\G \ > H ^' I \ >. - N, j. I K. N -' I 4^ -~~~~~ r~ fuel et ScL E LcLridon F uldulgsHoB~lbotu A KEY TO THE SOLAR CO PASS, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPANION; COMPRISINO III Ijr alt ru lrrsusnri fur Bgs iUn t fi-l1. ALSO, lDESCRIPTION OF THE LINEAR SURVEYS, AND PUBLIC LAND SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES; NOTES ON THE BAROMETER. SUGGESTIONS FOR AN OUTFIT FOR A SURVEY OF FOUR MONTHS, ETC., ETC. BY WILLIAM A. BURT, U. S. DEPUTY SURVEYOR. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY'WILLIAM S. YOUNG, No. 50, NORTH SIXTH STREET. 1858. ENTERED, according to act of Congress, in the year 1854, by WILLIAM A. BURT, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. MUTCII perplexity and dificulty has been felt by surveyors tn the use of the Magnetic Compass, in consequence of its variations from the true meridian, at various localities or stations, and also its almost constant diurnal changes as well as aberrations, caused by local attraction. A more perfect guide for the surveyor than the Magnetic Needle was, therefore, very desirable. The long continued efforts made by the author to accomplish this object, resulted in the invention of the Solar or Astronomical Compass. A model of this instrument was made in the year 1835, by the inventor, in order to test its principles, and in the latter part of the same year, the first Solar Compass was made, under his direction and supervision, by William J. Young, of Philadelphia, Pa. The instrument was then submitted to a committee of the Franklin Institute, of the State of Pennsylvania, who after a full examination of its principles and merits, awarded the inventor a premium of twenty dollars and a "Scott's Legacy" medal. The Solar Compass as then made, like most newlyinvented instruments, was soon found susceptible of improvement and of greater usefulness than at first anticipated. Accordingly the inventor made se-.veral alterations and improvements suggested by experience, and in December, 1840, again submitted the instrument, as improved, to a committee of the same Institute, who reported a decided improvement, in point of accuracy, and the simplicity of its adjustments and use. The inventor l V P R E F A C E. has since continued to improve this instrument as more experience in the use of it seemed to suggest. And in 1851 exhibited it, as improved, at the World's Fair, in the city of London, where a premium medal was awarded the exhibitor by the jurors on Astronomical Instruments. Since its invention in 1835, and during its progressive improvements, the inventor has been called upon, personally or by letter, from a large portion of the surveyors of the public lands, for i mormation how to adjust and use it. Such inquiries could be but imperfectly answered by letter, or a few hours' conversation, and the author could not, without being discourteous, avoid replying in some manner to such necessary inquiries, though a serious tax sometimes on his business. To prevent this the inventor published a few pages of instructions, shoving how to adjust and use this instrument, and distributed them among the surveyors; but soon after this, new discoveries were made in the construction and adjustments of -the Solar Compass, consequently what had been done only supplied their wants in part, and the inventor was solicited by many of the surveyors of the public lands for full instructions on this subject, and a treatise on surveying adapted to their wants in the field of survey. The foregoing remarks constitute the apology of the author for assuming a task so foreign to his habits of life, and to which duty seemed to impel him in the absence of any prospects of this much needed work being soon accomplished by any other person. This treatise contains much Original matter, mostly derived from experience in practical surveying. The elements of surveying as published and taught in the schools, are purposely omitted to lessen the size of this work, the object of which is to furnish the practical surveyor with a convenient pocket companion suited to his business while enagecd in his field work. The inexperienced surveyor in this branc!l of the public service has PREFACE. v need of all necessary information to enable him to accormplish his arduous duties in a proper manner. The frequent failures in part, or in whole, by many Deputy Surveyors, have done much injury to the public surveys, and ruined their hopes and reputation. This is a sufficient reason for introducing into this work the necessary outfit and preparations for a large survey in the wilderness, the want of which has been one of the principal causes of these failures. The author does not presume that this treatise is without defects; he indulges the hope, however, that it will answer the purpose for which it is designed, until further experience shall furnish a better. The author has availed himself of the experience of several practical surveyors, in preparing this work, and has also consulted the best authorities that appeared to throw light upon the subjects treated of. The tables of Natural Sines and Tangents, at the end of the work, have been carefully compared with different standard works, and are offered to the surveyor with a confidence that he will find them accurate. The table of chords has been added to supply a want, frequently experienced, in draughting, where a reliable protractor is not at hand. The majority of protractors accompanying draughting instruments are either so small or so inaccurate as to be productive of sensible errors in large draughts. A ^ CONTE NTS. Page Solar Comparss described..................................................... 9 Principles of the Solar Compass explained,.............................11 Adjustments of the Solar Compass, ".............................12 How the Solar Compass should be made,................................17 Astronomy, for the use of the Solar Compass,..........................18 Nautical Almanac, how to use it, &c.,...................................22 Fixed stars, and table of,....................................................22 Latitude, how to determine with the Solar Compass,.................23 " by the Pole star, " "..................24 Table of elongations of the Pole star,.....................................25 To find the true meridian, &c., by the Solar Compass,...............25 To find the Zenith distance and altitude, "...............26 Time of day by the Sun,.................................................. 26 Diurnal variation of the magnetic needle,...............................26 To find the time of the meridian passage of fixed stars,............28 The effects of refraction and parallax on the Solar Compass,......29 Table of the proportional parts of refraction and parallax to be allowed on the Solar Compass,..................31 Table of refraction,............................................................32 Table of corrections for the Moon's parallax and refraction,....... 34 iMeasuring lines with the chain,...........................................34 Telescopic measurement in meandering rivers, &c.,...................36 Table-chains into feet. Feet into chains,.............................38 Measuring distances over rivers, lakes, &c..............................38 Use of the parallel rule, in ascertaining the contents of multangular fields, &c.,.................................................43 Rafts for crossing rivers, lakes, &c.,.......................................44 Running lines with the Solar Compass,..................................45 Table for correcting the Sun's declination by the hourly differences..........................................................................47 vil vii CONTENTS. Page Influence of metallic veins on the magnetic needle....................49 Rules for correcting the course of random lines........................49 Table for correcting the course of random lines,.......................51 Latitude and longitude of places in North America,..................52 Table of lengths of degrees of latitude and longitude,...............5.. How to run parallels of latitude...........................................54 Convergency of meridians...................................................56 Rule for computing the amplitude,......................................57 " to find the time of the Sun's rising or setting,.............. 58 " for the angles of the equatorial lines,............................58 Rule for computing the elongation of the Pole star,..................59 "I " ~the Moon's parallax in altitude, &c.,............ 59 To find the meridional refraction,......................................60 Barometer,...................................................................... 61 Barometrical table for computing heights, &c....................61-64 Aneroid Barometer, and measurement of heights,.....................63 System of Survey of the United States lands,..........................67 Of Subdividing Townships,................................................. 68 Restoring extinct corners, &c.,............................................ 69 Act concerning mode of Surveying Public Lands,............... 74 Linear, Geological and Topographical Surveys,.........................76 Table of corrections of levels for curvature and refraction,.......78 Suggestions for an outfit for a Surveying Company,.................. 79 Depots in advance of a survey,.............................................83 PART II. Traverse Table,................................................................ 1 Table of Natural Sines,.....................................................92 " " Tangents,................................................ 104 Table for comparison of French and English Barometers,.........116 Table of Chords to a Radius of Unity,.................................117 A KEY TO THE SOLAR COMPASS, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPANION. THE SOLAR COMPASS DESCRIBED. SEE PLATE I. The Solar Compass works astronomically in determining latitude, and in measuring horizontal angles from the true meridian, and in determining the declination, and hour arcs, of celestial objects within the Zodiac; and is further used as a magnetic compass. This instrument is used on a tripod, with a ball and socket, in order to adjust it readily to an approximate level by the hand, after which it is adjusted to a true level by means of four thumb-screws at the lower end of the socket, by which it is attached to the tripod. No part of these are seen in the plate, except the ball, clamp and screw, at u. This clamp fastens the instrument on the tripod in any required position.. The Solar Compass has two main plates, seen at a. and b. —a. is the upper and b. the under plate, the latter is that on which the compass sights cc. are attached by screws and steady pins. This plate revolves underneath the upper plate on a conical centre piece, and may be clamped to it at any required angle by two clamps, one of which is seen at p. There is, also, an inlaid silver ring on the under plate, divided into half degrees, which is covered by the upper plate, except at two openings at opposite points, with a vernier attached to each, d. d. Upon the upper plate is attached a needle-box, e, by a conical centre piece below the cap of the needle q. This needle has an arc of about 36~, divided into halves, for its north end only. A lever, r, is to raise the needle from its pivot when not in use. 10 THE SOLAR COMPASS. The needle-box has a limb extending at right angles from its centre, which is not seen in the plate. At the end of this limb is a vernier and arc to set off the needle's variation; the tangent screw to this limb and vernier is seen between k and d. In consequence of the imperfection of magnetic needles, the arc is attached to the upper plate by two screws, and made adjustable, so that all instruments of this kind can be made to read the same magnetic variation. On the upper plate two adjustable spirit levels are placed at right angles to each other, for the purpose of adjusting the instrument to a true level, when an observation is made on any celestial object. The edge of the upper plate is divided to every five degrees of a circle; and in its centre is placed a brass pin, rising a little above the needle-box; by this arrangement, the surveyor can readily see the approximate course of any object in view, without turning the sights in its direction. Together with the foregoing described parts, on the upper plate is placed the solar apparatus, which is attached to it by two small blocks, fastened by screws and steady pins, one of which is seen at y. Into each of these blocks one axis of the latitude are g enters. These axes are connected by the hour arc i and two radial arms z z from its centre at s. From this centre of the hour arc, a curvilinear arm extends to the latitude arc g. The latitude arc moves in a grooved arc to which its vernier t is attached. The grooved arc is fastened to the compass plate by a flange at its base, and two screws. The latitude arc g has a radius of about five iiches, and is divided into quarter degrees, and its vernier t reads these divisions to minutes. The latitude arc is clamped at any required latitude, by a clamp screw on the back side, not seen on the plate. The hour arc i, as above stated, lies between, and connects the axes of the latitude arc: it is only a portion of the hour circle, and is divided to half degrees. This arc gives the hour angle of celestial objects within the Zodiac of about 55~ or 600 east and west of the meridian. The revolving limb v, with its declination arc I, is mounted on the centre of the hour arc, and has a free motion on its conical spindle or axis, within the conical socket s, at the lower end of which is a, collar and screw, for the purpose of giving a suitable tenseness to its movement. This is called the polar axis. In connexion with the revolving limb is another moveable limb x, attached to it by a short conical centre at 1; the other end with its vernier m, moves over the declination arc h, and is clamped to it at SOLAR COMPASS BRIEFLY EXPLAINED. 11 any required declination, by a clamp screw on the back side of the arc. This arc has about the same radius, and the same divisions and vernier as the latitude arc. A small brass plate is attached by screws to each end of the limb x, standing out at right angles from the limb; and into the upper half of one plate, and the lower half of the other> is set a small convex lens, as seen at o o, called the solar lenses; and on the opposite brass plate to each lens, is attached a small adjustable silver plate by means of three screws. On each of these silver plates two sets of parallel lines are drawn, crossing each other at right angles, at a suitable distance apart to embrace the sun's image, which falls between them from the lens. The set of lines which are parallel to the hour arc are called the equatorial lines, and the set which are vertical to the hour arc are called the hour lines. On the upper edge of each brass plate above named, is placed an equatorial sight w w, which can be attached or detached at pleasure, by means of small thumb screws. There is also another limb (not seen in the plate) called an adjuster, which. can be substituted in the place occupied by the limb x, for the purpose of adjusting to a parallelism with the lenses, the equatorial lines on the silver plates. It is a brass bar about six inches long, and one-fourth of an inch thick, with a plane surface, and three small pins at each end. The pins are for the purpose of keeping the limb x, when on the adjuster, in its place. The adjuster when used must be attached to the same place occupied by the limb x, with the same centre and screws that held the latter. XSee second adjustment.) PRINCIPLES OF THE SOLA.'COMPASS BRIEFLY EXPLAINED. Where a solar compass is correctly adjusted in all its parts, and also to the latitude and meridian of the place of observation, with its vernier m, of the declination arc clamped at 0, or zero, then the polar axis s, of the instrument, will be parallel to the axis of the earth, and the moveable limb x, with its lenses and equatorial sights, will consequently be at right angles to the polar axis, and will revolve on this axis parallel to the plane of the equator; therefore, it 12 THE SOLAR COMPASS. is clear that this motion coincides with the diurnal motion of any heavenly body that has no declination, and it is equally clear, that this coincidence holds good when a celestial object has north or south declination, if its declination be set off on the declination are of the instrument; for, the diurnal motion of the heavenly object will be like the motion of the moveable limb x, parallel to the equator and equidistant from it. Now if the instrument be turned horizontally out of the meridian, the polar axis will not be parallel to the axis of the earth, nor will the moveable limb x revolve parallel to the equator; consequently it will not follow the diurnal motion of any heavenly body; therefore, if the sun's declination be set off on the declination arc, the sun's image from the lens will not fall between the equatorial lines on the silver plate, but will fall above or below them, and will not fall between them until the compass is turned again into the true meridian. It is from these principles of the solar compass that the true meridian is obtained, and the variation of the needle determined, etc. ADJUSTMENTS OF THE SOLAR COMPASS. Before using the solar compass it must be correctly adjusted. This consists in bringing its different parts to their proper place, and in determining the index errors of the instrument in its graduated arcs, which is chiefly done by reversals and adjusting screws. FIRST ADJUSTMENT. To adjust the two spirit levels k k, to a horizontal movement of the instrument on its lower axis. Place the compass on the tripod, and level it, or nearly so, with the hand, then by means of the levelling screws at the lower end of the ball and socket, bring the bubble in each level to the middle of its opening. If the bubbles do not move while the compass is turned horizontally around on its lower axis, this adjustment is right; but if they move, the levels must be adjusted by the screws at the end of each for that purpose, until the bubbles will remain stationary while the instrument is turned horizontally around. ADJUSTMENTS OF THE SOLAR COMPASS. 13 SECOND ADJUSTMENT. To nmake the solar lenses and the equatorial lines on their opposite plates parallel to each other. Detach the limb x, by taking out its fastening screws, and attach the adjuster in its place, with the same screws that held the limb; then clamp it at the moveable end, to the sun's declination as near as practicable. Now let the compass be placed on the tripod where the sun shines, and level it, with the sights north and south, or nearly so; then place the limb x on the adjuster, between the pins, the same side up that was upon the compass, and then bring it to bear on the sun as in other observations, and turn the compass horizontally, if necessary to bring the sun's image precisely between the equatorial lines on the silver plate; now, without moving the compass in the least out of level, or otherwise, take the limb x from the adjuster and turn the upper side down, without changing ends, and place it on the adjuster again; then see if the sun's image falls between the equatorial lines as before. If it does, this plate is in adjustment; but if it does not, loosen the three small screws which hold the silver plate, (having oblong holes under their heads,) and move this plate one-half of the observed difference, up or down as the case requires, and lightly tighten the screws again. Repeat these observations and adjustments, as above described, until the sun's image falls precisely between the equatorial lines, either side up. This plate then will be in correct adjustment. Now reverse the ends of the limb x, and adjust the other silver plate in the same manner as the first. When this is done, the parallelism of the lenses and equatorial lines are as perfect as reversals will make them, and the equatorial sights are also parallel to these. The adjuster may now be taken off and the limb x returned to its place. It will not be necessary to repeat this adjustmlent unless the silver plates get moved by accident or otherwise. The best time to make these adjustments, is between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. In making this adjustment the limb x should fit accurately on the adjuster, and the brass plates in which the lenses are set must be precisely of the same breadth; if they are not, this adjustment cannot be correctly made. Therefore, these plates should be carefully tried with a gauge, and any difference in size corrected. B 14 THE SOLAR COMPASS. THIRD ADJUSTMENT. To find the index error of the declination are. FIRST METHOD. Set the vernier m of the declination arc h at 0, or zero, place the compass on the tripod, and incline it north or south, as the sun may have north or south declination, until the sun's image falls precisely between the equatorial lines on the silver plate; then reverse the lenses by turning the revolving limb half way around, and see if the sunIs image falls precisely between the equatorial lines on the other silver plate; if it does, there is no index error in this arc; but if it does not, move the limb x up or down, as the case requires, on the declination arc one-half of the observed difference, and try the reversals again, and so repeat them, if necessary, until the sun's image falls precisely between the equatorial lines on both silver plates. The amount of index error in this arc can now be read by its vernier qn. If the index error is below the graduated zero point on the declination arc, its amount must be subtracted from the declination of the celestial object, before it is set off on the declination arc; but if above, it must be added. SECOND METHOD. Set the vernier zn of the declination arc h at zero, as before, and bring the equatorial sights to bear on some distant object; then, without moving the compass in the least, reverse the revolving limb v, and see if the line of sight is the same as before; if it is, there is no index error; but if not, proceed as described, by reversals on the sun, until the equatorial sights will bear on the same objects when reversed. FOURTH ADJUSTMENT. To bring the polar axis to a right angle with the axis of the latitude arc. This adjustment generally is, and always should be made by the instrument maker, but the surveyor should test his instrument in all of its parts. First detach the solar apparatus from the upper plate, by taking out the clamp screw of the latitude arc, and the screws that fasten its axis and blocks to the upper plate; then take a piece of board about four inches wide and a foot long, with smooth edges, and nail one edge to another board about one foot square, so that ADJUSTMENTS OF T'HiE SOLAR COMPASS. 15 it will be at right angles to its surface. Place this on a stand or table, in a convenient place to view some distant object, then take the blocks that hold the axes of the latitude arc, and place them on their axes, and fasten them by their screws to the upper edge of the narrow board; by this arrangement the polar axis s can be brought to a perpendicular, and then reversed, by giving motion to the axes of the latitude arc of 180~. The moveable limb x must now be clamped to its true zero point, as found by the third adjustment, and the polar axis s brought to a perpendicular; the revolving limb v must now be turned parallel to the axis of the latitude arc; then observe some distant object through the equatorial sights; now reverse the polar axis as above directed, and see if the equatorial sights bear on the same object as before reversing the polar axis; if they do, the polar axis is at right angles to the axis of the latitude arc; but if not, the face of the flange, or the seat of the conical socket s, must be ground on one side enough to correct this error, so that the equatorial sights will bear on the same object when reversed as above stated. If the error be small, it may be corrected by placing a thin piece of tin foil, or some other firm substance, under one side of the flange of the conical socket s. FIFTH ADJUSTMENT. To make the compass sights coincide with the true mericdian, when an observation is made withi the solar compass. Place the compass on the tripod, and clamp the sights to a.n east, west course; then take out the clamp screw to the latitude arc, and raise this arc until the polar axis s is horizontal, or nearly so, and fasten it in this position, which can be easily done by placing a small wedging piece of wood between the edge of the hour arc and the upper plate of the compass, and a small brace of wood between the brass centre pin and the conical centre s of the hour arc. Then clamp the vernier m of the declination arc at its true zero point, as found by the third adjustment. Now bring the equatorial sights to bear on some distant object in or near the horizon; then unclamp the main plates a and b, and bring the compass sights to bear on the same distant object; (it is well to reverse the equatorial sights and make the same observation again;) if both sights still coincide, read at the verniers d d, the amount of the index error, if any, between these plates. 16 THE SOLAR COMPASS. This adjustment should always be made by the instrument maker, and cleared of index error, by a proper adjustment of the compass sights on the lower plate. But if any index error is found in the instrument;, while in tlie hands of t:e surveyor, it should be allowed for in all courses run by him, or he may correct it by removing one of the compass sights the required amount so as to make the line of sight to coincide with the meridian. This can be done by enlarging, with a small round file, the holes on one side of the steady pins and screw that hold the compass sight to the lower plate, enough to correct the index error. The vacancy on the side of the steady pins may be filled with tin foil, or some other substance that is not magnetic. SIXTH ADJUSTMENT. To find the index error of the latitude arc. This is most correctly done by determining the latitude of any station by north and south stars, or, determine the latitude by the sun, and again by the pole star; (see article, "Latitude by the Solar Compass;") one-half of the difference of latitude thus found, if any, is the index error of this are. If the latitude determined by an observation on the sun, or star within the zodiac, be less than the latitude by the north star, the half difference must be added, to the zodiacal observation, to obtain the true latitude of the station; but if greater, it must be subtracted. But this index error is not used for any other purpose than to find the true latitude, for the latitude given by an observation on a celestial object within the zodiac, is the latitude to be used for all other purposes. SEVENTH ADJUSTMENT. To find the inde error of'the hour arc. Adjust and clamp the compass sights to the true meridian, as directed in the remarks to find the meridian, variation of the needle, &c.; also, set a stake in the meridian, four or five chains south of the instrument, and keep the compass sights directed to it. Then at the distance of ten or twelve feet south of the instrument, suspend a plumb line from the top of a suitably inclined pole set in the ground, and firmly supported with crotches, and of a sufficient height to observe, near the top of the line, the meridian passage of the sun. Then with the aid of a suitable dark glass, observe through the north sight vane, the meridian contact of the sun's west limb with ADJUSTMENTS OF THE SOLAR COMPASS. 17 the line, while an assistant has kept the sun's image accurately between the hour lines on the silver plate. At this point, read on the graduated side of the declination arc, at either end of the revolving limb, its distance from the graduated zero point, and the same again with the last contact of the sun's east limb: half the difference on the hour arc, between these two observations, will be its true zero point; from which read the index error. It should be remarked here, that the principles of the solar compass have been applied in various ways to surveying instruments, to suit the views of mathematical instrument makers, or surveyors for whom they were made; but the solar compass described in the foregoing pages, and for which the adjustments are given, has been found, after much experience in its use, to be the best adapted to surveying the public lands, and for this purpose it is generally used; for the reason that it is more safely and conveniently carried and used through all the exposures which are unavoidable in the wilderness. Some change, however, may be made in its mechanical construction, for the purpose of city surveying, and for running the lines and curves of railroads, etc. But in whatever form they may be made, it is important to a good solar apparatus, that the latitude and declination arcs have a radius not less than five inches, so that their divisions may be sufficiently large to be easily read, and the arcs readily and accurately adjusted for use. The importance of this will be understood by considering the frequency of these adjustments, and the circumstances under which they are made while running lines in the field. So far as known to the author, but few surveyors have qualified themselves to use the solar compass on any other celestial object than the sun; and, perhaps, as few have fully understood its principles and adjustments. The reason of this is found in the fact, that no work has been published before this, sufficiently elucidating its principles, adjustments and use. The sun is the principal celestial object used in surveying lines with this instrument, which only requires a knowledge of the true declination of the sun for each hour of the day, in the longitude where the survey is to be niade. Therefore, with the instructions here given, no accomplished surveyor with the magnetic compass, need hesitate to use the solar compass on the sun; and he will soon acquire the further knowledge of using it on other heavenly bodies at night, to determine the variation of the needle, and for other purposes treated of in this work. If the solar compass has been truly adjusted in all of its parts, pro. B * 18 THE SOLAR COMPASS. vious to its being used in the field, the surveyor may feel the fullest confidence in the true course of his lines run with it. ASTRONOMY. Though merely a knowledge of the -apparent diurnal motion of the sun in the heavens, will serve for the single purpose of using the solar compass on that luminary; yet, for all the purposes for which this instrument can be employed by night on the planets and fixed stars, a more extended knowledge of astronomy is required. Therefore, the following brief notice of astronomical facts and phenomena. is deemed necessary to be understood by all surveyors, to enable them to use the solar compass to the best advantage. SOLAR SYSTEM. The sun is the centre of the solar system, around which all the planets revolve in elliptical orbits, from west to east, with diminished velocities as their distances increase from the sun: the planes of their orbits are nearly coincident with the plane of the ecliptic; therefore, their greatest declinations will be sometimes more or less than the sun's greatest declination, by the amount of the angle of inclination of each of their orbits to the plane of the ecliptic. See the following table. A Mean distance!Mean sidereal Inclination S Planet's names.'"a in English period in of orbit to' miles from mean Solar the eclip- I the Sun. days. tic. The Sun,.. 