GENERAL CATALOGUE. OFFICERS, ALUMNI, AND MATRICULATES. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 1836 —-1 86. TIAT LU ALFRED CENTRE, N.Y.: AMERICAN SABBATIH TRACT SOCIETY, STEAM PRINT. 1876. FOUNDED, December 5, 1836. ACADEMIC INCORPORATION, January 31, 1843. UTNIVERSITY' INCORPORATION, March 28, 1857. UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION, April 15, 18 57. PRESIDENTS. Elected. Resigned. 1837 *DAVID STILLMAN - - - -1841 1841 HoN. SAMUEL RUSSELL - 1848 1848 REV. NATHAN V. HULL, D. D. - - - - 1862 1862 HON. BENJ. F. LANGWVORTHY - - - SECRETARIES. 1839 *REV. WM. C. KENYON, A. M. - - - - 1845 1845 PRoF. IRA SAYLES, A.M. - - 1850 1850 REv. JONATHAN ALLEN, PH.D, - 1856 1856 REV. DARIUS R. FORD, D. D. - - - 1861 1857 PROF. DANIEL D. PICKETT, PH. D. - - - 1859 1859 REV. DARWIN E. MAXSON, D. D. - - - 1862 1862 PROF. WM, A. ROGERS, A. M. - - - - 1864 1864 REV. THOMAS R. WILLIAMS, D. D. - - 1866 1866 OLIVER D. SHERMAN, A. B. - - - - 1868 1869 SILAS C. BURDICK - - - - - - 1871 1868-71 MARK SHEPPARD - - - - - - TREASURERS. 1837 *LUKE GREEN - - - - - - 1841 1841 *REv. WM. C. KENYON, A. M. - - - - 1857 1857 CLARK ROGERS - - - - - - 1859 1859 ELISHA POTTER - TRUSTEES. 1t837 *DAVID STILLMAN - - 1849 1837 *LUKE GREEN - - - 1859 1837 MAXSON STILLMAN - 1841 *MAXSON GREEN - - - - - - *1850 1841 HON. SAMUEL RUSSELL - - - - - 1850 1841 JOHN ALLEN' - - - - 1865 1841 *GEORGE W. ALLEN - - - - *1864 1841 CHARLES D. LANGWORTHY - - - - 1873 1841 SAMUEL N. STILLMAN 1841 *HoN, JOHN R. HARTSHORN, AM. D. - -*1871 1841 PHINEAS'C. STILLMAN - - 1843 4 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Elected. Resigned. 184L_ *ISAIAH W., GREEN - - - - - 1848 1842 DAVID R. STILLMAN - - 1842 *REV. WM. C. KENYON, A. M. - - - - *1867 1842 *ROGERS CRANDALL - - - - - 1845 1842 DANIEL EDWARDS - - - - 1845 1842 AMOS BURDICK - - - - - 1846 1842 *GEORGE SHERMAN - - - - - 1846 1842 ORRA STILLMAN - - - - - - 1850 1842 *NATHAN -MAXSON - - - - - 1848 1845 ALEXANDER BLACK - - - - - 1848 1845 PROF. IRA SAYLES, A. M. - - - - - 1850 1846 REV. -NATHAN V. HULL, D. D. 1846 ISAAC FENNER - - - - - - 1862 1847 ERASTUS A. GREEN, ESQ. - - - - 1864 1848 BENJAMIN F. POTTER - - - - 1866 1848 ALBERT SMITH - - - - - - 1849 REV. JOEL WAKEMAN, D. D. - - - - 1864 1849 *HoN. CHARLES D. ROBINSON, M. D. - - 1861 1849 *HON. OTIS THACHER - - - - - - 1865 1849 *HON. JOHN J. ROCKAFELLOW - - - 1852 1849 *GIDEON C. GREEN - - -. - - 185 1849 JOHN A. LANGWORTHY 1850 ELISHA POTTER - 1850 PHILIP S. GREEN, ESQ. - - - - - 1850 *SA\IMUEL S. WHITE - - - - - 1853 1853-68 STEPHEN C. BURDICK 1857 *HoN. THOMAS B. STILLMAN - - - *1865 1857 *REV. WILLIAM B. MAXSON, D, D. - *1863 1857 REV. THOMAS B. BROWN - - - - - 1857 REV. GEORGE B. UTTER - - - 1874 1857 REV. LEMAN ANDRUS, D. D. - - - - 1865 1857-72 REV. JAMES R. IRISH, D. D. - - - 1857 REV. JOSHUA CLARKE - - - - - 1859 1857 REV. JAMIES ISUMERBELL -. 1859 1857 *GEORGE MAXSON - - - - - - *1863 1857 *HAMILTON CLARKE - - - - 1859 1857 ELISHA C. GREEN, M. D. - - - 1857 *HON. BENJAMIN MAXSON - - - - *1875 1857 *ALFRED LEWIS - - - - - - 1873 1857 CLARK ROGERS - - - - 1857 PERRY F. POTTER - - - - - 1863 1857 IRA B. CRANDALL 1857 HENRY CRANDALL - - - - - 1858 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 5 Elected. Resigned. 1857 HON. SOLON O. THACHER - 1858 1857 GEN. D. C. McCALLUM - 1860 1857 *REv. IRA W. SIMPSON - - - - - 1864 1857 HoN. BENJAMIN F. LANGWORTHY - - 1857 WILLIAM- C. BURDICK - - - - - 1857-68 *EZRA P. CRANDALL - - - *1871 1857 WILLIAM M. SAUNDERS' - - - 1858 HON. LUCIUS S. MAY - - - - 1862 1858- THOMAS ELLIS - - - - - - 1865 1859-73 HENRY P. SAUNDERS, M. D. - - - 1859 MAXSON J. GREEN - - - - - 1859 BARTON W. MILLARD - - - - 1864 1860 REV. AMBROSE C. SPICER, A. M.- - - 1864 1861 ALBERT B. CRANDALL - - - - -1867 1862 REV. NATHAN WARDNER, A. M. - - - 1873 1863 REV. DARIUS R. FORD, D. - - - - 1864 OLIVER D. SHE~RMAN, A. B. - - - - 1864 ALMOND E. CRANDAIL, EsQ. - 1864 HON. WOLCOTT HATCH - - - - - 1873 1864 GURDON EVANS, A. M. - - - - - 1869 1865 LORENZO D. COLLINS - - - - - 1865 SILAS C. BURDICK - - - - - 1865 ROWLAND A. THOMAS - - -- 1866 REV. JONATHAN ALLEN, PH. D. - - - 1867 *REV. GEORGE E. TOMLINSON, A. M. - 1871: 1868 *HON. GERRIT SMITH - *1874 1871 GEORGE GREENMAN - - - - - 1871 CHARLES H. MAXSON - - - 1872 REV. WAL'rER B. GILLETTE - - - - 1873 REV. DARWIN E. MAXSON, D. D. 1873 HON. WALLACE W. BROWN, A. M. - - 1874 AMOS R. ALLEN - - - - - 1875 LAROY LYMAN. __________ ______________ Elected. Resigned. *REV. WILLIAM C. KENYON, A. M., 1857 President. 1865 1839 Principal. 1857 1842 Languages, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics. 1844 1844 Natural and Moral Sciences. 1849 -1849 English- and Latin Languages and Literature. 1855 1855 Mathematics and English Language and Literature. 18)7 1857 English Literature and Belles Lettres. 1860 1860 - Latin and English Languages and Literature. *1867 REV. JONATHAN ALLEN, PH. D., 1866 President. 1849 Associate Principal. 1857 1845 Adjunct Mathematics. 1849 1849 Metaphysics and Ethics. REV. BETHUEL C. CHURCH), 1836 Principal. 183d REV. JAMES R. IRISH, D. D., 1837 Principal. 1839 1843 Moral Science and Rhetoric. 1845 *CAROLINE B. MAXSON S7'ILLMA1V, 1842 Preceptress. 1846 1842'Modern Languages and Adjunct Mathematics.; 1846 IRA SAYLES, A. M., 1845 Associate Principal. 1850 1845 Languages. 1850 1859 Modern Languages. 1862 ABIGAIL A. MAXSON ALLEIN, A. M., 1846-56 Preceptress. 1853-'61 1846 Modern Languages and Adjunct Mathematics. 1850 1850 Painting and Drawing. -DANIEL D. PICKETT, Pir. D., 1849 Associate Principal., 1857 1846 Adjunct Mathematics. i849 1849 Modern Languages and Adjunct Mathematics. 1859 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 7 Elected. Resigned. REV. JAMES MARVIN, D. D., 1849 Associate Principal. 1854 1847 Adjunct Mathematics and Languages. 1849 1849 Mathematics. 1854 REV.'DARWIN E. MAXSON, D. D., 1849 Associate Principal. 1857 1847 Adjunct Natural Sciences. 1849 1849 -Natural Sciences. 1862 RrE:v. DARIUS R. FORD, D. D., 1849 - Associate Principal. 1857 1848 Normal Department. 1849 1849 Greek and Chemistry. 1863 *ELLEN GOODRICH.FORD, A. L., 1853 Preceptress. 1856 1853 i Adjunct Natural Sciences. 1856 REV. ETHAN P. LARKIN, A. M., 1855 Associate Principal. 1857 1850-55 Latin Language and Literature. 1851-58 1868; Natural History. ELVIRA E. KENYON, D. L., 1861 Preceptress. 1866 1857 Adjunct Latin. 1866 1862 German. 1866 MARY E. BROWN, A. M., 1868 Preceptress. - 1870 1866 French Language and Literature. 1870 CHARLOTTE E. DOWSE GR 0 yVES, A. M., 1870 Preceptress. 1874 1868 English Department. 1871 1871 Latin Language and Literature. 1,874 *MELISSA B. KENYON, 1840 English Department. *1863 ORRA STILLMAN, 1842 Vocal Music. 18f50 1847 Instrumental Music. 1850 *JOIIN R. HARTSHORN, M. D., 1843 Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology. 1849 GURDON EVANS, A. i., 1844 Mathematics. 1846 1866 Normal Department., 1872 8 - ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Elected.:Resigned. MARGARET McCAULEY PA YNVNE, 1846 Instrumental Music. 1847 SERENA C. SAYLES, A. M., 1847-59 Adjunct Modern Languages. 1849-62 SARAH VINCENT STILLMAN,A 1850 Instrumental Music. 1851 SUSAN E. CRANDALL LARKIN, A. M., 1851 - Instrumental Music. 1858 1874 Vocal and Instrumental Music. IDA F. SALLAN KENVYOJ, A. M., 1854 German. 18-56 1865' Adjunct Latin. 1867 1867 German Language and Literature, 1870 Modern Languages and Literature. CLARISSA C. LIVERMORE, 1856 Instrumental Music. 1857 WILLIAM A. ROGERS, A. M., 1857 Mathematics. 1868 1868 Industrial Mechanics. 1870 CYRUS MAXSON, 1858 Instrumental Music. 1863 REV. THOMAS R. WILLIAMS, D. D., 1863 Greek Language and Literature. 1866 1866 Biblical Theology-.and Greek. JAIRUS M. STILLMAN, 1863-67 Vocal and Instrumental Music. 1864-68 ANDERSON R. WIGHTMAN, A. M., 1864 Natural Sciences. 1867 1867 Latin Language snd Literature. 1870 MViARTHA GREENMAAN T.ESTON, 1864 Vocal and Instrumental Music. I865 MARY A. STILTMAN M YERS, 1865. Vocal and Instrumental Music. 1866 *REV. GEORGE E. TOMLINSON, A. M., 1866 Greek Language and Literature. 1867 EDWARD M. TOMTLINSON, A.'M., 186,7 Greek Language and Literature. 1870 Latin Language and Literature. 187t ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 9 Elected. Resigned. REV. NATHAN V. HULL, D. D., 1868 Pastoral Theology. REv. A. HERBERT LEWIS, A. M., 1862 Adjunct Latin. 1863 1868 Church History. MARK SHEPPARD, 1866 - Book Keeping and Penmanship. 1876 PROSPER MILLER, A.., 1868 Natural Sciences. 1872 ALBERT WHITFORD, A. M., 1868 -Mathematics. 1872 MINERVA F. SIMPSON /SIxrNNETT", 1868 Vocal and Instrumental Music. 1871 REV. LUCIUS ROMAIN SWVINNEY, 1870 Hebrew and Cognate Languages. AMELIA E. STILLAAN, A. L., 1870 Associate Painting and Penciling. CHARLES E. MOORE, C. E., 1870. Industrial Mechanics. 1872 HARRIET V. DOWSE B UtRDIIClJ,, 1871 English Department. 1874 HELEN I. CRANDALL CRADALL RNDALL, 1871 Instrumental Music. JOHN R. GROVES, A. M., 1863 English Department. 1864 1872 Mathematics. 1874 HENRY C. COON, A. M., M. D. 1872 - N-atural Sciences and History. - RUFUS ANDERSON, B. M. E., 1873 Industrial Mechanics. 1874 ALPHEUS B. KENYON, S. B., 1874 Industrial Mechanics. WILLIAM R. PRENTICE, A. M., 1860 English Department. 1862 1874 English Department and Adjunct:Mathematics. SARAH WILLIAMS, A. M., 1861-74 English Department. 1866A. WELCOMEI COON, 1872 - Telegraphy. 10 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. INSST3IUCTORS. Elected. Resigned. 1841- AS C. BURDICK - 1843 1842 OLIVE FORBES' WARDNER, A. L. - - - 1844 1843 REV. JOHN D. COLLINS, A. M. - - 1844 1847 *REV. IRA W. SIMPSON, A. M. - - 1849 1847-63 REV. AMBROSE C. SPICER, A. M. - 1849-64 1847 SUSAN M. COON SPICER, A. M. - - 1849 1848 DELWIN F. BROWN - - - - 1849 1849' *LEICESTER COWLES - - - - - 1850 1849 *HANNAH E. STILLMAN B URDICK - - - 1851 1849. MARIA M. G. STILLMAN - - - 1851 1850 T. DWIGHT THACHER, A. M. - - - - 1853 1850 ARMINA LESUER MARVIN, A. M. - - - 185L 1850 F. I. P. WEHRU-NG - - - 1851 1852 EL3TON M. DUT -N -- 1854 1852 HANNAH G. MAXSON, A. L. - - - 1853 1855 D. DUANE McGIBENY, A. M. - - - - 1856 1856 *HoN. SIMEON M. THORPE - - - - - 1858 1857 JAMES B. McGIBENY, A. M. - - - - 1862 1858 MIRANDA A. FISHER DEAN, A. M. 8- - 1859 1862 REV. OSCAR U. WHITFORD, A. M., _ 1863 1862 REV. REUBEN A. WATERBURY, A. M. - 1867 1862 REV. LEANDER E. LIVERMORE, A. M.- - - 186i 1862 E. JENNIE CHAPIN, A. M., M. D. - - - 1863 1862 *ADELAIDE LADLEY, A. M., - 1863 1864 JANE S. WIGHTMAN, A. L. - - - - 1865 1864 REBECCA T. ROGERS, A. L. - - - - 1865 1867 SARAH L. WATERBURY BUTT'S, A. M. - - 1868 1867 L. ELVIRA COON, A. M. - - - - 1868 1868 SARAH SAUNDERS, A. L. - - - 1870 1868 MARY J. LANPHEAR WILLARD - - - 1872 1868 E. ANSON STILLMAN - - - - - - 1869 1868 MARY E. SETCHELL, A. M. - L - - 1869 1868 TRUMAN W. SAUNDERS, A. B. - - - 1869 1870 FRANKIE M. VAN ALLEN, A. M. - - - 1870 1870 SIGNORIA E. SMYTHE - 1872 1872 JUDSON G. BURDICK - - 1874 1872 JAMES A. ESTEE, A. M. - - - 1873 1872 ORVILLE M. ROGERS - - 1874 1873 JULIA A. MAXSON STEWART - - - 1874 1874 ADELIA M. SHERMAN, A. M. - - - 1874 MARY L. GREEN - 1874 JAMES DAVISON, A. B. - - - 1876 1875 MORTON S. WARDNER, A. M. - - - 1876 1875 WILLIAM F. PLACE, A. M. - 1875 CHRISTIE A. SKINNER, A. L; - - - 1876 1844. Simons Stewart, Mary GENTLEMEN. Stillman Goon, L. Elvira, A. M. Allen, Jonathan, Ph. D., Rev., Pres. 1847. *Babcock, Daniel C., M. D., *1875. GENTLEMEN. Bowen, Ezra Burdick, Asa Clark Knox, Franklin W., Esq. Marvin, James, D. D., Chancellor Collins, John D., Rev., Prof. Evans, Gurdon, A. M., Prof. S, oe. Smith,. Joseph W. Green, Erastus A. Spicer, Ambrose C., A. M., Rev. Head, Charles Rollin, M. D., Hon. *Maxson, Luke Green, M. D., *1873. Ae rc Allen Burdick, Abby J. Pickett, Daniel D., Ph. D., Griswold, Lavinia A., A. M. Sayles, Ira, A.,M., Prof. Syle, Ira,.., Pof. Hughes Smith, Caroline Scott, Erastus A., A. M. *Vincent, Paul Maxson, *1865. 1848. LADIES. GENTLEMEN. Collins Babcock. Amorilla Coon, Amos'West, Rev. Forbes Wardner, Olive B. Ford, Darius R., D. D., Prof. Maxson Green, Harriet N. Kenyon, Jared, Rev. Maxson Allen, Abigail A., A. M.,Prof. Maxson, Darwin E, D. D., Rev. Maxson Cochranr Ellis, Arminda Merriman, Joel R., Rev. Stillman Langworthy Rogers, Emma 1849. Stillman Langworthy, Martha LADIES. *Ward Kenyon, Melissa B., *1864. LADI. KWenite Sayles Serena C *. Crandall Larkin, Susan E.,A. M.. Prof. Whe ae *Goodrich IFord, Ellen A., *1857. 1845. i Hemphill Whitford, Ruth G-ENTLEMEN. Hopper Simpson Vroorman, Emma F. Burdick,- iram P., M. D., Rev. LeSuer AMarvin, Armina Smith, Asa W., Esq. 1850. *Maxson, Nathan, *1855. GENBTLEMEN. Wardner, Nathan, A. M., Rev. Bean, Wim: W., A. M., Prin. LADIES. Maso n Ldia A. *Camnpbell. Edwin R., Prof., *1866. Maxson f2[axson, Lydia A. Crandall, Wm. W., M. D., Hon. Nye Crandall, Harriet Drake, John A. Green Stillmcan, Martha M.: McCray, Robert H., P. M., Rev.,'-. 1846. LADIES. GENTLEMEN. Campbell Pickett, Lavinia A. Larkin, Ethan P., A. M, Rev., Prof. Green Maxson, Hannah A. *Simpson, Ira W., A. M., Rev., *1868 NMaxsonfVcCray,Jerusha M.,A.M.,M.D. LADIES. Maxson Burdick, Susan Coon Spicer, Susan M., A. M. Sheldon Powell, Mary A. 12 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Stillman Ellis, Louisa A. 1853. *White Ilartsho'rn, Sophia C., *1856. GENTLEMEN. Dunn, Elston M. 1851. Engle, William A., M. D. GENTLEMEN. Freeborn, DeLancy, Prin. Lewis, William H. Allen, Ormanzo, Hon. Lewis, Willia H. Rogers, Lester C., Rev. *Allen, Lyman, Hon., *1864. Stillman, Maxson J,. Anderson, Galusha, D. D., Rev. Whitford, Albert, Prof. Burdick, Charles Rollin, Rev. Worden, Lorenzo J., Hon. Cornwall, Amos Russell, Rev., Prin. Jones, John H. L., Esq. LADIES. *Pettibone, Daniel J., *1859. Green Fox, Kesiah M., A. M. Randolph, Asa MvI. F., Hon. IMcAl mont Warner, M. C., A. M., Prof. Reynolds, Newel L., Rev. *Saunders Evans, Sarah E., *1859. Shaw, George R., M. D. Sherman Bower, Hannah Stevens, Redmond D., Esq. Stillman, Amelia E., A. L. LANDIES.~ - rWillson Sears, Mary A..iR > ~~Wormley Wordon, Jane E. Bartholomew, Elizabeth, A. M., Prof. W o *Dorr Anderson, Selina, *1861. 1854. Gilmore Thacher, Sarah M. GENTLEMEN. Graves Haywood, Lucretia M. - Black, James Hatch Hull, Mary A. Babcock, Franklin Langworthy cTaylor, Sarah E. Clark, Ira D., Rev. Potter Crandall, E. Euphemia Davidson, John N., Hon. Williams Wrilliams, Sarah, A. M. Langworthy, Daniel A. Maxson, George WV., A. B., Rev. 1852. Rogers, William A., A. M., Prof. GENTLEMEN. Thacher. T. Dwight *'Bateman, J. Emory, *186-. Titsworth, John H. *Burdick, Aylmer D., *1870. LADIES. Cottrell, Lebbeus M., Rev. Alward, Charlotte A. Green, Joel C., Esq. Canfield Brown, Harriet A. *Lewis, Alvin A., A. M., Rev., *1868. Campbell Mason, Almnira Miller, Prosper, A. M., Prin. Havens Copeland, Parthenia K.,*'70. Nicholson. Egbert Kenyon, Elvira E., D. L., Prin. Thacher, Solon O., Hon. Langworthy Benjamin, Martha J. "Williams, Thos. R., D. D., Rev., Prof. I Pattengill Baker, Leona H. LADIES. 0 ":'Porter, Jane A., El8-t. B *.'Stelle Brant, Elizabeth B., *1875. Allen Wood, Emeline CAllen Wood, IEmeli2 Cal2oentur, ate | *Stillman Buldick, Hannah E., *1858. Campbell Allen Carpenter, A. Janette Weed Sarah A Weed, Sarah A. Conklin Lee, Margaret R. eCrandall Burdick, Hannah A., ~-6-. 1855. Edwards Witter, Abby K. GENTLEMEN. Martin Allen, Jane L. Burdick, Edmund Pickett Smith, Lydia M. Cassoday, John B., Hon. Pickett lKnight, Lucy A. Crandall, Amos W. Potter Babcock, Eliza *Maxson, Daniel B., Lt. U. S. A.,'64. Sears Merriman, Harriet A. i McGibeny, David D., A. M., Prin. VVells Stewaurd, Myrta E. McNeil, Jarot W., Rev. *Williams Cornwall, Barbara A., *'59 Nye, (iirard S., Esq. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 13 Stillman, T. Edgar, Esq. Ewel, Joseph E.'Stillman, David F. Pitt, William H., Prin. Van Allen, John H. Seaman, Galen B., Esq. Walbridge, Joshua, A. M., Hon. *Stangland, Eleazer, *U. S. A., 1863. LADIES. Thayer, Samuel R., Esq. Vincent, Thomas Alexander Allen,, Eliza A. Babcock Allis, Cynthia A., M. D. * Babcock Allis, Cynthia A., M. D. 0*Willis, William P., M, D., *1865. Beard Hui-y, Clara T. LADIES. Brown Green, Sarah A. Bassett Clarke, Mary S. *Dickinson, Sarah J., *185-. Conover Himrod, Frances A. L. J. Durant, Eliza Cooper Mather, Levantia P. Fenner isham, A. Miranda, A. M. Cottrell Ml]arvin, Frances A. *Maxson Cassoday, Julia A., *1856. Doty, Bertha E. McQueen, Leucebia F. Edwards Case, Amanda 0. Stanton IWightman, Jane A. Edwards Rich, Mary, L. Thomas Brown, Helen M. Goodspeed Knox, Emily Wright Jewell, Elizabeth C,, A. M. Gorton Andrews, E. Willette Jennings K-, Jennie E. 1856.,~ 1856.Lyman Parkhurst, Grace L. GENTLE'MEN. - Rowe, Ruth E. Allen, Maxson J., Prof.' Smalley Hicks, Mary A. *Baker, R. T., M.D., Surg.*U.S.A.,'64. *Stevens Crandall, Charlotte, *1870. Beach, Daniel, Esq. Van Allen, Jane A., A. M. Burdick, Stephen, Rev. Brunlage, Charles L., Rev., Ed. 1858. Dennis, Rodney C., Esq. GENTLEMEN. Dorrance, Benjamin F. Dorranee, Benjamifi F. Bassett, Francis M. Farnum, Nathan M., M. D. Burdick, Silas C. Johns, Hiram C., Esq.Burt, John P. Perry, William V. merrya, JWiiam V. *Everets,. Josiah G., Rev., *185-. Flint, Weston, Hon. Sypher, Josiah R.' Sypher, Josiah R Greenman, George H. *Thorp, Simeon M., Hon., *1864. Hamilton Emory M. Waldo, Daniel D. Waldo, Daniel D. Rogers, Lowell L., Rev., Prin. Wheeler, Alanson Thacher, Luin K., A. M., Hon. Wightman, Anderson R., A. M., Prin. Thomson, Charles A. LADIES. Whitford, J. Byron Campbell Hutchins, Jane M.' Williams, Ezra *Jacobs Reese, Julia J. Yale, Amos O., Rev. Pattengill Brown, Letitia T. LADIES. Sallan Kenyon, Ida F., A. M., Prof. Scott, Helen E. Blakeslee Chase, Sarah A., A. M., M. D. Scott, Helen E. Brown, Carrie L. Thacher,Stitlman, Lydia L. Titsworth Rogers, Rebecca J. Brown, Emily Vincent Southhall, Catharine A., A. M. Bullman, Adriana, A. M. Burt, Angelica 1857. Carpenter, Lucy M. GENTLEMEN. Pingrey, Thirza D. Armstrong, Jacob B., M. D. Rowe Kenyon, Elizabeth L. Brown, J. Albert' Rowe, Ariana P. Clark, W. Lewis, Hon. Wells Br-own, Ann E. 14 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 1859. LADIES. GENTLEMEN. Brownell Rogers, M. Libbie Chapin, E. Jennie, A. M., M. D. *Beach, Philip L. Cobb, Mirandla L. Brasted, Bethuel H., Rev. Cottrell MMai, Emma- L. E. *Howell, Luther C., Maj., *1866. Fenner Daviis, Lucinda L. *Leonard, Wesley B., Hon., *1875. Marvin, Leonard H., Civ. Eng. Hitchcock Williams, Charlotte C., A. L. Mc(]ibeny,'James B., A. M., Prin. Rogers, William H., A. M., Rev., Prin. *Hydorn, E. Cordelia, *1869. Rooks Stathen, Carrie Turner, Robert T., Hon. *Stelle, M. Ettie,'1862. Van Allen, Daniel D., A. M., Rev.,Prin. Stillman, M. Grace, A. M. LADI~ES. Swinney, Ellen F., A. M., M. D. *Dean, Harriet A., *186-. Taylor Burdick, Mary A. Fisher Dean, Miranda M., A. M. Weaver Dexter, Ellenoir E., A. M. Green, Mary A. Humphrey Bliss, Sarah M. 1862. Kenyon, E. Elvira, D. L., Prin. GENTLEMEN. Dean, Stephen T., Rev. 1860. Groves, John R., Prin. - GENTLEMEN.- Maxson, William P., Capt. Bower, Thomas D., A. B. Maxson, Henry R. Mapes, Bascom P., S. B., Esq. *Potter, Reuben T., *U. S. A., 1865. Nash, Eugene A., A. M., Esq., Col. Prentice, William R., A. M., Prof. McGibeny, Duane D., A. M., Rev.,Prin. Randolph, Preston F. Rogers, Eli. J., A. M., Prof. Tubbs, Charles LADIES. Thacher, Luin K., A. M., Maj. Babcock Waite, Phebe Jane, A. M.,M.D. Thorp, Thomas, A. M., Gen. Bridgeman, Lydia S., A. L. *Williams, James W., A. B., *1862. Campbell, Mary M., A. M. LADIES. Coon Hunting, Lucetta, A. L. Allen Whitford, Euphemia E., A. M. *Evans Morton, Phebe, *1871. Crandall Browzn, Ella, A. M. *Green Cornwall, Lodemia A., *1863. Gorton Middaugh, Elizabeth S., A. M. Hubbard, Addie, A. M., T.' Robbins Norton, Emma I., A. L. Langworthy Bancroft, Lucy C. Walker Lovell, Adelaide M. Buckley McGibeny, M. A., A. M.,Prec. 1863. Randolph, E. Emily, A. L. Stillman Ellsworth, Eleanor M., A. M. GENTLEMEN. Andrews, Towner P. Sherman Bower, Hannah, A. L. Andrews, John T. Stone Penoyer, Celestia A., A. M. Andrews, John T. Baldwin, Horace D., A. M., Esq. 1861. Lewis, A. Herbert, A. -M., Rev., Prof. GENTLEMEN. Pingrey, Darius H., S. B. Brown, Wallace W., A. M., Hon. Pope, James H. Burt, B. Frank Savage, Andrew N. Crandall, Ahira J., A. M. H *Swinnev,AzorEstee,A.B.,*U.S.A.,'64. Dexter, Seymour, A. M., Hon. Van Zile, P. Taylor, Esq. Kenyon, Luis H. Whitford, Oscar U., A. M., —Rev. *Maxson, J. Edmund B.,*U. S. A., 1862. Whitford, Daniel *Randolph, Henry C., *186-. LADIES. Saunders, Thomas C., Esq. Brundage Miller, Alice Williams, G. Asher, A. M., Prin. Campbell, Amelia E., A. M. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 15 Chapin tWinard, E. Jennie, A. M., M.D. Hart, Marietta E., A. L. Church Pitt, Mary E. L- angworthy Titswoorth,E.A.,A.L., *'74 Coon Sheppard, Mary E., A. M. *Langworthy, Carrie S., A. L., *1868. French Metcalf, Armina, A. M. Van Aernam Me FVey, Isadore G., A. L. Green Merrwin. Helen M. Waffle Heinemann, Anabelle, A. M. *Ladley, Adelaide, A. M., Ed., *1872. 1867. Maxson Prentice, Lemira A. Maxson Livermore Phillips, L. Ettie GENTLEMEN. Mitchell Zimmerman, Agnes A. Burdick, Charles A., A. M., Rev. Reynolds, Marie Hendershot, John, E. B. Rogers Wheeler, Mary M. Lewis, Amos Crandall, A. M., M. D. Saunders, Sarah, A. L. Waterbury,ReubenA.,A.M.,Rev.,Prof. Wager Fisher, Mary A. E., A. M. LADY. 1864. aterbury-Butts, Sarah L., A. M. 1864. GENTLEMEN. 1868. Chapin, Charles A., A. M., Esq. GENTLEMAN. Chapin, Albert L. Coon, Henry C., A. M., M. D., Prof. Crandall, Ahiia J., A. M. LADIES. Dexter, Seymour, A. M., Esq. Brown, Mary E., A. M. Purdy, Andrew J., A. M., M. D. Wilbur Ennis, Mary L., Ph. T. LADIES.. York Burdick, Eusebia A., A. L. Brimmer Sweet, Sarah E. *Copp, Josephine M., A. M., *187-. 1869. Green Lewis, Adda J., A. L. GENTLEMEN. Langworthy Clawsun, Amanda A.,A.M. Babcock, Herbert Eugene, A. M., Rev. langworthy, Maria A. Brown, Isaac Brownell, E. B., Esq. Simpson Spencer, Hannah A. Compton, Levi French, A. M., Rev. Wildman, Mary E. Davis, Darius King, A. M., Rev. Lewis, Daniel, A. M., M. D. Rogers, Benjamin Fox, A. M., Rev. - - GENTLEMEN..' Todd, William Pitt, A. B., Esq. Baldwin, Horace D., A. M., Esq. Wardner, Albert Edgar, A. M., Prin. Palmiter, Alanson A., A. B. LADIES. Sheppard, Theodore F., Ph. B. Dhepard,. M. Davis, Anna Sheppard, A. M. Thacher, Charles Rollin, A-. B. Kenyon Mix, Lavinia Rosalie, A. L. Van Duzer, Edward C., A. B., Esq. Vaughn Lewis, Achie Dean, A. M. LADIES. Langworthy Benjamin, Martha J.,A.M. 1870. Breese, S. Madora, A. M. GENTLEMAN. Burdick, Susan E., A. L. Elliott, Aaron Leroy, A. B. Stillman, Eunice M., E. L. LADIES. Dowse Groves, Charlotte E., A. M. GE:TLEMEN. Dye Cottrell, Angelia, A. L.:GENTLEMdEN. BlakIesleeD ye AWaterbury Rude,Hannah Almira,A.L. sLever, John J., E. BA.'i Prin. Wood, Lucie Maria, A. M., T. Lever, John J., E. B. Livermore, L. E., A. M., Rev. 1871. Platts, Lewis A., A. M., Rev. GENTLEMAN. Wheeler, Samuel R., A. M., Rev. Babbitt, Vernon Marion, A. M., Prin. LADIES. LADIES. Allen Willard, Lydia A., A. L. Bailey, Mary F., A. M. 16 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Maxson, Sherman, Adelia, A. M., T. Sherman, Oliver Dyer, A. B. Setchel, Mary Ellen, A. M., T. Kenyon, Alpheus Burdick, S. B., Prof. Simpson, Mary Charlotte, A. M. McHale, James, S. B. Whitney, Sarah Elizabeth, A. M., Rev. LADIES. Davis Estee, Martha Jane, A. L., Prec. 1872. Davis, Julia Maria, A.' L., T. GENTLEMAN. I Maxson, Inez Radcliffe, A. L., T. Bonham, Winfield Scott, S. B. LADIES. 1875. Ayars, Sarah Maria, A, M. GENTLEMEN. BSurdick Rosebeush, Sara M., A. M. Maxson, Emmet L., A. B., Prin. Eaton, Ella Ervilla, A. M.:1Mungor, Frank Ethan, A. B., Ed. Nelson, Anna Eliza, A. M., T. LADIES. Van Allen, Mary Frances, A. M., T. Champlin, Vinnie Elissa, A. L. Karr, Helen Mar, A. L., Prec. 1873.' Tucker, Weltha Victoria, A. L..GENTLEMEN.\ Cottrell, G. S. Montrose, A. M., Prin. 1876. Crandall, George Jay, A. M., Rev. GENTL~EMEN. Davis, David Herbert, A. M., Rev. Babcock, Uri Martin, A. B. Estee, James Azor, A. M., Prii. Baker, Nathan Jeremiah, Ph. B. Huffman, John Livingston, A. M., Rev. Burdick, William Elton, Ph. B. Stillman, Horace, A. M., Rev. Davison, James, A. B. Estee, Daniel Maxson, A. B. 1874. Lewis, Willis Irving, Ph. B. GENTLEMEN. Potter, Leman William, Ph. B. Crandall, George Jay, B. D., Rev Spicer, Julian -Hale, A. B. Davis, Darius King, B. D., Rev. Wardner, Morton Smith, B. D. Davis, David Herb6rt, B. D., Rev. LADIES. Huffman, John Livingston, B. D., Rev.' Dimmick, Aurelia Elosia, A. L. Rogers, Benjamin Fox, B. D., Rev. Lamson, Alice Elizabeth, A. L. Stillman, Horace, B. D., Rev. Skinner, Christie Ann, A. L. Gardiner, Theodore L., A. B., Rev. Smith, Samantha S. P., A. L. REV. PRESIDENT ASA MAHAN - - - - 1862 REV. JOEL WAKEMAN. 1864 REV. CHANCELLOR JAMES MARVIN - - - 1868 REV. PROF. DARIUS R. FORD - - - 1872 REV. LEMAN ANDRUS - 1875 REV. HORATIO PATTENGILL: - 1875 REV. NATHAN V. HULL 1876 REv. JAMES R. IRISH - 1876 Dh. L. PRESIDENT EMILY INGHAM STANTON - - 1875 PRINCIPAL E. ELVIRA KENYON - - - 1875 Ph. )D. PRINCIPAL DANIEL D. PICKETT - 1875 A. IM. REV. J. P. HUNTING, M. D. - 1859 PROF. THWRE KUMELIEN - - - - 1868 PROF. R. B. ANDERSON - - - 1868 run a ftli* 1886-1837. *Miner, Joseph W. Alfred. GENTLEMEN. Monroe, Orrin R. Alfred. *Pierce, Stillman Alfred. Allen, Jonathain, I..D Ph.D.Alfred. oolworthJohn Afred. Woolworth, John Alfred. *Babcock, Daniel C,, M. D. Alfred. Woolworth, Leonard Alfred. *Barber, Gardner P. Alfred. Geptlemen, 15. Burdick, Edwin S., Mi. D. Alfred. *Collin's, BenJ. F., M. D. Alfred. LADIES. Collins, John D., Prof. Alfred. *Babcock'Vincet, Annis Alfred. Coon, Amos W., Rev. Alfred. *Burdick Pettibone, Nancy Hartsville. *Crandall, Ezra P. Alfred. Clawson Davis, Cecilia Marlborough, N. J. Crandall, E. Rogers Little Genesee. Coon 0. Coons, Electa Alfred. Green, Erastus A. Alfred. Coon Monroe, Sarah Alfred. *Hull, Oliver P., Rev. Alfred. *Crandall Stillmcan, SusanW. Little Genesee. Maxson, Stephen Alfred. *Green Edwards, Deidamia Friendship. *Maxson, Nathan Alfred. Green Stebbins, Phebe Alfred. Stillman, Orra Alfred. Hamilton, Hannah Babcock Alfred. Stillman, David R. Alfred. Hamilton Green, Tacy Alfred. Gentlemen, 15. *Hartshorn Packer,Minerva Eaton. LADIES. Humphrey MXonroe, Sarah J. Alfred. Babcock Maxso, Lois Alfre.Maxson Green, Harriet N. Friendship. Babcock ffaxsonz l Lois ~ Alfred. Black Deck, Zoa Alfred.Maxson -Vaxson, Lydia A. Alfred. Black Deck; Zoa Alfred. Burdick Vinzcent, Clarissa Alfred. *Saunders Halsey, Louisa Almond. Collins Babcock, Amorilla Alfred. Sheldon, Eleanor E. Alfred. Cradal ~~icen i'IL1'Y A.Alfred. Crandall Davisn MariyA Alfred. StillmanLaagworthy, MarthaAlfred. Crandall DaBos, Maria Alfred. Stiliman, Eusebia Almond. *Crandall Boss, Eliza Little Genesee.'Hall Pierce, Olive Alfred. ~Hull s~, Martha Alfred.~ ~*Williams, Mary A. Alfred. Hull Erns, Martha Alf red. Ladies, 21. Maxson C, Ellis, Arminda Alfred.. Total36 MaXson Wheeler', Phebe A. Alfred. Total 36. Maxson Prosser, Susan Ashaway, R. I. Maxson Badger, Samantha Alfred. 1838-1839. Miner Faller, Emeline Alfred. GENTLEMEN. Satterlee, Avis Alfred. Blakely, Justus.Persia. SaundersLaaephearSusannahAlfred. Spiner,~Julhua ~A. Alfred. ~ Burdick, O. Lafayette Alfred. *Spicer, Julia A. Alfred. *Burdick, Mil o Alfred. Spicer Crandall, Sophia Alfred. Burdick, Milo Alfred. Coon, Elisha Alfred. Stillman L. Rogers, Emma Alfred. Coon, Elisha B. Olean.~ Stillman, Amanda M. Alfred. Coon, els le. Coon, Wells Alfred. *Stillman York, Sally Alfred. Crandall; Lorenzo D. Amity. Stillman Coozn, L. Elvira Alfred. Crandall, Samuel Friendship. Ladies, 22. Lais 2 ~ ~Green, Edward Alfred. Total 3~ ~Total - -. -~ I Head, Samuel C., Hon. Alfred. Head, C. R., M. D., Hon. Alfred. 1837-1838. *Livermore, Maxson G. Independence. GENTLEMEN. Place, Philip Alfred. Burdick, A. Clark, U. S. A. Alfred. *Pierce, Ira Alfred. Burdick, H. P., Rev., A. B. Hartsville. Pickett, Daniel D., Ph. D. Almond. Coon, Lorenzo Alfred. * Potter, George Little Genesee. Coon, Stephen Alfred.. Sayles, Ira, A.M., C. U. S.A. Westfield, Pa. Coon, Nathan, M. D. Alfred. Scott, James L., Rev. Alfred. *Hall, William Alfred. Scott, Erastus A., A.M. Richburgh. Lanphear, E. Alfred. Stillman, John W. Alfred. *Maxson, Luke G., M. D. Alfred. Stillman, Henry Independence. Maxson, Matthew Friendship. Stillman, Silas Almond. *Millard, Isaac P.'Alfred. * Stillman, Braddock Almond. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 19 *Vincent, Paul M. Alfred. Robbins, John B. Troupsburgh. Vincent, Joshua Alfred. *Scott, Riley W. Friendship. *Worden, Lorenzo D. Alfred. Sheldon, Hazard H. Little Genesee. Gentlemen, 26. *Sturges, Samutl, M. D. Friendship. LADIES. Teeter, Andrew J. Whitesville. Vincent, Edward, Hon. Alfred. Babcock Collicts, Tacy Alfred.'W, ardner, Chauncy, Rev. Andover. Beebe Lanphecr, Esther Alfred. Wardner, Nathan, Rev. Andover. Blakely, Harriet Persia. Blakelyb, Harriet - Persia. 7 - Wells, John A., Rev., D. D. Belfast. Burdick Sabin, Irene D. Almond. G t 9 Burdick Witter, Lydia Alfred., Burdick Beebe, Lovina Hartsville. LADIES. Burdick, Amelia Alfred. Allen Beseltine, Harriet Clara, Pa. Coon Allen, Esther Alfred. Allen Graves, Eliza Clara, Pa. Coon Ml~ajor, Esther Alfred. *Babcock Burrcick, Philena Alfred. Coon, Nancy Alfred. *Burdick Perry, Catharine Alfred. Crandall Thom -as, Martha A.Almond. Burdick Sterns, Emily Alfred. *Crandall Thomas, Mary Almond. BurdickHamilton,MelissaW.Almond. *Crandall, Cordelia Alfred. Clarke Green, Oliva Andover. *Crocker Van Ostrancld, I. A. Alfred. Clarke, Katie Andover. Forbes HEopkins, Lucinda Almond. Crandall Thomas, Ann Almond. Forbes Wardner, Olive B. Andover. Edwards Main, Frances Alfred. Green Potter, Fanny Independence. Green Woollever, Mary *Green Huebbard, Grace Little Genesee. Green Burdick, Tacy Independence. *Green Clarke, Maria A. Independence. *Greenman Lantphear, Lois Alfred. *Green Garcdiner, Sarah C. Little Genesee. Hale Russell, Mary Andover. Goodrich Dacis, Jane Alfred. Hall, Jane Alfred. Hartshorn ieax.son, CordeliaEaton. Hood Beebe, Mary M. Hartsville. Keep Blake, Parthenia Vergennes, Vt. *Lanphear VanSlyke,SarahA Alfred. Lanphear Johnson, Hannah Alfred. Maxson Allen, Abigail A. Friendship. *Lanphear Coon, Martha Alfred. Maxson N2oble, Samantha Friendship. Maxson, Eliza D. Richburgh. Maxson Bzurdick, Susan Alfred. *Maxson Hamnilton, Eliza S. Friendship. Merrick, Betsey Clara, Pa. *Maxson, Mary A. Little Genesee. Potter hgood, Avis Hartsville. "*IcHenry Cottrell, Betsey Almond. RiceLane, Mary A. Independence. *Pierce, Susan Alfred. Searles, Martha M. Pettibone, Henrietta Hartsville. Sheldon Powell, Mary A. Alfred.?Satterlee, Nancy G. Alfred. Stearns, Emily B. Almond. Stevens Crandall, Serena Almond. Sturges Axtell, Mary A. Friendship. Stevens Mfajor, Sophronia Almond. Sturges Johnson, Lucy A. Friendship. Stillman, Harriet Alfred. Truman Amidon, Harriet Alfred. *Warren Coon, Marietta Alfred. Van Allen Fowler, Jane C. Andover. Wells Blrcdick, Esther H1cbron, Pa. Weaver Crandall, E. Friendship. Wells Pierce, Sardinia Hebron, Pa. Ward Kenyosn, Melissa B. Schenectady. Worden, Sarah Alfred. Worden Lewis, Elmina Alfred. Ladies,-39. Ladies, 33. Total - 65. Total 62. 1839-1840. 1840-1841. GENTLEMIEN. GENTLEMEN. Allen, Cooley C. Clara%-Pa. Ackley, C. S. Friendship. Allen, George Clara, Pa. Allen, Austin K. Clara, Pa. Austin, Stephen M. Andover. Babcock, A. T. Alfred. Bowen, Ezra Troupsburgh. Bassett, Baylies S. Independence. Brundage, B. Collins Greenwood. Burdick, Ethan L. Alfred. Buckley, Seth S. Bolivar. \ Burdick, Waite S. Little Genesee. Clarke, Decatur M. Independence. Burdick,'Hubbard Almond. Coon, Daniel Alfred. Coon, Alonzo B. Little Genesee. Crandall, Ira B. Alfred. *Coon, Thomas L. Alfred. Crandall, Ezra Friendship. Corey, Anson Almond. Evans, Gurdon, A. M. Richburgh. Crandall, E. Morris Little Genesee. Green, Matthew Little Genesee. *Crandll, Phineas S., Rev. Almond. Green, David C. Alfred. Davis, Henry Andover. Hartshorn, Charles Hornellsville. Dunn, Edwin S. Belfast. Hull, Varnum, Rev. Alfred. Fuller, Elijah Richburgh. *Jones, Lee Whitesville. Goodspeed, Francis, Esq. Knoxville, Pa. Maxson, Willialn R. Portville. *Green, Nathan, hi. D. Wirt. Place, Alvin A. Alfred. - Green, Maxson J. Alfred. Potter, Perry F. Hartsville. *Green, Moses Alfred.... Reynolds, Levi Troupsburgh. Hann, Michael1H. Andover. 