al 01 S 1 I aZod-ot, 02 SoudcZLalor za/s7o.a/ 7 o q 7 Zno 0//2 /2O 7 1-v7sd-7 1 d s i f ~ ds7 Zv z l 377 a Z r7 ii~ LIZ (J O''I d ll~2 Idroo Jz9 7 L/,: _ j.y..0/'.E//././^w/. //. / \' ~'' /0.' 9/ U.ei,.J. [7 rY,'T MY ^ L' lN1 -- r~lgilL/, 0/10'7/) /9/'.V,3 [4. tl. 1' )IO[ IV \/./' "' TL A COMMENTAnY, CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY, ON THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. BY THE REV. ROBERT JAMIESON, D.D., ST. PAUL'S, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND; REV. A. R. FAUSSET, A.M., ST. CUTHBERT'S, YORK, ENGLAND; AND THE REV. DAVID BROWN, D.D., PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. VO L. I. OLD TESTAMENT. GENESIS-ESTHER: REV. ROBERT JAMIESON, D.D. JOB-MALACHI: REV. A. R. FAUSSET, A.M. S. S. SCRANTON AND COMPANY, NEW YORK; PHILADELPHIA; HARTFORD; CINCINNATI. 1873. NOTE OF THE AMERICAN PUBLISHERS. The publication of the present work has been undertaken in consequence of the general demand for a popular. commentary on the whole Bible, which should embody the results of modern Biblical research and scholarship. Enriched with.the fruits of learning more various and advanced, and of interpretation more critical and exact than can be found in the older popular commentaries, it will undoubtedly afford to families, Sabbath Schools, and English readers generally, more help in the study of the Scriptures than any other work yet issued from the press. The letter press is an accurate reprint of the English edition. Believing that a series of illustrations would not only add to its beauty, but greatly enhance its usefulness and value, numerous appropriate engravings are given in this edition, consisting of views of Historical Localities, Maps, and Illustrations of Natural History, Manners, Customs and Costumes, &c. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. [OLD TESTAMENT.] PAGE. PAGN. The Altar in Solomon's Temple, &c............ ontispiece. Egyptian cart with two wheels.........................134 Mount Ararat.......................................... 22 Assyrian cart drawn by oxen............................134 Banks of the Jordan................................... 22 Oxen treading out corn.................................137 Abraham and Isaac..................................... 28 Hill country of Lebanon............................ 152 Plants mentioned in the Bible........................ 43 Mount Horeb.................................... 152 The Pistachio tree and nut.............................. 43 The Holy Land divided among the Twelve Tribes.....155 The Balm of Gilead............. 43 Hebron.............................................169 The Myrtle............................................ 43 Ramleh on the supposed site of Arimathea........... 169 The Myrrh.......................................... 443 Eastern articles of dress and of the toilet: The Poplar Tree..................................... 43 Egyptian wigs.......................202 Bird's-eye view of Egypt...............................46 Crowns worn by Assyrian kings........................202 Drawings from Egyptian monuments, illustrating ancient Anklets.............................................. 202 manners and customs: Frontlets or phylacteries.............................. 202 Egyptian Dancers...................................... 59 Egyptian ear-rings................................ 202 Carpenters........................................... 59 Mirror0s............................202 Foreign Captives making brick at Thebes............... 59 Heads of modern Asiatics ornamented with horns.......202 Egyptian blow-pipe.....................................59 Assyrian sandals......................................202 Egyptians kneading dough with their hands............. 59 Joab killing Amasa.................................208 An ancient Egyptian dinner party...................... 59 Ancient implements and household utensils: Moses reciting the law............................. 62 Ancient drinking cups..................................220 Plants mentioned in the Bible: Egyptian earthenware bottles...........................220 The Bulrush..................................... 65 Alabaster vessels....................................... The Shittah Tree........................... 65 Assyrian glass bottles..........................220 The Oil Tree........................................... 65Bronze caldron from Egyptian Thebes..................220 The Reed............................................. 65 The Temple of Ipsambul........................ 223 Tabernacle in thewilderness............................ 73 The valley of Salt between the territories of Judah and Altar of burnt offerings................................ 73 Edom...................239 The laver of brass belonging to the tabernacle........... 73 The Gibeonites obtaining a league with Joshua.. 239 Tabernacle uncovered.................................. 73 Jethro meets Moses................................ 248 Birds mentioned in the Bible: Map of Mesopotamia and kingdoms of Nineveh and The Ospray............................................ 80 Babylon.................................... 260 The Partridge............................... 80 Map of the dominions and conquests of David and SolThe Quail.............................................. 80 omon...........................270 The Sparrow......................................... 80 The Adiava, supposed to be " the river that runneth to The White Stork....................................... 80 Ahava".................................292 The Ostrich................................ 80 Open Sepulchres.........................292 Ancient and modern censers and perfume vessels: The ruins of Persepolis, the ancient capital of Persia....295 Roman perfume vessel................................. 84 Quadrupeds mentioned in the Bible: Turkish servant, with censer............................ 84 The Ass........30.......................... Eastern perfume bottle................................ 84 Behemoth....3..........................10 Censer used in Arabia............................... 84 The Roe........................................... 310 Censer, from Pococke's Travels.................. 84 The Arabian Camel:....................... 310 Eastern censer........................................ 84 Bactrian, or two humped Camels, on Assyrian monument.310 Ancient censer........................................ 84 The long-eared Syrian Goat..................... 310 Roman perfume vase.................................. 84 Broad-tailed Sheep.................................... 10 Ancient incense box................................. 84 Ancient musical instruments: Ancient military weapons: Greek flute player...................................... Disciplined Egyptian troops..........................102 Huggab, the ancient organ........................ 345 Various ancient weapons...............................102 Double flute of the ancients..........................345 Ancient bows and arrows.................... 102 The horn................................ Helmets................................................102 Greek flute player................................ 345 Ancient swords.........................................102 The trumpet...................................345 The Plains of Jericho...................................120 The sackbt........................................... The ruined temple of Baalbec........................ 124 Bells, called Mezilothaim...............................345 Ancient implements and household utensils: Cymbals of the ancients........................ 345 Egyptian axes............................... 134 The symphony.........................................45 Egyptian flint knives...............1...........134 The kinnor, or harp..................,. 345 Bed and bed rest...................................... 134 The ancient cithara, or hazur...........................345 Egyptian bellows...................................... 134 The nablum, or psaltery.....,........ Egyptian lamp............................134 Harp, from the medals of Simon Maccabeus.............345 Modern Egyptian drinking cup.........................134 The harp, or kinnor, from Description de l'Egypte......345 PAGE. PAGE. The timbrel, or tabret..................................345 Ancient military weapons: Tambourines of Eastern origin........................345 Egyptian princes in their chariot.......................454 Eastern lyre......................................... 345 Assyrian chariot, with quiver..........................454 " My son, keep my words! "..........................393 Assyrian war engine............................... 454 " He that walketh with wise men shall be wise."........397 Egyptian slinger................................... 454 An eastern well......................................400 Egyptian standard.........4.................... Eastern letter carrier.................................. 400 The plains of Babylon........................ 456 Plants mentioned in the Bible: The banks of the Nile...........................456 Lign Aloe..............................................422 Illustrations of ancient manners and customs: The coriander plant................................. 422 Goats treading in grain, when sown in the field.........465 The pomegranate.4............................. 422 Ancient breast-plate worn by priests..................465 The saffron............................................422 Beards of modern orientals.............................465 Eastern articles of dress and of the toilet: Reaping wheat.......................................465 Ornaments worn by ladies..............................432 Egyptian beards.......................................465 Median dress.........................4:... 2...42 The towers of Judea-part of the walls of Hebron.......481 Egyptian mirror...................... 4..2..43 The tomb of Cyrus................................... Dress of Egyptian high priest......................... 432 Jeremiah at the potter's house.........................524 Ancient agricultural instruments: Refining silver................................... 595 Egyptian hoes........................................ 438 Reapers and gleaners of ancient Palestine..............595 Plough, ec., as still used in Asia Minor.................438 Plants mentioned in the Scriptures: Winnowing with wooden shovels......................438 Ebony.....................60 Shadoof, or pole and bucket for watering the garden......438 The palm tree..........................................U01 Egyptian granary......................................438 The itc..............................................60 Ancient Egyptian machines for raising water............438 Egyptian melon...0t........................60 Threshing floor......................... 4.... 438 The sycamore..........................................601 Ancient oriental vineyard............................. 448 The mulberry..........................601 [NEW TESTAMENT.] PAGE. PAGE. Plan of Jerusalem.................................... 6 The ruins of Ephesus.................................208 The environs of Jerusalem......................... 6 Corinth and its ports..................................208 Map to illustrate the travels of our Lord and his apostles.. 34 Map of St. Paul's third missionary journey..............212 The Holy Land, to illustrate the New Testament........ 60 Plan of Rome.........................................215 Nazareth.............................................. 66 Candia, the ancient Crete.............................. 216 Ruins of the supposed site of Emmaus................. 76 Cyprus............................................... 216 The Lake of Gennessaret....7................ 76 Chart to illustrate St. Paul's voyage from CGesarea to Modern Bethany.......................................120 Puteoli............................................219 Bethlehem................................... 120 The Appian Way, Rome................................220 Fac-similes of ancient coins in use about the first century The supposed temple of Minerva, Corinth..............262 of the Christian era: Ruins of the Necropolis of Cyrene......................262 Coin of Antioch.......................................130 Fac-similes of ancient coins: Coin of Thessalonica................................... 130 Coin of ancient Athens................................ 298 Tetradrachlm of Tigranes, King of Syria................. 130 Coin of Corinth.................................... 298 Coin of Nero (with the harbor of Ostea)...1.............130 Coin of Claudius and Agrippa I........... 298 Colonial coin of Philippi................................130 Coin of Macedonia................................... 298 Coin of Tarsus.........................................130 Coin of Rhegium.......................................298 Coin of Ephesus.....................................130 Farthing of the New Testament.......... 298 Coin of Tarsus.........................................130 Coin of Nero and Herod Agrippa II.....................298 Coin of Aretas, King of Damascus...................... 10 Jewish Shekel....8................... 28 Coin of Corinth......................................... 30 Coin of Brutii..........................................298 Modern Jerusalem................................. 140 Shekel of Israel....................................298 The Mount of Olives.......................... 160 Daric, or Darum................298 "Then came Jesus, wearing the crown of thorns."......164 Fac-similes of ancient coins: Gaza......................................... 182 Tetradrachm (Attic talent) of Lysimachus, King of Thrace.426 Cana..................................................182 Colonial coin of Corinth.....426 Map illustrating St. Paul's early life, and his first mission- Copper coin of Cyprus................................ 426 ary journey........................................190 Tetradrachm of Cos..................................426 Map illustrating St. Paul's second missionary journey....194 Denarius of Tiberias............................... 426 Map of Macedonia..........................197 Greek imperial coin of Ephesus and Smyrna allied.......426 The mountains of Samaria, with the environs of Sychar..197 Coin of Antioch, in Pisidia..............................426 Ancient Athens and its ports restored...................201 Ruins of Capernaum............................... 530 Plan of ancient Athens.............................. 203 The City of Samaria...............................530 The ruins of Miletus................. 208 Ruins of the supposed site of Elphesus.554 Athens and its harbors................................208 Allah Shehr, the ancient Philadelphia........... 554 55 PREFACE TO THE PENTATEUCH AND HISTORICAL BOOKS. HE Pentateuch, the name by which the first five books of the Bible are designated, is derived from two Greek words; pente, five, and teuchos, a volume, thus signifiying the fivefold volume. Originally these books formed one continuous work, as in the Hebrew manuscripts they are still connected in one unbroken roll. At what time they were divided into five portions, each having a separate title, is not known, but it is certain that the distinction dates at or before the time of the Septuagint translation. The names they bear in our English version are borrowed from the LXX., and they were applied by those Greek translators as descriptive of the principal subjects-the leading contents of the respective books. In the later Scriptures they are frequently comprehended under the general designation, The Law, The Book of the Law, since, to give a detailed account of the preparations for, and the delivery of, the divine code, with all the civil and sacred institutions that were peculiar to the ancient economy, is the object to which they are exclusively devoted. They have been always placed at the beginning of the Bible, not only on account of their priority in point of time, but as forming an appropriate and indispensable introduction to the rest of the sacred books. The numerous and oft-recurring references made in the later Scriptures to the events, the ritual, and the doctrines of the ancient Church would have not only lost much of their point and significance, but have been absolutely unintelligible without the information which these five books contain. They constitute the groundwork or basis on which the whole fabric of revelation rests, and a knowledge of the authority and importance that is thus attached to them will sufficiently account for the determined assaults that infidels have made on these books, as well as for the zeal and earnestness which the friends of the truth have displayed in their defence. The Mosaic origin of the Pentateuch is established by the concurring voices both of Jewish and Christian tradition; and their unanimous testimony is supported by the internal character and statements of the work itself. That Moses did keep a written record of the important transactions relative to the Israelites is attested by his own express affirmation. For in relating the victory over the Amalekites, which he was commanded by divine authority to record, the language employed, " write this for a memorial in a book (Hebrew, the book)," (Exodus 17. 14), shows that that narrative was to form part of a register already in progress, and various circumstances combine to prove that this register was a continuous history of the special goodness and care of divine providence in the choice, protection and guidance of the Hebrew nation. First, there are the repeated assertions of Moses himself that the events which chequered the experience of that people were written down as they occurred (see Exodus 24. 4-7; 34. 27; Numbers 33. 2). Secondly, there are the testimonies borne in various parts of the later historical books to the Pentateuch as a work well known, and familiar to all the people (see Joshua 1. 8; 8. 34; 23. 6; 24. 26; i Kings 2. 3, etc.). Thirdly, frequent references are made in the works of the prophets to the facts recorded in the books of Moses (cf. Isaiah 1. 9 with Genesis 19. 1; 12. 2 with Exodus 15. 2; 51. 2 with Genesis 12. 2; 54. 9 with Genesis 8. 21, 22; Hosea 9. 10 cf. with Numbers 25. 3; 11. 8 with Genesis 19. 24; 12. 4 with Genesis 32. 24, 25; 12. 12 with Genesis 28. 5; 29. 20; Joel 1. 9 cf. with Numbers 15. 4-7; 28. 7-14; Deuteronomy 12. 6, 7; 16. 10, 11; Amos 2. 9 cf. with Numbers 21. 21; 4. 4 with Numbers 28. 3; 4. 11 with Genesis 19. 24; 9. 13 with Leviticus 26. 5; Micah 6. 5 cf. with Numbers 22. 25; 6. 6 with Leviticus 9. 2; 6. 15 with Leviticus 26. 16, etc.). Fourthly, the testimony of Christ and the Apostles is repeatedly borne to the books of Moses (Matthew 19. 7; Luke 16. 29; 24. 27; John 1. 17; 7. 19; Acts 3. 22; 28. 23; Romans 10. 5). Indeed the references are so numerous, and the testimonies so distinctly borne to the existence of the Mosaic books throughout the whole history of the Jewish nation, and the unity of character, design and style pervading these books is so clearly perceptible, notwithstanding the rationalistic assertions of their forming a series of separate and unconnected fragments, that it may with all safety be said, there is immensely stronger and more varied evidence in proof of their being the authorship of Moses than of any of the Greek or Roman classics being the productions of the authors whose names they bear. But admitting that the Pentateuch was written by Moses, an important question arises, as to whether the books which compose it have reached us in an authentic form; whether they exist genuine and entire as they came from the hands of their author. In answer to this question, it might be sufficient to state that, in the public and periodical rehearsals of the law in the solemn religious assemblies of the people, implying the existence of numerous copies, provision was made for preserving the integrity of "The Book of the Law." But besides this, two remarkable facts, the one of which occurred before and the other after the captivity, afford conclusive evidence of the genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch. The first is the discovery in the reign of Josiah of the autograph copy which was deposited by Moses in the ark of the testimony; and the second is the schism of the Samaritans, who erected a temple on 6 PREFACE TO THE PENTATEUCH AND HISTORICAL BOOKS. Mount Gerizim, and who, appealing to the Mosaic law as the standard of their faith and worship equally with the Jews, watched with jealous care over every circutnstance that could affect the purity of the Mosaic record. There is the strongest reason, then, for believing that the Pentateuch, as it exists now, is substantially the same as it came from the hands of Moses. The appearance of a later hand, it is true, is traceable in the narrative of the death of Moses at the close of Deuteronomy, and some few interpolations, such as inserting the altered names of places, may have been made by Ezra, who revised and corrected the version of the ancient Scriptures. But, substantially the Pentateuch is the genuine work of Moses, and many, who once impugned its claims to that character, and looked upon it as the production of a later age, have found themselves compelled, after a full and unprejudiced investigation of the subject, to proclaim their conviction that its authenticity is to be fully relied on. The genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch being admitted, the inspiration and canonical authority of the work follow as a necessary consequence. The admission of Moses to the privilege of frequent and direct communion with God (Exodus 25. 22; 33. 3; Numbers 7. 89; 9. 8); his repeated and solemn declarations that he spoke and wrote by command of God; the submissive reverence that was paid to the authority of his precepts by all classes of the Jewish people, including the king himself (Deuteronomy 17. 18; 27. 3); and the acknowledgment of the divine mission of Moses by the writers of the New Testament, all prove the inspired character and authority of his books. The Pentateuch possessed the strongest claims on the attention of the Jewish people, as forming the standard of their faith, the rule of their obedience, the record of their whole civil and religious polity. But it is interesting and important to all mankind, inasmuch as besides revealing the origin and early development of the divine plan of grace, it is the source of all authentic knowledge, giving the true philosophy, history, geography and chronology of the ancient world. Finally, the Pentateuch "is indispensable to the whole revelation contained in the Bible; for Genesis being the legitimate preface to the law; the law being the natural introduction to the Old Testament; and the whole a prelude to the gospel revelation, it could not have been omitted. What the four Gospels are in the New, the five books of Moses are in the Old Testament." GENESIS, the book of the origin or production of all things, consists of two parts; the first, comprehended in chs. 1-11., gives a general; the second, contained in the subsequent chapters, gives a special history. The two parts are essentially connected; the one, which sets out with an account of the descent of the human ract from a single pair, the introduction of sin into the world, and the announcement of the scheme of divinie mercy for repairing the ruins of the fall, was necessary to pave the way for relating the other, viz., the call of Abraham, and the selection of his posterity for carrying out the gracious purpose of God. An evident unity of method, therefore, pervades this book, and the information contained in it was of the greatest importance to the Hebrew people, as without it they could not have understood the frequent references made in their law to the purposes and promises of God regarding themselves. The arguments that have been already adduced as establishing the Mosaic origin of the Pentateuch prove of course that Moses was the author of Genesis. The few passages on which the rationalists grounded their assertions that it was the composition of a later age have been successfully shown to warrant no such conclusion; the use of Egyptian words and the minute acquaintance with Egyptian life and manners, displayed in the history of Joseph, harmonize with the education of Moses, and whether he received his information by immediate revelation, from tradition or from written documents, it comes to us as the authentic work of an author who wrote as he was inspired by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1. 21). EXODUS, a going forth, derives its name from its being occupied principally with a relation of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and the incidents that immediately preceded as well as followed that memorable migration. Its authorship by Moses is distinctly asserted by himself (Exodus 24. 4), as well as by our Lord (Mark 12. 26; Luke 20. 37). Besides, the thorough knowledge it exhibits of the institutions and usages of the ancient Egyptians, and the minute geographical details of the journey to Sinai, establish in the clearest manner the authenticity of this book. LEVITICUS.-So called from its treating of the laws relating to the ritual, the services and sacrifices of the Jewish religion, the superintendence of which was entrusted to the Levitical priesthood. It is chiefly, however, the duties of the priests, "the sons of Aaron," which this book describes; and its claim to be the work of Moses is established by the following passages:-2 Chronicles 30. 16; Nehemiah 8. 14; Jeremiah 7. 22, 23; Ezekiel 20. 11; Matthew 8. 4; Luke 2. 22; John 8. 5; Romans 10. 4; 13. 9; 2 Corinthians 6. 16; Galatians 3. 12; 1 Peter 1. 16. NUMBERS.-This book is so called from its containing an accountof the enumeration and arrangement of the Israelites. The early part of it, from chs. 1-10., appears to be a supplement to Leviticus, being occupied with relating the appointment of the Levites to the sacred offices. The journal of the march through the wilderness is then given as far as ch. 21. 20; after which the early incidents of the invasion are narrated 6 PREFACE TO THE PENTATEUCH AND HISTORICAL BOOKS. One direct quotation only from this book (ch. 16. 5) is made in the New Testament (2 Timothy 2. 19); but indirect references to it by the later sacred writers are very numerous. DEUTERONOMY, the second law, a title which plainly enough shows what is the object of this book, viz., a recapitulation of the law. It was given in the form of public addresses to the people; and as Moses spoke in the prospect of his speedy removal, he enforced obedience to it by many forcible appeals to the Israelites, concerning their long and varied experience both of the mercies and the judgments of God. The minute notices of the heathen people with whom they had come in contact, but who afterward disappeared from the page of history, as well as the accounts of the fertility and products of Canaan, and the counsels respecting the conquest of that country, fix the date of this book and the time of its composition by the hand of Moses. The close, however, must have been added by another; and, indeed, is supposed by some to have formed the original preface to the Book of Joshua. JOSHtUA.-The title of this book is derived from the pious and valiant leader whose achievements it relates, and who is commonly supposed to have been its author. The objections to this idea are founded chiefly on the clause, " unto this day," which occurs several times (ch. 4. 9; 6. 25; 8. 28). But this, at least in the case of Rahab, is no valid reason for rejecting the idea of his authorship; for assuming what is most probable, that this book was composed toward the close of Joshua's long career, or compiled from written documents left by him, Rahab might have been still alive. A more simple and satisfactory way of accounting for the frequent insertion of the clause, " unto this day," is the opinion that it was a comment introduced by Ezra, when revising the sacred canon; and this difficulty being removed, the direct proofs of the book having been produced by a witness of the transactions related in it; the strong and vivid descriptions of the passing scenes, and the use of the words "we" and "us," (ch. 5. 1-6), viewed in connection with the fact, that, after his farewell address to the people, Joshua "wrote these words in the book of the law of God" —all afford strong presumptive proof that the entire book was the work of that eminent individual. Its inspiration and canonical authority are fully established by the repeated testimonies of other Scripture writers (cf. ch. 6. 26 with 1 Kings 16. 34; 10. 13 with Habakkuk 3. 11; ch. 3. 14 with Acts 7. 45; 6. 17-2b with Hebrews 11. 30; ch. 2 with James 2. 25; Psalm 44. 2; 68. 12-14; 78. 54, 55). As a narrative of God's faithfulness in giving the Israelites possession of the promised land, this history is most valuable, and bears the same character as a sequel to the Pentateuch, that the Acts of the Apostles do to the Gospels. JUDGES is the title given to this book, from its containing the history of those non-regal rulers who governed the Hebrews from the time of Joshua to that of Eli, and whose functions in time of peace consisted chiefly in the administration of justice, although they occasionally led the people in their wars against their public enemies. The date and authorship of this book are not precisely known. It is certain, however, that it preceded the Second Book of Samuel (cf. ch. 9. 35 with 2 Samuel 11. 21), as well as the conquest of Jerusalem by David (cf. ch. 1. 21 with 2 Samuel 5. 6). Its author was in all probability Samuel, the last of the judges (see cll. 19. 1; 21. 25), and the date of the first part of it is fixed in the reign of Saul, while the five chapters at the close might not be written till after David's establishment as king in Israel (see ch. 18. 31). It is a fragmentary history, being a collection of important facts and signal deliverances at different times and in various parts of the land, during the intermediate period of 300 years between Joshua and the establishment of monarchy. The inspired character of this book is confirmed by allusions to it in many passages of Scripture (cf. ch. 4. 2; 6. 14 with 1 Samuel 12. 9-12; ch. 9. 53 with 2 Samuel 11. 21; ch. 7. 25 with Psalm 83. 11; cf. ch. 5. 4, 5 with Psalm 7. 5; ch. 13. 5; 16. 17 with Matthew 2. 13-23; Acts 13. 20; Hebrews 11. 32). RUTH is properly a supplement to the preceding book, to which, in fact, it was appended in the ancient Jewish canon. Although it relates an episode belonging to the time of the Judges, its precise date is unknown. Itappears certain, however, that it could not have been written prior to the time of Samuel (see.h. 4. 17-22), who is generally supposed to have been its author; and this opinion, in addition to other reasons on which it rests, is confirmed by ch. 4. 7, where it is evident that the history was not compiled till long after the transactions recorded. The inspiration and canonical authority of the book is attested by the fact of Ruth's name being inserted by Matthew in the Saviour's genealogy. THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL.-The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined, so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book of Samilel with more propriety than now, the second being wholly occupied with the relation of transactions that did not take place till after the death of that eminent judge. Accordingly, in the Septuagint and the Vulgate, it is called the First and Second Books of Kings. The early portion of the First Book, down to the end of the twenty-fourth chapter, was probably written by Samuel; while the rest of it, and the whole of the Second, are commonly ascribed to Nathan and Gad, founding the opinion on 1 Chronicles 29. 29. Commentators, however, are divided about this, some supposing that the statements in ch. 2. 26; 3. 1, indicate the hand of the judge himself, or a contemporary; while some think, from ch. 6. 18; 12. 5; 27. 6, that its composition must be referred to a later age. It is PREFACE TO THE PENTATEUCH AND HISTORICAL BOOKS. probable, however, that these supposed marks of an after period were interpolations of Ezra. This unoertainty, however, as to the authorship does not affect the inspired authority of the book, which is indisputable, being quoted in the New Testament (Acts 13. 22; Hebrews 1. 5), as well as in many of the Psalms. THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF KINGS, in the ancient copies of the Hebrew Bible, constitute one book. Various titles have been given them; in the Septuagint and the Vulgate they are called the Third and Fourth Books of Kings. The authorship of these books is unknown; but the prevailing opinion is that they were compiled by Ezra, or one of the later prophets, from the ancient documents that are so frequently referred to in the course of the history as of public and established authority. Their inspired character was acknowledged by the Jewish Church, which ranked them in the sacred canon; and, besides, is attested by our Lord, who frequently quotes from them (cf. 1 Kings 17. 9; 2 Kings 5. 14 with Luke 4. 24-27; I Kings 10. 1 with Matthew 12. 42). THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF CHRONICLES were also considered as one by the ancient Jews, who called them "words of days," i. e., diaries or journals, being probably compiled from those registers that were kept by the king's historiographers of passing occurrences. In the Septuagint the title given them is Paraleipomenon, " of things omitted," i. e., the books are supplementary, because many things unnoticed in the former books are here recorded; and not only the omissions are supplied, but some narratives extended, while others are added. The authorship is commonly ascribed to Ezra, whose leading object seems to have been to show the division of families, possessions, etc., before the captivity, with a view to the exact restoration of the same order after the return from Babylon. Although many things are re-stated, and others are exact repetitions of what is contained in Kings, there is so much new and important information that., as Jerome has well said, the Chronicles furnish the means of comprehending parts of the New Testament, which must have been unintelligible without them. They are frequently referred to by Christ and the Apostles as forming part of "the Word of God" (see the genealogies in Matthew 1.; Luke 3.; cf. 2 Chronicles 19. 7 with 1 Peter 1. 17; 2 Chronicles 24. 19-21 with Matthew 23. 32-35). EZRA was, along with Nehemiah, reckoned one book by the ancient Jews, who called them the First and Second Books of Ezra, and they are still designated by Roman Catholic writers the First and Second Books of Esdras. This book naturally divides itself into two parts or sections, the one contained in the first six chapters, and relates the circttmstances connected with the return of the first detachment of Babylonish exiles under Zerubbabel with the consequent rebuilding of the temple and the re-establishment of the divine service. The other part, embraced in the four concluding chapters, narrates the journey of a second caravan of returning captives under the conduct of Ezra himself, who was invested with powers to restore, in all its splendour, the entire system of the Jewish ritual. The general opinion of the Church in every succeeding age has been that Ezra was the author of this book. The chief objection is founded on ch. 5. 4, where the words " then said," etc., have occasioned a surmise that the first portion of the book was not writtenby Ezra, who did not go to Jerusalem for many years after. But a little attention will show the futility of this objection, as the words in question did not refer to the writer, but were used by Tatnai and his associates. The style and unity of object in the book clearly prove it to have been the production but of one author. The canonical authority of this book is well established; but another under the name of Ezra is rejected as apocryphal. NEHEMIAH appears to have been the author of this book, from his usually writing in his own name,- and indeed except in those parts which are unmistakably later editions or borrowed from public documents, he usually employs the first person. The major portion of the book is occupied with a history of Nehemiah's twelve years' administration in Jerusalem, after which he returned to his duties in Shushan. At a later period he returned with new powers, and commenced new and vigorous measures of reform, which are detailed in the latter chapters of the book. ESTHER derives its name from the Jewish lady, who, having become wife of the king of Persia, employed her royal influence to effect a memorable deliverance for the persecuted Church of God. Various opinions are embraced and supported as to the authorship of this book, some ascribing it to Ezra, to Nehemiah, and to Mordecai. The preponderance of authorities is in favour of the last. The historical character of the book is undoubted, since, besides many internal evidences, its authenticity is proved by the strong testimony of the feast of Purim, the celebration, of which can be traced up to the events which are described in this book. Its claim, however, to canonical authority has been questioned on the ground that the name of God does not once occur in it. But the uniform tradition both of the Jewish and the Christian Churches supports this claim, which nothing in the book tends to shake; while it is a record of the superintending care of divine providence over his chosen people, with which it is of the utmost importance the Church should be furnished. The name of God is strangely enough omitted, but the presence of God is felt throughout the history; and the whole tone and tendency of the book is so decidedly subservient to the honour of God and the cause of true religion that it has been generally received by the Church in all ages into the sacred canon. PREFACE TO THE POETICAL BOOKS. HEBREW poetry is unique in its kind; in essence, the most sublime; in form, marked by a simplicity and ease which flow from its sublimity. " The Spirit of the Lord spake by the Hebrew poet, and His word was upon his tongue" (2 Samuel 23. 2). Even the music was put under the charge of spiritually gifted men; and one of the chief musicians, Heman, is called " the king's seer in the words of God" (1 Chronicles 25. 1, 5). King David is stated to have invented instruments of music (Amos 6. 5). There is not in Hebrew poetry the artistic rhythm of form which appears in the classical poetry of Greece and Rome, but it amply makes up for this by its fresh and graceful naturalness. Early specimens of Hebrew poetry occur, ex. gr., Lamech's sceptical parody of Enoch's prophecy, or, as others think, lamentation for a homicide committed in those lawless times in self-defence (Genesis 4. 23; cf. Jude 14; Exodus 32. 18; Numbers 21. 14, 15, 17, 18, 27; 23. 7, 8, 18; 24. 3, 15). The poetical element appears much more in the Old than in the New Testament. The poetical books are exclusively those of the Old Testament; and in the Old Testament itself, the portions that are the most fundamental (ex. gr., the Pentateuch of Moses, the lawgiver, in its main body), are those which have in them least of the poetical element in form. Elijah, the father of the prophets, is quite free of poetical art. The succeeding prophets were not strictly poets, except in so far as the ecstatic state in inspiration lifted them to poetic modes of thought and expression. The prophet was more of an inspired teacher than a poet. It is when the sacred writer acts as the representative of the personal experiences of the children of God and of the Church, that poetry finds its proper sphere. The use of poetry in Scripture was particularly to supply the want not provided for by the law, viz., oF devotional forms to express in private, and in public joint worship, the feelings of pious Israelites. The schools of the prophets fostered and diffused a religious spirit among the people; and we find them using lyric instruments to accompany their prophesyings (1 Samuel 10. 5). David, however, it was who specially matured the lyric effusions of devotion into a perfection which they had not before attained. Another purpose which Psalmody, through David's inspired productions, served, was to draw forth from under the typical forms of legal services their hidden essence and spirit, adapting them to the various spiritual exigencies of individual and congregational life. Nature, too, is in them shown to speak the glory and goodness of the invisible, yet ever present God. A handbook of devotion was furnished to the Israelite whereby he could enter into the true spirit of the services of the sanctuary, and so feel the need of that coming Messiah, of whom especially the Book of Psalms testifies throughout. We also, in our Christian dispensation, need its help in our devotions. Obliged as we are, notwithstanding our higher privileges in most respects, to walk by faith rather than by sight in a greater degree than they, we find the Psalms, with their realizing expression of the felt nearness of God, the best repertory whence to draw divinely-sanctioned language, wherewith to express our prayers and thanksgivings to God, and our breathings after holy communion with our fellow-saints. As to the objection raised against the spirit of revenge which breathes in some psalms, the answer is, a wide distinction is to be drawn between personal vindictiveness, and the desire for God's honour being vindicated. Personal revenge, not only in the other parts of Scripture, but also in the Psalms, in theory and in practice, is alike reprobated (Exodus 23. 4, 5; Leviticus 19. 18; Job 31. 29, 30; Psalm 7. 4, 5, 8, 11, 12; Proverbs 25. 21, 22), which corresponds to David's practice in the case of his unrelenting enemy (1 Samuel 24. 5, 6; 26. 8-10). On the other hand, the people of God have always desired that, whatever mars the cause of God, as for instance the prosperity of the enemies of God and His Church, should be brought to an end (Psalm 10. 12; 30. 27; 40. 16; 79. 6, 10). It is well for us, too, in our dispensation of love, to be reminded by these psalms of the danger of lax views as to God's hatred of sin; and of the need there is, we should altogether enter into the mind of God on such points, at the same time that we seek to convert all men to God (cf. 1 Samuel 16. 1; Psalm 139. 21; Isaiah 66. 24; Revelation 14. 10). Some psalms are composed of twenty-two parallel sentences or strophes of verses, beginning with words of'which the initial letters correspond with the Hebrew letters (twenty-two) in their order (cf. Psalm 37. and 119). So Lamentations. This arrangement was designed as a help to the memory, and is only found in such compositions as handle not a distinct and progressive subject, but a series of pious reflections, in the case of 9 PREFACE TO THE POETICAL BOOKS. which the precise order was of less moment. The Psalmist in adopting it does not slavishly follow it; but, as in the 25th Psalm, deviates from it, so as to make the form, when needful, bend to the sense. Of these poems there are twelve in all in the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 25., 34., 37., 111., 112., 119., 145.; Proverbs 31. 10-31; Lamentations 1., 2., 3., 4). The great excellence of the Hebrew principle of versification, vix., parallelism, or "thought rhythm" [Ewald], is that, while the poetry of every other language, whose versification depends on the regular recurrences of certain sounds, suffers considerably by translation, Hebrew poetry, whose rhythm depends on the parallel correspondence of similar thoughts, loses almost nothing in being translated-the Holy Spirit having thus presciently provided for its ultimate translation into every language, without loss to the sense. Thus our English Version, Job and Psalms, though but translations, are eminently poetical. On parallelism, see my Introduction to Job. Thus also a clue is given to the meaning in many passages, the sense of the word in one clause being more fully set forth by the corresponding word in the succeeding parallel clause. In the Masoretic punctuation of the Hebrew, the metrical arrangement is marked by the distinctive accents. It accords with the divine inspiration of Scripture poetry, that the thought is more prominent than the form, the kernel than the shell. The Hebrew poetic rhythm resembled our blank verse, without, however, metrical feet. There is a verbal rhythm above that of prose; but as the true Hebrew pronunciation is lost, the rhythm is but imperfectly recognised. The peculiarity of the Hebrew poetical age is, that it was always historic and true, not mythical, as the early poetical ages of all other nations. Again, its poetry is distinguished from prose by the use of terms decidedly poetic. David's lament over Jonathan, furnishes a beautiful specimen of another feature found in Hebrew poetry, the strophe: three strophes being marked by the recurrence three times of the dirge sung by the chorus; the first dirge sung by the whole body of singers, representing Israel; the second, by a chorus of damsels; the third, by a chorus of youths (2 Samuel 1. 17-27). The lyrical poetry, which is the predominant style in the Bible, and is especially terse and sententious, seems to have come from an earlier kind resembling the more modern Book of Proverbs (cf. Genesis 4. 23, 24). The Oriental mind tends to embody thought in pithy gnomes, maxims, and proverbs. "The poetry of the Easterns is a string of pearls. Every word has life. Every proposition is condensed wisdom. Every thought is striking and epigrammatical." [Kitto, Biblical Cyclopceda. ] We are led to the same inference from the term Maschal, " a proverb" or "similitude," being used to designate poetry in general. " Hebrew poetry, in its origin, was a painting to the eye, a parable or teaching by likenesses discovered by the popular mind, expressed by the popular tongue, and adopted and polished by the national poet." Solomon, under inspiration, may have embodied in his Proverbs such of the pre-existing popular wise sayings as were sanctioned by the Spirit of God. The Hebrew title for the Psalms, Tehilim, means hymns, i. e., joyous praises (sometimes accompanied with dancing. Exodus 15.; Judges 5.), not exactly answering to the LXX. title, Psalms, i, e., lyrical odes, or songs accompanied by an instrument. The title Tehilim, " hymns," was probably adopted on account of the use made of the Psalms in divine service, though only a part can be strictly called songs of praise, others being dirges, and very many prayers (whence in Psalm 72. 20, David styles all his previous compositions, " the prayers of David"). Sixty-five bear the title, lyrical odes (Mizmorim), whilst only one is styled Tehilah or Hymn. From the title being Psalms in the LXX. and New Testament, and also the Peshito, it is probable that Psalms (Mizmorim) or lyrical odes, was the old title before Tehlim. Epic poetry, as having its proper sphere in a mythical heroic age, has no place among the Hebrews of the Old Testament Scripture age. For in their earliest ages, viz., the patriarchal, not fable as in Greece, Rome, Egypt, and all heathen nations, but truth and historic reality reigned; so much so, that the poetic element, whichiis the offspring of the imagination, is less found in those earlier, than in the later ages. The Pentateuch is almost throughout historic prose. In the subsequent uninspired age, in Tobit we have some approach to the Epos. Drama, also, in the full modern sense, is not found in Hebrew literature. This was due, not to any want of intellectual culture, as is fully shown by the high excellence of their lyric and didactic poetry, but to their earnest character, and to the solemnity of the subjects of their literature. The dramatic element appears in Job, more than in any other book in the Bible; there are the dramatis personce, a plot, and the " denouement" prepared for by Elihu, the fourth friend's speech, and brought about by the interposition of Jehovah Himself. Still it is not a strict drama, but rather an inspired debate on a difficult problem of the divine government exemplified in Job's case, with historic narrative, prologue, and epilogue. The Song of Solomon, too, has much of the dramatic cast. See my Introductions to Job and Song of Solomon. The Style of many psalms is very dramatic, transitions often occurring from one to another person, without introduction, 10 PREFACE TO THE POETICAL BOOKS. and especially from speaking indirectly of God to addresses to God; thus in Psalm 32. 1, 2, David makes a general introduction, "Blessed is the man whose iniquity is forgiven," etc.; then at v. 3-7, he passes to addressing God directly; then in v. 8, without preface God is introduced, directly speaking, in answer to the previous prayer; then v. 10, 11, again he resumes indirect speaking of God, and addresses himself in conclusion to the righteous. These quick changes of person do not startle us, but give us a stronger sense of his habitual converse with God, than any assertions could do. Cf. also in Psalm 132. 8-10, the prayer, " Arise, O Lord, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy. For thy servant David's sake turn not away the face of thine anointed," with God's direct answer, which follows in almost the words of the prayer, " The Lord hath sworn unto David, etc. This is my rest for ever (v. 14). I will clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy." Thus also in Psalm 2., various personages are introduced, dramatically acting and speaking-the confederate nations, Jehovah, the Messiah, and the Psalmist. A frequent feature is, the alternate succession of parts, adapting the several psalms to alternate recitation by two semi-choruses in the temple worship, followed by a full chorus between the parts or at the end. So Psalm 107. 15, 21, 31. De Burgh, in his valuable commentary on the Psalms, remarks, "Our cathedral service exemplifies the form of chanting the Psalms, except that the semi-chorus is alternately a whole verse, instead of alternating, as of old, the half verse; while the full chorus is the'gloria' at the end of each Psalm." In conclusion, besides its unique point of excellence, its divine inspiration, Hebrew poetry is characterized as being essentially national, yet eminently catholic, speaking to the heart and spiritual sensibilities of universal humanity. Simple and unconstrained, it is distinguished by a natural freshness which is the result of its genuine truthfulness. The Hebrew poet sought not self, or his own fame, as all heathen poets, but was inspired by the Spirit of God to meet a pressing want which his own and his nation's spiritual aspirations after God made to be at once a necessity and a delight. Cf. 2 Samuel 23. 1, 2, " The sweet Psalmist of Israel said, The Spirit of the Lord spake by me," etc. Ewald rightly remarks, as several odes of the highest poetic excellence are not included (ex. gr., the songs of Moses, Exodus 15. and 32.; of Deborah, Judges 5.; of Hannah, 1 Samuel 2. 1-10; of Hezekiah, Isaiah 38. 9-20; of Habakkuk, Habakkuk 3.; and even David's dirge over Saul and Jonathan, 2 Samuel 1. 17, 8). The selection of the Psalms collected in one book was made not so much with reference to the beauty of the pieces, as to their adaptation for public worship. Still one overruling Spirit ordered the selection and arrangement of the contents of the book, as one pervading tone and subject appear throughout, Christ in His own inner life as the God-man, and in His past, present, and future relations to the Church and the woild. Isaac Taylor well calls the Psalms "The Liturgy of the spiritual life;" and Luther, "A Bible in miniature." The principle of the order in which the Psalms are given to us, though not always discoverable, is in some cases clear, and shows the arrangement to be unmistakably the work of the Spirit, not merely that of the collector. Thus Psalm 22. plainly portrays the dying agonies of Messiah; Psalm 23., His peaceful rest ir Paradise after His death on the cross; and Psalm 24., His glorious ascension into heaven. INTRODUCTION TO THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS. HE second division of Scripture, the others being the Law and Hagiographa. It included Joshua Judges, 1st and 2d Samuel, 1st and 2d Kings, called the former prophets; and Isaiah, Jeremiah Ezekiel, etc., to Malachi, the latter prophets. Daniel is excluded, because, though highly endowed with prophetic gifts, he had not filled the prophetic office: his book is therefore classed with the Hagiographa. Ezra probably commenced, and others subsequently completed, the arrangement of the canon. The prophets were not mere predictors. Their Hebrew name, Nabi, comes from a root to boil up as a foruntain [ Geseinils]; hence the fervour of inspiration, 2 Peter 1. 21 (others interpret it as from an Arabic root, Exodus 4. 16, spokesman of God, the Holy Ghost supplying him with words); communicated by dreams, Joel 2. 28; Job 33. 14-17 (no instance of this occurs in Isaiah); or visions, the scene being made to pass before their mind (Isaiah 1. 1); or trance, ecstasy (Numbers 24. 4, 16; Ezekiel 1. 3; 3. 14); not depriving them, however, of free conscious agency (Jeremiah 20. 7, 9; 1 Corinthians 14. 32). These PECULIAR FORMS of inspiration distinguish prophets; strictly so called, from Moses and others though inspired (Numbers 12. 6-8). Hence their name seers. Hence, too, the poetical cast of their style, though less restricted, owing to their practical tendency, by the outward forms observed in strictly poetical books. Hence, too, the union of music with prophesying (1 Samuel 10. 5). This ecstatic state, though exalted, is not the highest: for Jesus Christ was never in it, nor Mpses. It was rendered necessary by the 11 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS. frailty of the prophets, and the spiritual obtuseness of the people. It accordingly predominates in the Old Testament, but is subordinate in the New Testament, where the Holy Ghost by the fulness of His ordinary gifts renders the extraordinary less necessary. After the time of the Mosaic economy, the idea of a prophet was regularly connected with the prophetic office,-not conferred by men, but by God. In this they differ from mystics whose pretended inspiration is for themselves: prophetism is practical, not dreamy and secluded; the prophets' inspiration is theirs only as God's messengers to the people. His ordinary servants and regular teachers of the people were the priests: the prophets, distinguished from them by inspiration, were designed to rouse and excite. In Israel, however, as distinguished from Judah, as there was no true priesthood, the prophets were the regular and only ministers of God. Prophecy in Israel needed to be supported more powerfully: therefore the "schools" were more established; and more striking prophetic deeds (e. g., Elijah's and Elisha's) are recorded, than in Judah. The law was their basis (Isaiah 8. 16, 20), both its form and spirit (Deuteronomy 4. 2; 13. 1-3): at times they looked forward to a day when its ever-living spirit would break its then imperfect form for a freer and more perfect development (Jeremiah 3. 16; 31. 31): but they altered not a tittle in their own days. Eichorn well calls Moses' song (Deuteronomy 32.) the Magna Charta of prophesy. The fulfilment of their predictions was to be the sign of their being real prophets of God (Deuteronomy 18. 22). Also, their speaking in the name of no other but the true God (Deuteronomy 18. 20). Prophecy was the only sanctioned indulgence of the craving after knowledge of future events, which is so prevalent in the East (Deuteronomy 18. 10, 11). For a momentary inspiration the mere beginning of spiritual life sufficed, as in Balaam's case; but for a continuous mission, the prophet must be converted (Isaiah 6. 7). In Samuel's days (1 Samuel 10. 8; 19. 20) begin the prophetic " schools." These were associations of men, more or less endowed with the Spirit, in which the feebler were helped by those of greater spiritual powers: so at Beth-el and Gilgal (2 Kings 2. 3; 4. 38; 6. 21). Only the leaders stood in immediate communion with God, whilst the rest were joined to Him through their mediation (1 Kings 19. 15; 2 Kings 8. 13); the former acted through the latter as their instruments (1 Kings 19. 16; 2 Kings 9. 1, 2). The bestowal of prophetic gifts was not, however, limited to these schools (Amos 7. 14, 15). As to SYMBOLIC ACTIONS, many of them are not actual but only parts of the prophetic visions, internal not external facts, being impossible or indecent (Jeremiah 13. 1-10; 25. 12-38; Hosea 1. 2-11). Still the internal actions, when possible and proper, were often expressed externally (1 Kings 22. 11). Those purely internal express the subject more strikingly than a naked statement could. Other CRITERIA of a true prophet, besides the two above, were, the accordance of his addresses with the law; his not promising prosperity without repentance; his own assurance of his divine mission (sometimes received reluctantly, Jeremiah 20. 8, 9), Jeremiah 26. 12, producing that inward assurance of the truth in others, which is to them a stronger proof fiom the Spirit of God, than even outward miracles and arguments: is pious life, fortitude in suffering, and freedom from fanaticism, confirm these criteria. Miracles, though proofs, are not to be trusted without the negative criteria (Deuteronomy 13. 2). Predictions fulfilled in the prophet's lifetime established his authority thenceforth (1 Samuel 3. 19; Jeremiah 22. 11, 12; Ezekiel 12. 12, 13; 24). As to their PROMTLI&ATION, it was usually oral, before the assembled people, and afterwards revised in writing. The second part of Isaiah, and Ezekiel 40.-48., were probably not given orally, but in writing. Before Isaiah's and his contemporaries' time, prophecies were not written, as not being intended for universal use. But now a larger field was opened. To the worldly power of heathen nations which threatened to destroy the theocracy is henceforth opposed the kingdom of God, about to conquer all through Messiah, whose coming concerns all ages. The lesser prophets give the quintessence of the prophecies of their respective authors. An instance of the mode of collecting and publishing prophecies occurs, Jeremiah 36. 4-14. Those of the later prophets rest on those of the earlier (Zechariah 1. 4; 7. 7, 12). Ewald fancies that a great number of prophetic rolls have been lost. But the fact of the prophets often alluding to writings which we have, and never to those which it can be proved we have not, makes it likely that we have all those predictions which were committed to writing; the care bestowed on them as divine, and the exact knowledge of them long after (Jeremiah 26. 18, 19), confirm this view. The ARRANGEMENT is chronological; but as the twelve lesser prophets are regarded as one work, and the three last of them lived later than Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the former are put after the latter. The lesser prophets are arranged chronologically, except Hosea,. who being the largest, is placed first, though some were earlier than he: also Jonah, who seems to have been the earliest of the latter prophets. As to THE MESSIAH, no single prophet gives a complete view of Him: this is made up of the various aspects of Him in different prophecies combined; just as His life in the gospels is one under a fourfold aspect. In the first part of Isaiah, addressed to the whole people, the prominent idea is His triumph, as King, the design being there to remove their fears of the surrounding nations; in the second, addressed to the elect remnant, He is exhibited as Prophet and Priest, Himself being the sacrifice. 12 PREFACE TO THE PROPHETS OF THE RESTORATION. THE prophetic gift existed long before the prophetic office was instituted. Thus Enoch had the former (Jude 14); so Abraham is called "a prophet" (Genesis 20. 7); also the patriarchs (Psalm 105. 15). The office was first instituted under the Mosaic economy; but even then the gift was not always connected with the office; e. g., Daniel was endowed largely with the gift, but was never called to the office, as living in a heathen court where he could not have exercised it. So David (Matthew 13. 35; 27. 35). Hence the writings of both are classed with the Hagiographa, not with the prophets. Moreover, though the office ceased with the close of the Old Testament dispensation, the gift continued, and was among the leading charismls of the New Testament church. Prophet (in Hebrew from a root, " to gush out like a fountain") meant one acting as spokesman for another (Exodus 7. 1); so, one speaking authoritatively for God as interpreter of His will. Seer was the more ancient term (1 Samuel 9. 9), implying that he spake by a divine communication presented either to his senses or his mind: as "prophet" indicated his authority as speaking for God. Christ was the only fountain of prophecy (1 Peter 1. II; Revelation 19. 10; also Acts 16. 7, the oldest reading, "the Spirit of Jesus"), and declared God's will to men by His Holy Spirit acting on the minds of the prophets. Thus the history of the Church is the history of God's revelations of Himself in His Son to man. The three divisions of this history, the Patriarchal, the Mosaic, and the Christian dispensations, are characterized each by a distinct mode of God's manifestations —i. e., by a distinct form of the prophetic gift The theophanic mode characterizes the Patriarchal dispensation: God revealing Himself in visible appearances or theophanies. The theopneustic mode, the Mosaic: God revealing Himself through God-inspired men. The theologic mode, the Christian: God revealing Himself, not merely at intervals as before, but permanently by inspired writings ("the oracles of God," I Peter 4. 11). In thefirst or patriarchal age, men work no miracles, unlike all other primeval histories, which abound in miracles wrought by men: a proof of genuineness. All the miracles are wrought by God without man's intervention; and the divine communications are usually by direct utterance, whence the prophetic gift is rare, as God in this dispensation only exceptionally employs the prophetic agency of men in it: only in Genesis 20. 7, is the term " prophet" found. In the second or Mosaic dispensation, God withdraws HIimself more from direct communication with man, and manifests Himself through human instruments. Instead of working miracles directly, Moses, Joshua, etc., are His agents. So in His communications Ie speaks not directly, but through Moses and his successors. The theocracy needed a new form of prophetic gift: Godinspired (theopneustic) men must speak and act for God, the Head of the theocracy, as his administrators; the prophetic gift is therefore now connected with the prophetic office. These prophets accordingly are acting, not writing, prophets. The latter do not arise till the later ages of this second dispensation. Moses acted as a legislator; Joshua, the Judges and Samuel as executive prophets; David and Solomon as devotional prophets. Even in the case of the writing prophets of the latter half of the Mosaic dispensation, their primary duty was to speak and act. Their writing had reference more to the use of the New Testament dispensation than to their own (1 Peter 1. 12). So that even in their case the characteristic of the Mosaic dispensation was theopneustic, rather than theologic. The third, or Christian dispensation, is theologic, i. e., a revelation of God by inspired writings; 1 Peter 4. 11; 2 Peter 1. 16-21, where he contrasts " the old time" when " holy men spake by the Holy Ghost" with our time when we have the " sure word of prophecy;" or, as it may be translated, "the word of prophecy confirmed (to us)." Thus God now reveals His will, not by direct theophanies, as in the first dispensation-not by inspired men, as in the second, but by the written word which liveth and abideth for ever (as opposed to the desultory manifestations of God, and the noncontinuance in life of the prophets, under the two former dispensations respectively, 1 Peter 1.23; 2 Peter 3. 2, 16). The next form shall be the return of the theophanic manifestations on earth, in a more perfect and abiding form than in the first age (Revelation 21. 3). The history of the prophetic office under the Mosaic dispensation falls into three divisions. The first ends with the age of Samuel, and has no regular succession of prophets, these not being needed whilst God Hintself ruled the people without an hereditary executive. The second period extends from Samuel to Uzziah, 800 B. c., and is the age of prophets of action. Samuel combined in himself the three elements of the theocracy, being a judge, a priest, and a prophet. The creation of a human king rendered the formal office of prophet more necessary as a counterpoise to it. Hence the age of the kings is the age of the 13 PREFACE TO THE PROPHETS OF THE RESTORATION. prophets. But at this stage they were prophets of action, rather than of writing. Towards the close of this second period, the devotional and Messianic prophecies of David and Solomon prepared the way for the third period (from 800 B. c. to 400 B. c.), which began under Uzziah, and which was the age of written prophecy. In this third period the prophets turn from the present to the future, and so the Messianic element grows more distinct. Thus in these three shorter periods the grand characteristics of the three great dispensations re-appear. The first is theophanic; the second, theopneustic; and the third, theologic. Just as the great organic laws of the world re-appear in smaller departments, the law of the tree developing itself in miniature tbrms in the structure of the leaf, and the curve of the planet's orbit re-appearing in the line traced by the projected cannon-ball. [Moore.] Samuel probably enacted rules giving a permanent form to the prophetic order; at least in his time the first mention occurs of "schools of the prophets." These were all near each other, and in Benjamin, viz., Bethel, Gilgal, Ramah and Jericho. Had the prophet been a mere foreteller of events, such schools would have been useless. But he was also God's representative to ensure the due execution of the Mosaic ritual in its purity; hence arose the need of schools wherein to study that divinely-ordained institution. God mostly chose His prophets from those thus educated, though not exclusively, as the cases of Amos (Amos 7. 14) and Elisha (1 Kings 19. 19) prove. The fact that the humblest might be called to the prophetic office acted as a check to the hereditary kingly power, and a stimulus to seeking the qualifications needed for so exalted an office. The Messianic Psalms towards the close of this second period form the transition between the prophets of action and the prophets of word, the men who were busy only with the present, and the men who looked out from the present into the glorious future. The third period, that from Uzziah to Malachi, includes three classes of prophets: (1.) Those of the ten tribes; (2.) Those of the Gentiles; (3.) Those of Judah. In the first class were Hosea and Amos. Few of' the writing prophets belonged to Israel. They naturally gathered about the seat of the theocracy in Judah. Hence those of the ten tribes were mostly prophets of action. Under the second class fall Jonah, Nahum, and Obadiah, who were witnesses for God's authority over the Gentile world, as others witnessed for the same in the theocracy. The third class, those of Judah, have a wider scope and a more hopeful, joyous tone. They fall into five divisions: (1.) Those dwelling in Judah at the highest point of its greatness during its separate state, viz., the century between Uzziah and Hezekiah, 800-700 B. c., Isaiah, Joel, and Micah. (2.) The declining period of Judah, from Manasseh to Zedekiah, e. g., Zephaniah and Habakkuk. (3.) The i, pftifty: Jeremiah. (4.) The exile, when the future was all that the eye could rest on with hope, e. g., Ezekiel and Daniel, who are chiefly prophets of the future. (5.) The restoration: to which period belong the three last writing prophets of the Old Testament, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. John the Baptist long subsequently belonged to the same dispensation, but he wrote nothing (Matthew 11. 9-11); like Elijah, he was a prophet of action and preaching, preparing the way for the prophets of word, as John did for the Incarnate Word. To understand the spirit of each prophet's teaching, his historical position and the circumstances of the time must be considered. The captivity was designed to eradicate the Jews' tendency to idolatry, and to restore the theocratic spirit which recognized God as the only ruler, and the Mosaic institutions as His established law, for a time until Messiah should come. Hence the prophets of the restoration are best illustrated by comparison with the histories of Ezra and Nehemiah, contemporaries of Malachi. Of the three prophets of the restoration, two, Haggai and Zechariah, are at the beginning of the period, and the remaining one, Malachi, is at the close. The exile was not one complete deportation of the people, but a series of deportations extending over a century and a half. So the restoration was not accomplished at once, but in successive returns extending over a century. Hence arises the different tone of Haggai and Zechariah at its beginning, and of Malachi at its close. The first return took place in the first year of Cyrus, r. c. 536; 42,360 persons returned under Sheshbazzar or Zerubbabel and Joshua (Ezra 2. 64). They built an altar and laid the foundations of the temple. They were interrupted by the misrepresentations of the Samaritans, and the work was suspended for fourteen years. The death of Smerdis gave an opportunity of renewing the work, seventy years after the destruction of the first temple. This was the time when Haggai and Zechariah arose, the former to incite to the immediate rebuilding of the temple and restoration of the Mosaic ritual, the latter to aid in the work, and to unfold the grand future of the theocracy as an incentive to present labour. The impossibility of observing the Mosaic ritual in the exile generated an anti-theocratic indifference to it in the young who were strangers to the Jerusalem worship, from which the nation had been upwards of half a century debarred. Moreover, the gorgeous pomp of Babylon tended to make them undervalue the humble rites of Jehovah's worship at that time. Hence there was need of a Haggai and a Zechariah to correct these feelings by unfolding the true glory of the theocratic institutions. 14 PREFACE TO THE PROPHETS OF THE RESTORATION. The next great epoch was the return of Ezra, B. c. 458, eighty years after the first expedition under Zerubbabel. Thirteen years later, 445 B. c., Nehemiah came to aid Ezra in the good work. It was now that Malachi arose to second these works, three-fourths of a century after Haggai and Zechariah. As their work was that of restorers, his was that of a reformer. The estates of many had become mortgaged, and depression of circumstances had led many into a sceptical spirit as to the service of God. They not only neglected the temple of worship, but took heathen wives, to the wrong of their Jewish wives and the dishonour of God. Therefore, besides the reformation of civil abuses, and the rebuilding of the wall, effected through Nehemiah's exertions, a religious reformer was needed such as was Ezra, who reformed the ecclesiastical abuses, established synagogues, where regular instruction in the law could be received; restored the Sabbath, and the Passover, and the dignity of the priesthood, and generated a reverence for the written law, which afterwards became a superstition. Malachi aided in this good work by giving it his prophetical authority. How thoroughly the work was effected is proved by the utter change in the national character. Once always prone to idolatry, ever since the captivity they have abhorred it. Once loving kingly rule, now contrary to the ordinary course of history, they became submissive to priestly rule. Once negligent of the written Word, now they regarded it with reverence sometimes bordering on superstition. Once fond of foreign alliances, henceforth they shrank with abhorrence from all foreigners. Once fond of agriculture, now they became a trading people. From being pliable before, they now became intensely bigoted and nationally intolerant. Thus the restoration from Babylon moulded the national character more than any event since the Exodus from Egypt. Now the distinction between Judah and the ten tribes of Israel disappears. So in the New Testament the twelve tribes are mentioned (Acts 26. 7; James 1. 1). The theocratic feeling generated at the restoration drew all of the elect nation round the seat of the theocracy, the metropolis of the true religion, Jerusalem. Malachi tended to promote this feeling; thus his prophecy, though addressed to the people of Jerusalem, is called "the word of the Lord to Israel. The long silence of prophets from Malachi to the times of Messiah was calculated to awaken in the Jewish mind the more earnest desire for Him who was to exceed infinitely in word and deed all the prophets, His forerunners. The three prophets of the restoration being the last of the Old Testament, are especially distinct in pointing to Him who, as the great subject of the New Testament, was to fulfil all:the Old Testament. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND CONTRACTIONS USED IN THIS WORK. THE Capital Letters of the Roman alphabet, A. B. C. D., Ex.-Example, Exodus. designate the various manuscripts used by critics for the Heb.-Epistle to the Hebrews. correction of the printed text. Hist.-History. A.-Is used to designate the Alexandrian manuscript, which ibid.-ibidem. In the same place. is so called from the place of its origin, the city of Alex- i. e.-id est. That is. andria, in Egypt. lib.-liber. Book. B.-The Vatican manuscript, which is kept in the Vatican lit.-literal, or literally. Library, at Rome. LXX.-the Seventy, dr the Septuagint. C.-The Ephraim manuscript, so called from Ephraim, a Marg. and marg. ref.-Margin, and marginal reference, res Mesopotamian saint of the age of Constantine. pectively. D.-The Beza manuscript, presented to the University of MS. and MSS.-Manuscript and manuscripts, respectively. Cambridge, in England, by Theodore Beza, A. D. 1581. N. B.-Take notice. A. D.-AAnno Domini. In the year of our LORD. N. T.-New Testament. App.-Appendix. 0. T.-Old Testament. B. C.-Before Christ. p. and pp.-Page and pages, respectively. Cant.-Canticles, or Song of Solomon. q. d.-quasi dicat. As if he should say. Ch. and Chs.-Chapter and Chapters. Quinct. Curt.-Quinctius Curtius. Chron.-Chronicles. Sept.-The Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament. Cf.-Compare. [French, Confer.] Talm.-Talmud. Ed.-Edition. v. and ver. —Verse, or verses. E. g.-Exempli gratia. For example. Virg. Georg.-The Georgics of Virgil. E. V.-English Version. 15 MONEY, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES NAMED IN THE BIBLE. I. JEWISH MONEY REDUCED TO ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STANDARDS. Z s. d. $ t. A Oerah~l~~~~~~.........................................................................................................................~... 01 8 10=A bekah..............................,........................................................................... 0 1 1.6875 0 25.09 20= 2 " ==A shekel......0......2.......................................................................... 0 2 3.375 0 50.187 1200= 120 " = 50 " = A mina..............................................................3......... 0.75 2,5 09. 60000=6000 " =3000 " = 60 = A talent........................................................ 342 3 9 505 62.5 A Solidus aureus, or sextula, was worth............................................................................. 09 A Siclus aureus, or gold shekel, was worth.................1............... 6.................. 1 8 03 A Talent of gold was worth..................................................................................................... 5475 0 2409 00 Silver is here valued at 5s. and gold at ~4 per ounce. II. ROMAN MONEY, NAMED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, REDUCED TO ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STANDARDS. f S. d. far. _$ cts. A M ite..0 0.0754............................................................................................................................... 0 0 0 0.75 0 00.343 A Farthing, nearly.................................................................................................................... 0 0 1.50 0 00.687 A Penny, or denarius.......................................................................................................... 0 7 2 0 13.75 A Pound, or mina................................................................................................................... 3 2 6 20 13 75 III. JEWISH WEIGHTS REDUCED TO ENGLISH TROY WEIGHTS. l. oz. pwt. gr. The Gerah, one-twentieth of a shekel....0.0.............................................................................. 0 0 0 12 Bekah, half a shekel...................................................................................................................................... 0 0 5 0 The Shekel................................................................................................................................................... 010 The Maneh. 60 shekels.............................................................................................................................................. 2 6 0 0 The Talent, 50 manehs, 3000 shekels........................................................................................................ 1 25 0 0 0 IV. BIBLICAL MEASURES OF LENGTH REDUCED TO ENGLISH MEASURE. Eag. ft. Inches. A git.............................................................................................................................................................. 0.912 4= A palm.......................................................................................................................................................... 0 3.86 18 12 = 3 " =-A span................................................................................................................................... 0 10.911 24 = 6 " = 2 " = A cubit....................1............................................................................................ 1 9.888 96= 24 " = 8 " = 4 " = A fathom............................................................................................ 7 3.552 144 = 36 " = 12 " = 6 " = 1.5 " = Ezekiel's reed.......................................................... 10 11.328 192= 48 " = 16 " = 8 " = 2 " = 1.3 " = An Arabian pole............................... 14 7.101 1920=480 " =160 " =80 " =20 " =13.3 " =10 " -A measuring line 145 11.04 V. THE LONG MEASURES OF THE BIBLE. Eng.m. Paces. Feet. A Cubit~ ~ ~......................................................................................................................................... 0 1.824 400=A stadium, or furlong.................................................................................................................... 0 145 4.6 2000 = 5 " = A Sabbath-day's journey..................................................................................... 0 729 3 4000= 10 " = 2 " " -=An Eastern mile...................................................... 1 403 1 12000= 30 " 6 " " = 3 " = A parasang.............................. 4 153 3 96000 =240 " =48 " " = 24'" 8 " =A day's journey 33 172 4 NOTE. —5 feet =1 pace; 1053 paces = 1 mile. VI. BIBLE MEASURES OF CAPACITY FOR LIQUIDS REDUCED TO ENGLISH WINE MEASURE. pGals. Pi nts. 3 -A log...........0............................................................................................................................................... 0 0.625 5.3= 4" A A cab................................................................................................................................................ 0 3.333 5.3- 4" -A cab.............................................................................................................................................. 3.333 16 = 12" = 3 " =Ahin............. 1 2 32 = 24"- 6 " = 2 " - A seah............................2 4................................................................................. 4 96 = 72"- = 18 " = 6 " - 3 " =A bath, ephah or firkin......................................................... 7 4.50 960 =720 =180 " =60 " 30 " =10 " =A kor, choros or homer................................................... 75 5.25 VII. DRY MEASURES OF THE BIBLE REDUCED TO ENGLISH CORN MEASURE. Bus. Pks. Gals. Pints. A Gachal...................................................................................................................................................... 0 0 0 0.141 20~ A cab.......................................................................................................... 0 0 0 2.833 36~ 1.8" = An omer or gomer.................................................................................................... 0 0 0 5.1 120= 6 " = 3.3 " = A eah................................................................... 0 1 0 1 36=~ 18 " = 10 " = 3 " =.An ephah..........0...................................... 0 3 0 3 1800= 90 "= 50 " =15 " = 5 " =A letech.............................................................. 4 0 0 1 8600=180 "=-100 " -=30 " -=10 " =2 " — Ahomer, orkor................................. 8 0 0 1 16 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. OLD TESTAME NT. Page. Page. PREFACE to the Pentateuch and Historical Books,.. 5-11 The Table of Showbread. Altar for Burnt Offering,... 65 Introduction to the Prophetical Books,........ 12-13 Appointment to the Priesthood. Consecration of the Preface to the Prophets of the Restoration, 14-16 Priests, etc.,.................. 66 GENESIS. —The Creation of Heaven and Earth,. 17 Consecration of the Altar. The Altar of Incense, 67 Creation of Man. The making of Woman,.......... 18 The Holy Anointing Oil. Bezaleel and Aholiab,.... 68 The Temptation., The Fall,.19 Idolatry of the People. Moses Breaketh the Tables,. 69 Birth of Cain and Abel. The Murder of Abel........ 20 The Tabernacle Removed. The Tables are Renewed, 70 Wickedness of the World. Noah builds an Ark,.. 21 Contributions to the Tabernacle. Offerings Delivered Assuaging of. the Waters. Departure from the Ark,. 22 to the Workmen,.............................. 11 God's Covenant signified by the Rainbow. Confusion Furniture of the Tabernacle. Garments of the Priests, 72 of Tongues........................ 23 The Tabernacle Set up. A Cloud Covereth it,...... 13 Call to Abram. Return from Egypt,............... 24 LEVITICUS.-Burnt, and Meat Offerings,....... 4 Lot taken Prisoner. Bestowment of Iagar,......... 25 The Peace Offering of the Herd. Sin Offering for the Renewal of the Covenant. Entertainment of Angels,. 26 Priest,.................5..................... 15 Lot's Entertainment. Abraham's Denial of his Wife, 27 Trespass Offering fbr Swearing. Law of the Burnt Birth of Isaac. Offering Isaac,.28 Offering,..................................... 76 A Marriage Commission. The Journey,.............29 Law of the Trespass Offering. Consecration of Aaron Death of Abraham. Sojourn in Gerar,.........~..... 30 and his Sons................................. The Blessing. Jacob's Departure,.................. 31 The. Priests' Entry into Office. Nadab and Abihu The Well of Haran. The Marriage of Jacob,....... 32 Burnt.............;...................... 71 Jacob's Covenant with Laban. Envy of Laban and his Beasts that may and may not be Eaten,........... 79' Sons,...................................... 33' "....... 80) Laban Pursueth Jacob. Vision of Angels........... 34 The Laws and Tokens in Discerning Leprosy,....... 81I Jacob Wrestleth with an Angel. Kindness of Jacob " " " "..... 8 and Esau,................................... 35 The Rites and Sacrifices in Cleansing of the Leper,... 83: The Dishndour of Dinah. Jacob Reproveth Simeon How the High Priest must enter into the Holy Place, 84 and Levi,..................................... 36 Th.e Sacrifices and Ceremonies on entering the Holy His Removal to Bethel. Death of Isaac,... 37... 37 Place,..................................... 85 Parental Partiality. The Dreams of Joseph,......... 38 Unlawful Marriages. Unlawful Lusts,............. 86 Joseph Sold by his Brethren. Joseph in Potiphar's A Repetition of Sundry Laws,.................... 87 House,.........................39 " " " Of the Priests' MournJoseph Cast into Prison. The Butler's Dream,. 40 ing, 88 The Baker's Dream. Pharaoh's Dream,............. 41 The Priests in their Uncleanness. Who may Eat of Joseph made Ruler of Egypt. Journey into Egypt,.. 42 the Holy Things, 89 Joseph's Brethren come to buy Corn. Their Second Of Sundry Feasts. The Passover, Pentecost, etc.,.7. 90 Arrival in Egypt, 43 Feasts of Trumpets. Sabbath of the Seventh Year,.. 91 Joseph's Policy to Stay his Brethren. He makes Him- Tlie Jubilee. A Blessing to the Obedient,.92 self known,.44 A Curse to the Disobedient. Concerning Vows,..... 93 Jacob's Sacrifice at Beer-sheba. His Arrival in Egypt, 45 NUMBERS.-Moses numbering the Men of War. The Presentation at Court. Joseph's Visit to his Sick Levites Exempted,............................ 94 Father,................................. 46 The Order of the Tribes in their Tents. The Levites' The Patriarchal Blessing. Mourning for Jacob,...... 47 Service,.................................... 95 EXODUS.-Increase of the Israelites. Birth and The Families of the Levites. Of the Levites' Service, 96 Preservation of Moses,......................... 48 Of the Levites' Service. The Unclean to be Removed, 97 Moses' Sympathy for the Hebrews. His Flight to The Trial of Jealousy. The Law of the Nazarite,... 98 Midian,........................... 49 The Princes' Offerings for the Dedication of the Altar, 99 The Commission of Moses. Miraculous Change of his The Princes' Offerings. Consecration of the Levites, 100 Rod, etc.,.50 The Passover Enjoined. A Cloud Guideth the IsraelFirst Interview with Pharaoh. Renewal of the Promise, 51 ites,.................................. 101 Genealogy of'Moses. His Second Interview with Use of the Silver Trumpets. The Order of the Pharaoh,..................................... 52 Israelites,.102 The Plague of Frogs. The Murrain of Beasts,....... 53 Manna Loathed. Seventy Elders Appointed,... 103 The Plague of Hail. The Plague of Locusts, 54 Quails are Sent. Miriam's Leprosy,............... 104 Death of the First-Born Threatened. The Passover Spies Sent Out. Murmuring at the Spies' Report,... 105 Instituted,................................... 55 The Rebellious are Smitten. The Law of Sundry Death of the First-Born. Departure of the Israelites,. 56 Offerings.................................... 106 Memorial of the Passover. Journey from Egypt,.. 57 The Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram,. 107 God Instructeth the Israelites as to their Journey,.... 58 Aaron's Rod Flourisheth. The Priests' Portion,..... 108 Song of Moses. Murmurs for Want of Bread,....... 59 The Water of Separation. The Death of Miriam,.... 109 Quails and Manna sent. The People Murmur for Water, 60 Moses Smiteth the Rock. Israel Attacked by the Visit of Jethro. Arrival at Sinai,.............. 61 Canaanites,.....................,............. 110 The Ten Commandments. Laws for Men Servants,... 62 Fiery Serpents Sent. Balak Sendeth for Balaam,.... 111 Laws concerningTheft. - Laws concerning Slander; etc., 63 Balak's Sacrifices. Balaam's Parables,............. 12 Delivery of the Law and Covenant. Concerning an Balaam Prophesieth. Israel Numbered,...... 113 Offering,............................... 64 The Levites Numbered. Offerings to be Observed... 114 ii A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Pae,. The Offerings of the Feast of Trumpets. Vows are An Angel Rebukes the People.* Wickedness of the not to be Broken............................. 115 New Generation,............................. 159 The Midianites Spoiled, and Balaam Slain,......... 116 Ehud Slays Eglon. Deborah and Barak Deliver Israel, 160 The Reubenites and Gadites Sue for an Inheritance,.. 117 Death of Sisera. Song of Deborah and Barak,...... 161 Two and Forty Journeys of the Israelites fiom Egypt Gideon Sent to Deliver Israel. He Destroys Baal's to Sinai,..................................... 118 Altar,.................. 162 Boiders of the Land of Canaan. The Blood Avenger, 119 Gideon Encouraged by the Dream. The Ephraimites DEUTERONOMY,-Moses' Speech at the end of the Offended, but Pacified,..................... 163 Fortieth Year.......................... 120-121 Zebah and Zalmunna Taken. Abimelech is made The Story is Continued. Sihon the Amorite to be King by the Shechemites,.................... 164 Subdued,.................................... 122 Gaal's Conspiracy. Israel Oppressed by their Enemies, 165 Conquest of Og. An Exhortation to Obedience..... 123 The Gileadites' Covenant with Jephthah. His Vow A Particular Dissuasive against Idolatry. Commem- and Victory,................................. 166 oration of the Covenant of Horeb............... 124 Quarrel of the Ephraimites. The Birth of Samson,.. 167 Israel to Keep God's Commandments. Communion Samson's Marriage and Riddle. He Burns the Philwith Nations Forbidden,................... 125 istines' Corn,......................... 168 Images to be Destroyed. An Exhortation to Obe- Delilah Betrays Samson. He is Overcome, and his dience,................................... 126 Death,....................................... 169 Moses Dissuadeth them from the Opinion of their own Micah Sets up Idolatry. The Danites Seek an InRighteousness............................... 127 heritance,................................... 170 An Exhortation to Obedience, and Blessings Promised, 128 Of the Levite and his Wife. An Old Man Entertains Monuments of Idolatry to be Destroyed. Blood Pro- him at Gibeah,............................... 171 hibited,..................................... 129 The Levite Declares his Wrong. The Benjamites Enticers to Idolatry to be Slain. What may and what Smitten,.................................... 172 may Not be Eaten, 130 RUTH.-Naomi Returns Home with Ruth,....... 173 Hebrew Servants' Freedom. The Feast of the Passover, 131 Ruth Gleans in the Field of Boaz, Who Acknowledges Groves and Images Forbidden. The Election and her,................................... 17 Duty of a King,............................. 132 I. SAMUEL.-Of Elkanah and his Two Wives. He Christ the Prophet to be heard. The Cities of Refuge, 133 goes to Worship in Shiloh,..................... 175 Priests to Exhort the People. Expiation of Uncertain Hannah's Prayer and Thanks. Samuel's Ministry,... 176 Murder..................................... 134 The Lord Appears to Samuel. Israel Overcome by Of Humanity towards Brethren. Various Laws and the Philistines,............................... 177 Ordinances,........................... 135 The Death of Eli. The Philistines Send Back the Ark, 178 Various Commands and Ordinances,.............. 136 The Ark at Kirjath-jearim. The Israelites ask for a Confession of the Offerer of First-Fruits. The Law King,....................................... 179 to be Written upon Stones...................... 137 Saul comes to Samuel. Saul Appointed to the Kingdom, 180 Blessings for Obedience, and the Curses for Disobe- Samuel Anoints Saul, and he is Chosen King by the dience,.................................... 138 People,............... 181 An Exhortation to Obedience. Mercy to the Penitent, 139 Samuel Reproves the People. Saul's Selected Band,. 182 The People and Joshua Encouraged. The Song of The Sacrifice of Saul. Jonathan Smites the Philistines, 183 Moses,.............................. 140 Saul Sent to Destroy Amalek. Rejected by God for The Song of Moses. The Majesty of God,......... 141 Disobedience,................................ 184 Moses Blesseth the Tribes. The Death of Moses,... 142 Samuel Sent by God to Bethlehem. He Anoints David, 185 JOSHUA.-Joshua Succeedeth Moses. Rahab Con- Goliath Challenges the Israelites. David Accepts the ceals the Two Spies,...................... 143 Challenge, and Slays Him,..................... 186 Covenant between Rahab and the Spies. The Jordan Saul Offers David his Daughter. Saul's Rage against Divided,...................... 144 David....................... 187 Twelve Stones taken for a Memorial. God Magnifies David Consults with Jonathan. Saul Seeks to Kill Joshua,.................................. 145 Jonathan,.... 188 Circumcision is Renewed. Jericho Shut up,........ 146 David Obtains Hallowed Bread. His Kinsmen Resort The Walls of Jericho Fall Down. The Israelites to Him at Adullam,........................... 189 Smitten at Ai,................... 147 Saul Pursues David. David Spares Saul's Life,...... 190 Achan Confesseth, and is Put to Death. Ai given to The Death of Samuel. Abigail's Discreet Conduct,.. 191 the Israelites................................148 David Marrieth Abigail. He Spares Saul Again;.... 192 Ai taken, and its King hanged. Joshua Builds an Altar, 149 David Begs Ziklag of Achish. Saul and the Witch of The Gibeonites obtain a League by Craft. Five Kings En-dor,................................... 193 War against Gibeon,.................. 150 The Amalekites Spoil Ziklag, but are Defeated by The Sun and Moon stand Still. Divers Kings over- David,...................................... 194 come,.................................. 151 II. SAMUEL.-Tidings Brought of Saul's Death. Bounds of the Land not yet Conquered. Inheritance David Laments Saul and Jonathan,.............. 195 of the Nine and a Half Tribes,.................. 152 David Goes. to Hebron, and is made King. Asahel Borders of the Lot of Judah. Caleb's Portion and Slain by Abner,.............................. 196 Conquest................................. 153 Abner Revolts to David. Joab Kills Abner..... 197 The Lot of Manasseh. The Tabernacle Set up at David Takes Zion from the Jebusites. He brings the Shiloh,........... 154 Ark from Kirjath-jearim,....................... 198 The Lots of Simeon, etc. The Cities of Refuge Comn- David Proposes to Build the Temple. He Subdues the manded,.........- 155 Philistines,............................. 199 Forty-eight Cities given to the Levites. Altar of David's Reign over the People. His Messengers DisTestimony Built,.......................... 156 gracefully Treated,................. 200 Joshua's Exhortations before hisDeath. He Assembles.David's Sin with Bath-sheba. Nathan's Parable,.... 201. the Tribes,........................ 157 Rabbah is Taken. Amnon Defiles lamar,......... 202 JUDGES.-The Acts of Judah and Simeon. Adoni- Amnon is Slain, and Absalom Fleeth. Joab Sent to bezek Punished,............. 158 Bring Absalom Home,....................... 203 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. iii Page. Page. Absalom Steals the Hearts of Israel. David Flees from The Sun *goes Ten Degrees Backward. Manasseh's Jerusalem,.................................... 204 Wicked Reign....................... 245 Shimei Curses David. Ahithophel's Counsel Over- Josiah's Good Reign. He destroys Idolatry,... 246 thrown,................. 205 Josiah Destroys Idolatry, and Defiles the High Places,, 241 David's Charge Respecting Absalom, but who is Slain Jerusalem Taken by Nebuchadnezzar. ZedekialhTakgn-:k byJoab................................... 206 Captive.................................'.... a Joab Causes the King to Cease Mourning..........207 I. CHRONICLES.-Adam's Line to Noah,....... 2 Sheba Makes a Party in Israel. Amasa is Slain,.... 208 The Posterity of Caleb. The Sons of David,.. 250 Seven of Saul's Sons Hanged. David's Faith in God's David's Line to Zedekiah. Of Jabez, and his Prayer, 251 Promises,................ 209 Posterity of Simeon and of Reuben. The Line of' the A List of David's Mighty Men. He Numbers the Priests,..................................... 252 People,................................ 210 The Sons of Issachar and of Benjamin. Of Naphtali I. KINGS.-Abishag Cherishes David..Adonijah and of Manasseh,.......................... 253 Usurps the Kingdom,......................... 211 Original Registers of Israel and Judah. Saul's OverNathan Counsels Bath-sheba. Solomon is Anointed throw and Death,............................. 254 King.21,.2.................................. 212 A Catalogue of David's Worthies. Those who came The Death of, David. Solomon Succeeds Him,.. 213 to David at Ziklag,........................... 255 Solomon Marries Pharaoh's Daughter. Solomon's Those who came to David at Ziklag.. He brings the Choice of Wisdom,............................ 214 Ark from Kirjath-jearim,....................... 256 Solomon's Twelve Officers. Hiram Sends to Congrat- David's Victories over the Philistines. He brings the ulate him,.215 Ark from Obed-edom,.257 The Building of the Temple. The Building of David's Festival Sacrifice, and Psalm of Thanksgiving, 258 Solomon's House,.216 David Subdues the Philistines, etc. His Messengers Hiram's Works. The Utensils of the Temple......217 to Hauum Maltreated,.......... 259 The Dedication of the Temple. Solomon's Sacrifice of Rabbah Beseiged by Joab. David's Sin in Numbering Peace Offerings,.218 the People,.260 Mutual Presents of Solomon and Hiram. The Queen David Builds an Altar. Number and Distribution of of.Sheba's Visit to Solomon,................... 219 the Levites,................................... 261 Solomon's Wives and Concubines. God Threatens Him, 220 Division of tlie Sons of Aaron. Number and Office of Solomon's Adversaries. The Revolt of the Ten Tribes, 221 the Singers, 262 Jeroboam's Hand Withers. God's Judgments against The Gates Assigned by Lot. Twelve Captains for Jeroboam.................................... 222 each Month,.263 Jeroboam's Wicked Reign. Asa's Good Reign,... 223 Princes of the Twelve Tribes. David Encourages Jehu's Prophecy against Baasha. Omri Builds Saramia, 224 Solomon,................................ 264 Elijah Sent to Cherith. He Raises the Widow's Son Offerings for the Temple. David's Thanksgiving,... 265 to Life,.....................225 II. CHRONICLES.-The Offering of Solomon at The Trial on Mount Carmel. Elijah, by prayer, Obtains Gibeon. His Message to Huram,.266 Rain,...................................... 226 Place of' Building the Temple. Its Dimensions, Altar, Elijah. Flees to Beer-sheba. Ben-hadad Besieges Molten Sea, etc.,...................... 267 Samaria,.......................... 227 The Bringing up of the Ark. Solomon's Dedicatory The Syrians are Slain. Ahab Desires Naboth's Vine-' Prayer,.268 yard,....................................... 228 Solomon's Sacrifices. The Cities Built by him.....269 Judgments Denounced by Elijah. Ahab Slain at Visit of the Queen of She jato Solomon. Rehoboam Rarmoth-gilead,.............................. 229 Refluses tirh'fliS Counsel,............ 270 I. KINGS.-Ahaziah's Judgment by Elijah. Eli- Rehoboam Raiseth an Arply. Shishak Invades Judallh, 271 jah Brings Fire from Heaven.......... 230 Abijah Wars against Jerbboam, and Overcomes him,.. 272 Elijah Divides Jordan. Jehoram's Evil Reign over Asa Overcomes Zerah. Judah Makes a Covenant with Israel,..................... 231 God,................................... 273 Elisha Promises Victory over Moab. Raises the Dead Asa's League with the Syrians. Jehoshaphat Reigns Son of the Shunammite,............... 232 Well............................. 274 Naaman's Leprosy. He is Sent to Jordan, and Healed, 233 Jahoshaphat Visits his Kingdom. He proclaims a Elisha Causes Iron to Swin. Ben-hadad Besieges Fast,....................................... 275 Samaria,.............234 The Overthrow of Jehoshaphat's Enemies. Revolt of Elisha Prophesies Plenty in Samaria. Hazael Kills Edom and Libnah,............................276 Ben-hadad, and Succeeds him,.................. 235. Ahaziah Reigns Wickedly. Joash Made King,...... 277 Jehu is Anointed King. Joram Slain, and Jezebel ~ Joash Falls into dolatry. He is Slain by his Servants, 27:8 Eaten by Dogs,.236 Amaziah Overthrows the Edomites. Uzziah Succeeds Seventy of Ahab's Children Beheaded. Jehoash is him,.279 Made King,. 237 Jotham's Good Reign. The Evil Reign of Ahaz,... 280 Jehoash orders the Repair of the Temple. Jehoahaz's Hezekiah's Good Reign. The House of God Cleansed, 281 Wicked Reign over Israel,................. 238 Hezekiah Proclaims a Passover. The Altars of Idolatry The Reigns of Joash and Amaziah. Joash Defeats Destroyed,... 282 Amaziah..................................... 239 Disposal of the Tithes. Sennacherib Invades Judah, 283 The Reigns of Azariah, Jeroboam, Zechariah, Menahem, Hezekiah's Riches and Works. Manasseh Carried Pekahiah, Pekah, etc.,..240 Captive to Babylon,....................... 28 Hoshea's Wicked Reign. Samaria Taken and Israel Josiah Destroys Idolatry. He Keeps a Solemn PassCarried Captive,............................ 241 over, 285 The Mixed Worship of the Samaritans. Hezekiah Josiah Keeps a Solemn Passover. He is Slain at Destroys Idolatry.....................242 Megiddo,....... 286 Sennacherib Besieges Jerusalem. His Blasphemous Jehoahaz is Deposed by Pharaoh. Jehoiakim is Carried Letter to Hezekiah,................ 243 Captive to Babylon,........................ 2687 An Angel: Destroys the Assyrians. Hezekiah's Life EZRA.-Cyrus Orders the Building of the Temple, Lengthened,.................................44 and the Return of the People,...... m........ ~....28& A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Page Number of the People that Returned. The Foundation Job Bemoaneth himself of his Former Prosperity and of the Temple laid,.289 Honour,................................ 332 The Building ot the Temple Hindered. Its Building Job!s Honour is Turned into Extreme Contempt,.... 333 again Renewed,............................... 290 Job's Solemn Protestation of his Integrity in Several The Decree of Darius in favour of the Jews. The Duties,.................................... 334 Temple Finished and Dedicated,................. 291 Job's Protestations of his Integrity. Elihu Reproveth Ezra goes up to Jerusalem. His Companions from Job and his Friends,......................... 335 Babylon,.................................... 292 Elihu Offers to Reason with Job. God Calleth Man A Fast Proclaimed. Ezra's Prayer and Confession,.. 293 to Repentance,............................ 336 NEHEMIAH. —Nehemiah Mourns, Fasts, and Prays. Job Accused of Charging God with Injustice. God His Commission from Artaxerxes.............. 294 Omnipotent cannot be Unjust.............. 337 Nehemiah's Commission from Artaxerxes. Names Comparison not to be made with God. God is Just in and Order of the Builders...................... 295 his Ways,.................................... 338 The Enemies are Wroth, and Scoff. The Usurers How Job's Sins hinder God's Blessings. God's Words Rebuked,.................................... 296 to be Magnified............................... 339 Sanballat Practises against Nehemiah. The Charge of God to be Feared for His Groat Works. He Appears Jerusalem.................................... 291 in a Whirlwind,.................. 340 Manner of Reading and Hearing the Law. The Fast God, by His Mighty Works, Convinceth Job of Ignoand Repentance of the People,................. 298 rance, etc.,................................... 341 The Confession of the Levites. The Points of the God: Shows His Power among the Animals. Job Covenant,.................................... 299 Humbleth himself to God,..................... 342 "The Inhabitants of Jerusalem, and of the Other God's great Power in Behemoth, and in the Leviathan, 343 Cities,.................................. 300 Job's Penitent Reply to God. God Blesses him,..... 344 Succession of the High Priests. Israel Separated from PSALMS.-Introduction,........................ 345 the Strangers................................ 301 The Happiness of the Godly, and the Unhappiness of:ESTHER.-Ahasuerus makes Royal Feasts to his the Ungodly,................................. 346 Princes and Servants,.......................... 302 The Kingdom of Christ. The Security of God's Pro. Vashti Refuses to attend the Feasts. Esther Chosen tection,........... 347 to be Queen,......................~.......... 303 Prayer in Sickness. Profession of Innocency,....... 348:Ilaman seeks Revenge on the Jews. Mordecai and God's Love to Man. God Praised for his Judgments, 349 the Jews Mourn,............................. 304 God's Providence and Justice. Corruption of Mankind, 350;Esther's Banquet to the King and Haman. Mordecai Preservation in God. Hope of Everlasting Life,..... 351 Rewarded for Former Service,.................. 305 David Praiseth God for his Manifold Blessings,...... 352'Haman Hanged on his own Gallows. The Jews A Thanksgiving for Victory. Complaint and Prayer allowed to Defend Themselves,................. 306 in Great Distress,............................. 353 The Jews Slay their Enemies. The Institution of the David Praiseth God. God's Lordship in the World,.. 354 Feast of Purim,.............................. 307 David's Confidence in God. His Faith in God's ProJOB.-Introduction,............................ 308 tection..................................... 355'Introduction,................................ 309 David Exhorteth to Praise. Remission of Sin a great The Holiness of Job, his Wealth, etc. Being Afflicted, Blessing;.................................... 356 he still Blesses God........................... 310' God to be Praised for His Goodness, etc. An Appeal -Satan Further Tempts Job. Job Reproves his Wife,'. 311 for Protection,............................... 357 Job Curses his Birth, and Wishes for Death. Eliphaz The Different Estate of Men. David Imploreth God's Reproveth him for Want of Religion;............ 312 Mercy,...................................... 358 First Speech of Eliphaz. His Conclusion from the The Benefit of Confidence in God. Obedience the Vision,....................'.................. 313 Best Sacrifice,................................ 359 Reply of Job to Eliphaz. He Reproveth his Friends David's Zeal to Serve God. The Church Complaineth, 360 for Unkindness,............................. 314 The Majesty of Christ's Kingdom. The Duty of the Job's Reproof Continued. He Excuses his Desire for Church,....................... 361 Death,..................................... 315 Confidence and Privileges of the Church. A PerFirst Speech of Bildad, more Severe than that of suasion to Faith in God,....................... 362 Eliphaz..................................... 316 The Majesty of God. The Destruction of Doeg,..... 363 Reply of Job to Bildad. No Contending with God,.. 317 David's Prayer in Distress. He Reproveth Wicked Job's Bildad Continued. First Speech of Judges,..................................... 