ON LMATTER AND ETHER. ON MATTER AND ETHER THE SECRET LAWS OF PHYSICAL CHANGE. BY THOMIAS RAWSON BIRIKS, M.A. RECTOR OF KELSEALL, HERTS FORMIERLY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE AUTHOR OF "THE DIFFICULTIES OF BELIEF" &c. MACMILLAN AND CO. AND 23, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, 1862 [I77te r'ight of translcatio l is r'eserved.] (Tambrittbe: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT TIHE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE. THE Theory unfolded in the present Essay, whatever may be its merits or defects, is not the hasty production of a moment. It is twenty-eight years since the first steps were taken in the line of inquiry, -which has now at length assumed a consistent and connected form. Three main elements of the theory, the conclusion from the law of gravitation with regard to the nature'of the atoms of matter, the constitution of chemical elements, as the firs't step in composition of these material monads, ancl the large part played by rotatory motion and centrifugal atomic force, in nearly all branches of physics, were then imperfectly traced out in connexion with various kinds of phenomena, and became settled convictions of my mind. A second step, after some little interval, was to discern the absolute need of admitting ether distinct from matter, as proved by the phenomena of light and electricity, and along with this, the consequent necessity for three distinct laws of central force, to explain their nature and mutual action. From these data alone consequences were traced out, at intervals of reflection, such as other engagements would allow, which seemed gradually to take a definite shape, and reveal the main classes of phenomena, known to science, as necessary results of such a constitution of the two primary elements. One difficulty, however, hindered me from ripening the theory into a definite and tangible form, and made me unwilling, in spite of the many Vi PREFACE. interesting lines of speculation it opened, to offer it to the thoughts and criticism of men of science, until it had been overcome. I was long unable to conceive such a relation of the constants, required by the laws of force, as would satisfy the phenomena of light and of the cohesion of solids, and also make mechanical structure a direct and immediate result of chemical composition. It seemed needful to allow a wide interval between the chemical atom, the first result of composition, and the molecule, on which cohesion and solid structure depend. In a later review of the sutjeet, by comnbinning the known data, and adopting an inductive course, this difficulty, I believe, was finally removed. Its source was the assumption, on grounds of apparent simplicity, of the lowest possible powers, the inverse third and fourth, for the two unknown laws of force to be determined. By the course of reasoning unfolded in the earlier chapters of the Essay, this source of perplexity was removed, while the main features of the theory, as it had for many years been developed, remained unaltered. All recent discoveries, during the thirty years since I became possessed of some of its main outlines, seem to me to have only confirmed, by anticipation, its substantial validity and truth. With the strong hope that it will be found to supply the true key to many of the undisclosed mysteries of nature, which have hitherto baffled all attempts at harmonious and consistent explanation, I commit it now.to the candid and thoughtful reflection of men of science, and to the blessing of Him in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. KELSmALL RECTORY, S6et. 23, I862. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PA.G' INTuODUCTION e1 I. On Matter and Ether. 7 I. The Laws of Affinity and Repulsion.. 19 III. On the General Forims of Matter. 27 IV. On the Igneous Forln of Matter andl the Phenomena of Comets 45 V. The Nature and Properties of Light 56 VI. On the Chemical Elements in General. 85 VII. On the Four Simplest Elements 99 VIII. General Relations of the Chemical Elements t. 119 IX. On Statical Electricity. 134 X. On the Electric Cu tenlt.. 155 XI. On Electro-magnetism. 176 XII. On Magnetism and Diama-gnetism. 190 XIII. On Terrestrial Physics in General 0. 202 ON MATTER AND ETHER, OR THE SECRET LAWS OF PHYSICAL CHANGE. INTRODUCTION. SINCE the discovery of the Law of Gravitation, by Sir Isaac Newton, an immense progress has been made in every branch of physical science. Chemistry and electricity were then in their infancy, and galvanism quite unknown. But the advance, of late years, has been rapid and continual. Secondary laws of high importance have been discovered, as in the Undulatory Theory of Light, researches on specific and radiant heat, electrical attraction and induction, atomic proportions, and the laws of crystallization. All the subtler influences of nature, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemical affinity, crystalline polarity, are found, more and more, to be intimately related to each other. AMen of science feel themselves to be on the verge of some great discovery, but the key which can unlock these various secrets of nature has not yet been attained. I 2 ON MATTER AND ETIIER. The theories which have been proposed, to explain separately some one class of these phenomena, are plainly insufficient. Thus electricity has been referred, sometimes to one, and sometimes to two electric fluids. The second hypothesis has been developed by Coulomb, Poisson, Whewell, Murphy, and other analysts. But the reasons why these two fluids should combine with matter, and nearly all their laws of combination, remain wholly unexplained; while the supposition itself, of two such fluids differing only by a positive and negative sign, is very remote from natural probability. Again, magnetism has been referred, by Amp're, to spiral systems of electric currents. But the needful postulates, that two elements of electricity attract each other, when they move in the same direction at right angles to the line of junction; that they repel with the same force, when they move opposite ways, and with half the force, when the motion is in the direction of their distance, have none of the simplicity of ultimate laws. No explanation at all is given, why electricity in motion should attract differently from its state of rest, or why currents in constant revolution should exist around the particles of a magnet. The theory may have its use as a landing-place in the ascent of science, but the true nature both of electricity and magnetism clearly remains still to be discovered. Again, theories of heat have been constructed, by Fourier and others, with great analytical ability, on the hypothesis that caloric is a fluid, condensed around the molecules of matter, and radiating constantly from one part of it to another. But the later discoveries of the Polarization of Heat, and of its equivalence with mechanical force, have almost entirely overthrown the idea that it is a INTRODUCTION. 3 distinct and separate fluid. All these theories, of two electric fluids, a magnetic fluid, and a fluid of heat, are not only fragmentary, but divergent, and in their results contradictory to each other. Several attempts have been made to propound some view of the constitution of matter, which may account for the various forms of molecular action. The theory of Boscovich was one of the earliest. Each particle was supposed to be a point, endued with attractive and repulsive force; the curve of force being such as to cross the axis several times, or to have several neutral distances, where the force changes from attraction to repulsion, the repulsion tending to infinity at one limit, and the attraction varying as the inverse square at the other. But a law of force with these conditions is so complex, and admits of so many arbitrary varieties, as to make the hypothesis highly improbable, and practically useless. The modern discoveries in optics, also, seem to exclude the notion that one kind of matter alone will account for all the varied phenomena of the universe. The first rule of philosophical reasoning, laid down by Sir Isaac Newton, is to. this effect: "No more causes of natural things are to be admitted, than such as are both true, and sufficient to explain their appearance." He says further, at the close of the work: "' Whatever is not deduced from the phenomena is to be called an hypothesis; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy." The rule, thus stated, is clearly open to a very weighty objection. If the true cause is already known, all inquiry is superfluous. But if not known, how can it be the test 1 2 4 ON MATTER AND ETHER. of a sound induction? Dr Whewell has observed, more accurately, that hypothesis is essential to the progress of science; that few discoveries have been made, till several hypotheses have been tried; and that the test of a sound induction is not the rejection of all hypothesis, but a readiness to invent those which shall be most promising, and to abandon those which have been proved insufficient. It is like the use of a bunch of keys in unlocking a door. lie succeeds best who only tries the keys which have some apparent resemblance of size to the lock itself, and who, instead of trying to force the lock with a wrong key, lays it aside quickly, and tries another. There can be no more complete test of an hypothesis than its power to explain all the phenomena; and the word " true" in Newton's rule, may thus appear not only superfluous, but to involve a logical contradiction. The real meaning, however, of Newton, was probably this; that a cause already accepted for one class of phenomena, if it will also explain another class, is preferable to one which explains the latter alone. Thus gravity was a known fact with regard to bodies on the earth's surface; and since it would account also for the moon's revolution, and the orbits of the planets, it was to be preferred to any explanation which would apply to the latter only. The principle, thus understood, is the same which has been well called "the consilience of inductions," and seems to lead to the following principles or rules of inductive inquiry. AxIOM I. There are only two tests of the truth of any physical hypothesis; its fitness to account for all the phenomena, and its simplicity. AxIoiI II. The simplest hypothesis, which offers any hope of explaining the facts, ought first to be tried; and INTRODUCTION. 5 more complex ones, only when the simpler has been tried, and proved to be insufficient by careful examination. AxIoM III. The first step in the required proof of any hypothesis, is when it can be shewn to produce, by natural consequence, all, or nearly all, the same classes of phenomena, which a true theory is wanted to explain. Such an hypothesis may be called probable, and has a claim to fuller development. AxIoM IV. An hypothesis is not only probable, but almost certainly true, when, on being developed, it yields a large variety of measurable results, which agree in quantity with the results of direct experiment. AxIoMi V. The simplest hypothesis is that which includes the smallest number of arbitrary postulates, such as distinct laws of force, constants of force, and constants of distance. The first result of these simple axioms, when applied to the great problem of physical science, still unsolved, is to sweep away all the specific fluids, which have been conjecturally proposed, each for one limited class of phenomena; the two electricities, the fluid of heat, or caloric, and the magnetic fluid. The phenomena of optics seem to compel the admission of a luminous ether, besides matter, of immense elastic force. Until it has been shewn that this double admission, of ponderable matter, and of luminiferous ether, is insufficient to explain the phenomena, the recognition of any further varieties, or of fundamental diversities in matter itself, or of many distinct and unchangeable material substances, is opposed to the true laws of a sound 6 ON MATTER AND ETHER. induction. But before the inquiry can make any considerable progress, it will plainly be needful to form some clear and definite conception with regard to the real nature of both these kinds of substance, and the laws of mutual action which must be supposed to exist between them. Such will be the first object of the present investigation. It will then be endeavoured to trace out, in order, the main consequences of the fundamental hypothesis, and their correspondence with the known phenomena of physical change. CHAPTER I. ON MATTER AND ETHER. 