -wrapped in swathing bands, p And in a manger laid."' < 5 Thus spake the seraph-and forthwith f Appeared a shining throng Of angels, praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song:6 " All glory be to God on high, > And to the earth be eace; zmf Good-will henceforth from heaven to men f 7 Begin, and never cease!" ei nd 3IIN T7 8, s, 7s and 4. 03 Good Tidiongs of great Joy. f 1 ANGELS! from the realms of glory,.A Wing your flight o'er all the earth; Ye, who sang cr;eation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth: Come and wvorsip — Worship Christ, the new-born King. mfa 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding,! Watching o'er your flocks by night God with man is now residing, Yonder shines the infant light: Come and worshipWorship Christ, the new-born King. 296 HYMN LXXIV. 3 Sages! leave your contemplationsi2f Br'ighter viions benam afar;!8 Seek the great desire of nations; Ye hI ave seen his natal star': Colne and worship- - \f Worship Christ, the new-born King. > 4 Saints, betore the altar bending, $ mZp Watchiig long in hope and fear! mfnf Suddenly the Lord, descending, In his temple shall appear: Come and worship $ ~ f Worship Clhrist, the new-born King. p 5 Sinners, wrung'wvith true repentance, Doomed for guilt to endless pains! Justice now revokes the sentence, < Mercy calls you-break y-our chains: Come and wvorshipf Worship Christ, the new-born King. w^i 74E 1IYMR 74, 11s and 10s. 74 4Slart of the East. i nm 1 DRIGHTEST and best of the sons of the morn- m 1 in.! I > Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid; e - Star of tle East! —th'e horizon adorningi > Guide where the infant Eedeeier is laid. p 2 Cold on his cracle, the dew-drops are shining; i Low lie s his head. with the beasts of the stall; > Angels adore hin, in slumber reclining- 2 M tlaker, and MIonarcl, and Saviour of all. dol 3 Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion, Odors of Edom, and offerings divine?Geims of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, M Jyrrh from the forest, or gold from the mine? mp 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gold, would his favor secure; > Richer, by far, is the heart's adoration,- I p Dearer to God, are the prayers of the poor. - 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning! I > Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid; ~-~ Star of the east -the horizon adorning$ < Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. CHRIST. 297 py,c: Z S^YMN 75, C.., i 75 The Incarnation. rnf" 1 WAKE,-awake the sacred song To our incarnate Lord Let every heart, and every tongue, Adore th' eternal Word. len 2 That awful Word, that sovereign Power, By whom the worlds were made,f Oh! happy morn-illustrious hour!Was once in flesh arrayed. nf 3 Then shone almighty power and love, In all their glorious forms, When Jesns left his throne above, p To dwell with sinful worms. 4 To dwell with misery here below, The Saviour left the skies, pp And sunk to wretchedness and woe, < That worthless man might rise. f 5 Adoring angels tuned their songs, To hail the joyful day; With rapture, then, let human tongues Their grateful homage pay. 76 IHYMT 7Sr, C,. A 0The Song of A.ngels. im 1, NGELS rejoiced and sweetly sung A At our Redeemer's birth: f Mortals! awake; let every tongue Proclaim his mlatchless worth. 2 Glory to God who dwells on high, And sent his only Son > To take a servrant's form, and die, p For evils we had done! > 3 Good-will to men:ye fallen race! f" Arise, and shout for joy; He comes with rich, abounding grace > To save, and not destroy. 4 Lord! send the gracious tidings forth, And fill the world with light, That Jew and Gentile, through the earth, May know thy saving might. F~ _*0*0.~-~* ~ - -_ ___~^* t*_ F , 298 HYMNS LXXVII, LXXVIII. p 5 Ye poor! who tremble at the word, Distressed, and helpless too,< < Oh! come alnd welcome to the Lord, n For hle was born for you.. Y77MN 77, L. M.''77 TliGStrTC Star of Bethlehem. f 1 ITHEN, marshaled on the nightly plain,; The glittering host bestud the sky, n One star alone, of all the train, > Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. \ <" 2 I-ark! hmrk!-to God the chorus breaks, } Il1From every host f,ifom every gem;' < But one alone the Saviour speaks,snf It is the Star of Bethlelhen. 3 Once on the raging seas I rode, $ > The storim was loud, the night was dark,< The ocean y awned-and rudely blowed > TThe wind that tossed my foundering bark. p 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem;< When suddenly a star arose,-: nf It was the Star of Bethlehem. \ 5 It was my guide, my light, my all; > It bade my dark forebodings cease; - And, through the storm, and danger's thrall, \ > It led me to the port of peace. ~- 6 Now safely moored-my perils o'er, mf I'11 sing, first in night's diadem, e< For ever and for evermore, f" The Star-the Star of Bethlehem!; 8 t~Q~ EHYMI 78, C. M. l 78 Christ's Commission. mf 1 fOME, happy souls! approach your God, V With new melodious songs; Come, render to alnighty grace The tribute of your tongues. 2 So strange, so boundless was the love, j p That pitied dying men, - The Father sent his equal Son, To give them life again. ~ C~4)0 9OB~~O~~09)~+bb~) a BV~~8Q 88~ CHRIST. 299 $ mp 8 Thy hands, dear Jesus! were not armed W ith a revenging rod; - No hamrd commission to perform f The vengeance of a God. p 4 Bult all was miercy, all was mild. Arid wrath forsook the throne, mp When Christ, on the kind errand, came, And brought salvation down. mnp 5 Here, sinners! you may heal your wounds, And wipe your sorrows dry; i mf Trust in the mighty Saviour's name, tI > And you shall never die. p 6 See, dearest Lord! our willing souls Accept thine offered grace; f We bless the great Redeemer's love, And give the Father praise. I 9 E fiHRMN 79, C.,. * J Christ's Compassion to the Weak. } eif 1 XiTITHI joy we meditate the grace v Of our High-Priest above; mp His heart is mlade of tenderness, p His bowels melt with love. } 2 Touched with a sympathy within, i p He knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations mean,; For he has felt the same. i - 3 But spotless, innocent, and pure, I The great Redeemer stood; mf While Satan's fiery darts he bore, And did resist to blood. > 4 He, in the days of feeble flesh, S p Poured out his cries and tears; And, in his measure, feels afresh What every member bears. 5 Then let our humble faith address ^ < His mercy and his power;' m T We shall obtain delivering grace, I> In the distressing hour. $ QF EHYMN 80, C. M. 8 s0o God glorified in the Gospel. I m I rpHE Lord, descending from above,; I Invites his children near; 300 HYMS LXXXI, LXXXII. f While power, and truth, and boundless love, Display their glories here. mf 2 Here, in thy gospel's wondrous frame, Fresh wisdom we pursue; A thousand angels learn thy name, Beyond whate'er they knew. 3 m Thy name is writ in fairest lines,-: - Thy wonders here we trace; " Wisdom through all the mystery shines,And shines in Jesus' face. 4 The law its best obedience owes To our incarnate God; And thy revenging justice shows Its honors in his blood. 5 But still the lustre of thy grace Our warmer thoughts employs, r < Gilds the whole scene with brighter rays,; mV And more exalts our joys. I YMN 81, L. M. $ 1 Peace and Hope through Christ's Intercession. f" I'E lives-the great Redeemer lives! } nI What joy the blest assurance gives! -~- And now, before his Father God, Pleads the full merits of his blood. 2 Repeated crimes awake our fears, And justice, armed with frowns, appears; $ But, in the Saviour's lovely face, o > Sweet mercy smiles-and all is peace. mp 3 In every dark, distressful hour, < When sin and Satan join their power, > Let this dear hope repel the dartp That Jesus bears us.on his heart. - 4 Great Advocate, almighty Friend! On thee our humble hopes depend: < Our cause can never, never fail,. mf For Jesus pleads, and must prevail. }O HYMN 82, C. M. 8 2 Praise to the Saviour. f 1 ( jt! for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praise! $ — BB2, - ------— b —-b-b —--------------- CHRIST. 301 The glories of ily God and King, The triumphs of his grace! mf 2 My gracious Master and my God! Assist me to proclaim, To spread, through all the earth abroad, The honors of thy name. dol 3 Jesus-the name that calms my fears, That bids my sorrows cease; <'T is music to my ravished ears; >'T is life, and health, and peace. mf 4 He breaks the power of reigning sin, He sets the pris'ner free; His blood can nmake the foulest clean; His blood availed for me. 5 Let us obey, we then shall know, Shall feel our sins forgiven; Anticipate our heaven below, dol And own, that love is heaven. Q 6oe xSAYN 83, L. M. 83 Hosannas to Christ. m f 1 \THAT are those soul-reviving strains, W That echo thus from Salem's plains? < What anthems loud, and louder still, I rmf Sweetly resound from Zion's hill? 2 Lo!'t is an infant chorus sings f Hosanna to the King of kings: ~.- The Saviour comes, and babes proclaim m f Salvation, sent in Jesus' name. < 3 Nor these alone their voice shall raise, mnf For we will join this song of praise: < Still Israel's children forward press, \f To hall the Lord their righteousness. 4 Proclaim hosannas loud and clear; See David's Son and Lord appear! Glory and praise on earth be given,ff Hosanna in the highest heaven. HYMN 84, C. M. 84 Jesus, my Trust. dol 1 JESUS! I love thy charming name,'T is music to mine ear; ~~~ * * * t~~~~~~~3- tb~ ~ ~ 0 *,~9Bb~~ 302 HYMN LXXXV. < Fain would I sound it out so loud, f That earth and heaven should hear. mf" 2 Yes,-thou art precious to my soul, Mly joy, my hope, my trust; Jewels, to thee, are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. M 3 All my capacious powers can wish In thee most richly meet; dot Not to mine eyes is light so dear, > INor friendship half so sweet. dol 4 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there;The healing balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 5 I'11 speak the honors of thy name, > With my last lab'ring breath; < Then, speechless, clasp thee in mine arms,The antidote of death. 6) A ^SG N 85, C. hI. 80 5< ~ God reconcilcd in Christ. mnp 1 fDEAREST of all the names above, l My Jesus and my God! Who can resist thy heavenly love, > Or trifle with thy blood? - 2'T is by the merits of thy death, The Father smiles again;'T is by thine interceding breath, The Spirit dwells with men. 3 Till God in human flesh I see, My thoughts no comfort find; The holy, just, and sacred Three Are terrors to my mind. i wf 4 But, if Immanuel's face appear, My hope, my joy begins; His name forbids my slavish fear, His grace removes my sins. - 5 While Jews on their own law rely, i And Greeks of wisdom boast; — I love th' incarnate mystery, And there I fix my trust. -----------— LPB~~^m-^~~BLb~ j-~~~l~~ ~iB 33CHRIST. 3 I 6 IIHYMN 86, C P. M.. 8 6 U The Excellelcy of Christ. i f" 1 H! could I speak the matchless worth,* V Oh! could I sound the glories forth, Which in my Saviour shine; I'd soar and touch the heavenly strings, And vie with Gabriel, while he sings, In notes almost divine. 2 I'd sing the characters he bears, And all the forms of love he wears, Exalted on his throne; In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would, to everlasting days, MIake all his glories known. 3 Soon the delightful day will come, When my dear Lord will bring me home, And I shall see his face; Then, with my Saviour, brother, friend, A blest eternity I'l1 spendI Triumphant in his grace. RI Q*yEaIYN YN 87, C. fM. r87 Christ, the living Fountain. mp I TIHERE is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn fiom Illlanuel's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb! thy precious blood I _- Shall never lose its power, < Till all the ransomed church of God I> Be saved, to sin no more. mp 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream $ I Thy flowing wounds supply, < Redeeming love has been my theme, i > And shall be, till I die. 5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I'i sing thy power to save, i p When this poor lisping, stammering tongue { pp Lies silent in the grave. ^ ~ ~ ~ ~~^ —-- HC4 —. I^.. L~blN~~ 304 HYMNS LXXXVIII -XO. HY iiN 88, C. M. 88 Sun.of Righteousness. f 1 RISE, glorious Sun! supremely bright, l Diffuse thy rays abroad; > Scatter the shades of gloomy night, < And show the heavenly road. 2 With healing in thy wings, arise On this dark soul of mine; f Oh! pour thy glories from the skies, And give me life divine. mp 3 Though thorns and briers, pits and snares, Beset the path I go, < One ray of thine dispels my fears, And guides me safely through. O ai HYMN 89, S. HM. 89 Christ, sufferi?'ng for our Sins. mp I TIKE sheep we went astray, And broke the fold of God, — Each wandering in a different way, But all the downward road. 2 How dreadful was the hour, When God our wanderings laid, < And did at once his vengeance pour, - Upon the Shepherd's head! mnf 3 How glorious was the grace, ~ — When Christ sustained the stroke! map His life and blood the Shepherd pays, A ransom for the flock. 4 But God shall raise his head, O'er all the sons of men, And make him see a numerous seed, To recompense his pain. qnf 5 "I'11 give him," saith the Lord, " A portion with the strong; He shall possess a large reward, And hold his honors long." rC90 HElYMlN 90, L. M. 90^J UThe Teaching of Jesus. dol 1 H]OW sweetly flowed the gospel's sound lt From lips of gentleness and grace, I CIHRIST. 305 Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, f Unveiling an immortal day. e mp 3 Come, wanderers! to my Father's home, Come, oall ye weary ones! and rest:- o -" Yes, sacred Teacher! we will come, i < Obey, and be for ever blest., qp 4 Decay, then, tenements of dust! > Pillars of earthly pride! decay, < A nobler mansion waits the just, f f And Jesus has prepared the way. \ Q 1 fYKN 91, S. M. 91 Preserving Grace. n 1 T 0 God, the only-wise.: ^~ Our Saviour and ourl King, Let all the saints, below the skies, Their humble praises bring. 2'T is his almighty love, ills counsel and his care, Preserves us safe from sin and death, And every hurtful snare. 8 He will present our souls, Unblemished and complete, Before the glory of his face, With joys divinely great. 4 Then all the chosen seed Shall meet around the throne; Shall bless the conduct of his grace, And make his wonders known. 5 To our Redeemer God,' Wisdom, with power, belongs;: Jf Immortal crowns of majesty, I; And everlasting songs. t I QX D~IHYMN 92, L, X. * 92J Love of Christ. \ p 1 I WAS a traitor doomed to die,' Bound to endure eternal pains; U06 HYMNS X.AC11, X Vl o When Jesus saw me froin on high,: < Was moved by love, and broke my chains. p 22 Did melting pity stoop so low, $ The Lord of heaven pour out his blood,! To save our rebel-race fiomn woe, And be our advocate with God? < 3 Infinite mercy! boundless love! f Stand in amaze, ye rolling skies! ~- The Son of God, his grace to prove,. p> Hlangs on a tree, and groans, and dies I o EHYMN 93, S. I., 93 < The Light of the World. p 1 11OW heavy is the night aTt hangs upon our eyes, < Till Christ, with his reviving light, f Over our souls arise! p 2 Our guilty spirits dread To meet the wrath of heaven; f But, in his righteousness arrayed, > We see our sins forgiven. mp 3 Unholy and impure Are all our thoughts and ways; His hands infected nature cure, With sanctifying grace. 4 The powers of hell agree To hold our souls in vain; mZf He sets the sons of bondage free, And breaks the cursed chain. mp 5 Lord! we adore thy va-ys To bring us near -to God; 0 Thy sovereign power, thy healing grace, msp And thine atoning blood. e Q} A ^HYMN 94, C. H. 94 Sun of Righteousness. r nf ICHRIST, whose glory fills the skies,Chlrist, the true, the only light, Sun of Righteousness! arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night: Day-spring from on high! be neai'; Day-star! in my heart appear. 4....-............................... I aCHRIST. 307 np 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn, If thy light is hid fiom me; Joyless is the day's return, Till thy mercy's beams I see,-- Till they inward light inpart,Peace and gladness to my heart. mp 3 Visit, then, this soul of mine,;! Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; m f Fill me, Radiancy divine! Scatter all my unbelief; < Moore and more thyself display, } f Shining to the perfect day.! HYMrN 95, C. M. 5 tJ Praise to the Redeemer. p 1 LUNGED in a gulf of dark despair, i We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day. 2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our heipless grief; <" He saw, and-Oh! amazing love!mf Hie ran to our relief. f 3 Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste he fled, mp Entered the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. mf" 4 Oh! for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break; And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour's praises speak. f" 5 Angels! assist our mighty joys; Strike all your harps of gold; But, when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told.;:3~HY MN Q96, C. M. 96 Pearl of great Price. mp 1 yE glittering toys of earth! adieu; -~ -IA nobler choice be mine; A real prize attracts my view,A treasure all divine. ~~~~m~i~~~t~~~~)P)BM~~t~*~~~HI ~ ~ B'^.~*^~^~WWW, ^ 1 308 HYMNS XCVII, XCVIII. 2 Begone, unworthy of my cares, Ye flattering baits of sense! Inestimable worth appears,The pearl of price imlnense. " 3 Should both the Indies, at my call, Their boasted stores resign, With joy I would renounce them all, For leave to call thee mine. 4 Should earth's vain treasures all depart, Of this dear gift possessed, < I'd clasp it to Imy joyful heart,'zf And be for ever blessed. q 2p 5 Dear Sovereign of my soul's desires! Thy love is bliss divine; Accept the praise that grace inspires, Since I can call thee mine. 97 I-yYN 97, C. M. ] 97 Christ, our Support in Death. dol I ESUS! the vision of thy face t Hath overpowering charms: Scarce sliall I feel death's cold embrace, TWhile in the Saviour's arms. 2 And, while ye hear my heart-strings break, How sweet the minutes roll! A A mortal paleness on my cheek, f And glory in my soul. e o -s~YIN 98, L. II. 9 70 C8 Ghrist, our TWisdom and our Rigohteousnesso p 1 JURIED in shadows of the night, We lie, till Christ restores the light; W - isdom descends to heal the blind, And chase the darkness of the mind. p 2 Our guilty souls are drowned in tears, Till his atoning blood appears; I, nf Then we awake fiom deep distress, f f And sing the Lord, our righteousness. -~ 3 Jesus beholds where Satan reigns, I Binding his slaves in heavy chains; M f He sets the pris'ners free, and breaks $ The iron bondage from our necks. s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHRIST. 309 I p 4 Poor helpless worms in thee possess g nf" Grace, wisdom, power, and righteousness: < Thou art our mighty All;-and we > Give our whole selves, 0 Lord i to thee. i 99 Qg M: u:rT 99, S.,.; < ^J tAll~ Things in Christ.. mp 1 THOU very-present Aid! In suffering and distress, The mind, which still on thee is stayed, Is kept in perfect-peace. 2 The soul, by faith reclined On the Redeemer's breast, Mid raging storms, exults to find An everlasting rest. p 3 Sorrow and fear are gone, Whene'er thy face appears; It stills the sighing orphan's moan, > And dries the widow's tears.; mp 4 It hallows every cross, It sweetly comforts me; It makes me now forget my loss, And lose myself in thee.' m 5 Jesus, to whom I fly,' Will all mly wishes fill; $ What though created streams are dry? I have the fountain still. m p 6 Stripped of my earthly friends, -- I find them, all in one,< And peace, and joy which never ends, m qnf And heaven, in Christ, begun. i YIgIMN 100, L. M. 100 Tohe Mecrcy of God in Clrist. m 1 ]TOT to condemn the sons of men, N ~1 Did Christ, the Son of God, appear; No weapons in his hands are seen, No flaling sword, nor thunder there. $ p 2 Such was the pity of our God, He loved the race of man so well, He sent his Son, to bear our load Of sins, and save our souls from hell. _ —~9H)~HQ ~I*_____vs~~a___s_*_0 ~ O 310 HYMNS CI, CII 3 Sinners! believe the Saviour's word,: Trust in his mighty name and live;! n/f A thousand joys his lips afford, His hands a thousand blessings give. 1 -\C-HYIN 101, L. M. 1 0 1 Love of CLrist in the Heart. rp 1 fI OME, dearest Lord! descend and dwell, \ By faith and love, in every breast;!- Then shall we know, and taste, and feel, The joys that cannot be expressed. ff 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength; Make our enlarged souls possess, $ And learn the height, and breadth, and length Of thine eternal love and grace. 3 Now to the God, whose power can do $ More than our thoughts and wishes know, f Be everlasting honors done, By all the church, thlough Christ, the Son. $ ^HYMN 102, S. M..,LU 0C ZVital Union to Christ. $ r ap 1 EAR Saviour! we are thine By everlasting bonds; Our namles, our hearts, we would resign; Our hearts are in thy hands. - 2 To thee we still would cleave, With ever-growing zeal; If millions tempt us Christ to leave, Oh! let them ne'er prevail. 3 Thy Spirit shall unite Our souls to thee, our head; Shall form us to thine image bright, That we thy paths may tread. mp 4 Death may our souls divide From these abodes of clay; - ~ lBut love shall keep us near thy side, $ > Through all the gloomy way. 5- Since Christ and we are one, $ Why should we doubt and fear? If lie in heaven hath fixed his throne, He'11 fix his members there. V CHRIST. 311 -103 HY1N 103, C.,$ 1 0 3 e) Grod's Love in Christ. m 1 rIlHE Saviour!-Oh! what endless charms Dwell in the blissful sound! Its influence every fear disarms, i> And spreads sweet peace around. - 2 Here pardon, life, and joys divine, In rich effusion flow, inp For guilty rebels lost in sin, i p And doomed to endless woe. nf 3 Oh! the rich depths of love divine, Of bliss a boundless store! $ ff Dear Saviour! let me call thee mine; I cannot wish for more. 4 On thee alone my hope relies, Beneath thy cross I fall; J My Saviour, and my all! \ I fL ASP~P~~ irAEYN 104, H... $104 MSiission of Christ. m 1 0OMAE, every pious heart, vi VU That loves the Saviour's name! Your noblest powers exert, To celebrate his fame; Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to Lim you owe. mp 2 He left his starry crown, And laid his robes aside; $ > On wings of love, came down, p And wept, and bled, and died: What he endured, no tongue can tell To save our souls from death and hell.! < 3 From the dark grave he rose,i ~- The mansion of the dead; 0 < And thence his mighty foes I f IIn glorious triumph led; } Up through the sky the conqueror rode, And reigns on high, the Saviour God. 4 From thence he'll quickly come,His chariot will not stay,~babcaz~ssa~caa,~e~~rrt*~)l))ora~a~r~i 312 HYMNS CV, CVI. And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day: dot There shall we see his lovely face, And ever be in his embrace. $ 1 0 HYMN 105, C. M, 105 King of Saints. Mf' naf 1 COME, ye that love the Saviour's name, mf A And joy to make it known! The sovereign of your hearts proclaim, And bow before the throne. f 2 Behold your King, your Saviour, crowned With glories all-divine; And tell the wondering nations round, How bright these glories shine. mf 3 Infinite power, and boundless grace, In him unite their rays; Ye that have e'er beheld his face! Can ye forbear his praise? 4 When, in his earthly courts, we view Tle beauties of our King, We long to love as angels do, S And wish like them to sing. g p 5 And shall we long and wish in vain? * < Lord! teach our songs to rise;,f Thv love can animate the strain,, And bid it reach the skies. 106 HYMN 106, C. M. 6. AU d1 new Song to the Lamb. f 1 B EHOLD the glories of the Lamb, $ B Amidst his Father's throne Prepare new honors for his namle,! And songs, before unknown. 2 Let elders worship at his feet, The church adore around, $ With vials full of odors sweet, And harps of sweeter sound.; mf 3 Those are the prayers of all the saints, And these the hymns they raise:' > Jesus is kind to our complaints,:-~ He loves to hear our praise. CHRIST. 318 f" 4 Now to the Lamb, that once was slain, Be endless blessings paid; Salvation, gloiry, jo, rermain For ever, on thy head. 6 Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood, Hast set the prisoners fiee, Hast made us kings and priests to God, And we shall reign with thee. 1^ {wt SMil 107, C. I. 07.Askiin the Presence of Christ. m 1 qOME, thou desire of all thy saints Our hunmble strlains attend, > While, with our praises and complaints, f Low at thy feet w e beld. 2 How should our songs, like those above, With warm devotion rise < How should our souls, on wings of love, mf Mount upward to the skies! i 3 Come, Lord! thy love alone can raise In us the heavenly flame; < Then shall our lips resound thy praise, mf 1Our hearts adore thy namie. < 4 Dear Saviour! let lthy glory shine, And fill thv dwellings here, mf Till life, and love, and joy divine A heaven on earth appear. f Then shall our hearts enraptured say,Come, great Redeemer! come, And bring the bright, the glorious day, That calls thy children home.: 8 I QTimYXN 108, L. X. 108 Divinity of Christ proved by his MJliracles mf" 1 ]EHOLD! the blind their sight receive; S) Behold! the dead awake and live; The dumb spieak wonders, and the lame' Leap like the hart, and bless his namee. 2 Thus doth th' eternal Spirit own And seal the mission of the Son: The Father vindicates his cause, p YWhile he hangs bleeding on the cross. 14 314 HYMNS CIX, CX. 3 He dies-the heavens in mourning stood if He rises and appears a God; Behold the Lord ascending high,-,> No more to bleed-no more to die! nf 4 Hence, and for ever, from my heart I bid my doubts and fears depart; -- And to those hands'my soul resign, Which bear credentials so divine. Q HYDMN 109, L. M. 10J9 Christ, our Riighteousness. Inf 1 ESUS! thy robe of righteousness;' My beauty is,-my glorious dress: f Mid flaming worlds, in this arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head. < 2 When, from the dust of death, I rise I mf To claim my mansion in the skies, E'en then shall this be all my plea,I > "Jesus hath lived and died for me." - 3 8This spotless robe tlhe same appears, M p When ruined nature sinks in years; < No age can change its glorious hue; imf The robe of Christ is ever new. 4 Oh! let the dead now hear thy voice; Now bid thy banished ones rejoice; Their beauty this-their glorious dressf Jesus, the Lord, our righteousness. 1 1^ n 11HYNi Ii0, L. mI. i I J The Example of Christ. t I [Y dear Redeemer and my Lord! I read my duty in thy word; But in thy life the law appears, Drawn out in living characters.. 2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such deference to thy Father's will, Such love and meekness so divine, I would transcribe and make them mine. 3 Cold mountains, and the midnight air, Witnessed the fervor of thy prayer; The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict, and thy vict'ry too. _._ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) 1# C~CHRIST. 315, 1 4 Be thou my pattern;-lmake me bear' More of thy gracious image here; $ $'Then God, the judge, shall own my name, Among the foli'wers of the Lamb. I i EYN 111, 6s and 4s, t III lorthy t/he Lamb. f " 1: (4LORY to God on high! e V hLet heaven and earth reply$ "s Praise ye his name!", His love an(d graace adore, I np Who all our sorrows bore; * f" And sing for evermore —' "^Worthly the Lamb!" 2 Ye, who surround the throne! Cheerfully join in one, Praising his name: $ ~ Ye, who have felt his blood Sealing your peace with God! Sound his dear name abroad,= f J" "Worthy the Lamb " " 3 Join, all ye ransomed race Our Lord and God to bless; Praise ye his name: In him we will rejoice, e BAnd make a joyful noise, if/f" Shouting with heart and voice — \. "'W1orthy the Lanmb!" - 4 Soon must we change our place, 8 $ < Yet will we never ceaCse I f'f" PPralising his name: b To him our songs we'll bring, I ItHall him our g'racious King, $ z And through all -ages sing-'" "W or'tnvy the Lamb I" 2 J J 4 Praise foom Sacints and AnJgels. f 1 COME, let us join our cheerful songs, Te With angels round the throne;, Ten tlhousand thousand are their tongues,, 2 3But all their joys are one. >" 2" Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, f /" " To be exalted thus " " 316 HYIMNS CXIII, CXIV. " -Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, lp' For he was slain for us!" - 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine; mi f And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord! for ever thine. $fS 4 Let all who dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thine endless praise. 5 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of him who sits upon the throne,! And to adore e the Lamb.'113 NYRN 113, L.,. 113 J Blessing and Hlonor to the Lamnb, } I WIHAT equal honors shall we bring To thee, 0 Lord, our God, the Lamb I When all the notes, that angels sing, Are far inferior to thy name? rnf 2 Worthy is lie who once was slain,- > The Prince of peace, who groaned and died,- mf Worthy to rise, and live, and reign, At his almigihty Fatheris side. f 3 lonor imnmolrl slmust be paid, Instead of scandal and of scorn; fe While glory shines around his head, And a bright crown without a th orn. 4 Blessings for ever on the Lamb, > Who bore the curse for wretched men I inf Let angels sound his sacred name, f And every creature say,-Amen. i} r^T1 % 11YII 4 i, C. M., 1 14f Love to Christ desired. dol 1 PHOU lovely source of true delight, W W7hom I unseen adore Unveil thy beauties to nmy sight, That I may love thee more. $?zf 2 Thy glory o'er creation shines; -, But, in thy sacred word, 4 ~ ^^~^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHRIST. 317 $ < I read in fairer, brighter lines,! > lMy bleeding, dying Lord. p 3'T is here, wlhene'er my comforts droop, And sin and sorrow rise, < Thy love, viti liheering beams of hope, -- liy lfinting heart supplies. p 4 But ah! too soon the pleasing scene Is clouded o'er with pain; 1My gloomy fears rise dark between, And I again complain. dmp 5 Jesus, my Lor, ny lii:e, my light! i Oh! comle with blissful ray; < Break radiant through the shades of night, 1 sf And chase my fears away. a f 6 Then shall my soul wit h rapture trace The wonders of thy love: IBut the full glories of thy face | Are only known abo ve. 1 5Ir n n t, W; 1 C M1z nT t 1 1 5s, L. 1., \ 15 i Crist, Our Hig'-P-riest and King. n 1 TOWT to t Lhe Lord. who makes us know The wonders ot his dying love, Be humble Ihonors paid below, I < And strains of nobler praise above. mp 2'T wNTas he tlhat cleansed our foulest sins, And washed us in his richest blood; <'T is he that makes us priests and kings, > And brings us rebels near to God. - 3 To Jesus, our atoning priest, To Jesus, our superior king, Be everlasting power confessed, i < 0And every tongue his glory sing. * f 4 Behold'! on flying clouds he comes, And every eye shall see him move: p Though with our sins we pierced him once, - Then he displays his pard'uing love. qnp 5 The unbelieving world shall wail,;mf While we rejoice to see the day: Come, Lordcl nor let thy promise fail, i-. Nor let thy chariot long delay. 318 HYIYMNS CXVI, CXVII. 1 16i ]ITMI 116, 8s and 7s, Peculiar. 1. JL0 Christ, the Lanmb, entkroned and worshiped.' f" I HARK -ten thousand harps and voices I Sound the note of praise above, Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices;Jesuis reigns, the God of love: See! he sits on yonder thronie; Jesus rules the wAdorld alone. 2 Jesus! hail i whose glory brightens All above, and gives it worth; Lord of life! thy smile enlightens, Chleers, and charls thy saints on earth: -- When we think of love like thine, Lord! we own it love divine. i jf" 3 King of glory! reign for everThine an everlasting crown; * mif Nothing, frlom thy-IT love, shsall sever Those whomn thon hast made thine own;H-Iappy objects of thy grace, Destined to behold thy fce. f" 4 Saviour hasten thine appearing; Bring —Oh bring the glorious day, When, the awful sumnlons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pass away;Then, with goiden harps,'we'l sing,f; f" "Glory, glory to our King." 1 1 ^I~e5ErYN1120 117, 8s and 7 s. 117 Praise to God, the Saviour. bmf 1 lfTIGHTY God! while angels bless thee, mp i- May a mortal lisp thy name? - Lord of men, as well as angels! Thou art every creature's theme: Lord of every land and nation! Ancient of eternal days!,f Sounded through the wide creation, i Be thy just and lawful praise. f 2 For the grandeur of thy nature, — Grand, beyond a seraph's thought;- - For the wonders of creation, $ Works with skill and kindness wrought; For thy providence, that governs Through thine empire's wide domain, I CIJ~F4CHRIST. 319,W ings an angel, guides a sparrow;-; > > Blessed be thy gentle reign. mf 3 For thy rich, thy ifee redemption, > iBright, thoughl veiled in darkness long; nmp Thought is poor, and poor expression; <: Who can sing that - ondrous song? n2f Brightness of the Father's glory! >, LShall thy praise unuttered lie? 1 f Break, mly tongue sucl guilty silence, > ing the Lord who came to die:- f 4 From the highest throne of glory, > To the cross of deepest woe, mp Came to ransom guilty captives!f Flow, my praise! for ever flowv: Re-ascend, inmmortal Saviour! >< Leave thy footstool, take thy throne; < Thence return and reign for ever;- f Be the kingdom all thine own l I 1 0 lw bf Moses and Christ., n 1 rt(HE law by M-{ooses came; T But peace and truth and love Were brought by Christ, a nobler name, Descending from above. 2 Amidst the house of God, Their different vworks were done; Moses a faithful servant stood, But Christ a faithful Son. 3 Then, to his new commands,! Be strict obedience paid; I O'er ll11 his lFather's house he stands, The sovereign aInd the head, 4 The man, who durst despise The law that nMoses brought,- Behold! how terribly he dies For his presumptuous fault. But sorer vengeance falls On that rebellious race, I Who hate to hear when Jesus calls, And dare resist his grace. . 320 HIYMI S CXIX, GXX. I 1r'2MI 1191,. I.' 19 -L ^ VaTrious Success of the Gospel., q~ 1 H RIST ancd his cross is all our tlleme;'ie I-m-steries that we speak Are scandal in te Jews' esteem, i And folly to th.e Greek. 1 2 But souls, enlightened from above,, i ~With joy receive thle word; They see what wisdoml, power, and love, S1hine in thei d1ying Lord. 3 The vital savor of his nanme' R Eies tores their fainting breath; But-unbelief perverts the same p To guilt, despair, and death. - 4 Till God difflise his graces down, Like shiowers of heavenly rain, In vain Apollos sows the ground, And Paul lmay plant n vain. 1 BIN 1 0, 8s and 7s. 120 Thze LigM.it of the o ito/orld, mp 1 IGHI-T of those - whose dreary dwelling! LJ Borders on the shades of death! - G GCome, and, by tly loeeve revealing, Dissipate the clo"uds beneathl The new hleaven and earlth's Creator, < In our deepest darkness rise,~ I mUf Scattering' all the nighit of natulre, Pouring eye-si't on our eyes. n 2 Still we -ait for thine appearing; I nf Life atnd joy thy beams imparlt, < Chasing all our fears, and cheering! > Every poor beniglhted heart: -~, Come. and manifest thy favor > To the ransomed, helpless race; < Comne, thou glorious God and Saviour i nf Come, and bring the gospel grace. i mp 3 Save us, in thy great compassion, 0 thou mild, pacific Prince! < Give the knowledge of salvation, > Give the pardon of our sins; - _ By thine all-sufficient merit, I mp Every burdened soul release; CHRIST. 321 Every weary, wandering spirit, > GGuide into thy perfect peace. 5'ITJ!~DT IgI, H, gI C2 trit, our Kin?.ff. fi f 1 pEJOICE! the Lord is King!~Your God and fl irng adore; Mortals! give lthanks, and sing, And triumph evermore: Lift up the hearlt, —lift up the voice,- i ff" Rejice o sin roice a ye saint oice f 2 His kingdom u carlnot fail; I He rules o'er earth and heaven; I The keys of deathl and hell Are to our' Jesus given:! Lift up the heart, lift up the voice - ff" Rejoice aloud, ye saints! rejoice, $ nf 3 lHe all his foes shall queil,- I Sa ll all onur sins destroy, < And every bosom swell 1f VWith pure seraplhic joy: Lift up the lheta-t,lift up the voice,- iff" Rejoice aloud, ye saints! rejoice. nmf 4 Rejoice in gloriouts hope; Jesus, the judge, shall com0e, And take his servants up \i frTo their eternal lhome: < We soon shall hear dh' archangel's voice, ff The trump of God shall sound,-Rejoice. IQQ1 an T-I iT 122, i mL. M. 1 22 God, the So?, equal oith the Father.!m I..~RIGHT King of glory, dreadful God! inp 1J Our spiits,ow before thy seat; To thee we lift an humble thought, And worship at thine awful feet. f 2 A thousand seraphs, strong and bright, Stand round the glorious Deity; - But who, among the sons of light, Pretend.s comnparison with thee? 3 Yet one there is, of human frame,- I Jesus, arrayed in flesh and blood,- 14* 322 HYMNS CXXIII, CXXIV. Thinks it no robbery to claim A full equali'y with God. mf 4 Their glory shines with equal beams, Their essence is fr1 ever one, Though they are known by different names, The Father God, and God the Son. If 5 Then let the name of Christ, our king, With equal honors be adored; His praise let every angel sing, $ And all the nations own him-Lord. I1,I-tIY?.N 123, 12s. 1 2L34) The Voice of free Grace. qI fl THE voice of free grace cries-" Escape to the lTllmountain 1 For Adam's lost race, Christ hath opened a fountain; For sin and uncleanness, and every transgression, His blood flows most freely, in streams of salvation. CIIORUS. ff Hallelujahl to the Lamb I he hath purchased our pardon, o We'll praise him again, when we pass over Jordan, mp 2 Ye souls that are wounded! Oh! flee to the ~I Saviour; He calls you in mercy,-'t is infinite favor; < Your sins are increasing,-escape to the moun- tain,- [tain. - His blood can remove them, it flows from the ioun- f 3 0 Jesus! ride onward, triumphantly glorious, t O'er sin, death and hell, thou art more than victo- i rious; I Thy name is t e theme of the great congregation, Iff While angels and saints- raise the shout of salvation. f 4 With joy shallwe stand, when escaped to the shore; With harps in our hands, we'11 praise him the more; We'll range the sweet plains on the bank of the river, ff And sing of salvation for ever and ever! 12 iUyChrist precious. dol 1 HOW sweet the naume of Jesus sounds Jl In a believer's ear! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, i And drives away his fear.!_-.0 * _ ^*a. - -- - -- -------- I 3CHRIST. 323 3 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast;'T is manna to the hungry soul, > And, to th e weary, rest. n m 3 Jesus!-my shepherd, husband, friend,! My prophet, priest, and king, M Iy Lord, my life, my way, my end,- Accept the praise I bring. mp 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought; < But, cwhen I see thee as thou art, nzf 1'11 praise thee as I ought. 5 Till then, I would thy love proclaim, I ATWith every fleeting breath; I And may the music of thy name Refrieslh y soul in death. I j Q ^ g g. I,, j. 125 Lije in CLhist. m mnp 1';H1HEN sins and fears prevailing rise, V? And fainting hope almost expires,. Jesus! to thee I lift mine eyes, To thee I breathe my soul's desires. 2 2 If my ilmmortal Saviour lives, Then my immortal life is sure; His word a firm foundation gives; e -. Here let me build, and rest secure. i mf 3 Here let my faith unshaken dwell, For ever firmi the promise stands; i Not all the powers of earth and hell Can e'er dissolve the sacred bands. i 4 Here, 0 my soul! thy trust repose; if Jesus is for ever mine, mf Not death itself-that last of foes~- - Shall break a union so divine.' II N 126, L. X. 1 6 Communion with Christ. dol 1 1 iH that I could for ever dwell, W J Delighted, at the Saviour's feet, $ 3Behold the form I love so well, And all his tender words repeat:- fB~C~Bb9~~ _*b rb*,b i-o —se —-----— F***** os, a,*aP e,* ozgb 6ak 324 IYiMNS CXXVII, CXXVIII, 2 The world shut out from all my soul, And heaven brought in with all its bliss: — Oh! is there aught, from pole to pole, One 0mornent, to compare with this? - 8 This is the hidden life I prize, — A life of penitential love;' When most my follies I despise, m nf And raise my highest thoughts above: nmp 4 When all 1 an-m, I clearly see, And freely own, with deepest shame; When the Redeemer's love to me r < KildlTes within a deathless flame. m f 5 Thus would I live, till nature fail, np And all my former sins torsake; f Then rise to God, within the veil, And of eternal joys partake'S. ^w cQfi H T 1727, L.M. 1 27 Christ, the supreme God and K ing. f 1 - RBOUND the Saviour's lofty throne, A Ten thousand times ten thousand sing; They worship him as God alone, \ff And crown him-everlasting King. i f 2 Approach, ye saints! this God is yours;'T is Jesus, fills the throne above: Ye cannot want, while God endures; Ye cannot fail, while God is love. 8 Jesus, thou everlasting King! To thee the praise of heaven belongs; - -~ Yet, smile on us, who fain would bring The tribute of our humble songs. p mp 4 Though sin defile our worship here,,; < We hope ere-long thy face to view; $ f And, when our souls in heaven appear, We'11 praise thy name as angels do. 128 OQ HYMN 128, 7s. I 128 Jesus, the Refuge, I aff I TESUSlover of my soul! J Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, I While the tempest still is high; CHRIST. 325 Hide me, 0 my Saviour! hide, Till the storm of life be past; Safe into the haven guide; Oh! receive my soul at last, 2 Other refuge have I none,-'Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone; All my trust on thee is stayed; All my help from thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head, With the shadow of thy wing. i - 8 Plenteous grace with thee is found, — Grace to pardon all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, ake and keep me pure within; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee; < Spring thou up within my heart, o f Rise to all eternity.: ^ Q Q S~HYM 129, L. MX. 129 JChrist, the only Refuge. aff I rHOU only Sovereign of my heart, JL My refuge, my almighty Friend I And can my soul fiom thee depart, On whom alone my hopes depend 2 Whither, ah! whither shall I go, A wretched wanderer from my Lord Can this dark world of sin and woe One glimpse of happiness afford? 8 Eternal life thy words impart,' On these my fainting spirit lives; & doI Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart,, Ad Than all the round of nature gives. } 4 Let earth's alluring joys combine; While thou art near, in vain they call; One smile-one blissful smile of thine,. My dearest Lord! outweighs them all. I qp 5 Low at thy.feet my soul would lie,- I Here safety dwells and peace divine; ~grgC*MIBH~)~O~b B~~b~6~~4+.., 326 HYMNS CXXX, CXXXLI. mf Still let ne live beneath thine eye, f For life —eternal life-is thine. \ n+ 10HYM 130, C.. 1 A Jesus, seen of infregs. ff" 1 EYOND the glittering, starry skies, 1 Far as th' eternal hills, There, in the boundless worlds of light, Our dear Redeemner dwells. 2 Legions of angels, round his throne, In countless armies shine; i And swell his praise with golden harps, Attuned to songs divine. 3 "Hail, glorious Prince of peace I" they cry, "' Whose unexampled love Moved thee to quit these glorious realms, And royalties above." 4 Through all his travels here below, They did his steps attend; Oft wondering how, or where, at last, The mystic scene would end. > 5 They saw his heart transfixed with wounds,!p And viewed the crimson gore; e< They saw him break the bars of death, -- Which none e'er broke before. J 6 They brought his chariot from above,, To bear him to his throne; f" Clapped their triumphant wings, and cried, — "The glorious work is done!" 6): ]r HYMN 131, 7s and 6s. 131 Praise to the Saviour. f I TO thee, my God and Saviour! $ I My heart exulting sings, Rejoicing in thy favor, Almighty King of kings I I'11 celebrate thy glory, With all thy saints above, And tell the joyful story Of thy redeeming love. dol 2 Soon as the morn, with roses, Bedecks the dewy east, ~4 ~ —- ~ CCHRIST. 32'7 And when the sun reposes Upon the ocean's breast, mp gMy voice, in supplication, Well-pleast, L; Lord shall hear: Oh! grant me thy salvation, And to my soul draw near. mf 3 By thee, through life supported, $ - I'11 pass the dangerous road, < With heavenly hosts escorted, f: Up to thy bright abode; Then cast my crown before thee,! And, all my conflicts o'er, e Unceasingly adore thee:- i TvWhat could an angel more? 132 itHYMN 132, L. M. i 32 Glory and Grace in Christ.e $ f" I OW to the Lord a noble song! ~L Awake, my soul! awake, my tongue! I-Hosanna to th' eternal name, And all his boundless love proclaim. 2 See where it shines in Jesus' face,- ~i The brightest image of his grace! F God, in the person of his Son, g Has all his mightiest works outdone.! 3 Grace!-'t is a sweet, a charming theme; M My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name: Ye angels! dwell upon the sound; \ Ye heavens! reflect it to the ground. I i < 4 Oh! may I reach that happy place, i > Where he unveils his lovely face, < Where all his beauties you behold, f And sing his name to harps of gold. P. i " HY IMN 133, L. IM. 3 J ) The Presence of the Saviour. L mf 1 LORD! what a heaven of saving grace $ l Shines through the beauties of thy face, And lights our passions to a flame! Lord how we love thy charming name! T 2 When I can say, —my God is mine,When I can feel thy glories shine, - - ------ -- f ---— _ —t-*- -------- - ---- 328 HYMNS CXXXIV, CXXXV. I tread the world beneath my feet, And all that earth calls good or great. 3 While such a scene of sacred joys Our raptured eyes and souls employs, Here we could sit, and gaze away i A long, an everlasting day. 4 Well, we shall quickly pass the night, 1 To the fair coasts of perfect light; i Then shall our joyful senses rove O'er the dear object of our love. - 5 Send comforts down from thy right hand, > While we pass through this barren land, - And in thy temple let us see < A glimpse of love-a glimpse of thee. ~1o ^~~ eP34 z 134, C. 134t ChIrist, cur Example. 1p BEHOLD!'w here, in a mortal form, Appears each grace divine: The virtues, all in Jesus met, With mildest radiance shine. mf 2 To spread the rays of heavenly light, \< To give the mourner joy, To preach glad tidings to the poor, Was his divine employ. 3 Mid keen reproach and cruel scorn, p He, meek and patient, stood; His foes, ungrateful, sought his life, Who labored for their good. p 4 When, in the hour of deep distress, Before his Father's throne, With soul resigned, he bowed, and said,-' Thy will, not mine, be done!" -- 5 Be Christ our pattern, and our guide, His image may we bear; Oh! may we tread his holy steps,mf His joy and glory share. HYM1 N 135, C. M. 135 0 The Glory of Christ in Heaven. m$ f 1 (H! the delights, the heavenly joys, J The glories of the place, ________ 4 CHRIST. 329 Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams Of his o'erflowing grace! 2 Sweet majesty and awful love dol Sit smiling on his brow; mf And all the glorious ranks above, ~ — At humble distance, bow. f 3 Archangels sound his lofty praise, Through every heavenly street; > And lay their heavenly honors down, p Submissive, at his feet. - 4 This is the man, th' exalted man, Whoml we, unseen, adore; But, when our eyes behold his face, Our hearts shall love him more.: mf 5 Lord! how our souls are all on fire, To see thy blest abode; f Our tongues rejoice, in tunes of praise, -- To our incarnate God. HYMII 138, H. M., 13 JL U 0Prophet, Priest, and King. mLf I JOIN all the glorious names Of wisdom, love, and power, That ever mortals knew, That angels ever bore:~- All are too mean to speak his worth, Too mean to set my Saviour forth. mf 2 Great Prophet of our God! Our tongues would bless thy name; By thee the joyful news Of our salvation came;> The joyful news of sins forgiven, mp Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven. 3 Jesus, our great High-Priest, Hath shed his blood and died; My guilty conscience needs No sacrifice beside: His precious blood did once atone, And now it pleads before the throne. mf 4 0 thou almighty Lord, Our Conqueror and our King I 330 HYMNS CXXXVII, CXXXVIII. Thy scoptre and thy sword, Thy reigning grace, we sing; I > Thine is the power; Oh! make us sit, nip Il willing bonds, beneath thy feet., oN 137, L. =7. e1 1 Loving-Kindness. I " 1 A WAKE, my soul! in joyful lays, A And sing thy great Receemer's praise; $ He justly claims a song from me;H is loving-kindness-Oh! how free! i mP 2 He saw me ruined by the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all; I lie saved me froml my lost estate;H is loving-lindness,Oh! how great! mp 3 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, < Has gathered thick, and thundered loud, l~iHe near my soul has always stood;H is loving-kindness,-Oh 1 how good! I mp 4 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers shall fail; Oh! may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death. i f." 5 Then let me mount, and soar away To the bright world of endless day; And sing, with rapture and Surprise, His loving-kindness in the skies. 13o NO J all IItN 1i8, S. t. J 513 Ch-rist 0ouri S'acrice. in 1 tOTall the blood of beasts, i 1 ~ On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, i Or wash away the stain. i 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away; — A sacrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they. > 3 My faith would lay her hand p On that dear head of thine, While, like a penitent, I stand, And there confess my sin. J 40 I CHRIST. 331' i ^~~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ^ ~ ~: 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens thou didst bear, When hanging on th' accursed tree,And hopes her guilt was there. $ f 5 Believing, we'rejoice To see the curse remove; We bless the Lamb, with cheerful voice, $.And sing his bleeding love, ~1 2 a FYlM. 139, 8s. 1 5 J9 The Songs of Heaven. J And view my Immanuel's face,In rapturous songs make him known, >< Tune-tune your soft harps to his praise: $ - Ite formed you the spirits you are, So happy, so noble, so good; > When others sunk down in despair, ~"' UConfirmed by his power, ye stood. 2 Ye saints! who stanld nearer than they, And cast your bright crowns at his feet,- His grace and his glory display, And all his rich mnercies repeat: > HIe snatched you fiomn hell and the grave, Pi HIe ransomed fromn death and despair; < For you he was mightvy to save,Almighty to bring you safe there. - 3 Oh! when wrill the moment appear, When I shall unite in your song? nmp Im weary of linining here, And I to your Saviour belong: I'm fettered, and chained here in clay,I struggle and pant to be free; < I long to be soaring away, Mf y God and my Saviour to see. 4 I long to put on my attire,Washed white in the blood of the Lamb; I long to be one of your choir, $ And tune my sweet harp to his name; I long-Oh! I long to be there, Imp Where sorrow and sin bid adieu, mnf Your joy and your friendship to share; $ To wonder, and worship with you. 1 332 HYMNS CXL-CXLII. 140 Tlhe J ochHYMN 140, H. X. 140 The NJ3ame of Christ a sweet Savor. f f 1 pRAISE to the Lord on high, f 1 V Who spreads his triumphs wide! doZ While Jesus' fragrant name Is breathed on every side; Balmy and rich the odors rise, f And fill the earth, and reach the skies. I - 2 Ten thousand dying souls Its influence feel, and live; Sweeter than vital air - The incense they receive: \ < They breathe anew, and rise and sing-' f Jesus, the Lord, their conquering King.' np 38 But they, who scorn the grace g That brings salvation nigh, And turn away their face, p Must faint, and fall, and die: ii: i~ So sad a doom, ye saints! deplore, p> For Oh! they fall to rise no more. 4 A1 HYh 141, L. X. 1 41 I Chorist present witl his People. mnp 1 TOW sweet to leave the world awhile, [ And seek the presence of our Lord! Dear Saviour! on thy people smile, And come, according to thy word. 2 From busy scenes we now retreat, That we may here converse with thee; Ah! Lord! behold us at thy feet;Let this the " gate of heaven" be. - 8 "Chief of ten thousand!" now appear, That we by faith may see thy face: Oh speak, that we thy voice may hear, And let thy presence fill this place. if 14'mN 142, C. SI. 14 Excellency of Christ. dol 1 INFINITE loveliness is thine, - I Thou glorious Prince of grace I Thine uncreated beauties shine, With never-fading rays. 2 Sinners, from earth's remotest end, Come bending at thy feet; v * _ _ e *~~~~~~~~* s * * * _~~~P CHRIST. 333 To thee their prayers and songs ascend, In thee their wishes meet. 3 Millions of happy spirits live On thine exha-ustless store; From thee they all their bliss receive, And heaven can give no more. f 4 Thou art their triumph and their joy, They find their life in thee; Thy glories will their tongues employ, Through all eternity. \ 143 A SYMN 143, L. M. 143 J-N'ot ashamed of Christ p 1 JESUS! and shall it ever beA mortal man ashamed of thee?< Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, f Whose glories shine through endless days? p 2 Ashamned of Jesus!-sooner far Let evening blush to own a star; < He sheds the beams of light divine, > O'er this benighted soul of mine. p 3 Ashamed of Jesus-that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend? No;-when I blush, be this my shame,That I no more revere his name. 4 Ashamed of Jesus'?-yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away,No tear to wipe,-no good to crave,No fears to quell,-no soul to save. - 5 Till then-nor is my boasting vain- Till then, I boast a Saviour slain! < And Oh! may this my glory be,> That Christ is not ashamed of me. I SEE~BHYMN 144, S. M. 144 Christ's IMediation. f" 1 R]AISE your triumphant songs - To an immortal tune; Let the wide earth resound the deeds Celestial grace has done. im 2 Sing-how eternal love Its chief beloved chose, _ __~^- ^ ~~ 334 HYMN CXLV. And bade him raise our ruined race | > From their abyss of woes. rzp 3 His hand no thunder bears, No terror clothes his brow, No bolts to drive our guilty souls To fiercer flames below. 4'T was mercy filled the throne, And wrath stood silent by, When Christ was sent, with pardons, down > To rebels doomed to die. mf 5 Now, sinners! dry your tears; Let hopeless sorrow cease; $mp Bow to the sceptre of his love, And take the offered peace.: 6 Lord! we obey thy call; We lay an humble claim < To the salvation thou hast brought, f And love and praise thy name. 1i^ H, YMN 145, C. X. 145 CChief amnong ten thousand. dol 1 [AJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned 1 Upon the Saviour's brow; < His head. with radiant glories crowned, dol His lips with grace o'erflow. mf 2 No mortal can with him compare Among the sons of men; Fairer is he, than all the fair Who fill the heavenly train. mp 8 He saw me plunged in deep distress, < And flew to my relief; mp For me he bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. 4 To him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have; < He makes me triumph over death, > And saves me from the grave. i 5 To heaven, the place of his abode, > He brings my weary feet; f Shows me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete. ______ CHRIST. 335 6 Since from thy bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, i < Had I a thousand hearts to give, ~- Lord! they should all be thine. 14 1: aHYMN 146, C. M. 1 46 0Love of Christ celebrated. f 1 TO our Redeemer's glorious name, TI Awake the sacred song! Oh! may his love —immortal flameTune every heart and tongue! 2 His love, what mortal thought can reach? 1 What mortal tongue display?! Imagination's utmost stretch, > In wonder, dies away. m 8 Dear Lord! while we adoring pay Our humble thanks to thee, n mf May every heart with rapture say,- > " The Saviour died for me!" - 4 Oh I may the sweet, the blissful theme, Fill every heart and tongue,: { f Till strangers love thy charming name < And join the sacred song. $ ry EHYMN 147, s and 4s. I A Z Christ, our Confidence. o aff 1 ]j[Y faith looks up to thee, 1[ Thou Lamb of Calvary!Saviour divine! Now hear me, while I pray, I' Take all my guilt away, Oh! let me, from this day, $: Be wholly thine. 2 May thy rich grace impart $ Strength to iny fainting heart,! M Iy zeal inspire; As thou hast died for me, Oh! may my love to thee Pure, warm, and changeless be,mf A living fire. t mnp 3 While life's dark maze I tread,' And griefs around me spread, Be thou my guide; ~4~8~4C~~) CO)H ZOBZ~WC~O))~+i~M ~ e4~0 ~ ~ QI~ 336 HYMNS CXLVIII, CXLIX. Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray Fronm thee aside. * 4 When ends life's transient dream, $ When death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, - Blest Saviour! then, in love, $ Fear and distrust remove; } < Oh! bear me safe above,mf A ransomed soul. 14 1/HYMN 148, L.M.:J 1L48 Christ's Suffering-s and Glory. f" 1 T ^OW for a tune of lofty praise e ~ I To great Jehovah's equal Son! Awake, my voice! in heavenly lays, Tell the loud wonders he hath done, 2 Sing-how he left the worlds of light, And the bright robes he wore above,- HI-ow swift and joyffl was lis flight, On wings of everlasting love. 3 Deep in the shades of gloomy death, Th' alnighty captive pris'ner lay; < Th' almighty captive left the earth,' f." And rose to everlasting day. 4 Among a thousand harps and songs, Jesus, the God, exalted reigns; His sacred name fills all their tongues, And echoes through the heavenly plains. 1 4 l HIEYMN 149, 7s. 149 T]he Rock of.5dges. aff 1 R OCK of ages, cleft for me! Jtl Let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side that flowed, Be of sin the perfect cure; Save me, Lord! and make me pure. 2 Should my tears for ever flow, Should my zeal no languor know, i This for sin could not atone, $'Thou must save, and thou alone: 41 - - - -------- ----------- - --— * CHRIIST. 3 In my hand no price I bring; Simply to thy cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eye-lids close in death, mf When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold thee on thy throne, aff Rock of ages, cleft for Ime! Let me hide myself in thee. ~i 1lqRYMIN 150, C. /M. I \50 Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. m$ p 1 THOU art the Way;-to thee alone - From sin and death we flee; And he, who would the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord! in thee. m 2 Thou art the Truth;-thy word alone True wisdom can impart; Thou only canst instruct the mind, And purify the heart. < 3 Thou art the Life;-the rending tomb mn Proclaims thy conquering arm; And those, who put their trust in thee, f y Not death nor hell shall harm. i -~ 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life;Grant us to know that Way,: That Truth to keep, that Life to win, < TWhich lead to endless day. H1Y MaN 151, L. M. 1 51 Christ, the Physician of the Soul. af 1 DEEP are the wounds which sin has made; 1d Where shall the sinner find a cure In vain, alas! is nature's aid; The work exceeds her utmost power. 2 But can no sovereign balm be found? And is no kind physician nigh, To ease the pain, and heal the wound, Ere life and hope for ever fly? m 8 There is a great physician near; Look up, my fainting soul! and live; See.-in his heavenly smiles appear Such help as nature cannot give. 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 g - _ r o _ _ _ 338 HYMNS CLIT, CLIII. 4 See,-in the Saviour's dying blood, < Life, health, and bliss abundant flow: mp'T is only that dear sacred flood, > Can ease thy pain and heal thy woe. i5 Q AdDHYMN 152, 7s. 152 Christ, our Example in Suffering. aff 1 O to dark Gethsemane, G Ye that feel the tempter's power! Your Redeemer's conflict see, Watch with him one bitter hour; Turn not from his griefs away, 2 Follow to the judgment hall, View the Lord of life arraigned; Oh! the wormwood and the gall; Oh! the pangs his soul sustained: Shun not suffering, shame, or loss; Learn of him to bear the cross.' < 3 Calv'ry's mournful mountain climb;. > There-adoring at his feet, Mark that miracle of TimeGod's own sacrifice complete: aff "It is finished" —hear him cry; Learn of Jesus Christ to die. 4 Early hasten to the tomb, Where they laid his breathless clay; All is solitude and gloom! Who hath taken him away?< Christ is risen-lie meets our eyes; -- Saviour! teach us so to rise. i15o. HYMN 153, L.. 1533 Gethsemane. af'T IS midnight-and, on Olive's brow, The star is dimmed that lately shone;'T is midnight-in the garden now The suffering Saviour prays alone. 2'T is midnight-and, from all removed, Immanuel wrestles lone, with fears; E'en the disciple that he loved Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. ~ ------ CHRIST. 339 3'T is midnight-and, for others' guilt, The man of sorrows weeps in blood; Yet he, who hath in anguish knelt, Is not forsaken by his God. < 4: IT is midnight-and, from ether-plains,:f Is borne the song that angels know; Unheard by mortals are the strains, p' > That sweetly soothe the Saviour's woo \15~ 4 iXHYMN 154, 8s and 6s. ~~154 ~ The Garden of.Jgony. aZ 1 ][EYOND where Cedron's waters flow,)Behold the suffering Saviour go, To sad Gethsemane! His countenance is all divine, Yet grief appears in every line. 2 He bows beneath the sins of men, He cries to God, and cries again, In sad Gethsemane; He lifts his mournful eyes above" My Father I can this cup remove?" 3 With gentle resignation still, He yielded to his Father's will, In sad Gethsemane; "Behold me here, thine only Son, And, Father! let thy will be done." 4 The Father heard,-and angels there Sustained the Son of God in prayer, In sad Gethsemane; He drank the dreadful cup of pain;\f Then rose to life and joy again. p 5 When storms of sorrow round us sweep, And scenes of anguish make us weep, o To sad Gethsemane < We'11 look, and see the Saviour there; p Then humbly bow, like him, in prayer. 155 ~ HYMlN 155, C. M. 155 tChrist, dying ont the Cross. af 1 BEHOLD the Saviour of mankind, Nailed to the shameful tree! How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for me! ~~^ 340 HYIMNS CLVI, CLVII. 2 Hark! how he groans, while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend The temple's veil asunder breaks,; The solid marbles rend. $ " 3'T is done! the precious ransom's paid; "Receive my soul!" he cries: $ See —how he bows his sacred head! $ > He bows his head and dies! $ f 4 But soon he'11 break death's iron chain, \ And in full glory shine; aff 0 Lamb of God! was ever pain, Was ever love, like thine? r q z^ HYMN 156, L. M. 15 e Christ on the Cross. ff 1'T IS finished! -so the Saviour cried, T And meekly bowed his head, and died'T is finished!-yes, the race is run, < The battle fought, the vict'ry won. aff 2'T is finished!-this, his dying groan, Shall sins of every kind atone; Millions shall be redeemed from death, By this his last expiring breath. -- 3'T is finished! -Heaven is reconciled, And all the powers of darkness spoiled: Peace, love, and happiness, again Return, and dwell with sinful men. j 4T is finished!-let the joyful sound Be heard through all the nations round: <'T is finished — let the echo fly, [sky. ff Through heaven and hell, through earth and if TIhroiuh HYMN 157, L. M. 157 Christ, dying, rising, and reigning. " 1 TTE dies!-the Friend of sinners dies! Il Lo! Salem's daughters weep around! A solemn darkness veils the skies, A sudden trembling shakes the ground. 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree; I The Lord of glory dies for men! S \ fo" But,-lo! what sudden joys we see! Jesus, the dead, revives again. 4- _ _ _ _ CHRIST. 341 3 The rising God forsakes the tomb; Up to his Father's court he flies; Cherubic legions guard him home, f"' And shout him.-welcome to the skies. f 4 Break off your tears, ye saints! and tell THow high our great Deliverer reigns; Sing,-how he spoiled the hosts of hell, And led the tyrant, death, in chains. f" 5 Say, — Live for ever glorious King! f Born to redeem, and strong to save!" < Then ask,-" 0 death! where is thy sting? f AAnd where thy vict'ry, boasting grave?" 15 adsN YMH 158, 8s, 7s and 4. 1 58 The expiring Saviour. < I HARK! the voice of love and mercy f II Sounds aloud from Calvary; See!-it rends the rocks asunderShakes the earth-and veils the sky: p" "It is finished!"Hear the dying Saviour cry. mf 2 "It is finished!"-Oh! what pleasure Do these charming words afford! Heavenly blessings, without measure, Flow to us through Christ, the Lord: p "It is finished!"Saints! the dying words record. I" 3 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs! Join to sing the pleasing theme: All in earth and heaven, uniting, Join to praise Immanuel's name: ff Hallelujah!Glory to the bleeding Lamb I 1;; a1HnYN1 159, L.. 1 9J 7 Salvation by the Cross. np 1 PERE at thy cross, incarnate God! II I lay my soul beneath thy love,Beneath the droppings of thy blood, Jesus!-nor shall it e'er remove. - 2 Should worlds conspire to drive me hence, Moveless and firm this heart should lie; 342 HYiNS CLX, CLXI. R esolved, —for that's my last defence,> If I Imust perish, here to die. m p 3 But speak, my Lord! and calm my fear; Am I not safe beneath thy shade? mf Thy vengeance will not strike me here, Nor Satan dare my soul invade. 4 Yes, I'm secure beneath thy blood, And all my foes shall lose their aim; g f Hosanna to my Saviour God, And my best honors to his name! I 1 H1YD!IN i160, L. E. 160 Chris's Passion. aff I PHE H morning dawns upon the place, Where Jesus spent the night in prayer; Through yielding glooms behold his face! lor form, nor comeliness is there. $ 2 Brought forth to judgment, now he stands Arraigned, condemned, at Pilate's bar; Here, spurned by fierce plrtorian bands;There, mocked by Herod's men of war. 3 He bears their buffeting and scorn, Mock hoimage of the lip, the knee,The purple robe, the crown of thorn,- The scourge, the nail, th' accursed tree. 4 No guile within his mouth is found, Ie neither threatens nor complains; Meek, as a lamb for slaughter bound,Dumb, mid his murderers he remains. $ nf' 5 But hark! he prays;-'t is for his foes; He speaks;-'t is comfort to his friends; Answers,-and paradise bestows; p He bows his head;-the conflict ends. mp 6 Truly this was the Son of God- Though in a servant's mean disguise: And, bruised beneath the Father's rod, > Not for himself,-for man he dies. $ i P 1 iPiEIYM 161, L.. 1S U J dying Saviour. iaf 1 TRETCHED on the cross, the Saviour dies! U Hark! his expiring groans arise: ~ ~~ - ~i CHRIST. 