364 Zophar,..................................... 318 Nature of the Wicked. Confidence in God,......... 365.Job's Reply to Zophar. He Professeth his Confidence Desire for God's Service. Infinite Goodness of God,. 366 in God,..................................... 319 An Exhortation to Praise God. David Complaineth'Job Passes. from his Own to the Common Misery of of his Affliction,..................... 36 Mankind,......... 320 David Prays for Deliverance. His Prayer in behalf Second Speech of Eliphaz. State. of Wicked Men,.. 321 of Solomon.................................. 368 Job's Reply to Eliphaz. He Maintaineth his Innocency, 322 The Prosperity of the Wicked. The Psalmist Craves Job's Answer to.Eliphaz.'Reply of Bildad,........ 323 God's Help,........................... 369.Job's Reply to Bildad. His Belief in the Resurrection, 324 The Psalmist's Combat with Diffidence. Exhortation Reply of.Zophar to Job. State and Portion of the to Learn God's Law,.................... 370 Wicked,..................................... 325 Complaints of the Desolation of Jerusalem, and of the Job's Answer to Zophar. The Wicked Despise God,. 326 Miseries of the Church,........................ 311 Job Accused of Divers Sins, and Exhorted to Repent, 327 Negligent Judges Reproved. Blessedness of God's Job's Answer to Eliphaz. Wickedness goeth often Service,...................................... 372 Unpunished................................. 328 A Complaint in Distress. Praise to God for His Favour, 373 The End of the Wicked. Bildad's Reply to Job,.... 329 The State of the Godly. The Psalmist Rebukes his 4Job's Bildad. Protestet.h his Sincerity,..... 330;Enemies.................................... 374 Job's Speech Continued. Wisdom is an Excellent An Exhortation to Praise God. The People Exhorted Gift of God,................................. 331 to Worship God,................3.............. -5 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. v Page. Fagm. A Grevious Complaint. The Mighty Power of God, 376 The Church Glorieth in Christ. The Graces of the Exhortation to Praise God. His Care for His Church,.................................. 421 Servants,.................................... 37 Christ shows His Love for the Church. The Church's The Rebellion of the People. The Mercy of God Prayer for Fitness,........................... 422 towards them,............................... 378 The Church is Sick of Love. A Description of Christ, 423, God's Providence over His People. David Devoteth A Iescription of Christ. The Church's Faith in his Enemies,.................................379 Christ,.................................... 424, Of Christ's Kingdom. The People Incited to Praise Christ's Love for the Church. The Graces of the God,.........................................380 Church Described............................ 425 Exhortation to Fear God. Exhortation to Praise God, 381 The Church's Faith and Desire. The Love of the Sundry Prayers, Praises, and Professions of Obedience, 382 Church to Christ,............................. 426 Sundry Prayers, Praises, and Professions of Obedience, 383 ISAIAH.-Introduction,........................ 42' Sundry Prayers, Praises, and Professions of Obedience, 384 Introduction,.................................. 428i The Great Safety of the Church. The Church Blesseth The Prophet Complaineth of Judah for her Rebellion, 429 God....................................... 385 Judgments against Judah. Exhortations to RepentThe Virtue of God's Blessing. David's Zealous Care ance,...................................... 430 for the Ark................................... 386 The Coming of Christ's Kingdom. The Terrible Day Exhortations to Praise God. David's Confidence in God, 387 of the Lord................................. 431 Psalm of Praise to God. The Psalmist Exhorteth to The Calamities coming upon Judah for Sin,......... 432Praise,...................................... 388 Christ's Kingdom shall be a Sanctuary. Parable of PROVERBS.-Introduction,. 389 Jehovah's Vineyard,.......................... 433 Design of the Book. An Exhortation to Fear God,.. 390 Parable of Jehovah's Vineyard. Judgments upon Wisdom promiseth Godliness. An Exhortation to Covetousness, etc.,............................ 434 Obedience, etc.. 391 Vision of Jehovah in His Temple. The Prophet is Exhortation to Study Wisdom. The Mischiefs of Confirmed for his Message,..................... 435 Whoredom.............................. 392. A Remnant to be Saved. Ahaz's Alliance with The Arts of Strange Women. The Excellency, etc.,* Assyria,..................................... 436 of Wisdom,................................'. 393 Christ is Promised fora Sign to Ahaz,.............. 437 Sundry Observations of Moral Virtues, and of their Judgment to come through Assyria. Prophecy against Contrary Vices,.............................. 394 Syria and Israel.............................. 438 Sundry Observations of Moral Virtues, and of their Comfort to those who fear God, and Great Afflictions Contrary Vices............................... 395 to Idolaters,................................ 439 Sundry Observations of Moral Virtues, and of their The Church's Joy in Christ's Birth. Prophecy as to Contrary Vices..............................396 the Ten Tribes..,.......................... 440 Sundry Observations of Moral Virtues, and of their Judgments for Hypocrisy and Impenitence. DestrucContrary Vices,.............................. 397 tion of Assyria Prophesied,.................... 441 Sundry Observations of Moral Virtues, and of their A Remnant of Israel shall be Saved. Israel to be Contrary Vices.............................. 398 Delivered from Assyria,........................ 442 Sundry Observations of Moral Virtues, and of their The Peaceable Kingdom of the Promised Messiah,. 443 Contrary Vices,............................. 399 The Calling of the Gentiles. Mustering of the Armies Maxims and Observations of Solomon,............. 400 of God's Wrath,.............................. 444 Maxims and Observations of Solomon,............. 401 Threatened Destruction of Babylon. The Restoration The Sayings of Agar. The Words of King Lemuel,.. 402 of Israel,.................................... 445 ECCLESIASTES.-Introduction. The Preacher The Jews' Triumphal Song at Babylon's Downfall,.. 446 Showeth that all Human Courses are Vain,....... 403 Prophecy against Philistia. A Prophecy on Moab,... 447 Vanity of all Human Courses in the Works of Pleasure, 404 Prophecy as to Moab. Prophecy concerning Damascus, 448 The Vanity of Pleasure, and'of Human Labour. 405 The Woe of Israel's Enemies. Announcement to the A Season for Everything. God shall Judge Man's Ethiopians,.449 Works,......................................406 Christ's Kingdom shall Strengthen. Prophecy as to Vanity through Oppression, etc. Vanities in Divine Egypt,................................. 450 Sbrvice, etc................................ 401 Prophecy s.s to Egypt. Her Calling to the Church,. 45.1 Vanities in Riches. The Vanity of Riches, Children, The Predicted Captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia,.. 452 etc.,................................. 408 The Fall of Babylon. Prophecy as to Idumea,...... 453 Remedies against Vanity are, a Good Name, Morti- Prophecy as to an Attack on Jerusalem,............ 454 fication, etc.,................................. 409 Deposition of Shebna. Prophecy respecting Tyre,... 455 The Difficulty of getting Wisdom. Kings to bedRe- A Prophecy Respecting Tyre. Its Miserable Overspected,..................................... 410 throw,................................... 456 Mysteries of Providence. Like Things Happen to All, 411 The Judgments of God on the Land, which shall Observations of Wisdom and Folly. Men should Advance His Kingdom,........................ 457 Revere Kings,................................ 412 God Praised for His Judgments, etc. Israel's Song Exhortations to Charitableness. Exhortation to the of Praise for Restoration,..................... 458 Young,....................................413 Praise to God for his Favour. The Care of God over THE SONG OF SOLOMON.-Introduction,....... 414 His Vineyard................................. 459 The Bride Searching for and Finding the King,......415 The Prophet Threateneth Ephraim, and Rebuketh their The Bride Searching for and Finding the King.. 416 Errors...................................... 460 Christ giveth his Church gracious Promises. The Love Christ the Sure Foundation. Coming Invasion of of Christ and the Church,...................... 417 Jerusalem,............................461 Hope and Calling of the Church. John the Baptist's The Coming Invasion of Jerusalem, and the Unbelief Ministry,............ 418 of the Jews........................... 462 Christ's Care of the Church. The Profession of the Confidence in Egypt Reproved. God's Mercies towards Church,................................... 419 His Church,................................. 463'The Church's' Fight and Victory. She Glorieth in The Destruction of Assyria. Folly of Trusting in Christ,................................... 420 Egypt............................. 464 vi A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. l~ge: The Blessings of Christ's Kingdom. The Enemies of God Comforteth His Humble People. His Judgments Zion Threatened,............................. 465 against the Wicked,........................... 504 The Privileges of the Godly. Judgments on Idumea, 466 JEREMIAH — Introduction,.................... 505 Judgments on Idumea,.......................... 467 The Time and the Calling of Jeremiah,............. 506 Sennacherib Invadeth Judea. Rabshakeh Soliciteth Jeremiah's Prophetical Visions. God's Expostulation the People to Revolt,.......................... 468 with the Jews,................................ 507 Hezekiah Sends to the Prophet. Sennacherib's Blas- The People cause their own Calamities, by their Sins, 508 phemous Letter,.............................. 469 Judah's Confidence Rejected. God's Mercy towards Destruction of Sennacherib Predicted. An Angel the People,............................... 509 Slayeth the Assyrians,.............. 470 Promises to the Penitent. God Calleth Israel by His Hezekiah has his Life Prolonged. The Sun goeth Ten Promise,.................................... 510 Degrees Backward............................ 471 God Exhorteth Judah to Repentance. His Judgments Hezekiah's Song of Thanksgiving. His Error in the upon the Jews............................... 511 Display of his Riches, 4,,..... 412 Judgments upon the Jews for Impiety. Zion's Foes The Babylonian Captivity Foretold. The Promulgation prepare War against her,......12....... 512 of the Gospel,............................ 473 The Prophet Lamenteth the Judgments of God because The Preaching of the- Apostles. The Prophet Com- of'the People's Sins,.......................... 513 forteth the People............................. 474 The People Threatened for Idolatry. They are ExThe People Comforted. God's Mercies towards His horted to Mourn for Sins,...................... 514 Church,..................................... 475 The Prophet Upbrajdeth the Jews, and Lamenteth God Exhorteth the Church. Christ's Mission to the their Manifold Sins,.......................... 515 Gentiles,.................................... 476 The Jews Exhorted to Mourn. Contrast between God Exhorteth the Church to Trust in Him without Jehovah and Idols,........................... 516 Fear,....................................... 477 The People Exhorted to Flee from Calamity. Jeremiah The People Reproved for Incredulity. The Church Proclaimeth God's Covenant,.517 Comforted with Promises,.................... 478 Many Coming Evils Predicted. Complaint of the The Fall of Babylon Foretold. The People's Sins Prosperity of the Wicked........................518 Inexcusable............................... 479 A Return from Captivity Promised. The Destruction The Church Comforted with Promises. The Vanity of the People Prefigured,...................... 519 of Idol-worship,.......................... 480 Abominations tlhe Cause of Judgments. Drought Sent The People Exhorted to Praise God. The Church's in Judgment on Judea......................... 520 Deliverance by Cyrus,........................ 481 The Rejection of the Jews. The Prophet Complaineth God, by His Omnipotency, Challengeth Obedience to to God,..................................... 521 Him,...................................... 482 The Jews' Utter Ruin Foreshown, because they were Babylon's Idols could not Save her. God Saveth His worse than their Fathers,.......v..a.... 522 People to the End,....................... 483 The Jews' Love of Idolatry. The Salvation of God,. 523 Judgments upon Babylon and Chaldea.. The Revel- The Sabbath to be Hallowed. God's Power over ation of the Prophecies,...................... 484 Nations.............................. 524 God's Exhortation to Obedience, because of His Judah is Threatened. The Desolation of the Jews,.. 525 Power and Providence,...................... 485 The Fearful Doom of Pashur. -The Prophet ComChrist Sent to the Gentiles. God's Constant Love to plaineth of his Misery,........................ 526 His Church................................. 486 Zedekiah Consults the Prophet. An Exhortation to The Ample Restoration of the Church. Judgments Repentance,.......................... 527 on Israel Provoked by them,.................. 487 The Judgment of Shallum, of Jehoiakim, and of Coniah, 528 Encouragement to trust in God. Christ Defendeth His A Prophecy of Restoration. Christ to be the King,.. 529 People,..................................... 488 Against False Prophets, and Mockers of the True Christ's Free Redemption. His Kingdom shall be Prophets,............................. 530.Exalted.................................... 489 Restoration of the Captives in Babylon. The Seventy Christ's Kingdom shall be Exalted. His Vicarious Years' Captivity Predicted,..................... 531 Sufferings -Foretold,........................... 490 The Prophet Foreshadoweth the Overthrow of Divers Christ's Sufferings Foretold by the Prophet,......... 491 Nations,................................... 532 Christ's Sufferings Foretold. The Church Comforted The Prophet Exhorteth to Repentance. The Subwith Promises,............................... 492 jection of the Kings Predicted,. 533 The Call.-of the -Gentile World. Their Certain Deliver- The Removal of the Sacred Vessels Foretold. Hanance, Edification, etc.,............. 493 aniah's False Prophecy,........................ 534 Exhortation to. Holiness of Life. The Peaceful Death The Prophets' Letter to the Captives, Foretelling their ~of thell.ighteous, 494 Return after Seventy Years.................... 535 The Jews Reproved for Idolatry. Promises to the Restoration of the Jews from Babylon. God ComPenitent..................................... 495 forteth the People,............................. 536 Reproof of the People for Hypocrisy. Blessings due The Restoration of Israel, and the Publication thereof, 537'for Godliness, etc........................ 496 Rachel, Mourning, is Comforted. Ephraimn, Repenting, The Sins of the People. Salvation is only of God,. 497 is brought home again,...... 538 Israel's Glory after her Affliction, and the Great Christ is Promised.. His Care over the Church,...... 539 Blessings to follow. 498 Jeremiah Imprisoned for his Peophecy. In his Prayer The. Offices of Messiah. Prayers for Zion's Resto- he Complaineth to God....................... 540 ration,.......4.............................. 499 Restoration from Babylon Promised. Christ the The Office of the Ministers. Messiah coming as the Branch, and His Kingdom,..................... 541 Avenger,....................... 500 The Captivity of Zedekiah Foretold. Disobedience of The Church professes her Faith, and Prayeth to God, 501 the Jews Condemned,......................... 542 God's Reply in Justification of His Dealings with BaruchWrites Jeremiah's Prophecies. King Jehoiakim Israel,....................................... 502 Burns the Roll,............................... 543 The Church Professes her Faith. The Gatherings of Chaldeans Raise the- Siege. Their Return and Success all Nations,.... 503 Predicted,................................... 544 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii Pasg. Pae. The Prophet Imprisoned. Taking of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem's Grevious Judgment. Her Sin Calleth for Zedekiah's Fate,............................. 545 Puniment....................585 Jerusalem Ruined by Nebuchadnezzar. The Jews Mercy Promised in the End. Parable of Two Eagles Resort to Gedaliah,......................... 546 and a Vine,.................................. 586 The Murder of Gedaliah by Ishmael. The Jews and God's Judgment upon Jerusalem for Revolting from Johanan Inquire of God........................ 547 Babylon to Egypt............................587 The Prophet Reproves the Jews' Hypocrisy. He God's Just Dealings with Men. Every Man Judged Foretelleth the Conquest of Egypt.............. 548 by his own Acts,............................. 588 The Obstinacy of the Jews. Jeremiah Comforts Every Man shall be Judged by his own Good or Bad Baruch,.................... 549 Actions,..................................... 589 Jeremiah Foretelleth the Overthrow of the Egyptians A Lamentation for the Princes. A Recital of Israel's by Nebuchadnezzar,........................... 550 Rebellions,................................. 590 Israel is Comforted. Prophecy against the Philistines, 551 Israel's Rebellions in the Wilderness, and in the Land The Judgment of Moab, for their Contempt of God,.. 552 of Canaan,................................ 591 The Restoration of Moab. Judgments;upon Ammon, God Promiseth to Gather Israel through the Power of Idumea, etc.,................................. 553 the Gospel,.................................. 592 The Judgment of Edom, Damascus,. Kedar, Hazor, A Prophecy against Jerusalem. A Sword drawn and Fm,i.................... 554 against Israel,............................... 593 The Restoration of Elam. Babylon!s Coming Downfall, 555 A Prophecy against Jerusalem, Israel, and the AmThe Judgment of Babylon, and the Restoration of monites,..................................... 594 Israel,............... 556 God's Judgment on Jerusalem's Sins. Israel's and The Severe Judgment of God against Babylon in Judah's Punishment.......................... 595 Revenge, of Israel................... 557 The Whoredorns of Abolah and Aholibah, 596 The Severe Judgnent of God against Babylon in Vision of the Boiling Caldron, and of the Death of Revenge of Israel,............................ 558 Ezekiel's Wife,............................. 597 Jeremiah Delivers this Prophecy to Seraiah. Jerusalem God's Vengeance upon Ammon, Moab, Seir, Edom, etc., 598 Besieged and Taken...........................559 The Judgment of Tyre. The Power of NebuchadLAMENTATIONS.-Introduction,............... 560 nezzar,............................... 599 The Miserable State of Jerusalem, by Reason of her The Mourning for the Fall of Tyre. Her Riches and Sin, 561 Large Commerce,................... 600 Jerusalem Complaineth to God. Jeremiah Lamenteth The Riches and Commerce of Tyre. The Irrecoverher Misery,.................................. 562 able Fall of the City,......................... 601 The Faithful Bewail their Calamities. They Nourish God's Judgment on the King of Tyre. Judgment of their Hope through God,......... 563 Zidon, and Israel Restored...................... 602 God's' Justice Acknowledged. Zion Bewaileth her The Judgment of Pharaoh. The Restoration of Egypt, 603 Pitiful State,.............................. 564 The Desolation of Egypt by the Arm of Babylon,.... 604 Zion Confesseth her Sins. Her Pitiful Complaint to The Greatness and Fall of Assyria. A Lamentation God,............... 565 for the Fall of Egypt,......................... 605 EZEKIEL.-Introduction....................... 566 Babylon shall Destroy Egypt.. Tile Duty of Ezekiel Ezekiel's Vision by the Chebar, of Four Cherubim and as Watchman................................ 606 Wheels,..................................... 567 God's Judgments upon Jerusalem. Reproof of the The Vision of Four Cherubim, and of the Four Wheels, 568 False Shepherds,.................... 607 Vision of the Glory of God. The Commission of The Kingdom of Christ. God's Judgment, on Edom,. 608 Ezekiel,..... 569 The Land of Israel is Comforted, Israel is Rejected God Encourageth the Prophet. God Openeth and for her Sins, 609 Shutteth his Mouth,.......................... 570 The Blessings of Christ's Kingdom. The Vision of Dry The Type of a Siege. The Hardness of the Famine,. 571 Bones Revivified,............................. 610 The Type of the Prophet's Hair. The Judgment upon The Union of Israel and Judah. The Army and Malice Jerusalem,..................... 572 of Gog,.................................... 611 The Faithful Exhorted to Lament. The Final Des- God's Judgment against Gog. Further Prophecy olation of Israel,............................. 573 against him,................................ 612 The' Repentance of the Escaped. The Idolatries. - The Feast of the Fowls. A Picture of the Restored Practised in Jerusalem,................... 574 Temple,..................................... 613 The Image of Jealousy. Tammuz and Sun-wor- A Picture of the Restored Temple. A Description of shippers, 575'the Gates,.614 The Sealing of the Faithful, and the Destruction of The Chambers of the Temple. The Chambers of the the Rest,.................................... 576 Priests,.615 The Vision of the Coals of Fire. The Vision of the The Prophet Exhorteth to Repentance. Ordinances Cherubim, 577 for the Prince and Priests..................616 The Judgment of the Princes. The Sudden Death of The Allotment of the Land. Ordinances for the Pelatiah,................................ 578 Prince, etc............................ 617 The Glory of God leaveth the City. The Captivity The Virtue of the Holy Waters. The Division of the of Zedekiah Typified,......................... 579 Land by Lot,.... 618 The Jews' Presumptuousness Reproved. The Reproof DANIEL.-Introduction,.................. 619 of Lying Prophets,................... 580 Introduction,................................... 620 The False Prophets' Teachings, and God's Consequent Nebuchadnezzar Besieges Jerusalem.. The Babylonian Judgments,.................................. 581 Captivity Begins,..621 An Exhortation to Repentance, for fear of God's The Hebrew Children Educated. The Dream of Judgments,.................................. 582 Nebuchadnezzar,.............................. 622 The Rejection of Jerusalem. Her Original State Nebuchadnezzar's Dream. Daniel's Interpretation Described,.583 Thereof,.................623' Jerusalem's Monstrous Whoredom, and her Grevious Daniel Telleth the King's Dream, and the Interpretation Judgment................................... 584 of it,....................................... 624 viii A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page, Pam Daniel Telleth the King's Dream, -and the Interpretation Future Blessings to Zion Promised. God's Judgments thereof,..................................... 625 against her Enemies, 667 Daniel's Advancement. The Golden linage set up,.. 626 God to be known in His Judgments. His Blessing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego Delivered from the upon the Church............................. 668 Fiery Furnace,................................ 627 AMOS.-God's Judgments upon Syria, Philistia, Nebuchadnezzar Relates his Dream, which is Inter- Tyre, Edom, and Ammon,..................... 669 preted by Daniel,.628 God's Judgments upon Syria, Philistia, etc. His Wrath The King's Dream Fulfilled, and his Edict concerning it, 629 against Moab,................................. 670 Belshazzar's Impious Feast. The Handwriting on the God's Judgments against Judah and Israel. Israel's Wall,..................................... 630 Ingratitude to God........................... 671 The Monarchy Transferred to the Medes. Daniel Dis- The Publication of God's Judgment against Israel, and obeys the King's Decree....................... 631 the Cause thereof,......6............... 672 Daniel Cast into the Lion's Den. The Vision of the Israel Reproved for Oppression, for Idolatry and for Four Beasts,........................ 632 Incorrigibleness,............................. 63 Vision of the Four Beasts. The Interpretation thereof, 633 A Lamentation for Fallen Israel. An Exhortation to Vision of the Four Beasts. The Interpretation thereof, 634 Repentance,................................ 674 Vision of the Four Beasts. The Interpretation thereof, 635 God Rejecteth Hypocritical Service. Denunciation of The Interpretation of the Vision. Vision of the Ram Zion and Samaria,........................ 675 and He-Goat,................................ 636 The Desolation of Israel. The Judgment of the Vision of the Ram and He-Goat. Twenty-three Grasshoppers................................ 676 Hundred Days of Sacrifice......... 637 Vision of the Fire and the Plumb-line. Amaziah CornGabriel Comforteth Daniel, and Interpreteth the Vision, 638 plaineth of Amos,............................ 677 Daniel's Confession and Prayer for the Restoration of Vision of a Basket of Fruit. A Famine of the Word Jerusalem,..................................~ 639 Threatened........................... 678 Gabriel Informeth Daniel of the Seventy Weeks,....640 The Certainity of the Desolation. The Restoration of Gabriel Informeth Daniel of the Seventy Weeks,..... 641 David's Tabernacle,........6............ 679 Daniel seeth a Glorious Vision. He is Comforted by OBADIAH.-The Doom of Edom................ 680 an Angel.............................. 642 The Destruction of Edom. The Salvation of Jacob,. 681 Daniel Comforted by an Angel. The Overthrow of JONAH.-Introduction........................... 682 Persia by Grecia,....... 643 Jonah's Commission to the City of Nineveh. Flight, Leagues and Conflicts between the Kings of the South Punishment, and Preservation by Miracle,....... 683 and the North,... 644 Jonah Swallowed by a Fish. His Prayer of Faith to Leagues and Conflicts -between the Kings of the South God........................................ 684 and the North,............................... 645 The Repentance of the Ninevites. God Repents of the Leagues and Conflicts between the Kings. The Invasion Evil Threatened,............................. 685 of the Romans,............................... 646 God Repents of the Evil Threatened. Jonah Repines The Invasion of the Romans. The Deliverance of at God's Mercy to Nineveh,.................... 68( Israel,.................. 647 MIC AH.-Introduction,.687 The Deliverance of Israel. David Informed of the God's Wrath against Samaria and Judah. Micah ExTimes,...................................... 648 horts them to Mourning,. 688 HOSEA.-Introduction,......................... 649 Samaria and Judah Called to Mourn. Denunciation The Spiritual Whoredom of Israel. The. Idolatry of of the Evils Prevalent,......................... 689 the People,.............................. 650 A Reproof of Injustice and Idolatry.'A Promise of God's Judgments against the People. His Promises Restoring Jacob,......................... 690 of Reconciliation with them,.................. 651 The Falsehood of the Prophets. The Glory, Peace,.Israel's Condition in their Dispersion. God's Judgments and Victory of Zion,................. 691 Denounced upon them,........................ 652 Micah Foretelleth Christ's Birth, His Kingdom, and God's Judgments against Israel. An Exhortation to His Conquest................................. 692 Judah to Repent,............................. 653 The Kingdom of Christ. God's Controversy with His God's Judgments on the Priests, the People, and the People,........ 693 Princes of Israel,............................ 654 God's Controversy with His People, for their Injustice The Israelites' Exhortation to each other to Seek the and Idolatry,................................ 694 Lord,....................................... 655 The Church's Confidence in God. He Comforteth her A Reproof of Manifold Sins. God's Wrath against by Promises,................................. 695 Hypocrisy................................. 656 NAHUM.-Introduction..........6.............. 696 Destruction is Threatened for Impiety and Idolatry, 657 The Goodness of God to His People, and His Severity Israel's Distress and Captivity. Reproofs and Threaten- to His Enemies,.............................. 697 ings for Idolatry,............................ 658 God's Severity against His Enemies. His Armies Reproof and Threateningg for Idolatry. The Ingrati- against Nineveh,............................. 698 tude of Israel,................................ 659 God's Armies against Nineveh. Her Miserable Ruin, 699 God's J.udgment upon Israel. Reproof of Ephraim The Repetition of Nineveh's Doom................. 700 and Judah,................................... 660 HABAKKUK.-Habakkuk's Expostulation with Ephraim and Judah Exhorted to Repent. Ephraim's Jehovah on account of thie Prevalence of Injustice, 701 Sins Provoke God,......................... 661 The Eternity and Purity of God. The Prophet Receives God's Anger against Ephraim. A Judgment for a Revelation,......................... 702 Rebellion,........ 662 The Chaldean shall be Punished for his Insatiable.JOEL.-Introduction,...........................663 Rapacity,..............7.......... 703 Joel Exhorteth to an Observance of Sundry Judgments Judgment upon the Chaldeans. Habakkuk's Prayer of God,............................ 664 to God,..................................... 104 The Prophet Prescribeth a Fast. The Terribleness of Habakkuk, in his Prayer, Trembleth at God's Majesty, 105 God's Judgments,............................ 665 ZEPHANIAH.-Introduction,................... 706 The Prophet Comforteth Zion with Present and Future God's Severe Judgment against Judah for the Divers Blessings,................................... 666 Sins of the Land,.......................... 07 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix Page. Page.. God's Severe Judgment against Judah. Exhortation Herod Troubled because of Christ's Birth. The Wise to Repent ere Judgment,....................... 708 Men Present their Gifts..............7 The Judgment of Philistia, Moab, etc. A Sharp Re- The Flight into Egypt. The Massacre of the Innocents, 8' proof of Jerusalem............................ 709 Christ Brought again to Galilee. Preaching of John An Exhortation to Wait for the Restoration of Israel, 710 the Baptist,............................ 9 HAGGAI.-Haggai Reproveth the People for Neg- John's Office, Life and Baptism. He Reprehendeth lecting to Build God's House............... 711 the Pharisees,................................ 10 The Prophet Incites the People to the Building of the John Reprehendeth the Pharisees. The Baptism of Temple, 712 Christ by John,............................... 11 The People Encouraged to Work by the Promised Descent of' the Holy Ghost in form of a Dove. Christ Glory of the Second Temple,................... 713 Fasteth Forty Days and is Tempted,............. 12 The Glory of the Second Temple. No Santification Christ Fasteth Forty Days, and is Tempted by the without Obedience,........................... 714 Devil,....................................... 13 ZECHARIAH.-Introduction,........ 715 Christ is Tempted by the Devil. He is Ministered to Zechariah Exhorteth to Repentance. The Vision of by Angels, 14 the Horses,................7................. 16 Christ's Entry into Galilee. He Preacheth in CaperComfortable Promises made to Jerusalem. Vision of naum,....................................... 15 Horns and Carpenters, 17 Calling of Peter, Andrew, etc. Christ's Sermon on the Vision of the Measuring-line. God's Presence in Zion Mount,...................................... 16 Promised,....................... 718 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes: The The Restoration of the Church. Christ the Branch, Meek, etc.,................................... 17 is Promised,........................ 719 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes: The Christ the Branch, is Promised, Vision of the Golden Merciful, etc.,.......................... 18 Candlestick,....720 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes: The By the Vision of the Two Olive Trees are shown the Persecuted,................ 19 Two Anointed Ones, 721 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Hle Comes to Fulfil The Vision of the Flying Roll, and that of the Woman the Law,........ 20 in the Ephah...................... 722 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Sixth CommandThe Vision of the Four Chariots, and that of the ment Illustrated,............................. 21 Crowning of Joshua,.......................... 723 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Seventh CornChrist the Branch, Typified. Fasting Reproved by mandment Illustrated,................. 22 Zechariah,.............................. 724 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Third CommandSin the Cause of Punishment. Thle Restoration of ment Illustrated,............................. 23 Jerusalem,................................... 725 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Against Ostentation Good Works Required by God. God Defendeth His in Righteousness,............................ 24 Church,.................................... 726 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Lord's Prayer a God Defendeth His Church. The Coming of Christ Model, 25 Foretold,.................................... 727 Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The Lord's Prayer... 26 Promises of Victory and Defence. God only to be Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Against Ostentation Sought unto, not Idols.,................ 728 in Fasting,........2................ 27 As God has Visited His Flock for Sin, so He will Save Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Against Care for and Restore them,................... 729 Worldly Things,.............................. 28 The Destruction of the Second Temple, and the Jewish Christ's Sermon on the Mount. A Reproof of Rash Polity for Messiah's Rejection,.................. 730 Judgment,................................... 29 The'Staves of Beauty and Bands Broken by the Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Its Conclusion and Rejection of Christ,..........................731 Effect,................................ 30 Jerusalemr a Cup of Trembling. The Restoration of The Conclusion of the Sermon. The Healing of a Judah,...................................... 732 Leper...................................... 31:Cleansing of the Jews from Idolatry and False Incidents Illustrative of Discipleship. The Rash and Prophecy,............................. 33 Procrastinating Disciples,..32 The Destroyers of Jerusalem Destroyed. Christ's The Irresolute Disciple. The Call of Matthew,...... 33 Coming and Kingdom,......................... 734 Two Blind Men Healed. A' Dumb Demoniac Cured,.. 34 The Plague of Jerusalem's Enemies. The Remnant Mission of the Twelve Apostles. Christ's Commission shall Turn to the Lord.................. 735 to them,.......................... 35 MALACHI.-Introduction. The Prophet Complain- Christ Comforteth His Disciples against Persecuting eth of Israel's Irreligiousness and Profaneness,. 736 Enemies,..................36 The Prophet Complaineth of Israel's Irreligiousness God's Protection Promised to His FaithfulMinisters,.. 37 and Profaneness,... 737 John Sendeth his Disciples to Christ. The Gospel The Priests Reproved for Neglect, and the People for Revealed to the Simple,,... 38 Idolatry, etc.,............................ 738 Christ's Invitation to the' Weary. The Blindness of Reproof of the People for Adultery, etc. The coming the Pharisees Reproved....................... 39 of Christ Foretold,.......... 739 The Healing of a Withered Hand. Jesus Retires to The Coming of the Messiah to Punish the Guilty Avoid Danger,............................... 40. People,.................................. 740 Blind and Dumb Demoniac Healed. The Sin against Promises to the Righteous. God's Judgment on the. the Holy Ghost..............................41 Wicked,................... 741 A Sign Demanded, and the Reply. Jesus Teaches by The Mission of the Prophet Elijah before the Dreadful Parables,....................... 42 Day of the Lord....................... 742 Reason for Teaching in Parables. Parable of the Tares and the Wheat,...................4........ 43 Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. Parable of the THE GOSPEL OF ST. MATTHEW.-Introduction,... 3-4. Mustard Seed................................ 44 The Genealogy of Christ, from Abraham to Joseph,.. 5 Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. Christ Contemned The Birth of the Messiah. The Visit of the Wise Men, 6 by His Countrymen,........................ 45 x A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS.: Page. Page. Discourse on Ceremonial Pollution. Man is not Defiled On Paying Tribute unto Casar. The Error of the by what he Eats,............................ 46 Sadducees Confuted,...................... 84 Peter's Noble Confession of Christ. The Benediction The First Great Commandment. The Second Great Pronounced upon Him........................ 47 Commandment,........................... 85 Jesus Foreshoweth His Death. Peter Reproved by Christ Baffles the Pharisees. Destruction of Jerusalem Him,....................................... 48 Prophesied....................... 86 Christ Foretelleth His Passion. The Tribute Money,. 49 Great Calamities to Happen. The Signs of Christ's The Disciples Warned to be Humble. The Parable of Coming,..................................... 87 the Unmerciful Debtor,........................ 50 The Signs of Christ's Coming. Warnings to Prepare Christ's Final Departure from Galilee. The Parable of fobr it,..'..................................... 88 the Labourers,............................... 51 Conspiracy to Put Jesus to Death. The Anointing at The Parable of the Labourers. The Authority of Jesus Bethany,................ 89 Questioned,................................. 52 Jesus before the Sanhedrim. Peter Follows Him to The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen, who Slew Trial,...................................... 90 such as were sent unto them,................... 53 Annas Sends Jesus to Caiaphas. Condemnation of Marriage of the King's Son. The Calling of the Jesus by the Sanhedrim....................... 91 Gentiles,............................. 54 Christ Questioned by the High Priest, and His Answers Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees. Woes in Return,................................... 92 Threatened against their Sins,................. 55 Peter's Denials of his Lord. The Redeemer's Look Hypocrisy and Blindness Denounced. Christ's Lament- upon Peter,.................................. 93 ation over Jerusalem,................. 56 The Resurrection Announced to the Women. AppearThe Destruction of the Temple. Parable of the Ten ances of Jesus after His Resurrection,............ 94 Virgins......5.......................... 57 THE GOSPEL OF ST. LUKE.-Introduction........ 95 The Parable of the Ten Virgins. The Parable of the The Preface of Luke to his Gospel. The AnnounceTalents,..................................... 58 ment of the Forerunner....................... 96 The Parable of the Talents. Description of the Last The Annunciation of Christ. The Visit of Mary to Judgment,.................................... 59 Elizabeth................................... 97 Description of the Last Judgment. The Sentence of The Prophecy of Zacharias. The Birth of Christ, 98 the Accursed,................................ 60 The Birth of Christ. The Circumcision of Christ,.... 99 Remorse and Suicide of Judas. Crucifixion and Death Simeon and Anna Prophecy of Christ. His First of Christ.................................... 61 Conscious Visit to Jerusalem,.................. 100 The Testimony of the Centurion. The Resurrection Christ Disputes with the Doctors. John's Preaching, Announced.............................. 62 Baptism, and Imprisonment,.................. 101 Christ's Appearance to the Women. He Meets with The Baptism of Christ. The Genealogy of Christ, 102 the Disciples................................. 63 Christ Beginneth to Preach. Miraculous Draught of THE. GOSPEL OF ST. MARK.-Introduction,..... 64 Fishes,...................................... 103 The Preaching and Baptism of 1John. The Healing of Plucking Corn on the Sabbath. The Twelve Apostles a Demoniac at Capernaum..................... 65 Chosen,.104 The Healing of Peter's Mother-in-Law, and of Many Christ's Testimony of John. His Feet washed with other Diseased Persons......................... 66 Tears..................................... 105 Christ Preacheth in Capernaum, and Healeth one Sick Christ Ministered to by Women. Peter's Confession of Palsy,.................................... 67 of Christ,......................... 106 The Parable of the Sower, and the Meaning thereof,.. 68 The Transfiguration of Christ. Demoniac and Lunatic Christ's Reason for Teaching in Parables. He Stills a Boy Healed,................................. 107 Tempest on the Sea of Galilee,... 69 The Refusal of the Samaritans. The Mission of the Christ Stilleth the Tempest. The Cure of the Gadarene Seventy,............... 108 Demoniac................................. 10 Parable of the Good Samaritan. Christ Reprehefideth Jairus' Daughter Restored to Life. Woman with an Martha,..................... 109 Issue of Blood Healed,........................ 1 The Disciples Taught to Pray. The Denunciation of' Jairus' Daughter Raised to Life. John the Baptist's the Pharisees,.................................. 110 Imprisonment and Death,...................... 2 Christ's Exhortation against Hypocrisy, against CovetJohn the Baptist Beheaded. Five Thousand People ousness, and to Watchfulness.. 111 Fed,.................................7...... 13 An Exhortation to be Ready. The Parable of the Five Thousand People Fed. Jesus Walketh upon the Barren Fig Tree.................... 112 Sea,............................... 4 The Mustard Seed and the Leaven. Healing of a Jesus Walketh upon the Sea. He Healeth all who Dropsical Man,............................... 113 Touch Him,...........7................ 15 The Parable of the Great Supper. The Parable of the The Syro-phceniciap Woman. Deaf and Dumb Man Lost Sheep,............................... 114 Healed.......'............................ 16 The Parable of the Lost Coin. The Parable of the Deaf and Dumb Man Healed.. Feeding of the Four Prodigal Son,................................ 115 Thousand,................................... 7 The Parable of the Unjust Steward. The Parable of The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Blind the Rich Man and Lazarus,.................... 116 Man at Bethsaida Restored to Sight,............. 18 The Ten Lepers Cleansed. The Coming of the Kingdom, 117 The Disciples' Dispute with the Scribes. A Dumb and Parable of the Importunate Widow. Little Children Deaf Spirit Cast Forth,...................... 19 brought to Christ,....................... 118 Second Announcement of Christ's Death. The-Twelve The Rich Young Ruler. The Blind Man Healed,.... 119 Strive as to who should be Greatest............. 80 Zaccheus the Publican. Parable of the Pounds..... 120 Cautions against Offending the Faithful. Christ's Third Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen. The Widow's Announcement of his Death,................... 81 Two Mites,.................................. 121 Ambitious Request of James and John, and the Reply The Destruction of Jerusalem Prophesied. Conspiracy'of our Lord,................................ 82 to Put Jesus to Death......................... 122 The Barren Fig Tree Cursed, and Lessons to be De- Christ's Discourse at the Table. His Agony in the:rived therefrom.............O......... 83 Garden,................ 2,......., 3 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi Page. Page. Jesus Led away to be Crucified. Two Thieves Crucified Jesus before Annas and Caiaphas. Peter's Denial of with Him,............................ 124 his Master,.162 Christ Appears to Two of his Disciples. He Appears Jesus' Arraignment before Pilate, who Questions Him to the Assembled Disciples,.................... 125 as to who He is,............. 163 THE GoSPEL OF ST. JOHN.-Introduction......... 126 Christ's Answer to Pilate. Jesus Scourged, and The Divinity, Humanity, and Office of Jesus Christ,.. 127 Crowned with Thorns,...................... 164 The Divinity, Humanity, and Office of Jesus Christ,.. 128 Jesus Delivered to be Crucified. His Crucifixion and The Baptist's Testimony to Christ. The First Gather- Death...................................... 165 ing of Disciples,.................... 129 The Soldiers Cast Lots for Christ's Garments. He ComThe Miracle of the Water made Wine. The Interview mendeth fris Mother to John,.................. 166 of Nicodemus with Jesus,...................... 130 Christ Yieldeth up the Ghost. He is Buried by Joseph Christ Teacheth Nicodemus the Necessity of Regen- and Nicodemus,.167 eration,.131 Christ's Burial in the Garden. Mary's Visit to the God's great Love to the World. John Baptist's Testi- Sepulchre,................................... 168 mony to his Master,............ 132 Jesus Appeareth to Mary. He Appears also to the Christ and the Woman Qf Samaria. He Revealeth Disciples................................ 169 Himself to her,...................... 133 The Incredulity and Confession of Thomas. Christ's Christ Declareth to His Disciples His Zeal for God's Third A.ppearance to his Disciples............... 170 Glory,'134 Peter Commanded to Feed the Sheep. The Final The Healing of the Courtier's Son. The Impotent Close of -John's Gospel......... 171.Man.Healed,. 135 The Miracles of Christ. The Parables of Christ,.... 172 The Jews Cavil at Christ's Miracles. Christ, answering, THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES.-Introduction,.. 173 Showeth who He is............................ 136 Last Days of our Lord on Earth. Return of the Eleven The Scriptures Bear Witness to Christ. Jesus Walks to Jerusalem,........................... 174 upon the Sea,............................. 137 The Apostles Filled with the Holy Ghost. Peter's Christ, Followe'd by Great Multitudes, Discourses on Sermon on the Day of Pentecost,. 175 the Bread of Life,............................. 138 The Beginnings of the Christian Church. Peter Heals Jesus Declares Himself to be the Bread of Life to all a Lame Man at the Temple,.................... 176 Believers,.................................. 139 Peter's Exhortation to the People. Peter and John Many Disciples Depart from Jesus, but Peter boldly before the Sanhedrim,.1....................... 177 Confesses Him,............................... 140 The Death of Ananias and Sapphira. The Progress Christ at the Feast of Tabernacles. He Teaches in of the New Cause, etc.,........................ 178 the Temple,.............................. 141 The First Election of Deacons. Stephen Arraigned Christ Teaches in the Temple. Divers Opinions Con- before the Sanhedrim,. 179 cerning Him,................................. 142 Stephen's Defence against his Accusers. His DenunThe Woman Taken in Adultery. Christ Justifieth his ciation of his Judges,.180 Doctrine,........................... 143 Stephen Stoned to Death by the People. Success of Christ's Answer to the Jews, who had Boasted of Philip's Preaching in Samaria,.181 Abraham,.................................. 144 Philip Sent by an Angel to Baptize the Ethiopian Christ's Answer to theJews. One Born Blind Restored Eunuch,............... 182 to Sight,............ 145 Saul, going towards Damascus, is Stricken Down to The Restored Man Confesseth Jesus. Christ the Good the Earth,................................... 183 Shepherd,.146 Saul is Called to the Apostleship. The Jews Lay in Christ the Good Shepherd. Discourse at the Feast of Wait to Kill him,........................ 184 Dedication,.147 Saul's First Visit to Jerusalem. Conversion and Jesus Proves Himself to be the Son of God. Lazarus Baptism of Cornelius,......................... 185 Raised from the Dead,........................ 148 Peter's Vision upon the Housetop. IHe Preaches to Lazarus Raised from the Dead, after being Four Days Cornelius and his Household,.................. 186 Buried,.............. 149 Cornelius and his Household Baptized. Peter's Defence Lazarus Raised from the Dead, after being Four Days for Preaching to the Gentiles,................... 187 Buried,.................................. 150 Barnabas goes to Tarsus for Saul. The Church PerThe Anointing by Mary at Bethany. Christ Excuseth secuted by HIerod Agrippa,..................... 188 her-Action,................................. 151 The Miraculous Deliverance of Peter. The Growing Christ's Discourse with the Greeks. He Foretelleth Ilis Success of the Gospel.......................... 189 Death,.............. 152 Paul and Barnabas Sent to the Gentiles. Elymas the Christ Foretelleth the Manner of His Death. Jesus Sorcerer Smitten with Blindness,................ 190 Washes the Disciples' Feet,........ 153 Paul Preaches at Antioch, that Jesus is Christ,..... 191 The Disciples Exhorted to Humility. The Traitor Many of the Gentiles Believe. Paul and Barnabas Indicated by a Sign,.154 Driven from Iconium,.......................... 192 Peter's Denial of Christ Predicted. Christ Comforteth Paul Heals a Cripple at Lystra. Saul is Stoned, and His Disciples,........ 155 Departs the City............................. 193 Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He Affirms. Dissensions about Circumcision. The Consultation of His Unity with the Father,.................... 156 the Apostles., 194 Christ Leaveth his Peace. Mutual Love of Christ and The Apostles Letter to the Gentiles. Dissension His People,...................... 157 between Paul and Barnabas,................... 195 Christ Comtbrteth His Disciples by the Promise of the Dissension between Barnabas and Paul. Paul's Second Holy Ghost,................................. 158 Missionary Journey,.......................... 196 Christ's Intexcessory Prayer to the Father to Glorify Paul Circumciseth Timothy. Visitation of the Churches, ~ Him and Preserve his Apostles.................. 159 etc.,......................................... 197 Christ Prayeth for His Apostles, and for all True Lydia. and Her 1Household Baptized. A Spirit of Believers,.................................... 160 Divination Expelled,.......................... 198 Betrayal and Apprehension of Jesus. Peter Smiteth Paul and Silas Scourged and Imprisoned. The Conoff Malchus' Ear,................... 161 version of their Jailor,............... 199 aii A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS'.. Pag.e. Page. Paul and Silas Delivered from Prison. Paul Preaches The Law of Sin in our Members. Paul Confesses his at Thessalonica,.200 Inability to Keep the Law,....... 238 Paul Preaches at Berea. He Arrives at Athens,.... 201 Conclusion of the Whole Argument. The SanctifiPaul Preacheth to the Athenians of the Living God, cation of Believers,........................... 239 to them Unknown............................ 202 What Harm cometh of the Flesh,................. 240 Some Athenians Mock, others Believe. Paul Preacheth The Sonship of Believers. The Future Inheritance,.. 241 and Labours at Corinth,........................ 203 The Intercession of the Spirit. The Foreknowledge of Paul Encouraged in a Vision. Hie Strengtheneth the God,...................2........... 42 Disciples........... 204 The Calling of the Predestinated. Christ's Intercession The Preaching of Apollos at Ephesus. Paul'~ Signal for us, 243 Success in that City, 205 Nothing can Sever us from the Love of Christ. Paul's Jewish Exorcists Beaten by the. DeviL Demetrius Sorrow for his Brethren the Jews,.............. 244 Raiseth an Uproar against Paul,................ 206 All the Seed of Abraham not the Children of the The Tumult Quieted by the Town-clerk. Paul Goeth Promise,.................................... 245 into Macedonia,.............................. 20 God hath Mercy upon whom He will. The Calling of Paul Goeth to Macedonia. On his way to Jerusalem, the Gentiles was Foretold,.................. 246 he Reaches Miletus,.208 How Israel came to miss Salvation, and the Gentiles Paul's Address to the Elders of Ephesus. He Corn- to Find it................................... 247 mits to them the Care of God's Flock,........... 209 None who Believe shall be Coilfounded. The Gentiles Paul Journeyeth to Jerusalem, where he Addresseth shall Receive the Word........................ 248 the Elders,..................... 210 God hath not Cast off all Israel. Some Elected, the Paul Assaulted in the Temple. His Defence from the Rest Hardened,.............................. 249 Stairs of the Fortress,.211 The Gentiles may not Insult the Jews, for there is Paul's Defence before the Sanhedrim. He'is En- Promise of their Salvation,..................... 250 couraged by a Vision....................... 212 Promise of the Salvation of the Jews. God's JudgPaul's Defence before Felix on the Doctrine of the ments are Unsearchable,....................... 251 Resurrection,................................ 213 God's Mercies must move us to Please Him. Each to Felix Disappointed as to a Bribe. Paul Accused before Exercise the Gifts he Possesses,................. 252 Festus,.214 The Duties Required of Believers. Revenge is Specially Paul's Defence before King Agrippa, Declaring his Forbidden,.............. 253 Lift from his Childhood,....................... 215 The Duties we owe to Magistrates. Gluttony and Festus Chargeth Paul with being Mad. Paul sets Drunkenness Forbidden,....................... 254 forward toward Rome,......................... 216 Men may not Contemn or Condemn Each Other for Paul Foretelleth much Disaster, but Encourageth the Things Indifferent,............................ 255 Ship's Crew,.217 The Duty of Christian Forbearance from the Strong to Paul's Warning to the Centurion. The Occurrences the Weak,................... 256 at Melita.................................... 218 We may not Please Ourselves. Paul Excuseth HimThe Miracle of a Viper. Paul's Departure. for self for Writing,.............................. 257 Rome,.................................... 219 Paul Promiseth to Visit Rome, and Requesteth the Paul Preaches to the Jews at Rome.. Some Believe, Prayers of the Brethren,........................ 258 while others Disbelieve,.......................220' The Apostle Sendeth Divers Salutations to the ChrisChronological Table of the Principal-Events connected tians who are in Rome,....................... 259 with the Life of the Apostle Paul,........221 Sundry Directions and Salutations to the Christian'TIIE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE ROMANS.-Introduc- Brethren at Rome,.................... 260 tion,........................................ 222 TRHE FmIsr EPISTLE OF PAUL. TO THE CORINTHPaul Commendeth his Calling, and his desire to Visit IANS. —Introduction.......................... 261 Rome,.................................. 223 Paul's Salutation to the Brethren at Corinth,........ 262 The Gospel for the Justification of all Men. God's Paul's Thanksgiving bor the Church. He Exhorteth.Wrath Overhangs the Heathen World,....... 224 them to Unity.......................... 263 God's Wrath Overhangs the Heathen World. What God Destroyeth the Wisdom of the Wise by the Foolwere the Sins of the Gentiles,.............. 225 ishness of Preaching,.......................... 264 What were the Sins of tile Gentile World. The Jew Not the Wise, but the Foolish, called. Paul Declareth under like Condemnation with thle Gentile........ 226 the Manner of his Preaching,................... 265 Circumcision, without Obedience, shall not Profit. The Paul's Preaching Consists in the Power of God, and so Jews' Prerogative, which they have not Lost,. 227 Excelleth the Wisdom of the World,...... 266 No Flesh Justified by the Law, but all Justified by The Natural. Man Void of Understanding. Neither Faith only.............. 228 Paul nor Apollos Anything,.................. 267 The.Law is not Abolished. Abralham Justified by Faith, 229 Christ the Only Foundation. Men the Temples of Faith Imputed to us for Righteousness. Blessed God..................................... 268 Effects of Justification -by Faith,.230 The Wisdom of this World, Foolishness. How to Being Purchased by His Blood, we have Recoicili- Esteem God's Ministers,.........269 ation to Christ by Faith,................... 231 We have nothing we have not Received. The Apostles As Sin and Death came by Adam, so Righteousness our Fathers in Christ,......................... 2 and Life by Jesus Christ....................... 232 We ought to Follow the Apostles. The Case of the Death came by the Offence of Adam, and Life by the Ichestuous Person,......................... 21 Gift of Christ................................233 The Old Leaven to be Purged out. Christians must Where Sin Abounded, Grace did more Abound. The not Go to Law together...................... 22 Bearing of Justification upon a Holy Life......... 234 The Unrighteous shall not Inherit. Our Bodies are the We are Dead to Sin. End of the Reign of Sin,. 235 Members of Christ, 213 Christians Obliged to Holiness. The Wages of Sin is We must not Defile our Bodies. Paul Instructeth as Death,...................................... 236 to Marriage,................................. 214 The Law without Power after Death. The Law not Marriage Bonds not Lightly to be Broken. We should Sin, but Holy and Just,................. 237 be Content in our Vocation,.................. 215 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xiii Page. Page. Concerning the Marriage of Virgins. For what Reasons He that Glorieth, should Glory in the Lord. The we may Marry,.............................. 276 Apostle is Forced to Commend himself,........... 316 Abstinence from Meats Offered to Idols. We must Paul's Equality with the Chief Apostles, and his not Abuse our Liberty...2................... 277 Superiority to the False Ones,................... 311 Paul Showeth his Christian Liberty. The Minister Paul's Service for Christ makes him far ought to Live by the Gospel,................... 278 Others,............... 318 Paul Abstains from being Charitable or Offensive to Revelations in which to Glory, but Paul Glorieth in the Corinthians,............................... 279 his Infirmities,............................... 319 Our Life is Like unto a Race. Jewish Sacraments Paul Promiseth to Come again. Threateneth a Proof Types of the Christian,........................ 280 of his Authority,.......................... 320 The Jews' Punishments our Examples. We must THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE GALATIANS. —InAvoid Idolatry,................. 281 troduction................................ 321-322 We must Avoid Idolatry, and not Pollute the Lord's Paul's Greetings to the Disciples. The Cause of his Table,................................. 282 Writing to them,......................... 323 Censure of Disorders in the Public Assemblies and Paul Learned the Gospel not of Men, but by the Love-Feasts,...... 283 Revelation of Jesus Christ,.................... 324 Rules for Divine Worship. Women's Veiling in the What Paul was before his Calling, and what he Did Congregation................................. 284 Presently after,...............325 Paul Instructeth the Corinthians as to the Mode of Paul's Co-ordinate Authority with the other Apostles, 326 Celebrating the Lord's Supper,.... 285 Paul's Expostulations with Peter. Why Paul Believed First Institution of the Lord's Supper. Use and Abuse in Justification by Faith,........................ 321 of Spiritual Gifts............................. 286 No Justification by the Works of the Law. Reproof Use and Abuse of Spiritual Gifts, Especially Proph- for Abandoning Faith for Legalism,............. 328 esying and Tongues,.......................... 287 They that Believe are Justified: this Shown by Many TUse and Abuse of Spiritual Gifts. The Best Gift that Reasons................................ 329-331 of Charity,............................. 288 Faith being come there is no Schoolmaster. We wd'e The Excellency of Charity. Superiority of Prophecy under the Law till Christ came,................. 332 over Tongues,................................ 289 Christ Freed us from the Law; therefore we are no The True and Proper End of Prophecy and of longer Servahts to it........................... 333 Tongues, 290 The Galatians' Good-will to Paul, and his, in Return Rules for the Excercise of Gifts. Proofs of Christ's to Them,........................... 334 Resurrection,................................. 291 The Allegory of Agar and Sara. Exhortation to Stand. Paul, by Christ's Resurrection, Proves the Necessity of Fast in Liberty,.............................. 335 Ours....................................... 292 The Galatians not to Observe Circumcision. The The Order of, our Resurrection. Christ's Enemies Danger of a Little Leaven,..................... 336 under His Feet,................... 293 The Sum of the Law is Love. Reckoning up of the The Danger of Evil Communications. In what Manner Works of the Flesh,. 337 we shall Rise................................ 294 Exhortation to Forbearance and Humility, and to be The Believer's Resurrection, and the Manner of it,... 295 Liberal to Teachers,.......................... 338 The Strength of Sin is the Law. The Brethren Let us not be Weary in Well-doing. Paul Glorieth Exhorted to Charity,....................... 296 only in the Cross of Christ,................... 339 Timothy Commended to them,..................... 297 TuE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE EPI-IESIANS.-IntroTHE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE CORINTH- duction,.................................... 340 IANS.-.-Introduction,.......................... 298 Paul Treateth of our Election and Adoption by Grace, 341 The Apostle Encourageth the Brethren by his Deliver- Our Adoption by Grace is the True Foundation of ances from Affliction,.................. 299 Man's Salvation,.............................. 342 The Apostle Comforteth the Brethren. His Manner The Mystery of Election and Adoption cannot Easily of Preaching the Gospel,................... 300 be attained to,............................... 343 The Apostle Excuseth himself for not Visiting the Christ the Head of the Church. What we are by Corinthians,............................... 301 Nature and by Grace,......................... 344 Paul's Reason for not Visiting Corinth. The Incestuous What we are by Grace. We are Made for Good Works, 345 Person to be Forgiven,........................ 302 Union of the Once Alien Gentiles with the Jews in Why Paul had gone to Macedonia. A Sufficient Corn- Christ,...................................... 346 mendation of his Ministry..................... 03 That the Gentiles should be Saved, made known to The Letter Killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life........ 304 Paul by Revelation.......................... 347 The Ministration of the Gospel. Paul's Zeal in Preach- The Grace that was Given to Paul. His Prayer for ing,................................. 305 the Ephesians, 348 How Paul's Troubles and Afflictions Redound to the Paul's Exhortation to Unity. God's Divers Gifts to Glory of the Gospel,........................... 306 Men........................................ 349 Paul's Hope of Eternal Glory in the Resurrection God Giveth Divers Gifts unto Men, that His Church Body,................................. 307-309 may be Edified,.............................. 350 Paul's Apostolic Ministry Approved by his Faithful- The Ephesians Called from Impurity to Put on the New ness in Afflictions,........................... 310 Man,....................................... 351 We are Temples of the Living God. The Duty of Self- Exhortation to Cast off Lying, and to Avoid Corrupt Purification,................................. 311 Communication,.. 352 The Good Effect of Godly Sorrow. The Contributions General Exhortations against Fornication, Uncleanness, for the Saints,................................ 312 and Converse with the Wicked,............. 353 Spiritual Profit Due to Liberality. Titus Commended Exhortation to Walk Warily, and to be Filled with the to the Brethren,.............................. 313 Spirit,........35............................. 54 Paul's Reasons for Sending Titus. Liberal Almsgiving Duties of Wives and Husbands. Christ's Love to His Recommended,.................... 314 Church,..................................... 355 Paul Vindicates his Authority. He Excuseth his Self- Duties of Chrildien to their Parents. Of Servants to boasting,..............,315 their Masters,...............................356 xiv A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Pace. Page. Our Life is a Warfare. The Whole Christian Armour, 357 The Revelation of the Man of Sin, who Sitteth in the THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE PHILIPPIANS.-In- Temple of God..................... 396-397 troduction,. 358-359 The Discovery of Antichrist, before the Day of the Paul's Thanksgiving for the Spiritual State of the Lord,.398 Philippians.................................. 360 Paul Prayeth for the Brethren. They are Exhorted to Paul's Prayer for the Philippians. The Result of his Shun 111 Company,............................ 399 Imprisonment,..........................361 THE EPISTLES OF PAUL TO TIMOTHY AND TITUS. Paul's Readiness to Glorify Christ. His Exhortation — Introduction,........................... 400-403 to Unity and Fortitude,.362 Timothy Reminded of Paul's Charge to him at his Paul's Exhortation to Unity, and to Humbleness of Going to Macedonia,.......................... 404 Mind,.................... 363 The Right Use and End of the Law. Paul's Calling Exhortation to Zeal in Seeking Perfection, that they to be an Apostle,.............................. 405 may be his Joy in Christ's Day,.... 364 His Charge to Timothy,............. 406 Paul Prorniseth to Send Timothy. His Warning Directions as to Public Worship. Paul Claims to be against Judaizers,.365 an Apostle................................. 407 Paul Giveth up all for Christ, but Counteth it as How Women should be Attired. They are not PerNothing, 366 mitted to Teach.............................. 408 Paul Acknowledges his own Imperfection, but yet the How Bishops and Deacons should be Qualified to Rule, 409 Philippians are to Follow him,.................. 367 Qualifications of Bishops and Deacons, and their Rule Particular Admonitions. General Exhortations,..... 368 in their Houses........................... 410 Thanks for Supplies from Philippi. Prayer and The Blessed Truths Taught and Professed in the Church, 411 Salutations.........:......................... 369 Paul's Prediction that there shall be a Departure from THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE COLOSSIANS. —In- the Faith in the Latter Times,..................412 troduction,.................................. 370 That Timothy might not Fail in Duty, Paul giveth him Paul Confirmeth the Doctrine of Epaphras, and Prayeth Sundry Directions,........................... 413 for their Increase in Grace,.................... 371 Divers Precepts to Timothy. Rules as to Reproving,. 414 Paul Describeth the True Christ, through whose Blood Concerning the Widows of the Church. The Younger we have Redemption,. 372 Widows to Re-marry,................... 415 Paul Prayeth for their Increase in Faith, and Describeth The Elders to be Honoured. A Precept as to Timothy's the True Christ......................... 373 Health............................416 The Colossians' Reconciliation by Christ. Paul Comn- Exhortations on Various Subjects. Timothy's Pursuit ihendeth his own Ministry,..................... 374 is to be Godliness............................ 417 An Exhortation to Steadfastness,.................. 375 Charge to be Faithful as Before Him who shall soon Exhortation to be Steadfast in Christ. Warning against Appear,..................................... 418 Vain Traditions........................... 376 Charge to the Rich. Avoid Vain Babblings,........ 419 Paul ExhorteLh the Colossians to Avoid Philosophy THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAUL TO TIMOTHY. —Inand Vain Traditions,.......................... 377 troduction,................................. 420 Warning against Angel-worshipping, and against Paul's Thankful Expression of Love and Desire to see Legal Ordinances,. 378 Timothy,................................ 421 The Ritual Law Abolished. Where we should Seek God's Gift to us is Power and Love, not Fear....... 422 Christ,...................................... 379 Timothy is Exhorted to Steadfastness and to Constancy An Exhortation to Mortification, to Put off the Old and Perseverance,..:......................... 423 Man, and Put on Christ....................... 380 The Duty of a Faithful Servant in Dividing the Word Exhortation to Charity, Humility, and other Christian Aright,... 424 Duties............................ 381 The Foundation of the Lord is Sure. Timothy is Paul Saluteth the Brethren, and Wishetli them all Taught Whereof to Beware,................... 425 Prosperity,.................................. 382 Coming Evil Days. Signs of Evil Already,......... 426 THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAUL TO TIE THESSALON- Paul Appeals to Timothy's Knowledge of his Life,... 427 IANS.-Introduction,......................... 383 Solemn Charge to Timothy. Nearness of the Apostle's Paul's Kindly Remembrance of his Thessalonian Death,...................................... 428 Brethren,.................................... 384 Paul Requests Timothy to come,as he is almost Deserted, 429 Persuasion of the Truth and Sincerity of the Faith of THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO TITUS-Introduction,... 430 the Thessalonians,.....................'....... 385 Titus' Function in Crete. Qualifications for Elders,.. 431 In what Manner the Gospel was Preached to the Evil Teachers to be Silenced. Sundry Directions to Thessalonians,................................ 386 Titus,............4......32.......... 432 Why Paul was so long Absent; and why lie was The Grace of God in Christ our Incentive to live Desirous to See them,......... 387 Godly,..................................... 433 Paul Testifieth his Love to the Thessalonians, and Re- Titus is Further Directed by Paul. The Washing of joices Heartily in their Well-doing,.............. 388 Regeneration,................................ 434 An Exhortation to Chastity, Brotherly Love, and Quiet Spiritual Effects of Baptism. Titus is to Reject Industry.................................... 389 Heretics,.................................... 435 Excessive Grief for the Dead Forbidden. The Second THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO PHILEMON............ 436 Coming of Christ...................390 Intercession for Onesimus. He will now Serve as a Suddenness of Christ's Second Coming a Motive to our Brother,................................... 437 Watchfulness,................ 391 THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE HEBREWS.-IntroPaul Giveth Divers Precepts. Hold Fast that which duction,.?... 438-439 is Good,............. 392 The Dignity of the Son, by whom God now Speaks,.. 440 THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE THESSA- Christ's Exalted Position. His Right to the Title Son LONIANS. —Introduction,..................... 393 of God,.....................................441 Paul's Good Opinion of the Faith and Patience of the Christ is Preferred above the Angels, both in His Thessalonians,...................... 394 Person and His Office,..................... 442 The Brethren Comforted in Persecution. Exhortation We ought to be Obedient to Christ. Why he took to Steadfastness in the Truth,.............. 395 upon Him our Nature,................. 43 A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xv Page. Pag. All things Subjected to Christ. By Him and to Him God Tempteth No Man, but is the Author of all Good, 485 are'all Thitigs,............... 444 We are to be not only Hearers, but Doers of the Word, 486 Christtook upon Him our Nature, that He might be We are not to Regard the Rich, and Despise the Poor like His Brethren,........................... 445 Brethren,................................... 487 Christ, being Tempted, can Succour us. Christ is more We are to be Eoving and Merciful. Faith without Worthy than Moses,.......................... 446 Works is Dead Faith,......................... 488 Christ more Worthy than Moses. The Danger of our Dead Faith the Faith of Devils, and not of Abraham Unbelief in Him,............................. 447 and Rahab.................................. 489 The Christian's Rest Attaired by Faith. The Preached We are not Rashly to Reprove Others, but rather to Word does not Profit Unbelievers,.............. 448 Bridle the Tongue,........................... 490 The Christian's Rest Attained by Faith. The Power The Wise are Mild and Peaceable. We are to Strive of God's Word,............................... 449 against Covetousness,........................ 491 By our High Priest, Jesus, we go Boldly to the Throne The Apostle's Caution against Detraction. The Wicked of Grace,................................... 450 Rich should Fear God's Vengeance,........ 492 The Authority and Honour of the Priesthood of We ought to be Patient in Afflictions, after the Christ,..................................... 451 Example of the Prophets, etc.................. 493 Ignorance of Christ's Priesthood Reproved. The Guilt TIlE FIRST EPISrLE GENERAL OF PETER.-Introducand Danger of Apostasy,...................... 452 tion,.................................... 494-497 The Guilt and Danger of Apostasy, which Crucifies The Apostle Blesses God for His Manifold Spiritual Anew the Son of God........................ 453 Graces,.................................... 498 The Guilt and Danger of Apostasy. Exhortations to The Apostle Blesses God for His Manifold Spiritual'Diligence and Patience,.................. 454 Graces,............ 499 Christ a Priest after the Order of Melchisedec, and so, Salvation in Christ no New Thing, but a Thing far more Excellent than Aaron,................. 455 Prophesied of Old,........................... 500 Christ a Priest after the Orderof MIelchisedec, and so, We are Exhorted to be Sober, and Hopeful for the far more Excellent than Aaron,................ 456. Grace of Christ....,... 501 Christ a Priest after the Order of Melchisedec, and so, We are Redeemed with the Blood of Christ, more far more Excellent than Aaron,................. 457 Preciols than Silver and Gold.................. 502 Christ's Priesthood far above Aaron's, whose Office has Dehortation against the Breach of Charity. We are been Abolished,.......................... 458 to Desire the Sincere Milk of the Word,..... 503 Aaron's Priesthood Abolished, and a New Covenant Christ the Foundation-stone whereon we are Built,... 504 Made,......................459 Exhortation to Abstain from Fleshly Lusts. We are Inferiority of the Old to the New Covenant. The to be Obedient to Magistrates,................. 505 Blood of Bulls and Goats of no Avail,........... 460 Servants are to Obey their Masters, Patiently Suffering The Sacrifices of the Law far Inferior to that of Christ, 461 for Well-doing,............................... 506 The Sacrifices of the Law far Inferior to that of Christ, 462 The Apostle Teaches the Duty of Husbands and The Sacrifices of the Law far Inferior to that of Christ, 463 Wives to Each Other,......................... 507 The Sacrifices of the Law far Inferior to that of Christ, 464 It is Better to Suffer for Well-doing than to Suffer for The Once-offered Sacrifice of Christ. The Weakness Evil-doing,................................. 508 of the Law Sacrifices,.................... 465 Christ was Quickened by the Spirit. God's LongThe Weakness of the Law Sacrifices. God has no suffering in the Days of Noah.................. 509 Pleasure in Burnt Offerings,................... 466 We should be of the Same Mind with Christ. We The Sacrifice of Christ, once Offered, has For Ever should not Consort with Evil-doers,...........,.. 510 Taken away Sin,....................... 467 Exhortation to Charity, Hospitality, etc. Our Comfort Exhortation to hold fast the Faith with Patience and under Persecution,........................... 511 Thanksgiving,................................ 468 The Christian should not be Ashamed. The Elders Exhortation to hold fast the Faith with Patience and should Feed their Flocks,...................... 512 Thanksgiving,.............................. 469 The Young should Submit themselves. All should Definition of the Faith just Spoken of by Paul....... 470 Resist the Devil,................... 513 The Nature of Faith, and its Acceptableness with God, 4 1 THE SECOND EPISTLE GENERAL OF PETER.-IntroThe Worthy Fruits of Faith in the Fathers of Old duction;................................. 514-515 Time,.................... 472 The Apostle-Confirms the Brethren in the Hope of an The Worthy Fruits of Faith in the Fathers of Old Increase of Grace,................... 516 Time,...................................... 473 He Exhorteth the Brethren, by Faith and Good Works, The Worthy Fruits of Faith in the Fathers of Old to make their Calling Sure................... 517 Time,.............................. 474 The Apostle Speaketh of his Death, and Warneth God's Provision for Believers. Exhortation to Faith, them to be Constant in Faith,.................. 518 Patience, etc................................ 475 No Prophecy is of Private Interpretation. False An Earnest Exhortation to Constant Faith, Patience, Teachers to Arise among them,................. 519 and Godliness,........................... 476 The Godly are Delivered out of Temptations. The An Earnest Exhortation to Constant Faith, Patience, Wicked Principles of Seducers Described,........ 520 and Godliness,................................ 477 The Wicked Principles of Seducers Described. The The New Testament Commended. Christ's Blood Certainty of Christ's Second Coming,............. 521 better than that of Abel,................... 478 The Godly Warned to Hasten their Repentance, and The Danger of Refusing the Word. An Exhortation Exhorted by the Apostle to a Holy Life,.......... 522 to Charity, etc.,.............................. 479 THE FIRST GENERAL EPISTLE OF JOHN.-IntroducThe Regard of God's Preachers. We are to Confess tion,.................................... 523-524 Christ,................................... 480 The Apostle's Authority, as an Eye-witness of the Divers Admonitions to the Brethren. The Apostle Gospel Facts.................... 525 Asks their Prayers, 481 The Apostle's Message to the Brethren. The Blood of THE GENERAL EPISTLE OF JAMES.-Introduction,, 482 Christ Cleanses from all Sins,........................ 526 We are to Rejoice under the Cross, and to Ask The Brethren Comforted against Sins of Infirmity. To Patience of God,........... 484 Know God we must Keep His Commandments,.... 527 xvi A GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Page. We are to Love our Brethren, and not to Love the World, 528 The Number of them that were Sealed. Their Robes We are not to Love the World, but to Beware of Washed in the Lamb's Blood,................. 570 Wicked Seducers,.......................... 529 The Opening of the Seventh Seal. Four Angels Sound The Godly are Preserved by Perseverance in Faith their Trumpets,...............511 and Holiness,................ 530 A Star Falleth from Heaven. The Sounding of the The Singular Love of God to us. We ought therefore Fifth Trumpet................................ 572 to Obey Him,................................ 531 The Sounding of the Fifth Trumpet. An Angel We ought to Obey God. The Duty of Loving One Appeareth with a Little Book.................. 513 Another,................... 532. The Angel Sweareth Time shall be no more. John is We should Love Each Other in Deed and in Truth, and Commanded to Eat the Book,.................. 574 Believe on the Name of Jesus Christ,....... 533 The Measurement of the Temple. The Testimony of The Manner of Testing False Prophets. He that the Two Witnesses,........................... 575 Loveth not, Knoweth not God,................. 534 The Testimony of the Two Witnesses. The Beast The Apostle Exhorteth to Brotherly Love. He who from the Pit shall Kill them,.................. 576. Loveth God, Keepeth His Commandments......... 535 The Two Witnesses shall Rise again after Three Days The Keeping of God's Commandments is Light, and and a Half, 5.......................... 577 not Grievous, 536 The Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet. The Woman Jesus, the Son of God, able to Serve us, and to Hear Clothed with the Sun,......................... 578 our Prayers for Ourselves,.......... 537 The Woman Clothed with the. Sun. The Great Dragon THE SECOND EPISTLE OF JOHN.-Introduction,..... 538 Ready to Devour her Child.................... 579 The Elect Lady Exhorted to Persevere in Christian Michael and his Angels Fight with the Dragon, and Love and Belief,.............................. 539 Prevail,.................................... 80 THE THIRD EPISTLE OF JOHN.-Gaius Commended The Dragon, cast out of Heaven, Persecuteth and for his Piety, and His Hospitality to True Preachers, 540 Pursueth the Woman,......................... 581 THIE GENERAL EPISTLE OF JUDE.-Introduction, 541-542 A Beast Riseth out of the Sea, with Seven Heads and Exhortation to be Constant in the Faith. False * Ten Horns,................................. 582 Teachers Creep in to Seduce them,.............. 543 A Beast Riseth out of the Sea. Another Cometh up Horrible Punishments are Prepared for the Teachers out of the Earth............................ 583 of Damnable Doctrines,....................... 544 An Image is Made of the Former Beast, and Men Horrible Punishments are Prepared for the Teachers Worship and Receive its Mark,.................. 584 of Damnable Doctrines,................ 545 The Lamb Seen on Mount Zion, with His Company. THE REVELATION OF ST. JOHN TIHE DIVINE.-In- Their Song,.................................. 585 troduction............................... 546-549 The Fall of the City Babylon. The Harvest of the John Writeth his Revelation to the Seven Churches of World,...................................... 586 Asia.,....... 550 The Last Seven Vials of Plagues. The Song of Moses John Writeth his Revelation to the Seven Churches of and the Lamb,.............................. 587 Asia,...................551 The Angels Pour out their Vials of Wrath. The The Coming of Christ with Clouds. John in the Spirit Plagues that Follow thereupon,................. 588.on the Lord's Day,.................552 The Vials of Wrath Poured Out. The Gathering to Christ the Alpha and Omega. His Glorious Power Battle at Armageddon,................... 589 and Majesty,................................. 553 The Vision of the Great Harlot, Babylon, the Mother Christ's Glorious Power and Majesty. The Epistle to of all Abominations,.......................... 590 the Church at Ephesus,.................... 554 Babylon, the Mother of all Abominations. The InterThe Epistle to the Church at Ephesus. The Promise pretation of the Seven Heads.................. 591 to him that Overcometh,................ 555 Interpretation of the Seven Heads, and that of the The Epistle to the Church at Smyrna. The Epistle to Ten Horns,......................... 592 the Church at Pergamos,.................... 556 The Victory of the Lamb. The Fall of Babylon the Against Eating things Sacrificed to Idols. The Epistle Great,............................ 593 to the Church at Thyatira,................. 557 God's People Depart from Babylon. The Lamentation What is Commended and what is Wanting in the over her,................. 594 Church at Thyatira,.....5...... 558 The Church's Thanksgiving in Heaven for the JudgThe Epistle to the Church at Sardis. Threatenings ment on the Harlot,........................... 595 against Unrepentance,.................... 559 The Marriage of the Lamb. The Angel not to be The Promise to the Church at Sardis. The Epistle to Worshipped,................................. 596 the Church at Philadelphia,..................... 560 He who Rode upon the White Horse. The Fowls The Epistle to the Church at Philadelphia. The Epistle Called to the Great Slaughter,.......597 to the Church at Laodicea,................... 561 Satan Bound for a Thousand Years, and Cast into the The Laodiceans Rebuked for being neither Hot nor Bottomless Pit............................... 598 Cold,....................................... 562 Those in the First Resurrection Blessed. Satan Loosed Christ Standeth at the Door and Knocketh. The Vision out of his Prison,............................ 599 of God's Throne in Heaven,.................. 563 The Devil Cast into the Lake of Fire. The Last and The Four and Twenty Elders. The Four Beasts Full General Resurrection.......................... 600 of Eyes,......................... 564 A New Heaven and a New Earth. God's Promise to The Four Beasts give Glory to God Almighty. The the Faithful,............................... 601 Elders Worship Him that Sat on the Throne,...... 565 The Heavenly New Jerusalem, with a Full Description The Book Sealed with Seven Seals, which only the thereof,......................... 602 Lamb is Worthy to Open, 566 The River of the Water of Life. God Himself shall The Elders Praise the Lamb that was Slain. The be the Light of the City,...................... 603 Opening of the First Six Seals,................... 56 The Wicked to Remain Wicked. The Spirit and the What Followed the Opening of the Seals. A Prophecy Bride say, Come.............................. 604 of the End of the World,...................... 568 Nothing to be Added to the Word of God, nor Taken A Prophecy of the End of the World. An Angel therefrom,................................... 605 $ealeth the Servants of God,................... 569 THE CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY COMMENTARY. THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED GENESIS. CHAPTER I. ing out as a plate of metal: a name given to the atmosphere from its appearing to an observer to be the vault of Ver. 1, 2. THE CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. 1. heaven, supporting the weight of the watery clouds. By In the beginning-a period of remote and unknown an- the creation of an atmosphere, the lighter parts of the tiquity, hid in the depths of eternal ages; and so'the waters which overspread the earth's surface were drawn phrase is used in Proverbs 8.22, 23, also Marginal Refercnce. up and suspended in the visible heavens, while the larger God-the name of the Supreme Being, signifying in lie- and heavier mass remained below. The air was thus " in brew, "Strong," "Mighty." It is expressive of omnipotent the midst of the waters," i.e., separated them; and this power; and by its use here in the plural form., is obscurely being the apparent use of it, is the only one mentioned, taught at the opening of the Bible, a doctrine clearly re- although the atmosphere serves other uses, as a medium vealed in other parts of it, viz., that though God is one, of life and light. there is a plurality of persons in the Godhead-Father, 9-13. THIRD DAY. 9. let the rwaters under tile lheavecl Son, and Spirit, who were engaged in the creative work be gathered together into one place-The world was to (Proverbs 8. 27; John 1.3, 10; Ephesians 3. 9; Hebrews 1.2; be rendered a terraqueous globe, and this was effected by Job 26.13). created-not formed from any pre-existing ma- a volcanic convulsion on its surface, the upheaving of; terials, but made out of nothing. the heaven and the some parts, the sinking of others, and the formation of' earth-the universe. This first verse is a general intro- vast hollows, into which the waters impetuously rushed,. duction to the inspired volume, declaring the great and as is graphically described. (Psalm 104. 6-9.) [HITCHCOCK.] important truth, that all things had a beginning; that Thus a large part of the earth was left "dry land," and nothing throughoutthe wide extent of nature existed from thus were formed oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers which, eternity, originated by chance, or from the skill of any in- though each having their own beds, or channels, are all ferior agent; but that the whole universe was produced by connected with the sea (Job 38. 10; Ecclesiastes 1.7). 11. the creative power of God (Acts 17. 24; Romans 11. 36). let the earth bring forth-The bare soil was clothed with After this preface, the narrative is confined to the earth. verdure, and it is noticeable that the trees, plants, and M. the earth was without form and void-or in "con- grasses-the three great divisions of the vegetable kingfusion and emptiness" as the words are rendered in Isaiah dom, here mentioned, were not called into existence in. 84. 11. This globe, at some undescribed period, having been the same way as the light and the air; they were made to, convulsed and broken up, was a dark and watery waste grow, and they grew as they do still out of the groundfor ages perhaps, till out of this chaotic state, the present not, however, by the slow process of vegetation, but fabric of the world was made to arise. the Spirit of God through the Divine power, without rain, dew, or any promovedl-it., continued brooding over it, as a fowl does, cess of labour-sprouting up and flourishing in a singlewhen hatching eggs. The immediate agency of the Spirit, day. by working on the dead and discordant elements, com- 14-19. FouRTII DAY. 14. let there be lights in thle bined, arranged, and ripened them into a state adapted firmament-The atmosphere being completely purified — for being the scene of a new creation. The account of this the sun, moon, and stars were for the first time unveiled,. new creation properly begins at the end of this second in all their glory in the cloudless sky; and they are deverse; and the details of the process are described in the scribed as "in the firmament" which to the eye they apnatural way an onlooker would have done, who beheld the pear to be, though we know they are really at vast dischanges that successively took place. tances from it. 16. two great lights-In consequence of 3-5. THE FIRST DAY. 3. God said-This phrase, which the day being reckoned as commencing at even-the moon, occurs so repeatedly in the account means-willed, de- which would be seen first in the horizon, would appear "a creed, appointed; and the determining will of God was great light," compared with the little twinkling stars; followed in every instance by an immediate result. while its pale benign radiance would be eclipsed by the Whether the sun was created at the same time with, or dazzling splendour of the sun; when his resplendent orb long before, the earth, the dense accumulation of fogs and rose in the morning and gradually attained its meridian vapours which enveloped the chaos, had covered the globe blaze of glory, it would appear "the greater light" that with a settled gloom. But by the command of God, light ruled the day. Both these lights may be said to be " made" was rendered visible; the thick murky clouds were dis- on the fourth day-not created, indeed, for it is a different persed, broken, or rarefied, and light diffused over the word that is here used, but constituted, appointed to the expanse of waters. The effect is described in the name important and necessary office of serving as luminaries DAY, which in Hebrew signifies warmth, heat; while the to the world, and regulating by their motions and their name Night signifies a ROLLING UP, as night wraps all influence the progress and divisions of time. things in a shady mantle. 4. divided the light from 20-23. FIFTH DAY. The signs of animal life appeared darkness-refers to the alternation or succession of the in the waters and in the air. 20. moving creature-all one to the other, produced by the daily revolution of the oviparous animals, both among the finny and the feathery earth round its axis. 5. first day-a natural day, as the tribes-remarkable for their rapid and prodigious increase. mention of its two parts clearly determines; and Moses fowl-means every flying thing: The word rendered reckons, according to Oriental usage, from sunset to sun- "whales," includes also sharks, crocodiles, &c.: so that set, saying not day and night as we do, but evening and from the countless shoals of small fish to the great sea morning. monsters, from the tiny insect to the king of birds, the 6-8. SECOND DAY. 6. firmament-an expanse-a beat- waters and the air were made suddenly to swarm with 2 1.7 Creaton of Man. GENESIS II. The M2aking of Woman. creatures formed to live and sport in their respective ele- employed in nis service requires, and the neglect of ments. which brings both to premature decay. Moreover, it 24-31. SIXTH DAY. A farther advance was made by the secures an appointed season for religious worship, and if creation of terrestrial animals, all the various species of it was necessary in a state of primeval innocence, how which are included in three classes-viz., cattle, the herb- much more so now, when mankind have a strong tendivorous kind capable of labour or domestication. 24. ency to forget God and His claims? 4. These are the beasts of the earth-i. e., wild animals, whose ravenous generations of tile heavens and the earth —the history natures were then kept in check, and all the various forms or account of their production. Whence did Moses obtain of creeping things-from the huge reptiles to the insig- this account so different from the puerile and absurd ficnificant caterpillars. 26. The last stage in the progress tions of the heathen? not from any human source; for of creation being now reached-God said, Let us make man was not in existence to witness it-not from the light man-words which show the peculiar importance of the of nature or reason; for though they proclaim the eternal work to be done, the formation of a creature, who was to power and Godhead by the things which are made, they be God's representative, clothed with authority and rule cannot tell how they were made. None but the Creator as visible head and monarch of the world. In our image, himself could give this information, and therefore it is after our likeness-This was a peculiar distinction-the through faith we understand that the worlds were framed value attached to which appears in the words being twice by the word of God (Hebrews 11. 3). rain, mist-See on mentioned. And in what did this image of God consist? ch. 1.12. 7. Here the sacred writer supplies a few more -not in the erect form or features of man, not in his intel- particulars about the first pair. formed-had FORMED lect; for the devil and his angels are, in this respect, far MAN OUT OF THE DUST OF THE GROUND. Science has superior-not in his immortality; for he has not, like God, proved that the substance of his flesh, sinews, and bones, a past as well as a future eternity of being; but in the consists of the very same elements as the soil which forms moral dispositions of his soul, commonly called original the crust of the earth, and the limestone that lies emrighteousness (Ecclesiastes 7.29). As the new creation is bedded in its bowels. But from that mean material what only a restoration of this image, the history of the one an admirable structure has been reared in the human throws light on the other; and we are informed that it is body (Psalm 139.14). breath of life-lit., of lives-not only renewed after the image of God in knowledge, righteous- animal but spiritual life. If the body is so admirable, ness and true holiness (Colossians 3. 10; Ephesians 4. 4). how much more the soul with all its varied faculties. 2a. Be fruitful, &c.-The human race in every country breathed into his nostrils the breath of life-not that and age have been the offspring of the first pair. Amid the Creator literally performed this, act, but respiration all the varieties found amongst men, some black, as being the medium and sign of life, this phrase is used to negroes, others copper-coloured, as well as white, the re- show that man's life originated in a different way from searches of modern science lead to a conclusion, fully his body-being implanted directly by God (Ecclesiastes accordant with the sacred history, that they are all of one 12.7), and hence in the new creation of the soul Christ species and of one family (Acts 17. 26). What power in the breathed on His disciples (John 20. 22). word of God! "He spake and it was done. He com- 8-17. THE GARDEN OF EDEN. 8. Eden-was probably manded and all things stood fast." "Great and manifold a very extensive region in Mesopotamia, it is thought, are thy works, Lord God Almighty!-in wisdom hast thou distinguished for its natural beauty and the richness and made them all." We admire that wisdom-not only in variety of its produce. Hence its name signifying pleasthe regular progress of creation, but in its perfect adapta- antness. God planted a garden eastward-an extensive tion to the end. God is represented as pausing at every park-a paradise, in which the man was put to be trained stage to look at His work. No wonder He contemplated under the paternal care of his Maker to piety and usefulit with complacency. Every object was in its right place, ness. tree of life-so called from its symbolic character every vegetable process going on in season, every animal as a sign and seal of immortal life. Its prominent posiin its structure and instincts suited to its mode of life, tion "in the midst of the garden," where it must have and its use in the economy of the world. He saw every- been an object of daily observation and interest, was adthing that He had made answering the plan which His mirably fitted to keep them habitually in mind of God eternal wisdom had conceived; and, 31. "BEHOLD IT WAS and futurity. 9. tree of the knowledge of good and VERY GOOD." evil-so called because it was a test of obedience by which our first parents were to be tried, whether they would be C H APTE R II Tgood or bad, obey God or break His commands. 17. thou shalt not eat of it... thou shalt surely die —no Ver. 1. THE NARRATIVE OF THE SIX DAYS' CREATION reason assigned for the prohibition, but death was to be CONTINUED. The course of the narrative being improperly the punishment of disobedience. A positive command broken by the division of the chapter. 1. the heavens like this was not only the simplest and easiest, but the -the firmament or atmosphere. host-a multitude, a only trial to which their fidelity could be exposed. 15. put numerous array-usually connected in Scripture with the man into the garden of Eden to dress it-not only heaven only, but here with the earth also, meaning all to give him a pleasant employment, but to place him on that they contain. were finished-brought to completion his probation, and as the title of this garden, the garden -no permanent change has ever since been made on the of the Lord (ch. 13. 10; Ezekiel 28. 13), indicates-it was in course of the world, no new species of animals been fact a temple in which he worshipped God, and was daily formed, no law of nature repealed or added to. They employed in offering the sacrifices of thanksgiving and could have been finished in a moment as well as in six praise. days, but the work of creation was gradual for the in- 18-25. THE MAKING OF WOMAN, AND INSTITUTION OF struction of man, as well, perhaps, as of higher creatures MARRIAGE. 18. it is not good for man to be alone —In (Job 38. 7). the midst of plenty and delights, he was conscious of feel2-7. THE FIRST SABBATH. 2. and he rested on the ings he could not gratify. To make him sensible of his seventh day-not to repose from exhaustion with labour wants, 19. God brought unto Adam-not all the ani(see Isaiah 40. 28), but ceased from working, an example mals in existence, but those chiefly in his immediate equivalent to a command, that we also should cease neighbourhood, and to be subservient to his use. whatfrom labour of every kind. 3. blessed and sanctified soever Adam called every living creature, that was the seventh day-a peculiar distinction put upon it the name thereof-His powers of perception and intelabove the other six days, and showing it was devoted ligence were supernaturally enlarged to know the characto sacred purposes. The institution of the Sabbath is ters, habits, and uses of each species that was brought to as old as creation, giving rise to that weekly division him. 20. but for Adam there was not found an help of time which prevailed in the earliest ages. It is a wise meet for him-The design of this singular scene was to and beneficent law, affording that regular interval of show him that none of the living creatures he saw were rest which the physical nature of man and the animals on an equal footing with himself, and that while each 18 Tce Temnptation. GENESIS III. The Fall. class came with its mate of the same nature, form, and perfect impunity; but to promise great benefits from parhabits, he alone had no companion. Besides, in giving taking of it. 5. your eyes shall be openedl-his words names to them he was led to exercise his powers of speech, meant more than met the ear. In one sense their eyes and prepare for social intercourse with his partner, a were opened; for they acquired a direful experience of creature yet to be formed. 21. deep sleep-probably an "good and evil"-of the happiness of a holy, and the ecstacy or trance like that of the prophets, when they had misery of a sinful condition. But he studiously concealed visions and revelations of the Lord, for the whole scene this result from Eve,who, fired with a generous desire for was probably visible to the mental eye of Adam, and knowledge, thought only of rising to the rank and privihence his rapturous exclamation, took one of his ribs- leges of her angelic visitants. "She was not made out of his head to surpass him, nor 6-9. TIHE FALL. 6. And when the woman saw that from his feet to be trampled on, but from his side to be the tree was good for food-Her imagination and feelequal to him, and near his heart to be dear to him." 23. ings were completely won; and the fall of Eve was soon Woman-i. e., in Hebrew-man-Ess. one flesh-the hu- followed by that of Adam. The history of every tenipman pair differed from all other pairs, that by the peculiar tation, and of every sin, is the same; the outward object formation of Eve, they were one. And this passage is ap- of attraction-the inward commotion of mind-the inpealed to by our Lord as the divine institution of marriage crease and triumph of passionate desire; ending in the (Matthew 19.4,5; Ephesians 5.28). Thus Adam appears as degradation, slavery, and ruin of the soul (James 1. 15; a creature formed after the image of God-showing his'1 John 2. 16). 8. they heard the voice of the Lord God knowledge by giving names to the animals, his righteous- walking in the garden-The divine Being appeared in ness by his approval of the marriage relation, and his holi- the same manner as formerly-uttering the well-knovnl ness by his principles and feelings-finding their gratifica- tones of kindness, walking in some visible form-not runtion in the service and enjoyment of God. ning hastily, as one impelled by the influence of angry feelings. How beautifully expressive are these words of C HAPT ER I II. the familiar and condescending manner in which I-Ie had hitherto held intercourse with the first pair. in the cool Ver. 1-5. THE TEMPTATION. 1. the serpent-The fall of of the day-lit., the breeze of the day-the evening. laid man was effected by the seductions of a serpent. That it thelemselves amongst the trees-Shame, remorse, fear-a was a real serpent is evident from the plain and artless sense of guilt-feelings to which they had hitherto been style of the history; and from the many-allusions made strangers, disordered their minds, and led them to shun to it in the New Testament. But the material serpent was Him whose approach they used to welcome. How foolish the instrument or tool of a higher agent,-Satan or the to think of eluding His notice (Psalm 139. 1-12). Devil,-to whom the sacred writers apply from this inci- 10-13. TI-E EXAMINATION. 10. afraid, because... dent the reproachful name of "the Serpent"-" the old naked-apparently, a confession-the language of sorrow; Dragon." Though Moses makes no mention ofthiswicked but it was evasive-no signs of true humility and penispirit-giving only the history of the visible world-yet in tence-each tries to throw the blame on another. 12. The the fuller discoveries of the Gospel, it is distinctly inti- rwoman... gave me-He blames God. [CALVIN.] As mated that Satan was the author of the plot (John 8.44; the woman had been given him for his companion and 2 Corinthians 11. 3; 1 John 3. 8; 1 Timothy 2. 14; Revela- help, he had eaten of the tree from love to her; and pertions 20. 2). more subtile-Serpents are proverbial for wis- ceiving she was ruined, was determined not to survive her. dom (Matthew 10. 16). But these reptiles were at first, (M'KNIGHT.] 13. beguiled-cajoled byflattering lies. This probably, far superior in beauty as well as in sagacity to sin of the first pair was heinous and aggravated-it was what they are in their present state. He said-There be- not simply eating an apple, but a love of self, dishonour ing in the pure bosoms of the first pair, no principle of to God, ingratitude to a benefactor, disobedience to the evil to work upon, a solicitation to sin could come only best of Masters-a preference of the creature to the Creator. from without, as in the analogous case of Jesus Christ (Mat- 14-24. THE SENTENCE. 14. And the Lord God said thew 4.3); and as the tempter could not assume the human unto the serpent-The Judge pronounces a doom firstform-there being only Adam and Eve in the world-the on the material serpent, which is cursed above all creaagency of an inferior creature had to be employed. The tures; from being a model of grace and elegance in formDragon-serpent [BOCHART] seemed the fittest for the vile it has become the type of all that is odious, disgusting, purpose; and the Devil was allowed by Him who per- and low [LECLERC, ROSENMULLER]; or the curse has conmitted the trial, to bring articulate sounds from its mouth. verted its natural condition into a punishment; it i., now unto the woman-the object of attack, from his know- branded with infamy, and avoided with horror; next, on ledge of her frailty, of her having been but a short time in the spiritual Serpent-the seducer. Already fallen, he was the world-her limited experience of the animal tribes, to be still more degraded, and his power wholly destroyed, and, above all, her being alone, unfortified by the presence by the offspring of those he had deceived. 