CCA11 is well." —BISHOP M'KENDREE. THE SEVENTH TRIJNNIAL CATALOGUE or'KENDREE COLLEG-]. 185$8 9. LE:B: A NOI JN, I L. 1 ST. LOUIS: R. P. STUDLEY, PRINTER AND BINDER, CORNER OF MAIN AND OLIVE; TREETS. 1858. U C 0 RP 0 RAT _AT 0 N. CHARTER TRUSTEES. SAMUEL H. THOMPSON, NATHAN HORNER, WILLIAM WILSON, BENJAMIN T. CAVANAUGH, THORNTON PEEPLES, THEOPHILUS M. NICHOLS, JOHN S. BARGER, CRISPIN CUNNINGHAM, BENJAMIN HYPES, JOHN HOGAN, HIRAM K. ASHLEY, JESSE RENFRO, JOSHUA BARNES, BENJAMIN BOND, JAMES RIGGIN, A. M. JENKINS. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. PRESIDE NTS. ACCESSUS. EXITUS. 1835 REV. SAMUEL H. THOMPSON, 1835 1835 REV. THORNTON PEEPLES, 1840 1840 REV. SAMUEL H. THOMPSON, 1841 1841 REV. CRISPIN CUNNINGHAM, 1843 1844 REV. WILLIAM MOORE, 1846 1846 REV. G. WV. ROBINS, 1848 1848 REV. WILLIAM MOORE, 1850 1850 REV. C. D. JAMES, 1851 1851 REV. J. B. CORRINGTON, 1855 1855 REV. JOHN VAN CLEVE. SECa R E tAR IE S. 1835 JAMES RIGGIN, 1837 1837 JOHN S. BARGER, 1840 1840 A. M. JENKINS, 1841 1841 H. K. ASHLEY, 1841 1841 J. W. SUNDERLAND, 1843 4 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. ACCESSUS. EXITITS. 1843 H. K. ASHLEY, 1846 1846 G. L. ROBERTS, 1848 1848 WILLIAM GOODFELLOW, 1852 1852 JAMES LEATON, 1853 1853 WV. B. RIGGIN, 1856 1856 G. G. JONES, 1857 1857 O. V. JONES. TREASURERS. 1835 JOSEPH FOULKS, 1836 1836 BENJAMIN HYPES. AU D IT 0 R S. 1835 BENJAMIN HYPES, 1836 1836 A. W. CASAD, 1837 1837 J. W. SUNDERLAND, 1839 1839 H. K. ASHLEY, 1840 1840 J. W. SUNDERLAND, 1844 1844 H. K. ASHLEY, 1845 1845 DAVIS GOHEEN, 1849 1849 H. H. HORNER, 1851 1851 A. \W. CUMMINGS, 1852 1852 H. H. HORNER, 1857 1857 JAMES RANKIN. FISCAL AGENTS. 1835 JOHN DEW, 1835 1836 J. W. MERRILL, 1837 1837 J. W. SUNDERLAND, 1843 1844 DAVIS GOHEEN, 1847 1847 A. W. CUMMINGS, 1851 1851 JAMES LEATON, 1852 1852 R. Z. MASON, 1854 1854 R. M. MOORE, 1857 1857 W. R. DAVIS, 1858 1858 R. M. MOORE. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 5 PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE. ACCESSUS. EXITUS. 1835 REV. PETER AKERS, M. A., D. D., 1835 1835 REV. JOHN DEW, 1837 1838 REV. JOHN W. MERRILL, M. A., D. D., 1841 1841 REV. JAMES C. FINLEY, M. A., M. D., 1845 1845 REV. PETER AKERS, M. A., D. D., 1846 1846 REV. ERASTUS WENTWORTH, M. A., D. D., 1850 1850 REV. ANSON W. CUMMINGS, M. A., D. D., 1852 1852 REV. PETER AKERS, M. A., D. D., 1857 1858 REV. NELSON E. COBLEIGH, M. A. PR 0 F ES SO R S. MORAL SCIENCE AND BELLES-LETTRES. 1835 REV. PETER AKERS, M. A., D. D., 1835 1835 REV. JOHN DEW, 1837 1838 REV. JOHN W. MERRILL, M. A., D. D., 1841 1841 REV. JAMES C. FINLEY, M. A., M. D., 1845 1846 REV. ERASTUS WENTWORTH, M. A., D. D., 1850 1850 REV. A. W. CUMMINGS, M. A., D. D., 1852 1852 REV. PETER AKERS, M. A., D. D. ANCIENT LANGrUAGES AND LITERATURE. 1836 ANNIS MERRILL, M. A., 1841 1841 REV. J. C. FINLEY, M. A., 1844 1844 H. H. HORNER, M. A., 1845 1845 REV. G. L. ROBERTS, M. A., 1846 1816 REV. SPENCER MATTISON, M. A., 1852 1852 ORAN FAVILLE, M. A., 1853 1853 REV. N. E. COBLEIGH, M. A., 1854 1854 REV. G. G. JONES, M. A., 1857 1857 SAMUEL W. WILLIAMS, M. A., 1858 1858 ALBERT A. SCOTT, M. A. 6 M'KEND1IEE COLLEGE. MATHEIMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOP]IY. ACCESSIJS. EXITUS. 1836 JAMES W. SUNDERLAND, M. A., 1845 1845 JOHN L. SCRIPPS, M. A., 1846 1846 REV. A. W. CUMMINGS, M. A., D. D., 1850 1851 REV. R. Z. MASON, M. A., 1854 1854 REV. E. C. MERRICK, M. A., 1855 ITATHEFIYATICS AND ASTRONOMY. R. M. MOORE, M. A. NATURAL SCIENCE. 1851 REV. JAMES LEATON, M. A., 1852 1854 REV. WERTER R. DAVIS, M. A., 1858 1858 REV. FRANKLIN 0. BLAIR, M. A. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OFP MATHEEMATICS AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1858 REV. OLIVER V. JONES, M. A. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF LATIN. 1858 SAMUEL H. DENEEN, M. A. T U T O R S. LANGUAGES. 1840 ELI ROBINSON, A. B., 1843 1849 NEWTON WILLIAMS, A. B., 1850 1849 R. M. MOORE, A. M., 1855 1855 S. H DENEEN, A. M., 1858 MIATRHEMIATICS. 1849 W. S. POPE, A. M., 1853 1853 0. V. JONES, A. M., 1858 NATURAL SCIENCE. 1849 W. HI. CORRINGTON, A. M. 1851 ASSISTANTS. 1837 WESLEY BENETT, 1838 1839 ORAMEL CURTISS, 1840 1839 JOHNSON PIERSON, A. B., 1840 1847 FRANCIS SPAULDING, 1848 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 7 ACCESSUS. EXITUS. 1847 H. C. TALBOTT, B. S., 1848 1848 R. ANDRUS, A. M., 1849 1852 JOHN I. RINAKER, B. S., 1853 rlTEACH-IER:S IN GERMAN. 1848 MICHAEL MUMMERT, 1850 1851 HENRY FIEBIG, 1852 1853 LAWRENCE BEIMER, 1854 1855 REV. GALLUJS RUTZ. 1856 PRINC(IPALS OF' rl'-IE PREPARATOCRY DEPARTMENT. 