343 See-from his hands, his feet, his side, Fast flows the sacred crimson tide I 2 But life attends the deathful sound, And flows fiom every bleeding wound: i The vital stream,-how free it flow, $ To save and cleanse his rebel-foes! 3 Can I survey this scene of woe, Where mingling grief and wonder flow, And yet my heart unmoved remain, Insensible to love or pain? 4 Come, dearest Lord! thy grace impart To warm this cold, this stupid heart; Till all its powers and passions move, I n melting grief and ardent love. - 1^ Q64Bz 162, L. M. 162 Love inscribed on the Gr:ose, i Im 1 I/TE sing the praise of him who diedW Of him who died upon the cross: The sinner's hope let men deride, For this we count the world but loss. 2 Inscribed upon the cross we see, In shining letters,-" God is Love:" rnp He bears our sins upon the tree, He brings us mercy from above. 8 The cross!-it takes our guilt away, It holds the fainting spirit up; It cheers with hope the gloomy day, And sweetens every bitter cup. i f 4 It makes the coward spirit brave, And nerves the feeble arm for fight; It takes its terrors from the grave, And gilds the bed of death with light. dol 5 The balm of life, the cure of woe, The measure and the pledge of love;'T is all that siners want below, m f'T is all that angels know above. 1i6 fHYMNI 163, L. M., Double. 1 6 3) Contrition on the Cross,. af 1 IAST flow, my tears! the cause is great; F This tribute claims an injured friend;_ __ Q~~%qb~~Aa%~M 344 HYMN CLXIV. One whom I long pursued with hate, While he would love me to the end: When justice frowned above my head, And death its terrors round me spread, He interposed, the wounds he bore,! And bade me live to die no more. e! 2 Fast flow, my tears! yet faster flow! Streams copious as yon purple tide: Who was it gave the deadly blow? Who urged the hand that pierced his side? My soul! thy victim here behold, What pangs, what agonies untold, While justice, armed with power divine, Pours on his head what's due to thine! 8 Fast and yet faster flow, my tears! Now break this heart, and drown these eyes;- His visage marred toward heaven he rears, And, pleading for his, murderers, dies! My grief no measure knows, nor end, in Till he appears the sinner's Friend, < And gives me, in some happy hour, To feel the risen Saviour's power. 1\64I 1mig 164, L. M. Christ crucijied, the Wisdom and Power of God. m I \TATURE with open volume stands, To spread her Mlaker's praise abroad; $ hAnd every labor of his hands Shlows something worthy of a God. 2 But, in the grace that rescued man, His brightest form of glory shines; }Vp Here, on the cross,'t is fairest drawn, p In precious blood and crimson lines. 3 Oh! the sweet wonders of that cross, Where Christ, the Saviour, loved and died: Her noblest life my spirit draws, j From his dear wounds and bleeding side. m/ 4 I would for ever speak his name, In sounds to mortal ears unknown; f With angels join to praise the Lamb, And worship at his Father's throne.. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ L~~~~b0~~~ 8iQ~~~ OC1~98~b CHRIST. 345 $ YIMUT 1685, L, If. 1 65 Crucifixion to the W;orld. aff I T-IEN I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I counlt but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord! that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. 3 See,-from his head, his hands, his feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? mf 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love, so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. IT'l N 166, L. M. 1 6 6 The Hidinegs of the Father's Face. aff I PROM Calvary a cry was heard1 FA bitter and heart-rending cry: My Saviour! every mournful word Bespeaks thy soul's deep agony. 2 A horror of great darkness fell On thee, thou spotless, holy One! And all the swarming hosts of hell Conspired to tempt God's only Son. 8 The scourge, the thorns, the deep disgrace,These thou could'st bear, nor once repine; But, when Jehovah veiled his face, Unutterable pangs were thine. < 4 Let the dumb world its silence break!'f Let pealing anthems rend the sky! Awake, my sluggish soul! awake! > He died, that we might never die. p 5 Lord! on thy cross I fix mine eye; If e'er I lose its strong control, Oh! let that dying, piercing cry, Melt and reclaim my wandering soul. ^ ~ ^ ^ ~~~15 * } 346 HYlMNS CLXVII, CLXVIII. \ 1 6i ha y HYMM 167, S. i. I 1 0 Rede,,ipth,/n completed. e mf" 1 "rI HE Lord is risen indeed!"- $ I Then is his work performed; The mighty captive now is freed, And death, our foe, disarmed. 2 " The Lord is risen indeed!"He lives to die no more; \ > He lives, the sinner's cause to plead, p Whose curse and shame he bore. f 3 "The Lord is risen indeed!" — Then hell has lost his prey: With him is risen the ransomed seed, To reign in endless day. 4 The Lord is risen indeed!"Attending angels! hear; Up to the courts of heaven, with speed, The joyful tidings bear. 5 Then wake your golden lyres, And strike each cheerful chord; ff," Join, all ye bright, celestial choirs I To sing our risen Lord. i HYMN 168, 8s, 7s and 4. 1 6 Christ triumphant. mf" i1 I OME, ye saints! look here and wonder; c See the place where Jesus lay; He has burst the bands asunder,He has borne our sins away: f" Joyful tidings! Yes, the Lord is risen to day. 2 Jesus triumphs!-sing ye praises; —'T was by death he overcame: Thus the Lord his glory raises;Thus he fills his foes with shame: Sing ye praisesPraises to the victor's name. if" 8 Jesus triumphs — countless legions Come from heaven, to meet their King; Soon, in yonder happy regions, They shall join his praise to sing: Songs eternal Shall through heaven's high arches ring. u ____*_0**O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_***___~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CHRIST. 347 i^. E~IHYMN 169, 7s. 16 9 Christ's lscension. f"' 1 VIAIL the clay, which sees him rise 1 Glorious to his native skies! Christ, awhile to mortals given, Enters now the gates of heaven. 2 There the glorious triumph waits:Lift your heads, eternal gates I Christ hath vanquished death and sin:- Take the King of glory in. 3 See,-high heaven its Lord receives;~~- Yet he loves the earth he leaves: Though returning to his throne, Still he calls mankind his own.! 4 Still for us he intercedes; His prevailing death he pleads; < Near himself prepares our place,I mf Great Forerunner of our race. - 5 What though parted from our sight < Far above yon starry height? $ mf May our warm affections rise, f Foll'wing him beyond the skies. i i HYMN 170, C. L. M.; 17 \JO Our risen Liord. S vp 1 OW calm and beautiful the morn, _ That gilds the sacred tomb, Where once the Crucified was borne, ~:> And veiled in midnight gloom! < Oh weep no more the Saviour slain; f The Lord is risen-he lives again. mp 2 Ye mourning saints! dry every tear For your departed Lord; \ " Behold the place-he is not there," The tomb is all unbarred: < The gates of death were closed in vain; mnf The Lord is risen-he lives again. 8 3 Now cheerful to the house of prayer * - Your early footsteps bend,: The Saviour will himself be there, Your advocate and friend:' Once by the law your hopes were slain, * < But now in Christ ye live again. 348 HYMNS CLXXI, CLXXII. L np 4 Ilow tranquil now the rising dayI'T is Jesus still appears, $ m/f A risen Lord, to chase away, Your unbelieving fears: mp Oh! weep no more your comforts slain; < The Lord is risen-he lives again. > 5 And, when thle shades of evening fall,'r p When life's last hour draws nigh, If Jasus shine upon the soul, $ How blissful then to die! Since he has risen who once was slain, < Ye die in Christ to live again. i 1 R EN 171, 7s. } /11 1 Resurrection and AQscension of Christ. mf' 1 / NGELS! roll the rock away; - Death I yield up thy mighty prey; See! the Saviour leaves the tomb, Glowing with immiortal bloom. f" 2 Hark! the wondering angels raise Louder notes of joyful praise; $ Let the earth's remotest bound Echo with the blissful sound. 3 Now, ye saints! lift up your eyes, i See him high in glory rise! Hosts of angels, on the road, Hail him-the incarnate God. 4 Heaven unfolds its portals wide, See the Conqueror through tlhem ride! I King of glory! mount thy throne,Boundless empire is thine own. i f" 5 Praise him, ye celestial choirs! Tune, and sweep your golden lyres; Raise, 0 earth! yuur noblest songs, From ten thousand thousand tongues. i W t HYMNI 172, L. M. 1 / 4 The Resurrection of Christ. imp 1 " COME, see the place where Jesus lay!" V For he hath left his gloomy bed;-~ What angel rolled the stone away? $ What spirit brought him from the dead? 0 - -------------- ------— s* —— * - - ---------- CHRIST. 349 f 2 By his omnipotence he rose, By his own Spirit lived again; To crush for ever all his foes,> To raise for ever ruined men. - 3 They, who his image here partake,p Though long in dust their flesh consume,< Shall sleep in Jesus, and awake > To life eternal, from the tomb. i e IHYIMN 173, 7s. 173 The Resurrection. mf 1 MRORNING breaks upon the tomb, Jesus scatters all its gloom; Day of triumph through the skies,See the glorious Saviour rise! - 2 Ye, who are of death afraid, Triumph in the scattered shade; < Drive your anxious cares away; > See the place where Jesus lay I rif 3 Christian l dry your flowing tears, Chase your unbelieving fears; > Look on his deserted grave; mf Doubt no more his power to save. 1HYMN 174, H. M. 174 Jesus rising and reigning.' The Saviour left the dead; And, o'er our hellish foes, High raised his conquering head In wild dismay, The guards around p Fall o o the ground, p And sink away. mnf 2 Lo! the angelic bands In full assembly meet, < To wait his high commands, And worship at his feet: f Joyful they cqme, And wing their way, From realms of day, > To Jesus' tomb. 350 HYMN CLXXV. f" 3 Then back to heaven they fly, The joyful news to bear: Hark! as they soar on high, What music fills the air! Their anthems say," Jesus, who bled, $ Hath left the dead; —He rose to-day." $ " 4 Ye mortals! catch the sound, — Redeemed by him from hell; And send the echo round The globe, on which you dwell; Transported, cry,- "Jesus, who bled, Hath left the dead, No more to die." f" 5 All hail! triumphant Lord! Who sav'st us with thy blood: WVide be thy name adored, i Thou rising, reigning God With thee we rise, With thee we reign, And empires gain, Beyond the skies. 175 -t ^HYMN 175, 8s and 7s. 1 Love divine. < 1 L OVE divine, all love excelling, Enter every trembling heart. mp 2 Breathe,-Oh! breathe thy loving Spirit Into every troubled breast; e; Let us all thy grace inherit, Let us find thy promised rest: Take away the love of sitning, \ p Take our load of guilt away; $; < End the work of thy beginning,f / Bring us to eternal day. 4 +b4^b ^0^0* CHRIST. 351 3 Carry on thy new creation, Pure and holy may we be; < Let us see our whole salvation, mf Perfectly secured by thee; Change from glory into glory, < Till in heaven we take our place; Till we cast our crowns before thee,;f LLost in wonder, love, and praise. 1 ens LeHYMN 176, H. M. 17 The Cross celebrated. f" 1 yE saints! your music bring, [ And swell the rapturous sound; Strike every trembling string, Till earth and heaven resound: The triumphs of the cross we sing,Awake, ye saints! each joyful string. 2 The cross-the cross aloneSubdued the powers of hell: Like lightning from his throne, The prince of darkness fell: The triumphs of the cross we sing, — Awake, ye saints! each joyful string. 3 The hand of wrath is stayed, In its pursuit of blood; The cross our debt has paid, And made our peace with God: < The triumphs of the cross we sing,f" Awake, ye saints! each joyful string. 4 The cross hath power to save, From all the foes that rise; The cross hath made the grave A passage to the skies, i < Angels and saints its power shall sing, I,f Till heaven's eternal arches ring. \17 s s HYMN 177, L. M. 177 The Resurrection of Christ. mp I WTHEN I the holy grave survey, * VT Where once my Saviour deigned to lie, I see fulfilled what prophets say, \mf n And all the power of death defy. 2 This empty tomb shall now proclaim,' How weak the bands of conquered death;4 4a,54~ole f~bbbo ~ b~rtoo — + —-"-~~ 352 HYMN CLXXVIII. < Sweet pledge that all who trust his name f Shall rise, and draw immortal breath. $ mp 3 Jesus, once numbered with the dead, Unseals his eyes, to sleep no more < And ever lives their cause to plead,, > For whom the pains of death he bore. jf" 4 Thy risen Lord, my soul! behold; See the rich diadem he wears! Thou too shalt bear a harp of gold,A crown of joy, when he appears. aff 5 Though in the dust I lay my head, Yet, gracious God! thou wilt not leave My flesh for ever with the dead, Nor lose thy children in the grave. 1 78 D HYIINE 178, 8s, 7s and 4. 178 Coronation of the King of kings. $ f" 1 T OOK, ye saints! the sight is glorious; L See the man of sorrows now, From the fight returned victorious; Every knee to him shall bow: ff" Crown him-crown him!!Crowns become the victor's brow.' 2 Crown the Saviour, angels! crown him; Rich the trophies Jesus brings: In the seat of power enthrone him, While the vault of heaven rings: ff Crown him-crown him!- Crown the Saviour, King of kings. 3 Sinners in derision crowned him,Mocking thus the Saviour's claim; f" Saints and angels! crowd around him, Own his title, praise his name: ff" Crown him-crown him -- Spread abroad the victor's fame. 4 Hark! those bursts of acclamation! Hark! those loud triumphant chords Jesus takes the highest station; Oh! what joy the sight affords I Crown himn-crown him,King of kings, and Lord of lords! i CHRIST. 353 i 179 II{YIN 179, S. X. 179 Song of Moses and the Lamb. iJ" 1 WAKE, and sing the song I lA^ Of Moses and the Lamb; $ Wake, every heart and every tongue! To praise thle Saviour's name. -- 2 Sing of his dying love; < Sing of his rising power; S Sing-how he intercedes above g > For those whose sins he bore. < 3 Ye pilgrims! on the road To Zion's city, sing! qmf Rejoice ye in the Lamb of God,- In Christ, th' eternal king. 4 Soon shall we hear him say,"Ye blessed children! come;" Soon will he call us hence away, > And take his wanderers home. f 5 There shall each raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim;.< And sweeter voices tune the song'.f Of Moses and the Lamb. 8 HYiN 180, C. X. 180 ReigniLng with C'hrist. > 1 THHE head, that once was crowned with thorns, < Is crowned with glory now; f A. royal diadem adorns The mighty victor's brow. 2 The highest place that heaven affords Is his, by sovereign right; The King of kings, and Lord of lords, lie reigns in glory bright: —. mf 3 The joy of all who dwell above, $ nf The joy of all below, \- ~ To whom he manifests his love, And grants his name to know. 4 To them the cross, vith all its shame, i With all its grace, is given; < Their name,-an everlasting name; f Their joy,-the joy of heaven., 4..-) _........... 354 - HYMNS CLXXXI, CLXXXII. - 5 They suffer with their Lord below, mf They reign with him above; Their profit and their joy-to know The mystery of his love. < 6 The cross he bore is life and health,inp Though shame and death to him; < His people's hope, his people's wealth, mf Their everlasting theme. 8 1 ChitYMN 181, S. M. \1 1 C LChrist unseen, yet beloved. m 1 TOT with our mortal eyes 1 Have we beheld the Lord; Yet we rejoice to hear his name, And love him in his word. 2 On earth, we want the sight Of our Redeemer's face; Yet, Lord! our inmost thoughts delight To dwell upon thy grace. 3 And, when we taste thy love, < Our joys divinely grow mnf Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven begins below. I Q C) KHYMN 182, C. M. 182 4 access to God by Christ. if 1 I OME, let us lift our joyful eyes Up to the courts above, And smile to see our Father there, Upon a throne of love.:np 2 Rich were the drops of Jesus' blood, That canled his frowning face,< That sprinkled o'er the burning throne, And turned the wrath to grace. 3 Now we may bow before his feet, And venture near the Lord; No fiery cherub guards his seat, Nor double-flaming sword. < 4 The peaceful gates of heavenly bliss mf Are opened by the Son; \f High let us raise our notes of praise, And reach th' almighty throne. CHRIST. 355 5 To thee ten thousand thanks we bring, Great Advocate on high And glory to th' eternal King > W ho lays his fury by. -g oo 18 N, L. M. 183 The good Shepherd. dol 1 rHiOU I whom my soul admires above J All earthly joy, and earthly love,Tell me, dear Shepherd! let me know — Where do thy sweetest pastures grow? 2 Where is the shadow of that rock, That from the sun defends thy flock? Fain would I feed among thy sheep- Among them rest, among them sleep. 8 Why should thy bride appear, like one That turns aside to paths unknown? My constant feet would never rove,Would never seek another love. 4 The footsteps of thy flock I see; Thy sweetest pastures here they be; A wondrous feast thy love prepares, > Bought vith thy wounds, and groans, and tears. mp 5 His dearest flesh he makes my food, And bids ine drink his richest blood: < Here to these hills my soul -will come, mnf Till my beloved leads me home. 1 t o A HYD3IN 184, L. M. 184 Worthy the Lamb. mf I WTORTHY the Lamb of boundless sway,TIn earth and heaven, the Lord of all 1 Let all the powers of earth obey, An d low before his footstool fall. f" s2 igher —still higher, swell the strain; Cre.ation's voice the note prolong! jo.i;'s, the Lamb, shall ever reign:iff Le;t hallelujahs crown the song. I?F H&YMN 185, 6s and 4s. 1O8) Praise to the Redeemer. f"' I 1OME, all ye saints of God! Wide. thlrough the earth abroad, Spread Jesus' name; ^;Z~yiL~j.;Lbb' "~b~IBr~~ M4 356 HYMN CLXXXVI. Tell what his love has done, Trust in his grace alone; j"' Shout to his lofty throne," " ^Worthy the Lamb!" S m*f" 2 Hence, gloomy doubts and fears! Dry up your mournful tears; I < Swell the glad theme; i f"/ Praise ye our gracious King, Strike each melodious string, if" Join heart and voice to sing,Worthy the Lamb I'" mf" 3 Harkl! how the choirs above, Filled with the Saviour's love, T~ — _ Dwell on his namee! < There, too, may we be found, f With light and glory crowned, I < While all the heavens resound,i ff I Worthy the Lamb!" I 8 on ^HYMIN 186, C. IM.' 1 86 Coronation of Christ. f" 1 LL hail the power of Jesus' name \ A.i Let angels prostrate fall; o iBring forth the royal diadem, And crown himn-Lord of all. 2 Crown him,-ye morning stars of light IWho formed this floating ball; I Now hail the strength of Israel's might, i And crown him-Lord of all. - 3 Ye chosen seed of Adam's race, — Ye ransomed from the fall! i f" Hail him, who saves you by his grace, i And crown him-Lord of all. $ mp 4 Sinners! whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall,- o < Come, spread your trophies at his feet, i f" And crown him-Lord of all. mnf 5 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, < To him all majesty ascribe,'if And crown him-Lord of all. i f~~)~~BZ II~M~~IZ~~~Z CHRIST. 357 0 wY EQWHYDIN 187, C. X. 187 C Our High-Priest in Heaven. m 1 TOW let our cheerful eyes survey Our great Hiigh-Priest above; And celebrate his constant care, — mp His sympathetic love. < 2 Though raised to a superior throne, S > Where angels bow around, f And high, o'er all the shining train,:With matchless honors crowned;- - - 8 The names of all his saints he bears Deep graven on his leart; N XTor shall the meanest Christian say, That he has lost his part. 4 Those characters shall fair abide,- mf2 Our everlasting trust, — When gems, and monuments, and crowns,; > Are mouldered down to dust. S mp 5 So, gracious Saviour! on my breast, May thy dear name be worn, < A sacred ornament and guard, — mf To endless ages borne. 1 0 lHYMN 188, L. 6 Lines. 1O8 Our comzpassionate High-Priest. aff 1I WHEEN gathering clouds around I view, V And days are dark, and friends are few, On him I lean, who, not in vain, Experienced every human pain; He sees my wants, allays my fears, And counts and treasures up my tears. 2 If aught should tempt my soul, to stray From heavenly virtue's narrow way,- To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do, — Still he, who felt temptation's power, Shall guard me in that dangerous hour. 8 When sorr'winug o'er some stone I bend, Which covers all that was a friend, And from his voice, his hand, his smile, Divides me, for a little while, I PMaBb~O~B c)M~~~~b4~M 358 HYMNS CLXXXIX, CXC. My Saviour sees the tears I shed, For Jesus wept o'er Laz'rus dead. 4 And Oh! when I h-ave safely past Through every conflict, but the last,Still, still unchanging, watch beside My painful bed,-for thou hast died; < Then point to realms of cloudless day, $ > And wipe my latest tear away.; 18 o Q HYIfNT 189, L. M., 6 Lines. 189 Hope of Heaven thrfough Christ. m 1 / TND art thou, gracious Master! gone, A ~A mansion to prepare for me? Shall I behold thee on thy throne,: < And there for ever dwell with thee? Then, let the world approve or blame, I'll triumph in thy glorious name. mf 2 What transport, Lord! shall fill my heart, np When thou my worthless name shalt own \ \< When I shall see thee as thou art, > And know, as I myself am known! -- From sin, and fear, and sorrow free,, > My soul shall find its rest in thee.:.1 QH HYMNt 190, 7s. I1 9\J 9Christ, our Hope. i mn 1 HRIST, of all my hopes the ground,C Christ, the spring of all my joy! Still in thee let me be found, Still for thee my powers employ. 2 Let thy love my heart inflame; 3 Keep thy fear before my sight; Be thy praise my highest aim; Be thy smile my chief delight. 3 Fountain of o'erflowing grace! Freely from thy fullness give: Till I close mv earthly race, Be it " Christ for me to live!" mf 4 Firmly trusting in thy blood, Nothing shall my heart confound; } < Safely I shall pass the flood, If Safely reach Immanuel's ground. $ ***0**.*****..*..**.-. —------- - ------ CHRIST. 359 5 When I touch the blessed shore,! Back the closing waves shall roll; < Death's dark stream shall never more f Part from thee my ravished soul. mf 6 Thus,-Oh! thus, an entrance give $ To the land of cloudless sky; < Having known it, " Christ to live," f Let me know it, " gain to die." H IYMN 191, 8s and 7s. J 191J Jesus, exalted to the Throne. f" 1 ESUS! hail! enthroned in glory, J There for ever to abide; i All the heavenly host adore thee, i Seated at thy Father's side. - 2 There for sinners thou art pleading, There thou dost our place prepare; < Ever for us interceding, mnf Till in glory we appear. 3 Worship, honor, power, and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive; f Loudest praises, without ceasing, i Meet it is for us to give. ^ 4 Help, ye bright angelic spirits! Bring your sweetest, noblest lays; Help to sing our Saviour's merits,Help to chant Immanuel's praise. } g n aHYMN 192, L. IM.' 1 92 Christ, the Lord of Aingels. mf 1p REAT God! to what a glorious height U Hast thou advanced the Lord, thy Sont! Angels, in all their robes of light, Are made the servants of his throne. in 2 Before his feet their armies wait,: < And swift as flames of fire they move, - To manage his affairs of state, In works of vengeance, or of love. m 38 Now they are sent to guide our feet, S < Up to the gates of thine abode, $ - Through all the dangers that we meet, In traveling o'er the heavenly road. ~s*^z*^****4*******^b* 360 HYMNS CXCIII, CXCIV. mp 4 Lord! when we leave this mortal ground, $ < And thou shalt bid us rise and come,g > Send thy beloved angels down, Inp Safe to conduct our spirits home. 1 9 3 HITi 193,.L, L I 1 95 The Way to Heaven. I m I IJESUS, my all, to heaven is gone, — He whom I fix my hopes upon; His track I see, and I'11 pursue g The narrow way, till him I view. mp 2 This is the way I long have sought, And mourned because I found it not; < Till late I heard my Saviour say,nf O"Come hither, soul! I am the way." 3 Lo! glad I come, and thou, blest Lamb I I- ~ Shalt take me to thee as I am; My sinful self to thee I giveNothing but love shall I receive. nmf 4 Then will I tell to sinners round, - What a dear Saviour I have found; I'111 point to thy redeeming blood, And say,-" Behold the way to God " I 1 94Q EY 194, S. I. 1 94 Christ's Intercession.' I E1 YES, the Redeemer's gone, T' appear before our God; To sprinkle o'er the flaming throne, I With his atoning blood. 2 No fiery vengeance now, I %No burning wrath, comes down; If justice calls for sinners' blood, The Saviour shows his own. mp 8 Before his Father's eye i Our humble suit he moves; The Father lays his thunder by, I p And looks, and smiles, and loves. I mf 4 Now may our joyful tongues Our Maker's honors sing; Jesus, the priest, receives our songs, And bears them to the King..S O b t s.*.*.f.b.O.C.- --------------,I CHRIST. 361 i p 5 We bow before his face, i< And sound his glories high: f Hosanna to the God of grace, f mf Who lays his thunder by. 6 On earth thy mercy reigns, And triumphs all above: mp But, Lord! how weak our mortal strains, e < To speak immortal love! 1 A IIEMYIN 195, L. M. 19 5 The Dominion of Christ. m f 1 AIL to the Prince of life and peace,.It Who holds the keys of death and hell! The boundless world unseen is his, And sovereign power becomes him well. p 2 In shame and anguish once he died; -- < 3But now he lives for evermore: ~- - Bow down, ye saints! around his seat, < And, all ye angel-bands! adore. f" 3 Live-live for ever, glorious Lord! To quell thy foes, and guard thy friends; While all thy chosen tribes rejoice, That thy dominion never ends. 4 Worthy thy hand to hold the keys, Guided by wisdom and by love; Worthy to rule o'er mortal life, i < O'er worlds below, and worlds above. /" 6 For ever reign, victorious King! Wide through the earth thy name be known! And call my longing soul to sing Sublimer anthems near thy throne. i a L!^ HYMN 196, H. M. U196 Our High-Priest in Heaven. mp 1 rIH' atoning work is done, — I The victim's blood is shed; And Jesus now is gone His people's cause to plead: - He stands in heaven, their great High-Priest, And bears their names upon his breast. 2 No temple made with hands His place of service is; 362 HYMNS CXCVII, CXCVIII. In heaven itself he stands,A heavenly priesthood his: In him tile shadows of the law Are all fulfilled, and now withdraw. 3 And, though awhile he be I Hid fiom the eves of men, His people look to see Their great Iligh-Priest again: 1mf In brightest glory he will come, i And take his waiting people home. I# 1Q^ KRY i' 19T, C. x. 1.9 Ou ir great High-Priest. I mf 1 IOME, let us join our songs of praise mf C To our ascended Priest; He entered heaven, with all our names I > Engraven on o his breast. I p 2 Below, he washed our guilt away, By his atoning blood;, Now he appears before the throne, I And pleads our cause with God. 1 3 Clothed with our nature still, he knows mp The weakness of our frame, $ And how to shield us from the foes I Whom he himself o'ercam e. 4 Nor time, nor distance, e'er shall quench The fervors of his love; For us he died in kindness here, And intercedes above. 1 Oh! may we ne'er forget his grace, NI or blush to hear his name; < Still may our hearts hold fast his faith, I f Our lips his praise proclaim. HOLY SPIRIT. I IHYMN, 198, C. M. 198 Breathing after the Holy Spirit. m 1 pOME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove $ LJ With all thy quickening powers, "^~ 39~h~' Ca,~Q4r4~bh~~~6~~-~M~"~ __E HOLY SPIRIT. 363 Kindle a flame of sacred love, $ In these cold hearts of ours. mp 2 Look-how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys! Our souls can neither fly nor go, To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, $ In vain wAe strive to rise; > Hosannas languish on our tongues, e mp AId our d.evotion dies. t p 4 Dear Lord! and shall Awe ever live, At this poor dying rate, Our love so taint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? mf 5 Come, iHoly Spirit, heavenly Dove! WIith all thy quickening powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. Y^ Ii 1 99, S. Z. I 1 9 9J Convictinzg and sanctifying Influence. M I COME, holy Spirit! come, < V Let thy bright beams arise; j -- Dispel the sorrow, f'omll our minds, The darkness from our eyes. n p 2 Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesus' blood; S < And, to our wondering view, reveal $ _ The secret love of God. 3 T is thine to cleanse ihe heart, To sanctiiy the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And ne.m-create the whole. 4 Revive our drooping faith; Our doubts and fears remove; f < And kindle in our breast the flame f m Of never-dying love. g YiTdN 200, 7s. z20o0 Influences of the Spirit. afc I pRACIOUS Spirit! Love Divine! G Let thy light within me shine; _~*i O - is*. 364 HYMNS CCI, CCII. All my guilty fears remove, Fill me with thy heavenly love. 2 Speak thy pard'ning grace to me, Set the burdened sinner free: Lead me to the Lamb of God, Wash me in his precious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart, Seal salvation on my heart; Breathe thyself into my breast,Earnest of immortal rest. 4 Let me never from thee stray, Keep me in the narrow way; < Fill my soul with joy divine, i ~- Keep me, Lord for ever thine. Qri 201YM 201,L. M. U201 The Spirit grieved. dol 1 I-IE Spirit, like a peaceful dove, I Flies fiom the realms of noise and strife; Why should we vex and grieve his love, Who seals our souls to heavenly life? 2 Tender and kind be all our thoughts, Throug'h all our lives let mercy run: So God forgives our numerous faults, For the dear sake of Christ, his Son. Q(2 EI-ITHYMN 202, II. I. 20 U X PleadivTn the Promise of the Spirit. m np I TIOU that hearest prayer! Attend our humble cry; And let thy servants share Thy blessing from on high! i TWe plead the promise of thy word; Grant us thy Holy Spirit, Lord! 2 If earthly parents hear Their children when they cry; If they, with love sincere, Their varied wants supply; IBMuch more wilt thou thy love display, And answer when thy children pray. 3 Our heavenly Father, thou;-'We, children of thy grace: ~4 ~ - ~ ~ ~ -~~-~ —-~^ HOLY SPIRIT. 365 Oh! let thy Spirit now Descend, and fill the place: < So shall we feel the heavenly flame, mf And all unite to praise thy name. 4 Oh! send thy Spirit down On all the nations, Lord! With great success to crown The preaching of thy word, < Till heathen lands shall own thy sway,'mf And cast theil idol-godis away. HYNN 2038, S. IM. 203 U The indwelling Injfluences of the Spirit. n 1'T 1S God, the Spirit, leads In paths before unknown; The work to be perfornmed is ours, The strength is all his own. 2 Supported by his grace, \WTe still pursue our way; And hope at last to reach the prize, Secure in endless day. 8 T is he that works to will,'T is he that works to do; I m2f His is the power by which twe act, — \f His beh the glory too.: Q(\AEHYM 204, L. M. 204 2 4TeachiiTngs of the Spirit. i 1 C0_ OE, blessed Spirit!t source of light,;T Whose power anld,grac are unconfined, Dispel the gloomny shatdes of night,The;thicker darkness of tihe nmind. 2 To mine illumined eyes, display The glorious truth thy word reveals; Cause me to run the heavenly way, Thy book unfold, and loose the seals. 8 Thine inward teachings tmake me know The mysteries of redeeming love, The vanity of things below, And excellence of things above. \ 4 While through this dubious maze I stray, S < Spread, like the sun, thy beams abroad, 366 HYMNS CCV —COVII. T'o show the dangers of the way, And guide my feeble steps to God. 205 YI 205, 8s and 7s.! \205) Prayer for comforting Influences. mf 1 T-1OLY GIIOST! dispel our sadness, -1 Pierce the clouds of nature's night; Cole, thou Source of joy and gladness! Breathe thy life, and spread thy light. 2 Author of our new creation! Bid us all thine influence prove; Make our souls thy habitation; Shied1 abroad the Saviour's love. Qof\ C+ ief~.N SO0, s gL. M. 8 206 Prayer for spviitual Ejoyment. r 1 (O1ME, Holy Spirit! calmn my mind U VJ And fit me to approach my God Remove each vain, each worldly thought, And lead me to thy blest abode. 2 I-ast thou imparted to my soul A living spark of holy fire? Oh! kindle now the sacred flame; Make me to burn with pure desire. $ rf 3 A brighter faith and hope impart, And let me now my Saviour see; < Oh! soothe and cheer my burdened heart, And bid mly spirit rest in thee. Ic~n t ZYMI 2Q07, L.,, \2`0J 7 The Sigh,7t of God and Christ 7in Heaven.\ - Stoop down, and take us on thy wings, And mount, and bear us far above The reach of these inferior things; 2 Beyond-beyond this lower sky, UJp where eternal ages roll, Where solid pleasures never die, And fruits immortal feast the soul. 3 Oh! for a sight, a blissful sight, Of our almighty Father's throne! There sits the Saviour crowned with light, Clothed in a body like our own. HOLY SPIRIT. 367 4 Adoring saints around him stand, And thrones and powers before him fall; The God shines gracious through the man, And sheds sweet glories on them all. 5 Oh! what amazing joys they feel, While to their golden harps they sing, And sit on every heavenly hill, And spread the triumph of their King Q) St'fl-IN 208, 7s. 208 Prayer for Light and Sanctification. a qf 1 IOLY GtOST! with light divine, Jt Shine upon this heart of mine; Chase the shades of night away, Turn my darkness into day. 2 Holy Ghost! with power divine, Cleanse this guilty heart of mine; Long hath sin, without control, HIeld dominion o'er my soul. 3 Holy Ghost! with joy divine, Cheer this saddened heart of mine; Bid my many woes depart, Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. 4 Holy Spirit! all-divine, Dwell within this heart of mine; Cast down every idol-throne, f eign supr-eme.-and reign alone. 9 ^HYMT 209, C. M, 209 FVarious Influences desired. m 1 ETERNAL Spirit!-God of truth Our contrite hearts inspire; Kindle a flame of heavenly love, And feed the pure desire. mp 2'T is thine to soothe the sorr'wing mind, With guilt and fear oppressed; <'T is thine to bid the dying live, j > And give the weary rest. 3 Subdue the power of every sin, Whlate'er that sin may be; That we, in singleness of heart, May worship only thee. 368 HYMNS CCX, CCXI. t 4 Then with our spirits witness bear, $ That we are sons of God, Redeemed from sin, and death, and hell, Through Christ's atoning blood. e;t t,fh 5z-N 210, S..' 10 U Prayer for the Spirit, I -LEST Comforter divine! i JJ Let rays of heavenly love, Amid our gloom and darkness, shine, To guide our souls above. n mp 2 Draw, with thy still small voice, $ From every sinful way; < And bid the mourning saint rejoice, > Though earthly joys decay. 3 By thine inspiring breath, Make every cloud of care,'p And e'en the gloomy vale of death, - A smile of glory wear. 4 Oh! fill thou every heart With love to all our race: Great Comforter! to us impart These blessings of thy grace.' 2 1 I'TiYN 2il, L. Ei. 2 111 Prayer for Light and Guidance. e m' 1 C005E, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove I ~ V TWith light and comfort fiom above; Be thou our guardian, thou our guide, O'er every thought and step preside. 2 To us the light of truth display, And make us know and choose thy way; Plant holy fear in every heart, That we fromi God may ne'er depart. 8 Lead us to holiness-the road That we must take to dwell with God; L ead us to Christ, the living way, or let us fromn his precepts stray. 4 Lead us to God, our final rest, < To be with him for ever blessed;, raf Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share, And drink our fill of pleasure there. ~~Mb~S~~b~S~Z~)l)B~~U :'~-tI HOLY SPIRIT. 369 I C1 ) BHYMN 212, C. M., I.4, The Sealing of the Spirit. m 1 l7lIY should the children of a king VY Go mourning all their days?- Great Comforter! descend, and bring Some tokens of thy grace. 2 Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, } And seal the heirs of heaven? i mp When wilt thou banish my complaints, And show my sins forgiven? 3 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood; And bear thy witness with my heart,' TThat I am born of God. 4 Thou art the earnest of his love, The pledge of joys to come; < And thy soft wings, celestial Dove } nf Will safe convey me home. 3 1 3g EiHYMN 213, L. M. 9, 3 Prayer against grieving the Spirit. aff 1 TTAY, thou insulted Spirit! stay, e Though I hlave done thee such despite; Cast not a sinner quite away, i Nor take thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er thy grace received; Ten thousand times thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved;-~ 3 Yet, Oh! the chief of sinners spare, In honor of my great High-Priest; Nor, in thy righteous anger, swear I shall not see thy people's rest. 4 My weary soul, 0 God! release, Uphold me with thy gracious hand; > Guide me into thy perfect peace, < And bring me to the promised land. iO1A CPHYMN 214, L. X. $ 2~14^ The Comforter. in I QURE, the blest Comforter is nigh;'T is he sustains my fainting heart; 16* 370 HYMNS CCXV, CCXVI. \Imp Else would my hope for ever die, And every cheering ray depart. 2 Whene'er, to call the Saviour mine, With ardent wish my heart aspires,Can it be less than power divine, That animates these strong desires? 3 And, when my cheerful hope can say,I love nmy God and taste his grace,< Lord! is it not thy blissful ray, i> That brings this dawn of sacred peace? I - 4 Let thy good Spirit in my heart For ever dwell, 0 God of love! n zf And light and heavenly peace impart, Sweet earnest of the joys above. Y W i. 2 15, C. I,. 215 The ecessity of renewoing Grace, p 1 1RO1W helpless guilty nature lies, Unconscious of its load! < The heart, unchanged, can never rise Wf To happiness and God. 2 Can aught, beneath a power divine, The stnbborn will subdue?'T is thine, eternal Spirit! thine, To form the heart anew. 8'T is thine, the passions to recall, < And upward bild them rise; qnf To make the scales of error fall, From reason's darkened eyes; — 4 To chase the shades of death away, And bid the sinner live; A beam of heaven-a vital ray,'T is thine alone to give. ~$ 5 Oh! change these wretched hearts of ours, And give them life divine; < Then shall our passions and our powers, mf Almighty Lord! be thine. g IHTYMN 216, C. II. m 1 6( REAT Father of each perfect gift! G Behold thy servants wait; 4 ^~~-~o —^ HOLY SPIRIT. 3I With longing eyes, and lifted hands, We flock around thy gate. $ 2 Oh! shed abroad that choicest gift,- Thy Spirit from above,' < To cheer our eyes with sacred light, f And fire our hearts with love. 3 Blest Earnest of eternal joy! Declare our sins forgiven: < And bear, with energy divine,;1'Uf Our raptured thoughts to heaven. 4 Diffuse, O God! thy copious showers, That earth its fruit may yield, And change the barren wilderness, dol To Carmel's flowery field. $Q W R1YMiN 217, C. MI. 2 J1 l The Outpouring of the Spirit. $ f 1'I ET songs of praises fill the sky! L Christ, our ascended Lord, Sends down his Spirit, from on high, According to his word. 2 The Spirit, by his heavenly breath, New life creates within; He quickens sinners from the death Of trespasses and sin. 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes, And to our heart reveals; Our bodies he his temple makes, And our redemption seals. m f 4 Come, Holy Spirit! from above, With thy celestial fire; < Come, and, with flames of zeal and love, f Our hearts and tongues inspire. oHYNI 218, L. M. i 218 The Operations of the Holy Spirit. m 1 ETERNAL Spirit! we confess, 1 And sing, the wonders of thy grace; Thy power conveys our blessings down, From God the Father, and the Son. 2 Enlightened by thy heavenly ray, Our shades and darkness turn to day; 372 H~YMS ccXIX, ccxX. Thine inward teachings make us'know Our danger, and our refuge too. m /f 3 Thy power and glory work within, S And break the chains of reigning sin, - Do our imperious lusts subdue, And form our wretched hearts anew. 4 The troubled conscience knows thy voice, M f Thy cheering words awake our joys; ~- Thy words allay the stormy wind, mp And calm the surges of the mind. H TY 219, 0. M. 2 1 9 Prayer for the promised Spirit. m I'NTHRONED on high, almighty Lord! EL: The Holy Ghost send down: Fulfill in us thy faithful word, And all thy mercies crown. 2 Though, on our heads, no tongues of fire Their wondrous powers impart, Grant, Saviour! what we more desire, Thy Spirit in our heart. 3 Spirit of life, and light, and love! Thy heavenly influence give; Quicken our souls-born firom above, In Christ that we may live. 4 To our benighted minds reveal The glories of his grace, And bring us, where no clouds conceal The brightness of his face. 5 His love within us shed abroad, — mf Life's ever-springing well,< Till God in us, and we in God, mf In love eternal dwell. $ Q(\ THYMN 220, C. M. ^220 iWMRegeneration by the Spirit. \M I NOT all the outward forms on earth,: 1 N or rites that God has given, \ gNor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, Can raise a soul to heaven.'$ 2 The sovereign will of God alone Creates us heirs of grace. TTRINITY. 373 Born in the image of his Son, A new peculiar race. 3 The Spirit, like some heavenly wind, Breathes on the sons of flesh; Creates anew the carnal mind, And forms the man afresh. nf 4 Our quickened souls awake, and rise, From the long sleep of death; < On heavenly things we fix our eyes, f And praise employs our breath. TRINITY. 221 HYMN 221, 6s and 4s. Invocation. if 1 COME, thou alllighty King' Help us thy name to sing, Ht elp us to praise: Father! all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us, Ancient of days! 2 Come, thou incarnate Word I Gird on thy mighty sword; Our prayer attend: Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success; Spirit of holiness On us descend. 3 Come, holy Comforter Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour: mf Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power! 4 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore.! <~_. 3874 HYMNS CCXXII, CCXXIII. His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. QQ QYIYMN 222, C. M. 222 Praise to the Godhead. m 1 ET them neglect thy glory, LordI Who never knew thy grace; IVYbf But our loud songs shall still record The wonders of thy praise: f 2 We raise our shouts, O God! to thee, And send them to thy throne; All glory to th' united Three,The undivided One. mf 3'T was he-and we'11 adore his nameThat formed us by a word; "T is he restores our ruined firame;Salvation to the Lord! f" 4 Hosanna! let the earth and skies Repeat the joyful sound; Rocks, hills, and vales reflect the voice, In one eternal round. QAfC)> H~YIESN 223, C. MI. w2234 Praise to the Trinity. mf I FATHER of glory I to thy name F Imnmortal praise we give, Who dost an act of grace proclaim, And bid us rebels live. 2 Immortal honor to the Son, Who makes thine anger cease;Our lives he ransomed with his own, > And died to make our peace. mf 3 To thine almighty Spirit be' Immortal glory given; Whose influence brings us near to thee, And trains us up for heaven.: f 4 Let men, with their united voice, Adore th' eternal God, And spread his honors and their joys, Through nations far abroad. TRINITY. 375 5 Let faith, and love, and duty join One general song to raise; Let sainints, i earth and heaven, combine, In harmony and praise. QQ^AI -g.HYi 224, L.,1. g,2249 Prayer to the Trinity. m I 1 ATHER of heaven! whose love profound 1 A ransom for our souls hath found,*2p Before thy throne we sinners bend; To us thy pard'ning love extend. 2 Almighty Son-incarnate WordOur Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord!'mp Before thy throne we sinners bend; To us thy saving grace extend. -~ 3 Eternal Spirit! by whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death,mp Before thy throne we sinners bend; > To us thy quickening power extend. 4 Jehovah! —Father, Spirit, Son!Mysterious Godhead-Three in One! j > Before thy throne we sinners bend; } - Grace, pardon, life to us extend. HYMN 225, 6s and 4s. 9 225 Prayer to the Triune Jehovah. m 1 TpIOU! whose almighty word T Chaos and darkness heard, And took their flight, Hear us, we humbly pray, And, where the gospel's day Sheds not its glorious ray, " Let there be light!" 2 Thou! who didst come to bring, On thy redeeming wing, Healing and sight,Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the inly blind,Oh! now to all mankind, "Let there be light!" 8 Spirit of truth and love, Life-giving holy Dove! m ~nf Speed forth thy flight: j~ -t.^*.sH**4HHCa~aH WI~V) IOZ 31176 HYMNSS CCXXVI, CCXXVI. Move on the waters' face, Bearing the lamp of grace, And, in earth's darkest place, "Let there be light!" 4 Holy, holy, holy, Most glorious Trinity,Wisdom, Love, Might! f Boundless as ocean's tide Rolling in fullest pride, O'er the earth, far and wide" Let there be light!" QQ^26 ~ HYMN 226, L. M. 226 Praise to the Father, Son and Spirit. mf 1 ILEST be the Father and his love, To which celestial source, we owe Rivers of endless joy above, And rills of comfort here below. f 2 Glory to thee, great Son of God! > From whose dear wounded body rolls p A precious stream of vital blood> Pardon and life for dying souls. - 3 We give thee, sacred Spilit! praise, > Who, in our hearts of sin and woe, < Miak'st living springs of grace arise, f And into boundless glory flow. 4 Thus God the Father,-God the Son,And God the Spirit, we adore;That sea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom, or a shore. QQ' y;wrsEIMT 227, 7s. 2 27 Christians praising the Trinity. mf 1 REAT the joy when Christians meet; - Christian fellowship, how sweet,< When, their theme of praise the same, Jf They exalt Jehovah's name 2 Sing we then eternal love, Such as did the Father move;He beheld the world undone, Loved the world, and gave his Son. mf 8 Sing the Son's unbounded love; — How he left the realms above, ^ ^~ ~ ^ ~ - ~^ 4 TRINITY. 377 Took our nature and our place, Lived and died to save our race. 4 Sing we too the Spirit's love;With our stubborn hearts he strove, < Chased the mists of sins away, ref Turned our night to glorious day. > 5 Great the joy, the union sweet, $ mf When the saints in glory meet! Where the theme is still the same; f Where they praise Jehovah's name. 228 o 22I, 7s. 228 Communion, with the Triune God. sm 1 iN thy presence we appear; I Lord! we love to worship here, When, within the veil, we meet Thee upon thy mercy-seat. mf 2 While thy glorious name is sung, Touch our lips, and loose our tongue; < Then our joyful souls shall bless {f Thee, the Lord, our righteousness. 3 While to thee our prayers ascend, Let thine ear in love attend; Hear us, for thy Spirit pleads; m Hear, for Jesus intercedes. mp 4 While thy word is heard with awe, And we tremble at thy law, \ < Let the gospel's wondrous love M nf Every doubt and fear remove. - 5 While thy ministers proclaim < Peace and pardon through thy name, \mf In their voices, let us own Jesus, speaking from the throne. 6 From thy house when we return, Let our hearts within us burn; That, at evening, we may say,We have walked with God to-day." 229 )HYMN 229, 8s and 7s. Praise to Father, Son and Spirit. mnf 1 rO the Source of every blessing, T 1 Grateful anthems let us raise; 38 HYMN CCXXX. Holy joy, our souls possessing, Swells the tribute of our praise. 2 Glory to th' almighty Father, Fountain of eternal love, ~ Who, his wandering sheep to gather, Sent a Saviour from above. I mf 3 To the Son all praise be given, Who, with love unknown before, < Left the bright abode of heaven,:> And our sins and sorrows bore. i - 4 Equal strains of warm devotion Let the Spirit's praise employ; Author of each pure emotion,Source of wisdom, peace, and joy. < 5 Thus-our joyful hearts ascending,f Glorify Jehovah's name; Heavenly songs with ours are blending,There, the theme is still the same. Q# On ^HYN 233O, S. I. 2 30 The Father, Son and Holy Ghoslt nf 1'ITILE all the angel throng L Give thanks to God on high,,f Let earth repeat the joyful song, And echo to the sky. - 2 Father! in whom we live, In whom we are and move,mf The glory, power and praise receive \ Of thine eternal love. ~- 3 Incarnate Deity! Let all the ransomed race m nf Render in thanks their lives to thee, For thy redeeming grace. 4 Spirit of holiness! < Let all thy saints adore rnif Thy sacred energy, and bless Thy heart-renewing power. f 5 Eternal, glorious Lord! Let all the saints above, Let all the sons of men record, And celebrate thy love. ALARMING. 379 1 HYtIN 231, 8s and 6s, Peculiar. 2 t51 tHallelujah to the Triune God. f 1 QING — Hallelujah! praise the Lord Sing with a cheerful voice;'Exalt our God with one accord, And in his name rejoice: Ne'er cease to sing, thou ransored host I To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Till, in the realms of endless light, Your praises shall unite. 2 There we, to all eternity, Shall join tlh angelic lays, And sing, in perfect harmony, To God our Saviour's praise; He hath redeemed us by his blood, And made us kings and priests to God. < For us-for us the Lamb was slain,ALARPMING. HYMN 232, 7s and 6s, Peculiar. ^~J32 42S E~The ilarm. aff I INNER! stop-Oh! stop and think, U Before you farther go: Will you sport upon the brink Of everlasting woe? On the verge of ruin stop;Now the fr'iendly warning take; Stay your footsteps, ere you drop Into the burning lake. 2 Say-have you an arm like God, That you his vwill oppose? Fear you not that iron rod With which he breaks his foes? Can you stand in that dread day, Which his justice shall proclaim, When the earth shall melt away, Like wax before the flame? 380 HYMNS CCXXXIII, CCXXXIV. 3 Ghastly death will quickly come, And drag you to his bar; Then you'11 hear your awful doom, And sink in deep despair! All your sins will round you crowd; You will mark their crimson dye, < Each for vengeance crying loud, > And then-no refuge nigh! I iYN 233, L., I 233 The Sinner exhorted. aff 1 INNER! Oh! why so thoughtless grown? Uk Why in such fearful haste to die? Why speed thy flight to worlds unknown,R Eegardless of thy destiny? 2 Wilt thou defy the wrath of God, Led on by sin's delusive dreams? Madly despise the Saviour's blood, And force thy passage to the flames? 3 Sinner! Oh! lift thy thoughts above, < And hear the Lord of life unfold mVfV The glories of his dying loveFor ever telling, yet untold! 23 - Tie Sinner tcearned. I ASTE, 0 sinner! to be wise,: Stay not for the morrow's sun;; Wisdom warns thee, from the skies, All the paths of death to shun. 2 Haste, and mercy now implore; Stay not for the lmorrow's sun; Thy probation miay be o'er, Ere this evening's work is done. 3 Haste, O sinner now return; Stay not for the morrow's sun; Lest thy lamp should cease to burn, Ere salvation's work is done. 4 Haste, while yet thou canst be blest; Stay not for the morrow's sun; p Death may thy poor soul arrest, Ere the morrow is begun. ALARMING. 381 q235 HYMN 235, 11s. t4,e) J Danger of Delay. mn 1 _ELAY not, delay not; 0 sinner draw near, The waters of life are now flowing for thee; No price is demanded, the Saviour is here, Redemption is purchased, salvation is free. 2 Delay not, delay not; why longer abuse Tlhe love and compassion of Jesus, thy God? A fountain is opened,-how canst thou refuse $ To wash, and be cleansed in his pard'oning blood? 3 Delay not, delay not; O sinner! to come, For mercy still lingers and calls thee to-day;,> Her voice is not heard in the vale of the tomb; p Her message, unheeded, will soon pass away. 4 Delay not, delay not; the Spirit of grace, Long grieved and resisted, may take its sad flight; mp And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, p To sink in the gloom of eternity's night. Q Q H-IYMN 236, L.. J,36 One Thing needful. aff 1 WTHY will ye waste, on trifling cares, vT That lifewvhich God's compassion spares, While, in the various range of thought, The one thing needful is forgot? 2 Shall God invite you from above? Shall Jesus luge his dying love? Shall troubled conscience give you pain, And all these pleas unite in vain? 3 Not so your eyes will always view Those objects which you now pursue; Not so will heaven and hell appear, When death's decisive hour is near. 4 Almighty God! thy grace impart; Fix deep conviction on each heart: Nor let us waste, on trifling cares, That life which thy compassion spares. Q o w 3HYMN 237, C. M. 9 237 Exhortation to Repentance. Im REPENT! the voice celestial cries; No longer dare delay: 382 HYMNS CCXXXV-II, CCXXXIX. > The soul that scorns the mandate dies, t< And mleets a fiery day. M rnp 2 No more the sovereign eye of God O'erlooks the crimes of men; - Iis heralds now are sent abroad, To warn the world of sin. mqp 8 0 sinners! in his presence bow, And all your guilt confess; Accept the offered Saviour now, Nor trifle with his grace. < A Soon, will the awful trumpet sound, n m/ And call you to his bar; His mercy knows th' appointed bound, And yields, to justice there. 5 Amazing love-that yet will call, And yet prolong our days! Our hearts subdued by goodness fall, < And weep, and love, and praise. 23 J8 The Sinner vmeeting God. np I INNER! art thou still secure? s Wilt thou still refuse to pray? Can thy heart or hand enTlure, In the Lord's avenging day? mnf 2 See,-his mighty arml is bared; Awful terrors clothe his brow! For his judgments stand prepared; — > Thou must either break or bow. f 3 At his presence nature shakes, Earth affrighted hastes to flee, Solid mountains melt like wax:,< What will then become of thee? 4 Who his coming may abide? You that glory in your shame ICan you find a place to hide, < When the world is wrapt in flame? Q f)Ei{HYtN 239, 8s, 7s and 4. $ 239 TAe Voice of Miercy. aff 1 ]EAR, O sinner mercy hails you; 1J Now with sweetest voice she calls; _ _*_ —~-u~a** q*_^08~^C4sr_ $ ALARMING. 383 Bids you haste to seek the Saviour, Ere the hand of justice falls: $ p Hear, 0 sinner!'T is the voice of mercy calls. aff 2 See! the storm of vengeance gathering O'er the path you care to tread! < Hark! the awful thunder rolling if Loud and louder o'er your head! p Turn, O sinner! > Lest the lightning strike you dead. q' 3 Haste, 0 sinner! to the Saviour;! Seek his nercy while you may; Soon the day of grace is over;- Soon your life will pass away; Im/f Haste, 0 sinnelr! p You must perish if you stay. A 240HY,0. 240, C, p,. 240 Present tand future Realities. aff 1 L 0! on a narrow neck of land, t Between two boundless seas I stand,Yet how insensible! A point of timle —a moment's spaceRemoves me to yon heavenly place, Or-shuts me up in hell! 2 0 God! mny inmost soul convert, And, deeply on my thoughtless heart, Eternal things impress; Give me to feel their solemn weight, And save me, ere it be too late;Wake me to righteousness. < 3 Before me place, in bright array, nmf The pomp of that tremendous day, f When thou with clouds shalt come, To judge the nations at thy bar;> And tell me, Lord! shall I be there, ~ - To meet a joyful doom? 4 Be this my one great business here, With holy trembling, holy fear, To make my calling sure Thine utmost counsel to fulfill, To suffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure! ~X~eg~~~ q~C~~8rb~~~~O~a ~ 98~eCC~~M~0 ~ ~ 8~~ __~-Bee~~~e~ 6~7ts a~s~ 384 HYMNS CCXLI, CCXLII. 5 Then, Saviour! then my soul receive, $ mf Transported from the earth, to live f And reign with thee above: I mf Where faith is sweetly lost in sight, And hope, in full supreme delight, f And everlasting love. Q^11 iHYDIN 241, L. l. 24 1 Life, the Day of Grace and Hope. 1 T lIFE is the time to serve the Lord, 4 The time t' insure the great reward; And, while the lamp holds out to burn, The vilest sinner may return. 2 Life is the hour that God has given, To'scape from hell and fly to heaven; The day of grace,-and mortals may Securo the blessings of the day. 8 The living know. that they must die, But all the dead forgotten lie; Their me-m'ry and their sense are gone, Alike unknowing and unknown. mnf 4 Then, what my thoughts design to do, < AMy hands! with all your might pursue; Since no device, nor work is found, > Nor faith, nor hope, beneath the ground. 5 There are no acts of pardon past, p In the cold grave to which we haste; > But darkness, death, and long despair,.pp Reign in eternal silence there. Q^4 Qn n ge~YTN 24S, C. M. \242 Expostulation with Sinners. ^np 1 VE! who despise the Saviour's grace, A And scorn his gospel, here,< How can you meet his angry face, > Or at his bar appear? mf, 2 When every earthly hope shall fail,< When stormts of wrath are nigh, > How will your souls affrighted quail, p Beneath his burning eye! aff 3 Why will you madly rush on death, And force your way to woe? I \I tS;ALARMING. 385 } Why tempt the God, that holds your breath, To strike the fatal blow? $ 4 Turn, guilty sinners! quickly turn; Oh! come to Jesus now;- \< Ere the fierce flames around you burn, > To your Redeemer bow. QA ^ IMI 243, L. L. 24$3 Aidvice to Youth. m 1 1TOW, in the heat of youthful blood, ~ Remnember your Creator, God; < Behold! the months come hastening on, > When you shall say —" My joys are gone." mp 2 Behold! the aged sinner goes p Laden with guilt and heavy woes, Down to the regions of the dead, With endless curses on his head. 3 The dust returns to dust again; The soul, in agonies of pain, > Ascends to God-not there to dwell,pp But hears her doom, and sinks to hell. > 4 Eternal King! I fear thy name; p Teach me to know how frail I am; I -~ And, when mny soul must hence remove, Give me a mansion in thy love. \O A L^ IYMN 244, S. M. 2; 4f4f Grieving the Spirit. aff 1 A ND canst thou, sinner! slight \ A The call of love divine? i Shall God, with tenderness invite, And gain no thought of thine? 2 Wilt thou not cease to grieve i The Spirit from thy breast, Till he thy wretched soul shall leave. With all thy sins oppressed? 3 To-day, a pard'ning God Will hear the suppliant pray, To-day, a Saviour's cleansing blood Will wash thy guilt away. 4 But, grace so dearly bought If yet thou wilt despise, 386 HYMNS CCXLV, CCXLYI. Thy fearful doom, with vengeance fraught,'Will fill thee with surprise. };'4L;^ zHYMN 245, C. M. 45e And fades the grass away. - 3 Our life contains a thousand springs, $mp And dies, if one be gone; - Strange! that a harp of thousand strings Should keep in tune so long. 4 But'tis our God supports our frame,The God who built us first; O*S;~~b***w**~*****t********g0*^^,*%^0**0 I: R~ALARMING. 38$7 I,n Salvation to th' almighty Name, 4> a That reared us from the dust. IOA }fHYMN 247, L.. M. 2 *47 The Road to Life, and to Death. mpI 1 pROAD is the road that leads to death,, 1) And thousands walk together there; But wisdom shows a narrow path, With here and there a traveler. 2 " Deny thyself and tale thy cross," — Is the Redeemer's great command: > Nature must count her gold but dross, < If she would gain this heavenly land. > 3 The fearful soul that tires and faints, ~- AAnd walks the ways of God no more, Is but esteemed almost a saint, { > And makes his own destruction sure. cft 4 Lord! let not all my hopes be vain; $ Create my heart entirely new, \ Which hypocrites could ne'er attain, $ W1hich false apostates never knew. Q24 HYlJoIN 248, S. M. 2: 48t@C0 Uncertainty of Life. m 1 qTO-MORROW, Lord! is thine,- -I Lodged in thy sovereign hand; e And, if its sun arise and shine,: It shines by thy comnmand. mp 2 The present momnent flies, I And bears our life away; - ~- 01h! make thy servants truly wise, That they may live to-day., p 3 Since, on this fleeting hour, Eternity is hung, i nf Awaken, by thy mighty power, The aged and the young. 4 One thing demands our care;Be that one thing pursued; o Lest, slighted once, the season fair i Should never be renewed. I nf 5 To Jesus may we fly, Swift as the morning light, TW I~~~~~C,~~98~b ~IWQ~ 388 HYMNS CCXLIX, CCL. > Lest life's young golden beams should die, p In sudden, endless night. CONVICTION. 24b9 QTt~HYMN 249, S. X. 2,4 97Y The Sinner arrested. aff 1 IY former hopes are fled,' My terror now begins; My guilty soul, alas! is " dead In trespasses and sins." 2 Ah! whither shall I fly?Where seek for mercy's door? The law proclaims destruction nigh, < And justice armed with power. p 3 When I review my ways, I dread th' impending doom; > While yet some friendly whisper says,p "Flee from the wrath to come 1" aff 4 Oh! that I now might see Some glinlmering from afar,Some beam of hope to dawn on me, p> And save me fiom despair. HYQ 1 2a50, 7s and 6s. 2 \50 Thei Sinner disquieted. aff I T[ITY sinks my soul desponding, v Why fill my eyes with tears, While nature all-surrounding The smile of beauty wears? Why, burdened now with sorrow, Is every lab'ring thought? Each vision that I borrow, With gloom and sadness fraught? 2 The pleasures that deceived me My soul no more can charm; Of rest they oft bereaved me, And filled me with alarm; The objects, I have cherished, Are empty as the wind; My earthly joys have perished;What comfort shall I find _- _ _,eso~ao~pao~ i CONVICTION. 389 3 If inward, still inquiring, I turn my searching eye, Or upward, now aspiring, I raise my feeble cry,! ]>To heavenly light is beaming, To cheer ily troubled breast, No ray of comforn b gleam ing, To give my spirit rest. I 4!My soul! from this dread anguish, Is there no refuge nighi?'T is guilt that mlakes thee languisb, And leaves thee thus to die: Renounce thy sin and. folly Before the throne of grace; < And make the Lord, mIost holy, Imf TiThy strength and righteousness. QS a^;1 x-~T{Ml 251, 0. fI. e251 JConviction by the Law. in I I ORD! how secure may conscience was, And felt no inward dread I was alive without the law, And thought my sins were dead. < 2 Mi]Ty hopes of heaven were firm and bright; But, since the precept came, With a convincing power and light, p I find how vile I am. i 8 My guilt appeared but small before, p Till terribly i saw' i" How perfecth, holy, just, and pure, Is thine eternal law. mp 4 Then felt my soul the heavy load, My sins revived again:I have provoked a dreadful God, p And all my hopes are slain. m p 5 My God! I cry, with every breath, For some kind power to save,~- To break the yoke of sin and death, nmf And thus redeem the slave. H YMN 252, L. M. 2 52 The Strivings of the Spirit. Imp 1 QAY, sinner! hath a voice within: 1 0 Oft whispered to thy secret soul,! 390 HYMN COLIILI Urged thee to leave the ways of sin, And yield thy heart to God's control? < 2 Sinner! it was a heavenly voice,It was the Spirit's gracious call; It bade thee make the better choice, And haste to seek in Christ thine all. 3 Spurn not the call to life and light; Regard, in time, the warning kind; That call thou may'st not always slight, And yet the gate of mercy find. 4 God's Spirit will not ahvays strive With hardened, self-destroying man; Ye, who persist his love to grieve, May never hear his voice again. 5 Sinner! perhaps, this very day, Thy last accepted time may be: > Oh! should'st thou grieve him now away, Then hope may never beam oi thee. {$ TY 25I3, 2S.. 2`53J'JMan condemn7ed before God. m I 1-! hows shall fallen man 1 Be just before his God? If he contend in righteousness, We fall beneath his rod. 2 If lie our ways should mark, With strict incuiring eyes, Could we, for one of thousand faults, A just excuse devise? I 3 All-seeing, powerful God! Who can with thee contend? Or who, that tries th' unequal strife, Shall prosper in the end? v f 4 The mountains, in thy wrath, Their ancienit seats forsake; The trembling earth deserts her place, fi/ Her rooted pillars shake. 5 Ah how shall guilty man Contend with such a God? i < None-none can meet him, and escape, > > But through the Saviour's blood. 55 %~4~4*~4_4 *_+,*,8~~~8~W I NVITING. 391' QegBPS ^ Y 54, S. M. 1254 The cvil Heart. acf 1 ASTONISIIED and distressed, AI turn nmine eyes within; My heart ith loads of guilt oppressed, The seat of every sin. 4 2 What crowds of evil dthoughts, iWhat vile affections there! r Distrust, pr esumption, artful guile, Pride, envy, slavish fear I 3i Almighty King of saints! S These hateful sins subdue; Dispel the darkness from my mind, And all my powers renew. < 4 This done,-my cheerful voice if Shall loud hosannas raise; My soul shall glow with gratitude,M3y lips pronounce thy praise. INVITING. i'.Y QF1t 252, C. IE 225 The Saviour's Invitation, m 1 TpHE Sacviour calls;-let every ear 1 Attend the heavenly sound; < Ye doubting souls! dismiss your fear, - Hope smiles reviving round. 2 For every thirsty, longing heart, Here streams of bounty flow, And life, and health, and bliss impart, To banish mortal coe. 3 Ye sinners! come;'t is mercy's voice; The gracious call obey; JZIercy invites o heavenly joys, —And can you yet delay? M mp 4 Dear Saviour! draw reluctant hearts < To thee let sinners fly, And take the bliss thy love imparts, And drink, and never die. ~.. iz~~ b ~ t~7e~~oc~l~~ 392 HYM;NS CCLVI, CCLVII. z6 S a IHYMI 256, L. 1.,,25 6 Rdest for the weary Penitent. n 1 fOME o, weary souls! with sin distressed, Comlle, and accept the promised rest; The Saviour's gracious call obey, $ < And cast your gloomy fears aw-ay. i -- 2 Here, mercy's boundless ocean flovs, \ > To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes; *- Pardon and life, and endless peace;i How rich the gift, how fiee the grace! 3 Lord! w-e accept, with thanlkful heart,:'The hope thy gracious words impart; >< We come, with trembling;-yet rejoice, nfJ And bless the kind inviting voice. < 4 Dear Saviour! let thy powerful love ~ - Confirm our faith,-our fears remove; rnp Oh! sweetly reign in every breast, And guide us to eternal rest. 25 ISYIN 2H57, C.M, in I ET every mortal ear attend, IJ And every heart rejoice;. The trunpet of the gospel sounds, With an inviting voice. 2 Ho! all ye hlungry, starving souls, Thlat feed upon the wind, nmp And vainly strive, with earthly toils, To fill th' immortal mind!' 3 Eternal wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. 4 4:Ho! ye that pant for living streams, p> And pine away and diel \ < Here you may quench your raging thirst i mf With springs that never dry. -- 5 Rivers of love and mercy, here, In a rich ocean join; mf Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. INTVITING. 