15. thy seedand counsels of her husband. Though sinless and holy, not only evil spirits, but wicked men. seed of tile she was a free agent, liable to be tempted and seduced. woman-the Messiah, or His Church. [CALVIN, HENGyea, hath God said-Is it true that he has restricted you STENBERG.] I will put enmity between thee and the in using the fruits of this delightful place? This is not woman-God can only be said to do so by leaving "the like one so good and kind. Surely there is some mistake. Serpent and his seed to the influence of their own corrupHe insinuated a doubt as to her sense of the divine will, tion; and by those measures which, pursued for the saland appeared as "an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11. vation of men, fill Satan and his angels with envy and 14), offering to lead her to the true interpretation. It rage." thou shalt bruise his heel-The serpent wounds Was evidently from her regarding him as specially sent the heel that crushes him; and so Satan would be peron that errand-that, instead of being startled by the mitted to afflict the humanity of Christ, and bring sufferreptile's speaking-she received him as a heavenly mes- ing and persecution on His people. it shall bruise thy senger. 2. the woman said, We may eat of the fruit head-the serpent's poison is lodged in its head; and a of the trees of the garden-In her answer, Eve extolled bruise on that part is fatal. Thus, fatal shall be the stroke the large extent of liberty they enjoyed in ranging at will which Satan shall receive from Christ; though, it is probamongst all the trees-one only excepted-with respect to able, he did not first understand the nature and extent of which, she declared there was no doubt, either of the pro- his doom. 16. unto the woman he said, I will greatly hibition or e8 penalty. But there is reason to think that multiply thy sorrov-She was doomed as a wife and she had already received an injurious impression; for in -mother, to suffer pain of body and distress of mind. using the words-" lest ye die," instead of "ye shall surely From being the helpmeet of man and the partner of his die"-she spoke as if the tree had been forbidden from affections, her condition would henceforth be that of some poisonous quality of its fruit. The tempter, per- humble subjection. 17-19. unto Adam he said-nade ceiving this, became bolder in his assertions. 4. Ye shall to gain his livelihood by tilling the ground; but what benot surely die-he proceeded-not only to assure her of fore his fall he did with ease and pleasure, was not to bE 19 Birth of Cain and Abel. GENESIS IV, V. The M~urder of Abel accomplished after it without painful and persevering shown in its being consumed by fire (see ch. 15. 17; Judges exertion, till thou return unito the groaunld-man be- 13. 20). 7. If thou doest well, shalt tholu not be accame mortal; although he did not die the moment he ate cepted —In the Margin it is, "Shalt thou not have the the forbidden fruit-his body underwent a change, and excellency?" which is the true sense of the words referthat would lead to dissolution-the union subsisting be- ring to the high privileges and authority belonging to the tween his soul and God having already been dissolved, he first-born in patriarchal times. sin lieth at the doorhad become liable to all the miseries of this life, and to sin, i. e., a sin-offering-a common meaning of the word the pains of hell for ever. What a mournful chapter this in Scripture-as in Hosea 4. 8; 2 Corinthians 5. 21; Heis in the history of man! It gives the only true account brews 9. 28. The purport of the Divine rebuke to Cain was of the origin of all the physical and moral evils that are this, "Why art thou angry, as if unjustly treated? If in the world-upholds the moral character of God; shows thou doest well, i. e., wert innocent and sinless-a thankthat man, made upright, fell from not being able to resist offering would have been accepted as a token of thy dea slight temptation; and becoming guilty and miserable, pendence as a creature. But as thou doest not well, i. e., plunged all his posterity into the same abyss (Romans 5. art a sinner-a sin-offering is necessary, by bringing 12). How astonishing the grace which at that moment which thou wouldest have met with acceptance, and regave promise of a Saviour; and conferred on her who had tained the honours of thy birth-right." This language the disgrace of introducing sin-the future honour of in- implies that previous instructions had been given as to troducing that Deliverer (1 Timothy 2. 15). 20. Adam the mode of worship; Abel offered through faith (Hebrews called his wife's name Eve-probably in reference to 11.4). unto thee shall be his desire-The high distinction her being a mother of the promised Saviour, as well as of conferred by priority of birth is described, ch. 27. 29; and all mankind. 21. Gold made coats of skins-taught them it was Cain's conviction, that this honour had been withto make these for themselves. This implies the institu- drawn from him by the rejection of his sacrifice, and contion of animal sacrifice, which was undoubtedly of Divine ferred on his younger brother-hence the secret flame of appointment, and instruction in the only acceptable jealousy, which kindled into a settled hatred, and fell mode of worship for sinful creatures, through faith in a revenge. 8. And Cain talked with Abel his brotherRedeemer (Hebrews 9. 22). 22. And God said, Behold, Under the guise of brotherly familiarity, he concealed his the man is become as one of us-not spoken in irony as premeditated purpose till a convenient time and place is generally supposed, but in deep compassion. The words occurred for the murder (1 John 3. 12; 9. 10). 10. the voice should be rendered, "Behold, what has become (by sin) of thy brother's blood criethl unto me-Cain, to lull of the man who was as one of us! formed at first, in our suspicion, had probably been engaging in the solemnities image to know good and evil-how sad his condition now. of religion where he was challenged directly from the and now, lest 3Ie put forth his hand, and take of the Shechinah itself. 9. I know not-a falsehood. One sin tree of life-This tree being a pledge of that immortal leads to another. 11, 12. now art thou culrsed from the life with which obedience should be rewarded, he lost, on earth-A curse superadded to the general one denounced his fall, all claim to this tree; and therefore, that he might on the ground for Adam's sin. a fugitive-condemned to not eat of it, or delude himself with the idea, that eating perpetual exile-a degraded outcast-the miserable victim of it would restore what he had forfeited, the Lord sent of an accusing conscience. 13, 14. And Cain said... him forth from the garden. 24. placed... cherubim-.liy punishment is greater than I can bear-What an The passage should be rendered thus:-"And he dwelt be- overwhelming sense of misery; but no sign of penitence, tween the cherubim at the East of the Garden of Eden, nor cry for pardon. every one that findeth me shall and a fierce fire or Shechinah unfolding itself to preserve slay me-This shows that the population of the world was the way of the tree of life." This was the mode of worship now considerably increased. 15. whosoever slayeth now established to show God's anger at sin, and teach the Cain-By a special act of Divine forbearance, the life of mediation of a promised Saviour, as the way of life, as Cain was to be spared in the then small state of the huwell as of access to God. They were the same figures as man race. set a mark-not any visible mark or brand were afterwards in the tabernacle and temple; and now, on his forehead, but some sign or token of assurance that as then, God said, "I will commune with thee from be- his life would be preserved. This sign is thought by the tween the cherubim" (Exodus 25. 22). best writers to have been a wild ferocity of aspect, that rendered him an object of universal horror and avoidance. C H A P T ER ^IV. 16. presence of the Lord-the appointed place of worC H A PIT ER I V. ship at Eden. Leaving it, he not only severed himself Ver. 1-26. BIRTH OF CAIN AND ABEL. 1. Eve said, I from his relatives, but forsook the ordinances of religion, have gotten a man from the Lord-i. e., "by the help probably casting off all fear of God from his eyes, so that of the Lord"-an expression of pious gratitude-and she the last end of this man is worse than the first (Matthew called him Cain, i. e., "a possession," as if valued above 12. 45). land of Nod-of flight or exile-thought by many every thing else; while the arrival of another son re- tohave been Arabia Petrea-wh ich was cursed to sterility minding her of the misery she had entailed on her off- on his account. 17-22. builded a city-It has been in spring, led to the name Abel, i. e., either weakness, vanity cities that the human race has ever made the greatest (Psalm 39. 5), or grief, lamentation. Cain and Abel were social progress; and several of Cain's descendants distinprobably twins; and it is thought that, at this early guished themselves by their inventive genius in the arts. period, children were born in pairs (ch. 5. 4). [CALVIN.] 19. Lameclh took unto him two wives-This is the first Abel was a keeper of sheep-lit., "feeder of a flock," transgression of the law of marriage on record, and the which, in Oriental countries, always includes goats as practice of polygamy, like all other breaches of God's inwell as sheep. Abel, though the younger, is mentioned stitutions, has been a fruitful source of corruption and first, probably on account of the pre-eminence of his re- misery. 23, 24. Lamech said unto his wives-This ligious character. 3. in process of time-Hebrew, " at the speech is in a poetical form, probably the fragment of an end of days;" probably on the Sabbath. brought... an old poem, transmitted to the time of Moses. It seems to offering unto the Lord-Both manifested by the very act indicate that Lamech had slain a man in self-defence, and of offering their faith in the being of God, and in his its drift is to assure his wives, by the preservation of Cain, claims to their reverence and worship; and had the kind that an UNINTENTIONAL homicide, as he only was, could of offering been left to themselves, what more natural be in no danger. 26. men began to call upon the name than that the one should bring "of the fruits of the of the Lord-rather, by the name of the Lord. God's ground;" that the other should bring " of the firstlings of people, a name probably applied to them in contempt by his flock and the fat thereof." 4. the Lord had respect the world. unto Abel, not unto Cain, &c.-The words, "had respect H APTER V to," signify in Hebrew-to look at any thing with a keen earnest glance; which has been translated-" kindle into Ver. 1-32. GENEALOGY OF THE PATRIARCHS. 1. book a fire," so that the Divine approval of Abel's offering was of the generations-See ch. 11.4. Adam-used here eitfer 20 Wickedness of thIe World. GENESIS VI, VII. Noah builds an Ark aq tne name of the first man, or of the human race gener- repented... grieved-God cannot change (Malachi 3. G; ally. 5. all the days.. Adam lived-The most striking James 1. 17); but, by language suited to our natc,'e and feature in this catalogue is the longevity of Acam and his experience, He is described as about to alter His visible immediate descendants. Ten are enumerated in direct procedure towards mankind-from being merciful and succession whose lives far exceed the ordinary limits with long-suffering, He was about to show Himself a God of which we are familiar-the shortest being 365, and the judgment; and, as that impious race had filled up the longest 930. It is useless to inquire whether and what measure of their iniquities, He was about to introduce a secondary causes may have contributed to this protracted terrible display of His justice (Ecclesiastes 8. 11). 8. Blt longevity-vigorous constitutions, the nature of their diet, Noah fou-ad grace in the eyes of the Lord —fvour. the temperature and salubrity of the climate; or, finally, What an awful state of things when only one man or one as this list comprises only the true worshippers of God- family of piety and virtue was now existing among the whether their great age might be owing to the better professed sons of God! 9. Noah... just... and pergovernment of their passions, and the quiet even tenor feet-not absolutely; for since the fall of Adam no man of their lives. Since we cannot obtain satisfactory evi- has been free from sin except Jesus Christ. But as living dence on these points, it is wise to resolve the fact into by faith he was just (Galatians 3. 2; Hebrews 11. 7) and the sovereign will of God. We can, however, trace some perfect-i. e., sincere in his desire to do God's will. 11. the of the important uses to which, in the early economy of earthl was illed with violence-In the absence of any Providence, it was subservient. It was the chief means well-regulated government it is easy to imagine what of reserving a knowledge of God, of the great truths of evils would arise. Men did what was right in their own religion, as well as the influence of genuine piety. So eyes, and, having no fear of God, destruction and misery that, as their knowledge was obtained by tradition, they were in their ways. 13. And God said unto Noalhwould be in a condition to preserve it in the greatest How startling must have been the announcement of the purity. 24. Aind Enoch wvalke~d with Glod-A corn- threatened lestruction! There was no outward indicamon phrase in Eastern countries denoting constant and tion of it. The course of nature and experience seemed familiar intercourse. was not; for God took llina-In against the probability of its occurrence. The public H-ebrews 11. 5, we are informed that he was translated to opinion of mankind would ridicule it. The whole world heaven-a mighty miracle, designed to effect what ordi- would be ranged against him. Yet, persuaded the comnary means of instruction had failed to accomplish-gave munication was from God, through faith (Hebrews 11. 7), a palpable proof to an age of almost universal unbelief he set about preparing the means for preserving himself that the doctrines which he had taught (Jude 1-1. 15) were and family from the impending calamity. 14. Stake thlee true, and that his devotedness to the cause of God, and an arLk-ark, a hollow chest (Exodus 2. 3). gophler wood righteousness in the midst of opposition, was highly -probably cypress, remarkable for its durability, and pleasing to the mind of God. 21. Enoch. begat Pie- abounding on the Armenian mountains, rooms —cabins th-selah —-This name signifies, "He dieth, and the send- or small cells. pitch it -within and withoutt-mnineral ing forth," so that Enoch gave it as prophetical of the pitch, asphalt, naphtha, or some bituminous substance, flood. It is computed that Methuselah died in the year which, when smeared over and become hardened, would of that catastrophe. 26. Lamech-a different person from make it perfectly water-tight. 15. And tllis is the fashthe one mentioned in preceding chapter. Like his name- ion-According to the description, the ark was not a ship, sake, however, he also spoke in numbers on occasion of but an immense house in form and structure like the the birth of Noah-i. e., "rest" or "comfort." "The allu- houses in the East, designed not to sail, but only float. sion is, undoubtedly, to the penal consequences of the fall Assuming the cubit to be 21,888 inches, the ark would be In earthly toils and sufferings, and to the hope of a De- 547 feet long, 91 feet 2 inches wide, and 47 feet 2 inches high liverer, excited by the promise made to Eve. That this -that is, three times the length of a first-rate man-of-war expectation was founded on a divine communication we in the British navy. 16. A vwindovw-probably a skyinfer from the importance attached to it and the confi- light, formed of some transparent substance unknown. dence of its expression." [PETER SMITHI.] 32. Noah was ill a cubit shalt thou finish it above-a direction to five laundred years old: and... begat-That he and raise the roof in the middle, seemingly to form a gentle the other patriarchs were advanced in life ere children slope for letting the water run off. 17-a2. And, behold, were born to them, is a difficulty accounted for probably I, even I, do bring a flood —The repetition of the anriom the circumstance that Moses does not here record nouncement was to establish its certainty (ch. 41. 32). their first-born sons, but only the succession from Adam Whatever opinion may be entertained as to the operation through Seth to Abraham. of natural laws and agencies in the deluge, it was brought on the world by God as a punishment for the enormous C H A PT E R VI. wickedness of its inhabitants. 18. B11t with thee will I establish my covenant-a special promise of deliverVer. 1-22. WICKEDNESS OF THE WORLD. 2. the sons ance, called a covenant, to convince him of the confidence of God saw the I Goods Covenant sgnified by the Rainbow. GENESIS X, XI. Confusion of Tongues. tention of this prohibition was to prevent these excesses these quarters the early descendants of Japheth had ot cannibal ferocity in eating flesh of living animals, to their settlements. 6. sons of Hanm. —emigrated southwhich men in the earlier ages of the world were liable. ward, and their settlements were-that of Cush in Arabia, 5. surely your blood of your lives will I require-The of Canaan in the country known by his name, and Mizfourth part establishes a new power for protecting life-the raim in Egypt Upper and Lower. It is generally thought institution of the civil magistrate (Romans 13. 4), armed that his father accompanied him, and personally superinwith public and official authority to repress the corn- tended the formation of the settlement, whence Egypt mission of violence and crime. Such a power had not was called "the land of Ham." 8. Nimnrod —mentioned previously existed in patriarchal society. 6. Whoso as eclipsing all his family in renown. He early distinsheddeth man's blood... for il the image of God guished himself by his daring and successful prowess in ntmode he mal —It is true that image has been injured by hunting wild beasts. By those useful services he earned the fall, but it is not lost. In this view, a high value is a title to public gratitude; and, having established a perattached to the life of every man, even the poorest and manent ascendancy over the people, he founded the first humblest, and an awful criminality is involved in the kingdom in the world. 10. the beginnillg of his kingdestruction of it. dom —This kingdom, of course, though then considered 8-29 RAINBOW. 13. I do set my bow in the eloud- great, would be comparatively limited in extent, and the Set, i. e., constitute or appoint. This common and famil- towns but small forts. 11. Oxut of that land went forth iar phenomenon being made the pledge of peace, its ap- Asshnrl-or, as the Mfargin has it, " He (Nimrod) at the pearance when showers began to fall would be welcomed head of his army went forth into Assyria," i. e., he pushed with the liveliest feelings of joy. 20. And Noah... his conquests into that country. and bltilded Ninevell planted a vineyard-Noah had been probably bred to -opposite the town of Mosul, on the Tigris, and the other the culture of the soil, and resumed that employment on towns near it. This raid into Assyria was an invasion of leaving the ark. 21. And he drank of thle vine, and the territories of Shem, and hence the name "Nimrod," was drllnken- perhaps at the festivities of the vintage signifying "rebel," is supposed to have been conferred on season. This solitary stain on the character of so erni- him from his daring revolt against the Divine distribunently pious a man must, it is believed, have been the tion.. Un. Uato Shem —The historian introduces him result of age or inadvertency. 21. This incident could with marked distinction as "the father of Eber," the scarcely have happened till twenty years after the flood; ancestor of the Hebrews. 23. Aram —in the general for Canaan, whose conduct was more offensive than that division of the earth, the countries of Armenia, Mesopoeven of his father, was not born till after that event. It tania, and Syria, fell to his descendants. 4.-. Arphaxad is probable that there is a long interval included between -The settlement of his posterity was in the extensive these verses, and that this prophecy, like that of Jacob on valley of Shinar, on the Tigris, towards the southern exhis sons, was not uttered till near the close of Noah's life, tremity of Mesopotamia, including the country of Eden when the prophetic spirit came upon him; this presump- and the region on the east side of the river. 25. Peleg tion is strengthened by the mention of his death irlmedi- for in hlis days was the earth divide —After the flood ately after. 85. Cursed be Canaan-this doom has been (ch. 11. 10-16) the descendants of Noah settled at pleasure, fulfilled in the destruction of the Canaanites-in the deg- and enjoyed the produce of the undivided soil. But acradation of Egypt, and the slavery of the Africans, the cording to Divine instruction, nmade probably through descendants of Ham. 26. Blessed be the Lord God of Eber, who seems to have been distinguished for piety or Shem —rather, "Blessed of Jehovah, my God, be Shem," a prophetic character, the earth was divided, and his son's -an intimation that the descendants of Shem should be namne, "Peleg." was given in memory of that event. See peculiarly honoured in the service of the true God-His Deuteronomy 32. 8; Acts 17. 26. 32. These are the famniChurch being for ages established amongst them (the lies of thle soan of Noah after their generations, ill Jews), and of them concerning the flesh Christ their Itations, &c.-This division was made in the most They got possession of Canaan, the people of that land orderly manner; and the inspired historian evidently inbeing made their "servants" either by conquest, or, like timates that the sons of Noah were ranged according to the Gibeonites, by submission. 27. God shall enlarge their nations, and every nation ranked by its families, so Japhlethi —pointing to a vast increase in posterity and that every nation had its assigned territory, and in every possessions. Accordingly his descendants have been the nation the tribes, and in every tribe the families, were most active and enterprising, spread over the best and located by themselves. largest portion of the world, all Europe and a considerable part of Asia. hle shall dwell inl the teilts of SkLein-a C A T prophecy being fulfilled at the present day, as in India II AsI. British Government is established, and the Anglo-Saxons Ver. 1-32. CONFUSION OF TONGUES. 1. the whlole earth being in the ascendant from Europe to India, from India of one language-The descendants of Noah, united over the American continent. What a wonderful proph- by the strong bond of a common language, had not sepaecy in a few verses! Isaiah 46. 10; 1 Peter 1. 25. rated, and notwithstanding the Divine command to replenish the earth, were unwilling to separate. The more CHEAP T E R X. pious and well-disposed would of course obey the Divine will; but a numerous body-seemingly the aggressive Ver. 1-32. GENEALOGIES. 1. sons of Noaih-The histo- horde mentioned (ch. 10. 10), determined to please themrian has not arranged this catalogue according to seniority selves by occupying the fairest region they came to. of birth; for the account begins with the descendants of 2. lalnd of Shinar-the fertile valley watered by tho Japheth, and the line of Ham is given before that of Shem, Euphrates and Tigris was chosen as the centre of their though he is expressly said to be the youngest or younger union and the seat of their power. 3. brick —there being son of Noah; and She was theelder brother of Japheth (v. no stone in that quarter, brick is and was the only 21), the true rendering of that passage, generations, &c.- material used for building, as appears in the mass of the narrative of the settlement of nations existing in the ruins which at the Birs Nimroud may have been the very time of Moses, perhaps only the principal ones; for though town formed by those ancient rebels. Some of these are the list comprises the sons of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, all sun-dried-others burnt in the kiln and of different their descendants are not enumerated. Those descendants, colours, slime-bitumen, a mineral pitch, which, when with one or two exceptions, are described by names indi- hardened, forms a strong cement, commonly used in cative of tribes and nations, and ending in the Hebrew Assyria to this day, and forming the mortar found on im, or the English ite. 5. the isles of the Gentiles-a the burnt-brick remains of antiquity. 4. a tower wh'ose phrase by which the Hebrews described all countries top may reachl unto heaven-a conmon figurative which were accessible by sea (Isaiah 11. 11; 20. 6; Jeremiah expression for great height (Deuteronomy 1.28; 9. 1-6). 25. 22). Such in relation to them were the countries of 6. now ilothing will be restrained from them-an Europe, the peninsula of Lesser Asia, and the region apparent admission that the design was practicable, and lying on the east of the Euxine. Accordingly, it was in would have been executed but for the Divine interposl23 Call to Abram. GENESIS XII, XIII. Return from Egypt. tion. lest we be scattered —To build a city and a town from the monuments of that country that at the time of was no crime; but to do this, to defeat the counsels of Abram's visit a monarchy had existed for several cen. heaven by attempting to prevent emigration, was foolish, turies. The seat of government was in the Delta, the wicked, and justly offensive to God. 7. confouxnd their most northern part of the country, the very quarter in language-lit., their lip; it was a failure in utterance, which Abram must have arrived. They were a race of occasioning a difference in dialect which was intelligible shepherd kings, in close alliance with the people of only to those of the same tribe. Thus easily by God their Canaan. 15. the wol~main was talken inato Pharraoh's purpose was defeated, and they were compelled to the house-Eastern kings have for ages claimed the privilege dispersion they had combined to prevent. It is only from of taking to their harem an unmarried woman whoma the Scriptures we learn the true origin of the different they like. The father or brother may deplore the renations and languages of the world. By one miracle of moval as a calamity, but the royal rignt is never resisted tongues men were dispersed, and gradually fell from true nor questioned. 16. he enitreatdl[ Abrama wvell for hier religion. By another, national barriers were broken sake —The presents are j r st what one pastoral chief would down-that all men might be brought back to the family give to another. 18-O. BIe;e is a most humiliating reof God. 2,8. Ur (now Orfa) —i. e., light, or fire. Its name buke, and Abram deserv ed it. Had not God interfered probably derived from its being devoted to the rites of he might have been temrpted to stay in Egypt, and forget fire-worship. Terah and his family were equally infected the promise (Psalm 105.13,15). Often still does God rewith that idolatry as the rest of the inhabitants (Joshua buke His people arni remind them through enemies thait 24. 15). 31. Sarai his daughter-ina-lavw-the same as this world is not th Ar rest. Iscah, grand-daughter of Terah, probably by a second wife, and by early usages considered marriageable to her uncle Abraham. and they camne uinto Haran —two days' journey South-South-East from Ur, in the direct road to Ver. 1-18. HETe TIU FIOM EGYPT. 1. wen~t Up... seotra the ford of the Euphrates at lakka, the nearest and most -Palestine being a highland country, the entrance from convenient route to Palestine. Egypt by its southern boundary is a continual ascent. 2. ~very rich —compared with the pastoral tribes to which CH~rTAPTER X~T=II Abraham belonged. An Arab sheick is consi.dered rich who has a hundred or two hundred tents, from sixty to a Ver. 1-20. CAAl, Tl ABERAM, 1, Now the Lord hlad hundred camels, a thousand sheep and goats respectively. said unto Abram-~It pleased God, who has often been And Abraham being very rich, must have far exceeded found of them who sought him not, to reveal himself to that amount of pastoral property. "Gold and silver" Abraham perhaps by a miracle; and the conversion of belng rare among these people, his probably arose from Abraham is one of the most remarkable in Bible history. the sale of his produce in Egypt. 3. wvent ona his jourGet tthee out of thy coatintry-His being brought to the neys-his progress would be by slow marches and freknowledge and worship of the trte God had probably quent encampments, as he had to regulate' his movements been a considerable time before. This call included two by the prospect of water and pasturage. naito thie place promises: the first, showing the land of his future pos-... between Betlh-el and Hl ai-"'a conspicuous hill-its terity; and the second, that in his posterity all the earth topmost summit resting on the rocky slopes below, and was to be blessed. Abraham obeyed, and it is frequently distinguished by its olive groves-offering a natural base mentioned in the New Testament as a striking instance for the altar and a fitting shade for the tent of the patriof his faith (Hebrews 11, 8). 5. into the land of Canaan arch." [STANLEY.] C4. there Abram called ona thle tnamne. they came-with his wife and an orphan nephew, of the Lord-he felt a strong desire to re-animate his Abram reached his destination in safety, and thus the faith and piety on the scene of his former worship: it first promise was made good. 6. the place of Sichem- might be to express humility and penitence for his misor Shechem, a pastoral valley then unoccupied (cf, oh, conduct in Egypt, or thankfulness for deliverance from S3. 18). plain of Moreh —rather, the "terebinth tree" of perils-to embrace the first opportunity on returning to Moreh, very common in Palestine, remarkable for its Canaan of leading his family to renew allegiance to God, wide-spreading branches and its dark green foliage, It and offer the typical sacrifices which pointed to the blessis probable that in Moreh there was a grove of these trees, ings of the promise. 7. Ani there wvas-a strife-Abrawhose inviting shade led Abramn to choose it for an en- ham's character appears here in a most amiable light. campment. 7. VUto thy seed will I give this laiad — Having a strong sense of religion, he was afraid of doing God was dealing with Abram not in his private and per- anything that might tend to injure its character or bring sonal capacity merely, but with a view to high and ima- discredit on its name, and lie rightly judged that such portant interests in future ages. That land his posterity unhappy efI'ects would be produced if two persons whom was for centuries to inhabit as a peculiar people; the nature and grace had so closely connected should come to seeds of DIivine knowledge were to be sown there for the a rupture. Waiving his right to dictate, he gave the freebenefit of all mankind; and considered in its geograph- dom of choice to Lot. The conduct of Abraham was not ical situation, it was chosen in Divine wisdom the fittest only disinterested and peaceable, but generous and condeof all lands to serve as the cradle of a Divine revelation scending in an extraordinary degree, exemplifying the designed for the whole world, an.d thiere builded lie an Scripture precepts, Matthew 6. 32; Romans 12. 10, 11; Philaltar -unxto the Lord-By this solemn act of devotion he ippians 2.4. 10. Lot lifted up his eyes —Travellers demade an open profession of his religion, established the scribe that from the top of this hill, a little "to the east worship of the true God, and declared his faith in the of Bethel," they can see the Jordan, the broad meadows promise. 10. there was a famaine... and Abram on either bank, and the waving line of verdure which went down. into IEgypt-did not go back to the place of marks the course of the stream. 11. Then Lot chlose his nativity, as regretting his pilgrimage and despising him all the plain-a choice excellent in a worldly point the promised land (Hebrews 11. 15), but withdrew for a of view, but most inexpedient for his best interests. Ile while into a neighbouring country. 11-13. Sarai's com- seems, though a good man, to have been too much under plexion, coming from a mountainous country, would be the influence of a selfish and covetous spirit: and how fresh and fair compared with the faces of Egyptian many, alas! imperil the good of their souls for the proswomen which were sallow, The counsel of Abram to pect of worldly advantage. 141, 15. Lift up nowv tliine her was true in words, but it was a deception, intended eyes... all the land whichl thou seest-so extensive a to give an impression that she was no more than his survey of the country, in all directions, can be obtained sister. His conduct was culpable and inconsisteint with from no other point in the neighbourhood; and those his character as a servant of God: it showed a reliance plains and hills, then lying desolate before the eyes of the on worldly policy more than a trust in the promise; and solitary patriarch, were to be peopled with a mighty nahe not only sinned himself, but tempted Sarai to sin also. tion " like the dust of the earth in number," as they were J,. ~wlhen Abram was come into Egypt-It appears in SololQopl' time (I ings 4, 0), S8. pla% Qf oiaf ry (,a Lot taken Prisoner. GENESIS XIV, XV, XVI, Bestournent of!iagar. bi. altar-grove of Manlre —the renewal of the Lord~-a phrase used, when connected with a vision, the promise was acknowledged by Abram by a fresh trib- to denote a prophetic message. Fear not, Abrai~n-When ute of devout gratitude, the excitement of the enterprise was over he had become a prey to despondency and terror at the probable revenge that might be meditated against him. To dispel his fear, he was favoured with this gracious announcement. HavVer. 1-24. WAR. 1. And it came to pass-This chapter ing such a promise, how well did it become him, and all presents Abram in the unexpected character of a warrior. God's people who have the same promise, to dismiss their The occasion was this: The king of Sodom and the kings fears, and cast their burdens on the Lord (Psalm 27. 3). of the adjoining cities, after having been tributaries for 2. Lord God, -wlat wilt thlou give — To his mind the twelve years to the king of Elam, combined to throw off declaration, "I am thy exceeding great reward," had but his yoke. To chastise their rebellion, as he deemed it, one meaning, or was viewed but in one particular light, Chedorlaorner, with the aid of three allies, invaded the as bearing on the fulfilment of the promise, and he was territories of the refractory princes-defeated them in a still experiencing the sickness of hope deferred. Eiiezer pitched battle, where the nature of the ground favoured of Damascus... one born. iai my house is nmine heir his army (v. 10), and hastened in triumph on his home- -According to the usage of Nomadic tribes, his chief conward march, with a large amount of captives and booty, fidential servant would be heir to his possessions and though merely a stranger. 12. they took Lot... and honours. But this man could have become his son only hits goods, andi departed-How would the conscience of by adoption; and how sadly would that have come short that young man now upbraid him for his selfish folly and of the parental hopes he had been encouraged to enteringratitude in withdrawing from his kind and pious rela- tain! His language betrayed a latent spirit of fretfulness, tive! Whenever we go out of the path of duty, we put or perhaps a temporary failure in the very virtue for ourselves away from God's protection, and cannot expect which he is so renowned-an absolute submission to God's that the choice we make will be for our lasting good. 13. time as well as way of accomplishing His promise. there camne onte that had escaped —Abram might have 4. This shall nlot be thine eir —-To the first part of his excused himself from taking any active concern in his address no reply was given; but having renewed it in a " brother," i. e., nephew, who little deserved that he should spirit of more becoming submission, "whereby shall I incur trouble or danger on his account. But Abram, far know that I shall inherit it," he was delighted by a miost from rendering evil for evil, resolved to take immediate explicit promise of Canaan, which was immediately conmeasures for the rescue of Lot. 14. And wvheni Abramn firmed by a remarkable ceremony. 9-12. Take iae an heard that his brother was takein captive, he arnmed heifer, &c.-On occasions of great importance, when two his trained servants-domestic slaves, such as are com- or more parties join in a compact, they either observe meon in Eastern countries still, and are considered and precisely the same rites as Abram did, or, where they do treated as members of the family. If Abram could spare not, they invoke the lamp as their witness. According to three hundred and eighteen slaves and leave a sufficient these ideas, which have been from time imnmemorial number to take care of the flocks, what a large establish- engraven on the minds of Eastern people, the Lord himmnent he must have had. 15,16. he divided himself..self condescended to enter into covenant with Abram. by niglt —~This war between the petty princes of ancient The patriarch did not pass between the sacrifice, and the Canaan is exactly the same as the frays and skirmishes be- reason was that in this transaction he was bound to tween Arab chiefs in the present day. When a defeated nothing. He asked a sign, and God was pleased to give party resolve to pursue the enemy, they wait till they are him a sign, by which, according to E]astern ideas, he fast asleep-then, as they have no idea of posting sentinels, bound himself. In like manner God has entered into they rush upon them from different directions, strike down covenant with us; and in the glory of the Only Begotten the tent poles-if there is any fight at all, it is the fray of Son, who passed through between God and us, all who a tumultuous mob-a panic commonly ensues, and the believe have, like Abram, a sign or pledge in the gift of whole contest is ended with little or no loss on either side. the Spirit, whereby they may know that they shall in18. lelchized.ek —This victory conferred a public benefit herit the heavenly Canaan. on that part of the country; and Abram, on his return, was treated with high respect and consideration, particu- CHAPTER?V". larly by the king of Sodomn and Melchizedek, who seems to have been one of the few native princes, if not the only one, Ver. 1-16. BESTOWrTMENT OF HAGAR. 1. Noew Sa,ra.. who knew and worshipped, " the Most High God," whom hlad a ha:ndmnaid-a female slave-one of those obtained Abram served. This king who was a type of the Saviour in Egypt. 3. Sara.... gave her to... Abram to be (Hebrews 7. 1), came to bless God for the victory which his wife-wife is here used to describe an inferior, though had been won, and in the name of God to bless Abram, not degrading relation, in countries where polygamy preby whose arms it had been achieved —a pious acknow- vails. In the case of these female slaves, which are the ledgment which we should imitate on succeeding in any personal property of his lady, being purchased before her lawful enterprise, 20. he gave him lithles of all-Here marriage or given as a special present to herself-no one Is an evidence of Abram's piety, as well as of his valour; can become the husband's secondary wife without her for it was to a priest or official mediator between God mistress' consent or permission, This usage seems to and him, that Abram gave a tenth of the spoiL~-a token have prevailed in patriarchal times; and Hagar, the slave of his gratitude and in honour of a Divine ordinance (Prove of Sarai, of whom she had the entire right of disposing, orbs 3.9). 21.. the ng of Sodom said,,. Give me was given by her mistress' spontaneous offer, to be the thie persons —-According to the war customs still existing secondary wife of Abram, in the hope of obtaining the among the Arab tribes, Abram might have retainied the longllooked for heir. It was a wrong step-indicating a recovered goods-and his right was acknowledged by the want of simple reliance on God-and Sarai was the first to king of Sodom. But with honest pride, and a generosity reap the bitter fruits of her device, 5. An1d Sarai said unknown in that part of the world, le replied with strong.,. My wrong be uapon thee —Bursts of temper, or blows, phraseology common to the East, " I have lifted up mine as the original may bear, took place, till at length Hagar, hand (i, e,, I have sworn unto the Lord), that I will not perceiving the hopelessness of maintalning the the unequal take from a thread even to a sandal-thong-that I will not strife, resolved to escape from what had become to her in take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldst s.ay, I have reality, as well as in name, a house of bondage. 7. And raade Abram rich," the angel of the Lord found her by a fouirtaias-This well, pointed out by tradition, lay on the side of the caraCHAPTER XV. van road, in the midst of Shur, a sandy desert on thre west of Arabia Petrsea, to the extent of 150 miles, between Ver. 1-21. DIVINE ENCOURAGEMENT. 1. After these Palestine and Egypt. By taking that direction, she seems tbiln gs —the conquest of the invading kings, thle word of to have intended to return to her relatives in that country, 25 renewal of the Covenant. GENESIS XVII, XVIII. Entertainment of Angels Nothing but pride, passion, and sullen obstinacy, could 18. 0 that Ishmael might live before thee-natural have driven any solitary person to brave the dangers of solicitude of a parent. But God's thoughts are not as such an inhospitable wild; and she must have died, had man's thoughts. 19, 20. The blessings of the covenant not the timely appearance and words of the angel recalled are reserved for Isaac, but common blessings were abunher to reflection and duty. 11. Ishlnael-Like other He- dantly promised to Ishmael; and though the visible brew names, this had a signification, and it is made up of Church did not descend from his family, yet personally two words-" God hears.' The reason is explained. 12. he he might, and it is to be hoped did, enjoy its benefits. will be a wild Inal —lit., a wild ass man, expressing how the wildness of Ishmael and his descendants resembles CHAPTER XVIII. that of the wild ass. his haiid will be against every man-descriptive of the rude, turbulent, and plundering Ver. 1-8. ENTERTAINMENT OF ANGELS. 1. the Lord character of the Arabs. dwell in the presence of all Ihis appeared-another manifestation of the Divine presence, brethrea —dwell, i. e., pitch tents; and the meaning is that more familiar than any yet narrated; and more like that they maintain their independence in spite of all attempts in the fulness of time, when the Word was made flesh. to extirpate or subdue them. 13. called the namne-coln- plains of lMamre-rather, terebinth or oak of Marnre-a mon in ancient times to name places from circumstances; tall-spreading tree or grove of trees. sat in the tent doox and the name given to this well was a grateful recognition -the tent itself being too close and sultry at noon, the of God's gracious appearance iL the hour of her distress. shaded open front is usually resorted to for the air that may be stirring. 2. lift up his eyes... and, lo, three CH A PT ER XVIIT men-Travellers in that quarter start at sunrise and continue till midday, when they look out for some restingVer. 1-27. RENEWAL OF THE COVENANT. 1. Abram... place. he ran to meet thlenm-When the visitor is an niiiety years old and nine-Thirteen years after the birth ordinary person, they merely rise; but if of superior rank, of Ishmael. During that interval he had enjoyed the the custom is to advance a little towards the stranger, and comforts of communion with God, but had been favoured after a very low bow, turn and lead him to the tent-putwith no special revelation as formerly, probably on ac- ting an arm round his waist, or tapping him on the shoulcount of his hasty and blameable marriage with Hagar. der as they go, to assure him of welcome. 3. My Lord, if the Lord appeared-some visible manifestation of the now I have fould favolur-The hospitalities offered are Divine presence, probably the shechinah or radiant glory just of the kind that are necessary and most grateful, the of overpowering effulgence. I am the Almiglhty God- refreshment of water, for feet exposed to dust and heat by the name by which He made himself known to the patri- the sandals being still the first observed amongst the pasarchs (Exodus 6. 3), designed to convey the sense of " all- toral people of Hebron. 5. for therefore are ye cone — sufficient" (Psalm 16. 5, 6; 73. 25). walk...and be...No questions were asked. But Abraham knew their obperfect-upright, sincere (Psalm 51. 6) in heart, speech, ject by the course they took-approaching directly in and behaviour. 3. Abram fell on lhis face-the attitude front of the chief sheick's tent, which is always distinof profoundest reverence assumed by Eastern people. It guishable from the rest, and thus showing their wish to consists in the prostrate body resting on the hands and be his guests. 6. Abraham hastened... uinto Sarah knees, with the face bent till the forehead touches the... m. ake calkes uipon the hcartlh-Bread is baked daily, ground. It is an expression of conscious humility and and no more than is required for family use, and always profound reverence. 4. my covenant is with thee-re- by the women, commonly the wife. It is a short process. newed mention is made of it as the foundation of the Flour mixed with water is made into dough, and being communication that follows. It is the covenant of grace rolled out into cakes, it is placed on the earthen floor, prenmade with all who believe in the Saviour. 5. but thy viously heated by a fire. The fire being removed, the name shall be Abraham-In Eastern countries a change cakes are laid on the ground, and being covered over with of name is an advertisement of some new circumstance hot embers, are soon baked, and eaten the moment they in the history, rank, or religion of the individual who are taken off. 7. Abraham ran unto tile herd, and bears it. The change is made variously, by the old name fetched a calf-Animal food is never provided except for being entirely dropped for the new, or by conjoining the visitors of a superior rank, when a kid or lamb is killed. new with the old, or sometimes only a few letters are in- A calf is still a higher stretch of hospitality, and it would serted, so that the altered form may express the difference probably be cooked as is usually done when haste is rein the owner's state or prospects. It is surprising how quired-either by roasting it whole or by cutting it up soon a new name is known and its import spread through into small pieces, and broiling them on skewers over the the country. In dealing with Abraham and Sarai, God fire. It is always eaten along with boiled corn swimming was pleased to adapt His procedure to the ideas and cus- in butter or melted fat, into which every morsel of meat, toms of the country and age. Instead of Abram, "a high laid upon a piece of bread, is dipped, before being confather," he was to be called Abraham, father of a multi- veyed by the fingers to the mouth. 8. nailk- a bowl of tude of nations (Revelation 2. 17). 6-8. I will give unto camel's milk ends the repast. he stood by them llader thee... the land-It had been previously promised to the tree —The host himself, even though he has a number Abraham and his posterity (ch. 15. 18). Here it is promised of servants, deems it a necessary act of politeness to stand as an "everlasting possession," and was, therefore, a while his guests are at their food, and Abraham evidently type of heaven, "the better country" (Hebrews 11. 16). did this before he was aware of the real character of his 10. Every man-child among you shall be circnum- visitors. cised-This was the sign in the Old Testament Church as 9-15. REPROOF OF SARAH. An inquiry about his wife, so baptism is in the New, and hence the covenant is called surprising in strangers-the subject of conversation, and "covenant of circumcision" (Acts 7. 8; Romans 4. 11). the fulfilment of the fondly-cherished promise within a The terms of the covenant were these-on the one hand specified time, showed Abraham that he had been enterAbraham and his seed were to observe the right of cir- taining more than ordinary travellers (Hebrews 13.2). cumcision; and on the other, God promised, in the event 10. Sarah heard it in the tent door, which wvas beof such observance, to give them Canaan for a perpetual hind him-The women's apartment is in the back of the possession, to be a God to him and his posterity, and tent, divided by a thin partition from the men's. 12. that in him and his seed all nations should be blessed. Therefore Sarah laughed withiln herself-long delay 15, 16. As for arai... I will.. give thee a son also seems to have weakened faith. Sarah treated the anof her-God's purposes are gradually made known. A nouncement as incredible, and when taxed with the sison had been long ago promised to Abraham. Now, at lent sneer, she added falsehood to distrust. It was an length, for the first time he is informed that it was to be a aggravated offence (Acts 5.4), and nothing but grace saved child of Sarai. 17. Abrahali fell upon his face, and her (Romans 9. 18). laughed-It was not the sneer of unbelief, but a smile of 16-22. DISCLOSURE OF SODOM'S DOOM. 16. the men rose delight at the improbabi: ity of the event (Romans 4. 20). b.. Arahalm wvent with theta-It is customary for a 26 Lot's Entertainment. GENESIS XIX, XX. Abraham's Denicd oj his Wife. host to escort his guests a little way. 17. the Lord said, safest at once to follow implicitly the Divine directions. Shall I Shide-the chief stranger-no other than the Lord 22. Haste... for I cannot do any thing till thou be disclosed to Abraham the awful doom about to be inflicted come thither-The ruin of Sodom was suspended till he on Sodom and the cities of the plain for their enormous was secure. What care does God take of His people wickedness. 21. I will go down...and see-language (Revelation 7.3)-what a proof of the love which God used after the manner of men. These cities were to be bore to a good though weak man! 24. Thena the Lord made ensamples to all future ages of God's severity; and raied... b.rimstone and fire from... heavenl-God, therefore ample proof given that the judgment was in accomplishing His purposes, acts immediately or meneither rash nor excessive (Ezekiel 18. 23; Jeremiah 18. 7). diately through the agency of means; and there are strong 23-33. ABRAHA3M'S INTERCESSION, S3. Albrah;aam drew grounds for believing that it was in the latter way he near, and said, &c.-The scene described is full of interest effected the overthrow of the cities of the plain —that it and instruction-showing in an unmistakable manner was, in fact, by a volcanic eruption. The raining down the efficacy of prayer and intercession. (See also Proverbs of fire and brimstone from heaven is perfectly accordant 15.8; James 5. 16). Abraham reasoned justly as to the rec- with this idea, since those very substances being raised titude of the Divine procedure (Romans 3. 5,6), and many into the air by the force of the volcano, would fall in a guilty cities and nations have been spared on account of fiery shower on the surrounding region. This view seems God's people (Matthew 5. 13; 24. 22). 33. the Lord... left countenanced by Job. Whether it was miraculously procommuiining.... nd Abraham returned iunto his duced, or the natural operation employed by God, it is place —Why did Abraham cease to carry his intercessions not of much consequence to determine: it was a Divine farther? Either because he fondly thought that he was judgment, foretold and designed for the punishment of now sure of the cities being preserved (Luke 13.9), or be- those who were sinners exceedingly. 26. Lot was accause the Lord restrained his mind from farther inter- companied by his wife and two daughters. But whether cession (Jeremiah 7.16; 11.14). But there were not ten it was from irresistible curiosity or perturbation of feel"righteous persons." There was only one, and he might ing, or she was about to return to save something, his without injustice have perished in the general overthrow wife lingered, and while thus disobeying the parting (Ecclesiastes 9.2). But a difference is sometimes made, counsel, "to look not back, nor stay in all the plain," the and on this occasion the grace of God was manifested in torrent of liquid lava enveloped her, so that she became a signal manner for the sake of Abraham. What a bless- the victim of her supine indolence or sinful rashness. ing to be connected with a saint of God! 27. Abraham gat up early in tite maornailg, &c.Abraham was at this time in Mamre, near Hebron, and HAPTER XI. a traveller last year verified the truth of this passage. C AHAPTEER XIX. "From the height which overlooks Hebron, where the Ver. 1-38. LOT'S ENTERTAINMENT. 1. there came two patriarch stood, the observer at the present day has an angels-most probably two of those that had been with extensive view spread out before him towards the Dead Alraham, commissioned to execute the Divine judgment sea. A cloud of smoke rising from the plain would be against Sodom. Lot sat in the gate of Sodom —In East- visible to a person at Hebron now, and could have been, ern cities it is the market, the seat of justice, of social in- therefore, to Abraham as he looked toward Sodom, on the tercourse and amusement, especially a favourite lounge in morning of its destruction by God." [IIACKETT.] It must the evenings, the arched roof affording a pleasant shade. have been an awful sight, and is frequently alluded to in 2. turnl in, I pray you... tarry a ll gniht-offer of the Scripture (Deuteronomy 29. 23; Isaiah 13. 19; Jude 7). "The same generous hospitalities as described in the preceding plain which is now covered by the Salt or Dead sea shows chapter, and which are still spontaneously practised in in the great difference of level between the bottoms of the small towns. And they said, Nay; but we will the northern and southern ends of the lake-the latter abide inl the street all night-Where there are no inns, being 13 feet and the former 1300 —that the southern end and no acquaintance, it is not uncommon for travellers was of recent formation, and submerged at the time of to sleep in the street wrapped up in their cloaks. 3. ea- the fall of the cities." [LYNCH.] 29. wvhen God detered ilxto his house-On removing to the plain, Lot in- stroyed the cities, &c.-This is most welcome and intended at first to live in his tent apart from the people. structive after so painful a narrative. It shows if God is But he was gradually drawn in, dwelt in the city, and he a "consuming fire" to the wicked, He is the friend of the and his family were connected with the citizens by mar- righteous. He "remembered" the intercessions of Abrariage ties. 4:. men of Sodom, compassed the hlouse- ham, and what confidence should not this give us that Appalling proofs are here given of their wickeness. It e will remember the intercessions of a greater than is evident that evil communications had corrupted good Abraham in our behalf. manners, otherwise Lot would never have acted as he did. 12, 13. Hast thou here anly besides t... we weill C H A PT ERX destroy this place-Apostolic authority has declared Lot was "a righteous man" (2 Peter 2.8), at bottom good, Ver. 1-18. ABRAHAM3'S DENIAL OF HIS WIFE. 1. Abrathough he contented himself with lamenting the sins ham journaeyed from thence... and dweled between that he saw, instead of acting on his own convictions, IKadesh anid Shur-Leaving the encampment, he mliand withdrawing himself and family from such a sink grated to the southern border of Canaan. In the neighof corruption. But favour was shown him: and even his bourhood of Gerar was a very rich and well-watered pasbad relatives had, for his sake, an offer of deliverance, ture land. 2 Abraham said of Sarah his wife, Shle is which was ridiculed and spurned (2 Peter 3.4). 15-17. my sister-Fear of the people amongst whom he was, The kindly interest the angels took in the preservation tempted him to equivocate. His conduct was highly of Lot is beautifully displayed. But he "lingered." Was culpable. It was deceit, deliberate and premeditatedit from sorrow at the prospect of losing all his property, there was no sudden pressure upon him-it was the second the acquisition of many years? or was it that his benevo- offence of the kind-it was a distrust of God every way lent heart was paralyzed by thoughts of the awful crisis? surprising, and it was calculated to produce injurious This is the charitable way of accounting for a delay that effects on the heathen around. Its mischievous tendency must have been fatal but for the friendly violence and was not long in being developed. Abimelech (fatherurgency of the angel. 18, 19. Lot said... h.. not so, king)... sent and toolk Sarah-to be one of his wives. my Lord.. I cannot escape to the moluntailn-What In the exercise of a privilege claimed by Eastern sovea strange want of faith and fortitude, as if He who had reigns, already explained, ch. 12. 19. 3. But God came interfered for his rescue would not have protected him in to Abimelech in a dream-In early times a dream was the mountain solitude. 21. See, I have accepted thee often made the medium of communicating important concerning this... also-His request was granted him, truths; and this method was adopted for the preservathe prayer of faith availed, and to convince him, from tion of Sarah. 9. Then Abinlelech called Abraham, his own experience, that it would have been best and and said.... What hast thou donel —In what a hu27 Birth of Isaac. GENESIS XXI, XXII. Offering Isaac. miliating plight does the patriarch now appear —he, a southern border of Palestine, but out of the common diservant of the true God, rebuked by a heathen prince. rection, a wide-extending desert, where they missed the Who would not rather be in the place of Abimelech than track. 15. the water was spent, &c. —Ishmael sunk exof the honoured but sadly offending patriarch! What a hausted from fatigue and thirst-his mother laid his head dignified attitude is that of the king-calmly and justly under one of the bushes to smell the damp, while she reproving the sin of the prophet, but respecting his per- herself, unable to witness his distress, sat down at a little son, and heaping coals of fire on his head by the liberal distance in hopeless sorrow. 19. God opened her eyespresents made to him. 11. Abrahlam said... I tholglht, Had she forgotten the promise (ch. 16. 11)? Whether she Surely the fear of God is not in this place-From the looked to God or not, He regarded her and directed her to horrible vices of Sodom he seems to have taken up the a fountain close beside her, but probably hid amid brushimpression, that all other cities of Canaan were equally wood, by the waters ofevhich her almost expiring son was corrupt. There might have been few or none who feiared revived. 20, 21. God was with the lad, &c.-Paran, i. e., God, but what a sad thing when men of the world show Arabia, where his posterity have ever dwelt (cf. ch. 16. 12; a higher sense of honour and a greater abhorrence of also Isaiah 48. 19; 1 Peter 1. 25). his mother took hinm a crimes than a true worshipper! 12. yet indeed she is wife-On a father's death, the mother looks out for a wife my sister-See on ch. 11. 3. What a poor defence Abra- for her son, however young; and as Ishmael was now virham made. The statement absolved him from the charge tually deprived of his father, his mother set about formof direct and absolute falsehood, but he had told a moral ing a marriage connection for him, it would seem, amongst untruth, because there was an intention to deceive (cf. her relatives. ch. 12. 11-13). "Honesty is always the best policy." Abra- 22-34. COVENANT. 22. Abianeleclh and Phlichel- Here ham's life would have been as well protected without the a proof of the promise (ch. 12. 2) being fulfilled, in a native fraud as with it: and what shame to himself-what dis- prince wishing to form a solemn league with Abraham. trust to God-what dishonour to religion might have The proposal was reasonable, and agreed to. 25-31. been prevented! "Let us speak truth every man to his Abrahamn reproved Abimeleclh because of a well — neighbour." Wells were of great importance to a pastoral chief and on the successful operation of sinking a new one, the owner CHE AP T E R XV XIT. was solemnly infeoft in person. If, however, they were *CII j. LI allowed to get out of repair, the restorer acquired a right Ver. 1-13. BIRTH OF ISAAC. 1. the Lord visited Saraha to them. In unoccupied lands the possession of wells — The language of the historian seems designedly chosen gave a right of property in the land, and dread of this had to magnify the power of God as well as His faithfulness caused the offence for which Abraham reproved Abimeto His promise. It was God's grace that brought about lech. Some describe four, others five wells in Beer-sheba. that event, as well as the raising of spiritual children to 33. Abraiham plailted a grove-Iiebrew of tamarisks, in Abraham, of which the birth of this son was typical. which sacrificial worship was offered, as in aroofless tem[CALVIN.] 3, 4. Abralham called thae nlame of his son pie. 34. Abraham sojourned in the Plilistines' land.. Isaac... aind circumcised-God was acknowledged -A picture of pastoral and an emblem of Christian life. in the name which, by Divine command, was given for a memorial (cf. ch. 17. 19), and also in the dedication of the C AP T ER XXII child by administering the seal of the covenant (cf. ch. 17. 10-12).. the Ohtld grew, and was weaned -children Ver. 1-19. OFFERING ISAAC. 1. God did tempt Abraare suckled longer in the East than in Europe-boys lamr —not incite to sin (James 1. 13), but try, prove-give usually for two or three years. Abraham mnade a great occasion for the development of his faith (1 Peter 1. 7). feast, &c.-In Eastern countries this is always a season and he said,... Here I am-ready at a moment's warnof domestic festivity, and the newly-weaned child is for- ing for God's service. 2. Take now tlhy son, &c.,-Every nally brought, in presence of the assembled relatives and circumstance mentioned was calculated to give a deeper friends, to partake of some simple viands. Isaac, attired stab to the parental bosom. To lose his only son, and by in the symbolic robe-the badge of birthright-was then an act of his own hand, too!-what a host of conflicting admitted heir of the tribe. [ROSENMrULLER.] 9. Sarahl feelings must the order have raised: but he heard and saw the soil of Ilagar... nockinlg-Ishmael was obeyed without a murmur (Galatians 1.16; Luke 14. 26). aware of the great change in his prospects, and under 3. Alrahalm rose... early, &c.-That there might be the impulse of irritated or resentful feelings, in which he no appearance of delay or reluctance on his part, he made was probably joined by his mother, treated the young every preparation for the sacrifice before setting out-the heir with derision and probably some violence (Galatians materials, the knife, the servants to convey them-from. 4.29). 10. Wherefore she said unto. Ab raha m, Cast Beer-sheba to Moriah, being a journey of two days; he out ths bolmd-woman-Nlothing but the expulsion of had the painful secret pent up in his bosom all that time; both could now preserve harmony in the household. and as so distant a place must have been chosen for some Abraham's perplexity was relieved by an announcement important reason, it is generally thought that "the place of the Divine will, which in every thing, however pain- of which God had told him" was one of the hills of Jeruful to flesh and blood, all who fear God and are walking salem, on which the Great Sacrifice was afterwards offered. in his ways will, like him, promptly obey. This story, as 4. onl the third day Abrahamn lifted up his eyes, &c.,tie apostle tells us, is "an allegory," and the "persecu- Leaving the servants at the foot, the father and son astion" by the son of the Egyptian was the commencement cended the hill-the one bearing the knife; the other, the of the four hundred years' affliction of Abraham's seed wood for consuming the sacrifice. But there was no vicby the Egyptians. 12, iln all that Sarah hath said-it tim; and to the question so naturally put by Isaac, Abrais called the Scripture (Galatians 4.30). 13. also of the ham contented himself by replying, "My son, God will eon of tie bostnd-swoman will I nmale a lation —Thus provide himself a lamb for a burnt-offering." It has Providence overruled a family brawl to give rise to two been supposed, that the de~ign of this extraordinary great and extraordinary peoples. transaction was to show him, by action instead of words, 14-21. EXPULSION OF ISHMIAEL... Abra]hamn rose the way in which all the families of the earth should be up early, &c. —early, that the wanderers might reach an blessed; and that in his answer to Isaac, he anticipated asylum before noon, Bread includes all sorts of victuals- some substitution. It is more likely that his words were bottle, a leathern vessel, formed of the entire skin of a spoken evasively to his son-in ignorance of the issuelamb or kid sewed up, with the legs for handles, usually yet in unbounded confidence that that son, though sacrlcarried over the shoulder. Ishmael was a lad of seven- ficed, would, in some miraculous way, be restored (Heteen years, and it is quite customary for Arab chiefs to brews 11. 19). 9. Abraham built ain altar, &c.-Had not send out their sons at such an age to do for themselves: the patriarch been sustained by the full consciousness of often with nothing but a few days' provisions in a bag, acting in obedience to God's will, the effort must have wandered in tihe wilderness of Beer-sheba-InJ the been too great for human endurance; and had not Isaao 28 'OVVSI I.MV IYVHVUV1I ~._ —' --- - -- -—.. _ —-.-~~_ _ _ _ _ -"'rmNi-;~ I~~s / ~ _ -~ -________________________ /'I/Il Z sX -' W= /""4"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7z >E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A JMarriage Commission. GENESIS XXIII-XXV. The Journeyl. -then upwards of twenty years of age displayed equal obliged to intrust this delicate mission to Eliezer, whom, faith in submitting-this great trial could not have gone although putting entire confidence in Ilm, he on this octhrough. 11, a1. tie angel... called, &c.-The sacrifice casion bound by a solemn oath. A pastoral chief in the was virtually offered-the intention, the purpose to do it, present day would take the same plan if he could not go was shown in all sincerity and fulness. The Omniscient himself Witness likewise declared His acceptance in the highest 10-67. THE JOURNEY. 10. thle servant took ten camterms of approval; and the apostle speaks of it as actu- els, &c.-So great an equipage was to give the embassy ally made (Hebrews 11. 17; James 2.21). 13-19. Abraham an appearance worthy of the rank and wealth of Abralifted up his eyes... and behold.. a ramni &c.-No ham; to carry provisions; to bear the marriage presents, method was more admirably calculated to give the patri- which as usual would be distributed over several beasts; arch a distinct idea of the purpose of grace, than this besides one or two spare camels in case of emergency. went scenic representation: and hence our Lord's allusion to to Mesopotamia, &c.-A stranger in those regions, who it (John 8. 56). wishes to obtain information, stations himself at one of C H APT E R XXI I I.the wells in the neighbourhood of a town, and he is sure to learn all the news of the place from the women who Ver. 1, 2. AGE AND DEATH OF SARAH. 1. Sarah fwas frequent them every morning and evening. Eliezer folaln hundred and seven and twventy years old, &c. The lowed this course, and letting his camels rest, he waited only woman in Scripture whose age, death, and burial till the evening time of water-drawing. 12. And he said, are mentioned, probably to do honour to the venerable 0 Lord God of my master-The servant appears worthy mother of the Hebrew people. 2. Abraham camne to of the master he served. He resolves to follow the leading mournl for Sarah, &c.-He came from his own tent to of Providence; and while he shows good sense in the tokens take his station at the door of Sarah's. The "mourning " he fixes upon of ascertaining the temper and character of describes his conformity to the customary usage of sitting the future bride, never doubts but that in such a case God on the ground for a time; while the "weeping" indicates will direct him. 15-21. before he had done speakiing... the natural outburst of his sorrow. behold, Rebekah came olat-as he anticipated, a young 3-20. PURCHASE OF A BURYING-PLACE. 3. Abraham woman unveiled, as in pastoral regions, appeared with stood up, &c.-Eastern people are always provided with her pitcher on her shoulder. Her comely appearance, her family burying-places; but Abraham's life of faith-his affable manners, her obliging courtesy in going down the pilgrim state-had prevented him acquiring even so small steps to fetch water not only to him, but to pour it into a possession (Acts 7. 5). spake u1nto the sois of Heth- the trough for his camels, afforded him the most agreeable he bespoke their kind offices to aid him in obtaining pos- surprise. She was the very person his imagination had session of a cave that belonged to Ephron-a wealthy pictured, and he proceeded to reward her civility. 22. neighbour. 9. Machipelah-the double cave. 10. Ephronl the man took a goldenl earring, &c.-The ring was not dwelt-lit., was "sitting" among the children of Heth in for the ear, but the nose; and the armlets, such as the gate of the citywhereall business was transacted. But, young women in Syria and Arabia still appear daily at though a chief man among them, he was probably un- wells decked in. They are worn from the elbow to the known to Abraham. 11-15. Ephrolt answered, Nay, wrist, commonly made of silver, copper, brass, or horn. my Lord, &c.-Here is a great show of generosity-but it 23-27. And said, "Whose dauglihter art thou1 ~-After was only a show; for whileAbraham wanted only the cave telling her name and family, the kind-hearted damsel -he joins "the field and the cave; " and though he offered hastened home to give notice of a stranger's arrival. 28. them both as free gifts-lie, of course, expected some costly and told them of her mother's houise these thaings —the presents in return-with which, he would not have been female apartments. This family were in an advanced stage easily satisfied. The patriarch, knowing this, wished to of pastoral life, dwelling in a settled place and a fixed make a purchase, and asked the terms. 15. the land is habitation. 29-31. Rebekah had a brother.. L., aban worth four hundred shekels, &c.-as if Ephron had rail out-From what we know of his character, there is said, Since you wish to know the value of the property, it reason to believe that the sight of the dazzling presents is so and so; but that is a trifle, which you may pay or not increased both his haste and his invitation. 32-49. the as it suits you. They spoke in the common forms of Arab man came into the house, &c.-What a beautiful picture civility, and this indifference was mere affectation. 16. of piety, fidelity, and disinterestedness in a servant! He Abraham weighed... the silver-The money, amount- declined all attention to his own comforts till he had told ing to ~50, was paid in presence of the assembled wit- his name and his errand. 50. Then Laban and Bethlkel nesses; and it was weighed. The practice of weighing answered-The brothers conduct all the marriage negomoney, which is often in lumps or rings, stamped each tiations, their father being probably dead, and without with their weight, is still common in many parts of the consulting their sister. Their language seems to indicate East; and every merchant at the gates or the bazar has they were worshippers of the true God. 53. Aiad the his scales at his girdle. 19. Abraham buried Sarah- servant brought fortl&. jewels of silver, ald... gold Thus he got possession of Machpelah, and deposited the -These are the usual articles with money, that form a remains of his lamented partner in a family vault which woman's dowry among the pastoral tribes. Rebekah was was the only spot of ground he owned. betrothed, and accompanied the servant to Canaan. 64. she lighted off the camel-If Isaac was walking it would aCHAP T E XXIVT. have been most unmannerly for her to have continued seated; an inferior, if riding, always alights in presence Ver. 1-9. A MARRIAGE COMMISSION. 1. And Abra- of a person of rank, no exception being made for women. ham was old... take a wife —His anxiety to see his 65. she took a veil, and covered herself-The veil is an son married was natural to his position as a pastoral essential part of female dress. In country places it is chief interested in preserving the honour of his tribe, and often thrown aside, but on the appearance of a stranger it still more as a patriarch who had regard to the Divine is drawn over the face, so as to conceal all but the eyes. promise of a numerous posterity. 3. thou shalt not take In a bride it was a token of her reverence and subjection a wife, &c.-Among the pastoral tribes the matrimonial to her husband. 67. And Isaac brought her into his arrangements are made by the parents, and a youth must mother's... tent-thus establishing her at once in the marry, not among strangers, but in his own tribe-custom rights and honours of a wife before he had seen her feagiving him a claim, which is seldom or never resisted, to tures. Disappointments often take place, but when Isaac the hand of his first cousin. But Abraham had a far saw his wife "he loved her." higher motive-a fear lest if his son married into a Canaanitish family he might be gradually led away from the true God. said unto his eldest servant-Abraham being C l AP T E R XXV. too old, and as the heir of the promise not being at liberty Ver. 1-6. SONS OF ABRAHAM. 1. Abraham took a wife to make even a temporary visit to his native land, was -rather, had taken; for Keturah is called Abraham's con29 Death of Abraham. GENESIS XXVI, XXVII, Sojourn in Gerar. cubine, or secondary wife (1 Chronicles 1. 32); and as, from with his family and flocrs to migrate into the land of the her bearing six sons to him, it is improbable that he mar- Philistines, where he was exposed to personal danger, as ried after Sarah's death; and also as he sent them all out his father had been on account of his wife's beauty; but to seek their own independence, during his life-time, it is through the seasonable interposition of Providence he clear that this marriage is related here out of its chrono- was preserved (Psalm 105. 14, 15). 12. Then Isaac sowed logical order, merely to form a proper winding up of the in that land-During his sojourn in that district he patriarch's history. 5, 6. Abraham gave all that he had farmed a piece of land, which, by the blessing of God on unto Isaac....unto the sons of the concubines... his skill and industry, was very productive (Isaiah 65.13; Abrah am gave gifts-While the chief part of the inheri- Psalm 37. 19), and by his plentiful returns he increased so tance went to Isaac-the other sons Ishmael included, mi- rapidly in wealth and influence, that the Philistines, grated to "the East country," i. e., Arabia-received each afraid or envious of his prosperity, obliged him to leave a portion of the patrimony, perhaps in cattle and other the place (Proverbs 27.4; Ecclesiastes 4. 4). This may rethings; and this settlement of Abraham's irust have ceive illustration from the fact that many Syrian shepgiven satisfaction, since it is still the rule followed among herds at this day settle for a year or two in a place, rent the pastoral tribes, some ground, in the produce of which they trade with the 7-11. DEATH OF ABRAHAM. 7. these are the days of... neighbouring market, till the people, through jealousy of Abraham —Iis death is here related, though he lived till their growing substance refuse to renew their lease, and Jacob and Esau were fifteen years, just one hundred years compel them to remove elsewhere. 15. all the wells after coming to Canaan, "the father of the faithful," "the which his fathers servants had digged... the Philfriend of God," died; and even in his death, the promises istines had stopped, &c-The same base stratagem for were fulfilled (cf. ch. 15.15). We might have wished some annoying those against whom they have taken an ummemorials of his deathbed experience; but the Spirit of brage is practised still by choking the wells with sand or God has withheld them-nor was it necessary; for (see stones, or defiling them with putrid carcases. 17. valley Matthew 7. 16) from earth he passed into heaven (Luke of Gerar-torrent-bed or wady, a vast undulating plain, 16. 22). Though dead he yet liveth (Matthew 22.32). 9, 10. unoccupied and affording good pasture. 18-22. Isaac his sons.. buried himn-Death often puts an end to digged again the wells of water-The naming of wells strife-reconciles those who have been alienated; and by Abraham, and the hereditary right of his family to the brings rival relations, as in this instance, to mingle tears property-the change of the names by the Philistines to over a father's grave. obliterate the traces of their origin-the restoration of the 12-18. DESCENDANTS OF ISHMAEL. Before passing to names by Isaac, and the contests between the respective the line of the promised seed, the historian gives a brief shepherds to the exclusive possession of the water, are notice of Ishmael, to show that the promises respecting circumstances that occur amongst the natives in those that son of Abraham were fulfilled-first, in the GREAT- regions as frequently in the present day as in the time of NESS of his posterity (cf. ch. 17. 20); and, secondly, in their Isaac. 26-33. Then Abimelechwvent to hin-As there independence. 18. he died-rather, "it (their lot) fell in was a lapse of ninety years between the visit of Abraham the presence of his brethren" (cf. ch. 16. 12). and of Isaac, the Abimelech and Phichol spoken of must 19-35. HISTORY OF ISAAC. 19. these are the genera- have been different persons' official titles. Here is tions-account of the leading events in his life. 21. Isaac another proof of the promise (ch. 12. 2) being fulfilled, in entr eated the Lord for his wife-Though tried in a sim- an overture of peace being made to him by the king of ilar way to his father, he did not follow the same crooked Gerar. By whatever motive the proposal was dictatedpolicy. Twenty years he continued unblessed with off- whether fear of his growing power, or regret for the bad spring, whose seed was to be "as the stars." -But in an- usage they had given him, the king and two of his courswer to their mutual prayers (1 Peter 3. 7) Rebekah was tiers paid a visit to the tent of Isaac (Proverbs 16. 7). His divinely informed, that she was to be the mother of twins, timid and passive temper had submitted to the annoywho should be the progenitors of two independent na- ances of his rude neighbours-but now thflt they wish to tions; that the descendants of the younger should act the renew the covenant, he evinces deep feeling at their conmore powerful and subdue those of the other (Romans duct, and astonishment at their assurance, or artifice, in 9.12; 2 Chronicles 21.8). 27. the boys grew-from the coming near him. Being, however, of a pacific dispostfirst opposite to each other in character, manners, and tion, he forgave their offence, accepted their proposals, habits. 28. The parents were divided in their affection; and treated them to the banquet by which the ratification and while the grounds, at least of the father's partiality, of a covenant was usually crowned. 34. Esaw... took were weak-the distinction made between the children to wife-If the pious feelings of Abraham recoiled from led, as such conduct always does, to unhappy conse- the idea of Isaac forming a matrimonial connection with quences. 29. Jacob sod pottage-made of lentiles or a Canaanitish woman, that devout patriarch himself small beans, which are common in Egypt and Syria. It would be equally opposed to such a union on the part of is probable that it was made of Egyptian beans, which his children; and we may easily imagine how much his Jacob had procured as a dainty; for Esau was a stranger pious heart was wounded, and the family peace destroyed, to it. It is very palatable; and to the weary hunter, faint when his favourite but wayward son brought no less than with hunger, its odour must have been irresistibly tempt- two idolatrous wives among them-an additional proof ing. 31. Jacob said, Sell me... thy birthright-i. e., that Esau neither desired the blessing nor dreaded the the rights and privileges of the first-born-which were curse of God. These wives never gained the affections of very important-the chief being that they were the family his parents, and this estrangement was overruled by God priests (Exodus 4. 22); and had a double portion of the in- for keeping the chosen family aloof from the dangers of heritance (Deuteronomy 21. 17). 32. Esau said... I am heathen influence. at the point to die-i. e., I am running daily risk of my life; and of what use will the birthright be to me: so he despised or cared little about it, in comparison of gratify- CH A P TER XXVI I. ing his appetite-he threw away his religious privileges Ver. 1-27. INFIRMITY OF ISAAC. 1. when Isaac was for a trifle; and thence he is styled -"a profane person" old, and his eyes were dim-He was in his 137th year; (Hebrews 12. 16; also Job 31.7, 16; 6. 13; Philippians 3. 19). and apprehending death to be near, he prepared to make "There was never any meat, except the forbidden fruit, his last will-an act of the gravest importance, especially so dear bought, as this broth of Jacob." [BISHOP HALL.] as it included the conveyance through a prophetic spirit of the patriarchal blessing. 4. make... savoury meat aCHuAP T E R XXV I. -perhaps to revive and strengthen him for the duty; or rather "as eating and drinking" were used on all religious VER. 1-35. SOJOURN IN GERAR. 1. And there was a occasions, he could not convey the right, till he had eaten famine in the land... And Isaac went unto... of the meat provided for the purpose by him who was to Gerar-The pressure of famine in Caanan forced Isaac receive the blessing [ADAM CLARKE] (cf. ch. 18.7). that 30 Tfte Blessing. GENESIS XXVIII. Jacob's Departure. my soul may bless thee-It is difficult to imagine him vowed revenge. The days of mourniing for my father Ignorant of the Divine purpose (cf. en. 25. 23). But natural are at hand-a common Oriental phrase for the death of affection, prevailing through age and infirmity, prompted a parent. 42-45. these words of Esal were told Rehim to entail the honours and powers of the birthright on bekalh-Poor woman! she now early begins to reap the his eldest son; and, perhaps, he was not aware of what bitter fruits of her fraudulent device; she is obliged to Esau had done (ch. 25.34). 5-10. Rebekah spake unto part with her son, for whom she planned it, never, probJacob-she prized the blessing as invaluable-she knew ably, seeing him again; and he felt the retributive justice that God intended it for the younger son; and in her anx- of heaven fall upon him heavily in his own future family. iety to secure its being conferred on the right object-on 45. Why should I be deprived of youl both-This refers one who cared for religion-she acted in the sincerity of to the law of Goelism, by which the nearest of kin would faith; but in crooked policy-with unenlightened zeal; be obliged to avenge the death of Jacob upon his brother. on the false principle that the end would sanctify the 46. Rebekah said to Isaac-Another pretext her cunmeans. 11. Jacob said, Esau my brothe r is an hairy ning had to devise to obtain her husband's consent to maln-It is remarkable that his scruples were founded not Jacob's journey to Mesopotamia; and she succeeded by on the evil of the act; but the risk and consequences of touching the aged patriarch in a tender point, afflicting deception. 13-17. and his mother said, Upon me be to his pious heart-the proper marriage of their youngest thy culrse-His conscience being soothed by his mother- son. preparations were hastily made for carrying out the de- ATPT X V vice; consisting, first, of a kid's flesh, which, made into a AP R X VI. ragout, spiced with salt, onions, garlic, and lemon-juice, Ver. 1-19. JACOB'S DEPARTURE. 1. Isaac called Jacob might easily be passed off on a blind old man, with and blessed him-He entered fully into Rebekah's feelblunted senses, as game; secondly, of pieces of goat's skin ings-and the burden of his parting counsel to his son bound on his hands and neck, its soft silken hair resem- was, to avoid a marriage alliance with any but the Mesobling that on the cheek of a young man; thirdly, of the potamian branch of the family. At the same time he long white robe-the vestment of the first-born, which, gave him a solemn blessing-pronounced before unwittransmitted from father to son, and kept in a chest among tingly, now designedly, and with a cordial spirit. It is fragrant herbs and perfumed flowers, used much in the more explicitly and fully given, and Jacob was thus East to keep awvay moths-his mother provided for him. acknowledged "the heir of the promise." 6-9. wvheli 18-27. he came unto his father-The scheme planned by Esaut saw tlhat Isaac had blessed Jacob-desirous to the mother was to be executed by the son in the father's humour his parents, and if possible get the last will bed-chamber; and it is painful to think of the deliberate revoked, he became wise when too late (see Matthew 25. falsehoods, as well as daring profanity, he resorted to. 10), and hoped by gratifying his parents in one thing to The disguise, though wanting in one thing, which had atone for all his former delinquencies. But he only made nearly upset the whole plot, succeeded in misleading bad worse, and though he did not marry a "wife of the Isaac; and while giving his paternal embrace, the old daughters of Canaan," he married into a family which man was roused into a state of high satisfaction and de- God had rejected-it showed a partial reformation, but no light. 27. the smell of my son is as of a field-The ar- repentance, for he gave no proofs of abating his vindictive omatic odours of the Syrian fields and meadows, often purposes against his brother, nor cherishing that pious impart a strong fragrance to the person and clotles, as spirit that would have gratified his father-he was like has been noticed by many travellers. Micah (see Judges 17. 13). 10. Jacob welnt ouit, &c. —lis 2846. THE BLESSING. God give thee of the dew of departure from his father's house was an ignominious heaven-To an Oriental mind, this phraseology implied flight; and for fear of being pursued or waylaid by his the highest flow of prosperity. The copious fall of dew is vindictive brother, he did not take the common road, but indispensable to the fruitfulness of lands, which would be went by lonely and unfrequented paths, which increased otherwise arid and sterile through the violent heat; and the length and dangers of the journey. 11. lie lighted it abounds most in hilly regions-such as Canaan-hence upon a certain place-By a forced march he had reached called the fat land (Nehemiah 9. 25, 35). plenty of corn Beth-el, about forty-eight miles from Beer-sheba, and had and wvine-Palestine was famous for vineyards, and it to spend the night in the open field, he took of the produced varietes of corn, viz., wheat, barley, oats, and stones, &c.-' The nature of the soil is an existing comrye. Let people serve thee-fulfilled in the discomfiture nment on the record of the stony territory where Jacob of the hostile tribes that opposed the Israelites in the lay." [CLARKE'S TRAVELS.] 12. he dreamed... and wilderness; and in the pre-eminence and power they behold a ladder-Some writers are of opinion that it attained after their national establishment in the prom- was not a literal ladder that is meant, as it is impossible ised land. This blessing was not realized to Jacob, but to to conceive any imagery stranger and more unnatural his descendants; and the temporal blessings promised, than that of a ladder, whose base was on earth, while its were but a shadow of those spiritual ones, which formed top reached heaven, without having any thing on which the grand distinction of Jacob's posterity. 30-35. Esau to rest its upper extremity. They suppose that the little came in from his hunting —scarcely had the former heap of stones, on which his head reclined for a pillow, scene been concluded, when the fraud was discovered, being the miniature model of the object that appeared to The emotions of Isaac, as well as Esau, may easily be im- his imagination, the latter was a gigantic mount4in pile, agined-the astonishment, alarm, and sorrow of the one whose sides, indented in the rock, gave it the appearance -the disappointment and indignation of the other. But of a scaling ladder. There can be no doubt that this use amoment's reflection convinced the aged patriarch that of the original term was common among the early Hethe transfer of the blessing was "of the Lord," and now brews; as Josephus, describing the town of Ptolemais irrevocable. The importunities of Esau, however, over- (Acre), says it was bounded by a mountain, which, fronl powered him; and as the prophetic afflatus was upon the its projecting sides, was called "the ladder;" and the patriarch, he added what was probably as a stairs that led down to the city are, in the original, termed man of Esau's character, as the other would have been. a ladder (Nehemiah 3.) though they were only a flight of 39, 40. Behold thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the steps cut in the side of the rock. But whether the image earth-The first part is a promise of temporal prosperity, presented to the mental eye of Jacob were a common ladmade in the same terms as Jacob's-the second refers to der, or such a mountain pile as has been described, the the roving life of hunting freebooters, which he and his design of this vision was to afford comfort, encouragedescendants should lead. Though Esau was not person- ment, and confidence to the lonely fugitive, both in his ally subject to his brother, his posterity were tributary to present circumstances and as to his future prospects. His the Israelites, till the reign of Joram-when they revolted, thoughts during the day must have been painful~-he and established a king of their own (2 Kings 8.20; 2 Chron. would be his own self-accuser that he had brought exile 21. 8-10). 41. Esan hated Jacob-It is scarcely to be won- and privation upon himself-and above all, that though dered at-that Esau resented the conduct of Jacob, and he had obtained the forgiveness of his father, he had 31 The Well of Haran. GENESIS XXIX, XXX. The Marriage of Jacob much reason to fear lest God might have forsaken him. pastoral tribes the young unmarried daughters of the Solitude affords time for reflection; and it was now that greatest sheicks tend the flocks, going out at sunrise, and God began to bring Jacob under a course of religious in- continuing to watch their fleecy charge till sunset. Wastruction and training. To dispel his fears and allay the tering them, which is done twice a-day, is a work of time inward tumult of his mind, nothing was better fitted than and labour, and Jacob rendered no small service in volthe vision of the gigantic ladder, which reached from unteering his aid to the young shepherdess. The interhimself to heaven, and on which the angels were contin- view was affecting, the reception welcome, and Jacob forually ascending and descending from God himself on got all his toils in the society of his Mesopotamian relatheir benevolent errands (John 1.51). 13. The Lord stood tives. Can we doubt that he eturned thanks to God for above it, and said-That Jaoob might be at no loss to His goodness by the way? 12. Jacob told Rachel, &c.know the purport of the vision, he heard the Divine According to the practice of the East, the term "brother" voice; and the announcement of His name, together with is extended to remote degrees of relationship, as uncle, a renewal of the covenant, and an assurance of personal cousin or nephew. 14-20. he abode a mouth-Among protection, produced at once the most solemnizing and pastoral people a stranger is freely entertained for three inspiriting effect on his mind. 16. Jacob awaked out days; on the fourth day he is expected to tell his name of hlis sleep-His language and his conduct were alike and errand; and if he prolongs his stay after that time, that of a man whose mind was pervaded by sentiments he must set his hand to work in some way, as may be of solemn awe, of fervent piety, and lively gratitude agreed upon. A similar rule obtained in Laban's estab(Jeremiah 31. 36). 18, 19. Jacob set up a stone, &c.-The lishment, and the wages for which his nephew engaged mere setting up of the stone might have been as a future to continue in his employment was the hand of Rachel. memorial to mark the spot; and this practice is still corn- 17. Leah tender-eyed-i. e., soft blue eyes-thought a mon in the East, in memory of a religious vow or engage- blemish. REachel beautifull and wvell-favoured-i. c., ment. But the pouring oil upon it was a consecration, comely and handsome in form. The latter was Jacob's Accordingly he gave it a new name, Beth-el, "the house choice. 18. I will serve thee seven years for Raclhel of God " (Hosea 12.4); and it will not appear a thing forced thy daughter-A proposal of marriage is made to the or unnatural to call a stone a house, when one considers father without the daughter being consulted, and the the common practice in warm countries of sitting in the match is effected by the suitor either bestowing costly open air by or on a stone, as are those of this place, presents on the family, or by giving cattle to the value "broad sheets of bare rock, some of them standing like the father sets upon his daughter, or else by giving perthe cromlechs of Druidical monuments." [STANLEY.] sonal services for a specified period. The last was the 20-22. JACOB'S Vow. 20. Jacob vowed a vow~-His course necessity imposed on Jacob; and there for seven words are not to be considered as implying a doubt, far years he submitted to the drudgery of a hired shepherd, less as stating the condition or terms on which he would with the view of obtaining Rachel. The time went radedicate himself to God. Let "if" be changed into pidly away; for even severe and difficult duties become "since," and the language will appear a proper expres- light when love is the spring of action. 21. Jacob said, sion of Jacob's faith-an evidence of his having truly em- Give me my wife-At the expiry of the stipulated term braced the promise. How edifying often to meditate on the marriage festivities were held. But an infamous fraud Jacob at Beth-el. was practised on Jacob, and on his showing a righteous indignation, the usage of the country was pleaded in excuse. No plea of kindred should ever be allowed to come C H A P T E R X IX. in opposition to the claim of justice. But this is often Ver. 1-35. THE WELL OF HARAN. 1. lThen Jacob overlooked by the selfish mind of man, and fashion or went, &c.-Hebrew, lifted up his feet. He resumed his custom rules instead of the will of God. This was what. way next morning with a light heart and elastic step Laban did, as he said, "it must not be so done in our after the vision of the ladder; for tokens of the Divine country, to give the younger before the first-born." But, favour tend to quicken the discharge of duty (Nehemiah then, if that were the prevailing custom of society at 8. 10). and cane into the laind, &c.-Mesopotamia and Haran, he should have apprized his nephew of it at an the whole region beyond the Euphrates are by the sacred early period in an honourable manner. This, however, writers designated " the East " (Judges 6. 3; 1 Kings 4 32; is too much the way with the people at the East still. The Job 1. 3). Between the first and the second clause of this duty of marrying an elder daughter before a yonger, the verse is included a journey of four hundred miles. 2. tricks which parents take to get off an elder daughter that And he looked, &c.-As he approached the place of his is plain or deformed, and in which they are favoured by destination, he, according to custom, repaired to the well the long bridal veil that entirely conceals her features all adjoining the town where he would obtain an easy tro- the wedding day, and the prolongation for a week of the duction to his relatives. 3. thither were all the flocks marriage festivities among the greater sheicks, are accordgathered: and a stone, &c.-In Arabia, owing to the ant with the habits of the people in Arabia and Armenia' shifting sands, and in other places, owing to the strong in te present day. 28. gave 1him alel also-It is evievaporation, the mouth of a well is generally covered, det that the marriage of both sisters took place nearly especially when it is private property. Over many is laid about the same time, and that such a connexion was then a broad, thick, flat stone, with a round hole cut in the allowed, though afterwards prohibited (Leviticus 18. 18). middle, forming the mouth of the cistern. This hole is 29. gave to Rachel lis daughter B3ilhah to be her covered with a heavy stone which it would require two maid-A father in good circumstances still gives his or three men to roll away. Such was the description of daghter from his household a female slave, over who the well at Haran. 4. J(acob said, My bretlreL-Find the young wife, independently of her husband, has the ing from the shepherds who were reposing there with absolute control. 31. Leah... hated-e., not loved flocks, and who all belonged to ]Iaran, that his relatives S UCh as she ought to have bee. er becoming a so much as she ought to have been. Her becoming a in Raran were well, and that one of the famnily was mother ensured her rising in the estimation both of her flocks, and who all belonged to Haran, that his relatives mother ensured her rising in the estimation both of her in Haran were well, and that one of the family was husband and of society. 32-35. son... called his name shortly expected, he enquired why they were idling the Rubn-Nam es were als sgniicant; and those hih best part of the day there instead of watering their flocks, and sendinsat them back to paisturead of waterig their flos, Leah gave to her sons were expressive of her varying feeland sending them back to pasture? 8. They said, We cannot, until all the flocks be gathered-In order to ings of thankfulness or joy, or allusive to circumstances prevent the consequences of too frequent exposure in in the history of the family. There was piety and wisdom prevent the consequences of too frequent exposure in in attaching a signification to names, as it tended to keep places wherewater is scarce, it is not only covered, but it i attach in a sgnificaion to names, as it tended to eep is customary to have all the flocks collected round the of his duty and the claims of God. well before the covering is removed in presence of the owner or one of his representatives; and it was for this C A P T ER X X. reason that those who were reposing at the well of Haran Ver. 1-24. DOMESTIC JEALOUSIES. 1. Rachel envied with the three flocks were waiting the arrival of Rachel..her sister-The maternal relation confers a high degree 9-11. While he yet spake, Rachel came-Among the of honour in the East, and the want of that status is felt. 32 Jacob's Covenant with Laban. GENESIS XXXI. Envy of Laban and his Sons. as.a stigma, and deplored as a grievous calamity. Give varieties Jacob employed. The styles are of a bright red me children or else I die-either be reckoned as good as colour, when peeled; and along with them he took wands dead, or pine away from vexation. The intense anxiety of other shrubs, which, when stripped of the bark, had of Hebrew women for children arose from the hope of white streaks. These, kept constantly before the eyes of giving birth to the promised seed. Rachel's conduct was the female at the time of gestation, his observation had sinful, and contrasts unfavourably with that of Rebekah taught him would have an influence, through the imagi(zE ch. 25. 22) and of Hannah (1 Samuel 1.11). 3-9. Bfil nation, on the future offspring. 38. watering troughshahl... Zilpah-Following the example of Sarah with usually a long stone block hollowed out, from which regard to Hagar, an example which is not seldom imi- several sheep could drink at once, but sometimes so small tated still, she adopted the children of her maid. Leah as to admit of one only drinking at a time. took the same course. A bitter and intense rivalry existed between them, all the more from their close re- CHAPTER XXXI lationship as sisters; and although they occupied separate apartments, with their families, as is the uniform Ver. 1-21. ENVY OF LABAN AND SONS. 1. he helrar custom where a plurality of wives obtains, and the hus- the words of Laban's sonls-It must have been fromn band and father spends a day with each in regular suc- rumour that Jacob got knowledge of the invidious recession, that did not allay their mutual jealousies. The flections cast upon him by his cousins; for they wereevil lies in the system, which being a violation of God's separated at the distance of three days' journey. 2. And original ordinance, cannot yield happiness. 20. Leah Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban-lit., was not said, God hath endued me wvith a good dowry-The the same as yesterday, and the day before; —a common birth of a son is hailed with demonstrations of joy, and Oriental form of speech. The insinuations against Jacob's. the possession of several sons confers upon the mother fidelity by Laban's sons, and the sullen reserve, the churlan honour and respectability proportioned to their num- ish conduct, of Laban himself, had made Jacob's situaber. The husband attaches a similar importance to the tion, in his uncle's establishment, most trying and painpossession, and it forms a bond of union which renders ful. It is always one of the vexations attendant on it impossible for him ever to forsake or to be cold to a worldly prosperity, that it excites the envy of others wife who has borne him sons. This explains the happy (Ecclesiastes 4.4); and that, however careful a man is to anticipations Leah founded on the possession of her six maintain a good conscience, he cannot always reckon on sons. 21. afterwards, she bare a daughter —The in- maintaining a good name, in a censorious world. This,. ferior value set on a daughter is displayed in the bare Jacob experienced; and it is probable that, like a good announcement of the birth. man, he had asked direction and relief in prayer.. 3. the 25-43. JACOB'S COVENANT WITH LABAN. 25.. when Lord said,... Return lunto the land of thy fathersRachel had borne Joseph —Shortly after the birthofthis Notwithstanding the ill usage he had received, Jacob son, Jacob's term of servitude expired, and feeling anxious might not have deemed himself at liberty to quit his to establish an independence for his family, he probably, present sphere, under the impulse of passionate fretfulfrom knowing that Esau was out of the way, announced ness and discontent. Having been conducted to Haran his intention of returning to Canaan (Hebrews 13. 14). In by God (ch. 28. 15); and having got a promise that the this resolution the faith of Jacob was remarkable, for as same heavenly Guardian would bring him again into yet he had nothing to rely on but the promise of God (cf. the land of Canaan-he might have thought he ought not ch. 28.15). 27. Labani said... I have learned —Iis to leave it, without being clearly persuaded as to the selfish uncle was averse to a separation, not from warmth path of duty. So ought we to set the Lord before us, and of affection either for Jacob or his daughters, but. from to acknowledge him in all our ways, our journeys, our the damage his own interests would sustain. IIe had settlements, and plans in life. 4. Jacob sent and called found, from long observation, that the blessing of heaven Rachel and Leah-I-Iis wives and family were in their rested on Jacob, and that his stock had wonderfully in- usual residence; and whether he wished them to be prescreased under Jacob's management. This was a remark- ent at the festivities of sheep-shearing, as some think; able testimony that good men are blessings to the places or, because he could not leave his flock, he called them where they reside. Men of the world are often blessed both to come to him, in order that, having resolved on with temporal benefits on account of their pious rela- immediate departure, he might communicate his intentives, though they have not always, like Laban, the tions. Rachel and Leah only were called, for the other wisdom to discern, or the grace to acknowledge it. 28. two wives, being secondary, and still in a state of serviappoint me thy wages, and I will give it-The E}astern tude, were not entitled to be taken into account. Jacob shepherds receive for their hire not money, but a certain acted the part of a dutiful husband in telling them his amount of the increase or produce of the flock; but plans; for husbands, that love their wives, should conIaban would at the time have done any thing to secure suit witihthem, and trust in them (Proverbs 31.11). 6. ye the continued services of his nephew, and make a show know that... I have served your father-Having of liberality, which Jacob well knew was constrained. stated hiss strong grounds of dissatisfaction with their 31. Jacob said, Thou shalt not give me any thing-A father's conduct, and the ill requital he had got for all his new agreement was made, the substance of which was, faithful services, he informed them of the blessing of that he was to receive remuneration in the usual way, God, that had made him rich notwithstanding Laban's but on certain conditions which Jacob specified. 