1. EIERY particle of matter attracts every other particle, with a force varying inversely as the stuare of the distance between them. This is the great discovery of Newton, which must form the natural starting point for every further advance in physical science. The history of Astronomy for two centuries has consisted mainly in the development of its results. But rich and fertile as its consequences, in one direction, have proved to be, those which flow from it in another have never been traced with sufficient clearness. When examined narrowly, it points to conclusions of great importance and scientific value. 2. Every particle is eitzer a mathematical point, or else contains such a point, as the true centre ~fom whzich tzhe attraction proceeds. By the fundamental law, the attractive power varies inversely as the square of the distance. But distances cannot be measured from a space of finite dimensions. They nust be measured from some point only. Hence, if the attractive forces exerted by a particle on every other are determinate, then the point from which they emanate, or 8 ON MATTER AND ETHER. from which all the distances are reckoned, must be determinate also. 3. There is no reason for admitting, in the particles of vnatter, a solid sphere of repulsion, enclosing the trite centre of force, and distinct from it. First of all, such an assumption is very complex and arbitrary, and thus violates the first and second Axioms of inductive inquiry. A central force, emanating from a definite point or centre, is proved to exist. The hypothesis introduces these further elements; an arbitrary radius of the solid nucleus, an arbitrary shape of the atom, a surface of abrupt and infinite repulsion, a structure unalterably rigid, and also an arbitrary relation of the centre of force to the supposed solid nucleus. None of these things can be rightly assumed, while there is no clear necessity for the supposition. Again, two of these assumptions are opposed to all the conclusions from experience. They would rest a scientific datum upon a popular impression, which exact science disproves. In compound bodies, repulsion always begins at some distance from the surface. A sudden change, then, from attraction to infinite repulsion, has no analogy in its favour. The most solid bodies, also, have always some elasticity, and a case of perfect rigidity is not to be found. The hypothesis, then, of a rigid, solid nucleus, not only finds no warrant in the law of gravitation itself, but is also opposed to all known analogy. Hence, by Axiom II. it is inadmissible, until it can be shewn that a simpler hypothesis, the natural result of the law alone, fails to satisfy the actual phenomena. 4. The simplest view of matter, derived at once from the law of gravitation, i's tZhat it consists of monaRcds, or move CHAPTER I. 9 able cenltres of force, unextended, but definite in position, which attract each other with a force varying inversely as the square of the distance between the centres. This conception, of points that are centres of force, results plainly and unavoidably from the nature of the law of gravitation. Any further conception of the constitution of matter is an unproved addition. Also the conception, in this simplest form, involves no greater metaphysical difficulty than may be shewn to exist equally in every other conception of primitive or constituent atoms. 5. The particles of matter, so constituted, could never coalesce with each other, and thus lose their inzdividual being, or disap)Iear. Let us suppose two particles to fall from rest in the line joining their centres. Unless all other particles were disposed with perfect symmetry in reference to this line, and were also at rest, there must be some lateral disturbance. But in this case they will describe ellipses round their centre of gravity, and after their nearest appulse, will recede again. Hence it is plainly impossible that any two particles, so formed, should coalesce together. 6. T/he law of gravitation, in matter so constituted, will not alone account for the cohesion and solid structure of bodies. Let us assume one thousand millionth of the earth's radius (=~ in. or 6- millimetres nearly) for a linear unit. Assume further that a small sphere of this radius, and of the density of the earth, has its particles symmetrically placed, and 104 for the number in its radius, or its mean linear density. The attraction of this sphere on an atom at its surface will be 109 less than the atom's weight. The attraction of atom on atom at that distance will be -7r.103+9 10 ON SMATTER AND ETHER. less than the weight of an atom, and at their own mean clistance 4v. 100+' less than the weight. Hence two atoms must be 64720x102 nearer to each other than this mean distance, that one may have a cohesive action on the other equal to its own weight, so as to retain it in permanent connection. There is plainly no arrangement of the particles which can satisfy this condition, and retain the least semblance of a solid structure. We must therefore look elsewhere for the explanation of cohesive force and solidity. Two alternatives are possible. Either the law of gravitation must be modified for small distances; or there muSt be some other substance, distinct from common matter, on which the phenomena of cohesion depend. 7. A seif-repulsire ether, wholly distinct frnom conmon nmatter, also exists, and is cditfsed widely throuq/zout all known space. The closing words of the Principia are like a prophecy, and shew in what direction the second main series of physical discovery must be attained. "I might add something about a certain very subtle spirit, which pervades dense bodies and lies hid in them; by the power of which, bodies at very small distances attract each other, and when brought close together, cohere; and electrical bodies act at greater distances, attracting and repelling neighbouring bodies; and light is emitted, refracted, and reflected, and warms bodies; and sensation is excited, and the limbs of animals are moved at will, through vibrations of this spirit, propagated through the nerves to the brain, and from the brain to the muscles. But these things cannot be expounded in few words; nor is there extant a sufficient abundance of CHAPTER I. 11 experiments, by which the laws of the activity of this spirit could be accurately determined." In Sir Isaac Newton's Op2tics, the same thought appears in the modest form of queries. "Is not heat conveyed through a vacuum by the vibrations of a much more subtile mediumn than air? Is not this medium the same by which light is refracted and reflected, and communlicates heat to bodies, and is put into fits of easy.reflexion and transmission? Do not hot bodies communicate their heat to cold ones by the vibrations of this medium? And is it not exceedingly more rare and subtile than the air, and exceedingly more elastic and active? And does it liot readily pervade all bodies? And is it not, by its elastic force, expanded through all the heavens?" Since the days of Newton, science has done much to supply the deficiency of experiment to which he alludes. The Undulatory Theory of Light, in. displacing his own, has lent new evidence of the truth of his modest conjectures. In the hands of Young, Fresnel, Malus, Cauchy, Airy, Lloyd, and Stokes, it has come very near to astronomy in the singular and beautiful triumphs of its analysis, and the large variety of curious phenomena which have been explained. But its first postulate is the existence of an ether,, such as the sagacity of Newton divined long ago, and indeed the same by which Huyghens, his contemporary, had already solved the phenomena of double refraction. This ether must be diffused through all known space. For light is caused by its undulations, and this reaches us from stars immensely distant. Its elasticity, also, implies its diffusion in all directions, and not merely in the lines of the transmission of stellar light. 12 ON MATTER AND ETHER. Again, this ether must be self-repulsive. If its particles were mutually attractive, they would evidently condense around centres, where there was any excess of density at first, and light could not pass from one of these condensing systems to another. Mutual repulsion, therefore, must plainly be one of its fundamental laws. The denial of the existence of this ether, when confirmed by so many discoveries of modern times, though AM. Comte in his Lectures ventures to style.it a mark of superior wisdom, is a step backwards into the nonage of science. To recognise a cause, which is pointed out by many classes of phenomena converging together, is just as imperative a law of sound philosophy, as to reject and refuse every really superfluous element. 8. No secondc flid, of caloric, electricity, or mnagnetism, ought to be recoqnised, until it can be proved that the action and reaction of common matter and a luminous ether are incapable of sztpplying the required explanation. This results at once from the second Axiom. The simplest hypothesis may justly claim to be the first examined. That which recognises matter alone, is disproved by the phenomena of cohesion and of light. Next in order of simplicity is that which recognises both matter and a luminiferous and elastic ether, but no other fundamental variety. The ready adoption of so many hypothetical fluids, as have been often proposed, repels thoughtful students, and makes them ready to question the existence of any ethereal medium whatever, distinct from common or ponderable matter. The line of safe induction lies between these two extremes; and the most able analysts and experimentalists already tend to this middle view. 9. The existence of matter and ether requires the ad CHAPTER I. 13 missson of three, and only three, laws of force for their mutual action. First, matter acts on matter, and the law of its action is already known, being one of mutual attraction, inversely as the square of the distance. Secondly, matter must act on ether, and ether on matter. This force must also be attractive, since otherwise the ether would not be condensed around the material atoms, nor give rise to cohesive affinity between neighbouring particles. Its exact law of force is hitherto unknown. Thirdly, ether acts on ether. This force must be repulsive; since otherwise the ether would converge into patches, and not be diffused through space, as the transmission of light from the stars in every direction evidently proves it to be. Fourthly, these two unknown laws cannot be the same with that of gravitation,, or vary only as the inverse square. In this case all three forces would increase and diminish together, and cohesive attraction and ethereal repulsion would have the same relative amount at great as at small distances. There could thus be neither increase of cohesion, nor of resistance to pressure, however closely particles were packed together. These two forces, then, must follow some higher law than the inverse square. 10. The ether of the universe greatly exceeds ink quantity, or in the number of its atoms, the amount of ponderable matter. The force of cohesion, by the hypothesis, must depend on the presence of ether along with the material atoms. Hence, even in solids and liquids, the number of ether 14 ON MATTER AND ETHER. atoms must exceed that of the material atoms. But the planetary and stellar spaces are all filled with ether, and nearly voidl of matter. The space of the solar system half way to the nearest stars, exceeds the bulk of the sun more than 1022 to 1, or ten thousand trillion times. It does not seem likely that the mean distance of the monads of matter can be much less than that of the free ether in space. We may conclude that the number of ethereal is immensely great, compared with that of the material atoms. 