CATALOGUE OF THE NEW-HAMIPSHIRE ALPHA OF THE SBK, DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, HANOVER, 1851. HANOVER: PRINTED AT THE DARTMOUTH PRESS. 1851. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. The Phi Beta Kappa Society was originally founded at William and Mary College, in Virginia. The original Alpha of Virginlia is now extinct. The branches of the Society -at the present time are eight in number, viz: Alpha of Massachusetts, at Harvard University, Cambridge. Alpha of Connecticut, at Yale Collcige, New-IIaven. Alpha of New-Hampshire, at Dartmouth College, Hanover. Alpha of New-York, at Union Colle'ge, Schenectady. Alpha of Maine, at Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Alpha of Rhode Island, at Brown University, Providence. Alpha of Vermont, at the University of Vermont, Burlington. Alpha of Ohio, at Western Reserve College, Hudson. In this Catalogue the names of the Alumni of this College are arranged under the year in which they graduated, excepting those who graduated before the institution of the Society. The names of such will be found with the first class on the Catalogue. The names of all others are placed beneath a line, separating them from the Alumni, under the year in which they were admitted to the Society. The letters and figures added, between brackets, to the names of such persons, mark the College at wbhch they have received their degrees, and the year of their graduation. THE FOLLOWING BRETHREN HAVE OFFICIATED AS ORATORS AND POETS, AT THE ANNIVERSARIES OF THE PHI BETA KAPPA, ALPHA OF NEW-IHAMPSHIRE. The names of the Poets are printed in Italics. 1788. Daniel Chipjman. 1822. Daniel Oliver. 1789. Daniel I)ana. 1823. Rufus Choate 1791. Josiah Danllham. 1824. Samuel L. Knapp. 1792. Sheldon Lo(an. It24..Nathaniel H. Carter. 1794. Daniel Htardly. 1825. Charles B. Haddock. 1795. Seth sWilliston. 1826. Ichabod Bartlett. 1797. Jesse Appleton. 1828. Frederick Hall. 1798. Judatl Dana. 1830. John D. Willard. 1799. Gcorge W. Prescott. 1832. George Kent. 1800. Asa Burton. 1833. George A. Simmons. 1801. ElipLallet Gillet. 1835. Zedekiah S. Barstow. 1802. Asa MeFarland. 1836. Ira Perley. 1803. J. Vctrren Brackcett. 1837. Charles D Cleveland. 1804. Stephen P. Webster 1838. George Bush. 1805. John Vose. 1839. Calvin E. Stowe. 1806. Daniel Webster. 1839. Oliver W. Holmes. 1807. Philip Carrigain. 1840. Caleb S. Henry. 1808. Nicholas Emery. 1841. Tayler Lewis. 1809. Elijah Parish. 1841. WVilliam. Cutter. 1811. Francis Brown. 1842. Leonard Woods, Jr. 1812. John Brown. 1843. Levi Woodbury. 1813. J. WV. Brackett. 1844. George P. Marsh. 1814..osiiah Dunham. 1845. Leonard Bacon. 1815. Richard Fletcher. 1846. Joel Parker. 1815. lVathaniel Wrigh7t. 1846. Elijah iKellogg. 1816. Nathaniel A. Haven. 1847, Samuel G. Brown. 1817. Daniel Dana. 1848. George W. Bethune. 1818. Henry Bond. 1850. Wrm. B. Sprague. 1819. Augustus Peabody. 1851. John J. Gilchrist. 1820. William Chamberlain. 1851. John G. Saxe. 1821. Kiah Bailey. OFFICEI1RS OF THE SOCIETY. PRESIDENTS. 1787.:*AARON KINSMAN, MI. A. 1788. *RIlv. JONATHAN NASH, M. A. 1789-91. *JOSIAII DUNHAM, ESQ., Al. A. 1792. e*REV. ASA BURTON, D. D. 1793. *JOSIAII LYNI)ON ARNOLD, ESQ., M. A. 1794. *JOSIAH DUNHAM, ESQ., M1. A. 1795. *-RUFUS GRAVES, ESQ., MI. A. 1796-1800. *HON. WILLIAM H. WOODWARD, M. A. 1801. *CYRUS PERKINS, M. D. 1802. *REv. ASA BUR'TON, D. D. 1803-4. *REIv. ASA IMcFARLAND, D. D. 1805. *ELISHA TICKNOR, ESQ., M. A. 1806-7. *NATIIAN SMIITH, rM. D. 1808. *HoN. SAMUEL BELL, LL. D. 1809. *REV. ASA McFARLAND, D. D. 1810. *HoN. WILLIAM H. WTOODWARD, M. A. 1811-12. *CYR1US PERKINS,.M. D. 1813-15. *HON. WILIJAMAI H. WOODWARD, M. A. 1816. EPHRAIM KINGSBURY, Esq. M. A. 1817-20. *MIILLS OLCOTT, Esq. M. A. 1821. *EBENEZER ADA1MS, A. A., A. A. S., S. A. S. 1822. HON. DANIEL WEBSTER, LL. D., A. A; S., A. TP. S., 1823-24. *HoN. LEVI WOODBURY, Lr,. D. [S. m. S. 1825-26. *HoN. SAMUEL BELL, LL. D. 1827. HON. ICHABOD BARTLETT, M. A. 1828. *HoN. JOSEPH BELL, LL. D. 1829-31. REUBEN D. MiUS4SEY, M. D,, A. A. S. 1832. HON. JOEL PARKER, LL. D., S. H. S. 1833-36. REv. BENJAMIN 1HALE, D. D. 1837-43. REV. CHARLES B. HADDOCK, D. D. 1844-45. SAMUEL G. BROWN, MI. A. 1846-50. REV. CHARLES B. H ADDOCK, D. D. 1851. SAMUEL G. BROWN, M.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1787. *HoN. DANIEL CHIPMAN, LL. D., A. A. S. 1788. Hox. SAMUEL S. WIL)E, LL. D., A. A. S. 1789. ~HoN. RICHARD C. EVERETT, MI. A. 1790. *REV. HEM!MAN BALL, D. D. 1791. *JOSEPH WVOODBRIDGE, ESQ., M. A. 1792-94. *REt-v. ASA McFARLAND, D. z. 1795. *HONT. WILLIAM H. WOOD',rWARD, MI. A. 1796.'*Hox. JU)AH -DANA, 31. A. 1797. TRF. TILTON EAST-MAN,,M. A. 1798. HoN. DAiNIEL ADAMS, 21. D. 1799. *REv. JAMEL.IS W. WOODWARD, M. A. 1800. *NATHAN SMllTH, x'r. D. 1801-1802. Rliv. THOMAS &A. MERRILL, D. D. 1803-1805. *FREDERICK HALL, 21. D., LL. D., A. A. S. 1806. ED2AIMULND FLAGG, EsQ. 1807-1808. *CYRUS HARIWELL, M. D. 1809. RlRv. FRANCIS BROWN, D. D., S. A. S. 1810. SAMUEL FLETCHER'L, ESQ., MA. A. 1811-12. "HENRY HUTCHINSON, EsQ., Ml. A. 1813-14. 4RUFUS GRAVEISS, ESQ., 21. A. 1815.'HENRY iUTCHIINSON, ESQ., MI. A. 1816-20. EPHRAIMI KINGSBUllRY, EsQ.,:M. A. 1821. SAMUEL I. AWELLS, ESQ., AM. A. 1822-26. REvv. CHARLES B. HADI)OCK, D. D., 1827-28. *DANIEL OLIVER, M.,., Il. I)., A. A. S. 1829. t*WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN, MI. A. 1830-31. *DANIEL OLIVER, I nD., Lr. D., A. A. S. 1832. REV. BENJAMIN HALE, D. D. 1833. GEORGCE KENT, Esq., MI. A. 1834. Hox. IRA PERLEY, A. A. 1835-36. ALPHEUS CROSBY, Ai. A. 1837. llox. IRA PEERLEY, M. A. 1838. REUBEN D. MUSSLY, Mr. D., A. A. S. 1839. IRA YOUNG, A1. A. 1840. WILLIAM II DUNCAN, ESQ., I. A. 1841-42. IRA YOUNG, M. A. 1843-44. EDMUND R. PEASLEE, Ar. D. 1845- WILLIAM H. DUNCAN, ESQ., M. A. CORRESPONDING AND REE9RDING SECRETARIES. 1787. Rev. DANIEL DANA, D. D. 1788. *Rev. LATHROP ROCXWELL, M. A. 1789. *WILLIAM I?. WHTITr, Esq. M. A. 1790. *Rev. JosEPH GOFFE, M. A. 1791. *HonP 1ZILLIAM i-;. XVOODIWARD, M. A. 1792. "OLIVER S. SP AH AWlXr, Esq. 1793. *RIev. JOSEPH E)0OVELL, M. A, 1794. *nHon. JOHN NoY s, M,1. A. 1795. "Rev. M'osiEs Do;v-, 2.I. A. 1796. Hon. JOSEPiH LOCKE, M. A. 1797. *[!on. WJ7ILLIAMd~ [. TWOODWVAID, M. A. 1798-99. Rev. R{OSVWELL SHURTLEFFI D. D., S. A. S. 1800. eJOSIAH-I DUNHAM, ESC., M. A. 1801-1802. *GEORGE WOODWARH, Esq., M. A. 1803. *JOHN PORTER, Esq., M. A. 1804-1805 *JoHrlN NELSON, Esq., M. A. 1806. BENJAMIN D. EMERSON, M. A 1807-1809. *SAMUEL AYER, M. D. 1811. Rev. CYRUS MANN, M. A. 1812-13. JOSEPH PERRY, M, A. 1814-15 *Rev.'THOMAS J. AlURDOCX, M. A. 1816-18. REUBEN D. MUSSEY, M. D., A. A. S. 1819-20. *WILLr.M CHAMBERC AIN, M. A. 1821. Hon. JOIIN AIKxEN, M. A. 1822. *JAMES F. DANA, M. 1). 