32. I design to- ruin him; and finally, of the command from will pass through all thy flock to-day-Eastern sheep God he had received to return to his own country, that being generally white, the goats black, and spotted or they might not accuse him of caprice, or disaffection to speckled ones comparatively few and rare, Jacob pro- their family; but be convinced, that in resolving to deposed to remove all existing ones of that description from part, he acted from a principle of religious obedience. the flock, and to be content with what might appear at 14. Rachel and Leah answered-Having heard his the next lambing time. The proposal seemed so much in views, they expressed their entire approval; and from favour of Laban, that lie at once agreed to it. But Jacob grievances of their own, were fully as desirous of a sepahas been accused of taking advantage of his uncle, and ration as himself. They display not only conjugal affecthough it is difficult to exculpate him from practising tion, but piety in following the course described-" whatsome degree of dissimulation, he was only availing him- soever God hath said unto thee, do." "Those that are self of the results of his great skill and experience in the really their husbands' helps meet, will never be their breeding of cattle. But it is evident from the next chap- hindrances in doing that to which God calls them." ter (5-13), that there was something miraculous, and that [HENRY.] 17. Then Jacob rose up-Little time is spent the means he had employed had been suggested by a by pastoral people in removing. The striking down the Divine intimation. 37. Jacob took rods, &c.-There are tents and polds, and stowing them among their other many varieties of the hazel, some of whiclrare-more erect baggage;- the-puttinlg-their wives and children in houdat than the common hazel, and it was probably one of the like cradles, on the backs of camels, or in panniers on 3 33 Laban Pursueth Jacob. GENESIS XXXII. Vision of Angels. nsses; and the ranging of the various parts of the flock s difficult to "be angry and sil not." But these two relaunder the respective shepherds; all this is a short pro- tives, after having given utterance to their pent up feelcess. A plain that is covered in the morning with a long ings, came at length to a mutual understanding, or rather, array of tents, and with browsing flocks, may, in a few God influenced Laban to make reconciliation with his inhours, appear so desolate, that not a vestige of the en- jured nephew (Proverbs 16.7). 44. Come thou, let us campment remains, except the holes in which the tent- make a covenant-The way in which this covenant was poles had been fixed. 20. Jacob stole away-The result ratified was by a heap of stones being laid in a circular showed the prudence and necessity of departing secretly; pile, to serve as seats, and in the centre of this circle a otherwise, Laban might have detained him by violence large one was set up perpendicularly for an altar. It is or artifice. 18. he carried the cattle of his getting- probable that a sacrifice was first offered, and then that i. e., his own and nothing more. He did not indemnify the feast of reconciliation was partaken of by both parhimself for his many losses by carrying off any thing of ties seated on the stones around it. To this day heaps of Laban's, but was content with what Providence had given stones, which have been used as memorials, are found him. Some may think that due notice should have been abundantly in the region where this transaction took given; but when a man feels himself in danger-thelaw place. 52. This heap be witness-Objects of nature of self-preservation prescribes the duty of immediate were frequently thus spoken of. But over and above, light, if it can be done consistently with conscience, there was a solemn appeal to God; and it is observable 22-55. LABAN PURSUETI JACOB-THEIR COVENANT AT that there was a marked difference in the religious sentiGILEAD. 2q. it was told Laban on the third day-No ments of the two. Laban spake of the God of Abraham sooner did the intelligence reach Laban than he set out and Nahor, their common ancestors; but Jacob, knowing in pursuit, and he being not encumbered, advanced rap- that idolatry had crept in among that branch of the idly; whereas Jacob, with a young family and numerous family, swore by the Fear of Isaac. They who have one flocks, had to march slowly, so that he overtook the fugi- God should have one heart: they who are agreed in retives after seven days' journey, as they lay encamped on ligion should endeavour to agree in every thing else. the brow of mount Gilead, an extensive range of hills forming the eastern boundary of Canaan. Being accom- TTR XX panied by a number of his people, he might have used CIAPTER XXXII. violence had he not been Divinely warned in a dream to Ver. 1. 2. VISION OF ANGELS. 1. angels of God meet give nointerruption tohis nephew's journey. Howstrik- him-It is not said whether this angelic manifestation ing and sudden a change! For several days he had been was made in a vision by day, or a dream by night. There full of rage, and in eager anticipation that his is an evident allusion, however, to the appearance upon vengeance would be fully wreaked, when lo! his hands the ladder (cf. ch. 28. 12), and this occurring to Jacob on are tied by invisible power (Psalm 76.10). lie durst not his return to Canaan, was an encouraging pledge of the touch Jacob, but there was a war of words. 25-30. Laban continued presence and protection of God (Psalm 34.7; said... What hast thou donle — Not a word is said of Hebrews 1. 14). 2. Mahanaim-two hosts or camps. The the charge, v. 1. His reproaches were of a different kind. place was situated between mount Gilead and the Jabbok His first charge was for depriving him of the satisfaction -near the banks of that brook. of giving Jacob and his family the usual salutations at 3-32. MISSION TO ESAU. 3. Jacob sent messengers beparting. In the East it is customary, when any are set- fore him to Esau-i. e., had sent. It was a prudent preting out to a great distance, for their relatives and friends caution to ascertain the present temper of Esau, as the to accompany them a considerable way with music and road, on approaching the eastern confines of Canaan, lay valedictory songs. Considering the past conduct of Laban, near the wild district where his brother was now estabhis complaint on this ground was hypocritical cant. But lished. the land of Seir-a highland country on the east his second charge was a grave one-the carrying off his and south of the Dead Sea, inhabited by the Horites, who gods-Ilebrew, Teraphim, small images of human figure, were dispossessed by Esau, or his posterity (Deuteronomy used not as idols or objects of worship, but as talismans, 11. 12). When, and in what circumstances he had emifor superstitious purposes. 31, 3. Jacob said,... With grated thither-whether the separation arose out of the whomsoever thou flndeth thy gods let him not live- undutiful conduct and idolatrous habits of his wives, Conscious of his own innocence, and little suspecting the which had made them unwelcome inmates in the tent of misdeed of his favourite wife, he boldly challenged a his parents, or whether his roving disposition had sought search, and denounced the heaviest penalty on the cul- a country from his love of adventure and the chase, he prit. A personal scrutiny was made by Laban, who ex- was living in a state of power and affluence. and this amined every tent; and having entered Rachel's last, settlement on the outer borders of Canaan, though made would have infallibly discovered the stolen images had of his own free-will-was overruled by Providence to not Rachel made an appeal to him which prevented pave the way for Jacob's return to the promised land. further search. 34. Rachelhad taken the images, and 4. Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau-The purput them in the camel's furniture, and sat upon them port of the message was that, after a residence of twenty -The common pack-saddle is often used as a seat or a years in Mesopotamia, he was now returning to his native cushion, against which a person squatted on the floor may land-that he did not need any thing, for he had abunlean. 36, 37. Jacob was wroth-Recrimination on his dance of pastoral wealth-but that he could not pass part was natural in the circumstances, and, as usual, without notifying his arrival to his brother, and paying when passion is high, the charges took a wide range. He the homage of his respectful obeisance. Acts of civility rapidly enumerated his grievances for twenty years, and tend to disarm opposition, and soften hatred (Ecclesiastes in a tone of unrestrained severity described the niggard 10. 4). Thy servant Jacob-He had been made lord over character and vexatious exactions of his uncle, together his brethren (cf. ch. 27. 29). But it is probable he thought with the hardships of various kinds he had patiently en- this referred to a spiritual superiority; or if to temporal, dured. 38. The rams of thy flock have I not eaten- that it was to be realized only to his posterity. At all Eastern people seldom kill the females for food except events, leaving it to God to fulfil that purpose, he deemed they are barren. 39. That which wvas torn of beasts I it prudent to assume the most kind and respectful bearbrought not unto thee-The shepherds are strictly re- ing. 6. The messengers returned to Jacob-Their responsible for losses in the flock, unless they can prove port left'Jacob In painful uncertainty as to what was his these were occasioned bywild beasts. 40. in the daythe brother's views and feelings. Esau's studied reservegave drought... and the frost bynight-The temperature him reason to dread the worst. Jacob was naturally changes often in twenty-four hours from the greatest ex- timid; but his conscience told him that there was much tremes of heat and cold, most trying to the shepherd who ground for apprehension, and his distress was all the has to keep watch by his flocks. Much allowance must more aggravated that he had to provide for the safety of be made for Jacob. Great and long-continued provoca- a large and helpless family. 9-12. Jacob said, O God of tions ruffle the mildest and most disciplined tempers. It my father Abraham-In this great emergency, he had 34 Jacob Wrestleth with an Angel. GENESIS XXXIII. Kindness of Jacob and E'sau. recourse to prayer. This is the first recorded example of ourable part of the patriarch's history-it was to be assoprayer in the Bible. It is short, earnest, and bearing ciated with another descriptive of his now sanctified and directly on the occasion. The appeal is made to God, as eminently devout character. 29. Jacob asked, Tell nme standing in a covenant-relation to his family, just as we... thy name-The request was denied, that he might ought to put our hopes of acceptance with God in Christ. not be too elated with his conquest, nor suppose that he It pleads the special promise made to himself of a safe had obtained such advantage over the angel as to make return; and after a most humble and affecting confession him do what he pleased. 31. halted upon his thiglof unworthiness, breathes an earnest desire for deliver- As Paul had a thorn in the flesh given to humble him ance from the impending danger. It was the prayer of a lest he should be too elevated by the abundant revelations kind husband, an affectionate father, a firm believer in granted him; so Jacob's lameness was to keep him mindthe promises. 13-23. took... a present for Esau his ful of this mysterious scene, and that it was in gracious brother-Jacob combined active exertions with earnest condescension the victory was yielded to him. In the prayer; and this teaches us that we must not depend upon greatest of these spiritual victories, which, through faith, the aid and interposition of God in such a way as to any of God's people obtain, there is always something to supersede the exercise of prudence and foresight. Supe- humble them. 32. the sinew which shrank —the nerve riors are always approached with presents, and the re- that fastens the thigh-bone in its socket. The practice of spect expressed is estimated by the quality and amount the Jews in abstaining from eating this in the flesh of of the gift. The present of Jacob consisted of 550 head of animals, is not founded on the law of Moses, but is merely cattle, of different kinds, such as would be most prized a traditional usage. The sinew is carefully extracted; by Esau. It was a most magnificent present, skilfully and where there are no persons skilled enough for that arranged and proportioned. The milch camels alone were operation, they do not make use of the hind legs at all. of immense value; for the she-camels form the principal part of Arab wealth; their milk is a chief article of diet; C A PT R XX XI I and in many other respects they are of the greatest use. 10. every drove by themselves-There was great pru- Ver. 1-11. KINDNESS OF JACOB AND ESAU. 1. behold, dence in this arrangement; for the present would thus Esau camel and withl him four hundred men-Jacob have a more imposing appearance; Esau's passion would having crossed the ford, and ranged his wives and clilhave time to cool as he passed each successive company; dren in order-the dearest last, that they might be the and if the first was refused, the others would hasten back least exposed to danger-awaited the expected interview. to convey a timely warning. 17. he commanded the His faith was strengthened and his fears gone (Psalm 27. foremost-The messengers were strictly commanded to 3). Having had power to prevail with God, he was consay the same words, that Esau might be more impressed, fident of the same power with man, according to the and that the uniformity of the address might appear promise (cf. ch. 32. 28). 3. he bowed himself... seven more clearly to have come from Jacob himself. 21. him- times-the manner of doing this is by looking towards a self lodged-not the whole night, but only a part of it. superior and bowing with the upper part of the body 22. ford Jabbok-now the Zerka-a stream that rises brought parallel to the ground, then advancing a few among the mountains of Gilead, and running from east to steps and bowing again, and repeating his obeisance till, west, enters the Jordan, about forty miles south of the Sea at the seventh time, the suppliant stands in the ilmmeof Tiberias. At the ford it is ten yards wide. It is some- diate presence of his superior. The members of his family times forded with difficulty; but in summer, very shallow. did the same. This was a token of profound respect, and, he rose up and took-Unable to sleep, he waded the ford though very marked, it would appear natural; for Esau in the night-time by himself; and having ascertained its being the elder brother, was, according to the custom of safety, he returned to the north bank, and sent over his the East, entitled to respectful treatment from his younger family and attendants-remaining behind, to seek anew, brother. His attendants would be struck by it, and acin silent prayer, the Divine blessing on the means he had cording to Eastern habits, would magnify it in the hearing set in motion. 24, 25. There wrestled a manl with him of their master. 4. Esau ran to meet himn —What a sud-This mysterious person is called an angel (Hosea 12. 5) den and surprising change! Whether the sight of the and God (v. 28, 30; Iosea 12. 4); and the opinion that is princely present and the profound homage of Jacob had most supported is, that he was "the angel of the cove- produced this effect, or it proceeded from the impulsive nant," who, in a visible form, appeared to animate the character of Esau, the cherished enmity of twenty years in mind, and sympathize with the distress of his pious ser- a moment disappeared; the weapons of war were laidaside, vant. It has been a subject of much discussion whether and the warmest tokens of mutual affection reciprocated the incident described was an actual conflict, or a vision- between the brothers. But doubtless, the efficient cause ary scene. Many think that as the narrative makes no was the secret, subduing influence of grace (Proverbs 21. 1), mention in express terms either of sleep, or dream, or which converted Esau from an enemy into a friend. 5. vision, itwas a real transaction; while others, considering Who are those with thee t-It might have been enough the bodily exhaustion of Jacob, his great mental anxiety, to say, They are my children; but Jacob was a pious man, the kind of aid he supplicated, as well as the analogy of and he could not give even a common answer but in the former manifestations with which he was favoured-such language of piety (Psalms 127. 3; 113. 9; 107. 41). 11. He as the ladder-have concluded that it was a vision. [CAL- urged him and he took itL-In the East the acceptance VIN, HESSENBERG, HENGSTENBERG.] The moral design by a superior is a proof of friendship, and by an enemy of of it was to revive the sinking spirit of the patriarch, and reconciliation. It was on both accounts Jacob was so to arm him with confidence in God, while anticipating anxious that his brother should receive the cattle; and in the dreaded scenes of the morrow. To us it is highly Esau's acceptance he had the strongest proofs of a good instructive; showing that, to encourage us valiantly to feeling being established that Eastern notions admit of. meet the trials to which we are subjected, God allows us 12-20. THE PARTING. 12. And he said, Let us take to ascribe to the efficacy of our faith and prayers, the our journey-Esau proposed to accompany Jacob and victories which His grace alone enables us to make. his family through the country, both as a mark of friend26. I will not let thee go, except thou bless me-It is ship and as an escort to guard them. But the proposal evident that Jacob was aware of the character of Him was prudently declined. Jacob did not need any worldly with whom he wrestled; and, believing that'his power, state or equipage. Notwithstanding the present cordialthough by far superior to human, was yet limited by his lty, the brothers were so different in spirit, character, promise to do him good, he determined not to lose the and habits-the one so much a man of the world, and the golden opportunity of securing a blessing. And nothing other a man of God, that there was great risk of somegives God greater pleasure than to see the hearts of his thing occurring to disturb the harmony. Jacob having people firmly adhering to him. 28. Thy name shall be alleged a very reasonable excuse for the tartliness of his called no more Jacob, but Israel-The old name was movements, the brothers parted in peace. 14. until I not to be abandoned; but, referring as it did to a dishon- come unto my Lord-It seems to have been Jacob's in-.35 I7e Dishonour of Dinah. GENESIS XXXIV, XXXV. Jacob Reproeeth Simeon and Lei. tention, passing round the Dead Sea, to visit his brother The sons of Jacob answered-The honour of their family in Seir, and thus, without crossing the Jordan, go to Beer- consisted in having the sign of the covenant. Circumsheba to Isaac; but he changed his plan, and whether the cision was the external rite by which persons were adintention was carried out then or at a future period has anitted members of the ancient Church. But that outnot been recorded. 17. Jacob journleyed to Snccoth- ward rite could not make the Shechemites true Israelites; i.e., booths, that being the first station at which Jacob and yet it does not appear that Jacob's sons required any halted on his arrival in Canaan. I Is posterity, when thing more. Nothing is said of their teaching the people dwelling in houses of stone, built a city there and called to worship the true God, but only of their insisting on it Succoth, to commemorate the fact that their ancestor, their being circumcised; and it is evident that they did "a Syrian ready to perish," was glad to dwell in booths. not seek to convert Shechem, but only made a show of 18. Shalem-i. e., peace; and the meaning may be that religion-a cloak to cover their diabolical design. HypocJacob came into Canaan, arriving safe and sound at the risy and deceit, in all cases vicious, are infinitely more so city Shechem-a tribute to H-im who had promised such a when accompanied with a show of religion; and here the return (cf. ch. 28. 15). But most writers take Shalem as a sons of Jacob, under the pretence of conscientious scruproper name-a city of Shechem, and the site is marked by ples, conceal a scheme of treachery as cruel and diabolical one of the little villages about two miles to the north-east. as was, perhaps, ever perpetrated. 20. Hamor and A little further in the valley below Shechem "he bought a Shechem... came unto the gate of their city-That parcel of a field, where he spread his tent," thus being the was the place where every public communication was first of the patriarchs who became a proprietor of land in made; and in the ready obsequious submission of the peoCanaan. 19. an hundred pieces of money-pieces, lit., pie to this measure we see an evidence either of the extra"lambs;" probably a coin with the figure of a lamb on it. ordinary affection for the governing family, or of the ab20. and he erected... an altar-A beautiful proof of ject despotism of the East, where the will of a chief is an abhis personal piety, a most suitable conclusion to his jour- solute command. 30. Jacob said... Ye have troubled ney, and a lasting memorial of a distinguished favour in me-This atrocious outrage perpetrated on the defencethe name "God, the God of Israel." Wherever we pitch less citizens and their families made the cup of Jacob's a tent God shall have an altar, affliction overflow. We may wonder that, in speaking of it to his sons, he did not represent it as a heinous sin-an C HA P TER XX X I V atrocious violation of the laws of God and man, but dwelt CHP-I A PTE17,RI X * A AIV. solely on the present consequences. It was probably beVer. 1-31. THE DISHONOUR OF DINAH. 1-i. Though cause that was the only view likely to rouse the coldfreed from foreign troubles, Jacob met with a great do- blooded apathy, the hardened consciences of those rufmestic calamity in the fall of his only daughter. Accord- fian sons. Nothing but the restraining power of God ing to Josephus, she had been attending a festival; but it saved him and hisfamily from the united vengeance of is highly probable that she had been often and freely mix- the people (cf. ch. 35.5). All his sons had not been ening in the society of the place, and that being a simple, gaged in the massacre. Joseph was a boy, Benjamin not inexperienced, and vain young woman, had been flat- yet born, and the other eight not concerned in it. Simtered by the attentions of the ruler's son. There must eon and Levi alone, with their retainers, had been the have been time and opportunities of acquaintance to pro- guilty actors in the bloody tragedy. But the Canaanites duce the strong attachment that Shechem had for her. would not be discriminating in their vengeance; and if 5. Jacob held his peace-Jacob, as a father and a good all the Shechemites were put to death for the offence of man, must have been deeply distressed. But he could do their chiefs son, what wonder if the natives should exlittle. In the case of a family by different wives, it is not tend their hatred to all the family of Jacob; and who the father, but the full brothers, on whom the protection probably, equalled, in number, the inhabitants of that of the daughters devolves-they are the guardians of a sis- village. ter's welfare and the avengers of her wrongs. It was for CNAPTER XXXV. this reason that Simeon and Levi, the two brothers of Di- nah by Leah, appear the chief actors in this episode; and Ver. 1-15. REMOVAL TO BETHEL. 1. God said unto though the two fathers would have probably brought Jacob, Arise, &c.-This command was given as seasonabout an amicable arrangement of the affair, the hasty ably in point of time, as tenderly in respect of language. arrival of these enraged brothers introduced a new ele- The disgraceful and perilous events that had recently ment into the negotiations. 6. Hamor-i. e., ass; and it taken place in the patriarch's family must have produced is a striking proof of the very different ideas which, in the in him a strong desire to remove without delay from the East, are associated with that animal, which there appears vicinity of Shechem. Borne down by an overwhelming sprightly, well proportioned, and of great activity. This sense of the criminality of his two sons-of the offence chief is called Emmor (Acts 7. 16). 7. the men were they had given to God, and the dishonour they had grieved, and... very wroth-Good met. na such a case brought on the true faith; distracted, too, with anxiety, could not but grieve; but it would have bee well if their about the probable consequences which their outrage anger had been less, or that they had known the precept might bring upon himself and family, should the Canaan"let not the sun go down upon your wrath." No injury ite people combine to extirpate such a band of robbers and can justify revenge (Deuteronomy 32. 35; Romans 12. 9); murderers; he must have felt this call as affording a great but Jacob's sons planned a scheme of revenge in the most relief to his afflicted feelings. At the same time it condeceitful manner. 8. Hamor commaned with them- veyed a tender rebuke, go up to Bethel-Bethel was The prince and his son seem at first sight to have acted about thirty miles south of Shechem; and was an ascent honestly, and our feelings are enlisted on their side. They from a low to a highland country. There, he would not betray no jealousy of the powerful shepherds; on the con- only be released from the painful associations of the latter trary, show every desire to establish friendly intercourse, place, but be established on a spot that would revive the But their conduct was unjustifiable in neither expressing most delightful and sublime recollections. The pleasure regret nor restoring Dinah to her family; and this great of revisiting it, however, was not altogether unalloyed. error was the true cause of the negotiations ending in so make there an altar unto God, that appeared-It too anhappy a manner. 11. Shechem said unto her father frequently happens that early impressions are effaced.. and brethren-The consideration of the proposal for through lapse of time-that promises made in seasons of marriage belonged to Jacob, and he certainly showed distress, are forgotten; or, If remembered on the return great weakness in yielding so much to the fiery impetu- of health and prosperity, tLere is not the same alacrity osity of his sons. The sequel shows the unhappy conse- and sense of obligation felt to fulfil them. Jacob was lying quences of that concession. 12. Ask me never so much under that charge. He had fallen into spiritual indolence. dowry and gift-The gift refers to the presents made at It was now eight or ten years since his return to Canaan. betrothal, both to the bride elect and her relations (cf. ch. He had effected a comfortable settlement; and had ao. 2i 63) the dowry to a suitable settlement upon her. 13. knowledged the Divine mercies, by which that return and Sb Tgs R1toval to Bethd. GENESIS XXXVI. Death of Isaac. settlement haid been signally distinguished (cf. ch. 33.19). event seems to have taken place before the solemnities But for some unrecorded reason, his early vow at Bethel, were commenced. Deborah-a bee-supposing her to have in a great crisis of his life, remained unperformed. The been fifty years on coming to Canaan, she had attained Lord appeared now to remind him of his neglected duty, the great age of 180. When she was removed from Isaac's in terms, however, so mild, as awakened less the memory household to Jacob's, is unknown. But it probably was of his fault, than of the kindness of his heavenly Guar- on his return from Mesopotamia; and she would have dian; and how much Jacob felt the touching nature of the been of invaluable service to his young family. Old appeal to that memorable scene at Bethel, appears in the nurses, like her, were not only honoured, but loved as Immediate preparations he made to arise and go up mothers; and, accordingly, her death was the occasion of thither (Psalm 66. 13). 2. Then Jacob said uinto his so great lamentation. She was buried under the oakhouseheold... Put asway the strange gods that are hence called "the terebinth of tears" (cf. 1 Kings 13.14). among you-ITebretw, gods of the stranger-of foreign na- God was pleased to make a new appearance to him after tions. Jacob had brought, in his service, a number of the solemn rites of devotion were over. By this manifesMesopotamian retainers, who were addicted to supersti- tation of his presence, God testified his acceptance of tious practices; and there is some reason to fear that the Jacob's sacrifice, renewed the promise of the blessings same high testimony as to the religious superintendence guaranteed to Abraham and Isaac; and the patriarch obof his household could not have been borne of him as was served the ceremony with which he had formerly consedone of Abraham (ch. 18.19). He might have been too crated the place; comprising a sacramental cup, along negligent hitherto in winking at these evils in his ser- with the oil that he poured on the pillar; and reimposing vants; or, perhaps, it was not till his arrival in Canaan, the memorable name. The whole scene was in accordthat he had learnt, for the first time, that one nearer and ance with the character of the patriarchal dispensation, dearer to hin was secretly infected with the same corrup- in which the great truths of religion were exhibited to the tion (cl. 31. 34). Be that as it may, he resolved on an im- senses, and " the world's grey fathers" taught in a manmediate and thorough reformation of his household; and ner suited to the weakness of an infantine condition. in commanding them to put away the strange gods, he 13. God weent up from him —The presence of God was added, " be clean, and change your garments;" as if some indicated in some visible form, and his acceptance of the defilement, from contact with idolatry, should still re- sacrifice shown by the miraculous descent of fire from main about them. In the law of Moses, many ceremonial heaven, consuming it on the altar. purifications were ordained, and observed by persons who 16-27. BIRTH OF BENJAMIN-DEATI- OF RACHEL, &C. had contracted certain defilements, and without the ob- 16. they journeyed from Beth-el-There can be no doub t servance of which, they were reckoned unclean and unfit that much enjoyment was experienced at Bethel, and that to join in the social worship of God. These bodily purifi- in the religious observances solemnized, as well as in the cations were purely figurative; and as sacrifices were vivid recollections of the glorious vision seen there, the offered before the law, so also were external purifications, affections of the patriarch were powerfully animated, and as appears from the words of Jacob; hence it would seem that he left the place a better and more devoted servant that types and symbols were used from the fall of man, of God. When the solemnities were over, Jacob, with his representing and teaching the two great doctrines of re- family, pursued a route directly southward, and they vealed truth-viz., the atonement of Christ, and the sane- reached Ephrath, when they were plunged into mourning tification of our nature. 4. they gave unto Jacob all by the death of Rachel, who sank in child-birth, leaving the strange gods....and earrings-Strange gods-the a posthumous son. A very affecting death, considering Eeraphim (cf. ch. 31.30), as well, perhaps, as other idols got how ardently the mind of Rachel had been set on offamongst the Shechemite spoil-earrings of various forms, spring (cf. ch. 30. 1). 18. She called his name Benl-oi — sizes, and materials, which are universally worn in the The dying mother gave this name to her child, signi ficant East, and, then as now, connected with incantation and of her circumstances; but Jacob changed it into Benjaidolatry (cf. Hosea 2.13). The decided tone which Jacob min. This is thought by some to have been originally now assumed, was the probable cause of the alacrity with Benjamim, "a son of days"-i. e., of old age. But with which those favourite objects of superstition were sur- its present ending it means " son of the right hand" —. e., rendered. Jacob hid them under the oak-or tere- particularly dear and precious. 19. Ephrat.lh, which is bith —a towering tree, which, like all others of the kind, Beth-lehem —The one the old, the other the later name, were striking objects in the scenery of Palestine; and be- signifying A" house of bread." 20. and Jacob set a pillar neath which, at Shechem, the patriarch had pitched his on her grave... unto this day-The spot still marked tent. He hid the images and amulets, delivered to him out as the grave of Rachel exactly agrees with the by his Mesopotamian dependents, at the root of this tree. Scriptural record, being about a mile from Bethlehem. The oak being deemed a consecrated tree, to bury them at Anciently it was surmounted by a pyramid of stones, but its root was to deposit them in a place where no bold hand the present tomb is a Mohammedan erection. 22-26. would venture to disturb the ground; and hence it was Sons of Jacov... born to him in Padan-aranx-It is called from this circumstance-" the plain of Meonenim" a common practice of the sacred historian to say of a —. e., the oak of enchantments (Judges 9. 37); and from company or body of men that which, though true of the the great stone which Joshua set up-"' the oak of the pil- majority, may not be applicable to every individual. See tar" (Judges 9.6). 5. the terror of God wvas upon the Matthew 19. 28; John 20. 24; Hebrews 11. 13. Here is an cities-There was every reason to apprehend that a storm example, for Benjamin was born in Canaan. of indignation would burst from all quarters upon Jacob's 28,29. DEATH OF ISAAC. 29. Isaac gave up the ghost family, and that the Canaanite tribes would have formed -The death of this venerable patriarch is here recorded one united plan of revenge. But a supernatural panic by anticipation, for it did not take place till fifteen years seized them; and thus, for the sake of the "heir of the after Joseph's disappearance. Feeble and blind though promise," the protecting shield of Providence was spe- he was, he lived to a very advanced age; and it is a pleascially held over his family. 6. So Jacob came to Luz... ing evidence of the permanent reconciliation between that is, Bethel-It is probable that this place was unoccu- Esau and Jacob that they met at Mamre to perform the pied ground when Jacob first went to it; and that after funeral rites of their common father. that period (CALvIN], the Canaanites built a town, to which they gave the name of Luz, from the profusion of CHAPTER XXXVI almond tiees that grew around. The name of Bethel, which would, of course, be confined to Jacob and his Ver. 1-43. POSTERITY or ESAU. 1. these are the genfamily, did not supersede the original one, till long after. erations-history of the leading men and events (cf. ch. It is now identified with the modern Beitin, and lies on 2.4). Esau who is Edomn-A name applied to him in the western slope of the mountain on which Abraham reference to the peculiar colour of his skin at birth, renbnilt his altar (Genesis 12.8). 7. El-Beth-el-/. e., the God dered more significant by his inordinate craving for the of Bethel. 8. Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, died-This red pottage, and also by the fierce sanguinary character 37 Parental Partiality. GENESIS XXXVII. The Dreams of Joseph. of his descendants (cf. Ezeklel 25.12; Obadiah 10). 2,3. thee," the usual expression of good wishes amongst Esan took his vives of the daughters of Canaaln- friends and acquaintances. It is deemed a sacred duty to There were three, mentioned under different names; for give all this form of salutation; and the withholding of it is evident that Bashemath is the same as Mahalath (ch. it is an unmistakeable sign of dislike or secret hostility. 28. 9), since they both stand in the relation of daughter to The habitual refusal of Joseph's brethren, therefore, to Ishmael and sister to Nebajoth; and hence it may be in- meet him with "the salaam," showed how ill-disposed ferred that Adah is the same as Judith, Aholibamah as they were towards him. It is very natural in parents to Bathsemath (ch. 26. 34). It was not unusual for women, in love the youngest, and feel partial to those who excel in that early age, to have two names, as Sarai was also Iscah; talents or amiableness. But in a family constituted as and this is the more probable in the case of Esau's wives, Jacob's-many children by different mothers-he showed who of course would have to take new names when they great and criminal indiscretion. went from Canaan to settle in mount Seir. 6, 7. ]Esan 5-36. THE DREA3S OF JOSEPH. 5. Joseph dreamed a... went into the country from the face of his brother dream-Dreams in ancient times were much attended Jacob-lit., a country, without any certain prospect of a to, and hence the dream of Joseph, though but a mere settlement. The design of this historical sketch of Esau boy, engaged the serious consideration of his family. But and his family is to show how the promise (ch. 27.39,40) this dream was evidently symbolical. The meaning was was fulfilled. In temporal prosperity he far exceeds his easily discerned, and, from its being repeated under difbrother; and it is remarkable that, in the overruling ferent emblems, the fulfilment was considered certain providence of God, the vast increase of his worldly sub- (cf. ch. 41.32)-whence it was that "his brethren envied stance was the occasion of his leaving Canaan, and thus him, but his father observed the saying." 12. his brethnaking way for the return of Jacob. 8. Thus dwelt reln went to feed their father's flock in Shechem-The Esau1n in mount Seir-This was Divinely assigned as his vale of Shechem was, from the earliest mention of Canaan, possession (Joshua 24.4; Deuteronomy 2.5). 15-19. dulkes blest with extraordinary abundance of water. Therefore -The Edomites, like the Israelites, were divided into did the sons of Jacob go from Hebron to this place, thongh tribes, which took their names from his sons. The head it must have cost them near twenty hours' travellingof each tribe was called by a term which in our version is i. e., at the shepherd rate, a little more thaf fifty miles. rendered duke-not of the high rank and wealth of a But the herbage there is so rich and nutritious, that they British peer, but like the sheicks or emirs of the modern thought it well worth the pains of so long a journey, to East, or the chieftains of our highland clans. Fourteen the neglect of the grazing district of Iebron. [VAN D1 are mentioned who flourished contemporaneously. 20- VELDE.] 13-17. Israel said,... Do not thy brethren 30. Sons of Seir, the orite-native dukes, who were feed the flock in Shechemn -Anxious to learn how his incorporated with those of the Edomite race. 24. This sons were doing in their distant encampment, Jacob dewas that Alnah that found the mules-The word spatched Joseph; and the youth accepting the mission "mules" is, in several ancient versions, rendered "water with alacrity, left the vale of Hebron-sought themn at springs;" and this discovery of some remarkable foun- Shechem-heard of them from a man in "the field," the tain was sufficient, among a wandering or pastoral people, wide and richly-cultivated plain of Esdraelon-and found to entitle him to such a distinguishing notice. 31-39. that they had left that neighbourhood for Dothan, probkings of Edomn-The royal power was not built on the ably being compelled by the detestation in which, from ruins of the dukedoms, but existed at the same time. the horrid massacre, their name was held. Joseph went 40-43. Recapitulation of the dukes according to their after his brethren, and found thnem in. Dothan —tleresidences. brew, Dothaim, or "two wells," recently discovered in CH T A P T ERn XX XVIVIT the modern " Dotan," situated a few hours' distance from CHAPTERiD, iI il~. * Shechem. 18. vwhen they saw him afar off-on the Ver. 1-4. PARENTAL PARTIALITY. 1. Jacob dwelt in level grass-field, where they were watching their cattle. the land wherein his father was a stranger —. e., so- they could perceive him approaching in the distance journer: father used collectively. The patriarch was at from the side of Shechem, or rather Samaria. 19. Bethis time at Mamre, in the valley of Hebron (cf. ch. 35.27); old, thllis dreamer cometh —lit., "master of dreams"and his dwelling there was continued in the same man- a bitterly ironical sneer. Dreams being considered sugner, and prompted by the same motives as that of Abra- gestions from above, to make false pretensions to having ham and Isaac (Hebrews 11. 13). 2. generationLs-leading received one was detested as a species of blasphemy, and occurrences, in the domestic history of Jacob, as shown in in this light Joseph was regarded by his brethren as an the narrative about to be commenced. Joseph... was artful pretender. They already began to form a plot for feeding the flock-lit., Joseph being seventeen years old his assassination, from which he was rescued only by the was a shepherd over the flock-he a lad, with the sons of address of Reuben, who suggested that he should rather Bilhah and Zilpah. Oversight or superintendence is evi- be cast into one of the wells, which are, and probably dently implied. This post of chief shepherd in the party were, completely dried up in summer. 23. they stripped might be assigned him either from his being the son of a Joseph ont of his coat... of many colours-Imagine principal wile, or from his own superior qualities of cha- him advancing in all the unsuspecting openness of racter; and if invested with this office, he acted not as a brotherly affection. How astonished and terrified must gossiping tell-tale, but as a "faithful steward" in report- he have been at the cold reception, the ferocious aspect, ing the scandalous conduct of his brethren. 3. son of the rough usage of his unnatural assailants! A vivid his old age-Benjamin being younger, was more the son picture of his state of agony and despair was afterwards of his old age, and consequently on that ground might drawn by themselves (ef. ch. 42. 21). 25. they sat down have been expected to be the favourite. Literally ren- to eat bread-What a view does this exhibit of those dered, it is "son of old age to him" —Iebrew phrase, for "a hardened profligates! Their common share in this conwise son"-one who possessed observation and wisdom spiracy is not the only dismal feature in the story. The above his years-an old head on young shoulders, madle rapidity, the almost instantaneous manner in which the himn a coat of many colours-formed in those early days proposal was followed by their joint resolution, and the by sewing together patches of coloured cloth, and con- cool indifference, or rather the fiendish satisfaction, with sidered a dress of distinction (Judges 5. 30; 2 Samuel 13. which they sat down to regale themselves is astonishing. 18). The passion for various colours still reigns amongst It is impossible that mere envy at his dreams, his gaudy the Arabs and other people of the East, who are fond of dress, or the doating partiality of their common father, dressing their children in this gaudy attire. But since could have goaded them on to such a pitch of frenzied the art of interweaving various patterns was introduced, resentment, or confirmed them in such consummate " the coats of colours" are different now from what they wickedness. Their hatred to Joseph must have had a far seem to have been in patriarchal times, and bear a close deeper seat-must have been produced by dislike to his resemblance to the varieties of tartan. 4. could not piety and other excellencies, which made his character speak peaceably unto him-did not say "peace be to and conduct a constant censure upon theirs, and on ac38 Joseph Sold by his Brethren. GENESIS XXXVIII, XXXIX. Joseph in Potphar's Itoue. count of which they found that they could never be at the government of a supreme and all-wise Disposer. 34. ease till they had rid themselves of his hated presence. Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his This was the true solution of the mystery, just as it was loins-the common signs of Oriental mourning. A rent ill the case of Cain (1 John 3.12). they lifted up their is made in the skirt more or less long according to the eyes,... and, behold, a company of Ishmaelites- afflicted feelings of the mourner, and a coarse rough piece they are called Midianites (v. 28), and Medanites, Hebrew of black sackcloth or camel's hair cloth is wound round (v. 35), being a travelling caravan composed of a mixed the waist. 35. and he said, For I will go dovwn into association of Arabians. Those tribes of Northern Arabia the grave unto my son-not the earth, for Joseph was had already addicted themselves to commerce, and long supposed. to be torn in pieces, but the unknown placedid they enjoy a monopoly, the carrying trade being the place of departed souls, where Jacob expected at death entirely in their hands. Their approach could easily be to meet his beloved son. seen; for as their road, after crossing the ford from the transjordanic district, led along the south side of the C APT ER X XVIII mountains of Gilboa, a party seated on the plain of Dothan could trace them and their string of camels in Ver. 1-30. JUDAIT AND FAMILY. 1. at that time-a the distance as they proceeded through the broad and formula frequently used by the sacred writers, not to gently-sloping valley that intervenes. Trading in the describe any precise period, butan interval near about it. produce of Arabia and India, they were in the regular 2. Judah sav there a daughter of a certain Cainaanite course of traffic on their way to Egypt: and the chief -Like Esau, this son of Jacob, casting off the restraints articles of commerce in which this clan dealt, were of religion, married into a Canaanite family; and it is not "spicery" from India, i. e., a species of resinous gum, surprising that the family which sprang from such an called storax, "balm of Gilead," the juice of the balsam unsuitable connexion should be infamous for bold and tree, a native of Arabia-Felix, and "myrrh," an Arabic unblushing wickedness. 8. Judlah said un to Onan... gum of a strong fragrant smell. For these articles there marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother-The first must have been an enormous demand in Egypt, as they instance of a custom' which was afterwards incorporated were constantly used in the process of embalmment. 26- amongst the laws of Moses, that when a husband died 28. Jadahl said,... what profit is it if we slay our leaving a widow. his brother next of age was to marry brother — The sight of these travelling merchants gave her, and the issue, if any, was to be served heir to the a sudden turn to the views of the conspirators; for having deceased (cf. Deuteronomy 25. 5). 12. Judah... went no wish to commit a greater degree of crime than was up unto his sheep-shearers-This season, which occurs necessary for the accomplishment of their end, they in Palestine towards the end of March, was spent in more readily approved of Judah's suggestion to dispose of than usual hilarity, and the wealthier masters invited their obnoxious brother as a slave. The proposal, of their friends, as well as treated their servants, to sumptucourse, was founded on their knowledge that the Arabian ous entertainments. Accordingly, it is said, Judah was merchants trafficked in slaves; and there is the clearest accompanied by his friend Hirah. Timnathl-in the evidence furnished by the monuments of Egypt, that the mountains of Judah. 18. signet, &c.-bracelets, including traders who were in the habit of bringing slaves from armlets, were worn by men as well as women among the the countries through which they passed, found a ready Hebrews. But the Hebrew word here rendered bracelets, market in the cities of the Nile. they... lifted up is everywhere else translated "lace" or "ribbon;" so that Joseph out of the pit, and sold him-Acting impul- as the signet alone was probably more than an equivalent sively on Judah's advice, they had their poor victim for the kid, it is not easy to conjecture why the other ready by the time the merchants reached; and money things were given in addition, except by supposing the being no part of their object, they sold him for "twenty perforated seal was attached by a. ribbon to the staff. pieces of silver." The money was probably in rings or 24. Bring her forth, and let her be burnt —In patripieces (shekels), and silver is always mentioned inithe archal times fathers seem to have possessed the power of records of that early age before gold, on account of its life and death over the members of their families. The rarity. The whole sum, if in shekel weight, did not ex- critle of adultery was anciently punished in many places ceed ~3. they brought Joseph into Egypt-There were by burning (Leviticus 21. 9; Judges 15. 6; Jeremiah 29. 22). two routes to Egypt-the one was overland by Hebron, This chapter contains details which probably would where Jacob dwelt, and by taking which, the fate of his never have obtained a place in the inspired record, had hapless son would likely have reached the paternal ears; it not been to exhibit the full links of the chain that conthe other was directly westward across the country from nects the genealogy of the Saviour with Abraham; and in Dothan to the maritime coast, and in this, the safest and the disreputable character of the ancestry who figure in most expeditious way, the merchants carried Joseph to this passage, we have a remarkable proof that "He mado Egypt. Thus, did an overruling Providence lead this himself of no reputation." murderous conclave of brothers, as well as the slavemerchants,-both following their own free courses, to be Cn A PT E X X X parties in an act by which He was to work out, in a mar- CI AI X. vellous manner, the great purposes of His wisdom and Ver. 1-23. JOSEPH IN POTIPIHAR'S HOuSE. 1. Potiphar goodness towards His ancient Church and people. 29, -This name, Potiphar, signifies one "devoted to the sun," 30. Reuben returned unto the pit-lie seems to have the local deity of On or Heliopolis,-a circumstance which designedly taken a circuitous route, with a view of fixes the place of his residence in the Delta, the district secretly rescuing the poor lad from a lingering death by of Egypt bordering on Canaan. officer-lit., prince of starvation. His intentions were excellent, and his feel- Pharaoh-i. e., in the service of government. captain of ings no doubt painfully lacerated, when he discovered the guard-The import of the original term has been what had been done in his absence. But the thing was variously interpreted, some considering it means "chief of God, who had designed that Joseph's deliverance cook," others, "chief inspector of plantations;" but that should be accomplished by other means than his. 31-33. which seems best founded is "chief of the executioners," they took Joseph's coat-the commission of one sin "head of the police," the same as the captain of the necessarily leads to another to conceal it; and the scheme watch, the zabut of modern Egypt. [WILKINSON.] bought of deception which the sons of Jacob planned and prac- him... of the Ishmaelites-The age, appearance, and tised on their aged father was a necessary consequence intelligence of the Hebrew slave would soon make him be of the atrocious crime they had perpetrated. What a picked up in the market. But the unseen, unfelt influwonder that their cruel sneer, " thy son's coat," and their ence of the great Disposer drew the attention of Potiphar forced efforts to comfort him, did not awaken suspicion! towards him, in order that in the house of one so closely But extreme grief, like every other passion, is blind, and connected with the court, he might receive that previous Jacob, great as his affliction was, did allow himself to in- training which was necessary for the high office he was dulge his sorrow more than became one who believed in destined to fill, and in the school of adversity learn the Joseph Cast into Prison. GENESIS XL. The Butler's Dream lessons of practical wisdom that were to be of greatest tacle of state criminals; and, therefore, it may be preutility and importance in his future career. Thus it is, sumed that more than ordinary strictness and vigilance that when God has any important work to be done, He were exercised over the prisoners. In general, however, always prepares fitting agents to accomplish it.. le the Egyptian, like other Oriental prisons, were used solely was in the house of his nmaster-Those slaves who had for the purposes of detention. Accused persons were cast been war captives were generally sent to labour in the into them until the charges against them could be invesfield, and subjected to hard treatment under the "stick " tigated; and though the jailer was responsible for the apof taskmasters. But those who were bought with money pearance of those placed under his custody, yet, provided were employed in domestic purposes, were kindly treated, they were produced when called, he was never interroand enjoyed as much liberty as the same class does in gated as to the way in which he had kept them. 21-23. modern Egypt. 3. his master saw that the Lord was The Lord... gave him favour in the sight of the with him-Though changed in condition, Joseph was keeper of the prison, &c. It is highly probable,from the not changed in spirit; though stripped of the gaudy coat situation of this prison (ch. 40. 3), that the keeper might that had adorned his person, he had not lost the moral have been previously acquainted with Joseph, and have graces that distinguished his character; though separated had access to know his innocence of the crime laid to his from his father on earth, he still lived in communion charge, as well as with all the high integrity of his with his Father in heaven; though in the house of an character. That may partly account for his showing so idolater, he continued a worshipper of the true God. much kindness and confidence to his prisoner. But there 5. the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's was a higher influence at work; for "the Lord was with sake, &c.-It might be-it probably was that a special, a Joseph, and that which he did, the Lord made it to miraculous blessing was poured out on a youth, who so prosper." faithfully and zealously served God amid all the disad- vantages of his place. But it may be useful to remark CHAPTER XL. that such a blessing usually follows in the ordinary course Ver. -8. Two STATE PRISONERS. 1. the butler-not of things; and the most worldly unprincipled masters only the cup-bearer, but overseer of the royal vineyards, always admire and respect religion in a servant when as well as the cellars; having, probably, some hundreds they see that profession supported by conscientious prin- of people under him. baker —or cook, had the superinciple and a consistent life. made him overseer in his tendence of every thing relating to the providing and house-We do not know in what capacity Joseph entered preparing of meats for the royal table. Both officers, esinto the service of Potiphar; but the observant eye of his pecially the former, were, in ancient Egypt, always permaster soon discovered his superior qualities, and made sons of great rank and importance; and from the confihim his chief, his confidential servant (cf. Ephesians 6. 7; dential nature of their employment, as well as their acColossians 3. 23). The advancement of domestic slaves is cess to the royal presence, they were, generally, the not uncommon, and it is considered a great disgrace not highest nobles or princes of the blood. 3. Pharaoh put to raise one who has been a year or two in the family. them in ward, &c.-Whatever was their crime, they But this extraordinary advancement of Joseph was the were committed-until their case could be investigated-to doing of the Lord, though on the part of Potiphar it was the custody of the captain of the guard, i. e., Potiphar, in the consequence of observing the astonishing prosperity an outer part of whose house the royal prison was situathat attended him in all that he did. 7. his master's ted. 4. The captain of the guard charged Joseph wife cast her eyes upon Joseph-Egyptian women were with them-not the keeper, though he was most favouranot kept in the same secluded manner as females are in bly disposed; but Potiphar himself, who, it would seem, most Oriental countries now. They were treated in a was by this time satisfied of the perfect innocence of the manner more worthy of a civilized people —in fact, en- young Hebrew, though, probably, to prevent the exposure joyed as much freedom both at home and abroad as ladies of his family, he deemed it prudent to detain him in condo in Britain. Hence Potiphar's wife had constant oppor- finement (see Psalm 37.5). They continued a season iln tunity of meeting Joseph. But the ancient women of ward-Eit., days, how. long, is uncertain; but as they were Egypt were very loose in their morals. Intrigues and called to account on the king's birthday, it has been supintemperance were vices very prevalent amongst the sex, posed that their offence had been committed on the preas the monuments too plainly attest. [WILKINSON.] ceding anniversary. [CALVIN.] 5-8. they dreamed a Potiphar's wife was probably not worse than many of the dream-Joseph, influenced by the spirit of true religion, same rank, and her infamous advances made to Joseph could feel for others (Ecclesiastes 4.1; Romans 12.15; Philarose from her superiority of station. 9. How then can ippians 2.4). Observing them oneday extremely depressed, I do this great wickedness, and sin against God -- he inquired the cause of their melancholy; and being in-.This remonstrance, when all inferior arguments had formed it was owing to a dream they had respectively failed, embodied the true principle of moral purity-a dreamed during the previous night, after piously directprinciple always sufficient where it exists, and alone suffi- ing them to God (Daniel 2.30; Isaiah 26.10), he volen teered cient. 14. Then she called unto the men of her house to aid them, through the Divine help, in discovering the -Disappointed and affronted, she vowed revenge, and import of their vision. The influence of Providence must accused Joseph, first to the servants of the house, and on be seen in the remarkable fact of both officers dreaming his return to her lord. See, he hath brought in an He- such dreams in one night. He moveth the spirits of men. brew... to mock us-an affected and blind aspersion 9-15. THE BUTLER'S DREAM. 9. In my dreatm, beof her husband for keeping in his house an Hebrew, the hold, a vine was before me-The visionary scene devery abomination of Egyptians. 20. Joseph's master scribed, seems to represent the king as abroad, taking took him and put him into the prison-the round exercise, and attended by his butler, who gave him a coolhouse, from the form of its construction, usually attached ing draught. On all occasions, the kings of ancient Egypt to the dwelling of such an officer as Potiphar. It was were required to practise temperance in the use of wine partly a subterranean dungeon (ch. 41. 14), though the [WILKINSON]; but in this scene, it is a prepared beverage brick-built walls rose considerably above the surface of he is drinking, probably the sherbet of the present day. the ground, and were surmounted by a vaulted roof some- Every thing was done in the king's presence-the cup what in the form of an inverted bowl. Into such a dun- was washed, the juice of the grapes pressed into it; and geon Potiphar, in the first ebullition of rage, threw Joseph, it was then handed to him-not grasped; but lightly and ordered him to be subjected further to as great harsh- resting on the tips of the fingers. 1a-15. Joseph said, ness of treatment (Psalm 105.18) as he durst; for the power... This is the interpretation-Speaking as an inspired of masters over their slaves was very properly restrained interpreter, he told the butler that within three days he by law, and the murder of a slave was a capital crime. a would be restored to all the honours and privileges of his place where the king's prisoners were bound-Though office; and while making that joyful announcement, prisons seem to have been an inseparable appendage of earnestly bespoke the officer's influence for his own llbthe palaces, this was not a common jail-it was the recep- eration. Nothing has hitherto met us in the record indic40 The Baker's Dream. GENESIS X^, Pharaoh's Dream. ative of Joseph's feelings; but this earnest appeal reveals had determined that they should all be nonplussed in a sadness and impatient longing for release, which not all the exercise of their boasted powers, in order that the inhis piety and faith in God could dispel. spired wisdom of Joseph might the more remarkably ap16-23. THE BAKER'S DREAM. 16. I had three white pear. 9-13. then spake the chief butler unto Phiaraol, baskets-The circumstances mentioned exactly describe saying, I do remember my faults-This public acknowhis duties, which, notwithstanding numerous assistants, ledgment of' the merits of the young Hebrew would, he performed with his own hands. white-lit., full of tardy though it was, have reflected credit on the butler holes-i. e., wicker baskets. The meats were carried to had it not been obviously made to ingratiate himself with table upon the head in three baskets, one piled upon the his royal master. It is right to confess our faults against other; and in the uppermost, the bakemeats. And in God, and against our fellow-men, when that confession is crossing the open courts, from the kitchen to the dining- made in the spirit of godly sorrow and penitence. But rooms, the abstraction of the viands by a vulture, eagle, this man was not much impressed with a sense of the ibis, or other rapacious bird, was a frequent occurrence in fault he had committed against Joseph; he never thought the palaces of Egypt, as it is an every-day incident in of God, to whose goodness he was indebted for the prothe hot countries of the East still. The risk from these phetic announcement of his release, and in acknowledgcarnivorous birds was the greater in the cities of Egypt, ing his former fault against the king, he was practising that being held sacred, it was unlawful to destroy them; the courtly art of pleasing his master. 14. Then and they swarmed in such numbers, as to be a great an- Pharaoh sent and called Joseph-Now that God's set noyance to the people. 18, 19. Joseph answered and time had come (Psalm 105.19), no human power nor policy said, This is the interpretation-The purport was that, could detain Joseph in prison. During his protracted in three days, his execution should be ordered. The lan- confinement, he might have often been distressed with guage of Joseph describes minutely one form of capital perplexing doubts; but the mystery of Providence was punishment that prevailed in Egypt-viz., that the crim- about to be cleared up, and all his sorrows forgotten in the inal was decapitated, and then his headless body gib- course of honour and public usefulness in which his serbeted on a tree by.the highway, till it was gradually de- vices were to be employed. shaved himself-The Egypvoured by the ravenous birds. 20-22. it came to pass tians were the only Oriental nation that liked a smooth the third day, which was Pharohls birthday-This chin. All slaves and foreigners who were reduced to that was a holiday season, celebrated at court with great mag- condition, were obliged, on their arrival in that country, nificence and honoured by a free pardon to prisoners. to conform to the cleanly habits of the natives, by shavAccordingly, the issue happened to the butler and baker, ing their beards and heads, the latter of which were covas Joseph had foretold. Doubtless, he felt it painful to ered with a close cap. Thus prepared, Joseph was concommunicate such dismal tidings to the baker; but he ducted to the palace, where the king seemed to have been could not help announcing what God had revealed to anxiouslywaiting his arrival. 15,16. Pharaohsaid,... him; and it was for the honour of the true God that he I have dreamed a dream-The king's brief statement of should speak plainly. 23. yet did not the chief butler the service required, brought out the genuine piety of remember Joseph-This was human nature. How prone Joseph; disclaiming all merit, he ascribed whatever gifts are men to forget and neglect in prosperity, those who or sagacity he possessed to the Divine source of all wishave been their companions in adversity (Amos 6.6)! But dom-declared his own inability to penetrate futurity; although reflecting no credit on the butler, it was wisely but, at the same time, his confident persuasion that God ordered in the providence of God that he should forget would reveal what was necessary to be known. 17. him. The Divine purposes required that Joseph should ob- Pharaoh said, In my dream, behold, I stood upon the tain his deliverance in another way, and by other means. banl of the river-The dreams were purely Egyptianfounded on the productions of that country, and the ex-CEA PT ER XLI. perience of a native. The fertility of Egypt being wholly dependent on the Nile, the scene is laid on the banks of Ver. 1-24. PHARAOH'S DREAM. 1. at the end of two that river; and oxen being in the ancient hieroglyphics full years-It is not certain whether these years are reck- symbolical of the earth and of food, animals of that speoned from the beginning of Joseph's imprisonment, or cies were introduced in the first dream. 18. there came from the events described in the preceding chapter-most up out of the river seven kine-Cows now, of the buflikely the latter. What a long time for Joseph to expe- falo kind, are seen daily plunging into the Nile; when rience the sickness of hope deferred! But the time of his their huge form is gradually emerging, they seem as if enlargement was come when he had sufficiently learned rising " out of the river." and they fed in a Imeadowthe lessons of God designed for him; and the plans of Nile grass; the aquatic plants that grow on the marshy Providence were matured. Pharaoh dreamed-Pharaoh, banks of that river, particularly the lotus kind, on which from an Egyptian word Phre, signifying the "sun," was cattle were usually fattened. 19. behold, seven other the official title of the kings of that country. The prince, kine... poor and ill-favoured -The cow being the who occupied the throne of Egypt, was Aphophis, one of emblem of fruitfulness, the different years of plenty and the Memphite kings, whose capital was On or Heliopolis; of famine were aptly represented by the different condiand who is universally acknowledged to have been a pa- tion of those kine-the plenty, by the cattle feeding on the triot king. Between the arrival of Abraham and the ap- richest fodder; and the dearth, by the lean and famishing pearance of Joseph in that country, somewhat more than kine, which the pangs of hunger drove to act contrary to two centuries had elapsed. Kings sleep and dream, as their nature. 22. I saw in my dream, and, behold, well as their subjects. And this Pharaoh had two dreams seven ears-that is, of Egyptian wheat, which, when in one night so singular and so similar, so distinct and so "full and good," is remarkable in size-a single seed apparently significant, so coherent and vividly impressed sprouting into seven, ten, or fourteen stalks-and each on his memory, that his spirit was troubled. 8. he called stalk bearing an ear. 23. blasted with the east windfor all the magicians of Egypt-It is not possible to de- destructive every where to grain, but particularly so in fine the exact distinction between "magicians and wise Egypt; where, sweeping over the sandy deserts of Arabia, men;" but they formed different branches of a numerous it comes in the character of a hot, blighting wind, that body, who laid claim to supernatural skill in occult arts quickly withers all vegetation (cf. Ezekiel 19.12; Hosea and sciences; in revealing mysteries, explaining portents; 13.15). 24. the thin ears devoured the seven good ears and, above all, interpreting dreams. Long practice had -devoured is a different word from that used v. 4, and conrendered them expert in devising a plausible way of get- veys the idea of destroying, by absorbing to themselves ting out of every difficulty, and framing an answer suit- all the nutritious Virtue of the soil around them. able to the occasion. But the dreams of Pharaoh baffled 25-36. JOSEPH INTERPRETS PHARAOH'S DREAMS. 25. their united skill. Unlike their Assyrian brethren (Dan- Joseph said,... The dream... is one-They both iel 2.4) they did not pretend to know the meaning of the pointed to the same event-a remarkable dispensation of symbols contained in them, and the providence of God seven years of unexampled abundance, to be followed by 41 Joseph made Ruler of Egypt. GENESIS XLII. Journey into Egypt. a similar period of unparalleled dearth. The repetition he would humbly yet thankfully acknowledge the hand of the dream in two different forms was designed to show of a special Providence in conducting him through all the absolute certainty and speedy arrival of this public his chequered course to almost royal power; and we, who crisis; the interpretation was accompanied by several know more than Joseph did, cannot only see that his suggestions of practical wisdom for meeting so great an advancement was subservient to the most important puremergency as was impending. 33. Now therefore let poses relative to the Church of God, but learn the great Pharaoh look out a man-The explanation given, when lesson that a Providence directs the minutest events of the key to the dreams was supplied, appears to have been human life. 46. Joseph wras thirty years old, awhen satisfactory to the king and his courtiers; and we may he stood before Pharaoh —seventeen when brought into suppose that much and anxious conversation would arise, Egypt, probably three in prison, and thirteen in the in the course of which Joseph might have been asked service of Potiphar. wvent out... all the landl-made whether he had any thing further to say. No doubt the an immediate survey, to determine the site and size of providence of God provided the opportunity of his sug- the storehouses required for the different quarters of the gesting what was necessary. 34:. and let hint appoint country. 47. the earth brought forth by handfuls-a officers over the land-overseers, equivalent to the beys singular expression, alluding not only to the luxuriance of modern Egypt. take up the fifth part of the land- of the crop, but the practice of the reapers grasping the i. e., of the land produce; to be purchased and stored by ears, which alone were cut. 48. he gathered up all the government, instead of being sold to foreign corn mer- food of the seven years-It gives a striking idea of the chants. exuberant fertility of this land, that, from the super37-57. JOSEPH MADE RULER OF EGYPT. 38. Pharaoh abundance of the seven plenteous years, corn enough was said unto his servants-The kings of ancient Egypt laid up for the subsistence, not only of its home populawere assisted in the management of state affairs by the tion, but of the neighbouring countries, during the seven advice of the most distinguished members of the priestly years of dearth. 50-52. unto Joseph vwere bornl two order; and, accordingly, before admitting Joseph to the sons-These domestic events, which increased his temnew and extraordinary office that was to be created, those poral happiness, develop the piety of his character in the ministers were consulted as to the expediency and pro- names conferred upon his children. 53 —56. The seven priety of the appointment. a man in whom the Spirit years of plenteousness... ended-Over and above the of God is-An acknowledgment of the being and power proportion purchased for the government during the of the true God, though faint and feeble, continued to years of plenty, the people could still have husbanded linger amongst the higher classes long after idolatry had much for future use. But improvident as men commonly come to prevail. 40. Thou shalt be over my house- are in the time of prosperity, they found themselves in This sudden change in the condition of a man who had want, and must have starved in thousands had not Joseph just been taken out of prison, could take place nowhere, anticipated and provided for the protracted calamity. 57. except in Egypt. In ancient as well as modern times, The famine was sore in all lands-i. e., the lands conslaves have often risen to be its rulers. But the special tiguous to Egypt-Canaan, Syria, and Arabia. providence of God had determined to make Joseph governor of Egypt; and the way was paved for it by the deep CHAPTET XLII. and universal conviction produced in the minds both of the king and his councillors, that a Divine spirit ani- Ver. 1-38. JOURNEY INTO EGYPT. 1. Now wlhen Jacob mated his mind, and had given him such extraordinary saw tlat there was corn in Egypt-learned from cornknowledge. according unto thy word shall all my mon rumour. It is evident, from Jacob's language, that people be ruled-lit., kiss. This refers to the edict grant- his own and his sons' families had suffered greatly from ing official power to Joseph, to be issued in the form of a the scarcity; and through the increasing severity of the firman, as in all Oriental countries; and all who should scourge, those men, who had formerly shown both acreceive that'order would kiss it, according to the usual tivity and spirit, were sinking into despondency. God Eastern mode of acknowledging obedience and respect would not interpose miraculously when natural means for the sovereign. [WILKINSON.] 41. Pharaoh said,... of preservation were within reach. 5. the famine was Sec, I have set thee over all the land-These words in the land of Canaanl-The tropical rains, which anwere preliminary to investiture with the insignia of nually falling swell the Nile, are those of Palestine also; office, which were these-the signet ring, used for signing and their failure would produce the same disastrous public documents, and its impression was more valid effects in Canaan as in Egypt. Numerous caravans of its than the sign-manual of the king; the khelaat or dress people, therefore, poured over the sandy desert of Suez, of honour, a coat of finely wrought linen, or rather with their beasts of burden, for the purchase of corn; cotton, worn only by the highest personages; the gold and amongst others, "the sons of Israel" were compelled necklace, a badge of rank-the plain or ornamental form to undertake a journey from which painful associations of it indicating the degree of rank and dignity; the privi- made them strongly averse. 6. Joseph was the govlege of riding in a state carriage, the second chariot; and ernor-in the zenith of his power and influence. he it lastly-43. they cried before him, Bow the kne was that sold-i. e., directed the sales; for it is impossible abrech, an Egyptian term; not referring to prostration, that he could give attendance in every place. It is probbut signifying, according to some, "father" (cf. ch. 45. 8); able, however, that he may have personally superinaccording to others, "native prince"-i.e., proclaimed tended the storehouses near the border of Canaan, both him naturalized, in order to remove all popular dislike because that was the most exposed part of the country, to him as a foreigner. 44. These ceremonies of investi- and because he must have anticipated the arrival of ture were closed in usual form by the king in council some messengers from his father's house. Joseph's solemnly ratifying the appointment. I am Pharaoh, brethren came, and bowed down themselves before and without thee, &c.-a proverbial mode of expression him-His prophetic dreams were in the course of being for great power. 45. Zaphnat aaahpaneahvariously in- fulfilled, and the atrocious barbarity of his brethrei terpreted, "revealer of secrets;" "saviour of the land;" had been the means of bringing about the very issue and from the hieroglyphics, "a wise man fleeing from they had planned to prevent (Isaiah 60.1-1; Revelation pollution"-i. e., adultery. gave him to wife Asenath, 3.9, last clause). 7, 8. Joseph saw his brethren, and the daughter of-His naturalization was completed by he knew them,... but they knewv not him-this is this alliance with a family of high distinction. On being not wonderful. They were full-grown men-he was but founded by an Arab colony, Poti-pherah, like Jethro, a lad at parting. They were in their usual garb-he was priest of Midian, might beaworshipper of the true God; in his official robes. They never dreamt of him as and thus Joseph, a pious man, will be freed from the governor of Egypt, while he had been expecting them. charge of marrying an idolatress for worldly ends. On- They had but one face-he had ten persons to judge called Aven (Ezekiel 30.17), and also Beth-shemesh (Jere- by. made himself strange unto them, and spake miah 43.13). In looking at this profusion of honours roughly-It would be an injustice to Joseph's character heaped suddenly upon Joseph, it cannot be doubted that to suppose that this stern manner was prompted by any 42 PLANTS MENTTIONED IN THE SCRIPTURES..PISTACHIO TREE AND NUT. Gen. xlii. 11. BALSAM OF (ILEAD (Armyris Gileadevsis. Genu, xxxvii 2a6MYRTLE, 3PYRRH, Us. l. 13 Exz;xxx 23 POPLAR. GeS. xsX. 37v Joseph's Brethren come to buy Corn. GENESIS XLIII. Their Second Arrival in Egypt. vindictive feelings-he never indulged any resentment little food-It was no easy matter to bring Jacob to agree against others who had injured him. But he spoke in the to the only conditions on which his sons could return to authoritative tone of the governor in order to elicit some Egypt (ch. 42. 15). The necessity of immediately procurmuch longed-for intelligence respecting the state of his ing fresh supplies for the maintenance of themselves and father's family, as well as to bring his brethren, by their their families overcame every other consideration, and own humiliation and distress, to a sense of the evils they extorted his consent to Benjamin joining in a journey, had done to him. 9-14;. Ye are spies-this is a suspicion which his sons entered on with mingled feelings of hope entertained regarding strangers in all Eastern countries and anxiety-of hope, because having now complied with down to the present day. Joseph, however, who was well the governor's demand to bring down their youngest aware that his brethren were not spies, has been charged brother, they flattered themselves that the alleged ground with cruel dissimulation, with a deliberate violation of of suspecting them would be removed; and of apprehenwhat he knew to be the truth, in imputing to them such sion, that some ill designs were meditated against them. a character. But it must be remembered that he was sus- 11. take of the best fruits... a present-It is an Oritaining the part of a ruler; and, in fact, acting on the very ental practice never to approach a man of power without principle sanctioned by many of the sacred writers, and a present, and Jacob might remember how he pacified his our Lord himself, who spoke parables (fictitious stories) brother (Proverbs 21. 14)-balm, spices, and myrrh (ch. 37. to promote a good end. 15. By the life of Pharaoh-It 25), honey, which some think was dibs, a syrup made from is a very common practice in Western Asia to swear by ripe dates [BOCIIART]; but others, the honey of Hebron, the life of the king. Joseph spoke in the style of an Egyp- which is still valued as far superior to that of Egypt; tian, and perhaps did not think there was any evil in it. nuts, pistachio nuts, of which Syria grows the best in the But we are taught to regard all such expressions in the world; almonds, which were most abundant in Palestine. sight of an oath (Matthew 5. 34; James 5. 12). 17-241. pit 12. take double money-the first sum to be returned, them... into ward three days-Their confinement had and another sum for a new supply. The restored money been designed to bring them to salutary reflection. And in the sacks' mouth was a perplexing circumstance. But this object was attained, for they looked upon the retrib- it might have been done inadvertently by one of the serutive justice of God as now pursuing them in that for- vants-so Jacob persuaded himself-and happy it was for eign land. The drift of their conversation is one of the his own peace and the encouragement of the travellers most striking instances of the power of conscience on that he took this view. Besides the duty of restoring it, record. 24. took... Simeon, and bound hin —he had honesty in their case was clearly the best-the safest probably been the chief instigator-the most violent actor policy. 14. God Almighty give you mercy before the in the outrage upon Joseph; and if so, his selection to be man —Jacob is here committing them all to the care of the imprisoned and fettered hostage for their return God, and, resigned to what appears a heavy trial, prays would, in the present course of their reflections, have a that it may be overruled for good. painful significance. 25-28. Joseph commanded to fill 15-30. ARRIVAL IN EGYPT. 15. stood before Josephtheir sacks with corn, and to restore every manis We may easily imagine the delight with which, amid the monley-This private generosity was not an infringement crowd of other applicants, the eye of Joseph would fix on of his duty-a defrauding of the revenue. He would have his brethren and Benjamin. But occupied with his public a discretionary power-he was daily enriching the king's duties, he consigned them to the care of a confidential serexchequer-and he might have paid the sum from his own vant till he should have finished the business of the day. purse. 27. inn-a mere station for baiting beasts of bur- 16. ruler of his house-In the houses of wealthy Egypden. he espied his money-the discovery threw them tians one upper man-servant was intrusted with the maninto greater perplexity than ever. If they had been con- agement of the house (cf. ch. 39. 5). slay, and make gratulating themselves on escaping from the ruthless gov- ready —Hebrew, "kill a killing "-implying preparations ernor, they perceived that now he would have a handle for a grand entertainment (cf. ch. 31. 54; 1 Samuel 25. 11; against them; and it is observable, that they looked upon Proverbs 9. 2; Matthew 22. 4). The animals have to be this as a judgment of heaven. Thus one leading design killed as well as prepared at home. The heat of the cliof Joseph was gained in their consciences being roused to mate requires that the cook should take the joints directly a sense of guilt. 35. as they emptied their sacks, that, from the hands of the flesher, and the Oriental taste is, behold, every mans... money was in his sack-It from habit, fond of newly-killed meat. A great profusion appears that they had been silent about the money dis- of viands, with an inexhaustible supply of vegetables, covery at the resting-place, as their father might have was provided for the repasts, to which strangers were inblamed them for notinstantly returning. However inno- vited, the pride of Egyptian people consisting rather in cent they knew themselves to be, it was universally felt the quantity and variety than in the choice or delicacy of to be an unhappy circumstance, which might bring them the dishes at their table. dine.. at noon-the hour of into new and greater perils. 36. Me have ye bereaved- dinner was at mid-day. 18. the men were afraid-Their this exclamation indicates a painfully excited state of feelings of awe on entering the stately mansion, unaccusfeeling, and it shows how difficult it is for even a good tomed as they were to houses at all-their anxiety at the man to yield implicit submission to the course of Provi- reasons of their being taken there-their solicitude about dence. The language does not imply that his missing therestoredmoney-theirhonestsimplicityincommunisons had got foul play from the hands of the rest, but he eating their distress to the steward, and his assurances of looks upon Simeon as lost, as well as Joseph, and he in- having received their money in "full weight"-the offersinuates it was by some imprudent statements of theirs ing of their fruit-present, which would, as usual, be done that he was exposed to the risk of losing Benjamin also with some parade, and the Oriental salutations that 3'. Reuben spake,.... Slay my two sons, if I bring passed between their host and them-are all described in him not to thee-This was a thoughtless and unwarrant- a graphic and animated manner able condition-one that he never seriously expected his 31-34 THE DINNER 31. Joseph said Set on breadfather would accept. It was designed only to give assur- equivalent to having dinner served, bread being a term ance of the greatest care being taken of Benjamin. But nclusive of all victuals. The table was a small stool unforeseen circumstances might arise to render it impos- sual ro om se esos most probably the usnal round form, "since persons sible for all of them to preserve that young lad (James 4. m t even ten be seated according to their rank or 13), and Jacob was much pained by the prospect. Little m e t b s to tei n seniority, and the modern Egyptian table is not without did he know that God was dealing with him severely, but seniorit and the odern gptian tale i not itot in kindness (Hebrews 12. 7, 8), and that all those things on o pace he thought against him were working together for his NN] Two or at most three persons were seted at one ge thood. t a o table. But the host being the highest in rank of the com0 1-7HAgood. P T X I pany had a table to himself; whilst it was so arranged that 1CHAPTER XIt LIII. an Egyptian was not placed nor obliged to eat from the Ver. 1-14. PREPARATIONS FOR A SECOND JOURNEY TO same dish as an Hebrew. 32. Egyptians might not eat EGYPT. 2. their father said,... Go again, buy us a bread with the Hebrewvs; for that is an abomination 43 Joseph's Policy to Stay his Brethren. GENESIS XLIV, XLV. He makes Himself known. — The prejudice probably arose from the detestation In sentences, as if, under the overwhelming force of the which, from the oppressions of the shepherd-kings, the speaker's emotions, his utterance were choked, it becomes nation held all of that occupation. 34. took and sent more free and copious by the effort of speaking, as he aneses... Benjamin's mess was live times-In Egypt, proceeds. Every word finds its way to the heart; and it as in other Oriental countries, there were, and are, two may well be imagined that Benjamin, who stood there modes of paying. attention to a guest whom the host speechless, like a victim about to be laid on the altar, wishes to honour-either by giving a choice piece from his when he heard the magnanimous offer of Judah to sub-. own hand, or ordering it to be taken to the stranger. The mit to slavery for his ransom, would be bound by a lifedegree of respect shown consists in the quantity, and long gratitude to his generous brother; a tie that seems while the ordinary rule of distinction is a double mess, it to have become hereditary in his tribe. Joseph's be. must have appeared a very distinguished mark of favour haviour must not be viewed from any single point, or in bestowed on Benjamin'to have no less than five times any separate parts, but as a whole-a well-thought, deep-laid, of his brethren. they drank, and were merry wvith closely-connected plan; and though some features of it do him-Hebrew, "drank freely," same as Solomon's Song, certainly exhibit an appearance of harshness, yet the 5. 1; John 2.10. In all these cases the idea of intemper- pervading principle of his conduct was real, genuine ance is excluded. The painful anxieties and cares of brotherly kindness. Read in this light, the narrative of Joseph's brethren were dispelled, and they were at ease. the proceedings describes the continuous, though secret pursuit of one end; and Joseph discovers, in his manageCH HAPT EPR XLIV.. rVment of the scheme, a very high order of intellect-a warm and susceptible heart, united to a judgment that Ver. 1-34. POLICY TO STAY HIS BRETHREN. 1. And exerted a complete control over his feelings-a happy Joseph commainded the steward-The design of putting invention in devising means towards the attainment of the cup into the sack of Benjamin was obviously to bring his ends, and an inflexible adherence to the course, howthat young man into a situation of difficulty or danger, in ever painful, which prudence required. order thereby to discover how far the brotherly feelings of the rest would be roused to sympathize with his distress, CHAPTE X V. and stimulate their exertions in procuring his deliverance. But for what purpose was the money restored? It Ver. 1-28. JOSEPH MAKING HIMSELF KNOWN. 1. Then Was done, in the first instance, from kindly feelings to his Joseph could not refrailn himself-The severity of the father; but another and further design seems to have inflexible magistrate here gives way to the natural feelbeen, the prevention of any injurious impressions as to ings of the man and the brother. However well he had the character of Benjamin. The discovery of the cup in disciplined his mind, he felt it impossible to resist the his possession, if there had been nothing else to judge by, artless eloquence of Judah. He saw a satisfactory proof, might have fastened a painful suspicion of guilt on the in the return of all his brethren on such an occasion, that youngest brother; but the sight of the money in each they were affectionately united to one another; he had man's sack would lead all to the same conclusion, that heard enough to convince him, that time, reflection, or Benjamin was just as innocent as themselves, although grace, had made a happy improvement on their character; the additional circumstance of the cup being found in his and he would, probably, have proceeded in a calm and sack would bring him into greater trouble and danger. leisurely manner, to reveal himself as prudence might 2. put ny cup, the silver cup, in the sack's m outlh- have dictated. But when he heard the heroic self-sacrifice it was a large goblet, as the original denotes, highly of Judah, and realized all the affection of that proposalvalued by its owner, on account of its costly material, or a proposal for which he was totally unprepared-he was its elegant finish, and which had probably graced his table completely unmanned; he felt himself forced to bring this at the sumptuous entertainment of the previous day. painful trial to an end. he cried, Cause every man to 3. As soon as the morning was light, the men were go out from me-In ordering the departure of witnesses sent away-They commenced their homeward journey at of this last scene, he acted as a. warm-hearted and real early dawn (see on ch. 18. 2); and it may be readily sup- friend to his brothers-his conduct was dictated by moposed in high spirits, after so happy an issue from all tives of the highest prudence-that of preventing their their troubles and anxieties. 4. "~When they were gone early iniquities from becoming known either to the memout of the city..Joseph said unto his steward- bers of his household, or amongst the people of Egypt. They were brought to a sudden halt by the stunning 2. he wept aloud.-No doubt, from the fulness of highly intelligence that an article of rare value was amissing excited feelings; but to indulge in vehement and longfrom the governor's house. It was a silver cup; so strong continued transports of sobbing is the usual way in which suspicions were entertained against them, that a special the Orientals express their grief. 3. I am Joseph-The messenger was despatched to search them. 5. Is not this emotions that now rose in the breast of himself as well it in which my lord drinketh-not only kept for the as his brethren-and chased each other in rapid succesgovernor's personal use, but whereby he divineth. Divi- sion-were many and violent. He was agitated bysymnation by cups, to ascertain the course of futurity, was pathy and joy; they were astonished, confounded, terrione of the prevalent superstitions of ancient Egypt, as it fled; and betrayed their terror, by shrinking as far as is of Eastern countries still. It is not likely that Joseph, they could from his presence. So "troubled" were they, a pious believer in the true God, would have addicted that he had to repeat his announcement of himself; and himself to this superstitious practice. But he might have what kind, affectionate terms did he use. He spoke of availed himself of that popular notion to carry out the their having sold him-not to wound their feelings, but to successful execution of his stratagem for the last decisive convince them of his identity; and then, to reassure their trial of his brethren. 6, 7. he overtook them, and he minds, he traced the agency of an overruling Providence, spake... these words-The intelligence must have in his exile and present honour. Not that he wished come upon them like a thunderbolt, and one of their them to roll the responsibility of their crime on God; no, most predominant feelings must have been the humil- his only object was to encourage their confidence, and iniating and galling sense of being made so often objects of duce them to trust in the plans he had formed for the suspicion. Protesting their innocence, they invited a future comfort of their father and themselves. 6. and search. Thechallengewasaccepted. Beginning with the yet there are five years, in the which there shall eldest, every sack was examined, and the cup being found neither be earing nor harvest-Ear is an old English in Benjamin's, they all returned in an indescribable word, meaning to plough (cf. 1 Samuel 8.12; Isaiah 30. 24). agony of mind to the house of the governor, throwing This seems to confirm the view given (ch. 41.57), that the themselves at his feet, with the remarkable confession, famine was caused by an extraordinary drought, which "God hath found out the iniquity of thy servants." prevented the annual overflowing of the Nile; and of 16-34. Judah said, What shall we say —This address course made the land unfit to receive the seed of Egypt. needs no comment-consisting at first of short, broken 14, 15. and he fell upon.. Belnjamin's nleck —'h 44 Jacob's Sacrifice atBeer-sheba. GENESIS XLVI, XLVII. His Arrival in Egypt. sudden transition from a condemned criminal to a fondled surely bring thee up again-As Jacob could not expect to brother, might have occasioned fainting or even death, live till the former promise was realized, he must have had not his tumultuous feelings been relieved by a tor- seen that the latter was to be accomplished only to his pos. rent of tears. But Joseph's attentions were not confined terity. To himself it was literally verified in the removal to Benjamin. He affectionately embraced every one of of his remains to Canaan; but, in the large and liberal his brothers in succession; and by those actions, his for- sense of the words, it was made good only on the estabgiveness was demonstrated more fully than it could be by lishment of Israel in the land of promise. Joseph shall words. 17-2Q0 Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto put his hand upon thine eyes-shall perform the last thy brethren —As Joseph might have been prevented by office of filial piety; and this implied that he should delicacy, the king himself invited the patriarch and all henceforth enjoy, without interruption, the society of his family to migrate into Egypt; and made most liberal that favourite son. arrangements for their removal and their subsequent 5-27. IMMIIGRATION TO EGYPT. 5. Jacob rose up from settlement. It displays the character of this Pharaoh to Beer-sheba-to cross the border and settle in Egypt. advantage, that he was so kind to the relatives of Joseph, However refreshed and invigorated in spirit by the rebut indeed the greatest liberality he could show, could ligious services at Beer-sheba, he was now borne down by never recompense the services of so great a benefactor of the infirmities of advanced age; and, therefore, his sons his kingdom. 21. Joseph gave them wagons-which undertook all the trouble and toil of the arrangements, must have been novelties in Palestine; for wheeled car- while the enfeebled old patriarch, with the wives and riages were and are almost unknown there. 22. changes children, was conveyed, by slow and leisurely stages, in of raiment-It was and is customary with great men, to the Egyptian vehicles sent for their accommodation. 6, bestow on their friends dresses of distinction, and in goods, which they had gotten in the land-not furni. places where they are of the same description and qual- ture, but substance-precious things. 7. daughter —As ity, the value of these presents consists in their number. Dinah was his only daughter, this must mean daughtersThe great number given to Benjamin bespoke the warmth in-law. all Ils seed, brought he vwith him-Though disof his brother's attachment to him; and Joseph felt, from abled by age from active superintendence, yet, as the venthe amiable temper they now all displayed, he might, erable sheick of the tribe, he was looked upon as their with perfect safety, indulge this fond partiality for a common head, and consulted in every step. 8-27. all the mother's son. 23. to his father he sent-a supply of souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, every thing that could contribute to his support and cor- were threescore and ten-Strictly speaking, there were fort-the large and liberal scale on which that supply was only sixty-six went to Egypt; but to these add Joseph given being intended-like the five messes of Benjamin- and his two sons, and Jacob the head of the clan, and the as a token of his filial love. 24. so he sent his brethren whole number amounts to seventy. In the speech of away-In dismissing them on their homeward journey, Stephen (Acts 7.14) the number is stated to be seventy-five; he gave them this particular admonition: "See that ye but as that estimate includes five sons of Ephraim and fall not out by the way"-a caution that would be greatly Manasseh (1 Chronicles 7.14-20), born in Egypt, the two needed; for not only during the journey would they be accounts coincide. occupied in recalling the parts they had respectively 28-34. ARRIVAL IN EGYPT. 28. he sent Judah before acted in the events that led to Joseph's being sold into him unto Joseph —This precautionary measure was obEgypt, but their wickedness would soon have to come to viously proper for apprising the king of the entrance of so the knowledge of their venerable father. large a company within his territories; moreover, it was necessary in order to receive instruction from Joseph as C HAPTER X LVI. to the locale of their future settlement. 29, 30. Joseph made ready his chariot-The difference between chariot Ver. 1-4. SACRIFICE AT BEER-SHEBA. 1. Israel took and wagon was not only in the lighter and more elegant his journey with all that he had-that is, his house- construction of the former, but in the one being drawn hold; for in compliance with Pharaoh's recommendation, by horses and the other by oxen. Being a public man in he left his heavy furniture behind. In contemplating a Egypt, Joseph was required to appear every where in an step so important as that of leaving Canaan, which at his equipage suitable to his dignity; and, therefore, it was time of life he might never revisit, so pious a patriarch not owing either to pride or ostentatious parade that he would ask the guidance and counsel of God. With all his drove his carriage, while his father's family were accomanxiety to see Joseph, he would rather have died in Ca- modated only in rude and humble wagons. presented naan without that highest of earthly gratifications, than himself unto him-in an attitude of filial reverence (cf. leave it without the consciousness of carrying the Divine Exodus 22.17). The interview was a most affecting oneblessing along with him. came to Beer-sheba-That the happiness of the delighted father was now at its place, which was in his direct route to Egypt, had been a height; and life having no higher charms, he could, in favourite encampment of Abraham (ch. 21. 33) and Isaac the very spirit of the aged Simeon, have departed in (ch. 26.25), and was memorable for their experience of the peace. 31-34. Joseph said,,. I aill go up, and show Divine goodness; and Jacob seems to have deferred his Pharaoh-it was a tribute of respect due to the king to public devotions till he had reached a spot so consecrated apprise him of their arrival. And the instructions which by covenant to his own God and the God of his fathers, he gave them were worthy of his character alike as an 2. God spake unto Israel-Here is a virtual renewal of affectionate brother and a religious man. the covenant and an assurance of its blessings. Moreover, here is an answer on the chief subject of Jacob's PT prayer, and a removal of any doubt as to the course he V II was meditating. At first the prospect of paying a per- Ver. 1-31. PRESENTATION AT COURT. 1. Joseph... sonal visit to Joseph had been viewed with unmingled told Pharaoh, My father, and my brethren-Joseph joy. But, on calmer consideration, many difficulties ap- furnishes a beautiful example of a man who could bear peared to lie in the way. He might remember the proph- equally well the extremes of prosperity and adversity. ecy to Abraham that his posterity was to be afflicted in High as he was, he did not forget that he had a superior. Egypt, and also that his father had been expressly told Dearly as he loved his father, and anxiously as he desired not to go; he might fear the contamination of idolatry to to provide for the whole family, he would not go into the his family and their forgetfulness of the land of promise. arrangements he had planned for their stay in Goshen, These doubts were removed by the answer of the oracle, until he had obtained the sanction of his royal master. and an assurance given him of great and increasing pros- 2. he took some of his brethren —probably the five perity. 3. will there make of thee a great nation- eldest brothers: seniority being the least invidious prinHow truly this promise was fulfilled, appears in the fact, ciple of selection. 4. For to sojourn... are we comethat the seventy souls who went down into Egypt in- The royal conversation took the course which Joseph had oreased, In the space of 215 years, to 180,000. 4. will also anticipated (ch. 46.33), and they answered according to 45 Presentation at Court. GENESIS XLVIII, XLIX. Joseph's Visit to his Sick Father. previous instructions —:nanifesting, however, in their de- CHAPTER XLVIII. termination to return to Canaan, a faith and piety which affords a hopeful symptom of their having become all, or Ver. 1-22. JOSEPH'S VISIT TO IIS SICK FATHER. 1. one most of them, religious men. 7. Joseph broughlt il told Joseph, Behold, thy father is sick-Joseph was Jacob his father-There is a pathetic and most affecting hastily sent fori and on this occasion he took with him his interest attending this interview with royalty; and when, two sons. Israel strengtllenled ilimself, anid sat upon with all the simplicity and dignified solemnity of a man the bed-In the chamber where a good man lies, edifying of God, Jacob signalized his entrance by imploring the and spiritual discourse may be expected. 3, a. God AlDivine blessing on the royal head, it may easily be im- mighty appeared unto me at Luz-The object of Jacob, agined what a striking impression the scene would pro- in thus reverting to the memorable vision at Bethel-one duce (cf. Hebrews 7.7). 8. Pharaolh said, unto Jacob, of the great landmarks in his history-was to point out How old art thou I-The question was put from the deep the splendid promises in reserve for his posterity-to enand impressive interest which the appearance of the old gage Joseph's interest and preserve his continued connecpatriarch had created in the minds of Pharaoh and his tion with the people of God, rather than with the Egypcourt. In the low-lying land of Egypt, and from the ar- tians. Behold, I will snake thee fruitfll-This is a tificial habits of its society, the age of man was far shorter repetition of the covenant (ch. 28.13-15; 35. 12). Whether amongst the inhabitants of that country, than it had yet these words are to be viewed in a limited sense, as pointbecome in the pure bracing climate and among the si- g to the many centuries during whic the Jews were pie mountaineers of Canaan. The Hebrews, at least, still occupiers of the Holy Land, or whether the words bear a attained a protracted longevity. 9. The days of the wider meaning, and intimate that the scattered tribes of years of my pilgrimage, &c.-Though 130 years, he Israel are to be reinstated in the land of promise, as reckons by days (cf. Psalm 90. 12), which he calls few, as their "everlasting possession,". are points that have not they appeared in the retrospect, and evil, because his life yet been satisfactorily determined. 5. thy twvo sons, had been one almost unbroken series of trouble. The an- Ephraim and MIanasseh-It was the intention of the swer is remarkable, considering the comparative dark- aged patriarch to adopt Joseph's sons as his own, thus ness of the patriarchal age (cf. 2 Timothy 1.10). 11. Joseph giving him a double portion. The reasons of this proplaced his father and his brethreni.. in the best of cedure are stated (1 Chronicles 5. 1, 2). are mine-though the land-best pasture land in lower Egypt. Goshen, their connections might have attached them to Egypt, "the land of verdure," lay along the Pelusaic or eastern and opened to them brilliant prospects in the land of branch of the Nile. It i cluded a part of the district of their nativity, they willingly accepted the adoption (HeHeliopolis, or " On," the capital, and on the east stretched brews 11. 25). 9. Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and out a considerable length into the desert. The ground in- I will bless them-The apostle (Hebrews 11. 21) selected eluded within these boundaries was a rich and fertile the blessing of Joseph's son as the chief, because the most extent of natural meadow, and admirably adapted for the comprehensive, instance of the patriarch's faith which purposes of the Hebrew shepherds (cf. ch. 49. 21; Psalm his whole history furnishes. 13. Joseph took them both 34. 10; 78.72). 13-15. there was ino bread in all the land -The very act of pronouncing the blessing was remark-This probably refers to the second year of the famine able, showing that Jacob's bosom was animated by the (ch. 45. 6), when any little stores of individuals or families spirit of prophecy. 21. Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, were exhausted, and when the people had become uni- I die-The patriarch could speak of death with compoversally dependent on the government. At first they ob- sure, but he wished to prepare Joseph and the rest of the trined supplies for payment. Ere long money failed. family for the shock. buit God shall be with you16. And Joseph said, Give your cattle-" This was the Jacob, in all probability, was not authorized to speak of wisest course that could be adopted for the preservation their bondage-he dwelt only on the certainty of their reboth of the people and the cattle, which, being bought by storation to Canaan. 