883.246 lercury,... 3.224 37.000.000 87.969.225 7~ 0' 9'.1 109.O00 Venus,.. 7.687 68.000.000 224.700.787 3~23'28/.5 80.060 The Earth,.. 7.912 95.000.000 365.256.361 68.080 The Moon,.. 2.160 95.000.000 27.321.661 50 8'47".9 2.290 Mars,... 4.189 142.000.000 686.979.646 1051\ 6".2 55.000 Jupiter,... 89.170 495.000.000 4.332.584.821 1~18S51".3 28.000 Saturn,.. 79.042 906.000.000 10.759.219.817 2~29'35".7 20.000 Uranus,... 35.112 1.820.000.000 30.686.820.830 0~46'28".4 15.000 Neptune,... 35.000 3.600.000.000 *East and west are relative, or local terms. It is meant here, that they move in their orbits around the sun, in the same direction as the opposite side of the earth from the sun moves around its axis. ASTIRONOMY.-EQUATOR. 19 THE EARTH. The earth is an oblate spheroid, whose equatorial diameter exceeds its polar diameter about 26 miles; the cause of this difference is supposed to be the centrifugal force of the earth's rotary motion around its axis. The north and south poles of the earth are two points on its surface, opposite to each other; and a straight line between these two points is called the axis of the earth, around which the earth re- volves, from west to east, once in a sidereal day. The axis of the earth is always inclined from a perpendicular to the plane of its orbit; in other words, the axis of the earth has an angle to the axis of the ecliptic, of about 23~ 28'. Therefore, the axis of the earth is always in the same direction in regard to the heavens, in every part of its orbit. This angle of inclination causes the declination of the sun north and south of the celestial equator, during each revolution of the earth around the sun. It is, also, the principal cause of the declinations of the planets; the different seasons of the year; and the different length of days and nights. EQUATOR. The Equator encircles the earth at right angles to the axis, and is equidistant, or 90~ from its poles; its plane divides the earth into two equal parts, called northern and southern hemispheres. The plane of the equator, if extended to the heavens, is called the celestial equator, which has an angle to the plane of the ecliptic, (like the angle between their axes) of about 23~ 28/. The motion of the earth around -its axis is uniform; but the velocity of the earth in its orbit around the sun is unequal, the mean of which is 59/ 8/ each day. The sun will therefore return to any given meridian each day in unequal times; hence the difference between apparent and mean time, called the equation of time. A tropical year is 365 d., 5 h., 48m., 49 s. A sidereal year, reckoned in mean solar time, is 365 d., 6 h., 9 m., 9. 6s., and reckoned in sidereal time, is 366 d., 6 h., 9 m., 9. 6s. The reason of this difference is; the earth has moved once around the sun in its orbit the same way the equator moves around its own axis. The earth must therefore complete one revolution and 59/ 8" on its axis each day, to bring the sun to the same meridian This is called solar time. 20 THE SOLAR COMPASS. The earth has precisely one revolution on its axis from the transit of a fixed star to the next transit of the same star, which is a sidereal day of 24 hours; but, if reckoned in mean solar time, it is 23 h., 56 m., 4s., 9//. An astronomical day commences at noon, and is reckoned from one to 24 hours successively; the civil day commences at the preceding midnight, and is reckoned from 1 to 12 hours, twice in a civi day: therefore the last 12 hours of the civil day correspond to the first 12 hours of the astronomical day. All astronomical calculations are computed in astronomical time. LATITUDE. Latitude on the earth is reckoned north and south of the equator in degrees, etc., of the meridian, to the poles (or 90~.) Difference of latitude is an arc of the meridian, between any two parallels of latitude. LONGITUDE. Longitude on the earth is reckoned east and west from any prime meridian, in arc or time to 180~ or 12 hours. Difference of longitude is the difference in arc or time, between any two meridians, reckoned on any parallel of latitude. ECLIPTIC. The Ecliptic is a great circle of the heavens, and its plane is the extension of the plane of the earth's orbit, indefinitely, into space, or the starry heavens. The sun is always in the ecliptic, and the orbits of all the planets cut or intersect the ecliptic at opposite points, called their nodes, in which only eclipses occur. ZODIAC. The Zodiac is an imaginary belt or circle of the heavens, and occupies a space of 8~ on each side of the ecliptic; within which all the planets appear to perform their revolutions around the sun. DECLINATION. Declination of a heavenly body is reckoned north and south of the equatorial plane. The complement of the declination of a celestial object is its nearest polar distance. ASTRONOMY.-AZIMUTH. 21 RIGHT ASCENSION. The right ascension of heavenly bodies is reckoned in time from the first point of Aries, or the vernal equinox, around in the order of the signs, on the equator, to the same point again.. Thelongitude of heavenly bodies is reckoned from the same point, and in the same order on the ecliptic, in degrees, etc., as right ascension is reckoned in time on the equator. ALTITUDE AND ZENITH DISTANCE. The altitude of a celestial object is the angle in which it is observed above the horizon. The zenith distance of a heavenly body is its angular distance from the zenith, or point directly over head of the observer. HORIZON. An observer has two horizons, the sensible and rational. The sensible horizon is a circle at the extent of view in all directions, on a horizontal plain, or on the ocean. The plane of the rational horizon divides the earth into two equal parts through its centre, parallel to the sensible horizon; it is, therefore, the semi-diameter of the earth below the sensible horizon. REFRACTION AND PARALLAX. The atmospheric refraction causes a heavenly body to appear above its true place in the heavens, except it be in the zenith. The parallax of a celestial object is the difference in altitude that would appear between an observation mvde from any point on the earth's surface and from its centre. Therefore, parallax causes heavenly bodies to appear below their true place in the heavens, except they are in the zenith; hence the corrections for parallax and refraction of instrumental observations on celestial objects. AZIMUTH. The azimuth of a heavenly body is reckoned on the horizon of the observer, between a vertical plane of the meridian, and another vertical plane passing through the centre of the celestial object, to the zenith of the observer. In other words, it is the true bearing of a heavenly body referred to the horizon from the meridian. 22 THE SOLAR COMPASS. Azimuths are generally reckoned from the north in north latitude, and from the south in south latitude. The amplitude of a heavenly body is its true course or bearing at rising or setting, from the east or west points of the horizon. NAUTICAL ALMANAC. Blunt's Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, (on account of its size) is the most convenient that has yet been published for the surveyor to take data from, for the use of the solar compass. The heading of each page and column is a sufficient explanation of its contents and use. This almanac is adapted to mean noon at Greenwich, England, except the sun's declination, which is more properly given for apparent noon. It will be seen that the quantities in the columns are continually varying from day to day; therefore some reduction is necessary to adapt them to any other time or longitude, than that for which they were registered. This is accomplished by applying the hourly differences, where they are given, according to their sign or precept; and where the hourly differences are not given, take the required proportional part of the difference between the preceding and succeeding noon at Greenwich, and add to or subtract from the registered quantities, according as they are increasing or decreasing, as the case requires. FIXED STARS. The following table of the mean places of 35 fixed stars has been selected from the Nautical Almanac, for January 1st, 1854, for the purpose of night observation with the solar compass. The sign + prefixed to an annual variation is to be added to, and the sign - is to be subtracted from the right ascension: also, for stars having north declination, + signifies add, and - subtract; but for stars of south declination + denotes that the variation is to be subtracted from, and - that it is to be added to the declination. LATITUDE BY THE SOLAR COMPASS. 23 FIXED STARS. MEAN PLACES OF THIRTY-FIVE PRINCIPAL FIXED STARS FOR JANUARY 1ST, 1854.' RI0 HT ANNUAL - I NUAL STAR'S NAME. A NSION. AR DECLINATION. A ~ ASCENSION. VAt. H.. S. S. 0 0l.1/. ",' 2, Ceti,..... 2 0 36 15-414 + 3-0127 S. 18 47 20-28 +-19-832 a Uris. Min. (Polaris,) 2 1 6 11-891 18-0600 N. 88 31 52-32 19-241 8' Ceti,...... 1 16 43-5 2-9997 S. 8 56 1708 18-740 a Arietis,.... 2 1 58 57-027 - 3-3634 N. 22 46 11-30 + 17-274 a Ceti,......2-3 2 54 39-087 3-1269 N. 3 30 50-23 14-399 ] Taui,.... 3 3 38 48-759 - 3-5527 N. 23 38 59-65 11-536 a Tauri (Aldebaran,) 1 4 27 32S809 3-4336 N. 16 12 42-11 7-702 O rionis (Reigel,) 1 5 7 31-330 + 2-8803 S. 8 22 27-30 + 4-540 S Orionis,... 2 5 24 32-994 3-0663 S. 0 24 40-87 3-048 c Orionis,... 2 5 28 48-357 + 3-0436 S. 1 17 57-31 + 2-709 a Orionis,....var. 5 47 16-094 3'2469 N. 7 22 31-37 + 1-112, Gemminorum,.. 3 6 14 7-640 3-6357 N. 22 35 1-21 - 1-367 a Canis Maj. (Sirius,) 1 6 38 42-914 2-6417 S. 16 31 11.02 4 602 a Can. Min. (Procyon,) 1 7 31 39-317 3-1459 N. 5 35 43-82 8859 a lydr. A.,... 2 9 20 24-674 + 2-9480 S. 8 1 41-32 -15-343 a Leonis (Regulus,). 1-2 10 0 35-517 + 3-2026 N. 12 40 43-82 -17 380 a Leonis,.. 2'3 11 6 20-253 3-20.64 N. 21 19 22-28 19-C45 B Leonis..... 2 11 41 36-517 + 3-0656 N. 15 23 16-95 -20-084 a Vi;ginis(Spic-,). 1 13 17 30-330 3-1495 S. 10 23 52-41 18-946 a Bootis (Arcturus,). 1 14 9 0-134 2-7332 N. 19 56 40-39 18-919 a'-'Librne,.... 23 14 42 48-491 + 3-3070 S. 15 25 55-72 15-234 /3 Ursse Minoris,.. 2 14 51 10-977 - 0-2687 N. 74 45 7-18 14-760 /3 Libra,..... 2 15 9 9-271 + 3-2202 S. 8 50 27-49 13-601 a Serpentis,... 2-3 15 37 4-683 + 2-9514 N. 6 53 17.13 11-643 [8 Scorpii,.... 2 15 56 57-182 + 3-4784 S. 19 24 6-72 10-275 a Herculis,.... ar. 17 7 59-418 + 2-7322 N. 14 33 37-00 4-449 a Ophiuchi,... 2 17 28 9-421 + 27796 N. 12 40 11-94 2-967 ( Aquil,.... 3 18 58 41-894 2-7546 N. 13 39 0-00 + 5-022 y Aqui,.. 3 19 39 19-055 + 2-8553 N. 10 15 38-89 -- 8-43-1a Aquils (Altair,). 1-2 19 43 39-502 2-9286 N. 8 29 10-27 9-154 /l Aquarii,... 3 21 23 52-159 3-1673 S. 6 12 39-37 15-609 3 Cephei.... 3 21 26 45-508 0.8045 N. 69 55 12-83 -+15-686 Petasi,...... 2-3 21 37 0-915 + 2.9510 N. 9 12 28-01 + 16297 a Aq ua-rii,. 3 21 58 16-921 3-0826 S. 1 1 38-53 17-300 a Pegasi (Markab,). 2 22 57 29-402 2-9834 N. 14 25 14-62 19-310 LATITUDE BY THE SOLAR COMPASS. After the solar compass has been correctly adjusted in all of its parts, its future usefulness depends upon finding the latitude as given by the instrument, at the place where it is used. That it may not be repeated again, hereafter, it should be remarked, that in all observations with the solar compass, it must be placed on the tripod, and accurately levelled, with the latitude arc turned toward the equator; except, that when making an observation on 24 TIIE SOLAR COMPASS. the.pole-star, it must be turned in that direction. This can be done approximately by the magnetic needle. Thus prepared, set off the sun's declination for noon on the declination arc, allowing for its index error, if any, and the sun's meridional refraction, also, adjust the latitude arc approximately to the latitude of the place, and the revolving limb v. at its true zero point on the hour arc i.: in other words, for noon. Commence the observation for latitude about fifteen minutes before the sun culminates, by turning the instrument horizontally on its lower axis, so that the sun's image will fall between the hour lines on the silver plate, and raise or lower the latitude arc, if necessary, to bring the sun's image between the equatorial lines. Then follow the motion of the sun, by turning the compass horizontally, at short intervals of time, and adjust the latitude arc, to keep the sun's image between the equatorial lines, until he culminates. The latitude of the station can then be read at the vernier of the latitude arc. The same method may be pursued by night to determine the latitude by an observation on any celestial object within the zodiac, viewed through the equatorial sights. In making these observations, it will sometimes be necessary for an assistant to hold a lighted candle a little behind and above the head of the observer, in such a manner that the equatorial sights can be seen; but not so bright as to obscure the star. LATITUDE BY THE POLE-STAR. It should be remarked, that the latitude given by an observation on any heavenly body within the zodiac, is read direct on the latitude arc; but when the latitude arc is turned to the north for an observation on the pole-star, or some other star near the pole, the latitude are will read the co-latitude of the station; it must, therefore, be subtracted from 90~ to obtain the true latitude. In these latter observations, the polar distance of the star must be set off on the declination arc instead of its declination, and if the upper meridian passage of the star be observed, the declination arc must be turned toward it; but, if the lower meridian passage of the star be observed, the declination are must be turned from the star. See sixth adjustment to find the index error of the latitude arc. VARIATION OF TIHE NEEDLE. 25 EASTERN ELONGATIONS OF POLARIS. DAYS. APRIL. MAIY. JUNE. AJULY. AUGUST.I SEPT. H. ME. H. M. H. M. H. I.. I. 1 18-8 16'20 14241 12-20 10116 8 20 7 17-56 16-03 14-00 11-55 9-53 7-58 13 1734 1 5-40 13-35 11-31 9030 7 36 19 1712 1517 13-10 11-07 9'08 7-15.25 16 49 14-53 12-45 10-43 8-45 6-53 WESTERN ELONGATIONS OF POLARIS. DAYS. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. IARCH. H. M. H. M. H. I1. H. H. H.. HM.. 1 18-18 10-22 14-19 12'02 9 00 i 01 7, 17-56 1559 11353 11-36 9-26 7.-3 13 17-34 15-35 13-27 11-10 3902 7.16 19 17-12 15-10 13-00 10-44 8-39 6 54 25 1 649 1-4 134 1018 816 6-33 To find the time of the meridian passages of the pole star, add 6 hr. 59 min. to the time of its elongation. TO FIND THE TRUE MERIDIAN, AND HORIZONTAL ANGLES FR03 IT; ALSO, THE VARIATION OF THE NEEDLE. Clamp the sight of the compass at 0 or zero, and adjust the latitude arc to the latitude of the place; also, set off the sun's declination for the time of day, allowing for index error, if any, and the sun's meridional refraction; then bring the sights of the compass approximately into the meridian by the needle, and the solar lenses into the direction of the sun; if the sun's image does not fall between the equatorial lines, turn the instrument horizontally, and the revolving limb v. on its axis, in a manner to bring the sun's image between the equatorial lines, allowing for refraction, if required; then the compass sights will be in the true meridian. Now if the needle Q. be lowered on to its pivot by the lever s., its variation from the true meridian can be read, and set off on the arc for that purpose; the tangent screw of the vernier limb is seen at lc. and d. (See Plate 1.) To set the sights of the compass to any other course or angle from the meridian it is only necessary to unclamp the under plate from the upper, and turn the sights to the course required, the angle of rwhich can be read at the verniers d. d. Observations for the same purpose can be made in the night, on any celestial object within the zodiac, by the use of the equatorial sights, instead of the lenses; and by observing two stars, one east, C 26 THE SOLAR COMPASS. and the other west of the meridian, the variation of the needle, or the course of a line, may be more accurately defined. ZENITH DISTANCE AND ALTITUDE. Clamp the compass sights to 900, or for an E. and W. course, also, set off on the declination arc 23 degrees, and bring the revolving limb v to zero or noon on the hour arc. Then by turning the instrument horizontally on its lower axis, bring the solar lenses and equatorial sights into the direction of the sun or star to be observed, and raise or lower the latitude are as the case requires, until the sun's image falls between the equatorial lines, or the star is seen through the equatorial sights. If the observation be made with the declination arc turned from the object, 23 degrees must be added to the reading of the latitude arc, to obtain the zenith'distance of the object observed; but if the declination arc is turned toward the object, 23 degrees must be subtracted from the reading of the latitude arc, to obtain the zenith distance. If the zenith distance be subtracted from 90 degrees, the altitude of the object will be had. TIME OF DAY BY THE SUN. After an observation is mnade to determine the variation of the needle, or the course of a line by the sun, bring the revolving limb to one division on the hour arc in advance of the sun, then observe the movement of the sun's image to the instant it arrives between the hour lines, and correct for index error of the hour arc, and the effects of refraction, and the hour angle from the meridian at thatt time, expressed in degrees will be had, which may be converted into time by allowing 15 degrees for an hour, and for each degree four minutes of time. If mean time is required, add or subtract the equation of time according to its precept, and mean time will be had. DIUPNAL VARIATION OF THE NEEDLE. It has been found by numerous observations, that the diurnal variation of the needle is more in summer than in winter months, and the amount of these aberrations is more or less on different days of the same season of the year, and is probably caused by heat and cold. But the order in which these diurnal changes take place, can be a little more clearly defined. The north end of the needle will ar 6 0 ad fr;d ft: ~ ~ The following observations were made by the author in latitude 42 degrees 42 minutes.North, i ~1F ^ ^ ^7 ~ near Detroit, in July, 1839. }Z~ cc.^ -5 ^ r~ 1839. THER.MIOMETEr. WVEATHER. WEATHER. WIND. MAGNETIC VARiATION. a July. 5 A.M. I P.M. 6 P.M. A.. P.M. 5. AM. I P.M. 6P1.M. C.)^ 13 60 79 62 clear, light showers, WV. S. W. 10 42' 1~ 28' 10 42 o 1^ ^ ^ 14 59 72 67 clear, flying clouds, N. W. 1 42 1 26 1 33 ad'15 56 73 64: cloudy, light showers, N. W. 1 32 1 28 1 28 16 55 71 66 cloudy, some. cloudy, West. 138 1 28 1 30 o a.. 1 17 52 80 69 clear, clear, W.N.W. 130 128 130 O S ^ ^ I 9.. 18 55. 85W 83 clear, clear, West. 1 41 1 28 1 35 E4'+1 eg a ^ ^ 19 56 89 82 clear, fiying clouds, S. W. 1 40 1 28 1 35.j ~,b 53 ^20 63 80 74 clear, cloudy, S.S.W. 1 40 125 135 O g^l4 21 70 82 77 clear, cloudy,: South. 142 128 130 g 22 72 86 75 cloudy, some. cloudy, West. 1 40 1 28 135 7 ^ 23 65 88 77 clear, clear, East. 141 123 136 fr - d0 0g 24 72 86 77 rain, clear, W.S.W. 1 43 1 25 1 35 25 69 83 80 clear, clear, N.W. 141 115 132 -4 a S - 26 66 88 79 clear, cloudy, West. 140 123 135 ; Deg. 6Y' Deg. 6Deg. eg. - — I____~ I ) Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 0-99 0-10 0-99 0-11 0-99 0-11 0-99 0-12 1 2 1-99 0-21 1-99.0-22 1-99 0-23 1-99 0-24 2 3 2-298 031 298 33 2-98 0-34 2-98 0.35 3 4 3-98 0-41 3-98 0'44 i 397 0.45 3-97 0-47 4 5 497 052 497 0O54' 4-97 0-57 4-97 0-59 5 6 5-97 0-63 5-96 0-65 5-96 0-68 5-96 0-71 6 7 6-96 0'73 6'96 0'76 6-96 0-79 6'95 0-82 7 8 7-96 0-84 7-95 0-87 7-95 0-91 7-94 0-94 8 9 8-95 0-94 8-95 0-98 8-94 102 8-94 1-06 9 10 9-95 1-05 9-94 1-09 994 1-13 9-93 1-18 10 11 10-94 1-15 10-93 1.20 10-93 1.25 10-92 1-29 11 )12 11-93 1-25 11-93 1-31 11-92 1-36 11-92 1-41 12 13 12-93 1-36 1293 136 192 42 192 1-47 12-91 1-53 13 14 13-92 1-46 13-92 1-52 13-91 1-59 13-90 1-65 14 15 14-92 1-57 14-91 1-63 14-90 1-70 14-90 1-76 15 16 15-91 1-67 15-90 1-74 15-90 1-81 15-89 1-88 16 17 16-91 1-78 16'90 1'85 16-89 1-92 16-88 2-00 17 18 17-90 1-88 17-89 1-96 17-88 2-04 17-88 2-12 18 )19 1890 1-99 18-89 2-07 18-88 2-15 18-87 2-23 19 20 19-89 2-09 19-88 2-18 19-87 2-26 11986 2-35 20 21 20-88 2-20 20-88 2-29 20-87 2-38 20-85 2-47 21 22 21-88 2-30 21-87 2-40 21-86 2-49 21-85 2-59 22 23 22-87 2-40 22-86 2-50 22-85 2-60 22-84 2-70 23 24 23-87 2-51 23-86 2-61 23-85 2-72 23-83 2-82 24 2 22-86 2-61 24-85 2-72 24-84 2-83 24-83 2-94 25 26 25-86 2-72 25-85 2-83 25-83 2-9 25-82 3-06 26 27 26-85 2-82 26-84 2-94 26-83 3-06 26-81 3-17 27 28 27-85 2-93 27-83 3-05 27-82 3-17 27-81 3-29 28 29 28-84 3-03 28-83 3-16 28-81 3-28 28-80 3-41 29 30 29-84 3-14 29-82 3-27 29-81 3-40 29-79 3-53 30 31 30-83 3-24 30-82 337 3080 3-51 30-79 3-64 31 32 31-82 3-34 31-81 3-48 31-79 3-62 31-78 3-76 32 33 32-82 3-45 32-80 3-59 32-79 3-74 32-77 3-88 33 34 33-81 3-55 33-80 3-70 33-78 3-85 33-76 4.00 34 35 34-81 3-66 34-79 3-81 34-78 3-96 34-76 4-11' 35 36 35-80 3-76 35-79 3-92 3577 4-08 35-75 4-23 36 37 36-80 3-87 36-78 4-03 36-76 4-19 36-75 4-35 37 38 37-79 3-97 37-77 4-14 37-76 4-30.37-74 4-47 38 39 38-79 4-08 38-77 4-25 38-75 4-41 38-73 4-58 39 40 8 4 39 45 39-74 4-53 39-72 4-70 40 41 40-78 4-29 40-76 4-46 40-74 4-64 140-72 4-82 41 42 41-77 4-39 41-75 4-57 4173 4-76 41-71 4-94 42 43 42-76 4-49 42-74 4-68. 42-72 4-87 42-70 5-05 43 44 43-76 4-60 43-74 4-79 43-72 4-98 43.70 5-17 44 45 44-75 4-70 44-73 490 44-71 5-09 44-69 5-29 45 46 45-75 4-81 45.73 5-01 45-70 5-21 45-68 5-41 46 47 46-74 4-91 46-72 5-12 46-70 5-32 46-67 5-52 47 48 47-74 5-02 47-71 5-23 47-69 5-43 47-67 5-64 48 49 48-73 5-12 48-71 5-34 48-69 5-55 48-66 5-76 49 50 49-73 5-23 49-70 5-44 49-68 5-66 49-65 5-88 50 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. e I -. ___1_ _-7 I 84 Deg. 833D Deg. 83 eg. De. 83 TRAVERSE TABLE. 15 6 Deg. 6Y4 Deg. 62 Deg. 6% Deg.. ~ Lat. Dep. I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 50-72 5-33 50-70 5-55 50-67 5-77 50-65 5-99 51 52 5172 544 51-69 566 5167 5-89 51-64 611 52 53 52-71 5-54 52-68 5-77 52-66 6-00 52-63 6-23 53 3 54 370 564 5368 588 5365 611 53-63 6-35 54 55 54-70 5-75 54-67 5-99 54-65 6-23 54-62 6-46 55 56 5569 5-85 55-67 6-10 55-64 6-34 55-61 6-58 56 57 56-69 5-96 56-66 6-21 56-63 6-45 56-60 6-70 57 58 5687 606 57-66 6-31 57-63 6-57 57-60 6-82 58 59 58-68 6-17 58-65 6-42 58-62 6-68 58-59 6-93 59 60 59-67 6-27 59-64 6-53 59-61 6-79 59-58 7-05 60 61 60-67 6-38 60-64 6-64 60-61 6-91 60-58 7-17 61 62 61-66 6-48 61-63 6-75 61-60 7-02 61-57 7-29 62 63 62-65 6-59 62-63 6-86 62-60 7-13 62-56 7-40 63 64 63-65 669 63-62 6-97 63-59 7-25 63-56 7-52 64 65 64-64 6-79 64-61 7-08 64-58 7-36 64-55 7-64 65 66 65-64 6-90 65-61 7-19 65-58 7-47 65-54 7-76 66 67 66-63 7-00 66-60 7-29 66-57 7-58 66-54 7-88 67 68 67-63 711 6760 7-40 67-56 7-70 67-53 7-99 68 69 68-62 7-21 68-59 7-51 68-56 7-81 68-52 8-11 69 70 69-62 7-32 69-58 762 6955 792 51 8-23 70 71 70-61 7-42 70-58 7-73 70-54 8-04 70-51 8-35 71 72 71-61 7-53 71-57 7-84 71-54 8-15 71-50 8-46 72 73 72-60 7-63 72-57 7-95 72-53 8-26 72-49 8-58 73 4 74 73-59 7-74 73-56 8-06 73-52 8-38 73-49 8-70 74 75 74-59 7-84 74-55 8-17 74-52 8-49 74-48 8-82 75 76 75-58 7-94 75-55 8-27 75-51 8-60 75-47 8-93 76 77 76-58 8-05 7654 8-38 76-51 8-72 76-47 9-05 77 78 77-57 8-15 77-54 8-49 77-50 8-83 77-46 9-17 78 79 78-57 8-26 78-53 8-60 78-49 8-94 78-45 9-29 79 80 79-56 8-36 79-53 8-71 79-49 9-06 79-45 9-40 80 81 80-56 8-47 80-52 8-82 80-48 9-17 80-44 9-52 81 82 81-55 8-57 81-51 8-93 81-47 9-28 81-43 9-64 82 83 82-55 8-68 82-51 9-04 82-47 9-40 82-42 9-76 83 84 83-54 8-78 83-50 9-14 83-46 9-51 83-42 9-87 84 85 84-53 8-88 84-50 9-25 84-45 9-62 84-41 9-99 85 86 85-53 8-99 85-49 9-36 85-45 9-74 85-40 10-11 86 87 86-52 9-09 86-48 9-47 86-44 9-85 86-40 10-23 87 (88 87-52 920 87-48 9-58 87-43 9-96 87-39 10-34 88 89 88-51 930 88-47 9-69 88-43 1008 1046 89 90 89-51 9-41 89-47 9-80 89-42 10-19 89-38 10-58 90 91 90-50 9-51 90-46 9-91 90-42 10-30 90-37 10-70 91 92 91-50 9-62 91-45 10-02 91-41 10-41 91-36 10-81 92 93 92-49 9-72 92-45 10-12 92-40 10-53 92-36 10-93 93 94 93-49 9-83 93-44 10-23' 93-40 10-64 93-35 11-05 94 95 94-48 9-93 94-44 10-34 94-39 10-75 94,34 11-17 95 96 95-47 10-03 9543 1045 38 9 1087 9533 1128 96 ) 947 9 10-14 9642 10-56 96-38 10-98 96-33 11-40 97 98 97-46 10-24 97-42 10-67 97-37 11-09 97-32 11-52 98 9 9846 10 998-41 10-78 98-36 11-21 98-31 11-64 99 100 99-45 10-45 99-41 10-89 99-36 11-32 99-31 11-75 100 Dep Lat. De p Lt. aep. Lat. Dep. LLat. e > g 84 Deg. 83% Deg. 831, Deg. 83Y4 Deg. 16 TRAVERSE TABLE. 7 Deg. 7' J)eg 7 DPeg. 7% Deg. ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 0-99 0-12 09 013 099 0-13 099 0-13 1 2 1-99 024 198 25 19 0 — -26 198 027 2 3 2-98 0-37 2-98 0-38 2-97 0-39 2-97 0-40 3 4 3-97 049 3-97 0-50 3-97 0-52 3-96 0-54 4 5 4-96 061 496 0-63 4-96 0-65 4-95 0-67 5 6 5-96 0-73 5-95 0-76 5-95 0-78 5-95 0-81 6 7 6-95 0-85 6-94 0-88 6-94 0-91 6-94 0-94 7 8 7-94 0-97 7-94 1-01 7-93 1-04 7-93 1-08 8 9 8-93 1-10 8-93 1-14 8-92 1-17 8-92 1-21 9 10 9-93 1-22 9-92 1-26 9-91 1-31 9-91 1-35 10 11 10-92 1-34 10-91 1-39 10-91 1-44 10-90 1-48 11 12 11-91 1-46 11-90 1-51 11-90 1-57 11-89 1-62 12 13 12-90 1-58 12-90 1-64 12-89 1-70 12-88 1-75 13 14 13-90 1-71 13-89 1-77 13-88 1-83 13-87 1-89 14 15 14-89 1-83 14-88 1-89 14-87 1-96 14-86 2-02 15 16 15-88 1-95 15-87 2-02 15-86 2-09 15-85 2-16 16 17 16-87 2-07 16-86 2-15 16-85 2-22 16-84 2-29 17 18 17-87 2-19 17-86 2-27 17-85 2-35 17-84 2-43 18 19 18-86 2-32 18-85 2-40 18-84 2-48 18-83 2-56 19 20 19-85 2-44 19-84 2-52 19-83 2-61 19-82 2-70 20 21 20-84 2-56 20-83 2-65 20-82 2-74 20-81 2-83 21 22 21 84 2-68 21-82 2-78 21-81 2-87 21-80 2-97 22 23 22-83 2-80 22-82 2-90 22-80 3-00 22-79 3-10 23 24 23-82 2-92 23-81 3-03 23-79 3-13 23-78 3-24 24 25 24-81 3-05 24-80 3-15 24-79 3-26 24-77 3-37 25 26 25-81 3-17 25-79 3-28 25-78 3-39 25-76 3-51 26 27 26-80 3-29 26-78 3-41 26-77 3-52 26-75 3-64 27 28 27-79 3-41 27-78 3-53 27-76 3-65 27-74 3-78 28 29 28-78 3-53 28-77 3-66 28-75 3-79 28-74 3-91 29 30 29-78 3-66 29-76 3-79 29-74 3-92 29-73 4'05 30 31 30-77 3-78 30-75 3-91 30-73 4-05 30-72 418 31 32 31-76 3-90 31-74 4-04 31-73 4-18 31-71 4-32 32 33 32-75 4-02 32-74 4-16 32-72 4-31 32-70 4'45 33 34 33'75 4-14 33;73 4-29 33-71 4-44 33-69 4-58 34 35 34-74 4-27 34-72 4-42 34-70 4-57 34-68 4-72 35 36 35-73 4-39 35-71 4-54 35-69 4-70 35-67 4-85 36 87 36-72 4-51 36-70 4-67 36-68 4-83 36-66 4-99 37 38 37-72 4-63 37-70 4-80 37-67 4-96 37-65 512 38 39 38-71 4-75 38-69 4-92 38-67 5-09 3864 5-26 39 40 39570 487 3968 05 39 553 22 39-63 539 40 41 40-70 5-00 40-67 5-17 40-65 5-35 40-63 553 41 42 41-69 5-12 41-66 5-30 4164 5-48 41-62 5-66 42 43 42-68 5-24 42-66 5-43 42-63 5-61 42-61 5-80 43 44 43-67 5-36 43-65 5-55 43-62 5-74 43-60 5-93 44 45 4-167 5-48 44-64 5-68 44-62 5-87 44-59 6-07 45 46 45-66 5-61 45-63 5-81 45-61 6-00 4558 6-20 46 47 46-65 5-73 46-62 5-93 46-60 6-13 46-57 6'31 47 48 47-64 5-85 47-62 6-06 47'59 6-27 47-56 6-47 48 49 48-63 5-97 48-61 6-18 48-58 6-40 48-55 6-61 49 50 49-63 6-09 49-60 6-31 49-57 6-53 49-54 6-74 50 g Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. e 83 Deg. 82 Deg. 82D eg. 82 Deg. i 82~D. _ a,_ e _. TRAVERSE TABLE. 17 w' S e7 Deg. 7 D D eg. 71 e D e. 7 Deg. p Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep.. 51 50-62 6-22 50-59 6-44 50-56 6-66 50-53 6-88 51 52 51-61 6-34 51-58 6-56 51-56 6-79 51-53 7-01 52 53 52-60 6-46 52-58 6-69 52-55 6-92 52-52 7-15 53 54 53-60 6-58 53-57 6-81 53-54 7-05 53-51 7-28 54 55 54-59 6-70 54-56 6.94 54-53 7-18 54-50 7-42 55 56 55-58 6-82 55-55 7-07 55-52 7-31 55-49 7-55 56 57 56-58 6-95 56-54 7-19 56-51 7-44 56-48 7-69 57 58 57-57 7-07 57-54 7-32 57-50 7-57 57'47 7-82 58 59 58-56 7-19 58-53 7-45 58-50 7'70 58-46 7-96 59 60 59-55 7-31 59-52 7-57 59-49 7-83 59-45 8-09 60 61 60-55 7-43 60-51 7-70 60-48 7-96 60-44 8-23 61 62 61-54 7-56 61-50 7-82 61-47 8-09 61-43 8-36 62 63 62-53 7-68 62-50 7-95 62-46 8-22 62-42 8-50 63 64 63-52 780 63-49 8-08 -6345 8-35 63-42 8-63 64 65 64-52 7-92 64-48 8-20 64-44 8-48 64-41 8-77 65 66 65-51 8-04 65-47 8-33 65-44 8-61 065-40 8-90 66 67 66-50 8-17 66-46 8-46 66-43 8-75 66-39 904 67 68 67-49 8-29 67-46 8-58 67-42 8-88 67-38 9-17 68 69 68-49 841 68-45 8-71 68-41 9 01 68-37 9-30 69 70 69-48 8-53 69-44 8-83 69-40 9-14 69-36 9-44 70 71 70-47 8-65 70-43 8-96 70-39 9-27 70-35 9-57 71 72 71-46 8-77 71-42 9-09 71-38 9 -40 71-34 9-71 72 73 72-46 8-90 72-42 9-21 72-38 9-53 72-33 9384 73 74 73-45 9-02 73-41 9'3-1 73-37 9-66 i7332 9.93 74 75 74441 9-14 74-40 9-46 74-36 9-79 74-31 10-11 75 76 75-43 9-26 75-39 9-59 75-35 9-92 75 31 10-25 76 77 76-43 9-38 76-38 9-72 76-34 10-05 76-30 10-38 77 78 77-42 9-51 77 38 9-84 77-33 10-18 [ 7729 10-52 78 79 78-41 9-63 78-37 9-97 78-32 10-31 78-28 10-65 79 80 79-40 9-75 79.36 10-10 79-32 10-44 79-27 10-79 80 81 80-40 9-87 80-35 10-22 80-31 10-57 80 26 10-92 81 82 81-39 9-99 81-34 10 35 81130 10-70 81-25 11-06 82 83 82'38 10-12 82-34 10-47 82-29 10 83 82-24 11-19 83 84 83-37 10-24 8-333 101O 6 8328 10 96 83.23 11-33 84 85 84-37 10-36 84-32 10-73 84-27 11-09 84-22 11-46 85 86 85-35 10-48 85 31 10-S5 85-26 113 85-21 11-60 86 87 86-35 10-60 8630 10-98 8626 1136 86-21 1173 87 ) 88 87-31 10-7 2 37-30 11-11 87-2 11 4 9 87-20 11-87 88 89.88-34 10-85 88-29 11-23 882-2 11-62 88-19 12.00 89 90 89-33 10-97 89-28 11-36 89-23 11 75 89-18 12-14 90 91 90-32 11-09 90-27 11-48 90-22 11-88 90-17 12-27 91. 92 91-31 11-21 91-26 - 11-61 91-21- 12-01 91-16 12-41 92 93 92-31 11-33 92-26 11-74 92-20 12-14 92-15 12-54 93 91 93-30 11-46 93-25 11-86 93-20 12-27 93 14 12-68 94 ) 95 94-29 11-58 94 —2 11-99 94-19 12-40 9-.13 12-81 95 96 95-28 11-70 95-23 12-12 95-1 11253 95-12 12-95 96 97 96-28 11-821 96-22 12'-21'- 96-17 12-66 C 96-11 1308 97 98 97-27 11-94,97-22 12-37 97-16 12'79 97-10 13-22 98 ( -99 98-26 12.07 98-21 12-49 98-15 12.92 98-10 13-35 99 100 99-25 12-19 99-20 12-62 99-14 1305 99.09 13-49.100 a Dep. Lt. Dep Lt ep a. Dep Lat. a 83 e. 8I_ D eg. 82/ _ I 8; g 83 Deg. 82De. 82Deg. 822 PDeg., 2^ ~~.................... 18 TRAVERSE TABLE. 8 Deg. 84 Deg. 8 /| Deg. 8g Deg. ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. p 1 0-99 0-14 0-99 0-14 0.99 0.15 0-99 0-15 1 2 198 0-28 1-98 0-29 1'98 0-30 1-98 0-30 2 3 2-97 0-42 2-97 0.43 2-97 0-44 2-97 0-46 3 4 3-96 0-56 3-96 0-57 3-96 0-59 3-95 0-61 4 5 4-95 0-70 4-95 0-72 4-95 0-74 4-94 0-76 5 6 5-94 0-84 5-94 0-86 5-93 0-89 5-93 0-91 6 7 693 0 693 100 6-92 1-03 6-92 1-06 7 8 7-92 1-11 7-92 1-15 7-91 1-18 7-91 1-22 8 ) 9 8-91 1-25 8-91 1-29 8-90 1-33 8-90 1-37 9 10 9.90 1-39 9-90 1-43 9-89 1-48 9-88 1-52 10 11 10-89 1-53 10-89 1-58 10-88 1-63 10-87 1-67 11 12 11-88 1-67 11-88 1-7 11-87 1-77 11-86 1-83 12 13 12-87 1-81 12-87 1-87 12-86 1-92 12-85 1-98 13 14 13-86 1-95 13-86 2-01 13-85 2-07 13-84 2-13 14 15 14-85 2-09 14-85 2-15 14-84 2-22 14-83 2-28 15 16 15-84 2-23 15-84 2-30 15-82 236 15-81 2-43 16 17 16-83 2-37 16-83 2'44 16-81 2-51 16-80 2-59 17 18 17-82 2-51 17-81 2-58 17-80 2-66 17-79 2-74 18 19 18-82 2-64 18-80 2-73 18-79 2-81 18-78 2-89 19 20 1981 278 179-79 287 19-78 2-96 19-77 304 20 21 20-80 2-92 20-78 3-01 20-77 3-10 20-76 3'19 21 22 21-79 3-06 21-77 3-16 21-76 3-25 21-74 3-35 22 23 22-78 3-20 2276 330 22-75 3-40 22-73 3-50 23 24 23-77 3-34 23-75 3-44 23-74 3-55 23-72 3-65 24 25 24-76 3-43 24-74 3-59 24-73 3'70 24-71 3-80 25 26 25-75 3-62 25-73 3 373 25-71 3-84 25-70 3-96 26 27 26-74 3-76 26-72 3-87 26-70 3-99 26-69 4-11 27 28 27-73 3-90 27-71 4-02 27-69 4-14 27-67 4-26 28 29 28-72 4-04 28-70 4-16 28-68 4-29 28-66 4-41 29 30 29-712971 418 9-69 430 29-67 443 2965 456 30 31 30-70 4-31 30-68 4-45 30-66 4-58 30-64 4-72 31 32 31-69 4-45 31-67 4-59 31-65 4-73 31-63 4-87 32 33 32-68 4-59 32-66 4-74 32564 488 32-62 5-02 33 34 33-67 4-73 33-65 4-88 33-63 5 03 33-60 5-17 34 35 34-66 4-87 34-64 5-02 34-62 5-17 34-59 5-32 35 36 35-65 5-01 35-63 5-17 35-60 5-32 35-58 5-48 36 37 336-64 5-15 36-62 5-31 36-59 5-47 36-57 5-63 37 38 37-63 5-29 37-61 5-45 37-58 562 3756 5-78 38 39 38-62 5-43 38-60 5-60 38-57 5-76 38-55 5-93 39 40 39-61 5-57 39-59 5-74 39-56 5-91 39-53 6-08 40 41 40-60 5-71 40-58 5-88 40-55 6-06 40-52 6-24 41 42 41-59 5-85 41-57 6-03 41-54 6-21 41-51. 6-39 42 43 42-58 5-98 42-56 6-17 42-53 6-36 42-50 6-54 43 44 43-57 6-12 43-54 6-31 43-52 6-50 43-49 6-69 4 45 44-56 6-26 44-53 6-46 44-51 6-65 44-48 6-85 45 46 45-55 6-40 45-52 6-60 45-49 6-80 45-46 7-00 46 47 46-54 6-54- 46-51 6-74 46-48 6-95 46-45 7-15 47 48 47-53 6-68 47 50 6-89 47-47 7-09 47-44 7-30 48 49 48-52 6-82 48-49 7-03 48-46 7-24 48-43 7-45 49 50 49-51 6-96 49-48 7-17 49-45 7-39 49-42 7-61 50 <~ Dep. Lat. Dep. ILat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. a 82 Deg. 81S Deg. 8112 De. 81. IDeog. TRAVERSE TABLE. 19 5 8 Deg. |S'4 Deg. 8Y Deg. 8Y Deg. t P Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 50-50 7-10 50-47 7-32 50-44 7-54 50-41 7-76 51 52 51-49 7-24 51-46 7 46 51-43 7-69 51-39 7'91 52 53 52-48 7-38 52-45 7-61 52-42 7-83 52-38 8-06 53 54 53-47 7-52 53-44 7-75 53-41 7-98 53-37 S-21 54 55 54-46 7-65 54-43 7.89 54-40 8-13 54-36 8 37 55 56 55-46 7-79 55-42 8-04 55-38 8-28 15535 8-52 56 57 56-45 7-93 56-41 8-18 56-37 8-43 56-34 8-67 57 58 57-44 8-07 57-40 8-32 57-36 8557 5732 8-82 58 59 58-43 8-21 58-39 8'47 58-35 8-72 58-31 8-98 59 60 59-42 8-35 59-38 8-61 59-34 8-87 59-30 9-13 60 61 60-41 8-49 60-37 8.75 60-33 9-02 60-29 9-28 61 62 61-40 8-63 61-36 890 61-32 9-16 61-28 9-43 62 63 62-39 8-77 62-35 9.04 62-31 9-31 62-27 9-58 63 64 63-38 8-91 63-34 9-18 63-30 9-46 63-26 9-74 64 65 64-37 9-05 64-33 9-33 64-29 9-61 64-24 9-89 65 66 65-36 9-19 65-32 9-47 65-28 9-76 65-23 10-04 66 67 6635 932 631 961 6626 9-90 66-22 10-19 67 68 67-34 9-46 67-30 9-76 67-25 10-05 67-21 10-34 68 69 68-33 9-60 68-29 9'90 68-24 1020 68-20 10-50 69 )70 69-32 9-74 69-28. 1004 69-23 10-35 69-19 10-65 70 71 70-31 9-88 70 27 10-19 70-22 10-49 70-17 10-80 71 72 71-30' 10-02 7125 10-33 71-21 10-64 71-16 10-95 72 73 72-29 10-16 72-24 10-47 72-20 10-79 72-15 11-10 73 74 728 30 7323 1062 7319 1094 7314 11-26 74 75 74-27 10~44 74-22 10-76 74-18 11-09 74-13 11-41 75 76 75-26 10-58 75-21 10'91 75-17 11-23 75-12 11-56 76 77 76-25 10-72 76-20 11-05 76-15 11-38 76-10 11-71 77 78 77-24 10-86 77-19 1119 77-14 11-53 77-09 11-87 78 79 78-23 10-99 78.18 11'34 78-13 11-68 78-08 12-02 79 80 79-22 11-13 7917 11-48 79-12 1182 79-07 12-17 80 81 80-21 11-27 80-16 11-62 80-11 11-97 80-06 12-32 81 82 81-20 1141 81-15 11-77 81-10 12-12 81-05 12-47 82 83 82-19 1155 82-14 11.91 82-09 12-27 82-03 12.63 83 84 83-18 11-69 8313 12-05 83-08 12-42 83-02 12-78 84 85 84-17 11-83 84-12 12-20 84-07 12-56 84-01 12-93 85 86 85-16 11-97 85-11 12-34 85-06 12-71 18500 13-08 86 87 86-15 12-11 86-10 12-48 86-04 12-86 85-99 13-23 87 88 87-14 12-25 87-09 12-63 87-03 13-01 86-98 13-39 88 89 88-13 12-39 88-08 12-77 88-02 13-16 87-96 13-54 89 90 89-12 12-53 89-07 12-91 89-01 13-30 88-95 13-69 90 91 90-11 12-66 90-06 13-06 90-00 13-45 89-94 13-84 91 92 91-10 12-80 9105 13-20 90-99 13-60 90-93 14-00 92 93 92-09 12-94 92-04 13-34 91-98 13-75 91-92 14-15 93 94 93-09 13-08 93-03 13-49 92-97 13-89 92-91 14-30 94 95 94-08 13-22 94-02 13-63 93-96 14-04 93-89 14-45 95 96 95-07 13-36 95-01 13-78 94-95 14-19 94-88 14-60 96 97 96-06 13-50 96-00 13-92 95-93 14-34 95-87 14-76 97 98 97-05 13-64 96-99 14-06 96-92 14-49 96-86 14-91 98 99 98-04 13-78 97-98 14-21 97-91 14-63 97-85 15-06 99 100 99-03 13-92 98-97 14-35 98-90 14-78 98-84 15-21 100 g Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 82 Deg. 81I Deg. 812 Deg. 81% Deg. 20 TRAVERSE TABLE. 9 Deg. 91 Deg. 92 Deg. 9% Deg. ___ ~____ __ ____ i ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. -Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ~ 1 0-99 0-16 0-99 0-16 0-99 017 09 00-17 1i 2 1-98 0-31 1-97 0-32 1-97 0-33 1-97 0-34. 2 3 2-96 0-47 296 048 2-96 0-50 2-96 0-51 3 4 3-95 0-63 3-95 0-64 3-95 0-66 3-94 0-68 4 5 4-94 0-78 4-93 080 4-93 0-83 4-93 0-85 5 6 5-93 0-94 5-92 0-96 5.92 0-99 5-91 1-02 6 7 6-91 1-10 6-91 1-13 6-90 1-16 6-90 119 7 8 7-90 1 25 7-90 1-29 7-89 1-32 7-88 1-35 8 9 8-89 1-41 8-88 1-45 8-88 1-49 8-87 1-52 9 10 9-88 1-56 9-87 1-61 9-86 1-65 9-86 1-69 10 11 10-86 1-72 10-86 1-77 10-85 1-82 10-84 1-86 11 12 11-85 1-88 11-84 1-93 11-84 1-98 11-83 2-03 12 13 12-84 2-03 12-83 2-09 12-82 2-15 12-81 2-20 13 14 13-83 2-19 13-82 2-25 13-81 2-31 13-80 2-37 14 15 14-82 2-35 14-80 2-41 14-79 2-48 14-78 2-54 15 16 15-80 2-50 15-79 2-57 15-78 2-64 15-77 2-71 16 17 16-79 266 16178 2-73 16-77 2-8 16-75 2-88 17 18 17-78 2-82 17-77 2-89 1 7-75 2-97 1774 3-05 18 19 18-77 2-97 18-75 3-05 18-7 314 18-73 3-22 19 20 19-75 3-13 19-74 3-21 19-73 3-30 19-71 3-39 20 21 20-74 3-29 20-73 3-38 20-71 347 20-70 3-56 21 22 21-73 3-44 21-71 3-54 21-70 3-63 21-68 3-73 22 23 22-72 3-60 22-70 3-70 22'68 3-80 22-67 3-90 23 24 23-70 3-75 23-69 3-86 23-67 3-96 23-65 4-06 24 25 24-69 3-91 24-67 4-02 24-66 413 24-64 4-23 25 26 25-68 4-07 25-66 4-18 25-64 4-29 25-62 4-40 26 27 26-67 4-22 26-65 4-34 26-63 4-46 26-61 4-57 27 28 27-66 4-38 27-64 450 27-62 462 27-60 4 74 28 29 28-64 4-54 28-62 4-66 28-60 4-79 28-58 4-91 29 30 29-63 4-69 29-61 4-82 29-59 4-95 29-57 5-08 30 31 30-62 4-85 30-60 4-98 30-57 5-12 30-55 5-25 31 32 31-61 5-01 31-58 5-14 31-56 5-28 31-54 5-42 32 33 32-59 5-16 32-57 5-30 32-55 5-45 32-52 5-59 33 34 33-58 5-32 33-56 5-47 3353 5-6 33-51 5-76 3 25 34-57 5-48 34.54 5.63 34-52 5-78 34-49 5-93 35 36 35-56 5-63 35-53 5-79 35-51 5- 35-48 6-10 36 37 36-54 5-79 36-52 5-95 36-49 6-11 3647 6-27 37 38 37-53 5-94 37-51 6-11 3748 6-27 37-45 6-44 33 39 38-52 6-10 38-49 6-27 38-47 6-44 38-44 6-60 39 40 39-51 6-26 39-48 6-43 39-45 6-60 39-42 6-77 40 41 40-50 6-41 40-47 6-59 40-44 6-77 40-41 6-94 41 42 41-48 6-57 41-45 6-7 5 41-42 6-2 41-39 7-11 42 43 42-47 6-73 42-44 6-91 42-41 7-10 42-38 28 43 44 43-46 6-88 43-43 7-07 43-40 7-26 43-36 7-45 44 45 44-45 7-04 44-41 7-23 44-38 7-43 44-35 7-62 45 46 45-43 7-20 45-40 7-39 45-37 7-59 45-34 7-79 46 47 46-42 7-35 46-39 7-55 46.36 7-76 46-32 7-96 47 48 47-41 7-51 47-38 7-72 47-34 7-92 47-31 8-13 48 49 48-40 7-67 48-36 7-88 48-33 8-09 4 829 8'30 49 50 49-38 7-82 49-35 8-04 49-32 8-25 49-28 8-47 50 6 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat.. I8D L eI Dg 8r 81 De. 80 Deg. 80Y Dog. 80g/4O Deg i _/ ~~~~~s-,4 D.._ TRAVERSE TABLE. 21 t 5 9 Deg-. 91, Deg. 9 Deg. 9, Deg. D _ at. P _ I _ D Lat.. L. D ep. Lat. eDe. D c 51 50-37 7-98 50-34I 8-20 50-30 8-42 50-26 8-64 51 52 51-36 8-13 51-32 8-36 51-29.8-58 51-25 8-81 52 53 52-35 8-29 52-31 8-52 52-27'8-75 52-23 8-98 53 54 53-34 845 35330-34 53326 8-91 53-22 9-14 54 55 54-32 8-60 5428 8-84 54 25 9'08 54-21 9-31 55 56 55-31 8-76 55-27 9-00 55-23 9-24 55-19 9-48 56 57 56-30 8-92 56-26 9-16 56-22 9-41 56-18 9-65 57 58 57-29 9-07 57-25 9-32 57-20 9-57 57-16 9-82 58 59 58-27 9-23 58-23 948 58-19 9-74 58-15 9-99 59 60 59-26 9-39 59-22 9-64 5918 9-90 59-13 10-16 60 61 60-25 9-54 60-21 9-81 60-16 10-07 60-12 10-33 61 62 61-24 9-70 01-19 9 97 61-15 10-23 61-10 10-50 62 63 62-22 9-86 62-18 10-13 62-14 10-40 62-09 10-67 63 64 63-21 10-01 63-17 10-29 63-12 10-56 63-08 10-84 64 65 64-20 10-17 64-15 10-45 64-11 10-73 64-06 11-01 65 66 65-19 10-32 65-14 10-61 65-09 10-89 65-05. 11-18 66 67 66-18 10-48 66-13 10-77 66-08 11-06 66-03 11-35 67 68 67-16 10-64 67-12 10-93 67-07 11-22 67'02 11-52 68 69 68-15 10-79 68-10 - 6805 1139 1109 0 1139 -69 69 70 69-14 10-95 69-09 11-25 dg-04 11-55 68-99 11-85 70 71 70-13 11-11 70-08 11-41 70-03 11-72 69-97 12-02 71 72 71-11 11 112 1 71-06 11-57 71-01 11-88 70-96 12-19 72 73 72-10 1]1-42 72-05 11-73 72-00 12-05 71-95 12-36 73 74 73'09 11-58 73-04 11-89 72-99 12-21 72-93 12-53 74 75 74-08 11-73 74-02 12-06 73-97 12-38 73-92 12-70 75 76 75-06 11-89 75-01 12-22 74-96 12-54 74-90 12-87 76 77 76-05 12-05 76-00 12-38 75-94 12-71 75-89 13-04 77 78 77-04 12-20' 76-99 12-54 76-93 12-87 76-87 13-21 78 79 78-03 12-36 77-97 12-70 77-92 13-04 77-86 13-38 79 80 79-02 12-51 78-96 12-86 78-90 13-20 78-84 13-55 80 81 80-00 12-67 79-95 13-02 79-89 13-37 79-83 13-72 81 82 80-99 12-83 8093 13-18 80-88 13-53 80-82 13-89 82 83 81-98 12-98 81-92 13-34 81-86 13-70 81-80 14-06 83 84 82-97 13-14 82-91 13-50 82-85 13-86 82 79 14-23 84 85 83-95 13-30 83-89 13-66 83-83 14-03 83-77 14-39 85 86 84-94 13-45 84-88 13-82 8482 14-19 84-76 14-56 86 87 85-93 13-61 85-87 13-98 85-81 14-36 85-74 14-73 87 88 86-92 13-77 86-86 14-15 86-79 14-52 80-73 14-90 88 89 87-90 13-92 87-84 14-31 87-78 14-69 87-71 15-07 89 90 88-89 14-08 88-83 14-47 88-77 14-85 88-70 15-24 90 91 89'88 14-24 89-82 14-63 89-75 15-02 89-69 15-41 91 92 9087 14139 90-80 14-79 90-74 15-18 90'67 15-58 92 93 91-86 14-55 91-79 14-95 91-72 15-35 91-66 15-75 93 94 92-84 14-70 92-78 15-11 92'71 15-51 92-64 15-92 94 95 93-83 14-86 93-76 15-27 93-70 15-68 93-63 16-09 95 96 94-82 15-02 94-75 15-43 94-68 15-84 94-61 16-26 96 97 95-81 15-17 95-74 15-59 95-67 16-01 93)-60 16-43 97 98 96-79 15-33 96-73 15-75 96-66 16-17 93-58 16-60 98 99 97-78 15-49 97-71 15-91 97-64 16-34 97-57 16-77 99 100 98-77 15-64 970 1607 9863 16-50 98-S5 16-93 100 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. I -~ _~8 -. I___- - 0 D 81 Deg. 804 Deg. 80 ) Deg. 1 80/ Deg. |' I -V. -^-^^v 22 TRAVERSE TABLE. 10 Deg. |104 Deg. 10^ Deg. 10% Deg. ) a Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat.;. Dep. 1 0-98 0-17 09 0-9 18 0-98 0-18 0-98 0 19 1 2 1-97 0-35 1-97 0-36 1-97 036 196 037 2 3 2-95 0-52 2-95 0-53 2-95 0-55 2-95 0-56 3 4 3-94 0-69 3-94 0-71 3-93 0-73 3-93 075 4 5 4-92 0-87 4-92 0-89 4-92 0-91 4-91 0-93 5 6 5-91 1-04 5-90 1-07 5-90 1-09 9 1-12 6 7 6-89 1-22 6-89 1-25 6-88 1-28 6-88 1-31 7 8 7-88 1-39 7-87 1-42 7-87 1-46 7-86 1-49 8 9 8868 156 886 1-60 8-85 164 8-84 1-68 9 10 9-85 1-74 9-84 1-78 9-83 1-82 9-82 1-87 10 11 10-83 1-91 10-82 1-96 10-82 2-00 10-81 2-05 11 )12 11-82 2-08 11-81 2-14 11-80 2-19 11-79 2-24 12 13 12-80 2-26 12-79 2-31 12-78 2-37 12-77 2-42 13 14 13-79 2-43 13-78 2-49 13-77 2-55 13-75 2-61 14 15 14-77 2-60 14-76 2-67 14-75 2-73 14-74 2-80 15 16 15-76 278 15-74 2-85 15-73 2-92 15-72 2-98 16 17 16-74 2-95 16-73 303 11672 3-10 16-70 3-17 17 )18 17-73 3-13 1771 3-20 17-70 3-28 17-68 3-36 18 )19 18-71 3-30 18-70 3-38 18-68 3-46 18-67 3-54 19 20 19-70 3-47 19-68 3-56 19-67 3-64 19-65 3-73 20 21 20-68 3-65 20-66 3-74' 20-65 3-83 20-63 3-92 21 22 21-67 3-82 21-65 3-91 21-63 4-01 21-61 4-10 22 23 22-65 3-99 22-63 4-09 22-61 4-19 22-60 4-29 23 24 23-64 4-17 23 62 4-27 23-60 4-37 23-58 4-48 24 25 24-62 4-34 24-60 4-45 24-58 456 24565 4-66 25 26 25-61 4-51 25-59 4-63 25-56 4-74 25-54 4-85 26 27 26-59 4-69 26-57 4-80 26-55 4-92 26-53 5-04 27 28 27-57 4-86 27-55 4-98 27-53 5-10 27-51 5-22 28 29 28-56 5-04 28-54 5-16 28-51 5-28 28-49 5-41 29 30 29-54 5-21 29-52 5-34 29-50 5-47 29-47 5-60 30 )31 30-53 5-38 30-51 5-52 30-48 5-65 30-46 5-78 31 32 31-51 5-56 31-49 5-69 31-46 5-83 31-44 5-97 32 33 32-50 5-73 32-47 5-87 32-45 6-01 32-42 6'16 33 34 33-48 5-90 33-46 6-05 33-43 6-20 33-40 6-34 34 35 34-47 6-08 34L-44 6-23 34-41 6-38 34-39 6-53 35 36 35-45 6-25 35-43 6-41 35-40 6-56 35-37 6-71 36 37 36-44 6-42 36-41 6-58 36-38 6-74 36-35 6-90 37 38 37-42 6-60 37-39 6-76 37-36 6-92 37-33 7-09 38 39 3S-41 6-77 38-38 6-94 38-35 7-11 38-32 7-27 39 40 39-39 6-95 39-36 7-12 39-33 7-29 39-30 7-46 40 41 40-38 7-12 40-35 7-30 40-31 7-47 40-28 7-65 41 42 41-36 729 41 33 7-47 41-30 7-65 41-26 7-83 42 43 42-35 7-47 42-31 7-65 42-28 784 42-25 802 43 )44 43-33 764 43-30 7-83 43-26 8-02 43-23 821 44 )45 L4432 7-81 44-28 8-01 44-25 8-20 4421 8-39 45 46 45-30 7-99 45-27 8-19 45-23 8-38 45-19 8-58 46 47 43629 8-16 46-25 8-36 46-21 8-57 46f18 8-77 47 48 47-27 8 -34 47-23 8.54 47-20 8-75 47-16 8-95 48 49 48 26 8-51 48-22 8-72 48-18 8-93 48-14 9-14 49 50 49-24 8G68 49-20 8-90 49-16 9-11 49-12 9 33 50 I Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. g 80 D. 9% De -. 11. Dg 80 Deg. 79P Deg. 79 Deg. 7914 Deg. g TRAVERSE TABLE. 23 10 Deg. 10t Deg. 10> Deg. 10 DPeg. P _ a. _I.__ P ( D Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 50-23 8-86 50-19 9-08 50-15 9-29 5010 9-51 51 52 51-21 9-03 51.17 9-25 51-13 9-48 51-09 9-70 52 53 52-19 9.20 52-15 9 43 52-11 9-66 52-07 9-89 53 54 53-18 9.38 53-14 9-61 53-10 9-84 53-05 10-07 54 55 54-16 9-55 54-12 9-79 54-08 10-02 54-03 10-26 55 56 55-15 9-72 55-11 9-96 55-06 10-21 55-02 10-45 56 57 56-13 9'90 56-09 10-14 56-05 10-39 56-00 10-63 57 58 57-12 10-07 57-07 10-32 57-03 10.57 56-98 10'82 58 59 58-10 10-25 58-06 1050 5801 10-75 57-96 11-00 59 60 59-09 10-42 59-04 10-68 59-00 10-93 58-95 1119 60 61 60-07 10-59 60-03 10-85 59-98 11-12 59-93 11-38 61 62 61-06 10-77 61-01 11-03 60-96 11-30 60-91 11-56 62 63 62-04 10-94 6199 1121 61-95 11-48 61-89 11.75 63 64 63-03 11-11 62-98 11-39 62-93 11-66 62-88 11-94 64 65 64-01 11-29 63-96 11-57 63-91 11-85 63-86 12.12 65 66 65-00 11-46 64-95 11-74 64-89 12-03 64-84 12'31 66 67 65-98 11-63 65-93 11-92 65-88 12-21 65-82 12-50 67 68 66-97 11-81 66-91 12-10 66-86 12-39 66-81 12'68 68 69 67-95 1198 67-90 12-28 67-84 12-57 67-79 12-87 69 70 68-94 12-16 68-88 12-46 68-83 12-76 68-77 13-06 70 71 69-92 12-33 69-87 12-63 69-81 12-94 69-75 13-24 71 72 70-91 12-50 70-85 12-81 70-79 13-12 70-74 13-43 72 73 71-89 12-68 71-83 12-99 71-78 13-30 7172 13-62 73 74 72-88 12-85 72-82 13-17 72-76 13-49 72-70 13-80 74 75 73-86 13-02 73-80 1335 73-74 13-67 73-68 13-99 75 76 74-85 13-20 74-79 13-52 74-73 13-85 74-67 14-18 76 77 75-83 13-37 75-77 13-70 75-71 14-03 75-65 14-36 77 78 76-82 13-54 76-76 13-88 76-69 14-21 76-63 14-55 78 79 77-80 13-72 77-74 14-06 77-68 14-40 77-61 14-74 79 80 78-78 13-89 78-72 14-24 78-66 14-58 78-60 14-92 80 81 79-77 14-07 79-71 14-41 79-64 14-76 79-58 15-11 81 82 80-75 14-24 80-69 14-59 80-63 14-94 80-56 15-29 82 83 8174 1 4-41 8168 14177 81-61 15-13 81-54 15-48 83 84 82-72 14-59 82-66 14-95 82-59 15-31 82-53 15-67 84 85 83-71 14-76 83-64 15-13 83-58 15-49 83-51 15-85 85 86 84-69 14-93 84-63 15-30 84-56 15-67 84-49 16-04 86 87 85-68 15-11 85 61 15-48 85-54 15-85 85-47 16-23 87 88 86-66 15-28 86-60 15-66 86-53 16-04 86-46 16-41 88 89 87-65 15-45 87-58 15-84 87-51 16-22 87-44 16-60 89 90 88-63 15-63 88-56 16-01 88-49 16-40 88-42 16-79 90 91 89-62 15-80 89-55 16-19 89-48 16-58 89-40 16-97 91 92 90-60 15-98 90-53 16-37 90-46 16-77 90-39 1716 92 93 91-59 16-15 91-52 16-55 91-44 16-95 91-37 17-35 93 94 92-57 16-32 92-50 16-73 92-43 17-13 92-35 17 53 94 95 93-56 16-50 9348 1690 9341 197-31 9333 17-72 95 96 94-54 16-67 94-47 17-08 94-39 17-49 94-32 17-91 96 97 95 53 16-84 95-45 17-26 95-38 17-68 95-30 18.09 97 98 96-51 17-02 96-44 17 44 96-36 17-86 96-28 18-28 98 99 97-50 17-19 97-42 17-62 97 34 18-04 97-26 18-47 99 100 98-48 17-36 98-40 17-79 98-33 18-22 98-25 18-65 100 Q Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. l 86 -- -. - 1 5 0 8. [ 8Pe. 1 9 Pg 73Pe. 7 Pg..0 80 De-. 79% Deg. 179 79 9 Deg. t "I88'49/ 16' 4 0 24 TRAVEISE TABLE. 11 Deg. 1114 DePr. 112 Deg. 113 Deg. ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ~ - 1 0-98 0-19 0-98 0-20 0-98 0-020 9 0-9 0-20 1 2 1-96 0-38 1-96 0-39 1'96 0-40 196 0-41 2 3 2-94 0-57 2-94 0-59 2'94 0 60 2-94 0-61 3 4 3-93 0-76 3-92 0-78 3-92 0-80 3-92 0-82 4 5 4-91 0-95 4-90. 0.98 4-90 1C.O 4-90 1-02 5 6 589 1-14 5-88 1-17 588 1-20 5-87 1-22 6 7 6-87 1-34 6-87 1-37 6-86 1-40 6-85 1-43 7 8 785 1-53 785 1-56 7-84 1-59 7-83 1-63 8 9 883 1-72 8-83 1-76 8-82 1-79 8-81 1-83 9 10 9-82 1-91 9-81 1-95 9-80 1-99 9-79 2-04 10 11 80 10 10- 2- 79 2-15 10-78 2-19 10-77 2-24 11 12 11-78 2-29 11-77 2-34 11-76 2-39 11-75 2-44 12 13 12-76 2-48 12-75 2-54 12-74 2-59 12-73 2-65 13 14 13-74 2-67 13-73 2-73 1372 2-79 13-71 2-85 14 15 14-72 2-86 14-71 2-93 14-70 2-99 14-69 3-06 15 16 15-71 3-05 15-69 3-12 15-68 3-19 15-66 3-26 16 17 16-69 3-24 16-67 332 16-66 3-39 1664 3-46 17 18 17-67 3-43 17-65 3-51 17-64 3-59 17-62 3-66 18 19 18-65 3-63 18-63 3-71 18-62 3-79 18-60 3-87 19 20 19-63 3-82 19-62 3-90 19-60 3-99 19-58 4-07 20 21 20-61 4-01 20-60 4-10 20-58 4-19. 20-56 4-28 21 22 21-60 4-20 21-58 4-29 21-56 4-39 21-54 4-48 22 23 22-58 4-39 22-56 4-49 22-54 4-59 22-52 4-68 23 24 23-56 4-58 23-54 4-68 2S3-52 4-78 23-50 4-89 24 25 24-54 4-77 24-52 4-88 24-50 4-98 24-48 5-09 25 26 25-52 4-96 25-50 5-07 25-48 5-18 25-46 5-30 26 27 26-50 5-15 26-48 5-27 26-46 5-38 26-43 5-50 27 28 27-49 5-34 27-46 5-46 27-44 5-58 27-41 5'70 28 29 28-47 5-53 28-44 5-66 28-42 5-78 28-39 5-91 29 30 29-45 5-72 29-42 5-85 29-40 5-98 29-37 6-11 30 31 30-43 5-92 30-40 6-05 30-38 6-18 30-35 6-31 31 32 31-41 6-11 31-39 6-24 31-36 6-38 31-33 6-52 32 33 32-39 6-30 32-37 6'44 32-34 6-58 32-31 6-72 33 34 33-38 6-49 33-35 6-63 33-32 6-78 33-29 6-92 34 35 34-36 6-68 34-33 6-83 34-30 6-98 34-27 7-13 35 36 35-34 6-87 35-31 7-02 35-28 7-18 35-25 7-33 36 37 36-32 7-06 36-29 7-22 36-26 7-38 36-22 7-53 37 38 37-30 7-25 37-27 7-41 37-24 7-58 37-20 7-74 38 39 38-28 7-44 38-25 7-61 38-22 7-78 38-18 7-94 39 40 39-27 7-63 39-23 7-80 39-20 7-97 39-16 8-15 40 41 40-25 7-82 40-21 8-00 40-18 8-17 40-14 8-35 41 42 41-23 8-01 41-19 8-19 41-16 8-37 41-12 8-55 42 43 42-21 8-20 42-17 8-39 42-14 8-57 42-10 8-76 43 44 43-19 8-40 43-15 8-58 43-12 8-77 43-08 8-96 44 45 44-17 8-59 44-14 8-78 44-10 8-97 44-06 9-16 45 46 45-15 8-78 45-12 8-97 45-08 9-17 45-04 9-37 46 47 46-14 8-97 46-10 9-17 46-06 9-37 46-02 9-57 47 48 47-12 9-16 47-08 9-36 47-04 9-57 46-99 9-78 48 49 48-10 9-35 48-06 9-56 48-02 9-77 47-97 9-98 49 50 49-08 9-54 49-04 9-75 49-00 9-97 48-95 10-18 50' Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o" 4 79 Deg. 78/ -Deg. 782 Deg. 7814 Deg. TRAVERSE TABLE. 25 u 11 Deg. 114 Deg. 11/2 Deg. I11. Deg. o Lat. Dep. Lat. ( Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 50-06 9-73 50-02 9-95 49-98 10-17 49*93 10-39 51 52 51-04 9-02 51-00 10-11 50-96 10-37 50'91 10-59 52 53 52-03 1011 51-98 10-34 51-94 10-57 51-89 10-79 53 54 53-01 10-30 52-96 10-53 52-92 10-77 52-87 11-00 54 55 53-99 10-49 53-94 10-73 53-90 10-97 53-85 11-20 55 56 54-97 10-69 154-92 10-93 54-88 11-16 54-83 11-40 56 57 55-95 10-88 55-90 11-12 55-86 11-36 55-81 11-61 57 58 56-93 11-07 56-89 11.32 56-84 11-56 56-78 11-81 58 59 57-92 11-26 57-87 11-51 57-82 11-7 56 12-01 59 60 58-90 11-45 58-85 11-71 58-80 11-96 58-74 12-22 60 61 59-88 11-64 59-83 11-90 59-78 12-16 59-72 12-42 61 62 60-86 11-83 60-81 12-10 60-76 12-36 60-70 12-63 62 63 61-84 12-02 61-79 12-29 61-74 12-56 61-68 12-83 63 64 62-82 12-21 62-77 12-49 62-72 12-76 62-66 13-03 64 65 63-81 12-40 63-75 12-68 63-70 12-96 63-64 13-24 65 66 64-79 12-59 64-73 12-88 64-68 13-16 64-62 13-44 66 67 6577 1278 65-71 13-07 65-66 13-36 65-60 13-64 67 68 66-75 12-98 66'69 13-27 66-63 13-56 66-58 13-85 68 69 67-73 13-17 67-67 13-46 67-61 13-76 67-55 14-05 69 70 68-71 13-36 68-66 13-66 68-59 13-96 68-53 14-25 70 71 69-70 13-55 69-64 13-85 69-57 14-16 69-51 14-46 71 72' 70-68 13-74 70-62 14-05 70-55 14-35 70-49 14-66 72 73 71-66 13-93 71-60 14-24 71-53 14-55 71-47 14-87 73 74 72-64 14-12 72'58 14-44 72-51 14-75 72-45 15-07 74 75 73-62 14-31 73-56 14-63 73-49 14 —95 73-43 15-27 75 76 74-60 14-50 74-54 14-83 74-47 151.5 74-41 15-48 76 77 75-59 14-69 75-52 15-02 75-45 15-35 75-39 15-68 77 78 76-57 14-88 76.50 15-22 76-43 15-55 76-37 15-88 78 79 77-55 15-07 77-48 15-41 77-41 15-75 77-4 16-09 79 80 78-53 15-26 78-46 15-61 78-39 15-95 78-32 16-29 80 81 79-51 15-46 79-44 15-80 79-37 16-15 79-30 16-49 81 82 80-49 15-65 80-42 16-00 80-35 16-35 80-28 16-70 82 83 81-48 15-84 81.41 16-19 81-33 16-55 81-26 16-90 83 84 82-46 16-03 82-39 16-39 82-31 16 75 8224 17-11 84 85 83-44 16-22 83-37 16-58 83-29 16-95 83-22 17-31 85 86 84-42 16-41 84-35 16-78 84-27 17-15 84-20 17-51 86 87 85-40 16-60 85'33 16-97 85-25 17-35 85-18 17-72 87 88 86-38 16-79 86'31 17-17 86-23 17-54 86-16 17-92 88 89 87-36 16-98 87-29 17-36 87:21 17-74 87-14 18-12 89 90 88-35 17-17 88-27 17-56 88-19 17-94 88-11 18-33 90 91 89-33 17-36 89-25 17-75 89-17 18-14 89-09 18-53 91 92 90-31 17-55 90-23 17-95 90-15 18-34 90-07 18-74 92 93 91-29 17-75 91-21 18-14 91-13 18-54 91-05 18-94 93 94 92-27 17-94 92-19 18-34 92-11 18-74 92-03 19-14 94 95 93-25 18-13 93-17 18-53 93-09 18-94 93-01 19-35 95 96 94-24 18-32 91-16 18-73 94-07 19-14 93'99 19-55 96 97 95-22 18-51 95-14 18-92 95-05 19-34 9-1-97 19-75 97 98 96-20 18-70 96-12 19-12 96-03 19-54 95 95 19-96 98 99 97-18 18-89 97-10 19-31 97-01 19-74 96-93 20-16 99 100 98-16 19-08 98-08 19-51 97-99 19-94 97-90 20-36 100 Q Dep. 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Dep.ep.. 1 098 01 - 9 01 -2 9 0-98 0-22 0-98 0-22 1 2 1-96 0-42 1-95 0-42 1-95 0-43 1-95 0-44 2 3 2-93 0-62 2-93 0-64 2-93 0-65 2-93 0-66 3 4 3-91 0-83 3-91 0'85 3-91 0-87 3 90 0-88 4 5 4-89 1-04 4-89 1-06 4-88 1-08 4-88 1-10 5 6 5-87 1-25 5-86 1-27 5-86 1-30 5-85 1-32 6 7 6-85 1-46 6-84 1-49 6-83 1-52 6-83 1-54 7 8 7-83 1-66 7-82 1-70 7-81 1.73 7-80 1-77 8 9 8'80 1-87 880 1'91 8-79 1-95 8-78 1-99 9 10 9-78 2-08 9-77 2-12 9-76 2-16 9-75 2-21 10 11 10-76 2-29 10-75 2-33 10-74 2-38 10-73 2-43 11 12 11-74 2-49 11-73 2-55 11-72 2-60 110 7 2-65 12 13 12-72 2-70 12-70 2-76 12-69 2-81 12-68 2-87 13 14 13-69 2-91 13-68 2-97 13-67 3-03 13-65 3-09 14 15 14-67 3-12 14-66 3-18 14-64 3-25 14-63 3-31 15 16 15-65 3-33 15-64 3-39 15-62 3-46 15-61 3-53 16 17 16-63 3-53 16-61 3-61 16-60 3-68 16-58 3-75 17 18 1.7-61 3-74 17-59 3-82 17-57 3-90 17-56 3-97 18 19 18-58 3-95 18&57 4-03 18-55 4-11 18-53 419 19 20 19-56 4-16 19-54 4-24 19-53 4-33 19-51 4-41 20 21 20-54 4-37 20-52 4-46 20-50 4-55 20-48 4-63 21 22 21-52 4-57 21-50 4-67 21-48 4-76 21-46 4-86 22 23 22-50 4-78 22-48 4-88 22-45 4-98 22-43 5-08 23 24 23-48 4-99 23-45 5-09 23-43 5-19 23-41 530 24 25 24-45 5-20 24.43 5-30 24-41 5-41 24-38 5-52 25 26 25-43 5-41 25-41 5-52 25-38 563 25-36 5-74 26 27 26-41 5-61 26-39 5-73 26-36 5-84 26-33 5-96 27 28 27-39 5-82 27-36 5-94 27-34 6-06 27-31 6.18 28 29 28-37 6 03 28-34 6-15 28-31 6-28 28-28 6-40 29 30 29-34 6-24 29-32 6-37 29-29 6-49 29-26 6-62 30 31 30-32 6-45 30-29 6-581 30-27 6-71 30-24 6-84 31 32 31-30 6-65 31-27 6-79 31-24 6-93 31-21 7-06 32 33 3228 6-86 32'25 7-00 32-22 7-14 32-19 7-28 33 34 33-26 7-07 33-23 7-21 33-19 7-36 33-16 7-50 34 35 34-24 7-28 34-20 7-43 13417 7-58 34-14 7-72 35 36 35-21 7-48 35-18 7-64 35-15 7-79 35-11 7-95 36 37 36-19 7-69 36-16 7-85 36-12 8-01 36-09 8-17 37 38 37-17 790 37-13 8-06 37-10 8-22 37-06 8-39 38 39 38-15 8-11 38-11 8-27 38-08 8-44 38-04 8-61 39 40 39-13 8-32 39-09 8-49 39-05 8-66 39-01 8-83 40 41 40-10 8-52 40-07 8-70 40-03 8-87 39-99 9-05 41 42 41-08 8-73 41-04 8-91 41-00 9-09 40-96 9-27 42 43 42-06 894 42-02 9-12 41-98 9-31 41-94 9-49 43 44 43-04 9-15 43-00 9-34 42-96 9-52 4292 9-71 4.4 45 44-02 9-36 43-98 9-55 43-93 9-74 43.89 9-93 45 46 44-99 9-56 44'95 9-76 4491 9-96 44-87 10-15 46 47 45-97 9-77 45-93 9-97 45-89 10-17 45-84 10-37 47 48 46-95 9-98 46-91 10-18 46-86 10-39 46-82 10-59 48 49 47-93 10-19 47-88 10-40 47-84 10-61 47-79 1081 49 50 4891 1040 4886 1061 4881 1082 48977 11103 50 Pe p D Lat. 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C 1 0-97 0-24 0-97 0-25 0-97 0-25 0-97 0-25 1 2 1-94 0-48 1-94 0-49 1-94 0-50 1-93 0-51 2 3 2-91 0-73 2-91 0-74 2-90 0-75 2-90 0-76 3 4 3-88 0-97 3S88 0-98 3-87 1-00 3-87 1-02 4 5 4-85 121 4-85 1 23 4-84 1-25 4-84 1-27 5 6 5-82 1-45 5-82 1-48 5-81 1-50 5S80 1-53 6 7 6-79 1-69 6-78 1-72 6-78 1-75 6-77 1-78 7 8 7-76 1-94 77 197 75 27 00 7-74 2-04 8 9 8-73 2-18 8-72 2-22 8-71 2-25 8-70 2-29 9 10 9-70 2-42 9-69 2-46 9-68 2-50 9-67 2-55 10 11 1067 66 10 26 71 10-65 275 10-64 2-80 11 12 1164 2-90 11-63 2-95 11-62 3-00 11-60 3-06 12 13 12-61 315 12-60 320 12-59 3-25 12-57 3-31 13 14 13-58 3-39 13-57 3-45 13-55 3-51 13-54 3-56 14 15 14-55 3-63 14-54 3-69 14-52 3-76 14-51 3-82 15 16 15-52 3-87 15-51 3-94 15-49 4-01 15-47 4-07 16 17 16-50 4-11 16-48. 4-18 16-46 4-26 16-44L 4-33 17 18 17-47 4135 17-45 4-43 17-43 4-51 17-41 4-58 18 19 18-44 4-60 18-42 4-68 18-39 4-76 18-37 4-84 19 20 19-41 4-84 19-38 4-92 19-36 5-01 19-34 5-09 20 21 20-38 5-08 20-35 5-17 20-33 5 26 20 31 5-35 21 22 21-35 5-32 21-32 5-42 21-30 5-51 21-28 5-60 22 23 22-32 5-56 22-29 5-66 22-27 5-76 22-24 5-86 23 24 23-29 5-81 23-26 5-91 23-24 6-01 23-21 6-11 24 25 24-26 6-05 24-23 615 21-20 6-26 24-18 6-37 25 26 25-23 6-29 25-20 6-40 25-17 6-51 25-14 6-62 26 27 26-20 6-53 26-17 6-65 26-14 6-76 26-11 6-87 27 28 27-17 6-77 27-14 6-89 27 11 7-01 27-08 7-13 28 29 28-14 7-02 28-11 7-14 28-08 7-26 28-04 7-38 29 30 29-11 7-26 29-08 738 29-04 7-51 29-01 7-61 30 31 30-08 7-50 30-05 7-63 30-01 7-76 29-98 7-S9 31 32 31-05 7-74 31-02 7-88 30-98 8-01 30-95 8-15 32 33 32-02 7-98 31-98 8-12 31-95 8-26 31-91 8-40 33 34 32-99 8-23 32-95 8-37. 32-92 8-51 32-88 8-66 34 35 33-96 8-47 33-92 8-62 33-89 8-76 33-85 8-91 35 36 34-93 8-71 34-89 8-86 34-85 9-01 34-81 9-17 36 37 35-90 8 -95 35-86 9-11 35-82 9-26 35-78 9-42 37 38 36S87 9-19 36-83 9-35 36-79 9-51 36-75 9-67 38 39 37-84 9-44 37-80 9-60 37-76 9-76 37-71 9-93 39 40 38-81 9-68 38-77 9-85 38-73 10-02 38-68 10-18 40 41 39-78 9-92 39-74 10-09 39-69 10-27 39-65 10-44 41 42 40-75 10-16 40-71 10-34 40-66 10-52 40-62 10-69 42 43 41-72 10-40 41-68 10-58 41-63 10-77 41-58 10-95 43 44 42-69 10-64 42-65 10-83 42-60 11-02 42-55 11-20 44 45 43-66 10-89 43-62 11-08 43-57 11-27 43-52 11-46 45 46 44-63 11-13 44-458 11-32 4-1-53 11-52 44-48 11-71 46 47 45-60 11-37 45-55 11-57 45-50 11-77 45-45 11-97 47 48 46-57 11-61 46-52 11-82 46-47 12-02 i 46-42 12-22 48 49 47-54 11-85 47-49 12-06 47-44 12-27 47-39 12-48 49 50 48-51 12-10 4:8-46 12-31 48-41 12-52 48-35 12-73 50 Dep. 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Dep. ___ 51 49-49 12-379 49-43 12-55 49-38 12-77 49-32 12-98 51 52 50-46 12-58 50-40 12-80 50-34 13-02 50-29 13-24 52 53 51-43 12-82 51-37 13405 57.31 13-27 51-25 130-9 53 54 52-40 13-06 52-34 13-29 52-28 13-52 52-22 13-75 5-1 55 53-37 13-31 7 1 53931 13504 53-25 13-77 53-19 14-00 55 56 51-34] 13-55 54-28 13-'78 54-22 14-02 54-15 14-26 56 57 55-31 13-79 55-25 14-03 55-18 14-27 55-12 14-51 57 58 56-28 14-03 56-22 14-28 56-15 14-52 56-09 14-77 58 59 57-25 14-27 57-18 14-52 57-12 14-77 57-06 15-02 59 60 58-22 14-52 58150 14-77 58-09 15-02 58602 15-28 60 61 59-19 14-76 59-12 15-02 59-06 15-27 58-99 15-53 61 62 60-16 15900 60-09 15-26 60-03 15-52' 59-96 15-79 62 63 61513 15624 640-9- 151 6997 1 602 16-04 63 64 62-10 15-48 62-03 15675 61-96 16-02 61-89 16-29 64 65 66307 15-72 63-00 1600 6293 1600 6893 1727 663 16-55 65 66 64-04 15-97 63-97 16-25 63-90 16-53 63-83 16-80 66 67 65-01[ 16'21 64-94 16-49 64'87 16-'78 64-79 17-06 67 68 65-98 16-45 65-91 16-74 [65-83 17'03 65-76 17-31 68 69 66-95 6688 16698 169 66-80 17-28 66-73 17-57 69 70 67-92 16-93 67-85 17-23 67'77 17'53 67-69 17-82 70 71 68-89 17-18 68-82 17-48 68-74 17-78 68'66 18-08 71 72 69.86 17'42 66-78 17'72 69'71 18-03 69563 18-33 72 73 70-83 17-66 70-75 17-97 70-67 18-28 70-59 18-59 73 74 71-80 17-90 71'72 18-22 71-64 18-53 71-56 18"8.4 74 75 72-77 18-14 72-69 18-46 72-61 18-78 72-53 19-10 75 76 73-74 18'39 73`66 18-71 73-58 19-03 73-50 19'35 76 77 74-71 18-63 74-63 18-95 74-55 19-28 74-46 19-60 77 78 75-68 18-87 I75-60 19-20 75-52 19-53 75-43 19-86 78 799 6'65 1911 7657 1945 7648 19478 76-40 20-11 79 80 77-62 19-35 77-54 19-69 77-45 20-03 77-36 20-37 80 81 78-59 19-60 78-51 19-94 78-42 20-28 78-33 20-62 81 82 79-56 19-84 79-48 20-18 79-39 20-53 79-30 20-88 82 83 80-53 20-08 80-45 20.43 80-36 20-78 80-26 21-13 83 84 81-50 20-32 81-42 20-68 81-32 210.3 81-23 21-39 84 85 82-48 20-56 82-38 20-92 82'29 21'28 82-20 21-64 85 86 83-45 20-81 83-35 21-17 83-26 21'53 83-17 21-90 86 87 84-42 21-05 84-32 21-42 84-23 21-78 84-13 22-15 87 88 85-39 21-29 85-29 21-66 85.20 22-03 85-10 22-41 88 89 86-36 21-53 86-26 21-91 86-17 22-28 86-07 22-66 89 90 87-33 21-77 87-23 22-15 87-13 22-53 87-03 22-91 90 91 88-30 22-01 88s20 22-40 88-10 22-78 88-00 23-17 91 92 89-27 22-26 89-17 22-65 89-07 23-04 88-97 23-42 92 93 90-24 22-50 90-14 22-89 90'04 23-29 89-94 23'68 93 94 91-21 22-74 91-11 23-14 91-01 23-54 90-90 23-93 94 95 92-18 ]22'98 92-08 23-38 91-97 23-79 91-87 24-19 95 96 93-15 23-22 93-05 23-63 92-94 24-04 92-84 24-44 96 97 94-12 23-47 94-0'2 23-88 93-91 24-29 93-80 21-70 97 98 95-09 23-71 94-98 2412 88 947788 2454 98 99 96-06 23-95 95-95 24-37 95-85 24-79 95374 25-21 99 100 97-03 24-19 96-92 24-62 9681 25-04 96-70 25-46 100 e De Deat. e. 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Lat. 4 ep. 1 o 1 0-97 0-26 0-96 0-26 0-96 027 0-96 0-27 1 2 1-93 0-52 1-93 0-53 1-93 0-53 1-92 0 547 2 3 2190 0-78 12-9 0279 2-89 0-80 2-89 0-81 3 4 33-6 1-04 13 -8 1-05 35 35 07 -85 1-09 4 5 4 83 1-29 4- 12 4- 1 42 134 4-81 1-36 5 6 5-80 1-55 5-79 1-58 5-78 1-60 5-77 1-63 6 7 6-76 1-81 6-75 1-84 6-5 1-87 6-74 1-90 7 8 7-73 207 7-72 2-10 7-71 2-14 77 0 2-178 8 9 8-69 2-33 8-68 2-37 8-67 2-41 8-66 2-44 9 10 9-66 259 9-5 2-63, 9-64 2-67 9-62 2-71 102 11 10-63 2-85 10-61 289 10560 2-94 10-59 2199 11 12 11-59 311 11-58 3-16 11-56 3-21 11-55 3-26 12 13 12-56 3-36 12-54 3-042 12-53 3-47 12-51 3-53 213 14 13-12 3-62 13-51 3-68 13-49 3-74 13-47 3-80 14 15 14-49 368S 14-47.3 95 124-5 4-01 14-44 4-07 15 16 15-45 4-14 15-44 4-2 1 5-42 4-28 15-40 4-34 16 17 16-42 4-40 16-40 4-47 16-38 4-54 16-36 4-61 17 18 17-39 4-66 17-37 47-3 17-35 4-81 17-32 4-89 18 19 18-35 4-92 18-33 5-00 18-31 5-08 18-29 5-16 19 20 19-32 5-18 19-30 5-26 19-27 5-34 19-25 5-43 20 321 20-28 5-44 20-26 5 52 20-24 5-61 20-21 5 70 21 22 21-25 5-69 21-23 5-79' 21-20 5-88 21-17 5-97 22 23 22-22 5895 22-19 6-05 22-16 6-15 22-14 6-24 23 3 2 23-18 6-21 23-15 6-31 23-13 6-41 23-10 6-51 24 )25 24-15 6-47 24-12 6-58 24-00 6-68 2 406 6-79 25 26 25-11 6-73 25-08 6-84 25-0.5 6-93 25-02 7-06 26 27 265-08 6-99 26-05 7-10 26-02 722 25-99 7-33'27 28 27-05'7-25 27-01'7-36 26-98 7-48 6- L 7-60 28 29 28-01 7-51 27-98 7-63 27-95 7-75 27-91 7-87 29 30 28-98 7-76 28-91 7-89 28-91 8-02 28-87 8-14 30 31 299-4 8-02 29-91 8-15 29-87 8-28 29-84 8-41 31 32 30-91 8-28 30-87 8-42 30-84 8-55 30-S0 8-69 32 33 1-88 8-54 31-84 -68 31-80 8-82 31476 8-96 43 34 32-84 8-80 32S-0 8-.9 32-76 9-09 32-72 9-23 34 35 33-81 9-06 33-77 9-21 33-73 9-35 33-69 9-50 35 36 34-77 9132 34-73 9-47 34-69 9162 2 34-65 9177 36 37 35-74 9-58 35-705 9-73 35-65 9-89 35-61 4 102-0 37 ) 38 36-71 9-84 36-66 10-00 36-62 10-16 36-57 10-31 38 39 37-j7 10-09 37-63 10-26 37-58 10-42 37-54 10-59 39 40 38-64 10-35 38-59 10-52 38-55 10-69 ^3-50 10-86 40 41 39-60 10-61 39-56 10-78 39-51 10-96 39-46 11-13 41 42 40-57 10-87 140-52 11-05 140-47 1122 4042 11-40 42 43 41-53 1113 41-49 11-31 41-44 11-49 4139 11-67 43 ) 44 42-50 11-39 42-45 11-57 42-40 11-76 42-35 1194 44 45 43-47 11-65 43-42 11-84l 43-36 12-03 43-31 12-21 45 46 4443 11-91 4438 12-10 4433 12-29 4427 12-49 46 47 4540 12-16 45-35 12-36 45-29 12-56 45-24 12-76 47 48 46-36 12-42 46-31 12-63 46-25 1283 4620 13-03 48 49 47-33 12-6S 47-27 12-89 47'22 13-09 47-16 1.330 49 50 48-30 12-94 48-24 13-15 48-18 13-36 48-12 13-57 50 ) Dep. 