1823. *WILLIAM T. HEYDOCK, Esq., M. A. 1824. Hon. IRA PERLEY, M. A. 1825-26. *DANIEL OLIVER., M. D., LL. D., A. A. S. 1827-28. *WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN, M. A. 1829. Rev. CHARLES B. HIAIDOCK, D. D. 1830-31. Rev. BENJAMIN HALE, D. D. 1832-33. IRA YOUNG, M. A. 1834. ALPHEUS CROSBY, M. A. 1835. IRA YOUNG, M. A. 1836. Rev. CHARLES B. HADDOCK, D. D. 1837. EDwIN D. SANBORN, M. A. 1838-39. OLIVER P. HUBBARD. M. D. 1840. Rev. JOSEPH BARTLETT, M. A. 1841-44. WM. H. DUNCAN, Esq, M. A. 1845- E. R. PEASLEE, M. D. 7 CATALOGUE. 1787.'Simon Backus, Esql. Plainfield, Ct.'Hon. Ebenezer IBrown, Norwich, Vt.'Rev. A sa Burton, D. D. Thetford, Vt.'Caleb Bingham, Boston, Ms.'Rev. Timothy i Dickinson, Holliston, Ms.'Hon. Moses Fiske, s. A. S., s. I. S. Hiiham, Ten. Tut. Dart Coll. *Rev. John Foster, D. D. Brighton, Ms.'Oliver Gallup, Esq. Hartland, Vt. *William S. Hart, Esq. Bristol, Pa.'Hon. John Hubbard,' Hanover, N. H. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Dari. Coll. iRev. Jonas Hartwell, Kittery, Me.'Rev. Alfred Johnson, Belfast, Me. Rcev. Elijah Kellogg, Portland, Me. -Aaron Kinsmnan, Portland, Me. *Hon. ChIarles Marsh LrL D., Woodstock, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong. alnd Trustee.'Elihu Palmel, Phliladelphia, Pa.'Rev. Elijah Parish, D. D., s. A. s., Newbury, Ms. *Rev. Henry A. Rovland, Wvindsor, Ct. *Rev. William F. Rowland, Exeter, N. H.'Rev. Samuel Sumner, Troy, Vt. *Rev. Jonathan Strong, D.D., Randolph, Ms.'Elisha T`'icknor, Esq., Boston, Ms. *1ev. Pieron,`-on, Leominster, Ms.'Rev. Azel Washburn, Royalton, Vt. *Rev. Samiuel Wood, D. I. Boscawen, N. H.'Aaron Huthllinson, Esq. [H. U. J 770.]Lebanon, N. H. Hon. Titus Hutchinson, Wocd-stock, Vt. *Rev. David McClure, D. ). FY.C. 1769.] East Windsor, Ct. Trustee. 8 1788. *Josiah L. Arnold, Esq., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Tut. Brown Univ. *Hon. Sylvanus Backus, Pomfret, Ct. 1Hon. Daniel Chipnman, LL D., A. A. s., Middlebury, Vt. Prof' Law, Aidd. Coll., Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Daniel Dana, D. D. Newburyport, Ms. Pres. Dart. Coill.,:and'Flustee. Joseph Dana, Athens, O. Prof. Lang. Univ. o- Ohio.'Rev. Aalvan Itlyde, n. d. Lee, Ms. 17S9. Soloman Binghaim, Esq., Tinmouth, Vt.'Ebenezer Brackett, Braintree, Ms. IHon. Martin Chittenden, Williston, Vt. Gov., Rep. U. S. Cong.'Josiah Dunham, Esq., Lexington, Ky. James K. Guarnsey, Esq., Castleton, Vt. *Daniel Hardy, Pelham, N. H. Tut. Dart. Coil. *Rev. Jonathan Nash, Middlefield, Ms.'Rev. Lathrop Rockwell, Lebanon, Ct.'Josiah Smith, Esq., Vergennes, Vt. Hon. Samuel S. Wilde, LLD., A. A. S., Boston, Ms. Judge Sup. Court. 1790. Elihu Dwight, Esq., South Hadley, Ms. *Hon. William Eaton, Brimfield, Ms. Consul at Tunis. *Hon. Richard C. Everett, Lancaster, N. H. *Rev. William Jackson, D. D. Dorset, Vt.'Joseph Lampson, Pittston, Me. "Rev. Asa Lyon, Grand Isle, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong. Samuel Moody, Esq., Hallowell, Me. *Hon. Jeremiah Nelson, Newbury, Ms. Rep. U. S. Cong.'Mills Olcott, La5i,. Hanover, N. H. Trustee. Sec. Treas. Stephen Patten, Portland, Me. *Samuel Porter, Weathersfield, Ct. Rev. Napthali Shaw, Bradford, Vt.'William P. White, Buenos Ayres, S. A. 9 1791.'Ebenezer Adams, Hanover. A. A. S., S. A. S., Prof. Lat. Gr. and Heb. Lang. and Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Dart. Coll.'Joseph Appleton, New-Ipswich.'Moses Appleton, Esqy, Waterville, Me.'Rev. Heman Ball, D. D., Rutland, Vt. Rev. John Fiske, New-Braintree, Ms. *Rev. Eliphalet Gillet, D. D., Hallowell, Me. *Rev. Joseph Goffe, Millbury, Ms. *Rufus Graves, Esq., Amherst, Ms. Lect. Chem., Dart. Coll. *Rev. William Green, New-London, Ct. *David Hale, Esq., Boston, Ms. *Rev. Samuel Hidden, Tamworth. *Reuben Kidder, Esq., Waterville, Me. *Sheldon Logan, Chesterfield. Thomas Odiorne, Esq., Malden, Ms. John Park, Esq, s. A. s., Worcester, Ms. Rev. Bezaleel Pinneo, Milford, Ct. *Thomas S. Sparhawk, Esq., Bucksport, Me. *John P. Ripley, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. *Rev. Seth Williston, D. D., Durham, N. Y. John Saunders, A. M., [H. U. 1781.] Salem, Ms. *Hon. Jeremiah B. Howell, Providence, R. I. 1792. *Rev. Jesse Appleton, D. D., A. A. S.,S. A. S. Brunswick, Me. Pres. Bowd. Coll. *Rufus Cowles, Amherst, Ms. *Samuel Crossett, Pelham, Ms. *George W. Kirkland, Esq., ST. DOMINGO. *John W. Murray, Newburyport, Ms. *Rev. Ebenezer Porter, D. D., Andover, Ms. Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Pres. Thcol. Sem. And. *Rev. Zephaniah Swift, Derby, Ct. *William Thurston, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. Jonathan Ward, Brentwood. *Joseph Woodbridge, Esq., Stockbridge, Ms. *Hon. William H. Woodward, Hanover. Thomas M. Clark, Providence, R. I. *Hon. Stephen P. Webster, [I. U. 1792.] Haverhill. 2 10 1793. Rev. Kiah Bailey, Hardwick, Vt. *Hon. Samuel Bell, LL. D. Chester. Judge Sup. Court, Gov., Sen. U. S. Cong., and Trustee. Jonathan Davis, Mansfield, Ct. Hon. Jacob B. Gurley, New-London, Ct. *Martin Harmon, Bennington Ct. *David Heald, Esq., Washington. *Rev. Asa McFarland, D. D. Concord. Tut. Dart Coll. and Trustee. *Hon. William Mattocks, Danville, Vt.'Henry Moor, Londonderry.'Rev. Zephaniah S. Moore, D. D. Amherst, Ms. Prof. Lat, Gr. and 1eb. Lang. Dart. Coll., and Pres. Will. Coll. and Amh. Coll. *Hon. Richard E. Newcomb, Greenfield, Ms. Mark Newman, Esq., Andover, Ms.'Hon. Moses P. Payson, Bath. Trustee. Rev. William Riddel, Bernardston, Ms. *Oliver S. Sparhawk, Esq., Walpole. 1794. #Hon. Samuel C. Allen, Northfield, Ms. Rep. U. S. Cong., Lect. Amh. Coll. *Hon. Nicholas Baylies, Lyndon, Vt. Judge Sup. Court, Vt. *James Brown, Canterbury, Ct. *Philip Carrigain, Esq., Concord. Sec. of State. *Hon. Daniel M. Durell, Dover. Rep. U. S. Cong. *Aaron Hardy, Boston, Ms. *Rev. Joseph Rowell, Claremont. *Rev. John Smith, D. D. Bangor, Me. Prof. Theol. Sem. Bangor, and Trustee. *Rev. Abijah Wines, Mount Desert, Me. Prof. Theol. Sem. Bangor. 