11. The mean distance of the particles of free ether must be less, and is probabljy far less, than one ten millionth of an inchz. The violet rays of light make 60,000 undulations in one inch. With the limit assumed above, there would be only 167 ether particles in the length of a wave. In like manner 250 would be the number in the length of a red ray, and the difference about 80. It seems plain that, in a discontinuous medium of the kind suppposed, no vibration can be propagated to any distance, of which the length is not some multiple of the mean interval from atom to atom. But the black lines of the speculum divide it into a much greater number of different shades or kinds of light. Hence it seems to follow that the distance of the atoms must be less than oo0 ooo in. and may be very greatly less. 12. The pressure of the ether on any surface must be immensely great. The pressure of common air, at the earth's surface, is nearly fifteen pounds per square inch.'Now when two media are compared, the velocity of a vibration varies as the square root of the pressure, or modulus of the elasticity. CHAPTER I. 15 The velocity of sound, however, apart from its increase by the momentary heat, is only 916'3 feet per second, while that of light is 192,000 miles. The ratio is thus 1,106,360 to 1. The ethereal pressure, then, must be 1,224037,000000 times greater than that of atmospheric air, or 18~ billions of pounds to the square inch. It is plain, then, how powerful must be the action of what are usually called the imponderable elements, or the mechanical forces, which light, heat and electricity, bring continually into play. 13. Thie action of matter on ether must vary as the inverse cabe or some hlqher law, and the repulsion of ether on ethzer, as the inverse fourth, or some ziqgher integer power. First, the principle of the second Axiom requires us to assume integer, rather than fractional powers, for the two unknown laws of force, until decisive evidence to the contrary can be found, since the assumption is evidently far simpler. The nature of cohesion, also, and ethereal action, evidently requires inverse powers. But the action of matter on ether must increase more rapidly than gravitation for small distances, or else cohesion would not be limited to such distances. Hence the inverse cube is the lowest admissible power. Again, the repulsive force of the ether must vary more rapidly than the affinity of matter for ether, since otherwise there would be no limit to the condensation, and attraction would increase the fastest with the density of the mass. The inverse fourth is the lowest power which can satisfy this first condition. Reasons, however, will presently appear for assuming still higher powers for the true laws of nature. 14. The Three Laws of Force imply two inadependent 16 ON MATTER AND ETHER. constants, and two others result from the actual constitution of the ether in splace, and of material bodies. Because the action of ether on matter and ether follows two different laws, there must be some distance at which they are equal, or have a fixed proportion. The distance at which the attractive power of a monad of matter is half the repulsive power of a monad of ether, will be a First Constant. The distance at which the gravitation of matter to matter, and the repulsion of ether for ether, are equal, will be a Second, or Mean Constant. The distance at which the affinity of matter for ether is one half the attraction of matter for matter, will be a Third Constant. The Second, or Mean Constant, is determined by the two others. It will be a mean proportional when the powers are equidistant, and will divide the ratio as m -2: n — m, in other cases, where mn is the index of affinity, and n of repulsion. Again, the self-repulsion of ether implies its equable diffusion through space, apart from the condensing power of material atoms. There must therefore be a certain mean distance, on which its elasticity, and the propagation of light and radiant heat depend, and which will modify every kind of molecular action. This may be called the Ether Constant. A cubic inch of water must contain a certain number of material monads, on which its weight depends. If these are all arranged symmetrically, at right angles, they will define a certain mean linear distance of the monads of matter, when the density is one. This distance may be called the Solid Constant. When we know the density of any body, and the number of monads in its chemical atom, CHAPTER I. 17 the mean distance of those atoms will be deduced immnediately from this solid constant. 15. To determine some general relations amzong tlese constants. Let 10-n, 10-n, in inches, be the Ether and Solid Constants. The log. in grains, of the weight of a cubic inch of water, is 2'40219. The Earth's attraction, assuming its density to be 5'5, exceeds that of a cubic inch of water at one inch distance, log = 9 39790. But the action of one cubic inch on another must exceed that of one atom onl another, as 10%n. Hence 6n + 699571, or 6n —+ 7 nearly, will be the neg. log. for the force in grains, exercised by one material monad on another at one inch distance. Again, the pressure of the air on a square inch is about 14'62 lb. = 102340 grs., log = 5'01005. But the ratio of the velocities of light and sound, apart from the heat of compression, has its log=6'04390. The pressure in elastic fluids is as the square of the velocity of vibration. Hence the logarithm of the ethereal pressure, in grains per square inch, = 17'09785, or 125270 billions of grains. The tenacity of a square inch bar of steel is about 134,000 lb., or nearly 109 in grains. The cohesive action in a substance, density = 1, with its monads evenly disposed, is probably less, or its log = 9 - x, where the value of x depends on the chemical atom and structure, and the density. If now we assume the Ether and Solid Constants to be equal, and the cohesion of steel to be nearly the same as of matter evenly disposed, density = 1, we lhave 17, 9, and -(2n+ 7), for the common logarithms of the repulsion, affinity, and gravitation, of 102o or 102"" monads on a like number, on the surface of a square inch, and at a dis2 18 ON MATTER AND ETHER. tance, each from each, of 10-"'. From this first comparison, then, it would seem to result that the Ether Constant, if not lower, must be nearly as low as the First Constant, since the monads of ether must have a longer mean distance, that the cohesion may equal the ethereal pressure, as deduced from the immense velocity of light compared with sound. The thickness of a soap-bubble, before it bursts, has been proved to be only four ten-millionths of an inch. Hence n, the index for the Solid Constant, cannot be less than seven, and may be much greater. In like manner, it follows from the waves of light, that the mean distance of the ether monads must be less than one ten-millionth of an inch, or mb greater than 7. But other facts lead to the inference that both of these indices have a much higher value, and that the mean distance of the monads of ether and atoms of matter is very considerably lower in order of real magnitude. CHAPTER II. THE LAWS OF AFFINITY AND REPULSION. 16. To determni'ne the general relatweons of lVatter and Ethers, under laws of Affinity and ehulsion, following a hihqer power of the dcistance than the Inverse Square. Let an atom of matter be placed in an ocean of free ether, and attract it by the law of the inverse cube, or by some higher power. It will be nearer to one monad of ether than to the others, or will become so by their motion, and will therefore be more strongly attracted by it, and attract it in return. The other monads, repelling the ether, and attracting the matter, will impress on the two a rotatory motion. But the centrifugal force produced by their mutual action, or that of the surrounding monads, will not, with the inverse cube or any higher power, be equal to the increase of the direct force. They will thus describe a rapidly decreasing spiral, in which the line to the centre is finite. Hence the two atoms must coalesce with an infinite force, and then remain inseparable. This process of elective affinity, if the ether particles are in great excess, will continue until every monad of matter has combined with one of ether, so as to form a double or conjugate atom. This dual aton will be neutral 2-2 20 ON MATTER AND ETHER. to other dual atoms at the distance of the First Constant, where the one repulsion will balance the two affinities; and will be neutral to free ether atoms at a slightly greater distance, depending on the two laws of force. There will be a strong attraction at greater distances, and a still stronger repulsion at less distances. All further coalescence of these double atoms with each other, or with the monads of uncombined ether, will be impossible. For when the distance is less than the First Constant, the repulsion will be greater than the sum of the two equal affinities, and at half the distance be at least twice as great; or if the indices of the powers differ by two, four, or six, it will be four, sixteen, or sixty-four times greater. Hence we shall have two kinds of centres of force only. The first consists of double monads, of matter combined with ether, following a double law of force, with a positive and a negative term. The second consists of free or uncombined ether, obeying its own simple law of self-repulsion. The further relations of the dual monads, which we may call material atoms or units, to each other and to uncombined ether, will depend on the relation between, the First and the Ether Constant. If the First be much less than the Ether Constant, or mean distance of the free ether monads, then each particle of matter will condense around it a series of ether particles up to and beyond the limit of that mean distance, so as to form an ether atmosphere. The constitution of the central part of this atmosphere will depend almost entirely on the law of central force, and the outmost strata alone will be much modified by the compressing force of the free ether. But if the First Constant equals the Ether Constant, only the nearest CHAPTER II. 21 ether monads will experience a very sensible compression by the central force, and the others will be very slightly compressed, because the attracting power of the centre will be only a small fraction of the pressure from the nearest ether monads. In this case each particle of matter may have a single, double or triple line of attached ether monads, but not an ether atmosphere of dimensions much larger than the distance of its component monads. Again, if the First Constant were much larger than the Ether Constant, the cohesive force would bear a very small proportion to the repulsion of the ether, and a solid and coherent structure of bodies would be rendered impossible. Our choice is thus restricted to the two former alternatives alone. 17. To determzine the condensation of ether, apart f.rom external pressure, with different assumed laws of Affinity/ and -Repulsion. Let m, n denote the indices of affinity and repulsion, x any distance from the centre of force, and r the linear density, or number of ether monads in the unit of distance. Taking an infinitesimal cylinder of unlimited length, ar'dx will be the differential of the mass, and arC3-xdx that of the force acting on it from the centre. But the pressure is produced by ar2 monads, each at distance I from the next, or having a repulsion as ra. The differential of this pressure must be equal to the total action of the central force on the differential of the mass. Hence d.ar+2 = (n + 2) ar c+ dr = ar3x-'"dx, and, dividing by r' and integrating (n 2) ( - 1) r.-' = (_ - 1 \ xl- c. 22 ON MATTER AND ETHER. Or, varying the form of the constant, r = c / + loan where ca is the density of the free ether, apart from the attraction. Neglecting the external pressure, I-mr 3-Con -- =X-1;.X r3 = 8_3x *The mass of a sphere, whose density follows this law, 4 n-1 - I.. ~ -ill be. s n-i. And hence the cohesive action 3 n-Adnh of two such atoms on each other, if nearly the same as when their atmospheres are condensed at the centres, will have for its negative index rn' = n- 3 To satisfy the conditions, this force must vary by a higher law than the inverse square. But if rn= 3, = 4, -' =2, and if = 3 n = 5, m' = 1. Hence, apart from external pressure, and in the case of matter surrounded by ether atinospheres, the law of the inverse cube fails to satisfy the rapid change of cohesive force that results from the phenomena. If mn = 4, = 5, m'= 3; and if n = 4, n = 6, nZ' = 24; if in = 4, n = 8,'= 2. Hence, in the same case, it may still be doubtful whether the increase and decrease of cohesive force would be sufficiently rapid, even with the law of the inverse fourth power. If m = 6, n = 8, in'= 5X; n = 6, n = 10, An'= 42; n = 6, n= 12, m'= 4-; and in all these cases the actual law for the composite action is higher than the fourth, so as to satisfy the probable conditions, but exceeds it less, as the index of repulsion is increased, CHAPTER II. 23 18. To determine, by a first ap-proximation, the arranyement of ether atoms along a single radius, neglecting, as before, the action of thefree ether. A single atom will plainly be in equilibrio at the neutral distance for ether, which exceeds that for matter in the ratio'-Q/2. Taking this for the unit, we may, in a first approximation, suppose the attraction of the central matter to be balanced by the repulsion of the one ether monad, which lies nearest it towards the centre, and that the other ether monads on the two sides nearly compensate each other. Let cao, a1,, a2, ct%, &c. be the successive total distances of the ether monads from the centre; also n = a (n- m2) and an?