AN EXAMINATTON OF THE ALLEGED DISCREPANCIES OF TIE BIBLE. ~By JOHN W. HALEY, M.A. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ALVAH HOVEY, D.D., PROFESSOR IN THE NEWTON THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. CHICAGO: W. G. HOLMES, PUBLISHtER, 79 MADISON STRErT. ANDOVER: W. F. DRAPER. BOSTON: ESTES AND LAURIAT. 1875. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, byWARREN F. DRAPER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washingtoi. ANDOVER: PRINTED BY WARREN P. DRAPER, PRESS, RAND, AVERY & CO. INTRODUCTIONI. HAVING read attentively the entire manuscript of the following work, it may be proper for me to express my estimate of its character and value. The topic which it discusses certainly merits examination. First, because of the bearing which it naturally has upon our confidence in the Bible as a revelation from God; and secondly, because of the prominence which has been given to it by those who deny the truthfulness of the Bible. These reasons will be appreciated at once, and therefore need simply to be stated. Any attempt to expand or enforce them would be superfluous. But hitherto there has been no single treatise in our language which could be said to discuss the subject as thoroughly and minutely as its importance required. Hence the need of a work on the alleged " discrepancies of the Bible," adapted to the wants of men at the present time and taking due account of modern investigation and discovery. Such a work, it seems to me, has been produced by the Rev. Mr. Haley — a work almost equally adapted to meet the wants of scholars and of the people; for on the one hand it is learned and exact, while on the other it is perspicuous and interesting. The author has made himself familiar with the literature of the subject in various languages, and, with a wise preference of truth to originality, has given the suggestions of others whenever those suggestions appeared to him worthy of special consideration. Thus a great amount of sound learning is comprehended within the limits of a single volume. MiIoreover, the statements of the author appear to be unusuiii iv INTRODUCTION. ally exact. This is a result of painstaking care and resolute candor, of a fixed purpose to spare no labor that might tend to the perfection of the work, and of an equally fixed purpose to avoid everything sectarian, as likely to interfere with its usefulness. The style of the author is uniformly clear and forcible. He comes to the point at once, and either removes the difficulty, or at least shows the reader what it is, and how the writer would dispose of it. This is an admirable quality in such a treatise. If the least circumlocution were allowed the discussion might become tiresome; but, carried forward in the direct and vigorous language of Mr. Haley, it is constantly attractive. The investigation is made interesting by the sense of progress which it awakens. The reader feels that he is moving on, and the danger to which he is exposed is that of advancing too rapidly and eagerly, rather than too slowly and reluctantly. This, however, is a danger which every reader is happy to incur. The question of discrepancies is a question of interpretation, and it could hardly be expected that any two persons would always agree in their method of reconciling statements which seem to be discordant. I do not in every instance prefer the explanation which Mr. Haley seems to prefer; but the clearness and soberness of his interpretations entitle them to respect in all cases, and to adoption in most. It is, therefore, a pleasure to commend his work to the notice of the public, and especially to the attention of those who for any reason wish to examine the claims of the Bible, as a Divine revelation, to our confidence. ALVAH HOVEY. NEWTON CENTRE, June, 1874. PREFACE. Is making the following contribution to the literature of Christian Apologetics, a brief explanation may be in place. The author was moved to prepare and publish the present volume by the circulation of a pamphlet, in a certain parish, setting forth in a striking and plausible manner the so-called "self-contradictions of the Bible." This production, cunningly adapted to deceive the ignorant and unwary, was reviewed by me in a course of Sabbath-evening lectures, which form the nucleus of the present work. The pamphlet just mentioned, with many others of a similar character, I afterwards found to be the fruits of an organized and systematic plan to poison the public mind by scattering broadcast, in the cars and upon steamboats, and in other places of public resort, as well as through the mails, a cheap and virulent infidel literature. That these nefarious attempts result, in far too many cases, in subverting the religious faith and the morals of the young, there can be no question. And the means employed by the friends of virtue for exposing and defeating these "'devices of Satan" seem, I regret to say, less efficient than is desirable. During my investigation of the subject I have been impressed with the fact that the so-called "'discrepancies" of the Bible have failed to receive due consideration by evangelical authors. The literature of the subject is comparatively meagre and antiquated. True, the discrepancies are discussed to some extent in the various Harmonies, Introductions, and Commentaries, but, for the most part, quite incidentally. Works exclusively devoted to the topic in question are few in number V vi PREFACE. and of comparatively remote date; hence, being scarce and of high price, they are* practically inaccessible to most students of the Bible. And were they within reach, they would be found altogether behind the scholarship of the age. I know of no work, ancient or modern, which covers the whole ground, treating the subject comprehensively yet concisely, and whMch is, at the same time, adapted to general circulation. Whoever will examine the appended Bibliography will very probably be convinced that there is a demand for a work of the kind just mentioned. To supply in some degree this want is the aim of the present volume. The measure of the author's success must be determined by the reader. Some persons may, perchance, question the wisdom of publishing a work in which the difficulties of scripture are brought together and set forth so plainly. They may think it better to suppress, as far as may be, the knowledge of these things. The author does not sympathize with any such timid policy. He counts it the duty of the Christian scholar to look difficulties and objections squarely in the face. Nothing is to be gained by overlooking, evading, or shrinking from them. Truth has no cause to fear scrutiny, however rigid and searching. Besides, the enemies of the Bible will not be silent, even if its friends should hold their peace. It should be remembered that the following " discrepancies " are not now published for the first time. They are gathered from books and pamphlets which are already extensively circulated. The poison demands an antidote. The remedy should be carried wherever the disease has made its blighting way. With such views as these I issue this humble volume. Such as it is, making small claim to originality and literary merit, it is committed to the public. If it shall help to vindicate the Bible from the reproaches and misrepresentations of its enemies, and to solve doubts in the minds of honest inquirers, tie author's object will have been attained. Not proposing a discussion of all the difficult questions which PREFACE. vii arise in studying the Bible, I have restricted my attention to the so-called "discrepancies," that is, to those cases in which the statements or narratives of the Bible are said to conflict with one another. I have kept within the Bible. Cases in which the scriptures seem at variance with secular history or with science have been left to other and abler hands. I have dealt only with those in which the book appears inconsistent with itself. All cases of the latter kind which were of any importance, or which could perplex an honest inquirer of ordinary intelligence, I have aimed to include;' and if any such have been omitted, I regret the oversight. In the preparation of this volume, I first read carefully the works of a large number of English, German, and French rationalists and infidels, with a view to gather up all the "discrepancies" which they adduce from the scriptures. Also, the numerous publications of kindred character —books, pamphlets, and printed sheets — which have been put forth by American sceptics were sedulously collected and collated. This being done, my next care was to classify and solve these discrepancies. In this process I have, as will be seen, laid under contribution a large number of critics and commentators, ancient and modern; in a word, I have gathered from every source whatever seemed pertinent and satisfactory.2 One feature of the book, to which the reader's attention is particularly invited, is the copious quotations made with the view to exhibit the unanimity of scholars upon certain important points. For this purpose, and generally, an author's exact words could not fail to be more satisfactory to the reader than a mere reference would be. That this copiousness of citation gives to certain portions of the book the aspect of a 1 The whole number of cases treated is nearly nine hundred. 2 In order to avoid increasing the size and price of the book, it has been found expedient to omit an extended "List of Authorities" which had been prepared. This omission is the less to be regretted since abundant references are given throughout the work. Viii PREFACE. compilation is a circumstance which I have neither sought to avoid, nor need to excuse. Indeed, my aim throughout has been not originality, but truth; not so much to produce new ideas, as to present the best ideas pertaining to the subject under consideration. The texts quoted within have been arranged in such a manner that the reader can see at a glance the antithesis or contradiction in each case. As Mr. Andrews L has remarked, a great point is gained when we are able to see just what the amount of the discrepancy or contradiction, if it really exists, is. But then, in contrasting isolated texts or phrases, the divergence often seems greater than it actually is, because the modifying power of the context and the general scope of the writer's argument fail to be appreciated by the reader. Hence, in order that a text may be seen in its true bearings and relations, - in its proper framework, - it has sometimes been deemed necessary to extend the citation somewhat beyond the antithetic words. On the other hand, to save space, we have, in cases where the connection of thought would not thereby be destroyed, omitted subordinate clauses, at the same time indicating the omission in the usual manner. That the adoption of the alphabetical order of arrangement has resulted in giving to some chapters a disconnected and fragmentary appearance is obvious. But it was thought that any other method of classification would probably be open to equally great objections of some kind; and that, since the book might be used rather for reference than for consecutive reading, the lack of chronological sequence would not materially detract from its utility. The work is intended not so much for scholars and critics as for the common people; yet it is hoped that the learned reader will feel that the author has substantiated his positions by the quotations from and references to the highest critical authorities, which occur upon nearly every page. 1 ife of Our Lord, p. xvi. PREFACE. ix Not infrequently several solutions of a difficulty are given, leaving the reader to choose for himself. Of course, not all possible solutions are adduced, but merely those which seem most reasonable. On the principle that the concessions of its adversaries are weighty arguments in favor of the Bible, these have been made use of, from time to time, as the occasion presented itself. As to works originally published in foreign languages, whenever approved English translations exist, I have generally followed the latter, instead of giving my own version. Care has been taken to secure accuracy in the numerous quotations and references; yet it would be vain to claim exemption from what Porson terms " the common lot of authorship." If a reasonable degree of accuracy has been attained, this is the utmost I can expect. I cannot omit to express here my gratitude to Prof. Edwards A. Park, D.D., for the cordial and unvarying interest which he has manifested in the present work, for timely encouragement, and for practical and valuable advice received by me during its preparation. But for him the work would have been published, if at all, in a less complete and satisfactory form. My indebtedness to Prof. A. Tovey, D.D., will be sufficiently evinced by the very appreciative Introduction which he has kindly furnished for the volume. I am also under obligation to Prof. Ezra Abbot, LL.D., of Cambridge, for consenting to revise and complete the bibliography which I had prepared; to Rev. C. F. P. Bancroft, Principal of Phillips Academy, for procuring in Europe for my use rare and important works pertaining to my theme, and for criticisms upon portions of the manuscript; to Rev. Archibald Duff, Jr., of Halle, for explorations on my behalf among the bookstores and libraries of Germany; to Rev. D. P. Lindsley, of Andover, for preparing the full and accurate Index of Texts which is contained in this volume; to Rev. X PREFACE. Selah Merrill, of Andover for the free use of his valuable private library; to Prof. J. H. Thayer, D.D., for various courtesies during my investigations; and to several other literary gentlemen for manifesting a gratifying interest in the progress of the work. It should, however, be added that no person besides the author is to be held responsible for any opinion or statement expressed in the book, except in those cases where other writers are quoted, or reference is made to them. The plan and the execution of the work are my own. That it has cost me an immense amount of labor and research will be most readily conceded by those most competent to judge. Mloreover, I may be allowed to say that the more thoroughly I have investigated the subject the more clearly have I seen the flimsy and disingenuous character of the objections alleged by infidels. And, whether or not my labors shall result in inducing a similar belief in the minds of my readers, I cannot but avow, as the issue of my investigations, the profound conviction that every difficulty and discrepancy in the scriptures is, and will yet be seen to be, capable of a fair and reasonable solution. Finally, let it be remembered that the Bible is neither dependent upon nor affected by the success or failure of my book. Whatever may become of the latter, whatever may be the verdict passed upon it by an intelligent public, the BIBLE will stand. In the ages yet to be, when its present assailants and defenders are mouldering in the dust, and when tbeir very names are forgotten, the sacred volume will be, as it has beeil during the centuries past, the guide and solace of unnumbered millions of our race. J. W. H. ANDOVER, MASS., June, 1874. CONTENTS. rAGO INTRODUCTION, by Prof. Hovey,..... iii PREFACE,........ V PART I. CHAPTER I. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES,...1-29 1. Difference of dates of passages,..... 3 2. Differences of authorship,.... 6 3. Differences of stand-point or of object, 7 4. Different methods of arrangement, 9 5. Different methods of computation, 11 6. Peculiarities of Oriental idiom,.... 14 7. Plurality of names or synonymes, 17 8. Diverse meanings of same word, 18 9. Errors in the manuscripts,. 19 10. Imagination of critic,...... 25 CHAPTER II. DESIGN OF THE DISCREPANCIES,. 30-40 1. To stimulate the intellect,..... 30 2. Illustrate analogy of Bible and nature, 33 3. Disprove collusion of sacred writers,. 36 4. Lead to value the spirit above the letter of the Bible,. 37 5. Serve as a test of moral character,.38 CHAPTER III. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES, 41-54 1. Text of Bible not unsettled,... 41 2. Moral influence of the Bible not impaired,. 50 xii CONTENTS. PART II. CHAPTER I. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES,. 55-218 I. Concerning God,..55 II Concerning Christ,.... 106 III. Concerning the Holy Spirit,..... 139 IV. Concerning the Scriptures,..143 V. Concerning Man in relation to the Present,. 158 VI. Concerning Man in relation to the Future,.. 183 CHAPTER II. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES,.... 219-311 I. Duty of Man to God,...... 219 II. Duty of Man to himself,..... 245 III. Duty of Man to his fellow-men,. 255 CHAPTER III. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES,..... 312-436 I. Pertaining to Persons,...... 312 II. Pertaining to Places,...... 363 III. Pertaining to Numbers,......380 IV. Pertaining to Time, 3. 92 V. Miscellaneous,....... 427 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX,... 43.7 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS,.. 445 GENERAL INDEX,.... 462 DISCREPANCIES OF TI-E BIBLE. P A R T I. CHAPTER I. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. "GOD reveals himself in his word, as he does in his works. In both we see a self-revealing, self-concealing God, who makes himself known only to those who earnestly seek him; in both we find stimulants to faith and occasions for unbelief; in both we find contradictions, whose higher harmony is hidden, except from him who gives up his whole mind in reverence; in both, in a word, it is a law of revelation that the heart of man should be tested in receiving it; and that in the spiritual life, as well as in the bodily, man must eat his bread in the sweat of his brow." In these significant words of the sainted Neander- are brought to view the existence and the remedy of certain difficulties encountered by the student of scripture. It is the object of the present volume to follow out the line of thought indicated by the learned German divine-to survey somewhat in detail the discrepancies of scripture, and to suggest, in the several cases, fair and reasonable solutions. That no candid and intelligent student of the Bible will deny that it contains numerous "C discrepancies," that its statements, taken prima facie, not infrequently conflict with or contradict one another, may safely be presumed. This fact 1 Life of Christ, Preface to first edition. 2 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. has been more or less recognized by Christian scholars in all ages. Of the early writers, Origen' declares that if any one should carefully examine the Gospels in respect to their historic disagreement, he would grow dizzy-headed, and, attaching himself to one of them, he would desist from the attempt to establish all as true, or else he would regard the four as true, yet not in their external forms. Chrysostom 2 regards the discrepancies as really valuable as proofs of independence on the part of the sacred writers. Augustine often recurs, in his writings, to the discrepancies, and handles many cases with great skill and felicity. Some twenty-five years since, that eminent biblical critic, _M!oses Stuart,4 whose candor was commensurate with his erudition, acknowledged that " in our present copies of the scriptures there are some discrepancies between different portions of them, which no learning nor ingenuity can reconcile." 5 To much the same effect, Archbishop Whately6 observes: "That the apparent contradictions of scripture are numerous — that the instruction conveyed by them, if they be indeed designed for such a purpose, is furnished in abundance -is too notorious to need being much insisted on." Similarly says Dr. Charles Hodge: z "It would require not a volume, but volumes, to discuss all the cases of alleged discrepancies." Such being the concessions made by Christian scholars, it can occasion no surprise to find sceptical authors expatiating upon the "glaring inconsistencies," "self-contradictions," and 2 Comm. in Evangelium Joannis, Vol. i. p. 279, Lommatzsch's edition. 2 Warington on Inspiration, p. 36. 2 See Rabus in appended Bibliography. Crit. Hist. and Defence of O. T. Canon, p. 193. Revised ed. p. 179. When we consider the marked progress of sacred philology and allied sciences during the last quarter of a century, we cannot donbt that the Proflessor would, were he now living, essentially modify this opinion. On Difficulties in Writings of St. Paul; Essay 7, Sect. 4.'Theology, Vol. i., p. 169. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 3 "manifest discrepancies" of the Bible, and incessantly urging these as so many proofs of its untrustworthiness and of its merely human origin. The pages of the German rationalists, and of their English and American disciples and copyists, abound with arguments of this character. Of the importance of our theme, little need be said. Clearly it bears a close and vital relation to the doctrine of inspiration. God, who is wisdom and truth, can neither lie nor contradict himself. Hence, should it be discovered that falsehoods or actual contradictions exist in the Bible, our conclusion must be, that, at any rate, these things do not come from God; that so far the Bible is not divinely inspired. We see, therefore, the need of a patient and impartial examination of alleged falsehoods and contradictions, in order that our theory of inspiration may be made to conform to the facts of the case. Yet we must guard against the conclusion that, since we cannot solve certain difficulties, they are therefore insoluble. This inference —to which minds of a certain temper are peculiarly liable —savors so strongly of egotism and dogmatism as to be utterly repugnant to the spirit of true scholarship. As in all other departments of sacred criticism, so in the treatment of the discrepancies, there is a demand for reverent, yet unflinching thoroughness and fidelity. An important preliminary question relates to the ORIGIN of the Discrepancies. To what causes are they to be referred? From what sources do they arise? 1. Many of the so-called discrepancies are obviously attributable to a difference in the dates of the discordant passages. Nothing is more common than that a description or statement, true and pertinent at one time, should at a later period, and in a different state of affairs, be found irrelevant or inaccurate. Change of circumstances necessitates a change of phraseology. Numerous illustrations of this principle will be found in the following, pages. '4 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. A certain infidel, bent upon making the Bible contradict itself, contrasts the two passages: " God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good "; and "It repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." 1 Taking these texts out of their connection, and, with characteristic fairness, making no mention of the interval of time which divided them, he thus seeks to make it appear that the Bible represents God as, at the same time, satisfied and dissatisfied with his works. Had the unscrupulous pamphleteer told his readers that the fall of man and a period of some fifteen hundred years intervened between the two epochs respectively referred to in these texts, his "discrepancy" would have become too transparent to serve his purpose. Obviously, after man had fallen, God could no longer be "satisfied " with him, unless a corresponding change had taken place in himself. We thus see that differences of date and circumstances may perfectly explain apparent discrepancies, and remove every vestige of contradiction. MIay not these differences also furnish a hint toward -the solution of certain moral difficulties in the scriptures? We find some of the patriarchs represented as good men, yet occasionally practising deceit, polygamy, and other sins which are discountenanced in the later books of the Bible. Is not the rule of human conduct, to some extent, a relative one, graduated according to man's knowledge, circumstances, and ability? Did not He who revealed himself " in many portions and in divers manners" 2 make the revelation of human duty in much the same way- not as with the lightning's blinding flash, but like the morning upon the mountains, with a slow and gradual illumination? 3 In the comparatively unenlightened times in which many of the Old Testament saints lived, many faults and errors of theirs may have been mercifully and wisely passed by. - Those "times 1 Gen. i. 31 and ri. 6. 2 Heb. i. 1, so Alford. 3 See Bernard, Progress of Docte in New Test., passim. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 5 of ignorance" God "winked at"' -" over-looked." Acts committed in that twilight of the world, in the childhood of the race, must be looked at in the light of that period. Nothing could be more unjust or unreasonable than to try the patriarchs by the ethical standard of a later age. Dr. Thomas Arnold2 deems that the truest and most faithful representation of the lives of the patriarchs which leads us to think of " a state of society very little advanced in its knowledge of the duties of man to man, and even, in some respects, of the duties of man to God —a state of society in which slavery. polygamy, and private revenge were held to be perfectly lawful, and which was accustomed to make a very wide distinction between false speaking and false swearing." He deprecates the fear that we are "lowering the early scripture history, if we speak of the actors in it as men possessing far less than a Christian's knowledge of right and wrong." Professor Stuart,3 likewise, repudiates the notion of the absolute perfection of the earlier dispensation, and adds: " It is only a relative perfection that the Old Testament can claim; and this is comprised in the fact that it answered the end for which it was given. It was given to the world, or to the Jewish nation, in its minority." The Professor's conclusion is, that in the early ages, "with the exception of such sins as were highly dishonorable to God and injurious to the welfare of men, the rules of duty were not in all cases strictly drawn." 4 Now, since our virtue must be judged of in relation to the amount of knowledge we possess, it is easy to see how men are styled " good " who live according to the light they have, even though that light may be comparatively feeble. Therefore, previous to pronouncing upon the moral character of a man or an act, we must take into consideration the date of the act, or 1 " In this word lie treasures of mercy for those who lived in the times of i-norancc."- Alford on Acts xvii. 30. 2 Miscellaneous Works, pp. 149, 150 (N. Y. edition).' History of Old'rest. Canon, p. 415. Revised ed. pp. 3887, 388. 4 See further, under Ethical Discrepancies, "Enemies cursed." 1* 6 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the time when the man lived, that we may judge the man or the act by the proper standard. This simple principle will remove many otherwise formidable difficulties.1 2. Were it not for the perversity and disingenuousness exhibited by certain writers in dealing with this topic, it would be superfluous to assign differences of authorship as a fruitful source of discrepancies. We find recorded in the Bible the words of God and of good men, as well as some of the sayings of Satan and of wicked men. Now, a collision between these two classes of utterances will not seem strange to him who is cognizant of the antagonism of good and evil. For example, we read, " Thou shalt surely die;" and'" Ye shall not surely die." 2 When we call to mind that the former are the words of God, the latter those of Satan, we are at no loss to account for the incongruity. The question of the respective authorship of conflicting texts is an important one: " Whose are these sayings? " " Are they recorded as inspired language, or is one or more of them inserted as a mere matter of history?" "Does the sacred writer endorse, or merely narrate, these statements?" The answer to these simple questions will often be the only solution which the supposed discrepancy needs. With regard to utterances clearly referable to inspired sources, yet which apparently disagree, several things are to be noticed: (1) The same idea, in substance, may be couched in several different forms of phraseology. Thus we may vary the Mosaic prohibition of murder: "Thou shalt not kill"; "Do not kill "; " Thou shalt do no murder." Any one of these statements is sufficiently exact. No one of them would be regarded by any sensible person as a misstatement of the precept. They all convey substantially the same idea. (2) Inspiration does not destroy the individuality of the 1Distinguite tempora," says Augustine, " et concordabunt scripturae"; " Distinguish as to times, and the scriptures will harmonize." 2 Gen. ii. 17 and iii. 4. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 7 writers. It deals primarily with ideas, rather than with words. It suggests ideas to the mind of the writer, allowing him, generally, to clothe them in his own language. In this way his individuality is preserved, and his mental peculiarities and habits of thought make themselves felt in his writings. On this principle we account for the marked difference of style among the sacred writers, as well as for their occasional divergences in setting forth the same idea or in relating the same circumstance.' (3) Inspiration need not always tread in. its own track, or follow the same routine of words. A writer may, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, take the language of a former inspired author, and modify it to suit his own purpose. Thus the New Testament writers often quote those of the Old. They grasp the sense, the ground-thought, of their predecessors, and then mould that thought into such forms as shall best meet the needs of the later age for which they write. This simple principle relieves the apparent discrepancies between the phraseology of the Old Testament and the citations in the New. 3. Other seeming disagreements are occasioned by differences of stand-point or of object on the part of the respective authors. Truth is many-sided, flinging back from each of its countless facets a ray of different hue. As Whately says, " Single texts of scripture may be so interpreted, if not compared together, and explained by each other, as to contradict one another, and to be each one of them at variance with the truth. The scriptures, if so studied, will no less mislead you than if they were actually false; for half the truth will very often amount to absolute falsehood." 2 Often, in looking from different positions, or at different objects, we follow lines of thought, or employ language, which seems inconsistent with something elsewhere propounded by us; yet there may be no real inconsistency in the case. Thus 1See several striking cases under " Scriptures, - Quotations." 2 Future State, Lect. VI., p. 120 (Phila. edition). 8 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. we say, in the same breath, "1Man is mortal," and "Man is immortal." Both statements are true, each from its own point of view; they do not collide in the least. In respect to his material, visible, tangible organism, he is mortal; but with reference to the deathless, intelligent spirit within, he is immortal. So one may say: "The people of this country are rulers," and, " The American people are ruled." In the sense intended, both assertions may be perfectly correct. In the " Christian Paradoxes," published in Basil Montagu's edition of Lord Bacon's Works, we find striking contrarieties. Thus, concerning the pious man: "He is one that fears always, yet is as bold as a lion. " He loseth his life, and gains by it; and whilst he loseth it, he saveth it. "He is a peacemaker, yet is a continual fighter, and is an irreconcilable enemy. "He is -often in prison, yet always at liberty; a freeman, though a servant. "l Ie loves not honor amongst men, yet highly prizeth a good name." In these cases no uncommon acuteness is requisite to see that there is no contradiction; since the conflicting sayings lie in different planes of thought, or contemplate different ends. The principle that every truth presents different aspects, and bears different relations, is one of great importance. Sometimes these aspects or relations may seem inconsistent or incompatible with each other; yet, if we trace back the divergent rays to their source, we shall find that they meet in a common centre. The principle just enunciated serves to reconcile the apparent disagreement between Paul and James respecting " faith" and " works, " and to evince, as will be seen elsewhere, the profound, underlying harmony between them. Looking from different points of view, they present different, yet not inconsistent, aspects of the same great truth. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 9 It is scarcely needful to add, that in studying the sacred writings, we should carefully look for and keep in mind the particular point of view and the object of each of the authors. Unless we do this, we risk a total misapprehension of them. We are apt, forgetting the long ages which have intervened, to judge these writers by the standards of our own time. Says Miiller: "' The great majority of readers transfer without hesitation the ideas which they connect with words as used in the nineteenth century to the mind of Moses or his contemporaries, forgetting altogether the distance which divides their language and their thoughts from the thoughts and language of the wandering tribes of Israel." This is a timely caution against unconsciously confounding an ancient author's stand-point with our own. We may remark, further, that the historian's stand-point is theoretically a neutral one. So long as he keeps to the mere recital of facts, he does not make himself responsible in any degree for the conduct described by him. When he drops the role of the historian, and assumes that of the philosopher and moralist, when he begins to deal out praise or censure, he may be held amenable to the tribunal of ethics for the rectitude and impartiality of his opinions and decisions. In a word, the Bible writers do not, by simply narrating the misconduct of other persons, make themselves in the slightest degree responsible for that misconduct. Yet many persons, who would not think of holding Macaulay accountable for the crimes recorded in his history, cannot, when they come to read the sacred record, see the difference between a mere historian and a partisan. There is an appreciable distinction between narrating and indorsing an act. 4. Many other apparent discrepancies, of a historical character, are occasioned by the adoption, by the several authors, of defferernt principles and methods of arrangement. One writer follows the strict chronological order; another disposes 1 Chips from a German Workshop, i. 133 (Am. edition). 10 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE, his materials according to the principle of association of ideas. One writes history minutely and consecutively; another omits, condenses, or expands to suit his purpose. From the pen of one writer we receive an orderly, well-constructed biography; another gives us merely a series of anecdotes, grouped so as to illustrate some trait, sentiment, or habit of the person described. Thus, in Xenophon's Memorabilia, we do not find a proper biography of Socrates, but we see various points in his life and character set forth by anecdotes rejpecting him and by reports of his discussions. These are " thrown together in the manner best suited to illustrate the different topics, without regard to the order of time in which the transactions or conversations actually took place, and without any endeavor to preserve the appearance of continuity of narrative." So our first Gospel, in the words of Professor Stowe,1 " does not follow any chronological series of events or instructions, but groups together things of the same kind, and shows by a series of living pictures what Christ was in all the various circumstances through which he passed." A similar and intentional disregard of chronological order and sequence is seen, to a greater or less degree, in the three remaining Gospels, and in other historical portions of the Bible. The methods of the several authors being thus different, it cannot but be that their narratives, when compared, will present appearances of dislocation, deficiency, redundancy, anachronism, or even antagonism — one or all of these. Now, if we put these authors upon a Procrustean bed, and clip or stretch them to suit our notions; if we require them to narrate precisely the same events, in precisely the same order, and with precisely the same fulness or brevity, we do them great violence and injustice. We should let each follow his own method of arrangement, and tell his story in his own way. A different grouping of events does not necessarily bring one author into collision with another, unless it can be shown that both writers intended 1 Origin and History of Books of Bible, pp. 153, 154. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 11 to follow the order of time. Nor is an author's omission to mention an event equivalent to a denial of that event. It should also be remembered that a writer may employ customary phraseology, involving a historical inaccuracy, yet not be chargeable with falsehood, inasmuch as he does not intend to teach anything in reference to the matter. For example, a historian might incidentally speak of the "battle of Bunker I-ill," while he knows perfectly well that the battle was fought on Breed's hill. It is an author's privilege to accommodate himself in this manner, to prevalent opinions and customary forms of speech, provided he does not thereby introduce any material error, which shall vitiate his leading design. 5. Other incongruities arise from the use of different modes of computation, particularly of reckoning time. Phenomena of this description are not confined to the scriptures, or to the domain of theology. They are found in scientific and other secular literature. Thus, one would think the number of the bones which compose the human skeleton a very simple and easilysettled question; yet the most eminent anatomists disagree on this point. Gray mentions 204 bones; Wilson, 246; Dunglison, 240; others, 208. There is, however, no real discrepancy in the case, since these authors reckon differently. A historical illustration is also in point. The family record, in an old Bible which belonged to Washlington's mother, asserts that he was born "ye 11th day of February, 1731." On the other hand, a recent biography 1 of Washington gives the date as "' the 22d of February, 1732, New Style." To those who understand the difference between "6 Old Style " and "New Style," this discrepancy of eleven days will furnish no difficulty. When one historian reckons from one epoch, and another from a different one, there will of necessity be an apparent, if not a real, disagreement. Many ancient and several modern nations have two kinds of year in use, the civil and the sacred. The Jews employed both 1 Everett's Life of Washington, pp. 19, 20. 12 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. reckonings. "The sacred reckoning was that instituted at the exodus, according to which the first month was Abib; by the civil reckoning the first month was the seventh. The interval between the two commencements was thus exactly half a year."' "LThe ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, Persians, Syrians, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians eacb began the year at the autumnal equinox, about September 22. The Jews also began their civil year at that time; but in their ecclesiastical reckoning the year dated from the vernal equinox, about March 22." "Among the Latin Christian nations there were seven different dates for the commencement of the year." "In the era of Constantinople, which was in use in the Byzantine empire, and in Russia till the time of Peter tile Great, the civil year began with September 1, and the ecclesiastical sometimes with March 21, and sometimes with April 1." 2 Even among us, the academic and the fiscal do not begin and end with the civil year. It follows, therefore, that when two ancient writers fail to agree as to the month and day of a given event, we must inquire whether-or not they employ the same chronological:reckoning. If not, their disagreement furnishes no proof that either is wrong. Each, according to his own method of computation, may be perfectly correct. When, in the Fahrenheit thermometer, the mercury stands at 212 degrees, in the Reaumnur at 80, and in the -Centigrade at 100 degrees, the inference is not valid that any one of the three instruments is inaccurate. The different methods of graduating the scale account for the different indications. It was one peculiarity of the Jewish reckoning that fractional years were counted for whole ones. Lightfoot 3 says that, according to the rabbins, "the very first day of a year may stand in computation for that year." Aben Ezra, on Lev. R. S. Poole, in Smith's Bib. Dict., Art. " Year." 2 Appleton's Cyclopaedia; Article " Calendar." 8 Harmony of New Test., Section 9. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 13 xii. 3, says that, " if an infant were born in the last hour of the day, such hour was counted for one whole day." A similar mode of reckoning prevails in the East at the present time. "Thus, the year ending on a certain day, any part of the foregoing year is reckoned a whole year. A child born in the last week of our December would be reckoned a year old on the first day of January, because born in the old year." Menasseh ben Israel' says that, "in respect of the festivals, solemnities, and computations of the reigns of kings, Nisan F[Aarch] is the beginning of the year; but in regard to the creation and secular matters, it is Tisri" (September). That eminent scholar and Egyptologist, Dr. J. P. Thompson,2 well observes that the study of chronology is "particularly obscure and difficult when we have to do with Oriental modes of computation, which are essentially different from ours. Before the time of Abralham, the narrative given in the book of Genesis may be a condensed epitome of foregoing history — not a consecutive line of historical events, year by year and generation by generation, but a condensed epitome of what had occurred in the world from the creation to that time; for if you will scrutinize it carefully, you will see that in some instances the names of individuals are put for tribes, dynasties, and nations, and that it is no part of the object of the historian to give the consecutive course of affairs in the world at large." He proceeds to express the conviction that there is yet to come to us, from Arabian and other Oriental sources, a mode of interpreting chronology according to these lists of names, which he does not believe we have yet got hold of; hence he is not troubled by any seeming discrepancies. If, then, in dealing with biblical numbers, we encounter methods of computation which differ essentially from our own,' this is a fact which no student nor interpreter of scripture can afford to overlook. 1 Conciliator, i., 126-129. 2 MIan in Genesis and in Geology, pp. 104-105. 3 The Hebrew and Arabic allow a peculiar latitude in the expression of numbers. According to Nordheimer(Hebrew Grammar, i. 265), and Wright 2 14 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. It is clear that the Hebrews often employed "round num. bers," or, omitting fractions, made use of the nearest whole number. Thus, the ages of. the patriarchs, in Gen. v., are given in this manner, unless we adopt the improbable supposition that each of them died upon some anniversary of his birth. The foregoing considerations evince the folly of hasty decisions in regard to biblical chronology. When the sacred writers disagree as to numbers and dates, unless there is evidence that they intended to reckon from the same point and by the same method, the verdict must be: " Discrepancy not proven." 6. The peculiarities of the Oriental idiom are another prolific source of discrepancies. The people of the East are fervid and impassioned in their modes of thought and expression. They think and speak in poetry.' Bold metaphors and startling hyperboles abound in their writings and conversation. "The (Arabic Grammar, p. 211), both these languages permit one to write first the units, then the tens, hundreds' and thousands, in their order; or he may reverse the method, writing the highest denomination first, and ending with the lowest. Rev. Dr. C. S. Robinson, in the Christian Weekly, thus overstates and misapplies the first usage: "This is just the reverse of our habit. We put thousands before hundreds, and hundreds before units. So if a literal rendering of one of those vast numbers be made into English, it will appear positively preposterous. " In the first book of Samuel, we are told (in our version), that for the impiety of looking into the ark, the Lord smote, in the little town of Bethshemesh,'of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men' (1 Sam. vi. 19). Now, one cannot help thinking that there was no tonn in all those borders so large as this assumes. Fifty thousand men besides women and children, would populate one of our larger modern cities. " The difficulty disappears when you recall the idiom I have mentioned. The verse reads,'seventy, fifties, and a thousand,' -that is, not seventy and fifty thousand, as it is translated, but seventy, two fifties, and one thousand, or one thousand one hundred and seventy men in all." Dr. R.'s explanation is inapposite. There is quite as much reason for reading " seventies " as " fifties," since both the original words are, as they ought to be, in the plural number. (See Gesenius, Heb. Gram., Sect. 97, Par. 3). Besides, " fifties " may as well denote ten fifties as two fifties. 1 A learned writer observes of Arabian literature: "A poetic spirit pervades all their works. Even treatises in the abstract sciences, geographi ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 15 shepherd," says Eichhorn,1 " only speaks in the soul of the shepherd, and the primitive Oriental only speaks in the soul of another Oriental. Without an intimate acquaintance with the customs of pastoral life, without an accurate knowledge of the East and its manners, without a close intimacy with the manner of thinking and speaking in the uncivilized world..... you easily become a traitor to the book, when you would be its deliverer and interpreter." Professor Stuart:2,, I do not, and would not, summon them [the books of scripture] before the tribunal of Occidental criticism. Asia is one world; Europe and America, another. Let an Asiatic be tried before his own tribunal. To pass just sentence upon him, we must enter into his feelings, views, methods of reasoning and thinking, and place ourselves in the midst of the circumstances which surrounded him." Lowth,3 on Metaphors: "The Orientals are attached to this style of composition; and many flights which our ears -too fastidious, perhaps, in these respects - will scarcely bear, must be allowed to the general freedom and boldness of these writers." Again, he speaks of the difficulties which arise in reading authors " where everything is depicted and illustrated with the greatest variety and abundance of imagery; they must be still more numerous in such of the poets as are foreign and ancient -in the Orientals above all foreigners; they being the farthest removed from our customs and manners, and, of all the Orientals, more especially in the Hebrews." cal and medical works, have a poetic cast. All their literary productions, from the most impassioned ode to the firman of the Grand Seigneur, belong to the province of poetry." Michaelis quotes an Arabic poet who expresses the fact, that swords were drawn with which to cut the throats of enemies, thus: "The daughters of the sheath leaped forth from their chambers, thirsting to drink in the jugular vein of their enemies." -- See Bib. Repository, Oct. 1836, pp. 439, 442. 1 See De Wette, Introd. to Old Test., ii. 31-32. 2 History of Old Test. Canon, p. 1S7. Revised ed. p. 174. 8 Lectures on Hebrew Poetry, pp. 51, 47 (Stowe's edition). 16 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Dr. Samuel Davidson:l "He who does not remember the wide difference between the Oriental and Occidental mind, must necessarily fall into error. The luxuriant imagination and glowing ardor of the former express themselves in hyperbolical and extravagant diction; whereas the subdued character and coolness of the latter are averse to sensuous luxuriance." Again: "The figures are bold and daring. Passion and feeling predominate. In the Psalms pre-eminently, we see the theology of the feelings, rather than of the intellect. Logic is out of place there. Dogmas cannot be established on such a basis, nor was it ever meant to be so." Professor Park: 2 More or less clandestinely, we are wont to interpret an ancient and an Oriental poet, as we would interpret a modern and Occidental essayist. The eastern minstrel employs intense words for saying what the western logician would say in tame language. The fervid Oriental would turn from our modifying phrases in sickness of heart. We shudder at the lofty flights which captivate him. But he and we mean to express the same idea. The Occidental philosopher has a definite thought when he affirms that God exercises benevolence toward good men. Isaiah has essentially the same thought when he cries out:'As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee."' Such being the genius and idiom of the Orientals, it cannot be deemed strange that their metaphors and hyperboles overlap and collide with one another; that we find David,3 for example, at one time calling Godc a rock, and elsewhere speaking of his wings and feathers. Such bold and free imagery, when properly interpreted, develops a felicitous meaning,; but when expounded according to literalistic, matter-offact methodsj it yields discrepancies in abundance. To the interpreter of scripture, no two qualifications are more indis, pensable than common sense and honesty. 1 Introduction to Old Test., ii. 409, 310. I 2 Bib. Sacra, xix. 170, 171. a Ps. xlii. 9, and xci. 4. ORIGIN OF TIEE DISCREPANCIES. 17 7. Other dissonances in scripture are obviously attributable to the Eastern custom of applying a plurality of names to the same person or object. In matters of every-day life, this custom is widely prevalent. Thus, in the Arabic,' there are 1000 different words or names for " sword," 500 for " lion," 200 for " serpent," 400 for " misfortune," 80 for " honey." The Hebrew language has as many as fifty words denoting a body of water of some kind.2 There are at least eighteen Hebrew words used to express different kinds of prickly shrubs or weeds which occur in the Hebrew scriptures.3 Gesenius gives some eight different Hebrew terms for " counsel," twelve for " darkness," thirty-two for " destruction," ten for " law," and twenty-three for "wealth." 4 The usage in respect to proper names is quite similar. Thus we find Jacob and Israel, Edom and Esau, Gideon and Jerubbaal, Hoshea or Oshea and Jehoshua or Joshua. One of the apostles bore the following appellations: Simon, Simeon, Peter, Cephas, Simon Peter, Simon Bar-jona, and Simon son of Jonas. So we find Joseph, Barsabas, and Justus designating the same individual. Not infrequently the names of persons and places were changed on account of some important event. The custom prevails to some extent in modern times. The Persian king, Shah Solyman, began to reign in 1667, under the name Suffee. During the first years of his reign, misfortune attended him. He came to the conclusion that his name was an unlucky one, and must be laid aside, in order to avert further calamities. "He accordingly assumed, with great solemnity, the name of Solyman. He was crowned anew under that name, and all the seals and coins which bore the name of Suffee were broken, as if one king had died, and another succeeded." Chardin, an Bleek, Introd. to Old Test., i. 48. Also, Biblical Repository for October, 1836, pp. 433, 434. 2 Taylor's Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, p. 91 (Gowans' edition). a Tristram's Natural History of the Bible, p. 423 (London edition). 4 Potter's English-Hebrew Lexicon, sub vocibus. 5 Bush, Notes on Genesis xvii. 5. 2* 18 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. eye-witness, gives an account of the coronation. The custom of changing the name of the pope at the time of his election is not unlike, - Aeneas Sylvius becoming Pius II. Often, in the Bible, the name of the head of a tribe or nation is put for his posterity. Thus, in a multitude of cases, "Israel" means the Israelitish nation; " Ephraim " and "Moab " signify the descendants of those men respectively. Keeping in mind the great latitude allowed by the Orientals in the use of names, we see the ready solution of many difficulties in the biblical record. 8. Not a few verbal contradictions arise from the use of the same word with different, sometimes opposite, significations. As Fuerst says, "Analogy in the Semitic dialects admits of directly opposite meanings in a word as possible." According to this lexicographer and Gesenius, the Hebrew word "btrak" is used in the opposite senses of to bless and to curse. So " yarash" means both to possess and to dispossess; "ndikar," to know and not to kcnow; "s iqal," to pelt with stones and to free from stones; " shibar," to buy grain and to sell grain. So the Latin word " sacer " means both holy and accursed. This infelicity of human speech is not, indeed, peculiar to the East. In our version of the scriptures,l and in the early English literature,2 the word "let" is employed with the contradictory meanings, to permit and to hinder. In common parlance, a boy " stones" a fruit-tree, and the cook " stones" certain kinds of fruit. " Cleave" affords another example of opposite significations combined in the same word.3 When, therefore, we read in the Bible that certain persons " feared the Lord," yet " feared not the Lord"; that God "repents," yet does not repent; that he " tempted" Abraham, yet tempts no man, we find a ready solution of these apparent contradictions. 1 Isa. xliii. 13; Rom. i. 13; 2 Thess. ii. 7. 2 Two Gent. of Verona, iii. 1; Hamlet, i. 4; Romeo and Juliet, ii. 2. 3 See Roget's Thesaurus of English Words, Introd. p. 23. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 19 Frequently discrepancies appear in our version, when none exist in the original. This is due to the fact that the same English word has been employed by the translators to represent several original terms. Thus, in Luke xiii. 24 and 2 Tim. ii. 24, two distinct Greek words are in our version rendered " strive." The resulting incongruity disappears when we consider that the term in Luke should have been rendered' "agonize." Of course, all such discrepancies are to be attributed to tile translators, and not to the book itself. It is well to remember, also, that in King James's version words are frequently employed in an unusual or obsolete sense. Thus we find " prevent "I signifying to anticipate or precede; " thought" 2 implying anxiety. Often a knowledge of the ambiguity of their pivotal words enables us to reconcile two conflicting texts with the greatest ease. 9. A very large number of discrepancies take their rise from errors in the mnanuscripts; these errors being occasioned by the similarity of the alphabetical characters to one another, and by the consequent blunders of transcribers. The reader need not be reminded that previous to the invention of printing, in the fifteenth century, books were produced and multiplied by the slow, laborious method of copying with the pen. In a process so mechanical, mistakes would: inevitably occur. The most carefully printed book is not entirely free from typograplhical errors; the most carefully written manuscript will exhibit defects of some kind. "God might," says an eminent critic,3 " have so guided the hand or fixed the devout attention of copyists, during the long space of fourteen hundred years before the invention of printing, and of compositors and printers of the Bible for the last four centuries, that no jot or tittle should have been changed of all that was written therein. Such a course of providential arrangement we must confess to be quite possible; but it could have been brought about and main. 1 Ps. cxix. 147, 148; 1 Thess. iv. 15. 2 Matt. vi. 25. 3 Scrivener, Criticism of New Test., p. 8. 20 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. tained by nothing short of a continuous, unceasing miracle — by miaking fallible men (nay, many such in every generation) for one purpose absolutely infallible." To the unavoidable errors of copyists is, beyond question, to be attributed a large portion of those minute discrepancies, in both the Old and New Testaments, which we commonly term "various readings." The liability to mistakes in chirography was, moreover, indefinitely augmented by the very close resemblance of certain Hebrew letters to one another. Kalisch gives twelve examples in point. " Several letters," says Professor Stuart,2 "bear a great resemblance to each other." As illustrations, he mentions: Beth: and Kaph t; Daleth -; and Resh 1; Daleth' and final Kaph'I; Vav' and Yod; Vav 7 and Nun final 1; Heth nr and He,; Heth ri and Tav rn. He might have added, Pe r and Kaph Z. The reader will observe that, if the left hand perpendicular line of He be accidentally omitted or blurred, we have Daleth left, thus, L, A; so Tav and Resh, thus, n,n; also Pe and Kaph, A,:. "At one time," says Herbert Marsh,3 "the whole difference consists in the acuteness or obtuseness of an angle; at other times, either on the length or the straightness of a line; distinctions so minute that even when the letters are perfect, mistakes will sometimes happen, and still more frequently when they are inaccurately formed, or are partially effaced. In fact, this is one of the most fruitful sources of error in the Hebrew manuscripts." Certain Greek letters, also, look very much alike; for example, Nu v and Upsilon v, with others. Every one is aware how easily the English letters b and d are confounded, also p and q; how often we see N placed thus, N. In print we see the figures 3 and 8, 6 -and 9, mistaken for each other. How frequently we find "recieve " for "receive," "cheif" for " chief," "thier " for" their," and the like. Now, if such errors occur, in the most carefully corrected print, what are 1 Hebrew Grammar, i. 8. 2 Hebrew Grammar, Sec. 17 (ed. of 1821). 3 Lectures on Criticism and Interpretation, p. 186. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 21 we to look for in manuscript, and particularly when the letters of which it is composed are so nearly alike? Moreover, as Theodore Parker 1 says, " it is to be remembered that formerly the IIebrew letters resembled one another more closely than at present." Under such circumstances as the foregoing, that occasional mistakes should have been made in copying by hand the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New so many times in the course of fourteen centuries, is a thing which to no reasonable man can occasion surprise. In fact, nothing but the most astounding miracle2 could have prevented such mistakes. We are now ready to add that, in thte ancient Hebrew, letters were, in all probability, used for numerals. That is, letters were employed by the original writers to represent numbers, which were expanded and written out in full by later copiers. So, with us, one author might write " CXI."; another, " one hundred and eleven." "The Rabbinical writers," says Nordheimer:3 "employ the letters of the alphabet, after the manner of the ancient Greeks, for the purpose of numerical notation." The same is true of more ancient writers, including those of the Masora. That the original writers did this, though not absolutely demonstrated, is generally conceded by scholars. Rawlinson 4 observes: "Nothing in ancient MSS. is so liable to corruption from the mistakes of copyists as the numbers;'De Wette's Introd. to Old Test., i. 8311. 2 In the words of Dr. Bentley, " That in millions of copies transcribed in so many ages and nations, all the notaries and writers, who made it their trade and livelihood should be infallible and impeccable; that their pens should spontaneously write true, or be supernaturally guided, thougrh the scribes were nodding or dreaming; would not this exceed all the miracles of both Old and New Testament?" Yet the same scholarly critic elsewhere assures us that " the.New Testament has suffered less injury by the hand of time than any profane author." - Remarks upon a late Discourse, Part i. Sec. 32. 3Hebrew Grammar, Vol. i. pp. 265, 266, note. 4On Historical Difficulties of Old and New Test., p. 9. 22 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the original mode of writing them appears in all countries of which we have any knowledge to have been by signs, not very different from one another; the absence of any context determining in favor of one number rather than another, where the copy is blotted or faded, increases the chance of error, and thus it happens that in almost all ancient works the numbers are found to be deserving of very little reliance." Mr. Warington:1 "There is little doubt but that numbers were originally represented in Hebrew, not as now by the names of the numbers in full, but simply by the letters of the alphabet taken in order, at the following numerical value: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400; the five terminal letters supplying the numbers from 500 to 900, and the thousands being obtained by appending certain marks or points to the units." Mr. Phillott:2 " Like most Oriental nations, it is probable that the Hebrews in their written calculations made use of the letters of the alphabet. That they did so in post-Babylonian times we have conclusive evidence in the Maccabaean coins; and it is highly probable that this was the case also in earlier times." Keil: " An interchange of similar letters, on the assumption that letters were used as numerals, also explains many differences in numbers, and many statements of excessive and incredible numbers." Elsewhere, he calls attention to certain "' corruptions which have arisen from the blunders of copyists in transcription, and by the resolution of the numerical statements, the numbers having been denoted by letters of the alphabet." De Wette,4 speaking of the mistakes of copyists: "They confouncldel similar letters. Hence, on the supposition that numeral characters were used, we are to explain the difference in numbers." He adduces several pertinent instances. "In this manner," continues his translator, Theodore Parker, "many other mistakes in numbers seem to have arisen." 1On Inspiration, pp. 204, 205. 2 Smith's Bib. Diet., " Number.'t a Introd. to Old Test., ii. 297 and 85. 4 Introd. to Old Test., i. 810. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 23 Dr. Kennicott: 1, "That the Jewish transcribers did frequently express ile Bible numbers in the original by single letters is well known to the learned." This author also cites the learned Scaliger, and an ancient Hebrew Grammar, printed with the Complutensian Bible in 1515, to the same effect. Dr. Samuel Davidson:2 " Wherever numerous proper names occur, there is greater liability to err. So with regard to numbers; for letters alike in shape being used as numerals, were easily interchanged." Again, "Letters having been used as numerals in ancient times, one letter was often mistaken for another by transcribers, and hence many corruptions got into the text." W~iner: "8, In expressing numbers, the Jews, in the post-exile period, as is evident from the incriptions of the so-called Samaritan coins, employed the letters of the alphabet; and it is not improbable that the old Hebrews did the same, just as the Greeks, who derived their alphabet from the Phoenicians, expressed, from the earliest ages, numbers by letters." "From the confounding of similarly-shaped letters when used for numerals, and from the subsequent writing out of the same in words can be explained satisfactorily in part the enormous sums in the Old Testament books, and the contradictions in their statements of numbers; yet caution is herein necessary." Gesenius 4 expresses himself in very similar language, adduces examples illustrative of the above hypothesis, and pronounces it "certainly probable" (allerdings wahrscheinlich). Glassius 5 also decides in favor of the hypothesis, and discusses the subject with no little skill and ability. On Printed Hebrew Text, i. 96. 2 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 108, 112. 3 LRcal-Wrtcrbuch, Art. " Zahlen." 4 Geschichte der I-Ieb. Sprache und Schrift, pp. 17.3, 174. 5 Philologia Sacra, Tom. ii. pp. 188-195 (Dathe and Bauer's edition). See, also, J. M. Faber's " Literas olihm pro vocibus in numerando a scrip toribus V.T. esse adhibitas." - Onoldi, 1775. 24 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Isaac Taylor:l "The frequent use of contractions in writing was a very common source of errors; for many of these abbreviations were extremely complicated, obscure, and ambiguous, so that an unskilful copyist was very likely to mistake one word for another. No parts of ancient books have suffered so much from errors of inadvertency as those which relate to numbers; for as one numeral letter was easily mistaken for another, and as neither the sense of the passage, nor the rules of orthography nor of syntax, suggested the genuine reading, when once an error had arisen, it would most often be perpetuated, without remedy. It is, therefore, almost always unsafe to rest the stress of an argument upon any statement of numbers in ancient writers, unless some correlative computation confirms the reading of the text. Hence nothing can be more frivolous or unfair than to raise an objection against the veracity or accuracy of an historian, upon some apparent incompatability in his statement of numbers. Difficulties of this sort it is much better to attribute, at once, to a corruption of the text, than to discuss them with ill-spent assiduity." On the authority of these scholars and critics, of creeds widely diverse, yet agreeing in this particular, we may, therefore, easily explain many of the contradictory and extravagant numbers 2 which we find in the historical books of the Old Testament. Also certain discrepancies in the New Testament are explicable by the fact that, as is the case in the Codex Bezae, Greek letters bearing a close resemblance were used as numerals,3 and hence were mistaken for one another. In our common Greek text, the number " six hundred three score and six " is indicated simply by three or sometimes four characters.4 I Transmission of Ancient Books, pp. 24, 25. 2 Glassius observes, " Modo enim numeros invenimus,quli omnem modum excedunt, modo si eadem res in duobus libris narratur, in altero numerus adfertur, cui alter contradlicit." - Phil. Sacra, De Caussis Corrupt. ~ 23. 3 In the Sinaitic MS., " numerals are represented by letters, with a straight line placed over them." - Scrivener's Criticism of New Test., p. 75. 4 Either, as Tischendorf also writes, X`s', or else xtra'. AlfordWrites, in full, aoldioL &oi eKorTa`. - See Rev. xiii. 18. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 25 We thus see how mistakes in respect to numbers have originated. It hardly need be added that errors as to nManmes have arisen in the same way, - from the similarity of certain letters. Thus we find HIadadezer and Hadarezer,l a Daleth i being mistaken for a Resh n - and many like cases. The key thus furnished, will unlock many difficulties during the progress of our work. 10. Multitudes of alleged discrepancies are the product of the imagination of the critic, influenced to a greater or less degree by dogmatic prejudice. Two classes of writers illustrate this remark. Of one class no names will be mentioned. The character, spirit, and motives of these writers render further notice of them inconsistent with the purpose of our work. The second class - not to be spoken of in the same connection with the former - comprises men possessing, in not a few cases, valid claims to scholarship, to critical acumen and to great respectability of character. Foremost in this class may be placed De Wette, as he appears- in his earlier writings, and Dr. Samuel Davidson, as he is seen in some of his later works. It is painful to add that it seems impossible to acquit even these authors of great occasional unfairness in their handling of the scriptures.2 Next —but by a long interval —may stand the names of Strauss, Colenso, and Theodore Parker. One can scarcely read the productions of these three, and some others of their school, 12 Sam. viii. 3; 1 Chron. xviii. 3. 2 See, under " Ethical Discrepancies, - Enemies treated," an instance firom Baur, relative to Rom. xii. 20; also, one from De Wette, under " Historical Discrepancies, - Anak's Sons' Fate." It may be added that De Wcette, as is generally admitted, during his latter years approximated to orthodoxy. On the contrary, Dr. Davidson's tendencies may be gathered fiom a comparison of the discussion of the Discrepancies, in his " Sacred Hernmeneutics," pp. 516-611, with his treatment of the same, in Horne's Introduction (tenth edition), Vol. ii. pp. 50355,3. See; also,. Dr, Davidson's Introduction to the Old Test., throughout. 3 26 DISCREPANCIES OF THIE BIBLE. without the conviction that the animus of these writers is often felicitously expressed by the old Latin motto, slightly modified: "I will either find a discrepancy, or I will make one" - Aut inveniam discrepantianm, autfaciam. Certain rationalistic authors have a convenient method for disposing of answers to the objections adduced by them. They begin at once to talk loftily of the " higher criticism," and to deride the answers and solutions as " gratuitous assumptions." c" Pertness and ignorance," says Bishop Horne,1 " may ask a question in three lines which it will cost learning and ingenuity thirty pages to answer; and when this is done, the same question shall be triumphantly asked again the next year, as if nothing had ever been written on the subject." Often, when fairly answered and refuted, these authors remind us of the homely old maxim: "A man convinced against his will, Is of the same opinion still." A favorite exegetical principle adopted by some of these critics appears to be, that simzilar events are necessarily identical. Hence, when they read that Abraham twice equivocated concerning his wife; 2 that Isaac imitated his example; 3 that David was twice in peril in a certain wilderness,4 and twice spared Saul's life in a cave,5 they instantly assume that in each case these double narratives are irreconcilable accounts of one and the same event. The absurdity of such a canon of criticism is obvious from the fact that history is full of events which more or less closely resemble one another. Take, as a well-known example, the case of the two Presidents Edwards, father and son. Both were named Jonathan Edwards, and were the grandlsons of clergymen. "Both were pious in their youth, were distinguished scholars, and were tutors for equal periods in the colleges where they were respectively educated. Both were 1 orks, i. 392 (London edition, 4 vols. 1831) Gen. xii. 19: xx. 2. 3 Gen. xxvi. 7. 41 Sam. xxiii. 19; xxvi. 1. 1 Sam. xxiv. 6; xxvi, 9. ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 27 settled in the ministry as successors to their maternal grandfathers, were dismissed on account of their religious opinions, and were again settled in retired country towns, over congregations singularly attached to them, where they had leisure to pursue their favorite studies, and to prepare and publish their valuable works. Both were removed from these stations to become presidents of colleges, and both died shortly after their respective inaugurations; the one in the fifty-sixth, and the other in the fifty-seventh year of his age; each having preached, on the first Sabbath of the year of his death, on the text:'This year thou shalt die.' "1 Now, let these circumstances be submitted for the consideration of rationalistic critics, and, the probable decision will be that there was but one Jonathan Edwards. We thus see that, if critics dared to tamper with the facts of secular, as they do with those of sacred, history, they would justly incur the ridicule of all well-informed persons. Ml~en clamor for the treatment of the Bible like any other book, yet treat it as they dare not treat another book. Herein lies the inconsistency of much of the current criticism; particularly of that "higher criticism " of which we hear so much. The following case illustrates a spirit and practice not seldom exhibited by certain authors: "A Swedish traveller, in looking through Voltaire's library, found Calmet's Commentary, with slips of paper inserted, on which the difficulties noticed by Calmet were set down, without a word about the solutions which Were given by him.' This,' adds the Swede, who was otherwise a great admirer of Voltaire,' was not honorable."' " Our modern critics," continues Hengstenberg,2 " have adopted exactly the same line of conduct."'See Memoir prefixed to Works of Edwards the younger, p. xxxiv. Observe that no one of the above cases bears, in respect to points of coincidence, worthy comparison with this unquestioned instance in modern times. 2 Genuineness of Pent. i. 47. 28 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. We cannot but concur in the judgment couched in this and the following quotations. Prof. Henry Rogers,l criticising Strauss's Life of Jesus, says it ought to be entitled, " A collection of all the difficulties and discrepancies which honest criticism has discovered, and perverted ingenuity has imagined, in the four evangelists." Again, alluding to Strauss's objections, "The paraded discrepancies are frequently assumed; sometimes even manufactured." This criticism is supported by several illustrations from the German author, and is as applicable to his " New Life of Jesus," as to his earlier work. The learned translator of Bleek 2 severely, yet fitly, designates the course pursued by certain authors as that " exaggeration of difficulties, that ostentatious parading of grounds of suspicion, which so painfully characterize much of the later biblical criticism, and not unwarrantably give rise to the question whether there be not some secret ground of malevolence, some unacknowledged, but most influential desire to find reasons for an already existing unbelief, to account for the bitter and determined hostility with which the books are treated." It is a lamentable fact that there is abroad in the world, and bearing the name of Christianity, a spirit which, as Canon Wordsworth 3 well says, " speaks fair words of Christ, and yet it loves to invent discrepancies, and to imagine contradictions in the narratives which his apostles and evangelists delivered of his birth, his temptation, his miracles, his agony, his sufferings, his resurrection, and ascension." We refrain from characterizing that Christianity which seeks to disparage its own sacred books, and to undermine its own foundation. Such are the spirit and methods of much of the sceptical criticism —even of the so-called "higher criticism " —of our day. 1 Reason and Faith, pp. 424, 427 (Boston edition). 2 Preface to Introduction to Old Test. 8 Preface to Greek Four Gospels, p, viii, ORIGIN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 29 A careful and protracted examination of the works of numerous authors, who from various positions and under various pretences assail the Bible, warrants, as neither unjust nor uncharitable, the remark that a large portion of their alleged " discrepancies " are purely subjective - originating, primarily, not in the sacred books, but in the misguided prejudices and disordered imagination of the critic. We might also have adduced the very great compression of the narrative as a fruitful source of apparent incongruities. Such was the condensation which the writers were constrained to employ, that, in any given case, only a few of the more salient circumstances could be introduced. Had the sacred historians undertaken to relate every circumstance, the Bible, instead of being comprised in a single volume, would have filled many volumes, and would consequently have proved unwieldy, and well nigh useless to mankind. If "the world itself could not contain the books" which should minutely detail all our Saviour's acts,' how much less could it " contain" those which should narrate circumstantially the history of all the important personages mentioned in the scriptures. WVe thus see that, with reference to any given event, a host of minute particulars have dropped from the knowledge of mankind, and are lost beyond recovery, Hence, in many instances, the thread of the narrative is not simply not obvious, but can only be recovered, if at all, by prolonged and searching scrutiny. That circumstances, combined in so fragmentary and disconnected a manner, should sometimes appear incompatible, is a fact too familiar to need illustration. lJohn xxi. 25. 3*X CHAPTER II. DESIGN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. WRY were the discrepancies permitted to exist? What good end do they contemplate? 1. They were doubtless intended as a stimuluzs to the hlman intellect, as provocative of mental effort. They serve to awaken curiosity and to appeal to the love of novelty. The Bible is a wonderful book. No other has been studied so much, or called forth a tithe of the criticism which this has elicited. "l No book, not nature itself, has ever waked up intellectual activity like the Bible. On the battle-field of truth, it has ever been round this that the conflict has raged. WVhat book besides ever caused the writing of so many other books? Take from the libraries of Christendom all those which have sprung, I will not say indirectly, but directly from it, - those written to oppose, or defend, or elucidate it,- and how would they be diminished! The very multitude of infidel books is a witness to the power with which the Bible stimulates the intellect. Why do we not see the same amount of active intellect coming up, and dashing and roaring around the Koran? "1 The discrepancies of the sacred volume have played no insignificant part in this incitement of mental action. Though but a subordinate characteristic, they have prompted men to "search the scriptures," and to ask: How are these difficulties to be resolved? Things which are " hard to be understood," present special attractions to the inquiring mind. Professor Park 2 observes, in an admirable essay on the choice of Texts, "Sometimes a deeper interest is awakened by examining two or more 1President Hopkins, Evidences of Christianity, p. 144. 2 Bib. Sacra, Oct. 1873. pp. 717, 718. 80 DESIGN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 31 passages which appear to contradict each other than by examining two or more which resemble each other. Mlen are eager to learn the meaning and force of a text, one part of which is John xv. 15:'All things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you,' and the other part is John xvi. 12:' I have yet many things to say unto you; but ye cannot bear them now.' Why did our Lord utter the second part of this text after the first part, yet in the same hour with it? The Bible rouses the mind from its torpid state by declaring that man dieth and is not, and yet lives forever; that man is a worm of the dust, and yet is made little lower than the angels; that he must love, and yet hate his father, mother, brother, sister; that every man must bear his own burden, and yet each one bear the burdens of his brethren; that man's body will be raised from the grave, and yet not the same body; that Christ was ignorant of some things, and yet knew all things; that he could not bear his own cross, and yet upholdeth all things by the word of his power. WVhen two classes of passages stand in apparently hostile array against each other at the opening of a sermon, the somnolent hearer is kept awake in order to see how the conflict will end. He may be raised by the discourse from his natural love of learning the truth to a gracious love of the truth which is learned." Whately I says: "The seeming contradictions in scripture are too numerous not to be the result of design; and doubtless were designed, not as mere difficulties to try our faith and patience, but as furnishing the most suitable mode of instruction that could have been devised, by mutually explaining and modifying or limiting or extending one another's meaning." Elsewhere, urging the same thought, he observes: "Instructions thus conveyed are evidently more striking and more likely to arouse the attention; and also, from the very circumstance that they call for careful reflection, more likely to make a lasting impression."'On Difficulties in Writings of St. Paul, Essay vii. Sec. 4. 82 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Again, illustrating, as beautifully as suggestively, by the case of the mariner who steers midway between certain landmarks, he adds: "Even thus, it will often happen that two apparently opposite passages of scripture may together enable us to direct our faith or our practice aright; one shall be calculated to guard us against certain errors on one side, and the other, on the other side; neither, taken alone, shall convey the exact and entire truth; but both taken in conjunction may enable us sufficiently to ascertain it." He also ingeniously compares the colliding texts to several mechanical forces or impulses, acting upon a body to be set in motion; their resultant impelling it in the direction required, though no one of the impulses, taken singly, is acting precisely in that direction. The rabbies have a saying that " the book of Chronicles was given for argument," that is, to incite men to investigation and discussion.' The history of sacred criticism demonstrates that the book has answered this purpose remarkably well; its discrepancies being salient points which attract attention. Not only do these " hard" things induce men to investigate the sacred volume; but meanwhile resolving themselves before the steady and patient eye of the student, they unfold deep and rich meanings which amply reward his toil. This process is exemplified in the case of the scholar quoted above. He observes: " I well remember when it seemed to me that there was a direct contradiction between Paul and James on the subject of faith and works. I can now see that they not only do not contradict each other, but harmonize perfectly." 2 Says Professor Stuart: 3,: In the early part of my biblical studies, some thirty to thirty-five years ago, when I first began the critical investigation of the scriptures, doubts and difficulties started up on every side, like the armed men whom Cadmus is 1 Rashi, ref'rring to 1 Chron. viii. 38, "And Azel had six sons," quaintly and pithily observes: "(What the wise men have said about these'six sons,' would load thllirteen thousand camels." 2 Evidences of Christianity, p. 354. 3 History of Old Test. Canon, p. 18. Revised ed. p. 16. DESIGN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 33 fabled to have raised up. Time, patience, continued study, a better acquaintance with the original scriptural languages and the countries where the sacred books were written, have scattered to the winds nearly all these doubts." In this manner, the difficulties of scripture often keenly stimulate and richly reward intellectual effort. 2. They were meant to be illustrative of the analogy between the Bible and nature, and so to evince their common origin. The " self-contradictions " of the Bible are produced on a grander scale in nature. Wherever we turn our eyes, the material universe affords unmistakable traces of infinite wisdom, power, and benevolence. The starry heavens, the earth robed in vernal green, the bright, glad sunshine, the balmy breezes, the refreshing dews and showers, the sweet song birds, the flowers of brilliant hues and delicious odors, the wonderful and countless forms of vegetation, the infinite varieties of insect and animal life, the nice adaptations and benevolent contrivances for their welfare everywhere visible in nature - all these proclaim the attributes and speak forth the praise of the Creator. But, looking into the same arena from another point of view, we see a very different spectacle. Want and wo, sorrow and suffering, appear dominant in the world. Frost and fire, famine and pestilence, earthquake, volcano, and hurricane, war and intemperance, a thousand diseases and tell thousand accidents, are doing their deadly work upon our fellow-creatures. All this fearful devastation is going on in a world created and governed by infinite wisdom, power, and love. MSilton's terrible picture too often finds its counterpart. Nowhere in the Bible "Immnediately a place Before his eyes appeared, sad, noisome, dark, A lazar-house it seemed, wherein were laid Numbers of all diseased, all maladies Of ghastly spasm or racking torture, qualms Of heart-sick agony, all feverous kinds, Convulsions, epilepsies, fierce catarrhs, Intestine stone and ulcer, colic pangs, Demoniac frenzy, moping melancholy, 34 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. do we behold such a gigantic inconsistency, such an irrepressible conflict, as in the scene before us. Let a man solve the grand problem of the ages; let him tell us why an infinitely wise, powerful, and benevolent Creator allowed evil to enter at all his universe — let him explain this contradiction, and we may safely engage to explain those which occur in the Bible. For none of them - not all together -are so dark, unfathomable, and appalling as this one grand, ultimate Discrepancy. Says Origen: "He who believes the scripture to have proceeded from him who is the Author of nature, may well expect to find the same sort of difficulties in it as are found in the constitution of nature." Bishop ButlerI pertinently adds, that "he who denies the scripture to have been from God, on account of these difficulties, may, for the very same reason, deny the world to have been formed by him." In nature, then, we perceive mighty discords, tremendous antagonisms, which in appearance seriously involve and militate against the character and attributes of God. Nevertheless, nature is confessedly his work. Now, we find the Bible claiming the same supernatural origin, and exhibiting, among other features of resemblance, similar, though far less important, discrepancies; hence these latter afford a valid presumption in favor of its claim. Nearly in the same line of thought, says Dr. Charles Hodge:2 "The universe teems with evidences of design, so manifold, so And moon-struck madness, pining atrophy, lMarasmus, and wide-wasting pestilence, Dropsies and asthmas, and joint-racking rheums. Dire was the tossing, deep the groans; Despair Tended the sick, busiest, from couch to couch; And over them triumphant Death his dart Shook, hut delayed to strike, though oft invoked With vows, as their chief good and final hope. Sight so deform, what heart of rock could long Dry-eyed behold? " -Par. Lost, B. xi, line 477-495. 1 Introduction to Analogy, p. 70 (Malcom's edition). 2 Theology, i. 170. DESIGN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 35 diverse, so wonderful as to overwhelm the mind with the conviction that it has had an intelligent author. Yet here and there isolated cases of monstrosity appear. It is irrational, because we cannot account for such cases, to deny that the universe is the product of intelligence. So the Christian need not renounce his faith in the plenary inspiration of the Bible, although there may be some things about it, in its present state, which he cannot account for." If we may credit the philosophers, even the higher walks of science are not free from " stumbling-blocks." Kant, Hamilton, and 3ansel teach that our reason, that the necessary laws of thought which govern our mental operations, lead to absolute contradictions.1 Mlansel2 observes, "TlThe conception of the Absolute and Infinite, from whatever side we view it, appears encompassed with contradictions. There is a contradiction in supposing such an object to exist, whether alone or in conjunction with others; and there is a contradiction in supposing it not to exist. There is a contradiction in conceiving it as one; and there is a contradiction in conceiving it as many. There is a contradiction in conceiving it as personal; and there is a contradiction in conceiving it as impersonal. It cannot without contradiction be represented as active; nor without equal contradiction be represented as inactive. It cannot be conceived as the sum of all existence; nor yet can it be conceived as a part only of that sum." Again he says, " It is our duty, then, to think of God as personal; and it is our duty to believe that he is infinite. It is true that we cannot reconcile these two representations with each other; as our conception of personality involves attributes apparently contradictory to the notion of infinity." It would seem that our prospect of escaping contradictions by casting the Bible aside and betaking ourselves to philosophy, is quite unpromising. Notwithstanding the "discrepancies,"'Dr. Hodge, Theology, i. 362. 2 Limits of Religious Thought, pp. 84, 85, and 106 (American edition). .36 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the wisest course may be to retain the Bible for the present, and await further developments. 3. The disagreements of scripture were beyond question designed as a strong incidental proof that there was no collusion among the sacred writers. Their differences, go far to establish in this way, the credibility of these authors. The inspired narratives exhibit' substantial agreement with circumstantial variation." This is precisely what a court of justice requires in respect of the testimony of witnesses. Should their evidence agree precisely in every word and syllable, this fact would be held by the court proof of conspiracy. The well-known " Howland will case," 1 in New Bedford, some years since, affords an illustration of the principle. In this famous case some one or two millions of dollars was at stake, and over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars were expended for costs and counsel fees in two years. Upon the case were brought to bear the resources of many of the ablest counsel in New England, and the skill of the most ingenious scientific experts of the United States. The main issue of fact raised was whether the signature to the second page was written by Miss Howland, or whether it was a forgery. The minute and exact resemblance of the first and second signatures, in all points, was the grand stumbling-block in the case. In a word, the signatures agreed too well. Now, had the biblical writers agreed in all particulars, even the minutest, had there been no discrepancies in their testimony, the cry of " Collusion, Collusion!" would have passed along the whole infidel line, from Celsus and Porphyry down to Colenso and Renan. We maintain, therefore, that the very discrepancies, lying as they do upon the surface, without reaching the subject-matter, the kernel of scripture, -and being, moreover, capable of adjustment,- are so many proofs of its authenticity and credibility. As to the "' various readings,"2 in the manuscripts of the New 1See American Law Review, July, 1870, pp. 625-663. This term denotes differences in the spelling, choice, and arrpngement of words in the Greek text. DESIGN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 37 Testament, Wordsworthl says, " These discrepancies being such as they are found to be, are of inestimable value. They show- that there has been no collusion among our witnesses, and that our manuscript copies of the Gospels, about five hundred in number, and brought to us from all parts of the world, have not been mutilated or interpolated with any sinister designs that they have not been tampered with by any religious sect, for the sake of propagating any private opinion as the word of God. These discrepancies are, in fact, evidences of the purity and integrity of the sacred text. They show that the scriptures which we now hold in our hands in the nineteenth century, are identical with those which were received by the church in the first century as written by the Holy Ghost." That the " various readings " are thus proofs of the substantial identity of our New Testament with the inspired original is clear. The Greek Testament has come down to us, to all intents and purposes, unimpaired. Each of the five hundred manuscripts, with its slight variations in the orthography, selection, and collocation of words, is an independent witness to this fact. The disagreements of the sacred writers effectually bar the charge of "i conspiracy " on their part. 4. Another object of the discrepancies was, it may be presumed, to lead us to value the spirit beyond the letter of the scriptures, to prize the essentials of Christianity rather than its form and accidents. Mlany things point in the same direction. For example, we have no portrait of Jesus, no authentic description of his person. No wood of the " true cross" remains to our day. It is not difficult to divine the reason why no relics of this kind are left to us. Suppose the original text of the holy volume had been miraculously transmitted, in the very hand-writing of the authors, and perfect in every letter and figure. The world would have gone mad over it. Idolatry the most stupendous would have accumulated around it. Crusades more bloody and disastrous than those for the recovery of the holy sepulchre, would have Preface to Greek Four Gospels, p. xxii. 4 h38t DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. been conducted for its possession.. It would have ensanguined and darkened the whole history of the Christian religion. MIen would have worshipped the letter in flagrant opposition to the spirit of the sacred book. Doubtless, with a view to counteract this tendency to idolatry and formalism, the scriptures are given to us in their present condition. Our attention is thereby diverted from the external and formal features to the internal and essential elements of scripture. The numerous manuscripts with their trivial differences, the so-called " imperfections " of our present text, together with the " self-contradictions " of the sacred books - all afford a fresh application and illustration of the inspired saying, " The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." 5. The biblical discrepancies were plainly appointed as a test of moral character; and, probably, to serve an important judicial purpose. They may be regarded as constituting no insignificant element of the means and conditions of man's probation. There is a peculiar and striking analogy and harmony between the external form and the interior doctrines of the Bible. Both alike present difficulties — sometimes formidable - to the inquirer. Both alike put his sincerity and firmness to full proof. Hence, as Grotius 1 has fitly said, the Gospel becomes a touchstone to test the honesty of men's dispositions. Our Saviour's teachings were often clothed in forms which to the indifferent or prejudiced hearer must have seemed obscure, if not offensive. To the caviling and sceptical Jews he spoke many things in parables, that seeing they might see and not perceive, and hearing they might hear and not understand.2 When he said, "Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you," 3 he intentionally used such phraseology as would be repugnant to insincere and squeamish hearers. He thus tested and disclosed'De Veritate Religionis Christianae, lib. ii, ~ 19. 2 Mark iv. 12. 3sJohn vi. 53 DESIGN OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 89 men's characters and motives, and sifted out the chaff among his hearers. " From that time, many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him." 1 The seeming harshness and obscurity of his sayings served to rid him of those followers who were not of teachable spirit, and thoroughly in earnest, and who would not look beneath the surface. The indolent and superficial, the proud and fastidious, were discouraged and repelled by the rough husk in which the doctrinal kernel was encased. In an analogous manner, the apparent contradictions of the Bible afford "opportunity to an unfair mind for explaining away and deceitfully hiding from itself that evidence which it might see." 2 Our treatment of the external no less than that of the internal difficulties of scripture bears an intimate relation - to our moral character. Those who are disposed to cavil do, in the wise arrangement of God, find opportunities for caviling. The disposition does not miss the occasion. In the words of Isaac Taylor:' "The very conditions of a Revelation that has been consigned to various records in the course of thirty centuries involve a liability to the renewal of exceptive argumentation, which easily finds points of lodgment upon so large a surface..... The very same extent of surface from which a better reason, and a more healthful moral feeling gather an irresistible conviction of the nearness of God throughout it, furnishes to an astute and frigid critical faculty, a thousand and one instances over which to proclaim a petty triumph." Or, as Pascal 4 has beautifully expressed it, God " willing to be revealed to those who seek him with their whole heart, and hidden from those who as cordially fly from him, has so regulated the means of knowing him, as to give indications of himself, which are plain to those who seek him, and obscure to those who seek 1John vi. 66. 2 Butler's Analogy, Part ii. chap. vi, Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, preface. Thoughts, chap. xiii. Sec. 1 and 2 (Andover edition). 40 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. him not. There is light enough for those whose main wish is to see; and darkness enough for those of an opposite disposition." That the difficulties of the Bible were intended, moreover, to serve a penal end seems by no means improbable. Those persons who cherish a cavilling spirit, who are bent upon misapprehending the truth, and urging captious and frivolous objections, find in the inspired volume, difficulties and disagreements which would seem to have been designed as stumbling-stones for those which "stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed." 1 Upon the wilful votaries of error God sends "strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,"2 that they might work out their own condemnation and ruin. " If we disparage scripture, and treat it' as any other book,' then Almighty God, who is the author of scripture, will punish us by our own devices. He will' choose our delusions'; he will' chastise us by our wickedness,' and' reprove us by our backslidings,' and'give us the reward of our own hands.' Our presumption and our irreverence will be the instruments of our punishment." 3 In the divine government of this world, sin not infrequently carries its reward in its own bosom. When the difficulties of scripture are approached with a docile and reverent mind, they may tend to our establishment in the faith; but, when they are dealt with in a querulous and disingenuous manner, they may become judicial agencies in linking to caviling scepticism its appropriate penalty - even to the loss of the soul. 1 f Pet. ii. 8. 2 2 Thess. ii. 11. Replies to Essays and Reviews, p. 485 (English edition). CHAPTER III. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES. WHAT is the effect of the discrepancies, in relation to the integrity of the text, and to the moral influence of the Bible? 1. They neither unsettle the text, nor essentially impair its integrity. They fail to vitiate it, in any appreciable degree. The conclusion reached by eminent scholars and critics, after protracted and thorough investigation, is, that the sacred text has been transmitted to us virtually unaltered. Says Isaac Taylor,' "The evidence of the genuineness and authenticity of the Jewish and Christian scriptures has, for no other reason than a thought of the consequences that are involved in an admission of their truth, been treated with an unwarrantable disregard of logical equity, and even of the dictates of common sense. The poems of Anacreon, the tragedies of Sophocles, the plays of Terence, the epistles of Pliny, are adjudged to be safe from the imputation of spuriousness, or of material corruption; and yet evidence ten times greater as to its quantity, variety, and force, supports the genuineness of the poems of Isaiah, and the epistles of Paul." Bishop Butler:2 "There may be mistakes of transcribers; there may be other real or seeming mistakes, not easy to be particularly accounted for; but there are certainly no more things of this kind in the scripture, than what were to have been expected in books of such antiquity; and nothing in any wise sufficient to discredit the general narrative." That the text of the Old Testament has been transmitted to 1 History of Transmission of Ancient Books, pp. 169- 170. 2 Analogy, p. 288 (Malcom's edition). 4* 41. 42 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. us substantially intact, is a conceded point. In all but a few animportant cases, the genuine reading is settled beyond dispute. The candid and scholarly Bleekl asserts that "the Hebrew manuscripts have been preserved unaltered generally; and this in a measure of which we find no second example in other works which have been multiplied and circulated by numerous manuscripts." Keil:2 "The Old Testament, like all the other books of antiquity, has been propagated by transcription. And thus it has happened, even in spite of the great care with which the Jews, who were filled with unbounded reverence for the holy scriptures, watched over their preservation and transmission without injury, that they could not escape the common lot of all ancient books. In the course of repeated copying many small errors crept into the text, and various readings came into existence, which lie before us in the text as it is attested in the records belonging to the various centuries.... The copyists have committed these errors by seeing or hearing wrongly, by faithlessness of memory, and by other misunderstandings; yet not arbitrarily or intentionally. And by none of them have the essential contents of scripture been endangered." Even De Wette,3 comparing the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Phoenicians with the Hebrews, observes, " From the former, either all the monuments of their literature have perished to the last fragment, or only single melancholy ruins survive, which in nothing diminish the loss of tile rest; while, on the contrary, from the latter there is still extant a whole library of authors, so valuable and ancient that the writings of the Greeks are in comparison extremely young." This is a very significant concession from one of the leaders of modern rationalism. Gesenius 4 says, " To state here in few words my creed, as to the condition of the Hebrew text in a critical respect. It can-' Introd. to Old Test., ii. 365. 2 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 294, 295. 3 Introd. to Old Test., i. 23 (Parker's edition). 4 Biblical Repository, iii. 41. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 43 not be denied, that through the anxious care of the Jewish critics, the text has been in general very well preserved. " In the Hebrew manuscripts," says Prof. Stuart,1 " that have been examined, some eight hundched thousand various readings actually occur, as to the Hebrew consonants. How many as to the vowel-points and accents, no man knows. And the like to this is true of the New Testament. But, at the same time, it is equally true, that all these taken together do not change or materially affect any important point of doctrine, precept, or even history. A great proportion, indeed the mass, of variations in Hebrew manuscripts, when minutely scanned, amount to nothing more than the difference in spelling a multitude of English words. What matters it as to the meaning, whether one writes honour or honor, whether he writes centre or center? " Such scholars as Buxtorf, Bleek, Havernick, Keil, and others, affirm that the Jews took such extraordinary care in copying their sacred books, " that it was a practice to count not only the number of verses, but also that of the words, and even of the letters of the various books, in order to ascertain the middle verse, the middle word, and the middle letter of each book." 2 Keil3 remarks that the Masora, a rabbinic critical work upon the Old Testament, contains an " enumeration of the verses, words, and letters of each book; information as to the middle word and middle letter of each book; enumeration of verses which contain the whole consonants of the alphabet, or only so many of them; and also of words which occur so many times in the Bible with this or that meaning, and of words written' plene,' or' defective."' Parker,4 in De Wette, gives, from Bishop Walton, a list of the number of times which each H-Iebrew letter occurs in the Old Testament. The same list may be found in Menasseh ben Israel's Conciliator.' 1 HIistorv of Old Test. Canon, p. 192. Revised ed. p. 178. 2 Blcelk's Introduction to Old Test., ii. 451, 452. Introd. to Old Test., ii. 316. Introduction to Old Test., i. 357. 6 Vol. i. p. 250. 44 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Bishop Herbert Marsh' has the following very just inference: " When we consider the rules which were observed by the Jews in transcribing the sacred writings, rules which were carried to an accuracy that bordered on superstition, there is reason to believe, that no work of antiquity has descended to the present age so free from alteration, as the Hebrew Bible." The erudite translator2 of Outram says, " There are not wanting proofs of the most scrupulous care of the Hebrew text on the part of the Jews." "No evidence has been adduced of their wilful alteration of any part of the Hebrew text." It was by such scrupulous and minute care as this, that the Jews preserved their sacred books from any important variation or corruption. Moreover, notwithstanding its minute discrepancies and "vqrious readings," the text of the New Testament is better establishecl than that of any other ancient book. No one of the so-called "classics," not Homer nor Herodotus, compares favorably, in this respect, with the New Testament. Says Prof. Stowe,3 "Of the manuscript copies of the Greek Testament, from seven hundred to one thousand of all kinds have been examined already by critics, and of these at least fifty are more than one thousand years old, and some are known to be at least fifteen hundred years old; while the oldest of the Greek classics scarcely reach the antiquity of nine hundred years, and of these the number is very small indeed, compared with those of the Greek Testament." Among the Greek classical writers, Herodotus and Plato are of the first importance. The earliest manuscripts of Herodotus extant are, one in the Imperial library at Paris, "' executed in the twelfth century"; one in the Florentine library, which Mlontfaucon assigns to the tenth century, and one in the library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England, which may possibly 1 Lectures on Criticism and Interpretation, p. 57. 2 John Allen, in Modern Judaism, pp. 6, 7 (Second edition). 3 Origin and History of Books of Bible, p. 60. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 45 have been written in the ninth century.' One of the earliest manuscripts of Plato is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and was executed not earlier than the ninth century. Among the manuscripts of the New Testament, we have the Alexandrian, written about A.D. 350; the Vatican, written about A.D. 325; the Sinaitic, of date equally early; the Ephraim manuscript, " probably somewhat later than the Alexandrian, but of great critical value"; and the Beza manuscript, dating about A.D. 490.2 Other scholars substantially concur in these dates, though Alford 3 and Scrivener 4 assign the Alexandrian manuscript to the fifth century; that is, A.D. 400-500. Here, then, we find five manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, the youngest of which is about fourteenz hundred years old; and all of which may have been prepared by persons wh]o had studied the original manuscripts written by the apostles t/hemselves. So far, therefore, as an authenticated and settled text is concerned, the classics are very far behind the New Testament.5 "There is not," says Tregelles,G "such a mass of transmissional evidence in favor of any classical work. The existing manuscripts of I-Ierodotus and Thucydides are modern enough when compared with some of those of the New Testament." I Taylor's History of Transmission of Ancient Books, pp. 276-278; compare Stowe, p. 59. 2 Stowe, pp. 65-77. See, also, Alford, Prolecgomena to Greek Four Gospels, pp. 107-116; and Scrivener, Criticism of New Test., pp. 76-103. 3 Prolegromena to Four Gospels, p. 107. 4 Criticism of New Test., p. 82. 5 Dr. Bentley, in his annihilating reply to Collins, speaking of the manuscript copies of Terence, the oldest and best of which, now in the Vatican library, has "hundreds of errors," observes, " I myself have collated several, and do affirm that I have seen twenty thousand various lections in'that little author, not near so big as the New Testament; and am morally sure, that if half the number of manuscripts were collated for Terence with that niceness and minuteness which has been used in twice as many for the TNew Testament, the number of the variations would amount to above fifty thousand." And yet Terence is one of the best preserved of the classic writers. - Remarks Upon a late Discourse, etc, Part i. See. 32, o New Testament Historic Evidence, p. 74. 46 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. In the fitting words of Scrivener,' "As the New Testament far surpasses all other remains of antiquity in value and interest, so are the copies of it yet existing in manuscript, and dating from the fourth century of our era downwards, far more numerous than those of the most celebrated writers of Greece or Rome. Such as have been already discovered and set down in catalogues are hardly fewer than two thousand; and many more must still linger unknown in the monastic libraries of the East. On the other hand, manuscripts of the most illustrious classic poets and philosophers are far rarer and comparatively modern. We have no complete copy of Homer himself prior to the thirteenth century, though some considerable fragments have been recently brought to light which may plausibly be assigned to the fifth century; while more than one work of high and deserved repute has been preserved to our times only in a single copy. Now the experience we gain, from a critical examination of the few classical manuscripts that survive, should make us thankful for the quality and abundance of those of the Nlew Testament. These last present us with a vast and almost inexhaustible supply of materials-for tracing the history, and upholding (at least within certain limits) the purity of the sacred text; every copy, if used diligently and with judgment, will contribute somewhat to these ends. So far is the copiousness of our stores from causing doubt or perplexity to the genuine student of holy scripture, that it leads him to recognize the more fully its general integrity in the midst of partial variation." With equal felicity and truthfulness, Isaac Taylor,2 on the proof of the genuineness of the scriptures, observes: "And as the facts on which this proof depends are precisely of the same kind in profane, as in sacred literature, and as the same principles of evidence are applicable to all questions relating to the genuineness of ancient books, it is highly desirable that the proof 1Criticism of Ncw Test., pp. 3, 4. 2 History of Transmission of Ancient Books, p. 5. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 47 of the genuineness of the sacred writings should be viewed, in its place, as forming a part only of a general argument, which bears equally upon the entire literary remains of antiquity. For it is only when so viewed, that the comparative strength and completeness of the proof which belongs to this particular case, can be duly estimated. When exhibited in this light, it will be seen that the integrity of the records of the Christian faith is substantiated by evidence in a tenfold proportioz nzore various, copious, and conclusive I than that which can be adduced in support of any other ancient writings. If, therefore, the question had no other importance belonging to it than what may attach to a purely literary inquiry, or if only the strict justice of the case were regarded, the authenticity of the Jewish and Christian scriptures could never come to be controverted, till the entire body of classical literature had been proved to be spurious.".. t INor does the Bible suffer by comparison with books of later date. For the text of Shakespeare, which has been in existence less than two hundred and fifty years, is " far more uncertain and corrupt than that of the New Testamentt, now over eighteen centuries old, during nearly fifteen of which it existed only in manuscript. The industry of collators and commentators indeed has collected a formidable array of' various readings' in the Greek text of the scriptures, but the number of those which have any good claim to be received, and which also seriously affect the sense, is so small that they may almost be counted upon the fingers. WVith perhaps a dozen or twenty exceptions, the text of every verse in the New Testament may be said to be so far settled by the general consent of scholars, that any dispute as to its meaning must relate rather to the interpretation of the words, than to any doubts respecting the words themselves. But in every one of Shakespeare's thirtyseven plays, there are probably a hundred readings still in 1 The- italics are our own. 48 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. dispute, a large proportion of which materially affect the meaning of the passages in which they occur."l The probability that trivial variations would be found in considerable numbers will be seen when we reflect that, according to Prof. Norton's2 estimate, there were, at the end of the second century, as many as sixty thousand manuscript copies of the Gospels in existence. That these variations are of slight importance we have already seen; so that in spite of the " fifty thousand various readings"3 of which we are often told, he must be very ignorant or very mendacious who represents the text of the New Testament as in a dubious and unsettled state. Its antiquity and all other circumstances being taken into the account, there is no other book which compares with it in possessing a settled and authenticated text. The famous Bentley,4 one of the ablest critics England has ever seen, observes: " The real text of the sacred writers does not now (since the originals have been so long lost) lie in any single manuscript or edition, but is dispersed in them all.'Tis competently exact indeed, even in the worst manuscript now extant; nor is one article of faith or moral precept either perverted or lost in them, choose as awkardly as you can, choose the worst by design, out of the whole lump of readings." Again he adds, "M Sake your thirty thousand (variations) as many more, if numbers of copies can ever reach that sum; all the better to a knowing and serious reader, who is thereby more richly furnished to select what he sees genuine. But even put them into the hands of a knave or a fool, and yet with the most sinistrous and absurd choice, he shall not extinguish the light of any one chapter, nor disguise Christianity but that every feature of it will be the same." 1 North American Review, quoted in Stowe's Origin and History of Books of Bible, p. 82. 2 Genuineness of the Gospels, i. 50-53. 8 See as to the probable number, Scrivener's Criticism of New Test., p. 8 G, Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free Thinking, Part i, See 82,. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 49 WVhen men seek to impugn the credibility of the Bible, by alleging " discrepancies " and " various readings," we may safely answer, with Prof. Stuart,' that they are so easily accounted for, and of so little importance, that "'they make nothing of serious import against the claims which the matter, the manner, and the character of the scriptures prefer as the stable ground of our belief and confidence and obedience." Very pertinently says Dr. Hodge,2 "These apparent discrepancies, although numerous, are for the most part trivial; relating in most cases to numbers or dates. The great majority of them are only apparent, and yield to careful examination. Many of them may be fairly ascribed to errors of transcribers. The marvel and the miracle is, that there are so few of any real importance. Considering that the different books of the Bible were written not only by different authors, but by men of all degrees of culture, living in the course of fifteen hundred or two thousand years, it is altogether unaccountable that they should agree perfectly, on any other hypothesis than that the writers were under the guidance of the Spirit of God. In this respect, as in all others, the Bible stands alone..... The errors in matters of fact which sceptics search out bear no proportion to the whole.: No sane man would deny that the Parthenon was built of marble, even if here and there a speck of sandstone should be detected in its structure.". "The subject of various readings," observes President Hopkins,3 "was at one time so presented as to alarm and disquiet those not acquainted with the facts. When a person hears it stated that, in the collation of the manuscripts for Griesbach's edition of the New Testament, as many as one hundred alndl fifty thousand various readings were discovered, he is ready to suppose that everything must be in a state of uncertainty. A statement of the facts relieves every difficulty. The truth is, 1 History of Old Test. Canon, p. 104. Revised edition, p. 180. 2 Theology, i. 169, 170. 8 Evidences of Christianity, p. 289. 5 50 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. that not one in a thousand makes any perceptible, or at least important, variation in the meaning; that they consist almost entirely of the small and obvious mistakes of transcribers, such as the omission or transposition of letters, errors in grammar, in the use of one word for another of a similar meaning, and in changing the position of words in a sentence. But by all the omissions, and all the additions, contained in all the manuscripts, no fact, no doctrine, no duty prescribed, in our authorized version, is rendered either obscure or doubtful." 2. Moreover, as the text of scripture is not vitiated, so its moral inf.luence and efficacy is not essentially impaired by all the " contradictions" which lynx-eyed infidelity has discovered, or affected to discover, in it. In respect to them, Prof. Bush' strikingly and felicitously remarks, " Their apparent contrariety shows at least with what confidence the book of God appeals to our reason on the ground of the general evidence of its origin, exhibiting, as it does, such examples of literal self-conflict in particular passages. A work of imposture could not afford to be thus seemingly indifferent to appearances." We thus see how the mighty moral prestige of the Bible resolves these apparent objections into strong presumptions in its favor. The truth of our proposition becomes obvious when we carefully consider the influence of the Bible, both upon individuals and upon society in general,- its effect upon mankind. WVe cannot specify here, what every community furnishes, instances of men once dishonest, turbulent, profane, sensual, or drunken, who, under the influence of the Bible, have thoroughly reformed their conduct and life, and become as remarkable for meekness, benevolence, purity, and self-control as they had previously been notorious for the opposite traits. Among those who have recognized the influence of the Bible, and bowed reverently to its authority, we find many of the "' foremost mel n" of the race - the acutest and most powerful intellects, the most distinguished poets, statesmen, and scholars Notes on Exodus, Vol. i, p. 295. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 51 whom the world has ever seen. It would be superfluous to name Milton and Dante; Bacon, Newton, and Leibnitz; Boyle, Locke, and Butler; HIale and Grotius; Pascal and Faraday; Washington and WVilberforce. Had the Bible been, as some assert, full of irreconcilable discrepancies and insoluble difficulties, it could scarcely have commanded the homage of such minds and hearts as these. For, it is not extravagant to say that these men were as acute in detecting imposture, and as competent to discriminate between truth and falsehood as are, in our own time, the Bishop of Natal and the Duke of Somerset. In proof of the power of the Bible to leaven and renovate society, we need only point to the Sandwich Islands, and to the mission fields and schools of India and Turkey; we need but allude to the marked difference between nations which have received the Bible and those which have rejected it, —between Prussia and France, between England and Spain. On a candid survey of the field, we see the correctness of Chancellor Kent's saying: " The general diffusion of the Bible is the most effectual way to civilize and humanize mankind; to purify and exalt the general system of public morals; to give efficacy to the just precepts of international and municipal law; to enforce the observance of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude; and to improve all the relations of social and domestic life." It was well affirmed by John Locke, " That the holy scriptures are one of the greatest blessings which God bestows upon the sons of men, is generally acknowledged by all who know anything of the value and worth of them." We, therefore, deem the position an impregnable one, that all the discrepancies and objections which the teeming brain and malignant heart of infidelity have been able to conjure up and rake together, do not in any essential degree detract from the value of the inspired volume, nor diminish its wonderful and beneficent moral power. Nor does infidelity furnish any substitute for the Bible. It 5-2 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. points us all in vain to Confucius, Zoroaster, and the Vedas, to the cold and arrogant teachings of positivism, to the barren negations and ever-discordant utterances of rationalism. Never book spake like the Bible. No other comes home to the heart and conscience, with light and power and healing as does this. It teaches man how to live and how to dcie. A celebrated infidel is said to have exclaimed in his last moments, " lam about to take a leap in the dark." Cast the Bible aside, and every man at death takes a " leap in the dark." In the language of an eminent writer,l " Weary human nature lays its head on this bosom, or it has nowhere to lay its head. Tremblers on the verge of the dark and terrible valley which parts the land of the living from the untried hereafter, take this hand of human tenderness, yet godlike strength, or they totter into the gloom without prop or stay. They who look their last on the beloved dead listen to this voice of soothing and peace, else death is no uplifting of everlasting doors, and no enfolding in everlasting arms, but an enemy as appalling to the reason as to the senses, the usher to a cliarnel-house where highest faculties and noblest feelings lie crushed with the animal wreck; an infinite tragedy, maddening, soul-sickening -a'blackness of darkness forever."' "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." 2 We cannot but agree with Lord Chief Justice Hale, that "there is no book like the Bible for excellent learning, wisdom, and use"; we must, with Sir Isaac Newton, " account the scriptures of God to be the most sublime philosophy," and to exhibit "more sure marks of authenticity than any profane history whatsoever." In considering the solutions hereafter proposed, the legitimate force of a hypothesis should be kept in mind. If a'Dr. Rorison, in Replies to Essays and Reviewa, pp. 340, 341 (2d edition.). Ps. cxixi 105. RESULTS OF THE DISCREPANCIES. 53 certain hypothesis meets the exigencies of a given case, then, unless it can be proven false or absurd, its logical value is to set aside any and all objections, and to secure a strong presumption in its own favor.l For instance, it is said: " Here is a case in which the Bible contradicts itself." We reply: "Here is a hypothesis which serves to explain and reconcile the disagreement." lNow, unless our hypothesis can be proven untrue or irrational, it stands, and the objection is effectually met. In such cases, the burden of proof devolves upon the objector. Tihe solutions proposed in the following-pages are hypothetical; though, in the majority of cases, the probability amounts to almost absolute certainty. In offering these solutions, we neither assert nor undertake to prove that they are the only, or even the actual solutions; we merely affirm that they are reasonable explanations of each case respectively, and, for aught that can be shown to the contrary, they may be the real ones. Therefore, according to the principles of logic and common sense, they countervail and neutralize the discrepancies which are adduced, and leave the unity and integrity and divine authority of the sacred volume unimpaired. The Discrepancies of Scripture may, perhaps, be most suitably arranged under three heads:2 the Doctrinal, including 1 Prof. Henry Rogers well says, " The objector is always apt to take it for granted that the discrepancy is real; though it may be easy to suppose a case (and a possible case is quite sufficient for the purpose) which would ncltralize the objection. Of this perverseness (we can call it by no other name) the examples are perpetual...... It may be objected, perhaps, that the gratuitous supposition of some unmentioned fact - which, if mentioned, would harmonize the apparently counter-statements of two historians - cannot be admitted, and is, in fact, a surrender of the argumeont. But to say so, is only to betray an utter ignorance of what the argument is. If an objection l)e founded on the alleged absolute contra(liction of two statements, it is quite sufficient to show any (not the real, but only a hypothetical and possible) medium of reconciling them; and the objection is in all fairness dissolved; and this would be felt by the honest logician, even if we did not know of any such instances in point of fact. We do linow, however, of many." - Reason and Faith, pp. 401403 (Boston edition). 2 For other methods of classification, see Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics, p. 520. 54 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. questions of theology; the Ethical, pertaining to human duties and morals; the Historical, relating to persons, places, numbers, and time; with some miscellaneous cases. Of such a vast and incongruous mass of materials as has accumulated during the investigation, it has seemed well nigh impossible to make a rigorously exact and clearly-defined classification. Obviously, many of the following cases might, from their complex or feebly marked character, fall equally well in some other, or in more than one, of the divisions. In such cases, that arrangement has been adopted which seemed most natural and obvious. The most prominent or important element in a difficult passage has determined the class to which that passage should be referred. If anything has been lost in scientific precision and nicety, it is believed that much has been gained in simplicity, convenience, and practical utility, by abandoning the attempt at a complex, logical classification, and grouping the discrepancies under a few characteristic heads. PAI R T II. CHAPTER I. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. L. GOD.- Omnipotence. God can do all things. Can not do some things. Behold, I am the LORD, the God of And the LORD was with Judah; and all flesh: is there anything too hard for he drave out the inhabitants of the me? Jer. xxxii. 27. mountain; but could not drive out the But Jesus beheld them, and said unto inhabitants of the valley, because they.them, WVith men this is impossible, but had chariots of iron. Judg. i. 19. with God all things are possible. Matt. It swas imposssible for God to lie. xix. 26. Heb. vi. 18. Omnipotence does not imply the power to do every conceivable thing, but the ability to do everything which is the proper object of power. For example, an omnipotent being could not cause a thing to be existent and non-existent at the same instant. The very idea is self-contradictory and absurd. When it is said that God can do " all things," the phrase applies to those things only which involve no inconsistency or absurdity. According to Voltaire, the quotation from Judges asserts that the Lord " could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley." The fact, however, is that the pronoun "he" refers to the nearest antecedent " Judah." Doubtless, the reason why Judah was not helped, at that time, to drive out the dwellers in the valley, was that too great success might have proved, as it often does, detrimental. God gave to Judah that degree of prosperity which, on the whole, was best for him. The fourth text refers not to physical but to moral impossibility, - such as is intended when we say, " it was impossible for Washington to betray his country." Our meaning of course 55 56 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. is that it was incompatible with Washington's character and principles, to be a traitor. In an analogous yet higher sense, it is "impossible" for God to utter falsehood. God is tired and rests. Is never weary. In six days the LORD made heaven The everlasting God, the LORD, the and earth, and on the seventh day he Creator of the ends of the earth, faint. rested, and was refreshed. Ex. xxxi. 17. eth not, neither is weary. Isa. xl. 28. "Rested and was refreshed" is merely a vivid Oriental way of saying that he ceased from the work of creation, and took delight in surveying that work. Dr. J. P. Thompson: "To'rest' here does not mean to seek repose from fatigue, but to suspend activity in a particular mode of operation, to cease from doing thus and so." Maimonides says that the word used in the parallel text, Ex. xx. 11, properly means " ceased." With this explanation the Septuagint agrees. Murphy:2 "'Refreshed' includes, at all events, the pure delight arising from the consciousness of a design accomplished, and from the contemplation of the intrinsic excellence of the work." Omniscience. God knows all things. Tries to find out some things. Thou knowest my downsitting and Now I know that thou fearest God, mine uprising, thou understandest my seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thoughllt afar off. Thou compassest my thine only son from me. Gen. xxii. 12. path and my lying down, and art ac- The LonRD thy God led thee these quainted with all my ways. For there forty years in the wilderness, to hlumis not a word in my tongue, tbt, lo, O ble thee, and to prove thee, to know LORD, thou knowestit altogether. Ps. what was in thy heart, whether thou cxxxix. 2-4. wouldest keep his commandments, or I the LoRD search the heart, Itry the no. Deut. viii. 2. reins. Jer. xvii. 10. Thou shalt not hearken unto the Thou Lord, which knowest the hearts words of that prophet, or that dreamer of all vmen. Acts i. 24. of dreams; for the LORD your God All things are naked and opened unto proveth you, to know whether ye love the eyes of him with whom we have to the LouD your God with all your heart, do. fIeb. iv. 13. and with all your soul. Deut. xiii. 3. In the texts at the right, the language is accommodated to the human understanding, uttered, as it were, from man's point of view. By the testing process applied to Abraham and the IMan in Genesis and in Geology, p. 114. 2 In the subsequent pages, when an important quotation from an author is given without specific references, the citation is generally from that author's commentary upon the text under consideration. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 57 Israelites, the knowledge which had lain hidden in the divine mind was revealed and verified. The words addressed to Abraham, "N(' ow I know that," etc., are equivalent to saying, Now I have established by actual experiment that which I previously knew. I have demonstrated, made manifest by evident proof, my knowledge of thy character. Murphy: " The original I ]have known denotes an eventual knowing, a discovering by actual experiment; and this observable probation of Abraham was necessary for the judicial eye of God, who is to govern the world, and for the conscience of man, who is to be instructed by practice as well as principle." The language in Genesis may be illustrated as follows: A chemical professor, lecturing to his class, says: "Now I will apply an acid to this substance, and see what the result will be." He speaks in this way, although he knows perfectly well beforehand. Having performed the experiment, he says, "I now know that such and such results will follow." In saying this, he puts himself in the place of the class, and speaks from their stand-point. The texts from Deut. mean simply, The Lord hath dealt with thee as if he were ignorant, and wished to ascertain thy sentiments toward him; he hath put thee to as severe a test as would be requisite for discovering the secrets of thine heart. Such is the interpretation which men would give to his treatment of thee. Forgets not his saints. Temporarily forgot Noah. Yea, they may forget, yet will I not And God remembered Noah. Gen. forget thee. Isa. xlix. 15. viii. 1. The latter text is shaped " after the manner of men." God left Noah in the ark, for many long months, as if he had forgotten him. He then " put forth a token of his remembrance." Does sot sleep. Sometimes sleeps. Behold he that keepeth Israel shall Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? neither slumber nor sleep. Ps. cxxi. 4. arise, cast ils not off for ever, Ps. xliv 23. Sometimes God, in wisdom,. defers the punishment of the 58 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. wicked, and the deliverance of his people, so that he seems oblivious of both. He gives no sign of activity with reference to either, so that a superficial observer might say, "he sleeps." The silence, the long-suffering of God is attributed to indifference or lack of knowledge on his part.t Omnipresence. God everyowhere present. Nlot in some places. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? Adam and his wife hid themselves or whither shall I flee from thy pres- from the presence of the Lorno God eonce? If I ascend up into heaven, thou amongst the trees of the garden. (Gen. art there: if I make my bed in hell]], be- iii. 8. hold, thou art there. /I'I takethe wings Ancl Cain went out from the presence of the morning, and dwell in the utter- of the LorD. Gen. iv. 16. most parts of the sea; even there shall And the LORD came down to see the thy hand lead me, and thy right hand city and the tower, which the children shall hold me. Is. cxxxix. 7-10. of men builded. Gen. xi. 5. Thus saith the LonD, The heaven is And the LORD said, Because the cry my throne, and the earth is my foot- of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and stool. Isa. lxvi. 1. because their sinl is very grievous; I _Ai7 I a God at hand saith the LOID, will go down now, and see whether and not a God afar off? Can any hide they have done altogether according to himself in secret places that I shall not the cry of it, which has come unto me; see him? saith the Lor.D. Do not I fill and if not I will know G;en. xviii. 20, 21. heaven and earth? saith the Lor.D. Jer. Tile LorD ).assed by, and a great and xxiii. 23,24. strong wind rent the mounltains, and Though they dig into hell, tlhence brake in pieces the rocks before the shall my hand take them; though they LOlDn; but the LoRaD sas not in the climb up to heaven, thence will I bring wind: and after the wind ani earththem down: And though they hide quake; bist the LoRnD eas not in the themselves in the top of Carulel, I will earthquake: and after the earthquake search and take them out thence; and a lire; bsst the LorD teas not in the lire: though they be hid fi'om my sight in and after the fire a still small voice. the bottom of the sea, thence will I 1 Kings xix. 11, 12. command the serpent, and he shall bite Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish them. Amos ix. 2, 3. from the presence of the LorAD. Jonah i. 3. The "presence of the Lord," from which Adam hid himself, and Cain and Jonah fled, was the visible and special manifestation of God to them at the time; or else it denotes the place where that manifestation was made. According. to Henderson,2 either may be meant. The builders of Babel and the inhabitants of Sodom had pursued their wicked course, as far as divine mercy could permit. God had been far away from these corrupt men; he was 9" not in all their thoughts." He took the sword of justice and " came down" into the snhere of their consciousness, in a signal and terrible manner. See Ps. 1. 21 and lxxiii. 11. 2 On Minor Prophets, p. 202 (Andover edition). DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 59 Rabbi Schelomno strikingly observes that these texts represent God as " coming down from his throne of mercies to his throne of judgment," — as.if mercy were a more serene, exalted, and glorious attribute than justice. Such expressions as s" God came down," the Jewish writers term " the tongue, or language, of the event," - that is, the proper interpretation of the event, the lesson it was designed to teach. In such cases, God's acts are translated into words. The " language of the event" is, God comes down, interposes, to frustrate certain mad schemes of ambition.' Maimonides 2 acutely suggests that, since the word " ascend" is properly applied to the mind when it contemplates noble and elevated objects, and "descendc" when it turns toward things of a low and unworthy character, it follows that when the M3ost High turns his thoughts toward man for any purpose, it may be said that God " descends " or "' comes down." Prof. Murphy thinks that, as the Lord, after watching over Noah during the deluge, had withdrawn his visible and gracious presence from the earth, when he again directly interposes in human affairs, there is propriety in saying, "The Lord came down." God was not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire; that is, he did not, upon that occasion, choose any one of these as the symbol of his presence, as his medium of communication and manifestation. He did not speak in or by these, but by "the still small voice." Herder:' "The vision would seem designed to teach the prophet, who, in his fiery zeal for reformation, would change everything by stormy violence, the gentle movements of God's providence, and to exhibit the mildness and longsuffering, of which, the voice spoke to Moses.4 Hence the beautiful change in the phenomena of the vision." 1 See Note to Lan^ge on Genesis, p. 364 (American edition). 2 3Morel Nevochim. MIunk's French version, Vol. i. pp. 56, 57. Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, ii. 40 (Marsh's translation). See Ex. xxxiv. 5-7. 60 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Eternity. God from everlasting. Ihis origin in time. Before the mountains were brought God came from Teman, and the Holy forth, or ever thou hadst formed the One from mount Paran. Hab. iii. 3. earth and'the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. is. xc. 2. The second text has, singularly enough, been adduced as teaching that God originated in time. The passage simply refers to the wonderful displays of divine power and glory which the Israelites witnessed in connection with the giving of the law;l Teman and Paran being "the regions to the south of Palestine generally, as the theatre of the divine manifestations to Israel." This is clear from the parallel text, "The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints; from his right hand went a fiery law for them." 2 Unity. God is One. Plnurality of Divine Beings. Hear O Israel: The LORD our God is And God said, Let us make man in one LORD. Deut. vi. 4. our image after our likeness. Gen. i. 26. See now that I even I axm he, and there And the LORD God said, Behold, the is no god with me. Deut. xxxii. 39. man is become as one of us, to know I am the LORD, and there is none else, good and evil. Gen. iii. 22. there is no God besides me. Isa. xlv. 5. And the Lor-D appeared unto him in And this is life eternal, that they the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the might know thee, the only true God. tent door in the heat of the day: and he John xvii. 3. lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, But to us there is but one God, the three men stood by him: and when he Father, of whom are all things, and we saw them, he ran to meet them from the in him. 1 Cor. viii. 6. tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, and said, iMy Lord, if now 1 have found favor in thy sight. Gen. xviii. 1-3. Worship him, all ye gods. Psalm xcvii. 7. The Lord GoD and his Spirit, hath sent me. Isa. xlviii. 16. [For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1 John v. 7]. The first two texts from Genesis have the word for "God" (Elohim) in the plural form. Gesenius considers this a "plural of excellence or majesty"; Nordheimer, a " plural of pre-emi1 So Abarbanel, Aben Ezra, Eichhqrn, Ewald, Henderson, Herder, Lowth, Michaelis, the Targum, etc. 2 Deut xxxiii. 2. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 61 nence"; Baumgarten, a'numerical plural, originally denoting God and angels together "; Delitzsch, a " plural of intensity "; Fuerst, as used " because the ancients conceived of the Deity as an aggregate of many infinite forces." Bush thinks the plural implies " greater fulness, emphasis, and intensity of meaning"; Lange 1 takes it as denoting "intense fulness," and Hengstenberg 2 says, " it calls attention to the infinite riches and the inexhaustible fulness contained in the one divine being." Ewald:3 "It was an antique usage, more especially in this Semitic tribe, to designate God, as also every other superior, externally by a plural form, by which no more than the sense of a kind of dignity and reverence was simply expressed." As to the plural pronouns, " us" and" our," which God here employs, Aben Ezra thinks that he addresses the Intelligences; Philo, Delitzsch, and others, that he spoke to the angels; Davidson, with Sedaiah a Gaon, that he spoke like a sovereign, "We the king ": Kalisch, Tuch, and Bush in substance deem it the plural "employed in deliberations and self-exhortations"; ~Mlaimonidces4 asserts that God is addressing the earth or the nature already created; Keil that he is speaking of and with himself in the plural number, " with reference to the fulness of the divine powers and essences which he possesses." On the other hand, Lange thinks the phraseology may "'point to the germinal view of a distinction in the divine personality," and Murphy that it " indicates a plurality of persons or hypostases in the Divine Being." We thus see that the above expressions are susceptible of several reasonable interpretations consistent with monotheistic principles. With reference to Abraham and the " three men "- superhuman beings in the form of man, — the patriarch appeared'Introduction to Genesis, pp. 111, 112 (English translation). 2 Genuineness of Pent. i. 2738. 3 History of Israel, ii. 38 (Martineau's edition). 4 See Lange on Genesis, p. 173, note. 6 62 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. to single out one as pre-eminent among the three, whom he addressed as "My Lord." Keil says, "Jehovah and two angels: all three in human form." Murphy: " It appears that of the three men, one, at all events, was the Lord, who, when the other two went towards Sodom, remained with Abraham while he made his intercession for Sodom, and afterward he also went his way." Lange: "Abraham instantly recognizes among the three the one whom he addresses as the Lord in a religious sense, who afterwards appears as Jehovah, and was clearly distinguished from the two accompanying angels." As to the quotation from Psalms, Maimonides and David Kimchi say that the word " Elohim," in this case, means " angelic powers." Others that it means "magistrates" or" judges," as in Exodus xxii. 8, 9. 28.1 Alexander and Hengstenberg explain it as meaning " false gods "; Delitzsch, as " the superhuman powers deified by the heathen." The Syriac Peshito reads, " all ye his angels." 2 Isa. xlviii. 16 is ambiguous in the original. "It may mean " Jehovah and his Spirit have sent me," or " Jehovah hath sent both me and his Spirit." So Delitzsch: "The Spirit is not spoken of here as joining in the sending..... The meaning is, that it is also sent, i.e. sent in and with the servant of Jehovah, who is speaking here." 1 John v. 7 is a spurious passage. It is found in no Greek manuscript before the fifteenth or sixteenth century, and in no early version. It is rejected by Alford, Abbot, Bleek, Scrivener, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Wordsworth, and most modern critics.3 It should be observed that the texts of the first series teach unequivocally and designedly the unity of God, while those of the second series, - intended primarily to teach other truthsare fairly explicable in harmony with the former class. In the I-Iebrew, verses 7, 8, and 27. 2 Oliver's Translation of Syriac Psalter. 8 See Orme's Mem. of Controv. on 1 John v. 7 (New York, 1866). DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 63 Immateriality. God, a Spirit. IHas a material body and organs. A spirit hath not flesh and bones. Tab]es ofstone,written with the finger Luke xxiv. 39. of God. Ex. xxxi. 18. God is a Spirit. John iv. 24. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust. Is. xci. 4. HIe had horns coming out of his hand. Hab. iii. 4. These texts, which represent God as having hands, fingers, wings, feathers, horns, and the like, are simply the bold figures and startling hyperboles in which the Orientals are wont to indulge. They would never, for a moment, think of being understood literally in using them. "Finger of God" is his direct agency: his "wings" and "feathers" are his protecting care, set forth by an allusion to the bird hovering over and guarding her tender young.' Henderson, Delitzsch, Noyes, and Cowles agree substantially in rendering HIab. iii. 4, " Rays streamed from his hand"; a decided improvement upon our version. iTnnmutability. God, unchangeable. Repents, and changes his plans. God is not a man, that he should lie; I will not go up in the midst of thee; neither the son of man, that he should for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I repent: hath he said, and shall he not consume thee in the way. And he said do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he unto hiim, If thy presence go not woith not make it good? Num. xxiii. 19. m. e, carry us not up hence. And the And also the Strength of Israel will LORD said unto Moses, I will do this not lie nor repent: for lie is not a man, thing also that thou hast spoken: 1My that he should repent. 1 Sam. xv. 29. presence shall go with thee, and I will I the Lor.D have spoken it: it shall give thee rest. Ex. xxxiii. 3, 15, 17,14. come to pass, and I will do it; I will Doubtless ye shall not come into the not go back, neither will I spare, neither land, covcerling which I sware to make will I repent. Ezek. xxiv. 14. you dwell therein. Num. xiv. 80. For I anz the LorD, I change not. The LoRD God of Israel saith, I said MIal. iii 6. indeed that thy house, and the house of The Father of lights, with whom is thy father, should walk before me forno variableness, neither shadow of turn- ever: but now the LouD saith, B1e it far ing. Jas. i. 17. from me;..... Behold the days come, that I will cut off thine armn, and the arm of thy father's house., that there shall not be an old man in thine house. 1 Sanm. ii. 30, 31. Then came the word of the Lorn) unto Samuel, saying: It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from followilg me. and hath not performed my commandments. 1 Sarn. xv. 10, 11. In those days was Hezekiah sick unto 1 See Deut. xxxii 11. 64 DISCREPANCIES OF T HE BIBLE. God, unchangeable. Repents, and changes his plans. death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LoP. ), Set thine house in order; for thou shlalt die, and not live. Then lie turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LoRD...... And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the LoanD came to him, saying, Turn again, and tell Hezekialh the captain of my people, Thus saith the LoRD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will lheal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LoRD. And 1 will add unto thy days fifteen years. 2K ings xx. 1, 4, 5, 6. Thou hast forsaken me, saith the LoRD, thou art gone backward: therefore will I stretch out mny Iancl against tl-lee,and destroy thee; I am weary with repenting. Jer. xv. 6. And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them; and lie did it not. Jonah iii. 10. In respect to his essence, his attributes, his moral character, and his inflexible determination to punish sin and reward virtue, God is "without variableness or shadow of turning." Again, some of his declarations are absolute and unconditional; the greater part, however, including promises and threatenings, turn upon conditions either expressed or implied. The following passage is a very explicit statement of a great principle in the divine administration, - of God's plan or rule of conduct in dealing with men: " At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; if it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them." 1 Here is brought clearly to view the uncderlyiang condition, which, if not expressed, is implied, in God's promises I Jeremiah xviii. 7-10. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 65 and threats. Whenever God, in consequence of a change of character in certain persons, does not execute the threats or fulfil the promises he had made to them, the explanation is obvious. In every such case, the change is in man, rather than in God. For example, God has promised blessings to the righteous and threatened the wicked with punishment. Suppose a righteous man should turn and become wicked. He is no longer the man whom God promised to bless. He occupies a different relation toward God. The promise was made to an entirely different character. On the other hand, a wicked man repents and becomes good. He is not now the individual whom God threatened. He sustains another relation to his Maker. He has passed out of the sphere of the divine displeasure into that of the divine love. Yet all this while, there is no change in God. His attitude toward sin and sinners, on the one hand, and toward goodness and the good on the other, is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever. It is precisely because God is immutable, that his relation to men, and his treatment of them vary with the changes in their character and conduct. In a word, he changes because he is unchangeable. A homely illustration may be permitted. Suppose a rock to be located at the centre of a circle one mile in diameter. A man starts to walk around the circle. On starting he is due north from the rock, which consequently bears due south from him. After travelling a while, he comes to be due east from the rock, and that due west from him. Now the rock does not move, yet its direction from the man changes with every step he takes. In a somewhat analogous manner, God's aspect and feelings toward men change as they change. That is, in the words of Whately,l "A change effected in one of two objects having a certain relation to each other, may have the same practical result as if it had taken place in the other." WVollaston: "The respect or relation which lies between i Rhetoric, Part i. chap. 3. Sec. 8. 2 Religion of Nature, pp. 115,116. 6* 66 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. God, considered as an unchangeable being, and one that is humble, and supplicates, and endeavors to qualify himself for mercy, cannot be the same with that which lies between the same unchangeable God, and one that is obstinate, and will not supplicate, or endeavor to qualify himself.... By an alteration in ourselves, we may alter the relation or respect lying between him and us." 1 To sum up, if man changes, the very imnmutability of God's character requires that his feelings should change toward the changed man. Mlurphy:2 "To go to the root of the matter, every act of the divine will, of creative power, or of interference with the order of nature, seems at variance with inflexibility of purpose. But, in the first place, man has a finite mind, and a limited sphere of observation, and therefore is not able to conceive or express thoughts or acts exactly as they are in God, but only as they are in himself. Secondly, God is a spirit, and therefore has the attributes of personality, freedom, and holiness; and the passage before us is designed to set forth these in all the reality of their action, and thereby to distinguish the freedom of the eternal mind from the fatalism of inert matter. Hence, thirdly, these statements represent real processes of the divine Spirit, analogous at least to those of the human." Those passages which speak of God as "repenting" are figurative. They are the " language of the event," the divine acts interpreted in words. We see an artist executing a picture. -laving completed, he surveys it, then, without a word, takes his brush and effaces it. We say at once, "he repented that he had made it." We thus interpret his action; we assume that such were his feelings. So God performed such outward acts with reference to the antediluvians and others, that, if they hadc been performed by a man, we should say " he repented of'This author has also an illustrative formula which will be appreciated by the mathematician; " The ratio of G to M + q is different from that of G to I — q; and yet G remains unaltered." 2 Commentary on Genesis, vi. 6. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 67 what he had previously said or done." Such is the construction we should naturally put upon his conduct. The language is evidently accommodated to our ideas of things. Dr. Davidson: "When repentance is attributed to God, it implies a change in his mode of dealing with men, such as would indicate on their part a change of purpose." Andrew Fuller:'2 " God, in order to address himself impressively to us, frequently personates a creature, or speaks to us after the manner of men. It may be doubted whether the displeasure of God against the wickedness of men could have been fully expressed Jn literal terms, or with anything like the effect produced by metaphorical language." Prof. Mansel: "The representations of God which scripture presents to us may be shown to be analogous to those which the laws of our mind require us to form; and, therefore such as may naturally be supposed to have emanated from the same Author." God's threat not to accompany the Israelites was unquestionably conditional. As Scott says, "such declarations rather express what- God might justly do, what it would become him to do, and what he would do, were it not for some intervening consideration, than his irreversible purpose; and always imply a reserved exception in case the party offending were truly penitent." As to the quotation from 1 Sam. ii., by Eli's father's house we are evidently to understand the house of Aaron, from whom Eli was descended through Ithamar. It was Aaron, the tribe-father of Eli, who received the promise that his house should walk forever before the Lord in priestly service. This promise, obviously conditional, was henceforth withdrawn with regard to a certain branch of Aaron's family, and on account of the sinfulness of that branch. So far as Eli and his sons were concerned, the Lord would now cut off the arm of Aaron's house. 1Sacred I-Termencutics, p. 527. 2 Works, i. 669. 3 Linits of Religious Thought, p. 64 (American edition). 538 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. By the expression, " be it far from me," God does not, says Keil, revoke his previous promise, but simply denounces a false trust therein as irreconcilable with his holiness. That promise would only be fulfilled so far as the priests themselves honored the Lord in their office. The covenant made with Phinehas was not abrogated by the temporary transfer of the high-priest's office from the line of Eleazar to that of Ithamar, since, as Keil reminds us, this covenant contemplated an " everlasting priesthood," and not specially the high-priesthood; and: the descendants of Phinehas meantime retained the ordinary priesthood. When Abiathar, the last high-priest - Eli being the first — of the line of Ithamar, was deposed by Solomon,2 tle office of high-priest was restored to the line of Phinehas and Eleazar.3 In the case of Hezekiah, the divine declaration was clearly a conditional one. Yet, as Vitringa happily suggests, "the condition was not expressed, because God would draw it from him as a voluntary act." God satisfied with his works. Dissatisfied iwith t7em. God saw every thing that he had And it repented the LORD that he made, and, behold it was very good. had made man on the earth, and it Gen. i. 31. grieved him at his heart. Gen. vi. 6. This case has already been explained.4 Will destroy. WTill not destroy. And the LorD said, I will destroy NTeither vill I again smite any more man whom I have created from the face every thing living, as I have done. of the earth; both man and beast, and Gen. viii. 21. the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air. Gen. vi. 7. One of these utterances was made before, the other after, the Flood. Both declarations were strictly fulfilled. Will abhor. Will not abhor. And my soul shall abhor you. Lev. I will not cast them away, neither xxvi. 30. will I abhor them. Lev. xxvi. 44. The condition is stated plainly in the intervening verse, the'Num. xxv. 11-13. 21 Kings ii. 27. See Balhr in Lange, and Rawlinson in Bible Commen. tary, on this passae. 1 Chron. xxiv. 3-6. 4 See p. 4 of present work. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 69 fortieth. If they should confess their iniquity, the Lord's "-abhorrence" of them would be changed into mercy toward them. The whole context of these passages is hypothetical. Permission granted. Permission withheld. And God came unto Balaam at night, And Balaam rose up in the norning, and said unto him if the men come to and saddled his ass. and wrnt with the call thee, rise up, and go with them; but princes of MNoab. And God's anger was yet the word which I shall say unto thee, kindled because lie ewent. 1N um. xxii. that shalt thou do. Num. xxii. 20. 21, 22. The permission given to Balaam was conditional;" If the men come to call thee," etc. Ilalaam, in his eagerness, "loving the wages of unrighteousness," does not appear to have waited for the men to call him; instead of this, he volunteered to go with them. Hengstenberg 1 observes that Balaam " immediately availed himself of the permission of God to go with the Moabites, which he could only do with the secret purpose to avoid the condition which had thereby been imposed upon him,'The word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do.'" Again, " since God's anger was directed against Balaam's going wit/h a definite intention, it involves no contradiction, when afterwards his going was permitted." Keil thinks that God's anger was not kindled till near the close of Balaam's journey, and then by the feelinzgs he was cherishing. A " longing for wagas and honor " caused him to set out, and " the nearer he came to his destination, under the guidance of the distinguished Mloabitish ambassadors, the more was his mind occupied with the honors and riches in prospect; and so completely did they take possession of his heart, that he was in dclanger of casting to the winds the condition which had been imposed upon him by God." Hence the divine anger was awakened. Aben Ezra and Bechayai2 say that the Lord had already manifested his will to Balaam that he should not go to Balak, but as if imagining God to be mutable, he again inquired if he might go, when the Lord, who impedes not the ways of men, 1 History of Balaam and his Prophecies, pp. 845, 872. 2 Menasseh ben Israel's Conciliator, i, 205, 70 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. permitted it, — If, knowing my will, you still choose to go, do so. Hence his actual going displeased the Lord. Henry: " As God sometimes denies the prayers of his people in love, so sometimes he grants the desires of the wicked in wrath.'' Inaccessibility. God approachable. Not accessible. God is our refuge and strength, a very Why standest thou afar off, O LOPD? present help in trouble. P's. xlvi. 1. why hidest thou thyselj' in times of It is good tor me to draw near to trouble? Ps x. 1. God. Ps. ]xxiii. 28. Verily thou art a God that hidest thyThe 1.ORD is nigh unto all them that self, 0 God of Israel, the Saviour. Isa. call upon him, to all that call upon him xlv. 15. ill truth. Ps. cxlv. 18. Thou hast covered thyself with a Draw nigh to God and he will draw cloud, that our prayer should not pass nigh to you. Jas. iv. 8. through. Lam. iii. 44. Are ye come to inquire of me! As I live, saitll the LoPID God, I -will not be inquired of by you. Ezek. xx. 3. lWhlo only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto. 1 Tinm. vi. 16. Obviously, the expression " draw near to God" is not to be taken in the literal sense. In relation to an omnipresent being there can be, strictly speaking, no nearness, no remoteness. God is as near to one as to another. We " draw nigh " to him, in a figurative sense, by prayer and- devout meditation, by engaging in spiritual communion with him. Ps. x. I and Lam. iii. 44 express a degree of impatience that God does not instantly appear, that he sees fit to leave his people temporarily in affliction. Isa. xlv. 15, Delitzsch renders, "'Thou art a mysterious God," and says the meaning is, " a God who guides with marvellous strangeness the history of the nations of the earth, and by secret ways, which humlan eyes can never discern, conducts all to a glorious issue." Ezek. xx. 3 was addressed to men who, while cherishing hypocrisy and wickedness in their hearts, attempted to inquire of God. Such inquirers he ever sternly repels. 1 Tim.. vi. 16, " Dwelling in light unapproachable," is a statement of the unquestionable truth, that no mortal can literally approach God, endure the ineffable splendor of his presences or fathom the mysteries of his existence. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 71 No one of these texts intimates that men may not draw near to God, in the only possible way — by penitence and prayer; no one of them denies that he is accessible unto all that "call upon him in truth." All seelkers find. Some do not find. If thou seek him, he will be found of Seek ye the LORD lwhile lie may be thee; but if thou forsake him, he will found, call ye upon him while he is near. cast tlee off for ever. 1 Chron. xxviii. sa. v.. 6. I said not unto the seed of Jacob. Seek Strive to enter inl at the straight gate; ye me in vain. Isa. xlv. 19. for many, I say unto you, wvill seelk to I am sought of them tflat asked not/for enter in, and shall not be able. Luke me; I iun found of thent that sought me xiii. 24. not. lsa. lxv. 1. Ye shall seek me, and shall not find lie that seeketh findeth, and to him ane: and where I am, thither ye cannot that knockethit shallbe opened. aIntt. come. John vii. 3i. vii. 8. Andrew Fuller' remarks: " Seeking, in Matthew, refers to the application for mercy through Jesus Christ, in the present life; but in Luke, it denotes that anxiety which the workers of iniquity will discover to be admitted into heaven at the last clay..... Every one tlhat seeketh mercy in the name of Jesus, while the door is open succeeds; but he that seelieth it not till the door is shut will not succeed." The text from John was addressed to the unbelieving Jews who would not seek Christ, at the right time, nor with the right spirit. Hence, their future seeking would be unavailing. Alford: "MI y bodily presence will be withdrawn from you; I shall be personally in a place inaccessible to you." These texts contain nothing whatever to debar those who seek the Saviour at the proper time, and in the right way. Early seekers successful. Some fail to find. Those that seek me early shall find They shall seek me early, but they me. Prov. viii. 17. shall not find me. l'rov. i. 28. These two texts, as the connection evinces, point to entirely different classes of persons. The text from Prov. viii. is taken by many commentators as applicable to the young who seek God. Zclkler2 says the word here rendered "seek early," coming from a noun denoting the morning dawn, " signifies to seek something while it is yet early, in the obscurity of the morning twilight, and so illustrates eager, diligent seeking." Iin 1 Works, i, 6t76. In Lange on Prov. i. 28. [2 - DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. this opinion, many critics substantially concur.l On this hypothesis, the sense is, " Those who seek me in youth shall find me." The other text, in the first chapter, rendered by Stuart, "They shall earnestly seek me, but they shall not find me," contemplates obstinate and hardened transgressors. They are described 2 as " fools " and " scorners," are said to have hated knowledge, to have not chosen the fear of the Lord, and to have despised all his reproof. The two texts may, therefore, be paraphrased thus: "Those who early and earnestly seek, shall find me; but impenitent rebels who, in the hour and from the fear of retribution, earnestly seek, shall not find me." Properly explained, there is not the slightest collision between the two texts. Inscrutability. God's attributes revealed. They are unsearchable. The heavens declare the glory of God; Canst thou by searching find out God? and the firmament sheweth his handy canst thou find out the Almighty unto work.'s. xix. 1. perfection? Job. xi. 7. For the invisible things of him from His greatness is unsearchable. Ps. the creation of the world are clearly cxlv. 3. seen, being understood by the things Great is our Lord, and of great that are made; evren his eternal power power: his understanding is infinite. and ( odhead; so that they are without Ps. cxlvii. 5. excuse. lRom. i. 20. There is no searching of his understanding. Isa. xl. 28. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out. Rom. xi. 33. Neither of the affirmative texts intimates' that God can be weighed or measured, or the depths of Deity explored by mortals. Ps. xix. 1 asserts that the heavens above us, the "upper deep," adorned with sun and moon and stars, "Forever singing, as they shine,'The hand that made us is divine,"' are a proof and illustration of the wisdom, power, and benevolence of the Creator. They thus declare his glory. Rom. i. 20 merely implies that the invisible attributes of 1 So B. Davidson, Noyes, PasrkhUwst, Umbreit, Opitius, Stockius, Moore, and Frey. 2 See verses 22, 29, and 30. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 73 God, particularly his eternal power and divinity, are clearly revealed in his works. Aristotle has a strikingly similar observation, " God, who is invisible to every mortal being, is seen by his works." Stuart: " God's invisible attributes, at least some of them, are made as it were visible, i.e. are made the object of clear and distinct apprehension, by reason of the natural creation." IIis wonders?recounted. Innumnerable. That I may publish with the voice of Which doeth great thin rs past findthanksgivinig, and tell of all thy won- ing out; yea, and wonders without drous works. P's. xxvi. 7 number. Job. is. 10. Hitherlto have I declared thy won- Many, 0 Lonl my God, are thy wondrous works. Ps lxxi. 17. dcrful works stzic/t thou hast done. and I 11ave put my trust in the Lord GOD, thy thouTghts zJwhich are to uts-mard: that I may declare all thy works. l's. they canlnot be reckoned tip in order lxxiii. 28. unllllto thee: if I would declare adcl speak o' fltem7, they are more tllan can be numbered. l's. xl. 5. These affirmative passages are not to be rigidly interpreted. It is idle to explain the lanlge of emotion according to a strict literalism. David neither asserts nor implies his ability to enumerate andc set forth all, in the absolute sense, of God's wonderful works. His meaning is: To the extent of my ability I declare thy marvellous deeds. None of the foregoing texts impinge upon the unsearchableness of God, as to his essence and mode of existence. Invisibility. God seen many times. Not seen by 7man. And Jacob called the name of the And lie said thou canst not see my place Peniel: for I have seen God face face; for there shall no man see me, to face, and my life is preserved. Gen. and live. Ex xxxiii. 20. xxxii. 30. Take ye therefore good heed unto Then went up Moses and Aaron, Na- yourselves; for ye saw no manner of dab and Abihlu, and seventy of the similitude on the day thfat the LorD elders of Israel: and they saw the God spake unto you in tioreb, out of the of Israel. Ex. xxiv. 9, 10. midst of the fire. Deut. iv. 15. And the LORu spake unto MIoses face No man hath seen God at any time. to face, as a man speaketh unto his John i. 18. friend.... And I will take away mine Ye have neither heard his voice at hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: any time, nor seen his shape. John but my face shall not be seen. Ex. v. 37. xxxiii. 11, 23. The King eternal, immort.l, invisAnd Manoah said unto his wife, WVe ible. 1 Tim. i. 17. shall surely die, because we have seen W\hom no man hath seen nor can God. Judcl. xiii. 22. see. 1 Tim. vi. 16. In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sittingi upon a thro!e, hihli and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Isa. vi. 1. 1 beheld tilt the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, 7 74 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. God seen many times. Not seen by man. whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was li/e the fiery flame, ancd his wheels cas burnin flire. Dan. vii. 9. Some of the cases mentioned in the first series of texts, — those of Isaiah and Daniel, for example, —were visions, in which men " saw " the Deity, not with the physical eye, but with that of the soul. In most of the instances, however, something more real and objective seems to be intended. In some cases, it is said merely that "Godl" was seen; in others, an "angel" appears, who is identified, during the process of the narrative, with Jehovah. It is beyond question that God- as a spirit - as lie is in himself, - is never visible to men. In what sense, then, may he be said to have been " seen"? 1. He milght assume temporarily, and for wise purposes, some visible form in which to manifest himself to his creatures. Cases of this kind are termed "'theophanies," in which, as HenglstenbergI says, God appears "under a light vesture of corporeity, in a transiently-assumed human form." This seems in some instances the best solution. 2. I-le might be seen, as we may say, by proxy, — in hia accredited represeutatiNve. This explanation is a very ancient one. In the Samaritan Pentateuch in the narratives of divine appearances, it is not God himself - Jehovah - who is mentioned as the Person appearing, even where this is the case in the Jewish text, but always an Angel.2 So, in the Chaldee Targum, Jacob's language stands, " I have seen the Angel of God face to face." It is a striking fact that, in many instances, this " representative Angel" claims for himself divine honors and purposes, and accepts divine worship.3 Respecting the nature and rank of this celestial messenger, opinion is divided.4 1 Genuineness of Pent. ii. 370. 2 Bleek, Introduction to Old Test., ii. 393. 3 See Genesis xviii. 10, 14; xxii. 12; xxxi. 11, 13; Acts vii. 30,32.' Lango on Genesisj pp; 380-g91. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 7b Augustine, Jerome, the Romish theologians, tie Socinians, Hofmann, Tholuck, Delitzsch, Kurtz, and ot:hers, hold that lihe was a " created angel" who personated Jehovahll, acted as his proxy or nuncius. We -know that it is not uncommon for a monarch to depute some nobleman to act as his proxy or representative for the time being with all needful powers and privileges. The early church, the old Protestant theologians, B.sli, H-Iengstenberg, Keil, Hiivernick, Lange, WVordsworth, with others, hold that this Angel was the Logos, the second Person in the Trinity, who temporarily assumed the human form, and thus "foreshadowed the incarnation." In this manner God was seen in his Son. On any one of these hypotheses, there is no difficulty, for God was seen, and yet not seen. In his infinite and incomprehensible essence, as we have just said, Jehovah is seen by no mortal; but in a theophany, in his representative Angel, in the Logos who is " the brightness of his glory and the express image of ihis person," the "King eternal, immortal, invisible" has often been seen. Little need be said concerning the specific cases above mentioned. The Lord spale with his servant Moses " face to face," that is, familiarly. Two men may speak face to face, in darkness, neither seeing the other. As to Ex. xxxiii. 23, Keil says: "As the inward nature of man manifests itself in his face, and the sight of his back gives only an imperfect and outward view of him, so Mloses saw only the back, and not the face of Jehovah." Andrew Fuller:l: "The difference here seems to arise from the phrase "' face of God." In the one case, it is expressive of great familiarity, compared with former visions and manifestations of the divine glory; in the other, of a fulness of knowledge of.this go ry, which is incompatible with our mortal state, if not with our capacity as creatures. Murphy: "11 jAface is my direct, immediate, intrinsic, self.... 1 Works, i- 674 (edition in 8 vblsl) 76 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. _y1/i back is my averted, mediate, extrinsic self, visible to man in my works, my word, and my personal manifestations to my people." Bush: "'Nothing could be more expressive than the mode adopted to convey the intimation, that while a lozoer degree of disclosure could be made to him, a igher could not." An important truth is couched in highly symbolical language. As to the apparent collision between John v. 37 and those passages which represent the voice of God as heard at times by men,' the citation from John may be taken as asserting that no mortal ever saw the form or heard the voice which is peculliar to God. Or, as Alford suggests, the language may have been intended to apply to those persons then present, " Ye have not heard his voice, as your fathers did at Sinai; nor have ye seen his visional appearance, as did the prophets." On either interpretation there is no difficulty. Similitude of God seen. No simnilitude visible. The similitude of the Lor.D shall he And the LorD spake unto you out of behold. 1um. xii. 8. the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude. Deut. iv. 12. The first text refers to 5Moses, the second to the people in general. He saw certain manifestations of God which they were not permitted to see. Keil thinks that the similitude which MIoses saw was simply a manifestation of the glory of God answering to Moses's own intuition and perceptive faculty, and not to be regarded as a form of God which was an adequate representation of the divine nature. HI-oliness. God the Author of evil. Not the Aut -hor of evil. I form the light, and create darkness: A God of truth and without iniquity, I make peace. and create evil: I the just and right is hie. I)eoit. xxxii. 4. LonuD do all these things. Isa. xlv. 7. For thou art not a God tllat hath Thus saith the Lor.n; Behold, I frame pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil against you, and( devise a device evil dwell with thee. l's. v 4. against you. Jer. xviii. 11. ForI know the thoughlts that I think Out of the mouth of the MIost High toward you, saith the LorD, thoughts proceedel', not evil and good? Lam. of peace, and not of evil. Jer. xxix. iii. 38. 11. 1See Gen, iii, 8; Ex. xix. 19; Deut. v, 2:; JOb xxxviii 1. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 77 God the Author of evil. Not the Authotr of evil. Wherefore I gave them also statutes For God is not the Cmtlhorof confusion, that were not good, and judgments but of peace. 1 Cor. xiv. 33. whereby they should not live. Ezek. xx. 25. shall there be evil in a city, and the LoRnD hathl not done it? Amos iii. 6. "Evil," mentioned in the first, second, third, and fifth texts, means natural, and not moral evil, or sin. Henderson says, "affliction, adversity"; Calvin, "afflictions, wars, and other adverse occurrences." When Pompeii is buried by the volcano, Jerusalem destroyed in war, London depopulated by the plague, Lisbon overthrown by an earthquake, Chicago devastated by fire; it is God who sends these " evils" or calamities. In Psalm v. 4, " evil," as the parallelism shows, is iniquity; in Jer. xxix. 11, it means punitive displeasure. As to Ezek. xx. 25, the " statutes" which were " not good" are variously referred. Calvin, Vitringa, ancd Halvernick say, the customs and practices, the idolatrous and corrupting rites, of heathenism, to which God gave over the Jews as a punishment for their ungodly disposition.l Fairbairn: " The polluted customs and observances of heathenism." Wordsworth: " These evil practices are called'statutes' and'judgments,' in verse 18, like the'statutes of Omri' in Mlicah vi. 16." 2 Umbreit and Kurtz say, "the liturgical laws which Jehovah prescribed, but which the people abused for heathen purposes." We know that abused blessings may prove the heaviest curses. May not the meaning be that these "statutes," though good in their original design and adaptation, proved " not good" in their result, through the disobedience (;f those to whom they were addressedcl? Are not Paul's words, " And the commandment which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death," 3 explanatory of the text under consideration? Compare Ps. lxxxi. 12; Rom. i. 24, 25; S Thess. ii. 11. 2 Compare " statutes of the heathen," 2 Kings xvii. 8. 8 Rom. vii. 10. DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Wines' takes the meaning to be, laws not absolutely the best, but relatively so. This view of the meaning and force of the text is confirmed by the words of our Saviour. He has told us that Mioses tolerated divorce among the Jews, because of the hardness of their hearts. If the Jews of Moses's time had been less hardhearted, several of his statutes would have been different. These statutes were intended to meet special exigencies, but were not designed for universal application. Solon, being asked whether he had furnished the best laws for the people of Athens, replied, " I have given them the best that thev were able to bear." "When divine wisdom," observes M1[ontesquieu,2 "said to tile Jews,'I have given you precepts which are not good,' this signifies that they had only a relative goodness; and this is the sponge which wipes out all the difficulties which are to be found in the law of IMioses." Whichever interpretation may be adopted, none of the above texts, nor any others when properly explained, sanction the revolting proposition that God is the author of sin. God jealous. Free from jealousy. I the LORD thy God cat a jealous God. The Lor.D is gracious, and full of Ex. xx. 5. compassion; slow to anger, and of great The anger of the LoRD and his jeal- mercy The LoeD is good to all: and ousy shall smoke against that man. his tender mercies are over all his Deut. xxix. 20. works. Ps. cxlv. 8, 9. For they provoked him to anger with For jealousy is the rage of a man: their higoi places, and moved him to therefore lie ill not spare in the day of jealousy with their graven images. Ps. vengeance. Prov. vi. 34. lxxviii. 58. Wrath is cruel, and anger is otitraTherefole thus saith the Lord GOD; geous; but who is able to stand before Surely in the fire of my jealousy lhave jealousy.: l'rov. xxvii. 4. I spoken against the residue of the Jealousy is cruel as the grave: the heathen. Ezek. xxxvi. 5. coals thereof are coals of fire, whicih God is jealous, and the LORD reveng- hath a most vehement flame. Cantic. eth. I ahuni i. 2. viii. 6. The words "jealous" and " jealousy" are each used in a good and a bad sense.4 Applied to God, they denote that he 1 Commentary on Laws of Ancient Hebrews, p. 119. 2 Spirit of' Laws, B. 19, c. 21. 3 Zdcklcr says the original word denotes here, not " envy," but plainly " jealousy." 4 In the Hebrew, jealousy, envy, zeal, and anger may be expressed by a single term, jnup.; Fuerst and Gesenius. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 79 is intensely solicitous for his own character and honor, that he does not tolerate rivalry of any kind. An infinitely wise and holy Monarch cannot be indifferent as to the loyalty of his subjects. Keil regards the terms as implying that God "will not transfer to another the honor that is due to himself, nor tolerate the worship of any other god"; and Bush, as denoting "a peculiar sensitiveness to everything that threatens to trench upon the honor, reverence, and esteem that he knows to be clue to himself. The term will appear still more significant if it be borne in mind that idolatry in the Scriptures is frequently spoken of as -spiritual adultery, and as' jealousy is the rage of man,' so nothing can more fitly express the divine indignation against this sin than the term in question." According to Newman,l the phraseology brings to view " the great principle essential to all acceptance with Jehovah their God; namely to put away the worship of all other gods. This is constantly denoted by the phrase that'Jehovah is a jealous God;' and out of it arose the perpetual metaphor of the prophet in which the relation of God to his people is compared to a marriage; the daughter of Israel being his bride or wife, and he a jealous husband. Thus also, every false god is a paramour, and the worship of them is adultery or fornication." Hence, even in the estimation of this sceptical author, these expressions are not derogatory to the holiness of God. God tempts men. Does not tempt them. And it came to pass after these Let no man say when h(. is tempted, things, that God did tempt Abraham. I am tempted of God: for God cannot Gen. xxii. 1. be tempted with evil, neither tempteth And again the anger of the LOPoD he any man. James i. 13. was kindled against Israel, and lie moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. 2 Sam. xxiv. 1. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matt. vi. 13. The Ilebrewv word "nissiih," tempt, in the first text, means as Gesenius says, "to try, to prove any one, to put him to the test." History of Hebrew Monarchy, p. 26. 80 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. It is used in reference to David's trying Saul's armor' and the queen of Sheba's testing the wisdom of Solomon.2 The meaning therefore is, as in the old Genevan version, "God did prove Allbraham." Bush: " God may consistently, with all his perfections, by his providence, bring his creatures into circumstances of special probation, not for the purpose of giving him information, but in order to manifest to themselves and to others the prevailing dispositions of their hearts." God put Abraham to the proof before angels and men, that his faith and obedience might be made manifest for an example to all coming generations. As to the second text, it is sufficient to say that God ordered or allowed such influences to affect the mind of David as should lead to a specific wrong act resulting in needful chastisement. Yet the ultimate end in view was the welfare of David and his people. It should be added that, according to Lord Arthur I-Iervey,3 the passage should read, "For one moved David against them." This translation would seem to change the whole aspect of the passage, and to make the numbering of the people the cause, rather than the result, of the divine displeasure. Keil:4 4 The instigation consists in the fact that God impels sinners to manifest the wickedness of their hearts in deeds, or furnishes the opportunity and,the occasion for the unfolding and practical manifestation of the evil desires of the heart, that the sinner may either be brought to the knowledge of his more evil ways and also to repentance, through the evil deed and its consequences; or, if the heart should be hardened still more by the evil deed, that it may become ripe for the judgment of death. The instigation of a sinner to evil is simply one peculiar way in which God, as a general rule, punishes sins through sinners; for God only instigates to evil actions such as have drawn down the wrath of God upon themselves in consequence of their sin." 1 Sam. xvii. 39. 21 Kings x 1. 3 In Bible Commentary. i Commentary on 1 Sam. xxvi. 19 DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 81 "Lead us not into temptation," either " Do not scff~er us to be tempted to sin; or, if " temptation " here means trial, affliction, " Do not afflict or try us." Such, in substance is Mr. Barnes's view. God "tempts," tests, or tries men, but always for wise reasons, and with a good motive; he never places incl-;cements before men merely in order to lead them into sin. His ultimate object is always good. God, a respecter' of persons. Does not respect them. And the LORD had respect unto Abel A great God, a mighty, and a terrible, and to his offering. But unto Cain and which regardeth not persons, nor taketh to his offering he had not respect. Gen. reward. Deut. x 17. iv. 4, 5. h'Iesre is no iniquity with the LORD And God looked upon the children of our God, nor respect of persons, nor Israel, and God had respect unto them. taking of gifts. 2 Chron. xix. 7. Ex. ii. 25. Then Peter opened his mouth, and For I will have respect unto you, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is make you fruitfutl, and multiply you, no respecter of persons. Acts x. 34. and establish my covenant with you. For there is no iespect of persons Lev. xxvi. 9. with Cod. om.. ii. 11. And the LoRD was gracious unto God accepteth no man's person. Gal. them, and had compassion on them, ii. 6. and had respect unto them. 2 Kings Your Master also is in heaven; neither xiii. 23. is there respect of persons with him. Though the LOPRD be high, yet hath Eph. vi. 9. he respect unto the lowly: hut the proud The Father, who without respect of he knoweth afar off.'s. cxxxviii. 6. persons judgeth according to every man's work.: 1 Pet. i. 17. The first series of texts implies a righteous and benevolent " respect," based upon a proper discrimination as to character; the second series denotes a " respect" which is partial, arising out of selfish and unworthy considerations. The Hebrew expression, " nisii p:tnim," in Deut. x. 17 and 2 Chron. xix. 7, is to be taken, according to Gesenius, "in a bad sense, to be partial, as a judge unjustly partial or corrupted by bribes." Fuerst gives, among other definitions, "to take the side of one with pcartiality." In both of the above texts, the connection makes it clear that this is the correct interpretation. The corresponding Greek term " prosopolepsia," expressing concretely the same idea,1 and occurring in some modification in all but one of the New Testament citations, conveys an unfavorable meaning, uniformly implying partiality. There is therefore no collision between the two series of See iackett on Acts x. 34. 82 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. texts, inasmuch as they refer to widely different kinds of "respect." God, an angry being. Not angry. God is angry vith the qwicked every The LoRn God, merciful and gracious, day. P's. vii. 11. longsuffering, and abundant in goodCome, my people, enter thou into thy ness and truth, keeping mercy for thoLchambers, and shut thy doors about sands. Ex xxxiv. 6, 7. thee: hide thyself as it were for a little A God ready to pardon, gracious and moment, until the indignation be over- merciful, slow to anger, and of great past. Isa. xxvi. 20. kindness. Nell. ix. 17. The fierce anger of the LORD is not Great are thy tender mercies, O turned back froml us. Jer. iv. S. LoRD. Ps. cxix. 155. The LORD revengeth, and is furious; Fury is not in me. Isa. xxvii. 4. the LoanD will take vengfeance on his adversaries, and lie reserveth owr ath for his enemies. iSah. i. 2. The " anger" ascribed to God in the scriptures is, as Rashi says, " the displeasure and disgust" which he experiences in view of human conduct. Let any one seriously reflect as to what must be the feelings of an inzflnitely wise and holy Being in regard to sin, and he can scarcely be at a loss to appreciate the meaning of the term, "anger of God." Prof. Tayler Lewis 1 has the following remarks: " Depart in the least from the idea of indifferentism, and we have no limit but infinity. God either cares nothing about what we call good and evil; or as the heaven of heavens is high above the earth, so far do his love for the good and his. hatred of evil exceed in their intensity any corresponding human affection." The Being who loves the good with infinite intensity must hate evil with the same intensity. So far from any incompatibility between this love and this hate, they are the counterparts of each other - opposite poles of the same moral emotion. "A religion over whose portal is inscribed in letters of flame,'I Ari HOLY,' can without risk represent God as angry, jealous, mourning, repenting. Scrupulosity, under such circumstances, is the sign of an evil conscience." 2 God, susceptible of temptation. Cannot be tempted. Ye shall not tempt the LorD your God cannot be tempted with evil God, as ye tempted hiss in Massal. Jas. i. 13. D)eut. vi. 16. They that tempt God are even delivered. MSal. iii. 15. 1 In Lange on Genesis, p. 288. 2 Hengstenberg, Genuineness of Pent. ii. 327. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 83 God, susceptible of temptation. Cannot be tempted. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Matt. iv. 7. Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples. Acts xv. 10. 3Men are said, in the Bible, to "tempt" God, when they distrust his faithfulness; when they brave his displeasure; when, challenging him to work miracles in their behalf, they presumptuously expose themselves to peril; also, " by putting obstacles in the way of his evidently determined course." 1 The quotation from James, as it stands in our version, simply asserts that there is nothing in God which responds to the solicitations and blandishments of evil; it presents no attractions to him. He is not allured by it in the slightest degree. Alford, DeWette, and Huther, however, render, in substance, "God is unversed in things evil." With either rendering there is no discrepancy.2 Justice. God is just. Unij2ust. That be far from thee to do after this For whosoever hath, to him shall be manner, to slay the righteous with the given, and he shall have more abunwicked: and that the righteous should dance: but whosoever hath not, from be as the wicked, that be far from thee: him shall be taken away even that he shall not the Judge of all the earth do hsath. Matt. xiii. 12. right? Gen. xviii. 25. (For the children being not yet born, All his ways are judgment, a God of neither having done any good or evil, truth and without iniquity, just and that the purpose of God according to right is he. Deut. xxxii. 4. election might stand, not of works, but The LorD is upright: he is my rock, of Iim that calleth:) It was said unto and there is no unrighteousness in him. her, The elder shall serve the younger. Ps. xcii. 15. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, Hear now, O house of Israel: Is not but Esau have 1 hated. Rom. ix. 11-13. my way equal? are not your ways unequal? Ezek. xviii. 25. As to Alatt. xiii. 12, Barnes says: "This is a proverbial mode of speaking. It means that a man who improves what light, grace, and opportunities he has shall have them increased. From him that improves them not, it is proper that they should be taken away." Alford: "He who hath — he who not only hears with the ear, but understands with the heart, has more given to him.... He who hath not, in whom there is no spark of spiritual 1 Alford on Acts xv. 10. 2 On supposed sanction of Human Sacrifices, see under Ethical Dis. crepancies. 84 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLF. desire nor meetness to receive the engraftecl word, has taken from him even that which he hath (' seemeth to have,' Luke); even the poor confused notions of heavenly doctrine which a sensual and careless life allow him are further bewildlered and darkened by this simple teaching, into the depths of which he cannot penetrate so far as even to ascertain that they exist." Dryden's Juvenal furnishes a fine parallel to this text: "'Tis true poor Codrus nothing had to boast; And yet poor Codrus all that nothing lost." Stuart says that Rom. ix. 11-13 "refers to the bestowment and the withholding of temporal blessings." John Taylor, of Norwich: "Election to the present privileges and external advantages of the kingdom of God in this world; and reprobation or rejection, as it signifies the not being favored with those privileges and advantages." Barnes: " Ie had preferred Jacob, and had withheld from Esau those privileges and blessings which he had conferred on the posterity of Jacob." That temporal privileges and blessings are very unequally distributed, no one can deny. The fact is patent to the most casual observer. "What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God?" If this fact constitutes an objection against the justice of this world's Governor, it is an objection which the infidel is as much bound to answer as is the Christian. The truth is, the All-wise Sovereign has an unquestionable right to bestow his favors as he sees fit. Punishes for others' sins. Does not thus punish. And Ham, the father of Canaan, The fathers shall not be put to death saw the nakedness of his father, and for the children, neither shall the chiltold his two brethren without. And dren be put to death for the fathers: Noah awoke from his wine, and knew every man shall be put to death for his what his younger son had done unto own sin. Deut. xxiv. 16. him. And he said, Cursed be ('anaan; Behold, all souls are mine; as the a servant of servants shall he be unto soul of the father, so also the soul of his brethren. Gen. ix. 22, 24, 25. the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, Visiting the iniquity of the fathers it shall die. The son shall not bear the upon the children unto the third and iniquity of the tather, neither shall the fourth f/lenaeratio of them that hate father bear the iniquity of the son; the me. Ex. xx. 5. righteousness of the righteous shall be And Joshua, and all Israel with him, upon him, and the wickedness of the took Achan the son of Zerah, and the wicked shall be upon him. Ezek. xviii. silver, and the garment, and the wedge 4, 20. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 85 P2unishes for others' sins. Does not thus punish. of gold, and his sons, and his daulghters, The righteous judgment of God: and his oxen, and his asses, and his Who wvill render to every man accordsheep, and his tent, and all that he ing to his deeds. Rom. ii. 5, 6. had: and they broaght tlhem unto the valley of Achor. And all israel stoned him witll stones, and burned tl:em with fire, after they had stoned them with stones. And they raised over him a great heap of stones unto this day. So the Loanl) turned from the fierceness of his anger. Josh. vii. 24-26. What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The father's have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? Ezek. xviii. 2. As to the case of Canaan, it cannot be proved, though often assumed, that he was cursed for the misconduct of Ham, his father. Bush thinks that Ham's gross disrespect or contemptuous deportment toward his aged parent became, "under the prompting of inspiration, a suggesting occasion of the curse now pronounced.... Noah therefore uttered the words from an inspired foresight of the sins and abominations of the abandoned stock of the Canaanites." Keil: "Noah, through the spirit and power of that God with whom he walked, discerned in the moral nature of his sons, and the different tendencies whiclb they already displayed, the germinal commencement of the future course of their posterity, and uttered words of blessing and of curse which were prophetic of the history of the tribes that descended from them." The reason why Canaan alone of Ham's sons was specified "must either lie in the fact that Canaan was already walking in the steps of his father's impiety and sin, or else be sought in the name' Canaan,'l in which Noah discerned, through tile gift of prophecy, a significant omen; a supposition decidedl;y favored by the analogy of the blessing pronounced upon Japhet,2 which is also founded upon the name." Lange thinks that Noah's malediction is " only to be explained on the ground that, in the prophetic spirit, he saw into 1 That is, "the submissive one "; Keil. 2 " Widely spreading," so Gesenius. 8 86 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the future, and that the vision had for its point of departure the then present natural state of Canaan." Aben Ezra,1 Rashi, the Talmudists, Scaliger, and others, with Tayler Lewis, hold that Canaan too saw Noah in his exposed condition, and that he committed a cruel and wanton outrage, or some unnamed beastly crime, upon the person of the sleeping patriarch; and that this vile indignity drew down the severe denunciation upon him as the actual offender. Prof. Lewis2 assigns the following reasons for this opinion: The Hebrew rendered' his younger son,' cannot refer to Ham, who was older than Japheth, but means the least or youcngest of the family, and hence is descriptive of Canaan. The words' had done unto him' mean something more than an omission or neglect. The expression is a very positive one. Something unmistakable, something very shameful had been done to the old man in his unconscious state, and of such a nature that it becomes manifest to him immediately on his recovery. "There seems to be a careful avoidance of particularity. The language has an euphemistic look, as though intimating something too vile and atrocious to be openly expressed. Thus regarded, everything seems to point to some wanton act done by the very one who is immediately named in the severe malediction that follows:' Cursed be Canaan.' He was the youngest son of Ham, as he was also the youngest son of Noah, according to the well-established Shemitic peculiarity by which all the descendants are alike called sons." This explanation is equally plausible and natural. On either of the above hypotheses, Canaan was punished not for others' misconduct, but for his own; hence the charge of "injustice " in the case is without foundation. As to Ex. xx. 5, we may say that Jehovah "visits" the iniquity of the fathers upon their children, in that he permits the latter to stffer in consequence of the sins of the former. 1 See Conciliator, i. 33. 2 In Lange on Genesis, p. 838. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 87 He has established such laws of matter and mind that the sins of parents result in the physical and mental disease and suffering of their offspring. The drunkard bequeaths to his children poverty, shame, wretchedness, impaired health, and not infrequently a burning thirst for strong drinl. The licentious mall often transmits to his helpless offspring his depraved appetites and loathsome diseases. And this transmission or " visitation " of evil takes place in accordance with the inflexible laws of the universe. Obviously, " injustice " is no less chargeal)le upon the Author of "the laws of nature" than upon the Author of the Bible. Even if the above text conveys the idea not only of suffering, but also of puenishmnent, yet the language, "unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me," indicates children who are sinful like their parents. Hengstenterg:1 "The threatening is directed against those children whq tread in their fathers' footsteps." Plainly children are intended who imitate and adopt the sinful habits and practices of their parents; hence, being morally, as well as physically, the representatives and heirs of their parents, they may be, in a certain sense, punished for the sills of those parents. Bush: "The tokens of the divine displeasure were to flow along the line of those who continued the haters of God." As to the case of Achan's sons and daughters, Canon Browne2 says: " The sanguinary severity of Oriental nations, fronm which the Jewish people were by no means free, has in all ages involved the children in the punishment of the father." Many, however, think that Achan's sons and daughters were simply taken into the valley to be spectators of the punishment inflicted upon the father, that it might be a warning to them. Some explain the execution upon the ground of God's sovereignty, and his consequent right to send death at any time and in any form he pleases. KIeil and others hold that Achan's sons and daughters were I On Gen. of Pent. ii. 448. 2 In Smlith's Bib. Dict., Art. "Achan." 88 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. accomplices in his crime. "The things themselves had been abstracted from the booty by Achan alone; but he had hidden them in his tent, buried them in the earth, which could hardly have been done so secretly that his sons and daughters knew nothing of it. By so doing he had made his family participators in his theft; they therefore fell under the ban along with him, together with their tent, their cattle, and the rest of their property, which were all involved in the consequences of his crime." The "proverb," Ezek xviii. 2, implied that the sufferings of the Jews, at that time, were not at all in consequence of their own sins, but exclusively for the sins of their ancestors - a false and dangerous idea, fitly rebuked by the Almighty. Slays the righteous with the zuicked. Spares the righteous. This is one thing, therefore I said it, Hath walked in my statutes, and hath He destroyeth the perfect and the kept my judgments, to deal truly; he wicked. Job ix. 22. is just, lie shall surely live, saith the And say to the land of Israel, Thus Lord God. When the son hath done saith the LoRD: Behold 1 amn against that which is lawful and right, and thee, and will draw forth my sword out hath kept all my statutes, and hath of his sheath, and will cut off from thee done them, he shall surely live. Ezek. the righteous and the wicked. Seeing xviii. 9, 19. thenl that I will cut off from thee the But if the wicked turn fiom his righteous and the wicked,therefore shall wickedness, and do that which is lawmy sword go forth out of his sheath ful and right, lie shall live thereby. against all flesh from the south to the Ezek. xxxiii. 19. north. Ezek. xxi. 3, 4. Now tile just shall live by faith. Heb. x. 38. The first texts do not teach that God, regardless of character, cuts down the evil and the good together. The two classes may be alike in the external circumstances of their death; but tley are totally unlike in their destiny. The righteous are, at death and by death, " taken away from the evil to come." It may be the greatest possible blessing, the highest mark of the divine favor, to a good man to be summarily and forever removed from the sorrows and impending evils of earth to the ineffable bliss and repose of heaven. The second series of texts refers to spiritual, and not earthly life. Since the two series of passages contemplate things entirely different, there is no collision between them. Isaiah lvii. 1, 2. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 89 Benevolence. God iwitholds his blessings. Bestows them freely. And when ye spread forth your For every one that asketh receiveth; hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: and he that seeketh findeth; and to yea, when ye make many prayers, I him that knocketh it shall be opened. will not hear: your hands are full of Luke xi. 10. blood. Isa. i. 15. If any of you lack wisdom, let him Then shall they cry unto the LorD, ask of God, that giveth to all men liberbut he will not hear them: he will even ally, and upbraideth not: and it shall hide his face from them at that time, be given him. James i. 5. as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings. Micah iii. 4. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. James iv. 3. The limiting clauses of the first three texts, "hands full of blood," "ill behavior," and "asking amiss," show clearly why God withholds his blessings in these cases. Moreover, the connection in which the last two texts stand evinces that these texts were not intended to be of universal application. They contemplate those persons only who "ask in faith."' Every one that asketh aright, receiveth. The principle upon which God, in answer to prayer, bestows his blessings, is thus enunciated: " If we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us."2 It should be added that such limiting clauses as the above are, in order to make out a contradiction, dishonestly suppressed by those writers who engage in the manufacture of "discrepancies."' IHardens men's hearts. They hardenz their own hearts. And the LonD hardened the heart of But when Pharaoh saw that there Pharaoh, and lie hearkened not unto was respite, lie hardened his heart, and them. Ex. ix. 12. hearkened not unto tiem.... And l'haAnd the LoRD said unto Moses, Go raoh hardened his heart at this time in unto Pharaoh: for I have hardened also, neither would he let the people his heart., and the heart of his servants, go. Ex. viii. 15, 32. that I might shew these my signs be- And when'haraoh saw that the rain fore him. Ex. x. 1. and the hail and the thunders were And Moses and Aaron did all these ceased, he sinned yet more, and harwonders before Pharaoh: and the LorD dened his heart, he and his servants. hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he Ex. ix. 34. would not let the children of Israel go Wherefore then do ye harden your out of his land. Ex. xi. 10. hearts, as the Egyptians and P'haraoh But Sillon king of lHeshbon would hardened their hearts? 1 Sam. vi. 6. not let us pass by him: for the LOonD And he also rebelled against king thy God hardened his spirit, and made Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him his heart obstinate, that lie might de- swear by 6 od: but he stifdened his nock, liver him into thy hand, as appeareth and hardened his heart from tur2ing this day. Deut. ii. 30. unto the LoRD God of Islael. 2 Chron. For it was of the LonD to harden xxxvi. 13. their hearts, that they should come:Happy is the man that feareth alway: 1 See James i. 6. 21 John v. 14 8* 90 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Ilardezns m.en's hearcts. They harden their own hearts. against Israel in battle, that lie might but he that hardeneth his heart shall destroy them utterly, acd that they fall into mischief. Prov. xxviii. 14. mihllt hav-e no favor, but that he Harden not your hearts, as in the might destroy them, as the Loiru corn- provocation, in the day of temptation mandcled Moses. Josh. xi. 20. in the wilderness. Heb. iii. 8. O LORD, why hast thou made us to err fiom thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? lsa. lxiii. 17. Hle hatl blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand lwith thein heart, and be converted, and 1 should heal them. John xii. 40. Therefore hath hlie mercy on whom he will have imercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Rom. ix. 18. We may premise that the rejection of truth and the abuse of blessings tend ever to " harden the heart." God, therefore, by making known his truth and by bestowing his blessings, indirectly "hardens " men's hearts; that is, furnishes occasion for their hardening. Thus, the divine mercy to Pharaoh in the withdrawal of the plagues at his request became the occasion of increasing his hardness. WVhen he saw that there was respite, that the rain and hail and thunder ceased, he hardened his heart.' In brief, God hardened Pharaoh's heart by removing calamities, and bestowing blessings; Pharaoh hardened his own heart by perverting these blessings and abusing the grace of God. Theodoret:2 "The sun, by the force of its heat, moistens the wax and dries the clay, softening the one and hardening the other; and, as this produces opposite effects by the same power, so, through the long-suffering of God, which reaches to all, some receive good and others evil; some are softened, and others ha-rdened." Stuart,3 concerning Pharaoh: " The Lord hardened his heart, because the Lord was the author of commands and messages and miracles which were the occasion of Pharaoh's hardening his own heart." Dr. Davidson:4," This does not mean that he infused positive 1 See Ex. viii. 15 and ix. 34. 2 Qnaest. 12 in Ex. 8 Corn. on Romans, Excursus xi. p. 483.' Sacred IHermen., pp. 545, 546. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 91 wickedness or obstinacy into the mind, or that he influenced it in any way inconsistent with his perfections, but that he withdrew his grace, allowed the heart of Pharaoh to take its natural course, and thus to become harder and harder. He permitted it to be hardened." Keil, on Ex. iv. 21, observes: "In this twofold manner God produces hardness, not only permissive, but effective, i.e. not only by giving time and space for the manifestations of human opposition, even to the utmost limits of creaturely freedom, but still more by those continued,manifestations of his will which drive the hard heart to such utter obduracy that it is no longer capable of returning, and so giving over the hardened sinner to the judgment of damnation. This is what we find in the case of Pharaoh." As to Sihon, Deut. ii. 30, God providentially arranged circumstances so that the malignant wickedness of his heart should develop and culminate in " hardness" and " obstinacy," bringing upon him merited destruction. Bush, on Josh. xi. 20: " God was now pleased to leave them to judicial hardness of heart, to give them up to vain confidence, pride, stubbornness, and malignity, that they might bring upon themselves his righteous vengeance, and be utterly destroyed." As to the ancient Jews, God hardened their hearts, in that by his providence he sustained them in life, upheld the use of all their powers, caused the prophets to warn and reprove them, and placed them in circumstances where they must receive these warnings and reproofs. Under this arrangement of his providence, they became more hardened and wicked. Delitzsch, on Isa. lxiii. 17, remarks: "'Vhen men have scornfully and obstinately rejected the grace of God, he withdraws it from them judicially, gives them up to their wanderings, and makes their heart incapable of faith.... The history of Israel, from chap. vi. onwards, has been the history of such a gradual judgment of hardening, and such a curse, eating deeper and deeper, and spreading its influence wider and wider round." 92 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Barnes, on John xii. 40: " God suffers the truth to produce a regular effect on sinful minds, without putting forth any positive supernatural influence to prevent it. The effect of truth on such minds is to irritate, to enrage, and to harden, unless counteracted by the grace of God. And, as God knew this, and knowing it still, sent the message, and suffered it to produce the regular effect, the evangelist says,'He hath blinded their minds."' Alford, on Rom. ix. 18: " Whatever difficulty there lies in this assertion that God leardeneth whom he will, lies also in tlhe daily course of his providence, in which we see this hardening process going on in the case of the prosperous ungodly man." He is warlike. Is peacefdl. The LoRD is a man of war: the LORD Now the God of peace be with you is his name. Ex. xv. 3. all. Rtom. xv. 33. The LOUD of hosts is his name. Isa. For God is not the author of confuii. 15. sion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Cor. xiv. 33. These two sets of texts present God in a twofold aspect — in his attitude toward sin and incorrigible sinners, on the one hand, and that toward holiness and the good, on the other. He is hostile in respect to the one, and friendly in relation to the other. All his attributes are at war with evil, but at peace with " that which is good." Every good magistrate and ruler sustains a similar twofold relation. His attitude toward lawabiding citizens is a peaceful one, while in respect to evil-doers he "beareth not the sword in vain." 1 lfercy. Unmerciful arndferocious. Merciful and kind. And thou shalt consume all the peo- O give thanks unto the LORD; for he ple which the LORD thy God shall de- is good; for his mercy enzdreth for liver thee: thine eye shall have no pity ever. 1 Chron. xvi. 34. upon them. Dent. vii. 16. Thle LORD is good to all; and his And he smote the men of Beth-she- tender mercies are over all his works. mesh. because they had looked into the Ps. cxlv. 9. ark of the LORD, even he smote of the It is of the LoRD's mercies that we people fifty thousand and three score are not consumed, because his compasand ten men. 1 Sam. vi. 19. sions fail not. Lain. iii. 22. Thus saith the LouRD of hosts, I re- The Lord is very pitiful and of ten. member that which Amalek did to der mercy. Jas. v. 11. Israel, how he laid wait for him in the God is love. 1 John iv. 16. way, when he came up from Efgypt. N ow go and smite Amalek, and utterly 1 See Rom. xiii. 8, 4. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 93 Unmerccful and ferocious. 3Merciful and kind. destroy all that they have, and spare them not: but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 1 Samn. xv. 2, 3. And I will dcash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LorD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, buat destroy them. Jer. xiii. 14. For our God is a consuming fire. fIeb. xii. 29. As to the injunction to slay the Canaanites, in Deut. vii., see the discussion elsewhere.l In respect to the Bethshemites, there is, in all probability, a mistake in the number specified. " Seventy men" is the true reading, with which Josephus2 agrees. Copyists often made these mistakes, by taking one numeral letter for another which closely resembled it. In our present Hebrew text the words stand "seventy men, fifty thousand men." But in several manuscripts the Hebrew answering to " fifty thousand men" is entirely wanting. From this circumstance, and the fact that the town of Bethshemesh could by no means furnish anything like fifty thousand men, Keil and others hold that the expression "fifty thousand men" has rightfully no place in the text, but has crept in, by some oversight, from the margin.3 But it may be asserted that the element of number does not necessarily come into the account- that the death of one person, under those circumstances, presents as real a difficulty as would that of fifty thousand persons. It is needful to say only that these Bethshemites evinced a profane and sacrilegious curiosity, and disobeyed the most solemn, explicit, and repeated warnings of Jehovah. For example, we read, in respect to some of the Levites even, " The sons of Kohath shall come to bear it; but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die"; and "They shall not go in to see when the holy things are covered, lest 1 Ethical Discrepancies; "Enemies, treatment." 2 Antiq. vi. 1, 4. 3 Lord Arthur Hervey, in Bible Commentary, expresses the opinion that the error arose from the use of numeral-letters; Ayin (V) denoting 70 being mistaken for dotted Sun (~) representing 50000, 94 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE, they die."2 The rabbies say that the Bethshemites actually opened and looked into the ark. It was essential to teach the people, at this time, a solemn and effective lesson with reference to the proper mode of dealing with sacred things and of approaching Jehovah. The reason for the command in 1 Sam. xv. is as follows: When the HI-ebrews were toiling along on their weary pilgrimage from Egypt to Canaan, the Amalekites hung upon their rear, laid wait for them, and butchered in cold blood all who were unable to keep up with tile main body. The following is the artless language of the sacred historian: "Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt; how he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God." 2 They did this, says Keil, "not merely for the purpose of plundering, or of disputing the possession of this district and its pasture grounds with the Israelites, but to assail Israel as the nation of God, and, if possible, to destroy it." The Amalekites, as we gather from the narrative, were, in earlier and in later times a horde of ferocious and bloodthirsty guerrillas. It seemed best to the Almighty to extirpate a race so hardened and depraved, so utterly lost to the nobler feelings of mankind. Hence he said to Saul: "Go, and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites." 3 In pursuance of this object, he was ordered to "slay both man and woman, infant and suckling." It is objected that this command proves God to be "cruel." If so, the fact that in numberless cases he slays tender babes, innocent little ones, by painful diseases, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, hurricanes, and the like, militates equally agaiust him. The charge of " cruelty" lies just as heavily against the order of things in this world, by whatever name it may be designated, as it does against Jehovah. z Num, iv. 15 and 20i. Ieut. xxv, 17, 181 Sam. xv; 1I DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 95 Besides, had the women and children been spared, there would soon have been a fresh crop of adult Amalekites, precisely like their predecessors. Or, suppose merely the children had been saved; if left to care for themselves, they must have miserably perished of starvation; if adopted and reared in Israelite families, they might, from their hereditary dispositions and proclivities to evil, have proved a most undesirable and pernicious element in the nation. It was, doubtless, on the whole, the best thing for the world that the Amalekite race should be exterminated. The people so severely threatened in Jer. xiii. 14 were abominably corrupt and depraved. In Jer. vii. 9, they are charged with theft, murder, adultery, perjury, burning incense to Baal, and with idolatry in general. Yet, as the connection' clearly shows, the severe tlreatening above mentioned was a conditional one. They might have repented, and escaped. They would not reform, hence the threatening was strictly carried out. As to Heb. xii. 29, God is a " consuming fire " in respect to evil and evil-doers. According to Alford, the fact that " God's anger continues to burn now, as then, against those who reject his kingdom, is brought in; and in the back-ground lie all those gracious dealings by which the fire of God's presence and purity becomes to his people, while it consumes their vanity and sin and earthly state, the fire of purity and light and love for their enduring citizenship of his kingdom." His anger fierce and lasting. Slow and brief. The fierce anger of the LorD may For his anger enzdureth but a moment. be turned away from Israel. Num. Ps. xxx. 5. xxv. 4, The LORD is merciful and gracious, And lthe LoRD's anger was kindled slow to anger. and plenteous in mercy. against Israel, and he made them wan- He will not always chide: neither will der in the wilderness forty years. until he keep his anger for ever.'s. ciii. all the generation, that lihad done evil 8, 9. in the sig, ht of tile LORD, was consumed. INum. xxxii. 13. Wilt thou be'angry with us for ever? wilt thou draw ou/t thine anger to all generations? rs. lxxxv. 5. The "fierce anger" of the Lord is his intense and iqftnite I SeW Jer. xiii. 15-1~. 96 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. displeasure at everything unholy and evil. He is "slow to anger"; for though he feels an infinite abhorrence of sin, yet he bears long with the sinner, before giving punitive expression to that abhorrence. He dealt very patiently with the Israelites, as their history abundantly shows. As to Ps. xxx. 5, Delitzsch observes: "'A moment passes in his anger, a (whole) life in his favor,' that is, the former endures only for a moment, the latter, the whole life of a man11. The anger of God ceases upon the repentance of the sinner. In relation to a certain class of persons, that anger is fierce and lasting, but with respect to a different class, it is slow and brief. Flearftul to fall into his hands. NAot.fearful. It is a fearful thing to fall into the And David said unto Gad, I am in a hands of the living God. Heb. x. 31. great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the LORD: for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man. 2 Sam. xxiv. 14. The first text refers to the case of apostates and other incorrigible sinners; the second to the case of those who are truly penitent. Alford: "The two sentiments are easily set at one. For the faithful, in their chastisement, it is a blessed thing to fall into God's hands; for the unfaithful, in their doom, a dreadful one." Laughs at sinner's overthrow. Has no pleasutre in it. I also will laugh at your calamity: I For I have no pleasure in the death will mock when your fear cometh. of him that dieth, saith the LorD GOD: Frov. i. 26. wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye. Ezek. xviii. 32. The persons addressed in the first text are obdurate despisers and scorners who have persistently rejected God's admonitions. So, when calamities overtake them, he contemptuously rejects their prayers, which have no trace of penitence in them, but are the offspring of base fear. On this passage Stuart comments as follows: "I shall henceforth treat you as enemies who deserve contempt.... The intensity of the tropical language here makes the expression exceedingly strong. Laughing at and mocking are expressions of the highest and most contemptuous indignation." DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 97 The second text refers to persons who, though sinful, were less hardened and in a more hopeful condition than the former class. A God of Justice. Of Mercy. Ile is the Rock, his work is perfect: The LoRD your God is gracious and for all his ways are judgment: a God merciful, and will not turn arway his of truth and without iniquity, just and face from you, if ye return unto him. right is he. Dent. xxxii. 4. 2 Chron. xxx. 9. God's justice is not restricted to what is termed " distributive justice," which gives to every man his exact deserts, leaving no room for the exercise of mercy. The divine justice is- that " general justice " which carries out completely all the ends of law, sometimes by remitting, and at other times by inflicting,/ the penalty, according as the offender is penitent or otherwise. Every wise parent and ruler employs general justice, securing the great ends of government by punishing offenders, or by showing mercy, as circumstances may warrant. The following is a striking passage: " Unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy; for thou rendsWrest to every man according to his work." I From this text it would seem that, in the Psalmist's view, mercy and justice are so far from being incompatible, that the one attribute is dependent upon the other. " Thou art merciful, for thou art just." HIengstenberg: " He must have loving-kindness, inasmuch as it is involved in the very idea of God as the righteous One, th-at he recompense every one according to his work, and therefore manifest himself as compassionate to the righteous, while he desi oys the wicked." He hates some. Is kind to all. Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith The LoRD is good to all. Ps. cxlv. 9. the LouD: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau. Mal. i. 2, 3. The word " hate" is used here, al3 ~lien in scripture,' in the sense of to love less. If core person was preferred to another, the former was said to be " loved," the latter " hated." Henderson observes: "As the opposite of love is hatred, when Ps. lxii. 12. 2See Gen. xxix. 30, 31; Prov. xiii. 24; also Luke xiv. 26, compared with Matt. x. 87. 98 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. there is only an inferior degree of the former exhibited, the object of it is regarded as being hated, rather than loved." Veracity. God cannot lie. Sendsforth lying spirits. The Strength of Israel will not lie. And he said, Hear thou therefore the I Sam. xv. 29. word of the LORD; I saw the LORD That by two immutable things, in sitting on his throne, and all the host which it was impossible for God to lie. of heaven standing by him on his right HIeb. vi. 18. hand and on his left. And the LoRD said, Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead? And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner. And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LonD, and said, I will persuade him. And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the month of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade hi7m, and prevail also; go forth, and do so. Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee. 1 Kings xxii. 19-23. The whole declaration of Micaiah, in the passage at the right, is a highly figurative and poetical description of a vision he had seen. Putting aside its rhetorical drapery, the gist of the whole passage is that God for judicial purposes suffered Ahab to be fatally deceived. Bihr: " Because Ahab, who had abandoned God and hardened his heart, desired to use prophecy for his own purposes, it is determined, that he shall be led to ruin by prophecy. As God often used the heathen nations as the rod of his wrath for the chastisement of Israel (Isa. x. 5), so now he uses Ahab's false prophets to bring upon Ahab the judgment which Elijah had foretold against him." A. Fuller: "That spirit to whom thou hast sold thyself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord now desires thee as his prey. He that has seduced thee into sin now asks permission of God to deceive thy prJphets, that he may plunge thee into destruction; and God has granted him his desire. And that which Satan is doing for his own ends, God will do for his. There is as much of the judicial hand of God in a 1 Works, Vol. i. p. 620. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 99 lying spirit having misled thy prophets as of readiness in the evil one to entangle and seize thee as his prey." Keil: "Jehovah sends this spirit, inasmuch as the deception of Ahab has been inflicted upon him as a judgment of God for his unbelief. But there is no statement here to the effect that this lying spirit proceeded from Satan, because the object of the prophet was simply to bring out the worling of God in the deception practised upon Ahab by his prophets.... Jehovah has ordained that Ahab, being led astray by a prediction of his prophets inspired by the spirit of lies, shall enter upon the war, that he may find therein the punishment of his ungodliness." Denounces deception. Sanctions it. Cursed be the deceiver, which hath in And Samuel said, How can I go? if his flock a male, and voweth and sacri- Saul hear it, he will kill me. And the ficeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing. LORD said, Take an heifer with thee, Mal. i. 14. and say, I am come to sacrifice to the Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan LoraD. 1 Sam. xvi. 2. filled thine heart to lie to the Holy O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and Ghost, and to keep back part of the I was deceived: thou art stronger than price of the land? Acts v. 3. I, and hast prevailed. Jer. xx. 7. And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LorD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. Ezek. xiv. 9. Erens 7t7him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thess. ii. 9-12. On the text from 1 Samuel, Calvin says: "There was no dissimulation or falsehood in this, since God really wished his prophet to find safety under the pretext of the sacrifice. A sacrifice was therefore really offered, and the prophet was protected thereby, so that he was not exposed to any danger until the time of full revelation arrived." Keil: "There was no untruth in this; for Samuel was really about to conduct a sacrificial festival, and was to invite Jesse's family to; it, and then anoint~ the one whom Jehovah should 100 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. point out to him as the chosen one. It was simply a concealment of the principal object of his mission from any who might make inquiry about it because they themselves had not been invited." It is our privilege to withhold the truth from persons who have no right to know it, and who, as we have reason to belicve, would make a bad use of it. Lord Arthur Hervey 1 well observes: " Secrecy and concealment are not the same as duplicity and falsehood. Concealment of a good purpose, for a good purpose, is clearly justifiable; for example, in war, in medical treatment, in state policy, and in the ordinary affairs of life. In the providential government of the world, and ill God's dealings with individuals, concealment of his purpose, till the proper time for its development, is the rule, rather than the exception, and must be so." Jer. xx. 7 is rendered by Davidson2 thus: "0 Lord, thou hast constrained me, and I was constrained." Henderson: "' Thou didst persuade me, 0 Jehovah, and I was persuaded.' The prophet alludes to his reluctance to accept the prophetical office, which it required powerful inducements from Jehovah to overcome." Naegelsbach, in Lange, gives a similar version. Ezek. xiv. 9, which refers to idolatrous prophets, exhibits the fact that when men, without divine authority, set up as prophets, God, in order to expose the falsity of their pretensions, " deceives" them; that is, he so orders circumstances that these prophets will utter false and foolish predictions, which by their failure shall disclose the true character of their authors, and overwhelm them with shame and disgrace. As to the last text of the second series above, observe the description of the persons contemplated by it. The "deceivableness of unrighteousness" is in them; they neither love nor believe the truth, but have " pleasure in unrighteousness." They deliberately choose error. As they prefer falsehood 1 In Bible Commentary. 9 Introd. to Old Test., Vol. ii. p. 438, DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 101 and delusion to truth, God gives them their choice in full measure. With a judicial purpose, he gives them what they love, together with all its fearful consequences.l Alford': " He is the judicial sender and doer; it is he who hardens the heart which has chosen the evil way." Ellicott: "The words are definite and significant; they point to that' judicial infatuation' into which, in the development of his just government of the world, God causes evil and error to be unfolded, and which he brings into punitive agency in the case of all obstinate and truth-hating rejection of Lis offers and calls of mercy." 1Habitation of God. Dwells in light. Dwells in darkness. Who only hath immortality, dwell- Then spake Solomon, The LOPrD said ing in the light whlich no man can ap. that he would dwell in the thick darkproach unto. 1 Tim. vi. 16. ness. 1 Kings viii. 12. He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about himl iwere dark waters a??d thick clouds of the skies. Ps. xviii. 11. Clouds and darkness are round about him. Ps. xcvii. 2. The meaning may be that that in which God dwells is " light" to him, but "darkness" to us. The morning sun, which is light to the eagle, is darkness and blindness to nocturnal animals. A better explanation, perhaps, is the following: Imagery of various and widely diverse kinds is employed in the scriptures to set forth the attributes of God and his immeasurable remove from finite conditions and creatures. Where two or more figures are employed to illustrate the same idea, we should look for the common features of resemblance or common point of comparison. In the case before us, both of the figurative expressions — " unapproachable light " and " thick darkness " - set forth vividly and equally well the unsearchableness of God in relation to his creatures. This is the point whichl ia the present instance, the sacred writers intended to illustrate, and beyond this their language should not be pressed. 1 See South's Sermon on Falsehood and Lying, Works, i. pp. 192-203. Also, Miller, Doctrine of Sin, ii. pp. 413-415 (second edition). 9* 102 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Dwells in- chosen Temples. Does not dwell there. And the LonD appeared to Solomon Thus saith the LoRD, The heaven is by night, and said unto him, I have my throne, and the earth is my footheard thy prayer. and have chosen this stool: Awhere is the house that ye build place to myself for an house of sacri- unto me? and where is the place of my fice. For now have I chosen and sane- rest? Isa. lxvi. 1. tifled this house, that my name may be Howbeit, the Most High dwelleth not there for ever; and mine eyes and mine in temples made with hands. Acts heart shall be there perpetually. 2 vii. 48. Chron. vii. 12, 16. Observe, first, that God does not promise to "dwell" in the temple. Hle says he had chosen it, not as a residence, but as a "house of sacrifice." So Solomon understood it, for he says: "But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?" 1 The promise that the name, heart, and eyes of Jehovah should be there, meant simply that he would regard the house with peculiar favor, and manifest his power and grace in it. It is to be noted, secondly, that the whole promise was conditional, as is explicitly stated in the following verses: "But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house which I have sanctified for my name will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations." 2 As the conditions were not complied with, the promise was of course not binding. The quotation from Acts merely affirms that the infinite, omnipresent Spirit is not restricted to any one locality, or confined to any single place of worship. X2'habits eternity. Dwells with men. For thus saith the high and lofty And I will dwell among the children One that inhabiteth eternity, whose of Israel, and will be their God. Ex. name is Holy. Isa. lvii. 15. xxix. 45. I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Isa. lvii. 15. 2 Chron. ii. 6. 2 2 Chron. vii,. 19, 20. Kimchi and Rashi give this explanation of the case. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 103 Inhabits eternity. Dwells with men. Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. John xiv. 23. God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 2 Cor. vi. 16. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Rev. xxi. 3. An omnipresent Being may do both-dwell in eternity, and with men too. The " omnipresence" of God ishis power to develop his activity everywhere at once. Hence, in this view, the passages present no difficulty. Dwells in heaven. Dwells in Zion. Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou Sing praises to the LORD, which that dwellest in the heavens. Psalm dwelleth in Zion. Ps. ix. 11. cxxiii. 1. In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling-place in Zion. Ps. lxxvi. 2. To a mind capable of comprehending the meaning of the term n" omnipresence" these texts are seen to be in perfect harmony. Most simply, yet sublimely, is the idea expressed by the inspired prophet: " Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord." jPosition God assumes. One Position. A different one. There will I sit to judge all the hea- The LORD standeth up to plead, and then round about. Joel iii. 12. standeth to judge the people. Isa. iii. 13. This is a fair specimen of the trivial, verbal discrepancies which certain infidel writers palm off upon their careless or ignorant readers as cases of real contradiction. Of course, no person of candor and common sense would think of interpreting the language literally. The figure " sit" brings graphically to view the deliberateness and impartiality with which God judges men; the term 1"standeth" represents him as in the act of executing his judgments. 1 Jer. xxiii. 24. 104 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Law of God. A lazw of liberty. Tends to bondage. So speak ye, and so do, as they that These are the two covenants; the one shall be judged by the law of liberty. from the mount Sinai, which gendereth Jas. ii. 12. to bondage. Gal. iv. 24. The "law" of the first, is not identical with the " covenant" of the second passage. The former refers to the norm or rule of life contained in the gospel. It is Christ's law of love, purity, and liberty, as embodied in the Sermon on the Mount. Alford: " It is the law of our liberty, not as in contrast with a former law of bondage, but as viewed on the side of its being the law of the new life and birth, with all its spontaneous and free development of obedience." On the contrary, the " covenant " is the 5Mosaic law, with its complicated and burdensome ritual. This gendered to bondage. Ellicott comments thus: "'IBearing children unto bondage,' i.e. to pass under and to inherit the lot of bondage." Peter terms it a "yoke," which "neither our fathers nor we were able to bear."' As, therefore, the two texts refer to entirely different things, there is no collision. Lazo is perfect. It perfected nothing. But whoso looketh into the perfect For the law made nothing perfect, law of liberty. Jas. i. 25. but the bringing in of a better hope did. Heb. vii. 19. As in the preceding instance, these texts refer to different things - the former to the Christian, the latter to the Mosaic, law. Besides, were the same law intended in both cases, it would by no means follow that a perfect law necessarily secures perfect obedience. Observance tends to life. Tends to death. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes Because they had not executed my and my judgments: which if a man do, judgments, but had despised my stathe shall live in them: I ant the LORD. utes, and had polluted my sabbaths, Lev. xviii. 5. and their eyes were after their fathers';or Moses describeth the righteous- idols. Wherefore I gave them also ness which is of the law, That the man statutes that were not good, and judgwhich doeth these things. shall live by meats whereby they should not live; them. Rom. x. 5. and I polluted them in their own gifts, in that they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the end that they might know that I am the LORD. Ezek. xx. 24-26. 1 Acts xv. 10. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 105 Observance tends to life. Tends to death. And the commandment, which teas ordainedl to life, I found to be unto death. Rom. vii. 10. If there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. Gal. iii. 21. The first two texts affirm the general principle that obedience secures felicity, but do not say that any human being renders this obedience, in the full and perfect sense. The words, " if a man do," are merely hypothetical. Ezekiel's words, taken in their connection, are explained by Kimchil in the following manner: As the Israelites did not choose to observe the comparatively mild statutes of God whereby they might have lived happily, he substituted other statutes, so different from the first as to render it impossible to live under them, by subjecting that disobedient people to those enemies who instituted violent and rigorous laws against them. That is, the " statutes not good" were not the Mosaic statutes, but those of heathen tyrants and oppressors, to whom, from time to time, God delivered the Jews in punishment of their sins.2 The commandment which was fitted and intended to secure life, Saul, through transgression, found to result in death. Our criminal law, which makes hanging the penalty of the crime of murder, is designed for the preservation of life. But the murderer who is tried, convicted, and executed under that law finds it a law " unto death." The quotation from Galatians may be paraphrased thus: "If there had been a law given which could,"' - under the circumstances, "which could," — amid the limitations, frailties, and imperfect obedience of humanity, " have given life." The law requires perfect obedience, in order to life. But it is absolutely certain that man does not, and will not, render this obedience; hence the law cannot give life to him. No law, as Menasseh ben Israel's Conciliator, Vol. i. p. 229. 2 See further, pp. 77, 78, of present work. 106 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. such, can give life to sinners. In brief, we may say that the first series of texts implies that the design and normal tendency of the law is life; the last, that, through man's imperfection and disobedience, the actual result is death. Hence, there is clearly no discrepancy. JI. CHRIST. -His Divinity. Christ is God. He is man. In the beginning was the Word, and But now ye seek to kill me, a man the Word was with God, and the Word that hath told you the truth, which I was God. And the Word was made have heard of God. John viii. 40. flesh, and dwelt among us. John i. Because he hath appointed a day in 1, 14. the which he will judge the world in But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, righteousness, by that man whom he O God, is for ever and ever. Ileb. i. 8. hath ordained. Acts xvii. 31. One mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. ii. 5. Christ is here presented in two aspects — in his divine nature, by virtue of which he was God, and in his human nature, in respect of which he was man. On the one hand, he was " God, in substance and essence "; 1 on the other, he was man, as having taken upon him human nature. Oze wzith the Fatlher. Distinct from him. I and my Father are one. John x. 30. I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father. John xvi. 28. The "oneness" of the first text is unity of essence, attributes, and will, but not unity of person. This is made clear in our Saviour's prayer for his disciples: "That they may be one, even as we are one." 2 Here the petition is, not that the disciples might lose their individual existence and be merged in one corporeal organism, but that, in their great work, they might be " of one heart and of one soul." Again, we read: "I have planted, Apollos watered;... Now, he that planteth and he that watereth are one." Not identity of person, but of purpose, is here intended. The underlying principle which harmonizes the two foregoing texts is therefore the following: Unity of essence and attributes, with distinctions of person. I So Alford, on John i, 1. 2 John xvii. 22. 31 Cor. iii. 6, 8. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 107 Alford: "Christ and the Father are ONE - one in essence, primarily, but therefore also one in working and power and in. will;... not personally one, but essentially." Equal to the Father. Inferior to him. Christ Jesus: who, being in the form If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, beof God, thought it not robbery to be cause I said, I-go unto the Father: for equal with God. Philip. ii. 5, 6. my Father is greater than 1. John After Christ. For in him dwelleth xiv. 28. all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Col. ii. 8, 9. The words " greater than I" do not assert Christ's inferiority in respect to essence. Barnes: "The object of Jesus here is not to compare his own nature with that of the Father, but his condition. Ye would rejoice that I am to leave this state of suffering and humiliation, and' resume that glory which I had with the Father before the world was. You ought to rejoice at my exaltation to bliss and glory with the Father." Calvin: " Christ does not here compare the divinity of the Father with his own, neither his own human nature with the divine essence of the Father, but rather his present state with that celestial glory to which he must shortly be received." In this interpretation concur Luther, Cocceius, De Wette, Tholuck, Stuart, and Alford, with other critics and commentators."l This exposition is in perfect keeping with the context. 7The Son is God. Thle Father the only God. The church of God, which he hath And this is life eternal, that they purchased with his own blood. Acts might know thee the only true God. xx. 28. John xvii. 3. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ. 1 Pet. i. 18, 19. In respect to the quotation from Acts, there are different readings. Some critics read "theos," God; others, "klurios," 1 Says an eminent Unitarian divine, Rev. Dr. E. H. Sears: " For a mortal man, or for an archangel as well, to announce that God is greater than he is, were profane egoism. But for Jesus speaking as the Word to say,'my Father is greater than I,' is to say only that God as absolute, is more than God revealed." - Heart of Christ, Appendix, p. 550. 108 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Lord. Alford, WVordsworth, Mill, and others adopt the former; Griesbach, Lachmann, 3Meyer, Davidson, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Green, and Hackett apparently, adopt the latter reading. If we read " the church of the Lord,"' the passage will have no direct bearing upon the point under discussion. On the words, " the only true God," Barnes observes: "The only God in opposition to all false gods. WVhat is said here is in opposition to idols, not to Jesus himself, who, in 1 John v. 20, is called' the true God and eternal life.'" Alford: "The very juxtaposition of Jesus Christ here with the Father, and the knowledge of both being defined to be eternal life, is a proof by implication of the Godhead of the former. The knowledge of God and a creature could not be eternal life, and the juxtaposition of the two would be inconceivable." Ch7rist, the Son of God. Son of snan. Say ye of him, whom the Father hath WVhen Jesus came into the coasts of sanctified, and sent into the world, Caesarea Philippi, lhe asked his disciThou blasphemest; because I said, I ples saying, WThom do men say that I am the Son of God? John x. 36. the Son of man am? M3att. xvi. 13. And Philip said, If thou believest For the Son of man is come to seek with all thine heart, thou mayest. And and to save that which was lost. he answered and said, I believe that Luke xix. 10. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Acts viii. 37.1 The term " Son of God," is to be regarded as descriptive of Jesus, in his divine nature; "Son of man," in his human nature. The latter term, says Alford, is " the name by which the Lord ordinarily in one pregnant word, designates himself as the 3Messiah - the Son of God manifested in the flesh of man - -the second Adam. And tQ it belong all those conditions of humiliation, suffering, and exaltation, which it behooves the Son of man to go through." From the following passage," IHereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God. Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God?,"2 1 This verse is retained by Bornemann, Wordsworth, and the Arabic, Armenian, Syriac, and Vulgate versions. Itis omitted by Alford, Hackett, Meyer, Tischendorf, and most other modern critics. 2 Luke xxii. 69, 70, DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 109 it would appear that the Jews took the two expressions, "Son of God" and " Son of man," as nearly or quite synonymous, both denoting thl lonag-expected Messiah. The only Son of God. M3en also sons of God. The only begotten Son, which is in For as many as are led by the Spirit the bosom of the Father, he hath de- of God, they are the sons of God. Romn. clared himin. John i. 18. viii. 14. In this was manifested the love of Beloved, now are we the sons of God. God toward us, because that God sent 1 John iii. 2. his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. i John iv. 9. Observe that the first two texts do not assert that Jesus is the " only," but the " only begotten," Son of God; that is, he is the only being who sustains that peculiar relation to the Father, which is implied in the term " begotten." One class of theologians hold that, while men may become soIlS of God by adoption,l Jesus is son by generation, and consequent participation in the divine essence and attributes. Such was the view of the Nicene trinitarians. By analogical reasoning, they maintained that, as the human son participates in the nature and attributes of the human father, the same holds true of the Divine Son in relation to the Divine Father. According to this view, held by many theologians at the present day, Christ is distinctively " the Son of God," - or, in the language of Dr. Hodge,8 " the only person in the universe to whom the word can be applied in its full sense, as expressing sameness of essence." There is another explanation of the term, " Son of God," which is given by Dr. Watts,4 Prof. Stuart,5 Prof. Park, and others. They hold that Christ bears this appellation because, in respect to his human nature, he is derived from God; also because of the elevated dignity which was conferred on him 1 Rom. viii. 15, 16. 2 Shedd, History of Christian Doctrine, i. 331. 3 Theology, i. 474. Compare Dr. Miller's Letters on Eternal Sonship, pp. 87-40. 4 See Works, v. 232-258 (edition in 7 vols.). 6 Letters to Dr. Miller on Eternal Generation, Letter viii. 10 110 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. as the 1Messiah,- his resurrection from the dead being the commencement of his elevation to supreme dignity, and being, moreover, the beginning of a new life; that is, something analogous to birth or generation. The last-named theologian1 adduces the additional reason that Christ was greatly beloved of the Father. On either of the above hypotheses, the fact that men are occasionally styled " sons of God," while Jesus is denominated " the only-begotten Son of God," occasions no difficulty, since the two appellations are respectively used with very different significations. Omnipotence. hIad all power. Was not almighty. And Jesus came and spake unto them, To sit on my right hand, and on my saying, All power is given unto me in left. is not mine to give, but it shall be heaven and in earth. Matt. xxviii. 18 given to them for whom it is prepared The Father loveth the Son, and hath of my Father. Matt. xx. 23. given all things into his hand. John And he could there do no mighty iii. 35. work, save that he laid his hand upon a few sick folk, and healed theam. Mark vi. 5. Matt. xx. 23 is rendered by Grotius, Chrysostom, Clarke, Barnes, and others thus: "is not mine to give, except to those for whom," etc. With this the Syriac Peshito precisely agrees. The italics in the common version of this text pervert the meaning. The real sense is: "It is not fitting that I should bestow it upon others." The question is not one of power at all, but of fitness. Mark vi. 5 implies not physical but moral impossibility. It was not lack of power which prevented his working miracles at Nazareth; but, as the next verse shows, the "unbelief" of the people was the reason why it was inconsistent for him, or why he " could not" thus work. So one often says of a thing which he deemed improper, or incompatible with his purposes, "I could not do it." Alford: " The want of ability is not absolute, but relative. The same voice which could still the tempest, could anywhere 1 MS. Lectures. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 111 and under any circumstances have commanded diseases to obey; but in most cases of human infirmity, it was our Lord's practice to require faith in the recipient of aid, and that being wanting, the help could not be given." Omniscience. Knew all things.. Ignorant of some things. But Jesus did not commit himself And seeing a fig tree afar off having unto them, because he knew all men, leaves, he came, if haply he might find and needed not that any should testify any thing thereon: and when he came of man: for he knew what was in man. to it, he found nothing but leaves; for John ii. 24, 25. the time of figs was not yet. Mark xi.13. Nf ow are we sure that thou knowest But of that day and that hour knowall things, and needest not that any eth no man, no, not the angels which man should aslk thee. John xvi. 30. are in heaven, neither the Son, but the And he said unto him, Lord, thou Father. Mark xiii. 32. knowest all things; thou knowest that And said, Where have ye laid him? I love thee. John xxi. 17. They said unto him, Lord, come and Christ, in whom are hid all the treas- see. John xi. 34. ures of wisdom and knowledge. Col. Wherefore in all things it behooved ii. 3. him to be made like unto his brethren. Heb. ii. 17.'a Obviously, some passages represent Christ in the aspect of his Godhead, while others speak of him simply in his human nature, - as a man. When he is spoken of as "increasing in wisdom and stature," 1 the humanity is placed in the foreground; when he claims to have existed "before Abraham was,"2 he speaks in his inherent divinity. As another has remarked: "His infancy and childhood were no mere pretence, but the divine personality was in him carried through these states of weakness and inexperience, and gathered round itself the ordinary accessions and experiences of the sons of men." In the person of Christ, the Divinity voluntarily entered into, and took upon itself, the conditions and limitations of humanity. Ewald 3 observes: " Even the highest divine power, when it veils itself in mortal body, and appears in definite time, finds, in this body and this time, its limits." To nearly the same purport, Colenso 4 says: "It is perfectly consistent with the most entire and sincere belief in our Lord's divinity, to hold, as many do, that when he vouchsafed to become a'Son of 1 Lulke ii. 52. 2 John viii. 58' Life of Christ, p. 340O 4 On Pentateuch, Part i. p. xxxi. 112 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. man,' he took our nature fully, and voluntarily entered into all the conditions of humanity, and among others, into that which makes our growth in all ordinary knowledge grcdual and limited." The divinity and humanity were, as we believe, so united that they exerted a reciprocal influence, each modifying the action of the other. If it be said that such a union is improbable, we reply that there is an equal, antecedent improbability that a spirit, being immaterial, would be united with a body composed of matter, so as to form one personality, one ego; yet we know that this actually occurs in the case of man. In consequence of the union above mentioned, our Saviour could say " I " of either component of his nature - the divine or the human. Sometimes he spoke in one relation, sometimes in the other, according as circumstances or the exigencies of discourse required.1 In a somewhat analogous way, a man says, " Irejoice at it," and, at another time, " I weigh so much." In the first instance, the " I" refers exclusively to the soul; in the second, to the body. The soul rejoices, the body weighs. Yet the pronoun "I" is applied indifferently to either. We cannot but think that the principle underlying this mode of conception and speech, indicates a simple and correct interpretation of the second series of texts quoted above. They bring Christ before our minds in his lower and subordinate relations, in the humiliation, the "emptying" himself of his Godlike majesty and visible glories, which he voluntarily undertook and endured.2 As to the case of the fig-tree, Jesus wished to teach his disDr. Payson, on his death-bed, said, in substance, to his friends, " I suffer as much pain, as if every bone were undergoing dislocation;" and, in the same breath, " I am perfectly, perfectly happy and peaceful - more happy than I can possibly express to you." That is, he was at the same mnoment intensely happy, and suffering intensely. Yet this involved no contradiction. The language had respect to different relations, or to different departments of being. See Payson's'Memoir, by Cummings, p. 476. 2 See Phil. ii. 7, 8; Greek iavTrmbv E'K'cre, emptied Himself. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 113 ciples an important lesson. This was enforced upon their minds by his suddenly blighting the tree. The foliage of the tree was in such a state that it was antecedently probable that there was fruit also. Jesus acted " according to the appearance of things; being a man as well as divine he acted, of course, as men do act in such circumstances." As to Mark xiii. 32, Augustine says, "He did not know so that he might at that time disclose to the disciples." He adds elsewhere, (" Though as God he could not be ignorant of any thing, yet his human understanding did not know it." Lightfoot, on the passage: " It is not revealed to him from the Father to reveal to the church." Wordsworth, on the same text: " It is true that the Son, as Son, knoweth not the day of judgment, because the Father'hath put the times and seasons in his own power,' and the Father will reveal them when he thinks meet; and therefore it is no part of the office of the Son to know, that is, to determine and'declare the day of judgment." Some of the Lutheran commentators say that our Lord knew " in respect to possession, but not in respect to use." That is, he might possess but not use this knowledge. Waterland:l "He denies the knowledge of the day of judgment, but in respect of his human nature; in which respect also he is said to have increased in wisdom, Luke ii. 52; the divine Logos having, with the human nature, assumed the ignorance and other infirmities proper to it." Schaff, in Lange, on Matt. xxiv. 36: "Christ could, of course, not lay aside, in the incarnation, the metaphysical attributes of his divine nature, such as eternity; but he could, by an act of his will, limit his attributes of power and his knowledge, and refrain from their use as far as it was necessary for his humiliation." Alford: "In the course of humiliation undertaken by the Son, in which he increased in wisdom (Luke ii. 52), learned Works, ii. 163 (Oxford edition, 1856). o10* 114 DISCREPANCIES OP THE BIBLE. obedience (Heb. v. 8), uttered desires in prayer (Luke vi. 12, etc.) -this matter was hidden from him." Omnipresence. Everywhere present. Not omnipresent. For where two or three are gathered For ye have the poor always with together in my name, there am I in the you; but me ye have not always. Matt. midst of them. Matt. xviii. 20. xxvi. 11. Lo, I am with you alway, even unto Jesus himself drew near, and went the end of the world. Matt. xxviii. 20. with them. Luke xxiv. 15. Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place. John v. 13. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless, let us go unto him. John xi. 15. The first texts refer to his spiritual presence with his people; the second series relates to his visible presence, in the body. Paul, in Col. ii. 5, employs language of a quite similar import. Holinzess. He is holy. Is sin. He had done no violence, neither For he hath made him to be sin for wsas any deceit in his mouth. Isa. us, who knew no sin; that we might liii. 9. be made the righteousness of God in In all points tempted like as we are, him. 2 Cor. v. 21. yet without sin. Ileb. iv. 15. Holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners. leb. vii. 26. The word "sin," in tbe latter text, doubtless means "sinoffering." In this view concur Augustine, Ambrose, Erasmus, Lightfoot, Macdnight, Stuart, Whitby, and many other commentators. Chrysostom says, " Him who knew no sin, who was righteousness itself, he hath made sin; that is, hath suffered to be condemned as a sinner, to die as a person accursed. De Wette and Alford give the passage a somewhat different 1 Schleusner, Lexicon to the LXX, defines the original Greek term, &apa7pLa, as "peccattm, etiam poena peccati, et sacrificium piaculare." Bicl gives, also, " sacrificium pro peccato." Examples of the secondary signification are Ezek xliii. 22; xliv. 29; xlv. 22. According to Gesenius, the corresponding Hebrew term t,'Yr, with. two kindred words, means both sin and sin-offering. Fuerst says rRi- denotes sin in 1 Sam. xx, 1; Psalm lix. 4; Job xiii. 23; and sin-qffering in Ex. xxix. 14; Lev. iv. 3. The Greek word mentioned above has clearly its secondary or Hebraistic sense in 2 Cor. v. 21. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 115 turn, thus: Sin, i.e. Christ on the cross was the representative of sin - of the sin of the world. With a singular obliquity of mind and heart, F. W. Newman says of our Saviour, as represented in the Gospels, "I almost doubt whether, if one wished to draw the character of a vain and vacillating pretender, it would be possible to draw anything more to the purpose than this," and expresses his " conviction," that " in consistency of goodness Jesus fell far below vast numbers of his unhonored disciples." What must be our estimate of a man who can thus coolly ignore the verdict of the ages, and wantonly revolt the moral sense of Christendom, by suffering his pen to trace such atrocious sentiments as these? Blessed. A curse. God hath blessed thee for ever. Ps. Christ hath redeemed us from the xlv. 2.. curse of the law, being made a curse All nations shall call him blessed. for us: for it is written, Cursed is every Ps. lxxii. 17. one that hangeth on a tree. Gal. iii. 13. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. Rev. v. 12. Luther and some other commentators, taking the language in Galatians too literally, have supposed that by some mysterious transference of human guilt to Christ, he actually became a sinner. This interpretation is, however, uncalled for, and repugnant to our feelings. Conybeare renders: " He became accursed for our sakes." Ellicott and -Meyer think that the abstract word "katara," curse, is chosen instead of the concrete, to " express with more force the completeness of the satisfaction which Christ made to the law." Barnes: "Jesus was subjected to what was regarded as an accursed death. He was treated in his death as if he had been a criminal." As Christ suffered in the stead of those upon whom the curse properly devolved, he might be styled "accursed," or, in the sense just explained, a " curse " for us. 1 Phases of Faith, chap. vii. (third edition). 116 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Mercy. He is merciful. Unmerciful. For the Son of man is not come to Fall on us, and hide us from the face destroy men's lives but to save thesm. of him that sitteth on the throne, and Luke ix. 56. from the wrath of the Lamb. IRev. For the Son of man is come to seek vi. 16. and to save that which was lost. Luke Called Faithful and True, and in xix. 10. righteousness he doth judge and make war. Rev. xix. 11. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called The Word of God. Rev. xix. 13. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. Rev. xix. 15. De Wettel says that these latter passages "glow with the spirit of Messianic revenge." The apparent difficulty is easily obviated. Just in proportion as any being loves holiness, in that proportion will he hate sin. Christ, being perfectly holy, being also a wise and benevolent sovereign, cannot but be most powerfully impelled to reward virtue, and to punish and exterminate rice. The texts to which exception is taken, are vivid, figurative expressions of the infinitely wise, just, and righteous principles which Christ displays in the administration of his kingdom. Spares bruised reed. Wields iron sceptre. A bruised reed shall he not break, and Thou shalt break them with a rod of the smoking flax shall he not quench. iron: thou shalt dash them in pieces Isa. xlii. 3. like a potter's vessel. Ps. ii. 9. These passages present the Messiah in a twofold attitude; toward the penitent and humble, and toward the proud and rebellious. The "rod of iron" indicates the strength and crushing force with which he would chastise the revolters; the first text brings to view the tender compassion which he would exercise toward the dejected and helpless. The same mouth which breathed the tender words, " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden,"2 could, without any incongruity, thunder at those scoffing hypocrites, the scribes and Pharisees, the terrible denunciation, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell."3 Introd. to New Test., p. 376. 2 Matt. xi. 28. 8 Matt. xxiii. 33. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. l17 Courage and Fortitude. Shruznk at death. Met it composedly. Now is my soul troubled; and what lie humbled himself, and became obeshall I say? Father, save me from this dient unto death, even the death of the hour: but for this cause came I unto cross. Philip. ii. 8. this hour. John xii. 27. W~ho in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared. Heb. v. 7. Theophylact, Grotius, Tholuck, Barnes, and others, take the Saviour's words interrogatively, thus: " Shall I say, Father, save me from this hour?" This interpretation makes good sense, and accords well with the context. Heb. v. 7 may be rendered: "He was heard on account ofj his pious resignation," - or, " because of his reverence." So, in substance, Alford, Barnes, Bleek, Conybeare, Delitzsch, Luther, Robinson, Tyndale, and all the Greek commentators. Prof. Stuart, following in substance the common version, maintains that it was not death which Christ "feared"; he dreaded lest he should sink under the agony of being deserted by his Father. In this respect he was "heard," and received divine aid.l Either interpretation dispels the difficulty. Feracity. His witness true. Not true. Though I bear record of myself, yet If I bear witness of myself my witmy record is true: for I know whence ness is not true. John v. 31. 1came and whither I go. John viii. 14. Grotius takes the first passage as a mere hypothesis, "even though I should bear witness of myself," etc. Bishop Pearce, Wakefield, and others render the second text thus: " If I bear witness of myself, is not my witness true?" Should the common version be retained, the meaning is, If I alone bear witness of myself." The Mosaic law required at least two witnesses.2 Jesus therefore admits that his own testimony alone would not be "true"; that is, would not be regarded as legal proof; hence he proceeds to adduce the corroborative testimony of another.'Luke xxii. 43. Doub. xiX 1. [118 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Andrew Fuller:1 " The first passage sets forth his testimony as it was in itself; the second as it was in the account of men..... Admitting their laws or rules of evidence, his testimony would not have been credible; and therefore in the verses following he appeals to that of John the Baptist, and the works which he had wrought in his Father's name, which amounted to a testimony from the Father." Alford: The assertion in chapter v. was, that his own unsupported witness (supposing that possible) would not be trustworthy, but that his testimony was supported by, and in fact coincident with, that of the Father. The very same argument is used in chapter viii., but the other side of it presented to us. He does witness of himself, because his testimony is the testimony of the Father who witnesseth in him. Received human testimony. Did not receive it. And ye also shall bear witness, be- But I receive not testimony from cause ye have been with me from the man: but these things I say that ye beginning. John xv. 27. might be saved. John v. 34. "I receive not," etc.; that is, the " testimony " of which I have spoken is not derived from human sources. It is infinitely more authoritative and conclusive than man's witness would be. I need not human testimony for myself; I merely adduce it for your sakes, that "ye might be saved." Mission. Peace. War. The Prince of Peace. Of the increase Think not that I am come to send of his government and peace there shall peace on earth; I came not to send be no end. Isa. ix. 6. 7. peace, but a sword. For I am come to Peace I leave with you, my peace I set a man at variance against his father, give unto you. John xiv. 27. and the daughter agaihst lher mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. Matt. x. 34-36. That is, the object of his mission was peace, but a result of it would, in many cases, be strife and war. Often, in securing a valuable end, we cannot avoid certain incidental evils. The object of the surgeon in amputating a diseased limb is the preservation of life, yet pain, as an incidental evil, follows the stroke of his scalpel. l Works, i. 629. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 119 A religion of inherent, radical purity could not be promulgated in the world without awakening, the fierce antagonism of everything impure and evil. Hence would arise strife and division, bitter conflicts, - as incidental evils, the grand, ultimate, unvarying object being, nevertheless, holiness and peace. Extended to all men. To Israelites alone. I will also give thee for a light to the Go not into the way of the Gentiles,and Gentiles, that thou mayest be my sal- into any city of the Samaritans enter vation unto the end of the earth. Isa. ye not. But go rather to the lost sheep xlix. 6. of the house of Israel. Matt. x. 5, 6. Christ Jesus; who gave himself a I am not sent but unto the lost sheep ransom for all. 1 Tim. ii. 6. of the house of Israel. Matt. xv. 24. He made atonement, "tasted death," for every man, and the benefits of his mediation are, to a certain extent, enjoyed by all, but his personal mission was chiefly to the " house of Israel." And the first, but not the later, mission of the apostles was similarly restricted. To the Samaritans. To Jews only. And sent messengers before his face; He departed from Galilee, and came and they went and entered into a vil- into the coasts of Judea, beyond Jorlage of the Samaritans to make ready dan. Matt. xix. 1. for him. Luke ix. 52. (The woman was a Greek, a SyroAnd it came to pass as he went to phenician by nation,) and she besought Jerusalem, that he passed through the him that hlie would cast forth the devil midst of Samaria and Galilee. Luke out of her daughter. But Jesus said xvii. 11. unto her, Let the children first be filled: Hle left Judea, and departed again for it is not meet to take the children's into Galilee. And he must needs go bread, and to cast it unto the dogs. through Samaria John iv. 3, 4. Mark vii. 26, 27. So when the Samaritans were come unto him they besouglht him that he would tarry with them: and he abode there two days. And many more believed because of his own word. John iv. 40, 41. "It is impossible," says Zeller,' to reconcile these different accounts." Now the truth is, that the infrequent exceptions alluded to in the first series of texts, only prove the general rule, that Christ's personal mission was to the Jews. The mere fact that, in journeying from Judea to Galilee, he passed through Samaria, which lay between the two, or that he wrought a miracle upon one Samaritan, and virtually commended another,2 or that he actually tarried two whole days in Sychar, does not, in the slightest, militate against the certainty that his personal ministry was among the children of Israel. 1 Straussa and. Rena, p,; 77 2.- Lkoe xvii. 16 and x., 88a-7. 120 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. To fu7fil the law. To redeem from its curse. Think not that I am come to destroy Christ hath redeemed us from the the law, or the prophets: I am not curse of the law. Gal. iii. 13. come to destroy, but to fulfil. M3att. v. 17. He came to carry out the great end of the law, to secure the righteousness of man. He "fulfilled," perfectly obeyed, the moral law, while in him, as the great Antitype, the types and figures of the ceremonial law culminated and were fulfilled. At the same time, he came to redeem, by his atonement, penitent sinners from the " curse," the penalty of the law. To judge the world. Not to judge. For the Father judgeth no man; but For God sent not his Son into the hath committed all judgment unto the world to condemn the world; but that Son: and hath given him authority to the world through him might be saved. execute judgment also. John v. 22, 27. John iii. 17. Jesus said, For judgment I am come Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no into this world, that they which see man. John viii. 15. not might see; and that they which see And if' any man hear my words, and might be made blind. John ix. 89. believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but -to save the world. John xii. 47. The Greek word "krino" has the distinct, though associated, meanings, to judge merely, and to condemn. In some of the above passages it seems to be used in one sense, in others a different one is employed. Jesus came, in a sense, to " judge " the world, that is, to determine, by means of the gospel, the moral status, and consequent final destiny of men; yet his primary object was not to condemn men, though, in the process of judgment, the condemnation of some will be a certain, although incidental, result. " I judge no man," i.e. after your manner, or else, during my present mission. At his second coming he will in the ultimate and highest sense, " judge the world." Mliracles. Proof of divine mission. lNot a proof. And Israel saw that great work which Then Pharaoh also called the wise the LoRD did upon the Egyptians: and men, and the sorcerers: now the mathe people feared the LORD, and be- gicians of Egypt, they also did in like lieved the LoRD, and his servant Moses. manner with their enchantments: for lx. xiv. 31. they cast down every man his rod, and Art thou he that should come, or they became serpents. Ex. vii. 11, 12. do we look for another? Jesus an- And the magicians did so with their swered and said unto them, Go and enchantments, and brought up frogs shew John again those things which upon the land of Egypt. Ex. viii. 7. ye do hear and see: the blind receive If there arise among you a prophet, their sight, and the lame walk, the or a dreamer of dreamsi and givethi DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 121 Proof of divine mission. Not a proof. lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign the dead are raised up. Matt. xi. 3-5. or the wonder come to pass, whereof lie Rabbi, we know that thou art a spake unto thee, saying, Let its go after teacher come from God: for no man other gods which thou hast not known, can do these miracles that thou doest, and let us serve them; thou shalt not except God be with him. John iii. 2. hearken unto the words of that proThe works which the Father hath phet, or that dreamer of dreams: for given me to finish, the same works that the LoPrD your God provetrl you, to I do, bear witness of me, that the know whether yelove the Lots)t your Father hath sent me. John v. 33. God with all your heart and with all God also bearing thets witness, both your soul. Deut. xii. 1-3. with signs and wonders, and with di-. For there shall arise talse (hlrists, vers miracles, and gifts of the Holy and false prophets, and shall shew Ghost, according to his own will. lHeb. great signs and wonders; insomuch ii. 4. that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. MIatt. xxiv. 24. And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges. Luke xi. 19. Even hint, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders. 2 Thess. ii. 9. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the mleanzs qf those miracles. Rev. xiii. 13, 14. On this general subject, we may say that miracles are one, but not the only, proof of the divine mission of a religious teacher. His own character and claims, as well as the nature of his miracle, and of the doctrine he propounds, must be taken into the account. There are two or three preliminary questions which must be considered before we proceed further. 1. What constitutes a miracle? We give various answers. Dr. Charles HIodoge:L " An event, occurring in the external world; which involves the suspension or counteracting of some natural law, and which can be referred to nothing but the immediate power of God." "After all," he says elsewhere, "the suspension or violation of the laws of nature involved in miracles is nothing more than is constantly taking place around us. One force counteracts another; vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance; and muscular force can control the action of physical force. When a man raises a weight from the ground, the law of gravity is neither suspended Theology, Vol. ii. p, 75, and Vol. i. p. 621, 11 122 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. nor violated, but counteracted by a stronger force. The same is true as to the walking of Christ on the water, and the swimming of the iron at the command of the prophet." Prof. Park-:1 "c A miracle is a violation of the laws of matter and of finite mind in their established method of operating." Or, more specifically, "a phenomenon which occurs in violation of the laws of nature as they commonly operate, and which is designed to attest the divine authority of the messenger in whose behalf it occurs." Archbishop Trench:2 "An extraordinary divine causality belongs to the very essence of the miracle.... Beside and beyond the ordinary operations of nature, higher powers, (higher, not as coming from a higher source, but as bearing upon higher ends,) intrude and make themselves felt even at the very springs and sources of her power." Bleek3 and Schleiermacher: "A miracle is an event only relatively supernatural; not absolutely violating the laws which God has established, but brought about by a hidden co-operation (rarely exercised in this manner) of other and higher laws than those which appear in ordinary phenomena." 2. What is the legitimate force of a miracle? John Foster has the remark that a miracle is the ringing of the great bell of the universe calling the multitudes to hear the sermon. Bishop Butler "Revelation itself is miraculous, and miracles are the proof of it. Pascal: "Miracles test doctrine, and doctrine tests miracles." Rothe: "Miracles and prophecies are not adjuncts appended from without to a revelation in itself independent of them, but constitutive elements of the revelation itself." Gerhard: 4 4 The doctrine is the title-deed, and is essential to the significance of the seal attached to it. The miracle is the seal,' MS. Lectures. See, also, Smith's Bib. Dict., Art. "Miracles," appendix by Professor Park.' Notes on Miracles, p. 18. 3 Introd. to New Test., i. 221. 4 Smith's Bib. Diet., Vol. iii, pp. 1960-1968. . DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 123 and is important for the authority of the title-deed. The seal torn away from the parchment cannot fulfil its main design, and the parchment with the seal cut out is lessened in value." Dr. Hodge: 1 When a man presents himself as a messenger of God, whether he is to be received as such or not depends, fire t, on the doctrines which he teaches, and, secondly, upon the works which he performs. If he not only teaches doctrines conformed to the nature of God and consistent with the laws of our own constitution, but also performs works which evince divine power, then we know not only that the doctrines are true, but also that the teacher is sent of God." Dr. Thomas Arnold: 2 "You complain of those persons who judge of a revelation not by its evidence, but by its substance. It has always seemed to me that its substance is a most essential part of its evidence; and that miracles wrought in favor of what was foolish or wicked would only prove Manicheism. We are so perfectly ignorant of the unseen world, that the character of any supernatural power can only be judged of by the moral character of the statements which it sanctions: thus only can we tell whether it be a revelation from God or from the devil." Trench: 3 ", A miracle does not prove the truth of a doctrine, or the divine mission of him that brings it to pass. That which alone it claims for him, at the outset, is a right to be listened to; it puts him in the alternative of being from heaven, or from hell. The doctrine must first commend itself to the conscience as being good, and only then can the miracle seal it as divine. But the first appeal is from the doctrine to the conscience, to the moral nature in man." John Locke:4 "Though the common experience and the ordinary course of things have justly a mighty influence on tile 1 Theology, i. 636. 2 Life, ii. 202 (Popular edition, Boston, 1871). 3 On Miracles, p. 27. 4 On Human Understanding, BoolWiv,, chap. xviLsoct. 13. 124 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. minds of men, to make them give or refuse credit to anything proposed to their belief: yet there is one case wherein the strangeness of the fact lessens not the assent to a fair testimony given of it. For where such supernatural events are suitable to ends aimed at by him who has the power to change the course of nature, there, under such circumstances, they may be the fitter to procure belief, by how much the more they are beyond, or contrary to, ordinary observation. - This is the proper case of miracles, which, well attested, do not only find credit themselves, but give it also to other truths, which need such confirmation." Dr. Thomas Brown:1 "A miracle is not a violation of any law of nature. It involves, therefore, primarily, no contradiction nor physical absurdity. It has nothing in it which is inconsistent with our belief of the most undeviating uniformity of nature; for it is not the sequence of a different event when the preceding circumstances have been the same; it is an effect that is new to our observation, because it is the result of new and peculiar circumstances. The antecedent has been, by supposition, different; and it is not wonderful, therefore, that the consequent should be different." " It is essential, indeed, for our belief of any miraculous event, that there should be the appearance of some gracious purpose, which the miracle may be supposed to fulfil; since all which we know of the operation of the divine power in the universe indicates some previous purpose of that kind." We are now prepared to see the distinction between true miracles and other events which might be confounded with them. A genuine miracle tends to confirm the associated doctrine, and is in turn sanctioned by it, while both the doctrine and the miracle commend themselves to our reason as worthy of the Author of nature. It obviously follows that not every strange feat is to be regarded as a " miracle." The almost incredible performances of certain jugglers, contemplating no On Relation of Cause and Effect, pp. 224, 2o0. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 125 great moral end, are not to be classed with "miracles," but are to be attributed to "sleight-of-hand," or to a knowledge of certain occult laws and forces of nature. The wonders wrought with fire,' in the Midclle Ages, which men then regarded as miracles, we now see to have been mere tricks, utterly -unworthy of the intervention of the Divine Being. Again, it must be remembered that, as Trench' has clearly shown, Satan's kingdom has its own miracles, as well as the divine kingdom, and these really involve the intervention of spiritual and supernatural agencies coming from the realm of darkness. Not being " miracles," in the very highest sense of the word, they only partake in part of the essential elements of the miracle. They exhibit "not the omnipotence of God wielding his own world to ends of grace and wisdom and love, but evil permitted to intrude into the hidden springs of things, just so far as may suffice for its own deeper confusion in the end, and, in the meanwhile, for the needful trial and perfecting of God's saints and servants." Alford: "Miracles, as such, are no test of truth, but have been permitted to, and prophesied of, false religions and teachers." For illustration of this statement, he refers to several of the texts quoted at the head of this article. As to the feats of the magicians of Egypt, Bush, Dwight, and others think they were merely the tricks of skilful jugglers.3 Many commentators, however, seem disposed to recognize the supernatural character of the feats ascribed to the magicians. Keil: "With our very limited acquaintance with the dark domain of heathen conjuring, the possibility of their working'lying wonders after the working of Satan,' i.e. supernatural things (2 Thess. ii. 9), cannot be absolutely denied." He adds, 7 See Brewster's Letters on Natural Magic, Letter 12. - Notes on Miracles, pp. 25-27. 3 Compare Davidson's curt remarks on this point; Introd. to Old Test., i. pp. 221, 222. 11* 126 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. "In the persons of the conjurers Pharaoh summoned the might of the gods of Egypt to oppose the might of Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews." Trench: " Rather was this a conflict not merely between Egypt's king and the power of God; but the gods of Egypt, the spiritual powers of wickedness, which underlay, and were the soul of, that dark and evil kingdom, were in conflict with the God of Israel." -Iengstenberg:l "The object to which all of these occurrences were directed, according to chap. viii. 20, was to show that Jehovah is Lord in the midst of the land." This critic thinks that the author of the Pentateuch does not speak definitely upon the nature and origin of the results produced by the Egyptian magicians, and that there is nothing existing which can give us any information concerning his opinion. As to Deut. xiii., we have seen that the miracle per se, apart from the message, is not conclusive proof of the divine mission of the thaumaturgist. In this specific case, if the miracleworker should inculcate "idolatry," — which had been most strictly and explicitly forbidden by Jehovah, - this single circumstance was to be taken as absolute evidence that he was a false prophet and a deceiver. Hence, the "miracle" would, in such case, be simply the work of Satan, which God suffered to be wrought for the purpose of'testing man's loyalty and fidelity to him. The "great signs and wonders," in Matt. xxiv., if of a supernatural character, are like those we have just mentioned. Luke xi. 19 was a home-thrust, an argumentum ad hominzem. He said, in substance, "I cast out devils, as also your sons claim to do. Now, if, as you assume, the exorcist is in league with Satan, how is it with your own sons?" As to 2 Thess. ii. 9, Trench says, "They are'lying wonders,' not because in themselves frauds and illusions, but because they are wrought to support the kingdom of lies." Or, 1Egypt and the Books of Moses, pp. 98, 104, 105. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 127 as Alford says, they " have falsehood for their base and essence and aim." MIuch the same may be said with reference to the text in Revelation, which Alford interprets as delineating one characteristic of the Papal church, the claim to work "miracles" of various kinds. This topic may be dismissed with the single remark that, inasmuch as the miracles and the doctrine of our Saviour are, at the same time, congruous with each other, and worthy of God, the miracles may fairly be urged in corroboration of the divinity of his mission. Modes of Representing HAim. Despised. Honorable. He is despised and rejected of men; Unto you therefore which believe he a man of sorrows, and acquainted with is precious.l 1 Pet. ii. 7. grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isa. liii. 3. These two texts contemplate quite different classes of persons; the one those who, being spiritually enlightened, see the real character and glory of the Messiah; the other those who are still in the darkness and blindiness of sin. Uncomely. Lovely. As a root out of a dry ground: he My beloved is white and ruddy, the hath no form nor comeliness; and when chiefest among ten thousand.... His we shall see him there is no beauty that mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altowe should desire him. Isa. liii. 2. gether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend. Cantic. v. 10, 16. There is no proof that these last texts refer to the Messiah. If they do so, it only need be said that he is despised by some persons, and admired by others. A lion. A lamb. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. And looking upon Jesus as he walked, Rev. v. 5. he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! John i. 36. In one aspect, he is termed a "lion" in another a " lamb." The term " lion" brings out the idea of his dominion, as well as that of his descent from the tribe of Judah;2 the lamb was an emblem of innocence, and was usually offered in sacrifice. 1 The original word properly means an honor. 2 See Gen. xlix. 9. 128 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. High Priest. A sacrifice. We have such a high priest, who is Ile appeared to put awray sin by the set on the right hand of the throne of sacrifice of himself.... Chist was once the Majesty in the heavens. Heb. viii. 1. offered to bear the sins of many. Heb. ix. 26, 28. In making the atonement, he voluntarily laid down his own life; he "gave himself a ransom for all"; he was the offerer and the offered, both priest and victim. On the term "high priest," Alford says, " the propitiatory, sacerdotal representative of men before God." A vine. A stone. I am the vine, ye are the branches: he Jesus Christ himself being the chief that abideth in me, and I in him, the corner-stosie. Eph. ii. 20. same bringeth forth much fruit: for And a stone of stumbling, and a rock without me ye can do nothing. John of offence. even to them which stumble xv. 5. at the word, being disobedient. 1 let. ii. 8. The figure of the "vine" and "branches" sets forth the intimate, vital union of Christ and his people, together with their entire dependence upon him for spiritual nutriment and growth. Alford: "The inner unity of himself and his." The term "stone" metaphorically presents Jesus as the "foundation" upon which his people build; also as the occasion of the " stumbling" and final overthrow of his enemies. A shepherd. A sheep. I am the good shepherd: the good He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. and like a lamb dumb before his shearJohn x. 11. er, so he opened not his mouth. Acts Our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd viii. 32. of the sheep. Heb. xiii. 20. Washed their robes, and made them The shepherd and Bishop of your white in the blood of the Lamb. Rev. souls. 1 Pet. ii. 25. vii. 14. The first figure represents his tender, watchful care and oversight of his "little flock"; the second brings to view the meekness and innocence of his personal character, together with the fact that he, like a lamb, was offered as a sacrifice. A Door. Bread. I am the door: by me if any man I am the living bread which came ei, ter in, he shall be saved, and shall go down front ]eaven: if any man eat of in and out and find pasture. John this bread, he shall live for ever: and x. 9. the bread that I will give is my flesh, whlich I will give for the life of the world. John vi. 51. The first text points out the fact that Christ is the only medium of access to the Father; that in his name, by his aid, DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 129 and through his atonement, we come to God. The second text implies that as material bread must be eaten, digested, and assimilated by us, for the maintenance of physical life, so Christ's spirit and teachings must be received into our hearts and incorporated in our lives, in order to our spiritual vitality. Thle Light of the world. Men are lights. Thtat was the true Light, which light- Ye are the light of the world. Matt. eth every man that cometh into the v. 14. world. John i. 9. He was a burning and a shining light. As long as I am in the world, I am John v. 35. the light of the world. John ix. 5 Among whom ye shine as lights in the world. Phil. ii. 15. In the primary and highest sense, Christ is the Light of the world; in a secondary and subordinate sense, Christians, viewed as receiving and reflecting his light, may be designated as the " light of the world." 7The Foundation. Men are foundations. For other foundation can no man lay And are built upon the foundation of than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ 1 Cor. iii. 11. himself being the chief corner-stonse. Eph. ii. 20. The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness. 1 Tins. iii. 15, 16. It is not clear that the quotation from Ephesians implies that the apostles and prophets were themselves the "foundation"; the meaning probably is, the foundation which pertained to them, - their foundation. Similarly, "sword of the Spirit"l means the Spirit's sword. Meyer, Ellicott, Stier, and others say, " the foundation which the apostles and prophets have laid." Alford and Bucer: "the apostles' and prophet's foundationthat upon which they as well as yourselves are built." On tie last quoted text, Ellicott says that "pillar" and "grouncld," designating the church, are " only simple, metaphorical expressions of the stability and permanence of the support," and adds, "were there no chIurch, there would be no witness, no guardian of archives, no basis, nothing whereon acknowledged truth could rest." Chrysostom, Theodoret, Tholuck, Iuther, Calvin, Beza, Grotius, De Wette, HI-uther, Alford, and WordsSee Eph. vi. 17. 130 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. worth concur in this view, deeming the church "the element in which, Cand medium by which, the truth is conserved and upheld." But if we admit that, in this secondary sense, the church is the " ground" or basis of the truth, it must be remembered that C/hrist is, after all, the deep substructure, the foundation, of the church itself. It should be added that Oosterzee, with a host of critics, punctuates the passage differently, thus: " The pillar and ground of the truth, and confessedly great, is the mystery of godliness," etc. With this translation the Syriac Peshito closely corresponds. Sacrifice. Died for friends. For enemies. I lay down my life for the sheep. While we were yet sinners, Christ. John x. 15. died for us.... When we were enemies, Greater love hath no man than this, we were reconciled to God by the death that a man lay down his life for his of his Son. Rom. v. 8. 10 friends. John xv. 13. Hie laid down his life for those who, though "enemies " for the time being, were prospectively " friends." This exhibition of his love broke down their enmity, and transformed their hostility into friendship. The former passages refer to the prospective, the latter to the present, attitude toward him, of those for whom he died. On the first text from John, Alford says, " The Lord lays down his life strictly and properly, and in the depths of the divine counsel, for those who are his sheep." On the second text, " Our Lord does not assert of himself that he laid down his life only for his friends (as defined in the next verse), but puts forward this side of his love as a great and practical example for his followers." Laid down his own life. Jews murdered him. I lay down my life, that I might take Him, being delivered by the determiit again. No man taketh it from me, nate counsel and foreknowledge of God, but I lay it down of myself. I have ye have taken, and by wicked hands power to lay it down, and I have power have crucified and slain Acts ii. 23. to take it again. John x. 17, 18. And killed the Prince of life. Acts iii. 15. The Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murde.ers. Acts vii. 52. Both statements are true, and there is not the slightest dis DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 131 crepancy. The simple fact is, that Jesus, knowing perfectly the hatred, power, and purpose of the Jews, voluntarily surrendered himself into their hands; whereupon they "with malice aforethought and prepense," took his life. He laid down his own life, and they killed him. Ilntercession. The only Mediator. Holy Spirit intercedes. One mediator between God and men, Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our the man Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. ii. 5. infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us, with groanings which cannot be uttered. Rom. viii. 26. The last text when properly translated, does not assert that the Holy Spirit actually intercedes for Christians, but simply intervenes for their aid. Barnes: "It simply means that the Holy Spirit greatly aids or assists; not by praying for us, but in our prayers and infirmities." Stuart: Prayer or supplication made by the Spirit is not here intended. The Spirit "maketh intercession" by exciting in Christians such longings for conformity to God, deliverance from evil, and the enjoyment of future blessedness as no language can adequately express. Alford: "No intercession in heaven is here spoken of, but a pleading in us by the indwelling Spirit, of a nature above our comprehension and utterance." Intercedes not for the zworld. Does intercede for it. I pray for them: I pray not for the If any man sin, we have an advocate world, but for them which thou hast with the Father, Jesus Christ the rightgiven me; for they are thine. John eous. 1 John ii. 1. xvii. 9. As the connection evinces, the first text is equivalent to,'b I am not now, at this time, praying for the world." The prayer in the 17th of John was offered specially for the disciples. This fact, however, furnishes no proof that Jesus does not, at present, intercede for all mankind. Comiing. In humble guise. With regal state. Behold thy King cometh unto thee: Behold, one like the Son of man came he is just, and having salvation; lowly, with the clouds of heaven, and came to and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the Ancient of days, and they brought the foal of an ass. Zech. ix. 9. him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom. Dan. vii. 13, 14. 132 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. These passages refer to entirely different events. The first was fulfilled when our Saviour rode into Jerusalem upon the ass; the second will be fulfilled when he shall come again, "in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory."' Sui.cceeds overthrow of Jerusa7em. Times of Gentiles intervene. For then shall be great tribulation. Jerusalem shall be trodden down of... Immediately after the tribulation the Gentiles, until the times of the of those days, shall the sun be dark- Gentiles be fulfilled.... And then shall ened.... And then shall appear the they see the Son of man coming in a sign of the Son of man in heaven. cloud, with power and great glory. Matt. xxiv. 21, 29, 30. Luke xxi. 24, 27. This is one of Zeller's objections. He claims that the two accounts are incompatible because one seems to represent the coming of Christ as following, without any interval, the " tribulation"; the other, the two events as separated by the "times of the Gentiles." The difference, however, is easily accounted for upon the hypothesis that Matthew employs here what we may term " prophetic perspective," while Luke is writing somewhat circumstantially and minutely. By this " perspective," which has a beautiful analogy in a familiar, philosophical experiment, a comparatively small event close to the speaker, appears of equal magnitude with a momentous but remote event, so that the latter seems hidden by the former, or continuous with it. As the observer looks down the vista of the ages, the small covers the large event, and the two seem but one. On this point, Dr. Davidson 2 says, " Intervening periods were mostly concealed from the sight of the seer." Bleek' says that in respect to time, 1" the prophecies are usually so framed that they have a perspective character, great developments and catastrophes, occurring at considerable intervals of time, appearing to be brought close together, or to be quite intermixed." Lange:4," According to the perspective view of the future, the successive critical events that lie behind each other, are brought near, so that the great epochs rise into light like the I Compare Matt. xxi. 1-11 and xxiv. 30. 2 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 481 8 Introd,. to Old Test., ii. 32. 4 Corn. on Matt., p. 430. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 133 tops of mountains, while their times of unfolding, the periods, are concealed behind them, or are manifest only in less prominent signs." Wordsworth: Our Lord's prophecy has a double reference,to the judgment of Jerusalem, and to that of which this judgment was a type, viz. his second coming to judge the world." Alford maintains that the destruction of Jerusalem and the final judgment are both enwrapped in the words; the former being prominent in the first part of the chapter, while, from verse 28, the lesser subject begins to be swallowed up in the greater, and our Lord's second coming to be the predominant theme. The word "immediately," verse 29, being supposed to imply the closest consecution, is the only term involving any difficulty. Hammond and Schott render the Greek term suddenly, i.e.,unexpectedly. Glass says it is to be taken, not according to our reckoning, but the divine, in which a thousand days are as one day. Lange: "Describes the nature of the final catastrophe, that it will be at once swift, surpassingly sudden, and following upon a development seemingly slow and gradual. Thus, throughout the whole course of history, the swift epochs follow the slow process of the periods." Owen: 1"lay be taken in the general sense, very soon after, referring to the comparative brevity of these intervening centuries or ages, when viewed in relation to the ages of eternity, which are to follow the day of judgment, and in reference to which all time is but as a moment's duration." Alford very satisfactorily says: " All the difficulty which this word has been supposed to involve has arisen from confounding the partial fulfilment of the prophecy with the ultimate one. The important insertion in Luke 1 shows us that the'tribulation' includes'wrath upon this people,' whitclh is yet being inflicted; and the treading down of Jerusalem by the Gentiles still going on; and immediately after that tribulation which shall happen when the cup of Gentile iniquity 1 Chap. xxi. 23, 24. 12 134 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. is full, and when the Gospel shall have been preached in all the world for a witness, and rejected by the Gentiles, shall the coming of the Lord himself happen." His coming at hand. It was far qff. We shall not all sleep, but we shall That ye be not soon shaken in mind, all be changed, in a moment, in the or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. word, nor by letter as from us, as that 1 Cor. xv. 51, 52. the day of Christ is at hand. Let no The Lord is at hand. Phil. iv. 5. man deceive you by ally means. 2Thess. We which are alive and remain unto ii. 2, 3. the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 1 Thess. iv. 15. But the end of all things is at hand. 1 Pet. iv. 7. Even De Wette says, "It is no contradiction of the first Epistle that Paul after exhorting them to steadfastly await the second coming of Christ (1 Thess. iv. 15), felt himself bound to moderate their too excited expectations; and 2 Thess. ii. I, etc., is completely in the spirit of primitive Christianity." Similarly, Dr. Davidson,2 on 1 Cor. xv. 52: "The expression we means such Christians as shall then be alive; all believers then living are grouped together." On I Thess. iv. 15, 17, he says, " Hence' we which are alive and remain,' etc., can only mean'such Christians as live and remain.' Paul employs himself and the early Christians as the representatives of those succeeding Christians who should be alive at the Redeemer's second advent. Thus in Deut. xxx. 1, the generation addressed is the representative of a succeeding one; and in John vi. 32, a succeeding generation is employed to represent a past one." Andrew Fuller: 3 "Everything with respect to degrees is what it is by comparison. Taking into consideration the whole of time, the coming of Christ was' at hand.' There is reason to believe from this, and many other passages of the New Testament, that the sacred writers considered themselves as having passed the meridian of time, and entered into the afternoon of the world, as we may say. Such appears to be the Introd. to New Test., p. 2,7. 2 Introd. to New Test., ii. 458, 465-66. 3 Works, i. 682. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 135 import of the following among other passages,' God hath in these last days spoken,' etc.... But taking into consideration only a single generation, the day of Christ was not at hand. The Thessalonians, though a very amiable people, were by some means mistaken on this subject, so as to expect that the end of the world would take place in their lifetime, or within a very few years. To correct this error, which might have been productive of very serious evils, was a principal design of the second Epistle to that people." It is thus clear that this," discrepancy" of which Baur makes so much, really amounts to nothing. Before missionary journey completed. Not till the world evangelized. But when they persecute you in this And this gospel of the kingdom shall city, fice ye into another: for verily I be preached in all the world, for a witsay unto you, Ye shall not have gone ness unto all nations; and then shall over the cities of Israel, till the Son of the end come. Matt xxiv 14. man be come. Matt. x. 23. And the gospel must first be published among all nations. Mark xiii. 10. Strauss' works hard to make out a contradiction here. He remarks: " On one occasion Jesus says to his disciples that the Son of man will return before they shall have completed their Messianic preaching in all the cities of Israel; another time he says that the second advent will not occur until the Gospel has been preached in the whole world among all peoples." The difficulty is obviated by the following interpretations, any one of which may be adopted. Barnes, on Matt. x. 23: "That is, in fleeing from persecutors, from one city to another, you shall not have gone to every city in Judea, till the destruction of Jerusalem, and the end of the Jewish economy." W~ordsworth: "In a primary sense, you will not have completed your missionary work in Judea before I come to judge Jerusalem. In a secondary and larger sense, - the missionary work of the church for the spiritual Israel will not cease till the second coming of Christ. There is a successive series of'comings of Christ,' all preparatory to, and consummated in, the great coming." 1 See New Life of Jesus, i. 325. 136 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Alford maintains that our Lord's prophecies respecting his coming have an i'mmediate, literal and a distant, foreshadowed fulfilnent. Hence he regards "the vengeance on Jerusalem, which historically put an end to the old dispensation, and was, in its place with reference to that order of things, the coming of the Son of man, as a type of the final coming of the Lord." HIe calls attention to the " wide import of scripture prophecy, which speaks very generally, not so much of events themselves, points of time, as of procession's of events, all ranging under one great description," and adds, " It is important to keep in mind the great, prophetic parallels which run through our Lord's discourses, and are sometimes separately, sometimes simultaneously, presented to us by him." On " Till the Son of man be come," Baumgarten-Crusius says, "Until the victory of the cause of Christ"; Michaelis, " To the destruction of Jerusalem"; Calvin, " To the outpouring of the Holy Spirit;" Norton, "That is, before my religion is established and its truth fully confirmed"; Heubner and Lange, "Till the Son of man shall overtake you," adding, "It points forward to the second coming of Christ; including at the same time the idea that their apostolic labors in Judea would be cut short." Lightfoot: " Ye shall not have travelled over the cities of Israel, preaching the gospel, before the Son of man is revealed by his resurrection." These interpretations, almost any of which may be adopted without an arbitrary exegesis, serve to show how slight is the foundation for the objection urged by Strauss. Kingdjomn. YVot of this world. iWithin the Pharisees. When Jesus therefore perceived that And when he was demanded of the they would come and take him by force, Pharisees, when the kingdom of God to make him a king, lie departed again should come, he answered them and into a mountain himself alone. John said, The kingdom of God comethl not vi. 15. with observation. Neither shall they Jesus answered, Mly kingdom is not say, Lo here! or, Lo there! for behlold, of this world: if my kingdom were of the kingdom of God is within you. this world, then would my servants Luke xvii. 20, 21. fight. John xviii. 36. Ancient interpreters take the expression "within you," as DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 137 pointing out the fact that the kingdom is an inward, spiritual one, having its seat in the heart. nModern critics say that the kingdom had already been set up among the Pharisees by John the Baptist and the Messiah, the former introducing it, the latter embodying and representing it. Schoettgen: "It does not imply, in your hearts, but in your land and region." Alford: " The kingdom of God was beguen among them, and continues thus making its way in the world, without observation of men." It has no end. Will terminate. And there was given him dominion, Then conseth the end, when he shall and glory, and a kingdom, that all peo- have delivered up the kingdom to God, ple, nations, and languages should serve even the Father; when he shall have him; his dominion is an everlasting put down all rule, and all authority and dominion, which shall not pass away, power. For he must reign till hie hath and his kingdom that which shall not put all enemies under his feet.... An d be destroyed. Dan. vii. 14. when all things shall be subdued unto And he shall reign over the house of him, then shall the Son also himself be Jacob for ever: and of his kingdom subject unto him that put all things there shall be no end. Luke i. 33. under him, that God may be all in all. But unto the Son lie saith, Thy throne, 1 Cor. xv. 24, 25, 28. O God, is for ever and ever. lteb. i. 8. Neander: " Inasmuch as the work of Christ, founded upon his redemptive acts, proceeds toward a definite goal, it must needs come to a termination when this goal is reached." Dr. Hodge: " When he has subdued all his enemies, then he will no longer reign over the universe as Mediator, but only as God, while his headship over his people is to continue forever." Dr. Davidson 1 holds that Christ's kingdom has two departments or brancles, - one relating to his saints, the other to his enemies. When the purposes of the latter department are fulfilled, he will deliver it up to the Father; the former he will retain forever. Andrew Fuller; 2 "The end of which Paul speaks does not mean the end of Christ's kingdom, but of the world, and tl:e things thereof. The'delivering up of the kingdom to the Father' will not put an end to it, but eternally establish it in a new and more glorious form. Christ shall not cease to reign, though the mode of his administration be different." Alford; " The kingdom of Christ over this world, in its 1 Sacred Hermeneutics, p. 571. 2 Works, i. 678. 12* 138 DISCREPANCIES- OF THE BIBLE. beginning, its furtherance, and its completion, has one great end, - the glorification of the _Father by the Son. Therefore, when it shall be fully established, every enemy overcome, everything subjected to him, he will, -not reign over it and abide its king, but deliver it up to the Father." Even on this interpretation, the kingdom of the Son will continue. For it is clear that the subjects, laws, and policy of that kingdom will remain unchanged; only the dominion of Christ will " be absorbed in the all-pervading majesty of him for whose glory it was from first to last carried onward." Bengel tersely and admirably expresses the truth," omnia erunt subordinata Flio, Filius Patri"; All things will be subordinate to the Son, the Son to the Father. Namne. He bears the Divine Name. A city bears it. In his days Judah shall be saved, In those days shall Judah be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and is his name whereby he shall be called, this is the name wherewith she shall be The LoUD our Righteousness. Jer. called, The LORD our Righteousness. xxiii. 6. Jer. xxxiii. 16. Naegelsbach, in Lange, maintains that the word " he," in the expression, " this is his name whereby he shall be called," can refer only to Jerusalem. "Jehovah our Righteousness " is not, then, the name of the scion of David, but of the nation, the idea being that Israel will be a nation, that will have no other righteousness than Jehovah's. If neither text refers to the Messiah, there is, of course, no discrepancy. Even if otherwise, we see nothing improbable in the supposition that the redeemed nation should be called after the name of its Redeemer and King. NOTE. - The foregoing are - not indeed all the cases adduced by infidel writers, -but all which seem worthy of notice, and to ccrne properly under this head. A considerable number of apparent contradictions pertaining to various events in the life of Christ, are referable to the " historical" department, and will be discussed in a subsequent part of this volume. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 139 ITi. tHOL Y SPIRTT.- Personality. Ile is an Intelligence. It is an Influence. Whosoever speakefll against the Holy The Spirit of God moved upon the Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, face of the waters. Gen. i. 2. neither in this world, neither in the Mine elect, in whom my soul delightworld to come. MfNatt. xii. 32. eth; I have put my Spirit upon him. But the Comforter, which is the HIoly Isa. xlii. 1. Ghost, whom the Father will send in I send the promise of my Father upon my name, he shall teach you all things, you; but tarry ye in the city of Jeruand bring all things to your remem- salem, until ye be endued with power brance, whatsoever I have said unto from on high. Luke xxiv. 49. you. John xiv. 26. God giveth not the Spirit by measure When he the Spirit of truth is come, znto him. John iii. 34. he will guide you into all truth: for he Ye shall be baptized with the Holy shall not speak of himself; but what- Ghost not many da.ys hence. Acts i. 5. soever lie shall hear, that shall he speak: Saith God, I will pour out of my and he will show you things to come. Spirit upon all flesh.... And on my He shall glorify me: for he shall re- servants and on my hand-maidens, I ceive of mine, and shall show it unto will pour out in those days of my Spirit. you. John xvi. 13, 14. Acts ii. 17, 18. Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said near and join thyself to this chariot. unto them. Acts iv. 8. Acts viii. 29. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with The Spirit of the Lord caught away the Holy Ghost and with power.... Philip, that the eunuch saw him no The Holy Ghost fell on all them which more. Acts viii. 39. heard the word. Acts x. 38, 44. The Holy Ghost said, Separate me Quench not the Spirit. 1 Thess. v. 19. Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. Acts xiii. 2. For it seemed good to the HLoly Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden. Acts xv. 28. They assayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered them not. Acts xvi. 7. The flock over the which the Holy Ghost lath made you overseers. Acts xx. 28. Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers. Acts xxviii. 25 And lie that searcheth the hearts knowetli what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints, according to the will of God. toem. viii. 27. The Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 1 Cor. ii. 10, 11. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit.... But all these worketh that one and the selfsanm Spirit, dividing, to every man severally as lie will. 1 Cor. xii. 8, 11. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God. Eph. iv. 30. It is obvious that one or the other of these two series of texts must be interpreted figuratively. When we take into consid 140 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. eration the numerical preponderance, as well as the evident literalness and verisimilitude, of the former class of texts, we are led to conclude that they are to be taken according to their natural and obvious import, while those of the latter class must be interpreted tropically. There. are two theories respecting-the Holy Spirit; one, that he is a distinction in the Trinity, co-equal, co-essential, co-eternal with the Father and Son; the other, that it is "simply the divine influence, sometimes in creation, and in outward events, but in the great majority of instances, on the soul of man." 1 Between these two theories, we discover no tenable middle ground. Unquestionably the first theory affords a better basis for the explanation of both the foregoing classes of texts, than the second can be made to furnish by any exegetical ingenuity. Some orthodox critics, however, think that in certain cases, the term "spirit of God" is a synonyme for the "power of God;" or that the name is put by metonymy for the effect of the Spirit. Clearly, several texts of the second series must, upon any theory of interpretation, be regarded as figurative. The expressions a "baptized with," " pouring out," etc., merely indicate that the Holy Spirit would be bestowed in great fulness. It should be carefully noted that this figurative "baptism" took place on the day of Pentecost, when the disciples were "filled with the Holy Ghost."2 And the fact that they were thus "filled" is not in the least repugnant to the idea that the Holy Spirit is an Intelligence; for Satan is unquestionably represented in the scriptures as a personal being, yet we are told that he " entered into" Judas and "filled the heart" of Ananias. Unless we deny all supra-mundane agencies and influences, we must admit that one intelligence may enter into, possess, and fill another. The metaphorical nature of the words " anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power," is beyond question, even on the hypothesis that the Holy Ghost is a mere influence. For the Professor Peabody, Lectures on Christian Doctrine, p. 116. 2 Compare Acts i. 5 with ii. 4. 3 See Luke xxii. 3; Acts v. 8. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 141 idea of a literal " anointing" with an influence or with power is an absurdity. ~What, then, is the meaning of the metaphor? It appears that, among the Jews, a prophet, priest, or king was "anointed" when he was set apart for, or inducted into, his office. This ceremony, " according to the Hebrew symbology, denoted his receiving the spiritual gifts and endowments which he needed for the performance of his duties." The "anointing" spoken of, means, says Prof. Hackett, that Christ "possessed the gifts of the Spirit without measure, was furnished in a perfect manner for the work which he came into the world to execute." In the quotation from 1 Thess., the Holy Spirit is, on account of'his purifying and illuminating power, figuratively spoken of as fire. The word "quench" simply keeps up the figure. This representation, however, no more disproves the personality of the Holy Spirit, than does the fact that God is termed a "consuming fire," militate against his personality. Both expressions are figures setting forth certain aspects of the truth. The methods of interpretation adopted by those who do not admit the personality of the Holy Spirit, are exemplified as follows. Prof. Peabody,1 on Rom. viii. 26, 27, says, "I do not think that the Spirit of God is referred to in this passage. It is the spirit or soul of man, of the Clhristian, that is here spoken of... for the souls of the righteous intercede for them according to the divine will." With what propriety a man's own soul or spirit could be said to "intercede " for him, the reader must judge. Divinity. He is God. He is subordinate. Peter said, Anlanias, why hath Satan I will pray the Father, and he shall filled thine heart to lie to the Holy give you another Comforter. John Ghost,.. thou hast not lied unto men, xiv. 16. but unto God. Acts v. 3, 4. When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you firom the Father, even the Spirit of truth wlich proceedeth from the Father. John xv. 26. The latter texts refer to an official, but not an essential, sub-'Lectures on Christian Doctrine, p. 114, 142 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. ordination. It may be inferred from them that there is a fitness in the Holy Spirit's undertaking the function indicated, but not that he is not truly and properly divine. Dr. Hodge 1 terms the Spirit " the executive of the Godhead," and says, " he is subordinate to the Father and Son, as to his mode of subsistence and operation, as he is said to be of the Father and of the Son; he is sent by them, and they operate through him." While, therefore, his subordination as to office is plainly taught, there is no proof of his inferiority in respect to substance or essence. Fruits.2 Love and Gentleness. Vengeance and Fury. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, The Philistines shouted against him: peace, long-suffering, gentleness, good- and the Spirit of the LOeD came mighness, faith, meekness, temperance. Gal. tily upon him, and the cords that were v. 22, 23. upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands loosed fiom off his hands. And he found a new jaw-bone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith. Judges xv. 14,15.'Ihe evil spirit from God came upon Saul.... And there was a javelin in Saul's hand. An d Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite David, even to the wall with it. 1 Sam. xviii. 10, 11. The sense of the quotation from Judges is, that Samson, in this hour of extreme peril, received divine aid so that he broke his bonds, and sucessfully defended himself. The words, " the spirit of the Lord came upon him," imply, says Bush, "a supernatural influence raising the bodily or mental powers to an unwonted pitch of energy," and thus " enabling him to perform achievements to which his unassisted powers would be entirely unequal." It cannot be proved that the Holy Spirit is intended in this passage. In 1 Sam. xviii. 10, the article is not found in the Hebrew, so that the proper rendering is "an evil spirit from God." It is said to be " from God," says Keil,3 "because Jehovah had sent it as a punishment." 1 Theology, i. 529. 2 On Bestowment of Holy Spirit, see Historical Discrepancies, " Time." 8 On 1 Sam. xvi.-14. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 143 This passage brings to view God's sovereignty and absolute control in the spiritual as well as in the material world.. Not even "evil spirits" go forth without his permission, to exert their influence upon the wicked. And he has a punitive purpose in granting this permission. He uses evil to chastise evil. IV. THE SCRIPTURES. —Inspiration. All Scripture inspired. Some not so. All scripture is given by inspiration But I speak this by permission, and of God, and is profitable. 2 Tim iii. 16. not of commandment... But to the rest speak 1, not the Lord. 1 Cor. vYi. 6, 12. That which I speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were foolishly, in this confidence of boasting. 2 Cor. xi. 17. Many commentators, Origen, Theodoret, Erasmus, Luther, Grotius, Tyndale, Cranmer, Hammond, Adam Clarke, Huther, Ellicott, and Alford, agree substantially with the Syriac Peshito in rendering the first text thus: " Every scripture inspired by God is also profitable." The theory involved in this version is sufficiently elastic to allow Paul, while writing under the guidance of inspiration, to occasionally introduce, upon unimportant points, his own uninspired opinion, — that opinion being in harmony with the general scope and design of the book. If, however, with Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Calvin, Wolf, Bengel, Owen, De Wette, Olshausen, Barnes, Conybeare, Oosterzee, Wordsworth, Dr. Hodge apparently, and others, we read: " Is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable," thle texts at the right still admit of a facile interpretation. The first of these quotations means, according to Alford and Conybeare, "I am not now speaking by way of command, but merely expressing my permission." If we. adopt this very natural interpretation, the passage does- not touch the question of inspiration. The meaning of the 12th verse may, perhaps, be thus expressed: "But to the rest speak I," that is, I Paul in my apostolic office, speaking, not now from special revelation, but under the general supervision of the Holy Spirits ":Not the 144 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Lord," that is, not Christ by any direct command spoken by him, since the question was one with which he did not deal in his recorded discourses. Hence, in this case, -as in the language of the 25th verse, "I have no commandment of the Lord, yet I give my judgment," - Paul was permitted to express his own judgment as to the case under consideration, giving us, at the same time, suitable notice that he is speaking in his own proper person. Yet there is no reason to doubt that the "judgment" he thus expressed, was in complete harmony with "the mind of the Spirit." Dr. Arnold,l referring to a text of similar import, the 40th verse of the same chapter, deems it a token of God's "especial mercy to us, that our faith in St Paul's general declarations of divine truth might not be shaken, because in one particular point he was permitted to speak as a man, giving express notice at the time that he was doing so." "I speak it not after the Lord," 2 Cor. xi., probably means " not after the example of the Lord." That is, I am constrained to an apparent departure from that example. In vindication of myself from the unjust aspersions of my enemies, I am compelled to speak with seeming boastfulness, —as it were "foolishly." This "glorying after the flesh" was not, however, really contrary to our Lord's example, because it originated, not in love of boasting, but in the necessities of the case. We thus see that the above texts may be reconciled upon the basis of an intelligent and comprehensive theory of Inspiration. MIoral Pur7ity. Purity enjoined. Impure ideas suggested. It must be conceded by all candid persons that the general tenor of the Bible is decidedly in favor of purity. Yet, it is objected that certain passages, particularly in the earlier books and in Canticles, are calculated to excite impure thoughts and feelings. To this we reply, 1. Many of the expressions which are I Miscellaneous Works, p. 287 (Appleton's editiou). DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 145 deemed objectionable, are found in the Mlosaic Law. Every intelligent person is aware that law-books must be very specific and explicit in their phraseology. An examination of any compilation of statutes, or of any standard work on medical jurisprudence, will be conclusive on this point. It is not surprising, then, that the Jewish code of laws contains some expressions that seem coarse. Without great minuteness and perspicuity these statutes would have failed to answer the designed end. 2. We must bear in mind the great freedom of Oriental speech and manners. In the impassioned style of thought and, expression prevalent in the East, there is a license, a warmth, a voluptuousness even, which would shock the fastidious ears of Occidentals. Ideas and objects of which they of the Orient would speak with the utmost freedom, we should indicate, if at all, by euphemism and circumlocution. The Bible was written by Eastern authors, and bears traces of its origin among a people whose customs and habits of thought were widely different from ours. Upon this radical divergence are founded many of the so-called "indelicate'" expressions of scripture — expressions which would strike an Oriental ear as perfectly chaste and proper, Prof. Stuart,l speaking of certain expressions in Canticles, observes, " It is clear that no indecency is intended, and equally clear, as it seems to me, that no improper feelings were excited, by the language in question, in the minds of those who were originally addressed." He also calls attention to the fact that women are excluded, in the East, from public association with men, being kept in seclusion. Htence greater freedom of speech was allowable than in our mixed society. Besides, as Prof. Cowles 2 suggests, the nzode of dress in the East being different from ours, certain parts of the body are there exposed which would not be among us. Rev. W. iM. Thomson 3 says: " While the face is veiled, the bosom is exposed in a way not at all in accordance with our ideas of propriety." Hist. of Old Test. Canon, pp. 377, 378 (Revised edition, p. 853). 2 Introd. to Com. on Canticles. 3 Land and Book, is 174: 18 146 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. An Oriental would, as appears, deem it no more indelicate to praise the breasts, than the hair or eyes or hands of a female. 3. Many expressions which are said to offend the taste are due to the baldness and other infelicities of the English version. The Hebrew is far less objectionable on this score. Prof. StuartI observes: "The perusal of the original makes much less impression on me of an exceptionable kind than the perusal of our version. It is far more delicate, at least to my apprehension. It were easy to exhibit particulars which would justify this statement." Isaac Taylor: 2 ", If a half-dozen heedlessly rendered passages of our English version were amended, as easily they might be, then the Canticle would well consist, throughout, with the purest utterances of conjugal fondness." Prof. XV. H. Green says: "There is not the slightest taint of impurity or immodesty to be found in any portion of this elegant lyric." And we think that no one who carefully reads the elegant translations of Zdckler, Withington, Cowles, or Ginsburg, will dissent from this opinion. Predictions. Privately interpreted. Not privately interpreted. And as he sat upon the mount of Knowing this first, that no prophecy Olives, the disciples came unto him pri- of the scripture is of any private intervately, saying, Tell us, when shall these pretation: for the prophecy came not things be? and what shall be the sign in old time by the will of man: but of thy coming, and of the end of the holy men of God spake as they were world? Matt. xxiv. 3. moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Pet. i. 20, 21. The Greek corresponding to " of any private interpretation" is confessedly obscure. The word" epilusis " occurs in no other passage of the New Testament. Hence the difficulty in determining its precise signification here. That, however, it has any reference to attempts to explain the scriptures in private, is maintained by no scholar. WVe subjoin various renderings of this passage. The Syriac Peshito: " No prophecy is an exposition of its own text." I Hist. of Old Test. Canon, p. 382 (Revised edition, p. 357). 2 Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, pp. 184, 185 (London edition). a Translation of Zdckler, in Lange, p. 102, note. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 147 Bishop Horsley: "Not any prophecy of scripture is of selfinterpretation, or is its own interpreter; because the scripture prophecies are not detached predictions of separate, independent events, but are united in a regular and entire system, all terminating in one grand object - the promulgation of the gospel and the complete establishment of the Messiah's kingdom." Dr. John Owen: "Not an issue of men's fancied enthusiasms, not a product of their own minds and conceptions, not an interpretation of the will of God by the understanding of man, that is, of the prophets themselves." Dr. Adam Clarke: "' Of any private interpretation'- proceeds from the prophet's own knowledge or invention, or was the offspring of calculation or conjecture. Far from inventing the subject of their own predictions, the ancient prophets did \ot even know the meaning of what they themselves wrote." Archbishop Whately: "Prophecy is not to be its own interpreter, that is, is not to have its full sense made out (like that ~of any other kind of composition) by the study of the very words of each prophecy itself, but it is to be interpreted by the event that fulfils it." Dr. Edward Robinson: "'No prophecy of scripture cometh of private interpretation,' i.e. is not an interpretation of the will of God by the prophets themselves." Dr. Samuel Davidson: " No prophecy admits of a solution proper to its utterer." Dr. Charles Hodge: "What a prophet said was not human, but divine. It was not the prophet's own interpretation of the mind and will of God. He spoke as the organ of the Holy Ghost." Alford, Tholuck, De Wette, and Huther: "' Prophecy springs not out of human interpretation,' i.e. is not a prognostication made by a man knowing what he means when he utters it." Upon any reasonable interpretation, the passage no more precludes explanations of prophecy given in private than those made in public. 148 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Prophecy sure. Not always fulfilled. And if thou say in thy heart, How And Jonah began to enter into the shall we know the word which the city a day's journey, and he cried, and LORD hath not spoken? When a proph- said, Yet forty days, and ANineveh shall et speaketh in the name of the LoRD, if be overthrown. So the people of Ninthe the thing follow not, nor come to eveh believed God, and proclaimed a pass, that is the thing which the LORD fast, and put on sackcloth, from the hath not spoken, but the prophet hath greatest of them even to the least of spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt them... And God saw their works, not be afraid of him. Deut. xviii. 21, 22. that they turned from their evil way; We have also a more sure word of and God repented of the evil that he prophecy: whereunto ye do well that had said that he would do unto them; ye take heed, as unto a light that shin- and he did it not. Jonah iii. 4, 5, 10. eth in a dark place. 2 Pet. i. 19. A passage previously cited (Jer. xviii. 7-10) 1 has a bearing upon this point. That passage, however, refers to promises and threatenings, which are, of course, conditional. The text from Deuteronomy seems, on the contrary, to refer to absolute predictions, which are in no way contingent upon human conduct. Peter terms prophecy " more sure" than the mere "voice " which the apostles heard in the mount, as " being of wider and larger reference, and as presenting a broader basis for the Christian's trust, and not only one fact, however important." As to the threat uttered by Jonah, it turned upon a condition, either expressed or implied. As Henderson observes, "However absolute the right of God to deal with mankind agreeably to his own good pleasure, his conduct is always in strict accordance with the manner in which they behave toward him. Neither his promises nor his threatenings are unconditional." Divine promise absolute.. It was conditional. In that same day the LORD made a And the LORD said unto Moses, Becovenant with Abram, saying, Unto hold, thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, thy seed have I given this land, from and this people will rise up, and go a the river of Egypt unto the great river, whoring after the gods of the strangers the river Euphrates. Gen. xv. 18. of the land, whither they go to be among And I will establish my covenant them and will forsake me, and break my between me and thee, and thy seed after covenant which I have made with tllelm. thee, in their generations, for an ever- Then my anger shall be kindled against lasting covenant; to be a God unto thee, them in that day, and I will forsake andto thyseed afterthee. Gen.xvii. 7. them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured. Deut. xxxi. 16, 17. When ye have transgressed the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you, and have gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them; then shall the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and ye shall perish quickly from off the good land which he hath given unto you. Josh. xxiii. 16. See pp. 64, 65, of present work. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 149 The -covenant with Abraham has a twofold fulfilment: a partial one to his literal posterity-partial, on account of their non-fulfilment of the conditions; also, a grand and glorious fulfilment to Abraham's spiritual seed, in bestowing upon them the heavenly Canaan.' The "covenant," though not fulfilled in the primary, will be so in the secondary and higher sense. Judah to reign till Messiah. Israel's first king a Benjamite. The sceptre shall not depart from And afterward they desired a king: Judah, nor a lawgiver from between and God gave unto them Saul the son his feet, until Shiloh come: and unto of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin. him shall the gathering of the people be. Acts xiii. 21. Gen. xlix. 10. First. It is very far from being certain that the term "Shiloh" has any reference to the Messiah. Many critics interpret it of " the Ephraimite city where the tabernacle was erected, after the Israelites had entered the promised land." Here, during the judges' rule, the sanctuary remained, God revealed himself, the yearly feasts were kept, and the pious assembled as at their religious centre. On this hypothesis, the sense is, "Till he, or one, come to Shiloh." That is, Judah should be the leader of the tribes during their march through the wilderness, till they arrive at Shiloh, the centre of the promised inheritance. In this view concur Bleek, Bunsen, Davidson, Delitzsch, Eichhorn, Ewald, Fuerst, Hitzig, Kalisch, Lipmann, Luzzatto, Palfrey, REdiger, Teller, and Tuch, with others.2 Another ancient interpretation is: "Judah shall possess the sceptre till he comes to whom it belongs." So, in substance, the Septuagint (according to one reading), Aquila, Symmachus, the Peshito, Onkelos, one Arabic, and most of the ancient versions, the Jerusalem Targum, Jahn, Von Bohlen, De Wette. Krummacher, etc. Others render the word variously, "Rest-bringer," "Tranquilizer," Rest," "Peace," " Peacemaker," " Prince of Peace." To this class may be referred Bush, Deutsch, Gesenius finally, 1 Compare Gal. iii. 29; iv. 28; Heb. xi. 16, 89, 40. 2 See Article " Shiloh," in Smith's Bib. Dict., Vol. iv. pp. 2997-2999. 13* 150 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. I-Iengstenberg, Hofmann, I(eil, Knobel, Kurtz, Lange, Luther, Rosenmiiller, Schroder, Yater, and the Grand Rabbin Wogue. These all, with slight differences, agree in the above interpretation of the term " Shiloh." It is to be added that nearly all the ancient Jewish commentators, with the early Christian writers, and several modern critics, agree in referring the term to the Messiah. Secondly. Admitting the Messianic reference, the passage still furnishes little difficulty. "Judah," says Keil, "was to bear the sceptre with victorious, lion-like courage, until, in the future Shiloh, the obedience of the nations came to him, and his rule over the tribes was widened into the peaceful government of the world." In the camp and on the march, Judah took the first place among the tribes.l After the death of Joshua, Judah by divine direction opened the war upon the Canaanites;2 and the first judge, Othniel, came of that tribe.3 Then, in David and Solomon, the same. tribe gained undisputed preeminence. In further proof, it may be added that, later, this tribe gave the name " Jews " to the whole people; " Jehudim" from "Jehfidah," Judah.4 Moreover, our Lord himself — the Shiloh, upon this interpretation - came as a man of the tribe of Judah.' So that unto Jesus, and in him as Shiloh, that tribe maintained an easy pre-eminence. Any one of the foregoing interpretations obviates the alleged discrepancy. Qu otattXio. Original passages. Quoted incorrectly. The Spirit of the Lord GoD is upon The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, me: because the LORD hath anointed because he hath anointed me to preach me to preach good tidings unto the the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me meek; he hath sent me to bind up the to heal the broken-hearted, to preach broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to deliverance to the captives, and recovthe captives, and the opening of the ering of sight to the blind, to set at prison to them that are bound; to pro- liberty them that are bruised, to preach l Num. ii. 2, 3: vii. 12; x. 14. 2 Judges i. 1-19. a Joshua xv. 13; Judges iii. 9. 4 Compare Turner's Companion to the Book of Genesis, pp. 371-3888 Also, Speaker's (or Bible) Commentary, i. 232, 233 (English edition). 6 Heb. vii. 14. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 151 Orzginal passages. Quoted incorrectly. claim the acceptable year of the LORD, the acceptable year of the Lord. Luke and the day of vengeance of our God. iv. 18. 19. isa. lxi. 1, 2. Behold, I send my messenger before Behold, I will send my messenger, thy face, which shall prepare thy way and he shall prepare the way before before thee. Mark i, 2. me. Mal. iii. 1. It will be seen that, in both these cases, the original sense is substantially preserved in the citation. We have elsewhere' remarked upon the relation which the inspired authors sustain to one another; and especially, with reference to their use of similar phraseology. A thorough investigation of the subject will show conclusively that the sacred writers, in quoting from one another, quote according to the sense, and not according to the letter. They seldom, almost never, quote verbatim. Original passage. Condensed. Nevertheless the dimness shall not be That it might be fulfilled which was such as was in her vexation, when at spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, the first he lightly afflicted the land of The land of Zabulon, and the land of Zebulun, and the land of Naphtali, and Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beafterward did more grievously afflict yond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; her by the way of the sea, beyond Jor- the people which sat in darkness saw dan, in Galilee of the nations. The great light; and to them which sat in people that walked in darkness have the region and shadow of death light is seen a great light: they that dwell in sprung up. ]Matt. iv. 14-16. the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isa. ix. 1, 2. Here is no contradiction, but a condensation. The fifteenth verse of Matthew is not so much a quotation, as an allusion, designed to arrest the attention of the reader, and prepare the way for the quotation proper. The following is an example of substantial agreement amid slight circumstantial variations. Forms of statement. Expanded. And he said, Go into the city to such And he sent Peter and John, saying, a man, and say unto him, The Master Go and prepare us the passover, that saith, My time is at hand; I will keep we may eat.... Behold, when ye are the passover at thy house with my dis- entered into the city, there shall a man ciples. Mati. xxvi. 18. meet you, bearing a pitcher of water. And he sendeth forth two of his dis- follow him into the house where he ciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into entereth in. And ye shall say unto the the city, and there shall meet you a goodman of the house, The Master saith man bearing a pitcher of water: follow unto thee, Where is the guest-chamber, him. And wheresoever he shall go in, where l shall eat the passover with my say ye to the goodman of the house, disciples? Luke xxii. 8, 10, 11. The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? Mark xiv. 13, 14.' See pp. 6, 7, of present work. 152 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. A case of this kind can, we think, furnish difficulty to the advocates of verbal inspiration only. Original passage. Inexact version. Sacrifice and offering thou didst not Wherefore, when he cometh into the desire; mine ears hast thou opened: world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering burnt-offering and sin-offering hast thou thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou not required. Ps. xl. 6. prepared me: In burnt-offirings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. Heb. x. 5, 6. The difficulty, in this case, is, that the apostle follows the Septuagint, "A body hast thou prepared me," instead of the Hebrew, "Mine ears hast thou opened." We may first ask: Why did the Septuagint translators commit such an error in rendering the Hebrew into Greek? Usher, Semler, Ernesti, Michaelis, Bleek, and Liinemann offer the very plausible suggestion that the translators misread the Hebrew, and show how this might readily take place in this particular instance.' Cappell, Carpzov, Wolf, Ebrard, Tholuck, and Delitzsch think that the translators deliberately chose this phraseology by which to render the Hebrew, as being more intelligible to the reader. The second question is: Why did the apostle employ this loose rendering, instead of a literal one? In reply, it may be shown that the fundamental idea is retained, even in the inexact phraseology. The expression, "Mine ears hast thou opened," is, according to Hengstenberg,2 another way of saying, "Thou hast made me hearing, obedient"; while the corresponding words, "A body hast thou prepared me," are equivalent to, " Thou hast fitted me for willing service in the execution of thy designs." We thus see that in both cases the fundamental idea, the obedience of the Messiah, is preserved. Therefore, in this deeper view, there is no dissonance between fhese passages. Such heing the case, Paul was at liberty to employ the paraphrastic rendering; especially since this seemed more appropriate to his purpose,s as setting forth more fitly than did the 1 See Alford, on Heb. x. 5. Corn. on Ps. xl. 6. 3 Warington on Inspiration, p. 95. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 153 original utterance the incarnation of the Lord Jesus and his obedience unto death.l Original. Wrongly referred. And I said unto them, If ye think Then was fulfilled that which was good, give nze my price: and if not, spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, forbear. So they weighed for my price And they took the thirty pieces of' silthirtypieces of silver. And the LORD ver, the price of him that was valued, said unto meo, Cast it unto the potter: whom they of the children of Israel a goodly price that I was prized at of did value; and gave them for the potthem. And I took the thirty pieces of ter's field, as the Lord appointed me. silver, and cast them to the potter in Matt. xxvii. 9, 10. the house of' the LonD. Zech. xi. 12, 13. Here is obviously a mistake, either made by Matthew or by subsequent transcribers. The prophecy was uttered by Zechariah, not Jeremiah. Alford thinks that Matthew quoted from memory and unprecisely. Barnes suggests two explanations. According to the Jewish writers, Jeremiah was reckoned the first of the prophets, and was placed first in the book of the prophets; thus, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, etc. Matthew, in quoting this book, may have quoted it under the name which stood first in it; that is, instead of saying, " by the Prophets,"' he may have said, "by Jeremy the prophet," since he headed the list. Or, the difficulty may have arisen from abridgment of the names. In. the Greek, Jeremiah, instead of being written in full, might stand thus, "Iriou "; Zechariah thus, " Zriou." By the mere change of Z into I, the mistake would be made. The Syriac Peshito and several riss. have simply, " by the prophet." In Henderson's 2 opinion, the Greek text of the above passage has been corrupted. Formns of report. Different. This is my beloved Son, in whom I Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Matt. iii. 17. am well pleased. Mark i. 11. Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. Luke iii. 22. -Why are ye fearful, O ye of little Where is your faith? Luke viii. 25. faith'? Matt. viii. 26 WVhy are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith'? Mark iv. 40. Son be of good cheer; thy sins be for- Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. Mark given thee. MBatt. ix. 2. ii. 5. Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. Luke v. 20. 1 See Bib. Sacra, Vol. xxx. p. 309. 2 Minor Prophets, pp. 418, 419. 154 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Forms of report. Different. This is Jesus the King of the Jews. This is the King of the Jews. Luke Matt. xxvii. 37. xxiii. 38. The King of the Jews. Mark xv. 26. Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. John xix. 19. Taking these several cases into consideration, it is beyond question that in each the fundamental idea is preserved under all the various forms. And this, we think, is all, and precisely what, the sacred writers intended. One might, indeed, say of the last instance that John's report includes the other three; so that, if he is correct, the others of course are so. Or, that, since the superscription was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, Matthew gives a translation of the Hebrew; Mark, a condensed one of the Latin; Luke follows Mark, adding, "This is "; while John gives a summary of the whole. But we see no necessity for such explanations. It is altogether improbable that three inscriptions, in three different languages, should correspond word for word. The following cases furnish a slightly augmented difficulty. Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor Take nothing for pyosr journey, neibrass in your purses, nor scrip, for your ther staves nor scrip, neither bread, journey, neither two coats, neither neither money; neither have two coats shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman apiece. Luke ix. 3. is worthy of his meat. Matt x. 9, 10. And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse; but be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats. Mark vi. 8, 9. In this case the trivial differences do not affect the substantial agreement. WVhen we observe that Matthew uses the term "'provide,"' it is clear that his meaning is: " Do not procure any in addition to what you now have. Go, just as you are." As to the fact that Matthew forbids " shoes" to be procured, while Mark allows " sandals" to be worn, it may be remarked that " shoes," as the original implies, may have been of a kind such as to cover the whole foot, "while the "sandal" was merely a sole of wood or hide, covering the bottom of the foot. 1 Greek Crcadotau, to get for oneself, to acquire, to procure, by purchase or otherwise. Robinson, Lexicon to New Test. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 155 and bound on with thongs.l Thus the supposed discrepancy utterly falls away. Go into the village over against you, Go your way into the village over and straightway ye shall find an ass against you: and as soon as ye be entied, and a colt with her: loose them, tered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, and bring them unto me. And if any whereon never man sat; loose him, and man say aught unto you, ye shall say, bring hine. And if any man say unto The Lord hath need of them; and you, Why do ve this? say ye that the straightway he will send them. Matt. Lord hath need of him; and straightxxi. 2. 3. way he will send him hither. Mark xi. 2, 3. Go ye into the village over against you; in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose -him and bring hine hither. And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose hime? thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him. Luke xix. 30, 31. This is simply an example of three independent veracious witnesses, each telling his story in his own way. And we cannot feel the least respect for that infinitessimal criticism which cavils and demurs at a case of this kind. A wicked and adulterous generation Why doth this generation seek after seeketh after a sign; and there shall no a signi? Verily, I say unto you, There sign be given unto it, but the sign of shall no sign be given to this generathe prophet Jonas. Matt. xvi. 4. tion. Mark viii. 12. May not Mark mean, there shall no future sign be given? The "sign of the prophet Jonas " was taken from the records of the past. At all events, that kind of sign sought for by the Jews was peremptorily refused. Other interesting examples of variant quotations are the following: Till they see the Son of man coming Till they see the kingdom of God. in his kingdom. Matt. xvi. 28. Luke ix. 27. Till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Mark ix. 1. Let no fruit grow on thee hencefor- No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ward for ever. Matt. xxi. 19. ever. Mark xi. 14. For in the resurrection they neither But they which shall be accounted marry, nor are given in marriage, but worthy to obtain that world, and the are as the angels of God in heaven. resurrection fromt the dead, neither Miatt. xxii. 30. marry, nor are given in marriage: neiF'or when they shall rise from the ther can they die any more: for they dead, they neither marry, nor are given are equal unto the angels; and are the in marriage, but are as the angels which children of God, being the children of are in heaven. Mark xii. 25. the'resurrection. Luke xx. 35, 36. But as touching the resurrection of Now that the dead are raised, even the dead, have ye not read that which Moses showed at the bush, when he was spoken unto you by God, saying, I calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, 1 So Robinson's New Test. Lexicon. 156 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. am the God of Abraham, and the God of and the God of Isaac, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is Jacob. For heis nota Godofthe dead, not the God of the dead, but of the but of the living: for all live unto him. living. Matt. xxii. 31, 32. Luke xx. -37, 38. And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him; saying, I ceam the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? I-e is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. Mark xii. 26, 27. But Jesus perceived their wickedness, But he perceived their craftiness, and and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypo- said unto them, Why tempt ye me? elites? Shew me the tribute money. Shew me a penny. Luke xx. 23, 24. Matt. xxii. 18, 19. But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it. Mark xii. 15. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said. And Jesus said, [ am. Mark xiv. 62. Matt. xxvi. 64. When ye therefore shall see the But when ye shall see the abominaabomination of desolation, spoken of tion of desolation, spoken of by Daniel by Daniel the prophet, stand in the the prophet, standing where it ought holy place (whoso readeth, let him un- not (let him that readeth understand), derstand), Then let them which be in then let them that be in Judaea flee to Judaea flee into the mountains. Matt. the mountains. Mark xiii. 14. xxiv. 15, 16. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains. Luke xxi. 20, 21. Another striking case is that relative to the instituting of the Lord's Supper. The passages are too long to be quoted here, but may be found in Matt. xxvi. 21-29, Mark xiv. 18-24, Luke xxii. 14-20, 1 Cor. xi. 23-26. A no less famous instance is that of Peter's denials of Christ, which is discussed elsewhere.' When we take into consideration the fact that inspiration has reference primarily to ideas rather than to words; and that, in each of the above cases respectively, the fundamental idea is, notwithstanding the variations of phraseology, carefully and distinctly preserved, these and similar instances furnish no real difficulty whatever.2 In view of these and similar cases, certain eminent critics have felt warranted in deducing two inferences: 1. That the sacred writers, in their citations from one another, provided the fundamental idea were retained, were suffered to expand, abridge, or paraphrase the original language, 1 See under Historical Discrepancies, - Persons. 2 Compare Journal of Sacred Literature (April, 1854), pp. 71-110. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 157 and adapt it to the object which they respectively contemplated. As is observed by Prof. Barrows,1 "It is manifest that the writers of the New Testament are not anxious about the verbal accuracy of the words cited. The spirit and scope of a passage, which constitute its true life and meaning, are what they have in view, not the exact rendering of the words from the Hebrew into the Greek." 2. That these writers while divinely guarded against any error in communicating religious truth, and against any material error in narrating matters of fact, were yet not preserved from trivial errors, defects of memory, and the like, which occasionally appear in their writings. In other words, they were neither rendered omniscient, nor infallible in all respects, but were unerringly guided in the communication of religious truth. Archbishop Whately,2 speaking of certain cases in the New Testament, says, " We may plainly perceive that, in point of fact, the sacred writers were not supernaturally guarded against trifling inaccuracies in the detail of unimportant circumstances." Again, he speaks of those 1" trifling inaccuracies as to an insignificant circumstance which occur in the gospel history, and which it was not thought needful to guard against by a special inspiration." Nearly the same view is taken by Mr. Warington who, however, concedes much more than is necessary. Dean Alford4 says, "There are certain minor points of accuracy or inaccuracy'-of which human research suffices to inform men, and on which, from want of that research, it is often the practice to speak vaguely and inexactly. Such are sometimes the conventionally received distances from place to place; such are the common accounts of phenomena in natural history, etc. Now, in matters of this kind, the evangelists and apostles were not supernaturally informed, but left, in common with others, to the guidance of their natural faculties. The 1 Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol. xxx. p. 306. 2 Future State, appendix to Lecture xi. 3 On Inspiration, pp. 72-75 and 238, 239. Prolegomena to Gospels, chap. i., sect. vi., par. 14, 15. 14 158 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. same may be said of citations and dates from history. In the last apology of Stephen, which he spoke being full of the Holy Ghost, and with divine influence beaming from his countenance, we have at least two demonstrable historical inaccuracies. And the occurrence of similar ones in the Gospels does not in any way affect the inspiration or the veracity of the evangelists." The above theory of inspiration seems very well set forth in the following citation from the late Mr. Parry:' 1 Everything which the apostles have written or taught concerning Christianity - everything which teaches a religious sentiment or duty - must be considered as divinely true, as the mind and will of God, recorded under the direction and guidance of his Spirit. But there is no need to ask whether everything contained in their writings was immediately suggested by the Spirit or not; whether Luke was inspired to say that the ship in which he sailed with Paul was wrecked on the island of Mlelita, or whether Paul was under the guidance of the Spirit in directing Timothy to bring him the cloak which he had left at Troas; for these things were not of a religous nature, and no inspiration was necessary concerning them." We will simply add that the view of inspiration exhibited in the foregoing extracts, while it very well meets certain exigencies of the case, seems, nevertheless, peculiarly liable to be misunderstood and abused. There is ever far greater danger to be apprehended from a lax than from a strict theory of inspiration. MV. VlAN, in relation to the Present. - Creation. Like God by creation. This likeness acquired. So God created man in his own image, For God doth know that in the day in the image of God created he him. ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be Gen. i. 27. opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowIn the day that God created man, in ing good and evil.... And the LonD the likeness of God made he him. Gen. God said, Behold, the man is become as v. I. one of us, to know good and evil. (ien. iii. 5, 22. A certain sceptical critic, referring to these two classes of texts, remarks: "In the first, man is made in the image of God; in the second, likeness to the Deity comes to him by'Quoted in Journal of Sacred Literature (April, 1854), pp. 104, 105. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 159 subsequently knowing good and evil." The first texts, however, refer to man's spiritual constitution; the second, to his acquired knowledge, or his power to discriminate between good and evil. Man's spirit is made " in the image" of God, who is a Spirit; man's knowledge of good and evil, in virtue of which he is, in a sense, "like God," was acquired. Made in image of God. Created male and female. In the image of God made he man. Male and female created he them. Gen. ix. 6. Gen. v. 2. The first text contemplates the soul, the immaterial part; the second refers to the material, physical organism of human beings. Maimonides says: "Made in the image of God in respect to the soul and understanding; created male and female in respect to corporeal composition." SMade like God. Nlone like Him. And God said, Let us make man in To whom then will ye liken me, or our image, after our likeness. Gen. i. 26. shall I be equal? saith the Holy one. Isa. xl. 25. The first text conveys the idea of resemblance; the second of equality. We may resemble God in certain respects without being equal to him. Sinfulness. No man without sin. Some are sinless. There is no man that sinneth not. Noah was a just man and perfect in 1 Kings viii. 46. his generations, and Noah walked with The LoRD looked down from heaven God Gen. vi. 9. upon the children of men, to see if Job was perfect and upright, and one there were any that did understand, that feared God, and eschewed evil. andl seek God. They are all gone aside, Job i. 1. they are all together become filthy: Who shall ascend into the hill of the there is none that doeth good, no, not Lorn? or who shall stand in his holy one. Ps. xiv. 2, 3. place? Hie that hath clean hands, And Who can say, I have made my heart a pure heart; who hath not lifted up clean, I am pure from my sin? Prov. his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitxx. 9. fully. Ps. xxiv. 3, 4. For there is not a just man upon Preserve my soul; for I am holy. Ps. earth, that doeth good, and sinneth lxxxvi 2. not. Eccl. vii. 20. A good man out of the good treasure Why callest thou me good? there is of his heart, bringeth forth that which none good but one, that is God. Mark is good. Luke vi. 45. x. 18. These things write I unto you, that There is none righteous, no, not one. ye sin not. 1 John ii. 1... For all have sinned, and come short Whosoever abideth in him sinneth of the glory of God. Rom. iii. 18, 23. not; whosoever sinneth hath not seen If we say that we have no sin, we him, neither known him..... Whosodeceive ourselves, and the truth is not ever is born of God doth not cornmitsin; in us. 1 John i. 8. for his seed remaineth in him; and he cannot sin, because lie is born of God. 1 John iii. 6, 9. The first series of passages contemnplates men in their unre 160 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. generate state. These texts teach the undeniable truth that no mere human being has ever reached the age of accountability without violating the moral law, without sinning. They are a strong, emphatic statement of the fact that, as certainly as human beings arrive at years of discretion, so certainly do they become sinners. Since "all have sinned," therefore, "if we say that we have no sin " - that we have kept ourselves from sin, and hence do not need pardon, -" we deceive ourselves." Mark x. 18 simply asserts that no being is absolutely good — good per se — except God. His is absolute, underived goodness; men are "good," not in the sense in which he is good, but relatively and by derivation. The citations of the second series, except those from I1 John iii., refer to men possessing the relative goodness just mentioned. The texts excepted are interpreted in the following manner: " TWhosoever sinneth." Doddridge says, "WVho habitually and avowedly sinneth." "Doth not commit sin." According to Mlr. Barnes, the interpretation should be: "Is not wilfblly and del'iberately a sinner." He may err, and be "overtaken in a fault," but the misdeed is not intentional. "He cannot sin," that is, it is incompatible with his views, feelings, and purposes. We have here a fresh illustration of that moral impossibility which has been already mentioned more than once. Andrew Fuller:l "It appears that the word' sin,' in these passages, is of different significations. In the former, it is to be taken properly for any transgression of the law of God. If any man say, in this sense, he has no sin, he only proves himself to be deceived, and that he has yet to learn what is true religion. But in the latter, it seems, from the context, that the term is intended to denote the sin of apostasy. If we were to substitute the term' apostasy' for'sin,' from the sixth to the tenth verse, the meaning clear." Dr. Davidson2 calls attention to the form of expression in 1 Works, i. 682. 2 Sacred IIermeneutics, p. 579. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 161 the original, 1 John iii. 9, and observes: " There is an emphasis in the verb'poieo.' It denotes the habitual working of sin." Diisterdieckl thinks that the last citations from 1 John present the ideal standard which continually, so to speak, floats above the actual life of believers as their rule and aim, and that this norm finds in such actual life only a relative fulfilment, yet that, even in the actual life of all that are born of God, there is something which in full verity answers to the ideal words, "They cannot sin." That is, they sin not, and cannot sin, just in proportion as the new, divine life, unconditionally opposed to all sin, and manifesting itself in godlike righteousness, is present and abides in them. In a word, the texts just mentioned are descriptions of the ideal Christian. Made zupright. -Made sinful. God hath made man upright. EccI. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; vii. 29. and in sin did my mother conceive me. Ps. li. 5. The latter text is simply an Oriental hyperbolical way of saying that he had begun to sin at the earliest practicable period. This language is no more to be pressed literally than is Job's 2 declaration that he had guided the widow " from his mother's womb." That is, as Delitzsch says, "from earliest youth, so far back as he can remember, he was wont to behave like a father to the orphan and like a child to the widow." To take the language, in either case, in a rigidly literal sense, is a gross absurdity. Born sinful. Infants are sinless. For vain man would be wise, though Moreover, your little ones, which ye man be born like a wild ass's colt. Job said should be a prey, and your chilxi. 12. dren, which in that day had no knowlWho can bring a clean thing out of edge between good and evil, they shall an unclean? not one. Job xiv. 4. go in thither Deut. i. 39. What is man, that he should be Butter and honey shall he eat, that clean? and he which is born ofa woman, he may know to refuse the evil, and that lie should be righteous? Job xv.14. choose the good. For before the child The wicked are estranged from the shall know to refuse the evil, and womb: they go astray as soon as they choose the good, the land that thou be born, speaking lies. Ps. lviii. 3. abhorest shall be forsaken of both her Foolishness is bound in the heart of a kings. Isa. vii. 15, 16. child, but the rod of correction shall Except ye be converted, and become drive it far from him. Prov. xxii. 15. as little children, ye shall not enter into 1 Quoted by Alford. 2 Chap. xxxi. 18. 14* 162 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Born sinful. Infants are sinless. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever and that which is born of the Spirit is therefore shall humble himself as this spirit. John iii. 6. little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matt. xviii. 3, 4. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall in no wise enter therein. Luke xviii. 16, 17. For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil. Rom. ix. 11. As to the three quotations from Job, we observe, first, that they are couched in poetical and figurative language. Second, as we have remarked elsewhere, there is no proof that Job and his friends were inspired as religious teachers, as were the prophets and apostles. That the author of the book was " moved by the Holy Spirit " to record its contents, is beyond doubt; but that we are to take the words of Satan, of Job's wife, of the patriarch himself, and of his friends, as "prooftexts" upon which to build stupendous structures of theology, we cannot for a moment admit. Says Prof. Stuart,' "Just as if these angry disputants, who contradict each other, and most of whom God himself has declared to be in the wrong (Job xlii. 7-9), were inspired when they disputed." Ps. lviii. 3, like li. 5 considered above, is a poetical hyperbole. The absurdity of a literal interpretation is obvious from the fact that the wicked are represented as " speaking lies," as soon as they are born. Literalistic exegesis would make them rather precocious. The meaning plainly is, that they begin very early, as soon as possible, to speak lies, and to go astray. The "foolishness" of Prov. xxii. can hardly be sin, for sin cannot be removed by corporal punishment. A higher power than the "rod" is requisite to the expulsion of sin, and the cleansing of the soul. As to John iii. 6, there are two interpretations. 1. That given by Meyer: The flesh is the material nature of man, determined ethically by the sinful impulses of which it is the seat. What1 History of Old Test., Canon, p. 144 (Revised edition, p. 133). DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 163 ever is born from this sensuous and sinfully determined human nature is a being of the same sensuous, sinfully constituted nature without the spiritual and ethical life which first arises through the action of the Divine Spirit. 2. The language may have had a special application. Nicodemus had just suggested the impossibility of a second natural birth. Christ may have meant simply, " even were it possible, you would gain nothing by it: you would still be what you now are." That is, the language may have been designed to teach, not that infants are actually born sinful, but that a second physical birth, were it possible, would fail to introduce a man into the "kingdom of God." At all events, the theory that children are born with certain perverted tendencies or natural proclivities to sin, which, though not sinful per se, do nevertheless certainly lead the individual into sin as soon as he is capable of moral action, will satisfy the demands of a reasonable exegesis. Matt. xviii. 3 asserts that we must "become as little children "- docile, loving, guileless - in order to enter into " the kingdom of heaven." Luke xviii. 15 takes up the same thought in respect to infants,' and declares that " of such is the kingdom of heaven"; that is, it is composed of little children, and of those persons who possess the childlike character and spirit. It would appear, therefore, that these two passages are utterly incompatible with the theory that children are born into the world laden with guilt, permeated with and steeped in the virus of sin. Rom. ix. 11 brings to view certain children which, though alive,2 had " done neither good nor evil." Now, since sin is the "transgression of the law," these chilclren, having violated no law, could not possibly be sinners. [Nor do we discover anything in the accident of birth which could fix the stain of 1The origilal word here is different, and, as Alford says, "points out more distinctly the tender age of the children." 2 See Gen. xxv. 22, 23. 164 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. sin upon their souls. A fair inference, then, is that, since they were not sinners before birth, they did not become such at birth, nor until they wilfully violated, to some extent, the law of God. Nor does it appear that the case of these children was, in respect to this exemption, an exceptional one. Hence the theory that infants come into the world actually sinful or guilty would not seem to be supported either by reason or by the testimony of Scripture. Children of wrath naturally. Keep the law by nature. And were by nature the children of For when the Gentiles, which have wrath, even as others. Eph. ii. 3. not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves. Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts. Rom. ii. 14,15. Andrew Fuller: The phrase " by nature " in the latter refers to the rule of action; but in the former to the cause of it. Dr. Iodge: "' By nature,' in virtue of their internal constitution, not by external instruction." Riickert: " We were born clhildren of wrath; i.e. such as we were from our birth, we were exposed to the divine wrath, is the true sense of these words." Suicerl renders the word "phusis," in Eph. ii. 3, "truly, incontestably." The Syriac Peshito reads: "And were altogether the children of wrath." Dr. Adam Clarke and Bishop Ellicott doubt whether there is in this text any direct assertion of the doctrine of original sin. We take the sense to be, "And were, in our unregenerate condition, the children of wrath." In this interpretation, Mr. Barnes concurs. Or, a different explanation may be given. The term " nature" may here denote our natural proclivities and tendencies to sin; the idea being that, in consequence of the development of these, we were the children of wrath. Upon any reasonable explanation, the words "were by nature the children of wrath" do not imply that we were born sinning or sinful. Man is "by nature" a talking being, yet he was not 1Thesaurus, Vol. ii., col. 1475. Similarly Grotius and several early writers. Compare the German "natiirlich." DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 165 necessarily born talking. We are "by nature" offspring-loving beings, yet it by no means follows that we were born in the actual exercise of this " natural affection." So the fact that we are sinners "by nature" does not necessitate that we were sinners before, or even at birth, but merely that we are such as the result of our natural proclivities to evil. All made sinners by Adam. Made righteous by Christ Wherefore as by one man sin entered Even so by the righteousness of one into the world. and death by sin; and the free gift caine upon all men unto so death passed upon all men, for that justification of life. For as by one man's all have sinned.... Therefore, as by the disobedience many were made sinners, offence of one judlgent canme upon all so by the obedience of one shall many?men to condemnation. Rom. v. 12, 18. be made righteous. Iom. v. 18, 19. There are two interpretations of the last two texts. (1) That the "free gift" is adapted to all men, and has a tendency to restore them to the divine favor. Barnes: "' Came upon all men,' -was with reference to all men; had a bearing upon all men; was originally adapted to the race." John Taylor: "The drift of the apostle's conclusion is to show that the Gift, iln its utmost extent, is free to all mankind." Calvin: The apostle makes the grace " common to all, because it is offered to all, not because it is in fact applied to all." (2) That the words " all" and "many," in the eighteenth and nineteenth verses, are each used in two senses, a wider and a narrower. Dr. HIodge thinks that, in the first clause of each verse, "all" means all who are connected with Adam; in the second clause, all who are connected with Christ. Alford says that both classes of men meet in the word " many." A common term of quantity is found for both; the one extending to its largest numerical interpretation; the other restricted to its smallest. In either view, there is no discrepancy. Repentance. Mlan's own act. God's gift. Repert ye, and believe the gospel. To give repentance to Israel, and forMark i. 15. giveness of sins. Acts v. 31. Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise Then hath God also to the Gentiles perish. Luke xiii. 5. granted repentance unto life. Acts N'ow comma-ndeth all men every xi. 18. where to repent. Acts xvii. 30. If God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. 2 Tim. ii. 25. 166 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. The word "repentance" is used in two senses. In the first series, it denotes the act of repenting; in the second, the opportunity, motives, and helps of that act. Hackett: " To give repentance, i.e. the grace or disposition to exercise it." De Wette: " The opportunity to repent, or the provision of mercy which renders repentance available to the sinner." Begqeneration. Man active. Passive. Circumcise therefore the foreskin of And the LORD thy God will circumyour heart, and be no more stiff-necked. cise thy heart, and the heart of thy Deut. x. 16. seed, to love the LORD thy God with Wash you, make you clean: put away all thy heart. Deut. xxx. 6. the evil of your doings from before Wash me thoroughly from mine inimine eyes. Isa. i. 16. quity, and cleanse me from my sin. O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from 1Ps. li. 2. wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon How longf shall thy vain thioughlts lodge you, and ye shall be clean: from all within thee? Jer. iv. 14. your filthiness, and from all your idols, Make you a new heart and a new will I cleanse you. A new heart also will spirit: for why will ye die, O house of I give you, and a new spirit will I put Israel? Ezek. xviii. 31. within you. Ezek. xxxvi. 25, 26. Turn ye unto me Zech. i. 3. Turn thou us unto thee, O LoruD, and Awake. thou that sleepest, and arise we shall be turned. Lam. v. 21. from the dead. Eph. v. 14. But God when we were dead in sins, Ye have put off the old man with his hath quickened us together withChrist; deeds; and have put on the new man.... And hath raised eus up together... Col. iii. 9, 10. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Eph. ii. 5, 6, 10. The simple fact is, that man is both active and passive in regeneration. The first series of texts brings to view his activity; the second, his passivity. Man is active in thinking upon the truth, in exercising his sensibilities in relation to it, and in giving up his heart to God; he is passive in that he is acted upon by the truth, and also by the Holy Spirit. He both acts and is acted upon. God does not, so far as we know, regenerate beings in a state of insensibility or indifference. There is, in a certain sense, a co-operation of the divine agency and the human in the regeneration of the soul. As Prof. Phelps1 has said: "We cannot mistake in recognizing as another law of the Holy Spirit, that his work shall be concurrent with the will of the -regenerate soul itself. Sanctification is a co-operative process. It may be suspended by resistance, and 1 The New Birth, pp. 243, 244. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 167 accelerated by obedience to the divine impulses.... INot by the breadth of a hair will the sovereignty of God invade the enclosure of that soul's freedom. The soul itself, in its own individuality, is the thing he would save. Its own love is the thing he craves. Its own submission is the right he claims. Its own chosen obedience is the service he requires." This same idea of co-operation is expressed in the words of Paul;' "Work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling; for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Juistification. By Faith. By Works. Therefore by the deeds of the law, For not the hearers of the law are there shall no flesh be justified in his just before God, but the doers of the sight,... We conclude, that a man is law shall be justified. tom. ii. 13. justified by faith without the deeds of What loth it profit, my brethren, the law. Rom. iii. 20, 28 though a man say he hath faith, and For if Abraham were justified by have not works? can faith save him?... works, he hath whereof to glory, but not Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, before God. Rom. iv. 2. being alone.... W~as not Abraham our Knowipg that a man is not justified father justified by works, when he had by the works of the law, but by the offered Isaac his son upon the altar?.. faith of Jesus Christ. Gal. ii. 16. Seest thou how faith wrought with his But that no man is justified by the works, and by works was faith made law in the sight of God, it is evident: perfect?... Ye see then how that by for, The just shall live by faith. And works a man is justified, and not by the law is not of faith: but, The man faith only..... For as the body withthat doeth them shall live in them. Gal. out the spirit is dead, so faith without iii. 11, 12. works is dead also. Jas. ii. 14, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26. There is no collision between Paul and James. They merely present different aspects or relations of the same great truth. Paul is arguing against self-righteous religionists, who rely for salvation upon external morality, upon mere workcs; James addresses those who maintain that, provided a man's belief is correct, it matters little what his conduct is; that a "'bare assentive faith is sufficient for salvation, without its living fruits in a holy life." In a word, Paul is combating Pharisaism; James, Antinomianism. One asserts: "Works are good for nothing except as they spring from faith"; the other responds: "Faith is of no value except as it produces works." Both together affirm the inseparable connection and unalterable rela1 Phil. ii. 12, 13, 168 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. tion of faith and works as cause and effect. John Taylor of Norwich: "The apostle James manifestly speaks of works consequent to faith, or of such works as are the fruit and product of faith. Whereas, St. Paul speaks of and rejects works considered as antecedent to faith. According to St. Paul, Abraham's justification refers to his state before he believed, or when he was ungodly; according to St. James, to his state after he believed, or when faith wrought with his works." WVhately: "Abraham is cited by Paul as an example of, a man'justified by faith,' and by James, of a man'justified by works'; the faith being manifested by the works which sprung out of it." Andrew Fuller: "Paul treats of the justification of the ungodly, or the way in which sinners are accepted of God, and made heirs of eternal life. James speaks of the justification of the godly, or in what way it becomes evident that a man is approved of God. The former is by the righteousness of Christ; the latter is by works." Stuart: " Paul is contending with a legalist, i.e. one who expected justification on the ground of his own merit. James is disputing with antinomians, viz. such persons as held that mere speculative belief or faith, unaccompanied by works, was all which the gospel demands." Alford and De Wette understand " faith," as used by James, to denote the result of the reception of the word, especially in a moral point of view; as used by Paul, as consisting in trust on the grace of God revealed in the atoning death of Christ. Sanctification. Through the truth. Through the Spirit. Sanctify them through thy truth. Elect according to the fore-knowlJohn xvii. 17. edge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit. 1 Pet. i. 2. They were sanctified by the truth applied by the Spirit. The two were instruments in the work of sanctification. In the first passage, Alford employs the preposition " in," since the truth is the element in which the sanctifying takes place. As to DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 169 the second text, the word " spirit " may refer either to the believer's own spirit, or to the Holy Spirit. Alford takes the latter signification; Beza says, " Vel Spiritus Sanctus, vel anima quae sanctificatur." The interpretation, " sanctification by the Spirit, in the truth," meets the requirements of both texts alike. The fuller expression,l "Through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth," conveys the same idea. Perfection. Christians are perfect. Paul was not perfect. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your If by any means I might attain unto Father which is in heaven is perfect. the resurrection of the dead. Not as Matt. v. 48. though I had already attained, either Let us therefore, as many as be per- were already perfect. Phil. iii. 11, 12. feet, be thus minded. Phil. iii. 15. The term "perfect" is used here in different senses. In Matthew it means complete, all-embracing, godlike in love of others. In Phil. iii. 15 it means mature in Christian life. In the texts at the right it probably refers to the completion of Paul's life by martyrdom. Clement of Alexandria applies the term " perfection," " teleiosis," to the martyrdom of believers. He says: "We call martyrdom'perfection,''teleiosis,' not because man receives it as the completion of life, but because it is the consummation of the work of love." Several other early writers use the word, and its derivatives, in a similar sense.2 Hence Paul's meaning may be: "My Christian career has not yet culminated in martyrdom." Many critics, however, think that he is alluding to the games or races of the ancients, and says figuratively that he - as a Christian — had not completed his course, and arrived at the goal, so as to receive the prize. Fiinat l erseverance. Impossible tofallfrom grace. Some do fall from grace. And I give unto them eternal life; But when the righteous turneth away and they shall never perish, neither from his righteousness, and committeth shall any pluck them out of my hand. iniquity, aud doeth according to all the John x. 28. abominations that the wicked mTan For whom he did foreknow, he also doeth, shall he live? All his righteousdid predestinate to be conformed to the ness that he hath done shall not be'2 Thess. ii. 13. 2 Comp. Luke xiii. 32; where the Peshito reads " shall be consummated." 15 ].70 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Impossible to fall from grace. Some do fall fromn grace. image of his Son, that he might be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath the first-born among many brethren. trespassed, and in his sin that he hath Moreover, whom he did predestinate, sinned, in them shall he die. Ezek. them he also called: and whom he xviii. 24. called, them lie also justified: and Those that thou gavest me I have whom he justified, them he also glori- kept, and none of them is lost, but the fled.... For I am persuaded, that son of perdition. John xvii. 12. neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor For it is impossible for those who principalities, nor powers, nor things were once enlightened, and have tasted present. nor things to come, nor height, of the heavenly gift, and were made nor depth, nor any other creature, shall partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have be able to separate us from the love of tasted the good word of God, and the God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. powers of the world to come, if they Rom. viii. 29, 30, 38, 39. shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Heb. vi. 4-6. For if we sin wilfiully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses' law, died without mercy under two or three witnesses: of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye. shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?... But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition. 1eb. x. 26-29, 39. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turnfrom the holy commandment delivered unto them. 2 Pet. ii. 21, 22. The first series does not teach the impossibility of falling from grace, but merely the certainty that this will not occur. The auxiliary " shall" is too strong in these passages. The original expresses futurition, thus; "will any pluck them out," " will be able to separate us," etc. The second series may be taken as mere hypotheses - suppositions introduced for argument's sake. Such figures of speech are very common. Thus, in Gal. i. 8, Paul introduces this hypothesis': "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 171 preached unto you, let him be accursed." He does not, of course, mean to affirm that an " angel from heaven" ever did, or would, preach a false gospel; he merely says: "On the supposition that one should do it." In 1 Cor. xiii. 1-3, we have three of these hypotheses, or " suppositions without regard to fact," as they may be termed. The hypothetical nature of the quotation from Ezekiel is clearly brought out in the parallel passage, Ezek. xxxiii. 13: "When I shall say to the righteous that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness," etc. In John xvii. 12, some construe thus: "None of them is lost; but the son of perdition is lost." This interpretation excludes Judas from the number of those who were "given " to Christ. Otherwise, if Judas is included, it may be said that those of whom Christ spoke were given simply for the "ministry and apostleship";1 and that nothing more is meant here. The quotations from Hebrews2 and Peter are so obviously hypothetical that no comment is needed. Alford has the peculiar remark: "Elect and regenerate are not convertible terms. All elect are regenerate; but all regenerate are not elect. The regenerate may fall away; the elect never can." Barnes, on Heb. vi. 6: "It is not an affirmation that any had actually fallen away, or that, in fact, they would do it; but the statement is, that on the supposition that they had fallen away, it would be impossible to. renew them again. It may be added that Calvinistic authors interpret the latter series of texts as referring to persons who have been considerably enlightened, but not truly converted; who have never really participated in the spiritual life. Arminian authors, and Alford with them, refer these texts to persons who, after being regenerated, have deliberately apostatized from Christ and his religion. The alleged discrepancy is easily removed by either method of interpretation. x Acts i. 25. 2 Schoettgen gives a peculiar turn to Heb. vi. 6. See Horae Hebrairae, pp. 954-956. 172 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Christians not destroyed. May be destroyed. And I give unto them eternal life; Destroy not him with thy meat, for and they shall never perish. John x. 28. whom Christ died. Rom. xiv. 15. And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? I Cor. viii. 11. These cautions and admonitions of the apostle are one of the effective means which God uses in preventing the destruction of weak believers. The " called " all saved. Some perish. Moreover whom he did predestinate, For many be called, but few chosen. them he also called: and whom he Matt. xx. 16. called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Rom. viii. 80. The word "call," in the first case, signifies the "effectual call," such as secures its own acceptance, and the salvation of the "called." In the second case, the term denotes the general invitation of the gospel, extended to all men. Righteouts, - earthly lot. No evil befalls the Godly. Evil befalls them. There shall no evil happen to the So went Satan forth from the presjust. Prov. xii. 21. ence of the LORD, and smote Job with And who is he that will harm you, if sore boils from the sole of his foot unto ye be followers of that which is good? his crown. Job ii. 7. 1 Pet. iii. 13. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Heb. xii. 6. The meaning is, that no permanent or ultimate evil befalls the good. All apparent evils which overtake them are but temporary, and result in high and lasting good. "All things " - the afflictions which came upon Job and the chastisements which God inflicts upon his people - work together for good to them that love God."' Not seldom the grown-up man is profoundly grateful for the disciplinary chastisement received from parents and teachers in his childhood. So the Christian, looking back from heaven, will doubtless thank God for the trials and sufferings of this earthly life, as for blessings in disguise. Worldly good and prosperity. Worldly mi3ery and destitution. And the LORD was with Joseph, and There be just men, unto whom it haphe was a prosperous man. Gen. xxxix.2. peneth according to the work of the So the LORD blessed the latter end of wicked. Eccl. viii. 14. Job more than his beginning. Job xlii. And ye shall be hated of all nzen for 12. my name's sake. Luke xxi. 17. 1Compare Rom. viii. 28, and Heb. xii. 11. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 173 Worldly good and prosperity. Worldly misery and destitution. His leaf also shall not wither; and They were stoned, they were sawn whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Ps. asunder, were tempted, were slain with i. 3. the sword: they wandered about in They that seek the LORD shall not sheep-skins, and goat-skins; being deswant any good thing. Ps. xxxiv. 10. titute, afflicted, tormented. Heb. xi. 37. Trust in the LORD, and do good; so These are they which came out of shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily great tribulation. Rev. vii. 14. thou shalt be fed. Ps. xxxvii. 3. The first texts lay down the general principle that righteousness has a tendency to ensure prosperity in worldly matters; yet they do not assert that this result invariably follows. We say, "H-onesty is the best policy," yet we know that some rascals grow rich, while some honest men never succeed in business. Righteousness, because it promotes temperance, industry, frugality, and all other worthy qualities, tends normally to worldly prosperity. As to Joseph and Job, neither of them escaped very sore trials. The first citation from Psalms is a poetical statement of the principle that righteousness is conducive to worldly prosperity; the second asserts that no actual, ultimate good will be wanting to the righteous. The second series sets forth certain apparent exceptions to the general rule, and illustrates the truth that, owing to the wickedness of the world, the pious encounter hostility and persecution in some form. The first text of this series asserts that, in some cases, an apparently similar fate attends the evil and the good. But, as HI-engstenberg says, this equality of result is only an external and partial one; while the final issue separates the righteous from the wicked. The two next passages refer to the disciples and the ancient martyrs. The text from Revelation implies that the righteous enter heaven through "great trials" of various kinds. The combined passages teach that, while righteousness tends normally to secure earthly prosperity; yet, in certain cases, this tendency is temporarily interrupted by certain disturbing influences. 15* 174 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Worldly prosperity, a reward. A curse. If thou return to the Almighty, thou Lay not up for yourselves treasures shalt be built up, thou shalt put away upon earth.... For where your treasure iniquity far from thy tabernacles. is, there will your heartbe also. Mat:. Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, vi. 19, 21. and the gold of Ophir as the stones of Blessed be ye poor; for yours is the the brooks. Job xxii. 23, 24. kingdom of God.... But wo unto you His seed shall be mighty upon earth; that are rich! Luke vi 20, 24. the generation of the upright shall be So is he that layeth up treasure blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in for himself, and is not rich toward his house. Ps. cxii. 2, 3. God. Luke xii. 21. In the house of the righteous is much Go to now, ye rich men, wreep and treasure. Prov. xv. 6. howl for your miseries that shall comle He shall receive a hundred-fold now upon you. Your riches are corrupted, in this time, houses, and brethren, and and your garments are moth-eaten. sisters, and mothers, and children, and Your gold and silver is cankered; and lands, with persecutions; and in the the rust of them shall be a witness world to come, eternal life. Mark x 30. against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. James v. 1-3. As to the quotation from Job, the best critics agree substantially in the rendering, " Cast to the dust thy precious treasure, and to the stones of the brooks the gold of Ophir; then shall the Almighty be thy precious treasure," etc. This is nearly Conant's translation. Delitzsch; "' Put far from thee the idol of precious metal with contempt.' When Job thus casts from him temporal things, by the excessive cherishing of which he has hitherto sinned, God himself will be his imperishable treasure." The texts from Psalms assert that God will not forsake his people, but will supply their needs. All exceptions to this rule are apparent, not real. On Prov. xv. 6, ZDckler: "The treasure stored up in such a house is the righteousness that prevails in it, a source and pledge of abiding prosperity." In Mark x. 30 the limiting clause, " with persecutions," shows clearly that unmixed prosperity is not promised to the Christian. The opposed texts forbid our idolizing, setting our affections upon, worldly things as our " treasure."' They also pronounce blessings upon the "poor in spirit," the humble;' anti reprove those who " trust in riches." Neither the acquisition nor the possession of earthly riches is forbidden, but the making of wealth our god is prohibited. 1See Matt. v. 8. 2 Compare Mark x. 24; 1 Tim. vi. 17. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 175 Poverty a blessing. Riches a blessing. Neither desirable. Children, how hard is So the Lonl blessed the Remove far from me it for them that trust in latter end of Job more vanity and lies; give me riches to enter into the than his beginning; for neither poverty Ilor richkingdom of God. It is he had fourteen thousand es; feed Ine with food easier for a camel to go sheep, and six thousand convenient for me: lest I through the eye of a nee- camels, and a thousand be full and deny thee, and dle, than for a rich man yoke of oxen, and a thou- say, Who is the lonL)? to enter into the kingdom sand she asses. Job xlii. or lest I be poor, and of God. Mark x. 24, 25. 12. steal, and take the name Hath not God chosen The rich man's wealth of my God in vain. Prov. the poor of this world, is his strong city: the xxx. 8, 9. rich in faith, and heirs of destruction of the poor is the kingdom. Jas. ii. 5. their poverty. Prov. x. 15. The " rich man " of Mark x. 25 is described, in the preceding verse, as one who " trusts" in riches, making them his god. James teaches that there is in the humbler walks of life, — in their freedom from the temptations, cares, and anxiety incident to wealth, - something which is peculiarly favorable to the origin and growth of true piety. As to the great wealth which the Lord bestowed upon Job, it is, says Barnes, substantially that of an Arab ruler or chief like those who, at the present day, are called Emirs.l The turn in Job's affairs has its lesson. Mr. Cook, in Smith's Biblical Dictionary: " The restoration of his external prosperity, which is an inevitable result of God's personal manifestation, symbolizes the ultimate compensation of the righteous for all sufferings undergone upon earth." As to Prov. x. 15, Stuart takes the meaning to be that there are times when the wealth of the rich will avert danger and suffering; and at such times the poor may perish for want of money. Zickler: "Naturally the author is here thinking of wealth well earned by practical wisdom; and this at the same time a means in the further efforts of wisdom; and again, of a deserved poverty which while the consequence of foolish con1 The size of Job's flocks and herds is not wonderful. Parallel cases can be adduced in our own time. In an address before the " Hampden Agricultural Society," the lecturer mentioned a farmer in California who owns 100,000 sheep, and another with 135,000; also, a certain farm which produced 40,000 bushels of wheat, and another upon which 2,500 cows are kept. (See " Congregationalist," May 4, 1871). Yet infidels adduce the later wealth of Job as a thing incredible. 176 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. duct always causes one to sink deeper in folly and moral need." Lord Bacon: " This is excellently expressed, that riches are as a stronghold in imagination, and not always in fact; for certainly great riches have sold more men than they have bought out." The prayer of Agur (Prov. xxx.), embodies the sentiment that a moderate competence is better than extreme poverty or enormous wealth. Wisdom, -source of happiness. Cause of sorrow. Happy is the man that findeth wis- For in much wisdom is much grief: dom, and the man that getteth under- and he that increaseth knowledge instanding... Her ways are ways of pleas- creaseth sorrow. Eccl. i. 18. antness, and all her paths are peace. Then said I in my heart, As it hapProv. iii. 13, 17. peneth to the fool, so it happeneth even For wisdom is better than rubies; to me; and why was I then more wise? and all the things that may be desired Then I said in my heart, that this also are not to be compared to it. Prov. is vanity. Eccl. ii. 15. viii. 11. In the first texts, "wisdom" denotes spiritual wisdom, which prepares for and lays hold upon the future life. In the second case, the term implies mere worldly knowledge, unsanctified learning, wisdom limited to the sphere of this life. The "grief " and " sorrow" may refer to the depression of mind and bodily indisposition attendant upon intense and long-continued study and efforts to acquire knowledge, and to the frequent disappointment of this pursuit. The Germans have a proverb, "Much wisdom causeth head-ache." A good name a blessing. A curse. A good name is rather to be chosen Wo unto you, when all men shall than great riches. Prov. xxii. 1. speak well of you! for so did their A good name is better than precious fathers to the false prophets. Luke vi. ointment. Eccl. vii. 1. 26. A " good name" does not necessarily imply that " all men speak well" of its possessor. Many a man has a good name — a solid and well-earned reputation -who has nevertheless numerous adversaries and calumniators. The denunciation in Luke is levelled at flatterers and time-serving sycophants, who, like modern politicians and office-seekers, are ever ready to sacrifice principle to popularity. Those ministers whose preaching offends no one, of whom " all men speak well," who prophesy DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 177 "smooth things,"' and " daub with untempered mortar,"2 are in the direct line of the wo denounced by our Lord. Righteous lnotfound begging. Some righteous beg. I have been young, and now am old; And there was a certain beggar named yet have I not seen the righteous for- Lazarus.... And it came to pass, that saken, nor his seed begging bread. I's. the beggar died, and was carried by the xxxvii. 25. angels into Abraham's bosom. Luke xvi. 20, 22. The occasional and temporary exceptions, which had not fallen under David's notice, only prove the rule. Hengstenberg: " It is not to be doubted, that God, while he withheld from the righteous of the old covenant, any clear insight iinto a future state of being, on that account unfolded his righteousness the more distinctly in his dealings towards them during this life, so that they might not err concerning it." They possess the earth. Mere sojourners here. Blessed are the meek: for they shall For we are strangers before thee, and inherit the earth. Mlatt. v. 5. sojourners, as swere all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding. 1Chron. xxix. 15. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Heb. xiii. 14. Mr. Barnes thinks that the first text is a proverbial expression employed by the Jews to denote any great blessing; perhaps as the sum of all blessings. Schoettgen: "They [the meek] with their religion shall have dominion, not only in the land of Judea, but also through the whole earth." Alford: " That kingdom of God which begins in the hearts of the disciples, and is' not of this world,' shall work onwards, till it shall become actually a kingdom over this earth, and its subjects shall inherit the earth, first in its millennial, and finally in its renewed and blessed state forever." The church of Christ will be a permanent institution of ever increasing influence and power; although the individuals who at any given time compose that church are but sojourners and wayfarers here below. Isa. xxx. 10; Jer. xxiii. 31. 