1795. Hot. ANb'jh BiPow, s. A. s. WCnester,.Ms. Rep. U. S. Cong. *Hon. Judah Dana, Fryeburgh, Me. Sen. U. S. Cong. *Samuel F. Dickinson, Esq., Hudson, O. Hon. Nicholas Emery, Portland, Ale. Judge Sup. Court, Me. *David Everett, Esq., New Orleans, La. *Bohan P. Field, Esq., Belfast, Me.'Hon. John Noyes, Putney, Vt. Tut. Dart. Coill., Rep. U. S. Cong. *George W. Prescott, Esq., Portsmouth. Rev. Thomas Snell, D. D. North Brookfield, Ms. *Hon. John Vose, Atkinson.'Rev. Holland Weeks, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Nathaniel Wells, Deerfield. *Rev. Samuel Worcester, D. D. Salem, Ms. Sec. A. B. C. F. Missions. 1796. *William Bradley, Esq., Fryeburgh, Me. *Benjamin Church, New-Bedford, Ms. *Seth Currier, Hopkinton. *Rev. Moses Dow, Plaistow. *Rev. Tilton Eastman, Randolph, Vt. *Thomas G. Fessenden, Esq., - Boston, Ms. *Peter L. Folsom, Esq., Gilmnanton. Peyton R. Freeman, Esq., Portsmouth. *William Niles, Esq., Fairlee, Vt. *Nathan Noyes, M. D., Newburyport, Ms. Lect. Theo. and Prac. Med. Dart. Coll. Rev. Theophilus Packard, D. D., Shelburne, Ms. *Proctor Pierce, Cambridge, Ms. Rev. Henry True, Union, Me. 1797. Daniel Adams, M. D., Keene. Pres. N. H. Med. Society. Hon. William B. Bannister, Newburyport, Ms. Rev. Sebastian Cabot, Pelham, Ms. *Ezra Carter, Esq., Peacham, Vt. *Samuel Dakin, Esq., New Hartford, N. Y. Daniel Dwight, Esq., Westmoreland. *James O. Freeman, Esq., Sandwich. *Thomas Jameson, Esq., Goffstown. Ephraim Kingsbury, Esq., New York City. Clerk of U. S. Districts Court. 12 *Edward Little, Esq., Danville, Me. Hon. Joseph Locke, Lowell, Ms. *Rev. David Palmer, Townsend, Ms. *Hon. Phinehas White, Putney, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong. 1798. Charles Baker, Esq., Windham, Ct. *Rev. Stephen Bemis, Harvard, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll. *Abijah Bisco, Spencer, Ms. Nathan Cutler, Esq., Weston, Me. Rev. Reuben Emerson, South Reading, Ms. *John B. Fisk, Esq., New York City. Hon. Alvan Foot, Esq., Burlington, Vt. Horace Hall, Esq., Charlestown. *Rev. Aaron Hovey, Saybrook, Ct. *Rev. David Long, Milford, MIs. *Rev. William Miltimore, Falmouth, Me. Joseph Pope; Esq., Portland, Me. *Solon Stevens, Esq., Charlestown. *Rev. James W. Woodward, Waterbury, Vt. 1799. *Samuel A. Bradley, Esq., Fryeburgh, Me. *Rev. John Lord, Buffalo, N. Y. Daniel Osgood, M. D., Havana, CUBA. *Rev. Warren Pierce, Boston, Ms. Rev. Roswell Shurtleff, D. D., S. A. S. Hanover. Prof. Div. & Prof: Moral & Int. Phil. & Polit. Econ., Dart. Coll. *George Woodward, Esq., Lowell, Ms. *Nathan Smith, M. D. New Haven, Ct. Prof. Theo. & Prac. Med., Dart., Yale & Bowd. Coll., & Prof. Surg., Yale Coll., & Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. 1800. Rev. Mighill Blood, Bucksport, Me. *Joseph W. Brackett, Esq., New York City. Caleb Butler, Esq., Groton, Mis. *Benjamin Clark, Esq, New York City. *James Dean, A. A. S. Burlington, Vt. Prof. Mat. and Nat. Phil., Vt. Univ. *Tristram Gilman, Esq., North Yarmouth, Me. *George Herbert, Esq., Ellsworth, Me. Abraham Hilliard, Esq., Cambridge, Ms. *Frederick Hunt, Esq., Northfield, Ms. Nathaniel Peabody, M. D. Boston, Ms. *Cyrus Perkins, M. D., New York City. Prof. Anat. and Surg., Dart. Coll., Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. iion. Samuel Swift, Middlebury, Vt. Judge of Probate. *Freeborn Adams, M. D. Newbury, S. C. *Ephraim Simmons, Templeton, Ms. 1801. Hon. James H. Bingham, Claremont. *Rev. John Dutton, Haverhill. Charles Gilbert, Brookfield, Ms. Hon. Elisha Hotchkiss, Cincinnati, O.'Rev. David Jcwett, Gloucester, Ms. Hon. Aaron Loveland, Norwich, Vt. *Simeon Lyman, Esq., Hartford, Ct. Rev. Thomas A. Merrill, n. D. Middlebury, Vt. Tut. Dart. Coll. and Mid. Coll. Josiah Noyes, MI. D. Clinton, N. Y. Tut. Dart. Coll., Prof Chem., Ham. Coll., and Fairfield Med. School, N. Y. Nathaniel Shattuck, Esq., Mason.'Rev. Caleb J. Tenney, D. D. Northampton, Ms. I-Ion. Daniel Webster, LL. D., A. A. S., S. H. S. Boston, Ms. A. P. S., Rep. & Sen. U. S. Cong., Sec. State, U. S. Rev. Archibald Alexander, D. D. Princeton, N. J. Prof. Theol. Sem., Princeton. Rev. Nathan Perkins, [Yale Coll. 1795.] Amherst, Ms. 1802.'Amos J. Cook, Fryeburg, Me. Pree. Acad. Rev. Brown Emerson, D. D. Salem, Ms. *Moses M. Fisk, KENTUCKY. *Elisha Hammond, Columbia, S. C.'Joseph Paine, Esq., Hartford, Vt. 14 Rev. Joseph Richardson, Hingham, Ms. Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Elisha Rockwood, Swanzey. Tut. Dart. Coll. *Amos Twitchell, M. D. Keene. Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. *Rev. Samuel Walker, Danvers, Ms. *Samuel Whitmore, Esq. Gorham, Me. *Hon. Benjamin J. Gilbert, [Yale Coll. 1786.] Boston, Ms. 1803. *Frederick Hall, M. D., LL. D., A. A. S. Washington, D. C. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Midd. Coll., Pres. Mt. Hope Coll. and Prof. Chem. and Mineral. Columbian Coll. Hon. Henry Hubbard, Charlestown. Rep. and Sen. U. S Cong., Gov., and Trustee. Nehemiah Huntington, Esq., Peterboro', N. Y. *Benjamin Kimball, Esq., Winchester. *Hon. Elihu Lyman, Greenwich, Ms. *Joseph A. Marshall, Fitchburgh, Ms. Reuben D. Mussey, M. D., A. A. S. Cincinnati, O. Prof. Anat., Surg., & Obst., Dart. Coll., & Prof. Surg., Ohio Med. Coll., & Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. *John Nelson, Esq., Haverhill. Rev. Thaddeus Osgood, Montreal, L. C. Missionary. Hon. Edmund Parker, Nashua. Judge of Probate and Trustee. *Augustus Peabody, Esq., Boston, Mis. John Porter, Esq., Derry. *Rev. Experience Porter, Lebanon. Tut. Midd. Coll. Calvin Selden, Esq., Norridgewock, Me. George C. Shattuck, M. D., A. A. S. Boston, Ms. Pres. Mcd. Soc. Hon. Nathan Weston, LL. D. Augusta, Me. Judge Sup. Court. Rev. Luke Wood, Killingworth, Ct. 1804. *Rev. Stephen Farley, Amesbury, Ms.'Rev. Samuel Gile, D. D. Milton, Ms. Rev. Allen Greely, Turner, Me. Tut. Midd. Coll. Otis Hutchins, Esq., Westmoreland.'Henry Hutchinson, Esq., New-York City. John Kelly, Esq., Exeter. Trustee. *Samuel L. Knapp, LL. D., A. A. s. New-York City. *Hubbard Newton, Esq., Amherst. *Rev. William Richev, Needham, Ms. *Hon. Josiah W. Seaver, South-Berwick, Me. *Hon. Boswell Stevens, Pembroke. Judge of Probate. Rev. David Thurston, Winthrop, Me. James Walker, Peterborough. *Hon. Ezekiel Webster, Boscawen. Trustee. *Uriah Wilcox, GEORGIA. *Rev. Avery Williams, Lexington, Ms. *Hon. David Humphreys, LL. D., Derby, Ct. [Yale Coll. 1.771.] 