22. moreover, I have given to Joseph, was supported at the royal expense, and very tthee one portion above thy brethren-this was near likely returned to the people at the end of the famine, to Shechem (ch. 33.18; John 4.5; also Joshua 16.1; 20.7). enable them to resume their agricultural labours." 21. as And it is probable that the Anlorites, having seized upon for the people, he removed them to the cities-ob- it during one of his frequent absences, the patriarch, with viously for the convenience of the country people, who the united forces of his tribe, recovered it from them by were doing nothing, to the cities where the corn stores his sword and his bow. were situated. 22. Only the land of the priests, bought he not-These lands were inalienable, being endowmnents C H A PT E R X LI X by which the temples were supported. The priests for themselves received an annual allowance of provision Ver. 1-33. PATRIARCHAL BLESSING. 1. Jacob called from the state, and it would evidently have been the unto his sons-It is not to the sayings of the dying saint, height of cruelty to withhold that allowance when their so much as of the inspired prophet, that attention is called lands were incapable of being tilled. 23-28. Joseph said, in this chapter. Under the immediate influence of the Behold, &c.-The land being sold to the government (v. Holy Spirit he pronounced his prophetic benediction, 19, 20), seed would be distributed for the first crop after the and described the condition of their respective descendfamine; and the people occupy them as tenants-at-will ants in the last days, or future times. on the payment of a produce rent, almost the same rule 3, 4. REUBEN forfeited by his crime the rights and honas obtains in Egypt in the present day. 29-31. the time ours of primogeniture. Ils posterity never made any drew nigh that Israel must die-One only of his dying figure-no judge, prophet, nor ruler, sprang from this arrangements is recorded; but that one reveals his whole tribe. character. It was the disposal of his remains, which were 5-7. SIMEON AND LEVI were associate in wickedness, to be carried to Canaan, not from a mere romantic attach- and the same prediction would be equally applicable to ment to his native soil, nor, like his modern descendants, both their tribes. Levi had cities allotted to them (Joshua from a superstitious feeling for the soil of the Holy Land, 21.) in every tribe. On account of their zeal against idolbut from faith in the promises. His address to Joseph- atry, they were honourably "divided in Jacob;" whereas "if I have found grace in thy sight," i. e., as the vizier of the tribe of Simeon, which was guilty of the grossest idolEgypt-his exacting a solemn oath that his wishes would atry, and the vices inseparable from itwere ignominiously be fulfilled, and the peculiar form of that oath, all pointed "scattered." significantly to the promise, and showed the intensity of 8-12. JUDAH.-A hith pre-eminence is destined to this his desire to enjoy its blessings (cf. Numbers 10. 29). tribe (Numbers 10. 14; Judges 1. 2). Besides the honour of Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head-Oriental giving name to the Promised Land-David, and a greater beds are mere mats, having no head, and the translation than David-the Messiah sprang from it. Chief amongst should be "the top of his staff," as the apostle renders it the tribes, "it grew up from a lion's whelp," i. e., a little (Hebrews 11. 21). power, till it became " an old lion "-i. e., calm and qulet. 46 " —~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ — _ ~==== —' —~'" -" —-— ~'~~-~I - ---......~ —" THE SEA —....- _~_~~~=-_= —~;.. —--- -— ~-'-~~ = —~ —-=-=~_-, _,, —-- ~=\-_~.~ —~~ - Ti=-~ ~ -~_ —~_~=-~?~ __ ~~. i —------ ~ ~ ~ _ _.= - -—._-.. -— ~-__= —~ — z_-'._7.....~~~~~~~ =_~.- I~~ — _~ ___~__ -~-~ ~-. -- -~t~. —- ~'- - -'' ------- --— ~ —-' —---- -—'~~~~~i_-~:... _____ -_.;~~~~~-~ —-_~~~,-'- -" —-~ —~ —--- -~'-"- ~'~~~~~~. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. -"-~-~-~ i'C ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:_.:.-:~~.. ~ ~~~~~~S-~i-~~~- ------.f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;s-~ —l== —~= ——;BIRI)~S-EYE V1EW' OF EGYPT~, —-~ —----- Te Patriarchal Blessing. GENESIS L. Mourning for Jacob. yet still formidable. until Shiloh come-Shiloh-this able that he was supernaturally strengthened for this last obscure word is variously interpreted to mean "the sent" momentous office of the patriarch, and that when the (John 17. 3), "the seed" (Isaiah 11. 1), the "peaceable or Divine afflatus ceased, his exhausted powers giving way, prosperous one" (Ephesians 2. 14)-i. e., the Messiah he yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people. (Isaiah 11. 10; Romans 15. 12); and when He should come, " the tribe of Judah should no longer boast either an inde-' APTER L. pendent king or a judge of their own." [CALVIN.] The' Jews have been for eighteex centuries without a ruler and Ver. 1-26. MOURNING FOR JACOB. 1. Joseph fell upon without a judge since Shiloh came, and " to Him the gath- his father's face, &c.-On him, as the principal member ering of the people has been." of the family, devolved the duty of closing the eyes of his 13. ZEBULUN was to have its lot on the sea coast, close venerable parent (cf. ch. 46. 4), and imprinting the farewell to Zidon, and to engage, like that state, in maritime pur- kiss. 2. Joseph commanded his servants the physisuits and commerce. clans to embalm his father, &c.-In ancient Egypt the 14, 15. ISSAClHA.-A strong ass couching down between embalmers were a class by themselves. The process of emtwo burdens-i. e., it was to be active, patient, given to ag- balmment consisted in infusing a great quantity of resinricultural labours. It was established in lower Galilee- ous substances into the cavities of the body, after the ina "good land," settling down in the midst of the Canaan- testines had been removed, and then a regulated degree of ites, where, for the sake of quiet, they "bowed their heat was applied to dry up the humours, as well as deshoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute." compose the tarry materials which had been previously 16-18. DAN-though the son of a secondary wife, was to introduced. Thirty days were allotted for the completion be "as one of the tribes of Israel." Dan-"a judge." a of this process; forty more were spent in anointing it serpenxt, adder-A serpent, an adder, implies sub- with spices; the body, tanned front this operation, being tlety and stratagem; such was pre-eminently the cha- then washed, was wrapped in numerous folds of linen racter of Samson the most illustrious of its judges. cloth-the joinings of which were fastened with gum, and 19. GAD.-This tribe should be often attacked and then deposited in a wooden chest made in the form of a wasted by hostile powers on their borders (Judges 10. 8; human figure. 3. the Egyptians mourned, &c.-It was Jeremiah 49. 1). But they were generally victorious in the made a period of public mourning, as on the death of a close of their wars. royal personage. 4. Joseph spake unto the house of 20. ASHEIt-" Blessed." Its allotment was the sea coast Pharaoh, &c.-Care was taken to let it be known that between Tyre and Carmel, a district fertile in the pro- the family sepulchre was provided before leaving Canaan, duction of the finest corn and oil in all Palestine. and that an oath bound his family to convey the remains 21. NAPHTALI-The best rendering we know is this, thither. Besides, Joseph deemed it right to apply for a " Naphtali is a deer roaming at liberty; he shooteth forth special leave of absence; and being unfit, as a mourner, goodly branches," or majestic antlers [TAYLOR'S cripture to appear in the royal presence, he made the request Illustrations], and the meaning of the prophecy seems to through the medium of others. 7-9. Joseph wvent up to be that the tribe of Naphtali would be located in a terri- bury his father-a journey of 300 miles. The funeral cavtory so fertile and peaceable, that, feeding on the richest alcade, composed of the nobility and military, with their pasture, he would spread out, like a deer, its branching equipages, would exhibit an imposing appearance. 10. antlers. they came to the threshing-floor of Atad, &c.-" Atad " 22-26. JOSEPHI.-A fruitful bough, &c.-denotes the ex- may be taken as a common noun, signifying " the plain of traordinary increase of that tribe (cf. Numbers 1. 33-35; the thorn bushes." It was on the border between Egypt Joshua 17. 17; Deuteronomy 33. 17). The patriarch de- and Canaan; and as the last opportunity of indulging grief scribes him as attacked by envy, revenge, temptation, was always the most violent, the Egyptians made a proingratitude. yet still, by the grace of God, he triumphed longed halt at this spot, while the family of Jacob probover all opposition, so that he became the sustainer of ably proceeded by themselves to the place of sepulture. Israel; and then he proceeds to shower blessings of every 15-31. When Joseph's brethrenssaw that thleir father kind upon the head of this favourite son. The history of was dead, they said, Joseph wili peradventure hate the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, shows how fully us, &c.-Joseph was deeply affected by this communicathese blessings were realized. tion. He gave them the strongest assurances of his for27-33. BENJAMIN shall ravin like a wolf.-This tribe in giveness, and thereby gave both a beautiful trait of his its early history spent its energies in petty or inglorious own pious character, as well as appeared an eminent type warfare, and especially in the violent and unjust contest of the Saviour. 22, 23.- Joseph dwvelt in Egypt —le (Judges 19., 20.), in which it engaged with the other tribes, lived eighty years after his elevation to the chief power, when, notwithstanding two victories, it was almost exter- witnessing a great increase in the prosperity of the kingminated. 28. all these are the twelve tribes of Israel- dom, and also of his own family and kindred-the infant or ancestors. Jacob's prophetic words obviously refer not church of God. 24. Joseph said unto his brethren, I so much to the sons as to the tribes of Israel. 29. he die-The national feelings of the Egyptians would have charged them-The charge had already been given, and been opposed to his burial in Canaan; but he gave-the solemnly undertaken (ch. 47. 31). But in mentioning his strongest proof of the strength of his faith and full assurwishes now, and rehearsing all the circumstances con- ance of the promises, by " the commandment concerning nected with the purchase of Machpelah, he wished to de- his bones." 26. they emballned hint-His funeral would clare, with his latest breath, before all his family, that he be conducted in the highest style of Egyptian magnifidied in the same faith as Abraham. 33. when Jacob cence, and his mummied corpse carefully preserved till had made an end of colnmanding his sons-It is prob- the Exodus. 47 Inrease of the Israelites EXODUS I, II. Brth and Preservation of Mose. THE SECOND BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED EXODUS. CHAPTER I. side the labourers, with their uplifted sticks in their hands. 15. the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew Ver. 1-22. INCREASE OF THE ISRAELITES. 1. Now these midwives —Two only were spoken to-either they were are thie inames-(See on ch.46. 8-26). 7. children of Israel the heads of a large corporation [LABORDE], or, by tamwere fruitful-They were living in a land where, accord- pering with these two, the king designed to terrify the ing to the testimony of an ancient author, mothers pro- rest into secret compliance with his wishes. [CALVIN.] duced three and four sometimes at a birth; and a modern 16. if it be a son, then ye shall kill hiin-Opinions are writer declares "the females in Egypt, as well among the divided, however, what was the method of destruction human race as among animals, surpass all others in fruit- which the king did recommend. Some think that the fulness." To this natural circumstance must be added "stools" were low seats on which these obstetric practithe fulfilment of the promise made toAbraham. 8. Nov tioners sat by the bedside of the Hebrew women; and there arose up a new king-About sixty years after the that, as they might easily discover the sex, so, whenever death of Joseph a revolution took place-by which the a boy appeared, they were to strangle it, unknown to its old dynasty was overthrown, and upper and lower Egypt parents; while others are of opinion that the "stools" were united into one kingdom. Assuming that the king were stone troughs, by the river side-into which, when formerly reigned in Thebes, it is probable that he would the infants were washed, they were to be, as it were, acknow nothing about the Hebrews; and that, as foreigners cidentally dropped. 17. But the midwives feared God and shepherds, the new government would, from the first, Their faith inspired them with such courage as to risk regard them with dislike and scorn. 9. he said... Be- their lives, by disobeying the mandate of a cruel tyrant; hold, the.... children of Israel are more and mighit- but it was blended with weakness, which made them ier than we-They had risen to great prosperity-as shrink from speaking the truth, the whole truth, and during the lifetime of Joseph and his royal patron, they nothing but the truth. 20. God dealt well with the had, probably, enjoyed a free grant of the land. Their midwives-This represents God as rewarding them for increase and prosperity were viewed with jealousy by the telling a lie. This difficulty is wholly removed by a more new government; and as Goshen lay between Egypt and correct translation. To make or build up a house in HeCanaan, on the border of which latter country were a brew idiom, means to have a numerous progeny. The number of warlike tribes, it was perfectly conformable to passage then should be rendered thus: God protected the the suggestions of worldly policy that they should en- midwives, and the people waxed very mighty; and beslave and maltreat them, through apprehension of their cause the midwives feared, the Hebrews grew and prosjoining in any invasion by those foreign rovers. The pered. new king, who neither knew the name nor cared for the APTR services of Joseph, was either Amosis, or one of his imme- diate successors. [OSBURN.] 11. Therefore they did set Ver. 1-10. BIRTH AND PRESERVATION OF MOSES. 1. over them taskmasters-Having first obliged them, it there wvent a man of the house of Levi, &c.-Amram is thought, to pay a ruinous rent, and involved them in was the husband, and Jochebed the wife (cf. ch. 6. 2; Numdifficulties, that new government, in pursuance of its op- bers 26.59). The marriage took place, and two children, pressive policy, degraded them to the condition of serfs- Miriam and Aaron, were born some years before the inemploying them exactly as the labouring people are in fanticidal edict. 2. the woman... bare a son, &c.the present day (driven in companies or bands), in rear- Some extraordinary appearance of remarkable comeliing the public works, with taskmasters, who anciently ness led his parents to augur his future greatness. Beauty had sticks-now whips-to punish the indolent, or spur was regarded by the ancients as a mark of the Divine on the too languid. All public or royal buildings, in favour. hid him three months-The parents were a ancient Egypt, were built by captives; and on some of pious couple, and the measures they took were prompted them was placed an inscription that no free citizen had not only by parental attachment, but by a strong faith in been engaged in this servile employment, they built for the blessing of God prospering their endeavours to save Pharaoh treasure cities-These two store places were in the infant. 3. she took for him an ark of bullrushes — the land of Goshen; and being situated near a border papyrus, a thick, strong, and tough reed. slime-the liable to invasion, they were fortified cities (cf. 2 Chron- mud of the Nile, which, when hardened, is very tenaicles 11. 12). Pithom (Greek Patumos), lay on the eastern cious. pitch-mineral tar. Boats of this description are Pelusiac branch of the Nile, about twelve Roman miles seen daily floating on the surface of the river, with no from Heliopolis; and Raamses, called by the LXX. Hero- other caulking than Nile mud (cf. Isaiah 18. 2), and they opolis, lay between the same branch of the Nile and the are perfectly water-tight, unless the coating is forced Bitter Lakes. These two fortified cities were situated, off by stormy weather. flags —a general term for sea therefore, in the same valley; and the fortifications, which or river-weed. The chest was not, as is often reprePharaoh commanded to be built around both, had prob- sented, committed to the bosom of the water, but laid on ably the same common object, of obstructing the entrance the bank, where it would naturally appear to have been into Egypt, which this valley furnished the enemy from drifted by the current and arrested by the reedy thicket. Asia. [HENGSTENBERG.].13, 14. The Egyptians... The spot is traditionally said to be the Isle of Rodah, near mlade their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar Old Cairo. 4. his sister-Miriam would probably be a and in brick-Rt'ns of great brick buildings are found girl of ten or twelve years of age at the time. 5. the in all parts of Egypt. The use of crude brick, baked in daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the sun, was universal in upper and lower Egypt, both the river-The occasion is thought to have been a refor public and private buildings; all but the temples ligious solemnity which the royal family opened by themselves, were of crude brick. It is worthy of remark, bathing in the sacred stream. Peculiar sacredness was that more bricks bearing the name of Thothmes III., who attached to those portions of the Nile which flowed near is supposed to have been the king of Egypt at the time the temples. The water was there fenced off as a protecof the Exodus, have been discovered than of any other tion from the crocodiles; and doubtless the princess had period. [WILKINSON.] Parties of these brickmakers are an enclosure reserved for her own use, the road to which seen depicted on the ancient monuments with *'task- seems to have been well known to Jochebed. walked masters "-some standing, others in a sitting posture be- along-in procession or in file. she sent her maid-her 48 Moses' Sympathy for the Hebrews. EXODUS III. His Flight to Midiun. Immediate attendant. The term is different from that in Scripture or as distressing the perpetrator with rerendered "maidens." 6-9. when she hadc opened it, she mnorse, but according to existing customs among nomadic saw the child-The narrative is picturesque. No tale of tribes, lie was bound to avenge the blood of a brother. romance ever described a plot more skilfully laid, or The person he slew, however, being a government officer, more full of interest in the development. The expedient he had rendered himself amenable to the laws of Egypt, of the ark-the slime and pitch —the choice of the time and therefore he endeavoured to screen himself from the and place-the appeal to the sensibilities of the female consequences by concealment of the corpse. 13, 1i. two breast-the stationing of the sister as a watch of the pro- neaa of the Hiebrews strove together-IIis benevolent ceedings-her timely suggestion of a nurse —and the en- mediation in this strife-though made in the kindest and gagement of the mother herself-all bespeak a more than mildest manner, was resented, and the taunt of the agordinary measure of ingenuity as well as intense solicitude gressor showing that Moses' conduct on the preceding on the part of the parents. But the origin of the scheme day had become generally known, he determined to conwas most probably owing to a Divine suggestion, as its suit his safety by immediate flight (Hebrews 11. 27). These success was due to an overruling Providence, who not only two incidents prove that neither were the Israelites yet:. preserved the child's life, but provided for his being ready to go out of Egypt, nor Moses prepared to be their trained in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. leader (James 1. 20). It was by the staffand not the sword Hence it is said to have been done by faith (I-ebrews 11. -by the meekness, and not the wrath of Moses that God 23), either in the general promise of deliverance, or some was to accomplish that great work of deliverance. Both special revelation made to Amrami and Jochebed-and in lie and the people of Israel were for forty years longer cast this view, the pious couple gave a beautiful example of a into the furnace of affliction, yet it was therein that He firm reliance on the word of God, united with an active had chosen them (Isaiah 48. 10). 15. clyoses fled f-rom the use of the imost suitable means. 10. Shle brought hima face of Phlaraoih —his flight took place in the second year unlto Pharaoh's daughlter-Though it must have been of Thothmes I. dwelt in the land of llidian —situated nearly as severe a trial for Jochebed to part with him the on the eastern shore of the gulf of the Red Sea, and ocsecond time as the first, she was doubtless reconciled to it cupied by the posterity of Midian the son of Cush. The by her belief in his high destination as the future de- territory extended northward to the top of the gulf, and liverer of Israel. His age when removed to the palace is westward far across the desert of Sinai. And from their not stated; but he was old enough to be well instructed position near the sea, they early combined trading with in the principles of the true religion; and those early pastoral pursuits (Genesis 37.28). The head-quarters of Impressions, deepened by the power of Divine grace, were Jethro are supposed to have been where Dahab-Madiannever forgotten or effaced. lhe became her son —by now stands; and from Moses coming direct to that place, adoption, and his high rank afforded him advantages in he may have travelled with a caravan of merchants. But education, which in the providence of God were made another place is fixed by tradition in Wady Shuweib, or subservient to far different purposes from what his royal Jethro's valley, on the east of the mountain of Moses. patroness intended. she called his naxme Moses —Hlis sat down. by a well-See on Genesis 29.3. 16-23. tle parents might, as usual, at the time of his circumcision, priest of:idian —As the officers were usually conjoined,. have given him a name, which is traditionally said to he was the ruler also of the people called Cushites or have been Joachim. But the name chosen by the prin- Ethiopians, and like many other chiefs of pastoral people' cess, whether of Egyptian or Hebrew origin, is the only in that early age, he still retained the faith and worshipone by which he has ever been known to the church; and of the true God. seven daughters-were shepherdesses it is a permanent memorial of the painful incidents of his to whom Moses was favourably introduced, by an act of' birth and infancy. courtesy and courage in protecting them from the rude 11-25. His SYMPATHY WITH THE HEBREWS. 11. in shepherds of some neighbouring tribe at a well. Hle aftertlhose days, wlhen M3oses was growvn-not in age and wards formed a close and permanent alliance with thisi stature only, but in power as well as in renown for ac- family, by marrying one of the daughters, Zipporah (a, complishments and military prowess (Acts 7.23). There is little bird), called a Cushite or Ethiopian (Numbers 12. 1),. a gap here in the sacred history which, however, is sup- and whom he doubtless obtained in the manner of Jacobi, plied by the inspired commentary of Paul, who has fully by service. IHe had by her two sons, whose names were;, detailed the reasons as well as extent of the change that according to common practice, commemorative of inci — took place in his worldly conditiori; and whether, as some dents in the family history. 23. The king of Egypt: say, his royal mother had proposed to make him co-re- died: and the children of Israel sighed by reasonl of' gent and successor to the crown, or some other circum- the bondage —The language seems to imply that the Is — stances, led to a declaration of his mind, lihe determined raelites had experienced a partial relaxation, probably to renounce the palace and identify himself with the suf- through the influence of Moses' royal patroness; but in, fering people of God (Hebrews 11. 24-26). The descent of the reign of her father's successor the persecution was resome great sovereigns, like Diocletian and Charles V., newed with increased severity. from a throne into private life, is nothing to the sacrifice which Moses made through the power of faith. lie went c H APT ER III. out unto 1his brethren —to make a full and systematic inspection of their condition in the various parts of the Ver. 1-22. DIVINE APPEARANCE AND COMMISSION TO' country where they were dispersed (Acts 7. 23), anid he MOSES. 1. Now IMses kepttheflock —This employment adopted this proceeding in pursuance of the patriotic he had entered on in furtherance of his matrimonial purpose that the faith, which is Of the operation of God, views (see on ch. 2. 21), but it is probable he was continuing was even then forming in his heart, he spied an Egyp- his service now on other terms like Jacob during the lattiarn smiting an Hebrew-one of the taskmasters scourg- ter years of his stay with Laban (Genesis 30. 28). he led ing a Hebrew slave without any just cause (Acts 7.24), the flock to the back side of the desert —i. e., on the west and in so cruel a manner, that he seems to have died of the desert [GESENIUS], and assuming Jethro's headunder the barbarous treatment-for the conditions of quarters to have been at Dahab-the route by which Moses the sacred story imply such a fatal issue. The sight was led his flock must have been west through the wide valley new and strange to him, and though pre-eminent for called by the Arabs,Wady-es-Zugherah [RoBINsoN], which meekness (Numbers 12. 3), he was fired with indignation. conducted into the interior of the wilderness. MoIuntain 12. he slew the Egyptian, and hiid him in the sand — of God —so named either according to Hebrew idiom from This act of Moses may seem, and indeed by some has its great height, as "great mountains," IHebrew, "mounbeen condemned as rash and unjustifiable-in plain terms tains of God" (Psalm 36. 6); "goodly cedars," Hrebrew, " coa deed of assassination. But we must not judge of his dars of God" (Psalm 80. 10), or some think from its being action in such a country and age by the standard of law the old abode of " the glory;" or finally from its being the and the notions of right which. prevail in our Christian theatre of transactions most memorable in the history land; and, beside, not only is it not spoken of as a crime of the true religion to Hioreb —rather, Horeb-ward. tto4 49 2T'e Commission of lMoses. EXODUS IV. Miraculous Change of his Rod, eta. reb, i. e., dry., desert, was the general name for the moun- moved-and the happy issue of his labours was minutely tainous district in which Sinai is situated, and of which described. it is a part. (See on ch. 19.) It was used to designate the region comprehending that immense range of lofty, deso- CI APT ER IV. late, and barren hills, at the base of which, however, there Ver. 1-31. MIRACULOUS CIANGE OF THE ROD, &c. 1. are not only many patches of verdure to be seen, but al- But behold-Hebrew, " If," " perhaps," "they will not bemost all the valleys, or wadys, as they are called, show a lieve nle" —What evidence can I produce of my Divine thin coating of vegetation-which, towards the south, be- mission? There was still a want of full confidence, not comes more luxuriant. The Arab shepherds seldom take in the character and Divine power of his employer, but in their flocks to a greater distance than one day's journey His presence and power always accompanying him. He from their camp. Moses must have gone at least two days' insinuated that his communication might be rejected and journey, and although he seenis to have been only follow- himself treated as an impostor. 2. The Lord said,... ing his pastoral course, that region, from its numerous What is that in thine hand — The question was put not springs in the clefts of the rocks, being the chief resort of to elicit information which God required, but to draw the the tribes during the summer heats, the Providence of God particular attention of Moses. A rod-probably the led him thither for an important purpose. 2, 3. the An- shepherd's crook-among the Arabs, a long staff, with a gel of the Lord appeared unto hlinm in a flame of fire- curved head, varying from three to six feet in length. It is common in Scriptures to represent the elements and 6. Put now thine hand into thy bosom —the open part operations of nature, as winds, fires, earthquakes, pesti- of his outer robe, worn about the girdle. 9. talke of the lence, every thing enlisted in executing the Divine will, as water of the river-Nile. Those miracles, two of which the "angels" or messengers of God. But in such cases were wrought then, and the third to be performed on his God himself is considered as really, though invisibly, arrival in Goshen, were at first designed to encourage present. Iere the preternatural fire may be primarily himself as satisfactory proofs of his Divine mission, and meant by the expression "Angel of the Lord;" but it is to be repeated for the special confirmation of his embassy clear that under this symbol, the Divine Being was pres- before the Israelites. 10-13. I am not eloquent-It is ent, whose name is given (v. 4,6), and elsewhere called the supposed that Moses laboured under a natural defect of angel of the covenant, Jehovah-Jesus. out of the midst utterance, or had a difficulty in the free and fluent exof a bush —The wild acacia or thorn, with which that des- pression of his ideas in the Egyptian language, which he ert abounds, and which is generally dry and brittle, so had long disused. This new objection was also overruled, much so, that at certain seasons, a spark might kindle a but still Moses, who foresaw the manifold difficulties of district far and wide into a blaze. A fire, therefore, being the undertaking, was anxious to be freed from the responin the midst of such a desert bush was a "great sight." It sibility. 14. the anger of the Lord was kindled is generally supposed to have been emblematic of the Is- against Moses-The Divine Being is not subject to ebulraelites' condition in Egypt-oppressed by a grinding ser- litions of passion; but his displeasure was manifested by vitude and a bloody persecution, and yet, in spite of the transferring the honour of the priesthood, which would cruel policy that was bent on annihilating them, they otherwise have been bestowed on Moses, to Aaron, who continued as numerous and thriving as ever. The reason was from this time destined to be the head of the house was "God was in the midst of them." The symbol may of Levi (1 Chronicles 23. 13). Marvellous had been his also represent the present state of the Jews, as well as of condescension and patience in dealing with Moses; and the Church generally in the world. 4. whein the Lord now every remaining scruple was removed by the unexsaw that he turned aside to see-The manifestations pected and welcome intelligence that his brother Aaron which God anciently made of himself were always ac- was to be his colleague. God knew from the beginning companied by clear, unmistakable signs that the com- what Moses would do, but he reserves this motive to the munications were really fiom heaven. This certain evi- last as the strongest to rouse his languid heart, and Moses dence was given to Moses. lie saw a fire, but no human now fully and cordially complied with the call. If we are agent to kindle it; he heard a voice, but no human lips surprised at his backwardness amidst all the signs and from which it came; he saw no living Being, but One was promises that were given him, we must admire his canin the bush, in the heat of the flames, who knew him and dour and honesty in recording it. 18. Moses... readdressed him by name. Who could this be but a Divine turned to Jethro-Being in his service, it was right to Being? 5. put off thy shoes-The direction was in con- obtain his consent, but Moses evinced piety, humility, formity with a usage which was well known to Moses- and prudence, in not divulging the special object of his for the Egyptian priests observed it in their temples, and journey. 19. all tlhe men are dead wvhich souglht thy which is observed in all Eastern countries-where the peo- life-The death of the Egyptian monarch -took place in pie take off their shoes or sandals, as we do our hats. But the four hundred and twenty-ninth year of the Hebrew the Eastern idea is not precisely the same as the Western. sojourn in that land, and that event, according to the law With us, the removal of the hat is an expression of rever- of Egypt, took off his proscription of Moses, if it had ence for the place we enter, or rather of Him who is wor- been publicly issued. 20. Moses tools Ilis wife and shipped there. With them the removal of the shoes is a sons, and set then upon an ass-Septuagint, "asses." confession of personal defilement, and conscious unwor- Those animals are not now used in the desert of Sinai, thiness to stand in the presence of unspotted holiness. except by the Arabs for short distances. return.ed-en6-8. I amn the God... come down to deliver-The rev- tered on his journey towards Egypt. he took the rod of erential awe of Moses must have been relieved by the Di- God-so called from its being appropriated to H-is service, vine Speaker (see on Matthew 22. 32), announcing himself and because whatever miracles it might be employed in in his covenant character, and by the welcome intelli- performing would be wrought not by its inherent propgence communicated. Moreover, the time, as well as all erties, but by a Divine power following on its use. (Cf. the circumstances of this miraculous appearance were Acts 3.12). 24. innl-Hebrce, a halting-place for the night. such as to give him an illustrious display of God's faith- the Lord met h1m, and sought to kill himn-i. e., he fulness to his promises. The period of Israel's journey was either overwhelmed with mental distress or overand affliction in Egypt had been predicted (Genesis 15.13), taken by a sudden and dangerous malady. The narrative and it was during the last year of the term which had still is obscure, but the meaning seems to be, that, led during to run that the Lord appeared in the burning bush. 10- his illness to a strict self-examination, he was deeply 22. Come now therefore, and I will send thee-Con- pained and grieved at the tlhought of having, to please his sidering the patriotic views that had formerly animated wife, postponed or neglected the circumcision of one of the breast of Moses, we might have anticipated that no his sons, probably the younger. To dishonour that sign mission could have been more welcome to his heart than and seal of the covenant was criminal in any Hebrew, to be employed in the national emancipation of Israel. peculiarly so in one destined to be the leader and deliverer But he evinced great reluctance to it and stated a variety of the Hebrews; and he seems to have felt his sickness as o objections, all of owhich were successfully met and re- a merited chastisement for his sinful omission. Con50. First Interview with Pharaoh. EXODUS V, VI. Renewal of the Promise. cerned for her husband's safety, Zipporah overcomes her them as ambitious demagogues, who were appealing to maternal feelings of aversion to the painful rite, performs the superstitious feelings of the people, to stir up sedition, herself, by means of one of the sharp flints with which and diffuse a spirit of discontent, which spreading through part of the desert abounds, an operation which her hus- so vast a body of slaves, might endanger the peace of the band, on whom the duty devolved, was unable to do, and country. 6. Pharaoh commallded-It was a natural having brought the bloody evidence, exclaimed in the consequence of the high displeasure created by this inpainful excitement of her feelings that from love to him terview, that he should put additional burdens on the she had risked the life of her child. [CALVIN, BULLINGER, oppressed Israelites. taskmasters-Egyptian overseels, ROSENMULLER.] 26. So he let him go-Moses recovered; appointed to exact labour of the Israelites. ofilccrsbut the remembrance of this critical period in his life Hebrews placed over their brethren, under the taskmaswould stimulate the Hebrew legislator to enforce a faith- ters, precisely analogous to the Arab officers set over the ful attention to the right of circumcision, when it was Arab Fellahs, the poor labourers in modern Egypt. 7. established as a Divine ordinance in Israel, and made ye shall no more give the people straw to maske their peculiar distinction as a people. 27. Aaron met briclk-The making of bricks appears to have been a him in tle molut of God and kissed himn-After a government monopoly, as the ancient bricks are nearly separation of forty years, their meeting would be mutually all stamped with the name of a king, and they were happy. Similar are the salutations of Arab friends when formed, as they are still in Lower Egypt, of clay mixed they meet in the desert still; conspicuous is the kiss on with chopped straw, and dried or hardened in the sun. each side of the head. 29. Moses and Aaron went- The Israelites were employed in this drudgery; and towards Egypt, Zipporah and her sons having been sent though they still dwelt in Goshen, and held property in back. (CL ch. 18. 2). gathered... all the elders-Aaron flocks and herds, they were compelled in rotation to serve was spokesman, and Moses performed the appointed in the brick-quarries, pressed in alternating groups, just miracles-through which "the people," i. e., the elders, as the fellaheen or peasants are marched by press-gangs believed (1 Kings 17. 24; Joshua 3. 2), and received the in the same country still. let them go and gatler straw joyful tidings of the errand on which Moses had come for themselves, &c.-The enraged despot did not issue with devout thanksgiving. Formerly they had slighted orders to do an impracticable thing. The Egyptian reapthe message and rejected the messenger. Formerly Moses ers in the corn-harvest were accustomed merely to cut off had gone in his own strength, now he goes leaning on the ears and leave the stalk standing. 8. tale-an apGod, and strong only through faith in Him who had sent pointed number of bricks. The materials of their labour aim. Israel also had been taught a useful lesson, and it were to be no longer supplied, and yet, as the same was good for both that they had been afflicted. amount of produce was exacted daily, it is impossible to imagine more aggravated cruelty-a more perfect speciFCEIIT A PTER V Emen of Oriental despotism. 1"3. So the people were CHII APTER V. scattered-It was an immense grievance to the labourers Ver. 1-23. FIRST INTERVIEW WITH PIARAOH. 1. Moses individually, but there would be no hindrance from the and Aaron went in-As representatives of the Hebrews, husbandmen whose fields they entered, as almost all the they were entitled to ask an audience of the king, and lands of Egypt were in the possession of the crorwn their thorough Egyptian training taught them how and (Genesis 47.20). 13-19. taskmasters hasted talenI... when to seek it. and told Pharaoh-when introduced, officers... beaten-As the nearest fields were bared, they delivered a message in the name of the God of and the people had to go farther for stubble, it was imIsrael. This is the first time He is mentioned by that possible for them to meet the demand by the usual tale national appellation in Scripture. It seems to have been of bricks. "The beating of the officers is just what might used by Divine direction (ch. 4. 2), and designed to put have been expected from an Eastern tyrant, especially in honour on the Hebrews in their depressed condition (He- the valley of the Nile, as it appears from the monuments, brews 11. 16). 2. Pharaoh said,9 WTho is the Lord —rather that ancient Egypt, like modern China, was principally "Jehovah." Lord was a common name applied to objects governed by the stick." [TAYLoR.] "The mode of beatof worship; but Jehovah was a name he had never heard ing was by the offender being laid flat on the ground, and of; he estimated the character and power of this God by generally held by the hands and feet while the chastisethe abject and miserable condition of the worshippers, ment was administered." [WILKINSON.] (Deuteronomy and concluded that He held as low a rank among the gods 25. 2.) A picture representing the Hebrews on a brickas his people did in the nation. To demonstrate the field, exactly as described in this chapter, was found in supremacy of the true God over all the gods of Egypt, an Egyptian tomb at Thebes. 20, 21. They met Moses. was the design of the plagues. I lknow iaot tlie Lord,....The Lord look upon you, and judcge —Thus the deneither will I let Israel go-As his honour and interest liverer of Israel found that this patriotic interference did, were both involved he determined to crush this attempt, in the first instance, only aggravate the evil he wished to and in a tone of insolence, or perhaps profanity, rejected remove, and that instead of receiving the gratitude, he the request for the release of the Hebrew slaves. 3. The was loaded with the reproaches of his countrymen. But God of the Hebrews hath nmet with us-Instead of being as the greatest darkness is immediately before the dawn, provoked into reproaches or threats, they mildly assured so the people of God are often plunged into the deepest him that it was not a proposal originating among them- affliction when on the eve of their deliverance, and so it selves, but a duty enjoined on them by their God. They was in this case. had for a long series of years been debarred from the privilege of religious worship, and as there was reason to H A PT E I VI. fear that a continued neglect of Divine ordinances would Ver. 1-13. RENEWAL OF THE PROMISE. 1. Lord said draw down upon them the judgments of offended heaven, unlto Moses-The Lord, who is long-suffering and inthey begged permission to go three days' journey into the dulgent to the errors and infirmities of his people, made desert-a place of seclusion-where their sacrificial ob- allowance for the mortification of Moses as the result of servances would neither suffer interruption nor give this first interview, and cheered him with the assurance umbrage to the Egyptians. In saying this, they concealed of a speedy and successful termination to his embassy. their ultimate design of abandoning the kingdom, and by 2. Aind God spake mato Moses-For his further encourmaking this partial request at first, they probably wished agement, there was made to him an emphatic repetition to try the king's temper before they disclosed their inten- of the promise (ch. 8. 20). 3. 1....God Almighty-All tions any farther. But they said only what God had put in enemies must fall, all difficulties must vanish before my their mouths (ch. 3. 12,18), and this "legalizes the specific Omnipotent power, and the patriarchs had abundant act, while it gives no sanction to the general habit of dis- proofs of this. but by my name, &c.-rather, intersimulation." [CHALMERS.] 4. Wherefore do ye, Moses rogatively, by my name Jehovah was I not known to iindAaron, letthepeoplefromtheirwvorks &c. —With- them? Am not I, the Almighty God who pledged my out taking any notice of what they had said, he trceated honour for the fulfilment of the covenant, also the sel f 51 Genealogy of M1oses. EXODUS VII. His Second Interview with Pharaoh. existent God who lives to accomplish it. Rest assured, of God, and the other must be considered the speaker therelore, that I shall bring it to pass. This passage has throughout all the ensuing scenes, even though his name occasioned much discussion; and it has been thought by is not expressly mentioned. 3. I will hardles Pharaolh's many to intimate that as the name Jehovah was not heart-This would be the result. But the Divine message known to the patriarchs, at least in the full bearing or would be the occasion, not the cause of the king's impenitent practical experience of it, the honour of the disclosure obduracy. 4, 5. I may lay minle hand uLpon Egypt, &c. was reserved to MIoses, who was the first sent with a -The succession of terrible judgments with which the message in the name of Jehovah, and enabled to attest country was about to be scourged would fully demonit by a series of public miracles. 9-11. Moses stpake so strate the supremacy of Israel's God. 7. Moses wvas fourmuto tihe childresl of Israel-The increased severities score years-This advanced age was a pledge that they inflicted on the Israelites seem to have so entirely crushed had not been readily betrayed into a rash or hazardous their spirits, as well as irritated them, that they refused enterprise, and that under its attendant infirmities they to listen to any more communications (ch. 14.12). Even could not have carried through the work on which they the faith of Moses himself was faltering; and he would were entering had they not been supported by a Divine have abandoned the enterprise in despair had he not re- hand. 8. Wihlen Plharaohi shall speak lunto you, &c.ceived a positive command from God to revisit the people The king would naturally demand some evidence of their without delay, and at the same time renew their demand having been sent from God; and as he would expect the on the king in a more decisive and peremptory tone. ministers of his own gods to do the same works, the con12. hIow then sShall.... vho am of auncircumcised test, in the nature of the case, would be one of miracles. lips? -A metaphorical expression among the Iebrews, Notice has already been taken of the rod of Moses (ch. 4. who, taught to look on the circumcision of any part as 2), but rods were carried also by all nobles and official perdenoting perfection, signified its deficiency or unsuitable- sons in the court of Pharaoh. It was an Egyptian custom, ness by uncircumcision. The words here express how and the rods were symbols of authority or rank. Hence painfully Moses felt his want of utterance o' persuasive God commanded his servants to use a rod. 10. Aaronl oratory. He seems to have fallen into the same deep de- cast down his rod before Pharaoh, &c.-It is to be prespondency as his brethren, and to be shrinking with sumed that Pharaoh had demanded a proof of their Divine nervous timidity from a difficult, if not desperate cause, mission. 11. then Plharaoh also called the wise mena If he had succeeded so ill with the people, whose dearest and the sorcerers, &c.-His object in calling them was to interests were all involved, what better hope could he ascertain whether this doing of Aaron's was really a entertain of his making more impression on the heart of work of Divine power or merely a feat of magical art. a king elated with pride and strong in the possession of The magicians of Egypt in modern times have been long absolute power? I-ow strikingly was the indulgent for- celebrated adepts in charming serpents, and particularly bearance of God displayed towards his people amid all by pressing the nape of the neck, they throw them into a their backwardness to hail his announcement of ap- kind of catalepsy, which renders them stiff and immov. proaching deliverance! No perverse complaints or care- able-thus seeming to change them into a rod. They conless indifference on their part retarded the development ceal the serpent about their persons, and by acts of legerof His gracious purposes. On the contrary, here, as demain produce it from their dress, stiff and straight as a generally, the course of his providence is slow in the rod. Just the same trick was played off by their ancient infliction of judgments, while it moves more quickly, predecessors, the most renowned of whom, Jannes and as it were, when misery is to be relieved -or benefits con- Jambres (2 Timothy 3. 8), were called in on this occasion. ferred. They had time after the summons to make suitable prep14-30. THE GENEALOGY OF MoOSES I.. These be the arations-and so it appears they succeeded by their "enhe ads of their fathers' houses-chiefs or governors of chantments" in practising an illusion on the senses. 12. their housed. The insertion of this genealogical table in but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods, &c.-This this part of the narrative was intended to authenticate was what they could not be prepared for, and the disthe descent of Moses and Aaron. Both of them were comfiture appeared in the loss of their rods, which were commissioned to act so important a part in the events probably real serpents. 14. Pharaoh's heartis hardenled transacted in the court of Egypt, and afterwards elevated -Whatever might have been his first impressions, they to so high offices in the government and Church of God, were soon dispelled; and when he found his magicians that it was of the utmost importance that their lineage making similar attempts, he concluded that Aaron's should be accurately traced. Reuben and Simeon being affair was a magical deception, the secret of which was the eldest of Jacob's sons, a passing notice is taken of not known to his wise men. 15. Get thee unto Pharaol them, and then the historian advances to the enumera- -Now therefore began those appalling miracles of judgtion of the principal persons in the house of Levi. 20. ment by which the God of Israel, through his ambassaAmram took him Jochebed his father's sister to wife dors, proved his sole and unchallengeable supremacy over -The Septuagint and Syriac versions render it his cousin, all the gods of Egypt, and which were the natural pheno23. Elisheba-i. e., Elizabethan. These minute particu- mena of Egypt, at an unusual season, and in a miraculous lars recorded of the family of Aaron, while he has passed degree of intensity. The court of Egypt, whether held at over his own, indicate the real modesty of Moses. An Rameses, or Memphis, or Tanis in the field of Zoan (Psalm ambitious man or an impostor would have acted in a 78. 12), was the scene of those extraordinary transactions, different manner. and Moses must have resided during that terrible period in the immediate neighbourhood. in the morning: lo, COH A PT E R VII. lhe goeth out unto the water, &c.-for the purpose of ablutions or devotions perhaps; for the Nile was an object Ver. 1-25. SECOND INTERVIEW WITH PHARAOH. 1. of superstitious reverence, the patron deity of the country. the Lord said iunto Moses-He is here encouraged to It might be that Moses had been denied admission into wait again on the king-not, however, as formerly, in the palace; but be that as it may, the river was to be the the attitude of a humble suppliant, but now armed with subject of the first plague, and therefore lie was ordered to credentials as God's ambassador, and to make his de- repair to its banks with the miracle-working rod, now to mand in a tone and manner which no earthly monarch be raised, not in demonstration, but in judgment, if the or court ever witnessed. I have miade thee a God-made, refractory spirit of the king should still refuse consent to i. e., set, appointed; "a god," i. e., he was to act in this Israel's departure for their sacred rites. 17-21. Aarona business as God's representative, to act and speak in his lifted up the rod and smote the twaters,-&c.-Whether name, and to perform things beyond the ordinary course the water was changed into real blood, orfnly the appearof nature. The Orientals familiarly say of a man who is ance of it (and Omnipotence could effect the one as easily eminently great or wise "he is a god" among men. as the other), this was a severe calamity. How great must Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet-i. e., inter- have been the disappointment and disgust throughout the preter or spokesman. The one was to be the vicegerent land when the river became of a blood-red colour, of which 52 PHe Plague of Frogs. EXODUS VIII, IX. The Murrain of Beasts. they had. a national abhorrence; their favourite beverage of when no precautions could preserve from their painful became a nauseous draught, and when the fish, which sting. The very smallness and insignificance of these formaed so large an article of food, were destroyed. The fierce insects made them a dreadful scourge. The magiimmense scale on which the plague was inflicted is seen cians never attempted any imitation, and what neither by its extending to "the streams," or branches of the Nile the blood of the river nor the nuisance of the frogs had -to the "rivers "-the canals-the "ponds" and "pools," done, the visitation of this tiny enemy constrained themn that which is left after an overflow-the reservoirs, and to acknowledge "this is the finger of God," properly the many domestic vessels in which the Nile water was "gods," for they spoke as heathens. kept to filter. And accordingly the sufferings of the peo- 20-32. PLAGUE OF FLIES. 20. Rise up carly... Pliapie from thirst must have been severe. Nothing could raoh; lo, h1e co0meth. forth to the vwater, &c.-Pharaoh more humble the pride of Egypt than this dishonour still appearing obdurate, Moses was ordered to meet him brought on their national god. 22 The mnagicianas... while walking on the banks of the Nile, and repeat his redid so Fwith their enehaintmnents, &c.-Little or no pure quest for the liberation of Israel, threatening in case of water could be procured, and therefore their imitation continued refusal to cover every house from the palace to must have been on a small scale-the only drinkable the cottage with swarms of flies-while, as a proof of the water to be got being dug among the sands. It must have power that accomplished this judgment, the land of Gobeen on a sample or specimen of water dyed red with shen should be exempted from the calamity. The appeal some colouring matter. But it was sufficient to serve as was equally vain as before, and the predicted evil overa pretext or command for the king to turn unmoved and took the country in the form of what was not " flies," such go to his house. as we are accustomed to, but divers sorts of flies (Psalma 78. 45), the gad-fly, the dog-fly, the cockroach, the Eg yptian beetle, for all these are nmentioned by different vwriOHt A P T ER VI III. ters. They are very destructive, some of them inflicting Ver. 1-15. PLAGUE OF FROGS. 1. the Lord spake lunto severe bites on animals, others destroying clothes, books, Iloses, Go -uato Pharaoh-The duration of the first plague plants, every thing-the worship of flies, particularly of for a whole week must have satisfied all that it was pro- the beetle, was a prominent part of the religion of the duced not by any accidental causes, but by the agency of ancient Egyptians. The employment of these winged Omnipotent power. As a judgment of God, however, it deities to chastise them flmust have been painful and huproduced no good effect, and Moses was commanded to miliating to the Egyptians, while it must at the same wait on the king and threaten him, in the event of his time have strengthened the faith of the Israelites in the continued obstinacy, with the infliction of a new and God of their fathers as the only object of worship. 25-32. different plague. As Pharaoh's answer is not given, it Pha aoa called for closes,... sand said, Go ye, sacrjmay be inferred to have been unfavourable, for the xod flce to yosr God i tl e land, &c.-Betwcen impatieu nt was again raised. 2. I will smite all thy borders hVi-' anxiety to be freed from this scourge, and a reluctance on frogs-Those animals, though the natural spawn of the the part of the Hebrew bondsmen, the king followed the river, and therefore objects familiar to the people, were course of expediency: he proposed to let them fcee to enon this occasion miraculously multiplied to an amazing gage in their religious rites within any part of the king'extent, and it is probable that the ova of the frogs, which dom. But true to his instructions, Moses would accede to had been previously deposited in the mire and marshes, no such arrangement; he stated a most valid reason to were miraculously brought to perfection at once. 3. bed- show the danger of it; and the king having yielded so far Chlamber.... bedl-nmats strewed on the floor as well as as to allow them a brief holiday across the border, annexed more sumptuous divans of the rich. ovens-holes made to this concession a request that Moses would entreat witlh in the ground and the sides of which are plastered with Jehovah for the removal of the plague. He promised to co mortar. knaeading-troughs-~those used in Egypt were so, and it was removed the following day. But no sooner bowls of wicker or rush-work. What must have been the was the pressure over than the spirit of Pharaoh, like state of the people when they could find no means of a bent bow, sprang back to its wonted obduracy, and, reescape fronm the cold, damp touch and unsightly presence gardless of his promise, he refused to let the people depart. of the frogs, as they alighted on every article and vessel of food! 5, 6. Straetch forth tihhe HIanid withi thy rod C H AP T E x. over the streams, &c.-The miracle consisted in the reptiles leaving their marshes at the very time he com- Ver. 1-7. MURRAIN OF BEASTS. 3. Behold, tl-he h.aand manded them. 7. the magicians did. so wvith. thleir ein- of the Lord is oel thy cattle-A fifth application was chaatminets —required great art to make the offensive made to Pharaoh in behalf of the Israelites by Moses, who reptiles appear on any small spot of ground. What they was instructed to tell him that, if he persisted in opposing undertook to do already existed in abundance all around. their departure, a pestilence would be sent amongst all They would better have shown their power by removing the flocks and herds of the Egyptians, while those of the the frogs. 8. Pharaoh called,... Entreat tihe Lord, Israelites would be spared. As he showed no intention thlat he may take away the frogs from ine —The frog, of keeping his promise, he was still a mark for the arrows which was now used as an instrument of affliction, of the Almighty's quiver, and the threatened plague of whether from reverence or abhorrence, was an object of which he was forewarned was executed. But it is observnational superstition with the Egyptians; the god Ptha able that in this instance it was not inflicted through the being represented with a frog's head. But the vast num- instrumentality or waving of Aaron's rod, but directly by hers, together with their stench, made them an intoler- the hand of the Lord, and the fixing of the precise time able nuisance, so that the king was so far humbled as to tended still further to determine the true character of the promise that if Moses would intercede for their removal calamity (Jeremiah 12.4). all thae cattle of Egypt died[he would consent to the departure of Israel, and in comn- not absolutely every beast, for we find (v. 19, 21) that there pliance with this appeal, they were withdrawn at the were still some; but a great many died of each herd —the very hour named by the monarch himself. But many, mortality was frequent and wide-spread. The adaptation while suffering the consequences of their sins, nmake of this judgment consisted in the Egyptians venerating promises of amendment and obedience which they after- the more useful animals, such as the ox, the cow, and the wards forget, and so Pharaoh, when he saw there was a ram; in all parts of the country temples were reared and respite, was again hardened. divine honours paid to these domesticated beasts, and 16-19. PLAGUE OF LICE. 16. sam-ite the dust of tihe thus while the pestilence caused a great loss in money, it land, &e. —Aaron's rod, by the direction of Moses, who struck a heavy blow at their superstition. 7. h. baraoIsi was commanded by God, was again raised, and the land sent... there was inot onae of the cattle of the Isr-aelwas filled with gnats, mosquitoes-that is the proper ites dead —The despatch of confidential messengers indimeaning of the original term. In ordinary circumstances cates that he would not give credit to vague reports, and they embitter life in Eastern countries, and therefore the we may conclude that some impression had been made terrible nature of this infliction on Egypt may be judged on his mind by that extraordinary exemption, but it was 53 .T7e Plague of Hail. EXQDUS X. Tle Plague of Locusts. neither a good nor a permanent impression. HIis pride ened series before Pharaoh to leave him without excuse and obstinacy were in no degree subdued, when judgment should be finally executed. 2. and that 8-17. PLAGUE OF BOILS. 8. Take to yoI halnai-lfuls of thou mayest tell... of thy son, and of thy soni's son, ashes, &c.-The next plague assailed the persons of the &c.-There was a further and higher reason for the inflicEgyptians, and it appeared in the form of ulcerous erup- tion of those awful judgments, viz., that the knowledge of tions upon the skin and flesh (Leviticus 13. 20; 2 Kings 20. them there, and the permanent record of them still might 7; Job2. 7). That this epidemic did not arise from natural furnish a salutary and impressive lesson to the Church causes was evident from its taking effect from the partic- down to the latest ages. Worldly historians might have ular action of Moses done in the sight of Pharaoh. The described them as extraordinary occurrences that marked attitude he assumed was similar to that of Eastern magi- this era of Moses in ancient Egypt. But we are taught to clans, who, "when they pronounce an imprecation on an trace them to their cause: the judgments of Divine wrath individual, a village, or a country, take the ashes of cows' on a grossly idolatrous king and nation. 4. to-morrow dung (that is, from a common fire) and throw them in the air, will I briaig tahe locusts-Moses was commissioned to saying to the objects of their displeasure, such a sickness renew the request so often made and denied, with an asor such a curseshall come upon you." [ROBERTS.] Moses surance that an unfavourable answer would be followed took ashes from the furnace — Hebrew, brick-kiln. The on the morrow by an invasion of locusts. This species of magicians being sufferers in their own persons, could do insect resembles a large, spotted, red and black, doublenothing, though they had been called; and as the brick- winged grasshopper, about three inches or less in length, kiln was one of the principal instruments of oppression with the two hind legs working like hinged springs of to the Israelites, it was now converted into a means of immense strength and elasticity. Perhaps no more terrichastisement to the Egyptians, who were made to read ble scourge was ever brought on a land than those voratheir sin in their punishment. cious insects, which fly in such countless numbers as to 18-35. PLAGUTE OF HAIL.. ~. will altse it to rain a darken the land which they infest, and on whatever place very grievouts hail, &c.-The seventh plague which Pha- they alight, they convert it into a waste and barren raoh's hardened heart provoked was that of hail, a phe- desert, stripping the ground of its verdure, the trees of nomenon which must have produced the greatest aston- their leaves and bark, and producing in a few hours a deishment and consternation in Egypt, as rain and hail- gree of desolation which it requires the lapse of years to stones, accompanied by thunder and lightning, were very repair. 7-11. Pharaoh's se-rants said —Many of his rare occurrences. suchI as hathl not been ia Egypt-In courtiers must have suffered serious losses from the late the Delta, or lower Egypt, where the scene is laid, rain visitations, and the prospect of such a calamity as that occasionally falls between January and March-hail is not which was threatened, and the magnitude of which former unknown, and thunder sometimes heard. But a storm, experience enabled them to realize, led them to make a not only exhibiting all these elements, but so terrific that strong remonstrance with the king. Finding himself not hailstones fell of immense size, thunder pealed in awful seconded by his counsellors in his continued resistance, volleys, and lightning swept the ground like fire, was an he recalled Moses and Aaron, and having expressed his unexampled calamity. 20, 21. He that feared the word consent to their departure, inquired who were to go? The of tlhe Lord... regarded anot, &c.-Due premonition, it prompt and decisive reply, "all," neither man nor beast appears, had been publicly given of the impending ternm- shall remain, raised a storm of indignant fury in the pest-the cattle seem to have been sent out to graze, which breast of the proud king; he would permit the grown-up is from January to April, when alone pasturage can be men to go away. But no other terms would be listened obtained, and accordingly the cattle were in the fields. to. they -were driven olst from Pharaaola's presence, This storm occurring at that season, not only struck uni- &c.-In the East, when a person of authority and rank versal terror into the minds of the people, but occasioned feels annoyed by a petition which he is unwilling to the destruction of all-people and cattle — which, in ne- grant, he makes a signal to his attendants, who rush forglect of the warning, had been left in the fields, as well as ward, and seizing the obnoxious suppliant by the neck, of all vegetation. It was the more appalling that hail- drag him out of the chamber with violent haste. Of such stones in Egypt are small and of little force-lightning a character was the impassioned scene in the court of also is scarcely ever known to produce fatal effects, and to Egypt, when the king had wrought himself into such a enhance the wonder, not a trace of any storm was found fit of uncontrollable fury as to treat ignominiously the in Goshen. 31, 32. the flax and thte barley was sinit- two venerable representatives of the Hebrew people. 13. ten, &c.-The peculiarities that are mentioned in these the Lord brought an east — wind —The rod of M1oses was cereal products arise from the climate and physical con- again raised, and the locusts came. They are natives of stitution of Egypt. In that country flax and barley are the desert, and are only brought by an east wind into almost ripe when wheat and rye (spelt) are green. And Egypt, where they sometimes come in sun-obscuring hence the flax must have been "bolled" —i. e., risen in clouds, destroying in a few days every green blade in the stalk or podded in February, thus fixing the particular track they traverse. Man, with all his contrivances, can month when the event took place. Barley ripens about a do nothing to protect himself fron the overwhelming inmonth earlier than wheat. Flax and barley are generally vasion. Egypt has often suffered from locusts. But the ripe in March, wheat and rye (properly, spelt) in April. plague that followed the wave of the miraculous rod was 27-35. Pharaoh sent and called for Mloses and Aaron, altogether unexampled. Pharaoh, fearing irretrievable and said, I haave sinnmed —This awful display of Divine ruin to his country, sent in haste for Moses, and confessdispleasure did seriously impress the mind of Pharaoh, ing his sin, implored the intercession of Moses, who enand, under the weight of his convictions, he humbles him- treated the Lord, and a "mighty strong west wind took self to confess he has done wrong in opposing the Divine away the locusts." will. At the same time he calls for Moses to intercede for 21-29. PLAGUE OF DARKNESS. 21. Stretch out thine cessation of the calamity. Moses accedes to his earnest hand toward heaven, that there may. be darknesswishes, and this most awful visitation ended. But his re- Whatever secondary means were employed in producing pentance proved a transient feeling, and his obduracy it, whether thick clammy fogs and vapours, according to soon became as great as before. some; a sand-storm, or the chamsin, according to others; it was such that it could be almost perceived by the organs GC H APTE H X. of touch, and so protracted as to continue for three days. which the chamsin does. [HIENGS'rENBEmIG.] The appallVer. 1-20. PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS. 1. shtowV these my ing character of this calamity consisted in this, that the signs, &c.-Sinners even of the worst description are to be sun was an object of Egyptian idolatry; that the pure and admonishqed, even though there ma'y be little hope of serene sky of that country was never marred by the apamendment, and hence those striking miracles that car- pearance of a cloud. And here, too, the Lord made a ried so clear and conclusive demonstration of the being marked difference between Goshen and the rest of Egypt. and character of the true God, were performed in length- 24-26. Pharaoh called usnato Moses, and said, Go ye, 54 Death of the First-Born Threatened. EXODUS XI, XII. The Passover Instituted. serve the Lord-Terrified by the preternatural darkness, the beginning of montiths-the first not only in order, the stubborn king relents, and proposes another compro- but in estimation. It had formerly been the seventh acmise-the flocks and herds to be left as hostages for their cording to the reckoning of the civil year, which began return. But the crisis is approaching, and Mloses insists in Septemlber, and continued unchanged, but it was on every iota of his demand. The cattle would be needed thenceforth to stand first in the national religious year for sacrifice-how many or how few could not be known which began in March, April. 3. Speak ye unlto all the till their arrival at the scene of religious observance. But congregation of Israel-The recent events had prepared the emancipation of Israel from Egyptian bondage was to the Israelitish people for a crisis in their affairs, and they be complete. 28. Pharaoh said,... Get thee from me seem to have yielded implicit obedience at this time to — The calm firmness of Moses provoked the tyrant. Moses. It is observable that, amid all the hurry and Frantic with disappointment and rage, with offended and bustle of such a departure, their serious attention was to desperate malice, he ordered him from his presence, and be given to a solemn act of religion. a lamb for an hiouse forbade him ever to return. 39. 3loses said, Thou hast -a kid might be taken (v. 5). The service was to be a dospoken. wvell. mestic one, for the deliverance was to be from an evil threatened to every house in Egypt. 4. if the ]household C HAP T ER X I. be too little for the lamb, &c.-It appears from Josephus N cr. 1-10. DEATH OF THE FIRST-BORN THREATENED. i. that ten persons were required to make up the proper the Lord said-rather HAD said unto Moses. It may be paschal communion. every man, according to his inferred, therefore, that he had been apprised that the eating-It is said that the quantity eaten of the paschal crisis was now arrived, that the next plague would so ef- lamb, by each individual, was about -the size of an olive. fectually humble and alarm the mind of Pharaoh, that he * lamb... without blemisih-The smallest deformity would " thrust them out thence altogether;" and thus the Or defect made a lmb unfit for sacrifice-a type of Christ word of Moses (ch. 10. 29), must be regarded as a prediction. (Hebrews 7. 26; 1 Peter 1.19). a male of the first year3, 3. Speafk now in tlhe ears of the people-These verses, Christ in the prime of life. 6. keep it Tp until the fourdescribing the communication which had been made in teenth day, &c.-Being selected from the rest of the flock private to Moses, are inserted here as a parenthesis, and It was to be separated four days before sacrifice; and for will be considered (ch. 12.35). 4. Thus saith the Lord, the same length of time was Christ under examination About midanight-Here is recorded the announcement of and his spotless innocence declared before the world. the last plague made in the most solemn manner to the kill it in the evening-i. e., the interval between the king, on whose hardened heart all his painful experience sun's beginning to decline, and sunset, corresponding to had hitherto produced no softening, at least no perma- our three o'clock in the afternoon. 7. take of tie blood, nenftly good effect. will I go sout into t ie rmidst of and strike it on thie two side-posts, &c.-as a sign of Egypt-language used after the manner of men. 5. all safety to those within. The posts must be considered of tIe ist-born ina ti lanad... sliall die-The time, the tents, in which the Israelites generally lived, though suddenness, the dreadful severity of this coming calanlity, some ight be in houses. Thoug the Israelites were sinaqnd the peculiar description of victims, both amongst s as well as the Egyptias, God was pleased o accept men and beasts, on whom it was to fall, would all con- the substitution of a lambthe blood of which being tribute to aggravate its character, the mald-servant seen sprinkled on the door-posts, procured them mercy. that is behinrd the mill-The grinding of the meal for It was to be on the side-posts and upper door-posts, where daily use in every household is commonly done by female ight be looked to, not on the threshold, where it slaves, and is considered the lowest employment. Two might be trodden under foot. This was an emblem of portable millstones are used for the purpose, of which the te bloo of sprinkling (Hebrews 12. 2, 29). 8. roast with uppermost is turned by a small wvooden handle, and dur- fre- for the sake of expedition; and this difference was ing the operation the maid sits behind the mill. 6. shall always observed between the cooking of the paschal lamb oe a great cry throughout all tie land~-Ina the case of and the other offerings (2 Chronicles 35.13). unleavoened a death, people in the East set up loud wailings, and im- bead-also for the sake of despatch (Deuteronomy 16.3), agination may conceive what "a great cry" would e but as a kind of corruption (Luke 12. 1) there seems to raised when death would invade every family in the have been a typical meaning under it (I Corinthians 5. 8). kingdom. 7. against any of the chlildren of Israel bitter hlerbs —lit., bitters —to remind the Israelites of their shiall not a dog moeve hlis tonue-~ No town or village in affliction in Egypt, and morally of the trials to which Egypt or in the East generally is free from the nuisance Gd's people are subject on account of sin.. Eat not of dogs, who prowl about the streets and make the most f it rw-i. e., with any blood remaininga caeat hideous noise at any passengers at night. WThat an em- against conformity to idolatrous practices. It was to be phatic significance does the knowledge of this circum- roastedwholenotabonetobebrokenandthispointedto stance give to this fact in the sacred record, that on the Christ (John 19. 3 10. 10. let nothing of it remain until awful night that was coming, when the air should be rent t morninga which might be a superstitious with the piercing sarieks of mourners, so great and uni- manner, or allowed to putrefy, which in a hot climate versal would be the panic inspired by the hand of God, would speedily have ensued; and which was not becomthat not a dog would move his tongue against the children ing in what had been offered to God. of Israel!. all these thy servants shiall... bow down 11-14. TIE RITE OF THE PASSOVER. 11. thus shall ye themselves unto me-This should be the effect of the eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your ~universal terror; the hearts of the proudest would be feet-as prepared for ajourney. The first was done by the humbled and do reverential homage to God, in the per- skirts of the loose outer cloth being drawn up and fasson of His representative. went out... in a great tened in the girdle, so as to leave the leg and knee free anger —Holy and righteous indignation at the duplicity, for motion. As to the other, the Orientals never wear repeated falsehood, and hardened impenitence of the shoes in-doors, and the ancient Egyptians, as appears king; and this strong emotion was stirred in the bosom from the monuments, did not usually wear either shoes of Moses, not at the ill reception given to himself, but the or sandals. These injunctions seem to have applied chiefly dishonour done to God (Matthew 19. 8; Ephesians 4. 2 to the first celebration of the rite. it is the lord's passover-called by this name from the blood-marked dwellings of the Israelites being passed over figuratively by CHAPT E I XII. the destroying angel. 12. smite... gods of Egypt — perhaps used here for princes and grandees. But, accordVer. 1-10. THE PASSOVER INSTITUTED. 1. the Lord ing to Jewish tradition, the idols of Egypt were all on that spake unto Moses-rather, had spoken unto Moses and night broken in pieces (see Numbers 33.4; Isaiah 19. 1). Aaron; for it is evident that the communication here de- 13, 14. for a memorial, &c.-The close analogy traceable scribed must have been made to them on or before the in all points between the Jewish and Christian passovers tenth of the morth 2. this montrah shiall be unto you is seen also in the circumstance that both festivals were 55 )eath of the First-born. EXODUS XII. Departure of the sraelites. instituted before the events they were to commemorate have themselves been entangled, and fallen into the pit had transpired. which they have dug for the righteous, "Verily there is Ver. 15-51. UNLEAVENED BREAD. 15. Sevein days a God that judgeth in the earth." 30. there was lnot a shall ye eat unaleavened bread, &c.-This WWas to corn- liouse -wlhere there was not one dead —Perhaps this memorate another circumstance in the departure of the statement is not to be taken absolutely. The Scriptures Israelites, who were urged to leave so hurriedly that their frequently use the words "all," " none," in a conmparative dough was unleavened (v. 39), and they had to eat unleav- sense-and so in this case. There would be many a house ened cakes (Deuteronomy 16.3). The greatest care was in which there would be no child, and many in w,,vhich the always taken by the Jews to free their houses from leaven first-born might be already dead. What is to be under-the owner searching every corner of his dwelling with a stood is, that almost every house in Egypt had a death in lightlied candle. A figurative allusion to this is made (1 it. 31. called for Moses and Aarona-a striking fulfilCorinthians 5. 7). The exclusion of leaven for seven days ment of the words of Moses (ch. 11. 8), and showing that would not be-attended with inconvenience in the East, they were spoken under Divine suggestion; 32. also where the usual leaven is dough kept till it becomes sour, take your flocks, &c.-All the terms the king had forand it is kept from one day to another for the purpose of merly insisted on were now departed from; his pride had preserving leaven in readiness. Thus even were there none been effectually humbled. Appalling judgments in such in all the country, it could be got within twenty-four hours. rapid succession showed plainly that the hand of God [HARAMER.] thatsoul shall be cut off-Excomniunicated was against him. His own family bereavement had so from the community and privileges of the chosen people, crushed him to the earth that he not only showed impa16. there shall be an holy conivocation —lit., calling tience to rid his kingdom of such formidable neighbours, of the people, which was done by sound of trumpets but even begged an interest in their prayers. 34. peo(Numbers 10. 2), a sacred assembly-for these days were to ple took... lkneading-troughs-IHaving lived so long be regarded as Sabbaths-excepting only that meat might in Egypt, they must have been in the habit of using the be cooked on them (ch. 16. 23). 17. ye shlall observe, &cc. utensils common in that country. The Egyptian knead-The seven days of this feast were to commence the day ing-trough was a bowl of wicker or rush-worlk, and it adafter the passover. It was a distinct festival following mitted of being hastily wrapped up with tha dough in it that feast; but although this feast was instituted like the and slung over the shoulder in their hyke.s oi loose.pper passover before the departure, the observance of it did not garments. 35. children of Israel borrowed of the take place till after. 19. stranger-No foreigner could par- Egyptians jewels of silver-When the Orientals g, ~ to take of the passover, unless circumcised; the" stranger " their sacred festivals, they always put on their bestjc.vels. specified as admissible to the privilege must, therefore, The Israelites themselves thought they were only going be considered a Gentile proselyte. 21-25. Th~esa closes three days' journey to hold a feast unto the Lord, and in called for all the elders of Israel, &c. —Iere are given these circumstances it would be easy for them to borrow special directions for the observance. hIyssop-a small what was necessary for a sacred festival. But "borrow" red moss. [HASSELQUIST.] The caper-plant. [ROYLE.] conveys a wrong meaning. The word rendered borrowa It was used in the sprinkling, being well adapted for signifies properly to askc, demand, require. The Israelites such purposes, as it grows in bushes-putting out plenty had been kept in great poverty, having received little or of suckers from a single root. And it is remarkable that no wages. They now insisted on full remuneration for all it was ordained in the arrangements of an all-wise Provi- their labour, and it was paid in light and valuable artidence that the Roman soldiers should undesignedly, on cles adapted for convenient carriage. 36. the Lord gave their part, make use of this symbolical plant to Christ thle people favour in the sighit of tsle Egyptians-Such when, as our Passover, he was sacrificed for us. KNone a dread of them was inspired into the universal minds of... shall go out at at the door of S]is houise uiatil the the Egyptians, that whatever they asked was readily mnorninag —This regulation was peculiar to the first ceel- given. spoiled the Egyptians-The accumulated earnebration, and intended, as some think, to prevent any ings of many years being paid themn at this moment, the suspicion attaching to them of being agents in the im- Israelites were suddenly enriched, according to the prompending destruction of the Egyptians; there is an al- ise made to Abraham (Genesis 15. 14), and they left the lusion to it (Isaiah 26. 20). 26. wxhena your chiildreii country like a victorious army laden with spoil (Psalm shall say,... What mean ye by this servie —Inde- 105. 37; Ezekiel 39. 10). 37. Tihe children of Israel jourpendently of some observances which were not after- nmeyed from Rameses — now generally identified with the wards repeated, the usages practised at this yearly corn- ancient HIero;polis, and fixed at the modern 4Abu-Keishmemorative feast were so peculiar that the curiosity of eid. This position agrees with the statement that the the young would be stimulated, and thus parents have an scene of the miraculous judgments against Pharaoh was excellent opportunity, which they were enjoined to em- "in the field of Zoan." And it is probable that, in expecbrace, for instructing each rising generation in the origin tation of their departure, which the king on one pretext and leading facts of the national faith. 27, 28. the peo- or another delayed, the Israelites had been assembled pie bowed the h-ead, and worshipped — All the preced- there as a general rendezvous. In journeying from Raming directions were communicated through the elders, eses to Palestine, there was a choice of two routes-the and the Israelites, being deeply solemnized by the influ- one along the shores of the Mediterranean to El-Arish, ence of past and prospective events, gave prompt and the other more circuitous round the head of the Red Sea faithful obedience. 29. at midhight thie Lord smote all and the desert of Sinai. The latter Moses was directed to the first-born in t&he land of Egypt-At the moment take (ch. 13. 17). to SuceCoth-i. e., booths, probably nothwhen the Israelites were observing the newly-instituted ing more than a place of temporary encampment. The feast in the singular manner described, the threatened Hebrew word signifies a covering or shelter for-med by calamity overtook the Egyptians. It is more easy to im- the boughs of trees; and hence, in memory of this lodga.gine than describe the confusion and terror of that peo- ment, the Israelites kept the feast of tabernacles yearly pie suddenly roused from sleep and enveloped in dark- in this manner. -'gx hiulraed thoueasand... nmean-It ness-none could assist their neighbours, when the groans appears from Numbers 1., that the enunmeration is of men of the dying and the wild shrieks of mourners were heard above twenty years of age. Assuming, what is now ascerevery where around. The hope of every family was de- tained by statistical tables, that the number of males stroyed at a stroke, This judgment, terrible though it above that age is as nearly as possible the half of the total was, evinced the equity of Divine retribution. For eighty number of males, the whole male population of Israel, on years the Egyptians had caused the male children of the this computation, would amount to 1,200,000; and andding Israelites to be cast into the river, and now all their own an equal number for women and children, the aggregate first-born fell under the stroke of the destroying angel. number of Israelites who left Egypt would be 2,400,000. They were made, in the justice of God, to feel something 38. a mixed multitude went with thoem —lit., a great of what they had made His people feel. Many a time rabble (see also Numbers 11. 4; Deuteronomy 29. 11); have the hands of sinners made the snares in which they slaves, persons in the lowest grades of society, partly na56 Memorial of the Passover. EXODUS XIII, XIV. Journey from Egypt. tives and partly foreigners, bound close to them as corn- may be in thliy mouth, &c.-i. e., that it may be the subpanions in misery, and gladly availing themselves of the ject of frequent conversation and familiar knowledge opportunity to escape in the crowd. (Cf. Zechariah 8. 23.) among the people. 4-0. the sojourning of the ehildrena of Isr'ael....was 11-16. FIE3TLINGS OF BEASTS. 12. every firstling, &C. four h-undred and thirty years-The S'eptuagint renders -— The inj unction respecting the consecration of the firstit thus: "The sojourning of the children and of their born, as here repeated, with some additional circumfathers, which they sojourned in the land of Canaan stances. The firstlings of clean beasts, such as lambs, and in the land of Egypt." These additions are import- kids, and calves, if males, were to be devoted to God and ant, for the period of sojourn in Egypt did not exceed 215 employed in sacrifice. Those unclean beasts, as the ass's years; but if we reckon from the time that Abraham en- colt, being unfit for sacrifice, were to be redeemed (Numtered Canaan and the promise was made in which the bers 18. 15). sojourn of his posterity in Egypt was announced, this 17-21. JOURNEY FROM EGYPT. 17. God led them not makes up the time to 430 years. 4:1. even the self-same throughl tie way of the land of t ie Philistiines, (day-implying an exact and literal fulfilment of the pre- although that was near, &c.-The shortest and most dieted period. 49. Onie law shall tbe to him. thlat is direct route from Egypt to Palestine was the usual caravan lomeboria, aind itunto thle stranger-This regulation dis- road that leads by Belbeis, El-Arish, to Ascalon and Gaza. plays the liberal spirit of the Hebrew institutions. Any The Philistines, who then possessed the latter, would have foreigner might obtain admission to the privileges of the been sure to dispute their passage, for between them and nation on complying with their sacred ordinances. In the Israelites there was a hereditary feud (1 Chronicles 7. the Mosaic equally as the Christian dispensation priv- 21, 22); and so early a commencement of hostilities would ilege and duty were inseparably conjoined. have discouraged or dismayed the unwarlike band which Moses led. Their faith was to be exercised and strengthened, and from the commencement of their travels we C I A PT ER XIII. observe the same careful proportion of burdens and trials Ver. 1, 2. TIH-E FIR.ST-BORN SANCTIFIEDn. 2. ESanc$tify to their character and state, as the gracious Lord shows to unlnto me all te first-born-To sanctify means to conse- his people still in that spiritual journey of which the crate, to set apart from a common to a sacred use. The former was typical. 18. God led the people about, foundation of this duty rested on the fact, that the Israel- tlrougl thle way of thie wvilderneess of the Red Sea, &c. ites having had their first-born preserved by a distin- -This wondrous expanse of water is a gulf of the Indian guishing act of grace from the general destruction that ocean. It was called in Hebrew "the weedy sea," from overtook the families of the Eayptians, were bound in the forest of marine plants with which it abounds. But token of gratitude to consider them as the Lord's peculiar the name of the Red Sea is not so easily traced. Some property (cf. Hebrews 12. 23). think it was given from its contiguity to the countries of 3-10. MEM0ORIAL OF TI-E PASSOVER. 3. 3. Ioges said Imnto Edom (red), others derive it from its coral rocks, while a the people, Renmiember this day —The day that gave third class ascribe the origin of the name to an extremely them a national existence and introduced them into the red appearance of the water in some parts, caused by a privileges of independence and freedom, deserved to live numberless multitude of very small mollusca. This sea, in the memories of the Hebrews and their posterity; and, at its northern extremity, separates into two smaller inconsidering the signal interposition of God displayed in lets-the eastern called anciently the Elanitic gulf, now the it, to be held not only in perpetual, but devout remeni- glf of Akaba; and the western the Heroopolite gulf, now brance. house of bondage-~lit., house of slaves-i. e., a the gulf of Suez, which, there can be no doubt, extended servile and degrading condition. for by strength of much more to the north anciently than it does now. It haind ihe Lord brought you out fromn this place-The was toward the latter the Israelites marched. went ulp emancipation of Israel would never have been obtained arnessed-i. e., girded, equippe for a long journey. except it had been wrung from the Egyptian tyrant by (See Psalm 105.37). The margin renders it "five in a the appalling judgments of God, as had been at the outset rank," meaning obviously five large divisions, under five of his mission announced to Moses (ch. 3. 19). There presiding officers, according to the usages of all carashall no leavened bread, &c.-The words are elliptical, N Ins; and a spectacle of such a mighty and motley multiand tile meaning of the clause may be paraphrased thus: tude must have presented an imposing appearance, and "For by strength of hand the Lord brought you out its orderly progress could have been effected only by the from this place, in such haste that there could or should superintending influence of God. 19. Moses too the be no leavened bread eaten." 4:. imonrth AM~ Ii bo-lit. a boes of Joseph -with him —in fulfilment of the oath lie green ear, and hence the month Abib is the month of exacted from his brethren (Genesis 50. 25, 26). The regreen ears, corresponding to the middle of our March. It mains of the other patriarchs-not noticed from their was the best season for undertaking a journey to the obscurity —were also carried out of Egypt (Acts 7. 16); and desert-region of Sinai, especially with flocs and herds; there would be no difficulty as to the means of conveyfor then the winter torrents have subsided, and the wadys ance-a few camels bearing these precious relics would are covered with an early and luxuriant verdure. 5-7. give a true picture of Oriental customs, such as is still to when the Lord shall briang t ee —The passover is here be seen in the immense pilgrimages to Mecca. 20. einstituted as a permanent festival of the Israelites. It camped iii Etiham-This place is supposed by the most was, however, only a prospective observance; we read of intelligent travellers to be the modern Ajrud, where is a only one celebration of the passover during the protracted watering-place, and which is the third stage of the pilsojourn in the wilderness; but on their settlement in the grim caravans to Mecca. "It is remarkable that either promised land, the season was hallowed as a sacred anni- of the different routes eastward from HI-eliopolis, or southversary, in conformity with the directions here given, ward from Hero6polis, equally admit of Ajrud being S. thoIa shalt show thy son in that day, saying-The Etham. It is twelve miles north-west from Suez, and is establishment of this and the other sacred festivals pre- literally on the edge of the desert." [PICTORIAL BIBLE.] sented the best opportunities of instructing the young in 21, 22. thie Lord went before them-by a visible token a knowledge of His gracious doings to their ancestors in of his presence, the Shechinah, in a majestic cloud (Psalm Egypt. 9. It shall be for a sign unto thlee uapon thine 78. 1; Nehemiah 9. 12; 1 Corinthians 10. 1), called the angel hamd, &c.-There is no reason to believe that the Oriental of God (ch. 14. 19; 23. 20-23; Psalm 99. 6, 7; Isaiah 6&i. 8, 9. tatooing-the custom of staining the hands with the powder of Hennah, as Eastern females now do-is here CHAPT ER XTV. referred to. Nor is it probable that either this practice or the phylacteries of the Pharisees-parchment scrolls, Ver. 1-41. GoD INSTRUCTETH THE ISRAELITES AS TO which were worn on their wrists and foreheads-had so THEIR JOURNEY. 2. lSpeak ninto thle childre]n of Israel, early an existence. The words are to be considered only thiat they turn and encamp-The Israelites had now as a figurative mode of expression, that ti.e Lord's law' completed their three days' journey, and at Etham the 57 God Instructeth the Israeltes EXODUS XIV. as to their Journey. decisive step would have to be taken wvhcttcr they would and inevitable dangers, the most formidable of which was celebrate their intended feast and return, or march on- the vengeance of a seditious and desperate multitude; but wards by the head of the Red Sea into the desert, with a his meek, unruffled, magnanimous composure presents view to a final departure. They were already on the bor- one of the sublimest examples of moral courage to be ders of the desert, and a short march would have placed found in history. And whence did his courage arise? ie them beyond the reach of pursuit, as the chariots of Egypt saw the miraculous cloud still accompanying them, and could have made little progress over dry and yielding his confidence arose solely from the hope of a Divine insand. But at Etham, instead of pursuing their journey terposition, although, perhaps, he might have looked for eastward with the sea on their right, they were suddenly the expected deliverance in every quarter, rather than in commanded to diverge to the south, keeping the gulf on the direction of the sea. 15-18. the Lord said unto 1Motheir left; a route which not only detained them linger- ses, Wherefore criest thou unito me. &c.-When in aning on the confines of Egypt, but, in adopting it, they ac- swer to his prayers, he received the Divine command to tually turned their backs on the land of which they had go forward, he no longer doubted by what kind of miracle let out to obtain the possession. A movement so unex- the salvation of his mighty charge was to be effected. 19. pected, and of which the ultimate design was carefully the anlgel of God, i. e., the pillar of cloud. The slow and concealed, could not but excite the astonishment of all, silent movement of that majestic column through the air, even of Moses himself, although, from his implicit faith and occupying a position behind them must have excited.n the wisdom and power of his heavenly Guide, he the astonishment of the Israelites(Isaiah 58.8). It was an obeyed. The object was to entice Pharaoh to pursue, in effectual barrier between them and their pursuers, not order that the moral effect, which the judgments on Egypt only protecting them, but concealing their movements. had produced in releasing God's people from bondage, Thus, the same cloud produced light (a symbol of favour) might be still further extended over the nations by the to the people of God, and darkness (a symbol of wrath) awful events transacted at the Red Sea. Pi-hahiroth-the to their enemies (cf. 2 Corinthians 2. 16). 21. Moses mouth of the defile, or pass-a description well suited to stretched out his haiad, &c.-The waving of the rod that of Bedea, which extended from the Nile and opens was of great importance on this occasion to give pubon the shore of the Red Sea. Migdol-a fortress or cita- lie attestation in the presence of the assembled Israeldel. Baal-zepholn-some marked site on the opposite or ites, both to the character of Moses and the Divine miseastern coast. 3. tile wiltlerness Bath slaht tlhem in — sion with which he was charged. the Lord caused... Pharaoh, who would eagerly watch their movements, was a strong east wvind all that nlight-Suppose a mere now satisfied that they were meditating flight, and he na- ebb-tide caused by the wind, raising the water to a great turally thought from the error into which they appeared height on one side, still as there was not only " dry land," to have fallen by entering that defile, he could intercept but, according to the tenor of the sacred narrative, a wall them. He believed them now entirely in his power, the on the right hand and on the left, it would be impossible mountain chain being on one side, the sea on the other, on the hypothesis of such a natural cause to rear the wall so that, if he pursued them in the rear, escape seemed im- on the other. The idea of Divine interposition, therefore, possible. 5. the hleart of Pharaoh aiid of his servants is imperative; and, assuming the passage to have been was taurned against thie people, &c.-Alas, how soon the made at Mount Attakah, or at the mouth of Wady-Tawaobduracy of this reprobate king reappears! Iie had been rik, an east wind would cut the sea in that line. The Heconvinced, but not converted-overawed, but not sancti- breiw word kedem, however, rendered in our translation, fled by the appalling judgments of heaven. He bitterly east, means, in its primary signification, previous; so that repented of what he now thought a hasty concession. this verse might, perhaps, be rendered, " the Lord caused Pride and revenge, the honour of his kingdom, and the the sea to go back by a strong previous wind all that interests of his subjects, all prompted him to recall his night;" a rendering which would remove the difficulty of permission to reclaim those runaway slaves, and force supposing the host of Israel marched over on the sand, in them to their wonted labour. Strange that he should yet the teeth of a rushing column of wind, strong enough to allow such considerations to obliterate or outweigh all his heap up the waters as a wall on each side of a dry path, painful experience of the danger of oppressing that peo- and give the intelligible narrative of Divine interference. pie. But those whom the Lord has doomed to destruction 22. the children of Israel went into the midst of the are first infatuated by sin. 6. he made ready his char- sea, &c.-It is highly probable that Moses, along with iot-His preparations for an immediate and hot pursuit Aaron, first planted his footsteps on the untrodden sand, are here described: a difference is made between "the encouraging the people to follow him without fear of the chosen chariots and the chariots of Egypt." The first evi- treacherous walls; and when we take into account the dently composed the king's guard, amounting to six hun- multitudes that followed him, the immense number who dred, and they are called "chosen," lit., "third men;" through infancy and old age were incapable of hastening three men being allotted to each chariot, the charioteer their movements, together with all the appurtenances of and two warriors. As to " the chariots of Egypt, the colr- the camp, the strong and steadfast character of the leaders' mon cars contained only two persons, one for driving and faith was strikingly manifested (Joshua 2. 10; 4. 23; Psalm the other for fighting;" sometimes only one person was 66. 6; 74. 13; 106. 9; 136. 13; Isaiah 63. 11-13; 1 Corinthians 10. 1; in the chariot, the driver lashed the reins round his body Hebrews 11. 29). 23. the Egyptians pursued and went and fought; infantry being totally unsuitable for a rapid in after then to the midst of the sea-From the darkpursuit, and the Egyptians having had no cavalry, the ness caused by the intercepting cloud, it is probable word " riders " is in the grammatical connection applied that they were not aware on what ground they were drivto war chariots employed, and these were of light con- ing: they heard the sound of the fugitives before them, struction, open behind, and hung on small wheels. 10. and they pushed on with the fury of the avengers of wvhen Pharaoh drewr igh, the childrein of Israel blood, without dreaming that they were on the bared bed lifted tup their eyes-The great consternation of the Is- of the sea. 24. Lord looked... throghl... the cloud, raelites is somewhat astonishing, considering their vast and troubled them-We suppose the fact to have been superiority in numbers, but their deep dismay and abso- that the side of the pillar of cloud towards the Egyptians lute despair at the sight of this armed host receives a sat- was suddenly, and for a few moments, illuminated with a isfactory explanation from the fact that the civilized state blaze of light, which, coming as it were in a refulgent of Egyptian society required the absence of all arms, ex- flash upon the dense darkness which had preceded, so cept when they were on service. If the Israelites were frightened the horses of the pursuers that they rushed entirely unarmed at their departure, they could not think confusedly together and became unmanageable. "Let us of making any resistance. [WILKINSON & HENGSTEN- flee " was the cry that resounded through the broken and BERG.] 13,14. lMoses said,... Fear ye not, stand still, trembling ranks, but it was too late, all attempts at flight and see the salvation of thie Lord-Never, perhaps, was were vain. [BusH.] 27. Moses stretched forth his handL the fortitude of a man so severely tried as that of the He- over the sea, &c. —What circumstances could more clearly brew leader in this ctisil, exposed as ne was to various demonstrate the miraculous character of this transaction 58 DRAWINGS FROM EGYPTIAN MONUMENTS, ILLUSTRATING ANCIENT MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. gk 5 \ /44\ \ i~~~J& -L \~~~ CARPENTERS. Wilkison. r, drills a hole in the seat of a chair, s. tt, legs of chair. u at, adzes. r, a square. wv, man planing or pol ahing the leg of a chair. Is. xli. 7. 0 r 46 1{ Bt \ 11 x..'x i V// 7 - { M v/ M ELM EGYPTIAN DANCES, A Wlilkinsoo. Ex. xv. 20. FOREIGN CAPTIVES MAKING BRICK AT'HEBES. Wilkinson. Ex. i. 14. EGYPTIAN BLOW-PIPE, And small fireplace with cheeks to confine and reflect the heat.1 / Wilkinson. Is. xli,. EGYPTIANS KNEADING DOUGH WITHI THEIll HANDS. Wilkinson, fronm a painting in the Tomb of Rameses III, at Thebes. Ex. xi. 34, 39. ~AIN)~/ 1 d a e 2 3 J + 5 6'5 6 r AN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN DINNER-PARTY. Wilkinson. a, j, n r. Tables with various dishes. b, p. Figs. d, e, q, s. Baskets of grapes. Fig. 3 is taking a wing from a goose. Fig. 4 holds a joint of mleat. Figs. 5 and 7 are eatin ish. Fig. 6 is about to drink water fronm an earthen vessel. iEsth. i. 5-8. Song of MJses. EXODUS XV, XVI. Murmurs for Want of Bread. than that at the waving of Moses' rod, the dividing waters dances —We shall understand this by attending to the left the channel dry, and on his making the same motion modern customs of the East, where the dance-a slow, on the opposite side, they returned, commingling with grave, and solemn gesture, generally accompanied with instantaneous fury? Is such the character of any ebb- singing and the sound of the timbrel, is still led by the tide? 28. there remaailaed not so muellh as onle of thie principal female of the company, the rest imitating her -It is surprising that, with such a declaration, some in- novenents, and repeating the words of the song as they telligent writers can maintain there is no evidence of the drop from her lips. X1. Mirian allswcredthei l-" them" destruction of Pharaoh himself (Psalm 106. 11). 30. Israel in the Iebrew is masculine, so that Moses probably led saw the Egyptians dead ulpon the sea-shlore, &c. —The the men and Miriam the women-the two bands respondtide threw them up and left multitudes of corpses on the ing alternately, and singing the first verse as a chorus. beach; a result that brought greater infamy on the Egyp- 22. wilderness of Shur-comprehending all the western tians, that tended, on the other hand, to enhance the tri- part of Arabia Petrcea. The desert of EthaIn was a part umph of the Israelites, and doubtless enriched them with of it, extending round the northern portion of the Rel arms, which tthey had not before. The locality of this Sea, and a considerable distance along its eastern shore; famous passage has not yet been, and probably never will whereas the "wilderness of Shur" (now Sudhr) was the be, satisfactorily fixed. Some place it in the immediate designation of all the desert region of Arabia Petria that neighbourhood of Suez; where, they say, the part of the lay next to Palestine. 