-7 = br. Then br -b,-l= b,.a and br=r_ -+ nearly. Thus (+ )-m-, will nearly represent the successive distances of the ether monads, and the number of those in the distance 1 will be -1, nearly. n -- 97 Applying this result to the case of spherical atmospheres of different radii, and putting; for the number of monads, or the mass of condensed ether. = 3, n = 4, /~ = q85~7r. n = 6, n = 8, / = 85vrr m 4, - 5 / = 166~ 7ir5. m=6, n=10, /=-205 Orr~. m = 4, n = 6, u = 367rr. mq = 6, n 12, IO -10 7rr. All these relations will be essentially modified, if the ether constant be nearly or quite as small as the first constant, or the pressure of the free ether has a sensible proportion to the forces which balance each other at the neutral distance. 24 ON MATTER AND ETHER. 19. To dedcce the probable Lazv qf Afinity from the compcar'ison qf weight and cohesive force~ The tenacity of a square inch of steel, the highest known, is about 134,000 pounds, or nearly 10o in grains. But the gravitation of one cubic inch towards another, density 1, at one inch distance, is 10-7 in grains nearly. Hence the neg. log. for atom on atom at that distance, is 6n + 7, at the distance 10O-' it is 4n +7, and for 10"2 atoms, or the action of each stratum on the next, 2n + 7. Assuming the former to represent the cohesive force of two adjacent strata in the uniform arrangement, this exceeds gravity as 10 2n',: 1. Supposing the tenacity to result entirely from the mutual force of the particles nearest to a plane section, and f to be the index of affinity, then 2n + 16 - (f- 2) n will be the logarithmu of cohesion + gravity, at one inch distance. But general experience, and the special experiments of iMr Baily on the earth's density, tend to shew that cohesive force is small, if not quite insensible, even compared with the general force of gravitation (which is very small itself), at one inch distance. lHence we must have (f- 2) n > 2n + 16, or (f - 4) n> 16. This seems to prove that cohesion nmust follow even a higher law than the inverse fourth power, and can only agree with the inverse fifth, if n is > 16, or the mean distance of the material particles not greater than 100 trillionths of an inch. The difference between the cohesion of steel, and of the hypothetical arrangement of monads in matter of density one, may a little modify these values. But since the disproportion is probably far less than 1016, it will not affect the main conclusion, that no inverse power lower than the fifth can satisfy the conditions for the law of affinity. CHAPTER 11. 25 Since the law of gravitation is the inverse square, it seems more simple to assume even powers for the other laws of affinity and repulsion. Hence the Inverse Sixth is the simplest law of affinity, which satisfies the previous condition. In this case, if n> 8, or the mean distance of the material particles is less than one hundred millionth, the great superiority of cohesive force above gravitation at the Solid Constant, and its insensible amount at one inch distance can both be fully satisfied. 20. To deterzmine the probable Law of Repulsion. The Law of Affinity having now been assumed to be the Inverse Sixth, as the simplest which agrees with the conditions, the Law of Repulsion must be still higher, and simplicity leads us to infer that it is also some even power. The inverse eighth, tenth, and twelfth, have each some claim to be the simplest. Tile first of these is the lowest even power, after the sixth. The inverse tenth makes the intervals equal between each pair of indices, since 10-6 =4 =6-2. Again, the inverse twelfth has an index the product of the two others, being the sixth power of the law of gravity, and the duplicate of the law of affinity. Its adoption makes the sphere of the three successive forces more distinct, or the repulsion more marked in the first, and the predominance of cohesion in the second sphere, and the relation of the powers is both simpler in itself, and with reference to calculation. On this view the three indices r2, r8.2, al.a32 have the simplest relation to each other, as products. The second is the triplicate of the first, and the third a duplicate of the second. The main features, however, of the general theory will be the same, if a further and more exact analysis were to indicate 26 ON MATTER AND ETHER. some other law than precisely the inverse twelfth as the true constitution of ether. Let us now, to fix our ideas, assume that the Ether Constant is 10-1s or one trillionth of an inch, and the Solid Constant ten times greater. In this case 10" is the ethereal pressure in grains at a square inch, and 109+-, the cohesive force on a square inch, at a distance ten times greater. But when the distance is lessened ten times, the increase of the particles will be 102, and the action of each increased 10o6, so that 10"17+ will be the cohesive action at the distance of the Ether Constant. On this supposition, according to the value of x, the first constant will be greater or less; but only in a small proportion, than the Ether Constant, and the solid constant greater than one or the other in a nearly tenfold ratio. WVe seem thus led naturally to the conclusion, from the great velocity of light, that both the Ether and Solid Constants, depending on the actual constitution of the universe, must approach, in their actual values, to the magnitude of the first and lowest of those three constants, which result from a direct comparison of the laws of force themselves. CHAPTER III. ON THE GENERAL FORMS OF MATTER. 21. TIlE Four Elements of the ancients, though displaced by modern chemistry, still retain in reality an important scientific meaning. The element of Fire finds its counterpart in the doctrine of the imponderables, or light, caloric, and electricity. Air, Water, and Earth, again, represent the three distinct forms under one or other of which all known substances must be classed, as gases, fluids, or solids. On the other hand, the sixty species of unresolved substance, which are now called elements, represent evidently an imperfect and provisional stage of chemical analysis. They have no natural claim to be viewed as distinct and Inconvertible kinds of substance, wholly incapable of transmutation. They are specific distinctions, while those of the Four Elements, rightly expounded, are generic, and thus rank perhaps even higher in their scientific value. Our first impressions of matter are derived from Solids, and their resistance to the touch, or pressure of the hand. Hence the nature of matter has often been defined by extension and solidity. But the progress of science has shewn the error of such a definition. The sensation of 28 ON MATTER AND ETHER. solidity is evidently compound, and arises from a repulsive force exercised along a well defined surface. This repulsion begins before actual contact, and appears to be a rapidly decreasing power, which emanates from the outer particles of the resisting substance. When it is melted or vaporized, the substance remains, but its law of force is altored, and the sensation of solidity disappears. Again, the impenetrability of matter, in the popular sense, is disproved by the facts of chemical combination. "' We may cast into potassium oxygen, atom for atom, and again both oxygen and hydrogen in a twofold number of atoms; and yet, with all these additions, the matter shall become less and less in bulk, till it is not two-thirds of its original volnme. A space which woulcl contain 2800 atoms, including 700 of potassium, is found to be filled by 430 of potassium alone." (Faraday.) Hence the impenetrability of matter is illusive, and the term does not correctly describe its real nature. One of the first requisites in a theory of the constitution of matter, is to supply a general explanation of solidity, fluidity, and gaseous expansion, the three fundamental states in one or other of which all known substances are found to exist. 22. To ex2ccain generally the cohlesion of Solid Bodies. Let a number of atoms, such as have been already defined, be diffusecl through an ocean of ether. If the First Constant be much lower than the Ether Constant, each will condense around it, separately, an atmosphere of ether monads, in large numbers. If slightly lower, equal, or slightly superior, it will still attract and condense the nearest ether monads, detaining them by a very power CHAPTER III. 29 ful affinity. In either case there may be three degrees of density. First, let the mean distance of the material atoms be greater than the third constant. In this case their mutual influence will depend almost wholly on the law of universal gravitation. They will condense gradually towards the centres of gravity of the denser portions; while the local pressure thus occasioned will drive away part of the ether, and produce a repulsive action on the less attracted portions. Secondly, let the mean distance approach or fall below the third constant. The affinity of the nearest atonms will now be greater than the force of gravitation, and will increase rapidly. There will be thus'a rapid condensation, unequally distributed, which will* tend to a granular or mottled texture of the general mass. The more rapid condensation of some parts, by producing vis viva, will increase the repulsion of other portions; and while some parts approach to a solid or fluid state, in others that repulsion will predominate, or there will be a resemblance to a gaseous constitution. Thirdly, let the mean distance of the material atoms be a small multiple of the first constant. Their own mutual action being double that which they exercise on the free ether monads, the nearest will tend to approach still nearer, till they reach the neutral distance, at which they neither attract nor repel eachi other; or one still smaller, where the excess of the repulsive force is equal to the mean ethereal pressure. At this distance any number of them may assume a settled form of equilibrium, in which the nearest distances are slightly less, but the diagonals greater, than this neutral distance. When these 30 ON [MATTER AND ETHER. compound atoms are wide apart, their action on each other will not differ sensibly in its character from that of simple atoms. But when their distance is small, or they are in rapid rotation, their mutual action will depencl on their shape, the number of their components, and the speed of their rotation, and polar relations must appear. Each of these combinations of monads, or compound atoms, must have at least one tier or stratum of ether monads condensed upon it, or adhering to its outer surface. XWhen they approach each other, there will thus be a strong repulsion at each surface; and this will tend to produce a rotation of the atoms round some axis of revolution. If the atoms are distant, the cohesive force feeble, and the vis viva great, the motion will be around the axis of greatest moment. But when the density is greater, and the cohesive force in consequence is large, the atoms will be confined in the direction of the greatest moment, and will either revolve round a longer axis, or may simply oscillate without revolution. Many such molecules, joined together by this mutual polarity, will have all the qualities which belong to solid bodies. 