1837 REV. JOHN S. BARGER, 1838 1838 STEPHEN HART, 1839 1839 REV. N. S. BASTIAN, 1840 1840 ORAMEL CURTISS, 1845 1846 REV. WILLIAM GOODFELLOW, A. M., 1850 L. I B R AR t AN S. 1836 J. W. SUNDERLAND, 1845 1845 G. L. ROBERTS, 1846 1846 SPENCER MATTISON, 1852 1852 0. FAVILLE, 1853 1853 N. E. COBLEIGH, 1854 1854 G. G. JONES, 1857 1857 S. W. WILLIAMS, 1858 1858 S. H. DENEEN. 8 M' KENDREE COLLEGE. 18 4:0. - O F. A. SNYDER, A. B. T. 1)D. R. Trotter, M. A., J. H. HALLUMB, M. A., M. D. Professor of Languzages in th7e Ill. Co. *JAMES M'ALLISTER, M. A. Femncale College. FIRA WAKEFIELD, A. B. LEwis DWIGHT, M. A. JOHN L. ScnI s, M. A., 1 S -, A1. R. F. CUnNINGIhAm, M. A., M. D. Ji-N L. ScRipps, M. A.,. A.,. D. Profrssor of iflathenlatics in J'Ken*JEREMIAH JOHNSON, A. B. dree College. JOHNSON PIERSON, M. A., Tutor in A1'Kendree College. 1 S 4 5. H. H. HORNER, M. A., FREDERICK SPIES, M. A. Prof. of Lang. in Si'Kendree College. W. T. Luckey, M. A., Pres, of Howard High School. Mo. 18 7.:ELI ROBINSON, M. A., Tutor in'Kendree College. W. L. Deneen, B. S. WILLIAM WEER, M. A. 1 8 -4' 2. T. 0. HARRISON, B. S. L. W. BROWN, M. A. C. G. HARRISON, B. S. J. 1-I. lMoore, M. A., *G. L. PHELPS, B. S. Principal oqf Quincy Academy, Il... TALBOTT, B. S. G. L. Roberts, M. A., Tuztor in 41f'Vendree College. Prof. of Lang. in Jf'ITendree7 College. *S. K. THOMAS, B. S. *THOMAS A. BRADFORD, M. A. DANIEL WHITE, B. S. Nathan Scarritt, M. A., G. H. HOLLIDAY, M. A. President Central College, -~o. J. H. ROBERTS, M. A. 1843. THORAS DOLRY, M. A. President of Illinois Conference FeJ. R. M. GASKILL, M. A., M. D. male College. W. H. SNYDER, M. A. S. L. BRYAN, M. A. I. _ M'KENI)REE COLLEGE. 9 ROBERT DOLLAHON, M. A. C. W. JEROME, M. A., Hiram Sears, NEM. A. Principal of Shelby Academy, Ill. W. H. CORRINGTON, B. S.,JOH LEP, B. S. Tutor in'liKendree College. WESLEY DAVIDSON, B. S. 1 8 5 3. JOSEPH DRIERY, B. S. JOHN S. DENNY, B. S., T. A. Eaton, B. S. Principcal of Nas7sille Academy, Ill. J. T. Foster, B. S. SAMUEL L. FOSTER, B. S. J. N. KING, B. S. G. W. CALDWELL, M. A. W. W. KING, B. S. W. H. CORRINGTON, M. A., T. 0. SPRINGER, B. S. President Southern Ill. Conference Temnale College. W. S. Pope B. S. Female ollege. T.Stor in Mi.endree, College. ALONZO THOMPSON, M. A. O. V. Jones, M. A., 1 8 5 0 Tutor of il/athenatics, and Adjunct Prof of ~Mathematics and Eng. S. M. MARTIN, B. S., Literatusre in M!'KLendree College. Principal of Canton Acades, y, ho. Thomas N.' Corkle M. A., W. M'K. M'Elfres7h, B. S. "'"Prtncipal qf Vintons Academy, Ill. JAMES H. RIGGIN, B. S. J. T. 1bonlin, M. A., R. NE. MOORE, M. A., Prof% of Natlsrsal Science, Pennington R.'~' Moo M. A.,Academy, N. J., rand Prof. Nat. Prof qf Mathematics in X~'iendree College. Sciene Il. Wee. University. Science 1Il. Wes. {rniverzity. W. A. J. SPARIS, B. S. *Newton Williams, A. B., Tator in Xif'Kendree College. JOSEPH BUTLER, B. S. S1 5 1. LEWIS NM. PHILLIPS, B. S. THOMAS S. CASEY, M. A. THOMAS J. CALDWELL, M. A., STEPHEN wF. CORRINGTON, NM. A. Teacher in the Dec' and Dumb S.- L.- EDWARDS, NE. A. Asyluss, Jae'ysonv)ille, lll. RISDON M. DENEEN, NE. A. *W. B. RIGGIN, M. A., M. D. S. H. DENEEN, M. A., NINIAN 3. iPRIMM,.B. S., B. L. Tutor qf Languages, and AjuLunct ALEXANDER VAN WINKLE, B. S. Prof of Latin in 3'iKendclree JOHN I. RINAKER, B. S. Colle ge. I. N. HIGGINS, M. A. 1352. HENRY C. FIIKE, M. A., 1856. Principal of Mascoutalh Academy. C. C. BURROUGHS, B. S. W. S. Pope, A. MN., Professor of lfafcthematics in Rock Rives Seminary, Ill. FRED. J. HESLOP, A. B. W. C. JONES, M. A. JOHN HILL, B. S. 10 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. I]). S. KENNEDY, A. B. J. H. MATTHEWIIS, A. B. J. S. 1foole, A. B. L. M. PHIILLIPS, A. B. T. A. PARtxl ER, A. B. D. H. PORTER, B. S. ISkIAHi STICKEL, A. B. S. O. BONNER, B. S. PAe-idolt Ma1 87all (R,)l,/le. J. W. BRoCK, B. S. TIIOMIAS ESSEX, A. B. W. H. C P, B.S. T)ANIEL KERR, B. S.,W. H. CO()PP, B. S. J. W. VAN CLrVE, B. S. M'I(ENDREE COLLEGE. 1I Vom qarq egrees rn4rered bj flit doflege. 1 S (3 9 D..M. CooPER, A. M1., M. D., REV. PETER AKERS, M. A.,. D. I) ea of the ilculty, rfedilc l (,oIle/, President ~'lendclhee College. REV. W:I. M. DAILEY, A. 11. 8 1 5 3. President Indiana University. REV. JOHN IEUL, A. I., 1'8 4~ 1. PIrofi otinstraentacl; tezrsic, fMethodist REV. T. A. MORRIS, D. L)., Fesnale College, Joccsooile, Ii. Bishop qf fiethodist E. Curch. 1 8 4. 1 JS3 4. -REv. EDV. DAD Coore, A.M., D. D., REV. J. W. MERRILL, A. M.,. )., Pres. of Lar.oence U(niverZsity?, Wis. Prof. in, Biblical Institute, Concord, V. IL. JOHN RUSSELL, M. A., ~1( 4 Cl 5. Ialosniltovn Colege. REV. PETER CARTWRIGHT, D. 1[. 1 S t5. 