20 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Harman, John J., M. D. Almond. Lewis, Lucy Alfred. *Johnson, Ezekiel R. Friendship. Major, Elizabeth Almond. Leilous, S. Amity. Maxson Carey, Tryphena L. Lebanon. Lewis, Leander W. Alfred. Maxson, Calista Little Genesee. Major, Matthew Almond. Nye Crandall, Harriet L. Little Genesee. Mallory, Augustus Troupsburgh. Perry Kelts, Theresa Troupsburgh. Maxson, Charles Alfred. *Potter McDougal, Malvina Hartsville. Maxson, W. Richard Little Genesee. Powers, Cordelia Cuba.'Maxson, George R. Alfred. *Seeley Thuber, Mehetabel Knoxville, Pa. *McDougal, John Cuba. Seeley -Ielts, Hannah Knoxville, Pa. McHenry, Roswell W. Almond. Seeley, Eleanor Belfast. Nye, Horace H., M. D. Little Genesee. Shaw, Angelica Belfast. Palmiter, Jonathan Alfred. Sheldon, Emeranca Little Genesee. Perry, Peter Amity. Sherman Place, Ruth Alfred. Perry, E. Amity. Smith, Mary Ceres, Pa. Potter, S. Hartsville. Stetson, Elizabeth F. Bolivar. *Russell, James Sturges, Sarah Friendship. *Seeley, John' Knoxville, Pa. Thorp, Hannah Alfred. Seeley, E. S. Knoxville, Pa. Van Campen, Lavinia Almond. Sheldon, Maxson Alfred. *Warren Coon, Susan E. Alfred. Sheldon, Daniel P. Alfred. White Sqcyles, Serena C. Whitesville. Sherwood, William M. Troupsburgh. Williams Stillman, Almira Alfred. Smith, Joseph W. Alfred. Williams, Emeline Alfred. *Simpson, Ira W., Rev. Troupsburgh. Ladies, 48. Spade, Lawrence Whitesville. Total - 1. Spencer, William Troupsburgh. Spicer, Ambrose C., Rev. Independence. 1841-1842. Stevens, Joshua Canisteo. Stevens, Chester Almond. OENTLEMEN. Stevens, Augustus L., Almond. Allen, Loander Alfred. Stillman, Jairus M., Prof. Alfred. Allen, Ormanzo, Hon. Alfred. Stillman, William P. Alfred. Allen, Orlenzer, M. D. Alfred. Thompson, Cornelius Birdsall. Andrews, M. L. Almond. Truman, Daniel Alfred. *Babcock, Samuel Aifred. Van Allen, Harman Andover. Bartlett, Sherman *Van Allen, William H. Andover. Bell, Charles Ceres, Pa. Van Campen, Alvin B. Almond. *Benjamin, Harvey W. A fred. Van Sickle, John Greenwood. Bennett, Charles D. Howard. Walker, Daniel S. Andover. *Beverly, Charles D. Bolivar. Wells, Lyman Burdick, Charles R., Rev. Alfred. White, Clark Whitesville. Carpenter, William M. Alfred. Whitney, Henry Burns. Chapin, Dennis B. Bolivar. Whitney, John A. Burns. Collins, Amos B., Esq. Alfred. Gentlemen,' 63. Collins, Lorenzo D. Alfred. *Crandall, W. J. C., M. D. Friendship. LADIES. | Crandall, Welcome Independence. Allen Haniilton, Almira E. Wirt. PI Crandall, Horace Little Genesee. *Bassett Green, Maria C. Independence. Crandall, J. S. Amity. Bowen Perry. Betsey Troupsburgh. Davis, Miles E. Amity. Burdick, Betsey - Alfred. Davis, John, Hon. Greenwood. Burdick Crandall, Celestia Little Genesee. Dunn, iM. Belfast. Burdick Potter, Emily Alfred. Furnald, Chelson Bolivar. Clarke Clorke, Mary Andover. Furnald, Cyrus Bolivar. Coates, Harriet A. Manchester. Green, J. W. Coon Fairebanks, Melissa Little Genesee. V Green, J. Chandler Independence. Cornwall IWooley, Jane Hartsville. Greenman, Orlando S., M. D. Alfred. Crandall Post, Mary E. Alfred. Heseltine, J. Independence' Crandall Prosser, Cornelia Little Genlesee. Hull, Hamilton, Rev. Alfred. Green Crilndall, Frances G. Little Genesee. *Hull, Richard Green Green., Nancy 13. Independence. Leach, John H. Woodhull. Guilford, Keziah G. Belfast. Lewis, Elijah P. Alfred. Hale, Lucia Andover. c Lewis, Alvin A., M. D.,Rev. Alfred. Hall Green, Oliva Hartsville. Matterson, David Almond. *HIartshorn, Madelia Hornellsville. *Palmiter, Edwin, *U. S. A. Alfred. Hawley Hiolliday, Jane Hornellsville. Place, Thomas Alfred. Heath, Harriet A. Almond. Potter, William D., Hon. Alfred. Heath, Caroline Almond. Richadson, Thomas Almond. Humphrey tMonroe, Sarah J. Alfred. Richardson, Ezekiel S. Richburgh. Lanphear, Laura C. Russell, Jacob R. Andover. Lanphear Langrcyorthy, A. Z.Alfred. Satterlee, Dewitt C. Little Genesee. Lee, Oliva Andover. IScovill, Lunian Whitesville. i.I-__ — ____ ___-_ —---—.,.. _. __.__~_.__ _ ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 21 Smith, Asa W., Hon. Woodhull. Bennett, Alkali Howard. Smith, O. B. Bruce, Elleck Friendship. Stout, William Independence. Burdick, Daniel M. Alfred. *Taylor, Charles Canisteo. Burdick, Benjamin F. Almond. Thompson. W. H. Birdsall. Burdick, William R. Hornellsville. Van Vechten, Jeremiah Almond. Burdick, L. Alfred. Van, Vechten, Derrick Almond. Burdick, Daniel T. Hornellsville. Waggoner, J. Hornellsville. Butts,Lucien A.,Capt.U.S.A. Clarksville. Wardner, David Andover. Clarke, Paul M. Rushford. Wheeler, Lyman Wirt. Coates, Wesley F. Manchester. Whiting, Xury Hartsville. Cole, Stephen New Hudson. Witter, Paul C., Rev. Alfred. Collins, William W. Alfred. Wood, Benjamin F.. Independence. Coon, Orson Alfred. Gentlemen, 55. Cotton, Cyrus H. Friendship. LADIES. - Crandall, C. M. Little Genesee. Axtell, Laura E. CFriendsnip. Crandall, R.A. Portville. *Crandall, Joseph S. Independence. Barrett Root, Calista Clarence. Dana, Joseph C., Rev. Almond. Bassett KingsbZury, Betsey Independence. /I^ ~ Es C1ia. ~Daniels, William Friendship. Bassett Chrismane, Julia A. Independence. Dartt, Allen Ml. Howard. Beach, Nettle, Durkan, James Alfred. Beebe LaonpLhestr,,Esther. Alfred. Dye, George WV. Birdsall. *Benton, Sarah Geneva. Ferry, S. Almond. Britton Noble, Anna Friendship. Forsyth, Willliam Independence. *Burdick, Fanny Alfred. *Burdizck, Fanny Alfared. -Green, Charles S. Berlin. *BurnsvMaria Belfast. Hale, S. Knowlton Andover. Coates.Stillinan,; Sarah L. Wirt. Halsey, Abram Almond. Collins Scott, Phebe Alfred. Hamilton, Walter G. Alfred. Coon ttendric'k, Judith Alfred. Harrison, John Friendship. Davis Fi.sher, Marion A-. Greenwood. Green -hite.ty AHartrum, John S. Greenwood. Green White, Nancy A. Hawley, Clark L.' Hornellsville. Green Maxson, Hannah A. Alfred. Hills, J. V. Amity. Griswold, Lavinia A., A. M. Independence. Horton, Jonathan G., M. D. Norway. Hall, Genevia Jameson, George W. New Hudson. *Hoyt Prindcle, Mary Bolivar. *Johnson, Maxson W., Wirt. Hughes Smzith, Caroline M. Almond. Lanphear, Nathan Alfred. Hughes, Sarah Alhnond. Lee, D. Alfred. Ives, Elvira Bingham, Pa. Lewis, Israel T. Alfred. *King, Janette Ceres, Pa. King, *Lewis, Salem A., Rev. Almond. *Lowrey, Catharine Independence. *Lewis, Lyman H. Almond. Miatteson, Malahala Independence. Main, Alexander H., Hon. Clarksville. *Matteson Lucy Independence. LeMajor, Charles 11ornellsville. TMaxson Carpenteor, Emeline Little Genesee. Mallory, E. T. Troupsburgh. Maydole Gurnsey, Jane M. Norwich. Maxson,-James S. Bolivar. Perry Bowven, Emly A. Troupsburgh. Perry BoMeem, E3mily A. Tronpsburgb. Maxson, Horatio Alfred. Potter Pope, Angeline Hartsville. MicKeen, W. G. New Hudson. Russell, Phebe Russell, TayPhebe Indepen. Moon, Reynolds, U. S. A. Cohocton. Spicer, Tacy Independence. Niver, William C., M. D. Friendship. Spicer, Freelove O. Independence. Nye, Eli S., U. S. A. Little Genesee. VantAllen Zezattd Sarah I pA. Andover. Palmiter, Horace W. Hartsville. Van Allen Hunt, Sarah A. Andover. * Pettibone, Daniel J. H Iartsville. Van Sickle, Harriet A. Greenwood. Pickett, Horace TW. West Almond. *Van Sickle Brxlndae, HanPearsall, John S. Sharon, Pa. asworth, Emeline Angelica. Porter, George W. Lyndon. Powers, John M. Cuba. WardnerL Scott, Emily - Andover. *Price, Samuel B., Prof. Westfield, Pa. Wells, Clarissa ~ Hebron, Pa. Price, IraP., M. D. Westfield, Pa. *White Hort~iorn, Sophia Independence. WRandolph, Asa I. F., Hon. Friendship. Wood Horon, ary L. Independence. Rice, Newton Independence. Y*Young Peabody, Lucy Ceres, Pa. Ladies, 43. Rider, A. Alfred. Rowse, Rowland Friendship. Total ~ - - 98. Scott, S.V.., Capt. UT. S. A. Friendship. Seeley, John, U. S. A. Belfast. Sherman, Clark Alfred. G -EN'rLEE3EN. Slade, Ambrose Independenee. Allen, Thomas S.. Hon., Col. Smith, Edwin P. Wirt. U. S. A. Cuba. Stillman, Richard B. Almond. Armstrong, W. E. Almond. Stowell, Franklin L. Friendship. Axtell, Ira A. Wirt. Sweet, Nathaniel, M. D. Alfred. *Barney, Wellman Independence. Thompson, C. Birdsall. Bell, E. Weldon Little Genesee. Turner, William H. Independence. 22 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Tuttle, Ayers S., M. D. Westfield, Pa. Knox, William J. Knoxville, Pa. Waggoner, Simeon S. Hornellsville. Lawrence, Edwin W. Berlin. Wilson, S. Belfast. Leonard, Rensselaer, M. D. Andover. Gentlemen, 79. Lewis, Orren M. Petersburgh. Mason, William Woodhull. LADIES. Maxson, Benjamin F. Little Genesee. Adams Irish, Mary S. Allen. Moon, Elisha, M. D. Cohocton. Babcock Sibley, Elvira Scott. Nicholson, Ambrose Howard. *Babcock Goodrich, Sabra Alfred. Riddell, George, M. D. Hartsville. Barber Thomas, FreeloveV. Alfred. Ross, Daniel S. Rush, Pa. BarneyArnsbutry,Lorinda E. Independence. Sandborn, Eli P. Allen. Bliss Truman, Eliza A, Little Genesee. Scott, Leonard P., U. S. A. Friendship. Burdick Brewster, Mary A. Alfred. Scott, Chester Friendship. *Burdick Pierce, Elizabeth Alfred. Shaw, Angelo Friendship. Clarke Wtells, Emily Independence. Sherman, Frederick Alfred. Cottrell Kenyon, Eliza A. J. Wirt. Smith, William IM Allen. Dana, Susan J. Almond. "Taylor, Clement Canisteo. Forsyth, Frances Independence. Van Antwerp, John, Rev. Burns. French Dimmick, Harriet Wirt. Worden, Lorenzo S.- Veteran. Goodspeed Knox, Emily Knoxville, Pa. Gentlemen, 42. Goodwin, Louisa Andover. Gordon Jones, Mary M. Whitesville. LADIES. GreenLivingstont,Miranda A. Alfred. Alba, Maria Knoxville, Pa. Green Stillman, Martha M. Alfred. Burdick Beebe, Lovinia Hartsville. Hartrumn. Russell, Harriet D. Greenwood. Burrows, Elizabeth C. Scio. Jameson, Harriet P. New Hudson. Capron Silla, Wealthy M. Friendship. Kelsey Hlautching, Clarissa Independence. Coon, Spicer, Susan M., A.M. Alfred. Kent Rice, A. M. Troupsburgh. Crandall, Adaline Almond. KenyonApplebee,AmandaM. Wirt. *Crandall, A ngeline Almond. Kenyon COOn, Eleanor O. Wirt. Crandall Larkin, Susan E. Alfred. Place Shertman, Phebe Alfred. Crandall Prescott,AmandaM.Alfred. *Potter Darrow, Elizabeth Little Genesee. Edwards Vatn Slyke, Hannah Little Genesee. Putnam Crandall, MIarcella Independence. Farrar Philpot, Louisa M. Greenwood. Putnam Parker, Sophronia Independence. Ferry Leonard, Elizabeth Almond. Rice, Rosetta Independence. Ford, Lucinda Belfast. Rose Hunt, Abigail M. Alfred. Hale Scott, Mary T. Scio. Satterlee Whitford, Mialvina Hornellsville. Harrison Stowell, Betsey Friendship. Saunders Coon, Emeline Alfred. Hart Bloomni-ngcdale,PhebeM. Hornellsville. Sellon, A. Betsey Belfast. Hart Icartshorn, Cordelia Hornellsville. Wadsworth, Z. P. Angelica.'Hill, Matilda Almond. Wilcox Beach, Miranda Independence. Genung BDixon, Maria Almond. Worden Lewis, Clarissa Alfred. Kerr Alba, Janette Allen. Ladies, 36. *Kerr, Martha E. Allen. Total - 115. Lee Ford, Elvira Mi. Andover. Lee Bundy., Orpha C. Andover. 1843-1844. Leonard Rose, Deborah Friendship. Langworthy Taylor,SarahE. Little Genesee. - GENTLEIMEN. - Langworthy, Eliza A. Little Genesee. Ainsworth, Henry T. Whitesville. MIatteson JIoon, Elvira Almond. Alba, Edwin M., M. D. Knoxville, Pa. hMaxson Hacll, MIariette Alfred. Axtell, Alonzo E. Friendship. Maxson hlc Cray, Jerusha M. Friendship. Barber, George R. Mioscow. Peckham, Loisa R. Allen. Benton, John; Geneva. Penfield, Belinda S. Allen. *Burdick, Bradford D. Sackett's Harbor. Pickett Smlith, Lydia M. West Anlmond. Burdick, Melvin A. WV. Bolivar. Pickett, Knight, Lucy A. West Almond. Burdick, Henry R. Bolivar. Pierce, Eleanor Alfred. Chaffee, Ambrose W. Angelica. Place Sherman, Miarilla Alfred. *Clapp, Edwin B. Belfast. *Porter Bterdick, Emily C. Lyndesn. Crandall, Wm.W.,M.D.,Hon. Little Genesee. Potter Crancldall, Euphemia Fraseur, Frank A. Knoxville, Pa. E., A. M. Almond. Ford, Darius R., Rev., D. D. Belfast. *Potter, Elvira Almond. Green, Thomas HI. Little Genesee. *Satterlee M~erritt,MarthaM. Hornellsville. Higbee, Sylvester M. Angelica. Saunders Lewis, Miary S. Alfred. Higgins, Ami Friendship. Scovill, Miartha M. Whitesville. Holden, Horace Richmond, Pa. Sheldon Fowler, Phebe Alfred. Hooker, Lloyd Angelica. Sherman Green, Emily Greenwood. Hull, Franklin Belfast. Simons Stew art, Mary Amity. Hunt, Samuel Andover. Smith, Elizabeth A. Alfred. Kent, Reuben Scio. Smith Woolworth, Lydia Alfred. Kingsbury, -, Ohio. Stephens, Jane Alfred. Knox, Frank W., Hon. Knoxville, Pa. Stillman Ellis, Louisa A. Alfred. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 23 *StillmanBurdickc,HannahE. Alfred. Merritt, Charles Little Genesee. Stillman Joltes, Sarah E. Alfred. Moon, Andrew F. Whitesville. *Tracy Barber, Lemira S. Phillipsville. Moon, Dennis L. Whitesville. Witter Perry, Phebe A. Hartsville. Murtaugh, Barney Hornellsville. Ladies, 52. Olmstead, William R. Troupsburgh. Total 94. Olmstead, Samuel Troupsburgh. Payne, William W., M. 1). Bradford, Pa. 1844-1845. Pierce, Ira B. Cohocton. Pitts, Samuel D. Arkport. GENTLFIMEN. Penny, Charles W. Alfred. Abbott, Emmet S. Amity. Perry, Luman Troupsburgh.?Atldridgej Andrew Amity. Price, William, M. D. Westfield, Pa. Allen, Gebrge F. Alfred. \ Richmond, Q. Angell, Edwin A. Almo nd~. Rogers, Thomas S. Waterford, Ct. Ayres, Williamn S. Arkport. Rowse, Daniel B. Friendship. Babcock, Franklin. Hebron, Pa. Scott, Marshall Friendship. Barney, Levant A. Independence. Sellon, William Belfast. Bassett, John C. Independence. IShaw, George R., M. D. Troupsburgh. Bracdley, William H. Cuba. Shaw, William Troupsburgh..Bridgeman, Quartus E. Belfast. Sherwin, Bartlett M. Friendship. Brown, Joseph H. Canisteo. Starr, Hiran S. Geenwood. Brownson, Levi C. Cohocton. Sweet, Ralph C. Alfred. Brownson, Samuel Cohocton. Thomas, Abial Alfred. Buckley, George R. Bolivar. Trescott, Wilkinson H. Almond. Burdick,Burrows,M.D.,Hon.Hopkinton, R. I. Van Allen, William H. Andover. *Burdick, Elisha D. Alfred. Van Sickle Peter Andover. Burdick, Matthew S. Hornellsville. Waggoner Simeon W;Vaggoner, Simeon Almond. Burdick, Thomas A. Alfred. Waite, S. Newtaon Bolivar. Burdick, William C. Alfred. *Willianls, Nathan L. Alfred. Caldwell, James L. Cuba. Wood, Joseph M. Alfred. Cameron, James T., Hon. Hornellsville. Gentleien, 91. Campbell, Charles A. Alfred. Clarke, William S. Dansville. LADIES. Cornwall, A. R., Rev. Hartsville. Abbott Snyder, Marcia Amity. Crandall, W. L. V. Alfred. AAldridge Allen, Flavilla Amity. Crandall; James R., U. S. A. Alfred. Benjamin Palniter, Sarah Alfred. Dimmick, Hiraml Wirt., Bridgeman, Sarah E. Belfast. Edwards, Joseph Alfred. Burrows Beverly, Rachel Scio. Fay, Ruel Troupsburgh. Camby Gilbert, Adelia A. Little Genesee. Fenner, William H. Alfred;. Campbell Carpenter,-Ann J. Alfred. Foster, Jonas W. Wirt. Carmer Alclridge, Eveline C. Amity. Fuller, Elijah S. Wirt. Carter, Mehetabel Burns. Genung, Samuel, U. S. A. Alfred. Chamberlain, Roxana Belfast. Genung,William W., U. S. A. Alfred. Clarke Green Caroline Independence. *Gilbert, Sheldon N., M. D. WVirt. Clarke Livermore, Selucia Independence. Giles, William H. Angelica. Coon Burdick, Nancy S. Alfred. Graves, Jeremiah Independence. *Cottrell Iaaizn, Mary M. Wirt. Green, William L. Alfred. ) Crandall Hu2rlbut, Lillis Amity. Guilford, Frederick V. Belfast. Dautremont, Virginia Angelica. Hale, William Scio. Datutremont, Caroline E. Angelica. Hale, Elias E. Andover. Downing, Cordelia Amity. Hale, Matthew Hornellsville. Easton Bruce, Rhoda C. Amity. Hall, William Scio. Easton, Ainanda M. Amity. *Hallet, Samuel Canisteo. Evans Grifinz, Harriet Wirt. Hamblin, Martin E. Hornellsville. Fenner Smnith, Susan Alfred. Hastings, Robert M. Almond. *Fisk Spencer. Julia M. Alfred. Hitchcock, Luke R. Caneadea. GenunglfcI~ttosh,MalvinaA.Almond. Hitchcock, Arad Caneadea. Genungllarrington,Julia A. Almond. Hopper, Alfred R. Belfast. Genung Brown, Mary J. Alfred. Hosley, Abel Friendship. *Gorton, Matilda E. Amity. Hoyt, J. Wesley Bolivar. Hale, Emma Andover. Hughes, Robert H. Almond. Hemphill Whitford, Ruth, Hull, Tyler Belfast. A... Hartsville. Kenyon, Jared, Rev. Petersburgh. Hopper S. Vroomasn, Emmna, Leonard, Walter Westfield, Pa. A. M. Belfast. LeSuer, Ira Bolivar. Hopper Chcamberlain, C. Belfast. Lewis, Simeon H. Almond. Kenyon Wilkinas, Sarah E. Bolivar. Livermore, Philarmon P. Independence. Kenyon Satterlee,HannahM. Wirt. Magee, Thomas J. Hornellsville. King, Maria A. Little Genesee. Maxson, Leroy D. Little Genesee. Lawrence, Charlotte M. Berlin. Maxson, George D., M. D. Bolivar. LeSuerlfarvizn,Armina,A.M.Bolivar. 24 ALFRED UNIVERS ITY. *LeSuer Hoyt, Phebe E. Bolivar. Palmiter, George J. Hartsville. Lewis, Lucy Angelica. Palmiter, Silas Alfred. Leilous Jl]cGibenzy, Sarah P. Amity. Parker, Zalmuna Independence. Magee AM;i, Mary E. Hornellsville. Patterson, Roger Martin, Fidelia Andover. Perry, Benjamin Alfred. Mulhallon Laznders, Sarah E. Canisteo. Pitts, James L., M. I). Arkport. Norton, Sarah Amity. Porter, John Lyndon. Pingery Austiin, Elmira Andover. Proctor, Charles C. Dansville. Pierce, Jane Burlington. Rice, B. *Potter Mlfonroe, Hannah Andover. Rogers, William M. LNew York. Reese, Juliette Belfast. Sayles, C. Lorin Westfield, Pa. *Riley Hill, Lucy C. Almond. Simpson, George B. Auburn. Scott, Almina Friendship. Smith, Richard G. Alfred. Shaw, Mary Troupsburgh. *Towle, Richard, *U. S. A. Howard. Sherman Bowers,HannahM. Wirt. Webber, George Orange. Staunton Wightman,JaneA. Wirt. Wheeler, William W. Bath. Starr, Phebe C. Greenwood. Witter, George F., M. D. Friendship. Stillman, Amelia E. Alfred. Gentlemen,.56. Stillman Williams, Charlott,e Scio. LADIES. Sweet Cracndall, Delia L. Alfred. Abbott White, Percis Amity. Sweet Nye, Cornelia P. Alfred. Adams, Sylvia Friendship. Truman Wilcox, Clarinda S. Alfred. Adams, Sarah R. Hartsville. Truman Thurber, Catharine Alfred. Waludorff, Jane 0 Amity, Allison M$~cHenry, Charlotte Hartsville. Wa~ldorff, Jane ~ Amity. Willard Whitn&ey,ElizabethP.Cuba. Aell, Corinthia. Belfast. Willson, Ann Belfast. Applebee Early, Melissa Wirt. Ladies, 62. Bell, Harriet Ceres, Pa. Total - - - 153. Bell, Catharine Ceres, Pa. Bennett Alley, Sylvia Hornellsville. -- 1845-1846. *Bennett Newszan, Adaline Hornellsville. Bostwick Mayee, Flora J. Hornellsville. GENTLEsMEN. I"*Bostwick, Ann Z. Hornellsville. Allison, Richard F. Hartsville. Britton, Mary \ Friendship. *Babcock, Lorenzo B. Hebron, Pa. Brundage, Mary Thurston. Benjamin, Daniel O. Almond. Bullard Fisher, Hannah A. Howard. Bockes, Ephraim Olean. Case, Caroline E. Clarksville. Brandt, Thomas W. Alfred. Caulkins, Charity B. Avoca. Brown, Harvey Belfast. Cherry Case, Mary A. Cameron. Brundage, Victor D! Thurston. Cherry, Sarah Erwin. Carter, Willis Burns. Clark Everett, Grace A. Andover. Chamberlain, William W. Bath. Coleman, Irene Almond. Cherry, James Erwin. Coon Doty, Luanna M. Alfred. Coates, Morris H. Wirt. Cornwall ffMarsh, Lydia M. Hartsville. Corey, Joseph L. Whitesville. Crandall Bassett, Marcella Independence. Crandall, Leonard D. Almond. I Dautremont, Sophia Angelica. *Crandall, David F. Whitesville. Davis Allison, Jane Alfred. Crandall, Jairus A. Whitesville. Davis Ersley, Lydia Greenwood. Cross, Ralph E. Hol:nellsville. - avis Stephens, Ambrosia Greenwood. Dudley, Joseph Bath. *Downs, Fanny L. Cameron. Fulmer, William H. Independence. Edgerton, Elizabeth Belfast. Gaston, Schuyler M. Belfast. * Evans Miorton, Phebe V irt. Godfrey, Abel Sennet. Farnum IHall, E. Antoinette Bath. Goodrich, Dwight W. Orange. Fulmer Stout, Adaline Independence. Goodrich, Timothy B. Almond. *Goodrich:Ford, Ellen B. Alfred. Graves, Oatman Independence. Gregory, Susan A. Bath. Hadley, Lafayette Canisteo. Hale Robinson, Sarah T. Hornellsville. Hemphill, William AI. Hartsville. Hayes, Caroline R. Troupsburgh. Karr, George N. Almond. Heseltine _relson, Martha A. Independence, Kennedy, Luen Burns. HeseltineBostemtClementineIndependence. Larkin, Ethan P., Rev. Wsterly, l.. T. Hopkins, Arvilla Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyman, Henry,D., M. D. \ Belfast. Hurlburt, Lydia Arkport. Major, John` Hornellsville. Kennedy, Rebecca Burns. Marvin, James, Rev., D.-D. Wirt. Langworthy Benjamrin, MarMaydole, Asahel Cohocton. tlha J. Alfred. McCormick, Patrick Greenwood. Langworthy Wescott, TIarriMerriman, Joel R., Rev. Wirt. - et A. Little Genesee. Merriman, Seth H. Wirt. Lanphear M Ct8aon, Lucy P. Alfred. Minier, William S., AI. D. Big Flats. Lawrence, Mhary J. Cameron. Nicholson, Egbert E. Howard. Leonard Price, Caroline Westfieid, Pa. Osborn, Frederick S. Alfred. Lewis Frisbee, IMatilda hI. Alfred. Palmer, Charles Scio. Magee, AimeliaD. Hornellsville. ~~~~~~~~~~Hoelsil... ALFREI) UNIVERSITl'Y. 25 Merchant, Caroline E. Wirt. Chamberlain. Oliver P. Belfast. Messenger, Harriet L. Otselic. Chamberlain, Elisha WV. Hebron, Pa. Miner, Rhoda A. Hartsville. Chamberlain, Joseph W. Belfast. Niver Hosley, Martha Friendship. Chamberlain, George W. Hebron, Pa. Niver, Catharlne A. Friendship. Chapin, Charles W. Independence. Olin Cosntccall, Sabrina Hornellsyille. Chase, T. Bath. Oliver, Sarah Dansville. Chase, Allen B. Thurston. Oliver, Sareph Dansville. Cherry, Lloyd H., U. S. A. Cameron. Olmstead, Ruth A. Troupsburgh. Coils, Alexander Alfred., Palmiter IalIl, Lydia A. Hartsville. Cole, George M. Allen. Palmiter, Ruba S. HIartsville. Conner, Edward Avoca. PalmiterPotter,Sophronia R.Halrtsville. Cook, Edwin Dansville. Parker, Thankful H. Independence. Cooper, Stephen P. Burns. Parker Fuelmer, Joanna Independence.'Crandall, Leroy Little Genesee. Pettibone 1Hale, Esther M. Hartsville. *Cross, Tryon R. Hornellsville. Potter Babcock, Eliza HIartsville. Crittenden, Lewis Burns. *Potter Ctoon, Lucy A. Almond. Davenport, Dwight Angelica. Randolph, Emily E. Wirt. Doty, Danliel R. Alfred. Raymond, Virginia Belfast. Drake, John A. Howard. Rcdfield, Angelica Amity. Edwards, Albert C. Dansville. Reynolds, Mary M. Canandlaigua. Eldred, Perry Clarence. *Rider, Susan Howard. Engle, Washington A. Angelica. Sayles, Martha B.B. B. Westfield, Pa. Engle, T. M. Angelica. Sayles, Kezia K. Westfield, Pa. Everett, Isaac, Rev. Troupsburgh. Sherman IKel/yoaT, Hulda C. Wirt. Faulkner, James B. Dansville. Smith, Amanda Angelica. Ferry, Elijah Almond. Sortore, Mary A. Amity./ Finch, JamesB. Hornellsville. Stetson Iletcalf, Erzelia F. Bolivar. Fitch, David S. Almond.'Stillman El.swcoeth, Eleanor Alfred. Fox, Frederick B. WVheeler.'Towle C'ase, Betsey E. Howard. Fox, Charles A. West Union. Towle, Lydia Howard. Fulimer, Hiram Independence. Truman, Maria A. Alfred. Fulton, Joseph W. hIavana, Cuba Isl. Weaver, Harriet Scio. Gage, Moses D. Burns. Whiting lWillis, Nancy Howard. Gardner, Sylvanus Brookfield, Pa. Wilcox, Helen Cainesus. Goodno, Isaiah Dansville. Williams Bate"., Harriet Alfred. Gordon, George B. Wellsville. Ladies, 85. Green, Luke Alfred. Total - - - 141. Green, Joel C. Alfred. Greenman, Charles II. Alfred. -*Hall Milford D., *U. S. A. Little Genesee. 1846-1847. Higbee, Sylvester M. Cherry Valley, O. GENTLEMaEN. Holliday, IIomier Burns. Adams, John Cuba. Holliday, Lorton Burns. -'Allen, Lyman New Hudson. Hughes, John C. Almond. Allen, Joseph L. Alfred. Hurlbut, Myron Arkport. Allen, Joseph S. Clara, Pa. Hurlbut, Henry M. Arkport. Armstrong, George H. Almond. Hurlbut, Charles S. Arkport. Beach, Charles S. Dansville. Jaqueth, Wilber Troupsburgh. Bell, Peter Little Genesee. Jones, Richmond Wellsville. Bennett, George D. liornellsville. Karr, Joseph R. Almond. Bingham, William M. Dansville. Langworthy, Charles WV. Alfred. Bliss, David E. Little Genesee. Leach, Elisha Cameron. Bradley, Solomon Cuba. Lewis, William H. Petersburgh. *Bratt, George W~. Alfred. Lewis, Alfred S. Petersburgh. Breed, Cephas Big Flats. Loveland, William T. Cohocton. B rewer, Herman S. Dansville. Mallory, Hiram W., Troupsburgh. Brewster, Delaney L. Seio. Mallory, Rufus, Hon. Greenwood. Brown, Sewall Brownsville. AMarsh, Levi C. Caneadea. Browning, Judson Scio. Maxson, Darwin E., Rev., Brundage, Charles W. Bath. B). D., Cliap. U. s. A. Alfred. Brundage, John MI. Greenwood. Maxson, James B., Esq. Little Genesee. *Brundage, Andrew J. Greenwood. McCoon, George IH. Hebron, Pa. Burdick, Stephen, Rev. Alflred. McCray, Robert H., Rev. Dansville. Burdick, Joel W. I-Iornellsville. Merriman, David B. Wirt. *Burdick, Aylmer D. Alfred'. Middaugh, Emnmett Scio. Burdick, Silas C. Alfred. Miller, Austin F. Burns. Burdick, Stillman R. I11ornellsville. Morris, Oscar F. Howard. IBuskirk, Samuel S. - artsville. Newcomb, Joseph C., Dansville. Campbell, Orson S. Alfred. Newcomb, William A. Dansville. Carey, Charles S. Arkport. Nichols, HIenry C. Dansville. *Carmer, Johln Amity. Norton, John Amity. 26 ALFRED UNIVERSITY..Parker, Charles C., Esq. Amity. Burdick, Harriet L. Hornellsville. Penney, C. Cyrenus Alfred. Burns, Susan Belfast. Perkins, William Andover. Carlile, Belinda Oswayo, Pa. Perrin, Thomas Birdsall. Cary Wiggins, Mary S. Arkport. Pickett, Nehemiah J. S. Penield. *Carter Mlerrinaen,NancyM. Richburgh. Pitt, Henry S. Caneadea. Chamberlain, Lucy W. Bath. Place, J. Horace Cincinnatus. Chamberlain, Mary J. Bath. *Post, George W., M. D. Alfred. Chapin, Frances G. Independence. Potter, Alanson C. Hartsville. Corey, Harriet S. Whitesville. Purple, Elisha J., M. D. Westfield, Pa. Corey, Permelia M. Whitesville. Rathbun, Job B. Howard. Crandall Chadwvick, L. Maria Alfred. Rathbud, William B. Howard. Crandall Chaomplin, Narcissa Little Genesee. Rathbone, James )D. Whitesville. *Crandall Burdickk, Hannah Almond. Reynolds, Stephen P. Hebron, Pa. Crandall, Samantha P. Allen. Robertson, Erwin W. Arkport. Emerson, Mary E. Hume. Ross, Alonzo S. Almond. Farnum, Mary F. Bath. Rounsevell, James H. c(aneadea. Farrell, Mary E. Greenwood. Russell, Samuel Alfred. Foot, Harriet Dansville. Sayles, Adriel K. Westfield, Pa. Foot, Adaline M. Dansville. Scott, N. S. Burns. Ford Burns, Lois Belfast. Seeiey, Albert H. Oxford. Fortner, Eliza Independence. Sheldon, William P. Alfred. Fowler Carpenter, Charlotte Alfred. Simpson, Andrew J. Troupsburgh. French, Almira Cameron. Sisson, Alonzo C. Alfred. French, Catharine Cameron. Slocusm, Clark Troupsburgh. Fuller, Harriet Almond. Smith, Charles Wellsville. Fulmer, Zeruviah Independence. Smith, John d. Gillmore Silsby, Lydia A. Bath.,Smith, Walter C. Wellsville. Gorton, Seraphnia C. Amity. *Smith, Orlando F. Bath. Gorton, Mary M. Amity. Smith, S. H. Little Genesee. *Green Pitts, Viola 0. Friendship. Starkey, Stephen B. Cuba. Guilford, Elizabeth C. Belfast. Stevens, Redmond. D., Esq.,Greenwood. Guyon Kesr, Abigail Almond. Stevens, James H., Esq. Dansville. Hart, Mary A. Hartsville. Sylvester, George Dansville. Hart, Abbey J. Hartsville. Thacher, Solon O., Hon. Hornellsville. Hendee, Sarah S. Dansville. Thibou, Victor Amity. *Hoagland, Eunice A. Howard. Tracy, Solomon H. Phillipsville. Holmes, Esther Amity. Van Buren, Livingston L. Scio. Huff, Laura A. Caneadea. Van Campen, Ambrose S. Amity. Hunt, Emeline Andover. Van Velzor, Elisha Wirt. Hurlbut, Susan Arkport. Varrs, Philander B. Wirt. Jones, Sarah A. Wellsville. Wardner, Horace, M. D. Almond. *Langworthy Hemphill,MarWebb, Sheppard Hornellsville. tha B. Alfred. Welch, Henry S. Dansville. *Langworthy Whitford, MaWilliams, Thos. R.,Rev.,D. D.Darien. rie W. Alfred. Williams, Stephen D., Prof. Carlton. Lanphear Wright, Mary R. Alfred. Wilson, James H. Dansville. Leach, Lorenza Independence. Wilson, John A. Howard. Leonard, Cornelia Westfield, Pa. Wood, James A., Esq. Whitesville. Leonard, Sophia Westfield, Pa. Woodward, Abram, U. S. A. Hornellsville. Lewis Potter, Phebe P. Alfred. *White, James P. Greenwood. Major, Juliette D. Hornellsville. -White, Albert N. Greenwood. Mallory Halleck, Abigail Greenwood. Woolever, James Dansville. *Maxson Phelps, Amarilla Friendship. Gentlemen, 152. McAlmont ifeeks, Julia A. Hornellsville. McIntosh, Elizabeth Almond. LADIES. L.ADIES. Middaugh, Catharine M. Scio;. Allen Bnrclick, A. Jane Alfred. - Mulhallon Leztis, Mary E. Canisteo. Axtell, Mary H. Friendship. Newcomb, Mary Dansville. Bassett C0larke, Mary S. Independence. Olin Baker, Ann V. Hornellsville. Beech, Caroline M. Dansville. *Parker Whitney, Clarissa A.Amity. Belden Wilber, Ann Hornellsville. Parker, Jane M. Cartwright. Bell, Martha Ceres, Pa. *Paul Bmurt, Sarah S. Angelica. *Bell, Margaretta Little Genesee. Pierce, Eliza H. Burlington. Benjamin, Emorilla Alfred. PotterSpe7ncer,:Sophronia E. Hartsville. Bridgeman, Lydia S. Belfast. Potter Blurdick, Mlartha M. Petersburgh. Britton, Ann Friendship. *Rathbun Knox, Janette A. Whitesville. *Browning, Hannah E. Scio. *Rathbun Chitcbbtbuck,FrancesHoward. Burchell, Emeline S. Wellsville. Rathbun Chtebbteck, Jerusha Howard. Burdick, Elizabeth Hornellsville. Rathbun Spencer, Dorcas E. Howard. Burdick, Abigail E. Almond. Reynolds Brown, Malvina M.Whitesville. Burdick Bardeen, Sibbel D. Hornellsville. Rider lIess, Matilda Howard. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 27 Robertson, Saraette M. Arkport. Eaton, Joseph C. Alfred. Satterlee Emersoi,Martha P.Hornellsville. Eldred, Delos W. Clarence. Satterlee Pettibone, Lucretia Hornellsville. Ellison, Samuel Woodhull. Satterlee Burdick,EleanorN.Alfred. Ensworth, Hiram Independence. Saunders, Hannah L. Hartsville. Fenner, Andrew J. Alfred. Scott, Lanora Burns. Fenner, ElishaP.,Maj.U.S.A.Alfred. Sears, Nancy A. Caneadea. Fobes, Milton B. Olean. Sisson Crandall, Emma E. Alfred. Fritz, Lewis Dansville. Stetson, Ophelia Bolivar. Garton, James N. Arkport. Stevens Brown, Sarah Dansville. Genung, Isaac Alfred.Stevens, Mary M. Greenwood. Green, William H. Hopkinton, R. I. Stone, Lydia A. Almond. Green, Orson C. Alfred. Stone, Sarah R. Rushford. Halbert, Alexis L. Almond. Sweet RounLds, Laura Alfred. Hall, Ira K. Randolph, Pa. *Thomas Smnith,Prudence O. Alfred. Hanson, J. L. Salem. Van Allen Hfunt, Martha Andover. Beckman, Lewis B. Dansville. Van Allen Scott. Cynthia Andover. Hedges, Abram D. Cameron. *Van Hoosen Fay; Lydia J. Howard. Hoagland, George H. Howard. Wadhams, Cornelia C. Dansville. Hoagland, Columbus Havana. Wells Potter, Sally A. Oswayo, Pa. Holliday, Amos 0. Dansville. Wells, Emma E. Little Genesee. Hubbard, William M.' Caton. *White Baker, Minerva N. Whitesville. Hubbell, Samuel W. Alfred. Whitney, Fidelia M. Almond. *Hull, Hiram D. Berlin. Wilber, Sarah A. Scio. Hunt, Parley Almond. Wilcox, Asenah Troupsburgh. Hurlbut, Edmund Arkport. Wilcox, Emeline Troupsburgh. Jones, John H. L., Esq. McLean. Wilson, Polly A. Belfast. Jones, Major Dansville. Ladies, 111.- Kellogg, William Kennedyville. Total - - 263. Kenyon, Clark M. Wirt. King, John Westfield, Pa. King, George N. Allen. Leach, James H. Independence. - G(ENTLESMEN. Martin, Allen H. Ceres, Pa. Abbott, Daniel- Wirt. Martin, John *Allen, Norman, Capt.U.S.A.New Hudson. Mason, Charles W. Cameron. Allen, Joseph M. Wirt. Matthews, Charles H. Schenectady. Ament, Nathan B. Howard. *Maxson,SchuylerA.,*U.S.A.Friendship. Atherton, Cyrus C. Caneadea. McCartney, James Dansville. Baker, Benjamin M. New Hudson. McVean, Cameron Wheatland. Balcom, Henry C. Hebron, Pa. V McVean, Julian Wheatland. Bell, Martin A. Rushford. Millard; Edward S. Canisteo. Bingham, Andrew J. Greenwood. Miller, Prosper, Prin. Almond. Black, Elon G. Friendship. Miller, Job, Rev. Almond. Brandt, Christopher Alfred. Mosier, John R. Cambridge. Bratt, John P. Alfred. Murdock, Edmund D. Brookfield, Pa. Brayton, Samuel S. Howard. Newell, William A. Dansville. Bi'immer, Barnabas Scio. Newell, Perry Troupsburgh. Brown, Delwin F. Clymer, Ohio. Newman, A. B. Reading, Pa. Brown, Philo H.,Capt.U.S.A.Caton. Newman, J. H. Reading, Pa Brown, Corydon Dansville. Nichols, Edwin McKean, Pa. Brown, William Little Genesee. Orton, Thomas Cuba. Brown, Benjamin F. Painted Post. Peck, David S. Almond. Burdick, Oramel R. Bolivar. Peck, Henry A. Howard. *Burdick, Edwin KI;, M. D. Clarence. Peet, James, Rev. Friendship. Burdick, Russel W. Alfred. Powell. Samuel Phillipsville. Burt, Samuel B. Painted Post. Pratt, Daniel M. Almond. Butts, DeWitt C. Clarksville. Renwick, Walter R. Cuba. Cady, A. Lester Almond. Reynolds, Norris M. Independence. Charles, Robert Almond. Robertson, Welch E. Bath. Coats, Alanson Wirt. Robinson, Charles P. Cuba. Cole, David- Cuba. -Robinson, Lucian H. Cuba. Conklin, Ensign Alfred. *Rockwell, Joseph G. Almond. *Cowles, Leicester Bolivar. *Rogers, Orra S., *U.,S. A. Alfred. Crandall, James Portville. Rork, Robert Little Genesee. Crandall, Delos Alfred. Russell, Charles C. Richburgh. Crandall, John C. Wirt. Saunders, Isaac M. Addison. Crandall, Joel B. Little Genesee. Searle, F. D. Rushford. Davis, Andrew Hinsdale. Shaw, E. Middlesex. Davis, Nelson D. Caton. Sherwin, Truman H. Friendship. Doolittle, Lamberton Almond. Simpson, John E. Troupsburgh. Driesbach, Henry East Sparta. Smith, Ray G. Alfred. 