2 Ezek. xiii 10-16; xxii. 28. 178 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Pilgrims and strangers. Nlot pilgrims and strangers. And confessed that they were stran- Now therefore ye are no more strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Heb. gers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens xi. 13. with the saints, and of the household Dearly beloved, 1 beseech you, as of God. Eph. ii. 19. strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. 1 Pet. ii. 11. The first texts refer to Christians in their relation to the present world. They have no permanent home on earth; their citizenship is not here; they expect to remain here but a short time; they are passing on to their eternal home on high. The last quotation depicts them in their relation to the household of faith. They have been " adopted" into the holy brotjherhood, and are entitled to all its privileges and blessings. Hence they are no longer to be regarded as outcasts and aliens, but as members of the celestial family. They surely live. Some of them die. But if a man be just, and do that For he seeth that wise men die. Ps. which is lawful and right,.. hath xlix. 10. walked in my statutes, and hath kept There is a just man that perisheth in my judgments, to deal truly; he is just, his righteousness. Eccl. vii. 15. he shall surely live, saith the Lord GOD. Ezek. xviii. 5, 9. Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. John xi. 26. The first texts refer to spiritual or eternal life; the last to mere physical or temporal death, which all alike, good and bad, undergo. Menasseh ben Israell has this suggestion: "Divine justice sometimes chastises the righteous in this world for some sin, that he may receive the full reward of his good actions in the next; and the punishment of the wicked is sometimes delayed to pay him for some good he may have done in this, and to punish him fully in the other when the balance is adjusted." Will be persecuted. Not persecuted. All that will live godly in Christ When a man's ways please the LORD, Jesus shall suffer persecution.. 2 Tim. he maketh even his enemies to be at iii. 12. peace with him. Prov. xvi. 7. Andrew Fuller2: "The truth seems to be that neither of the above passages is to be taken universally. The peace possessed 1 Conciliator, ii. 214. 2 Works, i. 683. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 179 by those who please God does not extend so far as to exempt them from having enemies; and, though all godly men must in some form or other be persecuted, yet none are persecuted at all times. God has always given his people some seasons of rest. The former of these passages may therefore refer to the native enmity which true godliness is certain to excite; arid the latter to the divine control over it. IMan's wrath shall be let loose in a degree; but farther than what is necessary for the praise of God it shall not go." Handled roughly. Nlot touched. And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, He that is begotten of God, keepeth behold, Satan hath desired to have you, himself, and that wicked one toucheth that he may sift you as wheat. Luke him not. 1 John v. 18. xxii. a. The first text does not say that Satan actually gained possession of Peter, but merely that he " desired" to do so; the second avers that the "wicked one " does not inflict any per. manent injury upon the believer. Christian yoke, easy. Burdensome. Come unto me, all ye that labour, and In the world ye shall have tribulation. are heavy laden, and 1 will give you John xvi. 33. rest. For my yoke is easy, and my For whom the Lord loveth he chastburden is light. Matt. xi. 28, 30. eneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Heb. xii. 6, 8. In certain important aspects or relations, the yoke of Christ is " easy." Christianity, being a spiritual religion, is far less burdensome than are false religions; it imposes much fewer ceremonies and observances than do they. It is also congruous with man's reason, conscience, and all his nobler instincts, and satisfies the needs and aspirations of his higher spiritual nature. The Christian life is the normal life of man. Looking from another point of view, the Christian's yoke may be deemed " burdensome." For Christianity, being a pure religion, comes in direct collision with the deep sinfulness of the human heart; it is in intense antagonism with everything corrupt and evil. Hence the Christian must "crucify the flesh " with the. passions and lusts, and in so doing must pass through many a sore trial and conflict. 180 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Wicked, - earthly lot. Longevity ascribed to them. Denied to them. Wherefore do the wicked live, be- They die in youth, and their life is come old, yea, are mighty in power? among the unclean. Job xxxvi. 14. Their seed is established in their sight Bloody and deceitful men shall not with them, and their offspring before live out half their days. Ps. lv. 23. their eyes. Job xxi. 7, 8. The years of the wicked shall be Though a sinner do evil a hundred shortened. Prov. x. 27. times. and his days be prolonged. Eccl. But it shall not be well with the viii. 12. wicked, neither shall he prolong his The sinner beingahundredyears old days, which are as a shadow. Eccl. shall be accursed. Isa. lxv. 20. viii. 13. The affirmative texts do not assert that all the wicked live to old age. As to the first citation, Zophar had just asserted that the " portion " of a wicked man is, to be cut off in a moment. Job, in reply, denies the universality of this principle, and says that some of the wicked do live, become old, and mighty in power. Yet he evidently regards these as exceptional cases: for he adds: "How oft is the candle of the wicked put out! and how oft cometh their destruction upon them " The two next quotations do not assert the longevity of sinners, but are purely hypothetical. The four opposed texts assert the general principle that the tendency of vice is to shorten human life. Of this the statistics of intemperance, licentiousness, and crime in general afford grim and appalling proof. The sense of the combined texts is, that many of the wicked perish early through their sins, but that some, in exceptional cases, live on to old age. They prosper. Will not prosper. The tabernacles of robbers prosper, Evil shall slay the wicked and they and they that provoke God are secure. that hate the righteous shall be desoJob xii. 6. late. Ps. xxxiv. 21. Men of the world, which have their Evil pursueth sinners. Prov. xiii. 21. portion in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasere. Ps. xvii. 14. Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish. Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches. Ps. lxxiii. 7, 12 W herefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? swherefore are all they happy that deal very treacberously? Jer. xii. 1. The first five texts refer to the temporary prosperity which the wicked not infrequently enjoy. The transitory nature of DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 181 this prosperity was not comprehended by the Psalmist, until he went into the sanctuary of God; then he understood the end of the wicked, that they were " set in slippery places."' Menasseh ben Israel: " God sometimes delays the punishment of the wicked, either that they may repent, or to reward them in this life for some good action they may have performed, or for some secret reason known only to his consummate wisdom." The last two texts do not assert that evil pursueth and shall slay the wicked without a moment's delay, but merely that this will ultimately be the case. See the Divine glory. Will not see it. And the glory of the LoRD shall be In the land of uprightness will he revealed, and all flesh shall see it to- deal unjustly, and will not behold the gether. Isa. xl. 5. majesty of the LORD. Isa. xxvi. 10. The wicked will not voluntarily recognize the "majesty "the sovereignty and glory —of the Lord; but he will eventually be compelled to see and acknowledge it, as displayed in the final reward of virtue and punishment of vice, at the last great day. Sin zowith impunity. Promptly punished. Their houses are safe from fear, The worm shall feed sweetly on him; neither is the rod of God upon them.... he shall be no more remembered; and Therefore they say unto God, Depart wickedness shall be broken as a tree.... from us; for we desire not the knowl- They are exalted for a little while, but edge of thy ways. Job xxi. 9, 14. are gone and brought low; they are taken out of the way as all other, and cut off as the tops of the ears of corn. Job xxiv. 20, 24. Theodore Parker" deems it an evidence of the "exquisite art" and "naturalness" with which the book was written, that Job, in his distraction, is represented as affirming and denying a thing almost in the same breath. A better explanation of passages like the above is, that in relation to our limited wisdom and impatient feelings, - as we often look at matters - the wicked are not punished promptly, but sin with impunity; while upon a comprehensive and impartial view of the case - as infinite wisdom sees it - they are punished promptly, that is, at exactly the right time. 1 See Ps, lxxiii. 16-18. 2 Translation of De Wette, ii. 557. 16 182 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Their punishment denied. ffirmed. Behold, as wild asses in the desert, This is the portion of a wicked man go they forth to their work; rising be- with God, and the heritage of oppresstimes for a prey: the wilderness yield- ors, which they shall receive of the eth food for them and for their children. Almighty. If his children be multiThey reap every one his corn in the plied, it is for the sword: and his offfield.... Men groan from out of the city, spring shall not be satisfied with bread. and the soul of the wounded crieth... For God shall cast upon him, and out: yet God layeth not folly to them. not spare: he would fain flee out of his Job xxiv. 5, 6, 12. hband. Job xxvii. 13, 14, 22. Hirzel:' "While Job's opponents wished to prove this proposition against him, that'the transgressor did not escape punishment in his life,' and charged it upon Job himself that, since every transgressor was miserable, therefore every miserable man was a transgressor; to parry this argument Job had hitherto, though against his better judgment, denied the entire proposition; and, since his opponents had laid it down as a permanent and universal rule, he had confirmed this denial by adducing numerous examples where the contrary was true. But now he goes on to explain the matter to his friends, and admits that they have rightly apprehended the law by which the transgressor's lot is determined." Yet, while making this concession, he points out an error into which they have fallen in applying the principle. This explanation relieves the difficulty by referring the " apparent contradiction" to the different relations in which Job speaks. Nor, on the hypothesis that Job was not inspired as a religious teacher, is it of the slightest consequence whether or not we can establish the concinnity of all his utterances. Retribution on Earth. Reward and punishment here. Hereafter. Behold, the righteous shall be recom- For the Son of man shall come in pensed in the earth: much more the the glory of his Father, with his angels; wicked and the sinner. Prov. xi. 31. and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Matt. xvi. 27. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Rev. xx. 12. It is not asserted, in the first text, that either the righteous'Quoted by De Wette, ii. 561. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 183 or wicked receive full recompense ill this world. The meaning, doubtless, is that the beginnings of retribution are seen here on the earth. Stuart: "The same retributive government which begins to assert its power in this world, will continue its processes in the world to come Melancthon, Bishop Hall, Edwards, Lange, and other critics take the word " recompensed" as referring exclusively to the punishment of wrong-doing. Hence, the sentiment is, "If the righteous in this world suffer chastisement for their misdeeds, much more surely shall the impenitent be punished for their wilful transgression." That is, the argument is derived from the corrective discipline experienced by good men on earth in favor of the just retribution which shall be meted out hereafter to the incorrigible sinner. In no aspect is it affirmed that full and final retribution is administered in this world. VI. M2lAN,28 in relation to the Future. -Death. Men must die. Some will not die. So death passed upon all men, for If a man keep my saying, he shall that all have sinned. Rom. v. 12. never see death. John viii. 51. And as it is appointed unto men once And whosoever liveth and believeth to die. Heb. ix. 27. in me shall never die. John xi. 26. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed 1 Cor. xv. 51. We which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.... The dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive anad remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thess. iv. 15, 16, 17. He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. tRev. ii. 11. The two texts from John refer not to physical but to spiritual death. The Pauline quotations contemplate the righteous who shall be living on the earth at the time of Christ's second coming. These will not indeed literally "die," but will be "changed"; that is, undergo a transformation equivalent to death, putting off mortality and putting on immortality. All will experience either death, or what is tantamount to it. As Alford says: " The sleep of death cannot be predicated of all of us, but the resurrection-change can." 184 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Rev. ii. 11 also denotes not physical death, but the final punishment of the incorrigibly wicked. It is fitly termed death," as being an eternal separation from hope and happiness, and an exclusion from all which is worthy of the name " life." Lazarus not to die. Ile did die. Therefore his sist-rs sent unto him, Then said Jesus unto them plainly, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou Lazarus is dead. And I am glad for lovest is sick. When Je;us heard that, your sakes that I was not there, to the he said, This sickness is not unto death, intent ye may believe. John xi. 14, 15. but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. John xi. 3, 4. "' This sickness is not unto death ";, the ultimate result will not be " death," but'; the glory of God." And so it proved, for many of the Jews who witnessed the raising of Lazarus from the dead, believed on the Son of God.' Thus the Father was glorified in the Son. Mlan dies like a beast. His death different. For that which befalleth the sons of Then shall the dust return to the men befalleth beasts.; even one thing earth as it was: and the spirit shall rebefallt th them: as the one dieth, so turn unto God who gave it. Eccl. xii. 7. dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast. Eccl. iii. 19. In one aspect of the case, there is no distinction between the death of man and that of beasts. Both are uncertain as to the time of it; both are powerless to prevent it; the physical phenomena, in each case, are much the same. In these respects there is a very close resemblance, and this may be the relation of which the author is speaking. Or, with many commentators, we may say that Solomon raises and answers objections, as Paul does so often. Thus the passage in question (Eccl. iii. 18-20), beginning "I said in mine heart," etc., may be merely an objection which, being suggested to the mind of Solomon, he proceeds to discuss and solve.. Dr. Davidson2 thinks that the author brings before his readers doubts suggested by observation and reflection, or in some cases presented to him by others. Prof. Stuart When we view the author in the light of proposing the doubts and'Compare John xi. 45. 2 tntrod. to Old Test., ii. 385. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 185 difficulties which perplexed his own mind, and sooner or later as solving them, then we meet with no serious embarrassment in interpreting the book. Prof. Tayler Lewis, in Lange, takes the words, "I said in mine heart concerning," etc., as equivalent to, " I deduced this inference from men's lives, I put this interpretation upon their conduct, that, in their own view, they are beasts." It is man's judgment upon himself, as pronounced by his own conduct. It is the language of his life. A terribly severe, but no less just, estimate of man, from a point of view apparently identical with his own. Death ceases. Still exists. Jesus Christ, who hath abolished It is appointed unto men once to die. death, and hath brought life and im- Heb. ix. 27. mortality to light through the gospel. 2 Tim. i. 10. 1" Hath abolished death"; hath taken away its sting and terror, so that it is no longer death, a grim and terrible monster, but a kind angel come to conduct- the believer home to heaven. Alford: " By the death of Christ, death has lost his sting; and is henceforth of no more account; consequently the act of natural death is evermore treated by the Lord himself and his apostles as of no account; and its actual and total abolition foretold." Men, immortal. God only, immortal. Be not afraid of them that kill the The King of kings, and Lord of lords. body, and after that have no more that Who only hath immortality. 1 Tim. they can do. Luke xii. 4. vi. 15, 16. The first text is a strong incidental proof that the soul is "immortal," since it does not die with the body. It is beyond the power of the persecutor. When he has killed the body his fury has expended itself; he can do no more; he cannot reach or harm the soul. The survival of the soul is thus plainly implied and assumed by our Lord. The second text is interpreted by " mortal-soulists," 1 as dei vI We use this term, instead of "Thnetopsychites," the name employed by John Damascenus (see Hagenbach's History of Doctrines, i. 221), to 16* 186 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. ing immortality to all beings except God. I-ence it would follow that the angels, - Gabriel, and M3lichael the archangel even, - are mortal! And if, as Alford thinks, the above text refers to the Father exclusively, it would also follow that the Lord Jesus himself is mortal!! By parity of reasoning the language employed in Rom. xvi. 27, " God only wise," warrants the inference that God is the only being who possesses wisdom! The meaning in both cases obviously is that only God possesses the given attribute, inherently and znderivedly. Justin Martyr: " He has not this through the will of another, as all the other immortals, but through his own essence." Theodoret: " Immortal by essence, not by participation." Upon no reasonable interpretation does the passage collide with the derived and dependent immortality of man. Men kcil the soul. Cannot kill it. Joshua took Makkedah, and smote it And fear not them which kill the with the edge of the sword, and the body, but are not able to kill the soul: king thereof he utterly dlestroyed, them, but rather fear him which is able to and all the souls that were therein. destroy both soul and body in hell. Josh. x. 28. MIatt. x. 28. And they smote all the souls that were therein with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying thelm: there was not any left to breathe. Josh. xi. 11. It is scarcely necessary to allude to the fact that our word " soul" is used in two entirely distinct senses. Thus we say, "The soul is immortal," and, alluding to a marine disaster, " Every~ soul perished." In the latter case, "soul" is synonymous with "person." This secondary meaning of the word may have arisen from the fact that it is the soul of man which gives him personality. Be this as it may, the most orthodox theologians employ the term in these widely different senses. designate those who deny the natural immortality of the soul or spirit of man. The term may be extended to include also the denial of consciousness to the soul in the interval between death and the resurrection. Apparently the first attempt to introduce Thnetopsychism into the Christian church was made, A.D. 248, by certain errorists from Arabia. Compare Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History, Book vi., chap. xxxvii.; and Guericke's Ancient Church, p. 228. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 187 The corresponding Hebrew and Greek terms are used with similar latitude. Thus, according to Fuerst, the Hebrew word " nephesh " sometimes means the soul or spirit; in other cases, an individual, a person, man. Gesenius says, spirit, soul, mizd; also a man, person. In view- of this fact, when one text asserts that Joshua " slew all the souls" in a city, and another affirms that man is " not able to kill the soul," we see that here is no discrepancy. The term "soul," in one case, refers to man in his earthly make-up, as we see him; in the other, to the deathless intelligence which survives the dissolution of its tabernacle, the body. If, as mortal-soulists assert, the soul actually dies with the body, then he who "6 kills" the latter, in that very act kills the former also. If the Siamese twins are so connected that the death of one involves that of the other, then the murderer who kills Chang, by that very stroke kills Eng likewise. That is, according to the theory we are criticising, man is as really "able to kill the soul" as God is. Immortality possessed. To be acquired. I will forewarn you whom ye shall Who by patient continuance in well fear: Fear him, which after he hath doing seek for glory and honor and killed, hath power to cast into hell; immortality. Rom. ii. 7. yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Luke xii. 5. The first passage implies that there is an intelligence, a spirit, in man, which outlives and is not affected by the dissolution of the body. Hence God, after he has killed the body, may cast the soul into hell. It is the immortal part which survives to be thus disposed of. As to Rom. ii. 7, a favorite inference of mortal-soulists is this: " Since man is here spoken of as seeking' immortality,' it follows that he does not possess it by nature." To this characteristic sophism, it is sufficient to reply that, as every scholar is aware, the Greek word used here is not " athanasia," immortality, but " aphtharsia," incorruption,1 and points to that exemption from moral corruption which the saints are "seeking" 1 See Eph. vi. 24, where the same word is translated "sincerity." 188 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. here, and which they will fully attain in heaven. The passage does not touch the question of man's immortality at all. Intermediate State. Dead unconscious. Conscious. His sons come to honor, and he But his flesh upon him shall have knoweth it not; and they are brought pain, and his soul within him shall low, but he perceiveth it not of them. mourn. Job xiv. 22. Job xiv. 21. The rich man also died, and was Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, buried. And in hell he lifted up his do it with thy might; for there is no eyes, being in torments. Luke xvi. 22, work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor 23. wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. Eccl. ix. 10. As preliminary to the discussion, we repeat that there is no proof that Job or any of his friends were inspired —divinely commissioned as religious teachers.1 Moreover, the ideas of the ancients, particularly in that early age in which Job lived, were very vague and obscure respecting the future state. "Life and immortality" were not "brought to light" till Christ came. Whately, following Warburton, says: "To the Israelites of old Moses had no commission to hold out the hopes and fears of another world, but only a' land flowing with milk and honey,' and long life, and victory, and other temporal rewards. But the' bringing in of a better hope' by the gospel taught the Christian to'set his affection on things above, not on things on the earth,' and to look for a heavenly Canaan, a land of promise beyond the grave. God's kingdom of old was a kingdom of this world; but Christ's kingdom is' not of this world.' " 2 Dr. Davidson 3 thus sets forth the Hebrew view of the conProfessor Stuart, speaking of the irrelevant appeals which are made to the Old Testament, both in and out of the pulpit, and the unsuitable quotations made from it, observes: " Books of such a peculiar nature as Job and Ecclesiastes, for example, are resorted to with as much confidence for proof-texts, as if they were all preceptive, and not an account of disputes and doubts about religious matters." - History of Old Test. Canon, p. 409 (Revised edition, p. 382). 2 Future State, p. 150. 3 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 290. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 189 dition of the dead in " sheol," the place of departed spirits: " Their time is passed in a kind of sleep, whence they are only roused by some uncommon occurrence. Thus they are represented as shut up in a land of forgetfulness — dreamy shades almost destitute of consciousness." Dr. Jahn, in his Biblical Archaeology,' gives, as will be seen subsequently, a more attractive view than the foregoing rationalistic one of Dr. Davidson. However, in the most favorable aspect of the case, it must be admitted that the notions of the ancient Israelites respecting the future life were not seldom quite obscure and indefinite. Nor is this strange; for revelation is progressive. There is an onward march of doctrine in the Bible, from its beginning to its close. The great truths of the Divinity of the Messiah, the atonement, justification by faith, and human immortality, were imperfectly revealed and crudely held in patriarchal times. HIengstenberg: " As far as the saints of the Old Testament attained in their knowledge, they were quite right; they were only excluded from farther light. But it is error alone which inspiration excludes, not the defect and imperfection of knowledge." Those early times were the dim dawn of revelation; our age beholds the full radiance of the gospel sun at his meridian height. This consideration explains the apparent disagreement between the New Testament and the Old in regard to the intermediate state. Just here the reader will observe that nearly all of the texts adduced by mortal-soulists to prove the unconsciousness of the dead, are taken friom the Old Testament, and particularly from its poetical books. Now, to go back from noonday to twilight in search of our eschatology, - to ignore the plain and clear teachings of the New Testament, and adopt as a basis of doctrine the poetic utterances of a preliminary, rudimental, far less spiritual dispensation, - does not indicate the highest wisdom on the part of those who pursue this course. Yet this'Section 314. 190 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. is the policy adopted by the mortal-soulists in advocating their theory. But let us examine the foregoing texts. Job xiv. 21 simply refers to man in his relation to the present life, and asserts that at death he is entirely dissociated from the things of earth; he has no more connection with them. But the very next verse shows that consciousness is not denied to the dead. As to the next citation, Stuart and Hengstenberg take it as the statement of an objection which is afterwards refuted. The latter says: " The manner of the scriptures is to let doubts and murmurings have free and full expression, and then to vanquish them in open conflict with the sword of faith." Job xiv. 22 is rendered by Delitzsch: "Only on his own account his flesh suffereth pain, and on his own account is his soul conscious of grief." Similarly Eichhorn, Noyes, Barnes, and Conant. IHofmann: " The pain of his own flesh, the sadness of his own soul alone engage him. I-Ie has therefore no room for rejoicing, nor does the joyous or sorrowful estate of'others, though his nearest ones, affect him." As to the text from Luke, if it be a parable, we may then say, with Bishop Bull, "It plainly belongs to the very scope and design of this parable to show what becomes of the souls of good and bad men after death." If it is not a parable its tenor cannot be a matter of doubt. Prof. Bartlett: " The question whether this is a history or a parable it is not necessary to discuss. In either mode the scripture teaches truth, important and often vital truth. The chief difference is that one mode asserts what has occurred; the other,'what does occur.' In any aspect Christ could not have lent his sanction to falsehood or imposture. As Alford fitly remarks, "In conforming himself to the ordinary language current on these l Life and Death Eternal, p. 219. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 191 subjects, it is impossible to suppose that he whose essence is truth could have assumed as existing anything which does not exist. It would destroy the truth of our Lord's sayings, if we could conceive him to have used popular language which did not point at truth. And, accordingly, where such language was current, we find him not adopting, but protesting against it." Therefore, with Alford, Trench, Wordsworth, and the best commentators, we take the passage relative to the rich man and Lazarus as teaching, at all events, two things:'first, that the soul of man is conscious after death; and secondly, that, according to its moral character, it goes either into a place of happiness and repose or into one of disquiet and misery.,These two thoughts not only lie upon the surface of the narrative; but they also constitute its very life and essence. The dead, asleep. Awake. And Jeroboam slept with his fathers, Hell from beneath is moved for thee even with the kings of Israel. 2 Kings to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth xiv. 29. up the dead for thee, even all the chief For now should I have lain still and ones of the earth. Isa. xiv. 9. been quiet, I should have slept. Job Being put to death in the flesh, but iii. 13. quickened by the Spirit. By which Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I also he went and preached unto the go that I may awake him out of sleep. spirits in prison. Which sometime Then said his disciples, Lord, if he were disobedient. 1 Pet. iii. 18-20. sleep, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus I saw under the altar the souls of spake of his death: but they thought them that were slain for the word of that he had spoken of taking of rest God, and for the testimony which they in sleep. Then said Jesus unto them held. And they cried with aloud voice, plainly, Lazarus is dead. John xi. saying, Hlow long, O Lord, holy and 11-14. true, dost thou not judge and avenge And when he had said this, he fell our blood on them that dwell on the asleep. Acts vii. 60. earth'! Iev. vi. 9, 10. The language which represents death as a "' sleep" is figurative, and is founded upon a certain resemblance of external phenomena. But this application of the term does not necessitate the unconsciousness of the " sleeper;" for, as even Whately2 concedes, " The mind, certainly for the most part, and probably always, continues active during sleep, though in a different manner." A high authority, Dunglison's Medical Dictionary, defines " sleep " as " temporary interruption of our relations with external objects." It is this interruption, with t See Matt. xv. 5, 6. 2 Future State, p. 82. 192 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the attendant inaction, the insensibility to external material objects, and the repose, which makes sleep the "image of death." In neither case have we proof that the mind ceases to act, becomes unconscious, or extinct. The citation from Isaiah represents the dead as awake and conscious. Delitzsch: "All hades is overwhelmed with excitement and wonder, now that the king of Babel, that invincible ruler of the world, who, if not unexpected altogether, was not expected so soon, is actually approaching." On the next quotation Alford says: "With the great majority of commentators, ancient and modern, I understand these words to say that our Lord, in his disembodied state, did go to the place of detention of departed spirits, and did there announce his work of redemption, preach salvation in fact, to the disembodied spirits of those who refused to obey the voice of God when the judgment of the flood was hanging over them." Prof. Tayler Lewis:l " We are taught that there was a work of Christ in hades. He descended into hades; he makes proclamation' ekeruxen' in hades to those who are there'in ward."' This interpretation, which was almost universally adopted by the early Christian church,2 and which is far more tenable than any other, involves, of course, the consciousness of departed souls. The text from Revelation is very explicit, representing the souls of those who had suffered martyrdom, not as insensible, but as awake in the place of rest. 1 In Lange on Eccl., p. 130. Compare Bib. Sacra, Vol. iv. 708; xvi. 3809; xix. 1. 2 Professor Huidekoper: "In the second and third centuries, every branch and division of Christians, so far as their records enable us to judge, believed that Christ preached to the departed." - Christ's Mission to the Underworld, pp. 51, 52. Dietelmair, in his elaborate "Historia Dogmatis de Descensu Christi ad Inferos," says emphatically that this doctrine " in omni coetu Christiano creditum." - See chapters iv. and vi., of that work. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 193 Devoid of knowledge. Possess knowledge. For in death there is no remembrance And he said, For I will go down into of thee: in the grave who shall give the grave unto my son mourning. Gen. thee thanks? Ps. vi. 5. xxxvii. 35. The dead know not any thing, neither And Samuel said to Saul, Wlhy hast have they any more a reward: for the thou disquieted me, to bring me up?... memory of them is forgotten. Also And the LoRD hath done to him, as he their love, and their hatred, and their spake by me: for the Lor.D hath rent envy, is now perished; neither have the kingdom out of thy hand, and given they any more a portion for ever in any it to thy neighhour, even7 to David..... thing that is done under the sun. Eccl. Moreover, the LORD will also deliver ix. 5, 6. Israel with thee into the hand of the For. the grave cannot praise thee, Philistines: and to-morrow shalt thou death cannot celebrate thee: they that and thy sons be with me: the LOrlD almso go down into the pit cannot hope for shall deliver the host of Israel into the thy truth. Isa. xxxviii. 18. hand of the Philistines. 1 Sam. xxviii. 15, 17, 19. But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. 2 Sam. xii. 23. I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.... Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. Luke xvi. 27, 28, 30. For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. 1 Pet. iv. 6. David's words are highly poetical and figurative, representing the dead as entirely separated from earthly scenes, employments, and society; and especially as giving, so far as visible and material things are concerned, no evidence of sensation or emotion. They speak of death in its earthly aspect. The quotation from Ecclesiastes, Hengstenberg and Stuart take as the statement of an objection, with a view to refute it. The bald literalism which mortal-soulists apply to this passage is simply suicidal. For, it is asserted of the dead, including the saint as well as the sinner, and without any qualification, " Neither have they any more a reward." Now a literal exegesis of this'language absolutely cuts off Abraham, Moses, David, and all the righteous dead from any future reward! We think the above-named theorists would be slow to admit this logical result of their methods of exposition. Yet there is quite as much reason for insisting upon a literal interpretation of the words just cited, as of the clause, 1" The dead know not any thing." 17 194 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. The true explanation of this and kindred texts is the following: Zdckler: "The author now sees only the conditions of this world"; he speaks of man merely in his relation to the present life. This interpretation agrees admirably with the closing words, " Neither have they any more a portion forever in any thing that is done under the sun." That is, so far as this world is concerned, the dead have no knowledge, nor reward, nor portion. They are as completely severed from earthly affairs, as if they had passed into extinction. The quotation from Isaiah, is the language of king Hezekiah of whose " inspiration" there is no proof. Of the affirmative passages, the first should be rendered, "I will go down into sheol unto my son mourning." Prof. Tayler Lewis: "Jacob was going to his son; he was still his son; there is yet a tie between him and his father; he is still spoken of as a personality; he is still regarded as having a being somehow and somewhere."... "It was not to his son in his grave, for Joseph had no grave. His body was supposed to be lying somewhere in the desert, or torn in pieces, or carried off, by the wild beasts." HI-erder: 2 "Abraham was gathered to his fathers,3 though he was not buried with them, and Jacob wished to go down to the realm of shades to his beloved son, although he supposed him to have been torn in pieces by wild beasts." In a word, Jacob expected, as a disembodied spirit, to meet and recognize the spirit of his son in the underworld. The same idea pervades David's words in 2 Sam. xii. concerning his child. As to 1 Sam. xxviii., apparently the soul of the prophet was permitted to return from sheol, and announce to the terrified Saul his im-' In Lanige on Genesis, p. 585. 2 Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, i. 179. 3 Alger, commenting on this expression, after citing the cases of Abraham and Isaac, of whom language similar is used, adds: " These instances night be multiplied. They prove that to be'gathered unto one's fathers,' means to descend into sheol, and join there the hosts of the departed." - Hist. of Doct. of Fut. Life,' p. 152. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 195 pending destruction. The reproof and the prediction are exactly in keeping with the character of Samuel, and show that he knew whereof he affirmed. He had not, therefore, in death parted with his knowledge. KIeil: "'The modern orthodox commentators are unanimous in the opinion that the deceased prophet did really appear, and announce the destruction of Saul, not, however, in consequence of the magical arts of the witch, but through a miracle wrought by the omnipotence of God." Lord Arthur Hervey in Bible Commentary, and Archbishop Trench in'" Shipwrecks of Faith," concur in this view. This is far the most natural and reasonable explanation. Saul's sin of " necromancy "1 was thus made the occasion and commencement of his punishment. WTe have elsewhere seen that the narrative of Dives in Luke xvi. presupposes the retention of knowledge by departed souls. Alford interprets 1 Pet. iv. 6, of the souls of the antediluvians, shut up in hades, to whom Christ made the proclamation referred to in chapter iii. 17, 18. This interpretation assumes the possession of knowledge by disembodied spirits. Exercise no mentalpowers. Do exercise them. The dead praise not the LORD, neither Dead things are formed from under any that go down into silence. Ps. cxv. the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. 17. Job xxvi. 5. His breath goeth forth, he returneth Hell friom beneath is moved for thee to his earth; in that very day his to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth thoughts perish. Ps. cxlvi. 4. up the dead for thee.... All they shall speak and Fay unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us. Isa. xiv. 9 10. And behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias. Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. Luke ix. 30. 31. For he is not a God of the dead, ltut of the living: for all live unto him. Luke xx. 38. The first passage is a voice from out the twilight of the Old Dispensation. Life and immortality not having been fully revealed as yet, the author spoke according to his degree of knowledge and illumination. In the second text, the " thoughts that perish " are the wicked i See Law in Deut. xviii. 10-12. 196 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE, man's plans and purposes which come to naught at his decease. Hengstenberg: "The thoughts which go to the grave with the dying man are his vain projects."1 In the case of the rich fool,2 his "thoughts" of building larger barns, and of many years of ease and prosperity, - all his selfish and worldly schemes, - " perished" in that same night. Delitzsch renders Job xxvi. 5, thus: m" The shades are put to pain, deep under the waters and their inhabitants." With this rendering Barnes, Conant, and Noyes substantially agree. Isa. xiv. 9 is rendered by Delitzsch, " The kingdom of the dead below is all in uproar on account of thee, to meet thy coming; it stirreth up the shades for thee." Similarly HIenderson, Noyes, and other critics. Now the Hebrew term " rephaim," rendered " dead" in our version of the last two texts, means according to the best Hebraists, not simply the dead, but " that part of man which survives death." 3 As to the first text from Luke, all that need be said is this; Moses had been dead nearly fifteen centuries. But the disciples now see and recognize him, and hear him speak. It does not, therefore, seem probable that Moses became extinct at death, but that his soul survived and continued to exercise its faculties. Otherwise, it would seem that his identity must have been lost at death; and that for him- the original self-same Moses- there could be no after life. 1In Isa. Iv. 7, " Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts," the term " thoughts " is used in a similar bad sense. According to literalistic principles, this passage amounts to an exhortation to stop thinking! 2 See Luke xii. 16-20. 3 Professor Conant, in Smith's Bib. Diet., Article " Dead," says the term means "disembodied spirits separated from the body at death, and continuing to live in a separate existence." Fuerst: "A shadow, shadowy being." He adds that, in the two passages just referred to, these shades are represented as stirred up out of their rest, and as feeling the administrative agency of God. Gesenius: " The shades, manes, dwelling in hades, whom the Hebrews supposed to be destitute of blood and animal life, but yet not wholly without some faculties of mind." See, also, Boettcher, "De Inferis," pp. 94-100. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 197 Luke xx. 38; H-e is not a God of extinct or non-existent beings, therefore Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are still living. The soul then survives the body, and a resurrection is possible.1 As Lavater and Stier well say, the passage is a "weighty testimony against the'sleep of the soul' in the intermediate state." The preceding passages clearly presuppose the conscious activity of departed souls. In darkness and silence. In glory and blessedness. There the prisoners rest together; Thou shalt guide me with thy counthey hear not the voice of the oppressor. sel, and afterward receive me to glory. Job iii. 18. Ps. lxxiii. 24. Before I go whence I shall not return, The path of the just is as the shining even to the land of darkness, and the light, that shineth more and more unto shadow of death. Job x. 21. the perfect day. Prov. iv. 18. Shall thy loving-kindness be declared Whilst we are at home in the body, in the grave? or thy faithfulness in we are absent from the Lord. 2 Cor. destruction? Shall thy wonders be v. 6. known in the dark? and thy righteous- For to me to live is Christ, and to die ness in the land of forgetfulness? Ps. is gain. Phil. i. 21. lxxxviii. 11, 12. Of Job's authority as a religious teacher we have previously spoken. As to the language cited from the eighty-eighth Psalm, it is Oriental poetry, therefore hyperbolical and intensely figurative. To interpret it literally, is to do it the utmost possible violence. For example, in the fifth verse it is said of the "slain" that God remembers them no more; in the sixth verse, the Psalmist represents himself as "in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps." Upon these latter words Hengstenberg says, " the grave of deep places, in verse 6, is sheol deep in the earth, and'the dark places' are the dark places of sheol." But was the Psalmist already in sheol, the underworld? This would be the absurd conclusion to which a rigid literalism would lead. On the theory that the dead are unconscious, in darkness and silence, the path of the just" instead of growing brighter " unto the perfect day," is disrupted at death by a fearful chasm of black non-existence. In place of a continuous shining track of light, we see a yawning abyss of unfathomable gloom. Nor would Paul lying unconscious in the grave be "present with Consult Alford's significant, but concise, comment on this text. 17* 198 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the Lord" more truly than when he was living in the love, service, and fellowship of Christ. Nor does it appear that it would be " gain" for Paul to " die,"- to relinquish his loving, tireless, and blessed labor for the Master, and go into unconscious hibernation or blank nonentity, in the cold sepulchre. A glowing heart like Paul's would hardly count a dormant state, like that of " The Seven Sleepers," to be " gain." In this connection, we give the views of the Hebrews, particularly those of later and more enlightened times. Lightfoot:1 "It was universally believed amongst the Jews, that pure and holy souls when they left this body went into happiness, to Abraham." Dr. Jahn:2 In sheol "the departed spirits rejoice in. that rest so much desired by the Orientals; and there the living hope to see once more their beloved ancestors and children." Not with Christ. The righteous with him. Ye shall seek me; and, as I said unto And Jesus said unto him, Verily, I the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot say unto thee,To-day shalt thou be with come, so now I say to you. John xiii. me in paradise. Luke xxiii. 43. 33. Stephen, calling upon God, and sayFor David is not ascended into the ing, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Acts heavens. Acts ii. 34. vii. 59. We are confident, I say. and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2 Cor. v. 8. For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better. Phil. i. 23. The first text alludes to the time subsequent to Christ's ascension. Then he was no longer visibly and personally with them; whither he had gone they could not then go. Their earthly mission must first be accomplished. David had not been raised from the dead, and his body and soul re-united. He had not yet ascended to heaven, and entered upon his full reward, but was in the intermediate state, tranquilly awaiting the resurrection. The opposed texts show that the righteous are at death, in a certain sense with Christ, present with the Lord, in " disem1 Hor. Hebraicae, iii. 171 (Gandell's edition). 2 Bib. Archaeol., Sec. 814. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 199 bodied and imperfect bliss" which is a foretaste of complete felicity to be awarded them at the last day. Together in one place. Inz different places. The LORD will also deliver Israel with And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being thee into the hand of the Philistines: in torments, and seeth Abraham afar and to-morrow shalt thou and thy sons off, and Lazarus in his bosom.... And be with me. 1 Sam. xxviii. 19. beside all this, between us and you All go unto one place; all are of the there is a great gulf fixed. Luke xvi. dust, and all turn to dust again. Eccl. 23, 26. iii. 20. Judas by transgression fell, that lie might go to his own place. Acts i. 25. The first two passages teach that the good and bad, at their departure from this life, go alike into the intermediate state, but do not assert that their condition there is the same. In Luke xvi. we see the rich man and Lazarus both in the intermediate state, but one in misery, the other in happiness. In a certain sense, both went " to one place "; in another sense, they went to very different places. Acts i. 25, teaches that Judas went to "his own place," to the punishment appropriate to his conduct. Such is the view of Olshausen, DeWette, Livermore, Barnes, Hackett, Meyer, Alford, and other commentators. In the dust and the grave. Saints, with God. And many of them that sleep in the We are confident, Isay, and willing dust of the earth shall awake. Dan. rather to be absent from the body, and xii. 2. to be present with the Lord. 2 Cor. All that are in the graves shall hear v. 8. his voice. John v. 28. Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1 Thess. iv. 14. The quotation from Daniel refers to man in his physical organism and relations. As to his material, bodily form, in which he is cognizable by our senses, he," sleeps in the dust," at death. The literalistic exposition of the text from John leads to the conclusion that the unburied dead are not to be raised. If the phraseology "' all that are in the graves" is to be rigidly pressed, thel it is a legitimate inference that those who sleep beneath the waves of ocean, those who were devoured by wild beasts, those who were burned at the stake, as not being "in the graves," will not " hear his voice and come forth." Doubtless the expression is equivalent simply to "all the 200 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. dead." The last two texts imply that the souls of departed saints are with God, not necessarily in the highest rewards of heaven, but 6" in the bosom of Abraham," in paradise, joyfully awaiting those rewards. -Resurrection. Dead to be raised. Not to be raised. Thy dead men shall live, together with He that goeth down to the grave my dead body shall they arise. Isa. shall come up no mnore. Job vii. 9. xxvi. 19. Man lieth down, and riseth not: till Now that the dead are raised, even the heavens be no more, they shall not Moses shewed at the bush. Luke xx 37. awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. For since by man came death, by man Job xiv. 12. came also the resurrection of the dead. They are dead, they shall not live;.. The trumpet shall sound, and the they are deceased, they shall not rise. dead shall be raised incorruptible. 1 Isa. xxvi. 14. Cor. xv. 21, 52. They that swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, Thy god, O Dan, liveth; and, Tile manner of Beer-sheba liveth; even they shall fall, and never rise up again. Amos viii. 14. aine quotations from Job express the opinion, or perhaps, the temporary doubts, of a good, but uninspired, man. They cannot counterbalance the express statements of inspiration. Isaiah asserts that certain foreign powers, the Assyrians, Babylonians, etc., who had oppressed the Israelites, were deceased and should not " rise"; that is, to resume their former arbitrary sway. Not the resurrection of individuals, but the restoration of fallen despotisms, is denied. The text from Amos has no reference to the future world. It predicts simply the irretrievable overthrow of certain idolaters, in this world. Universal resurrection. A partial one. The hour is coming, in the which all And many of them that sleep in the that are in the graves shall hearhis voice, dust of the earth shall awake. Dan. and shall come forth. John v. 28, 29. xii. 2. According to Fuerst, the word translated "many," means likewise crowds or masses. Calvin: "The word many seems here clearly put for all." Stuart regards it as "equivalent to our word multitudes." Barnes: " There would be a vast or general resurrection from the dead; so much so that the mind would be interested mainly in the contemplation of the great hosts who would thus come forth." DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 201 Jesus raised first. Others raised previously. That Christ should suffer, and that And the LoRD heard the voice of he should be the first that should rise Elijah; and the soul of the child came from the dead. Acts xxvi. 23. into him again, and lse revived. 1 Kings Now is Christ risen from the dead, xvii. 22. and become the first-fruits of them that And they cast the man into the sepslept. 1 Cor. xv. 20. ulchre of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet. 2 Kings xiii. 21. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. Luke vii. 15. Rlomans vi. 9 furnishes the solution of the difficulty. Jesus was the first who rose from the dead to die no more. All others who were raised, passed a second time through the gates of death. Over him, death "hath no more dominion." Hence, he is the " first-begotten of the dead," the first who was raised to immortal life. hinal Judygnent. Ascribed to God. To Christ. Shall not the Judge of all the earth For the Father judgeth no man, but do right? Gen. xviii. 25. hath committed all judgment unto the The heavens shall declare his right- Son. John v. 22. eousness: for God is judge himself. We shall all stand before the judgPs. 1. 6. ment-seat of Christ. Rom. xiv. 10. God will judge the world by Jesus Christ.l Attributed to Christ. Disclaimed by Him. When the Son of manl shall come in Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no his glory, and all the holy angels with man. John viii. 15 him, then shall he sit upon the throne And if any man hear my words, and of his glory: and before him shall be believe not, I judge him not: for I gathered all nations: and he shall sep- came not to judge the world, but to arate them one from another, as a shep- save the world. John xii. 47. herd divideth his sheep from the goats. Matt. xxv. 31, 32. And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world; that they which see not might see, and that they which see, might be made blind. John ix. 39. For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ. 2 Cor. v. 10. These two classes of texts refer, the one to the second, the other to the first advent of our Lord. At his first coming, his object was to present himself, not as the Judge, but as the Saviour, of men; not to condemn but to save them. When he comes the. second time, it will be " in flaming fire, taking I Acts xvii. 31; Rom. ii. 16. 202 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel." 1 Yet the " judging of the world," involving the condemnation of the guilty, was not the ultimate object of Christ's mission, but rather a subordinate and incidentalresult of that mission. Administered by God. By men also. God the Judge of all. Heb. xii. 23. Ye which have followed mE in the And I saw the dead. small and great, regeneration, when the Son of man stand before God: and the books were shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye opened. Rev. xx. 12. also shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Mlatt. xix. 28. That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Luke xxii. 30. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 1 Cor. ii. 15. Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that weshall judge angels? 1 c(or. vi. 2, 3. Barnes takes Matt. xix. 28, as implying not so much an actual exercise of the power of passing judgment, as the honor attached to the office. The apostles should, at the last day, be relatively honored as judges are. In 1 Cor. ii. 15, the Greek word employed is the same which in the preceding verse is translated 1" discerned." It has no reference to the final judgment, but denotes spiritual insight and discrimination in the present life. As to the last citation, it may be taken simply as asserting that the saints, by their example, would "judge," i.e. condemn, sinful men and angels. This interpretation is corroborated by AMatt. xii. 41, 42, which asserts that the Ninevites and the queen of Sheba should rise up in the judgment with that generation and "condemn" it; that is, by their example. Chrysostom: "The saints shall judge the world by their exemplary judgment, because by their example the perfidiousness of the world shall be condemned." Whately:2 1" Not that he meant, or was ever understood to 1 2 Thess. i. 8. 2 Future State, pp. 133-138. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 203 mean, that these persons would themselves take a share in the final judgment; but that their conduct would be a condemnation of the unbelieving generation, who rejected one greater than Jonas, and than Solomon." In another paragraph, the same writer strongly supports this explanation, and continues: "Any one who takes the right course, by so doing, condemns, — in the New Testament language,' judges,'- those who, with equal opportunities, choose the wrong. This was the case with the Corinthian Christians (or saints); who, by embracing the gospel, judged (in this sense) their unbelieving neighbors, to whom it had been proposed, and who rejected it." This interpretation relieves the saints of actual participation in the work of judging mankind. Even if, with Alford and many critics, we feel constrained by the tenor of the passage, to admit this actual participation, still, since the power which the saints exercise is all derived from God, the work of judgment may properly be attributed wholly to him. Future Punishment, - Its Nature, Continued misery. End of consciousness. So shall it be at the end of the world: For lo, thine enemies O LORD, for lo, the angels shall come forth, and sever thine enemies shall perish. Ps. xcii. 9. the wicked from among the just, and Alld he shall bring upon them their shall cast them into the furnace of fire. own iniquity, and shall cut thenl off in Miatt. xiii. 49, 50. their own wickedness. Ps. xciv. 23. And shall cut him asunder, and ap- All the wicked will lhe destroy Ps. point him his portion with the hypo- cxlv. 20. crites. Mlatt. xxiv. 51. They that forsake the LORD shall be And cast ye the unprofitable servant consumed. Isa i. 28. into outer darkness: there shall be The soul that sinneth, it shall die. weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matt. Ezek. xviii. 20. xxv. 30. Who shall be punished with everThe same shall drink of the wine of lasting destruction. 2 Thess. i. 9. the wrath of God, which is poured out The day of judgment and perdition without mixture into the cup of his of ungodly men. 2 Pet. iii. 7. indignation; and hie shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Larnb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night. Rev. xiv. 10, 11. the received view, the texts, at the right, while implying ruin, irremediable overthrow, do not mean annihilation or extinction. MIortal-soulists, or "annihilationists" as they 204 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. are commonly designated, interpret these texts, on the contrary, with a bald and rigid literalism, inferring from them the actual annihilation of the wicked. Mr. Hudson,' the ablest author of this class, observes: "The literal sense of the terms in question is manifestly the true one in most instances." Blain asserts that " death " is " extinction of being, soul and body." Dr. Ives 2 says that death is " the cessation of existence," the first death being a temporary, the second a final cessation. These definitions are founded upon a literalistic, though not self-consistent, exegesis of scripture. To show the irrelevancy and unsoundness of the arguments employed by writers of this class, the following examples of scripture usage are introduced. The reader will see, at a glance, to what absurdities literalistic interpretation, if consistently carried out, would lead its advocates. The wicked perish. The righteous perish. So let all thine enemies perish, O There is a just man that perisheth in LORD. Judg. v. 31. his righteousness. Eccl. vii. 15. But the wicked shall perish. Ps. The righteous perisheth, and no man xxxvii. 20. layeth it to heart. Isa. lvii. 1. Ile that speaketh lies shall perish. The good man is perished out of the Prov. xix. 9. earth. 3Micah vii. 2. In all these cases, the same Hebrew term, " ibadh," is used. iNow, if this term, in the first series of texts, necessarily implies that the wicked are to be annihilated, it is clear that, in the second, it implies, for the same reasons and with the same force, the annihilation of the righteous. Such is the logical conclusion to which literalism conducts us. Sinners annihilated. Annihilated objects, existing. Likewise the fool and the brutish And with all lost things of thy brothperson perish. Ps. xlix. 10 (11).3 er's, which he hath lost, and thou hast For, lo, they that are far from thee found, shalt thou do likewise. Deut. shall perish. Ps. lxxiii. 27. xxii. 3. A false witness shall perish. Prov. And the asses of Kish, Saul's father xxi. 28. were lost..... And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. 1 Sam. ix. 3, 20. Here the same word " abadh " rendered " perish " in the first series, is translated "lost" in the second series. If now in the 1 Debt and Grace, p. 182. 2 Bible Doctrine of the Soul, p. 42. B We put in parenthesis the number of the verse as it is in the Hebrew. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 205 one case it implies the extinction of sinners, in the other it implies the extinction of the "lost things" and of Kish's asses. It would seem that the process of annihilation, in the latter cases, could hardly have been fatal to the existence of the objects mentioned, for they are afterwards " found." Wicked cut off. The Messiah cut off. For evil doers shall be cut off.... And after threescore and two weeks When the wicked are cut off, thou shalt shall Messiah be cut off, but not for see it. Ps. xxxvii. 9, 34. himself. Dan. ix. 26. In these three cases, " karath," is rendered " cut off." If the first texts teach the annihilation of the wicked, the last implies equally strongly that the Messiah was annihilated! Wicked destroyed. Persons destroyed, yet alive. Thou shalt destroy them that speak He hath destroyed me on every side. leasing. Ps. v. 6. Job xix. 10. All the wicked will he destroy. Ps. IMy people are destroyed for lack of cxlv. 20. knowledge. Hosea iv. 6. And he shall destroy the sinners O Israel thou hast destroyed thyself; thereof out of it. Isa. xiii. 9. but in me is thine help. Hos. xiii 9. If the Hebrew words, and their English equivalent " destroy," used in these cases, imply extinction or termination of conscious existence, we have, in the last citation, a people who, although they had been annihilated, were yet in a hopeful condition. An odd kind of "annihilation" that must be, which is still susceptible of relief! The sense clearly is, " Thou hast brought great calamities upon thyself, but in me is thine help." Sinners destroyed. Inanimate objects destroyed. But the transgressors shall be des- And Pharaoh's servants said unto troyed together. Ps. xxxvii. 38. him,... I'nowest thou not yet that If any man defile the temple of God, Egypt is destroyed? Ex. x. 7. him shall God destroy. 1 Cor. iii. 17. Am I now come up without the LORD Who shall be punished with ever- against this place to destroy it? The lasting destruction. 2 Thess. i. 9. LORD said to me, Go up against this land, and destroy it. 2 Kings xviii. 25. Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed;... take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed. Jer. li. 8. And shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Rev. xi. 18. It need not be said that in these cases, the literalistic interpretation of the terms " destroy " and " destruction" would land us in the grossest exegetical absurdities.l 1An example of similar kind is furnished by the literalistic exposition of Mal. iv. 1-3. The prophet declares that the wicked shall be burned, 18 206( DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Evil doers consumed. Things without life consumed. Let the sinners be consumed out of There shall be an overflowing shower the earth. Ps. civ. 35. in mine anger, and great hailstones in They that forsake the LORD shall be nmy fury to consume it. So will I break consumed. Isa. i. 28. down the wall. Ezek. xiii 13, 14. And the scorner is consumed. Isa. I have heard all thy blasphemies xxix. 20. which thou hast spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, They are laid desolate, they are given us to consume. Ezek. xxxv. 12. Of course, a wall " consumed " by " hail-stones," and mountains "consumed" by men, would hardly be understood as having ceased to exist. Wicked "was not." Enoch " was not." Yet he passed away, and lo, he was And Enoch walked with God: and not: yea I sought him, but he could he was not; for God took him. Gen. not be found. Ps. xxxvii. 36. v. 24. The Hebrew for " was not," is exactly the same in these two cases. Now if the first passage teaches the extinction of the wicked, the second teaches that Enoch became extinct. Yet so far from this, we know that he was "translated that he should not see death." Wicked devoured. Pious devoured. And fire came down from God out If a man bring you into bondage, if of heaven, and devoured them. Rev. a man devour youl. 2 Cor. xi. 20. xx. 9. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. Gal. v. 15. In these three instances, kindred words of equal intensity are employed. The inference is not difficult. God's adversaries devoured. Widows' houses devoured. Judgment and fiery indignation, Beware of the scribes,... which dewhich shall devour the adversaries. yourwidows' houses. Mark xii. 38,40. Heb. x. 27. The reader will observe that the Greek verb of the first text occurs in the second in a strengthened form.2 So that, if the first text teaches the annihilation of the wicked, the second teaches that " widows' houses" were doubly annihilated by the scribes. and adds that they shall " be ashes," (not " as ashes ") under the feet of the righteous. The folly of taking such language literally need not be pointed out. See Heb. xi. 5. "2 Oao " in Heb. x. 27, " KaCrE0oW " in Mark xii. 40; 2 Cor. xi. 20. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 207 Sinners devoured. A forest devoured persons. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be For the battle was there scattered devoured with the sword. Isa. i. 20. over the face of all the country: and Therefore all they that devour thee the wood devoured more people that shall be devoured. Jer. xxx. 16 day than the sword devoured. 2 Sam. xviii. 8. In all these passages, the same Hebrew verb " akal " is used. In the latter instance, literalism, it need not be remarked, would make nonsense of the narrative. Yet there is as much reason for a literal explication of the latter text as of the two former texts. Wicked torn and broken. Righteous likewise. Thy right hand, 0 LORD, hath dashed He teareth nze in his wrath;... lihe in pieces the enemy. Ex. xv. 6. hath broken me asunder: he hath also The adversaries of the LORD shall be taken me by my neck, and shaken me broken to pieces. 1 Sam. ii. 10. to pieces;.. he cleaveth my reins Thou shalt break them with a rod of asunder, and doth not spare; lie pouriron; thou shalt dash them in pieces eth out my gall upon the ground. He like a potter's vessel. Ps. ii. 9. breaketh me with breach upon breach. Consider this, ye that forget God, lest Job xvi. 9, 12, 13, 14. I tear you in pieces, Ps. I. 22. They break in pieces thy people, O LORD. Ps. xciv. 5. Here language equally strong and intense is applied to the calamities befalling the righteous and the wicked. If in the former case extinction of existence is intended, why not in the latter case? Wicked broken in pieces. Objects broken, yet still existing. Associate yourselves, O ye people, The sacrifices of God are a broken and ye shall be broken in pieces. Isa. spirit: a broken and a contrite heart. viii. 9. Ps. Ii. 17. And shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. Dan. vii. 23. To show the complete absurdity of insisting upon the literal interpretation of these and similar expressions, it need only be:mentioned that Ps. li. 17, "A broken and a contrite heart," is, when rendered literally, "a heart broken in pieces and shivered." 1 Wicked blotted out. Things blotted out, yet existing And the LORD said, I will destroy I will utterly put out the rememman whom I have created from the brance of Amalek from under heaven. face of the earth: both man and beast, Ex. xvii. 14. and the creeping thin. (Gen vi. 7. lIot out all mine iniquities. Ps. Ii. Whosoever hath sinned against me, 9 (11).,im will I blot out of my book. Ex. I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, xxxii. 33. thy transgressions. isa. xliv. 22. Let them be blotted out of the book BIlotting out the hand-writing of orof the living. Ps. lxix. 28 (29). dinances that was against us. Col. ii 14. lProfessor Bartlett, "Life anti Death Eternal," p. 98. 208 DISCREPANCIES OP THE BIBLE. In all the cases cited here from the Old Testament the expressions "destroy," "blot out," "utterly put out," are translations of the Hebrew term "msichaih." But this word does not imply annihilation; for when " sins" are " blotted out" they are not annihilated. A fact, a deed, is not susceptible of annihilation. It may be forgiven, perchance forgotten, but not recalled or undone. When the " ordinances" of the Mosaic law were "blotted out," they did not cease to exist; they merely became inoperative. Nor does the declaration that God would "utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek" imply the extinction of that remembrance; for the declaration itself perpetuates that remembrance. Wicked have an end. The righteous also. Amalek was the first of the nations, Let me die the death of the righteous, but his latter end shall be that he perish and let my last end be like his. Num. for ever. Num. xxiv. 20. xxiii. 10. The end of the wicked shall be cut So the LORD blessed the latter end off. Ps.'xxxvii. 38. of Job more than his beginning. Job iWhose end is destruction. Phil. iii. xlii. 12 19. For the end of that man is peace. Ps. xxxvii. 37. Does the word " end" necessarily imply termination of being? If so, the fate of the righteous would not be an enviable one. Wicked die, are dead. Righteous die, are dead. And you hath he quickenzed, who were Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to dead in trespasses and sins. Eph. ii. 1. be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto But she that liveth in pleasure is dead God. Rom. vi. 11. while she liveth. 1 Tim. v. 6. I protest by your rejoicing which I I know thy works, that thou hast a have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die name that thou livest, and art dead. daily. 1 Cor. xv. 31. Rev. iii. 1. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Col. iii. 3. From these texts it is perfectly clear that persons may "die," and be "dead," yet all the while be physically alive and conscious. It follows that the phrase " living death," though scouted by certain writers, conveys, nevertheless, a perfectly reasonable and scriptural idea. We have now passed rapidly in review the strongest, and apparently the most conclusive, proof-texts adduced by annihilationists, and we reach the following results: 1 Our present limits allow only a hasty glance at the subject. The autnor DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 209 (1) Those persons who undertake to build a doctrine upon the figures of poetry and of Oriental idiom are expending their labor just as wisely as they would be in endeavoring to make a pyramid stand upon its apex. Their foundation is inadequate, and their efforts nugatory. (2) As to the Hebrew terms rendered in our version," consume, cut off," t off ie," " destroy," "devour," "perish," and the like, neither in the original terms, nor in their English equivalents, nor in the connection in which they stand, is there inherent force or aught else which necessitates, or even warrants, the interpretation of them as implying annihilation, extinction of consciousness, or cessation of existence. (3) On the literalistic hypothesis these words prove too much, and so prove nothing. For they would prove that the Messiah was annihilated at his crucifixion; that the righteous are annihilated at death; that after the Israelites had annihilated themselves there was still "help" for them; with all manner of similar absurdities. Instruments. Shame and disgrace. A whirlwvind. Let them be confounded and troubled A whirlwind of the LORD is gone forever; yea, let them be put to shame. forth in fury, even a grievous whirlPs. lxxxiii. 17. wind: it shall fall grievously upon the Some to shame and everlasting con- head of the wicked. Jer. xxiii. 19. tempt. Dan. xii. 2. For they have sown the wind, and Friend, how camest thou in hitler, they shall reap the whirlwind. Hos. not having a wedding-garment? And viii. 7. he was speechless. Matt. xxii. 12. Of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. Mark viii. 38. These and the subsequent texts illustrate different aspects or relations of the punishment which will overtake the wicked. A worm. A tempest. Where their worm dieth not, and the Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire is not quenched. Mark ix. 44 (also fire and brimstone, and a horrible tem46, 48). pest. Ps. xi. 6. So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm. Ps. lxxxiii. 15. contemplates publishing hereafter a work in which the history of Thnetopsychism, and the arguments adduced in its favor, will be more fully investigated. 18* 210 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Darkness. Fire. But the children of the kingdom shall The Son of man shall send forth his be cast out into outer darkness: there angels, and they shall gather out of his shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. kingdom all things that offend, and Matt. viii. 12. them which do iniquity; And shall Bind him hand and foot, and take cast them into a furnace of fire. Matt. him away, and cast him into outer dark- xiii. 41, 42. ness. Matt. xxii. 13. Depart from me, ye cursed, into everAnd cast ye the unprofitable servant lasting fire, prepared for the devil and into outer darkness. Matt. xxv. 30. his angels. Matt xxv. 41. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Rev. xx. 15. "Darkness" is, in one respect, and " fire" in another respect, a fit emblem of the punishment. Dr. J. P. Thompson 1 " The laws of language require us to understand from these very metaphors, that the future state of the ungodly will be one of conscious and irremediable misery - the'darkness' of banishment from God, the'unquenchable fires' of memory, the' undying worm' of remorse - a state of mental anguish prefigured by physical emblems." It seems impossible to weigh carefully the foregoing words of scripture, without the resulting conviction that the ruin and overthrow which are threatened to the incorrigible, will be swift, terrible, and remediless. Degrees. Same for all. Different gradations. And when they came that were hired It shall be more tolerable for theland about the eleventh hour, they received of Sodom and Gomorrah, in the day of every man a penny. But when the first judgment, than for that city. Matt. x.15. came, they supposed that they should It shall be more tolerable for Tyre have received more; and they likewise and Sidon at the day of judgment, than received every man a penny. And for you. Matt. xi. 22. when they had received it, they mur- And that servant which knew his mured against the good man of the lord's will, and prepared not himself, house: saying, These last have wrought neither did according to his will, shall butone hour, and thou hast made them be beaten with many stripes. But, he equal unto us, which have borne the that knew not, and did commit things burden and heat of the day. Matt. xx. worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with 9-12. few stripes. Luke xii. 47, 48. Then shall he say also unto them on Who will render to every man accord. the left hand, Depart from me, ye ing to his deeds.. Rom. ii. 6 cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared That every one may receive the things for the devil and his angels. Matt. dosce in his body, according to that he xxv. 41. hath done, whether it be good or bad. And whosoever was not found writ- 2 Cor. v. 10. ten in the book of life was cast into the And death and hell delivered up the lake of fire. Rev. xx. 15. dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Rev. xx. 13. The first series of passages sets forth the general fact of I Theology of Christ, p. 234. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 211 future awards, without going into details; the second specifies the degrees or differences of retribution. Some have supposed that the parable in Matt. xx. is designed to teach " the equality of rewards," and, by implication, that of punishments. Trench interprets it better, as intended to "rebuke the spirit of selfexalting comparison of ourselves with others, and to emphasize the fact that the saints' reward is to be of grace, not of works." Alford takes a similar view. May not, however, the teaching of the parable be simply this: In cases where the opportunity to act is wanting, God rewards the disposition in the same manner as he would have done the action itself. The absolute equality of rewards or of punishments is not implied in this parable. As Whately 1 observes: "We may be sure there will be no want of mansions, or of suitable variety of mansions, either in the place of reward or of punishment." Duration. Unending. Will terminate. Whose fan is in his hand, and he I have sworn by myself, the word is will throughly purge his floor, and gone out of my mouth in righteousness, gather his wheat into the garner; but and shall not return, That unto me he will burn up the chaff with un- every knee shall bow, every tongue quenchable fire. Matt. iii. 12. shall swear. Isa. xlv. 23. Whosoever speaketh against the -loly And thou be cast into prison. Verily Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means neither in this world, neither in the come out thence, till thou hast paid the world to come. Matt. xii. 32. uttermost farthing. Matt. v. 25, 26. And these shall go away into ever- That at the name of Jesus every knee lasting punishment: but the righteous should bow,... and /that every tongue into life eternal. Matt. xxv. 46. should confess that Jesus Christ is But he that shall blaspheme against Lord. Phil. ii. 10, 11. the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.2 Mark iii. 29. He that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John iii. 36. And he shall be tormented with fire Future State, p. 171. 2 Griesbach, Lachmann, Alford, Tregelles, Tischendorf, and Meyer apparently, read " eternal sin." This reading, sustained as it is by the best critical authorities, affords a very strong incidental proof of the endless duration of future punishment. Eternal sin is eternal punishment. In this view, Mark iii. 29 is one of the most fearfully significant passages in the New Testament. "Eternal sin!" Who can fathom the meaning of these words? 212 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Unending. Will terminate. and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night. Rev. xiv. 10, 11. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Rev. xx. 10. That the texts at the left fairly imply the endless duration of future punishment, we have no doubt. The question is: Do those at the right militate against the doctrine? Such expressions as "unquenchable' fire," "not forgiven, neither in this world, neither in the world to come," "everlasting punishment,"2 1 The Greek term 6i6rE6T7os is defined by Liddell and Scott thus: "Unquenched, inextinguishable, endless, ceaseless." Upon this point annihilationist writers assert that the fire will be "unquenchable" until it has consumed the chaff, and will then go out, of itself! We refrain from comment. The argument derived by annihilationists from Matt. iii. 12, is peculiarly suicidal. From the fact that the wicked are symbolized by " chaff," it is inferred that they will be literally burned to ashes, as chaff is. An equally valid inference from the fact that the righteous are represented by "wheat," would be that they are stored up in the garner, to be disposed of exactly as wheat is I 2 In Matt. xxv. 46, the same Greek adjective, al&cLzos, is applied both to "punishment" and to "life." Hence it seems a reasonable inference that the " punishment," and the life are of parallel duration. As to the words aicu and ahlivos, which, in their various modifications and combinations, are, in our version, rendered "eternal," "everlasting," "forever," " forever and ever," a very interesting discussion may be found in Professor Stuart's Essay on Future Punishment, pp. 56, 66 (new edition). He, following Knapp's Greek text, finds aci&'i ninety-four times in the New Testament. In fifty-five of these instances, he says the word " certainly means an unlimited period of durationi either future or past, ever, always." If we include those cases in which the term refers to future punishment, and to the dominion of the Messiah, we have, says Stuart, sixty-four cases out of ninety-four in which the word means "unlimited period, boundless duration." The same author finds alcvios sixty-six times. Of these, fifty-one are used in relation to the happiness of the righteous; two, in relation to God or his glory; six are of a miscellaneous nature, but the meaning in them all is quite clear; and seven relate to the subject of future punishment." [It should be added that Briider's DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 213 "in danger of eternal sin," the "wrath of God abideth on him," "the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever," strongly imply unending misery. Such is their fair, legitimate meaning. It may be added, as the subjoined note evinces, that, if these expressions do not legitimately convey this idea, then it would seem impossible to prove from the scriptures the eternity of anything; impossible, also, to express in the Greek language the notion itself of endless duration. The quotations from Isaiah and Philippians simply assert that all men shall, sooner or later, acknowledge the sovereignty of God. But while some do this in love, others may do it in wrath and terror. The subjugation of rebels neither invariably removes their inward hostility, nor transforms them into loyal subjects. The text from Matt. v. is a caution against litigation, an exhortation to settle difficulties previous to legal process, whenever practicable. There is probably in this place no direct reference to future punishment. Salvation, - Extent. All Israel saved. Only a portion saved. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it But the children of the kingdom shall is written, There shall come out of Sion be cast out into outer darkness: there the Deliverer, and shall turn away un- shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. godliness from Jacob. Rom. xi. 26. Matt. viii. 12. Alford, De Wette, Meyer, Tholuck, and others take the first text as implying a "future national restoration of Israel to God's favor." Or it may be taken as referring to the spiritual Israel; for "he is a Jew which is one inwardly." 1 All of the Concordance, latest edition, gives aicv one hundred and six times, and ativios seventy-one times. Probably, however, the proportion remains the same]. In view of these facts, we may conclude with Professor Stuart, that, if these expressions do not fairly imply the eternity of future punishment, "then the scriptures do not decide that God is eternal, nor that the happiness of the righteous is without end, nor that his covenant of grace will always remain, a conclusion which would forever blast the hopes of Christians, and shroud in more than midnight darkness all the glories of the gospel." ] Rom. ii. 29. 214 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE, true Israel will be saved, while many of the nominal will perish. All men saved. Some not saved. Until the times of restitution of all The wicked shall be turned into hell, things, which God hath spoken by the and all the nations that forget God. mouth of all his holy prophets. Acts Ps. ix. 17. iii. 21. Salvation is far from the wicked. Ps. For God hath concluded them all in cxix. 155. unbelief, that he might have mercy The wicked is driven away in his upon all. Rom. xi. 32. wickedness. Prov. xiv. 32. For as in Adam all die, even so in There is no peace, saith my God, to Christ shall all be made alive. 1 Cor. the wicked. Isa. lvii. 21. xv. 22. All the proud, yea, and all that do God our Saviour. Who will have all wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day men to be saved, and to come unto the that cometh shall burn them up, saith knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. ii 3, 4. the LoRD of hosts. Mal. iv. 1. The living God, who is the Saviour The Son of man shall send forth his of all men, specially of those that be- angels, and they shall gather out of his lieve. 1 Tim. iv. 10. kingdom all things that offend, and For the grace of God that bringeth them, which do iniquity. And shall salvation hath appeared to all men. cast them into a furnace of fire. Matt. Titus ii. 11. xiii. 41, 42. Not willing that any should perish, And as many as were ordained to but that all should come to repentance. eternal life, believed. Acts xiii. 48. 2 Pet. iii. 9. But the fearful. and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Rev. xxi. 8. Let us examine the texts at the left, and ascertain whether they teach the actual salvation of all mankind. Hackett, with iMeyer and De Wette, interpret the first quotation of the restoration of all things to a " state of primeval order, purity, and happiness, such as will exist for those who have part in the kingdom of Christ at his second coming." MNurdock's version of the Syriac gives the passage a different turn, thus: " Until the completion of the times of those things which God hath spoken." The Arabic has, " Until the times which establish the perfection or completion of all the predictions of the prophets." Adam Clarke, [Barnes, Dr. Jonathan Edwards,l and others concur in this latter explanation. Obviously, neither this nor the former one implies the salvation of all men. On tRom. xi. 32 Alford says that it brings to view God's act, and not man's. The ultimate difference between the "all l Works, i. 284. DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 215 men" shut up under disobedience and the "all men" upon whom mercy is shown, lies in the fact that by some men this mercy is not accepted, and so they become self-excluded from the salvation of God. The text from 1 Cor. refers simply to physical death and resurrection. "As Adam caused the physical death of dll men, so Christ will effect the resurrection of all." This is the view of Alford, Barnes, De Wette, Meyer, and others. The citations from 1 Tim. ii. and 2 Peter assert the " wish" or "will" of God that all men should be saved. But this by no means proves that all will be saved. For some things which would be pleasing to God, agreeable to his will,, do not takoe place. For example, he "now commandeth all men everywhere to repent." Need it be said that universal obedience to this command, though it would be agreeable to the divine will, does not exist? Hence, the texts in question, while setting forth the benevolent "wish " or " will" of God, do not intimate that all men will comply with that "will." 1 Tim. iv. 10 terms God "the Saviour of all men." He is such, in that he preserves their lives, and grants them the day and means of grace. Titus ii. 11 asserts, indeed, that the grace of God bringeth, proffereth, salvation to all men, but does not imply that this "salvation " isforced upon them. It is clear that none of the foregoing texts, fairly interpreted, support the doctrine of universal salvation. Earth, - Destruction. Indestructible. Will be destroyed. The earth which he hath established Of old hast thou laid the foundation for ever. Ps. lxxviii. 69. of the earth: and the heavens are the Who laid the foundations of the earth, work of thy hands. They shall perish, that it should not be removed for ever. but thou shalt endure: yea, all of thein Ps. civ. 5. shall wax old like a garment Ps. cii. The earth abideth for ever. Eccl. i. 4. 25, 26. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. Luke xxi. 33. Acts xvii. 30. 216 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Indestructible. Will be destroyed. The earth also and the works that are' therein shall be burned up. 2 Pet. iii. 10. The earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them Rev. xx. 11. As to the first texts, the Hebrew word "oltim" rendered "forever," does not imply the metaphysical idea of absolute endlessness, but a period of indefinite length, as Rambach says, "a very long time, the end of which is hidden from us." These texts do not necessarily teach the absolute perpetuity of the earth. Of the opposed texts, that from Ps. cii. is a kind of comparison between the eternity of God and the dependent existence of material objects: " Though they should perish, thou shalt stand." Similarly Luke: " Though heaven and earth should pass away, my words shall not pass away." That is, my words are more enduring than even heaven and earth. The quotations from Peter and Revelation imply that the present constitution of things will be changed; that " the cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, the solemn temples, and tke great globe itself" will be subjected to the action of firte. This opinion prevailed among the ancient philosophers, especially the Greek stoics.' The passages which speak of the destruction of the earth may therefore be taken as referring to the change or passing away of its present form; those which speak of its durability, as implying the permanence of its constituent elements. Heaven, - Occupants. Christ only. Elijah also. And no man hath ascended up to Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven, but he that came down from heaven. 2 Kings ii. 11. heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. John iii. 13. In the first text Jesus, setting forth his own superior authority, says, substantially, " No human being can speak from personal knowledge, as I do, who came down from heaven." "No man x See Wetstein, on 2 Pet. iii. V' DOCTRINAL DISCREPANCIES. 217 hath ascended up to heaven to bring back tidings." So we, speaking of the secrets of the future world, should very naturally say: " No man has been there to tell us about them." In saying this, we do not deny that any one has actually entered the eternal world, but merely that any one -has gone thither, and returned to unfold its mysteries. Alford applies, however, the words "hath ascended" to Christ's " exaltation to be a Prince and a Saviour." The former explanation seems the most natural. Flesh and blood excluded. Enoch there. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Enoch was translated that he should kingdom of God; neither doth corrup- not see death. iHeb. xi. 5. tion inherit incorruption. 1 Cor. xv. 50. A late sceptical writer adduces this and the preceding as cases of discrepancy. It need only be said that, beyond question, Enoch and Elijah, before entering the heavenly world, passed through a change equivalent to death. Their corruptible put on incorruption, and their mortal put on immortality. Publicans and harlots enter. Impure not there. The publicans and the harlots go into Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor the kingdom of God before you. Matt. adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers xxi. 31. of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor-extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. The first text does not say that publicans and harlots as such, but merely that some who had been such, and had afterwards repented, should enter heaven. Paul, in the verse succeeding the quotation from Corinthians, observes: "And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified." They had been corrupt and wicked, but were so no longer. Observe, also, that our Saviour's assertion amounts simply to this, " The publicans and harlots are more likely to be saxed, stand a better chance for salvation, than do you, chief priests and elders." Neither this passage, nor any other, sanctions the idea of impurity tolerated in heaven. 19 218 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Employments. Incessant praise. Rest and quiet. And they rest not day and night, There remaineth therefore a rest to saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Al- the people of God. Heb. iv. 9. mighty, which was, and is, and is to Blessed are the dead which die in the come. Rev. iv. 8. Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors. Rev. xiv. 13. The two cases are quite different; the former is that of the four wonderful " living creatures," the latter that of departed believers. Moreover, the "rest" attributed to departed saints is "rest from their labors," - from every thing painful and wearisome, - but not a " rest " of dormant inactivity, precluding enjoyment, praise, and glorified service. CHAPTER II. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES.1 DUTY OF MAN.- Toward God. Blessing gained. By those who see. Those who see not. Blessed are the eyes which see the Thomas, because thou hast seen me, things that ye see. Luke x. 23. thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. John xx. 29. The word "blessed," in the first case seems to mean "' highly favored,"" enjoying peculiar privileges;" in the latter, " worthy of commendation." Andrew Fuller: "There is a wide difference between requiring sight as the ground of faith, which Thomas did, and obtaining it as the completion of faith, which those who saw the coming and kingdom of the Messiah did. The one was a species of unbelief, the other was faith terminating in vision." Blood, -disposal. Poured upon altar. Sprinkled upon it. The blood of thy sacrifices shall be The priests shall sprinkle the blood poured out upon the altar. Deut. xii. upon the altar round about. Lev. 27. iii. 2. Maimonides, whose knowledge of Hebrew customs and traditions was unsurpassed, says that a part of the blood was sprinkled upon the altar, and the remainder poured out at the bottom of it. The Septuagint and Vulgate render the. Hebrew word in Le1The reader need not be reminded that no rigid and precise classification has been attempted. That arrangement which seemed most natural and obvious has generally been adopted. The mere classification of discrep. ancies is a trivial matter in comparison with their solution. 219 220 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. viticus "pour" and "pour out."' A part of the blood was disposed of in one way and the rest in another. Smith's Bib. Dict. says that the priest, after he had sprinkled the altar of incense with the blood, "poured out what remained at the foot of the altar of burnt-offering." Outram:2 " The blood of the paschal lamb, of the male firstlings, and of the tithes, was considered as rightly sprinkled, if it were only poured out at either corner of the altar." Covered with dust. Poured out as water. He shall even pour out the blood Thou shalt pour it upon the earth as thereof, and cover it with dust. Lev. water. Deut. xii. 24. xvii. 13. Strange that a recent author who deems this a discrepancy, could not see that the blood might be " poured upon the earth," and afterward " covered with dust." Christ's execution. Lawful. Unlawful. We have a law, and by our law he It is not lawful for us to put any man ought to die. John xix. 7. to death. John xviii. 31. The first text refers to the Mosaic code, the second to the restrictions imposed by the Roman government. The meaning of the combined passages is, " By our code of laws he ought to die, but it is not lawful for us (not permitted us by the Roman government) to put any man to death." Alford: " From the time when Archelaus was deposed (A.D. 6 or 7) and Judea became a Roman province, it would follow by the Roman law, that the Jews lost the power of life and death." From Josephus,3 we learn that it was not permitted the high-priest even to assemble a sanhedrim without the consent of the Roman procurator. Covenant basis. Religious laws. Civil laws Ali he said, Behold I make a cove- Moses came and told the people all nant.... Write thou these words: for the words of the LORD, and all the after the tenor of these words I have judgments.... The covenant, which made a covenant with thee, and with the LORD hath made with you concernIsrael. Ex. xxxiv. 10-27. ing all these words. Ex. xxiv. 3-8. 1 Fuerst says the word means, to moisten, to wet. 2 On Sacrifices, chap. xvi. Antiq. xx. 9, 1. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 221 The discrepancy which a late writer finds here, has no existence, except in his imagination. The first passage clearly makes the decalogue the foundation of the " covenant." 1 The " words " and " judgments " of the second. passage begin with the decalogue in the twentieth chapter, so that both passages concur in making that decalogue the " basis " of the " covenant." Covering of sin. Approved. Denounced. Blessed is he whose transgression is He that covereth his sins shall not forgiven, whose sin is covered. Ps. prosper. Prov. xxviii. 13. xxxii. 1. In the first text, the parallelism shows that the " covering of sin" means its remission or atonement. The second, as the context evinces, refers to its unjustifiable concealment. The first text alludes to God's gracious act in forgiving sin; the second to man's wicked act in conniving at it, and hiding it. Crimes specified. One list. A different list. Cursed be the man that maketh acny And God spake all these words, saygraven or molten image, an abomina- ing, I am the LORD thy God, which tion unto the LORD, the work of the have brought thee out of the land of hands of the craftsman, and putteth it Egypt, out of the house of bondage. in a secret place: and all the people Thou shalt have no other gods before shall answer and say, Amen, etc. Deut. me, etc. Ex. xx. 1-xxiii. 33.2 xxvii. 15-26. Keil, on Deut. xxvii. 26: " From this last curse, which applies to every breach of the law, it evidently follows, that the different sins and transgressions already mentioned were only selected by way of example, and for the most part were such as could be easily concealed from the judicial authorities." Similarly Le Clerc and Michaelis. Davied s conduct. Strayedfrom God Did not stray. I have gone astray like a lost sheep. Yet I erred not from thy precepts. Ps. cxix. 176. Ps. cxix. 110. David does not charge himself with any moral obliquity, but sets forth. his desolate and perilous condition. The Hebrew of 1 See Ex. xxxiv. 28, last clause. Passages abridged here, and in several cases, 19'* 222 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. " have gone astray" means, according to Gesenius, " to be thrust hither and thither." Surely this was David's experience. Menasseh ben Israel takes the first text as alluding to the "troubles and misfortunes which David experienced in this world,- constantly persecuted, and fleeing from one place to another to escape from Saul and his own son." A man of perfect heart. Committed sin. His heart was not perfect with the David's heart smote him after that le LornD his God, as the heart of David had numbered the people. And David his father. Because David did that said unto the LORD, I have sinned w7ich was right in theeyes of the LoD. greatly in that I have done. 2 Sam. and turned not aside from any thing xxiv. 10. that he commanded him all the days of Thou hast been a man of war, and his life, save only in the matter of hast shed blood. 1 Chron. xxviii. 3. Uriah the Hittite. 1 Kings xv. 3, 5. I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. Acts xiii. 22. The quotation from Acts refers to David early in l'fe,1l before he had fallen into those great sins which cast such a shadow upon his administration. Again, the praise bestowed upon David contemplates him in relation to his predecessor and successors in the kingly office. In comparison with them, his heart was " perfect with the Lord his God." Hackett:2 " This commendation is not absolute, but describes the character of David in comparison with that of Saul." Smith's Bib. Diet. says, the commendation has been made too much of. "It merely indicates a man whom God will approve, in distinction from Saul, who was rejected." Besides, David's repentance was as deep and thorough as his sins were flagrant and aggravated. On this subject Mr. Carlyle 3 fitly and forcibly remarks:'"Who is called' the man after God's own heart'? David, the Hebrew king, had fallen into sins enough — blackest crimes -there was no want-of sin. And, therefore, unbelievers sneer, and ask,' Is this your man according to God's heart'? The sneer, I must say, seems to me but a shallow one. What are faults, what are the outward details of a life, if the inner secret of it, the remorse, temptations,'See 1 Sam. xiii. 14. 2 On Acts xiii. 22. Heroes and Hero-worship, p. 72. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 223 the often-baffled, never-ended struggle of it, be forgotten?.... David's life and history, as written for us in those Psalms of his, I consider to be the truest emblem ever given us of a man's moral progress and warfare here below. All earnest souls will ever discover in it the faithful struggle of an earnest human soul towards what is good and best. Struggle often baffledsore baffled - driven as into entire wreck; yet a struggle never ended, ever with tears, repentance, true unconquerable purpose, begun anew." In this his constant attitude as a moral hero " striving against sin," who when "cast down is not destroyed," but springs up, Antaeus-like, to renew the conflict, David challenges our admiration. Fast, - observance. Enjoined. Disregarded. On the tenth day of this seventh And at that time Solomon held a month there shall be a day of atone- feast, and all Israel with him.... bement; it shall be a holy convocation fore the LORD our God, seven days and unto you.... And ye shall do no work in seven days, even fourteen days. On the that same day;... for whatsoever soul eighth day he,sent the people away. 1 it be that shall not be afflicted in that Kings viii. 65, 66. same day, he shall be cut off from And on the three and twentieth day among his people. Lev. xxiii. 27-29. of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents. 2 Chron. vii 10. It cannot be proved that Solomon did not keep the day of atonement according to the law in Leviticus. The feast of tabernacles began on the fifteenth and ended on the twentysecond of the month; closing with a "holy convocation " the "' eighth day,"1 at the end of which Solomon dismissed the people; the dismission taking effect the next morning, the twenty-third. In this manner the accounts in Kings and Chronicles harmonize perfectly. We may suppose that the first series of seven days was not entirely consecutive, but began with the seventh, and included three days before and four days after the tenth, or "day of atonement," which was fitly observed. Or it may be that this series began with the eighth day of the month, while the "C day Lev, xxiii. 33-39. 224 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. of atonement," being itself a religious solemnity of high importance, and from the brevity of the narrative, is reckoned in as one of the days of festivity, although it was kept according to the law. The latter seems to be the opinion of eminent Jewish critics.' Bihr: " Old commentators say that the dedication rendered it unusually solemn; others, that, as it was a fast-day, its observance was for the time omitted." First-born sons. Dedicated. Redeemed. The first-born of thy sons shalt thou All the first-born of man among thy give unto me. Ex. xxii. 29. children shalt thou redeem. Ex. xiii. 13. Keil: "The adoption of the first-born on the part of Jehovah was a perpetual guarantee to the whole nation of the right of covenant fellowship." The first-born sons, though specially consecrated to God, were allowed to be redeemed, and Levites substituted in their stead.2 Firstling animals. Redeemable. lVot redeemable. Then shalt thou turn it into money, The firstling of a cow, or the firstling etc. Deut. xiv. 22-26. of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem. Num. xviii. 17. The first passage does not, as some pretend, sanction the redemption of firstlings. It merely allows them, for convenience' sake, to be "turned into money"; but the money must be taken to the prescribed place, and there expended for articles of food and drink to be consumed in the same manner as the original firstlings would have been. It was simply an arrangement for the accommodation of the offerer. Redeemed with money. With an animal, or slain. The firstling of unclean beasts shalt The firstling of an ass thou shalt rethlou redeem.... According to thine deem with a lamb; and if thou redeem estimation, for the money of five she- him not, then shalt thou break his neck. kels. Num. xviii. 15, 16. Ex. xxxiv. 20. Keil thinks that " the earlier law, which commanded that an ass should be redeemed with a sheep, or else be put to death, was modified in favor of the revenues of the sanctuary and its 1Conciliator, i. 285. 2 Num. iii. 12, 13. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 225 servants." Money would be more serviceable than numerous animals, by way of commutation. Sanctified. Not sanctlcfied. All the firstling males that come of The firstling of the beasts, which thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt should be the LORnD'S firstling, no man sanctify unto the LORD thy God. Deut. shall sanctify it. Lev. xxvii. 26. xv. 19. Keil: "What belonged to the Lord by law could not be dedicated to him by a vow." It would be mockery to give him what was already his. Idolatry. God only, worshipped. Other beings adored. Thou shalt have no other gods before God, before whom my fathers Abrame....Thou shalt not bow down thyself ham and Isaac did walk, the God which to them, nor serve them. Ex. xx. 3, 5. fed me all my life long unto this day. The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads. Gen. xlviii. 15,16. Behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand..... And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship. Josh. v. 13, 14. "God before whom miy fathers walked," " God who fed me all my life," and the " Angel who redeemed me" are three appellations of one and the same Being. Lange: "A threefold naming of God." Murphy: "' Jacob's threefold periphrasis is intended to describe the one God who wills, works, and wards." On Josh. v. 14 Keil says the Hebrew word employed here "does not always mean divine worship, but very frequently means nothing more than the deep Oriental reverence paid by a dependant to his superior or king." 1 Gesenius: " This honor was paid not only to superiors, as to kings and princes, but also to equals." 2 There is, then, no idolatry in either case. Capitally punished. Punishment undesired. If there be found among you,.. man For I have no pleasure in the death or'wronan that hath wrought wicked- of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD ness in the sight cf the LoRD thy God, Ezek. xviii. 32. in transgressing his cov'lnant. And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them.... The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterward the hands of all the people. Deut. xvii. 2, 3, 7.3 2 Sam. ix. 6; xiv. 33. 2 Gen. xxiii. 7; Ex. xviii. 7; 1 Kings ii. 19 8 See Deut. xiii. 6-11. 226 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. The capital punishment of idolaters was not a thing desirable per se, but it was enjoined out of regard to the welfare of the people and the security of the government. Under the theocracy, in which God was the sole Lawgiver and King, idolatry was simply high treason, and must be severely punished, or the very existence of the government would be endangered. M3ichaelis1:' As the only true God was the civil legislator of the people of Israel, and accepted by them as their Kintg, idolatry was a crime against the state, and therefore just as deservedly punished with death as high- treason is with us. Whoever worshipped strange gods shook, at the same time, the whole fabric of the laws, and rebelled against him in whose name the government was carried on." Dr. Jahn2: "Whoever in the Hebrew nation, over which Jehovah was King, worshipped another god, or practised any superstitions, by this very act renounced his allegiance to his king, and deserted to another. He committed high treason, and was properly considered a public criminal. Whoever incited others to idolatry incited them to rebellion, and was a mover of sedition. Therefore death was justly awarded as the punishment of idolatry and its kindred arts, magic, necromancy, and soothsaying; and also of inciting to idolatry." Imnage making. Sanctioned. Forbidden. And thou shalt make two cherubim Thou shalt not make unto thee any of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make graven image, or any likeness qf alny them, in the two ends of the mercy- thing.... Thou shalt not bow down seat.... And the cherubim shall stretch thyself to them, nor serve them. Ex. forth their wings on high, covering the xx. 4, -5. mercy-seat with their wings... And Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye in the candlestick shall be four bowls forget the covenant of the LORD your made like unto almonds, with their God, which he made with you, anai knops and their flowers. Ex,- xxv. make you a graven image, or the like18, 20, 34. ness of any thing which the LonR) thy And the Lord said unto Moses, Make God hath forbidden thee. Deut iv. 23. thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a Cursed be the man that miaketh ant pole. Num. xxi. 8. graven or molten image, an abomninaThe throne had six steps... And tion unto the LoRD, the work of the twelve lions stood there on the one hands of the craftsman, and putteth it side and on the other upon the six in a secret place. Deut. xxvii. 15. steps: there was not the like made in any kingdom. 1 Iings x. 19, 20. l Commentary on Laws of Moses, iv. 11. 2 History of Hebrew Commonwealth, p. 19 (English edition). ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 227 Some interpret the prohibitions as referring to images intended to represent the Divine Being. Michaelis 1: It is evident that images of the Deity are alone spoken of in all these passages, and that, if we infer the prohibition of painting and sculpture from these texts, we might with equal reason from the words that follow, " Thou shalt not lift up thine eyes to heaven, to behold the sun, moon, and stars," infer that wev are never to raise our eyes to heaven, and contemplate the sun, moon, and stars, but rather to walk upon all fours forever. Josephus 2 and AIenasseh ben Israel3 apply the prohibition to images made for purposes of idolatry. The latter, with rabbi Isaac Arama, also restricts it to the likeness of existing, and not of imaginary things. Further, the cherubim were not " graven images," but were of " beaten work," as Murphy says, " formed by the hammer, of malleable gold." Nor were they made " in the likeness" of any created thing whatever. Their form was purely ideal. Hengstenberg:4 The cherubim is a representative of creation in its highest grade, an ideal creature. The vital powers communicated to the most elevated existences in the visible creation are collected and individualized in it. In this view Josephus, Bochart, Stuart,5 and Fairbairn6 substantially agree. Thus it is clear that neither the making of the cherubim nor the other cases of sculpture or imagemaking was a violation of the second commandment. The idolatrous purpose at which the prohibition is aimed was wanting in all of the foregoing instances. Israel' s transgiression. Ineradicable. To be removed. For though thou wash thee with nitre, O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from and take thee much soap, yet thine in- wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. iquity is marked befbre me. Jer. ii. 22. How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge witliin thee? Jer. iv. 14. Com. on Laws of Moses, iv. 52. 2 Antiq. iii. v. 5. 3 Conciliator, i. 154-157. 4 Egypt and Books of Moses, 168. 6 On Rev. iv. 6-8. 6 Typology, i. 261, 262 (4th edition). 228 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Abarbanel: " Although you wash and cleanse yourself outwardly, your iniquity is marked." That is, by no external rites and ceremonies can you be cleansed; your hearts must be purified by penitence. Jerusalem, - ethical aspect. A delight to God. A provocation. The LORD loveth the gates of Zion For this city has been to me as a more than all the dwellings of Jacob. provocation of mine anger and of my Glorious things are spoken of thee, O fury from the day that they built it, city of God. Ps. lxxxvii. 2, 3. even unto this day; that I should reFor the LORD hath chosen Zion; he move it from before my face. Jer. hath desired it for his habitation. Ps. xxxii. 31. cxxxii. 13. In the first passages there is, as Tholuck says, "no reference to Jerusalem according to her earthly aspects, with her streets and walls and palaces." It is the church, which is figuratively styled " Zion " and " city of God." Calvin; " Christ has by his advent extended Mount Zion to the ends oft the earth." Jeremiah riefers to the literal Jerusalem. Judging of David. Desired. Deprecated. Judge me, O LORD, according to my Enter not into judgment with thy. righteousness, and according to mine servant: for in thy sight shall no man integrity that is in me. Ps. vii. 8. living be justified. Ps. cxliii. 2. The first text has reference to one particular case, the controversy between David and " Cush' the Benjamite." David knew himself to be guiltless of the crimes alleged against him by this enemy; hence his appeal: "As to this charge, God knows that I am.innocent." But, on a retrospect of his whole life, he acknowledges his ill-desert in general, and exclaims: "' Enter not into judgment with thy servant." A man may be absolutely innocent, even in God's sight, with reference to a,Crtain accusation, yet not sinless in respect to his whole life. Just nan's life. By faith. By deeds. The just shall live by his faith. Hab. If a man be just, and do that whic'. is ii. 4. lawful and right,... he shall surely live, saith the Lord GOD. Ezek xviii. 5, 9. 1 The Jewish expositors ulnderstood Saul to be meant; others say Shimei. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 229 The faith is such as produces good works; the deeds are such as spring from living faith. One text speaks of the subject in one relation; the other, in a different. yet not incompatible one. -Monarchy. Sanctioned by God. Offensive to Him. When thou art come unto the land Make us a king to judge us like all which the LORD thy God giveth thee, the nations.... And the LORD said unand shalt possess it, and shalt dwell to Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of therein. and shalt say, 1 will set a king the people in all that they say unto over me, like as all the nations that are thee: for they have pot rejected thee, about me; thou shalt in any wise set but they have rejected me, that I should him king over thee, whom the LoRD not reign over them. 1 Sam. viii. 5, 7. thy God shall choose. Deut. xvii. 14,15. Is it not wheat-harvest to day? I will call unto the 1,ORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king. 1 Sam. xii. 17. The rationalistic objection is, that the monarchy was contemplated and provided for in the law, yet was afterwards declared to be offensive in the sight of God. To this objection Jewish interpreters 1 reply as follows. It is said, in Tosaphoth, that the sin lay " not in demanding a king, but in the mode of so doing,' like all the nations,'" virtually equivalent to a wish to become like surrounding idolaters. MIaimonides and Nachmanides: In making their demand in the shape of a complaint, as if they were tired of Samuel's administration, and wished to be rid of him. The Cabalists: In acting prematurely, or asking impatiently and at an improper time. Abarbanel: " The divine will was not that they should elect a king, for God was the true King of Israel." That is, Deut. xvii. was not a command, nor even a permission, to choose a king, but a mere prophetic statement of what God foresaw they would do. It is not said, " When you enter the land, place a king over you," but, "When thou art come unto the land, and shalt say, I will set," etc. Professor Keil finds the wrong in their overlooking their own misconduct, and in distrusting God and his guidance. "In 1 See Menasseh ben Israel's Conciliator, i. 285-289. 20 230 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. such a state of mind as this, their desire for a king was a contempt and rejection of the kingly government of Jehovah, and was nothing more than forsaking him to serve other gods." Motherhood. Blessed. To be expiated. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by She shall bring a lamb of the first the sides of thy house. Ps. cxxviii. 3. year for a burnt-offering. and a young pigeon, or a turtle-dove, for a sin-offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest: who shall offer it before the LORD, and make an atonement for her. Lev. xii. 6, 7. Michaelis thinks that Moses, by such laws, intended to " represent theological truths in a figurative manner." Abarbanell: " As no one bears pains and troubles in this world without guilt; and as there is no chastisement without sin; and lastly, as every woman bears children with pain and danger, hence every one is commanded, after childbirth, to offer an expiatory sacrifice." Leyrer2 says that this and all the other rites of purification were intended " to foster the constant humiliation of fallen man; to remind him in all the leading processes of natural life — generation, birth, eating, disease, death -how everything, even his own bodily nature, lies under the curse of sin, that so the law might become a schoolmaster to bring unto Christ, and awaken and sustain the longing for a Redeemer from the curse which had fallen upon his body." Mr. Clark, in Bible Commentary: " The conclusion, then, appears to be reasonable that all the rites of purification were intended to remind the Israelite that he belonged to a fallen race, and that he needed a purification and atonement which rb' could not effect for himself." Pauls moral state. Nothing good in him. Christ dwelt in him. For I know that in me (that is, in I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing. in me. Gal. ii. 20. Iom. vii. 18. 1 On Lev. xii.; quoted in Outram on Sacrifices, p. 145. 2 In Keil. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 231 In these passages Paul speaks in two distinct relations. " In me, that is, in my flesh," - in my lower, carnal self. " Christ liveth in me," — in my higher, spiritual self, in my renewed heart in which Christ is enthroned. This is Alford's view. Hodge takes substantially the same view. Some interpret the first text as describing Paul previous to his conversion; the latter, as applying to him after that event. -Piety evinced. By profession. Profession useless. No man can say that Jesus is the Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingxii. 3. dom of heaven. Matt. vii. 21. And why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Luke vi. 46. The word 1" say," in the first text, does not imply the mere utterance of the words, but the hearty and spontaneous confession of belief in the Messiahship of Jesus. In the last texts the calling of him " Lord," " Lord," is mere lip-service. Prayer. May be in public. Should be in private. And Solomon stood before the altar He went in therefore, and shut the of the LORD in the presence of all the door upon them twain, and prayed congregation of Israel, and spread forth unto the LORD 2 lings iv. 33. his hands toward heaven. And he said, When thou prayest, thou shalt not be LORD God of' Israel, there is no God as the hypocrites are: for they love to like thee. 1 Kings viii. 22, 23. pray standing in the synagogues and in His windows being open in his cham- the corners of the streets, that they ber toward Jerusalem, Ile kneeled upon may be seen of men. Verily I say unto his knees three times a day, and prayed, you, they have their reward. But thou, and gave thanks before his God, as he when thou prayest, enter into thy did aforetime. Then these men assem- closet, and when thou hast shut thy bled, and found Daniel praying. Dan. door, pray to thy Father which is in vi. 10, 11. secret. Matt. vi 5, 6. I will therefore that men pray every He went out into a mountain to where. 1 Tim. ii. 8. pray, and continued all night in prayer to God Luke vi. 12. Peter went up upon the hlouosetop to pray, about the sixth hour. Acts x 9. It is not publicity, but ostentation in prayer, which is prohibited; not praying in public, but praying in conspicuous places to " be seen of men." The motive, not the place, is the thing in question. Chrysostom and Augustine both caution us against a merely literal interpretcation of MIatt. vi. 6. 232 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Incessant. Brief. Because of his importunity he will When ye pray, use not vain repetirise and give him as many as he need- tions as the heathen do; for they think eth. Luke xi. 8 that they shall be heard for their much MIen ought always to pray, and not to speaking. Be not ye therefore like faint;... Shall not God avenge his own unto them: for your Father knoweth elect, which cry day and night unto what things ye have need of;, before ye him. Luke xviii. 1, 7. ask him. AMatt. vi. 7. 8. There are abundant examples of the "vain repetitions" which Jesus prohibits. Lightfoot adduces a Jewish maxim, " ie who multiplies prayer is heard." The priests of Baal, in their frantic orgies before their idol's sacrifices, cried from morning even until noon saying, " O Baal, hear us; O Baal, hear us." 1 Another instance is that of the mob at Ephesus, who for about two hours cried out," Great is Diana of the Ephesians." 2 The Mohammedan monks in India often practise these " vain repetitions " for days together. They have been known to repeat a single syllable of supposed religious efficacy until their strength was exhausted, and they could no longer speak.3 A missionary writes that in Orissa some heathen worshippers sit for many hours of the day and night pronouncing the name of Krisnu on a string of beads. Alford, with great fitness, adduces the "Paternosters" and " Ave Marias " of the Romish church as examples in point. It is such idle, empty " repetitions" as the above which the Greek term " battalogeo " designates, and which Christ condemns, and not fervent, importunate supplication. -Repentaince. Esau unable to repent. Ought to have repented. fle found no place of repentance, God... commandeth all men every though he sought it carefully with tears. where to repent. Acts xvii. 30. Heb. xii. 17. Most modern commentators, as Stuart, Tholuck, Ebrard, Barnes, interpret the first text, " found no place for a change of mind in his father." But Alford, Bleek, Delitzsch, De Wette, 1 K1 ings xviii. 26-29. 2 Acts xix. 34. a Hackett on Acts, p. 322. See, also, Morier's Second Journey, p. 176. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 233 Hofmann, and others take it as meaning that he found no way open to reverse what had been done. "He might change; but the penalty could not, from the very nature of the circumstances, be taken off." He might secure the salvation:f his soul; but he could not regain the forfeited birthright, nor secure the revocation of the blessing pronounced prophetically upon Jacob. Bighteoutsness. Perilous. Want of it, perilous. Be not righteous over much; neither Be not over much wicked, neither be make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou foolish: why shouldest thou die thou destroy thyself? Eccl. vii. 16. before thy time? Eccl. vii. 17. The first text is a caution against pharisaic self-righteousness, laying claim to superior wisdom and sanctity, and incurring the penalty which God sends upon arrogance and hypocrisy. The second admonishes us to be on our guard against crossing the border-line which separates the righteous, who is still subject to weakness and error, from the wilful transgressor. Zdckler, referring to these texts, says: "A recommendation to avoid the two extremes of false righteousness and bold wickedness." The gist of the whole is: Avoid extremes in all things. Sabbath. Sanctioned. Repudiated. Remember the sabbath-day to keep it The new-moons and sabbaths, the holy. Ex. xx. 8. calling of assemblies, I cannot away Blessed is the man that doeth this, with; it is iniquity, even the solemn and the son of man that layeth hold on meeting. Isa. i. 13. it; that keepeth the sabbath from pol- One man esteemeth one day above luting it. Isa. lvi. 2. another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Rom. xiv. 5. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holy-day, or of the new-moon, or of the sabbath-days. Col. ii. 16. The reason why the Sabbath keeping and other observances of the Israelites were not acceptable to God, is set forth by Isaiah, in a subsequent verse, thus: "Your hands are full of blood." As to the text from Romans, Stuart, Barnes, Hodge, and others think that Paul is not here speaking of the "Lord's 20* 234 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. day " at all, but of certain Jewish festivals, the passover, feast of tabernacles, and the like, which a man might observe or not, as he saw fit. Col. ii. 16, is interpreted by Gilfillan I as referring to the Jewish sabbath, or " seventh day," which had been superseded by "the Lord's day"; the latter being, at the time of Paul's writing, acknowledged and observed by the whole Christian church. Others, from the fact that the term " sabbath" is applied, in the Old Testament, not only to the seventh day, but to all the days of holy rest observed by the Hebrews, and particularly to the beginning and close of their great festivals, understand the last text as not intended to include the weekly day of rest. Instituted for one reason. For a different reason. For in six days the LORD made hear- And remember that thou wast a seren and earth, the sea and all that in vant in the land of Egypt, and that the them is, and rested the seventh day: LORD thy God brought thee out thence wherefore the Lord blessed the sab- through a mighty hand, and by a bath-day, and hallowed it. Ex. xx. 11. stretched-out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath-day. Deut. v. 15. This is an example of two concurrent reasons for the same observance. The primary reason why all mankind should keep the Sabbath is that the Creator rested on that day. An additional and special reason why the Israelites should keep it was the fact that they had been delivered from Egyptian bondage by the Author of the Sabbath. If it were said to the freedmen of this country, "You should observe the first day of January, because it is the beginning of a new year "; and a little after: " You should observe the first day of January, because it is the anniversary of your emancipation by President Lincoln," there would be no discrepancy. Sabbath desecration. Prohibited. Countenanced. Whosoever doeth any work in the At that time Jesus went on the sabsabbath-day he shall surely be put to bath-day through the corn, and his death. Ex. xxxi. 15. disciples were a hungered, and began They found a man that gathered to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat, sticks upon the sabbath-day... And etc. Matt. xii. 1-5. 1"The Sabbath," pp. 303-313. See, also, Justin Edwards's "Sabbath Manual," pp. 117-127. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 235 Prohibited. Countenanced. all the congregation brought him with- And therefore did the Jews persecute out the camp, and stoned him with Jesus, and sought to slay him, because stones, and he died: as the LORD corn- he had done these things on the sabmanded Moses. Num. xv. 32, 36. bath-day. John v. 16. Deeds of necessity and mercy were not forbidden by Moses. Eating, drinking, caring for the sick, and like needful acts were not interdicted. Our Saviour did not "break" the Sabbath. He did, indeed, disregard the foolish traditions of the scribes and pharisees relative to that day, but neither by precept nor example did he sanction its real desecration. Sacrifices. Appointed. Disavowed. Thou shalt burn the whole ram upon Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the altar: it is a burnt-offering unto the blood of goats? Offer unto God the LonD.... And thou shalt offer every thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto day a bullock for a sin-offering for thile ost High. Ps. 1. 13, 14. atonement. Ex. xxix. 18, 36. For thou desirest not sacrifice, else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. l's. li. 16. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am fiull of the burnt-offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he-goats. When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? Bring no more vain oblations: incense is an abomination unto me. Isa. i. 11-13. Your burnt-offerings are not acceptable, nor your sacrifices sweet unto me. Jer. vi. 20. For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt-offerings or sacrifices: but this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people. Jer. vii. 22, 23. For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. HIos. vi. 6. The first quotation from Psalms sets forth God's spirituality, as a result of which " the outward sacrifices, as such, can yield him no satisfaction." The second contrasts mere external sacrifices with that obefiei-ice in default of which all sacrifices are worthless. The offerings spoken of by Isaiah and. Jeremiah (sixth chapter) 236 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. were rejected because of the wickedness of the offerers. Their hands were "full of blood," and they had "rejected" God's law. Reason enough for the non-acceptance of their oblations. Jer. vii. 22, 23 is susceptible of two interpretations.' First. It may be taken as a Hebraistic way of saying, "At that time, I laid no stress upon mere sacrifices in comparison with true obedience. This explanation is given by Calvin and Stuart, also by Dr. Priestley and Prof. Norton.2 This interpretation is in harmony with Hos. vi. 6, also with Samuel's language to Saul: "CHath the Lord as great delight in burntofferings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." 3 Secondly. The quotation may mean, "I gave the command relative to obedience previous to that concerning sacrifices." This interpretation, propounded by the Jewish critics, agrees with the facts in the case. The command respecting obedience was given at Marah,4 just after the Hebrews left the Red Sea; those pertaining to sacrifices were mainly given at Mount Sinai.` at a later period of the history. It is clear that none of the foregoing texts disparage sacrifices offered aright. Heartless offerings are ever rejected. Expiatory. Not expiatory. And the priest shall make an atone- For it is not possible that the blood ment for him, as concerning his sin, of bulls and of goats should take away and it shall be forgiven him. Lev. sins.... The same sacrifices which can iv. 26. never take away sins. Heb. x. 4, 11. The life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar, to make an atonement for your souls. Lev. xvii. 11. One kid of the goats for a sin-offering, to make an atonement for you. Num. xxix. 5. Dr. Davidson 6 says that sin and trespass offerings "were 1 Magee on Atonement, pp. 146, 147 (Bohn's edition). 2 Evidences of Genuineness of Gospels, ii. Note D. p. zxl. 3 1 Sam. xv. 22. 4 Ex. xv. 25, 26. 6 Ex. xxix; Lev. i. to viii. Introd. to Old Test., i. 287 ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 237 regarded as possessing an atoning, expiatory power —that they were substituted in place of the sinner who brought them, bearing the punishment of his transgression, and so procuring its pardon from God. By their means sins were taken away and covered. The Deity was appeased." Of the sprinkling of the blood, he adds, "The act of sprinkling was symbolical, implying that the person who offered the sacrifice had forfeited his life, and the life of the animal was forfeited instead." So Kalisch 1: "It is impossible to doubt that the doctrine of vicarious sacrifice was entertained by the Hebrews... The animal dies to symbolize the death deserved by the offerer on account of his sins." It does not, however, appear that these sacrifices were deemed to have, per se, the power to remove sin. They were a condition, but not the cause, of pardon. As Alford and Ebrard say, they were "not the instrument of complete vicarious propitiation, but an exhibition of the postulate of such propitiation." Outram also regards them merely as a "condition of pardon." These sacrifices, being a "yearly remembrance" of sin, since they could not make the offerer "perfect as pertaining to the conscience," pointed him to the great Sacrifice, which " taketh away the sill of the world." Human sacrifices sanctioned. Stringently prohibited. Take now thy son, thine only son And thou shalt not let any of thy Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee seed pass through the fire to Molech. into the land of Moriah; and offer him Lev. xviii. 21. there for a burnt-offering. Gen. xxii. 2. Whosoever he be of the children of Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, in Israel, that giveth any of his seed and the garment, and the wedge of unto Molech, he shall surely be put to gold. and his sons, and his daughters, death. Lev. xx. 2. and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had; and they brought them unto the valley of Achor.... And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned tlen-i with stones. Josh. vii. 24, 25. And Jephthahl vowed a vow unto the LoRD..... Whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the chilOn Leviticus. Part i. pp. 192, 193. 238 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. HIuman sacrifices sanctioned. Stringently prohibited. dren of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD'S, and I will offer it up for a burnt-offering.... Behold his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with d; c-es: and she was his only child.... Her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed; and she knew no man. J udg. xi. 30-40. The king took the two sons of Rizpalh,... and the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul.... And he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the hill before the LORD.... And after that God was entreated for the land. 2 Sam. xxi. 8, 9, 14. As to the case of Abraham, God's design was not to secure a certain outward act, but a certain state of mind, a willingness to give up the beloved object to Jehovah. "The principle of this great trial," says Dr. Thomas Arnold,' "was the same which has been applied to God's servants in every age,whether they were willing to part with what they loved best on earth when God's service called for it." Hengstenberg2: "Verse 12 shows that satisfaction was rendered to the Lord's command when the spiritual sacrifice was completed." In this view concur Warburton, Keil, Murphy, Lange,3 Bush, Wordsworth, and other authorities. Kurtz 4 says: " It is true that God did not seek the slaying of Isaac in facto, but only the implicit surrender of the lad in mind and heart." The command, in the original, is somewhat ambiguous: "Make him ascend for a burnt-offering." This Abraham interpreted literally, as implying the actual slaying of his son. This his mistake was the means of developing and testing his faith. The assumed slaughter of Achan's children a recent author terms "a cruel and unjust thing, forbidden in Deut. xxiv. 16, yet afterwards perpetrated with the Divine sanction." This case has been already discussed under "Justice of God." It is sufficient to say here that the case furnishes no sanction of 1 Miscel. Works, p. 150 (N.Y. edition). 