23. when they came to Malral, sea is most likely to be affected by "a strong east wind;" tatey could nlot drllsk of the waters-Following the where the road from the defile of Migdol (now Muktala) general route of all travellers southward, between the sea leads directly to this point; and where the sea, not above and the table-land of the Tih (valley of wandering), Marah two miles broad, could be crossed in a short time. The is almost universally believed to be what is now called vast majority, however, who have examined the spot, re- Howarah, in Wady-Amarah, about thirty miles from the ject this opinion, and fix the passage, as does local tradi- place where the Israelites landed on the eastern shore of tion, about ten or twelve miles further down the shore at the Red Sea-a distance quite sufficient for their march Wady-Tawarik. " The time of the miracle was the whole of three days. There is no other perennial spring in the night, at the season of the year, too, when the night would intermediate space. The water still retains its ancient be about its average length. The sea at that point extends character, and has a bad name among the Arabs, who from six and a half to eight miles in breadth. There was seldom allow their camels to partako of it. 25. the ELord thus ample time for the passage of the Israelites from any slowed himn a tree, which WChzel- he had cast into the part of the valley, especially considering their excitement waters, the waters were made sweet-Some travellers and animation by the gracious and wonderful interposi- have pronounced this to be the Elvah of the Arabs-a tion of Providence in their behalf." [WILSON.] shrub in form and flower resembling our hawthorn; others, the berries of the Ghurkhud-a bush found growOCHIA'PTFR, XV7Y~ ing around all brackish fountains. But neither of these OH-PT v~. *shrubs are known by the natives to possess such natural Ver. 1-27. SONG OF MosES... Thena saig Moses and virtues. It is far more likely that God miraculously enthe childrena of Israel-The scene of this thanksgiving dowed some tree with the property of purifying the bitter song is supposed to have been at the landing-place on the water-a tree employed as the medium, but the sveeteneastern shore of the Red Sea, at Ayoun Musa, the foun- ing was not dependent upon the nature or quality of the tains of Moses. They are situated somewhat farther tree, but the power of God (cf. John 9. 6). And hence the northward along the shore than the opposite point from "statute and ordinance " that followed, which would have which the Israelites set out. But the line of the people been singularly inopportune if there had no miracle been would be extended during the passage, and one extremity wrought. asdl there he proved them-God now brought of it would reach as far north as these fountains, which the Israelites into circumstances which would put their would supply them with water on landing. The time faith and obedience to the test (cf. Genesis 22.1). 27. thaey when it was sung is supposed to have been the morning camie to ElIm, vwhere were twelve wells of waterafter the passage. This song is by some hundred years supposed to be what is now called Wady-Ghurandel, the the oldest poem in the world. There is a sublimity and most extensive water-course in the western desert-an beauty in the language that is unexampled. But its un- oasis, adorned with a great variety of trees, among which rivalled superiority arises not solely from the splendour the palm is still conspicuous, and fertilized by a copious of the diction. Its poetical excellencies have often drawn stream. It is estimated to be a mile in breadth, but forth the admiration of the best judges, while the charac- stretching out far to the north-east. After the weary ter of the event commemorated, and its being prompted travel through the desert, this must have appeared a by Divine inspiration, contribute to give it an interest most delightful encampment from its shade and verdure, and sublimity peculiar to itself. I will sing anato thle as well as from its abundant supply of sweet water for the Lord, for lie hath triuimnphed gloriously-Considering thirsty multitude. The palm is called "the tree of the the state of servitude in which they had been born and desert," as its presence is always a sign of water. The bred, and the rude features of character which their sub- palms in this spot are greatly increased in number, but sequent history often displays, it cannot be supposed that the wells are diminished. the children of Israel generally were qualified to commit to memory or to appreciate the beauties of this inimitable CHAPTER XV I song. But they might perfectly understand its pervading strain of sentiment; and, with the view of suitably im- Ver. 1-36. MURMTURS FOR WANT OF BREAD. 1. they proving the occasion, it was thought necessary that all, took their journey from Elim-where they had reold and young, should join their united voices in the re- mained several days. came lunto the wilderness of Sin hearsal of its words. As every individual had cause, so -It appears from Numbers 32. that several stations are every individual gave utterance to his feelings of grati- omitted in this historical notice of the journey. This tude. 20. Miriam the prophetess-so called from her passage represents the Israelites as advanced into the receiving Divine revelations (Numbers 12. 1; Micah 6. 4), great plain, which, beginning near El-Murkah, extends but in this instance principally from her being eminently with a greater or less breadth to almost the extremity of skilled in music, and in this sense the word "prophecy" the peninsula. In its broadest part northward of Tur it is sometimes used in Scripture (1 Chronicles 25. 1; 1 Cor- is called El-Kaa, which is probably the desert of Sin. inthians 11. 5). took a timbrel-or tabret-a musical in- [ROBINSON.] 2. the v]wole congregation... inurstrument in the form of a hoop, edged round with rings or minred against Moses and Aaro —Modern travellers pieces of brass to make a jingling noise, and covered over through the desert of Sinai are accustomed to take as with tightened parchment like a drum. It was beat with much as is sufficient for the sustenance of men and beasts the fingers, and corresponds to our tambourine. all the during forty days. The Israelites having been rather vomen went outt after lIer with timbrels and wIith more than a month on their journey, their store of corn 59 Quails and Manna sent. EXODUS XVII. The People Murmur for Water. or other provisions was altogether or nearly exhausted; production of the kind and quantity as this tarfa-gum, and there being no prospect of procuring any means of and as if for the purpose of removing all such groundless subsistence in the desert, except some wild olives and speculations, Aaron was commanded to put a s-ample of wild honey (Deuteronomy 32. 13), loud complaints were it in a pot-a golden pot (Hebrews 9.4)-to be laid before made against the leaders. 3. Would to God -we hlad the Testimony-to be kept for future generations, that died by the hand of the Lord ill the land of Egypt- they might see the bread on which the Lord fed their How unreasonable and absurd the charge against Moses fathers in the wilderness. But we have the bread of and Aaron! how ungrateful and impious against God! which that was merely typical (1 Corinthians 10. 3; John After all their experience of the Divine wisdom, good- 6.32). ness, and power, we pause and wonder over the sacred narrative of their hardness and unbelief. But the ex- C I-A T V I. pression of feeling is contagious in so vast a multitude, Ver. 1-7. TIHE PEOPLE MURMIUR FOR NWATER. 1. tihe and there is a feeling of solitude and despondency in the childreil of Israel journleyed fr-om the wilderness of desert which numbers cannot dispel; and besides, we Sin-In the succinct annals of this book, those places must remember that they were men engrossed with the only are selected for particular notice by the inspired present-that the Comforter was not then given-and that historian, which were scenes memorable for their happy they were destitute of all visible means of sustenance, or painful interest in the history of the Israelites. A and cut off from every visible comfort, with only the more detailed itinerary is given in the later books of promises of an unseen God to look to as the ground of Moses, and we find that here two stations are omitted their hope. And though we may lament they should (Numbers 33). according to tine com-nmamdimenst of the tempt God in the wilderness, and freely admit their sin Lord, &c. —not given in oracular response, nor a vision in so doing, wecan be at no loss for a reason why those of the night, but indicated by the movement of the who had all their lives been accustomed to walk by sight cloudy pillar. The same phraseology occurs elsewhere should, in circumstances of unparalleled difficulty and (Numbers 9. 18, 19). pitche d ine iRephii im-~now believed, perplexity, find it hard to walk by faith. Do not even we on good grounds, to be Wady Feiran, which is exactly a find it difficult to walk by faith through the wilderness day's march from Mount Sinai, and at the entrance of of this world, though in the light of a clearer revelation, the Horeb district. It is a long circuitous defile about and under a nobler leader than AMoses? [FIsK.] (See forty feet in breadth, with perpendicular granite rocks 1 Corinthians 10. 11, 12). 4. Tlihen said the Lord unto. on both sides. The wilderness of Sin through which lIMoses-Though the outbreak was immediately against they approached to this valley is very barren, has an the human leaders, it was indirectly against God: yet extremely dry and thirsty aspect, little or no water mark His patience, and how graciously He promised to scarcely even a dwarfish shrub to be seen, and the onllredress the grievance. I wvill rain bread from hia-yven shelter to the panting pilgrims is under the shadow of -Israel, a type of the Church which is from above, and the great overhanging clifis. 8, 3. the people did celidck being under the conduct, government, and laws of heaven, vif tSl Moses, anaid said, Give is water that ive aay received their food from heaven also (Psalm 78. 24). t]hat drits~k-The want of water was a privation, the severity I may prove thesm, Bwhether they -will wvalk iln my of which we cannot estimate, and it was a great trial to law, or no-The grand object of their being led into the the Israelites, but their conduct on this new occasion was wilderness was that they might receive a religious train- outrageous; it amounted even to "a tempting of the ing directly under the eye of God; and the first lesson Lord." It was an opposition to Hiis minister, a distrust taught them was a constant dependence on God for their of His care, an indifference to His kindness, an unbelief daily nourishment. 13. at even the quails camiae -p, in His providence, a trying of I-Is patience and fatherly aad covered the camp-This bird is of the gallinaceous forbearance. 4. SIeoses cried aito tle Lord, sayi.g, kind, resembling the red partridge, but not larger than "What shiall I do u-Ato tils people —His language, inthe turtle-dove. They are found in certain seasons in the stead of betraying any signs of resentment or vindictive places through which the Israelites passed, being mi- imprecation on a people who had given him a cruel and gratory birds, and they were probably brought to the unmerited treatment, was the expression of an anxious camp by "a wind from the Lord" as on another occasion wish to know what was the best to be done in the circum(Numbers 11.31). 13-31. and in the morning... a stances (cf. Matthew 5. 4-4; Romans 12.21). 5. the Lo.rd smnall rounld thing....mania~-There is a gum of the said 1unto 30loses, &c.-not to smite ihe rebels, but the same name distilled in this desert region from the tama- rock; not to bring a stream of blood from the breast of risk, which is much prized by the natives, and preserved the offenders, but a stream of water from the granite carefully by those who gather it. It is collected early in cliffs. The cloud rested on a particular rock, just as the the morning, melts under the heat of the sun, and is con- star rested on the house where the infant Saviour was gealed by.the cold of night. In taste it is as sweet as lodged. And from the rod-smitten rock there forthwith honey, and has been supposed by distinguished travel- gushed a current of pure and refreshing water. It was ler,, fromn its whitish colour, time and place of its appear- perhaps the greatest miracle performed by Moses, and in alice, to be the manna on which the Israelites were fed: many respects bore a resemblance to the greatest of so that, according to the views of some, it was a produc- Christ's: being done without ostentation, and in the tion indigenous to the desert; according to others, there presence of a few chosen witnesses (1 Corinthians 10. 4). was a miracle, which consisted, however, only in the pre- 7. called the name of tlhe plae —Massah (temptation; ternatural arrangements regarding its supply. But more iM~eribaha-chiding, —strife): the same word which is renrecent and accurate examination has proved this gum of dered " provocation" (Hebrews 3. 8). the tarfa-tree to be wanting in all the principal charac- 8-16. ATTACK OF AiMALEK. 8. Thein craie Amalek — teristics of the Scripture manna. It exudes only in small Some time probably elapsed before they were exposed to quantities, and not every year; it does not admit of being this new evil; and the presumption of there being such baked (Numbers 11. 8) or boiled (v. 23). Though it may be an interval affords the only ground on which we can satexhaled by the heat and afterwards fall with tIle dew, it isfactorily account for the altered, the better and former is a medicine, not food-it is well known to the natives spirit that animated the people in this sudden contest. of the desert, while the Israelites were strangers to theirs; The miracles of the manna and the water from the rock and in taste as well as in the appearance of double quan- had produced a deep impression and permanent convictity on Friday, none on Sabbath, and in not breeding tion that God Was indeed among them; and with feelings worms, it is essentially different from the manna fur- elevated by the conscious experience of the Divine presnished to the Israelites. 32-36. Fill an omer of it to ence and aid, they remained calm, resolute, and courbe kept for your generations —The mere fact of such a ageous under the attack of their unexpected foe. fougaht multitude being fed for forty years in the wilderness, vwith. Israel-The language implies that no occasion had where no food of any kind is to be obtained, will show been furnished for this attack; but, as descendants of the utter impossibility of their subsisting on a natural Esau, the Amalekites entertained a deep-seated grudge 60 Visit of Jethlo. EXODUS XVIII, XIX. Arrivat at Sinai. against them, especially as the rapid prosperity and mar- of a better and higher Counsellor; anc although we are vellous experience of Israel showed that the blessing con- not informed of it, there can be no doubt that Moses, betained in the birthright was taking effect. It seems to fore appointing subordinate magistrates, would ask the have been a mean, dastardly, insidious surprise on the mind of God, as it is the duty and privilege of every Chrisrear (Numbers 2-1. 20; Deuteronomy 25. 17), and an impious tian in like manner to supplicate the Divine direction in defiance of God. 9. Moses said unto Joshua-or Jesus all his ways. (Acts 7.45; Hebrews 4. 8), and this is the earliest notice of a young warrior destined to act a prominent part in the C H A PT E R XIX. history of Israel. He went with a number of picked men. Ver. 1-25. ARRIVAL AT SINAI. 1. In thie third month There is not here a wide open plain on which the battle — ccording to Jewish usage, the first day of that monthtook place, as according to the rules of modern warfare. "same day"-It is added, to mark the time more exThe Amalekites were a nomadic tribe, making an irreg- plicitly, i. e., forty-five days after Egypt-one day spent on ular attack on a multitude probably not better trained the mount (v. 3), one returning the people's answer (v. 7, 8), than themselves, and for such a conflict the low hills and three days of preparation, making the whole time fifty open country around this wady would afford ample space. days from the first passover to the promulgation of the [IRO]INSON.] 10-12. Moses....wet utp... the hill law. Hence the feast of pentecost, i. e., the fiftieth day, e..d. upel Wl s i hila-nd-with the wonder-working rod; was the inaugu:'ation of the Old Testament church, and he acted as the standard-bearer of Israel, and also their the Divine wisdom is apparent in the selection of the intercessor, praying for success and victory to crown their same reason for the institution of the New Testament arms-the earnestness of his feelings being conspicuously church (John 1. 17; Acts 2.1). 2. were come to the desert evinced amid the feebleness of nature. 13. Joshua dis- of Sinai —The desert has its provinces, or divisions, discomfited Amalelk-Victory at length decided in favour tinguished by a variety of names; and the "desert of of Israel, and the glory of the victory, by an act of national Sinai" is that wild and desolate region which occupies the piety, ascribed to God (cf. 1 John 5.4). 14-16. Write this very centre of the peninsula, comprising the lofty range to for a nmeamorial-If the bloody character of this statute which the mount of God belongs. It is a wilderness of seems to be at variance with the mild and merciful cha- shaggy rocks of porphyry and red granite, and of valleys racter of God, the reasons are to be sought for in the deep for the most part bare of verdure, and there Israel and implacable vengeance they meditated against Israel camped before the mount-Sinai, so called from Seneh, or (Psalm 83. 4). acacia bush. It is now called Jebel Mtisa. Their way into ^CHAPTER XVIII. the interior of the gigantic cluster was by Wady Feiran, which would lead the bulk of the hosts with their flocks Ver. 1-27. VISIT OF JETHRO. 1-5. Jethro...came and herds into the high valleys of Jebel Musa, with their... ulnto loses, &c.-It is thought by many eminent abundant springs, especially into the great thoroughfare commentators that this episode is inserted out of its of the desert-the longest, widest, and most continuous chronological order, for it is described as occurring when of all the valleys, the.Wady-es-Sheikh, whilst many the Israelites were "encamped at the mount of God." would be scattered among the adjacent valleys; so that And yet they did not reach it till the third month after thus secluded from the world in a wild and sublime amtheir departure fronm Egypt (ch. 19. 1, 2; cf. Deuteronomy phitheatre of rocks, they "camped before the mount.' i. 6, 9-15). 6. thy wife, anid her two sons-See on ch. "In this valley-a long flat valley-about a quarter of a 4. 20.. 3Moses rwent out to meet his fathier-in-law, &c. mile in breadth, winding northwards, Israel would find -Their salutations would be marked by all the warm and ample room for their encampment. Of all the wadys in social greetings of Oriental friends (see on ch. 4. 27)-the that region, it seems the most suitable for a prolonged soone going out to "meet" the other, the "obeisance," the journ. The'goodly tents' of Israel could spread them" kiss" on each side of the head, the silent entrance into selves without limit." [BONAR.] 3-6. Moses went llp the tent for consultation, and their conversation ran in unto God-the Shechinah-within the cloud (el. 33. 20; the strain that might have been expected of two pious John 1.18). shalt thou say to the house of Jacob men, rehearsing and listening to a narrative of the won- &c.-The object for which Moses went up was to receive derful works and providence of God. 12. Jethro... and convey to the people the message contained in these took3 a burnt offering-This friendly interview was ter- verses, and the purport of which was a general announceminated by a solemn religious service-the burant offerings ment of the terms on which God was to take the Israelites were consumed on the altar, and the sacrifices were peace into a close and peculiar relation to I-Himself. In thus offerings, used in a feast of joy and gratitude at which negotiating between God and His people, the highest post Jethro, as priest of the true God, seems to have presided, of duty which any mortal man was ever called to occupy, and to which the chiefs of Israel were invited. This inci- Moses was still but a servant. The only Mediator is Jesus dent is in beautiful keeping with the character of the Christ. ye shall be unlto me a kingdom of priests-as parties, and is well worthy of the imitation of Christian the priestly order was set apart from the common mass, so friends when they meet in the present day. 13-26. on the Israelites, compared with other people, were to susthe morrow... Moses sat to judge thie people, &c.- tain the same near relation to God; a community of We are here presented with a specimen of his daily morn- spiritual sovereigns, an holy nation —set apart to preing occupations; and amongst the multifarious duties his serve the knowledge and worship of God. 7, 8. Moses Divine legation imposed, it must be considered only a came, and called for the elders oftlle people-The messmall portion of his official employments. He appears in sage was conveyed to the mighty multitude through their this attitude as a type of Christ in his legislative and ju- elders, who, doubtless, instructed them in the conditions dicial characters. the people stood by Moses from the required. Their unanimous acceptance was conveyed morniig unto the eveniiag, &c.-Governors in the East through the same channel to Moses, and by him reported seat themselves at the most public gate of their palace or to the Lord. Ah! how much self-confidence did their the city, and there, amid a crowd of applicants, hear language betray! how little did they know what spirit causes, receive petitions, redress grievances, and adjust they were of! 9-15. The Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I the claims of contending parties. 17. Moses' father-in-l come... in a thick cloud, &c.-The deepest impreslawv said unto him, The thing... is not good-not sions are made on the mind through the medium of the good either for Moses himself, for the maintenance ofjus- senses; and so He who knew what was in man signalized tice, or for the satisfaction and interests of the people. His descent at the inauguration of the ancient church, by Jethro gave a prudent counsel as to the division of labour, all the sensible tokens of august majesty that were fitted and universal experience in the Church and State has at- to produce the conviction that He is the great and terrible tested the soundness and advantages of the principle. God. The whole multitude must have anticipated the 23. If thon shalt do this thing, &c.-Jethro's counsel event with feelings of intense solemnity and awe. The was given merely in the form of a suggestion; it was not extraordinary preparations enjoined, the ablutions and to be adopted without the express sanction and approval rigid abstinence they were required to observe, the bar61 The Ten Commandments. EXODUS XX, XXI. Laws for Men Servats. riers erected all round the base of the mount, and the figures of cherubim, brazen serpents, oxen, and many stern penalties annexed to the breach of any of the con- other things in the earth beneath, were made, and never ditions, all tended to create an earnest and solemn expec- condemned. The mere making was no sin-it was the tation which increased as the appointed day drew near. making with the intent to give idolatrous worship. 8. 16. on the third day, in tile morning, thlat there were Remember the sabbath day-implying it was already thuanders anld lightnings, &c.-The descent of God was known, and recognized as a season of sacred rest. The signalized by every object imagination can conceive con- first four commandments comprise our duties to God-the nected with the ideas of grandeur and of awe. But all was other six our duties to our fellow-men; and as interpreted in keeping with the character of the law about to be pro- by Christ, they reach to the government of the heart as claimed. As the mountain burned with fire, God was ex- well as the lip (Matthew 5.17). "If a man do them he hibited a consuming fire to the transgressors of His law. shall live in them." But, ah! what an if for frail and The thunder and lightning, more awful amid the deep fallen man. Whoever rests his hope upon the law stands stillness of the region, and reverberating with terrific peals debtor to it all; and in this view every one would be withamong the mountains, would rouse the universal atten- out hope were not "the LonD ouR RIGHTEOUSNESS" (John tion; a thick cloud was an apt emblem of the dark and 1. 17). 18-21. all the people saw the thunderings and shadowy dispensation (cf. Matthew 17. 5). the voice of a the lightnings-They were eye and ear witnesses of the trumpet-this gave the scene the character of a miracu- awful emblems of the Deity's descent. But they perceived lous transaction, in which other elements than those of not the Deity himself. 19. let not God speak with uns, nature were at work, and some other than material trum- lest we die, &c.-The phenomena of thunder and lightning pet was blown by other means than human breath. 17. had been one of the plagues so fatal to Egypt, and as they Mloses brought forth the people out of the camp to heard God speaking to them now, they were apprehensive meet with God-WVady-er-Raheh, where they stood, has of instant death also. Even Moses himself, the mediator a spacious sandy plain, immediately in front of Es-Suk- of the old covenant, did "exceedingly quake and fear" safeh, considered by ROBINSoN to be the mount from (Hebrews 12.21). But doubtless God spake what gave hi7 which the law was given. " We measured it, and esti- relief-restored him to a frame of mind fit for the minismate the whole plains at two geographical miles long, trations committed to him; and hence immediately after and ranging in breadth from one-third to two-thirds of a he was enabled to relieve and comfort them with the remile, or as equivalent to a surface of one square mile. lief and comfort which he himself had received firom God This space is nearly doubled by the recess on the west, (2 Corinthians 1. 4). 22, 23. the Lord said unxto Mosesand by the broad and level area of Wady-es-Sheikh on It appears from Deuteronomy 4.14-16, that this injunction the east, which issues at right angles to the plain, and is was a conclusion drawn from the scene on Sinai-that as equally in view of the front and summit of the mount. no similitude of God was displayed then, they should not The examination convinced us that here was space enough attempt to make any visible figure or form of Him. 24. to satisfy all the requisitions of the Scripture narrative, An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me-a regulaso far as it relates to the assembling of the congregation tion applicable to special or temporary occasions. 25. to receive the law. Here, too, one can see the fitness of thou shalt not blild it of hewn stone, &c.-i. e., carved the injunction to set bounds around the mount, that with figures and ornaments that might lead to superstineither man nor beast might approach too near, for it tion. 26. by steps-a precaution taken for the sake of rises like a perpendicular wall." But Jebel Miusa, the old decency, in consequence of the loose, wide, flowing gartraditional Sinai, and the highest peak, has also a spacious ments of the priests. valley, Wady-Seba'iyeh, capable of holding the people. It is not certain on which of these two they stood. 21. AP R X the Lord said unto Mtoses, Go downl, charge the peo- ple-No sooner had Moses proceeded a little up the mount, Ver. 1-6. LAWS FOR MEN SERVANTS. 1. judg1menxtsthan he was suddenly ordered to return, in order to keep rules for regulating the procedure of judges and magisthe people from breaking through to gaze-a course trates in the decision of causes and the trial of criminals. adopted to heighten the impressive solemnity of the The government of the Israelites being a theocracy, those scene. The strict injunctions renewed to all, whatever public authorities were the servants of the Divine Sovtheir condition, at a time and in circumstances when the ereign, and subject to Hiis direction. Most of these laws whole multitude of Israel were standing at the base of here noticed were primitive usages, founded on principles the mount, was calculated in the highest degree to solem- of natural equity, and incorporated, with modifications nize and awe every heart. and improvements, in the Mosaic code. 2-6. If thou. buy an Hebrew servant-Every Israelite was freeborn; TCHAP T E R " XX. - but slavery was permitted under certain restrictions. An'-IAflJ A Hebrew might be made a slave through poverty, debt, or Ver. 1-26. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. 1. God spake crime; but at the end of six years he was entitled to freeall these words-The Divine Being himself was the dom, and his wife, if she had voluntarily shared his state speaker (Deuteronomy 5.12,32, 33), in tones so loud as to of bondage, also obtained release. Should he, however, be heard-so distinct as to be intelligible by the whole have married a female slave, she and the children, after multitude standing in the valleys below, amid the most the husband's liberation, remained the master's propappalling phenomena of agitated nature. Had He been erty; and if, through attachment to his family, the simply addressing rational and intelligent creatures, He Hebrew chose to forfeit his privilege and abide as he would have spoken with the still small voice of persua- was, a formal process was gone through in a public court, sion and love. But He was speaking to those who were and a brand of servitude stamped on his ear (Psalm 40.6) at the same time fallen and sinful creatures, and a cor- for life, or at least till the jubilee (Deuteronomy 15. 17). responding change was required in the manner of God's 7-36. LAWS FOR MAID SERVANTS. 7. if a man sell his procedure, in order to give a suitable impression of the daughter-Hebrew girls might be redeemed for a reasoncharacter and sanctions of the law revealed from heaven able sum. But in the event of her parents or friends being (Romans 11. 5-9). 2. 1 am the Lord thy God-This is a unable to pay the redemption money, her owner was not preface to the ten commandments-the latter clause being at liberty to sell her elsewhere. Should she have been specially applicable to the case of the Israelites, whilethe betrothed to him or his son, and either change their former brings it home to all mankind; showing that the minds, a maintenance must be provided for her suitable reasonableness of the law is founded in their eternal re- to her condition'as his intended wife, or her freedom lation as creatures to their Creator, and their mutual re- instantly granted. 23-25. eye for eye-The law which lations to each other. 3. Thou shalt have no other authorized retaliation-a principle acted upon by all gods before me-in my presence, beside, or except me. primitive people-was a civil one. It was given to regu4, 5. Thou shalt not make.. any graven linmage... late the procedure of the public magistrate in determining thou shalt not bow down thyself to them-i. e., "make the amount of compensation in every case of injury, but in order to bow." Under the auspices of Moses himself, did not encourage feelings of private revenge. The later 62 ..,:;. \' i. /... II z i iil'A ___' ~ ~~~~~~""""""~ ~`~~Z~~~a~JS H ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ Laws concerning Theft. EXODUS XXII-XXIV. Laws concerning Slander, etc. Jews, however, mistook it for a moral precept, and were ise respecting the triple increase on the sixth year corrected by our Lord (Matthew 5. 38-12). %8-36. If an ox (Leviticus 25. 20,21), it gave the Israelites a practical proof gore a manl or a woman, that they die-For the pur- that they held their properties of the Lord -as IHis ten. pose of sanctifying human blood, and representing all ants, and must conform to His rules on pain of forfeiting Injuries affecting life in a serious light, an animal that the lease of them. 12. Six days thou shalt do thyworlk, occasioned death was to be killed or suffer punishment and oil the seventh day thou shalt rest-This law is proportioned to the degree of damage it had caused. repeated lest any might suppose there was a relaxation Punishments are still inflicted on this principle in Persia of its observance during the sabbatical year. 13. make and other countries of the East; and among a rude people no menetion of the lname of other gods, &c.-i. e., in greater effect is produced ini inspiring caution, and making common conversation, for a familiar use of them would them keep noxious animals under restraint, than a pen- tend to lessen horror of idolatry. 14-18. Three times... alty imposed on the owners. 30. If there be laid ol lkeep a feast.. i. t3he year-This was the institution llim a s-um of money, &c.-Blood fines are common of the great religious festivals-" The feast of unleavened among the Arabs as they were once general throughout bread" or the passover-" the feast of harvest" or pentethe East. This is the only case where a money compen- cost —"the feast of in-gathering" or the feast of tabersation, instead of capital punishment, was expressly nacles, which was a memorial of the dwelling in booths allowed in the Mosaic law. in the wilderness, and which was observed "in the end of the year," or the seventh month (ch. 12. 2). All the ^CIIA P T ER XXTT. males were enjoined to repair to the tabernacle and afterwards the temple, and the women frequently went. The Ver. 1-31. LAWS CONCERNING THEFT. 1. Ifamaetn shall institution of this national custom was of the greatest steal an. ox, or a sheep —The law respects the theft of importance in many ways-by keeping up a national sense cattle which constituted the chief part of their property. of religion and a public uniformity in worship, by creThe penalty for the theft of a sheep which was slain or ating a bond of unity, and also promoting internal comsold, was fourfold; for an ox fivefold, because of its greater merce amongst the people. Though the absence of all the utility in labour; but, should the stolen animal have been males at these three festivals left the country defenceless, recovered alive, a double compensation was all that was a special promise was given of Divine protection, and no required, because it was presumable he (the thief) was incursion of enemies was ever permitted to happen on not a practised adept in dishonesty. A robber breaking those occasions. 19. Th~ou shalt not seethe a kid in lhis into a house at midnight might, in self-defence, be slain motler's milk —A prohibition against imitating the with impunity; but if he was slain after sunrise, it would superstitious rites of the idolaters in Egypt, who, at the be considered murder, for it was not thought likely an end of their harvest, seethed a kid in its mother's milk assault would then be made upon the lives of the in- and sprinkled the broth as a magical charm on their mates. In every case where, a thief could not make resti- gardens and fields, to render them more productive the tution, he was sold as a slave for the usual term. 6. If following season. 20-25. Behold, I send anl Anagel betire break out, and catch Ian thorns —This refers to the fore thee, to keep thee ihn thle way-The communication common practice in the East of setting fire to the dry of these laws made to Moses and by him rehearsed to the grass before the fall of the autumnal rains, which pre- people, was concluded by the addition of many aninmating vents the ravages of vermin, and is considered a good promises, intermingled with several solemn warnings preparation of the ground for the next crop. The very that lapses into sin and idolatry would not be tolerated or parched state of the herbage and the long droughts of passed with impunity. my name is iin snim —This angel summer, make the kindling of a fire an operation often is frequently called Jehovah and Elohim, i. e., God. 28. I dangerous, and always requiring caution from its liability -will send hiornets before thee, &c. (Joshua 24. 12).to spread rapidly. stacks —or as it is rendered "shocks" Some instrument of Divine judgment, but variously in(Judges 15.5; Job 5.26), means simply a bundle of loose terpreted, as hornets in a literal sense. [BOCIIART.] As a sheaves. 26, 27. If tlhou at all take thy ineighibour's pestilential disease. [ROSEN7MULLER.] As a terror of the raiment to pledge, &c.-From the nature of the case, Lord-an extraordinary dejection. [JuN-IUS.] 29, 30. I this is the description of a poor man. No Orientals un- wvill not drive... out... in one year; lest thie land dress, but merely throwing off their'turbans, and some become desolate —any reasons recommend a gradual of their heavy outer garments, they sleep in the clothes extirpation of the former inhabitants of Canaan. But which they wear during the day. The bed of the poor is only one is here specified-the danger lest in the unoccuusually nothing else than a mat; and, in winter, they pied grounds, wild beasts should inconveniently multicover themselves with a cloak-a practice which forms ply; a clear proof that the promised land was more than the ground or reason of the humane and merciful law re- sufficient to contain the actual population of the Israeli tes. specting the pawned coat. 28. gods-a word which is several times in this chapter rendered "judges" or magistrates. thle ruler of tly people-and the chief magis-R X V. trate who, was also the high priest, at least in the time Ver. 1-18. DELIVERY OF THE LAW AND COVENANT. of Paul (Acts 23. 1-5). 3. 1Moses camne and told the people all the -words of the ~Lord-The rehearsal of the foregoing laws and the ten CHTTAPT"TER XXIII. commandments, together with the promises of special blessings in the event of their obedience, having drawn Ver. 1-33. LAWS CONcCIRNING SLANDER, &c. 1. pat not forth from the people a unanimous declaration of their thline hanad —join not hands. 2. decline —depart, devi- consent, it was forthwith recorded as the conditions of ate from the straight path of rectitude. 3. countenanace the national covenant. The next day preparations were -adorn, embellish-thou shalt not varnish the cause even made for having it solemnly ratified, by building an altar of a poor man to give it a better colouring than it merits. and twelve pillars; the altar representing God, and the 10, 11. six years thou shalt sow tiy land-intermitting pillars the tribes of Israel-the two parties in this solemn the cultivation of the land every seventh year. But it compact-while Moses acted as typical mediator. 5, appears that even then there was a spontaneous produce young men-priests (ch. -19. 22), probably the eldest sons which the poor were permitted freely to gather for their of particular families, who acted under the direction of use, and the beasts driven out fed on the remainder, Moses. oxen —other animals, though not mentioned, the owners of fields not being allowed to reap or col- were offered in sacrifice (Hebrews 9. 18-20). 6. foses toohk lect the fruits of the vineyard or oliveyard during the half of the blood... spriinkled-Preliminary to this, course of this sabbatical year. This was a regulation was the public reading of the law, and the renewed subservient to many excellent purposes; for, besides in- acceptance of the terms by the people; then the sprink.. culcating the general lesson of dependence on Provi- ling of the blood was the sign of solemn ratificationdeuce, and of confidence in Ilis faithfulness to His prom- half on each party in the transaction. S.. oses took the 63 Delivery of the Law and Covenant. EXODUS XXV. Concerning an Offering, b1lood, and sprinkledl it on the people-probably on the their sovereign, they were expected to contribute to His twelve pillars, as representing the people (also the book, state, as other subjects to their kings; and the " offering" Hebrews 9. 19), and the act was accompanied by a public required of them was not to be imposed as a tax, but to pl oclamation of its import. It was setting their seal to come from their own loyal and liberal feelings. 3. this is the covenant (cf. 1 Corinthians 11. 25). It must have been the offering shicth ye shall takle of them-The articles a deeply impressive, as well as instructive scene, for it of which the offerings should consist. brass-rather coptaught the Israelites that the covenant was made with per, brass being a composite metal. 4. goats' hair-or them only through the sprinkling of blood-that the leather of goats' skin. 5. badgers' skin-The badger was Divine acceptance of themselves and services, was only an unclean animal, and is not a native of the East-rather by virtue of an atoning sacrifice, and that even the bless- some kind of fish, of the leather of which sandals are ings of the national covenant were promised and secured to made in the East. shittiln wood-or Shittah (Isaiah 41. 19), them only through grace. The ceremonial, however, had the acacia, a shrub which grows plentifully in the deserts a further and higher significance, as is shown by the of Arabia, yielding a light, strong, and beautiful wood, in apostle (see as above). 9. Then vwent up Moses anid long planks. 7. Ephod-a square cloak, hanging down Aaroin-In obedience to a command given (v. 1, 2; also ch. from the shoulders, and worn by priests. 8. a sanctuary 5 19. 24), previous to the religious engagement of the people, that I may dwell among them —In one sense the tabernow described. Nadab anlld Abih —the two eldest sons nacle was to be a palace, the royal residence of the king of Aaron. seventy of the elders-a select number; what of Israel, in which he was to dwell amongst his people, was the principle of selection is not said; but they were receive their petitions, and issue his responses. But it the chief representatives, the most conspicuous for official was also to be a place of worship, in which God was to rerank and station, as well as for their probity and weight cord His name and to enshrine the mystic symbols of His of character in their respective tribes. 10. they saw the presence. 9. According to all that I showv thee, after God of Israel-That there was no visible form or repre- the pattern of the tabernacle-The proposed erection sentation of the Divine nature, we have express inti- could be in the circumstances of the Israelites, not of a mation (Deuteronomy 4. 15). But a symbol or emblem of fixed and stable but of a temporary and movable descripHis glory was distinctly, and at a distance, displayed be- tion, capable of being carried about with them in their fore those chosen witnesses. Many think, however, that various sojournings. It was made after "the pattern" in this private scene was discovered, amid the luminous shown to Moses, by which is now generally understood, blaze, the faint adumbrated form of the humanity of not that it was an unheard-of novelty, or an entirely origChrist (Ezekiel 1. 26; cf. Galatians 3. 24). sapphilre-one inal structure, for it is ascertained to have borne resenof the most valuable and lustrous of the precious genms- blance in form and arrangements to the style of an Egypof a sky-blue or light azure colour, and frequently chosen tian temple, but that it was so altered, modified, and purito describe the throne of God (see Ezekiel 1. 26; 10. 1). fled from all idolatrous associations, as to be appropriated 11. ulpon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid to right objects, and suggestive of ideas connected witlh not his hand —The "nobles," i. e., the elders, after the the true God and Hiis worship. 10. an airk-a coffer or sprinkling of the blood, were not inspired with terror in chest, overlaid with gold, the dimensions of which, taking presence of the calm, benign, radiant symbol of the Di- the cubit at eighteen inches, are computed to be three feet vine majesty; so different from tie terrific exhibitions nine inches in length, two feet three inches in breadth. at the giving of the law. The report of so many con- 11. a crown-a rim or cornice. 12. rings-staples for the petent witnesses would tend to confirm the people's poles, with which it was to be carried from place to place. faith in the divine mission of Moses. eat and drink 15. staves shall be in the rilgs of the ark-i. e., always -feasted on the peace offering-on the remnants of remain in the rings, whether the ark be at rest or in mothe late sacrifices and libations. This feast had a pro- tion. 16. the testimony-that is, the two tables of stone, phetic bearing, intimating God's dwelling with men. containing the ten commandments, and called " the Tes12. I will give thee tables of stone-The ten command- timony," because by it God did testify His sovereign auments, which had already been spoken, were to be given thority over Israel as His people, His selection of them as in a permanent form. Inscribed on stone, for greater the guardians of His will and worship, and His displeasdurability, by the hand of God himself, they were thus ure in the event of their transgressing His laws; while authenticated and honoured above the judicial or ceremo- on their part, by receiving and depositing this law in its nial parts of the law. 13. Moses wvent up into tle appointed place, they testified their acknowledgment of mounlt of God-He was called to receive the Divine God's right to rule over them, and their submission to the transcript. Joshua was taken a little higher, and it would authority of His law. The superb and elaborate style of be a great comfort for the leader to have his company the ark that contained "the Testimony" was emblematic during the six days he was in patient waiting for the call of the great treasure it held; in other words, the incomon the seventh or sabbath-day. 14. he said unto the parable value and excellence of the Word of God, while elders, Tarry ye here for uss-There is a circular valley its being placed in this chest further showed the great or hollow a good way up on the brow of Jebel Musa, which care which God has ever taken for preserving it. 17. was their halting-place, while he alone was privileged to thou shalt nake a mercy-seat of pure gold-to serve ascend the highest peak. The people stood below, as in as a lid, covering it exactly. It was " the propitiatory the "outer court," the elders in the "holy place," Moses, cover," as the term may be rendered, denoting that Christ, as a type of Christ, in "the holy of holies." 18. Moses our great propitiation, has fully answered all the dewent into the midst of the cloud-the visible token of mands of the law, covers our transgressions, and comes God's presence. Divine grace animated and supported between us and the curse of a violated law. 18. two him to enter with holy boldness. Moses was in the cherubim-The real meaning of these figures, as well as mount forty days and forty nights-The six days spent the shape or form of them, is not known with certaintyin waiting are not included. During that protracted probably similar to what was afterwards introduced into period he was miraculously supported (Deuteronomy 9. the temple, and described, Ezekiel 10. They stretched out 9), on a peak scarcely thirty paces in compass. their wings, and their faces were turned towards the mercy-seat, probably in a bowing attitude. The prevailCHAPT ER X XV. ing opinion now is, that those splendid figures were symbolical not of angelic but of earthly and human beingsVer. 1-40. CONCERNING AN OFFERRING. 1. the Lord the members of the church of God interested in the disspace unto Moses, &c.-The business that chiefly occu- pensation of grace, the redeemed in every age-and that pied Moses on the mount, whatever other disclosures were these hieroglyphic forms symbolized the qualities of the made to him there, was in receiving directions about the true people of God-courage, patience, intelligence, and tabernacle, and they are here recorded as given to him. activity. 22. there I will meet with thee, and I will 2. bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it conmmune wvith thee from above the mercy-seat-The willingly, &c.-Having declared allegiance to God as Shechinah or symbolof the Divine presence rested on the 64 PLANTS MENTIONED IN THE SCRIPTURES, >2 SHITTAH-TREE. Ex. xxv. 23. BULRUSH. Is. xviii. 2. OIL TREE. REED. Is. xli. 19. 2 Kings xviii. 21. Thle Table of Showbread. EXODUS XXVI-XXVIII. Altar for Burnt Offering. mercy-seat, and was indicated by a cloud, from the midst for the protection of its precious furniture. 36. an liangl of which responses were audibly given when God was ing for the door of the tent-curtains of rich and elaboconsulted on behalf of His people. Hence God is de- rate embroidery made by the female inmates, are susscribed as "dwelling" or "sitting" between the cherubim. pended over the doors or entrances of the tents occupied 23. table of shittihm wood-of the same material and by Eastern chiefs and princes. In a similar style of eledecorations as the ark, and like it, too, furnished with gance was the hanging finished which was to cover the rings for the poles on which it was carried. The staves, door of this tabernacle-the chosen habitation of the God however, were taken out of it when stationary, in order and King of Israel. It appears from verses 12, 22, 23, that not to encumber the priests while engaged in their ser- the ark and mercy-seat were placed in the west end of the vices at the table. It was half a cubit less than the ark, tabernacle, and consequently the door or entrance fronted but of the same height. 24. crown-The moulding or the east, so that the Israelites in worshipping Jehovah, ornamental rim, which is thought to have been raised turned their faces towards the west, that they might be above the level of the table, to prevent any thing from thus figuratively taught to turn from the worship of that falling off. 99. dishes-broad platters. spoons —cups or luminary which was the great idol of the nations, and to. concave vessels, used for holding incense. covers-both adore the God who made it and them. [HEWLETT.] for bread and incense. bowls-cups; for though no mention is made of wine, libations were undoubtedly made to CHAPTER XXVII. God, according to JOSEPHUS and the rabbins, once a week, when the bread was changed. to cover withal-rather - TAR FR URT OFFERING. 1 ltar of to pour out withal. 30. slhowbread-lit., presence bread, pshittin wood-~The dimensions of this altar which was so called because it was constantly exhibited before the placed at the entrance of the sanctuary were nearly three Lord, or because the bread of His presence, likhethe angel y sare, and a yard and a half il height. Under the of His presence, pointed symbolically to Christ. It con- wooden frame of this chest-like altar the inside was holsisted of twelve unleavened loaves, said traditionally to low, and each corner was to be terminated by "horns " have been laid in piles of six each. This bread was de- angular projections, perpendicular or oblique, in the form signed to be a symbol of the full andnever-failing provis-of horns. The animals to be sacrificed were bound to ion which is made in the church for the spiritual suste- these (Psalm 118. 27), and part of the blood was applied to nauce and refreshment of God's people. 31. candlestick them. 3. shovels-fire shovels for scraping together any -lit., a lamp-bearer. It was so constructed as to be capa- of the scattered ashes. basons-for receiving the blood ble of being taken to pieces for facility in removal. The of the sacrifice to be sprinkled on the people, fleshshaft or stock rested on apedestal. It had seven branches, hooks-curved, three-pronged forks (1 Samuel 2. 13, 14). shaped like reeds or canes-three on each side, with one ire-pans-A large sort of vessel, wherein the sacred fire in the centre-and worked out into knobs, flowers, and i cae do from heaven (Leviticus 9. 24) was kept bowls, placed alternately. The figure represented on the burning, while they cleaned the altar and the grate from arch of Titus gives the best idea of this candlestick. 33. the coals and ashes, and while the altar was carried from Sknops-old spelling for knobs-bosses. 37. they shall one place to another in the wilderness. [PATRICK, SPENlight the lamps... that they may give light-The cER, LE CLERC.] 4. a grate oflnet-worklofbrass-sunkl light was derived from pure olive oil, and probably kept lattice-work to support the fire. 5. put it lnder the continually burning (cf. ch. 30. 7; Leviticus 34. 2). 38. compass of the altar beneath-i. e., the grating in tolngs-snuffers. 39. a talent of pure gold-in weight which they were carried to a clean place (Leviticus 4. 12). equivalent to 125 lbs. troy. 40. look that thou make 4. four brazen rings-by which the grating might be themn after their pattern-This caution, which is re- lifted and taken away as occasion required from the body peated with no small frequency in other parts of the nar- of the altar. 6, 7. staves... rings-those rings were rative, is an evidence of the deep interest taken by the placed at the side through which the poles were inserted Divine Iing in the erection of His palace or sanctuary; on occasions of removal. 9. the court of the tabernacle and it is impossible to account for the circumstance of -The enclosure in which the edifice stood was a rectanguGod's condescending to such minute details, except on lar court, extending rather more than fifty yards in length,. the assumption that this tabernacle was to be of a typica and half that space in breadth, and the enclosing parapet character, and eminently subservient to the religious in- was about three yards or half the height of the tabernacle. struction and benefit of mankind, by shadowing forth in That parapet consisted of a connected series of curtains; its leading features the grand truths of the Christian made of fine twined linen yarn, woven into a kind of net — church. work, so that the people could see through; but that large curtain which overhung the entrance was of a differentV CI A PT E R XXV I. texture, being embroidered and dyed with variegatedl Ver. 1-37. TEN CURTAINS. 1. cunnling,wl-ork-i. e., of colours, and it was furnished with cords for pulling it upelegant texture, richly embroidered. The word "Fcun- or drawing it aside when the priests had occasion to enter;. ming," in old English, is synonymous with skilful. 3 The curtains of this enclosure were supported on sixty length-Each curtain was to be fifteen yards in length brazen pillars which stood on pedestals of the same, and a little exceeding two in breadth. 3. bThe five cur- metal, but their capitals and fillets were of silver, and* tains shall be coupled together one to another, &c - the hooks on which they were suspended were of silver so as to form two grand divisions, each eleven yards wide. also. t9. pis-were designed to hold down the curtains 6. taches-clasps; supposed in shape, as well as in use, to at the bottom, lest the wind should waft them aside. 20, be the same as hooks and eyes. 7-13. curtains of gots' 21. putre oil olive beaten-i. e., such as runs from the hair~-These coarse curtains were to be one more in olives when bruised and without the application of fire. number than the others, and to extend a yard lower on for the light... Aaron and his sonls —were to take each side, the use of them being to protect and conceal charge of lighting it in all time coming. shall order it the richer curtains. 14:. a covering... of rams' skins from evenilg to nlorning-The tabernacle having no dyed red-i. e., of Turkey red leather. 15-30. thou shalt windows, the lamps required to be lighted during the make boards... rear up the tabernacle according to day. JosEPrIUS says that ilr his time only three were the fashion...which -was showed thee-Thle taber- lighted; but his were degenerate times, and there is no nacle, from its name, as well as from its general appear- Scripture authority for this limitation. But although the ance and arrangements, was a tent; but from the descrip- priests were obliged from necessity to light them by day, tion given in these verses, the boards that formed its they might have let them go out at night had it not been walls, the five (cross) bars that strengthened them, and for this express ordinance. the middle bar that " reached from end to end," and gave it solidity and compactness, it was evidently a more sub- CH APT ER X X V I I I. stantial fabric than the light and fragile tent, probably on Ver. 143. APPOINTMENT TO THE PRIESTHOOD. 1. takC account of the weight of its various coverings as well as thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with ^ 60~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g Appointment to the Priesthood. EXODUS XXIX. Consecration of the Priests, etc. -him-lMoses had hitherto discharged the priestly fune- judge; so that some think the Urlm and Thummim had tions (Psalm 99. 6), and he evinced the piety as well as a reference to his judicial functions. 31. the robe of the humility of his character, in readily complying with the ephod all of blue-it was the middle garment, under the command to invest his brother with the sacred office, ephod and above the coat. It had a hole through which though it involved the perpetual exclusion of his own the head was thrust, and was formed carefully of one family. The appointment was a special act of God's sov- piece, such as was the coat of Christ (John 19. 23). The ereignty, so that there could be no ground for popular high priest's was of a sky-blue colour. The binding at umbrage by the selection of Aaron's family, with whom the neck was strongly woven, and it terminated below in the office was inalienably established and continued in a fringe, made of blue, purple, and scarlet tassels, in the unbroken succession till the introduction of the Christian form of a pomegranate, interspersed with small bells (of era. 2-5. holy garments-No inherent holiness be- gold, which tinkled as the wearer was in motion. 34. a longed either to the material or the workmanship. But golden bell and a pomegranate-The bells were hung lley are called "holy" simply because they were not between the pomegranates, which are said to have worn on ordinary occasions, but assumed in the discharge amounted to seventy-two, and the use of them seems to of the sacred functions (Ezekiel 44. 19). for glory and for have been to announce to the people when the high priest beauty-It was a grand and sumptuous attire. In ma- entered the most holy place, that they might accompany terial, elaborate embroidery, and colour, it had an impos- him with their prayers, and also to remind himself to be ing splendour. The tabernacle being adapted to the in- attired in his official dress, to minister without which fantine aid of the church, it was right and necessary was death. 36-38. mitre-crown-like cap for the head, that the priests' garments should be of such superb and not covering the entire head, but adhering closely to it, dazzling appearance, that the people might be inspired composed of fine linen. The Scripture has not described with a due respect for the ministers as well as the rites of its form, but from JOSEPHUS we may gather that it was religion. But they had also a further meaning; for being conical in shape, as he distinguishes the mitres of the all made of linen, they were symbolical of the truth, common priests by saying that they were not conicalpurity, and other qualities in Christ that rendered Him that it was encircled with swathes of blue embroidered, such a high priest as became us. 6-14. cphoid-It was a and that it was covered by one piece of fine linen to verygorgeous robe made of byssus, curiously embroidered, hide the seams. plate-lit., a petal of a flower, which and dyed with variegated colours, and further enriched seems to have been the figure of this golden plate, which with golden tissue, the threads of gold being either origi- was tied with a ribbon of blue on the front of the mitre, nally interwoven or afterwards inserted by the embroid- so that every one facing him could read the inscription. erer. It was short-reaching from the breast to a little 39. coat of fine linen-a garment fastened at the neck, below the loins-and though destitute of sleeves, retained and reaching far down the person, with the sleeves terits position by the support of straps thrown over each minating at the elbow. girdle of needle-wvork-a piece shoulder. These straps or braces, connecting the one of fine twined linen, richly embroidered, and variously with the back, the other with the front piece of which dyed. It is said to have been very long, and being many the tunic was composed, were united on the shoulder times wound round the body, it was fastened in front, by two onyx stones, serving as buttons, and on which and the ends hung down, which, being an impediment to the names of the twelve tribes were engraved, and set a priest in active duty, were usually thrown across the in golden encasements. The symbolical design of this shoulders. This was the outer garment of the common was, that the high priest, who bore the names along priests. 40. bonnets-turbans. 42. linen breecheswith him in all his ministrations before the Lord, drawers, which encompassed the loins and reached halfmight be kept in remembrance of his duty to plead way down the thighs. They are seen very frequently their cause, and supplicate the accomplishment of the represented in Egyptian figures. Divine promises in their favour. The ephod was fastened by a girdle of the same costly materials, i. e., dyed, C A PT ER XXIX embroidered, and wrought with threads of gold. It was about a hand-breadth wide, and wound twice round the Ver. 1-35. CONSECRATING THE PRIESTS AND THE ALTAR. upper part of the waist; it fastened in front, the ends hang- -1. hallow thelm to minister unto me in the priest's ing down at great length (Revelation 1. 13). 15-29. thou office-The act of inaugurating the priests was accomshalt inake the breastplate of judgment witlh cnn- panied by ceremonial solemnities well calculated not ning work-a very splendid and richly embroidered only to lead the people to entertain exalted views of the piece of brocade, a span square, and doubled, to enable it office, but to impress those functionaries themselves with the better to bear the weight of the precious stones in it. a profound sense of its magnitude and importance. In There were twelve different stones, containing each the short, they were taught to know that the service was for name of a tribe, and arranged in four rows, three in each. them as well as for the people; and every time they enThe Israelites had acquired a knowledge of the lapidary's gaged in a new performance of their duties, they were reart in Egypt, and the amount of their skill in cutting, minded of their personal interest in the worship, by being polishing, and setting precious stones, may be judged of obliged to offer for themselves, before they were qualified by the diamond forming one of the engraved ornaments to offer as the representatives of the people. this is the on this breastplate. A ring was attached to each corner, thing that thou shalt do-Steps are taken at the beginthrough which the golden chains were passed to fasten ning of a society, which would not be repeated when the this brilliant piece of jewelry at the top and bottom social machine was in full motion; and Moses, at the tightly on the breast of the ephod. 30. thou shalt put opening of the tabernacle, was employed to discharge in the breastplate of judgment the Urimn and Thum- functions which in later periods would have been remim-The words signify "lights" and "perfections;" garded as sacrilege, laying an unhallowed hand on the and nothing more is meant than the precious stones of ark, and punished with instant death. But he acted the breastplate already described (cf. ch. 39. 8-21; Leviticus under the special directions of God. 4-10. Aaron and 8. 8). They received the name because the bearing of them his sons tlou shalt bring unto the door of the taberqualified the high priest to consult the Divine oracle on nacle-As occupying the intermediate space between the all public or national emergencies, by going into the holy court where the people stood, and the dwelling-place cf place-standing close before the veil and putting his hand Israel's king, and therefore the fittest spot for the priests upon the Urim and Thummim, conveyed a petition from being duly prepared for entrance, and the people witnessthe people and asked counsel of God, who, as the Sov- ing the ceremony of inauguration. wash them with ereign of Israel, gave response from the midst of His water. And... take the garments-The manner in glory. Little, however, is known about them. But it which these parts of the ceremonial was performed is may be remarked that Egyptian judges wore on the minutelydescribed, and in discovering their symbolical breast of their official robes a representation of Justice, import, which indeed, is sufficiently plain and obvious, and the high priest in Israel long officiated also as a we have inspired authority to guide us. It signifiel the Consecration of the Altar. EXODUS XXX. The Altar of Incense. necessity and importance of moral purity or holiness of which is not that it was to be entirely of a cubical form, (Isaiah 52. 11; John 13. 10; 2 Corinthians 7. 1; 1 Peter 3. 21). but that upon its upper and under surface, it showed four In like manner, the investiture with the holy garments equal sides. It was twice as high as it was broad, being signified their being clothed with righteousness (Revela- twenty-one inches broad and three feet six inches high. tion 19. 8), and equipped as men active and well prepared It had " horns;" its top or flat surface was surmounted by for the service of God; the anointing the high priest an ornamental ledge or rim, called a crown, and it was with oil denoted that he was to be filled with the infiu- furnished at the sides with rings for carriage. Its only ences of the Spirit, for the edification and delight of the accompanying piece of furniture was a golden censer or church (Leviticus 10. 7; Psalm 45. 7; Isaiah 61. 1; 1 John 2. pan, in which the incense was set fire to upon the altar. 27), and as he was officially a type of Christ (Hebrews 7. Hence it was called the altar of incense, or the "golden 26; John 3. 34; also Matthew 3. 16; 11. 29). Thou shalt altar," from the profuse degree in which it was gilded or cause a bullock to be brought before the tabernacle- overlaid with the precious metal. This splendour was This part of the ceremonial consisted of three sacrifices.- adapted to the early age of the church, but in later times, (1.) The sacrifice of a bullock, as a sin offering; and in ren- when the worship was to be more spiritual, the altar of dering it, the priest was directed to put his hand upon the incense is prophetically described as not of gold but of head of his sacrifice, expressing by that act a conscious- wood, and double the size of that in the tabernacle, beness of personal guilt, and a wish that it might be ac- cause the church should be vastly extended (Malachi 1. 1I). cepted as a vicarious satisfaction. (2.) The sacrifice of a 6. thou shalt put it before the veil that is by tire ark ram as a burnt offering-(v. 15-18)-the ram was to be of the testimony-which separated the holy from the wholly burnt, in token of the priest's dedication of him- most holy place. The altar was in the middle, beself to God and Ilis service. The sin offering was first to tween the table of showbread and the candlestick next be presented, and then the burnt offering; for until guilt the holy of holies, at equal distances from the north and be removed, no acceptable service can be performed. (3.) south walls; in other words, it occupied a spot on the There was to be a peace offering, called the ram of conse- outside of the great partition veil, but directly in front cration (v. 19-22). And there was a marked peculiarity in of the mercy-seat, which was within that sacred enclothe manner in which this other ram was to be disposed sure; so that although the priest who ministered at this of. The former was for the glory of God-this was for the altar could not behold the mercy-seat, he was to look comfort of the priest himself; and as a sign of a mutual towards it, and present his incense in that direction. covenant being ratified, the blood of the sacrifice was di- This was a special arrangement, and it was designed to vided-part sprinkled on the altar round about, and part teach the important lesson, that though we cannot with upon the persons and garments of the priests. Nay, the the eye of sense, see the throne of grace, we must " direct blood was, by a singular act, directed to be put upon the our prayer to it and look up" (cf. 2 Corinthians 3. 1-1; Heextremities of the body, thereby signifying that the bene- brews 10. 20; Revelation 4.1). 7. Aaron shall burn fits of the atonement would be applied to the whole na- thereon sweet incense-lit., incense of spices-strong arture of man. Moreover, the flesh of this sacrifice was to omatic substances were burnt upon this altar to counteract be divided, as it were, between God and the priest-part by their odoriferous fragrance the offensive fumes of the of it to be put into his hand to be waved up and down, in sacrifices; or the incense was employed in an offering of token of its being offered to God, and then it was to be tributary homage which the Orientals used to make as a burnt upon the altar; the other part was to be eaten by mark of honour to kings; and as God was Theocratic the priests at the door of the tabernacle-that feast being Ruler of Israel, HIls palace was not to be wanting in a a symbol of communion or fellowship with God. These usage of such significancy. Both these ends were served ceremonies, performed in the order described, showed the by this altar-that of fumigating the apartments of the qualifications necessary for the priests. (See Hebrews 7. sacred edifice, while the pure lambent flame, according to 26, 27; 10. 14.) 35. seven clays slalt thou consecrate Oriental notions, was an honorary tribute to the majesty them-The renewal of these ceremonies on the return of of Israel's king. But there was a far higher meaning in every day in the seven, with the intervention of a Sab- it still; for as the tabernacle was not only a palace for bath, was a wise preparatory arrangement, in order to Israel's King, but a place of worship for Israel's God, this afford a sufficient interval for calm and devout reflection altar was immediately connected with a religious pur(Hebrews 9. 1; 10. 1). pose. In the style of the sacred writers, incense was a 36, 37. CONSECRATION OF THE ALTAR. 36. thlou1 shalt symbol or emblem of prayer (Psalm 141. 2; Revelation cleanse the altar-The phrase, " when thou hast made an 5. 8; 8. 3). From the uniform combination of the two seratonement for it," should be, upon it; and the purport of vices, it is evident that the incense was an emblem of the the direction is, that during all the time they were en- prayers of sincere worshippers ascending to heaven in the gaged as above from day to day, in offering the appointed cloud of perfume; and, accordingly, the priest who oisacrifices, the greatest care was to be taken to keep the ficiated at this altar typified the intercessory office of altar properly cleansed-to remove the ashes, and sprin- Christ (Luke 1. 10; Hebrews 7. 25). 8. Aaroi shall burn kle it with the prescribed unction, that at the conclusion incense-seemingly limiting the privilege of officiating of the whole ceremonial the altar itself should be conse- at the altar of incense to the high priest alone, and there crated as much as the ministers who were to officiate at is no doubt that he and his successors exclusively atIt (Matthew 23.19). It was thenceforth associated with the tended this altar on the great religious festivals. But services of religion. "Aaron" is frequently used for the whole priestly order; 38-46. INSTITUTION OF DAILY SERVICE. 38. two lambs and in later times, any of the priests might have officiated of the first year day by day continlually-The sacred at this altar in rotation (Luke 1. 9). every morning... preliminaries being completed, 1Moses was instructed in at even-In every period of the national history this daily the end or design to which these preparations were sub- worship was scrupulously observed. 9. Ye shall offer servient, viz., the worship of God; and hence the institu- no strange incense-i. e., of a different composition from tion of the morning and evening sacrifice. The institu- that of which the ingredients are described so minutely. tion was so imperative, that in no circumstances was this 11-16. When thou takest the sum of the children of daily oblation to be dispensed with; and the due observ- Israel, &c.-Moses did so twice, and doubtless observed ance of it would secure the oft-promised grace and bless- the law here prescribed. The tax was not levied from ing of their heavenly King. women, minors, old men (Numbers 1. 42, 45), and the Levites (Numbers 1.47), they being not numbered. Assuming C0 A P T ER X X X. ^the shekel of the sanctuary to be about half an ounce trov though nothing certain is known about it, the sunm payVer. 1-38. THE ALTAR OF INCENSE. 1. thou shalt able by each individual was two and fourpence. This was make an altar to burn incense upon, &C.-its material not a voluntary contribution, but a ransom for the soul was to be like that of the ark of the testimony, but its or lives of the people. It was required from all classes diluenesions very small. 2. four-square-the meaning alike, and a refusal to pay implied a wilful exclusion from 67 The Holy Anointiag Oil. EXODUS XXXI, XXXII. Bezaleel and Aholab. the privileges of the sanctuary, as well as exposure to Di- tion by such high authority removed all ground of jealvine judgments. It was probably the same impost that ousy or discontent on the part of any who might have was exacted from our Lord ('Matthew 17.24-27), and it was thought their merits overlooked (cf. Matthew 18. 1). by usually devoted to repairs and other purposes connected name Bezaleel-Signifying " in the shadow or protection with the services of the sanctuary. 18-21. Thou shalt of God;" and, as called to discharge a duty of great mag-...aake a laer of brass-Though not actually forming nitude-to execute a confidential trust in the ancient a Component part of the furniture of the tabernacle, this church of God, has his family and lineage recorded with vase was closely connected with it; and though from marked distinction. He belonged to the tribe of Judah, standing at the entrance it would be a familiar object, it which, doubtless for wise and weighty reasons, God all possessed great interest and importance from the bap- along delighted to honour; and he was the grandson of tismal purposes to which it was applied. No data are Hur, a pious patriot (eh. 17.12), who was associated, by a given by which its form and size can be ascertained; but special commission, with Aaron in the government of it was probably a miniature pattern of Solomon's-a cir- the people during the absence of Moses. Moreover, it cular basin. his foot-supposed not to be the pedestal on may be noticed that a Jewish tradition affirms Hur to be which it rested, but a trough or shallow receptacle below, the husband of Miriam; and if this tradition may be reinto which the water, let out from a cock or spout, lied on, it affords an additional reason for the appointflowed; for the way in which all Eastern people wash ment of Bezaleel emanating from the direct authority of their hands or feet is by pouring upon them the water God. 3-5. I have filled hinm with the Spirit of Godwhich falls into a basin. This laver was provided for It is probable that lie was naturally endowed with a the priests alone. But in the Christian dispensation, mechanical genius, and had acquired in Egypt great all believers are priests, and hence the apostle exhorts knowledge and skill in the useful, as well as liberal arts, them how to draw near to God (Joshua 13. 10; Hebrews so as to be a first-class artisan, competent to take charge 10. 22). a2-33. Take tlhou also... principal spices, of both the plain and ornamental work, which the build&c. - Oil is frequently mentioned in Scripture as an em- ing of the sacred edifice required. When God has any blem of sanctification, and anointing with it a means special work to be accomplished, He always raises up of designating objects as well as persons to the ser- instruments capable of doing it; and it is likely that He vice of God. Here it is prescribed by Divine authority, had given to the son of Uri that strong natural' aptitude, and the various ingredients in their several proportions and those opportunities of gaining mechanical skill, with described which were to compose the oil used,in conse- an ultimate view to this responsible office. Notwithcrating the furniture of the tabernacle. myrrh-a fra- standing his grand duty was to conform with scrupulous grant and medicinal gum from a little known tree in fidelity to the pattern furnished, there was still plenty of Arabia. sweet cinnamamon-produced from a species of room for inventive talent and tasteful exactness in the laurel or sweet bay, found chiefly in Ceylon, growing to a execution; and his natural and acquired gifts were enheight of twenty feet: this spice is extracted from the larged and invigorated for the important work. 6. I inner bark, but it is not certain whether that mentioned have given with him Aholiab-IHe belonged to the tribe by Moses is the same as that with which we are familiar. of Dan, one of the least influential and honourable in sweet calamtas-or sweet cane, a product of Arabia and Israel; and here, too, we can trace the evidence of wise India, of a tawny colour in appearance; it is like the and paternal design, in choosing the colleague or assist-:ommon cane, and strongly odoriferous. cassia-from ant of Bezaleel from an inferior tribe (cf. 1 Corinthians the same species of tree as the cinnamon-some think 12.14-25; also Mark 6.7). all that are wise-hearted I the outer bark of that tree. All these together would have put wisdom-At that period, when one spirit peramount to 120lbs. troy weight. hi2n-a word of Egyptian vaded all Israel, it was not the man full of heavenly origin, equal to ten pints. Being mixed with the olive genius who presided over the work, but all who contriboil-no doubt of the purest kind-this composition prob- uted their skill, experience, and labour, in rendering the ably remained always in a liquid state, and the strictest smallest assistance, that showed their piety and devotedprohibition issued against using it for any other purpose ness to the Divine service. In like manner, it was at the than anointing the tabernacle and its furniture. 34-38. commencement of the Christian church (Acts 6. 5; 18. 2). the'Lord said unto lMoses, Take l1nto thee sweet If-l7. Verily mny sabbaths ye shall keep-The reason spices-These were; stacte, the finest myrrh; onycha, for the fresh inculcation of the fourth commandment at supposed to be an odoriferous shell; galbanum, a gum- this particular period was, that the great ardour and resin from an umbelliferous plant, frankincense-a eagerness with which all classes betook themselves to dry, resinous, aromatic gum, of a yellow colour, which the construction of the tabernacle, exposed them to the conies from a tree in Arabia, and is obtained by incision temptation of encroaching on the sanctity of the apof the bark. This incense was placed within the sane- pointed day of rest. They might suppose that the erection tuary, to be at hand when the priest required to burn on of the tabernacle was a sacred work, and that it would be the altar. The art of compounding unguents and per- a high merit, an acceptable tribute, to prosecute the unfumes was well known in Egypt, where sweet-scented dertaking without the interruption of a day's repose; spices were extensively used not only in common life, and therefore the caution here given, at the commencebut in the ritual of the temples. Most of the ingredients ment of the undertaking, was a seasonable admonition. here mentioned have been found on minute examination 18. tables of stone, written with the finger of Godof mummies and other Egyptian relics; and the Israel- containing the ten commandments (ch. 24.12), called ites, therefore, would have the best opportunities of ac- " tables of testimony," because God testified His will in quiring in that country the skill in pounding and mix- them. lng them which they were called to exercise in the service of the tabernacle. But the recipe for the incense as well C H APTER XXXI I. as for the oil in the tabernacle, though it receives illus- Ver. 1-35. THE GOLDEN CALF. 1. when the people tration from the customs of Egypt, was peculiar, and saw that Moses delayed-they supposed that he had lost being prescribed by Divine authority, was to be applied his way in the darkness or perished in the fire. the to no common or inferior purpose. people gathered themselves together tnnto Aaronrather "against" Aaron in a tumultuous manner, to CHAPTER XXX I compel him to do what they wished. The incidents related in this chapter disclose a state of popular sentiment Ver. 1-18. BEZALEEL AND AHO.LIAB. 2. See, I have and feeling among the Israelites that stands in singular called-Though the instructions about the tabernacle contrast to the tone of profound and humble reverence were privately eommunicated to Moses, it was plainly they displayed at the giving of the law. Within a space impossible that he could superintend the work in person, of little more than thirty days, their impressions were amid the multiplicity of his other duties. A head director dissipated; and although they were still encamped upon or builder was selected by God himself; and the nomina- ground which they had every reason to regard as holy': 68 Idolat'y of the People. EXODUS XXXIIl Moses Breaketh the Tables. although the cloud of glory that capped the summit of recently promulgated laws. make of thee a great nation Sinai was still before their eyes, affording a visible dem- -Care must be taken not to suppose this language as beonstration of their being in close contact, or rather in tokening any change or vacillation in the Divine purthe immediate presence, of God, they acted as if they had pose. The covenant made with the patriarchs had been entirely forgotten the impressive scenes of which they ratified in the most solemn manner; it could not and had been so recently the witnesses. said unito himn1, never was intended that it should be broken. But the Up, malake us gods; whlaich. shall go. before us —The manner in which God spoke to Moses served two importIfebiew word rendered gods is simply the name of God ant purposes-it tended to develop the faith and interin its plural form. The image made was single, and cessory patriotism of the Hebrew leader, and to excite tlhe therefore it would be imputing to the Israelites a greater serious alarm of the people, that God would reject theni sin than they were guilty of, to charge them with re- and deprive them of the privileges they had fondly fannouncing the worship of the true God for idols. The cied were so secure. 15-18. lMoses turned, and vcnt-et fact is, that they required, like children, to have some- downl fronm thle mnount —The plain, Er-Blaheh, is not thing to strike their senses, and as the Shechinah, " the visible from the top of Jebel Musa, nor can the mount be glory of God," of which they had hitherto enjoyed the descend-ed on the side towards that valley; hence Moses sight, was now veiled, they wished for some visible and his companion who on duty had patiently waited his material object as the symbol of the Divine presence, return in the hollow of the mountain's brow, heard the which should go before them as the pillar of fire had shouting some time before they actually saw the camp. done. 2.. Aaron said,... Break off...earrings-It 19. MJSoses' anger waxed hot, and lhe cast the tables outt was not an Egyptian custom for young men to wear ear- of his hainds-The arrival of the leader, like the appearrings, and the circumstance, therefore, seems to point out ance of a spectre, arrested the revellers in the midst of " the mixed rabble," who were chiefly foreign slaves, as their carnival, and his act of righteous indignation, when the ringleaders in this insurrection. In giving direction he dashed on the ground the tables of the law, in token to break their earrings, Aaron probably calculated on that as they had so soon departed from their covenant regaining time; or, perhaps, on their covetousness and love lation, God would withdraw the peculiar privileges that of finery proving stronger than their idolatrous propen- lie had promised them —that act, together with the rigorsity. If such were his expectations, they were doomed to oUs measures that followed, forms one of the most striking signal disappointment. Better to have calmhly and earn- scenes recorded in sacred history. 20. he took the calf estly remonstrated with them, or to have preferred duty whichl they had made, and burnt it in thle fire, &c.-It to expediency, leaving the issue in the hands of Provi- has been supposed that the gold was dissolved by natlron, dence. 3. all thle people brake off tie golden earrinags or some chemical substance. But there is no mention of -The Egyptian rings, as seen on the monuments, were solubility here, or in Deuteronomy 9.21; it was " burned round massy plates of metal; and as they were rings of this in the fire," to cast it into ingots of suitable size for the sort the Israelites wore, their size and number must, in operations which follow —"grounded to powder;" the the general collection, have produced a large store of the powder of malleable metals can be ground so fine as to precious metal. 4. fashioned it withi a graving-tool, resemble dust from the wings of a moth or butterfly; and after hie had made it a molten calf-The words are these dust particles will float in water for hours, and in a transposed, and the rendering should be, "he framed running stream for days. These operations of grinding with a graving-tool the image to be made, and having were intended to show contempt for such worthless gods, poured the liquid gold into the mould, he made it a and the Israelites would be made to remember the humilmolten calf." It is not said whether it was of life size, iating lesson by the state of the water they had drank for whether it was of solid gold or merely a wooden frame a time. [NAPIER.] Others think that as the idolatrous covered with plates of gold. This idol seems to have festivals were usually ended with great use of sweet been the god Apis, the chief deity of the Egyptians, wor- wine, the nauseous draught of the gold dust would be a shipped at Memphis under the form of a live ox, three severe punishment (cf. 2 Kings 23. 6, 15; 2 Chronicles 15. 16; years old. It was distinguished by a triangular white 34. 7). 22. Aaron said, Let not the anger of my, Lorid spot on its forehead and other peculiar marks. Images wax hlot-Aaron cuts a poor figure, making a shuffling of it in the form of a whole ox, or of a calf's head on the excuse and betraying more dread of the anger of Moses end of a pole, were very common; and it makes a great than of the Lord (cf. Deuteronomy 9. 20). 25. nakeedfigure on the monuments, where it is represented in the either unarmed and defenceless, or ashamed from a van of all processions, as borne aloft on men's shoulders, sense of guilt. Some think they were literally naked, as they said, These be thy gods, 0 Israel, wvIhich brought the Egyptians performed some of their rices in that indethee ulp out of thie land of Egypt-It is inconceivable, cent manner. 26-28. IMoses stood in the gate of the that they who but a few weeks before had witnessed such camp, and said-the camp is supposed to have been proamazing demonstrations of the true God, could have sud- tected by a rampart after the attack of the Amalekites. denly sunk to such a pitch of infatuation and brutish Wh]o is on the Lord's side! let Ihim come unto nmestupidity, as to imagine that human art or hands could The zeal and courage of Moses was astonishing, considermake a god that should go before them. But it must be ins he opposed himself to an intoxicated mob. The people borne in mind, that though by election and in name were separated into two divisions, and those who were they were the people of God, they were as yet, in feelings the boldest and most obstinate in vindicating their idoland associations, in habits and tastes, little, if at all differ- atry were put to death, while the rest, who withdrew in ent, from Egyptians. They meant the calf to be an image, shame or sorrow, were spared. 29. Consecrate yoiura visible sign or symbol of Jehovah, so that their sin con- selves to-day to the Lord —or, ye have consecrated yoursisted not in a breach of the FIRST, but of the SECOND coin- selves to-day. The Levites, notwithstanding the dejecmandment. 5, 6. Aaron made proclamation, andsaid, tion of Aaron, distinguished themselves by their zeal for To-morrow is a feast to thae Lord-a remarkable cir- the honour of God and their conduct in doing the office cunstance, strongly confirmatory of the view that they of executioners on this occasion; and this was one reason had not renounced the worship of Jehovah, but in accord- of their being appointed to a high and honourable office ance with Egyptian notions, had formed an image with in the service of the sanctuary. 30-33. Mloses said un-to which they had been familiar, to be the visible symbol of the people, Ye have sinned a great sin —Moses laboured the Divine presence. But there seems to have been muich to show the people the heinous nature of their sin, and of the revelry that marked the feasts of the heathen, bring them to repentance. Butnot content with that, he 7-1. the Lord said unto tMoses, Go, get thec down- hastened more earnestly to intercede for them. 32. biet Intelligence of the idolatrous scene enacted at the foot me... out of thy book —an allusion to the registering of the mount was communicated to Moses in laanguage of the living, and erasing the names of those who die. borrowed from human passions and feelings, and the What warmth of affection did he evince for his brethren! judgment of a justly offended God pronounced in terms how fully was he animated with the true spirit of a of just indignation against the gross violation of the so patriot, when he professed his willingness to die for them, 69 The Tabernacle Removed. EXODUS XXXIII, XXXIV. The Tables are Reneued. But Christ actually died for His people (Romans 5. 8). that the favour was to be restored with some memento of 35. the Lord plagued the people, because they made the rupture; for at the former time God himself had prothe calf-No immediate judgments were inflicted, but vided the materials, as well as written upon them. Now, this early lapse into idolatry was always mentioned as Moses was to prepare the stone tables, and God was only an aggravation of their subsequent apostasies. to retrace the characters originally inscribed for the use and guidance of the people. 2. present thyself.. to C HAPT E R X XXII I.T I me in the top of the mount-Not absolutely the highest CHAP T E1 XX X I A I A I i. peak; for as the cloud of the Shechinah usually abode on Ver. 1-23. THE LORD REFUSETH TO GO WITH THE the summit, and yet (v. 5) it "descended," the plain inPEOPLE. 1. the Lord said-rather "had" said unto ference is, that Moses was to station himself at a point Moses. The conference detailed in this chapter must be not far distant, but still below the loftiest pinnacle. 3. io considered as having occurred prior to the pathetic inter- man shall come up with thee... neither... flocks cession of Moses, recorded at the close of the preceding nor herds-All these enactments were made in order that chapter; and the historian, having mentioned the fact of the law might be a second time renewed with the solemhis earnest and painful anxiety, under the overwhelming nity and sanctity that marked its first delivery. The pressure of which he poured forth that intercessory prayer whole transaction was ordered so as to impress the people for his apostate countrymen, now enters on a detailed with an awful sense of the holiness of God; and that it account of the circumstances. 3. I will not go up... was a matter of no trifling moment to have subjected lest I consume thee-Here the Lord is represented as him, so to speak, to the necessity of re-delivering the law determined to do what he afterwards did not. (See on ch. of the ten commandments. 4. Moses... took in his 32. 10), 4. when the people heard these evil tidings- hand the two tables of stone-As he had no attendant from Moses on his descent from the mount. 5. put off to divide the labour of carrying them, it is evident that thy orniaments-In seasons of mourning, it is customary they must have been light, and of no great dimensionswith Eastern people to lay aside all gewgaws, and divest probably flat slabs of shale or slate, such as abound in the themselves of their jewels, their gold, and every thing mountainous region of Horeb. An additional proof of rich and splendid in their dress. This token of their sor- their comparatively small size appears in the circumrow the Lord required of His offending people. that I stance of their being deposited in the ark of the most may Lakow what to do unto thee-The language is holy place (ch. 25. 10). 5. the Lord descended in the accommodated to the feeble apprehensions of men. God cloud-After graciously hovering over the tabernacle, it judges the state of the heart by the tenor of the conduct. seems to have resumed its usual position on the summit In the case of the Israelites, He cherished a design of of the mount. It was the shadow of God manifest to the mercy; and the moment he discerned the first symptoms outward senses; and, at the same time, of God manifest of contrition, by their stripping off their ornaments, as in the flesh. The emblem of a cloud seems to have been penitents conscious of their error, and sincerely sorrow- chosen to signify that, although He was pleased to make ful, this fact added its weight to the fervency of Moses' known much about himself, there was more veiled prayers, and gave them prevalence with God in behalf of from mortal view. It was to check presumption, and enthe people. 7. Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched gender awe, and give a humble sense of human attainit without the camp-Not the tabernacle, of which a ments in Divine knowledge, as now man sees, but darkly. pattern had been given him, for it was not yet erected, but 6. the Lord passed by before him-in this remarkable his own tent-conspicuous as that of the leader-in a part scene, God performed what He had promised to Moses the of which he heard causes, and communed with God about day before. proclaimed, The Lord... merciful and the people's interests; hence called "the tabernacle of the gracious-At an earlier period He had announced himcongregation," and the withdrawal of which, in abhor- self to Moses, in the glory of His self-existent and eternal rence from a polluted camp, was regarded as the first step majesty, as "I am;" now He makes himself known in the in the total abandonment with which God had threatened glory of His grace and goodness,-attributes that were to them. 8. all the people rose up, and stood every man be illustriously displayed in the future history and expeat his tent door-Its removal produced deep and uni- rience of the church. Being about to republish His law, versal consternation; and it is easy to conceive how -the sin of the Israelites being forgiven, and the deed of anxiously all eyes would be directed towards it; how pardon about to be signed and sealed, by renewing the rapidly the happy intelligence would spread, when a phe- terms of the former covenant,-it was the most fitting nomenon was witnessed from which an encouraging hope time to proclaim the extent of the Divine mercy which could be founded. 9-11. the cloudy pillar descended, was to be displayed, not in the case of Israel only, but of and stood at the door of the tabernacle-How would all whooffend. 8-26. MIosesborved... aindworshipped the downcast hearts of the people revive-how would the -In the East, people bow the head to royalty, and are tide of joy swell in every bosom, when the symbolic cloud silent when it passes by, while in the West, they take off was seen slowly and majestically to descend, and stand at their hats and shout. 9. he said, If now I have found the entrance of the tabernacle! as Mioses entered-It was grace in thy sight, 0 Lord, let nly Lord, I pray thee, when he appeared as their mediator-when he repaired go among us-On this proclamation, he, in the overflowfrom day to day to intercede for them, that welcome token ing benevolence of his heart, founded an earnest petition of assurance was given that his advocacy prevailed, that for the Divine presence being continued with the people; Israel's sin was forgiven, and that God would again be and God was pleased to give His favourable answer to his gracious. 18-23. I beseech thee, show me thy glory- intercession by a renewal of His promise under the form This is one of the most mysterious scenes described in the of a covenant, repeating the leading points that formed Bible: he had, for his comfort and encouragement, a the conditions of the former national compact. 27,28. the splendid and full display of the Divine majesty, not in its Lord said unto Moses, Write thou these words-i. e., unveiled effulgence, but as far as the weakness of hu- the ceremonial and judicial injunctions comprehended inanity would admit. The face, hand, back parts, are to above (v. 11-26); while the re-writing of the ten commandbe understood figuratively. ments on the newly-prepared slabs was done by God himself (cf. Deuteronomy 10.1-4). he was there with the C TH A "P T E R X X " X XI VV eLord forty days and forty nights-As long as formerly, *AP IV. being sustained for the execution of his special duties by Ver. 1-35. THE TABLES ARE RENEWVED. 1. the Lord the miraculous power of God. A special cause is assigned said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like for his protracted fast on this second occasion (Deuterunto the first-God having been reconciled to repentant onomy 9. 18). 29. Moses wist not that the skin of his Israel, through the earnest intercession, the successful face shone when he talked with him-It was an inmediation of Moses, means were to be taken for the resto- timation of the exalted presence into which he had been ration of the broken covenant. Intimation was given, admitted, and of the glory he had witnessed (2 Corinthhowever, in a most intelligible and expressive manner, ians 3. 18), and in that view, it was a badge of his high 70 Contributlons to the Tabernacle. EXODUS XXXV, XXXVI. Offering9 Deltered to the Workmen. office as the ambassador of God. No testimonial needed minded the people that the individuals entrusted with to be produced. He bore his credentials on his very face; the application of their gold and silver had been nomiand whether this extraordinary effulgence was a perma- nated to the work by authority to which all would bow. nent or merely temporary distinction, it cannot be 35. Themn hath he filled wvith wisdom of heart-A doubted that this reflected glory was given him as an statement which not only testifies that skill in art and honour before' all the people. 30. they were afraid to science is a direct gift from God, but that weaving was escome nigh him-their fear arose from a sense of guilt,- pecially the business of men in Egypt (see ch. 38. 22; 39. the beaming radiance of his countenance made him ap- 22, 27), and in perfect harmony with the testimony of the pear to their awe-struck consciences a flaming minister monuments is the account given by Moses to the artists of heaven. 33. lie put a veil upon his face-That veil who were divinely taught the arts necessary for the emwas with the greatest propriety removed when speaking bellishment of the tabernacle. Others, whose limited with the Lord, for every one appears unveiled to the eye means did not admit of these expensive contributions, of Omniscience; but it was removed on returning to the offered their gratuitous services in fabricating such artipeople,-and this was emblematic of the dark and cles of tapestry as were needed; arts which the Israelitish shadowy character of that dispensation (2 Corinthians 3. females learned as bonds-women, in the houses of Egyp13, 14). tian princes. CHAPTER XXXV. CHAPTER XXXVI. Ver. 1-35. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TABERNACLE. 1. Ver. 1-38. OFFERINGS DELIVERED TO THE WORKMEN. Moses gathered all the congregation of the childrell 1. Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every of Israel, &c.-On the occasion referred to in the opening wise-hearted man, &c.-Here is an illustrious example of this chapter, the Israelites were specially reminded of of zeal and activity in the work of the Lord. No unneces- the design to erect a magnificent tabernacle for the regu- sary delay was allowed to take place; and from the molar worship of God, as well as of the leading articles that ment the first pole was stuck in the ground till the final were required to furnish that sacred edifice. (See on chs. completion of the sacred edifice, he and his associates 25., 27., 30., 31). 20, 21. All the congregation of Israel laboured with all the energies both of mind and body endeparted from the presence of Moses-No exciting har- gaged in the work. And what was the mainspring of angues were made, nor had the people Bibles at home in their arduous and untiring diligence? They could be acwhich they could compare the requirements of their tuated by none of the ordinary motives that give impulse leader and see if these things were so. But they had no to human industry, by no desire for the acquisition of doubt as to his bearing to them the will of God, and they gain; no ambition for honour; no view of gratifying a were impressed with so strong a sense of its being their mere love of power in directing the labours of a large duty, that they made a spontaneous offer of the best and body of men. They felt the stimulus-the strong irresistmost valuable treasures they possessed. they came, ible impulse of higher and holier motives-obedience to every one whose heart stirred hinm upOne powerful the authority, zeal for the glory, and love to the service element doubtless of this extraordinary open-hearted of God. 3. they brought yet unto him free offerings liberality, was the remembrance of their recent trans- every morning, &c.-Moses, in common with other Origression, which made them " zealous of good works" (cf. ental magistrates, had his morning levees for receiving 2 Corinthians 7. 11). But along with this motive, there the people (see on ch. 18. 13), and it was while he was perwere others of a higher and nobler kind-a principle of forming his magisterial duties that the people brought love to God and devotedness to His service, an anxious unto him freewill offerings every morning. Some who desire to secure the benefit of His presence, and gratitude had nothing but their manual labour to give would spend for the tokens of His Divine favour: it was under the a great part of the night in hastening to complete their combined influence of these considerations that the peo- self-imposed task before the early dawn; others might pie were so willing and ready to pour their contributions find their hearts constrained by silent meditations on into that exchequer of the sanctuary. every one whom their beds to open their coffers and give a part of their his spirit made willing-Human nature is always the hoarded treasure to the pious object. All whose hearts same, and it is implied that while an extraordinary spirit were touched by piety, penitence, or gratitude, repaired of pious liberality reigned in the bosoms of the people at with eager haste into the presence of Moses, not as herelarge, there were exceptions-some who were too fond of tofore, to have their controversies settled, but to lay on the world, who loved their possessions more than their his tribunal their contributions to the sanctuary of God God, and who could not part with these; no, not for the (2 Corinthians 9. 7). they (the workmen) received of service of the tabernacle. 22. they came, both men and Moses all the offering which the children of Israel women, &c.-lit., "the men over and above the women;" had brought, &c.-It appears that the building was bea phraseology which implies that the women acted a gun after the first few contributions were made; it was prominent part, presented their offerings first, and then progressively carried, and no necessity occurred to suswere followed by as many of their male companions as pend operations even for the shortest interval, from want were similarly disposed. brought bracelets, &c. —Money of the requisite materials. 5. they spake Aulto lMoses, in the form of coins or bullion there was none in that saying, The people bring much more than enoughl early age. What money passed current with the mer- &c.-By the calculations which the practised eyes of the chant consisted of rings which were weighed, and princi- workmen enabled them to make, they were unanimously pally of ornaments for personal decoration. Astonish- of opinion that the supply already far exceeded the dement at the abundance of their ornaments is at an mand, and. that no more contributions were required. end when we learn that costly and elegant ornaments Such a report reflects the highest honour on their chaabounded in proportion as clothing was simple and racter as men of the strictest honour and integrity, who, scarce among the Egyptians, and some, entirely divested notwithstanding they had command of an untold amount of clothing, yet wore rich necklaces. [HENGSTENBERG.] of the most precious things, and might, without any risk Amongst people with Oriental sentiments and tastes, of human discovery, have appropriated much to theix scarcely any stronger proof could have been given of the own use, were too high principled for such acts ofpeculapower of religion than their willingness not only to lay tion. Forthwith, a proclamation was issued to stop furaside, but to devote those much-valued trinkets to the ther contributions. 35. he made a veil of bl-ue-the house of God; and thus all, like the Eastern sages, laid second,or inner veil, which separated the holy from the the best they had at the service of God. 30. See, the most holy place, embroidered with cherubim and ofgreat Lord hath called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, &c. size and thickness. 37. made an hanging for the... -Moses had made this communication before. But now door-curtains of elaborately wrought needlework are that the collection had been made, the materials were often suspended over the entrance to tents of the great contributed, and the operations of building about to be nomad sheicks, and throughout Persia, at the entrance commenced, it was with the greatest propriety he re- of summer tents, mosques, and palaces. They are pre71 Furniture of the Tabernacle. EXODUS XXXVII-XXXIX. Garments of the Priests. ferred as cooler and more elegant than wooden doors. sources in the camp was exhausted, it is interesting to This chapter contains an instructive narrative: it is the learn how zealously and to a vast extent they surrendered first instance of donations made for the worship of God, those valued accompaniments of the female toilet. of the given from the wages of the people's sufferings and toils. awomen assembling... at the door-not priestesses They were acceptable to God (Philippians 4. 18), and if the but females of pious character and influence, who freIsraelites showed such liberality, how much more should quented the courts of the sacred building (Luke 2.37), and those whose privilege it is to live under the Christian dis- whose parting with their mirrors, like the cutting the pensation (1 Corinthians 6. 