28 ALFRED UNIVERISITY. Smith, Noel B. Alfred. Holmes, Phebe A. Amity. Smith, Rollin R. Addison. Hurlbut Loveland, Nancy Arkport. Smith, D. C. Wheatland. Hurlbut, Velina Dansville. Sortore, Andrew J. Amity. Jacoby, Fanny J. Orange. Sprague, James F. Dansville. Johnson,, Sarah J. Southport. Stanton, I. D. Caton. Johnson Dam2wsonz, Oliva Howard. Taylor, Morris Wellsville. Jones, Frances C. Wellsville. Thomas, Calvin S. Woodhull. Kent, Aurilla Woodhull. Thurston, Victor Amity. Kenyon _lfcvseon, Joanna Wirt. Towle, Eben Howard. Kinnie, Kesiah P. Paw Paw, Mich. Van Campen, William Almond. LeonlardBcell, Ann M. Ceres, Pa. Wellman, William J. Friendship. Leonard, Maria Andover. Wheeler, James II. Bath. Lewis, Sophia E. Dansville. White, Isaac Cameron. Lewis, Clarinda E. Independence. Whitman, Ogden H. Belvidere, Ill. Mallory, Nancy Greenwood. WVilberton, George Canisteo. Martin Allezn, Jane L. Ceres, Pa. *Wilcox, James C. Sparta. Maxson, Mary A. Little Genesee. Wixon, Aaron Wayne. McCartneyPaerker,ElizabethDansville. Gentlemen, 127. McDuffee, Eleanor Cameron. LADIES. cNair, Margaretta Mit. Morris. Atherton, Mary Caneadea. McNair, Harriet N. Mt. Morris. *Bell, Maria K. Little Genesee. MIcQueen, Rachel Friendslip. Blakely, Wealthy C. Persia. Newel, Laura Troupsburgh. Brandt Tefft, Mary J. Alfred. Nichols, Adlelia McKean, Pa. Brewer, Eliza G. Dansville. Norton Donecsce, Ophelia C. Alfred. Brimmer, Mary Scio. Ostrander, Isabella Sweden, Pa. Burdick, Cynthia J. Almond. Ostrander, Sylvia L. Sweden, Pa. Burdick, Elvira A. Little Genesee. Palliter Pelnzos, Philena Haitsville. Campbell Ila't, Marietta Greenwood. Patchel Sseloat Eliza Greenwood. Carroll, Abigail Burns. Penney Tisdlell, lary C. Alfred. Chaffee Miiner, Mandana P. Angelica. Pickett, Lucidiid Chamberlain, Lucinda Belfast. Potter Wooisearel, Plileoe G.Hase3 ville. Chamberlain, MIalvina Belfast. Reysolds, Lydia A. IL nedisden e.'ChamplinSaucnders,;Martha Alfred. Ricilardson, Mary J. ALlnoad. Coats lablgwcorth/y, Sally L. WVirt. Robinson, Ann E. Friendship. Conklin, Sarah A. Greenwood. Saunders, Mary C. Alfred. Conklin Lee, Margaret R. Alfred. Schoonover, Julia West Almond. Coon, Eliza A. Little Genesee. Scott, Oliva M. Hinsdale. Converse, Emeline Alfred. Scott, Marietta M. Hinsdale. *CrandallPcasthlt h6st,Julia P. Alfred. Scott, Laurie Bulrns. Crandall Perry, Rosina Wirt. Shaffer DrTie.sbalch, Sarah Sparta. Crandall, Mary -Alfred. SShaw, Marcia Angelica. Crandall, Maria Amnity. Smith Recatling, Ruth Alfred. Crandall Colgrove, Lucy C. Little Genesee. Smith Lovejoy, Betsey Greenwood. Cross, P. Lavinia Hornellsville. Smith Iaclleltt, Harriet Batll. Davis Paclniter, Sarah A. Alfred. Stephens Woocldbury, Mary M.Greenwood. Davis Fisher, Mary Greenwood. Stevens Clark, Lucelia Dansville. Dolbee, Mary Oswayo,.Pa. Stillman Smnith, Abby E. Dighton, Mass.']Dorr, Sophia S. Dansville. Stillhan ITilliamss, Sylvia Amity. *Dorr Anderson, Salina Dansville. Tallmali RJluc8osnb, Margaret Independence. Doty B'crdick, Henrietta Alfred. Tiffany, Mary A. Almond. Drake, M1. L. Howard. Tracy, Lucy C. Phillipsville. Driesbach Shaffer, Lydia Sparta. Tyler, Louisa Clara, Pa. Edwards Wllitter, Abbey K. Little Genesee. Wells, Jane Belfast. Edwards V/hite, Amy J. Little Genesee. WVells LacLe, Altana, LittleGenesee. Fenner ns.7halz, A. Miranda Alfred. -Wilber, Mary E. Sclo. Fisk, Emeline Little Genesee. Williams Villianns, Sarah Alfred. *Ford, Cordelia Belfast. *Williams Cornlzoall, Barbara *Ford, Ann E. Howard. A. Darien. Gordon, Susain L. Wellsville. Wormley Wocen, Jane E. Painted Post. Green Greenz, L. Saiina Alfred:. Wright Jewcell, Elizabeth C. Ceres, Pa. Green Craildacll, Sarah A. Little Genesec. York, RIuth P. Wellsville. Halbut, Martha Almond. York, K.. HP. Wellsville. Hardly, Mary F. Andover. *Young JIing, Eleanor B. Ceres, Pa. Hatch fITull, Mary A. Rice. Ladies, 114. Hayward, Mary M. Scio. Total 241. Henyon, Eilily-. Independence. HIenyon, Caroline ) Independence. 188-1849 Hoagland WITillis, Ellen Howard. Hoagland Deunton, HanIlah Howard. CGENTLEMEN. Hills, Mary F. Anmity. Abbott, NWilliam P. TMiddlebury, Pa. ALFREII) UNIVERSITY. 29 Aldridge, Charles Amity. Noyes, Albert G. Dansville. Allen, Fayette Alfred. Osborn, Lester T. Ossian. Alleil, Francis Alfred. Parker, Benjamin Groveland. Arnold, Benjamin F. Westerly, R. I. Peayy, Oliver L. Allen. Bean, Henry M. Groveland. Post, Charles E. Whitesville. Bell, Robert Little Genesee. Potter, Alonzo Hartsville. Berry, Richard W. Caton. Puffer, Milton J. Dansville. Bliss, Benjamin T. Little Genesee. Reynolds, George P. Howard. Bliven, Charles H. Alfred. Rhodes, Silas R. Caton. Bouton, William Hinsdale. Rice, Miles Alfred. Bowen, Jonathan H. West Almond. Richardson, Jackson Almond. Brittanll. Lewis Dansville. Rogers, Albertus C., Lieut. Brown, Andrew J. Dansville. U. S. A. Alfred. Brown, Philo Caton. Shaw, Romaine. Alfred. *Campbell; Edwin R. Cubai,Shaw, George R. Alfred. Chadwick, Charles H. Alfred. Sheldon, John Alfred. Chamberlain, Thomas J. Belfast. Smith, Henry D. Caton. Cliamplin, SamuelA., U.S.A. Alfred. - Starka, Alpheus Cuba. Chase, Horace A. )ansville. Stebbins, Abram Almond. Conklin, Charles H. Greenwood. Stewart, John B. Hume. Coon, Christopher Cuba. *Stone, Russell Cuba. Cotton, Samuel Howard. *Stone, Nathan R. West Almond. Craldall, Norris A. Whitesrille. Swartwood, James E. Cameron. Crandall, Almond E. Alfred. Terry, Donl Hume. Davis, Aetna Colocton. Thompson, Harris Groveland. Davis, Andrew J. Rlice. Van Campen, Hamilton Almond. Davis, Henry Andover. Van Hoosen, Israel Howard. Densnmore, Norman Bradford, Wis. Van Scotei, John Hornellsville. Doty, Franlklin B. 1-oriellsville. Waite, D. 1B. Springwater. Drake, Peter Howard. Waite, E. G. Springwat:r. Dunhamn, Thomas -Iornellsville. Walker, Simeon Almond. Eaton, George B. Hlamilton. Wallace, Warren P. Collocton. Green, George G. Alfred. Weaver, William E. ALmond. Greerlnan, William 3. Alfred. Wells, William H. Alfred. Greenmaln, Johlln M. Alfled. Iheeler, Alanson Wirt. Grover. Leonard F. Dansvillhe Urba. Grover, Leonard B. - Dasill. Whipplle, Vespasian Burns. lHalsey, Thomas West Almond. Whitrnan, Colden C. Belvidere, Ill. Hartrum, illiam L. Greenwood Williams, L. Darien. Hatch, George, Rev. Wice. ilson, Benjamin Rice. Hawley, Miles H., Lt. U. S. A. Hornlellsville. itter, Charles H., U.S.A.irL. Hemphill, James H. Hartsville. entlemen, 111. Henry, Marcius W. Liberty. LADIES. Holliday, Charles R. Burns. akely, Harriet F. Alfred. Holliday, Daniel H. Burns. Bosellmbark Stevens, Lucy A. Alfred. Holmes, Lynman Amity. Boweii, Julia P. West Alnond. Holmses,:Silmuel Amity. Brittan, Alida A.. Dansville. Hosley, Albert Almond. Brown rze,Mary H. Dansville. I Hyde, Elisha Wirt. Brown Gseens, Sarah A. Painted Post.! i gham, Oscar S. Belfast. Browning, Mary A. Scio. Ingraham,,Hanflord Amity. Bullard l)ecker, Hannah A. Howard. J ones,.Isaac Canisteo. Cady, Sarah E. Arkport. little, Samuel P. Buffalo. Campbell Picket, Lavinia A. Cuba. Lairowe, Eugene P. Hallnondsport. Campbell, Margaretta Alfred. LeSuer, Cyrus E. Bolivar. Carpenter, Amanda Scio. Lord, Cornelius R. West Almond. Chaffee, Mary L. Angelica. Mason, Elias S. Hornellsrille. *Collins Wollolorth,,NancyM.Alfred. *N'Maxson, iMarshal Little Genesee. Comfort K. Ajppy, Sarah E. Howard.' Mlaxsoi, George W., Rev.. Friendship. Cooper, Caroline C. Caneadea. MlcCartha, Philip W. Dansville. Corinwall Mlnlrash, Fanny A. Hartsville. Ml'Calluml, Finley Howard. I)aua, Diantha F. Almond. McConnell, Benton Howard. Dean, Miranda S. West'Almond. MlcCurdy, Andrew Ossian. Dewey, Minerva Burns. Mcllardy, G. W. Rush. *Dickinson, hMinerva L. Cuba. McHenry, Henry mt. Morris. Doty, Margaret Dansville. M(Vean, Homer York. Drake, Phebe L. Howard. *iner, Edwin R. Allen. Ensign Goodich,ElizabethL.Alfred. Moulton, Hiram Clarksville. Greenoug hStillmcasn,MariaMNew York. Mullen, Isaac V Almond. Gregory Brotcw, Emily J. Sparta. Norton, Davis L). Alfred. Halbert, Martha Almond.. {I, x. S — ALFIIEFI) UNIVERESITY. Hale, Clarissa L. Amity. Banter, Amos Wheeler. Harding, Susan Hornellsville. Bassett, George H. Independence. *Hlart, Jane Hornellsville. *Bateman, John:E., Prof. Benton Centre. Hollenbeck Woodward, Ann i Paxter, Henry Alfred. E Campbell.' Beach, Lafayette Rochester. Hubbard, Antoinette Cameron. jBeach, Alexander H. Dansville. Hubbard, Mary B. Cameron. Beach, Martin Dansville. Hubbard, Emirilay Cameron. Bean, VWillianm W., Prof. Groveland.,King, Ann E. Westfield, Pa. Bean, Jacob S. Groveland. King, Esther C. Ceres, Pa. Bigelow, James 1B. Richmond. Lord, Ann L. West Almond. Black, Cllarles Alfred. Lyon Lac-phecar, AureIia P. Alfred. Bosworth, Clark Grove. *Lyon Hfooker, Deborah Alfred. Brasted, John- Howard. Marks Allasnsows, Clarissa M. Cherry Valley, CO. Brown, Lewis Painted Post. Marvin, Mercy A. Friendship. Brown,,James L. Painted Post. Maxasou Steacrt, Julia A. Little Genesee. Brownell, Henry H. Cameron. AteAlniont Wcrner, MyraA., Burdick, Orlando Alfred. A. Mt. Hornellsville. Blardick, F. Alfred. McCollum Bi-astecd, Katlia- Burdick, Edmund Alfred. rine Howard. Burlingame, Luther R., Rev. Deerfield, Pa. McCormick, Katharine Greenwood. Burlingham, John Owego. McCurdy, Margaret 5M. Ossian. Burnham, James W. Avoca. *McNair Bovelad, Sarah W.Almond. Calkins, Phineas W., Rev. Corning. Parker, Margaret A. Cartwright. Campbell, William Cuba. Peck, Esther L. Independence. Carpenter, Philander B. Stephentowvn. Peet, Phebe E. Friendship. Clark, J. A. Conesus. Potter Coon, Elmira Hartsville. Clark, Hiram Urbana. Renwick Villcardl, Fanny E. Cuba. i Clark, George Alfred. Reynolds Beebe, Mary A. Independence. Clark, Henry - Alfred. Richmond, Nancy L. Independence... Cole, Abner S. Cuba. Richmond, Susan A. Independence. Cook, Edwin Dansville. Saunders Collins, Sarah Alfred. *Coon,AbnerB.,*SurgU.S.AMt. Eden, Ky. Sellon, Jane L. Belfast. Cottrell, Lebbeus M., Rev. Westerly, R. 1. Sellon, Mary A. Belfast. Crandall, H. L. Hopkinton, R. I..-Smith ivermor'e, EmeIine Alfred. Crandall, Edwin E. Amity. Spirits, Emma J. Almond. Crandall, Danliel B. Little Genesee. Starr Bess, Elizabeth Greenwood. Crouch, Levi Cohocton. Starr (camupbell, Sarah -M. Greenwood. Cruttenden, Lewis S. Burns. Stebbins, Eugenia Almond. | Dunham, Miner B. Sheflield, Pa.. Sturdevant, Chloe A. West Almond. Elner, Martin Portage. Tanner, Susan Little Genesee. Ensign, Elisha D. Conklin. Taylor, Sophia E. I)ansville. Estes, George M. Oswayo, Pa. Thomas Browzn, Helen M. Belfast. Estes, Elijah Oswayo, Pa. Thomas, Mary Scio. Farrar, Byron Greenwood. Waite Burton, Augusta Springwvater. Field, William A. Cohocton. *Waite Ball, M;Nary E. Springwater. Freeborn, Delaney, Prof. Deerfield, Pa. Warren Loveladc, Louisa Alfred. Freeborn, David U. Cuba. Wheeler, Rhoda M. Portage.- Gage, Edwin Burns. i Whitney, Vienna Burns. Gillett, George Caton. Whitney, Zerelda Burns. Gilmore, Joh n York. Whitney, Angelica J. Burns. Green, Lorenzo T. Alfred. Whitney, Emer J. Burns. Green, William Almond. Wilcox Boies, Maria Sparta. *Green, Albertus B. Alfred. Wilkins, Amelia Scio. Green, Alvero J. Alfred. Williams Edwiards, Harriet Alfred. Green, Sheldon Alfred. Williams /shaw, Mary L. Alfred. Greenman, Reynolds Alfred. * Wright. Sarah E. Ceres, Pa. Griffin, Jackson Caneadea. Ladies, 81. Griffin, Solon C4aneadea. Total 192. Hadsell, N. Gardner West Almond. Halbert, Horace Potter. Hall, George A. Troupsburgh. GENTLEMEN'. Hare, George L. Cameron. Acker, Johin Hartsville. Hatch, Charles F. Burns. Anderson, Galusha,,-ev., 1). Havens, Thomas WV. Sparta. D. Bergen. Holmes, Luther Amity. Avery, Andrew 13. Independence. Ilolt, George A. Troupsburgh. Babb, Horace L. Alfred. Holton, Luther I-. Potter. Babb, Leander E. Alfred. Housel, John Cuba. Baker, Jefferson Cameron. Hubbard, Solomon C. Dansville. *Baker, Nathan S., Capt. *',. Hubbard, Nathaniel M., Adj. S. A. Canisteo. Gen. U. S. A. Troupsburgh. ' \ I:FIRED UNIVER IT'Y. 31 Hfubbard, Thomas H. Caton. Van Sickle, Charles S. Greenwood. Hurd, W. W. Belfast. *Van Sickle, A. Nelson Greenwood. Huy, Abram S. Painted Post. Warner, S. D. Cohocton. *Johnson, Cortland L. Wirt. Waterbury, Aaron M. Avoca..Jones, George E. Wheeler, F. Potter. Kellog, Robert S. Kennedyville. White, Ellery S. Whitesville. rKeinyon,.John L. - Wirt. | Wood, William W. Burns. Kingsley, Lyman S. Hammondsport. Woodbury, J. G. Goshen. Kinney, William West Almond. Woodward, James 1M. Howard. Lancaster, George Cuba. Woolever, Alexander Arkport. Langworthy, Daniel A.,Capt. ~ Worden, Alexander D. Alfred. U. S. A. Little Genesee. 1 Wormley, John L. Big Flats. *Langworthy, Edwin Alfred. Wyllys, William H. Bath. Lanphear, Erwin Alfred. Gentlemen, 160. Loveland, David A. Alfred. Mallory, Abner T. Troupsburgh. LADIES. Marsell, John P. Hammondsport. Alexander Allen, Eliza A. Howard. Marshall, Franklin J. Wheeler. Alexander Culver, MarthaJ. Howard. Maxson, John Stephentown. Allen Wood, Emeline Milton, Wis. IMaxson, Milton R. Alfred. *Allen hffeeks, Mary J. Howard. %*axson, David S. Hopkinton, R. I. Amidon, Charlotte A. Independence. McComber, HIighten K. Amity. Avery, Cordelia Independence. McConnell, Benton Howard. Babb, Maria D. Alfred. McDowell, Frank Wayne. Babb, Mary E. Alfred. McHenry. Horace Almond. Babb, susan E. Alfred. Mitchell, J. FI. Wayne. Barber, Harriet Alfred. Neally, Franklin S. Bath. Barnard, Maria A. Almond. Neally, William L. Kennedyville *Benton, Mary F. Alfred. Newconmb, Solomon A. Pike. Boorn, Martha A. Almond. Norris, Seth R. Bath. 13ratt Ballard, Eliza E. Alfred. Olin,:Iarcello Greenwood. Brundage Willer, Alice R. Allen. Paddock, Roswell A. Alfred. Bullard S,7arsp, Ellen F. Howard. Paine, Charles N. Canisteo. Burdick, Lois S. Amity. P.rkhill, Reuben A., M. D. Howard. Burt, S. E. Painted Post. Pa rmenter, David V. Cohocton. Campbell _Afason, Almira Cuba. Peck, Maurice A. Avoca. Carmer, Elizabeth C. Amity. Peck, Daniel 0. Avoca. *CarpenterBtredick. Mary A. Stephentown. Perry, William V. West Almond. Carpenter, C. Elizabeth Stephentown. Pettibohe, Hiram C. Andover. Casterline, Amelia Burns. Pierson, Ephraim Allen. Christie, Catharine Caledonia. Pierson, John H. Cameron. Clarke, Martha Alfred. Pitt, William H. Granger. Cole, Clarissa M. Cuba. Potter, Stanley Z. Alfred. Collins Oviatt, Theresa F. Alfred. Potter, John C. -Alfred. Conklin Bell, Selina Alfred. Reed, Edward F. Little Genesee. Drake, Pa nelia Howard. Reynolds, Newvel L., Rev. Troupsburgh. Drake, Julia Howard. Rogers, Eli J., Prof. Sclo. Eddy, Sarah E.' Almond. Rogers, James }H. Addison. Edwards Case, Amanda 0. Little Genesee. Rowe, Asa W. Sweden. Edwards Rich, MIary E. Little Genesee. *Rowley, Joel W. Bolivar. Estes, Emily A. Oswayo, Pa. Rugar, Elias V. -Potter. Estes, Malvina Oswayo, Pa. Rugar, Lewis M. Benton. Elmer, Betsey P. Portage. Saunders, Albert W., U. S. A. Alfred. Farrar, Louisa M. Greenwood. Saunders, Joseph E. Alfred. Fenner Davis, Lucindd Alfred. Seelye, William W. Itochester. *Ferris Hllnter, Caroline Howard. *Simmons, Charles ii. Wellsville. - Gates, Cordelia Dansville. Simons, AndrewJ. Amity. Gilmore Thacher, Sarah M. York. Simons, Fayette L. Fleming. GrabesHaywood,LucretiaM. Howard. Simons, William West Almond. Green folt, Mercy A. Alfred. Slaight, Alonzo T. Groveland. *Greea Burclick, Marrietta Persia. Smith, Francis M. Amity. Green Spencer, Prudence 0. Alfred.' Smith, George Wayne. Green Williams, Elvira A. Alfred. Spooner, Franklin Burns. Griffin, Lavinia Caneadea. Stillman, Chester B. Alfred. Griswold, Frances E.'Rochester. Stillman, Albert Sr. Alfred. Hadsell, Clarinda S. Almond. Streight, James Wheeler. Halbert, Elmira - Almond. Thacher, T. Dwight Hornellsvllle. Hale, Emma M. Andover. Thomas, Silas S. Alfred. Henderson, Alvina L. Dansville.'*Thorp, Simeon M., Hon. Granger. Hess Healy, Martha M. Wayland. Twitchel, Dwight S. Burns. Holcomb, Angeline C. Independence. Vandoren, V. J. Dansville. Jamison, E. Canisteo.,_____ ________________________ _______________________________________ 32 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Kenyon,Elvira E.,D L.,Prin.Wirt. Bogart, A. W. New York City. Kingsley, R. IIamnmondsport. Brasted, Bethuel H., Rev. Howard. Knox Reynolds, Emily Spring Mills. Brewster, George E. Scio. Lackey Cottrell, Betsey Little Genesee. Brock, Jacob E. Hinsdale. Langworthy C'lason, Aman- Brockway, Herman New Hudson. da A., A, M. Alfred. Brown, Joel Almond. Lampheal, Martha A. Collins. Brundage, Charles L. Allen. LeSuer Green, Huldah P. Bolivar. Brundage, Franklin Bath. Lord, Orphia A. Almond. Burdick, Wesley C. Alfred. Maxson Prentice, Lemira A. Alfred. Carnier, John D. Amity. Maxson, Mercia C. Stephentown. Caly, Hubbard -. Arkport. McClay Spicesr, Jane A. Greenwood. Carr, John T. Ithaca. McCr~ay Thonzpsonl2,ElizabethDlansville. Carrington, Calvin South Dansville. *Morris, Malinda Bath. Colgrore, I. T. Arkport. Newell, Laurie' Troupsburgh. Coon, C. C. Louisville, Ky. Newman, Mary 0. H Reading Curtis, Charles L. A\ndover. Nichols, Elizabeth G. Almond. Davis, Robert R. Amity. Nicholson, Elizabeth J. Almond. Davis, Gideon W. Portageville. Ostrander, Lahella S. Sweden, Pa. Dean, Franklin Newvark. Palmer, Clarissa C. Stephentown. Ersly, Perry Greenwood. Palmiter, Mary A. Alfred. Engle, Willianm A. Angelica. Parkhill Balldwinz Rachel A. Howard. Erwin, Arthur Erwin. Perry, Susan A. Almond. Estabrook, H. L. Newfield. Pickett, Hannah S. Almond. Finch, William H. South Danby. Place Crndazcctll, Harriet Alfred. Finch, Augustine W. Avoca. Place Lcngvwortlhy, Ruth Alfred. Fisher, Martin V. B Wellsville. Place.ImGrdlick, Lucinda Alfred. F ox, Charles S.; Cayuga Bridge. Poor, Frances E. Little Genesee. *:Freeborn, HiramD.,*U.S.A.Knoxville, Pa. Potter, Amy E. Alfred. "'Fulmer, King H. Independence. *Rathbun Knox, Mary M. Whitesville. *Goff, J. Dimick Goff's Mills. Rogers, Harriet Addison. Gorton, Leander Amity. Saunders, Martha C. Providence, R. I Hammond, George W. Big Flats. Saunders, Martha B. Providence, R. I.\ Hart, Henry C. Hornellsville. Saunders Perkinls, Emma E. Alfred. Hart, Daniel L. Cuba. Setchel, Aruby A. Cuba. tIaskins, IBenton W. Troupsburgh. Sherman Bcrdlick, Sarah WTest UTnion. Hedges, Joel C. Dansville. Smith, Ellen M. - Alfred. i Ingles, Lewis VW. Dansville. Smith, Maria Allen. K eninedy, L. Burns. StauntonlFarinaldc,Zylpha R. Wirt. Kern, Edwin W.' )ansville. Stewart, Annetta Avoca. Kinney, Andrew West Almond. Stickney,Rogers, Janette C. Addison. Langworthy, Benjamin P. Hopkinton, R. I. Thomas, Francena Belfast. Lawrence, Andrew J. Camleron. Underhill, Mary C. Allell tLoive, Abner H. Cuba. Vaughn, -Lucy M. Phillipsville.`Lyiman, Edwin' Belfast. WVarren, Mary L. - Alfred. - Marks, John W. tCherry Valley. Whitney Baract/er, Arm D. Ossian. 1Marks, James S. Cherry Valley. Whitney; Sarah E.,.ATM.,IRev.Ossian. *Maxsson, Samuel i., Hopkinton, R. I. Wilcox, Lucy Wirt. *MAaxson, Daniel B., Lieut. Wood, Mary A. Alfred.`U. S. A. Westerly, R. I. Wormley Hiosnsby, Elmira Painted Post. MeGibeny, David D., A. AM. West Alumond. Ladies, 104. IMcOtmber, Henry M. Amity. Total - - - 264. Neewman, Lewis NV. Jefferson. Noble, James F. Newark. Noble, Charles H1. Newark. 1850-1851. Noble, Edgar G. Newark. GENTLEMEN. Orton, Robert 0. Cuba. Adams, Robert J. Cuba. Patterson, Elias C. Portage. Allen, XWilliam. M. Alfred. Peck, Joh1n C. Independence. Allen, Asaph New Hudson. i Pettys, Benjamin L. Almlity. Allis, Freeborn G. HIoward. [ Pitts, Lester C. Arlkport. Angell, Franklin M. Ellicottville,. att, Grathas It. Granger. PBabcock, B6odolphus Scio. Powers, William B. Hamnmondsport. Baker. Johnl Canisteo. Pulvelr. Walter Pennl Yan. Baker, Orlando M., Hon. Canisteo., Robinson,.Joseph W., M. D., *Baker, Rollen T.. M. I)., Sur". U. S. A. Almond. Surg. *U. S. A. Andover. | Rogers, Win. H., Rev., Chap. Beach, Clark W. South Dansville. U..A. Scio. Beeman, Sylvanus A.; Rev. Greenwood. Rork, Rufus H. Little Genesee. Black, Joshua Amnity.' Rose, Wmn. A., Capt. U. S. A. Alflred. Black, Foskett T. A: lity. Rose, Edward L. West Union. Black, Johnson Amnity. t Ross, Charles Grove. LFIFRE I) UNYIVERSITY. 33 R, oss, George Grove. Esterbrook, Rhoda P. Newfield. Ross, Howard J. Grove. Folsom Taylor, Eliza J. Hornellsville. RPussell, George G. Cuba. i Freeborn Reynolcls,Levantia Saunders, Thomas Addison. K. Knoxville, Pa. Scribner, Frederick MI. Andover. i *Freeborn, Helen MJ. Caneadea. Sealnans, William B. Almond.! Fuller ClaR, Martha J. West Almond. Shafer, Johnl W. Sparta. Fullmer Siaol, Zeruviah Independence. Shaw, Cheste'r. Alfred. Gibbs, Ella West Almond. Shawv,, Cbar!es Cayuga Bridge. d Green, Selinda I. Alfred. Sheldon, John R. Eaton. Green rcIfHer'y,Minerva A.Almond. Shelden, Artihur H. Alngelica. Hale, Mary J. Scio. Sheppard, C. Henry, Hon. Greenwich, N. J. Hatch, Eliza Rice. Sherwood, Alfred York. HI-avensPoscell, Parthena K.Sparta. Srith, George A. Deerfield, Pa. *Head, Anna P. Avoca. Smiths Ezria Willseyville. Hubbard, Mary A. Cameron. Spencer, David L. Addison. Hubbard, Alma B. Cameron. Staunton, Robert B. Ho unby. Huy, Sarah _M. Painted Post. Stewart, John T. Allen. Johnson Jilfaxsos, Carrie Wirt. Stickney, Adai XW. Stickneyville. Lanphear IlTllscrld, Lavinia Sticekney, Jaimes W. Stickneyville. T. Alfred. Stillman, Ethan Scio. Lanphear G idleyl, Sylvina Andover. Sypher, Josaz nR., Hon.. Liverpool, Pa. Lewis Be.s,s Saral Andover. Taylor, Ira -New Hudson.' Livermoloe Heseltinse, ArminTilden, Albert C. Burns. da L. Independence. Van Antwerp, WXilliall H. Burns. - Loomis, Sophronia R. New Hudson. WAaite, Lyliiail Snringwater. Lowell Sarah Wellsville. Walkemlan'William XW. Millport. McDuffee, V. Cameron Mills. W arde, Philip J.,7M. D. Almond. MIcGibenyr Eigle, Mary J. WVest Almond. Wehrung, F. I. P. Oltwill6r, France. MIcGaw, Nancy J. M McGrawville. XWXelch, X William W. Dansville. Metcalf Felinzes, Lavinia Andover. W'elclb, Alonzo TX. BDansville. Miner, Mary E. Allen. WVellington, Quicy W. Tioga, Pa. Pettengil B'osowi, Letitia T. Hornellsville. Whiite, George XXhitesville. Peck, Sophronia MI. Independence. W, ightman, A. R., Prof. irt. Peck, Esther L. Independence. Wilkiins, Morris Aimity. Potter Coon, Allmira A. Hartsville. -illialls,i Srlsrester J. Coudersport, Pa. Potter, Wealthy A. Hartsville. XWinne, Ephlraim Howard. Read, Betsey I. Philipsville. 1 -'ooley, Janes R., Rev. Richburgh. Rloss, Henlrietta M. Grove. Wood, Emnory.I CGenesee Falls. I-oss, F'trances'Grove. WX0ood, Ralph T. Dansville. Rowe Davis, Ruby E. Sweden. Worden, Lorenzo J., Hon. Veteran. Rowe eCrauSt, Nancy P. Gates. Wormley, Frederick Big Flats. Sage, Harriet Wheatland. -Wright, LDaniel K. New Hudson. S-aunders Ersl's, Sarah TWesterly,;. I. Yale, Henry 0. Scio. Saunders, Hannah TI. Alfred. Gentlemen, i26. Scoville, Mary Burdett. LADIES. Sears.Me'e', tHarriet A. Meadville, Pa. Alward, Charlotte A. Nunda. Seeley, Mlartha J.. Knoxville, Pa. Anderson, Hannah D. North Bergen. Shaw Lalsgvorltky, Lydia MA.lf red. XAniiell'hatchee, Catharine Slingerland HIozcell, Susanna F. - Alimond. A. Independence. Arnold, Harriet J. Dorrville, I. I. Smith, Louisa E. Corning. Benjcamin, Helen A. Short Tract. Smith, Matilda P. Corning. Benjamin, IElvira Short Tract. Smith, Ainira MI. Granger. B3ery, Em.ily S. Caton. Spencer B., Ht.,tlull, Lura A.Addison. Berry Eunice C. Caton. Stewart, Lydia Penn Yan. Bostwick PliiplJto, Eliza tIornellsville. Taggart, Harriet MI. Sparta. Bradley Teall,/, Lydia A.,Bath. Thomas B'owcii, Helen M. Belfast. Bradley 4Illen, Eliza C. Bath. Thomas, Sarah Alfred. LBrown Greene, Sarah A. Big Flats. Utter, Maria D. Whitestqwn. Brundage, Donna Maria Allen. Van Campen Borclesn, LavinBurI, G. Cathlarine New York City. ia A. Anmity. Campbell, Lydia A. Cuba. Vledcent Still)szcsle, Sarah Westerly, R. I. Carpl)enter, elen Pike. Wakeman, Soplhia I. Millport. Carpenter, Susan F. Pike. Wardner, Elneline H. Almond. Davis, Htannah Greenwood. mllington, Sarali I. Tioga, Pa. Debow, Mary J. Almond. Wells Steussct, lt, yrta E. Milton, Wis. Decker, Jiahala A. Newfield. Wirilliamis Altcoocd, Sophia Alf ed. BDeweyj Mlii' S. Meade ePa Xillson Seas, Mary A. Meadville, Pa. Durant, Eliza Hayti, X. I. XToodwarid CO-penteerAmanEliner, Iraete.s, Betsey P. Portage. da X'Wirt. Engle, Philena A. WVest Alhond. Woodward Ka(rr'Lera MarWy X'irt. 34 ALFRED UNIVERISITY. York, Mary Wellsville. King, Jackson Bath.:Younglove, Hannah Avoca. illibridge, Warren D. Portville. Ladies, 91. Lyman, Charles Belfast. Total 217. M lain, Stillman Alfred. ( 1851-1852. - AInajor, John A. Hornellsaville. Markham, William Dansville. iGEENTLEi3EN. - Martin, Allen H. Ceres, Pa. Abbott, Groves Sharon, Pa. Marvin, Leonard H. Friendship. Allen, Amos R. Alfred. Maxson, Edwin Hartsville. Armstrong, James R., MI. D. Poultney. Maxson, Richard L. Almond. Baker, Jedediah AM. Canisteo. McHenry, Iorris Almond. Bates, Oscar C. Hopewell. MIcOmber, Stephen H. Amity. Beckwith, Ransom Arkport. Miller, Myron Almond. Beecher, Eldridge Coventry. -Morris, Seth R. Kennedyville. l Bell, I~ra W0'. Burains. Morris, Oscar L. Howard. Black, James Seneca. Norton, A. D. Philipsville. Black,; David M. Fayetteville, -Mich. Parsrenter, Calvin E. Arkport. Britton, Lewis Dansville. Patterson, WIilliamn H. Portage. Broas, Wells P. Almond. Peek, John C. Independence. Brockway, Osiner C. Hebron, Pa. Perry, B. W. Almond. Brown, Elias F. Westerly, R. I. Pingrey, Albert W., Rev. Andover. *-,Brundage, Walter S. Greenwood. Poter, George Olean. Burdick, Stephen P., M.-D. Alflred. Porter, Willard Olean. Chapin, AMoses- Bolivar., Potter, Thomas W. Potter Hill, R. I. Chamberlain, Alonzo B. Sparta. Reed, Thomas R., Rev. Watson. *Churchllill, George W. Binghaim, Pa. Robinson, Fralcis M. Watson. Clark, Jothamn Conesus. Robinson, Joseph W., I. D. Almond. Clark, Dewitt C. Conesus. Rogers, Thomas A'. New York. Colirove, John P. Arkport. Rosa, Edward D. Troupsburgh. Collins, Lorenzo W. Alfred. Rowe, George H. Sweden. Coston, J. Newton Canisteo. Saunders, Anson P. Darien. Couch, Edwin J. Catharine. Seamans, D. Almond. Crandall, Albert H., Capt. U. Seeley, Sherwood Hornellsville. S. A. Little Genesee. Sheldon, Frederick Eaton. Crandall, Morton D., UV. S. A.Westerly, R. I. Sllenan, Albert B. Alfred. Cranrdall, Wilford W. Whitesville. Simons, Anson. Philipsville. Crsandall, Amos W.. Silons, Levi W. Sparta, Mich. Crutcndon, Lewis S. Burns. Simons, Benjamin Scio. Curtise, Francis M. Springwater. Smith, Sylvanus C. Alfred. Curtise, Henry J. Groveland. Smith, (onklili Almond. Cutler, Alfred Newfield. Smith, Matthew D. Newfield. Daily, Walter L., Esq. Millpolt. Smith, Jesse D. Springport. Davidson, John N., Hon. Genesee Falls. Smith, Squire J. Alfred. Davis, Erastus A. Caton. Smith, S. Norton Auburn. Elwell, Edwin C. Allen. Smith, Ienry Cuba. Fa r, James E. Big Flats. Staunton, Nathan G Potter Hill, R. I. Fitz Gerald, Thomas Burns. Thacher, Thomas S. Hornellsville. Fosbury, Orson B. Willing. Thompson, John I. Springport. Forsyth, George A. Whitesville. Tuttle, Richard F Hopewell. Foster, William D. Seneca. SVan Allen, Daniel D., A. M., Franklin, Jerome B. Canealea. Rev. Andover. French, Calvin Howard. "Van Buren, Martin X WV ellsville. Ferguson, George E. Richmond. Taliker, Theodore Greece. Gage, Joshua Burns. Ward, James Charleston, R. I. Gilbert, Elmer Big Flats. Wight, Horace 0. Farmington. Gilmore, George E. York. - Williams, George A., A. h., rallett, John L. Canisteo. Lt. Col. U. S. A. Alfred. Hare, Robert P. Cameron. Whitaker, William A. Cuba. Harmond, Luke G. Ellicottville. -Whitney, Albert R. Almond. Hart, James Cuba. - Wright, Daniel R. New Hudson. Haskins, Benton W. Troupsburgh. Wykoff, WV. H. - Hopewell. Hickock, Lewis A. Friendship. Gentlemen, 122. Hotchkiss, Albert E. Big Flats. LADIES. Hyde, Melvin Almond. Andrew, Sophia J. Birdsall.'Jamison, Hugh Canisteo. Beard IBcay, Clarissa Hartsville. -Jamison, Mordecai Canisteo. Beard, Ella Canisteo. Jones, Griswold T. Scio. Betts, Anna M. Albany. Kellenger, Thomas J. Elmira. Black, Diantia - Amity. *Keeney, Israel P., Esq. Middlebury, Pa. i Brandt Grcatlict, Lucinda Alfred. Kimbark, George'. Lakeville. Brewster, Mary Greenwood. King, George W. Belfast. Brown, Lucy M. Almond. ALF I;ED UNIVEIR.niTYl'. 5 Brown, Charlotte Almond. Van Wickle, Susan S. Angelica. Bulkley, Sarah F. Deerfield, Pa. Warner, Caroline Cuba. Burdick, lia-rriet L. Hornellsville. Weed, Sarah A. New York. Canfield, Aurora V. Ossian.: *Whitwood, Caroline A. Canisteo. Canfield Broiwe, Harriet A. Ossian. Wilber, Lucinda Alfred. Campbell HIatehimis, Jane Mi. Cula. Wilcox, Roxanna Ossian. Capron, Emnma B. IHopkinton, R. I. Woolever, Susan C. Arkport. Case, Mary E. Bristol. Ziegenfuss, Eliza Dansyille. Case. Sarah J. Bristol. Ladies, 84. Chadwick. West4, Adaline Alfred. Total 206. Churchill Leolzccl,DorcasM.Bingham,, Pa. 1812-1853. Cobb F'eeeborl, Emmna Independence. Colvin, Sarah A. Allen. GENTLEMEN. Cr~andall?obelrtsoelz, Elizas- 1'Adams, Ephraim Livonia. beth B. Almond. Allen, Leroy J. Oswayo, Pa. Dake, -Mary A. Almond. Allen, John G. Alfred. Davis, Rhoda S. Philipsville. Allis, Almoiid T. Howard. Ellis, Tleodocia MI. Hollid'ysburg,Pa. lward, Geoge Nunda. Flint, Mary E. Hornellsville. -Anderson, Charles G. Newfield. Flint, Helen M. IBornellsville. Applebee, Thomas: irt. Frenclli, Al1inna Canmeron. Babbitt, Dav id K. lonterey. Gates, Lovinia E. Dansville. Baird, Jshua Cuba. Gillett, A. Elizabeth Danby. Barnes, Edward AN. W Wirt. Green -Foe, Kesiah M. Adams. Barnes, William Seneca. Hlall, Martha H. G;osllen. Barney, Alvin C. Independence. 4 IaHllett, Eliza-N. Canisteo. Bassett, Francis M. Independence. Halloci, Sarah a. Ulysses,.Pa. Bell, Hiram W. Burns. ia-Iilton, Soplironia A. Milton, Wis. Bcniett Hely I. Big Flats. Hardy Cori'siis, Hannah Andover. Brown, Franklin Almond. Hardy Giaist, biary 8'. Anldover. *Bul dick,Tl'om lpson,*U.S.:A.Alfred. Hawley, Caroline C(oudersport, Pa. Burdick, J. W. Almond. Hurlbuit 7'ocldd, Elizabeth t.rkport. Butler, Dasvid 11. Springwater. *Hydorn, Cordelia, N.U. S. A.ebron, Pa. Campbell, John T. Cameron. Hydorn GrCeen, Louise Hebron, Pa. Carroll, Alfred Benton. Kellogg, Frances A. Kennedyville. Castoms Israel Canisto. King lVye, Elizabetll A. Bath. Catlin, Biandt T. Catlin. King,. Emily A. Bath. Catlin, Charles Seneca. Kenyoin, Louisa A-' Brooklyn. Catlin, Lewis L. Wellsboro, Pa. Langworthy Tlichere, Sarabh Chadwick, George W. Alfred. L. Little Genesee. Clark, Edwin Westerly, R. I. Locke, Louisa L. Wellsboro, Pa. Clark, Ira D., Rev. Brookfield. Main. Theresa Alfred. Cleveland, Loren G. Dansville. *Marvin Garcne'er, MIercy A. Friendship. Cobb, Daniel H. Spring Mills.*Maxson Ccessoclay, Julia A. Hopkinton, R. I. Cole, Thomas Allen. McDowel, MIary L.. Wayne. Cooley, Junius. Attica. Millard VinLcenat, Lucy Alfred. Coon, Cortland Deposit. iPalmiter Green, Elvira Hartsville. Cottrell, Zerah Penfield. Pennell, E. Louisa Honeoye. Coyl, Michael Cameron. Pennell, Elvira Bristol. Crandall, William D. Alfred. Penny Tesaidclale, Mary C. Alfred. Crosier,-George W. Seneca. Perry, Mary R. Almond. Dean, William A. Livonia. Pingrey, Thirza I). Andover. Deker, Hiram Havana. Pingrey, Elvira E. Andover. Dexter, Chauncey Independence. Reed, FI. A. Philipsville. DeLong, E. R. Almond. iReiley, Sarah Birdsall. Dill, Dewitt Hume. *Rounsville Wildman, Helen VDole, John Scio. P. Caneadea. Dunn, Elston I. Plainfled, N. J. Scovill, Laurie Burdett. Dunn, Alexander M. Plainfield, N. J. *Sherman Butrcdick, Susan M.Alfred. I)unn, Jeptlia HIayfield, Pa. Shumway, Roxanna Almond. D usenbury, Henry B. Portville. Smith, Harriet L. Painlted Post. Engle, S. {1. Angelica. *Smith, Mary J. Alfred., Evans, Gilbert N. Riclibunrgh. Smith, Mary O. Willseyville. 1 Farnum, Nathan M., M. D. West Alionid. Smith, Phebe A. Alond. Farr, W. H. Big Flats. Smith, Sarah F. Newfield. Forsyth, Valorus L. Independenl e. Smith, Mary J. Catlin. Forsyth, Daniel Independense. iStelle BracLdt, Elizabeth D. Crossingville, Pa. I French, John W. HEornellsville. Stillman, Lucinda II. Amity. i Gardiner, Isaac Cohocton. Stillman, Orpha Hebron, Pa. Gillett, Joseph H. Big Flats. Sutliff, Lucy A. Alhnond. Gray, Rollin B. Buffalo. Van Allen, Sarah A. Andover. Gray, Jesse Conesus. _____ - x -LFJI) U-IVERSITY. Grunder, Henry W. Grove. Smith, Ezra Wilyseyville. Hale, Augustus S. Andover. Smlith, Walter C., U. S. A. Wellsville. Hale, klonzo B. BroadportA; Va. Smith, CGeorge Ai. Maartin. Halmmond, George W. Big Flats. Smith, Charles Wellsville. Htammond, John W. Southport. Smith, Tenl Eyckk Bath. Harnon, John Almondc. Staples, R. Perry Sweden. Hathaway, Stephen H-lornellsville. Stelle, Jerelniah Erie, Pa. Hosley, Levi VT. Almond. Stillman, David F. Westerly, R. I. Howes, Hira-:a D. Burns: Sturdevant, W~illiam D. West Almond. Hoyt, William H. Attica.. Teller, Henry 51. Granger. Jay, H. Andrew Friendship. Teller, Willard - Granger. ~Jones, Elisha S., *'U. A. Canisteo. Thacher,'T. Scott IHonellsville. Knapp, Theodore D. Cameron. Thacher, Safford 1T. Hornellsville. Knight, Aliiton Scio. Thache, Luin iK.. Maj.U.S.A.Hornlelsville. Lalpson, Iilram J. Almond. Titsworth, Alexander W. Plain-field, N. J. Leavenworth, Alvah E. Cattaraugus. Titsworthl, J.Howrard,U.S..A. Plainfield, N. J.'Leonard,. esley,B., Hon. Xindover. Van Allen, John H. Oakland. Lewis, J. Fletchlier Elmira. Walbridlge, Jolin Cranger.`'Lewis, Tllmas H., *U. S. Almrond. WA.albridge,,Joshua, Ion. Wiellsboro, Pa. Lewis, Ethan Elmira. VIallace, Jalmes L. Hornellsville. Lewis, William Alfred. Ward, James L. Charlestown, R. I. Lippincott, David Birdsall. Vebb, Shleppard L. Hornellsville. Locey, George H. Candor.- eed, Edward W. New York City. Loop, Daniel.Portville. W.'ells, James M. lhlmira. Lord, Jerome S. West Almond. Wells, George N. Elmira. MIaiin, Franklin Alfred. Wells, Walitel G. )swayo, Pa. Macauley, Thomas A. Seneca. Whilitney, Eisau J. Burns. Marble, Calvin Dansville. | *Wildman, E., *U. S. A. Wlsitesville. Mcaxson, Henry Stephentown. XWilcox, Clark WTilling. 4Maxsohl, David S. l[opkiuton, P. I. WTillet, Andrus WTiit. MicItenryy, Hamilton E will. Wilson, James E. Meadville, Pa. I MIcKay, Samuel -Iornellsville. ithey, illiam. Bolivar. xtcNCauglhtoll, John I). Wheatland. W orllley, Frederick B. Big Flats. McN~eil, Jarot' W., Rev. Centreville, Miss. Yates, William G. Hlumne. Measns, Johll. Senecea. i. ~entlcnlen, 161. Merritt, Johin IDansv ille.' LADIES. Miller, Jaimes H. Dansville. Abbott Pixley, Ttime A. Belvidere. Miller, Williani D. Selleca, Abehr'r'w2, Mlatilda Birdsall. Nott, Slalion D. Wellsville. Armstrong Broii c, nIary R. Pultley. Mowry, Richardcl.. Almond. *BabcocklIctxd,'o)ls,Elles l.E. Independence. Paine, George. Adician. BarneySetler.lenlei/l -,Laura A. Independence. Parkilill, Albert A. Howard. *Bartlholomew, Ann.