2 Genuineness of Pent. ii. 114, 3 Corn. on Genesis, pp. 79, 80. 4 Hist. of Old. Cov. i. 263. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 239 the abominable custom of slaughtering human beings in sacrifice. As has been elsewhere suggested, for anything that we know to the contrary, Achan's sons and daughters may all have been full-grown, and may have encouraged and participated in the sacrilege in which he took the lead. This is Keil's view of the case. In reference to Jephthah's supposed sacrifice of his daughter, it may be said, First. It cannot be proved that he did offer her as a burnt-offering. The Bible does not say that he did this. If, through ignorance and a misguided fanaticism, he actually committed the cruel deed, it does not appear that God in any manner sanctioned it. The sacred historian expresses no 6pinion in regard to it. The apparent commendation of Jephthah, in Heb. xi. 32, applies to the general tenor of his life, and not, necessarily, to every act performed by him in that remote age. Secondly. There are good reasons for holding, with Auberlen, Bush, Cassel, Delitzsch, Grotius, Hengstenberg, Houbigant, Keil, the Kimclhis, Lange, LeClerc, Lilienthal, Saalschiitz, Schudt, Waterland, and other critics,'that, instead of being offered as a burnt-sacrifice, she was simply devoted to perpetual celibacy in the service of the tabernacle. (a) The literal sacrifice of human beings was strictly forbidden in the Mosaic law; and Jephthah was doubtless fully aware of this fact. (b) The Hebrew of Jephthah's vow may be correctly translated," Shall surely be the Lord's,2 or I will offer it up for a burnt-offering." Dr. Davidson 3:' It cannot be denied that the conjunction'vav' may be rendered or. The Hebrew language. had very few conjunctions, and therefore one had to fulfil the office of several in other languages." Dr. Randolph, J. Kimchi, 1 See allusion to something similar; Ex. xxxviii. 8 and 1 Sam. ii. 22. 2 Compare 1 Sam. i. 11. " I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life." 8 Introd. to Old Test., i. 476. 240 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. and Auberlen render, " Shall surely be the Lord's, and I will offer to him a burnt-offering." Dr. Davidson says: " We admit that the construction is grammatically possible; for examples justify it, as Gesenius shows." Either of these translations removes the difficulty. (c) During the " two months" which intervened between Jephthah's return and the supposed sacrifice, it is scarcely credible that the priests would not have interfered to prevent the barbarous deed, or that Jephthah himself would not have "inquired of the Lord" respecting a release from his vow. (d) As she was Jephthah's only child, to devote her to perpetual virginity would preclude him from all hope of posterity, -in the estimation of a Jew, a most humiliating and calamitous deprivation. (e) The phraseology of verses 37-40 points clearly to a life of perpetual and enforced celibacy. On any other hypothesis the language seems irrelevant and unmeaning. As Keil expresses it, to bewail one's virginity does not mean to mourn because one has to die a virgin, but because one has to live and remain a virgin. Inasmuch as the history lays special emphasis upon her bewailing her virginity, this must have stood in some peculiar relation to. the nature of the vow. Observe, too, that this lamentation takes place " upon the mountains." Cassel observes that if life had been in question her tears might have been shed at home. - But lamentations of this character could not be uttered in the town and in the presence of men. For such plaints, modesty required the solitude of the mountains. The words of the thirty-ninth verse are very explicit. They assert that her father fulfilled his vow through the fact that "she knew no man." That is, the vow was fulfilled in the dedication of her life to the Lord, as a spiritual burnt-offering, in a life-long chastity. " Completeness of consecration as a spiritual sacrifice' seems the pervading idea in the case of Jephthah's sacrifice. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 241 In 2 Sam. xxi. 1 the designation, Saul's " bloody house," intimates strongly that the men whom a recent writer pathetically deplores as "innocent grandchildren" were really participants in the crime of their depar ted progenitor. IHe had gone beyond the reach of earthly justice; hence the penalty fell upon his surviving partners in treachery and blood. David Kimchil tentatively, and Dr. Jahn 2 confidently pr6pose t;lis very reasonable explanation of the case. On the whole, none of the foregoing cases represents human sacrifices as sanctioned by the Almighty. Service of God. With fear. With gladness. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice Serve the LORD with gladness. Ps. with trembling. Ps. ii. 11. c. 2. Reverential fear and devout gladness are quite compatible. Sin forgiven. All sin pardonable. Some unpardonable. And by him all that believe are jus- Whosoever speaketh againstthe Holy tified from all things from which ye Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, could not be justified by the law of neither in this world, neither in the Moses. Acts xiii. 39. world to come. Matt. xii. 32. Where sin abounded, grace did much [He that shall blaspheme against the more abound. Rom. v. 20. H-Ioly Ghost hath never forgiveness, but If any man sin, we have an advocate is in danger of eternal damnation. with the Father, Jesus Christ the Mark iii. 29. righteous. 1 John ii. 1. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. 1 John v. 16. The texts at the left by no means assert that every sin, wherever and by whomsoever committed, will be forgiven. The general rule is that sins repented of will be jbrgivens. Matthew and Mark speak of sins which will never be repented of, consequently never forgiven; hence they are sins "unto death." Sin-offering. One kind. A different kind. When the sin which they have sinned If aught be committed by ignorance against it is known, then the congre- without the knowledge of the congregation shall offer a young bullock for gation, that all the congregation sllall the sin.. When a ruler hath sinned, offer one young bullock for a burnt-... if his sin wherein he hath sinned, offrlin_,..and one kid of the goats for come to his knowledge; he shall bring a sin-offering. Num. xv. 24. his offering, a kid of the goats. Lev. iv. 14, 22, 23. Menasseh ben Israel's Conciliator, i. 167. 2 History of Hebrew Commonwealth, p. 43 (Ward's edition), 21 242 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. We think the difference here is due to condensation on the part of the later writer. In the first case, the offering for the congregation and that for the ruler are specified separately; in the second case, for brevity's sake, the congregation and the rulers are considered as one, and their respective offerings are spoken of as constituting but one offering. Mr. Espin, in Bible Commentary, says that, in the citation from Leviticus, the reference is to sins of commission; in that from Numbers, to sins of omission. Hence there is a slight difference in the ritual. Sinners' feeling. Feared greatly. No fear in the case. There were they in great fear. Ps. Where no fear was. Ps. liii. 5. liii. 5. "The wicked flee when no man pursueth." Prov. xxviii. 1. Feared the Lord. Feared not the Lord. So these nations feared the LORD, and Unto this day they do after the forserved their graven images. 2 Rings mer manners: they fear not the LORD. xvii. 41. 2 Kings xvii. 34. An instructive example of the use of the same word in different senses. Staves of ark. To remain. Might be removed. The staves shall be in the rings of the Aaron shall come, and his sons, and ark: they shall not be taken from it. they shall take down the covering vail, Ex. xxv. 15. and cover the ark of testimony with it;... and shall put in the staves thereof. Num. iv. 5, 6. Keil renders Num. iv. 6, " Adjust its bearing-poles." Similarly Bush, Nachmanides, Abarbanel, and Rashi. Bible Commentary, "i Put the staves thereof in order." Swearing and oaths. Countenanced. Prohibited. And Abraham said, I will swear. By swearing, and lying, and killing, Gen- xxi. 24. and stealing. Hos. iv. 2. And Jacob s-ware by the Fear of his It hath been said by them of old father Isaac. Ger. xxxi. 53. time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, but shalt perform unto the Lord tliine and serve him, and shalt swear by his oaths; but I say unto you, Swear not name. Deut. vi. 13. at all; neither by heaven; for it is I adjure thee by the living God, that God's throne: nor by the earth; for it thou tell us whether thou be the Christ. is his footstool: neither by J erusalem; Matt. xxvi. 63. for it is the city of the great King. 1 say the truth in Christ, I lie not, Neither shalt thou swear by thy head; ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 243 Countenanced. Prohibited. my conscience also bearing me witness because thou canst not make one hair in the Holy Ghost. Rom. ix. 1. white or black. But let your commuWhen God made promise to Abra- nication be Yea, yea: Nay, nay: for ham, because he could swear by no whatsoever is more than these cometlh greater, he sware by himself. Heb. of evil. Matt. v. 33-37. vi. 13. But above all things, my brethren, The angel which I saw... lifted up swear not, neither by heaven, neither his hand to heaven, and sware by him by the earth, neither by any other that liveth for ever and ever. Rev. x. oath: but let your yea be yea, and your 6, 6. nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. James v. 12. The context puts it beyond doubt that Hosea speaks of false "swearing." It is equally clear that our Lord, in Matthew, does not refer to judicial oaths, but to profane swearing, or oaths in common conversation. In proof, observe: First. The Jews in that age were in the habit of using vain and frivolous oaths in their ordinary talk. They swore by the temple, by the earth, by heaven, by the head, etc. So long as they did not use the name of God in these oaths, they did not deem them particularly binding. This practice is alluded to in MIatt. xxiii. 16-22. Maimonides:' "If any one swears by heaven, by the earth, by the sun, and so forth, although it is the intention of him who swears in these words to swear by him who created these things, yet this is not an oath. Or, if one swears by one of the prophets or by one of the books of scripture, although it be the purpose of the swearer to swear by him who sent that prophet or who gave that book, nevertheless this is not an oath." Michaelis 2 says that such oaths were " at that time so common and so frequently and basely abused as to have become perfectly disgraceful to the Jews, even in the eyes of the less treacherous heathen around them, and justly distinguished by the name of Jewish oaths." Against this abuse of language the Lord cautioned his disciples: "Let your speech, or conversation'logos,' be yea, yea; nay, nay." "D Io not attempt to bolster up your veracity by frivolous oaths." Secondly. So faxl from condemning judicial oaths, Jesus 1 Quoted by Lightfoot, Hr. I-Ieb., p. 280 (Carpzov's edition). 2 Commentaries on Laws of Moses, iv. 357. 244 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. recognized their validity, and allowed himself to be put under oath. When the high-priest said to him, " I adjure thee [put thee under oath, cause thee to swear] by the living God that thou tell us," Jesus submitted to be thus sworn, and responded to the solemn obligation. We find, also, that good men, an angel, even God himself, employed the " oath" for confirmation.' James v. 12 evidently refers to the frivolous oaths we have mentioned. Huther: " It is to be noticed that swearin by the name of God2 is not mentioned; for we must not imagine that this is included in the last member of the clause; the apostle intending, evidently, by'neither any other oath,' to point only at similar formulae, of which several are mentioned in Matthew." The inference from these facts we leave to the reader. Timnes observed. SMay be observed. Must not be observed. He that regardeth the day, regardeth There shall not be found among you it unto the Lord. Rom. xiv. 6.... an observer of times. Deut. xviii. 10. Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. Gal. iv. 10. Michaelis and Aben Ezra take the expression, " observer of times," in Deuteronomy, as implying "divination from the course of the clouds." Gesenius regards it as denoting " some kind of divination connected with idolatry"; Fuerst: "It is better to set out with the fundamental signification, to cover, to wrap up." Hence the meaning would be, "to practise enchantment covertly or secretly." Keil,3 with certain rabbies, derives the Hebrew term from " ayin," an eye; hence, literally, "to ogle, to bewitch with the evil eye." The passage has no reference to the keeping of the Mosaic feasts. The texts from Romans and Galatians refer to entirely different classes of persons. Andrew Fuller 4 says that the former text refers to Jewish converts, who, having from their youth ICompare Gen. xxi. 23, 24; 1 Sam. xx. 42; Heb. vi. 17,18; Rev. x. 5, 6. 2 Of course, for judicial purposes only. 3 On Lev. xix. 26. 4 Works, i. 680, 681. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 245 observed the Mosaic festivals as instituted by Divine authority, were permitted to continue this observance, and treated as "regarding these days unto the Lord." The latter text has respect to Gentile converts, who, having previously done service to idols,1 showed some inclination to cling to their former unauthorized and superstitious observances; and hence were reproved. Trespass recompensed. To the Lord. To the priest. He shall bring for his trespass unto lie shall bring a ram... for a tresthe LonRD a ram. Lev. v. 15. pass-offering unto the priest. Lev. v. 18. Rashi: "To the Lord for the priest." The latter was the Lord's deputy. A tax paid to the officer appointed by the government may be said to be paid either to the officer or to the government. SI. D UTY OF -MAN. - To hiinself. Anger. Approved. Condemned. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the Make no friendship with an angry sun go down upon your wrath. Eph. man: and with a furious man thou iv. 26. shalt not go. Prov. xxii. 24. Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. Eccl. vii. 9. Slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Jas i. 19, 20. Paul, says Alford, "speaks of anger which is an infirmity, but by being cherished may become a sin." Bishop Butler2: "The first text is by no means to be understood as an encouragement to indulge ourselves in anger; the sense being certainly this,' Though ye be angry, sin not'; yet here is evidently a distinction made between anger and sin — between the natural passion and sinful anger." The last clause hits the point precisely. There is a normal indignation, which is evoked by exhibitions of meanness, treachery, and injustice, and which may, within certain limits, be indulged without sin. This emotion is to be distinguished from those furious and unreasonable ebullitions of wrath which characterize a passionate man. 1See Gal. iv. 8-11. 2 Sermon viii. 21* 246 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Animal Food. Use unrestricted. Restricted. Every moving thing that liveth shall Nevertheless these ye shall not eat, of be meat for you. Gen. ix. 3. them that chew the cud, or of them There is nothing unclean of itself. that divide the cloven hoof... They IRom. xiv. 14. are unclean unto you. Deut. xiv. 7. Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience' sake. 1 Cor. x. 25. The first three passages refer to men not under the Mosaic law. I)eut. xiv. was addressed to the Israelites whom God, for wise reasons, wished to keep a distinct race. Dr. Davidsonl: "It is apparent that the effect of these enactments respecting different beasts as proper for food or otherwise, must have been to keep the Hebrews apart from other nations; that, as a distinct people, they might be preserved from idolatry. If certain articles of food common among other races were interdicted, the effect would be to break up social intercourse between them; by which means the Jews would not be in so much danger of learning their barbarous customs, and falling into their superstitions. Thus the separation of meats into clean and unclean was most salutary to a monotheistic people, set apart as the chosen depositaries of the knowledge of God, and exposed on every side to polytheistic tribes." Certain animals forbidden. Sanze allowed. And every creeping thing that flieth These may ye eat, of every flying is unclean unto you: they shall not be creeping thing that goeth upon all four, eaten. Deut. xiv. 19. which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth. But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. Lev. xi. 21, 23. Keil: " The edible kinds of locusts are passed over, in Deut. 1 Introd. to Old Test., i. 258. 2 Difference of national customs furnishes the solution of several allegred "discrepancies." For example, the wearing of long hair by men is allowed in Num. vi. 5, and repudiated in 1 Cor. xi. 14. But, then, the first passage refers to Jews, the second is addressed to Greeks at Corinth. Among the former, the wearing of long hair was counted honorable, even ornamental, rather than otherwise; among the latter, it indicated effeminacy and the indulgence of unnatural vices. See Stuart, Hist. of Canon of Old Test., p. 3875 (Revised edition, p. 851). ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 247 xiv., because it was not the intention of Moses to repeat every particular of the earlier laws in these addresses." In the rapid outline given in Deuteronomy it was not practicable to notice unimportant exceptions. Boasting. Tolerated. Repudiated. I labored more abundantly than they Let another man praise thee, and not all: yet not I, but the grace of God thine own mouth. Prov. xxvii. 2. which was with me. 1 Cor. xv. 10. That no flesh should glory in his That which I speak, I speak it not presence. 1 Cor. i. 29. after the Lord, but as it were foolishly, in this confidence of boasting. Seeing that many glory after the flesh, I will glory also 2 Cor. xi. 17, 18. In nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing. 2 Cor. xii. 11. The limiting clauses, " not I, but the grace of God," " though I be nothing," and the like, show that it was not self-conceit which impelled Paul to "6 boast" or "glory." Andrew Fuller,1 comparing the texts from Proverbs and Corinthians, says:" The motive in the one case is the desire of applause; in the other, justice to an injured character and to the gospel which suffered in his reproaches." His apparent boasting was in self-vindication. "' No flesh should glory," -none should find in the gospel occasion for pride and self-exaltation. Paul did not " glory" thus carnally. Paul unsurpassed. Humblest of apostles. For I suppose I was not a whit be- For I am the least of the apostles, hind the very chiefest apostles. 2 Cor. that am not meet to be called an aposxi. 5. tie, because I persecuted the church of For he that wrought effectually in God. 1 Cor. xv. 9. Peter to the apostleship of the circum- Unto me, who am less than the least cision, the same was mighty in me to- of all saints, is this grace given, that I ward the Gentiles. Gal. ii. 8. should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. Eph. iii. 8. These passages present the apostle in two distinct aspects. In respect to his talents, his education, and his missionary zeal and labors he was unmistakably primes inter pares, first among his equals of the apostolic rank. But he, unlike the other apostles, had been, before his conversion, a fierce and I Works, i. 676. 248 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. bloody enemy of Christianity, who "beyond measure persecuted the church of God and wasted it."l In his deep sorrow, shame, and humiliation at the remembrance of his former deeds of cruelty, he expresses himself in the language of the second series of texts. The two series contemplate the apostle in entirely different relations. 3Moses' self-praise. Self-praise unworthy. Moreover, the -man Moses was very It is not good to eat much honey: so great in the land of Egypt, in the sight for mens to search their own glory is not of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight glory. Prov. xxv. 27. of the people. Ex. xi. 3. Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which weere upon the face of the earth. Nium. xii. 3. The quotation from Exodus is the statement of a simple historical fact. It says nothing of Moses' greatness in respect to personal qualifications, but simply asserts - what is beyond the shadow of doubt - that his miracles had produced a great effect, and had made a deep impression upon the Egyptians. And this statement is introduced not to glorify Moses, but to account in part for the ready compliance of the Egyptians in bestowing upon the Israelites the " jewels" and "raiment" which the latter demanded. The text from Numbers has by some critics been deemed an interpolation. Others give a different translation of the Hebrew term rendered " meek." Luther says, " harassed or annoyed "; Dr. A. Clarke, "depressed "; Palfrey, "miserable"; Dean Stanley, "enduring, afflicted, heedless of self"; Smith's Bible Dictionary, " disinterested." There is, however, no need of recourse to these definitions. Moses, under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, was writing history "objectively." Hence he speaks of himself as freely as he would of any other person. It is also to be observed that he records his own faui;lts and sins 2 with the same fidelity and impartiality. It is remarked by Calnmet: "As he praises himself here without pride, so he will blame himself elsewhere Compare Gal. i. 13; Acts ix. 1. 2 See Ex. iv. 24; Num. xx. 12; Deut. i. 37. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 249 with humility." The objectionable words were inserted to explain why it was that Moses took no steps in the case to vindicate himself, and why, consequently, the Lord so promptly intervened. Coveting. Enjoined. Forbidden. Covet earnestly the best gifts, 1 Cor. Thou shalt not covet. anything xii. 31. that is thy neighbor's. Ex. xx. 17. Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy. 1 Cor. xiv. 39. "Covet," in the first two texts, implies an earnest desire for that which is legitimately within our reach; in the last, it denotes an unlawful craving for that which properly belongs to another. Human effort. Encouraged. Depreciated. So run, that ye may obtain. 1 Cor. So then, it is not of him that willeth, ix. 24. nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. Rom. ix. 16. The latter text teaches that the providing of salvation was God's act, and not attributable to man's " willing" nor " running"- the act of sovereign grace, and not of the creature. The former teaches that the securing of this salvation to the individual depends upon his own exertion. God's mercy in furnishing redemption and man's effort in availing himself of that redemption are the cardinal ideas presented in the two texts. Idol-meats. lVon-essentil. To be avoided. But meat commendeth us not to God: The things which the Gentiles sacrifor neither if we eat. are we the better; fice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to neither if we eat not, are we the worse, God: and I would not that ye should 1 ('or. viii. 8. have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot What say I then? that the idol is any drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup thing, or that which is offered in sacri- of devils: ve cannot be partakers of fice to idols is any thing? 1 Cor. x. 19. the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. 1 Cor. x. 20, 21. In the first series, Paul concedes that meat is not affected by being offered in sacrifice to idols, and that the eating of it is in itself, a matter of indifference. But he argues, in the eighth chapter,1 that Christians should refrain from this food, because 1 See verses 9-13. 250 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. their participation would be misconstrued by other persons; and in the tenth chapter,l because the participant shares, to some extent, in the sin of idolatry. Andrew Fuller 2: Your course is inexpedient, because it leads others into actual idolatry; it is also positively sinful, because it involves a participation in idol-worship, on the general principle that he who voluntarily associates with others in any act is a partaker of that act. Laughter. Commended. Condemned. A merry heart doeth good lilke a med- I said of laughter, It is mad: and of icine. Prov. xvii. 22. mirth, What doeth it? Eccl. ii. 2. A time to every purpose under the Sorrow is better than laughter: for heaven... A time to laugh. Eccl. by the sadness of the countenance the iii. 1, 4. heart is namde better. The heart of the I commended mirth, because a man wise is in the hous'e of mourning; but hath no better thing under the sun, the heart of fools is in the house of than to eat, and to drink, and to be mirth. Eccl. vii. 3, 4. merry. Eccl. viii. 15. Wo unto you that laugh now! for ye I will see you again, and your heart shall mourn and weep. Luke vi. 25. shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. John xvi. 22. The first texts speak approvingly of a cheerful spirit or a seasonable and rational merriment; the second condemn senseless and riotous hilarity. Hengstenberg: "3Mirth considered as the highest good, as the end of life, and the too great eagerness displayed in its pursuit." Not laughter in the abstract, but laughter under certain circumstances, is condemned. Man's owtu, way. Must not be followed. May be followed. Remember all the commandments of Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; the LORD, and do them; and that ye and let thy heart cheer thee in the days seek not after your own heart and your of thy youth, and walk in the ways of own eyes. Num. xv. 39. thy heart, and in the sight of thiae eyes. Eccl. xi. 9. ]Menasseh ben Israel, Aben Ezra, and Rashi take the second text as ironical: "Well, go your own way, but remember," etc. Ginsburg, ITengstenberg, and Zdckler deem it an injunction to enjoy cheerfully the blessings of life, and, at the same time, to bear in mind man's accountability to the Giver of every good and perfect gift. 1 Verses 20, 21. 2 Works, i. 683, 684. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 251iourning.q. Commended. Discountenanced. Blessed are they that mourn: for they Rejoice in the Lord always: and again shall be comforted. Matt. v. 4. I say, Rejoice. Phil. iv. 4. The " mourning" is that attendant upon true penitence; the "rejoicing" results from the assurance of salvation. The sorrow precedes, the joy follows, pardon. Purity. In a preceding part of this work 1 we have discussed at some length, and at one view, the alleged discrepancies which would properly come under this head. Salvation. God's work. Man's work. For God is my King of old, working Work out your own salvation with salvation in the midst of the earth. Ps. fear and trembling. For it is God which lxxiv. 12. worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Phil. ii. 12, 13. The last verse at the right represents God as the prime mover in the work of salvation. Alford: "We owe both the will to do good and the power to his indwelling Spirit." As has been previously said, the divine and human agencies cooperate to a certain extent.2 Stronyi drink. Use recomnmended. Discountenanced. And thou shalt bestow that money Wine is a mocker, strong drink is for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, raging: and whosoever is deceived for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or thereby is not wise. Prov. xx. 1. for strong drink. Dent. xiv. 26. Who hath wo? who hath sorrow? And the vine said unto them, Should who hath contentions? who hath babI leave my wine, whichl cheereth God bling? who hath wounds without and man. Judg. ix. 13. cause? who hath redness of eyes?'Ihey Wine that maketh glad the heart of that tarry long at the wine; they that man. Ps. civ. 15. go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou Give strong drink unto him that is upon the wine when it is red, when it ready to perish, and wine to those that giveth his color in the cup, swhen it be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, moveth itself arighlt. At the last it and forget his poverty, and remember biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like his misery no more. Prov. xxxi. 6, 7. an adder. Prov. xxiii. 29-32. Drink no longer water, but use a little Whoredom and wine and new wine M ine for thy stomach's sake, and thine take away the heart. Hos. iv. 11. often infirmities. 1 Tim. v. 23. Nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God 1( or. vi. 10. For an extended discussion of this point the reader is referred to the literature of the subject. It should, however, be said 1 See pp. 144-146. 2 Compare pp. 166, 167 of present work. 252 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. that the general tenor of the Bible is clearly and decidedly against intemperance. Noah's intoxication - a sad blot upon a character otherwise without reproach - is related merely as a matter of history, and without comment. As to the miracle at Cana,2 there is nothing in the act of our Saviour, nor in the circumstances of the case, which goes to sanction drunkenness. Certain authors maintain, with some plausibility, that in all cases where strong drinks are coupled with terms of commendation, the original word properly means either unfermented wine or else fruit; and that the notices of fermented wine are restricted to passages of a condemnatory character. This position, if tenable, is one of great importance. For the discussion of this point, we have already referred to the literature of the subject.3 In the quotation from Deuteronomy the words rendered " wine " and " strong drink " may not imply here fermented or intoxicating liquors. Even if such be their meaning, the passage does not sanction the use of these drinks to the extent of ebriety. Judges ix. 13 appears in the sacred record, as a mere fable, with which the uninspired speaker embellished his harangue. The text in Psalms speaks of " wine " which " maketh glad" the heart of man, and of "bread" which "strengtheneth" it. These two terms apparently stand, by metonymy, for food and 1 Gen ix. 21. 2 John ii 1-11. 3 Compare Smrith's Bib. Dict., " Wine"; also, Lees and Burns' "Temperance Bible Commentary" (American edition, New York, 1870). A writer in Fairbairn's Imperial Bible Dict. says, that t5'lng] properly means vintage fruit, a solid, instead of a liquid; that -:rl means syrup from various fruits not intoxicating when new. Fuerst takes r]n with r. Jer. xl. 10, as denotillg bunches of grapes. Cassell's Bible Dict. says that with the exception of r.l_, Lm., and perhaps of H, the other original terms are not used in connection with drunkenness. But see inq'iF in lIos. iv. 11, above. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 253 drink. HIengstenberg: "What appeases hunger and thirst." It is not an intoxicating drink which is contemplated here. The passage in Proverbs xxxi. points to a medicinal use of the articles in question. In verses 4 and 5 of the same chapter the use of "wine" and "strong drink" is forbidden, for a specified reason, to'kings" and " princes." It is then added: "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish [ZSckler:' who is on the point of perishing, who is just expiring'], and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts." The language indicates persons in a state of great depression and exhaustion. That Paul's direction to Timothy also contemplates a strictly medical use of wine is beyond a shadow of doubt. The conclusion is that the sacred writers are not apologists for drunkenness, and neither directly nor indirectly countenance it. rTesmptation. Desirable. Undesirable. 1y brethren, count it all joy wilen ye Lead us not into temptation. Matt. fall into divers temptations. Jas. i. 2. vi. 13. The word rendered " temptations," says Alford, means "not only what we properly call temptations, but any kind of distresses which happen to us, from without or from within, which in God's purpose serve as trials of us." Matthew inculcates " a humble self-distrust and shrinking from such trials in the prospect"; James teaches that when they do providentially overtake us, we are to rejoice that even these things shall work together for our good. Wealth. Not to be retained. May be retained. If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell Charge them that are rich in this that thou hast, and give to the poor, world, that they be not high-minded, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven. nor trust in uncertain riches... That Matt. xix. 21. they do good, that they be rich in good As many as were possessors of lands works, ready to distribute. willing to or houses sold them, and brought the communicate. 1 Tim. vi. 17, 18. prices of the things thVat were sold, and laid thert down at the apostles' feet. Acts iv. 34, 35. They that will be rich fall into temptation, and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil. 1 Tim. vi. 9, 10. 22 254 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. The young ruler's was an exceptional case. His "great possessions " were his idol; love of money was his great sil Jesus shaped the injunction to meet this special case; aiming, as always, at the besetting sin of the individual. The only legitimate inference is that every sin, even the most cherished, must be given up, if we would be disciples of Christ. Of the example in Acts, Alford says that it was a voluntary one, was enforced nowhere by any rule, and that it prevailed only at Jerusalem. Hackett: " The community of goods, as it existed in the church at Jerusalem, was purely a voluntary thing, and not required by the apostles." Not those who " are rich," but those who "will1 be rich," those who make riches the great object of life, are admonished by the apostle in 1 Tim. vi. The excessive love, rather than the mere possession, of wealth, is the object of reprimand. The Bible forbids neither the acquisition nor the possession of wealth, provided we hold it as God's stewards, and use it for his glory. IFVisdom. Unprofitable. Of great value. For in much wisdom is much grief: Wisdom excelleth folly, as far as and he that increaseth knowledge in- light excelleth darkness. Eccl. ii. 13. creaseth sorrow. Eccl. i. 18. Happy is. the man that findeth wisAs it happeneth to the fool so it hap- dom, and the man that getteth underpeneth even to me: and why was I then standing..... She is more precious than more wise? Eccl. ii. 15. rubies: and all the things thou canst For what hath the wise more than desire are not to be compared unto her. the fool? Eccl. vi. 8. l'rov. iii. 13, 15. This wisdom descendeth not from The wisdom that is from above is first above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. pure, then peaceable,... full of mercy Jas. iii. 15. and good fruits. Jas. iii. 17. The term " wisdom" is applied, in the scriptures, to at least three things: 1. Worldly craft, cunning, or policy; 2. Mere human knowledge or learning; 3. Enlightened piety. The first is always disapproved; the second, having in itself no moral quality, is not condemned save when it usurps the place of the third kind, or enlightened piety. The latter is invariably commended.. In the case before us ethical wisdom is contrasted with carnal wisdom. 1Alford brings out the force of the original word, thus: "T'hey who wish to be rich." ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 255 IIS. DUTY OPF fiWAN. — To his fellow-men. Adutltery. Tolerated. Prohibited. All the women children... keep Thou shalt not commit adultery. Ex. alive for yourselves. Nurm. xxxi. 18. xx. 14. The LORD said to Hosea, Go, take WThoremongers and adulterers God unto thee a wnife of whoredoms, and will judge. Heb. xiii. 4. children of whoredoms, for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing firom the LORD. Hosea i. 2. Of the case in Numbers Keil says all the females were put to death who might possibly have been engaged in the licentious worship of Peor,' so that the Israelites might be preserved from contamination by that abominable idolatry. The young maidens were reserved to be employed as servants, or, in case they became proselytes, to be married. With reference to H-Iosea, Delitzsch takes the prophet's marriages simply as " internal events, i.e. as merely carried out in that inward and spiritual intuition in which the word of God was addressed to him." In this view concur Bleekl,2 Davidson,3 Hengstenberg, Kimchi, and Knobel; the first of whom dwells upon the unsuitableness of the outward acts to make the desired moral impression, while the last pronounces these acts peculiarly inconsistent with a character so severely moral as that of Hosea. 3Moreover, the word " whoredom," in the first part of the verse may mean, as it certainly does in the last part, simply spiritual whoredom, or idolatry.4 Assassination. Sanctionred. Forbidden. Ehud said, I have a message from IThou shalt not kill. Ex. xx. 13 God unto thee. And he arose out of If a man come presumptuously upon his seat. And Ehud put forth his left his neighbor to slay him with guile; hand, and took the dagger,... and thou shalt take him from mine altar, thrust it into his belly.... And Ehliud that he may die. Ex. xxi. 14. escaped. Judg. iii. 20, 21. 26. Then Jael, Heber's wife, took a nail of the tent, and took a hammer in her hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep, and weary. So he died. Judg. iv. 21. See Num. xxv. 1-3. 2 Intlod. to Old Test., ii. 124. Introd. to Old Test., iii. 2387. Compare p. 79, present workl 256 D1ISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. The cases of Ehud and Jael are recorded without comment, simply as matters of history. It does not appear that God sanctioned their acts, although he overruled them for the welfare of his people. Keil admonishes us against supposing that Ehud acted under the impulse of the Spirit of God; also that, though he actually delivered Israel, there is no warrant for assuming that the means he selected were either commanded or approved by Jehovah. The cases of Joab and Shimei' are sometimes adduced as examples of the sanction of assassination. The former was a " man of blood," a deliberate murderer. When the reasons of state, on account of which his punishment had been deferred, ceased to exist, that punishment was justly inflicted. Shinei was guilty of aggravated treason and rebellion. Being reprieved upon a certain condition, lie wilfully violated that condition, and met the consequences of his temerity. Assassination is nowhere sanctioned in the Bible. Avetnting of blood. Provided for. Virtually prohibited. The revenger of blood himself shall Thou shalt not kill. Deut. v. 17. slay the murderer: when he meeteth him, he shall slay him. iN um. xxxv. 19. The practice of blood-revenge, being one of long standing, and founded upon " an imaginary sense of honor," 2 was tolerated by Moses; but he took measures to prevent its abuse. According to the original custom, as Burckhardt3 says, " the right of blood-revenge is never lost; it descends, on both sides, to the latest generation." Moses restricted the avenging of blood to the nearest male relative of the deceased, and to the actual offender. These two, and no more, were concerned in the affair. Then, strange as it maty seem, such competent witnesses as Burclhardt, Mr. Layard,4 and Prof. Palmer 5 bear unequivocal 1 1 Kings ii. 5-9. 2 Michaelis, Com. on Mosaic Laws, i. 15, 16. 3 Quoted by Macdonald, Introd. to Pent. ii. 323, 324. i Nineveh and Babylon, p. 260 (New York edition). 6 Desert of the Exodus, p. 75 (Harpers' edition), ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 257 testimony to the salutary influence of the custom upon the tribes among whom it obtains. The latter traveller says: " Thanks to the terrible rigor of the' vendetta,' or blood-feud, homicide is far rarer in the desert than in civilized lands." The "killing" forbidden in Deuteronomy is the crime of murder; the "bloodrevenge" of Numbers is the recognized punishment of that crime. Baptism. Enjoined. Neglected. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, I thank God that I baptized none of baptizing them in the name of the you, but Crispus and (Gaius.... For Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Christ sent me not to baptize, but to Ghost. Mlatt. xxviii. 19. preach the gospel. 1 Cor. i. 14. i7. Obviously, "Christ sent me not so much to baptize, as to preach the gospel." Paul did not neglect or undervalue baptism, but gave himself to the work of teaching, leaving his associates to administer baptism. Burfdens. Must bear others' burdens. Bear our own burdens. Bear ye one another's burdens, and For every man shall bear his own so fulfil the law of Christ. Gal. vi. 2. burden. Gal. vi. 5. The original word for " burden " is not the same in the two cases. The different sense is indicated in accurate versions. The first text means, " Be sympathetic and helpful to each other in the midst of infirmities and sorrows"; the second, "Every man must bear his own responsibility, under the Divine government." Calling men " Fathaer. ~" Forbidden. Exemplified. And call no man your father upon the And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My earth: for one is your Father. which is father, my father. 2 Kings ii. 12. in heaven. lNeither be ye called mas- Yet have yle not many fathers: for ters; for one is your Master, even Christ. in Christ Jesus I have begotten you Matt. xxiii. 9, 10. through the gospel. 1 Cor. iv. 15. The texts at the left simply forbid us to take any man as an infallible guide. We are to pay to no human being the homage and obedience which rightfully belong to Christ. Alford: "The prohibition is against loving, and, in any re ligious matter, using such titles, signifying dominion over the faith of others." 22* i58 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Capital punishment. Murderer executed. Spared. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou shall his blood be shed. Gen. ix. 6. be in the earth. And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Gen. iv. 12, 13. By some unaccountable freak of exegesis, a well.known critic makes the first text the prohibition of capital punishment. Instead, it is a most explicit command, sanctioning it. The case of Cain occurred some fifteen hundred years befolre this command was given to Noah. Captives. To be spared. Put to death. All the people that is found therein, But of the cities of these people, shall be tributaries unto thee, and they which the LORD thy God doth give shall serve thee... Thus shalt thou do theefor an inheritance, thou shalt save unto all the cities which are very far off alive nothing that breatheth:... That from thee, which are not of the cities they teach you not to do after all their of these nations. Deut. xx. 11, 15. abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LorD your God. Deut. xx. 16,18. The general rule was to make captives; the exception was in the case of the "seven nations" of Canaan, to whom, on account of their " abominations," no quarter was to be given.1 Chastity tested. By one method. A different method. And the LORD spake unto Moses, If any man take a wife, and go in saying, Speak unto the children of Is- unto her, and hate her, and give occarael,... If any man's wife go aside, sions of speech against her,... and say, and commit a trespass against him, etc. I took this woman, and when I came Num. v. 11-31. to her, I found her not a maid, etc. Deut. xxii. 13-21. A late writer says that, in, one case, 1" great latitude is afforded to the suspicious husband, while the woman's protection against him is only a superstitious appeal to Jehovah; in the other, a judicial investigation is instituted, giving the wife a more reasonable chance of justice.". But the two cases are quite different. The first text refers to unchastity of which the woman was supposed to have been guilty after marriage; the other, to similar misconduct of hers 1 See further under " Enemies, - treatment." ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 259 before that event. Hence different modes of investigation were adopted. In the first case the way prescribed - the only way to arrive at the truth in the matter - was, as Keil says,"to let the thing be decided by the verdict of God himself." In'the other case, this would not be true. Christians bearing weapons. Permitted. Forbidden. But now, he that hath a purse, let Put up again thy sword into his him take it, and likewise his scrip: and place: for all they that take the sword, he that hath no sword, let him sell his shall perish with the sword. Matt. garment, and buy one. Luke xxii. 36. xxvi. 52. Some critics take the Greek word' machaira' as denoting, in the first text, not a'" sword," but a " knife." Unquestionably, the word occasionally has this meaning in classical Greek and in the Septuagint.1 This is a possible, but not probable, interpretation. The first text may be only another way of saying, "You must henceforth use such precautions, and make such provision for your needs, as men generally do." Wordsworth: " A proverbial expression, intimating that they would now be reduced to a condition in which the men of this world resort to such means of defence. Alford: " The saying is both a description to them of their altered situation with reference to the world without, and a declaration that self-defence and self-provision would henceforward be necessary." Similarly Oosterzee, and many others. The second quotation may have been a warning to Peter against a seditious or rebellious use of the sword against rulers. Or it may have been a dissuasive against his attempting to avenge the wrongs inflicted upon Jesus, coupled with the assurance that the latter's persecutors should speedily perish - as they did, in the destruction of their city. That is, rebellion Liddell and Scott give, as one definition, a knife for surgical, sacrificial, and other purposes. In-Gen. xxii. 6, 10; Judges xix. 29, such a knife is clearly intended. In the last instance, however, Tischendorf adopts a different reading. 260 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. against regularly constituted authorities, together with private, extra-judicial revenge, may be all that is contemplated and prohibited here. Circumcision. Instituted. Discarded. This is my covenant, which ye shall Is any called in uncircumcision? let keep, between me and you, and thy him not be circumcised. 1 Cor. vii. 18. seed after thee: Every man-child among Behold, I Paul, say unto you, that if you shall be circumcised. Gen. xvii. 10. ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit And the LORD said unto Moses and you nothing. Gal. v. 2 Aaron, This is the ordinance of the passover:... No uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. Ex. xii. 43, 48. The rites and ceremonies of the Mosaic law, among which was circumcision, were intended to serve a temporary purpose. When Christ came the Mosaic ritual ceased to have any binding force. It had fulfilled the designed end. The first passages were addressed to Abraham and his seed. The second series was written after the rite of circumcision had been set aside by Divine authority. Not to be omitted. Neglected for forty years. And the uncircumcised man-child,... All the people that were born in the that soul shall be cut off from his peo- wilderness by the way as they came ple; he hath broken my covenant. forth out of Egypt,... them Joshua Gen. xvii. 14. circumcised: for they were uncircumcised) because they had not circumcised them by the way. Josh. v. 5, 7. Mr. Perowne, in Smith's Bible Dictionary, maintains that "4 the nation, while bearing the punishment of disobedience in its forty years' wandering, was regarded as under a temporary rejection by God, and was therefore prohibited from using the sign of the covenant." This explanation is adopted by Calvin, Keil, and Hengstenberg,1 and is probably the true one. On the same principle the parallel omission of the passover is to be explained. Profitable. Useless. A certain disciple was there, named Neither Titus, who was with me, Timotheus.... Him would Paul have being a Greek. was compelled to be to go forth with him; and took and circumcised. And that because of'false circumcised him, because of the Jews brethren unawares brought in, who which were in those quarters. Acts came in privily to spy out our liberty xvi. 1, 3. which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage. Gal. ii. 3, 4. On Genuineness of Pentateuch, ii. 13-15. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 261 Conybeare: The two cases were entirely different. In the latter, there was an attempt to enforce circumcision as necessary to salvation; in the former, it was performed as a voluntary act, and simply on prudential grounds. Similarly Hackett and Alford. The principle involved is that we may sometimes make concessions to expediency which it would be wrong to make to arbitrary authority seeking to tyrannize over the conscience. Commutation for murder. Not allowed. Permitted. Ye shall take no satisfaction for the If the ox were wont to push with his life of a murderer, which is guilty of horn in time past, and it hath been tesdeath: but he shall be surely put to tified to his owner, and he hath not death. Num. xxxv. 31. kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman; the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death. If there be laid on him a sum of moDey, then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him. Ex. xxi. 29, 30. In the case of wilful murder, as Abarbanel and Aben Ezra say, absolutely no commutation of the death-penalty was allowed. But the second quotation does not refer to a case of "murder," properly so called. The element of malice was wanting. Gross and criminal carelessness, although resulting in the death of a' human being, was yet less heinous than deliberate murder. Hence the judges might, if they saw fit, punish the offender by a heavy fine, instead of death. This is, substantially, Keil's opinion. Contention and strife. Enjoined. Forbidden. Strive to enter in at the strait gate. A fool's lips enter into contention. Luke xiii 24. Prov. xviii. 6. Yea, so have I strived to preach the Charging them before the Lord that gospel.... Now I beseech you, breth- they strive not about words to no profit. ren, that ye strive together with me in... The servant of the Lord must not your prayers to God for me. Rom. xv. strive. 2Tim. ii. 14,24. 20, 30. For where envying and strife is, there It was needful for me to write unto is confusion and every evil work. Jas. you, and exhort yost that ye should iii. 16. earnestly contend for the faith. J ude 3. These are interesting examples of the use of the same word in widely different senses. In the first series the words in 262 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. question imply merely earnest effort; in the second, quarrel. some collision. We have elsewhere seen that the citation from Luke would be properly rendered, " Agonize to enter in at the strait gate." Conversion of meng. Man converts his fellow. Converts himself. In doing this thou shalt both save Lest they see with their eyes, and thyself, and them that hear thee. 1 Tim. hear with their ears, and understand iv. 16. with their heart, and convert, and be If any of you do err from the truth, healed. Isa. vi. 10. and one convert him; Let him know, that he whlich converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death. Jas. v. 19. 20. The first text brings to view the influence of another in causing a man to turn; the second, the man's own act in turning from the error of his way. Here is no contradiction. Distrust. E1njoined. Precluded. Take ye heed every one of his neigh- Beareth all things, believeth all bor, and trust ye not in any brother: things, hopeth all things, endureth all for every brother will utterly supplant. things. Charity never faileth. 1 Cor. Jer. ix. 4. xiii. 7, 8. Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. Jer. xvii. 5. Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not contidence in a guide. Alicalh vii. 5. The first and last texts at the left imply a state of the "most wretched perfidiousness, anarchy, and confusion, in which the most intimate could have no confidence in each other, and the closest ties of relationship were violated and contemned." These two texts are not commands, but advice - equivalent to saying, " Such is the state of public morals that if you trust any man you will be deceived and betrayed." Jer. xvii. 5 simply denounces that undue "trust in man" which causes one to "depart from the Lord." None of these passages countenance uncharitable suspicion and distrust. The first three texts graphically depict the workings and results of human depravity; the last citation sets forth the work~ ings of Christian love. The demoralizing effects of sin are contrasted with the loving, trusting purity arising from the gospel ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 263 Divorce. Largely allowed. Restricted. And seest among the captives a beau- Let none deal treacherously against tiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, the wife of his youth. For the LORD, that thou wouldest have her to thy the God of Israel, saith, that he hateth wife. Then thou shalt bring her home putting away. tMal. ii. 15, 16. to thy house,... And after that, thou Whosoever shall put away his wife, shalt go in unto her, and be her hus- saving for the cause of fornication, band, and she shall be thy wife. And causeth her to commit adultery; and it shall be, if thou have no delight in whosoever shall marry her that is her, then thou shalt let her go whither divorced committeth adultery. Matt, she will. Deut. xxi. 11-14. v. 32. When, a man hath taken a wife, and Why did Moses then command to married her, and it come to pass that give a writing of divorcement, and to she find no favor in his eyes, because put her away? Ile saith unto them, he hath found some uncleanness in her; Mloses, because of the hardness of your then let him write her a bill of divorce- hearts, suffered you to put away your ment, and give it in her hand, and send wives: but from the beginning it was her out of his house. And when she not so. Miatt. xix. 7, 8. is departed out of his house, she may Whosoever putteth away his wife, go and be another man's wife. Deut. and marrieth another, committeth xxiv. 1, 2. adultery; and whosoever marrietil her that is put away from her husband, committeth adultery. Luke xvi. 18. Between these two series of announcements a period of some fifteen hundred years intervened. God, in the early ages of the Jewish nation, and with a view te prevent greater evils, allowed a limited freedom of divorce. Yet this " putting away," being opposed to the original, divine idea of marriage, was suffered solely on account of the hardness of men's hearts, and in comparatively rude and unenlightened times. We see here the wisdom of God in adapting his statutes and requirements to man's knowledge and position in the scale of civilization. Besides, as Dr. Ginsburgl has observed, "the Mosaic law does not institute divorce, but, as in other matters, recognizes and most humanely regulates the prevailing patriarchal practice." The law, moreover, is shaped with a view to mitigate the evils of the practice, and ultimately to restrict it within the proper limits. At our Saviour's coming, he, addressing himself to a more enlightened age, set the matter in the normal light, allowing divorce but for one cause.2 1 Kitto's Cyclopaedia, iii. 82. 2 See, further, Professor Hovey, "Scriptural Doctrine of Divorce" (Boston, 1866). President Woolsey, "New Englander" (January, April, and July, 1867). 264 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Enemies, - treatment. Ammonites tortured. Crueltly prohibited. And he brought forth the people that But love ye your enemies, and do were therein, and put them under saws good, and lend, hoping for nothing and under harrows of iron, and under again; and your reward shall be great, axes of iron, and made them pass and ye shall be the children of the through the brick-kiln: and thus did Highest: for he is kind unto the unhe unto all the cities of the children of thankful and to the evil. Be ye thereAmmon. 2Sam. xii. 81. fore merciful, as your Father also is And he brought out the people that merciful..uake vi. 35, 86. were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes. 1 Chron. xx. 3. If our version of the text from Chronicles is correct, David merely punished the Ammonites for the terrible cruelties which at a previous period his fellow-countrymen had suffered at their hands.1 Henderson, referring to these cruelties, says: "The object of the Ammonites was to effect an utter extermination of the Israelites inhabiting the mountainous regions of Gilead, in order that they might extend their own territory in that direction." According to a Jewish tradition, David slew the MIoabites,2 because they had treacherously murdered his parents who had been confided' to their care.3 Wahner, however, gives three explanations " according to which none of the vanquished Moabites were put to death."4 Tile probability s that our version of both texts of the first series, as well as the original of the second of those texts, is incorrect. Dr. Davidson says: "According to the present reading of Samuel, the meaning could not be he put them to. Nor could it be he put them under, but only he put them among or between." Chandler,5 Dantz, and others, take the meaning to be that David enslaved the Ammonites, putting them to servile labor, in the midst of suitable implements, - saws, harrows, axes, and the like. The word l"vayyiisar," "he sawed," in Chronicles, may be a mere copyist's blunder for "vayyiisem," " he put," as 1 Comp. 1 Sam. xi. 2; Amos i. 13. 2 2 Sam. viii. 2. 8 1 Sam. xxii. 3, 4. 4 See Michaelis, Mos. Laws, i. 334, 35. 6 Life of David, ii. 227-238 (Oxford, 1858). ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 265 in Samuel. The latter word is found in seven of the Mss. collated by Dr. Kennicott. The close resemblance of the two words, especially if the final letter?, Mem, were imperfectly formed, accounts for the error of the transcriber. We, therefore, submit that there is no evidence that David put the Ammonites to the torture. The meaning may be that, he put them to menial service, of the lowest and most laborious kind. If he killed any, it may have been, as Keil suggests, simply the " fighting men that were taken prisoners." Finally, these passages are mere history, and the sacred writer makes himself responsible for nothing more in the case than the simple accuracy of the narrative. Baal's prophets slain. Conciliatory measures enjoined. And Elijah said unto them, Take the In meekness instructing those that prophets of Baal; let not one of them oppose themselves. 2 Tim. ii. 25. escape. And they took them; and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. 1 Kings xviii. 40. These "prophets" were engaged in promoting treason and rebellion against the theocracy. Leniency shown to them, under these circumstances, would be nothing less than cruelty and treachery towreache ry tohe highest welfare of the nation. Keil: "To infer from this act of Elijah the right to institute.a bloody persecution of heretics, would not only indicate a complete oversight of the difference between heathen idolaters and Christian heretics, but the same reprehensible confounding of the evangelical standpoint of the New Testament with the legal standpoint of the Old, which Christ condemned in his own disciples, in Luke ix. 55, 56." Rawlinson: "Elijah's act is to be justified by-the express command of the law, that idolatrous Israelites were to be put to death; and by the right of a prophet under the theocracy to step in and execute the law when the king failed in his duty." Canacanites extirpatedE. Killing forbidden. But of the cities of these people, Thou shalt not kill. Deut. v. 17. which the LORD thy God doth give theefor an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth; but thou shalt utterly destroy/them; -naaely, the 28 266 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Canaanites extirpated. Killing forbidden. ilittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: that they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God. Deut. xx. 16-18. The precept in Deut. v. does not prohibit the punishment of crime. It is to be noted that extraordinary severity was enjoined only in the cases above specified. To other nations the Israelites might propose conditions of peace, and enter into leagues with them. The reasons for this unexampled severity are the following: 1. The excessive wickedness of these seven tribes, the horrible " abominations " of which they were guilty. They burned their children in honor of their gods; they practised sodomy, bestiality, and all loathsome vices.2 Such was their unmitigated depravity, that the land is represented as " vomiting out her inhabitants," and " spewing them forth," as the stomach disgorges a deadly poison.3 On account of their loathsome vileness God cut them off by the sword of the Israelites. 2. Their contaminating example. This is the reason assigned in the text above quoted. For the same reason, " covenants" and "marriages " between the Israelites and these seven tribes were strictly prohibited.4 The disastrous consequences of the intercourse of the Israelites with Moab evince the wisdom of this prohibition. It was utterly impossible to live near these degraded idolaters without being defiled by the association. This fact indicates to us the reason why the Israelites were instructed to "save al've nothing that breatheth." Absolute extermination of the idolaters was the only safeguard of the Hebrews. Any of the former who should be spared, would, owing to their perverse proclivities, prove a most undesirable and intractable element in the Hebrew theocracy.6 It was better for all concerned, that these idolatrous tribes should be 1 Lev. xviii. 21. 2 Lev. xviii. 22-24; xx. 23. 3 Lev. xviii. 25, 28. 4 Deut. vii. 1-4. 6 Num. xxv. 1-3. 6 Judges ii. 1-3; iii. 1-7. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 267 laid under the ban; that is, altogether exterminated, that they might not teach the Israelites their abominations and sins. As to the reflex influence, upon the Hebrews themselvesI of their extermination of the Canaanites, Prof. Nortonl bluntly observes: " There is no good moral discipline in the butchery of women and infants. It is not thus that men are to be formed to the service of God." To this, we may reply: 1. The positive and explicit command of Jehovah entirely changed the aspect of the case, and invested the Israelites, while executing this command with a solemn official responsibility as the instruments of divine justice. 2. The execution of this command may have been, in that comparatively rude and unenlightened age, the most effectual means of impressing upon the fiebrews the " exceeding sinfulness" of sin, together with God's abhorrence2 of the same, especially, in the form of " idolatry." As the Hebrews looked forth upon the devastated habitations, the slain animals, the dead bodies of the Canaanites, they could. not but hear the solemn warning, " These are the consequences of sin. Behold how Jehovah hates iniquity." This view of the case is vigorously presented by Dr. Fairbairn,3 in words like the following: " What could be conceived so thoroughly fitted to implant in their hearts an abiding conviction of the evil of idolatry and its foul abominations — to convert their abhorrence of these into a national, permanent characteristic, as their being obliged to enter on their settled inheritance by a terrible infliction of judgment upon its former occupants for polluting it with such enormities? Thus the very foundations of their national existence raised a solemn warning against defection from the pure worship of God; and the visitation of divine wrath against the ungodliness of men accomplished by their own hands, and interwoven with the records of their history at its most eventful period, stood as a Genuineness of Gospels, ii. p. cxxx. 2 Lev. xx. 23. 3 Typology, ii. 465-471. 268 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. perpetual witness against them, if they should ever turn aside to folly. Happy had it been for them, if they had been as careful to remember the lesson, as God was to have it suitably impressed upon their minds." The language in which Mr. Carlyle 1 characterizes the severe and bloody measures employed by Cromwell against the Irish insurgents, may be applied to the Israelites in their executing the divine commission against the Canaanites, — "An armed soldier, solemnly conscious to himself that he is the soldier of God, the Just, — a consciousness which it well beseems all soldiers and all men to have always, - armed soldier, terrible as death, relentless as doom; doing God's judgments on the enemies of God! It is a phenomenon not of joyful nature; no, but of awful; to be looked at with pious terror and awe." Viewing the Israelites in this aspect, as the consciously commissioned ministers of heaven's vengeance upon an utterly corrupt and imbruted race, their case is lifted completely out of the common range of warfare, and becomes entirely unique, -no longer to be judged of by the ordinary ethical standards. A late author, who could not be charged with fanaticism, — Dr. Thomas Arnold,2 - has the following emphatic defence of the Israelites, and of their warfare of extermination: " And if we are inclined to think that God dealt hardly with the people of Canaan in commanding them to be so utterly destroyed, let us but think what might have been our fate, and the fate of every other nation under heaven, at this hour, had the sword of the Israelites done its work more sparingly. Even as it was, the small portions of the Canaanites who were left and the nations around them so tempted the Israelites by their idolatrous practices that we read continually of the whole people of God turning away from his service. But had the heathen lived in the land in equal numbers, and still more, had 1Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, ii. 53 (Second edition). 2 Sermon iv. "Wars of the Israelites." See, also, Stanley's Jewish Church. Part i. Lect. xi. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 269 they intermarried largely with the Israelites, how was it possible, humanly speaking, that any sparks of the light of God's truth should have survived to the coming of Christ.... The whole earth would have been sunk in darkness; and if 3Mfessiah had come he would not have found one single ear prepared to listen to his doctrine nor one single heart that longed in secret for the kingdom of God. "But this was not to be, and therefore the nations of Canaan were to be cut off utterly. The Israelites' sword, in its bloodiest executions, wrought a work of mercy for all the countries of the earth to the very end of the world.... In these contests on the fate of one of these nations of Palestine the happiness of the human race depended. The Israelites fought not for themselves only, but for us. Whatever were the faults of Jephthah or of Samson, never yet were any men engaged in a cause more important to the whole world's welfare.... Still they did God's work; still they preserved unhurt the seed of eternal life, and were the ministers of blessing. to all other nations, even though they themselves failed to enjoy it." That these words of an eminent scholar and profound thinker are based upon sound philosophical principles no penetrating mind can fail to perceive. Nor is Dr. Arnold alone in his opinion. Others, of a different creed, and looking from a different point of view, have reached substantially the same conclusions. That great German critic, Ewald,' treating upon this topic, has impressively said: " It is an eternal necessity that a nation such as the great majority of the Canaanites then were, sinking deeper and deeper into a slough of discord and moral perversity, must fall before a people roused to a higher life by the newlywakened energy of unanimous trust in Divine power." And Dr. Davidson 2: " In a certain sense, the Spirit of God is a spirit of revenge, casting down and destroying everything opposed to 1 Hist. of Israel, ii. 237. 2 Introd. to Old Test., i. 444. 23* 270 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the progress of man's education in the knowledge and fear of the Lord." Children slain. Same loved. And he went up from thence unto And they brought young children, to Beth-el; and as he was going up by the him, that he should touch them; and way, there came forth little children his disciples rebuked those that brought out of the city, and mocked him, and them. But when Jesus saw it, he was said unto him, Go up, thou bald-head; much displeased, and said unto them, go up, thou bald-head. And he turned Suffer the little children to come untc back, and looked on them, and cursed me, and forbid them not; for of such them in the name of the Lord. And is the kingdom of God. And he took there came forth two she-bears out of them up in his arms, put his hands the wood, and tare forty and two chil- upon them, and blessed them. Mark dren of them. 2 Kings ii. 23, 24. x. 13, 14, 16. 1. In the person of Elisha, God himself, whose servant the prophet was, was most wantonly and wickedly insulted. 2. The word " neirim," rendered " children " in Kings, may, as a late rationalistic commentator admits, denote a "youth nearly twenty years old." Gesenius says precisely the same; adding that it is also applied to "common soldiers," just as we in English style them, the "' boys," the "boys in blue," etc. Fuerst gives, among other definitions, a person who is twenty years of age, a youth, a young prophet; generally a servant of any kind, a shepherd, a young warrior. The same combination of words as above, " naar qiiton," is applied to Solomonl after he began to reign at some twenty years of age. Krummacher and Cassel translate the expression in the text, " young people." Hence the theory that these young scoffers were really "6 little children" at their play is untenable. They were old enough, and depraved enough, to merit the terrible fate which overtook them. 3. Elisha did not slay the young reprobates, nor did he cause the bears to come forth. God sent them. The same Being who sometimes cuts off wild, wicked youth by disease or accident, in the present instance punished sinful parents by the violent death of their reprobate children. Prof. Rawlinson suggests that a signal example may have been greatly needed 11 Kings iii. 7. See also the word All applied to Isaac, Gen. xxii. 5; to Joseph, compare Gen. xxix. 4-6 and xli. 12; to Absalom, 2 Sam. xviii. 5, and to the prophet Jeremiah, Jer. i. 5. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 271 at this time to check the growth of irreligion; and that, as above intimated, the wicked parents were punished by deprivation of offspring. Edomite hated. Not to be hated. He slew of Edom in the valley of Salt Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite, for ten thousand.... And he did that which he is thy brother. Deut. xxiii. 7. was right in the sight of the LORD, yet not like David his father. 2 Kings xiv. 7, 3. As to this characteristically " profound" discrepancy, alleged by an infidel pamphleteer, it may be observed: 1. Not every act of Amaziah's life is commended above. Ie did, in the main, that which was right, but less uniformly or zealously than David. 2. It does not follow that because Amaziah chastised and reconquered the rebellious Edomites he necessarily " abhorred " them. Enemies cursed. Should be loved. Let their way be dark and slippery: Love your enemies, bless them that and let the angel of the LORD persecute curse you, do good to them that hate them.... Let destruction come upon you, and prlay for them which despitehim at unawares; and let his net that fully use you, and persecute you. Matt. he hath hid catch himself: into that v. 44. very destruction let him fall. Ps. xxxv. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive 6, 8. them: for they know not what they do. Let death seize upon them, and let Luke xxiii. 34. them go down quick into hell. Ps. lv.15. And he kneeled down and cried,with Pour out thine indignation upon a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to them, and let thy wrathfull anger take their charge. Acts vii. 60. hold of them... Add iniquity unto theiriniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness. Ps. lxix. 24, 27. Let them be confounded and troubled for ever: yea, let them be put to shame, and perish. Ps. lxxxiii. 17. Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand. When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his priayer become sin. Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg. Ps. cix. 6-10. Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children. Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. Ps. cix. 12, 13. As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. Let it be unto him as the garment owhich covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded con. tinually. Ps. cix. 18, 19. 272 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Enemies cursed. Should be loved. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be that taketh and dash. eth thy little ones against the stones. Ps. cxxxvii. 8, 9. If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema, Maranatha. 1 Cor. xvi. 22. Some critics take these impr~ecatory texts as mere predictions: " Let his days be few" being equivalent to " His days shall be few." These predictions would also imply the speaker's acquiescence in the foreseen will of Jehovah: "It is the Divine will, therefore let it be so. Others take these passages as historical, rather than didactic. It is said that, as the Bible relates impartially the bad as well as the good deeds of the patriarchs, so it does not suppress their wrong thoughts and sayings, but "gives a Shakespearian picture of all the moral workings of the heart." It is precisely this its fidelity to nature, keeping back nothing, extenuating nothing, which gives the sacred volume its hold upon the confidence of mankind. "Mr. Barnes admits an element of truth in this explanation, and Dr. Tholuck distinctly holds that a personal feeling has occasionally mixed itself with David's denunciations of the wicked." Still others think that the duty of forgiveness was not taught nor understood clearly in David's time, as it was in the latter dispensation. This hypothesis, as we have seen elsewhere, is supported by the analogous cases of some other important doctrines and duties, which were revealed progressively, by degrees, as the world was prepared to receive them. In a word, the Psalmist may not have understood, in all its length and breadth, the Christian duty of forgiveness. This explanation is adopted by several eminent authors. Richard Baxter speaks very strongly on this point. So does Mr. Cooper,2 who says of the Israelitish worthies, " these great and good men 1 Quoted by Davidson, Introd. to Old Test., ii. 306. 2 " Four Hundred Texts of Holy Scriptures," p. 80. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 273 were not yet acquainted with the perfect rule of charity, or love to enemies, to be taught by a suffering Saviour." A-r. Warington,l with reference to the scripture, asserts that Christ himself lays down the principle, in the plainest manner, that it may contain precepts which, regarded in the abstract, are opposed to God's will, but which were rendered necessary by the imperfect spiritual state of those to whom they were given. In which case this temporary adaptation is to be regarded as a sufficient explanation for the precept given. Dr. Thomas Arnold 2 deems it a most important exegetical principle "that the revelations made to the patriarchs were only partial, or limited to some particular points, and that their conduct must be judged of not according to our knowledge, but to theirs." Hence, he says, we may " recognize the divinity of the Old Testament, and the holiness of its characters, without lying against our consciences and our more perfect revelation by justifying the actions of those characters as right, essentially and abstractedly, although they were excusable, or in some cases actually virtuous, according to the standard of right and wrong which prevailed under the law." Chrysostom, 3 long before, referring to the Israelites, had said, "Now, a higher philosophy is required of us than of them....For thus they are ordered to hate not only impiety, but the very persons of the impious, lest their friendship should be an occasion of going astray. Therefore he cut off all intercourse and freed them on every side." Prof. Moses Stuart 4: " The Old Testament morality, in respect to some points of relative duty, is behind that of the Gospel. Why then shoulld we regard the Old Testament as exhibiting an absolute model of perfection, in its precepts and its doctrines? In some respects, most plainly this is not true." On Inspiration, p. 2t5. 2 Miscel. Works, pp. 151, 288 (Appleton's edition). 3 On 1 Cor. xiii, and alluding to Ps. cxxxix. 22. 4 On History of Old Test. Canon, pp. 416, 409 (Revised edition, 389, 382), Compare his remarks, pp. 404, 405 (Revised edition, 377, 378). 27(4 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Elsewhere, he says, "The Psalms that breathe forth imprecations are appealed to by some as justifying the spirit of vengeance under the gospel, instead of being regarded as the expression of a peculiar state of mind in the writer, and of his imperfect knowledge with regard to thefull spirit offorgiveness." These last are very pregnant words. It remains to be observed that the imprecatory texts are explicable on the hypothesis of their full inspiration. The following points must be taken into account. 1. Great allowance must be made for the strong hyperboles and intense vehemence of Oriental poetry. Where we should ask that the Divine honor and justice might be vindicated, the Eastern poet would pray, "That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, And the tongue of thy dogs in the same." The petitions quoted above would, if stated in unimpassioned Occidental style, be greatly modified, and seem far less objectionable. 2. The Psalmist merges his own private griefs in the wrongs inflicted upon the people of God, - counts the Lord's enemies as enemies to himself. Hie cries out, "Do not I hate them, 0 Lord, which hate thee? I count them mine enemies." He identified his own interests with those of his heavenly King. " He was situated like the English statesman, who in an attack upon himself sees the crown and government to be actually aimed at." From this representative character of the Psalmist arises the terrible intensity of his language. 3. There is a normal indignation against sin. There are times when "' forbearance ceases to be a virtue," when the sense of outraged justice must find expression. Not infrequently a righteous indignation against evil-doers unsheathes the patriot's sword, and kindles the poet's lyre. In the recent history of our own country the imprecatory Psalms seemed none too strong nor stern to serve as a vehicle for the loyalty of our citizens, ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 275 in giving voice to their indignation, horror, and detestation at the crimes perpetrated by traitors and rebels. Prof. B. B. Edwardsl says in substance, that resentment against evil-doers is so far from being sinful, that we find it exemplified in the meek and spotless Redeemer himself (Mark iii. 5). If the emotion and its utterance were essentially sinful, how could Paul wish the enemy of Christ to be accursed (" anathema," i Cor. xvi. 22); or say of his own enemy, Alexander the coppersmith, "The Lord reward him according to his works" (2 Tim. iv. 14); and especially how could the spirits of the just in heaven call on God for vengeance (Rev. vi. 10)? 4. It is right to pray for the overthrow of the wicked, as a means, and not as an end, when we are satisfied that less evil will result from that overthrow than would be occasioned by their triumph. David felt that the destruction of those wicked persons, while not to be desired per se, would nevertheless result in the prevention of incalculable injury to the race. Of two evils he chose the infinitely less. Prayer for the overthrow of the wicked was prayer for the triumph of righteousness.2 Treated kindly. Put to pain. Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, For in so doing thou shalt heap coals feed him; if he thirst, give him drink. of fire on his head. IRom. xii. 20. Rom. xii. 20. Baur asserts that in the latter clause Paul's former persecuting spirit crops out, that he cannot repress here the desire to inflict pain upon an enemy. We give Baur credit for too much acuteness to suppose that he was not perfectly aware of the utter disingenuousness of this objection. The figurative language of the apostle means simply, " By showing kindness to thline enemy thou shalt excite in him Euch pain of conscience as shall lead him to repentance and reformation." The expression is a proverbial one. The Arabs'See Bib. Sacra (February, 1844). 2 ee Professor Park in Bib. Sacra, Vol. xix. pp. 165-210. Also, Smith's Bible Diet., iii. 2625-2628. 276 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. say, conveying similar ideas, "lHe roasted my heart," or, " He kindled a fire in my heart." The pain was viewed by Paul as a means, not as an end; the ultimate object being the conversion of the " enemy." Addressed with ridicule and irony. With mild words. And it came to pass at noon, that Love your enemies, bless them that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry curse you., do good to them that hate aloud: for he is a god: either he is talk- you, and pray for them which despiteiiing, or lie is pursuing, or he is in a jour- fully use you, and persecute you. Matt. ney, or peradventure he sleepeth, and v. 44. must be awaked. I ings xviii. 27. Bless them which persecute you; bless, And the king said unto him, 3icaiah, and curse not. R1io xii. 14. shall we go against Ramotll-gileadc to Who, when he was reviled, reviled battle, or shall we forbear? And he nolt again; when he suffered, hetthreatanswered him, Go, and prosper: forthe ened not. I Fet. ii 23. LORD shall deliver st into the hand of Not rendering evil for evil, or railing the king. 1 Kings xxii. 15. for railing: but contrariwise, blessing. And Elisha said unto them, This is 1 Pet. iii. 9. not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will biing yoou to the man whom ye seek. But he led them to Samaria. 2 Rings vi. 19. In the case of Elijah ridicule was a fit weapon for exposing the folly and absurdity of idol-worship. The prophet employed it with terrible effect. As to the case of 3Micaiah; Richter, Keil, Bertheau, and A. Fuller2 suppose that the words were uttered with ironical gestures and a sarcastic tone. He delivers the words, says Rawlinson, " in so mocking and ironical a tone that the king cannot mistake his meaning, or regard his answer as serious." The succeeding verse shows that Ahab instantly detected the irony. Biihr, however, takes the language as a reproof for the king's hypocritical question, thus: " How camest thou to the idea of consulting me, whom thou dost not trust? Thy prophets have answered thee as thou desirest. Do, then, what they have approved. Try it. March out. Their oracles have far more weight with thee than mine." Elisha's statement is regarded by Keil and Rawlinson, apparently, simply in the light of a " stratagem of war," by which the enemy are deceived. l See Stuart on Rom. xii. 20. 2 Works, i. 619. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 277 It is to be remembered, also, that Elisha's motive was a benevolent one, for lhe saved the lives of those whom he had taken captive in this wonderful manner; thus putting a stop to the marauding forays of the Syrians. Thenius: " There is no untruth in the words of Elisha; for his home was not in Dothan, where he was only residing temporarily, but in Samaria; and the words' to the man' may well mean, to his house." As Bihr has observed, Elisha took the blinded Syrians under his protection, repaid evil with good, and by this very means showed them the man whom they were seeking. Some regard the prophet's language as mere irony. Epithets of opprobriumzt. Forbidden. Their use sanctioned. Whosoever shall say to his brother, Ye fools and blind: for whether is Raca, shall be. in danger of the council: greater, the gold, or the temple that but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, sanctifieth the gold? Matt. xxiii. 17. shall be in danger of hell fire. Matt. Then he said unto them, 0 fools, and v. 22. slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Luke xxiv. 25. Thaot fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die. 1 Cor, xv. 36. O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth. Gal. iii. 1. The term " moros," in the texts from Matthew is much more severe than the corresponding terms in the other places. IIe who " knew what was in man," saw that this word was exactly descriptive of the moral condition of the scribes and Pharisees. As in many other cases, the spirit rather than the words is aimed at in the prohibition. That is, we are not prohibited calling men "fools" considerately and appropriately; we are forbidden to do so in the spirit of malevolenzt contempt. This obvious principle relieves the whole difficulty. Fear of persecutorss. Forbidden. empsn lited. And I say unto you, my friends, Be After these things Jesus walked in not afraid of them that kill the body, Galilee: for he would not walk in and after that have no more that they Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill can do. Luke xii. 4. him. John vii. 1. Jesus did not shun death, but avoided dying prematurely. When his " hour had come," when his earthly mission was ac24 278 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. complished, be met death with fortitude and composure. To die before the time would have measurably defeated his great purpose. Folly, - treatment. Folly remediable. Remediless. Foolishness is bound in the heart of Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a child, bat the rod of correction shall a mortar among wheat with a pestle, drive it far from him. Prov. xxii. 15. yet will not his foolishness depart from him. Prov. xxvii. 22. These passages refer to entirely different persons. "Foolishness," in the first text, is the incipient waywardness which belongs, in a greater or less degree, to children, and may be corrected by suitable discipline. The " fool" in the second text, is the grown-up fool, whose folly is past cure. Answered in one way. In another way. Answer not a fool according to his Answer a fool according to his folly, folly, lest thou also be like unto him. lest he be wise in his own conceit. Prov. xxvi. 4. Prov. xxvi. 5. May not this be a simple dilemma, equivalent to saying, " Choose between the two evils. If you answer the fool in a foolish manner, you like him will be chargeable with folly. On the other band, should you undeitake to argue with him, he, failing to appreciate your reasoning, will think himself unanswerable, and so become more obtrusive and offensive than ever." Or, the two texts may refer to different cases, thus: In certain circumstances, do not answer the fool at all. Silence is often the most fitting answer to a foolish question or remark. In other cases, answer the fool with sharp reproof, exposing his folly as it deserves. Menasseh ben Israel'; "Correct and mend him, that he may know his folly and madness. Imitate not his passions, errors, and improper words." Andrew Fuller makes the meaning depend upon the turn given to the words " according to his folly." In the first text, he takes this phraseology as implying, in a foolish manner; in the second, as signifying, in the manner which his folly requires. "A foolish speech is not a rule for our imitation; nevertheless Conciliator, ii. 287. 2 Works, i. 672. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 279 our answer must be so framed by it as to meet and repel it." On this hypothesis, the first text is illustrated by the answer of Moses to the rebellious Israelites; the second text by that of Job to his wife.2 Moses answered folly in a foolish manner; Job answered it, not in kind, but in the manner it deserved. Fruit trees deisposed of. Spared. Destroyed. When thou shalt besiege a city a long And this is but a light thing in the time in making war against it to take it, sight of the LORD: he will deliver the thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof Moabites also into your hand. And ye by forcing an axe against them; for shall smite every fenced city, and every thou mayest eat of them: and thou choice city, and shall fell every good shalt not cut them down (for the tree tree, and stop all wells of water, and of the field is man's life) to employ mar every good piece of land with thems in the siege. Deut. xx. 19. stones. 2 Kings iii. 18, 19. Hengstenberg' and Keil 4 say that the injunction in Deuteronomy was applicable only in the case of Canaanitish cities, which the Israelites were afterward to inhabit. Rawlinson thinks that the text from Deuteronomy really prohibits "only the using of the fruit-trees for timber in siege-works;" and applies only to those countries which the Israelites intended to occupy. GCoosd works. To be seen by men.. Not to be seen by them. Let your light so shine before men, Take heed that ye do not your alms that they may see your good works, before men, to be seen of them: otherand glorify your Father which is in wise ye have no reward of your Father heaven. Matt. v. 16. which is in heaven. Matt. vi. 1. The glory of God, and not the praise of men, must be our ultimate object in exhibiting our "good works" before others. A. Fuller: " This is another of those cases in which the difference lies in the motive. It is right to do that which men may see and must see, but not for the sake of being seen by them." lHeretics dealt with. With severity. WT;ith gentleness. Simon son of Jonas. lovest thou me? Inl meekness instructing those that He said unto him, Yea, Lord: thou oppose themselves; if God peradven. knowest that I love thee. He saith unto ture will give them repentance to the him, Feed my sheep. John xxi. 16. acknlowledging of the truth. 2 Tim. And there came a voice to him, Rise, ii. 25. Peter; kill, and eat. Acts x. 13.'Num. xx. 0. 2 Job ii. 10. Genuineness of Pent. i. 176. On.2 Kings iii. 19. 280 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. From the first two passages combined, Cardinal Bellarmine infers the "twofold function of the Roman pontiff, as successor of Peter, viz. to feed the church and to put heretics to death." One cannot but wonder that this famous exegete did not advance a step further, and infer the duty of cannibalism from the same text. The language is certainly very explicit: " Rise, Peter, kill, and eat!" mpngrovidence. Sanctioned. Discouraged. Lay not up for yourselves treasures A good man leaveth an inheritance upon earth.... Therefore I say unto to his children's children. Prov. xiii. you, Take no thought for your life 22. what ye shall eat, or what ye shall But if any provide not for his own, drink; nor yet for your body, what ye and specially for those of his own house, shall put on.... Take therefore no he hath denied the faith, and is worse thought for the morrow: for the mor- thau an infidel. 1 Tim. v. 8. row shall take thought for the things of itself. Matt. vi. 19, 25, 34. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods, ask tkhem not again.... But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again. Luke vi. 30, 35. Sell that ye have, and give alms. Luke xii. 33. Make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Rom. xiii 14. If the texts at the left be carefully examined in their connection with the context, it will be seen that none of them discountenance prudence and true economy, nor encourage wastefulness. The first text simply forbids our making earthly possessions our " treasure," our chief good. We must not set our hearts upon them. The word " thought," in the next two texts, as in our early English literature, means solicitude, anxious care. Thus Bacon 2 mentions an alderman of London who 1" dyed with thought and anguish." Hence the precept is: 1" Be not unduly anxious concerning your life," etc. The first two texts from Luke inculcate concretely the abstract principle of benevolence, but do not sanction improvidence. l See Horne's Introduction, ii. 632 (Seventh edition). 2 Eastwood and Wright, " Bible Word-Book," p. 488. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 281 The text from Luke xii. has, according to Meyer, a specific application, being "addressed only to the apostles and then existing disciples." The quotation from Romans, with its important limiting clause, allows us to make provision for the needs, but not for the lusts of the flesh. Incest. Denounced. Divinely sanctioned. See prohibitions of this crime in Lev. And God said unto Abraham, As for xviii. and xx. Also, denunciations in Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her Deut. xxvii. name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Gen. xvii. 15, 16. And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. Gen. xx. 12. The terms "brother," "sister," and the like are used in the scriptures with great latitude of meaning, much like the Latin term " parentes," or the word " cousin," in modern speech. For example, Lot, Abraham's nephew, is styled his "'brother";I Rebekah's mother and brother say to her, "Thou art our sister"2; Jacob speaks of himself as his uncle's "brother" 3; Dinah is styled by her brothers, " our daughter."4 It is thus clear that the term "' sister" makes Sarah a near relative, but does not determine the degree of relationship. Lange suggests that she may have been merely the "adopted sister" of Abraham. Bush and Delitzsch think she may have been a niece of Abraham — daughter of his brother, or, as Delitzsch says, "half-brother," Haran. In this view concur Jerome, Josephus,5 the Talmud, the Targum of Jonathan, and Rashi, with Jewish writers generally.6 These authors take Sarah, who was but ten years younger than Abraham,7 to be identical with Iscah.8 All we are warranted in saying is, that Sarah was nearly Gen. xiv. 12, 16. 2 Gen. xxiv. 55, 60. 3 Gen. xxix. 12. 4 Gen. xxxiv. 14, 17. 5 Antiq. I. vi. 5. 6 Macdonald, Introd. to Pent. i. 70. 7 Gen. xvii. 17. Gen. xi. 29. 24* 282 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. related - a cousin or niece, perhaps —to Abraham upon his father's side. She may have been related to Terah by a former wife, and afterwards adopted by him as a daughter. As to the case of Lot and his unhappy daughters, recorded in Gen. xix., it is to be noted that the narrative is related in the usual colorless style, without comment, by the sacred writer. There is no concealment, no extenuation, of the crime. It is clear that their residence in Sodom had blinded the minds of these misguided females, and greatly confused their ideas relative to purity and right and wrong. This casel forcibly illustrates the demoralizing influence exerted upon the young by corrupt companions. Israelites' claim to Canaan. Derived from God. Precluded in the law. And I will give unto thee, and to thy Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's seed after thee, the land wherein thou house, thou shalt not covet thy neighart a stranger, all the land of Canaan, bor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his for an everlasting possession. Gen. maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, xvii. 8. nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. And I will set thy bounds from the Ex. xx. 17. Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and firom the desert unto the river: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee. Ex. xxiii. 31. Widely divergent opinions have been maintained upon the question of the "right of the Hebrews to Palestine." We subjoin the more reasonable. Michaelis2 and Dr. Jahn hold that Palestine had from time immemorial been a land of Hebrew herdsmen; and the Israelites, who had never abandoned their right to it, claimed it again of the Canaanites as unlawful possessors. Ewald3 expresses the opinion that, though the Canaanites had gained possession of Palestine as its original inhabitants, they had not occupied the whole country. The pasture-lands lay open to those who wished to appropriate them, which was'See Lange, Com. on Genesis, p. 81 (American edition). 2 Commentary on Mosaic Laws, i. 153. 8 Die Composition der Genesis, pp. 276-278. See Davidson's Introd. i. 487. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 283 done by the ancestors of the Israelites. But during the sojourn in Egypt, the Canaanites unjustly occupied these pastures, and when the returning Hebrews asserted their rights the Canaanites would not acknowledge them. Hence the Israelites took possession of the country, partly in virtue of their ancient possession of some of it, and partly by conquest. A simpler view is that which derives the claim of the Israelites directly from Jehovah himself. Hengstenberg; " The Israelites had no human right whatever to Canaan. Their right rested entirely on God's gift. By this no injustice was done to the Canaanites. By their great depravity they had rendered themselves unworthy of being any longer possessors of the land, which God, as in the case of all other nations, only gave them conditionally. The Israelites were sent against them as ministers of the Divine justice; so that their destruction differed only in form from that of Sodom and Gomorrah. God's giving Canaan to the Israelites was at once an act of grace and of justice." This is the scriptural view of the matter.2 It is the prerogative of him who hath "determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of the habitation of the nations," to bestow a land upon whomsoever he chooses. The same Being who took America out of the hands of the red men, and bestowed it upon the Anglo-Saxon race, took Palestine out of the hands of degraded idolators, and gave it to the Hebrews. Dr. Davidson' well says: "When a nation becomes corrupt and weak, it must give place, in the providence of God, fo a stronger. Those that have grown old in superstition and idolatry make way for such as have a more spiritual vitality." Jewess' marriage. Restricted to her tribe. Not thus restricted. And every daughter, that possesseth If the priest's daughter also be mar. an inheritance in any tribe of the chii- ried unto a stranger, she may not eat Genuineness of Pent. ii. 387-417. 2 Ps. xliv. 1-3; lxxviii. 55. a Introd. to Old Test., i. 444. Compare Fairbairn's Typology, loc. cit. 284 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Restricted to her tribe. Not thus restricted. dren of Israel, shall be wife unto one of an offering of the holy things. Lev. of the family of the tribe of her father, xxii. 12. that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fathers. Num. xxxvi. 8. It is clear, as Menasseh ben Israel says, that the first passage applies only to heiresses. The object of the precept was to prevent confusion by the transference of landed property from one tribe to another. A daughter who inherited no real estate might marry out of her tribe. Judging of others. Forbidden. Allowed. Judge not, that ye be not judged. Judge not according to the appearFor with what judgment ye judge, ye ance, but judge righteous judgment. shall be judged: and with what measure John vii. 24. ye mete, it shall be measured to you For what have I to do to judge them again. Matt vii. 1, 2. also that are without? do not ye judge Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: them that are within? 1 Cor. v. 12. condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned. Luke vi. 37. The text from Matthew forbids harsh, censorious judgment, but does not preclude the giving of judicial decisions, nor the expression of our opinions in a proper manner. The parallelism of the text from Luke, "judge not," "condemn not," indicates the kind of judgment prohibited. Justice admniistered. By one judge. By several. Moses sat to judge the people; and And thou shalt come unto the priests the people stood by Moses from the the Levites, and unto the judge that morning unto the evening. Ex. xviii. shall be in those days, and inquire; and 13. they shall shew thee the sentence of judgment. Deut. xvii. 9. Both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days. Deut. xix. 17. Then thy elders and thy judges shall come forth. Deut. xxi. 2. A recent author discovers, as he thinks, some discrepancy here. But in Ex. xviii. 13-26, we find an account of the change from one judge to a plurality, with the reasons therefor. Moreover, the altered circumstances of the people upon their exchange of a nomadic life for settlement in Canaan, occasioned the other modifications of earlier laws, which are dis ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 285 coverable in Deuteronomy. In the words of Dr. Davidson,1 "Should any say that the altered circumstances of the Israelites in Palestine called for these changes; that is true." Michaelis 2 seems to hold that, because the people " dwelt no longer in round numbers together," the former custom was modified, and judges were appointed in every city. Killing of XMen. Forbidden. Sanctioned. Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder. Then Moses stood in the gate of the Matt. xix. 18. camp, and said, Who is on the LORD'S side? let hi-n come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, But every man his sword by his side, avid go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor. Ex. xxxii. 26, 27. And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baal-peor... When Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the sonL of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand.... And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the wolan. Num. xxv. 5, 7, 8. In both cases at the right the slaughter was the signal punishment of an atrocious crime. In the first case, the Israelites had lapsed into gross idolatry, breaking their covenant with God, and committing treason against their Sovereign. Their offence was of the most aggravated character, and merited capital punishment. Calvin, Keil, Bush, and others think that only those were slain'by the Levites who were recognized as the originators and ringleaders of the crime, or who stood boldly forth as its promoters and abettors. These, being found in the open spaces, while the rest of the people had fled to their tents, would alone be slain. Much the same may be said of the second case. The Hebrews had fallen into the licentious idolatry of Baal Peor,' Introd. to Old Test., i. 33.' Mosaic Laws, i. 245. 286 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Moses commanded that all the guilty should be slain. In this hour of national humiliation and sorrow, while the people were weeping at the door of the tabernacle, Zimri, a man of rank, brought into his tent, in the sight of the multitude, a Midianitish paramour. This shameless and flagrant outrage was swiftly and fearfully punished by Phinehas, under the impulse of patriotism and loyalty to God. His zeal in this respect was properly commended. Kindred, howu regarded. Hated. Loved. If any man come to me, and hate not Husbands, love your wives, even as his father, and mother, and wife, and Christ also loved the church, and gave children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, himself for it.... Let every one of you and his own life also, he cannot be my in particular so love his wife even as disciple. Luke xiv. 26. himself: and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Eph. v. 25, 33. He that loveth not his brother, abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer. 1 John iii. 14, 15. The word "' hate " is sometimes used in the Bible in the sense of to love less. Thus of Jacob it is said that he "loved Rachel more than Leah," and, a little farther on, that Leah was " hated." Prof. Stuart: "When the Hebrews compared a stronger affection with a weaker one, they call the first love, and the other hatred." Alford: It hardly need be observed that this hate is not only consistent with, but absolutely necessary to the very highest kind of love. It is that element in love which makes a man a wise and Christian friend, not for time only, but for eternity." In our day a convert from heathenism is sometimes reproached by his idolatrous kindred with "hating" them, because he does not yield to their solicitations, and renounce Christianity.. But the truth is, he loves them better than ever before; he loves them not less, but loves Christ more. The very fact that, in the first text, the man is spoken of as hating "his own life," indicates the figurative or relative sense in which the term is there employed. Gen. xxix. 30, 31. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 287 Parents honored. Treated disrespectfully. Honor thy father and thy mother; And call no man your father upon that thy days may be long upon the the earth: for one is your Father which land which the LORD thy God giveth is in heaven. Matt. xxiii. 9. thee. Ex. xx. 12. And he said unto another, Follow Children, obey yousr parents in all me. But he said, lord, suffer me first things: for this is well-pleasing unto to go and bury my father. Jesus said the Lord. Col. iii. 20. unto him, Let the d(lead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. Luke ix. 59, 60. We have elsewhere seen that the text from Matthew speaks of spiritual relations. "Take no man as an authoritative, infallible guide in matters of religion." It does not prohibit our paying to our parents due honor. It merely forbids our " trusting in man, and making flesh our arm." As to the case cited from Luke, Theophylact supposes that the disciple asked permission to reside with his father till his death. If the father were still living, Jesas may have foreseen that he would live for a considerable time, so that delay was needless. Alford2: Suffer the spiritually dead to bury the literally dead; the reason of our Lord's rebuke being the peremptory and all-superseding nature of the command, Follow me. Doubtless Jesus knew that there were a sufficient number'of relatives at this man's house to attend to the duty of interment when necessary; also, that, if the man once went back home, he would be over-persuaded to remain, and so never engage in the great work of preaching the gospel. The case was an exceptional one, simply implying that all other things must be made subordinate to the gospel. Children put to death. Tenderly treated. If a man have a stubborn and rebel- And, ye fathers, provoke not your lious son, which will not obey the voice children to wrath: but bring them up of his father, or the voice of his mother, in the nurture and admonition of the and that, when they have chastened Lord. Eph. vi. 4. him, will not hearken unto them. Fathers, provoke not your children Then shall his father and his mother to anger, lest they be discouraged. Col. lay hold on him, and bring him out iii. 21. unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place. And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you, and all Israel shall hear, and fear. Deut. xxi. 18-21. 1 See Jer. xvii. 5. 2 On Matt. viii. 21, 22. 288 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. With regard to the apparently severe law in Deuteronomy, observe: I. That it is a son, and not a daughter. 2. That he is " stubborn " and " rebellious," a " glutton " and a " drunkard." 3. The parents are the only allowed plaintiffs, and both must concur in the complaint to make it a legal one. 4. He is brought before the elders of the city, and an investigation is had into the merits of the case. 5. That no case is on record in which a person was put to death under this law. 6. That the mere fact of the existence of such a law would tend strongly to confirm the authority of parents, and to deter youth from disobedience and unfilial conduct. Levites Portion. A fixed residence. They were sojourners. Command the children of Israel, that Take heed to thyself that thou forthey give unto the Levites of the in- sake not the Levite as long as thou heritance of their possession cities to livest upon the earth. Deut. xii. 19. dwell in; and ye shall give also unto And the Levite that is within thy the Levites suburbs for the cities round gates; thou shalt not forsake him: for about them..... So all the cities which he hath no part nor inheritance with ye shall give to the Levites shall be thee. Deut. xiv. 27. forty and eight cities. Num. xxxv. 2, 7. Mar. Plumptre': " If they were to have, like other tribes, a distinct territory assigned to them, their influence over the people at large would be diminished, and they themselves would be likely to forget, in labors common to them with others, their own peculiar calling. Jehovah, therefore, was to be their inheritance. They were to have no territorial possessions." Ewald: "The Levites, not being destined to agriculture, held with each city only the meadows thereto belonging, for the pasturage of some cattle, but not its arable land or homesteads. Thus the ancient city of Hebron became a priestly city; but its land devolved upon Caleb." The same great critic, speaking of the subsequent neglect of assigned cities, says the entire system fell into confusion, as is Smith's Bib. Diet., ii. 1640. Hist. of Israel, ii. 309. 81&. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 289 clear not only from its never being mentioned in later times as still existing, but still more from the fact that at a later period quite different places appear as Levitical cities, in which the Levites, driven from their first abodes, had taken refuge. Keil thinks, that as the Canananites were not immediately destroyed or driven out, the Levites did not forthwith come into possession of their cities, but temporarily sojourned elsewhere. Besides, it does not appear that they were compelled to reside in the specified cities. Some of them may have chosen to reside elsewhere; but wherever they were, they were dependent, for their support, upon the tithes and offerings of the people. These considerations relieve the alleged difficulty. Possessed a stated revenue. Classed with mendicants. I have given the children of Levi all At the end of three years thou shalt the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, bring forth all the tithe of thine infor their service which they serve, even crease the same year, and shalt lay it the service of the tabernacle of the con- up within thy gates. And the Levite, gregation.... The tithes of the chil- (because he hath no part nor inheritdren of Israel, which they offer as a ance with thee,) and the stranger, and heave-offering unto the LORD, I have the fatherless, and the widow, which given to the levites to inherit. Num. a-re within thy gates, shall come, and xviii. 21, 24. shall eat and be satisfied. Dent. xiv. 28, 29. Mr. Plumptre 1 says, "As if to provide for the contingency of failing crops or the like, and the consequent inadequacy of the tithes thus assigned to them, the Levite, not less than the widow and the orphan, was commended to the special kindness of the people." The tithe spoken of in Deut. xiv. was a second, or " vegetable" tithe, and not the one appointed for the support of the priests and Levites. It was to be employed, not in furnishing a maintenance for the priests and Levites, but to promote charity and brotherly feeling, and to gather the religious life and associations of the people around the sanctuary.2 In a word, the Levite was to be invited, not because of mendicancy on his part, but to give by his presence a kind of religious character to the feast. Smith's Bib. Diet., loc. cit. 2 Bible Com., Introd. to Deut. Sec. v. 2o 290 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Lyjing. Countenanced. Prohibited. And the king of Egypt called for the Thou shalt not bear false witness midwives, and said unto them, Why against thy neighbor. Ex. xx. 16. have ye done this thing, and have saved Lying lips are abomination to the the men-children alive? And the mid- LoRD. Prov. xii 22. wives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Wherefore putting away lying, speak Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian every man truth with his neighbor: for women: for they are lively, and are we are members one of another. Eph. delivered ere the midwives come in iv. 25. unto them. Therefore God dealt well Lie not one to another, seeing that ye with the midwives. Ex. i. 18-20. have put off the old man with his deeds. And the woman took the two men, Col. iii. 9. and hid them, and said thus, There All liars, shall have their part in the came men unto me, but I wist not lake which burneth with fire and brimwhence they were. And it came to stone: which is the second death. Rev. pass about the timne of shutting of the xxi. 8. gate, when it was dark, that the men went out: whither the men went, I wot not. Josh. ii. 4, 5. Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works. Jas. ii. 25. As to the Hebrew midwives; if they did tell a lie, it was done to avoid committing murder. Of two evils, they chose the less. But there is no proof that they were guilty of falsehood. The king seems to have accepted their explanation of the case, which rested upon a well-known physiological fact. Macdonald: 1 In proportion as the sentence of toil common to the race, is in any instance mitigated in favor of the female, her own peculiar sentence is only thereby aggravated." The testimony of the rationalist, Von Bohlen, 2 is even more emphatic as to the immunity from pain, enjoyed in certain circumstances by females inured to toil. Murphy suggests that the Hebrew mothers, knowing Pharaoh's order, did not admit the midwife, and she did not intrude, if it could be avoided, until after the birth had occurred. As to Rahab's case, several things are to be considered. 1. Having been reared in the darkness of heathenism, she could not be expected to understand fully the wrong of falsehood. 2. She was influenced by a desire to preserve her own life. She felt that the only way to secure this end, in the impending 1Introd. to Pent. i. 886. 2 Illustrations of Genesis, ii. 60. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 291 overthrow of the city, would be to place the victors under previous obligation by saving the lives of their spies. 3. James- says she was " justified," not by her words, but by her "works." Keil: The course she adopted was a sin of weakness which was forgiven her in mercy because of her faith. Several other cases of similar nature, are discussed elsewhere. _Miarriage. Approved. Disparaged. And the LoRD God said, It is not It is good for a man not to touch a good that the man should be alone: I woman.... I say therefore to the unwill make him a help meet for him. married and widows, It is good for Gen. ii. 18. them if they abide even as 1.... I supWhoso findeth a wife, findeth a good pose therefore that this is good for the thing, and obtaineth favor of the LORD. present distress, I say, that it is good Prov. xviii. 22. for a man so to be.... Art thou loosed For this cause shall a man leave from a wife? seeknotawife.... Hethat father and mother, and shall cleave to is unmarried, careth for the things that his wife: and they twain shall be one belong to the Lord, how he may please flesh? Matt. xix. 5. the Lord. But he that is married, carLet every man have his own wife, eth for the things that are of the world, and let every woman have her own how he may please his wife.... He husband. 1 (or. vii. 2. that giveth her not in marriage doeth Marriage is honorable in all. Heb. better. 1 Cor. vii 1, 8, 26, 27, 32, 33, 38. xiii. 4. These last passages which seem to discountenance wedlock were intended for a specific application. Paul foresaw the impending calamity and persecution which was threatening the Corinthian church, and knowing that the formation of new ties of affection would expose men to increased suffering, he advised against it. The man who had a wife and children could be made to suffer intensely on their account; the unmarried man would escape this augmented pain. "I think, then," says Paul, " that it is best, by reason of the trials which are nigh at hand, for all to be unmarried."' Alford2 says that the language was addressed to the Corinthians "as advising them under circumstances in which persecution and family divisions for the Gospel's sake, might at any time break up the relations of life." Nothing in this advice discourages matrimony abstractly considered. 1 Conybeare's translation. 2 Vol. ii. p. 519. 292 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. With a brother's widow, enjoined. - The same prohibited. If brethren dwell together, and one And if a man shall take his brother's of them die and have no child, the wife wife, it is an unclean thing: he hath of the dead shall not marry without uncovered his brother's nakedness; unto a stranger: her husband's brother they shall be childless. Lev. xx. 21. shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife. Deut. xxv. 5. May not the text at the right refer to the divorced wife of a living brother? It is provided that, after a woman has received "a bill of divorcement" from her husband, she may "go and be another man's wife." Is not the above text intended to preclude her marriage with a brother of her recent husband? This seems quite possible. Keil, 2 however, maintains that the prohibition in Leviticus only refers to cases in which the deceased brother had left children; for if he had died childless, the brother not only might, but was required to, marry his sister-in-law. That is, if the widow was childless, her brother-in-law must marry her; if she had children, he was forbidden to do so. Augustine, Aben Ezra, Michaelis, and the Septuagint take the words, " they shall be childless" as denoting that their children shall be reckoned to the departed brother, they shall be without posterity, so far as the public records show. In a civil sense, they would be childless. Obedience. Due to rulers. Sometimes to be withheld. I counsel thee to keep the king's cornm But the midwives feared God, and mandment, and that in regard of the did not as the king of Egypt comoath of God. Eccl. viii. 2. manded them.... Therefore God dealt Let every soul be subject unto the well with the midwives. Ex. i. 17, 20. higher powers. For there is no power Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, but of God: the powers that be, are or- answered and said to the king, O Nedained of God. Whosoever therefore buchadnezzar, we are not careful to resisteth the power, resisteth the ordi- answer thee in this matter.... Be it nance of God: and they that resist shall known unto thee, O king, that we will receive to themselves damnation.... not serve thy gods, nor worship the Wherefore ye must needs be subject, golden image which thou hast set up. not only for wrath, but also for con- Dan. iii. 16,18 science' sake. Rom. xiii. 1, 2, 5. Daniel, which is of the children of Submit yourselves to every ordinance the captivity of Judah, regardeth not of man for the Lord's sake: whether it thee, 0 king, nor the decree that thou be to the king, as supreme; or unto hast signed, but maketh his petition governors, as unto them that are sent three tintes a day. Dan. vi. 13. by him for the punishment of evil- But Peter and John answered and doers, and for the praise of them that said unto them, Whether it be right in do well. 1 Pet. ii. 13,14. the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. Acts iv. 19. We ought to obey Gdd rather than man. Acts v. 29. 3 Deut. xxiv. 1, 2. 2 On Lev. xviii. 10. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 293 The first series of texts involves these principles: 1. That civil government is instituted by God for a specific object, the encouragement of virtue and the suppression of vice; "for the punishment of evil-doers, and for the praise of them that do well." 2. That so long as civil government keeps in its proper sphere, we are under solemn obligation to yield obedience. From the second series may be legitimately inferred: 3. That civil government has no right to command or compel us to do anything contrary to the law of God. 4. That when civil government transcends its proper sphere, when it enjoins unrighteous acts, it then becomes our imperative duty to refuse obedience. In a word, the "higher law" takes the precedence of all human laws. In all the five cases at the right, obedience to unrighteous, therefore non-obligatory, commands, was properly withheld. Due to masters. To God only. Servants, obey in all things your mas- Thou shalt worship the Lord thyGod, ters according to the flesh; not with and him only shalt thou serve. Matt. eye-service, as men-pleasers; but in sin- iv. 10. gleness of heart, fearing God. Col. iii. One is your Master, even Christ; and 22. all ye are brethren. Matt. xxiii. 8. Servants, be subject to your masters Ye are bought with a price; be not with all fear; not only to the good and ye the servants of men. 1 Cor. vii. 23. gentle, but also to the froward. 1 Pet. li. 18. The first series refers to civil obedience, or obedience in secular matters; the last relates to worship and religious service. Rendered to the scribes. They must be shunned. The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Beware of the scribes, which love +o Moses' seat. All therefore whatsoever go in long clothing, and love salutations they bid you observe, that observe and in the market-places.... Which devour do: but do not ye after their works: widows' houses, and for a pretence for they say, and do not. Matt. xxiii. make long prayers: these shall receive 2, 3. greater damnation. Mark xii. 38, 40. The idea is, Follow their precepts, but shun their practice. Do as they say, but not as they do. Offender rebuked. Privately. Publicly. Moreover if thy brother shall tres- Against an elder receive not an accupass against thee, go and tell him his sation, but before two or three witfault between thee and him alone: if he nesses. Them that sin rebuke before shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy all, that others also may fear. 1 Tim. brother. Matt. xviii. 15. v. 19, 20. 25* 294 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. The first text refers to private, personal wrongs, the -second, to open, public offences against peace and good order. Alford, on the first text: "This direction is only in case of personal offence against ourselves, and then the injured person is to seek private explanation, and that by going to his injurer, not waiting till he comes to apologize." This commentator, with Huther and most others, applies the second quotation to sinning presbyters or " elders," who are to be openly rebuked, that the whole church may fear on seeing the public disgrace consequent on sin. Ellicott thinks that the present participle employed directs the thought towards the habitually sinful character of the offender, and his need of an open rebuke. Pleasing of Men. Practiced. C Condemned. Let every one of us please his neigh- For do I now persuade men, or God? bor for his good to edification. Rom. or do I seek to please men? for if I yet xv. 2. pleased men, I should not be the ser. To the weak became I as weak, that 1 vant of Christ. Gal. i. 10. might gain the weak: I am made all Not with eye-service, as men-pleasers; things to all men, that I might by all but as the servants of Christ. Eph. means save some. 1 Cor. ix. 22. vi. 6. Even as I please all nzenz in all things, Even so we speak; not as pleasing not seeking mine own profit, but the men, but God, which trieth our hearts. profit of many, that they may be saved. 1 Thess. ii. 4. Cor. x. 33. In the first texts, we see that Christian gentleness and selfforgetfulness which is ever ready to waive, so far as is proper, its own claims and preferences, in order to win men to the truth. The latter texts discountenance that time-serving, sycophantic spirit which unhesitatingly sacrifices principle to popularity, and to the furtherance of its own sinister ends. A. Fuller: 1 "; The one is conduct which has the glory of God and the good of mankind for its object; the other originates and terminates in self. The former is that sweet inoffensiveness of spirit which teaches us to lay aside all self-will and self. importance- The latter is that sordid compliance with the corruptions of human nature, of which flatterers and deceivers have 1 Works, i. 671. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 295 always availed themselves, not for the glory of God, nor the good of men, but for the promotion of their own selfish designs." -Polygamy. Tolerated. Virtually prohibited. But unto the sons of the concubines Let thy fountain be blessed; and rewhich Abraham had, Abraham gave joice with the wife of thy youth. Let gifts. Gen. xxv. 6. her be as the loving hind and pleasant Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all and his wives upon camels. Gen. xxxi. times; and be thou ravished always 17. with her love. Prov. v. 18, 19. If aman have two wives, one beloved, Yet is she thy companion, and the and another hated. Deut. xxi. 15. wife of thy covenant. And did not he And unto David were sons horn in make one? Yet had he the residue of Hebron: and his first born was Amnon, the spirit. And wherefore one? That of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess... His he might seek a godly seed. Therefore second, Chileab, of Abigail... The take heed to your spirit, and let none third, Absalom the son of Maacah.... deal treacherously against the wife of And the fourth, Adonijah, the son of his youth. Mal. ii. 14,15. Haggith; and the fifth, Shephatiah the For this cause shall a man leave his son of Abital. And the sixth, Ithreamn, father and mother, and cleave to his by Eglah, David's wife. 2 Sam. iii. 2-5. wife. And they twain shall be one And David comforted Bath-sheba his flesh: so then they are no more twain, wife. 2 Sam. xii. 24. but one flesh. What therefore, God But king Solomon loved many strange hath joined together, let not man put women.... And he had seven hundred asunder. Mark x. 7-9. wives, princesses, and three hundred Let every man have his own wife, and concubines. 1 Kings xi. 1-3. let every woman have her own husband. I Cor. vii. 2. Only this need be said, —that God, on account of "the hardness of men's hearts," suffered polygamy among his people for a time, but " from the beginning it was not so." 1 And, as previously intimated, the patriarchs must be judged by the degree of light which they possessed. Too, it must be remembered that their polygamy differed materially from the "freelove " systems of other times. In polygamy, each wife of the "much-married" man was nevertheless his wife, and, together with her offspring, entitled to be cared for and maintained by him. Moreover, a " concubine," in those days, was not simply a kept mistress, as the word might now imply, but was a wife of lower rank, who was wedded with somewhat less than the ordinary formalities. Dr. Jahn 2 says: "Although this connection was, in fact, a marriage, and a legitimnate one, it was not, nevertheless, celebrated and confirmed by the ceremonies above related." So hMr. Newman 3: " A concubine, in ancient Matt. xix. 8. 2 Bib. Archaeol. Sec. 155. 3 Hist. of Heb. Monarchy, pp. 102, 127. 296 DISCREPANCIES OF THIE BIBLE. times, was only a wife of inferior rank, and the union was just as permanent as with a wife." The latter author suggests that the usages of the modern court of Persia point to the conclusion that Solomon really took these numerous women as virtual hostages for the good behavior of their fathers, who were chieftains of the surrounding heathen nations, and tributary to him. This is a reasonable suggestion. _Poo' faavored. Might be favored. Must not be favored. Blessed is he that considereth the Neither shalt thou countenance a poor. Ps. xli. 1. poor man in his cause. Ex. xxiii. 3. He that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he. Prov. xiv. 21. The first two texts commend the exercise of benevolence in cases where no question of law or justice is involved; the last teaches that, in suits between man and man, justice must be done. The judges must not be unduly swayed by the-poor man's pleading, but must decide the matter impartially. Priests' dues. First-born and firstlings. Otherwise disposed of. All the best of the oil, and all the best Thou mayest not eat within thy gates of the wine and of the wheat, the first- the tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine, or fruits of them which they shall offer of thy oil, or the firstlings of thy herds unto the LonD, them have I given thee. or of thy flock, nor any of thy vows Anrid whatsoever is first ripe in the land, which thou vowest, nor thy free-willwhich they shall bring unto the LORD, offerings, or heave-offering of thine shall be thine.... iEvery thing that hand. But thou must eat them before openeth the matrix in all flesh, which the LORD thy God in the place which they bring unto the LORD, whether it be the LORD thy God shall choose, thou, of men or beasts, shall be thine.... and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy All the heave-offerings of the holy man-servant, and thy maid-servant, and things, which the children of Israel the Levite that is within thy gates. offer unto the LOPrD, have I given thee, Deut. xii. 17, 18. and thy sons and thy daughters with Thou shalt do no work with the firstthee, by a statute for ever. lNum. xviii. ling of thy bullock, nor shear the first12, 13, 15, 19. ling of thy sheep. Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. Deut. xv. 19, 20. Michaelisl says there were two kinds of "firstlings"; the belonging to the priest as his salary, and the "second firstlings," as he styles them, belonging to the altar, and, of course, consumed by the offerer hims~!f and his guests. He a Mosaic Laws, iii. 146-149. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 297 defines the second firstling as that which immediately succeeded the proper firstling. Davidson 1 recognizes a " second sort of firstlings, which were to be employed for feast-offerings, and therefore to be consumed by the offerer himself and his guests. The name denotes the animals next in age to those belonging to the sacerdotal salary. Hence the firstlings referred to were additional to such as appear in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers." Similarly Dr. Jahn.2 Keil thinks there was nothing in the earlier law which would preclude the priest's allowing the persons who presented the firstlings to take part in the sacrificial meals, or handing over to them some portion of the flesh which belonged to himself to hold a sacrificial meal. Produce of seventh year. For the poor. For owner and his family. And six years thou shalt sow thy But in the seventh year shall be a land, and shalt gather in the fruits sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabthereof. But the seventh year thou bath for the LORD: thou shalt neither shalt let it rest and lie still; that the sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. poor of thy people may eat: and what That which groweth of its own accord they leave the beasts of the field shall of thy harvest, thou shalt not reap, eat. In like manner thou shalt deal neither gather the grapes of thy vine with thy vineyard, assd with thy olive- undressed: for it is a year of rest unto yard. Ex. xxiii. 10, 11. the land. And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servants, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee. Lev. xxv. 4-6. The first quotation, with its context, teaches that the spontaneous yield of the seventh year is to be left for the poor, and for the wild beasts. The owner of the land is neither to cultivate it, nor to meddle with its produce, for that year.3 From the second quotation we learn that the "sabbath of the land " was to maintain the owner and his family, with the flocks and herds. Tn Leviticus xxv. 21, 22, is promised a largely increased crop - "fruit for three years " - in the sixth year. It is, we think, this surplus - termed, in the seventh verse, " the increase thereof," -and not the mere spontaneous produce of the year of 1 Introd. to Old Test., i. 353. 2 Bib. Archaeol. Sec. 388, 889. 3 Such seems the plain import of Lev. xxv. 5 and 20. 298 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. rest, which is designated as " the sabbath of the land." In other words, it is this surplus alone which is to serve the owner and his household during the year of rest, while all that grows during that year is to be relinquished to the destitute. Keil takes the somewhat different view that the produce arising without tilling or sowing was to be a common good for man and beast. According to Exodus, it was to belong to the poor and needy, but the owner was not forbidden to partake of it also, so that here is no discrepancy. Property iAt aanr. One man owns another. All men are brethren. And if a man smite his servant, or And hath made of one blood all nahis maid, with a rod, and he die under tions of men for to dwell on all the face his hand; he shall be surely punished. of the earth, and hath determined the Notwithstanding, if he continue a day times before appointed, and the bounds or two, he shall not be punished: for of their habitation. Acts xvii. 26. he is his money. Ex. xxi. 20, 21 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession, they shall be your bondmen for ever. Lev. xxv. 46. On account of the " hardness of men's hearts," slavery, like polygamy, was suffered for a time; but the -Mosaic code was so shaped as to mitigate its evils, and secure its final extinction. It was doubtless better thus to bring about its gradual abolition than to uproot it by a sudden convulsion. Slavery among the Hebrews was of a much milder type than among their contemporaries. In this opinion Dr. Jahn concurs. Michaelis says that Moses " permitted slavery, but under restrictions by which its rigors were remarkably mitigated, and particularly in the case of Israelitish citizens becoming subjected to it." Resistance..Exemplified. Interdicted. Then said lie unto them, But now, he But I say unto you, T'hat ye resist not that hath a purse, let him take it, and evil: but whosoever shall smite tihee on likewise his scrip: and he that hath no thy right cheek, turn to him the other sword, let him sell his garment, and also. MIatt. v. 39. buy one. Luke xxii. 36. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up And when he had made a scourge of again thy sword into his place: for all small cords, he drove them all out of they that take the sword shall perish the temple, and the sheep, and the with the sword. Matt. xxvi. 52. oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables. John ii. 15. Mosaic Laws, ii. 157. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 299 We have previously seen that the first text is equivalent to a declaration that, in the changed circumstances of the disciples, " self-defense and self-provision would henceforward be necessary." The passage sanctions self-defense but not aggression. Alford says the next passage should read, " I-e drove all out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen." The " scourge" was applied to the brutes, not to their owners. Barnes takes the original of Matt. v. 39, as meaning, Do not set yourselves against one who has injured you. We are not to cherish feelings of obstinate and implacable resentment. The last text means, as noted elsewhere, that those who take the sword in opposition to legal authority, as Peter contemplated doing, or against innocence, as the Jews were about to do, should perish by a violent death. Retaliation. Allowed. Discountenanced. And if any mischief follow, then But I say unto you which hear, Love thou shalt give life for life. Eye for your enemies, do good to them which eye, tooth for tooth, hand' for haind, hate you. Bless them that curse you, foot for foot. Burning for burning, and pray for them which despitefully wound for wound, stripe for stripe. use you. And unto him that smiteth Ex. xxi. 23-25. thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also. Luke vi 27-29. Michaelis' and Jahn 2 think that the law of Moses addresses the perpetrator of the wrong, admonishing him of the satisfaction he must render for the wrongs inflicted by him. Christ, on the other hand, addresses the injured party, forbidding him, as an individual to give vent to his vindictive feelings and take the retribution into his own hands, instead of waiting for the due process of law. Alford observes that " our Lord does not contradict the Mosaic law, bat expands and fuiJils it, declaring to us that the necessity for it would be altogether removed in the complete state of that kingdom which He came to establish." Warington 3 says, "On what principle are cases of this kind to be explained? Surely by regarding such laws as having Mosaic Laws, iii. 473, 474. 2 Bib. Archael. Sec. 256. " On Inspiration, p. 252. 300 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. been, when given, especially adapted to the people and the times, and for these necessary; but as being for later days and other people not necessary and unadapted, and therefore abrogated." Robbery. Forbidden. Countenanced. Thou shalt not steal. Ex. xx. 15. And I will give this people favor in Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall neither rob him. Lev. xix. 13. come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall The wicked borroweth, and payeth not go empty. But every woman shall not again. Ps. xxxvii. 21. borrow of her neighbor, and of her that That no mzan go beyond and defraud sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, his brother in any matter: because that and jewels of gold, and raiment: and the Lord is the avenger of all such. ye shall put thenz upon your sons, and 1 Thess. iv. 6. upon your daughters: and ye shall spoil the Egyptians. Ex. iii. 21, 22. And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses: and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment. And the LoRn gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such thiIngs as they requiredl: and they spoiled the Egyptians. Ex. xii. 35, 36. The point of the objection is, that the Israelites defrauded the Egyptians, by borrowing, but neglecting to repay. A recent writer styles their conduct " immoral," and adds, "It makes no difference whether the verb translated borrow means ask or demand. The representation made to the Egyptians by the Israelites when they borrowed or asked the jewels was, that they were going a three days' journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to the Lord God. They conveyed the impression that they were about to return." Knobel also asserts that it was their intention to deceive the king. To this objection, Augustine,1 Hengstenberg,2 and Keil reply: God knew the hard heart of Pharaoh, and therefore directed that no more should be asked at first than he must either grant or display the hardness of his heart. Had he consented, God would then have made known to him his whole design, and demanded that His people should be allowed to depart altogether. But when Pharaoh scornfully refused the first and smaller request, Moses was instructed to demand the entire departure of Israel from the land. The 1 Q.uaest. 13 in En. 2 Gen. of Pent., ii. 417-432. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 301 modified request was an act of mercy to Pharaoh, and had he granted it, Israel would not have gone beyond it. We may add that, on the return of the Israelites from their three days' journey, negotiations would doubtless have been entered into for their final departure. It should be observed that Moses' demand increased in the same proportion as Pharaoh's hardening. 1 Towards the close, there seems to have been no expectation, on either side, that the Israelites would return. After the smiting of the first-born, the Egyptians were desirous to get rid of the Israelites at any price. Hence, they are said to have " thrust them out altogether," and to have been " urgent" upon them to depart " in haste." 2 So far at the last from any promise or expectation of their return, the Egyptians were only too glad to be relieved of their presence. Michaelis3 has a peculiar explanation of the "borrowing." Hie thinks the Hebrews borrowed the articles with the honest intention of restoring them; but, in the haste of their midnight departure, driven out by the pressing command of the king, they had no opportunity to do this. Hence, they took the articles with them, with the view to restore them as soon as possible. In a day or two, the Egyptians made war upon the Israelites. This act of hostility, this "breach of the peace," changed the relations between the two parties, and justified the Israelites in detaining the property of their enemies as a kind of "contraband of war." H-lence, he concludes that the act of the Israelites was no robbery of the Egyptians, but simply a detention of their properly after t/he breachz of peace with the Israelites. Ewald4 maintains that since Israel could not return to Egypt after Pharaoh's treachery and the incidents on the Red Sea, and therefore was not bound to return the borrowed goods, the people kept them and despoiled the Egyptians of them. This sagacious critic sees in this turn of affairs a kind of "divine 1 See Ex. viii. 1, 27; x. 25, 26. 2 Compare Ex. xi. 1; xii. 31-33. 8 Corn. on Mosaic Laws, iii. 45-47. 4 Hist. of Israel, ii. 66. 26 302 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. recompense," a piece of "high retributive justice, far above human inequalities, that those who had long been oppressed in Egypt should now be forced to borrow the necessary vessels from the Egyptians, and be obliged by Pharaoh's subsequent treachery to retain them, and thus be indemnified for long oppression." But there is another view of the case. The Hebrew word, shbial, means, according to Fuerst and Gesenius, to ask or demand, as well as to borrow. It is used in the former sense in Ps. ii. 8,? " Ask of me," etc. There is no good reason why we should not adopt this rendering in Exodus. We are told that " the Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians," also that Moses was "' very great" in their sight. 1 The awe which they felt for Moses, as also for the Israelites so signally favored of God, induced the Egyptians to comply with the demands of the Hebrews to that extent, that the latter " spoiled," that is, impoverished, the former. Hengstenberg: " They had spoiled Israel; now Israel carries away the spoil of Egypt." This author, with Rosenmiiller, Lilienthal, Tholuck, Winer, Lange, Murphy, Keil, Wordsworth, and a host of critics, understands that the Hebrews asked and received these things simply as gifts. And Josephus 2 corroborates this view, saying of the Egyptians, "They also honored the Hebrews with gifts; some in order to secure their speedy departure, and others on account of neighborly intimacy with them." This explanation relieves the entire difficulty. Slavery and oppression. Ordained. Forbidden. And he said, Cursed be Canaan: a And he that stealeth a man, and sellservant of servants shall he be unto his eth him, or if he be found in his hand, brethren. Gen. ix. 25. he shall surely be put to death. Ex. Both thy bond-nmen, and thy bond- xxi. 16. maids, which thou shalt have, shall be Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, of the heathen that are round about nor oppress him: for ye were strangers you; of them shall ye buy bond-men in the land of Egypt. Ex. xxii. 21. and bond-maids. Lev. xxv. 44. To undo the heavy burdens, and to And I will sell your sons and your let the oppressed go free, and that ye daughters into the hand of the children break every yoke? Isa. lviii. 6. of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans. Joel iii. 8. 1 Ex. xi. 3. 2 Antiq. ii. 14, 6 (Bekker's Greek edition). ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 303 As to Canaan, we have elsewhere seen that he, being, as the Hebrew requires, the " youngest of Noah's family," was probably the very one indicated as guilty of some unnamed indignity to the sleeping patriarch, 1 and hence was deservedly punished for his crime. Leviticus refers to a mild form of servitude among the Israelites. Joel threatens captivity as a punishment for sin. Exodus denounces the kidnapping and oppressing of free persons, foreigners or otherwise.2 Isaiah admonishes against illegal oppression, rather than against that form of servitude recognized in and regulated by the law. Hebrew slavery permitted. Prohibited. If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee years he shall serve: and in the seventh be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee: he shall go out free for nothing. Ex. thou shalt not compel him to serve as a xxi. 2. bond-servant. But as a hired servant, and as a sojourner he shall be with thee. anld shall serve thee unto the year of jubilee.... Over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigor. Lev. xxv. 39, 40, 46. The latter passages do not, as De Wette seems to think, prohibit the purchase of a Hebrew slave; they merely provide that the service of such should be more lenient than that of a stranger. Even a foreigner might buy a Hebrew slave, but always with liberty of redemption.s A gentile slave could be held for life-long service. Emancipation in the seventh year. In the ftftieth year. BAnsd if thy brother, a Hebrew man, And if thy brother that dwelleth by or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in thee... lie sihall he with thee, ctntd the seventh year thou shalt let him go shall serve thee unto the year of jubilee. free from thee. Deut. xv. 12. And these shall he depart from thee. Lev. xxv. 39, 40, 41 That is, his servitude would cease at the end of the six years, or at the end of the jubilee-period, whichever was nearest. Fol example, a man sold under ordinary circumstances must, serve six full years; but a man sold in the forty-sixth, would go out in the fiftieth, year of the jubilee-period, thus serving less than S x years' time. 1 Gen. ix. 24. 2 Dent. xxiv. 7. a Lcv. xxv. 47-54. 304 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Maid-servant emancipated. Not emancipated. And if thy brother, a Hebrew man, And if a man sell his daughter to be or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, a maid-servant, she shall not go out as and serve thee six years; then in the the men-servants do..... And if he do seventh year thou shalt let him go free not these three unto her, then shall she from thee. Deut. xv. 12. go out free without nfoney. Ex. xxi. 7, 11. 3Michaelis 1 and Jahn think that the first text is a modification of the original law, with a view to a further mitigation of the evils of slavery. Hengstenberg2 thinks the case specified in Exodus, was an exception to the general rule. It would seldom occur that a father would sell his daughter into servitude, and never but with the expectation that she should become a wife, though of the second rank. The whole matter of the sale was arranged with this object in view. Nachmanides 3 says she did not go out unconditionally as the man-servant did. HIe went out at the end of the sixth year, without let or hinderance. She, on the contrary, might be espoused by her master, or betrothed to his son, in which case she did not go out at all, except for ill-treatment or neglect. Similarly Keil and others. Saalschiitz4 maintains that Deut. xv. refers to an actual maid-servant whom her owner sells to another, and who gains, by this transaction, the privilege of going out free after six years' service with the second master. In Ex. xxi, the reference is, he thinks, to one who has previously been free, but whom her father sells into servitude with certain stipulations and guarantees as to her future position and rights in the family. Sons sharing estate. Equally. Unequally. Wherefore she said unto Abraham, But he shall acknowledge the son of Cast out this bondwoman and her son: the hated for the first-born, by giving for the son of this bondwoman shall him a double portion of all that he not be heir with my son, evens with hath: for he is the beginning of his Isaac. Gen. xxi. 10. strength; the right of the first-born is his. Deut. xxi. 17. A late writer says: "According to the Deuteronomist the first-born was to receive a double portion; formerly the sons Vol. ii. p. 180. 2 Gen. of Pent. ii. 861. s Conciliator, i. 178. 4 See in Bib. Sacra, xix. 82-75, ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 305 shared alike." He, however, gives no quotation sustaining the latter part of his statement, and we have not been able to find any which is conclusive. Even Gen. xxi. 10, quoted above, does not seem satisfactory. Isaac received "all" of his father's property, with the exception of some "gifts" to his half-brothers.1 Joseph virtually enjoyed the rights of primogeniture; for his two sons were reckcned among his father's heirs, and on precisely the same footing with them.2 Stranger, - treatment. Loved as a brother. Not thus loved. Buet the stranger that dwelleth with Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it you shall be unto you as one born again: but that which is thine with thy among you, and thou shalt love him as brother thy hand shall release. Deut. thyself; for ye were strangers in the xv. 3. land of Egypt. Lev. xix. 34. Unto a stranger thou- mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury. Deut. xxiii. 20. The first text need not be pressed as prescribing that absolutely no distinction shall be made between a foreigner and a native-born Israelite. Or, perhaps, the first text alludes to a stranger who has become a proselyte; the other two to one who is not such. Under common regulations. Some license allowed. One law shall be to him that is home- Ye shall not eat of any thing that born, and unto the stranger that so- dieth of itself: thou shalt give it unto journeth among you. Ex. xii. 49. the stranger that is in thy gates, that Ye shall therefore keep my statutes he may eat it; or thou mayest sell it and my judgments, and shall not com- unto an alien; for thou art an holy mit any of these abominations; nseither people unto the LORD thy God. Deut. any of your own nation, nor any stran- xiv. 21. ger that sojourneth among you. Lev. xviii. 26. In respect to matters of fundamental importance, foreignborn and native citizens were under the same law. In matters of trivial consequence the foreigner was left more at liberty. There was no forcible proselytism under the Mosaic law. 1 Gen. xxv. 5, 6. 2 Compare Gen. xlviii. 5; Num. i. 10; 1 Chron. v. 1, 2; Ezek. xlvii. 13; xlviii. 4, 5. 26* 306 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Usury exacted. Of no poor man. Of no Hebrew. If thou lend money to any of my peo- Thou shalt not lend upon usury to ple that is poor by thee, thou shalt not thy brother; usury of money, usury of be to him as an usurer, neither shalt victuals, usury of anything that is lent thou lay upon him usury. Ex. xxii. 25. upon usury. Deut. xxiii. 19. Michaelis says that, " in process of time, a prohibition became necessary, otherwise no poor person would ever have got any loan." Jahn2 thinks that a difficulty arose in determining who was to be considered a poor person; hence it became necessary to extend the prohibition to all Hebrews, so that henceforth interest could be taken only of foreigners. Davidson3 concedes the wisdom of this arrangement, and adds: " It is easy to see that this would limit their commerce with other nations, and by so doing preserve their religious faith from contamination." Wicked, - treatment. Hated. Loved. Do not I hate them, O LORD, that But love ye your enemies, and do hate thee? and am not I grieved with good. Luke vi. 35. those that rise up against thee? I hate Bless them which persecute you: them with perfect hatred: I count them bless, and curse not. Rom. xii. 14. mine enemies. Ps. cxxxix. 21, 22. The first texts are simply an intense Oriental way of expressing David's utter abhorrence of the vile principles and conduct of the wicked. Viewed simply as depraved and corrupt, he "hated" them; viewed as human beings, he loved them, and desired their repentance and reformation. Calvin: "Because, devoted to the cultivation of piety, he thoroughly abhorred all impiety." Justified iinproperly. Justified properly. He that justifieth the wicked, and he But to him that worketh not, but that condemneth the just, even they believeth on him that justifieth the unboth are abomination to the LOaD. godly, his faith is counted for righteousProv. xvii. 15. ness. Rom. iv. 5. He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse. Prov. xxiv. 24. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil. Which justify the wicked for reward. Isa. v. 20, 23. 1Vol. ii. p. 338. 2 Bib. Archaeol. Sec. 251. 3 Introd. to Old Test., i. 345. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 307 In the first instances, the term " justify" denotes the acquittal of the wicked through bribes; helping the criminal to escape his just deserts. In the last case, the term implies the gracious act of God in pardoning the sinner, and cleansing him from guilt. WVitchcraft, - treatmentS Punished. Contemned. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live But refuse profane and old wives' Lx. xxii. 18. fables, and exercise thyself rather unto A man also or a woman that hath a godliness. 1 Tim. iv. 7. familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall Keep that which is committed to thy surely be put to death. Lev. xx. 27. trust, avoiding profane andl vain babblings. 1 Tim. vi. 20. A critic whom we have quoted often, objects to the Pentateuch, that it " sanctioned the belief in witchcraft by enjoining a wizard to be put to death; whereas we know that such belief was superstition." To this it is a sufficient reply, - 1. Admitting that the terms " witchcraft," C" wizard," and the like, were used in their modern signification, as implying the " possession of supernatural or magical power by compact with evil spirits," it would follow, upon theocratic principles, that he who so much as pretends to exercise this power, - thereby deceiving the people, and seducing them from their allegiance to God,- would be worthy of death. The law does not decide as to the validity of his claims, or the success of his attempts; but simply says, "The man or woman who assumes to exercise witchcraft shall be put to death." 2. But there is reason to believe that the foregoing terms do not bear, in the Scriptures, their modern meaning. As Sir Walter Scott' observes: The sorcery or witchcraft of the Oldl Testament resolves itself into a trafficking with idols, and asking counsel of false deities; or, in other words, into idolatry. This opinion is entertained by many other writers; as, for example, Dr. Graves,2 Mr. Denham,3 and Mr. R. S. Poole.4 The latter 1 " Letters on Demonolofy and Witchcraft; "' Letter 2. 2 Lect. on Pent. i. 190 (Second edition). 8 Kitto, iii. 1120 (Alexander's edition). Smith's Bib. Diet., Art.' "Magic." 308 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. author regards it as a distinctive characteristic of the Bible that from first to last it warrants no trust or dread of charms and incantations as capable of producing evil consequences when used against a man. In the Psalms, the most personal of all the books of Scripture, there is no prayer to be protected against magical influences. The believer prays to be delivered from every kind of evil that could hurt the body or soul, but he says nothing of the machinations of sorcerers. These facts go to prove that the modern notion of witchcraft, which the above-named critic justly characterizes as "superstition," was entirely unknown to the early Hebrews. Witchcraft with them and throughout the Scriptures, was a species of idolatry.' So that the critic's objection above quoted, falls pointless to the ground. Woman, - condition and rights. Should be in subjection. May bear rule. Thy desire shall be to thy husband, And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife and he shall rule over thee. Gen. iii. 16. of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that The head of the woman is the man. time..... And the children of Israel I Cor. xi. 3. - came up to her for judgment. And'They are connmmanded to be under obe- Deborah said unto Barak, Up, for this dience, as also saith the law. I Cor. is the day in which the LORD hath dexiv. 34. livered Sisera into thy hand: is not the Wives, submit yourselves unto your LORD gone out before thee?... So Barak own0 husbands, as unto the Lord..... went down from mount Tabor, and ten Therefore as the church is subject unto thousand men after him. Judges iv. Christ, so let the wives be to their own 4, 5, 14. husbands in everything. Eph. v. 22, 24. And when the queen of Sheba heard For after this manner in the old time of the fame of Solomon she came to the holy Women also, who trusted in prove Solomon with hard questions at God, adorned themselves, being in sub- Jerusalem. 2 Chron. ix. 1. jection unto their own husbands. Even Candace queen of the Ethiopians. as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Acts. viii. 27. lord. 1 Pet. iii. 5, 6. The cases mentioned in Chronicles and Acts are related as mere matters of history. Besides, the queens of Sheba and Ethiopia were Gentile rulers, and did not arise under the TI eocracy. The case of Deborah is clearly an exceptional one; tending therefore to confirm the general rule. Cassel remarks: " That she, a woman, became the centre of the people, proves the relaxation of spiritual and manly energy." Professor Bush has 1 See Deut. xviii. 10, 11; 2 Chron. xxxiii. 5, 6; Gal. v. 20; Rev. xxi. 8 ETHICAL. DISCREPANCIES. 809 the ingenious suggestion that had her office, at the time, been discharged by a man, the circumstance might have excited king Jabin's suspicion, and led to increased violence and oppression on his part. Must keep silence. May prophesy and teach. Let your women keep silence in the Miriam the prophetess, the sister of churcl-les: for it is not permitted unto Aaron. Ex. xv. 20. tliem to speak; but they are commanded And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife to be under obedience, as also saith the of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that law. And if they willi learn anything, time. Judges iv. 4. let them ask their husbands at home: Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam and for it is a shame for women to speak in Achbor and Shaphan and Asahiah, the church. 1. Cor. xiv. 34, 35. went unto Huldah the prophetess.... Let the woman learn in silence with And she said unto them, thus saith the allsubjection. Butl suffer not a woman LORD God of Israel. 2 Kings xxii. to teach, nor to usurp authority over 14,15. the man, but to be in silence. 1 Tim. And there was one Anna a prophetii. 11, 12. ess,... which departed not from the temple..... And she coming in that instant, gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. Luke ii. 86, 37, 38. And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit: and they shall prophesy. Acts ii. 18. Whom, when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly. Acts xviii. 26. And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy. Acts xxi. 9. Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labor in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which labored much in the Lord. Rom. xvi. 12. But every woman that prayeth or prophesiethl with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 1 Cor. xi. 5. Help those women which labored with me in the gospel. Phil. iv. 3. It is difficult to scan carefully the texts at the right which mention, and by implication commend, female prophets and teachers; and at the same time believe that the texts at the left were meant to overbalance these, and to prohibit, everywhere and for all time, woman's speaking upon religious topics, in promiscuous assemblies, or in public. Yet several of the best commentators, Alford, Ellicott, Wordsworth, Neander, Conybeare, Schaff, Mieyer,l and Huther, apparently take this view 1 This author in his last edition, concedes that the prohibition does not 310 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. of the case. Still, with fitting deference, we may ask whether after all the texts from Corinthians and Timothy may not have been intended for a local and specific, rather than a general, application. Was there not something in the situation and surroundings of those to whom Paul was writing which warrants this supposition? Many circumstances seems to favor this view. We find that sensuality prevailed in the city of Corinth to an almost unprecedented extent. Mr. Conybeare 1 speaks of the " peculiar licentiousness of manners" prevalent there, and adds, "So notorious was this, that it had actually passed into the vocabulary of the Greek tongue, and the very word' to Corinthianize' meant'to play the wanton'; nay the bad reputation of the city had become proverbial, even in foreign languages, and is immortalized by the Latin poets." The same author, enumerating the evils which prevailed at that time in the Corinthian church, says that " women had forgotten the modesty of their sex, and came forward unveiled (contrary to the habit of their country) to address the public assembly." It would seem, then, that any Corinthian woman, making herself conspicuous, or attempting to speak in public, would be deemed unchacste. Does not this fact furnish the key to the interpretation of the texts above mentioned? Does Paul in these texts, counsel anything more than a prudent regard to the customs and prejudices of the people, for the sake of avoiding scandal? And might not similar circumstances in Ephesus where Timothy was, have prompted the like counsel to him? Neander 2 thinks that, in 1 Cor. xi. Paul merely refers for example to what was going on in the Corinthian church, reserving his denunciation of it, to the proper place in chapter xiv. apply to the smaller religious assemblies of the church, which, he thinks, might fall under the head of " churches in the house," lacusgemzeinden. Compare Rom. xvi. 5; 1 Cor. xvi. 19. See his Com. on 1 Cor. xi. 4. 1 Life and Epistles of St. Paul, Vol. ii. pp. 27, 31 (American edition). 2 Planting and Training, p. 150. See also Schaff, Hist. of Apostol Church, 508, 509. ETHICAL DISCREPANCIES. 311 The ancient Montanists held that the former passage was meant to be an exception to the rule, covering those cases in which the immediate operation of the Divine Spirit raised up prophets from the female sex; also, that Paul meant to restrain females from. didactic addresses, but not from the public expression of their feelings. Dr. Adam Clarke thinks that the apostle merely prohibits a woman's questioning, disputing, etc., as men were allowed to do, in the synagogues and public assemblies. They were to speak, if at all, in a modest manner, by way of suggestion rather than dictation. Other modern writers take a similar view. It is beyond reasonable question that the history of missionary enterprises, as well as of revivals, decidedly negatives any such rigid and absolute interpretation and application of the texts in the first series as shall tend to cripple the energies of the church of Christ. CHIAPTER III. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. I. CONCERNINiG PERSONS. -N ames, etc. WE, have elsewhere 1 called attention to the close resemblance of a considerable number of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and to the consequent liability of confounding them with each other. These simple facts furnish a reasonable explanation of many " discrepancies " with reference to names. The following examples will illustrate the point. In 2 Sam. xxiii. 27, we find the name "l3Mebunnai"; in 1 Chron. xi. 29, the name " Sibbecai"; both referring to the same person. Now compare these names in the Hebrew, %=M and:a"=, and there is not the least doubt that the variation or " discrepancy " arose through a copyist's blunder. So "Hemdan," Gen. xxxvi. 26; and " Amram," 1 Chr. i. 41, stand in the Hebrew thus; rk73i and nr~. Also " Zabdi," Josh. vii. 1, and " Zimri," 1 Chron. ii. 6, are written thus: ~q:7 and Ems. No reasonable man can look at cases like these -which may be multiplied to an indefinite extent, - and wonder that we find variations among the proper names occurring in the Bible. Comparing the first eight chapters of 1 Chronicles with corresponding passages in Genesis, numerous discrepancies, like the following, appear: Hadad for Hadar, I confounded with 1; Aliah for Alvah, Ebal for Obal, Hemam for Homam, Pai for Pau, Shephi for Sheplio, Zephi for Zepho, in all which cases, either by design or otherwise,` is substituted for I. Elsewhere we find " Caleb" and " Chelubai," the consonants being See pp. 19-25 of present work. 812 HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 31]3 the same in both words; " Bath-sheba" and "Bath-shua,": being exchanged for 1; "Achar " and, "Achan," k being interchanged with; " Akan" and "Jakan," d prefixed in the latter case; "Bani" and "Binnui,", inserted in the second form of the name. In like manner, " uram " and " HIiram," "'Araunah" and "'Ornan," "Michaiah" and "'Mi aachah," "Absalom" and "Abishalom," "Shealtiel" and " Salathiel," "Abijah " and " Abijam' are mere variations of names. So Gesenius deems "Uzziah" a popular phonetic corruption of "Azariab," zz being pronounced for zr. Dr. Davidson' gives a list, taken chiefly from the first eleven chapters of Chronicles, comprising some one hundred and fourteen names which differ from the corresponding names in other parts of Scripture. These " variations" he attributes for the most part to the errors of transcribers. Here let it be observed, that it is not simply easy to commit these errors, but, under the circumstances above described, it is impossible, except upon the hypothesis of an unintermitted miracle, to avoid committing them. No human skill and patience can preclude occasional slips of the copyist's pen and mistakes of his eye. Yet we regard all errors like those illustrated in the above examples as of very trivial consequence. No doctrine, precept, or promise of the Bible is affected by them in the slightest degree. Another point to be noticed, as exemplifying the free treatment to which proper names were subjected among the i-Tebrews, is that of the not uncommon transposition of letters. Thus we have "Amiel " and "Eliam," "Jehoiachin " and " Jeconia " "Ahaziah" and "Jehoahaz," 2 " Harhas" and "Hasrah." In each of these cases the difference arises from exchanging the Introd. to Old Test., ii. 108-112. 2Kennicott illustrates this case thus, ahaz-ihu ihu-ahaz, the upper word representing the name "Ahaziahl" in the Hebrew, the lower word representin(r the name " Jchoahaz," as it stands in the original. - See Kennicott's Dissertations, ii. 489; also, passim. 2T 314 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. places of the letters or elements which compose the name. Analogous cases are "keseb" and "kebes," a lamb; "almug" and "algum," the name of a tree; "Shamlai" and Shalmai," a man's name, " Timnath-serah " and " Timnatbh-heres," the name of the city in which Joshua was buried. We have in another place, 1 alluded to the Oriental custom of applying several names to the same person or object. This custom is exemplified by several of the cases already cited, and by the following instances. " Esh-baal" and "Ish-bosheth," are two names of the same person; the former name, "Baal's-man," being given to him either at a time when Baal-worship was fashionable in Israel, or else when the term " Baal" conveyed as yet no obnoxious meaning; the latter name, " man of shame," being applied when idolatry was at a discount. Nearly the same may be said as to the names " Merib-baal" and "M lephibosheth." In numerous instances, apparent " discrepancies" are produced by the change of a person's name on account of some trait of character which he has developed, or of some change in his condition and prospects. The fact, also, that certain names bear forms different in the Old Testament from those in the New must be taken into the account. Thus we find Boaz and Booz, Uriah and Urias, Ezekiel and Ezekias, Isaiah and Esaias, Hosea and Osee, Asher and Aser, Sharon and Saron, Elisha and Eliseus, Elijah and Elias, Korah and Core, Beor and Bosor, Noah and Noe, Hagar and Agar, Hezekiah and Ezekias, Jehoshaphat and Josaphat, Rehoboam and Roboam, Joshua and Jesus, with other similar cases.2 The fact that the Hebrew and Greek forms of the same name diverge in this manner, serves to explain many apparent inconsistencies in sacred history. A word may be added concerning the discrepancies adduced by certain critics in reference to the derivation of names. For example, they assert that, in Gen. xxx. 16, Issachar receives his name on account of Leah's bestowal of the mandrakes; in Comp. pp. 17,18 infra. 2 See Bissell's Historic Origin of Bible, p. 384. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 315 verse 18, on account of her surrender of her maid to Jacob. But it should be noted that the sacred writer merely records Leah's sayings, yet makes himself in no degree responsible for the correctness of her philology. It is, however, obvious that we have in the case a kind of "play upon words." I[Murphy says, " She calls him Issakar, with a double allusion. She had hired her husband with the mandrakes, and had received this son as her hire for giving her maid to her husband." Jacob's name, - one meaning. Another signification. His hand took hold on Esau's heel; Is not he rightly named Jacob? for and his name was called Jacob. Gen. he hath supplanted me these two times. xxv. 26. Gen. xxvii. 36. According to the first passage, the name " Jacob" comes from "iqab" to seize the heel, and denotes, as Ewald says, "heelgrasper." According to Esau's insinuation in the second text, the name means " supplanter." Now the truth is, that the word " tqab" has the closely connected secondary signification, to outwit, to supplant; and it is to this secondary sense that Esau alludes above. It is manifestly unjust to hold the sacred writer responsible for Esau's bitter and biting pun.' Joseph's name, - derivation. A different derivation. Gen. xxx. 23.2 Gen. xxx. 24.2 According to the first text, the name would seem to be derived from "&saph," to take away; according to the second, from "yiisaph," to add. The apparent incongruity is dissipated by Keil's suggestion that Joseph's birth was a proof that God had removed from Rachel the reproach of barrenness; while it also excited the wish that he would add another son. The "taking away" of an evil induced the hope that a good would be "' added." " Moses" a Hebrew name. An Egyptian name. Ex. ii. 10. Ex. ii. 10. The name "Moses" [Hebrew, "Mosheh"] appears to be'Compare a similar sarcastic pun upon Nabal's name, 1 Sam. xxv. 25. 2 In this and many following cases, where the language of scripture presents no peculiarity, we have for brevity's sake given simple references instead of qu6tatsns. 316 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. derived from the Hebrew verb, mashlh, to draw out. It is, however, objected that an Egyptian princess would not have bestowed upon her foster-child a Hebrew name; hence "Moses" must, notwithstanding the intimation of the sacred writer, be an Egyptian name. Haivernick, Kurtz, and Dean Stanley regard the name as a foreign word Hebraized. The Alexandrian Jews, with Josephus and Philo, attributed to the name an Egyptian origin, with a Greek inflection. But Canon Cook, in his valuable " Essay on Egyptian Words in the Pentateuch," 1 points out the existence of an Egyptian word which coincides in sound and in sense, with the Hebrew verb above mentioned. This Egyptian term " corresponds in form to the. Hebrew, letter for letter," and primarily denotes "drawing out." One of the most famous Egyptologists, M. Brugsch, is cited to the effect that the derivation of the name " Moses" from the Hebrew " mashih" " would preserve the true sense of the Egyptian." Hence, Mr. Cook concludes that the present is a case of the " simple transcription of words," - that the sacred writer chose the Hebrew term because " it came exceedingly near to, or exactly represented, the Egyptian." Thus the difficulty vanishes. Zebulun denotes a " cwelling." A " dowry." Gen. xxx. 20. Gen. xxx. 20. The name " Zebulun" is derived from zaibal," to dwell;2 with a play upon, or allusion to, the word " zabad," to give, to endow. The historian, in recording the philological conceits of others, does not thereby vouch for them. Abigail's father, Nahash. Jesse.. 2 Sam. xvii. 25. 1 Chron. ii. 13, 16. The rabbies say that both names belonged to the same person; Ewald and Keil, that Abigail's mother had a former husband, Nahash, previous to her marriage with Jesse. See Bible Commentary, i. 482 —484 (American edition). 2 This is one of the numerous cases in which the old maxim applies; nomen'habet omen. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 317 Abijah's mother, daughter of Abishalom. Of Uriel. 1 uKings xv. 2. 2 Chron. xiii. 2. Absalom's daughter, Tamar, probably married Uriel, and became the mother of Maachah or Michaiah. This agrees with Josephus' statement.' Hence, in the first text, as often elsewhere, " daughter " denotes " granddaughter": and, in the tenth verse, the "mother" of Asa was, strictly speaking, his "grandmother." As to the supposed discrepancy between Abijah's wicked course of life, 1 Kings xv. 3, and his "' pious " remarks, 2 Chron. xiii. 4-12, it may be said simply that he is not the only wicked person on record who has used pious language when it would serve his purpose. Abraham's difficulty with Pharaoh. With Abimelech. Gen. xii. 11-20. Gen. xx. 2-18. We have elsewhere2 seen that distinct events may bear a very close resemblance. A late rationalist concedes that "in those rude times, such a circumstance might have been repeated," and that the "dissimilarities" of the two cases render their identity doubtful. In king Abimelech, says Keil, we meet with a totally different character from that of Pharaoh. We see in the former a heathen imbued with a moral consciousness of right, and open to receive divine revelation, of which there is not the slightest trace in the king of Egypt. The two cases were evidently quite distinct. In the first instance, Sarah was some sixty-five years of age; 3 hence it has been thought strange that she was spoken of as "very fair." But, since she lived one hundred and twenty-seven years, she was now in only middle age. She had escaped thehardships of maternity, and being i' a noble nomadic princess," had led a free and healthful life. In contrast to the swarthy, ugly, early-faded Egyptian women, she possessed no doubt great personal attractions. In the second instance, when she was 1 Antiq. viii. 10, 1. 2 See pp. 26, 27 of present work. 3 Compare Gen. xii. 4; xvii. 17. 27 318 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. some ninety years of age, nothing is said as to her beauty. Abimelech was influenced, not by Sarah's personal charms, but simply by a desire to "ally himself with Abraham, the rich nomad prince." 1 The quite similar case of Isaac, Gen. xxvi. 6-11, has been supposed to be a varying account of the one original transaction. But the name " Abimelech," common to the two cases, proves nothing; for, as Keil remarks, it was " the standing official name of the kings of Gerar." 2 Abraham's inheritance secured. Not possessed by him. Gen. xiii. 15; xv. 18. Acts vii. 5. The explanatory phrase, "Unto thy seed have I given this land," shows that the gift was not to Abraham personally, but to him as the founder and representative of the nation. The land was given to him, as we may say, " in trust." Abraham's need of divine intervention. No occasion for a miracle. Then Abraham fell upon his face, Then again Abraham took a wife, and laughed, and said in his heart, and her name was keturah. And she Shall a child be born unto him that is a bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and hundred years old? Gen. xvii. 17. Medan, and MIidian, and Ishbak, and Therefore sprang there even of one, Shuah. Gen. xxv. 1, 2. and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude. Heb. xi. 12. It is perfectly in keeping with Oriental methods of writing history to suppose that the words "then again," in the second passage, resume the narrative after a digression, and carry us back into the life-time of Sarah. It would then follow that Keturah's children were born to Abraham before the disability of old age overtook him. Or, we may say that the miraculous quickening of his virile powers, by which he was enabled to become the father of Isaac, was continued for some years after. Abraham weak, and in fear. Possessed a large force. Gen. xx. 11. Gen. xiv. 14. Colenso asserts that Abraham, with his " immense band of trained servants, having routed the combined forces of Eastern kings, could not have feared the petty prince of Gerar." But 1 So Delitzsch. 2 See Ps. xxxiv. title. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 319 (1) three-hundred and eighteen servants are hardly an " immense band." Abimelech's army may have been twenty times larger. (2) Abraham had not alone routed the combined forces of the kings. His'" confederates," Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre,l may have contributed much the larger portion of the victorious army. So that, humanly speaking, he may have had great reason to fear Abimelech. Ahaz favored divine worship. Closed the temple. 2 Kings xvi. 15. 2 Chron. xxviii. 24. The text from Chronicles refers to the latter part of his reign, when he had reached the lowest depths of ungodliness. At an earlier period, he had indeed encouraged a corrupt form of worship.2 Ahaz invincible. Compelled to seek aid. 2 Kings xvi. 5. 2 Kings xvi. 7; 2 Chron. xxviii. 5, 16, 20. The first passage refers to an early unsuccessful expedition of the allied kings against Ahaz. Later they overcame him. In this strait, the king of Assyria helped Ahaz, yet helped him not.3 That is, this warlike monarch, at the request of Ahaz, attacked and conquered Rezin, one of the allies, thus affording temporary relief; but by his subsequent exactions and restrictions he really distressed and weakened Ahaz. For the latter was compelled to become tributary to him, to send him all the treasures of the temple and palace, and finally to appear before him in Damascus as a vassal. Ahaziah's brethren slain. Their sons slain. 2 Kings x. 13, 14. 2 Chron. xxii. 8. Biihr, Movers, and Ewald say that the word rendered " brethren " may sometimes imply near relatives simply. We thus see how Ahaziah, the "youngest son," and born when his father was but eighteen years of age,4 could have had forty-two 1 See Gen. xiv. 13, 24. 2 Compare 2 Kings xvi. 10-16. 2 Kings xvi. 9; 2 Chron. xxviii. 20, 21. 4 Compare 2 Kings viii. 17, 26; x. 14; 2 Chron. xxii. 1. 320: DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. "brethren." His nephews and cousins were all reckoned in the number. In the second text, the term may be used in the strict sense, of his own brothers. Ahaziah's grandfather, Onmri. Ahab. 2 Kings viii. 26. 2 Kings viii. 18. ". Daughter," in the first text, means simply " female descendant." In the twenty-seventh verse, Ahaziah is styled "the sonin-law of the house of Ahab." Ahimelech, high-priest. Ahiah. Abiathar. 1 Sam. xxi. 1. 1 Sam. xiv. 3. Mark ii. 26. Probably, Ahimelech, Abimelech,' and Ahiah were names of the same person. As to 2 Sam. viii. 17, which makes Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, instead of the reverse, as elsewhere, Bertheau, Oehler, and Keil think the line ran thus; Ahimelech, Abiathar, Ahimelech, so that Abiathar was the son of Ahimelech, while Ahimelech (the second) was the son of Abiathar. The expression in Mark, "in the days of Abiathar the priest," may denote merely that Abiathar was acting as his father's sagan or substitute. Or, since Abiathar was, from his long association with king David, much more famous than his father, his name, although he was not as yet high-priest, may be used here by a kind of historical anticipation. Amasa's father, Ithra an Israelite. Jether an Ishmaelite. 2 Sam. xvii. 25. 1 Chron. ii. 17. The rabbies say that Jether or Jithra was an Ishmaelite by birth, who became an Israelite. So Ewald, who adds that "Jether" is a shorter form for "Ithra." An examination of the two passages in the original makes it evident that the variation is due to a copyist's mistake. Ammonites' allies. Another statement. The Syrians of Beth-rehob, and the Chariots and horsemen out of MesoSyrians of Zoba, twenty thousand foot- potamia, and out of Syria-maachah, and men, and of king Maacah a thousand out of Zobah. So they hired thirty and men, and of Ish-tob twelve thousand two thousand chariots, and the king. of men. 2 Sam. x. 6. Maachah and his people. I Chron. xix. 6, 7. 11 Chron. xviii. 16. Ewald, "simply a transcriber's error." 2 See Lightfoot, Horae Hebraicae, on Luke iii. 2 (Carpzov's edition). HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 321 Beth-rehob was one of the little kingdoms of Mesopotamia, as also were Maacah, Zobah, and Tob petty monarchies of Syria. (" Ish-tob," translated is " men of Tob.") Thus, the names and numbers agree as follows: Syrians of Beth-rehob and Zoba, 20,000 Syrians of Zobah, etc. 82,000 Syrians of Ish-tob, 12,000 Syrians of Maachah, Syrians of Maacah, 1,000 (number not given), [1,0.00] 338,000 883,000 But one passage names "footmen," the other "chariots." Keil speaks of copyist's errors, and Rawlinson thinks that in the seventh verse, at the right, the words " and horsemen " have dropped out after " chariots." Dr. Davidson 1 cites approvingly Brown of Haddington's explanation, that the Hebrew term rendered " chariots," denotes not only a chariot, but a rider, and should probably be translated, in a collective sense, cavalry. It is suggested that these troops were a kind of auxiliaries, commonly employed in fighting on horse-back or in chariots, but sometimes as foot-soldiers. Anah, a Hittite. Horite. Hivite. Gen. xxvi. 84.2 Gen. xxxvi. 20. Gen. xxxvi. 2. Lange thinks that the term "Hittite" defines the race, "Hivite " the tribe, and " Horite" (" cave-dweller ") the habitation of Anah. There were at least two Anahs, the brother and the son, of Zibeon.3 Or, since the three names differ in the Hebrew by one letter only, we may with Michaelis and Bertheau ascribe the disagreement to an error of transcription. Anak's sons were slain. They were expelled. And Judahl went against the Canaan- And Caleb drove thence the three ites that dwelt in HIebron: (now the sons of Anak, Sheshai, and Ahiman, name of Hebron before was Kiirjath- and Talmai. Joshl. xv 14. arba:) and they slew Shleshai, and Ahi- And they gave Hebron unto Caleb, man, and Talmai. Judg. i. 10. as Moses said: and he expelled thence the three sons of Anak. Judg. i. 20. De Wette 4 strangely asserts that the children of Judah " slew Sacred Hermeneutics, p. 552. 2 Beeri = Anah. 8 Compare Gen. xxxvi. 20 and 24. 4 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 174. 322. DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the same three Analim - Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai- whom Caleb had killed before." To this we reply: 1. If the three passages refer to the same event, that which in the first is attributed to the men of Judah, is, by a common figure, ascribed in the other two to Caleb, as leader of the expedition. Moreover, the verb " yarash" employed, in the texts at the right, means, not only to drive out, to expel, but also according to Fuerst and Gesenius, to destroy.' Thus the discrepancy vanishes. Caleb expelled the three Anakim from Hebron, and from among the living. 2. Or, with Koinig and others, we may refer the contrasted texts to two different events. On this hypothesis, the first chapter of Judges does not follow the strict chronological order (verses 11-15, 20, being cited almost verbatim from Joshua xv. 13-19, and referring, of course, to the same point of time). So that the sequence of events is as follows: Joshua conquers Hebron, and slaughters or puts to flight the Anakim who dwell there.2 But while he is occupied elsewhere, the remnant of them return from the land of the Philistines, regain possession of Hebron, and inhabit it. Hence, several years later, when this city was assigned to Caleb, he had first to dislodge the Anakim, the three leaders of whom were slain in their flight, or in some subsequent conflict, by Caleb's adherents. Apostles namned. Second list. Third list. Fourth list. Matt. x. 2-4. Mark iii. 16-19. Luke vi. 18-16. Acts i. 13. The names, though arranged differently, agree except in two instances. It is maintained by the best critics, Alford,' Meyer, Robinson, Ebrard, Gardiner, and others, that Lebbeus, Thaddeus, and Judas the brother of James, were one and the same person. Simon Zelotes and Simon the Canaanite were identical; "Zelotes " being the Greek form of the Hebrew term rendered " Canaanite." As the name "Bartholomew" (son of Numn. xiv. 12 is cited as an example. 2 Josh. xi. 21, 22. 3 Sec his Commentary on Matt. x. 2-4. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 323 Talmai) is merely a patronymic, its bearer is generally believed to have been the same with "N athanael," John i. 45. Asa's mother, Maachah. His grandmother. 2 Chron. xv. 16. 1 Kings xv. 2, 8, 10. In ancient Persia, the king sometimes for political reasons adopted a mother. When Cyrus conquered Astyages, he, in order to conciliate a certain portion of the people, adopted Amytis, or Mandane as his mother. Mr. Newman 1 ingeniously suggests that Asa adopted, in like manner, the mother of the deceased king; hence she became queen-mother of the realm, though afterwards deposed on account of her idolatry.2 Asa removed the high-ptaces. Left them undisturbed. 2 Chron. xiv. 3, 5. 1 King s xv. 14. Bihr, Thenius, Bertheau, and others say that the high places dedicated to idols were destroyed; while those dedicated to Jehovah were allowed to remain, since his true servants, having been long accustomed to them,' might have been grieved by their removal. Keil thinks that the second text merely implies that the king did not succeed in carrying out thoroughly his reforms. Rawlinson suggests that the above texts refer to different times; Asa, in the early part of his reign, putting down idolatry with a strong hand, but in his later years, when his character had deteriorated,4 allowing idol-worship to creep in again. Bedan, a judge of Israel. His name not mentioned. 1 Sam. xii. 11. Judges vii.-xii. Cassel and Davidson, with the Chaldee and the rabbies, refer "Bedan" to Samson, — Bedan being equivalent to Ben-Dan, a Danite. Ewald deems the name a corruption of Abdon. But Keil and Kennicott, with the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic, take it as a copyist's blunder, for Barak,;' for jazz. Caleb's father, Jephunneh. Hur. Hezron. Josh. xiv. 6. 1 Chron. ii. 50. 1 Chron. ii. 18. Hist. of Heb. Monarchy, p. 150, 151. 2 1 Kings xv. 13. 1 Kings iii. 2, 3. 4 See 2 Chron. xvi. 7-12. 324 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. There were, as Ewald, Keil, and others think, two or three men who bore the name of Caleb. Besides, the term "'son," in some of the above texts, may mean simply " descendant." As to the disagreement of 1 Chron. ii. 19 and 50, respecting Caleb's relation to Ephrath and to Hur, Rawlinson and Bertheau place a period after " Caleb" in the fiftieth verse, and read thus: "These (referring to the preceding) were the sons of Caleb. The sons of Hur, the first-born of Ephratah, were Shobal," etc. This relieves the entire difficulty. Canaanites were destroyed. Were merely szbsiclized. Josh. x. 4-0; xi. 14, 15. Judg. i. 28, 80, 33, 35. It is to be noted that the texts at the left are couched in general terms, and refer particularly to the southern part of Palestine. Masius 1 maintains that Joshua swept over this too rapid a manner to depopulate it entirely. All that he needed was to strike such terror into the hearts of his enemies that they would no longer make a stand against him. All whom he pursued, he destroyed; but he did not stop to search into every possible hiding place. This was left to be done by each tribe in its own inheritance. Canaanites spared, to prove Israel. To teach Israel war. Judg. ii. 22; iii. 4. Judg. iii. 2. They were spared for a two-fold reason; one part being brought out in the two former texts, the other in the latter text Israel was put to the proof by the opportunity of learning to wage war rightly against the enemies of God and his kingdom. Christ bore his own cross. It was borne by Simon. John xix. 17. Luke xxiii. 26. Jesus may have borne the cross himself, until his failing strength caused a transference of the burden to Simon, whom Meyer takes to have been a slave, selected on account of the indignity of the required service. From Luke, Ebrard infers See in Keil on Josh. x. 40. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 325 that Simon did not bear the cross alone, but merely went behind Jesus, and aided him in carrying it. Christ's last drinkc of one kind. Of a diferent kind. They gave him vinegar to drink, And they gave him to drink, wine mingled with gall: and when he had mingled with myrrh: but he received tasted thereqf, lie would not drink. it not. Mark xv. 23. Matt. xxvii. 34. From a comparison of Matt. xxvii. 34 and 48, it is clear that drink was twice offered to Jesus while on the cross. The first time, the wine drugged with bitter narcotics, the effect of which would be to stupefy him, he did not receive. Afterward, some drink free from drugs was given him, which he accepted.1 The word rendered "vinegar" means, according to Grotius, Robinson, Davidson,2 and others, simply poor or cheap wine, such as was used by the poorer class. The word translated " gall " denotes, secondarily, anything bitter,- wormwood, poppy, myrrh, and the like.3 Christ's genealogy,- one form. A diverseform. And Jacob begat Joseph the husband And Jesus himself began to be about of IMary, of whom was born Jesus, who thirty years of age, being (as was supis called Christ. Matt. i. 16. posed) the son of Joseph, which was tihe soss of Heli. Luke iii. 23. There are two principal theories respecting these genealogies. 1. That held by Alford, Ellicott, Hervey, Meyer, Mill, Patritius, Wordsworth, and others - that both genealogies are.Joseph's; Matthew exhibiting him as the legal heir to the throne of David, that is, naming the successive heirs of the kingdom from David to Jesus the reputed son of Joseph; while Luke gives Joseph's private genealogy or actual descent. This theory is very ingeniously and elaborately set fbrth in Lord Arthur Hervey's work 4upon the subject, to which the reader is referred. 2. That held by Auberlen, Ebrard, Greswell, Klurtz, Lange, i See John xix. 29, 30. 2 Sacred Hermeneutics, p. 561. In the Septuarint it stands for wormwood, Prov. v. 4; for poppy, Denut. xxix. (17) 18. 4 " The Genealogies of our Lord," London, 1853. See on the other side, Mr. Holmes in Kitto, ii. 92-102 (last edition). Also, Ebrard, "The Gospel History," pp. 149-163. 28 0,26 DISCREPANCIES OF THIE BIBLE. Lightfoot, Michaelis, Neander, Robinson, Surenhusius, Wieseler, and others - that Matthew gives Joseph's, and Luke, Mary's, genealogy. Although the alleged discrepancies may be removed upon either hypothesis, yet we must give the preference to the second, for the following reasons. (1) The latter theory seems supported by several early Christian writers, - Origen, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Athanasius, and Justin Martyr.' (2) It is indirectly confirmed by Jewish tradition. Lightfoot 2 cites from the Talmudic writers concerning the pains of hell, the statement that Mary the daughter of Heli was seen in the infernal regions, suffering horrid tortures.3 This statement illustrates, not only the bitter animosity of the Jews toward the Christian religion, but also the fact that, according to received Jewish tradition, 7fiary was the daughter of Hell; hence, that it is her genealogy which we find in Luke. (3) This theory shows us in what way Christ was the'" Son of David." If Mary was the daughter of Heli, then Jesus was strictly a descendant of David, not only legally, through his reputed father, but actually, by direct personal descent, through his mother. The latter consideration is one of the very first interest and importance. (4) This theory affords a very simple explanation of the whole matter. Mary, since she had no brothers, was an heiress; therefore her husband, according to Jewish law, was reckoned among her father's family, as his son. So that Joseph was the actual son of Jacob, arid the legal son of Heli. In a word, Matthew sets forth Jesus' right to the theocratic crown; Luke, his natural pedigree. The latter employs Joseph's name, instead of M3ary's, in accordance with the Israelite law that " genealogies must be reckoned by fathers, not mothers." For the remaining difficulties of the case, see discussion elsewhere. 1 See Kitto, ii. 92-94, 547. 2 Horae Hebraicae on Luke iii. 238. 8 " Suspensam per glandulas mammarum," etc. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 327 Christ's last tour, - one account. A different statement. MIatt. xix. 1; xx. 17, 29; xxi. 1. John x. 40; xi. 17, 54; xii.1. These two series of texts seem to represent Jesus' journeyings somewhat differently. But, as Ebrard,1 Robinson,2 Gardiner,3 and others have shown, they refer to different points of time. When Jesus took his final departure from Galilee, he went up to Jerusalem, where he attended the feasts of tabernacles and of dedication; then withdrew to Perea beyond Jordan. Thence he went to Bethany, where he raised Lazarus, and to Jerusalem, whence he retired to " Ephraim," where he tarried a little,4 and taught. Thence he returned toward Jerusalem, by the way of Jericho, where he healed the blind men and visited Zaccheus, and arrived at Bethany six days previous to his final passover. Some of the above texts refer to one portion, others, to another portion, of these journeys. Christ's miracles were concealed. Were promulgated. Matt. ix. 30; Mark v. 43. Mark v. 19; Luke vii. 22. These two series of texts refer to quite different circum. stances. Wherever a report of the signs and wonders wrought by Christ was likely to be conveyed without a right conception of his person and doctrine, there he suffered not the report to be carried.5 It was fitting that the fears of the Gadarenes should be allayed by knowledge of the "great things " which the Lord had done for the poor demoniac. In Galilee and Judea there was, on the other hand, very great danger, says Ebrard, of confirming the people in their carnal expectations of the Mlessiab, and even of producing disorder. Christ's resurrection, - certain narratives. Diferent account of it. Matt. xxviii. 1-10; Mark xvi. 1-14. Luke xxiv.1-12; John xx. 1-18. Owing to the condensed and somewhat fragmentary nature of these several narratives, and their neglect of strict chronological sequence, they present sonme difficulties and apparent Gospel History, sections 79-85. 2 Enfglish Harmony, sections 81-111. 3 Greek Harmony, sections 76-112. 4 John xi. 54. 6 See Smith's Bib. Diet., ii. 1853. 328 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. discrepancies. There is, however, not the least doubt that, if we knew all the circumstances of the case, those which we now know would be seen to fit perfectly into their appropriate places in the narrative.1 Moreover, it is to be remarked that no one of the sacred writers gives, or intended to give, all the circumstances. Each selects those particulars which seemed to him most important, passing by intermediate incidents. The following summary of the case is given by Robinson,2 "At early dawn on the first day of the week, the women who had attended on Jesus, viz. M]ary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salome, and others went out with spices to the sepulchre, in order further to embalm the Lord's body. They inquire among themselves, who should remove for them the stone which closed the sepulchre. On their arrival they find the stone already taken away; for there had been an earthquake, and an angel had descended and rolled away the stone, and sat upon it, so that the keepers became as dead men for terror. The Lord had risen. The women knowing nothing of all this, are amazed; they enter the tomb, and find not the body of the 1 Ebrard (Gospel History, pp. 59-60) gives, from personal observation, a case showing how the knowledge of a hitherto unknown circumstance will often reduce several discordant incidents to harmonious consecution. A messenger N. by name, was sent from ZUrich to Pfiiffikon on the occasion of an outbreak in the latter place. Accordingly Ebrard was informed by one trustworthy person that N. was sent, late in the evening, with a letter to P.; anotber told him that N. was sent in the evening to P., but, after going a short distance, returned with the report that the alarm-bell had already been rmung in P.; a third related that two messengers had been sent.nn horseback to P.; and a fourth that N. had sent two men on horseback to P. These seeming discrepancies vanished, when Ebrard afterward learned from N. himself that he had indeed been sent, but met on the way two messengers fiom P., who reported the outbreak of the riot; that he turned back with them to Ziirich, where he immediately procured horses for threm, and sent them back to qnuiet the people in P. We thus see, that once in possession of the thread of the narrative, it is an easy matter to arrange upon it seemingly refractory and incompatible circumstances. 2 See Bibliotheca Sacra for Feb. 1845, pp. 187, 188. 3 There were two distinct parties of women. This fact relieves several difficulties. See under " Numbers " and "Time." HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 329 Lord, and are greatly perplexed. At this time, Mary Magdalene impressed with the idea that the body had been stolen away, leaves the sepulchre and the other women, and runs to the city to tell Peter and John.l The rest remain in the tomb, and immediately two angels appear, who announce unto them that Jesus was risen from the dead, and give them a charge in his name for the apostles. They go out quickly from the sepulchre, and proceed in haste to the city to make this known to the disciples. On the way, Jesus meets them, permits them to embrace his feet, and renews the same charge to the apostles. The women relate these things to the disciples; but their words seem to them as idle tales; and they believed them not. Meantime, Peter and John had run to the sepulchre; and entering in had found it empty; but the orderly arrangement of the grave-clothes and of the napkin convinced John that the body had not been removed by violence or by friends; and the germ of a belief arises in his mind that the Lord had risen. The two returned to the city. Mary Magdalene, who had again followed them to the sepulchre, remained standing and weeping before it; and looking in she saw two angels sitting. Turning around, she sees Jesus, who gives to her also a solemn charge for his disciples." It will be seen that this summary comprises nearly every incident mentioned by the four evangelists. Ebrard2 concurs substantially in the view here given. As to the fact that according to Mark the women said nothing to any man, while according to Matthew they ran to carry the tidings to the disciples, Ebrard thinks that the women actually hastened back to the city with the intention of telling the message, but, on their arrival, found the apostles in such a state of depression and gloom that from fear of ridicule they did not at first venture to do their errand. "Disobedient, indeed, they 1 Peter and John appear to have lodged that night in a place separate from the other apostles. Griesbach thinks that the apostles at this time were scattered throughout the city among those who were friendly to their cause. - See Bib. Sacra, p. 172, note. 2 Gospel History, pp. 447, 448. 28* 330 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. had no wish to be; but they put off from one moment to an. other what they found it so hard to tell, and what harmonized so little with the lamentations that were heard all around." Or, it may be that Mark refers as above to one party of the women, while Matthew alludes to the other party. With reference to the fact that Jesus suffered not Mary Magdalene to touch him, but permitted the other women to embrace his feet,l it is to be noted that different Greek words are employed in the two cases. Ebrard, in the latter instance, renders; "Hold me not; I have not yet ascended." Euthymius and Theophylact, followed by Archbishop Thomson,2 interpret thus: " Death has now set a gulf between us. Touch not, as you once might have done, this body which is now glorified by its conquest over death, for with this body I ascend to the Father." Meyer thinks she wished to ascertain whether the Saviour, whom she recognized, was present in his material form, or with a spiritual body. She sought to obtain by the sense of touch, the knowledge which the eye could not give her. For other points of difficulty, see under "Numbers" and " Time." Christ's revelation of truth, complete. Much kept back by him. All things that I have heard of my I have yet many things to say unto Father, I have made known unto you. you, but ye cannot bear them now. John xv. 15. John xvi. 12. n!May not the first text mean, "All things that I have heard from my Father, whzich were designed for you at present, I have made known to you. The message which I received for you I have faithfully communicated." Everything which the Father had, up to that time, wished him to make known, he had made known to them. Alford thinks that the first passage is proleptically spoken of the state in which he would place them under the Spirit. A future event, viewed as determined and certain, is spoken of as having already taken place. The "many things," of the 1Compare John xx. 17 and Matt. xxviii. 9. 2 Smith's Bib. Diet., ii. 1380. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 331 second text, are what was taught by the Saviour after his resurrection,' and by the -Ioly Spirit at a subsequent time. Christ's use of parables utnvarying. Parables somnetimes omitted. Matt. xiii. 34. Matt. v.-vii. Ebrard 2 has correctly pointed out that the first passage has reference to a particular occasion. "Christ's words, that day, were parabolical." Daniel highly exalted. Entirely unnoticed. Dan. ii. 48. Dan. iii. 12. Bertholdt thinks it very strange that Daniel, who was so high in office, is not mentioned in connection with his three friends. But, as Bertholdt himself admits, Daniel may have been absent, at this time, from the capital upon some business of state. Herzfeld supposes that not all the dignitaries of the empire were invited to the dedication of the image, and.that Daniel was not included among those who received invitations. David detained at Saul's court. Nlot thus detained. And David came to Saul, and stood But David went and returned from before him: and he loved him greatly; Saul to feed his father's sheep at Bethand he became his armor-bearer. I lehem. 1 Sam. xvii. 15. Sam. xvi. 21. The mere fact that David " stood before " Saul, and became his "armor-bearer" (adjutant) by no means necessitates the supposition that David remained constantly afterward in Saul's service. If, as we know, Joab had ten armor-bearers,3 Saul probably had at least as many, and, among them, some skilled in war. So that, when Saul's melancholy left him, he doubtless allowed David to return to his father's service. The second text, according to Keil, asserts that David "went back and forth from Saul to feed his father's sheep in Bethlehem." In xviii. 2, we see David taken into permanent employ by Saul. David forbidden to build temple, - one reason. A different reason. I Chron. xvii. 4-6, 12. 1 Chron. xxviii. 3. Here is not, as De Wette 4 imagines, a contradiction, but two concurrent reasons for the same thing, neither of which ex1 See Luke xxiv. 27; Acts i. 8. 2 Gospel History, pp. 245, 246. a See 2 Sam. xviii. 15. 4 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 297. 832 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. eludes the other. Jehovah had not as yet required the building of a temple, neither would David be the proper man to build such an edifice. Neither the appropriate time nor the fit man had come. David's officers, - one list. A different list. 2 Sam. viii. 16-18. 2 Sam. xx. 28-26. In' this case there was an interval of more than twenty years. During that time, as might have been anticipated, some changes occurred, either by death or displacement. As to the fact that, in the first passage, Ahimelech the son, and in the second Abiathar the father, is spoken of as priest,' see under "Ahimelech's priesthood." " Seraiah," "Shavsha," "Shisha," and " Sheva" were different forms of the same name. David's relation to Achish unfriendly. Pleasant. I Sam. xxi. 12-15. 1 Sam. xxvii. 3-6; xxix. 6-9. Several years intervened between the two visits to the Philistine king. During that period David had been fiercely persecuted by Saul; and Achish, aware of this fact, kindly received the Hebrew fugitive, with the hope that he would prove a valuable ally -against Saul, their common enemy. Fuerst, Gesenius, and Hengstenberg think that "Achish" was the personal name, and "Abimelech"2 the hereditary title of the Philistine monarch. David's sons, - one list. A second list. A third list. 2 Sam. v. 14-16. 1 Chron. iii. 5-8. 1 Chron. xiv. 3-7. Shammuah. Shimeah. Shammua. Elishua. Elishama. Elishua. Eliada. Eliada. Beeliada. Eliphalet. Eliphelet. Eliphalet. Eliphelet. Elpalet. Nogah. Nogah. We give merely the differences of the three lists. There is not the least doubt that these variations arose almost entirely from the blunders of copyists. Of the first two names, and the fourth, in each series, no more need be said.'i Beeliada" 1 Comp. Bible Commentary on 2 Sam. viii. 17. 2 See Ps. xxxiv. title HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 333 is a different form of " Eliada" — compounded with Baal, instead of El. One " Eliphelet," or "Elpalet," together with " Nogah," as Rawlinson and Keil think, died in infancy, hence is omitted in Samuel. Rashi and others say that "Chileab," 2 Sam, iii. 3, is another name for "Daniel," 1 Chron. iii. 1; Houbigant and Rawlinson maintain that we have here a transcriber's mistake. David's sons priests. No priests except house of -Aaron. 2 Sam. viii. 18. Num. iii. 10; xvi. 40. The Hebrew word "' cohen," used in the first text, means not only a priest, but also a "servant, a minister, a counsellor performing service." So Fuerst, Keil, Movers, and Saalscliitz. Gesenius and De Wette take the meaning to be, domestic priests, or spiritual advisers. Ewald' thinks that the priestly dignity was by divine direction extended to David; Mr. Plumptre,2 that David and his sons may have been admitted to " an honorary, titular priesthood." David tempted by the Lord.3 Tempted by Satan. The anger of the LORD was kindled And Satan stood up against Israel, against Israel, and he moved David and provoked David to number Israel. against them to say, Go, number Israel 1 Chron. xxi. 1. and Judah. 2 Sam. xxiv. 1. It is consistent with Hebrew modes of thought that whatever occurs in the world, under the overruling providence of God, -whatever he siffers to take place, — should be attributed to his agency. In not preventing, as he might have done, its occurrence, he is viewed as in some sense bringing about the event. Hence the act of Satan might be, in this indirect way, referred back to God, as the Governor of the universe. Another explanation is, that the Hebrew word "siatin "4 when used, as in the second text, without the article, denotes IHistory of Israel, iii. 183, 200. 2 Smith's Bible Diet., iii. 2576. 3 See pp. 79-81 iRfra. Also Stanley, History of Jewish Church, p. 52 4 See this word applied to the angel which withstood Balaam, Num. xxii. 22; to David, 1 Sam. xxix. 4; to Hadad, 1 Kings xi. 14.. 334 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. simply an adversary. Hence Boothroyd, Davidson,l and Hervey2 render, " An adversary stood up against Israel." The latter critic also interprets the first text thus: "For one moved David against them"; adding that some unnamed person, who proved himself an enemy to the best interests of David and Israel, urged the king to number the people. David's warriors, - one list. A cdifferent list. 2 Sam. xxiii. 8-39. 1 Chron. xi. 11-47. With reference to such copyist's variations as Hararite and Harorite, Shammah and Shammoth, Anethothite and Antothite, Barhumite and Baharumite, further remark is superfluous. The first list contains thirty-one names; the second, forty-seven. Of the first thirty-one names of the passage in Chronicles there are four not found in the list in Samuel, and, conversely, five names in the catalogue of Samuel do not appear in the other list. This difference is explicable upon the hypothesis that the two lists refer to somewhat different times. The list in Chronicles refers to the time when David became king over all Israel (see vs. 10); the other probably points to a later epoch. During the interval, some persons died or left the army, and others took their places.3 It is conceded by critics generally that the original text of the eighth verse in Samuel has suffered from copyists, but should be translated substantially thus, " Jashobeam the Hachmonite, the chief of the captains, he swung his spear over eight hundred slain at once." So Hervey, Keil, Kennicott,4 Gesenius,5 and others, who decide that the correct reading is found in Chronicles. According to the best authorities, the words rendered "Adino the Eznite" should be interpreted, " he lifted up, swung, or brandished his spear"; so that the italic words in the English version are unnecessary. 1Introd. to Old Test., ii. 88. 2 Bible Commentary on 2 Sam. xxiv. 1. 3 See Rawlinson in Bible Commentary on 1 Chron. xi. 26. 4 Dissertations, i. 71-128. 6Thesaurus, pp. 994, 995. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 335 Edomites obstructed Israel's passage. Permitted it. Num. xx. 18-21; JictgT. xi. 17, 18. Dent. ii. 4, 8. At first, when the Israelites approached the precipitous, well-nigh impregnable western frontier, the Edomites refused them transit; but when the Israelites had "compassed the land of Edom," and came to the open, unprotected eastern border, the Edomites no longer dared to assume a hostile attitude toward them.' E'domites refused supplies. Furnished them. Num. xx. 19, 20. Dent. ii. 28, 29. As we have seen, the Edomites at first refused hospitalities to the Israelites; but at the later period they made a virtue of necessity, and sought to turn the matter to their own advantage by selling the necessaries of life to the Israelites. As to the similar fact that the Moabites did not "meet the Israelites with bread and water" (Deut. xxiii. 3, 4); though they " sold" them these articles (Deut. ii. 28, 29), Kurtz 2 sees, in the first circumstance, " a proof of their indifference, if not of their hostile feelings toward the Israelites," and in the last, "simply a manifestation of their selfish and grasping disposition." Eli corrected his sons. Did not correct them. 1 Sam. ii. 23 24. 1 Sam. iii. 13. That is, he reproved them either too lepiently, or not till they had become hardened and ungovernable. His attempts -at discipline amounted to nothing. Eliakim succeeded Josiah. Succeeded Jehoahaz. 2 Kings xxiii. 34. 2 Chron. xxxvi. 4. Bahr and Rawlinson take the words, "in the room of Josiah," as indicating that Nechoh regarded Jehoahaz simply as a usurper - the latter having been raised to the throne without Nechoh's consent. Elimelech, indigent. Had a competence. Ruth i. 1. Ruth i. 21. To Bertholdt's "discrepancy," Davidson replies that the So Hengstenberg, Keil, Leake, Robinson, and others. 2 History of O. C. iii. 385. 28 336 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. fulness and emptiness relate to Naomi's husband and sons who had died, not to property as Bertholdt imagines. Elizabeth, of tribe of Aaron. Of tribe of Judah. Luke i. 5. Luke i. 27, 36. The mere fact that Elizabeth was " cousin" to one of the tribe of Judah proves nothing as to her own tribal descent. Intermarriages between the tribes were allowed, except in the case of heiresses. Aaron himself married into the tribe of Judah.l Elhanan slew Goliath. Slew Lahmi. 2 Sam. xxi. 19. 1 Chron. xx. 5. The Goliath here mentioned may, for aught we know, have been Goliath junior! Most critics, Michaelis, Thenius, Dathe, Movers, Winer, Keil, Deutsch,2 Grove,5 IHervey, and others, maintain, however, that the Hebrew expression in Samuel is defective, and that Chronicles gives the true reading. Dr. Kennicott 4 shows clearly how the copyist's mistake occurred. Elkanah, an Ephrathite. A Levite. 1 Sam. i. 1. 1 Chron. vi. 16-27. He is called an Ephrathite (Ephraimite), because he lived within the borders of the tribe of Ephraim. So far as his civil standing was concerned, he, although a Levite, belonged to the tribe of Ephraim.? Esau's wives, - one list. A different statement. Judith the daughter of Beeri the Adah the daughter of Elon the HitHittite, and Bashemath the daughter tite, and Aholibamah the daughter of of Elon the Hittite. Gen. xxvi. 34. Anah the daughter of Zibeon the HlvMahalath the daughter of Ishmael, ite. And Bashemath, Ishmael's daughAbraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth. ter, sister of Nebajoth. Gen. xxxvi. Gen. xxviii. 9. 2, 3. Some critics think Esau had six wives; others, five; others, thfree. It will be observed that all the wives in the second list bear names different from those corresponding in the first. Compare Ex. vi. 23; 1 Chron. ii. 10. 2 See Kitto, i. 763. 3 Smith's Bible Diet., i. 697, See, on the other side, Ewald's History of Israel, iii. 70, and note. 4 Dissertations, i. 78-82. 6 See similar case of the " Levite of Bethlehem-Judah," Judges xvii. 9. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 337 Hlengstenberg,1 Keil, and Lange account for this by the fact that women at their marriage received new names. On this hypothesis, Bashemath, daughter of Ishmael, is the same with Mahalath; Adah, daughter of Elon the Hittite, is the same with Bashemath; and Aholibamah, daughter of Anah and [graffd-] daughter of Zibeon the JHivite, is identical with Judith,2 daughter of Beeri the Hittite. Anah is also called "Beeri" (" man of the springs "), from the fact that he had found certain " warm springs" in the wilderness.3 As to his nationality, we have spoken previously. Eutychus was dead. His life was in him. Acts xx. 9. Acts xx. 10. The latter words were uttered after Paul wrought the miracle. As to the somewhat analogous case of the maiden,4 of whom, though "dead," Christ said, " She is not dead, but sleepeth," the very obvious explanation is, that, relatively to his power, she was not dead. In other words, he could awaken her from death as easily as could others from ordinary sleep. Genealogical lists, - one form. Ano ther form. 1 Chron. ix. 1-34. Neh. xi. 3-36. The first passage refers to the early inhabitants, previous to the exile. This is clear, from the twentieth verse, which represents Phinehas the son of Eleazar as ruler over them in time past. The second passage refers to the post-exile inhabitants, who lived in the time of Nehemiah. As to the similarity of names in the two lists, it may be said that, after the exile, naturally those very families which, or whose ancestors, had dwelt in Jerusalem in earlier times, went back to that city. Then, too, the recurrence of the same names in families is a familiar incident. People liked to name children after their Gen. of Pent. ii. 225, 226. 2 Murphy and others think that Judith died without male issue, hence her name is omitted in chap. xxxvi. 3 So Gen. xxxvi. 24 should be interpreted, according to Fuerst, Gesenius, Hengstenberg, Murphy, Keil, and Knobel. 4 Luke viii. 52 5.3: 29 338 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. grandfathers, or other near relatives.l This is Keil's view. On the other hand, Bertheau, Movers, and Rawlinson maintain that the two lists refer to the same period, and were drawn from much fuller documents; the differences between the lists being due to condensation and omission on the part of the authors, as well as to the blunders of copyists. Davidson 2 says that the variations between the lists should not be pronounced " corruptions," unless it could be shown that they refer to exactly the same time. The catalogue in Nehemiah relates to an earlier period. Yet the interval between them was not great, since several persons named in Nehemiah were still alive according to the account in Chronicles. Gershom's relatives, - names. Different names. His father, Moses, Ex. ii. 22. Manasseh, Judg. xviii. 30. His son, Libni, I Chron. vi. 20. Laadan, 1 Chron. xxiii. 7. It is generally admitted that, in Judges, for " Manasseh " we should read "Moses," — the name having been disguised by Jewish copyists, to prevent supposed disgrace to Moses resulting from the idolatry of his grandson.' Libni and Laadan are, probably, mere variations of the same name. Gibeonites were Hivites. Remnant of Amorites. Josh. xi. 19. 2 Sam. xxi. 2. The term " Amorite " is often used in a comprehensive sense, as equivalent to " Canaanite "; and especially as denoting that part of the Canaanite nation inhabiting the hill-country, that is, the Hivites.4 As the Canaanites, with the exception of the Gibeonites and a few others, were supposed to be exterminated, the latter may well have been styled the "remnant" of the Amorites or Canaanites. Several analogous cases may as well be considered here. 1 See intimation in Luke i. 61. Also see numerous striking examples cited in Hervey's " Genealogies of our Lord," pp. 141-159. 2 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 137. 3 So Rashi, Kimchi, and the critics. 4 Compare Gen. xv. 16, and Num. xiii. 29; Deut. i. 20, 21. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 339 Hiram's mother a Naphtalite. A Danite. 1 Kings vii. 14. 2 Chron. ii. 14. Bahr, Blunt,l and Thenius say that she was of the neighboring city "Dan," in the tribe of iNaphtali, bordering upon Tyre, hence she married a man of the latter country. Joseph's purchasers nMidianites. Ishmaelites. Gen. xxxvii. 28, 36. Gen, xxxvii. 25, 28. Keil thinks the two tribes were often confounded on account of their common descent from Abraham and the similarily of their customs and mode of life. Lange suggests that Ishmaelites may have been the proprietors of the caravan, which was made up mostly of Mlidianites. Moses' wife a Midianite woman. An Ethiopian. Ex. ii. 16, 21. Num. xii. 1. Possibly " Cushite" and "Midianite" may be used interchangeably (see Hab. iii. 7). A better solution is that Zipporah had died, and Moses was married to a woman of Ethiopian origin. Ewald2 adopts the latter opinion, also maintaining that Keturah was a wife taken by Abraham during the thirty-eight years which he lived after Sarah's death. Obed-edom a Gittite. A Levite. 2 Sam. vi. 10. 1 Chron. xv. 17,18, 21. He was called ", Gathite," or "c Gittite," because born in the Levitical city of Gath-rimmon (Keil), or living at Moreshethgath (Ewald).I Woman a Canaanite. A Syro-phenician. MSatt. xv. 22. Mark vii. 26. She lived in that part of Canaan called " Syro-Phoenicia," and was herself a " Greek," that is, a Gentile, as opposed to a Jew4 (see Rom. ii. 9, 10). We now return from our digression. Hazael and Jehu anointed by Elijah. By Elisha. 1 Kings xix. 15, 16. 2 Kings viii. 7-15; ix. 1-10. The word " anoint," in the first passage, is used figuratively, Coinci lences, pp. 117,118 (Am. ed.). 2 Hist. of Israel, ii. 178, note. 8 History of Israel, iii. 127. 4 Smith's Bib. Dict., ii. 967, and iv, 8149. 340 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. as in Judges ix. 8, to denote " divine consecration to the regal and prophetic offices.'- Elijah did not, says Bahr, understand the anointing literally. He was simply required to announce, either in person or by proxy, to the three men named, their divine call to the performance of regal or prophetic functions. And the injunction (correctly rendered, " And thou shalt go and anoint ") left Elijah free to choose his own time for executing these commissions. Doubtless he gave it in charge to Elisha, his successor, to carry out to the full what remained unaccomplished. Hezekiah reduced to poverty. Possessed great treasures. 2 Kings xviii. 14-16. Isa. xxxix. 2, 6. The second passage refers to the latter part of Hezekiah's reign, when he enjoyed great prosperity, and many brought " gifts " and " presents " to him, and he was " magnified in the sight of all nations." 1 Thus his fortunes were fully retrieved. Iezekiah's passover unequalled. Surpassed by Josiah's. 2 Chron. xxx. 26. 2 Chron. xxxv. 18. Hezekiah's feast surpassed all that preceded it since the days of Solomon, but was itself eclipsed by the later one of king Josiah. The superiority of Josiah's passover consisted in these points, -" All Judah and Israel " participated; it was held on the legal day; and all the people were ceremonially clean.2 This was not true of Hezekiah's passover. Israelites' condition in desert comfortable. They endured privations. Deut. ii.7; xxxii. 13, 14. Ex. xvi. 2, 3; Num. xi. 4-6. It is clear, from the narrative, that the people were, at some particular times, in a state of destitution,3 but. that generally they were well supplied with food, and abundantly so upon certain occasions. As to the alleged impossibility of so vast a multitude,4 together with their flocks and herds, finding the needful sustenance during their wanderings in the desert, it is 1 2 Chron. xxxii. 23, 27-29. 2 Compare 2 Chron. xxx. 2, 8,17-20, and xxxv. 18. 3 Deut. viii. 3, 15. Ewald says, " about two millions," History of Israel, ii. 196. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 841 to be carefully noted that, from the present sterile and desolate condition of the Sinaitic peninsula, we cannot infer that in former times it was equally barren and dreary as now. Eminent travellers and scholars assign, for believing that that territory was far more productive than at present, the following reasons. Ewald 1: i" Destruction of good land by sand thrown upon it by the winds of the desert"; " change in the temperature of the soil"; and "increasing idleness or barbarism in the inhabitants, which is indisputable in this case." Stanley,2 following Ritter: The considerable decrease of the vegetation of the wadys (valleys); the denudation of the soil by the ruthless destruction of acacia-trees in manufacturing charcoal, the chief article of traffic; and the diminution of the population, consequently of the size and number of cultivated spots. "When Niebuhr3 visited that country, at the beginning of the last century, large supplies of vegetable produce were exported regularly to Egypt, showing that the original fertility was not even then exhausted." Ritter 4 speaks of the " colonies, chapels, churches, hospices, convents, bishoprics, and Christian communities," existing there so late as between the third and seventh centuries of our era; and of the fact that there was " more building, more artificial irrigation, more culture of the palm-tree, and more agricultural prosperity in general" than is seen there in later times. Stanley 6 mentions the " numerous remains of cells, gardens, houses, chapels, and churches, now deserted and ruined," which go to show that the desert was not always the dreary waste that it is now. And Ewald6 says that " the most recent travellers have repeatedly remarked that the country shows clear indications Vol. ii. p. 197. 2 Sinai and Palestine, pp. 25-29 (American edition). 3Bible Commentary, i. 246. 4 Geography of Palestine and Sinaitic Peninsula, i. 10, 11 (Gage's trans. lation. 5 Page 29. 6Page 197. 29* 342 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. of having been formerly much more extensively cultivated." The legitimate inference is, that the " wilderness of Sinai " was formerly vastly more productive and populous than at present. The following may be enumerated as means of support enjoyed by the Israelites during the forty years' sojourn in the desert: 1. The miracle of the manna, continued throughout. Ex. xvi. 35. 2. The milk and flesh of their flocks and herds. They came out of Egypt with "very much cattle" (Ex. xii. 38). Prof. Palmer,' the latest and most scientific explorer of the Sinaitic country, says that the flocks and herds of the Israelites "would afford them ample means of subsistence, as do those of the Arabs of the present day, whom they undoubtedly resembled in their mode of life." 3. Agriculture to a certain extent. We are not to imagine that they spent their time in marching and countermarching, in military order, through the desert, "striking camp in the morning and pitching it again at night, daily, for forty yearsand that within the compass of a few hundred miles." It is altogether probable that, during the thirty-eight years2 the incidents of which were not recorded by the sacred writer, the people led, for the most part, a tranquil and comparatively settled life; being scattered over a very wide extent of territory, and engaging somewhat in the cultivation of the soil. Dr. Davidson3 observes: "As the tracts in which they roamed were very fertile in some places, producing a great variety of vegetables and fruit; as there were numerous villages and posts throughout it; the Israelites were not without the natural and spontaneous productions of the earth. They tilled the oases, and reaped the produce." 4. Some intercourse and traffic with other nations. The'Desert of the Exodus, p. 426 (American edition). 2 See Deut. ii. 14. 3 Introd. to Old Test., i. 326, 827. As to stations of Israelites, see under "c Places." HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 343 Israelites had, besides their flocks and herds, gold and silver in considerable quantities, and could procure certain necessaries of life from the Ishmaelites, Midianites, and Edomites, among whom they were. As to their flocks and herds, these found sufficient pasturage in the numerous fertile wadys through which they roamed. On the whole, we may conclude, with Ewald,' that the Israelites subsisted, at times " in a condition of great privation and trial, certainly, - of which, indeed, in all the traditions, there is frequent complaint,- but still so that a frugal and laborious people would not absolutely perish." Israelites dwelt in tents. They dwelt in booths. Ex. xvi. 16. Lev. xxiii. 42, 43. The word "ohel," tent, means also a dwelling-house, or habitation, hence might, perhaps, include booths. Neither passage asserts that all the people dwelt in "tents," or all in "booths." It is quite probable that, when they first emerged from Egypt, they were poorly provided with actual "tents," and hence sheltered themselves with " booths" and other rude structures.2 A little later all may have possessed tents. Israelites imitated the heathen. Did not imitate them. Ye have not walked in my statutes, Neither have done according to the neither executed my judgments, but judgments of the nations that are round have done after the manners of the about you. Ezek. v. 7. heathen that are round about you. Yet hast thou not walked after their Ezek. xi. 12. ways, nor done after their abominations: but as if that were a very little thing, thou wast corrupted more than they, in all thy ways. Ezek. xvi. 47. They had imitated the heathen in some respects, but not in others. The first passage at the right may denote that the Israelites had not commended themselves to the judgment of the heathen, but had pursued a course which even the latter would pronounce inconsistent and discreditable. Or both texts oJ the series may simply assert that, so far from imitating the heathen, the Israelites had gone far beyond them in corruption. pp. 196, 197. 2 Green's Pentateuch Vindicated, pp 69, 70. 3 See Jer. ii. 10, 11 344 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Israelites listened to Moses. Did not listen to him. Ex. iv. 31. Ex. vi. 9. They gave heed to Moses at first; but since instant deliverance did not come, in their disappointment and impatience they would no longer hearken to him. Israelites practised idolatry. They served the Lord. Josh. xxiv. 14, 23. Josh. xxii. 2, 11-34; Judg. ii. 7. The exhortation, "Put away the strange gods which are among you" (or "within you"), may refer to a lurking adherence of heart to idols. Or, possibly, idolatry may have been practised secretly by a few persons, unsuspected by the people generally. Whichever were the case, the sin was at once broken off. Israelites' repulse of Philistines final. It was not final. I Sam. vii. 13. 1 Sam. ix. 16; x. 5; xiii. 5,17. The statement that the Philistines "came no more " into the land of Israel, is not to be pressed so as to denote an expulsion for all time to come. It is simply a popular, idiomatic way of saying that they came no more at that time, or no more came successfully, so as to obtain a permanent foothold. In a similar manner are to be explained the statements concerning Pharaoh-nechoh, 2 Kings xxiv. 7; Jer. xxxvii. 5; and concerning the Syrians, 2 Kings vi. 23, 24. Israelites resistless. Not irresistible. Deut. xi. 25. Josh. vii. 4; Judg. i. 34. The first passage was, as is expressly set forth in the context, a conditional promise. The conditions not being complied with, the promise was no longer binding. Israelites very numerous. They were very weak. Num. i. 46. Deut. vii. 1, 7. The texts at the right refer to the time when Jacob and his family went down into Egypt. From so small a beginning there had sprung a nation like " the stars of heaven for multitude." l 1 Compare Deut. x. 22. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 345 Jacob brought out of Egypt. lie died in Egypt. Gen. xlvi. 4. Gen. xlix. 83. The words, " I will there make of thee a great nation," 1 show that the promise was to be fulfilled to Jacob's posterity, and not to him in person. Jacob's body was carried up out of Egypt, and buried in Canaan; his descendants were brought out of Egypt, according to the promise. Jacob's errand, to procure a wife. To escape Esau's anger. Gen. xxviii. 2. Gen. xxvii. 42-45. Two reasons for the same thing, -neither excluding the other. Upon the same principle are to be explained the several reasons assigned for Moses' exclusion from Canaan, — " unbelief," Num. xx. 12; "rebellion," Num. xxvii. 14; " trespass," Deut. xxxii. 51; (' rash words," Ps. cvi. 33. Also, those adduced for numbering the people, —" taxation," Ex. xxxviii. 26; a "military enrolment," Num. i. 2, 3; ii. 32.2 In like manner, the reasons named for Saul's rejection, —" unlawful sacrifice," 1 Sam. xiii. 12, 13; " disobedience," 1 Sam. xxviii. 18; 6" consulting the necromancer," 1 Chron. x. 13. Jacob purchased the birthright. Obtained it by deception. Gen. xxv. 31-38. Gen. xxvii. 1-29 This " discrepancy" confounds two things which are entirely distinct - the " birthright " and the " blessing." 3 Jacob purchased the former, but obtained the latter by fraud and falsehood. Jacob supported by the bed's head. Supported by his staff. Gen. xlvii. 381. Heb. xi. 21. From the fact that the latter passage speaks of Jacob as'i l ing," while the former (compare xlviii. 1) represents him as not yet "sick," it is probable that they refer to different occasions. If, however, one so extremely old and feeble as Gen. xlvi. 3. 2 In both cases, only males above twenty years of age were reclkoned. See Ex. xxx. 12-14. The second reckoning, Num. i., was probably based on the former one. This would account for the agreementin the sum-total. 6 See Gen. xxvi. 36. 346 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Jacob was, might, although not actually death-struck, be spoken of as " dying," it may be observed that the same Hebrew word pronounced " mittih," denotes a bed, but pronounced " matteh," a staff. Our present Hebrew Bible exhibits one pronunciation; the Septuagint and the Epistle to the Hebrews follow the other. Jehoiachin, father of Salathiel. He was " childless." Matt. i. 12. Jer. xxii. 30. The term "childless" is explained by the statement that " no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah." With reference to a lineal successor, he was "childless." Salathiel, or Shealtiel, probably married the daughter and heiress of Neri, hence is reckoned as his son (Luke iii. 27). Jehoiakim had no successor. Succeeded by his son Jehoiachin. Jer. xxxvi. 30. 2 Kings xxiv. 6. Jehoiachin's reign lasted but a few months, and was, perhaps, subject to his mother's tutelage. - He was then carried captive to Babylon, and his uncle made king in his stead. The Hebrew term rendered "sit," in Jeremiah," implies some degree of permanence; hence there is no collision between the passages. Jehoram's sons taken captive. They were put to death. 2 Chron. xxi. 16, 17, 2 Chron. xxii. 1. As Keil and Rawlinson say, first taken captive, afterwards slain. Jehoshaphat declines Ahaziah's aid. Made league with him. 1 Kings xxii. 49. 2 Chron. xx. 35, 36. The two kings at first engaged in ship-building together. Their ships were wrecked at Ezion-geber. Jehoshaphat, being informed by a prophet as to the cause of this calamity, declined a second proposal from Ahaziah. Jesus approached by the centurion. By the elders of the Jews. Matt. viii. 5. Luke vii. 3. Alford and Ebrard think that Matthew, writing in a condensed style, speaks of the centurion as himself doing that HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 347 which he really accomplished by proxy. So Robinson, who quotes the old law-maxim, " Qui facit per alium, facit per se," He who does a thing by another, does it himself. Still, it is possible that the centurion first sent the elders, and then, in the intensity of his anxiety and distress, went in person to the Saviour. Upon the above principle is to be explained the case of Zebedee's wife. She makes a certain request for her sons, Matt. xx. 20; they make it for themselves, Mark x. 35. So with regard to David: He killed Uriah, 2 Sam. xii. 9; the Ammonites killed him, 2 Sam. xi. 17. In like manner, the Levites promulgated the " blessings" and "curses," Deut. xxvii. 14, 15; and Joshua did it, Josh. viii. 34, 35. So the priests bought the potter's field, AMatt. xxvii. 6, 7; and Judas purchased it, that is, furnished the occasion for its purchase, Acts i. 18. Nothing is more common than that figure of speech by which we attribute to the man himself any act which he has either directly or indirectly procured to be done. Job's children, all dead. Some surviving. Job i. 19; viii. 4. Job xix. 17. Davidson takes the term "children," in the second text, as denoting "grandchildren." Conant, Delitzsch, Gesenius, Schlottmann, Stuhlmann, Umbreit, and Winer take the Hebrew " b'ne bitni" as equivalent -to "my brethren."' Wetzstein,2 comparing the Arabic idiom, says that the expression denotes, " all my relations by blood." Nothing in the passage warrants the inference that any of Job's own children were alive. John identical with Elias. He was not Elias. Matt. xvii. 12, 13; Mark ix. 13. John i. 21. In a figurative, but not in the literal, sense John was Elias. He came in the spirit and power of the Tishbite prophet, and was the Elias of his day. Our Saviour's words, " If ye will receive it" (if ye can comprehend the meaning of the prophecy), Compare the obvious meaning of a.m.. in Job iii. 10. 2 Delitzsch on Job, Vol. ii. p. 416. 348 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. " this is Elias which was to come," 1 show that a literal fulfilment was not intended. Joseph bound in the prison. He was not bound. Gen. xxxix. 20; xl. 8. Gen. xxxix. 21, 22. Probably he was bound at first; but after a time, as his true character became apparent, his chains were taken off. As to the " keeper of the prison,"2 in whose care Joseph was placed, many critics, Delitzsch, Keil, Kurtz, Lange, and others think that he was a subordinate official, to whom Potiphar intrusted the immediate oversight of the prison and its inmates. The " captain of the guard" mentioned Gen. xl. 4, was probably the successor of Potiphar. The statement that Joseph was "stolen" (that is, carried away secretly and by force) from his native land (Gen. xl. 15) does not conflict with the fact that he was " sold " to the Ishmaelites (xxxvii. 28). Joshtua conquered certain kings. Their cities not captured. Josh. xii. 10, 12,16, 21, 23. Josh. xv. 63; xvi. 10; xvii. 11, 12; Judg. i. 22-25. There is an appreciable difference between defeating a king in battle, and gaining possession of his capital city. Hannibal several times -Vanquished the Roman consuls, but never captured the city of Rome. Josiah extirpated idolatry. It had been destroyed by Manasseh. 2 Kings xxiii. 5-12; 2 Chron. xxxiv. 3. 2 Chron. xxxiii. 15. Manasseh did not root out the love of idolatry, and his son Amon countenanced and powerfully encouraged the worship of false gods. Hence, when Josiah, in his twelfth year, began to overthrow idolatry, he needed to do the whole work over again. The statement that Josiah destroyed the altars which "JMfanasseh had made"4 is explained by the fact that these altars had been not "destroyed," but " cast out of the city," by 1MVanasseh,' and were restored by his successor Amon; hence 1 Matt. xi. 14. 2 Gen. xxxix. 21. 3 $mith's Bib. Dict., ii. 146f5. 4 2 Kings xxiii. 12. 2 Chro0i, xxxiii. 15. HISTORICAL DISCREPANICIES. 349 the religious zeal of Josiah was very properly directed against them. Josiah's sons,- one list. A different list. The first-born Johanan, the second Jehoahaz, Eliakim (Jehoiakim), MatJehoiakim. the third Zedekiah, the taniah (Zedekiah). 2 Kingsxxiii. 30,34; fourth Shallum. 1 Chron. iii. 15. xxiv. 17. Jehoahaz is called Shallum in Jer. xxii. 11. Bleek 1 thinks that Shallum assumed the name " Jehoahaz " at his coronation. In Rawlinson's opinion, Johanan died before his father, or with him at Megiddo. Judas' death, - one manner. A diverse statement. And he cast down the pieces of silver And falling hleadlong, lie burst asunin the temple, and departed, and went der in the midst, and all his bowels and hanged himself. Matt. xxvii. 5. gushed out. Acts i. 18. Neither of these statements excludes the other. 1M\atthew does not deny that Judas, ajfter hanging himself, fell and burst asunder; Peter does not assert that Judas did not hang himself previous to his fall. Probably the circumstances were much as follows: Judas suspended himself from a tree on the brink of the precipice overhanging the valley of Hinnom, and the limb or the rope giving way, he fell, and was mangled as described in Acts. Prof. Hackett,2 who recently visited the supposed scene of this tragic event, deems the above explanation " entirely natural." As he stood in the valley, and looked up to the rocky terraces which hang over it, and- which he found by measurement to vary from twenty-five to forty feet almost perpendicular height, he felt "more than ever satisfied" with the solution just given. TIe speaks of trees as still growing upon the margin of these precipices, and of a rocky pavement at the bottom of the ledges, upon which the traitor would be crushed and mangled, as well as killed, in his fall. The Professor suggests that Judas may have struck upon some pointed rock, which entered his body, and caused his bowels to gush out. Besides, we do not know how long Judas remained suspended, nor how far decomposition was advanced when he fell. Introd. to Old Test., ii. 67. 2 Illustrations of Scripture, pp. 275, 276. 80 350 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Prof. Gaussen,' exemplifying different versions of the same affair, mentions a man who, having determined to commit suicide, placed himself upon the sill of a lofty window, and aimed a pistol at his head, then discharged the pistol, and leaped at the same instant. Now, it might be said, with sufficient accuracy, that the man took his life by shooting, or by throwing himself from a height. So, in the case in question, Matthew gives one aspect of the affair, and Peter another, yet there is no contradiction between them. Judges appointed by Moses. Appointed by the people. Ex. xviii. 25; Dent. i. 15. Dent. i. 9-18. Jethro suggested the appointment to Moses; and the latter, after obtaining the consent of Jehovah,2 referred the matter to the people; and the men whom the people nominated he admitted to share his authority, as subordinate judges.8 Thus, since both Moses and the people participated in the choice, it might be ascribed indifferently to either. The omission of mention of Jethro's part in the matter, which De Wette and KSster style a "contradiction," Stihelin says is no contradiction, since it was the intention of the Deuteronomist simply to state the fact, and not the manner of the appointment. A quite similar case is that of the spies sent by the Lord, Num. xiii. 1i, 2; by Moses, Num. xxxii. 8; by the people, Deut. i. 22; the true solution being that the people suggested the matter to Moses, who laid it before the Lord, and received from him an injunction to comply with the people's request. Yet in the condensed statements of the two latter passages there is no mention of the Divine co-operation in the sending. Upon the shallow and delusive hypothesis that the historian's omission of an event is equivalent to a denial of that event, are founded many of the alleged "' contradictions " of the Bible. The following are examples: Levites' participation in the inauguration of Joash, 2 Chron. xxiii. 1-20; omitted, 2 Kings i Theopneusty, p. 117 (Kirk's translation). 2 See Ex. xviii. 23, 24. 3 Graves on the Pentateuch, i. 87. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES, 351 xi. 4-19. Manasseh's repentance, 2 Chron. xxxiii. 11-17; omitted, 2 Kings xxi. 17. Moses' family sent back to 1Midian, Ex. xviii 2-6; the sending back omitted, Ex. iv. 20; Moses' fast at his first ascent of Mount Sinai, Deut. ix. 9, 18; omitted, Ex. xxiv. 18; with many analogous cases elsewhere. In such instances, the omission is due to condensation on the part of the writer, or to his selection of those circumstances only which he deemed important. Kish the son of Abiel. The son of NVer. 1 Sam. ix. 1; xiv. 50, 51. 1 Chron. viii. 33; ix. 39. There were probably two men named Ner - one the grandfather, the other the brother of Kish. Hence the genealogy would stand thus: Ner. Abiel. Kish. Ner. Saul. Abner. Hervey renders 1 Sam. xiv. 50, 51 thus: "And Kish the father of Saul, and INer the father of Abner, were the sons of Abiel." 1 Kohath's son, Izhar. Amminadab. Ex. vi. 18. 1 Chron. vi. 22. Two names of the same person. So Rawlinson and other critics. It may be added here that, upon the hypothesis (1) that the same person bears several names; or (2) that several persons bear the same name; or (3) that copyists have blundered in respect to names; or (4) that the terms " father " and "son," etc., are used in a loose sense for " progenitor,"' "descendant," and the like, we are able to explain a large number of "' apparent contradictions" like the following: Laadan's posterity, 1 Chron. vi. 20; xxiii. 8 and xxvi. 21, 22; Laban's father, Gen. xxviii. 5 and xxix. 5; Machir's wife, 1 Chron. vii. 15 and 16; AMahol's sons, 1 Kings iv. 31 and 1 Ch;roJn. ii. 6; 1 Smith's Bible Dict., iv. 2853, makes Abiel the father of Ner. 352 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Salah's father, Gen. xi. 12 and Luke iii. 35, 36; Samuel's first-born, 1 Sam. viii. 2 and 1 Chron. vi. 28; Saul's sons, 1 Sam. xiv. 49 and 1 Sam. xxxi. 2; 1 Chron. viii. 33; Timnah's relationship, Gen. xxxvi. 12 and I Chron. i. 36, 51; Zedekiah's relationship, 2 Kings xxiv. 17; 1 Chron. iii. 15 and 1 Chron. iii. 16; 2 Chron. xxxvi. 10; Zechariah's father, Ezra v. 1; vi. 14 and Zech. i. 1; Zerubbabel's father, 1 Chron. iii. 19 and Ezra iii. 2; Neh. xii. 1. As to the differences,l some twenty-seven in number, between the two lists of names, Ezra ii. 2-60 and Neh. vii. 7-62, they are due either to copyists' mistakes, or to variations in our English method of spelling proper names. Korah swallowed up by the earth. He was burned. Num. xvi. 31-33; xxvi. 10. Num. xvi. 35; Ps. cvi. 18. There are two theories respecting Korah's fate: (1) That he was burned, with the "two hundred and fifty men" who offered incense. Dr. Graves2 has a very ingenious argument in defence of this hypothesis, which is also supported by Boothroyd, Bush, Geddes, Hervey,3 Josephus,4 and the Samaritan version. But Num. xxvi. 10 seems fatal to this theory. (2) That, as the passage just named implies, Korah was engulfed, together with Dathan and Abiram. Ewald,5 Keil, Kurtz,6 and Knobel adopt the latter view. The following would seem to have been the circumstances of the case. Dathan and Abiram, being brothers and Reubenites, probably had tents near together, and with their tribe, on the south side of the encampment.7 Korah, as a Kohathite, would pitch his tent "on the side of the tabernacle southward."8 This would bring the three ringleaders into such contiguity that they could conveniently take counsel together.9 See more than a hundred similar cases collected by Davidson, Introd. to Old Test., ii. 108-112. 2 On Pentateuch, i. 119, 120. 3 Smith's Bib. Dict., ii. 1576. 4 Antiq. iv. 3, 4. 5 History of Israel, ii. 180. 6 History of Old Covenant, iii. 296. 7 Num. ii. 10. 8 Num. iii. 29. 9 Blunt, Coincidences. See Korah. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 353 On the appointed day Korah and his faction assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. Dathan and Abiram scornfully refused to come (vs. 12-14), and remained in their tents. After the events recorded in vs. 18-24, Moses, leaving the tabernacle, went with the elders of Israel to the tents of Dathan and Abiram. Doubtless Korah, who was the prime mover of the rebellion, left the " two hundred and fifty men " burning incense at the tabernacle, and followed Moses, with the purpose of strengthening Dathan and Abiram in their contumacy. Arrived at their tents, he stood with them and their families in the door to see what Moses would do. At the command of the latter, the people withdrew from about the "'tabernacle [tents or dwelling-place] of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram," who were instantly swallowed up by the opening earth. At the same moment, a fire sent of God destroyed the two hundred and fifty men offering incense at the tabernacle. Probably Korah is mentioned, in vs. 24-27, with the other two, because he was so closely linked with them in conduct and fate. It is clear that Korah was not in his own tent, which must have been at some little distance, and which seems not to have been destroyed. Some think that " the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram" (vs. 24-27) was one which these men had set up in opposition to the tabernacle proper. That a portion, at least, of Korah's family did not perish with him is explicitly asserted in Num. xxvi. 11. The prophet Samuel was a descendant of Korah,l and some of David's musicians belonged to the same family.2 So that the expression, "all the men that appertained unto Korah" 3 (literally, "' all unto Korah ") denotes simply his adherents - his servants and retainers, with, possibly, the adult males of his family. Lazarus came forth from the tomb. He was bound hand and foot. John xi. 44. John xi. 44. The Jewish sepulchres were caves or rooms excavated in l 1 Chron. vi. 22-28. 2 1 Chron. vi. 31, 83; Ps. xliv.-xlix, titles. 3 Num. xvi. 32. 80* 354 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the rock. The dead were not put in coffins, but into niches cut into the sides of these rooms, and radiating outward. The corpse, as Meyer thinks, was not so swathed with bandages as to preclude all motion; and the wrappings would be loosened by the movements of the living man. At Jesus' word, Lazarus raised himself from his recumbent position in the niche, put forth his feet over the edge, then, sliding down, stood upright on the floor.' When he thus " came forth," Jesus bade them "loose him, and let him go." Man's fear and dread upon all beasts. Not upon the lion. Gen. ix. 2. Prov. xxx. 80. The second passage, 1" A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any," may mean, " for any beast," another way of designating the lion as the "king of beasts." If, however, it implies, "for any man," the exceptional cases which this statement covers only prove the general rule that the presence of man intimidates all the lower animals. Moses somewhat infirm. His physical powers well preserved. And he said unto them, I am a hun- And Moses was an hundred and dred and twenty years old this day; I twenty years old when he died: his can no more go out and come in: also eye was not dim, nor his natural force the LORD hath said unto me, Thou shalt abated. Deut. xxxiv. 7. not go over this Jordan. Dent. xxxi. 2. The fact that Moses' eyesight and physical vigor were unimpaired does not preclude his knowing that he had already passed far beyond the ordinary limit of human life, and that his mission — inasmuch as the time for crossing the Jordan had come, and he himself was not to go over -was accomplished. In view of these facts, he admonished the Israelites that he could no longer " go out and come in" as their leader. Moses' father-in-law, Jethro. Reuel or Raguel. Hobab. Ex. iii. 1; iv. 18; xviii. 5. Ex. ii. 18; Num. x: 29. Judg. iv. 11. Observe, (1) That "Reuel" and "Raguel" are exactly the same in the Hebrew. (2) That "Jether," or " Jethro," is not a proper name, but simply a title of honor, denoting " excellency," and about equivalent to the Arabic " Imam." So I So Macknight, Paxton, and others. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 355 Aben Ezra, Ewald, Gesenius, Keil, Kimchi, Knobel, Kurtz, Winer, and others. The following seems the best explanation of the other difficulties in the case. Hobab was the son of Raguel, and hence the brother-in-law of Moses. He appears to have remained with the Israelites when his father Jethro returned to his own land, and to have settled among them.l So Josephus, Bertheau, and Keil. As to Num. x. 29, the original is ambiguous, and may denote either that Raguel or that Hobab was Moses' father-in-law. The English version of Judg. iv. 11 favors the latter theory; but the Hebrew word "chothdn" means properly "a relative by marriage," 2 or, as Fuerst says, " one who makes an alliance." So that, as Ranke maintains, the term, being ambiguous, proves nothing. Some think that Hobab was the brother of Jethro -both being sons of Raguel; others, that Hobab and Jethro were different names of the same man, who was actually the fatherin-law of Moses, and the son of Raguel. On this hypothesis, the terms " father " and "' daughter," Ex. ii. 16-21, are equivalent to " grandfather" and " granddaughter." Moses peerless among prophets. Others wrought equal miracles. Dent. xxxiv. 10-12. 1 K. xvii. 22; 2 K. i. 10; ii. 14; iv. &1. The first passage does not say that no such prophet ever would arise, but merely that, up to the time of writing, no prophet equal to Moses had arisen. Moreover, in certain aspects, not simply as a miracle-worker, but as a lawgiver, Mboses has never been equalled. In this respect he has no human peer. Moses' veil worn in addressing the people. Not worn at such times. Ex. xxxiv. 383-35. 2 Cor. iii. 7, 13, The best commentators agree that the citation from Exodus Compare Elx. xviii. 27; Num. x. 29-82; Judg. i. 16; iv. 11; 1 Sam. xv. 6. 2 See Gen. xix. 14; 2 Kings viii. 27, where a word differing only in vowel. points is employed. '356 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. should be rendered, " And when Moses had done speaking with them, he put a veil," etc. Naboth's sons slain with him. Their slaughter not mentioned. 2 Kings ix. 26. 1 Kings xxi. 13. The omission in the condensed narrative of 1 Kings cannot be construed into a denial. The murder of the sons is not mentioned in this place, because, as Ewald' says, it is " here understood as a matter of course." Jezebel, who was not wont to do things by halves, would see to it that Naboth's sons were not left alive to inherit his possessions (which would not then have escheated to the crown), nor to revenge their father's cruel death. Poor not found in Israel. Poor always found. Deut. xv. 4. Deut. xv. 11. Michaelis, Rosenmiiller, Dathe, and others give the sense of the first passage thus, " Thou must release the debt, except when no poor person is concerned in the matter, - which may happen, for the Lord shall greatly bless thee," etc. Priests styled sons of Aaron. Classed as Levites. Lev. i. 5, 8, 11; Num. vi. 23. Dent. x. 8, 9; xviii. 1, 7. Certain critics have affected to see a discrepancy, in that the " sharp distinction" between the priests and Levites in the first passages is not kept up in the second series. To which it is sufficient to reply: 1. The priests were not only "sons of Aaron," but were also " Levites." 2. The term " sons of Aaron," applied to the priests, is not found in the last part of Numbers at all, but only in the first fourteen chapters. These relate to the second, while Deuteronomy relates to the fortieth, year after the exodus. Now, during the intervening thirty-eight years, a change of phraseology may have obtained currency. 3. In Deuteronomy Moses is speaking in general terms. To enter into minute and unimportant details would be quite Hist. of Israel, iv. 75, note 2. So also J. D. Michaelis, and others. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 357 foreign to his purpose, and tend to defeat it. The man who addresses a large and mixed audience will, if he knows his business, take care to shun irrelevant details and distinctions.1 Purchaser of sepulchre, Jacob. It was Abraham. And the bones of Joseph, which the So Jacob went down into Egypt, and children of Israel brought up out of died, he, and our fathers. And were Egypt., buried they in Shechem, in a carried over into Sychem, and laid in parcel of ground which Jacob bought the sepulchre that Abraham bought for of the sons of Hamor the father of a sum of money of the sons of Emmor, Shechem for a hundred pieces of silver. the father of Sychem. Acts vii. 15, 16. Josh. xxiv. 32. Alford thinks that the use of the name " Abraham," in the latter passage, is due to " haste or inadvertence " on the part of Stephen. Hackett, following Beza, Kuinoel, Schoettgen, and others, is in favor of omitting the word "Abraham," and rendering, " which was purchased." The simplest explanation is that suggested by Mr. Garden. It is known that Sychem (Shechem) was the place where God first appeared to Abraham in the land of Canaan, and where the patriarch built an altar.' There is reason to believe that a man so scrupulous as was Abraham in respect to property would purchase the field where he built his altar. In the one hundred and eighty-five years which intervened, the Shechemites may have reoccupied the location, and Jacob may have renewed the purchase made by his grandfather. Of this consecrated field a portion may have been set apart by Jacob as a burial-place. According to the usage of New Testament Greek, we should read, " of the sons of Emmor the son of Sychem." We are thus carried back to a Shechem and Hamor antecedent to Abraham, and quite different from those of whose sons Jacob made the purchase, Gen. xxxiii. 18-20. The way is thus cleared. Abraham made the original purchase, and Jacob renewed and confirmed the transaction. Rebellious Israelites all dead. Spoken of as living. Num. xxvi. 64, 65. Deunt. i. 6, 9, 14; v. 2, 5; xi. 2, 7. That the congregation which remained after the death of the 1 ee Bible Corn., i. 797, 798. 2 Smith's Bib. Diet., iv. 3114, 3115. 8 Gen. xii. 6, 7. 358 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. rebels might still be considered identical with that which came out from Egypt is clear, from the following considerations. Only the males above twenty years of age were " numbered," and placed under the ban.' It would follow, beyond question, that a very large number of women were present, who remembered the servitude in Egypt and the events in the wilderness. Besides, the Levites were exempted from the ban, as well as all the males under twenty years of age.2 Here, then, were three classes of persons who survived, and who formed the large majority of the congregation to whom Moses discoursed, as recorded in Deuteronomy. He was, therefore (Colenso to the contrary, notwithstanding), perfectly right in saying to the assembled multitudes, "Your eyes have seen all the great acts of the Lord which he did." Rulers knew Christ. They knew him not. Matt. xxi. 38. John xvi. 3; Acts iii. 17; 1 Cor. ii. 8. A. Fuller deems it very probable that there were some of each description; and that the former passages refer to one; the latter, to the other. Alforl suggests that the "ignorance" mentioned admitted of all degrees, from that of the unlearned, who followed their leaders implicitly in rejecting Jesus, to that of the most learned scribes, who rightly understood the Messianic predictions, yet, from moral blindness or perverted expectations, failed to recog nize the fulfilment in our Lord. Samaritans received not Jesus. Treated him hospitably. Luke ix. 52, 53. John iv. 39, 40. Baur finds a "discrepancy" here; but Bleek3 replies that Luke is speaking of a certain Samaritan village, while John refers to a city in the land of Samaria. Samucel visited Saul no more. Saul prophesied before hins. 1 Sam. xv. 35. 1 Sam. xix. 24. De Wette 4: "It is said that Samuel did not see Saul again 1 Compare Num. i. 2, 3, 45, 46. 2 Num. i. 3, 45, 49. 3 Introd, to New Test., ii 220. 4 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 22Q. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 359 till the day of his death." This statement conveys a wrong impression. " To see " is used in Hebrew for to visit, that is, to go to see, as in 2 Sam. xiii. 5; 2 Kings viii. 29; 2 Chron. xxii. 6. Samuel went no more to see Saul; but the latter came to see him. Our version gives the true sense. Saul's attendants heard the voice. They heard it not. Acts ix. 7. Acts xxii. 9; xxvi. 14. The Greek " akouo," like our word " hear," has two distint meanings, to perceive sound, and to understand.2 The men who were with Saul of Tarsus, heard the sound, but did not understand what was said to him. As to the fact that one passage represents them as "standing"; the other, as having "fallen to the earth," the word rendered "stood " also means to be fixed, to be rooted to the spot. Hence the sense may be, not that they stood erect, but that they were rendered motionless, or fixed to the spot, by overpowering fear. Or, perhaps, when the light with such exceeding brilliancy burst upon them, they all "fell to the earth," but afterward rose and "stood" upon their feet.3 Saul chosen king by lot. Chosen by the Lord. Demanded by people. 1 Sam. x. 20, 21. 1 Sam. ix. 17; x. 24. 1 Sam. viii. 19. Here is no collision. The people persisted in demanding a king. God granted their request, and guided the lot in the choice of Saul to be king over Israel.4 Saul's death, - one manner. A different manner. I Sam. xxxi. 3-5. 2 Sam. i. 6-10. The latter statement is given as that of an "Amalekite," and is not vouched for by the sacred historian. It was doubtless colored by its author to suit the supposed occasion. Saul inquired of the Lord. Did not thus inquire. 1 Sam. xxviii. 6. 1 Chron. x. 14. See Gesenius, Hebrew Lexicon, p. 951, Rem. g. 2 On use of aKcovC with different cases, see Winer's Grammar of N. T. Idiom, pp. 199, 200 (Thayer's edition); also, Buttmann's Grammar, pp. 165, 166. 3 Compare Hackett, Commentary on Acts ix. 7. 4 Ewald's History of Israel, iii. 25. 3g 0 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. It is sufficient to notice that two different Hebrew words of diverse meaning are employed here. Or, it may be correctly remarked that Saul's attempts at inquiry were of so unworthy a nature that it would be an abuse of language to speak of him as really " inquiring of Jehovah." As to the apparent conflict between 1 Sam. xiv. 18, 37 and 1 Chron. xiii. 3, relative to asking counsel at the ark of God, the latter passage, which denies this custom in the days of Saul, doubtless refers to the later years of that monarch, after he had slain the priests of the Lord, and sunk in the depths of sin and shame. Saul's family died with him. Some of the family survived. 1 Chron. x. 6. 2 Sam. ii. 8. The expression "all his house," in the first text, is explained by " all his men," 1 Sam. xxxi. 6. Keil: " All those who were about the king, i.e. the whole of the king's attendants who had followed him to the war." Similarly Rawlinson. Fuerst gives people, servants among the significations of the Hebrew word "bayith," house, used in the first text. Saul unacquainted with David. Knew him very well. 1 Sam. xvii. 55-58. 1 Sam. xvi. 21-23. The point of the difficulty is, How could Saul and Abner too be so ignorant in respect to one who had been armor-bearer and musician to Saul? Various solutions of this difficulty are given. Some critics, Horsley, Townsend, Gray, and others, think that these passages are not chronologically arranged, and that verses 14-23 of chapter xvi. belong between verses 9 and 10 of chapter xviii. In the Vatican MS. of the Septuagint, chapters xvii. 12-31 and 55-xviii. 5 — twenty-nine verses in all - are omitted.l Houbigant, Kennicott,2 Michaelis, Eichhorn, Dathe, and Bertheau, on this account, deem these verses "interpolations." But such critics as De Wette, Thenius, Ewald,3 1 Davidson on Hebrew Text, pp. 57, 58. 2 Dissertations, ii. 418-430 a History of Israel, iii., 71, note. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 361 Bleek, Styhelin, Keil, and Davidson reject this theory, and explain the passages in another manner. As to Abner's ignorance of David, it is entirely conceivable that the former, as commander of Saul's army, and constantly busied with military affairs, may have known very little of David (who was probably with Saul only upon ir"-'Gauent occasions),2 and nothing whatever as to his family c.llneccln... Saul's ignorance of the young hero may be ac oounlted for upon some one or more of the following consid(erations: 1. Possible anticipation of events, or transposition of passages. Orientalhistorians sometimes pursue the leading idea of the narrative to its result, and then return to fill up the omitted details.3 Hence, contemporaneous events appear consecutive. 2. Lapse of time, and consequent change in David's personal aspect. We do not know how much time intervened; and the change in Eastern youths with respect to physical development is very marked and sudden.4 3. Bustle of war and court life, with the multiplicity of Saul's servants and attendants. So Kalkar, Saurin, and others. 4. Diseased mental state of Saul. Persons suffering from mania or insanity often forget their nearest friends. So Abarbanel and Bertholdt. 5. Ignorance of Saul, not as to David himself, but as to his family,5 of which, as we have seen, Abner might well be Introd. to Old Test., i. 580. 2 See p. 331 infra, " David's detention." 3 See Bible Commentary on 1 Sam. xvi. 21. 4 Thomson (Land and Book, ii. 866, American edition), speaking of the sudden chanre of bloys in such cases, says: " They not only spring into full-grt wn manhood as if by magic, but all their former beauty disappears; tteir complexion becomes dark; their features hard and angular, and the whole expression of countenance stern and even disagreeable. I have often been accosted by such persons, formerly intimate acquaintances, but who had suddenly grown entirely out of my knowledge, nor could I without difficulty recognize them." Mr. Thomson thinks that David, having returned to shepherd life, had probably undergone a change like that abcve described, hence was not recognized by Saul. K So KIutz in Herzog's Real-Encykllopiidie, iiiM. g00. 81 362 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. ignorant. Kimchi thinks that Saul wished to know simply whether David's valor was hereditary, that, if so, his family might be " made free in Israel." As to the fact that David is represented as " a mighty, val:ant man, and a man of war" (xvi. 18), but as a "stripling," a youth unaccustomed to arms (xvii. 39, 42, 56), it may be said that the first epithets may have been applied to David not because he had already fought bravely in war, but on account of the courage and strength displayed by him in killing the lion and the bear (xvii. 34-36), and which pointed him out as a future hero. On the other hand, the Hebrew term rendered "stripling" denotes, says Gesenius, "a youth, young man of marriageable age." Fuerst, c" properly, a strong one." Satan under restraint. Siffered to roam at liberty. 2 Pet. ii. 4; Jude vi. Job i. 6, 7; 1Pet. v. 8; Rev. xii. 12. While the leader and some others of the fallen spirits are permitted to roam the earth, and to tempt mankind, the majority of these beings may be confined within the limits of their dark abode. Even those which are let loose have only a restricted liberty. Beyond certain environing lines they are not suffered to go; they are under strict surveillance - as we might express it by a borrowed figure, " bound over," or so secured that they cannot escape the judgment of the last day. Davidson 2 thinks that " chains of darkness " signify metaphorically misery, obdurateness in wickedness, and despair. A being may possess physical liberty, yet wear, at the same time, the heaviest mental and spiritual chains. Solomon reduced Hebrews to bondage. Did not en.slave them. 1 Kings v. 13, 15; xii. 4. 1 Kings ix. 22. None of the Israelites were reduced to actual slavery. Nevertheless, Solomon's taxes and levies became very oppressive to the people in general. Enforced service, even though it be paid service, is commonly deemed distasteful and burdensome. 1 See chap. xvii. 25. 2 Introd. to New Test., iii. 438. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 363 Zedekiah carried to Babylon. Did not see Babylon. Jer. xxxiv. 8. 2 Kings xxv. 7; Ezek. xii. 13. The first passage does not assert that Zedekiah should actually see Babylon, but that he should see its king, and go thither. The facts were these: The king of Babylon ordered the captive Zedekiah to be brought before him at his headquarters at Riblah. There, at the king's command, Zedekiah's eyes were put out, and he was bound with brazen fetters and carried to Babylon. Thus the above predictions were strictly fulfilled. Zedekiah saw the king of Babylon, but not the city itself, although he was carried thither and died there. There are many other discrepancies of a transparent or trivial character, like the following cases: Israel's sight, Gen. xlviii. 8 and 10; Egyptians visible, Ex. xiv. 13 and 30; receivers of Moses' book, Deut. xxxi. 9 and 25, 26; reception of promises, HIeb. xi. 13, 39, and 33; remover of stone, Gen. xxix. 2 and 4; speaker in a given case, Miatt. xxi. 41 and Mark xii. 9; Luke xx. 16; survivors of Sennacherib's army, 2 Kings xix. 35. Now we cannot suppose that cases like these -founded as they are upon free and popular modes of thought and speech, common to all ages and countries —will furnish difficulty to persons possessed of candor and common sensetwo qualities which the Bible invariably demands and presupposes in its readers. II. CO.NCERi NIG -PLACES. Aaron died upon Mount Hor. Died at Mosera. Num. xx. 27, 28; xxxiii. 38. Deut. x. 6. Mosera or Moseroth was a station near to Mount Hor, and within sight of it. During the encampment of the Israelites at Mosera Aaron ascended the mountain and died. Prof. J. L. Porter 1 thinks Mosera was the general name of the district in which Mount Hor is situated. 1 Kitto, iii. 221. 364{ DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Abraham's destination Canaan. Unknown to him. Gen. xii. 5. Heb. xi. 8. At first, the name of the country was not revealed to him.L It is designated simply as a "land that I will show thee" (Gen. xii. 1). Even if the name " Canaan" had been mentioned to Abrahanl at the outset, it might still be true that he went forth "not knowing whither he went." For, in those days of slow transit, imperfect intercommunication, and meagre geographical knowledge, the mere name of a country several hundred miles distant would convey almost no idea of the country itself. In our own time, even, of how many an emigrant on his way to America it might well be said, "He knows not whither he is going." Ahab slain at Jezreel. Slain at Ramoth-gilead. I Kings xxi. 1, 19. 