1 4-1 7. RE1v. JlAS. G. BLAI:,R. A. M., 1). D., REV. D. D. LoRE, A. 1MA. T'ice-Piesidenlt qf Ohio University. REV. WVm. NAST, A. M., 1D. [D., J. S. HARA ISON, A. 11., M. D., Prossolr i, Asbubsry Uni&tversity, lad. Irof: of jliacteria 3ledica, Cincinnoati (olleg/e qte/krgerwy acnd 1~ied. REV. JOHN I)EIMPSTER, D. [)., 1 8 5 6. Pres. of Biblical Insstitute, Coscord, N. I RE11V. JA1~MES PORTER, 1). D). HON. A. C. FRENCH, LL. D. REV. W. H. SA.-MPSON, M, A., 1 8 5 0. Aj_.o't Prof Mslth. Lawr. encte UTzi,, 1Wi,. R JV. Jx;vrES H. BARGE, 3. A., JOHN JOIHNSTON, M. A., LL. D.,GER, Proqfessor qfo atural Science, Wfesleyan Ilinois Wes. U7,nitei'sity. University, Conn. C. M. STARIRD, A. M.ON. SELL, L. REV. JAsE's LEATO:N, A. M REVHoN. W. 3 D. B. SELTL, LL. 1., Prof: in l1'lsendree College, aznd Prin. of M/riWtta College. Marietta Uollege. M~ou~nt erson Academy, l REV. JOIHN ARRELL, ill. A. 18 1.O HR. R. SMITtI, M. A. REv.. C.. ERRYMAN, A. 1M., REv. WY'.. SHORT, M1. A., Principcal of Arcadlia A cadeeny, to. Illinois WIres. University. REv. DANIE L P. KIDDER, D. 9., Prtof: in Gaeirett Biblical ~Institu~te. 1 8 f 5. 1 8 5. HoN. JeUu. JuJ BAICER., M. A. REv.WM. C. LARnABEE,A.M.,LL. D., REV. JAEs B. CORRJN(TON, 1). 9. Prf. of'lat. in7 As7bzsry Univ;'y, Ia. REv. TA-OvIAS WIILLIAIMS, j. D. REv. W. W. MITCHETLL, A. 31~. REV. JOHN'VAN CLEVE, D. D9. 12 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. SUMMARY. Whole number who have received the degree of LL. D....... 4 Whole number who have received the degree of D. D.......... 13 Number who have received the degree of M. A., honoris causa... 25 Total.............................................. 42 Number who have received the degree of B. S....................35 Number who have received the degree of A. B.................. 62 Alumni................................................. 97 NoTE.-The above statistics may not be entirely correct. Those interested in the future editions of our Catalogue will confer a favor by informing us of any omissions which they may find in this. EXP IL _N Al TI O S. * Deceased. Names of clergymen are in italic. -I-l ANNUAL CATALOGUE. 1858-9. CO3RPORATION. OFFICERS OF THE JOINT BOARD. REV. JOHN VAN CLEVE, D. D., PRESIDENT. REV. OLIVER V. JONES, SECRETARY. BENJAMIN HYPES, TREASURER. JAMES RANKIN, AUDITOR. RISDON M. MOORE, FISCAL AGENT. EXECUTIVE COAMMITTEE. REV. NELSON E. COBLEI-GH, CHAIRM AN. JOSEPH HYPES, JAMES PADON, JAMES RANKIN, BENJAMIN HYPES. 16 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. REV. JOHN VAN CLEVE, D. D., DR. SAMUEL P. M'KEE, President, WILLIAM NICHOLS, EDWARD M. WEST, JAMES RANKIN, REV. JAS. B. CORRINGTON, D.D., REV. WILLIAM L. DENEEN, BENJAMIN HYPES, BENJAMIN J. WEST, REV. RICHARD RANDALL, DR. RICH'D F. CUNNINGHAM, NATHAN HORNER, JONATHAN MOORE, REV. CHARLES M. HOLLIDAY, CALVIN KINDER, THEOPHILUS M. NICHOLS, HENRY H. HORNER, HON. W. H. UNDERWOOD, BENJAMIN H. WEST, WILLLIAM G. GOHEEN, JESSE W. HEATH, HON. HENRY K. EATON, REV. DAVID CAUGHLIN, JAMES PADON, REV. CHARLES M'DONALD, REV. WM. W. MITCHELL, HON. A. C. FRENCH, LL.D., JOSEPH HYPES, JOHN L. SARGEANT, REV. JAMES A. ROBINSON, G. W. SEAMAN, ZENO SCOTT, H. McCOY, JOHN W. HYPES, REV. N. E. COBLEIGH, ex officio. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 1 COMMITTEE OF VISITORS. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS CONFERENCE. REV. SIMEON WALKER, REV. JOSEPH H. HOLLOWAY, REV. JOTHAM A. SCARRITT, REV. RICHARD J. NALL, REV. C. J. HOUTS, REV. JOHN W. LOWE, REV. GEORGE W. ROBBINS, REV. T. W. CHANDLER, REV. W. CLIFFE, REV. C. BABBITT, REV. JOHN W. CALDWELL, REV. J. H. HILL, REV. HIRAM SEARS, REV. J. HOLT, REV. JOSEPH EARP, REV. J. HAUSAM, REV. THOMAS A. EATON, REV. J. BOESHENZ, REV. NORMAN ALLYN, REV. D. HOLMES, REV. ALFRED BLISS, REV. T. F. HOUTS, REV. JOHN THATCHER, REV. I. M. STAGG, REV. MOSES SHEPHERD, REV. C. J. TOLLE, REV. NELSON HAWLEY, REV. A. B. NISBET, REV. JAMES JOHNSON, REV. J. G. D. PETTIJOHN, REV. ASAHEL L. RISLEY, REV. JOHN T. JOHNSON. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. REV. THOS. WILLIAMS, D.D., REV. SAMUEL HUFFMAN, REV. JOHN L. CONKLIN, REV. J. HAGEMAN. 18 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. EXAMINING COMMITTEE. HON. A. C. FRENCH, CHAIRMAN. REV. W. L. DENEEN, REV. D. HOLMES, REV. T. F. HOUTS, REV. J. EARP, REV. J. C. FINLEY, REV, H. SEARS, REV. J. BROOKS, H. ROIJNDTREE, ESQ., D. H. PORTER, REV. W. W. MITCHELL, REV. THOMAS WTILLIAMS, D. D. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 19 FACULTY. REV. NELSON E. COBLEIGH. A. M., PRESIDENT, AND PROFESSOR OF MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL SCIENCE. RISDON M. MOORE, A. M., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. REV. FRANKLIN O. BLAIR, A. M., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL SCIENCE. ALBERT A. SCOTT, A. M., PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND CLASSICAL LITERATURE. HON. AUGUSTUS C. FRENCH, LL. D., LECTURER ON LAW. REV. OLIVER V. JONES, A. M., ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. SAMUEL H. DENEEN, A. M., ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. RISDON M. MOORE, FISCAL AGENT. SAMUEL H. DENEEN, LIBRARIAN. 