THE COMPLETE OFFICE OF HOLY WEEK ACCORDING TO THE _Soman Stisual an' wBrebfarp, IN LA TIN AND ENGLISH. NEW EDITION-REVISED AND ENLARGED, NEW YORK, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO: BFENZIGER BROTHERS, Printers to the Holy Apostolic See. IMP RIMA T UR: * JOHN, Archbishop of New York. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by THE CATHOLIC PUBLICATION SOCIETY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. THE week before Easter has been called by several names, from the great mysteries and various ceremonies celebrated and performed in it. The Greeks and Latins anciently called it the Great Week, the Holy Week,; sometimes the Painful Week-that is, the Week of Austerities; also, the Week of Sorrows, the days of the Cross or of sufferings. " We call it the Great Week," says S. Chrysostom, on Ps. I45, "not that it consists of a greater number of days, or that the days in it are longer; but on account of the great things which God has wrought in it; for on these days was the tyranny of the devil overthrown, death disarmed, sin and its curse taken away, heaven opened and made accessible, and men made fellows with the angels." The chief object of the Church in this 9 10 Preface. week is to celebrate the memory of the pas. sion and death of her Redeemer. Every part of the sacred liturgy is directed to this end; the Church's offices, more solemn and more multiplied in this week than in any other during the whole year, are most especially adapted to excite in the hearts of the Faithful those various sentiments of love and gratitude, of compassion for the sufferings of our Lord, of sorrow and detestation for sin, which every Christian ought to cherish in this holy time. It is with the sincere desire of exciting pious sentiments in the hearts of the faithful that the whole liturgy of the Church for Holy Week has been collected in this volume, and is presented to the public, both in the Latin and English languages. Thus, while the pious Christian unites hisvoice with that of die priest and of the choir, he may also penetrate the sense of the divine office, and sanction by the fervor of his heart what he pronounces with his tongue. For this reason, the editor flatters himself that this book will not fail to please all those who still entertain a due sense Preface. I I of piety and religion; and may profit even those who, through a want of instruction, seldom or never reflect on the great mysteries which the Church commemorates during Holy Week. The very reading of this most pious and affecting part of the Church's liturgy is capable of exciting in their hearts a true and solid devotion. TH-E MASS. Thec A s erges. SPERGES me Domine THOU shalt sprinkle me hyssopo, etmundabor: I with hyssop, 0 Lord, lavabis me, et super nivem and I shall be cleansed: dealbabor. thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Ps. Miserere mei Deus, Have mercy on me, 0 secundum magnam miseri- God, according to thy great cordiam tuam. mercy. V. Gloria Patri, etc. V. Glory be, etc. Ant. Asperges me. Ant. Thou shalt sprinkle me. The Priest, being returned to the foot of the A ltar, says:. QSTENDE nobis Do- V SHOW us, O Lord, 0 mine misericordiam S thy mercy. tuam. R. Et salutare tuum da R. And grant us thy sal. nobis. vation. V. Domine exaudi ora- V. O Lord, hear my tionem meam. prayer. R. Et clamor meus ad te R. And let my cry come veniat. unto thee. V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Oremus. Let us pray. XAUDI nos Domine H EAR us, O holy Lord, sancte, Pater omnipo- almighty Father, etertens, aeterne Deus: et mit- nal God; and vouchsafe to tere digneris sanctum ange- send thy holy angel from lum tuum de coelis, qui cus- heaven, to guard, cherish, todiat, foveat, protegat, visi- protect, visit, and defend all tet, atque defendat omnes that are assembled in this habitantes in hoc habita- house; through Christ our culo. Per Christum Domi- Lord. Amen. num nostrum. I} THE ORDINARY OF THE MASS. The Priest at the foot of the A liar makes the sign of the Cross, saying: I N nomine Patris, et I N the name of the Filii, et Spiritus Father, and of the sancti. Amen. Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. V. Introibo ad altare V. I will go in to the Dei. altar of God. R. Ad Deum, qui laeti- R. To God, who givficat juventutem meam. eth joy to my youth. PSALM 42. This Psalm is omitted during Holy Week, exceyt on Holy Sa. turday. UDICA me Deus, et UDGE me, 0 God! discerne causam and distinguish my meam de gente non cause from the nasancta: ab homine ini- tion that is not holy: quo et doloso erue me. deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. Quia tu es Deus forti- For thou art God my tudo mea, quare me re- strength: why hast thou pulisti? et quare tristis cast me off? and why incedo, dum affligit me do I go sorrowful, whilst inimicus? the enemy afflicteth me i Emitte lucem tuam et Send forth thy light T1a 14 The Ordinary of the Mass. veritatem tuam: ipsa and thy truth: they me deduxerunt, et ad- have conducted me, and duxerunt in monteai brought me unto thy sanctum tuum, et in ta- holy hill, and into thy bernacula tua. tabernacles. Et introibo ad altare And I will go in to the Dei: ad Deum, qui lati- altar of God: to God, ficat juventutem meam. who giveth joy to my youth. Confitebor tibi in ci- To thee, 0 Lord my thara, Deus, Deus meus: God! I will give praise quare tristis es anima upon the harp: why art mea? et quare contur- thou sad, 0 my soul? bas me? and why dost thou disquiet me? Spera in Deo, quoni- Hope in God, for I am adhucconfiteborilli: will still give praise to salutare vultus mei, et him: the salvation of Deus meus. my countenance, and my God. Gloria Patri, et Filio, Glory be to the Faet Spiritui sancto. ther, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Sicut erat in princi- As it was in the begin~,io, et nunc, et semper, ning, is now, and ever et in saecula saeculorum. shall be, world without &men. end. Amen. V. Introibo ad altare V. I will go in to the Dei. altar of God. R. Ad Deum, qui hle- R. To God, who givtificat juventutemmeam. eth joy to my youth. V. Adjutorium nos- V. Our help is in the trum in nomine Domini. name of the Lord. The Ordinary of the Mass. 15 R. Qui fecit ccelum et R. Who made heaven terram. and earth. Confiteor Deo omni- I confess to Almighty potenti, etc. God, etc. V. Misereatur tui om- V. May Almighty God nipotens Deus, et dimis- have mercy on thee, forsis peccatis tuis, perdu- give thee thy sins, and cat te ad vitam oeter- bring thee to everlasting nam. life. R. Amen. R. Amen. Confiteor Deo omni- I confess to Almighty potenti, beatae Marine God, to blessed Mary semper Virgini, beato ever Virgin, to blessed Michaeli Archangelo, Michael the Archangel, beato Joanni Baptistae, to blessed John the Bapsanctis Apostolis Petro tist, to the holy Apostles et Paulo, omnibus Sanc- Peter and Paul, to all the tis, et tibi, Pater, quia Saints, and to thee, Fapeccavi nimis cogita- ther, that I have sinned tione, verbo, et opere, exceedingly in thought, mea culpa, mea culpa, word, and deed, through mea maxima culpa. my fault, through my Ideo precor beatam Ma- fault, through my most riam semper Virginem, grievous fault. Therebeatum Michaelem Ar- fore I beseech the blesschangelum, beatum Jo- ed Mary ever Virgin, annem Baptistam, sanc- the blessed Michael the tos Apostolos Petrum et Archangel, the blessed Paulum, omnes Sanctos, John the Baptist,the holy et te, Pater, orare pro Apostles Peter and Paul, me ad Dominum Deum all the Saints, and thee, nostrum. Father, to pray to the Lord our God for me. i6 TThe Ordinary of the Mass. V. Misereatur vestri V. May Almighty God omnipotens Deus, et di- have mercy on you, for, missis peccatis vestris, give you your sins, and perducat vos ad vitam bring you to everlasting xeternam. life. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. + Indulgentiam, ab- V. + May the Almighty solutionem et remissio- and merciful Lord give nem peccatorum nostro- us pardon, absolution, rum tribuat nobis om- and remission of our nipotens et misericors sins. Dominus. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Deus, tu conversus V. Thou wilt turn, 0 vivificabis nos. God! and bring us to life. R. Et plebs tua leta- R. And thy people bitur in te. shall rejoice in thee. V. Ostende nobis, Do- V. Show us, O Lord mine, misericordiam tu- thy mercy. am. R. Et salutare tuum R. And grant us thy da nobis. salvation. V. Domine, exaudi V. 0 Lord! hear my orationem mean. prayer. R. Et clamor meus ad R. And let my cry te veniat. come unto thee. V Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with cum. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit Oremus. Let us pray. The Ordinary of the Mass. 17 The Priest says the followingjrayers in a low voice: hUFERanobis,quae- T AKE from us our sumus,Domine, in- iniquities, we beiquitates nostras: ut ad seech thee, O Lord! that Sancta sanctorum puris we may be worthy to mereamur mentibus in- enter with pure minds troire. Per Christum Do- into the Holy of holies: minum nostrum. Amen. through Christ our Lord. Amen. Oramus te, Domine, We beseech thee, O per merita Sanctorum Lord! by the merits of tuorum, quorum reli- thy Saints, whose relics quite hic sunt, et omni- are here, and of all the urnm Sanctorum: ut in- Saints, that thou wouldst dulgere digneris omnia vouchsafe to forgive me peccata mea. Amen. all my sins. Amen. Then he goes to the Book at the corner of the Altar, and making the sign of the cross, recites the Introit aloud. (For Introit for Palm Sunday, see fi. 67; Monday in Holy Week, f. 126; Tuesday in Holy Week, i. 135; Wednesday in Holy Week,p. 157; Holy Thurs. day, fi. 252; Easter Sunday, gf. 509; Easter Monday, fi. 520; Easter Tuesday, i. 529.) Afterwards, returning to the middle of the Altar, he says: V. JKYRIE eleison. LORD! have mercy on us. R. Kyrie eleison. R. Lord! have mercy on us. V. Kyrie eleison. V. Lord! have mercy on us. R. Christe eleison. R. Christ! have mer. cy on us i8 The Oi~dinary of the Mass. V. Chrizte eleison. V. Christ! have mer. cy on us. R. Christe eleison. R. Christ! have mer cy on us. V. Kyrie eleison. V. Lord! have mercy on us. R. Kyrie eleison. -R. Lord! have mercy on us. V. Kyrie eleison. V. Lord! have mercy on us. Gloria in excelsis Deo, Glory be to God on et in terra pax homini- high, and peace on earth bus bonae voluntatis. to men of good will. Laudamus te; benedici- We praise thee, we bless inus te; adoramus te; thee, we adore thee, we glorificamus te. Gra- glorify thee. We give tias agimus tibi propter thee thanks for thy great magnam gloriam tuam, glory. O Lord God, Domine Deus, Rex cce- heavenly King! O God lestis, Deus Pater om- the Father almighty! O nipotens. Domine Fili Lord Jesus Christ, the unigenite, Jesu Christe. only begotten Son! O Domine Deus, Agnus Lord God, Lamb of Dei, Filius Patris; qui God, Son of the Fatollis peccata mundi, mi- ther! O thou who takest serere nobis; qui tollis away the sins of the peccata mundi, suscipe world! have mercy on deprecationem nostram; us. O thou who takest qui sedes ad dexteram away the sins of the Patris, miserere nobis. world! receive our prayQuoniam tu solus sanc- er. 0 thou who sittest tus: tu solus Domi- at the right hand of the nus tu solus altissi- Father! have mercy on The Ordinary of the Mass. 19 mus, Jesu Christe, cum us. For thou alone art Sancto Spiritu, in gloria holy; thou alone art Dei Patris. Amen. Lord; thou alone art the most high, O Jesus Christ! together with the Holy Ghost, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. The Priest, turning to the ieoile, says:. D OMINUS vo- V. HE Lord be biscum. with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. Andwith thyspirit. The Collect, Epistle, etc., being said —(for Collect and EPistle for Palm Sunday, see p. 68; Monday in Holy Week,p. 126; Tuesday in Holy Week, i. 135; Wednesday in Holy Week, p, 157; Hloly Thursday, pi. 253; Good Friday, p. 340; Holy Saturday, p. 497; Easter Sunday, f. 509; Easter Monday, p. 520; Easter Tuesday, p. 529)-the Priest goes to the middle of the A ltar, and says: UN DA cor meum cLEANSE my heart ac labia mea, I and my lips, O omnipotens Deus, qui almighty God! who, labia Isaiae prophetae with a fiery coal, didst calculo mundasti ignito: cleanse the lips of the ita me tua grata misera- prophet Isaiah; vouchtione dignare mundare, safe through thygracious ut sanctum evangelium mercy so to cleanse me tuum digne valeam nun- that I may worthily detiare. Per Christum Do- clare thy holy gospel; minum nostrum. Amen. through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jube, Domine, bene- Bless me, O Lord! dicere. 20 The Ordinary of the Mass. Dominus sit in corde The Lord be in my meo, et in labiis meis; heart and on my lips, ut digne et competenter that I may worthily and annuntiem evangelium in a becoming manner suum. Amen. announce his gospel. Amen. Before reading the Goslel, the Priest says: v. D OMINUS vo- HE Lord be. biscurn. with you. -R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. At the end of the Gosel —(for Gos.5el for Palm Sunday, see f. 50; Monday in Holy Week, f. 130; Tuesday in Holy Week, p. t37; Wednesday in Holy Week, ). 164; Holy Thursday, j. 256; Good Friday, p. 344; Holy Saturday, P. 499; Easter Sunday, 4. 512; Easter Monday,. 523; Easter Tuesday, i. 532)-the Clerk tays: R. L AUS tibi,Chris- R RAISE be to 1..'. Rte. thee, O Christ! A nd the Priest kisses the Book, saying: ER evangelica dicta B Y the words of the deleantur nostra gospel may our delicta. sins be blotted out. After wh ich he goes to the middle of the A ltar, and says the Ni:ene Creed aloud: REDO in unum De- J BELIEVE in one urn, Patremn omni- I God, the Father potentem,Factorum cceli Almighty, Maker of heaet terrae, visibilium om- ven and earth, and of all nium et invisibilium. Et things visible and invisiin unum Dominum Je- ble. And in one Lord, sum Christum, Filium Jesus Christ, the only Dei unigenitum, et ex begotten Son of God. The Ordinary of the Mass. 21 Pare natum ante omnia and born of the Father saecula; Deum de Deo; before all ages. God of Lumen de Lumine; De- God, Light of Light, true um verum de Deo vero; God of true God: be. genitum fionfactum,con- gotten, not made; consubstantialem Patri, per substantial with the Faquem omnia facta sunt; ther, by whom all things qui propter nos homines, were made. Who for us et propter nostram salu- men, and for our salvatem, descendit de ccelis; tion, came down from et incarnatus est de Spi- heaven, and became inritu Sancto ex Maria Vir- carnate by the Holy gine; ET HOMO FACTUS Ghost of the Virgin EST. Crucifixus etiam Mary; AND WASOMADE pro nobis: sub Pontio MAN. He was also cruPilato passus et sepultus cified for us: suffered est. Et resurrexit tertia under Pontius Pilate, diesecundum Scripturas. and was buried. And Et ascendit in ccelum: rose again the third day, sedet-ad dexteram Pa- according to the Scriptris. Et iterum venturus tures. And ascended est cum gloria judicare into heaven: sitteth at vivos et mortuos: cujus the right hand of the regni non erit finis. Et Father. -And he is to inSpiritum Sanctum,Do- come again with glory, minum et vivificantem, to judge the living and qui ex- Patre Filioqae the dead: of his kingprocedit; quicum Patre dom there shall be no et Filio simul adoratur end. And in the Holy et conglorificatur: qui Ghost, the Lord, and locutus est per prophe- giver of life, who protas. Et unam sanctam ceedeth from the Father Catholicam et Apostoli- and the Son: who with 22 The Ordinary of the Mass. cam Ecclesiam. Confi- the Father and the Son teor unum baptisma in is equally adored and remissionem peccato- glorified: who spake by rum. Et expecto resur- the prophets. And one rectionem mortuorum, holy Catholic and Aposet vitam venturi saeculi. tolic Church. I confess Amen. one baptism for the remission of sins. And I expect the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with curM. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Oremus. Let us pray. The Priest says the Offertory and makes the oblation of the Bread that is to be consecrated, saying: USCIPE, sancte Pa- R ECEIVE, O holy ter, omnipotens, Father, Almighty zeterne Deus, hanc in- and eternal God! this maculatam Hostiam, unspotted Host, which I, quam ego indignus fa- thy unworthy servant, mulus tuus offero tibi, offer to thee, my true Deo meo vivo et vero, and living God, for my pro innumerabilibus pec- innumerable sins, offencatis et offensionibus et ces, and negligences, and negligentiis meis, et pro for all here present; as omnibus circumstanti- also for all faithful Chrisbus, sed et pro omnibus tians, both living and fidelibus Christianis, vi- dead; that it may avail vis atque defunctis: ut me and them unto sal. The Ordinary of the Mass. 23 mihi et illis proficiat ad vation, and life everlastsalutem in vitam aeter- ing. Amen. nam. Amen. Hej uts Wine and Water into the chalice, saying: D EUS, qui humanae GOD! who, in cresubstantive digni- ating human natatem mirabiliter condi- ture, didst wonderfully disti, et mirabilius refor- dignify it, and who didst masti: da nobis per hu- still more wonderfully jus aquxe et vini myste- reform it: grant that by rium,ejus divinitatis esse the mystery of this water consortes, qui humani- and wine, we may be tatis nostrae fieri digna- made partakers of his tus est particeps, Jesus divinity, who was gra. Christus,Filius tuus, Do- ciously pleased to beminus noster: qui tecum come partaker of our vivit et regnat in unitate humanity, Jesus Christ Spiritus Sancti Deus: thy Son, our Lord: who per omnia saecula saecu- with thee and the Holy lorum. Amen. Ghost, liveth and reigneth one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Oblation of the chalice. O FFERIMUS tibi, E offer unto thee, Domine, calicem V O Lord! the salutaris,tuam deprecan- chalice of salvation, betes clementiam: ut in seeching thy clemency; conspectudivinae majes- that it may ascend betatis tuae, pro nostra et fore thy divine majesty, totius mundi salute cum as a sweet odor for our odore suavitatis ascen- salvation, and for that of dat. Amen. the whole world. Amen 24 The Ordinary of the Mass. Then bowing down, he says: N spiritu humilitatis, N a spirit of humility 1 et in animo contrito, 1 and with contritiont suscipiamur a te, Domi- of heart, we pray thee, ne: et sic fiat sacrificium 0 Lord! to make us acnostrum in conspectu ceptable to thee; and tuo hodie, ut placeat ti- let our sacrifice be so bi, Domine Deus. performed this day, in thy sight, that it may be pleasing-to thee, 0 Lord our God! After which, lifting nl his eyes to Heaven, he blesses the Bread and Wine, saying: V ENI, sanctificator C O E, 0 Almighty V omnipotens, aeter- Sanctifier, eternal ne Deis: et benedic hoc God! and bless this sasacrificium tuo sancto crifice, prepared' for the nomini praeparatum. honor of thy holy name. The following blessing of the Incense and the incensing of the Al tat-, asfar as Lavabo, is omitted in private Masses: ER intercessionem Y the intercession beati Michaelis of blessed Michael Archangeli, stantis a the Archangel, standing dextris altaris incensi, at the right hand of the et omnium electorum altar of incense, and of suorum, incensum istud all the elect, may the dignetur Dominus bene- Lord bless this incense, dicere, et in odorem and receive it as a sweet suavitatis accipere. Per odor: through Christ Christum Dominum nos- our Lord. Amen. trum. Amen. The Ordiwnary oy the Mass. 25 While he incenses the Offerings, he says: NCENSUM istud a N/ AY this incense, te benedicturn, as- which thou hast cendat ad te, Domine, blessed, ascend to thee, et descendat super nos 0 Lord! and may thy misericordia tua. mercy descend upon us. Then he incenses the Altar, saying: IRIGATUR, Do- ET my prayer, 0 mine, oratio mea Lord! be directed sicut incensum in con- as incense in thy sight: spectu tuo; elevatio ma- the lifting up of my nuum mearum sacrifi- hands, an evening sacricium vespertinum. Po- fice. Set a watch, 0 ne, Domine, custodiam Lord! before mymouth, ori meo, et ostium cir- and a door round about cumstantiae labiis meis: my lips; that my heart ut non declinet cor me- may not incline to evil um in verba malitiae, ad words, to make excuses excusandas excusationes in sin. in peccatis. Giving the censer to the Deacon, he says: CCENDAT in no- AY the Lord kinbis Dominus ig- dle in us the nem sui amoris, et flam- fire of his love, and the mam aeternae charitatis. flame of eternal charity. Amen. Amen. Then he goes to the corner of the Altar, and washes his jnxgers, saying: AVABO inter in- J WILL wash my nocentes manus hands among the 26 The Ordinary of the Mass. meas: et circumdabo innocent, and will com. altare tuurm, Domine. pass thy altar, 0 Lord. Ut audiam vocem lau- That I may hear the dis: et enarrem universa voice of thy praise, and mirabilia tua. tell all thy wondrous works. Domine, dilexi deco- I have loved, 0 Lord! rem domus tuxe, et lo- the beautyof thy house; cum habitationis glorixe and the place where thy tuae. glory dwelleth. Ne perdas cum impiis, Take not away my Deus, animam meam, et soul, 0 God! with the cum viris sanguinum vi- wicked, nor my life with tam meam. bloody men. In quorum manibus In whose hands are iniquitates sunt: dextera iniquities: their right eorum repleta est mune- hand is filled with gifts. ribus. Ego autemn in inno- But as for me, I have centia mea ingressus walked in my innocence: sum: redime me, et mi- redeem me, and have serere mei. mercy on me. Pes meus stetit in di- My foot hath stood in recto: in ecclesiis bene- the direct way: in the dicam te, Domine. churches I will bless thee, 0 Lord! Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Having returned to the middle of the A ltar, bowing down, he says: SUSCIPE, sancta ECEIVE, O holy Trinitas, hanc ob- Trinity! this oblationem, quam tibi of- lation, which we make ferimus, ob memoriam to thee, in memory of The Ordinary of the Mass. 47 passionis, resurrectionis, the passion, resurrection, etascensionis JesuChris- and ascension of our ti, Domini nostri; et in Lord Jesus Christ; and honorem beatae Mariae in honor of the blessed semper virginis, et beati Mary ever Virgin; of Joannis Baptistae, et blessed John the Bap. sanctorum Apostolorum tist; of the holy Apostles Petri et Pauli, et isto- Peter andPaul; of these, rum et omnium sancto- and of all the Saints; rum: ut illis proficiat that it may avail to their adhonorem,nobis autem honor, and to our salad salutem; et illi pro vation; and may they nobis intercedere dig- vouchsafe to intercede nentur in ccelis, quorum for us in heaven, whose memoriam agimus in ter- memory we celebrate on ris. Per eundem Chris- earth; through the same turn Dominum nostrum. Christ, our Lord. Amen. Amen. Then turning to the Peoile, he says: RATE, fratres, ut RAY, brethren, that meurm ac vestrum 1 rmy sacrifice and sacrificium acceptabile yours may be acceptafiat apud Deum Patrem ble to God the Father omnipotentem. almighty. The Clerk answers in the name of the Peoile: SUSCIPIAT Domi- M AY the Lord renus sacrificium de ceive this sacrimanibus tuis, ad laudern fice from thy hands, to et gloriam nominis sui, the praise and glory of ad utilitatern quoque his name, to our benefit nostram, totiusque Ec- also, and to that of all clesie sure sancta. his holzyChurch. z8 The Ordinary of the Mass. The Priest, in a low voice, says: Amen. Amen. Here the ai5&ro5riate Secreta are said. That which follows is said aloud. pER omnia sxcula W ORLD without saeculorum. V end. R. Amen. fR. Amen. V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with cum. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. Andwith thyspirit. V. Sursum corda. V. Lift up yourhearts,.R. Habemus ad Do- R. We have them lift. minum. ed up to the Lord. V. Gratias agamus V. Let us give thanks Domino Deo nostro.. to the Lord our God. R. Dignum et justum.R. It is meet and just. est. The Priest says the Preface, after which is said: SANCTUS, anctus, Dominus H OLY, holy, holy, d sanctus, Dominus 1 Lord God of Deus Sabaoth. Pleni Hosts! the heavens and sunt cceli et terra gloria the earth are full of thy tua. Hosanna in excel- glory. Hosanna in the sis. Benedictus qui ve- highest! Blessed is he nit in nomine Domini. that cometh in the name Hosanna in excelsis. of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! THE CANON OF THE -MASS. Here the Priest begins the Canon of the Mass, which is said in a low voice: E igitur, clementis- W E therefore humsime Pater, per bly pray and Jesum Christum, Filium beseech thee, most mertuum Dominum nos- ciful Father! through trum, supplices rogamus Jesus Christ thy Son our ac petimus, uti accepta Lord, that thou wouldst habeas, et benedicas haec accept and bless these dona, hxec munera, haec gifts, these presents, sancta sacrificia illibata, these holy unspotted sain primis, quxe tibi offe- crifices,which,in the first rimus pro Ecclesia tua place, we offer to thee sancta Catholica: quam for thy holy Catholic pacificare, custodire, Church, to which vouchadunare, et regere dig- safe to grant peace; preneris toto orbe terra- serve, unite, and govern rum: una cum famulo it throughout the whole tuo Papa nostro N., et world, together with thy Antistite nostro N., et servant N. our Chief Biomnibus orthodoxis, at- shop, N. our Prelate, and que Catholicae et Apos- all orthodox believers tolicae fidei cultoribus. and professors of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. on0 30 The Canon of the Mass. The commemoration of the living. M EMENTO, Do- BE mindful, O Lord. mine, famulo- of thyservants N. rum famularumque tua- and N. rum N. et N. Here he jauses a little, to call to his mind those he designs topray for, and then continues: E T omnium circum- A ND all here presstantium, quorum ent, whose faith tibi fides cognita est, et and devotion are known nota devotio: pro qui- to thee, for whom we bus tibi offerimus, vel offer, or who themselves qui tibi offerunt hoc sa- offer thee this sacrifice crificiurn laudis, pro se, of praise, for themselves suisque omnibus, pro and all that are dear to redemptione animarum them; for the redempsuarum, pro spe salutis tion of their souls, for et incolumitatis suae; the hope of their salvatibique reddunt vota sua tion and safety; and who aeterno Deo, vivo et now pay their vows to vero. thee, tke eternal, living, and true God. Communicantes, et Communicating with,.nemoriam venerantes, and honoring the memin primis gloriosae sem- ory, in the first place, of per Virginis Marioe, ge- the glorious ever Virgin nitricis Dei et Domini Mary,Motherofour God nostri Jesu Christi: sed and Lord Jesus Christ; etbeatorum apostolorum and also of thy blessed ac martyrum tuorum, Apostles and Martyrs, Petri et Pauli, Andreae, Peter and Paul, Andrew, Jacobi, Joannis, Thomae, James, John, Thomas. The Cano': of the Mass. 31 Jacobi, Philippi, Bartho- James, Philip, Barthololomaei, Matthaei, Simo- mew, Matthew, Simon nis et Thaddaei, Lini, and Thaddeus, Linus, Cleti, Clementis, Xysti, Cletus, Clement, Xystus, Cornelii, Cypriani, Lau- Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrentii, Chrysogoni, Jo- rence, Chrysogonus, annis et Pauli, Cosmae John and Paul, Cosmas et Damiani, et omnium and Damian, and of all Sanctorum tuorum: thy Saints; by whose quorum meritis preci- merits and prayers grant busque concedas, ut in that we may, in all omnibus protectionis things, be defended by tuae muniamur auxilio. the help of thy protecPer eundem Christum tion: through the same Dominum nostrum. Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. The Priest sjreads his hands over the offerings. H ANC igitur obla- W E therefore betionem servitu- seech tlee, 0 tis nostrae, sed et cunc- Lord! graciously to actae familiae tuae, quaesu- cept this oblation of our mus, Domine, ut placa- servitude, whichl is also tus accipias: diesque that of thy whole family; nostros in tua pace dis- dispose our days in thy ponas, atque ab aeterna peace; preserve us from damnatione nos eripi, eternal damnation, and et in electorum tuorum place us in the number jubeas grege numerari. of thy elect; through Per Christum Dominum Christ our Lord. Amen. nostrum. Amen. Quam oblationem tu Vouchsafe, we beseech Deus in omnibus, quae- thee,OGod! tomakethis 32 The Canon of the Mass. sumus, benedictam, ad- oblation in all things scriptam, ratam, ratio- blessed, approved, ratinabilem, acceptabilem- fled, reasonable, and acque facere digneris: ut ceptable; that it may be nobis corpus et sanguis made for us the body fiat dilectissimi filii tui and blood of thy most Domini nostri Jesu beloved Son, our Lord, Christi. Jesus Christ. Qui pridie quam pate- Who, on the day beretur, accepit panem in fore he suffered, took sanctas ac venerabiles bread in his sacred and manus suas; et elevatis venerable hands, and oculis in ccelum, ad te with his eyes lifted up Deum Patrem suum om- towards heaven, to thee, nipotentem, tibi gratias O God! his almighty Faagens, benedixit, fregit, ther, giving thee thanks, deditque discipulis suis, blessed it, broke it, and dicens: Accipite, et gave it to his disciples, manducate ex hoc om- saying: Take and eat nes: HOC EST ENIM COR- ye all of this; FOR THIS PUS MEUM. IS MY BODY. Here he adores the Sacrament on his knee, and then elevates it for the adoration of the fieoile. After which he proceeds to the consecration of the chalice, saying: IMILI modo post- J N like manner, after quam ccenatum est, he had supped, takaccipiens et hunc prme- ing thisineffable chalice clarum calicem in sanc- in his sacred and venertas ac venerabiles manus able hands, again giving stias, item tibi gratias thee thanks, he blessed agens, benedixit, dedit- it, and gave it to his que discipulis suis, di- disciples, saying: Take The Canon of the Mass. 33 cens: Accipite,etbibite and drink ye all of ex eo omnes: this: HIC EST ENIM CALIX FOR THIS IS THE CHALSANGUINIS MEI, NOVI ET ICE OF MY BLOOD, OF THE AETERNI TESTAMENTI: NEW AND EVERLASTING MYSTERIUM FIDEI: QUI TESTAMENT: A MYSTERY PRO VOBIS ET PRO MUL- OF FAITH, WHICH SHALL TIS EFFUNDETUR IN BE SHED FOR YOU, AND REMISSIONEM PECCATO- FOR MANY, FOR THE RERUM. MISSION OF SINS. Then he adores the sacred Blood, saying: AEC quotiescum- A S often as ye shall que feceritis, in do these things, mei memoriam facietis. ye shall do them in remembrance of me. After this he elevates it for the adoration of the fpeofle, and con, tinues: NDE et memores, HEREFORE, 0 Domine, nos servi V Lord! we thy tui, sed et plebs tua servants, as also thy holy sancta, ejusdem Christi people, being mindful of Filii tui, Domini nostri, the blessed passion of tam beatae passionis, the same Christ, thy Son necnon et ab inferis re- our Lord, and of his resurrectionis, sed et in surrection from hell, as ccelos gloriosae ascen- also of his glorious assionis, offerimus prlecla- cension into hleaven, ofrae majestati tuae de tuis fer to thy most excellent donis ac datis, Hostiam majesty of thy own gifts puram, Hostiam sanc- and favors, a pure Host, tam, Hostiam immacu- aholy Host, an unspotted 34 The Canon of the Mass. latam, panem sanctum Host, the holy bread of vitae aternae, et calicem eternal life, and the chalsalutis perpetuae. ice of everlasting salvation. Supra quae propitio ac Upon which vouchsereno vultu respicere safe to look with a pro' digneris, et accepta.ha- pitious and serene counbere, sicuti accepta ha- tenance, and to accept bere dignatus es munera them, as thou wert pueri tui justi Abel, et pleased to accept the sacrificium patriarchae offerings of thy just sernostri Abrahae, et quod vant Abel, and the satibi obtulit summus sa- crifice of our patriarch cerdos tuus Melchise- Abraham,and that which dech, sanctum sacrifi- thy high priest Melchicium, immaculatam hos- sedech offered to thee, a tiam. holy sacrifice, and unspotted victim. Supplices te rogamus, We humbly beseech omnipotens Deus, jube thee, O Almighty God! haec perferri per manus command these to be sancti angeli tui in sub- carried by the hands of lime altare tuum, in con- thy holy angel to thy spectu divinae majestatis altar above, in the pretuae, ut quotquot ex hac sence of thy divine maaltaris participatione, sa- jesty, that as many as crosanctum Filii tui cor- shall receive the most pus et sanguinem sump- sacred body and blood of serimus, omni benedic- tihy Son, from this altar, tione ccelesti, et gratia may be filled with every repleamur. Per eundem heavenly blessing and Christumn Dominum nos- grace; through the same trum. Amen. Christ our Lord- Amen The Canon of the Mass. 35 The Con memoration of the Dead. EMENTO etiam, D EMEMBER also, Domine, famu- 0 Lord, thy serlorum famularumque tu- vants, N. and N., who arum N. et N. qui nos are gone before us with praecesserunt cum signo the sign of faith, and fidei, et dormiunt in repose in the sleep of somno pacis. peace. Here he fauses a little, to fray for. articular iersons. quiescentibus, locum re- rest in Christ, grant, we frigerii, lucis et pacis, ut beseech thee, a place of indulgeas deprecamur. refreshment, light, and Per eundem Christum peace; through the same Dominum nostrum. Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. He strikes his breast, saying aloud the first words of the following Prayer: OBIS quoque pec- T O us sinners also, catoribus, famu- thy servants, hoplis tuis, de multitudine ing in the multitude of miserationum tuarum thy mercies, vouchsafe sperantibus, partem ali- to grant some part anc quam et societatem do- fellowship with thy holy nare digneris cum tuis Apostles and Martyrs, sanctis Apostolis et Mar- with John, Stephen, tyribus: cum Joanne, Matthias, Barnaby, IgStephano, Matthia, Bar- natius, Alexander, Marnaba, Ignatio, Alexan- cellinus, Peter, Felicitas, dro, Marcellino, Petro, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, 36 The Canon of the Mass. Felicitate, Perpetua, Agnes, Cecilia, Anasta. Agatha, Lucia, Agnete, sia, and all thy Saints; Caecilia, Anastasia, et into whose company we omnibus Sanctis tuis; beseech thee to admit inltra quorum nos con- us, not regarding our sortium, non Eastimator merit, but thy own grameriti, sed veniae, quae- tuitous favor; through sumus, largitor admitte. Christ our Lord. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Per quem hbec omnia, By whom, 0 Lord t Domine, semper bona thou dost always create creas, sanctificas, vivifi- sanctify, quicken, bless, cas, benedicis, et prae- and give us all these stas nobis. Per ipsum, good things. By him, et cum ipso, et in ipso, and with him, and in est tibi Deo Patri omni- him, is to thee, God the potenti, in unitate Spi- Father Almighty, in the ritus Sancti, omnis ho- unity of the Holy Ghost, nor et gloria. all honor and glory. H.ere he says aloud: DpER omnia saecu- v W ORLD with* la saeculorum. out end. R. Amen. R. Amen. Oremus. Let us pray. Praeceptis salutaribus Instructed by thy moniti, et divina institu- wholesome precepts, tione formati, audemus and following thy didicere: vine institution, we presume to say: Pater noster, qui es Our Father, who art in coelis, santificetur in heaven, hallowed be The Canon of the Mass. 37 nomen tuum: adveniat thy name; thy kingdom regnurm tuum: fiat vo- come; thy will be done luntas tua, sicut in ccelo, on earth as it is in heaet in terra: panem nos- ven. Give us this day trum quotidianum da our daily bread; and nobis hodie: et dimitte forgive us our trespassnobis debita nostra, si- es, as we forgive them cut et nos dimittimus that trespass against us. debitoribus nostris: et And lead us not into ne nos inducas in tenta- temptation. tionem. R. Sed libera nos a R. But deliver us from malo. evil. The Priest, in a low voice, says: Amen. Amen. IBERA nos, que- DELIVER us, we sumus Domine, 1 beseech thee, O ab omnibus malis, pre- Lord! from all evils, past, teritis, presentibus et present, and to come; futuris: et intercedente and by the intercession beata et gloriosa semper of the blessed and gloVirgine Dei Genitrice rious ever Virgin Mary, Maria, cum beatis apos- Mother of God, of thy tolis tuis Petro et Paulo, blessed Apostles Peter atque Andrea, et omni- and Paul, and of Anbus Sanctis, da propitius drew, and all the Saints, pacem in dieb-s nostris; mercifully grant peace ut ope misericordiae tuae in our days; that by the adjuti, et a peccato si- assistance of thy mercy, mus semper liberi, et ab we may be always free omni perturbatione se- from sin, and secure curi. from all disturbance. 38 The Canon ofj- the Mass. Breaking the Host, he says: PER eundem Domi- T HROUGH the num nostrum Je- same Jesus Christ sum Christum, Filium our Lord, thy Son, who tuum, qui tecum vivit et liveth and reigneth with regnat in unitate Spiritus thee in the unity of the Sancti Deus. Per omnia Holy Ghost, one God. saecula saeculorum. World without end. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Pax Domini sit V. The peace of the semper vobiscum. Lord be always with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Hetiuts aparticle of the Host into the chalice, saying: H EC commixtio et M AY this mixture consecratio Cor- and consecraporis et Sanguinis Do- tion of the body and mini nostri Jesu Chris- blood of our Lord Jesus ti, fiat accipientibus no- Christ be to us that rebis in vitam aeternam. ceive them effectual to Amen. eternal life. Amen. After this, bowing down, he strikes his breast, saying aloud: AGNUS Dei, qui tol- T AMB of God, who lis peccata mundi, takest away the miserere nobis. sins of the world, have mercy on us. Agnus Dei, qui tollis Lamb of God, who peccata mundi, miserere takest away the sins ot aobis. the world, have mercy Oa us. The Canon of the Mass. 39 Agnus Dei, qui tollis Lamb of God, who peccata mundi, dona no- takest away the sins of bis pacem. the world, grant us: peace. The following Prayers are said in a low voice: D OMINE Jesu L ORD Jesus Christ, Christe, qui dix- who didst say to isti Apostolis tuis: Pa- thy Apostles, I leave you cem relinquo vobis, pa- peace, my peace I give cem meam do vobis; ne you; look not on nmy respicias peccata mea, sins, but on the faith of sed fidem Ecclesia tuae: thy Church; and voucheamque secundum vo- safe to grant it that peace tuntatem tuam pacifi- and union which are ac. care, et coadunare dig- cording to thy will: who neris. Qui vivis et reg- livest and reignest God nas Deus, per omnia sa- for ever and ever. Amen. cula saeculorum. Amen. In solemn Masses, after this Prayer, the Priest gives the kiss of pjeace to the Deacon, saying: V. Pax tecum. V. Peace be with thee~ To which the Deacon answers: R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. OMINE Jesu T ORD Jesus Christ, Christe, Fili Dei L Son of the living vivi, qui ex voluntate God, who, according to Patris, co-operante Spi- the will of the Father, ritu Sancto, per mortem and by the co-operationtuam mundum vivificas- of the Holy Ghost, hast ti: libera me per hoc through thy death given sacrosanctum Corpus et life to the world; deliver 40 The Canon of the Mass. Sanguinem tuum'ab om- me by this thy most sa. nibusiniquitatibus meis, cred Body and Blood et universis mallis; et from all iniquities, and ac me tuis semper inr from all evils: make me hxerere mandatis, et a te always obedient to thy nunquam separari per- commandments, and nemittas: qui cum eodem ver suffer me to be sepa. Deo Patre et Spiritu rated from thee; who Sancto vivis et regnas with the same God the Deus in saxcula saeculo- Father and Holy Ghost rum. Amen. livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. Perceptio corporis tui, Let not the participaDomine Jesu Christe, tion of thybody, 0 Lord quod ego indignus su- Jesus Christ! which, mere praesumo, non mi- though unworthy, I prehi proveniat in judicium sume to receive, turn to etcondemnationem: sed my judgment and conpro tua pietate prosit demnation; but, through mihi ad tutamentum thy mercy, let it be for mentis et corporis, et ad me an effectual safeguard medelam percipiendam: and remedy of soul and qui vivis et regnas cum body; who with God Deo Patre, in unitate the Father and the Holy Spiritus Sancti, Deus per Ghost livest and reignomnia sxecula saeculo- est one God for ever and rum. Amen. ever. Amen. Taking thc Host in his handr, he says: PANEM coelestem T WILL take the heaaccipiam, et no- venly bread, and men Domini invocabo. invoke the name of the Lord. The Canon of the Mass. 4I Then striking his breast thrice, he says: D OMINE, non sum ORD, I am not dignus, ut intres worthy that thou sub tectum meum; sed shouldst enter under my tantum dic verbo, et sa- roof; but only say the tabitur anima mea. word, and my soul shall be healed. After this, he receives thf Blessed Sacrament, saying: C ORPUS Domini THE body of our nostri Jesu Chris- 1 Lord Jesus Christ ti custodiat animam me- preserve my soul to life am in vitam aeternam. everlasting. Amen. Amen. After a littlejause, he gathers the fragments, and takes the chalice, saying UID retribuam HAT return shall Domino pro om- VV I make to the nibus quae retri- Lord for all that he has buit mihi? Calicem sa- given me? I will take lutaris accipiam, et no- the chalice of salvation, men Domini invocabo. and call upon the name Laudans invocabo Do- of the Lord. Praising I minum, et ab inimicis will call upon the Lord, meis salvus ero. and I shall be safe from my enemies. Then he receives the sacred Blood, saying: S ANGUIS Domini HE blood of our nostri Jesu Christi 1 Lord Jesus Christ custodiat animam me- preserve my soul to life am in Vitam aeternam. everlasting. Amen. Amen. 42 The Canon vy the Mass. Whilst the Clerk fours wine into the chalice, he says: Q UOD ore sumpsi- RANT, 0 Lord mus, Domine, pu- that what we have ra mente capia- taken with our mouth, mus; et de munere temrn- we may receive with a porali, fiat nobis reme- pure mind; and that of dium sempiternum. a temporal gift, it may prove an everlasting remedy. Whilst he washes hisfingers over the chalice with wvine and vwater, he says: CORPUS tuum, Do- M AY thy body, O mine, quod sump- Lord! which I si, et sanguis quem po- have received, and thy tavi, adhaereat visceribus blood, which I have meis: et praesta, ut in drunk, cleave to my me non remaneat scele- bowels; and grant that rum macula, quem pura no stain of sin may reet sancta refecerunt sa- main in me, who have cramenta. Qui vivis et been nourished with thy regnas in saecula saecu- pure and holy sacralorum. Amen. ment. Who livest and reignest, for ever and ever. Amen. The Book is moved to the Ethistle side of the A lar, where he says aloud the Communion. (For Communion and Post-Communion for Palm Sunday, see p. 95; Monday in Holy Week, fp. 183; Tuerday in Holy Week, fi. 155; Wednesday in Holy Week,. 182; Holy Thursday, _A. 262; Easter Sunday, fi. 516; Easter Monday, f. 527; Easter Tuesday, f. 534.) Then turning to the middle of the A ltar, he turns towards thefeole, and says: OMINUS vo- V HE Lord be biscum. with you. The Canon of the Mass. 43 R. Et cum. spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. go says the trayer called Post-Communion, and turning again tf thet eoale, says; D D iOMINUS vo- THE Lord be biscum. with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit, F. Benedicamus Do- V. Let us bless the mino. Lord. R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God.. 8fter this, bowing in the middle of the Altar, he says in a lorn voice: pLACEAT tibi, sanc- ET this acknowl ta Trinitas, obse- edgment of my quium servitutis meat: subjection, 0 holy Trin. et presta, ut sacrificium ity! be pleasing to thee, quod oculis tuxe majes- and grant that this satatis indignus obtuli, tibi crifice, which I, though sit acceptabile, mihique, unworthy, have offered et omnibus pro quibus to thy divine majesty, illud obtuli, sit, te mise- may be acceptable to rante, propitiabile. Per thee, and through thy Christum Dominum nos- mercy be propitiatory trum. Amen. for me, and for all those for whom it hath been offered; through Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Priest having kissed the A ltar, blesses the people, raying-, ENEDICAT vos D AY Almighty God omnipotens Deus, lvi the Father, Son, Pater, et Filius, et Spiri- and Holy Ghost, bless tus Sanctus. Amen, you. Amert 44 The Canon of the Mass. A ndgoing to the Gospel side, he says: v D OMINUS -o- V. T HE Lord biscum. Vwith you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit V. Initium sancti V. The beginning of Evangelii secundum the Holy Gospel, accordJoannem. ing to St. John. R. Gloria tibi, Domi- R. Glory be to thee, ne. 0 Lord! In principio erat Ver- In the beginning was bum, et Verbum erat the Word, and the Word apud Deum, et Deus was with God, and the erat Verbum. Hoc erat Word was God. The in principio apud Deum. same was in the begiiiOmnia per ipsum facta ning with God. All sunt, et sine ipso factum things were made by est nihil, quod factum him, and without him est. In ipso vita erat, et was made nothing.that vita erat lux hominum, was made. In him was et lux in tenebris lucet, life, and the life was the et tenebraae eamrn non light of men; and tlhe comprehenderunt. Fuit light shineth in darkhomo missus a Deo, cui ness, and the darkness nomen erat Joannes. did not comprehend it. Hic venit in testimo- There was a man sent nium, ut testimonium from God, wnose name perhiberet de lumine, ut was John. This man omnes crederent per il- came for a witness, to lum. Non erat ille lux, bear witness of the light, sed ut testimonium per- that all men might behiberet de lumine. Erat lieve through him. He lux vera, qua illuminat was not the light, bul omnem hominem veni- was to bear witness of The Canon of the Mass. 45 entem in hunc mundum. the light. That was the In mundo erat, et mun- true light, which en dus per ipsum factus est, lighteneth every man et mundus eum non cog- that cometh into this novit. In propriavenit, world. He was in the et sui eum non recepe- world, and the world runt: quotquot autem was made by him, and receperunt eum, dedit the world knew him not. eis potestatem filios Dei He came unto his own, fieri, his, qui credunt in and his own received nomine ejus: qui non him not. But as many ex sanguinibus, neque as received him, to them ex voluntate carnis, ne- he has given power to que ex voluntate viri, be made the sons of sed ex Deo nati sunt. God, to them that be[Hic genflectilur.] Et lieve in his name; who Verbum caro factum est, are born not ojf blood, et habitavit in nobis: et nor of the will of flesh, vidimus gloriam ejus, nor of the will of man, gloriam qlasi Unigeniti but of God. IlHere kneel a Patre, plenum gratioe down.] And the Word et veritatis. was made flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. R. Deo gratias. X.- Thanks be to God, PALM SUNDAY. THE first day of this Week is called Palm Sunday, being appointed to honor the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, when many of the Jews cut off branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way through which he was to pass. It is in memory ofthis triumph that the Palms are blessed, distributed to the faithful, and carried by them in solemn procession. They hold them also in their hands, while the history of the Passion is read out of St. Matthew's Gospel, to signify by that ceremony that they are to partake of the triumph of Jesus Christ by the virtue of his death and passion. In the benediction of'he Palms are mentioned tnr. branches of the Palm-tree, Olive-tree, and other trees, which are made use of in countries where these trees grow; but in our northern countries we supply that defect with any sort of green boughs, which are called Palms, from the original ceremony, and they are intended to rep.. resent to us our Saviour's victory over the prince of death, and the riches of his mercies; the Palm branches being emblems of victory, and the Olive branches of mercy. We may also observe, that Christ enters Jerusalem on a day that answers to the tenth day of the moorn; when tht Jews brought to their house (Exod. xii.) the lambs that were to be killed and eaten on the Passover, in memory of their deliverance from the slavery of Egypt, and of their entrance into the Land of Promise, by their miraculous passage over the Red Sea. Hence, in the procession of this day, the opening of the door of the Church by knocking with the foot of the Cross, signifies not only the tri. umphant entry into Jerusalem, but also that the gates of the celestial Jerusalem were opened for us by Christ. the true Paschal Lamb, dying on the Cross, to redeem Bi from the slavery Df sin. THE BLESSING OF THE PALMS. After the Sprinkling of Holy Water, the Palms are blessed as fot lows. The Choir sings: OSANNA filio H OSANNA to the David: benedic- Son of David! tus qui venit in nomine blessed i3 he that comes Domini. 0 rex Israel! in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in excelsis. 0 king of Israel! Hosanna in the highest Then the Priest says:,h D OMINUS vo- v THE Lord be biscum. with you..R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Oremus. Let us pray. Deus, quem diligere O God! whom to love at amare justitia est, in- is righteousness, multieffabilis gratiae tuWe in ply in our hearts the nobis dona multiplica: gifts of thy unspeakable et qui fecisti nos in grace, and as by the morte Filii tui sperare death of thy Son thou quae credimus; fac nos hast made us hope for eodem resurgente per- those things which we venire quo tendimus: believe, grant that by his qui tecum vivit et reg- resurrection we may arnat in unitate Spiritus rive at the happy end of Sancti Deus, per, etc. our journey; who liveth and reignedh, etc. After this, the Subdeacon sings the follwing lesson: Lectio libri Exodi, cap. Thelessonfromthe book xv. et xvi. of Exodus, xv. and xvi. I N diebus illis: Vene- J N those days, the runt filii Israel in children of Israel 47 48 PaPln Sunday. Elim, ubi erant duode- came to Elim, where cim fontes aquarum, et there were twelve fbunseptuaginta palmae; et tains of water and sevcastrametati sunt juxta enty palm-trees; and aquas. Profectique sunt they encamped by the de Elim, et venit omnis waters. And they set multitudo filiorum Israel forward from Elim, and in desertum Sin, quod all the multitude of the est inter Elim et Sinai; children bf Israel came quintodecimo die men- into the desert of Sin, sis secundi, postquam which is between Elim egressi sunt de terra and Sinai, the fifteenth 2Egypti. Et murmura- dayof the second month vit omnis congregatio after they came out of fiiiorum Israel contra the land of Egypt. And Moysen et Aaron in so- all the congregation of!itudine. Dixeruntque the children of Israel filii Israel ad eos: Uti- murmured against Moses nam mortui essemus per and Aaron in the wilmanum Domini in terra derness. And the chilA:gypti, quando sedeba- dren of Israel said to mus super ollas carnium, them: Would to God et comedebamus panem we had died by the hand in saturitate: cur edux- of the Lord in the land istis nos in desertum of Egypt, when we sat istud, ut occideretis over the flesh pots and omnem multitudinem eat bread to the full; fame? Dixit autem why have you brought Dominus ad Moysen: us into this desert, that Ecce, ego pluam vobis you might destroy all panes de coelo; egredi- the multitude with famatur populus, et colligat ine? And the Lord quae sufficiunt per sin- said to Moses, Behold Blessing of -he Palms. 49 gulos dies: ut tentem I will rain bread from eum, utrum ambulet in heaven for you; let the iege mea, an non. Die people go forth and autem sexto parent quod gather what is sufficient inferant, et sit duplumn for every day, that I quam colligere solebant may prove them whether per singulos dies. Dix- they will walk in my law, eruntque Moyses et or no. But the sixth Aaron ad omnes filios day let them provide for Israel: Vespere scietis, to bring in; and let it quod Dominus eduxerit be double to that they vos de terra Egypti: et were wont to gather mane videbitis gloriam every day. And Moses Domini. and Aaron said to the children of Israel: In the evening you shall know that the Lord hath brought you forth out of the land of Egypt; and in the morning ye shall see the glory of the Lord. R.' Collegerunt Pon- R. The Chief Priests tifices et Pharismei con- and the Pharisees gathcilium, et dixerunt: ered a council and said: Quid facimus, quia hic What do we, for this homo multa signa facit? man doth many miraSi dimittimus eum sic, cles? If we let him omnes credunt in eum: alone so, all men will " Et venient Romani, et believe in him; * and tollent nostrum locum the Romans will come et gentem. and take away our place and nation. 50 BPalmn Sunday. V. Unus autem ex il- V. But of them, named lis, Caiphas nomine, cum Caiphas, being the high esset pontifex anni il- priest that year, said to lius, prophetavit, dicens: them: It is expedient Expedit vobis, ut unus for you that one man moriatur homo pro po- die for the people, and pulo, et non tota gens that the whole nation pereat. Ab illo ergo perish not. From that die cogitaverunt interfi- day therefore they decere eum, dicentes: * vised to put him to Et venient, etc. death, saying: * And the Romans, etc. Aliud R. In monte Another R. On Mount Oliveti oravit ad Pa- Olivet he prayed to his trem: Pater, si fieri po- Father: O Father! if test, transeat a me calix it is possible, let this iste. * Spiritus quidem chalice pass from me. promptus est, caro au- * The spirit indeed is tern infirma. fiat volun- willing, but the flesh is tas tua. weak; thy will be done. V. Vigilate, et orate, V. Watch ye and ut non intretis in tenta- pray, that ye enter not tionern. * Spiritus qui- into temptation. * The dem, etc. spirit, etc. Then the Deacon sings the following Gospel, with the usual ceremonies: Sequentia Sancti Evan- A continuation of the gelii, secundum Mat- Holy Gospel, accordthaeum, cap. xxi. I-9. ing to St. Matthew, Xxi. I-9. N illo tempore: cum A T that time, when appropinquasset Je- Jesus drew nigh l/essing of the Palms. 51,us Jerosolymis, et ve- to Jerusalem, and was i"isset Bethphage ad come to Bethphage, unto montem Oliveti; tunc Mount Olivet; then he misit duos discipulos sent two disciples, saysuos, dicens eis: Ite ing to them: Go ye in castellum, quod con- into the village that is tra vos est, et statim in- over against you, and venietis asinam alliga- immediately ye will find tam, et pullum cum ea: an ass tied, and a colt.olvite, et adducite mihi; with her; loose them, et si quis vobis aliquid and bring them to me; dixerit, dicite, quia Do- and if any man shall say minus his opus habet, et anything to you, say ye confestim dimittet eos. that the Lord hath need Hoc autem totum fac- of them, and forthwith tum est, ut adimpleretur, he will let them go. quod dictum est per Now all this was done, prophetam dicentem: that the word might Dicite fili2e Sion: ecce, be fulfilled, which was rex tuus venit tibi man- spoken by the prophet, suetus, sedens super asi- saying: Tell ye the nam, et pullum filium daughter of Sion, bestubjugalis. Euntes au- hold thy king cometh to tem discipuli fecerunt, thee, meek, and sitting ticut prrecepit illis Je- upon an ass, and a colt, sus. Et adduxerunt the foal of her that is asinam et pullum; et pused to the yoke. And imposuerunt super eos the disciples going, did vestimenta sua, et eum as Jesus commanded desuper sedere fecerunt. them. And theybrought Plurima autem turba the ass and the colt, and straverunt vestimenta laid their garments upon sua in via; alii autem them, and made him sit 5a2, Patlm Sunday. caedebant ramos de ar- thereon. And a very boribus, et sternebant in great multitude spread via; turbae autem, quae their garments in the praecedebant, et quae se- way; and others cut quebantur, clamabant, down boughs from the dicentes: Hosanna filio trees, and strewed them David: benedictus, qui in the way; and the mulvenit in nomine Domi- titude that went before ni. and that followed, cried, saying: Hosanna to the Son of David! blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. The Blessing of the Palms. The Priest, standing at the corner of the Epistle, says. v. D OMINUS vo- V THE Lord be biscum. with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Oremus. Let us pray. Auge fidem in te spe- Increase, 0 God! the rantium, Deus, et sup- faith of them that hope plicum preces clementer in thee, and mercifully exaudi: veniat super nos hear the prayers of thy multiplex misericordia suppliants; let thy man. tua: benedicantur et hi ifold mercy come upon palmites palmarum, seu us, and let these branch. olivarum: et sicut in es of palm-trees, or olivefigura Ecclesiae multipli- trees, be blessed; and., casti Noe egredientem as in a figure of the de arca, et Moysen exe- Church, thou didst muluntem de /Egypto cum tiply, Noah going out filiis Israel; ita nos por- of the Ark, and Moses tantes palmas et ramos going out of Egypt with Blessing of the Patms. 