1 Kings xxii. 37, 38. Gerlach, Keil, Rawlinson, and others think that the prediction was fulfilled, in part upon Ahab, whose blood was actually licked by the dogs, and in part upon his wicked son Jehoram, whose dead body was cast into the very plat of ground which had been Naboth's.2 Bihr maintains that the word "place," in the passage at the right, is a general term, equivalent to " outside the city"; both Naboth and Ahab meeting their death in a certain "place," that is, outside the walls of a city. Ahaz slept with his fathers. Not in the royal sepullchres. 2 Kings xvi. 20. 2 Chron. xxviii. 27. If Ahaz lwas buried in close proximity to, though not in, the royal sepulchres, the conditions of the case would be fully met. Ahaziah died at Megiddo. Apparently elsewhere. But when Ahaziah the king of Judah And he sought Ahaziah: and they saw this, he fled by the way of the caught him (for he was hid in Samaria), garden-house. And Jehu followed after and brought him to Jehu: and when him, and said, Smite him also in the they had slain him, they buried him. chariot. Alnd they did so at the going 2 Chron. xxii. 9. up to Gur, which is by Ibleam. And he fled to iMegiddo, and died there. 2 Kings ix. 27. 1 Gen. xi. 31 merely shows that Abraham's destination was known to Moses writing at a later date. " Went forth to go," points to the result in the case. 2 Kings ix. 25, 26. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 365 It is to be noticed that the second passage is very much condensed, and is supplementary to the other. The closing words, "and when they had slain him, they buried him," indirectly attribute the burial to Jehu's emissaries, inasmuch as they ordered, or at all events allowed, the burial, when they might have prevented it.' Probably Ahaziah really escaped to Samaria, and concealed himself for a time, but was then ferreted out and captured by Jehu's soldiers, who brought him to their master. Attempting again to escape, he received a fatal wound at the' pass of Gur near Ibleam, whence he fled to Megiddo, where he breathed his last. So Keil and Hackett.2 The passage at the left is elliptical, if not defective. Leaving out the words supplied by our translators, Jehu's injunction was, " Smite him also in the chariot at the going up to Gur, which is by Ibleam."3 The passage then contains no mention of the fulfilment of the command, which must therefore be supplied from the parallel passage. Amalekites were in the valley. They were on the hill. Num. xiv. 25. Num. xiv. 45 The Hebrew word here rendered " valley " denotes " a broad sweep between hills."4 In the present instance the valley itself is in one sense styled a " hill," because it lay on the top of the mountain-plateau or table-land where the conflict occurred. The Amalekites and Canaanites "came down" from the heights above to this plateau. Ammonites' land not forfeited. Some of it given to Israelites. Deut. ii. 19. Josh. xiii. 25. The land which the Ammonites occupied in the days of MIloses the Israelites were not permitted to appropriate. But the Amorites had, at some time in the past, overpowered the Ammonlites, and wrested from them a large portion of their See 2 Kings ix. 28. 2 Smith's Bible Diet., i. 48. 8 Compare Bible Commentary on 2 Kings ix. 27.'Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, under "emek," p.2, p. 476. 366 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. territory. This tract — Sihon being its king and Heshbon its capital -was reconquered, and (apparently with the tacit consent of the Ammonites) taken possession of by the Israelites.' It is this territory which is referred to in the passage from Joshua. Ark placed in the midst of camp. In the van of the army. Num. ii. 17; x. 21. Num. x. 33. Rasbi, Kimchi, and the Talmudists maintain that there were two arks- one made by Moses, carried in the van of the army, and afterwards captured by the Philistines; the other made by Bezaleel, which contained the tables of the law, and remained in tile midst of the encampment.2 Abarbanel, Nachmanides, and others hold that the one ark was generally placed in the midst of the encampment, but in exceptional cases, as during the three days' journey, and in the crossing of the Jordan,3 was borne in advance of the host. Keil and Kurtz say that the ark, as distinguished from the sanctuary, always went foremost. Bishop Patrick thinks that the words " went before them" do not imply local precedence, but leadership; the expression being often applied to a general, who, of course, in leading his forces to battle, does not necessarily go before them, in the local sense. Balaam returned to his place. He went instead to Midian. Num. xxiv. 25. Num. xxxi. 8. He set out upon his journey home, visiting Midian on the way. According to Hengstenberg,4 Kurtz,5 and Winer, the Hebrew word rendered "returned" means to turn away, or to turn back; and the attainment of the object is not included in the word itself. Hence we may read, with Keil, "went and turned towards his place." Ewald, History of Israel, ii. 204, 205, 295. 2 Conciliator, i. 246, 247; Prideaux, Connections, i. 310, 311 ((harlestown, Mass. 1815). 3 Josh. iii. 3-6. 4 History of Balaam and his prophecies, pp. 508, 509. 6 History of O. C., iii. 458, HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 367 Beasts slxin at door of tabernacle. Slain elsewhere. Lev. xvii. 3, 4. Deut. xii. 15, 16. The stringent law of Leviticus, designed to prevent the private and idolatrous rites to which the people were inclined is, now that they are about to enter Canaan, relaxed, so far as animals intended simply for food are concerned. Bethsaida in one locality In a different situation. Mark vi. 32, 45, 53. Luke ix. 10-17. Reland and others have shown that there were two cities of this name, one on the eastern, the other on the western, shore of the Sea of Galilee.l Benjamin born in Canaan. Born in Padan-aram. Gen. xxxv. 16-19. Gen. xxxv. 24-26. Aben Ezra says that the latter passage speaks summarily. The author, writing in a condensed manner, took it for granted that his readers, acquainted with what he bad written a few verses previously, would make the necessary exception here. Canaan in a state of famine. Fruits not cut off. Gen. xli. 56, 57; xlii. 1-5. Gen. xliii. 11, 15. To this discrepancy adduced by Von Bohlen, Kurtz 2 replies, " Only the cereal products of the land had suffered.... Fertility in fruit-trees does not depend on the same circumstances as that of grain crops." Christ ascended at Bethany. At the mount called Olivet. Luke xxiv. 50, 51. Acts i. 9, 12. Bethany lay on the eastern slope of Mount Olivet. Persons returning from Bethany to Jerusalem would pass over the top of Olivet, and hence might be said to "return from this mount." Christ's first re-appearance in Galilee. At Jerusalem. Matt. xxviii. 16, 17. Luke xxiv. 33, 36; John xx. 19. Matthew does not deny, but simply passes over, earlier appearances of our Lord, and dwells upon that in Galilee as'See articles in Smith and Kitto; also, Thomson's Land and Book, ii. 9, 29-32; and Ebrard, Gospel History, p. 335, 336. 2 History of Old Covenant, i. 376, 377. 368 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. being one of great importance. Then, probably, it was that the risen Saviour was "seen of above five hundred brethren at once."' This manifestation seems to have been our Lord's last great act in Galilee, his final interview with his disciples in that region. Christ's first sermon on a mountain. In the plain. Matt. v. 1, 2. Luke vi. 17, 20. Mr. Greswell thinks that these passages refer to entirely different occasions. Stanley2 says that the words in Luke should be rendered " a level place,"3 and not "the plain." He describes a hill with flattened top, " suitable for the collection of a multitude," and having also two peaks (now called "the Horns of Hattin "), from one of which Christ " came down," and stood " upon the level place" to address the people. Cities in the territory of Dan. Within that of Ephraim. Josb. xxi. 23, 24. 1 Chron. vi. 69. In the opinion of Keil and Rawlinson, the Hebrew text of 1 Chron. vi. is defective, some words having dropped out between verses 68 and 69, through an oversight of copyists. Cities pertained to Judah. Pertained to Dan. Josh. xv. 33; 1 Chron. ii. 53. Josh. xix. 40, 41; Judg. xviii. 2, 8. The explanation is, that the inheritance of Dan proving inadequate,4 Judah gave up some of its northern towns, and Ephraim some of its southern towns, to the Danites, thus furnishing them with a territory proportionate to their number. Zorah and Eshtaol were among the towns relinquished by Judah, hence are spoken of sometimes as belonging to the latter tribe, and sometimes to Dan.' The statement in Judges xviii. 1, that " the inheritance of the Danites had not fallen unto them among the tribes of Israel," Cassel regards simply as a causeless complaint by the Danites, who had not sufficient enterprise to conquer the territory which had been assigned to them by lot. Bertheau, 11 Cor. xv. 6. 2 Sinai and Palestine, p. 360. 8 Greek eTrl T 4rou 7rE&vwo. 4 Josh. xix. 47. 5 Compare Keil on Josh. xix. 40-48. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 369 Keil, Kimchi, and Rashi take the words as meaning, " no adequate inheritance." The assignment of the same cities to Judah (Josh. xv. 26-32, 42), and to Simeon (Josh. xix. 2-7), is due to the simple fact that the inheritance of Simeon fell within that of Judah.l Differences in the names are due to copyists. Country of the Gergesenes. Country of the Gadarenes. Matt. viii. 28. Mark v. 1. A general geographical designation applying to the territory in which Gadara and Gergesa were situated.2 David took Metheg-ammah. Captured Gat7~. 2 Sam. viii. 1. 1 Chron. xviii. 1. Fuerst and Gesenius interpret the first passage thus: " David took the bridle of the metropolis," that is, he subdued Gath the metropolis of the Philistines. HIivernick: 3,, David took the rein of dominion out of the hand of the Philistines." Ewald: 4 "Tore from the hand of the Philistines the bridle of the arm; that is, he tore from them the supremacy by which they curbed Israel, as a rider curbs his horse by the bridle, which the strength of his arm controls." Disciples went into Galilee. Tarried in Jerusalem. Matt. xxviii. 10, 16. Luke xxiv. 49. The command " tarry ye in Jerusalem," etc., means simply, " Make Jerusalem your head-quarters. Do not leave it to begin your work, until ye be endued," etc. This injunction would not preclude a brief excursion to Galilee. Besides, the command may not have been given until after the visit to Galilee. Alford adopts the latter hypothesis. Ephraim's land east of Jordan. West of Jordan. 2 Sam. xviii. 6. Josh. xvii. 15-18. Blunt, Ewald,5 Hervey, and Stanley6 think that " the wood 1 Josh. xix. 1, 9. - See Smith's Bible Dict., Art. "' Gadara." Some of the best critics, Tischendorf, Tregelles, etc., give a different reading in the first passage, agreeing with that of the second. 3 Introd. to Old Test., p. 208. V4 ol. iii. 148. 5 Vol. ii. 821, 322; iii. 186, note. Sinai and Palestine, pp. 822, 3823. 370 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. of Ephraim" (2 Sam. xviii. 6), was not within the territory of that tribe, but was on the eastern side of Jordan. This forest probably derived its name from the slaughter of the Ephraimites long before in that vicinity.l Forces stationed in certain places. In different places. 2 Kings xi. 5-7. 2 Chron. xxiii. 4, 5. From the fact that the young king spent six years in the house of the Lord, it is designated as " the king's house." 2 Keil maintains that the forces under the command of the centurions who occupied the various posts in the temple consisted partly of Levitic temple-guards, and partly of royal body-guards. In Kings the latter class, in Chronicles the former class, come prominently into view. The posts or stations of the forces agree well. One division was to be " at the gate of Sur " (Kings), " at the gate of the foundation" (Chronicles); a second was to be "keepers of the watch of the king's house" (Kings), "at the king's house" (Chronicles); a! third was to be "at the gate behind the guard" (Kings), "porters of the doors," better "'watchers of the thresholds" (Chronicles). Here is no discrepancy. Goliath's armor put in David's tent. Carried to Nlob. 1 Sam. xvii. 54. 1 Sam. xxi. 9. The first passage does not assert that David kept it in his tent. During the interval, he or some one carried the sword to Nob. Goliath's head carried to Jerusalem. That city held by Jebusites. 1 Sam. xvii. 54. 2 Sam. v. 6, 9. To the "discrepancy " which De Wette 3 sees here, Ewald 4 answers, that clearly David did not carry the head to Jerusalem till afterwards, when he was king. Then, as we learn from the passage at the right, he captured that city. Gospel to be preached everywhere. Not to be preached in Asia. Matt. xxviii. 19. Acts xvi. 6. For wise reasons, and for a brief time only, Paul was not 1 See Judg. xii. 1-6. 2 See 2 Kings xi. 3-5. 8 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 216. 4 History of Israel, iii. 72. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 371 allowed to preach in Asia. When the fitting time arrived, the prohibition was removed. Halting-places of Israelites, - names. Stated differently. Num. xxxiii. 44-49. Num. xxi. 10-20. We have previously seen 1 that the Israelites, during a large portion of the thirty-eight years were comparatively stationary, or as nearly so as tribes of nomadic habits could well be; anid that they doubtless were spread over a large extent of territory, in quest of water and pasturage for their flocks and herds. Prof. Porter2 has more than once passed through a moving tribe of Arabs, spreading over a tract twenty miles in diameter. We doubt not that the israelites covered a vastly larger territory; and that when they moved, it was, as Prof, Palmer 3 says, " in Bedawin order, subdivided into numerous encampments, and spread over an immense surface of country." Many critics agree with Kurtz 4 that the stations mentioned in Num. xxxiii. 19-36 are simply the places successively occupied as the head-quarters of Moses and the tabernacle. " It was absolutely necessary that the scattered parties of Israelites should be visited by Moses and the sanctuary, to prevent their connection with one another, and more especially their connection with Moses and the sanctuary, being entirely dissolved during so long a period as thirty-seven years. Hence the stations named in Num. xxxiii. 19-36 must be regarded in the light of a circuit, which was made through the desert by Moses and the tabernacle." Prof. J. L. Porter,5 Dieterici,6 Davidson,7 and Messrs. Espin8 and Cook take a similar view. Dr. Robinson9 also maintains that " the stations as enumerated refer to the headquarters of Moses and the elders, with a portion of the people who kept near them; while other portions preceded or followed 1See p. 842 infra. 2 Kitto's Cyclopedia, iii. 1075. 3 Desert of Exodus, p. 433. 4 History of Old Covenant, iii. 301. 5 Kitto, iii. 1079. 6 See in Kurtz, iii. 90. 7 Introd. to Old Test., i. 326, 37. 8 Bible Commentary, i. 654, 720. 9 Bib. Researches, i. 106 (1st edition). 372 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. them at various distances as the convenience of water and pas. turage might dictate." Prof. Porter thinks that the number of'" marshal]ed men " who constantly attended Moses was not more than one tenth of the whole. The differences between the lists of stations above arose from the fact that the same station had several names, or that two contiguous stations were occupied at the same time; or, as Kurtz 2 thinks, that the object in the thirty-third chapter is a statistical one, that is, to set forth not all the halting-places, but merely the places where a regular camp was formed and the sanctuary erected, while in earlier passages the object is a historical one, hence more places are enumerated. HIence, Num. xxi. 11 -xxii. 1, seven places are mentioned between Ije-abarim and the plains of Moab; in iNum. xxxiii. 44-48, only three places. In Num. xxxiii. 30-33, we find the names Moseroth, Benejaakan, Hor-hagidgad, and Jotbathah; in Deut. x. 6, 7 they stand thus: Beeroth3 Bene-jaakan, Mosera, Gudgodah, and Jotbath. As to the trivial variations of the names, nothing need be said. The latter passage, which puts Bene-jaakan before Mosera, probably refers to a second visit of the Israelites to these places, in the fortieth year of the wandering. The first time, they pursued a circuitous course; the second time, the shortest and most direct route, thus reversing the order of the two places named.4 The " wilderness of Paran," Num. x. 12 and xii. 16, is probably mentioned in the first of these texts by anticipation. Ranke says: " Before entering more minutely into the details of the march, which he does from x. 33 onwards, the author mentions at the very outset (x. 12) the ultimate destination, viz. Paran, on the borders of the promised land." So Tuch and Hengstenberg. So Davidson, i. 826, and Keil on Num. xxi. 16-20. 2 History of Old Covenant, iii. 384. 3 That is, "wells of Bene-jaakan" = Bene-jaakan in the other passage. 4 See Hengstenberg, Gen. of Pent. ii. 355-357; Kurtz, Hist. of Old Coy., iii. 254, 255. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 373 Kurtz I thinks that x. 12 names the most southerly, and xii. 16 the most northerly, station in the wilderness of Paran. The fact that different names were applied to the same localities explains such cases as the following: Israelites' station in wilderness of Kedemoth, Deut. ii. 26; on Pisgah, Num. xxi. 20, 21. Moses' outlook, from Abarim, Num. xxvii. 12; from Pisgah, Dent. iii. 27; from Nebo, Deut. xxxiv. 1. Simeon's cities and towns, one list, Josh. xix. 2-6; a varying list, 1 Chron. iv. 28-31. Also, Abel-beth-maachah, 1 Kings xv. 20; Abel-maim, 2 Chron. xvi. 4. Gezer, 1 Chron. xx. 4; Gob, 2 Sam. xxi. 18, with a multitude of similar cases. Kadesh is said to have been located in the wilderness of Paran, Num. xiii. 26; in the desert or wilderness of Zin, Num. xx. 1; Deut. xxxii. 51. With respect to this point there are several hypotheses. 1. That there were two places named Kadesh, situated, respectively, as above. So Reland, Rabbi Schwarz, and Stanley2 qualifiedly. The term " Kadesh," which denotes " holy place," may well have been applied to several localities. 2. That the name was applied both to a certain city and to an extensive region in which this city lay. So Prof. Palmer,3 Mr. Hayman,4 and others. 3. That the one city Kadesh was situated in such relation to the deserts of Paran and Zin that it might be popularly assigned to either. It may have been located upon the dividing line of the two deserts, or, if they overlapped, in the territory common to them both.5 It is the opinion of Fries, Hengstenberg, Keil, ]Kurtz, Raumer, Robinson, and others that the Israelites were twice at Kadcesh -once in the second year, and again in the fortieth year of their wanderings.6 Ewald thinks that "Kadesh See authorities cited, History of Old Covenant, iii. 220. 2 Sinai and Palestine, pp. 93, 94, notes. 3 Desert of Exodus, p. 420. 4 Smith's Bible Dict., ii. 1519. 6 See Smith's Bible Diet., Art. " Paran." e Kurtz iii. 246, 247, 305-309. 82 374 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. was only the resting-place of Moses and the tabernacle, and the meeting-place of the community on appointed days." As to the location of Meribah, near Rephidim, Ex. xvii. 1-7; near Kadesh, Num. xx. 13, we know that on two distinct occasions the Israelites rebelled for want of water. Hence both localities were appropriately named "Meribah " (strife).' On the second occasion MIoses and Aaron transgressed, an(l offended Jehovah. Israel's boundary the Euphrates. A different limit. Gen. xv. 18; Dent. xi. 24; 2 Sam.viii. 3. Num. xxxiv. 10-12; Josh. xiii.9-12. Keil suggests that these different passages give the limitsthe maxima and minima - of the promise; the actual extent to be determined by, and proportionate to, Israel's loyalty and fidelity to God. It is thought by Ewald,2 Hervey, and Newman s that " his border," in 2 Sam. viii. 3, refers not to David's border, but to that of his opponent. Israelites returned to Gilgal. Returned to Makkedah. Josh. x. 15, 43. Josh. x. 21. Davidson, Espin, Hengstenberg, Keil, and others take the fifteenth verse as a part of the quotation from the " book of Jasher," - the citation beginning with the twelfth, and ending with the fifteenth verse. The return to the temporary camp at Makkedah preceded that to Gilgal. Jehoiakim carried to Babylon. Died at Jerusalem. Against him came up Nebuchad- So Jehoiakim slept with his fathers. nezzar king of Babylon, and bound him 2 Kings xxiv. 6. in fetters, to carry him to Babylon. 2 He shall be buried with the burial of Chron. xxxvi. 6. an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem. Jer. xxii. 19. His dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night te the frost, Jer. xxxvi. 30. Bertheau, Hasse, and Mlovers think that the Hebrew of tile first passage implies that Jehoiakim was not actually carried to Babylon. Bleek4 pertinently suggests that he may have gone out against the enemy, and been slain outside the city. Rawlinson supposes that he was bound with the intention of See Kitto, iii. 188. 2 History of Israel, iii. 150, note. 8 History of Hebrew Monarchy, p. 80. 4 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 72, 73. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 375 carrying him to Babylon, but instead was slain, and his corpse ignominiously treated. After the withdrawal of the Babylonians the remains were collected and interred in the royal burialplace, so that, ultimately, the unhappy prince " slept with his fathers." Winer1 thinks that, at the capture of Jerusalem in the next reign, the enemy, or even his former subjects, may have vented their rage upon the remains of the deceased Jehoiakim in the manner above described. Wordsworth 2 calls attention to the fact that, of all the kings of Judah whose deaths are spoken of in scripture, Jehoiakim is the only one whose burial is not mentioned. Jeroboam's residence Shec7em. He resided at Tirzah. 1 Kings xii. 25. 1 Kings xiv. 12-17. He lived at one place in the early, at the other in the later, part of his reign. B]ihr suggests that Tirzah may have been merely a summer residence of this monarch. Jerusalem in Judah. In land of Beijamin, Josh. xv. 8. Josh. xviii. 28. The city was actually within the limits of the territory of Benjamin, yet on the very border line of Judah,8 so that it might be popularly assigned to either tribe. Stanley,4 indeed, maintains that the Jebusite fortress stood upon "neutral ground in the very meeting-point of the two tribes"; and Lightfoot5 mentions a Jewish tradition that the altars and sanctuary were in Benjamin, the courts of the temple in Judah. Jordan, - " this side " east of river. Phrase denotes west of river. Num. sxxv.14; Deut. i.1; Josh. i.14. Josh. xii.7; xxii.7; lChron. xxvi. 30. The expression "this side Jordan," like its Hebrew equivblent,6 is ambiguous, and may denote either side of that river, according to the mental stand-point which the sacred historian occupies at the time of writing. So Fu.erst, Gesenius, and others. 1 Real-Worterbuch, i. 595. " Replies to Essays and Reviews, p. 434. 3 Smith's Bible Dict, ii. 1273. 4 Sinai and Palestine, p. 175. 6 Prospect of Temple, chap. 1. 6 See different senses, Num. xxxii.19, 82. 376 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Joshua conquered all Canaan. Conquered only a part. Josh. xi. 16, 17, 23; xii. 7, 8; xxi. 43. Josh. xiii. 1-6; Judg. ii. 23. The solution appears to be that Joshua had virtually conquered the whole land. He had so thoroughly broken the power of the Canaanites that they could no longer make head against him. The land was now within the grasp of the Israelites. All they needed to do was to go forward valiantly, and occupy it. But, through indolence and unbelief, they did not avail themselves fully of that dominion which was within their reach. Josiah died at Megiddo. Died at Jerusalem. And his servants carried him in a And they brought him to Jerusalem. chariotdeadifrom Megiddoand brought and lie died, and was buried in one Qf him to Jerusalem, and buried him in the sepulchres of his fathers. 2 Chron. his own sepulchre. 2 Kings xxiii. 30. xxxv. 24. Davidson,' Fuerst, Gesenius, and Rawlinson agree that the word " meth," in the first text, may mean dying, or in a dying state.' Josiah was carried off the field in a dying condition; he expired on the way to Jerusalem.' Latw given at Sinai. Given in Horeb. Ex. xix. 11, 18. Deut. iv. 10-15. 1. Sinai may be the older, and Horeb the later name. So Davidson, Stanley 4 apparently, and Ewald. 2. Horeb may be a general name of the district or range of mountains, and Sinai the specific name of some peak. So Hengstenberg,6 Robinson, Palmer,7 Rbdiger, Ritter, Kurtz, Dr. J. P. Thompson,8 and others. 3. Sinai may be taken as the original name of the entire group, whilst Horeb is restricted to one particular mountain. Gesenius takes this view; and Lepsius thinks that the two names are applied alike to the mountain of the law. Any one of these hypotheses relieves the difficulty completely. 1Sacred Hermeneut., p. 551. 2 See use in Gen. xx. 3. 3 Compare Zech. xii. 11. 4 Sinai and Palestine, 31, note. 6 History of Israel, ii. 43, note. 6 Gen. of Pent., ii. 327. Desert of Exodus, p. 103. 8 Smith's Bible Diet., iv. 8054. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 377 Moses commissioned in Midian. Received commission in Egypt.. Ex. iii. 10; iv. 19. Ex. vi. 10-13. His failure to persuade Pharaoh to a dismission of the Israelites, as well as the sudden revulsion, on their part, from buoyant hope to unseemly dejection, rendered it absolutely necessary that Moses' wavering faith should be strengthened by a solemn renewal of his commission. Nebuchadnezzar encamped at Riblah. Came against Jerusalem. 2 Kings xxv. 6. 2 Kings xxv. 1. The expression "came against " does not imply that he came to the city in person. He sent his army to besiege the city; but he himself made his head-quarters at Riblah, fromn which place he could conveniently direct hostile operations against Jerusalem and Tyre, both of which cities he was besieging at the time. Passover slain at home. Slain-at sanctuary. Ex. xii. 7. Deut. xvi. 1-7. The first precept was addressed to the Israelites in Egypt, when they had "no cdmmon altar" nor sanctuary; hence the houses in which they dwelt were, so to speak, consecrated as altars and sanctuaries. The second passage contemplates them as settled in Palestine, where they had a common sanctuary, around which it was desirable that their religious sentiments, services, and associations should be clustered. Kurtz 1 thinks that the words "in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose" 2 include the whole city in which the tabernacle was located; so that the passover might be slain upon any spot within that city. Peter's residence Capernaum. Apparently Bethsaida. Mark i. 21, 29. John i. 44. Peter and his brother were "of Bethsaida," in that they were natives of that city; yet they afterward dwelt in Capernaum. Sanctuary at Shiloh. Located at Shechem. Josh. xviii. 1; 1 Sam. iii. 21; iv. 8. Josh. xxiv. 1, 26. Masius, Michaelis, and other critics say that'miqdiish," 1 History of Old Covenant, iii. 218. 2 In Deut. xvi. 7. 32* 378 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. sanctuary, in the last text, denotes simply the holy place which Abraham consecrated,' and in which Jacob dwelt a long time, and where he purified his family from idolatry.2 This place, however, was different from the "sanctuary" proper, where the ark had its seat. Hengstenberg3 has clearly shown that the phrase " before God " does not invariably imply the presence of the sacred ark or tabernacle. Solomon's ships went to Ophir. They went to Tarshish. 1 Kings ix. 26-28. 1 Kings x. 22; 2 Chron. ix. 21. Rawlinson thinks that different fleets are intended; also that the name c" Tarshish" was applied to two different places, one of which was situated on the shores of the Indian Ocean or the Persian Gulf, since the Phoenicians had trading establishments in this quarter, and were in the habit of repeating their local names. Hence this name, like our term "Indies," may have been applied to places widely separated. It was to this eastern Tarshish, and not to that in Spain, that Solomon's fleet made the triennial voyage. Bihr, Bleek,5 Davidson,6 DeWette, Ewald, Gesenius, Havernick, Movers, Winer, and Mr. Twistleton,7 however, take the expression " ships of Tarshish," not as denoting that these vessels actually went to Tarshish, but that they were of the kind ordinarily.employed in commerce with that place. That is, " Tarshishships," like our term " East-Indiamen," would loosely indicate the larger class of merchant vessels. On this hypothesis, the chronicler 8 misunderstood the appellation, as if it denoted that these ships actually went to Tarshish. Tabernacle located without the camp. Within the camp. Num. xi. 16, 24-26; xii. 4. Num. ii. 2, 3. The encampment of the Israelites was arranged in the form of a hollow square, with a large unoccupied space in the middle. 1 See Geln. xii. 6, 7. 2 Gen. xxxiii. 19; xxxv. 2, 4 a Gen. of Pent. ii. 32-46. 4 1 Kings x. 22. 5 Introd. to Old Test., i. 441. 6 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 90. 7 Smith's Bible Dict., iv. 3178-3181. See references, p. 8180. 8 2 Chron. ix. 21; xx. 36, 37. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 379 At the centre of this space the tabernacle was located; being thus, as is thought, some two thousand cubits removed, on all sides, from the tents of the people. In consequence of this isolation of the tabernacle, those who visited it were necessitated, as it were, to leave the encampment, and "go out" to the tabernacle. The latter was within, yet virtually outside of the camp. A recent writer 1 finds, in 1 KIings xix. 3, 8, a " geographical anomaly," in that; as he thinks, "Elijah is represented as travelling uninterruptedly forty days and forty nights from Beersheba to Horeb; whereas the distance is little more than forty geographical miles." To which we reply: (1) That, according to the best maps, such as those of Kiepert, and Smith and Grove, the distance is some two hundred statute miles; and (2) that there is no intimation that Elijah was walking the whole time, neither that he pursued a straight course in his wanderings. The same author 2 finds a similar difficulty in 1 Sam. x. 1-9, where, as he maintains, Saul went first to Rachel's sepulchre, near Bethlehem, and thence to (Mount) Tabor in Zebulon, across the territory of four tribes, making the whole circuit in a single day. But the Hebrew " 51on tabor," rendered plain of Tabor in vs. 3, means, according to Fuerst, Gesenius, and the Septuagint, oak of Tabor. Keil and Ewald3 say, the " terebinth of Tabor "; the latter adding that " Tabor" is certainly only "a dialectic variation" for "Deborah," and, with Thenius, maintaining that the tree in question was that under which Deborah was buried.4 There is not the least proof that Mount Tabor is here intended. 1 See in Davidson's Introd. to Old Test., ii. 36, 87. 2 In Davidson, Vol. i. 515. 3 History of Israel, iii. 21, and note. 4 Gen. xxxv. 8. 380 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. III. CONCERNING NUMBERS. We have previously, more than once, called attention to the marked resemblance of Hebrew letters to one another;' also, to the fact, generally conceded by scholars, that these letters were in ancient time employed to represent numbers.2 These two facts indicate at once the cause and the solution of the numerical discrepancies of scripture. For, when = denotes 2; =, 20; 3, 50; and A, 80; when - stands for 4, ei for 4000,' for 200, and r for 400, mistakes in numbers, especially when the numeral letters were blurred or unskilfully written, would be inevitable. But, as elsewhere intimated, these mistakes, which we find in considerable numbers, touch no vital point of scripture. No precept, promise, or doctrine is in the least degree impaired by them; nor do they militate against any well-balanced theory of inspiration. That the larger part of the following cases arose through the mistakes of copyists we have not a shadow of doubt; yet, since other solutions have been given in most cases, they will be adduced when it seems worth while. Abraham's only son Isaac. Had several sons. Gen. xxii. 2; Heb. xi. 17. Gen. xxv. 6. Isaac was Abraham's "only son" by Sarah, as well as the only one in the line of promise - the theocratic line. Or the term may be equivalent to " beloved son." Josephus 3 employs the term " monogenes," only-begotten, in this latter sense. Absalom had three sons. He had no sons. 2 Sam. xiv. 27. 2 Sam. xviii. 18. Previous to the time referred to in the latter text, his three sons had died. Arah's sons seven hundred seventy-five. Six hundred and fifty-two. Ezra-ii. 5. Neh. vii. 10. Most probably the difference is due to copyists' blunders. See pp. 20, 312, 313, infra. 2 See pp. 21-24, infra. 8 See Antiq. i. 13, 1, and xx. 2, 1. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 381 The other cases, some twenty in number, which appear from a comparison of Ezra ii. 6-65, with Neh. vii. 11-67, are to be explained in the same manner.' The "gifts" of the people, as set down by the two writers, vary as follows: Ezra, ii. 69. Nehemiah, vii. 70-72. Gold, 61000 drams (a copyist's mis- Gold, from Tirshatha, 1,000 drams take). from chief fathers, 20,000 " " people, 20,000 " 41,000 Silver, 5000 lbs. (a round number). Silver, from Tirshatha, 500 lbs " chief fathers, 2,000" " people, 2,000",4,7(00" Garments, 100 (a round number). Garments, given by Tirshatha, 80 " people, 67 97 Keil and Bertheau think that, in the seventieth verse from Nehemiah, the Hebrew for pounds of silver has dropped out, so that, as assumed in the above reckoning, the passage would stand, " five hundred pounds of silver and thirty priests' garments." Alting points out the fact that Ezra's sum total is 29818; iNehemiah's, 31089; and that the latter mentions 1765 persons, and the former 494 persons, omitted in the parallel record. It is a curious coincidence that Ezra's sum total added to Nehemiah's surplus is just equal to the latter's sum total added to the former's surplus. That is, 29818 + 1765 - 31089 + 494 - 31583. If from the whole amount, 42360, given by both authors, we deduct 31583, the remainder will be 10777; "' omitted," says Davidson,2 following Alting, "because they did not belong to Judah and Benjamin, or to the priests, but to the other tribes." Ambuscade, thirty thousand men. Five thousand men. Josh. viii. 3-9. Josh. viii. 12. The Jewish interpreters 3 maintain that there were two ambuscades. The twelfth and thirteenth verses are not found in the See lists in Keil's Commentary; also, in De Wette, Introd. to Old Test., ii. 331, 832. Compare Bib. Comment. in loc. 2 Sacred Hermeneutics, p. 554. 8Conciliator, ii. 11. 382 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Septuagint;1 hence, some critics regard them as a marginal note which has crept into the text. The best explanation is, that the copyist wrote, by mistake, in the third verse, 7', 30000, for in, 5000. Upon the same hypothesis, that of the confounding of similar numeral letters, may be explained all such cases as the following: Chapiter's length, 5 cubits, i Kings vii. 16; 3 cubits, 2 Kings xxv. 17. Deaths by plague, 24000, Num. xxv. 9; 23000, 1 Cor. x. 8 (Paul2 may have intended to include only those who fell " in one day "). Edomites slain, 18000, 2 Sam. viii. 13 and 1 Chron. xviii. 12; 12000,3 Ps. lx. title (the slaughter is attributed to king David, to his general-in-chief, and to a subordinate, according to a common figure of speech). Foreskins, 200, 1 Sam. xviii. 25, 27; 100, 2 Sam. iii. 14. Hdrsemen, 700, 2 Sam. viii. 4; 7000, 1 Chron. xviii. 4 (Nun final, ], mistaken for dotted Zayin, i).4 Horsemen 40000, and chariots 700, 2 Sam. x. 18; footmen 40000, and chariots 7000, 1 Chron. xix. 18 (Keil: It is very evident that there are copyist's errors in both texts). House and porch, — height, 30 cubits, 1 Kings vi. 2; 120 cubits, 2 Chron. iii. 4. Levites, — number, 22000, Num. iii. 39; 23000, Num. xxvi. 62 (the 1000 excess may have been the increase during the interval). Molten sea held 2000 baths, 1 Kings vii. 26; 3000 baths, 2 Chron. iv. 5 (the Hebrew verb rendered "contained" and "held" is different from that translated " received "; and the meaning may be that the sea ordinarily contained 2000, but when filled to its utmost capacity received and held 3000 baths.5 Or, with Bathr and Keil, we may say that ~, 2000, has been confounded with 5, 3000). Officers, - chief, 550, 1 Kings ix. 23; 250, 2 Chron. viii. 10. Overseers, 3300, 1 Kings v. 16; 3600, 2 Chron. ii. Davidson, on Hebrew Text, p. 44. 2 Ewald (ii. 181, note), deems it " a slight slip" of Paul's pen. 3 Ewald says (iii. 157, note), "a clerical error." 4 Davidson, Sacred Hermenenutics, p. 544. 5 So Rawlinson; also, Taylor's Calmet. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 383 18 (the sum of the officers and overseers is the same, 3850, in each case. In Kings authority, in Chronicles nationality, seems the principle of division).' Pillars' length, 18 cubits, 1 Kings vii. 15; 35 cubits, 2 Chron. iii. 15 (possibly the two were cast in one piece 35 cubits long, which, cut in two, made two pillars, in round numbers 18 cubits long).2 Pomegranates, 200, 1 Kings vii. 20; 400, 1 Kings vii. 42 and 2 Chron. iv. 13; 100, Jer. lii. 23; 96 on a side, Jer. lii. 23 (if the two pillars had each two rows, with 100 pomegranates in a row, the first three numbers are accounted for. Biihr and Rawlinson think that 96 faced the cardinal points, while the other four were placed at the angles). Persons slain, 800, 2 Sam. xxiii. 8; 300, 1 Chron. xi. 11 (t, the initial letter of the Hebrew words for three and eight, being used as an abbreviat;ion, a mistake arose).3 Persons slain, 5, 2 Kings, xxv. 19; 7, Jer. lii. 25 (n, 5, confounded with I, 7). Stalls, 40000, 1 Kings iv. 26; 4000, 2 Chron. ix. 25"'(Ewald 4: Hebrew terms for four and forty confounded). Talents, 420, 1 Kings ix. 28; 450, 2 Chron. viii. 18 (:, 20, confounded with,. 50). Temple's length, 40 cubits, 1 Kings vi. 17; 60 cubits, 1 Kings vi. 2 (the whole temple, exclusive of the porch, was 60 cubits long, vs. 2; the sanctuary 20 cubits, vs. 16; hence the temple par excellence was 40 cubits in length). Temple vessels, 2499, Ezra i. 9, 10; 5400, Ezra i. 11 (ancient interpreters maintain that, in the first two verses, only the larger and more valuable articles are specified; while the sum total, in vs. 11, includes the greater and the less together).5 In all these cases the hypothesis of copyist's errors affords a very facile and reasonable explanation. See Bib. Com. on 1 Kings v. 16. 2 Davidson, Sacred Hermeneutics, pp. 548, 549. 3 Kennicott, Dissertations, i. 95, 96. 4 History of Israel, iii. 170, note. See another solution, Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics, p. 548. 5 Keil, Commentary in loc. 384 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Animals employed, - one. More than one. Mark xi. 7. Matt. xxi. 5, 7. To this objection of Strauss, Davidsonl replies that " kai," in the last clause of the fifth verse, is exegetical, and should be rendered even. Hence the passage would read, "upon an ass, even a colt," etc. As to the fact that the seventh verse seems to represent Christ as riding upon both animals, Winer2 notes that by a vague idiom the "plural of class" is often put for the singular; as when we say, He sprang from the horses, though only one of the team, the saddled horse, is meant. Upon this idiomatic use of the plural instead of the singular may be explained the following cases: Jacob's daughters, Gen. xlvi. 7 and 15. Reviling malefactors, M3att. xxvii. 44 and Luke xxiii. 39-41 (Chrysostom, Jerome, Theophylact, and others say that at first both malefactors reviled our Lord, but that later one repented).3 Tables of shew-bread, 1 Kings vii. 48 and 2 Chron. iv. 19. Animals sacrificed, thirteen. Eleven only. Lev. xxiii. 18, 19. Num. xxviii. 27, 30. Jewish interpreters in the Mishna and Gemara,4 as well as Josephus, Keil, Kurtz, and others,5 maintain that the offerings mentioned in Numbers are additional to those prescribed in Leviticus. The former were to be offered before the latter, and subsequent to the daily morning sacrifice. As the passages refer respectively to different points of time, there is no collision. Upon the same theory of reference to different occasions or times, we may readily solve cases like the following: Benjamin's sons, Gen. xlvi. 21, and Num. xxvi. 38, 40; 1 Chroln. vii. 6 (the same individual may have borne different names; and, during the interval between the epochs referred to, some of the sons may have died).6 Captives, 2 Kings xxiv. 14, 16 1 Introd. to New Test., i. 86. 2 Grammar of New Test. Idiom, p. 175. 3 Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics, p. 562. Conciliator, i. 233. 5 See Bible Commentary on Lev. xxiii. 6 Davidson, Introd. to Old Test., ii. 50, says these accounts must " relate to different periods of time, and different branches of the same line." HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 385 and Jer. lii. 28-30 (here may be a numerical error, or the 10000 in Kings may have included not only the 4600 of Jeremiah, but also those captured on certain other occasions). Cities of refuge, lNum. xxxv. 13: Josh. xx. 7, 8 and Deut. iv. 41 (Moses himself appointed three cities, and Joshua subsequently confirmed this appointment, and added three more cities). Heads of people, Ezra ii. 3-35 and Neh. x. 14-27 (Davidson': " The number had increased in the interval between Zerubbabel and Nehemiah"). Jair's cities, Judg. x. 4 and Josh. xiii. 30; 1 Chron. ii. 22, 23 (these passages refer to different times. Rawlinson suggests that, as the " IHavoth" were properly "villages" or "small hamlets," it might be difficult to fix their number exactly. According to Keil and Bertheau,2 Kenath and her daughter-towns, thirty-seven in number, are included by the chronicler among Jair's cities, thus making the number "sixty "). Jeduthun's sons, 1 Chron. xxv. 3. Jesse's sons, 1 Sam. xvi. 6-11; and 1 Chron. ii. 13-15 (the later writer omits the sons who died early). 3Michal's sons, 2 Sam. xxi. 8 and vi. 23 (" Had no child unto the day of her death" may mean simply "had no child henceforward." Ewald3 and De Wette 4 say, with the greatest probability, that Michal, in the first passage, is a copyist's mistake for Jerab). Ransom, Ex. xxx. 13 and Neh. x. 32 (the first was a census tax; the latter, an annual tax). Shemaiah's sons, 1 Chron. iii. 22 (Jewish critics say that one son died in infancy). Simeonites, Num.. i. 23 and Num. xxvi. 14 (here may be a numerical error; or, since Zimri, one of the ringleaders, was a Simeonite, the 24000 who died in the matter of Baal-Peor5 may have belonged chiefly to the tribe of Simeon; hence its remarkable diminution). Solomon's gifts to Hiram, 1 Kings v. 11 and 2 Chron. ii. 10 (Davidson": The first passage specifies 1 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 139. 2 Die Biicher der Chronik, pp. 16,17. 3 Vol. iii. 74, note; also p. 136. 4 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 219. ~ Num. xxv. 6-14. 6 Sacred Hermeneutico, p. 548 386 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the articles intended for Hiram's household; the second, those for his workmen). Angels seen, one seated. Twvo standing.. Two seated. Matt. xxviii. 2, 5; Mark xvi. 5. Luke xxiv. 4. John xx. 12. Ebrard,1 with other critics, has made it clear that these passages relate to different persons and times. This point will be considered hereafter. One angel appeared at a given time; two appeared at another time. The position assumed, also, mary have varied at different times. Yet the Greek word in Luke, rendered " stood by," also means to come near, to appear to. In Luke ii. 9; Acts xii. 7, it is translated, " came upon"; hence, in the text in question, the sense may be, "suddenly appeared to them." Appearances of Christ, - one number. Different numbers. John xx. and xxi. Luke xxiv.; I Cor. xv. 5-8. No one of the sacred writers claims to have mentioned all the appearances of our Lord. Certain cases are mentioned by one writer, other cases by another writer, — each laying stress upon those instances which seemed to him most important, yet not denying the existence of other instances. In a similar manner may be resolved the subjoined cases: Blind men, Mlatt. xx. 30 and Mark x. 46; Luke xviii. 35, 38 (some think there were three 2 blind men healed, - one when Jesus entered the city, the other two when he left it; others suppose that two were healed, — one in the approach to Jericho, the other in the departure from it, —and that Matthew, greatly condensing the narrative, speaks of both events as if occurring during the departure from the city.3 Others give to the Greek verb in Luke the sense to be nigh or near,4 and take the iassage as meaning simply that Jesus was still near the city; Mark and Luke mentioning only the better known of the two Gospel History, pp. 447, 448, 452. 2 So Davidson, Sacred Hermeneutics, pp. 558, 559. 3 See Ebrard, pp. 362-366. See eyyt[C in Liddell and Scott; also in Robinson's New Test. Lexicon. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 387 blind men). Convocations and feasts, Lev. xxiii.; Num. xxviii., xxix. and Ex. xxiii. 14-16; xxxiv. 18-23; Deut. xvi. 1-16 (in the latter passages only the three feasts are mentioned in which all the males were required to present themselves at the sanctuary). Demoniacs, Luke viii. 27 and Matt. viii. 28 (only the more prominent one mentioned by Luke). Levites,-classes, Neh. x. 9-13 and Neh. xii. 8, 9 (in the latter case only the more noticeable are specified). Tribes loyal, 1 Kings xi. 32, 36 and xii. 21 (of the two contiguous tribes, Judah and Benjamin, the former was vastly more powerful, and virtually absorbed the latter, hence the two were spoken of as one tribe). Beasts in ark, two of each kind. Seven of a kind. Gen. vi. 19, 20. Gen. vii. 2, 8. The second injunction may be simply an amplification of the former given some hundred and twenty years previously. At first, it was said that a pair of every kind of beasts should be preserved; afterwards, that, in the case of the few clean beasts, there should be preserved not one pair only, but seven pairs.l Abarbanel 2 takes the first passage as simply asserting that the beasts should come paired, male and female; the second as specifying the number of the pairs —seven of the clean, two of the unclean, animals. Benjamites slain, 26,100. The number, 25,000. Judg. xx. 15, 47. Judg. xx. 46, 47. The Jewish interpreters say that 25000 were slain on the last day - " that day " (vs. 35, 46); while the other 1100 were slain on the preceding days. Or, if vs. 46 gives in "round numbers" the exact statement of vs. 35 (25000 for 25100), we have still 1000 slain previous to the last day of the contest. Cities and villages, twenty-nine. Thirty-eight in number. Josh. xv. 32. Josh. xv. 21-382. Rashi, Kimchi, and MIenasseh ben Israel3 call attention to 1 Bible Commentary, in loc. 2 Conciliator, i. 87.'Conciliator, ii. 22, 28. 388 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the fact that in Josh. xix. 1-6 we find nine of these cities (if Chesil and Bethul are identical, as is probable) set off to Simeon. As nine from thirty-eight leaves twenty-nine, the first passage gives the remainder after the cession, the second sets forth the original number. Or, with Keil, we may suppose a slight numerical error in the case. City's dimensions, 1000 cubits. Two thousand cubits. Num. xxxv. 4. Num. xxxv. 5. There are various explanations of this case.' The Jewish interpreters say that the city and lands thereto belonging were arranged in three concentric circles. Of these the city occupied the inner one; the next larger, with a radius 1000 cubits greater, formed the suburb proper; while the outmost, with a radius still increased by 1000 cubits, was devoted to fields and vineyards. Davidson, J. D. Michaelis, and Keil suppose the city to be 1000 cubits square. Around this square another is formed, with its corresponding sides parallel to, and 1000 cubits distant from, those of the first. The outer square or suburb will therefore be 3000 cubits on a side. Measuring from any corner of the city along its wall and across the suburb to the side of the external square, we have a line of 2000 cubits, in conformity with the dimensions given above. fMr. Espin 2 thinks that, whatever the shape of the city, the suburbs were to extend a thousand cubits outward from any point in the city wall; while on the four sides, north, south, east, and west, the frontage was to be not less than 2000 cubits in length. Generations, forty-two. A different number. Matt. i. 17. Matt. i. 2-16. The first " fourteen" extends from Abraham to David; the second, from David to the deportation; the third, from Jechonias to Christ, inclusive in each case. So Alford, Robinson, 1 See some eight solutions in Kitto, ii. 828-825. 2 Bible Commentary, in loc. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 389 Gardiner, and others. Ebrard1 makes the first series begin with Abraham and end with David, the second begin with Solomon and end with Jechonias, the third begin with Salathiel and end with Christ, inclusive. He maintains, with Spanheim and Lightfoot, that certain kings are omitted by Matthew because of their great wickedness, and their intermarriage with, or descent from, heathen women.2 Dr. Mill shows that it was a common practice among the Jews to distribute their genealogies into divisions according to some favorite or mystical number; and that, in order to do this, generations were repeated or left out. Many critics think that, since Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin differ in Greek only by a single letter, " Jechonias " in Matt. i. 11 denotes the former, in vs. 12 the latter, individual. On this hypothesis, the second " fourteen " ends with " Jechonias " (Jehoiakim), and the third begins with "Jechonias" (Jehoiachin); and there is no deficiency. Jacob's family, seventy persons. Seventy-five persons. Gen. xlvi. 27. Acts vii. 14. Jacob's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren amounted to sixty-six.4 Adding Jacob himself, and Joseph with his two sons, we have seventy. If to the sixty-six we add the nine wives of Jacob's sons (Judah's and Simeon's wives were dead; Joseph could not be said to call himself, his own wife, or his two sons into Egypt; and Jacob is specified separately by Stephen), we have seventy-five persons, as in Acts.5 People, - number. A different statement. 2 Sam. xxiv. 9. 1 Chron. xx'. 5. 800,000 men of Israel. 1100,000 men of Israel. 500,000 men of Judah. 470,000 men of Judah. The difference may arise from the fact that the statements are founded upon oral tradition, and not upon public records. 1 Gospel History, pp. 149, 150. As the pedigree is "juridical, and not strictly genealogical," he reckons Mary herself as one of the third series. 2 See Denut. vii. 2-4; Ezra ix. 1, 2. 3 On Mythical Interpretation of Gospels, pp. 150-161. 4 Gen. xlvi. 8-26. 5 Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics, pp, 582, 583. 833* 390 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Or there may be copyist's errors in one or both cases. An elaborate explanation based upon the supposition that the difference is due to the inclusion or exclusion of the standing army may be seen in Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics.l Priests, - classes, four. Twenty-two classes. Ezra ii. 86-39. Neh. xii. 1-7. The number in Ezra is that which was fixed upon at the outset. It was immediately enlarged, in the attempt to conform to the pre-exile arrangement. Shekels paid by David. A different statement. So David bought the threshing-floor So David gave to Ornan for the place and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver. six hundred shekels of gold by weight. 2 Sam. xxiv. 24. 1 Chron. xxi 25. Of a variety of explanations, three may be adduced: (1) That we have here a copyist's mistake, which could very easily happen. (2) That the first passage gives the price of the oxen simply, thus: " So David bought the threshing-floor, and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver." The phraseology of the second passage, "So David gave to Ornan for the place," etc., seems to favor this view. (3) That David purchased, first, the threshing-floor - a plat of ground "probably not 100 feet in diameter," with the oxen; then, afterwards, bethought himself to buy the place, " miqom," - the whole hill of Moriah, - for which latter he paid " 600 shekels of gold." Solomon's wives, one thousand. One hundred and forty. 1 Kings xi. 3. Cant. vi. 8. Perhaps the "virgins without number " — who may have been, as Newman2 thinks, held merely as hostages, —made up the one thousand. Ginsburg, Kleuker, Miagnus, and Rosenmuller take the expression in Canticles as a poetical one, denoting simply a large number. Zdckler thinks it refers to an earlier period in the reign of Solomon, before he fell into idolatry and other sins. Things in ark, three. The tables of stone only. Heb. ix. 4. Ex. xl. 20; Deut. x. 5; 1 Kings viii. 9. We have previously seen that the " book of the law" was 1 Pp. 546, 547. Also, Bib. Comrn. on 1 Chron. xxi. 5. 2 See p. 296 infra. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 391 not put into, but by the side of, the ark.l The text from Hebrews, which asserts that the " pot of manna " and "Aaron's rod " were in the ark, probably refers to the original arrangement. Later the two were removed. Unclean birds, twenty. Twenty-one mentioned. Lev. xi. 13-19. Dent. xiv. 12-18. The Hebrew terms "ddiaih" and "raiih," translated, in the first and second passages, respectively, vulture and glede, differ only in their initial letters b and'. Critics generally assume a slight error of transcription in the case. On this hypothesis, if we drop the superfluous word 1"dayyah" (omitted in the Samaritan version, the Septuagint, and several riss.2) rendered vulture in the second passage, the discrepancy vanishes. Or, with Aben Ezra and Keil, we may take the term "riirih," in the second passage, as the name of the genus which includes the several species, some of which are subsequently named.3 Visitors at the sepulchre. Different statements. One woman. John xx. 1. Three women. Mark xvi. 1. Two women. Matt. xxviii. 1. Five or more women. Luke xxiv. 10. Observe (1) that no one of the evangelists denies that more women were present than those he mentions by name. John does not assert that Mary Magdalene only was present; in fact, he intimates the contrary, for he represents her as saying, in vs. 2, " We know not where they have laid him." Each writer seems, while not denying the presence of other persons, to single out one or more whom, for some reason, he mentions with particularity. This explanation of the case is perfectly reasonable, as the following illustration will evince. In the year 1824 Lafayette visited the United States, and was everywhere welcomed with honors and pageants. Historians will describe these as a noble incident in his life. Other writers will, relate the same visit as made, and the same honors as l Deut. xxxi. 26. 2 Daviclson, on Hebrew Text, p. 37. 3 Ben Gershon thinks that:tm keen-sighted, and nt; (jIn} another form of the same. word) swiftfy/'ing, both denote the same bird. See Conciliator, i. 225. Also, compare Wood's Bible Animals, p. 360. 392 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. enjoyed, by two persons, Lafayette and his son.' Yet there will be no contradiction between these two classes of writers. No more is there between the evangelists relative to the number of women who visited the sepulchre. Or (2) we may take the sacred writers as referring to different points of time, each specifying the number present at the time to which he refers. There were two distinct parties2 of women - the Marys and their friends, and the Galilean women - who followed our Lord. Probably the women, having lodged among their friends in different parts of the city, and to avoid suspicion on the part of the Jews, would come by different paths to the sepulchre, and would not arrive at the same moment. We may, therefore, suppose that Mary Magdalene arrived first (so John); soon the other Mary arrives (so Matthew); then Salome comes (so Mark); finally, the "other women" make their appearance (so Luke). As we shall see hereafter, a hypothesis of this kind removes the difficulty as to the time of the visit to the tomb.' IV. CONCERNING TIME. It would be superfluous to repeat what has been said relative to discrepancies resulting from the confounding of similar numeral letters. Obviously, in those cases where questions of time are involved, the liability to errors of the above kind becomes an element of prime importance. Taking this factor into account, together with others we have pointed out,4 - the use of different methods of reckoning time, and the grouping of events not chronologically, but upon the principle of association, -and we are enabled to solve with facility such cases of discrepancy as the following relative to time. Abraham's age at migration 75 years. Apparently 135 years. Gen. xii. 4. Gen. xi. 26, 32; Acts vii. 4. In the twenty-sixth verse, Abraham may be mentioned first, See Robinson's English Harmony, p. 181. 2 See Kitto, ii. 582, 585. 8 Comp. pp. 327-330 infra. 4 See pp. 9-14 infra. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 393 simply on account of his theocratic importance; as Moses is usually named before Aaron, who was the elder. So that Abraham. may have been the youngest son, born when Terah was 130 years oldl' It would then follow that Abraham left Haran at the age of 75, his father having previously died, at the age of 205 years. This removes the difficulty. Some Jewish interpreters, however, think that Abraham actually left Haran sixty years before his father's death. On this theory, Stephen, in asserting that Abraham left after his father's death, simply followed the then commonly received, though inaccurate, chronology. So Ewald,2 Keil, Kurtz,3 Lange, Murphy, and others. Absalom's tarry forty years. Could not have been so long. 2 Sam. xv. 7. 1 Kings ii. 11. De Wette 4 observes, "We are not told from what point of time the forty years are reckoned." But Josephus,5 followed by Ewald,6 Hervey, and most critics, assumes that there is a copyist's error in the case. In the same manner such cases as the following are to be explained. Famine —duration, 2 Sam. xxiv. 13 and 1 Chron. xxi. 11, 12 (De Wette: I, 3, mistaken for T, 7). Jerusalem burned, 2 Kings xxv. 8 and Jer. lii. 12 (Bahr: t, 7, confounded with b, 10). Jerusalem captured, Jer. xxxvi. 9 and Dan. i. 1 (Pusey7 thinks that the bare mention that Jehoiakim was captured implies that the city was not then captured. Keil renders Dan. i. 1: Nebuchadnezzar went, set out, to Jerusalem). Adam died on the day of his fall. Lived 930 years. Gen. ii. 17. Gen. v. 5. In that very day he became spiritually dead —"dead in trespasses and sins";8 "alienated from the life of God."9 Also, in a physical point of view, death began then to prey l Davidson, Sacred Hlermeneutics, p. 528; also, Hackett on Acts. 2 Vol. i. 325, note.: Vol. i. 204, 205. 4 Introd. to Old Test., ii. 212. 5 Ant. vii. 9, 1. 6 Vol. iii. 170, note. 7 Lectures on Daniel the Prophet, p. 399. 8 Eph. ii. 1. 9 Eph. iv. 18. 394 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. upon him; the seeds of mortality were sown in his body. That which might have been but a painless and longed-for translation became a painful and dreaded dissolution. Agag mentioned at a certain time. Did not live till later. Num. xxiv. 7. 1 Sam. xv. 2-8. Balaam was, for the time, uttering predictions under the influence of the Spirit of God,' hence he may have mentioned a man not yet born. Besides, the name " Agag" was probably hereditary to the chieftains of Amalek, as " Pharaoh" was to the Egyptian monarchs. Hence the Agag of the second passage would be a later one bearing the same name. Other examples of alleged premature mention are the following: Amalek; compare Gen. xiv. 7; Num. xxiv. 20 and Gen. xxxvi. 12 (Esau's son may have been named after the original Amalek; or the "country of the Amalekites," Gen. xiv. 7, may have been styled thus by historical anticipation, having acquired the name previous to the time when Moses wrote. Amalek may be termed the " first of the nations," 2 as being the first that assailed Israel, or as pre-eminent3 among the neighboring nations at the time when Balaam uttered the words). Gilgal, Deut. xi. 30 and Josh. iv. 19, 20; v. 9 (two different places are intended; one of which may have been that now known as Jiljilia or Jiljuflieh;4 the site of the other is not determined). Hebrews, -land, Gen. xl. 15 and Josh. i. 11 (since Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had "effected something like permanent settlements" at various points in the land of Canaan, it may have been popularly termed the " land of the Hebrews," 5 although the latter had not as yet taken possession of it. Besides, Joseph doubtless knew very well that, according'Num. xxiv. 2,16. 2 See Num. xxiv. 20. 3 See same Hebrew expression in Amos vi. 1. 4 Robinson, Later Bib. Res., pp. 138, 139 5 This name seems to mean " trans-Euzphratics," that is, those who had come across the Euphrates. See Josh. xxiv. 14; also Kurtz, i. 167-169, and Gesenius, Thesaurus, p. 987. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 395 to the divine promise, the land of Canaan belonged to the Hebrews). Hebron, Gen. xiii. 18 and Josh. xiv. 15; xv. 13 (the best critics agree that the original name was Hebron; afterwards Kirjath-arba was substituted; then the old name Hebron was revived. Quite similar has been the fate of Jerusalem. After Hadrian's conquest the early name " Jerusalem" was displaced, and, dropping out of contemporaneous history, was forgotten. The new city bore the name of "2Elia Capitolina." Not till the reign of Constantine did the old name come again into use).' Joshua, Ex. xvii. 9; xxiv. 13 and Num. xiii. 16 (the author, as Kurtz thinks, writing after the name Joshua had become common, employs it by anticipation. Or Joshua may have received the name at the defeat of Amalek,2 in which case Num. xiii. 16 should be rendered, "And Moses had called Oshea,Y" etc.). Kings in Israel, Gen. xxxvi. 31 and I Sam. x. 24, 25 (the idea of monarchy was familiar to the Israelites from the,example of the surrounding nations, all of which had kings. Besides, there were express promises 4 to Abraham and Jacob that kings should spring from them). Levites' land, Lev. xxv. 32-34; INum. xxxv. 2-8 and Josh. xxi. 2, 3, 41 (in the first two passages the land is mentioned by anticipation). Luz, Josh. xvi. 2 and Judg. i. 26 (Eichhorn and Bertholdt say that different places are meant. The name " Luz " was, according to the second text, transferred to another town).5 Ophir, Gen. x. 29 and 1 Kings ix. 28 (the Ophir of the first text seems to have been a man, or else a tribe. Either might give name to the place). Sabbath, Gen. ii. 2, 3; Ex. xvi. 23 and Ex. xx. 8 (the Sabbath may have been observed from early times, although no explicit injunction to that effect See "Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin," by Besant and Palmer, pp. 54, 55; also, Smith's Bible Diet., ii. 1309. 2 Ex. xvii. 9. 3 So Rosenmiller, Eichhorn, and Kanne; and substantially Hengstenberg and Ranke. 4 Gen. xvii. 6, 16; xxxv. 11. 6 See Smith's Bib. Diet., ii. 1699, 1700. 396 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. is recorded previous to the giving of the law at Sinai). Tabernacle, Ex. xxxiii. 7 and Ex. xl. 17 (it is possible that the narrative does not follow the chronological order, and that the tabernacle proper was completed before the time referred to in the first text. Or, since the usual word for tabernacle,'"mishklin," is not used in the thirty-third chapter at all, the reference may be to an old sanctuary or sacred tent which had come down from the days of the patriarchs. So Michaelis, Le Cler, and Rosenmiiller. Otherwise, it may have been Mioses' own tent, set apart for this temporary purpose. So the Septuagint, Syriac, Aben Ezra, Rashi, Keil, Kurtz, and Wogue). Temple, 1 Sam. i. 9; iii. 3, and 1 Kings vi. 14 (the Hebrew word "' hekil," in the first two texts, means a large building or dwelling, an edifice, and is not restricted to the Temple proper. Gesenius says it is applied to "the sacred tabernacle in use before the building of the Temple"). Templemount, Ex. xv. 13-17 and 2 Chron. iii. 1 (there is no proof that the real temple-mount is here specified. That Jehovah would, however, select a " high and stately mountain"' in Canaan as the place of his sanctuary was the natural inference of Miriam, who was doubtless familiar with the promises and with the history of the patriarchs).2 Testimony, Ex. xvi. 34 and Ex. xl. 20 (the first passage was written, probably, near the close of Moses' life, by historic anticipation, in order to finish the story about the manna). Ahab died in 19th year of Jehoshaphat. In his 17th year. 1 Kings xv. 10; xvi. 29; xxii. 41. 1 Kings xxii. 51. Most probably the difference arose from a slight mistake in numeral letters. It is to be remembered, however, that the Hebrews had peculiar methods of reckoning the length of reigns. Regnal years seem to have been counted from the beginning of the year, not from the day of the king's accession. Thus, if a king began to reign in the last month of one year, reigned the whole of the next year, and one month of the third, 1 Kurtz, ii. 356. 2 See Gen. xxii. 2; Ex. iii. 1, 2. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 397 we should, although his reign lasted not over fourteen months, have dates in his first, second, and third years. Any dates in the year of his accession, but previous to that event, or in the year of his death, but subsequent to it, would be assigned to the last year of his predecessor or to the first of his successor.' Thus, as Rashi 2 says, since parts of years are reckoned as whole ones, we shall have the same year sometimes twice reckoned, once to the father, and then again to the son. The Talmudists say that the years of the kings are reckoned from the month Nisan to Nisan again, and that with such precision that even a single day before or after Nisan is counted for a year. Hence, if a king reigned from the first day of Nisan, a year and a day, to the second day of the next Nisan, he was reckoned as reigning two years. So Keil and Bdhr. Taking these facts into account, together with the use of round numbers, and of different and sometimes obscure eras of computation,s and it is obvious that Hebrew chronology becomes somewhat complicated and intricate. Should it be objected that the above methods of computation adopted by the Hebrew historians are incorrect, we reply that those were their methods, and the writers are to be judged by their own standards, not by ours. Unless, then, it can be shown that according to their own Oriental ideas and methods of constructing history and of reckoning time these writers disagree with themselves, the charge of "discrepancy" does not fairly lie against them. Upon some one of the foregoing principles are to be explained the following cases, pertaining to various monarchs. Smith's Bib. Diet., i. 439; also, compare pp. 11-14 infra, where;ha subject is discussed more fully. 2 Conciliator, ii. 86. 3 Browne, " Ordo Saeclorum," p. 221-248, maintains that some of the reigns are enumerated in years current, others in years complete; and that the kings of Judah reckoned their reigns from an epoch different from that employed by the kings of Israel. 34 398 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Ahaziah of Judah, - age, twenty-two. It was forty-two. 2 Kings viii. 26. 2 Chron. xxii. 2. According to the latter text, Ahaziah must have been two years older than his own father! The perfectly simple explanation adopted by Gesenius' and most critics is, that the copyist mistook one numeral letter for another --, 20, for I, 40. Ahaziah's reign begun in the eleventh year of Joram, 2 Kings ix. 29; in the twelfth year, 2 Kings viii. 25 (Rashi says that, on account of Joram's sickness,2 his son Ahaziah was associated with him in the eleventh year of Joram's reign, but began to reign alone in the twelfth year). Ahaziah of Israel began to reign in the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat, I Kings xxii. 51; apparently later, compare 2 Kings iii. 1; (the difference probably arises from the fact that, instead of fractional, the nearest whole numbers, above or below, are employed). Amaziah's reign began in the fourth year of Joash, 2 Kings xii. 1; xiii. 10; in the second year, 2 Kings xiv. 1 (Rawliuson mentions a double accession of this Joash; one as co-partner with his father; the other two years later, as sole king. Amaziah's reign dated in the fourth year from one accession; in the second from the other). Asa had ten years of peace, 2 Chron. xiv. 1; xv. 19; at war with Baasha all their days, 1 Kings xv. 16, 32 (Asa reigned forty-one years.3 Baasha, beginning in Asa's third year, reigned twenty-four years.4 Asa's ten years of peace may have occurred after Baasha's death. Or, possibly, there may have been ten years of their contemporaneity, during which, though there was "war" i.e. unreI He says, "Geschichte der HIeb. Sprache und Schrift," p. 174, " Nach 2 KRin. viii. 26 ist offenbar zu lesen 22 (~M fMir =M)." Lightfoot and Ben Gershon think that, in Chronicles, the whole reign of the house of Omri is reckoned in, to malke the forty-two; thus, Omri 6 + Ahab 22 + Alhaziahl 2 + Joram 12 = 42. It is a singular fact that this peculiarly rabbinic method of computation will, in a considerable number of cases, remove apparent discrepancies. - See Conciliator, passim. 2 2 Chron. xxi.. 18, 19. 31 Kings xv. 10. 4 1 Kings xv. 88. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 399 mitting hostility, between them, there was no actual resort to arms.' Critics agree that, in 2 Chron. xv. 19 and xvi. 1, thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth years are a copyist's mistake for fifteenth and sixteenth, or twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth). Azariah's reign begun in the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam. 2 Kings xv. 1; in the fifteenth year, 2 Kings xiv. 2, 17, 23 (some say, the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam's co-partnership with his father, but the sixteenth since he began to reign alone. The best critics maintain that in, 27, has been confounded with 7, 15).2 Azariah's reign ended in the first year of Pekah, 2 Kings xv. 2, 27; in the second year of Pekah, 2 Kings xv, 32 (parts of years are reckoned as whole years). Baasha died in Asa's twenty-seventh year, 1 Kings xv. 33; in his twenty-sixth, 1 Kings xvi. 8 (here, again, the same principle applies). Ela's reign two years, 1 Kings xvi. 8; one year, 1 Kings xvi. 10 (he actually reigned a part of two years. These parts are called years). Hezekiah's age, twenty-five, 2 Kings xviii. 2; probably less, 2 Kings xvi. 2 (Ahaz, dying at the age of thirty-six, would hardly leave a son aged twenty-five. Hence, with many critics, we may assume a slight mistake in numeral letters)./ Hoshea's reign begun in the twentieth year of Jotham, that is, the third or fourth of Ahaz, 2 Kings xv. 27, 30, 32; in the twelfth year of Ahaz, 2 Kings xvii. 1 (the rabbies" say that because Hoshea was tributary to the Assyrians in the early part of his reign, the first nine years are not reckoned; his reign properly beginning with his independence. Mr. Browne5 admits an interregnum, or a period of anarchy, lasting eight years). I See Browne's Ordo Saeclortm, pp. 231-234. 2 Compare the translator's note in Biihr, p. 151. 3 Davidson, Vol. ii. p. 22, and Ewald, Vol. iv. 167, with the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic of 2 Chron. xxviii. 1, make Ahaz twenty-five years old at his accession. 4 Conciliator, ii. 98, 99. Ordo Saeclorum, p. 242. He thinks hat. Isa. ix. 17-21 refers to this period of anarchy. 400 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE, Ishbosheth's reign two years, 2 Sam. ii. 10; apparently some seven years, 2 Sam. ii. 11; v. a (Ewald I and Keil maintain that, after Saul's death, five years were spent in warfare against the Philistines, before Ishbosheth was anointed king over Israel). Jeloahaz's reign begun in the twenty-third year of Joash, 2 Kings xiii. 1; about the nineteenth year, 2 Kings x. 36; x:ii. 1 (Biihr thinks that ~=, 23, has been substituted, in the first text, for Em, 21).2 His reign lasted seventeen years, 2 Kings xiii. 1; fourteen, 2 Kings xiii. 10 (we may adopt the above emendation; or, with the old expositors, suppose that his son shared the throne the last two or three years of the reign). Jehoash began to reign in the thirty-seventh year of Joash, 2 Kings xiii. 10; apparently in the fortieth, 2 Kings xiii. 1. Jehoiachin's age, eighteen years, 2 Kings xxiv. 8; eight years, 2 Chron. xxxvi. 9 (Bahr thinks that a, 10, has dropped out of the latter text). His capture in Nebuchadnezzar's eighth year, 2 Kings xxiv. 12; in the seventh year, Jer. lii. 28 (either a slight mistake in numeral letters, or else a different method of counting regnal years). His deliverance on the twentyseventh day of the month, 2 Kings xxv. 27; on the twentyfifth day, Jer. lii. 31 (a mistake as to a single numeral letter). Jehoiakim's fourth year corresponded to Nebuchadnezzar's first, Jer. xxv. 1; xlvi. 2; to his second, Dan. i. 1 (the fourth year of Jehoiakim, being reckoned by a different method, might correspond to the latter part of Nebuchadnezzar's first, and the earlier part of his second year. Nebuchadnezzar set out upon his expedition against Jerusalem in Jehoiakim's third year, Dan. i. 1; and continued it, after the battle of Carchemish, in hisfourth year). Joram of Israel, -reign begun in the second year of Jehoram of Judah, 2 Kings i. 17; apparently five years before, Vol. iii. 113. 2 Josephus agrees with this emendation. Obviously, upon the principles of computation already explained, a discrepancy of one or two years arises and is accounted for so easily, as to be of no consequence whatever. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 401 2 Kings viii. 16 (Joram of Israel seems to have begun to reign in the second year of the joint rule of Jehoram and his father; Jehoram of Judah began to reign alone in the fifth year of Joram of Israel.M Or, with MIr. Bullock,2 we may hold that Jehoram of Judah had two or three " accessions ": (1) When Jehoshaphat, on going to the battle of Ramoth-gilead, about the seventeenth year of his reign, intrusted the regency to Jehoram; (2) when Jehoshaphat, in the twenty-third year, made him joint king; (3) when, in the twenty-fifth year, Jehoshaphat died. So that the accession of Joram of Israel in Jehoshaphat's eighteenth year would coincide with the second year after the first accession, and the fifth year before the second accession, of Jehoram of Judah). Jeroboam II. contemporary with Uzziah (Azariah) fourteen years, 2 Kings xiv. 23; xv. 1; thirty-eight years, 2 Kings xv. 8 (Bihr, Thenius, and Wolff say that in xiv. 23 we should read fifty-one, b:, for forty-one, Nn; Ewald 3 says fifty-three. Browne 4 suggests that " in the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam," xv. 1, means the twenty-seventh year before the end of Jeroboam's reign. [Most critics think that 1:, 27, is put here by mistake for I 15. Some5 suppose an interregnum of eleven or twelve years between the death of Jeroboam and the accession of his son). Josiah's reformation in his twelfth year, 2 Chron. xxxiv. 3-7; in the eighteenth year, 2 Kings xxii. 3; xxiii. 4 (what he did at the earlier period was but the commencement and preparation for what he, under the influence of the newlydiscovered book of the law, carried out rigidly and thoroughly in his eighteenth year). Jotham's reign, twenty years, 2 Kings xv. 30; sixteen years, 2 Kings xv. 33 (it has been suggested that, since Uzziah was a leper, his son Jotham reigned in connection with him four years.6 Some Jewish critics maintain that " the twentieth year of Jotham" means the twentieth from See Davidson, Sac. Herm., p. 550. 2 Smith's Bible Dict., ii. 1178. 8 Vol. iv. p. 118. 4 Ordo Sacclorum, p. 239, note 6 Ordo Saeclorum, loc. cit. 6 See Sac. Herm., p. 550. 84* 402 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. the beginning of his reign, that is, the fourth year of his suce cessor Ahaz. Bihr thinks the thirtieth verse an interpolation). Nebuchadnezzar's nineteenth year, Jer. lii. 12; eighteenth year, Jer. li. 29 (either a numerical error, or else different events are intended). His dream explained in the second year of his reign, Dan. ii. 1; not till he had reigned three years, Dan. i. 1, 5, 18 (in i. 1 he is styled " king of Babylon " by historical anticipation. He was at the time crown prince and commanderin-chief in behalf of his father; or, as Berosus intimates, he may have been actually co-regent. The "second year," in ii. 1, dates from the beginning of his real reign. Besides, as Rawlinson 2 observes, the " three years " of Daniel's training means, according to the Hebrew usage, " no more than one whole year, and parts, however small, of two other years)." Omri's reign began in the twenty-seventh year of Asa, 1 Kings xvi. 15; in the thirty-first year, 1 Kings xvi. 23 (he began, at the first date to reign over one half of Israel, at the second date to -eign over the whole).3 Pekah's reign twenty years, 2 Kings xv. 27; about thirty, 2 KIings xv. 32, 33; xvii. 1 (Bahr thinks that Z, 20, has been substituted improperly for 1,, 30. Oppert and Lenormant4 assert, upon the authority of the Assyrian inscriptions, that Pekah's reign was interrupted above seven years, he being dethroned about B.c. 742 by a second Menahem, and re-instated by another revolution about B.c. 733. The thirty years date from his first inauguration, while his actual reign was twenty years). As to Saul's reign, I Sam. xiii. 1, 2, the 1He says that the father " conferred upon his son Nebuchadnezzar, now a man, some share of the government." See Hengstenberg's Genuineness of Daniel, p. 50. 2 Historical Illustrations, pp. 168, 169 (Alnerican edition). 1 Kings xvi. 21, 22. 4 Manual of Ancient History of the East, i. 172 (Amer. edition). See a summary of regnal discrepancies in Movers' Kritische Untersuchungen fiber die biblische Chronik, pp. 54, 55, note (a). For tabular and synchronistic lists of the kinrs of Judah and Israel, the reader is referred to the various Commentaries and Bible Dictionaries. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 403 best critics agree, that some numeral letter has dropped out in both verses. Ai destroyed at a certain time. Still inhabited. Josh. viii. 28. Neh. vii. 82. Parker 1: " It may have been rebuilt in the interval." Amalekites utterly destroyed. Overthrown at a later period. 1 Sam. xv. 7, 8. 1 Sam. xxx. 1, 17. The Hebrew expression in the first passage is, literally, "devoted to destruction," and means no more than that he destroyed all whom he caught. The words " all the people" are to be interpreted, as Thenius' says, " with a restriction," an& not to be pressed so as to preclude the idea that some escaped, who, twenty years later, gathering a band of their Bedouin neighbors, made a predatory excursion against Ziglag. Bethel and Gezer conquered. Apparently not till later. Josh. xii. 12, 16. Judg. i. 22-25, 29. Some critics3 think that all, or nearly all, of Judg. i.-ii. 6 refers to events previous to the death of Joshua. Hence the above passages would relate to substantially the same period, and there would be no collision. Otherwise, we may adopt the solution of the difficulty indicated a little further on. Canaan conquered speedily. Conquest delayed. Josh. x. 42. Josh. xi. 18. The first text refers especially to the southern part of Palestine, which was conquered in a single campaign; the second relates to the northern part, the conquest of which occupied a longer period. As to the fact that the Canaanites were to be destroyed quickly (" maher "), Dent. ix. 3; yet not at once (" mahr "), Deut. vii. 22, the Hebrew term is employed in these two cases Dc Wctte's Introd. to Old Test., ii. 177, note. 2 Die Bieher Samuels, p. 68.: Compare Bib. Corn. Intrbd., to Judges, pp. 123-125. On this hypothesis, we must read in Judg. i. 1, "after the death of ilMoses," etc. This seems plausible, since the death of Joshua is related in ii. 8, 9. 404 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. in a relative sense. The overthrow by the Israelites of " seven nations greater and mightier" than they, was, in respect to the magnitude of the work, done " quickly"; but, with reference to the fact that the rapidity of their conquest was graduated to the rate of their actual occupation, so that the depopulated land' was not left to become the haunt of wild beasts, it was not done "at once," that is, not too suddenly. As to those passages which seem to represent the subjugation of Canaan and the extirpation of its inhabitants as already effected and complete, in contrast with others which speak of "' very much land" as still in possession of the native inhabitants (compare Josh. xi. 16, 17, 23; xii. 7, 8 and xiii. 1; xvii. 14; xxiii. 5) it has been suggestedl (1) that in the former passages the writer speaks from the theocratic point of view, intimating that everything has been done on the part of God, it only remaining for the Israelites to faithfully execute their part of the work; (2) that " territory was undoubtedly overrun by Joshua at the first onset which was afterwards recovered by the Canaanites, and only again and finally wrested from them at a subsequent, sometimes a long subsequent, date." Cities smitten at one time. Not till a later period. Josh. xii. 10-23. Josh. xv. 63; xvii. 12; Judg. i. 22, 29. Some make a distinction between smiting the kings and capturing their cities in the present instance. But all such cases as these may be explained by the supposition that, in the irregular warfare which the Israelites waged, the Canaanites which escaped at the conquest of the cities would, as soon as the attention of the victors was turned in another direction, return and re-occupy their former haunts. Soon they would rebuild and fortify these cities, and in process of time must be again dislodged by armed force. Hence it would happen that some of the Canaanite cities would be conquered several times over by the Israelites, under Joshua, Caleb, and other leaders.' See Bible Com., Introd. to Josh. p. 12; also, p. 376 infra. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 406 Ewald,' in his sketch of the "never-ending hostilities and counter-hostilities of those early times," hits the mark precisely. Hlaving pointed out the inferiority of the Hebrews in all the practical arts, including even arms and military tactics, and their superiority to the Canaanites in respect to martial courage, he adds: " With these striking differences, the warlike daring c the Hebrews might easily achieve most extraordinary momentary successes, and yet their first campaigns could not be much more than what the Arabs in all three continents called'alghars,' or rather (since the Hebrews had no cavalry)' razzias,' that is, sudden raids, overpowering the land for the moment, rather than permanently subduing it; and when the camp of the invaders was remote, the thick ranks of the former inhabitants, regardless of their promised submission, soon closed again behind their invaders." In these characteristically graphic words of the great critic, we have the key to such cases of repeated conquest as are subjoined. Debir conquered, Josh. x. 38, 39 and Josh. xv. 15-17; Judg. i. 11-13. Dor and Taanach, Josh. xii. 21, 23 and Judg. i. 27. Hazor, Josh. xi. 1, 10 and Judg. iv. 24. Hebron, — king, Josh. x. 23, 26 and 36, 37 (Bleek 2 suggests that the latter passage may refer to a successor of the king mentioned in the former. Kjinig3 thinks, that there were two conquests of Hebron). Hormah, Num. xxi. 3 and Josh. xii. 14; Judg. i. 17 (the name "Hormah," denoting accursed, or devoted to destruction, may have been applied to more than one place.4 Or, the vow or ban made by Moses may not have been fully carried out till the time of Joshua. Kurtz 5 suggests that the city may not have been conquered at the same time with its king, or that Hormah may have'History of Israel, ii. 263. 2 Introd. to Old Test., i. 349. Several other passages referring to Hebron, Josh. xi. 21; xiv. 12, 13; Judg. i. 9-11, indicate its varying fortunes. 8 Alttestamentliche Studien, i. 22. 4 Some have reckoned three places with this name. Num. xiv. 45 may mean, unto the place now known as Hormah. Vol. ii. iii 335. 406 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. been recaptured by the Canaanites, and only definitively conquered and placed under the ban at the time indicated in Judg. i. 17). Jebus or Jerusalem, Josh. xii. 10; Judg. i. 8 and Josh. xv. 63; Judg. i. 21 (Jebus was the stronghold or fortress " of extraordinary strength," while Jerusalem was the name of the adjacent city. The latter, with its king, was captured early; the former held out till the time of David. So Josephus,' and other authorities). Jericho, Josh. vi. 24, 26 and Judg. i. 16; iii. 13; 2 Sam. x. a (Bertheau, Knobel, and LeClerc maintain that two different places are meant. Winer thinks that Joshua's imprecation was not meant to preclude inhabiting the city again, but referred to the rebuilding of its fortifications. So that, as an unwalled village, it may have been re-inhabited shortly after its conquest by Joshua). Laish, Josh. xix. 47 and Judg. xviii. 27, 28. Midianites overthrown, Num. xxxi. 10 and Judg. vi. 33; viii. 10-12 (it is not said in Numbers that all the Midianites were slain; some doubtless escaped. In some two hundred years this remnant would become sufficiently formidable, aided by their allies, "the Amalekites and the children of the east," to harass northern and eastern Israel). We thus see that the theory of repeated conquests of the same place or people meets the exigencies of the case satisfactorily. Announcement made to Mary. At a di'ferent time to Joseph. Luke i. 26-37. Matt. i. 20. Strauss and Bruno Bauer maintain that the two accounts are contradictory. But Mary did not at once tell Joseph of the message she had received, because, first, she had nothing to confess, and it was not suitable to speak of the matter in a tone of triumph; and, secondly, she knew that her own word alone would not satisfy Joseph, hence she wisely left it to God to put the mind of her husband at rest in regard to the matter. This " pairing of visions," in order to dispose two persons for Ant. v. 2, 2. Compare Ewald, IHivernick, and Stanley. 2 See, on this point, Ebrard, pp. 167-171; also, Wordsworth, Replies to Essays and Reviews, p. 469. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 407 co-operation in important and worthy matters, finds a parallel in the cases of Cornelius and Peter. and Saul and Ananias.1 Apostles called at one time. At a dizerent time. John i. 85-43. Matt. iv. 18-22; Mark i. 16-20; Luke v. 1-11. John describes the first interview of our Lord with the disciples mentioned. They "abode with him that day," but afterward returned for a while to their ordinary employment. Later, at the time indicated in the other passages, they were called to the apostolic office, and gave up their former mode of life. Ebrard2 has shown that this is the correct explanation; also, that the commission of the " twelve " in Matt. x., was quite distinct from that of the " seventy," as recorded in Luke x.; the former being of a permanent, the latter of a temporary, nature. Ark made at one time. Not till a later time. Deut. x. 3-5. Ex. xxv. 10; xxxv. 12; xxxvii. 1. Possibly the ark mentioned in the first passage was a temporary one; or Moses may have ordered its construction before he went upon Sinai, and so made it per Bezaleel. But a better explanation is, that Moses here, as in many other cases, "connects transactions closely related to each other and to his purpose, without regard to the order of occurrence." The style of the Hebrew historians; as Le Clerc observes, is not to be "tried by the rules of rhetoricians." It is to their disregard of chronological order, to the arranging of their materials topically, rather than consecutively, - a method of composition entirely in keeping with their simplicity of thought and diction, — that we must attribute numerous minor discrepancies like the following: Christ conveyed into the mountain at the third temptation, Matt. iv. 8; at the second, Luke iv. 5 (Luke does not follow the order of time here; nor does he claim to do so). His preaching began before John's imprisonment, John iii. 2, 22, 24; from that epoch, Matt. iv. 12, 17; Mark i. 14 (the meaning may be, from that time began to preach in 1 See Acts x. 3, 13, 15, and ix. 6, 10-16. 2 Gospel History, sections 44, 51, and 70. 408 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Galilee, or to preach the nearness of the "kingdom of heaven "). Creation, - one order, Gen. i. 11-27; another order, Gen. ii. 4-7, 9, 19-22 (it is conceded by the best authoritiesl that there is a "general correspondence" between the biblical account of creation and the deductions of geological science. When we compare the statements of Gen. i. with those of the succeeding chapter, we discover several disagreements with respect to the order of events. Thus, —to give one of the half-dozen similar instances adduced by rationalistic critics,in the first chapter, the man and woman seem to be represented as created together, after the lower animals; in the second chapter the man appears to be created first, then the beasts, lastly the woman. Now, these differences arise simply from the condensation of the narrative in the first chapter, and from the disregard of chronological order in the second. In the first, the sacred historian gives a general, yet concise, account of the six days' work; in the second chapter he recapitulates, and, without following the order of time, gives some additional details. As Kalisch has well said," The writer's end is the history of man's fall. The serpent occasions, the wife shares it; it is therefore necessary -to introduce the creation of the animals and of woman." 2 The narrative in the second chapter is "wholly unchronological," the near and the remote being brought together without regard to the order of time. In other words, everything in this supplementary account, is viewed in its relation to man; hence he is here placed foremost according to the spirit of the Aristotelian maxim: The posterior in appearance, the prior in idea).3 Feast of unleavened bread instituted before the exode, Ex. xii. 15; afterwards at Succoth, Ex. xiii. 3 (the second text 1 Such as Agassiz, Dana, and Guyot. See Dr. J. P. Thompson's Man in Genesis and in Geology, p. 19. Also, Davidson, Introd. to Old Test., i. 161. 2 Commentary on Genesis, p. 113; see, also, p. 82. a See Lange on Genesis, pp. 200-202. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 409 is a mere incidental repetition of the command). Israelites already at Sinai, Ex. xviii. 5; not till later, Ex. xix. 2 (the meeting with Jethro seems related by anticipation, in order to clear the way for an uninterrupted account of the meeting with Jehovah at Sinai). John acquainted with Jesus previous to the baptism, Matt. iii. 14; not till that epoch, John i. 33 (the recognition by John, at the first glance, may have been due not to any previous acquaintance with Jesus, but to the fact that he had been forewarned that the Messiah was about to appear, and felt an intuitive, irresistible conviction' that this was lie). Levites set apart during the sojourn at Sinai, Num. iii. 6; viii. 14; apparently not till later, Deut. x. 6-8 (Rashi,2 Hengstenberg,3 and others say that vs. 6 and 7 of Deut. x. are parenthetical; the words "at that time," in vs. 8, referring back to the events described in the first five verses). Persons sealed at a given time, Neh. x. 1-27; their children supposed to have lived a century earlier, Ezra ii. 1-39; Neh. vii. 7-42 (the eighteen or more "coincident names "4 in these lists do not absolutely prove the identity of the persons. Rawlinson" maintains that the names in the first passage are "not personal, but designate families "). Priests consecrated at Mount Sinai, Ex. xix. 22; not till later, Ex. xxviii. 1 (the Israelites were familiar, from the beginning, with the ideas of priesthood and sacrfice. There is reason to believe that they had priests and forms of worship and sacrifice previous to the giving of the law and the consecration of the Levites. Jewish writers say that in that early time the first-born or the heads of families performed priestly service. This agrees well with the statement that Moses sent " young men of the children of Israel" to offer sacrifice upon a certain occasion).6 1 See Ebrard, pp. 196, 197. 2 Conciliator, i. 246. 3 Gen. of Pent., ii. 352. 4 Davidson, Introd. to Old Test., ii. 138. 6 Bible Corn. on Neh. x. 1-28. 6 See Ex. xxiv. 5. Compare, however, Kurtz, ii, 8334-33; iii. 142, 148.& 85 410 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Beersheba named by Abraham. Named later by Isaac. Gen. xxi. 31. Gen. xxvi. 33. To the rationalistic objection that " identical names of places are not imposed twice," we may reply, in general, that it is, "in full accordance with the genius of the Oriental languages and the literary tastes of the people" to suppose that a name may be reniewed; in other words, that a new meaning and signzficacy may be attached to an old name.1 This fact sweeps away a host of objections urged against this and similar cases. The whole series of events served to recall to Isaac's mind the former name and the circumstances which gave rise to it, hence he renewcd it. From xxvi. 15, 18 we learn that all the wells dug by Abraham had been filled with earth by the Philistines, but that Isaac re-opened them, and called them by the oldfamiliar names. This would seem a sufficient explanation of the case before us. In much the same way the following examples of a twofold naming are to be solved. Bethel named at one time, Gen. xxviii. 19; at a later time, Gen. xxxv. 15 (at the first time Jacob made a vow that, if God would bless and keep him till his return, the pillar which he had set up should be " God's house."2 Upon his return, in view of the abundant blessings which he had received, he performed his vow,3 changing the ideal to an actual Bethel, and thus emphasizing and confirming the original name). Dan named, Gen. xiv. 14; Deut. xxxiv. 1 and Josh. xix. 47; Judg. xviii. 29 (many commentators — Deyling, Eichhorn, Havernick, Hengstenberg, Jahn, Kalisch, Keil, Lange, Quarry, Zeller, and others-think that in Genesis another town is intended, that commonly termed " Dan-jaan." Possibly the city may have had two names in ancient times1 This is the testimony of a scholar thoroughly acquainted with Oriental manners and customs, Prof. J. L. Porter, in Kitto's Biblical Cyclopaedia, ii. 132 (latest edition). 2 Gen. xxviii. 20-22. 8 Gen. xxxv. 14, 15. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 411 Laish (or Leshem) and Dan; one of these being more used at one time, the other at another.' LeClere suggests that the town was originally called Laish, and the fountain Dan, i.e. judge; but that the Danites gave the name of the fountain, which corresponded with that of their own tribe, to the city, as a substitute for its former name). Havoth-jair named, N am. xxxii. 41; Dent. iii. 4, 14 and Judg. x. 3, 4 (the old name may have acquired new significance through the second Jair; or, as IKurtz 2 suggests, the entire district may have been lost by the family during the confusion of the time of the Judges, and a portion, thirty of the sixty cities,3 regained and re-named by the second Jair). Israel named at one time, Gen. xxxii. 28; at a different and later time, Gen. xxxv. 10 (many critics regard the latter instance simply as a ratification and confirmation of the former meaning. Murphyp suggests that in the interval Jacob's spiritual life had been declining, and that its renewal is aptly intimated and expressed by the renewal of his name). Census made at one time. At another time. Ex. xxxviii. 26. Num. i. 46. We have elsewhere seen that the census of the second text was a military enrolment, but was probably based upon the registration accompanying the collection of offerings mentioned in Exodus. The hypothesis that similar events occur at different times affords a ready solution of the following cases; Christ anointed at one time, Matt. xxvi. 7; John xii. 3; at another time, Luke vii. 37, 38 (the best critics hold that the anointing in the first two passages was quite distinct from that mentioned by Luke). David anointed at one time, 1 Sam. xvi. 13; at another, 2 Sam. ii. 4; upon a third occasion, 2 Sam. v. 3 (the first was a private, prophetic anointing; by the second he was publicly recognized as king over Judah; by the third, as king over both Judah and' Kitto, i. 614. 2 Vol. iii. 469, 470. Y Comp. Judg. x. 4; 1 Chron. ii. 22, 23. 412 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Israel). Land assigned, Josh. xiv. 5 and xviii. 6 (chapters xiv.-xix. contain an account of the division of the land; vs. 1-5 of the fourteenth chapter form a preface to the narrative, and state the result by anticipation). Officers appointed, Ex. xviii. 25 and Num. xi. 16 (two entirely distinct transactions). Proverb, —origin, 1 Sam. x. 12 and 1 Sam. xix. 24 (the recurrence of the same circumstance afforded fresh ground for the "proverb"). Saul's anointing, 1 Sam. x. 1 and xi. 14, 15; xii. 3. Solomon's anointing, 1 Kings i. 39 and 1 Chron. xxix. 22 (in both the last cases there was need of a formal and supplementary investiture with authority before all Israel). Spices prepared after the Sabbath, Mark xvi. 1; on the day preceding it, Luke xxiii. 56 (Ebrard' gives a rendering of the latter text which obviates the difficulty. Otherwise, one of the two parties of women may have made a purchase before, the other after, the Sabbath. Or, the same persons may have bought a part of the spices at one time, the remainder at the other time). Temple furniture removed, 2 Kings xxiv. 13; xxv. 13-17 and Dan. i. 2 (the temple was pillaged several times). Wives repudiated, Ezra x. 3-17 and Neh. xiii. 23-30 (the evil of intermarriage with heathen women was repressed by Ezra, but some twenty-five years later again required severe measures). Year, —beginning, in spring-time, Ex. xii. 2; in harvest, Ex. xxiii. 16 (the first passage refers to the sacred, the second to the secular year).2 Christ crucified at the third hour. About the sixth hour. Mark xv. 25. John xix. 14-18. Tllhere are three leading explanations of this case. 1st. That the two evangelists give the extreme limits of time, — Mark referring to the beginning of the preparations, and John pointing to the completion of the dreadful tragedy. The words of the former, " It was the third hour," may denote indefinitely that the third hour was past; while the phraseology in John, " about the sixth hour," may mean simply that it was apGospel History, pp. 445, 446 2 Conciliator, i. 126-129. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 413 proaching the sixth hour, So Ewald,' apparently. 2d. John, writing in Asia Minor, may have used the Roman official mode of computation, reckoning from midnight, so that the "sixth hour" would be 6 A.Ml. From this time to 9 A.M. (the "third hour," according to the Jewish reckoning) was occupied by the preliminaries, and by the passage of the procession forth to Golgotha. This is the view of Ebrard, Mr. Garden,2 Gardiner, Hug, Olshausen, Tholuck, Townson, Wieseler, Wordsworth, and others. 3d. A copyist's mistake, in John, of, 3, for S, 6. So Alford hesitatingly, Bengel, Beza, Eusebius, Petavius, Robinson, and Theophylact. Meyer follows John's reckoning, leaving the difficulty unsolved. Christ's entombment three days and nights. A less time. Matt. xii. 40. Buried Friday; rose on Sunday. We have elsewhere called attention to the fact that the Orientals reckon any part of a day as a whole day. In the case before us, one whole and two parts of a day, together with two nights, are popularly styled " three days and three nights." This Oriental manner of designating intervals of time is found in other portions of scripture,3 and obtains in modern times. Dr. Robinson4 found, in his own case, that "five days" of quarantine really meant " only three whole days and small portions of two others." Christ's infancy, - order of events. A different order. Matt. ii. 1-23. Luke ii. 4-89. It is objected by Strauss5 and his school that the two accounts are incompatible, since Matthew omits the residence at Nazareth before the nativity, the circumstances which brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem, and the presentation in the temple; while Luke does not mention the visit of the Magi, the murder of the innocents, nor the flight to Egypt. I Life of Christ, p. 325. 2 Smith's Bib. Diet., ii. 1102 3 Compare 1 Sam. xxx. 12, 13. 4 Later Bib. Res. pp. 625, 626. 6 New Life of Jesus, ii. 91. See, also, Schleiermacher, Life of Jesus, pp. 46, 48 (Thirlwall's translation). 35* 414 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. To this we reply that the argument from the silence of an author amounts to very little. That particular aspect of the case which he wished to present, or the knowledge already possessed by those to whom he was writing, might render it inexpedient or superfluous for him to mention all the circumstances, as otherwise he would have done. In the case before us, the following is the probable order of events: Journey of Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem; birth of the child; presentation in the Temple; visit of the Magi; flight of the family to Egypt; return and settlement at Nazareth.' Eusebius, Epiphanius, and Patritius2 maintain that, after the presentation in the Temple, Joseph and Mary returned to Nazareth (Luke ii. 39), and, having arranged their affairs there, came back to Bethlehem (which must have possessed very strong attractions for them), with a view to make the latter place their home. Wordsworth thinks they came to Bethlehem the second time on the occasion of one of the great annual feasts. At this time they received the Magi not in a stable, but in a " house" (Matt. ii. 11), and from this city they fled into Egypt. Ebrard 3 satisfactorily explains the omission of some circumstances by one evangelist, and of others by the other. Daniel continued till first year of Cyrus. Till his third year. Dan. i. 21. Dan. x. 1. In the first text, " continued " means either that he retained his position, or better that he continued in Babylon, till that epoch, at which time the exiles received permission to return. So Bleek, Davidson, and Michaelis. Hengstenberg 4 takes the passage as implying that Daniel lived to see that glorious epoch, but not at all that he died at that time. I So Robinson, Gardiner, Wieseler, and others. 2 Kitto, ii. 548, note; Andrews' Life of our Lord, pp. 84-89. 8 Gospel History, pp. 186-189. 4 Gen. of Daniel, pp. 54-56. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 415 Deluge, - duration 150 days. Lasted but 40 days. Gen. vii. 24; viii. 3. Gen. vii. 4, 12, 17. As Knobel 1 says, the rain continued during the entire one hundred and fifty days, of which the forty form a part; yet we must distinguish its more moderated continuance from the first forty days' storm. Moreover, the subsidence or sinking of a portion of the earth's surface, denoted by the " breaking up of the fountains of the great deep," 2 doubtless continued also. The one hundred and fifty days bring us down from the seventeenth day of the second month, the beginning of the rain, to the seventeenth day of the seventh month, when the ark rested upon the mountain. On the first day of the tenth month the summits of the mountains were visible. Then forty days (viii. 6) bring us to the tenth day of the eleventh month, when Noah opened the window of the ark, and sent forth the raven. Between this event and the first sending of the dove probably seven days intervened (compare vs. 7 and 8; also, "other seven days," in vs. 10). These, with the two " sevens " mentioned in vs. 10 and 12, make twenty-one days, which bring us to the six hundred and first year, first month, first day, when the "face of the ground was dry,"3 that is, when the water had disappeared. On the twenty-seventh day of the second month the mud had dried, so that it was suitable for Noah and his family to go forth.4 This suggestion removes the supposed contradiction that the earth became dry at two different times. Drought, - duration three years. Apparently three and a half. 1 Kings xvii. 1; xviii. 1. Luke iv. 25; James v. 17. The "third year" may be reckoned from the time when Elijah began his sojourn with the widow of Zarephath; or, the drought begun six months before the famine did- the last two texts referring to the drought. Esau settled in Seir, at one time. Not till a later period. Gen. xxxii. 8. Gen. xxxvi. 6, 8. The writer, in the first passage, speaks of the "country of'Die Genesis,.p. 85. 2 Chap- vii. 11. 8 viii. 13. 4 viii. 14. 416 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Edom" by anticipation. Probably Esau, at the time alluded to, was sojourning temporarily in Seir; or he may have been there on a warlike expedition. At a later period he took up his abode there. Exodus occurred in fourth generation. In the sixth generation. Gen. xv. 13, 16. 1 Chron. i. 34; ii. 1, 3-9. The best critics hold that the term "generation," in the first passage denotes a century.l The " four hundred years" may be taken here as a round number; otherwise, they may begin with the birth of Isaac, while the "four hundred and thirty" of Gal. iii. 17 may date from the call of Abraham.2 Fast observed on the ninth day. On the tenth day. Lev. xxiii. 32. Lev. xvi. 29. The fast extended from the evening of the ninth to that of the tenth day. Hence it was spoken of as occurring on either day. Several cases of a kindred nature may be considered here: Feast,- duration, seven days, Ex. xii. 15; six days, Deut. xvi. 8 (in the latter passage the seventh day is specified separately). God's work ended on the seventh day, Gen. ii. 2; on the sixth day, Ex. xx. 11 (Murphy: "To finish a work, in Hebrew conception, is to cease from it, to have done with it "). Interval before passover, Matt. xxvi. 2 and John xii. 1 (the latter passage refers to a somewhat earlier time, to which, also, the sixth verse of Matt. xxvi. reverts). Interval before transfiguration, Mark ix. 2 and Luke ix. 28 (Luke's expression, "about an eight days," includes the two extreme days). Jordan crossed within three days, Josh. i. 11; iii. 2; on about the eighth day, Josh. ii. 22; iii. 1, 2 (possibly, as Kimchi thinks, Joshua sent the spies two or three days before the announceAccording to Fuerst and Gesenius, the Hebrew term Ag.e means not only a generation, but also a century. So the Latin "seculum" originally meant an age or generation, but in later times came to denote a century. 2 So Jacobus, Murphy, Wordsworth, and the earlier commentators. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 417 ment, so that, in ii. 1, we should read, " Joshua had sent," etc. Or, the "three days" might be "the latest time that could be allowed the people to prepare for crossing." 1 More probably the unexpected detention of the spies slightly disarranged Joshua's plans, so that the crossing was deferred three or four days). Feast observed under Zerubbabel. Not subsequent to Joshua. Ezra iii. 4. Neh. viii. 17. The second passage means simply that there had been no such celebration. The children of Israel "had not done so"; the whole congregation had not since Joshua's time dwelt in booths, as in the present instance. Heaven preparedfront eternity. Not till after Christ's ascension. Matt. xxv. 34; Heb. iv. 3; xi. 16. John xiv. 2, 3. The word " prepare," in the first texts, denotes to create; in the last case, to adapt to one's character and needs. Heaven, as a place, was created from eternity; but the process of its adaptation to any given soul, in order to preserve the fitting relation to that soul's character and progress here below, may not be completed till the soul's earthly probation terminates. That is, a mutual preparation - of the soul for heaven and of heaven for the soul - may be now in progress. Holy Spirit existing before man. LNot till later. Gen. i. 2; Ps. civ. 30. John vii. 39. The text at the right does not refer at all to the beginning of the Spirit. The ellipsis is to be supplied in some such way as follows: " The Spirit which they that believe on him should receive, for the Holy Spirit was not yet [received by them]; because that Jesus was not yet glorified." The verb which is expressed suggests that which is to be supplied.2 Holy Spirit bestowed before Pentecost. Nlot till that time. John xx. 22. Acts i. 5, 8; ii. 1-4. In the first text, the words "Receive ye," etc., some hold This is Keil's view. 2 Codex B. followed by Lachmann and Meyer, supplies 8E3oboev; Chrysostom, ao0E'v; Alford,'verowvoyv. 418 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. that the imperative is here used for the future, "Ye shall receive." So Kuinoel.l Alford: "The presence of the Lord now was a partial and temporary fulfilment of his promise to return to them; the imparting of the Spirit now was a symbol and foretaste of what they should receive as Pentecost." Ishmael about sixteen years of age. Apparently very young. Gen. xvii. 24, 25; xxi. 5-8. Gen. xxi. 14-18. The English version of verses 14-18 is peculiarly infelicitous, and makes a wrong impression. The " child " was not placed upon Hagar's shoulder, nor cast under the shrub, nor held in the hand, as an infant might have been. The Hebrew word here rendered " child," denotes, not only an infant, but also a boy or young man.2 Ishmael was at the time some sixteen years of age. The growing boy would be much more easily overcome by the heat, thirst, and fatigue of wandering than his mother, the hardy Egyptian hand-maid. When he yielded to exhaustion she hastily laid him, fainting and half-dead, under the shelter of a shrub. Even after he was refreshed with water, he needed to be " held," that is, supported and led, for a time.3 Israelites bondage 400 years. Apparently a less time. Gen. xv. 13. Gen. xii. 4; xxi. 5; xxv. 26; xlvii. 9. Two diverse theories are advocated by critics with regard to the duration of the servitude in Egypt. 1st. Many 4 hold that its actual length was less than two hundred and fifteen years. They maintain generally that. the " four hundred years " begin with the birth of Isaac, and the " four hundred and thirty," 5 with the call of Abraham. Isaac was born in the twenty-fifth year of Abraham's sojourn in Canaan; Jacob was born in I Compare, on the other hand, Winer's Grammar of N. T. Idiom, p. 312. 2 So Fuerst and Gesenius. The same word is applied to Joseph when seventeen years of age, Gen. xxxvii. 2, 30. 3 So Keil, Kurtz, Lange, and others in substance. 4 Bengel, Baumgarten, Mr. Browne (Kitto, i 509, and Ordo Saeclorum, pp. 295-816), and Mr. R. S. Poole (Smith's Bible Diet., i. 442-444), and others. 6 Ex. xii. 40. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 419 Isaac's sixtieth year, and was one hundred and thirty when he descended to Egypt. This would leave but two hundred and fifteen years for the whole sojourn in Egypt; only a portion even of this latter period being spent in actual servitude. This hypothesis is open to weighty objections, some of which are: that the free, independent, nomad life of Abraham, Isaac, and] Jacob, previous to the descent into Egypt, does not properly come under the head of servitude and affliction predicted ill Gen. xv. 13; that a large portion of the period was spent in Canaan,l while but one land, that of Egypt, is mentioned in the prediction; that the former country could not, in view of the Divine promise to Abraham, be characterized as a " land not theirs "; and that, on this hypothesis, the grandfather of Moses must have had in the lifetime of the latter 8600 male descendants, of whom 2750 were between thirty and fifty years of age! 2 2d. It is maintained by the majority of modern critics3 that the sojourn in #Egypt occupied the whole four hundred or four hundred and thirty years. This theory, which allows ample time for the increase of the Israelites, and which meets the demands of the case in other respects, encounters the following objections: that Paul4 reckons "four hundred and thirty years" between the promise to Abraham and the giving of the law (here, however, since the precise length of time did not affect his argument, we may suppose that he follows the commonly received view of his day, or, as Lange says, he may have regarded the death of Jacob as "' the closing date of the time of the promise"); that the time was but four generations5 See Gen. xxvi. 2, 8. 2 Num. iii. 27, 28; iv. 36. Compare Green's "Pentateuch Vindicated," p. 129; Kurtz, Vol. ii. 144, 145; Smith's Bible Dict., i. 450, 451. 3 Delitzsch, Ewald, Gesenius, Hiivernick, Hengstenberg, Hofinann, Jahn, Kalisch, Keil, Knobel, Kurtz, Lange, Michaelis, Ranke, Reinke, Rosenmiiller, Tiele, Tueh, Winer, etc. 4 Gal. iii. 17. 6 Gen. xv. 16. 420 DISCREPANCIES OF TIIE BIBLE. (we have seen that this is equivalent to four hundred years); and that not enough names are given in the genealogy to cover so long a period (it has been conclusively shown by KIurtz and others, that the omission of several names in a genealogy was common; and that the words "bear" and "beget" are used with reference to somewhat remote ancestors.' Hence it is inferred that in Ex. vi. 18-20 several generations have been omitted). Israelites dwelt in Heshbon 300 years. A longerperiod. Judg. xi. 26. Various texts. If, following Josephus,2 we allow twenty-five years for Joshua's period of rule, and ten years for Eleazar and the elders 3 who outlived Joshua, adding also the several periods of judgeship, and of servitude previous to Jephthah, as recorded in the Book of Judges, we obtain three hundred and twentynine years; sufficiently near to the round number above. -Jacob's age at his flight, forty years. Seventy-seven years. Gen. xxvi. 34; xxviii. 5. Gen. xli. 46, 53; xlv. 6. Joseph was some thirty-nine years old at the time his father, aged one hundred and thirty, went down to Egypt; hence he was born when his father was ninety-one years old. But Joseph's birth occurring in the fourteenth year of the sojourn with Laban, it follows that Jacob, instead of being only forty years old,4 was actually seventy-seven,5 at the time of his flight into Mesopotamia. Besides, since Isaac was one hundred years old at the time of Esau's marriage, and lived to the age of one hundred and eighty, we have a period of eighty years for Jacob's tarry with his parents, his sojourn in Mesopotamia, and his return to his father at Hebron.6 1 See striking examples in Gen. xlvi. 15, 18, 22. 2 Antiq. v. 1. 29. 8 Josh. xxiv. 31, 33. 4 So Von Bohlen and Liitzelberger. 6 So Lange, Murphy, Keil, iKurtz, Hengstenberg, etc. 8 Gen, xxxv. 27. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 421 Jacob's sons, - eleven born in thirteen years. Within seven years. Gen. xxix. 20, 21; xxxi. 41. Gen. xxix. 30, 31; xxx. 25. Jacob served the "seven years" for Rachel, after his marriage with her.l In the first four years after the complex marriage, Leah bore four sons and Bilhah two; in the fifth and sixth years Zilpah had also two. In the sixth and seventh Leah bore two more children, and in the latter year Rachel bore Joseph.2 Thus Jacob might have eleven sons born to him in seven years. Kennicott, Horsley, and Beer maintain that, according to the Hebrew text of Gen. xxxi. 41, Jacob actually spentforty years in the employ of Laban, and that all his children, except Joseph, were born during the first thirty-four years.3 Jehovah, - name unknown. Welt-known. And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Name appears in the original of the Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of following passages, Gen iv. 1, 26; v. God Almighty, but by my name JEIHO- 29; ix. 26. VAI was I not known to them. Ex. vi. 3. Some4 think that the name was introduced in Genesis by anticipation, that Moses "antedated" a name which had just come into use for the first time; others 5 take the meaning to be, not that the name was not known before, but that its full meaning was previously unknown; others that those special attributes of God, or that aspect of his character, which the name " Jehovah " indicates, had not been disclosed before. Judges, -period, about 300 years. Four hundred and fifty years. Some twenty texts in Judg. and 1 Sam. Acts xiii. 20. Adding together the several periods of rest, judgeship, and oppression specified in the above twenty texts, and allowing twenty years for Joshua's rule, we obtain four hundred and fifty years. But the best critics discard this method of reckoning, and hold that some of the judges were contemporaries, ruling in different portions of the land at the same time. The text from Gen.:xxix. 27-30. 2 So in substance Lange and others, 8 See Bib. Corn., i. 177, 178. 4 Ebrard and Ewald. 6 Aben Ezra, Calvin, aiivernick, Munk, etc. 86 422 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Acts has really no bearing upon the subject, since, according to the order of the Greek in the four oldest and best manuscripts, the correct rendering is, " lie gave them their land as a possession about four hundred and fifty years; and, after that, he gave [to them] judges until Samuel the prophet." t It may be added that the chronology of the book of Judges is very uncertain, there being more than Jffty different methods of reckoning the same. Levites' service began at thirty. At twenty years of age. Num. iv. 3; 1 Chron. xxiii. 3. 1 Chron. xxiii. 24; 2 Chron. xxxi. 17. In Moses' time the Levites from the age of twenty-five were employed in the lighter kinds of service;' while, for the transportation of the heavier materials of the tabernacle when the Israelites were on the march,4 men older and stronger were required.' After the temple was built, its much less onerous service permitted the standard of age to be lowered to twenty years. After the age of fifty, the Levites were simply to "keep the charge," or guard in the tabernacle, but were exempted from all laborious duties.6 Light created in the beginning. Sun and moon on the fourth day. Gen. i. 3. Gen. i. 14-19. The question is often sneeringly asked, " How is it that the Bible represents light as existing before the sun and moon were created"? Humboldt,7 followed by Wagner and Schubert,8 calls attention to the fact that light exists independent of the sun, that the earth becomes " self-luminous " in the northern light; that the earth, as well as other planets, particularly Venus, is capable in itself of developing a light of its own. Such interpreters of science as Agassiz and Guyot have 1 Smith's Bib. Dict., ii. 1514, note. 2 Keil, Commentary, p. 276, note. 3 Num. viii. 24. 4 Num. iv. 4-15, 24-26, 31-33. 5 So Abarbanel, Aben Ezra, Lightfoot, Outram, and Reland. 6 Num. viii. 25, 26. 7 Cosmos, i. 97,188,189 (Sabine's trans.). s See in Kurtz' Bible and Astronomy, pp. 427-432. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 423 shown that light results from molecular action or combination. Hence, the command, " Light be," was simply another way of saying,'" Let molecular action begin," - whereupon light was at once evolved. Professor Dana2 says, "At last, through modern scientific research, we learn that the appearance of light on the first day, and of the sun on the fourth - an idea foreign to man's unaided conceptions - is as much in the volume of nature as that of sacred writ." "'Let there be liglht,' said God, and forthwith light Ethereal, first of things, quintessence pure, Sprung fiom the deep, and from her native east To journey through the aery gloom began, Sphered in a radiant cloud, for yet the sun Was not; she in a cloudy tabernacle Sojourned the while." 3 Lord's supper instituted at Passover. Upon the preceding day. Matt. xxvi. 17-30; 5Mark xiv. 12-26; John xiii. 1, 2; xviii. 28. Luke xxii. 1, 13-20. Of the two leading theories the first is, that the Lord's supper was instituted on the evening following the fourteenth day of Nisan, at the legal time of the passover. Robinson 4 maintains that the term " passover " sometimes comprises the whole paschalfestival, or the feast of unleavened bread which began with the passover proper; that the expression "to eat the passover" may mean "' to keep the paschal festival"; and that the "preparation of the passover," John xix. 14, denotes simply the customary "' preparation " for the Sabbath, which occurred in that paschal week. In this view, which relieves the difficulty, a host of critics 5 substantially concur. 1 Thompson's Man in Genesis and in Geology, pp. 15-32. 2 Bibliotheca Sacra, January, 1856, pp. 114, 118. 3 Paradise Lost, Book vii., line 248-249. 4 English Harmony, pp. 200-205. 6 So Andrews, Bochart, Davidson, Fairbairn, Gardiner, Hengstenberg, Lange, Lewin, Lightfoot, 3Milligan, Norton, Olshausen, Robinson, Schoetto gen, Stier, Tholuck, and Wieseler. 424 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Othersl hold that the Saviour and his disciples anticipated the passover by one day, partaking of a substitute upon the thirteenth day of Nisan. They suggest that there were two distinct days, both legal (one real, the other apparent time) for keeping the passover; or that the Jews had fallen behind a day in the computation, and our Saviour corrected their error; or that they at this time purposely delayed a day. Both of the above theories find very able and ingenious defenders. Man's days one hundred and twenty years. A different period. Gen. vi. 3. Gen. xi. 11 13, 32. Either, there shall be a respite of one hundred and twenty years before the deluge, or human life shall gradually diminish to that length.2 _Moses feared the king of Egypt. Did not fear him. Ex. ii. 14, 15; iv. 19; Acts v.ii. 29. Heb. xi. 27. ile feared the king at first, but braved his anger at a lat-er period. Peter's denials at one time. At another time. Matt. xxvi. 34; Luke xxii. 34; John xiii. 388. Mark xiv. 80. The four evangelists agree as to the number of the denials; but Matthew, Luke, and John represent them as occurring before the crowing of the cock; Mark as occurring before the cock should crow " twice." Mr. Warington,' disregarding this trivial difference, takes the essential substance of Christ's words to be that, "in a few hours' time, ere early dawn, Peter should thrice deny his Master whom he now professed himself so ready to die for." Alford, Whitby, and many commentators note that cocks are accustomed to crow twice, - at or near midnight, and not far from day-break. Inasmuch as few persons hear thefirst crow1 Alford, Bleek, Caspari, De Wette, Ebrard, Ellicott, Erasmus, Ewald, Grotius, Ideler, Liicke, Meyer, Neander, Sieffert, Suicer, Tischendorf, Tittmann, Westcott, Winer, Wratislaw, in substance. 2 See authorities in Bib. Com., on Gen. vi. 8. 8 On Inspiration, pp. 140, 141. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 425 ing, the term generally denotes the second. All the evangelists refer to this latter; but 3Mark with greater precision designates it as the " second crowing." It seems probable that no one of the evangelists has mentioned all the denials by Peter during that sorrowful night. As the accusation was caught up, reiterated, and flung in his face by one and another of the servants and the guard, the terror-stricken man, in his agitation and in his anxiety to clear himself, would be likely to repeat the denial a considerable number of times, and in every variety of phrase. And, meanwhile, he would naturally be shifting about from place to place. This hypothesis accounts for the difficulty as to the persons who accosted him, and the places where he was when the denials were uttered.' Samuel judged Israel all his days. Resigned at Saul's accession. 1 Sam. vii. 15. 1 Sam. viii. 5; xii. 1. Samuel laid down the civil, but retained the ecclesiastical authority; so that, as Ewald' says, "he is still, as before the change, the revered prophet." This appears clear from xi. 7, where an edict is issued in the name of Saul and of Samuel. Samuel's meeting with Saul, in seven days. Some two years after. 1 Sam. x. 8. 1 Sam. xiii. 8-11. Some think that the first appointment was kept, xi. 14, 15, and a second made, to which latter the thirteenth chapter refers. But Ewald' and Keil take the passage at the left as a mere general direction, that, if at any time Saul went down to Gilgal to offer sacrifice, he was to wait there till Samuel arrived. Seed time and harvest unfailing. Interrupted at times. Gen. viii. 22. Gen. xli. 54, 56; xlv. 6. The Hebrew word rendered " cease," in the first text, means'See, on these points, Whately's Essay on Dangers to Christian Faith, p. 353 (2d edition); Journal of Sacred Literature, April, 1854, p. 84-92; Ebrard's Gospel History, pp. 425-427; Andrews' Life of our Lord, pp. 473-475, 488-496. 2 History of Israel, iii. 42. 8 History of Israel, iii. 29. 36* 426 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. to come to an end, to cease to be. A temporary interruption is not precluded. Besides, an unbroken succession of seasons is promised, but not necessarily of crops. Sepulchre visited at sunrise. At the early dawn. Mark xvi. 2. John xx. 1. Ebrard thinks that Mary Magdalene- the only woman specified by John - came first and alone to the sepulchre. If so, she may have come " early, when it was yet dark"; while tlho other women did not arrive till "the rising of the sun." Or, of the two parties of women,2 Mary Magdalene with her friends may have come at the earlier, the others at the later time. Otherwise in the loose popular sense, the expression "rising of the sun" may denote the early dawn, when the rays of the coming sun just begin to redden the east. Thus, in Ps. civ. 22, it is said, respecting young lions, "The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in their dens"; yet it is well known that wild beasts do not wait for the actual appearance of the sun; at the break of day they retreat to their lairs.3 Upon any of the above hypotheses, there is no discrep ancy in the case. Temple built 480 years after exodus. At a different time. 1 Kings vi. 1. Numerous texts in earlier books. As to the oft cited text, Acts xiii. 20, we have elsewhere seen that it has no bearing upon the present question. The period of time intervening between the exodus and the building of the temple is variously reckoned by scholars at from 480 to 741 years.4 The Septuagint gives 440 years; Josephus, 592; Browne,6 573; Clinton,7 612; Rawlinson, 580 to 600. On the 1 Gospel History, pp. 447, 448. 2 See infra, p. 828, note. 8 See Robinson's Harmony, p 212; also, compare Judg. ix. 82, 33. 4 See some fourteen different estimates, Ordo Saeclorum, pp. 6, 7. 6 Antiq. viii..3, 1. 6 Ordo Saeclorumn, p. 703. 7 Fasti Hellenici, Essay on Scripture Chronology. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 427 other hand, Bahr, Cassel, Ewald,' Keil, Rsch,2 Thenius, Winer,3 and others accept the number 480 as authentic. If we adopt the latter hypothesis, we may follow Bachmann, Cassel, Keil,4 and others, in making several of the periods of rest, oppression, etc., in the Book of Judges, synchronous, thereby adjusting the whole amount so as to harmonize with 1 Kings vi. 1. Or, we may regard the 480 as a numerical error; or, with Rawlinson, as "' an interpolation" of a comparatively recent date. Wandering of Israelites forty years. Somewhat less time. Num. xiv. 33. Num. xxxiii. 3; Josh. iv. 19. The deficiency was merely five days. In the first text, a round ermber is employed. Other examples of the use of round numbers are, Ex. xvi. 1, 13, 14, 35 and Josh. v. 10-12; also 1 Kings vi. 1 and 37, 38. Worship of God, - beginning. Not till a later time. Gen. iv. 8, 4. Gen. iv. 26. The latter passage is of doubtful interpretation. It may refer to the first institution of the regular, solemn, public worship of Jehovah, in place of the former private, arbitrary, irregular service as seen in the sacrifices of Cain and Abel.' Murphy thinks that at this time men first began to address God in prayer and thanksgiving. Previously their worship had been mute adoration. V. MISCELLANEO US. Altar, -material, earth. It was wood. Ex. xx. 24. Ex. xxvii. 1, 8. The altar in question was a kind of coffer, made of stout acacia planks covered with plates of bronze. When about to be used, its interior was filled with earth or stones, the whole Vol. ii. pp. 368, 369. 2 In Studien und Kritiken, 1863, pp. 712-742. 3 Rcal-Wdrterbuch, ii. 327-329. 4 See their respective Commentaries upon the Book of Judges. So Kurtz, Vol. i. p. xvi.; also, Lange. 128 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. being levelled, so as to form a kind of hearth. It was, there. fore, strictly speaking, an altar case,' "hollow with boards." Barley, -field. Lentiles, -field. 1 Chron. xi. 13. 2 Sam. xxiii. 11. It is doubtful whether the two passages refer to the same incident. If they do thus refer, outed, lentiles, has been con. founded with Strzi, barley. Cattle of Egypt, - all died. Some animals survived. Ex. ix. 3, 6. Ex. ix. 19-21; xiv. 7, 9. The first passage seems to imply that all the horses, asses, camels, oxen, and sheep of the Egyptians, died; yet, the latter passages show that their cattle and horses did not all die. 1st. The term " all " is often used in a loose sense to denote the mass, the great majority, - such a quantity that what remains is nothing in comparison.2 This use of the word is due in part to " the want of universal terms in Hebrew."3 2d. The plague was limited to animals " in the field," ix. 3. Sir Gardner Wilkinson 4 tells us that some animals were stallfed in Egypt. This explains the restrictive clause, "in the field"; as also, the existence of cattle among the Egyptians after the plague. 3d. The Hebrew word rendered " cattle," in the text referred to in the ninth chapter, denotes neat cattle, and the smaller animals, but seldom, if ever, includes horses.5 These considerations obviate the difficulty. Crooked straightened. Cannot be straightened. Isa. xl. 4. Eccl. i. 15; vii. 13. The first text refers to moral defects. The design and tendency of the Gospel is to remedy these; to change disSee Jahn, Bib. Archaeol., ~ 329; Kurtz, iii. 142; also, Ex. xxvii. 8. 2 So Aben Ezra, Ben Gershon, and Keil. See examples of this use, 1 Sam. i. 21 and 22; Matt. iii. 5 and Luke vii. 30.;R. S. Poole in Smith's Bible Diet., iii. 2541. 4 Ancient Egyptians, i. 96 (2d series); similarly Abarbanel and Rashi. 5Gesenius says the word is " strictly used only of sheep, goats, and neat cattle, excluding beasts of burden.... More rarely asses and camels are also comprehended." HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 429 honesty and perversity into equity and simplicity, and haughtiness into humility. The other passages refer to natural or constitutional defects. -As a rule, these are remediless. One born an idiot can never, by any process of education, become a man of talent; a person born without eyes can never have the defect remedied by human skill. Zdckler, with HIengstenberg and Hitzig, observes, " Human action and effort, in spite of all exertion, cannot alter that which has once been arranged and fixed by God." In the Vulgate, Eccl. i. 15 is rendered singularly, thus: "The number of fools is infinite." Earth founded upon the seas. Founded upon nothing. Ps. xxiv. 2. Job xxvi. 7. The first passage asserts that the earth is established above the waters, so that they will not overflow and destroy it; the second text - the words of an uninspired man - may refer to the scientific truth that the earth hangs free without support in space. Earth saturated. Needed moisture. Gen. i. 9, 10. Gen. ii. 6. Some 1 assert that the fact of the earth's being moistened by an ascending mist or exhalation, does not harmonize with its previous submergence in water. As if the earth upon emerging from the briny moisture which could not support vegetation, would not afterward become dry, and need dews and rains! Golden calf, burnt and ground. Burnt, stamped, and ground. Ex. xxxii. 20. Deut. ix. 21. Goguet2 and Stahl3 say that natron, which abounds in the East, has, like tartaric acid, the power of reducing gold to powder, - and this the sooner, if the gold be previously heated. Moses, having pulverized the gold in this way, mixed it with water, and caused the Israelites to partake of the nauseating liquid. ISee in Davidson's Introd. to Old Test., i. 36. 2 Smith's Bible Dict., i. 345. 8 Hawks, Monuments of Egypt, p. 228. 430 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. Davidson explains the case, as follows: In preparing ores of gold and silver for the smelter, stamps, or massive beams shod with iron, and weighing as much as eight hundred pounds, are used. These are lifted by machinery, and let fall upon the ore contained in iron troughs. If overstamped, or'< stamped dead," as it is termed, the fine particles float away and are lost. Gold, from its great malleability, is peculiarly liable to suffer thus. The gold of which the calf was made was designedly and indignantly overstamped; and, when cast into the stream, would float away. As this author thinks it would impart no special taste to the water. Wilkinson 2 mentions that, in the towns of Egypt, certain persons were employed to pound various substances in large stone mortars with heavy metal pestles. When well pounded, the substance was taken out, sifted, and the larger particles returned to the mortar. This process was continued, till a sufficient degree of fineness was secured. Moses may have cast the image into the fire to change its form; or - if it were made of wood and covered with plates of gold -to destroy its combustible part, afterwards employing some one of the processes above described. Images taken away. They were burned. 2 Sam. v. 21. 1 Chron. xiv. 12. The Hebrew expression rendered to take away may also mean to destroy. Leadership of the cloud satisfactory. Not reliable. Ex. xiii. 21, 22. Num. x. 29-31. Geddes and others 3 object that if the cloud had been a reliable guide, the Israelites would not have needed Hobab to be to them "instead of eyes," as knowing "how they were to encamp in the wilderness." But, God is not wont to do thatfor Introd. to Old Test., i. 254, 255. 