1805. *James Brackett, Esq., Cherry Valley, N. Y. *Rev. Francis Brown, D. D., S. A. S. Hanover. Pres Dart. Coill., Trustee. *Samucl M. Burnside, Esq., s. A. S. Worcester, Ms. *Rev. Henry Coleman, Salem, Ms. Commis. Agrie. Mlass. Benjamin D. Emerson, West Roxbury, Ms. *Hon. William A. Hayes, South Berwick, Me. Judge of Probate. *John Holton, Esq., Springfield, Vt. *Rev. George Leonard, Cornish. *lon. Joseph S. Lyman, Greenfield, Ms. Rep U. S. Cong. Samuel Selden, Esq., Royalton, Vt. *Edward A. Selfridge, Esq., Hubbardston, Ms. *Martin Field, [W'ms. Coll. 1798.] Newfane, Vt. Rev. JohnM. Whiton,[YaleColl.1805.] Antrim. *Rev. Andrew Law, LL. D. Cheshire, Ct. 16 1806. *William Barrows, Esq., North Yarmouth, Me. -Asa Buckman, Falmouth, Me. Hon. David Cummins, Springfield, Ms. Judge C. C. P. Rev. Joshua Dodge, Moultonboro'. Hon. Samuel Fessenden, Portland, Me. *Edmund Flagg, Esq., Wiscasset, Me. Hon. Richard Fletcher, A. S. s. Boston, Ms. Rep. U. S. Cong., and Judge Sup. Court. "Cyrus Hartwell, M. D. Newark, N. J. *Abiathar Hopkins, Petersham, Ms. Hon. Matthew Harvey, Hopkinton. Rep. U. S. Cong., Gov., Judge U. S. Dist. Court. Rev. Cyrus Mann, Plymouth, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll. Hon. Albion K. Parris, Portland, Me. Gov. & Judge Sup. Court. Me., Sen. U. S. Cong., & 2d Comp. U. S. Treas. Rev. Asa Rand, Pompey Hill, N. Y.'William Weeks, Philadelphia, Pa. *William White, Esq., Belfast, Mhc. *Joseph Willard, [H. U. 1784.] Lancaster. William W. Russell, Rl.hmonl, Va. 1807. *Samuel Ayer, M. D. Eastport, Me. Tut Dart. Coll. *Hon. Joseph Bell, LL. D. Boston, AMs. *Micah Bradley, Esq., Haverhill, MIs. *John Burnham, Esq., Hillsborough. Josiah P. Cooke, Esq., Boston, Ms. Hon. Timothy Farrar, Boston, Ms. Judge C. C. P., N. H. Sec. Treas. Lib. Dart. Coll. *Josiah Forsaith, Esq., Newport. *Hon. Jonathan Hunt, Brattleborough, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong. Joseph H. Jackson, Esq., Albany, N. Y. Rejoice Newton, Esq., s. A. s. Worcester, Ms. William Nutting, Esq., Randolph, Vt. *Rev. Edward L. Parker, Derry. *Alpheus Roberts, New Orleans, La. 17 *Constant Storrs, Esq., Lebanon. ClI. Sylvanus Thayer, LL. D., A. A. S., A. P. S. Boston, Ms. Superintendent U. S. Military Acad. George Ticknor, A. A. S., S. H. S. Boston, Ms. A. P. S., Prof. Mod. Lang. Harv. Univ. *Rev. Benjamin White, Wells, Me. 1808. Hon. Ichabod Bartlett, Portsmouth. Rep. U. S. Cong. John Boutelle, Esq., Waterville, Me. Ichabod R. Chadbourne, Esq., Lubec, Me. *Hon. Isaac Fletcher, Lvndon, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong. Hon. George Grennell, Greenfield, Ms. Rep. U. S. Cong'Levi Heywood, Esq., Worcester, Ms. Andrew Mack, Esq., Gilmanton. Tut. Dart. Coll. *Caleb Merrill, Esq., Pittsfield. *George Newton, Boston, Ms.'William Tenney, Esq., Newmarket.'John Wallace, Esq., Newbury, Vt. Hon. Reuben Washburn, Ludlow, Vt. Judge. C. C. P.'Oliver Spaulding, Jaffrey.'John Foster, [H. U. 1802.] Cambridge, Ms. 1809. William Bradbury, Esq., New Gloucester, Me. *Rev. John Brown, I. D. Hadley, Ms. Tnt. Dart. Coll. *Hon. Horatio Buell, Glenn's Falls, N. Y. *Hon. John Keyes, Concord, Ms. George Kimball, Esq., Alton, Ill. *William Lomax, Esq., Abbeville, S. C. Col. Stephen H. Long, A. P. s., P. H. S. Cincinnati, O. Hon. Rufus McIntire, Parsonsfield, Me. Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Israel W. Putnam, Middleborough, Ms. Trustee. 3 18 Oliver S. Taylor, M. D., Auburn, N. Y. *Hon. Levi Woodbury, LL. D., S. H. S. Portsmouth. Judge Sup. Court, Gov. of N. H., Sen. U. S. Cong., Sec. Navy & Treas., Judge Sup. Court of U. S. 1810. Charles G. Adams, M. D. Keene. *Royal Bullard, Camden, S. C. Rev. David Chassel, Cambridge, N. Y. Samuel Fletcher, Esq., Concord. Trustee. Russell Jarvis, Esq., New York City.'James Lynde, Williamstown, Vt. Rev. Joel Mann, Salem, Ms. Moses Moody, Salem, Ms. Hon. Daniel Wells, Greenfield, Ms. 1811. Rev. Jacob Allen, Sterling, Ct. Abraham Andrews, Boston, Ms. Hon. Lemuel H. Arnold, Providence, R. I. Gov. R. I., Rep. U. S. Cong.'Nathaniel H. Carter, Esq., New York City. Editor. *Rev. William Cogswell, D. D. Gilmanton. S. H. S. & S. H. New-York, and S. A. S., Prof. of History, and National Education, Dart. Coll., and Pres. Gil. Theol. Seminary. Rev. Robert Crowell, D. D. Essex, Ms. Rev. Jonathan Curtis, Woodstock, Ct. Tut. Dart. Coll. Rev. Joseph W. Curtis, Hadley, Ms. Bezaleel Cushman, Portland, Me. Prec. of Portland Acad. & Surveyor of the Port. James S. Goodwin, M. D., Saco, Me.'Luke Howe, M. D. Jaffrey. Pres. Med. Soc. Hon. Amos Kendall, LL. D., Washington, D. C. Post Master General. Samuel Morse, Esq., Croydon. Hon. Joel Parker, LL. D., S. H. S. Cambridge, Ms. Chief Jus. Sup. Court, N. H., Trustee, Royal Prof. of Law, H. U. Joseph Perry, Esq., Keene. 19'Moses Pillsbury, Esq., Petersburgh, Va. Rev. Daniel Poor, D. D. Madura, India. Pres. Coll. Ceylon. Hon. Ether Shepley, LL. D. Portland, Me. Judge Sup. Court, Sen. U. S. Cong. Hon. Justice Willard, Springfield, Ms. *Rev. Hosea Wheeler, Newburyport, Ms.'Rev. Samuel Woodbury, North Yarmouth, Me. Hon. Nathaniel Wright, Cincinnati, O. *Solomon S. Whipple, Esq., Salem, Ms.'Richard Bean, Warner.'Jotham Fairfield, Esq., Waterville, Me. 1812. *Hon. James Bartlett, Dover. *John Blanchard, Bellefonte, Pa. Rep. U. S. Cong. Hon. Daniel Breck, Richmond, Ky. Judge Sup. Court. Thomas Fessenden, Esq., New York City. Benjamin F. French, Esq., Lowell, Ms. Asa Hazen, Esq., Olean, N. Y. Daniel Hough, Esq., St. Louis, Mo. *James Merrill, Esq., New Berlin, Pa. *Rev. Thomas J. Murdock, Canterbury, Ct. Tut. Dart. Coll. *Rev. Thomas C. Searle, Madison, Ia.'Rev. Hart Talcott, Killingworth, Ct. Henry J. Williams, Esq., A. P. s. Philadelphia, Pa. *Edwin A. White, Lancaster. Alden Partridge, Norwich, Vt. Pres. Nor. Univ.'Joshua Prime, New York City. 1813. Rev. Rufus W. Bailey, Stanton, Va. Tut. Dart. Coll., Editor of the Patriarch. Henry Bond, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa. Tut. Dart. Coll. *Rev. Austin Dickinson, New York City. 20 Daniel Elliott, Marlborough, N. Y. Rev. Joseph B. Felt, S. H. S., H. S. N. Y., S. A. s.Boston, Ms. *Augustus Greele, Esq., New York City. Benjamin Greenleaf, Bradford, Ms. Princ. Bradford Sem. *Rev. Charles Johnston, Summer Hill, N. Y. *Hon. Ebenezer S. Kelly, Kittaning, Pa. *Benjamin G. Leonard, Esq., Chillicothe, O. *Charles Marsh, Esq., Lansingburg, N. Y. *Rev. John Nichols, Bombay, INDIA. Missionary. Elisha B. Perkins, Esq., Maaietta, 0. *Hon. Peter Robinson, Chenango, N. Y. *Experience P. Storrs, Esq., Lebanon. *William White, Esq. Richmond, Va. Tut. Dart. Coll. Hon. Jonathan H. Hubbard, Windsor, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong., & Judge Sup. Court. 