393 6 The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day;~- Lord! we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. IQ WE 258, L. I 258 Czrist's Invitation to Sinners. mp i " COME hither, ill ye weary souls! U Ye heaiv_-laden sinners! come; I I'11 give you'iest from all your toils, mf And raise you to my heavenly home. - 2 " They shall find rest, who learn of me, p 1'mn of a meek and lowly mind; < But passion rages like the sea, mf And pride is restless as the wind. 38 "Blessed is the man, whose shoulders take lIy yoke, and belar it with delighlt; My yoke is easy to his neck, My grace shall make the burden light." mf 4 Jesus! we come at thy command; With faith, and hope, and humble zea l, R-esign our spirits, to thy hand, To mould and guide us at thy will. -''' a,& Return, ye weary wanderers! home,! I< bAnd in redeeming love rejoice. 26 I-t)U I must for ever die." ) 1 HYiMN 2Q61, 8s and 7s, Peculiar. J J61 Ji21 Fountain set open. cff 1 (OME to Calv'ry's holy mountain, J Sinners, ruined by the fall! Hlere a pure and healing fountain Flows to you, to me,-to all,In a full perpetual tide, $ Opened when the Saviour died. 2 Come, in sorrow and contrition, Wounded, impotent, and blind; H ere the guilty, fiee remissiorn,H-ere the troubled, peace may find; < Health this fountain will restore; > Te that drinks shall thirst no more:-. mf 3 He that drinks shall live for ever,\'T is a soul-reviving flood: God is faithful —God will never I 3Break his covenant in blood;Signed, when our Redeemer died\ < Sealed, when he was glorified. 6Q aQ IZI;YIN 262, Os and 7s,'> 262^ False and true Pleasures. af 1 TELL us, wanderer! wildly roving ~ From the path that leads to peace, i,,,~z,*~~zr,,~~~~~ TINVITING. 395 I Pleasure's false enchantment loving,i When will thy delusion cease? 2 Once, like thee, by joys surrounded, $ We conuld kneel at pleasure's shrine; Then our brightest hopes were bounded, By delights as false as thine. 8 But those visions never blessed us,Soon their fleeting day was o'er; Then the world, that had caressed us, Charmed us with its smiles no more. 4 Such is pleasure's transient story; Lasting happiness is known Only in the path to glory,- * In the Saviour's love alone. f 2 3 iPe~YMN l 263, L.'1 1 263 0T The happy Choice. h m I T0O-DAY-if ye will hear his voice, e T Now is the time to make your choice; i< Say-will you to Mount Zion go? > Say-will you have this Christ, or no? mp 2 Ye wandering souls, who find no rest! < Say-will you be for ever blest? - ill you be saved from sin and hell? * < Will you with Christ in glory dwell? mp 3 Come now, dear youth! for ruin bound, -- Obey the gospel's joyful sound; Come, go with us, and you shall prove m/f The joy of Christ's redeeming love. I — 4 Once more we ask you in his name, — For yet. his love remains the same,< Say-will you to Mount Zion go? > Say-will you have this Christ or no?' ~ 6 z1 HYMHN 264, C. M. \ 2694 Pardon and Sanctification in Christ, p 1 WIPOW sad our state by nature is! JL- Our sin-how deep it stains! And Satan binds our captive minds, Fast in his slavish chains.: - 2 But there's a voice of sovereign grace, Sounds from the sacred word; — 396 HYMNS CCLXV CCLXVI. " Ho! ye despairing sinners! come, And trust upon the Lord." 8 My soul obeys th' almighty call, And runs to this relief; I I would believe thy promise, Lord! i Oh! help mly unbelief, mp 4 To the dear fountain of thy blood, f < Incarnate God! I fly; np Here let me wash my spotted souls, A 1From stains of deepest dye. I p 5 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, l > On thy kind arms I fall; I < Be thoi my strength and righteousness, I m.;f NlMy Jesus, and my all. 1 Qn q,6HY 25, 0, ai 26) Thile Woay to Zion. I That leads to Zion's hill, And thither set your steady face, With a determined will. 2 Oh! come, and to his temple haste, And seek his favor there; i np Before his footstool, humbly bow, - < And pour your fervent prayer. I 3 Oh! come, and join your souls to God In everlasting bands; Accept the blessings he bestows,! With thankful hearts and hands. 2 6 I, v SEit zio 26, 0. M. 0266 Invitation to the Gospel Feast, I' y E Y mE wretched, hungry, starving poor! Behold a royal feast,Where mercy spreads her bounteous store. i For every humble guest. 1 2 Here Jesus stands with open arms; He calls, he bids you, come; Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms; But see! there yet is room: 8 Room in the Saviour's bleeding heart; jI b4 4 rThere love and pity meet; } ITINVITING. 39' ~ N i or will he bid the soul depart, That trembles at his feet. i - 4 Oh! come, and with his children, taste The blessings of his love; While hope attends the sweet repast Of nobler joys above. mf 5 There, with united heart and voice, Before th' eternal throne, f Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice, In songs on earth unknown. 267 mf 2867,, C. M. 267 The Foun'tai;n of living Waters. $ 1 li a what amazing words of grace k Are in the gospel found, Suited to every sinner's case Who hears the joyful sound mnp 2 Come, then, with all your wants and wounds, Your every burden bring; < Here love, unchanging love, abounds, — \i f iA deep celestial spring. 3 This spring with living waters flows, And heavenly joys imparts; - Come, thirsty souls! your wants disclose, And drink, with thankful hearts. > 4 Millions of sinners, vile as you, Have here found life and peace; Come, then, and prove its virtues too, < And drink, adore, and bless.., E1HYMN 268, 7s. \ MU 0 0 Sinners urged to accept the Invitation, I m 1 VE! who in his courts are found, Listening to the joyful sound,. Lost and helpless as ye are, Sons of sorrow, sin, and care,mf Glorify the King of kings, - Take the peace the gospel brings. 2 Turn to Christ your longing eyes, mp View this bleeding sacrifice; I - See, in him, your sins forgiven, i Pardon, holiness, and heaven; 398 HYMNS CCLXIX, CCLXX. mf Glorify the King of kings,; - Take the peace the gospel brings. HIYsIN 269, 7s. 26 J9 E9xpostulation with Sinners. af 1 INNERS! turn; why will ye die? I God, your Maker, asks you-Why God, who did your being give, Made you with himself to live,HTe the fatal cause demands, Asks the work of his own hands,< TViWhy, ye thankless creatures! why, > Will ye cross his love, and die? aff 2 Sinners! turn; why will ye die? I GGod, your Saviour, asks you-Why? S HIe, who did your souls retrieve, Died himself that ye might live:: Will ye let him die in vain? I Crucify your Lord again?:= < Why, ye ransomed sinners! why;> Will ye slight his grace, and die? aff 8 Sinners! turn; why will ye die? God, the Spirit, asks you-Why? Many a time with you he strove, Wooed you to embrace his love: I Will ye not his grace receive? Will ye still refuse to live? < Oh! ye guilty sinners! why i > Why will ye for ever die? n HY'sOT 270, C. M' " i \. Expostulation with Sinners, \ m 1 QINNERS! the voice of God regard; k'T is Mercy speaks to-day; He calls you, by his sovereign word, From sin's destructive way. 2 Like the rough sea that cannot rest, You live devoid of peace; A thousand stings, within your breast, Deprive your souls of ease. m snp 8 Your way is dark, and leads to hell; And will you onward go? Can you in endless burnings dwell,, Or bear eternal woe? lp _a _Fo _n _nlp _unig _~ll ~ _ INVITING. 399 ~ - 4 Lo! he, who turns to God, shall live, Throough Lis aboundin g grace; His mercy will the guilt forgive Of those who seek his face. 5 Bow to the sceptre of his word- - Renouncing every sin; I Submit to him, your sovereign Lord, And learn his will divine. mf 6 His love exceeds your highest thoughts;- HEe pardons like a God; - He will forgive your numerous faults, I > Through Christ's atoning blood. I IIT 271, L. MI. 27 1 I KockiznZr at the Door. aff 1 REHOLD a strancer at the door! - He gently knocks,-has knocked before; Has waited long —is waiting still; You treat no other friend so ill. 2 Oh! lovely attitude-he stands With melting heart and loaded hands: Oh! matchless kindness-and he shows This matchless kindness to his foes. 3 But will he prove a fiiend indeed? He will-the very friend you need; The friend of sinners-yes,'t is he, With garments dyed on. Calvary. mf 4 Rise-touched with gratitude divine, Turn out his enemy and thine,That soul-destroying monster, sin, —mp And let the heavenly stranger in. 5 Admit him, ere his anger burn,> His feet departed ne'er return; i mp PAdmit him,-or the hour's at hand, > You'11 at his door rejected stand. 7 rI=E 2/72, 8s, 7s and 4s. 2 7 24 Invitation to Sinners. aff ICOME, ye sinners heavy-laden, $ aj U Lost and ruined by the fall,~,l~t~~MMH~~6H~~4~~ ~BM _ ~b 400 HYMN COLXXIII. If you wait till you are better, You will never come at all: Sinners only, Christ, the Saviour, came to call. m 2 Let no sense of guilt prevent you, Nor of fitness fondly dream; f All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him: This lie gives you;I'T is the Spirit's rising beam. aff 3 Agonizing in the garden, Lo! your Saviour prostrate lies; On the bloody tree behold him, There he groans, and bleeds, and dies: "It is finished"H-eaven accepts the sacrifice. m 4 Lo! th' incarnate God ascending Pleads the merit of his blood; Venture on hilm,-venture wholly, Let no othler trust intrude: NSone but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. mf 5 Saints and angels, joined in concert, I Sing the praises of the Lamb; While the blissful seats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name; f Hallelujah! Siminers here may sing the same. i r 27 3 7HYMN 23, L. M. 273 Thiie S''inner entreated. aff 1 pETURN, 0 wanderer! now return, " 1 And seek thine injured Father's face; Those new desires, that in thee burn, Were kindled by reclaiming grace. 2 Returnl, O vanderer! now return, He hears thy deep repentant sigh; He hears thy softened spirit mourn, When no intruding ear is nigh. 3 Return,0 wandeer e! now return, Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live; Go to his bleeding feet, and learn How freely Jesus can forgive. INVITING. 401 4 Return, 0 wandeler! now return, And wipe away the falling tear; Thy Father calls-" No longer mourn I"'Tis mercy's voice invites thee near. Q^ XCA E^1N2 S74, C. M. i 274 T/e heavenly Guest. af 1 A ND will the Lord thus condescend, 11 To visit sinful worms? Thus at the door shall mercy stand, In all her winning forms? 2 Shall Jesus for admittance plead, His charming voice unheard? And this vile heart, for which he bled, Remain for ever barred? 83 T is sin, alas with tyrant power, The lodging has possessed; And crowds of traitors bar the door, Against the heavenly guest. < 4 Lord! rise in thine all-conquering grace, f Thy mighty power display; nzf One beam of glory from thy face Can drive my foes away. 5 Ye vile seducers! hence depart; p Dear Saviour! enter in; Oh! guard the passage to my heart, And keep out every sin. Q, NHYM 275, 8s, 7s and 4s. 275 Glad tidings. mp 1 SINNERS! will you scorn the message - 0 Coming from the courts above? Mercy speaks in every passage; Every line is full of love; Oh! believe it,- i Every line is full of love. v lf 2 Now, the heralds of salvation Joyful news from heaven proclaim; — Sinners freed from condemnation, Through the all-atoning Lamb I Life receivingThrough the all-atoning Lamb. I 402 HYMNS CCLXXVI, CCLXXVII. m 3 Who hath their report believed? Who received the joyful word? Who embraced thie news of pardon, I Freely ofered by the Lord? nf Life ilnortal, Freely offered by the Lord. f" 4 0 ye angels hovering round us,- - Waiting spirits speed your way, Hasten to the court of heaven, Tidings bear without delay, — m p TBebel-sinne~rs' nZmf CGlad tlie mnessagee wvill obey. Q 276;> tZrT 27W $., i 2 76'0rlt 77Tie accepted Time. $ I TOW is, th' aepte4d time, i Now is the day of grace; O sinners! come, without delay, And seek thep Saviour's face. 2 NTow is th' accepted time, The Saviour calls to-day; To-morrow it may be too late;- Then why should you delay? 3 Noow is th' accepted time, The gospel bids you come; And every promise, in his word, I, Declares there yet is room. 4 Lord! draw reluctant souls, And melt them by thy love; < Then will the angels speed their way, f @'rTo bear the news above. I Q fIYn11: 277, 8s and 4s. 2 77 87 The Gospel Trumpet. f/' I [ARKi hark! the gospel trumpet sounds,i II Through the wide earth, the echo bounds,Pardon and peace by Jesus' blood! Sinners are reconciled to God, ~IS By grace divine. mf 2 Come, sinners! hear the joyful news, I - N^Nor longer dare the grace refuse; mvINVITING. 403 AMercy and justice here combine, Goodness and truth harmonious join, }! ~ T' invite you near. $ fJ 3 Ye saints in glory! strike the lyre; Ye m ortals! catch the sacred fire;!\ Let both the Saviour's love proclaim;For ever worthy is the Lamb Pig ~ Of endless praise. ~ - 7 T 2,78,. I. e 7 o TAie Young exhorted.'A 1 V'E hearts with youthful vigor warm! - In smiling crowds draw near; And turn from every mortal charm, A Saviou's voice to hea r. 2 He, Lord of all the worlds on high, Stoops to converse with you; And lays his radiant glories by, Your friendship to pursue.' 3 The soul, that longs to see his face, Is sure his love to gain; $ And they, iwho early seek his grace, A Shall never seek in vain. 4 TWhat object, LordI my soul should move, i f once coampared with thee? $ What beauty should command my love, A Like what in Christ I see? 9 > 5 Away, ye false delusive toys! i mp Vain tempters of the mind;. —'T is here I fix my lasting choice, AI For here true bliss I find. }I 99 XtAYTI 2 79, 8s, Ts and 4. $, 7 Children exhorted. I 1 PEIHILDREN! hear tie melting story A' Of the Lamb that once was slain; ~ -'T is the Lord of life and glory; > Shall he plead with you in vain? mf Oh! receive him, And salvation now obtain. ~ 2 Yield no more to sin and folly, So displeasing in his sight; ' 404 HYMNS CCLXXX, CCLXXXI. Jesus loves the pure and holy, They alone are his delight; I Seek his favor, And your hearts to him unite. $ mp 3 All your sins to him confessing Who is ready to forgive, -- Seek the Saviour's richest blessing, On his precious name believe; H e is waiting,Will you not his grace receive? 80. Children invited to Christ. n 1 CI-IILDREN! listen to the Lord, And obey his gracious word; Seek his face w\ith heart and mind — Early seek, and you shall find. p 2 Sorrowful, your sins confess; < Plead his perfect righteousness; > See the Saviour's bleeding side;Comle-you will not be denied. 3 For his worship now prepare; Kneel to him in fervent prayer; Serve him with a perfect heart; Never from his ways depart. PENITENTIAL.' 8O HYMN 281, 0. M. /O.1 Contrition. aff 1 I THIOU1! whose tender mercy hears Contrition's humble sigh; Whose hand, indulgent, wipes the tears From sorrow's weeping eye;2 See, low before thy throne of grace, A wretched wanderer mourn; Hast thou not bid me seek thy face? Hast thou not said'-" Return?" 8 And shall my guilty fears prevail To drive ime from thy feet? PENITENTIAL. 405 Oh! let not this dear refuge fail, This only safe retreat. > 4 Oh! shine on this benighted heart, < With beams of mercy shine; -- And let thy healing voice impart! mf A taste of joys divine. ~' 282 l YMN 282, 7S. C 82 RIe epentance at the Cross of Christ. aff 1 11"EaR of stone! relent, relent, $ ei Break, by Jesus' cross subdued; See his body, mangled, rent, Covered with a gore of blood! Sinful soul! what hast thou done'? Crucified God's only Son. 2 Yes, thy sins havde done the deed, Driven the nails that fixed him there, Crowned with thorns his sacred head, Pierced him with a bloody spear, iMade his soul a sacrifice,o - While for sinful mlan he dies. 3 Wilt thou leVt iin bleed in vain,Still to death thy Lord pursue,Open all his vwounds agailn, And the shameful cross renew? $ 0; _No;-withl all iny sins I'11 part, I Break, Oh! breIa, rmy bleeding heartl i Qa l~,LYSH283, L,.8 T 11 si;es.; <3283 PIleadizff i Jesus' J\'ame. m 1 1ATi1-ER o-i mercies, God of love! p Oh Oh! hear an humble suppliant's cry; + I < Bend from thy lofty seat above,~- mf Thy throne of glorious majesty; > Oh! deign to hear my mournful voice,, < And bid my drooping heart rejoice. mp 2 I urge no merit of my own,- N Ko worth to claim thy gracious smile;! No,-when I come before thy throne, $ Dare to converse with God awhile, $ dol Thy name, blest Jesus! is my plea,$ Dearest and sweetest name to me. I - - --— ~ —-- --— ~ — — 4 —--- 406 HYMNS CCLXXXIV, CCLXXXV.'' 3 Father of mercies, God of love! p Then hear thine hIlmble suppliant's cry; < Bend from thy lofty seat above, mf Thy throne of glorious majesty; One pard'ning word can make me whole, p And soothe the anguish of my soul. Q HYMN 284,.,,M. I 284 Godly Sorrow at t.e Cross. aff 1 ALAS! and did my Saviour bleed, hi And did my sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head, For such a worm as I? 2 Was it for crimes that 1 had done, He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity!-grace unknown!And love beyond degree 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide. And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died, For man the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But floods of tears can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord! I give myself away;-'T is all that I can do.,O tJ ~Backslider's Return through Christ, np 1 WETARY of wandering from my God, H And now made willing to return, I hear, and bow beneath the rod; To him, with penitence, I mourn: ~- I have an advocate above,A friend before the throne of love. 2 0 Jesus! full of truth and grace, More full of grace than I of sin,ma p Yet once again I seek thy face, Open thine arms and take me in; Oh! freely my backslidings heal, And love the dying sinner still. ^ IHbb~~4~b94~H~~~4~ PENITENTIAL. 40 3 Ah! give me, Lord! the tender heart, That trembles at th' approach of sin; A godly fear of sin impart, Implant, and root it deep within; That I may fear thy gracious power, And never dare t' offend thee more. 286 Virn 886o, C. M. 2 086 Penitence and Hope. m I EAR Saviour! when my thoughts recall 1 The wonders of thy grace, p Low at thy feet ashamed I fall, And hide this wretched face. 2 Oh! while I breathe to thee, my Lord The penitential sigh, Confirm the kind forgiving word, With pity in thine eye. 3 Then shall the mourner, at thy feet, Rejoice to seek thy face; > And grateful own-how kind, how sweet, - Thy condescending grace. Qgrg, EXi-rHYMN 237, 7s. 280 7 Confession and.Entreaty. lnI SOVEREIGN Ruler, Lord of all! p Prostrate at thy feet I fall; < Hear, Oh! hear my earnest cry, > Frown not, lest I faint and die. np 2 Vilest of the sons of men,Chief of sinners I have been; Oft abused thee to thy face, Trampled on thy richest grace. 8 Justly might thy righteous dart Pierce this bleeding, broken heart; < Justly might thine angry breath > Blast me in eternal death. i - 4 But with thee there's mercy found, mp Balm to heal my every wound: Soothe, Oh! soothe the troubled breast, Give the weary wanderer rest. : 408 HYMNS CCLXXXVIII, CCLXXXIX. \ 288 rHYMN 288, C.. 288 "00Penitence. af 1 pROSTRATE, dear Jesus! at thy feet, A A guilty rebel lies; And upwards, to thy mercy-seat, Presumes to lift his eyes. 2 Let not thy justice frown me hence; Oh! stay the vengeful storm; Forbid it, that Omnipotence Should crush a feeble worm. 3 If tears of sorrow could suffice To pay the debt I owe, Tears should, fionl both my weeping eyes, In ceaseless currents flow. 4 But no such sacrifice I plead. To expiate my guilt; No tears, but thlose which thou hast shed, — No blood, but thou hast spilt. 5 Think of thy sorrows, dearest Lord I And all my sins forgive; Then justice will approve the word, That bids the sinner live. Q$QQ EYTN 289, C. X. 9C39 Pleading for.i1ercy. aff 1 I ORD! at thy feet, we sinners lie, And knock at mercy's door; With bleeding heart, and downcast eye, Thy favor we implore. 2 Without thy grace, we sink oppressed, Down to the gates of hell; Oh! give our troubled spirits rest, Our gloomy fears dispel. 8'T is mercy-mercy now-we plead; Let thy compassion move;Mercy, that led thee once to bleed, In tenderness and love. 4 In mercy now, for Jesus' sake, 0 God! our sins forgive; < Thy grace our stubborn hearts can break, I f And, breaking, bid us live.,~~MM~9U~~~~,~48~8 3~-wa~o~t PENITENTIAL. 409 1290 4Q HYMN 290, 11s and O1s. $ 919 04^U\ To the Mlercy-Seat. mp 1 fiOME, ye disconsolate! where'er ye languish, Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel:! f 3Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your $ anguish; $ Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. - 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Iope of the penitent, fadeless and pure! > Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying,-;- Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure. 3 Here see the bread of life; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above: m f Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing, I Earth has no sorrow, but heaven can remove. QQI~ 291Y1 ~T 2^91,OC. Til 291 Thie Friend of Sinners. Im 1 JESUS! thou art the sinner's Friend; i e_/ As such I look to thee; Now, in the fullness of thy love, > 0 Lord! remember me. - 2 Relnember thy pure word of grace,- m,2p Remember Calvary; $ PRememlber all thy dying groans, " > And then rememiber iqe. - 3 Thou wondrous Advocate with God! mp I yield myself to thee; $ - While thou art sitting on thy throne, > Dear Lord! remember me. I) 4 Lord! I am guilty-I am vile, I- But thy salvation's free; i< Then, in thine all-abounding grace, p > Dear Lord! remember me. p 5 And, when I close my eyes in death, When creature-helps all flee, < Then, 0 my dear Redeemer God! > I pray, remember me. O C) G QHYIw N29B, S. M.: 292 Repentance, in view of Crist's Comnpassio n p 1 DID Christ o'er sinners weep -? e And shall our cheeks be dry?.+-*^**^*0***.******^04*****g8****e *0 **,**** ; 410 HYMNS CCXCIII, CCXCIV. Let floods of penitential grief'' ~ — Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears The angels wondering see; < Be thou astonished, O my soul! > HIe shed those tears for thee. 8 He wept-that we might weep;Each sin demands a tear;In heaven alone no sin is found, — p There is no weeping there. HYMN 293, C. TY 29 3 Tlhe Soul casting itself on Christ. \ aff 1 APPROACH, my soul! the mercy-seat, Where Jesus answers prayer; There humbly fall before his feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is Illy only plea, With this I venture nighh: Thou callest burdened souls to thee, And such, 0 Lord! am I.. 8 Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely pressed, By wars without and fears within, I come to thee for rest. - 4; Be thou my shield and hiding-place, $ p That, sheltered near thy side, $ < I may my fierce accuser face,!> And tell him, thou hast died. > 5 Oh! wondrous love, to bleed and die, p To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, e - Might plead thy gracious name! eLi AiHYMN 294, C. M. M294 In-dwelling Sin lamented. aff 1 TIITH tears of anguish, I lament, * Before thy feet, my God! My passion, pride, and discontent,' And vile ingratitude. 2 Sure, there was ne'er a heart so base, So false, as mine has been; PENITENTIAL. 411 So faithless to its promises, — So prone to every sin. i 3 How long, dear Saviour I shall I feel These struggles in my breast? When wilt thou bow my stubborn will, i f And give my conscience rest? $ 4 f 4 Break, sovereign grace! Oh! break the charm, i And set the captive free:, < Reveal, great God! thy mighty arm, f And haste to rescue me. I 2 95Y; 52 95,C.M.. * < Sin bewailed at the Cross. a offt 1 H! if my soul was formed for woe, I y How would I vent my sighs! Repentance should, like rivers, flow From both my streaming eyes. 2'T was for my sins, my dearest Lord ~ Hung on the cursed tree, —', And groaned away a dying life, Ii For thee, my soul!-for thee. $ 8 Oh! how I hate those sins of mine, That shed the Saviour's blood; That pierced and nailed his sacred flesh Fast to the fatal wood! ~- 4 4 Yes, my Redeemer! they shall die; IMy heart hath so decreed; Nor will I spare the guilty things, $ > That made my Saviour bleed. p 5 While, with a melting, broken heart, My murdered Lord I view, mf I'l11 raise revenge against my sins, And slay the murderers too. \ EQHYMN 296, C. X. 1 296 JMourning- at the Sepulchre. np 1 lE humble souls that seek the Lord I I - Cast all your fears away; $ < Draw near, and, with delight, behold > The place where Jesus lay. mp 2 Thus low the Lord of life was brought;-'T was love that brought him low; lH~~~~t~~~~d~)~b)~~~) S 412 HYMN COXCVII. Thus low in death the Saviour lay, Who lived Cand bled for you. 3 If ye have wept at yonder cross, And still your sorrows rise, Stoop down, and view the vanquished grave, And wipe your weeping eyes. < 4 Your Saviour lives,~-for ever lives!Raise a triumphant strain; lNo powers of hell, nor bars of death, The conqueror could detain.! 5 O'er heaven and earth he now presides, Though once among the dead; And to eternity shall reiugn Creation's glorious Head. < 6 Ye mourning souls! rejoice, while you > His empty tomb survey; < As Christ arose, so you shall rise \f To realms of endless day. fk97 eB~t~~YMN 297, C0. M, 297^^} i Returning to Christ. aff 1 I[OW oft, alas! this wretched heart i Has wandered fiom the Lord! How oft my roving thoughts depart,Forgetful of his word! 2 Yet sovereign mercy calls-" Return!" Dear Lord! and may I come? My vile ingratitude I mourn; Oh! take the wanderer home. 3 And canst thou, wilt thou, yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove? And shall a pardoned rebel live, To speak thy wondrous love? < 4 Almighty grace! thy healing power, Mnf How glorious-how divine! That can, to life and bliss, restore > A heart so vile as mine! mp 5 Thy pard'ning love-so free, so sweet< Dear Saviour! I adore; > OOh! keep me at thy sacred feet, p And let me rove no more.: 4 ~~~~~ GDCONVERSION. 413 j CONVERSION. OQAQ [H-MN 298, C.P. M. 298 The New Birth. Inf 1 A WAKED bv Sinai's awful sound, e h AMy soul in bonds of guilt I found, \p And knew not where to go: $ mf One solemn truth increased my pain, — > The sinner " must be born again,": p Or sink to endless woe. < 2 I heard the law its thunders roll, | p While guilt lay heavy on my soul, — A vast oppressive load: All creature aid I saw was vain;The sinner " must be born again," Or drink the wrath of God. mf 3 The saints I heard with rapture tellHow Jesus conquered death and hell, To bring salvation near: ~- - Yet still I found this truth remain,> The sinner "mlust be born again," p Or sink in deep despair. mp 4 But, while I thus in anguish lay, The bleeding Saviour passed that way, My bondage to remove: The sinner, once by justice slain,;mf Now by his grace is born again, And sings redeeming love. HYMN 299, L., 299 God, the Portion of the Soul. t aff 1 F]AR from thy fold, O God! my feet - Once moved in error's devious maze; Nor found religious duties sweet, Nor sought thy face, nor loved thy ways. 2 With tenderest voice, thou bad'st me flee, The paths, which thou couldst ne'er approve; i And gently drew my soul to thee,' With cords of sweet eternal love. _ ** *__E * * * * * * _ *' 414 HYMNS CCO, cOC. 3 Now to thy footstool, Lord! I fly, iP hAnd low in self-abasement fall; A vile, a helpless worm, amll I, < And thous, my God t art all in all 4 Dearer~-far dearer to my heart, I Than all the joys that earth can give; From fame, from wealth, from fiiends I'd part, Beneath thy countenaance to live. ~ n~a XYdiR 300, 8s and!3. " 0{J Takings up ts Cross. I JESUS I iy cross have taken, $ 0 All to leave, and follow thee; p Nlaked, poor1, despised, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shalt be; Perish every fond ambition,- All I've sought, or hoped, or known! Yet how rich is my condition — God and heaven are still my own! 2 Let the world despise and leave me; They have left my Saviotur, too; Human hearts and looks deceive me:Thou art not, like them, untrue; Oh! vwhile thou dost smile upon me, < God of wisdom, love and might! m17f Foes may hate, and friends disown me; — < Shov thy fsce, and all is bright. -3 Perish, earthly fame and treasure!,> Comne, disaster, scorn, and pain! - In thy service, pain is pleasure; With thy favor, life is gain: 172 Oh!'t is not in grief to harm me, TWhlile thy love is left to mle; - Oh! t tvere not in joy to charm me,'Were that joy unmixed with thee. f0f \r HIEf 301, 8s, 7s and 4, }3O0~U 1 TiLe Surrender. f 1~ I LrOELCOMEE, welcome, dear Redeemer! $ V W Welcone to tlis heart of mine; Lord! I make a full surrender, Every power and thought be thine; Thine entirely,Through eternal ages thine. COE NVERSION. 415 m/f 2 Known to all to be thy mansion, Earth and hell will disappear; Or in vain attempt possession, When they find the Lord is near:f / Shout, 0 Zion! Shout, ye saints! the Lord is here. IY: 3g02, 79s. V302 Love to the Saints. r I DEOPLE of the living God!. I have sought the world around, ern p Paths of sin and sorrow trod, Peace and comfort no where found; ~ --:ITow to you my spirit turns, — Map TTurns, a fugitive unblest; Brethren! where your altar burns, Oh! receive ime into rest. < 2 Lonely, I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave; < Where you dwell shall be my home, > Where you die shall be my grave: mf Mine the God vwhom you adore, Your Redeemer shall he mine; Earth can fill my soul no more,> Every idol I resign. Yi~T s03, C. m. 30 3 eSuebdued by the Cross. m 1I IN evil, long I took celight, Unawed by shame or fear, Till a new object struck my sight, And stopped my wild career. p 2 I saw one hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood; He fixed his languid eyes on me, As near his cross I stood. Oh! never, till my latest breath, Shall I forget that look; It seemed to charge me with his death, Though not a word he spoke. 4 My conscience felt and owned the guilt, It plunged me in despair; )DMQbbt 416 HYMNS CCCIV, CCCV. I I saw, my sins his blood had spiit, And helped to nail him there. < 5 A second look he gave, that said, "I freely all forgive; This blood is for thy ransom paid,- I I die that thou may'st live." $ 6 Thus, while his death my sin displays, In all its blackest hue,- < Such is the mystery of grace,- i- It seals my pardon too., ^,XHYMN 304, 8s and 7s.:3 j 0< tfRedevmption. 1 SWEET the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend! Life, and health, and peace possessing, > From. the sinner's dying Friend. - 2 Here I'11 sit, for ever viewing mp Mercy streaming in his blood;Precious drops! my soul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. 3 Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the cross I gaze; Love I much? —I've much forgiven,- I'm La miracle of grace. 4 Love and grief my heart dividing, Gazing here I'd spend my breath; Constant still in faith abiding,- Life deriving from his death. 5 Lord! in ceaseless contemplation, Fix my heart and eyes on thine, < Till I taste thy whole salvation, mnf Where, unveiled, thy glories shine. rj r\305 /r ~ i ~HYN 305, L. HM. 305 Parting writh carnal Joys. i } \ 1 SEND the joys of earlth away,~ Away, ye tem-pters of the mindl # False as the smooth, deceitful sea, And empty as the whistling wind. I 2 Your streams were floating me along, i> Down to the gulf of black despair; -'Ip - >~~' ~ ~~ ^__ _~_ _~ _~ CONVERSION. 417 I ~- And, while I listened to your song, > Your streams had e'en conveyed me there. 3 Lord! I adore thy matchless grace, \ > That warned me of that dark abyss; < That drew me from those treacherous seas, mf 4 Now, to the shining realms above, I stretch my hands, and glance mine eyes;. < Oh! for the pinions of a dove, f To bear me to the upper skies. 5 There, from the bosom of my God, Oceans of endless pleasure roll; There would I fix my last abode, Ie And drown the sorrows of my soul. Q306 IPr1:YD 306, S. M. 306 Rejoicingg. n mf 1 \TOW let our voices join IN To raise a sacred song; Ye pilgrims! in Jehovah's ways, With music pass along. dol 2 See-flowers of paradise, In rich profusion, spring; The sun of glory gilds the path, I And dear companions sing. 8- See-Salemnrs golden spires, < In beauteous prospect, rise; f And brighter crowns than mortals wear, Which sparkle through the skies. 4 All honor to his name, Who marks the shining way,To him, who leads th1e pilgrims on To realns of endless day. ^( \f rs^HY- 307, C. M 307 Salvation welcomed. mf 1 QALVATION! Oh! the joyful sound;'T is pleasure to our ears;A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. I p 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay; 180. 1 418 HYMNS CCOVIII, CCCIX. < But we arise, by grace divine, mf To see a heavenly day. f 3 Salvation!-let the echo fly The spacious earth around; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound.' 08 BHY1MN 308, 7s. }3e0d Darkness turned to Light. mf 1 ]p OUNDLESS glory, Lord! be thine; - Thou hast made the darkness shine; Thou hast sent a cheering ray; Thou hast turned our night to day. - 2 Darkness long involved us round, Till we knew the joyful sound; < Then our darkness fled away, mnf Chased by truth's effulgent ray. - 3 They are blessed, and none beside,Clear, the light that marks their way< Leading to eternal day. - 4 Guide us, Saviotr! through the road, Till we reach the saints' abode; < Till we see thee throned above, mf As thou art,-the God of love. 4 10Q H^aIY.N 309, C. MI. OJ \09 9rx3 Returning to Zion. m nf 1 SIING, all ye ransomed of the Lord! Your great Deliverer sing: Ye pilgrims now, for Zion bound, f / 3Be joyful in your King. 2 See the fair way his hand hath made;-~ nmp How peaceful and how plain! ~- The simplest traveler need not err, Nor seek the path in vain. 3 A hand divine shall lead you on, Through all tie blissful road; < Till to the sacred mount you rise, $ mf And see your smiling God. \ f 4 Bright garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on every head; 4~ _ _ _ _ _ __ - ~~.____ ; CONVERSION. 419 Imp While sorrow, sighing, and distress, > Like shadows, all are fled. * f 5 March on, in your Redeemer's strength; Pursue his footsteps still; With joyful hope, still fix your eye On Zion's heavenly hill. I QIIN8 310, S. M. 310 Submission to Christ. c ff 1 ESLUS! I come to thee, e A sinnerdoomed to die; My only refuge is thy cross,H ere at thy feet I lie. 2 Can mercy reach my case, And all my sins remove? Break, O my God! this heart of stone, And melt it by thy love. 3 Too long my soul has gone, Far from my God, astray; In sin's delusive wavy. 4 But, Lord! my heart is fixed,I hope in thee alone; Break off the chains of sin and death, i And bind me to thy throne. 5 Thy blood can cleanse my heart, Thy hand can wipe my tears;~ Oh! send thy blessed Spirit down, To banish all my fears. < 6 Then shall my soul arise, mf From sin and Satan free; Redeemed from hell and every foe, I'1 trust alone in thee.'<2 11 1~HYMN 311, C. M,. 3 11 Self-Dedication. m 1 WELCOME, 0 Saviour! to my heart; Possess thine humble throne; Bid every rival hence depart, And claim me for thine own. 2 The world and Satan I forsake, To thee, I all resign; 420 HYMITS CCCXII, CCCXIII. My longing heart, O Jesus! take, And fill with love divine. mp 8 Oh! may I never turn aside, Nor from thy bosom flee; Let nothing here my heart divide, — I give it all to thee. 312 Prayr iY j is, 1. M5. I <3 1 9 Prayer for the Spirit of Adoption. aff 1 QPIRIT of holiness! look down, S Our fainting hearts to cheer; And, when we tremble at thy frown, 2 The terrors thy convictions wrought, Oh! let thy grace remove; And may the souls, which thou hast taught To weep, now learn to love. 3 Now let thy saving mercy heal The wounds it made before; N ow on our hearts impress thy seal, That we may donbt no more. 4 Complete the work thou hast begun, And make our darkness light, — mf That we a glorious race may run, Till faith be lost in sight. - 6 Then, as our wandering eyes discern The Lord's unclouded face, I< In fitter language, we shall learn f To sing triumphant grace. } P -iIEHYMN 313, C. i. 313 0Old Things passed away. n I ET earthly minds the world pursue, It has no charms for me; Once I admired its trifles too, But grace hath set me free. 2 Its joys can now no longer please, Nor e'en content afford; Far from my heart be joys like these, For I have seen the Lord. 8 As, by the light of opening day, The stars are all concealed; CONVERSION. 421 > So earthly pleasures fade away, e — _ When Jesus is revealed. m p 4 Creatures no more divide my choice, p I bid themn all depart; < His name, his love, his gracious voice, Have fixed my roving heart. 5 But may I hope, that thou wilt own A worthless worm like me? Dear Lord I would be thine alone, And wholly live to thee. 314, ^ Y 314, C. 1:. I t) I 314 ~ ~~iThe full Purpose, m 1 Itr all my Lord's appointed ways, A My journey I'11 pursue; Hinder me not,-ye much-loved saints I For I must go with you. mf 2 Through floods and flames, if Jesus leads,'11 follow where he goes; H inder me not! -— shall be my cry, Though earth and hell oppose. 3 Through duty, and through trials too, I'11 go at his comitnhand; < Hinder me not,, for I am bound To my Immanuel's land. 4 And, when my Saviour calls me home, Still this my cry shall be,$ Hinder me not, —come, welcome, death! m/nf I'11 gladly go with thee. \35 oL 6 ^fI 315, 8s and 7s. 31 LovSitedenetig Love. nf I ROMEE, thou Fount of every blessiag! V Tune my heart to grateful lays; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, < CCall for songs of loudest praise. 2 Teach me some melodious measure, e< Sung by raptured saints above; mf Fill my soul with sacred pleasure, While I sing redeeming love. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; ] 422 HYMNS CCOXVI, CCCXVII. He to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. 4 Oh! to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be! Let thy grace, Lord! like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee. p 5 Prone to wander,-Lord! I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love; < Here's my heart, Oh! take and seal it,- vnf Seal it from thy courts above. 1 6 N 8318 G. M, $ 31o 6L 0Joy over the Penitent. m I (! lhow divine, how sweet the joy, > 0 When but one sinner turns, p And, with an humble, broken heart, His sin and error mourns! 2 Pleased with the news, the saints below, m/ In songs, their tongues employ; Beyond the skies the tidings go, i< And heaven is filled with joy. 8 Well-pleased, the Father sees, and hears > The conscious sinner's moan; mp Jesus receives him in his arms, $ - And claims him for his own. | nf 4 NSor angels can their joys contain, n' f But kindle with new fire: < "The sinner lost is found!"-they sing, f And strike the sounding lyre. )HYIMN 317, L. M. < 17 Joy in Heaven for a repenting Sinnter. mf 1 THO can describe the joys that rise, Through all the courts of Paradise, To see a prodigal return,To see an heir of glory born.? 2 With joy the Father doth approve The fruit of his eternal love; The Son with joy looks down, and sees The purchase of his agonies. - 8 The Spirit takes delight to view The holy soul he formed anew, -4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i* - - - - - b- - - - - ----- I CC)CONVERSION. 423 m f And saints and angels join to sing! < The growing empire of their King. $ I HY)MIN 318, S. M. tJ i 0 The Song of the Saved on Earth. m 1 blROM Egypt's bondage come,' Whlere death and darkness reign We seek a new, a better home, Where we our rest shall gain. i mf 2 To Canaan's sacred bound, We haste with songs of joy, < Where peace and liberty are found, And sweets that never cloy. 3 There sin and sorrow cease, And every conflict's o'er; There we shall dwell in endless peace, Nor thirst nor hunger more. znf 4 There, in celestial strains, Enraptured myriads sing; < And love in every bosom reigns,f For God himself is king. mf 5 We hope to join the throng, And soon their pleasures share,With all the ransomed there. dol 6 How sweet the prospect is It cheers the pilgrim's breast; - We're journeying, through the wilderness, > To our eternal rest, q31 9Q EYIM 319, L. Mli. q3 l 9 A Youth, seekling heavenly Wisdom. m 1 I ASK l, nor pompp nor power, Nor fleeting pleasures of an hour: My soul aspires to nobler things Than all the pride and state of kings. inp 2 One thing I ask;-Lord! wilt thou hear, And grant my soul a gift so dear?Wisdom, descending fiom above, The sweetest token of thy love:3 Wisdom, betimes to know the Lord, To fear his name, and keep his word; 4, ~ ^ ^ 424 HYMN CCCXX. To lead my feet in paths of truth, And guide and guard my wandering youth. 4 Then, shouldst thou grant a length of days,'< AMy life shall still proclaim thy praise; ~ - Orer early dleath 1l-my sou-l convey < To reslims of everlasting day. $ Q n 30n, IH, ya 320 Renouncing- t/ie WorZd. m I (ONiE; myfon fo luttering heart "J Colle, strugtle to be free; ThIou and the world must part, HoI-ioever hard it be: Aly trembliblng spirit owns it just, > But cleaves yet closer to the dust. — ~ t Ye temY pting sweets I forbear; Ye dearest idols! fall; Vly love e mnust not share, Jesus shall have it all: mp'T is bitter pain,-'t is cruel smart, — 2p But, ah"! thou must consent, my heart I I inp 3 Ye fair enc(hanting throng! Ye gtolden dreams! fIarewell! Ea-rt'h has prevailed too long, And now i brealk the spell: p Farewell, ye joys of early years!p> Jesus! forgive these parting tears. $np 4 In Gilead there is balm, A kind Physician there, My fevered mind to calm, And bid me not despair: Aid me, dear Saviour! set me free; My all I would resign to thee. 5 Oh! may I feel thy worth, And let ino idol dare,$ o vanity of earth, With thee, my Lord! compare: Now bid all worldly joys depart, ~- And reign supremely in my heart. ~t>~^ ~ ~~~~-~o~e~ _________________I CHRISTIAN. 425., C I-RISTIAN. 3Q-j1 ElR 8 21, 7s. Y 321 L R'cjoic' in, i Jesus. f f 1 1TOW begin the heavenly theme, i 11 Sing aloud in Jesus' name:! Ye, who his salvation prove, Triumph in redeeming love. - 2 Ye, who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face, Child of heaven! canst thou repine? ~)ar~~W S~848FOS*_0fiOQ^^^~Bss*^ *. 426 HYMNS CCCXXII, CCCXXIV. mf 2 Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed with faith, and winged with prayer; Heaven's eternal day's before thee God's own hand shall guide thee there: -- Soon shall close thine earthly mission, > Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days; < Hope shall change to glad fruition, — $ smuf SFaith to sight, andl prayer to praise. 323 by 323 S D ^J To rescue rebels, doomed to die;' < T-e gave us grace in Christ, his Son, ~ sof Before he spread the s tarrye sky, - 4 Jesus the Lord,pears at last, Arnd nmTakes his athler's counsels known; I:Declares the gr'eat transaction past, I mf And brings immortal blessings down. 5 He dies, and, in that dreadful night, Did all the powers of hell destroy; P < isingS he brought our heaven to light, i <. And took T)ossessioln of the joy. I ^d0'7; 11'i1:13 827, 0. E. $, e37 The Hope of Heaven. I mf I,THEJE can read my title clear, $ c nTo mansions in the skies, I biid farewell to every fear, I >.And wipe my weeping eyes. < 2 Should earth against my soul engage, I,f And lell's fierce darts be hurled, < Then I can smile at Satan's rage, f And face a fiowning world. mf 2 Let cares, like a waiid deluge, come, And sl rs of sorr ow fall; I < lMaSy I but safely reach iy home,, -mrf i-hy God, miy iheven, myn all;rmp 4 There shall I batlhe my weary soul, $ > In seas of heavenly rest; f~ p ^And not a wave of trouble roll, pp Across my i pacefiul breasst. ~328 QI l 3s8. 7s and 6s, Peculiar, oJ O PPilz'rim's Song. fnm 1 I ISE, my soul!:I d stretch thy wings, lr Thy better portion trace; Rise fiom transitory things, o fuToward heaven, thy native place:': —'~~ Sun, and moon, and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove;:nf Rise, my soul! and haste away, To seats prepared above. - - -- - - ---- - ------------------- - -------- CHRISTIAN. 429 1 ~2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all t'heir course Fire asceinding seeks the sun,Both speed thn'om to Lher' source; So a soul, tlhat's born of God, Pants to vie,.r his glorious face; Upward 1 e1ds te o l is 1' abodte, dol To rest A his embrace. f 3 Cease, ye pilgrim is cease to mourn, Press onwardl to the -prize; Soon the Saviour will return, i f Triumph_ ant. ini tahe, skies: Yet a season,-iad you know, l -1Hppy entrance wil be given All our sorrows left below, < And earthlo exclhanged fr heaven. # GO) Hm 8M 0.1:. IS 32 I 03, 1?' l, o 05,Savation by Grace, I p 1 1 -! 0 eI c aroes's otur lnuerous faults I lJ iow great our guilt has been! Foolish andc vai,.ll were aIll our thoughts, And all our lives weree sin. mzf 2 But, 0 muy soul! for ever praise, For ever love his nsLa, m ~ TYWho turlns thy feet fro m- d anigerous ways > OOf iolly, sin, and sha. ~- 8 T is not by works of riFhteousness Which ou3r owy'n hands have done, < But we are saved, by sovereign grace, mf Abounding through his Son. 4 "T is fromn the 1inercy of our God, Th at acll our hope begin;'T is by th'e water, and the blood, Our souls are wiashed from sin. > 5 T is' through the purchase of his death p Who 1hu-i]' upon the tree, The Spirit is sent down, to breathe n zp On such dry bones as we. < 6.aissed frolm the dead, we live anew; rnmf And, justified by grace, We shall alpear in glory too, And see our Father's face. ^~ C I ~ ~ H~~~~O~~YI9.~~~te~94"~9W5)01~~~~4C1)9ti 430 HYMNS CCCXXX, eCCXXX.'~ ^ ^ l lTxTIYMT 330, S. xM. 0 3^0c Heavenly Joy onl Earth. rn jz)'e I _0OME, ye who love the Lord! i J And let your joys be known; Join in a song of sweet accord, d And thus su'round the throne., t 2 Let those refuse to sing, Wi3ho never knew our God; < B1ut cildren of. the heavenly King o q' i3nMay speak their joys abroad. } 3 The men of grace have found a Glory begun below; e Celestial fruits on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow. 4 The h-ill* of Zion wields I A thousand scred sce weets, Before i e reach the heavenly fields, a Or walk the golden streets. 5 Then let our songs abound, \\ And every tear be dry; f / We e'le marching through Immanuel's ground, a To fairer worlds on high. I $ ) l piY11 331, C. la. 533P 1 Redemption and Protection. f" 1 A- ISE, my soul! my joyful powers! A And triumph in my God; i Awake, nmy voice! and loud proclaim $ a His glorious grace abroad. a 2 Tle raised me from. the deeps of sin,8 AThe opening g'ates of hell; i And fixed my standing more secure, a Than't w 1as before I fell. a - 3 The arms of everlasting love, Beneath my soul he placed; a nAnd on the rock of ages set a My slippery footsteps fast. n f 4 The city of my blest abode Ts walled around with grace; $ f Salvation for a bulwark stands, a To shield the sacred place. } - - - ----- - ------ - ------- --- i ORCHRISTIAN. 431 " 5 Arise, my soul! awake, my voice! And tunes of pleasure sing; 7ff Loud hallelujahs shall address [My Saviour and my King. 332 Pleasures cunseen. mn 1 H! could our thoughts and wishes fly, > V Above these gloomy shades, $ < To those bright worlds, beyond the sky, i > Which sorrow ne'er invades! - 2 There, joys, unseen by mortal eyes, > Or reason's feeble ray, j < In ever-blooming prospects rise, m f Unconscious of decay. 3 Lord! send a beam of light divine, To guide our upward aim; With one reviving touch of thine, Our languid hearts inflame. nf 4 Oh! then, on faith's sublimest wing, < Our ardent hope shall rise f To those bright scenes, where pleasures spring Immortal, in the skies. } RYN 333, C. M.'333'h)'e oRobe of Righteousness. f/" 1 A WAKE, my heart! arise, my tongue! A Prepare a tuneful voice; In God, the life of all my joys, I Aloud will I rejoice. \: 2'T is he adorned my naked soul, And made salvation mine; p Upon a poor polluted worm, - He makes his graces shine. np 3 And, lest the shadow of a spot Should on my soul be found, He took the robe the Saviour wrought, And cast it all around. m f 4 How far the heavenly robe exceeds What earthly princes wear! These ornaments-how bright they shine How white the garments are! ^ >~~.~~ ^y4s~aa ~b~~%aH8b~6 432 HYMNS CCCXXXIV, CCCXXXV. 5 Strangely, my soul! art thou arrayed By the great sacred Three! < In sweetest harrmony of praise, ~i af [Let all thy poweres agree. mI, f 834, L. IMX, 3 ek4)2 The Christiaen Race. I f" I, WAKE, o-ur souls! awvay, our fears I f/ i A Let- every trembling thought be gone; Awalke-and run ite heavenly race, And put a cheerful courage on. 2 True,-'t is a strait and thorny road, > And mortal spirits tire and faint; I< But they forget the nlighty God, Irf TiWho feeds the strength of every saint;i f 8 The mighty Ciod, whose matchless power Is ever ne-, and ever young', 1i 1nXlAnd firm cndures, while endless years Their everlasting circles run. mf 4 From thee, the overflowing spring, Our souls shall drink a full supply; While such as trust their native strength, I > Shall melt away, and droop, and die. I 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'11 mount aloft to thine abode; $ On wings of love, our souls shall fly, Nor tire amlid the heavenly road. I 0 l,'IQqHu 385, C. 3.. J335 Ti/.e Christian Race, I f" 1, AAAKE, my soul! stretch every nerves fI 1 A And press with vigor on; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2'Tis God's all-animating voice, That calls thee from on high;'T is he, whose hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. I Wif 8 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way.,!~ICPLi3aI L~"O~~~~JBBO~~ 988Bib~h~~ s CHRISTIAN. 4833 4 Blest Saviour! introduced by thee, Our race have we begun; f And, crowned with vict'ry, at thy feet, We'11 lay our trophies down. HYMN 336, 7s. 33 6 0Rejoicing in Hope. mf 1 HILDREN of the heavenly King! As ye journey, sweetly sing; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are traveling home to God, In the way the fathers trod; They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 3 Shout, ye little flock! and blest; You on Jesus' throne shall rest; There, your seat is now prepared,- There, your kingdom and reward. 4 Fear not, brethren! joyful stand On the borders of your land; Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed go on. mp 5 Lord! submissive make us go, ~- Gladly leaving all below; Only thou our leader be, And we still will follow thee. HYX 337, L.. K. 337 The Christian Warfare. f 1 STAND up, my soul! shake off thy fears, U And gird the gospel armor on; March to the gates of endless joy, Where Jesus, thy great Captain,'s gone. 2 Hell and thy sins resist thy course, But hell and sin are vanquished foes; Thy Jesus nailed them to the cross, And sung the triumph, when he rose. 3 Then, let my soul march boldly on, Press forward to the heavenly gate; < There, peace and joy eternal reign, And glittering robes for conquerors wait. 19 434 HYMNS CCCXXXVIII, CCCXXXIX. 4 There shall I wear a starry crown, And triumph in almighty grace; While all the armies of the skies I Join in my glorious Leader's praise, $ Q92 Q 0.ilYMN 338, C. I. 338 the 2 Knowledge, —alas!'t is all in vain, mp And all in vain our fear: Our stubborn sins will fight and reign, If love be absent there. mf 3 This is the grace that lives and sings, When faith and hope shall cease; <'T is this shall strike our joyful strings in f In the sweet realms of bliss. 4 Before we ciuite forsake our clay, p Or leave this dark abode, q nf The wings of love bear us away, To see our smiling God. r )on YI N QQ 8-9, L. -1i. 3 39f)J ILove to God and Man. II And nobler speech than angels use,If love be absent, I am found > Like tinkling brass-an empty sound. 2 Were I inspired to preach, and tell All that is done in heaven and hell,Or could my faith the world remove, Still-I am nothing without love. 8 Should I distribute all my store, To feed the hungry, clothe the poor; Or give my body to the flame, To gain a martyr's glorious name;4 If love to God, and love to men, Be absent, all my hopes are vain: Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal, The work of love can e'er fulfill. CHRISTIAN. 435 o' ^ HYMN 340, L. M. 340 Who on Earth are blessed. m$ np 1 LEST are the humble souls, that see ID Their emptiness and poverty; Treasures of grace to them are given, f And crowns of joy laid up in heaven. > 2 Blest are the men of broken heart, np. Who mourn for sin with inward smart; The blood of Christ divinely flows- > A healing baln for all their woes. 3 Blest are the mleek, wvho stand afar From rage and passion, noise and war; God will secure their happy state, And plead their cause against the great. mf 4 Blest are the souls, that thirst for grace,- $ IHunger and long foir righteousness; They shall be well supplied, and fed, With living stlreams and living bread. d ~ ) g 3H.Wi, S43, L.,. I 0} -L WTVhio on. Earth, ars blessed. $ n 1 pLEST are the men, whose hearts do move p And melt with sympathy and love; From Christ, the Lord. shall they obtain Like sympathy and love again. 2 Blest are the pure, rwhose hearts are clean From the defiling power of sin With endless pleasure, they shall see A God of spotless purity. 8 Blest are the men of peaceful life, Who quench the coals of growing strife; < They shall be called the heirs of bliss,> The sons of God —the God' of peace.: mp 4 Blest are the sufferers, who partake Of pain and shame, for Jesus' sake;-' < Their souls shall triumph in the Lord,~ f Glory and joy are their reward. o aH flYM 342, C. i. 342 Brotherly Love. M 1 OWV sweet and heavenly is the sight, JL When those, who love the Lord, $ 436 IHYMNS CCCXLIII, CCCXLIV. In one Snother's peace delight, And so fulfill his word > 2 Oh! may we feel each brother's sigh, mp And with him bear a part; May sorrows flow from eye to eye, nmf And joy fiom heart to heart.' dol 3 Let love, in one delightful stream, Through every bosom flow; Let union sweet, and dear esteem, In every action, glow. 4 Love is the golden chain, that binds The happy souls above; And he's an heir of heaven, who finds His bosom glow with love. f 3 3, ) E^IH N 343, 7s. 43 Christian Union and Love. $ qff I TESUS, Lord! we look to thee, Let us in thy name agree; Show thyself the Prince of peace, Bid all strife for ever cease. 2 MIake us one in heart and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind, Lowly, meek, in thought and word, Wholly like our blessed Lord. S 3 Let us each for others care, Each his brother's burden bear, To thy church a. pattern give, Showing how believers live.!' mf 4 Let us, then, with joy, remove To thy family above.; f On the wings of angels fly,Showing how believers die. IQA ^ iYMN 344, S. IM.; 3Jz44 Christian Union. I m I LEST be the tie, that binds i Oure hearts, in Christian love; ~ The fellowship of kindred minds: Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne,;$ We pour our ardent prayers; 4-~~~~~~_~~~_ CHRISTIAN. 43 Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,Our comforts and our cares, mp 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; A And often, for each other, flows; > The sympafthizing tear. S $,ap 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. mf 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage, by the way; While each, in expectation, lives, And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin, we shall be fiee; And perfect love and fiiendship reign, Through all eternity. Q: ^ EgBYMN 345, S. X $ 45 Jill, one in Christ. m 1T ET party names no more The Christian world o'erspread: Gentile and Jew, and bond and free, Are one, in Christ, their head. 2 Among the saints on earth, Let mutual love abound;- Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crowned. 3 Thus will the church below Resemble that above, nmf Where streams of endless pleasure flow And every heart is love. 6< X r) o'^ 3 846, 7,. t346 Part;ing of Christians. m 1F OR a season called to part, I 1t Let us now ourselves commend, To the gracious eye and heart Bi Of our ever-present Friend. mp 2 Jesus! hear our humble prayer; Tender Shepherd of thy sheep! 438 HYMNS CCCXLVII, CCCXLVII. Let thy mercy and thy care All our souls in safety keep.,, 3 In thy strength may we be strong; Sweeten every cross and pain; Grant, that, if we live, ere-long u i We may mleet in peace again. 1 4 Then, if thou thy help afford, mfI Joyful songs to thee shall rise, < And our souls shall praise the Lord,'> AlWho regards our humble cries. I Y IT 347, C,. i. 34 7 Love to our Neighbor. m 1 t1 ATHER of mercies! send thy grace I - All-powerful froml above, o To form, in our obedient souls, The image of thy love. 2 Oil! may our sympathizing breasts e o'That generous pleasure know, ) p> Kindly to share in others' joy, I And weep for others' woe. i p 3 When the most helpless sons of grief, In low distress, are laid, Soft be otur hearts their pains to feel, n mp 4 So Jesus looked on dying men, -t - -When throned above the skies; And, mid th' embraces of thy love,! He felt compassion rise. mf 5 On wings of love the Saviour flew, To raise us fiom the ground; And gave his own most precious blood, > A bal for every wound. 9 I 3ei8 X o H~HYMNH 348, C. 4H. )348 p Cosmpa.ssion and Charity. I rnp 1 BLEST is the man, whose softening heart hI Feels all another's pain; $ To whom the supplicating eye, Is never raised in vain; i 2 Whose breast expands with generous warmth,, I A brother's woes to feel, ^: k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' IS ~CHRISTIAN. 439 1 Vp And bleeds in pity o'er the wound He wants the power to heal. m ap 3 He spreads his kind supporting arms To every child of grief; -~- His secret bounty largely flows, $ And brings unasked relief. \ smp 4 To gentle offices of love, His feet are never slow; He views, through mercy's melting eye, A brother in a foe. $,~ 5 He, from the bosom of his God, Shall present peace receive; \ And, when he kneels before the throne, | < His trembling soul shall live. o^ 349 HYM 849, C. X. 49B. leFor benevolent Societies. mf I 1][RIGHT Source of everlasting loveo i To thee our souls we raise; And, to thy sovereign bounty, rear A monument of praise. 2 Thy mercy gilds the path of life, With every cheering ray, > Kindly restrains the rising tear, p Or wipes that tear away. 3 When sunk in guilt, our souls approached The borders of despair, < Thy grace, through Jesus' blood, proclaimed I mf A free salvation near. 4 What shall we render, bounteous Lord! For all the grace we see? p Alas! the goodness, worms can yield, 5 To tents of woe, to beds of pain, ~- Our cheerful feet repair; And, with the gifts thy hand bestows, Relieve the mourners there. < 6 The widow's heart shall sing for joy, -' The orphan shall be fed; < The hungering soul we'11 gladly point I mnf To Christ, the living bread. A**^0*to-t~3C9~~~1*a~Se ~****a*0*t**%9* 440 HYMYNS CCCL, CCCLI. i; BYN Q 350,,CM. 3f 50 U cCharitable appropriations, I n 1 JESUS, our Lord! how rich thy grace! Thiy bounties-how complete! How shall we count the wondrous sum, Or pay the mighty debt? mf 2 High on a throne of radiant light,' Dost thou exalted shine;, --- What can our poverty bestow, Since all the world is thine? 8 But thou hast brethren here below, The children of thy grace, Whose humble namnes thou wilt confess, Before thy Father's face. 4 In them-mnay'st thou be clothed and fed, Be visited and cheered; > And, in their accents of distress, - The Saviour's voice be heard. mp 5 Whate'er our willing lands can give, Lord! at thy feet we lay; < Grace will the humble gift receive, g - And grace at length repay. 5 H 1Yi 351, S. ML. t) JL Sueepports of Religion. mp 1 -ITHEN gloomy doubts and fears The trembling heart invade, And all the face of nature wears A universal shade;- 2 Religion can assuage The tempest of the soul; And every fear gives up its rage, At her divine control. 3 Through life's bewildered way, Her hand unerring leads; And, o'er the path, her heavenly ray A cheering lustre sheds. 4 When reason, tired and blind, p Sinks helpless and afraid; Thou blest Supporter of the mind!'M~f How powerful is thine aid! h —**b^a —------------ CHRISTIAN. 441 - 5 Oh! let me feel thy power, And find thy sweet relief, To cheer my every gloomy hour, i mp And calm my every grief. It Q^Q F;HYMN 352, C. M. 352J Contrition and Prayer. aff 1 -H! for that tenderness of heart, That bows before the Lord;! That owns how just and good thou art, And trembles at thy word. 2 Oh! for those humble, contrite tears, Which fromn repentance flow; That sense of guilt, which, trembling, fears I'The long-suspended blow! 3 Saviour! to me, in pity give, *$ P[For sin, thle deep distress; The pledge thou wilt, at last, receive, j > And'bid ine die in peace.' mf 4 Oh! fill my soul with faith and love, And strength to do thy will; I Raise my desires and hopes above,- Thyself to me reveal. i y;9 E3YMT 3353, 8s, 7s anda 4. 3 3 )) HIope encouraged. \ p 1 I MY soul I what means this sadness? U Wherefore art thou thus cast down? Let thy grief be turned to gladness, -- Bid thy restless fear begone; mf Look to Jesus, I And rejoice in his dear name. \- 2 Though ten thousand ills beset thee, I > Though thy heart is stained with sin, Jesus lives, he 11 ne'er forget thee, He will make thee pure within;. emf He is faithful' f To perform hLis gracious word. np 3 Though distresses now attend thee, $! And thou tread'st the thorny road; $ \ mf His right hand shall still defend thee; $ Soon he'11 bring thee home to God; I f Tihou shalt praise hinm,- Praise the great Redeemer's name. 19* 442 HYMNS CCCLIV, CCCLV. nf 4 Oh! that I could now adore him, Like the heavenly host above, Who for ever bow before him, And unceasing sing his love! f ~Happy spirits! When shall I your chorus join? <354t E]HYMN 354, C. M. <354, Strength from Heaven. mp 1 W[HENCE do our mournful thoughts arise, v v And where's our courage fled? Have restless sin, and raging hell, Struck all our comforts dead? mf 2 Have we forgot th' almighty Nrame, That formed the earth and sea? And can au all-creating arml > Grow weary, or decay? inf 3 Treasures of everlasting might In our Jehovah dwell; He gives the conquest to the weak, And treads their foes to hell. > 4 Mere mortal powers shall fade and die, mp And youthful vigor cease; But we, that wait upon the Lord, < Shall feel our strength increase. f 5 The saints shall mount on eagles' wings, And taste the promised bliss; Till their unwearied feet arrive, Where perfect pleasure is. 3 S'iYsmN 355, -I. M. 355J ~ Spiritual Desertion. np 1 WI^HERE is my Satviour now, W Whose siniles I once possessed? > Till he return, I bow, p By heaviest grief oppressed: My days of happiness have gone, > And I am left to weep alone. nmp 2 Where can the mourner go, And tell his tale of grief? > Ah! who can soothe his woe, < And give him sweet relief? ! (DRCHRISTIAN. 443 } mp Earth cannot heal the wounded breast, Nor give the troubled sinner rest. 3 Jesus! thy smiles impart; My dearest Lord! return, And ease my wounded heart, And bid me cease to mourn: < Then shall this night of sorrow flee, mnp And peace and heaven be found in thee,!i 356 ~ llPHYMN 356, L. M. 356 5LAskilng divine Consolation iwp 1 SWEET peace of conscience, heavenly guest! Colle, fix thy mansion in my breast, Dispel my doubts, my fears control, And heal the anguish of my soul. I-' 2 Come, smiling hope! and joy sincere! Comle, make your constant dwelling here; Still let your presence cheer my heart, Nlor sin compel you to depart. 3 Thou God of hope and peace divine! Oh! make these sacred pleasures mine; <:Forgive my sins, my fears remove,;~ - Arnd send the tokens of thy love. > 4 Then should mine eyes, without a tear, p See death with all its terrors near, < My heart should then in death rejoice, > And raptures tune my faltering voice. 357 sHYiN 387, C. 1,X.35 iBeatific Vision of Christ. f 1 FROM thee, my God! my joys shall rise, f - 1 And run eternal rounds, Beyond the limits of the skies, And all created bounds. 2 The holy triumphs of my soul Shall death itself out-brave, Leave dull mortality behind, And fly beyond the grave. 3 There, where my blessed Jesus reigns, In heaven's unmeasured space, I'1ll spend a long eternity In pleasure, and in praise. a_** —tE***e~)~~9~ 04~C~SwaHBM>~~b~9Wlts~~~~BBr-*-g )I ~~ 444 HYMNS CCCLVIII, CCCLIX. mf 4 Blest Jesus! every smile of thine And thousand tastes of new delight From all thy graces spring. 5 Haste, my Beloved! fetch my soul Up to thy blest abode; f lFly-for my spirit longs to see My Saviour, and my God. 5r)^Q YN358,C., M. m 1 WHILE througnh this changing world we roam, From infancy to age, Heaven is the christian pilgrim's home, His rest at every stage. < 2 Thither, his raptured thought ascends, nmf Eternal joys to share; > There, his adoring spirit bends, mp While here, he kneels in prayer. 3 From earth his freed affections rise, To fix on things above, Where all his hope of glory lies,Where all is perfect love. 4 There too may we our treasure place, — There let our hearts be found; That still, where sin abounded, grace < May more and more abound.?nf 5 Henceforth, our conversation be, With Christ before the throne; Ere-long we, eye to eye, shall see, And know as we are known. A;QHYMN 359, 0. P. M. 359 Worldliness lamented. n f 1 THE mind was formed, to mount sublime, I Beyond the narrow bounds of time, To everlasting things; rnp But earthly vapors dim her sight, And hang, with cold oppressive weight, > Upon her drooping wings. f 2 Bright scenes of bliss,-unclouded skies, Invite my soul; —Oh! could I rise, N or leave a thought below, ~ ~.__-+bO.'~^~*_ ~ - CGcICHRISTIAN. 445 ~- I'd bid farewell to anxious care, And say. to every tempting snare,t Heaven calls, and I must go:3 Heaven calls, —and can I yet delay? Can aught on earth engage my stay p Ah! wretched lingering heart! < GCome, Lord! with strength, and life, and light, - Assist and guide my upward flight,! And bid the world depart. a (N 360, 8ss. $ 360 Backsliders invited to return. aff 1 YETURN to the guide of thy youth,-'l Thy 1 hMaker, thy Father, thy Friend! 3Behold him prepared to receive The child who lhas dared to offend: Return-the -Redeemer invites; Full oft he hIath soughi thee before;But, lo! with unspeakable grace, He deigns to entreat thee once more. Too vast bfor the heart to conceive;-~ Enjoymients, which only belong To those who repent and believe; < A love which for ever expands; --- Unceasing composure of heart; mf A crown of unfading delight; A kingdom which cannot depart. 361C,an 361 God, te author of Jlercies and afflictions. m 1 NTAKED, as from the earth we came, 1 And roso to life at first, We to the earth return again, > And mingle with the dust. 2 The dear delights we here enjoy, And fondly call our own, Are only favors borrowed now, To be repaid anon. 3'T is God, who lifts our comforts high, mp Or sinks them in the grave; i He gives, and-blessed be his name!He takes but what:he gave. ~~~ 446 HYMNS CCCLXII, CCCLXIII. 