20 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. S Tt' UDfE N T S. SENIOR CLASS. NA MES. COURSE. RESID IINCE. MCKENDREE HYPES CHAMBERLAIN, Cl. Lebanon. LEMUEL CRAMP, SC. Shipman. JOSIAH McKENDREE CUMMINGS, Sc. Litchfield. MADISON MONROE GOODNER, C1. Nashville. CHARLES HANDSAKER, Cl. Alton City. WILLIAM HARTZELL, C1. Evansville. MONROE JOSHUA MILLER, Cl. Salisbury, N.C. JOHN S. NICHOLSON, Cl. Beardstown. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 21 JUNIOR CLASS. NAMES. COURSE. RESIDENCE. GEORGE PETER BRAHM, Sc. Petersburg. CHRISTOPHER C. CARPENTER, SC. M'Leansboro'. JOHN MCLEAN CHAMBERLIN, C1. Lebanon. WILLIAM LOCK CHAMBERS, C1. Waverly. JOHN HARDIN ECKERT, Sc. Lebanon. JOHN HENRY GUNN, Sc. Richview. WILLIAM HENRY HYPES, C1. Lebanon. WILLIAM HARRISON LINDLAY, SC. Waverly. JAMES NEVILLE, SC. Chester. JOHN SAMUEL PADON, Sc. Lebanon. JOSEPH TABER PARKER, Sc. Lebanon. THOMAS HENRY RICHIARDSON, SC. Shipman. OBADIAH SPENCE, Sc. Elm Grove. EBENEZER HIBBARD TOPPING, C1. Waverly. JOHN JAMES TURNER, SC. Freeburg. GEORGE WASHINGTON WILDERMAN, SC. Freeburg. 22i M'KENDREE COLLEGE. SOPHOMORE CLASS. NAMIES. COURSE. RESIDENCE. ALBERT FOUNTAIN AFFLECK, C1. Belleville. LEWIS CASS BORNMAN, C1. Belleville. JOHN BRYDEN, Sc. Monticello. JoHN MCREYNOLDS CHAMBERS, Cl. Waverly. JAMES NELSON DUNHAM, Sc. St. Louis, Mo. HOLLY RAPER GLENNY, C1. St. Louis, Mo. JOHN WEBSTER GREENE, C1. Concord. JOHN NEWTON GWIN, Sc. Robinson. ROBERT ALEXANDER HALBERT, C1. Belleville. CHARLES A.. HEARD, Sc. McLeansboro'. GEORGE WASHINGTON HE3ARD, SC. McLeansboro'. SAMUEL MARSHALL HEARD, Sc. McLeansboro'. ABRAHAM HORINE, Sc. Waterloo. CHARLES WALKER JOHNSON, C1. Pocahontas. HENRY LEWIS JUDD, Cl. Marine. SAMUEL LOCKWOOD MARSHALL, SC. McLeansboro'. WILLIAM DAVID MASTERSON, CU. Jacksonville. THOMAS JEFFERSON MCBRIDE, SC. Red Bud. DANIEL SULLIVAN OSBORN, C1. Lebanon. JOHN STRANGE PARKER, C1. Lebanon. JAMES MARION RADER, C1. O'Fallon. THOMAS B. SHORT, Sc. Springfield. CHRISTOPHER JOHN SLATEN, Sc. Grafton. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 23 FRESHMAN CLASS. NAMES. COURSE. RESIDENCE. MORGAN HURST BAILHACHE, Sc. Litchfield. SAMUEL BRADFORD, C1. Greenville. WILLIAM HENRY BURIrE, Sc. La Prairie. JOHN CALNAN, Sc. Hillsboro'. JOHN WESLEY CAVELL, Cl. Peru. ABRAHAM SETH CHALFIN, SC. Waterloo. NELSON SIMMONS COBLEIGH, C1. Lebanon. WILLIAM COSTELLO, Sc. Mascoutah. HENRY CUSHING, SC. Greenville. THOMAS WILLIAMS ECRERT, SC. Lebanon. VIRGINIUS COE GASKINS, C1. Greenville. JOSEPH E. GAUEN Cl. Waterloo. GEORGE WASHINGTON GRAHAM, Sc. Jacksonville. ANDREW JACKSON HOWARD, Sc. St. Jacobs. ALBERT HENRY JUDD, C1. Lebanon. JOHN JUDD, Sc. Pala Alto. JAMES EDWIN MARSHALL, C1. Centralia. THOMAS HENRY MASTERS, Cl. Petersburg. JAMES THOMPSON MCDONALD, SC. Lebonon. EDWIN NIXON, Sc. Waterloo. WILLIAM PARKER OLDEN, C1. Brighton. LUCIUS MARCUS OLDEN, C]. Brighton. JAMES BENTON PHIILLIPS, SC. Nashville. JOHN BARNETT RICHARDSON, C1. Shipman. 24 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. NAMES. OURBSE. RESIDENCE. JOHN S. ROARK, C1. Lawrenceville. WILLIAM BOWERS SHANNON, Sc. Cairo. JAMES SPENCE, Sc. Elm Grove. THOMAS JEFFERSON SPENCER, SC. Detroit, Mich. ROBERT ALDRICH STEPHENSON, C1. Edwardsville. DARIUS ALVAN SULLENS, Sc. Fenton, Mo. NATHAN BANGS SULLENS, Sc. Fenton, Mo. JOHN WEEDEN, Sc. Pulaski. WILLIAM HENRY WHITAKER, SC. Lebanon. PEACHY TALIAFERRO WILSON, C1. Fowler. WILLIAM ALBION YOUNG, Sc. Hillsboro'. BIBLICAL DEPARTMENT.t JOHN HANDSAKER, Lebanon. WILLIAM WALLACE, McLeansboro'. PEACHY TALIAFERRO WILSON, Fowler. * Deceased. t Included also in the Collegiate Department. C1. Indicates that the Student is pursuing the Classical Course. Sc. Indicates the Scientific Course. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 25 PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. NAMIES. COURSE. RESIDENCE. WILLIAM ADAMS, C1. Hadley Station. ALBERT AUGUSTUS ADAMS, Sc. Lebanon. CHESTER ADAMS, Sc. Lebanon. FRANCIS MIARION ANDERSON, SC. Lebanon. DE WITT: ANDERSON, Sc. Mt. Vernon. CHARLES BAKER, Sc. Lebanon. GEORGE IH. BARKER, Sc. Waverly. JOHN B ENZ, Sc. Mascoutah. GILBERT FRANKLIN BOREN, Sc. Caledonia. BENNETT BUREN, SC. Fenton, Mo. JOSEPH WARREN CADWELL, C1. Quincy. WILLIAM JAMES CAMERON, Sc. Richview. JOHN A CAMPBELL, SC. Chester. ROBERT FRANKLIN CASEY, Sc. Centralia. ABNER FRANCIS CHASE, Cl. Quincy. JAMES COLE, SC. St. Louis, Mo. THOMAS CALVIN CLARK, Sc. Edwardsville. JOSEPH HENRY CREEL, Sc. Carlyle. WILLIAM DAINS, Sc. Mascoutalh THOMAS IfORINE DANNER, Sc. Waterloo. JAMES A. DELANEY, Sc. Chester. ELIAS SMITH DENNIS, SC. Leavenw'th, K.T. PHILIP THIEODORE DEWALD, C1. Lebanon. JOHN COLUMBUS DOUCT, CI. Ectwardsville. WILLIAM ED)WARD DUNNAVANT, C1. Fenton, Mo. JAMES THOMPSON DOUGLASS, Sc. EvansVille. 