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Q 51 49-26 13-20 49-20 13-41 49-15 13-63 49-09 i 13-84 51 52 50-23 13-46 50-17 13-68 50-11 13-90 50-05 1411 52 53 51-19 13-72 51-13 13-94 51-07 14-16 51-01 1439 53 54 52-16 13-9.8 52-10 14-20 52-04 14-43 51-97 14-66 54 55 53-13 14-24 53-06 14-47 53-00 14-70 52-94 14-93 55 56 54-09 14-49 54-03 14-73 53-96 14-97 53-90 1 15-20 56 57 550.6 14-75 54-99 14-99 54-93 15-23 54-86 15-47 57 58 56-02 15-01 55-96 15-26 55-89 15-50 55-82 1574 1 58 59 56-99 15-27 56-92 15-52 56-85 15-77 56-78 16-01 59 60 57-96 15-53 57-89 15-7 8 67-82 16-03 57-75 16-29 60 61 58-92 15-79 58-85 16-04 58-78 16-30 58-71 16-56 61 62 59-89 16-05 59-82 16-31 59-75 16-57 59-67 16-83 62 63 60-85 16-31 60-78 16-57 60-71 16-84 60-63 17-10 63 64 61-82 16-56 61-75 16,83 61-67 17-10 61-60 17-37 64 65 62-79 16-82 62-71 17-10 62-64 17-37 62-56 17-64 65 66 63.75 17-08 63-68 17-36 63-60 17-64 63-52 17-92 66 67 64-72 17-34 64-64 17-62 64-56 17'90 64-48 18-19 67 )68 65-68 17-60 1 65-61 1789 65-53 18-17 65-45 18-46 68 69 66-65 17-86 66-57 18-15 66-49 18-44 66-41 18-73 69 70 67-61 18-12 67-54 18-41 67'45 18-71 67-37 19-00 70 71 68-58 18-38 68-50 18-68 68-42 18-97 68-33 19-27 71 72 69-55 18-63 69-46 18-94 69-38 19-24 69-30 19-54 72 ( 73 70-51 18-89 70-43 19-20 70-35 19-51 70-26 19-82 73 74 71-48 19-15 71-39 119-46 71-31 19-78 71-22 20-09 74 75 72-44 19-41 72-36 19-73 72-27 20-04 72-18 20-36 75 76 73-41 19-67 73-32 19-99 73-24 20-31 73-15 20-63 76 77 74-38 19-93 74-29 20-25 74-20 20-58 74-11 20-90 77 78 75-34 20-19 75-25 203-52 75-16 20-84 75-07 21-17 78 79 76-31 20-45 76-22 20-78 76-13 21-11 76-03 2144 79 80 77-27 20-71 77-18 i21-04 77-09 21-38 77-00 21-72 80 81 78-24 20-96 78-15 21-31 78-05 21-65 77-96 21-99 81 82 79-21 21-22 79-11 21-57 79-02 21-91 78-92 22-26 82 83 80-17 21-48 80-08 21-83 79'98 22-18 79-88 22-53 83 84 81-14 21-74 81-04 22-09 80-94 22-45 80-85 22-80 84 85 82-10 22-00 82-01 22-36 81-91 22-72 81-81 23-07 85 86 83-07 22-26 82-97 22-62 82-87 22-98 82-77 23-34 86 87 84-04 22-52 83-94 22-88 83-84 23-25 83-73 23-62 87 88 85-00 22-78 84-90 23-15 84-80 23-52 84-70 23-89 88 89 85-97 23-03 85-87 23-41 85-76 23-78 85-66 24-16 89 g90 86-93 23-29 86-83 2367 -86-73 24-05 86-62 24-43 90 91 87-90 2355 87-80 23-94 87-69 24-32 87-58 24-70 91 92 88.87 23-81 88-76 24-20 88-65 24-59 8855 24-97 92 93 89-83 24-07 89-73 24-46 89-62 24-85 89-51 25-24 93 94 90-80 24-33 90-69 24-72 90-58 25-12 90-47 25-52 94 95 91-76 2459 91-65 24-99 91-54 25-39 9143 25-79 95 96 92-73 24-85 92-62 25-25 92-51 25-65 92-40 26-06 96 97 93-69 25-11 9358 25-51 93-47 25-92 93-36 26-33 97 98 94-66 25-36 94-55 25-78 94-44 26-19 94-32 26-60 98 99 95-63 25-62 95-51 26-04 95-40 26-46 95-28 26-87 99 100 96-59 25-88 96-48 26-30 9636 26-72 96-25 27-14 100 ) Dep. 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C 51 I4877 14-91 48S71 15-12 48-64 15-34 48-57 15-55 51 52 49-73 15-20 49-66 15-42 49-59 15-64 49-52 15-85 52 53 50-68 15-50 50-62 15-72 50-55 15-94 50-48 16-16 53 54 51-64 15.79 51-57 16-01 51-50 16-24 51-43 16-46 54 55 52-60 16-08 52-53 16-31 52-45 16-54 52-38 16-77 55 56 53-55 16-37 53'48 16-61 53-41 16-84 53-33 17-07 56 57 54-51 16.67 54,44 16-90 54-36 17-14 54-29 17-38 57 58 55-47 16-96 55-39 17-20 55-32 1744 55-2 17-68 58 59 56-42 17-25 56-35 17-50 56-27 17-74 56-10 17-99 59 60 57 174 57-3 14'30 17-79 57-22 18-04 57-14 18-29 60 61 58-33 17-83 58-26 18-09 58-18 18-34 58-10 18-60 61 62 59-29 18-13 59-21 18-39 59-13 18-64 59-05 18-90 62 63 60-25 18-42 60-17 18-68 60-08 18-94 60-00 19-21 63 64 61-20 18-71 61-12 18-98 61-04 19-25 60-90 19-51 6. 4 65 62-16 19-00 62-08 19-28 61-99 19-55 61-91 19-82 65 66 63-12 19-30 63-03 19-57 62-95 19-85 62-86 20-12 66 67 64-07 19-59 63-99 19-87 63-90 20-15 63-81 20-43 67 68 65-03 19-88 6-1'4 20'-16 64-85 20-45 64-76 20'-73 68 69 65-99 20-17 65-90 20-46 65-81 20-75 65-72 21-04 69 70 66-94 20-47 66-85 20-76 66-76 21-05 66-67 21-34 70 71 67-90 20-76 67.81 21-05 67-71 21-35 67-62 21-65 71 72 68-85 21-05 68-76 21-35 68-67 21-65 68-57 21-95 72 73 69-81 21-34 69-72 21-65 69-62 21-95 69-52 22-26 73 74 70-77 21-64 70-67 21-94 70-58 22-25 70-48 22-56 74 75 71-72 21-93 71-63 22-24 71-53 22-55 71-43 22-86 75 76 72-68 22-22 72-58 22-54 72-48 22-85 72-38 23-17 76 77 73-64 22-51 73-54 22-83 73-44 23-15 73-33 23-47 77 78 74-59 22-80 74-49 23-13 74-39 23-46 74-29 23-78 78 79 75-55 23-10 75-45 23-43 75-34 23-76 75-24 24-08 79 80 76-50 23-39 76-40 23-72 76-30 24-06 76-19 24-39 80 81 77-46 23-68 77-36 24-02 77-25 24-36 77-14 24-69 81 82 78-42 23'97 78'31 24-32 78-20 24-66 78-10 25-00 82 83 79-37 24-27 79-27 24-61 79-16 25-96 79-05 25-30 83 84 80-33 24-56 80-22 24-91 80-11 25-26 SO-00 25-61 84 85 81-29 24-85 81-18 25-21 81-07 25-56 80-95 25-91 85 86 82-24 25-14 82-13 25-50 82-02 25-86 81-91 26-22 86 87 83-20 25-44 83-09 25-80 82-97 26-16 82-86 26-52 87 88 i 84-15 25-73 84-04 26-10 83-93 26-46 83-81 26-83 88 89 85-11 26-02 85-00 26-39 84-88 26-76 84-76 27-13 89 90 86-07 26-31 85'95 26-69 85-83 27-06 85-72 27-44 90 91 87 02 26-61 86-91 26-99 86-79 27-36 86-67 27-74 91 92 87-98 26-90 87-86 27-28 87-74 27-66 87-62 28-05 92 93 88-94 27-19 88-82 27-58 88-70 27-97 88-57 28-35 93 94 89-89 27-48 89-77 27-87 89-65 28-27 89-53 28-66 94 95 90-85 27-78 90-73 28-17 90-60 28-57 90-48 28-96 95.96 91-81 28-07 91-68 2S847 91-56 28-87 91-43 29-27 96 97 92-76 28-36 92-64 28-76 92-51 29-17 92-38 29-57 97 98 93-72 28-65 93-59 29-06 93-46 29-47 93-33 29-88 98 99 94-67 28-94 94-55 29-36 94-42 29-77 94-29 30-18 99 100 95-63 29-24 9 5-0 29-65 95-37 30-07 95- 24p 30-49 100 4 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. K +^ 73 Deg. 72% Deg. 721, Deg. 72y, Deg. 4 f 38 TRAVERSE TABLE. 18 Degg.18 De-. 1812 Deg. | 18 eg. B Lat... ep. a. aep. Lt. ep. 1 0-95 0-31 095 0-31 0-95 0-32 0-95 0-32 1 2 1-90 0-62 1-90 0-63 1-90 0-63 1-89 0-64 2 3 2-85 0-93 2-85 0-94 2-84 0-95 2-84 0'96 3 4 3-80 1-24 3-80 1-25 3-79 1-27 3-79 1-29 4 5 476 155 75 1-57 4-74 1-59 4-73 1-61 5 6 5-71 1-85 5-70 1-88 5-69 1-90 5-68 1-93 6 7 6-66 2-16 -6-65 2-19 6-64 2-22 6-63 2-25 7 8 7-61 2-47 7-60 2-51 7-59 2-54 7-58 2-57 8 9 8-56 2-78 8-55 282 8-53 2-86 8-52 2-89 9 10 9.51 3-09 9-50 3-13 9-48 3-17 9-47 3-21 10 11 10-46 3-40 10-45 3-44 10-43 3-49 10-42 3-54 11 12 11-41 3-71 11-40 3-7G 11-38 3-81 11-36 3-86 12 13 12-36 4-02 12-35 4-07 12-33 4-12 12-31 4-18 13 14 13-31' 433 13 30 4-38 1328 4-44 13-26 4-50 14 15 14-27 4-64 14-25 4-70 14-22 4-76 14-20 4-82 15 16 15-22 4-94 15-20 5-01 15-17 5'08 1615 5-14 16 117 16 5-25 16-14 5-32 16-12 5-39 16-10 5-46 17 18 17-12 5-56 17-09 5-64 17-07 5-71 17-04 5-79 18 19 18-07 5-87 18-04 5-95 18-02 6-03 17-99 611 19 20 19-02 6-18 18-99 6-26 18-97 6-35 18-94 6-43 20 21 19-97 6-49 19-94 6-58 19-91 6-66 19-89 6-75 21 ) 22 20-92 6-80 20-89 6-89 20-86 6-98 20-83 7-07 22 23 21-87 7-11 21 720 21-81 770 21-78 7-39 23 24 22-83 7-42 2279 7-52 22-76 7-62 22-73 7-71 24 25 23-78 7-73 23-74 7-83 23-71 7-93 23'67 8-04 25 26 24-73 8-03 24 69 8-14 24-66 8-25 24-62 8-36 26 27 25-68 8-34 25-64 8-46 25-60 8-57 25-57 8-68 27 28 26-63 865 2659 87 2655 888 2651 9-00 28 29 27-58 s896 27-54 9-08 27-50 9-20 27-46 9-32 29 30 28-53 9-27 28-49 9-39 28-45 9-52 28-41 9-64 30 31 29-48 9-58 29-44 9-71 29-40 9-84 29-35 9-96 31 32 30-43 989 30-39 10-02 30-35 10'15 30-30 10-29 32 33 31-38 10-20 31-34 10-33 31-29 10'47 31-25 10-61 33 34 32-34 10-51 32-29 10-65 32-24 10-79 32-20 10-93 34 35 33-29 10-82 33-24 10-96 33-19 11-11 33-14 11-25 35 )36 34-24 11-12 34-19 11-27 34-14 11-42 34-09 11-57 36 37 35-19 11-43 35-14 11-59 35-09 11-74 35-04 11-89 37 38 36-14 11-74 36-09 11-90 36-04 12-06 35-98 12-21 38 39 37-09 12 05 37 04 12-21 36-98 12-37 36-93 12-54 39 40 38-04 12-36 37-99 12-53 37 93 12 69 37-88 12-86 40 41 38-99 12-67 38-94 12-84 38-88 13-01 38-82 13-18 41 42 39-94 12-98 39-89 13-15 39-83 13-33 39-77 13-50 42 )43 40-90 13]29 4084 1347 4078 13-64 40-72 13-82 43 44 41-85 13-60 41-79 13-78 41-73 13-96 41-66 14-14 44 45 42-80 13-91 42-74 14-09 42-67 14-28 42-61 14-46 45 46 43-75 14-21 43-69 14-41 43-62 14-60 43-56 14-79 46 47 44-70 14-52 44-64 14-72 44-57 14-91 44-51 15-11 47 48 45-65 14-83 45-59 15-03 45-52 15-23 45-45 15-43 48 49 46-60 15-14 46-54 15-35 46847 15-55 46-40 15-75 49 50 47 -55 15-45 47-48 15-66 47-42 15-87 47-35 16-07 50 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Leat. Dep. Lat. o ) ) 72 Deg. 71 Deg. 71 Deg. 71% Deg. 71' Deg. 71' Deg. I: _ _0 TRAVERSE TABLE. 3918 Deg. 184 peg. 18/ Deg. 18 e. Deg. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. De. i Lat. Dep. 51 48-50 15-76 48-43 15-97 48-36 16-18 48-29 16-39 51 52 49.45 16-07 49-38 16-28 49-31 16-50 49-24 16-71 52 53 50-41 16-38 5033 16-60 50-26 16-82 50-19 17-04 53 54 51-36 16-69 51-28 16-91 51-21 17-13 51-13 17-36 54 55 52-31 17-00 52-23 17-22 52-16 17-45 I52-08 17-68 55 56 3-26 17-30 53-18 17-54 53-11 17-77 53-03 18-00 56 57 54-21 17-61 54-13 17-85 54-05 18-09 53-98 18-32 57 58 55-16 17-92 55-08 18-16 55-00 18-40. 54-92 18-64 58 59 66-11 18-23 56-03 18-48 55-95 18-72 55-87 18-96 59 60 57-06 18-54 56-98 18-79 56-90 19-04 56-82 19-29 60 61 58-01 18-85 57-93 19-10 57-85 19-36 57-76 19-61 61 62 58-97 19-16 58-88 19-42 58-80 19-67 58-71 19-93 62 63 59-92 19-47 59-83 19-73 59-74 19-99 59-66 20-25 63 64 60-87 19-78 60-78 20-04 60-69 20-31 60-60 20-57 64 65 6182 20-09 61-73 20-36 61-64 20-62 61-55 20-89 65 66 62-77 20-40 62-68 20-67 62-59 20-94 1 62-50 21-22 66 67 63-72 20-70 63-63 20-98 63-54 21-26 63-44 21-54 67 68 64-67 21-01 64-58 21-30 64-49 21-58 64-39 21-86 68 69 65-62 21-32 65-53 21-61 65-43 21-89 65-34 22-18 69 70 66-57 21-63 66-48 21-92 66-38 22-21 66-29 22-50 70 71 67-53 21-94 67-43 22-23 67-33 22-53 67-23 22-82 71 72 68-48 22-25 68-38 22-55 68-28 22-85 68-18 23-14 72 73 69-43 22-56 69-33 22-86 69-23 23-16 69-13 23-47 78 74 70-38 22-87 70-28 23-17 70-18 23-48 70-07 23-79 74 P7'5 71-33 23-18 71-23 23-49 71-12 23-80 71-02 24-11 75 76 72-28 23-49 72-18 23-80 72-07 24-12 71-97 24-43 76 77 73-223 23-79 73-13 24-11 73-02 24-43 72-91 24-75 77 78 74-18 24-10 74-08 24-43 73-97 24-75 73-86 25-07 78 79 75-13 24-41 75'03 24-74 74-92 25-07 74-81 25-39 79 80 76-08 24-72 75-98 25-05 75-87 25-38 75-75 25-72 80 81 77-04 25-03 76-93 25-37 76.81 25-70 76-70 26-04 81 82 7799 25-34 77S88 25-68 7776 26-02 77-65 26-36 82 83 78-94 25-65 78-83 25-99 78-71 26-34 78-60 26-68 83 84 79-89 25-96 79-77 26-31 79-66 26-65 7954 27-00 84 85 80-84 26-27 80-72 26-62 80-61 2697 80-49 27-32 85 86 81-79 26-58 81-67 26-93 81-56 27-29 8144 27-64 86 87 82-74 26-88 82-62 27-25 82-50 27-61 82-38 27-97 87 88 83-69 27-19 83-57 27-56 83-45 27-92 83-33 28-29 88 89 84-64 2750 84-52 27-87 84-40 28-24 84-28 28-61 89 90 85-60 27-81 85-47 28-18 85-35 28-56 85-22 28-93 90 91 86-55 28-12 86-42 28-50 86-30 28-87 86-17 29-25 91 92 87-50 28-43 87-37 28-81 87-25 29-19 87-12 29-57 92 03 88-45 28-74 88-32 29-12 88-19 29-51 88-06 29-89 93 94 89-40 29-05 89-27 29-44 89-14 29-83 89-01 30-22 94 95 90-35 29-36 90-22 29-75 90'09 30-14 89-96 30-54 95 96 91-30 29-67 91-17 30-06 91-04 30-46 90-91 30-86 96 97 92-25 29-97 92-12 30-38 91-99 30-78 91-85 31-18 97 98 93-20 30-28 93-07 30-69 9294 31-10 92-80 3150 98 99 94-15 30-59 94-02 31-00 93-88 31-41 93-75 31-82 99 100 95-11 30-90 94-97 31-32 94-83 31-73 94-69 32-14 100 2 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. da 72 De 713 Deg. 71/2 Deg. 711 Deg. 40 TRAVERSE TABLE 19 Deg. 19 Deg. 19 Deg. 1934 eg. 5~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. p 1 0-95 0-33 094 0-33 0-94 0-33 0-94 0-34 1 2 1-89 0-65 1-89 0-66 1-89 0-67 1-88 0-68 2 3 2-84 0-98 2-83 0-99 2-83 100 i 2-82 1.01 3 4 3-78 1-30 3-78 1-32 3-77 1-34 3-76 1-35 4 5 4-73 1-63 4-72 1-65 4-71 1-67 4-71 1-69 5 6 5-67 1-95 5-66 1-98 5-66 2-00 5-65 2-03 6 7 6-62 2-28 1 6-61 2 -31 6-60 2-34 6-59 237 7 8 7-56 2-60 7-55 2-64 7-54 2-67 7-53 2-70 8 9 8-51 2-93 850 2-97 8-48 3-00 8-47 3 04 9 10 9-46 3-26 9-44 330 9-43 3-34 9-41 3-38 10 11 10-40 3-58 10-38 3-63 10-37 3-67 10-35 3-72 11 12 11-35 3-91 11-33 3-96 11-31 4-01 11-29 4-06 12 13 12-29 4-23 12-27 4-29 12-25 4-34 12-24 4-39 13 14 13241 4-56 13-22 4-62 13-20 4-67 13-18 4-73 14 15 14-18 4-88 14-16 4-95 14-14 5-01 14-12 5.07 15 16 15-13 5-21 15-11 5-28 15-08 5-34 15-06 5-41 16 17 16-07 5-53 16-05 5-60 16-02 5-67 16-00 5-74 17 18 17-02 5-86 16-99 5 93 16-97 601 116-94 6-08 18 19 17-96 6-19 17-94 6-26 17-91 6-34 17-88'6-42 19 20 18-91 6-51 18-88 6-59 18-85 6-68 18-82 6-76 20 21 1.9-86 6-84 19-83 6-92 19-80 7-01 19-76 7-10 21 22 20-80 7-16 20-77 7-25 20-74 7-34 20-71 7-43 22 23 21-75 7-49 21-71 7-58 21-68 7-68 21-65 7-77 23 24 22-69 7-81 22-66 7-91 22-62 8-01 22-59 8-11 24 25 23-64 8-14 23-60 8-24 23-57 8-35 23-53 8-45 25 26 24-58 8-46 24-55 8-57 24-51 8-68 24-47 8-79 26 27 25-53 8-79 25-49 8-90 25-45 9-01 25-41 9-12 27 28 26-47 9-12 26-43 9-23 26-39 0935 26-35 9-46 28 29 27-42 9-44 27-38 9-56 27-34 9-68 27-29 9-80 29 30 28-37 9-77 28-32 9-89 28-28 10-01 28-24 10-14 30 31 29-31 10-09 29-27 10-22 29-22 10-35 29-18 10-48 31 32 30-26 10-42 30-21 10-55 30-16 10-68 30-12 10-81 32 33 31-20 10-74 31-15 10-88 31-11 11-02 31-06 11-15 33 34 32-15 11-07 32-10 11-21 32-05 11-35 32-00 11-49 34 35 33-09 11-39 33-04 11-54 32-99 11-68 32-94 11-83 35 36 34-04 11-72 33-99 11-87 33-94 12-02 33-88 12-17 36 37 34-98 12-05 34-93 12-20 34-88 12-35 34-82 12-50 37 38 35-93 12-37 35-88 1.2-53 35-82 12-68 35-76 12-84 38 39 36-88 12-70 36-82 12-86 36-76 13-02 36-71 13-18 39 40 37-82 13-02 37-76 13-19 37-71 13-35 37-65 13-52 40 41 38-77 13-35 38-71 13-52 38-65 13-69 38-59 13-85 41 42 39-71 13-67 39-65 13-85 39-59 14-02 39-53 14-19 42 43 40-66 14-00 40-60 14-18 40-53 14-35 40-47 14-53 43 44 41-60 14-32 41-54 14-51 41-48 14-69 41-41 14-87 44 45 42-55 14-65 42-48 14-84 42-42 15-02 42-35 15-21 45 46 43-49 14-98 43-43 15-17 43-36 15-36 43-29 15-54 46 47 44-44 15-30 44-37 15-50 44-30 15-69 44-24 15-88 47 48 45-38 15-63 45-32 15-83 45 25 16-02 45-18 16-22 48 49 46-33 15-95 46-26 16-15 46-19 16-36 46-12 16-56 49 50 47 28 16-28 47-20 16-48 47 -13 16-69 47-06 16-90 50 b Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o I5 0 2871 Deg,. 70,34 Deg. 70^ Deg. 701, Deg. Q I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 TRAVERSE TABLE. 41 19 Deg. 19 De. 19 Deg. Y Deg. D ( Lat. Dep. Lat. Iep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep.' 51 48-22 16-60 48-15 16-81 48-07 17-02 148-00 17-23 51 52 49-17 16-93 49-09 17-14 49-02 17-36 48-94 17-57 52 53 50-11 17,26 50-04 17-47 49-96( 17-69 49-88 17-91 53 54 51-06 17-58 50-98 17-80 50-90 18-03 50-82 18-25 54 55 52-00 17-91 51-92 18-13 51-85 18-36 51-76 18-59 55 56 52-95 18-23 52-87 18-46 15279 18-69 52-71 18-92 56 57 53-89 18-56 53-81 18-79 53-73 19-03 53-65 19-26 57 58 54-84J 18-88 54-76 19'12 54-67 19-36 54-59 19'60 58 59 55-79 19-21 55-70 19-45 55-62 19069 55-53 19-94 59 60 56-73 19-53 56-65 19-78 56-56 20-03 56-47 20-27 60 61 57-68 19-86 57-59 20-11 57-50 20-36 57-41 20-61 61 62 58-62 20-19 58-53 20-44 58-44 20-70 58-35 20-95 62 63 59-57 20-51 59.48 20.77 59-39 21-03 59-29 21-29 63 64 6051 20-84 60-42 21-10 60-33 213 60-24 21-63 64 65 61-46 21-16 61-37 21-43 61-27 21-70 61-18 21-96 65 66 62-40 21-49 62-31 21-76 62-21 22-03 62-12 22-30 66 67 63-35 21-81 63-25 22-09 63-16 22-37 63-06 22-64 67 68 64-30 22-14 64-20 22-42 64-10 22.70 64'00 22-98 68 69 65-24 22-46 65-14 22-75 65-04 23-03 64-94 23-32 69 70 66-19 22-79 66-09 23-08 65 98 23-37 65-88 23-65 70 71 67-13 23-12 67-03 23-41 66-93 23-70 G6-82 23-99 71 72 68-08 23-44 6797 23-74 67-87 24-03 67-76 24-33 72 73 69'02 23-77 68-92 24-07 68-81 24-37 68-71 24-67 73 74 69-97 24-09 69-86 24-40 69-76 24-70 69-65 25-01 74 75 70-91 24-42 70-81 24-73 70-70 25-04 70-59 25-34 75 76 71-86 24-74 71-75 25-06 71-64 25-37 71-53 25-68 76 77 72-80 25-07 72-69 25-39 72-58 2570 72-47 26-02 77 78 73-75 25-39 73-64 25-72 73-53 26-04 73-41 26-36 78 79 74-70 25-72 74-58 26-05 74-47 26-37 74-35 26-70.79 80 75-64 26B05 75-53 26-38 75-41 26-70 75-29 27-03 80 81 76-59 26-37 76-47 26-70 76-35 27-04 76-24 27-37 81 82 77-53 26-70 77-42 27-03 77-30 27-3 27-37 77.18 2771 82 83 78-48 27-02 78-36 27-36 7824 27 71 78-12 28-05 83 84 79-42 27-35 79-30 27-69 79-18 28-04 79-06 28-39 84 85 80-37 27-67 80-25 28-02 58012 28-37 80-00 28-72 85 86 81-31 28-00 81-19 28-35 81-07 28-71 80-94 29-06 86 87 82-26 28-32 82-14 28S68 82-01 29-04 81-88 29-40 87 88 83-21 28-65 83-08 29-01 82-95 29-37 82-82 29-74 88 89 84-15 2898S 84-02.29-34 83-90 29-71 83-76 30-07 89 90 85-10 29-30 84-97 29-67 84-84 30-04 84-71 30-41 90 91 86-04 29 63 85-91 30-00 8.5 78 30-38 85 5 30-75 91 92 86-99'29-95 86-86 30-33 86-72 30-71 86-59 31-09 92 93 87-93 30-28 87-80 3066 S87-67 31-04 87-53 31-43 93 94 8888 30-60 88-74 30-99 88-61 31-38 88471 31-76 94 95 8982 3093 89-89 3132 55 311 895541 32-10 95 96 90-77 31-25 90-63 31-65 90 49 32-05 90-35 32-44 96 97 91-72 31-58 91-58 31-98 91-44 32-38 91-29 32-78 97 98 92-66 31-91 92-52 32-31 92'38 32-71 92-24 33-12 98 99 93 61 32-23 93-46 32-64 9332 33-05 93-18 33-45 99 100 94-55 32-56 94-41 32-97 94-26 33-38 94-12 33-79 100 <~ Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. ) I C. I I~ I. 71 Deg. O PDeg. 70 Deg. 70 PDeg. R 42 TRAVERSE TABLE. 20 Deg. 20% Deg. 20% Deg. 20% Deg. C Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ~c 1 0I94 0-34 0-94 0-35 0-94 0035 0-94 0035 1 2 1-88 0-68 1-88 0-69 1-87 0-70 1-87 0-71 2 3 2-82 1-03 281 1-04 2-81 1-05 2-81 1-06 3 4 3-76 1-37 3-755 138 3-75 1-40 3-74 1-42 4 5 4-70 1-71 4-69 1-73 4-68 1-75 4-68 1-77 5 6 564 2-05 5-63 2-08 5-62 2-10 5-61 2-13 6 7 6-58 2-39 6-57 2-42 6-56 2-45 6-55 2-48 7 8 752 2-74 7-51 2-77 7-49 2-80 7-48 2-83 8 9 8-46 3-08 8-44 3-12 8-43 3-15 842 3-19 9 10 9-40 3-42 9-38 3-46 9-37 3-50 9-35 3-54 10 11 10-34 3-76 10-32 3-81 10-30 3-85 10-29 3-90 11 12 11-28 4-10 11-26 4-15 11-24 4-20 11-22 4-25 12 13' 12-22 4- 45a 12-20 4-50 12-18 4-55 12-16 4-61 13 14 13:16 4-79 13-13 4-85 13-11 4-90 13-09 4-96 14 15 14 10 5 13 1407 5' 19 14-05 5-25 14-03 5-31 15 16 1-5-04 5-47 1i501 5-54 14-99 5-60 14-96 5-67 16 17 15-97 5-81 15-95 5-88 15-92 5-95 15-90 6-02 17 18 1691 6)1 1689 623 1686 630 1683 638 18 19 17-85 6-50 17-83 6-58 17-80 6-65 17-77 6-73 19 20 18-79 6-84 18-76 6-92 18-73 700 1870 709 20 21 19-73 718 19-70 7-27 19-67 7-35 19-64 7-44 21 22 20-67 7-52 20-4 761 20-61 7-70 20-57 779 22 23 21-61 7-87 21-58 7-96 2154 8-05 21-51 8-15 23 24 22,55 8-21 22-52 8-31 22-48 8-40 22-44 8-50 24 25 23-49 8-55 23-45 8-65 23-42 8-76 23-38 8-86 25 26 24-43 8-89 24-39 9-00 24-35 9-11 24-31 9-21 26 )27 25-37 9-23 25-33 9-35 25-29 946 25-25 9-57 27 28 26-31 9-58 26-27 9-69 26-23 9-81 26-18 9-92 28 29 27-25 992 2721 1004 27-16 10-16 2712 1027 29 30 28-19 10-26 28-15 10-38 28-10 10-51 28-05 10-63 30 31 29-13 10-60 29-08 10-73 29-04 10-86 28-99 10-98 31 32 30-07 10-94 3002 11.08 29.97 11-21 29-92 11-34 32 33 31-01 11-29 30-96 11-42 30-91 11-56 30-86 11-69 33 34 31-95 11-63 31'90 11771 31-85 11-91 31-79 12-05 34 35 32-89 11-97 32-84 12-11 32-78 12-26 32'73 12-40 35 36 33-83 12-31 33-77 12-46 33 72 12-61 33-66 12-75 36 37 34-77 12-65 34-71 12-81 34-66 12-96 34-60 13-11 37 38 35-71 13-00 35-65 13-15 35-59 13-31 35-54 13-46 38 39 36-65 13-34 3659 13-50 36-53 13-66 36-47 13-82 39 40 37-59 13-68 37-53 13-84 37-47 14-01 37 41 14-17 40 41 38-53 14-02 38-47 14-19 3840 14-36 38-34 14-53 41 42 39-47 14-36 39-40 14-54 39-34 14-71 39-28 14-88 42 43 4041 14-71 4 40-34 1488 4028 15-06 40-21 15-23 43 44 41-35 15-05 41-28 15-23 41-21 15-41 41-15 15-59 44 45 42-29 15-39 42-22 15-58 42-15 15-76 42-08 15-94 45 46 43-23 15-73 43-16 15-92 43-09 16-11 43.02 16-30 46 47 44-17 16-07 44-09 16-27 44-02 16-46 43-95 16-65 47 48 45-11 16-42 45-03 16-61 44-96 16-81 44-89 17-01 48 49 46-04 16-76 45 97 16-96 9 45-90 17-16 45-82 17'36 49 50 46-98 17-10 46-91 17-31 46-83 17-51 46-76 17-71 50 a) Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. I U. 70 Deg 69. 699 Deg. 69 Deg. 69Deg.. fft R TRAVERSE TABLE. 43 1 20 Deg. 209 Deg. 201 Deg. 20 Deeg. 0 I - __ -. 9 Lt Dep L. ep. t. I)ep. L.t. Dep. 51 47-92 17- 47 -85 17i65 47-77 17l36 47-69 18-07 51 52 48 86 1-79 48-79 18-00 48-71 18-21 48 63 18-42 52 53 11 4 980 11 -72 18-34 4 9'6 18-56 49-56 13878 53 541 5074 18-7 5~06 1869 50 55 18-91 5.0950 16-13 54 55 51 68 1881. 51-60 19-04 5152 19-26 51-43 19-4 55 56 52'62 19-3 5 1519 61 523457 19-84 56 57 53-56 19-50 53-48 19-73 53-39 19 96 53-30 20-19 57 58 54 50 19-81 51-42 20-07 54-33 20-31 54-24 20-55 58 59 55-44 20-18 55-35 20-42 55-26 -20-66 55-17 20 90 59 60 56-38 20-52 56-29 20'77 56-20 21-01 56-11 21-26 60 61 57-32 2086 f57-23 21-11 57-14 21-36 57-04 21-61 61 62 58-26 -21-21 58-17 21-46 58-07 21-71 57-98 21-97 62 63 59-20 21-55 59-11 21-81 59-01 22-06 58-91 22-32 63 64 60-14 21-89 60-04 22-15 59-95 22-41 59-85 22-67 64 65 61-08 22-23 60-98 22-50 60-88 22-76 6 0-78 23-03 65 66 62'02 22-57 61-92 22-84 61-82 23-11 61-72 23-38 66 67 62-96 22-92 62-86 23 76 219 66 62-65 2374 67 68 63-90 6 23-26 63-80 2354 69 381 63-59 2409 68 69 64-84 23-60 64-74 23-88 64-63 24-16 6452 24-45 69 70 65-78 23-94 65-67 24-23 65-57 24-51 65-46 21-80 70 71 66-72 24-28 66-61 24-57 66-50 24-86 66-39 25-15 71 72 67-66 24 63 67-55 24-92 67-44 25-21 67-33 2551 72 73 68-60 24-97 68-49 25-27 68-38 25-57 68-26 25-86 73 74 69-54 25-31 69-43 25-61 69-31 25-92 69-20 26-22 74 75 70-48 25-65 70-36 25-96 70-25 26-27 70-14 26-57 75 76 71-42 25-99 71-30 26-30 71-19 2f-62 71-07 26-93 76 77 72-36 26-34 72-24 26-65 72-12 26-97 72-01 27-28 77 78 73-30 26-68 73-18 27-00 73-06 27-32 72-94 27-63 78 79 74.2- 2'702 74-1-2 27-34 74-00 27-67 73-88 27-99 79 80 75-18 27-36 75-06 27-69 74-93 28-02 74-81 28-34 0 81 76-12 27-70 75-99 28-04 75-87 28-37 75-75 28-70 81 82 77-05 28-05 76-93 28-38 76-81 28-72 76-68 29-05 82 83 77-99 28-39 77'87 28-73 77-74 29-07 77-62 29-41 83 84 78-93 28-73 78-81 29-07 78-68 29-42 78-55 29-7 84 85 79-87 29-07 7975 29-42 79-62 29-77 79-49 30-11 85 86 80-81 29 —S1 80-68 29-77 80-55 30-12 80-42 30-47 86 87 81-75 29-76 81-62 30-11 81-49 30-47 81-36 30-82 87 88 82-69 30-10 82-56 30-46 82-43 30-82 82-29 31-18 88 89 83-63 30-44 83-50 3080 83-36 31-17 83-23 31-53 89 90 84-57 30-78 84-44 31-15 84-30 31-52 84-16 31-89 90 91 85-51 31-12 85-38 31-50 85-24 31-87 85-10 32-24 91 92 86-45 31-47 86-31 31-84 86-17 32-22 86-03 32-59 92 93 87-39 31-81 87-25 32-19 87-11 32-57 86-97 32-95 93 94 88-33 32-15 88-19 32-54 88-05 32-92 87-90 33-30 94 95 89-27 32-49 89-13 32-88 88-98 33-27 88-84 33-66 95 96 90-21 32-83 90-07 33-23 89-92 33-62 89-77 34-01 96 97 91-15 33-18 91-00 33-57 90,86 33-97 90-71 34-37 97 98 92-09 33-52 91-94 33-92 91-79 34-32 91-64 34-72 98 99 93-03 33-86 92-88 3 973 367 92 3-257 9739 100 93-97 34-20 93-82 34-61 93-67 35-02 93-51 35-43 100 P Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. | Lat. Dep. Lat. ^ 70 Deg. 69 eg. 69/' Deg. 69,P Deg..P 44 TRAVERSE TABLE.' 21 Deg. 214 Deg. 21A Deg. 213 Deg.D 0 - I.,'' CD Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep La. Dep. Lt. ep 1 0-93 0-36 0-93 0-36 0-93 0-37 1093 0-37 1 2 1-87 0-72 1-86 0-72 1-86 0,73 186 0-74 2 3 2-80 1-08 2-80 1-09 2'79 1-10 2-79 1-11 3 4 3-73 1-43 3-73 1-45 3-72 1-47 3-72 1-48 4 5 4-67 1-79 4-f.- 1-81 4-65 1-83 4-4 1-85 5 6 5-80 2-15 5-59 2-17 5-58 2-20 5-57 222 6 7 6-54 2-51 6-52 2-54 6-51 257 6-50 2-59 7 8 7-4 287 7 7-46 2'9 1 7-44 2.93 7-43 2-93 8 9 8-40 3-23 8-39 3-26 8-37 3-30 8-36 3'34 9 10 9-34 3-58 9-32 3-62 930 3-67 9-29 3-71 10 11 10-27 3-9- 10-25 3-99 10-23 4-03 10-22 4-08 11 12 11-20 4-30 11-18 4-35 11-17 4-40 11 15 4-45 12 13 1214 4-M 12-12 4-71 12-10 4-76 12-07 4-82 13 14 13-07 5-02' 13-05 5'07 13-03 5-13 13-00 5-19 14 15 14-00 5-38 13-98 5-44 13-96 5-50 13-93 5-56 15 16 14-94 575 14-91 5-80 11489 5-893 6 16 17 15-87 6-09 15-84 6-16 15-82 6-23 15-79 6-30 17 18 16-80 6-45 16-78 652 16-75 6-60 16-72 6-67 18 19 1774 6-81 17-71 6-89 17-68 6-96 17-65 7-04 19 20 18-67 7-17 18-64 7-25 18-61 7-33 118-58 7-41 20 21 19-61 7-53 19-57 7-61 19-54 7-70 19-50 7-78 21 22 20-5 7-88 20-50 7-97 20-47 8-06 20-43 815 22 23 21-47 8-24 21-44 8-34 21-40 8-43 21-36 8-52 23 24 22-41 8-60 22-37 8-70 22-33 8-80 22-29 8-89 24 25 23-34 8-96 23-30 906 23;26 9-16 23-22 9-26 25 26 24-27 9-32 24-23 9-42 24-19 9-53 24-15 9-63 26 27 25-21 9-68 25-16 9-79 25-12 9-90 25-08 10-01 27 28 26-141 10-03 26-10 10-15 26-05 10-26 26-01 10-38 28 29 27-07 10-39 27-03 10-51 26-98 10-63 26-94 10-75 29 30 28-01 10-75 27-96 10-87 27-91 11-00 27-86 11-12 30 31 2894 1111 2 11 284 1136 28 11-49 31 32 29-87 11-47 29-S2 11-60 29-77 11-73 29'-2 11l86 32 33 30-81 11-83 30-76 11-96 30-70 12-09 30-65 12-23 33 34 3174 12-18 31-69 12-32 31-63 12-46 31-58 12' 60 34 ) 35 3268 12-54 32-62 12-69 32-561 12-83 32-51 12-97 35 36 33-51 12-90 33-55 13-05 33-50 13-19 33-4-1 13-34 3G )37 34-54 13-26 34148 13-41 34-43 13-56 34-37 13-71 37 )38 35-48 13-62 35-42 13-77 35-36 13-93 35-29 14-08 38 39 36-41 13-98 36-35 14-14 3.6-29 14-29 36-22 1445 39 40 37-31 14-33 37-28 14-50 37-22 14-66 37-15 14-82 40 41 38-28 14-69 38-21 14-86 38-15 15-03 38-08 15-19 41) 42 39-21 15-05 39-14 15-22 39-08 15-39 39-01 15-56 42 43 40-14 15-41 40-08 15-58 40-01 15-76 39-94 15-93 43 44 41-08 15 77 41-01 15-95 40-94 16-13 40-87 16-30 44 45 42-01 16-13 41'- 9 16-31 41-87 16-49 41-80 16-68 45 46 42-94 16-48 42-87 16-67 42-80 16-86 42-73 17-05 46 47 43-88 16-84 43-80 17-03 43-73 17-23 43-65 17-42 47 48 44-81 17-20 44-74 17-40 44-66 17-59 z4-58 17-79 48 49 45-75 17-56 45-67 17-76 45-59 17-96 4,5-51 18-10 49 50 46-68 17-92 46-60 18-12 46-52 18-33 46-44 18-53 50 o Dep. Laot. Dop. I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. i S 69 Deg. 68% Deg. 6S2 Deg. 68s Deg. 4 TRAVERSE TABLE. 45 21 Deg. 21%4 Deg. 21% Deg. 21% Deg. } at. ep.. Dep. L Lat. Dep. L.. Lat. ep. t. ep. 51 47-61 18-23 47-53 18-48 47-45 18-69 4737 18-90 51 52 4855 18-04 48-46 18-85 48-38 19-06 48-30 19-27 52 53 49'48 18-99 49-40 19-21 49-31 19-42 49-23 19-64 53 54 5041 19-35 50.33 19-57 50.24 19-79 50-16 20-01 54 55 51-35 19-71 65126 19-93 51-17 20-16 51-08 20-38 55 56 52-28 20-07 52-19 20-30 52-10 20-52 5201 20-75 56 57 53-21 20-43 53-12 20-66 53-03 20:89 5294 21-12 57 58 54-15 20-79 54-06 21-02 53-96 21-26 53-87 21-49 58 59 55'08 21-14 54-99 21-38 54-89 21-62 54-80 21-86 59 60 56-01 21-50 55-92 21-75 55-83 21-99 55-73 22-23 60 61 56-95 21-86 56-85 22-11 56-76 22-36 56-66 22-60 61 62 57-88 22-22 57-78 22-47 57-69 22-72 57-59 22-97 62 63 58-82 22-58 58-72 2283 58-62 23-09 58-52 23-35 63 64 59-75 22-94 59-65 23-20 59.55 23-46 59-44 23-72 64 65 60-68 23-29 60-58 23-56 60-48 23-82 60-37 24-09 65 66 61-62 23-65 61-51 23-92 61-41 24-19 61-30 24-46 66 67 62, r 2401 62-44 24-28 62.34 24-56 62-23 24-83 67 68 63-48 24-37 163-38 24-65 63-27 24-92 63-16 25-20 68 69 64-42 24-73 64-31 25-01 64-20 25-29 64-09 25-57 69 70 65-35 25-09 65-24 25-37 65-13 25-66 65-02 25-94 70 71 66-28 25-44 66-17 25-73 66-06 26-02 6595 26-31 71 72 67-22 25-80 67-10 26-10 66-99 26-39 66-87 26-68 72 73 68-15 26-16 68-04 26-46 67-92 26-75 67-80 27 05 73 74, 6908 26-52 68.-7 26-82 68-85 27'12 68-73 27-42 74 75 70-02 26-88 69-90 27-18 69-78 27-49 69-66 27-79 75 76 70-95 27-24 70-83 27-55 70-71 2785 70-59 28-16 76 77 71-89 27-59 71-76 27-91 71-64 28-22 71-52 28-53 77 78 72-82 27-95 72-70 28-27 72-57 28-59 72451 28-90 78 79 73-75 28-31 7363 2863 2 7350 28-95 73-38 29-27 79 80 74-69 28-67 74-5.6 29-00 74-43 29-32 74-30 29-64 80 81 75-62 29-03 75-49 29-36 75-36 29-69 75-23 30-02 81 82 76-55 29-39 76-42 29-72 76'29 30-05 76'16 30-39 8.2 83 7749 29-74 77-36 30 080 7722 30-42 77'09 30-76 83 84 78-42 30-10 78-29 30-44 78'16 30-79 78-02 3113 84 85 79-35 30-46 79'22 30-81 79-09 31-15 78-95 31-50 85 86 80-29 30-82 80-15 31-17 80-02 1 31-52 79-88 31-87 86 87 81-22 31-1 18 810831-53 80-95 31-89 80-81 32-24 87 88 82-16 31-54 82-02 31-89 81-88 32-25 81-74 3261 88 89 83-09 31-89 82-95 32-26 82-81 32 62 82-66 32-98 89 90 84-02 32-25 83-88 32-62 83-74 32-99 83-59 i 33-35 90 91 84-96 32-61 84-81 3298 84-67 33-35 84-52 33-72 91 92 85-89 32-97 85-74 33-34 85-60 3372 85-45 34-09 92 93 86-82 33-33 86-68 33-71 86-53 34-08 86-38 34-46 93 94 87-76 33-69 87-61 34-07 87-46 34-45 87-31 34-83 94 95 88-69 34-04 88-54 3-443 88-39 3482 88-24 35-20 95 96 89-62 34-40 89-47 3479 83-32 35-18 89-17 35-57 96 ( 97 90-56 34-76 90-40 35-16 90-25 35-55 90-09 35-94 97 98 91-49 35-12 91-34 35-52 91-18 35-92 91-02 36-31 98 99 92-42 35-48 92-27 35-88 92-11 36-28 91-95 36-69 99 100 93-36 35-84 9320 36-24 93-04 36-65 92-88 37-06 100 1 6 Dep. Lt Dep. Lat Dep. at. Dep. Lat. 69 Deg. 068 Deg. 68 2 Deg. 681 Deg. ~ -! 46 TRAVERSE TABLE. 22 Deg. 224 Deg. 22/2 Deg. 22 Deg. 1 0-93 0-37 0-93 0-38 0-92 0-38 0-92 0-39 1 2 1-85 0-75 1-85 0776 1-85 0.77 1-84 0-77 2 3 2-78 1-12 2-78 1-14 2-77 1-15 2-77 116 3 4 3-71 1-50 3-70 1-51 3'70 1-53 3-09 1-55 4 5 4-64 1-87 4'63 1-89 4-62 1-91 4-61 1-93 5 6 5-56 2-25 5-55 2-27 5-54 2-30 5-53 2-32 6 7 6-49 2-62 6-48 2-65 6-47 2-68 646 2-71 7 8 7-42 3-00 7-40 3-03 7-39 3-06 738 3-09 8 9 8-34 3-37 8-33 3-41 8-31 3-44 8-30 3-48 9 10 9.27 3-75 9-26 3-79 9-24 3-83 9-22 3-87 10 11 10-20 4-12 10-18 4-17 10-16 4-21 10-14 4-25 11 12 11-13 4-50 1111 4-54 11-09 4-59 11-07 4-64 12 13 12-05 4-87 12-03 4-92 12-01 4'97 11-99 5-03 13 14 12-98 5-24 12-96 5-30 12-93 5-36 12-91 5-41 14 15 13-91 5-62 13-88 5-68 13-86 5-74 13-83 5-80 15 16 14-83 5-99 14-81 6-06 14-78 6-12 14-76 6-19 16 17 15-76 6-37 15-73 6-44 15-71 6-51 15-68 6-57 17 18 16-69 6-74 16-66 6-82 16-63 6-89 16-60 6-96 18 19 17-62 7-12 17-59 7-19 17-55 7-27 17-52 7-35 19 20 18-54 7-49 18-51 7-57 18-48 7-65 18-44 7-73 20 21 19-47 7-87 19-44 7-95 19-40 8-04 19-37 8-12 21 22 20-40 8-24 20-36 8-33 20-33 8-42 20-29- 8-51 22 23 21-33 8-62 21-29 8-71 21-25 8-80 21-21 8-89 23 24 22-25 8-99 22-21 9-09 22-17 9-18 22-13 9-28 24 25 23-18 9-37 23-14 9-47 23-10 9-57 23-05 9-67 25 26 24-11 9-74 24-06 9-84 24-02 9-95 23-98 10-05 26 27 25-03 10-11 24-99 10-22 24-94 10-33 24-90 10-44 27 28 25-96 10-49 25-92 10-60 25-87 10-72 25-82 10-83 28 29 26-89 10-86 26-84 10-98 26-79 11-10 26-74 11-21 29 30 27-82 11-24 27-77 11-36 27-72 11-48 27-07 11-60 30 31 28-74 11-61 28-69 11-74 28-64 11-86 28-59 11-99 31 32 29-67 11-99 29-62 12-12 29-56 12-25 29-51 12-37 32 33 30-60 12-36 30-54 12.50 30-49 12-63 30-43 12-76 33 34 31-52 12-74 31-47 12-87 31-41 13-01 31-35 13-15 34 35 32-45 13-11 32-30 13-25 32-34 13-39 32-28 13-53 35 36 33-38 13-49 33-32 13-63 33-26 13-78 33-20 13-92 36 37 34-31 13-86 34-24 14-01 34-18 14-16 34-12 14-31 37 38 35-23 14-24 35-17 14-39 35-11 14-5- 35-04 14-70 38 39 36-16 14-61 36-10 14-77 36-03 14'92 35-97 15-08 39 40 37-09 14-98 37-02 15-15 36-96 15-31 36-89 15-47 40 41 38-01 15-36 37-95 15-52 37-88 15-69 37-81 15-86 41 42 38-94 15-73 38-87 15-90 38-80 16-07 38-73 16-24 42 43 39-87 16-11 39-80 16-28 39-73 16-46 39-65 16-63 43 44 40-80 16-48 40-72 16-66 40-65 16-84 40-58 17-02 44 45 41-72 16-86 41-65 17-04 41-57 17-22 41-50 17-40 45 46 42-65 17-23 42-57 17-42 42-50 17-60 42-42 17-79 46 47 43-58 17-61 43-50 17-80 43-42 17-99 43-34 18-18 47 48 44-50 17-98 44-43 1 435 118 37 44-27 18-56 48 49 45-43 18-36 45-35 18-55 45-27 18'75 45-19 18-95 49 50 46-36 18-73 46-28 18-93 46-19 19-13 46-11 19-34 50 | Dep. Lat. DP Lat ep. L at. D ep. Lat. D. at. ( mt 68 Deg. 674 Deg. 67Y2 Deg. 674 Deg.. I II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii f TRAVERSE TABLE. 