53 olivarum, bonis acti- the children of Israel; bus occurramus obviam so let us, carrying palms Christo, et per ipsum and branches of olivein gaudium introeamus trees, go and meet Christ ~eternum: qui tecum vi- with good works, and vit et regnat in unitate enter through him into Spiritus Sancti Deus, per eternal joy: who with omnia saecula saeculo- thee and the Holy Ghost rum. liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with cuIm. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. V. Sursum corda. V. Lift up yourhearts. R. Habemus ad Do- R. We have them liftminum. ed up to the Lord. V. Gratias agamus V. Let us give thanks Domino Deo nostro. to the Lord our God. R. Dignum et justum R. It is meet and just. est. Vere dignum et jus- It is truly meet and tum est, aequum et salu- just, right and profitable tare, nos tibi semper et to salvation, that we ubique gratias agere; should at all times, and Domine sancte, Pater in all places, give thee omnipotens, aeterne De- thanks, O holy Lord, us: qui gloriaris in con- almighty Father, and silio Sanctorum tuorum. eternal God! who art Tibi enim serviunt crea- glorious in the assembly turae tuae, quia te solum of thy Saints. For thy auctorem et Deum cog- creatures serve thee, benoscunt: et omnis fac- cause they acknowledge 54 Palm/n SpSnday. tura tua te collaudat, et thee for their only Cre. benedicunt te sancti tui: ator and God. The quia illud magnum,Uni- whole creation praiseth geniti tui nomen coram thee, and thy Saints bless regibus et potestatibus thee; because they conhujus saeculi, libera voce fess with freedom before confitentur. Cui assis- the kings and powers tunt angeli et archan- of this world, the great geli, throni et domina- name of thy only begottiones; cumque omni ten Son: before whom militia coelestis exerci- the angels and archantus hymnum gloriae tuae gels, the thrones and concinunt, sine fine di- dominations stand, and, centes: with all the troops of the heavenly host, sing the hymn of thy glory, saying without ceasing: The Choir sings; SANCTUS, sanctus, H OLY, holy, holy sanctus Dominus is the Lord God Deus Sabaoth. Pleni of hosts! The heavens sunt coeli et terra gloria and the earth are full of tua. Hosanna in excel- thy glory. Hosanna in sis. Benedictus qui ve- the highest! Blessed is nit in nomine Domini: he that cometh in the Hosanna in excelsis. name of the Lord: HIosanna in the highest! Then the Priest says. vD OMINUS vo- V HE Lord be biscum. with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit Blesszin of the Palms. 55 Oremus. Let us pray. Petimus, Domine sanc- We beseech thee, 0 te, Pater omnipotens, holy Lord, almighty teterne Deus, ut hanc Father, eternal God! creaturam oliv2e, quam that thou wouldst be ex ligni materia prodire pleased to bless and jussisti, quamque co- sanctify these branches lumba rediens ad arcam which thou hast caused proprio pertulit ore, be- to spring from the olive, nedicere et sanctificare tree, and which the dove, digneris: ut quicumque returning to the ark, ex ea receperint, acci- brought in its bill; that piant sibi protectionem whoever receiveth it animae et corporis, fiat- may find protection of que, Domine, nostrae sa- soul and body; and that lutis remedium, et tuae it may prove, 0 Lord! gratime sacramentum. the remedy of our salvaPer Dominum, etc. tion, and a sacred sign of thy grace; through our Lord, etc. R. Amen. R. Amen. Oremus. Let us pray. Deus, qui dispersa 0 God! who gatherest congregas, et congregata what is dispersed and conservas; qui populis preservest what is gathobviam Jesu ramos por- ered: who didst bless tantibus benedixisti: be- the people that carried nedic etiam hos ramos boughs to meet Jesus; palme et olivxe, quos tui bless also these branches "amuli ad honorem no- of the Dalm-tree and St0 Palm Sunday. minis tui fideliter susci- olive-tree, which thy serpiunt; ut in quemcum- vants take with faith, for que locum introducti the honor of thy name, fuerint, tuam benedic- that into whatever place tionem habitatores loci they may be carried, the illius consequantur: et inhabitants of that place; omni adversitate effu- may obtain thy blessing; gata, dextera tua prote- and thy right hand pregat quos redemit Jesus serve from all adversity, Christus, Filius tuus, Do- and protect those that minus noster: qui tecum have been redeemed by rrgvit et regnat, etc. our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who liveth eid reigneth, etc. Oremus. Let us pray. Deus, qui miro dispo- 0 God! who by the sitionis ordine, ex rebus' wonderful order of thy etiam insensibilibus dis- providence wouldst even pensationem nostrae sa- in insensible things show lutis ostendere voluisti: us the manner of our da quaesumus, ut devota salvation, grant, we betuorum corda fidelium seech thee, that the de salubriter intelligant, vout hearts of thy faith.. quid mystice designet ful may savingly unin. facto, quod hodie derstand the mystical coelesti lumine efflata, meaning of that cereRedemptori obviam pro- mony, which the multicedens, palmarum atque tude performed, when olivarum ramos vestigiis by direction from heaejus turba substravit. ven, going this day to Palmarum igitur rami meet our Redeemer, they Blessing of the Palms. 57 de mortis principe tri- strewed under his feet umnphos expectant: sur- palm and olive branches culi vero olivarum spiri- -the palms represent tualem unctionem adve- his triumph over the nisse quodammodo cla- prince of death; and the mant. Intellexit enim olive-branches proclaim, jam tunc illa hominum in some manner, the beata multitudo proefi- spreading of a spiritual gurari, quia Redemptor unction. For that pious noster humanis condo- multitude knew even lens miseriis, pro totius then what was signified mundi vita cum mortis by them; that our Reprincipe esset pugnatu- deemer, compassionatrus, ac moriendo trium- ing the miseries of manphaturus. Et ideo talia kind, was to combat for obsequens administra- the life of the whole vit, quae in illo et trium- world with the prince of phos victoriae, et mise- death, and to triumph ricordiae pinguedinem over him by his own declararent. Quod nos death. Hence it was quoque plena fide, et they made use of such factum et significatum emblems as might deretinentes, te Domine clare both the triumph sancte, Pater omnipo- of his victory, and the tens, aeterne Deus, per riches of his mercy. We, eundem Dominum nos- also, with a firm faithx trum Jesum Christum retaining both the ceresuppliciter exoramus; mony and its significaut in ipso, atque per ip- tion, humbly beseech sum, cujus nos membra thee, O holy Lord, alfieri voluisti, de mortis mighty Father, eternal imperio victoriani repor- God! through the sam= tantes, ipsius glonrosae Lord, Jesus Christ; that 58 Palm Sunday. resurrectionis participes we, whom thou hast esse mereamur: qui te- made his members, gaincum vivit et regnat, etc. ing by him, and in him, a victory over the empire of death, may deserve to be partakers of his glorious resurrection; who liveth and reigneth with thee, etc. Oremus, Let us pray. Deus, qui per olive O God! who by an ramum pacem terris co- olive branch didst coni lumbam nuntiare jussis- mand the dove to pro. ti: praesta, quaesumus, ut claim peace to the world; hos olivae, caeterarumque grant us, we beseech arborum ramos, ccelesti thee, thy grace to sancbenedictione sanctifices, tify by thy heavenly be ut cuncto populo tuo nediction these branches proficiant ad salutem. ot the olive and other Per Christum Dominum trees; that they may be nostrum, serviceable to all thy people for their salvation; through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. R. Ame'n. Oremus. Let us pray. Benedic, quaesumus Bless, O Lord! we beDomine, hos palmarum seech thee, these branchseu olivarum ramos: et es of the palm-tree or praesta, ut quod populus olive-tree; and grant tuus in tui venerationem that what thy people hodierna die corporali- this day corporally perter aait. hoc sDiritualiter form for the honor of Blesszng of the Palms. 59 sumlma devotione perfi- thy name, they may with ciat, de hoste victoriam the greatest devotion reportando, et opus mi- spiritually accomplish, sericordiae summopere by gaining a victory diligendo. Per Domi-'over their enemy, and num nostrum, etc. ardently loving works of mercy; through our Lord, etc, The Priest s$hrinkles the Palms with Holy Water, and fumes them with Incense, and says: V.D OMINUS vo- V.T H E Lord be biscum. with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Oremus. Let us pray. Deus, qui Filium tuum 0 God! who for our Jesum Christum, Domi- salvation didst send into num nostrum, pro salute this world thy Son, Jesus nostra in hunc mundum Christ, our Lord, that misisti, ut se humiliaret humbling himself to our ad nos, et nos revocaret condition he might re.. ad te: cui etiam, dum call us to thee: who, Jerusalem veniret, ut also, as he was going to adimpleret Scripturas, Jerusalem to fulfil the credentium populorum Scriptures, was met by turba, fidelissima devo- a multitude of faithful tione vestimenta sua people, with zealous decum ramis palmarum in votion, spreading their via sternebant: prxesta, garments together with quaesumus, ut illi fidei branches of palm-trees viam preparemus. de in his path; grant, we qua remoto lapide ofTen- beseech thee, that we sionis et petra scandali, may prepare him the 6o Parhn Sunday. frondeant apud te opera way of faith from which. nostra justitiae ramis; ut the stone of offence and ejus vestigia sequi mere- the rock of scandal amur: qui tecum vivit being removed, our acet regnat, etc. tions may flourish with branches of justice, so that we may be able to follow his steps; who liveth and reigneth, etc. The Palme being blessed, they are distributed by the Priest to thk clergy, and to the laity. The Palms are received kneeling. The receiver kisses the Palm and the Priest's hand. During the distributzion thefollowingA ntijihons are sung: n. p UERI Hebrae- Ant HE Hebrew Antt orum portan-. children cartes ramos olivarum ob- ryingolive-branches met viaverunt Domino, cla- our Lord, crying out, mantes et dicentes: Ho- and saying: Hosanna in sanna in excelsis. the highest. Alia Ant. Pueri He- Another Ant. The Hebrxeorum vestimenta brew children spread prosternebant in via, et their garments in the clamabant dicentes: way, and cried out, sayIiosanna filio David: ing: Hosanna to the Son benedictus qui venit in of David! blessed is he nomine Domini. that cometh in the name of the Lord. Then the Priest says: DV OMINUS vo- vT. HE Lord be biscum. with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Blessing of the Palms. 6i Oremus. Let us pray. Omnipotens sempiter- Omnipotent and eter. ne Deus, qui Dominum nal God! who wouldst nostrum Jesum Chris- have our Lord, Jesus tumrn super pullum asinae Christ, ride on the colt sedere fecisti, et turbas of an ass, and didst inpopulorum vestimenta, spire crowds of people vel ramos arborum in to spread their garments, via sternere, et Hosanna or the branches of trees, decantare in laudem ip- in his way, and to sing sills docuisti: da, quxe- Hosanna in his praise; sumus, ut illorum inno- grant, we beseech thee, centiam imitari possi- that we may imitate their mIs, et eorum meritum innocence, and deserve coxnsequi mereamur. Per to partake of their merit; eundem Christum Do- through the same Christ minum nostrum. our Lord. R. Amen. R. Amen. ftext follows the procession. First the Priest puts incense in tha censer, and the Deacon, turning to the people, says: V. ROCEDAMUS V LET us go in in pace. peace. R. In nomine Christi. R. In the name of Amen. Christ. Amen. Ih.e Thurifer walks first with the censer smoking; then the SubDeacon, with the Cross, between two Acolytes with. their candseJ burning; next the Clergy in order; and last 9f all the Priest w~tkt the Deacon at his left, all bearing Palms in their hands, During the irocession, thefollowing Anthems are sung: Ant. C UM appropin- Ant. X d HEN the quaret Do- Lord &rew 62 Palm Sunday. minus Jerosolymam,mi- nigh to Jerusalem, he sit duos ex discipulis sent two of his discisuis, dicens: Ite in cas- ples, saying- Go ye into tellum quod contra vos the village that is over est, et invenietis pullum against you, and you asinae alligatum, super shall find the colt of an quem nullus hominum ass tied, on which no sedit: solvite, et addu- man hath ever sat; loose cite mihi. Si quis vos him and bring him to interrogaverit, dicite: me. If any man shall Opus Domino est. Sol- ask you: Why do you ventes adduxerunt ad loose him? you shall say Jesum; et imposuerunt thus unto him: Because illi vestinmenta sua, et the Lord hath need of sedit super eum: alii his service. They loosexpandebant vestimenta ing him brought him to sua in via: alii ramos Jesus, and laid their garde arboribus sternebant: ments on him, and he et qui sequebantur, cla- seated himself upon him. mabant: Hosanna, be- Some spread their gar.. nedictus qui venit in ments in the way; others nomine Domini: bene- strewed branches, cut dictum regnum patris from trees; and they nostri David: Hosanna that followed cried out: in excelsis: miserere Hosanna! blessed is he nobis, Fili David. that comes in the name of our Lord! blessed is the kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest! have mercy on us, 0 Son of David! Alia Ant. Cum audis- Another Ani. Wher Blessing of the Palms. 63 set populus, quia Jesus the people heard that venit Jerosolymam, ac- Jesus was coming to Jeceperunt ramos palma- rusalem, they took palmrum, et exierunt ei ob- branches and went out viam, et clamabant pu- to meet him; and the eri, dicentes: Hic est children cried out, sayqui venturus est in sa- ing: This is he that is lutem populi. Hic est to come for the salvasalus nostra, et redemp- tion of the people. He tio Israel. Quantus est is our salvation, and the iste, cui throni et do- redemption of Israel. tninationes occurrunt? How great is he, whom Noli timere, filia Sion: the thrones and domiecce Rex tuus venit tibi nations go out to meet? sedens super pullum asi- Fear not, O daughter of nae, sicut scriptum est. Sion! behold thy King Salve, Rex, fabricator cometh to thee sitting mundi, qui venisti redi- on an ass's colt; as it is mere nos. written. Hail, O King, the Creator of the world, who art come to redeem us! Alia Ant. Ante sex Another Ant. Six days dies solemnis paschae, before the solemnity of quando venit Dominus the passover, when the in civitatem Jerosoly- Lord was coming into man, occurrerunt ei pu- the city of Jerusalem, the eri; et in manibusporta- children met him, and bantramospalmarum; et carried palm-branches clamabant voce magna, in their hands; and they dicentes: Hosanna in cried with a loud voice, excelsis: benedictus qui saying, Hosanna in the venisti in multitudine highest! blessed art 64 Palm Sun day. misericordiae tuae: Ho- thou, who art come Lr, sanna in excelsis. the multitude of thy mercy! Hosanna in the highest! Azia.nt. Occurrunt Anot/erAnt. The multurbae cum floribus et titude go out to meet palmis Redemptori ob- the Redeemer with flcwviam, et victori trium- ers and palms, and pay phans digna dant obse- the homage due to a quia: Filium Dei ore triumphant conqueror: gentes prxdicant; et in nations proclaim the Son laudem Christi voces of God; and their voices tonant per nubila; Ho- rend the skies in the sanna in excelsis. praise of Christ: Hosanna in the highest! Aiia Ait. Cum ange- Ano,/zer Ant. Let us lis et pueris fideles in- faithfully join the anveniamur, triumphatori gels and children, singmortis clamantes: Ho- ing to the conqueror of sanna in excelsis. death: Hosanna in the highest! Alia Ani. Turba mul- Anolher Ant. A great ta qure convenerat ad multitude, which had diem festum, clamabat assembled for the festi. Domino: Benedictus qui val, cried out to the. venit in nomine Domini: Lord: Blessed is he that Hosanna in excelsis. cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! Blessing of the Palms. 65 at the return of the Irocession, two or four singers go into the Churcdh, and, shutting the door, stand with their faces toward. the procession, singing the two first verses, Gloria, laus, which are regeated by the Priest, and the others without the Church. Then. they that are within sing the other following verses, and they that are without, at every second verse, answer Gloria, laus, etc. LORIA. laus, et T O thee, O Christ! honor tibi sit, I be glory, praises rex Christe, redemap- loud: tor: Cuipuerile decus promp- To thee, Hosanna, cried sit Hosanna pium. the Jewish crowd. R. Gloria, etc. R. To thee, etc. Israel es tu rex, Davidis We Israel's monarch, Daet inclita proles: vid's Son proclaim: Nomine qui in Domini, Thou com'st, blest king! rex, benedicte, venis. in God's most holy name. R. Gloria, etc. R. To thee, etc. Coetus in excelsis te lau- Angels and men, in one dat ccelicus omnis, harmonious choir, Et mortalis homo, et To sing thy everlasting cuncta creata simul. praise conspire. R. Gloria, etc. R. To thee, etc. Plebs Hebroea tibi cum Thee Israel's children palmis obvia venit. met with conquering palms: Cum prece, voto, hym- To theeour vows we pay nis adsumus ecce tibi. in loudest psalms. R. Gloria, etc. R. To thee, etc. Hi tibi passuro solvebant For thee, on earth, with munia laudis: boughs they strewed the ways: 66 Palm Sunday. Nos tibi regnanti pangi- To thee, in heaven, we nius ecce melos. sing melodious praise. R. Gloria, etc. R. To thee, etc. Hi placuere tibi: pla- Accept this tribute which ceat devotio nostra, to thee we bring, Rex bene, rex clemens, As thou didst theirs, 0 cui bona cuncta pla- good and gracious cent. king! R Gloria, etc. R. To thee, etc. After this, the Subdeacon knocks at the door with the foot of the Cross, whick being oiened, the procession goes into the Church singing: R. I ~NGREDIENTE.R A S our Lord enDomino in sanc- Lt, tered the holy tam civitatem, Hebrae- city, the Hebrew chilorum pueri resurrec- dren declaring the retionem vitae pronuntian- surrection of life: * with tes: * cum ramis palma- palm-branches, cried rum Hosanna clamabant out, Hosanna in the in excelsis.. highest! V. Cum audisset po- V. When the people pulus, quod Jesus veniret heard that Jesus was Jerosolymam, exierunt coming to Jerusalem, obviam ei: * cum ramis, they went out to meet etc. him, and * with palmbranches, etc. At Mass, all hold the Palms in their hands during the reading ov ringineg of the Passion. THE MASS. RTh Priest begins the Mass at the foot of the.Altar, as atftaj i;,, to Peccata mea, fi. 17. THE INTROIT. D OMINE, ne longe LORD! remove facias auxilium'J not thy help to tuum a me: ad defen- adistance from me; look sionem meam aspice: towards my defence; libera me de ore leonis, save me from the lion's et a cornibus unicorni- mouth, and my lowness um humilitatem meam. from the horns of the unicorns. Psal. Deus, Deus me- The Psalm. 