23. To determine further the relations between the fixed constants, in connection with the phenomena of gravitation and cohesion. Let mn, n be the neg. logs. of the ether and solid constants, and a, a- r, a-2-r, those of the first, second, and third constants. Also 1 the negative logarithm of the cohesive limit, where the action of two atoms on the ether belonging to each other is together equal to their mutual gravitation. From the velocity of light, we obtain 1017 for the ethe-; CHAPTER III, 31 real pressure in grains, at the distance of the ether constant. Therefore 2rn - 17 is neg. log. for one pair of monads at that distance, and 2n - 17 + 1.2m - 12 (a - r) the same at the second constant. But 6n + 7 is neg. log. for attraction of atom on atom at one inch, and 6n + 7 -2(a -r) th same at the second constant. By the definition of second constant, these are equal; 14n- = n + 24 + 10 (a - r) or 7m = 5 (a- r) + 3n+ 12. Again, the cohesion on a square inch, at the distance of the solid constant, is 10~+x, being 109 in the case of steel. But the attraction of one cubic inch on another at that dist. has neg. log. = 7, that of atom on atom, 6n + 7, that of 1027" atoms at dist. 10-, 2n + 7; 2 4.. n-j_. (2n+7~9+Ox)4n —4: —x is the neg. log. of the cohesive limit, or the distance where cohesion and general gravitation are equal. In the case of a condensed ether atmosphere, 5 3 1 I a - - - s (a - m) — 2 4 2 But when the first and ether constant are near together, it is more simply, 1 1 ca - 2=r n -4- x. 2 2 ~4 Combining this with the former, since 5(a-r) = 3aC +2(a- r), we have 1 13a1 7rn=3a+n — -x+ - - 3n+ 1.2=2= 3a+4n+1 - x, 2 2 fe)) 2 ON MATTER AND ETHER. a general relation between the first, the ether and solid constants. It results from this equation, that the solid must be larger than the ether constant, nearly in the same ratio as this exceeds the first constant. But the phenomena of density, in which the mechanical properties of bodies depend so directly on their chemical nature, make it highly probable that the solid constant is only a small multiple of the first constant. Hence the ether constant must have a value of the same order lying between them, unless it were to be even less than the first constant. The supposition, then, of a vast disproportion between the first constant or neutral distance, and the ether constant, or of a large atmosphere of condensed ether round each atom of matter, seems excluded by the conditions; and the other alternative established, of one, two, or three tiers only of discrete ether monads, at finite intervals, being grouped around them. 24. To determine the probable relation between the first constant, or neutral distance, and tJhe solid constant, or mean distance qf the atoms in a body of density one, fromn the general character of the known facts with regard to density and pressure. On the present theory, the first constant is that distance, below which there is a growing increase of repulsive force, varying as the inverse twelfth power. Now the whole ethereal pressure has been already found to be 1017 in grains per square inch. But the weight of a column of one square inch from the surface to the centre of the earth is only 10l24, or six hundred thousand times less. Hence the condensation which it can cause, beyond that already produced on the nearest monads under the pressure of the CHAPTER III. 33 free ether, must be very small. And since platinum is nearly four times heavier than the mean density of the earth, we have a presumption that it approaches to tile maximum density, consistent with the value of the first constant, the mass of the earth, and the elasticity of the free ether surrounding our planet. We may thus assume a density = 27 as a near approach to the limit, or that which would result, if all the monads were ranged symmetrically at their neutral distance, diminished by the constant pressure of the ether, with no ether interposed, or chemical structure. It follows at once that the solid constant, or the mean distance in a substance of the density of water, is just about three times the neutral distance or first constant. The lightest solid is about four times lighter than water. It follows that the greatest linear disproportion of density, consistent with a solid structure, is as /108, or 4: to 1, from cork to a density greater than of platinum, where chemical structure ceases at the extreme limit of terrestrial compression. But if the solid constant is only about three times the neutral distance, and the ether constant lies between them, the problem assumes a much more definite form. In the equation of condition, we may take n = a -, that is, the solid = J 0 x first constant, and we have 7n = 7a + 2 -x, from Nwhich it seems to result that the ether constant is either as small, or rather smaller, than the first constant. For the value of x depends on the possible increase of cohesion in a symmetrical arrangement of the material monads beyond its experimental amount in steel or iron, and unless this excess were as 1.04, which seems very unlikely, the equation would make m> a. On the other hand, no allowance has been made for the probable increase in the 3 34 ON MATTER AND ETHER. velocity of light, like that of sound, for the local compression of the vibrating ether, which might be considerable. It may thus be inferred, finally, that the first and ether constants are sufficiently near to allow us to assume the larger to be double, or less than double, the other, and the solid constant to be only three or four times the first constant. If we assume this last, for convenience, to be one trillionth of an inch, and the others to be between this limit and ten trillionths, we shall satisfy, perhaps, all the known conditions, and render our conceptions more definite. 25. To exaxmine the general effects of atomic motion.int modif.ying the cohesion. Let a compound atom, with its attached ether monads, be conceived to revolve round any axis. The centrifugal force will throw out the particles near the equator, whether of matter or ether, in proportion to the rapidity of rotation. There will thus be an increase of repulsion to the ether in the plane of the equator, but also an increased attraction in the line of the axis. For the vis viva created by the repulsion at the equator must diffuse itself through the mediumn, and occasion a greater pressure of the ether in the line of the two poles, while the partial expansion of the radius allows a closer approach for equilibrium. Thus, if the square of an octahedron were enlarged, the points must approach it, the side remaining constant. In simple atoms, the centre has no moment of rotation, the attached ether can have only a slight polarity, and the axis of revolution will vary with ease. But in compound atoms, the material monads revolve round the axis, and will be thrown out beyond their natural distance. Such a revolving atom, in proportion to its vis viva of CHAPTER III. 30 rotation, will be stable, and resist any separation of its components, or change of the axis of its rotation. Let two such atoms revolve round parallel axes with opposite poles on the same side. There will be repulsion at the equator from the radial centrifugal force; but the tangential motions will agree, and leave them neutral to each other. But if like poles are on the same side, the tangential motions will be opposite. The impact of the tangential ether will make the one move round the other in the same direction; or transfer part of the moment of rotation from the separate atoms, and their two axes, to the axis through their centre of gravity, midway between them. Again, if the axes are parallel, and similar poles on the same side, but the line of the centres oblique to that of the axes, the descending equator of the first will depress the south pole of the second, and the ascending equator of the second, so that both will tend to a new position, with an axis of rotation at right angles to the line of the centres. This new moment, combining with the first, will incline the poles to a diagonal position, each towards the equator of the other atom; and their repulsion, from the opposite motions of the attached ether, will cause a further change, till the axes of rotation are at right angles, not only to the line of the centres, but also to each other. 26. To trace the cohesive structure of solids uncder these conditions. Let us suppose a cubic space, filled with material monads, at a mean distance, not many times greater than the first constant, assumed to be one trillionth of an inch. The affinity is immensely superior to the force of general gravitation, and will create a general viscosity or mutual adhe3-2 36 ON MATTER AND ETHER. sion of the whole mass. At the same time, the greater part of the space will be occupied by uncomnbined ether atoms, which will transmit on every side the general ethereal pressure. The affinity, varying as the inverse sixth power, will draw the nearest monads of matter strongly together, and in their approach they will rotate round each other in some plane. They will thus become partly grouped in revolving doublets or triplets, and the rest will continue at first to be separate monads. The repulsive force of the rotation will tend to equalize the distances, and counteract the direct force of mutual affinity. But it will operate in the plane of each equator, and an opposite force of relative attraction must be manifested in the line of every axis. Hence the nearest particles, repelled by their equators, will tend to combine by their poles. Their mutual affinity, in this line, is not counteracted by centrifugal force, and their appulse producing a new moment of rotation, they will combine, and in combining, revolve round a new axis of greatest moment. The first result, then, will be to combine the material monads into revolving planes or cycles of three, four, five, or more monads, disposed circularly at right angles to their axis of rotation; and the second, to combine two or more of these revolving planes around the same axis. But when the vis viva, generated by these combinations, has been mainly absorbed in permanent rotatory motions, all the atoms will have become strongly polar to each other. If this polarity be sufficiently powerful, it will change their rotation from the axis of greatest to one of least moment, which will be lengthwise, and allow the poles to retain their closest appulse to neighbouring atoms. Thus every compound atom, in virtue of its shape and revolution, will CHAPTER III. 37 have become an elementary magnet, and assume and maintain a polar and nearly fixed position with regard to all the neighbouring atoms. They will thus constitute a solid and coherent structure. Again, the phenomena of light, in transparent bodies, and the greater amount of the ethereal pressure, compared with cohesive force, in these and all others, prove that ether is diffused throughout their whole texture, so that the general external pressure penetrates the whole. But this is excluded from the chemical atoms, by their assumed structure. It follows that the pressure of the free ether, propagated through the body, is that which isolates the chemical atoms from each other, so that at least a single range of ether particles exists between them. Each chemical atom will thus have its components forced closer together by the whole amount of the ethereal pressure, and the cohesion will be mainly through the ether particles, interposed between them. In the densest solids the proportion of interposed ether will be the least, and in the lightest solids the greatest; while' the cohesion, and elasticity or tenacity, will depend on the peculiarity of the atomic structure. 27. To explain, by the present hypothess, the liuefacction of solicds. Sir H. Davy remarked, long ago: " It seems possible to account for all the phenomena of heat, if it be supposed that, in solids, the particles are in a constant state of vibration, those of the hottest bodies moving with the greatest velocity; and that in liquids and elastic fluids, besides the vibratory motion, the particles move round their own axes with different velocities." The more recent discoveries on the mechanical equivalence of heat confirm this general 38 ON MATTER AND ETHER. suggestion, and prove the correctness of Bacon's early conclusion, that heat is only a form or effect of atomic motion. Let us suppose that vibrations, propagated through the ether, produce oscillations in the compound solid atoms, while retained by polarity in their own places, around their mean position. This increase of motion will produce an increase of repulsion, by which the atoms will recede from each other, and the body expand. By this same expansion, the polar force, which recalls them to their mean position, will be diminished. When the expansion and oscillation have reached a certain limit, the polarity will be too weak to destroy the angular velocity, and the particle will continue to revolve to another polar position. This revolution, at first, will be unequal and intermittent. But if the momentum, or collective vis viva increases, it will become nearly uniform. The former case will be one of viscous, and the other of more complete fluidity. Each revolution must be very rapid, from the greatness of the cohesive force at these small distances, and the attraction of a particle in any direction will be the mean of its values in every angular position. This equality of cohesion and repulsion in all directions constitutes the definition of a perfect fluid. 28. To explain the evaporation qf fluids. The particles of fluids must be in a state of rapid revolution round their own centres. The density will then be determined by the balance between affinity and external pressure on one side, and centrifugal force and ethereal repulsion on the other. A rise of temperature will increase the velocity, and with it, the centrifugal force; and part of the attached ether, being thus set free, will increase the CHAPTER III. 39 repulsion. The fluid will therefore expand, and the particles recede. Up to a certain limit, the cohesive force, or the excess of the central attraction over central repulsion, will increase by distance, and a certain amount of vis viva, or sensible motion, is absorbed by the increase of mean distance. Beyond this limit an increase of centrifugal force diminishes the cohesion. The repellent will then prevail over the attractive forces, or the cohesion and pressure, and the body will begin to pass into the gaseous form. Let r be the radius of each revolving atom, measured from its centre of gravity to its outmost component atoms, and s the distance of their outmost atoms from each other, when they approach nearest in their revolution. The cohesive force will result mainly from the mutual action of these outer atoms, during a part of their rapid rotation, and the excess of their attraction over their repulsion. In their equilibrium, these are equal, and for maximum cohesion 1.2x-3= 6.