47 S 22 Deg. 2214 Deg. 2212 Deg. 22: Deg. c Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lt. Dep. 51 47-29 19-10 47-20 19-31 47-12 19-52 47 03 19-72 51 52 48-21 19-48 48-13 19-69 48-04 19-90 47-95 2011 52 53 49-14 19-85 49-05 20-07 48-97 20-28 48-88 20-50 53 54 50-07 20-23 49-98 20-45 49-89 20-66 49-80 20-88 54 55 51-00 20-60 50-90 20-83 50-81 21-05 50-72 21-27 55 56 51-92 20-98 51-83 21-20 51.74 21-43 51-64 21-66 56 57 52-85 21-35 52-76 21-58 52-66 21-81 52-57 22-04 57 58 53-78 21-73 53-68 21-96 53 59 22-20 53-49 22-43 58 59 54-70 22-10 54-61 22-34 54-51 22-58 54-41 22-82 59 60 55-63 22-48 55-53 22-72 55-43 22-96 55-33 23-20 60 61 56-56 22-85 56-47 23-10 56-36 23-34 56-25 23-59 61 62 57-49 23-23 57 38 2348 57-28 3 23 578 2398 62 63 5841 2360 531 23 58-20 2-11 58-10 24-36 63 64 59-34 23-97 59-23 24-23 59-13 24-49 59-02 24-75 64 65 60-27 24-35 60-16 24-61 60-05 24-87 59-94 25-14 65 66 61-19 24-72 6109 299 60 2 25-26 6087 25-52 66 67 62-12 25-10 62-01 25-37 61-90 25-64 61-79 25-91 67 68 63-05 25 62 25575 82 24702 62-71 26-30 68 69 63-98 25-85 63-86 26-13 63-75 26-41 63-63 26-68 69 70 64-90 26-22 64-79 26-51 64-67 26-79 64-55 27-07 70 71 65-83 26-60 65-71 26-88 65-60 27-17 65-48 27-46 71 72 66-76 26-97 66-4, 27-26 66-52 27-55 66-40 27-84 72 73 67-68 27-35 67.56 27-64 67-44 27-94 67-32 28-23 73 74 68-61 27-72 68-49 28-02 68-37 28-32 68-24 28-62 74 75 69-54 28-10 69-42 28-40 69-29 28-70 69-17 29-00 75 76 70-47 28-47 70-34 28-78 70-21 29-08 70-09 29-39 76 77 71-39 28-84 71-27 29-16 71-14 29-47 71-01 29-78 77 78 72-32 29-22 72-19 29-53 72-06 29-85 71-93 30-16 78 79 73-25 29-59 73-12 29-91 72-99 30-23 72-85 30-55 79 80 7417 29-97 74-04 30-29 73-91 30-61 73-78 30 94 80 81 75-10 30-34 74-97 30-67 74-83 31-00 74-70 31-32 81 82 76-0o3 30-72 7589 31-05 75-76 31-38 75-62 31-71 82 83 76-96 31-09 76-82 31-43 76-68 31-76 76-54 32-10 83 84 77-88 831-47 77-75 31-81 77-61 32-15 77-46 32-48 84 85 78-1 31-84 78-67 32-19 78-53 32-53 78-390 32-87 85 86 79'-74 32-22 79-60 32-56 79-45 32-91 79-31 33-26 86 87 80-66 32-59 80-52 3294 80-38 33-29 80-23 33-64 87 88 81-59 32-97 81-45 33-32 81-30 33-68 81-15 34-03 88 89 82-52 33-34 82-37 33-70 82-23 34-06 82-08 34-42 89 90 83-45 33-71 83-30 34-08 83-15 34-44 83-00 34-80 90 91 84-37 34-09 84-22 34-46 84-07 34-82 83-92 35-19 91 92 85-30 34-46 85-15 34-84 85-00 35-21 S4-84 35-58 92 93 86-23 34-84 86-08 35-21 85-92 35-59 85-76 35-96 93 94 87 16 35-21 87-00 35-59 86-84 35-97 86-69.36-35. 94 95 88-08 35-59 87-93 35-97 87-77 3B-35 87-61 36-74 95 96 89-01 35-96 88-85 36-35 8869 36-74 88-53 37-12 96 97 89-94 36-34 89-78 36-73 89-62 37-12 89-45 37-51 97 98 90-86 36-71 90-70 37-11 90-54 37-50 90-38 37.90 98 99 91-79 37-09 91-63 37-49 91-46 37-89 91-30 38-28 9 100 92-72 37-46 92-55 37-86 92-39 38-27 92-22 38-67 100 < o Dep. 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CD 1 0-92 0-39 0-92 0-39 0-92. 0-40 0-92 0-40 1 2 1-84 0-78 1-84 07 9 183 0-80 1-83 0-81 2 3 2-76 1-17 2-76 1-18 2-75 1-20 2-75 1-21 3 4 3-68 1-56 3-6 18 158 3-67 1-59 3-66 1-61 4 5 4-00 1-95 4-59 1-97 4-59 1-99 4-58 2-01 5 6 5-52 2-34 5-51 2-37 5-50 2-39 5-49 2-42 6 7 6 44 2-74 6-43 2-76 6-42 2-79 6-41 2-82 7 8 7-36 3-13 7-35 3-16 7-34 3-19 7-32 3-22 8 9 8-28 3-52 8-27 3-55 8-25 3-59 82-4 3-62 9 10 9-20 3-91 9-19 3-95 9-17 3-99 9-15 4-03 10 11 10-13 4-30 10-11 4-34 10-09 4-39 10-07 4-43 11 12 11-05 4-69 11-03 4-74 11-00 4-78 1098 4-83 12 )13 11-97 5-08 11-94 5-13 11-92 5-18 11-90 5-24 13 14 12-89 12 57 1286 5-53 12-84 5-58 12-81 5-64 14 15 13-81 5-86 13-78 5-92 13-76 5-98 13-73 6-04 15 16 1- 73 6-25 14-70 6-32 14-67 6-38 14-64 6-44 16 (17 15-65 6-64 15-62 6-71 15-59 6-78 15-56 6-85 17 18 16-57 7-03 16-54 7-11 16-51 7-18 16-48 7-25 18 19 17-49 7-42 17-46 7.50 17-42 7-58 17-39 7-65 19 20 18-41 7-81 18-38 7-89 18-34 7-97 18-31 8-05 20 21 19-33 8-21 19 19-29 8-29 19-26 8-37 19-22 8-46 21 22 20-25 8-60 20-21 8-68 20-18 8-77 20-14 8-86 22 23 21-17 8-99 21-13 9-08 21-09 9-17 21-05 9-26 23 24 22-09 9-38 22-05 9-47 22-01 9-57 21-97 9-67 24 25 23-01 9-77 22-97 9-87 22-93 9-97 22-88 10-07 25 26 23-93 10-16 23-89 10-26 23-84 10-37 23-80 10-47 26 27 24-85 10-55 24-81 10-66 24-76 10-77 24-71 10-87 27 28 25-77 10-94 25-73 11-05 25-68 11-16 25-63 11-28 28 (29 26-69 11-33 26-6 11-45 26-59 11-56 26-54 11-68 29 30 27-62 11-72 27-56 11-84 27-51 11-96 27-46 12-08 30 31 28-54 12-11 28-48 12-24 28-43 12-36 28-37 12-49 31 32 29-46 12-50 29-40 12-63 29-35 12-76 29-29 12-89 32 33 30-38 12-89 30-32 13-03 30-26 13-16 30-21 13-29 3.3 34 31-30 13-28 31-24 13-42 31-18 13-56 31-12 13-69 34 35 32-22 13-68 32-16 13-82 32-10 13-96 32-04 14-10 35 36 33-14 14-07 33-08 14-21 33-01 14-35 32-95 14-50 36 37 34-06 14-46 34-00 14-61 33-93 14-75 33-87 14-90 37 38 34-98 14-85 34-91 15-00 34-85 15-15 34-78 15-30 38 39 35-90 15-24 35-83 15-39 35-77 15-55 35-70 15-71 39 40 36-82 15-63 3'6-75 15-79 36-68 15-95 36-61 16.11 40 41 37-74 16-02 37-67 16-18 37-60 16-35 37-53 16-51 41 42 38-66 16-41 38-59 16-58 38-52 16-75 38-44 16-92 42 43 39-58 16-80 39-51 16-97 39-43 17-15 39-36 17-32 43 44 4050 17-19 40-43 17-37 40-35 17-54 40-27 17-72 44 45 41-42 17-58 41-35 17-76 41-27 17-94 41-19 18-12 45 46 42-34 17-97 42-26 18-16 42-18 18-34 42-10 18-53 46 47 43-26 18-36 43-1.8 18-55 43-10 18-74 43.02 18-93 47 48 44-18 18-76 - 4-10 18-95 44-02 19-14 43-93 19-33 48 49 45-10 19-15 45-02 19-34 44-94 1954 44-85 19-73 49 50 46-03 19-54 45-94 19-74 45-85 19-94 45-77 20-14 50 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. D e p.. LaLt. ) ~ ~ - ~~ ~ I 6 D 6D. 67 Deg 66. 666 Deg. 6614 Deg.. ~""XJ-~.-'x...........~~~~~~~ TRAVERSE TABL E. 49 | 23 Deg. 234 Deg. 23Y Deg. 23I Deg. ~ ~~______ I__ ______ P ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. CD 51 46-95 19-93 46-86 20-13 46-77 20-34 46-68 20-54 51 52 47-87 20-32 47*78 20-53 47-69 20-73 47-60 20-94 52 53 48-79 20-71 48-70 20-92 48-60 21-13 48-51 21-35 53 54 49-71 21-10 49-61 21-32 49-52 21-53 49-43 21-75 54 55 50-63 21-49 50-53 21-71 50-44 21-93 50-34 22-15 55 56 51-55 2188 51-45 22-11 51-36 22-33 51-26 22-55 56 57 52-47 22-27 52-37 22-50 52-27 22-73 52-17 22-96 57 58 53-39 2266 5329 2290 5319 23 13 53-09 23-36 58 59 54-31 23-05 54-21 23-29 54-11 23-53 54-00 23-76 59 00 55-23 23-44 55-13 23-68 55-02 23-92 54-92 24-16 60 61 56-15 23-83 56-05 24-08 55-94 24-32 55-83 24-57 61 62 57-07 24 23 56-97 24-47 56-86 24-72 56-75 24-97 62 63 57-99 24-62 57-88 24-87 57-77 25-12 57-66 25-37 63 64 58-91 25-01 58-80 25-26 5869 25-52 58-58- 25-78 64 65 59-83 25-40 59-72 25-66 59-61 25-92 159.50 26-18 65 66 60-75 25-79 60-64 26-05 60-53 26-32 60-41 26-58 66 67 61-67 26-18 61-56 26-45 61-44 26-72 61-33 26-98 67 68 62-59 26-57 62-48 26-84 62-36 27-11 62-24 27-39 68 69 63-51 26-96 63-40 27-24 63-28 27-51 63-16 27-79 69 70 64-44 27-35 64-32 27-63 64-19 27-91 64-07 28-19 70 71 65-36 27-74 65-23 28-03 65-11 28-31 64-99 28-59 [1 72 66-28 28-13 66-15 28-42 66-03 28-71 65-90 29-00 72 73 67-20 28-52 6707 28-82 66-95 29-11 66-82 29-40 73 74 68-12 28-91 67-99 29-21 67'86 29-51 67-73 29-80 74 75 69-04 29-30 68-91 29-61 68-78 29-91 68-65 30-21 75 76 69-96 29-70 69-83 30-00 69-70 30-30 69-56 30-61 76 77 70-88 30-09 70-75 30-40 70-61.3070 70-48 31-01 77 78 71-80 30-48 71-67 30-79 71-53 31-10 71-39 31-41 78 79 72-72 30-87 72-58 31-18 72-45 31-50 72-31 31-82 79 80 73'64 31-26 73-50 31-58 73-36 31-90 73-22 32-22 80 81 74-56 31-65 74-42 31-97 74-28 32-30 74-14 32-62 81 82 75-48 32-04 75-34 32-37 75-20 32-70 75-06 33-03 82 83 76-40 32-43 76-26 32-76 76-12 3310 75-97 33-43 83 84 77-32 32-82 77-18 33-16 77-03 33-49. 76-89 33-83 84 85 78-24 33-21 78-10 33-55 77-95 33-89 77-80 34-23 85 86 79'16 33-60 79-02 33-95 78-87 34-29 78-72 34-64 86 87 80-08 23-99 79-93 34-34 79-78 34- 69 17963 35-04 87 88 81-00 34-38 SO 85 34-74 80-70 35-09 8055 35-44 88 89 81-92 34-78 81-77 35-13 81-62 35-49 81-46 35-84 89 90 82-85 35-17 82-69 35-53 82-54 35-89 82:38 36-25 90 91 83-77 35-56 83-61 35-92 83-45 36-29 83-29 36-65 91 92 84-69 35-95 84-53 36-32 84-37 36-68 84-21 37-05 92 93 85-61 36-34 85-45 36-71 85-29 37-08 85-12 37-46 93 94 86-53 36-73 86-37 37-11 86-20 37-48 86-04 37-86 94 95 87-45 37-12 87-29 37-50 87-12 37-88 86-95 38-26 95 96 88-37 37-51 8820 37-90 88-04 38-28 87-87 38-66 96 97 89-29 37-90 89-12 38-23 88-95 38-68 88-79 39-07 97 98 90-21 38-29 90-04 38-68 89-87 39-08 89 70 39-47 98 99 91-13 38-68 90'96 39-08 90-79 39-48 90-62 39-87 99 100 92-05 39-07 91-88 39-47 91-71 3987 91-53 40-27 100 ) Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 6 67 Deg. 66/ Deg. 66/ Deg. 66| PDeg. 5 50 TRAVERSE TABLE. 24 Deg. 2414 Deg. 247 Deg. 24A Deg. 1 0-91 041 0-91 0-41 0-91 0-l4 0-91 0-42 1 2 1-83 0-81 1-82 0-82 1-82 0-83 1-82 0-84 2 3 2-74 1-22 2-74 1-23 2-73 1-24 2-72 1-26 3 ) 4 3(65 1-63 3-65 1-64 3-64 1-66 3-63 1-67 4 5 4-57 2-03 4-56 2-05 4-55 2-07 4-54 2-09 5 6 5-48 2-44 5-47 2-46 5-46 2-49 5-45 2-51 6 7 6-39 2-85 6-38 2-87 6-37 2-90 6-36 2-93 7 8 7-31 3-25 7-29 3-29 7-28 3-32 7-27 3-35 8 9 8-22 3-66 8-21 3-70 8-19 3-73 8-17 3-77 9 10 9-14 4-07 9-12 411 9-10 415 9-08 419 10 11 10-05 4'47 10-03 4-52 10-01 4-56 9-99 4-61 11 12 10-9 109 4 194 4-93 1092 4-98 10-90 5-02 12 13 11-8 118 529 1185 5-34 11-83 5-39 1181 5-44 13 (14 12-79 5-691 12-76 575 12-74 5-81 12-71 5-86 14 15 13-70 6-10 13-68 6-16 13-65 6-22 13-62 6-28 15 16 14-62 6-51 14-59 6-57 14-56 6-64 14-53 6-70 16 17 15-53 692 15-50 6-98 15-47 7-05 15-44 7-12 17 18 16l44 7-332 1641 7-39 16-38 7-46 16-35 7-54 18 19 17-36 7-73 17-32 7-80 17-29 7-88 17-25 7-95 19 20 18-27 8-13 18-24 8-21 18-20 8-29 18-16 8-37 20 21 19-18 8-54 19-15 8-63 19-11 8-71 19 07 8-79 21 22 20-10 8-95 20-06 9-04 20-02 912 19-98 9-21 22 23 21-01 9-35 20-97 9-45 20-9.3 9 54 2089 9-63 23 24 21-93 9-76 121-88 9-86 14 995 21-80 10-05 24 25 22-84 10-17 22-79 10-27 22 75 10-37 22-70 10-47 25 26 23-75 10-58 23-71 10-68 23-66 10-78 23-61 10-89 26 27 24-67 10-98 24-62 11-09 2457 11-20 24-52 11-30 27 28 25-58 11-39 25-53 11-50 25-48 11-61 25-43 11-72 28 2 26-49 1180 26-44 11-91 26-39 12-03 26-34 12-14 29 30 27-41 12-20 27-35 12-32 27-30 1244 27-24 1256 30 31 28-32 12-61 28-26 12-73 28-21 1286 215 12-98 31 ( 32 29-23 13-02 29-18 13-14 29-12 13-27 29-06 1340 32 33 30-15 13-42 30-09 13-55 30-03 1368 29-97 1382 33 3 31-06 13-83 31-00 13-96 30-94 14-10 3088 14-23 34 35 31-97 14 24 31-91c 14-38 31-85 14-51 31-78 14-65 35 36 32-89 14-64 32-82 14-79 32-76 14-93 32-69 15-07 36 ) 7 33-80 15-05 33-74 15-20 33-67 15-34 33-60 15-49 37 38 34-71 15-46 34-65 15-61 34-58 15-76 31-51 15-91 38 39 35-63 15-86 35-56 16-02 35-49 16-17 35-42 16-33 39 40 36-54 16-27 36-47 16-43 3640 16-59 36-33 16-75 40 41 37-46 16-68 37-38 16-84 37-31 17-00 37-23 17-16 41 42 38-37 17-08 38-29 17-25 38-22 17-42 38-1 17-58 42 )43 39-28 17-49 39-21 17-66 39-13 17-83 39-05 18-00 43 44 40-20 17-90 40-12 18-07 40-04 18-25 39-96 18-42 44 45 41-11 18.30 41-03 18-48 40-95 18-66 40.87 18-84 45 46 42-02 18-71 41-94 18-89 41-86 19-08 41-77 19-26 46 47 42-94 19-12 42'85 19-30 42-77 19-49 42-68 19-68 47 48 43-85 19-52 43-76 19-71 43 68 19 91 43-59 20-10 48 49 44-76 19-93 44-68 20-13 44-59 20-32 4450 2'051 49 50 45-68 20-34 45-59 20-54 4550 20-73 45-41 20-93 50 b Dep. Lt. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lt. ep. De Lat. | 66 Deg. 65 Deg. 65/2 Deg. 657D De.? f It 1 )a T'AVERSE TABLE. 51' 24 Deg. 24,4 Deg. 24>~ Deg. 2434 Deg.. / t: _I _~ ~~, __ _, I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. _ 51 -59 20-7 4650 20-95 4641 21-15 46-32 21-35 51 52 47-50 121-15 47-41 21-36 47-32 21-56 47-22 21-77 52 53 48-42 21t56 48-32 21-77 48-23 21-98 48-13 22-19 53 54 49-33 21-96 49-'24- 22-18 4914 22-39 49-04 22-61 54 55 50-24 22-37 50-15 2259 50-05 22-81 49-95 23-03 55 56 51-16 22-78 651-06 23 00 50 96 23-22 50-86 23-44 56 57 52'07 2t3 18 51-97 2341 5187 23-64 51-76 23-86 57 58 52-99 23-59 52-88 23-82 52-78 24-05 52-67 24-28 58 59 53-90 24-00 53-79 24-23 53-69 24 47 53-58 24-70 59 60 54 81 24-40 54-71 24-64 54-60 24-88 I 5449 25 12 60 61 55-73 24-81 55-62 25-05 55-51 25-30 55'40 25-54 61 62 56-64 25-22 56-53 25-46 56-42 25-71 56-30 25-96 62 63 57-55 25-62 57-44 25-88 57-33 26-13 57-21 26-38 63 64 58-47 26-03 58-35 26-29.5824 2654 5S. 12 26'79 64 65 59-38 26-44 59-26 26' 70 59-15 26-96 59-03 27-21 65 66 60-29 26-84 60-18 27-11 60-06 27-37 59-94 27-63 66 67 61-21 27-25 61-09 27-52 60-97 27-78 60-85 28-05 67 68 62-12 27-66 62-00 27-93 61-88 28-20 61-75 28-47 68 69 63-03 28-06 62-91 28-34 62-79 28-61 62-66 28-89 69 70 63-95 28-47 63-82 28-75 63-70 29-03 63-57 29-31 70 71 64-86 28-88 64-74 29-16 64-61 29-44 64-48 29-72 71 72 65-78 29-28 65-65 29-57 65-52 29-86 65-39 30-14 72 73 66-69 29-69 / 66-56 29-98 66-43 30 -27 66-29 30-56 75 674 7-60 30-10 67-47 30-39 67-34 30-69 67-20 30-98 74 75 C8-52 30-51 68-38.30-80 68-25 31-10 68-11 31-40 75 76 69-43 30-91 699 3121 6916 3152 69-02 3182 76 77 70-34 31-32 70-21 31-63 70'07 31-93 69-93 32-24 77 78 71-26 31-73 71-12 32-04 70-98 32-35 70-84 32-66 78 79 72-17 32-13 72-03 32 -45 71-89 32-76 71-74 33-07 79 80 73-08 32-54 72-94 32-86 72-80 33-18 72-65 33-49 80 81 71-00 32-95 73-85 33-27 73-71 33-59 73-56 33-91 81 82 74-91 33-35 74-76 33-G8 74-62 34-00 74-47 34-33 82 83 75-82 33-76 75-68 34-09 i75-53 34-42 75-38 34'75 83 84 76-74 34-17 76-59 34-50 76-44 34-83 76-28 35-'17 84 85 77-65 34-57 77-50 34-91 77-35 35-25 77'19 35-59 85 86 78-56 134-98 78-41 35-32 78-26 35-66 78-10 36-00 86 8 79-48 35-39 79-32 35-73 79-17 36-08 79-01 36-42 87 88 80-39 35-79 80'24 36-14 80-08 36-49 79-92 36-84 88 89 81-31 36-20 81-15 36-55 80-99 36-91 80-82 37-26 89 90 82-22 36-61 82-06 36-96 81-90 37-32 81-73:37-68 90 91 83-13 37-01 82-97 37-38 82-81 37-74 82-64 38-10 91 92 84-05 37-42 83-88 37-79 83-72 38-15 83-55 38-52 92 93 84-96 37-83.84-79 38-20 84-63 38-57 84-46 38-94 93 94 85-87 38-23 85-71 38-61 85-54 38-98 85-37 39-35 94 95 86-79 38-64 86-62 39-02 86-45 39-40 86-27 39-77 95 96 87-70 39-05 87-53 39-43 87-36 39-81 87-18 40-19 96 97 88-61 39-45 88-44 39-84 88-27 40-23 88-09 40-61 97 98 89-53 39-86 89-35 40-25 89-18 -40-64 89-00 41-03 98 99 90-44 40-27 90-26 40-66 90-09 41-05 89-91 41-45 99 100 91-35 40-67 91-18 41-07 91-00 41-47 90-81 41-87 100 <~ Dep. I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. a< 66 Deg. 65y3 Deg. 65] Deg. 65/ Deg. 52 TRAVERSE TABLE. 25 25 25 Deg. 2512 Deg. 252 Deg. ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dcp. Lat. Dep. ~ 1 0-91 0-42 0-90 0-43.0-90 0-43 0-90 0-43 1 2 1-81 0-85 1-81 0-85 1-81 0-8O 1-80 0-87 2 3 2-72 1-27 2-71 1-28 2-71 1-29 2-70 1-30 3 4 3-63 1-69 3-62 1-71 3-61 1-72 3-60 1-74 4 5 4-53 2-11 4-52 2-13 4-51 2-15 4-50 2-17 5 6 5-44 2-54 5-43 2-56 5-42 2-58 5-43 2-61 6 7 6-34 2-96 6-33 2-99 6-32 3-01 6-30 3-04 7 8 7-25 3-38 7-24 3-41 7-22 3-44 7-21 3-48 8 9 8-16 3-80 8-14 3-4 8-12 3-87 8-11 391 9 10 9-06 4-23 9-04 4-27 9-03 4-31 9-01 4-34 10 11 9-97 4-65 9-95 4-69 9-93 4-74 9-91 4-78 II 12 10-88 5-07 10-85 5-12 10-83 5-17 10-81 5-21 12 13 11-78 5-49 11-76 5-55 11-73 5-60 1171 5-65 13 14 12-69 5-92 12-66 5-97 12-64 6-03 12-61 6-08 14 15 13-59 6-34 13-57 6-40 13-54 6-46 13-51 6 52 15 $ 16 14-50 6-76 14-47 6-83 1444.6-89 14-41 6-95 16 17 15-41 7-18 15-38 7-25 15-34 7-32 15-31 7-39 17 18 16-31 7-61 16-28 7-68 16-25 7-75 16-21 7-82 18 19 17-22 8-03 17-13 8-10 17-15 8-18 17-11 8-25 19 20 18-13 8-45 18-09 8-53 18-05 8-61 18-01 8-69 20 21 19-03 8-87 18-99 8-96 18-95 9-04 18-91 9-12 21 22 19-94 9-30 19-90 9-38 19-86 9-47 19-82 9-56 22 23 20-85 9-72 20-80 9-81 20-76 9-90 20-72 9-99 23 24 21- 75 10-14 21 2-710 10- 21 -33 21-62 10-43 24 25 22-66 10-57 22-61 10-66 22-56 10-76 22-52 10-86 25 26 23-56 10-99 123-52 11-09 23-47 11-19 23-42 11-30 26 27 24-47 11-41 24-42 11-52 24-37. 11-62 24-32 11-73 27 28 25-38 11-83 25-32 11-94 25-27 12-05 25-22 12-16 28 29 26-28 12-26 26-23 12-37 26-17 12-48 26-12 12-60 29 30 27-19 12-68 27-13 12-80 27-08 12-92 27-02 13-03 30 31 28-10 13-10 28-04 13-22 27-98 13-35 27-92 13-47 31 32 29-00 13-52 28-S94 13-65 28-88 13-78 I28-82 13-90 32 33 29,91 13-95 29-85 14-08 29-79 14-21 29-72 14-34 33 3 30o,81l 14-37 i 30-5 14-50 30-69 14-64 30-62 14-77 34 35 31-72 14-79 |31-66 14-93 31-59 15-07 31-52 15-21 35 36 32-63 15-21 32-56 15-36 32-49 15-50 32-43 15-64 36 37 33 53 15-641 33-46 15-78 33-40 15-93 33-33 16-07 37'38 34-44 16-06 34-37 1621 34-30 16-36. 34-23 16-51 38 39 35-35 1 16-48 35-27 1-64 35-20 16-79 35'13 16-94 39 40 36-25 16-90 36-18 17-06 36-10 17-22 36-03 17-38 40 41 37-16 17-33 37-08 17-49 37-01 17-65 36-93 17-81 41 42 38- 0 17 75 37-99 17-92 37-91 18-083 37-83 18-25 42 43 38-97 18-17 38-89 18-34 38-81 18-51 38-73 18-68 43 44 3988 3.1860 l39-80 18-77 39-71 18-94 39-63 19-12 44 40-78 1902 40-70 19-20 40-62 19-37 40-53 19-55 45 46 41-69 19-44 41-60 19-62 41-52 19-80 41-43 19-98 46 47 42-60 19-86 142-51 20.05 - 42 0-23 1 42-33 20-42 47 48 43-50 20-29 43-41 20-48 43-32 20-66. 43-23 20-85 48 49 4- 11 20 -71 41-32 20-90 44-23 21-10 44-13 21-29 49 t 46 I'11 50 4-3 D1-1e 45-22.21-33 45-13 21-53 45-03 21-72 50 Dep. Lat. Depp. at. Dep. Lat. Dep. at. 65 Deg. 64/ Deg. 64/, Deog. 647/4 Deg. TRAVERSE TABLE. 53 25 Ieg. 2(54 Deg. 252 Dog. 25% Deg.' p Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 46-22 21-55 46-13 21-75 46-03 21-96 45-94 22-16 51 52 47-13 21-98 47-03 22-18 46-93 22-39 46-84 22-59 52 53 48-03 22-40 47-94.22-61 47-84 22-82 47-74 23-03 53 54 48-94 22-82 48-84 23-03 48-74 23-25 48-64 23-46 54 55 4985 2S-24 49-74 23-46 49-64 23-68 49-54 23-89 55 56 50-75 23-67 50-65 23-89 50-54 24-11 50-44 24-33 56 57 51-66 24-09 51-55 24-31 51-45. 24-54 51-34 24-76 57 58 52 57 24-51 52-46 24-74 52-35 24-97 52-24 25-20 58 59 53-47 24-93 3- 53-6 2517 5325 25-40 53-14 25-63 59 60 54-38 25-36 5427 25-59 54-16 25-83 54-04 26-07 60 61 55-28 25-78 55-17 26-02 55-06 26-26 54-94 26-50 61 62 56-19 26-20 56-08 2645 55-96 26-69 55'84 26-94 62 63 57-10 26-62 56-98 26-87 56-86 27-12 56-74 27-37 63 64 58-00 27-05 57-89 27-30 57-77 27-55 57-64 27-80 64 65 58-91 27-47 58-79 27-73 58-67 27-98 58.55 28-24 65 66 59-82 27-89 59-69 28-15 59-57 28-41 59-45 28-67 66 67 60-72 28-32 60-60 28-58 60-47 28-84 60-35 29-11 67 68 61.63 28-74 61-50 29-01 61-38 29-27 61-25 29-54 68 69 62.54 29-16 62-41 29-43 62-28 29'71 62-15 29-98 69 70 63.44 29-58 63-31 29-86 63-18 30-14 63-05 30-41 70 71 64-35 30-01 64-22 30-29 64-08 30-57 63-95 30-85 71 72 65-25 30-43 65-12 30-71 64-99 31-00 64-85 31-28 72 73 66-16 30-85 66-03 31-14 65-89 31-43 65-75 31-71 73 74 67-07 31-27 66-93 31-57 66-79 31-86 66-65 32-15 74 76 65-88 32-12 68-74 32-42 68-60 32-72 68-45 33-02 76 77 69-79 32-54 69-64 32-85 69-50 33-15 69-35 33-45 77 78 -7061 32-96 70-55 33-27 70-40 33-58 70-25 33-89 78 79 71-60 33-39 71-45 33-70 71-30 34-01 71-16 34-32 79 80 72-50 33081 72-36 34-13 72-21 34-44 72-06 34-76 80 81 73'41 34-23 73'26 34-55 73-11 34-87 72-96 35-19 81 82 74-32 34-65 74-17 34-98 74-01 35-30 73-86 35-62 82 83 75 22 35 08 75-07 35-41 74-91 5 73 74'76 5 36-06 83 84 7;-13 35-50 75-97 35-83 7582 36-16 75-66 36-49 84 85 77-04 35-92 76S88 36-26 76-72 36-59 76-56 36-93 85 86 77-94 35-35 77-78 36-68 77-62 37-02 77-46 37-36 86 87 78-85 36-77 78-69 37-11 78-52 37-45 78-36 37-80 87 88 79-76 37-19 79-59 37541 79-43 37-88 79-26 38323 88 89 80-66 37-61 80-50 37-96 80-33 38-32 80-16 38-67 89 90 81-57 38-04 81-40 38-39 81-23 38-75 81-06 39-10 90 91 82-47 38-46 82-31 38-82 82-14 39-18 81-96 39-53 91 92 8338 38-88 83-21 39-24 8304 39-61 82-86 39-97 92 93 84-29 39-30 84-11 39-67 83-94 40-04 83 76 40-40 93 94' 85-19 39-73 85-02 4010 84-84 40-47 84-367 40-84 94 95 86-10 40-15 85-92 40-52 85-75 40-90 85-57 41-27 95 96 S7-01 40-57 86-83 4095 86-65 41-33 86-47 41-71 96 97 87-91 40-99 8773 41-38 87-55 41-76 87-37 42-14 97 98 88-82 41-2 88-64 41-80 88-45 42-19 8827;42358 98 99 89-72 41-84 1 9-54 4223 1 89-36 42-62 89-17 43-01 99 100 90-63 42-26 90-45 42-66 90-26 43-05 90-07 43-44 100 Q. Dep. ILat. Dep. i Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. e Dog. 6 Do. 644 D g. ~> w~~ w w 54 TRAVERSE TABLE. 26 Deg. 26g. 26 eg. 26' Deg. 264 Deg. ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep.i ~2 1 0-90 0.44 0 90 0 o- 0-89 0-45 0-89 0-45 2 1-80 0-88 1-79 0-88 11-79 0-89 1-79 0-90 2 3 2-70 1-32 2-69 1-33 268 134 2-G8 1-35 3 4 3-60 1-75 -59 1 77 j 358 1 78 3-57 1-80 4 5 4-49 2-139 4-48 2 21 4 -47 2-23 4-46 2-25 5 6 5-30 2-63 5-38 2-6o 5-37 2-68 5-36 2-70 6 7 6-29 3-07 -28 3-10 6-26 8-12 6-25 3-15 7 8 7-19 3-51 7-17 3-54 7-16 3-57 7-14 3-60 8 9 8-09 3-95 8-07 3-98 805 4-.02 8-04 4-05 9 10 8-99 4-38 8-97 4-42 8-95 4-46 8-93 4-50 10 II 9-89 4-82 9-87 4-87 9-84 4-91 982 4-95 11 12 10-79 5-26 10 76 5 31 10-74 5-35 10-72 5-40 12 13 11-68 5-70 11-66 5- 75 11-63 580 11I-61 5.85 13 14 12-58 6-14 12-56 6-19 12-53 6-25 12-50 6-30 14 15 13-48 6-58 13-45 6-63 13-42 6-69 13-39 6-75 15 16 14-38 I 7-01 1- 35.7-08 14-32 7-14 14-29 7-20 16 17 15-28 7-45 15-25 7-52 15-21 7-59 15-18 7-65 1 18 16-18 7-89 16-14 7-9 16-11 8-03 16-07 8-10 1 19 17-08 8-33 l-'04 8-40 17-00 8-48 1697 8-55 19 20 17-98 8-77 17-94 8-85 17-90 8-92 17-86 9-00 20 21 18-87 9-21 18-83 9-29 18' 9-37 18-75 9-45 21 22 19-77 9-43 193 9 9-69 9-82 19-65 9-90 22 23 20-67 1008 20 17 20 0-58 0-'26 i20-54 10-35 23 24 21-57 10-52 21-52 10-61 21-48 10-71 21-43 10-80 24 25 22-47 10-96 22-42 11-06 22-37.11-15 22-32 11-25 25 26 23-37 11-40 23-32 11-50 23-27 11-60 23-22 11-70 26 27 24-27 11-84 24-22 11-94 24 16 12-05 24-11 12-15 27 28 25-17 12-27 25-11 12-38 25-06 12-49 25-00 12-6O 28 29 26-06 12-71 20-01 12-83 25-95 1.2-94 25-90 13-05 29 30 26-96 13-15 26-91 13-27 26-85 13-39 26-79 13-50; 30 31 27-86 13-59 27-80 13-71 27-74 13-83 27-68 13-95 31 32 28-76 14-03 28-70 14-15 84 1428 2 —58 14-40. 32 33 29-06 14-47 29-60 14-60 29-53 14-72 29-47 14-85 33 a34 30-56 14-90 30-49 15-04 30 43 15-17 30-36 15-30 34 35 31-46 15-34 j 31-39 15-48 31-32 15-62 31-25 15-75 35 36 32-36 15-78 32-29 15-92 32-22 1 16-06 32-15 16-20 36 37 33-26 16-22 33-18 16-36 33-11 16-51 33-04 16-5 3 38 34-15 16-66 34-08 16-81 34-01 16 96 33-93 17-10 8 39 35-05 17-10 34-98 17-25 34-90 17-40 34-83 17-55 39 40 35-95 17-53 35-87 17-69 35-80 17-85 35-72 18-00 40 41 36-85 17-97 3t6-77 18-13 36-69 18-29 36-61 18-451 41 42 37-75 18-41 37-67 18-58 I 37-59 18-74 37-51 18-90 42 43 38-65 18-85 38-57 1902 38-48 19-19 1 38-40 19-35 43 44 39-55 19-29 39-46 19-46 39-38 19-63 1 39-29 19-80 44 45 40-45 19-73 40-36 19-90 40-27 20-08 40-18 0-25 45 46 41-34 20-17 126 2035 17 20 -08 20-70 46 47 42-24 20-60 42-15 20-79 t 42-06 20-97 41-97 21-15 47 48 43-14 21-04 43-05 21-23 42-96 21-42 42-86 21-00 48 49 44-04 21-48 43-95 21-67 43-85 21-86 43-76 22-05 49 50 44-94 21-92 44-84 22-11 44-75 22-31 44-65 22-50 50 Pe Dei). 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Dep. 51 45-84 22-36 45-74 22-56 45-64 22-76 45'54 22-96 51 52 46-74 22-80 4664 2300 5 232 46-43 234-1 52 53 47 64 23-23 47-53 23-44 47-43 23-65 47-33 23-86 53 54 48-53 23-67 48-43 23-88 48-33 24-09 48-22 24-31 54 55 49-43 24-11 49-33 24-33 49-22 24154 49-11 24-76 55 66 50-33 24-55 50-22 24-77 50-12 24-99 50-01 25-21 56 57 51-23 24-99 51-12 25-21 51-01 25-43 50-00 25-66 57 58 52-13 25-43 52-02 25-65 51-91 2588 51-79 26-11 58 59 53-03 25-86 52-92 26-09 525.0 26-33 52-69 26-56 59 60 53-93 26-30 53-81 26-54 53-70 26-77 53-58 27-01 60 61 54-83 26-74 54-71 26-98 54-59 27-22 54-47 27-46 61 62 55-73 27-18 55-61 27-42 55-49 27-66 55-36 27-91 62 63 56-62 27-62 56-50 27-86 56-38 28-11 56-26 28-36 63 64 57-52 28-06 57-40 28-31 57-28 28-56 57-15 28-81 64 65 58-42 28-49 58-30 28-75 58-17 29-00 58-04 29-26 65 66 59-32 28-93 59-19 29-19 59-07 29-45 5894 29-71 66 67 60-22 29-37 60-09 29-63 59-96 29-90 59-83 30-16 67 68 61-12 29-81 60-99 30-08 60-86 30-34 60-72 30-61 68 69 62-02 30-25 61;88 302 6175 79 61-62 31-06 69 70 62-92 30-69 62-78 30-96 62-65 31-23 62-51 31-51 70 71 63-81 31-12 63-68 31-40 63-54 31-68 63-40 31-96 71 72 64-71 31-56 64-57 31-84 6444 32-13 64-29 32-41 72 73 65-61 32-00 65-47 32-29 65-33 32-57 65-19 32-86 73 74 66-51 32-44 66-37 32 73 66-23 33-02 66-08 33-31 74 75 67-41 32-88 67-27 33-17 67-12 33-46 66-97 33-76 75 76 68-31 33-32 68-16 33-61 68/01 33-91 67-87 34-21 76 77 69-21 33-75 69-06 34-06 68-91 34-36 6876 34-66 77 78 70-11 3 419 69-96 34-50 69-80 3-80 69-65 35-11 78 79 71-00 34-63 70-85 34-94 70-70 35-25 7055 35-56 79 80 71-90 35-07 71-75 35-38 71-59 35-70 71-44 36-01 80 81 72-80 35-51 72-65 35-83 72-49 36-14 72-33 36-46 81 82 73-70 35-95 3627 73354 3627 -59 7322 36-91 82 83 74-60 33 7444 3668 744 428 303 748 12 37'36 83 84 75-50 36-82 75-34 37-15 75-17 37-48 75-01 37-81 84 85 76-40 37-26 76-23 37-59 76-07 37-93 75-90 38-26 85 86 77-30 37-70 77-13 38-04 76-96 38-37 76-80 38-71 86 87 78-20 38-14 78-03 38-48 77-86 38-82 77-69 39-16 87 88 79-09 38-58 78-92 38-92 78-75 39-27 78-58 39-61 88 89 79-99 39-01 79-82 39-36 79-65 39-71 79-48 40-06 89 90 80-89 39-45 80-72 39-81 80-54 40-16 80-37 40-51 90 91 81-79 39-89 81-62 40-25 81-44 40-60 81-26 40-96 91 92 82-69 40-33 82-51 40-69 82-33 41-05 82-15 41-41 92 93 83-59 40-77 83-41 41-13 83-23 41-50 83'05 41-86 93 94 84-49 41-21 84-31 41-58 84-12 41-94 83-94 42-31 94 95 85-39 41-65 85-20 42-02 85-02 42-39 84-8.3 42-76 95 96 86-28 42-08 86-10 42-46 85-91 42-83 85-73 43-21 96 97 87-18 42-52 87-00 4290 86-81 43-28 86-62 43-66. 97 98 88-08 42'96 87-89 43-34 87-70 43-73 87-51 44.11 98 99 88-98 43-40 88-79 43-79 88-60 44-17 88-40 44-56 99 100 89-88 43-84 89-69 44-23 89-49 44-62 89-30 45-01 100 P Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 64 Deg. 63: 4 Deg. 63. 631D Deg. I n ft f.tq 56 TRAVERSE TABLE. 27 Deg. 2714 Deg. 272 Deg. 27, Deg. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. t. ep. Lat. Dep. 1 089 0-45 0-8 G- 6 0-89 0-46 0-88 0-7 I 2 1.78 0-91 1-78 0-92 1-77 0-92 1-77 0 93 2 3 2-67 1-30 2 67 1-37 2-66 1 39 2' 5 1-40 3 3-56 1-82 3-56 183 3-55 185 3o5- 1-86 4 5 14-45 2-27 4-45 2-29 4-44 2-31 4-42 2-33 5 6 5-35 2 272 5-33 2-75 5-32 2-77 5 81 279 6 7 6-24 3-18 6-22 3-21 6-21 3-23 6-19 3-26 7 8 7-13 3-63 7-11 3-66 7-10 3-69 70 8 3-72 8 9 8-02 409 8 8-00 4-12 7-98 4- 16 7 96 4-19 9 10 8-91 4-54 8-89 4-58 8-87 4-62 5 4 66 10 11 9-80 4-99.9-78 5-04 9-76 5-08 9-73 512 11 12 10-69 5-45 10-67 5-49 10-64 5-541 10-62 5-5 12 13 11-58 5-90 11-56 5-95 11-53 600 1150 6-05 13 (14; 12-47 6-36 12-45 6-41 12-42 46 1239 652 14 15 1337 6-81 1334 6-87 13-31 693 1.3-27 6-98 15 16 26 1426 726 122 7-33 14-19 7-39 14-16 7-45 16 17 15-15 7-72 15-11 7-78 15-08 7-85 15-04 7-92 17 18 16-04 8-17 16-00 8-24 15-97 8-31 15-93 8-38 18 1 19 1693 8-63 16-89 8-70 16-85 8-77 16-81 8-85 19 20 17-82 9-08 17-78 9-16 17-74 9-23 17-70 9-31 20 21 1871 9-53 18-07 9-62 18-63 9-70 18-58 9-78 21 22 19-60 9-99 19-56 10-07 19-51 10-16 19-47 10-24 22 23 20-49 10-44 20-45 10-53 20-40 10-62 20-35 10-71 23 24 21-38 t10-90 21-34 10-99 21-29 11-08 21-24 11-17 24 25 2-28 11-35 22-23 11-45 22-18 11-54 22-12 11-64 25 26 23-17 11-80 23-11 11-90 23-06 12-01 23-01 12-11 26 27 24-06 12-26 24-00 12-36 23-95 12-47 23-89 12-57 27 28 2 —95 12-71 24-89 12-82 24-84 12-93 24-78 13-04 28 29 25-84 13-17 25-78 13-28- 25-72 13-3( 25-66 13-50 29 30 26-73 13-62 26-67 13-74 26-61 13-85 26-55 13-97 30 31 27-62 14-07 27-56 14-19 27-50 14-31 27-43 14-43 31 32 28-51 14-53 28-45 14-65 28-38 14-78 28-32 14-90 32 33 29-40 14-98 29-34- 15-11 29-27 15-24 29-20 15-37 33 31 30-2o9 15-44 30 23 15-57 30-16 15-70 38009 15-83 34 35 31-19 15-89 31-12 16-03 31-05 16-16 30-97 16-30 35 36 32-08 16-34 32-20 16-48 31-93 16-62 31-86 16-76 36 37 32-97 16-80 32-89 1-94 32-'82 17-08 32-74 17-23 37.38 33-86 17-25 33-78 17-40 33-71 17-55 33-63 17-69 38 39 34-75 17-71 34- 67 17-86 34-59 18-01 34-51 18-16 39 40 35-64 18-16 35-56 18-31 35-48 18-47 35-40 18.62 40 41 36-53 18-61 36-45 18-77 36-37 18-93 36-28 19-09 41 42 37-42 19-07 37-34 19-23 37-25 19-39 37-17 19-56 42 43 38-31 19-52 38-23 19-69 38-14 19-86 38-05 20-02 43 44 39-20 19-98 39-12 20-15 39-03 20-32 38-94 20-49 4 4i 45 40-10 20-.43 40-01 20-60 39-92 20-78 39-82 20-95 45 46 40-99 20-88 40-89 21-06 40-80 21-2 1 40-71 21-42' 46 47 41-88 21-34 1 41-78 21-52 41-69 21-70 41.59 21-88 47 48 42-77 21-79 42-67 21-98 42-58 22-16 42-48 22-35 48 49 43-66 22-25 143-56 22-441 43-46 22'-3 43-36 22-82 49 50 4-4855 22-70 44-I45 22-89 44-35 23-09 44-25 23-28 50 6 3 Dep L. 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Dep. p 1 0 87 0-48 O087 0-49 0-87 0-49 0-87 0-50 1 2 1-75 0-97 1-74 5 0-98 1-74 05- 1-74 0-99 2 3 2-62 1-45 2-62 1-47 2 61 1-48 2-60 1-49 3 4 3-50 1-94 3-49 1-95 3-48 1-97 3-47 1-98 4 5 4-37 2-42 4-36 2-44 4-35 2-46 4-34 2-48 5 5 6 5-25 2-91 5-23 2-93 5-22 2-95 5-21 2-98 6 7 6-12 3-39 6 11 3-42 6-09 3-45 6-08 3 47 7 8 700 3-88 6-t98 391 6-96 3-94 6-95 3-97 8 9 7187 4-36 7-85 4-40 7-83 4-43 7-81 4-47 9 10 8-75 4 85 8-72 4-89 8-70 4-92 8-68 4-96 10 11 9-62 5-33 9 "60 5-37 9-57 5-42 9 55 5-46 11 12 10-50 5 82 10-47 5-86 10-44 5-91 10-42 5-95 12 13 11-37 6-30 11-34 6-35 11-31 6-40 1 1-29 6-45 13 1.4 12-24 6-79 12-21 6-84 1 2-18 6-89 12-15 695 14 15 13-12 7 27 13 09 7. 33 13-06 7-39 13-02 7-44 15 16 13-99 7-76 213-96 7-82 10 93 7-88 1389 79 19 16 17 14-87 8-24 14-83 8-31 14-80 8-37 14-76 8 44 17 18 15-74 8-73 15-70 8-80 15-67 8-86 15-63 8-93 18 19 16-62 9-21 16 58 9-28 1 1-54 9-36 1650 943 19 20 17-49 9-70 17-45 9-77 17-41 9-85 17-36 9-92 20 22 19-24 10-67 19-19 10-75 19-15 10-83 19-10 10-92 22 2 23 20-12 11-15 20-07 11-24 20-02 11-33 1 9-97 11-41 23 ) 24 20-99 11-64 20-94 11-73 20-89 11 -82 20-84 11-91 24 25 21-87 12-12 21-81 12-22 21-76; 12-31 21-70 12-41 25 5 26 22-74 12-60 22-68 12-70 22- 63 12-80 22-57 1-2- 90 26 27 23-61 13-09 23.56 1319 23-51) 13-30 23-44 13-40 27 28 24-49 13-57 24 43 13-6 24!37 13-79 24 31 13 89 28 29 25-36 14-06 25-30 14179 254.14-28 25-18 14-39 29 30 26-24L 14-54 26-17 14 66 26-11 14-77 26-05 14-89 30 31 27-11 15-03 2705 5 1515 2698 127 26-91 15-38 31 32 27-99 15-51 27-92 15-64 27-85 15-76 27-78 15-88 32 33 28-86 16o-00 28-79 1F 12 28- 72 16-25 28-65 16-38 33 34 29-74 16-48 29-66 16-61 29-59 16-74 29-52 16-87 34 35 30-61 16-97 30-54 17-10 30-46 17-23 |30-39 17-37 35 36 31-49 17-45 31-41 17-50 31-33 17-73 31-26 17-86 36 37 32-36 17 -94 3 228 18-08 32-20 18-22 32-123 18-36 37 38 33-24 18-42 33-15 18-57 33-07 18-71 32-99 18-86 38 39 34-11 18-91 34.03 19-06 33-94 19-20 33s86 19-35 39 40 34-98 19-39 34-90 19-54 34-81 19-70 34-73 19-85 40 41 35-86 19-88 35-77 20-03 35-68 20-19 35-60 20-34 41 42 36-73 20-36 36 64 20-52 36-55 20-68 36-46 20-84 42 43 37-61 20-85 37-52 21-01 37-43 21-17 37-33 21-34 43 44 38-48 21-33 38-39 21-50 38-30 21-67 38-20 21-83 44 45 39-36 21-82 39-26 21-99 39-17 22-16 39-07 22-33 45 46 40-23 22-30 40-13 22 48 40-04 22-65 39-94 22-83 46 47 41-11 22-79 41-01 22-97 40-91 23 14 40-81 23-32 47 48 41-98 23-27 41-88 23-45 41-78 23-63 41-67 2382 48 49 42-86 23-76 42-75 23-94 42-65 24-13 42-54 24-31 49 50 43-73 24-24 43-62 24-43 43-52 24 62 43-41 24-81 50 B -__.20_1 -1 - 8| 6 Dep. at. 