2 Ancient Egyptians, iii. 180, 181; Hengstenberg, Egypt and Books of Moses, p. 217. I See in Graves on Pentateuch, p. 481 (sixth edition). HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 431 man which the latter might do for himself. The pillar of cloud determined the general route to be taken, the place of encampment, and the length] of tarry in each location; yet human prudence was by no means precluded with respect to arranging the encampment so as to combine most advantageously the circumstances of water, pasture, shelter, supply of fuel, medicinal or nutritive plants or substances, and the like, in or near the station. In all these particulars, Hobab's experience, and knowledge of the desert, would be exceedingly useful, as supplementary to the guidance of the cloud.' Manna, - taste, like wafers made with honey. Like fresh oil. Ex. xvi. 31. Num. xi. 8. The Jewish interpreters and Kurtz say that, in its natural state, it tasted like " cakes with honey," but cooked or ground, like 1" fresh oil." The Septuagint employs in the first passage a word which is interpreted by Athenaeus and the Greek scholiasts as denoting "a sweet kind of confectionery made with oil." Molten,sea, - appendages, knops. Otherwise called oxen. 1 Kings vii. 24. 2 Chron. iv. 3. The " knops " may have been in the form of miniature oxen. Or, as De Wette and Rawlinson think, here may be a copyist's error, v:rp., knops or gourds, for r::~p, oxen. Mosaic law,- character, cruel. Conducive to happiness. Deut. xxxiii. 2. Deut. xxx. 16. The words " fiery law," in the first text do not imply cruelty in the law, but may refer to the illuminating power of that law, or to the marked exhibitions of divine glory when the decalogue was given. It may be added that those who stigmatize the Mosaic law as " cruel,"' are probably not aware that in point of clemency it compares favorably with the laws of other nations in ancient, as well as modern times. In the Mosaic law only some seventeen 1 Kurtz, Vol. iii. pp. 214, 215, 258, 281. 2 Ex. xix. 18. 432 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. capital crimes are mentioned.' The laws of the Roman kings, and the twelve tables of the decemviri were full of cruel punishments.2 In the English code, about two hundred years ago, there were one hundred and forty-eight capital crimes, " many of them of a trivial nature, as petty thefts and trespasses upon property." In England, in the eighteenth century, it was a capital crime to break down the mound of a fish-pond, to cut down a cherry-tree in an orchard, to steal a handkerchief or other trifle, of above the value of twelve pence, privately from another's person. In Sir WTm. Blackstone's time (A.D. 17231780), no less than one hundred and sixtY3 offences (almost ten times as many as in the Mosaic code), were declared by act of parliament to be capital crimes, worthy of instant death.4 These facts should silence those who are perpetually inveighing against the " barbarity of the Mosaic code." Mount inaccessible. Might be approached. Ex. xix. 12, 21-24. Ex. xix. 13, 17. The Israelites were commanded to " set bounds " about the mount; perhaps, to build a fence or hedge of some kind. At the blast of the trumpet they were to leave their encampment, and go up to the foot of the mountain. But they were forbidden to ";break through" the bounds or barrier, that is, to pass a certain limit, under penalty of deaths Nothing new on earth. Some things are new. Eccl. i. 9, 10. Isa. xliii. i9; lxv. 17; Jer. xxxi. 22. Obviously, in relation to the Creator, nothing is new, for nothing is unforeseen or unexpected to him. And something similar may be said of man, viewed as a race, since the phenomena of nature recur in regular order, and history ever tends' Wines, Laws of the Ancient Hebrews, p. 263. 2 Montesquieu, Spirit of the Laws, Book vi. chapter 15. 3 One writer says, " nearly three hundred "; see " Romilly," in Appleton's New American Cyclopaedia (first edition). 4 Blackstone's Commentaries, iv. 4, 15-18 (Christian's edition, New York, 1822). 6 Kurtz, iii. 115, 116 HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 433 to repeat itself. But, with reference to any specific man or generation of men, many things are "new." Paschal offering, a lamb or kid. Might be from the herd. Ex. xii. 5. Deut. xvi. 2. The Hebrew word " seh" means both a lamb, and a kid.' This fact relieves some apparent incongruities in our version. In the second text, the term "passover" includes not only the proper paschal sacrifice, but also the offerings 2 (some of which were taken from the " herd ") of the succeeding six days; as is clear from the next verse: " seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith." As to Ex. xii. 9 compared with Deut. xvi. 7; the Hebrew term "bishal" means sometimes to cook in water; at other times, to roast or broil.8 Parable of the talents. Of the pounds. Matt. xxv. 14-80. Luke xix. 11-27. Strauss asserts that these are discordant versions of the same parable; but Chrysostom, Gerhard, Alford, and Trench,4 have shown that they are separate parables, addressed to quite distinct groups of hearers, in different states of mind, and needing different admonitions. Strange gods, real existences. They are nothing. Ps. xcvi. 4, 5; Isa. xliv. 9, 10, 17. 1 Cor. viii. 4, 5; x. 19. Paul, in asserting that "an idol is nothing in the world," does not deny the existence of the idol, but simply that it has any power to help or harm the worshipper. As Crusius has remarked, not the existence, but the divinity, of the idol is called in question. Sun and moon put to shame. Their glory increased. Isa. xxiv. 23. Isa. xxx. 26. The two passages combined are a poetic prediction that in a coming day, the light of the sun and the moon, though increased See Ex. xii. 5. 2 Num. xxviii. 16-19. 3 Compare 2 Sam. xiii. 8; 2 Chron. xxxv. 13;particula*y, the lattertext. 4 On Parables, p. 220 (American editibn). 434 DISCREPANCIES OF TilE BIBLE. sevenfold, will be outdone and thrown into the shade by the revelation of the transcendent glory of Jehovah. Version of affair, - one form. A different form. Gen. xlii. 7-20, 30-34; xliii. 3-13. Gen. xliv. 16-34. Tuch refers the variation to the inaccuracy of the narrator, Judah. It may be that the agitation and alarm of the speaker modified his narrative to some extent. At all events, his: accuracy is not vouched for by the sacred historian. Vessels madefor the temple. Not made at the time. 2 Chron. xxiv. 14. 2 Kings xii. 13, 14. The statement in Kings simply amounts to this; that none of the money contributed was employed in making vessels, so long as the repairing of the temple was in progress. What became of the surplus that remained this author does not tell us. But the chronicler supplements the narrative with the information that this surplus was afterwards expended in making vessels for the temple.l Waters of Egypt turned to blood. Some not changed. Ex. vii. 20, 21. Ex. vii. 22, 24. We may take the word " all," in the nineteenth and twentieth verses, in the loose popular sense,2 as implyingfar the greater part; the exceptions being so few and insignificant that the author overlooks them entirely. Some water remained unchanged, upon which the magicians operated, and which the Egyptians drank during the interval. Kurtz 3 thinks that only Nile-water, whether in the river or in vessels, was changed, the water in the wells being unaffected. Mr. R. S. Poole 4 suggests that " only the water that was seen " was smitten, that the nation might not perish. Mr. Alexanders thinks that "the So Bihr, Keil, and Rawlinson.' So Keil, and Hengstenberg (Egypt and Books of Moses, pp. 109, 110). The latter points out the use of universal terms throughout the narrative, " all the trees" broken by the hail, etc. The idiom is a very common one in all languages. 3 Vol. ii. p. 271. 4 Smith's Bible Dict., iii. 2540.6 Kitto, i. 749. HISTORICAL DISCREPANCIES. 435 water when filtered through the earth on tl$v bank of the river, was restored to its salubrity." This agrees with the statement that "all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink" (vs. 24). Any one of these hypotheses obviates the difficulty. Water upon Mt. Carmel abundant. The drought very severe. 1 Kings xviii. 32-35. 1 Kings xvii. 7; xviii. 5. A rationalistic author sarcastically observes that the writer of Kings, in representing Elijah as using so much water' at his sacrifice, apparently forgot the long-continued drought, which, having lasted more than two years, must have dried up the mountain streams and the river Kishon supplied by them. Whence did Elijah obtain water? Blunt 2 thinks that, since Carmel is upon the coast, sea-water was employed. Baihr suggests that the brook Kishon was not dry, and that the water may have been obtained thence. Robinson3 expresses the opinion that the transaction took place at the foot of the mountain; perhaps, at some Tell (hill) near the permanent fountains of the Kishon. But Dean Stanley,4 with Van de Velde, J. L. Porter, Rawlinson, Tristram, and Prof. C. M. Mead,5 speak of a perennial fountain, a little below the summit of Carmel, from which the water was almost certainly obtained. Stanley, quoting Van de Velde, describes it as " a vaulted and very abundant fountain, built in the form of a tank with a few steps leading down to it, just as one finds elsewhere in the old wells or springs of the Jewish times." Prof. Mead, at a recent visit, found the water in this fountain more than nine feet in depth, and suggests that it may have been considerably deeper in Elijah's time. He says that the " trench " dug by the prophet would contain some 1Fuerst and Gesenius say that the word rendered "barrels" in our version, means buckets or pails. Translated "pitcher," Gen. xxiv. 14-20. 2 Coincidences, p. 199. 3 Physical Geography of the Holy Land, p. 31, and note. 4 Sinai and Palestine, p. 347, and note. Comp. Josephus, Apt. viii. 138 5. 5 Bibliotheca Sacra, Oct. 1873, pp. 672-686. 436 DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE. twelve to twenty-four quarts only. He found upon the summit of Carmel, and not very far distant from the aforesaid fountain, "a rocky surface, artificially smoothed, about eight feet square, around the edge of which had been dug a groove an inch or two in depth." This may have been the very spot where Elijah vindicated the patriarchal faith, and where Jehovah "answered by fire" the prayer of his servant the prophet. We have now reviewed carefully, yet of necessity rapidly, the "discrepancies " of the Bible. We have aimed to include all that are worthy of even a cursory glance; and we trust that the candid reader will feel that, in the great majority of cases, we have stated, or at all events suggestedcl, fair and adequate solutions. When we consider the long interval of time -from eighteen to thirty-three centuries - which has elapsed since the several books of scripture were written; and that during all but four centuries of this time they have been circulated and transmitted in manuscript; and the additional fact that our knowledge of antiquity is exceedingly limited and imperfect,many minute, and sometimes important, circumstances pertaining to every event having passed irrecoverably from the memory of mankind,- when these disadvantages which attend the investigation of the subject are taken into account, it surely can not be too much to believe that, if in any instance the explanation adduced should seem inadequate, a knowledge of all the circumstances of the case would supply the missing link, and solve the supposed discrepancy to the complete satisfaction of every reasonable mind. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX. NOT to enumerate the various Harmonies of Scripture, which may be regarded as constituting a distinct department, the following would seem to be the principal works occupied wholly or mainly with the consideration of the discrepancies of the Bible. Among the patristic writers, Eusebius, Chrysostom, Augustine, and Theodoret devote certain treatises, or portions thereof, to the subject. But from the latter part of the fifth to the beginning of the sixteenth century little attention was bestowed upon this branch of sacred literature, and almost nothing is extant pertaining thereto. With the era of the Reformation a new impulse was given to biblical study, and the discrepancies received a considerable share of attention, as the subjoined list will evince. The supposed date of first publication is indicated by full-faced figures. With reference to the size of books there is much difference between ancient and modern designations. The first two works are of an introductory character. Staalkopf, Jac. Introductio in historiam Conciliatorum Biblicorum. 4to. Lipsiae, 1724. Alardus, Nicolaus. Bibliotheca Harmonico-Biblica, quae praeter historiam harmonicam, tradit notitiam scriptorum harmonicorum. 8vo. Hamburgi, 1725. Julianus Pomerius, Abp. of Toledo, fl. A.D. 680.'APTrKeqV/zv, sive contrariorum in speciem locorum utriusque Testamenti, libri duo. folio, Basileae, 1530; 8vo. Coloniae, 1533, 1540; Parisiis, 1556. The first edition was published anonymously; some later editions under the name of Julian. This work has been attributed to several different authors; but with most probability to Bertharius, Abbot of Monte Cassino, who, according to Walch, was killed by the Saracens, A.D. 884. It includes two hundred and twenty-one cases. 87* 437 438 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX. Althamer Brenzius, Andreas. Diallage; hoc est, Conciliatio locorum Scripturae, qui prima facie inter se pugnare videntur. 8vo. Norimbergae, 1527, 1528, 1588. Some sixteen editions were published. The work is in two parts, and comprises one hundred and sixty discrepancies, which are solved in a neat and perspicuous manner. Rabe, Ludwig. Conciliationes locorum S. Scripturae in specie pugnantium. 8vo. Argentorati, 1527, 1550; Noribergae, 1561. In two parts, and including one hundred and twenty discrepancies. The materials of the work are extracted from the writings of Augustine. Cumirano, Serafino. Conciliatio locorum communium Sacrae Scripturae, quae inter se pugnare videntur. 2 vol. 8vo. Parisiis, 1556, 1559, 1576; 3 vol. Antuerpiae, 1557-1561. Revised by Leander de Sancto Martino (originally John Jones), Duaci, 1623. Baltanas (or Valtanas) Xexia, Domingo de. Concordancias de muchos pasos dificiles de la divina historia. 8vo. Sevilla, 1556. Obenhein, Christoph. Novi Testamenti locorum pugnantium ecclesiastica expositio; adjectae sunt etiam quarundam euangelicarum quaestionum solutiones. 8vo. Basileae, 1563. In Acta apostolorum ecclesiastica expositio locorum. 8vo. Basileae, 1563. Camara, Marco de la. Quaestionarium conciliationis simul et expositionis locorum difficilium Sacrae Scripturae, in quo DC. Scripturae loca exponuntur. 4to Compluti. 1587. -Also, Venetiis, 1603. lontoya, Pedro Lopez de. De Concordia Sacrarum Scripturarum, 4to. Matriti, 1600. Iettinger, Joannes. Harmonia in utroque Testamento; sive conciliationes eorum, quae in sacris biblicis sibi invicem adversa videntur. 8vo. Lavingae, 1601. Sharp (Lat. Sclarpius), John. Symphonia Prophetarum et Apostolorum, in qua ordine chronologico loci Sacrae Scripturae, specie tenus contradicentes, conciliantur. 4to. Genevae, 1625, 1639, 1653, 1670. This author solves some seven hundred cases with considerable acuteness. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX. 439 Walther, Michael. Harmonia Biblica; sive brevis et plana conciliatio locorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti adparenter sibi contradicentium. 8vo. Argentorati, 1626, 1630; Noribergae, 1649, 1654 (enlarged edition, 1696). According to Horne, this work is marked by considerable learning and industry. Menasseh Ben Israel. Conciliador o de la conveniencia de los Lugares de la S. Escriptura, que repugnantes entre si parecen. 4to. Vol. i. Francofurti, 1632; Vol. ii. Amsterdam, 1650...... Conciliator, sive de convenientia locorum S. Scripturae, quae pugnare inter se videntur. 4to. Amstelodami, 1633. The Conciliator, a Reconcilement of the Apparent Contradictions in Holy Scripture. Translated, with Notes, by E. H. Lindo. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. This work, restricted to the Old Testament, solves four hundred and seventy-three cases of discrepancies, by the usually ingenious, though sometimes fanciful, methods peculiar to the Jewish rabbies. Thaddaeus, Joannes. S. S. Scriptura, a se nec diversa, sibi nec adversa, hoc est, Conciliatorium Biblicum, in quo paria mille et supra S. Codicis Locorum specie tenus contradicentium, conciliantur. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1633, 1648, 1696; Francofurti, 1648, 1687, 1696, 1702; Londini, 1662; Haffniae, 1717. The Reconciler of the Bible, wherein above two thousand seeming contradictions are fully and plainly reconciled. By J. T., Minister of the Gospel. London, 1656. Thaddaeus, Joannes, and Man, Thomas. The Reconciler of the Bible inlarged, wherein above three thousand seeming contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and plainly reconciled. By J. T. and T. M. folio, London, 1662. Singularly enough, in the last two cases the numbers are made up by counting each discrepancy twice; so that the first of these editions really contains but one thousand and fifty cases, and the second only some one thousand five hundred. This work comprises a multitude of trivial discrepancies, and omits many of the more important. lagrig Domenico. AV7TLXo-yal, seu contradictiones adparentes et conciliationes Sacrae Scripturae ab ipso collectae. 12mo. Venetiis, 1645, 1653; Parisiis, 1665, 1675, 1685. 440 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX. Streat, William H. The Dividing of the Hooff, or seeming contradictions throughout Sacred Scriptures, distinguish'd, resolv'd and apply'd. 4to. London, 1654. This is characterized as a work of little value. Mayer, Heinrich. Manuale biblicum in quo Sacrae Scripturae certa quaedam testimonia quae sibimet contradicere videntur, omnino concordare docentur. 12mo. Friburgi Brisgoiae, 1654. Arnoldus, Nicolaus. Lux in Tenebris; seu brevis et succincta Vindicatio simul et Conciliatio locorum Vet. et Novi Testamenti. 4to. Franeckerae, 1662, 1665, 1680; Francofurti et Lipsiae,, 1698. A voluminous work, of some twelve hundred pages, directed chiefly against Papists and Socinians, yet discussing incidentally certain discrepancies. It hardly belongs to. our department. Matthiae, Christian. Antilogiae Biblicae, sive Conciliationes dictorum Scripturae Sacrae, in speciem inter se pugnantium, secundum seriem Locorum Theologicorum in ordinem redactae; editae a Joh. Schelhammero, Jun. 4to. Hamburgi, 1662, 1700, 1726. Santa Cruz, Emanuel Fernandez de. Antilogiae totius Scripturae. 2 tom. fol. Tom. i., Segoviae, 1671; Tom. ii., Lugduni, 1677. A 2d ed. of Tom. i., Lugduni, 1681. Bleiswyek, Jan C. van. Bybel-balance ende Harmonieboeck. 4to. Delfft, 1675. Ridderg Franciscus. Schriftuerlyk licht ouer schynstrydende, duystere en misduyde texten der heiligen schrifture. 4to. 5 delen. Rotterdam, 1675. Walch speaks of this work as copious and elaborate. Caper, Franciscus. Conciliatio locorum utriusque foederis, quae contraria esse videntur. In his "Arcana Atheismi revelata." 4to. Roterdam., 16 7 6. Le Fevre (Lat. Faber), Jacques (died, A.D. 1716). Conciliatio locorum Sacrae Scripturae quae contradicere invicem videntur. 12mo. Parisiis, 1683 (.) [Fabricius styles this the second edition], 1685. This work is said to be an enlargement of that of Magri, mentioned above. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX. 441 Toornburg, K. Concordantiae locorum dissonantiumt Sacrae Scripturae [Belgice]. 8vo. Alcmariae, 1695. The original title of this work I have not been able to find. Pontas, Jean. Scriptura Sacra ubique sibi constans; seu Difficiliores Sacrae Scripturae in speciem secum pugnantes, juxta sanctorum ecclesiasticorum Patrum theologorumque sententiam conciliati. 4to. Parisiis, 1698. One volume only, relating to the Pentateuch, was published. Darling says of it; "A learned and able work, containing three hundred and thirty questions with answers." Heermann, David (also known as Bibliander). Richtige Harmonia oder Uebereinstimmung hundert solcher Spriiche und Oerter welche in H. Schrifft vorkommen und einander scheinen zuwider zu lauffen. 3 Theile. 8vo. Gorlitz, 1705 - 1710; 4 Theile, G6rlitz, 1707-1717. Surenhuys, Willem (Lat. Surenhusius, Gulielmus). BIBAO1 KATAAAArHA, in quo secundum Theologorum Hebraeorum formulas allegandi, et modos interpretandi conciliantur loca ex V. in N. T. allegata. 4to. Amstelaedami, 1713. Discusses some one hundred and sixty-five cases of disagreement between citations in the New Testament and the original passages in the Old. This work properly belongs to a distinct department. Baruh, Raphael. Critica Sacra examined; or an attempt to show that a new method may be found to reconcile the seemingly glaring variations in parallel passages of Scripture. 8vo. London, 1775. Cooper, Oliver St. John. Four Hundred Texts of Holy Scripture with their corresponding passages explained. 12mo. London, 1791. Includes fifty-seven instances of disagreement. Evanson, Edward. The Dissonance of the four generally received Evangelists. 8vo. Gloucester (England), 1792, 1805. 442 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX. Falconer, Thomas. Certain principles in Evanson's " Dissonance of the four generally received Evangelists" examined. Bampton Lectures for 1810. 8vo. Oxford, 1811. Strauss'' Life of Jesus," with the numerous replies to it, might, equally with the last two works, claim a place in our catalogue. Fuller, Andrew. The Harmony of Scripture; or an attempt to reconcile various passages apparently contradictory. 8vo. London, 1817. A posthumous tract, comprising thirty cases of discrepancy. See, also, Fuller's Works,Vol. i. pp. 667-684 (Philadelphia ed., 3 vols.). Cox, John Hayter. Lectures on the Harmony of the Scriptures; designed to reconcile apparently contradictory passages. 8vo. London, 1823. Treats of nineteen discrepancies. Longhurst, S. A Common-place Book, or Companion to the New'Testament; consisting of Illustrations of difficult passages; apparent Contradictions and Inconsistencies reconciled. Richmond and London, 1833. Nork, F. Biblische Mythologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Versuch einer neuen Theorie zu Aufhellung der Dunkelheiten und scheinbaren Widerspriiche in den canonischen Biichern der Juden und Christen. In two parts. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1842. Davidson, Dr. Samuel. Sacred Hermeneutics, Developed and Applied. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843. A portion of this work, pp. 516-611, is devoted to our subject, and resolves some one hundred and fifteen apparent contradictions (Compare reference, p. 25, infra, note). There are, of course, many other works which bear indirectly upon the subject. Brief disquisitions are extant, by Lightfoot, Knatchbull, Ludlam and Whately. Several pamphlets, on both sides of the question, have been published in this country, and in England. The above is believed to be, for substance, the literature of the Discrepancies. INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. GENESIS. IGEN. PAGE GEN. PAE PAGE vi. 19, 20, 387 xiv. 24, 319 i. 2, 139, 417 vii. 2, 3, 387 xv. 13, 416, 418, 419 3, 422 4, 11, 12, 415 16, 338, 416, 419 9, 10, 429 17, 24, 415 18, 148, 318, 374 11-27, 408 viii. 1, 57 xvii. 1-3, 60 14-19, 422 3, 6, 7, 8, 415 5, 17 26, 60, 159 10, 12, 13, 14, 415 6, 395 27, 158 21, 68 7, 148 31, 4, 68 22, 425 8, 282 ii. 2, 395, 416 ix. 2, 354 10, 14, 260 3, 395 3, 246 15, 281 4-7, 408 6, 159, 258 16, 281, 395 6, 429 21, 252 17, 281, 317, 318 9, 408 22, 84 24, 25, 418 17, 6, 393 24, 84, 303 xviii. 10, 14, 74 18, - 291 25, 84, 302 20, 21, 58 19-22, 408 26, 421 25, 83, 201 iii. 4, 6 x. 29, 395. xix. 14, 355 5, 158 xi. 5, 58 xx. 2, 26 8, 58, 76 11, 424 2-18, 317 16, 308 12, 352 3, 376 22, 60, 158 13, 424 11, 318 iv. I, 421 26, 392 12, 281 3, 427 29, 281 xxi. 5, 5-8, 418 4, 81, 427 31, 364 10, 304 5, 81 32, 392, 424 14-18, 418 12, 13, 258 xii. 1, 364 23, 244 16, 58 4, 317, 392, 418 24, 242, 244 26, 421,427 5, 364 31, 410 v. 1, 158 6, 7, 357, 378 xxii. 1, 79 1-32, 14 11-20, 317 2, 237, 380, 396 2, 159 19, 26 5, 270 5, 393 xiii. 15, 318 6, 10, 259 24, 206 18, 395 12, 56, 74 29, 421 xiv. 7, 394 xxiii. 7, 225 Vi. 3, 424 12, 281 xxiv. 14-20, 435 6, 4, 66, 68 13, 319 55, 60, 281 7, 68, 207 14, 318, 410 xxv. 1, 2, 318 9, 159 16, 281 5, 305 443 444 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. GEN. PAGE GEN. PAGE EXOD. PAGE xxv. 6, 295, 305, 380 xxxvi. 26, 312 ii 25, 81 22, 23, 163 31, 395 iii. 1, 396, 354 26, 315, 418 xxxvii. 2, 418 2, 396 31-33, 345 25, 339 10, 377 xxvi. 2, 3, 419 28, 339, 348 21, 22, 300 6-11, 318 30, 418 iv. 18, 354 7, 26 35, 193 19, 377, 424 15, 18, 33, 410 36, 339 20, 351 34, 321, 336, 420 xxxix. 2, 172 21, 91 36, 345 4-6, 270 1 24, 248 xxvii. 1-29, 345 20, 21, 22, 348 31, 344 36, 315 xl. 3, 4, 348 vi. 3, 421 42-45, 345 15, 348, 394 9, 344 xxviii. 2, 345 xli. 12, 270 10-13, 377 5, 351, 420 46, 53, 420 18f, 351 9, 336 54, 425 18-20, 420 19, 20-22, 410 56, 367, 425 23, 336 xxix. 2, 4, 363 57, 367 vii. 11, 12, 120 5, 351 xlii. 1-5, 367 20, 21, 22, 24, 434 12, 281 7-20, 434 viii. 1, 301 20, 21, 421 30-34, 434 7, 120 27-30, 421 xliii. 3-13, 434 15, 89, 90 30, 31, 97, 286, 421 11, 15, 367 20, 126 xxx. 16, 314 xliv. 16-34, 434 27, 301 18, 315 xlv. 6, 420, 425 32, 89 20, 316 xlvi. 3, 4, 345 ix. 3, 6, 428 23, 24, 315 7, 384 12, 89 25, 421 8-26, 389 19-21, 428 xxxi. 11, 13, 74 15, 384, 420 34, 89, 90 17, 295 18, 20, 420 x. 1, 89 41, 421 21, 384 7, 205 53, 242 27, 389 25, 26, 301 xxxii. 3, 415 xlvii. 9, 418 xi. 1, 301 28, 411 31, 345 3, 248, 302 30, 73 xlviii. 1, 345 10, 89 xxxiii. 18-20, 357 5, 305 xii. 2, 412 19, 378 8, 10, 363 5, 433 xxxiv. 14, 17, 281 15, 16, 225 7, 377, 378 xxxv. 2, 4, 378 xlix. 9, 127 9, 433 8, 379 10, 149 15, 408, 416 10, 411 33, 345 31-33, 301 11, 395 35, 36, 300 14, 15, 400 EXODUS. 38, 342 16-19, 367 i. 17, 292 40, 418 24-26, 367 18-20, 290 43, 48, 260 27, 420 20, 292 49, 305 xxxvi. 2, 321, 336 ii. 10, 315 xiii. 3, 408 3, 336 14, 15, 424 13, 224 6, 8, 415 16, 21, 339 21, 22, 430 12, 352, 394 16-21, 355 xiv. 7, 9, 428 20, 321 18, 354 13, 30, 363 24, 321, 337 22, 338, 31, 120 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 445 EXOD. PAGE I EXOD. PAGE: EXOD. PAGE xv. 3, 92 xxii. 18, 307 xl. 17, 396 6, 207 21, 302 20, 390, 396 13-17, 396 25, 306 20, 309 28, 62 LEVITICUS. 25, 26, 236 29, 224 i. 1-17, 236 xvi. 1, 427 xxiii. 1-33, 221 5, 8, 11, 356 2, 3, 340 3, 296 ii. 1-16, 236 13, 14, 427 10, 11, 297 iii. 1-17, 236 16, 343 14-16, 387 2, 219 23, 395 16, 412 iv. 1-35, 236 31, 431 31, 282 3, 114 34, 396 33, 221 14, 22, 23, 241 35, 342, 427 xxiv. 3-8, 220 26, 236 xvii. 1-7, 374 5, 409 v. 1-19, 236 9, 395 9, 10, 73 15, 18, 245 14, 207 13, 395 vi. 1-30, 236 xviii. 2-6, 351 18, 351 vii. 1-38, 236 5, 354, 409 xxv. 10, 407 xi. 13-19, 391 7, 225 15, 242 21, 23, 246 13-26, 284 18, 20, 34, 226 xii. 3, 12, 13 23, 24, 350 xxvii. 1, 427 7 6, 7, 230 25, 350, 412 8, 427, 428 xvi. 29, 416 27, 355 xxviii. 1, 409 xvii. 3, 4, 367 xix. 2, 409 xxix. 1-46, 236 11, 236 11, 376 14, 114 13, 220 12, 13, 17, 432 18, 36, 235 xviii. 1-30, 281 18, 376, 431 45, 102 5, 104 19, 76 xxx. 12-14, 345 16, 292 21-24, 432 13, 385 21, 237, 266 22, 409 xxxi. 15, 234 22-24, 266 xx. 1-26, 221 17, 56 25, 28, 266 3, 5, 225 18, 63 26, 305 4, 5, 226 xxxii.'20, 429 xix. 13, 300 5, 78, 84, 86 26, 27, 285 26, 244 8, 233, 395 33, 207 34, 305 11, 56, 234, 416 xxxiii. 3, 63 xx. 1-27, 281 12, 287 7, 396 2, 237 13, 14, 255 11, 73 21, 292 15, 300 14, 15, 17, 63 23, 266, 267 16, 290 20, 73 27, 307 17, 249, 282 23, 73, 75 xxii. 12, 283, 284 24, 427 xxxiv. 5-7, 59 xxiii. 1-44, 387 xxi. 1-36, 221 6, 7, 82 18, 19, 384 2, 303 10-27, 220 27-29, 223 7, 11, 304 18-23, 387 32, 416 14, 255 20, 224 33-39, 223 16, 302 28, 221 42, 43, 34i 20, 21, 298 33-35, 355 xxv. 4, 6, 20, 21,22, 291 23-25, 299 xxxv. 12, 407 32-34, 395 29, 30, 261 xxxvii. 1, 407 39-41, 303 xxii. 1-31, 221 xxxviii. 8, 239 44, 302 8, 9, 62 26, 345,411 46, 298, 303 446 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. LEV. PAGE NUM. PAGE NUM. PAGE xxv. 47-54, 303 xiii. 26, 373 xxvi. 38, 40, 384 xxvi. 9, 81 29, 338 62, 382 30, 44, 68 xiv. 12, 322 64, 65, 357 xxvii. 26, 225 25, 365 xxvii. 12, 373 30, 63 14, 345 NUMBERS. 33, 427 xxviii. 1-31, 387 i. 2, 3, 345, 358 45, 365, 405 16-19, 433 10, 305 xv. 24, 241 27, 30, 384 23, 385 32, 36, 234, 235 xxix. 1-40, 387 45, 358 39, 250 5, 236 46, 344, 358, 411 xvi. 12-14, 353 xxxi. 8, 366 49, 358 18-24, 353 10, 406 ii. 2, 3, 150, 378 24-27, 353 18, 255 10, 352 31-33, 352 xxxii. 8, 350 17, 366 32, 353 13, 95 32, 345 35, 352 19, 32, 375 iii. 6, 409 40, 333 41, 411 10, 333 xviii. 12, 13, 296. xxxiii. 3, 427 12, 13, 224 15, 224, 296 19-36, 371 27, 28, 419 16, 17, 224 30-33, 372 29, 352 19,. 296 38, 363 39, 382 21, 24, 289 44-48, 372 iv. 3, 4-15, 422 xx. 1, 373 44-49, 371 5, 6, 242 10, 279 xxxiv. 10-12, 374 15, 20, 94 12, 248, 345 xxxv. 2, 7, 288 24-26, 422 13, 374 2-8, 395 31-33, 422 18-21, 335 4, 5, ~ 388 36, 419 19, 20, 335 13, 385 v. 11-31, 258 27, 28, 363 14, 375 vi. 5, 246 xxi. 3, 405 19, 256 23, 356 8, 226 31, 261 vii. 12, 150 10-20, 371 xxxvi. 8, 283, 284 viii. 14, 409 11-35, 372 24, 25, 26, 422 16-20, 372 DEUTERONOMY. x. 12, 372 20, 21, 373 i. 1, 375 14, 150 xxii. 1 372 6, 9, 14, 357 21, 366 20, 21, 69 9-13, 15, 350 29, 354 22, 69, 333 20, 21, 338 29-31, 430 xxiii. 10, 208 22, 350) 29-32, 3.55 19, 63 37, 248 33, 366, 372 xxiv. 2, 7, 16, 394 39, 161 xi. 4-6, 340 20, 208, 394 ii. 4, 8, 335 8, 431 25, 366 7, 340 16, 378, 412 xxv. 1-3, 255, 266 14, 342 24-26, 378 4, 95 19, 365 xii. 1, 339 5, 7, 8, 285 26, 373 3, 248 6-14, 385 28, 29, 335 4, 378 9, 382 30, 89, 91 8, 76 11-13, 68 iii. 4, 14, 411 16, 372 xxvi. 10, 352 27, 373 Xiii. 1, 2, 350 11, 353 iv. 10-15, 376 16, 395 14, 385 12, 76 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 447 DEUT. PAGE DEUT. PAGE DEUT. PAGE iv. 15, 73 xv. 19, 225, 296 xxxii. 51, 345, 373 23, 226 20, 296 xxxiii. 2, 60, 431 41, 385 xvi. 1-7, 377 xxxiv. 1, 373, 410 v. 2, 5, 357 1-16, 387 7, 354 15, 234 2, 7, 433 10-12, 355 17, 256, 265 8, 416 26, 76 xvii. 2, 3, 7, 225 JOSHUA. vi. 4, 60 9, 284 i. 11, 394, 416 13, 242 14, 15, 229 14, 375 16, 82 xviii. 1, 7, 356 ii. 4, 5, 290 vii. 1, 7, 344 10, 244, 308 22, 416 1-4, 266 10-12, 195 iii. 1, 2, 416 2-4, 389 1.1, 308 3-6, 366 16, 92 21, 22, 148 iv. 19, 394, 427 22, 403 xix. 15, 117 20, 394 viii. 2, 56 17, 284 v. 5, 7, 260 3, 15, 340 xx. 11, 15, 258 9, 394 ix. 3, 403 16-18, 258, 266 10-12, 427 9, 18, 351 19, 279 13, 14, 225 21, 429 xxi. 2, 284 vi. 24, 26, 406 x. 3-5, 407 11-14, 263 vii. 1, 312 5, 390 15, 295 4, 344 6, 363, 372 17, 304 24, 25, 237 6-8, 409 18-21, 287 24-26, 84, 85 7, 372 xxii. 3, 204 viii. 3-9, 381 8, 9, 356 13-21, 258 12, 13, 381 16, 166 xxiii. 3, 4, 235 28, 403 17, 81 7, 271 34, 35, 347 22, 344 19, 306 x. 15, 21, 374 xi. 2, 7, 357 20, 305 23, 26, 405 24, 374 xxiv. 1, 2, 263, 292 28, 186 25, 344 xxiv. 7, 303 36, 37, 405 30, 394 16, 84, 238 38, 39, 405 xii. 15, 16, 367 xxv. 5, 292 40, 324 17, 18, 296 17, 18, 94 42, 403 19, 288 xxvii. 1-26, 281 43, 374 24. 220 14,15, 347 xi. 1, 10, 405 27, 219 15, 226 11, 186 xiii. 1-3, 120, 121, 126 xxix. (17) 18, 325 14, 15, 324 3,.56 20, 78 16, 17, 376, 404 6-11, 225 xxx. 1, 134 18, 408 xiv. 7, 246 6, 166 19, 3 33 12-18, 391 16, 431 20, 89, 90 19, 246 xxxi. 2, 354 21, 322, 405 21, 305 9, 363 22, 322 22-26, 224 16, 17, 148 23, 376, 404 26, 251 25, 363 x ii. 7, 375, 404 27, 288 26, 363, 391 8, 376, 404 28, 29, 289 xxxii. 4, 76, 83, 97 10, 348, 406 xv. 3, 305 1 1, 63 10-23, 404 4, 11, 356 13, 14, 340 12, 348, 403 12, 303, 304 39, - 60 14, 405 448 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. JO8H. PAGE JOSH. PAGE I JUDG. PAGE xii. 16, 348, 403 xxiv. 1, 377 ix. 1-57, 323 21, 23, 348, 405 14, 344, 394 8, 340 xiii. 1, 404 23, 344 13, 251 1-6, 376 26, 377 32, 33, 426 9-12, 374 31, 420 x. 1-18, 323 25, 365 32, 357 3. 411 30, 385 33, 420 4, 385, 411 xiv. 1-15, 5, 412 xi. 1-40, 323 6, 323 JUDGES. 17, 18, 335 12, 13, 405 i. 1, 1-36, 403 26, 420 15, 395 1-19, 150 30-40, 237, 238 xv. 1-63, 412 8, 406 37-40, 240 8, 375 9-11, 405 xii. 1-6, 370.13, 150, 395 10, 321 xiii. 22, 73 13-19, 322 11-13, 405 xv. 14, 15, 142 14, 321 11-15, 322 xvii. 9, 336 15-17, 405 16, 355, 406 xviii. 1, 2, 8, 368 21-32, 387 17, 405 27, 28, 406 26-32, 369 19, 55 29, 410 33, 368 20, 321 30, 338 42, 369 21, 406 xix. 29, 257 63, 348, 404, 406 22, 404 xx. 15, 46, 47, 387 xvi. 1-10, 412 22-25, 348, 403 2, 395 26, 395 RUTH. 10, 348 27, 405 i. 1, 21, 335 xvii. 1-18, 412 28, 324 11, 348 29, 403, 404 1 SAMUEL. 12, 348, 404 30, 33, 324 i. 1, 335 14, 404 34, 344 9, 396 15-18, 369 35, 324 11, 239 xviii. 1, 377 ii. 1-3, 266 21, 22, 428 1-28, 412 1-6, 403 ii. 10, 207 6, 412 7, 344 22, 239 28, 375 8, 9, 403 23, 24, 335 xix. 1, 369 22, 324 30, 31, 63, 67 1-6, 388 23, 376 iii. 3, 396 1-51, 412 iii. 1-7, 266 13, 335 2-6, 373 2, 4, 324 21, 377 2-7, 369 9, 150 iv. 3, 377 9, 369 13, 406 vi. 6, 89 40, 41, 40-48, 368 20, 21, 26, 255 19, 14, 92 47, 368, 406, 410 iv. 4, 308, 309 vii. 13, 944 xx. 7, 8, 385 5, 308 15, 425 xxi. 2, 3, 395 II, 354, 355 viii. 2, 352 23, 24, 368 14, 308 5, 229, 425 41, 395 21, 255 7, 229 43, 376 24, 405 19, 359 xxii. 2, 344 v. 31, 204 ix. 1, 351 7, 375 vi. 33, 406 3, 204 11-34, 344 vii. 1-25, 323 16, 344 xxiii. 5, 404 viii. 1-35, 323 17, 359 16, 148 10-12, 406 20, 204 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 449 I SAM, PAGE 1 SAM. PAGE 2 SAM. PAGE X. 1, 412 xviii. 25, 27, 382 x. 18, 382 1-9, 379 xix. 24, 358, 412 xi. 5-7, 370 5, 344 xx. 1, 114 17, 347 8, 425 42, 244 xii. 9, 347 12, 412 xxi. 1, 320 23, 193 20, 21, 24, 359 9, 370 i24, 295 24, 25, 395 12-15, 332 31, 264 xi. 2, 264 xxii. 3, 4, 364 xiii. 5, 359 14, 15, 412, 425 xxiii. 19, 26 8, 433 xii. 1, 425 xxiv. 6, 26 xiv. 27, 380 3, 412! xxv. 25, 315 33, 225 I1, 323 xxvi. 1, 9, 26 xv. 7, 393 17, 229 19, 80 xvii. 25, 316, 320 xiii. 1, 2, 402 xxvii. 3-6, 332 xviii. 5, 270 5, 344 xxviii. 6, 359 6, 369 8-11, 425 15, 17, 19, 193 8, 207 12, 13, 345 18, 345 15, 331 14, 222 19, 199 18, 380 17, 344 xxix. 4, 333 xx. 23-26, 332 xiv. 3, 320 6-9, 332 xxi. 1, 241 18, 37, 360 i xxx. 1, 403 2, 338 49, 352 12, 13, 413 8, 238, 385 50, 51, 351 17, 403 9,14, 238 xv. 2, 3, 92, 93 xxxi. 2, 352 18, 373 2-8, 394 3-5, 359 19, 336 6, 355 6, 360 xxiii. 8, 383 7, 8, 403 8-39, 334 10, 11, 63 i 2 SAMUEL. 11, 428 18, 94 i. 6-10, 359 27, 312 22, 236 ii. 4, 411 xxiv. 1, 79, 333, 334 29, 63, 98 8, 360 9, 389 35, 358 10,11, 400 10, 222 xvi. 2, 99 iii. 2-5, 295 13, 393 6-11, 385 i 3, 333 14, 96 13, 411 14, 382 24, 390 14, 142 v. 3, 411 14-23, 360 5, 400 1 KINGS. 18, 362 6, 9, 370 i. 39, 412 21, 331, 361 14-16, 332 ii. 5-9, 256 21-23, 360 21, 430 11, 393 xvii. 12-31, 360 vi. 10, 339 19, 225 15, 331 23, 385 27, 68 25, 34-36, 362 viii. 1, 369 iii. 2, 3, 323 39, 80, 362 2, 264 7, 270 42, 362 3, 25, 374 iv. 26, 383 54, 370 4, 13, 382 31, 351 55-58, 360 16-18, 332 v. 11, 385 56, 362 1 17, 320, 332 13, 15, 362 xviii. 1-5, 360 18, 333 16, 382, 383 2, 331 ix. 6, 225 vi. 1, 426, 427 9, 10, 360 x. 5, 406 2, 382, 383 10, 11, 142 1 6, 320 14, 396 88* 450 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 1 KINGS. PAGE 1 KINGS. PAGE 2 KINGS. PAGE Vi. 17, 383 xix. 11, 12, 58 xiv. 3, 7, 271 37, 38, 427 15, 16, 339 17, 399 vii. 14, 339 xxi. I, 364 23, 399, 401 15, 20, 383 13, 356 29, 191 16, 26, 382 19, 364 xv. 1, 399, 401 24, 431 xxii. 15, 276 2, 399 42, 383 19-23, 98 8, 401 48, 384 37, 38, 364 27, 399, 402 viii. 9, 390 41, 396 30, 399, 401 12, 101 49, 346 32, 399, 402 22, 23, 231 51, 396, 398 33, 401, 402 46, 159 xvi. 2, 399 65, 66, 223 2 KINGS. 5, 7, 9, 319 ix. 22, 362 i. 10, 355 10-16, 15, 319 23, 382 17, 400 20, 364 26-28, 378 ii. 11, 216 xvii. 1, 399, 402 28, 383, 395 12, 257 8, 77 x. 1, 80 14, 355 34, 41, 242 19, 20, 226 23, 24, 270 xviii. 2, 399 22, 378 iii. 1, 398 14-16, 340 xi. 1-3, 295 18, 19, 279 25, 205 3, 390 iv. 33, 231 xix. 35, 363 14, 333 34, 355 xx. 1, 4, 5, 6, 63, 64 32, 36, 387 vi. 19, 276 xxi. 17, 351 xii. 4, 362 23, 24, 344 xxii. 3, 401 21, 387 viii. 7-15, 339 14, 15, 309 25, 375 16, 401 xxiii. 4, 401 xiv. 12-17, 375 17, 319 5-12, 348 xv. 2, 317, 323 18, 320 30, 349, 376 3, 222, 317 25, 398 34, 335, 349 5, 222 26, 319, 320, 398'xxiv. 6, 346, 374 8, 323 27, 355 7, 344 10, 396, 398 29, 359 8, 12, 400 10, 13, 14, 323 ix. 1-10, 339 13, 412 16, 398 25, 364 14, 16, 384 20, 373 26, 356, 364 17, 349, 352 32, 33, 398 27, 364, 365 xxv. 1, 6, 377 xvi. 8, 10, 399 28, 365 7, 363 15, 402 29, 398 8, 393 20, 364 x. 13, 14, 319 13-17, 412 21, 22, 23, 402 36, 400 17, 382 29, 396 xi. 3-5, 370 19, 383:vii. 1, 415 4-19, 350, 351 27, 400 7, 435 5-7, 370 22, 201,355 xii. 1, 398, 400 1 CHRONICLES. xviii. 1, 415 13-14, 434 i. 34, 416 5, 435 xiii. 1, 400 36, 352 26-29, 232 10, 398, 400 41, 312 27, 276 21, 201 51, 352 32-35, 435 23, 81 ii. 1, 3-9, 416 40, 265 xiv. 1, 398 6, 312, 351 xix. 3, 8, 379 2, 399 10, 336 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 451 I CHRON. PAGE 1 CHRON. rAGOE 2 CHRON. PAGB ii. 13, 316 XX. 4, 373 1 xxii. 1, 319, 346 13-15, 385 5, 336 2, 398 16, 316 xxi. 1, 333 6, 359 17, 320 5, 389, 390 8, 319 18, 323 11, 12 393 9, 364 19, 324 25, 390 xxiii. 1-20, 350 22, 23, 385, 411 xxiii. 3, 422 4, 5, 370 50, 323 7, 338 xxiv. 14, 434 53, 368 8, 351 xxvi. 10, 352 iii. 1, 333 24, 422 xxviii. 1, 399 5-8, 332 xxiv. 3-6, 68 5, 16, 20, 319 15, 349, 352 xxv. 3, 385 21, 24, 319 16, 19, 352 xxvi. 21, 22, 351 27, 304 22, 385 30, 375 xxx. 2, 3, 340 iv. 28-31, 373 xxviii. 3, 222, 331 9, 97 v, 1, 2, 305 9, 71 17-20, 26, 340 vi. 16-27, 336 xxix. 15, 177 xxxi. 17, 422 20, 338, 351 22, 412 xxxii. 23, 27-29, 340 22, 351 xxxiii. 5, 6, 308 22-28, 353 2 CHRONICLES. 11-17, 351 28, 352 ii. 6, 102 15, 348 31, 353 10, 385 xxxiv. 3, 348 33, 353 14, 339 3-7, 401 69, 368 18, 382 xxxv. 13, 433 vii. 6, 384 iii. 1, 396 18, 340 15, 16, 351 4, 382 24, 376 viii. 33, 351, 352 15, 383 xxxvi. 4, 335 38, 32 iv. 3, 431 6, 374 ix. 1-34, 337 5, 382 9, 400 39, 351 13, 383 10, 352 x. 6, 360 19, 384 13, 89 13, 345 vii. 10, 223 14, 359 12, 16, 102 EZRA. xi. 10, 334 19, 20, 102 i. 9, 10, 11, 383 11, 383 viii. 10, 382 ii. 1-39, 409 11-47, 334 18, 383 2-60, 352 13, 428 ix. 1, 308 3-35, 385 26, 334 21, 378 5, 380 29, 312 25, 383 6-65, 381 xiii. 3, 360 xiii. 2, 4-12, 317 36-39, 390 xiv. 3-7, 332 xiv. 1, 398 69, 381 12, 430 3, 5, 323 iii. 2, 352 xv. 17, 18, 21, 339 xv. 16, 323 4, 417 xvi. 34, 92 19, 398, 399 v. 1, 352 xvii. 4-6, 12, 331 xvi. 1, 399 vi. 14, 352 xviii. 1, 369 4, 373 ix. 1, 2, 389 3, 25 7-12, 323 x. 3-17, 412 4, 12, 382 xix. 7, 81 16, 320 xx. 35, 36, 346 N EH EM IAH. xix. 6, 7, 320 36, 37, 378 vii.7-42, 409 18, 382 xxi. 16, 17, 346 7-62, 352 XX. 3, 264 18, 19, 398 10, 380 452 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. NEH. PAGE PSALMS. PSALMs. PAGE vii. 11-67, 381 PAGE 1. 22, 207 32, 403 i. 3, 173 li. 2, 166 70-72, 381 ii. 8, 302 5, 161 viii. 17, 417 9, 116, 207 9, 207 ix. 17, 82 11, 241 16, 235 x. 1-28, 409 v. 4, 76 17, 207 9-13, 387 6, 205 liii. 5, 242 14-27, 32, 385 vi. 5, 193 lv. 15, 271 xi. 3-36, 337 vii. 8, 228 23, 180 xii. 1, 352 11, 82 lviii. 3, 161 1-7, 390 ix. 11, 103 lix. 4, 114 8, 9, 387 17, 214 Ix. Title, 382 xiii. 23-30, 412 x. 1, 70 lxii. 12, 97 xi. 6, 209 lxix. 24, 27, 271 JOB. xiv. 2,.3, 159 28, 207 i. i, 159 xvii. 14, 180 lxxi. 17, 73 6, 7, 362 xviii. 11, 101 lxxii. 17, 115 19, 347 xix. 1, 72 lxxiii. 7, 12, 180 ii. 7, 172 xxiv. 2, 429 11, 58 10, 279 3, 4, 159 16-18, 181 iii. 10, 347 xxvi. 7, 73 24, 197 13, 191 xxx. 5, 95 27, 204 18, 197 xxxii. 1, 221 28, 70, 73 vii. 9, 200 xxxiv. Title, 318, 332 lxxiv. 12, 251 viii. 4, 347 10, 173 lxxvi. 2, 103 ix. 10 73 21, 180 lxxviii. 55, 283 22, 88 xxxv. 6, 8, 271 58, 78 x. 21, 197 xxxvii. 3, 173 69, 215 xi. 7, 72 9, 205 lxxxi. 12, 77 12, 161 20, 204 lxxxiii. 15, 209 xii. 6, 180 21, 300' 17, 209, 271 xiii. 23, 114 25, 177 lxxxv. 5, 95 xiv. 4, 161 34, 205 lxxxvi. 2, 159 12, 200 36, 206 lxxxvii. 2, 3, 228 21, 22, 188, 190 37, 208 lxxxviii. 5,6,11,12, 197 xv. 14, 161 38, 205, 208 xc. 2, 60 xvi. 9, 12-14, 207 xl. 5, 73 xci. 4, 16, 63 xix. 10, 205 6, 152 xcii. 9, 203 17, 347 xli. 1, 296 15, 83 xxi. 7, 8, 180 xlii. 9, 16 xciv. 5, 207 9, 14, 181 xliv. Title, 353 23, 203 xxii. 23, 24, 174 1-3, 283 xcvi. 4, 5, 433 xxiv. 5, 6, 12, 182 23, 57 xcvii. 2, 101 20, 24, 181 xlv. Title, 353 7, 60 xxvi. 5, 195 2, 115. c. 2, 241 7, 429 xlvi. Title, 353 cii. 25, 26, 215 xxvii. 13, 14, 22, 182 1, 70 ciii. 8, 9, 95 xxxi. 18, 161 xlvii.-xlix. Titles, 353 civ. 5, 215 xxxvi. 14, 180 xlix. 10, 178, 204 15, 251 xxxviii. 1, 76 1. 6 201 22, 426 xlii. 7-9, 162 13, 14, 235 30, 417 12, 172,175, 208 21, 58 35, 206 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 453 PSALMS. PAGE PROV. PAGE I ECCL. PAGE cvi. 18, 352 xiv. 21, 296 j viii. 14, 172 33, 345 32, 214 15, 250 cix. 6-10, 271 xv. 6, 174 ix. 5, 6, 193 12, 13, 18, 19, 271 xvi. 7, 178 10, 188 cxii. 2, 3, 174 xvii. 15, 306 xi. 9, 250 cxv. 17, 195 22, 250 xii. 7, 184 cxix. 110, 221 xviii. 6, 261 147,148, 19 22, 291 CANTICLES. 155, 214 xix. 9, 204 v. 10, 16, 127 156, 82 xx. 1, 251 vi. 8, 390 176, 221 9, 159 viii. 6, 78 cxxi. 4, 57 xxi. 28, 204 Cxxiii. 1, 103 xxii. 1, 176 ISAIAH. cxxviii. 3, 230 15, 161,278 i. 11-13, 235 cxxxii. 13, 228 24, 245 13, 233 cxxxvii. 8, 9, 272 xxiii. 29-32, 251 15, 89 cxxxviii. 6, 81 xxiv. 24, 306 16, 166 cxxxix. 2-4, 56 xxv. 27, 248 20, 207 7-10, 58 xxvi. 4, 5, 278 28, 203, 206 21, 306 xxvii. 2, 247 iii. 13, 103 22, 273, 306 4, 78 v. 20, 23, 306 cxliii. 2, 228 22, 278 vi. 1, 73 cxlv. 3, 72 xxviii. 1, 242 10, 264 8, 78 13, 221 vii. 15, 16, 161 9, 78, 92, 97 14, 89, 90 viii. 9, 207 18, 70 xxx. 8, 9, 175 ix. 1, 2, 151 20, 203, 205 30, 354 6, 7, 118 cxlvi. 4, 195 xxxi. 4, 5, 253 17-21, 399 cxlvii. 5. 72 6, 7, 251 x.5, 98 xiii. 9, 205 PROVERBS. ECCLESIASTES. xiv. 9, 191,195 i. 22, 72 i. 4, 215 10, 195 26, 96 9, 10, 432 xxiv. 23, 433 28, 71 15, 428 xxvi. 10, 181 29, 30, 72 18, 176, 254 14, 19, 200 iii. 13, 176, 254 ii. 2, 250 20, 82 15, 254 13, 254 xxvii. 4, 82 17, 176 15, 176, 254 xxix. 20, 206 iv. 18, 197 iii. 1, 4, 250 xxx. 10, 177 v. 4, 325 18-20, 184 26, 433 18, 19, 295 20, 199 xxxviii.:18, 193 vi. 34, 78 vi. 8, 254 xxxix. 2, 6, 340 viii. 11, 176 vii. 1, 176 xl. 4, 428 17, 71 3, 4, 250 5, 181 x. 15, 175 9, 245 25, 159 27, 180 13, 428 28, 56, 72 xi. 31, 182 15, 178, 204 xlii. 1, 139 xii. 21, 172 16, 17, 233 3, 116 22, 290 20, 159 xliii. 13, 18 xiii. 21, 180 29, 161 19, 432 22, 280 viii. 2, 292 xliv. 9, 10, 17, 433 24, 97 12, 13, 180 22, 207 454 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. ISA. PAGE JER. PAGE EZEK. PAxG xlv. 5, 60 xxiii. 31, 177 xxxiii. 13, 171 7, 76 xxv. 1, 400 19, 88 15, 70 xxix. 11, 76, 77 xxxv. 12, 206 17, 432 xxx. 16, 207 xxxvi. 5, 78 19, 71 xxxi. 22, 432 25, 26, 166 23, 211 xxxii. 27, 55 xliii. 22, 114 xlviii. 16, 60, 62 31, 228 xliv. 29, 114 xlix. 6, 119 xxxiii. 16, 138 xlv. 22, 114 15, 57 xxxiv. 3, 363 xlvii. 13, 305 liii. 2, 3, 127 xxxvi. 9, 393 xlviii. 4, 5, 305 9, 114 30, 346, 374 Iv. 6, 71 xxxvii. 5, 344 DANIEL. 7, 196 xl. 10, 252 i. 1, 393, 400, 402 lvi. 2, 233 xlvi. 2, 400 2, 412 Ivii. 1, 88, 204 Ii. 8, 205 5, 18, 402 2, 88 lii. 12, 393, 402 21, 414 15, 102 23, 25, 383 ii. 1, 402 21, 214 28, 400 48, 331 Iviii. 6, 302 28-30, 385 iii. 12, 331 lxi. 1, 2, 150,151 29, 402 16, 18, 292 lxiii. 17, 90 31, 400 vi. 10, 11, 231 lxv. 1, 71 13, 392 17, 432 LAMENTATIONS. vii. 9, 73, 74 20, 180 iii. 22, 92 13, 131 Ixvi. 1, 58,102 38, 76 14, 131,137 44, 70 23, 207 JEREMIAH. v. 21, 166 ix. 26, 205 i. 5, 270 x. 1, 414 ii. 10, 11, 343 EZEKIEL. xii. 2, 199,200, 209 22, 227 v. 7, 343 iv. 8, 82 xi. 12, 343 HOSEA. 14, 166, 227 xii. 13, 363 i. 2, 255 vi. 20, 235 xiii. 10-16, 177 iv. 2, 242 vii. 9, 95 13, 14, 206 6, 205 22, 23, 235 xiv. 9, 99 11, 251 ix. 4, 262 xvi. 47, 343 vi. 6, 235 xii. 1, 180 xviii. 2, 85, 88 viii. 7, 209 xiii. 14, 93, 95 4, 84 xiii. 9, 205 15-17, 95 5, 178, 228 xv. 6, 64 9, 88, 178, 228 JOEL. xvii. 5, 262, 287 19, 88 iii. 8, 302 10, 56 20, 84, 203 12, 103 xviii. 7-10, 64, 148 24, 169, 170 11, 76 25, 83 AMOS. xx. 7, 99 31, 166 i. 13, 264 xxii. 11, 349 32, 96, 225 iii. 6, 77 19, 374 xx. 3, 70 vi. 1, 394 30, 346 24-26, 104 viii. 14, 200 xxiii. 6, 138 25, 77 ix. 2, 3, 58 19, 209 xxi. 3,4, 88.23, 58 xxii. 28, 177 JONAH. 24, 58, 103 xxiv. 14, 63 i. 3, 58 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 455 JONAMH PAGE HABAKKUK. MALACHI. iii. 4, 5, 148 PAGE PAGE 10, 64, 148 ii. 4, 228 i. 2, 3, 97 iii. 3, 60 14, 99 MICAH. 4, 63 ii. 14, 15, 295 iii. 4, 89 7, 339 15, 263 vi. 16, 77 16, 263 vii. 2, 204 ZECHARIAH. iii. 1, 151 5, 262 i. 3, 166 6, 63 ix. 9, 131 15, 82 NAHUM. xi. 12, 13, 153 iv. 1, 214 i. 2, 78, 82 xii. 11, 376 1-3, 205 MATTHEW. MATT. PAGT MATT. PAGE PAGE vi. 7, 8, 232 xii. 41, 42, 210, 214 i. 2-16, 388 13, 79, 253 49, 50, 203 11, 389 19, 174, 280 xv. 5, 6, 191 12, 346, 389 21, 174 22, 239 16, 325 25, 19, 280 24, 119 17, 388 34, 280 xvi. 4, 155 20, 406 vii. 1, 2, 284 13, 108 ii. 1-23, 413 1-29, 331 27, 182 11, 414 8, 71 28, 155 iii. 5, 428 21, 231 xvii. 12, 13, 347 12, 211 viii. 5, 346 xviii. 3, 4, 161, 162 14, 409 12, 210, 213 15, 293 17, 153 21, 22, 287 20, 114 iv. 7, 83 26, 153 xix. 1, 119, 327 8, 407 28, 369, 387 5, 291 10, 293 ix. 2, 153 7, 263 12, 407 30, 327 8, 263, 295 14-16, 151 x. 1-42, 407 18, 285 17, 18-22, 407 2-4, 322 21, 253 v. 1, 2, 368 5, 6, 119 26, 55 1-48, 331 9, 10, 154 28, 202 3, 174 15, 210 xx. 9-12, 210 4, 251 23, 135 16, 172 5, 177 28, 186 17, 327 14, 129 34-36, 118 20, 347. 16, 279 37, 97 23, 110 17, 120 xi. 3-5, 120, 121 29, 327 22, 277 14, 348 30, 386 25, 26, 211 22, 210 xxi. 1, 327 32, 263 28, 116, 179 1-11, 132 33-37, 243 30, 179 2, 3, 155 39, 298 xii. 1-5, 234 5, 7, 384 44, 271, 276 32, 139, 211,241 19, 155 48, 169 40, 413 31, 217 vi. 1, 279 41, 42, 202 38, 358 1-34, 331 xiii. 12, 83 41, 363 5, 6, 231 34, 331 1xxii, 12, 209 456 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. MATT. PAGE MARK. MARK. PAGI xxii. 13, 210 PAGE XV. 23, 325 18, 19, 156 i. 2, 151 25, 412 30, 155 11, 153 26, 154 31, 156 14, 407 xvi. 1, 391, 412 32, 156 15, 165 1-14, 327 xxiii. 2, 3, 8, 293 16-20, 407 2, 426 9, 257, 287 21, 29, 377 5, 386 10, 257 ii. 5, 153 16-22, 243 26, 320 LU KE. 17, 277 iii. 5, 275 i. 5, 336 33, 116 16-19, 322 26-37, 406 xxiv. 3, 146 29, 211, 241 27, 336 14, 135 iv. 12, 38 33, 137 15, 16, 156 40, 153 36, 336 21, 132 v. 1, 369 61, 338 24, 121 19, 43, 327 ii. 4-39, 413 29, 30, -132 vi. 5, 110 9, 386 36, 113 8, 9, 154 36-38, 309 51, 203 32, 45, 53, 367 39, 414 xxv. 14-30, 433 vii. 26, 119, 339 52, 111, 113 30, 203, 210 27, 119 iii. 2, 320 31, 32, 201 viii. 12, 155 22, 153 34, 417 3-8, 209 23, 325, 326 41, 210 ix. 1, 155 27, 346 46, 211 2, 416 35, 36, 352 xxvi. 2, 6, 416 13, 347 iv. 5, 407 7, 411 44, 46, 48, 209 18, 19, 150, 151 11, 114 x. 7-9, 295 25, 415 17-30, 423 13, 14, 16,.270 v. 1-11, 407 18, 151 18, 159 20, 153 21-29, 156 24, 174, 175 vi. 12, 114, 231 34, 424 25, 175 13-16, 322 52, 259, 298 30, 174 17, 368 63, 242 35, 347 20, 174, 368 64, 156 46, 386 24, 174 xxvii. 5, 349 xi. 2,3, 155 25, 250 6, 7, 347 7, 384 26, 176 9, 10, 153 13, 111 27-29, 299 34, 325 14, 155 30, 280 37, 154 xii. 9, 363 35, 280,306 44, 384 15, 156 35, 36, 264 48, 325 25, 155 37, 284 xxviii. 1, 391 26, 27, 156 45, 159 1-10, 327 38, 40, 206, 293 46, 231 2, 5, 386 xiii. 10, 135 vii. 3, 346 9, 330 14, 156 15, 201 10, 369 32, 11.1, 113 22, 327 16, 367, 369 xiv. 12-26, 423 30, 428 17, 367 13, 14, 151 37, 38, 411 18, 110 18-24, 156 viii. 25, 153 19, 257, 370 30, 424 27, 387 20, 114 62, 156 52, 53, 337 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 457 LUKE. PAGE LUKE. PAGE JOHN, PAGE ix. 3, 154 xxii. 8, 10, 11, 151 v. 13, 114 10-17, 367 13-20, 423 16, 235 27, 155 14-20, 156 22, 120, 201 28, 416 30, 202 27, 120 30, 31, 195 31, 179 28,' 199, 200 52, 119, 358 34, 424 29, 200 53, 358 36, 259, 298 31, 117 56, 116 43, 117 34, 118 59, 60, 287 69, 70, 108 35, 129 x. 1-20, 407 xxiii. 26, 324 36, 121 23, 219 34, 271 37, 73, 76 33-37, 119 38, 154 vi. 15, 136 xi. 8, 232 39-41, 384 32, 134 10, 89 43, 198 51, 128 19, 121, 126 56, 412 53, 38 ~ii. 4, 185,277 xxiv. 1-12, 327 66, 39 5, 187 1-53, 386 vii. 1, 277 16-20, 196 4, 386 24, 284 21, 174 10, 391 34, 71 33, 280 15, 114 39, 417 47, 48, 210 25, 277 viii. 14, 117 iui. 5, 165 27, 331 15, 120, 201 24, 19, 71, 261 33, 36, 367 40, 106 32, 169 39, 63 51, 183 xiv. 26, 97, 286 49, 139, 369 58, 111 xvi. 18, 263 50, 51, 367 ix. 5, 129 20, 177 39, 120, 201 22, 177, 188 JOHN. x. 9, 11, 128 23, 188, 199 i. 1, 106 15, 117, 18, 130 26, 199 9, 129 28, 169, 172 27, 28, 30, 193 14, 106 30, 106 xvii. 11, 16, 119 18, 73, 109 36, 108 20, 21, 136 21, 347 40, 327 xviii. 1, 7, 232 33, 409 xi. 3, 4, 184 16, 17, 162 35-43, 407 11-14, 191 35, 38, 386 36, 127 14, 184 xix. 10, 108, 116 44, 377 15, 114, 184 11-27, 433 ii. 1-11, 252 17, 327 30, 31, 155 15, 298 26, 178, 183 xx. 16, 363 24, 25, 111 34, 111 23, 24, 156 iii. 2, 121, 407 44, 353 35, 36, 155 6, 162 45, 184 37, 156 200 13, 216 54, 327 38, 156, 195, 197 17, 120 xii. 1. 327, 416 xxi. 17, 172 22, 24, 407 3, 411 20, 21, 156 34, 139 27, 117 23, 133 35, 110 40, 90, 92 24, 132, 133 36, 211 47, 120, 201 27, 132 iv. 3, 4, 119 xiii. 1, 2, 423 33, 21 ] 5 24, 63 33, 198 xxii. 1, 423 39, 40, 358 38, 424 3, 140 40, 41, 119 xiv. 2, 3, 417 89 458 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. JOHN. PAGE ACTS. PAGE ACTS. PAGE xiv. 16, 141 ii. 1-4, 417 xvi. 6, 370 23, 103 4, 140 7, 139 26, 139 17, 139 xvii. 26, 298 27, 118 18, 139, 309 30, 5, 165, 215, 232 28, 107 23, 130 31, 106, 201 xv. 5, 128 34, 198 xviii. 26, 309 13, 130 iii. 15, 130 xix. 34, 232 15, 31, 330 17, 358 xx. 9, 10, 337 26, 141 21, 214 28, 107, 139 27, 118 iv. 8, 139 xxi. 9, 309 xvi. 3, 358 19, 292 xxii. 9, 359 12, 31, 330 34, 35, 253 xxvi. 14, 359 13, 14, 139 v. 3, 99, 140, 141 23, 201 22, 250 4, 141 xxviii. 25, 139 28, 106 29, 292 30, 111 31, 165 ROMANS. 33, 179 vii.4, 392 i. 13, 18 xvii. 3, 60, 107 5, 318 20, 72 9, 131 14, 389 24, 25, 77 12, 170 15, 16, 357 ii. 5, 85 17, 168 29, 424 6, 85, 210 22, 106 30, 32, 74 7, 187 xviii. 28, 423 48, 102 9, 10, 339 31, 220 52, 130 11, 81 36, 136 59, 198 13, 167 xix. 7, 220 60, 191, 271 14, 15, 164 14, 423 viii. 27, 308 16, 201 14-18, 412 29, 139 29, 213 17, 324 32, 128 iii. 18, 159 19, 154 37, 108 20, 167 29, 30, 325 39, 139 23, 159 xx. 1, 391,426 ix. 1, 248 28, 167 1-18, 327 6, 407 iv. 2, 167 1-31, 386 7, 359 5, 306 12, 386 10-16, 407 v. 8, 10, 130 17, 330 x. 3, 407 12, 165, 183 19, 367 9, 231 18, 19, 165 22, 417 13, 279, 407 20, 241 29, 219 15, 407 vi. 9, 201 xxi. 1-25, 386 34, 81 11, 208 16, 279 38, 44, 139 vii. 10, 77, 105 17, 111 xi. 18, 165 18, 230 xii. 7, 386 viii. 14, 15, 16, 109 ACTS. xiii. 2, 139 26, 131, 141 i. 3, 331 20, 421, 426 27, 139, 141 5, 139, 417 21, 149 28, 172 8, 417 22, 222 29, 170 9, 12, 367 39, 241 30, 170, 172 13, 322 48, 214 38, 39, 170 18, 347, 349 xv. 10, 83, 104 ix. 1, 243 24, 56j 28, 139 11, 162 25, 171, 199 xvi. 1, 3, 260:1 11-13, 83 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 459 ROM. PAGE 1 COR. PAGE GALATIANS. ix. 16, 249 viii. 11, 172 PAGE 18, 90, 92 ix. 22, 294 i. 8, 170 x. 5, 104 24, 249 10, 294 xi. 26, 213 x. 8, 382 13, 248 32, 214 19, 249, 433 ii. 3, 4, 260 33, 72 20, 21, 249 6, 81 xii. 14, 276, 306 25, 246 8, 247 20, 25, 275 33, 294 16, 167 xiii. 1, 2, 292 xi. 1-34, 310 20, 230 3, 4, 92 3, 308 iii. 1, 277 5, 292 4, 310 11, 12, 167 14, 280 5, 309 13, 115, 120 xiv. 5, 233 14, 246 17, 416, 419 6, 244 23-26, 156 21, 105 10, 201 xii. 3, 231 29, 149 14, 246 8, 11, 139 iv. 8-11, 245 15, 172 31, 249 10, 244 xv. 2, 294 xiii. 1-3, 171 24, 104 20, 30, 261 1-13, 273 28, 149 33, 92 7, 8, 262 v. 2, 260 xvi. 5, 310 xiv. 1-40, 310 15, 206 12, 309 33, 77, 92 20, 308 27, 186 34, 308, 309 22, 23, 142 35, 309 vi. 2, 5, 257 I CORINTHIANS. 39, 249 i. 14, 17, 257 xv. 5-8, 386 EPHESIANS. 29, 247 6, 368 ii. 1, 208, 393 ii. 8, 358 9, 10, 247 3, 164 10, 11, 139 15, 217 5, 6, 10, 166 15, 202 20, 201 19, 178 iii. 6, 8, 106 21, 200 20, 128,129 11, 129 22, 214 iii. 8, 247 17, 205 24, 25, 28, 137 iv. 18,,393 iv. 15, 257 31, 208 25, 290 v. 12, 284 36, 277 26, 245 vi. 2, 3, 202 51, 134, 183 30, 139 9. 217 52, 134, 200 v. 14, 166 10, 217, 251 xvi. 19, 310 22, 24, 308 vii. 1, 291 22, 272, 275 25, 33, 286 2, 291, 295 vi. 4, 287 6, 143 2 CORINTHIANS. 6, 294 8, 291 iii. 7, 13, 355 9, 81 12, 143 v. 6, 197 17, 129 18, 260 8, 198 24, 187 23, 293 10, 201, 210 25, 144 21, 114 PHILIPPIANS. 26, 27, 291 vi. 16, 103 i. 21, 197 32, 33, 38, 291 xi. 5, 247 23, 198 40, 144 17, 143, 247 ii. 5, 6, 107 viii. 4, 5, 433 18, 247 7, 112 6, 60 20, 206 8, 112, 117 8, 9-13, 249 xii. 11, 247 10. 11. 211 460 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. PHIL. PAGE 1 TIM. PAGE HEB. PAGE ii. 12, 13, 167, 251 v. 19, 20, 293 x. 39, 170 15, 129 23, 251 xi. 5, 206, 217 iii. 11, 12, 15, 169 vi. 9, 10, 253 8, 364 19, 208 15, 16, 185 12, 318 iv. 3, 309 16, 70, 73, 101 13, 178, 363 4, 251 17, 174, 253 16, 149, 407 5, 134 18, 253 17, 380 20, 307 21, 345 COLOSSIANS. 27, 424 ii. 3, 111 2 TIMOTHY. 32, 239 5, 114 i. 10, 185 33, 363 8, 9, 1.07 ii. 14, 261 37, 173 14, 207 24, 19, 261 39, 149, 363 16, 233 25, 165, 265,279 40, 149 iii. 3, 208 iii. 12, 178 xii. 6, 172, 179 9, 166, 290 16, 143 8, 179 10, 166 iv. 14, 275 11, 172 20,21, 287 17, 232 22, 293 TITUS. 23, 202 i 11, 214 29, 93, 95 1 THESSALON IANS. xiii, 4, 255, 291 ii. 4, 294 HEBREWS. 14, 177 iv. 6, 300 i. 1, 4 20, 128 14, 199 8, 106, 137 15, 19, 134 ii. 4, 121 JAMES. 15-17, 183 17, 111 i. 2, 253 17, 134 iii. 8, 90 5, 6, 89 v. 19, 139 iv. 3, 417 13, 79, 82 9,. 218 17, 63 2 T H ESSALO N IAN S. 13, 56 19, 20, 245 i. 8, 202 15, 114 25, 104 9, 203, 205 V. 7, 117 ii. 5, 175 ii. 1,2,3, 134 8, 114 12, 104 7, 18 vi. 4-6, 170 14, 17, 21, 167 9, 121, 126 13, 243 22, 24, 167 9-12, 99 17, 244 25, 290 11, 40, 77 18, 55, 98, 244 26, 167 13, 169 vii. 14, 150 iii. 15, 254 19, 104 16, 261 1 TIMOTHY. 26, 114 17, 254 i. 17, 73 viii. 1, 128 iv. 3, 89 ii. 3, 4, 214 ix. 4, 390 8, 70 5, 106, 131 26, 128 v. 1-3, 174 6, 119 27, 183, 185 11, 92 8, 231 28, 128 12, 243 11, 12, 309 x. 4; 236 17, 415 iii. 15, 16, 129 5, 6, 152 19, 20, 262 iv. 7, 307 11, 236 10, 214 26-29, 170 1 PETER. 16, 262 27, 206 i. 2, 168 v. 6, 208 31, 96 17, 81 8, 280 38, 88 18, 19, 107 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE CITATIONS. 461 1PET, PAGE 1 JOHN. REV. PAGO ii. 7, 127 PAGE iV. 8, 218 8, 40, 128 i. 8, 159 v. 5, 127 11, 178 ii. 1, 131, 159, 241 12, 115 13, 14, 292 iii. 2, 109 vi. 9, 191 18, 293 6, 9, 159 10, 191, 275 23, 276 14, 15, 286 16, 116 25, 128 iv. 9, 109 vii. 14, 128, 173 iii. 5, 6, 308 16, 92 x. 5, 243 9, 276 v. 7, 60, 62 6, 243 13, 172 14, 89 xi. 18, 205 17, 18, 195 16, 241 xii. 12, 362 18-20, 191 18, 179 xiii. 13, 14, 121 iv. 6, 193, 195 20, 108 18, 24 7, 134 xiv. 10, 11, 203, 212 v. 8, 362 JUDE. 13, 218 2 PETER. 3, 261 xix. 11, 13, 15, 116 i. 19, 148 6 362 xx. 9, 206 20, 21, 146 10, 212 Hi. 4, 362 11, 216 21, 22, 170 REVELATION. 12, 182,202 iii. 7, 203, 216 ii. 11, 183, 184 13, 15, 210 9, 214 iii. 1, 208 xxi. 3, 103 10, 216 iv. 6-8, 227 8, 214, 290, 308 89; GENERAL INDEX. Aaron, death where, 363. Ammonites, torture, 264; allies, Abel-beth-maachah, names, 373. 320; land taken, 365. Abigail, father of, 316. Anah, nationality, 321. Abijah, mother, 317; hypocrisy, 317. Anak, sons' fate, 321. Abraham, equivocation, 26; temp- Analogy of Bible and nature, 33. tation, 79; sacrifice of Isaac, 238; Anatomists, disagreement, 11. difficulty with Pharaoh, 317; Angels seen, number, 386. withAbimelech,317; inheritance Anger approved and condemned, gained, 318; prolonged virility, 245. 318; weakness and timidity, 318; Animal-food, use restricted and unmarriage with Keturahb, 318, 339; restricted, 246; kinds prohibited destination, 364; sons, 380; age and allowed, 246. at migration, 392. Animals, number employed by Absalom, sons, 380; tarry at home, Christ, 384; number sacrificed, 393. 384. Achan, children slain, 87, 237. Announcement made to Mary and Adam, death when, 393. to Joseph, 406. Adultery tolerated and forbidden Apostles, lists of names, 322; called 255. when, 407; distinct from the Agag mentioned prematurely, 394. " seventy disciples," 407. Ahab, deceivedbyMicaiah, 98; death Arah, sons, number, 380. where, 364; death when, 396. Ark, location, 366; contents, 390; Ahaz, favoring religion, 319; invin- construction when, 407. cible, 319; burial where, 364. Arrangement, different methods and Ahaziah of Israel, reign begun principles, 9. when, 398. Asa, mother, 323; removal of high Ahaziah of Judah, brethren's fate, places, 323; ten years' tranquility, 319; grandfather, 320; death 398. where, 364; age, 398; reign begun, Assassination sanctioned and for398. bidden, 255. Ahimelech, high-priesthood, 320. Authorship, differences, 6. Ai, destruction, 403. Avenging of' blood provided for and Altar, material, 427. discountenanced, 256. Amalek mentioned prematurely, Azariah, reign begun, 399; ended, 394. 399. Amalekites, destruction, 94, 403; location, 365. Baal, prophets slain, 265. Amasa, father of, 320. Baasha, death when, 399. Amaziah, reign begun, 398. Bacon, Francis, Christian ParaAmbuscade, number of men, 381. doxes, 8. 462 GENERAL INDEX, 463 Balaam, return whither, 366; per- I Cattle of Egypt, extent of destruc mission and prohibition of jour- tion, 428. ney, 69. Census of Israelites, made when, Baptism enjoined and neglected, 257. 411. Barley and lentiles, field, 428. Chapiter, length, 382. Beasts, slain where, 367; number Chastity tested in diverse ways, 258. entering Noah's ark, 387. Children, of Bethel, slain by bears, Bedan, judge of Israel, 323. 270; treatment, 287. Beersheba named twice, 410. Christ, divinity, 106; omnipotence, Benevolence of God, he withholds 110; omniscience, 1.11; omniand bestows blessings, 89; hardens j presence, 114; holiness, 114; men's hearts, and they do it, 89; mercy, 116; courage and fortiis warlike and peaceful, 92. tude, 11 7; veracity, 11 7; mission, Benjamin, birth-place,, 367; number 118; miracles, 120; modes of repof sons, 384. resenting him, 127; sacrifice, 130; Benjamites, number slain, 387. intercession, 131; coming, 131; Bethel, conquered when, 403; kingdom, 136; name, 138; exenamed twice, 410. cution, 220; bearing of the cross, Bethsaida, twofold location, 367. 324; last drink, 325; genealogy, Bethshemites, 50070 slain, 92. 325; last tour, 327; concealment Bible, analogy to nature, 33; comrn- of miracles, 327; resurrection, pared with other books, 47; moral 327; revelation of truth, 330; use influence undiminished, 50. of parables, 331; approach by Bleek, definition of miracle, 122. centurion, 367; ascension, 367; Blessing gained by those who see first re-appearance, 367; first serand those who see not, 219. mon, 368; number of appearBlind men, number healed, 386. ances 386; conveyance upon Blood, poured and sprinkled, 219; mountain, 407; beginning of covered with dust and poured out, preaching, 407; anointing, 411; 220. crucifixion, 412; entombment, Boasting tolerated and repudiated, 413; infancy, order of events, 413. 247; Paul's case, 247; Moses' Christ, execution. See Execution of case, 248. Christ. Brown, Dr. Thos., definition of mir- Christians, bearing of weapons by, acle, 124. permitted and forbidden, 259. Burdens, our own and others, to be Chronology, Oriental methods, 13. borne by us, 257. Circumcision, instituted and discarded, 260; not to be omitted, Caleb, father of, 323. yet neglected forty years, 260; Calling men " father," forbidden profitable, yet useless, 260. and exemplified, 257. Cities, location, 368; pertained to Canaan cursed, 84, 302. what tribe, 368; Canaanitish, Canaan, land, in state of famine, smitten when, 404. 367; conquered speedily, 403; Cities of refiuge, number; 385. extent of subjugation, 404. Cities and villages, number, 387. Canaanites, extirpated, 265, 324; City, Levitical, dimensions, 388. spared for test of Israel, 324; Collusion of sacred writers disdestroyed suddenly, 403. proved, 36. Capital punishment inflicted and i Coming of Christ, in humility and omitted, 258. in grandeur, 131; before and after Captives, spared and put to death, "times of Gentiles," 132; near 258; number taken by Nebuchad- and far off, 134; before and after nezzar, 384. world evangelized, 135. 464 GENERAL INDEX. Commutation for murder, not al- Death of man, all must die, but lowed, yet permitted, 261. some die not, 183; Lazarus not Computation, different methods, 11; to die, yet did die, 184; man's Oriental methods in general, 13; death like a beast's, and different, Hebrew methods, 396. 184; death ceases, and still exists, Concubine,wife of inferior rank, 295. 185; men immortal, yet God only Conduct of David, strayed and did so, 185; men kill souls, and cannot stray, 221; heart perfect, yet not kill them, 186; immortality he sinned, 222. possessed, and to be acquired,187. Contention and strife enjoined and Deaths by plague, number, 382. forbidden, 261. Debir conquered several times, Conversion of men, effected byone- 405. self and by another, 262. Degrees of future punishment, alike Convocations and feasts, number, and different, 210. 387. Deluge, duration, 415. Country of two demoniacs, 369. Demoniacs, number healed, 387. Courage and fortitude of Christ, Descent of Christ into hades, pashrank, yet shrank not, at death, tristic view of, 192. 117. Design of the Discrepancies, 30. Covenant, basis, religious laws and To stimulate the intellect, 30. civil laws, 220. Illustrate analogy of Bible and Covering of sin approved and de- nature, 33. nounced, 221. Disprove collusion of sacred Coveting enjoined and prohibited, writers, 36. 249. Lead us to value spirit above Creation, order of events, 408. letter, 37. Creation of man, made like God; Serve as a test of moral charthis likeness acquired, 158; made acter, 38. in divine image; with sexual dis- Destruction of the earth, indestructinctions, 159; made like God; tible, yet to be destroyed, 215. none Iike him, 159. Disciples, outfit, 154; tarry, where, Crimes specified, different lists, 221. 369. Critic's imagination, source of dis- Discrepancies, number, 1. crepancies, 25, 28. Origin, 3. Crooked made straight, 428. Design, 30. Results, 41. Dan named twice, 410. Ethical, 219. Daniel, exaltation, 331; tarry at Historical, 312. Babylon, 414. Miscellaneous, 427. Dates, difference, source of discrep- Distrust enjoined and precluded, ancies, 3. 262. David, perils in wilderness of Ziph, Divinity of Christ, is God and man, 26; sparing Saul in cave, 26; 106; one with, yet distinct from, temptation to number the people, the Father, 106; equal with, yet 79; general conduct, 221; per- inferior to Him, 107; Son is God, fectness of heart, 222; detention at and Father only God, 107; is Son Saul's court, 331; building of tem- of God, and Son of man, 108; ple forbidden, 331; officers' names, only Son of God, yet men are 332; relation to Achish, 332; sons' sons, 109. names, 332; sons' priesthood, 333; Divinity of Holy Spirit, is God, yet tempter, 333; warriors' names, subordinate, 141. 334; capture of Philistine city, Divorce allowed and restricted, 369; three anointings, 411. 263. GENERAL INDEX. 465 Doctrinal Discrepancies, 55. Epithets, opprobrious, forbidden Pertaining to God, 55. and employed, 277. To Christ, 106. Esau, wives' names, 336; settlement To Holy Spirit, 139. in Seir when, 415. To Scriptures, 143. Eternity of God, his origin from To Man in relation to the Pres- eternity, yet in time, 60. ent, 158. Ethical Discrepancies, 219. To Man in relation to the Fu- Duty of man to God, 219. ture, 183. Duty of man to himself, 245. Dor conquered twice, 405. Duty of man to fellow-men, 255. Drought and famine, duration, 415. Eutychus, death, 337. Duration of future punishment, un- Execution of Christ, lawful and unending, yet will terminate, 211. lawful, 220. Duty, revelation of, gradual, 4. Exode of Israelites, time, 416. Extent of salvation, all Israel saved, Earth, destruction, 215; dried twice, yet only a portion, 213; all men 415; founded, 429; saturated, saved, yet some not saved, 214. 429. Extirpation of Canaanites, grounds, Ebrard, illustration of messenger, 266. 328. Edomites hated and not hated, 271; Faith and works, contrast, 8, 167. hindered Israel's passage, 335; in- Famine, duration, 393.'hospitable, 335; slain, how many, Fast, observance enjoined and neg382. lected, 223; of seventh month, Edwardses, the two, case, 26. on what day, 416. Effort, human, encouraged and de- Fear of persecutors forbidden and preciated, 249. exemplified, 277. Egyptians visible and not seen, Feast, of unleavened bread, insti363. tuted when, 408; duration, 416; of Ehud, slaughter of Eglon, 255. tabernacles underZerubbabel, 417. Ela, reign, duration, 399. Final judgment. See Judgment, Elhanan, victim, 336. final. Eli, family discipline, 335. First-born sons dedicated and reEliakim, predecessor, 335. deemed, 224. Elijah, mockery of Baal's prophets, Firstling animals redeemed and not 276; journey to Horeb, 379. redeemed, 224; redeemed with Elimelech, indigence, 335. money and not thus, 224; sanctiElisabeth, tribal descent, 336. fied and not sanctified, 225. Elisha, deception of Syrians, 276. Folly, remediable and irremediable, Elkanah, nationality, 336. 278; answered in one way, and Employments of heaven, incessant in a different, 278. praise, yet rest and quiet 218. Forces, Josiah's, stationed, 370. Enemies, treatment, cruelty em- Foreskins, number, 382. ployed and prohibited, 264; case ]Fruit-trees spared and destroyed, of Ammonites, 264; of Moabites, 279. 264; of Baal's prophets, 265; of Fruits of Holy Spirit, love and venyoung Bethelites, 270; of Edom- geance, 142; gentleness and fury, ites, 271; enemies cursed and 142. loved, 271; treated kindly, and Future punishment, nature, 203; put to pain, 275; ridiculed, and instruments, 209; degrees, 210; addressed mildly, 276. duration, 211. English letters, similarity, 20. Ephraim, land located, 369. Genealogical lists, diverse, 325, 337. 466 GENERAL INDEX. Generations, number, 388. Heretics treated. harshly and gently, Gershom, relatives' names, 338. 279. Gezer, names, 373; conquest when, Hezekiah, indigence, 340; passover, 403. 340; age at accession, 399. Gibeonites, nationality, 338. Hiram, mother, nationality, 339. Gifts of returned captives, amount, Historical Discrepancies, 312. 381. Concerning persons, 312. Gilgal mentioned prematurely, 394. Concerning places, 363. God, omnipotence, 55; omniscience, Concerning numbers, 380. 56; omnipresence, 58; eternity, Concerning time, 392. 60; unity, 60; immateriality, 63;. Miscellaneous, 427. immutability, 63; inaccessibility, Hodge, Prof. C., definition of mir70; inscrutability,72; invisibility, acle, 121. 73; holiness, 76; justice, 83; be- Holiness of Christ, is holy and is nevolence, 89; mercy, 92; verac- sin,114; blessed and a curse, 115. ity, 98; habitation, 101; position, Holiness of God, author of evil, yet 103; law, 104; work ended, 416; not its author, 76; jealous and worship begun, 427. free from jealousy, 78; tempts Golden calf, destruction, 429. men and tempts them not, 79; Goliath, armor, placed where, 370; respects and respects not persons, head carried whither, 370.. 81; angry and not angry, 82; Good works exhibited and concealed, may be and cannot be tempted, 82. 279. - Holy Spirit, personality, 139; divinGospel, preached where, 370. ity, 141; fruits, 142; beginning, Greek letters, similarity, 20. 417; bestowment, 417. Greek terms descriptive of future Horeb, relation to Sinai, 376. punishment, 212. Hormah, conquered when, 405. Horsemen, number, 382. Habitation of God, in light, and in Horsemen or footmen, 382. darkness, 101; in chosen temples, Hosea's wife, unchastity, 255. and not in them, 102; in eternity, Hoshea, reign begun, 399. and with men, 102; in heaven, House and porch, height, 382. and in Zion,. 103. " Howland will case," 36. Hair, long, worn by men, 246. Human effort. See Effort, human. Halting-places of Israelites, 371. Hypothesis, logical value, 52. Havoth-jair, number of cities, 385; named when, 411. Idolatry forbidden and practised, Hazael, anointed by whom, 339. 225; punished and passed by, 225. Hazor conquered twice, 405. Idol-meats non-essential, yet to be Heads of people, number, 385. shunned, 249. Heaven, occupants, 216; employ- Image-making sanctioned and forments, 218; preparation when, bidden, 226. 417. Images disposed of, how, 430. Hebrew letters, similarity, 20. Imagination of critic, source of disH-ebrew midwives, case, 290. crepancies, 25. Hebrew numbers, method of ex- Immateriality of God, a spirit, yet pressing, 13. material, 63. Hebrew terms, descriptive of future Immutability of God, unchangeable punishment, 204. and repenting, 63; satisfied and Hebrews' land, premature mention, dissatisfied, 68; destroys and de394. stroys not, 68; abhors and does Hebron mentioned prematurely, not abhor, 68; permits and for395; king conquered when, 405. bids, 69. GENERAL INDEX. 467 Improvidence enjoined and forbid- Israelites, claim to Canaan, 282; den, 280. condition in desert, 340; dwellInaccessibility of God, approachable ings, 343; imitation of heathen and not accessible, 70; all and 343; hearkening to Moses, 344 not all seekers find, 71; early practice of idolatry, 344; repulse seekers succeed and fail, 71. of Philistines, 344; resistless Incest, alleged case of Abraham, might, 344; comparative strength, 281. 344; death in wilderness, 357; Inscrutability of God, attributes halting-places, 371; station where, revealed and hidden, 72; won- 373; return whither, 374; arrival ders recounted and numberless, at Sinai, 409; duration of bon73. dage, 418; tarry in Heshbon, Inspiration, relation to authorship, 420; length of w-andering s, 427. 6; not limited to the same phra- Jacob, name derived, 315; brought seology, 7. out of Egypt, 345; errand, 345; Inspiration of Scriptures, all in- mode of securing birthright, 345; spired, yet portions uninspired, support, 345; daughters, 384; 143. family, 389; age at flight, 420; Instruments of future punishment, time of sons' birth, 421. shame and a whirlwind, 209; a Jael, slaughter of Sisera, 255. worm and a tempest, 209; dark- Jair, cities, number, 385. ness and fire, 210. Jehus, conquest when, 406. Intellect stimulated by discrep- Jeduthun, sons, number, 385. ancies, 30. Jehoahaz, reign begun, 400; duraIntercession of Christ, only Media- tion, 400. tor, yet Spirit intercedes, 131; Jehoash, reign begun, 400. intercedes for world and not for Jehoiachin, son, 346; age at accesworld, 131. sion, 400; capture, 400; deliverIntermediate state of man, dead ance, 400. unconscious and conscious, 188; Jehoiakim, successor, 346; death dead asleep and awake, 191; de- where, 374; fourth year, 400. void of, yet possess knowledge, Jehoram, sons' fate, 346. 193; exercise mental powers, and Jehoshaphat, league.with Ahaziah, not so, 195; in darkness and in 346. glory, 197; not with Christ, yet Jehovah, name unknown, 421. righteous with him, 198; in same Jehu, anointed by whom, 339. place, yet in different places, 199; Jephthah, sacrifice of daughter, in the dust, yet saints with God, 239. 199. Jericho captured twice, 406. Interval before passover, 416; be- Jeroboam, residence, 375. fore transfiguration, 416. Jeroboam II. contemporary with Invisibility of God, seen and unseen, Uzziah, 401. 73; similitude visible and not vis- Jerusalem, a delight and a provocaible, 76. tion, 228; belon(red to what tribe, Isaac, equivocation, 26, 318; sacri-,375; burned when, 393; captured fice by father, 237. rwhen, 393; change of name, 395. Isllbosheth, reign begun, 400. Jesse, number of sons, 385. Ilhmael, age at expulsion, 418 Jesus approached by centurion Israel, support, 345; sight, 363; and elders, 346. See also under sreteption of new namle, 411. See "Christ." also " Jacob." Jethro, identity, 354. Israel, sin ineffaceable and may be Jewess, marriage restricted to tribe, removed, 227; boundary, 374. 283. 468 GENERAL INDEX. Joab, crimes punished, 256. Kingdom of Christ, not of world, Job, flocks and herds, size, 175; yet within Pharisees, 136; endsurvival of his children, 347. less and will terminate, 137. John, identity with Elias, 347; ac- Kings in Israel, premature mention, quainmance with Jesus, 409. 395. Jonah (Jonas), sign adduced, 155. Kish, father of, 351. Joram, of Israel, reign begun, 400. Kohath, son of, 351. Jordan, meaning of phrase " is Korah, manner of death, 352; side," 375; time of crossing, 416. family's fate, 353. Joseph, derivation of name, 315; purchasers' nationality, 339; im- Laadan, posterity, 351. prisonment, 348; keeper, 348; Laban, father of, 351. deportation, 348. Laish captured twice, 406. Joshua, conquest of kings, 348; of Land assigned twice, 412. Canaan, 376; reception of name, Laughter praised and condemned, 395. 250. Josiah, extirpation of idolatry, 348; Law, given where, 376. sons, 349; death where, 376; re- Law of God, tends to liberty and to formation begun, 401. bondage, 104; perfect, yet perJotham, duration of reign, 401. fects nothing, 104; tends to life Judah, duration of reign, 149. and to ldeath, 104. Judas, manner of death, 349. Lazarus, death, 184; mode of egress Judges, appointed by whom, 350; from tomb, 353. period of rule, 421. Leadership of cloud, nature, 430. Judging of David, desired and dcle- Letters, similarity of Hebrew, 20; precated, 228. of Greek, 20;' Hebrew used as Judging of others forbidden and numerals, 21; Greek used as nuallowed, 284. merals, 24; letters transposed, Judgment final, of man, ascribed to 313; letters confounded, 392. God and to man, 201; attributed Levites portion, were settled, yet to antd disclaimed by Christ, 201; sojourners, 288; had stated revadministered by God, and by men enue, yet deemed mendicants, also, 202. 289; part at inauguration of Judicial purpose of discrepancies, 38. Joash, 350; number, 382; classes, Just man's life by faith and by 387; dimensions of cities, 388; works, 228. land mentioned, 395; set apalrt Justice administered by different when, 409; beginning of service, judges, 284. 422. Justice of God, is just and unjust, Light, beginning of existence, 83; punishes for others' sins, and 422. not so, 84; slays the good and Lord's supper, described, 156; time spares them, 88. of instituting, 423. Justification of man, by faith and by Lot, daughters of, 282. works, 167. Luz mentioned prematurely, 395. Lying countenanced and prohibKadesh, situated where, 373. ited, 290. Keturah, connection with Abraham, 318, 339. Machir, wife of, 351. Killing of men forbidden and sanc- Mahol, sons of, 351. tioned, 285. Maiden, decease, 337. Kindred hated, yet loved, 286; par- Malefactors, reviling, number, 384. ents honored and slighted, 287; Man, creation, 158; sinfllness, 159; children slain, yet cherished, 287. I repentance, 165; regeneration, GENERAL INDEX. 469 166; justification, 167; sanctifi- Moabites, punishment, 264. cation, 168; perfection, 169; final Molten sea, contents, 382; appenperseverance, 169; righteous, dages, 431. earthly lot, 172; wicked, earthly Monarchy sanctioned, yet offensive lot, 180; death, 183; intermediate to Jehovah, 229. state,188; resurrection, 200; final Moral character tested by discrepjudgment, 201; duty to God, 219; ancies. 38. dnty to himself, 2"45; duty to fel- Moral purity of Scripture, purity low-men, 255; fear upon beasts, enjoined, yet impure ideas sug354; life, duration, 424. gested, 144. Manasseh, repentance, 351. Mosaic law, character, 431. Manna, taste, 431. Moses, self-praise, 248; name deMan, own way followed and not rived, 315; wife's nationality, followed, 250. 339; family sent back,; - 1;'ast, Manuscripts, errors, 19; date, 45. 351; decrepitude, 354; TatherMarriage, approved and disparaged, in-law, 354; rank among pr,,ph291; with a brother's widow en- ets, 355; veil, 355; book received, joined and prohibited, 292. 363; outlook, 373; commission Mercy of Christ, is merciful and un- given where, 377; fear of Pharaoh, merciful, 116; spares reed and 424. wields rod, 116. Motherhood, blessed and to be exMercy of God, is unmerciful and piated, 230. merciful, 92; his anger fierce and Mount of law, accessibility, 432. slow, 95; lasting and brief, 95; Mourning commended and discounto fall into hands, fearful and not tenanced, 251. so, 96; laughs at, yet not pleased' Murder, punishment commuted, with sinner's overthrow, 96; just 261; fbrbidden and sanctioned,: and mercifull, 97; hates some, yet 285. kind to all, 97. Meribah, location, 374. Naboth, sons' fate, 356. Micaiah, ironical words to Ahab,276. Name of Christ, has divine name, Michal, sons of, 385.. and a city also bears it, 138. Midianites overthrown, 406. Names, plurality, 17, 314, 373'; Milton, description of hospital, 33. changes, 17; errors in, 25, 312; Mliracles of Christ, proof and not a different forms, 314; derivation, proof of divine mission, 120. 314. Miscellaneous Discrepancies, 427. j Nature, contradictions in, 33. Mission of Christ, peace and war, I Nature of future punishment, con118; universal and limited, 1;1 9 tinued misery and end of conto Samaritans and to Jews only, sciousness, 203; wicked perish 119; to fulfil and to redeem from and rits htc ous perish, 204; sinners law, 120; to judge and not to annihilated, and annihilated objudge world, 120. jects still exist. 204; wicked cut Modes of representing Christ, off, and Mesciah cut off, 205; despised and honorable, 127; un- wicked destroyed; destroyed percomely and lovely, 127; a lion sons vet living, 205; sinners deand a lamb, 127; high-priest and stroyed; destroyed things exist, a sacrifice, 128; vine and stone, 205; sinnersconsumed; consumed 128; shepherd and sheep, 128; things exist, 206; wicked was not.'door and bread, 128; light of and Enoch was not, 206; wicked world, and men are lights, 129; devoured, and pious devoured, foundation and men are founda- 206; God's adversaries and widtions, 129. ows' houses devoured, 206; sin40 470 GENERAL INDEX. ners devoured; persons devoured' Differences of authorship, 6. by forest, 207; wicked and right- Differences of stand-point or of eous torn and broken, 207; object, 7. wicked broken; things broken Different methods of arrangeremain, 207; wicked blotted out; ment, 9. things blotted out exist, 207; Different methods of computawicked and righteous have an end, tion, 11. 208; wicked and righteous die, Peculiarities of Oriental idiom, 208. 14. Nebuchadnezzar, his encampment Plurality of names or synowhere, 377; nineteenth year, 402; nymes, 17. dream explained when, 402. Different meanings of same New, nothing on earth, 432. word, 18. Errors in manuscripts, 19. Obed-edom, nationality, 339. Imagination of critic, 25. Obedience due to rulers, yet with- Other sources of discrepancies, conheld, 292; due to masters, yet to densation of narrative, 10, 29; God only, 293; to scribes, yet deficient knowledge of circumthey must be shunned, 293. stances; 29, 436. Objects, difference of writers, 7. Overseers, number, 382. Occupants of heaven, Christ only and Elijah also, 216; flesh and Parable of talents, 433. blood excluded, yet Enoch there, Paran, wilderness, location, 372. 217; publicans and harlots there, Park, Prof. E. A., definition of mirbut no impure, 217. acle, 122. Offender rebuked privately and Paschal offering, kind, 433. publicly, 293. Passover, slain where, 377. Officers, appointed when, 412. Patristic view of intermediate state, Officers, chief, number, 382. 192. Omnipotence of Christ, all power- Paul, moral state; nothing good in ful and not almighty, 110. him, yet Christ in him, 230; his Omnipotence of God, power abso- boasting elucidated, 247. lute and limited, 55; unwearied Pekah, duration of reign, 402. and weary, 56. Penal object of discrepancies, 40. Omnipresence of Christ, everywhere People, number, 381, 389. and not in all places, 114. Perfection of man, saints perfect, Omnipresence of God, ubiquitous and Paul not perfect, 169. and not everywhere, 58. Perseverance, final, of man, aposOmniscience of Christ, all-knowing tacy impossible, yet some fall, and ignorant,l 1. 169; Christians indestructible and Omniscience of God, all-knowing destroyed, 172; called all saved, and ignorant, 56; attentive and yet some perish, 172. forgetful, 57; sleepless and slum- Personality of Holy Spirit, an intel bering, 57. ligence and an influence, 139. Omri, reign begun, 402. Persons, discrepancies concerning, Ophir mentioned prematurely, 395. 312; slain, number, 383; anothei Oriental idiom, peculiarities, 14, case, 383; sealed when, 409. 145. Peter, residence, (77; denials, 424. Oriental methods of notation, 13. Pharaoh, hardening of heart, 90. Oriental modes of dress, 145. Piety evinced; profession a proof Origin of Discrepancies, 3. and not a proof 231. Difference of dates of pas- Pillar of cloud, use, 430. sages, 3. Pillar of temple, length, 383. GENERAL INDEX. 471 Pleasing of men practised and con- Repentance of man, his own act and demned, 294. God's gift, 165. Polygamy tolerated and discour- Resistance exemplified and interaged, 295. dicted, 298. Pomegranates, number, 383. Results of' Discrepancies, 41. Poor, favored and not favored, 296; Text not unsettled by them, 41. present and absent, 356. Moral influence of Bible not Position of God, sitting and stand- impaired, 50. ing, 103. Resurrection of man; dead raised Potter's field, purchasers, 347. and not raised, 200; resurrection Prayer, public and in private, 231; universal and partial, 200; Jesus incessant and brief, 232. raised first; others raised prePredictions of Scripture, privately viously 201. and not privately explained, 146; Retaliation, allowed and discoursure, yet not always fulfilled,148; aged, 299. divine promise absolute yet con- Retribution, earthly; recompense ditional, 148; promise to Judah here and hereafter, 182. fulfilled and not so, 149. Righteous, earthly lot, no evil, yet Priests, dues, first-born and first- some evil, 172; prosperity and lings, and not these, 296; desig- misery, 172; prosperity a reward nation, 356; number of classes, and a curse, 174; poverty a bless390; time of consecration, 409. ing and undesirable, 175; riches Produce of seventh year, for the a blessing, yet not to be desired, poor, and for owner, 297. 175; wisdom cause of happiness Promises, reception, 363.' and sorrow, 176; a good name a Property in man recognized and blessing and a curse, 176; rightprecluded, 298. eous beg not, yet some beg, 177; Prophecy. See Predictions. possess the earth, yet are sojournProverb, origin, 412. ers, 177; pilgrims and strangers, Psalms, imprecatory, explanation, yet not so, 178; they surely live, 272. yet some die, 178; are persecuted, Punishment. See Future Punish- yet not persecuted, 178; handled ment. roughly, yet not touched, 179; Purchaser of sepulchre, 357. their yoke easy, yet burdensome, Purity, 251. See also Moral Purity 179. of Scriptures. Righteousness, excess and deficiency perilous, 233. Robbery of Egyptians forbidden Quotations of Scripture, passages and countenanced, 300. and incorrect quotations,'50; Rulers' knowledge of Jesus, 358. passage and condensation, 151; passages and expansion, 151; pas- Sabbath, sanctioned and repudiated, sage and inexact version, 152; 233; instituted for diverse rcapassage and wrong reference, 153; mentioned pr sons, 234; mentioned premaforms of report, and variations, turely, 395. 153. Sabbath desecration prohibited and countenanced, 234. Rahab, case, 290. Sacrifice of Christ, died for friends, Ransom, amount, 385. yet, for enemies, 130; laid down Regeneration of man, he is active life and was murdered, 130. and passive, 166. Sacrifices, appointed and disavowed, Repentance of Esau, unable yet his 235; expiatory,and not expiatory, duty to repent, 232. 236. 472 GENERAL INDEX. Sacrifices, human, sanctioned and 161; children of wrath and keepstringently prohibited, 237. ers of law, 164; sinners through Salab, father of, 352. Adam, and righteous through Salathiel, father of, 346. Christ, 165. Salvation, extent, all Israel, yet Sinners' feeling, fear yet no fear, only a portion saved, 213; uni- 242. versal and partial, 214; work of Sin-offering, of one kind and God and of man, 251. another, 241. Samaritans, inhospitality, 358. Slavery and oppression, 298, 302; Samuel, artifice, 99; first-born, 352; ordained and forbidden, 302; visit to Saul, 358; judgeship, 425; IIebrew slavery allowed and premeeting with Saul, 425. cluded, 303. Sanctification of man through truth Slaves, emancipation, in seventh and and through spirit, 168. in fiftieth year, 303; female, manSanctuary, location, 377. umitted, and not so, 304. Sarah, beauty and charms, 317. Solomon, tyranny, 362; destination Satan, imprisonment, 362. of fleet, 378; gifts to Hiram, 385; Saul, king, sons, 352; election, 359; number of wives, 295, 390; andeath, 359; family's fate, 360; ointings, 412. ignorance of David, 360; journey, Sons sharing estate equally and un379; reign, 402; anointings, 412. equally, 304. Saul of Tarsus, attendants hearing Speaker, upon a certain occasion, the voice, 359; position, 359. 363. Schleiermacher, definition of mira- Spices, time of preparation, 412. cle, 122. Spies, sent by whom, 350. Science, discrepancies in, 35. Spirit of Bible above its letter, 37. Scriptures, comparison with clas- Stalls, number, 383. sics, 46; inspiration, 143; moral Stand-point of writers, different, 7. purity, 144; predictions, 146; Staves of ark, fixed and removable, quotations, 150. 242. Seedtime and harvest, 425. Stone removed from well, 363. Sennacherib, army, survivors, 363. Strange gods, character, 433. Sepulchre, time of visit to, 426. Stranger, treatment, loved and not Service of God, with fear and with loved, 305; impartially treated, gladness, 241. yet not so, 305. Shakespeare, text, compared with Strong drink allowed and forbidden, that of Bible, 47. 251. Shekels paid by David, number, Stuart, Prof. M., on future punish390. ment, 212. Shemaiah, sons, number, 385. Substitute for Bible not to be found, Shimei, punishment, 256. 51. Significations of word, opposite, 18. Sun and moon ashamed, 433. Sihon, heart hardened, 91. Swearing and oaths countenanced Simeon, cities and towns, 369, 373. and prohibited, 242. Simeonites, number, 385. Similar events, identity, 26. Taanach, conquered when, 405. Sin, forgiveness, all sin pardonable, Tabernacle, location, 378; premayet soneic not so, 241. ture mention, 396. Sinai, relation to Horeb, 376. Tabernacles, feast observed, 417. Sinfulness of man, none without Tables of shew-bread, number, sin, yet some sinless, 159; made 384. upright and made sinful, 161; Talents, number, 383; parable, born sinful, yet infants sinless, 433. GENERAL INDEX. 473 Temple, length, 383; number of Voltaire, treatment of the Bible, 27. vessels, 383; premature mention, 396; mount, 396; furniture re- Wandering of Israelites, duration, moved, 412; erection, 426; mak- 427. ing of vessels, 434. Washington, birth-day, 11. Temptation desirable and not so, Water of Egypt, changed, 434. 253. Water on Mount Carmel, abundant, Testimony, premature mention,396. 435. Text of Scripture, not unsettled, 41; Wealth not to be, yet may be reof Old Testament, 42; of New tained, 253. Testament, 44. Wicked, earthly lot, long-lived and Thermometer, illustration, 12. die early, 180; prosper and do Things in ark, number, 390. not prosper, 180; see and see not Thnetopsychism, origin, 185. divine glory, 181; sin with imThompson, Dr. J. P., on Oriental punity, yet punished, 181; punchronology, 13. ishment affirmed and denied, 182. Time, errors in, causes, 392; meth- Wicked, treatment, hated and loved, ods of computation, 11, 396. 306; justified properly and imTimes, observance, may be, and may properly, 306. not be observed, 244. Wisdom, profitless and valuable, Timnah, relationship, 352. 254. Trench, Abp., definition of miracle. Witchcraft, treatment, punished and 122. contelnned, 307. Trespass, recompense made to the Wives, foreign, repudiated, 412. Lord and to the priest, 245. Woman, a certain, nationality, 339. Tribes, loyal, number, 387. Woman, condition and rights, should be subject and bear rule, Unclean birds, number, 391. 308; should be silent, and may Unity of God, one and a plurality, prophesy, 309. 60. Worship of God, beginning, 427.'Usury exacted of no poor man and no Hebrew, 306. Xenophon, Memorabilia, compared with the gospels, 10. Various readings, value, 36. Veracity of Christ, witness true and Year, kinds,l 1; beginning, 12, 412; untrue,ll 7; received and received fractions counted for whole, 12. not testimony, 118. Veracity of God, cannot lie, and Zebedee, wife, request, 347. sends lying spirits, 98; denounces Zebulon, name derived, 316. and sanctions deception, 99. Zechariah, father of, 352. Version of affair, 434. Zedekiah, relationship, 352; view of Vessels made for temple, 434. Babylon, 363. Visitors at sepulchre, number, 391; Zerubbabel, father of, 352; feast of time of their visit, 426. tabernacles, 417. 40* WARREN F. DRAPER, PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER, ANDOVER, IMiASS., Publishes and offers for Sale the following Works, which will be sent, post-paid, on receipt of the sums affixed. GARDIJNER'S GREEK HARMONY. A Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek, according to the Text of Tischendorf, with a Collation of the Textus Receptus, and of the Texts of Griesbach, Lachmann, and Tregelles. By Frederic Gardiner, D.D., Professor in the Berkeley Divinity School. 8vo. $2.50.:' A very important matter in the preparation of the Harmsony is, of course, the choice of a text. The one chosen by Professor Gardiner is that of Tischendort''s eighth edition of the New Testament. This text wvas chosen because'it embodied the latest results of criticism, having had the advantage throughout of the Codex Sinaiticus and of a more close collation of the Codex Vaticanus.' Professor Gardiner would, indeed, have published his Harmony more than a year ago, but waited till opportunity could be given for consulting this last edition of Tischendorf. It is an obvious merit in this Harmony, that the student can see at a glance whether or not the text of Tisclheldorf agrees or conflicts with that of Griesbach, Lachmann, and Tregelles in places where there is a difference of opinion. It is another excellence of the work that the Greek text is so accurate, evincing the most scrupulous care and thorough scholarship on the part of the editor." - Biblsotheca Sacra. "The notes of the author are marked by scholarship and good sense. The student will find it a convenient manual for the study of the Gospels, because he sees upon one and the samne page the readings of the principal editions and manuscripts, together with the quotations made by the evangelists from the Old Testament." — Princeton review. "Dr. Gardiner's work has been vell done, and lhe has given us a Harmony of great value." — Quarterly 2Reviews Evang. Lauth. Church. " By this scholarly work Dr. Gardiner has rendered all diligent students of the Gospel narrative an invaluable service. In a single volume, and by the most satisfactory arrangement of the several and inspired accounts of the life and doings of our Lord, the book furnishes the best results of the ablest and most laborious investigation of all known sources of knowledge regarding the original sacred text." — Reformed Churlsch Monthly. " It is a superior work of its kind." - Nati.onal Baptist. "This book, the result of great research and utmost painstaking, is well worthy the consideration of all Bible scholars." - Watchnanz and Reflector. GARDINER'S ENGLISH HARMONY. A Harmony of the Four Gospels in English, according to the Authorized Version; corrected by the best Critical Editions of the Original. By Frederic Gardiner, D.D., Professor in the Berkeley Divinity School. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00. " The Harmony in English, the title of which is given above, is a reproduction of the Harmony in Greek; no other changes being made than such as were required to fit the work for the use of the English reader who desires to learn some of the improvements which modern criticism has made in the authorized English text." — Bibliotheca Sacra. "We gladly commend this Harmony to every intelligent reader of the Scriptures. The need of sulch a guide is felt by every thoughtfsul Churchman at least once a year - in Holy Week - when he desires to read the events of each day in the order in which they happened so many years ago. We do not think that our laymen know how much they will be helped to the understanding of the Gospels by a simple Harmony, perhaps reads as we suggested above, in connection with some stanll dard Life of our Lord." - /The Churchsman. LIFE OF CHIRIST. The Life of our Lord in the Words of the Gospels. By Frederic Gardiner, D.D., Professor in the Berkeley Divinity School. 16mo. pp. 256. $1.00 "It is well adapted to the convenience of pastors, to the needs of teachers in the Bible-class and Sabbath-school, to the religious instruction of families. It bids fair to introduce improvements into the style of teaching the Bible to the young." - Bibliotheca Sacra. "This little volume will not only answer as a Harmony of the Gospels for the use of those who only care to have results, but it will be an excellent book to read at family prayers, or to study with a Bible-class."- Christian Union. (1) P4blicattions of W. F. Draper. A GUIDE TO READING THIE HEBlREW TEXT; for the Use of Beginners. By LR.Ev. W. H. VIBBER'T, M A., Professor of Hebrew in the Berkeley Divinity School. 12mo. pp. 67. $1.25. "The aim of this worol is to give the student all that is needful to enable him to read the text of the Old Testament, keeping rigorously to the plan of stating clearly and precisely everything that is essential to the purpose. This work is not a Hebrew Grammar, but it is a guide and a help to the reading of the text of the Hebrew Bible. One thing is given at a time, with exercises for practice, so that each point may be perfectly comprehended. It is hoped that the book is so constructed as to enable the learner to read the Hebrew text without the services of the living teacher. Nothing has been taken for granted on the part of the student. By a systematic and progressive plain of arrangement, which ihe must follow closely and steadily, he is lead onl from section to section, until perfect familiarity with the forms and sounds of characters and signs is acquired." - Author's Pref. " Mr. Vibbert's manual is what it claims to be. It really gives, in a perspicuous and exact manner, an initiation into the mysteries of the Hebrew tongue, and the rudiments of Hebrew study are all contained in these simple rules and illustrated in these practical exercises. The method is the excellent method of Kalisch, which insists upon orthography as the needful preliminary to gralmmar and syntax. One who faithfully follows Mr. Vibbert's directions will be able to use with profit the lexicon and the chrestomathy, and in a little time to read the Word of the Lord in the character which it had when the Scribes expounded it." - CIhristiant Register. RIGGS'S 0. T. EMENDATIONS. Suggested Emendations of the Authorized English Version of the Old Testament. By ELIAS RIGcGS, Missionary of the A. B. (C. F. M., at Constantinople. 12mo. pp. 130. $1.00. " The amendments here suggested are the result, not of a systematic revision of the English Versioe,, which I have never attempted, but of comparisons made in the course of translating the Scriptures into the Armenian and Bulgarian languages. They are offered to the candid consideration of all who feel especial interest in the correction of the English Version, and specially of those providentially called to the work of translating the word of God into other tongues." - AZth'or's Preface.' W. F. Draper, publisher of the Bibliotheca Sacra, has issued aIn interesting and suggestive little treatise written by Rev. Elias Riggs, Missionary of the A. B. C. F. F. M., at Constantinople, which is introduced by an Ilntroductory Note of Prof. Thayer of Andover. It is intended to suggest some of the phlilological changes in the version of the Old Testament, rendered advisable by the advanced scholarship in Oriental tongues, attained especially by our missionaries of the East. The criticism upon the New Testament has been very full. The present is a work of the same description upon the Old, but is one upon whicll fewer eminent scholars have entered. Obscure passages are found to yield their long-hidden meaning through an acquaintance with the idioms of Oriental languages, and a personal familiarity with the ulnchanging customs of that stereotyped land. The volume is a valuable reflex contribution to the churches at the West, from the mission fields supported by their gifts in the East. It comes at an hour when its modest and well-defended suggestions will secure a careful examination on the part of the Biblical scholars now engaged in Great Britain and in this country upon a new version of the English Bible." - Zion's H-erald. HEBREW ENGLISH PSALTER. The Book of Psalms, in Hebrew and English, arranged in P'arallelism. 16mo. pp. 194. $1.25. " The preacher in expounding to his congregation one of the Psalms of David, will find it very convenient to hlave the original by the side of the Englisll version. For private reading and meditation, also such an arrangement will be found very pleasant and profitable. We feel confident that this little volume will be a favorite with Hebrew scholalrs; and that, when they have once become habituated to it, it will be, to many of them, a vadle nmecron." - Bibliotieca Sacra. "A handsome edition of the Book of Psalns, which will be quite a favorite with clergymen and theological students." - Nelw Engylandelr. "A very convenient and admirable manual, and we beg leave to thank our Andover friend for it." — Presbyterias Qu)rrterlE. " The volume is beautifully printed, of convenient size for use, and of admirable adaptation to the service of those whose Hebrew has become a dim reminiscence." - North Anerictan. HIEBREW G-RAMM AV R. The Elements of the Hebrew Language. By Rev. A. D. JONES, A.M. 8vo. pp. 168. $1.75. "By a simple and progressive series of exercise, and by a perfectly plain exposition of the syntax, the student is enabled to take up flebrew just as he would the initia Latizc, and just as easily." - Publisher's Circular, Apr. 15, 1870. "The plan of the work is admirable, and happily executed." - Reforened Chuzrch Afessenger. (2) Publications of W. F. Draper. WINER'S N. T. GRAMMAR. A Grammar of the Idiom of the New Testament; prepared as a Solid Basis for the Interpretation of the New Testament. By Die. GEORGE BENEDICT WINEr. Seventh Edition, enlarged and improved. By DR. GOTTLIEB LUNEMANN, Professor of Theology at the University of Gettingen. Revised and authorized Translation. 8vo. pp. 744. Cloth, $5.00; sheep, $6.00; half goat, $6.75. "Pro: Thayer exhibits the most scholarly and pains-taking accuracy in all his work, especial attention being given to references and Indexes, on which the value of such a work so much depends. The Indexes alone fill eighty-six pages. The publisher's work is handsomely done, and we cannot conceive that a better Winer should be for many years to come accessible to American scholars." - Princeton Review. " We trust that this admirable edition of a justly famous and surpassingly valuable work, will gain extensive circulation, and that the study of it will begin afresh." - Baptist Quarterly. "Tlhe seventh edition of Winer, superintended by Lunemann (Leipz. 1867), we have at last, thanks to Prof. Thayer, in a really accurate translation." - Dr. Ezrna Abbot, in Simith's Dictionary of the Bible, Amersican aEdition. " We have before us, in our own language,' a reproduction of the original work,' in its most perfect form, and with its author's latest additions and improvements." - New Elnglander. "Professor Thayer has introduced numerous and important corrections of Masson's translation, and has made the present edition of the Grammar decidedly superior to any of the preceding translations. Isle has made it especially convenient for the uses of an English student by noting on the outer margin of the pages the paging of the sixth and seventh German editions, and also of Froft Massoe's translation. Thus the reader of a commentary which refers to the pages of either of those volumes, may easily find the reference by consulting the margin of this volume."-Bib. Sacra. "' The whole appearance of the work as it now stands indicates a careful and thorough scholarship. A critical comparison of several pages with the original confirms the impression made by a general examination of the book. In its present form, this translation may now be recommended as worthy of a place in the library of every minister who desires to study the New Testament with the aid of the best critical helps." - Theological Eclectic. "Great pains also have been taken to secure typographical accuracy, an extremely difficult thing in a work of this kind. We rejoice that so invaluable a work has thus been made as nearly perfect as we can hope ever to have it. It is a work that can hardly fail to facilitate and increase the reverent and accurate study of the Word of God." — Anericaz Presbyterian Review. BUTTM1[Al7NN'S NXT. T. GRAIMMAR. A Grammar of the New Testament Greek. By ALEXANDER BUTTMAINN. Authorized Translation, by J. HENRY THAYER. With -numerous additions and corrections by the Author. 8vo. pp. 494. Price, cloth, $3.50. "This Grammar is acknowledged to be the most important work which has appeared on N. T. Grammar since Winer's. Its use has been hindered by the fact that in the original it has the form of an Appendix to the Classic Greek Grammar by the Author's father. The inconvenience arising from this peculiarity has been obviated in this translation by introducing in every case enough from that Grammar to render the statements easily intelligible to readers unacquainted with that work; at the same time, the Author's general scheme of constantly comparing New Testament and Classic usage has been facilitated fobr every Student, by giving running references throughout the book to five or six of the most current grammatical rolrks, among them the Grammars of Iladley, Crosby, Donaldson, and Jelf. Additions and corrections in more than two hundred and fifty places have been furnished for this edition by the Author. " The N. T. Index has been enlarged so as to include all the passages from the N. T. referred to in the Grammar; and aseparate Index has been added, comprising all the passages cited from the Septuagint. The other Indexes have been materially augmented; the cross-references have been multiplied; chapter and verse added to many of the fiagmentary quotations from the N. T.; the pagination of the German original has been given in the margin; and at the end of the book a glossary of technical terms encountered more or less firequently in commentaries and gramnatical worlks has been added for the convenience of students." - Translator's vreeftce. "Professor Thayer has performed his task- which has been a great deal more than that of a mere translator- with remarkable fidelity. It is doubtless the best wrork extant on this subject, and a book which every scholarly pastor will desire to possess. Its usableness is greatly enhanced by its complete set of Indexes." — The Advance. "It is a thoroughly scientific treatise, and one which will be helpful to students, both in connection with Winer's and as discussing many points from a different or opposite point of view. Prof. Thayer has added much to the value of the book — as one to be readily and conveniently used - by enlarging and perfecting the Indexes," etc. - New Englander. (3) Publications of V: F. Drapez,. ELLICOTT'S COM1MIENTARY, CRITICAL AND GR:AMMATICAL, on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. With an Introductory Notice by C. E. STOWE, Professor in Andover Theological Seminary. 8vo. pp. 183 $ 1.50. Thle Commentaries of Prof. Ellicott supply an urgent want in their sphere of criticism. Prof. Stowe says of them, in his Notice: "It is tlhe crowning excellence of these Commentaries that th]ey are exactly what they profess to be, critical and gramsssmatical, and tlhcrefore in the best sense of tile term, exegetical...... His results are worthy of all confidence. lIe is more careftl thlan Tiscllendorlf slower and more steadily deliberate than Alford, and more patiently laborious tiian any other living New Testament critic, withl the exception, perhaps, of Tregele1CS." "They [Ellicott's Commentaries] have set the first example, in this cor:'!.y, i':ngland] of't ta.orough and fearless examination of the grammatical and philological requirements of' very x-orl-d of' the sacred text. I do not know of anything superior to them, in their os-n particular Ine, in Germany; and they add, what, alasl is so seldom found in that cons y, profblnd r verence for the matter and sulbjects on which the author is laboring; nor is their vallue ltsseued by Mr. Ellicott's having confined hlimself for the most palrt to one department of a ellmmnlentator's work. - the grammllatical and pllilological." -DIean Alford. Tile criticral part is devoted to thle settling of' the text, and this is admirably done, with a ttbor, slill, and conscientiousness unsurpassed." - Bib.?Sacra. "We have never met with a learned commentary oil any book of the New Testament so.tearly perfect in every respect as the'Commentlary on the Epistle to the Galatians.' by Proft;llicott, of King's College, London, - learned, devout, and orthodox." -- Ietle)ende len7t.': We would recommend all scholars of the original Scriptures who scelk directness, lurminol us -orevity, tllhe bsence of everythling irrelevant to strict grammatical inllquiry, w-ith a conlcise alld eet very complete view of the opinions of others, to possess themselves of Ellicott's Comnalentries." - American'Pres7byterian. qCOM./LMENTARY ON EPHBESIAINS. 8-~o. y.p..90. $1.50. COtMMENTARY ON THEESSALONIAlNS, 8vo. pp. 17L. $1.50. COMMENTARY ON THE PASTORAL EPISTLES. 8vo. $2.00. COMMENTARY ON PHILIPPIANS, COLOSSIANS, AND PEI:LEMON. 2.00o. TilUE SET in fivie vols., on fine paper, extra cloth, bevelled, gilt tops. $10.00. TilE SET in two vols., black cloth $ 8.00. gENDERSO-:Y O,_*q THE MINOR PROPHETS. THE BOOK OF THE TWELVE 31INORt I'ROPIETS. Translated from the Original luebrew. Witll a Conmlnentary, Critical, Philological, and Exegetical. By E. HElINDEn sosN. D.D. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by E. P. BARnows, Hitchcock Professor in Andover Theological Seminary. 8vo. pp. 490. $ 3.50. " This Commentary on the Minor Prophets, like that on the Prophecy of Isaiah, las been hlighly ansd deservedly esteemed by professional scholatrs, and has been of great service to the workling ministry. We are happy to welcome it in an American edition, very neatly printed." - Bib. Sacra. "Clergymen and other students of the Bible will be glad to see this handsome American edition of a work which has a standard reputation in its department, and which fills a place that is filled, so fitr as we know, by no other single volume in the English language. Dr. Henderson was a good H-lebrew and Biblical scholar, and in his Commentaries he is intelligent, brief, and to the point." - Boston Recorder. "The American publisher issues this valuable work withl the consent and approbation of the author, obtained froml himself before his death. It is published in substantial and elegant style, clear white paper anld beautiful type. The wolrk is invaluable for its philological research and critical acumen. The notes are learned, reliable, and practical, and the volume deserves a place inl every theological student's library." - American Presbyterian, etc. " O' all his Commentaries none are more popular than hlis Book of the Minor Prophets." - Cahristirnss Observer. " This is probably the best Commentary extant on the Minor Prophets. The work is worthy Df a place in the library of every scholar and every diligent and earnest reader of the Bible."~ltristia, Chroxaicle. 2 Publications of W. F. Draper. HhENDERSON'S JERIEMIAH AND LAMENTATIONS.'The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah and that of the Lamentations, translated fom the original Hebrew; with a Commentary Critical, Philological, and Exegetical. By E. HEINDERSON, D.D. 8vo. pp. 315. $2.50. "This Commentary, which has been before the public for some years, like that of Isaiah and the Minor Prophets, combines learning and clearness, pholological research, critical taste sound judgment, and pure devotion. An introductory dibss rtation, brief, but luminous and instructive, prepares the reader for an appreciative study of the work. The translation, perhaps, sometimes unnecessarily deviates fiom the Englishl version. It is printed ill the clear and elegant style for which the Andover press is distiuguishled." - Ervagelical (Quartearl/. " Dr. Henderson is one of the most eminent of moderln biblical critics, and is known itl this country chiefly by his translations and commentaries on Isaiah and on the twelve Minor Prophets. One of the leading features of his mode of treating Scripture is his happy blending of textual with exegetical comment. His treatise on Jeremiah is well worlthy by its elevated beholarship to take a place side by side with the commentaries of Bishop Ellicott and of Pro-'mssor Murphy, also issued by Mr. Draper." -Publisher's Circular, Oct. 1. 1868. [13 NDERSON'S EZEKIEL. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, translated from the original Hebrew; with a Commentary Critical, Philological, and Exegetical. By E. Henderson, D.D. 8vo. pp. 228. Price, $2.00. "This Commentary treats the greatest; save one, of the Evangelical Prophets after his own spirit. It is full of the fulness of the Gospel. His notes deal freely wiitll the original text, and will be found very helpful to the real student of these sacred symbols." -Zion's Ilerald. " This Commentary, like that on the Minor Prophets and other books of the Old Testament, by the same author, is very satisfactory. On every page it gives evidence of carefal research and critical scholarship. It avoids all fanciful interpretation; its expositions are marked by practical good sense." - Evangelical Quarterly Review, Pa. MiURPHY'S GENESIS. Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis; with a new Translation. By JAMES G. il1uiPriY, LL.D., T.C.D. With a Preface by J. P. THoMPsoN, D.D., of New York. 8vo. pp. 535. Price, $3.50. "The most valuable contribution that has fobr a long time been made to the many aids for the critical study of the Old Testament, is Mr. Draper's republication of Dr. Murpshy onl Genesis, in oneoctavovolume. Dr. Murphy is one of the Professors of the Assembly's College at Belfihst. and adds to a thorough knowledge of the Hebrew, and of the science of' interpretation, great common sense, genuine wit, and admirable power of expression. Heince his commentary is racy and readable, as well as reliable. No volume will be more useful to those who have been troubled by the Colenso criticisms; and no man has pricked the bubble of that inflated bishop with a more effectual and relieving wound than Dr. Murphy. It is a good deal to say of a commentary, but we say it in till sincerity, that this volume furnishes about as tiscinating work for one's hours for readinlg, as any volume of the day, il any dleparltlent of litelature; -ewhile its general influence will be salutary, and effective for the truth."- C'o7Tgregationalist. MURPHY'S EXODUS. 8vo. pp. 385. Price, $3.00. "Thu'ls far nothing has appearled in this country for half a century on the first two books of the Pentateuchl so valuable as the present two volumes." (On Genesis and Exodus.) His style is lucid, animated, and often eloquent. His pages afford golden suggestions and keytloughts..... Some of the laws of interpretation are stated with so fresh and natural a clearnoess sand force that they will permanently stand." - llethodist Quartterly. "I feel that I am richer for having it on my shelf of Christian armory. I wish every one of mny brethren in the ministry had the same joy; and few need be deprived of it, for the books ale very cheap." - Reev. I C'. _Fish, D.D. " Prof. Murphy's Commentalry on Genesis has been published long enough to have secured the ligllest reputation for scholarship, researcll, and sound judgment. This volume on Exodus takes it place in the sane rank, and will increase rather than diminish its author's reputation among scholars." — Neational satcptist. "This is the second volume of the ablest Commentaory on the Pentateuch that has yet fallen into our hands." — 2'e lWeekly Press. "By its originality and critical accuracy is must command the high regard of the scholar and theologian, whilst the ease and grace of its style, the judiciousness with which it selects alnd unfolds its lany subjects of discussion, will be sure to fix and reward the attention of the general student." — 1Te Lutheran. Pubi~cai-ons of W. F. Draper. COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. By MiOSES STUART, late Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theolowcal Seminary at Andover. Third Edition. Edited and revised by PROF. If. D. C. ROBBIN'S. 12mo. pp. 544. $2.25. " Ilis Commentary on the Romnans is the most elaborate of all his worlks. It has elicited more discussion than ally of his other exegetical volumes. It is the result of long continued, patient tholghlt. It expresses, in clear style, his maturest conclusions. It has the animating influence of all original treatise, written on a novel plan, and under a sense of personal responsibility. Regarding it in all its relations, its antecedents and consequents, we pronounce it the miost important Commentary which has appeared in this country on this Epistle." — Bib. Sacra.' We heartily commend this work to all students of the Bible. The production of one of the first Biblical scholars of our age, on the most important of all the doctrinal books of tile New Testament, it deserves the careful study, not only of those who agree with Prof. Stuart in his theological and exegetical principles, but of those who earnestly dissent from some of his views in both respects." - Watchsmas anzd Reflector. "This contribution by Prof. Stuart has justly taken a high place among the Commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans, and, with his other worlts, will always be held in high estimation by the student of the Sacred Scriptures." - New York Observer. COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. By PnOF. MI. STUART. Third Edition. Edited and revised by PROF. I. D. C. iOBBINS. 12mo. pp. 575. $2.25. "It is a rich treasure for the student of the original. As a commentator, Prof. Stuart was especially arduous and faithful in following up the thought and displaying the connection of a passage, and his work as a scholar will bear comparison with any that have since appeared on either side of the Atlantic." - Anmericcan Presbyterian. " This Commentary is classical, botih as to its literary and its theological merits. The edition before us is very skilfully edited, by Professor Robbins, and gives in full Dr. Stuart's text, w~th additions bringing it down to the present day." - Episcopal Recorder. "We have always regarded this excellent Commentary as the happiest effort of the late Andover Professor. It seems to us well-nigh to exhaust the subjects which the author comprehealded in his plan." - Boston Recorder.'"It is from the mind and heart of an eminent Biblical scholar, whose labors in the cause of sacred learning will not soon be forgotten." — Chrristian Observ'er. COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF PROVERBS. By PROF. iI. STUART. 12mo. pp. 432. $1.75. " This is the last work from the pen of Prof. Stuart. Both this Commentary and the one preceding it, on Ecclesiastes, exhibit a mellowness of spirit which savors of the good mian ripening fir heaven; and the style is more condensed, and, in that respect, more agreeable, than in some of the works which were written in the unabated freshness and exuberant vigor of his mind. In learning and critical acumen they are equal to his firmer works. No English reader, we venture to say, can elsewhere find so complete a philological exposition of these two important books of the Old Testament." - Bib. Sacra. COMMENTARY ON ECCLESIASTES. By MosES STUART, late Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary at Andover. Second Edition. Edited and revised by R. D. C. ROBnINS, Professor in Middlebury College. 12mo. $1.50. The Introduction discusses the general nature of the book; its special design and method, diction, authority, credit, and general history; ancient and modern versions, and commentaries. The Commentary is strictly and minutely exegetical. STUART'S MISCE LLANIES. pp. 369. 12mo. $1.00. CONTENTS. —I. Letters to Dr. Channing on the Trinity.-II. Two Sermons on the Atonement. —III. Sacramental Serrllon on the Lamb of God.-IV. Dedication Sermon.-:Real Christianity. - V. Letter to Dr. Channing on Religious Liberty. - VI. Supplementary Notes and Postscripts. COXMMENTARY ON THE APOCALYPSE. 2 vl. Svo. pp... p. 4, 501. ~5.00. CRITICAL HIST'ORY AND DEE'ENCE Of THE OLD TEST~A, MENT CANON. 12mo. pp. 450. $1.75. 3 :Books Published by W. F. Draper. Appleton. Works of Jesse Appleton, D.D., with a Memoir of his Life and Character. 2 vols. in I. 8vo. $3.00 "They will ever form standard volumes in American theological literature." - Biblical Repository. Edwards. Writings of Professor B. B. Edwards. With a Memoir by Professor EDWARDS A. PARK. 2 vols. 12mo. $3.00 CONTENTS. — Vol. I. Memoir, and Seven Sermons. Vol. II. Sixteen Essays, Addresses, and Lectures. Homer. Writings of W. B. Homer. With an Introductory Essay and a Memoir. By Professor EDWARDS A. PARK. 12mo. $1.25 CONTENTS.- Memoir, Literary Addresses, and Discourses. Smith. Select Sermons of Rev. Worthington Smith, D.D. With a Memoir of his Life, by REV. JOSEPH TORREY, D.D., Professor in Burlington College. 12mo. $1.25 "This brief Memoir from the pen of Prof. Torrey sets forth his marked peculiarities as a man, a Christian, a preacher, and as the head of the University, in a practical, useful, and very readable manner. Valuable hints upon various questions of Congregational polity are thrown out, in the -course of the discussion, and much information of value to ministers is included in the sketch of this prudent and useful man. Sixteen Sermons complete the volume, showing Dr. Smith's characteristics as a pulpit laborer." - The Congregationalist. "A beautiful and worthy tribute to a rich character and noble life." - North American Review. Taylor. A Memorial of Samuel Harvey Taylor. Compiled by his last Class. 8vo. Pica Type. Tinted Paper; cloth, bevelled, gilt edges. Published by Subscription. $1.75 This elegant little volume is a tribute of affection and respect to the late Principal of Phillips Academy, by his last Senior Class. It contains the Address by Professor Park, at the Funeral of Dr. Taylor; the Selection from the Scriptures read on the occasion by Prof. J. L. Taylor; a Sermon by Prof. J. W. 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Carlyle, Thomas. Latter-Day Pamphlets. 12mo. $1.00 CONTENTS.- The Present Time. —Model Prisons.-Downing Street. -The New Downing Street. - Stump Orator. - Parliaments. - Hudson's Statue. -Jesuitism. A Collection of the Proverbs of all Nations. Compared, Explained, and Illustrated. By WALTER B. KELLY. 12mo., $1.25 "This is one of those books, like Roget's Thesaurus, Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, and Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer, which contains a vast amount of information in a very small space - books that a writer cannot afford to be without, for they contain information that by days of: research in libraries one would hardly be able to obtain. This collection contains all the proverbs which are familiar in all nations. They are classified under various heads, such as Women, Love, Marriage, Home, Self-conceit, Ingratitude, and so on. There is also a full index, which enables one at once to find any particular proverb. Another excellent feature is, that when a proverb is taken from another language, not only the English, but the original is given. The book is replete with good things. It supplies a want that many a one has felt —a want that no dictionary, gazetteer, or book of quotations now supplies." — College Courant. "It is not possible, perhaps, to collect the proverbial wisdom of the world in any more attractive form than this of Mr. Kelly's...... As a book for the library, an armory where a writer or a speaker may be armed and equipped in a single line; as a book for the centre-table, something that you can read a page or twenty pages of, have your reading cut short anywhere, and still be complete and intensely interesting besides,- as a book for either of these purposes, the " Proverbs of all Nations" will be found very acceptable. Certain it is, at least, that " you may go farther and fare worse."-Christian Freeman. Value of the Study of Church History in Ministerial Education. A Lecture delivered to the Senior Class of Andover Theological Seminary. By EGBERT C. SMYTH. 8vo. Paper, 25 cents. God's Ownership of the Sea. By LEONARD SWAIN, D.D. Reprinted from the Bibliotheca Sacra. Paper, 25 cents. A remarkably interesting Essay on the office and uses of the sea. 2-74 Books Published by W. F. Draper. Political Economy. Designed as a Text-Book for Colleges. By JOHN BASCOM, A. M., Professor in Williams College. 12mo. pp. 366. $1.50 "It goes over the whole ground in a logical order. The matter is perspicuously arranged under distinct chapters and sections; it is a compendious exhibition of the principles of the science without prolonged disquisitions on particular points." - Princeton Review. " This is a valuable work upon a subject of much interest.' Professor Bascom writes well, and his book makes an excellent manual." - Boston Recorder. " The book is worthy a careful study, both for the views it contains and as a mental training." - Evening Express. Questions on Kiihner's Elementary Greek Grammar. By CHARLES W. BATEMAN, LL.D.; with Modifications and Notes by SAMUEL H. TAYLOR, LL.D., Principal of Phillips Academy. 12mo. pp. 57. Paper covers. 40 cts. These "Questions" are a valuable aid to the pupil in making his knowledge of the principles of the Grammar more definite, and in fixing them more permanently in his mind. They will also greatly aid the teacher to systematize his work, and lighten the labor of teaching. These " Questions," though prepared with special reference to Kiihner's Grammar, are equally applicable to any elementary Greek Grammar. They are a valuable aid. Dbderlein's Hand-Book of Latin Synonymes. Translated by REv. H. H. ARNOLD, B.A., with an Introduction by S. I. TAYLOR, LL.D. New Edition, with an Index of Greek words. 16mo. pp. 267. $1.25 "The present hand-book of Diderlein is remarkable for the brevity, distinctness, perspicuity, and appositeness of its definitions. It will richly reward not merely the classical, but the general student for the labor he may devote to it. It is difficult to open the volume, even at random, without discovering some hint which may be useful to a theologian..... From the preceding extracts it will be seen that this hand-book is useful in elucidating many Greek, as well as Latin synonymes." - Bib. Sacra. " The little volume mentioned above, introduced to the American public by an eminent scholar and teacher, Samuel H. Taylor, LL.D., is one of the best helps to the thorough appreciation of the nice shades of meaning in Latin words that have met my eye. It deserves the attention of teachers and learners, and will amply reward patient study."-Prof: E. D. Sanborn. " We have been acquainted for some years with the merits of this work, and cordially commend it as one of the best manuals on Latin synonymes, and admirably adapted to the wants of the student."-Evangelical Review. " It is well adapted to school purposes, and embraces all that is necessary on this subject. He has often introduced also the nearest corresponding expression both in the Greek and German languages, and placed them side by side with the Latin synonyme."- Evening Express. " We have no hesitation in saying that this is the best work on Latin synonymes that has yet been published." — Universalist Quarterly. 3-74 Books Published by W. F. Draper. Classical Study: Its Usefulness illustrated by Selections from the Writings of Eminent Scholars. Edited, with an Introduction, by SAMUEL H. TAYLOR, LL.D., Principal of Phillips Academy. 12mo. $2.00 Professor J. R.. Boise, of the University of Chicago, thus writes in the March number of the Illinois Teacher: " The selection of essays made by Dr. Taylor is eminently judicious, and presents the views of many leading writers, both in Europe and in this country. The Introduction, containing about thirtyjpages, gives, first, a concise and'clear sketch of the history of the controversy on the value of classical studies; and then, several reasons why the highest benefits of classical study are seldom reached in this country. On this latter point, we know of no one better qualified by education and long experience as a teacher to speak wisely..... To all who desire the best collection of essays in our language on classical study, the work of Dr. Taylor will be very welcome. It should have a conspicuous place in every school-library, and in the private library of every educator in our land..... Not the least valuable part of the volume is the Introduction, in which Dr. Taylor so ably, clearly, and fairly balances the arguments on the two sides." "We commend the book as a valuable collection of essays on the higher methods of mental training." - American Presbyterian. The Theology of the Greek Poets. By W. S. 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It is written in a lucid style, and will interest the students of theology and of history. - Bibliotheca Sacra. " The style of these Lectures has striking merits. The author chooses his words with rare skill and taste, from an ample vocabulary; and writes with strength and refreshing simplicity." - New Englander. Outlines of a Systematic Rhetoric. From the German of DR. FRANCIS THEREMIN, by W. G. T. SHEDD. $1.00 "The Introductory Essay which Professor Shedd has prefixed to this valuable Treatise, is elaborate, vigorous, impressive. It excites the mind not only to thought, but also to the expression of thought —to inward and outward activity. The whole volume is characterized by freshness and originality of remark, a purity and earnestness of moral feeling." - Bibliotheca Sacra. " The subject is ably unfolded in this compact yet thorough treatise. What, however, is exhibited by Theremin in a dry light, in the form of naked philosophic statement, is displayed by Professor Shedd in his Introductory Essay, with that glow of life, beauty, and force which distinguishes his writings." - Princeton Review. Guericke's Church History (Ancient Church; including the First Six Centuries). 8vo. $3.00 "Characterized by research, devoutness, firm grasp of evangelical truth, and careful exhibition of the practical as well as the intellectual aspects of Christianity." - North British Review. "We regard Professor Shedd's version as a happy specimen of the transjfision, rather than a translation, which many of the German treatises should receive. The style of his version is far superior to that of the orignal." — Bibliotheca Sacra. Guericke's Church History —Medieoval Church. $1.50 "This portion of Guericke's Church History continues the account down to A.D. 1073, when Hildebrand ascended the Papal chair as Gregory VII. With the previous volume, this addition comprises the History of the Church during the first ten centuries. 6-74 Books Published by WV. F. Draper. Remarks on the Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion. By THOMAs ERSKINE, Esq., Advocate. Third American, from Fifth Edinburgh Ed. 16mo. 75 cts. "The entire treatise cannot fail to commend the positions which it advocates to intelligent and considerate minds. It is one of the best, perhaps the best, of all the discussions of this momentous subject." — Congregationalist. " This argument of Erskine for the Internal Evidence of the Truth of Revealed Religion, is the most compact, natural, and convincing we have ever read from any author." - Christian Chronicle. " No man ought to consider himself as having studied theology unless he has read and pondered and read again' Erskine on the Internal Evidence.' " —Independent. WVitinga s of Archbishop Whately. Published under the sanction of the author, from the latest revised editions; viz. Essays on some of the Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul. 12mo. Cloth extra, gilt tops. $1.50 "Dr. Whately's writings are characterized by sound thought and solid judgment. Clear and solid sense is his peculiar characteristic. He is often ingenious, generally candid, almost always plain and transparent." -Bibliotheca Sacra. "An excellent work." -New York Evangelist. "The Archbishop's writings are a part of the sterling theological letters of the age, and ought to be possessed by all the studious and thoughtful." -Journal and Messenger. "This book had passed through at least eight editions in England before its publication in this country. Dr. Whately is always entitled to a hearing. Never profound, he is always clear; never very original, he is always instructive; never disgustingly dogmatic, he always seems to feel a serene assurance that he has exhausted the whole subject, and that his verdict is final; always positive and didactic, he is yet never extreme, but always takes the middle and moderate view." - Watchman and Reflector. Essays on some of the Pecularities of the Christian Religion, and Historic Doubts concerning Napoleon. 12mo. pp. 264 and 48. Bound in 1 vol. Cloth extra, gilt tops. $1.50 Historic Doubts concerning Napoleon. 12mo. Paper covers, 25 cents; cloth, 50 cents. About the year 1821 Whately published this Essay anonymously. It was designed as an answer to Hume's objections to the credibility of the Christian miracles. Following Hume's method, Whately gravely argued the improbability of the existence of the first Napoleon, and demonstrated that, on Hume's principles, the testimony in relation thereto could not be credited. 7-74 Books Published by W. F. Draper. The Contemplations and Letters of Henry Dorney of Uley, Gloucestershire. 12mo. $1.00 The Contemplations and Letters of Henry Dorney were held in high estimation by Madam Phebe Phillips. The copy which she used, came down to her as an heirloom from her pious ancestors, and was ranked, on her private table, next to her Bible and hymn-book. So highly did she esteem the work, that she copied out, with her own hand, a large part of the volume for the use of a friend. It is now reprinted as a precious memorial of one of the honored founders of the Theological Institution. Bible History of Prayer. By C. 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With an Introductory Note by SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON. 12mo. $1.50 "One of the best of the many Introductions which have been prepared to lead the inquirer to a knowledge of the recent speculative philosophy." -Bibliotheca Sacra. "Those who are in search of knowledge on this perplexed subject, without having time to investigate the original sources for information, will receive great assistance from this careful, thorough, and perspicuous analysis."- Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review. "Nowhere in the same compass is ingenious scepticism, as associated with philosophy and drawn from it by false speculative reasonings, more forcibly exposed and rebutted by fact and argument." -Recorder. Studies in Philosophy and Theology. By JOSEPH HAVEN, D.D., Professor in Chicago Theol. Sem. 12mo. $2.00 " This work is divided into two parts. The first part contains Essays having the following titles: Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton; Mill versus Hamilton; the Moral Faculty; Province of Imagination in Sacred Oratory; the Ideal and the Actual. The second part contains Essays on Natural Theology; the Doctrine of the Trinity; Theology as a Science -its dignity and value; Place and Value of Miracles in the Christian System; Sin as related to Human Nature and the Divine Mind; Arianism, the Natural Development of the Views held by the Early Church _Fathers. " Dr. Haven has exhibited much ability and a good spirit in discussing various controverted questions in philosophy and theology...... Men who differ from the author in some of his speculations will be pleased with his distinctness of thought and perspicuity of style." -Bib. Sacra. "Dr. Haven writes with clearness, and with the ease of a man who has made a thorough study of the subjects which he undertakes to deal with." -The Presbyterian. "They grapple earnestly and clearly with the great problems now agitating the world of philosophy and theology."-American Presbyterian. " Professor Haven gives us in this condensed form the fruitage of his life-thoughts upon the grandest themes that can engage the human attention......We deem it no more than just to say, that in this volume philosophy and faith blend, each strengthening the other, to a degree unsurpassed in any work of the kind." — Chicago Evening Journal. Mediation. The Function of Thought. 16mo. $1.25 "This is a fragment — perhaps it were better to say it is a foundation, laid in preparation for a promised superstructure. "Mediation," in the title, designates the whole work. In the present volume the author endeavors to "show the base which exists in the normal constitution ot humanity," for the truth which he is subsequently to build up before us in its symmetrical completeness. He now discusses the function ot thought in man, as distinguishing him from all other animals, not only in degree, but in kind." — Christian Union. 9-74 Books Published by W. F. Draper. Theologia Germanica. Which setteth forth many fair Lineaments of Divine Truth, and saith very lofty and lovely things touching a Perfect Life. Edited by DR. PFEIFFER, from the only complete Manuscript yet known. Translated from the German by SUSANNA WINKWORTH. With a Preface by the Rev. CHARLES KINGSLEY, Rector of Eversley; and a Letter to the Translator, by the CHEVALIER BUNSEN, D.D., D.C.L., etc.; and an Introduction by PROF. CALVIN E. STOWE, D.D. 16mo. Cloth, $1.50; calf, $2.50 This treatise was discovered by Luther, who first brought it into notice by an edition which he published in 1516, of which he says: "And I will say, though it be boasting of myself, and' I speak as a fool,' that, next to the Bible and St. Augustine, no book hath ever come into my hands whence I have learnt, or would wish to learn, more of what God and Christ, and man, and all things, are." "A precious lump of pure gold in a flag of earth and stone." " The work is at once a literary curiosity and a theological gem."Puritan Recorder. "This little volume which is brought out in antique style, is, apart from its intrinsic value, a curiosity of literature. It may be regarded as the harbinger of the Protestant Reformation. No fewer. than seventeen editions of this book appeared in his lifetime, and up to the present day it has continued to be a favorite manual of devotion in Germany, where it has passed through certainly as many as sixty editions."-Evening Traveller. " I value it exceedingly, so vivid and so rich is it, on the great ideas of sin, and salvation through Christ." —Congregational Herald. "A most valuable, interesting, and instructive volume, upon the most vital points of Christianity."-Lutheran Standard. The Confessions of St. Augustine. Edited, with an Introduction, by W. G. T. SHEDD. 12mo. Cloth, bevelled edges. $1.50 "This is a beautiful edition of a precious work." - Bibliotheca Sacra. "This beautiful edition of a theological classic is desirable, on account of the careful comparison of the whole work with the Latin text, and the addition of explanatory notes." -Evangelical Quarterly. "Prof. Shedd's Introduction is a masterly essay, which of itself is a volume for attentive reading. It ought to be read before the book is begun. Thorough, searching, and discriminating, beyond the facts it communicates, its instruction and hints are suggestive and valuable." -New York Observer. The Redeemer's Tears wept over Lost Souls; and other Essays. By JOHN HOWE, A.M. [With a Life of John Howe, A.M. By the Rev. W. URWICK, D.D.]. 16mo. Cloth, $1.00 19-74