0 God, us, respice in me, quare my God! look on me, me dereliquisti? longe a why hast thou forsaken salute mea verba delic- me? Far from my saltorum meorum. Domi- vation are the word. of ne, ne longe, etc. my sins. 0 Lord! remove not, etc. Kyrie, Gloria, Dominus vobiscum,,pfi. x7-x9. THE COLLECT. Oremus. Let us pray. MNIPOTENS ALMIGHTY and sempiterne Deus, -t everlasting God! qui humano generi ad who didst vouchsafe to imitandum humilitatis send thy Son, our Savexemplum, Salvatorem iour, to take upon him nostrum carnem sumere. our flesh, and to suffer 67 68 Palm Sunday. et crucem subire fecisti: death upon the cross, to concede propitius, ut et give mankind an exampatientime ipsius habere ple of humility; mercidocumenta, et resurrec- fully grant that we may tionis consortia merea- both follow the example tour. Per eundem, etc. of his patience, and be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, etc. THE EPISTLE. Lectio Epistolae beati The Lesson from the Pauli Apostoli ad Phi- Epistle of St. Paul, the lippenses, cap. ii. 5- Apostle, to the PhilipiI. pians, chap. ii. 5-I I. FRATRES, hoc RETHREN, let _ enim sentite in this mind be in vobis, quod et in Christo you, which was also in Jesu: qui cum in forma Christ Jesus; who being Dei esset, non rapinam in the form of God, arbitratus est esse se thought it no robbery aequalem Deo; sed seme- himself to be equal to tipsum exinanivit, for- God; but debased himmam servi accipiens, in self, taking the form of similitudinem hominum a servant, being made factus, et habitu inven- to the likeness of men, tus ut homo. Humilia- and in shape found as a vit semetipsum, factus man. He humbled himobediens usque ad mor- self, becoming obedient tem, mortem autem cru- unto death, even the cis. Propter quod et death of the cross. Mass. 69 Deus exaltavit ilium; et Wherefore, God also donavit illi nomen, quod hath exalted him, and est super omne nomen hath given him a name, [hic genuflectitur]: ut in which is above every nomine Jesu omne genu name [here kneel down]: flectatur ccelestium, ter- that in the name of Jerestrium, et infernorum; sus every knee should et omnis lingua confite- bow, of those that are atur, quia Dominus Je- in heaven, on earth, and sus Christus in gloria est under the earth; and Dei Patris. that every tongue should confess that the Lord, Jesus Christ, is in the glory of God the Father. THE GRADUAL. TENUISTI manum THOU hast held me dexteram meam, by my right hand; et in voluntate tua de- and by thy will thou duxisti me, et cum gloria. hast conducted me; and assumpsisti me. with glory thou hast received me. V. Quam bonus Israel V. How good is God Deus rectis corde! mei to Israel, to them that autem pene moti sunt are of a right heart! pedes, pene effusi sunt but my feet were almost gressus mei: quia zelavi moved, my steps had in peccatoribus, pacem well-nigh slipped, bepeccatorum videns. cause I had a zeal on occasion of the wicked, seeing the prosperity of sinners. 70 Palm Sunday. THE TRACT. D EUS, Deus meus, GOD, my God. respice in me: look on me: why quare me dereliquisti? hast thou forsaken me? V. Longe a salute mea V. Far from my salverba delictorum meo- vation are the words of rum. my sins. V. Deus meus, clama- V. 0 my God! I shall bo per diem, nec exau- cry by day, and thou dies; in nocte, et non wilt not hear; and by ad insipientiam mihi. night, and it shall not be reputed as folly in me. V. Tu autem in sanc- V. But thou dwellest to habitas, laus Israel. in the holy place, the praise of Israel. V. In te speraverunt V. In thee have our patres nostri: sperave- fathers hoped; they have runt, et liberasti eos. hoped, and thou hast delivered them. V. Ad te clamaverunt, V. They cried to thee, et salvi facti sunt: in te -and they were saved; speraverunt, et non sunt they trusted in thee, and confusi. were not confounded. V. Ego autern sum V. But I am a worm, vermis, et non homo: and no man; the reopprobrium hominum, proach of men, and the et abjectio plebis. outcast of the people. V. Omnes qui vide- V. All they that saw bant me, aspernabantur me, have laughed me to me: locuti sunt labiis, scorn; they have spoken et moverunt cuput. with the lips, and wagged the head. V. Speravit in Domi- V. He hoped in the Mass. t' no, eripiat eum: salvum Lord, let him deliver faciat eum, quoniam vult him; let him save him, eum. seeing he delighteth in him. V. Ipsi vero conside- V. And they have raverunt, et conspexe- looked and stared:upon runt me: diviserunt sibi me: they parted my garvestimenta mea, et super ments amongst them, vestem meam miserunt and upon my vesture sortem. they cast lots. V. Libera me de ore V. Save me from the leonis, et a cornibus lion's mouth; and my unicornium humilitateul lowness from the horns meam. of the unicorns. V. Qui timetis Domi- V. Ye that fear the num, laudate eum: uni- Lord, praise him: all ye versum semen Jacob the seed of Jacob, glorify magnificate eum. him. V. Annuntiabitur Do- V. There shall be demino generatio ventura, dared to the Lord, a et annuntiabunt cceli generation to come: and justitiam ejus. the heavens shall show forth his justice. Y. Populo qui rasce- V. To a people that tur, quem fecit Domi- shall be born, which the nus. Lord hath made. Passio Domini nostri The passion of our Lord Jesu Christi, secun- Jesus Christ, accorddum Matthaeum, cap. ing to St. Matthew, xxvi., xxvii. zhap. xxvi., xxvii. N illo tempore: Dix- AT that time, Jeson it Jesus discipulis said to his discao 72 Palm Sunday. suis: Scitis, quia post pies You know that biduum pascha fiet, et after two days shall be Filius hominis tradetur, the pasch, and the Son ut crucifigatur. Tunc of Man shall be delivcongregati sunt princi- ered up to be crucified. pes sacerdotum, et seni- Then were gathered toores populi in atrium gether the chief priests, principis sacerdotum, and the ancients of the qui dicebatur Caiphas: people, into the palace et concilium fecerunt, ut of the high priest, who Jesum dolo tenerent, et was called Caiphas. And:cciderent. Dicebant they consulted together, autem: Non in die festo, that, by subtilty, they ne forte tumultus fieret might apprehend Jesus in populo. Cum autem and put him to death. esset Jesus in Bethania But they said: Not on in domo Simonis leprosi, the festival day, lest accessit ad eum mulier there should be a tumult habens alabastrum un- among the people. And guenti pretiosi, et effudit when Jesus was in Besuper caput ipsius re- thania, in the house of cumbentis. Videntes Simon the leper, there autem discipuli, indig- came to him a woman nati sunt, dicentes: Ut having an alabaster-box quid perditio hec? po- of precious ointment, tuit enim istud venum- and poured it on his dari multo, et dari pau- head, as he was at table peribus. Sciens autem And the disciples seeing jesus, ait illis: Quid it, had indignation, say. molesti estis huic mu- ing: To what purpose lieri? opus enim bonum is this waste? For this operata est in me. Nam might have been sold fo; semper pauperes habetis much, and. given to the .Mass 73 vobiscum, me autem non poor. And Jesus knowsemper habetis. Mittens ing it, said to them: enim hzec unguentum Why do you trouble this hoc in corpus meum, ad woman? for she hath sepeliendum me fecit. wrought a good work Amen dico vobis, ubi- upon me. For the poor cumque predicatum fu- you have always with erit hoc evangelium in you: but me you have toto mundo, dicetur et not always. For she, in quod haec fecit in memo- pouring this ointment riam ejus. Tunc abiit upon my body, hath unus de duodecim, qui done it for my burial. dicebatur Judas Iscari- Amen, I say to you, otes, ad principes sacer- wheresoever this gospel dotum, et ait illis: Quid shall be preached in the vultis mihi dare, et ego whole world, that also vobis eum tradam? At which she hath done illi constituerunt ei try- shall be told for a memginta argenteos. Et ex- ory of her. Then went inde quxerebat opportu- one of the twelve, who nitatem ut eum traderet. was called Judas Iscariot, to the chief priests, and said to them: What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you? But they appointed for him thirty pieces of silver. And from thenceforth he sought opportunity to betray him. Prima autem die Azy- And on the first day morum, accesserunt di.-o of the Azymes, the discl 74 Pal,, Sunday. cipuli ad Jesum, dicen- ples came to Jesus, say. tes: Ubi vis paremus ing: Where wilt thou tibi comedere pascha? that we prepare for thee At Jesus dixit: Ite in to eat the pasch? But civitatem ad quemdam, Jesus said: Go ye into et dicite ei: Magister the city to a certain man, dicit: Tempus meum and say to him: The prope est, apud te facio master saith, My time is pascha cum discipulis nearat hand; I will keep meis. Et fecerunt dis- the pasch at thy house cipuli, sicut constituit with my disciples. And illis Jesus, et paraverunt the disciples did as Jesus pascha. Vespere autem had appointed them, and facto, discumbebat cum they prepared the pasch. duodecim discipulis su- Now when it was evenis. Et edentibus illis, ing, he sat down with his dixit: Amen dico vobis, twelve disciples. And quia unus vestrum me whilst they were eating, traditurus est. Et con- he said: Amen, I say to tristati valde, coeperunt you, that one of you is singuli dicere: Num- about to betray me. And quid ego sum, Domine? they being very much At ipse respondens, ait: troubled, began every Qui intingit mecum ma- one to say: Is it I, Lord? num in paropside, hic But he answering, said: me tradet. fFilius qui- He that dippeth hishand dem hominis vadit, sicut with me in the dish, the scrTptum est de illo: vae same shall betray me. autem homini illi, per The Son of Man indeed quem Filius hominis tra- goeth as it is written of detur; bonum erat ei, si him; butwoe to thatman natus non fuisset horno by whom the Son of Man ille. Respondens au- shall be betrayed: it Mass. 75 tern Judas, qui tradidit were better for that man eum, dixit: Numquid if he had not been born. ego sum, Rabbi? Ait And Judas that betrayed illi: Tu dixisti. Coe- him, answering, said: Is nantibus autem eis, ac- it I, Rabbi? He said to cepit Jesum panem, et him: Thou hast said it. benedixit, ac fregit, de- And whilst they were at ditque discipulis suis, et supper, Jesus took bread, ait: Accipite, et come- and blessed and broke, dite: hoc est corpus me- and gave to his discium. Et accipiens cali- ples, and said: Take ye cem, gratias egit, et dedit and eat: this is my illis, dicens: Bibite ex body. And taking the hoc omnes. Hic est chalice he gave thanks: enim sanguis meus novi and gave to them, saytestamenti, qui pro mul- ing: Drink ye all of tis effundetur in remis- this. For this is my sionem peccatgrum. Di- blood oi the New Tesco autem vobis: non tament, which shall be bibam amodo de hoc shed for many for the genimine vitis, usque in remission of sins. And diem illum, cum illud I say to you, I will not bibam vobiscum novum drink from henceforth in regno Patris mei. Et of the fruit of the vine, hymno dicto, exierunt until that day when I in montem Oliveti. shall drink it new with you in the kingdom of my Father. And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to Mount Olivet. Tunc dicit illis Jesus: Then Jesus saith to Omnes vos scandalum them: All you shall be 76 Palm Sunday. patiemini in me, in ista scandalized in me thi= nocte. Scriptum est night. For itis written. enim: Percutiam pas- I will strike the sheptorem, et dispergentur herd, and ghe sheep of oves gregis. Postquam the flock shall be disautem resurrexero, prae- persed. But after I shall cedam vos in Galilaeam. be risen again, I will go Respondens autem Pe- before you into Galilee. trus, ait illi: Etsi omnes And Peter answering, scandalizati fuerint in said to him: Though all te, ego nunquam scan- shall be scandalized in dalizabor. Ait illi Jesus: thee, I will never be Amen dico tibi, quia in scandalized. Jesus said hac nocte, antequam to him: Amen I say to gallus cantet, ter me ne- thee, that in this night, gabis. Ait illi Petrus: before the cock crow, Etiamsi opportuerit me thou wilt deny me thrice. mori tecum, non te ne- Peter sash to him: gabo. Similiter et om- Though I should die nes discipuli dixerunt. with thee, I will not deny Tunc venit Jesus cum thee. And in like manillis in villam, qu2e dici- ner said all the disciples. tur Gethsemani, et dixit Then Jesus came with discipulis suis: Sedete them to a country place hic, donec vadam illuc, w'iich is called Gethse.. et orem. Et assumpto mani, and he said to his Petro, et duobus filiis disciples: Sit you here, Zebedaei, coepit contris- till I go yonder and pray. tari et mcestus esse. And taking with him PeTunc ait illis: Tristis ter and the two sons ot est anima mea usque ad Zebedee, he began to mortemn: sustinete hic, grow sorrowful and to et vigila'e mecum. Et le sad. Then he saith Mass. 77 progressuspusillum,pro- to them: My soul is sor. cidit in faciem suam, rowful even unto death; orans et dicens: Pater stay you here, and watch mi, si possibile est, tran- with me. And going a seat a me calix iste: ve- little further he fell upon rumtamen non sicut ego his face, praying, and volo, sed sicut tu. Et saying: O my Father! venit ad discipulos suos, if it is possible, let this et invenit eos dormien- chalice pass from me. tes, et dicit Petro: Sic Nevertheless not as I non potuistis una hora will but as thou wilt. vigilare mecum? Vigi- And he cometh to his late, et orate ut non in- disciples, and findeth tretis in tentationem. them asleep; and he Spiritus quidern promp- saith to Peter: What! tus est, caro autem in- could you not watch one firlna. Iteruin secundo hour with me? Watch ab.iit, et oravit, dicens: ye, and pray that ye enPater mi, si non potest ter not into temptation. hic calix transire nisi bi- The spirit indeed is bam illum, fiat voluntas willing, but the flesh is tua. Et venit iterum, weak. Again he went et invenit eos dormien- the second time, and tes: erant enim oculi prayed, saying: O my eorum gravati. Et re- Father! if this chalice lictis illis, iterum abiit, cannot pass away except et oravit tertio, eundem I drink it, thy will be sermonemdicens. Tunc done. And he cometh venit ad discipulos suos, again, and findeth them et dicit illis: Dormite asleep; for their eyes jam, et requiescite: ecce were heavy. And leavappropinquavit hora, et ing them, he went away Filius hominis tradetur again. and he prayed the 7P fPalmt Sunday. in manus peccatorum. third time, saying the Surgite, eamus: ecce same words. Then lhe appropinquavit qui me cometh to his disciples, ~radet. and saith to then!: Sleep on now, and take your rest; behold the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us go; behold, he is at hand that will betray me. Adhuc eo loquente, As he yet spoke, Deecce Judas unus de duo- hold, Judas, one of the decim venit, et cum eo twelve, came, and with turba multa cum gladiis him a great multitude tt fustibus, missi a prin- with swords and clubs, cipibus sacerdotum, et sent from the chief senioribus populi. Qui priests, and the ancients autem tradidit eum, de- of the people. And he dit illis signum, dicens: that betrayed him, gave Quemcumque osculatus them a sign, saying: fuero, ipse est, tenete Whomsoever I shall kiss, eum. Et confestim ac- that is he: hold him fast, cedens ad Jesum, dixit: And forthwith coming Ave Rabbi, et osculatus to Jesus, he said: Hail, est eum. Dixitque illi Rabbi! And he kissed Jesus: Amice, ad quid him. And Jesus said to venisti? Tunc accesse him: Friend, whereto runt, et manus injece- art thou come? Then runt in Jesurn, et tenue- they came up and laid runt eum. Et ecce unus hands on Jesus and held ex his qui erant cum him. And behold on., Mass. 79 lesu, extendens manum, of the_ l that were with exemit gladium suum, et Jesus, stretching forth percutiens servum prin- his hand, drew out his ripis sacerdotum, ampu- sword; and striking the lavit auriculam ejus. servant of the high priest, runc ait illi Jesus: cut off his ear. Then Converte gladium tuum Jesus saith to him: Put in locum suum: omnes up again thy sword into enim, qui acceperint its place: for all that take gladium, gladio peri- the sword shall perish by bunt. An putas, quia the sword. Thinkest non possum rogare pa- thou that I cannot ask trem meum, et exhibebit my Father, and he will mihi modo plusquam give me presently more duodecim legiones An- than twelve legions of gelorum? Quomodo angels? How then shall ergo implebuntur scrip- the scriptures be fulturge, quia sic oportet filled, that so it must be fieri? In illa hora dixit done? In that same Jesus turbis: Tanquam hour Jesus said to the ad latronem existis cum multitude: You are come gladiis' et fustibus corn- out as against a robber prehendere me: quoti- with swords and clubs die apud vos sedebam to apprehend me. I sat docens in templo, et non daily with you teaching me tenuistis. Hoc au- in the temple, and you teni totum factum est, ut laid not hands on me. adimplerentur scripturae Now all this was done, prophetarum. Tunc dis- that the scriptures of cipuli omnes, relicto eo, the prophets might be fugerunt. fulfilled. Then the disciples all leaving him, fled away 8o Palm Sunday. At illi tenentes Jesum But they holding Je. duxerunt ad Caipham, sus, led him to Caiphas. principem sacerdotum, the high priest, where the ubi scribae et seniores scribes and the ancients convenerant. Petrus were assembled. But autem sequebatur eum Peter followed him afar a longe, usque in atrium off to the high priest's I)rincipis sacerdotum. palace. And going in, Et ingressus intro, sede- he sat with the servants, bat cum ministris, ut vi- to see the end. Now deret finem. Principes the chief priests and autem sacerdotum, et whole council sought omne concilium, quaere- false witness against Jebant falsum testimonium sus that they might put contra Jesum, ut eum him to death: and they morti traderent: et non found not, though many invenerunt, cum multi false witnesses had come falsi testes accessissent. in. And last of all, there Novissime autem vene- came two false witnesses. runt duo falsi testes, et And they said: This dixerunt: Hic dixit: man said, I am able