20; 16. 2). hair of the Nazarites, was their renouncing the world for a season. [HENGSTENBERG.] 9. the court-It occupied CHAPTER X XXVII. a space of one hundred and fifty feet by seventy-five, and it was enclosed by curtains of fine linen about eight feet Ver. 1-29. FURNITURE OF THE TABERNACLE. 1. Beza- high, suspended on brazen or copper pillars. Those curleel made the ark-The description here given of the tains were secured by rods fastened to the top, and kept exthings within the sacred edifice is almost word for word tended by being fastened to pins stuck in the ground. 10. the same as that contained in ch. 25. It is not on that hooks-the hooks of the pillars in the court were for hang. account to be regarded as a useless repetition of mi- ing up the carcasses of the sacrificial beasts-those on the nute particulars; for by the enumeration of these details, pillars at the entry of the tabernacle were for hanging it can be seen how exactly every thing was fashioned the sacerdotal robes and other things used in the seraccording to the "pattern shown on the mount;" and the vice. 11. sockets-mortices or holes in which the end knowledge of this exact correspondence between the pre- of the pillars stodd. 17. chapiters-or capitals of the scription and the execution was essential to the purposes pillars, were wooden posts which ran along their top, to of the fabric. 6-10. made the mercy-seat of pure gold which were attached the hooks for the hangings. 18. the -To construct a figure, whether the body of a beast or a hleight in the breadtli-or in the measure. The sense is man, with two extended wings, measuring from two to that the hangings of the court gate, which was twenty three feet from tip to tip, with the hammer, out of a solid cubits wide, were of the same height as the hangings all piece of gold, was what few, if any, artisans of the present round the court. [WALL.] 21. This is the sum of the day could accomplish. 17-22. he made the candle- tabernacle-Having completed his description of the stick of pure gold-Practical readers will be apt to say, component parts of the tabernacle, the inspired historian Why do such works with the hammer, when they could digresses into a statement respecting the gold and silver have been cast so much easier-a process they were well employed in it, the computation being made according to acquainted with?" The only answer that can be given is, an order of Moses-by the Levites, under the direction that it was done according to order. We have no doubt of Ithamar, Aaron's youngest son. 24. twenty and nine but there were reasons for so distinctive an order, some- talents, and seven hundred and thirty shekelsthing significant, which has not been revealed to us. equivalent to ~150,000 sterling. 25. the silver of thiem [NAPIER.] The whole of that sacred building was ar- that were nlmbered —603,550 men at half a shekel each ranged with a view to inculcate through every part of its would contribute 301,775 shekels; which at 2s. 4d. each, apparatus the great fundamental principles of revela- amounts to ~35,207 sterling. It may seem difficult to tion. Every object was symbolical of important truth- imagine how the Israelites should be possessed of so much every piece of furniture was made the hieroglyphic of a wealth in the desert; but it should be remembered that doctrine or a duty-on the floor and along the sides of that they were enriched first by the spoils of the Egyptians, movable edifice was exhibited, by emblematic signs ad- and afterwards by those of the Amalekites. Besides, it dressed to the eye, the whole remedial scheme of the gos- is highly probable that during their sojourn they traded pel. HIow far this spiritual instruction was received by with the neighbouring nations who bordered on the wilevery successive generation of the Israelites, it may not derness. [HIEWLETT.] be easy to determine. But the tabernacle, like the law of which it was a part, was a schoolmaster to Christ; and CHAPTER XX IX. iust as the walls of schools are seen studded with pictorial figures, by which the children, in a manner level to their Ver. 1-43. GARMENTS OF THE PRIESTS. 1. cloths of capacities and suited to arrest their volatile minds, are service-official robes. The ephod of the high priest, the kept in constant and familiar remembrance of the lessons robe of the ephod, the girdle of needlework and the broidof piety and virtue; so the tabernacle was intended by its ered coat were all of fine linen; for on no material less furniture and all its arrangements to serve as a "shadow delicate could such elaborate symbolical figures have been of good things to come." In this view, the minute de- portrayed in embroidery, and all beautified with the scription given in this chapter respecting the ark and same brilliant colours. (See on ch. 28.) 3. cut the gold mercy-seat, the table of showbread, the candlestick, the into wires to'work it-i. e., the metal was beaten with a altar of incense, and the holy oil, were of the greatest hammer into thin plates-cut with scissors or some other utility and importance; and though there are a few instrument into long slips-then rounded into filaments things that are merely ornamental appendages, such as or threads. " Cloth of golden tissue is not uncommon on the knops and the flowers, yet, in introducing these into the monuments, and specimens of it have been found the tabernacle, God displayed the same wisdom and rolled about mummies; but it is not easy to determine goodness as He has done by introducing real flowers into whether the gold thread was originally interwoven or the kingdom of nature to engage and gratify the eye of subsequently inserted by the embroiderer." [TAYLOR.] man. 30. a writing, like to the engravings of a siganet-the CH APTER XXXV III. seal-ring worn both by ancient and modern Egyptians on the little finger of the right hand, contained, inscribed on Ver. 1-31. FURNITURE OF THE TABERNACLE. 1. the a cornelian or other precious stone, along with the altar of burnt offering-The repetitions are continued, owner's name, a religious sentiment or sacred symbol, in which may be traced the exact conformity of the exe- intimating that he was the servant of God, or expressive cution to the order. 8. laver of brass... of the look- of trust in Him. And it was to this practice the inscripIng-glasses of the women-the wordmirrors should have tion on the high priest alludes (cf. Joshua 3. 33). 31. tlhe been used, as those implements, usually round, inserted covering of rams' skin dyed red-(See ch. 25.7). It was into a handle of wood, stone, or metal, were made of probably red morocco leather, and "badgers' skins," brass, silver, or bronze, highly polished. [WILKINSON.] rather "the skins of the tahash, supposed to be the duIt was customary for the Egyptian women to carry mirrors gong, or dolphin of the Red Sea, the skin of which is with them to the temples; and whether by taking the still used by the Arabs under the same appellation." looking-glasses of the Hebrew women Moses designed to (Goss.] 43. Moses did look upon all the worlk, anld, put it out of their power to follow a similar practice at behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded the tabernacle, or whether the supply of brass from other -A formal inspection was made on the completion of the 72 ...7A IL~;? jD- - -. - -~ U —- - -— ~-~-:?':-'~I'1 -B IF! -.(-C,!' 1', T-f_ — H iti/i tihe Cuzizi z 1/ze /c1zhzezza'/ lxocl NlxXvjiXX l';xo I. 8e.,8,,U~TP gJ~A&~I T JEIE]D E x': cI' XX VR.\ aF2XsRw1 (y1 1A 1 @XE R-EI1 i I The Tabernacle Set up. EXODUS XL. A Cloud Covereth it. tabernacle, not only with a view to have the work trans- or any article of furniture was so much as singed. 35. ferred from the charge of the workmen, but to ascertain Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the conwhether it corresponded with "the pattern." The result gregationL-How does this circumstance show the incaof a careful and minute survey showed that every plank, pacity of man, in his present state, to look upon the curtain, altar, and vase had been most accurately made unveiled perfections of the Godhead! Moses could not of the form, and in the place designed by the Divine endure the unclouded effulgence, nor the sublimest of the architect-and Moses, in accepting it of their hands, prophets (Isaiah 6.5). But what neither Moses nor the thanked God for them, and begged Him to bless them. most eminent of God's messengers to the ancient church through the weakness of nature could endure, we can all CH AP T E R XL. now do by an exercise of faith; looking unto Jesus, who reflected with chastened radiance the brightness of the Ver. 1-38. THE TABERNACLE REARED AND ANOINTED. Father's glory; and who, having as the Forerunner for 2. on the first day of the first mon1th-From a careful us, entered within the veil, has invited us to come boldly consideration of the incidents recorded to have happened to the mercy-seat. While Moses was compelled, through after the exodus (ch. 12.2; 13. 4; 19.1; 20.18; 34. 28, &c.), it the influence of overwhelming awe, to stand aloof, and has been computed that the work of the tabernacle was could not enter the tabernacle, Christ entered into the commenced within six months after that emigration; holy place not made with hands; nay, He is himself the and consequently, that other six months had been occu- true tabernacle, filled with the glory of God, ever with the pied in building it. So long a period spent in preparing grace and truth which the Shechinah typified. What the materials of a movable pavilion, it would be difii- reason have we to thank God for Jesus Christ, who, cult to understand, were it not for what we are told of the while He himself was the brightness of the Father's vast dimensions of the tabernacle, as well as the immense glory, yet exhibited that glory in so mild and attractive variety of curious and elaborate workmanship which its a manner, as to allure us to draw near with confidence different articles of fxrniture required. tlle tabernacle and love into the Divine presence! 36. vwhenl the cloud -the entire edifice. the tent-the covering that sur- was taken up from over the tabernacle-In journeying mounted it (v. 19). 15. anoint them, as thoel didst through the sandy trackless deserts of the East, the use anoint their fathers-The sacred oil was used, but it of torches, exhibiting a cloud of smoke by day and of fire does not appear that the ceremony was performed ex- by night, has been resorted to from time immemorial. actly in the same manner; for although the anointing The armies of Darius and Alexander were conducted on oil was sprinkled over the garments both of Aaron and their marches in this manner. [FABER.] The Arab caraliis sons (ch. 29. 21; Leviticus 8. 30), it was not poured over vans in the present day observe the same custom; and the heads of the latter. This distinction was reserved for materials for these torches are stored up among other the high priest (ch. 29. 7; Leviticus 8. 12; Psalm 133. 2). 16. necessary preparations for a journey. Live fuel, hoisted Thus did PMoses: according to all that thie Lord corn- in chafing-dishes at the end of long poles, and being seen mandled him-On his part, the same scrupulous fidelity at a great distance, serves, by the smoke in the daytime was shown in conforming to the "pattern " in the dispo- and the light at night, as a better signal for march than tition of the furniture, as had been displayed by the the sound of a trumpet, which is not heard at the extremworkmen in the erection of the edifice. 33. so Moses ities of a large camp. [LABORDE.] This usage, and the finished the worsk-Though it is not expressly recorded miracle related by Moses, mutually illustrate each other. in this passage, yet, from what took place on all similar The usage leads us to think that the miracle was necesoccasions, there is reason to believe that on the inaugura- sary, and worthy of God to perform; and, on the other tion-day the people were summoned from their tents,- hand, the miracle of the cloudy pillar, affording double were all drawn up a vast assemblage, yet in calm and benefit of shade by day and light at night, implies not orderly arrangement, around the newly-erected taber- only that the usage was not unknown to the Hebrews, nacle. 34. a cloud-lit.i " The" cloud,-the mystic cloud but supplied all the wants which they felt in common which was the well-known symbol of the Divine pres- with other travellers through those dreary regions. [FAence. After remaining at a great distance from them on BER, HESS, GRANDPIERRE.] But its peculiar appearance, the summit of the mount, it appeared to be in motion; unvarying character, and regular movements, distinand if many among them had a secret misgiving about guished it from all the common atmospheric phenomena. the issue, how would the fainting heart revive, the inter- It was an invaluable boon to the Israelites, and being est of the moment intensely increase, and the tide of joy recognized by all classes among that people as the symbol swell in every bosom, when that symbolic cloud was seen of the Divine presence, it guided their journeys and regslowly and majestically descending towards the plain ulated their encampments (cf. Psalms 29., 105). 38. the below, and covering the tabernacle. The entire and uni- cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernaacle, &c.versal concealment of the tabernacle within the folds of While it had hitherto appeared sometimes in one place, an impervious cloud was not without a deep and instruc- sometimes in another, it was now found on the tabertive meaning,-it was a protection to the sacred edifice nacle only; so that from the moment that sanctuary was from the burning heats of the Arabian climate,-it was a erected, and the glory of the Lord had filled the sacred token of the Divine presence,-and it was also an emblem edifice, the Israelites had to look to the place which God of the Mosaic dispensation, which, though it was a revela- had chosen to put His name there, in order that they tion from heaven, yet left many things hid in obscurity; might enjoy the benefit of a heavenly Guide (Numbers 9. for it was a dark cloud compared with the bright cloud, 15-23). In like manner, the church had Divine revelation which betokened the clearer and fuller discoveries of the for its guide from the first-long before the WORD of God Divine character and glory in the gospel (Matthew 17. 5). existed in a written form; but ever since the setting up the glory of the Lord filled the taberlnacle-i. e., light of that sacred canon, it rests on that as its tabernacle and fire, a created splendour, which was the peculiar and there only is it to be found. It accompanies us symbol of God (1 John 1. 5). Whether this light was in- wherever we are or go, just as the cloud led the way of herent in the cloud or not, it emanated from it on this the Israelites. It is always accessible-can be carried in occasion, and making its entry, not with the speed of a our pockets when we walk abroad; it may be engraven lightning flash, as if it were merely an electric spark, but on the inner tablets of our memories and our hearts; in majestic splendour, it passed through the outer porch and so true, faithful, and complete a guide is it, that there into the interior of the most holy place (1 Kings 8. 10; is not a scene of duty or of trial through which we may John 1. 14). Its miraculous character is shown by the be called to pass in the world, but it furnishes a clear, a fact, that, though "it filled the tabernacle," not a curtain safe, and unerring direction (Colossians 3. 16). 73 Burnt Offerings of the Herd. LEVITICUS I, II. The Meat Offerings. THE THIRD BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED LEVITICUS. CHAP T E R I. became acceptable worshippers. a sweet savour unto the Lord-is an expression of the offerer's piety, but esVer. 1-17. BURNT OFFERINGS OF THE HERD. 1. the pecially as a sacrificial type of Christ. 10-13. if his ofLord... spake... out of the tabernacle-The laws fering be of the flocks-Those who could not afford the that are contained in the previous record were delivered expense of a bullock might offer a ram or a he-goat, and either to the people publicly from Sinai, or to Moses pri- the same ceremonies were to be observed in the act of vately, on the summit of that mountain; but on the com- offering. 14-17. if the burnt sacrifice... be of fowls pletion of the tabernacle, the remainder of the law was -The gentle nature and cleanly habits of the dove led to announced to the Hebrew leader by an audible voice from its selection, while all other fowls were rejected, either for the Divine glory, which surmounted the mercy-seat. 2. the fierceness of their disposition or the grossness of their Speak unlto the children of Israel, and say lunto them taste; and in this case, there being from the smallness of -If the subject of communication were of a temporal na- the animal no blood for waste, the priest was directed to ture, the Levites were excluded; but if it were a spiritual prepare it at the altar and sprinkle the blood. This was matter, the whole tribes were comprehended under this the offering appointed for the poor. The fowls were alname (Deuteronomy 27.12). If anay mal of you bring ways offered in pairs, and the reason why Moses ordered an offering unto the Lord-The directions given here two turtle-doves or two young pigeons, was not nerely to relate solely to voluntary or freewill offerings-those ren- suit the convenience of the offerer, but according as the dered over and above such, as being of standing and uni- latter was in season; for pigeons are sometimes quite veifsal obligation, could not be dispensed with or cor- hard and unfit for eating, at which time turtle-doves are muted for any other kind of offering (Exodus 29.38; ch. very good in Egypt and Palestine. The turtle-doves are 23. 37; Numbers 28.3,11-27, &c). bring your offering of not restricted to any age, because they are always good the cattle, &c.-i. e., those animals that were not only when they appear in those countries, being birds of pastame, innocent and gentle, but useful and adapted for sage; but the age of the pigeons is particularly marked, food. This rule excluded horses, dogs, swine, camels, and that they might not be offered to God at times when they asses, which were used in sacrifice by some heathen na- are rejected by men. [HAnRER.] It is obvious, from the tions, beasts and birds of prey, as also hares and deers. varying scale of these voluntary sacrifices, that the dis3. a burnt sacrifice —so called from its being wholly con- position of the offerer was the thing looked to-not the sumed on the altar; no part of it was eaten either by the costliness of his offering. priests or the offerer. It was designed to propitiate the anger of God incurred by original sin, or by particular C APTER II. transgressions; and its entire combustion indicated the self-dedication of the offerer-his whole nature-lhis body Ver. 1-16. THE MEAT OFFERINGS. 1. wlhen ally will and soul-as necessary to form a sacrifice acceptable to offer a meat offering-or gift-distinguishing a bloodless God (Romans 12.1; Philippians 1. 20). This was the most from a bloody sacrifice. The word "meat," however, is ancient as well as the most conspicuous mode of sacrifice. improper, as its meaning as now used is different from a male without blemish-no animal was allowed to be that attached at the date of our English translation. offered that had any deformity or defect. Among the It was then applied not to "flesh," but "food," generally, Egyptians, a minute inspection was made by the priest, and here it is applied to the flour of wheat. The meat and the bullock having been declared perfect, a certificate offerings were intended as a thankful acknowledgment to that effect being fastened to its horns with wax, was for the bounty of Providence; and hence, although meat sealed with his ring, and no other might be substituted. offerings accompanied some of the appointed sacrifices, A similar process of examining the condition of the beasts those here described being voluntary oblations, were brought as offerings, seems to have been adopted by the offered alone. pour oil upona it-oil was used as butter priests in Israel (John 6. 27). at the door of the taber- is with us-symbolically it meant the influences of the nacle-where stood the altar of burnt offering (Exodus 40. Spirit, of which oil was the emblem, as incense was of 6), and every other place was forbidden, under the highest prayer. 2. shall burn thle memorial-rather " for a. penalty (ch. 17. 4). 4. sllall put his hllad Ilpon tile helad memorial," i. e., a part of it. 3. the remnlant of the meat -This was a significant act which implied not only that offering shall be Aaron's and his sons'-The circum.the offerer devoted the animal to God, but that he con- stance of a portion of it being appropriated to the use of fessed his consciousness of sin, and prayed that his guilt the priests distinguishes this from a burnt offering. They and its punishment might be transferred to the victim. alone were to partake of it within the sacred precincts, as and it shall bc-rather, "that it may be an acceptable among "the most holy things." 4. if thou bring zai obatonement." 5. he shall kill the bllloclk-The animal lation of a meat offerilng baken in tile oven —enerally should be killed by the offerer, not by the priest, for it was a circular hole excavated in the floor, from one to five feet not his duty in case of voluntary sacrifices; in later times, deep; the sides of which are covered with hardened plashowever, the office was generally performed by Levites. ter, on which cakes are baked of the form and thickness before the Lord-on the spot where the hands had been of pancakes. (See on Genesis 18. 6.) The shape of Eastern laid upon the animal's head, on the north side of the altar. ovens varies considerably according to the nomadic or sprinkle the blood-This was to be done by the priests. settled habits of the people. 5. baken in a paln-a thin The blood being considered the life, the effusion of it was plate, generally of copper or iron, placed on a slow fire, the essential part of the sacrifice, and the sprinkling of it similar to what the country people in Scotland called a -the application of the atonement-which made the per- " girdle " for baking oat-meal cakes. 6. part it in pieces, son and services of the offerer acceptable to God. The and pour oil thereon-pouring oil on bread is a common skin having been stripped off, and the carcass cut up, the practice among Eastern people, who are fond of broken various pieces were disposed on the altar in the manner bread dipped in oil, butter, and milk-oil only was used best calculated to facilitate their being consumed by the in the meat offerings, and probably for a symbolic reason. fire. 8. the fat-that about the kidneys especially, which It is evident that these meat offerings were previously is called " suet." 9. but his inwards and his legs shall prepared by the offerer, and when brought, the priest was he wash in water, &c.-This part of the ceremony was to take it from his hands and burn a portion on the altar. symbolical of the inward purity, and the holy talk, that 11. ye shall burn no leaven, nor any honey, in any 74 VTe Peace Offering of the Herd. LEVITICUS III, IV. Sin Offering for the Priest. offering of the Lord-Nothing sweet or sour was to be pounds and upwards. This species is by far the most nuoffered. In the warm climates of the East leavened bread merous in Arabia, Syria, and Palestine, and, forming soon spoils, and hence it was regarded as the emblem of probably a large portion in the flocks of the Israelites, hypocrisy or corruption. Some, however, think that the seems to have been the kind that usually bled on the chief reason of the prohibition was that leaven and honey Jewish altars. The extraordinary size and deliciousness were used in the idolatrous rites of the heathen. 12. the of their tails give additional importance to this law. To oblation of the first-fruits-voluntary offerings made command by an express law the tail of a British sheep to by individuals out of their increase, and leaven and be offered in sacrifice to God, might well surprise us; but honey might be used with these (ch. 23. 17; Numbers 15. the wonder ceases, when we are told of those broad-tailed 20). Though presented at the altar, they were not con- Eastern sheep, and of the extreme delicacy of that part sumed, but assigned by God for the use of the priests. 13. which was so particularly specified in the statute. [PAXevery... meat offerilg shalt thou season with salt- TON.] 12. if his offering be a goat-Whether this or any The same reasons which led to the prohibition of leaven, of the other two animals were chosen, the same general recommended the use of salt-if the one soon putrefies, directions were to be followed in the ceremony of offering. the other possesses a strongly preservative property, and 17. ye eat neither fat nior bloodi-The details given hence it became an emblem of incorruption and purity, above distinctly define the fat in animals which was not as well as of a perpetual covenant-a perfect reconcilia- to be eaten, so that all the rest, whatever adhered to other tion and lasting friendship. No injunction in the whole parts, or was intermixed with them, might be used. The law was more sacredly observed than this application of prohibition of blood rested on a different foundation, being salt; for besides other uses of It, that will be noticed else- intended to preserve their reverence for the Messiah, who where, it had a typical meaning referred to by our Lord was to shed His blood as an atoning sacrifice for the sins concerning the effect of the gospel on those who embrace of the world. [BIROWX.] it (Mark 9. 49, 50); as when plentifully applied it preserves meat from spoiling, so will the gospel keep men frolm being corrupted by sin. And as salt was indispensable to CHAPTER IV. render sacrifices acceptable to God, so the Gospel brought Ver. 1, 2. SIN OFFERING OF IGNORANCE. 2. If a soul home to the hearts of men by tile Holy Ghost, is indis- shall sil throaug ignorance against aly of the compensably requisite to their offering up of themselves manmhents of the Lord-a soul-an individual. All living sacrifices. [BnowN.] 14:. a meat offering of thy sins may be considered, in a certain sense, as committed irst-fruits-From the mention of green ears, this seems " through ignorance," error, or misapprehension of one's to have been a voluntary offering before the harvest-the true interests. The sins, however, referred to in this law ears being prepared in the favourite way of Eastern peo- were unintentional violations of the ceremonial laws,pie, by parching them at the fire, and then beating them breaches made through haste, or inadvertency of some out for use. It was designed to be an early tribute of negative precepts, which, if done knowingly and wilfully, pious thankfulness for the earth's increase, and it was would have involved a capital punishment, do against offered according to the usual directions. any of them-To bring out the meaning, it is necessary to supply, "he shall bring a sin offering." C HEAPT E R I 1. 3-35. SlN OFrFERING FOR THE PRIEST. 3. If the priest that is anoilted do si —i. e., the high priest, in whom, Ver. 1-17. THE PEACE OFFERING OF THE HERO. 1. if considering his character as typical mediator, and his exhis oblation be a sacrifice of peace offering, &c.- alted office, the people had the deepest interest; and "peace" being used in Scripture to denote prosperity and whose transgression of any part of the Divine law, therehappiness generally, a peace offering was a voluntary fore, whether done unconsciously or heedlessly, was a tribute of gratitude for health or other benefits. In this very serious offence, both as regarded himself individview it was eucharistic, being a token of thanksgiving for ually, and the influence of his example. He is the perbenefits already received, or it was sometimes votive, pre- son principally meant, though the common order of the sented in prayer for benefits wished for in future. of the priesthood was included, according to the sin of the hlerd-This kind of offering being of a festive character, people-i. e., bring guilt on the people. He was to take a either male or female, if without blemish, might be used, young bullock (the age and sex being expressly menas both of them were equally good for food, and, if the tioned), and having killed it according to the form precircumstances of the offerer allowed it, it might be a calf. scribed for the burnt offerings, he was to take it into the 2. le shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering holy place, and sprinkle the atoning blood seven times — aving performed this significant act, he killed it before before the veil, and tip with the crimson fluid the horns the door of the tabernacle, and the priests sprinkled the of the golden altar of incense, on his way to the court of blood round about upon the altar. 3. he shall offer of the priests,-a solemn ceremonial appointed only for very the sacrifice of the peace offering-The peace offering grave and heinous offences, and which betokened that his differed from the oblations formerly mentioned in this sin, though done in ignorance, had vitiated all his serrespect: that while the burnt offering was wholly con- vices; nor could any official duty he engaged in be benesumed on the altar, and the free-will offering was partly ficial either to himself or the people, unless it were atoned consumed and partly assigned to the priests; in this offer- for by blood. 11. the slkin of the bullocki, and all his ing the fat alone was burnt, only a small part was allotted flesh-In ordinary circumstances, these were perquisites to the priests, while the rest was granted to the offerer of the priests. But in the expiation necessary for a sin of and his friends, thus forming a sacred feast of which the the high priest's, after the fat of the sacrifice was offered Lord, His priests and people conjointly partook, and on the altar, the carcass was carried without the camp, in which was symbolical of the spiritual feast, the sacred order that the total combustion of it in the place of ashes communion which, through Christ, the great peace offer- might the more strikingly indicate the enormity of the ing, believers enjoy. (See further on chs. 19., 22.) the fat transgression, and the horror with which he regarded it that covereth the inwards-i. e., the web-work that pre- (cf. Hebrews 13.12,13). 13. if the whole congregation sents itself first to the eye on opening the belly of a cow. of Israel sin through ignorance-In consequence of the fat... upon the inwards-adhering to the intes- some culpable neglect or misapprehension of the law, the tines, but easily removable from them; or, according to people might contract national guilt, and national expisome, that which was next the ventricle. 4-11. the two ation was necessary. The same sacrifice was to be offered kidneys.. of te flock... the whole rump-There as in the former case, but with this difference in the cereis, in Eastern countries, a species of sheep the tails of monial, that the elders or heads of the tribes, as reprewhich are not less than four feet and a half in length. senting the people, and being the principal aggressors in These tails are of a substance between fat and marrow. misleading the congregation, laid their hands on the head A sheep of this kind weighs sixty or seventy English of the victim. The priest then took the blood into the pounds weight, of which the tail usually weighs fifteen holy place, where, after dipping his finger in it seven 75 Trespass Offering for Swearing. LEVITICUS V, VI. Law of the Burnt Offering. times, he sprinkled the drops seven times before the veil, go through certain observances. 6-14. he shall brillg -this done, he returned to the court of the priests, and his trespass oflIering unito the Lord for his sails whiclh ascending the altar, put some portion upon its horns; he hath sinn.ed-A trespass offering differed from a sinl then he poured it out at the foot of the altar. The fat was offering in the following respects-that it was appointed the only part of the animal which was offered on the altar; for persons who had either done evil unwittingly, or were for the carcass, with its appurtenances and offals, was in doubt as to their own criminalty; or felt themselves in carried without the camp, into the place where tie ashes such a special situation as required sacrifices of that kind. were deposited, and there consumed with fire. 22-26. [BROWN.] The trespass offering appointed in such cases When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat was a female lamb or kid; if unable to make such an ofthrough iglnorance against any of the command- fering, he might bring a pair of turtle-doves or two young aments-Whatever was the form of government, the king, pigeons,-the one to be offered for a sin offering, the other judge, or subordinate, was the party concerned in this for a burnt offering; or if even that was beyond his ability, law. The trespass -of such a civil functionary being less the law would be satisfied with the tenth part of an ephah serious in its character and consequences than that either of fine flour without oil or frankincense. 15, 16. sin of the high priest or the congregation, a sin offering of thronugh ignorance, in the holy things of tile Lord, &c. inferior value was required-" a kid of the goats;" and -This is a case of sacrilege committed ignorantly, either neither was the blood carried into the sanctuary, but ap- in not paying the full due of tithes, first-fruits, and similar plied only to the altar of burnt offering, nor was the car- tribute in eating of meats, which belonged to the priests cass taken without the camp, it was eaten by the priests- alone,-or he was required, along with the restitution in in-waiting. 27-34. if any one of the common people money, the amount of which was to be determined by the sin through ignorance-In this case the expiatory offer- priest, to offer a ram for a trespass offering, as soon as he ing appointed was a female kid, or a ewe lamb without came to the knowledge of his involuntary fraud. 17-19. blemnish; and the ceremonies were exactly the same as if a soul sin... thouglh lie wist It not, yet he is guilty those observed in the case of the offending ruler. In these — This also refers to holy things, and it differs fron the pretwo latter instances, the blood of the sin offering was ap- ceding in being one of the doubtljtl cases, i. e., where conplied to the altar of burnt offering-the place where bloody science suspects, though the understanding be in doubt sacrifices were appointed tobeimmn olated. But th trans- whether criminality or sin has been committed. The gression of a high priest, or of the whole congregation, Jewish rabbis give as an example, the case of a person entailing a general taint on the ritual of the tabernacle, who, knowing that "the fat of the inwards" is not to be and vitiating its services, required a further expiation; eaten, religiously abstained from the use of it; but should and therefore, in these cases, the blood of the sin offering a dish happen to have been at table in which he had was applied to the altar of incense. 35. it shall be for- reason to suspect some portion of that meat was intergiven him-None of these sacrifices possessed any in- mingled, and he had, inadvertently, partaken of that untrinsic value sufficient to free the conscience of the sinner lawful viand, he was bound to bring a ram as a trespass from the pollution of guilt, or to obtain his pardon from offering. These provisions were all designed to impress God; but they gave a formal deliverance from a secular the conscience with the sense of responsibility to God, penalty (Hebrews 9.13, 14); and they were figurative rep- and keep alive on the hearts of the people a salutary fear resentations of the full and perfect sin offering which was of doing any secret wrong. to be made by Christ. CHAPTER VI. C H A P T ER V. ~Ver. 1-7. TRESPASS OFFERING FOR SINS DONE WITVer. 1. TRESPASS OFFERINGS FOR CONCEALING KNOW- TINGLY. 2. If a souil sin, anld commit a trespass LEDGE. 1. if a soul... h.ear the voice of swearing-or, against tlhe Lord-This law, the record of which should according to some, "the words of adjuration." A procla- have been joined with the previous chapter, was given mation was issued calling any one who could give infer- concerning things stolen, fraudulently gotten, or wrongmation, to come before the court and bear testimony to fully kept. The offender was enjoined to make restituthe guilt of a criminal, and the manner in which wit- tion of the articles to the rightful owner, along with a nesses were interrogated in the Jewish courts of justice fifth part out of his own possessions. But it was not enough was not by swearing them directly, but adjuring them by thus to repair the injury done to a neighbour and to soreading the words of an oath: "the voice of swearing." ciety; he was required to bring a trespass offering, as a The offence, then, for the expiation of which this law pro- token of sorrow and penitence for having hurt the cause vides, was that of a person who neglected or avoided the of religion and of God. That trespass offering was a ran opportunity of lodging the information which it was in without blemish, which was to be made on the altar of his power to communicate. burnt offerings, and the flesh belonged to the priests. 2, 3. TOUCHING ANY THING UNCLEAN. 2. if a soul This penalty was equivalent to a mitigated fine, but being touch any unclean tiling-A person who, unknown to associated with a sacred duty, the form in which the fine himself at the time, came in contact with any thing un- was inflicted served the important purpose of rousing atclean, and either neglected the requisite ceremonies of tention to the claims and reviving a sense of responsipurification, or engaged in the services of religion while bility to God. under the taint of ceremonial defilement, might be after- 8-13. THE LAW OF TIHE BURNT OFFERING. 9. Com. wards convinced that he had committed an offence. mandi Aaron and his sons, saying, This.. law of the 4-19. FOR SWEARING. 4. if a soul swear-a rash oath, burnt ofTering-In this passage Moses received instrucwithout duly considering the nature and consequences tions to be delivered to the priests respecting their official of the oath, perhaps inconsiderately binding himself to duties, and first the burnt offering —Hebrew, "a sacrifice, do anything wrong, or neglected to perform. a vow to which went up in smoke." The daily service consisted do something good. In all such cases a person might of two lambs, one offered in the morning at sunrise, the have transgressed one of the Divine commandments other in the evening, when the day began to decline. unwittingly, and have been afterwards brought to a Both of them were consumed on the altar by means of a sense of his delinquency. 5. it shall be, wiaen he slhall elow fire, before which the pieces of the sacrifice were so be guilty... that he sha.ll confess that he hathi sin- placed that they fed it all night. At all events, the obned in that thing-make a voluntary acknowledgment servance of this daily sacrifice on the altar of burnt offerof his sin from the impulse of his own conscience, and be- ing was a daily expression of national repentance and fore it come to the knowledge of the world. A previous faith. The fire that consumed these sacrifices had been discovery might have subjected him to some degree of kindled from heaven at the consecration of the tabernacle, punishment from which his spontaneous confession re- and to keep it from being extinguished, and the sacrifices leased him, but still he was considered guilty of trespass, from being burned with common fire, strict injunctions to expiate which he was obliged by the ceremonial law to are here given respecting not only the removal of tlhe 76 Law of the Trespass Offering. LEVITICUS VII, VIII. Consecration of Aaron and his Sons. ashes, but the approaching near to the fire-place in gar- common at feasts. 15-17. the flesh of the sacrifice of ments that were not officially "holy." his peace offerigs... shall be eaten the same day 14-18. THE LAW OF THE MEAT OFFERING. 1I. this is that it is offered-The flesh of the sacrifices was eaten on the law of the meat offering-Though this was a pro- the day of the offering or on the day following. But if vision for the priests and their families, it was to be re- any part of it remained till the third day, it was, instead garded as "most holy;" and the way in which it was of being made use of, to be burned with fire. In the East, prepared was, on any meat offerings being presented, the butcher-meat is generally eaten the day it is killed, and priest carried them to the altar, and taking a handful from it is rarely kept a second day, so that as a prohibition was each of them as an oblation, salted and burnt it on the issued against any of the flesh in the peace offerings being altar; the residue became the property of the priests, and used on the third day, it has been thought, not without was the food of those whose duty it was to attend on the reason, that this injunction must have been given to preservice. They themselves as well as the vessels from vent a superstitious notion arising that there was some which they ate were typically holy, and they were not at virtue or holiness belonging to it. 15. if any of the liberty to partake of the meat Offering while they laboured flesh of the sacrifice... be eaten at all on the third under any ceremonial defilement, day, it shall not be accepted, neither... imputed19-23. THE HIGH PRIEST'S MEAT OFFERING. 20. This the sacrifice will not be acceptable to God nor profitable is the offering of Aaron, and of his sons-The daily to him that offers it. 20. cut off from his people —. e., meat offering of the high priest; for though his sons are excluded from the privileges of an Israelite-lie under a mentioned along with him, it was probably only those of sentence of excommunication. 21. abominable unclean his descendants who succeeded him in that high office thing-Some copies of the Bible read, "any reptile." that are meant. It was to be offered one half of it in the 22-27. Ye shall eat no manner of fat-See on ch. 3.17. morning, and the other half in the evening-being daily 28-38. THE PRIESTS' PORTION. 29. He that offereth laid by the ministering priest on the altar of burnt offer- the sacrifice of his peace offerings unto the Lord-In ing, where, being dedicated to God, it was wholly con- order to show that the sacrifice was voluntary, the offerer sumed. This was designed to keep him and the other was required to bring it with his own hands to the priest. attendant priests in constant remembrance, that though The breast having been waved to and fro in a solemn they were typically expiating the sins of the people, their manner as devoted to God, was made over to the priests; own persons and services could meet with acceptance only it was assigned to the use of their order generally, but through faith, which required to be daily nourished and the right shoulder was the perquisite of the officiating strengthened from above. priest. 35-38. This is the portion of the anointing of 21-30. THE LAW OF THE SIN OFFERING. 25. This the Aaron-These verses contain a general summing up of law of the sin offering-It was slain, and the fat and the laws which regulate the privileges and duties of the inwards, after being washed and salted, were burnt upon priests. The word "anointing" is often used as synonythe altar. But the rest of the carcass belonged to the of- mous with "office" or "dignity." So that the "portion ficiating priest. He and his family might feast upon it- of the anointing of Aaron" probably means the provision only, however, within the precincts of the tabernacle; made for the maintenance of the high priest, and the and none else were allowed to partake of it but the mem- numerous body of functionaries which composed the sabers of a priestly family-and not even they, if under any cerdotal order. in the day when he presented them to ceremonial defilement. The flesh on all occasions was minister unto the Lord, &c.-i. e., from the day they apboiled or sodden, with the exception of the paschal lamb, preached the Lord in the duties of their ministry. which was roasted; and if an earthen vessel had been used, it being porous, and likely to imbibe some of the HAPTER V liquid particles, it was to be broken; if a metallic pan had been used it was to be scoured and washed with the Ver. 1-36. MosES CONSECRATETH AARON AND HIS SONS. greatest care, not because the vessels had been defiled, but 2. Take Aaron and his sons-The consecration of Aaron the reverse-because the flesh of the sin offering having and his sons had been ordered long before (Exodus 29.), been boiled in them, those vessels were now too sacred but it is now described with all the details of the cerefor ordinary use. The design of all these minute cere- mnonial, as it was gone through after the tabernacle was monies was to impress the minds, both of priests and completed, and the regulations for the various sacrifices people, with a sense of the evil nature of sin, and the care enacted. 3-5. gather thou all the congregatioan tothey should take to prevent the least taint of its impuri- gether, &c.-It was manifestly expedient for the Israeities clinging to them. itish people to be satisfied that Aaron's appointment to the high dignity of the priesthood was not a personal inCHAPTER VII. Itrusion, nor a family arrangement between him and VMIoses; and nothing, therefore, could be a more prudent Ver. 1-27. THE LAW OF THE TRESPASS OFFERING. 1. or necessary measure, for impressing a profound convicLikewise this is the law of the trespass offering-This tion of the Divine origin and authority of the priestly chapter is a continuation of the laws that were to regulate institution, than to summon a general assembly of the the duty of the priests respecting the trespass offerings. people, and in their presence perform the solemn cereThe same regulations obtained in this case as in the burnt monies of inauguration, which had been prescribed by offerings-part was to be consumed on the altar, while the Divine authority. 6. Moses.. washed thenm with other part was a perquisite of the priests-some fell ex- water-At consecration they were subjected to entire elusively to the officiating minister, and was the fee for ablution, though on ordinary occasions they were rehis services; others were the common share of all the quired, before entering on their duties, only to wash priestly order, who lived upon them as their provision, their hands and feet. This symbolical ablution was deand whose meetings at a common table would tend to signed to teach them the necessity of inward purity, and promote brotherly harmony and friendship. 8. the the imperative obligation on those who bore the vessels priest shall have to himself the skin of the burnt of- and conducted the services of the sanctuary to be holy. fering which he hath offered-All the flesh and the fat 7-9. he put upon him the coat, and girded ahim wvith of the burnt offerings being consumed, nothing remained the girdle —The splendour of the official vestments, toto the priest but the skin. It has been thought that this gether with the gorgeous tiara of the high priest, was inwas a patriarchal usage, incorporated with the Mosaic tended, doubtless, in the first instance, to produce in the law, and that the right of the sacrificer to the skin of the minds of the people a high respect for the ministers of victim was transmitted from the example of Adam (see religion; and in the next, from the predominant use of on Genesis 3. 21). 11-14. this is the law of the sacri- linen, to inculcate upon Aaron and his sons the duty of lce of peace offerings-Besides the usual accompani- maintaining unspotted righteousness in their characters ments of other sacrifices, leavened bread was offered with and lives. 10-12. took the anointing oil, &c.-which the peace offerings, as a thanksgiving, such bread being was designed to intimate, that persons who acted as 77 Thle Priests' Entry into Office. LEVITICUS IX, X. Nadab and Abihu Burnt. leaders in the solemn services of worship should have the the ascent was by a gentle slope (Exodus 20.26). 23. unction of the Holy One both in His gifts and graces. Moses and Aaron went ilto the tabernacle-Moses, 14-17. brought the bullock for the sin offering, &c.- according to the Divine instructions he had received, A timely expression of their sense of unworthiness-a accompanied Aaron and his sons to initiate them into public and solemn confession of their personal sins, and their sacred duties. Their previous occupations had dea transference of their guilt to the typical victim. 18-21. tained them at the altar, and they now entered in conbrought the ram, &c.-as a token of their entire dedica- pany into the sacred edifice to bear the blood of the offertion to the service of God.- 22-30. brought the other ings within the sanctuary. the glory of tile Lord apram, &c.-After the sin offering and burnt offering had peared iulto all the people-perhaps in a resplendent been presented on their behalf, this was their peace offer- effulgence above the tabernacle as a fresh token of the ing, by which they declared the pleasure which they felt Divine acceptance of that newly-established seat of His in entering upon the service of God, and being brought worship. 24. there came a fire out from... tie Lord into close communion with him as the ministers of His -A flame emanating from that resplendent light that sanctuary, together with their confident reliance on His filled the holy place flashed upon the brazen altar and grace to help them in all their sacred duties. 33. ye kindled the sacrifices. This miraculous fire-for the deshall not go out of the door of the tabernacle of the scent of which the people had probably been prepared, congregation, &c.-After all these preliminaries, they and which the priests were enjoined never to let go out had still to undergo a week's probation in the court of (ch. 6.13)-was a sign, not only of the acceptance of the the tabernacle before they obtained permission to enter offerings and of the establishment of Aaron's authority, into the interior of the sacred building. During the but of God's actual residence in that chosen dwellingwhole of that period the same sacrificial rites were ob- place. The moment the solemn though welcome specserved as on the first day, and they were expressly ad- tacle was seen, a simultaneous shout of joy and gratitude monished that the smallest breach of any of the ap- burst from the assembled congregation, and in the atti. pointed observances would lead to the certain forfeiture tude of profoundest reverence they worshipped " a presof their lives. ent Deity." CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER X. Ver. 1-24. THE PRIESTS' ENTRY INTO OFFICE. 1, 2. Ver. 1-20. NADAB AND ABIIIU BURNT. 1. the sons of Moses called... Take thee a young calf for a sin Aaron, &c.-If this incident occurred at the solemn offering-The directions in these sacred things were still period of the consecrating and dedicating tile altar, these given by Moses, the circumstances being extraordinary, young men assumed an office which had been committed But he was only the medium of communicating the to Moses; or if it were some time after, it was an encroachDivine will to the newly-made priests. The first of their ment on duties which devolved on their father alone as official acts was the sacrifice of another sin offering to the high priest. But the offence was of a far more aggraatone for the defects of the inauguration services; and vated nature than such a mere informality would imply. yet that sacrifice did not consist of a bullock-the sacri- It consisted not only in their venturing unauthorized lo fice appointed for some particular transgression; but of perform the incense service,-the highest and most solemnl a calf, perhaps, not without a significant reference to of the priestly offices,-not only in their engaging together Aaron's sin in the golden calf. Then followed a burnt in a work, which was the duty only of one, but in their offering, expressive of their voluntary and entire self- presuming to intrude into the holy of holies, to which devotement tothe Divine service. The newly consecrated access was denied to all but the high priest alone. In priests having done this on their own account, were called this respect, " they offered strange fire before the Lord;" to offer a sin offering and burnt offering for the people: they were guilty of a presumptuous and unwarranted ending the ceremonial by a peace offering, which was a intrusion into a sacred office which did not belong to sacred feast. This injunction "to make an atonement for them. But their offence was more aggravated still; for himself and for the people" (Septuacqint, "for thy family") instead of taking the fire which was put into their censers at the commencement of his sacred functions, furnishes from the brazen altar, they seem to have been content a striking evidence of the Divine origin of the Jewish with common fire, and thus perpetrated an act, which system of worship. In all false or corrupt forms of re- considering the descent of the miraculous fire they had ligion, the studied policy has been to inspire the people so recently witnessed, and the solemn obligation under with an idea of the sanctity of the priesthood as, in point which they were laid to make use of that which was of purity and favour with the Divinity, far above the specially appropriated to the service of the altars, they level of other men. But among the Hebrews the priests betrayed a carelessness, an irreverence, a want of faith, were required to offer for the expiation of their sins as most surprising and lamentable. A precedent of such evil well as the humblest of the people. This imperfection tendency was dangerous, and it was imperatively necesof Aaron's priesthood, however, does not extend to the sary, therefore, as well for the priests themselves as for gospel dispensation: for our great High Priest, who has the sacred things, that a marked expression of the Divine entered for us into "the true tabernacle," "knew no sin" displeasure should be given for doing that which "God (Hebrews 10.10, 11). 8. Aaron... went unlto the altar, commanded them not." 2. there wenlt olit fire from and slew the calf of the sil offering-Whether it had tie Lord, and devoured them —rather, killed them; for been enjoined the first time, or it was unavoidable from it appears (v. 5) that neither their bodies nor their robes the divisions of the priestly labour not being as yet com- were consumed. The expression, " from the Lord," indipletely arranged, Aaron, assisted by his sons, appears to cates that this fire issued from the most holy place; and have slain the victims with his own hands, as well as in the destruction of these two young priests by the ingone through all the prescribed ritual at the altar. 17-21. fliction of an awful judgment, the wisdom of God obmeat offering... wave offering-It is observable that served the same course, in repressing the first instance of there is no notice taken of these in the offerings the contempt for sacred things, as he did at the commencepriests made for themselves. They could not bear their ment of the Christian dispensation (Acts 5.1-11). 3. Moses own sins: and therefore, instead of eating any part of said... This is it that t3ie Lord spoke... I will be their own sin offering, as they were at liberty to do in sanctified in them that come nigh me-'"They that the case of the people's offering, they had to carry the come nigh me," points, in this passage, directly to the whole carcasses "without the camp and burn them with priests; and they had received repeated and solemn fire." 22. Aaron lifted up his hand.. and blessed- warnings as to the cautious and reverent manner of The pronouncing of a benediction on'the people assem- their approach into the Divine presence (Exodus 19. 22: bled in the court was a necessary part of the high priest's 29. 44; ch. 8. 35). Aarol held his peace-The loss of two duty, and the formula in which it was to be given is de- sons in so sudden and awful a manner was a calamity scribed (Numbers 6.23-27). came down from offering- overwhelming to parental feelings. But the pious priest The altar was elevated above the level of the floor, and indulged in no vejement ebullition of complaint, and.78 Beasts that may LEVITICUS XI. and may not be Eaten. gave vent to no murmur of discontent, but submitted in as to fall into their idolatries, or be contaminated with silent resignation to what he saw was "the righteous their vices: in short, to keep them a distinct and peculiar judgment of God." 4, 5. Moses called Mishael and people. To this purpose, no difference of creed, no system Elzapha. —The removal of the two corpses for burial of polity, no diversity of language or manner, was so subwithout the camp would spread the painful intelligence servient as a distinction of meats founded on religion; amongst all the congregation. The interment of the and hence the Jews, who were taught by education to priestly vestments along with them, was a sign of their abhor many articles of food freely partaken of by other being polluted by the sin of their irreligious wearers; and people, never, even at periods of great degeneracy, could the remembrance of so appalling a judgment could not amalgamate with the nations amongst which they were fail to strike a salutary fear into the hearts both of priests dispersed. But although this was the principal foundaand people. 6. uncover not your heads-They who were tion of these laws, dietetic reasons also had weight; for ordered to carry out the two bodies, being engaged in- there is no doubt that the flesh of many of the animals their sacred duties were forbidden to remove their turbans, here ranked as unclean, is everywhere, but especially in in conformity with the usual customs of mourning; and warm climates, less wholesome and adapted for food than the prohibition, " neither rend your garments," was in all those which are allowed to be eaten. These laws, thereprobability, confined also to their official costume. For at fore, being subservient to sanitary as well as religious other times the priests wore the ordinary dress of their ends, were addressed both to Moses and Aaron. 3-7. countrymen, and, in common with their families, might Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and Is cloven-footed, indulge their private feelings by the usual signs or ex- and cheweth the cud-Ruminating animals by the pressions of grief. 8-11. Do not drink wine nor strong peculiar structure of their stomachs digest their food drink-This prohibition, and the accompanying admo- more fully than others.. It is found that in the act of nitions, following immediately the occurrence of so fatal chewing the cud, a large portion of the poisonous propera catastrophe, has given rise to an opinion entertained by ties of noxious plants eaten by them., passes off by the many, that the two unhappy priests were under the in- salivary glands. This power of secreting the poisonous fluence of intoxication when they committed the offence effects of vegetables, is said to be particularly remarkable which was expiated only by their lives. But such an in cows and goats, whose mouths are often sore, and idea, though the presumption is in its favour, is nothing sometimes bleed, in consequence. Their flesh is theremore than conjecture. 12-15. Moses spake unto Aaron, fore in a better state for food, as it contains more of the &c.-This was a timely and considerate rehearsal of the nutritious juices, and is more easily digested in the laws that regulated the conduct of the priests. Amid the human stomach, and is consequently more easily assimidistractions of their family bereavement, Aaron and his lated. Animals which do not chew the cud, convert their surviving sons might have forgotten or overlooked some food less perfectly; their flesh is therefore unwholesome, of their duties. 16-20. Moses diligently sought the from the gross animal juices with which they abound, goat of the sin offering, and, behold, it was burnt-In and is apt to produce scorbutic and scrofulous disorders. a sacrifice presented, as that had been, on behalf of the But the animals that may be eaten are those which people, it was the duty of the priests, as typically repre- " partthe hoof as well as chew the cud," and this is ansenting them and bearing their sins, to have eaten the other means of freeing the flesh of the animal from noxflesh, after the blood had been sprinkled upon the altar. ions substances. "In the case of animals with parted Instead of using it, however, for a sacred feast, they had hoofs, when feeding in unfavourable situations a proburnt it without the camp; and Moses, who discovered digious amount of fcetid matter is discharged, and passes.this departure from the prescribed ritual, probably from off between the toes; while animals with undivided a dread of some farther chastisements, challenged-not hoofs, feeding on the same ground, become severely Aaron, whose heart was too much lacerated to bear a new affected in the legs, from the poisonous plants among cause of distress-but his two surviving sons in the priest- the pasture." [WHITLAW'S Code of Health.] All experihood for the great irregularity. Their father, however, ence attests this, and accordingly the use of ruminating who heard the charge, and by whose directions the error animals, that is, which both chew the cud and part the had been committed, hastened to give the explanation, hoof, has always obtained in most countries, though it The Import of his apology is, that all the duty pertaining was observed most carefully by the people who were to the presentation of the offering had been duly and favoured with the promulgation of God's law. 4. the sacredly performed, except the festive part of the observ- camel-It does to a certain extent divide the hoof, for the ance, which privately devolved upon the priest and his foot consists of two large parts, but the division is not family; and that this had been omitted, either because complete; the toes rest upon an elastic pad on which the his heart was too dejected to join in the celebration of a animal goes; as a beast of burden its flesh is tough, and cheerful feast, or that he supposed, from the appalling an additional reason for its prohibition might be to keep judgments that had been inflicted, the whole services of the Israelites apart from the descendants of Ishmael. 5. that occasion were so vitiated that he did not complete the coney-not the rabbit, for it is not found in Palestine them. Aaron was decidedly in the wrong. By the ex- or Arabia, but the hyrax, a little animal of the size and press command of God, the sin offering was to be eaten in general shape of the rabbit, but differing from it in sevthe holy place; and no fanciful view of expediency or cral essential features; it has no tail, singular long hairs propriety ought to have led him to dispense at discretion bristling, like thorns, amongst the fur on its back; its with a positive statute. The law of God was clear, and feet are bare, its nails flat and round, except those on where that is the case, it is sin to deviate a hair's breadth each inner toe of the hind feet, which are sharp and pro. from the path of duty. But Moses sympathized with his ject like an awl. It does not burrow in the ground, but deeply afflicted brother; and having pointed out the frequents the clefts of rocks. 6. the hare-Two species error, said no more. of hare must have been pointed at, the Sinai hare-the hare of the desert, small and generally brown, the other, CHAPTER XI. the hare of Palestine and Syria, about the size and appearance of that known in our own country. Neither the Ver. 1-47. BEASTS THAT MAY AND MAY NOT BE EATEN. hare nor the coney are really ruminating. They only 1. the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron-These appear to be so from working the jaws on the grasses they laws being addressed to both the civil and ecclesiastical live on. They are not cloven-footed, and besides it is rulers in Israel, may serve to indicate the twofold view said that from the great quantity of down upon them, that is to be taken of them. Undoubtedly the first and they are very much subject to vermin-that in order to strongest reason for instituting a distinction among expel these, they eat poisonous plants, and if used as meats, was to discourage the Israelites from spreading food while in that state, they are most deleterious. [WIITTinto other countries, and from general intercourse with LAW.] 7. the swine-It is a filthy, foul-feeding aninmal, the world-to prevent them acquiring familiarity with and it wants one of the natural provisions for purifying the inhlabitants of the countries bordering on Canaan, so the system, "it cheweth not the cud;" in hot climates in79 Beass that may LEVITICUS XI. and may not be Eaten dulgence in swine's flesh is particularly liable tO produce known to the Israelites, and so rendered by the SeptuagitC leprosy, scurvy, and various cutaneous eruptions. It was (Deuteronomy 14. 16; Isaiah 34. 11): according to PARKtherefore strictly avoided by the Israelites, and its pro- HURST, the bittern, but not determined. the swanhibition was further necessary to prevent their adopting found in great numbers in all the countries of the Levant, many of the grossest idolatries practised by neighbouring and frequents marshy places-the vicinity of rivers and nations. 9. These shall ye eat... awhatsoeve'r hath lakes. It was held sacred by the Egyptians, and kept filns aild scales-" The fins and scales are the means by tame within the precincts of heathen temples. It was which the excrescences of fish are carried off, the same as probably on this account chiefly its use as food was proin animals by perspiration. I have never known an in- hibited. MICHAELIS considers it the goose. the pelican stance of disease produced by eating such fish; but those -remarkable for the bag or pouch under its lower jaw, that have no fins and scales cause, in hot climates, the which serves not only as a net to catch, but also as a remost malignant disorders when eaten; in many cases ceptacle of, food. It is solitary in its habits, and, like they prove a mortal poison." [WHITLAW.] 12. Whatso- other large aquatic birds, often flies to a great distance ever hath lo fils nor scales, &c.-Under this classifica- from its favourite haunts. the gier eagle-Being here astion frogs, eels, shell-fish of all descriptions, were included sociated with waterfowl, it has been questioned whether as unclean, "many of the latter (shell-fish) enjoy a repu- any species of eagle is referred to. Some think, as the tation they do not deserve, and have, when plentifully original name racham denotes tenderness, affection, the partaken of, produced effects which have led to a sus- halcyon or king-fisher is intended. [CALMET.] Others picion of their containing something of a poisonous that it is the bird now called the rachami, a kind of Egypnature." 13-19. these are they which> ye shall have in tian vulture, abundant in the streets of Cairo, and popabomination among the fowls-All birds of prey are ularly called Pharaoh's fowl. It is White in colour, in particularly ranked in the class unclean; all those which size like a raven, and feeds on carrion; it is one of the feed on flesh and carrion; no less than twenty species of foulest and filthiest birds in the world. the storki-a bird birds, all probably then known, are mentioned under this of benevolent temper, and held in the highest estimation category, and the inference follows that all which are in all Eastern countries; it was declared unclean, probnot mentioned were allowed, that is, fowls which subsist ably, from its feeding on serpents and other venomous on vegetable substances. From our imperfect knowledge reptiles, as well as rearing its young on the same food. of the natural history of Palestine, Arabia, and the con- the heron-the word so translated only occurs in the protiguous countries, it is not easy to determine exactly what hibited list of food and has been variously rendered-the some of the prohibited birds are; although they must have crane, the plover, the woodcock, the parrot. In this great been all well known among the people to whom these diversity of opinion nothing certain can be affirmed relaws were given. the ossifrage —tebrew, bone-breaker, garding it, and as from the group with which it is classrendered in the Septuagint griffon, supposed to be the Gy- ified, it must be an aquatic bird that is meant, it may as petos barbatus, the Lammer Geyer of the Swiss-a bird well be the heron as any other bird, the more especially of the eagle or vulture species, inhabiting the highest as herons abound in Egypt and in the Hauran of Palesmountain-ranges in Western Asia as well as Europe, tine. the lapwing-or hoopoe-found in warm regions, and pursues as its prey the chamois, ibex, or marmot, a very pretty but filthy species of bird, and was conamong rugged cliffs, till it drives them over a precipice- sidered unclean, probably from its feeding on insects, thus obtaining the name of "bone-breaker." the ospray worms, and snails. the bat-the great or Ternat bat, -the black eagle, among the smallest, but swiftest and known in the East, noted for its voracity and filthiness, strongest of its kind. the vulture-the word so rendered 20. All fowls that creep, &c.-By " fowls " here are to be in our version means more probably " the kite" or " glede," understood all creatures with wings, and by " going upo*l and describes a varying but majestic flight, exactly that all fours," not a restriction to animals which have exactly of the kite, which now darts forward with the rapidity four feet, because many "creeping things" have more than of an arrow, now rests motionless on its expanded wings that number. The prohibition is regarded generally as in the air: it feeds on small birds, insects, and fish. the extending to insects, reptiles, and worms. l1. Yet these kite-the vulture. In Egypt, and perhaps in the adjoin- may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth ing countries also, the kite and vulture are often seen to- upon all four, which have legs above their feetgether flying in company, or busily pursuing their foul Nothing short of a scientific description could convey but important office of devouring the carrion and relics more accurately the nature "of the locust after its kind." of putrefying flesh, which might otherwise pollute the They were allowed as lawful food to the Israelites, and atmosphere. after his klind-i. e., the prohibition against they are eaten by the Arabs, who fry them in olive oil; or eating it extended to the whole species. the raven-in- when sprinkled with salt, dried, smoked, and fried, they riluding the crow, the pie. the owl-It is generally sup- are said to taste not unlike red herrings. 26. every beast posed the ostrich is denoted by the original word. the... not cloven-footed-The prohibited animals under night-halwk-a very small bird, with which, from its this description include not only the beasts which have a nocturnal habits, many superstitious ideas were asso- single hoof, as horses and asses, but those also which diciated. the cuckoo-evidently some other bird is meant vided the foot into paws, as lions, tigers, &c. 29. the by the original term, from its being ranged among rapa- weasel-rather, the mole. the mouse-from its diminucious birds. DR. SHAW thinks it is the safsaf; but that tive size is placed among the reptiles instead of the quadbeing a graminivorous and gregarious bird, is equally ob- rupeds. the tortoise-a lizard, resembling very nearly in jectionable. Others think that the term the sea-mew, or shape, and in the hard pointed scales of the tail, the shakesome of the small sea-fowl, are intended. the hawk- tail. 30. the ferret-the Hebrew word is thought by some The Hebrew word includes every variety of the falcon to signify the newt or chameleon, by others the frog. the family-as the gos-hawk, the jer-hawk, the sparrow- chameleon-called by the Arabs the warral, a green lizhawk, &c. Several species of hawks are found in West- ard. the snail-a lizard which lives in the sand, and is ern Asia and Egypt, where they find inexhaustible prey called by the Arabs chulca, of an azure colour. the molein the immense numbers of pigeons and turtle-doves that another species of lizard is meant, probably the chameleon. abound in those quarters. The hawk was held pre-emi- 31-35. vwhosoever doth touch them, w-hen... dead, nently sacred among the Egyptians; and this, besides its shall be unclean until the even-These regulations rapacious disposition and gross habits, might have been must have often caused annoyance, by suddenly requira strong reason for its prohibition as an article of food to ing the exclusion of people from society, as well as the the Israelites. the little owl-or horned owl, as some ordinances of religion. Nevertheless they were extremely render it. The common barn owl, which is well known useful and salutary, especially as enforcing attention to in the East. It is the only bird of the kind here referred cleanliness. This is a matter of essential importance in to, although the word is thrice mentioned in our version. the East, where venomous reptiles often creep into houses, cormorant-supposed to be the gull. the great owl- and are found lurking in boxes, vessels, or holes in the according to some, the Ibis of the Egyptians. It was well wall; and the carcass of one of them, or a dead mouse, 80 BIRDS MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE. OSPRAY. — 4/ Lev, xi. 13. PARTRIDGE. Jer. xvii. 11. Ex. xvi 13. SPARROW. Ps. lxxxiv. 3. OS 1 [ll. WIIITE ST O~iK. Job. xxix. 13, Zech. v. 9. The Laws and Tokens LEVITICUS XII, XIII. in Discerning Leprosy. mole, lizard, or other unclean animal, might be inadver- tian bondage. It appears that, in consequence of these tently touched by the hand, or fall on clothes, skin-bot- hardships, there was, even after they had left Egypt, a ties, or any article of common domestic use. By connect- general predisposition among the Hebrews to the contaIng, therefore, the touch of such creatures with ceremonial gious forms of leprosy-so that it often occurred as a condefilement, which required immediately to be removed, sequence of various other affections of the skin. And an effectual means was taken to prevent the bad effects hence all cutaneous blemishes or blains-especially such of venom and all unclean or noxious matter. 47. make as had a tendency to terminate in leprosy-were watched a difference between the unclean and the clean —i.e., with a jealous eye from the first. [GooD'S Study of Medibetween animals used and not used for food. It is prob- cine.] A swelling, a pimple, or bright spot on the skin, able that the laws contained in this chapter were not created a strong ground of suspicion of a man's being entirely new, but only gave the sanction of Divine enact- attacked by the dreaded disease. then he shall be ment to ancient usages. Some of the prohibited animals brought unto Aaron the priest, &c.-Like the Egyptian have, on physiological grounds, been everywhere rejected priests, the Levites united the character of physician by the general sense or experience of mankind, while with that of the sacred office; and on the appearance of others may have been declared unclean from- their un- any suspicious eruptions on the skin, the person having wholesomeness in warm countries, or from some rea- these was brought before the priest-not, however, to resons, which are now imperfectly known, connected with ceive medical treatment, though it is not improbable that., contemporary idolatry. some purifying remedies might be prescribed, but to be. examined with a view to those sanitary precautionsCHAPTER XII which it belonged to legislation to adopt. 3-6. the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh, &c.Ver. 1-8. WOMAN'S UNCLEANNESS BY CITILD-BIRTH. The leprosy, as covering the person with a white scaly. 2. If a woman, &c.-The mother of a boy was ceremoni- scurf, has always been accounted an offensive blemish, ally unclean for a week, at the end of which the child was rather than a serious malady in the East, unless when iti circumcised (Genesis 17. 12; Romans 4. 11-13); the mother assumed its less common and malignant forms. Of a girl for-two weeks-a stigma on the sex (1 Timothy 2. Hebrew priest, after a careful inspection, discoveredl 14, 15) for sin, which was removed by Christ; every one under the cutaneous blemish the distinctive signs of con — who came near her during that time contracted a similar tagious leprosy, the person was immediately pronouncedi defilement. After these periods, visitors might approach unclean, and is supposed to have been sent out. of theher, though she was still excluded from the public ordi- camp to a lazaretto provided for that purpose... I. thenances of religion. 6-8. the days of her purifying- symptoms appeared to be doubtful, he ordered the persons Though the occasion was of a festive character, yet the to be kept in domestic confinement for seven days, when' sacrifices appointed were not a peace offering, but a burnt he was subjected to a second examination; and if during'. offering and sin offering, in order to impress the mind of the previous week the eruption had subsided-orapearedl the parent with recollections of the origin of sin, and that to be harmless, he was instantly discharged:: But if thei the child inherited a fallen and sinful nature. The offer- eruption continued unabated and still doubtful, he was ings were to be presented the day after the period of her put under surveillance another week; at the end of which. separation had ended-i. e., forty-first for a boy, eighty- the character of the disorder never; failed tol manifest; first for a girl. bring two turtles, &c.-(See on ch. 5. 7). itself, and he was either doomed to-perpetual exclusioln This was the offering made by Mary, the mother of Jesus, from society, or allowed to go at large.. A person whol-had. and it affords an incontestable proof of the poor and thus been detained on suspicion, when:, attlength sob ant humble condition of the family (Luke 2. 22-2-). liberty, was obliged to "wash his cl0thlet as-having been: tainted by ceremonial pollution;: and' the purification.'TCHAPTEIR XIII. through which he was required to go vwas, in the spiritiof' the Mosaic dispensation, symbolical of that inward purity''Ver. 1-59. THE LAWS AND TOKENS IN DISCERNING LEP- it was instituted to promote. T,7$8K. But if the scab spreadi ROSY. 2. When a man shall have in the skin, &c.-The much abroad in the skin-Those doubtful cases,.when fact of the following rules for distinguishing the plague they assumed a malignant charaetor,.appeared iin oneoff of leprosy being incorporated with the Hebrew code of two forms, apparently according to:tie particular consti;laws, proves the existence of the odious disease among tution of the skin or of the habit generally.. The one mwas' that people. But a short time, little more than a year, if "somewhat dark" —i. e., the obscure oe-dusky leprosy3,iI.i so long a period had elapsed since the exodus, when symp- which the natural colour of the hair, whiibi in Egypt alatnd toms of leprosy seem extensively to have appeared Palestine is black, is not changed, as is repieatedly said im among them; and as they could not be very liable to such the sacred code, nor is there any depressibo, ii'the dtuskya cutaneous disorder amid their active journeyings, and spot, while the patches, instead of keeping stationary to! in the dry open air of Arabia, the seeds of the disorder their first size, are perpetually enlarging their boundhtry.. must have been laid in Egypt, where it has always been The patient labouring under this form was pronouncedh endemic. There is every reason to believe that this was unclean by the Hebrew priest or physician,.and'illerebjvthe case: that the leprosy was not a family complaint, sentenced to a separation from his family andl friends — hereditary among the Hebrews, but that they got it from a decisive proof of its being contagious. 9-3.3 if the intercourse with the Egyptians, and from the unfavour- rising be white-This BRIGHT WHITE leprosy is the mosttr able circumstances of their condition in the house of malignant and inveterate of all the varieties the diseaseobondage. The great excitement and irritability of the exhibits, and it was marked by the following distciitcve skin in the hot and sandy regions of the East, produce a signs:-A glossy white and spreading scale, upon an elefar greater predisposition to leprosy of all kinds than in vated base, the elevation depressed in the middle, but the cooler temperature of Europe; and cracks or blotches, without a change of colour; the black hair on the patches inflammations or even contusions of the skin, very often participating in the whiteness, and the scaly patches lead to these in Arabia and Palestine to some extent, but themselves perpetually enlarging their boundary. Sevparticularly in Egypt. Besides, the subjugated and dis- eral of these characters, taken separately, belong to tressed state of the Hebrews in the latter country, and the other blemishes of the skin as well; so that none of them nature of their employment, must have rendered them was to be taken alone, and it was only when the whole of very liable to this as well as to various other blemishes them concurred that the Jewish priest, in his capacity of and misaffections of the skin; in the production of which physician, was to pronounce the disease a malignant lepthere are no causes more active or powerful than a de- rosy. If it spread over the entire frame without producing pressed state of body and mind, hard labour under a burn- any ulceration, it lost its contagious power by degrees; or ing sun, the body constantly covered with the excoriating in other words, ran through its course and exhausted dust of brickfields, and an impoverished diet-to all of itself. In that lase, there being no longer any fear of which the Israelites were exposed whilst under the Egyp- further evil, either to the individual himself or to the 6 81 The Laws and Tokens LEVITICUS XIV in Discerning Leprosy. community, the patient was declared clean by the priest, apt to breed infectious vermin, which, being settled in the while the dry scales were yet upon him, and restored to stuff, would imperceptibly gnaw it, and leave stains simsociety. If, on the contrary, the patches ulcerated, and ilar to those described by Moses. It is well known that quick or fungous flesh sprung up in them, the purulent the wool of sheep dying of disease, if it had not been matter of which, if brought into contact with the skin of shorn from the animal while living, and also skins, if not other persons, would be taken into the constitution by thoroughly prepared by scouring, are liable to the effects means of absorbent vessels, the priest was at once to pro- described in this passage. The stains are described as of nounce it an inveterate leprosy; a temporary confinement a greenish or reddish colour, according, perhaps, to the was declared to be totally unnecessary, and he was re- colour or nature of the ingredients used in preparing garded as unclean lor life. [DR. GooD.] Other skin affec- them; for acids convert blue vegetable colours into red, tions, which had a tendency to terminate in leprosy, though and alkalies change then into green. [BROWN.] It apthey were not decided symptoms when alone, were (v. 18- pears, then, that the leprosy, though sometimes inflicted 23) "a boil," and (v. 24-28) "a hot burning "-i.e., a fiery as a miraculous judgment (Numbers 12. 10; 2 Kings 5. 27), inflammation or carbuncle, and (v. 29-37) "a dry scall," was a natural disease, which is known in Eastern counwhen the leprosy was distinguished by being in sight tries still; while the rules prescribed by the Hebrew legdeeper than the skin, and the hair became thin and yel- islator for distinguishing the true character and varieties low. 38, 39. If a man... or a woman have in the of the disease, and which are far superior to the method skin of their flesh bright spots-This modification of of treatment now followed in those regions, show the Dithe leprosy is distinguished by a dull white colour, and it vine wisdom by which he was guided. Doubtless the is entirely a cutaneous disorder, never injuring the con- origin of the disease is owing to some latent causes in nastitution. It is described as not penetrating below the ture; and perhaps a more extended acquaintance with skin of the flesh, and as not rendering necessary an ex- the archeology of Egypt, and the natural history of the elusion from society. It is evident, then, this common adjacent countries, may confirm the opinion that the lepform of leprosy is not contagious, otherwise Moses would rosy results from noxious insects or a putrid fermentahave prescribed as strict.a quarantine in this as in the tion. But whatever the origin or cause of the disease, the othercases. And hereby we see the great superiority of the laws enacted by Divine authority regarding it, while they Mosaic law, which so accurately distinguished the charac- pointed in the first instance to sanitary ends, were at ters of the leprosy, and preserved to society the services the same time intended, by stinmulating to carefulness of those who were laboring under the uncontagious forms against ceremonial defilement, to foster a spirit of religof the disease, over the customs and regulations of Eastern ious fear and inward purity. countries in the present day, where all lepers are indiscriminately proscribed, and are avoided as unfit for free C A PTER XIV. intercourse with their fellow-men. 40, 41. bald.. forehead bald-The falling off of the hair is another Ver. 1-57. THE RITES AND SACRIFICES IN CLEANSING symptom which creates a suspicion of leprosy, when the OF THE LEPER. 2. law of the leper In the day of his baldness commences in the back part of the head. But it cleansing-Though quite convalescent, a leper was not was not of itself a decisive sign unless -when taken in con- allowed to return to society immediately and at his own nection with other tokens; a "sore of a reddish white will. The malignant character of his disease rendered colour;" and the Hebrews as ell -as other Orientals were the greatest precautions necessary to his re-admission accustomed to distinguish betweenthe forehead baldness, amongst the people. One of the priests most skilled in which might be natural, and that baldness which might the diagnostics of disease [GROTIUS], being deputed to atbe the consequence of disease. 45. the leper in whom tend such outcasts, the restored leper compeered before the plague is, his clothes shall be reit, &c.-The person this official, and when after examination a certificate of who was declared affected with the leprosy forthwith ex- health was given, the ceremonies here described were hibited all the tokens of suffering from a heavy calamity, forthwith observed outside the camp. 4. two birds-lit., Rending garments and uncovering the head were com- sparrows. The Septuagint, however, renders the expresmon signs of mourning. As to " the putting a covering sion "little birds;" and it is evident that it is to be taken upon the upper lip," that means either wearing a mous- in this generic sense from their being specified as " clean " tache, as the Hebrews used to shave the upper lip [CAL- -a condition which would have been altogether superfluMET], or simply keeping a hand over it.. All these exter- ous to mention in reference to sparrows. In all the offernal marks of grief were intended to proclaim, in addition ings prescribed in the law, Moses ordered only common to his own exclamation "unclean!" that the person was and accessible birds;.and hence we may presume that he a leper, whose company every one must shun. 46. he points here to sparrows or pigeons, as in the shall dwell alone without the camp-in a lazaretto desert it might have been very difficult to procure wild by himself, or associated with other lepers (2 Kings 7. 3,8). birds alive. cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop-The 47-59. Thae garment... that the... leprosy is in-It cedar here meant was certainly not the famous tree of is well known that infectious diseases-such as scarlet Lebanon, and it is generally supposed to have been the fever, measles, the plague-are latently imbibed and car- juniper, as several varieties of that shrub are found ried by the clothes. But the language of this passage growing abundantly in the clefts and crevices of the clearly indicates a disease to which clothes themselves Sinaitic mountains. A stick of this shrub was bound were subject, and which was followed by effects on them to a bunch of hyssop by a scarlet ribbon, and the analogous to those which malignant leprosy produces on living bird was to be so attached to it, that when they the human body-for similar regulations were made for dipped the branches in the water, the tail of the bird the rigid inspection of suspected garments by a priest as might also be moistened, but not the head nor the for the examination of a leprous person. It has long been wings, that it might not be impeded in its flight when conjectured, and recently ascertained by the use of alens, let loose. 5. the priest shall command that one of that the leprous condition of swine is produced by myriads the birds be killed... over running water-As the of minute insects engendered in their skin; and regarding blood of a single bird would not have been sufficient to all leprosy as of the same nature, it is thought that this immerse the body of another bird, it was mingled with affords a sufficient reason for the injunction in the Mosaic spring water to increase the quantity necessary for law to destroy the clothes in which the disease, after care- the appointed sprinklings, which were to be repeated ful observation, seemed to manifest itself. Clothes are seven times, denoting a complete purification. (See 2 sometimes seen contaminated by this disease in the West Kings 5.10; Psalm 51.2; Matthew 8.4; Luke 5. 14). The Indies and the southern -parts of America [WIIITLAW'S living bird being then set free, in token of the leper's reGode of Health], and it may be presumed that as the He- lease from quarantine, the priest pronounced him clean; brews were living in the desert, where they had not the and this official declaration was made with all solemnity, convenience of frequent changes and washing, the clothes in order both that the mind of the leper might be duly they wore, and the skin mats on which they lay, would be impressed with a sense of the Divine goodness, and that 82 Tfl Rites acid Sacrifices LEVITICUS XV. in Cleansiny of the Leper. others might be satisfied they might safely hold inter- contagion of leprous occupiers; or that the leprosy was in course with him. Several other purifications had to be the house itself. It is evident that the latter was the true gone through during a series of seven days, and the whole state of the case, from the furniture being removed out of process had to be repeated on the seventh, ere he was al- it on the first suspicion of disease on the walls. Some lowed to re-enter the camp. The circumstance of a priest have supposed that the name of leprosy was analogically being employed seems to imply that instruction suitable applied to it by the Hebrews, as we speak of cancer il to the newly-recovered leper would be given, and that the trees, when they exhibit corrosive effects similar to what symbolical ceremonies used in the process of cleansing the disease so named produces on the human body; while leprosy would be explained. How far tliey were then un- others have pronounced it a mural efflorescence, or species derstood we cannot tell. But we can trace some instruc- of mildew on the wall, apt to be produced in very damp tive analogies between the leprosy and the disease of situations, and which was followed by effects so injurious sin, and between the rites observed in the process of to health, as well as to the stability of a house, particucleansing leprosy and the provisions of the gospel. The larly in warm countries, as to demand the attention of a chief of these analogies are, that as it was only when a legislator. Moses enjoined the priests to follow the same leper exhibited a certain change of state that orders were course and during the same period of time for ascertaingiven by the priest for a sacrifice, so a sinner must be in ing the true character of this disease as in human leprosy; the exercise of faith and penitence ere the benefits of the in case of being found leprous, to remove the infected gospel remedy can be enjoyed by him. The slain bird and parts, or if afterwards there appeared a risk of the conthe bird let loose are supposed to typify, the one the death tagion spreading, to destroy the house altogether, and reand the other the resurrection of Christ; while the sprink- move the materials to a distance. The stones were problings on him that had been leprous typified the require- ably rough, unhewn stones, built up without cement in ments which led a believer to cleanse himself from all the manner now frequently used in fences, and plastered filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and to perfect his holi- over, or else laid in mortar. The oldest examples of archness in the fear of the Lord. 10-20. on the eighth day itecture are of this character. The very same thing has he shall take two he-lambs wvithout blemish, and one to be done still with houses infected with mural salt. The ewve-lamb of the first year without blemish-The pur- stones covered with the nitrous incrustation must be reification of the leper was not completed till at the end of moved, and if the infected wall is suffered to remain, it seven days, after the ceremonial of the birds, and during must be plastered all over anew. 48s-57. the priest shall which, though permitted to come into the camp, he had pronolunee the house clean, because the plague is to tarry abroad out of his tent, from which he came daily healed-The precautions here described show that there to appear at the door of the tabernacle with the offerings is great danger in warm countries from the house leprosy, required. He was presented before the Lord by the priest which was likely to be increased by the smallness and that made him clean. And hence it has always been rude architecture of the houses in the early ages of the reckoned amongst pious people the first duty of a patient Israelitish history. As a house could not contract any newly restored from a long and dangerous sickness to impurity in the sight of God, the "atonement" wvhich the repair to the church to offer his thanksgiving, where his priest was to make for it must either have a reference to body and soul, in order to be an acceptable offering, must the sins of its occupiers, or to the ceremonial process apbe presented by our great Priest, whose blood alone makes pointed for its purification, the very same as that obany clean. The offering was to consist of three lambs, served for a leprous person. This solemn declaration three tenth-deals, or decimal parts, of an ephah of fine that it was "clean," as well as the offering made on the flour (two pints = -:), and one log (half pint) of oil (ch. 2. 1). occasion, was admirably calculated to make known the One of the lambs was for a trespass offering, which was fact, to remove apprehension from the public mind, as necessary from the inherent sin of his nature, or from his well as relieve the owner from the aching suspicion of defilement of the camp by his leprosy previous to his dwelling in an infected house. expulsion; and it is remarkable that the blood of the trespass offering was applied exactly in the same partic- CI APTT X v ilar manner to the extremities of the restored leper, as that of the ram in the consecration of the priests. The Ver. 1-18. UNCLEANNESS OF MEN. 2. When any mana parts sprinkled with thisblood were then anointed with hath a running issue-This chapter describes other oil-a ceremony which is supposed to have borne this forms of uncleanness, thenature of which is sufficielntly inspiritual import; that while the blood was a token of for- telligible in the text without any explanatory comment. giveness, the oil was an emblem of healing-as the blood Being the effects of licentiousness, they properly come of Christ justifies, the influence of the Spirit sanctifies. within the notice of the legislator, and the very stringent Of the other two lambs the one was to be a sin offering, rules here prescribed both for the separation of the person and the other a burnt offering, which had also the cha- diseased and for avoiding contamination from anything racter of a thank offering for God's mercy in his restora- connected with him, were well calculated not only to pretion. And this was considered to make atonement "for vent contagion, but to discourage the excesses of licenhim;" i. e., it removed that ceremonial pollution which tious indulgence. 9. what saddle... he rideth uponl had excluded him from the enjoyment of religious ordi- that hath the issue shall be uncleanl-(See on Genesis 31. nances, just as the atonement of Christ restores all who 34). 12. the vessel of earth that he touchethl which are cleansed through faith in his sacrifice to the privileges' hath the issue sliall be broken-It is thought the potof the children of God. 21-32. if he be poor, and cannot tery of the Israelites, like the earthenware jars in which get so much; then he shall take one lamb-a kind and the Egyptians kept their water, was unglazed, and conconsiderate provision for an extension of the privilege to sequently porous, and that it was its porousness which, lepers of the poorer class. The blood of their smaller offer- rendering it extremely liable to imbibe small particles of ing was to be applied in the same process of purification, impure matter, was the reason of the vessel'touched by and they were as publicly and completely cleansed as an unclean person being ordered to be broken. 13, 14. those who brought a costlier offering (Acts 10. 34). 34-48. then he shall number to himself seven days for his leprosy in a house-This law was prospective, not being cleansingl-Like a leprous person he underwent a week's to come into operation till the settlement of the Israelites probation, whether he was completely healed, and- then in Canaan. The words, "I put the leprosy," has led many with the sacrifices prescribed the priest made an atoneto think that this plague was a judicial infliction from ment for him, i. e., offered the oblations necessary for the heaven for the sins of the owner; while others do removal of his ceremonial defilement, as well as the typnot regard it in this light, it being common in Scripture lcal pardon of his sins. to represent God as doing that which he only permits in 19-33. UNCLEANNESS OF WOMEN. 19. if a woman have His providence to be done. Assuming it to have been a an issue-Though this, like the leprosy, might be a natunatural disease, a new difficulty arises as to whether we ral affection, it was anciently considered contagious, and are to consider that the house had become infected by the entailed a ceremonial defilement which typified a moral 83 Hlow the High Priest must LEVITICUS XVI. enter into the Holy Place impurity. This ceremonial defilement had to be removed people. The bullock (v. 3) and the goats were for sin offerby an appointed method of ceremonial expiation, and the ings, and the rams for burnt offerings. The goats, though lneglect of it subjected any one to the guilt of defiling the used in different ways, constituted only one offering. tabernacle, and to death as the penalty of profane temer- They were both presented before the Lord, and the disity. 31-33. Thus shall ye separate the children of posal of them determined by lot, which Jewish writers Israel from their uncleanness-The Divine wisdom was have thus described: The priest, placing one of the goats manifested in inspiring the Israelites with a profound on his right hand, and the other on his. left, took his reverence for holy things; and nothing was more suited station by the altar, and cast into an urn two pieces of to this purpose than to debar from the tabernacle all gold exactly similar, inscribed, the one with the words who were polluted by any kind of uncleanness, ceremo- "for the Lord," and the other for "Azazel" (the scapenial as well as natural, mental as well as physical. The goat). After having well shaken them together, he put better to mark out that.people as his family, his servants both his hands into the box and took up a lot in each: and priests, dwelling in the camp as in a holy place, con- that in his right hand he put on the head of the goat secrated by His presence and His tabernacle, He required which stood on his right, and that in his left he dropt on of them complete purity, and did not allow them to come the other. In this manner the fate of each was decided. before Him when defiled, even by involuntary or secret 11-14. Aaron shall bring the bullock of the sin offerimpurities, as a want of respect due to His majesty. And ing which is for himself, &c.-The first part of the serwhen we bear in mind that God was training up a people vice was designed to solemnize his own mind, as well as to live in His presence in some measure as priests de- the minds of the people, by offering the sacrifices for their voted to His service, we shall not consider these rules for sins. The sin offerings being slain had the sins of the the maintenance of personal purity either too stringent offerer judicially transferred to them by the imputation or too minute (I Thessalonians 4.4). of his hands on their head (ch. 4.), and thus the young bullock, which was to make atonement for himself and the CHA PTER XYVI. T other priests (called his house, Psalm 135.19) was killed by the hands of the high priest. While the blood of the Ver. 1-34. How THE HIGH PRIEST MUST ENTER INTO victim was being received into a vessel, taking a censer THE HOLY PLACE. 1. after the death of the two sons of live coals in his right hand, and a platter of sweet inof Aaron, when they offered before the Lord, and cense in his left, he, amid the solemn attention and the died-It is thought by some that this chapter has been anxious prayers of the assembled multitude, crossed the transposed out of its right place in the sacred record, porch and the holy place, opened the outer veil which led which was immediately after the narrative of the deaths into the holy of holies, then the inner veil, and, standing of Nadab and Abihu. That appalling catastrophe must before the ark, deposited the censer of coals on the floor, have filled Aaron with painful apprehensions, lest the emptied the plate of incense into his hand, poured it on guilt of these two sons might be entailed on his house, or the burning coals, and the apartment was filled with that other members of his family might share the same fragrant smoke, intended, according to Jewish writers, fate by some irregularities or defects in the discharge of to prevent any presumptuous gazer prying too curiously their sacred functions. And, therefore, this law was es- into the form of the mercy-seat, which was the Lord's tablished, bythe due observance of whose requirements throne. The high priest having done this, perfumed the the Aaronic order would be securely maintained and sanctuary, returned to the door, took the blood of the slain accepted in the priesthood. 2. Speak unto Aaron thy bullock, and carrying it into the holy of holies, sprinkled brother, that he come not at all times into the holy it with his finger once upon the mercy-seat "eastward," place wvithin the veil, &c.-Common priests went every —.., on the side next to himself; and seven times "beday to burn incense on the golden altar into the part of fore the mercy-seat,"-i. e., on the front of the ark. Leavthe sanctuary without the veil. But none except the high ing the coals and the incense burning, he went out a priest was allowed to enter within the veil, and that only second time, to sacrifice at the altar of burnt offering the once a year with the greatest care and solemnity. This goat which had been assigned as a sin offering for the arrangement was evidently designed to inspire a rever- people; and carrying its blood into the holy of holies, ence for the most holy place, and the precaution was made similar sprinklings as he had done before with the necessary, at a time when the presence of God was indi- blood of the bullock. While the high priest was thus en-.cated by sensible symbols, the impression of which might gaged in the most holy place, none of the ordinary priests have been diminished or lost by daily and familiar obser- were allowed to remain within the precincts of the tabervation. I will appear in the cloud-i. e., the smoke of nacle. The sanctuary or holy place, and the altar of the incense which the high priest burnt on his yearly en- burnt offering were in like manner sprinkled seven times trance into the most holy place: and this was the cloud with the blood of the bullock and the goat. The object which at that time covered the mercy-seat. 3, 4:. Thus of this solemn ceremonial was to impress the minds of shall Aaron come into the holy place-As the duties the Israelites with the conviction that the whole taberof the great day of atonement led to the nearest and most nacle was stained by the sins of a guilty people, that by solemn approach to God, the directions as to the proper their sins they had forfeited the privileges of the Divine course to be followed were minute and special. with presence and worship, and that an atonement had to be a yonng bullock.. and a ram-These victims he -made as the condition of God's remaining with them. brought alive, but they were not offered in sacrifice till The sins and shortcomings of the past year having polhe had gone through the ceremonies described between luted the sacred edifice, the expiation required to be anthis and the eleventh verse. He was not to attire himself nually renewed..The exclusion of the priests indicated on that occasion in the splendid robes that were proper.their unworthiness, and the impurities of their service. to hi:sacred office, but in a plain dress of linen, like the The mingled blood of the two victims being sprinkled coG.inon Levites, for, as he was then to make atonement on the horns of the altar indicated that the priests and foX.his own sins, as well as for those of the people, he was the people equally needed an atonement for their sins. tQ.