4 Peace, all our angry passions! then; Let each rebellious sigh np Be silent, at his sovereign will, P > And every murmur die. ~ -- o If smiling mercy crown our lives, mf Its praises shall be spread; And we'11 adore the justice too, > That strikes our comforts dead. o362 HYN Q362, 8s and 7s. * 62 eU Eternity. mnp I IN this world of sin and sorrow, I Compassed round with every care, From eternity we borrow < -lope that banishes despair. rmf 2 Thee, triumphant God and Saviour! In the glass of faith we see, i> Oh! assist each faint endeavor, $< Raise our earth-born souls to thee. mp 3 Bring that awful scene before us, Of the last tremendous day, i~- When to life thou wilt restore us;mp Lingering ages! haste away. 4 Then this vile and sinful nature incorruption shall put on; m/ Life-renewing, glorious Saviour! Let thy gracious will be done., 3>H N 363,. X. 36 Trust in God. 1np 1 YOUR harps, ye trembling saints! i Down from the willows take; mf Loud to the praise of love divine, f Bid every string awake. 2 Though in a foreign land, We are not far from home; And, nearer to our house above, W e every moment come. 8 His grace will, to the end, < Stronger and brighter shine; m f Nor present things, nor things to come, Shall quench this spark divine. -CHRISTIAN. - 44 B -~ 4 When we in darkness walk, \ NlNor feel the heavenly flame, Then will we trust our gracious God,' And rest upon his name. Soon shall our doubts and fears Subside at his control; His loving-kindness shall break through The midnight of the soul. 6 Blest is the main, 0 God! That stays himself on thee:< Who waits for thy salvation, Lord! nf Shall thy salvation see. r)9 a X RYMN 364, 8s, 7s aad 4. < 364f The Gladness of the Righteous. m I n APR from us be grief and sadness,' Farther still unhallowed mirth: nf Zion's sons may sing, with gladness, Theirs are joys of heavenly birth: Jesus owns them,i Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth. 2 All the worldling's mirth is madness, All his labor fruitless toil:'T is the saints that taste of gladness, Though the world their choice revile: do2 Sweet their portion;Life is in the Saviour's smile. 3 Worlds would seem as nothing to us, Balanced with a Saviour's love: Since the Lord in mercy drew usDrew our souls to things above, Earthly objects Can no longer greatly move. 4 Once the world was all our treasure; Then the world our hearts possessed; nf Now we taste sublimer pleasure, Since the Lord has made us blest; We can witness,Jesus gives his people rest. 448 HYMNS CCCLXV, CCCLXVI. ~e 2) GX HYMN 365, 8s and 7s, 0 1 G PYilgridns. mp I ENTLY, Lord! Oh! gently lead us, G Through this lonely vale of tears; Through the changes thou'st decreed us, Till our last great change appears: When temptation's darts assail us, When in devious paths we stray, $ Let thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in thy perfect way. 2 In the hour of pain and anguish, p In the hour when death draws near, mp Suffer not our hearts to languish, Suffer not our souls to fear: And, when mortal life is ended, Bid us on thy bosom rest, < Till, by angel bands attended, f We awake among the blest. 36 6 i HYMN 366, 7s and 6s, Peculiar. 6 U6 0 Pleading by the Cross. aff 1 LAMB of God! whose bleeding love L We now recall to mind, Send the answer fiom. above, And let us mercy find: Think on us who think on thee; Every burdened soul release; Oh! remember Calvary, > - And bid us go in peace. aff 2 Let thy blood, by faith applied, The sinner's pardon seal; Speak us fieely justified, And all our sickness heal: By thy passion on the tree, Let our griefs and troubles cease; Oh! remember Calvary, > And bid us go in peace. aff 3 Can we ever hence depart, Till thou our wants relieve? Write forgiveness on our heart, And all thine image give: Still our souls shall cry to thee, Till renewed by holiness,Oh! remember Calvary, >9 And bid us go in peace. And hid I OHRISTIAN. 449 i 3 q rHYMN 367,. I. 3 7 sAskin g flercy in jiffiiction. aff I THOU whose mercy guides my way! I Though now it seems severe, 0! Forbid my unbelief to say2 There is no mercy here. g 2 Oh! grant me to desire the pain, That comes in kindness down, AMore than the world's alluring gain, Succeeded by a fiown. 8 Then, tough thou bend nmy spirit low, Love only shall I see; The very hand, that strikes the blow, $ Was wounded once for me. t L6)8o ~ S~E~IYMx 368, C. II. 36 08 C'onfidence in God's Government. m I QINCE all the varying scenes of time k God's watchful eye surveys, Oh! who so wise to choose our lot, Or to appoint our ways? 2 Good, when he gives-supremely good; Nor less, when he denies; E'en crosses, from his sovereign hand, Are blessings in disguise. 8 Why should we doubt a Father's love, So constant and so kind? To his unerring gracious will,: Be every wish resigned. 4 In thy fair book of life divine, My God! inscribe my name; nmp There let it fill some humble place, Beneath Lny Lord, the Lamb! n B369. HYii 369, 11s. 6J 3 Relying on the Promises. I7 f I fOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord! I, II Is laid for your faith in his excellent word I I What more can he say, than to you he hath said,-! e You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled? 2 Fear not, I am with thee, Oh! be not dismayed, $ I-I am thy God, and will still give thee aid; I'11 strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to Upheld by my righteous,omnipotent hand. [stand, ~~~~na~~*~C~~~4)4)~C~5~~~~C~nZ~~~~M~t~~~~S~~~~DI~~~5~ 450 HYMN CCCLXX. - 3 When through the deep waters I cause thee to go, < The rivers of solrow shall not thee o'erflow; n f For I will be with thee, thy troul bles to ess, > And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. - 4 When thro' fiery trials thy path-ay shall lie, My grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply; The flame shall not hurt thee,-I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 5 E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove i y sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; And, when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn, dol Like lambs they shall still, in my bosom, be borne. 6 The soul, that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, - I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes; $ < That soul, the' all hell should endeavor to shake, mf I'll never, —no, never, —no, never forsake. I ~!wnn 370, C. I-. 370 Comrplazning, of spiritual Sloth. m 1 1Y drowsy powers! why sleep ye so? I- Awake, my sluggish soul! Nothing has half thy work to do, Y et nothing's half so dull. 2 The little ants, for one poor grain, Labor, and tug, and strive; \ ~ Yet we, who have a heaven t' obtailn, — > Ilow negligent we live!- 3 We, for whose sake all nature stands, And stars their courses move;< We, for whose guard the angel bands inf Come flying fromn above;- 4 We, for whom God, the Son, came down, And labored for our good;Inp How careless to secure that crown i > He purchased with his blood!:mp 5 Lord! shall w —e lie so sluggish still, Come, holy Dove-! from th' heavenly hill, And sit and warm our hearts. 6 Then shall our active spirits move,< Upward our souls shall rise: nmf With hands of faith, and wings of love, f We'11 fly and take the prize. 4 _ —-- i CHRISTIAN. 451 That soon will fade and die; — -- INo longer these desiring, Upwward our wishes tend, nf To nobler bliss aspiring, And joys that never end. > 2 From every piercing sorrow, mp That heaves our breast to-day, Or threatens us to-morrow, Hope turns our eyes away; mf On wings of faith ascending, We see the land of light, And feel our sorrows ending, In infinite delight. - 3'T is true we are but strangers And pilgrims here below, And countless snares and dangers Surround the path we go: mp Though paintul and distressing, < Yet there's a rest above; mnf And onward still we'lre pressing, To reach that land of love. 3 H72YMN 372, 7s. i372 Int Darkness. m 1 ONCE I thought my mountain strong, L Firmly fixed, no more to move; rnf Then my Saviour was my song, Then my soul was filled with love: Those were happy, golden days, Sweetly spent in prayer and praise. 2 Little, then, myself I knew, Little thought of Satan's power; rnmp ]Now I feel my sins renew, N ow I feel the stormy hour; Sin has put my joys to flight,p Sin has turned my day to night. aff 8 Saviour shine, and cheer my soul, Bid my dying hopes revive, 452 HYMNS CCCLXXIII, CCCLXXIV. Make my wounded spirit whole, Far away, the tempter drive; Speak the word and set me free,- Let mle live alone to thee. * MIN 3 873, L. El. 373 Inconstant Heart lamented. aff 1 {! wr etched, vile, ungrateful hear!t I A a That can fi'om Jesus thus depart; e! Thus, fond of trifles, vainly rove, y Forgetful of a Saviour's love. 2 In vain I charge my thoughts to stay, And chide earth's vanities away; I There's nought beneath a power divine, That can this roving heart confine. 3 Jesus! to thee I would return, And, at thy feet iepenting, mourn; There let mne view thy pard'ning love, And never from thy sight remove. 4 Oh! let thy love, with sweet control, Bind all the passions of my soul; Bid every earthly charm depart, And dwell for ever in my heart. eo^1 65>''f,4 X7HI-I 374, L. Sl. 3 i Secret Self-Examination. a ff 1 1PETURN7, m-y roving heart! return, t s And chase those shadowy forms no more; * 1Now, seek, in solitude, to mourn, $ And thy iforsaken God implore. 2 0 thou g eat God! whose piercing eye Distinctly marks each deep recess; — In these secuestered hours draw nligh, And with thy presence fill the place. 3 Through all the wdinings of my heart, M iy search let heavenly wisdom guide, And still its radiant beams impart, Till all be cleansed and purified. 4 Oh! with the visits of thy love, Vouchsafe my inmost soul to cheer;! Till every grace shall join to prove, ~ That God has fixed his dwelling here. ~*__4b_****-_~*~_***********s~__w*******~-***+*s** +. I ODCHRISTIAN. 453 O.. —-....................-.............. \ Q75^ EHYMN 375, C. M. 375 T/e Pilgrimage of the Saints. ff J l ORD! what a wretched land is this, $ L Tliat yields us no supply,$ No cheering fruits, no wholesome trees, [Nor streams of living joy! $ 2 Long nights and darkness dwell below, With scarce a twinkling ray: mf But the bright world, to which we go, Is everlasting day. mp 3 Our journey is a thorny maze, i - But we march upward still,Forget these troubles of the ways, mnf And reach at Zion's hill. - 4 See the kind angels, at the gates, Inviting us to come! There Jesus, the forerunner, waits To welcome travelers home. dol 5 There, on a green and flowery mount, mp Our weary souls shall sit, mf And, with transporting joys, recount The labors of our feet. f 6 Eternal glory to the King, Who brought us safely through, Our tongues shall never cease to sing, And endless praise renew.: 3 n EPHYMN 376, C. M. 37 0 Filial Submission. aff I ASD can my heart aspire so high, ATo say —" My Father, God?" Lord! at thy feet I fain would lie, And learn to kiss the rod. 2 I would submit to all thy will, For thou art good and wise; Let each rebellious thought be still, Nor one faint murmur rise. 8 Thy love can cheer the darkest gloom, And bid me wait serene; < Till hopes and joys immortal bloom, mnf And brighten all the scene. rQ —-~ —-u -~ -~aL^ 454 HYMNS CCCLXXVII, CCCLXXVIII. 4 " My Father God!" permit my heart n mp To plead her humble claim, And ask the bliss those words impart, In my Redeemer's name. 3I 77 QIHYMN 377, C. M. 37 7 h Unfrluitfuilness. I 1 ONG have I sat beneath the sound L1 Of thy salvation, Lord! But still, how weak my faith is found, And knowledge of thy word! 2 Oft I frequent thy holy place, And hear almost in vain; How small a portion of thy grace My mem'ry can retain p 3 How cold and feeble is my love! I How negligent my fear! \ mp How low my hope of joys above! How few affections there! - 4 Great God! thy sovereign power impart, To give thy wvord success; $ lWrite thy salvation in my heart, And make me learn thy grace. 5 Show my forgetful feet the way, }< That leads to joys on high; There knowledge grows without decay, And love shall never die. 378 YM 378, S. M. 378 Ingratitude to divine Goodness. aff 1 S this the kind return? I Are these the thanks we owe? Thus to abuse eternal love, Whence all our blessings flow! 2 To what a stubborn frame Hath sin reduced our mind! i What strange, rebellious wretches we, And God as strangely kind! $ 8 Tarn, turn us, mighty God! And mould our souls afresh; Break, sovereign grace! these hearts of stone, And give us hearts of flesh. 4 -+ CHRISTIAN. 455 I 4 Let past ingratitude i: Provoke our weeping eyes; t- ~ And hourly, as new mercies fall, n mf Let h ourly thanks arise. 379 dnHIN 379, C.,. 3 Repentance i7 View of divine Patienc. i a f /N A D are wve, wretches, yet alive? hAnd do Awe yet rebel?'T is boundless-'t is amazing love,- That bears us up fromn hell! 2 The burden of our weighty guilt Would sink us down to flames; And threatening vengeance rolls above, To crush our feeble framnes. 3 Ahlmightv goodness cries-" Forbear 1~~ ~ And straight the thunder stays;' ac{ And dare we now provoke his wrath, \ Anld we'ary out his grace? \ - 4 Lord! we hlave lonog abused thy love,Too long indulged our sin; i Our acling hearts e'en bleed to see I What rebels -we have been. 5 No more, ye lusts! shall ye command,No nmore will we obey: rfnf And drive thy foes away. 3 r ou 380, C ci. h;380 Backslidings and Returns. aoff I WI}rHY is mv heart so far fiom thee, } I V My God! my chief delight? \ * Why are my thoughts no more, by day,- } With thee, no more by night? 2 Why should my foolish passions rove? Where can such sweetness be, As I have tasted in thy love,As I have found in thee? 3 When my forgetful soul renews The savor of thy grace, My heart presumes, I cannot lose The relish all my days. P* B*****+rss%0+***s**g*0_*v 456 HYMNS CCCLXXXI, CCCLXXXII. 4 But, ere one fleeting hour is past, The flattering world employs Some sensual bait, to seize my taste, And to pollute my joys. 5 Wretch that I am, to wander thus, In chase of false delight! Let me be fastened to thy cross, Rather than lose thy sight. 6 Make haste, imy days! to reach the goal, And bring my heart to rest On the dear centre of my soul,My God, my Saviour's breast. Q$ o l;:)WI-'N 881, 0. X 381) Watchfulness and Prayer. aff I ALAS I whabt hourly dangers rise, ~ What snares beset my way! To heaven, Oh! let me lift mine eyes, And, hourly, waftch and pray. 2 How oft my mourn-iful tlhoughts complain, g Anrd melt in flowing tears! I strive against my foes in vain,I sink amid my fears. 3 0 Lord! increase my faith and hope, When foes and fears prevail; And bear my fainting spirit up, Or soon my strength will fail. 4 Oh! keep me in thy heavenly way, And bid the tempter flee; And never, never let me stray From happiness and thee. 38^5 2 Hardness of Heart lamented, aff I /\H! for a glance of heavenly day, V To chase the shades of night away; To melt, with beams of love divine, This unrelenting heart of mine. < S The rocks can rend, the earth can quake, | f The ocean roar, the mountain shake; --- All nature feels, and gives the sign, qmnp But not this stubborn heart of mine. I uu-.ILP —— ra~rn~M-~-. — ~Q~HO~~~ 8n~~ sOT1-~-~-~-UV-~~'C~L~b CHRISTIAN..457 aff 3 Dear Lord! The sorrows, thou hast felt, Might cause a heart of stone to melt; Yet, I can read each sacred line, And nothing melt this heart of mine. -- 4 But power supreme the soul can move, g> And purify, and melt to love; } - Come, Holy Spirit! Power divine! np Oh! come, subdue this heart of mine. And faith assures us, though we die,?nf That heavenly building stands. 3 8-1YmiN 388, 6. M81.! 386 The Power of Faith. m n 1 IjAITII adds new charms to earthly bliss, I 1 FAnd saves me from its snares; Its aid, in every duty, brings, mPp And softens all my cares. < 2 The wounded conscience knows its power, ~- The healing balm to give; < That balm the saddest heart can cheer, ~- And make the dying live. rmf 3 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain. 4 It shows the precious promise, sealed With the Redeemer's blood;:< And helps my feeble hope to rest mf Upon a faithful God. 5 There-there unshaken would I rest, > Till this vile body dies; < And then, on faith's triumphant wings, f To endless glory rise. 4,__ CHRISTIAN. 459 1387 JstHYMN 387, C. M. 8 3 7 Justification; or, Law and Grace. 1 AIN are the hopes, the sons of men t On their own works have built;Their hearts, by nature, all unclean, > And all their actions, guilt. -- 2 Let Jew and Gentile stop their mouths, Without a lmurm'rring word; And the whole race of Adam stand imp Guilty before the Lord. - 3 In vain we ask God's righteous law To justify us now; Since to convince, and to condemn, Is all the law can do. nf 4 Jesus! how glorious is thy grace!When in thy name we trust, Our faith receives a righteousness, \ That makes the sinner just. 388 ThLe Value of Christ and his Righteousness. m w 1 TO mlore, —my God! I boast no more, II ~ ~ Of all the duties I have done; I quit the hopes I held before, To trust the,merits of thy Son. 2 Now, for the love I bear his name, VW hat was rmly gain, I count my loss; I l y former pride I call my shame, And nail my glory to his cross. 3 Yes,-and I must, and will, esteem All things but loss for Jesus' sake; Oh! may my soul be found in him, And of his righteousness partake. 4 The best obedience of my hands Dares not appear before thy throne; I But faitl can answer thy demands, I 1By pleading \what my Lord has done. 389 RY1IHN3S9,GC. M. 389 f t Retirement. M 1 AR from the world, 0 Lord? I flee,FJ From strife and tumult far; i40*s - *~~~~C~O0)W ~ L~)~ 460 HYMN CCCXC. $ i s.... _ ~ ~ i ~. $ From scenes, where Satan wages still His most successful war. p 2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With prayer and praise agree; And seem, by thy sweet bounty, made For those who follow thee. 8 There, if thy Spirit touch the soul, And grace her mean abode, Oh! with what peace, and joy, and love, She then comlmunes with God! 4 There, like the nightingale, she pours $ Her solitary lays; Nor asks a witness of her song, Nor thirsts for human praise. 5 Author and guardian of ny life,Sweet source of light divine,And-all harmonious names in one- Blest Saviour!-thou art mine. 6 What thanks I owe thee, and what love! I mf And praise, an endless store, Shall echo through the realms above,, When time shall be no more. r)Q?^f HYMN 390, 7s. <390J L^ Privileges of Adoption, m I LESSED ale thle sons of God; B They are bought with Jesus blood;,~ They are ransomled from the grave;-~ Life eternal they shall have: - With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. 2 They are justified by grace; They enjoy the Saviour's peace; All their sins are washed away; They shall stand in God's great day: With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity.. 3 They produce the fruits of grace, In the works of righteousness; > They are harmless, meek, and mild, $ i mp Holy, blameless, undefiled: ~ * _ _ r **r * _ *%_~__v CHRISTIAN. 461 With them numbered may we be Here, and in eternity. mf 4 They are lights upon the earth,Children of a heavenly birth,- One with God, with Jesus one; Glory is in thein begun: With them numbered may we be, HElHere, and in eternity. eBb T YH N 391, C. II. 391J Eope of Heaven through Christ. mf I DLEST be the everlasting God, B The Father of our Lord; e e his abounding mercy. praised, His majesty adored. 2 When from the dead he raised his Son, And called him to the sky, < He gave our souls a lively hope, That they should never die. - 3 What though our inbred sins require Our flesh to see the dust; < Yet, as the Lord, our Saviour, rose, So all his foll'wers nmust. 4 There's an inheritance divine, Reserved against that day;'T is uncorrupted, undefiled, And cannot waste away. mf 5 Saints, by the power of God, are kept Till the salvation come; > We walk by faith, as strangers here, ~- Till Christ shal all al us home. Hn) 392, S. M. $ 39J2 d~ J~eidoption. m 1 BEHOLD! what wondrous grace O The Father has bestowed, On sinners of a mortal race, To call them sons of God. 2 T is no surprising thing, That we should be unknown; The Jewish world knew not their King,God's everlasting Son. 3 Nor doth it yet appear, How great we must be made; I- That me shoulit be uabnown;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 462 HYMNS CCCXCIII, CCGXCIV. 3But, when we see our Saviour here, We shall be like our Head. 4 A hope, so much divine, May trials well endure; As Christ, the Lord, is pure. 5 If, in my Father's love, I share a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove, To rest upon my heart. m np 6 We would no longer lie, Like slaves, beneath the throne; ~ - - Our faith shall —" Abba, Father!"- cry, And thou the kindred own. YriN 393, C. T. 393 5 Fear not the terrors of the grave, Nor death's tremendous sting; He will, from endless wrath, preservef To endless glory bring. FIR i a Y 394, C. M. 3 t94 Saints in the Hands of Christ. mf I1 F[IRM as the earth, thy gospel stands, My Lord, my hope, my trust I.9~ I CHRISTIAN. 463; If I am found in Jesus' hands, I Miy soul can ne'er be lost. 2 His honor is engaged to save The meanest of his sheep; All, whom his heavenly Father gave, His hands securely keep. 3 Nor death, nor hell, shall e'er remove, His favyrites flio his breast; In the cear bosolm of his love, They must for ever rest. e5 Q 2-HIN8 395, L. M. 395) ef o Hope in the Covenante. m 1 HOW oft have sin and Satan strove, S To rend my soul from thee, my God I But everlasting is thy love, And Jesus seals it with his blood. 2 The oath and promise of the Lord'M Join to confirm the wondrous grace; mnf Eternal power performs the word, f And fills all heaven with endless praise. 3 Amid temptations, sharp and long, M y soul to this dear refuge flies; < Hope is my anchor, firm and strong, f While tempests blow, and billows rise. - 4 The gospel bears my spirit up; Lays the foundation for my hope, In oaths, and promises, and blood. o QiN 398, L. M. 39 60 Sccu'rity of the Saints. m IWlHO shall the Lord's elect condemn? — HI'T is God, vwho justifies their souls; < And mercy, like a mighty stream, ~ <- O'er all their sins divinely rolls. 2 Who shall adjudge the saints to hell?- CT is Christ, who suffered in their stead, < And, the salvation to fulfill, inf Behold him, rising from the dead! f 8 ives-he lives, and reigns above, For ever interceding there;'$ llt 4 But now, when evening shade prevails, i p My soul in darkness mourns: - - ----------—. —------ -F~ ~ ---— +~**sssh6s b4** CHRISTIAN. 465 ~ - And, when the morn the light reveals, $ p No light to me returns. - Rise, Saviour!-help me to prevail, And nmake my soul thy care; I know thy mercy cannot fail,-; JLet me that mercy share. i 399~ QiY Q399, C., I u399 )Seeking God. i af 1 HI that I knew the secret place, $ V Where I might find my God; $ I'd spread nmy wants before his face, And pour my woes abroad. 2 I'd tell him how my sins arise,- What sorrows I sustain, I How grace decays, and comfort dies, And leave my heart in pain. 8 He knows what arguments I d take, To wrestle with ly God I i'd plead for his own mercy's sake,, And for my Saviour's blood. 4 My God will pity my complaints, * And heal imy broken bones; I He takes the mneaning of his saints,- f The language of their groans., $ m/f 6 Arise, my soul! fiomr deep distress, And banish every fear; < He calls thee, to iis throne of grace, @ > To spread thy sorrows there. 4 00 nYMN 400, C. M. $ 4 0U0 Wtrallkin2g with God. mp 1 H I for a closer walk with God, A calmn and heavenly frame,- A. light to shine upon the road, That leads me to the Lamb! e! 2 Where is the blessedness I knew, I When first I saw the Lord? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus, and his word? 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed! HIow sweet their mem'ry still! 2*' 20*Z 466 HYMN COCCI. But they have left an aching void, The world can never fill. 4 Return, 0 holy Dove! return, Sweet messenger of rest! I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known,Whatever that idol be,Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my friame; < So purer light shall mark the road s nf That leads me to the Lamb. i; /jn 1 E N 4601,'s. 0 1 Love to Christ. n" 1 HT]ARK! my soul! it is the Lord; 1'T is thy Saviour-hear his word; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee," Say, poor sinne r! lovest thou me? - 2 " I delivered thee, when bound, nzp And, when bleeding, healed thy wound; Sought thee wandering, set thee right, < Turned thy darkness into light. np 3 "Can a woman's tender care Cease towards the child she bare? Yes, she may forgetful be,:~ Yet will I remember thee. - 4 " Miine is an unchanging love, I Higher than the heights above;,i Deeper than the depths beneathI Free and faithful-strong as death. zf 5 "Thou shalt see my glory soon, leWhen the work of grace is done; Partner of my throne shalt be;} >/ Say, poor sinner! lovest thou me' mp 6 Lord! it is my chief complaint, That my love is weak and faint; mf Yet I love thee, and adore;Oh! for grace to love thee more. a *W~~ C~~~OLB~0*B~* _t0 * *.* _ _ ~ I CHRISTIAN. 467'H-YMN 402, C. X $:402 Love to Christ.' 1 10 not I love thee, O my Lord? J Behold my heart, and see; And turn each hateful idol out, That dares to rival thee. 2 Do not I love thee, from my soul? Then let me nothing love: Dead be my heart to every joy, Which thou dost not approve. 3 Is not thy name melodious still, To mine attentive ear? Doth not each pulse with pleasure beat, My Saviour's voice to hear? 4 Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock, I would disdain to feed? Hast thou a foe, before whose face, I fear thy cause to plead?,nf 5 Would not my heart pour forth its blood, In honor of thy name, And challenge the cold hand of death, To damp th' immortal flame? - 6 Thou knowest I love thee, dearest Lord! < But Oh! I long to soar, raf Far from the sphere of mortal joys, That I may love thee more. I4 O i3 403, S. M. 40U CAristian Watchfulness. in 1 A CHARGE to keep I have, 1A A God to glorify; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky:2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill,Oh! may it all my powers engageTo do my Master's will. 8 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live; mp And Oh! thy servant, Lord! prepare A strict account to give. 4 Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely, — 468 HYMNS CCCCIV —CCCCVI Assured, if I my trust betray, I> I shall for ever die. HYDlIN 404, C,. 404 Seeking a Rest. m f 1 /E seek a rest beyond the skies, I In everlasting day; Through floods and flames the passage lies, But Jesus guards the way. f 2 The swelling flood, and raging flame, Hear and obey his word; Then let us triumph in his name,Our Saviour is the Lord. A40 nHY A 405, C. M. Double. 405U Sinai and Zion. mf 1 fOT to the terrors of the Lord, Ni The tempest, fire, and smoke; Not to tthe thunder of that word, Which God on Sinai spoke; — But we are come to Zion's hill, The city of our God, Where milder words declare his will, And spread his love abroad. mf 2 Behold th' innumerable host Of angels clothed in light I Behold the spirits of the just, ~Whose faith is turned to sight! Behold the blest assembly there, Whose names are writ in heaven! And God, the judge of all, declares Their every sin forgiven. 3 The saints on earth, and all the dead, But one communion make; All join in Christ, their living head, And of his grace partake: In such society as this mp -My weary soul would rest: The man, who dwells where Jesus is, m f Must be for ever blest. M A MN 406, S. M. 406U The vigilant Servant. 1 VE servants of the Lord!.1 Each in his offie wai:t; .I ~CHRISTIAN. 469 mf With joy obey his heavenly word, And watch before his gate. 2 Let all your lamps be bright, And trim the golden flame; Gird up your loins, as in his sight, len For awful is his name. - 3 Watch-'t is your Lord's command; And, while we speak, he's near: Mlark the first signal of his hand, And ready all appear. 4 Oh! happy servant he, In such a posture found! < He shall his Lord with rapture see, f And be with honor crowned. A;1 ^ ^rHYMN 407, S. M.:407 T Watching and Praying. Vmf" 1 /Y soul! be on thy guard, IL Ten thousand foes arise; And hosts of sins are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies. 2 Oh! watch, and fight, and pray; — The battle ne'er give o'er; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the vict'ry won, Nor lay thine armor down; Thine arduous work will not be done, 408 Desiring the Presence of God. aff 1 IEAR, gracious God! my humble moan, I~ To thee I breathe my sighs; When will the mournful night be gone, And when my joys arise!! 2 My God! Oh! could I make the claim,- My Father, and my Friend, And call thee mine, by every name, On which thy saints depend;-, 3 By every name of power and love, I would thy grace entreat; Nor should my humble hopes remove, Nor leave thy mercy-seat. -—. x —-.. -—..^.~. t 470 HYMNS CCCCIX, CCCCX. 4 Yet, though my soul in darkness mourns, Thy word is all my stay; HIere I would rest till light returns;Tly presence makes my day. 5 Speak -Lord!- and-bid celestial peace Relieve my aelhig h.eart;. Oh! smile and bid my sorrows cease,. And all thle gloom depart. < 6 Then, shall my drooping spirit rise, S — - And bless the healing rays, i. > And change these deep, complaining sighs,'~ mf' To songs of sacred praise.; ^409 ^HYMN 4I, C. M..409 Submission. m 1 0 LORD! imy;est desies-fulfill, And help me to resign Life, healthl, and comfort to thy will, And make thy pleasure mine. 2 Why should I shrink at thy command? Thy love forbids'my fears; Why teienlble at the gracious hand,.. - > That wipes away my tears? - No,-let me. rather freely yiel-d S What most I prize,, to thee;Thon never hast a good withheild, Nor wilt withhold fioml me. 4 Thy favor, all my journey through, Shall be my rich supply; What more I want, or think I do, Let wisdom still deny.. 4 1 0 HYMN 410, S. M. 410 Res-to'Maion to Htalt.. m 1 IINDLY tlhe Lord appeared 1 > - In na1:tu-re's trying hour1; < His love my sinking spirit cheered;- imp I felt his strengthlening power:;: nf 2 He foundt me, on the bed Of languishing and pain; And bade me lean on hiin' my head, Nor seek his aid in vain. i?nf 2 I~ ~~un9~' e, ontilebed I CHRISTIAN. 471 i?f 3 I saw his mighty arm $ Stretched o'er the rolling wave; lie snatched my life from threatening harm, $ And showed his power to save. { - 4 HIHow, then, can I refuse The glad and grateful strain? The Lord my wasted strength renews, } And makes mie well again. I 5 Oh! may my future days I:' [My gratitude display; 8 < Nor speak alone, but live thy praise, mi/ Throughl each revolving day. i 4 11-i 1HYMN 41, C..: $ 4 1 1 Sickness anld Rlecovery., i m 1 1Y God! thy service well demands i iL] Tlhe remnant of my days; Why was this fleeting breath renewed, $ But to renew thy praise? 2 Tline arms of everlasting love Did this weak frame sustain, 2p When lite was hovering o'er the grave,: > And nature sunk with pain.. p 3 Calmly I bowed my fainting head, On thy dear faithful breast; $ - Pleased to obey my Father's call $ -Tro his eternal reet. 4 Into thy hands, my Savionu God I > iJDid I my soul resign, mff In firm reliance on,that truth,:~ lWhich made salvation mine.:i > o Back fiom the borders of the grave, nf At thy command I come; O Norl will I ask.a speedier flight I To my celestial home. I - 6 Where thou appointest mine abode, There would I choose to be; < For, in thy presence death is life, mnf And earth is heaven with thee. 2 A h1 HCXHYMN 412, 7s. 4 1 The Minld that was in Christ. \ 1 I RATHER of eternal grace! * Glorify thyself in me; +*..- --------------- - - ----— ^**.****.OsOO~)"""{ 472 HYMNS CCCCXIII, CCCCXIV. < Meekly beaming in my face, May the world thine image see.. 2 Happy only in thy love, p Poor, unfriended, or unknown; — ~ Fix my thoughts on things above,Stay my heart on thee alone. mp " 3 Humble, holy, all-resigned $ To thy will: —thy will be done I - Give me, Lord! the perfect mind Of thy well-beloved Son. i 4 Counting gain and glory loss, iMay 1 tread the path hle trod; O p Die with Jesus on the cross,f ElRise with hiim, to thee, my God \ 1 ^ ~3 -iHYMN 413, L. M. 413 Holiunss and Grace. I, 1 O lest or nd lives express O The hloly, gospel, -wNe pro1fess;, So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all-divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God; < When his salvation reigns within, > And grace subdues the power of sin. - 3 8Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope,mf The bright appearance of the Lord; And faith stands leaning on his word. 41 i ^ ~~ HYMN 414, C. M. 4 4 Hope in.ffliction. I 1 /I-TAEN musing sorrow weeps the past, u And mourns the present pain, How sweet to think of peace at last, And feel that death is gain! 2'T is not, that murmrl'ring thoughts arise, And dread a Father's will;:'T is not, that meek submission fies, And would not suffer still; < 3 It is, that heaven-taught faith surveys m mf The path to realms of light, And longs, her eagle plumes to raise, And lose herself in sight. CHRISTIAN. 473 4 It is, that hope with ardor glows To see him face to tee,'Whose dying love no language knows Sufficient art to trace. > 5 It is, that harassed conscience feels p The pangs of struggling sin; Sees, though afar, the hand that heals And ends her war withinm 6 Oh! let me wing my hallowed flight,: > From earth-born woe and care, < And soar beyond these realms of night, f My Saviour's bliss to share. s. t r 1 HYMN.415, C. L. M.' J415 Faith jst-trutglinug in Darkness. 9i p 1 HO! llet my trembling soul be still, V While darkness veils the sky; And wait thy wise, thy holy will,: Wrapt yet in mystery: I cannot, Lord! thy purpose see, But all is well since ruled by thee. 2 Thus, trusting in thy love, I tread The path of duty on: inp What though some cherished joys are fled, > Some flattering dreams are gone? mnf Yet purer, brighter joys remain; -. - Why should mly spirit then complain?'.41 ^ ^ HYMN 416, C. M. 416 Presensce of God i Jffliction. Iff 1 THY gracious presence, O my God! i Can soothe my inward pains; With this, beneath affliction's load, My heart no more complains. 2 This can my every care control, And gild each scene Vith light; This is the sunsliine of the soul; > Without it, all is night. qfG 3 lMy Lord! my Life! Oh cheer my heart, With thy reviving ray; Oh! bid these mournful shades depart, And bring the dawn of day. mf 4 Oh! happy scenes of pure delight, 4 Where thy full beams arise; 474 IIHYMNS CCCCOXVII, CCCCXVIII., Unclouded beauty to the sight — Sweet rapture and surprise! aff 5 Lord! shall these breathings of my heart; BAspire, in vain, to thee? I - Confirm my hope, that, where thou art, I shall for ever be. 6 Then shall my cheerful spirit sing The darkest hours away, f And rise, on faith's expanding wing, To everlasting day. * 4 i HYMN 417, L. M 1 7 SulI'mzission to the Will of God. Imp2 I WI AIT, O Wmy soul! thy Maker's will; i> v!Tumultuous passions! all be still!, 11p Nor let a maurn'ring thought arise; Iis ways are just, his counsels wise. * - 2 Ile in the thickest darkness dwells, - PInPerforms his work, —the cause conceals; $ lBut, though his methods are unknown,: Judgment and truth support his throne.: > 3 Wait then, my soul! submissive wait — p Prostrate before his awful seat: I < 3Mid all the terrors of his rod,' n f Still trust a wise and gracious God. 18 A HYMIN 418,. x, 41 Qb i 0 The Christian Soldier. m i M I a soldier of the cross,$ A foll'wer of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own his cause, i Or blush to speak his name? 2 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? < Is this vile world a friend to grace, g - To help me on to God? M nf 3 Sure I must fight, if I would reign; -- Increase my courage, Lord I I'11 bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. mf 4 Thy saints, in all this glorious war, I Shall conquer, though they die; ~..o.......... - --- - ---- --------------— I —---- CHRISTIAN. 4 5 They see the triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. < 5 When that illustrious day shall rise, \mf And all thine armnies shine, f In robes of vict'ry, through the skies, — The glory shall be thine. i Q rs 4 HYMN 419, C. M. $ 4f J1 9} CChristian Jlssurance. 4 zf 1 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord,, Or to defend his cause; BMaintain the honor of his word, The glory of his cross. 2 Jesus, my God!-I know his name; His name is all mly trust; 3 Nor will he put my sonl to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm as his throne, his promise' stands;: And he can well secure What I've Jommitted to his hands, T ill the decisive hour. > 4 Then will lie own my worthless name, ~ Before his Father's face,: < And, in the New-Jerusalem, nfn Appoint my soul a place. \ ^Q^ 0 ~ HYMN 420, 7s. 4290 The three.Mounts. n 1 WRHEN on Sinai's top I see;'r God descend, in majesty, To proclaim his holy law, — > All my spirit sinks with awe.?mf 2 When in ecstasy sublime, *: 2Tabor's glorious steep I climb, At the too-transporting light, Darkness rushes o'er my sight. I mp 3 When on Calvary I rest,: - God, in flesh lmade manifest, Shines in my Redeemer's face, F ull of beauty, truth, and grace.' 4:$4 Here, I would for ever stay, Weep and gaze mly soul away; +^*0ttrs*^z~[^ ------------— I —--------------- I 476 HYMNS CCCCXXI, CCCCXXII. Thou art heaven on earth to me,-: > Lovely, mournful Calvary!;4 ^ 1 1MHYMN 421, 8s and 7s. 42 b1 Hope in God encouraged. af 1 VHY, wlhen storlns around you gather, Shlould your trembling spirit sink? Look to God, your heavenly Father, And of his sweet promise think. 2 Fancy will be often painting Scenes, in dark and fearful shade:: Yet why should thy soul be fainting, Of prospective woes afiraid? 3 Cease thlt dark anticipation'l Still let love and faithlabound; For the d-ay of tribulation, Strength sufficient will be found. 4 God is love, and will not leave you, When you most his kindness need; God is true-nor can deceive you,Though your faith be weak indeed. HYMN 422, 8s. m2p 1 OW sweet on thy bosom to rest, When nature's affliction is near'! - The soul that can tlrust thee is blest,Thy siniles bring deliverance fiom fear: The Lord has, in kindness, declared, That those, who will trust in his name, Shall in the sharp conflict be spared, His mercy and love to proclaim. 2 This promise shall be, to my soul, A messenger sent fiom the skies,mf An anchor when billows shall roll,< A refuge wihen tempests arise: -- O Saviour! the promise fulfill, Its comfort ilnpart to my mind, p Then calmly I'11 bow to thy will,p> To the cup of affliction resigned. +~H)C*bFb %_*a)s)b4-*Z) )s)Wl s - --------- CHRISTIAN. 417' 423 QHYMN 423, C. P. M.! 42^^3) Resignation. aff I 0 LORD! in sorrow I resign, And bow to that clear hand of thine, While yet the rod appears; That hand can wipe tlhese streaming eyes, Or, into smiles of glad surprise, Transform these falling tears. 2 My sole possession is thy love; $ On earth beneath, in heaven above, } I have no other store: } And though, with fervor, now I pray, And importune thee night and day, I cannot ask for more. *, 0/1 HYMN 424, C. L. M. Vm2 1 ITHEN I can trust my all with God, * mp i In trial's fearful hour,-! E,Bow all resigned beneath his rod, And bless his sparing power; A joy springs up amid distress, A fountain in the wilderness. Imp 2 Oh! to be brought to Jesus' feet, Though trials fix me there, Is still a privilege most sweet; For he will hear my prayer; ] Though sighs and tears its language be, The Lord is nigh to answer me. \ - 3 Then, blessed be the hand that gave, Still bless6d when it takes; Blessed be he who smites to save, Who heals the heart he breaks: Perfect and true are all his ways, > AWhom heaven adores and death obeys. HYMN 425, C. M. ~425 Depending on Grace. mp 1 T MAZING grace! —how sweet the sound!- p ) A That saved a wretch like me; < I once was lost, but now am found, i i7f Was blind, but now I see. 4- -. --------------------- - - - - --- ----- 478 HYMNS CCCCXXVI, CCCCXXVII. - 2'T was grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace Iy fears relieved; I How precious did that grace appear, The hour -Ifirst believed! 3 Through many dangers, toils and snares,. I have already comle;: "T is grace hath brought me safe thus-far, $ And grace will lead me home. > 4 Yea, whernthisflesh and heart shall fail, p An-d mn rtal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the vail, > A life of joy and peace. mp 5 The earth shall soon dissolve'like snow, The sun forbear to shine; But God, who called Ine here below, vmf Will be for ever mine. IHYMN 426, C. M. 4 24 6 Submission in Trials. i m 1 ]I[Y times of sorrow and of joy, i 1 Great God! are in thy lIand; t,My choicest comforts comlle friom lthee, And go at thy command. S 2 If thou should'st take them all away, \ Yet would I not repine; Before they were possessed by me, They were entirely thine.. 3 Nor would I drop a mturm'ring word,, Though the whole world were gone, But~e.ek enduring happiness, In thee,.and thee alone..'S' I P R Y PAYER. t ___ I A, HYMN 427, C. M. 427 I Habitual Devotion.. m 1 WTHILE thee I seek, protecting Power!! Be my vain wishes stilled; i And may this consecrated hour J With better hopes be filled. PRAYER. 479 < 2 Thy love the power of thought bestowed; mf To thee my thoughts would soar; Thy mercy o'er my life las fiowed,That riercy r adore. 3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see! Each blessing to my soul more dear, Because conferred by thee. 4 In every joy that crowns my days, In every pain I bear, < My heart shall find delight in praise, O ( seek relief in prayer. mnf 5 When gladness wings my favored hour, Tiy love my breast shall fill; myp Resigned, when storms of sorrow lower,. My soul shall meet thy will. - 6 My lifted eye, wiTfiout a tear,'; The gathering storhm lall see; m zf My steadfast heart shall know no fear;That heart shall rest on thee. AL QAo HYMN 428, 7s. 428.4 Blessing humbly requested. mp 1 T ORD! we come before thee now; L At thy feet we humbly bow; Oh! do not our suit disdain;Shall we seek thee, Lord! in vain? 2 Lord! on thee our souls depend, In compassion, now descend; Fill our hearts with thy rich grace,. < Tune our lips to sing. thy praise. - 8 In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee, here we stay; Lord! we know not how to go, Till a blessing thou bestow. 4 Send some message, from thy word,. That may joy and peace afford; < Let thy Spirit now impart mf Full salvation to each heart. > 5 Comfort those who weep and mourn, - Let the time of joy return; 480 HYMNS CCCCXXTX, cCCCXXX. Those, who are cast down, lift up, mf Make them strong in faith and hope. - 6 Grant, that all may seek and find Thee, a God supiremely kind: < Heal the sick, the captive free, imf Let us all rejoice in thee. EHYMN 429, L. M. 1429T Forgiveness sought. mp 1 1 -ORGIVE us, Lord! to thee we cry, p Forgive us through thy matchless grace; On thee alone our souls rely, < Be thou our strength and righteousness. mp 2 Forgive thou us, as we forgive'The ills we suffer from our foes; - Restore us, Lord! and bid us live; > Oh! let us in thine arms repose. np 3 Forgive us, for our guilt is great, Our wretched souls no merit claim; For sovereign mercy still we wait, And ask but in the Saviour's name. 4 Forgive us,-O thou bleeding Lamb I < Thou risen-thou exalted Lord! qnf Thou great High-Priest! our souls redeem, And speak the pardon-sealing word. HYMN 430, C. M. 430 The God of Bethel. 1 0 GOD of Bethel! by whose hand V Thy people still are fed, Who, through this welry pilgrimage, Hast all our fathers led: 2 Our vows, our prayers, we now present, Before thy throne of grace: God of our fathers be the God Of their succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life, Our wandering footsteps guide; Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. QHHOoo11~~ —-------- - -lsZ1s —----— s —--------------—, PRAYER. 481 4 Oh! spread thy covering wings around, Till all our wanderings cease, And, at our Father's loved abode. Our souls arrive in peace. Such blessings, from thy gracious hand, Our humble prayers implore; < And thou shalt be our chosen God, — qmf Our poition evermore. 41 1 HYMN 431, 7s 431 e) JL Christ's PresCncC invoked. )?f I1 IG-T of life!-seraphic Fire! — L Love divine!-thyself impart; < Every fainting soul inspire; $ > Shine in every drooping heart. < 2 Every mourning sinner cheer; > SltScatter all our guilty gloom: Saviour-Son of God! appear; To thy living temples come. 3 Come, in tlhis accepted hour, Bring thy heavenly kingdom in; in mf Fill us with thy glorious powerItooting out tle love of sin. - 4 diNotling mlore can we require, We will covet nothing less; mf Be thou all our heart's desire, > All our joy and all our peace. i 4) XHYMN 432, C. M. *'lllThe Imotion of a hlidden fire jnp That trembles in the breast. > 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, ~-~ The upward glancing of an eye,- When none but God is near. \ 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech, That infant lips can try; < Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach,f The majesty on high. 21 482 HYMNS CCCCXXXIII, CCCCXXXIV. - 4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air; His watchword at the gates of death,He enters heaven with prayer. mmp 5 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Returning fiom his ways; f While angels, in their songs, rejoice, > AAnd cry,-" Behold he pra ys!" - 6 0 Thou! by whom we come to God, The life, the truth, the way,The path of prayer thyself hast trod:nmp Lord! teach us how to pray. 4|33 HYMN 433, 7s. 43 3 Sin bewailed. in 1 COME, my soul! thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer; He himself has bid thee pray; mf Rise, and ask without delay. imp 2 With my burden I begin;p Lord! remove this load of sin; Let thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience fiee from guilt. 3 Lord! I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my breast; { < There, thy sovereign right maintain, mIfm And, without a rival, reign. 4 While I am a pilgrim here, < Let thy love my spirit cheer, ~- Be my guide, my guard, my friend;Lead me to my journey's end, 5 Shew me what I have to do, Every hour my strength renew; < Let me live a life of taith, > Let me die thy people's death.: O A HYMN 434, C. M. 4' 4J.} Prayer for needed Grace. m 1 FATHER! whate'er of earthly bliss, 1 Thy sovereign will denies, Accepted, at thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise:$ ~Y ttCWl~)~~)5~~ ~1)MHW PRAYER. 483 2 " Give us a calm, a thankful heart, Flroti every mlurmnur free; The blessings of thy grace impart, And make us live to thee. 3 " Let the sweet hope, that we are thine, Our life and death attend; < Thy presence through our journey shine. mf And crown our journey's end." 4 A e HYMN 435, C. M. 43 5 5 Seeking God. MI 1 UTTIIOR of good! to thee we turn;'l'llinle evelr-w akeful eye Alone can all our wants discern,Thy hand alone suptply. 2 Oh I let thy love within us dwell, Thy fear our footsteps guide; Thlat love shall vainer loves expel,That fear, all fears beside. 3 Not what we wish —but what we want, Let mercy still supply; The good we ask not, Father! grant; The ill we ask-deny. ^o 4HYMN 436, C.M. 436f Prayer for Wisdom. $ n 1 A/LMIGHTY God! in humble prayer, - To thee our souls we lift; Do thou our waiting minds prepare For thy most needful gift. 2 We ask not golden streams of wealth, Along our pnath to flow; We ask not undecaying health, Nor length of years'below:3 We ask not honors, which an hour Mlay bring and take away; < We ask not pleasure, pomp, and power, > Lest we should go astray:- 4 We ask for wisdom;-Lord! impart The knowledge how to live; A wise and understanding heart, To all thy servants give;-!mII~~~~~IH)ZIII~W ~ II M~ 484 HYMINS CCCCXXXVII-XXXVIII. 5 The young —remeiiber thee in youth, Before the evil days! The old-be guided by thy truth, In wisdom's pleasant ways! A /fr 7HYIMN 437, C. a. * 43 7 7 Prayer for Sincerity. cft 1 [T ORD! when we bend before thy throne, * JL And our confessions pour, Oh! may we feel the sins we own, And hate what we deplore. 2 Our contrite spirits pitying see;True penitence iInpart; < And let a healing ray, from thee, f Bealm hope on every heart. * > Oh! let our wills resign; ~ - And not a thougl t our bosom share, Which is not wholly thine. 4 Let faith each mIeek petition fill, * iff And waft it to the skies; - And teach our hearts-'t is goodness still, That grants it, or denies. 4 I{ HYMN 438, S. MI., 4 38 Christ will hear Prayer. M n IESUS, who knows full well, Th''ie heart of every saint, Invites us, all ou1r grief to tell, T o pral y and never faint. $ p2 2 lie bows his gracious ear,- We never plelad in vainl; < Then let ns wait till lie appear, f And pray, and1-prtayS again. - 3 Jesus, the Lord, will hear hlls cliosen when they cry; > Yes, though lie itnay a while forbear,,< Ie'11 hlelp thelm froIn on high. / - 4 Then let us earnest cry, And iiever fatint in prayer; < lie sees, lie hears, and, a, frol on higlh $ - Will ni'ake outr cause his care. -- - - - — _ -- -___ —-------------— _** * __ - --------------- PRAYER. 485 HYMN 439, L. M. 4 39J The Presence of Christ implored. m 1 7 TtTERE two or tlree, with sweet accord, Obedient to their sovereign Lord,:< lMeet to recount his acts of grace, 1nf And offer solelln prayer and praise;2 Tlere will the gracious Saviour be, To bless the little company;There, to unveil lis sliling face, And bid his glories fill the place. - 3 We meet at thy command, O Lord Relying on tlhy faithful word; < Now send the Spirit froin above, mif And fill our hearts with heavenly love. i 1 c\a~Li HYMN 440, L. M. 440 U The Lord's Prayer. nf 1I TATIIER, adored in worlds above! > I Tlly glorious name be hallowed still; <'I'Thy kingdoln comle, with power and love; -~ AAndl earth, like heaven, obey thy will. 2 Lord! make our daily wants tl-y care, ~q.p Forgive the sins that we forsake; ~- Oh! let us in tliy kindness share, As fellow-men of ours partake. 2p 3 Evils beset us every hour;Thy kind protection we implore; < Thine is the kingdom, thine the power,f Be thine the glory evermore., A! X 14 HYMN 441, S. M. 441 The Lord's Prayer. m 1 OUR heavenly Father! hear k The prayer we offer now; "Thy name be hallowed far and near; To thee all nations bow! 2 Thly kingdom come:-Thy will On earth be done in love, As saints and seraphim fulfill Thy perfect law above. s "Our daily bread supply, While, by thy word, we live: I -A! ~s w * ~ * s * * q t 486 H1YMNS CCCCXLII, CCCCXLIII. mp The guilt of our iniquity I'Folrgive, as we forgive. 4 " From dark temptation's power,- < Froml Satan's wiles defend: ~- Deliver in the evil hour, And guide us to the end, mf 5 " Thine, then, for ever be Glory and power divine: The sceptre, throne, and majesty Of heaven and earth are thline. mp G Thus hunmbly taught to pray, By thy beloved Son, *- Through him we come to thee) and say,> " All for his sake be done!" l Q RHYBIMN 442, S. M. 8,4,412^} C{oming boldly to the Throne of Grace. nf 1 ETIEOLD thre one of grace!: JL'1The promise call s us near;''l'There Jesus shows a slliling face, And waits to answer prayer. 2 That rich atoning blood, A Which sprinkled round we see, Provides, for those who come to God, An all-prevailing plea. 3 Thine image, Lord! bestow, Thy presence and thy love; We ask to serve thee here below,$ And reigln with tlhee above. 4- Teach us to live by faith, Confo ir our will to thine Let us victorious be in death, smf And, thlen, in glory shine. 5 If thou these blessings give, And wilt our portion be, > A11 worldly joys we'll cheerful leave, 7mf7 And find our heaven in thee. HYIMN 443, 7s. j443 ~ Pleading wtith God. rft' 1 LORD! I cannot let thee go, * 1J Till a blessing thou bestow; _+i-_b~bMb. b.. - -*,- -4 —--— b- -_.SY^,6 -------------- - * PRAYER. 487 I I DDo Inot turn away thy face, I Mine's an urgent, pressing case. 2 Once, a sinner, near despair, Sought thy mercy seat by pratyer; < SMercy heard and set lhim free, - > Lord! that mercy came to me. - 83 Many days have passed since then, I Many changes I have seen; Yet have been upheld till now; — Who could hold nme up but thou? 4 Thou hast helped in every need — mf Tliis emboldens me to plead; -- ~ After so mucll mercy, past, > Canst thou let me sink at last? mf 5 No-I must maintain my hold'T is thy goodness makes nme bold; I can no denial take, Since I plead for Jesus' sake. REVIVAL. e i I A 1 A LHYMN 444, L. M. \444 The Sun of Righteousness.; mi I 0 SUJN of rigllteousness! arise, J With gentle beanms on Zion shine; Dispel the darkness from our eyes, S And souls awake to life divine. 2 On all around, let grace descend, Like heavenly delw, or copions showers; < That we l:may call our God olur friendl,nS f That we lmay hail salvation ours., A,I Hr HYMIN 445, S. M. #445'bo PraIycer for a Revival. i I ]0 LORD! tly work revive p v In Zion's gl)oomy hour; $ < 2And let our dying graces live,!mf By thy restorling power. - 2 Oh! let thy chosen few | AAwake to earnest player; - ----- -------------------------------- 488 HYMNS CCCCXLVI, CCCCXLVII. Their solemn vows again renew, $ > And walk in filial fear. -- ~ 3 Thy Spirit then will speak, $ Through lips of humble clay,: < Till hearts of adamant shall break,- ~ Till rebels shall obey. 4 Now lend thy gracious ear, > Now listen to our cry; < Oh! come, and bring salvation near; rnf Our souls on thee rely. i HYMN 446, L. M. 44 * ^^ Weeping over Sinners. aff 1 I RISE, my tenderest thoughts! arise; -' Dissolve in grief, my streamling eyes And thou, my heart! with anguish feel 2 Those evils wlich thou canst not heal. 2 See human nature sunk in shame; See scanldal poured on Jesus' name; The Father wounded, through the Son, The world abused, —the soul undone! 3 See the short course of vain delight, Closing in everlasting nigllt, In flames th-lat no abatement know,! Though bitter tears for ever flow! 4 My God I I feel the mournful scene, And yearn witl grief o'er dying men; Wlile fain ily pity would reclaim Souls that may perish in the fllame. Bu5 t feeble my compassion proves, And can but weep, where most it loves: \ nf Thine own all-saving all emiploy,: < And turn these drops of grief to joy. \ 447 HYMN 447, H. M. 44' & 0~4 7 /The Jubilee proclaimed.' f" 1 pLOW ye thle trumpet! blow,-! )1 The gladly solemn sound! Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound,The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomled sinners! home. RPEVIVAL. 489 2 Exalt tle Lamb of God,-'The sin-atoning Lamib; Redeiiiption by his blood, Tlhrough all the world, proclaim: The year of jubilee is colie; R etuln, ye ransomned sinners! home. 3 Ye slaves of sin and hell! Your liberty receive;: < And safe in Jesus dwell, mf And blest in Jesus live; / The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransoined sinners! home. m f 4 The gospel trumpet h ear, The news of par d'ning grace: Ye lhappy souls! draw near, * Behold your Saviour's face: i f Tlle year of jubilee is colne;: Return, ye I ransomled sinners i home. - - 5 Jesus, our great II igl-Priest, Ilas full atonemllent made:, > Ye weary spirits! rest, <: Ye limorniingl souls! be glad f Th!e ye'ar oftjubilee is comiie; * eturnl, ye raisoiled sinners! i home. 441 1 8 HYMN 448, L. M. 4 41 Hople in Times of Darkness. mp 1m 1 ITLE I to grief my soul gavme w'ay, \ TTo see tile w(ork of God (ecline,: < Methl,,ghlt rI lheard the Satiour say,~ - i o"f "Disliss tly fears, tlie ark' is line., - 2 " Tltoughl for a time I lid mny face, \ < Rely ul)po itly love anld po)xer; m1f Still wrestle at the thtrone of grace, And wait fior a reviving hour. \; 3 "T Take down thly long-neglected harp < I've seen thy tears,.n1d hiei rd thy prayer; t: - Tlhe winter season hlas been sharp, $' mf But in sing sall all its wastes repair." $ < 4 Lord! I obey, — my hopes revive;' CGllome, join with 1ie, ye saitits I and sing,. Ou1r foes in vain agaillnst us strive, $ For God will lhelp and tritumphl bring. 21' 490 HYMNS CCCCXLIX, CCCCL.; A i HYMN 449, L. M.: 449 The Vision of dry Bones. aff TOOK down, 0 Lord! with pitying eye, 1 See Adam's race in ruin lie; Sin spreads its trophllies o'er the ground, And scatters slaughtered heaps around. 2 And can these dead awake and live? And can these perished bones revive? That, mighty God! to thee is known; That wondrous work is all thine own. 3 Thy ministers are sent in vain, To prophesy upon the slain, In vain they call, in vain they cry,Till thine almighty aid is nigh. 4 But if thy Spirit deign to breathe, _- Life spreads through all the realns of death; nmf Dry bones obey thy powerful voice,< They move, they waken, they rejoice. < 5 So, when thy trumpets avwful sound f Shall shake the heavens, and rend the ground, < Dead saints shall from their tonbs arise, f And spring to life beyond the skies. 450 HYIMN 450, H. M. 450 )Rejoicing in a Revival.,f I 10 ZION! tune thy voice,,: Vi 0 And raise thy hands on high; Tell all thle earth thy joys, And boast salvation nigh; Cheerful in God,' iArise and shine, While rays divine Stream all abroad. m f 2 He gilds thy molurning face With beamls that cannot fade; \ His all-resplendent grace He pours around thy head; \ The nations round j Thy form slall view, < With lustre new,: f Divinely crowned. 4 —----------- _- - -. --- --- - -------- REVIVAL. 491 - 3 In honor to his name, Reflect that sacred light; f And loud that grace proclaim, Which makes thy darkness bright; Pursue his praise, Till sovereign love, In worlds above, Tlhe glory raise. - 4 There, on his holy hill, < A brighter sun shall rise, f And, with his radiance, fill Those fairer, purer skies; While, round his throne, Ten tllousaud stars, In nobler spheres, Iis influence own. HYMN 451, 8s and 7s.!451 Change to day the gloom of night; < lie, the Lord, will be your glory,f God your everlasting light. 4 53 HYMN 453, 7s. "4 5 3 mWinning Souls. aff 1 WI OULD you win a soul to God? Y Tell him of a Saviour's blood, Once for dying sinners sp)ilt, To atone for all their guilt. 2 Tell him how the streams did glide, Frol his hands, his feet, his side,Towv his head, with thorns, was crowned, > And his heart in sorrow drowned:ff 3 Iow he yielded up his breath, How lie agonized in death, < Htow he lives to intercede,i mf Christ, our advocate and head. - 4 Tell him,-it was sovereign graco Led thee first to seek his face; < Made tlhee choose the better part, mf Wrought salvation in thy heart. 5 Tell him of that liberty, Wherewith Jesus makles us firee < Sweetly speak of sins forgiven, mf Earnest of the joys of heaven.!~)I~P)1) ~0b~~)~1 )).ZIlmZt)fbsb~~r26~ ORDINANCES. 493 A ^ A ~HYMN 454, 8s, 7s and 4. l454 Fountaini of Life. sm 1 QEE, from Zion's sacred mountain, U Streams of living water flow! God has opened there a fountain, That supp)lies tile plains below: They are blessid, Who its sovereign virtues know. 2 Throulghl ten thousand channels flowing, Streams of mercy find their way; Life, and health, and joy bestowing, Mlaking all around look gay: 122f 0 ye nations 1 f Hail tie long-expected day. mf 3 Gladdened by the flowing treasure, All-enriching as it goes; Lo, the desert smiles with pleasure,Buds and blossoms as the rose: Every object Sings for joy where'er it flows. 4 Trees of life, the banks adorning, Yield their fruit to all around; Those who eat are saved fiom mourning, Pleasure comes, and hopes abound; Fair their portion! Endless life, with glory crowned. ORDINANCES. A HYMIN 455, C. M. 4J55 Christ receiviig Children. dol 1 QEE Israel's gentle Shepherd stand, U With all-engaging charms! Hark! how he calls the tender lambs, And folds them in his arms! $ - 2 "Permit them to approach," he cries, " Nor scorn their Ihumble name; For't was to bless such souls as these, nmf The Lord of angels came." 1 494 HYMNS CCCCLVI, COCOLVII.' - 3 We bring them, Lord! in thankful hands, * And yield them up to thee; Joyful that we ourselves are thine, —, Thine let our offspring be. 4 Ye little flock! with pleasure hear,- } mf And fly, with transports, to receive The blessings of his grace. mp 5 If orphans they are left behind, -~ Thy guardian care we trust;- That care shall heal our bleeding hearts,',p If weeping o'er their dust. I I *A f E tM 458,,. M I 456fc^ Infant Baptism. m 1 01 LORD! encouraged by thy grace, * W' We bring our infant to tly throne; \ Give it within thy heart a place, $ i Let it be thine, and thine alo, e. $ 2 Wash it from every stain of guilt, And let this child be sanctified; Lord! tlou canst cleanse it, if thou wilt, $ And all its native evils hide. 3 We ask not, for it, eartlly bliss, Or earthly honors, wealth or fame The sum of our request is tlisThat it may love and fear thy name. * 4 This infant we, by faitl, commit To thy kind love and guardian care; p We lay it at the Saviour's feet, > He will not let it perish there. I Xt At^ EHYMIN 457, C,. M 0457J The Promise to.Araham. 1'OW1 large the promise-how divine, 1i 1 a To Abra'in and his seed! "I'1 be a God to thee and thine, i I Supplying all their need." 2 The words of his extensive love, i lTFrom age to age, endure; I The Angel of the covenant proves,,, And seals the blessings sure., - ---------------------------— a -------------— r —---— tr —-— r-r_. ORDINANCES. 495 3 Jesus tle ancient faith confirms, To our forefathers given; IIe takes young children in his arms, $.And calls theml heirs of heaven. 2mf 4 Our God,-how faitllhfl are his ways!! Ilis love endures the same; N or, from the promise of his grace, tomp 2 Blots out the children's name. ^^o RP i1) HYIN 458, S. SI. JO458 (Christ blessinlg Children. 12p I THlE Savio ur kindly calls I Our children to his breast; } Ile holds them in his gracious arms;HIimself declares them blest. 2 " Let them approach," he cries, " Nor scorn their humble claiml; The heirs of heaven are such as these,FS or such as these I came." mf 3 With joy we bring them, Lord! Devoting them to thee, Imploring, that, as we are thine, T'hine may our offspring be. IHYMN 459, C. M., 14O59 C Thze Saviour blessing Children. M I: ITEN Jesus left the throne of God, V Ile chose an humble birth; r aop A man of grief, like us, he trod p A lonely path on earth. - 2 Like him, nmay we be found below, In wisdom's paths of peace; Like him, in grace and knowledge, grow, $ As years and strength increase. dol 3 Sweet were his words, and kind his look, When mothers round himl pressed; Their infants, in his arms, he took, And on his bosom blessed. 7f 4 When Jesus into Salem rode, The children sang around; Fol joy, they plucked the palms, and strewed Their garments on the ground. t I___ s~s*^_~s._sr_~_*~ 496 HYMINS CCCCLX, CCCCLXI.,f" 5 "IHosanna!" —our glad voices raise" Hosanna to our King i" Could we forget our Saviour's praise, The stones themselves would sing. HYMN 460, C. M. 4 6 0 infants, living or dyibig, in the J7rn7S of Christe v I 1 THY life I read, my dearest Lord I With transport all-divine; Thine image trace, in every word, Thy love, in every line. 2 With joy, I see a thousand charms, Spread o'er thy lovely face; While infants in thy tender arms, Receive the smiling grace. m lp 3 " I take thlese little lambs," said he, $ " And lay them on Iny breast; - PIrotection they shall find in meIn me, be ever blest. 4 "Death may the bands of life unloose, But can't dissolve my love; M illions of infant souls compose The family above. < 5 "Their feeble fiames mly power shall raise - - And mould wTithl heavenly skill; < I'11 give thlen tongues to sing my praise, And hands to do my will." 6 His words, ye liappy parents! hear,, f And shout, with joys divine: $ - Dear Saviour! all we ihave and are Shall be for ever thine. A a 1 HYMN 461, S. M. 461) I Thte Spirit in Baptism. \ m 1 O~REAT God! now condescend S rTo bless our risimng race; Soon may their willing spirits bend, The subjects of thy grace., 2 Ohl! what a pure delight $?Their hlappiness to see l $ Our vwalrmest wishes all unite, To lead tlleir souls to thee. w..^..~)) ~Q~ICC I t*. a)~~S~rHQHW ~ 9H ~CY5~.*O*. $ ORDINANCES. 497 I 3 Now bless, thou God of love! I This ordinance divine; Send thy good Spirit from above, And nake these children thine. A, P Q) IIYMN 462, L... I i j462~ Baptism of the Holy Ghost. $ 6' 1 &O ME, Holy Ghost! come f iom on high, ~ Baptizer of our spirits thou! The sacramental seal apply, And -witness with the watter not.: 2 Exert thy gracious power divine, And sprinkle thou th' atoning blood; I May Father, Son, and Spirit, join To seal this child, a child of God. 463 T ^ HYMN 463, L. M. I 46 3 The Baptism of a Houtsehold. ms 1 TYNITED prayers ascend to thee, i uJ Eternal Parent of umankind! Smaile on tlhs waiting family; Thy bles3ing let thy servants find. dol 2 Let the dear pledges of their love, Like tender plants, around them grow: Thy present grace, and joys above, Upon their little ones bestow. - 3 Receive, at their believing hand, The charge which they devote as thine, Obedient to their Lord's command; And seal, with power, the rite divine. 4 To every member of their house, Thy grace impart, thy love extend; < Grant every good that time allows, mnf With heavenly joys that never end. }, & 9~~HYMN 464, S. l<.'' 4f640^i Prayer for the Sanctification of C'hildren. $ qf 1 GOD of Abra'm! hear The parents' 1humble cry; In covenant mercy now appear, While in the dust we lie. $ 2 These children of our love, * In mercy thou hast given, $ ~C ~)4W~C~~~~P1P C3 ~ )~4~~t~O~~M~*~~~Mat~B~~~~~Ut 498 IYMINS CCCCLXV, CCCCT,LXVI. In training them for heaven. 3 Oh! grant thy Spirit, Lord! Their hearts to sanctify; Remnemnber now thy gracious word;Olir hopes on thee rely. r1 4 Draw forth the melting tear, $ >'The penitential sigh; < Inspire their hearts with faith sincere, m,qf And fix their hopes on high. - 5 These children now are thine,We give them back to thee; < Oh I lead them by thy grace divine, nf Along the heavenly way.,X 5 HYMN 4`5, C. M. 4 0 0) The Condescension of Christ. rn 1 EI-IOLD what condescending love i Jesus on earth displays! To babes and sucklings, he extends The riches of his grace! 2 He still the ancient promise keeps, To our forefathers given; Young children in his arms he takes, And calls them heirs of heaven. 