1814. Silas Biglow, Esq., Lovington, Va. *Charles H. Bruce, New-Orleans, La. Hon. Samuel Dinsmoor, LL. D. Keene. Governor. Allen Fisk, Esq., Auburn, N. Y. Horace Hatch, M. D. Burlington, Vt. *John IW. Hubbard, Esq., Worcester, Ms. George Kent, Esq., Boston, Ms. Trustee. Jonathan Mason, Esq., Canandaigua,. N Y. Rufus Nutting, MICHIGAN. Prof. Lang., West. Res. Coll. Rev. Joseph Tracy, Boston, Ms. Samuel I. Wells, Esq., VIRGINIA. 1815. *Richard Bartlett, Esq., New York City. Sec. of State, N. H. 21 Rev. Dan Blodgett, Randolph, Vt.'Rev. Abel Conant, Leominster, Ms. Prec. Acad. Daniel M. Christie, Esq., Dover. Joseph lstabrook, Knoxville, Ten. Prof. Lat. and Gr. Lang., Amnh. Coll., Pres. Knox. Coll., Ten. *Elisha Glidden, Esq., Lowell, Ms. Rev. Levi Spaulding, CEYLON. Missionary. 1816. Rev. Lawson Carter, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. Elijah Demond, Leicester, Ms. Rev. Charles B. Haddock, D. D. Hanover. Prof: Rhet. and Orat. and Prof. Int. Phil. and Eng. Lit., Dart. Coll., & Charg d' Affaires at the Court of Lisbon.'Stephen Mood&, MARYLAND. Rev. Absalom Peters, D. D. Williamstown, Ms. Editor of Am. Bib. Repos, and Prof. Rhet. N. Y Theol. Sem. *Nathaniel P. Rogers, Esq., Concord. Hon. George A. Sinmions, Keeseville, N. Y. Rev. Joseph TorrI:y, D. D. Burlington, Vt. Prof. Lat. and Gr. Lang., and MIor. Philos. Vt. Univ. Rev. John Wheeler, D. D. Burlington, Vt. Pres. Vt. Univ. 1817. John Adams, Esq., Mobile, Ala. Rev. Carlton Chase, D. D. Claremont. Bishop of N. H. *Jonathan P. Cushing, Prince Edward, Va. Pres. Hamp. Sid. Coll. *Rev. Nathan W. Fiske, Amherst, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll., Prof. Lang. & Prof. Int. & N1or. Phil. Amh. Coll. Rev. Horace Fletcher, Townsend, At. Prec. Acad. Rev. William Goodell, CONSTANTINOPLE. Missionary. Adam Gordon, Esq., Key West, Florida. *Rev. James Marsh, D. D. Burlington, Vt. Tut. Dart. Coill., Prof. Hamp. Sid. Coill., Pres. and Prof. Int. & Mor. Phil. Vt. Univ. 22 Rev. Jacob Scales, Plainfield. Rev. Marshall Shedd, Colchester, Vt. *Rev. Daniel Temple, South Reading, Ms. *Hon. Leonard Wilcox, Orford. Judge Sup. Court., Sen. U. S. Cong. Rev. John Hough, [Y. C. 1802.] Middlebury, Vt. Prof. Lang. and Theol., Midd. Coll. Rev. Nathan Lord, D. D. [B. C. 1809.] Hanover. Pres. Dart. Coll., and Trustee. 1818. *Rev. Weston B. Adams, Portsmouth. Tut. Dart. Coll. Rev. George Bush, New York City. Prof. Heb. Lang., N. Y. Univ., Tutor in Coll. N. J. *William Chamberlain, Hanover. Prof. Lat. and Gr. Lang., Dart. Coll. *Rev. Asa Mead, East Hartford, Ct. *Thomas Peverly, Esq., Northumberland. *Rev. Noah Smith, Southbury, Ct. Rev. Thomas C. Upham, D. D. Brunswick, Me. Prof. Int. & Mor. Phil. Bowd. Coll., and Teacher in Hebrew. Rev. Seneca White, Marshfield, Ms. 1819. Hon. John Aiken, Andover, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll., Trustee. Wyatt C. Boyden, M. D. Beverly, Ms. Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll., Rep. U. S. Cong., Sen. U. S. *Hope L. Dana, M. D. Richland, S. C. *William T. Heydock, Esq., Lowell, Ms. *Orramel S. Hinckley, TENNESEE. Tut. Dart. Coll. n:ti Profi Lang. Tenn. Coll. Archelaus F. Putnam, M. D. Beverly, Ms. *Rev. William Shedd, Abington, Ms. Ebenezer C. Tracy, Windsor, Vt. Tut. Dart. Coll., Editor Vt. Chronicle. Hon. John D. Willard, Troy, N. Y. Tut. Dart. Coll., Judge Sup. Court. 23 1820. TCharles L. Folsom, Exeter. Hon. George P. Marsh, Burlington, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong., and U. S. Minister resident at Constantinople. Thornton McGaw, Esq., Bangor, Me.'Joseph Porter, Haverhill. Marshall Southard, Lyme. William C. Thompson, Esq., Plymouth. Hon. Nathaniel G. Upham, Concord. Judge Sup. Court. N. H. 1821. Henry Adams, Esq., St. Albans, Vt. Zachariah Batchelder, Esq., Wolfeborough. *William C. Carter, Bellefonte, Pa.'Rev. Eber Child, Byron, N. Y.'Rev. Stephen Foster, Andover Ms. Prof. Lang., East Tenn. Coll. William J. Moody, Lempster. Rev. Charles White, D. D. Crawfordville, Ia. Pres. Wab. Coll., Crawfordville, Ia. *James F. Dana, M. D. [H. U. 1813.] New York City. Prof. Chem. &c., Dart. Coll., andN. Y. Univ.'Daniel Oliver, M. D., LL. D., A. A. S. [H. U. 1806.] Cambridge, Ms. Prof. Physiol., Theo. & Prac. Phys., Mat. Med. & Int Phil. Dart. Coll. Usher Parsons, M. D., M. M. s. Providence, R. I. Prof. Anat. & Surg., Dart.Coll., & Brown Univ., Pres. R. I. Med. Soc.'Luther Clark, Esq., New York City. 1822. Edmund Carlton, Esq., Littleton. Rev. William Clark, Fryeburg, Me. Francis Cogswell, Esq., Andover, Ms. Rev. Amasa Converse, D. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Editor of Chris. Obs. Rev. Wakefield Gale, Rockport, Ms. 24 *Aaron Hadv, Lemlpster.'Rev. Samuel Hurd, MISSISSIPPI. Pres. Nortb Mississippi Coll. Hon. Henry W. Kinsman, Newburyport, Ms. Adams Moore, i. D. Littleton. Tut. Dart. Coll. Hon. Ira Perley, Concord. Tut. Dart. Coll., Judge of Sup. Court, N. H.'George K. Pomroy, Boston, Ms. Rev. Isaac Rogers, Farmington, Me. Rev. Henry Wood, Concord. Tut. Dart. Coll., Tut. Hamp. Sid. Coill., Editor Cong. Jour. 1823. John Chamberlain, Esq., *Rev. Samuel W. Clark, Greenland. Rev. Paul Couch, Randolph, Ms. Jonas Cutting, Bangor, Me. Rev. Samuel Delano, N. Haverhill. Trustee.'Rev. James MecEwen, Brattleboro', Vt. Ralph Metcalf, Esq., Newport. Sec. of State, N. H.'Horace B. Morse, Portsmouth. Hon. William W. Stickney, Newmarket. U. S. District Att. Cornelius Walker, Boston, Ms. *James Whittle, Esq., Potosi, Missouri.. 