- Howard. PattelsonI, Alfred D. Painted Post. Beecher Co(nJtieli,lary A.l). Hoard. I'erlin, Thlonmas Bu. luins. Bigelow, Sarlah -'1. (Greece. Penny, Williain J. Al-fred. Bradley, Lydia A. Bath. Perry, Willisam V. I Almond. B randt, I-arriet F. Alfred. Peterson, MAiles Wirt. Brewster -LEly, _Mlaria E. Scio. Phielps, Alexander A. Tioga, Pa, "'Brown, Caroline Corning. Platt; hathan K. An. elica. Bull, Sarah P. Greece. Reynolds, Jamrses Pultney. Bullock, Mary Granger.. Mice, Milton Al. Mayville. Burdick, Eliza M'. Alfled. i oherts, David M. L Honda. Campel. Isamp b ell a Camineron. -Rogers, Lester C., Rev.,Clhap. Carrin'toin, Luna M. Alfred. U. S. A. Waterford, Ct. Chapmcian, [Lary C. Seneca. Rogers. Win. A..Prof.,U.S..N. ewV Londoln, Ct. Cesebhio, Charlotte E. Oswavyo, Pa. Rogers, Henry C.! Williallsbulrgls. Clark Dtnl, Helen EI. Hile. PRotEl, Al elbti r Plainfield,.J. J Cobb LaLsoionf/, Mirtanda L. Sprillg Mills. TIogers, Orson C. Waterford, Ct. Cook, Lucinda Canisteo. Logers, Charles B Plainfield, N. J. Coon, Catharile Wirt. Roowe, Lucius B. Greece. C (ooper ftthes, Levantia P, Little Genesee. l'Rowley, John S. Richeburgh. Corey (T#ff, Lucy J. Alimond. Russell, Win. If-. It., Lt. Col Crandall G.'eIzhill, Vuieli a lndependence. U. S. A A Xlfied. Crandall ibloi,b s Ellen. Idependeice. Saunders, Albert A., M.D. Ilopkinton, R. I. Crandall A,-l'sing,t'o, Elnora Scoville, Levi Granger. Hi. Little Genesee. Shalk, Jerome V. Springwater. Dailey, Sarah. Millpt. Shaw, George N. Benton. Downing, Isahbella S. Almond. SlhleIntn, Arthur M. )3irt. Easton, Annis S., Amity. Shermnila, Sydiney J., U. S. A.Wirt. Evxns, Harriet \ -lisdale. Simpson, J. E. Troul)sburgh. Cilbelt, Nancy M.' ornellsville. nyder, P.J. Hinsdale. Gilbert, Jane E'. Iornellsville. ALFRED) UNIVERSITY., Goodrich Tuttle, Ervilla Hbrnellsville. 1853-1854. Green Hill; Mary E. Independence. GENTLEAIEN. Green, Fanny Richmond. Abbott, Charles J. Belfast. *Hale, Esther J. Andover. Adams, Henry West Almond. Hale, Mary T. Richburgh. Allen, Miles Alfred. Hamilton, Lorinda, Richmond. Allen, Timothy Hinsdale. Harding, Hortensia V. Fremont. Almy, Harvey S. Portsmouth, R. I. Hatch, Caroline A. Dansville. *Babcock. Henry, Serg. U. S. Heirmphill Potter, Sarah S. I-Ialrtsville. A. Persia. Hickock Mlcot, Mary S. Friendship. Bacon, Eli T. Wellsborough, Pa. Hickock, Mary A. Matthews, Va. Bacon, Pherrez Wellsborough, Pa. Lancaster, Maria Cuba. Baker, Phineas, U. S. A. Canisteo. LeSuer Baldwin, Emma R. Bolivar. Baldwin, Converse J. Cuba. Lewis, Martha E. Scio. Baskins, Andrew J., *U. S. Lewis llod.sell, Orrilla Alfred. A. Caneadea. Lewis, Eunice H. Elmira.' Bean, Judson Scio. Lockland, Martha A. Dansville. Boyington, Alonzo Allegany. Love, Harriet H. Cuba. Brown, Zelora E. Nile. MAartin, Lois J. Allnond. Brown, Arnold Corning. Marvin licDonalcl, Mary Wirt. Browning, Lewis D Scio. -"Maxson. L. Aingelina Hopkinton, R. I. Buck, Martin Stephensville. Maxsson ~iverzo' e, L. Ettie Little Genesee. Burch, Stephen B. Waterloo. Mcltenry, Mary E. Almond. Burnett, Edwin DeKalb. Morris, Elizabeth 0. Lyndon. Careno, Yennio P. Gijon, Spain. Nickerson, MIary E. Scio. Carey, John Arkport. Pattengill Boaker, Leona H. Hornellsville. Carmlan, John Elmira. Penny WSlkter, H. Adaline Alfred. * Carpenter, Albert S. Birdsall. Perkins, Mary E. Scio. Cassaday, John B., Hon. Middlebury, Pa. Potter Dal)vi, Verona E. Alfred. Chaffee, Lyman Angelica. Potter lsHamiltosn, Amnanda Alfred. - (Chase, Sumner V. Allegany. Powell, Delora L. Livonia. Coates, Hiram ~ Wellsville. Pratt, Lucy H. Cambridge. Collister, Jonas R. Granger. Prlatt icrddell, Eunice L. Howard. Cole, Benjamin C. Allegany. Renwick, Margaret Belfast. Coon, Byron N. Brookfield. Rogers, Angeline 0. Willing. Corey, William C. Almond. Ross, Mary H. Grove. Crandall, J. M., U. S. A. Little Genesee. Rowe Keslyon, Elizabeth L. Greece. Crandall, Walter, Major U. Rowe, Ruth E. Greece. S. A. Little. Genesee. Rowley, Cyntlhia M. Bolivar. Crandall, L. S., Serg. U. S. A.Milton, Wis. *Satterlee ihCL, T. Celina Alfred. Davidson, Henry Genesee Falls. Sears ller winz, Charlotte H. Meadville, Pa. Davis, Amos L. Corning. Seeley, Catharine T. Hornellsville. Davis, Myron S. Amity. Sherman sa isney, Mary E. West Union. Dennis, Rodney, Hon. Jasper. Smith elsiener, Harriet N. Alfecd. Doty, Hiram W. Greece. bmlith, Harriet A. WNellsville. Thomas Scio. Stelle, Mlary E.L Crossing sille, Pa. *Dunn, Walter H., *U. S. A. Plainfield, N. J. Stevelns,'idelia i. hsornellsu ille. Easton, Isaac N., U. S. A. Amity.`Stevens, Janette P. (tanisteo. ~ Ensworth, Lorenzo Independence. Stevens Ackley, Miaribah Caniste. Farnum, William C. Wellsville. Stewart, Ann E. Cameron. I Farrand, Chancey, Wellsville. Thacher BStillmani, Lydia L. Hornellsville. Ford, Charles L., HI. D. Belfast. Van Buren, Marlda J. Ford, John B. Belfast. Van Duzen, Ellen E. Wellsville. Freeborn, Melford D. Caneadea. Van Housen Smzith, Susan R. W ellsville. Fulton, John Canisteo. Van Housen Van Schooter, Garnett, William S. Sharon, Pa. Sarah Wellsville. Gates, Orson C. Dansville. Vincent Sosuthh all, Catlia- Goddard, Abel Richville. rine A. Williamsburgh. *Goodspeed, Samuel, Knoxville, Pa. Vose, Amnanda R. Thurston. Grow, Allen WV ard, Lucinda G. Charlestown, R. I. Guilford, Charles i. Cuba. Weaver, Harriet Belfast. Guyon, Andrew J. Greenwood. -Wells, Wealthy Oswayo, Pa. Hallett, Franklin,,U. S. A. Canisteo. Whitney, Ellen A. Seneca. Hammond, Wallace E. MIayville. Wildman, Lorinda Whitesville. Hammond, Thomas D. Mayville. Williams Greesn, Frances M. Alfred. Hart, William F. Hornellsville. Worden Lewis, Sarah A. Alfred. Havens, Don W. Sparta. Wood, Laurie N. Whitesville. Ladies, 1399. Hendershot, John Stephensville, Can. Total - - - 26Q. Hewson. Augustus G. New York City. Holt, Simeon A. Wellsville. Hooker, Walter C Angelica. 38 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Hosley, Levi W. Almond. Woodbury, James W. Jasper. Ingraham, William F. Whitesville. Gentlemen, 136. Johnson, Edgar Tioga LADIES. Langworthy, Ralph C. Little Genesee. Abbott, Lucy A. Belfast. Kenyon, Jarvis S., U. S. A.. Alfred. Allen IWhitforcd,Euphemia E. Wirt. King, George L. Havana. Armstrong, Amanda S. Pultney. Leck, John E. Belvidere. Atherton, Ann Caneadea. *Lee, Hezekiah C. Almond. Babcock fecock, IHelen P. Wayland. Lewis, James iN. Alfred. Babcock Allis, Cynthia A. Wayland. Livermore, Leander E., Rev., Babcock, Caroline D. Wayland. Lt. U. S. A. Independence. Barber Torclden, Susan Alfred. MIapes, Bascom P., Esq. Philipsville.:Barney Strcang, Roxa M. Independence.. Marlatt, Wilson Woodhull. *Bassstt, Sarah A. Independence. LM arvin, Wmi N., *U. S. A. Clarksville. Beeman, Adelaide Addison. Maxson, Asa L. Little Genesee. Bliss Ccanclall, Sarah T. Little Genesee. Maxson, Fernando S. Andover. Bliss Berry, Abbey W. Little Genesee. McDowell, George W. Wayne. Bostwick Schuc/ler,Harriet lHornellsville. Myers, William Boyd Wlhite, Mary A. Andover. Nickson, Richard New York City. Briggs, Charlotte L. Cameron. Nye, S. Girard 5Westfeld. Brimrmer TValkei,Virginia J.Berlin. Olmstead, O. P. Philips'ville. Bronson, Thankful A. Wellsville. Orcutt, Daniel Almond. Burdick, Susan S. Alfred. Oram, James Hartsville. Carman, Catharine Almond. Palmer, Benjamin Scio. Carpentedr, Lydia A. Birdsall. *Palmer, Hosea W., *U. S. A.Richburgh. Catlin, Maria Carroll. Parker, Joseph F. Philipsville. Chapin, Willmina R. West Union. Pinch, James XW. Hiornellsville. Chevalier, Jane E. Ceres, Pa. Pitt, John Allen. Chevalier, Marion C. Ceres, Pa. Pitt, William C. Granger. Cline, Frances L. Almond. *Potter, Reuben -T., *U. S. A. Hartsville. *Conley, Margarette Greenwood. Potter, Jerome B. Middlebury, Pa. Curtice, Elmina G. Springwater. Pratt, Horace W. Mayville. Curtiss, Lovinia A. Franklinville. Putnam, Alexander Greenwood. Curtiss, Loretta C. Franklinville. Radley, George Caneadea. *Dean, T. Eugenia VWest Almond. Reading, Jeremiah K.- Independence. -Dickinson, Sarah Cuba. Rogers, William M. Dansville. EdwardsBecagle,CatharineA.Little Genesee. Rowley, Ambrose H. Oswego, Ill. Elliott Jedcld, Aroa A. Wellsville.'Saunders, Albert Alfred. Ellis, Mary Almond. Seamans, William B. Almnond. Ensworth, Ambrosia L. Independence. Searle, Milton Rushford. Fassett Hatceh, Helen D. W\ ellsville. Shaw, Joseph S. E.Abbington,_Mass. Fassett JonLes, Gertrude L. Wellsville. Smith, Norman H. Tioga, Pa. Fassett, Lucy I. Wellsville. Smith, Amanulette Caton. Flint, Mary W. Amity. Smith, William Wellsville. - Ford Vcan Allen, Mary Belfast. Smith, Alexander D. Wellsville. Ford, Susan A. Belfast. Spencer, Asa Jasper, Forsyth, Eugenia O. Whitesville. Stewart, Charles H. Bath. Gorton, Mary J. Corning. Stillman, T. Edgar, Esq. New York City. Hallock, Melissa E. Ulysses, Pa. Stillman, Silas W-illing. Holmes, Mary A. Smethport, Pa. *Stillllan, David M. Willing. Jacobs Reese, Julia J. Hume. Stillman, Elisha P. Almond. Jacobs-ctrnlssrortha.,NancyA.Husne. Stowell, William B. Kenyon RiChctrd hon, elissa Stowell, Hezekiah A. Wirt. Sweet, William K. Rochester. Knight, Lucinda. est Almond. Tefft, William S., U. S. A. Almond. Langworthy Pcalaner Lydia Thacher, Otis, U. S. A. - Almond. I. Alfred. Thompson, Charles A., Esq. Dansville Lewis, Saah M. Independen Thompson, Cornelius Birdsall. Locey, Catharine E. Beech's Island, Pa. Thorp, Thomas, Brig. Gen. Lounsbury, Mariette Belfast. U. S. A. Gianger. Lusk, Celia E. Syracuse. Turner, Chaucele J. Homer. Lyman, EmilyE. Brockport. Van Ostrander, William Allen. Maxson, Mary L. Brookfield. Vinlcent, Thomas Stonington, Ct. Maxson Allen, Martha A. Andover. Valdo, Daniel D. Wiscoy. Maxson, Emma A. Andover. Weaver, Joseph B. ~ Newport, R. I.: McCartney, Rachel J. Rochester. Wheaton, Samuel W. Binghamton. McHenry, Emily T. Almond. Whipple, Allen B. Wellsborough, Pa. M cHenry lWyganst, Abigail Almond. White, John MI. Howard.. IcNaire Dey, Frances W. Almond. Whitford, Albert A., Prof. Brookfield. McQueen, Lucebia F. Friendship. Winne, Jacob W. Howard. Melvin, L. Josephine Wayne. Wolcott, Timothy S. Caton. Monehan Burdlick,CatharineAlfred. AI.FI:ED UJNIVERSI1Y. 39 Mosier, Elizabeth M. Millport.. Climenhage, Martin' Stevensville, Can. Norton, P. Philipsville. Cline, Milo G. Angelica. Norton, Antoinette Wellsville. Cole, Henry Osborne, Adaline A. Andover. Colgrove, Henry Arkport. Peavy, Miranda J. Allen. Coon, S. B., U. S.-A. Little Genesee. Perkins, Melissa Andover. Crandall, William H. Little Genesee. Perry, Emma R. Alfred. Cronkrite,' M. Lyman. "Porter, Jennie A. Skracuse. Cronkrite, F. TM. Tyrone. Power, MIary J. Penn Yan. Cuddeback, C. D. Allen. Randall, Esther Persia. Davidson, G.'H. Genesee Falls. Randolph, Emily E. Hayfield, Pa. Davis, Micah Andover. Reynolds Ilntington, Ian- Denson, B. J. Millport. tha D. Spring Mills. Dorrance, Benjamin Elkland, Pa. Reynolds Clacrk, Lovina M. Spring Mills. PDuke, Joseph Scio.Richmond, M. Antoinette Belmont. Dunham, D., U. S. A. }Hector. Robinson, Rosetta E. ILornellsville. *Edwards, William H. Little Genesee. Rowe Brown, Arianna P. Greece. Farr, Ge'orge W. Big Flats Rudiger Laubsch, Paulinha, Almond. Fitch, Daniel A: Elmira. Sallan Kenyonz, Ida F., A. M. Almond. Flory, H. J.' Dansville. Sannders, Sarah Alfred. Forster, Edward H. Hall's Corners. Sdeley, Mary A. Hornellsville. Franklin, Francis MI. (Caneadea. Shuart, Ad'slilne Belfast. Freeborn, D. G. Caneadea. Shuart, Maitha E. Blelfast. Galpin, C. W. Candor. Smalley liicks, Mary A. Friendship. Gardiner, Frank Angelica. Smith, Eliza G. 1Andlover. Gillette, Jeffrey W. Elmira. Smith, Clarinda G. Allen. Goodhue, Reymond Scottsville. Smith, Diantha I1. Beech's Island, Pa. *Green, Lther Independence. *Stevens CsradaIll,ClharlotteGreenwood. Guilford, L. Candor. Stevens T awvise, M. EmelineHornellsville. Hall, William A. Randolph. Taylor Budickt, Mary A. Wirt. Haller, L. F. Wellsville. Tefft Plalts, Emma A. Almond. Haller, C. E. Wellsville. TerwilligerPalamter,JuliaA.Birdsall. Harris, William H. Burns. Towles, Eliza L.' Elmira., Harrison, Henry J. Hornellsville. Towner Jamison, Rosina R. Canisteo, Hathorn, Edward L. Elmira. Van Allen, Jane A. Oakland. Ileekok, Daniel H. Owego. Williams, Lydia E. Spring Mills. Hendershot, Hiram Hornellsville. Willson, WAT. J.: Intdependence. Hendershot, David Hornellsville. Willson, E'lora Independence. Hess, Jeremiah Pultney. Ladies, 103. Hitchcock, George S. Catherine. Total - - - 239. Holmes, Nelson. Amity. *Howell, Luther C., Major U. 1854-1855. S. A. Big Flats. GENTLEMIEN. Howell,-D. S. Big Flats. Alabaster, R..J. Geneva. Ingraliam, E. D. Amity. Alger, James D. Conesus. Johns, Hiram C. v Mainsburg. Angier, Andrew J. Portage.. Johnson, Ahira T. Amity. Babcock, James L. Alfred. Kenedy Henry M. Burns. Backer. Jackson Catlin. Kenedy, John -M. Burns. Baker, Charles E. Brooklyn. Lqngworthy, Geo. I., Lieut. Baker, Elisha Ai Andover. U. S. A. Stonington, Ct. Balcom, Mahlon Kendall. Lewis, Amos C., U. S. A. Alfred. *Banks, Eugene B., *U. S. A.Millport- Lyman, George W. Belfast. Bartle, Stephen G. Cnla. - Marsh, C. W. Hornellsville. Beach, Daniel Tyrone. *MNaxson, S. Ray Hopkinton, R. I. Berry, Charles W., U. S. A. Alfred. McCallum, Angelo WV. Owego. Boylan, Isaac F., Burns. McGibeny, James B. -West Almond. Briggs, John S. ]:ittle Genesee..Icrntosh, C. W. Almond. Brown, Frank H. Almond.' McHenry, Lester H. Almond. Brown, J. Albert, Lieut. U.' McNish, G eorge W. Horseheads. S. A. Little Genesee. Metcalf, M. E. Allegany. *Brown, Lucius A., *U. S. A.Dansville. Meyers,.F. B. Hunt's Hollow. Burdick, Eugene K. Persia. Mills, Silas A. Big Flats. Bryan, William J. Ithaca. - Mitchell, Harrison O. Catharine. Carroll. Thomas M. Westerly, R. T. - Monroe, John Hopkinton, R. I. Chapin, D. L. Livonia. { Norton, Benjamin D. Scio. Chapin, Seneca D. Livonia. i Osgood, Elisha S. Almond. Chapin, -Wesley C. -Livonia. Palmer, Henry L. Fremont. Chase, C. D. Allegany. Pamiter, Hiram C. Hartsville. Clark, Calvin' Alfred. Pattengill, Atticus A. Hornellsville. Clark, Byron F. - Friendship. Pitt, Ralph S. Little Genesee. Clark,' Peter F. Auburn. Porter, Oscar Ossian. 4(0 i I ALFRED UNIVEIRSITY. Porter, Edwin Ossian. Freeman, Permelia A. Shippen, Pa. Potter, Riley W., U. S. N. Alfred. Ford, Sarah Belfast. Redman, J. D. Allen. Green Holland, Elvira J. Alfred. Rice, George H. Owego. Hall Ackerman, Hannah A. Alfred. Richardson, William B. Almond. Hall, Elizabeth Alfred. Rising, John T. Hector. Hills, Helen A. Belmont. Rogers, Lowell L., Rev. Willing. Holmes, Keziah N. Amity. Ruediger, Clemens -Almond. Jacobs Keniyon, Helen A. Hume. Saunders, Wesley Sweden. Johns, Sylvia E. Mailesburgh, Pa. Seamans, Galen B., Esq. Millport. Kellogg, Lucy Friendship. Sharpe, William J. Dansville. Kenedy, Mary A. Burns. Shaw, Phineas A. Alfred. *Klenyon, Amanda J. Little Genesee. Shisler, John Stevensville, Can. Knight, Celestia Scio. Smith, William H. Caneadea. Lackey Green, Sophronia B. Little Genesee. Smith, A. J. Allen. *,. Leigh Saveton, Esther A. Howard. Smith, Victor D. Wellsville. Mapes, Amelia A. Belmont. Sprague, Charles D. Dansville. *Mapes, Climena Belmont. Stangland, Eleazor C. Kendall. Mapes, Sarah F. * Belmont. Stephens, Henry M. Calkins. - Maxson, Artemisia 0. Leonardsville. Stevens, Holton F. Andover. Maxson, Caroline A. Madison, Wis. Stillman, James W., Esq. Westerly, R. I. cGibany Leozs,LoviniaA.West Almond. Stillman, James, U. S. A. -Westerly, R. I. O'Brien Bogart, Esther G. Dansville. Stillman, Alonaon' Alfred.,' Perkins, Nancy Andover. Sturdevant, George'West Almond. Saunders, Lorinda A. Alfred. Taylor, George Canisteo. -Shaw Langwortlhy, Lydia M. Alfred. Taylor, James B. Stevensville, Can. Shaw Jaques, Hannah B. Alfred. Tracy, Seth H., Esq. Philipsville. Saott, Helen E. Milford. Upson, John J. Almond. SheppardSheplctrdcl,Reb ecca Shiloh, N. J. Utter, George L., U. S. A. Friendship. Smith Woolaorth,Caroline E.Alfred. Van Camnpen, Addison Amity.' Staunton ZMcll~tyre, Mary A. Wirt. *Voorheis, Ge'o., *U.S.A. Wir. Staunton, Z. 1- irt. Voorheis, John D. Wirt. Stevens, Catharine E. Sparta. Wentworth, Warren B. lmond. Thacher Hall, Mary M. Hornellsville. Thomm?'as. FIHrancena S. Belfast. Whipple, Allen B. C., Leona, Mich. Thomas, Francena S. Belfast. White, Luther M. Cameron. Thompson, Helen M. Erwin. Whiting, John W., U. S. A. Howard. Todd Ostriech, Nancy Greenwood. ~Wilcox, Robert ~Mendron. Tracy Slocumn, Harriet C. Philipsville. Williams Ezra, U. S. A. W oodhul. Tubbs,Fanny J. Foreqtville. Wood, Henl-y S..Urhbailna. Ir Vars Potter, Adelaide M. Doorville, R. I. Woodcock, Elijaih T. Hallsport. ~ rWalbridge, Elizabeth S. Granger. Woodruff, Henry J. Almond. Wells, S. Maria Andover. Woodward, Frank A. Damascus, Ohio.'hite, iary J. West Almond. Woodward, Orestes UI. Damascus, Ohio. Witter Ruecliger, Rebecca S. Hornellsville. Wooliver, Samuel Arkport. Witter, Catharine A. Hornellsville.' Wykoff, A. F. Cuba. Wright, Emma West Almond. Young, Samuel B. Hume. - Ladies, 67. Total 209. Gentlemen, 142. LADIES. 1855-1856. Alfred, Jane D. Granger. GENTLEMEN. Allen Wltter, Nancy E. Alfred. Allen, Cyrenus P. Alfred. Allis, Sarah L. Fremont. ",'Allen, Nathan H., U.! S. A.Alfred. Babcock, Helen P. Wayland. Allis, Ira B. Fremont. Bryan, Cornelia Ithaca. Babcock, A. Persia. Budd Boyd, Amanda Andover. Babcock, Cyrus Persia. Builock, Lucebia H. Almond. Backer, Joseph M. Great Valley. Burdick, Charity L. Alfred. Banker, Martin B. Dix. Burdick, Catharine O. Alfred. Barden, Solomon E. Eldred, Pa. Burdick, Catharine A. Alfred. Bardwell, Sullivan F. Grove. Burdick. Eunice,J. Almond. Bates, Rufus Ithaca. Cline, Eliza M. Angelica. Beard, John M. Hartsville. Cobb Fcllar, Angeline M. Spring Mills. Beebe, Dwight Havana. Conley, Ellen Greenwood. Bedford, Ezra M. Portville. Cook, Frances M. Hartsville. Benjamin, Milton R. Allen. Coon 1Hawley, Verona Wirt. Blackman, Daniel J., U. S. A.Scio. Cottrell Marvin, Frank A. Wirt. Bliss, Edwin S., Sergt.U.S.A.Little Genesee. Crandall, iM. Eliza Little Genesee. Brasted, W. Howard. Crandall Colgrove, Ann F Little Genesee. Brown, C. Independence. Davis Allison, Jane A. Greenwood. Brown, Charles E. Independence Easton, Ann L. Amity. Brown, Horace Portageville. Freeman, Hulda C. Shippen, Pa. Brown, Henry Portageville. * -, \ i,~~~~~~~~~~~ ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 41 Brown, Orange S. Angelica. *Randolph, Sylvester W. F., Browning, John H. Scio. * U. S.A. New Market,'N. J. Busby, Samuel G. Almond. Randolph, Silas F., U. S. A. GreenBrierRun,Va Camp, Franklin Forestville. Randolph, Judson F. GreenBrier Run,Va Carpenter, Merritt C. Burns. Randolph, Preston F. GreenBrier Run,Va Case, C. W. Portland. Read, Reuben M. Towlesville. *Church, Wm. 0., *"I. S. A. Friendship. -Reed, Albert S. RichmondMills,R.I Clark, William L. Groton, Conn; Richmond, Murray J. Independence. Clark, Daniel W. Groton, Conn. Rhodes, William J., Big' Flats. Clark, Judson A. Scio. Rhodes, Abram J. Big Flats. Cline, John, Capt. U. S. A. Marietta, Pa. Riddell, N. Canisteo. Cloos,'Ambrose, Lt. U. S. A. Deerfield, Pa., Riddell, William Canisteo. Cobb, Henry H. Spring Mills. Roberts, Addision P., U. S. A.Southport. Cole, John S. Addison. Rogers, W. H., U. S. A. Alfred. Collins, Daniel W. Amity. t Rogers, Colonel D. Amity. Collins, Nelson W. Amity. Rogers, Calvin C. Amity. Collver, George Independence. Sackett, Edward B. Rock Island, Ill.'Coon, W. M.'Nile. Saunders, Thomas C., Esq., Cowles, Orrin I.'Amity. Lieut. U. S. A. H Bopkinton, R. I. Crandall, Ahira J., A. M. Amity. Saunders, George W. Addison. *Crandall, Daymon R., *U. -Saunders, Erwin C. Waterford, Conn.S. A. Little Genesee. Scofield, Eugene R. Canisteo. Crawford, John A. Washington, Pa. Scott, James S. - Horseheads. Dake, Benjamin M. Almond. Schicffelin, Edward G., Col. Darrow, Albert R. Waterford, Conn. U. S. A. Tioga, Pa. Dean, Stephen T., Rev. West Almond. Sheppard, Mark, U. S. A. Shiloh, N. J. Dexter, Seymour, Hon., U. Shultz, Dewitt C. Avoca. S. A. Independence. Smith, Andrew W. Granger. *Dexter, Newton S., *Capt.' Smith, Carton E. Tioga, Pa. U. S. A. Independence. *Spencer, James B.,*U. S. A. Alfred. *Everts, Josiah G. Havana. Stephens, William E. Canisteo. Ewell, Joseph E., Esq. Alden-. Stephens, H. T. Andover. Fellows, MI. W. Wellsborough, Pa. Stickney, Isaac MI. Addison. Flint, Weston, Maj. U. S. A. Great Vplley. Stillman, Lyman A. Amity. Ford, Sydney A. Belfast. *Stout, Charles H.. Ulysses, Pa. Forsyth,'-iVilliam Portageville. Su/ltzback, Calvin A. Marietta, Pa. Fowler, G. Mortimer, U.S.A. Alfred. Sultzback, I. F. Marietta, Pa. Green, Albert C. Independence. Thacher, Rollin C. Hornellsville. Gregory, John Amity. Thayer, Samuel R. Hemlock Lake. Grey, John H. Avoca. Thomas, Frank Conesus. Groves, John R., Prof., U.S. Thomas, John C. A. Washington, Pa. Tryon, John York. Hackett, Francis B., U. S. A. U lysses, Pa. Turner, Robert T., Hon. Veteran. RHand, David P. Geneva. Upson, N. G. Canisteo. Harvey, A. B. Ulysses, Pa. Warden, William H. Orange.. Haythorn, John Elmira. Wells, Winfield S. Little Genesee. Hinkley, IH'. M iddlebury. Wheeler, Oliver Urbana. Hopkins, Albert C. - Forestville. Wellington, Edward L. Corning. Hyde, W. L.; Friendship. Williams, Ezra Woodhull. Kenyon, Lewis H. Wirt.. *Willis, William P., M. D., Kneale, William Big Flats. *Surg. U. S. A. Alden. *Langworthy, Edmund FI. Little Genesee. Worden, Henry H. Veteran. Larkin, Benjamin S. Westerly, R. I. York, E. D. Scio. Lawrence, Philip Jasper. Gentlemen, 139. Lewis, Seth, Esq., Capt. U. S. A. Ulysses, Pa. *Lewis, George W., U. S. A. Almond. LADIES. Lo'd, Addison West Almond. Adams, Valeria N. Andover. Lowell, William A. Tioga, Pa. *Bailey, Catharine W. New York. lMaxIson, Horace L., *U.S.A. Alfred.' Baker, Mary J. Andover. McCallum, Perrick Owego. Bartlett, Celinda A. Almond. McConnell, Philo J. Howard. Bassett Stillmrna, Eliza E. Independence.'McOmber, O. P.: Amlty. Bean, Dorothy S.. Bertie, Can. McOmber, Stephen H. Amity. *Beard Powell, Frances Canisteo. Morrison, Ransom J. Salem. [R. I. Blinn, Harriet A. West Almond. Olney, Amory M. Brand'sronWorks,' Bottom, Dollie Beach's Island, Pa. - Oram, John L. Taylorsville, Ohio. Brand", Minerva Alfred. Ostrander, Dwight H. 1Kanona. Bratt Hill, Minerva Alfred. Patchen, Henry D.' Westfield. Buckley Je Gtibeny, Minerva Place, Milo S., U. S. A. Alfred. A. Richburgh. Poor, M.' Wayland. *Bundy Cobb, Helen Andover. 42 ALFRED) UNIVI1 I*-'SITY. Busby Waite, Julia A. Almond. Withey, Amelia Willing. Campbell Alerar, Mary M. Cuba. Witter Potter, Lovicy V. Willing. Chevalier, Maria M. Ceres, Pa. i Witter, Lucretia Willing, Church Pitts, Mary E. Friendship. Wood Dealt, Clara A. Cayuga. Collver, Betsy A. Independence. Ladies, 86. Cooper, Mary E. R. Perrysburg. Total' 225. Corbett Burclick, Mary E. Hartsville. Cottr11ll lMain, Emma L. S. E.Richlburgh. |85i-1i7. Crandall Hyde, Rosena Amity. GENTLEMIEN. Davis nbozlinson, Mary E. Plainfield, N. J. Ackerman, Lewis R., Lt. U. *Davis, AM. E. IAlmond. S. A. Willing. Dean, Harriet A. West Almond. Adams, Thomas R. Andover. Downing, J. Almond. Ainsworth, Willard C. -Whitesville. *Drake, Miary J. Cameron. Allen, J. Austin Bristol. Edwards, Sophia A. Little Genesee. Ames, Howard Addison. Ellis Baker, Bllen M., Andover. Austin, Frederick L. Allegany. Engle,'Sa'r~ah A;. West Allmond.' Babbit, Charles F. Monterey. Ewers, Ellen W. Almond. - Babcock, Uri M., Rev. A. B., Farrand, Louisa - Wellsville. U. S. A. Jackson, Ohio.' Gilchrist, M. J. Howard. Backus, Henry S. Alfred,.Glover, Loisa TM. -Howard. Baker, Dwight C. Andover. Green Coleman, L. AdelaideAlfred. Barker,,J. Marshall Humphrey. Gridley, Mary J. Ulysses, Pa. Barney, Granville Al. Independence. Hallet, Harriet Canisteo, Bascom, George H. Allegany. Ha~mmond, Ella B. Angelica,. Bedient, Franklin D. Alillport.'Hoard Sissona, Rachel A. Alfred. Bower, Thomas D., A. M. Alfred. Holmes, Harriet MIl. Fremont. Brewster, George W. Greenwood. Hopkins, Fanny A. Forestville. Brewster, Charles E. Wellsbdrough, Pa. Hyde, Amanda MI. Friendship. Brown, Charles S. DesMoines, Iowa. Ingham, Sarah IR. Portageville. *Brown, Hiram P., Capt. U. Kellinger, M. Fanny Brooklyn. Canandaigua. Langworthy Noyes, Mary E.:Alfred. Brown, Robert Belfast. Leilous, Sarah P. Amity. Brown, Daniel J. Nile. Mathewson, Mary MI. Almond. Brown, William B. Canandaigua. Mallory, Elizabeth Hartsville. *Burdick, Samuel E. Wirt. Mather Boyer, Emily Addison. Burdick, Almeron G.' irt. Mather Jenaingzgs, Mary E. Addison. Burdick, Elno, U. S. A. Wirt. McCallum, Janlette - OwVego. Burt, John P. Dubuque, Iowa. McGibeny, H. J. West Almond. Campbell, Francis H. Cuba. McGibeny Stevens, Emeline West Almond. Campbell, (onley E. Cuba. AMitchell Zimsn)7erem7can,,; Ade-., Chamberlain, Curtis J. Mlonterey. line Cazinet. Chapin, Charles A, U. S A. Howard..*Monahan- Berry, B. Ellen Alfred. "Clark, DeForest, *U. S. A. Unadilla Forks. Pitt, E. Elizabeth Oramel. *"Clark, Ch'arles A., *U. S. A. Unadilla Forks. Pitt, Melary A. Oramel. Clark, Augustus B. Scottsburg. Patter KenLjoz, S. Janette Potter Hill, R. I Cole, Stephen Andover. Randolph Brdclick, EstherF.,GreenBrierRun,Va Covel, Thomas J. Naples., Rice, Orrilla WI. Hallsport. Cranston, William Westfield, Pa. Riley, Alice Birdsall. Davis, Darius K., Rev., A. Ml.Jackson, Ohio. Richmond, Julia A. Independence. Davis, Francis L. Wellsville. Rogers Poztwers, Julia A. Waterford, Conn. Dean, John W.' Wes't Almond. Rogers, Mary A. Addison. Elliot, Ittai J. Wellsville. Rothrock, Margaretta J. Little Rock, Ark. Elliot, Mortimer F., Esq. Cherry Flats, Pa.' Rowley Mi~iller, Esther A. Scio. "Erwin, Edward Erwin. Sackett, Minnie' Lavinia Rock Island, Ill. Everts, Charles H. Havana. Scofeld, Cynthia Canisteo. Flint. Orville Great Valley. Sheppard, Emeline Arkport. Friend, Solomon New York. Stephens Bennett, M. H. CanFry, William Campbell. Stillman Strong, Mary A. Alfred. Gardner, Charles C. Jamestown, P. I.' Stillman Shawe, Fanny R. Alfred. Gardner, Allen Jamestown, R. I. Stone Penoyer, Celestia A. Searsburgh. Gilmore, James A. Pavilion. Thompson, Lucy A. Birdsall.. Granniss, Thomas P. Rushford. Titswortll Rogers, ebecca J.New Market, N. J. Green, Lewis H. Philipsville. Truman Whiting, Josephine Green, George W.. Philipsville. A. Richburgh. Groves, William J.-G. Washington, Pa. Upson, D. B Canisteo. Haight, George W. Cuba'. Voorheis, Mary E. Scio. Hamlet; C. James Canisteo. Watson, MIary Almond. Hitchcock, Franklin Livonia. Wells Brown, Ann E. Hopkinton, R. I. Hogarty, AMichael J., Lt. UT. Wheeler, Ann 2Angelica. S. A. Millport. Wightman Elliott, Eliza Ml. Wirt. "House, Leander J. Smyrna. A FI.REDI) UNIVERS'I'Y. 43 Hurd, Samuel H. Cuba. Whitney, Sceva Ossian. Jones, George B. Wellsville. *Whitney, Edwin H. Almond.'Keller, Harrison Hartsville. Wickham, Harris Hector. Kennedy, Ziba C. Alfred. Withey, Rodolphus B. Alfred. Kreusen, Isaac A., U. S. A. Willing. Woodruff, Oliver Almond. Lawrence, Willet Jasper. Worden, Russel S.- Alfred. Lanphere, Charles A. Arkport. Wright, James Humphrey. Lewis, Daniel, A.., M. D., Wyvel; Charies MI. Alma. U. S. N. Alfred. Yale, Amos, Rev. Wellsville. Lord, Fernando C. West Almond. Yeamans, Emerson Manchestei. Major, Joseph W., IT. S. A. Arcade. Gentlemen, 135. _MNather, Heman * Rathboneville.- LADIES. Maxson, Cyrus Little Genesee. Adams, Lucy A. Andover. _McGibeny, George B. Ward. Ames Fraznces, Kate C. Alfred. Miller, Joseph Clara, Pa. Babcock Harnman, Elnora Friendship. Morey, Homeri Holland. Babcock Wait, Phebe J., A. -Morey, Joseph W. Arcade.' M., M. D. Potter Hill, R. I. Morris, Sylvester R. Conesus. *Baker, Emeline Canisteo.' Nash, Eugene S. Norwich, Conn., Bowler Greenman,Ann ElizaLittle Genesee. O'Brien, Edward J. Fremont. Brewster, Mary Greenwood. Palmer, Jasper Cuba. Brewster, Eliza Greenwood. Pallliter, Alanson A., A. M. Hartsville. Brown Rlogers, Miranda F. Independence. Patterson, John J. Alvin, Pa. Bullman, Adrianna Plainfield, N. J. Phalin, Anthony E. Friendship. Brundage Willis, Eliza M. Bath. Perry, Alberti EN. Troupsburgh. Bundy, Frances V. Andover. Potter, Delos A. Alfred. *Burdick Pierce,ElizabethH.Alfred. Prentice, William R., A. M.,.Burdick, Mary S. Andover. Prof., Capt. U. S. A. Jasper. Burdick, Wealthy A. Little Genesee. Read, Henry S. Richmond Mills,I.I Burdick, Martha N. Wirt. Remington, Delos Independence. Burdick, Charlotte A. Alfred. Reynolds, S. Edgar, Capt. U. Burdick, Hannah Alfred. S. A. Petersburgh. - Burdick, Elizabeth E. Almond. Reynolds, Oren S. Granger. Burr, Selina M. Portville. Ritter, Frederick D. Wellsbor'ough, Pa. Calpenter Hatch, Lucy M. New Lebanon Spr. Robinson, George Alden.' (shapin Minar, Eliza J.,M.D.Howard. *Rogers, Joel W., *U. S. A. GreenBrierRun,Va Chapin, Wilmina 0. West Almond. Rogers, Orville M., U. S. N. Alfred. Chapin, Eugertha West Almond. *Rolfe, Wesley L., *U. S. A. Willing. Chase, Mary A. Allegany. *Rose, Elisha,'U. S. A. Almond. Clark, Eliza A. Andover. Rowe, Oscar Sweden. Clark, Matilda W. Conesps. Rowe, Edwin Sweden. Conover Hignrod,Frances A. Ruediger, Theodore H. Almond. L. J. Marion, Ohio. Scott, Holiis H. Hinsdale. Cooper, Electa E. Perrysburg. Shaw, Amos A. Alfred., Cornelius Bisrdick, Harriet Shields, James H. Dubuque, Iowa. E. Alfred. Sheppard, David D. Shilol, N. J. Corwin, Janette Sharon, Pa. Sheiman, Staunton S. Wirt. Coryell Compton Elvira Havana. Smalley, Charles W. Wirt. Coryell, Clara Havana. Solrtore, Voorheis Philipsville. Crandall, Sarah E. Portville. Smith, George M. Ilopkinton, R.I. Crandall Bassett, Marcella Independence. Smith, William C. Alvin; Pa. Decker, Julietta Newfield. *Stebbins, Oren M., *U. S. A.Middlebury, Pa. Deming, Ellen E, Genesee. Stephens. Clayton B. Alfred. Deqnis fKnapp, Caroline C. Jasper. *Stephens, Marshall P. Alfred. D- ennis iOrd?.oay, Cyrena Jasper. Stickney, Willis Addison. Dunham, Electa A. Sheffield, Pa. Strong, John G. Allegany. Dunham, Maria Sheffield, Pa. Sypher, JacobH.,Hon.,Brevt. Dunham, Susan Black Creek. Brig. Gen. Liverpool, Pa. Ennis, Mary D. Little Geueseae. Taylor, Harrison H. Black Creek.'French Case, Caroline M. Andover. Thompson, Charles a. Birdsall. French, Elizabeth Andover. Thompson, Isaac G. Alfred.' Garrett, Caroline E. Washington, D. C. Thompson, Omar D. Miliport. Gilbert, Clara M. Burns. Thompson, Henry A. bMillporm. Gorton Andrews, E. WilletteMarion, Ohio. Tucker, William G. Alfred. Green Lewois, Adeline J., Alfred. VanOrsdale, James C., M. D. Jasper. i Helmer, Harriet NI. Fremont. *VanSickle, Anthony N. Alfred. IHiggins Head, Louisa E. Howaard. *Vary, John J. Veteran. Jennings, Jennie E. Plainfield, N. J. Wellman, Jocelyn G. Frienrdship. Howell, Eunice E. Big Flats. Wells, David C. Howard. Hubbard, Ann M. Cameron. Whitford,Sylvanus C.,U.S.A.Hornellsville. Karr, Susan Alfred. Whitford. Daniel Hornellsville.!(arr Langwaortthy, Annie L. Almond. 44 ALFRIEI, UNIV E IZSITY. Karr Gibbs, Harriet Almond. Bennett, Marshall Hornellsville. Kellinger Conkritel, Laura Hornellsville. Bennett, Lewis B. Fremont. Kenyon Coioles, Adaline S. Wirt. Bishop, Lewis G. Independence. Lamson Hatch, Abigail S. Jasper.'Blakeslee, Addison Andover. -Larkin, Louisa D. Milwaukee, Wis. Brown, Eli P. Little Geresee. Lawrence Chlapin, Sarah E. Jasper. Brown, Wallace W., A. M., Lawrence, Sarah E. Camneron. lion., Lt 1. S. S A. Williamsville, Pa., *Lee, Ruth A. Atlfred. Burdick, Elno E. Alfred. Lord, MIary E. West Almond'. Burdick, Al-in M. Pennington. Major Thorp, Mandana J. Almiond. Burdick, James T., U. S. A. Alfred. Major Ctsary, Emily R. Almond. Burdick, James L. Alfred. Mattision Htll, Elizabeth M. Alfred. Burgett, Martin Rathboneville. Maxson, Emily L. Richburgh. Burt, Benjamin F., Esq. Sugar Hill. Miaxson, Esther L. Little Genesee. Cameron, James G. Pearl Creek. MIcGouwen, Margaret A. Hornellsville. Carioll, Lester B. Conesus. Mitchell, Elizabeth Cameron. Chapin, Sobieski West Union. Monroe Hac.miltonz, Sarah S. Alfred. Clark, Josepll S. Hartsville. WMomris, Elizabeth A. Andover.' (:lark, Albertus J. Hartsville. Packer, Minnie E. Preston. *Clark, Stephlen B., U. S. A. Hartsville. Paddock, Rhoda M. Scio. Cline, Charles M. Angelica. *Perry Denni.e, Brunette Troupsburgh. Cole, Danford Andover. Phelps WVitter,' Frances J. Friendship. *Coon, Ad'eibert C. West E dmeston. Place Langi2.orthy, Ruth Alfred. Coon, Aaron XV.- Alfred. Powell, Anna N. Canisteo. Coon; Josiah J. Nile. Powell Howe, Theressa Canisteo. Crandall, Hiram P. Portville. Reynolds, Mary F. Alfred. Dake,.CharleS S. Almond. Rogers, Lucina E. Amity. Darby, N. Byr on - Franklin. Saunders Lewi.s, Sarah M. Alfred. De Wolf, William H. Corning. *Shaw Coon, Tacy M. Aifred. Drake, John R. Milwaukee, Wis. Shoff, Elizabeth 0. Angelica. Earley, WXXilliam A. Scio. Smith, Lucy E. Ceres, Pa. Eaton, Charles L. Alfred. Spinks, Emma Wellsville. Edgett, Joseph IHoward. Starr, Lavinia I. Burns. Girod, Henry L., U. S. A. Muarietta, Pa. Stillman, M. Grace, Ak. MI. Hopkinton, R.I.' Goodspead. James Knoxville, Pa. Sweetland aclogan, Corrin-' Graves, Curtis Independence. ne A. Hornellsville. Green, Joseph NTW. Cambridge. Sweetland Rose, Frances M. Hornellsville. Green, John T. Alfred. Sypller Buchanan, Mary A. Liverpool, Pa. Greenman, George H. Greenmanville, Ct. Sypher -eard, Margarette A.Liverpool, Pa. Gridley, Albert D. Caton, TitsworthMlfaxson, Amanda Hall, Daniel Dansville. M. Plainfield, N. J. Hamilton, Emory M. Milton, W-is. Truman Mloore, Elosia A: Richburgh. Hardy, Roswin Andover. Tucker, Anna L. Alfred.' Harris, Robert Peoria, Ill. VanAllen, C(orintha C. Andover. Hill, Stillson E., U. S. A. Caton. Vincent Andr ews, Eleanor Almond.