-7 or x= =2 = 112246, or the mean distance is increased in the ratio of r + ~s r +~ 56123s, or nearly as 2 + s: 2r + s + ss. Beyond this limit, the cohesive force will only be lessened by the further expansion, and the liquid must therefore assume the gaseous form. The expansion of water, from its maximum density to its boiling point, is nearly 1'403061, or in linear density 1'013919. Hence, by the formula, 2r + s = 8'8s, and r = 3'9s nearly. It would result, from this explication, that the distance of the nearest points of the revolving atoms is about 4 of their radius, or one eighth of their diameter; though, of course, many other elements would have to be included in a more exact solution, which must depend on a 40 ON MATTER AND ETHER. correct view of the various chemical elements, and the mode of combination of the aqueous atoms. 29. To explain generally a fourth condition of matter, which is neither solid, liquid, nor gaseous, but igneous or ethereal. A gas is defined by its elasticity, or its constant tendency to expand, when not restrained by external pressure. But the consequences of this definition at the upper limit of the atmosphere have never been clearly traced, because the fundamental laws of matter and ether have been unklnown. When we rise from the earth, the density of air decreases, heat is absorbed, the temperaturle becomes lower, and the elasticity grows more feeble. The limit of these changes must be a state in which elasticity ceases, latent heat is.very great, and the temperature proportionally low. These facts admit an easy interpretation on the present theory. In a gas under pressure, the centrifugal force, from the relative motions of the separate chemical atoms, with the repulsion of the ether, exceeds the cohesive force. If the pressure be withdrawn, the particles must recede further, and in receding, vis vivac is absorbed, and their motion must become feebler. The velocity being the same, the centrifugal force diminishes inversely as the mean distance, while by the same expansion, the velocity itself must be lessened, till it almost disappears. The motion of translation, first, and then of rotation, will gradually cease. Thus the sensible temperature, which is measured by this motion, will decline, and approach *to an absolute zero, but the latent heat will increase, and reach its nmaximumr. For by the separation of the particles, and CHAPTER III. 41 their approach to a state of rest, each will exercise its attracting and condensing power to the utmost on the surrounding ether, extending to those distances where gravitation begins to be stronger than cohesive affinity. Such a state of matter cannot be called gaseous, since all the defining properties of a gas have disappeared. Elasticity and expansiveness are replaced by inelastic repose. The want of intestine motion, either of translation or rotation, will make it resemble solids rather than liquids, while in density it occupies the other extreme; and being saturated with ether, it will approach to the properties of the free ether which it adjoins. There will thus, according to the present theory of the laws of matter, be more truth than has latterly been recognized in the old arrangement of the four elements, which placed a fourth region of fire above the solid, liquid, and gaseous constituents of our globe. In fact, above the region where the air, though greatly rarified, is still elastic, there must be a still higher stratum where elasticity has wholly ceased, and where the particles of matter, being very widely separated, condense around them the largest amount of ether. All sensible heat, in the collision or oscillation of neighbouring atoms of matter, will thus have disappeared; but latent heat, in the quantity of condensed ether, or repulsive force ready to be developed on the renewed approach of the atoms, will have reached its maximum; and may be capable of producing the most splendid igneous phenomena, like the northern lights, or tropical thunderstorms. 30. To explain the mutuztal relations of the solid, liquid, gaseous anad igneous forms of matter. The laws of affinity and repulsion imply a first con 42 ON MATTER AND ETHER. stant, or minimum distance, at which two atoms of matter, each charged with one of ether, will be neutral to each other, repelling at less, and attracting each other at greater distances. Chemical or compound atoms are to be conceived as made up of a definite number of these simple atoms, arranged regularly in planes or cycles, so as to exercise polarity at their sides and angles. The solid state of bodies is that in which these compound atoms are attached to each other in permanent positions by their polar qualities, so that a slight increase of distance generates a powerful attractive force, and a slight decrease by pressure a still more powerful force of repulsion. The liquicl state is that in which these compound atoms revolve on axes, so that their polarity and fixity of position disappear, and they are able to move amongst each other, while they still continue within the cohesive limit, or their attraction is increased by a slight increase of their mean distance. The gaseous state is when they pass by expansion beyond this limit, and the attraction being lessened by increase of distance, tend continually to separate more widely, and are only restrained within moderate distance by external pressure. The fourth, or igneous state, is that in which gaseous elasticity has ceased through further increase of distance, and the consequent absorption of vis viva, and in which, the solid atoms, having been separated into their planes, and even these, perhaps, into their simple atoms, these last are distributed almost uniformly by the repulsive force of the ether which they have separately condensed around them. 31. RESULTING DEFINITIONS. Mlonads are the self-repulsive particles of ether, diffused through all space. Atoms are the dual particles of matter and ether com CHAPTER III. 43 bined inseparably, which constitute the first or ultimate elements of all ponderable substance. They combine in their mutual action the three different laws of general gravitation, cohesive affinity, and ethereal repulsion. The First Constant, or neutral distance, is that at which two such atoms neither attract nor repel each other, or rather, attract only with the infinitesimal force of general gravitation. Conpound, ch7emical, or plural atoms, are the ultimate elements on which the constitution of every specific kind of gas, solid, or liquid depends, and must be conceived to consist of a definite number of simple atoms, in some simple or compound arrangement. Sen sible heat is the vis viva of the slight oscillations of solid or liquid atoms, or of the motions of the particles of gas amongst themselves. HIeat of zJudity is the vis viva of the motion of rotation in the particles of fluids. Heat of vaporization is the vis, viva absorbed in gases, by the separation of their elements to a wider distance, beyond their mean distance in their liquid form. BFeat of clhemical combination is the vis viva developed by the new and closer relation of mutual distance, into which the components of compound atoms are brought by their union. Assuming the arrangements to be known before and after that union, its amount will be capable of exact calculation, the laws of affinity and repulsion being also known. Light consists of vibrations or undulations, transverse to the axis of the rays, propagated through the free ether of space, and transmissible, in some cases, through the substance of solids and liquids either through inter 44 ON MATTER AND ETHER. stices filled with free ether, or the combined ether of the particles themselves. Electricity consists in the increase or decrease of the mean vis viva of ethereal repulsion between surfaces of material substances, arising from some change or special modification, of those surfaces, with reference to their charge of attached or combined ether. CHAPTER IV. ON THE IGNEOUS FORM OF MATTER. 32. To explain t/he phenomena of the nuclei and tails of Comets.'" There is beyond question," Sir J. Herschel remarks, "some profound secret and mystery of nature concerned in these phenomena. Perhaps it is not too much to hope that future observation, borrowing every aid from rational speculation, grounded on the progress of physical science, will ere long enable us to penetrate this mystery; and to decide whether it is really matter in the ordinary acceptation, which is projected from their heads with such extravagant velocity, and directed from the sun as its point of avoidance." He then remarks, on the tail of the comet of 1843, which was brandished unbroken in two hours through an angle of ninety degrees, and still reached to the earth's orbit; that " it is utterly incredible that it is one and the same material object, and that the notion of a negative shadow would best explain it; while still there are many other phenomena, as the issuing of the streamers from the nucleus, which link themselves just as irresistibly with our ordinary notions of matter." 46 ON MATTER AND ETHER. In the Principia, Sir I. Newton argues that the tails of comets are rarefied smoke or vapour, which ascends from the sun, as smoke ascends in a chimney. But how it should ascend, unless the medium were much denser, instead of rarer than itself, or how it should acquire such a vast velocity, he does not attempt to explain. But he quotes the opinion of Kepler, that the rays of light might carry away the particles of matter along with them; which, after all, is probably the nearest approach to the truth which it is possible to make, while the constitution of matter and ether is unexplained. Let us now see whether light is not thrown on this subject, by tracing; on the present theory, the consequences of the igneous form of matter. The mass of comets, it appears from many signs, is very small in proportion to their size. The matter they contain must then be highly rarefied. The idea of Newton, that " they are solid, compact, fixed, and durable, like the bodies of the planets," has been disproved by later and closer observation. Their density, it seems, is far less than that of air at the earth's surface. They must then, in their aphelia, be mainly in the igneous form, their particles widely separated, clothed with a full charge of ether, feebly united by gravitation, with a very slight amount of cohesive power. When they return towards the sun, gravitation will ensure their near approach to a spherical form, and a process of gradual condensation. In those which are large or dense, tilis contraction will be more rapid and unequal, from the development of affinity also. As soon as this is called largely into play, it will cause intestine motion, and the vis viva produced will expand the less attracted CHAPTER IV. 47 parts, and retard their condensation. The comet will thus consist of slightly coherent nuclei, gaseous envelopes of each little nucleus, and a common igneous envelope of the whole; or else of gaseous spaces, and the igneous envelope alone. The uniform arrangement, and partial coherency of the envelope, will maintain the gaseous elasticity by a constant pressure. The longer the attraction of the parts has been undisturbed, the more will the nuclei enlarge, and the elastic force of the gaseous atmosphere will be more developed. Such a body, moving uniformly through a sea of free ether, will assume by its resistance the form of a slightly prolate spheroid, and the nuclei, by the same resistance, will of course be found in the anterior part of the whole moving figure. 