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C 51 44-61 24-73 44-50 24-92 44-39 25-11 44-28 25-31 51 52 45-48 25-21'45-37 25-41 45-26 25'61 45-15 25-80 52 53 46-35 25-69 46-24 25-90 46-13 26-10 46-01 26-30 53 54 47-23 26-18 47-11 26-39 47.00 26-59 46-88 26-80 54 55 48-10 26-66 47-99 26-87 47-87 27-08 47-75 27-29 55 56 48-98 27-15 4886 27-36 48-74 27-58 48-62 27-79 56 57 49-85 27-63 49'73 27-85 49'61 28-07 49-49 28'28 57 58 50-73 28-12 50-60 28-34 50-48 28-56 50-36 28-78 58 59 51-60 28-60 5148S 28-83 51-35 29-05 51-22 29-28 59 60 52-48 29-09 52-35 29-32 52-22 29-55 52-09 29-77 60 61 53'35 29-57 53-22 29-81 53-09 30-04 52-96 30-27 61 62 54-23 30-06 54-09 30-29 53-96 30-53 153-83 30-77 62 63 55-10 30-54 54-97 30-78 54-83 31-02 54-70 31-26 63 64 55-98 31-03 55-84 31-27 55-70 31-52 55-56 31-76 64 65 56-85 31-51 56-71 31-76 56-57 32-01 56-43 32-25 65 66 57-72 32-00 57-58 32-25 57-44 32-50 57-30 32-75 66 67 58-60 32-48 5846 32-74 58-31 32-99 58-17 33-25 67 68 59-47 32-97 -59-33 33-23 59-18 33-48 59-04 33-74 68 69 60-35 33-45 60-20 33-71 60-05 33-98 59-91 34-24 69 70 61-22 33-94 61-07 3420 6092 3447 6077 34-74 70 71 62-10 34-42 61-95 34-69 61-80 34-96 61-64 35-23 71 72 62-97 34-91 62-82 35-18 62-67 35-45 62-51 35-73 72 73 63-85 35-39 63-69 35-67 63-54 35-95 63-38 36-22 73 74 64-72 35-88 64-56 36-16'6441 36-44 64'25 36-72 74 75 65-60 36-36 65-44 36-65 65-28 36-93 65-11 37-22 75 76 66-47 36-85 66-31 37-14 66-15 37-42 65-98 37-71 76 77 67-35 37-33 67-18 37-62 67-02 37-92 66-85 38-21 77 78 68-22 37'82 68-05 38-11 67-89 38-41 67-72 38-70 78 79 69'09 38-30 68-93 38-60 68-76 38-90 68-59 39-20 79 80 69-97 38-78 69-80 39-09 69-63 39-39 69-46 39-70 80 81 70-84 39-27 79-67 39-58 70-50 39-89 70-32 40-19 81 82 71-72 39-75 71-54 40-07 71.37 40-38 71-19 40-69 82 83 72-59 40-24. 7242 40-56 72'24 40-8' 72-06 41-19 83 84 73'47 40-72 73-29 41.04 7311 41-36 72-93 41.68 84 85 74-34 41-21 74-16 41-53 73'98 41-86 73-80 42-18 85 86 75-22 41-69 75-03 42-02 74-85 42-35 74'67 42-67 86 87 76-09 42-18 75-91 42-51 75-72 42-84. 75-53 43-17 87 88 76-97 42-66 76'78 43-00 76-59 43-33 76-40 43-67 88 89 77-84 43-15 77-65 43-49 77-46 43-83 77-27 44-16 89 90 78-72 43-63 78-52 43-98 78-33 44-32 78-14 44-66 90 91 79'59 44-12 79-40 44-46 79-20 44-81 79-01 45-16 91 92 80-46 44-60 80-27 44-95 80-07 45-30 79-87 45-65 92 93 81-34 45-09 81-14 45-44 80-94 45-80 80-74 46-15 93 94 82-21 45-57 82-01 45-93 81-81 46-29 81-61 46-64 94 05 83-09 46-06 82-89 46-42 82-68 46-78 82-48 47-14 95 96 83-96 46-54 83-76 46-91 83-55'47-27 83-35 47-64 96 97 84-84 47-03 84-63 47-40 84-42 47-77 84-22 48-13 97 98 85-71 47-51i 85 50 47-88 85-20 48-26 85-08 48-63 98 99 86-59 48-00 86-38 48-37 86-17 48-75 85-95 49-13 99 100 87-46 48-48 87-25 48-86 87-04 49-24 86-82 49-62 100 I_ a< Dep. 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CD 1 0-87 0-50 0-86 0-50 086 0-51 0-86 0-51 1 2 1-73 1-00 1-73 1-01 1-72 1-02 1-72 1-02 2 3 2-60 1-50 2-59 1-51 2-58 1-52 2-58 1-53 3 4 3-46 2-00 3-46 2-02 3-45 2-03 3-44 2-05 4 5 4-33 2'50 4-32 2-52 4-31 2-54 4-30 2-56 5 6 5-20 3-00 5-18 3-02 5-17 3-03 5-16 3-07 6 7 6-06 3-50 6-05 3-5.3 6-03 3-55 6-02 3-58 7 8 6-93 4-00 6-91 4-03 6-89 4-06 6-88 4-09 8 9 7-79 4-50 7-77 4-53 7-75 4-57 7-73 4-60 9 10 8-66 500 8-64 5-04 8-62 5-08 8-59 5-11 10 i I 9 11 9-53 5-50 9-50 5-54 9-48 5-58 9-45 5-62 11 12 10-39 6-00 10-37 6-05 10-34 6-09 10-31 6-14 12 13 11-26 6-50 11-23 6-55 11-20 6-60 11-17 6-65 13 14 12-12 7-00 12-09 7-05 12-06 7-11 12-03 7-16 14 15 12-99 7-50 12-96 7-56 12-92 7-61 12-89 7-67 15 16 138613 8-00 13-82 8-06 13-79 8-12 13-75 8-18 16 17 14-72 8-50 14-69 8-56 14-65 8-63 14-61 8-69 17 18 15-59 9-00 15-55 9-07 15-51 9-14 15-47 9-20 18 19 16-45 9-50 16-41 9-57 16-37 9-64 16-33 9-71 19 20 17-32 1000 17-28 10-08 -23 10-15 17-19 10-23 20 21 18-19 10-50 18-14 10-58 18-09 10-66 18-05 10-74 21 22 19-05 11-00 19-00 11-08 18-96 11-17 18-91 11-25 22 23 19-92 11-50 19-87 11-59 19-82 11-67 19-77 11-76 23 24 20-78 12-00 20-73 12-09 20-68 12-18 20-63 12-27 24 25 21-65 12-50 21-60 12-59 21-54 12-69 21-49 12-78 25 26 22-52 13-00 22-46 13-10 22-40 13-20 22-34 13-29 26 27 23-38 13-50 23-32 13-60 23-26 13-70 28-20 13-80 27 28 24-525 14-00 24-19 14-11 2-1113 21 24 14-32 28 29 25-11 14-50 25-05 14-61 24-99 14-72 24-92 14-83 29 30 25-98 15-00 25-92 15-11 25-85 15-23 25-78 15-34 30 31 26-85 15-50 26-78 15-62 26-71 15-73 26-64 15-85 31 32 27-71 16-00 27-64 16-12 27-57 c1-24 27-50 16-36 32 33 28-58 16-50 28-51 16-62 28-43 16-75 28-36 16-87 33 34 29-44 17-00 29-37 17-13 20-30 17-26 29.22 17-38 34 35 30-31 17-50 30-23 17-63 30-16 17-76 30-08 17-90 35 36 31-18 1800 31-10 18-14 31-02 18-27 30-94' 18-41 36 37 32-04 18-50 31-96 18-64 31-88 18-78 31-80 18-92 37 38 32-91 19-00 32-83 19-14 32-74 19-29 32-66 19-43 38 39 33-77 19-50 33-69 19-65 33-60 19-79 33-52 19-94 39 40 34-64 20-00 34-55 20-15 34-47 20-30 34-38 20-45 40 41 35-51 20-50 35-42 20-65 35-33 20-81 35-24 20-96 41 42 36- 7 21-00 36-28 21-16 36-19 212 3610 -47 42 43 37-24 21-50 37-14 21-66 37-05 21-82 36-95 21-99 43 44 38-11 22-00 38-01 22-17 37-91 22-33 37-81 22-50 44 45 38-97 22-50 38-87 22-67 38-77 22-84 38-67 23-01 45 46 39-84 23-00 39-74 23-17 39-63 23-35 39-53 23-52 46 47 40-70 23-50 40-60 23-68 40-50 2-85 490-39 24-03 47 48 41-57 24-00 41-46 24-18 41-36 24-36 41-25 24-54 48 49 42-44 24-50 42-33 24-68 42-22 24-87 42-11 25-05 49 50 43-30 25-00 43-19 25-19 4.3-08 25-,38 42-97 25-56 50 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 0 *4- 1-. - 60 Deg. 593 Deg. 59 Deg. 594 Deg. TRAVERSE TABLE. 63 30 Deg. |30o Deg. 30Deg. 30o De. C Let. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 44-17 25-50 44-06 25-69 43-94 25-88 43-83 26-08 51 52 45-03 26-00 44-92 26-20 44-80 26-39 44-69 26-59 52 53 45-90 26-50 45-78 26-70 45-67 26-90 45-55 27-10 53 54 46-77 27-00 46-65 27-20 46-53 27-41 46-41 27-61 54 55 47-63 27-50 47-51 27-71 47-39 27-91 47-27 28-12 55 56 48-50 28-00 48-37 28-21 48-25 28-42 48-13 28-63 56 57 49-36 28-50 49-24 28-72 49-11 28-93 48-99 29-14 57 58 50-23 29-00 50-10 29-22 49-97 29-44 49-85 29-65 58 59 51-10 29-50 50-97 29-72 50-84 29-94 50-70. 3017 59 60 51-96 30-00 51-83 30'23 51-70 30-45 51-56 30-68 60 61 52-83 30-50 52-69 30-73 52-56 30-96 52-42 31-19 61 62 53-69 31-00 t53-56 31-23 53-42 31-47 53-28 31-70 62 63 54-56 31-50 54-42 31-74 54-28 31-97 54-14 32-21 63 64 55-43 32-00 55-29 32-24 55-14 32-48 55-00 32-72 64 65 56-29 32-50 56-15 32-75 56-01 32-99 55-86 33-23 65 66 57-16 33-00 57-01 33-25 56-87 33-50 56-72 33-75 66 67 58-02 33-50 57-88 33-75 57-73 34-01 57-58 34-26 67 68 58-89 34-00 58-74 34-26 58-59 34-51 58-44 34-77 68 69 59-76 34-50 59-60 34-76 59-45 35-02 59-30 35-28 69 70 60-62 35-00 60-47 35-26 60-31 35-53 60-16 35-79 70 71 61.49 35-50 61-33 35-77 61-18 36-04 61-02 36-30 71 72 62-35 36-00 62-20 36-27 62-04 36-54 61-88 36-81 72 73 63-22 36-50 6.3-06 36-78 62-90 37-05 62-74 37-32 73 74 64-09 3700 163-92 37-28 63-76 37-56 63-60 37-84 74 75 64-95 3750 64-79 37-78 64-62 38-07 64-46 38-35 75 76 66-82 38-00 65-65 38-29 65-48 38-57 65-31 38-86 76 77 66-68 38-50 66-52 38-79 66-35 39-08 66-17 39-37 77 78 67-55 39-00 67-38 39-29 67-21. 39 59 67-03 39-88 78 79 68-42 39-50 68-24 39-80 68-07 40-10 67-89 4G-39 79 80 69-28 40-00 69-11 40-30 68-93 40-60 68-75 40-90 80 81 70-15 40-50 69-97 40-81 69-79 41-11 69-61 41-41 81 82 71-01 41-00 70-83 41-31 70-65 41-62 70-47 41-93 82 83 71-88 41-50 71-70 41-81 71-52 42-13 71-33 42-44 83 84 72-75 42-00 72-56 42-32 72-38 42-63 72-19 42-95 84 85 73-61 42-50 73-43 42-82 73-24 43-14 73-05 43-46 85 86 74-48 43-00 9 7 42 4 -3 7-10 43-65 73-91 43-97 86 87 75-3 43-50 75-15 43-88 74-96 44-16 74-77 44-48 87 88 76-21 44-00 76-02 44-33 75-82 44-66 75-63 44-99 88 89 77-08 44-50 76-88 44-84 76-68 45-17 76-49 45-51 89 90 77-94 45-00 77-75 45-34 1 77-55 45-68 77-35 46-02 90 91 78-81 45-50 78-61 45-84 78-41 46-19 78-21 46-53 91 92 79-67 46-00 79-47 46-35 79-27 46-69 79-07 47-04l 92 93 80-54 46-50 80-34 46-85 80-13 47-20 79-92 47-55 93 94 81-41 47-00 81-20 47-35 80-99 47-71 80-78 48-08 94 95 82-27 47-50 82-06 47-86 81-85 48-22 81-64 48-57 /95 96 83-14 48-00 82-90 48-36 82-72 48-72 82-50 49-08 96 97 84-00 48-50 83-79 48-87 83-58 49-23 83-36 49'60 97 98 84-87 49-00 84-66 49-37 84-44 49-74 84-22 50-11 98 99 85-74 49-50 85-52 49-87 85-30 50-25 85-08 50-62 99 100 80-60 500 886-38 50-38 86-16 50-75 85-94 51-13 100 - X Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. a4 2I ~ _ D I 60 Deg. 5974 Deg. 59' De. 594 Deg. 5 R " ft )~~~~~~ 64 TR AVERSE TABLE. fl I g 31 Deg. 31~Deg.!31 Deg. 31 Deg. I CD Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. C 1 0-86 0-51 0-85 0-52 0-85 0-52 0-85 0-53 I1 2 1-71 1-03 1-71 1-04 1-71 10- 1 1-70 1-05 2 3 2-57 1-55 2-56 1-56 2-56.157 2-55 1-58 3 4 3-43 2-06 3-42 2-08 3-41 2-09 340 2-10 4 5 4-29 2-58 4-27 2-59 4-26 2-61 4-25 2-63 5 6 5'14 3-09 5-13 3-11 5-12 3-13 5-10 3-16 6 7 6-00 3-61 5-98 3-63 5-97 3-66 5-95 3-68 7 8 6-86 4-12 6-84 4-15 6-82 4-18 6-80 4-21 8 9 7-71 4-64 769 4-67 7-87 4-70 765 4-74 9 10 8-57 5-15 8-55 5-19 8-53 5-22 8-50 5-26 10 11 9-43 5-67 9-40 5-71 9-38 5-75 935 5-79 11 12 10-29 6-18 10-26 6-23 10-23 6-27 10-20 6-31 12 13 11-14 670 11-11 6-74 11-08 6-79 11-05 6-84 13 14 12-00 7'21 11 97 7-26 11-94 731 11-90 7-37 14 15 12-86 7-73 12-82 7-78 12-79 7-84 12-76 7-89 15 16 13'71 8 168 830 13'64 8-36 13-61 8-42 16 17 14-57 8-76 14-53 8-82 14-49 8-88 14-46 8-95 17 18 15-43 9 27 15-39 9-34 15-35 9-40 15-31. 9-47 18 19 16-29 9-79 16-24 9-86 16-20 9-93 l 1616 10-00 19 20 17-14 10-30 17-10 10-38 17-05 10-45 17-01 10-52 20 21 18-00 10-82 17-95 1089 171 91 10-97 17-86 11-05 21 22 18-86 11-33 18-81 11-41 18S76 11-49 18-71 H1-58 22 23 19-71 11-85 19-66 11-93 19-61 12-02 19-56 12-10 23 24 20-57 12-36 20-52 12-45 20-46 12.54 20-41 12-63 2 25 21-13 12-88 21-37 12-97 21-32 13-06 21-26 13-16 25 26 22-29 133') 22-23 13-49 22-17 13-58 22-11 13-68 26 27 23-14 13-91 23-08 14-01 23-02 14-11 22-96 14-21 27 28 24-00 14-42 23-94 14-53 23-87 14-63 23 81 14-73 28 29 24:-8 14-94 24-79 15-01 24 -73 15-1.5 21-66 15-26 29 30 25-71 15-45 25-65 15-56 25-58 15-67 25-51 15-79 30 31 26-57 15-97 26-50 16-08 26-43 16-20 26-36 16-31 31 32 27-43 16-48 27-30 16-60 27-28 16-72 27-21 16-84 32 33 28-29 17-00 28-21 17-12 28-14 17-24 2806 17-37 33 34 29-14 17-51 23907 1764 28-99 17-76 28S91 17-89 34 35 30-00 18-03 29-92 18-16 29-84 18-29 29-76 18-42 35 36 30- 6 18-54 30-78 18-68 30-70 18-81 30 61 18-9-4 36 37 31-72 19-06 31-63 19-19 31-55 19-33 31-46 19-47 37 38 32-57 19-57 32-49 19-71 32-40 19-85 32-31 20-00 38 39 33-43 20-09 33-34 20-23 33-25 20-38 33-16 20-52 39 40 34-29 20-60 34-20 20-75 34-11 20-90 34-01 21-05 40 41 35-14 21-12 35-05 21-27 34-96 21-42 34-86 21-57 41 42 36-00 21-63 35-91 21-79 35-81 21-94 35-71 22-10 42 43 36-86 22-15 386-76 22-31 36-66 22-47 36-57 22-63 43 44 37-72 22-66 37-62 22-83 37-52 22-99 37-42 23-15 44 45 38-57 23-18 38-41i 23-31 38-37 23-51 38-27 23-68 45 46 39-43 23-69 39-33 2:3-86 39-22 24-03 39-12 24-21 46 47 40-29 21-21 40-18 24-38 40-07 24-56 39-97 24-73 47 48 41-14 24-72 41-04 24-90 40-93 25-08 40-82 25-26 48 49 42-00 25-21 41-89 25-42 41-78 25-60 41-67 25-78 49 50 42-86 25-75 42-75 25-94 42-63 26-12 42-52 26-31 50 * Dep. Lat. Dep.. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. < 5 9.- ___ _.-. 59 Deg. 58:3 PDeg. 58Y2 Deg. 5814 Deg. ft fl TRAVERSE TABLE. 65 31 Deg. 31t/ Deg. 31Y Deg. 313 Deg. e _ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat.. 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S 1 0-85 0-53 0-85 0-53 0-84 0-54 0-84 0-54 1 2 1-70 1-06 1-69 1-07 1-69 1-07 1-68 1-08 2 3 2-54 1-59 2-54 1-60 253 1-61 2-52 1-62 3 4 3-39 2-12 3-38 2-13 3-37 2-15 3-36 2-16 4 5 4-24 2-65 4-23 2-67 4-22 2-69 4-21 2-70 5 6 5-09 3-18 5-07 3-20 5-06 3-22 5-05 3-25 6 ( 7 5-94 3-71 5-92 3-74 5-90 3-76 5-89 3-79 7 8 6-78 4-24 6-77 4-27 6-75 4-30 6-73 4-33 8 9 7-63 4-77 7-61 4-80 7-59 4-84 7-57 4-87 9 10 8-48 5-30 8-46 5-34 8-43 5-37 8-41 5-41 10 11 9-33 5-83 9-30 5-87 9-28 5-91 9-25 5-95 11 12 10-18 6-36 10-15 6-40.10-12 6-45 10-09 6-49 12 13 11-02 6-89 10-99 6-94 10-96 6-98 10-93 7-03 13 14 11-87 7-42 11-84 7-47 11-81 7-52 11-77 7-57 14 15 12-72 7-95 12-69 8-00 12-65 8-06 12-62 8-11 15 16 13-57 8-48 13-53 8-54 13-49 8-60 13-46 8-66 16 17 14-42 9-01 14-38 9-07 14-34 9-13 14-30 9-20 17 18 15-26 9-54 15-22 9-61 15-18 9-67 15-14 9-74 18 19 16-11 10-07 16-07 10-14 16-02 10-21 15-98 10-28 19 20 16-96 10-60 16-91 10-67 16-87 10-75 16-82 10-82 20 21 17-81 1113 21 17-71 11-28 17-66 11-36 21 22 18-66 11-66 18-61 11-74 18-55 11-82 18-50 11-90 22 23 19-51 12-19 19-45 12-27 19-40 12-36 19-34 12-44 23 24 20-35 12-72 20-30 12-81 20-24 12-90 20-18 12-98 24 25 21-20 13-25 21-14 13-34 21-08 13-43 21-03 13-52 25 26 22-05 13-78 21-99 13-87 21-93 13-97 21-87 14-07 26 27 22-90 14-31 22-83 14-41 22-77 14-51 22-71 14-61 27 28 23-75 14-84 23-68 14-94 23-61 15-04 23-55 15-15 28 29 24-59 15-37 24-53 15-47 24-46 15-58 24-39 15-69 29 30 25-44 15-90 25-37 16-01 25-30 16-12 25-23 16-23 30 31 26-29 16-43 26-22 16-54 26-15 16-66 26-07 16-77 31 82 27-14 16-96 27-06 17-08 26-99 17-19 26-91 17-31 32 33 27-99 17-49 27-91 17-61 27-83 17-73 27-75 17-85 33 34 28-83 18-02 28-75 18-14 28-68 18-27 28-60 18-39 34 35 29-68 18-55 29-60 18-68 29-52 18-81 29-44 18-93 35 36 30-53 19-08 30-45 19-21 30-36 19-34 30-28 19-48 36 37 31-38 19-61 31-29 19-74 31-21 19-88 31-12 20-02 37 38 32-23 20-14 32-14 20-28 32-05 20-42 31-96 20-56 38 39 33'07 20-67 32-98 20-81 32-89 20-95 32-80 21-10 39 40 33-92 21-20 33-83 21-34 33-74 21-49 33-64 21-64 40 41 34-77 21-73 34-67 21-88 34-58 22-03 34-48 22-18 41 42 35-62 22-26 35-52 22-41 35-42 22-57 35-32 22-72 42 43 36-47 22-79 36-37 22-95 36-27 23-10 36-16 23-26 43 44 37-31 23-32 37-21 23-48 37-11 23-64 37-01 23-80 44 45 38-16 23-85 38-06 24-01 37-95 24-18 37-85 24-34 45 46 39-01 24-38 38-90 24-55 38-80 24-72. 38-69 24-88 46 47 39-86 24-91 39-75 25-08 39-64 25-25 39.53 25-43 47 (48 40-71 25-44 40-59 25-61 40-48 25-79 40-37 25-97 48 49 41-55 25-97 41-44 26-15 41-33 26-33 41-21 26-51 49 50 42-40 26-50 42-29 26-68 42-17 26-86 42-05 27-05 50 ep Dep. 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I 51 42-77 27 8 42-65 2796 42-53 28-15 42-40 28-33 51 52 43-61 28'32 43-40 28-51 43-36 28-70 43-24 28-89 52 53 44-45 28-87 44-32 29-06 44-20 29-25 44-07 29-45 53 54 4529 2941 45-16 29-61 45-03 29-80 44-90 30-00 54 55 46-13 29.96 46-00 30-16 45-86 30-36 45-73 30-56 55 56 46-97 30-50 46-83 30-70 46-70 30-91 46-56 31-11 56 57 47-80 31.04 47-67 31-25 47-53 31-46 47-39 31-67 57 58 48-64i 31-59 48 50 31-80 48-37 32-01 48-23 32-22 58 59 49-48 32.13 49-34 32-35 49-20 32-56 49-06 32-78 59 60 50-32 32-68 50-18 32-90 50-03 33-12 49-89 33-33 60 61 51-16 33-22 51-01 33-45 50-87 33-67 50-72 33-89 61 62 52-00 33-77 51-85 33-99 51-70 34-22 51-55 34-45 62 63 52-84 34-31 52-69 34-54 52-53 34-77 52-38 35-00 63 64 53-67 34-86 53-52 35-09 53-37 35-32 53-21 35-56 64 65 54-51 35-40 54-36 35-64 54-20 35-88 54-05 36-11 65 66 55-35 35-95 55-19 36-19 55-04 36-43 54-88 36-67 66 67 56-19 3G649 56-03 36-74 55-87 36-98 55-71 37-22 67 68 57-03 37-04 56-87 37-28 56-70 37-53 56-54 37-78 68 69 57-87 37-58 57-70 37-83 57-54 38-08 57-37 38-33 69 70 5871 38-12 58-54 38-38 58-37 38-64 58-20 38-89 70 71 59-55 38-67 59-38 38-93 59-21 39-19 59-03 39-45 71 72 60-38 39-21 60-21 39-48 60-04 39-74 59-87 40-00 72 73 61-22 39-76 61-05 40-03 60-87 40-29 60-70 40-56 73 74 62-06 40-30 61-89 40-57 61-71 40-84 61-53 41-11 74 75 62-90 40-85 62-72 41-12 62-54 41-40 62-36 41-67 75 76 63-74 41-39 63-56 41-67 63-38 41-95 63-19 42-22 76 77 64-58 41-94 64-39 42-22 64-21 42-50 64-02 42-78 77 78 65-42 42-48 65-23 42-77 65-04 43-05 64-85 43-33 78 79 66-25 43-03 66-07 43-32 65-88 43-60 65-69 43-89 79 80 67-09 43-57 66-90 43-86 66-71 44-15 66-52 44-45 80 81 67-93 44-12 67-74 44-41 67-54 44-71 67-35 45-00 81 82 68-77 44-66 68-58 44-96 68 38 45-26 68-18 45-56 82 83 69,61 45,20 69,41 45,51 69,21 45-81 69-01 46-11 83 84 70-45 45-75 70-25 46-06 70-05 46-36 69-84 46-67 84 85 71-29 46-29 71-08 46-60 70-88 46-91 70-67 47-22 85 86 72-13 46-84 71-92 47-15 71-71 47-47 71-51 47-78 86 87 7296 47-38 72-76 47-70 72-55 48-02 17234 48-33 87 88 73-80 47-93 73-59 48-25 73-38 48-57 73-17 48-89 88 89 74-64 48-47 74-43 48-80 74-22 49-12 7400 49-45 89 90 75-48 49-02 75-27 49-35 75-05 49-67 74-83 50-00 90 91 76-32 49-56 76-10 49-89 75-88 502.3 75-66 50-56 91 92 77.16 50-11 76-94 50-44 76-72 50-78 7650 65111 92 93 78-00 50-65 77-77 50-99 77-55 51-33 77-33 51-67 93 94 78 83 51-20 78-61 51-54 78-39 51-88 7816 52-22 94 95 79.67 51-74 79-45 5'209 79-22 52-43 78-99 52-78 95 96 80-51 52-29 80-28 52-64 80-05 52-99 79-82 53-33 96 97 81-35 52-83 81-12 53-18 80-89 53-54 80-65 53-89 97 98 82-19 53-37 81-96 5373 81-72 54-09 81-48 54-45 98 99 83-03 53992 82-79 54-28 82'55 54-64 1 82-32 55-00 99 100 83-87 54-46 83-63 54-83 83-39 55-19 83-15 55-56 100 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. L at. Dep. Lat. o I ~~ ~ - 6- I De 57 Deg. 56/ De. 56, Deg. 561 Deg..Q 70 TRAVERSE TABLE. t 34 Deg. 34 Deg. 341 Deg. 34% Deg. ~ ____ _____ ____ ___I - TLat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. CD 1 0-83 0-56 0-83 0-56 0-82 0-57 0-82 0-57 1 2 1-66 1-12 1-65 1-13 1-65 1-13 1-64 114 2 3 2-49 1-68 2-48 1-69 2 27 1-70 2-46 1-71 3 4 3-32 2-24 3-31 2-25 3-30 2-27 3-29 2-28 4 5 4-15 2-80 4-13 2-81 4-12 2-83 4-11 2-85 5 6 4-97 3-36 4-96 3-38 4-94 3-40 4.93 3-42 6 7 5-80 3-91 5-79 3-94 5-77 3-96 5-75 3-99 7 8 6-63 4-47 6-61 4-50 6-59 4-53 6-57 4-56 8 9 7-46 5-03 7-44 5-07 7-42 5-10 7-39 5-13 9 10 8-29 5-59 8-27 5-63 8-24 5-66 8-22 5-70 10 11 9-12 6-15 9-09 6-19 9-07 6-23 9-04 6-27 11 12 9-95 6-71 9-92 6-75 9-89 6-80 9-86 6-84 12 13 10-78 7-27 10 10-75 -7-2 10-71 7-36 10-68 7-41 13 1 11-61 7-83 11-57 7-88 11-54 7-93 11-50 7-98 14 15 12-44 8-39 12-40 8-44 12-36 8-50 12-32 8-55 15 16 13-26 8-95 13-23 9-00 13-19 9-06 13-15 9-12 16 17 14-09 9-51 14.05 9-57 14-01 9-63 13-97 9-69 17 18 14-92 10-07 14-88 10-13 14-83 10-20 14-79 10-26 18 19 15-75 10-62 15-71 10-69 15-66 10-76 15-61 10-83 19 20 16-58 11-18 16-53 11-26 16-48 11-33 16-43 11-40 20 21 17-41 11-74 17-36 11-82 17-31 11-89 17-25 11-97 21 22 18-24 12-30 18-18 12-38 18-13 12-46 18-08 12-54 22 23 19-07 12-86 19-01 12-94 18-95 13-03 18-90 13-11 23 24 19-90 13-42 19-84 13-51 19-78 13-59 19-72 13-68 24 25 20-73 13-98 20-66 14-07 20-60 14-16 20-54 14-25 25 26 21-55 14-54 21-49 14-63 21-43 14-73 21-36 14-82 26 28 23-21 15-66 2-3-14 15-76 23-08 15-86 23-01 15-96 28 29 24-04 16-22 23-97 16-32 23-90 16-43 23-83 16-53 29 30 24-87 16-78 24-80 16-88 24-72 16-99 24-65 17-10 30 31 25-70 17-33 25-62 17-45 25-55 17-56 25-47 17-67 31 32 26-53 17.89 26-45 18-01 26-37 18-12 26-29 18-24 32 33 27-36 18-45 27-28 18-57 27-20 18-69 27-11 18-81 33 34 28-19 19-01 28-10 19-14 28-02 19-26 27-94 19-38 34 35 29-02 19-57 28-93 19-70 28-84 19-82 28-76 19-95 35 36 29-85 20-13 29-76 20-26 29-67 20-39 29-58 20-52 36 37 30-67 20-69 30-58 20-82 30-49 20-96 30-40 21-09 37 38 31-50 21-25 31-41 21-39 31-32 21-52 31-22 21-66 38 39 32-33 21-81 32-24 21-9-5 32-14 22-09 32-04 22-23 39 40 33-16 22-37 133-06 22-51 32-97 22-66 32-87 22-80 40 41 33-99 22-93 33-89 23-07 33-79 23-22 33-69 23-37 41 42 34-82 23-49 34-72 23-64 34-61 23-79 34-51 23-94 42 43 35-65 24-05 35-54 24-20 35-44 24-36 35-33 24-51 43 44 36-48 24-60 36-37 24-76 36-26 24-92 36-15 25-08 44 45 37-31 25-16 37-20 25-33 37-09 25-49 36-97 25-65 45 46 38-14 25-72 38-02 25-89 37-91 26-05 37-80 26-22 46 47 38-96 26-28 38-85 26-45 38-73 26-62 38-62 26-79 47 48 39-79 26-84 139-68 27-01 39-56 27-19 39-44 27-36 48 49 40-62 27-40 40-50 27-58 40-38 27-75 40-26 27-93 49 50 41 —15 27-96 41-33 28-14 41-21 28-32 41-08 28-50 50. D ep. Lt. Lat e L. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 56 Peg. 556 Deg. 55 Deg. 55,4 Deg. TRAVERSE TABLE. 71 34 Deg. 3 De'. 3 D eg. 3 De. e I __ _l__. ~~ I SC Lat. aDep Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 42-28 28-52 42-16 28-70 42-03 28-89 41-90 29-07 51 52 43-11 29-08 42-98 29-27 42-85 29-45 42-73 29-64 52 53 43-94 29-64 43-81 29-83 43-68 30-02 43-55 30-21 53 54 44-77 30-20 44-64 30-39 44-50 30-59 44-37 30-78 54 55 45-60 30-766 4546 30-95 45-33 31-15 45-19 31-35 55 56 46-43 31-31 46-29 31-52 46-15 31;72 4601 3192 56 57 47-26 3187 47-12 32-08 46-98 32-29 46-83 3249 57 58 48-08 32,43 47'94 32-64 47-80. 32-85 47-66 33-06 58 59 48-91 32-99 48-77 33-21 48-62 33-42 48-48 33- i3 59 60 49-74 33-55 49-60 33-77 49-45 33-98 49-30 34-20 60 61 50-57 34-11 50-42 34-33 50-27 34-55 50-12 34-77 61 62 51-40 34-67 51-25 34-89 51-10 35-12 50-94 35-34 62 63 52-23 35-23 52-08 35-46 51-92 35-68 51-76 35-91 63 64 53-06 35-79 52-90 36-02 52-74 36-25 52-59 36-48 64 65 53-89 36-35 53-73 36-58 53-57 36-82 53-41 37-05 65 66 54-72 36-91 54-55 37-15 54-39 37-38 54-23 37-62 66 67 55.55 37-46 55.38 37-71 55-22 37.95 55-05 38-19 67 68 56-37 38-03 56-21 38-27 56-04 38-52 55-87 38-76 68 69 57-20 38-58 57-03 38-83 56-86 39-08 56-69 39 33 69 70 58-03 39-14 57'86 39-40 57-69 39-65 57-52 39-90 70 71 58.86 39-70 58-69 39-96 58-51 40-21 58-34 40-47 71 72 59-69 40-26 59-51 40-52 59-34 4078 59-16 41-04 72 73 60-52 40-82 60-34 41-08 60-16 41 35 59-98 41-61 73 74 61-35 41-38 61-17 41-65 60-99 4191 60-80 42-18 74 75 62-18 41-94 61-99 42-21 61-81 42-48 61-62 42-75 75 76 63001 42-50 62-82 42-77 62'63 43-05 62-45 43-32 76 77 63-84 43-06 63-65 43-34 63-46 43-61 63-27 43-89 77 78 64-66 43-62 64-47 43-90 64'28 44-18 64-09 44-46 78 79 65-49 44-18 65-30 44-46 65-11 44-75 64-91 45-03 79 80 66-32 44-74 66-13 45-02 65-93 45-31 65-73 45-60 80 81 67-15 45-29 66-95 45-59 66-75 45-88 66-55 46-17 81 82 67'98 45'85 67-78 46-15 67-58 46-45 67-37 46-74 82 83 68-81 46-41 68-61 46-71 68-40 47-01 68-20 47-31 83 84 69-64 46-97 69-43 47-28 69-23 47-58 69-02 47-88 84 85 70-47 47-53 70-26 47-84 70005 48-14 69-84 48-45 85 86 71-30 48-09 71-09 48-40 70'87 48-71 70'66 49-02 86 87 72-13 48-65 71-91 48-96 71-70 49-28 71-48 49-59 87 88 72-96 4921 7274 4953 72-52 49-84 72'30 50-16 88 89 73-78 49-77 73-57 50-09 73-35 50-41 73'13 50-73 89 90 74-61 50-33 74-39 50-65 74-17 50-98 73-95 51-30 90 91 75-44 50-89 75-22 51-22 75-00 51 4 74-77 51-87 91 92 76-27 51-45 76-05 51-78 75-82 52-11 75-59 52-44 92 93 77-10 52-00 76-87 5234 76-64 52-68 76-41 53-01 93 94 77-93 -5256 77-70 52-90 77-47 53-24 77-23 53-58 94 95 78-76 53-12 78-53 53-47 78-29 53-81 78-06 54-15 95 96 79-59 53-68 79'35 54-03 79-12 54-37 78-88 54-72 96 97 80-42 54-244 80-18 54-59 79'94 54-94 79-70 55-29 97 98 81-25 5480 81-01 55-15 80-76 55-51 80-52 55-86 98 99 82-07 55-36 81-83 55-72 81-59 56-07 81-34 56-43 99 100 82-90 55-92 82-66 56-28 82-41 56'64 82-16 57-00 100 a Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. ep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 0 56Deg. 553 Deg. 552 Deg. 55y Deg. ft.~ ftFb A~ 72 TRAVERSE TABLE 35 Deg. 35O Deg. eg. 355 Deg. De. c~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. iat. Dep. 1 0-82 0-57 0-82 0 58 0-81 0-58 0-81 0-58 1 2 1-64 1-15 1-63 1-15 1-63 1-16 1-62 1-17 2 3 2-46 1-72 2-45 1-73 2-44 1-74 2-43 1-75 3 4 s28 2-29 3-27 2-31 3-26 2-32 3-25 2-34 4 5 4-10'2-87 4-08 2-89 4.07 2-90 4-06 2-92 5 6 4-91 3-44 4-90 3-46 4-S8 3-48 4-87 3-51 6 7 5-73 4-01 5-72 4-04 5-70 4-06 5-68 4-09 7 8 6-55 4'59 6-53 4-62 6-51 4-65 6-49 4-67 8 9 7-37 5-16 7-35 5-19 7-33 5-23 730 5-26 9 10 8-19 5-74 8-17 5-77 8-14 5-81 8-12 5-84 10 13 10-65 7-46 10-62 7-50 10-58 7-55 10-55 7-60 13 14 11-47 8-03 11-43 8-08 11-40 8-13 11-36 8-18 14 15 12-29 8-60 12-25 8-66 12-21 8-71 12-17 8-76 15 16 13-11 9-18 13-07 9-23 13-03 9-29 12-99 9-35 16 17 13-93 9-75 13-88 9-81 13-84 9-87 13-80 9-93 17 18 14-74 10-32 14-70 10-39 14-65 10-45 14-61 10-52 18 19 15-56 10'90 15-52 10-97 15-47 11-03 15-42 11-10 19 20 16-38 11-47 16-33 11-54 16-28 11-61 16-23 11-68 20 21 17-20 12-05 17-15 12-12 17-10 12-19 17-04 12-27 21 22 18-02 12-62 17-97 12-70 17-01 12-78 17-85 12-85 22 23 18-84 13-19 18-78 13-27 18-72 13-36 18-67 13-44 23 24 19-6-6 13-77 19-60 13-85 19-54 13-94 19-48 14-02 24 25 20-48 14-34 20-42 4-43 20-35 14-52 20-29 14-61 25 26 21-30 14-91 21-23 15-01 21-17 15-10 21-10 15-19 26 27 22-12 15-49 22-05 15-58 21-98 15-68 2191 15-77 27 28 22-94 16-06 22-87 16-16 22-80 16 26 22-72 16-36 28 29 23,76 16-63 23-68 16-74 23-61 16-84 23-54 16-94 29 30 24-57 17-21 24-50 17-31 24-42 1742 24-35 17-53 30 31 25-39 17-78 25-32 17-89 25-241 18-00 25-16 18-11 31 32 26-21 18-35 26-13 18-47 26-05 18-58 25-97 18-70 32 33 27-03 18'93 26-95 19'05 26'87 19-16 26-78 19-28 33 34 27-85 19-50 27-77 19.62 27-68 19-74 27-59 19-86 34 35 28-67 20-08 28-58 20-20 28'49 20-32 28-41 20-45 35 36 29-49 20-65 29-40 20-78 29-31 20-91 29-22 21-03 36 37 30-31 21-22 30-22 21-35 30-12 21-49 30-03 21-62 37 38 31-13 21-80 131-03 21-93 30-94 22-07 30-84 22-20 38 39 31-95 22-37 31-85 22-51 31.75 22.65 31-65 22-79 39 40 32-7 7 22-94 32-671 23-09 3-2-56 23-23 32-46 23-37 40 41 33-59 23-52 33I8 23-66 33-38 23-81 33-27 23-95 41 42 3440 24-09 34-30 24.24 13419 24-39 34-09 24-54 42 43 35-22 24-66 35-12 24-82 35-01 24-97 34-90 25-12 43 44 36-04 25-24 35-93 25-39 35-82 25-55 35-71 25.71 44 45 36-86 25-81 36-75 25-97 3664 26-13 36-52 26-29 45 46 37-68 26-38 37-57 26-55 37-45 26-71 37-33 26-88 46 47 38-50 26-96 38-38 27-13 38-26 27-29 38-14 27-46 47 48 39-32 27-53 39-20 27-70 39'08 27-87 38-96 28-04 48 49 40-14 28-11 40'02 28-28 39-89 28 45 39-77 28-63 49 50 40-96 28-68 40-83 28-86 40-71 29-04 40-58 29-21 50 4 Dep. Lat. Dep. Ltat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ILat. 55 Deg. 54% Deg. 54% Deg. 54 Deg. P _ P r fr t _ ) TRAVERSE TABLE. 7 35 Deg. 351 Deg. 35Y Deg. 35% Deg. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ~ 51 4t-78 29-25 41-65 29-43 41-52 29-62 41-39 29-80 51 52 42-60 29-83 42-47 30-01 42-33 30-20 42-20 30-38 52 53 43-42 30.40 4328 305 45 3078 943-01 307- 53 54 44-23 30-97 44-10 31-17 43.96 31-36 43-82 31-55 54 55 45-05 31-55 44-92 31-74 44-78 31-94 444-64 32-13 55 56 45'87 32-12 45-73 32-32 45-59 32-52 45-45 32-72 56 57 46-69 32.69 46-55 3290 40 46- 33-10 46-26 33-30 57 58 47-51 33-27 47-37 33-47 47-22 33-68 47-07 33-89 58 59 48-33 33-84 48-18 34-05 48-03 34-26 47-88 34,-47 59 60 49 15 34-41 49-00 34-63 48-85 34-84 48-69 35-05 60 61 49-97 34-99 49-82 35-21 49-66 35-42 4951 35-64 61 62 50-79 35-56 50-63 35-78 50-48 36-00 50-32 36-22 6 03 51-61 36 31436 51 —29 36-58 51-13 36-81 63 64 52-43 36-71 52-27 36-94 52-10 37-16 51-04 37-39 64 65 5324 37-28 53-08 37-51 52-92 37-75 152-75 37-98 65 66 54-06 37-86 53-9 38-09 53-73 38-33 53-56 38-56 66 67 54-88 38-43 54-71 38-67 54-55 38-91 54-38 39-14 67 68 55-70 39-00 55-53 39-25 55-36 39-49 55-19 39-73 68 69 56-52 39-58 56-35 39-82 56-17 40-07 56-00 40-31 69 70 57-34 40-15 57-16 40-40 56-99 40-65 56-81 40-90 70 71 58-16 4u-72 57-98 40-98 57-80 41-23 57-62 41-48 71 72 58-98 41-30 58-80 41-55 58-62 4181 55-43 42.07 72 73 59-80 41-87 59-61 42-13 59-43 42-39 59-24 42-65 73 74 60-62 42-44 60-43 42-71 60-24 42-97 60-06 43-23 74 75 61-44 43-02 61-25 43-29 61-06 43-55 60-87 43-82 75 76 62-26 43-59 62-06 43-86 61-87 44-13 61-68 44-40 76 77 63-07 44-17 62-88 44-44 62-69 44-71 62-49 44-99 77 78 63-89 44-74 63-70 45-02 63-50 45-29 63-30 45-57 78 79 6'-7 1 453 64-51 45-59 64-32 45-88 64-11 46-16 79 80 65-53 45-89 65-33 46-17 65-13 46-46 64-93 46-7-4 80 81 66-35 46-46 66-15 46-75 65-94 47-04 65-74 47-32 81 82 67-17 47-03 66-96 47-33 66-76 47-62 66-55 47-91 82 83 67-99 47-61 67-78 47-90 67-57 48-20 67-36 48-49 83 84 68-81 48-18 68-60 48-48 68-39 48-78 68-17 49-08 84 85 69-63 48-75 69-41 49-06 69-20 49-36 68-98 49-66 85 86 70-45 49-33 70-23 49-63 70-01 49-94 69-80 50-25 86 87 71-27 49-90 71-05 50-21 70-83 50-52 70-61 50-83 87 88 72-09 50-47 71-86 50-79 71-64 51-10 71-42 51-41 88 89 72-90 51-05 72-68 51-37 72-46 51-68 72-23 52-00 89 90'73-72 51-62 73-50 51-94 73-27 52-26 73-04 52-58 90 91 74-54 52-20 74-31 52-52 74-08 52-84 73-85 53-17 91 92 75-36 52-77 75-13 53-10 74-90 53.42 74-66 53-75 92 93 76-18 53-34 775-95 53-67 75-71 54-01 7548 54-34 93 94 77-00 53-92 76-76.54-25 76-53 5 54-59 76-29 54-92 94 95 77-82 54-49 77-58 54-83 77-34 55-17 77-10 55-50 95 96 78-64 55-06 78-40 55-41 78-16 55-75 77.91 56-09 96 97 79-46 55-64 79-21 55-98 78-97 56-33. 78-72 56-67 97 98 80-28 56-21 80-03 56-56 79-78 56-91 79-53 57-26 98 99 81-10 56-78 80-85 57-14 80-60 57-49 80-35 57-84 99 100 81-92 57-36 81-66 57-71 81-41 58-07 81-16 58-42 100 DPep. I Lat Dep. Lat. Dop. at. ep. La. D t. -. -S -5.. 55 Deg. 54 Deg.. 541 Deg. 54 Deg. 7 74 TRAVERSE TABLE. 36 DPeg. 361 Deg. 36/ Deg. 360 Deg. 0 0 0 0 _____ __- I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 0-81 0-59 0 81 059 080 59 0'80 060 1 2 1-62 1-18 11 1 161 1 —19 160 1-20 2 3 2-43 1-76 2-42 1-77 2-41 1-78 2-40 1-79 3 4 3-24 2-35 3-23 2-37 3-22 2-38 3-20 2 39 4 ( 5 4-05 2-94 4-03 2-96 4-02 2-97 4-01 2-99 5 6 4-85 3-53 4-84 3-55 4-82 3-57 4-81 3-59 6 i 7 5-66 4-11 5-65 4-14 5-63 4-16 5-61 4-19 7 8 6-47 4-70 6-45 4-73 6-43 4-76 6-41 4-79 8 ) 9 7-28 5-29 7-26 5-32 7-23 6-35 7-21 5-38 9 10 8-09 5-88 8-06 5-91 8-04 5-95 8-01 5-98 10 11 8-90 6-47 8-87 6-50 8-84 6-54 8-81 6-58 11 (12 9-71 7-05 9-68 7-10 9-65 7-14 9-61 718 12 13 10-52 7-64 10-48 7-69 10-45 7-73 10-42 7-78 13 14 11-33 8-23 11-29 8-28 11-25 8-33 11-22 8-38 14 )15 12-14 8-82 12-10 8-87 12-06 8-92 12-02 8-97 15 )16 12-94 9-40 12-90 9-46 12-86 9-52 12-82 9-57 16 17 13-75 9-99 13-71 10-05 13-67 10-11 13-62 10-17 17 18 14-56 10-58 14-52 10-64 14-47 10-71 1442 10-77 18 19 15-37 11-17 15-32 11-23 15-27 11-30 15-22 11-37 19 20 16-18 11-76 16'13 11-83 16-08 11-90 16-03 11-97 20 21 16-99 12314 16-94 12-42 16-88 12-49 16-83 12-56 21 )22 17-80 12-93 17-74 13-01 17-68 13-09 17-63 13-16 22 )23 18-61 13 —2 18-55 13-60 18-49 13-68 18S43 13-76 23 24 19-42 14-511 19-35 14-19 19-29 14-28 19-23 14-36 24 25 20-23 14-69 20-16 14-78 20-10 14-87 20-03 14-96 25 26 21-03 15-28 20-97 15-37 20-90 15-47 20-83 15-56 26 27 21-84 15-87 21-77 15-97 21-70 16-06 21-63 16-15 27 28 22-65 16-46 22'58 16-56 22-51 16-65 22-44 16-75 28 29 23-46 17-05 23-39 17-15 23-31 17-25 2324 17-35 29 O0 24-27 17-63 24-19 17-74 24-12 17-84 24-04 17-95 30 31 25-08 18-22 25-00 18-33 24-92 1844 24-84 18-55 31 32 25-89 18-81 25-81 18-92 25-72 19-03 25-64 19-15 32 33 26-70 19-40 26-61 19-51 26-53 19-03 26-44 19-74 33 34 27-51 19-98 27-42 20-10 27-33 20-22 27-24 20-34 34 35 28-32 20-57 28-23 20-70 28-13 20-82 28-04 20-94 35 36 29-12 21-16 29'03 21-29 28-94 21-41 28-85 21-54 36 37 29-93 21-75 29-84 21-88 29-74 22-01 29-65 22-14 37 38 30-74 22-34 30'64 22-47 30-55 22-60 30-45 2274 38 39 31-55 22-92 31-45 23'06 31-35 23-20 31-25 23-33 39 40 32-36 23-51 32-26 23-65 32-15 23.79 32-05 23-93 40 )41 33-17 24-10 33-06 24-2- 32-96 24-39 32-85 24-53 41 )42 33-98 24-69 33-87 24-83 33-76 24-98 33-65 25-13 42 43 3 —'798 257 30 25 34-7 255 3 5-73 43 44 - 35-60 25-86 35-48 26-02 35-37 26-17 35-26 26-33 44 45 36-41 26-45 36-29 26-61 36-17 26-77 36.06 26-92 45 (46 37-21 27-04 37-10 27-20 36-98 27-36 36-86 27-52 46 47 38-02 27-63 37-90 27-79 37-78 27-96 37-66 28-12 47 48 38-83 28-21 38-71 28-38 78'59 28-55 38-46 28-72 48 49 39-64 28-80 39-52 28-97 39-39 29-15 39-26 29-32 49 50 40-45 29-39 40-32 29-57 40-19 29-74 4006 29-92 50 S Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 5 Deg. 53- 2 Deg. 53%I Deg. 54 Deg. 534 Deg. 532 Deg. 53 Deg. I ) ft ft ) TRAVERSE TABLE. 