- Hoffman, John B., Lt. U.S.A. Shiloh, N. J. *Wellman, Laurie M. Friendship. Holly, John Portageville. Wells, JulisaA. Howard. H Iolly, Floyd Ceres, Pa. West Peynolds, Ilelen A. West Almond. Kent, Edwin H. H olland. West Barber, Mary West Almond. King, Reuben V. Olean. Whlitney, Delight J. Burns. Larkin, Courtland P. ailwaukee, Wis. *Witter Coon, Maria S. Wirt. Lee;- Daniel H. Knoxville, Pa. Witter Allen, Mary E. Wirt. Leggett, Joseph Ellicottville. Woodruff, Alta Almond. Lockwood, William A. Kalamazoo, Mich. Young, Abby J. Alfred.- Manley, Nehemiah, Esq. Addison. Ladies, 108. Mathewson, Samuel M. Avoca. Total -- - 243. - *Maxson, J. Edmond B., *U. S. A. Albion, Wis. 1857-1858. - axson, William P., Lt.'U. GENTLEMEN. S.A. Albion, Wis. Albright, Edgar L. Yardleyville, Pa'. McHenry, Matthew A.. Erwin. *Alexander, John H.?U.S.A. Howard. Middaugh, Ebenezer M. Scio. *Allen, David S., -U. S. A. Alfred. Miller; William B. Caton. Alley, Charles Hornellsville. Miller, William H. Howard. - Babcock, James U. Philipsville. Morris, Ornaldo W. Conesus, Babcock, John J. A'shaway, R. I. Morton, George A.'West Almond. Barber, Delos, M. D., Surg. Norton, Ebenezer J. Scio. U. S. A. Little Genesee. Ogden, Franklin B. Cooper's Plains. Barbour, Charles E., Esq, Horseheads. j Paine, Oakman S. Rochester. Barnes, George H. - Millport, Pa. Palmer, William D. Hornellsville. *Beach, Philip L., *U. S. A. Tyrone. Place, William O., U. S. A. Alfred. Bell,.David C. Almond. Potter, Albertus D. Alfred. ALFREDI) UNIVERSITY. 45 *Randolph, Jethro F. GreenBrier Run,Va Cranson, Frances, Almond. Randolph, Franklil F. GreenBriel Run,Va Cnrtis, Harlriet P. Franklinville. Rawson, William S., U. S. A. Alfred. Doty, Bertha E. Greece. Richardso;l, Charles H. Philipsville. Downs, Cornelia L. Burns. Riddell, Lehioy,. D. Canisteo. *Dwight, Elizabeth Spring Mills. *Riddell, Lemuel C. -Canisteo.: Earley, Lorania H. Scio. Ripley, Charles H. Rochester.- Edget, Margarette Howard. Roberts, Isaac E. ~Lancaster, Pa. Everts, -Sarah J. Burdett. Roberts, Phineas Southport. I Fisher Deau, Miranda A. Alfred. Rogers, Alonzo B. Waterford, Ct. F oster, Eliza, Ogden. Rowley, Johlln W. Corning. Gardiner Salundess, HenrietSaunders, George I. Addison ta A. Ward. Shears, Judson'. Northport, Iowa. Gillette, Aurilla Scio. Scott, Addison L. Olean. Gorton, Elizabeth K. S. Philipsville. Scott, Rufus, Esq., Col. U. Sg. Gorton eDodge, Lucy S. Philipsville. A. Wirt. Grames, Annette Howard. Shaw, Milo Alfred. Green erzoeewin, Helen W. Plainfield, N. J. Snover, Grey Richmond, Pa.'Green, Mary Ellen Berlin. Stasey, Stephen T. Clara, Pa. * *Green Burdick, Marriette Alfred. Stillman, Horace,A. M., B.D., Holley, Caroline Ceres, Pa. Rev., U. S. A. Hopkinton, R. I. Humphrey Bliss, Sarah M. West Almond. Stillman, Orville Alfred. Irish Place5 Amy E. Alfred. Stillinan, Edwin M., M... Almond. Irish Batbcock, Charlotte E. Alfred.,Stillman, David Hf. Westerly, R. I. Jenkins, Mary E. Philipsyille. Talcott, Rodolphus A. Cuba. *Kellogg Pickett, Julietta Greenwood. Tobie, Martin J. Alden. Kenyon, Ann M. Stonington, Ct. Todd, John C., U. S. A. Greenwood. *Langworthy, Caroline S. Alfred. Trowbridge, Charles E. Great Bend, Pa. Lanphear Willarcd, Mary J. Alfred. Tuttle, Russel I., Lt. U. S. A.Hornellsville. LanphearBabcock,HairrietA.Nile. *VanSickle, Robert L. Alfred. Lewis, Sarah E.; Tilysses, Pa. Watson, Henry H. West Almond. Lippencott, Agnes Almond. Wells, Elisha P. Andover. Lyman Parklhurst, Grace L. Ulysses, Pa. West, Deloss R., U. S. A. Alfred. Lyman, Bertha M. Ulysses, Pa. White, William B. Wellsborough, Pa. Martin SeasQnans, Harriet C. Milwaukee, Wis. Wrhitford,.J. Byrons Berlin. Marvin Babcock-, So.phronia Whitmore, Joseph K. Brockwayville, Pa. H. Silo. Willis, Leander, Lt. U. S. A. Alden..Matteson Palmsiter, Ann Alfred. Wisner, Sigismund E. Marietta, Pa. *Alaxson Cleaveland," M. LaWright, Jbhn L. Martin's Hill. verne Richburgh. Gentlemen, 116. *AMiddaugh Barre'tt, Belsora O. Scilo. iMiller,Ann E' Burns. Allen O.strcander, Janette M.Alfred. Morey, Flora E. Holland. Andre~w, iIMarsy E. Humce. Mullen Baker, Mary Greenwood. Barker, lLizzie Villanova. Pickett, Ellen L. Alfred. Bell, Elizabeth S. Almond. Place Byo,'Sarah (. Alfred. BGlakeslee; C/aseas S~a~rlah nA., Preston, Clara N. - Andover. A. hi., MI. B.. RAdovei. Priest Af1iaxsoez, Frances G. Ceres,-Pa. Brown, lEmily ~ Conriing. Reynolds Cobb, Amanda M. Spring Mills. Bradley Allea, Eliza C. Ka-nona. Reynolds B. Clark, Ann E. Spring Mills. Brewster, Louisa A. Scio. *Shaw Coons, T. Melissa Alfred. Burdick, Mary Almond. Sheppard, Jane C. Philipsville. Burdick, Harriet MN. A2lfred. Smith Grees, Helen M. Canisteo. Burgett, Mary E. Rathboneville. Staunton BrOea, Glovinia Howard. Burrows, Harriet A.' Alma.: Stillman, AdelaideI..,, Alfred. Burrows, Susan M. Alma. Stillman, Calphlurnia Willing. Burt, Angelica Dubuque, Iowa. - *Stone, Ida' Cuba. Burt Emerson, Susan Dubuque, Iowa. Sypher Phillips, Sarah E.'LiverpQol, Pa. Burt, Mary J. Ulysses, Pa. Tallman Stillnsan,:Abigail A. Willing. Campbell, Amlielia E. Cuba. Tallman Dextesr, Hulda Willing. Carroll, Melinda 1. Burns. Terwilliger Sisson,,Caroline Willing. Cline Criuttesldea, Melissa-A. Willing. Tallcott Mitaxsoea, Elnora D. Cuba. Cobb WIhite, Lydia P. Spring Mills. Thomas Eatos, Sarah M. Alfred. Cobb Lascczniezg, Miranda Spring Mills., Todd BAead, Mary J. Gieenwood. Cochran Asndrews,: Effie A. Schenectady. *Truman, Mary E. Richburgh. Coon I7enting, Lucetta West Edmaeston. Tucker Black, Mary E. Ward. CoonShleppardc, MaryE., A..Alfrd. - Utter, Mary E. Alfred. *Cottrell, Celia T. R ilchburgh. VanScoy, E. Elizabeth Branchport. Crandall Beszsehqle, Sardinia Vincent Rogers, Jane M. Almond. H. Portville. Walker Lovell, Adelaide I. Willing. Crandall Titsvooerth, Clara A.Independence. Ward, Susan - lmond. 46 ALFRED ) 9NIVERSITY. Wells Ellis, Maria' IHo-pkinton, R. I. Hanks, Rodney E: Corfu, Wis. Wheeler COhapsins Susan A. Wirt. Harris, PhilipT. Shiloh, N. J. Whitwood Green,AdelaideB.Canisteo. Harrison, Solomon D. Hornellsville. Witter Green, Phebe E'. Alfred. Hoagland, Richard J. Towlesville. Young Eenney/. Mary E. Rathbonevllle. 1Horner, Charles W. Philipsville. Ladies, 99. Hubbard, Theodore S. Cameron.'Total - 2- 15. Hubbard, Albert W., Revi. Cameron. Hunt, Frederic A. Potter Hill, R. I. GENTLEJ.1858-1859. -Hussey, Jaraes, Maaj. U. S. A. Smethport, Pa. Jacobs, George M.'Mixville. Kellogg, Silas,- U. S. A. Greenwood. Adams, William P. Seely Creek. Kellogg, Herbert Kanona. Allen, Warren W. Nile. *Ienyon, Oscar A., U. S. A. Wirt. *Allen, Gideon S., * U. S. A. Alfred: Kenyon, Dennis B. Queenville, Pa. Allen, Seneca, Capt. U.S. A. Black Creek.'Langworthy, Olin J: Little Genesee. Allis, Ira B. Fremont.' Langworthy, John F.,U.S.N.Alfred. Babbit, Vernon M., A. A., U. Maxson, Henry R., U. S. A. Little Genesee. S. A. Ward.'Maxsoni, Prentice C. Sharon, Pa. *Bacon, Levi L., *U,. S. A. Wellsborough, Pa. McCormick, James J. W est Union. Banks, George, Veteran.'McGibeny, Henry I-. West Almond. Barker, John G. Spring Mills. Medbury, William B. Smethport, Pa. Bell, Frank, Capt. U. S.. A Ceres, Pa. Merrill, Henry S., Franklinville. Bennett, Mortimer Canlisteo. Middaugh, Loren G. Scio. Bennett, Harrison Corning. Middaugh, William N. i Sclo. Beyea, Francis M., U.S. A. Alfred. M iddauglh, John E. Scio. Blackman, George H., Esq., Milliken, William'J., Esq. Smethport, Pa. Lt. U. S. A. Scio. -MIurdauglh, Chester P. Southport. Blood, Irving A. Scio. Newton, Alonzo C. Ceres, Pa. Brown, Albert L., U. S. A. Almond. Otis, Charles D. Almond. Browning, Olin D. Scio. Pennell, George W. Honeoye. *Burdick, Eugene S. Wirt. Pingrey, Darius H. Andover. Burdick, Amos G. Binghamton. Place, Thomas-J., U. S. N. Alfred. *Burdick, James L.; West Edmeston. Potter, Nathaniel C. Alfred. *Burrows, Periam D., KU. S. Quaw, Daniel H. West Almond. A. Andover. *Randolph, Henry C., Lt.'U. Calkins, John H., Rev. Troy, Pa. S. A. Shiloh, N. J. Campbell, Oscar J. Cuba. Reece,. George W. Fenwick, Can. Carr, Michael Greenwood. Reid, Thomas R. RichmondMills,R.I Carnochan, Warner H., Capt. Richmond, Frank O.' Smnethport, Pa. Im. S. A.' Troy, Pa. Shaw, Gilbert B. Moline, Ill. Carroll, Edwin Conesus. Sheridan, Charles B. Brooklyn. *Case, George B. Richburgh. Sherman, Mark H. S. Nile. Chapin, Albert L., U. S. A. Hinsdale. Shields, Charles T. Dubuque, Iowa. Cobb, Roland Ridgeway, Pa. Sisson, George, U. S. A. Alfred. Colligan, Arthur Hinsdale. Smith, Charles L. Clarksburgh. Coon, Biol O.1: Little Genesee. Stephens, Jerome J. Alfred. Coon, Henry C.; A.M., M.D. Walworth, Wiq. Stephens, Martin V.. Greenwood. Cotton, Daniel M. Fremont. I Stillman, Asher - Alfred. Cox, John W. Dubuque, Iowa.'Stoddard, Increase B. Horseheads. Crandall, Ira S., U. S.'A. Independence. Sturdevant, James D. West Alniond. Crandall, Thomas Little Genesee. Switzer, A. Jackson Bradford. *Crandall, Marcus M., *U. S. Titsworth, Charles P. Chicago, Ill. A.' Little Genesee. Tompkins, Horace Weston. Crandall, Albert R., U. S. A". Little Genesee. Walker, Grier' Bath. Crary, Lumi H., Lt. U. S.'A. Humphrey.' Walrath, John A. Cameron. (Curtis, AzQr M. Franklinville. Waterbury, Reuben A., Rev. Cuba. Davis, Edmund T. Shiloh, N. J. Webb, Festus A. Soothport. Dunhaimi, Charles A. Reynoldsville. Wells, Edron P. Independence Eldred, Franklin B: Smethport, Pa. White, Andrew A. Bath. English, Clark' Caton., Whiting, Joseph, Rev. Jasper. *Erwin, Clinton D., U. S: A. Painted. Post. Wilcox, Merrit AI. Sclo. Fenton, Cornelius''Willing. W Vlillard, Virgil A., Esq. Phillipsville. Fitzgerald; James E. Burns.,Williams, Alvin A., *U.S.A. Alfred. Ford, Orator W. H-oward. Worden,' Andrew G.,U.S.A.Ward. Ford, Bacon S. HOward. Wright, ilbert Hornellsville. Graves, Charles M. Corning. Young, Ebenezer- Alfred. Gray, George E. Hornellsville. Young, John S. Greenwood. Green, George A., U. S. A. Independence. Gentlemen, 121. Green, Lucius C., U. S. N. Hopkinton, R. I. tADIES. Gregoire;Felix Dubuque, Iowa. Allen -Wllurd, Lydia A. Alfred. Hamilton, Charles' E., Scio. Baldwin, Mary -E.' Clarksville. i ~~___ ~______~.- __ -.~ —.. —-..~: -~-r._:__~ —. — — __..L _ —..-; ALFREID UNIVERSITY. Barber, Eliza A. Little Genesee. *Stelle, M. Ettie Crossingville, Pa. Bell, MIannah E. j Ceres, Pa. Stephens YWright, IHarriet R. Alfred. Blowers, Helen A. Cuba. Sturdevant, Isabel J. West Almond. Bdfss ]uAghaln?, Maria S. Little Genesee. Trowbridge, Louisa Great Bend, Pa. Bowler Fi.sher, Augusta L. Little Genesee. VanCampen, Eliza A. Almond. Brewster Fctilingg, Margaret Greenwood. Vincent Stillman, Mary L. Almond. Brown, Selina Almond. / Walker, Jane A. Avoca. Burdick; Selinda M. Alfred. Wardner, Maryette Almond. *Burdick, Mary O. Brookfield. Wells, Abigail A. Independence. Carmnan Stephels, Martlha J. Almond. Wilett, Lois Byeersville. Carter, Larinia Canisteo. Williams, Anna L. Farmersville. Cloos, Amelia Westfield, Pa. Willis, Mary C. Alden. Cole, Caroline D.P Cuba. Witter, Lucy E. Andover. Coon, Rozena A. Little Geiesee. Young, Lucretia Greenwood. Coon iiveersmoe, Arlooilne E.Alfred. Ladies, 83. Coon Shaw, Cordelia A. Unadilla. Total - 204. Crandall Broowi, Amanda M.Brookfi eld. 189-180 Craver Lymanr, Helen M. Buffalo. GENTLE3IEN Davis i.ihler', Elizabeth J, Andover. Delan, Cathariare ie.' West Almond. Alexander, George W. Great Valley. Doty, Ma(ria E. U Jlysses, Pa. Allen, Arthur F., U. S. A. Wirt. Dunning Beebe, Sarah A. West Almond. Alfred. Dwight, Bary Spring Mills.- Andrews, Towner P., U.S.A.Watson. *Edwards, Josephine Little Genesee. Babbitt, Merrick P. Ward. Everts, E~unice Hector. 1Babbitt, Joseph L., U. S. A. Ward. Ferry, Miaria Almonid. Babcock, George H. Dansville. *Foird Cal~olise A. rH-oward. Baldwin, Horace D. Woodhull. Gallup, Lizzie Cuba. - Banks, Jerome, U. S. A. Pine-Valley. Gibbs, Elizabetl C. West Allnond. Barnley, Orville L., H,[. D., U. Gibbs, Louisa L. West Almond. SAh Independence. *Goff Poaloeis, Saraliahette Hornelisville. 1Beach, Sanford R. Green, Joannra1. Plaina eld, N. J. Beckwith, Samuel R., Lt. UT.'i Green, Jo-lnnall-. Plainfield, N. J. Green, 3-ary A. Verona. S. A. Smethport, Pa. Gro'Vtes, NI-alry HI. ~ Brockwayville, Pa. i*Bentley, George L. i Westerly, R. I.;Harrisonl Sarai A. - ornellsville. Bowma. L Castile. Hopkins Bery, Adelia XA. Almond.. Bozard, Barnard S. Humphrey. Johnson, Caroline A. Nile. Brewster, Edward E. Whitesville. KLarr, Helen Mf., A. L. Almond. - Brundage, Lucian W. Greenwood. -Langworthry, Alsina M.'Alfred. LBuffun, Leroy L. Colden. Langvworthiy Btesc, of.,I./Lucy Bundy, Clinton D. Alfred. > {-C. Brookfield. Bui dick, Silas G. Portville. Larkin, Caroline h. ) est Almond. Button, PeteriT. B. ]'ranklinvllle. Lenox, Addie D. Plainfield, N. J. Carney, Hiram H. Doty. Lewis Btrdicek, Amanda M. Almond. Calter, Henry W. Ceres, Pa. Lockhart Chaitbers ail, Til- Chase, William M. Alfred. lie Almond. Colgrove, James P., Hon. Arkport. Lyon, Mary J. Ulysses, Pa. C(ottrell, Albert B., U. S. A. Wirt. Marsh, Susan K. Higginsville. Crandall, Alburn. Whitesville. Maxson She'stmae, M. Adelia, Crandall, James K. Independence. A. M. Little Genesee. Crocker, Charles MI., U. S. A.Glenwood. Maason, Sarah E. Shason, Pa. Curtis, William H., Hon. Smethport, Pa. McCormick, Monina Greenwood. Day, William W. Birdseal' McDowvel, Sarah L. Alfred. _ Dedrick, MarshallP. Shing-le House, Pa.Middaugh, Marion E. Scio. Denison, Charles W., Lakeville. Middaugh, Elnora T. Scio. *D enis, MIoses, U. S. A. qasper. -iiddaugh Si)ssso;; Anna -I Scio. Edwards, Wesley Woodhull. Monroe, Clara At Townline. Erwin, Arthur H. Painted Post. Potter, Elizab eth S. Almond. Elwin, Williami W. Painted Post. Rawson Pq3ppsie, Kittie M. Alfred. Estee, Charles B., U. S. A. Petersburgh. EPeynolds, Mlaria Franklinville. - Fish, Sanford N. Horseheads. Roberts, Mhary K. Lancaster, Pa. Fisher, Martin V. B. Mlankato, Mlinn. Roberts, Sarah B. Iancaster, Pa. Gano, Jehiel H., Havana. Rohrer, Emma L. South Bend, Ind. Garrott, Smith M. Candor. Rogers Boster, Ida E. Corning. Gortoni William H. H. -Caton. Rooks Stataher, Caroline on White'sCorners,Pa. Graham, James Ithaca. Rolfe, MaIala Willing. Hatch, Washington S. Rushford. %Satterlee, Emma Alfred. Higgins, Henry G.. Friendshlip. Scull, Amelia S. Smethpdrt, Pa. Hill, Joseph G. Caton. Sinnett liesyosl,:Frances M. Elmira. Hood, George O. Hartsville. Stilllnan Whitford, Sardinia 5Howeil. Philip F., Lt.U.S.A.Shiloh, N.J. E. i Almond. Hyde, James Al. Scio. 48 ALFREiD UNIVERSITY. Kyson, Benjamin F. Howard. Chase, Lydia A. Whitesville. Lathrop, Deloss Lawrenceville. C(olgrove Saounders, Harriet Lee, H. T. Raymonds, Pa. A. D Smethport, Pa. Lever, William C. Andover. Cook Crtln, DianaA. W Smethport, Pa. Lillie, Gilbert B., U. S. A. Hornellsville. Cooley,-Chestina - Friendship. Lour,sberry, William Alfred. Coon Cottlrell, Belle J. Friendship. *Marvin, Eugene Scio. Crandall Crane, Orrilla; Brookfield. Mathews, Charles Schenectady. Craver,-Helen MI. Troy, Pa. Maxson, Charles A. Westerly, R. I. Farnam, Addie E.' Wellsville. McGibeny, Wilber F. West Almond. *FasSett, Emma B. Wellsville. McHenry, Lewis M. Almond. French Metcalf, Armina Friendship. McKittrick, Philip New York City. Goff CozLe, Mary E. Hornellsville. McNish, John F. Hornellsville. Goodwin Itinman,L Elmira Farmer'sValley,Pa. McOmber, Walter S. Ward. Green, Mary L. Alfred. Medlbury, Alonzo H. -Port Allegany. Holmes, Theresa Port Allegany, Pa. Medbury, William C. Port Allegany. Jameson, Emeline Allegany ReservaeOrmsby, Rowland L.j *U. S. Karr, Jane Almond. [tion. A. Ward. Karr, Eliza West Almond. Parkhurst, J. Edgar Elkliand, Pa. Kenyon ifiz,' Rosalia L.,A.L.Wirt. Perkins, Paul B. Andover. Lewis, Harriet A. A- lmond. *Place, B. Franklin, *U;. S.A. Alfred. Livermore Green, Hanora Independence. Pope, James N. Watkins. MIathler, Eliza Rathboneville. Potter, Adelbert E., UJ S. A. Alfred. 4l4attison Thompnson, Justin, -Purdy, Andrew J., I. D. Jasper. C. Petersburgh. *Ralndolph, Lemuel A., *U.' - i Mattison Clize, Mira E. Petersburgh.' S. A.'' Shilob, N.J. J. Maxson, Susan Ahlmond. Reese, Eli O. Y Coudelrsport, Pa. hMaxson Titsworth, MIary F. Plainfield, N. J. Saunders, Henry Alfred. McHenryRebecca Almond. Sears, Elmer Great Valley. McGibeny, Elsie W. West Almond. Shannessy, Murty Almnond. JMerritt, Lydia P. Waterford, Ct. Sherwood, Franklin D. Hornellsville. Middaugh Weight, Nancy lC. Shongo, Alexander A. Bucktooth. J. p. Scio. Simmons, Josiah Great Valley. Mines Ellis, Adele Mi Walworth,-Wis. Sllngerlalid, Walter' Almond. Mingus Heseltine, Fanny H. Independence. Smith, Samuel A. Watkins. Moiton, Mary L. West Almond. Sortore, Hanford Belmont. Ornsby Robestsoes, Lucinda Stillman, Rockwell S. Willing. G. Ward. Stillman, A. Stewart, Lt. U. tto,Ella East Otto. S. A. - DehIuyter. Phelps W~itter, Emma L. Friendship. Titsworth, JldslOn A., Rev., Pierce Gjrthuhwit.,, Susan E.Alfred. U. S. N. New Market, N. J. RandolphPope, Belle Plainield,N..J Thacher, Theodore J. O. Holinellsville. Reynolds Bliven, Harriet A. Alfred. *Thacher, Eugene A., *Serg. Richmond, Emma J. Smethport, Pa. U.S.A.' Hornellsa ille. Rogers, Elizabeth C. Friendship. *Thomas, Wm. H., *TT. S. A. Alfred. Thomas, Edwalrd, U. 8. A. Millpoirt. 0 4 Satterlee Burdick,AmeliaA.Alfred. Thomas, Charles, Lt. U.-S. A.Millport. Satterlee Cllstis, Melissa (. Alfred. Thompson, Clarence Owego. Shaw Lanzgley, Mary J. Alfred. Van Duzer, Edward C:'., Esq. Veteran. Sherman CGraedall, S.ElminaAlfred [tlon. rVa~n Orsdale, Allen A. Jasper. Shongo, Lucinda Allegany ReservaVan Sickle, Henr~y A. -' Alfred. -Simpson SpeTzces, Hannah A.Liberty, Pa. Vanzile, Philip T.,Esq., Capt.'Simpson Tcylor, Sarah J. Liberty, Pa. U. S. A.' - - KnIoxville, Pa.'Sisson Witter, Martha A. Alfred. -Walrath, Menzo Cameron. Walrathi, Menzo Caeron.'Sisson Vlinezt, Maria E. Almond. Webber, John A. Mcnterey. SlaterMary C. Caton. WAd~ells,: James Hum~phrey.;Stearns, Eliza J. Almond. Willson, James Alfred. Stealns, Susan E. Almond. *Young, Aaron O. (C., *UI. S. Swinney, Ellen F., M. D. ShilQh, N. J. W A. ~ WestI Union.- Taylor-NVorton, Polly A. Wirt. Gentlemen, 102. Titsworth Potter, Kezzie D. New Market, N. J. LADIES. jWagerFisher,MaryA.E.,A:M.Ludlowville. Ackerman, Jane Willing. Watkins, Julia Scio. Armstrong, AmandaD. Almond. Weaver -Dezter, Ellenoir E. Unadilla. Benjamin, Waity Ann Ward. Webb, Ella Almond. Blackman, Josephine * Independence. Whitford Shatw, Esther V. Alfred. Brewster, Jane E. Greenwood. White, Annie J. Friendship. Brownell Rogers, Martha E. Birdsall., Whiting, Phebe A.' Alfred. Broownell, Mary J. -Birdsall. Wilcox, Delia A. Willing. Busby, Ella M'. Almond. Windsor, Sarah Smethport, Pa. Carman G'row, Phebe A.'- Almond. Windsor, Almira Smethport, Pa. Carmer, Elizabeth P. Belvidere. Withey, Amelia Willing. 1 _: _ -__:- ------------------ ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 49 Witter, Margaret E. Hinsdale. Sheppard, Albert Alfred. Ladies, 78. Sherman, Eugene West Union. Total - - 180. Simpson, Darius Sartwell, Pa. Spencer, Peter S., U. S. A. lfred. Starks, William Elmira. GE NTLE~MEN., Stevens, H. Thurber Andover. Archibald, John Portville. Stevens, Addison S. Cuba. Armstrong, Wellington Almond.. Swift, H. Josiah, Esq. Cuba. Babcock, Duane D., U. S. N.Little Genesee. Thomas, Lorenzo C. Alfred. Babcock, D. A. Dansville. Todd, Alexander Greenwood. Babcock, Milton S., U. S. N. Jackson tentre, O. Totten, L. M. V est Almond. Babcock, Joel J. Jackson, Ohio. Trexler, Clinton P. Breinigsville, Pa. Barber, S. V. Almond. Uhl, Edmund Lakeville. Beard, Charles E. Hartsville. Van Sickle, Charles U. Alfred. Benton, C. M.. -Portville. Van Scoter, William H. Hornellsville. Blakeslee, D. Ayers, A. M. Wellsville. Wager, John D., Lt. U. S. A. Ludlowville. ~B os'embark, W~Villiam D.- W~arcd. - 5Williams, James W., A. B. Albion, Wis. Bowers, Charles H. West Almond. Willson, Augustus E. Little Genesee. Browning, George D. Scio. Wollcott, J. E. Caton. Burt, l. H. Orange. Gentlemen, 81. Callahan, George W. Sacramento, Cal.' LADIES. Carpenter, Wm. D., U. S. A. Westerly, R. I. LADIE. Carrington, Nathaniel T., U. Allen Hurd, Elizabeth Alfred. S. A. - Alfred. ( Alley S/nith, Rhoda Hornellsville. Casson, F. S. Addison. Benjamin Lyman, Mary A. Rushford. Chatfield, Charles J., Lt. U. Benjamin Taylor, Sophia E. Rushford. S. A. Painted Post. Benjamin Colvin, Chloe ERushford. Clark, H. L. Hartsville. Brimmer Sweet, Sarah E. Troy. Davis, G. H. Caton. Brown Wells, Elizabeth S. Little Genesee. DeWitt, Orris Alfred..Canfield Gillette, Melissa E. Sharon, Pa. - Doane, H. R.' Westfield, Pa. Carr, Mary - West Union. Ennis, William M. Little Genesee. Cartwright, Hannah C. Berlin. Edwards, Daniel R. Little Genesee. Chafee, Natncy M. Angelica. Frost, Wm. H., Lt. U. S. A. Millport. Coleman, Charlotte, Wellsville. Fuller, C. P. Cuba. Cook, M. E.'Sartwell, Pa. Gilbert, E. Sharon, Pa. Copp, Ann M. Portville. Green, Melvin A. Alfred. *Copp, Josephine M., A. M. PortvilIe. Harrison, Gilbert S. Hornellsville. Crandall, L. Estelle Nile. Hogarthy, Wm. P., Lt.U.S.A.Horseheads. Furnald Dukce, Ella F. Scio. Hubbard, Daniel B. Cameron. Godfrey, Mary J. Greenwood. Jones, Francis Allegany Reserva- Hallett, Emma L. -Cameron. *Karr, Samuel S., *U. S.A. Almond. [tion. Hallo'ck, Sarah A. Hebron, Pa. Kenyon, Sanford R. Clifton, Pa. *Harrison'Van S.' Burdick, King, Ge'orge E. - Alwin. Eliza A. - Alfred. Lamson, Leonard S. Jasper. Hawley, C. A. Thurston. Lanphear, E. H. Hornellsvllle. -Iiggins, Eunice-S., Howard. Lewis, Clinton R., U. S. A. Little Genesee. Hitchcock Williams, CharLockhart, Egbert Almond. lotte C., A. M. Lake Mills, Wis. Maxson, William E., U.S. A.Weslerly, R. I. Jacobs Kenyon, Helen M. Forestville. *Maxson, B. Frank, *Lt. U. S. -Johnson, Mary J.' Wellsville. A. Andover. Keating, Ann West Union. McGibeny, Luther C. West Almond. LownesburylIajor, Emma S.Scio. McCormick, Robert West Union. Maxson Irish, Charlotte E. Westerly, R. I. Merrill, Charles B. Dunkirk. McCormick, Theresa Greenwood. Miles, J. - Cameron. - *McCormick, Harriet Greenwood. Miller, R. J. Humphrey. Mullin Slocum, Juliette Greenwood. Mosher, Charles Millport. Middaugh, H P. Scio. Mullen, Owen W. Liberty, Pa. Ormsby -Wescott, Madella H. Ward. Nestor, John W. Towanda, Pa., Palmiter, Nellie Arkport. Peabody, Winfield Ceres, Pa. *Penny, Hulda Ward. Peck, N. W. Independence. Pingrey Smith, Samantha S. Andover. Potter, Daniel E. Alfred. Reynolds, Nancy Whitesville. Potter, Jerome N. Alfred. Rooks, Mary D. Randall, George A. Alfred. Saunders, Hannah Alfred. RayneT, Frederick, U. S. A.'Seio. Saunders Evans, Martha E. Westerly, R. I. Rayner, John -Sco. Sheppard, Fanny A. Alfred. Rooks, L. H. Spring Mills. Simpson Sianette, Minerva. Rowley, J. R. Painted Post. F. Jasper. Ryan, Seth D. Horseheads. Slingerland'Stillman, CelesSavage, Andrew N., U.-S. A. Jasper. tia L. Almond. Sears, G. F. Andover. Smith Russell, M. Gretta Wellsville. 50 ALFREID UNIVERlSITY. Spencer Htamtilton, Nancy V. Alfred. Titsworth, Abel S., AMl. D., U. Stillman Browl, Mary A. Independence. - S. A.; New Market, N.J.'Stillman, Chlotilda E. Alfred. Vincent, Joseph E. Hamlet. Taylor Dake, Lydia E. Wirt. Wardner. Morton S., B. D. Alfred. Vincent Cottrell, Susan Alfred. Whitford, Oscar U., A. M., Waffle Heinemann, Anabelle Rev. Leonardsville. E., A.M. Andover. Williams, Reuben H. Woodhull. Whliting, Sarah E. Howard. Wood, Benjamin B. Cayuta. Williams C'olegrove, Frances Yale, Lewis B. illing. L.' Alfred.,, Young, Dewitt C.~ Reading, Pa. Wilder, Sarah A. Gentlemen, 57. Witter, Sarah Al LADIES. Witter, M. C:arrie Baker, Persis West Almond. Young, S. J. Barber, Hattie E. Belmont. York Bur(dick, A. Eusebia Willing. Barney Leonacr d, Gertrude Ladies, 58. II. Independence. Total - - - 139. Beagle, Dorliska E. West Union. Beyea bWithy, yAmelia B. Alfred. \ 1861-1862. Bloss, Sophronia J. Independence. GENTLEMEN. Bowers, Sarah J. West Almoond. Abbott, Emerson H. Belvidere. Brown Rogers, Miranda F. Independence. Alien, George L. Alfred. Burdick Wlilbur, Euphemia Andrews, John i., Lt.U.S.A. Reading. - E. Hartsville, Barber, Ira' F.. Belmont. BurdickRemningto n, Ellen M.Alfred. Barber, Charles II., U. S. A. Alfred. Burdick'Davi8s, Susan E.,Alfred. Bennett, Samuel Granger. Burrell, Sylvia E.'Wellsville. Beebe, Nathan L. Andover. Canfield, Sarah Watkins. *Beebe, Henry F., *U.S. A. Alfred. Canfield, Sophronia M. Ossian.:*Burdick, Addison A., *U. S. *Coleman Fenfi, Mary J. Canisteo. A. Little Genesee. Crandall, Mary A. West Edmeston. Burdick, Prentice Andover. Crandall'tranczdall, Helen M. Alfred. Clawson, Lewis T., U. S. A. New Market, N. J. Crabtree, Sarah Belmont. Cole, Asher P. Wellsville. Deck, Vcan Orsdale, Sarah P. Jasper. Dean, Merritt West Almond. Dennis Travi.s, Sarah E. Jasper. * Dunn, Walter G., *U. S. A. New MaRket, N. J. *Dexter, Theodosia M. Independence. Farnham, Henry L. Hartsvil e. Duke Aplplebee, Mary Spring Mills. Goff, William D. Almond. Dwight Patterson, Lydia H. Spring Mills. Green, Byron L. Alfred. Ennis Rogers, Alice J. Little Genesee. IHI11, Bray 1). Elmira. Finch, Hannah M. Bolivar. *Hamilton, John West Union. Freeman, Alngie Shippen, Pa-. Higgins, Seth H. Howard. Gifford, Elizabeth Wellsville. Hinman, Guy C. Catharine. Gridley, Malvina Ulysses, Pa. Landell, John Philadelphia, Pa. Grow, Mary E. Hartsville. Langworthy, Isaac M., U. S.'Hamilton, Rozella Andover. A. Alfred. Higgins, Lucinda R. Howard. Langworthy, William I. Alfred. Hooker, Lucy A. Angelica. Laurence, William V. Horseheads. Hull, Julia C. Alfred. Lewis, A. Herbert,A.M.,Rev.Berlin, Wis. Irons, Olive Smethport, Pa. Magill, Charles W. Hornellsville. Jacobs, Lucy Forestville. McCormick, James Greenwood. James Thomas, Eliza J. Alfred. [tion. McNish, Charles W. Horseheads. Jimmeson, Jennie Allegany ReservaMillard, Herman Alfred. Johns, Emlia P. Allegany ReservaMills, Chester D. Wellsville. Kaple, Jerusha K. Almond. [tion. Norton, William H. Scio. Ladley, Adelaide L., A. M. West Chester, Pa.Orr, John Tuscarora. Langworthy, Maria A. Alfred. Packer, James L. Corning. Lewis, Augusta M. Berlin, Wis. Park, James H. Woodhull. Ljllie, Ella A. Hornellsville. Pettibone, Eugene M. Alfred. Malone, Maggie A. West Uniolb. Pinch, Thomas H. - Hornellsville.. Malone Rickey, Ella A. West Union. Place, William F. Alfred. Maxson Gilbert, Harriet L. Wirt. Preston, Homer Hornellsville. Maxson Smith, Garphelia Wirt. Rawson, Walter B. Almond. McGibeny, Lovinia A. Alfred'. Rawson, Hubbard A., U.S.A.Jasper. MHi AIcenry, Mary A. Almond. Saunders, Walter G. Alfred. McHenry, Jennie R. Almond. Sheppard; Edward Alfred. Mitchell Zimmermrann, Ag-. Shleppard, Theodore F., Esq. Scio. nes E. Jasper.. Sheppard, Charles B., Hornellsville. Nichols Comstock, Janette E.Alfred. Smith, George N. Cameron. Parker, Sarah Belmont. Smith, Isaac H. Pine Grove.-' Place, Amy M. Alfred. Smith, James B. Reading, Pa. Purdy Cqffin, Mary A. - Jasper. *swihney, Azor E., *U. S. A. Shiloh, N. J. Rawson, Janette Ar. Staten Island. ALFRED UNIVERSITY.. 51 *Riley, Addie Ailmond. Lathrop, William -Lawrenceville, Pa. Rippenbark, Flora J. Wellsville. Lever, John J. Andover. Robbins NTorton;, Emma I. Watkins. Lippincott, Dayid C. Almond. Rogers Wheeler, Mlary MI. Oxford. Manley, Lucius N., Esq. Addison. Sheehy, Ann B. West Union. A Manley, Richard D. Addison. Simmons,:iary B. Brookfield, Pa.; Maxson, Chester A. Anldover. Sinnett Coon, Lavinia Southport. Maxson, Eugene A. Alfred. Smith,' Abbie D. Wellsville. McCormick, Polines West Union. Thompson Brown, MarthaL.WVard. McKittrick, Robert Sparta. Vincent Kern, Ella A. Alfred. Miller, George A. Hornellsville. Waggoner, Minnie N. Almond. Pinney, Joel A. Owego. Walker Beebe, Helen M. Wellsville. Putnam, Milton J. Alfred. Wheaton Potter, Ada M. Andover. *Randolph, Wm. F., U. S. A. Saegerstown, Pa. Wheeler, Mary M. L. Angelica. Rawson, S. Edgar, U. S. A. Jasper. WVhitford Guernz.sey, Avis L. Hornellsville. Rosebush, George W. Andover. Wildman, Mary E. - - Whitesville. Ryan, Alvin F., Esq. Lawrenceville, Pa. Wood, Freelove. H. Cayuta.. Sayles, Clifton,D. Alfred. Woodbury Denniis8, Laurie A.Jasper. Scott, Charles E. W. CV Forestville. Worden, Serepta D. Willing. Shafer, Thomas A. Sparta. *Worden, Sarah A. Andover. Simons, John B.' - cio. Ladies,'76. Smith, Matthew H. Washington, Pa. Total. 183. *Stillman,Clinton D.,*U.S.A.Wellsville. Van Duzel'; Jonas S. Horseheads. 1862-18;63. Waffle, Albert A., Rev. Andover. GENTLEMrEN. Wall, Thomas S. Hornellsville. Aber, Barney W. Burns. Walrath, Harrison S., M. D. Cameron. Baiks, John M. Pine Valley. Wardner, Albert E;., A.Mi. Ravenswood, Va. Black, Cyrenus P., Esq. Belmont. - ardner, William C. Hornellsville. Brewster, Jefferson Andover. Waterbury, Ephraim M. Cuba. Brownl; Talcott G. Andover, Webb, William B. Hornellsvllle; Burdick, Judson G. Alfred. Wells, Henry M. HornellSville. Cartwright, Charles A. Andover. - West, Lucius C. Alfred. Cassada, Miiles P. -Southport. Wheeler, Samuel R., A. h., Casson, Mordecai Addison. Rev. Salem, N. J. Chapin, Arthur H. Hinsdale. Whiticar, Deloss Almond. Charter, Andrew J., U. S. A.West Union, Va. Witter, Orson hI. Wirt. Clark, Woodford S. Whitesville. Gentlemen, 8i. Clark, William Alfred. LADIES. Colgrove, Theodore Arkport. Austin, Sarah L. Ward. Colwell, Albert L. Lindley. Bailey, Mary F., A. M. Plainfield, N. J. Cook, Burr'S. New Berlin, Wis. Baker, Sarah A. Andover. Crandall, Herbert A. Whitesville. Banks, Clara Pine Valley. Crandall,-William H. Alfred. Banks, Georgia' Millport. Cutter, Judson C. Cuba. Barrett, Juliette (C. Kasson, Pa. Davis, James B., U. S. A. Jackson, Ohio. Beebe Palmniter, Louisa A. Alfred. Dayton, John E. Plainfield, N. J. Brewster, Susan D.: Andover Dennison, Byron F. Lakeville. Bowler, Mary E. Little Genesee. DFiesbach, Isaac Sparta. Brown, Mary E., A. M. Little Genesee. Eaton, Edelbert U., M. D. Andover. Brown, Adelaide E. Andover. Emery, Francis, U. S. A. - Corunna, Mich. *Burdick, Frances S. Alfred. *Ennis, Dudley K. Little Genesee. Burdick Rosebussh, Sara M., Fassett, Isaac N. Wellsville. A. L. Alfred. Forbes, Burr, i'. S. A. Tiskilwa, Ill, *BurdickStillmoan,Fannie M.Alfred. Ford, Winm. V. D., U. S. A. Elmira. Cartwright, Julia A. Andover.Fisk, James D. Horseheads.: Clark Cottrell, Amelia M. Andover. Gifford, George lartsville. Clark, Mary A. Hartsville. Gillett, Rufus G. Scio. Cline, Evaline M. iHallsport. Green. Arthur B... Alfre d. Cooper Youny, Phebe J.. Andover. -' Groves, Daniel D. Washington, Pa. Crandall, Velma K. Alfred. Hamilton, A. Arthur Alfred. Crandall, Roba L. Ward. Hanks, Samuel F. -Wellsville. Crandall Eaton, MarcellaR. Independence. Harman, Miles'W, Andover. Cummings, Louisa - Franklinville, Harriniton, Theodore A. -V hitesville. *Davis Kellogg, Gertrude, Greenwood. Hawkins, Calvin Andover. Davis Barclay, Myra Greenwood. Hollis, George H. Addison. Dean, Marilla Pine Valiey. Hubbard, Chaunecey G. Cameron. Dean, Helen Pine Valley. Hyde, James N. Portville. Drake Percly, Amanda Jasper. Jewell, Cyrus Franklinville. Dunn, Aggie W. Plainfield, N. J. L'Amoureux, Charles W. Owego. Dunn Boise, Harriet M.. Plainfield, N. J. Langworthy, Leslie P., Alfred. Ellis Green, Abbie A. Alfred. Lanphear, Nathan M. Alfred. Fullmer Busndy, Henrietta Independence. 52 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Gilbert, Harriet S. Alfred. i Blake, Charles A. Almond. GrcenProba':co,Emergene A.Independence. Breese, Clarence D. Horseheads. Harman Mc C. Dolsonz, M. Al- Brown, William S. Genesee. ice - Andover. Bunce, Sanford C. Dayton. Holley, Katie J.' Ceres, Pa. Burdick, Stillmhnan O. Hornellsville. Hurlburt Green, Emma M. Canaseraga. |Burdick, Isaac H. Hartsville. Karr, Amy J. West Almond. Burt, Welling E. Sugar Hill. Ladley, Sarah ). West Chester, Pa. Carpenter, William L. Horseheads. Lane, Ida E. Brockwayville, Pa. Case, Charles P..' New Hudson. *Langworthy Stillman;ClaraPotter Hill,R. I. Clark, Daniel A. Hartsville. *Langworthy TitsworthEm- Clark, Melvin S. Hartsville. eline A. Genesee.. Cloos, Albert Westfield, Pa. Lee, Kittie E. West Union. Cloos, Leroy Westfield, Pa. Lee Burdick, Rosetta A. Alfred. Cochran, Charles.' Andover. Lloyd, Sarah- Wellsville. Cook, Wilkes A. Berlin. Martin, Minnette Alfred. Cornish, Cyrus E. - Hornellsville. M6lson, Mary D.- Addison. Crandall, Sherman G.' Independence. Northrup, Adelaide Rathboneville. Crandall, Ira B. Genesee.. Northrup, Minda Rathboneville - rane, Cyrus Addison. Owens, Maria A. Alfred. Cummings, Lowell M. Farmersville. Owens, Rose A. Alfred. Cummings, W. S. Franklinville. Parmer, Susan A. Ceres, Pa. Dennis, George A. Jasper. Parker, Adelle Independence. a Dewitt, James E. Alfred. Patten, Alice J. Tyrone. Drake, Dennis R. Savona. Place York, Ellen A. Alfred. Drew, John E. Lawrenceville, Pa. Riley, Mary A. Birdsall. Edget, Richard Howard. Ryno Sihoaw, Joanna E. W Wirt.' Elliot, Luther E. - Cherry Flats, Pa. Rogers Van Dtzer, Amanda Elliot, Juliums C'. Cherry Flats, Pa. J. Plainfield, N. J. Evans, Frederic W. - lfred. Roulett, Hannah M.