26 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. NAMES. COURSE. RESIDENCE. JOHN EARP, C1. Lebanon. WILLIAM POMEROY EATON, C1. Edwardsville. NICKOLAUS EISENMEYR, Sc. Mascoutah. WILLIAM LAWRENCE FITZGERRELL, SC. Marcy. JOHN STANTON FITZGERRELL, Sc. Marcy. WILLIAM RICHMOND FRENCH, Cl. Lebanon. EDWARD LIVINGSTON FRENCH, C1. Lebanon. RUFUS M. GAMBLE, Sc. Hillsboro'. THOMAS C. GILLHAM, C1. Edwardsville. JAMES ALEXANDER GRAY, Sc. Hillsboro'. IVY REYNOLDS GRAY, Sc. Vienna. ISAAC NEWTON GRIFFIN, Sc. Mascoutah. WILLIAM HAMILL, JR., Sc. Freeburg. JOHN IHANDSAKER, C1. Lebanon. HENRY HARKLEROAD, Sc. Venice. EDWARD HARTMAN, Sc. Lebanon. WILLIAM HENRY HEATH, Sc. St. Louis, Mo. EARNST HERMAN, C1. Lebanon. REUBEN HEWITT, C1. Pleasant Plains. IMLA HEWITT, Sc. Pleasant Plains. EDWIN ALONZO HOIT, C1. Palestine. JAMES WILLIAM JONES, Sc. Collins' Station. MOSES SPENCER JONES, Sc. Collins' Station. LEWIS PROSSER JUDD, Sc. Palo Alto. REUBEN WILLIAM KELLEY, Sc. Tanlaroa. ROBERT JEFFERSON KEOWN, Sc. Taluca. THOMAS WESLEY KINDER, C1. Venice. WILLIAM HENRY KROME, JR., C1. Collinsville. JOHN LAND, Sc. Carmi. JACOB LEIBROCK, Sc. Mascoutah. JAMES HENRY LOCKHART, Sc. McLeansboro'. JOHN M. LOCiKWOOD, Sc. Trenton, M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 27 NAMES. 00URSE. RESIDENOE. WILLIAM WALLACE MANSKER, SC. Jones' Creek. JAMES ADAMS MAJOR, Sc, Lebanon. WILBUR FISK MASSEY, SC. Xenia. JAMES MAULDING, Sc. McLeansboro'. JOHN MCBRINE, Sc. Chester. ANDREW JACKSON MCCULLEY, C1. Mascoutah. MARQUIS LA FAYETTE MOORE, SC. Lebanon. WOODSON MORTON, Sc. Carlyle. MILTON RUSSELL MUDGE, Sc. Waterloo. DANIEL WEBSTER PHILLIPS, C1. Nashville. JEHU JOHNSON POWELL, Sc. Duncanton. ANDREW PENNINGTON POWER, SC. Trenton. JOHN OWEN PRENTICE, C1. Lebanon. WILLIAM L. PRESTON, Sc. Howard's Point. ANDREW DILLDINE REED, Sc. Lebanon. LEVI REUTCHLER, Sc. Belleville. ALFRED RICKS, Sc. Taluca. SAMUEL BALDWIN RILEY, C1. Cartersburg, Ind. AUGUSTUS RITCHELL, Sc. Collinsville. JOHN BENTON RUSSELL, Sc. Fredonia. JAMES ALEXANDER SCUDAMORE, So. Belle Prairie. THOMAS DEMPSY SEAWELL, C1. Nashville. SAMUEL P. SHORT, C1. Springfield. JOHN ROBERT SIMPSON, Sc. New York City. FRANCIS MARION SIMPSON, Sc. Cross Roads. JOHN PLEASANT SLATEN, Sc. Grafton. WILLIAM WESLEY SLATEN, Sc. Grafton. WILLIAM DAVIDSON SMITH, C1. Venice. JAMES DORRIS THOMPSON, Sc. Preston. JOHN WESLEY TUTTLE, C1. Trenton. THOMAS UTLEY, Sc. Summerfield. WILLIAM WALLIS, C1. McLeansboro'. 28 M'KENDIREE COLLEGE. SUMMARY, Seniors,................................... 8 Juniors,................................. 16 Sophomores,........................................ 23 Freshmen,........................................... 35 Total in College Classes..................... 82 Preparatory Students...................................... 90 Total in Collegiate and Preparatory Departments,............ 172 NoTrE. —Owing to the lateness of the publicatien of our last Catalogue, it embraced the Students of four Terms, while this embraces but two Terms, which will account for the difference in number. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 29 C LAS S FItCATIO N. The studies pursued at this College are divided into the following Departments, with a Professor at the head of each. I. Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. II. Mathematics and Astronomy. III. Natural Science. IV. Greek Language and Literature. V. Latin Language and Literature. VI. Belles-Lettres and English Literature. The above constitute the Departments of the regular course. Provision is also made for instruction, when desired, in VII. Hebrew and Biblical Literature. VIII. Modern Languages-French and German. IX. Law. The studies in each department are arranged, as nearly as possible, according to their natural relation and mutual dependence. Those come first in order, a knowledge of which is necessary to a proper understanding of those which follow. Students should not think of skipping over, and taking advanced studies, for which they have not the necessary preparation. This will not be allowed to those pursuing a regular course. except in cases of urgent necessity. But young men who have not tine or means to graduate in either the Collegiate or Scientific Course, may select and pursue any study taught, at the time, in the College, for which the Faculty may judge them to have the requisite qualifications, subject to all the rules and regulations of the College. 