3 Forbid them not, whom Jesus calls, Nor dare the claim resist, Since his own lips to us declareOf such will heaven consist. i < 4 With flowing tears, and thankful hearts,; — We give them up to thee; Receive them, Lord! into thine arms,Thine may they ever be. i $66 E^TYMN 466, L. M. 6 6 Enterilng into Covenant. m 7f 1 T1! happy day, that fixed my choice J On thee, my Saviour, and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. 2 Oh! happy bond, that seals my vows To him who merits all my love! ORDINANCES. 499 Let cheerful anthems fill the house, \ FlWhile to his altar now I move.- o 3'T is done —the great transaction's done;- I am ily Lord's, and he is mine; ie drew nme, and I followed on, R ejoiced to own the call divine. 4 Now rest mny long-divided heart! Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; < Here have I found a nobler part, mf kHere heavenly pleasures fill my breast. 5 Iligh heaven, tlat hears the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear; > Till, in life's latest hour, I bow, my zp And bless in death a bond so dear. e j 0 4 A Telcome to Christian Fellowship. I 1 OME in, thou blessed of the Lord! k Oh! come in Jesus' precious name; We welcome thee, with one accord, And trust the Saviour does the same. 2 Those joys which earth cannot afford, We ~1 seek in fellowship to prove, Joined in one spirit to our Lord, Together bound by mutual love. > 8 And, while we pass this vale of tears, o 7We'11 make our joys and sorrows known; We'11 share each other's hopes and fears, And count a brother's cares our own. 4 Once moire, our welcome we repeat; Receive assurance of our love; Oh! may we all together meet, Around the throne of God above. ] E^ o HYDIN 468, L. M. 4 6 8 Entire Consecration. i n 1 NOW I resolve, with all my heart, Nor from his ways will I depart, [Whose service is a rich reward. 2 Oh! be his service all my joy!Around let my example shine, L s^ * 500 IIYAMNS CCCCLXIX, CCCCLXX. Till others love the blest employ, $ iAnd join in labors so divine.' 3 Be this the purpose of my soul, I My solemn, my determined choice, To yield to his supreme control, i < And, in his kind commands, rejoice. - 4 Oh! may I never faint nor tire, Nor wandering leave his sacred ways; Great God! accept my soul's desire, $ < And give me strength to live thy praise. I$:I flHYBIN 469, L. X $ 4L6~ 09 Self-Dedication to God, m 1 1I ORD! I am thine, entirely thine, L Pulrchased and saved by blood divine; With full consent thine I would be, AInd own thy sovereign right in me. 2 Grant me, in mercy, now a place, Among the children of thy grace,} A wretched sinner, lost to God, \ mf 3Bt ransomed by Immanuel's blood. - ~ 3 Thee, my new master, now I call, And consecrate to thee my all; Lord! let me live and die to thee,]Be thine through all eternity. I rLn HYiI 470, C. 1. 4 7 0 1 "The ITounzg entering into Coveait. i of 1 O OMIE, let us join our souls to God, \ / In everlasting bands; And seize the blessings he bestows, \With eager hearts and hands. > 2 Come, let us to his temple haste, iAnd seek his favor there; Before his footstool humbly bow, I And pour our fervent prayer. 1 3 Come, let us seal, without delay, i The covenant of his grace; } NNor shall the years of distant life Its mem'ry e'er efface. I'n 4 Thus may our young companions haste, {tx To seek their fathers' God; ORDINANCES. 501 I NT01o e'er forsake the happy path Their fathers' feet have trod.:~ X^ t^ -~IYIRt 471, C. X 471 Public Profession. q, 1 "yE men and angels! witness now, Betore the Lord we speak; S To hin we mnake our solemnn vow, A vow we dare not break;~- ~ -2 Tha-t, long as life itself sllhall last,,$ Ourselves to Christ we yield; i Nor, from his cause will we depart, $ Nor ever quit the field. 3 We trust not in our native strength, J But on his grace rely; May he, with our returning wants, A needful aid supply. 4 Oh! guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep us in thy ways; And, while we turn our vows to prayers, Turn thou our prayers to praise. 472 HYTi N 4, L..:. t41 07G?1 receiving Cnew JlMembers'!m 1 ]iINDRED in Christ! for his dear sale, Kt A hearty welcome here receive; May we togetlher now partake The joys, lwhich only lhe can give. 2 May lie, by whose kind care, we meet, Send his good Spirit from above, M ake our commllnications sweet, And cause our hearts to burn with love. Forgotten be each worldly theme, \ TWhen Christians see each other thus; We only wish to speak of liimn,! < Who lived, and died, and reigns, for us. ~- 4 We'll talk of all he did and said,. And suffered for us, here below;The path he marked for us to tread, And what he's doing for us now.: 5 TThus,-as the moments pass away,< We'11 love, and wonder, and adore; A*r~6~~~S~) Cn X~~l~~~M~~~~~~H~Hr~ 6 502 HYMNS CCCCLXXIII, CCCCLXXIV. I mf And hasten on the glorious day,; W> When we shall meet to part no more. t ~1 so EHYMN 473, L. M. 4 47 Th e Lord's Supper instituted.''T I AS tlnhat dark —that doleful night, } < AVWhen powers of earth and hell arose, - - CAgainst the Son of God's delight, } p And friends betrayed him to his foes:i 2 Before the mournful scene began, -- lie took the bread, and blessed, and brakle: * WhatVla love through all h is actions ran What wondrous words of grace he spake! > 3 "This is my body, broke for sin; t - Receive and eat the living food:": * lThen took the cup, and blessed the wine,t "' is thle new covenant in my blood." 4 "- Do this,'" 1e cried, " till time shall end, > In memo'ry of your dying friend; I -- 3~Meet, at my table, and record $ > The love of your departed Lord.", - 5 Jesus thy feast we celebrate; WAe show thy death, we sing thy name, I < Till thou return, and we shall eat i mf The marriage supper of the Lamb. $@ t ^HYDIN 474, G. X. 474 4 17e ncze C(venaCnt sealed. * m 1 IpHE promise of my Father's love 1 - Shall stand for ever good: lIe said-and gave his soul to death, lAnd sealed the grace with blood.!. 2 To this dear covenant of thy word, $ > I set my worthless name; - ~ I seal th' engagemnent to my Lord, - iAnd make my humble claim.' 3 I call that legacy my own, Which Jesus did bequeath; * >'T was purchased with a dying groan, n ip And ratified in death. S - 4 The light and strength, the pard'ning grace, And glory shall be mine: SO~~~9~2bOII~ ~~4~~ ~~~Cb)H~S )~~Q~~~Q~~ ORDINANCES. 503' n f My life and soul, my heart and flesh, And all my powers are thine.'$ ]H FHYMN 475, 7s. 7$ 5 7 0 Sacramenttal Emblems. n 1 BREAD of heaven! on thee I feed, B$ 1- For thy flesh is meat indeed; Ever may my soul be fed, W$ith the true and living bread; Day by day with strength supplied, > Through the life of him that died. - 2 Vine of heaven! thy blood supplies $ This blest cup of sacrifice; I <'T is thy wounds, my healing give; qn) To thy cross I look and live: < Thou, my life! Oh! let me be -inf Rooted, grafted, built on thee. ~476 ~HYMN 476, L. M. 476 Thee MJemorials of Grace. S s 1 IESUS is gone above the skies, Where our weak senses reach him not; And carnal objects court our eyes, To thrust our Saviour from our thought. 2 He knows what wandering hearts we have, Apt to forget his lovely face; And, to refiesh our mlinds, he gave These kind memorials of his grace. 3 Let sinful sweets be all forgot, And earth grow less in our esteem; $ < hrist and his love fill every thought, mnf And faith and hope be fixed on him. 4 While he is absent from our sight,'T is to prepare our souls a place, < That vwe may dwell in heavenly light,,'"f And live for ever near his face. $ s p HYIM9N 477, S... 4 77 CommuLnion wit/h Christ and with Saints.; mv 1 JESUS invites his saints, $ d To meet around his board: Here pardoned rebels sit, and hold Communion with their Lord. } 504 IHYMNS CCCCLXXVIII-LXXIX. 2 This holy bread and wine Maintain our:ainting breath, By union with our living Lord, And interest in his death. g 3 Our heavenly Father calls Christ and his miemnbers one; — We, the young children of his love, And he, the first-born Son. mf 4 Let all our powers be joined, His glorious name to raise; Pleasure and love fill every mind, f And every voice be praise. A 70 F HYIN 478, L. I 4 78 Not ashamed of Christ. $ m1 1 T thy eollnand, our dearest Lord r > - Hlere we attend thy dying feast; < Thy blood, like wine, adorns thy board, And thine own flesh feeds every guest. n7f 2 Our faith adores thy bleedirMg love, \ > And trusts for life in one who died; inf We hope for heavenly crowils above, 1 > Flrom a Redeemer crucified.''- ~ 3 Let the vain world pronounce it shame, i And cast tleir scandals on thy cause; < We come to boast our Saviour's name, f And make our triumphs in his cross. 4 With joy we tell the scoffing age, - l He that was dead has left his tomb; f lie lives above their utlnost rage, And we are waiting till he come. 479 Tthe Love of Christ. caf 1 _OW condescending and how kind, IT Was God's eternal Son! Our misery reached his heavenly mind, And pity brought him down. p 2 He sunk beneath our heavy woes, < To raise us to his throne; - There's ne'er a gift his hand bestows,, > But cost his heart a groan. 4 * * ~.4 I _____ ORDINANCES. 505' c ff 3 This was colnpassion, like a God, T hat, when tile SIaviour knew- The price of pardon was his blood, i H lis pity ne'eir withdrewv. I if 4 Now, though lie reigns exalted high, I d - His love is still as great; Well lie reinemlbers Calvary, Nor lets his saints forget. i I p 5 Here, let our hearts begin to melt, I lWhlile we his death record, i mf And, with our joy for palrdoned guilt, p 2> Maourn that we pierced the Lord.,i /Qtn aIn N 480,., i1i,.' 480 U The ])ay of Espousals. 2f I ESUS, thou everlastiing ting i i ~ t Accept tue tribute thiat we bring;; Accept tlhe wv.ell-deserved renown,. < And wear our praises as thy crown., - - 2 Let every act ot worosi iip be, I Like our espousals, Lord! to thee; Like the dear hourl, when, friom above, j W e first received thy pledge of love. mrf 3 Thle gladness of that lhaippy day- Our hearts vlould wish it long to stay; i ]SNor let our faith forsa'ke its hold, > Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold. < 4 Each foll'wing minute, as it flies,! Inf Increase thy praise, improve our joys; < Till we are raised to sing thy name, 3f At the great supper of the Lamb. 4 8^ TYI1N 481, C. X. $ 1 4 1. 2uzIfmble CommLunion with Christ. m I I ORD R! at thy table, we behold }* 1 The wonders of thy grace; But most of all admire, that we I SShould find a welcome place. aff 2 We, who were all defiled with sin, And rebels to our God;- We, who have crucified t.hy Son, $,! And trampled on his blood; — 22 1 506 HYMNS CCCCLXXXII, LXXXIII. -- 3 What strange, surprising grace is this, $ That we, so lost, have room? Jesus our weary souls invites, And freely bids us come. I J 4 Ye saints below, and hosts above Join all your sacred powers; ~ INo theme is like redeeming love, No Saviour is like ours. 4I AiQHYxN 482, C. M. 482 The trisumphal iFeast. I / 1 OME, let us lift our voices high,I ^~ Higlh as our joys arise, And join the songs above the sky, IWfhere pleasure never dies. If 2 Jesus, our God, invites us here, To this triumiphal feast; And brings immortal blessings down, For each redeem6d guest. f 3 Victorious God! what can we pay For favors so divine? We would devote our hearts away, To be for ever thine. 4 We give thee, Lord! our highest praiseThe tribute of our tongues;. < But themes, so infinite as these, f Exceed our noblest songs. i HYMN 483, C. M. 4g t OThe Gospel Feast. I m I IOW sweet and awful is the place, I 1 With Christ within the doors, Wlhile everlasting love displays The choicest of her stores! } 2 While all our hearts, and all our songs, Join to admire the feast, Each of us cry, with thankful tongues,p " Lord! why was I a guest?3 " Why was I made to hear thy voice, And enter while there's room, > When thousands make a wretched choice, p And rather starve than come?" IQ 5~ORDINANCES. 507 - 4'T was the same love that spread the feast, That sweetly forced us in; Else we had still refused to taste p And perished in our sin. mp 5 Pity tile nations, 0 our God! - - Constrain the earth to come; mf Send thy victorious word abroad, And bring the strangers home. 6 We long to see thy churches full, That; all the chosen race < MJay, with one voice, and heuart, and soul, f, Sing thy redee ming grace. A484 4T 784, C. II Remtemberivff Christ. aff I IF humlan kindness meets return, L And owns tle grateful tie; If tender tloulhts within us burn, To feel a firiend is nigh; 2 Oh shall not arnmer accents tell The gratitude, we owe To him,'vwo died, our fears to quellOur more tha.n o-plhan's woe? 3 While yet hsangished soul surveyed Those pangs he would not -flee, What love his latest words displayed,p'' f Meet and remember me!" aff 4 Remember thee-thy death, thy shame, Our sinful hearts to share! 0 mem'rv! leave no othler name But his recorded there. i yl6Q.'6aIMI 485, L. X. 485O The presence of Christ desired. m I FAR from my thoughts, vain world! be gone, 1 Let my religious hours alone: Fain would mine eyes my Saviour see; I wait a visit, Lord! fr'om thee. mf 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure desire; Conie, my dear Jesus! from above, I And feed my soul with heavenly love. 508 HYMN CCCCLXXXVI. dol 3 Blest Saviour! what delicious fare- - How sweet thine entertaiinments are! $ < Never (did angels t:aste above > Redeeming'grce, and dying love. f"' 4 Hail, great Imlanuel, all-divine! In tllee thy Father's glories shine; Thou briglbtest, s\weetest, fairiest one, $ That eyes have seen, or angels known! L XQ@a IYDIN 488,C. DI. 4 8 P Rememnbe? rin Christ. m 1 /A CCORDING- to tly gra:cious word,: p - Inl mleek lhumnility, < T < This will I (do, my dy ing Lord!-! > I will rememnber thee. I p 2 Thy bod, broken for my sake, ~- M~,y bread from he-aven shall be; Thy tetstam ental cup i take, An> Ad tiL's 1reme ber l thee. p 3 G-etlrse;rane can I fo:rget? Or tlyre tr conflict see, — Thine,agony and bloody sweat, — t > And 11not reellber thele?! p r p 4 Whenl to lthe c'ross tlurn mine eyes, I riHAnd rest on Calvary, O Lamnb of God, ily sacrifice i > I must re-ebelr thee:- aff 5 Rememeber thee,:nd all thy pains, And all thiy love to mie!< Yea, wllile a breatl, a pulse remains, I 1f Will I emellber thee. mp 6 And, Awhen these failing lips grow dumb, i And mindnd 1( d memi! 1101e111'ry flee,-, - When, in thy kingdlom, thou shalt come, > Jesus relnember me. o I $ - _______________ 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : ~ SABBATH. 509 SABBAT I. e o Al Y7I HEN dY48;, Ts. 9487 T~25e Sabbath in the Sanctuary0 In 1 AFE, EL, tl-rough atnother week, \ Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day;- - Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciled face, Take away our sin and shame; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest, this day, in thee. mnf 3 Heree we come thy name to praise; Let us feel thy presence near; May thy glory meet our eyes, VWhile we in thy house appear; Here alfflord us, Lord! a taste Of our everlasting feast. f 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners-comfort saints; Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief from all comlplaints: Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till;e join the ci hurch above. 488 The Lord's Day and public lWorship. m, I W /tELCOME! sweet day of rest, /V That saw the Lord arise! Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. e 8 One day, amidst the place Where my dear God hath been, ~s1- <.~.~ 510 HYMNS CCCCLXXXIX, CCCXC. Is sweeter tlhan ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. 4 Mvy willing sounl wonuld stay, In sIuch fi ae as this,< And sit alnd silno herself away J ITo everlasting bisi;s, I i 49,. #, ii 9,, 48o SabLbat-.ISormin.tfL I' q, I W1 7ELCOMIE! deliglihtful morn, I ) T lu0 day of sac red rest! I hall thy kintd retur; Lord make these moments blest Froll t0le low tl aii of lmortal toys, f I soar to 1ealch imllortal joys. mf 2 Now may the King; descend, And fill his tlhrone of grace; Thby sceptle, Lord! extend, A1 Wile saints address thy face: Let sinneris fel thy quickening word, And learn to know and In'e the Lord. 3 Descend, celestial Dove! <.Wiith all t-ly quickening powers i qf Disclose a Saviour's love, - - And bless thle sacred lhous;' < Thlen sihall my soul new life obta'in, qnf NSor Sabbath1 s be bestowed in vain. S Qrnm 48Qv G. Pa. 4 49Dawni0'Z oJ thde Sabbantih, m 1 r, GAINT, the Lord of life and light 1 Awakes the kindling ray, < Dispels the darkness of the night, m2f And pours increasing day. mp 2 Oh! what a night was that, which wrapt' p A sinful world in gloom! < Oh! what a sun, which broke this day, f Triumphant firom the tomb 8 This day be grateful homage paid,: "Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, Througll endless years, to live and reign I" 4 Great in! girdcl on thy sword, Ascend tihy conquering car; While justice, powe- arnd love Maintain the glorious war: This day let sinners own thy sway, And rebels cast their tarms away. H goN 492, L. 1. 4 92.JzMorni?zg of the L,ord's Day. sf 1 IlAIL! morning known among the blest,- 1t Morning of hope, and joy, and love,Of heavenly peace, and holy rest, Pledge of the endless rest above I 2 Blest be the Father of our Lord, Who, from the dead, hath brought his Son; -'< Hope to the lost was then restored, $f And everlasting glory won.. ~,~b~9b~C~k~bd~8~~e~4b~,b~Mr~~W~~6~~4~6~P a i 512 HYMNS CCCCXCIII, CCCCXCIV. i ~- 3 Scarce morning twilight had begun, To chase the shades of night away, I < When Christ arose-unsetting sun — f T The dawn ofjoy's eternal day. dol 4 IMercy looked down, with smiling eye, P -_ lWhen our Ilmmanuel left the dead; e < Faith marked his bright ascent on high,' And hope, with gladness, raised h-er head. - 5 Descend, O Spirit of the Lord! < Thy fire to every bosom bring; mnf Then shall our ardent hearts accord, $ AAnd teach our lips God's praise to sing. * ~AQ Q~EH 493, C. M.' 9 J J f)lThe Resurrection Morn. i 1 IILEST morning! whose young dawning rays $ - Beheld our rising God; * TThat saw him triumnph o'er the dust, $ And leave his dark abode. p 2 In the cold prison of a tomb, The great Redeemer lay, Till the revolving skies had brought The third, th' appointed day. nf 3 Hell and the grave unite their force, To hold our God, in vain: < The sleeping Conqueror arose,: > And burst their feeble chain. 4 To thy great name, almighty Lord! These sacred hours we pay; mf And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day., f" 5 Salvation, and immortal praise, To our victorious King! Let heaven and earth, and rocks and seas, With glad hosannas ring. A Q A tIHYI N 494, L. H. 494 The Rest of the Sabbath. 1 INOTHER six days' work is done, A Another Sabbath is begun; Return, my soul! enjoy thy rest, Improve the day thy God hath blessed. I SABBATH. 513 | 2 Oh! that our thoughts and thanks may rise, i As grateful incense to the skies; e A 1And draw, from heaven, that sweet repose, Y Which none, but hle that feels it, knows. i p 3 This heavenly calm, within the breast, $ Is the dear pledge of glorious rest, - Which for the church of God remains,> Tlhe end of cares, the end of pains. $ - 4 In holy duties, let the day,! In holy pleasures, pass away; How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend, I In hope of one that ne'er shall end I 9 iHYMNi 495, L.. 4 9 t. The earthly and heaveely Sabbath., m1 I T-!INE earmthly Sabbathsl Lord! we love,' But there's a nioble1 rlest above To that our loging souls aspire, W iitll cheerlful hope and strlongl desire 2 No more fttitue, n1o Imore distress, Nor sin, Unor death shall reach the place; lo groanrs sliall mninle wAith tlie songs, That warble froml1 iinll(l'ortal tongues. 3 No rude alan!d s of raging foes, No ca.res to break the long repose,, t2p No midnighlt sh]ade, no clonled sun, < But sacred, high, eternal noon. - 7mf 4 Soon slall tthat glo riou day begin, Beyond t'is w0orld of death and sin < So(on shall our'oices join the song: f Of tlhe triumlphant, holy throng. \': YIYN 496, 7T. 49 6 l0The hkoly Day of Rest, r 1 VT ELCOMIE! sacred day of rest i /V Sweet repose firoin worldly care;-'Day, above all days the best, i VlWhen o our suls fbr heaven prepare;; I< Day when our Redeemer rose, mf Victor o'er tle Ihosts of hell: Thus he vanquished all our foes;-, Let our lips his glory tell. ^ ^^ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ -~ — 514 HYMNS CCCCOXVII, CCCOXCVIII. 8- 2 Gracious Lord! we love this day, When we hear thy holy word, < When we sing thy praise, and pray;mlf Earth can no such joys affordl: But a better rest remains, < HIeavenly Sabbaths,-happier days, Lest from sin, and rest f1rom pains,f Endless joys, and endless praise. 9:YflHYlN 497, 0. I. 49f 7. A Sabbath in the House of God. m 1 II ERE cares and angry passions cease, H 1 For saints together meet, To spend an hour of prayer and peace, i > At thei, Redeemer's ifet.' - 2 No sculptured wonders meet the sight,'Nor pictured saints appear, Nor storied window's gorgeous light, For God himself is here. 3 And here are comrades, in the war With Satan and with sin, Who now in God's own favor share,: And soon their heaven will win. mf 4 Glory to God! who deigns to bless This consecrated day, Unfolds his wondrous promises, ~i And makes it swveet to pray.' > 5 Glory to God! who deigns to hear' np T-he humblest sigh we raise, And answers every heart-felt prayer, < And hears our hymn of praise. HYNiT 498, C. Im. 4 498 The first Day of the Weeek. m 1 AND now another week begins, A This day we call the Lord's; This day he rose, who bore our sins,-.. For so his word records. I < 2 Hark, how the angels sweetly sing!$ nf Their voices fill the sky; \f They hail their great victorious King, I And welcome him on high. 4~ ~ ~.^^^^^^ ^. ~^b~~~~~~~f~~~~b ~Cs~b~~ SABBATH. 515 mf 3 We'll catch the note of lofty praise; i May we their rapture feel; Our thankful song with theirs we'll raise, And emulate their zeal. 4 Come, then, ye saints! and grateful sing Of Christ, our risen Lord, — Of Christ, the everlasting King,Of Christ, th' incarnate Word. 5" Hail, mighty Saviour thee we hail! High on thy throne above; Till heart and flesh together fail, We'11 sing thy matchless love. i4 Q 499, C.. 99 U Th'1e first Salbbath. M 1 ]HOW bright a day was that, which saw C1 Creation's work complete! All nature owned her Maker's law, i And worshiped at his feet. 2 The world, arranged by power divine, In perfect order stood; \ And, resting from his great design, God saw that all was good. 8 3 Not such a Sabbath now appears, i > For sin has ruined all; No longer man with pleasure hears A gracious Father's call. 4 Yet, Lord! bring back the reign of peace, Let brighter days begin; And teach vain creatures how to cease From folly, and from sin. 5 Let sinners be again made thine, Though once with vengeance cursed; < And let a second Sabbath shine, mf As glorious as the first. S^ fE RiHYMN 500, C. x 5 0tJ The Resurrection of Clrist, mf 1 THE Lord of Sabbath let us praise, T In concert with the blest; And joyful, in harmonious lays, Employ this day of rest. _ —---- -- ------ --- - - -- 1 516 HYMNS DI, DII. 1 1 ~- 2 Lord! may we still remember thee, i And inore in knowledge grow; 1Oh1! miay we more of glory see, While waiting lere below. * I 3 On this blest day, a brighter scene Of glory was displayed, By God, th' eternal Word, than when This universe was made. > 4 He rises, who our souls hath bought p With blood, and grief, and pain: $ ~ -'T was great-to speak the world from nought,>'T was greaterlto redeell. 150 iX 501, L. I, 501 Te Lr or-s.Day. I I m 1 THIS day tie Lord hath called his own;- imf Oh I let us then lits praise declare, Fix our desires on imn alone, $ AlAnd seek his face, with fervent prayer. 2 Lord i i thy love, would we rejoice, That bids the burdened soul be free; And, with united heart and voice, -~ Devote these sacred Ihours to thee. $ 8 Now let the world's delusive things No more our groveeling thoughts employ; < But faithl be taught to st letch her wings, $' f In search of heaven's unfailing joy. - 4 Oh! let these earthly Sabbaths, Lord! I Be to our lasting welfhre blest; The purest comnfort lhere afford, And fit us for eternal rest. t52Z 2::RHY7IN l 52,108s. 50eJ12. zThe Sabbat), a holy Rest. mv I A GAIN the day returns of holy rest, [blest; i A Which, when he made the world, Jehovah When, like his own, he bade our labors cease, $ < And all be piety, and all be peace. - 2 Let us devote this consecrated day To learn his will, and all we learn obey; So shall he hear, when fervently we raise < Our supplications, and our songs of praise. b~4 4,~B~~8h8~~~B~~b~~ I} SABBATH. 517 i nf 3 Father in heaven! in whom our hopes confide, Whose power defends us, and whose precepts guide; In life our guardian, and in death our friend,Glory supreme be thine, till time shall end. I,^Q Knim 503, C. Si. I 503 T/ Sacriice of thl Heart. in\ 1 ~I/-HEN, as returns this solemn day,' Mlan comes to meet his God, I ATllWhat rites-what honors shall he pay? H ow spread his plaise abroad? /zf 2 From marble doles and gilded spires, Shall clouds of incense rise? $ And gem-s, and gold, and garlands deck The costly sacrifice? e < 3 Vain, sinful nanl!-creation's Lord I - Tlline offering's well mlay spare; < < But give thy heart —and thou shalt find, ~- lThat G-od -( i heair thy prayer. 504 LOD rlI, 5604, 7s and 6s. O ^504 Sabbath Contetplvations. $m 1 i ORD of the vast creation, lI Support of Aworlds unknown, Desire of every nation I Behold us at thy th1one; We come, for mercy crying Througl thine atoning hlood; And, on thy grace relying, We seek each prom!ised good. 2 We bless the condescension, That brought thee down to earth; Of which the seers made mention, Who prophesied thy birth: mf We celebrate the glory, That marked thy wondrous way, And own the joyful story, - _ That claims this hallowed day. m f 3 Oh! when shall thy salvation Be known through every land, And men, in every station, \ Obey thy great command? : 518 IHYMNS DV, DVI. -- In God's own Son believing, Froml sin may they be free; And gospel grace receiving, Find life and peace in thee. [ $HYi 1N 505, L. M. 505 The Close of the Sabbath. m 1 / NOTHER day has passed along, 1 A nd we are nearer to the tomb,-! < Nearer to join the heavenly song, > Or hear the last eternal doom. doZ 2 Sweet is the light of Sabbalth eve, And soft the sunbeams lingering there; < For these blest hours, the world I leave, f Wafted on wings of faith and prayer. dol 3 The time —how lovely and how still; Peace sllines and smiles on all below,The plain, the stream, the wood, the hill,All fair with evening's setting glow. 4 Season of rest! the tranquil soul Feels the sweet calm, and melts to love; And, while these sacred moments roll, m nf Faith sees a smiling heaven above. 5 Nor will our days of toil be long, Our pilgrimage will soon be trod; < And we shall join the ceaseless song, — f The endless Sabbath of our God. \0Ci RE~HYMN 606, 0. M. t5 Q 0 EveningF of the Lord's Day. M 1 FREQUENT the day of God returns, 1 To shed its quickening beams; And yet how slow devotion burns! mp I-low lan(guid are its flames! 2 Accept our faint attempts to love, Our frailties, Lord! forgive; - We would be like thy saints above, And praise thee while we live. 3 Increase, O Lord! our faith and hope, i And fit us to ascend, < Where the assembly ne'er breaks up, mf The Sabbath ne'er shall end:4oub*, I SABBATH. 519 4 Where we shall breathe in heavenly air, With heavenly lustre shine, $ } Before the thl-rone of God appear,. AndI feast on love divine: Jf 5 Where we, in high seraphic strains, Shall all our powers employ; Delighted range th' ethereal plains, And take our fill of joy. @ fmaH7 507, C. M. 507 Lord ls Day Evening. aff 1 IHEN, 0 dear Jesus! when shall I W Behold thee all-serene; Blest in perpetual Sabbath day, Without a veil between? 2 Assist me while I wander here, Amidst a world of cares; t Incline my heart to pray with love, And then accept my prayers. 3 Spare me, my God! Oh! spare the soul That gives itself to thee; Take all that I possess below, And give thyself to me. 4 Thy Spirit, 0 my Father! give To be my guide and friend, < To light my patll to ceaseless joys,: mf Where Sabbaths never end. SANCTUARY. 5 F0 8 6HYM1N 508, S. M. 58 The.icercy Seat. mf 1 HOW charming is the place, e It Where my Redeemer God i Unveils the glories of his face, And sheds his love abroad! -- 2 INot the fair palaces,''fnTo which the great resort, Are once to be compared with this, * Where Jesus holds his court. # - o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' 520 X-HYMNS DIX, DX. 3 Here, on the mercy seat, mf Withl radiant glohy crowned, Our joyful eyes belold thee sit, And smile on all around. aff 4 To thee, our prayers and cries Each lhunble soul presents; Oh! listen to our broken sighs, And grant us all our wants. 5 Give us, O Lord! a place, Within thy blest abode, Among the children of thy grace,The servants of our God. 509 5Bimnf 509,1 C. M. 09U Tlhe Glory of Zion. i tf 1 FOW honorable is the place, i Wlere we adoring stand; f/ Zion!~tlie glory of the earth, And beauty of tle lan d! 2 Bulwvarks of iightlly grace defend The city where ve dwell; The walls, of strong s-alvation made, Defy th' assaults of hell. 3 Lift up the everlasting gates, The coors wide open fling; Enter, ye nations that obey $ The statutes of our King! - 4 Here sh'all you taste unmingled joys, > A.nd live in perfect peace,$ - You tlhat have known Jehovah's name, And ventured on his grace. v mf 5 Trust in the Lord, for ever trust, A And banish all your fears:, /f Strength, in the Lord Jehovah, dwells, Eternal as his years. 510 The Church, the Palace of God. I mSf I UAPPY the church, thou sacred place, j t The seat of thy Creator's grace! Thy holy courts are his abode, i i Thou earthly palace of our God! ~~~~~B~~~~~~B~CIS~bSBO~ ~ ~ B~~Q~CCSI16 [ SANCTUARY. 521 2 Thy walls are strength; and at thy gates! A guard of heavenly warriors waits; Nor' shall thy deep foundation move, I 2 i Fixed on his counsels and his love. 3 Thy foes in vain designs engage — Against tlhy throne in vain they rage, < Like rising waves, with angry roar,, > That dash and die upon the shore. mf 4 God is our shield, and God our sun: Swift as the fleeting moments run, < On us he sheds new beams of grace, f And we reflect his brightest praise. t; E.IS 511, EI.. \ 1$ I1 The House of Prayer. in 1 BRENT Father of mankind! U We bless that wondrous grace, Which could for Gentiles find, Within thy courts, a place: How kind the care Our God displays, For us to raise A house of prayer! 2 Though once estranged afar, We now approach the throne, For Jesus brings us near, And makes our cause his own: Strangers no more, To thee we come; We find our home, And rest secure. 3 To thee our souls we join, And love thy sacred name; No more our own, but thine, nmf We triumph in thy claim; Our Father King! Thy covenant grace i Our souls embrace, Thy titles sing. 4 Let all the nations throng, To worship in thy house; And thou attend the song, And smile upon their vows, i _ ___ __ 522 HYMNS DXII, DXIII. ~- I -Indulgent still, Till earth conspire e < To join the cloil' f /' On Zionis bill. t a S R Q s) S-IY^i 512, 7I. 512, Tes House of Prayger and Praise. m In ORD of hosts to thee we raise, L0 I-ere, a hause of prayer and praise;! Thou tlhy people's heart prepare, Here to ineet or praise and prayer. j 2 Let the living hlere be fed, WVith thy word, the heavenly bread; I Here, in hope of glory blest,! May the dead be laidd to rest. 3 Here, to thee a temple stand, Wllile the sea sl-all girt the land; H-ere, reveal thy mercy sure, While the sun and moon endure. f" 4 Iallelhjah! —earth and sky To the joyful sound reply; Halleltjal! henrce ascend BPrayer and praise, till time shall end. 513 7 Tl 513, L. IM 513 On opening a House of iWorslips m 1 T1ERE, in thy name, eternal God! I We build this earthly hlouse for thee Oh! Imai^e it now thy fixed abode, $ And keep it, Lord! fiomn error free, 2 TWhen here thly people seek thy face, < And dying sinners pray to live; I- Hear t-hou, in heaven, thly dwielling place, > And -wlhen thonu hearest, Lord! forgive. < 3 Here, whllen thly m-essengers proclaim,!,'m'T1he blessaid gospel of thy Son; < Still, by the ponwer of his great name, f Be mighty signs and wonders done. i < 4 When children's voices raise the song,- f Hosanna to their heavenly King, Let heaven, with earth, the strain prolong — $ IHosanna!" let the angels sing. + e4 SANCTUARY. 523 I - t 5 But will, indeed, Jehovah deign, liHere to abide,-no traisient guest? HIere, will our great Redeemer reign, And here, the Holy Spirit rest?1 6 Thy glory never hence depart! \ Yet choose not, Lold! tlis house alone $ < Thy kingdom comle, in every heart,s 7Zf In every bosom, fix thy throne. 5 r v! Y, 514,, L. 1 I 8 O 5L4 Prayer on opening a C/urchd Edifice. Mn 1 /VlITHINT thy house, 0 Lord our God I I mf'^ In glorious ilajesty appealr; ~ ~ lMAake this a placte of thine abode, And shed thy choicest blessings here. 2 When we thy mercy seat surround, Thy Spirit, with thy word, impart; < And let thy gospel's joyful sound, S nf With power divine, reach every heart. 3 Here, let the blind their sight obtain, i mp Here, give the broken spirit rest; < Let Jesus here triumphant reign,971f Enthroned in ev-eryl yielding breast. I~- 4 Here, let the voice of sacred joy And humble suiplication rise, < Till higher strains our tongues employ, f In realms of bliss, beyond the skies. - EY iN 515, I. 5 1 J DiDedcication o,' a Church. m 1 I OD of the universe! to thee $ This sacred fane we rear, And now, with songs and bended knee, Invoke thy presence here. $ f 2 Long may this echoing dome resound The praises of thy name,These hallowed wails to all around The Triune God proclaim. 8 Here, let thy love-thy presence dwell,- Thy glory here make known; < Thy people's home, Oh! come, and fill, And seal it as thine own. 524 HYMN DXVI. $ p 4 When sad with care, by sin oppressed,, I-lere may the burdenec soul, $ > Beneath thy sleltering wing, find rest; I < Here, make the wounded whole. - - 5 And, when the last long Sabbath morn, $ < Upon the just, shall rise, * f May all, who own thee here, be borne i f'To nmansions in the skies. M MINISTRY. i f:^ -gPIIYMN 516, S. mX n 1 10V beauteous alre tlheir feet, 11 Who stand on Zion's hill mnf Who blring salvation on tlheir tongues, ~~~- And words of' peace reveal! 2 How charming is their voice! How sweet the tidings are! mf " Zion! behold thy Saviour King, f He reigns and triumphs here!" rmf 3 How happy are our ears, That hear this joyful sound! Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found. 4 How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light! Prophets and kings desired it long, rup 3But died without the sight. nmf 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ; I f Jerusaleml breaks forth in songs: And deserts learn the joy. 6 The Lord makes bare his arm, Through all the earth abroad; Let every nation now behold $ Their Saviour and their God.. Fr***-O..E..-lF.*t~t..**.~.. —b****_d I lIl2MINISTRY. 525 0 ~ I5' 17 ~ HfHY1MN 517, L. M. 51 7 i- 17Thee great Commission. i n" 1 "O0, preach my gospel!"-saith the Lord,T "Bid the whole earth my grace receive; i I-le shall be saved who trusts miy word; 7mp I-e shall be damned who don't believe. -~ 2 " I'11 make your great commission known, And ye shall prove my gospel true, - By all the works that I have done, By all the wonders ye shall do. 3 " Teach all the nations my commands,' FnI'm with you till the world shall end; All power is trusted in my hands, I can destroy: and I defend." < 4 He spake-and light shone round his head; mf Onl a bright cloud, to heaven le rode: They, to the farthest nations, spread The grace of their ascended God. HYi IN 518, C. M1. 518 JlMinisters watch for Souls. ef I I ET Zion's watchmen all awake, ~ — - And take th' alarm they give; Now let them, from the mouth of God, 12 Their awful charge receive. ~ 2'T is not a cause of small import, The pastor's care demands; $ < But what might fill an angel's heart;> It filled a Saviour's hands. 3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heavenly bliss forego;< For souls, that must for ever live, > In raptures, or in woe. ~ - 4 All to the great tribunal haste, Th' account to render there; m np And slhould'st thou strictly mark our faults, i p Lord how should we appear? j - 5 May they that Jesus, whom they preach, Their own Redeemer, see; And watch thou daily o'er their souls, That they may watch for thee. 526 HYMNS DXIX, DXX. I* HI1tYiN 519, L. iM. 519 J M eeting of ~Ministers. M 1 pOUR out thy Spirit from on high; II LLord! thine assembled servants bless; Graces and gifts to each supply, And clothe thy priests with righteousness. 2 Within thy temple where we stand, To teach the truth as taught by thee, Saviour! like stars il thy right hand, The angels of the churches be! 3 Wisdom and zeal, and faith impart, Firmness with meekness from above, To bear thy people on our hearts, And love the souls whom thou dost love:4 To watch and pray, and never faint; By day and night strict guard to keep; < To warn the sinner, cheer the saint, ~- Nourish thy lambs, and feed thy sheep. 5 Then, when our work is finished here, In humble hope, our charge resign: When the chief Shepherd shall appear, O God! may they and we be thine. 5' F\0t HYM f 520, C.,. I520AJ The Death of a Minister. M mn 1 TOW let our drooping hearts revive, m 1~ And all our tears be dry; > Why should those eyes be drowned in grief,' < That view a Saviour nigh? imp 2 Though earthly shepherds dwellin dust,- The aged and the young; The watchful eye, in darkness closed, And mute th' instructive tongue; - 3 Th' eternal Shepherd still survives, New comfort to impart; < His eye still guides us, and his voice mf Still animates our heart. - 4 ~" Lo! I am with you," saith the Lord, " My church shall safe abide;" The Lord will ne'er forsake his own, Who in his love confide. ^ ~~^- -— ~-^ —-~-_Y_^_____ MINISTRY. 527 5 Through every scene of life and death, His promise is our trust; < And this shall be our children's song,! > When we are cold in dust. K21 HYnS u i 521, S.. 521 J The Pastor's Death. m 1 "ESTfrom thy labor, rest;Soul of the just, set free! Blest be thy memory, and blest Thly bright example be I 2 Faith, perseverance, zeal, < Language of light and power, ~ -- Love,-prompt to act, and quick to feel,$ > Marked thee, till life's last hour. - 38 lNow, —toil and conflict o'er,Go, take with saints thy place; But go-as each hath gone before,$ < A sinner saved by grace. - 4 Lord Jesus! to tly hands mp Our pastor we resign; And now we wait thine own commands;We were not his, but thine. 5 Thou art thy church's head; > And, when the members die, $ < Thou raisest others in their stead:- $ mf To thee we lift our eye. < 6 On thee our hopes depend; I f We gather round our Rock; -- ~ Send whom thou wilt; but condescend Thyself to feed thy flock. 5QQ,RT'HYMN 522, S. M. 59MM o4The Deatlh of anl aged AMinister. mf" 1 ERVAsNT of God! -well done! m S Rest fromn thy loved employ: f 1" The battle fought, —the viet'ry won,Enter thy Master's joy." He started up to hear; > A mortal arrow pierced his frame, < IHe fell-but felt no fear. ~- 3 Tranquil amid alarms, It found him on the field, ' 528 HYMN DXXIII. A veteran slumbering on his arms, Beneath his red-cross shield. 4 The pains of ideait are past,Labor and sorrow cease; And, life's long warfare closed at last, > His soul is found in peace. I f" 5 Soldier of Christ well-done! Praise be thy new employ; And, while eternal ages run, Rest in thy Saviour's joy!' CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 523J/w I In;quiring of a Watchman. I' 1I IATT FHMAN! tell us of the night, l What its signs of promise a're? K < Traveler! o'er yon mountain's height! zm/f See thalt glorv-belaming st.ar: ~ -" Watchlman! does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretel? <" Traveler! yes;-it brings the day,f vPromised day of Israel. m" 2 Watchman! tell us of the night;Hig-lher yet that star ascends; <" Traveler! blessedness and light, $ -l Peace and truth, its course portendso Watchman! will its beamis alone Gild the spot that gave them birth? Traveler! ages are its own, fi " See! it bursts o'er all the earth. -" 3 Watchman! tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn; <" Traveler! darkness takes its flight, n f Doubt and terror are withdrawn: -~" WTatchman! let thy wanderings cease, Hie thee to thy quiet home; mf" Traveler! lo! the Prince of peace, — f" Lo! the Son of God is come! i ECHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 529 HYMN 524, H. M. 5 " Come and help us, or we die!" mp 2 Hear the heathen's sad complaining, > Christians! hear their dying cry; < And, the love of Christ constraining, > Haste to help them, ere they die. t;C Q EHYMIN 526, 7s and 6s.,26 U iThe Gospel Banner. f" I \TOW be the gospel banner, N In every land, unfurled; And be the shtout,-" Hosanna!" Re-echoed through the world; Till every isle and nation, Till every tribe and tongue, Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. 2 What, though th' embattled legions Of earth and hell combine? His arm, throughout their regions, Shall soon resplendent shine: if" Ride on, 0 Lord! victorious, Immanuel, Prince of peace! Thy triumph shall be glorious,i! Thy empire still increase. 23 530 HYMNS DXXVII, DXXVIII. 3 Yes,-thou shalt reign for ever,? 0 Jesus, King of kings! f'f" Thy light, thy love, thy favor, Each ransomed captive sings: The isles for thee are waiting, t The deserts learn thy praise, The hills and valleys greeting, The song responsive raise. 627 HYMN 527, L. M. r s527 Missionary Meeting. m 1 I SSEMBLED at thy great command, 1 ABefore thy face, dread King! we stand; 5< The voice that marshaled every star, - Has called thy people from afar. 2 We meet, through distant lands, to spread, > The truth for which the martyrs jled; Along the line, to either pole, [ f The thunder of thy praise to roll. - 3 Our prayers assist, accept our praise, < Our hopes revive, our courage raise; - Our counsels aid, to each impart $ The single eye, the faithful heart. 4 Forth with thy chosen heralds come, Recall the wandering spirits home;, < From Zion's mount send forth the sound, f TTo spread the spacious earth around. } O528 ~ HYMN 528, L. M. 528 The Heralds pointing out the Way. nLf 1 o0W let our faith, with joy, survey I The glories of the latter day; Its dawn already seems begun,Sure earnest of the rising sun. 2 The friends of truth assembled stand,A chosen consecrated band, The emblem of the cross display, And cry aloud,-" Behold the way I" 8 Behold the way to Zion's hill, Where Israel's God delights to dwell; He fixes there his lofty throne, ~- And calls the sacred place his own. <" 4 "Behold the way!" ye heralds! cry, f < Spare not, but lift your voices high;'8~bL04^~^'' —--- CU^ —- -C- ^ MbC^^ CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 531 Convey the sound from shore to shore, - And bid the captive sigh no more. f" 5 Auspicious dawn! thy rising ray, With joy, we view, and hail the day: Thou Sun! arise, supremely bright, And fill the world with purest light. Q29 529, L. X. 5J^49 The Hceralds of CArist. f 1 CI APTAIN of thine exalted host! * VJ Display thy glorious banner high; The summnons send, from coast to coast, And call a numerous army nigh. 2 A solemn jubilee proclaim,Proclaim the great sabbatic day; Assert the glories of thy name; Spoil Satan of his wished-for prey. 3 Oh! bid thy heralds publish loud The peaceful blessings of thy reign; And, when they speak of sprinkled blood, The mystery to the heart explain. i,li(\fAHYMN 530, S. M. ti 30 J lissionaries encouraged. m ~ 1 TE messengers of Christ! I His sovereign voice obey; Arise, and follow where hle leads, And peace attend your way. 2 The Master, whom you serve, Depending on his promised aid, With sacred courage go. mf 3 Go, spread the Saviour's name; Go, tell his matchless grace; < Proclaim salvation, full and free, > To Adam's guilty race. mf 4 Mountains shall sink to plains, And hell in vain oppose; i< The cause is God's-and will prevail, $ f In spite of all his foes. $ 3 q eBsXHYTN 531, 8s, 7s and 4. 5 3J1 1. Departure of MJlissionaries. nz 1'WEN of God! go take your stations; oi ~I Darkness reigns o'er all the earth:- ^ ~ -~~~~-~^sCB~bQ~~Q~b ~e48 532 HYMNS DXXXII, DXXXIII. Go, proclaim among the nations, mf Joyful news of heavenly birth;, UBear the tiding'si Tidings of the Saviour's worth. 2 When exposed to fearful dangers, Jesus will his own defend; Borne afar midst foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your Friend; And his presence Shall be with you to the end. 5 3 2 HY4MN 532, 7s and 6s. 532>$~ t.tDeparture of JMissionaries.' mf I nOLL on, thou mighty ocean! * uJ And, as thy billows flow, Bear messengers of mercy, i > To every vale of woe: f" Arise, ye gales! and waft them, Safe to their destined shore; That men may sit in darkness, > And death's black shade, no more. nnf 2 0 thou eternal Ruler! Who holdest in thine arm The tempests of the ocean,Deliver them from harm: Thy presence still be with them, I Wherever they may be; Though far from those who love them, Let them be nigh to thee. HY 533, 8s, 7s and 4. The IHe?ralds of Salvation. 17f 1 Nl the mountain's top appearing, V Lo! the sacred herald stands, Welcome news to Zion bearing,Zion long in hostile lands: 2)p Mourning captive I< God himself will loose thy bands. qap 2 Has thy night been long and mournful, All thy friends unfaithful proved? ~- Hsave thy foes been proud and scornful, p By thy sighs and tears unmloved?; - Cease thy mourning:I Zion still is well-beloved. W __W _ -----—.-^~^t~^^'^.-."" CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 533 3 God, thy God, will now restore thee, Hle himnselt appears thy Friend; All thy foes shall flee before thee, Here their boasts and triumphs end: I,f Great deliverance Zion's King will quickly send. - 4 Peace and joy shall now attend thee, All thy warfiae now is past, mf God, thy Saviour, shall defend thee, ~ Peace and joy are come at last: All thy conflicts i > End in everlasting rest. @ t534 lHYTIxT 534, 7s, <5<341 The 2rcssengers of God. S" 1 _O- ye messengers of God! i IG Like the beams of morning, fly; Take the wonder-working rod, Wave the banner cross on high. Jf 2 Where the towering minaret Gleams along the morning skies, Wave it till the crescent set, And the " Star of Jacob" rise. 3 Go to many a tropic isle, In the bosom of the deep, Where the skies for ever smile, > And th' oppressed for ever weep. p 4 O'er the negro's night of care < Pour the living light of heaven; Chase away the fiend despair,Bid him hope to be forgiven. 5 Where the golden gates of day Open on the palmy east, Wide the bleeding cross display,Spread the gospel's richest feast. 6 Circumnavigate the ball, Visit every soil and sea: Preach the cross of Christ to all,Christ, whose love is full and free. 5 3J t5 az I,,)Promrised.Aid. 1535 535, C.. nmf 1 0, and the Saviour's grace proclaim, $ U Ye favored men of God! 534 HYMN DXXXVI. Go, publish, through Immanuel's name, Salvation bought with blood. 2 What, though your arduous path-way lie > Through regions dark as death -- Whlat, though, your faith and zeal to try, Perils beset your path?< 3 Yet, with determined courage, go, em/f And armed with power divine; Your God will needful strength bestow, And on your labors shine. 4 He, who has called you to the war, Will recompense your pains < Before Messiah's conquering car, f Shall mountains sink to plains. e Shrink not, though earth and hell oppose, But plead your Master's cause; < Assured tlhat e'en your mightiest foes I - Shall bow before his cross. 536lHYMN o536, C. M. <53)06 Designation of a Missionary. m, 1 ATHER of mercies! condescend 1 To hear our fervent prayer, While this our brother we commend To thy paternal care. 2 Before him set an open door; His various efiorts bless; < On him thy Holy Spirit pour, m f And crown him with success. - 3 Endow him with a heavenly mind; Supply his every need; > Malke him in spirit meek, resigned, nZf But bold in word and deed. } - 4 In every tempting, trying hour, Uphold him, by thy grace; < And guard him, by thy mighty power, -- Till he shall end his race. 5 Then, followed by a numerous train, Gathered from heathen lands, Mf A crown of life may he obtain, From his bedeemer's hands. <4. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 535 53 HYMN 53-7, L. M. 537 Commission to the Gentiles. a m 1 0 0 mO-messenger of peace and love! I < 1 To nations plunged in shades of night; $ i < Like angels sent fiom l ields above, nzj Be thine to shed celestial light. - 2 Go, to the hungry food impart; rMp To paths of peace the wanderer guide, And lead the thirsty, panting heart, Where streams of living waters glide. f J 8 Go, bid the bright and morning star, From Bethlehem's plains, resplendent shine, -e And, piercing through the gloom afar, Shed heavenly light and love divine. I 4 To India's various castes, proclaim >< The gospel's soft, but powerful voice; ~ - hAnd, at the blest Redeemer's name, t nf Let ocean's lonely isles rejoice. 5 From north to south, from east to west, MS essiah yet shall reign supreme; His name, by every tongue, confessed, - f -His praise —tle universal theme. i i5mi538,.. 5 3 8 Prayer for Israel. m 1 lORD! send thy servants forth 1 To call the Hebrews home; From east, and west, and south, and north, Let all the wanderers come. 2 Where'er, in lands unknown, The fugitives remain, Bid every creature help them on, Thy holy mount to gain. 8 An offering to the Lord, There let them all be seen, Sprinkled with water and with blood, n soul and body clean. 4 With Israel's myriads sealed, Let all tle nations meet; And show the mystery fulfilled,Thy family complete. 536 HYMNS DXXXIX, DXL.: q 9 rt QHYMN 539, 8s, 7s and 4. 5, 9 < TheiC Missionary's Farewell. mf 1 yES, —my native land! I love thee; i All thy scene I love them well;Friends, connections, lappy country I > Can I bid you all farewell? I p Can I leave you, mp Far in heathen lands to dwell? $ f 2 Home! —thy joys are passing lovely,Joys no stranger heart can tell; HTappy lomne!-t is sure I love thee! I > Can I-can I say-Farewell? p Can I leave thee, mp Far in heathen lands to dwell? 3 Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure, Holy days and Sabbath bell, zf Richest, brightest, sweetest treasure! > Can I say a last farewell? p Can I leave you, mp Far in heathen lands to dwell? \mf 4 Yes! I hasten from you gladly, i From the scenes I love so well; Far away, ye billows! bear me; Lovely native land!-farewell! Pleased I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell. 5 In the deserts let me labor, On the mountains let me tell, How he died-the blessed SaviourTo redeem a world from hell Let me hasten, Far in heathen lands to dwell. 6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean! Let the winds my canvass swell: ~ Heaves my heart with warm emotion, While I go far hence to dwell: Glad I bid thee, > Native land!-Farewell!-Farewell! \. r~ ]E^rMT4N( 540, L.,i. J540'lissionaries remembered. m I 11'ARKED as the purpose of the skies, This promise meets our anxious eyes,i 1._1 $ That CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 537 8 That heathen lands the Lord shall know, And warm with faith each bosomn glow.! 2 E'en now the hallowed scenes appear; EYen now unfolds the promised year: < Lo! distant shores thy heralds trace, f' And bear te tidings of thy grace. 3 Mid burning clilnes and frozen plains, i Where pagan darkness brooding reigns, Lord! mark their steps, their fears subdue, < And nerve their arm, andc clear their view. > 4 When, worn by toil, their spirits fail, < Bid them the glorious future hail; mf Bid them the crown of life survey, < And onward urge their conquering way. $ - e —o~ —SPREAD OF TIE GOSPEL L. \4541 5, ~41 L. M. e 541 J Prayer for the Jtillenlnium. aff 1 JESUS! we bow before thy throne, We lift our eyes to seek thy face; To bleeding hearts thy love make known, On contrite souls bestow thy grace. 2 See, spread beneath thy gracious eye, A world o'erwhelmled in guilt and tears, Where deathless souls in ruin lie, And no kind voice dispels their fears mf 3 Lord! arm thy truth with power divine, < Its conquests spread from shore to shore, f Till suns and stars forget to shine, > And earth and skies shall be no more. f" 4 Oh rise, ye ransomed captives! rise, Peal the loud anthem here below; Let earth reflect it to the skies, And heaven with new-born rapture glow. 44 HYIN 542, C... 5L42I ReturTintg to Zion. 1 I AIUGHTER of Zion! from the dust Exalt thy fallen head; 23* 538 IYMNS DXLIII DXLIV. Again in thy Redeemer trust,- Hle calls thee from the dead. \ f 2 Awake, awake, put on thy strength, — Thy beautiful array; Thy day of fieedom dawns at length,- The Lord's appointed day. 3 8Rebuild thy walls, tly bounds enlarge,, And send thy heralds forth; I Say to the south,' Give up thy charge, i And keep not back, 0 north!"! 4 They come, they come;-~thine exiled bands, Where'er they rest or roam, Have heard thy voice in distant lands, And hasten to their home. \ mf 5 Thus, thoughl the universe shall burn And God his works destroy, < With songs, thy ransomed shall return,!f And everlasting joy.; &3 / ^HYTIN 543, S. M. 5 43 The Gospel Trumpet. mp I YE trembling captives! hear; i< A- The gospel trumpet sounds; i - lNo music more can chtarm the ear,: > Or heal your heart-felt wounds.: 2'T is not the trump of war,, < Nor Sinai's awful roar; g f Salvation's news its spreads afar, \ > And vengeance is no more. I p 3 Forgiveness, love, and peace, i< - Glad heaven alohud proclaims, ~f A.nd earth, the jubilee's release, ~ With eager rapture claims. if 4 Far, far to distant lands, The saving nexws shall spread \ < And Jesus all his willing bands, I f In glorious triumph lead. $ SA 2IE-YMXN 544, S.. 544 11 Prayer for Success. mf 1 Ln ORD, our Gor! arise, t I V' The cause of truth maintain; i f ~SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 539 And, wide o'er all the peopled world, Extend her blessed reign. / 2 Thou Prince of life! arise, j Nor let thy glory cease; Far spread the conquests of thy grace, And bless the earth with peace. 3 Thou Holy Ghost! arise, Expand thy quickening wing, > And, o'er a dark and ruined world, < Let light and order spring. f 4 All on the earth! arise, To God, the Saviour sing; From shore to shore, from earth to heaven, Let echoing anthems ring. ( 4 Fi^~ tYN 545, L. iiM. 545 The Teime to favor Zion. mnf 1 SOVEREIGN of worlds! display thy power, Be this thy Zion's favored hour; d f Bid the brigiht morning star arise, And point the nations to the skies. mf 2 Set up thy throne where Satan reigns, On Afric's shore, on India's plains; Far let the gospel's sound be known, And claim the nations for thy own. 3 Speak,-and the world slall hear thy voice Speak, —and the desert shall rejoice; < Scatter the gloom of heathen night; f Bid every nation hail the light. PP F X f HYMN 546, C. M. 5 e46 t Millennial )ays. i mf 1 T ORD send thy word, and let it fly, J Armed with thy Spirit's power; Ten thousands shall confess its sway, i And bless the saving hour. 2 Beneath the influence of thy grace, < The barren wastes shall rise, mf With sudden green and fruits arrayed,- - A blooming paradise. < 8 Peace, with her olive-crown, shall stretch mf Her wings from shore to shore; ~~~4~8~8***0*********^ **0** ** ***0*****+ 1 540 HYMNS DXLVII, DXLVIII. The nations of the earth shall hear > The sound of war no more. I ~- 4 Lord for those days we wait;-those days Are in thy word foretold: i/ f Fly swifter, sun and stars! and bring This promised age of gold. I f' " Amen! —with joy divine, let earth's Unnumbered myriads cry; Amen! with joy divine, let heaven's Unnumbered choirs reply. $ &;,y y qSt 547, S. I.' 47 Prayer for all Lands. m 1 0 GOD of sovereign grace! J We bow before thy throne; I And plead, for all the human race,! The merits of thy Son. 2 Spread through the earth, 0 Lord! The knowledge of thy ways; < And let all lands, with joy, record I f The great Redeemer's praise. HYM1N 548, 7s. 548 Jesus shall reign. I f I 1 1ARK!-the song of jubilee,: -0- Loud as mighty thunders roar,-~ Or the fullness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore;- " s Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent, shall reign!" Hallelujah! let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2 " Hallelujah!"-hark!-the sound, From the centre to the skies, Wakes, above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies: See Jehovah's banners furled, Sheathed his sword! he speaks-t is done, And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. 8 He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway: If ~ SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 541.1 He shall reign, when, like a scroll, I Yonder heavens have passed away; Then the end;-beneath his rod, Man's last enemy shall fall; Hallelujah!-Chrlist in God, God in Christ, is all in all. e 4 ^i FY 6i L. 5.49,L.. 4 t 9 Prayer for Zion. aff 1 INDULGENT Sovereign of the skies! J - And wilt thou bow thy gracious ear? While feeble mortals raise their cries, Wilt thou, the great Jehovah, hear? 2 How shall thy servants give thee rest, Till Zion's mouldering walls thou raise? Till thine own power shall stand confessed, And make Jerusalem a praise? 3 Look down, O God! with pitying eye, 0 And view the desolations round; $ See, what wide realls in darkness lie, $ What scenes of w-oe and crime abound! I mf 4 Loud let the gospel trumpet blow, And call the nations fiom afar; Let all the isles their Saviour know, And earth's remotest ends draw near. i FY N 550 E, C. M. OOLJ5)U Prayer for the Reigno of Christ. f" 1 TESUS, immortal King! arise; J Rise and assert thy sway; Till earth, subdued, its tribute bring, And distant lands obey. 2 Ride forth, victorious Conqueror! ride, Till all thy foes submit: And all the powers of hell resign > Their trophies at thy feet. f 3 Send forth thy word, and let it fly, This spacious earth around; Till every soul, beneath the sun, Shall hear the joyful sound. 4 From sea to sea, from shore to shore, May Jesus be adored; ~_ 542 HYMNS DLT, DLII. $ < And earth, with all her millions, shout I ff Hosannas to the Lord. IY Iq 551, 7s and 6s. 00J1 UThe State of the Heathen. I m 1 fROMO Greenland's icy mountains, ~ 1 FoFrom India's coral strand. Whelre A.fric's sunny fountains Roll dlown thei golden sand; From many an ancient river, From many a panly plain, They call us to celiver Their land froom error's chain, W 2 What though the spicy breezes Imp Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle,~ Though every prospect pleases, I> And only iman is vile -- - n vain, with lavishl kindness, The gifts of God are strown; The heatdhen, in his blindness,: Bows down to wood and stone, 8 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high,- A Shall we, to mnen benighted, The lamp of life deny? Salvation! 0 Salvation!The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation' Has learned Messiah's namen 4 Waft-waft, ye winds! his story, And you, ye watersl roll, — Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole; %: Till, o'er our ransomed nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. a 5X 5t xHYMN 552, L. EL 55 ttJJ Zion encouraged. f 1 ZI ION! awake, thy strength renew, t_ Put on thy robes of beauteous hute; And let th' admiring world behold I The King's fair daughter clothed in gold. If SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 543 2 Church of our God! arise and shine, Brighit with the beans of truth divine: Then shalll thy radianc e stream afar, Wide as the he:llthen nations are. 3 Gentiles and kings thy light shall view; All shall admlire and love thee too;Shall come, like eloud.s a'cross the sky, Or d(oves thalt to theil windows fly. YIM N 553' C. II.' $ 553 Pr'aye' for f Missionaries. 1 RET A-T God I the nations of the earth IT Are by creation thine; And in thv workls, friom nature's birth, 172f Thy radiant glories shine. -- ~ 2 But Lord I thy greater love hath sent Thy gospel to our ra ce; Unveiling tlhy divine intent Of rich redeeming gra.c.1 < 3 Soon may these gracious tidings roll mf The spacious earth around, $ < Till every tribe and every soul f Shall hear the joyful sound. ~ - 4 Then, to her sable sons conveyed, Shall. Afi'ie learn thy word, And vassals, long-enslaved, become The freeinme of the Lord. > 5 When shall tlle scattered wanderers meet mp That now in darkness rove, And, gathered round Immanuel's feet, - ~ Sing of his savingr love? 6 0 Lord! eacli faitlhful effort own, To spread the gospel rays; < And rear, on siln' demlolished throne, f The temples of thy praise. 55 IYM E 1554, H. I. i 554 Prophecy fulfilled,. 2?f 1 i LL ha.il! incarnate God! $'I The wondrous things foretold I Of thee, in sacred writ, With joy our eyes behold; Ai 1 544 HYMNS DLV, DLVI. Still doth thine arm new trophies wear, And monuments of glory rear. i f" 2 Oh! haste, victorious Prince! I That glorious ihappy day,! dol When souls, like drops of dew, I Shall own thy gentle sway: < Oh! mnay it bless our longing eyes, I f RAnd bear our shouts beyond the skies. Jf 3 Al1 hail! triumplihant Lord Eternal be thy reign; - Behold the nations wait $ > To wear thy gentle chain: - _ When earth and time are known no more, i < Thy throne shall stand for ever sure. i S^ PYMN 555, L, X, 555 Trium.znlph of the Gospel. f" 1 / Rl of the Lo rd! awake, awake -LI put. on thy strength, lthe nations shake, And let the world, aldorinf, see Triumphs of mercy wrought by thee. 2 Say to tlhe heathen, fiomn tly throne,-' "' I amu Jehlovah-God alone!"? mf Thly voice their idols shall confound, > And cast their altars to the ground. nmf 3 Alnightiy God! thy grace proclaim, In every land of every name; Let Zion's timne of favor come; 01Oh! bring thle tribes of Israel home. f" 4 Arm of the Lord! avwake, awake! Put on thy strengt, the nations shake; Let hostile powers before thee fall, And crown the Saviour-Lord of all, -MYN 556, s, 7s and 4. 0556 Thze (Day Spring. mf 1 CHRIPISTIAN see! the orient morming S Breaks along the heathen sky; Lo! th' expected ay is dawning- Glorious day-spring from on high'! f" Hallelujah!Hail the day-spring from on high! ios o n s-..!.4 ~I SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 545 5! $ mf 2 Heathen at the sight are signging; Miorning wakes the tuneful lays; I{ $Precious offerings they are bringing-' irslt-fi its of more perfect praise: jf" l Halleluiahl' llail the cday-sp ring firom on high 3 Zion's Sutn -- salvat.ion beaming,- $ Gilding nowi tfe-w raditant hills, — Eise and slfline, till, brighter gleaming, ~ All the world othi gly gor fiils: Hdallelujah lI J Hail tle fday-spring from on high! 4 Lord of every t. ibe and nation 1 Spread thy t'ruth fi'0om pole to pole; Spread the light of thy salvation, Till it shine on every soul: Ha llelijah -- 1 Hail the day-spring ronm on high! IZ-^y. 557, L. l. I 557^ Ciz'-ist."s Coning to 2reig In. mn I ESUS! thy cliurchli ith longing eyes e For thine expected coning waits: < AWhen will the promised light arise, mtf And glory bean on Zion's gates? 2 E'en now, vlwhen tempests round us fall, Mnp And wintry clouds o'ercast the sky, Thy words with pleasurne ve recall, < A3nd deem that our redemption's nigh. - 3 Oh! come and reign o'er every land;?f Let Satan fron his throne be hurled,- All nations bow to thy command, S> And grace revive a dying world. 4 Teach us, in watchfulness and prayer! To wait for thine appointed hour; < And fit us, by thy grace, to share f The triumphs of thy conquering power. ^^ 0AC9 EHIN 558, Li XtN tJ5 5 The coming Reign of Christ. f ASCEND thy throne, almighty King I And spread thy glories all abroad; ; 546 HYMNS DLIX, DLX. i Let thine own arm salvation bring, And be thou known the gracious God. - 2 Let millions bow before thy seat,mp Let humble mourners seek thy face; I > Bring daring rebels to thy feet, < Subdued by thy victorious grace. mf 3 Oh! let the kingdoms of the worlld I Become the kingdoms of the Lord; j < Let saints and angels praise thy name,\f Be t thou through leaven and earth adored. 559 IIN 559, Ts a&d IS. 55 0,2''he flina7 Victory of Christ. f 1 7TIIEN shall the voice of singing I i Flow joy1fully along? When hill and valley, ringing With;l onie triumphant song, Proclaim the contest ended, And him, who once was slain, Again to earth ddescended, i iJIn righteousness to reign. 2 Then, from the craggy mountains, lThe sacred shout shall fly; And shady vales and fountains Shall echo the reply: High tower and lowly dwelling Shall send the chorus round, All hallelujah swelling I! xIn one eternal sound. o 5 6 The JXew Cr eation. mnf 1 QPIRIT of power and might! behold qnp 0k A world by sin destroyed: -- ~ Creator Spirit -as of old, o Move on the formless void.! 2 Give thou the word; —that healing sound Shall quell the deadly strife; i < And earth again, like Eden crowned, m/f Produce the tree of life. 3 If sang the morning stars for joy, When nature rose to view, eI SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 547 I f What strains shall angel harps employ, 5 When tlhoiu salt all renew! m wf/ 4 Andl, if the sons of God rejoico i *, To hear a Saviour's name, I f 1Iow will thle ralsomed raise their voice To whoml t.it Saviour came I rnf 5 So every kinded, toingue and tribe, Assenlblilng roundtlie throne, $ f Thy new creationl small ascribe, rJb'eTo sovereign love alone. wyyS 3;1, q,. g 561 6 i Rejoicing- in Christ's Reign. $ mf 1 1 TOW living waters flow ~ 1 To cheer the humble soul; i' From sea to sea the rivers go, $ And spread from pole to pole. 2 Now righteousness shall spring, And grow on earth again; f Jesus, Jehovah, be our King, And o'er the nations reign. 3 Jesus shall rule alone, The world shall hear his word; By one blest name shall he be knownThe universal Lord. i 56 ^ 0#Y 5Q2, L,,. 56 2 Prayefor ir the World's Conversion. mn 1 SPIRIT of the living God!; In all thy plenitude of grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race. 2 Give tongues of fire, and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling word; mf Give power and unction from above, i Where'er the joyful sound is heard. $ 3 Be darkness, at thy coming, light, Confusion-order, in thy path; j f < Souls without strength, inspire with might; Bid melrcy triumph over wrath. 