1824. William S. Allen, Esq., St. Charles, Missouri. Benjamin W. Bonney, Esq., New York City. Oliver Carlton, Salem, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll Joel Eastman, Esq., Conway.'Thomas G. Fletcher, Esq., New Orleans, La. Daniel H. Gregg, Newton, Ms. Samuel Long, M. D. Plymouth. *Hon. Gilman Parker, Haverhill, Ms. 25 Hon. Charles H. Peaslee, Concord. Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Cranmore Wallace, Charleston, S. C. Principal S. C. Lit. Inst. 1825. Rev. Silas Aiken, Rutland, Vt. Tut. Dart. Coell., Trustee. *George Chadwick, M. D. Boston, Ms. *John P. Doe, Pembroke. Josiah Fairfield, Esq., Hudson, N. Y. Rev. Caleb S. Henry, D. D. New York City. Prof. Int. and Mor. Phil., Brist. Coell., Prof. N. Y. Univ. John W. Kelly, Esq., Frankfort, Me. Hon. Isaac F. Redfield, Randolph, Vt. Judge Sup. Court Vt. Albert Smith, M. D. Peterborough. Prof. Mat. Med. & Therap. Dart. Coll. Rev. Thomas Tenney, Austinburg, O. Hon. Andrew S. Woods, Bath. Judge Sup. Court N. H. Rev. Calvin E. Stowe, D. D. Brunswick, Me. [B. Coll. 1824.] Prof. Lat. & Gr. Lang. & Lit. Dart Coell., Prof. Bib. Lit., Lane Sem., Prof. Nat. & Revealed Religion, Bowd. Coell. 1826. Rev. Constantine Blodgett, Pawtucket, Ms. Samnuel A. Burns, Esq., Rumney. Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Cincinnati, O. Sen. U. S. Cong. Charles M. Emerson, Esq., Hartford, Conn. Rev. John S. Emerson, SANDWICH ISLANDS. Missionary. *Rev. Osgood Herrick, Millbury, Ms. John Kendrick, Marietta, O. Tut. and Prof. Int. and Mor. Phil., & Prof. Gr. Lit. & Rhet., Kenyon Coll., and Prof. Gr. and Lat. Lang.. Marietta Coll. Rev. Caleb Kimball, Ipswich, Ms. Rev. Moses Kimball, Weathersfield, Vt. Rev. Henry Little, Madison, Ia. Frederick Smith, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. James Wilson Ward, Abington, Ms. 4 26 1827. *Hon. James C. Alvord, Greenfield, Ms. Rep. U. S. Cong. Rev. Thomas Bellows, Walpole. Daniel Blaisdell, Esq., Hanover. Treas. Dart. Coll. Charles D. Cleveland, Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. Lat. Lang. N. Y. Univ., & Prof. Lat. & Gr. Dick. Coll. Addison J. Eastman, Esq., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Samuel Hopkins, Saco, Me. Rev. Elisha Jenney, Carlandville, Ia. Adams Jewett, M. D. Dayton, O.'Rev. Charles H. Little, Boscawen. David Pillsbury, Esq., Chester.'Samuel Smith, Esq., Henniker. Jonathan F. Worcester, M. D. Salem, Ms. Rev. Benjamin Hale, D. D. Geneva, N. Y. [B. Coll. 1818.] Prof. Chem. & Lect. Geol. & Mineral., Dart. Coll., & Pres. Geneva Coll. *Hon. Elijah Alvord, Greenfield, Ms. 1828. Rev. William C. Dana, Charleston, S. C. Nathan T. Dow, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. Nathaniel S. Folsom, Meadville, Pa. Prof. Sac. Lit., West. Res. Coll. & Lane Theol. Sem. & Prof. Homiletics, Theol. Sem., Meadville, Pa. *Rev. Jarvis Gregg, Hudson, O. Tut. Dart. Coll., Prof. Math., & Rhet. & Orat., West. Res. Coll. George W. Haven, Esq., Portsmouth. Rev. Edmund O. Hovey, Crawfordsville, Ia. Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Wab. Coll. Rev. Milo P. Jewett, Marion, Alabama. Prof. Rhet. Marietta Coll., Ohio. *Osgood Johnson, Andover, Ms. Prec. Phillips Acad. Rev. Benjamin Labaree, D. D. Middlebury, Vt. Prof. and Pres. Jack. Coll., Pres. Midd. Coll. Rev. Clement Long, D. D. Hudson, O. Prof. Int. & Mor. Phil., & Prof. Theol., West. Res. Coll. *Rev. David Peabody, Hanover. Prof. Rhet. & Orat., Dart. Coll. 27 Daniel Perley, M. D. Lynn, Ms. Rev. John B. Richardson, Pittsford, N. Y. Rev. John A. Vinton, Boston, Ms. Ira Young, Hanover. Tut. and Prof. Math., Nat. Phil. & Astron., Dart. Coll. 1829. Diarca Howe Allen, D. D. Cincinnati, O. Prof. Math. & Nat. Phil., and Prof. Int. and Mor. Phil., Marietta Coll., Prof. Rhet. & Theol., Lane Theol. Sem. *Peter Clark, Jr., Esq., Nashua. Hon. Ira A. Eastman, Gilmanton. Speaker H. Rep. N. H., Rep. U. S. Cong., & Judge Sup. Court, N. H. Charles F. Elliott, M. D. Somersworth. Roger S. Howard, Esq., Bangor, Me. Arthur Livermore, Jr., Esq., Bath. Rev. Kendrick Metcalf, Renfield, N. Y.'Jacob H. Quimby, Baltimore, Md. Prof. Lang., St. Mary's Coll. Hamilton Smith, Esq., Louisville, Ky. Rev. Ira Tracy, Streetsboro', O. Hon. Charles W. Woodman, Dover. Judge of Probate. Levi Chamberlain, Esq., Keene. 1830. David Aiken, Esq., Greenfield, Ms. Jacob Batchelder, Lynn, Ms. Prec. Acad. John R. Bridgman, Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y.'William Chadwick, Bradford, Ms. William H. Duncan, Esq., Hanover. John H. Noyes, Oneida Reserve, N.Y. William Richmond, Barnet, Vt. Rev. Asa D. Smith, D. D. New York City. Prof. N. Y. Theol. Sem. *Rev. Evarts Worcester, Littleton. Tut. Dart. Coll. 28 1831.'Ebenezer Adams, Jr., Hanover. Samuel G. Brown, Hanover. Prof. Orat. and Bell. Let., Dart. Coll. John L. Carleton, Esq., Bath. Sullivan Caverno, Esq., Lockport, N. Y. *Charles J. Fox, Esq., Nashua. John L. Hayes, Esq., Washington, D. C. Hon. William P. Haynes, Biddeford, Me. Rev. William C. Jackson, Lincoln, Ms. *George Porter, Esq., New Orleans, La. *Moses W. Walker, Boston, Ms. John H. Webster, Esq., Norridgewock, Me. 1832. John V. Bean, Haverhill. *Stephen Chase, Hanover. Prof. Math., Dart. Coll. John L. Clark, Esq., Boston, Ms. Hon. William Cogswell Clarke, Manchester. Judge of Probate. Rev. William Cushman Clark, Warren, Ohio. Tut., West. Res. Coll. Silas H. Hill, Esq., Washington, D. C. Josiah Howe, Esq., New York City. Caleb Hunt, Jr., Esq., Bridgewater, Ms. Rev. Daniel J. Noyes, Hanover. Tut., & Phill. Prof. of Theol., Dart. Coll. Sherburne B. Piper, Esq., Lewiston, N. Y. Charles W. Prentiss, Esq., Montpelier, Vt. Edwin D. Sanborn, Hanover. Tut., and Prof. Lat. Lang. and Lit., Dart. Coll. Samuel H. Taylor, Andover, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll., Prec. Phillips Acad. 1833. Charles Abbot, KENTUCKY. Rev. Frederick A. Adams, Orange, N. J. Tut. Dart. Coll. Rev. Joseph C. Bodwell, Sanbornton. Albert Carrington, Wiota, Wis. Joseph Dow, Esq., Hampton. 