33. Besides the atmosphere of the sun, which revolves along with it, the space as far as the earth's orbit is more or less charged with matter in a very rare state, by which the zodiacal light is occasioned. This matter also must of necessity be in the igneous form. Each shell of it is drawn inward by the sun's attraction, and must produce a pressure on the parts within, and thus its density towards the sun must increase by a similar law to that of the gaseous atmosphere of the earth. When the comet approaches the sun, the solar attraction, the heating power of the solar rays, and the resistance of this igneous atmosphere, will all increase together, and the following results must ensue. First, the increased velocity of the comet, the sun's attraction, and the inertia of the igneous atmosphere, will cause together an increased pressure on the igneous envelope. So far as this results from the motion, it will be in 48 ON MATTER AND ETHER. the line of the comet's path, but so far as it depends on the two other causes, in the line of the radius vector. The inner parts will be condensed under this pressure, with a great increase of the cohesive action, by which the inner strata of the igneous envelope will be condensed into gas, and some of the nuclei resolved into it also. Thus we shall have a nucleus or nuclei in the anterior, refracting light; a transparent gaseous portion, and an igneous envelope, lessened in amount, and pressing strongly upon the gaseous parts within. Let us now compare the description which Sir J. Herschel has given (Astr. ~ 560). "That the luminous part of a comet is something in the nature of a smoke, fog, or cloud, suspended in a transparent atmosphere, is evident from a fact often noticed-that the portion of the tail:which comes up and surrounds the head, is yet separated from it by an interval less luminous, as if sustained and kept off from contact by a transparent stratum. This and other facts appear to indicate that the structure of a comet must be that of a hollow envelope, of a parabolic form, enclosing near its vertex the nucleus or head. This will account for the apparent division of the tail into two lateral branches, the envelope being oblique to the line of sight at its borders, and therefore a greater depth of illuminated matter being there exposed to the eye."'l'lThe nucleus, thus described, must be solid or liquid portions, like smoke or fog, not fully resolved into elastic, transparent vapour. The middle or transparent part must be in the state of gas, and the conic and parabolic envelope are the parts of the comet in the igneous form. 34. The formation of the tail is simply explained on the present theory. CHAPTER IV. 49 Let a, r be the perihelion distance, and actual distance of the comet from the sun. Then its velocity in its orbit, supposed parabolic, is, compared with that of the earth, or 96300 miles per hour, and 263 per second, at the earth's distance. Again, its velocity towards the sun is J2r - 2a, compared with the earth's velocity of 68100 miles an hour. Thus, when the comet is at* the earth's distance, and its perihelion distance less than one half, it must displace, every hour, a column of the sun's igneous atmosphere, more than 68000 miles in depth, and its head will move into a region of greater ethereal density. The front will be more compressed by this igneous atmosphere, and will contract in size. The hinder parts, repelled by the gaseous elasticity, less attracted by the sun, and less compressed by the external ether, will be left behind, less influenced by the comet's own attraction, and therefore must expand. The hinder part of the gaseous atmosphere, by this expansion, will reassume the igneous form. The increased pressure in front, by the motion which dips into the igneous atmosphere of the sun, must cause reaction in the neighbouring columns, as when a stone falls into still water, and this will sweep back the lightly adhering ether near the comet's head, and thrust the expanding hinder part into the line opposite to the sun. Hence a tail will be developed, lying between a line drawn from the sun to the head of the comet, and the line of the comet's motion; but having the former direction for its tangent, where it joins the head, because the ethereal repulsion must act in that line with the greatest energy. The velocity with which the matter of the tail is thus repelled at first will 4 50 ON MATTER AND ETHER. be less than that of light, which depends on the total elasticity of the ether, but will bear to it some definite proportion, determined by the relative number of the particles of matter, and those of free ether. Thus the immense velocity with which the tails are produced seems to be clearly and fully explained. The approach to the sun is most rapid at 900 from perihelion, but the velocity in the orbit is greatest at the perihelion passage. Now the development of the tail, except so far as it depends on the internal structure, is determined by these two causes, and its maximum increase will naturally and usually be somewhere between them. Accordingly, Halley's comet made its perihelion passage Nov. 16, 1835, was 900 from it about 62 days earlier or Sept. 15, and its tail had the greatest apparent length Oct. 15, or exactly half way between these two extremes. At the first it had hardly begun to be formed, and at the perihelion it had disappeared. But in this case the latus rectum was greater than the diameter of the earth's orbit, and the velocity to the sun was decreasing when it entered the sphere of the earth. So far as the generation of the tail depends on the heating and exciting power of the sun, it will be greatest just before and after the perihelion; and accordingly, in other cases, the development of the tail is then the most striking. This was eminently true of the comet of 1843, which was so remarkable for the smallness of its perihelion distance. 35. The streamers from the head of Halley's comet, in 1835, are another remarkable phenomenon, which is simply explained by the present theory. "On Oct. 2 the nucleus, which had been faint and small, was observed suddenly to have become much brighter, CHAPTER IV. 51 and to be throwing out a streamer or jet of light from the part turned towards the sun. This ejection, after ceasing awhile, was resumed on the Sth with much greater violence, and continued, with occasional intermittence, so long as the tail itself was visible. At one time the jet was single, and confined within narrow limits of divergence. At others, it presented a fan-shaped, or swallow-tailed form, like a gas flame from a flattened orifice; and at others, two, three, or even more jets were darted forth in different directions. The direction of the principal jet was observed to oscillate to and fro on either side of a line to the sun, in the manner of a compass needle, the change being conspicuous even from hour to hour. These jets, very bright at their point of emanation, faded rapidly away, and became diffused, as they expanded into the coma; at the same time curving backward, as streams of steam or smoke would do, if thrown out from narrow orifices in opposition to a powerful wind, against which they were unable to make way, and ultimately yielding to its force, so as to be drifted back, and confounded in a vaporous train, following the general direction of the current." The conclusions drawn by Sir J. Herschel are these: " That the matter of the nucleus is powerfully excited and dilated into a vaporous state by the action of the sun's rays, escaping at the points of least resistance. That this process takes place chiefly in the part turned towards the sun, the vapour escaping chiefly in that direction. That it is prevented from proceeding by some force directed from the sun, drifting it back, and carrying it out to vast distances beyond the nucleus. That this force acts unequally on the materials of the comet, the greater part remaining unvaporized, and a considerable part of the vapour produced 4-2 52 ON MATTER AND ETHER. remaining in the neighbourhood, to form the head and coma." To these remarks it may be added that the bulk of comets contracts greatly in approaching the sun, which Mi. Valz ascribes to increased ethereal pressure; but Sir J. Herschel rejects that view, as requiring a solid envelope, and refers it to vaporization, by which a great part is rendered invisible. Now it has been shewn that, when the comet approaches the sun within the earth's sphere, the increasing density of the sun's unattached igneous atmosphere must press with greater force upon the comet's igneous envelope. Hience will follow a contraction of the anterior part, where the nucleus is contained, and increasing elasticity of the gaseous envelope, which will also increase in quantity, by the conversion both of igneous and diffused liquid portions into elastic vapour. Thus both the causes, suggested by M. Valz and Sir J. Herschel, and not one only, will be at work, and will conspire to produce a contraction of the nucleus, while the former alone will alter the apparent size of the igneous envelope. The objection of Sir J. Herschel to the solution of 3[i. Valz, that the exterior of the comet would require to be like a skin or bag, impervious to the compression, is at once removed by a reference to the laws of the igneous form of matter, which really approaches to this very character. For matter in this state, though immensely rare, instead of being repulsive, lmust be slightly coherent, while it also transmits ethereal pressure. When the igneous envelope has been thinned by this compression, like a soap-bubble by the resistance of the air, as well as by partial abrasion, and conversion into gas on its inner surface, while the contained gas has grown CHAPTER IV. 53 more elastic by solar heat, and increased molecular attractions, the pressure in some parts of its surface may overcome the resistance, and the pent-up gas will then escape through the orifice in the envelope, like steam from the boiler of an engine. As soon as it escapes, which must be on the side towards the sun or the comet's way, it will expand rapidly by its own latent heat or gaseous repulsion, and one part will assume the igneous, and another the minutely liquid form, like steam when it cools, and will charge itself with ether from the surrounding medium. Being thus etherealized, and in the igneous form, it will be driven away from the sun by a double power; the reaction of its own impact on a highly elastic igneous medium, and the general tendency to diffuse itself in agreement with the laws of that medium. For the excess of matter in any column must cause an excess of ethereal density, which must then diffuse itself in the direction of least resistance, or in the direction away from the sun. 36. The formation of the tail, on receding from the sun, admits of a similar explanation. The gaseous state of the comet will have reached its height, either at or soon after the perihelion passage, and also the pressure of the medium itself. When this pressure begins to diminish, as well as the sun's attraction, the matter of the comet will tend to expand in all directions. Towards the sun, however, it will be strongly restrained by the pressure, and hence it must actually expand most in the line of least resistance, or away from the sun. The effects, then, will have a close resemblance to those on the approach. As the comet recedes more and more, the pressure lessens on all sides, and the expansion will become 54 ON MATTER AND ETHER. greater, till the comet disappears from view through its gradual loss of illuminating power. Thus all the main phenomena of cometary motion and development, which have excited so deep an interest of late years, find an easy and complete general solution, in the present theory, by a reference to the necessary properties of matter in its igneous form. 37. The separation of Biela's comet admits, in like manner, of an easy and simple explanation. Let us suppose the nucleus, or denser part of the comet, to have two centres of maximum density, in the neighbourhood of which the cohesive force has begun to be most developed. The approach to the sun, increasing the temperature and the external pressure, will accelerate this action, and the pressure of the gaseous envelope will force the parts of the two condensing nuclei nearer together. The vis viva thus generated, will react on the gaseous portion, especially in the line which joins them, and by its reaction repel them further from each other. If they lie at right angles to the head of the comet, neither of them will be strongly repelled by the front pressure where it is a maximum, and they will swell out the sides of the coma. But the gaseous elasticity, in the line of their junction, being lessened by this lateral separation, will no longer neutralize the strong pressure of the external medium on the opposite part of the igneous envelope. It will thus be forced inward, like an army pierced by the irruption of a strong column in the centre, and a new lateral force will thus be created, which will complete the separation. But before the equilibrium of each part can be restored, it is quite conceivable that strong electrical relations may exist between the two separated portions, so as CHAPTER IV. 55 to explain those alternations of size and brightness in the two companion comets, which added to the singular character of the phenomenon. All the explanations now offered grow by necessary consequence out of the fundamental assumptions; that, besides ponderable matter, there exists throughout space a self-repulsive ether; that the attraction of matter for ether follows a higher law than the inverse square, and probably as high as the inverse sixth, so that every atom of matter is combined inseparably with one of ether, and that the self-repulsion of ether follows a still higher law. From these data it will follow at once, that matter, besides a solid, liquid, and gaseous, must also be capable of assuming a fourth or igneous form; and that the properties of this form are such as to account for the singular variety of phenomena connected with the transmutations of comets on their approach to the sun, and their return from it again, which have caused so much natural wonder and perplexity to those astronomers by whom they have been observed, and of which the comet of this present year seems to furnish a new and striking instance, CHAPTER V. THE NATURE AND PROPERTIES OF LIGIT. 