-ppear in the humble character of a suppliant. That But the sanctuary being thus ceremonially purified, and plain dress was more in harmony with a season of humil- the people of Israel reconciled by the blood of the conseiation, as well as lighter and more convenient for the crated victim, the Lord continued to dwell in the midst duties which on that occasion he had singly to perform, -of them, and honour them with his gracious presence. than the gorgeous robes of the pontificate. It showed 20-22. he shall bring the live goat-Having already that,;wiAen all appeared as sinners, the highest and lowest been presented before the Lord (v. 10), it was now brought were;then on a level, and that there is no distinction of forward to the high priest, who, placing his hands upon persons, with God. 5-10. shall take of the congrega- its head, and "having confessed over it all the intion.... two kids of the goats.. and one ram-The iquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressacrifices were to be offered by the high priest respec- sions in all their sins," transferred them by this act to the ttvely for himself and the other priests, as well as for the goat as their substitute. It was then delivered into the 84 ANCIENT AND MODERN CENSERS AND PERFUME VESSELS. Roman Perfume Vessel. Turkish Servant with Censer. From De la Motrayr. Eastern Perfume Bottle. Tursh Serant t ener.. Censer used in Arabia. Censer.-From Pococke's Travels, Eastern Censer. —From Froim iebuhr. De la Motrayr. Romran Perfume Vase. = -. Anclelnt (Censer.-Fromn MontAfaucon. Ancient Incense Box.-From Montfaucon. The Sacrifices and Ceremonies LEVITICUS XVII. on Entering the IHoly Place. hands of a person, who was appointed to lead him away found in the strong addictedness of the Israelites to idolinto a distant, solitaay, and desert place, where in early atry at the time of their departure from Egypt; and as it times he was let go, to escape for his life, but in the time would have been easy for any by killing an animal to of Christ, was carried to a high rock twelve miles from sacrifice privately to a favourite object of worship, a strict Jerusalem, and there, being thurst over the precipice, he prohibition was made against their slaughtering at home. was killed. Commentators have differed widely in their (See on Deuteronomy 12.13.) 5. to the end that the cliilopinions about the character and purpose of this part of dren of Israel may bring their sacrifices xvilich they the ceremonial; some considering the word Azazel, with offer in the open field —"They" is supposed by some the LXX., and our translators, to mean, " the scapegoat;" commentators to refer to the Egyptians, so that the verse others, " a lofty, precipitous rock" [BOCHART]; others, " a will stand thus: " the children of Israel may bring their thingseparated to God " [EWALD, THoLucK]; while others sacrifices which they (the Egyptians) offer in the open think it designates Satan [G.ESENIUS, HENGSTrENBERG]. field." The lawis thought to have been directed against This last view is grounded on the idea of both goats form- numbers whose Egyptian habits led them to imitate this ing one and the same sacrifice of atonement, and it is idolatrous practice. 7. they shall no more offer their supported by Zechariah 3., which presents a striking con- sacrifices unto devils-lit., "goats." The prohibition mentary on this passage. Whether there was in this evidently alludes to the worship of the hirei-footed peculiar ceremony any reference to an Egyptian super- kind, such as Pan, Faunus, and Saturn, whose recogstition about Typhon, the spirit of evil, inhabiting the nized symbol was a goat. This was a form of idolatry wilderness, and the design was to ridicule it by sending a enthusiastically practised by the Egyptians, particularly cursed animal into his gloomy dominions, it is impossible in the nome or province of Mendes. Pan was supposed to say. The subject is involved in much obscurity. But especially to preside over mountainous and desert rein any view there seems to be a typical reference to Christ gions, and it was while they were in the wilderness the who bore away our sins. 23-28. Aaron shall colie inlto Israelites seem to have been powerfully influenced by a the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall piut off feeling to propitiate this idol. Moreover, the ceremonies the linen garments-On the dismissal of the scape-goat, observed in this idolatrous worship were extremely licenthe high priest prepared for the important parts of the tious and obscene, and the gross impurity of the rites gives service which still remained; and for the performance of great point and significance to the expression of Moses, these he laid aside his plain linen clothes, and having "they have gone a-whoring." 8, 9. WLhatsoever man... bathed himself in water, he assumed his pontifical dress. ofcereth... and bringeth it not unto the door of the Thus gorgeously attired, he went to present the burnt tabernacle-Before the promulgation of the law, men offerings which were prescribed for himself and the peo- worshipped wherever they pleased or pitched their tents. pie, consisting of the two rams which. had been brought But after that event the rites of religion could be acceptawith the sin offerings, but reserved till now. Tlle fat was bly performed only at the appointed place of worship. ordered to be burnt upon the altar; the rest of the carcasses This restriction with respect to place was necessary as a to be cut down and given to some priestly attendants to preventive of idolatry; for it prohibited the Israelites, burn without the camp, in conformity with the general when at a distance, from repairing to the altars of the law for the sin offerings (ch. 4.8-12; 8. 14-17). The persons heathen, which were commonly in groves or fields. 10. I employed in burningthem, as well as the conductor of the will even set my face against that soul that eatethls scape-goat, were obliged to wash their clothes and bathe blood, and.will cut him off from among his people — their flesh in water before they were allowed to return The face of God is often used in Scripture to denote Hia into the camp. 29-34. this shall be a statute for ever anger (Psalm 34. 16; Revelation 6. 16; Ezekiel 38. 18), and unto you, that in the seventh month, on the tenth the manner in which God's face would be set against such I day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls-This day an offender, was, that if the crime were public and known, of annual expiation for all the sins, irreverences and im- he was condemned to death; it it were secret, vengeance purities of all classes in Israel during the previous year, would overtake him. (See on Genesis 9.4.) But the pracwas to be observed as a solemn fast, in which " they were tice against which the law is here pointed was an idolato afflict their souls;" it was reckoned a sabbath-kept trous rite. The Zabians, or worshippers of the heavenly as a season of "holy convocation," or assembling for re- host, were accustomed, in sacrificing animals, to pour out ligious purposes, and the persons who performed any the blood, and eat a part of the flesh at the place where the labour were subject to the penalty of death. It took place blood was poured out, and sometimes the blood itself, beon the tenth day of the seventh month, corresponding to lieving that by means of it, friendship, brotherhood, and our third of October, and this chapter, together with ch. familiarity were contracted between the worshippers and 23. 27-32, as containing special allusion to the observances the deities. They, moreover, supposed that the blood wras of the day, were publicly read. The rehearsal of these pas- very beneficial in obtaining for them a vision of the desages appointing the solemn ceremonial was very appro- mon during their sleep, and a revelation of future events. priate, and the details of the successive parts of it-above The prohibition against eating blood, viewed in the light all the spectacle of the public departure of the scape-goat of this historic commentary, and unconnected with the under the care of its leader, must have produced salutary peculiar terms in which it is expressed, seems to have impressions both of sin and of duty that would not be been levelled against idolatrous practices, as is still farsoon effaced. ther evident from Ezekiel 33. 25,26; 1 Corinthians 10. 20, 21. 11. the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have CII APT ER XVI. given it to you upon the altar, to make an atonement Ver. 1-16. BLOOD OF BEASTS MUST BE OFFERED AT TIE for your souls-God, as the sovereign author and propriTABERNACLE DOOR. 3. What man... killeth an ox- etor of nature, reserved the blood to himself, and allowed The Israelites, like other people living in the desert, men only one use of it-in the way of sacrifices. 13, 14. would not make much use of animal food, and when they -whatsoever man... hunLteth-It was customary with did kill a lamb or a kid for food, it would almost always heathen sportsmen, when they killed any game or venibe, as in Abraham's entertainment of the angels, an occa- son, to pour out the blood as a libation to the god of the sion of a feast, to be eaten in company. This was what chase. The Israelites, on the contrary, were enjoined, was done with the peace offerings, and accordingly it is instead of leaving it exposed, to cover it with dust, and, here enacted, that the same course shall be followed in by this means, were effectually debarred from all the suslaughtering the animals as in the case of those offerings, perstitious uses to which the heathen applied it. 15, 16. viz., that they should be killed publicly, and after being every soul that eateth that which dieth of itself (Exdevoted to God, partaken of by the offerers. This law, it odus 22. 31; ch. 11. 30; Acts 15. 20), be unclean untlil he is obvious, could only be observable in the wilderness, even-i. e., from the moment of his discovering his fault, while the people were encamped within an accessible until the evening. This law, however, was binding oniy distance from the tabernacle. The reason of it is to be on an Israelite. (See Deuteronomy 14.21.) 85 UlJa)fiul Marlia'ges. LEVITICUS XVIII. Unlawful LutS. C H ^A P T ER X I I then the infants were either shaken over the flames, or AP XVi. passed through the ignited arms, by way of lustration to Ver. 1-30. UNLAWFUL MARlIAGES. 2. -4 I am the Lord ensure the favour of the pretended deity. The fire-woryour God-This renewed mention of the Divine sove- shippers asserted that all children who did not undergo reignty over the Israelites was intended to bear particu- this purifying process would die in infancy; and the larly on some laws that were widely different from the influence of this Zabian superstition was still so extensocial customs that obtained both in Egypt and Canaan; sively prevalent in the days of Moses, that the Divine for the enormities which the laws enumerated in this lawgiver judged it necessary to prohibit it by an express chapter were intended to put down, were freely practised statute. neither shalt thou profane the name of thy or publicly sanctioned in both of those countries; and, God-by giving it to false or pretended divinities; or, indeed, the extermination of the ancient Canaanites is perhaps, from this precept standing in close connection described as owing to the abominations with which they with the worship of Molech, the meaning rather is, Do had polluted the land. 5. Ye shall therefore keep my not, by devoting your children to him, give foreigners statutes and my judgments; which if a man do, he occasion to blaspheme the name of your God as a cruel shall live in them-A special blessing was promised to and sanguinary deity, who demands the sacrifice of the Israelites on condition of their obedience to the Di- human victims, and who encourages cruelty in his vovine law; and this promise was remarkably verified at taries. 24. Defile not yourselves in any of these particular eras of their history, when pure and undefiled things-In the preceding verses seventeen express cases religion prevailed among them, in the public prosperity of incest are enumerated; comprehending eleven of and domestic happiness enjoyed by them as a people. affinity, and six of consanguinity, together with some Obedience to the Divine law always, indeed, ensures tem- criminal enormities of an aggravated and unnatural poral advantages; and this, doubtless, was the primary character. In such prohibitions it was necessary for the meaning of the words, "which if a man do, he shall live instruction of a people low in the scale of moral percepin them." But that they had a higher reference to spirit- tion, that the enumeration should be very specific as well ual life is evident from the application made of them by as minute; and then, on completing it, the Divine lawour Lord (Luke 10, 28) and the apostle (Romans 10, 2). 6. giver announces his own views of these crimes, without None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin any exception or modification, in the remarkable terms -Very great laxity prevailed amongst the Egyptians in employed in this verse. in all these the nations are their sentiments and practice about the conjugal relation, defiled which I east out before you, &c.-Ancient hisas they not only openly sanctioned marriages between tory gives many appalling proofs that the enormous vices brothers and sisters, but even between parents and chil- described in this chapter were very prevalent, nay, were dren. Such incestuous alliances Moses wisely prohibited, regularly practised from religious motives in the temples and his laws form the basis upon which the marriage of Egypt and the groves of Canaan; and it was these regulations of this and other Christian nations are chiefly gigantic social disorders that occasioned the expulsion, founded. This verse contains a general summary of all of which the Israelites were, in the hands of a righteous the particular prohibitions; and the forbidden intercourse and retributive Providence, the appointed instruments is pointed out by the phrase, "to approach to." In the (Genesis 15.16). The strongly figurative language of "the specified prohibitions that follow, and all of which are land itself vomiting out her inhabitants," shows the included in this general summary, the prohibited famil- hopeless depth of their moral corruption. 25. Thereiarity is indicated by the phrases, to " uncover the naked- fore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it; and the ness," to "take," and to "lie with." The phrase in this land itself vomiteth out its inhabitants-The Canaan6th verse, therefore, has the same identical meaning with ites, as enormous and incorrigible sinners, were to be, each of the other three, and the marriages in reference to exterminated; and this extermination was manifestly a which it is used are those of consanguinity or too close judicial punishment inflicted by a ruler whose laws had affinity, amounting to incestuous connections. 18. Nei- been grossly and perseveringly outraged. But before a ther shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her. law can be disobeyed, it must have been previously in The original is rendered in the margin, "neither shalt existence; and hence a law, prohibiting all the horrid thou take one wife to another to vex her," and two differ- crimes enumerated above-a law obligatory upon the Caent and opposite interpretations have been put upon this naanites as well as other nations-was already known passage. The marginal construction involves an express and in force before the Levitical law of incest was proprohibition of polygamy; and, indeed, there can be no mulgated. Some general law, then, prohibiting these doubt that the practice of having more wives than one is crimes must have been published to mankind at a very directly contrary tothe Divine will. It was prohibited by early period of the world's history; and that law must the original law of marriage, and no evidence of its law- either have been the moral law, originally written on the fulness under the Levitical code can be discovered, al- human heart, or a law on the institution of marriage rethough Moses-from " the hardness of their hearts "-tol- vealed to Adam, and known to the Canaanites and others erated it to the people of a rude and early age. The second by tradition or otherwise. 29. the souls that commit interpretation forms the ground upon which the "vexed them shall be cut off-This strong denunciatory lanquestion" has been raised in our times respecting the law- guage is applied to all the crimes specified in the chapter fulness of marriage with a deceased wife's sister. What- without distinction: to incest as truly as to bestiality, ever arguments may be used to prove the unlawfulness and to the eleven cases of affinity as fully as to the six or inexpediency of such a matrimonial relation, the pas- of consanguinity. Death is the punishment sternly desage under consideration cannot, on a sound basis of criti- nounced against all of them. No language could be more cism, be enlisted in the service; for the crimes with which explicit or universal; none could more strongly indicate it is here associated warrant the conclusion that it points intense loathing and abhorrence. 30. Therefore shall not to marriage with a deceased wife's sister, but with a ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one sister in the wife's lifetime-a practice common amongst of these abominable customs-In giving the Israelites the ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, and others. 21. thou these particular institutions, God was only re-delivering shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to the law imprinted on the natural heart of man; for there ItIolech, &c. —olech, or Moloch, which signifies "king," is every reason to believe that the incestuous alliances was the idol of the Ammonites. His statue was of brass, and unnatural crimes prohibited in this chapter were and rested on a pedestal or throne of the same metal. His forbidden to all men by a law expressed or understood, head, resembling that of a calf, was adorned with a crown, from the beginning of the world, or at least from the era and his arms were extended in the attitude of embracing of the flood; since God threatens to condemn and punish, those who approached him. His devotees dedicated their in a manner so sternly severe, these atrocities in the children to him; and when this was to be done, they heated practice of the Canaanites and their neighbours, who the statue to a high pitch of intensity by a fire within, and were not subject to the laws of the Hebrew nation. 86 A.Repetition of Sundry Laws. LEVITICUS XIX. A Bepetition of Sundry Laws. CH A P T E R XIX. which God has established in the animal kingdom. H*IAPi^JK. A i A. thou shalt not sowv thy field with mingled seed —This Ver. 1-37. A REPETITION OF SUNDRY LAWS. 2. Speak also was directed against an idolatrous practice, viz,, that unto all the congregation of the children of Israel- of the ancient Zabians, or fire-worshippers, who sowed Many of the laws enumerated in this chapter had been different seeds, accompanying the act with magical rites previously announced. As they were, however, of a and invocations; and commentators have generally general application, not suited to particular classes, but thought the design of this and the preceding law was to to the nation at large, so Moses seems, according to Divine put an end to the unnatural lusts and foolish superstiInstructions, to have rehearsed them, perhaps on differ- tions which were prevalent amongst the heathen. But ent occasions and to successive divisions of the people, the reason of the prohibition was probably deeper: for till "all tle congregation of the children of Israel" were those who have studied the diseases of land and vegetaught to know them. The will of God in the Old as well tables tell us, that the practice of mingling seeds is injuas the New Testament Church was not locked up in the rious both to flowers and to grains. "If the various repositories of an unknown tongue, but communicated genera of the natural order Gramineae, which includes the plainly and openly to the people. Ye shall be holy: grains and the grasses, should be sown in the same field, for I... am holy-Separated from the world, the people and flower at the same time, so that the pollen of the two of God required to be holy, for His character, His laws, flowers mix, a spurious seed will be the consequence, and service were holy. (See 1 Peter 1. 15.) 3. Ye shall called by the farmers chess, and is always inferior, and fear every man his mother and his father, and keep unlike either of the two grains that produced it, in size, my sabbaths-The duty of obedience to parents is placed flavour, and nutritious principles. Independently of conin connection with the proper observance of the sabbaths, tributing to disease the soil, they never fail to produce as both of them lying at the foundation of practical re- the same in animals and men that feed on them." [WHITligion. 5-8. if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offerings LAW.] neither shall a garment of linen and woollen unto the Lord, ye shall offer it at your own will- come ulpon thee-although this precept, like the other Those which included thank offerings, or offerings made two with which it is associated, was in all probability defor vows, were always free-will offerings. Except the.signed to root out some superstition, it seems to have had portions which, being waved and heaved, became the a farther meaning. The law, it is to be observed, did not property of the priests (see ch. 3.), the rest of the victim prohibit the Israelites wearing many different kinds of was eaten by the offerer and his friend, under the follow- cloths together, but only the two specified; and the obing regulations, however, that, if thank offerings, they servations and researches of modern science have proved were to be eaten on the day of their presentation; and if that "wool, when combined with linen, increases its a free-will offering, although it might be eaten on the power of passing off the electricity from the body; in hot second day, yet if any remains of it were left till the third climates, it brings on malignant fevers, and exhausts the day, it was to be burnt, or deep criminality was incurred strength, and when passing off from the body, it meets by the person who then ventured to partake of it. The with the heated air, inflames and excoriates like a reason of this strict prohibition seems to have been to blister." [WHITLAW.] (See Ezekiel 44. 17, 18.) 23-25. ye prevent any mysterious virtue being superstitiously at- shall count the fruit thereof as unleiruemcised; three tached to meat offered on the altar. 9, 10. When ye years... it shall not be eaten of-" The wisdom of this' reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly law is very striking. Every gardener will teach us not to reap the corners of the field-The right of the poor in let fruit trees bear in their earliest years, but to pluck off Israel to glean after reapers, as well as to the unreaped the blossoms: and for this reason, that they will thus corners of the field, was secured by a positive statute, thrive the better, and bear more abundantly afterwards. and this, in addition to other enactments connected with The very expression,' to regard them as uncircumcised,' the ceremonial law, formed a beneficial provision for their suggests the propriety of pinching them off; I do not say support. At the same time, proprietors were not obliged cutting them off, because it is generally the hand, and not to admit them into the field until the grain had been a knife, that is employed in this operation." [MIcIrAELIS.] carried off the field; and they seem also to have been left 26. Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood-(See on at liberty to choose the poor whom they deemed the most ch. 17. 10.) neither...use enchantment, lor observe deserving or needful (Ruth 2.2, 8). This was the earliest times-The former refers to divination by serpents-one poor-law that we read of in the code of any people; and of the earliest forms of enchantment, and the other it combined in admirable union the obligation of a public means the observation, lit., of clouds, as a study of the duty with the exercise of private and voluntary benevo- appearance and motion of clouds was a common way of lence at a time when the hearts of the rich would be foretelling good or bad fortune. Such absurd but deepstrongly inclined to liberality. 11-16. Ye shall not steal rooted superstitions often put a stop to the prosecution of -A variety of social duties are inculcated in this passage, serious and important transactions, but they were forchiefly in reference to common and little-thought-of vices bidden especially as implying a want of faith in the beto which mankind are exceedingly prone; such as com- ing, or of reliance on the providence of God. 27. Ye shall mitting petty frauds, or not scrupling to violate truth in not round the corners of your heads, &c.-It seems transactions of business; ridiculing bodily infirmities, probable, that this fashion had been learned by the or circulating stories to the prejudice of others. In oppo- Israelites in Egypt, for the ancient Egyptians had their sition to these bad habits, a spirit of humanity and dark locks cropped short or shaved with great nicety, so brotherly kindness is strongly enforced. 17. thou shalt that what remained on the crown appeared in the form in any wise rebuke thy neighbour-Instead of cher- of a circle surrounding the head, whilst the beard was ishing latent feelings of malice, or meditating purposes dressed into a square form. This kind of coiffure had a of revenge against a person who has committed an insult highly idolatrous meaning; and it was adopted, with or injury against them, God's people were taught to re- some slight variations, by almost all idolaters in ancient monstrate with the offender, and endeavour, by calm times. (Jeremiah 9. 25, 26; 25. 23, where "in the utmost and kindly reason, to bring him to a sense of his fault. corners" means having the corners of their hair cut.) not suffer sin upon him-lit., that ye may not partici- Frequently a lock or tuft of hair was left on the hinder pate in his sin. 18. thou shalt love thy neighbour as part of the head, the rest being cut round in the form of thyself-The word " neighbour" is used as synonymous a ring, as the Turks, Chinese, and Hindoos do at the preswith fellow-creatUre. The Israelites in a later age re- ent day. neither shalt thou mar, &c.-The Egyptians stricted its meaning as applicable only to their own used to cut or shave off their whiskers, as may be seen in countrymen. This narrow interpretation was refuted by the coffins of mummies, and the representations of divinour Lord in a beautiful parable (Luke 10. 30). 19. Thou ities on the monuments. But the Hebrews, in order to shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind- separate them from the neighbouring nations, or perhaps This prohibition was probably intended to discourage a to put a stop to some existing superstition, were forbidpractice which seemed to infringe upon the economy den to imitate this practice. It may appear surprising 87 A Repetition of Sundry Laws. LEVITICUS XX, XXI. Of the Priests' Mourning. that Moses should condescend to such minutive as that of placed on the edge of the precipice, was then pushed regulating the fashion of the hair and the beard-matters backwards, so that he fell down the perpendicular heigh t which do not usually occupy the attention of a legislator on the stone lying below: if not killed by the fall, the -and which appear widely remote from the province second witness dashed a large stone down upon his either of government or of a religion. A strong presump- breast, and then the "people of the land," who were bytion, therefore, arises that he had it in view by these reg- standers, rushed forward, and with stones completed the ulations to combat some superstitious practices of the work of death. (Matthew 21.44; Acts 7. 58.) 4. If the peo. Egyptians. 28. Ye shall not make any cuttings in ple of the land dlo any ways hide their eyes from the your flesh for the dead-The practice of making deep man, &c.-i. e., connive at their countrymen practising gashes on the face and arms and legs, in time of bereave- the horrid rites of Molech. Awful was it that any Hement, was universal among the heathen, and it was brew parents could so violate their national covenant; deemed a becoming mark of respect for the dead, as well and no wonder that God denounced the severest penalties as a sort of propitiatory offering to the deities who pre- against them and their families. 7-19. Salnctify yoursided over death and the grave. The Jews learned this selves therefore, and be ye holy-The minute specificacustom in Egypt, and though weaned from it, relapsed in tion of the incestuous and unnatural crimes here enumera later and degenerate age into this old superstition. ated shows their sad prevalence amongst the idolatrous (Isaiah 15. 2; Jeremiah 16. 6; 41. 5.) nor print any marks nations around, and the extreme proneness of the Israel-upon you-by tatoting-imprinting figures of flowers, ites to follow the customs of their neighbours. It is to be leaves, stars, and other fanciful devices on various parts understood, that, whenever mention is made that the of their person-the impression was made sometimes by offender was "to be put to death" without describing the means of a hot iron, sometimes by ink or paint, as is mode, stoning is meant. The only instance of another done by the Arab females of the present day and the dif- form of capital punishment occurs in av. 14, that of being ferent castes of the Iindoos. It is probable that a strong burnt with fire; and yet it is probable that even here propensity to adopt such marks in honour of some idol death was first inflicted by stoning, and the body of the gave occasion to the prohibition in this verse; and they criminal afterwards consumed by fire. (Joshua 7. 15.) 20. were wisely forbidden, for they were signs of apostasy, They shall die childless-Either by the judgment of God and, when once made, were insuperable obstacles to a they shall have no children, or their spurious offspring return. (See allusions to the practice, Isaiah 44. 5; Rev- shall be denied by human authority the ordinary privelation 13. 17; 14.1.) 30. keep my sabbaths, and rever- ileges of children in Israel. 24. I... have separated ence my sanctuary-This precept is frequently repeated you from other people-Their selection from the rest along with the prohibition of idolatrous practices, and of the nations was for the all-important end of preserving nere it stands closely connected with the superstitions the knowledge and worship of the true God amidst the forbidden in the previous verses. 31. Regard not them universal apostasy; and as the distinction of meats was that have familiar spirits-The Hebrew word, rendered one great means of completing that separation, the law "familiar spirit," signifies the belly, and sometimes a about making a difference between clean and unclean leathern bottle, from its similarity to the belly. It was beasts is here repeated with emphatic solemnity. applied in the sense of this passage to ventriloquists, who ~pretended to have communication with the invisible CHAPTER XXI. world; and the Hebrews were strictly forbidden to confsUlt them; as the vain but high pretensions of those im- Ver. 1-24. OF THE PRIESTS' MOURNING. 1. There shall postors were derogatory to the honour of God, and sub- none be defiled for the dead among his people-The versive of their covenant relations with him as his people. obvious design of the regulations contained in this chapter neither seekl after wizards-fortune-tellers, who pre- was to keep inviolate the purity and dignity of the sacred tended, as the Hebrew word indicates, to prognosticate by office. Contact with a corpse, or even contiguity to the palmistry, or an inspection of the lines of the hand, the place where it lay, entailing ceremonial defilement (Numfuture fate of those who applied to them. 33, 34. if a bers 19. 14), all mourners were debarred from the taberstranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not nacle for a week; and as the exclusion of a priest during vex him-The Israelites were to hold out encouragement that period would have been attended with great inconvcto strangers to settle among them, that they might be nience, the whole order were enjoined to abstain from allbrought to the knowledge and worship of the true God; approaches to the dead, except at the funerals of relatives, and with this view, they were enjoined to treat them not to whom affection or necessity might call them to perform as aliens, but as friends, on the ground that they them- the last offices. Those exceptional cases, which are speciselves, who were strangers in Egypt, were at first kindly fled, were strictly confined to the members of their own and hospitably received in that country. 37. I am the family, within the nearest degrees of kindred. 4. But he Lord-This solemn admonition, by which these various shall not defile himself-" for any other," as the sense precepts are repeatedly sanctioned, is equivalent to "I, may be fully expressed. " The priest, in discharging his your Creator-your Deliverer from bondage,- and your sacred functions, might well be regarded as a chief manSovereign, who have wisdom to establish laws, have among his people, and by these defilements might be said power also to punish the violation of them." It was well to profane himself." [BISHOP PATRICK.] The word rendfitted to impress the minds of the Israelites with a sense ered "chief man" signifies also "a husband;" and the of their duty, and God's claims to obedience. sense according to others is, " But he being a husband, shall not defile himself by the obsequies of a wife." (EzeCH-APTER XX. kiel 44.25.) 5. They shall not make baldness upon their heads... nor... cuttings in their flesh-The'Ver. 1-27. GIVING ONE'S SEED TO MoLEcH. 2. Who- superstitious marks of sorrow, as well as the violent exsoever... giveth any of his seed unto Molech (see on cesses in which the heathen indulged at the death of their ch. 18. 21), the people of the land shall stone him with friends, were forbidden by a general law to the Hebrew stones, &c.-Criminals who were condemned to be stoned people (ch. 19. 28). But the priests were to be laid under a were led, with their hands bound, without the gates to a special injunction, not only that they might exhibit exsmall eminence, where was a large stone placed at the amples of piety in the moderation of their grief, but also bottom. When they had approached within ten cubits by the restraint of their passions, be the better qualified of the spot, they were exhorted to confess, that, by faith to administer the consolations of religion to others, and and repentance, their souls might be saved. When led show, by their faith in a blessed resurrection, the reasons forward to within four cubits, they were stripped almost for sorrowing not as those who have no hope. 7-9. They naked, and received some stupefying draught, during shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane-Priwhich the witnesses prepared, by laying aside their outer vate individuals might form several connections, which garments, to carry into execution the capital sentence were forbidden as inexpedient or improper in priests. which the law bound them to do. The criminal, being The respectability of their office, and the ho-nour of re88 The Priests in their Uncleanness. LEVITICUS XXII. Who may Eat of the Holy Things. ligion, required unblemished sanctity in their families as degrees of impurity which entailed a longer or shorter well as themselves, and departures from it in their case period of excommunication, and for the removal of which were visited with severer punishment than in that of different rites required to be observed according to the others. 10-15. he that is the high priest among his trivial or the malignant nature of the case. A person brethren... shall not ulcover his head, nor rend his who came inadvertently into contact with an unclean clothes-The indulgence in the excepted cases of family animal was rendered unclean for a specified period; and bereavement, mentioned above, which was granted to the then, at the expiry of that term, he washed, in token of common priests, was denied to him: for his absence from his recovered purity. But a leper was unclean so long as the sanctuary for the removal of any contracted defile- he remained subject to that disease, and on his convalesment could not have been dispensed with, neither could cence, he also washed, not to cleanse himself, for the he have acted as intercessor for the people, unless ceremo- water was ineffectual for that purpose, but to signify that nially clean. Moreover, the high dignity of his office he was clean. Not a single case is recorded of a leper demanded a corresponding superiority in personal holi- being restored to communion by the use of water; it ness, and stringent rules were prescribed for the purpose served only as an outward and visible sign that such a of upholding the suitable dignity of his station and family. restoration was to be made. The book of Leviticus The same rules are extended to the families of Christian abounds with examples which show that in all the cereministers. (1 Timothy 3.2; Titus 1.6.) 16-24. Whoso- monial washings, as uncleanness meant loss of privileges, ever he be... that hath aly blemish, let him not ap- so baptism with water indicated a restoration to those proach to offer the bread of his Godi-As visible things privileges. There was no exemption; for as the unclean exert a strong influence on the minds of men. any phys- Israelite was exiled from the congregation, so the unclean ical infirmity or malformation of body in the ministers priest was disqualified from executing his sacred funcof religion, which disturbs the associations or excites ridi- tions in the sanctuary; and in the case of both, the same cule, tends to detract from the weight and authority of observance was required-a formal intimation of their the sacred office. Priests labouring under any personal de- being re-admitted to forfeited privileges was intimated by fect were not allowed to officiate in the public service; the appointed rite of baptism. If any one neglected or rethey might be employed in some inferior duties about the fused to perform the washing, he disobeyed a positive sanctuary, but could not perform any sacred office. In precept, and he remained in his uncleanness; he forbore all these regulations for preserving the unsullied purity of to avail himself of this privilege, and was therefore said the sacred character and office, there was a typical refer- to be "cutoff" from the presence of the Lord. 8. dieth ence to the priesthood of Christ. (Hebrews 7. 26.) of itself-The feelings of nature revolt against such food. It might have been left to the discretion of the Hebrews, who it may be supposed, like the people of all civilized C HAPT E R XXII. nations, would have abstained from the use of it without any positive interdict. But an express precept was neVer. 1-9. THE PRIESTS IN THEIR UNCLEANNESS. 2. cessary to show them that whatever died naturally or Speak unto Aaron and to his soils, that they separate from disease, was prohibited to them by the operation tlemsnelves fron the holy things-" To separate" means, of that law which forbade them the use of any meat with in the language of the Mosaic ritual, "to abstain;" and its blood. therefore the import of this injunction is, that the 10-16. WVHO OF THE PRIESTS' HOUSE MAY EAT OF THEM. priests should abstain from eating that part of the sac- 10. There shall no stranger eat the holy thing-The rifices which, though belonging to their order, was to portion of the sacrifices assigned for the support of the be partaken of only by such of them as were free from officiating priests was restricted to the exclusive use of legal impurities. that they profane not ly holy name his own family. A temporary guest or a hired servant in those things which they hallow unto me, &c. —i. e., was not at liberty to eat of them; but an exception was let them not, by their want of due reverence, give occa- made in favor of a bought or home-born slave, because sion to profane my holy name. A careless or irreverent such was a stated member of his household. On the same use of things consecrated to God tends to dishonour the principle, his own daughter, who married a husband not name and bring disrespect on the worship of God. 3. a priest, could not eat of them; though, if a widow and Whosoeverhe be... that goetlhunto the holy thilgs childless, she was reinstated in the privileges of her -The multitude of minute restrictions to which the father's house as before her marriage. But if she had priests, from accidental defilement, were subjected, by become a mother, as her children had no right to the keeping them constantly on their guard, lest they should privileges of the priesthood, she was under a necessity be unfit for the sacred service, tended to preserve in full of finding support for them elsewhere than under her exercise the feeling of awe and submission to the author- father's roof. 13. There shall no stranger eat thereof ity of God. The ideas of sin and duty were awakened in -The interdict recorded (v. 10) is repeated to show its their breasts by every case to which either an interdict stringency. All the Hebrews, even the nearest neighor an injunction was applied. But why enact an express bours of the priest, the members of his family excepted, statute for priests disqualified by the leprosy or polluting were considered strangers in this respect, that they had touch of a carcass, when a general law was already in no right to eat of things offered at the altar. 14. If a force which excluded from society all persons in that man eat of the holy things unwittingly-A common condition? Because priests might be apt, from familiar- Israelite might unconsciously partake of what had been ity to trifle with religion, and in committing irregular- offered as tithes, first-fruits, &c., and on discovering his ities or sins, to shelter themselves under the cloak of the unintentional error, he was not only to restore as much sacred office. This law, therefore, was passed, specifying as he had used, but be fined in a fifth part more for the the chief forms of temporary defilement which excluded priests to carry into the sanctuary. 15, 16. They shall from the sanctuary, that priests might not deem them- not profane the holy things of the children of Israel selves entitled to greater license than the rest of the -There is some difficulty felt in determining to whom people; and that so far from being in any degree ex- "they" refers. The subject of the preceding context being empted from the sanctions of the law, they were under occupied about the priests, it is supposed by some that greater obligations, by their priestly station, to observe it this relates to them also; and the meaning is, that the in its strict letter and its smallest enactments. 4-6. whole people would incur guilt through the fault of the wash his flesh with water-Any Israelite who had con- priests, if they should defile the sacred offerings, which tracted a defilement of such a nature as debarred him they would have done had they presented them while from the enjoyment of his wonted privileges, and had under any defilement. [CALVIN.] According to others, been legally cleansed from the disqualifying impurity, "the children of Israel" is the nominative in the senwas bound to indicate his state of recovery by the immer. tence; which thus signifies, the children of Israel shall sion of his whole person in water. Although all ceremo- not profane or defile their offerings, by touching them or nial impurity formed a ground of exclusion, there were reserving any part of them, lest they incur the guilt 89 Of Sundry Fests. LEVITICUS XXIII. The Passorer, Pentecost, etc, of eating what is divinely appointed to the priests alone. Israelites on the month of September than the people of [CALMET.] Egypt had in honour of their idols. These institutions, 17-33. THE SACRIFICES MUST BE WITHOUT BLEMaISH. 19. however, were for the most part prospective, the obYe shall offer at your own will-rather, to your being servance being not binding on the Israelites during their accepted, a male without blemish-This law (ch. 1.3) wanderings in the wilderness, while the regular celeis founded on a sense of natural propriety, which required bration was not to commence till their settlement in the greatest care to be taken in the selection of animals Canaan. for sacrifice. The reason for this extreme caution is found 5-8. THE PASSOVER. the Lord's passover-(See Exoin the fact, that sacrifices are either an expression of praise dus 12. 2, 14, 18.) The institution of the Passover was into God for his goodness, or else they are the designed tended to be a perpetual memorial of the circumstances means of conciliating or retaining His favour. No vic- attending the redemption of the Israelites, while it had tim that was not perfect in its kind coald be deemed a a typical reference to a greater redemption to be effected fitting instrument for such purposes, if we assume that for God's spiritual people. On the first and last days of the significance of sacrifices is derived entirely from their this feast, the people were forbidden to work; but while relation to Jehovah. Sacrifices may be likened to gifts on the Sabbath they were not to do any work, on feast made to a king by his subjects, and hence the reason- days they were permitted to dress meat-and hence the ableness of God's strong remonstrance with the worldly- prohibition is restricted to "no servile work." At the minded Jews (Malachi 1.8). If the tabernacle, and sub- same time, those two days were devoted to "holy consequently the temple, were considered the palace of the vocation"-special seasons of social devotion. In addition great King, then the sacrifices would answer to presents to the ordinary sacrifices of every day, there were to be as offered to a monarch on various occasions by his sub- "offerings by fire" on the altar (see on Numbers 28. 19), jects; and in this light they would be the appropriate while unleavened bread was to be eaten in families all expressions of their feelings towards their sovereign. the seven days (see I Corinthians 5.8). When a subject wished to do honour to his sovereign, 9-14. THE SHEAF OF FIRST-FRUITS. 10. ye shall bring to acknowledge allegiance, to appease his anger, to sup- a sheaf of the first-fruits of your harvest unto the plicate forgiveness, or to intercede for another, he brought priest-A sheaf, lit., an omer, of the first-fruits of the a present; and all the ideas involved in sacrifices corre- barley harvest. The barley being sooner ripe than the spend tothese sentiments-those of gratitude, of worship, other grains, the reaping of it formed the commenceof prayer, of confession and atonement. [BIB. SAC.] 23. ment of the general harvest season. The offering dethat mayest thou offer, &c.-The passage should be ren- scribed in this passage was made on the 16th of the first dered thus: if thou offer it either for a free-will offering, month, and the day following the first Passover Sabbath, or for a vow, it shall not be accepted. This sacrifice being which was on the 15th (corresponding td the beginning required to be "without blemish," symbolically implied of our April); but it was reaped after sunset on the prethat the people of God were to dedicate themselves wholly vious evening by persons deputed to go with sickles, and with sincere purposes of heart, and its being required to obtain samples from different fields. These being laid be "perfect to be accepted," led them typically to Him together in a sheaf or loose bundle, were brought to the without whom no sacrifice could be offered acceptable to court of the temple, where the grain was winnowed, God. 27, 28. it shall be seven days under the danm- parched, and bruised in a mortar. Then, after some inAnimals were not considered perfect nor good for food cense had been sprinkled on it, the priest waved it aloft till the eighth day. As sacrifices are called the bread or before the Lord towards the four different points of the food of God (v. 25), to offer them immediately after birth, compass, took a part of it and threw it into the fire of the when they were unfit to be eaten, would have indicated altar-all the rest being reserved to himself. It was a a contempt of religion; and besides, this prohibition, as proper and beautiful act, expressive of dependence on well as that contained in the following verse, inculcated a the God of nature and providence-common amongst all lesson of humanity or tenderness to the dam, as well as people, but more especially becoming the Israelites, who secured the sacrifices from all appearance of unfeeling owed their land itself as well as all it produced to the cruelty. Divine bounty. The offering of the wave-sheaf sanctiCEA PT E ~R ~XXI I I fied the whole harvest. (Romans 11. 16.) At the same GJYIA PJTLE-R XJXII I. time, this feast had a typical character, and pre-intiVer. 1-4. OF SUNDRY FEASTS. 2. Speak ulto the mated the resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15.20), children of Israel concerning the feasts of the Lord- who rose from the dead on the very day the first-fruits lit., "the times of assembling, or solemnities" (Isaiah 33. were offered. 20); and this is a preferable rendering, applicable to all 15-22. FEAST OF PENTECOST. 15. Ye shall co1unt from sacred seasons mentioned in this chapter, even the day the morrow after the Sabbath-i. e., after the first day of atonement, which was observed as a fast. They were of the passover week, which was observed as a Sabbath. appointed by the direct authority of God, and announced 16. Number fifty days-The forty-ninth day after the by a public proclamation, which is called "the joyful presentation of the first-fruits, or the fiftieth, including sound" (Psalm 89.15). Those "holy convocations" were it, was the feast of Pentecost. (See also Exodus 2.3.16; evidences of Divine wisdom, and eminently subservient Deuteronomy 16.9.) 17. Ye shall bring out of your to the maintenance and diffusion of religious knowledge habitations two wave-loaves of two tenth deals, &c.and piety. 3. Six days shall work be done; but the These loaves were made of "fine" or wheaten flour, the seventh day is the sabbath of rest-(See on Exodus 20. quantity contained in them being somewhat more than 8, 9.) The Sabbath has the precedence given to it, and it ten lbs. weight. As the wave-sheaf gave the signal for was to be "a holy convocation," observed by families " in the commencement, the two loaves solemnized the termitheir dwellings;" where practicable, by the people re- nation of the harvest season. They were the first-fruits pairing to the door of the tabernacle; at later periods, by of that season, being offered unto the Lord by the priest meeting in the schools of the prophets, and in syna- in name of the whole nation. (See on Exodus 34.22.) The gogues. 4. these are the feasts of the Lord, which ye loaves used at the Passover were unleavened; those proshall proclaim in their seasons-Their observance took sented at Pentecost were leavened-a difference which is place in the parts of the year corresponding to our March, thus accounted for, that the one was a memorial of the May, and September. Divine wisdom was manifested in bread hastily prepared at their departure, while the other fixing them at those periods; in winter, when the days was a tribute of gratitude to God for their daily food, were short and the roads broken up, a long journey was which was leavened. 21. Ye shall proclaim on the impracticable; while in summer the harvest and vintage self-same day, that it may be an holy convocation gave busy employment in the fields. Besides, another unto you: ye shall do no servile work therein — reason for the choice of those seasons probably was to Though it extended over a week, the first day only was counteract the influence of Egyptian associations and held as a Sabbath, both for the national offering of firsthabits. And God appointed more sacred festivals for the fruits and a memorial of the giving of the law. 23. Thou 90 Feast of Trumpets. LEVITICUS XXIV, XXV. Sabbath of the Seventh Year. shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy cumstances Which gave rise to it. The "mixed multifields wheli thou reapest, &c.-(See on ch. 19.9.) The tude" that accompanied the Israelites in their exodus repetition of this law here probably arose from the from Egypt, creates a presumption that marriage conpriests reminding the people, at the presentation of nections of the kind described were not infrequent. And the first-fruits, to unite piety to God with charity to it was most natural, in the relative circumstances of the the poor. two people, that the father should be an Egyptian and the 23-25. FEAST OF TRUMPETS. In the seventh month, mother an Israelite. 11. the Israclstish tvoman's son the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath- blasphemed the name of the Lord-A youth of this halfThat was the first day of the ancient civil year. a me- blood, having quarrelled with an Israelite, vented his rage morial of blowing of trumpets-Jewish writers say in some horrid form of impiety. It was a common practhat the trumpets were sounded thirty successive times, tice among the Egyptians to curse their idols when disand the reason for the institution was for the double pur- appointed in obtaining the object of their petitions. The pose of announcing the commencement of the new year, Egyptian mind of this youth thought the greatest insult which was (v. 25) to be religiously observed (see Numbers to his opponent was to blaspheme the object of his relig29.3), and of preparing the people for the approaching ious reverence. He spoke disrespectfully of One who sussolemn feast. 27-32. there shall be a day of atone- tained the double character of the king as well as the God nent... and ye shall afflict your souls-An unusual of the Hebrew people; and as the offence was a new one, festival, at which the sins of the whole year were ex- he was put in ward till the mind of the Lord was ascerplated. (See ch. 16. 29-34.) It is here only stated that the tained as to his disposal. 14. Bring forth him that severest penalty was incurred by the violation of this hath cursed without the camp-All executions took day. 33-44. The feast of tabernacles, for seven days place without the camp; and this arrangement probably lunto tlhe LIord-This festival, which was instituted in originated in the idea that, as the Israelites were to be "a grateful commemoration of the Israelites having securely holy people," all flagrant offenders should be thrust out dwelt in booths or tabernacles in the wilderness, was the of their society. let all that heard him lay their hands third of the three great annual festivals, and, like the upon his head, &c.-The imposition of hands formed a other two, it lasted a week. It began on the fifteenth day public and solemn testimony against the crime, and at of the month, corresponding to the end of our September the same time made the punishment legal. 16. As well and beginning of October, which was observed as a Sab- the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he bath; and it could be celebrated only at the place of the blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to sanctuary, offerings being made on the altar every day death-Although strangers were not obliged to'be circumof its continuance. The Jews were commanded during cised, yet by joining the Israelitish camp they became the whole period of the festival to dwell in booths, which amenable to the law, especially that which related to were erected on the flat roofs of houses, in the streets or blasphemy. 17-22. He that killeth any man shall fields; and the trees made use of are by some stated to be surely be put to death-These verses contain a repetition the citron, the palm, the myrtle, and the willow, while of some other laws, relating to offences of a social nature, others maintain the people were allowed to take any the penalties for which were to be inflicted, not by the trees they could obtain that were distinguished for ver- hand of private parties, but through the medium of the dure and fragrance. While the solid branches were re- judges before whom the cause was brought. 23. The chilserved for the construction of the booths, the lighter dren of Israel did as the Lord commanded-The chapbranches were carried by men, who marched in tri- ter closes with the execution of Shelomith's son-and umphal procession, singing psalms, and crying "Ho- stoning having afterwards become the established punsanna!" which signifies, "Save, we beseech thee!" (Psalm ishment in all cases of blasphemy, illustrates the fate of 118.15, 25, 26.) It was a season of great rejoicing. But the Stephen, who suffered under a false imputation of that ceremony of drawing water from the pool, which was crime. done on the last day, seems to have been the introduc- PTER tion of a later period. (John 7.37.) That last day was CHAP TER X V. the eighth, and, on account of the scene at Siloam, was Ver. 1-7. SABBATH OF THE SEVTENTH YEAR. -. -. hen called "the great day of the feast." The feast of ingath- ye come to the land which I give unto you-It has ering, when the vintage was over, was celebrated also on been questioned on what year, after the occupation of Cathat day, and, as the conclusion of one of the great festi- naan, the Sabbatic year began to be observed. Some vals, it was kept as a Sabbath. think it was the seventh year after their entrance. But others, considering that as the first six years were spent in CHrAPTER XXIV. the conquest and division of the land (Joshua 5.12), and that the Sabbatical year was to be observed after six years Ver. 1-23. OIL FOR THE LAMPS. 2. Command the chil- of agriculture, maintain that the observance did not dren of Israel-This is the repetition of a law given (Ex- commence till the fourteenth year. the land keep a Sabodus 27. 20, 21). pure oil olive beaten-or cold-drawn, bath unto the Lord-This was a very peculiar arrangewhich is always of great'purity. 3, 4. Aaron shall or- ment. Not only all agricultural processes were to be inder it fron the evening unto the morning-The daily termitted every seventh year, but the cultivators had no presence of the priests was necessary to superintend the right to the soil. It lay entirely fallow, and its spontacleaning and trimming, of tile pure candlestick-so neous produce was the common property of the poor and called because of pure gold. This was symbolical of the the stranger, the cattle and game. This year of rest was light which ministers are to diffuse through the Church. to invigorate the productive powers of the land, as the 5-9. Take fine flour and bake twevlve cakes-for the weekly Sabbath was a refreshment to men and cattle. It showbread, as previously appointed. (Exodus 25.30.) Those commenced immediately after the feast of ingathering; cakes were baked by the Levites, the flour being furnished and it was calculated to teach the people, in a remarkable by the people (1 Chronicles 9.32; 23.29), oil, wine, and salt manner, the reality of the presence and providential being the other ingredients. (ch. 2.13.) two-tenth deals power of God. -.e., of an ephah-thirteen and a half lbs. weight each; 8-23. THE JUBILEE. Thou shalt lnumlber seven Salb and on each row or pile of cakes some frankincense was baths of years-This most extraordinary of all civil instrewed, which, being burnt, led to the showbread being stitutions, which received the name of "Jubilee" from a called "an offering made by fire." Every Sabbath a fresh Hebrew word signifying a musical instrument, a horn or supply was furnished; hot loaves were placed on the altar trumpet, began on the tenth day of the seventh month, instead of the stale ones, which, having lain a week, were or the great day of atonement, when, by order of the pubremoved, and eaten only by the priests, except in cases lie authorities, the sound of trumpets proclaimed the beof necessity. (1 Samuel 21. 3-6; also Luke 6. 3,4.) 10. The ginning of the universal redemption. All prisoners and son of an Israelitish woman, &c.-This passage nar- captives obtained their liberties, slaves were declared rates the enactment of a new law, with a detail of the cir- free, and debtors were absolved. The land, as on the Sab91 The Jubilee. LEVITICUS XXVI. A Blessing to the Obedient. batic year, was neither sowed nor reaped, but allowed to liberty to make exchanges amongst themselves; and a enjoy with its inhabitants a Sabbath of repose; and its priest might sell his house, garden, and right of pasture natural produce was the common property of all. More- to another priest, but not to an Israelite of another tribe. over, every inheritance throughout the land of Judea was (Jeremiah 41.7-9.) 35-38. If thy brother be vwaxen poor, restored to its ancient owner. ye shall hallow the fif- relieve hin —This was a most benevolent provision for tieth year-Much difference of opinion exists as to the poor and unfortunate, designed to aid them or allewhether the jubilee was observed on the forty-ninth, or, viate the evils of their condition. Whether a native in round numbers, it is called the fiftieth. The prevailing Israelite or a mere sojourner, his richer neighbour was opinion, both in ancient and modern times, has been in required to give him food, lodging, and a supply of money favour of the latter. 12. Ye shall eat the increase there- without usury. The latter was severely condemned (Psalmn of out of the field, &c.-All that the ground yielded spon- 15. 5; Ezekiel 18. 8, 17), but the prohibition cannot be contaneously during that period might be eaten for their sideredl as applicable to the modern practice of men in necessary subsistence, but no persons were at liberty to business borrowing and lending at legal rates of interest. hoard or form a private stock in reserve. 13. Ye shall 39-46. If thy brother be waxen poor, and be sold return every man unto his possession, &c.-Inherit- unto thee, thou shalt not compel him to serve as a ances, from whatever cause, and how frequently soever bond-servant-An Israelite might be compelled, through they had been alienated, came back into the hands of the misfortune, not only to mortgage his inheritance, but original proprietors. This law of entail, by which the right himself. In the event of his being reduced to this disheir could never be excluded, was a provision of great tress, he was to be treated not as a slave, but a hired serwisdom for preserving families and tribes perfectly dis- vant, whose engagement was temporary, and who might, tinct, and their genealogies faithfully recorded, in order through the friendly aid of a relative, be redeemed at any that all might have evidence to establish their right to the time before the Jubilee. The ransom money was deterancestral property. Hence the tribe and family of Christ mined on a most equitable principle. Taking account of were readily discovered at his birth. 17. Ye shall not the number of years from the proposal to redeem and the oppress one another, but thou shaltfearthy God-This, Jubilee, of the current wages of labour for that time, and which is the same as v. 14, related to the sale or purchase of multiplying the remaining years by that sum, the amount possessions,and thedutyofpayinganhonestandequitable was to be paid to the master for his redemption. But if regard, on both sides, to the limited period during which no such friendly interposition was made for a Iebrew the bargain could stand. The object ofthe legislator was,as slave, he continued in servitude till the year of Jubilee, far as possible, to maintain the original order of families, when, as a matter of course, he regained his liberty, as and an equality of condition among the people. 21, 22. I well as his inheritance. Viewed in the various aspects in will command my blessing upon you in the sixth which it is presented in this chapter, the Jubilee was an year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years, &c. admirable institution, and subservient in an eminent -A provision wasmade,bythespecial interpositionofGod, degree to uphold the interests of religion, social order, to supply the deficiency of food which would otherwise and freedom amongst the Israelites. have resulted from the suspension of all labour during the Sabbatic year. The sixth year was to yield a mirac- CHAPTER XXVI. ulous supply for three continuous years. And the remark is applicable to the year of Jubilee as well as the Sabbatic Ver. 1, 2. OF IDOLATRY. 1. Ye shall nmale you no year. (See allusions to this extraordinary provision in 2 idols-Idolatry had been previously forbidden (Exodus iings 19. 29; Isaiah 37. 30.) None but a legislator who was 20. 4,5), but the law was repeated here with reference to conscious of acting under Divine authority would have some particular forms of it that were very prevalent staked his character on so singular an enactment as that among the neighbouring.nations. a stanlding imageof the Sabbatic year; and none but a people who had wit- i. e., upright pillar. the image of stone-i. e., an obelisk, nessed the fulfilment of the Divine promise would have inscribed with hieroglyphical and superstitious characbeen induced to suspend their agricultural preparations ters. The former denoting the common and smaller on a recurrence of a periodical jubilee. 23-28, The land pillars of the Syrians or Canaanites; the latter, pointing shall not be sold for ever-or, "be quite cut off," as the to the large and elaborate obelisks which the Egyptians margin better renders it. The land was God's, and, in worshipped as guardian divinities, or used as stones of prosecution of an important design, he gave it to the peo- adoration to stimulate religious worship. The Israelites pie of his choice, dividing it amongst their tribes and were enjoined to beware of them. 2. Ye slhall keep families-who, however, held it of Him merely as tenants my Sabbaths, and reverence nly sanctuary-Very freat will, and had no right or power of disposing of it quently, in this book of the Law, the Sabbath and the to strangers. In necessitous circumstances, individuals sanctuary are mentioned as antidotes to idolatry. might effect a temporary sale. But they possessed the 3-13. A BLESSING TO THE OBEDIENT. 3. Ifye walk in right of redeeming it, at any time, on payment of an ade- nmy statutes-In that covenant into which God graciously quate compensation to the present holder; and by the entered with the people of Israel, lIe promised to bestow enactments of the Jubilee they recovered it free-so that upon them a variety of blessings, so long as they conthe land was rendered inalienable. (See an exception to tinned obedient to Him as their Almighty Ruler; and in this law, ch. 27. 20.) 29-31. If a man sell a dwelling- their subsequent history that people found every promise house ill a walled city, then he may redeerl it within amply fulfilled, in the enjoyment of plenty, peace, a popa whole year after it is sold-All sales of houses were ulous country, and victory over all enemies. 4. I will subject to the same condition. But there was a difference give you rain inl due season, and the land shall yield between the houses of villages, which, being connected her increase-Rain seldom fell in Judea exoept at two with agriculture, were treated as parts of the land; and seasons-the former rain at the end of autumn, the seedhouses possessed by trading people or foreigners in walled time; and the latter rain in spring, before the beginning towns, which could only be redeemed within the year of harvest. (Jeremiah 5. 24.) 5. Your threshing shall after the sale; if not then redeemed, these did not revert reach unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach to the former owner at the Jubilee. 32-34, Nlotwith- unto the sowing-time, &c.-The barley harvest in Judea standing, the cities of the Levites, &c.-The Levites, was about the middle of April; the wheat harvest about having no possessions but their towns and their houses, six weeks after, or in the beginning of June. After the the law conferred on them the same privileges that were harvest comes the vintage, and fruit gathering towards granted to the lands of the other Israelites. A certain the latter end of July. Moses led the Hebrews to believe, portion of the lands surrounding the Levitical cities was that, provided they were faithful to God, there would be appropriated to them for the pasturage of their cattle and no idle time between the harvest and vintage, so great flocks. (Numbers 35. 4, 5.) This was a permanent endow- would be the increase. (See Amos 9. 13.) This promise ment for the support of the ministry, and could not be would be very animating to a people who had come fronr alienated for any time. The Levites, however, were at a country where, fr three months, they were pent up 32 A Curse to the Disobedient. LEVITICUS XXVII. Concerning Vows. without being able to walk abroad, from the fields being their land of its appointed season of rest. The number under water. 10. Ye shall eat old store-Their stock of of those Sabbatic years seems to have been seventy, as deold corn would be still unexhausted and large when the termined by the duration of the captivity. This early next harvest brought a new supply. 13. I have broken prediction is very remarkable, considering that the usual tle bands of your yoke, and made you go upright-a policy of the Assyrian conquerors was to send colonies to metaphorical expression to denote their emancipation cultivate and inhabit their newly-acquired provinces. 38. from Egyptian slavery. lThe land of your enemies shall eat you up, &c.-On 14-39. A CURSE TO THE DISOBEDIENT. But if ye will the removal of the ten tribes into captivity, they never not hearken unto me, &c.-In proportion to the great returned, and all traces of them were lost. 40-45. If they and manifold privileges bestowed upon the Israelites, shall confess their iniquity, &c.-This passage holds out would be the extent of their national criminality and the gracious promise of Divine forgiveness and favour on the severity of their national punishments if they dis- their repentance, and their happy restoration to their obeyed. 16. I will even.appoint over you terror- land, in memory of the covenant made with their fathers the falling sickness. [PATRICK.] consumption and the (Romans 2). 46. These are the statutes and judgments burning ague-Some consider these as symptoms of and laws-It has been thought by some that the last the same disease; consumption followed by the shiver- chapter was originally placed after the twenty-fifth ing, burning, and sweating fits that are tho usual con- [ADAM CLARKE], while others consider that the next comitants of that malady. According to the Septuagint, chapter was added as an appendix, in consequence of ague is "the jaundice," which disorders the eyes and pro- many people being influenced by the promises and duces great depression of spirits. Others, however, consider threats of the preceding one, to resolve that they would the word as referring to a scorching wind;-no certain ex- dedicate themselves and their possessions to the service planation can be given. 18. If ye will not yet for all this of God. [CALMET.] hearlen unto me, then I will pulish you seven times more-i. e., with far more severe and protracted calamities. CHAPTER XXVII 19. Will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass-No figures could have been employed to convey a Ver. 1-19. CONCERNING VOWS. 28. When a man better idea of severe and long-continued famine. 82. I shall make a singular vow, &c.-Persons have, at all will send wild beasts among you-This was one of the times and in all places, been accustomed to present votive four judgments threatened (Ezekiel 14. 21; see also 2 Kings offerings, either from gratitude for benefits received, or in 2.4). your highways shall be desolate-Trade and com- the event of deliverance from apprehended evil. And merce will be destroyed-freedom and safety will be gone Moses was empowered, by Divine authority, to prescribe -neither stranger nor native will be found on the roads the conditions of this voluntary duty. the person shall (Isaiah 33.8). This is an exact picture of the present state of be for the Lord, &c.-better rendered thus:-" According the Holy Land, which has long lain in a state of desola- to thy estimation, the persons shall be for the Lord." tion, brought on by the sins of the ancient Jews. 26. Persons might consecrate themselves or their children to Ten vwomen shall bake your bread in one oven, &c.- the Divine service, in some inferior or servile kind of The bread used in families is usually baked by women, work about the sanctuary (1 Samuel 3.1). In the event of and at home. But sometimes also, in times of scarcity, it is any change, the persons so devoted had the privilege in baked in public ovens for want of fuel; and the scarcity their power of redeeming themselves; and this chapter predicted here would be so great, that one oven would be specifies the amount of the redemption money, which the sufficient to bake as much as ten women used in ordinary priest had the discretionary power of reducing, as circumoccasions to provide for family use; and even this scanty stances might seem to require. Those of mature age, beportion of bread would be distributed by weight (Ezekiel tween twenty and sixty, being capable of the greatest 4.16). 29. Ye shall eat the flesh of your sons-The re- service, were rated highest; young people, from five till volting picture was actually exhibited at the siege of Sa- twenty, less, because not so serviceable; infants, though maria, at the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar devotable by their parents before birth (1 Samuel 1. 11), (Lamentations 4.10), and at the destruction of that city by could not be offered nor redeemed till a month after it; the Romans. (See onDeuteronomy 28.) 30. 1 will destroy old people were valued below the young, but above chilyour high places-Consecrated enclosures on the tops of dren; and the poor-in no case freed from payment, in mountains, or on little hillocks, raised for practising the order to prevent the rash formation of vows-were rated rites of idolatry. Cut down your images-According to according to their means. 9-13. If it be a beast whereof some, those images were made in the form of chariots (2 men bring an offering unto the Lord-a clean beast; Kings 23. 11); according to others, they were of a conical after it had been vowed, it could neither be employed in form, like small pyramids. Reared in honour of the sun, common purposes nor exchanged for an equivalent-it they were usually placed on a very high situation, to must be sacrificed-or if, through some discovered blemenable the worshippers to have a better view of the rising ish, it was unsuitable for the altar, it might be sold, and sun. They were forbidden to the Israelites, and when set the money applied for the sacred service. If an unclean up, ordered to be destroyed. Cast your carcasses upon beast-such as an ass or camel, for instance-had been the carcasses of your idols, &c.-Like the statues of vowed, it was to be appropriated to the use of the priest idols, which, when broken, lie neglected and contemned, at the estimated value, or it might be redeemed by the the Jews during the sieges and subsequent captivity often person vowing on payment of that value, and the adwanted the rites of sepulture. 31. I will make your ditional fine of a fifth more. 14-16. When a man shall cities waste-This destruction of its numerous and flour- sanctify his house to be holy unto the Lord, &c.-In ishing cities, which was brought upon Judea through the this case, the house having been valued by the priest and sins of Israel, took place by the forced removal 6f the sold, the proceeds of the sale were to be dedicated to the people during, and long after, the captivity. But it is sanctuary. But if the owner wished, on second thoughts, realized to a far greater extent now. Bring your sane- to redeem it, he might have it by adding a fifth part to tuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the the price. 16-24. If a man shall sanctify unto the savour of your swveet odours-The tabernacle and tem- Lord some part of a field of his possession, &c.-In the pie, as is evident from the tenor of the subsequent clause, case'of acquired property in land, if not redeemed, it rein which God announces that He will not accept or turned to the donor at the Jubilee; whereas the partof a regard their sacrifices. 33. I will scatter you among hereditary estate, which had been vowed, did not revert the heathen, &c.-as was done when the elite of the na- to the owner, but remained attached in perpetuity to the tion were removed into Assyria, and placed in various sanctuary. The reason of this remarkable difference was parts of the kingdom. 34. Then shall the land enjoy to-lay every man under an obligation to redeem the her Sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, &c.-A long property, or stimulate his nearest kinsman to do it, in arrear of Sabbatic years had accumulated through the order to prevent a patrimonial inheritance going out from avarice and apostasy of the Israelites, who had deprived any family in Israel. 6, 27. Only the irstlings of the 93 Moses Numbering the AMen of War. NUMBERS I. The Leites Exemrpted. beasts-These, in the case of clean beasts, being conse- cient usage. (Genesis 14.20; 28.22.) The whole produce crated to God by a universal and standing law (Exodus of the land was subjected to the tithe tribute-it was a i3.12; 34. 19), could not be devoted; and iii that of unclean yearly rent which the Israelites, as tenants, paid to God, beasts, were subject to the rule mentioned (v. 11, 12). 28, the owner of the land, and a thank offering they reln29. No devoted thing that a man shall devote unto dered to Him for the bounties of His providence. (See Prothe Lord of all that he hatl, sllll be sold or redeemed verbs 3. 9; 1 Corinthians 9. 11; Galatians 6. 6.) 32. Whlat-This relates to vows of the most solemn kind-the de- soever passeth under the rod, &c.-This alludes to the votee accompanying his vow with a solemn imprecation mode of taking the tithe of cattle, which were made to on himself not to fail in accomplishing his declared pur- pass singly through a narrow gateway, where a person pose. shall surely be put to death-This announcement with a rod, dipped in ochre, stood, and counting them, imported not that the person was to be sacrificed or marked the back of every tenth best, whether male or doomed to a violent death; but only that he should re- female, sound or unsound. 34. These are the cornmain till death unalterably in the devoted condition. mandments, &c.-Thelaws contained in this book, for the The preceding regulations were evidently designed to most partceremonial, had an important spiritual bearing, prevent rashness in vowing (Ecclesiastes 5. 4), and to en- the study of which is highly instructive. (Romans 10. 4; courage serious and considerate reflection in all matters Hebrews 4.2; 12.18.) They imposed a burdensome yoke between God and the soul. (Luke 21.4.) 30-33. All the (Acts 15. 10), but yet in the infantine age of the Church tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land- formed the necessary discipline of "a schoolmaster to This law gave the sanction of Divine authority to an an- Christ." THE FOURTH BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED NUMBERS. CHAPTER I. there were twelve chiefs appointed to assist in taking the Ver. 1-54. MosEs NUMIBERING THIE M:EN OF WAR. 1. On census of the people. 5. These are the names of the the first day of the second month, &c.-Thirteen months men that shall stand lith you, &c.-Each is designated had elapsed since the exodus. About one month h ad ding the name of the ancestors of his tribe, the peobeen occupied in the journey; and the rest of the period pie of which were called "Beni-Reuben, Beni-Levi," sons had been passed in encamnpment amongst the recesses f of Reuben, sons of Levi, according to the custom of the Sinai, where the transactions took place, and the laws, re- Arabs still, as well as other nations which are divided ligious and civil, were promulgated, which are contained into clans, as the Macs of Scotland, the Aps of Wales, and in the two preceding books. As the tabernacle was and the O's and the Fitz's of Ireland. [CHALMERS.] 16erected on the first day of the first month, and the order 18. These were the renowned-lit., the called of the conhere mentioned was given on the first day of the second, gregation, summoned by name; and they entered upon the some think the laws in Leviticus were all given in one survey the very day the order was given, by their polls month. The Israelites having been formed into a sep -individually, one by one. 19. As the Lord comarate nation, under the special government of God as mnde Moses, &c.-The numbering of the people was their King, it was necessary, before resuming their march not an act sinful in itself, as Moses did it by Divine aptowards the promised land, to put them into good order. pointment; but David incurred guilt by doing it without And accordingly MRoses was commissioned, along with the authority of God. (See on 2 Samuel 24. 10.) 20-44. Aaron, to take a census of the people. This census was thse are those that vere n mbered-In this legistraincidentally noticed (Exodus 38, 26), in reference to the tion the tribe of Judah appears the most numerous; and poll-tax for the works of the tabernacle; but it is here accordingly, as the pre-eminence had been assigned to it described in detail, in order to show the relative increase by Jacob, it got the precedence in all the encampments of and military strength of the different tribes. The enume- Israel. Of the two half tribes of Joseph, who is seen to be ration was confined to those capable of bearing arms, and " a fruitful bough," that of Ephraim was the larger, as had it was to be made with a careful distinction of the tribe, been predicted. The relative increase of all, as in the two family, and household to which every individual be- just mentioned, was owing to the special blessing of God, longed. By this rule of summation many important conformably to the prophetic declaration of the dying paadvantages were secured-an exact genealogical register triarch. But the Divine blessing is usually conveyed was formed-the relative strength of each tribe was ascer- through the influence of secondary causes; and there is tained, and the reason found for arranging the order of reason to believe that the relative populousness of the precedence in march as well as disposing the different tribes would, under God, depend upon the productiveness tribes in camp around the tabernacle. The promise of of the respective localities assigned to them. 45, 46. All God to Abraham was seen to be fulfilled in the extraordi- they that were numbered were six hundred thousand, nary increase of his posterity, and provision made for &c. —hat an astonishing increase from seventy-five pertracing the regular descent of the Messiah. 3. Aaron sons who went down to Egypt about 215 years before, and shall number them by their armies-or companies. In who Were subjected to the greatest privations and hardtheir departure from Egypt they were divided into five ships! And yet this enumeration was restricted to men grand companies (Exodus 13. 18), but from the sojourn in from 20 years and upwards. Including women, children, the wilderness to the passage of the Jordan they were and old men, together with the Levites, the whole popuformed into four great divisions. The latter is here re- lation of Israel, on the ordinary principles of computaferred to. 4-16. With you there shall bela man of tion, amounted to about 2,400,000. 47-54. But the Leevery tribe, &c.-The social condition of the Israelites in vites were not numbered among them —They were the wilderness bore a close resemblance to that of the no- obliged to keep a register of their own. They were conmad tribes of the East in the present day. The head of secrated to the priestly office, which in all countries has the tribe was a hereditary dignity, vested in the eldest been exempted customarily, and in Israel by the express son or some other to whom the right of primogeniture authority of God, from military service. The custody of was transferred, and under whom were other inferior the things devoted to the Divine service was assigned to heads, also hereditary, among the different branches of them so exclusively, that "no stranger "-. e., no person, the tribe. TheIsraelitesbeingdividedintotwelve tribes, not even an Israelite of any other tribe, was allowed, 94 The Order of the Tribes in their Tents. NUMBERS II, III. The Levites' Serice. under penalty of death, to approach these, and hence they on ch. 3.38), formed the centre, as does the chiefs In the encamped round the tabernacle, that there should be no encampment of all nomad people. In marching, this manifestation of the Divine displeasure among the peo- order was adhered to, with some necessary variations. pie. Thus the numbering of the people was subservient Judah led the way, followed, it is most probable, by Issato the separation of the Levites from those Israelites who char and Zebulun. Reuben, Simeon, and Gad, formed the were fit for military service, and to the practical intro- second great division. They were followed by the central duction of the law respecting the first-born, for whom the company, composed of the Levites, bearing the tabertribe of Levi became a substitute. nacle. Then the third and posterior squadron consisted of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin, while the hindOCHAPT T ER. II -most place was assigned to Dan, Asher, and Naphtali. Thus Judah's, which was the most numerous, formed the Ver. 1-34. THE ORDER OF THE TRIBES IN THEIR TENTS, van: and Dan's, which was the next in force, brought up %. Every manl shall pitch by his ownl standardv with the rear; while Reuben's and Ephraim's, with the tribes the ensign of their father's house —Standards were vis- associated with them respectively, being the smallest and ible signs of a certain recognized form for directing the weakest, were placed in the centre. (See on ch. 10.1-4.) movements of large bodies of people. As the Israelites were commanded to encamp "each by his own standard, CHA PT E I I with the ensign of their father's house," the direction has A PT II. been considered as implying that they possessed three Ver. 1-51. THE LEVITES' SERVICE. 1. These are the varieties —(.) the great tribal standards, which served as generations of Aaron and Moses, &c.-This chapter conrallying-points for the twelve large clans of the people; tains an account of their families; and although that of (2.) the standards of the subdivided portions; and, (3.) Moses is not detailed like his brother's, his children are those of families or houses. The latter must have been included under the general designation of the Amramabsolutely necessary, as one ensign only for a tribe would ites (v. 27), a term which comprehends all the descendants not have beenvisible at the extremities of so large a body. of their common father Arram. The reason why the We possess no authentic information as to their forms, family of Moses was so undistinguished in this record is, material, colours, and devices. But it is probable that that they were in the private ranks of the Levites, the they might bear some resemblance to those of Egypt, only dignity of the priesthood being conferred exclusively on stripped of any idolatrous symbols. These were of an the posterity of Aaron; and hence, as the sacerdotal order umbrella or a fan-like form, made of ostrich feathers, is the subject of this chapter, Aaron, contrary to the usual shawls, &c., lifted on the points of long poles, which were style of the sacred history, is mentioned before Moses. in borne, either like the sacred central one, on a car, or on the day that the Lord spake with Moses in mount men's shoulders, whilst others might be like the beacon Sinai-This is added, because at the date of the following lights which are set on poles by Eastern pilgrims at night. record the family of Aaron was unbroken. 2-4. These Jewish writers say that the standards of the Hebrew are the names of the sons of Aaron-All the sons of tribes were symbols borrowed from the prophetic blessing Aaron, four in number, were consecrated to minister in of Jacob-Judah's being a lion, Benjamin's a wolf, &c.; the priest's office. The two eldest enjoyed but a brief and that the ensigns or banners were distinguished by term of office (Leviticus 10. 1, 2; ch. 26. 61); but Eleazar their colours-the colours of each tribe being the same as and Ithamar, the other two, were dutiful, and performed that of the precious stone representing that tribe in the the sacred service during the lifetime of their father, as breastplate of the high priest. far off about the taber- his assistants, and under his superintendence. 5-10. nacle of the congregation shall they pitch —. e., over Bring the tribe of Levi near-The tIeb. word "bring against, at a reverential distance. The place of every near" is a sacrificial term, denoting the presentation of tribe is successively and specifically described, because an offering to God; and the use of the word, therefore, in each had a certain part assigned both in the order of connection with the Levites, signifies that they were demarch and the disposition of the encampment. 3. On voted as an offering to the sanctuary, no longer to be emthe east side toward the rising of the sunl shall they ployed in any common offices. They were subordinate to of the standard of the camp of Judah pitch, &c.-Judah the priests, who alone enjoyed the privilege of entering was placed at the head of a camp composed of three tribes the holy place; but they were employed in discharging rallying under its standard, said to have combined the many of the humbler duties which belonged to the saneunited colours in the high priest's breastplate, but called tuary, as well as in various offices of great utility and by the name of Judah. They were appointed to occupy importance to the religion and morals of the people. 9. the east side, and to take the lead in the march, which, They are wholly given unto him out of the children for the most part, was in an easterly direction. 5. Those of Israel, &c.-The priests hold the place of God, and the that pitch next unto him —. e., on the one side. 7. T.hen Levites are the servants of God in the obedience they the tribe of Zebulun —on the other side. While Judah's render to the priests. 11-13. I lave taken the Levites, tribe was the most numerous, those of Issachar and Zeb- &c.-The consecration of this tribe did not originate in ulun were also very.numerous; so that the association of the legislative wisdom of Moses, but in the special apthose three tribes formed a strong and imposing van. Nall- pointment of God, who chose them as substitutes for the shon or Naasson (Matthew 1. 4) shall be captain-It first-born. By an appointment made in memory of the appears that the twelve men who were called to superin- last solemn judgment on Egypt, from which the Israeltend the census were also appointed to be the captains of itish households were miraculously exempt, all the firsttheir respective tribes-a dignity which they owed prob- born were consecrated to God (Exodus 13.12; 22. 29), who ably to the circumstances, formerly noticed, of their hold- thus, under peculiar circumstances, seemed to adopt the ing the hereditary office of head or "prince." 10-31. On patriarchal usage of appointing the eldest to act as the the south side the standard of the camp of Reuben- priest of the family. But the privilege of redemption The description given of the position of Reuben and his that was allowed the first-born opened the way for a attendant tribes on the south, of Ephraim and his asso- change; and accordingly, on the full organization of the ciates on the West, of Dan and his confederates on the Mosaic economy, the administration of sacred things north, with that of Jidah on the east, suggests the idea formerly committed to the'first-born was transferred of a square or quadrangle, which, allowing one square from them to the Levites, who received that honour cubit to each soldier whilst remaining close in the ranks, partly as a tribute to Moses and Aaron, partly because has been computed to extend over an area of somewhat this tribe had distinguished themselves by their zeal more than twelve square miles. But into our calculations in the affair of the golden calf (Exodus 32. 29), and also of the occupied space must be taken not only the fighting because, being the smallest of the tribes, they could men, whose numbers are here given, but also the families, ill find suitable employment and support in the work. tents, and baggage. The tabernacle or sacred tent of their (See on Deuteronomy 33. 9.) The designation of a speDivine King, with the camp of the Levites around it (see cial class for the sacred offices of religion was a wise 95 The Families of the Levites. NUMBERS IV. Of the Levite2' Service. arrangement; for, on their settlement in Canaan, the slip. If it contained the first inscription, the boy was repeople would be so occupied that tney might not be at deemed by a Levite; if the latter, the parent had to pay. leisure to wait on the service of th" sanctuary, and sacred The ransom-money, which, reckoning the shekel at half things might, from various causes, fall into neglect. But a crown, would amount to 12s. 6d. each, was appropriated the appointment, of an entire tribe to the Divine service to the use of the sanctuary. The excess of the general ensured the regular performance of the rites of religion. over the Levitical first-born is so small, that the only The subsequent portion of tkl chapter relates to the way of accounting for it is, by supposing those first-born formal substitution of this tribe. I am the Lord-i. e., I only were counted as were males remaining in their decree it to be so; and being possessed of sovereign parents' household, or that those first-born only were authority, expect full obedience. 14-27. Nlunber the numbered which had been born since the departure from clildren of Levi-They were numbered as well as Egypt, when God claimed all the first-born as his special the other tribes; but the enumeration was made on a property. 41. The cattle of the Levites-These, which different principle-for while in the other tribes the they kept to graze on the glebes and meadows in the amount of males was calculated from twenty years and suburbs of their cities, and supply their families with upward, in that of Levi they were counted from a month dairy produce and animal food, were also taken as an old and upward. The reason of the distinction is obvious, equivalent for all the firstlings of the cattle which the In the other tribes the survey was made for purposes of Israelites at that time possessed. In consequence of this war, from which the Levites were totally exempt, and exchange the firstlings were not brought then, as afterwere appointed to a work on which they entered as soon wards, to the altar and the priests. as they were capable of instruction. They are mentioned under the names of Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, sons C PT E IV of Levi, and chiefs or ancestral heads of three subdivisions into which this tribe was distributed. Their duties Ver. 1-49. OF TIIE LEVITES' SERVICE. 2, 3. Sons of were to assist in the conveyance of the tabernacle when Kohalth from thirty years old and upward-This the people were removing the various encampments, age was specifically fixed on (see on ch. 8.24) as the full and to form its guard whilst stationary-the Gershonites maturity of bodily energy to perform the laborious being stationed on the west, the Kohathites on the south, duties assigned them in.the wilderness, as well as of and the families of Merari on the north. The Kohathites mental activity to assist in the management of the had the principal place about the tabernacle, and charge sacred services. And hence it was the period of life at of the most precious and sacred things-a distinction which the Baptist and Christ entered on their respective with which they were honoured, probably, from the ministries, even unito fifty-The term prescribed for Aaronic family belonging to this division of the Levitical active duty was a period of 20 years, at the end of which tribe. The Gershonites, being the oldest, had the next they were exempted from the physical labours of the honourable post assigned them, while the burden of the office, though still expected to attend in the tabernacle drudgery was thrown on the division of Merari. 3fI. (ch. 8.26). all that enter into the host-so called from Chief-rather, chiefs of the Levites. Three persons are their number, the order and discipline maintained mentioned as chiefs of these respective divisions. And through their ranks, and their special duty as guards of Eleazar presided over them; whence he is called "ithe the tabernacle. The Ileb. word, however, signifies also a second priest" (2 Kings 25.18); and in the case of the high station or office; and hence the passage may be rendered, priest's absence from illness or other necessary occasions, "All that enter into the sacerdotal office" (v. 23). 4-15. he performed the duties (1 Kings 4.4). 38. Those that This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath, &c.encamp, &c.-That being the entrance-side, was the post They are mentioned first, from their close connection of honour, and consequently reserved to Moses and the with Aaron; and the special department of duty assigned priestly family. But the sons of Moses had no station to them during the journeyings of Israel accorded with here. 39. Twenty and twvo thousand —-The result of this the charge they had received of the precious contents of census, though made on conditions most advantageous the tabernacle. But these were to be previously covered to Levi, proved it to be by far the smallest in Israel. The by the common priests, who, as well as the high priest, separate numbers stated in v. 22, 28, 34, when added to- were admitted on such necessary occasions into the holy gether, amount to 22,300. The omission of the 300 is vari- place. This was an exception to the general rule, which ously accounted for-by some, because they might be prohibited the entrance of any but the high priest. But first-born who were already devoted to God, and could when the cloud removed from the tabernacle, the sancnot be counted as substitutes; and by others, because in tuary might be entered by the common priests, as to Scripture style, the sum is reckoned in round numbers. them was reserved the exclusive privilege of packing the The most probable conjecture is, that as leb. letters sacred utensils; and it was not till the holy things were are employed for figures, one letter was, in the course thus ready for carriage, that the Kohathites were allowed of transcription, taken for another of like form but to approach. 5. Coveringveil-the innerveil, which sepsmaller value. 40, 51. Number all the first-born of the arated the holy from the most holy place. (See on Exodus males of the children of Israel, &c.-The principle on 36. 3.) 6. covering of badgers' skins-(See on Exodus 25. which the enumeration of the Levites had been made 5.) The covering, however, referred to was not that of the was now to be applied to the other tribes. The number tabernacle, but one made for the special purpose of protectof their male children, from a month old and upward, ing theark. putin thestaves-These golden staves were was to be reckoned, in order that a comparison might be now taken out. (See on Exodus 25.15, compared with 1 instituted with that of the Levites, for the formal adop- Kings 8. 8.) The Heb. word rendered "put in," signifies tion of the latter as substitutes for the first-born. The also "dispose," and probably refers here to their insertion Levites, amounting to 22,000, were given in exchange for through the openings in the coverings made for receiving an equal number of the first-born from the other tribes, them, to preserve themrfrom the touch of the carriers as leaving an excess of 273; and as there were no substitutes well as from the influence of the weather. It is worthy for these, they were redeemed at the rate of five shekels of notice, that the coverings did not consist of canvas or for each (ch. 18. 15, 16). Every Israelite would naturally coarse tarpauling, but of a kind which united beauty with wish that his son might be redeemed by a Levite without decency. 7. Continual showblread-Though the people the payment of this tax, and yet some would have to were in the wilderness fed upon manna, the sacred loaves incur the expense, for there were not Levites enough to were constantly made of corn, which was probably raised make an equal exchange. Jewish writers say the matter in small quantities from the verdant patches of the deswas determined by lot, in this manner: Moses put into ert. 10. A bar-or bier, formed of two poles fastened by an urn 22,000 pieces of parchment, on each of which he two cross-pieces, and borne by two men, after the fashion wrote "a son of Levi," and 273 more, containing the of a sedan chair. 12. Instruments of ministry-the words, "five shekels." These being shaken, he ordered official dress of the priests. (Exodus.31. 10.) 13. Shall each of the first-born to put in his hand and take out a take away the ahes from the altar, &c.-The necessity 0/ the Levites' Service. NUMBERS V. The Unclean to be Removed. of removing ashes from the altar plainly implies that sac- put out of the camp e very leper-The exclusion of leprifices were offered in the wilderness (cf. Exodus 18. 12; 24. rous persons from the camp in the wilderness, as front 4), though that rebellious race seems frequently to have cities and villages afterwards, was a sanitary measure neglected the duty. (AmQs 5. 25.) No mention is made of taken according to presribed rules. (Leviticus chaps. 13., the sacred fire; but as, by Divine command, it was to be 14.) This exclusion of lepers from society has been acted kept constantly burning, it must have been transferred upon ever since; and it affords almost the only instance to some pan or brazier under the covering, and borne by in which any kind of attention is paid in the East to the the appointed carriers. 15. the sons of Koohath slhall prevention of contagion. The usage still more or less come to bear it, but shall not touchl any holy thiag, prevails in the East among people who do not think the lest they die-The mode of transport was upon theshoul- least precaution against the plague or cholera necessary ders of the Levites (see on ch. 7.9), although afterwards but judging from personal observation, we think that in wheeled vehicles were employed. (2 Samuel 6.3; 1 Chron- Asia the leprosy has now much abated in frequency and ices 15.12.) And it was allowed to touch thecovering, but virulence. It usually appears in a comparatively mild not the things covered, on the penalty of death, which form in Egypt, Palestine, and other countries where the was more than once inflicted. (1 Samuel 6.19; 2 Samuel disorder is, or was, endemic. Small societies of excluded. 6.6, 7.) This stern denunciation was designed to inspire a lepers live miserably in paltry huts. MIany of them arew sentiment of deep and habitual reverence in the minds of beggars, going out into the roads to solicit alms, whici-I those who were officially engaged about holy things. 16. they receive in a wooden bowl; charitable people also, To the office of Eleazar pertaineth the oil for thelight, sometimes bring different articles of food, which theyand the sweet incense, &c.-He was charged with the leave on the ground at a short distance from the hut off' special duty of superintending the squadron who were em- the lepers, for whom it is intended. They are generaIllv ployed in the carriage of the sacred furniture; besides, to obliged to wear a distinctive badge, that people may knovAhis personal care were committed the materials requisite them at first sight and be warned to avoid them. Otherr for the daily service, and which it was necessary he should means were adopted amongst the ancient Jews by putting, have easily at command. (Exodus 29. 38.) 17-20. Cut ye their hand on their mouth and crying, " Unclean, unnot off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites fron clean." But their general treatment, as to exclusion from among the Levites, &c.-a solemn admonition to Moses society, was the same as now described. The association and Aaron to beware, lest, by any negligence on their of the lepers, however, in this passage, with those who part, disorder and improprieties should creep in, and to were subject only to ceremonial uncleanness, shows that take the greatest care that all the parts of this important one important design in the temporary exile of such perservice be apportioned to the proper parties, lest the Ko- sons was to remove all impurities that reflected dishonour hathites should be disqualified for their high and honour- on the character and residence of Israel's King. And able duties. The guilt of their death would be incurred this vigilant care to maintain external cleanliness in the by the superintending priest, if they failed to give proper people was typically designed to teach them the practice directions, or allowed any irreverent familiarity with sa- of moral purity, or cleansing themselves from all filthicred things. 24-28. This is the service of the families ness of the flesh and spirit. The regulations made for enof the Gershonites, &c.-They were appointed to carry suring cleanliness in the camp suggest the adoption of. "the curtains of the tabernacle"-i. e., the goats' hair cover- similar means for maintaining purity in the church. And ing of the tent-the ten curious curtains and embroidered although, in large communities of Christians, it may be hangings at the entrance, with their red morocco cover- often difficult or delicate to do this, the suspension or, in ing, &c. s2. Their charge shall be unider the hand of flagrant cases of sin, the total excommunication of the Ithanaar the son of Aaron, &c.-The Levites were sub- offender from the privileges and communion of the church ject to the official command of the priests generally in is an-imperative duty, as necessary to the moral purity of doing the ordinary work of the tabernacle. But during the Christian as the exclusion of the leper from the camp the journeyings Eleazar, who was next in succession to was to physical health and ceremonial purity in the Jewhis father, took the special charge of the Kohathites, while ish church. his brother Ithamar had the superintendence of the Ger- 5-10. RESTITUTION ENJOINED. 6. whlen a ma or a shonites and Merarites. 29-33. As for the sons of Me- Ioman shall commit any sin that men commit, to