4 0 Spirit of the Lord! prepare i A sinful world their God to meet: ~i~b~)Mlll~~Z~bL~s~,~~~~~BIH~~~.~~C 6B s)C1 548 iHYMiNS DLXIII, DLXIV. Breathe thou abroad, like morning air, Till hearts of stone begin to beat. nf S Baptize the nations; far and nigh rl'ilThe triulmphs of the cross recordl; < Tile lnaime of Jesus gloriiy, df f Till every kindred call him~-Lord. 6 QHYIvIN 563, 8s, 7s and 4. 563 PracerP fSo tile Heathcen. M I IO'ER th-te rtealm s of pagan darkness v ],et the eye of pity gaze; ~ — See the kindreds of the people, mp Lost in sin's bewildering mDaze;p Darkness brooding On the face of all the earth! 9 2f 2 Lioglht of them who sit in error! 0f ERlise and shline-thy blessings bring; Light —to ligieten all the Gentiles! Rise witlh healing, in thy wing'r: To thy brightpess, Let all kings and nations come. mf 3 Let the heathen, now adoring Idol gods of wood and stone, Come, and, worshiping before him, Serve the living God alone f Let thy glory Fill the earth, as floods the sea. 4 Thou! to wvhomn all power is given, Speak the word; at thy command, Let the company of heralds Spread th;y name fiom land to land: mp Lord! be with thel, mf Alwvas till time's latest end. 564, L. II. k)564 Spread of the Gospel. mn I T Y people, Lord! who trust thy word, And wait the smilings of thy face, Assemble round thy mercy seat, And plead the promise of thy grace. 2 Hast thou not said-thine only Son Shall be a light to Gentile lands, _eB~~e~a4lu9~scs**ssiss~-~ ----— ~- ----------- SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 549 To open the benighted eves, And loose the wretched pris'ners' bands?- 3 From land to land, firom sea to sea, That his dominion shall extend?~That every tongue shall call him Lord, And every knee before him bend? 4 Now let thle hanppy time appear — <''-The timle to ftvor Zion comle; f Send forth thy heralds far and near'-> And call the wandering exiles home. 5 65 ffTIN 588, 8s, 7s and 4. 565\ Success of the Gospel among the Heathen. m Z 1 I'ER the gloomly hills of darkness, 5 Cheered by no celestial ray, < Sun of righteousness! arising,! y' Bring tlie brighlt, the glorious day Send the gospel To the earth's remotest bound. > 2 Kingdoms wvide tihat sit in darkness,}< GGrant thenl, Lord! the glorious light; sfJ Ant, froml n easn coast to western, May the imorning chase the night; f And'redelmtioln, Freely purchased, win the day. 3 Fly abroad, thou migl-hty gospel! Win and conquer, never cease; lMay thy lastilg,) wide dominiions, Multiply and still increase; Sway thy sceptre, Saviour! al the world aroundo e 5 66c~T 1Y.Sg 566, 7s, $ t 560 0 T-riumphs of the Gospel. n 1 I-O are tllese tlhat come from far, I Led by Jacobts rising star? Stratngers now to Zion comle,'lere to seek a peaceful home. 2 Lo! they gather like a cloud, Or as doves their wvindows crowd: Zion wonders at thle sight,- Zion feels a strange delight. ^ ~ ^^~ —-- ~ ~ ~ ~< ~ [ 550 HYMNS DLXVII, DLXVIII. - 3 Zion now no more shall sigh,; < God will raise hler glory high; m vf Ile will send a large increase,- > lie will give his people peace. f" 4 Sons of Zion! sing aloud: See her sun, litlhout a cloud! God will inake Iier joy complete, Zion's su sshall never set. I ^M.^ N1 6 7, C. M. 5 5 )67 0Kingdom of C'hrist amnong J2.en. \ m7f 1 10! 11what a glorious sight a'ppears,; Ju1'0 To our believing eyes! ] TJhe earth alnd se',S are passed awayV, And the old 1ollian skies. 1 I 2 Fromn tihe third heaven, where God resides,- I Tilat 1iolv, i1appy place, — i f The New-Jierusaletn conies down, Adorneid iwith shining grace. 3 Attending anogels shout for joy, And the biiglt armies sing,~-'- " Mol ta.ls! beliold the saclred seat Of your descendilng King. 4 " The God of glory, down to men, Removes his blessed abode; —Men, the dear objects of Ins grace, And lie thiei loving God. dol 5 " His own soft h!aind shll wipe the tears: > 1?SFrom every weeping eye; p2 And pains, and grnoans, ntid griefs, and fears, P> And dea.tl itself shall diee." * P mp 6 IHow long, dea Saviour! Oh! how long SlShall thlis 1briglit 1hour delay? * < Fly svwil;er round, ye wheels of time! \ f And bring the welcome day. I ^H 56, 11s. 56 0 Zion encourage, mf 1 ATUGHTER ofZion! awake from thy sadness; i 1 1)7!Awake,-for thy foes shall oppress thee no! j *l-~more; [,ness; Bright o'er thy hills dawns the day star of gladArise,-for the night of thy sorrow is o'ero $ __^__^^^^__^^^^^^^~.^y~~6~b~~~L~WZBQM)~~ SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 551 2 Strong were thy foes; but the arm that subdued S R ~ tler em, < And scattered their legions, was mnightier far; S f They fled, like the chafl from the scourge that pursued th em; Vain were their steeds and their chariots of war. < 3 Daughter of Zion! the power, that hath saved thee, [be: f 3 Extolled with t.he harp and the timbrel should Shout,-for the foeiis destroyed that enslaved thee, Th' oppressor is vanqiished, and Zion is free. 5 9 Qa'tY 589, C. X, 5 069J Universal Praise. m I 0\ I CITY of the Lord! begin f Thle universal song And let the scattered villages The joyful notes prolong. 2 Let Kedar's wvilderness afar Lift up the lonely voice; And let the tenants of the rock < In accent rude rejoice. mf 3 Oh! fioml the streamns of distant lands To our Jehovahl sing;, f And joyfull, firom the mountain tops, Shout to the Lord, the King. 4 Let all combined, with one accord, The Saviour's glories raise, Till in the earth's remotest bounds, The nations sound his praise. P:;a W \ HYMN 570, 8s, 7s and 4. $ 70 i U Dawningi of the Latter Day. mf 1 00, ye saints! the day is breaking Joyful times are near at hand; God, the mighty God, is speaking { By his word in every land; Day advances,2 Darkness flies, at his command~. 2 While the foe becomes more daring, While he enters like a flood, God, the Saviour, is preparing Means to spread his truth abroad: Every language Soon shall tell the love of God. _-. 5 552 HYMNS DLXXI-DLXXIII. *f 3 God of Jacob, high and glorious! Let thy people see thy power; LLet the gospel be victorious, Through the world for evermore; I -. Then shall idols < C Perish, while thy saints adore. I 1 I jM 573, L. M. 7 1. Success anticipated., m 1 gIEHOLD th' expected time draw near, Tlie shades disperse, the dawn appear Behold the wilderness assiume } do The beauteous tints of Eden's bloom! 2 Events with prophecies conspire, \ < To raise our' faitfl, our zeal to fire: - - The ripening fields, dlready iwhite,' Present a harvest to the sight. 3 The untaugtilt heathen waits to know mf The joy the gospel vill bestow; < The exiled captive, to receive mWf The fireedom Jesus has to give. 4 0onie, lot us, Awithl a grateful heart, In the-blest labor share a part: i < Our p'rayers and offerings gladly bring, if To aid the triumphs of our King.'di i~" 572, C.,M. 572 / U, 7YThe Victories of Christ. f" 1 OSA0 NN A to our conquering King! $L All hail! incarnate Love! Ten thousand songs and glories wait, To crown thy head above. 2 Thy victories and thy deathless fame, Through the wide world, shall run; And everlasting ages sing The triumph thou hast won. HYMN 573, H. M, 50 7 The general Jubilee. mf 1 I AIR shines the morning star; The silver trumpets sound, 33 Their notes re-echoing far, While dawns the day around: f Joy to the earth-the earth is free; It is the year ofjubilee. I SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 553 mnp 2 Pris'ners of hope, in gloom e > And silence, left to die! < With Christ's unfolding tomb, m rf' Your portals open fly: Rise with your Lord-he sets you free;! It is the year of jubilee. e - 3 Ye, who yourselves have sold For debts to justice due,: ansolned-but not with gold! I-e gave him-self for you: < The blood of Christ hath made you free; $ f It is the year of jubilee. - 4 Captives of sin and shame! O'er earth tand ocean, hear $ mf An angel's voice proclaim The Lord's accepted year: $ 3 Let Jacob rise-be Israel fiee; It is the year of jubilee. 57 4 e YMi 574of, L I-. 5 0) 4/ Thle Reigni of Christ established, f 1 IHOUT, for the great Redeemer reigns, Through distant lands his triumphs spread; Sinners, nowT fieed fiom Satan's chains, Own him their Saviour and their Head. 2 Oh! may his conquests still increase; Let every foe his power subdue; While angels celebrate Ihis praise, Saints shall his rising glories show. 8f 8 Loud hallelujahs to the Lamb, From all below and all above; In lofty songs, exalt his name,In songs as lasting as his love, F575 HY^BIMIN 575, 7s. t 575 The- Reign of Christ, f" 1 jAKE the song of jubilee,! Let it echo o'er the sea! Now hath come the promised hour; g Jesus reigns with sovereign power. { 2 All ye nations! join and sing,"Christ, of lords and kings, is King!" Let it sound from shore to siore, — " Jesus reigns for evermore!" 24 554 HYMNS DLXXVI, DLXXVII. 3 8Now the desert lands rejoice, And the islands join their voice; Y$ea, the whole creation sings, — Jesus is the King of kings!" 1,^;e itHYMN 576, 7s. $ i 0 The triumphant Reign of Christ. f" 1 EE the ransomed millions stand,Panlms of conquest in their hands! This before the throne their strain,-, " Hell is vanquished-death is slain! $ 2 " Blessing, honor, glory, migllt, I Are the Conqueror's native right; Thrones and powers before hlim hll,- Lamb of God, and Lord of all 1" 3 Hasten, Lord! the promised hour; Come in glory and in power; Still thy foes are unsnbduedNature sighs to be renewed': 4 Time has nearly reached its sum; < All things with the bride, say, "Come " f Jesus! whom all worlds adore, Come,-and reign for evermore. MORNING. 577I ^HYMN 577, 7s. i577 7 Morning. mp 1 JN this calm impressive hour, < - Let my prayer ascend on high; mf God of mercy! God of power! Hear me, when to thee I cry: Hear me from thy lofty throne, For the sake of Christ, thy Son. < 2 With the morning's early ray, > While the shades of night depart, I< Let thy beams of light convey f Joy and gladness to my heart; $ ~- lNow o'er all my steps preside, i And for all my wants provide. 4>-L-L~ —U ---— 0C91~~9 ~ ~ ~I ~ MORNING. 555 \f 3 Oh! what joy that word affords,- "Tlhou shalt reign o'er all the earth;"; t King ci of is, Lo o lords!, Send tlhy gospel heralds forth: e f'f Now begin thy boundless sway, Usher in the glorious day. 17 Q %HYMIN 578, S. M. 0d0) Pr~ay/er for spiritual Light. e I mf 1 WTE lift our hearts to thee, W'llThou Day Star fromn on high! The sun itself is but tly shade, e Yet cheers both earth and sky. < 2 Oh! let thy rising beams > Dispel the shades of night; And let the glories of thy love f Come, like the mlornilng light. \ 83 How beauteous nature now! $ ~p How dark and sad before!- i mf With joy we view the pleasing change, \ And nature's God adore. ~- 4 Maxy we this life improve, * p To mIourn for errors past \ ~ And live, this short revolving day, I As if it were our last. I:,e E^YM 579, 7s. 79) 6 Morning Thanks. m r 1 THIOU tlhat dost my life prolong! K Kindly aid my morning song; Thankful, from my couch I rise, To the God that rules the skies. 2 Thou didst hear my evening cry; $ %lThy preserving hand was nigh; I 32p Peaceful slumbers thou hast shed, > Grateful to my weary head. * ~ 3 Thou lhast kept me through the night,- I'T wa\s thy ha.nd restored tlle light; $ Lordt! thy mercies still are new,! Plenteous, as the morning dew. \ amp 4 Still my feet are prone to stray,- Ohl! preserve me through the day; $ DtDangers every where abound, Sins and snares beset me round. ^ ~e~bB~B~Q~)969~~8~~C~~6~~b~4aB~4r~VI~Bg( ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ - ~~s 556 HYMNS DLXXX, DLXXXI. m p 5 Gently, with the dawning ray, < On my soli, thy beams display; ~- Sw\eeter than the smilingl morn, < Let thy cheering light return. ^o^ 5 0HYXN 580, S. X. 580 MJornilg Prayer Jleeting. rm'1 HOW sweet the mlelting lay, That breaks upon the ear, When, at the hour of rising day, Christians unite in prayer! mp 2 The breezes waft their cries, Up to Jehovah's throne; IIe listens to their bursting sighs, And sends his blessings down. 3 So Jesus rose to pray, Before tile morning light; mp Once on the chilling mount did stay, And wrestle all the night. f 4 Glory to God on high, Who sends his blessings down, > To rescue souls condemned to die, - And make his people one. o581 Pi^ 581, S.M. 581 & Mrnin2tg Mleditations. f I1 A WAKE, my drowsy soul! These airy visions chase; Awake, my active powers renewed I To run the heavenly race. 2 See-how the rising sun Pursues his slining way; And wide proclaims his Maker's praise, With every brightening ray! 8 Thus would my rising soul Her heavenly Parent sing; And to her great Original $ ~ Her hlumble tribute bring. p 4 Serene, I laid me down Beneath his guardian care;;- I slept, and woke; and still I found My kind Preserver near. : ZMORNING. 55T mp 5 Dear Saviour! to thy cross, i: 1I bring my sacriilce; < Tinged witll tlh blood, it shall ascend, I1f With firagrance to thle skies. \* F;582 xT Q.3, C. la. A 9 v-Alo turning Song-. mf 1 0NCE more, n11 soul! thle lrising day: v Salutes thy wvalkingp eyes; Once mlore, mly voice,! thy tribute pay To hin wJo rules tuhe skies. A 2 Nih-lt unto night his name repeats, e lThe day renews the sound l; f "Wide as the heaven, on which he sits \ - To turn the seasons round. $ > 3'T is lie supports my mortal frame,l My tongue shall speak his praise; \ < My sins would rouse his wrath to flame, A - And yet his wrath delays. $ mp 4 A thousand wretched souls are fled, Since the last setting sun; And yet he lengthens out my thread,And yet my momuents run. 5 Great God! let all my hours be thine, Whilst I enjoy the light; > Then shall my sun in sniles decline, p And bring a peaceful night. 5o83 n YB 583, L.,. 58 e 3J Jf.iorning Gratitude. 1 IN sleep's serene oblivion laid, I safely passed the silent night;;?f Again I see the breaking shade,I drink again the morning light. 2 New born, I bless the waking hour, e GOnce more, with awe, rejoice to be; < e My conscious soul resumes her power, f / And springs, lmy guardian God! to thee. 8 Oh! guide me through the various maze, Mly doubtful feet may this day tread; < And spread thy shield's protecting blaze, A T- Where dangers press around my head. 558 HYMNS DLXXXIV, DLXXXV. p 4 A deeper shade will soon impend,A deepel sleep mlie eyes oppress; < Yet, then thy strength shall still defend,$ mlf Thy gooldness stiill delight to bless. < 5 That deeper shade shall break away, lThat deeper sleep shall leave mine eyes; I < Thy light shall give etern'li day; f Thy love-the rapture of the skies. eO 58A BSSIfI 584, L..T, $ O Praise to the God of thle Mlorning.' Inf 1 [qOD of the imlorning! at thy voice e UJ'lThe cheerful sun makes haste to rise, i f And like a giant doth rejoice, To run his journey through the skies;i mnf 2 From the fair chambers of the east, The circuit of his race begins, And witlhout weariness or rest, f Round the whole earth, he flies and shines. 3 Oh! like the sun may I fulfill Tl' appointed duties of the day; With ready mind, and active will, mnf }Malrch on, and keep my heavenly way. - 4 Lord! thy commands are clean and pure, Enlightening our beclouded eyes; < Tlhy threatenings just, thy promise sure, ihy gospel makes the simple wise. 5 Give me thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to thy bliss: All my desires and hopes beside Are faint, and cold, compared with this, I, EVENING.; Q iHYiBMN 585, L. M. tJ o t8J An Eveening Sacrifice. I m 1 (REAT God! to thee my evening song i With humble gratitude I raise; < Oh! let thy mercy tune my tongue, 0 mf And fill my heart with lively praise. I CEVENING. 559 } - 2 My days unclouded, as they pass,! And every gently rolling hour, Are monuments of wondrous grace, I < AAnd witness to thy love and power. np 3 Seal my forgiveness in the blood Of Jesus;-his cear name alone I plead for pardon, gracious God! And kind acceptance, at thy throne. > 4 Let this blest hope mine eyelids close; mp With sleep refresh my feeble fiame; e _ Safe in thy care may I repose, mf Andi wake with praises to thy name. t 586) ErNHYMN 586, 7s. ] e J06 Evening Contemplation. p I OFTLY, now, the light of day - Fad.es upon mny sight away; Free from care, fi oln labor free, Lord! I would commune with thee. - 2 Soon, for me, the light of day > SShall for ever pass away; Then, froml sin and sorrow fiee, ~- Take me, Lord! to dwell with thee. 587 EHYMN 587, C. M. 5J87 i Evening Prayer and Praise. m 1 lNDULGENT Father! by whose care, I've passed another day,- Let me, this night, thy mercy share;- - Oh! teach me how to pray. i mp 2 Show me my sins, and how to mourn: y guilt before thy face; $ -~ Direct me, Lord! to Christ alone,:, And save mne by thy grace. 8 Let each returning night declare The tokens of thy love; < And, every hour, thy grace prepare mf I My soul for joys above. > 4 And when, on earth, I close mine eyes, t p To sleep in death's embrace, < Let me, to heaven and glory, rise, mf To see thy smiling face. ] 560 HYMNS DLXXXVIII —DXC. I _. -. 588O; IMN 588, 8s an.d 7s. Peculiar. 588, nC Evenin? Offer'ing. $ nv I THRI-POUG tlie day thy love has spared us;, Now wve ltay us dotw to rest; ~,72p Throighl the silent watthles gllurd us, Let no foe onr peace ilolest; - Jesus! tlhou our guarLdilan be, Sweet it is to trust in thee. 2 Pilglrims here on eartll, and straungers, e Dwelling in the midst of foes, i Us and oulrs preserve froll dangers, $ > In thinle a'ims, let us repose, - Andl, wheln life's short tday is past, R est with tlhee, in heaven, at last.:589 zS^~iQ 58 9,7s. 5 5 9 Repose and Devotion. i 1W qTOW, fiomIu labor and frolm care, 1 Eveniii sihades liave set mne free; In tlhe work of praise and prayer, Lord I would converse with thee: Oil! behlold me fiom above, Fill lmewith a Saviour's love. p 2 Sin and sorrow, guilt and wvoe, *' Wither all lily eartlily joys; emp Nauiglht can charml me here below, But my Saviolr's mnelting voice: < Lord! forgive-thy grace restore, - Make me thine for evermore. 3 For the blessings of tis day, For the mnercies of tllis hour, < For the gospel's cheering ray, mvf' For the Spirit's quickening power,-' "Grateful notes to thee I raise; Oh! accept my song of praise. i,IYiNX 5 90, C. XwIr ^Q^!1I 590,0. TS. t 590 ln JIEveninlg Song. N I r, READ Sovereign, let my evening song,: -^ Like holy incense, rise; < Assist the offerings of my tongue, mf To reach the lofty skies. - 2 Through all the dangers of the day, Thy hand was still my guard; ib, I~ EVENING. 561 And still, to drive my wants away, Thy mercy stood prepared. 3 Perpetual blessings from above Encompass me around; ff But, Oh! how few returns of love Ilath my Creator found! 4 What have I done for him, who died To save my wretched soul How are my follies multiplied, Fast as the minutes roll! 5 Lord! with this guilty heart of mine, To thy dear cross I flee; And to thy grace my soul resign, To be renewed by thee. 1 6 Sprinkled afiesh with pard'ning blood, I lay me down to rest,$ As in th' embraces of my God, Or on miy Saviour's breast. 5 -9 g l -XH N 591, C 591E Evenizg Prayer and Praise. I m 1 INDULGENT God! whose bounteous care 1 O'er all thy works is shown,< e Oh! let my grateful praise and prayer mf Arise before thy throne. $ 2 What mercies has this day bestowed! How largely hast thou blest! I zlMy cup with plenty overflowed, W ith cheerfulness-my breast. qmp 3 Now may soft slumber close my eyes, - From pain and sickness free; < And let my waking thoughts arise To meditate on thee. 4 Thus ble.s each future day and night, > Till life's vain scene is o'er; < And then, to realms of endless light, }f, Oh! let my spirit soar. d * I 9f ~ ^QOH 598, C. M. I 592 Secret Prayer at Twilizght. m 1 LOVE to steal awhile away, I i From every cumbering care, F**_*.***fi**)BS~*00b0e* **_OSb*b* 562 IITY N DXCIII. And spend the hours of setting day, In lumble, tgratel'ul prayer., 1p 2 I love, in solitude, to shedt > IThe )pelitential tear; -~ And all lhis promiises to p)lead, lWhen none but God is near. 3 I love to thlink on mercies past, And future good imlplore; $ < My cares and sorrows all to cast, \ mf On him whomi I adore. \ < 4 I love, by faith, to take a view i - Of brigIlter scenes in heaven; $ e < The proslect doth iny strength renew, > VWhile here by temipests driven.?ap 5 And, when life's toilsome day is o'er, >' May its departing ray p Be calm, as this imlpressive hour, < Alnd lead to endless day. * Q - HYMIN 593, C.,M. 59J3 Evcning Wlorship in the Family. M I 0 LORD! another (lay is flown, p And we, a lonely ban:d, < Are met once Imore before thy throne, I'I To bless thy fostering hand. I I mp 2 And wilt thou bend a listening ear To praises low as ours < Tlho wvilt!-for thou dost love to hear > The song which mneekness pours. I- 3 And, Jesus! thou thy smiles wilt deign, As we before thee pray;,t I For thou didst bless the infant train, 2mp And we are less than they. 1 - 4 Thy heavenly grace to each impart;; A11l evil fla remove;; < And slled. abroad in every leart m2,f Thine everlasting love.! -" 5 Thus cleansed fiom sin, and wholly thine, A flock by Jesus led, 8 < The Sun of righteousness shall shine if In glory on our head. 4L —.~a L —-* * e EVENING. 563,'p 6 Oh i still restore our wandering feet, I -- And still direct our way; e X'Till worlds shall fade, and faith shall greet J l The dawn of endless day. I6 59^ $ iFYRIt 594, L., I 594.An Eveuning Hymnn. e m I THUS far the Lord has led me on,; TThus far his power prolongs my days; And every evening slhall mlake known Some freslh imemorial of his grace. 2 Much of my time has run to waste, And I, perhaps, am near my home; BBut lie forgives ily follies past, I HIe gives ile strength,or days to come. > 3 I lay my body down to sleep,-' p Peace is the pillow for my head; While well-appointed angels keep Their watchful stations round my bed. > 4 Thus, when tle night of death shall come, p My flesh shall rest beneatll the ground, $ < And' wait thy voice to rousse my tomb, I,f With sweet salvation in the sound. 595 IHY1MN 595, L. l., 6 Lines,,.595 )For such, as keep Saturday EveuninLg.! dol 1 QWEET is the lasts, the parting ray, \ U Which ushers placid evening in; When, with the still, expiring day, The Sabbath's peaceful hours begin: IHow gratefull, to the anxious breast, The sacred hours of holy rest! And worldly cares and business cease,While soft the vesper breezes play, To hymn the glad return of peace: Delightful season! kindly given To turn the wandering thoughts to heaven. 3 Oft as this peaceful hour shall come, Lord! raise my thoughts from earthly things, < And bear them to my heavenly home, mf On faith and hope's celestial wings;..rcssb................raase,.,_...... ___ _ 564 HYMINS DXCVI, DXCVII. > Till the last gleam of life decay, < In one eternal Sabbath day. ^Q^ 596 saHYMIN 596, S. M. 596 Saturday Evening, inp 1 TpHE hours of evening close; Its lengthened shadows, drawn > 0'er scenes of earth, invite repose, < And wait the Sabbath dawn. mnp 2 So let its calni prevail O'er forms of outward care; Nor thought for " many things" assail p The still retreat of prayer. 3 Our guardian Shepherd near His watchful eye will keep; And, safe from violence and fear, > Will fold his flock to sleep. 4 So may a holier light, < Than earth's, our spirits rouse, m/ And call us, strengthened by his might, To pay the Lord our vows. MORNING, OR EVENING. I itYMN 597, L., M, 59 7 A Song for 37'Morning and Evening. m, 1 A1Y God! how endless is thy love! I.L Thy gifts are every evening new; And morning mercies fiom above, Gently distill, like early dew. 2 Thou spread'st the curtains of the night, Great Guardian of my sleeping hours! < Thy sovereign word restores the light, mf And quickens all my drowsy powers. 8 I yield my powers to thy command; To thee I consecrate my days; Perpetual blessings, from thy hand, Demand perpetual songs of praise. ~ _ MORNING, OR EVEN1NG. 665 i 598 oHlZTN 598, C,;. <5983 M2Jiorning or Evening Worship. m 1 ON thee, e.acl morning, 0 my'God! V My waking thoughts attend; In thee are founded all my hopes, In thee my wishes end. > 2 My soul, in pleasing wonder lost, - Thy boundless love surveys; < And, fired with grateful zeal, prepares mf A sacrifice of praise. imp 3 When evening slumbers press my eyes, Wiith his protection blest, In peace and safety, I commit imp My wearied limbs to rest. * 4 lMy spirit in his hand, serene, - Fears no approaching ill; $ > For, whether waking or asleep, Thou, Lord! art wvith me still. 5YmN 599, C. M. )# 599J XMorning and Evening Offering. O 1 HOSANNA, with a cheerful sound, ~ To God's upholding hand! Ten thousand snares attend us round, And yet secure we stand. < 2 That was a most amazing power, nf That raised us with a word; And, every day, and every hour, We lean upon the Lord..8 The rising morn cannot assure, That we shall end the day; mp For death stands ready at the door, To hurry us away. > 4 Our life is forfeited, by sin, ~- To God's avenging law; < We own thy grace, immortal King! ~ - In every breath we draw. 5 God is our sun, whose daily light Our joy and safety brings; p Our feeble firame lies safe, at night, Beneath his shady wings.. ' 566 HYMNS DC, DCI., I n IHYlM 600, L, I. 6 Lines. 00 0iU gMlorzing and Eveninzg, m 1 /THEI, EN streamuing firon the eastern skies. h The morning light salutes mine eyes,' O Sun of righteousness divine! i OCn me, witl beans of mercy, shine; Chtase the dark clouds of guilt away, And turn mly darkness into day. 2 When each day's scenes and labors close, e > And wearied nature seeks repose,' ~- \With palrd'ning mercy richly blest, $ Guard lme my Saviour! while I rest; And,'Is each miorniin sun sliall rise, < Oh leead ie onwlard to the skies. > 3 Anrd at my life's last setting sun,. — My coinlicts o'er, mv l'abors done, < Jesus! thy henvenly radiance sled, > To cheer and bless my dying-bed; $ < And firon death's gloomn my spirit raise, f To see thy face, and sing thy praise. I I ~ I THE YEA R. Ir'TI-IgY ~ I ar\ 1 IHYMN 601, 11s and 5s. 0 U 1 The JXrew Year. $ nf I 1 OME let us anew U Our journey pursue, $ Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the Master appear; His adorable will Let us gladly fulfill, And our talents improve, By the patience of hope, and the labor of love. p 2 Our life is a dream; --- Our time, as a stream,,~I~ Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay:; mp The arrow is flown-:a I'The moment is goneThe millenial year \ O0, Rushes on to our view, and eternity's here I bo ^ 00 or H cI Io9^^^o I —. or_,^. "-' o.r.. ri- rrr c tiD~~~~ ~.Q ~ I re~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 568 HYMNS DCIV, DCV. 3 In every scene of life, thy care, In every age, we see; And, constant as thy favors are,' So let our praises be. 4 Stili may thy love, in every scene, In every age, appeal'; And let the same companions deign To bless the opening year. 5 If mercy smile, let mercy bring Our wandering souls to God; In our affliction, we shall sing, IIf thou wilt bless the rod. 6 i O^^ Szm~rl~H N 604M,., 0M. 6 04 Mew Yearc: God, our Helper. e m 1 (U: helper, God! we bless thy name, f WVhose love for ever is the same;! The tokens of thy gracious care $ Open, and crown, and close the year. $ 2 Amid ten thousand snares we stand, Supported by thy guardian hand; And see, whlen we review our ways, < Ten thousand monuments of praise. f 8 Thus far thine arim has led us on; Thus far we nmalne thy mercy known t a> And, whil we etread this desert land, < New mercies shall new songs demand. \ mf 4 Our grateful souls, on Jordan's shore, * Shall raise one sacred pillar more;,f Then bear, in thy bright courts above, $ SInscriptions of immortal love, I * S 2nA;e YTSN 605, C. IS. 605 NJaew Y7earf: Prayer fo a nBlessing. I 1 NTOWA, gracious Lord! thine arm reveal, I N And nilake thly glory known; Ni ow let us all thy presence feel,9 And soften hearts of stone. 2 From all the guilt of former sin, May mlercy set us free; e $. And let this year, we now begin, I Begin and end with thee. L ~da~s~rue _*t00o~~ss 64Baoe~~~~4~~~soso I T-HE YEAR. 569! 3 Send dlown thy Spirit from above,'l'at saints 11may love tlhee more; And sinners now may learn to love, AVio never loved beto)e,. 1 4 And, vwhen be-fore thee *we appear, A I1n o(Ln e 1 telnal I1lome, $ 117/.ay growing iminbers worilip here, ^ - Anid lralise thlee in our roomn. A i T I 6 06, L. I. 606 U 0 Sonf Jfur the openivng Year. i M 1 REiAT God! wve sing that mliglhty hand, U ly wllicl supported still we stand; Tlie openinig year thy lercy shows,Let mercy crown it till it close. 2 By day, by nig'it —at home, abroad, $ Still w e are gumarded by our God; By lis incess-ant bounty fed, By his unerring counsel led. 3 With grateful hearts the past we own; The future —all to us unknownWe to t hy guardian ctare colmmtit, v/2mp And peaceiful leave before thy feet. <> 4 In scenes exalted or depressed, 1- Be thou our joy, and tlhou our rest; Ti-y goodness all our hopes sltll raise, } mf Adored, llthrouh ll 11 ou clhanging days. p 5p When death shall close our earthly songs, And seal, in silence, mortal tongues, Our helper, God, in whom we trust, Shall keep our souls, and guard our dust. H\rIN 607, 7s. 6 0J7 i The opening Year. m 1 IBLESS, 0 Lord the opening year, $ D To the souls assembled here; $ < Clothe thy word with power divine, { Make us willing to be thine. 2 When thou hast thy work begun, Give new strength the race to run; Scatter darkness, doubts, and fears,!pI Wipe away the mourner's tears. — ~lTl-l-.1.l.1-...-_ -_ -iT- Tl_ ~- ___-I.-i>~t1-lL.TlTl ^ TU * 1 LUTl~-ill-~^> 570 HYMNS DCVIIT, DOIX. - 3 Bless us all both old and young,mf Call forth praise from every tongue; Let our whole assembly prove " f All thy pow.er and all thy love. 8a 1 T' I-I1M. 60S, 7s and 6s, 608 JA Winter's Day.,, m I pIiME is winging us away, I To our eternal homne; Life is but a winter's day, jp> A journey to tlhe tomb Youth and vigor soon will flee, Blooming beauty lose its charms; mp All that s mortal soon will be >'Enclosed in death's cold arms. rzp 2 Time is winging us away S To our eternal home; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb: mf BBut the Christian shall enjoy I Health and beauty soon above; Far beyond the world's alloy — Secure in Jesus' love.: ^I >^IYIN 609, C. M., Double. 60U U Spring of the Year. dol 1 I HILE beauty clothes the fertile vale, a V And blossoms on the spray, And fragrance breathes in every gale, I-iow sweet the vernal day! mf Hark! how the feathered warblers sing! T is nature's cheerful voice; < Soft music hails the lovely spring, Vmf And woods and fields rejoice. dol 2 How kind the influence of the skies, While showers, with blessing fraught, Bid verdure, beauty, fragrance, rise, And fix the roving thought! Oh! let my wandering heart confess, With gratitude and love, The bounteous hand that deigns to bless, Each smiling field and grove. 8 That hand, in this hard heart of mine, Can bid each virtue live; <ml 11,^..~^~>*M~^-.^^l^r>^~-^^f^t^< -'~.f~~*- ~tl&V*-tt —^^* THE YEAR. 571 I While gentle showers of grace divine? Life, beauty, fragrance give: 0 God of nature, God of grace! Thy heavenly gifts impalrt, An d bid sweet neditation trace Spring blooimging in y heart ^ ^ 7 7 610, S. 31. D..6 61 T 7it Sp3r.r.g m I SWEET isthe thtie of spring, \ NWhen nature's charms appear;: The birds witl ceaseless pleasure sing, And hail the opening year: But sweeter far, the spring Of wisdom and of grace, When children bless and praise their King, Who loves the youthiful race. 2 Sweet is the dawn of day, When light just streaks the sky; When shades Lan dalrkness pass away, And morning's beams are nigh: But sweeter tfar the dawn Of piety in youth-, When doubt and darkness are withdrawn, Before the light of truth. dol 3 Sweet is the early dew, Which gilds thme mountains' tops, And decks each plant and flower we view, With pearly glittering drops: But sweeter fir', the scene On Zion's holy hill, When there the dew of youth is seen Its freshness to distill.! Y 0 611, 7s. W 0 J. 1. Sppring, natural and spiritual. in 1 PLEASING sprimg again is here; Trees and felds in bloom appear; Hark! the birds, vith iartless lays,, iWarble their Creator's praise. 2 Lord! afford a spring to me; Let me feel like what I see: Ah my winter has been long, — Chilled my hopes, suppressed my song. [~ ~~~~~~.~c~~4*a..AII 1 572 tYM NS DCXIT, DOXIII. > 3 IHow the soul in winter m-ourns, < Till tlhe Lor'(d, the Sun, returns, a -- 1 Till t1le Spiriti'gentle ilfin iS /f Bidls tlle heart revive agavin! 4 0 beloved S.avioir! liaste, Tell me —all tell sCoriis 1re past::$ Speak, iand by -thy g'racious voice, <.1Make my drooping soul rejoice. 2 T JN 612, L. 2. 16. The Year crowned vZith Goodness. I f 1 a TERTNAL Source of every joy! JA Well may thly p aise our lips employ, 0 While, in thy tiemple, we appear, Wisose goodness crowns the circling year. 2 While,-as the wheels of natnre roll,Thy hand supplorts the s'teady pole; I < The sun is taui.oght by thee to rise, -- And darkiness, vjhen to veil the sides. dol 3 The flowery spring, at th-y command, Embalms the air and paints the land $ < The sunlmer ra1ys, with vigor, shine vzf To raise the corn, and cheer tie vine. - 4 Thy hand, in autumn, riclly pours, Thlroulh anll our cotsts, redundant stores; And iwinters, softened by thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 5 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days, Demand successive songs of praise; Still be the cheerful homage paid, With mornimng light and evenimng shade. S fl r)m.5I1 613, C. m. 61 3 Summer and Harvest. m f 1 0O praise the ever-bounteous Lord, l - ily soul! wake all thy powers: i He calls-and at his voice come forth The smiling harvest hours. I - 2 His covenant with the earth lie keeps; I My tongue! his goodness sing; Summer and winter know their timeThe harvest crowns the spring. I THE YEAR. 573 I,il.T._ 3 Well-pleased tle husbandmen behold $! 11 The waving yellow crop; e 6 zmf With joy they bear the sheaves away, } ~ And sow again in hope. e 4 Thus teach me, g'racious.God! to sow The seeds of righteousness; Mf m Smile on my soul, and, with thy beams, i$ rIThIe ripeening hilarvest bless. e E^l' $i ^6, C. I. 61J4 SSeed Time and Harvest. I 1 FOUNTATI' of mercy, God of love! -How rich t-hy bounties are; The changing seasons, as they move, Proclaim thy colistant care. 8i 1 2 Wheln in the bosom of the earth, Tlhe sower hid the grain, Thy goodness lnarsked its secret birth, And sent the elrly rain. $ doZ 3 The spring's sweet influence, Lord! was thine; The plants in beauty grew; I Thou gav'st refulgent suns to shine, And soft refreshing dew. g - 4 These varied mercies, fiomn above, [ Msatured the swelling grain: A lkindly harvest crowns thy love, $ And plenty fills the plain.! 6 WWe own and bless thy gracious sway, I Thy hand all nature hails: Seed time nor hnarvest, night nor day, Summer nor w-inter, fails. e 61j ^ 615, GT. i,.. 0 J. -'TrFruitful Seasons from God. m 1 0 TI-IOU Iwho givs t a tht-t leir food!I JCausing thy sun to shine Upon tlhe evil and the good,Earth's teeming stores are thine. 2 Thy cov6nant to mnn secures The harvest of his toil; Thy faithful word, while earth endures, I With plenty clothes the soil. 8 The wintry frost, the flowery prime, Alike thy laws obey: 1 574 HYMNS DCXV, DCXVII. Each herb and blossom knows its time, t i And feels the quickening ray. * $ 4 Revolving seasons still proclaim Tliine all-sustaining word; I Seed time andl harvest speak thy name, — The plromise-keeping Lord. r I ~~I ^ i IYMN 616, G. I, 61 010Close of the Year. f 1 / WAKE ye saints! and raise your eyes, A - And raise your voices high: Awake, and praise that sovereign love, That shows salvation nigh. mf 2 On all the wings of tilme it flies, Each lnoment brings it nearl; Then welco!me eac-h declining day, W AYelcome each closing year. 3 Tot many years tlheir rounds shall run, Nor maln mornin'llgs rise, Ere all its glories stand revealed To our a:ndmiring eyes. 4 Ye wlheels of n1atulle! speed your course, Ye lmortal pimvers! (lSecay; > Fast as ve bring thle iigllt of death, f, Ye bring eternal day. d -j r/EHYMI 617,. I. 06 1 7 Time slort —iMan frail. m TI-rEE we adore, eternal NSame I t And Imi:nbly own t to hee, yp HoIw feeble is our mortal frame, >'t>What dyingo worms are we!,mp 2 The year rolls round, and steals away The beath tlat first it gave: { Wllate'er we do, where'er we be, e > We'We'e tracveling to the grave. I 7mp 3 Good God! on wllat a slender thread Hang everlastin? t!ings ti T-' eternal st-ate of all tlie dead, i > Upon life's feeble strings. l < 4 Infinite joy, or endless woe, Attends on every breath,- I -- And yet, how unconcerned we go, > Upon the brink of death! I DEATI-H. 57A5. $ in 5 Waken, 0 Lord! our drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road i And if our souls are lmrried hence, May they be found with God. $ G DEATH. 118 10 rHYMIN 618, L. M., 618 Denath and Burial of Saints. p N1 ITNVEIL tly bosom, faitihfll tomb!' J Take tills new treasure to thy trust, }* And1 give tlhese sacred relics roomi, \ To seek a slumber in the dust. 2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear, Invade tly bounlds;-no mortal woes Can reach tie peaceful sleeper here, 7 p> lWhile angels watch the soft repose. imp 3 So Jesus slept; —God's dying Son Passed thlroulg the grave, and blessed the bed':< Rest here, blest saint!till, from his throne,' qnf The morning break, and pierce the shade. I f" 4 Break from lhis throne, illustrious morn i Attend, 0 earth! lis sovereign word; Restore thy trust;-a glorious form Shall then arise to Ileet the Lord. 619 n HYN6N 619, 8s and 7s. 6 1 J2??ournerts CoTforted n 1 CEASE, yoe mourners! cease to languish, t O'er the grave of those you love;'np Pain, and death, and night, and anguish, ~- ~ Enter not the world above. mp 2 While our silent steps are straying, 3p Lonely, through night's deepening shade, f Glory's brightest beams are playing Round th' immortal spirit's head. mnf 3 Light and peace at once deriving, From the hand of God most high, In his glorious presence living, i ~< They shall never-never die. gB~Qeaala~w~~aweb~a~ ~4~a ~6os~*Ba~ai : 5T6 HYMNS DCXX, DCXXI. I m 4 Endless pleasure, pain excluding, Sickness there, no more can come; There, no fear of woe, intruding, Sheds o'er heaven a moment's gloomO m 5' Now, ye mourners I cease to languish, O'er the grave of those you love; Far removed from pain and anguish, I < They are chanting hymns above, 1 6^0^ mEHYMN 62O, C. MT. 6 1J)yi-ng in thle Lord. i m 1 IEAR what the ve vce from heaven proclaims I > F.For tll the pious dead; - I < " Sweet is the savor of their names, p And soft their sleeping-bed. p 2 They die in Jesus, and are blessed,How kind their slumbers are! From sufferings, and from sins, released, And fieed fre om every snare. 8 "Far from this world of toil and strife, They're present with the Lord; The labors of their mortal life < End in a large reward." V EUM~iQN 621, C. M.i W6421 M.fourning with Hope. > 1 WH'Y'should our tears in sorrow flowi When God recalls his own;'> And bids them leave a world of woe, < For an immortal crown? 2 Is not e'en death a gain to those,! Whose life to God was given? Gladly to earth their eyes they close, C< To open them in heaven. 8 Their toils are past-their work is done, And they are fully blest; < They fought the fight, the vict'ry won, > And entered into rest. - 4 Then let our sorrows cease to flow,i God has recalled his own; But let our hearts, in every woe, 9> Still say,-"' Thy will be done " _ s~~s~~s~bev__w___~ t DET. 5DEATH. 6 0 22HYMN 622, C. H. 0 2 0.4 Prayer in View of )Death. a cf 1 I -IEN, ben-ding o'er the brink of life, Msy treiimbling soul shll stand, Waiting to pass death's awful flood, Great God! at thy command;2 When every long-loved scene of life Stands ready to depalrt; < Whlen the last sigh, that shales the frame, 72f Shall rend this bursting heart; 3 0 thou great Source of joy supreme! D Whose anii alonle can save,Dispel tlie dalkness, thatt surrounds *> Thie entrance to the grave. > 4 Lay tly supporting, gentle hand p llBeneath my sinking head; And, with a ray of love divine, llume my dying bed. mp 5 Leaning on thy dear faithfufl breast, > 5I While still the remnant of their dust, p Lies in the grave forgot. mp 4 There, where the fatthers lie, I Must all the children dwell; i- ~ Nor other heritage possess, a > But such a gloomy cell. 25 5 78s I58 IIYM:NS DGCXXIV, DCXXV. $ ^~ 5 G-od of our lifathers!;ieat', -- T hou everlastingi Friend! > While we, as on life's utmost verge, Our souls to thee commend. 6 Of all the pious dead May we the footsteps trace, I < Till with them, in the land of light, mf tWe dwell before thy face. HY N 624, L. 1M. 6 24 WDeath of the Righteouso s 1 1OW blest the righteous when he dies,I -p J Whlen sinks a weary soul to rest I I-ow mildly beam the closilng eyes p> lHowr gently heaves th' expiring breast! mp 2 So fades a summer cloud away; So sinks a gale when storms are o'er; So gently shuts the eye of day; p So dies a wave along the shore. iqp S A holy quiet reigns around,A calml which life nor death destroys; Nothing disturbs that peace profound, Which his unfettered soul enjoys. 4 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears! I Where lights and shades alternate dwell < How briglht th' unchanging morn appears I i p> Farewell, inconstant world! farewell! > 5 Life's duty done, as sinks the clay, I < Light fromn its load the spirit flies; m Vnf While heaven and earth combine to say,"How blest the righteous when he dies!" I i Q q ~ HYMN 625, 8s and 7s 2 OtJ Thte dying Saint comforted. i mf 1 HAPPY soul! thy days are ending,i.tS All thy iourning days below: Go, the angel guards attendingi To the sight of Jesus go! Waiting to receive thy spirit, Lo! the Saviour stands above; Shows the fullness of his merit- Reaches out the crown of love. $... I DDEATIT. 579 $! 2 For the joy lie sets before thee, -- Bear Illnolnentary i'aill; < Die-to live a liie oi gltory; Y < lSuffuer' ithi tii Lord to rein: - ~ lStruggle, tltrough thy latest passion, 72? To1 tly dear Rledeemner's breast,- < To his utterlnlost salvation,- mf" To his everlastino rest. RT YIRY 626, 7s and 4. c 62 0 6 Suppot?'L i, Death.. i af 1 EIIElN ille vx de of death appears.- 6 V 1 Faint iand cold this imortal clay,- indi Forerunner! soothle niy fears, Light ine thlrotgh the darksolme way; $ BiuBreaki tlle sVlida.ov's, SI 4 Usherl ill eternl dal. y $ 2 Upward' froin this dying state,, JBild nly Avaiting s, aoul aspire; $ < Open tlJio thle crys1,1 gaLte; I:mf To thy praise attune my lyre:, j Then, triumptlltat, I I will join th' imolrtal choir. 1 3 VWhen the mIiglty trumpet, blown, Shall the judgmlent dawn proclla n, F From the central, burnilng throne, Mlid crea.tion's final fliLane, With the lransotned, e > llThou wilt own my worlthless name. 6'.1~27 W5 627, C. I d 6 0 27 MaournUingr wit -iope. o c hf 1 IIHAT once-loved forn, now cold and dead, I Eacli mnournful t hought employs; Anld nature weeps, ler comiforts fled, S g And wiLthlered all her joys.; ~ 2 Hope looks beyond the bounds of timne, 4 > AWIhen whl!at we now delplore I< Shall rise, in full in mo1'tal prim e,.7f And bloom to fade no more. i i " ( I* 3 Then cease, find nature cease thy tears, R ieligion points on high; i a _ ~b~~~~~~~bbbbbbbbb~~e ~ ~ OB28bBb~9888'8 580 HYMNS DCXXVIII —DCXXX. mf There everlasting springappears, Anld joys that calnnot die. y N Y 6.S8, L. XL t628 Dea th of a1n Infant. $ mnp 1 ~0 fades the lovely, bloom'ing flower,- - F'rail Sililillg solace of an llourl So Sooll OUll tlaniSienllt, col-itor't fly, i> And pleasure only blooms to die. c qff 2 Is there no kinld,-no lenient art, To leal the ang(ui-sh of tle heart? $ Spirit of grace be ever nigh, il Thy comilorts are not nmaide to die. 1p 3 Bid gentle patience smile on pain, } < Till dying lhope shall live agaiin; > Hlope wiptes the tear f'l'r)l solrro\'s eye,; imf And fatith points uIpard to the sky. W G1 Q HYMN 639, C. TV. 7 / T Grave peacej idl. m vp 1 1-'OW still and lealeful is thle grave,': LI Wliele,-liie's v:ail tumutlts past,T!'.ippoi))ited lhouse, by iheaven's decree, IReceives us all at last! - 2 Tile wicked there from troubling cease,'Their passions rage no Iore; > And there, the weary pilgrim rests p Fromn all the toils lie bore. 3 All, leveled by the hand of death, $ p 2 Lie sleeping in the tomb, < Till God, in judgloent, call them forth, i > To meet their final doom. I630 aMN 630, C. M. \ r 0 J Prospcct of Death. I mp 1'IY soul! come, meditate the day,. And tl lik, hlow near it stands, When thou mlust quit this house of clay, I And fly to unknown lands. e 2 An(d yo, imy eyes! look down and view p Thile hiollow gaping tomb; This gloomy prison waits for you,; Whene'er the sumtnions come. a _ X RI ~DE DATH. 581 Caff 3 Oh! could we die Awith those that die, And place us in their stead;! < Then vwould our spirits learn to fly, I -- CAnd converse withl the dead. i < 4 Thlen slhould wie see the sainits above, if In tlleir Ow;l glorious -rills, LAnd. wtondl er, whylr our souls o should lovo: > To dwell with mortal worm1s. -- 5' We should almost rfrsalke our clay, I Before the summons come, < And pray, an d wish our souls away, i.f To their eternal Lhaose. g, 63IEdIH N 61, 83 ald 7s. 631 The Spirit of a dyivg. Christian. e < 1 PARTING soul! tole flood awaits thee, t 7 A/ r And the billows round thee roar;.' f f Yet rejoice,-the holy city i Stands on yon celestial shore. 2 There, are crowns and thrones of glory, e There, tile living waters glide; There, the just in shining raiment, Standing by Immanuel's side. nf 83 Linger not,-the stream is narrow, T hough its cold darlk waters rise; He, who passed tle flood before thee, Guides thy path to vonder skies..n 0 6Q5 ENfO 632, L. M. I 0 1 Deat h. disarmed. l I W1THY should we start, and fear to die? $ m What tin'rous wvorms we mortals are! < Death is the gate of endless joy, And yet we dread to enter there. mp 2 The pains, the groans, the dying strife Fright our approaching souls away; it " Still we shrink back again to life, Fond of our prison;and our cllay. t f 8 Oh! if my Lord would come and meet, < My soul would stretch her wings in haste, f Fly fearless through death's iron gate, I$ Nor feel the terrors as she passed. 582 IIYM'NS DCXXXIII, DCXXXIV. p 4 Jesus can make a dying bhed > Feel soft as downy n Iillows are, $ p Wliile oil -is breast I lea1n nll head, I p> And ibreathle min life oit swoetly there. I 0 @33 %I. R,1tN 633, C. ITI. 0 6 33 Comfort i n the Death of Fricends.? n 1 T Y-I do We minon n deprutilng friends, 0 H V Or sllake a.t deatll's alarlis'1T is but tlie voice tlhat Jesus sends,'To call theml to his tarms. 2 Are we not tending upward too, 0 As fast as tille can mIlove? Nor should wve wish the hours more slow, $ To keep us froml our love. 3 Why should we tremble, to convey Their bodies to the tomlb? dol There, tlle dlear flesl of Jesus lay,.,\ And left a lonlg oerltuine. -- 4 The graves of all the saints he blessed, Andc softenIed every bed: $ -~ Where should thle dying inelibers rest, But wiitih their dying HIead? O \ < 5 Thence he arose, ascended high, - And shlowed our feet the way; < Up to the Lord Iris saints shall fly, I?f dAt tlie great rising day. 6 f Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise; Awake, ye nations under ground! g Ye saints! ascend the skies. \g$ Q6YIE( ^,iMT 634, C. a.! 6 341 Stleent Submission. d i p I pEACE't is the Lord Jehovah's hand, 63 1. That blasts oulr joys in deatlh, Changes the visage once so dear, - Andl gathers back our breath. i - 2'Tis he, the Potentate snpreme e Of all the worlds above, Whose steady counsels wisely rule, i N Tor firom thleir purpose lmove. _ I DEATIT. 583 j 3'T is he, whose justice migllt demand I O ll souls n sac-ifilce;! Yet scatters, witll unwearied hand, } A thonsand rich suppllies. 4 Our covenant God anl-) FIather e,r } > Tn Clrisit, our bleedling I1ord; i -- WV-lWhose grace clan hleal tile bursting heart, Witil one reviviln word. i 1p 5 Silent, we own Jeliovalh's nIlie, — We kiss thy chastening hland; And yield our cotnforts and our life, I To thy supirenme comimand. * ll QZIY 635, C. M, i 63 0 4J ^Triumph over Death. p 1 Y GREAT God! I own the sentence just, r V And nature m1 ust decay; y p I yield lny body to tile dust, e! u To dwell witlh fellow clay. I ~ 2 Yet faitlh iraty trilmph o'er the grave, i And traiinple on tlhe tomlbs; 1 mf Mly Jesus,,my Redeemer, lives, My God, my Saviour, conies. f 3 The iniglity Conqueror shall appear, lighl on a royal seat; And death, thle last of all his foes,, Lie vanquished at his feet. q/ 4 Then slhall I see thy lovely face, i With strong, imlllortal eyes; $ AtlceAnd feast upon tlhiiie unknown grace, h Witl pleasure and surprise. 1 1 M, NT 636, 12s and 11s. 8 03 6 A F Fun'er al Hymntn. i I -THOU art gone to he grave-but we will not } deplore thee, M mp Though sorrows and darkness encompass the I tomlb; it The Saviour has passed through its portals before thee, t bAnd the lamp of his love is thy guide through i! ~ the gloom. i 4*__a~6~bsoo~a**Ftab6> *tO6Eo9~h 0^ 0+ 58-4 IHYMN DCXXXVII. 2 Thou art gone to the grave —we no longer be 1 I lsld: th!ee, Nor treal tie rough paths of the world by I " th-y side; $ 8 < But thle wide arms of inercy ar0e spread to el- f t(1fld th ee, e And sis'. ers ilnay hope. since tlie Sinless hath A tl>, died. m?^ 3 Thou,art gone to the grave —and, its mansion $ i fo tsaki lg, A Perl'chance thy weak spirit in doubt lingered I < But the sunshline of heaven beamed bright on I$ ~ thy wa.Ikiig, $ m7Jf And tlOe s(ound thou didst haer was the se-' rapitli'i song. - - 4: Thou ar't goae to the grave-but we willnot (dep)lore tiee, imf Since (God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy guide; I-Ic gave thee, le took thee, and he will restore tlthee; And deatlh lath no sting, since the Saviour hath died. ^QW iPHYMN 2 637, C,. 637 Victory over Death. im I!-1 for an overcoling faith, y To cheer m1y dyiltg hlours; mff To triumph o'er tile mlonster, death, And all hlis fi'ightful powers! 2 Joyful, with all the strength I have, My quive-ring lips should sing," Where is thy boasted vict'ry, grave? > O deatll! w here is thy sting?" - 3 If sin be pardoned, Iin secure; Death lias no stilg beside: Tle law gives sin its damning power, But Christ, lly Ranso:l, died. < 4 NTow to tile God of victory mf Immortal thanks be paid; - f Whlo makes us conquerolrs, while we die, Throu-gh Christ, our living Head. _.M~rb~b4~C~~)9~C~,%~~9~M~t~C4~Y4~%13 1i A 'The pilgrim ollii is gFlooimy road; I < And angels are atteIC:i(g' iear',, WJf To bear him to tlleir briigllc abode. (' -- 5 Who woull not wish to die, like tlhose Wlioln God's own Spi'it deigns to bless; p 1> To sink iiito that soft reose, 5f'I' Then wake to perfect happiness? YMN 6g40, C.:.' 640jbU The Chr-istiant's FareweCll. j > 1 TE goldei lanlps of' eatven! farewell, p Witi all youl feetle liglht; $ - ^~ Fatewell, ttiol eve;-cllangiilg moon01! I vq7- Pale empress of the nighlt. < 2 And thon, iefnlgcent orb of day! lf In brigilter -a1nes a.rayeld,- ] My soul, tllat s)rinls beyiond thy sphere, I No miore demlanids tlhy aid. t -- 3 Ye stars are blt the; slinling dnst Of my. diville abode. < Tlhe pavemnent of those heavenly courts, nmf Wliere I sa Ill see niv God. i 4 Tlhe Fatler of etelrnal light S!Shall thlere hi s bellas display; Nor sliall one mioment's darknless mix, With that unvlaried day. 5 No imore the drops of piercing grief Shtall swell into mnine eyes; N Tor the mlerlidian siln decline 3 Amid those brillite.' skies. f 6 There all the millions of Iis saints \ Shall illn one song' nite; I And eachl! the bliss of all shall view,:' With infinite delight. I' Y r 641, C. MI.' 410 I l!ie eumclnt after Dmeath, l? I'N vain tlhe fl cy strives to print i i > Thle 1110momen1t alter deatlh,- < Thle glories that surround a saint, j > +Whien yielding up his breath. s~~~e~~4~~a~~e~~~g~~a~~~~g~~g b~~~~g C0~~~~4~h~~~~)s b~~~e~~b~~~%.B' EATH. 587 p 2 One gentle sigh thie fetters breakls; We scarce can s:ay,-" IIte' gone!"- < Before tlhe willing spirit takles Jf' Its niansion near tlie throne. > 3 Faith strives-but all its efforts fail,- - To trac te te spirit's fligllt; I No eve can pierce within the veil, Whiich hides the world of light.' 4 Tlus much —and't is enongh to know- i wf Saints are comipletely blest; Have done witll sin, and care, and woe, - -~( And witli thiei Saviour rest.,mf 5 On harps of gold, thley praise his name, And see 1im faIce to tfhe: Oh! let us catch the heavenly flame,, And li,\e in his embrace.,: RYQ 642, C. i I I642 The earthly and heavenU y House. 1 THERE is a house not lmade with hands, Eternial. tnd on lig}; \ And here imy sir wit, aiting, stands, Till God shlall bid it fly. 2 Shortly tlins prison of my clay > Miust be dissolved nd ad flll; $ < Then, 0 imy soul! witl joy obey Izf Thlly heavenly Fathler's call. $ 3'T is ie, by his almighty grace, $ Whol forms thee fit for heaven; And, as an earnest of thle place, H atlh his own Spirit given. 4 We walk by tfitli of joys to come; Faith lives upon his word; e ~ 3nBut, while the body is our lhome, W e'ae' absent fronm the Lord. 5'T is pleasant to believe thlly grace,; But we lhad ratller see We would be absent friom the flesh, And present, Lord! wvit thee. 6 3 A. MN 6.43, 0.. I 641D A4fc> J Voice from thie Tomb. o P 1 IlARK! froml t!e tombs a doleful sound v Jt My ears! attend the cry- s " - - -.. X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 588 HYIMNS DCXLIV, DCXLV. "' Ye living men! comle view tlhe ground, I > Wi;here you imlust shortly lie. $ - 2 Princes! tllis clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers; The tall, tlhe wise, the reverend head, p p Must lie as low as ours." cafG 3 Great God! is this our certain doom? * And are we still secure?Still walking downwvard to the tomb, And yet prepare no more? $ - 4 Grant us the povwer of quickening grace, To fit our souls to fly; > Tllhe, when we drop this dying flesh,:< We'll rise above the sky. 64 WAAT GLD 644, S. M. 644. Death and the Resurrection. p 1 / ND must t]ins body die?Thlls moltal firamn e decay? And Iust thlese-active limlbs of mine 2 Lie miouldering in the clay? 2 God, my Redeemer, lives, And, often froml the skies, Looks down and watches all my dust, Till lie slhall bid it rise. mnf 3 Arrayed in glorious grace, Shall tlhese vile bodies shine; And every shape, and every face, Look heavenly and divine. 4 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love; We would adore his grace below, And sing his power above. mp 5 Dear Lord! accept the praise Of tlese our humble songs; I< Till tunes of nobler sound we raise,;f With our immortal tongues. HYi N 645, S. L. M. 6 o45 The DeathA Bed of the Rg hteyus. p P 1 THIS place is holy ground; V World I with thy cares, away'! I t)DEATH. 589 I Silence a'1i( (a'rkess reigll around: " 7f'lilt l e! tie bl)ie lk of dly < Wi'latl bihi t and Slll l stlde d(lan appears, > To silile lupol tllis scene of tetars p 2 Behold the bed of deathl,-,p Thllis pale and lovely clay pP Heard ye the sobs of parting breath? M' arlled ye the eyes' last ray?p No l-life so sweetly ceased to be, c < It laDsed i itl mmortality. s p 3 Could tears revive the ldead, R Iivers shlould swell ourl eyes; Cot(id sighs recall the spilit fled, We would nlot quench our sig'ls, - Till love reluted tllis altered iiieni, And all th' embodied soul were seen. p 4 Bury the dea.d,-and weep, I ii stillness, o'er tlhe loss; > Bury the de-ad,-in Christ they sleep,'p AVlIo bore on earttih his cross; < And, firom the grave, tleir dust shall rise, } f/ In his own itna.ge, to the skies.' ^ 6INT43, C. M. {;6 4 6 ~'1Ze. I 4\~ 6~~b Rq~ ncral. s2ap 1 ENEATHI our feet, and o'er our head, 1 Is equal warning given; Beneatlh us lie tlhe countless dead,< Above us, is the heaven. 2 Death riides on every passing breeze,' JAnd lurks in every flower; Each season has its own disease, $ Its peril-every hour. 8 Our eyes have seen the rosy light > Of youth's soft cheek, decay, mp And fiate descend, in sudden night, i - On manhood's middle day. 4 Our eyes have seen the steps of age d > Halt feebly to the tomb; And yet shall earth our hearts engage,, tiAnd dreams of days to come? 590 H-YMNS DCXLVIT, DCXLVIII. m lp 5 Tourn, Imortal! tlurn; tIh danger know; I WVliere'oer tily toot can tread,: The. eiarth rings hollow fromn below, A And watIrns illee of hler delad. I - 6 Turn, Clristian! turn; thy soul apply'Ilu1To truths civinely iven; > The fornis, which underneath thee lie, I - Shall live, ior hell, or heaven. I A 8 64 iY C47, C. M. * 0647 Deatl and Etcrnity. mp 1 QTOOP dow-n, 1y tilougl its! that used to rise, A 0 Collvelse a wliile Awitll delatl; > Thliik-lhow a gasping' mlortal lies, pi And pants away iis breath. 2 lHis quivering lip liangs feebly down, lls pulse is faint tid ifew; Tlhen, speeclhless, wvitllh a dolefl groan, I- e bids the world adieu! A mp 3 But Ol! tlie soul that never dies! I Ye thonugl ts! piurlue it where it flies, And track its wondrous way:- < 4 Up to the courts where angels dwell, mnf It mounts, tiuinmplllant tllere:-r Or devils plunge it down to hell, i > In infinite despair. 5 And must this body faint and die? A p And iust tills soul remlove? A Oh! for some guardian angel nigh, To bear it safe above! $ 6 Jesus! to thy dear faithlful hand, \ IMy naked soul I trust;; And lmy flesh vwaits for thy command, f > To drop into my dust. Am 1A'ETY>ySvi e L I i \g Q) HYMIT 648, L. ii. A 6480 Prayer of the dying Clhristian. 77p 1I pGENTLY, Iny Saviour! let me down, i >' To slumber in the arms of death: I I rest my soul on thee alone,' > 1E'en till my last expiring breath. $ d~ ~ ^~~ s _ I ^ A^ lAyV S A IV- AVi VAll Al;I =. 0 ~'-' b ~ r...:. ~ <,-...,~..,...%., o %~'~.s, or ~ %o E —' c-'~., —,c_%: 0 CD -- -'v-0 0 O" —" ---,-.-. 0.0. 0, 0s ~ ~. ~ 7- ~' % —' ~ / ~ _,-:: C s I- -f C00-Z0 (-o W-'-.J r-:., s~ - ~- ~ 0 P ---—..^ w- -c..ar' -" I CD. " ctc- CccE: crc C' f C (O. ~3D cc>'*" - --- c — -- - -- O — - - C- - -------- -----;;~ I ^ 0 592 HYMN DOLL. I i n21 2 Wllile pity prompts the rising sigh, Oil0 1 y this truth, impl)ressed > Vitll awl'ul power, — too must die" " p Sink deep in every breast. m p 3 Let this vain world engage no more; p BI)el(ltBhold tlle gaping tollb; I r - It bids us seize the present hour, — I mp To-morrow death may come. nf 4 011! let us fly-to Jesus fly, Whose poweirful arm can save;: < Then shall our lhopes ascend on high,! f And triumpli o'er the grave. -- 5 Greatt God! thy sovereign grace impart,,, With cleansing, llealing power:' This only can plrel)are tlhe heart, M?p For death's surprising hour. I i w P EHYIM cN 651, C. M. 65 1 Death and the Ieszurrection.,?p 1 TIIROUGII so.ow'' night, and dangeirs path, $> I ATiiid tle (1eepeninl gwlooml, ~ - YAWe, soldiers o' anl illjured King,, > Are inmachlinr to the tomlb. - 2 There, when the tin'moil is no more, i > rwAnd all our powers decay, p Our cold remains, in solitude, Shall sleep the years away. e _- 3 Our labors done, securlely laid \ > In tllis our last retreat, p 2) Unheeded, o'er our silent dust, Tle sto rms of life slall beat. - - 4 Yet not tlus lifeless, thus inane, Tlhe vital spaulk shall lie;! < For, o'er life's wreck, that spark shall rise' mf To seel its kindredl sky. - 5 These aslies too,-this little dust, — \ Our Fatlier's care s1ihall keelp, $ < Till tlhe last angel rise, and break > Tle long and dreary sleep. dol 6 Then love's soft dew, o'er every eye,, Shall shed its mildest rays, 8I DEATH. 593 < Andl tlle long-silent dust shall burst,' J' AVWith slouts of endless praise. \ I ~ ~? C I~~~~~ p52 tz ni~'lYitN sm.Q C. T. 9,4 n Deatil dreadftu, o' adeightfuL a, 1 t'IEATIl! —'t is a i!elnclioely day,''To tiilose wvlio hlavle lno God, — W Aien tite poor soul is foirced away, To seek h1er last abode. 2 In vain, to heaven she lifts her eyes;-~ But guilt, at he'ivy cliain, Still drlags her downward from the skies, To darlkn ess, e, and pain.; 3 Awake, and mourn, ye heirs of woe I i (Let stubborn sintners fear; W AVy will ye sink to fllaes below, And dwell for ever there? o 4 See how the pit gapes wide for you, * And flashes in your face! And thou, my soul! look downward too, mf And sing recovering grace. o 653 D0 at HYIN 653, C. e I. t6<5 Death and Judgmen7t appointed to all. 1 HI EAVEN lias confirmed tile dread decree, > -Ill Tlhat Adanli's race lmust die;. - One general ruin sweeps them down,! > And low in dust they lie. mp 2 Ye living men! the tomb survey,? Where you must shortly dwell; < HIark! how the awful sutnmons sounds, I > In every funeral knell! mp 3 Once you must die-nnd once for all,e Tle solemn purport weigh; For know, that heaven and hell are hung e 1On that important day. > 4 Tlhose eyes, so long in darkness veiled, ~ MIMust wake the Judge to see; And every word, and every thought, 0 M3ust pass his scrutiny. it ~ ^ 594 rYMtNS DCLIV, DCLV. 1 " ""~'' i ~ 5 Oh! m llay I, in tile Jludcge. behold, My Saviour and imy Friend; f < And, ftr abo)va tlle rteacll of death, mf With all tlly saints ascend. I' i I JUDGMMENT. ~ It A;,9E.ZEY J I 654, 7s. * J654 Christ coming to save his People. fI f 1 lARK — that shout of ratpturous joy, l.Bursting forth from yonder cloud! Jesus com, esannd, throlltul the sky, Angels tell their joy aloud. 2 Hark!-tlhe trumplet's awful voice Sonndls abroad thlroughl sea and land: i Let t is people now rejoice, Their redemllntion is at hand. 3 See!-the Lord appears in view Heaven and earth before him fly; Rise, ye saints! he cones for you,Rise, to meet him in the sky. 4 Go and dwell with him above, Where no foe can e'er molest; I-app)y in the Saviour's love,! Ever blessing, ever blest. I IiYE N 655, 0. iM. i 6J55 God, the awJ'u l,Judge. f" I STNG to the Lord, ye heavenly hosts! And tlou, 0 earth! adore; Let death and hell, through all their coasts, Stand trembling at his power. 2 His sounding chariot shakes the sky, He makes the clouds his throne; There all his stores of lightning lie, Till vengeance darts them down. n p 8 Think, O my soul! the dreadful day, - - When this incensed God jf Shall rend the sky and burn the sea, And send his wrath abroad. i e h Id J'ITJUDGMENT. 595 I mp 4 What shall tlle wretch, the sinner, do? I Hle once defied the Lord;: < But 1he sliall dreald thie Thunderer now, mp And sink tbeneath his word. f 5 Toelpests of angrly fire slhall roll, To blast tlhe rebel vworIm, Aid beat upon. his naked soul, $ In one eternal storm. 6IIYIf 656, 8s, 7s and 4,. 656o CV 7hrist coming to Judgment.! mf 1 10! hle coies, in clouds descending, Once for favored sinners slain; $ Thousand thousand sainlts attending' Swvell the triumph of his train: /f Hallel ujah; Jesus shall for ever reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold him, Il Robed in dreadful majesty; Those who set at noughlt, and sold him,: p Pierced and nailed him to the tree, Deeply wailingr,$ < Sllall the great Messiah see. mf 3 Every island, sea, and mountain, Heaven, and earth shall flee away; -~ All who hate him, must, confounded, \ IHear the trump proclaim the day; * p Come to judgment!} Come to judgnent, —come away. - 4 Now the Saviour, long-expected, See, in solemn poinp, appear! All his saints, by man rejected, N ow shall meet him in the air: s f Hallelujah! — See the day of God appear. I 3:; 1:N 657, 83, 7s and 4. 657 Pi The Judgment welcomed. f" I O!'he cometh,-conntless trumpets j L Wake to life the slumbering dead: $ Mid ten thousand saints and angels, See their great exalted Head:' ff" HIallelij ah! Welcome, welcome, Son of GodI 4****~~ *06 tE~t ***^g***i *i ----- - - - - - - - I —. — CD ( ZI C5 cb I ore, iY. ~i~F3 3 cD c-e cD CDj!ZI f- E3 aj! $r C C " CD~ i-' h- CI: Cf (;C c ) O C -CD~r ~~c ~6;7 ~ ~;5 5" ~~~,, (r3 ~~ O 3 -r, a ~ ~ ~ OS (I-C - -------- -- -- -------------- ------------------------ 3I JUDGMENT. 597 2 If now, while pardon may be found, And mercy may be soulglit, > AMy heart with inward!lo ror shrinks, 2 1 AdteAnd tlrembles at the tlought; — - 3 When tho, O Lord! shalt stand disclosed, I In majesty severe,! And sit in judgmlent on my soul,$ p Oh! how shall I appear? np 4 Then see my sorrows, gracious Lordl Let mercy set m-e free; Whlile, in the confidence of prayer, My heart takes hold of thee. 5 For never shlall my soul despair Th'y mercy to procuire; Since thy beloved Son lhas died, To 1make that Ilercy sure. 660> ^HYMNT 660, 8s, 7s and 4. fI'iThe.T-rJudgment Trumpet. f" I H iARK!-thle judgment trumpet sounding I:: Rends thle skies, and sllakes the poles; Lo! the day, with wrath aboudinmdg, > Breaks upon astonished souls: \?p DEvery creature i} N^l~ ow tlhe awful Judge beholds. * f.2 Jea8s, Ca.ptai n or s alvation, ~: Leads hiss arllies down the skies; Every kindred, tribe and nation,' Froml the sleep of dealth, arise: I HIeaven's loud sunimo ns Fills the world with dread surprise. 3 Zion's King, his tllrone ascending, $ CCalls his saints before his fiace; Crowns, with glory never-ending, All the children of his grace: Heaven sihall echo;Songs of triumph fill the place. v mp 4 Look beneath, where hell is burining >'Thlere the sons of (l'rkness lie; $ p -I)Hope to black despair is tturning;'Thlere the wolrm shall never die: 1 Careless sinner!- i < 011! to Jesus quickly fly. A~ —---- ___ ___ _ ___________ ___________________ ________ m I'.... -(t3 0 F -r ": % I -GC (D -' -, * — " 0 0: 03 fc ly b0 O 5 ^ r CO - bO g - I l. ~ 1 1 r "; CDC(0 - ------------ ----------- ------ -------------- $ — I ~ ~ 5 - $r;P5~i - tOC- I JUDGMENT. 599, - 4 But to those who have confesscd, Loved tnd served the Lord below, $ Hle will say, —" Come near, ye bless6d! See tlie lking-dom I bestow! n mf You lor ever Shall mlly love and glory know." t 2 a < HYEKN 663, 8s andl 7s, Irregular. 663 Ch'rist coming to Judgment. m I (1REAT God! wllat do I see and hear?- T1 Thle end of tiirings created! < Belhold tlhe Jtldge ofl man appear, m O?.f On clouds or'lory seated! Tle truminpet solundl —tlte glraves restore Thle dead wr!icl they conttained betore'!Prepare, nmy soul, to Ileet hlilll. 2 Tlie deadl in Clrist sh1all first arlise, At tlie last tr'lpet's sotunlilg, < Caturllt upl to ilteet lti;l in tlte skies, f Withl jroy tleirr Lord( t sturrioundilig No gloomlly fea.rs thleir soulls disllay, H I-is preserlce sleds eterllal day,:' On tllose plreparled to moeet hill). 