30 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. COURSE OF STUDY. FRESHMAN YEAR. FIRST TERM. Latin-Livy, Liddell's History of Rome. Written Translations. Greek-Anabasis, Smith's History of Greece. Written Translations. Mathematics-Algebra. Loomis: Commencing at the 10th Section. SECOND TERM. Greek-Homer, Iliad or Odyssey. Scanning. Lectures; Written Translations. Latin-Horace, Epistles and Satires, Roman History. Lectures on Roman Literature. Mathematics-Algebra finished, Geometry begun. Loomis. THIRD TERM. Mathematics-Geometry completed. Latin-Horace, Odes and Ars Poetica, Roman Antiquities. Lectures. Greek-Homer continued. Scanning. Written Translations; Lectures. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 31 SOPHOMORE YEAR. FIRST TERM. Greek-Felton's Greek Historians, Arnold's Greek Prose Composition. Mathematics-Plane Trigonometry, Surveying, and Navigation. Loomis. Latin-Selections from Cicero, Arnold's Latin Prose Composition. Lectures. SECOND TERM. Mathematics-Spherical Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry. Loomis. Latin-Juvenal. Written Translations; Latin Prose Composition. Greek-Plato's Gorgias. Greek Prose Composition. THIIRD TERM. Latin-Tacitus. Lectures; Writing Latin. Greek-Tragedies. Lectures; Writing Greek. Mathematics-Analytical Geometry and Calculus. Loomis. 32 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. JUNI0OR YEAR. FIRST TERM. Rhetoric-Whately, Blair, Kame's Elements of Criticism. Lectures. Natural Philosophy-With Lectures and Experiments. Physiology —With Charts, Skeleton, and Lectures. Hooker. SECOND TERM. Chemistry-Johnston. Lectures. Mechanics. Smith. Logic-Whately. Lectures. TIHIIR D TERMNI. Political Economy-Wayland. Chemistry-Continued, with Experiments. Latin-Cicero, Pro Cluentio. Lectures on Roman Poetry and Poets. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 33 SENIOR YEAR. FIRST TERNM. Greek-Demosthenes. Lectures on Athenean Polity. Zoology —Agassiz and Gould. Lectures. Intellectual Philosophy-Wayland. Lectures. SECOND TERM. Christian Evidences-Paley and Hopkins. Modern History-Guizot, Smith. Lectures. Constitutional Law-Story. THIRD TERM. Astronomy-Practical and Mathematical. Norton. Lectures. Moral Science-Wayland. Mineralogy and Geology —Dana, Hitchcock. Lectures. The Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Classes, have weekly exercises in English Composition, Elocution, and Declamation. The Greek Testament is read as a weekly exercise during the Junior Year. The Seniors deliver original orations before the Faculty and Students. REFERENCE BOOKS. The following books are recommended for reference in the Departments of Languages:Kuhner's and Buttman's Greek Grammars, Zumpt's. and Harrison's Latin Grammars, Arnold's History of Rome, Grote's History of Greece, Browne's Histories of Grecian and Roman Classical Literature, Smith's Classical Dictionary, and Smith's Antiquities, Fiske's Manual of Classical Literature, Long's Classical Atlas, Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon, Andrew's Latin Ltexicon, Crucius' Homeric Lexicon, Sophocles's Greek Verbs. 34 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERM. Algebra-Loomis. Conmmencing at the 10th Section. Natural Philosophy. Johnston. English Composition and Punctuation. Parker, Wilson. SECOND TERM. Algebra-Completed, Geometry begun. Loomis. Chemistry-Johnston. Lectures. English Language. Fowler. THIRD TlER~M. Geometry-Completed. Loomis. English Language-Continued. Fowler. Chemistry-Continued, with experiments. SECOND YEAR.'FIRST TERM. Plane Trigonometry-Surveying, Navigation. Loomis. Rhetoric-Whately, Blair, Kame's Elements of Criticism. Lectures. English Literature-Spaulding or Shaw. Lectures. SECOND TERM. Logic-Whately. Lectures. Spherical Trigonomlletry-Analytical Geometry. Loomis. Mechanics-Smith. THIRD TERM. Political Economy-Wayland. Analytical Geometry-Calculus. Loomis. Civil Engineering-Gillespie. M'IKENDREE COLLEGE. 35 THIRD YEAR. FIRST TERM. Intellectual Philosophy-Wayland. Lectures. Zoology-Agassiz and Gould. Physiology-Hooker. Lectures. SECOND TERM. Constitutional Law —Story. Modern History —Guizot, Smith. Lectures. Christian Evidences —Paley, Hopkins. THIRD TERM. Moral Science —Wayland. Mineralogy-Geology-Dana, Hitchcock. Astronomy-Practical and Mathematical. Norton. Students of the first and second years of this course, have weekly exercises in Composition, Elocution, and Declamation. Those of the third year deliver Original Orations before the Faculty and Students. M'IKENDREE COLLEGE. MISCELLANEOUS. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION, Candidates for admission to the Freshman Class must be fourteen years of age, and will be examined in the following branches, or their equivalent; which, for the convenience of those who pursue their preparatory studies at this Institution, we airrange below illto a two years' course. Candidates for advanced standing will be examined in the studies which have been pursued by the class which they propose to enter, or in others equivalent to them. In all cases, satisfactory testimonials of good moral character must be presented; and when one has been a member of another Colleg-e, a certificate of regular dismission will be required. Candidates for the Scientific Course will be subject to similar examinations and requirements, except in the Languages. PREPARATORY COURSE. 1' IRST YE AR. WIRST TERM. Latin-Arnold's or M'Clintock's First Book. Arithmetic commenced-Greenleaf. Geography —Warren. SECOND TERM. Greek commenced-Arnold's First Book. Latin, Second Book-Andrews and Stoddard's Grammar. Arithmetic colltinued-Greenleaf. THIRD TERM. Latin —Casar's Commentaries, Grammar, Ancient Geography. Greek-JReader, or Arnold's Second Book. Grammar. Arithmetic, countinued-Greenleaf. SECOND YEA&R. FIRST TERM. Greek-Reader and Grammar. Latin-Sallust's Cataline. Grammar, Syntax. English Grammar —Greene's Elements. Orthography. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 37 SECOND TERM. English Grammar-Continued. Reading and Oratory. Lati —Cicero's Orations against Cataline. Grammar, Syntax. Greek-Reader, Grammar. Arnold's Greek Prose Composition. TRI:RD TERM. Elementary Algebra —Loomis. Greek-Xenophon's Anabasis. Prose Composition, continued. Latin-Ovid. Scanning, Prosody, Mythology. Keightley.'I'hose who design to pursue the Scientific Course, will need, in order to enter the class of the first year, to spend at least one year in preparation, the studies of which we arrange into the followingSCIENTIFIC PREPARASTORY COURSE. FIRST TERM. Geography-Warren. Arithmetic-Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Mental. English Grammar —Greene's Elements. SECOND TERM. Arithmetic-Continued. Greenleaf, Stoddard. English Pronunciation, Reading and Oratory. English Grammar-Greene's Elements, continued. THIRD TERM. Elementary Algebra-Loomis. WVarren's Physical Geography. English Grammar-Greene's Analysis. Arithmetic-Colburn's large edition. Students in either of the Preparatory Departments required to attend to duties assigned them weekly in Composition and Declamation. TEXT BOOKS IN HEBREW. Grammar-Conant's Gesenius. Hebrew Bible-Hahn's. Lexicon —Robinson's Gesenius. GER XAN. Woodhury's New Method and Adler's German. Reader-Adler's German and English Lexicon. FRENCH. Fasquelle's French Course and Reader. Telemaque, Racine, Charles XII. Lexicon-Spies and Surrenne. 38 M'KENDREE COLLEGE. LAW DEPARTMENT. FIRST YEAR. Blackstone's Commentaries, Gould's Pleading, Kent's Commentaries, Greenleaf's Evidence. Chitty on Contracts. This list will be enlarged as occasion requires. SECOND YEAR. Blackstone's Commentaries, Rawle on Covenants of Title, Kent's Commentaries, Angel on Limitations, Chitty on Contracts, Story's Equity, Pleading, and JurisGould's Pleading, prudence, Stephens' Pleading, Greenleaf's Evidence, Chitty's Pleading, Angell and Ames on Corporation, Story on Bills, Browne on Actions at Law, Story on Partnerships, Mansel on Demurrer, Story on Agency, Burton on Real Property, Story on Bailments, Curtis's Forms. EXP-ENSES. Tuition in the Academical Department, per term.............. $6 00 Tuition in the Preparatory Department ".............. 7 00 Tuition in the Collegiate Department ".............. 8 00 Hebrew, French, or German, extra, each ".............. 5 00 Contingent expenses,............. 2 00 Room rent, per annum, from............................... $10 to 12 00 Boarding, per week............................... $2 to 2 50 Washing, per dozen.................................. 60 Wood, per cord......................................... $2 to 2 25 Many students board themselves at 75 cents to $1 per week. All College bills must be paid in advance. GENERAL INFORMATION. Parents and guardians are informed that daily bills are kept of the merit and demerit of each Student, the former denoting the excellencies of each, in his recitations, and other College exercises-the latter, the delinquencies and deficiencies of each, in his respective duties. The President will furnish an exhibition of these records in any particular case, when requested by the Student or his friends; and in all cases where private admonition has been given without effect, a statement of demerit will be forwarded to the friends of such delinquent scholar. This will be the last step of discipline, preceding the final one of suspension or dismission. The Faculty are determined that the College shall not be infested, and the whole community embarrassel and perhaps corrupted, by idle or dissolute members. M'KENDREE COLLEGE. 