to Possum destruere tem- destroy the temple of plum Dei, et post tridu- God, and in three days um revedificare illud. Et to rebuild it. And the surgens princeps sacer- high priest rising up, dotum, ait illi. Nihil said to him: Answerest respondes ad ea, quae isti thou nothing to the adversum te testifican- things which these wittur? Jesus autem tace- ness against thee. But bat. Et princeps sacer- Jesus held his peace. dotum ait illi: Adiuro And the high priest said te per Deum vivum, ut to him: I adjure thee by dicas nobis si tu es the living God. that thor M1fass. 8I Christus, filius Dei. Di- tell us if thou be the cit illi Jesus: Tu dixisti. Christ, the Son of God. Verumtamen dicc, vobis, Jesus saith to him: Thou amodo videbitis I ilium hast said it. Neverthehominis sedentem a dex- less I say to you, heretrix virtutis Dei, et veni- after you shall see the entem in nubibus coeli. Son of Man, sitting on Tunc princeps sacerdo- the right hand of the turn scidit vestimenta power of God, and comsua, dicens: Blasphema- ing in the clouds of vit: quid adhuc egemus heaven. Then the high testibus? ecce nunc priest rent his garments, audistis blasphemiam: saying: He hath blasquid vobis videtur? At phemed, what further illi respondentes dixe- need have we of witrunt: Reus est mortis. nesses? Behold, now Tunc expuerunt in faci- you have heard the blasem ejus, et colaphis eum phemy. What think ceciderunt, alii autem you? But they answerpalrnas in faciem ejus ing, said: He is guilty dederunt, dicentes: Pro- of death. Then they phetiza nobis Christe, spit in his face, and bufquis est qui te percussit? feted him, and others Petrus vero sedebat foris struck his face with the in atrio: et accessit ad palms of their hands, eum una ancilla, dicens: saying: Prophesy unto Et tu cum Jesu Galilaeo us, O Christ! who is he eras. At ille negavit that struck thee? But corarn omnibus, dicens: Peter sat without in the Nescio quid dicis. Ex- palace, and there came eunteautem illo januam, to him a servant maid, vidit eum alia ancilla, et saying: Thou also wast ~ait his qui erant ibi: Et with Jesus the Galilean 82 Palm Sunday. hic erat cum Jesu Naza- But he denied before reno. Et iterum nega- them all, saying: I know vit cum juramento: not what thou sayest. Quia non novi homi- And as he went out of nem. Et post pusillum the gate, another maid accesserunt qui stabant, saw him, and she saith et dixerunt Petro: Vere to them that were there et tu ex illis es; nam et This man also was with (oquela tua manifestum Jesusof Nazareth. And te facit. Tunc coepit again he denied with an detestari, et jurare quia oath: do not know non novisset hominem. the man. And after a Et continuo gallus can- little while they that tavit. Et recordatus est stood by came and said Petrus verbi Jesu, quod to Peter: Surely thou dixertt: Priusquam gal- also art one of them;.us cantet, ter me nega- for even thy speech doth bis. Et egressuc foras, discover thee. Then he flevit amare. began to curse and to swear that he knew not the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the word of Jesus which he had said: Before the cock crow, thou wilt deny me thrice. And going forth, he wept bitt terly. Mane autem facto, And when the mornconsilium inierunt om- ing was come, all the nes principes sacerdo- chief priests and ancients tum et seniores populi of the people held a Mass. 83 adversus Jesum, ut eum council against Jesus, to morti traderent. Et put him to death. And vinctum adduxerunt they brought him bound, eum, et tradiderunt and delivered him to Pontio Pilato praesidi. Pontius Pilate, the govTunc videns Judas, qui ernor. Then Judas, eum tradidit, quod dam- who betrayed him, seenatus esset, pcenitentia ing that he was conductus, retulit triginta demned, repenting himargenteos principibus self, brought back the sacerdotum, et seniori- thirty pieces of silver bus, dicens: Peccavi tra- to the chief priests and dens sanguinem justum: the ancients, saying: I At illi dixerunt: Quid have sinned, in betrayad nos? Tu videris. ing innocent blood. E-t projectis argenteis in But they said: What is templo, recessit; et abi- that to us? look thou to ens, laqueo se suspendit. it. And casting down Principes autem sacer- the pieces of silver in dotum, acceptis argen- the temple, he departed: teis, dixerunt: Non licet and went and hanged eos mittere in corbonam, himself with a halter. quia pretium sanguinis But the chief priests est. Consilio autem having taken the pieces inito, emerunt ex illis of silver, said: It is not agrum figuli, in sepul- lawful to put them into turam peregrinorum the corbona, because it Propter hoc vocatus est is the price of blood. ager ille, Haceldama, And having consulted hoc est, ager sanguinis, together, they bought usque in hodiernum with them the potter's diem. Tunc impletum field, to be a buryingest, quod dictum est per place for strangers. 84 Palmn Sunday. Jeremiam Prophetam, Wherefore that field was dicentem: Et accepe- called Haceldama, that runt triginta argenteos is, the field of blood, even pretium appretiati,quem to this day. Then was appretiaverunt a filiis fulfilled that which was Israel, et dederunt eos in spoken by Jeremias the agrum figuli, sicut con- prophet, saying: And stituit mihi Dominus. they took the thirty Jesus autem stetit ante pieces of silver, the price preesidem, et interroga- of him that was valued, vit eum prxases, dicens: whom they prized of the Tu es rex Judaorum. children of Israel. And Dicit illi Jesus: Tu di- they gave them unto the cis. Et cum accusare- potter's field, as the tur a principibus sacer- Lord appointed to me. dotum, et senioribus, And Jesus stood before nihil respondit. Tunc the governor, and the dicit illi Pilatus: Non governor asked him, sayaudis quanta adversum ing: Art thou the king te dicunt testimonia? of the Jews? Jesus saith Et non respondit ei ad to him: Thou sayest it, ullum verbum, ita ut And when he was acmiraretur prases vebe- cused by the chief priests menter. and ancients, he answered nothing. Then Pilate saith to him: Dost thou not hear how great testimonies they allege against thee? And he answered him not to any word: so that the governor won. dered exceedingly. Mass. 85 Per diem autem solem- Now upon the solemn nem consueverat pro- day the governor was ses populo dimittere accustomed to release to unumn vinctum, quem the people one prisoner, voluissent. Habebat au- whom they would. And tern tunc vinctum insig- he had then a notorious nem, qui dicebatur Ba- prisoner, that was called rabbas. Congregatis er- Barabbas. They, therego illis, dixit Pilatus: fore, being gathered Quem vultis dimittam together, Pilate said: vobis: Barabbam, an Je- Whom will you that I sum, qui dicitur Chris- release to you, Barabbas, tus? Sciebat enim quod or Jesus, who is called per invidiam tradidis- Christ? For he knew sent eum. Sedente au- that through envy they tern illo pro tribunali, had delivered him up. misit ad eum uxor ejus, And as he was sitting on dicens: Nihil tibi, et the judgment-seat, his justo illi; multa enim wife sent to him, saying: passa sum hodie per vi- Have thou nothing to do sum propter eum. Prin- with that just man. For cipes autem sacerdotum, I have suffered many et seniores persuaserunt things this day in a populis ut peterent Ba- dream on account of rabbam, Jesum vero per- him. But the chief derent. Respondens au- priests and ancients pertem proeses, ait illis: suaded the people, that Quem vultis vobis de they should ask Barabduobus dimitti? At illi bas, and make Jesus dixerunt: Barabbam. away. And the goverDicit illis Pilatus: Quid nor answering, said to igitur faciam de Jesu, them: Which will you qui dicitur Christ;.? have of the two to be 36 Palm Sunday. Dicunt omnes: Crucifi- released unto you? But;atur. Ait illis preses: they said, Barabbas. Quid enim mali fecit? Pilate saith to them: At illi magis clamabant, What shall I do then dicentes: Crucifigatur. with Jesus that is called' Videns autem Pilatus Christ? They alt say quia nihil proficeret, sed Let him be crucified magis tumultus fi-,-t, The governor saic' )o accepta aaua, lavlt ma- them: Why, what cvit nus coram populo, di- hath he done? But thcy cens: Innocens ego sum cried out the more, saya sanguine justi hujus: ing: Let him be cruci.. vosvideritis. Et respon- fled. And Pilate seeing dens universus populus, that he prevailed nodixit: Sanguis ejus su- thing, but that rather a per nos, et super filios tumult was made, havnostros. Tunc dimisit ing taken water, washed illis Barabbam: Jesum his hands before the autem flagellatum tradi- people, saying: I am dit eis, ut crucifigeretur. innocent of the blood Tunc milites presidis of this just man: look suscipientes Jesum in you to it. And ali the prmetorium, congregave- people answering, said. runt ad eum universam His blood be upon us, cohortem: et exeuntes and upon our children eum, chlamydem cocci- Then he released to neam circumdederunt them Barabbas, and havei; et plectentes coro- ing scourged Jesus, denam de spinis, posuerunt livered him to them to super caput ejus, et arun- be crucified. Then the dinem in dextera ejus. soldiers of the governor, Et genuflexo ante eum, taking Jesus into the lludebant ei, dicentes: hall, gathered togethel Mass. 87 Ave rex Judaeorum. Et unto him the whole exptentes in eum, acce- band. And stripping perunt arundinem, et him, they put a scarlet percutiebant caput ejus. cloak about him. And Et postquam illuserunt platting a crown of ei, exuerunt eum chla- thorns, they put it upon myde, et induerunt eum his head, and a reed in vestimentis ejus, et dux- his right hand. Ant' erunt eum ut crucifige- bowing the knee before rent. him, they mocked him saying: Hail, king of the Jews! And spitting upon him, they took the reed, and struck his head. And after they had mocked him, they took off the cloak from him, and put on him his own garments, and led him away to crucify him. Exeuntes autem inve- And going out, they nerunt hominem Cyre- found a man of Cyrene, noeum, nomine Simo- named Simon; him they nem: hunc angariave- forced to take up his runt ut tolleret crucem cross. And they came to ejus. Et venerunt in the place that is called locum, qui dicitur Gol- Golgotha, which is, the gotha, quod est, Calva- place of Calvary. And rite locus. Et dederunt they gave him wine to ei vinum bibere cum drink mingled with gall. felle mistum. Et cum And when he had tasted, gustasset, noluit bibere. hewould not drink. And 88 Palm Sunday. Postquam autem cru- after they had crucified cifixerunt eum, divi- him, they parted his gar. serunt vestimenta ejus, ments, casting lots; that sortem mittentes: ut the word might be ful. impleretur quod dictum filled which was spoken est per prophetam, di- by the prophet, saying: centem: Diviserunt sibi They divided my garvestimenta mea, et su- ments among them; and per vestem meam mi- upon my vesture they serunt sortem. Et se- cast lots. And they sat dentes servabant eum. down, and watched him. Et imposuerunt super And they put over his caput ejus causam ip- head his cause written: sius scriptam: Hic est This is Jesus, the King Jesus Rex Judaeorum. of the Jews. Then were Tunc crucifixi sunt there crucified with him cum eo duo latrones, two thieves; the one on anus a dextris, et unus the right hand, and the a sinistris. Proetere- other on the left. Ana untes autem blasphe- they that passedby blasmabant eum, moventes.phemed him, wagging capita sua, et dicentes: their heads, and saying: Vah qui destruis tem- Vah, thou who destroyest plum Dei, et in triduo the temple of God, and illud reoedificas, salva in three days buildest it temetipsum. Si filius up again, save thy ownDei es, descende de self: if thou be the Son cruce. Similiter et prin- of God, come down from cipes sacerdotum illu- the cross. In like mandentes cum scribis et ner, also, the chief priests senioribus, dicebant: with the scribes and anAlios salvos fecit, seip- cients, mocking, said: sum non potest salvum He saved others; hint.. Mass. 89 tacere: si rex Israel self he cannot save; if est, descendat nunc de he be the king of Israel, cruce, et credimus ei: let him now come down confidit in Deo; libe- from the cross, and we ret nunc, si vult, eum;: will believe him. He dixit enim: Quia Filius trusted in God? let him D)ei sum. Idipsum au- deliver him now if he will tern et latrones qui save him: for he said: I crucifixi erant cum eo, am the Son of God. And iInproperabant ei. A the selfsame thing the sexta autem hora, te- thieves also, that were nebrae factae sunt su- crucified with him, reper universam terram. proachedhimwith. Now usque ad horam no- from the sixth hour, there nam. Et circa horam was darkness over all the nonam ciamavit Jesus earth, until the ninth voce magna, dicens: hour. And about the Eli, Eli, lamma sabac- ninth hour, Jesus cried thani? Hoc est: Deus with aloudvoice, saying: meus, Deus meus, ut Eli, Eli, lamma sabacquid dereliquisti me? thani? that is, my God! Quidam autem illic my God! why hast thou stantes, et audientes, forsakenme? And some dicebant: Eliam vocat of them that stood there iste. Et continuo cur- and heard, said: This rens unus ex eis, accep- man calleth for Elias. tam spongiam implevit And immediately ore aceto et imposuit arun- of them running, took a. dini, et dabat ei bibere. sponge, and filled it with Cteteri vero dicebant: vinegar; and put it on Sine videamus an veniat a reed and gave him to Elias liberans eum. Je- d(rink. And the others sus autem iterum cla- said. Stay, let us see 90 Palm Suiday. mrans voce magna, emisit whether Elias will come spiritum. to deliver him. And Jesus again crying with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. firea all kneel down, and after a littfle ause(to rcedltate on the redemjtion of mankind) they rise, and the Deaccn iroceeds: E T ecce velum tem- A ND behold the veil pli scissum est in of the temple wis duas partes a summo rent in two, from the.usque deorsum, et terra top even to the bottom, mota est, et petrae scis- and the earth quaked, sae sunt, et monumenta and the rocks were rent; aperta sunt, et multa and the graves were corpora sanctorum, qui opened: and many bodormierant, surrexerunt. dies of the saints that Et exeuntes de monu- had slept arose: and mentis post resurrec- coming out of the tombs tionem ejus, venerunt in after his resurrection, sanctam civitatem, et ap- came into the holy city, paruerunt multis. Cen- and appeared to many. turio autem, et qui cum Now the centurion, and eo erant, cusiodientes they that were with Jesum, viso terrae motu, him, watching Jesus, et his quae fiebant, timu- having seen the eartherunt valde, dicentes: quake, and the things Vere filius Dei erat iste. that were done, were Erant autem ibi muli- greatly afraid, sayingeres multae a longe, quae Indeed this was the secutae erant Jesum a Son of God. And there Galilxa, ministrantes ei; were there many wonien inter quas erat Maria afar off, who had fol Miass. 91 Magdalene, et Maria Ja- lowed Jesus f:om Galicobi, et Joseph mater, et lee, ministering unto mater filiorum Zebedai him. Among whom was Cum autem sero factum Mary Magdalene, and esset, venit quidam homo Mary, the mother of dives ab Arimathaea, no- James and Joseph, and mine Joseph, qui et ipse the mother of the sons discipulus erat Jesu. of Zebedee. And when Hic accessit ad Pilatum, it was evening, there et petiit corpus Jesu. came a certain rich marn Tunc Pilatus jussit reddi of Arimathea, named Jocorpus. Et accepto cor- seph, who also himself pore, Joseph involvit was a disciple of Jesus. illud in sindone munda. He went to Pilate and Et posuit illud in mo- begged the body of Jesus. numento suo novo, quod Then Pilate commanded exciderat in petra. Et that the body should be advolvit saxum magnum delivered. And Joseph ad ostium monumenti, takingthe body, wrapped at abiit. Eratautem ibi it up in a clean linen Maria Magdalene, et al- cloth. And laid it in tera Maria, sedentes con- his own new monument, tra sepulchrum. which he had hewed out in a rock; and he rolled a great stoLe to the doox of the monument, and went his way. And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Maxy sitting over against thfe sepulchre. 92 Palm Sunday. Htrr is said the trayer, Munda cor meum, fi. x9. LTERA autem die, A ND the next dav, que est post Pa- which followed the rasceven, convenerunt day of the preparation, principes sacerdotum et the chief priests and Pharisaei ad Pilatum, di- the Pharisees came tocentes: Domnine, recor- gether to Pilate$ saying; dati sumus quia seductor Sir, we have remem ille dixit adhuc vivens: bered that seducer said, Post tres dies resurgam. while he was yet alive: Jube, ergo, custodiri se- After three days I will pulchrum usque in diem rise again. Command, tertium: ne forte veni- therefore, the sepulchre ant discipuli ejus, et fu- to be guarded until the rentur eum, et dicant third day; lest his dis. plebi: Surrexit a mor- ciples come and steal tuis; et erit novissimus him away, and say to error pejor priore. Ait the people: He is risen illis Pilatus: Habetis from the dead; so the custodian; ite, custo- last error shall be worse dite sicut scitis. Illi than the first. Pilate autem abeuntes, munie- said to them: You havef runt sepulchrum, sig- a guard, go guard it as nantes lapidem, cum you know. And they decustodibus. parting, made the sepulchre sure, with guards, sealing the stone. The Credo, ji. 3o. Oremus. Let us pray. Mass. THE OFFERTORY. I MPROPERIUM ex- Y heart hath ex pectavit cor meum, pected reproach et miseriam: et sustinui and misery; and I looked qui simul mecum con- for one that would grieve tristaretur, et non fuit; together with me, but consolantem me quae- there was none; and for sivi, et non inveni: et one that would comfort dederunt in escam meam me, and I found none; fel, et in siti mea pota- and they gave me gall verunt me aceto. for my food, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. Suscipe.-Receive, etc., j. 26, to Then the Priest says Amen, j. a2, THE SECRET. CONCEDE, quaesu- G RANT, we beseech mus Domine, ut I thee, O Lord! oculis tua majestatis that this offering made munus oblatum, et gra- in the presence of thy tiam nobis devotionis majesty, may procuie obtineat, et effectum be- us the grace of devoatme perennitatis acqui- tion, and effectually obrat. Per Dominum nos- tain a blessed eternity trum Jesum Christum, through our Lord Jesus Filium tuum, qui tecum Christ, thy Son, who vivit et regnat in unitate with thee and the Holy Spiritus Sancti Deus. Ghost liveth and reigneth one God. 94 Palm Sunday. That whtich follows is said aloud: V. ER omnia saecu-. ORLD with. la saeculorum. out end. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with cum. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. V. Sursum corda. V. Lift up yourhearts. R. Habemus ad Do- R. We have them liftminum. ed up to the Lord. V. Gratias agamus V. Let us give thanks Domino Deo nostro. to the Lord our God..R. Dignum et justum R. It is meet and j;ust. est. Vere dignum et jus- It is truly meet and turn est, oequum et salu- just, right and profitable tare, nos tibi semper et to salvation, that we tbique gratias agere, should at all times, and )omine sancte, Pater in all places, give thanks imnipotens, aeterne De- to thee, 0 holy Lord, is. Qui salutem hu- almighty Father, and mani generis in ligno eternal God! who hast crucis constituisti, ut appointed that the salvaunde mors oriebatur, tion of mankind should inde vita resurgeret; et be wrought on the tree qui in iigno vincebat, in of the cross; that life ligno quoque vinceretur. might spring whence per Christum Dominum death had arisen; and nostrum. Per quem ma- he that had overcome jestatem tuam laudant by a tree, might also Angeli, adorant Domi- by a tree be overcome; nationes, tremunt Potes- through Christ our Lord, tates. Coeli, ccelorum- by whom the Angels Mass. 95 que virtutes ac beata praise thy majesty, the Seraphim, socia exulta- Dominations adore it, tioneconcelebrant. Cum the Powers tremble be. quibus et nostras voces, fore it, the Heavens and ut admitti jubeas depre- heavenly Virtues, and camur, supplici confes- the blessed Seraphim sione dicentes: with united exultation glorify it. With whom, also, we beseech thee, admit our voices with humble praise, saying: Sanctus, sanctus, sanc- Holy, holy, holy is the tus, Dominus Deus Sa- Lord God of hosts! the baoth. Pleni sunt cceli Heavens and the earth et terra gloria tua: Ho- are full of thy glory; sanna in excelsis. Be- Hosanna in the highnedictus qui venit in est! Blessed is he that nomine Domine: Ho- cometh in the name of sanna in excelsis. the Lord, Hosanna in the highest! Thk Canon of the Mass, A. so, to end of hrayer, Corpus tuum-Ma) thy,.. 42. THE COMMUNION. pATER, si non po- ATHER, if this test hic calix tran- chalice cannot sire, nisi bibam illum, pass away except I fiat voluntas tua. drink it, thy will be done. V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with cum. thee. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit 96 Palm Sunday. THE POST-COMMUNION. Oremus. Let us pray. ER hujus, Domine, Y the virtue of this operationem mys- T mystery, O Lord! terii, et vitia nostra pur- let our vices be degentur, et justa desideria stroyed, and our just decompleantur. Per Do- sires fulfilled; through rninum nostrum, Jesum our Lord Jesus Christ, Christumn, Filium tuurn, thy Son, who with thee qui tecum vivit et reg- and the Holy Ghost, nat in unitate Spiritus liveth and reigneth one Sancti Deus, per omnia God, world without end. saecula saeculorum. R. Amen. R. Amen. The rest of the Mass from Dominus vobiscum, as on A. 43. In private Masses, the Gostel as above in the Blessing of the Palms,. so, is here read instead of the ordinary Gospel. THE VESPERS. ATER noster, etc. UR Father, etc. Ave Maria, etc. Hail Mary, etc. V. Deus, in adjuto- V. Incline unto my rium meum intende. aid, O God! R. Domine, ad adju- R. O Lord! make vandum me festina. haste to help me. V. Gloria Patri, et Fi- V. Glory be to the!io, et Spiritui Sancto. Father, and to the Son, fR. Sicut erat in prin- and to the Holy Ghost. cipio, et nunc, et sem- R. As it was in the per, et in sacula saecu- beginning, is now, and!orum. Amen. ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Laus tibi, Domine, Rex Praise be to thee, 0 xternae gloriae. Lord! King of eternal glory. Anftzhona. Dixit Do- The Antiphon. The minus. Lord said. PSALM io9. D IXIT Dominus T HE Lord said to _ Domino meo: * my Lord: Sit thou Sede a dextris meis: at my right hand: Donec ponam inimi- Until I make thy enecos tuos * scabellum pe- mies thy footstool. dum tuorum. Virgam virtutis tuae The Lord will send emittetDominusexSion: forth the sceptre of thy 98 Palm Sunday. * dominare in medio ini- power out of Sion: rule micorum tuorum. thou in the midst of thy enemies. Tecum principium in With thee is the prindie virtutis tuae in splen- cipality in the day of thy doribus sanctorum: * ex strength; in the brightutero ante luciferum ge- ness of the saints: from nui te. the womb, before the day-star, I begat thee. Juravit Dominus, et The Lord hath sworn, non pcenitebit eum: * and he will not repent: Tu es sacerdos in aeter- Thou art apriest for ever, num, secundum ordinem according to the order Melchisedech. of Melchisedech. Dominus a dextris The Lord at thy right tuis, * confregit in die hand hath broken kings irae sume reges. in the day of his wrath. Judicabit in nationi- He shall judge among bus, implebit ruinas: * nations; he shall fill conquassabit capita in ruins: he shall crush terra multorum. the heads in the land of many. De torrente in via bi- He shall drink of the bet: * propterea exalta- torrent in the way: bit caput. therefore shall he lift up the head. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. Dixit Dominus Ant. The Lord said'Domino meo: Sede a to my Lord: Sit thou dextris meis. at my right hand. Ant. Fidelia. Ant. All his commandments. Vespers. PSALM IIo. CONFITEBOR tibi I WILL praise thee, Domine, in toto 1 0 Lord! with my corde meo: * in consi- whole heart; in the-counlio justorum, et congre- cil of the just, and in the gatione. congregation. Magna opera Domini: Great are the works' exquisita in omnes vo- of the Lord: sought out'untates ejus. according to all his wills. Confessio et magnifi- His work is praise centia opus ejus: * et and magnificence: and justitia ejus manet in his justice continueth saeculum sxeculi. for ever and ever. Memoriam fecit mira- He hath made a rebilium suorum, miseri- membrance of his woncors et miserator Domi- derful works, being a nus: * escam dedit ti- merciful and gracious mentibus se. Lord: he hath given food to them that fear him. Memor erit in ssecu- He will be mindful lum testamenti sui: * for ever of his covevirtutem operum suo- nant: he will show forth rum annuntiabit populo to his people the power suo, of his works. Ut det illis haeredita- That he may give tem gentium: * opera them the inheritance of manuum ejus, veritas et the Gentiles: the works iudicium. of his hands are truth and judgment. Fidelia omnia man- All his commandments data ejus, confirmata in are faithful, confirrmed oo100 Palm Sunday. saeculum saculi: * facta for ever and ever: made ill veritate et Taquitate. in truth and equity. Redemptionem misit He hath sent redemppopulo suo: * mandavit tion to his people: he in xeternum testamen- hath commanded his turn suum. covenant for ever. Sanctum et terribile Holy and terrible is nomen ejus: * initium his name: the fear of sapientiae timor Domini. the Lord is the begin ning of wisdom. Intellectus bonus om- A good understanding nibus facientibus eum: to all that do it: his * laudatio ejus manet in praise continueth- for saeculum sseculi. ever and ever. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. Fidelia omnia Ant. All his commandata ejus, confirma- mandments are faithful. ta in saeculum saeculi. confirmed for ever and ever. Ant. In mandatis. Ant. He shall delight. PSALM I ii. EATUS vir, qui ti- BLESSED is the met Dominum: * man that feareth in mandatis ejus volet the Lord: he shall denimis. light exceedingly in his commandments. Potens in terra erit His seed shall be semen ejus: * generatio mighty upon earth: the rectorum benedicetur. generation of the righteous shall be blessed. Vespers. IO1 Gloria et divitie in Glory and wealth shan domno ejus: * et justitia be in his house: and his ejus manet in saeculum justice remaineth for saeculi. ever and ever. Exortum est in tene- To the righteous a bris lumen rectis: * mi- light is risen up in darksericors et miserator et ness: he is merciful, and justus. compassionate, and just. Jucundus homo q4ui Acceptable is the man miseretur et commodat, that showeth mercy and disponet sermones suos lendeth: he shall order in judicio: * quia in his words with judgaeternum non commove- ment: because he shall bitur. not be moved for ever. In memoria aeterna The just shall be erit justus: * ab audi- in everlasting rememtione mala non timebit. brance: he shall not fear the evil hearing. Paratum cor ejus spe- His heart is ready to rare in Domino, confir- hope in the Lord; his matum est cor ejus: * heart is strengthened; non comrnovebitur do- he shall not be moved nec despiciat inimicos until he look over his suos. enemies. Dispersit, dedit pau- He hath distributed, peribus: justitia ejus he hath given to the manet in saeculum sae- poor: his justiceremainculil, * cornu ejus exal- eth for ever and ever; tabitur in gloria. his horn shall be exalted in glory. Peccator videbit et The wicked shall see, irascetur, dentibus suis and shall be angry; he fremet et tabescet: * shall gnash with his 102 Palmn Sunday. desiderium peccatorum teeth, and pine away: peribit. the desire of the wicked shall perish. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. In mandatis ejus Ant. He shall delight cupit nimis. exceedingly in his commandments. Ant. Sit nomen Do- Ant. Blessed be. mini. PSALM 112. AUDATE pueri 1RAISE the Lord, Dominum: * lau- I ye children! praise date nomen Domini. ye the name of the Lord. Sit nomen Domini be- Blessed be the name nedictum, * ex hoc nunc, of the Lord, from henceet usque in saeculum. forth, now and for ever. A solis ortu usque ad From the rising of the occasum, * laudabile no- sun unto the going down men Domini. of. the same, the name of the Lord is worthy of praise. Excelsus superomnes The Lord is high gentes Dominus, * et above all nations, and super coelos gloria ejus. his glory above the hea.. vens. Quis sicut Dominus Who is as the Lord, Deus noster, qui in altis our God, who dwelleth habitat, * et humilia re- on high; and looketh spicit in coelo et in terra? down on the low things in heaven, and in earth? Suscitans a terra in- Raising up the needy };espers. o03 opem, * et de stercore from the earth, and lifterigens pauperem. ing up the poor out of the dunghill. Ut collocet eum cum That he may place principibus, * cum prin- him with princes, with cipibus populi sui. the princes of his people. Qui habitare facit ste- Who maketh a barren rilem in domo, * matrem woman to dwell in a filiorum letantem. house, the joyful mother of children. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. Sit nomen Do- Ant. Blessed be the mini benedictum in see- name of the Lord for cula. ever. A4nt. Nos qui vivimus. Ant. We that live. PSALM II3. I N exitu Israel de HEN Israel went ~Agypto, * domus V out of Egypt, Jacob de populo bar- the house of Jacob from baro: a barbarous people: Facta est Judaea sanc- Judea was made his tificatio ejus, * Israel po- sanctuary, Israel his dotestas ejus. minion. Mare videt et fugit: The sea saw and fled: e Jordanis conversus est Jordan was turned back. retrorsum. Montes exaltaverunt The mountains skiput arietes, * et colles si- ped like rams, and the cut agni ovium. hills like the lambs of the flock. Quid est tibi, mare, What ailed thee. O o04 Palm Sunday. quod fugisti? * et tu thousea? thatthoudidst Jordanis, quia conversus flee, and thou, O Jordan, es retrorsum? that thou wast turned back? Montes exultastis si- Ye mountains, that ye cut arietes, * et colles skipped like rams? and sicut agni ovium. ye hills, like lambs of the flock? A facie Domini mota At the presence of the est terra, * a facie Dei Lord the earth was Jacob. moved, at the presence of the God of Jacob. Qui convertit petram Who turned the rock in stagna aquarum, * et into pools of water, and rupem in fontes aqua- the stony hill into founrum. tains of waters. Non nobis, Domine, Not to us, O Lord, non nobis: * sed nomini not to us; but to thy tuo da gloriam. name, give glory. Super misericordia For thy mercy and tua, et veritate tua: for thy truth's sake, lest * nequando dicant gen- the Gentiles should say. tes: Ubi est Deus where is their God? eorum? Deus autem noster in But our God is in ccelo: * omnia quacum- heaven: he hath done que voluit, fecit. all things whatsoever he would. Simulacra gentium The idols of the Genargentum et aurum, * tiles are silver and gold, opera manuum homi- the works of the hands num. of men. Os habent, et non lo- They have mouths and Vespers. I05 quentur: * oculos ha- speak not; they have bent, et non videbunt. eyes and see not. Aures habent, et non They have ears and audient: * nares habent, hear not; they have et non odorabunt. noses and smell not. Manus habent, et non They have hands and palpabunt; pedes ha- feel not; they have feet bent, et non ambula- and walk not; neither bunt: * non clamabunt shall they cry out in gutture suo. through their throat. Similes illis fiant qui Let them that make faciunt ea: * et omnes them become like unto qui confidunt in eis. them; and all such as trust in them. Domus Israel speravit The house of Israel in Domino: * adjutor hath hoped in the Lord: eorum et protector eo- he is their helper, and rum est. their protector. Domus Aaron spera- The house of Aaron vit in Domino: * adju- hath hoped in the Lord: tor eorum et protector he is their helper, and eorum est. their protector. Qui timent Dominum, They that fear the speraverunt in Domino: Lord have hoped in the * adjutor eorum et pro- Lord: he is their helper, tector eorum est. and their protector. Dominus memnor fuit The Lord hath been nostri: * et benedixit mindful of us, and hath nobis. blessed us. Benedixit domui Is- He hath blessed the rael: * benedixit domui house of Israel: he hath Aaron. blessed the house of Aaron. io6'Palm Sunday. Benedixit omnibus qui He hath blessed all timent Dominum, * pu- that fear the Lord, both sillis cum majoribus. little and great. Adjiciat Dominus su. May the Lord add per vos: * super vos, et blessings upon you: super filios vestros. upon you, and upon your children. Benedicti vos a Do- Blessed be you of the mino, * qui fecit ccelum Lord, who made heaven et terram. and earth. Ccelum coeli Domino: The heaven of hea* terram autemn dedit vens is the Lord's; but filiis hominum. the earth he hath given to the children of men. Non mortui laudabunt The dead shall not te Domine: * neque om- praise thee, O Lord, not nes qui descendunt in any of them that go down infernum. to hell. Sed nos qui vivimus, But we that live bless benedicimus Domino, * the Lord, from this time, ex hoc nunc et usque in now and for ever. saeculum. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. Nos qui vivimus, Ant. We that live, benedicimus Domino. bless the Lord. Cajitulum, Philip. ii. RATRES, hoc enim B RETHREN, let sentite in vobis, this mind be in quod et in Christo Jesu: you, which was also in qui cum in forma Dei Christ Jesus; who being esset, non-rapinam arbi- in the form of God, tratus est esse se aequa- thought it no robbery, Tespers. I07 lem Deo; sed semetip- himself to be equal to sum exinanivit, formam God; but he debased servi accipiens, in simi- himself, taking the form litudinem hominum fac- of a servant, being made tus, et habitu inventus to the likeness of men, ut homo. and in shape found as a man. fR. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God. THE HYMN. Vexilla regis prodeunt, Fulget Crucis mysterium Qua vita mortem pertulit Et morte vitam protulit. Quoe vulnerata lanceae Mucrone diro criminum, Ut nos lavaret sordibus, Manavit unda et sanguine. Impleta sunt qume concinit, David fideli carmine, Dicendo nationibus, Regnavit a ligno Deus. Arbor decora et fulgida, Ornata Regis purpura, Electa digno stipite Tam sancta membra tangere. Beata, cujus brachiis Pretium pependit seculi, Statera facta corporis, Tulit praedamque tartari. io8 Palzn Sunday. O Crux, ave, spes unica, Hoc passionis tempore, Piis ad auge gratium, Reisque dele crimnina.'Te, fons salutis, Trinitas, Collaudet omnis spiritus: Quibus crucis victoriam Largiris, adde proemium. AmeL V. Eripe me, Domine, ab homine malo. R. A viro iniquo eripe me. The same in English. Behold the royal ensigns fly, Bearing the Cross's mystery; Where life itself did death endure, And, by that death, did life procure. A cruel spear let out a flood Of water, mixed with saving blood, Which, gushing from the Saviour's side Drown'd our offences in the tide. The mystery we now unfold, Which David's faithful verse foretold, Of our Lord's kingdom, whilst we see God ruling nations from a tree. 0 lovely tree, whose branches wore The royal purple of his gore! How glorious does thy body shine, Supporting members so divine i Vespers. 0og The world's blest balance thou art made, On thee, our ransom, Christ is weigh'd, Our sins, though great. his pains outweigh. And rescue hell's expected prey. Hail, holy cross! Hail, mournful tree, Our hope, with Christ, is nailed on thee; Grant to the just increase of grace, And every sinner's crimes efface. Blest Trinity! we praises sing To thee from whom all graces spring. Celestial crowns on those bestow Who conquer by the cross below. Amen. V. Deliver mre, O Lord, from the wicked man, R. Rescue me from the unjust man. Ant. Scriptum est Ant. For it is written. slim. The Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Luae. AGNIFICAT * Y soul dcth mag animna mea Do- IV nify the Lord. rninu m. Et exultavit spiritus And my spirit has remeus * in Deo salutari joiced in God, my Sameo. viour. Quia respexit humi- Because he hath retitatem ancillme sue: * garded the humility of ecce enim ex hoc, bea- his handmaid; for be tam me dicent omnes hold, from henceforth, generationes. all generations shall call me blessed. XIO e- utm Sunday. Quia fecit mihi magna For he that is mighzy qui potens est: * et sanc- hath done great things turn nomen ejus. to me; and holy is his name. Et misericordia ejus a And his mercy is from progenie in progenies, * generation to generatimentibus eum. tion, to them that fear him. Fecit potentiam in He hath showed might brachio suo: * dispersit in his armn; he hath superbos mente cordis scattered the proud in sui. the conceit of their heart. Deposuit potentes de He hath put down the sede, * et exaltavit hu- mighty from their seat, miles. and hath exalted the humble. Esurientes implevit He hath filled the hunbonis: * et divites di- gry with good things; misit inanes. and the rich he hath sent empty away. Suscepit Israel pue- He hath received Isrum suum, * recordatus rael, his servant; being misericordiae sume. mindful of his mercy. Sicut locutus est ad As he spoke to our fapatres nostros, * Abra- thers; to Abraham, and ham, et semini ejus in to his seed for ever. 8secula. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. Scriptum est Ant. For it is written: enim: Percutiam pas- I will strike the Shep. torem, et dispergentur herd, and the sheep of oves gregis: postquam the flock shall be dis Vespers. autem resurrexero, prae- persed; but after I shall cedam vos in Galilaam; be risen again, I will go ibi me videbitis, dicit before you into Galilee; Dominus. there you shall see me, saith the Lord. Oremus. Let us pray. Omnipotens sempi- Almighty and everterne Deus, qui humano lasting God, who didst generi, ad imitandum vouchsafe to send thy humilitatis exemplum, Son, our Saviour, to Salvatorem nostrum, 4take upon himself our carnem sumere et cru- flesh, and to suffer death cem subire fecisti: con- upon a cross, to give cede propitius; ut et mankind an example patientiae ipsius habere of humility: mercifully documenta, et resurrec- grant that we may both tionis consortia merea. follow the example of mur. Per eundem Do- his patience, and be minum, etc. made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Lord, etc. V. Dominus vrobis V. The Lord be witl cum. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. U Benedicamus Do- V. Let us bless oui mino. Lord. R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God. V. Fidelium animxe V. May the souls of per misericordiam Dei the faithful, through the recuiescant in pace. mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen. R. Amen I 12 Palm Sunday. WAen ComOlin is not said, conclude thus: p ATER noster, se- UR Father, pri. creto. vately. V. Dominus det nobis V. Our Lord grant us suam pacem. his peace. R. Et vitam aeternam. -R. And life everlastAmen. ing. Amen. Then the A nfhem Ave Regina, etc., pf. 124. COMPLINE. Lector tnctyit/: Jube, The reader begins: Domne, benedicere. Be- Pray, Father, give me nedic'io: Noctem quie- your blessing. The blesstam, et finem perfectum ing: May the Almighty concedat nobis Dominus Lord grant us a quiet omnipotens. night, and a happy end. R. Amen. R. Amen. Lectio brevis. i Pet v. 5. FRATRES, Sobrii BRETHREN, be estote, et vigilate: sober, and watch, quia adversarius vester because your adversary, diabolus tanquam leo the devil, as a roaring rugiens circuit, quaerens lion, goeth about seeking quem devoret: cui re- whom he may devour; sistite fortes in fide. Tu whom resist ye, strong autem Domine, miserere in faith. And thou, 0 nobis. Lord! have mercy on us. R. Deo gratias'R. Thanks be to God. V. Adjutorium nos- V. Our help is in the trum in nomine Domini. name of the Lord. R. Qui fecit ctelum et R. Who made heaver terram. Pater noster, and earth. Our Father. setreco. privately. Complin. I 13 Thnk thu Priesj recites the Confiteor, aud the Choir aswers#: SEREATUiR mnip AY the Almighty tui omnipotens God have niercy Deus, et dimissis pecca- on you, forgive you yout tis tuis, perducat te ad sins, and bring you to vitam. aeternam. everlasting life. R. Amen. R Amen. The Choir repeats the Confiteor. GONFITEOR Deo J CONFESS to Alomnipotenti, beate mighty God, to Marike semper Virgini, blessed Mary ever Virbeato Michaeli Archan- gin, to blessed Michael gelo, beato Joanni Bap- the Archangel, to blessed tistae, sanctis Apostolis John the Baptist, to th, Petro et Paulo, omnibus holy Apostles Peter and Sanctis, et tibi, Pater, Paul, to all the Saints, quia peccavi nimis cogi- and to you, Father, that tatione, verbo et opere: I have sinned exceedmea culpa, mea culpa, ingly in thought, word, mealnaximaculpa. Ideo and deed, through my precor beatam Mariam, fault, through my fault, semper Virginem, bea- through my most grievtum Michaelem, Arch- ous fault. Therefore I angelum, beatum Joan- beseech the blessed Mary nem Baptistam, sanctos ever Virgin, the blessed Apostolos Petrum et Michael the Archangel, Paulum, omnes Sanctos, the blessed John the et te, Pater, orare pro Baptist, the holy Aposme ad Dominum Deum tles Peter and Paul, all nostrum the Saints, and you, Father, to pray for me to the Lord our God. I I4 Palm Sunday. The Choir having endtd the Confiteor, the Priest says. M ISEREATUR M AY the Almighty vestri omnipo- God have mercy tens Deus, et dimissis on you, forgive you your peccatis vestris, perducat sins, and bring you to vos ad vitam aeternam. everlasting life. R. Amen. R. Amen. Indulgerltiam, absolu- May the almighty and tionem, et remissionem merciful Lord give us peccatorum nostrorum pardon, absolution, and tribuat nobis omnipotens remission of our sins. et misericors Dominus. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Converte nos, De- V. Convert us, 0 God, us, salutaris noster. our Saviour! R. Et averte iram tu- R. And turn off thy am a nobis. anger from us. V. Deus, in adjuto- V. Incline unto my rium meum intende. aid, 0 God! R. Domine, ad adju- R. 0 Lord! make haste vandum me festina. to help me. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father, etc. Laus tibi, etc. Praise to thee, etc. Ant. Miserere. Ant. Have mercy PSALM 4. UM invocarem, ex- T HEN I called audivit me Deus upon him, the justitiae meae: * in tri- God of my justice heard bulatione dilatasti mihi. me: when I was in distress, thoni hast enlarged me. Comnpin. 115 Miserere mei, * et ex- Have mercy on me, audi orationem meam. and hear my prayer. Filii hominum, usque- O ye sons of men! quo gravi corde? * ut how long will you be quid diligitis vanitatem, dull of heart? why do et quxeritis mendacium? you love vanity, and seek after lying? Et scitote quoniam mi- Know ye also that the rificavit Dominus sanc- Lord hath made his holy tumrn suum: * Dominus one wonderful: the Lord exaudiet me, cum cla- will hear me when I shall mavero ad eum. cry unto him. Irascimini et nolite Be ye angry, and sin peccare:' quae dicitis not: the things you say in cordibus vestris, in in your hearts, be sorry cubilibus vestris com- for them upon your beds. pungimrini. Sacrificate sacrificium Offer up the sacrifice justitiae, et sperate in of justice, and trust in Domino. * Multi di- the Lord: many say, cunt: Quis ostendit no- Who showeth us good bis bona? things? Signatum est super nos The light of thy counlumen vultus tui, Dc'!enance, 0 Lord, is mine: * dedisti letitiam signed upon us: thou in corde meo. hast given gladness in my heart. A fructu frumenti, vini By the fruit of their et olei sui, * multiplicati corn, their wine and oil, sunt. they are multiplied. In pace in idipsum * In peace, in the selfdormiam, et requiescam, same, I will sleep, and I will rest. I6 Palm Sunday. Quoniam tu, Domine, For thou, 0 Lord, sinsingulariter in spe * con- gularly hast settled me stituisti, me. in hope. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. PSALM 30. I N te Domine speravi, IN thee, O Lord, have non confundar in 1 I hoped, let me toternum: * in justitia never be confounded: tua libera me. deliver me in thy justice. Inclina ad me aurem Bow down thine eai tuam, * accelera ut eruas to me: make haste to me. deliver me. Esto mihi in Deum Be thou unto me a protectorem, et in do- God, a protector, and a mum reftlgii, * ut salvum house of refuge, to save me facias. me. Quoniam fortitudo For thou art my mea, et refugium meum strength and my refuge: es tu: * et propter no- and for thy name's sake, men tuum deduces me, thou wilt lead me, and et enutries me. nourish me. Educes me de laqueo Thou wilt bring me hoc quem absconderunt out of this snare, which mihi: * quoniam tu es they have hidden for protector meus. me: for thou art my protector. In manus tuas corn- Into thy hands I commendo spiritunm meum: mend my spirit. thou * redemisti me, Domine hast redeemed me, 0 Deus veritatis. Lord, the God of truth I Gloria Patri, etc, Glory, etc. Complin. I17 PSALM go. UI habitat in ad- g tLiat dwelleth in k ~jutorio Altissimi, the aid of the * in protectione Most High, shall abide Dei coeli commorabitur. under the protection of the God of Jacob. Dicet Domino: Sus- He shall say to the ceptor meus es tu, et re- Lord: Thou art my profugium meum: * Deus tector, and my refuge: meus, sperabo in eum. my God, in him will I trust. Quoniam ipse libera- For he hath delivered vit me de laqueo venan- me from the snare of the tium, * et a verbo aspero. hunters, and from the sharp word. Scapulis suis obum- He will overshadow brabit tibi: * et sub pen- thee with his shoulders: nis ejus sperabis. and under his wings thou shalt trust. Scuto circumdabit te His truth shall comveritas ejus: * non time- pass thee with a shield: bis a timore nocturno. thou shalt not be afraid of tile terror of the night; A sagitta volante in Of the arrow that flieth die, a negotio perambu- in the day; of the busilante in tenebris, * ab ness that walketh about incursu, et doemonio me- in the dark; of invaridiano. sion, or of the noon-day devil. Cadent a latere tuo A thousand shall fall mille, et decem millia a at thy side. and ten 118 Palm Sunday. dextristuis: * ad te au- thousand at thy right tem non appropinquabit. hand: but it shall not come nigh thee. Verumtamen oculis But thou shalt consi. tuis considerabis, * et der with thy eyes: and retributionem peccato- shalt see the reward of rum videbis. the wicked. Quoniam tu es Do- Because thou, O Lord, mine, spes mea: * altis- art my hope; thou hast simum posuisti refugium made the Most High thr7 tuum. refuge. Non accedet ad te There shall no evil malum: * et flagellum come to thee; nor shall non appropinquabit ta- the scourge come near bernaculo tuo. thy dwelling. Quoniam angelis suis For he hath given hit mandavit de te: * ut angels charge over thee: custodiant te in omni- to keep thee in all th3 bus viis tuis. ways. In manibus portabunt In their hands they te: * ne forte offendas ad shall bear thee up: lest lapidem pedem tuum. thou dash thy fool against a stone. Super aspidem et ba- Thou shalt walk upon siliscum ambulabis: * et the asp and the basilisk: conculcabis leonem et and thou shalt trample draconem. under foot the lion and the dragon. Quoniam in me spera- Because he hath hoped vit, liberabo eum: * pro- in me, 1 will deliver him: tegarneum, quoniam cog- I will protect him, benovit nomen meum. cause he hath known my name. Comp Tin. I 9 Clamabit ad me, et He shall cry to me, ego exaudiam eum: * and I will hear him: I curn ipso sum in tribu- am with him in his latione; eripiam eum, et trouble: I will deliver 7lorificabo eum. him, and I will glorify him. Longitudine dierum I will fill him with replebo eum: * et osten- length of days: and I dam illi salutare meumrf. will show him my salva. tion. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. PSALM I33. CCE nunc benedi- B EHOLD now, bless cite Dominum, * ye the Lord, all ye umnes servi Domini. servants of the Lordi, Qui statis in domo Who stand in thi Domini, * in atriis do- house of the Lord, ii mus Dei nostri. the courts of the house of our God. In noctibus extollite In the nights, lift up manus vestras in sancta, your hands to the holy ~ et benedicite Domni- places, and bless ye the num. Lord. Benedicat te Dominus May the Lord out of ex Sion, * qui fecit cce- Sion bless thee: he that lum et terram. made heaven and earth. Gloria Patri, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. Miserere mihi, Ant. Have mercy on Domine, et exaudi ora- me, O Lord, arAd hear tionem meam. my prayer. 120 Palm Sunday. THE HYMN. Te lucis ante terminum, Rerum Creator, poscimus, Ut pro tua clementia Sis prxesul et custodia. Procul recedant somnia, Et noctium phantasmata; Hostemque nostrum comprime, Ne polluantur corpora. Praesta, Pater piissime, Patrique compar Unice, Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Regnans per omne seculum Amen The same in English. Ere fades the evening's light away, Creator of the world, we pray, Thy wonted clemency extend, And be our guardian and our friend. From dreams our peaceful slumbers keep, And all the phantasies of sleep: The midnight enemy restrain, Preserve our bodies free from stain. Almtghty Parent! deign to hear, Through Jesus Christ, our humble prayer Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee, Shall live and reign eternally. Amen Compizn. I21 CePitulum, 3et. xiv. 9. TU autem in nobis HOU, O Lord! art es, Domine, et among us, and nomen sanctum tuum thy holy name is called invocatum est super nos: upon us; forsake us not, ne derelinquas nos, Do- 0 Lord our God! tnine Deus noster. R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God. R. In manus tuas Do- R. Into thy hands, 0 mine, commendo spiri- Lord! I commend my tum meum. In manus spirit. Into thy hands, tuas Domine, commendo 0 Lord! I commend my spiritum meum. spirit. V. Redemisti nos, Do- V. Thou hast remine Deus veritatis. deemed us, 0 Lord, the Commendo spiritum me- God of truth! I comum. In manus tuas Do- mend my spirit. Into mine, commendo spiri- thy hands, 0 Lord! I tum meurn. commend my spirit. V. Custodi nos, Do- V. Keep us, 0 J,ord, mine, ut pupillam oculi. as the apple of thy eye. R. Sub umbra alarum R. Protect us under tuarum protege nos. the shadow of thy wings. 4nt. Salva nos. Ant. Save us. The songofSimeon, St. Luke ii, 29-32. UNC dimittis ser- OW thou dost disN vum- tuum Do- miss thy servant, mine, * secundum ver- 0 Lord! according to hum tuum, in pace: thy word, in peace. Quia viderunt oculi Because my eyes have mei * salutare tuum, seen thy salvation; Quod parasti * an.te Which thou hast pre 122 Palm Sunday. faciem omnium populo- pared before the face of rum, all people Lumen ad revelatio- A light to the revelanem gentium, * et glo- tion of the Gentiles, and riam plebis tuxe Israel. to the glory of thy people, Israel. Gloria, etc. Glory, etc. Ant. Salva nos Do- Ant. Save us, 0 Lord. mine, vigilantes, custodi waking, and keep us nos, dormientes, ut vigi- sleeping, that we may lemus cum Christo, et watch with Christ, and requiescamus in pace. rest in peace. Kyrie eleison. Christe Lord! have mercy oh eleison. Kyrie eleison. us. Christ! have mercy Pater noster, secrete. on us. Lord! have mercy on us. Our Father. privately. V. Et ne nos inducas V. And lead us not in tentationem. into temptation. R. Sed libera nos a R. But deliver us from malo. Credo in Deum, evil. I believe in God, etc., secreto. etc., privalely. V. Carnis resurrectio- V. The resurrection nem. of the body. R. Vitam xeternan;. R. Life everlasting. A men. Amen. V. Benedictus es, Do- V. Blessed art thou, mine, Deus patrum nos- 0 Lord, the-God of our trorum. fathers! R. Et laudabilis, et R. And worthy to be gloriosus in sxecula. praised, and glorified for ever. V. Benedicamus Pa- V. Let us bless the Compti:n. x23 trem et Filium cum Father and the Son, with Sancto Spiritu. the Holy Ghost. R. Laudemus, et su- R. Let us praise and perexalternus eum in sae- exalt him for ever. cula. Y. Benedictus es, Do- V. Blessed art thou,,nine,infirmamentocceli. O Lord: in the firmament of heaven. R. Et laudabilis, et R. And worthy tc, be gloriosus, et superexal- praised, and glorified, tatus in saecula. and exalted for ever. V. Benedicat et cus- V. May the almighty,odiat nos omnipotens et and merciful Lord bless.nisericors Dominus. and preserve us. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Dignare, Domine, V. Vouchsafe, OLord' kocte ista. this night, R. Sine peccato nos R. To keep us withcustodire. out sin. y. Miserere nostri, V. Have mercy on us, Domine. O Lord! R. Miserere nostri. R. Have mercy on us. V. Fiat misericordia V. Let thy mercy, O tua, Domine, super nos. Lord! be upon us. R. Quemadmodum R. As we have hoped speravimus in te. in thee. V. Domine, exaudi V. O Lord! hear my orationem meam. prayer. R. Et clamor meus R. And let my cry ad te veniat. come unto thee. V. Dominus vobis- 1r The Lord be with cum. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit, 124 Palm Sunday. Oremus. Let us pray. Visita, qutsumus Do- Visit, we beseech thee, mine, habitationem is- 0 Lord! this habitation, tam, et omnes insidias and drive from it all the inimici ab ea longe re- snares of the enemy: let pelle: Angeli tui sancti thy holy angels dwell in habitent in ea, qui nos it, to preserve us in in pace custodiant; e- peace: and may thy benedicto tua sit super blessing be upon us for nos semper. Per Domi- ever; through our Lord, num, etc. etc. V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with cum. you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. V. Benedicamus Do- V. Let us bless the mino. Lord. R. Deo gratias. Be- R. Thanks be to God. nedictio: Benedicat et The blessing: May the custodiat nos, omnipo- almighty and merciful tens et misericors Domi- Lord, the Father, Son, nus, Pater, et Filius, et and Holy Ghost, bless Spiritus Sanctus. and preserve us. R. Amen. R. Amen, THE ANTHEM. AVE, Regina coelo- H AIL, Mary, Queen rum, of heavenly spheres! Ave, Domina angelo- Hail, whom the angelic rum: host reveres! Ralve radix, salve porta, Hail, fruitful root! hail sacred gat I! Complin. 125 Ex qua mundo lux est Whence the world's light orta. derives its date. Gaude. Virgo gloriosa, O glorious maid, with beauty blessed! Super omnes speciosa: May joys eternal fill thy breast! Vale, o valde decora. Thus crown'd with beauty and with joy, Et pro nobis, Christum Thy prayers with Christ exora. for us employ. V. Dignare me lau- V. Vouchsafe, O sa lare te, Virgo sacrata. cred Virgin! to accep my praises. R. Da mihi virtutem R. Give me power contra hostes tuos. against thy enemies. Oremus. Let us pray. Concede, misericors Grant us, O merciful Deus, fragilitati nostrx God! strength against praesidium: ut, qui sanc- all our weakness; that toe Dei genitricis memo- we, who celebrate the riam agimus, interces- memory of the holy mosionis ejus auxilio, a ther of God, may, by the nostris iniquitatibus re- help of her intercession surgamus. Per eundem rise again from our iniChristum Dominum nos.. quities; through the trum, same Christ our Lord. R. Amen. R. Amen. P. Divinum auxilium V. May the divine as maneat semper nobis- sistance always remail cum. with us. R. Amen. R. Amen. PNater noster. Ave Maria, an, Credo. privatety, MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK. The Priest begins the Mass at the foot of the A liar, as at pag t3, down to Peccata mea-My sins,,. 17. THE INTROIT. i UDICA, Domine, no- JUDGE thou, O Lord! J centes me, expugnaj them that wrong impugnantes me: me; overthrow apprehende arma et scu- them that fight against tum, et exurge in adjuto- me: take hold of arms rium meutm, Domine vir- and shield, and rise up tus salutis meae. Psal to help me, O Lord, the Effunde frameam, et con- strength of my salvation! edude adversus eos qui Psalm.. Bring out the persequunter me: dic sword, and shut up the animae meae, salus tua way against them that ego sum. Judica, Do- persecute me: say to my mine, etc. soul, I am thy salvation. Judge thou, O Lord! etc. Kyrie eleison, Dominus vobiscum, as at f. 7. THE COLLECT. Oremus. Let us pray. A, quaesumus, om- RANT, we beseech nipotens Deus: ut thee, 0 Almighty qui in tot adversis ex God! that we who, nostra infirmitate defici- through our weakness, mus, intercedente unige- faint under so many a