-. Urbana. Forbes, Dorr, U. S. A. Tiskilwa, Ill. Russ, Alice S. Scio. Green, Frank L. Alfred.i Saunders Clark, Mary E.' Alfred. Hall, Royal A.: Troupsburgh. Shaw M~erkt, Otilla A. Alfred. Hancock, Elias'Kersey, Pa. Sherman Thomas, Marie E. Verona. Harrow, James O. Brandy Camp, Pa. Sisson, Sutsan MI. Almond. Haskins, Cyrus Granger. Smith, Flora M. Ceres, Pa. Hershey, FrankP. - Williamsville. Talcott fMaxxsoa, Laura E. Cuba. igby, Orson Owego. Taylor, Fanny K. Calrington, Pa.. Holmes, Albra 0. Franklinville.'Thorp, Anna Granger. Hopkins, Edward F. Wharton, Pa. Turner, Sarah A. Alfred. Hume, Frank' Nunda. Van Sickle Burrows, Ella Andover. Humphrey, Frederick A. HIorseheads. Vincent, Harriet L. Almond. Jones, Millard HR. Elmira. Ware, Anna L. Andover.' Knox, Oscar D., Esq. Coudersport, Pa. Waterbury, Butts, Sarah L., - Krusen, Norman J. Westfield, Pa. A. M-. ) - Cuba. Lanphear, Walter Andover. Wetherby, Cornelia A. Hornellsville. Lathrop, William - Lawrenceville, Pa. West Reynold9st Helen M. Alfred. McCracken, George L. RPidgeway, Pa. Wheeler, Sophia Salem, N. J. McCray, A. Judson Jackson, Mich. Willson Cwowles, Mary F. New Albany, Ind. Miles, William A. Pine Valley. Witter Hood, Rubas A. Alfred. Minier, John R. Big Flats. *Worden, Mary L. - Hornellsville. Mitchell, William F. - Odessa. Wright Babcock, Freelove E.Scio.' Morris, Fulton Alfred. VWright Norton, Emily J.' Sclo. Packhall, John B. - Addison. Ladies, 81. Palmiter, Harrison S. Hartsville. Total - - 162. Pierce, William W. Alfred. Potter, Luther'G.- Alfred. 1863-1864. Richey, Edward M. Gi'eenwood. GENTLEMEN. Rider, George M. Elllicottsville. Ackerman, Elisha A.. WelIsvllle.. Riggs, Lewis C. Franklinville.' Ackermnan, Josiah 0. Wellsville. Robertson, Alexander L., U. Armstrong, Frank J. - Livonia. S. A. Oswayo, Pa. Armstrong, John Livonia..- Rogers, Charles J.- Wellsville. Babcock, Emory Scio. Rogers, Frank W. Plaihfield, N. J. Bartlett, Roswell S. Brookfield, Pa.. Rogers, Lewis T.. Plainfield, N. J., Barrett, John C. Smethport, Pa. Ross, John H. I-orseheads. Bartoo, Jesse Jasper. R' oss, Artemas Mina. Beard, Asher M.' Hartsville. Ryon, Frank P. Lawrenceville, Pa. Beeman, Cyrenus Avoca.'Ruediger; Eugene A. Almond. Bennett, John Horseheads. Saunders, Irving Alfred Bennett, Comfort Horseheads. - Searls, Orange Franklinville. Black, Eldridge N. Ward. Shirts, Franklin Smethport, Pa. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 53 Thacher, Charles C. Hornellsville. Millard, Phebe E. Wellsville. Titsworth, Wardner C. New Market, N. J.'Miller, Josephine Flora, Ill. Todd, Win. P., A. B., U. S. A. Andover. Miller, Harriet A. Flora, Ill. Truman, W. Adelbert, M. D. Alfred. Moyer, Emma M. Kersey, Pa. Watkins, Americus V. Almond.' Mulkin Witter, Jennie M.' Alfred. Wells, Sherman D. Genesee.'hillips, Lydia S. Lakeville. Wight, Leroy O. Friendship. Phillips, Florence J. Seio. Wilber, Richard B. Hornellsville. Prosser Wells, Mary E., Genesee. Wilber,V Walter M. Almond. Robinson, Mary E. - schua. Willet, Charles A. Alfred. Ross, Sarah Almond. Winn, Thomas J. Lakeville. Ruediger, Ida E. Almond. Witter, William S. Alfred. Saulsbury, Anna Franklinville. Witter, Horace D. Wirt. Saulsbury, Amanda E. Wellsville. York, Elza S. Wellsville. Saunders, Arminda M. Alfred.; Young, Coe F. Limestone, Pa. Sheppard, Lottie E. Alfred. Gentlemen, 98. Sherman lMilees, A. Aitana Alfred. LADIE$. -Stillman Clark, A. Orphelia Alfred. Alberti Ilos)ell, Ernestine Plainfield, N. J. Stillman Langworthy, M. Andrus, Amelia Horseheads. Louisa Alfred. Babcock, Emma Scio. Stillman Brown, Mary E. Alfred. Barber, Martha D. Scio. Tallman, Olive Willing. Barber, Mandane; Genesee. Thayer,Esther J. Ridgeway, Pa. Bard Watterbu y, Florence Thorn, Leverne Horseheads. A. New Huidson. Thorp, Emma Granger. Bliven, Theodosia Scio. Tillotson Itallett, Flora Addison. Brewster, Emma M. Greenwood. Titsworth Green, Sarah A. Plainfield, N. J. Brown, Nancy Leonardsville. Titsworth Saucnders, Lucy C.Plainfield, N. J. Bulrdick, Sarah C. Allegany. *Tucker, Fanny A. Ward. Burritt Richmoldcl Elizabeth Willing. Updike, Martha J. Greenwood. Capron Smnitlh,Susan D., Ashaway, R. I. Waterbury Rude, Hannah A. Cuba. Clark, Sarah M. Brockwayville, Pa. Watson, Julia Scio. Cobb, Sarah A. Hornellsville. Wentworth, Jennie Almond. Cole. Delia S. Alfred. Whitford Hall, Demarus M. Hornellsville. Coleman, Sophia Kersey, Pa. Wygant, Augusta Welna, Ark. Corielle, Sarah Plainfield, N. J. Ladies, 86. Crabtree, Mary Belmont. -' Total - - - 184. Crandall, Irena S. Friendship. Crandall, Eliza B. Genesee. 1864-1865. Crandall, Mary D. Leonardsville. - GENTLEMEN. Crandall, Harriet S. Portville. Allen, Albert A. Alfred. Davis, Julia A. Andover. Allen, Charles F. Belmont. Davis Kellogg, Lessie Greenwood. Andrews, Charles H.,U. S. A. Watson. Dean, Frances C. Alfred. Babcock, Forrest M.' Genesee. Dean, Fidelia S. Alfred. Bailey, E. Stillman Plainfield, N. J. Dunton Swain, Alice G. Alfred., Bailey, Squire J. Almond. Edgett France, Nancy B. Howard. Bard, E. Herbert Smethport, Pa. Edgett, Margaret Howard. Bard, Leslie S., U. S. A.. Smethport, Pa. Elliott, Avis A. Alma. Barnes, Jerome Jasper. Freeborn Mlorgan, Adella A.Cuba. Baxter, Dewitt C. Nelson, Pa. Frost, Elizabeth L. Brockwayville, Pa. Bell, Roland R. -Ceres. Galusha, Anna L. - Brockwayville, Pa. Benjamin, Ithamar Granger. Gavitt, Mary O. Alfred. Blake, John C. Almond. Gillette Harris, Mary A. Shiloh, N. J. Blend, S. Adelbert Addisdn. Gordon, Mary L. Rockdale, Pa. Boss, Martin P. Genesee. *Greenman Price, Laura A. Greenmanville, Ct. Brown, Rush P., M. D. Addison. Hall Ockernman, Addie Ward. Brown, Charles N. Plshford. Hallett, Susan Addison. Bundy, Cassius M. Saginaw, Mich. Halsey TrctviIs, Adelia Almond. Burt, Abram F. Auburn, Cal. Harris, Sarah A. Almond. Burt, William S. Corning. Hemphill Lever, Adeline E. Hartsville., Carpenter, George H. Lebanon Springs. Hemphill, Anigeline Hartsville. Carpenter, Townsend P. Horseheads. Huhn, Hettie Brockwayville, Pa. Casson, William C. Addison Joseph Clark, Eliza Brockwayville, Pa. Casson, J)ohn C. Addison. Kenyon, Ann E. Bolivar. Catlin, Frank -Wellsboro, Pa. Lanphear, Mary A. Alfred. Chamlberlain, Henry W. - Olean. Lee, Julietta E. Alfred.. Chapin, Herbert F. Hinsdale. Lewis, Ella Alfred. Chapin, Giles H. West Union. Lyman, Lucretia E. Oswayo, Pa. Clark,'Birney G. Coudersport, Pa. Lyman, Mary L. West Chester, Pa. Conant, Eugene Cuba. Mathews, Abbie E. Burns. -Crandall, William R. Independence. McKune, Lucy A. Independence. Crawford, Albert C Adrian. 54 - ALFRE ) -D UNIVERSITY. *Crosby, George Addison.' Stillman, Edwin A. Andover.'Davidson, James O. Cuba. Stillman, Charles Alfred. Davis, William E., Belmont. Talbott, T.'D.C. Jasper. Davis, Elizur Belmont. Tefft, Lucius C. Almond. Davis, Horace W. Alfred. Thayer, Henry S. Jasper. Dean, William A. Alfred.' Thompson, Rinaldo F. Port Allegany, Pa. Dickinson, Clark L. Ridgeway, Pa. Tilden, Charles M. Burns. Dickinson, Wllliam Ridgeway, Pa. Titsworth, David E. Plainfield, N. J. Dunham, Franklin A. -'ew MIarket, N. J. Tresho, (hester H. Port Allegany, Pa. Edgett, Moses Howard. Vreeland, Oliver S., Esq. Seymour' Elliott, A. Leroy, A. B. Alfred. Ward, Frederick Hornellsville. Elliott, Eugene M. Alfred. Webb, Alfred Hornellsville. Eymer, Leonard Belmont. I Wells, George C., U. S. A. Ashaway, R. I. Farnham William L. Hartsville. White, James L. Wellsboro, Pa. Freude, William H. Brooklyn. Whitney, Ezra Ossian. Green, Robert A. West Point, Ind. Young, Welcome H. West Union. Groves, James H. Brockwayville, Pa. Young, Henry W. Greenwood. Halsey, John L. I ellsville. Young, Lewis A. West Union. Hamilton, James D; Rexville. Gentlemen, 121. Hammond, Henry L. Addison. LADIES. Haring, John R.' Sugar-Hill. Aber, Hyacinth Birdsall. Helmer, Isaac N. Almond. Aber, Harriet Birdsall. Horton, Loren C., Ridgeway, Pa. Austin, Isabelle E. Belmont. Hough, Daniel W. Perry. Babcock, Mary L. Alfred. Hubbard, IHorace H. CameroPn. Babcock Andvreios, Elvira H. CedarRapids,Mich. Jewel, Lyman S. Keating, Pa. Bartoo, Elvira Jasper. Jones, J. E. Addison. Bartoo, Martha Jasper. Karr, William N. West Almond. Bauter, Althea Howard. Kibbee, George W. Bingham, Pa. Bennett, Melissa Horseheads. LaFrance, Albert Elmira. Bennett, Catharine A. Wald. Langworthy, Albert W. Alfred. Breese, S. Madora Wilmington, Del. Latimer, Ferris Woodhull. Breese, Candace A. Horseheads. Leahy, William J.' - Ridgeway, Pa. Breece, Florence C.' Horseheads. Lee, Richard' H. Wellsville. Brownell, Jennie M. Westfield, Pa. Lent, Hiram S. Coudersport, Pa. Burgett, Mary E. Rathboneville. Lewis, Orville Alfred. Burdick, Susan E. Lima, Wis. Lord, Martin Rock Stream. Buskirk, Adelia A. Hartsville. Luttrell, Creed-F. Knoxville, Tenn. -Button, Mary T. Franklinville. Luttrell, Brownlow T. Knoxville, Tenn. Casson, Sarah S. Addison. *Malone, Thomas " Smethport, Pa. Chapin, Monterey Spring Mills. Maxson, Herbert B. Alfr'ed. Cheever Catrey, Jennie Hornellsville. Mills, Gilbert D. Wellsville. Conderman, Lizzie Hornellsville. 4Mills, Charles Amity. Cook, Eliza Andover. sMills, George J. Titusville, Pa. Cook, Elvira M,' Andover. Morgan, Huntington S. Cuba. -- Crandall, Janette Portville. Mundy, George E. Canaseraga. Crandall, Myra. jAndover. *Nash, Hart E.,. S. A. Dayton. Davis Rogers, Julia F. Shiloh, N J. Ormsby, Dariu- Ward. Davis, Harriet E. Alfred. Packer, Horace B., Esq. Wellsboro, Pa. Eaton Laurie, Josephine C. Independence. Palmer, George Cuba. arnhami, Agnes R. Alfred. Payfie', Benjamin F.: Albany. Fitch, Mina-E. Cuba. Penny, John A. Amity. Ford, Emma M. Howard. Platts, Lewis A., A. M., Bev.Milton, Wis. Ford, Ella S.' Howard. Potter, Charles E. West Hallock, Ill. Gilbert, Harriet Hartsville. Potter, Julius'A. Alfred. Halstead, Nancy A.'- Cuba. Rathbone, Estes G. Oswayo, Pa. Hamilton, Mary J. Rexville. Reynolds, Calvin D. Alfred. Hart, Marietta E. Alfred. Reynolds, James L., Alfred. Harris, Caroline S. Little Rock, Ark. Rigby, Charles W. Ridgeway, Ps. Heinemann, Mary INorwich, Pa. Rogers, Alvin Amity. Heinemann, Louisa Colegrove,Pa. Rogers, Elias G. Belmont. Hemphill, Betsey Hartsville. Rowley, Orlando Addison. Hendershot, Elizabeth Stephensville, Can. Saunders, Ezekiel R. Hopkinton, R. I. Hill, Susan Portville. Scott, Wisner G., U. S. A. Elmira. Hooker, sMaria J. Angelica. Schofield', Merritt B. Carbondale, Pa.' Langworthy M'axson, Esther Sherwood, DeMott Hornellsville. M. Adams Centre. Shisler, Edwin W. Stevensville, Can. Lawrence, Adelia C. Spring Mills. Short, ANfred Helen, Pa. Lee, Eurilla J.' Alfred. Sibley,* Frank B. Cuba. Main Crandafll, Minnie Portville. Simar, Frank.' Sartwell, Pa. Maxson, Lizzie Hinsdale. Smith, Charles W. Knoxville, Tenn. Maxson, Sarah F. Petersburgh. ALF-RED UNIVERSITY. 5 5 *McDougall, Ella T. Hartsville. Comstock, Frederick A, Whitesville. Miax MunaXsOno, Miranda L. Scio. Coon, DeFrance L,. Genesee': Morris, Carrie S. Alfred. Curtis, John P. Ridgeway, Pa. Mundy, Mary E. Canaseraga. Davidson; irving H. Wiscoy. Noble, Annetta Allegany. Davis, John T., U. S. A. Jackson, Ohio. Norton York, Marie E. Scio. Demming, Leroy L. Andover. Phippin, Addle N. Angelica. iDickinson, George Ridgeway, Pa. Pierce, Orpha C. Alfred. Earty, Marshall Kersey, Pa. Potter Fer}~y, Augusta D. Alfred. Edgett, Nathan Howard. Preston, Sarah A. Shaffertown, Pa. Edwards, Milo N. Andover. Preston, Emma J. Shaffertownj Pa. Ennls, John C.' Woodville, R. 1. Rigby, -Margaret Ridgeway, Pa. Estee, James A., A. M. Alfred. Rfpenbark, 3 ulia S.;Wellsville. Estee, Daniel M., A. B. Alfred. Rogers, Alice E. Genesee. Gillett,- Calvin M. WVirt. -Runner, Mary E. IHornellsvllle. Graves, Dorr Howard. Scribner Pe'ase, Lodacy C. Andover.' Green, Milo B. Alfred. Sherman, Abbie Alfred. Green, Thomas (. Waynetown, Ind. Simpson, Miary A. Sartwell, Pa. Green, Charles A. Waynetown, Ind. *Simpson, Gertrude Knoxville, Pa.j Griffin, Chas. Truman, Esq.'Pardee, Kan. Sisson Hoard, Harriet E. Alfred. Griffin, Edgar A. Pardee, Kan. Smith, Lucinda Hornellsville. Griswold, Daniel, Burns. Stephenson, Eliza J. Hinsdale. Hamilton, John C. Alfred. Stillman, Anna A. Alfred. l{argrave, Jmnes Rathboneville. Stillman, Hattie L. Alfred. Hicks, James H-. Allegany. Swink, Celia -'etroleum Cen'.,Pa. Horner, George W. Belmont. Ten Broeck, Mary J. FranklinVille: Houk, Lewis I. Ridgeway, Pa. Thomas, Mary L. Albion, Wis. Hull, Almon E. Berlin. T'ucker, Amanda C. Ward. Hunt, Allison F. Jacksonville, Ohio. Tucker Reynoldcs, Victoria Ward. Joseph, Thomas Brookfield, Pa. Warfield, Josephne Bath. Karr, Joseph W. Almond. Warner, Lucy J. Little Rock, Ark. Kellam, Ira P. Oxford, Mich. Wells, Martha L. Rome. Kellogg, R. Jasper, Rev. Bolivar. West towveli, Phebe S. Shiloh, N. J., Kenyon, Floyd H. Genesee.Whitford XMosher, Flora I. Alfred. Kirby, Albert F. Saginaw, Mich. Wight, -Martha A. Wirt. Lewis, Arthur B. - Bolivar. Wight, Frances L. Wirt. Lewis, Luther W. Almond. Yale, Rosa S.' Wellsville. Litchard, Johlln B. Almond. Young, Emma Limestone. Lockart, James J. Almond. Ladiesj 88. Marshall, Peter T. Horseheads. Total - - 209. Maxson, Henry E. - Westerly,-R. I. Maxson, Albertus W. Westerly, R. I. 1865-1866~..lMcBurney, Edward, U. S. S..Jackson Centre, O. McCormick, Theodore Greenwood. Aldridge, Harrison C. New Hudson' MlCrsiJames L. T aples. -Allen, Marshall M., U. S. A. Wirt. Moonl, lmer L. Elir. AEorton, Elmer K. Elfinira..Owen, Francis E. Big Flats. Armstrbong, Chairles E. f Almon~d. - Packard, Frederick Covington. Babcock, William H. Haskinsville. Palmiter, Charles D. Sharon, Pa. Babcock, James G. Dansville. Pardon, George H. AndS-er.' Barld, John DC. Smethport, Pa. Phillips, Marquis Barney, Jonathan Independence. Place, Ira A. Alfred. Bascomb, Henry Allegany. Randolph, Lewis F., Hev., U. Bennett, James Andover. S.A. New Salem, W. V. Benjamin, Etlhan F. Granger. Randolph, George W. F. New Milton, W. V. Bowen, Frank P. Hornellsville. Randolph, Alexander F. Plainfield, N. J. 1Brewster, Philetus Andover. Reynolds, Emory W. Spring Mills. Broomell, Henry Allegany. Riddell, Joseph M. Canisteo. Bullock,, Asa W. Burns. Rogers, Horace A. Hancock, Mass.' Burdick, Charles A., A. M., Rowley, George H., U. S. A. Wellsville. Rev. Alfred. Satterlee, James C. Wirt. Burdick, Emmet R. Alfred. Saunders, Adelbert C. Alfred. Burgett, William H. Ratlhboneville. Savage, William H. Hornellsville. Carner, Homler Hornellsville. Sheldon, Charles H. Allegany. C.Arpenter, Sanford Andover-. *Sheppard, William T. Shiloh, N. J. Chubbucll, Truman H. Wellsboro, Pa. Sheppard, James M. -Shiloh, N. l.J Clark, A. Penny Troupsburgh. Smith, Frank W. Allegany. Clark,-Byron F. Petersburgh. Spader, George Alfred. Clark, Orville G. Independence. Staunton, Marvin M. Oxforld, Mich. Clark, Nathaniel M. Rexville. Stearns, John Sardis, M. D. Andover. Clerrens, Daniel 0. Ridgeway, Pa. Stillman, Dwight R. Westerly, R. I. Comstock, Edgar V. Whitesyille. Stillman, Thomas B. Plainfield, N. J. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 56 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Stoddard, James R., M. D. Horseheads. Lewis, Mary E. - Spring Mills. Swinney, John G., Lt.U.S.A.Shiloh, N. J. Lewis, Mary E. Bolivar. Taylor, Frank Smethport, Pa. Loper -Mc Chestney, MIary F. Rathlboneville. Thurber. Frank Allegany. *McCormick, Harriet Greenwood. Titsworth, B. Frank, U;. S. A.New Market, N.- J. McCormick, Theresa Greenwood. Titsworth, Thos. B., U. S. A.New Market, N. J. -Miller, Sarah.H. Horseheads. Titsworth, Joseph, M. Plainfield, N. J. Moon, Elizabeth Wayland. Titsworth, LeWis T. New Market, N. J.- Morey Babcock, Jennie E. Brandt. Tomlinson, George Roadstown, N... Moulton, Lucy J. Cuba. Van Orsdale, Norman Mount Morris. Napier,-Maggie --, Ky. Vincent, Charles M. Alfred. Napier, Mary'. -, Ky. Wells, Martin S. Ceres. Pardon, Eliza Andover. White, James-L. Wellsboro, Pa. Parmenter, Emma E. Sharon, Pa. Willard, Charles Allegany. Place rfoland, Ophelia Alfred. Vinegar, Peter P. Mount:Morris. Preston, Villaria Howard. *Williams, William D., A. B., Preston, Sarah A. Oil City, Pa. U. S. A. Watson. Preston, Emma I. Oil City, Pa. Williams, Thomas Wayland Alfred. Raymond, Lovinia H. Raymond, Pa. Wing, Charles G., Esq., U. S. Reed, Lizzie E. Scio. A. Franklinville. Reynolds, Sarah C. Spring Mills. Wing, William Franklinville. Runner, Czalina Hornellsville. Wisner, Hector L. Whitesville. -Saunders, Jane R. Alfred. *Wright, William B. Scio. Setchell, Mary E., A. M. Cuba. Gentlemen, 118. - j Sisson, Ida Almina Alfred. D Stoolfire, Melissa R. Alexander, Pa. Thomas, Nancy Jasper. Babcock, Caroline A. Haskinville. Tucker, Wealthy V., A. L. Ward. Baldwin Place, DeEtte W. Brooktield. Tucker Young, Almina S. Ward. Baldwin, Louisa M.- Cuba. Van Aernam Mfc Vey, Isadore Barber, Mary E. Alfred. G., A. L. Franklinville. Barker Clark, Anna R. Spring Mills, Van Allen, Adelia W, ellsville. Beattie Smith, Mary M. Hornellsville. Van Cise Backer, Lucy Canisteo. Beattie Franklinl, Harriet Hornellsville.; - Wight, Carrie Jasper. Beebe,'Myra M. Alfred. Welch Barber, Hannah An,)dover. Boyd, Mary M. Andover., Ladies, 78. Bracy, Hattie Friendship. Total - - 196. *Burdick, Elizabeth A. Hebron, Pa. Burdick, Alice Amanda Alfred. - 1866-1867. Burdick, Augusta Andover. GENTLEMIEN. Canfield, Mary J. Alfred. Alden, Andrew D. Hebron, Pa. Chapi, Flora M. - Hinsdale.: Allen, William H. Allentown, iR. I. Clemens, Rose E. Ridgeway, Pa. Almy, Adrian A. - Wirt. Colgrove Williams, Jennie Catlin. Arnold, Frederick E.' Uniondale, Pa. Colgrove,!Mary Arkport. Barney, Floyd D. Alfred. Coon Williams, Adista J. Portville. Beach, Augustus Willing. Crandall, Anna E. Genesee.'Benjamin, Ambrose S. Ward. CulverMax.soa, Ervilla Howard. Black, James A., U.'. A. Ward. Diffin, Melissa A. Andover. Blend, Wellington B. - Tuscarora. Diffin, Mary 1I. Andover. Bowler, Addis Ennis Genesee. Dunning, Maria F. Glen Arbor, Mich. Brown, George E. Independence. Dwight,'Martha S. Tuscarora. Brown, Isaac B., -E. B., Esq. Smethport, Pa. Eaton,-Ella Alfred. Burdick, Thomas J. Alfred. Earley, Mary J. Ridgeway, Pa. Burdick, Solomon C. Westerly, R. I. Easton Lane, Josephine Ceres. Case, Clharles P. Black Creek. Edgett Alden, Mary Howard. Clark, Herbert M. Independence. Ely, Mary E. Ridgeway, Pa. Compton, Levi French, A.M., Evans, Caroline:S. Alfred. Rev., U. S.A. Alfred. Freeborn Mead, Viola L. Knoxville, Pa. Compton, Orville, U. S. A. Sullivan, Pa. Gallagher, Mary Andover. Cottrell, George M., A. h. Richburgh. Gordon, Emma Rushford. Crandall, George Jay, A. M.,'Graves Healey, Ida'' Howard. B. D., Rev. Alfred. Green, Della G. Belmont. - Crawford, Albert Canisteo. Hall Ockerman, Emma A. Alfred. - Crowner, Edward Wellsville. Heggie, Betsey I. Colesburgh, Pa. Cullum, Marcus Laurel, Ind. Hendershot, Florence I. - Hornellsville. Davis, Charles E.- Shiloh, N. J. Hendershot, Marie E. Hornellsville. Davidson, J. Oakley Black Creek. Horner, Cornelia ] 3elmont. DePuy, Justin J.: Nunda. Horton, Emma L. Ridgeway, Pa. Dimmick, Theron B. Uniondale, Pa. Johnson, Isabella Cadiz.' Dounce, William D. Elmira.,I ohnson Wtacsson, Helen Cuba. Dunn, David New Market, N. J.' LeBeau, Caroline, M. D. Canton, Ohio. Furnald, Marcus A. Richburgh.: ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 5 7 Gardiner, Theodore Living- Benjamin Crcendall,Emma J.Independence. stone, A. M., Rev. Nile. Bentley Santee, Mary E. Westerly, R. I. Halbert, Luther Lee Alfred., Bentley, Mary Ward. Hallett, Lewellyn A. Adrian. j Black, Gertrude S.-'Ward. Hart, J. Morton Livonia. Blackman, Maria P. Scio. Haskell, Moses Hornellsville. Canfield, Elthea E. Scio. Haskell, Bennett Hornellsville. Champlin Chamsplin, Harriet Hazard, Frank Warren, Pa. Adelia Alfred. Horton, Alva L., U. S. A. Whitesville. Clark, Florence E. Nile. Horton, James W. Whitesville. Comstock, Adella J. Alfred. Hull, Joseph Alfred. Coon Stillmnan, Luma Annis DeRuyter. Ingham, Kirkland W-. Hornellsville. Crandall, Linfa A Whitesville. James, John C. New Highland, Pa. Davis, Anna S., A. L. Shiloh, N. J. *Jones, Lee 0. Independence. Dayton, Emma L. Wellsville. Langworthy, Daniel B. Alfred. Dexter Barney, Lenora L. Independence. Lanphear, Nathan Henry Rockville, R. I. Fisk Reynoldcs, Emma A. Alfred. Magee, Henry B. Hornellsville. Goodwin, Mary A. Farmer'sValley,Pa. Maxson, Byron D. Wirt. Hamilton, Frances D. Ischua. Maxwell, John W. Lyndon. Harris Everett, Mary Keating, Pa. Mayberry, Isaiah Hartsville. Hincher, Mary G. Andover. McCormick, Francis Rexville. Hunt, A. Lillis Alfred. Medbury, James H. Smethport, Pa. Jennings, Rosa B. Westerly, R. I. Mentzer, Daniel B. Quincy, Pa. Karr, Ruth Almond. Moon, Adelbert WV. Wayland. *Kenyon, Angie C. Wirt. Nash, George E. Westerly, R. I. Lord, Alice 0. West Almond. Nichols, Adelbert S. Sugar Hill. Loverage, Nettle J. Burns. Noble, James C.' Muncy, Pa. Macky; Nora Alfred. Norton, James W. Whitesville. McCormick, Nancy Rexville. Norton, Lucius E. Scio. McCormick, Mary A. Rexville. Parish, Eugene Oneonta. McCormick, Angela M. Rexville. Parker, Clarence L. Willing. Merrill, Anna B. Jasper. Perkins, John G. Addison. Middaugh, Susan M. Scio. Powers, Ivan, Esq. - Cuba. Nash, Harriet J. Westerly, R. I. Reynrolds, Theodore Alfred. Platts, Mattie J. Alfred. Reynolds, Frederick C., Cuba. Potter Titsworth, Eva JP. Westerly, R. I. Rogers, Benjamin F. A. M., Potter, Annette E. Westerly, R. I. B. D., Rev. Alfred: Potter, Olena A. Almond. Santee, J.'Ernest B., Hon. Hornellsville. Potter, Lettie L. Almond. Saunders, Earl P. Alfred. R Peynolds, Augusta I. Ward. Shearer, W. H. Riggs, Mattie Franklinville. Simons, Charles A. Scio. Rogers, Adella M. Alfred. Sinnette, John F., U. S. A. Southport. Rogers, Lovisa A. Alfred. Smith, Lucius H. Uniondale, Pa. Rogers, Celestia J. Andover. Spenser, Adoniram J.'Jasper. Saunders, Alzina M. Westerly, R. I. Staunton, John Ashaway, R. I. Saunders, Rhoda Westerly, R. I Strong, Levi C. - Alfred'. SaundersBonzhamn, S. EvalineAlfred. Sweetland, David French Hornellsville. Spencer, Charlotte E. Jasper. Swift, Stanley C. Ciuba. Stiles, Harriet E. Scio. Tefft, Thomas, U. S. A. Almond. Stillman, Susan E. Hebron, Pa. Tucker,' Nathan B. Ward. Tucker Sutterlee, Sarah Ward. Van Aernam, Charles D. Franklinville. Vaughan Lewis, Achie D.,,Van Buren, Frederick Wellsville. A. M. Springville. Van Fleet, Levi C. New Hudson. Wells, Mahala G. Tuscarora. *Wells, Everett J. Ashaway, R. I. Wells Saclisbutry, Sylvia E. Ashaway, R. I. Wells, William R. Ashaway, R. I. Wilber, Addie Alfred. Williams, Lewis H. Darien. Wilbur, Mary Lovinia Rockville, R. I. Willson, Hiram Cambridge, Mass. Wood, Lucy M., A.L. Corry, Pa. Wheeler, Amos D. Wirt. Young, Delphenia E. Greenwood. Wright, Charles Welcome Scio. Ladies, 63. *Woods, David Hathaway Elmira. Total 153. Young, Henry F. Greenwood. Young, Dewert E. Alfred. Gentlemen, 90. GENTLEE.N. LADIES. Babcock, Herbert Eugene, Allen, Evangel Alfred. A. M., Rev. Adams. Babcock Sinzette, Erzelia M.Alfred. Bassett, William C. Independence.. Barney, Ella M. Avoca. Browning, Horace Mann Scio. Bass, Emma J. Unadilla. Buck, George W. Chemung. Beach, Flora M. Willing. Burdick, Adelbert Elverton, Beebe, Mary V. Ward. M. D. Genesee. Bell, Flora A. New Hudson. Chapel, George A. Bolivar. 58 ALFRED UNIVTERSITY. C oates, W illiam W. Richhurgh. Earsley, Ettie Greenwood.'Coon, George Stillman DeRuyter. Gardiner Dazvis, Sarah Nile. Cornelison, Robert F. Muncy, Pa. Gardiner Stillmancn, Ordoetta-Nile. Cottrell, Edgar H. Westerly. R. I. Gayton, Eliza A. Rexville. Crandall, Calvin Byron Polrtville. Green Denni.son, Ida Arzelia Berlin. Crosier, James T. Port Allegany, Pa. Green Palniter. Flora Eliza Verona. Dim-nick, Marcus F. Wirt. Hall, Lenna A. Alfred., Drake, John Q. R. Muncy, Pa. Hamilton Pease, Sarah C. Alfred. Eaton, Arthur E. Independence. Hand, Mary Addison. Hadsell, Orville G. Almond. Hart, Mary Willing. Hall, Henry M.: Elmira. Hart, Kate Willing. Hall, Samuel Jeremiah Elmira. Hull Clark, Addle A. Berlin. Harrison, James Salmon Addison. Keenan, Sarah A. Rexville. Hause, Joseph F. )Dundee. *Maning, Mahala Alice, Jasper. Hoyt, Oliver R.. Portage. M cLennan, Anna Lyndon. James, Thaddeus S. New Highland, Pa. Miles, Maggie Lewis, Welcome Wayland Ashaway, R. I. Oviatt, Alicia Lord, Harvey West Almond. Palmer, Abbie Caneadea. Manning, Stephen Chapin Greenwood. Palmer, Credellia -Alfred. Maxwell, Robert Lyndon. Palmiter Lillie, Renia Alfred. McElheny, Valo J., U. S. A New- Hudson. Palihniter, Eugenia Caneadea. McHale, James, S. B. Willing. Partington Brown, Hannah Providence, R. I. McLennan, Peter Lyndon. Place Gacdilner, Emily J. Nile. Metcalf, I-ibbard Port Allegany, Pa. Potter, Harriet E. Ashaway, R. I. Mulkins, Albert A. Sharon, Pa. Rogers Babbitt, Sabra E. Ward. Nichols, William D. Sugar Hill. *Saunders Tefft, Phebe ArO'Donnell, James Willing. mina Alfred. Place, H. Albert Alfred. Simpson, RubyJ ennie' Troupsburgh. Potter, William Alfred. Sisson Green, Alice Alfred. Pottle, Frank M. Naples. Stillman Whitford, Almira Reigg, Theodore Franklin, Pa. Huldah Almond. Reynolds, Charles W. Petersburgh. Tallman, Ida E. Wellsville. Reynolds, Harrison W. Housic. Tallman, Eliza Wellsville. Rogers, Frederick T. Alfred. Tennant Cranzdall, Carrie E.Ripley. Rogers, Veranius J. Ward. Thomas Cartworight, Flora Scio. Saunders, Truman Wilcox West Hallock, Ill. Totten, Ency C. Almond. Saunders, Truman A. West Hallock, Ill. Truman, Annette -Alfred. Sayre, Willis Fitch Horseheads. Van Allen, Frankie M., A. M.Alfred. Sayre, George T*. Horseheads. Warren Niles, Mariva V. Alfred. Stevens, Charles Wesley Alfred. *Wright, Jennie Luella Scio. Stillman, E. Anson Westerly, R. I. Wightmian, Lelia Alfred. Stillmnan, Herbert Wayland New London, Ct. Wiley, Mary J. Almond. Strong, Herman D. Nile. Willard, Eugenia Marion, Pa. Tennant, Moses D. G. Ripley. Woolworth, Sarah C. Alfred. Totten, Stacy G. Almond. Ladies, 59. Turner, Alonzo S. Veteran. Total 116. Waterbury, Albert M. Sackett's Harbor. Wight, Orin S. Friendship. 1868-1869. Willson, Delvin Wellsville. GENTLEMEN. Willson, Robert K. Canisteo. Allen, George Alexander Alfred. Wisner, Gabriel. Allen, Frederick Alfred. Gentlemen, 5. Allen, Elbert Alfred. LADIES. Allen, Frank Nathan Alfred. Ayars, Sarah M., A. M. Nile. Babcock, Herbert Clark Ashaway, R. I. Barron, Belle Addison. Babcock, Albert A. Alfred. Bliven, Brunette Ward. Barber, Milo J. Alfred. Brewster, Flora A. Alfred. Barber, George Maxson Alfred. Buck; Alice B.` Chemung. Barber, James Wilson Alfred. Burt, Nettie A. Greenwood. Barker, Edmund Plummer Bristol, R. I. Burdick Bowler, Libbie H. Alfred. Boyd, Charles Clinton Andover. Burdick, Mary V. Alfred. Brewster, Luther Palmer Alfred. Burdick Stillmaa?, Ida M. Alfred. Broiwn, A(lelbert Cuba. Chase, Cornelia M. Ischua. Bullard, James Milton Andover. Chrisman Rlayonld, Ella Walton. Burdick, H. Adrian Alfred. Clark, Oliette M. Alfred. Burdick, Herman Alfred. Coats, Lenora Richburgh. Burdick, Sherman D. Alfred. Crandall, Lucy C. Watson. Burdick, Rowse K. Niagara. Darrow, Mary Emma Waterford, Ct. Buskirk, Frederick Charles Alfred. Dimmick, Elosia A., A. L. Wirt. Champlin, William E. Alfred. Dowse Groves, Charlotte Champlin, Charles Alfred. Elizabeth, A. M. Bridgewater. Clarke, Chester Smedley Alfred. ALFRED UNIVERSII1Y. 59 Clarke, Herman D. Unadilla Forks. West, Henry Alfred. Coykendall, Edwin Hornellsville. Whittemore, Albert Ogden Havana. Crandall, Maxson A. Independence. Williams, Frank H. Verona. Crandall, Eugene Thorne Alfred. Wilson, John Richard Hornells~ille. Crosby, Byron Canisteo. Gentlemen, 93. Curry, Daniel Burns. LADIEs. Davis, David Herbert, A. M., Allen, May Alfred. B. D., Rev. Verona. Allen, Ida O, Alfred. Davis, George L. Greenwood. Alien, Eola A. Alfred. *Dunn, Matthew a Alfred. Babcock, Ida M. Alfred. Eagan, John Horseheads. Barber, Emma Lucretia Alfred. Fuller, Warren Nathan Wellsville. Bassett, Mary C. Cooper's Plains. Galbraith, James Dansville. Bentley, Eliza Alfred. Gates, Mark L. Fremont. Benton, Mary K. Port Allegany, Pa. Griffeth, George Horseheads. Bloss, Minnie Alfred. Griffeth, Charles Horseheads. Brewster, Alice D. Alfred. Gridley, Lorin Alfred. Brewster, Cora Bell Alfred. Hall, Caleb Sackett Ward. Brown, Frankie Louise Canisteo. Hallett, Perry John Canisteo. Bunker, Emma Ida Eldred, Pa. Hallett, Thomas Richard Canisteo. Burdick, Emily Louisa West Edmeston. Herrell, Alexander Alfred. Burdick Perry, Ella Alfred. Howell, Herman Alfred. Burdick, Myra Alfred. Howell, William Alfred. Burdick, Juliaette Alfred. Huffman, John Livingston,, -Burdick, Susan M. Alfred. A. I., B. D., Rev. Milton, — Wis. Burdick, Lucy Estelle Alfred. Kenyon, Alpheus Burdick, Burdick Me Cormack, Julia S. B. Hope Valley, R. I. Adelle Alfred. Kenyon, John Francis Greenfield, Pa. Burdick, Amanda M. Wirt. Lamphere, William Jay Berlin. Casson, Elizabeth H. Tuscarora. Lehman, Carl Port Allegany, Pa. Clair, Dell Alfred. Lewis, Edwin L. Alfred. Closser, Ellen Antoinette Scio. Lounsbury, D. Milton Wellsboro, Pa. Collins, Olive A. Alfred. Maxson, Henry Martin Westerly, R.I. Collins. Elma E. Alfred. Maxson,Emmett Livingston, Collins, Elna E. Alfred. A. B. Genesee. *CookeHarmon,MaryLouiseMilwaukee, Wis. Minier, William Hoffman Havana. Coon, Mina Portville. Minier, Maxwell Havana. Cottrell Mosher, Flora A. Richburgh. Monroe, Charles Alfred. Crandall Crazndall, Mary S. Genesee. Niles, Melville Alfred. Crandall Clark, Helen Vine Nile. Perry, Ora Verona. Crandall, Corabelle Alfred. Pettibone, Hawley S. Alfred. Curry, (Caroline A. Burns. Place, James Cochran Alfred. Dye Cottrell, Angella, A. L. Richburgh. Place, Clark Sherman Alfred. Eaton, Jane Alfred. Potter, Adelbert H1. Alfred. Evans, Adelaide C. Alfred. Potter, Orthello Sheppard Alfred. Fuller, Elizabeth Lorette Wellsville. Potter, Thomas W. Potter Hill, R. I. Fuller, Caroline M. Ward. Potter, George Potter Hill, R. I. Green Carr, Alice F. Alfred. Potter, Elmer E. S. Alfred. Green, Harriet Amanda Alfred. Randolph, Frank Taylor Shiloh, N. J. Green, Jennie Irene Alfred. Rogers, Albeltt Clark, M. D. Preston. Green, Nellie Alfred. Rogers, Frank Lewis Alfred. Green, Susan K. Genesee. Saunders, Henry Wilson Alfred. Grummon, Eliza Gertrude Angelica. Sherman, Bertro Alfred. Grummon, Julia A. Angelica. Simar, Franklin Port Allegany, Pa. Hadley, Anna Alfred. Sisson, Elmner Eugene Almond. Hadley, Alida Adrian. Sisson, Charles Alfred. Hadsell, Clara E. Almond. Sisson, Frank Alfred. Hall, Emma 0. Ward. Smith, Willard Alfred. Hartshorn Brown, Sophia J. Alfred. Smith, Daniel Andrew Alfred. Iterrington, Caroline L. Alfred. Smith, Byron Alfred. Holmes, Nevada Justinia Port Allegany, Pa. Smith, Devillo Potter Alfred. Howell, Alice Estelle Alfred. Smith, Rowland Alfred. Howell, Tina Effie Alfred. Stevens, Sanford C. Clifford, Pa. Jacques Butrdick, Addie EmStillman, Rogers Alfred. ily, Ct. Tracy, John New York. Kenyon Stevens, Emma L. Carbondale, Pa. Tracy, William Houghton Piermont. Lanphear Davis, Eva Belmont. Tucker, William Riley Ward. Larkin, Amanda Prescott Alfred. Utter, George Herbert Westerly, R. I. Maxson, inez Radcliffe,A.M.Rodman. -V atkins, Marian Francis D. Almond. - McCormick, Helen Louisa Greenwood. West, Miles Allen Alfred. McCormick, Eliza Greenwood. West, Eugene Alfred. IMcCray Wtelsh, Ellen Rose Elmira. 60 ALFUREDI UNIVE RSITY. McHale, Sarah A. Willing. Doty, George Alfred. Miner, Mira Friendship. Drake, Samuel Adna Milwaukee, Wis. Monroe, Angelia W. Alfred. Dunham, Franklin Adelbert Plainfield, N. J. Moon, Florence Wayland. Eaton, William Martin Willing. Moon, Alta Wayland. Edgett, George Howard. Noble, Ella Muncy, Pa. Emerson, William S. Almond. O'Donnell Tensey,JosephineBelmont. Ennis, Herbert L. Genesee. Palmer Vars, Minerva Alma Alfred. Fenner, Ellery Alfred. Palmer, Myrtle L. Alfred. Fuller, Warren Nathan Richburgh. Pettibone, Esther Estella Alfred. Green, Franklin Pierce:Wellsville. Pettibone, Jennie Maria Alfred. Greenman, Benjamin F. Hebron, Pa. Pope Oakes, Myra E.- Hartsville. Grow, George Marion Hornellsville. Potter S. Shawo, Ency C. Allnond. Hall, Sealand Nobles, Wirt. *Randolph, Josephine B. Shiloh, N. J. Harrison, Charles S. Addison. Rathbun, fiusan E.;Howard. Hastings, Joseph Weston Almond. Rixford, Algenia Eldred, Pa. Hatch, James Bates, M. D. Belmont. Rose c(arle, Ida E. Hornellsville. Howell, Benjamin F. Alfred. Rosebush Cobb, Celia A. Independence. Lamson, Arthur Samuel Jasper. SanteeRichard.s, Millie Jane Cameron. Langworthy, Charles Jersey City, N. J. Shaw Vincent, Lucretia M. Alfred. Langworthy, Frank Jersey City, N. J. Sherman, Mary E. Alfred. Langworthy, George Jersey City, N. J. Sinnette Carpenter, Susan Southport. Lewis, George Henry, Ward. Sisson, Vernetta Alfred. Lewis, James Noyes, M. D. Ashaway, R. I. Sisson, Agnes A. Alfred. Livermore, Edward Maxson Andover. Stearns Boyd, Sarah Alida Andover. Mi ason, John Park Elmira. Stephens Gr i.swold, Estelle Hornellsville. McCormack, Walter Edwin Newark, N. J. Stillman, Pauline R. Alfred. M ekeel, Joshua Jennings Searsburgh. Stillman, Corinne E. Alfred. Millard, Isaac Collins Albion, Wis. Vaughan, Jennie Amanda Springville. Moore, James Cook Hartsville. Watkins, Lucelia A. Almond. Murphy, Jay Lannes Wellsville. Watson, Esther Lina West Almond. Nugent, James Theodore St. George, Ber. Is. West, Ida Janette Alfred. Ordway, Nelson Crosby Adrian..West, Sarah Alfred. Packer, Horace Billings Wellsboro, Pa. West, Cora Alfred. Palmer, Eugene Warren, Ohio. Whitaker, Cornelia S. Sackett's Harbor. Parker, George Alfred. Wise, Qlive A. Birdsall. Payne, George Edward Almond. Witter Burdick, Frank Nile. *Phalen, Charles Harris Camden. *Witter, Ella Alfred. Potter, Albert Vedder Alfred. York Parke.r, Kate Seymour Wellsville. R- athbun, Fay Potter Hornellsville. Ladies, 102., Reynolds, William Elba Ward. Total, - 195. Sausman, Elbert George West Almond. Sayre, Morton Smith, U.S.A. Almixond. 