29 Asa Fowler, Esq., Concord. Rev. Charles D. Jackson, New York City. J. Frederick Joy, Esq., Detroit, Michigan. Tut. Dart. Coll. Alexander H. Lawrence, Washington, D. C. John Lord, Boston, Ms. Henry E. Rogers, WEST INDIES.'Benjamin F. Shepard, Epping. Rev. Edmund Q. S. Waldrcn, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. John H. Worcester, Burlington, Vt. Tut. Dart. Coll. Rev. Jonathan Clement, D. D., Topsham, Me. [Mid. Coll. 1818.] Gideon L. Soule, [B. Coll. 1818,] Exeter. Prec. Phillips Exeter Acad. 1834.'Albert Baker, Esq., Hillsborough. Daniel Clark, Esq., Manchester. Moses T. Clough, Esq., Ticonderoga, N. Y. Moody Currier, Esq., Manchester. Richard B. Kimball, Esq., New York City. Rev. Edward A. Lawrence, Marblehead, Ms. Rev. Newton E. Marble, Concord. Samuel H. Mather, Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. James H. Merrill, Montague, Ms. Nathaniel Sumner, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alphonso Wood, Cleveland, Ohio. *Ephraim P. Bradford, New-Boston. F. M. Hubbard, [Wms. Coll. 1828.] Boston, Ms. Tut. Wms. Coll. Rev. Isaac Robinson, D. D. Stoddard. 1835. Rev. Joseph Bartlett, Buxton, Me. Tut. Dart. Coll. George Barstow, Esq., Manchester.'David H. Collins, Esq., Haverhill. David Dickey, Esq., Haverhill. Hon. Harry Hibbard, Bath. Speaker H. Rep. N. H., Rep. U. S. Cong. 3O Horace G. Hutchins, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. Nathaniel A. Keyes, Lancaster, Pa. John S. Ladd, Esq., Cambridge, Ms. Rev. James T. McCollom, Somersworth. Tut. Dart. Coll. David Morgan, Esq., Boston, Ms. Charles Reed, Esq., Montpelier, Vt. Cyrus S. Richards, Plainfield. Prec. Kimball Union Academy. Nathaniel F. Safford, Esq., Milton, Ms. Rev. Charles Tenney, Gilmanton. Tut. Dart. Coll., Prec. Gilmanton Acad., and Teacher Gil. Theol. Seminary. Benjamin K. True, Esq., New-York City. Hon. Amos Tuck, Exeter. Rep. U. S. Cong. Peter T. Washburn, Esq., Woodstock, Vt. 1836. Rev. Samuel C. Bartlett, Hudson, Ohio. Tut. Dart. Coll., Prof. Int. Phil. & Rhet., West. Res. Coll., Ohio. *Henry H. Carroll, Esq., Concord, Rev. David Coggin, Westhampton, Ms. Stoddard B. Colby, Esq., Montpelier, Vt. *Henry H. Cooke, Claremont.'Henry French, Exeter. Assist. Phillips Exeter Acad. Rev. Ephraim N. Hidden, Milford. Henry L. Low, Concord. Tut. Geneva Coll. Daniel F. Merrill, Mobile, Ala. Prec. Acad Edmund R. Peaslee, Hanover. Tut. Dart. Coill., Prof. Anat. & Physiol., Dart. Coll., Prof. Surg. and Anat. Bowd. Coll., Prof. Physiol. and Path., N. Y. Med. Coll., and Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. Timothy P. Redfield, Esq., Montpelier, Vt. *David S. Sloan, Geneva, N. Y. Henry D. Towne, Springfield, Ill. Richard H. Dana, Esq., Boston, Ms.'Rev. Joseph Gibbs, [Aberdeen, Scot.]Haverhill. Oliver P. Hubbard, M. D. [Y. C. 1828.] Hanover. Prof. Chem., Min. and Geol., Dart. Coll. 1837.'Cyrus P. Bradley, Concord. Jeremiah Clark, Rowley, Ms. Prec. Acad. Charles D. Fitch, Greenfield. Rev. Eden B. Foster, Pelham. Alexander G. Johnson, Esq., Troy, N. Y. Amasa Kinne, M. D. Jafrey.'Isaac Kinsman, Pembroke. Prec. Acad. Alfred L. Lawrence, Pepperell, Ms. Josiah Minot, Esq., Concord.'Rev. Henry M. Nichols, Haverhill, Ms. Prec. Acad. Rev. Aldace Walker, W. Rutland, Vt. 1838. James Barrett, Esq., Woodstock, Vt. Clarke S. Brown, M. D. Chichester. Jason Downer, Esq., Louisville, Ky.'Oliver G. Fessenden, Esq., Portland, Me. Franklin George, M. D. Shady Dale, Ga.'Rev. David Gibbs, Stanstead, C. E. Abner J. Phipps, New Bedford, Ms. Prec. Acad. Amasa Roberts, Esq., Dover. John H. Wakefield, Esq., Bordentown, N. J.'John Farmer, Esq., M. A., Concord. 1839. Rev. Jacob J. Abbott, Uxbridge, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coll. Rev. Ephraim Adams, Davenport, Iowa. Isaac Ames, Esq., Boston, Ms. George Bancroft, Esq., Boston, Ms. Nehemiah C. Berry, Randolph, Ms. *Abner H. Brown, M. D. Lowell, Ms. Tut. Dart. Coill., Prof. Chem., Willoughby Univ. Ohio, and Prof. Mat. Med. and Med. Jurisp., Berks. Med. School. Charles C. Chase, Lowell, Ms. Princ. High School. 32 Joseph F. Dearborn, Esq., New Bedford, Ms. Elbridge G. Dudley, Esq., Boston, Ms. George G. Fogg, Esq., Concord. Sec. of State, N. H. Henry H. Hazeltine, Haverhill. Lyman Mason, Esq., Boston, Ms. Tut. West. Res. Coll., Tut. Dart. Coll. Abel Merrill, Esq., Hartford, Vt. Rev. Charles Peabody, St. Louis, Mo.'David C. Scobey, Lowell, Ms. Teacher High School. Peter LeB. Stickney, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Moses H. Wells, Pittsfield. Rev. Charles Whiting, Wilton. Peter T. Woodbury, Esq., New York City. Samuel Hopkins, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Concord, Ms. Rev. Leonard Withington, Newbury, Ms. 1840.'Warner Barton, Worcester, Ms. Harry Brickett, M. D. Jaffrey. John T. Dame, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. John Fullonton, Whitestown, N. Y. Rev. Austin C. Heaton, Jefferson Co., Va. Timothy O. Norris, Hampton. Prec. Acad Aurin M. Payson, South Berwick, Me. Prec. Acad. John B. Perkins, Esq., Peoria, Ill. *Solomon M. Pingree, Franklin. Horace Plumer, Esq., Newburyport, Ms. J. Everett Sargent, Esq., Wentworth. William B. Smith, Esq., Louisville, Ky. Alden Southworth, Sacramento City, Cal. Rev. Josiah Stearns, Dennysville, Me. Rev. Loren Thayer, Windham. Alexander S. Wheeler, Esq., Boston, Ms. Dixi Crosby, M. D. Hanover. Prof. Surg. and Obst., Dart. Coll., Pres. N. H. Med. Soc. 1841. Jesse P. Bancroft, M. D. St. Johnsbury, Vt. George W. Benson, Esq., Lawrence, Ms. Asher Bixby, Boston, Ms. Rev. Timothy F. Clary, Thetford, Vt. Samuel B. G. Corser, Boscawen. Thomas R. Crosby, M. D. Manchester. David Cross, Esq.,: Manchester. Frederic W. Dickinson, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. William C. Foster, Boston, Ms. Nathaniel Gordon, Esq., Exeter. John C. C. Hoskins IStephen L. Kelly, West Amesbury, Ms. *Alexander H. Kent, Concord. Walter H. Kimball, M. D, Andover, Ms. David H. Mason, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. Josiah Merrill, Hartford, Vt. George W. Moor, i. D. Amherst. Rev. Henry E. Parker, Concord. Tut. Dart. Coll. Rev. David Pinkerton. Joshua M. Pitman, Moses C. Richardson, M. D., Fryeburg, Me. Rev. Leonard Swain, Providence, R. I. Rev. Daniel Tenney, Oxford, O. *Lewis F. Verback, Derby, Vt. Rev. Bela B. Edwards, [A. Coll. 1824.]Andover, Ms. Tut. A. Coll., Prof. Heb. Lang. and Lit. Theol. Sem. 1842. Amos T. Akerman, Esq., GEORGIA. John P. Averill, Boston, Ms. Benjamin W. Ball, Esq., Lowell, Ms. John S. Barrows, Jr., Fryeburg, Me. James Breck, Jr., Esq., Chicago, Ill. Lincoln F. Brigham, Esq., New Bedford, Ms. Ranslure W. Clark, Esq., Brattleborough, Vt. Aaron Day, Jr. 5 34 Augustus L. Dibble, Marshall, Mich. Rev. David Dimond, Collinsville, Missouri. David F. Drew, Milton. Caleb Emery, Boston, Ms. Teacher, Lat. School. Lyman T. Flint, E. Williamstown, Vt. Robert G. Graydon, Harrisburg, Pa. *Albert E. Hodgdon, Pittsfield. Dexter E. Hoskins, Jamestown, N. Y. Rev. Alexander Lorimer, Kingston, C. W. Stephen G. Nash, Esq., Boston, Ms. John D. Philbrick, Boston, Ms. Teacher, Quincy School. Lafayette Ranney, M. D., Chester, Vt. Rev. Samuel J. Spaulding. Newburyport, Ms. Samuel J. Stevens, Claremont. John E. Tyler, M. D., Somersworth. Jabez B. Upham, M. D., Boston, Ms. Clement A. Walker, M. D., Boston, Ms. Superint. Ins. Asylum. Rev. Sylvanus Warren, Salem, Ia. Charles P. Washburn, Esq., Elicottville, N. Y. Reuben H. Washburn, Esq., Ludlow, Vt. Milton Wason, San Francisco, Cal. Otis C. Wight, Washington, D. C. Prec. Acad. John S. Woodman, Hanover. Prof. Math. &c., Dart. Coll. Rev. Samuel H. Cox, D. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hon. Jacob Collamer, [Vt. Uni. 1810.] Woodstock, Vt. Rep. U. S. Cong., Post Master General. 1843. *Alldrew J. Blood, St. Louis, Mo. John B. Clark, Esq., Manchester. Lorenzo Clay, Esq., Gardiner, Me.'Nathan Cleaves, Manchester. George D. Colony, M. D., Athol, Ms. William Dickinson. Caleb E. Farley, St. Marks, Texas. Rev. James Fletcher, Danvers, Ms. 35 Rev. Daniel L. Furber, Newton, Ms.'John C. Haskell, Hillsboro', Ill. Edward A. Lawrence, New York City. Princ. Fem. Sem. Henry C. Lord, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dana Miller, Washington, D. C. Rev. Ezra Newton, Jr., Shutesbury, Ms. Henry S. Parker, Esq., Wayland, Ms. John N. Putnam, Hanover. Prof. Greek Lang. and Lit., Dart. Coll. Edward F. Sherman, Esq., Lowell, Ms. Lyman D. Stevens, Esq., Concord. John R. Varney, Dover. Thomas L. Wakefield, Esq., Chelsea, Ms.'Daniel S. Wheeler, So. Reading, Vt. Charles Williams, Esq., Jamestown, N. Y. Rev. Abel Wood, Canton, N. Y. Rev. T. H. Skinner, D. D. [N. J. Coll. 1809.] New York City. Prof. Sac. Rhet., And. Theol. Sem., & N. Y. Theol. Sem. Rev. Thatcher Thayer,[A. Coll. 1841.]Newport, R. I. Tut. A. Coll. 1844. *Harrison Andrews, Hillsborough. Charles Henry Bell, Esq., Somersworth. Joseph M. Bell, Esq., Boston, Ms. William Bird, Hartford, Ct. Joseph H. Bradley, Esq., Boston, Ms. Mellen Chamberlain, Esq., Boston, Ms. Rev. Edward W. Clark, Reading, Ms. Edward S. Cutter, Jaffrey. Amphion Gates, Boston, Ms. Amos Hadley, Esq., Bow. Harvey Jewell, Esq., Boston, Ms. John M. Ordway, Trenton, Missouri. Prof. Nat. & Experim. Science, Grand River College. *Charles E. Partridge, Norwich, Vt. Ambrose Ranney, Esq., Boston, Ms. Denison K. Smith, Esq., Barre, Vt. Rev. John M. Steele, Winchester, Ms. 36 William C. Todd, Atkinson. Prec. Acad. Albert G. Weeks, Gilford. Geo. Canning Williams, Esq., Lancaster. 1845. James B. Allen, Northfield, Ms. *William C. Bradlee, Charlestown, Ms. Joseph B. Brown, Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward D. Frost, Esq., VIRGINIA. Quincy A. Gilmore, Boston, Ms. Rev. Edward H. Greeley, Haverhill. Broughton D. Harris, UTAH TERRITORY. Secretary of Utah Territory. George H. Palmer, Esq., New York City. Benjamin M. Philbrick, Nashua. Edwin T. Rice, Esq., New York City. *Rev. Nathan B. Rogers, Hallowell, Me. Rev. Henry E. Ruggles, MIISSOURI. George W. Tuxbury, Esq., Boston, Ms. Joseph T. O. West, Lowell, Ms. Alonzo Clark, M. D., New York City. Prof. Vt. Med. Coill., & Coll. Phys. & Surgeons, N. Y. 1846. Charles A. Aiken, Halle, Germany. Benjamin F. Ayer, Esq., Manchester. Josiah W. Barstow, M. D., New York City. Joshua J. Blaisdell, Andover, Ms. Theological Seminary. Arthur W. Marshall, Valparaiso, Chili. Milon C. McClure, Esq., Claremont. *George W. McKeen, Bradford, Vt. Edward H. Parker, M. D., Concord. Editor, N. H. Med. Journal. Edward A. Partridge, VIRGINIA. Rev. Joshua W. Wellman, Derry. 37 1847. Wm. H. Bartlett, Esq., Concord. Samuel T. Brooks, M. D., Sherbrooke, C. E. Barton W. Chase, M. D., Springfield, Vt. McLaurin F. Cooke, Farmington. Luther Johnson, Boston, Ms.'Daniel H. Parker, Portsmouth. Artemas W. Sawyer, Thomas L. Steele, Epsom. John Ward, Esq., West Windsor, Vt. 1848. Austin Adams, West Randolph, Vt. Prec. Acad. John G. Brooks, York, Me. Justin E. Burbank, Andover, Ms. Theol. Sem. Charles G. Cheney, Holderness. Isaac L. Clarke, Waukegan, Ill. Joseph A. Goodhue, New Boston. Charles Hutchinson, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lane Theol. Sem. Oliver Miller, Esq., Annapolis, Md. Charles H. Mooar, Covington, Ky. Charles F. Mussey, New York City. Union Theol. Sem. James W. Patterson, New Haven, Ct. Theol. Sem. Augustus J. Sawyer, Townsend, Ms. Stephen B. Stinson, Esq., Troy, N. Y. Samuel W. Tolman, Andover, Ms. Theol. Sem. Edward Webster, Esq., Nunda, N. Y. 1849. Davis Foster, Esq., Bucksport, Me. Caleb S. Marsh, Norwich, Ct. Samuel Wm. Mason, Boston, Ms. John P. Newell, Manchester. Teacher, High School. 38 Harvey T. Phillips, Chattanooga, Ten. Editor. *Charles H. Strong, Hartford, Vt. Horace Webster, Barnstead, Rev. J. W. Carruthers, D. D., Portland, Me. Rev. George W. Bethune, D. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hon. Jared Williams, Lancaster. Rep. U. S. Cong. & Governor. 1850. Joseph C. Barrett, Wilton. David Bremner, Andover, Ms. Theol. Sem. Edward T. Brooks, Sherbrooke, C. E. Alonzo Brown, Bristol, Pa. Henry Chase, Claremont. Louis W. Clark, Pittsfield. Prec. Acad. John B. D. Cogswell, Cambridge, Ms. Law School. DeWitt Clinton Cram, S. Woodstock, Vt. Charles E. Davis, Ashburnham, Ms. Joseph Eastman, Kingston. Charles S. Farrar, Hollis. Prec. Acad. Edward Goodell, Andover, Ms. Theol. Sem. Elias H. Richardson, Andover, Ms. Theol. Sem. Alfred Russell, Cambridge, Ms. Law School. 1851. Edward Aiken, Andover, Ms. Theol. Sem. Francis E. Clarke, Waukegan, Ill. Isaac Coffin, Hallowell, Me. William C. Grant, Andover. Prec. Acad. Charles Hitchcock, Hanover. Homer O. Hitchcock, Orford. Prec. Acad. Gilbert E. Hood, Thetford, Vt. Assist. Prec. Thetford Academy. Morris Lamprey, Deerfield. Elihu T. Quimby, New Ipswich. Prec. Acad. Edward A. Rollins, Baltimore, Md. Jonathan Ross, Craftsbury, Vt. Prec. Acad. Henry E. Sawyer, Francestown. Prec. Acad. Daniel L. Shorey, Washington, D. C. Joseph H. Tyler, Lowell, Ms. Charles W. Willard, Montpelier, Vt. Rev. Henry Clark, Manchester.