38. THE Undulatory Theory of Light, maintained by Huyghens, and since revived and extended by Young, 3Malus, Fresnel, and others, has now the general assent of men of science. By its help a large variety of complicated phenomena have received a clear explanation. Still, the vagueness of the usual conceptions of the nature of the luminous ether, and of its relations to common matter, have left many parts of the theory in a state of great obscurity, and offer large room for further scientific progress. The present view of matter and ether will naturally include, as one of its immediate consequences, the whole theory of the undulations of light. At the same time, by supplying a distinct and well-defined conception of the laws of ether, in relation to common matter, it will, if a true interpretation of nature, provide a key to many outstanding difficulties, and solve many problems, which, without its aid, would be perplexing and obscure. The simplest order is to begin with the facts already explained, CHAPTER V. 57 and to shew their connection with the theory, and then to pass on to others, which still need an explanation. 39. The postulates of the common theory have been clearly stated by Sir J. Herschel (Enc. Metr.), and they all flow naturally from the hypothesis of the present work. (1) An excessively rare and elastic ether pervades all space. This results at once from the assumed law of repulsive force in the ether. A finite number of such monads, confined to a given space, will arrange themselves so that the collective repulsion shall be a minimulm, or very nearly at equal distances, though slightly condensed at the surface and edges, and the whole must have a density very nearly uniform. For if any portion were denser than the rest, it would expand by the excess of the repulsive force, till it reached, as nearly as possible, a uniform arrangement. If the density wmere solely due to the nearest particles, it would be strictly uniform. But since the total action of the central particles on those not adjoining is greater than for those near the surface, there will be a very slight difference in their density. For all sensible distances the distribution will be sensibly uniform, and the action like that of a continuous and homogeneous fluid. (2) It gpervades all material bodies, and occzupies the intervals between their molecules. This statement, on the present hypothesis, would be strictly true, if the mean distance of the compound atoms of bodies were much greater than the first constant, and the distance of the free ether in space. The surrounding ether would then fill all the interstices of the solid or fluid atoms. It seems to follow, however, from the conditions already examined, and the phenomena of chemistry, that r,"i8 ON MATTER AND ETHER. the mean distance of the solid atoms is very little greater than that of the free ether in space. In this case very little free or unattached ether can commonly enter between the pores or interstices of the heavier solid bodies. But, on the other hand, the theory teaches that every atom of matter is combined inseparably with one of ether, and these retain unaltered their own self-repulsive power, though modified in its effects by its union with the matter, to which it is thus attached. Hence ethereal vibrations must of course be propagated through the whole extent of these bodies, though greatly modified by the presence of the matter, and the special atomic arrangement. (3) Either by passing between them, or by its extreme rarity, it offers no resistance to the motion of the earth, planets, and comets, appreciable by the most delicate observations. This statement has now to be modified by the discovery of the retardation of Eneke's Comet, and some other similar phenomena. The calculated amount is such that, if the comet were to move with tile earth's velocity in the earth's orbit, its motion would be extinguished by the resistance in about three millions of days. Supposing, now, its size to be that of the earth, and its mass 40000 times less, or density one-tenth that of air at the surface, then the same cause would extinguish the motion of the earth in 300 millions of years. But the earth's motion must probably be communicated to the ambient ether by frequent revolutions, nearly in the same time. Hence the relative velocity may be lessened ten or a hundred times, and the resistance in the duplicate proportion. Still, the fact of a sensible resistance in the case of some comets opens a wide field for curious speculation. CHAPTER V. 59 (4) T. he molecules are capable of being set in mnotion by the particles of matter, and of communicating motion to the particles which are adjacent. This property results directly from the assumed laws. It must equally follow that this action is insensible at all sensible distances. In the illustrative case proposed, the action of ether on matter is less than that of an atom of matter on matter at one inch distance, and this latter force is insensible. (5) It is less elastic in refracting bodies. This conclusion is drawn from the smaller velocity of the waves of light in denser substances. And it results at once from the present hypothesis. For the velocity of restoration, after a disturbance, or the modulus of elasticity, must be diminished by the whole cohesive power of the matter combined with the ether, since the two forces from the same centres have opposite signs, and the repulsion of the ether centres is lessened by all the attractive power of the matter with which they are combined. (6) The frequency of the pulses, or number of impulses made on our nerves in a given time, determines the colour of the light, and the amplitude of the excursions, its brightness or intensity. This statement, it will probably be found, requires to be partially modified. The intensity of light seems to be more truly defined by the vis viva of the vibrating pulse which reaches or enters the eye, than by the amplitude of vibration in a single line of particles. From this larger definition it would equally follow that, with a single row of particles, a double excursion would imply a fourfold intensity. But the corrected view, besides its greater simplicity, removes a difficulty which would otherwise 60 ON MATTER AND ETHER. arise, from the difference between common light, and light elliptically polarized. Again, the length of the wave determines the refrangibility, but it is still an open question, if not decided by this time in the negative, whether this property and the colour are inseparable. The origin of the sensation of colour seems to be physiological, even more than physical, and is not easy to explain, so as not to desert wholly the natural analogy with the musical notes, or waves of sound. With these slight reserves, all the main postulates in the common undulatory theory of light result simply from the view of matter and ether, and the laws of their mutual action, here proposed. 40. To explain the Reflection and 2Bfraction of Light. In Airy's Tracts, or Herschel's Treatise, the truth of the two fundamental laws, for reflection and refraction, is shewn to depend on two principles. First, that the velocity of a wave is constant in the same medium, and is diminished in one of greater density, in the ratio of the index of refraction. Secondly, that the face of the wave must be reached in the same time by parallel filaments or pencils of the luminous wave, since in other directions the vibrations are extinguished by their mutual interference. The just claim to be made on any special hypothesis of the mode of action, is that it shall supply an adequate cause for the decrease of velocity in the denser medium, and one consistent with the great variety of refracting power in bodies of different composition. Now the equilibrium of any solid or fluid, on the present view, must depend on a balance between the pressure of the external ether, and the attraction of the particles of CHAPTER V. 61 matter joined with those of ether, on the one side, and the centrifugal force, or vis viva of atomic motion, and the repulsion of the combined ether particles, on the other. It is plain that the elasticity will thus be diminished, beyond that of free ether, by the counteracting force of all the attraction developed by the nearer approach of the matter to the neighbouring ether. On the other hand, it will be increased by the greater development of repulsive energy arising from the smaller distance of the combined ether particles from each other, compared with that of the free ether in space. The effect will be to diminish the elasticity of the recoil, but most of all for the short waves, of which the recoil is most rapid, since it is the increase of compression which alone can develop a larger ratio of repulsive or elastic power. 41. To account for the Dispersion of Light. Sounds of different pitch are conveyed through air with the same velocity, and the notes of a piece of music, from any distance, reach the ear in their proper order. But the velocity of light is found to vary, in passing through gases,. fluids and solids, with the length of the wave, since the violet are more refracted than the red rays. Sir J. Herschel remarks on this difficulty:'" Neither the corpuscular, nor undulatory, nor any other system yet devised, will furnish that complete explanation of the phenomena of light which is desirable. Certain admissions must be made at every step, as to modes of mechanical action, when we are in total ignorance of the acting forees; and we are called on, when reasoning fails, occasionally for an exercise of faith." Prof. Airy makes a similar admission of the difficulty which presses here on the theory, and offers a conjectural 62 ON MATTER AND ETHER. explanation: "Part of the velocity of sound depends on the altered elasticity of the air by the deyelopment of heat from its compression. If the heat required time for its development, the quantity of it would depend on the time the particles remained in nearly the same relative state, that is, on the time of vibration. If we suppose some cause, which is put in motion by the vibration of the particles, to affect in a similar manner the elasticity of the medium of light, and the degree of its development to depend on time, we shall have a sufficient explanation of the unequal refrangibility of the differently coloured rays." Another solution has been proposed by Cauchy and others, from the hypothesis of finite intervals between the ether particles. The conclusion drawn from analysis is, that " a variation in the velocity of light is produced by a variation in the length of the wave, provided the interval between the molecules of ether bears a sensible ratio to the length of the undulation." This appears to be accepted by Dr Whewell, in the History of the Inductive Sciences, as a probable and adequate explanation. Both of these solutions still involve serious difficulties. And first, it is not easy to see how the condition required by Cauchy's formula can be fulfilled. The length of a violet wave is one sixty thousandth of an inch. But Frauenhofer has ruled lines on glass, only double that distance apart, and Dr Wollaston has formed a platinum wire of the same diameter, while gold may be beaten to a thinness only one-fifth the length of a violet wave. Hence, on this ground alone, the distance of metallic atoms must be considerably less than the length of the shortest waves of light. But the previous inquiry would lead us to the conclusion that the distance both of material atoms,