1869-1870. Sharp, Henry Ward Arkport. GENTLE.IEMN. - Sherman, Oliver Dyer, A. B. Alfred. Barager, Winfield Scott Canaseraga. Simar, Byron R. Port Allegany, Pa. Barber, Charles Russell Genesee. Smith, William Henry Alfred. Barber, Frederick Pitt Oramel. Titsworth, Alfred A. New Market, N. J. Barry, Frederick Walton Jasper. Vickersacob Hartsville. Bentley, Edwin Assa Ward. Wescott, Emery Oscar Andover. Bodine, Henry Frank Wellsboro, Pa. Wheeler, George Maxson Wirt. Bonham, Winfield S., S. B. Shiloh, N. J. Whitford, Abert Brookfeld. Bowen, Wilber -West Alhond. Wiggins, Clarence Sheldon Ilornellsville. Bowler, William Franklin Genesee. Wight, Orin Sanford Friendship. Brand, Eli Sheffield Brookfield. IWoodworth, Edwin Culver Covert. Brown, Tolcott Gool Alfred. Gentlemen, 81. Browning, Horace Mann Scio. LADIES. Burdick, Alberne HI. Genesee. Aber, Sarah Maria Birdsall. Burleson, Frank Oramel. Babcock Keupyon,MaryViola Genesee. Cameron, John Brundage Hammondsport. Babcock, Lucinda Elnora Brookfeld. Carle, Murray Judson Scio. Barager, Mary Emma Canaseraga. Casey, Clarence Floyd Independence. Bardeen Satterlee, Jane EsClark, Melville Stillman Hartsville. tella Hartsville. *Clark, Martin Marion Brookfield. Brewster, Rose Izella Alfred. ~Cloos, Bernard Wells Westfield, Pa. Burdick, Ella Francelia Alfred. Cple, Joseph Aurelius Cuba. Burdick, Lila Ophelia Hartsville. Colegrove, Frank Edward Arkport. Burdick, Lohansia Melvina Alfred. Crandall, Kenyon P. Hale Brookfield. Champlin, Lavinia Elissa, Crumb, Edgar Delmont Leonardsville. A. L. Wirt. Curtis, James Hornellsville. Champlin, Myrta V. Alfred. Dewey, Melville - Oneida. Clark, Emily Jane Ward. Dimock. Walter W. Coudersport, Pa. Clark, Mary Alnira Ward. ALFRED UNrIVERSITY. 61 Coats, Caroline Wells Wellsville. Baker, Ellery S. Whitesville. Colegrove Bwedrick, Lucy Barber, Martin J. Alfred. Brodrick Catlin. Beebe, William Alfred. Cottrell, Mary Virginia Z. Daleville, Ind. Benjamin, Anson Clark Ward. Crandall,'Ophelia Harriet Wellsville. Bennitt, Ephraim James Moreland. Davis, AMary A. Arabella Quincy, Ohio. Burdick, William E., Ph. B. Alfred. Dowse Holmes, Amarintha Champlin, Floyd Alfred. Velnette Bridgewater. Cline, Alvin Sampson Amity. Eaton, Fanniy Alfred. Coates, Amos Marcellus Wirt. Fenton, Harriet Louise Alfred. Cooley, Benjamin Orlando Hume. Fuller, Eliza WVellsville. Coon, Willis WV. Alfred. Fuller, Clara Loretta Ward. Cornwell, Wendell Williams Albion, Wis. Gardiner, Loisa Maria Nile. *Cowles, Charles Woodruff Elmnira. Graham, Anna West Almond. Cowley, William Wallace Emporia, Pa. Graham, Mary West Almond. Crandall, Oscar Edwin Ulysses, Pa. Halbert, Alta Oliva Bolivar. Crandall, Herbert L.. Alfred. Hall Dacrling, Abbey Happe- Dowe, Frank Shepardson -Milwaukee, Wis. lonia Hallsport. Duke, William George Scio. Halsey Tlecker,MaryJ eanetteAlmond. *Eldridge, LMorlris Aaron Ashaway, R. I. Halsey, Mary Louisa West Almond. Ellis, William Howard Alfred. Hastings, Catherine West Almond. Ellis, George Warren Alfred. Haywood James, Esther Atlanta, Ga. Ellis, Thomas Henry Alfred. Hendee, Lilly Celestia Hartsville. Farwell, Hobert Murray Ward. Hoagland, Emnma Baren Howard. - Genung, John DeForrest Genesee, Pa. Howell, Almira Alfred. Gifford, Samuel Howard. Howse, Josephine Annetta Burns. Gifford, Isaac Terry Howard. Irish Carpemster,ViolaSegestaGeenese.e. Graves, Frederick William, Corning. Irish, Miranda Fisher Rockville, R. I. Green, Clark Alfred. Ives, Charlotte Elizabeth West Almond. Gridley, Melvin Alfred. Lalnson, AliceElizabeth,A.L.J asper. Hall, Luin H. Alfred. Maxson, Mary Louisa Alfred. Hazard, John Rowland Ashaway, R. 1. Millard, Anna Eliza Adrian. Hendrick, Joel Welland Hornellsville. Nelson, Anna Eliza, A. M. East Otto. Hill, John Riley Almond. O'Donnell, Kate Canisteo. Hood, William Hartsville. Palmiter, Ella Alfred. Hunt, William Herbert Alfred. Parker, Ermina Hallsport. Hunter, Albert Strawberry Jordan. Perkins, Thankful Delight Hallsport. Johnson, Frank Metcalf Scio. Place Stillm7actn, Jane AngeliaNile. Johnson, James L. Boston, Mass. Potter, Alice Alfred. Lamson, Calvin Jasper. Potter, Elsie Alfred. Langdon, Frank Alfred. Price, Sarah Cordelia Hebron, Pa. Langworthy, William Henry Alfred. Rice Newtos, Sarah Cordelia Almond. Larkin, Charles Henry Alfred. Richards, Eva Deborah Hudson, Mich. Lee, Francis Mlarion Alfred. Saunders, E. Sophia Brookfietd. Lippincott, Milton Bell Almond. Shaw, Myrta Alfred. Mack, Daniel Adrian. Sisson, Sarah Marilla Almond. Marshall, Henry Belden Addison. Smith Witter, Helen Louisa Alfred. Marvin, Charles Alfred..Smnith Lee, Harriet Eliza Alfred. Marvin, Edwin Alfred. Smythe, Signoria Esther Hallsport. *Maxson, Cassius Marcus Genesee. Thomas, Harriet Rosalia Lincklaen. *IMerriam, Albert L. Ward. Thompson Chiezn, Meta Mi- Merriam, Uri W. Ward. nerva New York. Misick, Charles Emory Howard. Tuller, Frank Sabrina Hartsville. Oakes, Daniel Alonzo Hartsville. Wells, Alice Vinette Nile. Ordway, George Henry Harrison, Pa. Witter, Fannie Euphemia Alfred. Palmiter, Charles Alfred. Wheeler, Mary Esther Wirt. Payne, Frank C. Corning. Whiting, Kansas.Bell Hartsville. Perkins, Daniel B. Alfred. Woodworth, Mary E. Covert. Perry, James Alfred. Wright, Jane Loella Scio. Sausman, Floyd West Almond. Wyant, Mary Elizabeth Almond. Segar, Charles Alfred. Young, Mary Augusta Almond. Shaw, Walter Irving Alfred. Ladies, 70. Sherman, George Clark Alfred. Total - 151. Simmons, Albert Hicks Chicago, Ill. Simmons, William Henry HarlrisonValley,Pa.. Smith, Oscar Park Avoca. Smith, Charles Hoiward. GENTLEEIEN..., Snyder, Frank Benjamin Cameron. Allen, Alfred Alfred. Stephens, Nathan, )eremiah Canisteo. Babcock, Charles Clark Scio. Swain, Samuel Albert Andover. Backer, George Moreland. Swinney, Curtis Ogden'Shiloh, N. J. Baker, John B. Whitesville. Taylor, Edgar Long Blossburg, Pa. 62 ALFRED UNIVEIRSITY. Taylor, Henry Freeman Blossburg, Pa. T'rosser, Arlouine Genesee. Taylor, Winfield Scott Howard. ProsserIlatll,Viola,o sephineGenesee. Towle, George David Howard. Rathbun, Susan Elizabeth Howard. Truman, Frank Alfred. Richmond, Helen Maria Whitesville. Truman, George Alfred. Riley, Jane Eliza Birdsall. Van Dusen, William Barney Howard. Root, Sarah Bean ville, Can. Van Wert, Charles Platt Binghamton. Santee, Ellen Adell Cameron. Waddell, George Clark -Moreland. Santee, Eva L. Hornellsville. Waddell, William Moreland. Saunders, Ida M. Alfred. Wager, John Pratt Hector. Shaw, Tacy Antoinette Alfred. Whitcomb, Henry B. Scio. Sheppard, Eva S. Alfred'. Whitney, Charles Sumner Ossian. Slonaker, Josephine Jersey Shore, Pa. Wilson, Ardeen Ebenezer Spring Mills. Smith, A nn Howard. Wixson, Julian Stanton Clarksville. Smythe Gates, Mary Eloise Hallsport. Woodbury, Merrit A. Greenwood. Stearns, Emma -Maria Andover. Young, Horace Edgar Unionville. Stephens, Rachel Jane Canisteo. Gentlemen, 91. Stillman, Livona Delphine West Union. LADIES. Stillman, Lillis Elizabeth Alfred. Austin, Lucy Alfred. Stout, Miranda Independence. Baldwin, Ellen Rosetta Brookfield. Sutton, Mary Bath. Baker, Frances Adelle West Almond. Swain, Nettie Diana Andover. Baker, Ellen Almira Canisteo. Teter Cottrell, Minerva Eliza Hallsport. Baker, Chloe Jemima Adrian. Thomas-Pierce, Alma ElizaBarron, Ida Jane Addison. beth Alfred. Beebe, Mary A. Alfred. Thomas, Lura Ann Alfred. Blinn, Mary Elizabeth West Almond. Thomas. Brunette Alfred. Bosard, Eirmma Olaette Andover. Towle, Adelia Howard. Burrell, Alta M. Almond. Tuller, Eliza Jane Hartsville Carter, Elida Ann Canisteo. Van Buren, Maryetta Willing Champlin, Ida Alfred. Vincent, Anna R. Rock River, Wis. Champlin, Nettie Alfred. Whitlng, Ida Ette Hartsville. Chase Darling, Harriet Andover. Wilcox, Emma C. Alma. Chase, Martha Roselin Sac City, Iowa. Witter, Emma Adelia Hebron, Pa. Cline, Hannah Amity. Witter, Justinia Estella HIebron, Pa. Compton, Alice S. Alfred. Woolworth,-Adelaide NancyAlfred. ConwellHarrigan, AgnesM.Andover. Workman, Sarah Jane Hartsville. Cooper, Minnie Alfred. Ladies, 88. Crandall, Frances Alma Ulysses, Pa. Total 179. Crowner, Mary Elizabeth Wellsville. Crumb Williams, Mary E. East Otto. 1871-1872. Curry, Elizabeth Howard. GENTLEMEN. Doty, Eva A. Alfred. Alberti, William Maxson New Market, N. J. Duke, Emma Elnora Scio. Austin, Shadrach Marvin Andover. Elkins, Emily F.'Alfred. Babcock, Archibald Genesee. Emerson, Cynthia Sophia Almond, Barney, Alvin Willis West Union. Emerson, Mary B. Almond. Barney, Delwin Clement West Union. Erwin,, Kate Ellen Painted Post. Bassett, Henry Independence. Gifford, Ellen Howard. Bartlett, Marsell Silas Belfast. Green, Tacy I. Alfred. Bennitt, Oscar Curtis Moreland. Green, Ida E. Alfred. Brasted, Philetus Howard. Griggs, Lois Addielida Hallsport. Burdick, Marcellus Genesee. Hendee, Fanny Sandusky Hartsville. Canfield, Willard Albert Ward. Hogan, Kate Ward Ward. Card, Jasper Roulette, Pa. Hood, Clara Adelle Belmont. (Champlin, Henry Wirt. Hunter, Albina Jordan. Christie, William Howard Horseheads. King, Eva Alfred. Coleman, Lowell Elliott Almond. Langworthy, Lucretia Mary Genesee. Clark, Albertus Hartsville. Langdon, Eliza A. -Alfred. Clark, Byron Moreland. Leonard King, Clara Irene Alfred. Collins, George Alfred. Lewis Gardiner, Sarah AlinaGenesee. Colwell, Homer Hors'eheads. Lewis, Ida A. Alfred. Cotton, George Eugene Avoca. Lord, Mary Elizabeth West Almond. Cottrell, Albert Walter Whitesville. Lyman, Mary Susan Oswayo, Pa. Cross, Ralph Ovid. Lymlan, Helen Sophia Oswayo, Pa. Crawford, William Adrian. Maunder, Alice Sophia Alma. Cundall, Jacob Babcock Ashaway, R. I. Misick, Ella Howard. Davie, Frank Calvin Bolivar. Moland Cornelius, A. MelissaAlfred. Davis, Henry Eugene Verona. Morton, Harriet Augusta West Almond. Davison, James, A. B. Pardee, Kan. Nobles, Mary Alfred. Easterbrook, Simeon' Clark Almond. iNye,'Minnie Addison. Edwards, Allison J. Alfred. Parker, Helen Tryphena Independence. Edwards, Horace Greeley Alfred. ALFRED UNIVERSI I'Y. 63 *Edwards, W. Irving Alfred. Becker, Ella Alfred. Eels, Jay Willard Hartsville. Berry, Jeanette Genesee. Emerson, D. DeForest Alfred. Benjamin, Mary Priscilla Independence. Etz, Charles Wellington Tioga, Pa. Billings, Mary Isabunda Wirt. Farwell, Miner Ward. Bower, Laura Belmont. Gelser, Lorenzo Grove. lBrasted, Nancy Eleanor Howard. *Gifford, Addison Howard. Burdick, Lettie Elizabeth Alfred. Gleason, Fred Lockwood Olean. Burdick, Celestia Hebron, Pa. Gorton, James Andrew Rushford. Burdick, Martha Jane (larence. Gorton, William Denslow Rushford. Burdick, May Virginia Alfred. Green, Delwin Independence. Burdick, Mary Alfred. Green, David Isaiah Alfred. Card Babcock, Lura Ette Roulette, Pa. Hall, Joshua Horseheads. Clark, Susan Alfred. Hall, James Ward. Cline, Anna Ward:. Henry, Cassius M. Hartsville. Collins, Eliza J. O. Alfred. Hibbard, Elmer Cary Brookfield. Collins, Alice Marcelia Ward. HTiggins, Edgar Albert Howard. Cook, Catherine Milwaukee, Wis. Horner, Melvin Eugene Belmont. Cooley, Eva Ann Wiscoy. Hovey, Alfred Reuben - Grove. Coon, Tacy Marilla Alfred. Hunt, Frederick Andover. Cooper, Minnie Alfred. Kenyon., George Potter Petersburgh. Davis Estee, Martha J., A. L.Shiloh, N. J. Langworthy, Orra Alfred. Davis, Julia Marguerette, Lewis, Willis Irving, Ph. B. Lewisville, Pa. A. L. Shiloh, N. J. Lyman, Milo Roulette, Pa. Davis York, Mary Bowen Alfred. Major, John Newton Almond. Davis, Eurania Aurelia Shipping, Pa. Mather, Nelson Denison, Mary Ossian. Maxson, Henry Doty De1Ruyter. Ellis, Sarah Louisa Alfred. Mead, Edward Henry Cuba. Erwin, Cora Isabella Addison. Miller, Waldo Willard Tioga, Pa. Fisk, Mary Jane Hamilton. Moon, Frederick Wayland. Gardiner, Jennie Bolivar. Newton, Joseph Birdsall. Gardiner, Mertic Merilla Bolivar. Place, P. Sheridan Alfred. Gorton, Mary Alice Rushford. Pollard, Charles' Joseph Friendship. *Green, Ella Adelle Alfred. Preston, John Newman Adrian. -Green, Emma Alfred. Rathbun, John Leslie Almond. Green, Mary Maria Alfred. Randolph, Leslie Fitz Pardee, Kan. Green, Euphemia Lorretta Berlin. Reeve, Ernest A. Lima, Peru. Green, Callie Genevie Berlin. Santee, William Eugene Adrian. Hallett, Anna Adrian. Saunders, Ocran Oswald Plainfield. Helmer, Mary Grace West Almond. Sayler, Lewis Moreland. Helmer, Adelia West Almond. Shappee, William Ransom Horseheads. Hogan, Kate Ward Ward. Shaw, Edwin Daniel- Alfred. Hubbard, Alma Rosa Cameron.. Shalv, Charles L. Alfred. Hull, Flora Antoinette Berlin. Sherman, Edward Alfred. Hunter, Ella Jordan. Slaught, Arthur Hector. *Johnson, Lanna Minette Howard. Smith, Henry Warren Troy. Johnson, Ella Clymena Howard. Smythe, Calvin Priessnitz Hallsport. Kysor, Adell Calista Howard. Smythe, Winfield Scott Hallsport. I Kysor, Harriet Augusta Howard. Socwell, Eugene Herbert West Hallock, Ill. Lewis, Minnie A. Alfred. Spicer, Julian Hale, A. B. Trenton, Minn. Lord, Eliza Ann West Almond. Stillman, Alpheus Gallucia West Union. Lyman Bu'rdick, Sybil Roulette, Pa. Stillman, Lewis A. Alfred. Lyman, Belle Jeanette Roulette, Pa. Sullivan, Abraham W. Lost Creek, W. Va. Lyon, Della Adelia Angelica. Sunderlin, James Clarence Sunderlilville, Pa. Magee, Nellie Elizabeth Andover. Sumllerbell, Frank N. Berlin. Mather, Gertrude Caledonia. Swain, Thomas Andover.. Matteson, Joanna Hebron, Pa. Warner, Ludovica Abraham Buffalo. McCray, Florette Nunda. Weimer, Willis Pleasant Valley,Pa. Miller, Jennie Orpha Williston, Pa. Whitcomb, He-rbert Thomas Big Flats. Nobles, Ella Alfred. White, Hyde Charles - Ashaway, t. I. Oakes, Charity Hartsville. Whitford, J. Horatio Alfred. Ordway, Roxy Ann Adrian. Williams, Henry George Watson. Ostrander, Anna Wellsville. Williams, Nathan Wardner Alfred. Potter, Cora Sarah Marcy. Wright, George Robert Scio. - Randolph, Georgiana Fitz Pardee, Kan. Gentlemen, 94. Penwick, Amelia Ann Angelica. LADIES. Richmond, Della Florence Whitesville. Ashbauch, Rosetta Itartsville. Richardson, Claribella FloBaker, Nellie Adrian. rette Hallsport. Babcock EnronOs, Rosetta RosebushBes1nehoff, EmmnaE.Andover. Angeline' Westerly, R. I. Sherwood,MalvinaElizabetlhFairview, Pa. Barber, Ella Maria Portville. Skinner, Christiana A., A. L. Wellsville. 6 4 - ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Smith Rogers, Marietta Ar- Howell, Henry P'artridge Painted Post. tena Alfred. Ingalls, Baxter Benjamin Adrian. Spencer, Alice Marion Oswayo, Pa..Jayne, Frank Alfred. Spicer Lawrence, Frances A. Nile. Jones, William E. Oramel. Thomas Baker, Millicent Kenyon, Matthew Herbert Ashaway, R. I. Harriet Lancaster. King, Emmet Colegrove *Millport. Tuller, Lavinia Hartsville. King, Harris Alonzo Oneida. Van Fleet, Sarah Belle New Hudson. Kingsbury, George Herbert Rushford. Warner, Mary Elizabeth Cameron. Knowlton, Joseph Roulette, Pa. Watiren, Amanda-Percy'Cottage. Ledyard, Henry Child Ceres. Weimer Stearns, Ella Pleasant Valley,Pa. Lewis, Frank Ward. Wetmore, Jane Amanda Port Allegany, Pa. Lewis, Carlos Adelbert -Ulysses, Pa. Whitford, Anna Sophia Alfred. Livermore, Field Joel Alfred. Wilcox, Harriet Emma Marcy. agner, Edmund L. Andover. Wixson, Edith Clarksville." Maxson, Nathan Edwin Hopkinton, R. I. Workman; Mary Ann Hartsville. Moland, Milo Daniel Alfred. Wright, Alice Estella Scio. Moore, Charles E. Alfred. Ladies, 88. Morgan, Henry Culver Cuba. Total 182. Mosher, John B. Horseheads. Mosher, William Babcock Alfred. 1872-1873. Mungor, Frank Ethan, A. B. Oxford. GENTLEMEN. Oviat, John Beaman Roulette, Pa. Acker, Charles Hartsville. Perkins, George Alfred. Alden, Philo Linneus Howard. s Perkins, Elmer Alfred. Allen, William Alfred. Pinchen, Albin Amsden Fremont. Allen, Edwin Place, Thomas Merton Alfred. Babcock, Willie O. Alfred. Potter, Edmund Albertus Hopkinton, R. I. Baker, Albert Melden Farmington, Mo. Potter, Waite Stillman Alfred. Ball, George William Hornellsville. Robertson, Jasper Pike. Barron, William Alfrod. Ruby, A sa Harrison ROulette, Pa. Bassett, Frank Morton Canisteo. Sheffield, Maxwell Edward Greenwood. Bennehoff, Lyle Portville. Smith, Edwin Alfred. Bishop, Charles Troupsburgh. Sherwood, Roswell D. Fairview, Pa. Blake, Fay Gideon Almond. Shoephelt, Henry Alfred. Bower, George Ernest West Almond. sizer, Nelson Howard Prestonville, Pa. Brundage, Frank Greenwood. Sizer, William Richard Emporium, Pa. Burdick, Delmont Stillman Alfred. Slawson, Hugh. Wellsville. Burdick, Frank Alfred. Slawson, Romain Wellsville. Burleson, Teneyck Olmsted Howard. Smith, Joshua Henry Howard. Burlingame, Homer Dayton Emporium, Pa. Spencer, Frank Neville Alfred. Carney, John Wesley Burns. Stebbins, Frederick Ives Caneadea. Carr, Horace Alfred. Stuart, Edward Cameron. Chesebro, Hiram Hall Coudersport, Pa. Stuart, Walter Cameron. Clare, Burdett Alfred. Sweet, Cassius Monroe Catlin. Clark, Byron Milton Hartsville Taylor, Charles Eldridge DeRuyter. Cobb, Lyman Howell Spring Mills. Tompkins,LorenzoWheatonRoulette, Pa. Cobb, Charles Simeon Andover. Trainer, John Hartsville. Collins, Fremont Ward. Tuller, William Hartsville. Collins, Clayton B. Ward. Van Deusen, Melville E. Howard. Collins, Uberto Alfred. Van Gorder, Greenleaf S. West Almond. Cottrell, Bourdon Maxson Alfred. Williams, Orville Dewey Cobden, Ill. Crandall, Francis Delwin Genesee. Williams, Jacob Burdick Watson. Cross, Byron O vid. Wintermute, James Stenson Yankton, Dakota. Dalrymple, Reuben B. Wellsville. Wixom, Clemert S. Covert. Dalrymple, Charles Southport. Wright, Robert J. Bennettsburgh. Dascombe, William Averill Cameron. Wright, George Robert Scio. Davis, Phineas Bowen Shiloh, N. J. Gentlemen, 105. Dayton, Stephen M., Rev. Almond. Dimmick, DeWitt Clinton Burns. LADIES. Eaton, Oliver Nelson Salamanca. Babcock, Addie Gertrude Hornellsville. Eaton, William S. Alfred. Barber, Francelia Irene Portville. Edwards, Ellsworth Joseph Alfred. "Bard, Albertine Estella New Hudson. Fitz Simmons, Lemuel LewisAllen. | Barney, Clara Elizabeth Independence. Gary, Elvert Andover. Black, Mabel C. Almond. Gelser, George Henry Grove. I Blake Tomnpkins, Viola A. Almond. Groves, Anthony Washington, Pa. Brasted, Mary Belle Howard. Hall, Francis Marion Ward.' Brasted, Elizabeth Calista Howard. Hallett, Elijah, U. S. A. Canisteo. i Brown, Marion Lucretia Jamestown. Hallett, Nelson Adrian. Bunnell, Clara Valeria Ward. Halsey, James Greenwood. Burdick, Leona Alfred. Hawley, William Wilber Hornellsville. Burt Hosley, Marion Ulysses, Pa. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 65 (Cady, Myra Arminda New Hope. 1873-1874. Canfield, Louisa Adelia Ward. GENTLEMEN. Carr, (athei'ine Alfred. Austin, George Castle, Nellie Nancy Portville. Austin, Burrett Marion Andover. Champlin, Ella Alfred. Baker, Charles Orlando Adrian. Clark Glea.son, Fannie Irene Clarkson. Baker, Daniel Charles Alfred. Clark, Ettie Ni!e. Ball, Clarence Theodore Dunkirk. Cline Smith, ljuanna Emily Belmont. Barber, James Lorenzo Almond. Collier, Jane Adrian. Baxter, Floyd H. West Almond. Daly, Avicel Rexville. Blakeslee, Frank Nichols Olean. Dayton, Sarah Almond. Brasted, Edward James Howard. Donlon, Maggie Elizabeth Hartsville. Burdick, Herbert Alfred. Doyle, Annora Mary Alfred. Burt, John Calvini Roulette, Pa. Easton, Nellie Adelle Ward. Ball, Leslie Scio. Ellis, Minnie Alfred. Card, Obed Roulette, Pa. i Farnham,, Anna West Almond. Champlin, Lewis Adelbert Wirt. Fowlel, Sarah Weltha Amity. Clark, Horace Benson Leonardsville. Frisby, Adelle Ella - Alfred. Cline, Sylvester Alvin Scio. Fuller, Elva Uretta Ward. Cobb, Frederick Andover. Fuller Watkins, Ina ArlouineWest Almond. Collins, Frank Joseph Brooklyn. Fulmer, Evelyn Adeline Independence. Conger, Lorenzo Dwight Leonardsville. Gillette, Mary Gavitl Alfred. Coon, Samuel Hubert Alfred. Graham, Eva Adeline West Almond. Coon, Enlie Edson Genesee. Graham, Mary Isabelle West Almond. Crandall, Floyd Almond. Green, Addie'Pratt Plainfield, N. J. Crumb, Franklin Joseph East Otto. Green, Martha Aner Ward. Davendorff, Albert Pitt Parish. Green, Cora Delphine Alfred. Dinninny, WilliamlBuchananAddison. Hallett, Nancy E. Canisteo. Dunham, Frank Manning New Market, N. J. Hallett, Elizabeth Adrian. Dunn, Lewis Elston Freeborn, Minn. Hallett, Cola Canisteo. Edget, Robert Lovet Hornellsville.'Hamilton, Frances Sabrina Hartsville. Ellis, William Franklin Dansville. Jayne, Ella Alfred. Elliott, Daniel Randolph Grand Tower, Ill. Kenyon, Minnie B. Alfred. Everett, John C. Keating, Pa. King, Louise Florette \lillport. Hall, William Ward. Lewis, Isabella Frances A lfred. Halsey, Frederick Almond. Main, Harriet Alfred. Hark, Henry Joseph Grove. McLennan, Christina Lyndon. Hills, Lewis West Almond. Mekeel, _Maggie Hector. Hopkins, Daniel Cass Allond.' Mlekeel, Anna Hester Hector. Howe, Archibald Clifford Whitesville. Mosher, Annie Catherine Alfred. Irish, Paul Babcock Rockville, R. I. i Nicholson, Alma Fremont. Ives, Nathan West Almond. Palmiter, Della Ilartsville. Kingsley, Frederick Wiscoy. Pearce, Flora Belle Oswayo, Pa. Knowlton, John Samuel - Roulette, Pa. Pearce, Rose Estelle Oswayo, Pa. Kysor, Charles Benjamin Leon. Pope, Alta Sophia Hornellsville. Langworthy, Daniel L. Alfred. Raymond, Sarah Jane Ulysses, Pa. Lewis, Charles B. Alfred. Raymond, Josephine R. Ulysses, Pa. Lewis, Alvin A. Alfred. Reed cMajor, Emma Almond. Lillibridge, Charles T. Port Allegany, Pa. Reynolds, Ella Leora Ward. Mack, Thomas Alexander Adrian. Russell, Emma Adelaide Hartsville. McCullough, Nathan P. Rockdale, Pa. Sears, Luella Lodi. McGibeny, John West Almond. Shaw, Ellen M. Alfred. McLennan, John Lyndon. Sherman, Louise Sarah West Union. McLennan, Roderick Lyndon. Sisson, Ella Almond. Mleddaugh, Win. Cromwell Portville. Skinner, Catherine WTellsville. Mosher, John Pinkham Alfred. Slauson, Mary Jane Wellsville. Nichol's, Avery C. Lincklaen. Smith, Elizabeth Christabel Dayton. Nichols, Frank Buchanan Orange. Stanton, Iza Emnerette Canisteo. Nye, David Sumner Watkins. Stearns, IMary Eldora Andover. Palmiter, Matthew Judson Alfred. I stephens Peck, Mary Ervilla Greenwood. Place, Thomas Irwin Alfred. Stillman, Clara Juliette West UTnion. Place, Frederick Sherman Nile. Thomlpson Howell, Alida C. Nunda. Potter, Leman W., Ph. B. Scott. Thompson, Laura A. Nunda. Potter,' Frank Walter Alfred. Tucker, Susan Rosabel Ward. Rogers, Charles Albert' I'lainfield, N. J. Tyler, Ella Elizabeth Oswayo, Pa. Rowe, William Church Rochester. Wakely, Marietta Alnanda New Hudson. Saunders, Luie Cuyler Alfred. WellsBarber,M'aryAngeline Andover. Shaw, Eaward David Alfred. West, Kittie Alfred. Staunton, Lewis Leslie Adrian. Wilson, Ida Velma Wellsville. Staunton, John Sherman- Adrian. Wixon, Mary Adwilda Clarksville..Stillman, Horace Greeley Almond. Ladies, 82. Tefft, Byron Ward... 666 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Thompson, Eugene W. Port Allegany, Pa.![ McMichael, Dora Hornellsville. Tracy, William Seth Angelica. Morris Shoepihelt, Eva MaryVincent, Charles Fremont Scio. line Almond. Webster, Daniel Henry Long Branch, N. J. O'Leary, Nora C. Andover. Wyse, Edward West Almond. O'Leary, Maggie Andover. Gentlemen, 14.: Ordway, Fannie Emeline Adrian. LADIES. - Palmiter, Mary Elizabeth, Alfred. Acker, Olive Hartsville. Palmiter, Emma Alfred. Adams, Lura Elnora West Almond. Peckham; Julia Madison Westerly, RI. I Alberti, Georgianna New Market, N. J. Perry, Rosa West Almond. Andrews, Mary Cyndusky Bolivar. Place, Olive Alfred. Andrews, Elsie Tryphena Bolivar. Potter, Ellen Andover. Babcock, Rebecca Lucinda Humboldt, Neb. i Preston, Lucinda Adelia West Almond. Baker, Lue Farmhington, Mo. Reissman, Anna Sophia Coudersport, Pa. Baker, Lilian Sylvina Canisteo. Reynolds, Fannie Eva West Almond. Baker, Caroline Vinnette Adrian. Richardson, Sarah Davis Almond. Beach, Eva Adelaide Willing. Robinson, Mary A. Andover. Beebe, Ella Alfred. Rogers, Birdie May A. Alfred. Black, Henrietta Adell Ward. Rogers, Lucy S. Alfred. Bower, Mary Agnes - West Almond. Rowe, Mary Louise Gates. Bradley, Mary Lottie Andover. Russell, Julia Adell Hartsville. Brandt Cross, Ruth Lillie Rochester. Russell, Flora Janette Hartsville. Brewster, Dillia Alfred. Russell, Martha Elizabeth Hartsville. Brown, Julia Maria Andover. Ryno, Edith. Alfred. Brundage, Belle Greenwood. Satterlee, Azelia Bernice Brookfield. Bundy, Mary Andover. Simpson, Alice Louise\ Stockton. Bundy, Clara Eudora Andover. Spaulding, Fannie Andover. Burdick, Lillie Alfred. Stephens, Melissa Rachel Greenwood. Burdick Potter, Bertha Almond. Van Alstin, Mary Ophelia Hornellsville. Burdick, Angelia Prudence Portville. Varnum, Vandelia Lyndon. Call, Eva Jane Hartsville. Wardner, Sarah L. S. Alfred. Card, Olive Roulette, Pa. White, Ella Delphine West Almond. Card, Lora Roulette, Pa. White, Mirantha Diantha West Almond. Casson, Isabelle Addison. Woodcock, Effie Azuba Willing. Clark, Martha Eliza Mansfield, Pa. Woodcock, Malvina Leora Willing. Coleman, Amanda Irene Almond. Wright, PMary Andover. Collins, Martha Jane Brooklyn. Young, Viola Josephine Alfred. Collins, Minnie Alfred. Young, Ida May Adrian. Cook, Ella Canisteo. Ladies, 174. Cook, Cynthia Ann Alfred. Total - - ltR. Cooley, Ella Canisteo. Crandall, Fannie Elizabeth Almond. 1874-1875. Crandall, Mary Syrene Almond. GENTLEMEN. Crandall, Alta Jane Ward. Allen, Henry Alfred. Crandall, Antoinette MarthaCeres. Bacon, Lucius Crandall, Effle Alfred. Baker, Nathan J., Ph. B. Alfred. Cutter, Ella Eliza Cuba.. Baker, Frank Day Langworthy, Elizabeth Barney, Charles Sherman West Union. M. Alfred. Bassett, Eugene Independence. Dowse, Celia Louise Bridgewater. Bassett, Fred Lester Canisteo. Duffy, Hannah Greenwood. Benjamin, Frank Alfred. Dunham, Alice Augusta Farina, Ill. Bennett, DanieleRay Howard. Eastman, Emma Alfred. Bennett, Ezra M. Troupsburgh. Elliott Bond, Mary Victoria Grand Tower, Ill. Bond, Arthur Lost- Creek, WV. Va. Forbes, Olive B. Newton, Iowa. Brown, Herbert Cliff Brookfield. Gardiner, Eva Nile. Buck, George Wallace Watkins. Hall, Sarah Adeline Ward.' Burdick, Adelmar Horace Hornellsville. Hallett, Flora Belle Adrian. Burdick, Clark Truman Alfred. Henderson, Margaret F. C. Alfred. Cannon, George Bennett Elmira. Henderson, Grace Mary Alfred. Cass, Daniel Martin Alfred. Hills, Louise West Almond. Cobb, Fred Carlton Andover. Huffman, Ellen Arlouine Alfred. Cooper, John H. Brockwayville, Pa. Humphrey, Eva Birdsall. Corwin, Andrew Philetus -Bradford, Pa. Karr, Olive A.' Almond. Corwin, John Glover Bradford, Pa. Karr, Margaret Almond. Corwin, George Clay Bradford, Pa. Lamson, Eveline Sarah Jasper. Cottrell, Ira Lee Richburgh. Lewis FHouard, Carrie I. Portville. (lowles, John Alfred. Lewis, Helen Amanda Alfred. Cross, Benjamin Franklin Ovid. Mallory, Ida Nancy Greenwood. *Davis, Julius Todd Milton, Wis. Martin, Elizabeth Mary Ulster, Pa. Dunham, William Courtland SNew Market, N. J. Maxson, Alice E. DeRuyter. Dunn, William Whitford New Market, N. J. ALFRED UNIVERSI I'Y. 67 Eagan, Henry Horseh'eads. Corwin, Mary Jane Bradford, Pa. Emery, Edwin Sylvester Hornellsville. Corwin, Olive Evangeline Bradford, Pa. Engle, Washington Frede- Cowles,'Mary Addie - Alfred. rick West Almond. Crawford, Isabella French Rathboneville. Ernst, William Hull Alden, Minn. Crites Ida Belle Hartsville. Ferris, William'Henry Alfred. Cruser, Jennie Anna Canaseraga. Foster, George Watson Hornellsville. Davis; IMryAddie Greenwood.'Funnk, Carl- Reed. Alfred. Davis, Elvira Charlotte Milton, Wis. Hamilton, Mott Howard. Dennis, Mary E. Jasper. Hatter, John Henry Alfred. Eaton, Achie Alfred. Helmer, Dwight Adrian West Almond. Edwards,Helen Addison. Hendee, Clark Lee Hartsville. Fuller, Louise A. Ward. Hoffman, Charles Fisher Alfred. Green, Lizzie aud Farina,Ill. Hull, Charles Eugene Andover. Hall, Helen Frances Shiloh,N.J. Huntington, Merritt Greenwood. Hurd, Anna Elizabeth Spring Mills. Hyde, Charles Ernst Ossian. Jayne, Ella Alfred. Ives, Josiah West Almond. King, Harriet Estelle Greenwood. Jillson, Henry Hornellsville. Kysor, Sarah Peace Leon. Knight, Charles Francis West Almond. Langworthy, Lillie Jersey City, N. J. McKinley, Charles Gordon West Union. Lyon, Lilian Adeline West Almond. McMichael, Ira Hyde Hornellsville. Lyon, Olive Elvira West Almond. McNTett, James Belmont. McCullough, Mary Rockdale, Pa. McNett, George Clark' Belmont. McCullough, Sarah Ann Rockdale, Pa. Meathrell, John Edwin. Clarksburg, W. Va. McLennan, Anna M. Lyndon. Montgomery, Antrim,ared Ludlow, Mass. - Noyes, Carrie Stonington, Ct. Palmiter, William Alfred. i Noyes, Jane Stonington, Ct. Perkins, Floyd R. West Almond. Phillips, Ella May Willing. Pettibone, Frederick Hartsville. Place, Ada Alfred. Pettibone, Samuel Hartsville. I Prentice, Florence NightinPixley, Frederick Howard. - gale Jasper. Pollard, Frank Milton Maine. Randolph, Experience Fitz Berea, W. Va. Potter, Charles Fremont Alfred. Randolph, Calphurnia Fitz Berea, W. Va. Potter, Herbert Alfred. Rathbun, Amanda Ronian Almond. Potter, Frank Baldwin Andover. - Rathbun, Armenta Martha Almond. Ranger, Frederick' Almond. Rathbun, Lucretia Corning. Rathbun, John Leslie Almond. Rice, Anna Elizabeth West Almond. Reynolds, Frederick Wiscoy. Rice, AngelineAmelia West'Almond. Rice, Frederick Davis Almond. -Ross, Martha E. Ulster, Pa. Rutledge, Hector Alexander Damascus, Pa. Rude, Addie Hornellsville. Sampson, Joseph A. Roulette, Pa. Ryno, Florence Alfred. Sawyer, Charles Aurelius West Almond. Saunders, MNyrtie Mae Mayfield, Mich. Scott, George, Ph. B. Stevensville, Can. Saunders, Clara Alfred..Shay, Oscar Eugene Ossian. Saunders, Addie Alfred. Sibley, Orman Alonzo - Brockwayville, Pa. Sibley, Rhoda Melissa Brockwayville, Pa. Sikes, Elton Birt East Otto. Spencer, Nellie Maud Alfred. Smith, John Wray Brockwayville, Pa. Stebbins, Nina ~ Alfred. Swartwood,Erasmus DarwinCameron. Stephens, Flora Adelle Smethport, Pa. Thrall,-Hammond Churchill New Hudson. Stephens, Maud Smethport, Pa. Tobin, Thomas Brockwayville, Pa. Stephens Emma Fremont. Tuttle, Guernsey Percy Alfred. Stillman,.Martha Rose Alfred. White, William Brown Alfred. Stout Kvysor, Margaret MaWilcox; Frederick Clark Brockport, Pa. tilda - Independence. Williams, Charles'Nichols Williamsport, Pa. Tefft, Viola Dell WVard. Williams, Alfred George Alfred. Toles, Imogene Cameron. Witter, Ellis Adelbert Alfred. Wescott, Nina Alfred. Witter, Henry Emmett Alfred. Wescott, Myrta Alfred. Witter; Charles Ellsworth Alfred. Williams, Lavinia Cobden, Ill. Gentlemen, 84. Witter Rsacdolpih, Jessie A. Alfred. LADIES. - Witter, Celia Isabelle Alfred. Barber Clark, Flora Evange- Wixon, Ida May fHornellsville. line Portville. Wixon Sissouz, Carrie Hornellsville. Barber, Wealtha Celina Portville. Ladies,. Burdick, Isidora Wilmar, Minn. Total - 154.Burdick, Irene Oris Hornellsville. Burdick, Gertrude Alfred. - 1875-1876. Champlin, Martha Louise Wirt. - GENTLEMIEN. Champlin, Lydia Abbie Ward. Allen, Abram Ormanzo Milton, Wis. Champlin, Eva Alfred. Barber, Herman DeForrest Portville. Chatfie'd, Lilian Foster Painted Post. Barney, Olin Levant West Union. Clark, Nellie Alfred. - | Bassett, Ezra Lee Unadilla. Coon, Martha West Edmeston. Benjamin, Wm. Franklin Scio. 68 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Berry, Charles Fremont Westerly, R. I. Duke, Ella Maria Scio. Burdick, Charles Clinton Alfred. Edwards, Eliza Alfred. Cornelius, Frank Alfred. Ernst, Hannah Lavina Alden, Minn. Dennis, Leonard Marshall. Jasper. Glaspey, Isabelle-Heritage Farina, Ill. Dungan, David Lippincott Almond. Green, May Elizabeth Manhattan, Kas. French, John Charles'Roulette, Pa. Hakes, Harriet Vienna Hornellsville. French, Charles St. Clair Coudersport, Pa. Hamilton, Charlotte Alfred. Fullmer, William Ralph Independence. Hamilton, Grace Alfred. Glaspey,Edward Madison Farina, Ill. Hibbard, Adda Ette Brookfield. Gray, John F, Howard. Hoffman, Carrie Alfred. Green, Otis Thacher Hornellsville. Hoffman, Cora Alfred. Green, Clayton Fred Alfred. Killduff, Mary Ann Rexville. Green, Ivor Elston Genesee. Killduff, Marcella Rexville. Hamilton, Elwood Eugene Alfred. Latham, Abbie Almond. Hamilton, Ernst Mandeville Alfred. Lewis, Mary Mialvina Genesee. Hamilton, Joseph Alfred. Lewis, Jessie Fremont. Hart, Frank Albert Livonia. Lockhart, Nellie A-lmond. Hartrum, Melvin Greenwood. McCurdy, AMargaret Janette Dansville. Heseltine, Frederick Lean- Myers, Lucretia Ann Portville. der Alfred. Nicholson, Frances Janette Howard. Hollenbeck, George M. Hebron, Pa. Perry, Addle Hollenbeck, Mason Coolage Jasper. PhillipsPotter, Nellie BarberRichmond, R. I. Horton, Fayette Fremont. Phillips, Martha Maria Richmond, R. I. Horton, John Hornellsville. Proctor, Mary Ann Portville. Hughes, Joseph Corey Scio. Reynolds, Ida May Scio. Ingham, Walton Harvey Hornellsville. Sargent, Sabrie Louise Jasper. Jaynes, Deloss Daniel Norwich. Stephens, Sarah Angelia Greenwood. Keenan, Owen Francis Ward. i Weaver, Florence Agnes Washington, D. C. King, Henry Alfred. Weaver, Sallie Louise Washington, D. C. Lanphear, Acors Willard Ward. Weaver, Alice Washington, D. C. McConnell, Charles Howard. Whittemore Jlfillard, Martha McCurdy, Frederick E. Dansville. Jane, West Edmeston. Mead, Ward Beecher Greenwood. Wilson, Harriet Portville. Miller, William Frank Belmont. Zimmerman, Amy Adelle Fremont. Monroe, Joel Henry Hornellsville. Ladies, 47. Morrison, John Tracy Brockwayville, Pa. Total 106. Muncy, Newell DeForrest Cuyler. Ordway, Smith Jasper. 