3 Great God! -lat do I see and hear? — T'l'e end of tllinlgs created! Behlold the Judlge of man:appear, < C On cllouds of glolry seatedl. < Low at Ilis cross I view tile (lay, s 2?f TWhen leaven and e t ftlI shall pass away, - -~ And thus prprl re to meet him. b REHYMN 664, S. M. 6 64 Thie JudtE 7ment in Prospect. p 1 A ND wtill the Judge descend? A And must the dead arise? And not a single soul escape His all-discerning eyes? 2 I-ow will my heart endure The terrors of tlat day, < When earth and heaven before his face, i > Astonished, shrink away' -- 8 But, ere that trnmpet slhakes }'The mansions of the dead, 600 YMIINS DCLXV, DCLXVI. < Hark — froml the gospel's clleering sound?f Wha -lt joyful tidiiigs sprealld - 4 Ye sinners! seek his grace,- His wrathl e cannot bear; < Fly to the shelter of his cross, mf And find salvation there. - So slhall that curse remove, By whlicli the Saviour bled; < And the last awful day shall pour m zf His blessings on your head. * Si;~ YII N 685, C. P. Xi. D 06 The Sa.int at ChrI ist's rigrht Hand., i r, 1 XTIHEN tlhou, mly righteouls Jtdge! slhalt come I' To fetcll tlh ra nsomiedi peolple home,, P Shall 1 allonlg them stanld? i Sh1all such a wortlhless worml a Is I,: Wllo somnetimnes amn aftaid to die, $ < Be found at tly right hand? $ -~ 2 Blest Saviour! grant it by thy grace; Be thou my only nl idling-place. In tllis tlt' accepted day; Thy pard'ning voice, Oll let me hear, To still mly uInl)elieving fear, Nor let me ifll, I pray. rnf 3 Among thy saints let me be found, Whene'er tll' archangel's trump shall sound, To see tlhy smliling fiace; < Then filled with rapture shall I sing, f sWhile heaven's resounding mansions ring With shouts of sovereign grace. HYMN 668, 8s, 7s and 4, 666 The Sinner's Doom. Vm 1 QEE th' eterna.l Judge descending, j U View him seated on his throne! p> Now, poor sinner! now lamenting,. Stand and hear tiine awful doom;mJf TTrumpets call thee!- p jStand nd d ear thine awful doom. 9p 2 Hear the cries he now is venting, Filled with dread of fiercer pain; I~~~~~~~~~~~ —-- ---- :$ ~ JUDGMENT. 601 While in anguish tihus lamenting, e Thalt he ne'r w\as born again I p p23p GGreatly iiiouriiing,- \ p That lie ne'er was bor)n again!-' 3 "Yonder sits my slighted Saviour,. With the marls of dyitng love; < Oh! that I had solght his favort, V- When I felt his Spirit move! i d Golden monlents,When I felt his Spirit m1ove!"'p 11 4 Now, despisers look and wonder; > Hope.and silnners here lmust part; i f Louder thian a peal o' thunder, i > H -llHeari the dreadful soulnd,6 Depart!" $ 1pp Lost for ever,- $ > lHear the dreaiful smound, — Depart 1" d I e g < JYMN 657, L. M. 667 The )Day nf Worath, I 7?p 1 T.hA' day oft wiath! —that dreadful day, T ien hlen ven andl earlt slll pass away!V What power slhall be the sinner's stay? > I-HlHow sliall he meet tlhat dreiadful day,- - 2 WhVen, sllriveling like a parched scroll, The fiamiig hi lvens together roll; $ < And louLder yet — ail et ore dread,- \ f Swells the highl trum tthat iwakes the dead? lp 3 Oil! on that day-that wrathfitl clay, d lWhen man to jndgment wal;es from clay, < Be thou, 0 Christ! the sinner's stay,s mf Though heaven and earth shall pass away. 668 NHYMN 668, S.. M 6 68 Tle Lord comLing to Judgment, \ 2 1 I EHIIOLD! the day is come, D The righteous Judge is near; > And sinners, trembling at their doom, p p Shall soon their sentence hear. mf 2 Angels, in bright attire, Conduct him through the skies; a < )Darkness and tempests, smoke and fire, i f Attend him as he flies. 26 ! 60 4 602 HYMNL DCLXTX. p 3 How awfilv is tl1e siglt! * < Itow lo)ud tile tlilnders ro.ar! p Tile sun forbeirs to g(ive his lig'ht,: > hlIAnd stars are seen no more. ip 4 The whole creation groans, < Biut saints arise and sing f Tlhey are the ransomed of the Lord, And he their God and King. I HEAVEN. i 4 di 1 1:lERE is a la.nd of pure delight, c } 1_ W/lhere saints immortal reignI Infinite dav- excludes tie nlith, 4.4.4.And pleasures anish pain. 4 4 2 There, everlasting sp-ing abides, Aend'never-Nwitherinig flowers; * << Death, like a narrilow sela., divides 4 4 T illp!is heavenl land from ours' dol 3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, I Stand dressed in living green; t So to thle Jews old Caniaan stood, i''llWhile Jordan rolled between. mp 4' But tilmtros mors stal s t and shrink To cross this niarroiw sea; And linger, shivering on tlse brink, > And fear to launch away. mp 5 Oh! could we nmake our doubts remove, —'llThose gloomy- doubts that rise, — - ~- Andl see the Canaan thal.t we love,,' With unbeclouded eyes; — I mf 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view thie landscape o'er,I > Not Jordan's streams, nor death's cold flood < 3 S fShould frig ht us firom the shore. 4__ 4 Ol - - -l - - -- - ^- - - - - - - - - r- ct 0"D u ( ~ CC CO 10 0 -- - - - - - - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- - - - -— AIC -g VC ^ V ^ I -<~^~^~l-a~~~~~.^,^^~>~.^-.^^~.>~^..~~o~.~,*~ o.r i~ir ~ 0 Oc..-h ~ -~oco -^ ^ *-O00-J^0 sH - - $ - 5 $5 5- - ^^ I'r.;.-.'~' ~'-"1' J? i__ *~ d f ^ ~' ^~ o <"' l ^^ ^ ~ f r C - ~..::, I i, cr- 1 - i Z ^ - - ^ r c-t-;~~'^~d~~~'*"t~~~~ ~~ c-~~~~~ C~~tI C A I - ^^ -A4 1V ^ ^A I^ LI~' D L — g- =A0 u ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ I3 $ CD ~ -.D C -,I i 11^ L ~ ^^11. l ^111 I i II ^ J j 1^11 1 i * CI^ 5-^ 5 (DC^P^c L ^ 5 ~I^^ ^$^^^ I CD 6 I 85^^ O ^ O! ^ 2 r d''5 ^^ l S - CD CD _ _ - r i - ii i~~~~~~P-~,- t -— 1 1 ^ V I~ -~: ^ ^ ^ -. Q ^ ^ r~ CD 113 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~D C $l Ct-?z; ~~~~ n rr c C, "3~~st I I — - - - - - - --- - \ ~ ~~~~ ^ ^ 1 606 IIYM:_NS DCLXXVI, DCLXXVII. i I, 3 Thlere. sia1ll the foil'wers of tile Lallb Joil) il in11iortlal sol s; $ And etdless lh111onors to his nanie 1 I0li 0Ei(,') y 1 t eir' t ) lil 1 toIng les. $ 4 14 Lord1 i tnlle?or h'earts to prais'e and love, — $: Otrli fIeble nlotes iinspire; f < Till, in tLie blissiul courts above, / f AVe joinl the lleaveCily choir. *, < Irii oYI 676, 8s and 6s, Irregular. 6 070 6 e'tavcn an'ticipattd. p 1 TIHERE is an hour of peacefrl rest, T 1 To niourning wand(llerersl given: Therle is a jo ifor souls distressel, I A balimi for every (woundedl breast,'1' is found ab1iove-in ]11eaeu. 2 Tlhere is a l(hoe ifor wealry souls, $ By sin lnd sorr1Vow idriven; < lW1en tossed onl lilfe's tempestuous shoals, f? f Wiere storls a.rise and oceann rolls, p And a1ll is drear but lleaven. $ mf 3 There, faitlh lifts up hler cheerful eye, r(To brighter iprospects given; e And views the teflmpest palssing by, lThe evening sliladows quickly fly,: p> ALnd all serene in heaven. m f 4 There, fia.grant flowers illllnortal bloom, Anid joys supremle are given; There, rays divine disperse the gloom; — Beyond the con1fines of the tomb, if A ppiears the dawn of heaven. t1i\.3T 6'77, C. 6,1. 0677 iThe Peace, and Repose of Heaven. p I BHERE is an hour of hallowed peace, T ~ Fora those with cares oppressed,, T-iWhen sighs and sorr'wing tears shall cease,! > And all be hushed to rest. - -- 2'T is then the soul is fireed fiom fears And doubts, which here annoy > Then they, who oft 1have sown in tears, i < Shall real) again in joy. $ p 3 There is a home of sweet repose, S'Where storms assail no more; gI H-IEAVEKN. 6OT7 < The stream of endless pleasure flows, I mn 0-1f 11On that celestial shore.' - 4 ThIere, purLn ity wittl love appears, I'&lAnd bliss -witollo ut al loy; j > tThere, thley, whlo o't had sown in tears' Sh1all reap) ag"itn in joy, Y 678^.11~ IYMN 68,2. IThe 6 78 Heave1n unseeLn and? immortalte $ I l1-10W f r' beyond our mortal sight! lt Tlle Lord of glory dwells! A veil of inLterposing night His radiant fa'ce conceals. 2 h! could nly longinr slirit r'ise, 2nf On stroll, immlortal wiln, And reacli thy pva.lace in the skies, My Saviour and my Kiing!- $ - 3 There, thousanlds worship at thy feet, And there —divine employ — mf Thy love triumphant they repeat, In songs of endless joy. 4 Thy presence beams eternal day, O'er all the blissful place: Who would not leave this house of clay7 rAnd fly to thine embrace? 679 E ~n:x 679, C. I7. 0 7 " Union of Saints izn Heaoen and on Eartao n f I.OME, let us join our friends above, C Whlo lhave obtained the prize, < Aid, on the eagle wings of love, To joy celestiatl rise. 2 Let saints below in concert sing With those to glory gone, For all the servants of our King S I> In heaven and earth are one:-: 8 One family, —we dwell in him; One chuch, —above, beneath; Though now divided by the stream- The narrow stream of death, 4 One army of the living God, To his command we bow; 1 608 o HYMNS DCLXXX, DCLXXXI. Part of the lost lave crossed the flood, A Acl I)ai'A t pa rle crossing now. I < 5 Ev'n now to tl.er otelrnal hoe110111 S wf S~tel0e liai)pyp s)irits fl:; - And wve alre to tl te nli argin come,; > And soon expectC to (lie I m np 6 Dear Saviour! be our constant guide; Th'len, vwhen tihe wvord is givenl, I Bid Jo.rd:an's nam ow strleal divide, < And land us s1afe i11 heiven. }6 Qrt EYO: (1SIT J6801,.. i 680 Rising to God. I I TOW et onr souls, on -wings sublime, i ~1' Rise firom tlhe vallities ot timne, Draw back tie parltilng veil, and see Tilo glories of eternity. 2 Born by a new celestia.l birth, i 7Why should we grovel here on earth? > Why grasp ait transitory toys, I < So near to heaven's eternal joys? a -- 3 Should aughlt beguile us on the road, a WWhVen we are walking backi to God?! For stranlers irto lift we come, g p AAnd dying is lut goin homie, a ~ 4 Welcome, sweet lour of full discharge Tlhat sets our loning souls at large, Unlbinds our cliaiis, breaks upl our cell, I And gives us v'ithl our' God to dwell. 5 To dwell vith God-to feel hlis love, r mf Is the full leaven enjoyed above; And the sweet expectation now a Is the young dcawvn of heaven below. I Gt o2 i, - 681, C,.I, 6 081 W fTh.e heavenly City. j m I ERUSALEMI!-my happy home!. ~- NnliNae ever dear to me, — Wlien shall my labors have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee? 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls And pearly gates behold? $ 1~HEAVEN. 609 I < Thy bulwarks, with salvation strong, *?mf And streets of sllining gold? - 8 11i! ilwen, thou city of my God! Shalll I thyv courts ascend,Where coingtegations ne'er break up, A.nd Sabbajths never end? n p 4 Why should I shrink at pa/in or woe, Or feel, at death, dismay? Jerusalemn Io soo slli view, In realmss of endless dlay.! 6.Redeemed saints and angels, there, e IAround my. SavRiour stand; And soon inv friends in Christ, below, Will join tlhe glorious band. i ~ — 6 Jerusalem! —ny hIappy lhome I! Aly soul still pants for thee; Then shall my labors l!ave an end, VWhen I thy joys shall see. I T o Q 2, S. L. I I 1 68 00 The Perpetuity of Heavetn, I P I ];RIEND after friend departs: 1 - Who hath not lost a friendc? } There is no tnion here of hearts,! Thtat finds not here an end: Were tills fail world our final rest, Living or dying, none were blest. I 2- 2 Beyond the fiig t of time, $ eyond tie r oeign of death, There surely is soi blessed clime, Wherle life is not a breath; Nor life's afiections, transient fire, > VWhose spar ks fly upward s and expire. - ~ 3 TThere is a world above, np AVWhere parlting is unknown; -- A long eternlity of love, For3med for tile good alone; And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to tlht glorious sphere. C 4 Thius star by star declines, Till all Ilave passed away; 26* 1 A I i t I V I 6 0 OI. (' "00'- 3C _ C_' t ^ s,^ OtO- 0; ~ ^* CC) CO O- O- a7 (s'c p C: 5 ( D, j I.cV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r p IN~~~S,;i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 - --------------------------------- -------------------------- $. I-HEAVEN. 611 I - 3 Pure are the joys above the sky, Andl all t}he liegion peace; INo vaw:iton lip, nor envious ey-e,! Canl see or taste tile bliss. 4 Those holy gates for ever bar I mp Pollution, sin, and sllame;. -- None slall obtain admnittance there, But foel'wers of the Lamb., g'.QiYi HY 685, L. E. $ 6 85 Ieavec alone tuifadlng. n1p 1 jOW vain is all bieneath tlle skies i - lIow t;ransient e-vey eartlly bliss! I* IHow sleIndler all tlie fondest ties That bind us to a world like this! 2 The evening c(loud, tthe Inorning dcev, u >e vwitlierit gIrass, the fiading tlower, I np Of eartlly hopes are emble;is true, The glory of a passiln hour.: > 3 But, tilontu exarth's fairest blossoms die, p And allf beiieath tire skies is vain, n i - Thlere is a land, whose confines lie: i Beyond the reach of care and pain. * 4 Then let tlhe hope of joys to come Dispel our cares, and chase our fears: I < If God ble onrs, we'e' travelinlg lhome, > hough passing through a vale of tears. I I I 68 P tHYT.MU 68 83, C, L. M,. 8 06 The everlastihng Blias of Heaven. IM 1 TJEAVEN is tle land where troubles cease, g tl Where toils and tears are o'er;- The blissful clime of rest and peace,: Where cares distract no more; j And not the shadow of distress Dims its unsullied blessedness. i 2 Heaven is the place where Jesus lives, To plead his dying blood; & While, to his prayers, his Father gives An unknown multitude, I < Whose harps and tongues, through endless days, fi Shall crown his head with songs of praise. ~.-~8*~.aa-ar~.~.~^^ —^-4-(~qP 612 HYMNS DCLXXXVII, DCLXXXVIIo mf 3 Heaven is the dwelling place of joy, Tle lome of liglt alnd love, Where faith and lhope in rapture die; And ransomed souls above f J Enjoy, before th' eternal throne, Bliss everlasting and unknown. 1 e HY li1 687, l. l. 687 The,unseent and blessed Worldo FAR from tliese narrow scenes of night, si f J- Unbounded glories rise, And realms of infinite delight, Unknown to mortal eyes. 2 Fair distant land! could mortal eyes But half its charms explore, I < f How would our, spirits long to rise, 9 And dwell on earth no iiorel mf No cloud those blissful regions know,Realms ever bright and fair; $> For sin, the source of mortal woe, Inp Can never enter there. < 4 Oh! may the heavenly prospect fire -- Our hearts with ardent love, Imf Till wings of faith and strong desire Bear every thought above. 5 Prepare us, Lord! by grace divine, i For thy bright courts on high; < Then bid our spirits rise, and join If The chorus of tile sky.' I; Q Q HTYI 688, 8s and 6s, Irregular, 688 D7 "othing like Heaven, I mp 1;THIS world is poor from shore to shore, } -I And, like a baseless vision, Its lofty domies and brilliant ore, $ > Its gems and crowns, are vain and poor; — } There's nothing rich but heaven. mp 2 Empires decay and nations die, Our hopes to winds are given; The vernal blooms in ruin lie, Death reigns o'er all beneath the sky; There's nothing sure but heaven. :i~ HEAVEN. 613 3 Creation's mighty fabric all Shall be to atoms riven,S > The skies consume, the planets fall,:- - Convulsions rock this earthly ball;There's nothing firm but heaven. p 4 A stranger, lonely here I roam, From place to place am driven;, My friends are gone, and I'm in gloom, This earth is all a dismal tomb;> I have no home but heaven. M f 5 The clouds disperse-the light appears, My sins are all forgiven,; f Triumphant grace hath quelled my fears;R oll on, thou sun! fly swift, my years! I'm on my way to heaven.'j 689}HYIN 689, C. SI. 68 9 _0Heaven in Prospect. in 1 ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaall's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. mf 2 Oh! the transporting, rapturous scene, That rises to my sight! Sweet fieldi arrayed in living green, i And rive s of delight! mnf 3 Oer all those wide-extended plains, Shines one eternal day; There, God, the Son, for ever reigns, And scatters night away. 4 No chilling winds, no pois'nous breath, Can reach that healthful shore; Mnp Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and feared no more. 5 When shall I reach that happy place, And be for ever blest? S When shall I see my Father's face, > And in his bosom rest f 6 Filled with delight, my raptured soul Would here no longer stay; Though Jordan's waves should round me roll,-'i Fearless I'd launch away. 614 H~YMNS DCXC, DCXCI. O690 The Christian's Flight to Heaven. mp I WTHAT.T is life? at is but a vapor; i V Soon it vanishes away; Life is but a dying taper; O my soul I why wish to stay! < Why not spread thy wings, and fly Straight to yonder world of joy? J" 2 See that glory-how resplendent! Brighter far thaln fancy paints; There, in majesty transcendent, Jesus reigns-the King of saints:if" Spread thy wings, my soul! and fly Straight to yonder world of joy. 8 3Joyful crowcds, his throne surrounding, Sing with rapture of his love; Through the heavens his praises sounding, Filling all the courts above: if" Spread thy wings, miy soul! and fly Straight to yonder world of joy. f 4 Go, and share his people's glory, Mid the ransomed crowd appear; - Thine a joyful, wondrous story, One that angels love to hlar: if." Spread thy wings, my soul! and fly Straight to yonder world of joy. \ 1a 1HYMNi 691, C. M. 69 U I The blessed Society in Heaven. m f 1 RATSE thee, my soul! fly up, and run 1 Through every heavenly street; And say,-there's nought below the sun, That's worthy of thy feet. 2 There, on a high majestic throne, Th' almighty Father reigns; And sheds his glorious goodness down, On all the blissful plains. 8 Bright, like the sun, the Saviour sits, And spreads eternal noon: No evenings there, nor gloomy nights, To want the feeble moon. IHEAVEN. 615 $ 5 mf 4 Amid those ever-shining skies,; IBehold the sacred Dove! While, banished sin, with sorrow, flies { li'From all the realms of love. $ 5 The glorious tenants of the place e Stand bending round the throne; And saints and seraphs sing, and praise, I The infinite Three-One. 6 Jesus!-and when shall that dear day,- I.l'That joyful hour, appear, When I sllall leave this house of clay, ~ To dwell almong them there! eI 9i B-I 6,IT. 6~2, C.. 6 03 ( The everlastizng Song, 6 m 1 1ARTH has engrossed my love too long; E'T is time, I lift mine eyes Upward, dear Father! to thy throne, 2 >lAnd to miy native skies. 2 There, the blest nan, my Saviour, sits;-: < The God h —how bright he shines! m f And scatters infinite delights On all the happy minds. 8 Seraphs, with elevated strains, t Circle the throne around; < And move and chlam the starry plains, i WAith an immortal sound. $ 4 Jesus, the Lord, their harps employs,- Jesus, my love, they sing! i Jesus, the life of all our joys, - Sounds sweet from every string. if 5 Nlow let me mount, and join their song, And be an angel too; M y heart! my hand my ear! my tongue I HIere's joyful work for you. 6 I would begin the music here, And so my soul should rise;-'~ Oh! for some heavenly notes to bear j I My passions to the skies! +O o h y t 616 HYNS DCXCIII, DCXCIV. 6' Q3 HYE1VN 693, 0. XJi. d693 0 e Victory throughl the L^amb. $ f!1 [qIVE me the wings of faith, to rise U Within the veil, and see The saints above —how great their joys,- HIlowl bright their glories be. -- 2 I ask them,- whence their vict'ry came e < TLhey, with united breath, f J' BAscribe their conquest to the Lamb,Their triumph to his death. -- 3 They marked the footsteps he had trod; His zeal inspired their breast; And foll'wing their incarnate God, Possess the promised rest. i nf 4 Our glorious Leader claims our praise, For his own pattern given,Whlil e e long cloud of witnesses Show the same path to heaven. * 6r9 TQ HYMN 694, C. H, 6 94@ The [0Worship of Earth and Heaven. b mnp I "ATIER! I long, I faint, to see g' The place of thine abode; I'd leave thine earthly courts, and flee Up to thy seat, my God! $ - 2 Ilere I behold thy distant face, And'tis a pleasing sight; But, to abide in thine embrace Is infinite delight. 3 I'd part with all the joys of sense, To gaze upon thy throne Pleasure springs fresh for eyer thence, $ Unspeakable, unknown. zmf 4 There all the heavenly hosts are seen; I Iin shining ranks they move; $ And drink immiortal vigor in, e With wonder and with love. i ~ 5 Then at thy feet, with awful fear, > Th' adoring armies fall; i mf With joy they shrink to nothing there, Before th' eternal All. HEAVEN. 617 6 Father! I long, I faint to see The place of thine abode; I'd leave thine earthly courts to be For ever -with my God. $ I-X Q-IM 695, ils, 095 Longingm for Heaveon. e 1 I WOTLD not live always; I ask not to stay, I T- Where stor, tRe staorm rises dark o'er the The few tlcid mornings, that dawn on us here > Are followed by glooin, and beclouded with fear. - 2 would not live always; no, —elcome the, t;olbtomb Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom; I < There, sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise, f To hail hin in triumph descending the skies.! - 3 Who —l lo would live always, away friom his God;God;-: Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, \ < Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright < plains, I f f And the noontide of glory eternally reigns? n mf 4 There saints of all ages in harmlony meet, Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet; f While anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, $ And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. 696 b The JT tartyrs gloified, i mf 2 1 " gHESE glorious minds,~-how bright they Whence ill their white array? How came they to the happy seats Of everlasting day?"? < 2 From torturing pains to endless joys, j f On fiery wheels they rode; And strangely washed their raiment white, mnp In Jesus' dying blood. 3 Now they approach a spotless God, Their warbling harps, and sacred songs S Adore the Holy One. 1 618 HY~MNS DcxCVII, DCXCVIIw. 4 The unveiled glories of his face Among his saints reside, I "lWhile the rich treasures of his grace S See all t"heir wants supplied. i 5 iiungcer and thirstc for ever flee, Tlleir joys for ever last The fruit of life's immortal tree Shall be their sweet repast. 6 The Linb shall lead h his heavnl flock Wlhe.re livin.g fluntains rise And love divine shall wipe away y g The sorroL' vs of tleir eyes. s C mQ^ ~ ~ I}rZEN 697, 7s. g 697' TTht Redecmed isn Heaven, ni mf 1 161-1 AT arel thlese inl briglrt ariray, This innumerable thrlong, 8 Round the altar night and day, Hyminincg one tI rinnphant song?-' Wortlhy is the Lamb once slain, Blessing, lionor, glory, power, Wisdom, riches, to obtain, New dominion, every hour!" - These through fiery trials trod,These from great affliction calme; I Now before the throne of God, Sealed Twith his allnighty name, Clad in raiment 1,)ure and white, 7 Victor palns in every hand, *' < Through their dear Pedeemer's might, Inf M[ore than conquerors they stand. 8 Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed; Them, the Lamb, amidst the throne, Shall to living fountains lead; mnf Joy and gladness banish sighs, Perfect love dispel all fears, And, for ever fromn their eyes, God shall wipe away the tears. 6 98 $ HYMLN 698, 9s, and 6s. \ 98 D 0Prospect of Hearven,. " f 1 C wOE away to the skies, My beloved! arise, i And rejoice in the day thou wert born;. 7 _ ~~saes~6bsba Q6easa ~~la9e HEAVEN. 619 I On this festival day, 8 Come exulting away, And, with singing, to Zion return. i mf 2 We have laid up our love, With our ttreasure, above, Though our bodies continue below; The redeen-ed of the Lord- We re meber his Aword, A.nd, wit;l) sino'in to paradise go. 3 For thy glory Aw were Both thy nature aInd kingdom divine; N ow created agai-n, That our souls may remain, Both in time and eternity, thine. - 4 With thanks we approve The design of thy love, Which bath joined us 4n Christ's precious name; So united in heart That we never caa partWe shall meet at the feast of the Lamb. mf 5 There, Oh! there, at his feet, ~ We shall joyfully lmeet, And be parted, in body, no more; We shall sing to our lyres, With the heavenly choirs, And o:r Saviour, in glory, adore. ff" 6'Hallelujah!" —we sing, To our Father and King, And his rapturous praises repeat: To the Lamb that was slain, "' Hallelujah'"-again — > Sing all heaven, and fall at his feet. I ( 9 HYMISIN 699, 8s. 0 07Z Longing to be with Christ. f T0 Jesus, the crown of my hope, i f My soul is in haste to be gone; Oh! bear me, ye cherubim I up, And waft ime away to his throne. 620 ~HYMN DOC, $ 2 My Saviour! whom absent I love; \Whol, not having seen, I adore;! Whnose iname is exalted above All glory, dominion, and power;3 Dissolve thou these bonds, that detain A My soul firom her portion in thee; I Ali! strike off this adalant chain, f AAnd make me eternally fiee. 4 When that happy era begins, Arrayed in thy glories I'11 shine, Nor grieve any more, by my sins, > The bosom on which I recline. 0 t^(I'-wi HYMNG 700, 7s, /7 0U TThe VTictor-y of the Saints. f 1 ~pALMS of glory, raimenlt bright, Crowns that never fiade awvay, Gird and deck tlhe saints in lilgh:t,Priests, and kings, and conquerors they. 2 Yet the conquerors bring their palms To the Lanb amnidst the throne; And proclain, in joyful psalms, Victory through his cross alone. 3 Kings for hnaps their crowns resign, Crying, as they strike the chords," Take tle kingdom —it is thine,Kilng s, Lod of kings a d of lords I" 4 Round the altar, priests confess, - If their robes are vlit e as snow, t'T Twas their Saviour's righteousness, And his blood, that made them so. mp 5 Who were these?-On earth they dwelt, Sinners once of Adam's race,p Guilt, and ear' and suffering felt,'-~ But were saved by sovereign grace. 6 They were mortal, too, like us:Ah when we like them shall die, < M ay our souls, translated thus, if J Triumph, reign, and shine on high! 48H~ r.P 25.f~Y~~)C~WPb Iv~g gl HEAVEN. 621 701 Tnh HYTIN 701, 0. M. 701 U I T~le JVew Song before the Throne. f I ITIAT blissful harmnonies above, In vocal thunders, swell? The perfecting of joy and love, What raptured legions tell? 2 The glorious apostolic band,Do they in triumph sing? Do prophets from the holy land Their inspiration bring? 3 Or from the noble army breaks The deep, adoring strain, Who won their way fiom fiery stakes, And were for conscience slain? 4 Is it the patrialrcla l lace, That breathe the sacred song? < Or, to the heirs of gospel grace, f Do the flll choirs belong? mf 5 For each, for all, the WTord is found Almigllty to atone: All,-all in sliining hosts surround The bright celestial throne. 6 Peoples, and languages, and tongues The clihoal anthem raise: To every voice and speech belongs The work of heavenly praise. \ 02 E3(% QIYM 9702, C. M. 702;~ &\ Earthly and heavenly Good. mp70 1 OWV vain a thouglh t is bliss below! R'T is all an airy dream; $ How empty are the joys that flow i On pleasure's smiling stream! - 2 Oh! let my nobler wishes soar Beyond these reallms of night; In heaven substantial bliss explore, And permanent delight. mp 3 No fleeting landscape cheers the gaze,:- b!Nor airy form beguiles;: ~ — But everlasting bliss displays: Her undissembled smiles. a~-_ _4-~ —--— ~6W- -— P~~-l —~~~ I+~)~~ I 622 HYMN DCCIII-DCCV. $ mp 4 Adieu to all below the skies! -~- Celestial Guardian! come; i < On thy kind wing, my soul would rise nf To her celestial home. DISMISSIONS AND DOXOLOGIES. ~ 703 ^i.RNi 703, L, M. m I 1I ISMISS us, with thy blessing, Lord! Help us to feed upon thy word; All that has been amiss forgive, And let thy truth within us live. 2 Though we are guilty, thou art good;Wash all our works in Jesus' blood; Give every burdened soul release, > And bid us all depart in peace. \i 7H ItN 7 04, L. M, 704 Praise to the co-equal Three. i,nf 1 YLESSING and ]lonor, praise and love, -. Co-equal, Co-eternal Thlree! In earth below, in heaven above, By all thy works, be paid to thee. 2 Thrice Holy! thine the kingdom is; The power omnipotent is thine; > And, when created nature dies, < Thy never-ceasing glories shine. > And IwenIYriet 705nt, L. die 7 705, 705 Praise fiom all Creatures. I I ]pRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise hlim, all creatures here below! \ Praise himi above, ye heavenvly host! \ Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.. l~1DISMISSIONS AND DOXOLOGIES. 623 $.,... iHYsMN 706, L. M. 706 Praise to the Trinity. 1 TO God, the Father-God, the Son,I And God, the Spirit-three in one, Be honor, praise, and glory given, By all on earth, and all in heaven. IfMCN 707, L. P. X. 707 The sacred Three. f 1 NOW to the great and sacred Three, 1The Father, Son, and Spirit, be Eternal praise and glory given, Through all the worlds where God is known, By all the angels near the throne, And all the saints in earth and heaven. w 708Q 708, C.. 70i UgM J8O C jThe Trinity adored. f 1 J ET God,-heFath, Father, ad the Son, And Spirit,-be adored, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord.,-yf a~HYHN 709,. X. I709 A grateful Song to the Trinity. Vnf 1 N hope to join th' angelic host And all the ransomed throng, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, We raise the grateful song. H YN 710, C. M. D. 71 0 lPYraise to the Trinity mf 1 rrHE God of mercy be adored, J- Who calls our souls from death, Who saves by his redeeming word, And new-creating breath; To praise the Father, and the Son, And Spirit, all-divine,The one in three, and three in one,Let saints and angels join. .624 HYMNS DccxIT-DCCXV. $ t I7 1 ^'HYMN 711, C. P. M. I 1 T/he Source of all Blessn-ig's. nf 1 Tr Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I Be praise, amid the heavenly host, And in the church below; From whom all creatures draw their breath, By whom redemption blessed the earth, Fromu whom all comforts flow. r EHYMN 712, S. M, 712 l Jscriptions of dJgels and Saints. mf 1 E angels round the throne! i Andl saints that dwell below! Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. HYIMN 713, H. M. i 1 3 Honor, Glory, and Praise. f 1 T0 God the Father's throne, T Your highest honors raise; Glory to God, the Son,To God, the Spirit, praise: Withl all our powers, Eternal King! Th-y name we sing, While faith adores. pw~% AE SHYMN 714, 8s and 7s. 714 R, Benediction implored. 1 i[AY the grace of Christ, our Saviour, -l And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above I Let us thus abide in union With each other, and the Lord; And possess, in sweet communion, mf Joys which earth cannot afford. f F-j ~'HYMN 715, 8s and 7s. 715 Praise to the Three in One. 1 pRAISE the God of all creation; Praise the Father's boundless love; Praise the Lamb, our expiation,Priest and King enthroned above; DISMISSIONS AND DOXOLOGIES. 625 j Praise the Fountain of salvation,Him by whom our spirits live; $ Undivided adoration * To the one Jehovah give. 716 I^ fraisM 716, 8s and 7s. r71 6 Praise to the Lamb., f I ~ LORY, lionor, praise and power I GTo the Lamb be ever paid; $ Let new blessings, every hour, R est on his adored head. 1 t IYIN 717, 71,s. * ~ IL ~ Eternal Praises to the Trinity. f 1 SING we, to our God above, $ U Praise eternal as his love: Praise him-all ye heavenly host! Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 71 $if ~HYMN 718, 8s, 7s and 4. 718 (t0 ) parting Blessing implored. 7 1 I OBD! dismiss us with thy blessing, e 1 lu Fill our hearts with joy and peace; < Let us all, thy love possessing,;f Triumph in redeeming grace; ~ Oli! refresh usTraveling through this wilderness, f' 2 Thanks we give and adoration, i For thy gospel's joyful sound; $ Let the fruits of thy salvation $ In our hearts and lives abound; - ay thy presence With us evermlore be found. 3 So, whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away, mraf Borne on angels' wings to heaven, Glad to leave this cumbrous clay, - ~ May we ever e t 1 Q zHYMN 719, 8s, 7s and 4. 71 771 The Trinity enthroned. I f. I REAT Jehovah! we adore thee, U God, the Father-God, the Son —4,o***.X1 ^o*48 **4*t* _o27^ 626 HYMNS DOCXX-DCCXXII. God, the Spirit-joined in glory, On the same eternal throne; Endless praises To Jehovah, three in one.'720 2rMXHYIN 720, 7s and 6s. Endless Praises. f 1 TEL'LL praise thy namne for ever,- $ I v Thou glorious King of kings I! Thy wondrous love and favor Each ransomed spirit sings: We'll celebrate thy glory, With all thy saints above, And shout the joyful story Of thy redeemling love.: aQlr YMN 721, 5s and 6s. &721i Praise from Aingels and Saints. mf 1 )Y angels in heaven B Of every degree, i And saints upon earth, All praise be addressed To God in three persons,One God ever-blessed; As hath been, and now is, And always shall be. 1 HYMVN 722, 6s and 4s. 72i21 Boundless Praise. f TO GodC —tle Father, Son, And Spirit-three in one, All praise be given! Crown him, in every song; To him your hearts belong; Let all his praise prolong- On earth-in heaven. *-~w~ ~~, I I I I FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. e i PAGE Above these heavens' created rounds......................Watts 74 A broken heart, my God! my King!........................ atts 98 $ According to thy gracious word....................... ontgoery 508 ~ A charge to keep I have.............................. C. Wesley 467. Alas! what hourly dangers rise....................... s. Steele 456 All hail the power' oJesus' na.........................Perro et 3556 All hail, incarnate God!.................................... Scott 543 All ye rwho love the Lord! rejoice........................ Watts 28 i All ye nations! praise the Lord..................... Montromecry 191 i Almighty Falher! gracious Lord!..................... Mrs. Steele "71 j Alnighl.v God! in humble uprayer..................... ontomery 483 Almightly lMaker, God!.................................. Watts 265 e: Al hnight y Ruler of the skes!...............................Watts 24 $ Aloin Lor th le banks where Babel's clur rent flow s..... aBarlow 2330 Amazing grace! how swe et tlhe sound.................... Newton 477 Am 1 a soldie of the cross................................ Watts 4740 Amid thy w rath, reml ember love.......................... Watts 76 45 $ Amol ng th' assemblies of the great...................... aPe Fatts 13 -2 Alonl the prince eart hly G ods...................... Watts 5138 And are we wretches yet alit e?........................... atts 455 And art thoL, gracious Master! gone....................... Kelly 358 And can mt iheart aspire so high........................ otrs. Steele 453 And canst thlou, sinner! sliglt.............................tde 385 And must this body die................................. Watts *588 And now another week begins-............................... IKelly 514 And will the God of grace................................ atts 13 AiAnd will the Jud ae d esWceand......................... And will the Lord thus condesel nd....................r s. Steele 4l 01 A angels! assist to sin................................ e es 263 Ang aelso! fromn the realns of glory............t......... ontgtoncy 95 Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung'.............t............ Hwrn 297 Anmels! roll the rock avway.............................ibbons:348 - Another day has passed alorn.................... E eston 518 Another six days work is done........................ J. Stennett 545 Approach, my soul! the mnercy-seat...................... Nfewton 410 Are all the foes of Zion fools..K........................... ieatts 10 Arise, great God! and let thy grace....................... errick 130 Arise, my gracious God!............................... Watts 386 A rise, m s o y so my oyfl po ers........................ Watts 430 Arise, my tenderest hoghs! arise................... oddride 488 Arised Ki ng of grace! arise............................. Watts 223 Arise, ye people! and adore............................ MJIerick 93 Anrn of the L'ord! awak e, awake....................... Shrubsole 544 Angels-r+c t ad ssvee s. ie 257 Annm 01 Ihe Lord' awake, awake.S............laraubsale 544 $ 628 FFIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. PAGE Around the Saviour's lofty throne........................ Kclly 324 Ascend thy throne, allnighty King!....................Beddonte 545 As pants the hart lor cooling streams.............Tate and Brady 83 Assembled at thy great commanid,..............C... llyer 530 Astonished and distressed.................Tuplady 391 At thy command, our dearest Lord!..Wa........... atts 504 Author of good! to thee we turn........................ ecrrick 483 Awake, and sing the so.......... ammond 353 Awake, awake the sacred song....................... Its. Steele 297 Awaked by Sinai's awful sound...................... Oc m 41.3 Awake, my drowsy soul!.......................... i.. s. Steele 556 Awake, my heart! arise, my tongue!............. W... Watts 431 Awake, my soul! and with the sun..................nn 21 Awake, my soul! in joyful lays......................... ecdley 330 Awake, my soul! stretch every nerve..................Doddridre 43 Awake, my soul! to sound his pise.....................Barlow 79 Awake, my tougue! thy tribute bring...................ee a 280 Awake, our souls! away our fears....................... Watts 432 Awake, ye saints! and raise your eyes................. oddriade 574 Awake, ye saints! awake.................... Cotterill 511 Awake, ye saints! to praise your King.W............... Watts 227 Before Jehovah's awful throne.................... Watts 164 Begin, my soul! th' exalted lay........................... Orilvie 249 Begin, my tongue! some heavenly theme............... Wattls 286 Behold a stranger at the door............................. Gregg 399 Behold! how good and sweet...................... atfie'225 a Behold! the day is come..................B...... e Beddome:01 $ Behold! the blessed Redeemer comes....................Watts 80 $ Behold! the blind their sight receive.................Watts 313 Behold! th' expected tinme draws near...................... Vole 552 $ Behold the glories o the Lamb............................ Watts 312 i Behold the grace appear......................... YWatts 291 Behold! the lofty sky.....................................Watts 43 Behold! the morning sun.................... Waitts 43 2 Behold the throne of grace..............................'ewtona 486 Behold the Saviour of mankind.........................S. Wesley 339 a Behold the sure foundlation-stone..........................Watts 193 Behold thy waiting servant, Lord......................... Watts 200 Behold! where, in a mortal form......................... Eafield 3'8 a Behold! what wondrous grace............................ Watts 461 Behold! what condescending love..................... Doddridge 498 a Beneath our feet, and o'er our head........................Heber5 58). Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth!...........ontgomery 166 a. Beyond, beyond that boundless sea........................ Conder 237 a Beyond the glittering, starry skies......................D. Turner 3.'6 Beyond where Cedron's waters flow............... S. F. Smit/l 339 Bless, 0 Lord! the opening year.................. Cong. H. Book 569 Bless, O my soul! the livinlg God......................... Watts 170 I Bless ye the Lord with solemn rite......................ontgomery 26 a Blessed are the sons of God.......................... Iumphreys 460 a Blest are the humble souls that see.................. Watts 435 Blest are the men whose hearts can move..................Watts 435 Blest are the sons of peace................................ atts 24 a Blest are the souls that hear and know........... W.......Watts 143 a Blest are the undefiled in heart............................ Watts 195 Blest be the everlasti-ng God........................W...iatts 461 1 Blest be the Father and his love.......................... Watts 376 $ Blest be the tie that binds............................ et 436 Blest Comforter divine......................... Cleland's Hym s 368 Blest is the man, for ever blest............................ Watts 66 $ Blest is the man who shuns the place..................... Watts 14 ~4~~~-~ -~- ~^~H1~CO~r~H04H~ $ FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 629 PAGE Blest is the man whose heart doth move................... Watts 81 $ Blest is the man whose softening heart............. Mrs. Barbauld 438 $ Blest is the nation where the Lord......................... Watts 68 Blest morning! wvhose young dawning rays................. Watts 512 i Blow ye the trumapet! blow........................... C. Wesley 488 * Boundless glory, Lord! be thine........................... Kelly 4i8 e Bread o' heaven! on thee I feed.......................... Colder 503 Bright Kingl of glory, dreadful God!....................... Watts:321 Brightest and best ot he sons of the morning............... Heber Oi 9i' I sright source of everlasting love!.......................... Boden 4393 Broad is the road that leads to death....................... ats 387 Buried in shadows of the night..........W.................. W tatts 308 8 C Call Jehovah thy salvation...y......................... otgomery 149 * Captain of thine exalted host.............................. Batty 531 Cast thy burden on the Lord....................... R. Hill's Col. 11)3 Cease, ye mourners! cease to languish.................... Collyet 575 Children! hear the melling story....................T. Hastings 403 Children, in years and knowledge voulng................... atts 70 Childrens! listen to the Lor.......... T. Hastings 404 \ Children of the heavenly King!.............. Cennick 433 * Christ and his cross is all our theme....................... Watts 320 5 a Christ, of all my hopes the ground...................... Windham 358 Christ, whose glory fills the skies.......................C. Wesley 306 Christian! see the orient morningl............... Cleland's Hymns 544 Come, all ye sailts of God......................... Pratt's Col. 355 Come away to the skies........................... C. Wesley 618 Cone, blessed Spirit, source of light!.................. Beddome 365 Come, dearest!,ord I descend and dwell.................. Watts 310 Come, every pious heart.................. Stennett 311 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove!....................Brown 368 * Come, happy souls approach yor God................... Watts'298 Come hither, all ve weary souls!........................ Watts 393 Come, Holy Ghost! come from on high................eed's Col. 497 i Come, Holy Spirit! calm my mind....................... Burder 360 Colme, Holy Sirit! come................................. art 263 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove!........................ Watts 362 d Come in, thou blessed of the Lord!......................... Kelly 4!19 Come, let our voices join to raise.......................... Watts 155 i Come, let us anew....................................C. Wesley 516 Come, let us gladly sing................................ Hatfield 157 Colme, let us joii our cheerful songs....................... Watts 315 Come, let us join our friends above....................C. Wesley 607 Come, let us join our songs of praise.............. Campbell's Col. 352 i Come, let us join our soul s to odl....................11ontgoimery 500 f Come, let us liift our joyful eyes............................ PWatts 354 Come, let us lift o ir voices high........................... Watts 50 Come, Lord! a.nd warm each languid heart............. Mvr-. Steele 605 Come, my fond fi ttering helar!................ Jiss Jane Taylor 424 Come, my soul! thy suiti prepare.............ewton 482 Come, 0 my soul!'in stcrled lays....................... Blacklock 264 $ Come, see the place wlhere es us lay.................J. lonitgomriery 348 Come, shoult aloud t the Fathera gace.a.e............... egribotlhan. 276 Come, sound his prraise abroad............................ tts 15 i Come, thou alinightv in..................... da's Col. 373 Cole, thou desire o all thv saints!....................Mrs. Steele 313 CoIme, thou Fount of every blessingr!..................R. Robinson 4-1 Come to Calv'ry's holy mountain..n...o............... ontgomery 394 Come, trembling sinler! in whose breast.......... Edmud Jones 393 Come weary souls! with sin distressed.......... eI... rs. Steele 392 Come, ye disconsolate where'er ye languish........ JMusica Sacra 409 Come, ye saints I look here and wonder..................... elly 346 -- ------------- I-t.______1 -------- -........ —--- ------ - t 630 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. * _____ ___ __ __ _ __. ^~~~~~~~~~8 ~~PAGE Come, ye sinners! heavy laden............................. Hart 399 Come, ye that know and fear the Lord!................ G. Barder 25 r Come, ye that love the Saviour's name!................ jls. Steele 312 c Come, ye who love the Lord!............................. Watts 430 Consider all my sorrows, Lord 1............................. bWaatts 202 Could I so false, so itithless prove.............W............ atts 234? I Daughter of Zion! awake from thy sadness....... Fit zgerald's Col. 550 D aughter of Ziotn! from the dlust..................... jlontgsomnery 537 David rejoiced in God his strength......................... Watts 491 Day of judgment, day oi ewonders!....................... Jewton 5i98 Dearest of all the nmees above......................... atts 301) i Dear Father! to thy itercy-seat....................... jMrs. Steele 269 Dear Refuge of my weary soul 1........................ Is. Steele 274 Dear Saviour! we are thile........................... oddridge 310 e Dear Saviour I when my thoughts recall............... lcrs. Steele 407 ( Deat,-'t is melancholy da...........................Watts 593 $ Deep are the wounds which sin has made...............r vs. Steele 337 $ Deep in our hearts let us record........................... Watts 119 < Delay not, delay not O sinner! draw near.............. Iastings 381 Descend from heaven, illmmortal Dove!...................... tts 366 lDid Christ o'er sinlers weep............................ Beddome 409 Do not I love thee, 0 my Lord!....................... Doddridge 467 Dread Sovereign! let my evening-song...................... atts 560 Early, my God! without delay........................... Watts 109 Earth has engrossed my love too long...................... Watts (15 Encompassed with len thousand ills................. Jlontgomery 206 Enthroned on high, almighty Lord.!.................. HJ llmphreys 372 Eternal God, celestial King!.......................... Wrangham 104 o, Eternal God, eternal Killg............................... MIarch 69 t Eternal source of every joy........................... Doddridge 572 Eternal Spirit, God of truth!.Pratt's Col. 367 Eternal Spirit! we confess................................ Watts 371 Eternal Wisdom! thee we praise......................... Watts 262 Exalt the Lord our God.................................. Watts.l(,3 Extol the Lord, the Lord imost high.................. MoLtgaomery 9 2 Fair shines the morning-star.........................ontgomery 552 $ Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss................... Turner 458 Faith is the brightest evidence............................. Watts 458 Far as thy name is known................................ Watts 94 f Far from my thoughts, vain world! be gone................ Watts 507 t Far from the world, 0 Lord! I flee....................... Covper 459 f ar from these narrow scenes of night................. Mrs. Steele 612 P Far from thy fold, 0 God I my feet.t..................... Tatlock 413 Far from uts be grief and sadness........................... elly 447 Fast flow, my tears! the cause is great................. TV. Shirley 343 Father! adored in worlds above...................... Pope's Col. 485 5 Father! how wide thy glory shines........................ Watts'28,2 Father! I bless thy geltie land............................ Watts 194 * Father! I long, I fiint to see............................. Watts 616 * Father! I sing thy wondrous grace........................ Watts 119 $ Father! is not thy promise pledged...................... (i bbons 15 * Father of e:erntal grace!....'......................... sMotgomnery 471 5 Father of glory! to thy name.............................. Watts 374 $ e Father of heaven! whose love profound............... Pratt's Col. 375 Father of mercies! condescend............................ J orell 534 * Father of mercies, God of love!..................... Raffles 405 f Father.f mere es! in thy word....................... rs. Steele 257 Father of mercies! send thy grace.................... Doddidge 438 Father! whate'er of earthly bliss...........M........ rs. Steele 482 ----------------- --- -- -- - -- -— b - e FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 631 5a^~~~~~~~~ ~~~PAGE Firm and unmoved are they............................... Watts, 213 I'rin as the earth thy gospel s!ands........................ Watts 4 2 i Firm was my health, nmy dy was brigh.................... Watts 63 Fools in tir heart, believe alnd sy...................... Vatts 3 F For a season called lo part............................... N'ewton 437 For ever blessed be the Lord............................. Watts.41 For ever shall my song record............................. Watts 14 F orgive us, Lord I to ihee v. e cry....................'. 1 astingss 4.0'ounltalin of mercy, God of love!....................... Epis. Col. 573 I Frequent tIle da oft Gocl returs........................... Brown 518 t IFriend a.tler frie Id deparuts.......................... iontgome.ry 609 From all that dwell below the skies........................ Watts 190 F rolm Calvary a cry was hieard...................... Cutnning/hanm 345 r From deep distress andt troubled thoughts.................. Watts 218 P From E:gypt's bondage came............................... Ielly 423 F8 rom every earthly pleasure............................... Gens 451 $ Fritom Greenland's icy ount ins................... Heberl 54- $ * From lowest depths of wvoe......................Tae and Brady 219 From thee, my vtod! my joys shall rise.................... Watts 443 t From the throne of God there springs.................... Toplady 91 Gently, gently lay thy rod...................L............. Lyte 23 Gently, loord! Oh! gently lead us................... T. Hastings 448 e: Gently, my Saviour! let me down........................ R. Hill 50 < Gird on thy conquering sword........................Doddrid ge 88 t Give glory to God in the highest; give praise......... Iontgnoery 63 0 Give me the wings of fith to rise.......................... Watts 616' Give thanks to God, he reigns above....................... Watts 177 $ Give thanksl to God, invoke his name.................... Watts 174 Give thanks to God most high............................ Watts 2:28 Give thanks to God, the sovereign Lord.................... Watts 228' Give to our God immortal praise.......................... Watts 227 $ Give to the Lord, ye soins of fame!......................... Watts 61 a Glorious things of thee are spoken...................... Jewton 139 $ Glory to God on high........................... Hill's Col. 315 t Glory to thee, my God! this night.......................... Kenn 20 a Glory to the bather give.............................. ontgomery 27 0 Go, and the Saviour's grace proclaim...................... Morell 533 God, in his earthly temlple, lays............................ Watts 1:8 God, in the gospel of his So............................ Beddome 259 ~ God is gone up on high...............................C. Wesley 53 i God is my strong salvation.......................... fontgomery 60 God is our refuge and defence.......................u. ontgo metry 90 $ God is our refuge, tried and proved......................... Lyte 90 God is the refuge of his saints......................... Watts 89 a God moves in a mysterious way..........................Cowper 284 t God, my supporter and my hope.......................... Watts 15 Godof eternal love...................................... Watts 176 a God of mercy, God of'race............................... Lyte 117 God of my childhood, and my youth!...................... Watts 121 i God of my life! look gently down......................... Watts 78 ( God of my lite' through all- my das................... Doddridge 273 God of my mercy and ily praise!.................atts 180 God of our lives! thy various praise................ Heginbothanm 567 God of the morning! at thy voice......................... Watts 558 a God of the universe! to tlhee....................... iss MJary 0. 523 a Go, messenger of peace and love!........................ Balfour 5235 $ Go, preach my gospel, saith the Lord......................Watts 525 a Go to dark Gethsemane.............................. ontgornery 3:8 a Go, ye messengers of God!............................... Jarsdcn 533 Good is the Lord, the heavenly King...................... Watts 11'2 Grace, like an uncorrupted seed.......................... Watts 425 i 632 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. I e 63 PAGE r Grace,'t is a charming sound......................... Doddridge 426 I Gracious Spirit, Love divine!............................... J. Stocker 36:3 ( Grant me withllu thy courts a place.................. Montgomncry 59. Great Father of eaich perfect gift!...................... Doddridg'e 370 Great Father of anllkiil!............................ )oddrzl e 5-1 Great Foler of this various frame!...................Joddridge 157 Great God! altend to nmy compltit....................... Bal w 110 Great God! atienld while Zion siigs........................ Watts 13 G'reat God! how infinite art thou.....................a..... - atts 263 ( Great God d idul y hmle clai..................... atts 108 GCreat God! I own tiy sentence just......................... Iatts 583 Great God! let all our tunef.!l powers..................!ginbothain 5{7 e reat God! now coldea cedl.............................. Ecllows 49i 6;Great G(od of nations! ino\ to thee..................... Pcsb. Col. 298 e Great God the nationis of Le earth...................... Gibbons 543 Great God 1 to thee my evening- song.................. M's. Steele 558 Great God! to what a glorious height....................... Watts 359, Great God! we sing that mighty hat.ind............... )oddridge 569 9 G Great God! what do I see and lhear................... Ls....,uthler 59t S f Great God! whose universal swav..........................T, atts.12 - Great Is the Lord, his worlks of iight..i..................... Wa,, tts 18 2 Great is the iord 1 or God.................................Watts 93 Great Shepherd of thie Israel............................ atts 1:1 $ Great the joy lwhen Christia ns meet....................... Burder 376 Guide me, 0 thou great ova!....................'. Olivers 464. Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews..................... atts 434 Had not the Lord, may Israel say.........................Watts 212 ad not the Lord, my rock, lmy help..................... Wa tts 155 Hail! gracious Source of every good!........Spirit of the Psalmzs 106 d s Hail! great Createor! w vise and good.................... Gent.... OGt. 80 Hail! morninlg known among the blest!................. fardlaaw 511 I Hail! sacred truth wi h eose piercing ra.............Loe. Ev.. Mag. L.9 H Iail the day whichi sees hiim rise!...................... C. W sley 347 8 HIail t hou long-expected Jesui s!....................... C. Wesley 290 i Hail to the Lorcds anointed!.........................isttgome7y 2 I3 Hail to the Prince of life and )eace!................... Doddr idie:j31 i Hallelujah! praise the Lord.............................. Hafield 253 $ Hallelujahl; raise, Oh! raise............................. Co)der 185 $ Happy is he who e.ars the lord.......................... Watts 183 Hiappy soul! thy days are ending......................C. Wesley 578 o Happy the church, t'ou sacred place...................... W atts 520 H appy the hear v wherot gracces reign........................ Wats 44 3 lHappy the man -hose cautious feet....................... artts 13 H ark! from the tombs a doieiti sloundl e................ tts 587 l Iark! hark the gospel-tlrumpet sounds.................. le!ey 40 e Hark hark! the':otes of joy......................... Rccd's Col. 292 e Hark — my soul! it is the Lor.d...C..........per 46/ l Hark! ten thous:,nd harps and voices....................... elly 318 Iark! that shout of rlpturous joy.......................... elly 594 Hark the glad sotuntd'1. Sviour comes.............. D. ddgzdge.90 Hark!t the hertald-ang els sig..................estley 91 \ ark! the i judgiment-tr u pet soudi.................. a 597 r-allk! the song of tibilee...........................iontsovery 540 H 11ark! the voice e of love nd mercy........................ E in:v 41 tark what celestial notes..................... Slisbury Col. 293 ilark! lwhat me:m those lamen tations..................... C'ood 509 Hark. what meanl those holy voice...................... Cawsod 92' 9 * Hasten, Lordl the glorious time..............Spirit of the Psalms 1]24 Hasten, Lord! to my release........................ lontgomery 120 Haste, O sinner! to be wise.............................7. Scott 381 Hear, gracious God! my humble moan................ Mrs. Steele 4i69 s,,*__o*-~oaEssE~1~'_* _*r-*-o~4~ _**c)r-) ~6~F~O s-sgYQCD Of~ C ~t ~_~ ~ FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 633 i i PAGE 0 Hearken, Lord! to my complaints................... Mlontgomery 8:. Hear, Lord! the song of praise alld prayer............... Cowper 29 Hear me, O God! nor hide thy face.......................Watts 19 Hear me, O Lord! in my distress......e............. ontgonoery 240 0 Hear my prayer, Jehovan! hear........................ W4 Goode 170 H ear, 0 sinner! mercy hails vou.............................Reed:.8!s earts oof stone! reLelt, relellt................... C. Wesley 405 f Hear what God, the Lord, hath spoken.................... Cowper 491 i e Hear what the voice irom heaven proclaims............... Watts 576 e Heaven has contirmed the dread decree................ Doddridge 593 - Heaven is the land where troubles cease................ S. Lyrics 611i He dies, the frieind of sinners, dies.........................Watts 340 He lives, the everlasting God.............................. Watts o05 He lives, the great Redeemer lives................... frs. Steele 300 ( I Help, Lord! i>r men of virtue fail.........................Watts 30, Heralds or creation I cry............................. ontgomery 250 e Here at thy cross, ilcarnate God!..........................Watts 341 lere cares ande agry passions cease...................Noel's Col. 514 He reigns, the Lord, the Saviour reigns.................... Watts 160l t Here, in thy nalime e'iernal God!. I.gr..................... tgomery 522 Ile that hath made his refuge God.........................Watts 148 i High in the heavens, eternal God!.........................Watts 7:1 H High in yonder realms of light............................ Raffles 603 $ Ho! every one that thirsts draw nig.................C. esley 393 ~ Holy Ghost! dispel oulr sadness.........................Toplady 36j)l h oly Ghost! with lihti divine..............................Reed 367 Hosanna to our conquering lin.......................... Watts 552 f Hosanna with a cheerltul sound............................ Watts 565 I-ow are thy servanls blest, O Lord!..................... diddison 178 6 How beauteous are their Ieet............................... atts 5 4 e How beautiful the sighty.............................. iontgo ery 224 $ How blest the righteous when he dies............. s. Barbauld 578 How bright a dayv was that which saw...................Bathurst 515 \ How calm and beautiful the morn...................T. Hastings 347 How charilming is the place...........................S. Stennett 519 S How condescending ltd how kind...................a...... atts 504 h Tow did my heart rejoice to hear...................tts 208 How far beyond our mortal sight.......................Epis. Col. 697 How firm a foundation, ye saints ot the Lord!............ Kennedy 449 How happy are the souls above......................... Toplady 604 How heavy is the ligh................................... Watts 306 i How helpless guilty nature lies........................ M1rs. Steele 370 i How honorable is the place.............................. Watts 520 How honoed, hoew dear............................... Conder 136 H Iow large the promise, how divine........................ Watts 494 H ow long, 0 Lord I shall I complain...................... atts 31 I How long wilt thou conceal thy fce...................... Watts 31 Hlow lovely, and how fair........................... on.tgomery 136 8 e How oft, alas! this wretched heart.................... Irs. Steele 412 How oft have sin and Satan s!rove.W t.................... Watts 463 How pleasant, how divinely fair.......................... Watts 133 How pleasant t is to see................................. Watts 2'25 l How pleased and blest was i......................... Watts 210 f How precious are thy thoughts of peace.............. lf ontgomery 235 e How precious is the book divi1ne........................ Fawcett 203, How sad our state by nature is............................ atts 3)5 H ow shall the young secure their hearts................... Watts 197, How short and hasty is our life............................ Watts 386 f How should the soils of Adam's race..................... Watts 283 H ow sweet and awful is the place................... Watts 506 3 How sweet and heavenly is the sight...................... Swain 435 * How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound.................. Bowring 304, cV~.* ; 634 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. e i$2~~~~~~~~~~~ PAGE How sweet on thy bosom to rest...........................Searle 476 How sweet the hour of closing (lay............... a.... athust 585 $ How sweet the Ineltilg lay.............................. B P. 5t6 t How sweet the name of Je.sts sounds.'....................,Vcwtont'o 2 * How sweet to leave the world awhile....................... Kcy 332 How still and peacetl is the grave.................... Scotc Par. 580 * How switt the torrent rolls........................... Doddrdlge 577 How vain a thouglht i is bliss belowr.................... lrs. S'teeie 621 $ How vain is all beneath the siies....................Pratt's Col. 611 1 5 1 ask not wealth, nor pomp o,.nor power...H......e.....,beinboiham 423 Ihear thy word with love...............:....... W tts 43 e I li't my soul to Cod.....................................Watts 54 $ I love tie Lord; lie heard my cries........................ atts 188 5 $ I love the Lord; his gracious ear..................... Mr. Steele 187 f I love the volumes oi thy word......................... tts 43 I love thy kingdoim, Lord!............................ D ight 1232 I love to sleal awhile away........................... I Baown 561 * I saw beyolnd the tomb.......................... Dwiglht 141 I send tie joys oi earitl away.......................... Watts 416 $ I set the Lord belore my aice........................... atts 15 \ Ising th' allighty power of God.......................... tts 75 waited patienti ior the Lord.......................... Watts 80, I was a traitor doomred to die...........................Watts 305 $ I will exol thee Lord on high!........................... tts 6:3 I would nIot live always; I ask not to stay.......... 1.Muhlenburz g hl (17 $ If humanl kindness eels return 5..s.........................JV'e 507 \ If God succeed not all the cost............................ Watts'216 8. If God to build tile house deny 1............................ atts 2161, I'l bless the Lord from day to dy........................ Watts 70 1'11 praise imy,0taker with ml y breathl.................. IV'atts'45 I'11 speak the lhonors of my lingi........................Watts 87 I'm not ashal med to own my Lord......................... Watts 475 In all my Lord's appointed ways.........................yland 421. I In all my vast concerns with thee......................W.... tts ( I6 In evil long I took delioht...............................ew ton 415 In God's own houlse, pronounce his praise................ Watts 251 ln. Judal, God of old was known.......................... Watts 128 1 Iin mercy, not in wrath, rebuke.......................... to 3 Inquire, ye pilgrims! for the w.ay...................... )oddridge 396 In sleep's sereie oblivion laid...................... wkesworithi 557 In sweet exalted strainis...................... B Fracis 57 In thee, great (God! with songs of praise..................Barlow 45 $ In this caln, impressive hourm........................ T. sastino's 554 IIl this world of' sin and sorrow..................... adns ol. 4 i thy presence, we appear......................... lontgomiey 377: In time of tribulationl.............................. lontgromery 29 In vainl the erring world inquire......... M- Steele 2 f In vain the fancy strives to paint..........................JVewton 585 In Zio s sacred gates................. Dwight 251 dIndulgent Father! by whose care................. Lon. v. J leag. 559 9 i nldulgent God! whose bouinteous care................ Gent. Mlia. 561 Indulgent Sovereign of the skies!......................Doddridae 541 * Infinile loveiilessisl tlline.......................... Fawcett 33)2, Inspirer andi hearer of praer!..................plad 7)~ Interval of grutet'ul sha.dei................. Dodderidge 208 Into!hy hal ci, 0 God of truth!............................ Watts 64 I ls there ambition in my heart............................. atts 12l t f Is this the kind return............................... Watts 454 I It is the Lord our Saviour's hand.......................... Watts 167 i $ Jehovah reigns, he dwells in light.........................Watts 153 0~r~Cb~I~b~~b~~~Z —-- i —~~~B~)b~~ FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 635 PAGE i Jehovah reigns, his throne is high......................... Watts 276 e $ Jehovah reigns, your tlibuute bring..................... Goode 28. Jehovah's praise sublile................................. Cnder 191 0 Jerusalem ny happy hoilme.......... D. DicksoLn 08 Jesus! and shall it ever be................................Greg 333 Jesus demands the voice o joy...................... G de!4 Jesus! hail! enthroned in glory....................... Bake2zell 359 * Jesus i I come to tihee.............Be........c.Beman 413 f Jesus! I love thy charminilg name.e...................Dodd-idge 301 Jesus! Ilmmnortal Kingl! arise......................... Burder 541 $ Jesus! I I ly cross hiave taken................. ont ery 414. Jesus invits his sis................................... Watts 503 Jesus is gone abov e the skies............................. Itatts 503 1 * Jesus, Lord! we look to thee.......................... C. Wesley 436 $ Jesus, lover of my soul!............................ C y. /Wesley 324 Jesus, my all, to heaveni is goie..........................Cennick 360 Jesus, o Lord! sce t throne....................... atts 181 Jesus, onr Lordl how rich thy grace!................. Doddridel 410 $ Jesus shall reign whereer thle stu........................ Watts 123 i Jesus, the Lord, ascends on hi-ghl.................... G e. Goode 91 Jesus! the vision oi thy tace.............................. Watts 308 Jesus! thou art the sinner's firiend................Parkinso's Sel. 409 $ Jesus: thou everlasting Kin;..............................Watts 505 O Jesus thy church with longing eyes....................athurst 545 Jesus! thy robe of riighteousnes s..................... Wesley 314 0 Jesus! ve bow belre ith thlrone......................... Beman 537. Jesus, who knows full Veii.............................. ewtosi 484 Joil all use glorious aomes Ssitts'39 Join all the glorious.....es................................ atts 329 0 Joy to the world, the od is co e........................ Watts 162 i Jutdge me, Lord' in righ teousness......................lonimeriy/ 85 f Judge mue, O God! anld plead my caus.................. Barlow 84 t Judge ime, 0 Lord! and prove my ways................... Watts 55 Judges, who rule the vvorild by laws....................... atts 10 $ Just are thy ways, and true thy word................... atts 37 i Keep silence, all created hings........................... Watts 281 Kisndly the Lord appeare.................................Seale 470 Kindred in Christ! fo his dear sakle...................... Nveton 501 d Kingdoms and thrones to God belong..................... Watts 118 Know, Ilmy soul! thy full salvation................... Ionltgomery 425 Laden with guilt and full of fears......................... Watts 258 Lamb of God! whose bleeding love....................C. Wesley 448 $ Let all the earth their voices raise........................ Watts 159 Let all the heathen writers join........................... Watts 198 $ Let children hear the ighty deeds..................... Wats 130 Let earthly miinds the world pursue......................2 eeton 420 Let everlasting glories crown............................. atts 260 Let every creature joii:...................................Watts 247 Let every mortal ear attend.............................. Watts 393 Let every tongue thy goodness speak...................... Watts 244 $ Let heathens to their idols haste.......................... Watts 34 Let others boast how strong they be.............W.......Watts 386 Let party-names no more............................... Beddome 437 Let sinners take their course............................. Watts 102 Let songs of praises fill the sky.................... T. Cotterill 371 Iet them neglect thy glory, Lord!......................... Watts 374 I Let us with a joyful mind............................... Milton 229 * Let Zion and her sons rejoice.............................Watts 168 $ Let Zion in her King rejoice.......................... Watts 89 $ Let Zion's watchmen all awake....................... Doddridge 525 Life is the time to serve the Lord......................... Watts 384 + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ t 636 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. #^~~~~~~~~ ~~~PAGE Lift up to God the voice of praise...................... Wardlaw 116 j Light of life, seraphic fire............................ C. Wesley 481 Light of those whose dreary dwelling.................. C. Wesley 320 Like sheep we went- astrayv.................W........... Watts 3t04 t Lo! he comes, in clouds diescending................... C. Wesley 55 Lo! he cometh-countless trumpets............. Whitcfield's Col. 595 Lo! on a narrow neck of land.........................C. Wesley 383, Lo! the Lord Jehovah liveth..........................W. Goode 39 Lo! the Lord, the nighty Saviour.....................W. Goode 73 Lo the mighty God appearing........................W. Goode 96 Lo what a glorious corner-stone.......................... Watts 191 t Lo! what a lorios sight appears......................... tts 550 $ Lo what an entertaining sight........................... Waltts'223 $ Long as I live, I'11 bless thy name..........................Watts 243 e Long have I sat beneath the sound........................ Watts 454 Look down, O Lord! with pitying eye................. Doddridge 490 Look, ye saints! the day is breakin.......................elly 551 Look, ye saints! the sight is glorious......................... Illy 352 Lord at thy feet we sinners lie.......................... Brown 408 Lord! at thy table, we behol......................... J. Stennett 505 Lord! before thy thlrone we bend........................ Bowdler 211 Lord! for ever at thy side............................l ontgomery 221 Lord! for thy servant David's sake................... liontlgotery 223 Lord God of my salvation!................................ Lyte 141 * Lord! how sectre my conscience was...................... Watts 389 $ Lord! 1 am tiline, entirely thilne....................... S. Davies 500 Lord! I am vile, conceived in sin......................... atts 97 Lord! I can not let thee go............................'ewton 486 Lord I can suffe thy rebukes....................... tt 23 Lord I esteem thy judgments right....................... Watts 198 $ Lord! I have nmade thy word my choice................... Watts 199 Lord! I look for all to thee....................... te 66 Lord I will bless thee all my dlays....................... Watts 69, Lord! I would spread my sore distress..................... Watts 98 i Lord! if thine eyes survey our faults...................... Watts 146 Lord i in the morning, thou shallt hear...................... Watts 23 Lord! let nme know mine end....................... ontgomery 7 9 Lord of hosts! to thee we raise....................., ol. lntgoomery 5-22 Lord of mercy! just and kind........................... Goode 32 Lord of my life! Oh! may thy praise................. Mrs. Steele 19 Lord of the vast creation i............................... Bulmer 517 Lord of the worlds above................................ Watts 134 Lord! send thy servants forth.........................C. Wesley 535 Lord! send thy word, and let it fly......................Gibbons 5:9 $ Lord thou hast called thy grace to mind................. Watts 137 Lord! thou hast heard thy servant cry..................... Wtts 192 t Lord! thou hast searched and seen me through............. Watts 234 Lord! thou hast seen my soul sincere. We.l............... Watts 37 Lord! thou wilt heatr me when I pray..................... Watts 20 Lord!'t is a pleasant thing to stand........................ Watts 151 Lord! we come before thee now....................... Hammond 479 0 Lord! we confess our numerous faults..................... Watts 41-9 Lord! we have heard thy works of old..................... Watts 85 Lord! what a feeble piece................................ Watts 147; Lord! what a heaven of saving grace..................... Watts 3-7 Lord! what a thoughtless wretch was I.................... Watts 125 Lord! what a wretched land is this........................ Watts 453 Lord! when I count thy mercies o'er............... Watts 237 Lord! what is man, poor feeble man...................... Watts 241 Lord! when my raptured thought surveys............. Irs. Steele 26 l Lord! when thou didst ascend on high.................... Watts 118 * Lord! when we bend before thy throne............... Pratt's Col. 484 F a.* % % fL ftor d * FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 637 \' 6 ~ PAGE Lord! where shall guilty souls retire...................... Watts 236 Loud hallelujais to the Lord............................. Watts 247 Love divine! all love excelliiog......................... C. 8csley 350 $ hMajestic sw teetness sits enthroned.....................S. Stenni ett 334 $ $ Maker and Sovereign Lord'............................... Watts 16 larked as the purpose of the skies.......................... oel 536 len of God! go take your statios......................... IKelly 531, * lercy and judgmlien are lmy song.......................... Watts G16f Mlighty God! wlile alngel s bless thee................. Rbobinso nL 380 Mline eyes, and my desire................................. Watts 55 $ lorning breaks upon thle lonlb........................... Collyer 349 l Mortals awake, vith anels joi................... S. edley 289 My dear Redeemer, and lmy Lord......................... Watts 314 My drowsy powerss I wih sleep ye so?....................... f atts 450 l My faith looks up to thee......................... R. Palmlers 335 5 My former hopes are led............................... Coper 388 i My God accept my early vows......................... fatts 238 i My God! consider my distres............................ atts 201 M y God! how endless is thy ove.......................... Watts 564 My God! how many are thy fears........................ atts 1 i My God! in wholm are ail the springs...................... Watts 104 My God imy everlasting hlope............................. Watts 120 My God! my Father i blissful name..................i. Mrs. Steele 65 M iy God Imy King! thy various praise..................... Watts 242 t SMy God! my lite, mly love............................. tts 268 l3y God! ny portioni and imy love........................ Watts 277 b My God! permit ine nolt o be............................. Watts 274 Mly God! permit my tong l.lue....................... atts 110 Si y God! pre-erve rmy soul........D.t................... wight 101 f' y God! tie spring of all my joys......................... Watts 270 ry God! the steps of pious Iei.......................... Watts 75 ly God! thy service iwell delands.................. Doddridlg'e 471 a My God whene'er mly longilng heart.................. Jrs Steele 272 Mly God! while impious mens........................... Dwight 2938 My heart rejoices ill thy name............................. Watts 65 svy Maker anld my King!........................... rs. Steele 271 it y never-ceasingso ngs s hall show........................ Watts 142 iiMy refuge is the God of love.............................. atts 30 vly righteous Judge! my gracious God!.................... Watts 239 tiy Saviour and my Kig................................Watts 88 My Saviour, my almighty friend........................Watts 121 i My Shepherd is the living ord........................... Watts 46 i, y Shepherd's snale i Love............................ Hatfield 49 My Shepherd will supply my nleed.............. Watts 47 Mly sou]! be on thy guard...................d............. eath 468 My soul! come, meditate the day.......................... atts 580 Aly soul! how lovely is the place...W.................... Watts 134 k My soul! repeat lis praise...................... Watts 172 ly soul lies cleaving to the dust.......................... Watts 203 S My soul! thy great Creator praise......................... Watts 173 l My soul! triunphantt in the Lord.....................D oddridge 48 My spirit looks to God alone..............................Watts 107 e Sly spirit sinks within me. Lord......................... Watts 82 My timnes of sorrow and of joy........................... Beddome 478 5 My trust is in my heavenly friend.................... Watts 24 Naked, as fromn the earth we came......................... atts 445 i Nature with open volumne stands.......................... Watts 344 No more, my God! I boast no more................. Watts 459 No offering God requires. G d......................... oods 100, Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard..................... atts 610 SZp~b0 5~~bt31.ac~), o~~8~a o~p~ec~o ~ L~80~~Y 8~ 638 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. $. i PAGE ( Not all the blood of beasts.......................... Watts 330 $ i Not all the outward forms on eartih 3........... Watts 37. ) Not to condemn the sons of me.......................... Watts 309 1 Not to ourselves, who are but dust......................... Watts 187, Not to the terrors of the Lord............................. atts 468 $ Not with our mortal eyes.................... Watts 354 0 Now begin the heavenly teme.................... La?,r$ford 425 Now be my heart inspired to sing......................... tts 8. Now be the gospel-.-l;lnner...................... Hastings 5 Now for a tuie of lof'v raise.................... atts 335 $ Now from labor and care...................... T. Hastings 560 Now, gracious Lord! thine arm reveal.................... Jewton 5i68 Now I m convinced the Lord is kiend...................... Watts 126 Now in the heat of youthful blood.........................., atts 385 Now in the hour of dcee distress.......................... Watts 46 Now I resolve wiLh all my heart............................ Steel 499 Now is th' accepted tie.................................. Dobell 402 Now let me make the Lord my trust.............a....... Watts 75 Now let my soul, eternal (ing......................egibothan'258 Now let our cheerfua! eyes smlvey.................. oddridgre 357 N$ ow let our drooping hearts revive.....I.............. Voddridle- 526 Now let our faith with joy survey.........................e:y 530 i Now let our mournifl songs record......................... Watts 45 Now let our songs arise............................... Goode 159 Now let our souls, on wings sublime................... J. BUowde0 608 Now let our voices join................... D )oddrid.ge 417 Now living waters fliO............................ ontroni ers Col. 547 Now may the Gtod of power ald grace...................... Wa tts 44 Now shall lmy solemn \vows be paid........................ atts 115 Now to the Lord a n'oble soni'........................... Watts 3-7 Now to the Lord who makes ul know..................... Watts 317 Now to the power of God supreme....................... Watts 427 Now, to thy sacred house................................Dwight 84 O all ye nations! praise the Lord..........................W atts 190 O city of the Lord! begin................................ Loa 551 0 God! my refuge, hear my crie.............i'.......a.... tts 101 O God of Abranm! hear........................... T. Ha stin o's 497 O God of Bethel! by whose hald......................Doddrid ge 48o G God of grace and righteousness........................ Watts 19 O God of mercy hlear my call............................. Watts 99 O God of sovereign grace.........................as...... ielrose 540 0 O God! our help in ages past...........................Watts 145 O God! thou arlt my God alone..................... ontgomery 108 0 O Lord! another day has flown..H f... V.......... Wh/ite 5o62 $ Lord! encouraged by thy grace..i.................. Steele 494 O Lord! how infinite thy love........................... rrick 81 O Lord! how many are my foes.......................... Watts 17 O Lord! in sorrow I resign................................ Ges 477 O Lord! my best desires fulfill...........................Cowper 470 0 Lord! my heart cries out for thee....................... Watts 134 0 Lord! my King! h'ow excellent................... Montgoomery 26 0 Lord! our God! arise........................ Wardlato's Col. 538 0 Lord! our heavenly King! W..W...'................... Watts 26 0 Lord, our Lord! how wondrous great.................. Watts 25 0 Lord! our Lord! in power divine...................... Goode 25 O Lord! thy work revive Ha................ T. Hastings 487 O my soul! what means this sadness..................... Fawcett 441 I 0 Spirit of the living God!.......................... Jiontgomery 547 $ 0 Sun of Righteousness! arise.................... Village. Hymns 487 $ O thou God! who hearest prayer!........................ Conder 389 ~ 0 thou that hearest prayer.......................... Pratt's Col. 364 $ 4o__qw * F _ +b FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 639 PAGE O thou that hear'st when sinners cry..................... atts 97 O thou who givest all their food!......................... Conder 573 O0 thou whose grace and justice reigns.................... Watts 2l1 d0 thou! whose ustice reigas on highl....................... Watts 103, 0 tholu i wIhose mnercy guides my ways.................. Edmeston 449-3 $ 0 thou! whose lender mercy h-ears..................i..?ls. Stcele 4i ) O Zion! tune thv voice.............................. Dsoddrig-e 496 Zionl! when/ t1 lilink on. thee..............................ey S.i 1 Oh! be joyful in the Lord................................ Conder 165 Oh! blessed souls a'e t -,ey............................... atts 07 Oh! bless tie i.rd.J my e soul!........................ atts 171 $ Oh I bless the Lord, myr stol!......o.................Monteomery 172 Oh cole, i s sii. tsi to t ohe iLord....................'onigoncry 157 Ohi! couitc e spoelk tie naciies.i wotrth..................,5. Aledley 303 Oh t ci coutd utr tlhoughts and wishes fly................ Mrs. Steele 431 Oh! tor a close"r iwat with God.....................Cowper 41)5 Oh! for a gilance o healvenl y...................... Har 456! Oh! ior an ovcrconming' fiti.............................. Wrtts 584 r aI Oh! for a shot iof sacred joy tt.............................. atts 9 Oh! for a sweet insiri 6ay3........................... tele 603 Oih! ior a t' ousa:d'it,.gues to sing............... 0........C.. szey'-00, Oh! Ior th t tende:raes: oi i-he't.......................C. V 4eslcy 441 Oil! give thanksi ulto the L ord......................... Bathzust 175 Oh! great is Jeihovah, aL lgreat bie his praise.... t.... ongromery 94 Oi!. happ)y day that iixed my)n cihoice................... Doddlridgre 498 Oht! hta' py maIl ) whose Soal is ied........................ Watts 217 Oh happy y i who lknow te l ord............. Scotch Cong,. Col. 465 Oh! hasiL, wih every gt i spired......................... Dwight 119 Oh! how divile, how sweet the joy........................ J' o 4-2 t Oh!how love ti.hy holy lav."....t........................... tts 197 Oh how i love th hoily h iooy r.......................... Cowpe?.5 I Oh i if' my sol was to ianed for woe........................ Watts 411i Oh! let me, gracious Lordt exteiln.......................'errick 77 Oh! let my tren' b.ing soulB be still..................... Bowring 473 Oh! render thank!s to Gd above................. Tates and B'ady ]75, Oh! speak. tha: l'g.l cious word a:gainl....................... "rewtol 99 e Oh! thsat i could for over cl-dw-ell............................. Reed 3s3 3 O (lh! that I knew l e sacred place....................... atts 4(5 5 Oh! that thle,d' salvt-'in............................ Lyte 33 i Oh2 that ih1 Lord would guide;iy way.................... Watts SOO Oh] that thy statuiics e-ve'-? iou.r...................... Watts 202 Oh! the delig'nts, t1e Iaveny joys........................ Watts 38 Oh i weep not lor the jovs tit o.............i.. nowles 605 Oh! what aie nall-;' words; of g;r'a.ce...................... S. Mledle y 397 Oh'l! what is eatahlyv plea ire'......................... T. IHa stings 79 Oh! where shall res't b e ouac!d....................... A1on;ifo7er'y 604 O'er the gloomiy i'ills of darkniles....................P P. Tillianss 549 O'er the realls f'pa"ga d.C k es....................7'. Cotterill 548 Once i thoulgt m.y mioun'taiun'.'.strong1t....................... ton 451 $ i Once m rore, my soutl! te risin, dy......................... Wiatts 557 O On God the race of ma'n.: deeinds......................... tWattts 11 On lJordan's storm( blanks 1. a5nd....................... Stennc2tt 013 3 On thee, each mo r nin Pg, C) ityp God!.......................n. -ippis 5l5 i On the mouima.iin's to aeri...........................K elly 53:2 o Our heavenly Father! hLeatr........................... tontome. e 485 Our helper, God' we bless thy namne.................. )odtdridge 568, Our,lod is rise! friom the dead........................C. Wtesley 52 Out of the depths of woe........................... ioonttgFontery 220 Out of the deeps of long distress.W........................ Watts 218 r * Palms of glory, raiment bright....................... Montgomery 620, Parting soul! the flood awaits thee..................... Edmeston 581 +~BB~Q1~9~~8~8b~'~ ~~be~'~b ***s *, ~ 9a~b 640 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. S PPAGE Peace! t is the Lord Jehovah's hand............... Doddrzidge 581 $ f People of the living God!....................... o ntome 415 Permit me, Lord! to seetk lhv ace.................... s. Steele 269b Pleasig sri a is ere............................ Collyer 571 Plunged in a guli of drti despailr......................... Iaitts:'07 $ Pour out thy Spirit f isiii i 56 Pour out thy Spii-:'t fr0om- on high.................... Mont?g~o1mery 526 Praise on tee, i io.s ae........................... Conder 114 Praise, everlasl g praise e id.......................... atts 270 Praise the Lord-his power coniess 5................... Iragham 25-2 Praise the iLolr, who reiogns above....................... Toplady 252 Praise the Lord;-y e heavens! adore.......... D blin C. 249 Paise to God! i n mortal r raise................... s. s. Ba rbauld 2ti4 Praise to the Lord o' high............................ )oddride 332 ~ Praise waits in Zioni, Loid! ior tiee....................... affatts 112 4 Praise ye Jehovah's i name............................ W. Goode 253 Praise ye the Lord, exal- his namne......................... atts 226 Praise ye the Lord'; my heart shall join................ atts 244 Praise ye the Lord;'t is good to raise................... Watts 245 $ * Prayer is the soul's sincere desire...................... [olntg' ery 481 ~ Proslrate, tear J estus t htv,eet......................S..Stennlett 408 S S Quiet Lord! miy frowarid heart.............................. ston 2 20 Raise thee, my soul fly u. anid run.......................Watts 614 Raise your triuimphail t songs............................. Watts 333 ( Rejoice, the Lord is Ki ng................... Wesley 32 1: Rejoice, ye righteous! in the Lord........................Watts G8 o Rejoice, e shining worlds on hiVgh........................ lVatts 51 $ Repent! the voice celestial cries......................D oddriidge 381 Rest, from thy labor, rest............................. llontgome-y 527 Return, my rovilng heartt! return...................... oddridge 4.52, Return, my soul! uilto thy rest....................... Mlontgo Zery 188 Return, 0 God of love r etlurn............................ /Watts 1 46 Return, 0 waa.derer! Inow return......................... ollye 40 Return to the guide of thy yuth............................ Reed 4415 Rise, glorious san! suIpremely briglht................... Beddome 304 i Rise, graciols iGod! and slie........................ Patt's Col. 5-9: Rise, my soul I and stretch thy wings.................... Senagrave 428 Rise, 0 my soul! pureste the path...................... J'eedhlanam 47 $ Rock of ages! cleft for e........................... Toplady 33, Roll on, thou mighty ocean!......P t............... P-att's Col. 532 i Safely tlrough another week...........................l J'veton 509 $ Saints with pious zeal attending.......................... Taylor 273: Salvation is for ever nigh......................... Watts 1:38 Salvation! Ohl! the joyful sound.......................... Watts 417 Saviour! breathe an evening-blessing.................. Edmeston 150 Saviour i visit th plantation............................ ewton 491 Say, sinner! lath a voice within........................... Hyde 389 t Search my heart-my actions prove................... W?raa ghal m 57 $ See, from Zion's sacred mountain.......................... Kellyj 493 See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand....................Doddridge 493 See th' eternal Judge descending................ Cleland's Hymns 61)0 See the ransomed millions stand.......................... Coder 554 See, what a living stone.W t........................... atts 194 Servant of God! well clone.......................... onttgomery 5-7 Servants of God! in joyful lays....................... iloantgonze?ry 185 * Shall man, 0 God of light anid life........................ Dwight 140 * Shall the vile race of flesh and blood...................... Watts 279 $ t Shall we go on to sin................................... Watts 457 Shepherds! hail the wondrous stranger.............Chn. Psalmist 294 $ Show pity, L ord!or! Lor rgive........................ Wats 97 "'hk;~s _ _ zaaC~S~9,~~9 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 641 PAGE Shine on our land, Jehovah shine.........................Watts 11 i e Shout, for the great. Redeenmer reignai............... Bddome 533 * Since all the varying' scones of time....................... Hervey 449 Sig, all ye lands! with rapture singl..................... atficld 164 Sing, all ye nations! to the Lord................... tts.15 Sing, all ye ransonmed of the Lord!...................... ]Dod) rid e 48 e Silng-hallelUijah! plraise he the1....................... eter 379 Sinl to the Lorld ld................................... tts 131 Sinlg io tle Lordl Jehi ovth's lname......................... atts 156 Sing to the Lorld most hiDhi......................... wigrjht 165 ing to the Lord, ye ti.t. t lnds........................... tts 158 K Sing t to the Lord, y helvenly ho sts!....................... Watts 594 Sinner! i at iiou si tl secture..3............................. J iwton 398i ~ Sinner! Oh! why so thoug'htless grown.................... Vatts 380 Sinner! sto), O 1 stosp ani;d tink........................... on 379 e Sinners thle voice of God regard........................., Iwcett 398 Sinners i tiurn, hit w il ye di........................ esley 398 Sinnes! will you scornr tlhe niessage......................... llen 401 So fides the lovevl bloomintig ow/er.................... rs. Steel 550 * Softly now, the lig'ht of ay............................ Epis. Col. 59 So let our lips anl iives expres.s........................... Was 47Songs of immortal praise belong.......................... Watts 181 i Songs of praise the ailgels sn.:r..... t tg..............l. omery 28 * Sons of men I belhodl froftl fni............................. esley 294 * Soon as I heard imy:'Father say...W......................... Jatts 58 $ Soon as the nmo.nii.gv rlays aI ppear.......................W?'angrhanm 9;2 Sovereign of vorldss! display thy power............. I~. r. Daper ) 539 Sovereign Ruler, Lord oL all!............................ R les 407 * Spirit of holiness I look down........................... Bathust 420 Spirit of peace! cei l:ie Dove........... Spirit of the Psalms 2.24 Spirit of power ancd mighi;t beolo.................. Motgomery 5 46 Stand up and bless tleS or.l.it.......................i.. 1ontg1omery 278 t Stand up, my soul! shake off thy fears..................... atts 433 Stay, thou inslated Spi rit I.a......a.................C. C. iesley 3i69 $ Stoop downi, my tIhoug' ts! hi,!t used to ri50e................ Watts 5t30 Stretched onl the roi::, it Saviour dies...........J... stele 342 Sulre the blest ComtiOerel is.nighl......s...............s. Steele 369 $ Sure there's a riihto:' od. o....................W... a.. t a.tts 126 $ Sweet is the las:t, ithe p iLinug......... Pratt's Sel. 563 Sweet is the menmoy o tyl grace....................... atts 24:3 6 Sweet is the tie i osp" n................................1 Gens 571 Sweet is the -work, - i)! my K5....................... r tt 151 k,`Iod? 11 T~Va ts 151 e Sweet is the Cpworki, t2 Lordt! 1................... Spiit of the Psalms 151 Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly guest........... Hegizibotizham 443 a Sweet the moolmenti, rict in ble3si...................... Bedaty 416 I Sweet was the tim.e, when first L fet...................... e n 464 e Swell the anthe.l m ris e he sorn................ a t Co 87 $ Tenach m te the measure of tmy dr"ayts.......................... 77 Tell Glus wand're"l'', wildiy rovineg.....t...................... ems:94, T'h kank.and i pr o ase Je ho s.name....................... tlaome'r y 178 That avwful day wlll surely come.......................... W its 596 The day of v,lrath — h,-t' dreadeiPi day. )1......... Waic lter Scott 601 That man is blest who s'ai-'lds in ae....................... Watts 18:3 ^ That once-lovee fibrtm ni cold and dead...s........... s. Steele 57( " iTh' Almighty reigns," exalted hir ghs t...............Ji...tts 160 S Th' atoninlg wtort is dons.. e,./.........................elly 3 The earth for ever is the Loit's............................. Watts 52 a Thee we adore, eternal name.......................t........ ts 574 f Thee will I bless, 0 Lord my od!......................... am 71 \ Thee will I love, O Lord, ny strength...................... tts 36 The festal morn my God I is come......................... errck 210 642 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. PAGE I The giddy world, with flattering tongue.......D...... Dwight C i The God of love awill sure indnlge..........................Scott 591 The god of natur e and of grace..................l.. l gontgomery 267 The haughty siinners I have seen...........................lVatts 76 The hehad that once was cro)wned with thorns................ Kelly 353 The heiavens declare ih'y glory. Lord!..................... Watts 39 The hours of evening close.........................., J s. Conder 564 The Kin.' of sais,-how f' ir his face...................... WTatts 87 ( TiThe law by Moses cain.................................... Vatts 39 The Lord appears my ihelper now......................... Watts 1925 0 The Lord ascends on high................................. atts 17 The Lord descended fro m albove........................Sternhoid 38 i The Lord descending fr'nom above.......................... Watts 299 The Lord,-how wonidirous are his ways.................... Watts 17 1 The Lord is come, tihe heavens procdinm................... Watts 160 v The Lord is gracious to b'gi ve....................... ot g omery 340 I The Lord is ny Shepherdi, no want shall I know..........Jontromery 50 The Lord is risen indeed!.................................. Kclly 34t1 The Lord Jehovah reoig,.s................................ Watts 154 t The Lord Jehovah reig:s................................... ts 162 The Lord Jehovah reigns.................................. Watts 262' The Lord my pastur" shall prepare.........................dalison 47 The Lord my Shepherd is................................. tts 4 e The Lord ef'glory is my light.............................. ta ts 58 The Lord of'Sabath let us praise................. S.'eslcy,It. 515 \ The Lord on high procairs.............................. tts 282 The Lord our God is full of might...................'A. White 283'The Lord shall come! the earti sh ll quake................ Heber 598 The Lord, the God of g"lory reigns.................... Jris Steele 152 The Lord, the Judge, before his throne....................Watts 95 The Lord, the Sovereign ing............................ Watts 173 $ The Lord unto thy prayer attend...................... WI'an hani 44 The man is ever blest..................................... Watts 14 f The mercies of my God and ing.......................... Lytae 144 The mind was formed to mount sublime............... JrUNs. Steele 444 The morning dawns upoii the e place.................. tontgomery 3-1-2 The praise of Zion waits for thie.......................... Watts 111 The praises of my tongue.................................. Watts 122 $ The promise of my Father's love........................... atts 502' The promises si'..................................Doddrige 281 $ The Saviour calls —let every ear....................... M s. Steele 391 Thie Saviour kindly calls............................. Doddi.. 495 The Savioutr! Oh I what endless charms............... irs. Steele 311 The spacious firmament on high......................... Addison 40 Th le Spirit b seathes upon the word....................... Coswvet 204 The Spirit like a peacefu love............................ tts 364 The te tr to my soul hath said..................... jontgomery 3 8 The voice of free grace cries —Escape to the mountain.... Tl.hornby 322 There is a fountain filled with blood...................... Cowper 303 There is a glorious world of light............... Miss Jane Taylor 610 There is a God, all nature speaks.....................jl rs. Steele 261 6 $ There is a house not made with hands..................... Watts 587 6 There is a land of pure delight............................ Watts 602 There is an hour of hallowed peace................ VW. B. Tappasn 606 There is an hour of peaceful rest........... B........ Tappan 606 $: These glorious minds, —how bright they shine.............. Watts 617 They who toil upon the deep......................... Montgomery 179 Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord I we love............... Dddridge 513 Think, mighty God I on feeble man....................... Watts 144 This dav the Lord hath called his own.................. Bathurst 516 This is the day the Lord hath made........................Watts 193 $ This is the word of truth and love.........................Watts 260 { FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 643 e e PAGE This place is holy ground..........................ontgomery 588 I This spacious earth is all the Lord's.Wt...................... atts 51, T This world is poor fiiom shore to shore..................... TJelson 612 i Thi'ou art gone to the grave, but 1we w;ill not deplore thee.... ecber 583 e i Thou art my portion, (0 iy o.......................... atts 196 d Thou art, the w'ay, to thiee alone...o.................... D)oane 337 0 Th'iou God of ioe, thoa ever blest!...................... Watts 205 Thou lovely sorce o tue delight.........I........ rs. Steele 316 e Thou only Soverein of my hart!.................... a...s. Steele 325 t Thou that, ost Iy liie -!;rolon-................. Tate and Brady 555 Thou very-preselt Ai'!.................C. W. esley 309 Thou who art enthrol led a'bove..........................Sandys 15 o Tilou wlh omn c ly soul! adnirles above..W.................... atts 355 o Thou, whose almuing,'hty word1............................... Pats Col. 375 Thrice happy he, iwho shuns the ay.................... ontgoery 13 $ Thrice happy man I who fea.s the:ord................... W/atts 183 Through all the changnl, scones of lii0............Tate and Brady 72 e Through endless years,liou art the same..........Tae and Brady 169 $ Through every ag' e, eierJal Cod!.......................... atts 145 $ Tlrouigh sorrow's'nigh, andt a' danger's pa- t......... 1 -. K. White 592 * Through the day thly love ias spared a.s.................... Kelly 560 Thus fatl the Lord ilas lel tme ons.......................... Wlatts 563 Thus God, t h9 elerlll e Fatlhe e....................... tts 180. Thy glory, iord! lthe heavre!s declare.. nt)t........eoomery 41 Thly gracious pre se ce, O mnty God!e....................J7Mrs. Steele 473 S Thy law is pear': t, ord of,l it1....................... onto? ery 41 Thy lile I read, my deaest -Lord!.....................S. Stennett 496' Thy mercies fill the ear[.h, 0 Lord.!................... 19atts 199 Thy mercy, mvy - od! is tihe theme of myi siong........... J. Socker 267 Thy name, almighty Ltlord'............................ Watts 190 Thy peop)le, Lor.d i,ho tr;ust thy word..................... Voke 548 Thy way, 0 God! is in, e sea......................F... Fwctt 285 Time is winging us at................................ Bu.r?to 570'Tis by the fcaith of joys to come........................... Watts 457'T is by thy strength the meountains st ad.................... gWatts 113'T is finished! so i'the Saviour cr-ied.................... S. Stennett 340'T is God, the Spirlt, loeads........................... Beddome 365, $''is midnight —and on Ol-ve's brow...............W I,. B. Tappan 338 To bless thy chosen race....................... Tate and Brady 117 To-day-if ye will healr'hs voice.................... Kent's Col. 395 a To God address the joyfiiil psialm.............. Spirit of the Psalms 162 6 To God I cried with mnoursnf'l voi.e....................... atts 128 B To God I lift mine ee.......................Watts 207' To God I mnade n.', sorrow.s knowaltn........................ W atts 239. To God, in w1loml'.'trus.................................. WFatts 56 To God, the ea, le e-er-........................ Watts 176 G To God, the only ise................................... atts 305 To heaven I iS'i my waitnl e e........................... Watts 206 To Jesus, the clro n of i ny, hope....................... Cowper 319 i To-morrow, t'o d! is thine............................ Doddridge 387 To our almighty sMaker, God.......................... Watts 161 To our God, loud praises give............................ Condce 230 To our Redee-ner't s glorious n1amte.....................ai- s. Steele 335 To praise thle ever-bouteous Lord...............e.....eedham 572 T$ o spend one sacred day................................. tts 135 To thee, before the dtwninsi; liglWt........................... Watts 196 To thee, great Soutrce of ilght e..........................S. Lyrics 270 i To thee, most holy and m10ost high..W..................... atts 127 i To thee, my God and Saviour............................ Haweis 326 a To thee, my God! -my heart shall bring................ Mrs. Steele 268 To thee, 0 Lord! i raise my cries........................ Barlow 60 To the Source of every blessing......................... Bathurst 377.~.......,...... - -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. — 1 644 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. $ PAGE To thy pastures, fair and large........................... Jerrick 50 To your Creator, Gold................................. rs. Steele 2665 IT was by an order from the Lord......................... Watts "57 T was fioml tlh hand, my Godl! I came..W.................. atts 235'Twas in the a'ches of 1lhe nighl........................... tts 1093'T was on that dark, that d t oilefl night...................... Wiatts 502 a I United prayer asce to e........................... Collye~ 497 Unshaken as the scred h.............................. Watts 212 Unveil thy bosom, fa. ithful tomb!......W................ Watts 575 Up from imy youtl — mat sr ael sa.,................... tts 21 Up to the Lord, hDo rei's o h h................... atts 27 8 Vain are the hopes, ite'ons f n...........atts 459 i Vainly throiilg night's i' ve ry e hors...... iri of the Psalms 17 Wait, 0 my soui I thy iakler's will.......................Beddome 474 $'Vake the sopg ofj ubia ee.............................. acons 553 Watchman! tell us of the niigfht......................... Bov)rig 5-98 a V/aeary of vanderina fro"-r iy God.....................,e. esley 40( V Welcomne!. c o a................l. a..l... Hay,!ward 510 Welcomne, C0 S32aviour i, to my heart...................u rne's Col. 419'Welcome, sacred dy- of rt............................. Brown 513 tWelcomen sweet d. a"; oa i.n............................... tts, Welcome welcome, c odear.Redeem.er!.................ivan. E rag. 414 V We lift our hearts lo tee............................... Wesley 555 4 We love thee Lord! an- dor........................ Watts 28 ~We seek a rest beyox d tihe ski es.......................... ewto'L 468 We sing the praise of him wio died........................ elly 3 43 f What'are thelse iln bright arr-a........................... omere8 What are tti' 119e, icc tarl''c' c".e;irosnireiy 618 W hat are those soul-revi-ving, sail5s................. Pratt's Col. 301 W Vhat blissf'l hilri"2moies'bove....................... rs. Conder 621 1 What equal honors shall we bring........................ atts 316. 4W lihat is if? ~' is but a vha.or.............................elly 614.Ilhat shall 1 I r cder to my God............................ Wgatts 189 T What sinners value, I resin' t.............................. atts 35 vWhat thouglh a thotsalnd at thy aide.................... Watts 148 When all thy mnercids, O m0 y.Godi.....a.......... ddison 072 1When, as reLturns ith:. soizxlemn day.............. s. ctBarbauld 517 W hen bendingi o'er ile brinkc of life................. Colyer 577 a W When bloominl.i youth is snaitched away............... rs. Steele 591 f When faintig in the sultry wase...................rs. s. Siteele 275 Y When gathering cloud arot ld i view............... is. l-ebr 357 When glooamy doubts and fears....................... s. Steele 440 J Wilen God from sit 5s cartivity..............'........ ontoe ery 214', Wheu God in W;rth Os.hil c.me.......................... t 105 When God i s niah, my faith ia strong'.............. Watts 34 Wi When God revealed iais gracious rninae.................... atts 215 $ W V7hen I can. read ray title clear.................... Watts 428 iWhlen I can tru st mny all with G od....... C.... Conder 477' When Israel, fieed oino P'haraohl's hand................ Vatts 186' When I survey the wonldrous cross........................c. Wtts 345 a When I the holy r.'ave su.rvey......................... B. Wallin 351 W Vhen Jesus leftl te throle of God...................c A.ont'omeryc 495 Wrhen iman grows bold i. sin....................... Wacits 74, When marsihaled on the nightly plain................. h t.. W ite 298 t When irusing sorrow wveeps the past............................ oel 472 a W When my cries' as.end to thee.r..................... Goole 52 [ When O dear Jesus' when sh all i..5.................... Ce7?nick 519 4 When on Sinai's top L see....................l........ 0 oton ery 475 i When overwhelmed with grief........................... Watts 107 When rising from the bed of death................. Jddison 596 a.$`'Ir**~W~~~^41F Eto) * e'St~t~st**~^%t~8b* —---- ---- FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. 645 645'I 0~ IPAGE E * When shall the voice of singing..................... Pratt's Col. 546 W When sins and fears pir.revail'g rise......'............ Jrs. Steele 323, When, streaming r f'oi the easterin skies............,Lord Glelnelg 56!i When the great JrJdge, s-preme e and iust.................. Watts 28 $ When the vale of deaith apple:ilr................... Gilbert 579 ~ When thou, my riighteous Judge! shalt come...... Oviglton's Sel. 600 V When we our weearied limbs to rest.............. Tate aad Brady 231 Whence do our mouli'tfll thoulils r arise................... Watts 442 e Where BabSyloi's broad rivers roll.................. Jontgomery 2332 Where is myi aviour n:ow..................ae....e.....Rafies 442 V Where shalll the nmaln be folund......................atts 55, Where shall we go to seek and find........................Watts 2122? Where two or three wit seet ccord................... Stenett 485 While all the a;Ig;l(c-thronl...........................Aontgomery 378 0 While beauty clothes tile iri i we..................... Mrs. Steele 570: While I kee-p silence ani! conceal..e........W............ Watts 67 0 WVhile I to grie' myin- seol gave uiy......................... Newton 489 While life prolor. is its preious light.................... Dwight 140 VhJile lly Redee{m eus le r...u....................1... s. Steele 49 Whtile shepherds watched their flocks by night..............Tatc 295 $ While thee i seeke, Prlecting P er!..'...... iss ti. Al. Williams 478 While throt.lh Lthis cranging' world weroa m.........ointgomery 444 e V While, with ceaseless course, the suL..................... reton 147 " V Who are these lhi:t c!ome from fai..........................Kelly 5-19 Who can describe fthe joys that rise........................ [Watts 4'22?WVho mnake thil Lord oi hosis their tower............... Aontgoimery 213 " Who, 0 Lord! when lieb is o(er.......................... Me','7 ick 33 Who shall ascend thy heavenliy place...................... Watts 33 e Who sliall the Lord's elect conlidemn....................... att 4S63 Why did the nations join to slay.......W.................... ts 5 W.;hy does the Lord stand ofl so fr....................... TWatts 29 < Why do wve inourin, deparing friends.....................Watts 582 < Why is my healrt so f from thee......................... Watts 455 VWhy, 0 God! thy people spurn........................ Hatfield 106 Why should our tears in sorrow flow..............Cog... Book 575 Vhy should the children of a King.................. Watts 369 Why should the mi'ihty mnake their boast..................Barlo 100 Why should we start uad tes to ie....................... Watts 581 Why sinkis my soul despndingl....................... t astings 388 hy, when stormus around you gather................... Seale 476 $ Why will ye waste on Iritiiln cares.....................Doddridge 381 f o Wide, ye heavenly gates - ii mll........... Spiriti of the PsalIms 54 Will God for ever cast us oif.............................. atts 127 With all my powel's of he:art ac(n tonue................... Watts 233 i With earnest!lis o f th e l ind................. Watts 82 i $i ith grateful hearts, with joyf l iton es...................ippis 288, With humble heart, and- tnonge.......................... awcett 204 WVith joy we hacil thie stcrtd dav.............. Spirit of the Psalms 209 I Vit.h joy we edii ae te grace........................... Watts 299 o With my whole heart'l raise my song..................... atts 27 $ VWith my whol- heart I ye so.uglht tly face................ Watts 201 ( S With reverence let lthe sailts api ear.............a......... atts 143 e V With songs and honors sounding loud..................... atts 246 e With tears of angais3h I liimen;....................... S. Stenn.ett 410 TVithin tlhy house 0 Lord, ou God!............... C. J.'Ev. a. 523 WVorthy the Lab of bo dless sway.....................Sirley 355 S Would you beholld tlhe works of God?...................... WYatts 177 Would you win a soul to G;od?.....m....................ammond 492 Ye angels! who stand round the throne............... De Fletuy 331 i Ye glittering toys of earth! adieu.....................,frs. Steele 307 4 Ye golden lamps of heaven! farewell.................. Doddridgre 586 [ 4s* *-*_~,,~ M%,**MPz~,*Hass*a6,*+ 6 646 FIRST LINES OF PSALMS AND HYMNS. PAGE Ye hearts with youthful vigor warm.................. Doddridge 40-2 C Ye holy souls! in God rejoice............................ Watts 69 Y Ye humble souls I aoppro-lch your God................. Jrs. Ste-ele 266 l Ye humble souls thiat seek tlh Lord I...................oddridge 411 Ye isles and slhores of every sea!......................W... atts 161 Ye men alnd angels! wi-ness now................... eddome 501, Ye messengers of C(hri;:.! 3.................................. Voke 531 Ye moeurnilng sai!ts i whlose streaming tear s............ Doddridge 585 $ Ye nations round the carth! rejoice.......................Watts 163 eI Ye saints your music.reieg................................ Reed 351 Y Ye servants oi God!...............................C. Wsesley 154 Ye servants of ti; alnigilty Kig I.........................atts 184 e Ye servants of thLe livinrg: l;od 1........................ ath st 315, Ye servants of the,ord!....D................... oddrid-l-e 468 $ a Yes1- will bless theo, e my God!.................. eg.inbotham'287, Yes, my nai.ive lantd i i love thee...................... S.: iSmith 5368 i Ye sons of nAe a! feeie race........................... Watts 149 Ye sons of m 1en! Vith joy record........................Doddrzle 240 e Ye 0sols of spride that hate the just...................iC. atts 95 - Yes, the Red.eemer's f't.s-3:................................ fatts 360 e Yes, the edseetn.: r ro;-e............................ oddrid.gL 349 Y e tremibling, etives T l-er. a........................ Pratt's Col. 538 e Ye trlembling, souis! c isoeliss your ifet s.................. Beddonee 463 2 Ye tribes olf Adam.: jui;................................. FWatts'48 64 Ye whoN de:ight to serve the Lord I....................... Watts 186 l Ye, who desl)-iso tle Sav:Touri s ~, jgraee........... K.7. 7K. Beiemana 384 e, who in ili3s couris a'.le ouncid!................... R. Hll's Col. 3, 6 O Ye, who obey t' ilnmortial King........................... atts 2"6 Ye vwretlchedi', ihu ry starving oor!................. rs. Seele 396 1 Your harps, ye treiljiing saints!......................... Toplady 446i $ 4 - 5 g.e! I I I $ * tINDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABBA FATHER, 99, 211, 453, 461. | CALVARY, 36, 345, 394, 448, 475. Abraham, 174, 457. 494, 497. Cananr, 177, 423. Absence of God, 131, 141. Captives,,14,'231, 23', 233. Accepted time, 402. See-To-'day. Carnal Joys, 4]6. See —Pleasures. Access to God, 111, 138, 354. Charity, 81, 183, 438, 439, 440. e Admissions, 498. 499, 501. Chastisement, 76,176, 194, 195, 202. 4 Adoption, 108, 215, 40, 4 60 1 Se.-.fi-ctions. a Adoration, 154, 156, 164, 185,227, Children, -4 27, 58,70,121, 130,301, I 265. See-Praise. 403, 404, 493, 495, 498; Death of, Adversity. See al Yictions, 58 5. Advocate, 305, 409. Choice, 196, 395. Afflictions, 2:3, 83, 84, 128, 169, 170, Christ, 289-362. 19, 195,'202, 29, 445,448,449,472. Advent, 81, 158, 162, 298, Alarm, 379-387. 307, 336. * All-Sufficiency of God, 107. Advocate, 305, 409. Almost Christian, 387. Agony, 33S, 339, 342, 345. Alms, 183. See Charity, and Lib- Ascensio'n, 17, 51. 91, 92,93, I e-ality. 11S8, 347, 348, 349. Ambition, 221. Atonement, 80, 119, 304, Angels, 6i9, 70, 72,.149. 173, 205, 291, 30, 352,406. See-Death 292, 295,'97 359, 453. of Christ. Apostasy. See-. ackslidcr. Birth, 292, 293, 295. p Apostle's Commlission, 525. Beauty, 87, 88. See —Ex- Ascension. See-CA rist. cclleacy. Ashamed, 333, 475, 504. Blood, 80, 215, 342, 344, 35. Assurance, 369, 428, 475. Bread, 503. Atheism, 32. Captain, 433, 531. i Atonement. See —Cirist. Compassion, 299, 305, 309, 357, 504. a BAcKsI, 55, 7, 8 188 4ER06 Con.descension. 25I498, 504, i 412, 445, 459, 455, 465. 517. Banner, Gospel 5, 59, 33. Conqueror, 53, 88, 93. Baptism, 494, 496, 497. Corner-stone, 191, 193 194. Beatitude, 435. Coronation, 73, 87, 91, 312, ~ Being of God, 40, 41, 41, 426, 35, 356. $ Believers, 463. See —Saints. Cross, 320, 339, 340, 341 Benevolence, 183. See —Charity. 342, 343, 345, 351. e B enevolent Societies, 438, 439, 440. Death, 35, 180, 336,339, 340, Bereavement, 445. See-Death. 341. See-.tonetent. Bethel, 480. Desire of all nations, 313, Bethlehem's Star, 294, 96, 298. 517. Bible, 198, 203. See-Scriptures. Divinity, 86, 87, 92, 93, 313, Blessedness, 217, 430. 318, 321, 324, 517. Blood. See —CGrist. Exaltation, 15, 16, 25, 39, Bondage, 423. 45, 52, 53, 73, 180, 181, Bones, Dry, 490. 312, 359. Book of Life, l81, 449. Example, 180, 314, 328, 338, Bread, 503. 471, 496. Breathing after Holiness, 43, 146, Excellency, 87, 88, 119, 303, a 200, 269, 366, 420, 431, 441, 444, 318, 332, 334. e 451, 473, 507. Faithfulness, 167, 441, 462, e Broad Way, 387. See-End of the 475. * Wicked. Fountain, 303,358,394,397, 1 a Brotherly Love, 223, 224, 225, 435. 493. Burden, 76, 99, 103. See-Guilt. Fullness, 303. ~~09~~b00e~P)~~d~n~.~~a~8~Fullness4 303. 1 648 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Christ, Glory, 52, 54, 86, 88, 282, Christ, Teacher, 304. " 318, 328. Victorious, 39, 46, 73, 85, Grace, 86, 3;27. i I Grace, 86,'^7, 93, Ill, 118 123, 124,180, Hilidinlg-place, 4ii. 3i6, 546, 550. 4 umanity, 15. iVisdom. 308. H Humili.ation 25, [267,'27. Clurch, 5, 58, 87, 89, 93, 94, 119, See In- cca'ratwion anld 131, 13',, 19, 1i51, 154, 162, 167, 4 D)eath.!' \I93, 1094,5., Incarnation, 25, 80, 160, 90, City of God. 91, 94, 139, 468, 551. 297, 302, 32, 378, 5i3. IComrllter, 358, 36, 9. See-Holy Intercession, 300, 34, 4347, Svirit. 357, 360, 463. Comnforts, 15, 198. Judge, 160, 250, 317, 54,595. Cor mmission of Christ, 298, 309,323. $ King, 52, 53, 54,, 87, 87, I Communion, 196, 274, 459, 476, 503, i" 1 42 X 3!, 81, 3iJ, i ^ 9 1,92, 3i7, 505. 3i8, 32, 505. C oilessoi, G, 7,, 97, 98, 146, 201, $ Kingdom, 15, 91, 123, 15, 28, 21), 4,97, 413, 429. 36il, 540,, 541, 5'7, 503. Conldeuce, 60, 65, 66, 85, 89, 106, I: Lamb, 312, 315, 316, 355, 206. 220,268, 442, 449. O i 363, 448. Conscience, 389, 443. Light, 301, 36, 320, 481. Consecration, 189, i96,420 424,499. Life,, 136,2,3. Contentment, 20'21i. Love, 86, 180, 305, 307,:0. Contrition, i9, 98, 100, 343, 369, See-~Jitonemen t. 404, 41, 441. Lovinsg-l.ingh uess, 320. i, Cionve, sio, 6 2 80, 15, 413-44, {,lMajesty, 86, 87 47, 492. Mediation, 100, 33,. Conviction, 3Q8-391. } Mission, 298, 37, i 11. Covolani, 55., 142, 1'74, 181, 182, 1 Na!ivrity, 89, 29, 2'9, - 293, 4{33, 494, 1', 98 500, 502. ) 2i)5. Sec-Incaernatein. Creationl, 5, 3, 09,, 41, 42, 68, o61. I Obedience, 138, 9i39. Cros0, 4, 43, 405, 411, 414, 415, 416, O Omces, 142, 39. 504. Pearl of great lrice, 307. Crucifixion, 345, 457. Physician, 313, 337, 4. i ) RiZss 3 418, 451, 469, 473, Power, 31. ss, 418, 451,469 473', _; 0 Di of g ace, 140, 141, 384. Precious, 301, 302, 3* 2, 33d, i i at se1, e 40 121,,147,5 33 354447 - " )eath, 3 95, 121,144,147,575-593. I p- 5 o3. ^V Deathi-bed, 303, 578, 588. Presence, 327, 332. e,, 5 DecleniAon. 464, 489, 491. I Priesthood, 81, 2,99^ 37'I Decrees, 181, 279, 5281. I 357, 30i,'36" Dedication, 57, 522, 523. Propiet, 30 lDelay, 31. See-To-day. Ransom, 81, 0-4. Defiver437, 12, Refuge, 324, 325. Deliveraice. i37, 192, 212. Reign, 92, 123, 124, 158, 15, I 79,De, 21, 160, 161, 162,181, 2" 2,23, Deprlaity, 32, 74, 97 37, 308,, 3905.: 3$19 5w 3 359 " "? Desertion, 8-2, 83, 84, 86, 106, 120s.o 349, 353, 359. I tResurrection, 35, 73, 336,, C, -. I Desire, 45i. 340, 346, 347, 348, 340, De,. ^^ 5' ^ Despa" ir, 140. Rghteoeuses, 138, 308,314. |Despondency, -82, 128, 441, 442, Rock, 193, 194, 336. DeY;tednes, 102. S Sacrifice, 80, 330. Devotion, 102, 0-26, 478. Saviour, 191, 258, 260, 326. Disnission, 22-62. j @ 7a;inii/'1. l'W "fin'^ l Dismissions, 62 —626. lecd con, 58 6 Distress, 29, 80, 85, 107,141, 441. 317, 318, 545, 594, 595. Dor, 40. Shepherd, 40, 355. Doubts, 440, 443. Sufferings, 45, 46, 119, 304, oxogy, 190, 191, 622-626 338,339,406. See-Death. EARLY PIETY, 70. Sun, 304, 306. Education, 70, 122. Sympathy, 99, 357. See- Efforts, 529. Compassion. Election, 449, 463.,L tI\~ ~INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 649 End of the wicked, 13, 4,74,75,95, GOD, Dominion, 51, 52, 117, 144, 10 2, 125, 126, 127, 141, 156, 600. 157, 165, 113, 247. End of the world, 601. See- Eternal, 145, 153, 167, 205,' Chdrist, Second Comillg. 263.:Enemies, 100, 101, 103, 110, 205, Faithful,. 37, 103, 142, 151, 217, 238, 240. 171, 17', 175, 314, 22, 244, Enmity, 101. 9286, 449,.463. Espousals, 505. Father, 65, 108, 189, 276. Eternity, 383, 446 586, 590. Forbearance, 163, 240. E Evening, 20, 72, 150, 208, 558-564. Glory. 228, 279, 28 2. Evide;-ce of grace, 33, 75, 426, 434, Goodness, 50, 73, 74, 113, 134, 435, 466. See-Conversion. 163 i, 164, If5,170, 178, 185, Evil company, 61. 235, 240, 2.123, 21,44, 245, Example, 427. 266, 275. Exlortaltion, 71, 72, 149, 155, 156, Gc,, 73, 107 134,170 247, 380, 397, 398. 172, ~22 5, 2 526;, 2i6. Experience, 203, 416, 427. Greatness, (9, 143, 242, 243, Expostulation, 384, 3893, 397, 398, G 245. 34049. Guide. 75, 594, 178. 464. {b~~~.tt F ~Help, 31, 145, 155, 187, 20, $ FAITH:, 221, 270, 309, 335, 427, 431, 568. 457, 458, 47'. 1 oly, 279, 283. Faithfulness. See-God, and Christ. Incomprehensible, 280,'284, Family wurship, 138, 150. 285. Famine, 68, 536. Judge, 27 618, 96, 161. Farewell, 436, 586.. Just, 27, 8 37, 73, 7482, Fears, 31, 201,440, 443, 462. Kind, 229, 2-14. Feast, 506. King, 28, 38, 6',,104 154, $ ellowship, 310, 315, 376, 436, 468, 157, 159, 160, 184 8, 2 362. 499. Love, 81, 177, 247 25. See- Forgiveness, 67, 171,172, 215, 480. Goodless. Fountains, 303, 394, 397, 493. Loving-kindnress, 330. Frailty, 77, 79, 145, 147. 172, 241, Majesty, 27, 38, 1186, 1 3, 153, 383, 386, 574.' 154, 184 18 6, 24, 276, 2,283. Freedom, 287, 288. Merciful, 50,. 73, 74, 114, 144, Friendship,'24, 2' 5. 175, 176, 177, 189, 229, 30, Fruits, 460. 237, 244, 282. Funeral, 77, 145, 147, 575, 582, 583, Omnnipresent, 34, 236, 237. 589. Omniscient, 68, 234,235, 236, 452. GETHISE.IANE, 338, 339. Portion, 19, 21, 34, 125, 196, Glory, 54. 413. GOD, 261-288. Power, 63, 69, 107, 128, 170, All in all, 268,'27. 275, 283. Almighty, 62, 153, 173, 178. Presence, 237, 270, 377, 473. I 279, 283. Providence, 28, 181,216, 223, Being, 40, 41, 42, 261. 26 1, 264, 271, 27-2, 284. Benefactor, 271. Refuge, 18, 27, 30, 37, 58, 89, Care, 24, 69, 164, 165, 174, 90, 94, 101, 106, 107, 148, 182, 241, 305. 274, 463. I Communion, 377. See - Shepherd, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, Chr ist-. 131, 155, 493. Ctompassion, 169, 170, 176, Sovereign, 61, 127, 132, 134, 185, 189, 228, 243, 262. 164, 168, 281, 285. Condescension, 26, 184, 185, Supreme, 132, 144, 153, 160, 186, 262, 27' 278. 164, 187. Crea;tor, 69,1 167,205, 228,2652, Truth, 74, 104, 165, 463. 265. Unchangeale, 167, 169. Defence, 18, 75, 90, 134, 149, Wisdom, 275, 280. 19-2, 205, 207, 212, 913. Works, 181,'28 250, 269, 0. D.liveler, 35,6 31, 64, 178, Wrath, 128, s>> es s* Ow _*_.>-bseW --`-f9.a 4 650 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Good works, 33, 472. 1 JERUSALEM, New, 550, 608. Gospel, 3d, 88. 94, 143, 161, 16-, Jews, 33, 130, 18!, 535. 203, 319. [-299, 311. Joy, 42., 447, 488, 490. Excellency, 143, 204, 60, I Jubilee, 4884, 540, 52, 553. Feast, 396. Judgment, 9., 96, 141, 160 250,382, Freeness. See-Grace. 59:3, 594 —601. [460, 463. i nvitations, 391-404. Justification, 66, 67, 198, 420, 459, Message, 19:1, 290, 401. God. - Powel? 88, 230, 311. IiDox, 1. See-/.7st L f Rejection, 156. I Spred of, 116, 159, 223, 41 537-554. LATTER-DAY, 530,551. Success, 538, 518, 549, 552. Law, 41, 319, 389, 459. Triumnphant, 39, 114, 180, Liberality, 183, 438, 439, 440. 181, 5:9, 514. Life, 77, 79, 147, 337, 386. Trumpet, 392, 40?, 538, 541. Light, 306, 367, 368, 418. Grace, 26, 27, 32z, 327,395, 421, 426, Longing for God, 48, 82,83. See 429, 459, 475. To/1irsting. I Graces, 434. See~Evidences. Lord's Day, 22, 135, 151, 191, 193, Gratitude, 170, 171, 172, 188, 189, 208 209, 509-519. 192, 273, 377, 421, 507. Prayer, 485. Grave, 140, 375, 580, 588. Supper, 502 —508. Guilt, 99, 370, 390, 409, 455. Loss of the soul, 590, 59-2, 596, 604. See-0larmandendof thewicked. HARDsESS of Heart, 454, 456. See- r, 434 idof 43cic Harvest, 141, 572, 573.,43. H l~arvestS 141, 5aDa~W4;4 5f, f,XLove, 434. [435. Health, 470. to Brethren, 223. 224, 225, i Heart, 9. 3,91, 45-2~Chrest 310 310, 846. * H-eart. 9-S *'91~tr14^41R, Church, 231, 232, 233. Heathen, 529, 535, 542, 548,, 549.31, 46, 6. God, 434. Heaven. 35, 3 51, 7 2, 151, 206, 215, l, 434 273, 33, 31, 417, 443, 468, 13, n 434. O 554,~ 58~ 6^~-F1''' Neighbor, 438, 439, 440. Heavenly-mindedness, 358. e Heavetnly-l-nldedlns, 358 Lukewarmness, 444, 450, 454, 460. I-eirs of God,:3, 75, 460. MAOISTRATES, 105, 132, 166. Hell, 141. Man, 25, 26, 235, 241. Heralds, 521, 530, 532. ariners, 178, 179. Holiness, 5-2, 5431, 472. Martyrs, 617. Holy Spirit, 350, 362-372, 516, 547. lediation. See-Chr7zst. Hope, 31, 34, 58, 82, 83, 85,20,4 407, Meditation, 109, 197, 203. 4025, 428, 433, 44:3, 413, 476, 576. Meekness, 435, 472. Hosanea, 24, 193, 194, 301, 552. Memorils, 503. Household, 0224, 25. 497. Mercy, 267, 382, 408. [519. House of God, 56, 57, 84, 133, 134, Mercy-seat, 160, 269, 274, 409, 410, 135, 13.., 208, 2019, 222, 514, 521. Merits, 405, 459.,See~-Sanctuary. M essiah, 124, 222. Humility, 221, 435. MTillennium, 537, 539, 541. i Hu-bandman, 11.2. Alinistry, 524-527. Hypocrisy, 60. rMiracles, 186, 313. IDOLATRY, 34, 131 Missionary 532, 533, 536, 543. Immorality, 30. Missionary meeting, 530. Intercession. See-Christ. Mystery, 284,330.. Invitalnations 39 lee hit04. [7 Missions, 528-536. Indwelling Sin, 240, 410. 504 5 n 6. Invocations, 3.y M 73, 3n75. 479, 45 o, Naion, 45, 10&, 288. Infaets, 493, 494, 498, 498; Death S or EveC t. )Mortality, 145, 167, 461. i ngratitude, 454, 455. Mountains, 475. Inspiratoe,.ourner, 199, 435,469,575,576,591. Intercession. See-Chist. ystery, 28, 30. Ievitations, 301-404. [517. NARROW way, 387. $ Invocations 362, 3:73, 375, 479, 415, Nation, 45, 16, 288. Israel, 33, 130, 186, 535. Nativity. se-/Christ. -1~t" IINDEX OF SUBJEMC'. 651 Nature, 39, 40, 41, 42, 280. Promised land, 76, 423, 602, 606, i New birth, 370, 371, 1 0,37, 12, 613. 1 New year, 147, 566, 567, 568, 569. Promises, 199,279,281,286,449,476. Night, 109. Prophecy, 257, 542. Prosperity, 49I. OBEDIENCE, 155, 1556 196. 426,59. 45. i 41. Offeirs. See Csrl.' Protection, 115, 149, 2.05, 207, 212, Old a ie, 12), li21, 449 i 217, 233, 238, 430. Old ti ngneye, lfal, 1331, I41. ^,3One thnll iedhrl 31431 s Providence, 68, 115,, 217, 61,'264, Oppressors" 30, 103. 271, 272, 281. $ Orelinanceo, 423 50 Punishment, 105, 125. Ordinances, 493 —505. Purity, 31, 52, 435. $ Ordinations. See-.Jinistry. urty, 51, 52,43.. Original sin. See-Depravity. Purposes, 84, 536. Orphans, 29, 58, 420,439. ~~I ~~~~~~~Rce, 420, 43B. PARDON, 54, 67, 218. Rebukes, 23. Parlenti. See-Baptism, Chlildrcen, Recollections, 464, 465. * and Inrfants. Reconciliation. See-Conversion., * Parting of friends, 436, 437. Recovery, 63, 64, 171, 172, 188, 469, 0 Pastor, 525, 526; Death of, 526, 527. Redeeming love, 425. [470. Pastures, 46, 47, 50. Redemption, 25, 430.. Pattern1s, 4127. Refuge, 30. See-God. Peace, 37, 124, 435. Regeneration, 370, 371, 372, 413. Penitence, 97,4051,4 07, 408. [217. Rejoicing in God, 48, 110, 163, 265, Persecution, 24, 100, 101, 103, 110, 276, 430. Perseverance,, 103, 134, 13, 142, Remembrance, 36, 83, 86, 108, 129,! 17, 206,305, 430) 4432, 49, 461, 4 187, 239, 507, 508. * 462, 463. Repentance, 55, 97, 381, 405, 411., Pestilence, 148, 149. See-Contr.ition. Pilgrim, 77, 108, 109, 199, 396, 417, Renpoach, 474. 418, 428, 4:33, 444, 446, 447, 451, Request, 58. 453, 464, 482, 518, 585. Resignation, 221, 445, 472, 477, 478. * Pity, 438. See —Charity and Sym- Resolutions, 202, 393, 421. pathy. Rest, 188, 392, 447, 468, 512, 513. Pleading, 32, 54, 56, 76, 84, 97, 98, See-eaven. 99, 106, 128, 141, 146, 170, 200, Resurrection, 34, 35, 95, 140, 144, 201, 211, 239, 48,2 486. 490, 512, 588, 592, 596. Pleasures, 125, 394, 447, 451. Retirement, 274, 459. Poor 81. See —Ch arit y. Revelation, 39, 41, 42, 257-260. Portion, 428. Revival, 137,168, 214, 370 487-493, Praiset 43, 11,112,114,1,15,155,156, Rewards, 144, 149, 461. [537. 157, 164, 166, 171, 172, Riches, 107,307.,* 182, 184, 190, 191, 227, Righteous, 13, 14, 33, 100, 578. $ 229, 233, 244, 247, 248, Righteousness, 36, 431. * _249, 251,, 252, 253, 270. Rising to God, 428, 431, 432. to Christ, 73, 91, 92,114, 12 1 Rivers, 47, 90, 91. 159, 300, 312, 313, 315, Robe, 431. 316, 335, 355, 514. Rock, 37, 38, 66, 82, 107, 336. S God, 63, 70, 71, 72, 104, 115, 116, 138, 151, 152, SSABBATH, 135, 151, 152, 209, 210, 185, 263, 278, 286, 287, 509, 519. See-Lord's day. 305, 374. Sacraments. See —Ordinances. S Trinity, 27, 374, 379, 622 Safety, 89, 93, 107, 149, 178, 205, -626. 207, 212, 213. Prayer, 29, 43, 60, 120, 141, 168, 187, Saints, 76, 145, 195. 222, 449. 364, 478-486. Salvation, 33, 70, 115, 138, 417. Preaching. See-.SMinistry. Sanctification, 151, 367, 461, Predestination, 449, 463. Sanctuary, 59, 134, 152, 166, 208, Pride, 1-27. 210, 509, 514, 519-523. SeeProbation, 383. House of God. - Prodigal, 422. Satan, 32. Profession, 498, 500, 501. Saturday, 563. 652 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Scriptures, 43, 197, 198, 199, 201, To-day, 140, 141, 155, 156,157, 385 202, 204, 257-260. 395, 402. S Sea, 178, 179. To-norrow, 387. Seamen, 178, 179. Trials, 2-0, 473. ~ Seasons, 1II, 113, 246,64, 5674, 5'3. Trinity, 373, 37`9. Securiy, 148, 154, 206, 207,212,279. Troubles, 31, 189, 239, 4-4l. 0 Seeking God, 1'29, 157, 175, 201, Trust, 44, 55, 65, 68, 72, 82, 85, 104, 465, 483. [500. 107, 110, 120, 121, ]67, 219, 446, Self-Dedication, 415, 419, 424, 498, Truth, 337. [473. Denial, 471, 474. Trumpot, 597. * Examination, 56, 452. ILoathing, 455, 482. UNBELIEF, 15]6, 176. See —iaith. Righteousness, 459. Unfli'itfulness, 454. Sepulchre, 347, 411. Unionl, 2:23, 224, 4225, 436, 437, 468. * Shamle, 86. Uprightness, 33. Shepherds, 1294, 295. } Shlepherdis, 294, 295. HVANITY, 77, 7(}9, 107. 575. Sick-bed devotion, 78. V. Victory, 474, 584, 616, 600. Sickness. 23, 63, 470. Vineyard, 131. Sinai, 413, 468, 4 5. isian, 413. Sincerity, 484. 103 18 Sinner, 76. 125, 379, 380, 388, 400. ows, 1, 1 Slander, 65. WAVITING On God, 58, 59, 211, 218, Sloth, 450. 219, 220, 240 442. Soldier, 474. Walk, 465. Sorrow, 406, 451, 42. Wan derings, 412, 42, 452. Soul, 492. Warfare, 198, 433, 456, 468,469, 474. oSovereiguty. Sce —God. Warnings, 131. See —1Ilarm. Spirit. Sec-eHoly Spit.. atchfulness, 456, 467, 468, 469. Spring, 570, 571. Watchman, 524, 525, 528. Star, 294, 296, 298, 533. Waters, 46. 48, 393, 397. Storin, 61, 63. Way, 337, 360, 417, 530. Submission, 88, 211, -119, 44, 453, 453, eary, 392, 393, 399. 470, 473, 474, 477, 478, 482, 582, Weeping, 409, 488. Success, 216, 217. [591. Welcome, 414, 499. Slummer, 572. Wicked, 13, 14, 36, 100, 105. Sun, 304. 306, 487. Winter, 246, 570. Sunday schools, 1'2, 610. See- Wisdom, 483. 2ChilAdren. Wtord of God. See-Scriptures. Support, 202, 579. ~Works, 38, 459, 472. Surrender 44 419 [440. W[ orld, 307, 345, 414, 416, 420, 424, Sympathy, 81, 183, 435 438,43 4, 453, 507. TA BOR, 475.fR~ Worship, 84, 94, 133, 134. 143, 151, TAUBOR, 47 35. 38 157, 113, 166, 209, 273, 509. Teaching, 55,:3t65, 368. Wrath 141 601 Temptation, 32, 32, 37, 120. Yrt, 5661 574. Tempter, 18, 45.. Yoke, 194. 0 Terrors, 141, 382. Youth, 121, 197, 204, 385, 403, 423, I Thanksgiving, 166, 175 176, 189, 500, 501. 228, 212, 265, 287. Thief on the cross, 303. ZtxAL, 203, 427-432. Thirsting for God, 82, 83, 108, 109, Zion, 89, 93, 94, 112, 127, 138, 139, 110, 133, 275, 366, 435, 469. 168, 208, 214, 222, 231, 232, 233, Throne of Grace, 218, 482, 486. 418, 453, 468, 490, 491, 520, 541, * Time, 575. See- Year.. 542, 549. L ^ I