75 36 Deg. 361 Deg. 3642 Deg. 364 DIeg. ) Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 41.26 29-9S 41-13 30-16 14100 30-34 40-86 30-51 51. 52 42.07 30-56 41-94 30-75 41-80 30-93 41-67 31-11 52 53 42-88 31-15 42-74 31-34 42-60 31-53 42-47 31-71 53 54 43-G9 31-74 43-55 31-93 43-41 32-12 43-27 32 31 54 55 44-50 32-33 44-35 32-52 44-21 32-72 44-07 32-91 55 56 45-30 32-92 4516 33-11 45-02 33-31 44-87 33-51 56 57 46-11 33-50 45-97 33-70 45-82 33-90 45-67 3410 57 58 46-92 3409 4677 34 30 46i-62 3450 46-47 34-70 58 59 47 3 31-68 4'758 34589 47-43 35-09 47-27 35-30 59 60 48-54 35-27 48-39 35-48 48-23 35-69 48-08 35-90 60 61 49-35 35-S5 49-19 36-07 49-04 36-28 48-88 36-50 61 62 50-16 36-44 50-00 36-66 49-84 36-88 49-68 37-10 62 63 50-97 37-03 50-81 37-25 50-64 37-47 50-48 37-69 63 64 51-78 37-62 51-61 37-84 51-45 38-07 51-28 38-29 64 65 52-59 38-21 52-42 38-L4 52-25 38-66 52-08 38-89 65 66 53-40 38-79 53-23 39-03 53-05 39-26 52-88 39-49 66 67 54-20 39-38 54-03 39-62 53-86 39-85 53-68 40-09 67 68 55-01 39-97 54-84 40-21 54-66 40-45 54-49 40-69 68 69 55-82 40-56 55-64 40-80 55-47 41-04 55-29 41-28 69 70 56-63 41-14 56-45 41-39 56-27 41-64 56-09 41-SS88 70 71 57-44 41-73 57-26 41-98 57-07 42-23 56-89 42-48 71 72 58-25 42-32 58-06 42-57 57-88 42-83 57-69 43-08 72 73 59-06 42-91 58-87 43-17 5-68 43-42 58-49 43-68 7 74 59-87 43-50 59-68 43-76 59-49 44-02 59-29 44-28 74 75 60-68 44-08 60-48 4-4-35 60-29 44-61 60-09 44-87 75 76 61-49 44-67 61-29 44-94 6109 45-21 60-o 0 45-47 76 77 62-29 45-26 62-10 45-53 61-90 45-80 61-70 46-07 77 78 63-10 45-85 62-90 46-12 62-70 46-40 62-50 46-67 78 79 63-91 46-43 63-71 46-71 63-50 46-99 63-30 47-27 79 80 64-72 47-02 64-52 47-30 64-31 47-59 64-10 47-87 80 81 65-53 47-61 65-32 47.90 65-11 48-18 64-90 48-46 81 82 66-34 48-20 66-13 48-49 65.92 48-78 65-70 49.06 82 83 671.5 48-79 66-93 49-08 66-72 49-37 66-50 49-66 83 84 6 6 7-96 493-7 6774 4967 67-52 49 97 67-31 50-26 84 85 68-77 49-96 68-55 50-26 68-33 50-56 68-11 50-86 85 86 69-58 50-55 69-35 50-85 69-13 51-15 68-91 51-46 86 87 70-38 51-14 70-16 51-44 69-94 51-75 69-71 52-05 87 88 71-19 51-73 70-97 52-04 70-74 52-34 70-51 52-65 88 89 72-00 52-31 71-77 52-63 71-54 52-94 71-31 53-25 89 90 72-81 52-90 72-58 53-22 72-35 53-53 72-11 53-85 90 91 73-62 53-49 73-39 53-81 73-15 54-13 72-91 54-45 91 92 74-43 54-08 74-19 54-40 73-95 54-72 73-72 55-05 92 93 75-24 54-66 75-00 54.99 74-76 55-32 74-52 55-64 93 94 76-05 55-25 75-81 55.58 75-56 55-91 75-32 56-24 94 95 76-86 55-84 76-61 56.17 76-37 56-51 76-12 56-84 95 96 77-67 56-43 77-42 56.77 77-17 57-10 76-92 57-44 96 97 78-47 57-02 78-23 57.36 77-97 57-70 77-72 58-04 [97 98 79.28 57-60 79-03 57-95 78-78 58-29 78-52 58-64 98 99 80-09 58-19 79-84 58-54 79-58 58-89 79-32 59-23 99 (10 800 9 58-78 80-64 59-13 80-39 59-48 80-13 59-83 100 a4 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 54 Deg. 53/ Deg. 53}4 Deg. 535 Deg...... 1 76 TRAVERSE TABLE. 37 Deg. 37V Deg. 37/ Deg. 37/ Deg. -- _. I Lat. DLat. Dep. t. La t. Dep. Lat. Dep. ~ 1 0-80 0 60 0-80 0-61 0'79 0-61 0-79 0-61 1 2 1-60 1-20 159 121 1 59 1 22 1'58 1-22 2 3 2-40 1-81 2-39 1-82 2-38 1-83 2-37 1-84 3 4 3-19 2-41 3-18 2-42 3-17 2-43 3-16 2-45 4 5 3'99 3801 3-98 3-03 3-97 3-U4 3-95 3-06 5 6 4-79 3-61 4-78 3-63 4-76 35-u 4-74 3-067 6 7 5-59 4-21 5-57 4-24 5'55 -1)t 5-53 4-29 7 8 0.39 4.81 6-37 4-84 6-35 4-87 6-33 4-90 S 9 7-19 5-42 7-16 5-45 7-14 5-48 7-12 5-51 9 10 7-99 6-02 7-96 6005 7-93 6-09 7-91 6-12 10 11 8-78 6-62 3876 6-66 8-73 6-70 8-70 6-73 11 12 9 58 7'22 9 55 7-26 9-52 7-31 9-49 7-35 12 13 10-38 7-82 1605 7-87 10-31 791 10-28 7-96 13 14 11-18 8-43 11'14 8-47 11-11 8-52 11-07 8-57 14 15 11-'8 9-03 11-94 9-08 11-90 9-13 11-86 9'18 15 16 12-78 9-63 12-74 9-68 12-69 974 12-65 9-80.16 17 13-58 10-23 13-53 10-29 13-49 10-35 13-.4- 10-41 17 18 14-38 10-83 14-33 10.90 14-28 10-96 14-23 11-02 18 9 15-17 11-43 15-12 11-50 15-07 11-57 15-02 11-63 19 20 15-97 120 15-92 12-11 15-87 12-18 15-81 12-24 20 21 16-77 12-64 16-72 12-71 16-66 12-78 16-60 12-86 21 22 17-57 13-24 17-51 13-32 17-45 13-39 17i40 13-47 22 23 18;37 13-84 18-31 13-92 18-25 14-00 18-19 14-08 23 24 19-17 14-4-4 19-10 14-53 19-04 14-61 18-98 14-69 24 25 1997 1505 19-90 15-13 19-83 15-22 19-77 15-31 25 26 20-76 15-65 20-70 16-74 20'63 15-83 20-56 15-92 26 27 21-56 1i-25 21-49 16-34 21-42 16 44 21-35 16-53 27 28 22-36 16-85 22 29 16-95 22-21 17-05 22-14 17-14 28 29 23-16 17-45 23-08 17-55 23-01 17-65 22-93 17-75 29 30 23-96 18-05 23-88 18-16 23-80 18-26 23-72 18-37 30 31 24-76 18-66 24-68 18-76 24-59 18-87 24-51 18-98 31 32 25-56 19-26 25-47 19-37 25-39 19-48 25-30 19-59 32 33 26-35 19-86 26-27 19-97 26-18 20-09' 26-09 20-20 33 34 271 20 27-15 2 2706 20-58 26-97 20-70 26-88 20-82 34 35 27-95 21-06 27-86 21-19 27-77 21-31 27-67 21-43 35 36 28-75 21-67 28-66 21-79 28-56 2192 28-46 22-04 36 37 29-55 22-27 29-45 22-40 29-35 22-52 29-26 22-65 37 38 30-35 22.87 30-25 23-00 30-15 23-13 30-05 23-26 38 39 31-15 23-47 31 04 20-61 /3094 23-74 30SL4 23-88 39 40 31-95 24-07 31-84 24-21 31-73 24-35 31-63- 24-49 40 41 32-74 24-67 32-64 24-82 32-53 24-96 32-42 25-10 41 42 33-5:1 25-28 33.43 25-42 33-32 25-57 33-21 25-71 42 43 34.4 25-88 34-23 26-03 34l11 26-18 34-00 26-33 43 t 356-14 26-48 35-02 2-63 34-91 26-79 34-79 26-94 4445 35-9- 27-08 35-82 27-24 35-70 27-39 35-58 27-55 45 46 36-74 27-68 36-62 27-84 6-49 2800 3637 28-16 46 47 37-541 28-29 37.41 28-45 37 29 28-61 37-16 28-77 47 48 38-33 28-89 38-21 29-05 38-08 29-22 37-95 29-39 48 49 39-13 29-49 39-00 298 3887 29-83 38-74 30-00 49 50 39-93 30-09 39-80 30-26 39'67 3()0-44 39-53 30-61 50 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Laet. 6c ~ 53 Deg. 52/4 Deg. 52. Deg. 5214 Deg.. f R, TRAVERSE TABLE. 77 3 e. 37l Deg. 372 Deg. 37/ D eg. r I P Lat. ep Lt. ep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. S 51 40-73 30-o,9L 40-60 30-87 410-46 31-05 40-33 31-22 51 52 41-53 31o29 41-39 31-48 41-25 31-6C 41-12 31-S4 52 5:3 }4233 31- 0 42-19 32-08 4205 32-262 41-91 32-45 53 54 43-13 32-30 42-98 32-69 42-84 32-87 42-70 33-06 54 55 43-92 33-10 43-78 33-29 4363 33-48 4:3-49 33-67 55 56 44-72 3I.-70 4-58 33-90 44-43 34-09 44-28 314-28 56 57 45-52 34-.30 44537 340 45-22 34-70 45-07 34-90 57 58 46-32 34-91 46-17 35-11 46-01 35-31 45-86 35-51 58 59 47-12 35.51 46-96 35-71 46-81 35-92 46-65 36-12 59 60 47-92 36-11 47-76 36-32 47-60 36o-53 47-44 36-73 60 61 48-72 36-71 4S-56 36-92 48-39 37-13 48-23 37-35 61 62 4952 37-31 9-35 37-53 49-19 37-74 49-02 37-96 62 63 50-31 37-91 50-15 38-13 49-98 38-35 49-81 38-57 63 64 51-11 38-52 50-94 38-74 50-77 38-96 50-60 39-18 64 65 51-91 39-12 51-74 39-34 51-57 39-57 51-39 39-79 65 66 52-71 39-72 52-54 39-95 52-36 40-18 52-19 40-41 6 67 53-51 40-32 53-33 40-55 53-15 40-79 52-98 41-02 67 68 54-31 40-92 54-13 41-16 53-95 41-40 53-77 41-63 68 69 55-11 41-53 54-92 41-77 54-74 42-00 54-56 42-24 69 70 55-90 42-13 55-72 42-37 55-53 42-61 55-35 42-86 70 71 56-70 42-73 56-52 42-98 56-33 43-22 56-14 43-47 71 72 57-50 43-33 57-31 43-58 57-12 43-83 56-93 44-08 72 73 58-30 43-93 58-11 44-19 57-91 44441 57-72 44-69 73 74 59-10 44-53 58-90 44-79 58-71 45-05 58-51 45-30 74 7-5 59-90 45-14 59-70 45-40 59-50 45-66 59-30 45-92 75 76 G60-70 45-74 60-50 46-00 60-29 46-27 60-09 46-53 76 77 61-49 46-34 61-29 46-61 61-09 46-87 60-88 47-14 7 78 62-29 46-94 62-09 47-21 61-88 47-48 61-67 47-75 78 79 63-09 47-54 62-88 4'7-82 62-67 48-09 62-46 48-37 79 80 63-89 48-15 63-68 48-42 63-47 48-70 63-26 48-98 80 81 6. - 69 4S 75 I6 —48 49-03 64-26 49-31 64-05 49-59 81 S2 6S'-49 4935 s 6527 49'63 0' 05 49-92 64-84 5020 82 ) 83 66-29 49-95 66-07 50-24 65-5 50-53;65-63 50-81 83 84 S67 9 50 55 66-86 50-84 66-64 51-14 66-42 51-43 84 85-6 51- 67-43 51-74 67-21 52-04 85 86 68-68 51-76 68-46 52-06 68-23 52-.35 68-00 52-65 86 87 69-48 52-30 69-25 52-66 69-02 52-96 68-79 53-26 87 88 70-28 52-96 70'05 53-27 69-82 53-57 69-58 53-88 88 89 71-08 53-56 70-84 53-87 70-61 54-18 70-37 54-49 89 90 71-88 54-16 71-64 54-48 71-40 54-79 71-16 55-10 90 91 72-68 54-77 72-44 55-08 72-20 55-40 71-95 55-71 91 92 73-47 55'37 73-23 55-69 72-99 56-01 72-74 56-32 92 93 74-27 55-97 74-0-3 56-29 73-78 56-61 73-53 56-94 93 94 75-07 56-5 74-82 56-90 74-58 57-22 74-32 57-55 94 95 75-87 57-17 75-62 57-50 75-37 57-83 75-12 58-16 95 96( 76-67 57-77 76-42 58-11 76-16 58-44 75-91 58-77 96 97 77-47 58-38 77-21 58-71 76-96 59-05 76-70 59-39 97 98 78-27 58-98 78-01 59-32 77-75 59-66 77-49 60-00 98 99 79-06 a59-58 78-80 59-92 78-54 60-27 78-28 60-61 99 100 79 86 60-18 79-60 60-53 79-34 60-58 79-07 61-22 100 Dep. [ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. I Lat. I -_ ~_. I - 53 De,. 52' Deg. 52DY. Deg. 521 Deg.. -~]- ~ —~,.~ 78 TRAVERSE TABLE. 38 Deg. 38. DDeg. 38>~ Dg 38% Deg. r _ ~.~.~~ r Lat. Dep. Lat Dep. t. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 0-79 0-62 0.79 0-62 0-78 0-62 0-78 063 1 2 1-58 1-23 1-57 1-24 1-57 1-24 1-56 1-25 2 3 2-36 1-85 2-36 186t 2-35 1-87 2-34 1-88 3 4 3-15 2-46 3-14 2-48 313 2-49 3-12 2-50 4 5 3-94 3-08 3-93 3.10 3-91 3-11 3-90 3-13 5 6 4-73 3-69 4-71. 3-71 470 3-74 4-68 3-76 6 7 5-52 4-31 5-50 4-33 5-48 4-36 5'46 4-38 7 8 6-30 4-93 6-28 4-35 6-26 4-98 6-24 5-01 8 9 7-09 5654 7-07 5-57 7604 5-60 7-02 5-63 9 10 7-88 6-16 7-85 6-19 7-83 6-23 7-80 6-26 10 11 8-67 6-77 8-64 6,81 8-61 6-85 8'58 6-89 11 12 9-46 7-39 9-42 7 -43 9-39 7-47 9-36 7-51 12 13 10 24 8-00 10-21 805 1017 809 10-14 8-14 13 14 11 03 8-62 10-99 867 103.96 8-72 10-92 8-76 14 15 11-82 9-23 11 78 929 9-34 1174 1170 9-39 15 16 12-61 9-85 12-57 9-91 12-52 996 12-48 10'01 16 17 13-40 10-47 13-35 10-52 13-30 10-58 13-26 10-64 17 18 14-18 11-08 14-14 11-14 14.09 11-21 14-04 11-27 18 19 14'97 11-70 14-92 11(76 14-87 11-83 14-82 11-89 19 20 15-76 12.31 15-71 12-38 15-65 12-45 15-60 12-52 20 ) 21 16-55 12-93 16-49 13'00 16-43 13 07 16-38 13-14 21 ( 22 17-34 13-54 17-28 13-62 17-22 13-70 17-16 13-77 22 23 18-12 14-16 18 06 14-24 18.00 14-32 17-94 14-40 23 24 18-91 14-78 18-85 14-86 18-78 149-1 18-72 15-02 24 25 19-70 15-39 19-63 15-48 19-57 15'56 19-50 15-65 25 26 20-49 16-01 20-42 16-10 20-35 16019 20-28 16-27 26 27 21-28 16'62 21-20 16-72 21-13 16-81 21-06 16-90 27 28 22-06 17-24 21-99 17-33 21-91 17-43 21-84 17-53 28 29 22-85 17-85 22-77 17-95 22-70 18-05 22-62 18-15 29 30 23-64 18-47 23-56 18-57 23-48 18-68 23-40 18-78 30 31 24-43 19-09 24-34 19-19 24-26 19-30 24-18 19-40 31 32 25-22 19-70 25'13 19-81 25-04 19-92 24-96 20-03 32 33 26-00 20-32 25-02 20-43 25-83 20-54 25-74 20-66 33 34 26-79 20-93 26-70 21-05 26-61 21-17 26-52 21-28 34 35 27-58 21-55 27-49 21-67 27-39 21-79 27-30 21-91 35 36 28-37 22-16 28-27 22-29 28-17 22-41 28-08 22-53 36 37 29-161 22-78 29-06 22-91 28-96 23-03 28-86 23-16 37 38 29-94 23-40 29-84 23-53 29-74 23-66 29-64 23-79 38 39 30-73 24-01 30-63 24-14 30-52 24-28 30-42 24-41 39 40 31-52 24-63 31 -41 24-76 31-30 24-90 31-20 25-04 40' 41 32-31 25-24 32-20 25-38 32-09 25-52 31-98 25-66 41 42 33-10 25-86 32-98 26-00 32-87 26-15 32-76 26-29 42 43 33-88 26-47 33-77 26-62 3s-65 26-77 33-53 26-91 43 44 3 —67 27-09 34-55 27-24 34-43 27-39 34-31 27-54 44 45 35-46 2770 35-34 27-86 35-22 28-01 35-09 28-17 45 46 36-25 28-32 1 36-12 2848 36-00 28-64 35-87 28-79 46 471 37-04 28- 94 36-51 29-10 36-78 29-26 36-65 29-42 47 48 37-82 29-55 37-79 29-72 37-57 29-88 37-43 30-04 48 49 38-61 30.17 38-481 30-34 38-35 30-50 38-21 30-67 49 50 39-40 30-78 39-27 30-95 3-13 31-13 3899 31-30 50 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dop. Lat. Dep. Lat. i 52 Deg. 151N/ Deg. 511 o Deg. 511, Deg.. a_ _ I,I1 TRAVERSE TABLE. 79' 38 Deg. 38t4 Deg. 38 pDeg. 38 Deg. Lat. Dep. Lat. D ep. Lt. ep. Lt. ep. D 51 40-19 31-40 40-05 31-57 39-91 31-75 39- 77 31-92 51 52 40 01 4 319 4070 32137 40-55 32 55 52 53 41-76 32-63 41-62 32-81 41-48 32-99 41-33 33-17 53 54 42-55 33-25 42-41 33-43 4226 33-62 42-11 33-80 54 55 43-34 33-86 43-19 34-05 43-04 34-24 42-89 34-43 55 56 44-13 34-48 43-98 34-67 43-83 34-86 43-67 35-05 56 57 44-92 35-09 44-76 35-29 44 61 35-48 44-45 35-68 57 58 45-70 35-71 45-55 35-91 45-39 36-11 45-23 36-30 58 59 46-49 36-32 46 33 36-53 46-17 36-73 46-01 36-03 59 60 47-28 36-94 47-12 37-15 46-96 37-35 46 79 37-56 60 61 48-07 3756 47-90 37-76 47-74 37-97 47-57 38-18 61 62 48-86 38-17 48-69 38-38 48-52 38-60 48-35 38-81 62 63 49-64 38-79 49-47 39-00 49-30 39-22 49-13 39-43 63 64 50-43 39-40 50-26 39-62 50-09 3984 49-91 40-06 64 65 51-22 40-02 51-05 4024 5087 40-46 50-69 40-68 65 66 52-01 40-63 51-83 40-86 51-65 4109 51-47 41-31 66 67 52-80 41-25 52-62 41-48 52-43 41-71 52-25 4194 67 68 53-58 41-86 53-40 42-10 53-22 42-33 53-03 42-56 68 69 54-37 42-48 54-19 42-72 5400 42-95 53-81 43-19 69 70 55-16 43-10 54-97 43-34 5478 43-58 5459 4381 70 71 55.95 43-71 55-76 43-96 55-57 4420 5537 4444 71 72 56-74 44-33 56-54 44-57 56-35 44-82 56-15 45-07 72 73 57-52 44-94 57-33 45-19 57-13 45-44 56-93 45-69 73 74 58-31 45-56 58-11 45-81 57-91 46-07 57-71 46-32 74 75 59-10 46-17 58-90 46-43 58-70 46-69 58-49 46-94 75 76 59-89 46-79 59-68 47-05 59-48 47-31 59-27 4757 76 77 60-68 47-41 60-47 47-67 60-26 47-93 60-05 48-20 77 78 61-46 48-02 61-25 48-29 61-04 48-56 60-83 48-82 78 79 62-25 48-64 62-04 48-91 61-83 49-18 61-61 49-45 79 80 63-04 49-25 62-83 49-53 62-61 49-80 62-39 50-07 80 81 63-83 49-87 63-61 50-15 63-39 50-42 63-17 50-70 81 82 64-62 50-48 64-40 50-77 64-17 51-05 63-95 51-33 82 83 65-40 51-10 65-18 51-38 64-96 51-67 64-73 51-95 83 84 66-19 51-72 65-97 52-00 65-74 52-29 65-51 52-58 84 85 66-98 52-33 66-75 52-62 66-52 52-91 66-29 53-20 85 86 67-77 52-95 67-54 53-24 67-30 53-54 67-07 53-83 86 87 68-56 53-56 68-32 53-86 68-09 54-16 67-85 54-46 87 88 69-34 54-18 69-11 54-48 68-87 54-78 68-63 55-08 88 89 70-13 54-79 69-89 55-10 69-65 55-40 69-41 55-71 89 90 7092 55-41 70-68 55-72 70-43 56-03 70-19 56-33 90 91 71-71 56-03 7146 56-34 7122 56-65 70-97 56-96 91 92 72-50 56-64 72-25 56-96 72-00 57-27 7175 57-58 92 93 73-28 57-26 73-03 57-58 72-78 57-89 7253 58-21 93 94 74-07 15787 7382 58-19 73-57 58-52 73-31 5884 94 95 74-86 58-49 74-61 58-81 74-35 59-14 74-09 59-46 95 96 75-65 59-10 75-39 59-43 75-13 59-76 74-87 6009 96 97 76.44 59-72 76-18 60-05 75-91 6038 75-65 60-71 97 98 77-22 60-33 76-96 60-67 76-70 6101 76-43 61-34 98 99 78-01 60-95 77-75 61-29 77-48 61-63 77-21 61-97 99 100 78-80 61-57 78-53 61-91 7826 62-25 77-99 62-59 100 Dep. L. tep. Lat. eep. Lat. f 52 Deg. 51 I)eg. 51U Deg. 514 Deg.. ) a ) 80 TRAVERSE TABLE. S 39 Deg. 3 Dog Deg.r 39egDe. Dog. ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ~ 1 0-78 0-63 0'77 0-63 0-77 0-64 0-77 0-64 1 2 1-35 1-26 1-55 1-27 1-54 1-27 1-54 1-28 2 3;33 1-89 2-32 1-90 2-31 1-91 2-31 1-92 3 4 3-11 2-52 3-10 2-53 3-09 2-54 3 08 2-56 4 5 3-89.3-15 3-87 3-16 3-86 3-18 3-84 3-20 5 6 46 3-78 4-65 3-80 4-63 3-82 4-61 3-84 6 7 5-441 4-41 5-42 4-43 5-40 4-45 5-38 4-48 7 8 6-22 503 6-20 5-06 6-17 5009 6-15 512 8 9 6-99 5-66 6-97 5-69 6-94 5-72 6-92 5-75 9 10 7-77 6-29 7-74 6-33 7-72 6-36 7-69 6-39 10 11 8-55 6-92 8-52 6-96 8-49 7-00 8-46 7-03 11 12 9-33 7-55 9-29 7-59 926 7-63 9-23 7-67 12 13 10-10 8-18 10-07 8-23 10-03 8-27 9-99 8-31 13 14 1 1 04 886 1080 1 84 8 8-91 1076 8-95 14 (15 1166 9-44 11-62 9-49 11-57 954 11-53 9959 15 16 12-43 10-07 12-39 10-12 12-35 10-18 12-30 10-23 16 17 13-21 10-70 13-16 10-76 13-12 10-81 13-07 10-87 17 18 13-99 1133 13-94 11-39 13-89 11-45 13-84 11-51 18 19 14-77 11-96 14-71 12-02 14-66 12-09 14-61 12-15 19 20 15-54 1259 15-49 12-65 15-43 12-72 I15-38 12-79 20 21 16-32 13-22 16-26 13-29 16-20 13-36 16-15 13-43 21 22 1710 13-84 1704 13-92 16-98 13-99 16-91 14-07 22 23 17-87 14-47 17-81 14-55 17-75 14-63 17-68 14-71 23 24 18-65 15-10 18-59 15-18 18-52 15-27 18-45 15-35 24 25 19-43 15-73 19-36 15-82 19-29 15-90 19-22 15-99 25 26 20-21 16-36 20;13 16-45 20-06 16-54 19-99 16-63 26 27 20 169 2091 1708 2083 17'17 2076 17-26 27 28 21-76 17-62 21-68 17-72 21'61 17-81 21-53 17-90 28 29 22-54 18-25 246 1835 22-38 18-45 22-30 18-54 29 30 23-31 18-88 23-23 18-98 23-15 19-08 23-07 19-18 30 31 24-09 19-51 24-01 19-61 23-92 19-72 23-83 19-82 31 32 24-87 20-14 24-78 20-25 24-69 20-35 24-60 20-46 32 2 33 25-65 20-77 25-55 20-88 25-46 20-99 25-37 21-10 33 34 26-42 2140 26-33 21-51 26-24 21-63 26-14 21-74 34 35 2720 22-03 27-10 22-14 27-01 22-26 26-91 22-38 35 36 27-98 22-66 27-88 22-78 27-78 22-90 27-68 23-02 36 i 37 28-75 23-28 28-65 23-41 28-55 23-53 28-45 23-66 37 38 29-53 23-91 29-43 24-04 29-32 24-17 29-22 24-30 38 )39 30-31 24-54 30-20 24-68 30-09 24-81 29-98 24-94 39 40 31-09 25-17 30-98 25-31 30-86 25-44 30-75' 25-58 40 41 31-86 2580 31-75 25-94 31-64 26-08 31-52 26-22 41 42 32-64 26-43 32.52 26-57 32-41 26-72 232-29 26-86 42 43 3342 27-06 33-30 27-21 33-18 27.35 1 3306 27-50 43 44 34-19 27-69 34'07 27-84 33-95 27.99 33 83 28-14 44 )45 34-97 28-32 3485 2847. 3472 2862 3460 28-77 45 46 35-75 28-95 35-62 29-10 3549 29-26 35 37 29-41 146 47 36-53 29-58 36-40 29-74 36-27 29-90 36-14 30-05 47 48 37-30 30-21 37-17 30-7 33704 30-53 136-90 30'{;9 48 ( 49 3808 O 30-54 37-95 31600- 37:81- 31-17 1 37-67 31-33 49 50 38-86 31-47 38'i 2 31-64 38-58 31-80 35-44 31-97 50 ) Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o 51 Deg. 50% Dog. 50o Deg, 501 Deg. TRAVERSE TABLE. 81 )] 1 39 Deg. 3914 Deg. 39, Deg. 393 Deg. $ lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Pep. Lat. Dop. C 3 51 39.63 i 3210 39-49 32-27 39 35 32-44 33921 32-61 51 52 40.41 3' 72 40-27 32-90 40-12 33-08 39-98 33-25 52 53 41-19 33-35 41-04 33-53 40-90 33-71 40-75 33s-8 53 54 41-97 33-98 141-82 34-17 41-67 34-35 411-52 3453 54 55 42-74 34-61 42-.,9 3480 42-44 34-98 42-29 35-17 55 56 43 52 35-24 43-37 35-43 43 21 35-62 43-06 3 581 56 57 44-30 35-87 4t4-14 36-06 43-98 36-26 43-82 36-45 57 58 45-07 36b50 44-91 o6-70 44T-75 36-89 44-59 37-09 58 59 45-85 37-13 45-69 37- 3 45-53 37-53 45-36 37-73 59 60 46G63 3776 46-46 37-96 46-30 38-16 46-13 38-37 60 61 47-41 38-39 47-24 38-60 47-07 38-80 46-90 39-01 61 62 48-18 39.02 48301 39-23 47-84 39-44L 47-67 39-65 62 63 48-96 39-65 4879 3986 486 1 40-07 48-44 40-28 63 64 4974 40.28 4.9-36 40-49 49-38 4071 49-21 40-92 64 65 50-51 40-91 50-34 41-13 50-16 41-35 49-97 41-56- 65 66 51'29 41.54 51-11 41-76 50-93 41-98 50-74 42-20 66 67 52-07 42-16 51-88 42-39 51-70 42-62 51-51 42-84 67 68 52-85 42-79 52-66 43-02 52-47 43-25 52-28 43-48 68 69 53-52 43-42 53-43 43-66 53-24 43-89 53-05 44-12 69 70 54-40 44-05 54-21 44-29 54-01 44-53 53-82 44-76 70 71 55-18 44-68 54-98 44-92 54-79 45-16 54-59 45-40 71 72 55-95 45-31 55-76 45-55 55-56 45-80 55-36 46-04 72 73 56-73 45-94 56-53 46-19 56-;3 46-43 56-13 46-68 73 74 5751 4657 5731 46-82 57-10 47'07 56-89 47-32 74 75 58-29 47-20 58-08 47-45 57-87 47-71 57-66 47-96 75 76 59-06 47-83 58-85 48-09 58-64 48-34 58-43 48-60 76 77 59-84 48-46 i59-63 48-72 59-42 48-98 59-20 49-24 77 78 60-62 49-09 60-40 49-35 60-19 49-61 59-97 49-88 78 79 61-39 49-72 61-18 49-98 60-96 50-25 60074 50-52 79 80 62-17 50'35 61-95 50-62 61-73 50-89 61-51 51-16 80 81 62-95 50-97 62-73 51-25 62-50 51-52 62-28 51-79 81 82 63-73 51-60 63-50 51-88 63-27 52-16 ~ 63-04 52-43 82 )83 64-50 52-23 64-27 52-51 64-04 52-79 63-81 53-07 83 84 65-28 52-86 65-05 53-15 64-82 53-43 64-58 53-71 84 85 66-06 53-49 65-82 53-78 65-59 54-07 6535 54-35 85 86 6683 54-12 6660 54-41 66-36 54-70 66-12 54-99 86 87 67-61 54-75 67-37 55-05 67-13 55-34 6689 55-63 87 88 6839 55-38 68-15 55-68 67-90 55-97 67 66 56-27 88 89 69-17 56-01 6892 5032 68967 56-61 68-43 56-91 89 90 69-94 56-64 69-70 56B9-4 69-45 57-25 69-20 57-55 90 91 70-72 57-27 70-47 57-58 70-22 57-88 69-96 58-19 91 92 71-50 57.90 17124 5821 70-99 58-52 70-73 58-83 92 93 72-27 58-53 72-02 58.84 71-76 59-16 7150 59-47 93 94 73-05 59-16 72-79 59.47 72-53 59-79 72-27 60-11 94 95 73-83 59-79 73-57 60.11 73'30 60-43 7304 60-75 95 96 74-61 60-41 74-34 60.74 7408 61-06 73-81 61-39 96 97 75-38 61-04 75-12 61.37 74-85 61-70 74-58 62-03 97 98 76-16 61-67 75-89 62-01 75-62 62-34 75-35 62-66 98 99 76-94 62-30 76-66 62-64 76-39 62-97 76-12 63-30 99 100 77-71 62-93 77-44 63-27 77-16 63-61 76-88 63 94 100 ) Dep. I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o 51 Deg. 503 Deg. 502 Deg. 504 Deg. D ft I. fi ) 82 TRAVER8E TABLE. 40 Deg. 401 Deg. 40'2 Deg. 40 Deg. ~ Lat. Dep. Lat. P.ep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Q 1 0-77 0-64 0-6 076 0-65 0-76 0-65 2 1-53 1-29 1 53 1-29 1-52 1-30 1-52 1-31 2 3 2-30 1-93 2129 1-94 2-28 1-95 2-27 1-96 3 4 3-06 2.57 305 2-58 304 2-60 3-03 2-61 4 5 3-83 3-21 3-82 3-23 380 3-25 3-79 3-26 6 4-60 3-86 4-58 388 4-56 3-90 4-55 3-92 6 7 5-36 4-50 5-34 4-52 5-32 4-55 5-30 4-57 8 6-13 5-14 6-11 6-17 6-08 5-20 6-06 5-22 8 9 6.89 5-79 6-87 55-2 6-84 5-84 6-82 5-87 9 10 7-66 6-43 7-63 6'46 7-60 6-49 758 8 653 10 11 8s43 7-07 8-40 711 8 36 7-14 833 718 11 12 9-19 7-71 9-16 7-75 9-12 7-79 9-09 7-83 12 13 9-96 8-36 9-92 8-40 9-89 8-44 9-85 8-49 13 14 10-72 9-00 10-69 9-05 1065 9-09 10-61 9-14 14 15 11-49 9-64 11-45 9-69 11-41 9-74 11-36 9-79 15 16 12-26 10-28 12-21 10-34 12-17 10-39 12-12 10-44 16 17 13-02 10-93 12-97 10-98 12-93 11-04 12-88 11-10 17 18 13-79 1157 1374 11-63 13-69 11-69 13-64 11-75 18 19 14.55 12-21 14-50 12-28 14-45 12-34 14-39 12-40 19 20 15-32 12-86 15-26 12-92 15-21 12-99 15-15 13-06 20 21 16 09 13-50 16-03 13-57 15-97 13-64 15-91 13-71 21 22 16-85 1414 l 1679 14-21 16-73 14-29 16-67 14-36 22 23 17-62 14-78 17-55 14-86 17-49 14-94 17-42 15-01 23 24 18-39 15-43 18-32 15-51 18-25 15-59 18-18 15-67 24 25 1915 16-07 19-08 16-15 19-01 16-24 18-94 16-32 25 26 1'992 16-71 19 84 16 80 19-77 16-89 19-70 16-97 26 ( 27 20-68 17-36 20-61 17-45 20-53 17-54 20-45 17-62 27 23 21-45 18-00 21-37 18S09 2129 18-18 21-21 18-28 28 29 2222 864 221 1 8 2213 74 22-05 18-83 21-97 18-93 29 30 22-98 19-28 22-90 19-38 22-81 1948 2273 9-58 30 31 23-75 19-93 23-66 20-03 23-57 20-13 23-48 2024 31 32 24- 51 203-7 24-42 20.68 242 33 2078 2424 2-89 32 33 25-28 21-21 2519 -32 25-09 21-43 25-00 21-54 33 34 26 05 21'85 25-95 2197 25-85 22-08 25-76 22-19 34 35 26-81 22-50 26-71 22-61 26-61 22-73 26-51 22-85 35 36 27'58 23-14 27-48 23-26 27-37 23-38 27-27 23-50 36 37 28-34 23-78 28-24 23-91 28-13 24-03 28-03 24-15 37 38 29-11 24-43 29-00 24-55 28-90 24-68 28-79 24-80 38 39 29-88 25-07 29-77 25-20 29-66 25-33 29-54 25-46 39 40 30-64 25-71 30-53 25-84 30-42 25-98 3030 26-11 40 41 31-41 26-35 31-29 26-49 31-18 26-63 31-06 26-76 41 42 32-17 27'00 32-06 27-14 31-94 27-28 31-82 27-42 42 43 32-94 27-64 32-82 27-78 32-70 27-93 32-58 28-07 43 44 33-71 28-28 33-58 28-43 33-46 28-58 33-33 28-72 44 45 34-47 28-93 34-35 29-08 34-22 29-23 34-09 29-37 45 46 3 524 29-57'i 35-11 29.72 34-98 29-87 34-85 30-03 46 47 36-00 30-21 35-87 30.37 35i74 30-52 35-61 30-68 47 48 36-77 30 85 36-i64 31-01 36-50 31-17 36-36 31-33 48 49 37 54 31-50 37-40 31-66 37.26 31-82 37-12 31-99 49 50 30 38 32-14 38-16 32-31 38 -02 32-47 37-88 32-64 50 P' Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 2 I PI I 5 ^ 50 Deg. 49% Deg. 499 Deg. 49 PDeg. 5 ft ft' TRAVERSE TABLE. 83 40 pego. 40% Deg. 40 Deg. 40% Deg. - ~________ ________ _______ __ _ I C tat. ~ep. Lt. Dep Lta. Dep. Lat. Dep. $ 51 39'07 32-78 38-92 3295 38-78 33-12 I38-64 3329 51 52 39-83 33-42 39-69 33-60 39-54 33-77 13939 33-94 52 53 40-60 34-07 40-45 34-24 40-30 34-42 i40-15 34-60 53 54 41-37 34-71 41-21 34-89 41-06 35-07 40-91 35-25 54 55 42-13 35-35 41-98 35-54 41-82 35-72 41 67 35-90 55 )56 42-90 36-00 74 18 4254 368 42 3637 44-42 36-55 56 57 43-66 36-64 4.3-50 36-83 43-34 37-02 43-18 37-21 57 58 44-43 37-28 44-27 37 48 4410 37-67 43-94 37-86 58 59 45-20 37-92 45-03 38-12 44-86 38-32 44 70 38-51 59 60 4596 38-57 45-79 38-77 45-62 38-97 45-45 39-17 60 )61 46-73 39-21 46-56 39-41 946-38 39-62 46-21 39-82 61 62 47-49 39S5 47-32 40-06 47-15 40-27 46-97 40-47 62 63 48-26! 4050 48-08 40-71 47-91 40-92 47-73 41-12 63 64 49-03 41-14 48-85 41-35 48 41 48- -5 48 41-78 64 65 49-79 41-78 49-61 42-00 49-43 42-21 49-24 42-43 65 66 50-56 42-42 50-37 42-64 50-19 42-86 50.00 43-08 66 67 51-32 43-07 51-14 43-29 5095 43-51 50 76 43-73 67 68 52-09 43-71 51-90 43-94 51-71 44-16 51-51 44-39 68 69 52-86 44.35 52-66 44-58 52-47 44-81 52-27 45-04 69 70 53-62 45-00 53-43 45-23 53-23 45-46 53-03 45-69 70 71 54-39 45-64 54-19 45-87 53-99 46-11 53-79 46-35 71 72 55-16 46-28 54-95 45 54 4 652-76 5454 4700 72 73 55-92 46-92 55-72 47-17 55-51 47-41 55-30 47-65 73 74 56-69 47-57 56-48 47-81 56.27 48-06 56-06 48-30 74 75 57-45 48.21 57-24 48-46 15703 48-71 5682 48-96 75 ) 6 58-22 48-85 58-01 49-11 57-79 49-36 57-57 49-61 76 77 58-99 49.49 5877 49-75 5855 50-01 58-33 50-26 77 78 59-75 50-14 59-53.50-40 59-31 50-66 59-09 50-92 78 79 60-52 50.78 60-30 51-04 60-07 51 -31 59-85 51-57 79 80 61-28 51-42 61-06 51-69 60-83 51-96 60961 52-22 80 81 62-05 52-07 61-82 52-34 61-59 52-61 6136 5287 81 82 62-82 52'71 62-59 52-98 62-35 53.25 62-12 5353 82 83 63-58 53'35 63-35 53'63 63-11 53-90 62-88 54-18 83 S 694- 35 53-99 |64l11 54-27 63-87 54-55 63-64 54-83 84 85 65-11 54-64 64-87 54-92 64-63 55-20 64-39 55-48 85 86 65-88 55.28 65-64 5-57 65-39 55-85 65-15 56-14 86 87 66-65 55-92 66-40 56-21 66-16 56-50 65-91 56-79 87 88 67-41 56-57 67-16 56-86 66-92 57-15 66-7 5744 88 89 68-18 5721 67-93 57-50 67-68 57-80 67-42 58-10 89 90 68-94| 575-5 168-69 58-15 68G44 58-45 68-18 58-75 90 91 69971 58-49 69-45 588 9 590 86994 59-40 91 92 70-48 59-14 70-22 59-44 69-96 59-75 69-70 60-05 92 93 71124 59'78 70-98 60 09 70-72 60-40 70-45 16071 93 94 72-01 60-42 71-74 60-74 71-48 61-05 71-21 61-36 94 95 72-77 61-06 72-51 61-3S 7224 61-70 71-97 6201 95 96 73-54 61-71 73-27 62-03 73-00 62-35 72-73 62-66 96 97 74-31 i62-35 74-03 62 67 73 76 63-00 73-48 63.32 97 98 75-07 62-99 74-80 63-32 74-52 63-65 74-24 6397 98 99 75'-84 63-64 75-56 6397 75-28 64-30 75-00 64-62 99 100 76-60 64-28 76-32 64-61 76-04 6'4-94 75-76 65-28 100 ~ Dep. Lat. Dop. | Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. c 50 De. 49:P Deg. 49P Deg. 49'. Deg..a 84 TRAVERSE TABLE. 41 Deg. 4114 Deg. 411/ Deg. 41- q Deg. D Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Let. Dep. Lat. Dep. ~ 1 0-75 0-66 0-75 066 0-75 0-66 075 067 1 2 1-51 1-31 1-50 1-32 1-50 1-33 1-49 1-33 2 3 2-26 1-97 2-26 1-98 2-25 1-99 2I24 2-00 3 4 3-02 2.62 3-01 2-64 3-00 2-65 2-98 2'66 4 5 3-77 3-28 3'76 3-30 3-74 3-31 3-73 3-33 5 6 4-53 3-94 4-51 3-96 4-49 3-98 4-48 4-00 6 7 5-28 4-59 5-26 4-62 5-24 4-64 5-22 4-66 7 8 6-04 5-25 6-01 5-27 5'99 6-30 5-97 533 8 9 6-79 5.-90 6-77 6-93 6-74 5-96 6-71 5-99 9 10 7-55 6-56 7-52 6-59 7-49 6-63 7-46 6-66 10 11 8-80 7-22 8i27 7-25 8-24 7-29 8-21 7-32 11 12 9-06 7-87 9-02 7-91 8-99 7-95 8-95 7-99 12 13 9-81 8-53 9-77 8-57 9-74 8-61 9-70 8-66 13 14 10-57 9-18 10-53 9-23 10-49 9-28 10-44 9-32 14 15 11-32 9-84 11-28 9-89 11-23 9-94 11-19 999 15 16 12-08 10-50 12-03 10-55 11-98 10-60 1194 10-65 16 17 12-83 11-15 12-78 11-21 12-73 11-26 12-68 11-32 17 18 13-58 11-81 13-53 11-87 13-48 11-93 13-43 11-99 19 143-4 12-47 14-28 12-53 14-23 12-59 14-18 12-65 19 20 15-09 13-12 15- 153-19 14-98 13-25 14-92 13-32 20 21 1585 13-78 15-79 13-85 15-73 13-91 15-67 13-98 21 22 16-60 14-43 16-54 14-51 16-48 14-58 16-41 14-65 22 ) 23 1736 15-09 17-29 15-16 17-23 15-24 17-16 15-32 23 24 18-11 15-75 18-04 15-82 17'97 15'90 17-91 15-98 24 25 18-87 16-40 18-80 16-48 1 872 16-57 18-65 16-65 25 26 19-62 17-06 19-55 1 1714 19-7 17 23 19-40 17-31 26 27 20-38 17-71 20-30 17-80 20-22 17-89 20-14 17-98 27 28 21-13 18-37 21-05 18-46 2 200-97 18-55 20-89 18-64 28 29 21-89 19-03 21-80 19-12 21-72 19-22 21-64 19-31 29 30 22-64 19-68 22-56 19-78 22-47 19-SS 22-38 19-9S 30 31 23-40 20-34 23-31 20-44 23-22 20-54 23-13 20-64 31 32 2-415 20-99 24 06 21-10 23-97 21-20 23-87 21-31 32 33 24-91 21-65 24-81 21'76 214-72 21-87 24-62 21-97 33 34 25-66 22-31 25-56 22-42 25-46 22-53 237 2257 64 34 35 26-11 22-96 26-31 23-08 26-21 2319 26-11 23-31 35 36 27-17 23-62 21707 23- 2374 2696 23.85 26-86 23-97 36 37 27-92 2-1-27 27-82 24-40 27-71 252 24-52 26O 24-64 37 38 28-68 24-93 28-57 25-06 28-46 25-18 28-35 25-30 38 39 29-43 25-59 29-32 25-71 29-21 254-84 2910 25-97 39 40 3019 26-2t 30'07 26 37 29-96 28-50 -29-84 26-64 40 41 30-94 26-90 30-83 27-03 30-71 27-17 30-59 27 30 41 42 31-70 2755 131-58 27-69 131-46 27-83 3133 27-97 42 43 32-45 28-21 32-33 28-35 32-21 28-49 32-08 28-63 43 44 33-21 28-87 133-08 29-01 32-95 29-16 32 83 29-30 44 45 33-96 29-52 33-83 29-67 33-70 29-82 33-57 29-97 45 46 34-72 30-18 S 4-58 3 0-33 34- 45 30-48 34-32 30-63 46 47 35-47 30-83 35-34 30-99 35-20 31-14 35-06 31-30 47 48 36-23 31-49 36-09 31-65 35-95 31-81 35-8 1 31-96 48 49 36-9 32-15 36-84 32-31 36-70 32-47 36-56 32-63 49 50 37-74 32-80 37 - 59 32 97 37-45 33-13 37-30 33-29 50 4 Dep..:t Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. D ep. t Lat.. 49 Deg. 431< Deg. 4S2 Deg. 5486 Deg *) ft P )~~~~~ TRAVERSE TABILE. 85 41 Deg. 414 Deg. 411 P Deg. 41% Deg. - Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat Dep. Lat. ep. 51 38-49 33-46 38-34 33-63 38-20 33-79 38-05 33-96 51 52 39-24 34-12 39-10 34-29 38 95 3-46 38-7 34-63 52 53 40-00 34-77 39-85 34-95 39-69 35-12 30-54 35-29 53 54 40-75 35-43 40-60 35-60 40-44 35-78 40-29 35-96 54 55 41-51 36-08 41-35 36-26 41-19 36-44 4103 36-62 55 56 42-26 36-74 42-10 36-92 41-9-4 37-11 41-78 37-29 56 57 43-02 37-40 42-85 37-58 42-69 37-77 42-53 37-96 59 7 58 43-77 38-05 43-61 38-24 4l344 38-43 43-27 38-62 58 59 44-53 38-71 41 -36 38-90 44-19 39-09 44-02 39 29 59 60 45-28 39-36 45-11 39-56 44-94 39-76 44-76 3.9-95. 60 61 46-04 40-02 45-86 40-22 45 69 40-42 45-51 40-62 61 62 46-79 40-68 46-61 40-8S 46-44 41-08 46-26 41-28 62 63 47-55 41-33 47-37 41-54 47-18 41-75 47-00 41-95 63 ) 6 48-30 41-99 48-12 42-20 47-93 42-41 47-75 42-62 64 65 49-06 42-64 48-87 42-86 48-68 43-07 48-49 43-28 65 66 49-81 43-30 49-62 43-52 49-43 43-73 49-24 43-95 66 67 50-57 43-96 50-37 44-18 50-18 44-40 49-99 44-61 67 68 51-32 44-61 51-13 44-84 50-93 45-06 50-73 45-28 68 69 5207 45-27 51 88 45-49 51-68 45-72 51-48 45-95 69 70 52-83 45-92 52-63 46-15 52-43 4-38 52-22 46-61 70 71 53-58 46-58 53-38 46-81 53-18 47-05 52-97 47-28 71 72 54-34 47-24 54-13 47-47 53-92 47-71 53-72 47-94 72 73 55-09 47-89 54-SS 48-13 54-67 48-37 54-46 48-61 73 74 55-85 48-55 55-64 48-79 55-42 49-03 55-21 49-28 74 75 56-60 49-20 56-39 49-45 56-17 49-70 55-95 49-94 75 76 57-36 49-86 57-14 50-11 56-92 50-36 56-70 50-61 76 77 58-11 50-52 57-89 50-77 57-67 51-02 57-45 51-27 77 78 58-87 51-17 58-64 51-43 58-42 51-68 58-19 51-94 78 79 59-62 51-83 59-40 52-09 59-17 52-35 58-94 52-60 79 80 60-33 52-48 60-15 52-75 59-92 53-01 59-68 53-27 80 81 61-13 53-14 60-90 53-41 60-67 53-67 60-43 53-94 81 82 01-89 53-850 61-65 54-0 61-41 54-33 61-18 54-600 82 83 62-64 54-45 62-40 54-73 62-16 55-00 61-92 55-27 S3 84 63-40 55-11 63-15 55-38 62-91 55-66 62-67 55-93 84 85 6415 55-76 63-91 56-04 63-66 56-32 63-41 5C-60 85 86 64-90 56-42 64-66 56 70 64-41 56-99 64-16 57-27 86 87 65-66 57-08 65-41 57-36 65-16 57- 65 64-91 57-93 87 88 66-41 57-73 66-16 58-02 65-91 58-31 65-65 58-60 88 89 67-17 58-39 66-91 58-68 60-66 58-97 66-40 59-26 89 90 67-92 59-05 67-67 59-34 67-41 59-64 67-15 59-93 90 91 68-68 59-70 68-42 60-00 68-15 60-30 67-89 60-60 91 92 69-43 60-36 69-17 60-66 68-90 60-96 68-64 61-26 92 93 70-19 61-01 69-92 61-32 69-65 91-62 69-38 61-93 93 94 70-94 61-67 70-67 61-98 70-40 62-29 70-13 62-59 94 95 71-70 62-33 71-43 62-64 71-15 62-95 70-88 63-26 95 96 72-45 62-98 72-18 63-30 71-90 63-61- 71-62 63-92 96 97 73-21 63-64 72-93 63-96 72-65 64-27 72-37 64-59 97 98 73-96 64-29 73-68 64-62 73-40 64-94 73-11 65-26 98 99 74-72 64-95 74-43 65-28 74-15 65-60 73-86 65-92 99 100 75-47 65-61 75-18 65-93 74-90 66-26 74-61 66-59 100 c D)ep. 