1876-1877. Patten, John Edwin HOrrnellsville. GENTLEVEN. Patten, Charles Joshua Hornellsville. (IY1com9plete List.) Peck, Charles Edward Avoca. Acker, Mnilo Andover. Pierce, Oliver Crandall Alfred. Allen, Francis Delano Richburgh. Potter, Darwin Fitch Alfred. Babcock, Morey Alfred. Randolph,GideonHenryFitz Salem, W. Va. Baggs, Vernon Andrew Woodville, R. I. Richardson, Charles T. Hornellsyille. Baker, William Alfred. Saunders, DeAlton Alfred. Barnetson, Wallace Angelica. Saunders, i. J. Belmont. Bassett, Byron Alfred. Storms, George WashingtonBradford, Pa. Bassett, George Alfred. Stout, Andrew Adelnar Independence. -Bassett, Sheffield Alfred. Varnum, Elmer James Lyndon. Becker, Stephen Monell Canaseraga. Warfield, Josiah John Andover. Bentley, Philip Collins Ward. West, Cortland Fremont Bridgeport, Ct. Black, Charles Dougald Watrous, Mich. Whitmore, William Henry Leicester. Black, Philip Ward. Woodbury, Martin Foster Greenwood. Boylan, Burt Arkport. Woodcock, Olin Willing. Brasted, Horace Kymball Howard. Gentlemen. 59. Brown, Frank Allen Angelica. LADIES. Burdick, Edson Ephraim Alf red. Baker, Florence Portville. *Canfield, Horace Edward Ward. Baker, Jennie Portville. Clark, Archie Alfred. Benjamin, Emma Alfred. Cobb, William Howard Andover. Bennett, Isabelle Flora Sci, Darrow, Joseph Potter' Waterford, Ct. Bentley, Alice Ann S'Ward'. Davis, Terrence McGuire L6ng Run, W. Va., Brundage, Cora Charity Greenwood. Dean, George West Almond. Champlin, Emma Ward. Dennis, William Frank J asper. Cole, Emma Leona Waverly, Iowa. Emery, Marshall Austin Hornellsville. Cole, Belle Ruth Allen. Erb', Samuel Nelson' Freeport,Ost.,Can Coleman, Flora Adelle Alfred. Ernst, Henry Martin Alden, Coleman, Fannie Alfred. Farnham, Hamilton Ward. Conderman, Ida May Howard. Fenner, Burt- Alfred. Cornelius, Nora Alfred. Fuller, Charles Fremont Riceburgh. Cray, Lucy Oswayo, Pa. Georgia, Edward William Emporium, Pa. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 69 Eaton, Lewis E. Alfred. Benton, Mary Estelle Hornellsville. Griffin, Pliny Evans Richburgh. Bunnell, Anna Ward. Handy, Edwin Alfred. Burdick, Lida Bennetty Albion, Wis. Hood, Walter Alfred. Burdick, Lilian May Andover. Jacox, William Henry Alfred. Burdick, Cora Alfred. Jeffrey, Benoni Israel Elmdale, Kan. Canfield, Susan Amelia Ward. Jeffrey, Joseph John Elndale, Kan. Cornelius, Louise Alfred. Johnson, Eugene Avery Scio. Corwin, Emma Mary Andover. Jones, Charles Edgar Canisteo. Crandall, Hattie Viola West Almond. Lawrence, Frank H. Arkport. Culver, Emma Amelia Howard. Lewis, Edwin Alfred. Culver, Elizabeth Howard. McAllister, Burt Bradford, Pa. Dean, Libbie M. West Almond. McCormick, Francis Greenwood. Emerson, Cynthia Alfred. McGibeny, Watson Elijah West Almond. Fuller, Ida Belle Richburgh. McKinley, Giles Greenwood. Hills, Elvisa West Almond. Miner, Glenn Alfred. Hoard, Maud Alfred. Miner, Edwin Alfred. Hollenbeck, Eliza Jane Jasper. Pryre, George Alfred. Hood, Jane Adelle Alfred. Pierce, William Alfred. Jones, Jane Alfred. Randolph, David Alfred. Kenyon, Ella May Petersburgh. Raub, Milo James Bradford, Pa. King, Mary Catherine Alfred. Remington, Wardner Alfred. Lanphear, Ella Gertrude Andover. Reynolds, Daniel Webster Ward. Lewis, Addie Lena Alfred. Rogers, Ernst William Amity. Mce(.ormick, Sarah ElizabethGreenwood. Ruediger, John Max Brooklyn. McCray, Charlotte Isabelle' Bay City, Mich. Seager, Lely Daniel Jefferson, Ohio. McKeon, Theresa West'Union. Shaw, Henry James Angelica. McKinley, Kate Jane West Union. Smith, Christian Grove. McKinley, Maggie West Union. Steyner, John Frederick Olean. Ordway, Jennie, Jasper. Titsworth, William Alfred. Palmer, Ettie West Almond. Van Orsdale, Fitch Henry Jasper. Patten, Sarah Jane Hornellsville. Vars, Oliver Ellsworth Westerly, R. I. Ross, Ida P. Wellsville. Whitford, Fremont Schuy- Satterlee, Estella Sarah Alfred. ler; Hornellsville. Saunders, Lois Portville. Williams, William Alfred. Sheldon, Clara Alba Albion, Wis. Gentlemen, 65. Sisson, Gertrude Alfred. LADIES. Spaulding, Lilian Amanda Belmont. Baker, Alice Mary Angelica. Thomas, Minnie Alfred. Baker, Julia West Almond. - I Warner, Julia Mac Little Rock, Ark. Baker, Catherine' Alfred. Wilhelm, Mattie May Alfred. Barnetson, Esther Angeline Angelica. Williams, Geraldine ElizaBarnetson, Sophia Angelica. beth Hartsville. Barnetson, Jennie West Almond. Woodworth, Marietta GeorBassett, Lottie Alfred. gianna Hartsville. Bennehoff, Effie Gertrude Portville. Ladies, 51. Benton, Lottie R. Raymond, Pa. Total - - 116. 70 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. TERaM YEARLY AVERAGE MATRICU- AVERAGE REGISTERS. ATTENDANCE. ATTENDANCE. LATES. AGE. YEARS. ~. - c;.- t,; 1H z 14 H T'''',-;.. 1836-37 15 22,- 37 15 22 37 15 22 37 15 22 37 195 18. 18.8 1837-38- 20 24 44 20 24 44 20 24 44 15 21 3610 19.4118.218. 1838-39 72 67139 381 42 80 24 22 46 27 40 67 18. 17.617.8 1839-40 61 47 108 50 35 85 20 16 36 28 31 59 19. 18. 1.7.5 1840-411: 86 601146- 7 80 65 - 145 2S9 20 49 63 49 112 18.81'7.917.7 1841-42 116 77 193 101 70 171 37 24 61 54 38 92 18.6 17.5 17.6 1842-43 165 109 274 149 101 250 55 36 91 78 35113 18.4 17.81 8.1 1843-44 154 981 52 137 80 217 51 33 84 41 51 92119.4 16.6 18. 1844-45 199 1t5518 54 141 108 249 66 32 98 87 76 163 19.4116.9118.1 1845-46 255. 235 4901 169 16U 32) 85 78 163 90 105 195 t8.4 16 8 17.6 1846-47 334 2481582 240 192 432 111 83 194 131 87218 181.1 17.1 17.6 1847-48 372 281 6503 247 204 451 124 60 184 12i 113 239 8l.7 17;. l7.8 1848-49 327 219[546 243 153 396 76 73 149 127 90 117 19 4118.5118.9 1849-50 340 2551595 239 182 421 113 85 198 147 941241 18.5 17.6 18. 1850-51 340 241 081 249 180 429 113 80 193 13 0 88 > 18 18. 4 17. 8 18. 1 1851-52 320 25: 5738 226 170 396 107 84 191 116 82 198 18. 17. 17.5 1852-53 372 261 633 272 188 460 124 87 211 15, 99 256 19. 18.3 18.7 1853-54 306 275581 215 180 39 102 88 190 1210322818.5 17.9 18.2;1854-5'5 325 215 340 238- 149 387 -108 72 180 1425 67120919.21811 18.7 1855-56 859 235 594 243 176 419 120 79 199 139 88'27 18 4 17.2 17 8 1856-57 376 296 672 25,5 213 4691 125 98 2;2:2 140 85'25118.8 17.6 18.2 18,57-58 419 334 753 266 212, 4781 138 li 249 116 99 215[19.6 17 3118.4 1858-59 381 2641645. 268 196 4641 127 88 215 121 83204 19. 18.2 18.6 1859-60 331 283614 230 177 407 110 914 204 102 78180 818.8 17.9 18.4 1860-61| 3L8 2UI65 583 1 97 18:i 3801 106 88 194 81 581139 18.7 18.3 1861-62 21t9 187 406 145 142 287 73 62 13 57 76 133 18. 17. 6 17.8 1862-63 292 244 536 170 16I 337 98 81, 179 81 82 162119. 18. 18.5 1-863-64 294 2781572.1911 173 364 98 9381 191 081 86 1841 8.5 1 8. 18.3 1864-6,5 319 2331552 219 152 3871 106 781 184i 121 88209118.8 17. 618 2 1865-66 3731 221 594 166{ 123 2b' 124 74 198 118 78 1916 19. l7.4 18.2 1866-67 2i7 191 488 17 133I 306 o.9 64 163 90 63 153 18.6 18. 18 3 1867-68 260) 2121472 147 96 233 87 7158 57 59 1116 18.7 17.9 18.3 1868-6) 318 338 656 179 185 364 106 113 219 13 102 195 1. 17.7 17 3 1869-70 350 369719i 189 191 380 111 1723 240 81 )18. 17 17.5 1870-71 3*88 4261814 186 222 40b 12N1 142 1711 91 88179118.418.4118.4 1871-721 397 409u8061 193 218 411 1 3i 13(il 2i8 94 881182119. 18.81186 1872-73 467 341.8081 2f531 193 445 156 114{ 2i70 1(05 82.187118.717 918 1873-74 398 4011799, 214 235 449 183' 134 267 76 102 17819.318i.4 18.8 1874-75,4 43lo 3X86|d81o 237 207 444 143 1329 27 2 86 72 8 19.118 4 1875-76 384' 33 71 57' 04 184 3888 12'24 9525 9 47'10619.3 18 5 18' 9 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 71 The Institution is designed for both Gentlemen and Ladies, furnishing them equal facilities and granting them equal privileges. It has organized the following Departments: Primary, Preparatory, Grammar, Academic, Collegiate, and Theological. It has established the following Courses of Study: Teachers', Classical, Scientific, Literature, Theological, Industrial Mechanics, the Special Courses of Art and Music, Telegraphy, and an Elective. COURSES OF STUDY. P RI MARY D E P A RT M E NT. FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERM. -Reading from Chart and First Reader; Printing of Words: Counting and Writing of numbers to 50; Adding and Subtracting of small numbers with objects; Lessons in Color; Declamation, optional. SECOND TERM.-First Reader; Spelling in Reader. Printing Words; Writing numbers to 100; Adding and Subtracting with objects; Inventive Drawing; Color, producing secondaries; Oral Instruction; Declamation, optional. THIRD TERM. -Second Reader, with Spelling; Punctuation; Notation and Numeration to 1,000; Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying; Roman Numerals; Inventive Drawing; Color, tints and shades; Oral Instruction; Declamation, optional. SECOND- YEAR. FIRsT TERM. -Second Reader completed; Spelling in Reader; Oral Arithmetic; Roman Numerals completed; Inventive Drawing; Lessons with objects; Declamation. SECOND TERM. -Third Reader; Primary Speller; Oral Arithmetic; Lessons in Location; Drawing, lines, angles, and figures; Miscellaneous Lessons; Declamation. TRIRD TER-. Third Reader; Spelling; Oral Arithmetic; Oral Geography; Script lessons on board and slate; Lessons in Form; Declamation. '72 j ALFRED UNIVERSITY. THIRD YEAR. FIRST TERM.-Third Reader; Spelling; Abbreviations; Primary Arithmetic; Primary Geography; Writing onil slate and board; Object Lessons; Examinations; Declamation. SECOND TERM. -Third- Reader; Spelling; Primary Arithmetic; Primary Geography; Punctuation and Capitals; Writing; Drawing; Examinations; Declamation. THIRD TERM. -Fourth Reader; Spelling; Elements of Arithmetic through Division; Intermediate Geography; Writing; Drawing, General Exercises; Examinations; Declamation. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMEN T. FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERMA.-Fourth Reader; Spelling; Elements of Arithmetic; Intermediate Geography; Map Drawing; Writing, Spencerian; Oral Instruction; Declamation; Reviews, daily and weekly; Examinations, semi-monthly. SECOND TERM-. Fourth Reader; Spelling; Elements of Arithmetic; Intermediate Geography; Map Drawing; Writing; Exercises, with criticisms; Declamation; Reviews, daily and weekly; Written Examinations, semimonthly. THIRD TERM.-Fourth Reader; Spelling; Elements of Arithmetic; Intermediate Geography; Map Drawing;'Lessons in Composition; Exercises; Writing; Declamation; Reviews; Written Examinations, semi-monthly. SECOND YEAR. FIRST TERM. Fifth Reader; Spelling; Practical Arithmetic; Geography; Map Drawing; Grammar, oral; Composition; Penmanship; Exercises; Composition and Declamation; Examinations and Reviews as in previous year. SECOND TERM.-Fifth Reader; Spelling; Practical Arithmetic; Geography continued, Specimen Maps, monthly; Letter Writing; Elementary Grammar; Penmanship; Composition and Declamation; Exercises, Reviews, and Examinations. THIRD TERM.-Fifth Reader; Spelling; Practical Arithmetic to Percentage; Geography to Europe, Written Geographical Descriptions, Travels, etc.; Grammar, Elementary, completed; Civil Government, oral; Penmanship; Composition and Declamation; Exercises, Reviews, and Examinations. AOADEM I. DEPARTMENT. NORMAL OR TEACHERS' COURSE. FIRST YEAR. Intellectual Arithmetic; C Arithmietic, Practical, completed; D Arithmetic;'C Grammar; D Grammar; B Geography; Spelling; Etymology; Reading; Free Hand Drawing, Smith's System; Penmanship; Composition; Daily Reviews and Semi-monthly Examinations throughout the year. The foregoing studies come each term in the year. SECOND YEAR. FIST2 TEwqR.-E Aritlbmetic, Thomplson; E Gralmmnar.l*; Physircal Geongra AILFRED UNIVERSI'TY.: 73 phy; Methods in Language, Arithmetic, Geography, Object Lessons, and School Government; Free Hand Drawing. SECOND TERM.-A Algebra; Book-keeping; American History; Vocal Music; Methods in Language, Arithmetic, Geography, Object Lessons, and School Government; Inventive Drawing. THIRD TERM.-Algebra to Proportion; Physiology; Civil Government; Elocution; Methods in Language, Arithmetic, Geography, Object Lessons, and School Government; Perspective Drawing. THIRD YEAR. FIRST TERM. —Geometry; Rhetoric; Natural Philosophy; Elocution; Methods in Language, Arithmetic, Geography, Object Lessons, and School Government; Industrial and Perspective Drawing. SECOND TERM. C Algebra; Chemistry; Methods in Language, Arithmetic, Geography, Object Lessons, and School Government. THIRD TERM. -Psychology; Ethics; Zoology or Geology; Botany; Didactics.CLASSICAL DIVISION. FIRST YEAR. FIRsT TERMI.-Latin Lessons; E Arithmetic; E Grammar. SECOND TERM.-Latin Lessons, continued (through Academic Course); American History; Book-keeping. THIRD TERA.-Cewsar; Latin Grammar; Greek Grammar and Lessons, First Book; Civil Government; Elocution. SECOND YEAR. FIRST TERM. -Cicero's Select Orations; First Greek. Book, continued; Algebra begun. SECOND TERM.-Virgil; Anabasis; Greek Grammar throughout the year; Algebra to Proportion. THIRD TERM. -Virgil, continued; Anabasis, continued; Roman History. C LASBSI-CAL COOURSE. FRESHMAN YEAR. FIRST TERM. -Livy; Memorabilia; Algebra, completed. SECOND TERM.-Cicero de Senectute et Amicitia; Plane Geometry; Homer's Iliad. THIRD TEnM.-Tacitus' Germania et Agricola; Selections from Greek Authors;- Solid Geometry and Conic Sections to Hyperbola; Physiology. Latin Prose Composition, throughout the year. Greek Prose Composition, two terms. SOPHOMORE YEAR. FIRST TEEM. -Selections from Greek Authors;. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Hyperbola; Rhetoric. SECOND TEniM-Horace, Odes'; Selections frcom Greek Authors; Elocution. THIRD TERM. -General History; Surveying and Navigation; Botany. 74 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. C oU R SE IN. S CIENoE A N D L ITERAT U R E. FRESHMAN YEAR. FIRST TERM..- Algebra completed; French Grammar commenced; Chemistry. SECOND TERM.-Plane Geometry; French Grammar and Reader continnued; Natural Philosophy; Elocution. THIRD TERM.-Solid Geometry and Conic Sections to Hyperbola; Picciola or Corinne; Physiology; Elocution. SOPHOMORE YEAR. FIRST TERM.-Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Hyperbola; Racine, Grammar completed; Rhetoric. SECOND TERM.-Louis XIV., Grammaire Frahgaise; German Grammar commenced; History. THIRD TERM.-German Grammar continued; German Reader; Botany. ELECTIVE STUDIES.-Analytical Chemistry; Music; Painting; Drawing, Elementary Principles; Anglo-Saxon and Early English; Constitution and Political History of the United States; Advanced Anatomy and Physiology. OUR S E S CO M B INED. JUNIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM.-Horace, Satires-or Wilhelm Tell, or Jungfrau von Orleans; Astronomy. SECOND TERM-.-DC Corona-or Faust and German Composition; Law. THIRD TERM.-Psychology begun; Zoology. ELECTIVE STUDIES. -Analytical Geometry; Anglo-Saxon and Early English continued; Mechanical Drawing and Perspective Architectural Draughting; Painting and Music continued; Political Economy; Rhetoric continued; Modern Languages continued; Hebrew; Clcero de OftHciis; Mineralogy: Surveying. SENIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM.-Psychology completed; Logic. SECOND TERM.-Ethics; Theology, Evidences. THIRly TERM,-Esthetics; Geology; History and Philosophy of Civilization. ELECTIVE $TUDIES.-Greek Testament; Plato; Latin; Mathematics —Calculus, Astronomy; Hebrew; History; Archaeology; Cohchology; Entomology; Palaeontology; Rational Psychology; Mechanics; Lecture on Scientific Agriculture; all the Mathematics required in the.Scientific Course. C0 URSE S OF INDUSTRIAL M E 0H A N I 0 S. I. A Course in Mechanical Drawing, continuing through one year, and open to all students without restriction. FIRST. TERMs.-Elementary Principles of Mechanical Drawing, Perspective. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 75 SECOND. TERM.- Perspective continued, Architectural Drawing. THIRD TERM. -Machine Drawing. II. A Course extending through two years, followed by a Diploma bearing the seal of the University. REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRANCE. Same as for the Scientific Course, together with the Mathematical studies of the Freshman Year. FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERM.-Trigonometry; Physics; Elements of Mechanical Drawing, Perspective. SECOND TERM.-Analytical Geometry; Physics continued; Perspective continued, Architectural Drawing. THIRD TERM. —Calculus; Physics completed, Mechanics begun; Machine Drawing. SECOND YEAR. FI,,ST TERM.-Mechanics completed; Descriptive Geometry, with Drawings; Mlechanismiu and Machinery of Transmission. [Transmission of motion by Link-work, Wrapping connectors, Wheelwork, Sliding contact, Wheels and Pulleys, Toothed Wheels, Spur Gearing; Pitch of Wheels, Teeth of Wheels, Bevel Wheels, Skew Bevels, Worm and Wheel, Strength of Teeth, Strength and Proportions of Shafts, Couplings, Disengaging and Re-engaging Gear, Hangers, Plummer Blocks, &c.; Main Shafts.] SECOND TEH-M.-Elementary Application of Mechanics in the construction of Machines-Lectures; Descriptive Geometry completed, Shades and Shadows; Machine Drawing. TErHT) TERIM.-Strength of Materials; Theory of the Construction of the Steam Engine; Machine Drawing, Shading and Tinting. III. A Course extending through three years, followed by the Degree, B. S. [The First and Second Years the same as above.] THIRD YEAR. FIRST TERM.-Analytical Geometry of three Dimensions, and application of Calculus in the Theory of Machines; Applied Mechanics; Isometrical Drawing. I SECOND TERM.-The Mechanical Theory of Heat; Applied Mechanics continued; Machine Drawing, from Models. THIIRD TERM.-Applied Mechanics -completed; Machine Drawings, Original Designs.: T' E O L O G IOC A L D E P A R T M E N T. ADMISSION. This Department is open for the admission of students from every denominationl of Christians. Every student applying for admission must be prepared to produce a certificate of good standing in some evangelical church. The academic year consists of three terms, corresponding with the terms of | College instruction. The public examninations at the close of each term. 76 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. COURSE OF STUDY. The regular course of theological study in this Department occupies three full years. The general order of study in the different departments of Theology is as follows: JUNIOR YEAR. Biblical. Hebrew Grammar aid Exercises;.Portions of the Pentateuch and Psalms in Hebrew; Lectures on Introduction to the New Testament; Exegesis of the Four Gospels in the Greek Harmony. Theological. Theology, as based on the Nature and Laws of Mind; the Evidences of Christianity, Inspiration and.Canon of the Scriptures; the Introduction to Theology, God's nature, attributes, and works. Historical. Lectures on the History of the World before Christ; Life of Christ. Homiletical. Lectures on Pastoral Theology. MIDDLE YEAR. Biblical. Hebrew Exeqesis, Isaiah; Greek Exegesis, Epistles of the New Testament. Theological. Anthropology, including the Doctrine of Sin. fHomiletical. Lectures on the Constitution and.Mission of the Church. Historical. History of the Apostolic Church, aid Ecclesiastical History to the Council of Nice, 325 A. D. SENIOR YEAR. Biblical. Hebrew Exegesis. continued; Greek Exegesis, Epistles of the New Testament. Theological. Christology, including the Doctrine of Redemption. Eschatology. Lectures on the Sabbath, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper. Historical. The General History of the Church from the fourth century to the present time. Homiletical. Lectures on the Compositiont and Delivery! of Sermons, with Exercises. [No charge for tuition or room-rent, for those rooming in the College buildings, is made for students who are studying -in this Department with a design to enter -the ministry. There is already a well selected Theological Library, to which valuable additions will be made as fast as possible. There are constant -opportunities for students to engage in labor, with small congregations and Sabbath Schools, and thus not only to do good service for others, but become the recipients of aid. There are also measures instituted for the purpose of aiding such as may need pecuniary assistance. No possible means or labor will be spared, on the part of the Facuilty, to meet all the appointments in this Department.] CON SERVATORY OF MUSIC., The Conservatory is established for the purpose of giving the pupil such aniacquaintance with the fundamental principles of NMusic, such use of the Piano and Organ, and such skill in reading and composing, and mastery of the voice, as will render future attainments possible and easy. COURSES OF STUDY. For the present there will be the following Courses of Study: Harmony and Theory, Cultivation of the Voice, Piano Forte, and Organ. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 77 Harmony and Theory. This course comprises a thorough knowledge of all the major and minor scales, intervals and their inversions, chords and their preparations and resolutions, part writing, modulation, chorale, single and double counterpoint, and analysis of musical works. Cultivation of the Voice. A thorough knowledge of the vocal organs, anatomical and physiological, with their structural relations, and an even and correct development of the voice, will occupy the first attention. The drill in Solfeggios, Vocalises, and other technical exercises, will be persistent and thorough. The works used at present are J. Concone's Lemon de Chant, Vocalises, and Solfeggi; also, Madam Seiler and Sig. Mazzoni, Selections from German and Italian Operas, and Pieces of standard composers, with Lectures in Harmony and Theory, French and Latin; or German and Latin, or French and German. Piano Forte. This course extends through four years. The first year may be regarded as preparatory. Students having thoroughly mastered the previous parts of the course may take an advanced standing at the beginning of any year. FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERI.-Correct position of hands and fingers; Mason & Hoadly's Piano Forte System. SECOND TERMI.-Mason & Hoadly's Piano Forte System continued. THIRD TERM,.-Mason & Hoadly's Piano Forte System completed; Duvernoy's Etudes in Mechanism, op. 120, 7 numbers. SECOND YEAR. FIRST TERII.-Duvernoy's Etudes continued, 8 numbers; Czerny, op. 636, 3 books; Krause, op. 2, 2 books. SECOND TERM. -Heller, op. 46, 2 books; Spindler, op. 141; 5 books; Czerny, op. 297, 3 books; Heller, op. 45. THIRD TERM. -Heller, op. 16; Jensen, op. 32, 3 books; Cramer's Fifty Studies commenced. THIRD YEAR.. FIRST TERnrI.-Cramer's Fifty Studies continued; Pieces. SECOND T:ERI.-Cramer's Fifty Studies concluded; Clementi's Gradus ad Parnasum; Pieces. THIRD TERMIX.-Czerny, op. 740, 6 books, together with selections from standard composers. FOURTH YEAR. FIRST TER.M.-1Mayer, op. 305, 12 numbers; Moscheles, op. 70, 2 books; Sonatas, Clementi. SECOND TERM.-Sonatas, Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven; Selections from standard composers. THIRD TERlM.-Selections from Mendelssohn, Chopin, and other classical authors. Orgai.-Buck's Organ School, First Five Books; Buck's Studies in Pedal Phrasing; Preludes, with Obligato, by Bach; Lemmeu's Organ School, Part Second; The Organist, by Southard and Whiting; MIendelssohn's Six Sonatas, Three Preludes, and Fugues. This course includes the Cabinet Organ; L. O. Emerson's Method with such Etudes and selections from authors as shall be considered necessary to give the pupil a thorough knowledge of all music intended for the Cabinet Organ. 7 8 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. Graduation.-Graduates of College who shall have completed any one of the above courses satisfactorily, will be awarded a Diploma from the University. Pupils other than college graduates can receive a Diploma on having satisfactorily completed one of the above courses, provided they have passed successfully the New York State Regents' Examinations, and have mastered two Modern Languages, or Latin and one Modern Language. DEGREES. Students who have sustained a good moral character, and satisfactorily completed either of the prescribed Courses, will be admitted to a Degree, the Degree corresponding to the Course, as follows: BACHELOR OF ARTS, for the Classical Course; LAUREATE OF AhTS, BACHELOR OF SCIENCE or PHILOSOPHY, determined by the Electives of the Literary and Scientific Course; BACHELOR OF INDUSTIRIAL MECHANICS, for the Course of Industrial Mechanics; BACHELOR or LAUHEATE OF EDUCATION, for the Normal or Teachers' Course. The Advanced Degrees of A. M., S. M., Ph. M., M. I. M., and E. M. are conferred, in course, upon such as are entitled to them. Students who have satisfactorily completed all the courses in the Conservatory of Music will, if graduates of any College of Arts, receive the degree of BACHELOR OF MUSIC. ALFRED UNIVERSI'rY. 79 LOCATION. The Institution is located at Alfred, Allegany Co., N. Y., two miles from the-Alfred Depot of the Erie Railway. The location is retired and healthy-in a rural district, surrounded by delightful scenery, amid a people of integrity, and of industrious and unobtrusive habits. Students are not exposed here to many of the ordinary allurements to vice and dissipation. Few spots are so well adapted to the quiet and successful pursuit of Spience and Literature as the village of Alfred. GOVERNMENT. Parents who place'their children in this Institution, and all Students who ar'e sufficiently old to understand the necessity of order, can not be too well assured that the following regulatidons form the most essential part of the contract between them and us and that whatever student wantonly violates them, and shows himself incorrigibly determined on pursuing his waywardness, will be expelled from the privileges of the Institution. SUMMAARY OF REGULATIONS. REQUISITIONS. 1. Registry of name, and satisfactory arrangements with regard to rooms and board. 2. Payment or security of bills in advance. 3. Punctuality in attending all regular academic exercises, and faithf ul observance of study hours. 4. Faithful observance of temporary prudential rules. 5. Faithful observance of one's Sabbath. 6. Infocmation, if asked, concerning delinquencies or misconduct of others.7. Free access of any teacher to the rooms of students. 8. Habits of good order and propriety at all times and places. PROHIBITIONS. 1 s. Unpermitted association of ladies and gentlemen. 80 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 2. Visiting at improper times or places. 3. The use of tobacco or intoxicating drinks. 4. Games of chance, profane or obscene language. 5. Changing or dropping a study without permission. 6. Leaving school or village without permission. 7. Absence from examination. 8. All disorder and impropriety of conduct. REGULAR ACADEMIC EXERCISES. The regular exercises, which all the students will be required to attend, unless especially excused, are chapel exercises each: day during the term; Recitations, from two to four, five days each week, from Monday morning till Friday evening: Regular exercises in Composition, Declamation, Spelling, Reading, and Writing; Literary, Scientific, and Moral Lectures, by the Faculty; Public worship, each week, either on Saturday or Sunday, and Bible class, according as the students may be in the habit of attending public worship, either on the seventh or the first day of the week. ROOMS AND BOARD. The University Hall contains the Boarding Department, and rooms for the accommodation of about one hundred students, besides rooms for Professors and their families. and also Society, Music, and Paint bRooms. Rooms for ladies are furnished and carpeted, with a sleeping room adjoining each. The Hall is under the immediate supervision of the Faculty. There is also abundant accommodation for rooming and boarding in private families. EXPENSES. Tuition and Incidentals in Primary Department and Preparatory - $6 00...".; Grammar and Provisional Academic 8 00.." -. Higher Departments - - - - 10 00 Board - - - - - $30 00 to 40 00 Room - 3 00 to 6 00 Fuel - - - - 00 to 6 00 Washing -. 200 to 3 00 EXTRAS. Oil Painting - - $10 00 Drawing - - - - - - - - - - - 2 00 Surveying-Use of Instruments - - - 1 00 Graduation Fee - - - - - -- 5 00 Piano, Cabinet Organ, etc., each - - - - - - 10 00 Cultivation of Voice, Harmony, &c., in classes - - $6 00 to 8 00 Cultivation of Voice, Harmony, &c., private lessons - - 14 00 Elementary VTocal Music, classes - - - - 1 to 00 Use of Piano, per hour - - - - - - 2 00 to 3 00 Telegraphy, one term - - - - - - - - 3 00 Telegraphy, full course - 25 00 1. All bills must be paid in advance.'2. In case of absence, no deduction will be made on tuition bills as arranged, except in cases of absence from sickness, and then not more than one-half of the full bill: and no deduction in board bill, except in cases of sickness or leaving to teach. 3. Parents and Guardians are earnestly solicited not to furnish money to be squandered on useless and frivolous things, nor permit their children or ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 81 wards to contract debts for the same, thus laying the foundation for extravagant and reckless habits. SOCIETIES. The Alleghanian, the Orophilian, the Alfriedian, and the Athenian are the permanently organized Societies of the Institution. They are managed with ability, and are important aids to those who are desirous of becoming good writers and speakers. CABINETS. Respectable collections have already been made in Archieology, Paleontology, and several departments of Natural History. These, together with other collections offered to the University, as soon as an appropriate building is provided for them, will be properly arranged and moved in the Museum of Kenyon Memorial Hall, now in progress of erection. OBSERVATORY. The object of the Observatory is two-fold, viz., to facilitate instruction in Astronomy,) and to perform'such astronomical work as time, limited by classroom duties, will allow. The'Observatory building consists of a circular room surmounted by a revolving dome 19 feet in diameter, a computing room 12x13, a prime vertical room 12x13, a transit room 12x20, and a clock room 8x20. The Observatory is furnished with the following instruments: I. An equatorial refracting telescope, by Henry Fitz, with an object glass. of 9 inch clear aperture, and 9.5 feet focus. II. A meridian circle, by Winm. J. Young, with an object glass by Merz & Mahler, Germany, of 3.25 inch clear aperture, and 4.5 feet focus. The circle is'20 inches in diameter, and reads by 4 verniers to 3 seconds of space. III. A siderial chronometer. IV. A filar micrometer. Value, $125. Students in Astronomy have the privileges of the Observatory without extra charge. LIBRARY. The Institution Library consists of'a choice selection of Histories, Biographies, Greek and Latin Classics, Mathematical and Scientific works, and standard English Literature. Additions are made to it yearly. GYMNASIUM. The Gymnasium Association have recently erected a beautiful building on the Institution grounds, for gymnastic exercise, where will be found the proper apparatus for use. CALENDAR.-1877-8. Fall Term begins Wednesday, Sept. 5, 1877. Winter Term begins Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1877. Spring Term begins Wednesday, April 3, 1878. Annivelsary of Literary Societies, Monday and Tuesday, July 1 and 2, 1878. Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Trustees, Tuesday, July 2, 1878. Commencement, Wednesday, July 3, 1878. Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association, Wednesday afternoon and evening, July 3, 1878. The Terms continue thirteen weeks. 82 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. THE INSTITUTION AND THE PUBLIC. The Trustees of the Institution, in presenting this their General Catalogue to the public, would return their acknowledgments for the marked favor and liberal patronage received frmn its numerous friends and patrons. Their highest ambition and only object have been to found an institution that shall bless the church and the world. They have appreciated the necessity of laying the foundation of intellectual and moral attainments and discipline upon a broad and permanent basis: and they have endeavored to provide the appliances and facilities for securing these objects. They labor to send forth young men and women so educated as to qualify them for the realities and responsibilities of, active life.