39 FUND S. By a resolution of the Board of Trustees, the parent of each minor is expected to name some person in Lebanon, as the guardian or patron of his son while in College, with whom his funds shall be deposited, and to whom he shall be accountable for their proper use. All persons are forbidden to trust a minor without the consent of his guardian, and are hereby notified that if they do so, they do it at their own risk. EXAMINATIONS. Two days at the close of each term will be devoted to Examination on the studies pursued during the term. No student will be advanced unless he pass a satisfactory examination. The Examining Committee are solicited to be present at all the examinations. GOVERNUENT. The discipline of the institution will be paternal and mild, but firm. An effort will be made to awaken and develop the mental and moral faculties, and thus secure the true element of progress through life. Transgressions of rules, and negligence in study, may be borne with for a season, when signs of amendment are perceived; hut no student will be permitted to remain while acting in open disregard of rule. Believing that the time appropriated to vacation is ample for relaxation, and having painfully observed the evil effects of absence from recitation, either at the beginning or at any other period of the term, upon the standing and proficiency of the student, the Faculty earnestly request parents and guardians not to sanction such absence, without very urgent reasons. LITERARY SOCIETIES. Two Literary Societies-the Philosophian and the Platonian-have been organized, and have already laid the foundation of respectable Libraries. LIBRARIES. The Libraries of the College and Literary Societies contain about 5000 volumes. The College Library is accessible to all the students, according to rules established by the Joint Board. The Libraries belonging to the two Literary Societies are accessible to the members of the Societies, according to regulations established by themselves. TEXT-BOOKS. All the books in the Courses of Study are kept at the College, and will be sold to students at less than the usual retail prices. A full supply of stationery is also kept on hand for the accommodation of students. 40 M'KENT)REE COLLEGE. MERIT AND DEMERIT. A daily record of the merit and demerit of each student is kept, which is read publicly at the close of each term, and then entered permanently upon the College Records. DEGR PE- CON LRREI). The Degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred only on those who have, in a satisfactory manner, completed the branches embraced in the Collegiate or Classical Course. The Degree of Bachelor of Science will be conferred on all those who have, in like manner, completed the branches embraced in the Scientific Course. The Degree of Master of Arts may )be conferred upon any Bachelor of Arts of three years standing, who, during the interval, has sustained a good moral character, and been engaged in some literary, professional, or scientific pursuit. Graduates of longer standing, or firom other colleges, may receive the Master's Degree on the same terms. Application for the Degree should be made to the President of the College at least three months before commencement, and should be accompanied by the fee —five dollars. From the applicants for the degree, one or more will be selected to give the Master's Oration. In case the Degree is not conferred, the money will he refunded. (_) (V, I 0 P N. MCKENDREE COLLEGE is located in Lebanon, twenty-two miles east of St. Louis, on the Ohio antd Mississippi Railroad, which renders it easily accessible froln all points. The situation is healthful, the college grounds are beautiful; the villege is small, quiet, retired, and free firom the various temptations to idleness and vice found in larger comnmunities. Further information concerning the College may be obtained from any Preacher of the Southern Illinois Conference, or by correspondence with the Faculty. The First Term cormmences on the third Thursday of September, and closes December 22nd. Examination of Fall Term commences Monday, December 20th. Second Term commences December 23rd, and closes March 16th, 1859. Examination of Second Term commences March 14th. Third Term commences March 17th, aimd closes with Commencement Day, which takes place on the third. Thursdtay of June. Annual Examination will commence on Monday preceding Commencement. Vacation commences the day after Commencement, and continues 13 weeks. The First Term of the next Collegiate year will commence on the third Thursday (15th) of September, 1859.