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Dep. ~ 1 74 07 0-74 0-67 0-74 0-68 0-73 0-68 07 1 2 1-49 1-34 1-48 1-34 1-47 1-35 1-47 1-36 2 3 2-23 2-01 2-22 2-02 2-21 2-03 2-20 2-04 3 4 2-97 2-68 2-96 2-69 2-95 2-70 2-94 2-72 4 5 3-72 3-35 3-70 33t6 3-69 3-38 3-67 3-39 5 6 4-46 4-01 4-44 4-03 4-42 4-05 4-41 4-07 6 7 5-20 4-68 5-18 4-71 5-16 4-73 5-14 4-75 7 8 5-95 5-35 592 5-38 5-90 5-40 5-87 5-43 8 9 6-69 6-02 6-66 6-05 6-64 6-08 6-61 6-11 9 10 7-43 6-69 7-40 6-72 7-37 6-76 7-34 6'79 10 11 8-17 7-36 8-14 7-40 8-11 7-43 8-08 7-47 11 12 8-92 8-03 8-88 8-07 8-85 8-11 8-81 8-15 12 13 9-66 8-70 9-62 8-74 9-58 8-78 9-55 8-82 13 14 10-40 9371 10-36 9-41 10-32 9-46 10-28 9-50 14 15 11-15 10-04 1110 10 109 11-06 10-13 11-01 10-18 15 16 11-89 10-71 11-84 10-76 11-80 10-81 11-75 10-86 16 17 12-63 11-38 12-58 11-43 12-53 11-48 12-48 11-54 17 18 13-38 12-04 13-32 12-10 13-27 12106 13-22 12-22 18 19 14-12 12-71 l 14-06 12-77 14-01 12-84 13.95 12-90 19 20 14-86 13.38 14-80 13-45 14-75 13-51 14-69 13-58 20 21 15-61 14-05 15-54 14-12 15-48 14-19 15-42 14-25 21 22 16-35 14-72 11628 14-79 16-22 14-86 16-16 14-93 22 23 17-09 15-39 17-02 15-46 16.96 15-54 16-89 15-61 23 24 17'84 16-06 17-77 16-14 17'69 16-21 17-62 1629 24 25 1858 16-73 18-51 16-81 18-43 16-89 18-36 16-97 25 26 19-32 17'40 19-25 17-48 19-17 17'57 19-09 17-65 26 27 20-06 18-07 19-99 18-15 19-91 1824 19-83 18-33 27 28 20-81 18-74 20-73 18-83 220-64: 18-92 20-56 19-01 28 29 21-55 19-40 21-47 19-50 21-38 19-59 21-30 19-69 29 30 22-29 20-07 22-21 20-17 22-12 20-27 22-03 20-36 30 31 230-0 20 74 22-95 20-84 22-86 20-94 22 76 21-04 31 32 23-78 21-41 23-69 21-52 23-59 21-62 23-50 2172 32 33 24-52 22-08 24-43 22-19 24-33 22-29 24 -23 22-40 33 34 25-27 22-75 25-17 22-86 25-07 22-97 24-97 23-08 34 35 26-01 23-42 25-91 23-53 25-80 23-65 25-70 23-76 35 36 26-75 24-09 26-65 24-21 26-54 2432 26-44 2444 36 37 27-50 24-76 27-39 24-88 27-28 25-00 27-17 25-12 37 38 2'-24 25-43 28-13 25-55 28-02 25-67 27-90 25-79 38 39 28-98 26-10 28-87 26-22 28-75 26-35 28-64 26-47 39 40 29-7 3 26-77 29-61 26-89 29-49 27-02 29-37 27-15 40 41 30-47 27-43 30-35 27-57 30-23 27-70 3011 27-83 41 42 31-21 28-10 31-09 28-24 30-97 28-37 30-84 28-51 42 43 31-96 28-77 31-83 28-91 31-70 29-05 31-58 29-19 43 44 32-70 29-44 32-57 29-58 32.-44 29 73 32-31 29-87 44 45 33-44 30-11 33-31 30-26 33-18 30-40 33-04 30-55 45 46 34-18 30-78 34-05 30-93 33-91 31-08 33-78 31-22 46 47 34-93 31-45 34-.79 31-60 34-65 31 75 34-51 31-90 47 48 35-67 32-12 35-53 32-27 35-39 32-43 35-25 32-58 48 49 36-41 32-79 36-27 32-95 36-13 33-10 35-98 33-26 49 50 37-16 33-46 37-01 33-62 36-86 33-78 36-72 33-94 50:) Dep. 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S 51 37-90 34-13 37-75 34-29 37-60 34-46 37-45 34-62 51 52 38-64 34-79 38-49 34-96 38-34 35-13 3818 35-30 52 53 39-39 35-46 39-23 35-64 39-08 35-81 38-92 35-98 53 54 40-13 36-13 3997 36-31 3981 36-48 39-65 36-66 54 55 40-87 36-80 40-71 36-98 40-55 37'16 40-39 37-33 55 56 41-62 37-47 41-45 37-65 41-29 37.83 4112 38-01 56 57 42-36 38-14 42-19 38-32 42-02 38-51 4186 38-69 57 58 43-10 38-81 42-93 39-00 42-76 39-18 42-59 39-37 58 59 43-85 39-48 43-67 39-67 43-50 39-86 4332 40-05 59 60 44-59 40-15- 44-41 40-34 44-24 40-54 44-06 40-73 60 61 45-33 40-82 45-15 41-01 44-97 41-21 44-79 41-41 61 62 46-07 41-49 45-89 4169 45-71 41-89 45-53 42 09 62 63 46-82 4216 46-63 42-36 46-45 42-56 46-26 42-76 63 (64 4756 42-82 47-37 43-03 47-19 43-24 4700 43-44 64 65 48 30 43-49 48-11 430 70 47-92 43-91 47-73 44-12 65 66 49-05 44-16 4885 44-38 48-66 44-59 48-47 44-80 66 67 49-79 44-83 49-59 45-05 49-40 45-26 49-20 45-48 67 68 50-53 45-50 50-33 45-72 50-13 45-94 49-93 46-16 68 69 51-28 46-17 510'7 4639 50-87 46-62 50-67 46-84 69 70 5'202 46-84 51-82 4707 51-61 47-29 5140 47-52 70 71 52.76 47-51 52-56 47-74 52-35 47-97 52-14 4819 71 72 53-51 48-18 53-30 48-41 53-08 4 8-64 52-87 48-87 72 73 54-25 48-85 5404 49-08 53-82 49-32 53-61 49-55 73 74 54-99 49-52 54-78 49-76 54-56 49-99 5434 50-23 74 75 55-74 5018 55-52 50-43 55-30 50-67 55-07 50-91 75 76 56-48 50-85 56-26 5110 56-03 5134 55-81 5159 76 77 57-22 51-52 57-00 51-77 56-77 52-02 56-54 52-27 77 78 57-97 52-19 57-74 5-244 57-51 52-70 57-28 52-95 78 79 58-71 52-86 58-48 53-12 58-24 53-37 58-01 53-63 79 80 59-45 53353 522 5379 5898 540 58 75 5430 80 81 60-19 54-20 59-96 54-46 59-72 54-72 59-48 54-98 81 82 60 -91 54-87 60-70 55-13 60-46 55-40 60C21 55-66 82 83 61-68 55-54 61-44 5-81 61l19 56-07 60 95 56-34 83 (84 62-42 56-21 62-18 56-48 61-93 56-75 61-B8 57-02 84 85 63-17 56-88 62-92 57-15 62-67 57-43 6242 57-70 85 86 63-91 57-55 63-66 57-82 63-41 58-10 3-15 58-38 86 87 6465 58-21 6440 58-50 64-14 5878 63(39 59-06 87 ) 88 65-40 58-,S 65-14 59-17 64-88 59-45 64-82 59-73 88 89 66-14 59-55 65-88 59-84 65-62 60-13! 65-35 60-41 89 90 66-88 60-22 66G62 60-51 66-35 60-80 66609 61-09 90' 91 67 -63 60-89 67-36 61-19 i 6709 61-48 66-82 61-77 91 92 68-37 61-56 68-10 61-86 67-83 62-15 67-56 6245 92 93 69-11 62-23 638-84 62-53 68-57 62-83 68-29 63-13 93 94 69-86 62-90 69-58 63-20 69 30 63-51 69-03 63-81 94 95 70-60 63-57 70-32 63-87 70-04 64-18 69-76 64-49 95 96 71-34 64-24 71-06 64-55 70-78 64S86 70'49 65-16 96 97 72-08 64-91 71'80 65-22 7152. 65-53 71'23 65-84 97 98 72-83 65-57 72 54 65-89 72-25 66-21 71-96 66-52 98 99 73-57 66-24 732S G6656 72-99 6688 72-70 67-20 99 100 74-31 66-91 74-02 67-24| 7373 67-56 73-43 67-88 100 Dep. 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SINE. 93 so 8 90 100 110 120 130 140 150o 0 -139 1731 -156 4345'173 6482 -190 8090 -207 9117 -224 9511 -241 9219 -258 8190 60 1 4612 7 215 9316 -191 0945 -208 1962 -225 2345 -242 2041 -259 1000 59 2 7492 -157 0091 -174 2211 3801 4807 5179 4863 3810 58 3 1400372 2965 5075 6656 7652 8013 7685 6619 57 4 3252~ 583{/ 7939 9510-209 0497 226 0846 243 0507 9428 56 5 6132 8708'175 0803 1'192 2365 3341 3680 3329 -260 2237 55 7 -141 1892 445 6531 8074 9030 9346 8971 785' 53 8 4772 732 9395 -193 0928 -2101874 227 2179 -2441792 -261 066 9 7651 -159 0197'176 2258 3782 4718 5012 4613 3460 51 10 -1420531 3069 5121. 6636 7561 7844 7433 6277 50 11 3410 5940 7984 9490 -211 0405 228 0677 -245 0254 9085 49 12 6289 8812 -177 0847 194 2344 3248 3509 3074 1262 1892 48. 13 916816016 83 3710 5197 6091 6341 5894 469P 47 14 -143 2047 4555 6573 8050 8934 9172 8713 750( 46 ) 15 4926 742 94395 -195 0903 -212 1777 -229 2004 -246 1533 -263 0312 45 16 7805 -161 0297 -'178 2298 3756 4619 4835 4352 311 44. 17 144 0684 3167 5160 3609 7462 666 7171 5925 43 18 3562 6038 8022 9461 213 0304 230 0497 09990 8730 42 119 6440 890 -179 0884'196 2314 314G 3328'247 2809264 153 41 ( 20 9319 -1621779' 3746 5166 5988 6159 5627 4342 40 21 -145 2197 4650 6607 8018 8829 8989 8445 7147 39 22 5075 7520 9469 -197 0870 -214 1671 -231 1819 -248 1263 995S 38 23 i7953-163 03900-180 2330 3722 4512 4649 4081 -265 2757 37 24 -146 0830 3260 5191 6573 7353. 7479] 6899 556] 36 25 3708 6129 8052 9425 -215 0194'232 03009 9716 836 35 26 6585 8999 -181 0913/ -198 2276 3035 3138 -249 2533 -266 1170 31 27 946 -164 1868 3774 5127 5876 5967 5350 3973 33''2 -147 2340 4738 6035 7978 87i6 8796 8167 6777 32 29 5217 7607 94951 199 0829 -2161556'233 1625-'250 0984 9581 31 30 8094 -165 047C -182 2355 3679 4396 4454 3800 -267 2384 30 31 -148 0971 3345 5215 6530 7236 7282 6616 5187 29 32 3848 6214 8075 9380'217 0076'234 0110 9432'7980 28 33 6724 90821-183 0935 -200 2230 2915 2938 -251 2248 -268 0792 27 34 9601- 166 1951 3795 5080 5754 5760 5063 38594 26 35 -149 24771 4819 6654 7930 8593 8594 7879 639C 25 36 5353 7687 9514 -201 0779 -218 1432 -235 1421 -252 0694 9198 24 37 82301 -167 0556 -184 2373 3629 4271 4248 3508'269 2000 23'38.150 110C 3423 5232 6478 7110 7075 6323 4801 22 9 39891.6291 8091 9327'948 9902 9157 7602 21 50 6857 9159 -185 0949 -202 2176 -219 2786 -236 2729 -253 1952 -'270 0403 20 0 i 9735 -168 2026 3808 5024 5624 5555 4765 3204 19 12.151 2608 4894 60666 7873 8462 8381 7579 6004 18 4 43 5484 7761 9524 -203 0721- 220 1300-237 1207 -254 0393 8805 17 44: 83591 -169 0628 -186 2382 3569 4137 4033 3206 -2711605 16 45'1521234 3495 5240 6418 6974 6859 6019 4404 15. 46 4109 6362 8098 9265 9811 9684 8832 7204 14 47 6984 9228 -187 0956 -204 2113 -221 264 81238 2510 -255 1645 -272 0003 13 48 9858'170 2095 3813 4961 5485 5335 4458 2802 12 49 -1532733 4961 6670 7808 8321 8159 7270 5601.II 50 5607 7828 9528'205 0655 12221158'2390984 1256 00082 8400 10) /51 8482 -171 0694'188 2385 3502 3994 3808 289- -273 1198 9 52 -154 1356 3560 5241 6349 6830 6633 5705 3997 8 53 4230 6425 8098 9195 9666 9457 8517 6794 7 54 7104 9291 -189 0954 -206 2042 -223 2501 -240 2280 -257 1328 95921 6 f55 9]978'1722156 3811 4883 5337 5104 4139 -2742390 5 56'155 2851 5022 6667 773-1 8172 7927 6950 5187 4 (57 5725 7887 9523 -207 0580-2241007 -241 0751 9760 7984 3 5) 8 8598 1173 0752 1190 2379 3426 3842 3574 1258 2570'275 0781 2 59' -156 1472 3617 5-234 6272 6676 6396 5381 3577 1 60 ~4315 6482 8090 9117 9511 9219 8190 6374 0' 81~ 800 79 780 770 76~t 750 740~[ NAT. COSINE. 94 NAT. SINE. t 160 17~ 180 19~ 20o 21~ 220~ 283~ 0.275 6374 -292 3717 -309 0170 -325 5682 34-12 0201'358 3679'374 6066.390 7311! 60 1 9170 6499 2936 8432 2935 6395 8763 9989 59 2 276 1965 9280 5702 -3261182 5668 9110 3751459.391 2666' 58 3 4761 293 2061 8468 3932 8400 -359 1825 41.6 53438 57 4 7556 4842 13101234 6681- 343 113 4540 6852: 8019o 56 5 -277 0352 7623 3999 9430 3865 7254 9547-39206951 t5 6 3147 294 0403 67641 327 2179 6597 9968'376 22431 3371 54 7 5941 3183 9529 4928 9329 -360 2682 4938 6047 53 8 8736 5963 -311 2294 7676 -3442060 5395 76321 8722 52 9 -2731530 8743 5058 -3,280424 4791 8108 377 03272-3931397 51 10 4324 -2951522 782'2 3172 7521 3610821 3021 4071 50 11 7118 4302'312 06 5919 -345 0252 3534 5714 6745 49 12 9911~91 7081 3349 8666 2982 6246 8408 99 49 48 13 279 270- 9859 6112 -329 1413 5712 8958'378 1101 3942093 47 14 5497'2962638 8875 4160 84411 3621669 3794 4766 46 l15 8290 5416 -313163S 6906 -3461171 4380 6486 7439 45 16 -2801083 8194 4400 9653 3900 7091 9178 3950111 44 17 3875 -297 0971 7163' 330 2398 6628 9802 379 1870 2783 43 18 66671 3749 9925 5144 9357 -363 2512 4562 5455 42 19 9459 6526 -314 2686 788 9S3472085 5222 7253 8127 41 20'281 2251 9303 544S' -331 034 4812 7932 9944 -396 0798 40 21 5042 298 2079 8209 3IS79 7540 -3604 0641 380 234 3468 39 22 783., 48560 315 0969 6123 -348 0267 3351 5324 6139 38 23 -2820624 7632 3730 8867 2994 6059 8014 8809 37 24 34L15-2990408 6490 -3321611 5720 8768 3810704 -3971479 36 25 6205 3184 9250 4355 8447 1365 1476 393 4148 35 26 8995 5959'316 2010 7098 3491173 41S4 6082 6818 34 27 -2831785 8734 4770 9841 3898 6891 8770 9486 33 28 4575 -3001509 7529 33 2584 6624 9599 3821459 398 2155 32 29 7364 4284 317 0288 5326 9349 -366 2306 4147 4823 31 30 -284 0153 7058 3047 8069 1350 2074 5012 6834 7491 30 31 2942 9832 5805 3340810 4798 7719 9522.3990158 29 32 5731 301 2006 8563 3552 7523 1367 0425 3832209 2825 28 33 8520 59380 3181321 6293 351 0246 3130 4895 5492 27 34'2851308 8153 4079 9034 2070 5836 7582 8158 26 35 4096'3020926 6836 335177 5 5693 85-41 3840268 400 825 25 36 6884 3699 9593 4516 8416 368 1246 2953 3490 24 37 9671 6471 -319 2350' 7256 -352 1139 3950 5639 615( 23 38 286 2458 9244 5106 9996 3862 6654 8324 8821 22 39 524'303 2016 7863 -336 2735 6584 9358 385 1008 401 1486 21 40 8032 4788 320 0619 5475 9306 -369 2061 3693 4150 20 41 -2870819 7559 3374 8214-353 2027 4765 6377 6814 19 42 3605 3040331 6130 3370953 4748 7468 906G0 9478 18 43 6391 3102 8885 3B91 7469-37001010 386 1744.402 2141 17 L4 9177 5872 13211640 6429 1354 0190 2872 4427 4804 16 45'2881963 8643 4395 9167 t2910 5574 7110 7467 15 46 4740'305 1413 7149 338 190 5630 8276 9792.403 0129 14 7 47 7533 4183 9903 4642 8350'371 0977 -387 2474 2791 13 43 289 0318 6953'322 267 7379 355 1070 3678 5156 5453 12 349 310 97230 5411 -339 0116 3789 6379'i 837 8114 II 50 5887'306 2492 8164 2852 6508 9079 -388 0518 1404 0775 10 51 8671 52611 323 0917 5589 9226 372 1780 3199 3436 9' 52 -29014-57 8030 3670 83251 3561944 4479 5880 6096 8 /53 4239'307 0798 6422'3401060 4662 7179 8560 8756 7 )541 7022 3566 9174 3796 7380 9878 389 1240 1405 1416 6 55 9805 6334 324 1926 6531'357 0097 -373 2577 3919 4075 5 56 -291 2586 9102 4678 9260 2814 5275 6598 6734 4 3 57 5371'308 1869 7429'341 2000 5531 7973 9277 9393 3 58 815 46361-325 0180 4734 8248 374 0671 390 195 1'406 2051 2 59'292 0930. 7403 2931 7468-358 0964 3369 4(33 4709 1 G60 3711- 309 0170 5682 342 0201 3679 6066 7311 7366 0 / 730 72~ 7i1 70~ 69~ 68~ 67~ 66~ / NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. 95 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 / 0 406 7366 -422 6183'438 3711 -'453 9905'469 4716 -484 8096-500 0000 -515 0381 60 1 -407 0024 8819 6321 -454 2497 7284 -485 064-0 2519 2874 59 2 2681 -'423 1455 8940 5088 9S52 3184 5037 5367 58 3 5337 4090 -439 1553 7679 -470 2419 572 7556 7859 57 4 7993 6725 4166 -455 0269 4986 8'2705010073-5160351 56 5 14080649 9360 6779 2859. 7553 4860812 22591 2842 55 6 3305 1424 1994 9392 5419'4710119 354 5107 5333 54 7 5960 4628 -440 2004 8038 2685 5895 762-1 7824 53 8 8615 7262 4615-45 6 0627 5250 8436502 0140 517 0314 52 9 -4091269 9895 7227 3216 7815 -487 0977 2655 2804 51 10 3923 -425 2528 9838 5804 -472 0380 3517 5170 5293 50 11 6577 5161411 2148 8392 294 605 785 7782( 49 12 9230 7793 5059 -457 0979 5508 8597 -503 0199 -518 0270 48 13 -4101883 -4260425 7668 35661 8071-4881136 2713 2758 47 14 4536 30561 442 0278 6153 1473 0634 3674 5227 524 46 15 7189 5687 2887 8739 3197 6212 7740 7733 45 16 9841 8318 54961458 1325 5759 8750 504 0252519 0219 44 17 -4112492-427o0949 8104 3910 8321 -4891288 2765 2705 43 18 5144[ 35791443 0712:6196 -474 0882 3825 5276 5191 42 19' 7795 6208 3319 9080 3443 6361 7788 7676 41 20 -412 0445 8838 5927 -4591665 6004 8897 -505 0298 -520 0161 40 21 30968-4281467 8534 4248 8564 -490 1433 2809 280 6 39 22 5745 4095 -44-1 1140 6832 -4:75 1124 3968 5319 5130 38 23 8395 6723 3746. 9415 3683 6503 7828 7613 37 24 -413 1041 9351 6352 -460 1998 6242 9038506 0338 521 0096 36 25 3693'4291979 8957 4:580 8801 -4911572 2846 2579 35 26 6342 4606 1445 1562 7162 -4761359 4105 5355 5061. 34% 27 8990 7233 4167 9744 3917 6638 7863 7543 33 28 -4141638 9859 6771 -461 2325 6474 9171 -507 0370 -522 0024 32 29 4285 -430 2485 9375 4906 9031 -4921704 2877 2505 31 30 6932 5111 -446 1978 7486'477 1588 4236 5384 4986 30 31 9579 7736 4581 -462 0066 414: 6767 7890 7466 29 32'-415 2226 -4310361 7184 2646 6700 9298 -508 0396 9945 28 33 4872 2986 9786 5225 9255 -493 1829 2901 -523 2424 27 34 7517 5610 -447 2388 7804 -4781810 4359 5406 4903 26 35 -416 0163 82341 4990 1463 0382 4364 6889 7910 7381 25 36 2808 -'432 0857 7591 2960 6919 9419 -509 0414 9859 24 37 5453 3481 -1448 0192 5538 9472 -494 1948 2918 -524 2336 2.3 38 8097 6103 2792 8115 -479 2026 4476 5421 4813 22 39 -417 0741 8726 5392 -464 0692 4579 7005i 7924 7290 21 40 3385'433 1348 7992 3269 7131 95323-510 0426 9766 20 41 6028 3970 1449 0591 5845 9683 -495 2060 29281 525 2241 19 42 8671 6591 3190 8420 -'480 2235 4587 5429 4717 18 43 -4181313 9212 5789 -465 0996 4786 7113 7930 7191 17 44' 3956 -434 1832 8387 3571 7337 9639 -511 0431 9665 16 45 6597 4453 -450 0984 6145 9858 -496 2165 2931 -526 2139 15 46 9233 7072 3582 8719 -481 2-38 4690 5431 4613 14 47 -4191880 9692 6179'466129 31 4987 7215 7930 7085 13 48 4521 -435 2311 8775 3866 7537 9740 -512 0429 955S 12 49 7161 4930 -4511372 k 6439 -482 0086 -497 2264 2927 -527 2030 11 50 9801 7548 3967 9012 2634 4787 5425 4502 10 51'420 2441 -436 0166 6563 1467 1584 5182 7310 7923 6973 9 52 5080 2784 9158 4156 7730 9833'513 0420 9-143 8 53 7719 5401 -4521753 6727 -483 0277 -498 2355 2916-528 1914 7 54 -421 0358 8018 4347 9298 28241 4877 5413 4383 6 55 2996 -437 0634 6941 -468 1869 5370 7399 7908 6853 5 56 5634 3251 9535 4:439 7916 9920 -514 0104 91322 4 57 8272 5866 -453 2128 7009 -484 0462 -499 24411 2899 -529 1790 3 58'4220909 84-82 4721 9578 3007 4961 5393 425S 2 59 3546 -1'4381097 7313 -469 2147 5552 7481 7887 672C 1 60 6183 3711 9905 4716 8096'500 0000 -515 0381 9193 0 f 650 640 630 620 61~ 60~ 59~0 58~ / NAT. COSINE. 96 NAT. SINE. 0/2o20 0 3 40 38o50 360 870 380 390 0 -529 9193 -544 6390 -559 1929 -573 5764 -587 7853 -601 8150 -615 6615-629 3204 60 1 530 1659 8830 4340 8147 -588 0200'602.0473 8907 546-1 59 2 4121.-545 129 671 -5740529 2558 2795-616 1198 7724 58 3 6591 3707 9162 2911 4910 5117 34891 9983 57 4 9057 6145 -560 1572 5292 7262 7439 5780 -630 2241 56 5 -5311521 8583 3981 7672 9613 9760 8069 4500 55 6 398(C 546 1020 6390 -575 0053 -5891964 -603 2080 -617 0359 67 58 54 7 6450 3456 8798 2432 4314 4400. 2648 901 53 8 8913 5892 15611206 4811 6663 6719 4936-6831 1272 52 9 -5321376c 8328 3614 7190 9012 9038 72241 3528 51 10 3831'-547 0763 6021 9568 -590 13611.604 1356 9511 5784 50 11 6301 3198 8428 -576.1946 3709 8674 -618 17981 8039 49 ) 12 8763 5632 1562 0834] 4323 6057 5991, 4084 -632 0293 48 13 -533 1224 8066 3239 6700 8404 8308 6370 2547 47 14 36855480499 5645 9076'591 0750 1605 06241 8655 4800 46 15 6145i 2932 80490-577 1452 3096 2940 -619 0939 7035S 45 16 8605 5365-'563 0453 3827 5442 5255 3224 930~ 44 17 -534 1065 7797 2857 6202 7787 7570 55071 633 1557 43 18 3523-15490228 5260 8576 1592 0132 9884 7790 3809 42 19 5982 2659 7663 -5780920 2476 -6062198 -6200073 6059 41 20 8440 5090-15640066 3323 4819 4511 2355 8310 40 21 -5350898 7520 2467 5696 7163 6824 4636-'634055o 39 22 3355 9950 4869 8069 9505 9136 6917 2808 38 23 5812 -550 2379 7270 -579 0440.593184-7 -607 1447 9198 505i 37 24 8268 4807 9670 2812 4189 3758 16211478 7305 36 25 -5360724 72361-565 2070 5183 6530 606 [ 3757 955 355 26 3170 9663 4469 7553 8871 8379 60361'635 180C 34 27 5634 551 2091 6868 9923 1594 1211 1608 0689 83141 404- 33 28 8089 4518 9267 -580 2'921 3550 2998 -622 0592 6292 32 29 -537 05-13 6944 -566.1665 4661 5889 5306 2870 8537 31 30 2996 9370 4062 7030 8228 7614 5146]-636 0782 30 31 5449 -552 1795 6459 9397'-595 0566 9922 7423 3026 29 32 7902 4220 8858 -581 1765 2904 -609 2229 9698 5270 28 33'5380354 6645 -5671252 4132 5241 4535 -6231974 7513 27 34 2806 9009 3048 6498 7577 6841 4248 9756 26 35 5257 -553 1492 -6043 8864 9913 914:7 6522 -637 1998 25 36 7708 3915 8437 1582 1230 1596 2249'610 1452 8796 4240 24 37'539 015? 6338'568 0832 3595 4584 37561-62410609 6481 23 38 2608 8760 3225 5959 6918 6060 3342 8721 22 39 5058-5541182 5619 8323 9252 8363 5614-638 0961 21 40 7507 3603 8011 -583 0687 -597 1586 -611 0666 7885 3201 20 41 9955 6024-56900403 3050 3910 9 29696250156 5440 19 42 -5402410 8414 2795 5412 6251 5270 2127 7678 18 43 485]-555508364 5187 7774 8583 7572 4696 99161( 17 4 729 3283[ 7577 -5840136 -598 0915 9873 69660-639 2153 16 45 974; 5702 -.9968 2497 32-46 612 2173 9235 4390 15 46 -54112191 81211'570 2357 4857 5577 4473'626 1503 662C 14 47 403-5560539 4747 7217 7906 6772 3771 8862 13 48 708-2 2956 7136 9577'599 0236 9071 6038'640 1097 12,49 9527 5373 9524 -5851936 2565 -6131360 8305 3332 11 50 -54219'7 7'790'571 1912 4294 4893 366f'627 0571 556C 10 51 4415 -557 0206 4299 66521 7221 5964 2837 7799 9 52 6859 2621 6686 9010 9549 8260 5102 -6410032 8 53 9302] 5036 9073'586 1367 -600 1876'614 0550 7366 2264 7 54 -5431744I 74511 57211459 3724 4202 2852 9631_ 4496 6 55 418'7 965 384-1 6080 6528 51471-6281894 672,8 5 56 662' -558 2279 6229.8435 8854 7442 4157 8958 4 57 906 4692 86141'587 0790!'6011179 9731- 6420 164221189 3 58'54415110 7105l-5730998 31451 3503'-615 2029 8682 3418 2. 59 3951 9517 3381 5499 5827 4322 0943 506417 1 60 63901'559 19291 5764 7853 8150 6611'-629 3204 7876 0 / 57~0 56 55/0 540 1.530 52~ 510 500 NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. 97 / 400 41~ 420 430 44 450 46 47~"0 0 -642 7876 -656 0590'669 1306 681 9984 -694 6584 -707 1068 -719 33981 7313537 60 1 6430104 2785 34681682 2111 8676 3124 5418 5521 59 2 2332 4980 5628 4237.695 0767 5180 7438 7503 58 3 459 7174 7789 6363.258 7236 9457 9486 57 4 6785 9367 9948 8489 4949 9291 720 1476 7321 ]'67 56 5 9011 657 1560 670 2108 683 0613 7039 7081345 3494 3449 55 6 -6441236 3752 4266 2738 9128 3398 5511 5429 54 7 3461 5944 6424 4861 6961217 5451 7528 7409 53 8 5685 8135 8582 6984 3305 7504 9544 93S8 52 9 7909 658 0326 6710739 9107 5392 9556 -7211559.733 1367 51 10 -645 0132 2516 2895 -684 1229 7479'7091607 3574 3345 50 11 2355 4706 5051 3350 9565 3657 5589 5322 49 12 4577 6895 7206 5471 697 1651 5707 7602 7299 48 13 6798 9083 9361 7591 3736 7757 9615 9275 47 14 9019 6591271 -672 1515 9711 5821 9806 -7221628.7341250 46 15 -6461240 3458 3668 -685 1830 7905 7101854 3640 3225 45 16 3460 5645 5821 3948 9988 3901 5651 5199 44 17 5679 7831 7973 60661 6982071 5948 7661. 7173 43 18 7898'660 0017 -673 0125 8184 4153 7995 9671 914C 42 19 647 0116 2202 2276 1686 0300 62341-711 0041 7231681 1735 1118 41 20 2334 4386 4427 2416 8315 2086 3690 3090 40 21 4551 6570 6577 4532 -6990396 4130 5698 5061 39 22 6767 8754 8727 6647 2476 6174 7705 7032'38 23 8984 6610936[6740876 8761 4555 8218 9712 9002 37 24 648 1199 3119 30241-687 0875 6633 1712 02601 724 1719'736 0971 36 25 3414 5300 5172 2988 8711 2303 3724 29-10 35 26 5628 7482 7319 5101 -700 0789 4344 5729 490S 34 27 7842 9662 9466 7213 2866 6385 7734 6875 33 28 649 0056166218421 675 1612 9325 4942 8426 9738 8842 32 29 2268 4022 3v757-6881435 7018 -713 0465'725 1741'737 0308o 31 30 4480 6200 5902 3546 9093 2504 37441 2773 30 31 6692 8379 8046 5655 -701 1167 4543 5746 4738 29 32 8903 1663 0557'676 0190 7765 3241 6581 7747 6703 28 33 6501114 2734 2333 9873 5314 8618 9748 8666 27 34 3324 4910 4476 -689 1981 7387 -714 0655'726 1748 -738 0629 26 35 5533 7087 6618 4089 9459 2691 3748 2592 25 36 7742 9262 8760 6195 7021531 4727 5747 4553 24 37 9951 -6641437 -677 0901 8302 3601 6762 7745 6515 23 38 -6512158 3612 3041 6900407 5672 8796 9743 8475 22 39 4366 5785 5181 2512 77411 715 0830 -727 1740'739 0435 21 40 6572 7959 7320 4617 9811 2863 3736 2394 20 41 8778 -665 0131 9459 6721 -703 1879 4895 5732 4353 19 42 -65209841 2304 678 1597 8824 3947 6927 7728 6311 18 43 3189 4475 3734 -6910927 6014 8959 9722 - 8268 17 44 5394 6646 5871 3029 8081'716 0989 -728 1716 -740 0225 16 45 7598 8817 8007 5131 -704 0147 3019 3710 2181 15 46 9801 -666 0987 -679 01]43 7232 2213 5049 5703 4137 14 47'6532004 31561 2278 9332 4278 7078 76965 6002 13 48 4206 5325 4413 6921432 6342 9106 9686 804C 12 49 6408 7493 6547 3531 8406 -717-1134 7291677'741 000 11 50 8609 9661 8681 5630 -705 0469 3161 3668 1953 10 51 -654 0810 -667 1828 -680 0813 7728 2532 5187 5657 3905 9 52 3010 3994 29461 9825 4594 7213 7646 5857 8 53 5209 6160 507816931922 6655 9238 9635 7808 7 54 7408 8326 7209 4018 8716 -7181263 730 1623 9755 6 55 9607 6680490 9339 61141-7060776 3287 3610( -7421708 5, 56 -6551804 2655 -6811469 8209 2835 5310 5597 3658 4 57 4002 4818 3599694 0304 4894 7333 7583 5606 3 58 6198 6981 5728 2398 6953 9355 9568 7554 2 59 8395 9144 7856 4491 9011 7191377 -731 1553 9502 1 60 -656 0590 669 1306 9984 6584 -707 1068 3398 3537 743 1448 0 / 49~ 48~ 47~ 46~ 45~ 44~ 430 420 / 9 NAT. COSINE 98 NAT. SINE. / 48~0 49~ 500 51~ 520~ 530 540 0 74131448 -'754 7096 -766 0444 i 777 1460 -788 0108 -798 6355 -809 0170 60 1. 3394 9004. 231L4 3290 1898 8105 1879 59 2 ~53-10 -755 0911 4183 1 5120 3688 9S55 3588 58 3 72:g5 2818 6051 6949 5477'799 1604 5296 57 4 9229 4724 1 7918 8777 7266 3352 7004 56 5 -7441173 6630: 9785 i-778 0604 905 5100 8710 55 6 3115 8535 767 1652 2 131 789 0841 6847 -8100416 54 7 5058'756 0439 3517 4258 2627 8593 2122 53 8 6999 23-12 5382,, 6084 4413'800 033.8 38826 52 9 8941 4246 7246 7909 6198 2083 5530 51 10 -745 0881 6148 - ~. 911.0 9733 79831 3827 7234 50 11 2821 8050 -768 0973!'7791557 9767 5571 8936 49 12 4760, 9951 2835 3380 -7901550 73141 8110638 48 13 6699 757 1851 4697 5202 3333 9056 2339 47 14 8636 3751 6558 7024 5115'8010797 4040 46 15 -7460574 5650 8418 8845 6896 2538 5740 45 16 2510: 7548'769 0278'780 0665 8676 4278 7439 44 17 4446 9446 - 2137 2485 -7910456 6018 9137 43 18 6382 -758 1343 3996 4304 2235 7756 -812 0835 42 19 8317 3240 5853 6123 4014 9495 2532 41 20 -7470251 5136 7710 7940 5792'8021232 4229 40 21 2184 7031 9567 9757 7569 2969 5925 39 22 4117 8926 -770 1423 -781 1574 9345 4705 7620 38 23 6049 -759 0820 3278 3390 -7921121 6440 9314 37 24 7981 2713 5132 5205 2896 8175 -8131008 36 25 9912 4606 6986 7019 4671 9909 2701 35 26'748 1842 6498 8840- 8833 64145 -803 1642 4393 34 (27 3772 8389 -7710692 -7820646 8218 3375 6084 33 28 5701 -7600280 2544 2459 9990 5107 7775 32 29 7629 2170 4395 4270'7931762 6838 9466' 31 30 9557 4060 6246 6082 3533 8569'8141155 30 31 -7491484 5949 8096 7892 5304 -8040299 2844 29 3 2 3411 7837 9945 9702' 7074 2028 4532 28 33 5337 9724 -7724 1794 *'783 1511 8843 3756 6220 27 34 7262 -761 1611 3642 3320 -794 0611 5484.7906 26 35 9187 3497 5489 5127 2379 7211 9593 25 36 -7501111 5383 7336 6935 4146 8938'8151278 24 37 3034 7268 9182 8741 5913'8050664 2963 23 38 4957 9152 773 1027 1784 0547 7878 2389 4647 22 39 6879'7621036 28721 2352 9444 4113 6330 21 40 8800 2919 4716- 4157'7951208 5837 8013 20 41 -7510721 4802 6559 5961 2972 7560 9695 19 42 2641 6683 8402 7764 4735 9283'8161376 18 43 4561 8564 77402144 9566 6497 -8061005 3056 17 41 6480 -763 0445 2086 -785 13368 8259 2726 4736 16 45 8398 2325 3926 3169'7960020 44461 6416 15 46'752 0316 4204 5767 4970 1780 6166 8094 14 47 2233 6082 7606 ( 6770 3540 7885 9772 13 48 4149 7960 94-15 8569 5299 9603'817 149 12 49 6065 9838 -775'1283 786 0367 7058 -8071321 3125 11 50 7980 7641714 3121 2165 8815 3038 4801 10 51 9894 3590 4957 3963 -7970572 47541 6-476 9 )52 7531808 5465 6794 5759 2329 6470 8151 8 53 3721 7340 8629 7555 4084 8185 9824 7 54 5634 9214'776 0464 9350 5839 9899'8181497 6 55 7546 -7651087 2298'7871145 75941 8081612 3169 5 56 9457 2960 4132 2939 9347I 3325 4841 4 57'7541368 4832 5965 4732 -798 1100 5037 6512 3 58 3278 6704 7797 6524 2853 6749 8182 2 59 5187 8574 9629 8316 4604 84-60 9852 1 60 7096 1766 0-144 -777 1460 -788 0108 6355 -8090170 -8191520 0 / 410 40~ 39~ 380 37~ 3960 35~ o NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. 99 a 550 56 570 580 59 60 61" 0'819 1520'829 0376 -838 6706 -848 0481 857 1673'866 02654 -874 6197 60 1 3189 2002 8290 2022 3171 1708 7607 59 2 4856 8628 9873 8562 4668 3161 9016 58 3 6523 5252 839 1455 51.02 6164 4614 875 0425 57 4 8189 6877 3037 6641 7660 6066 1832 56 5 9854 8500 4618 8179 9155 7517 3239 55 6 -8201519 5830 0123 61599 9717 858 0649 8967 46-15 54 7 31835 1745 7778 849 1254 2143 -8670417 6051 53 8 4846 3366 9357 2790 3635 1866 7455 52 9 6509 4987'840 0936 4325 5127 3314 8859 51 10 8170 6607 2513 5860 6619 4762 -8760263 50 11 9832 8226 4090 7394 8109 6209 1665 49 12 -8211492 9845 5666 8927 9599 7655 3067 48 13 3152 -8311463 7241 -850 0459'8591088 9100 4468 47 14 4811 3080 8816 1991 2576 -86.80544 5868 46 15 6469 4696 -841 0390 3522 4064 1988 7268 45 16 8127 6312 1963 5053 5551 3431 8666 44 17 9784 7927 3536 6582 7037 4874'877 0064 43 20 4751 2768 8249 8511167 1491 9196 4254 40 521 6405 4380 9819 2693 2975 86 90636 5649 39 22 8059 5991 -842 1388 4219 4457 2074 7043 38 23 9712 7602 2356 5745 5939 3512 8437 37 24 -8231364 9212 4524 7269 7420 4949 9830 36 25 3015 -'83 0822 6091 8793 8901 63S86 878 1222 35 26 4666 2430 7657 -852 0816 -861 0380 821 2613 34 27 6316 4038 9222 1839 1859 9256 4004 33 28 7965t 5646 843 0787 3360 3337 -8700691 5394 32' 29 9614 7252 2351 4881 4815 2124 6783 31 30 824 1262 8858 3914 6402 6292 3557 8171 30 31 2909 -834 0463 5477 7921 7768 4989 9559 29 32 4556 2068 7039 9440 9243 6420 -8790946 28 3 6202 3672 8600 853 0958 -8620717 7851 2332 27 34 7847 5275 -844 0161 2475 2191 9281 3717 26 35 9491 6877 1720 3992 3664 -8710710 5102 25 36 8251135 8479 3279 5508 5137 2138 6486 24 37 2778 -835 0080 4838 7023 6608 3566 7869 23 38 8 4420 1680 6395 8538 8079 4993 9251 22 39 6062 3279 7952 -8540051 9549 6419'8800633 21 40 7703 4878 9508 1564'8631019 7844 2014 20 41 9343 6476'8451064 3077 2488 9269 3394 19 42'8260983 8074 2618 4588 3956'872 0693 4774 18 43 2622 9670 4172 6099 5423 2116 6152 17 4-4 4260 -8361266 5726 7609 6889 3538 7530 16 45 5897 2862 7278 9119 8355 4960 8907 15 46 7534 4456 8830 -855 0627 9820 6381 -88102841 14 47 9170 6050'8460381 2135 -8641284 7801 1660 13 48'827 0806 7643 1932 3643 2748 9221 3035 12 49 2440 9236 3481 5149 4211 -8730640 4409 11 50 4074 -837 0827 5030 6655 5673 2058 5782'10 51 5708 2418 6579 8160 7134 3475 7155 9 52 7340 4009 8126 9664 8595 4891 8527 8 53 8972 5598 9673'8561168'8650055 6307 9898 7 54 -823 0603 7187 -847 1219 2671 1514 7722'8821269 6 55 2231 8775 2765 4173 2973 9137 2638 5 56 3864'838 0363 4309 5674 4430'8740550 4007 4 ) 57 5493 1950 5553 7175 5887 1963 5376 3 58 7121 3536 7397 8675 7344 3375 6743 2 59 8749 5121 8939'857 0174 8799 4786 8110 1 60 8290376 6706'848 0481 1673 -866 0254 6197 9476 0 340 330 320 31~ 30~ 29~ 28~ / NAT. COSINE. 100 NAT. SINE. I 62~ 630 64 650 660 67~. 68 / o 882 9476.891 0065 898 7940 906 3078 -913 5455 920 5049 927 1839 GO 1'8830841 1385 9215 4307 6637 6185 2928 59 2 2206 2705 -8990489 5535 7819 73'0 401 s (I 3 3569 4024 1763 6762 9001 8455 5104 57 4 4933 5342 3035 7989 -9140181 959 61.91 56 ) 5 6295 6659 4307 9215 1361.921 0722 7277 55 6 7656 7975 5578 -907 0440 2540 1854 83a.3 64 7 9017 9291 6848 1665 3718 2986 9447 5 8 884 0377 892 0606 8117 2888 4895 4116 -928 051 52 9 1730 1920 9386 4111 6072 5246 1614 51 10 3095 3234 900 0654 5333 7247 6375 269 0 50 11 4453 4546 1921 6554 86422 7504 3778 49 12 5810 5858 3188 7775 9597 8632 4858 48 13 7166 7169 4453 8995 915 0770 9758 5938 47 14 8522 8480 5718 -908 0214 1943 -922 0884 7017 4 15 9876 9789 6982 1432 3115 2010 8(96 4.5 16 885 1230'893 1098 8246 2649 4286 3134 973 44 17 2584 2406 9508 3866 5456 4258 -929 0250 43 18 3936 3711 -901 0770 5082 6626 5S81 1326 42 19 5288 5021 2031 6297 7795 6503; 2401 41 20 6639 6326 3292 7511 8903 7624 3475 40 21 7989 7632 4551 8725'9160130 8745 4549 39 22 9339 8936 5810 9938 1297 9865 5622 38 23 886 0688 -89402L40 7068'9091150 2462 -923094 664 07 24 2036 1542 8325 2361 3627 2102 7765 36 25 3383 2-844 9582 3572 4791 3220 8835 35 26 4730 4146 -9020838 4781 5955 4336 9905 3127 6075 5446 2092 5990 7118 5452' 930 0974 33 28 7420 6746 3347 7199 8279 6567 2042 32 29 8765 8045 4600 8406 9440 7682 3109 31 30 8870108 9344 5853 9613'9170601 8795 4176 30 31 1451 89506041 7105'910 0819 1760 9908 52411 29 32 2793 1938 8356 2024 2919 -924 1020 6306 28 33 4134 3234 9606 3228 4077 2131 7370 27 34 5475 4529.9030856 4432 5234 3242 8434 26 35 6815 5824 2105 5635 6391 4351 9496 25 36 8154 7118 3353 6837 7546 5460'9310558 24 37 9492 8411 4600 8038 8701 6568 1619 23 38.8880830 9703 5847 9238 9855 6767 2679 22 39 2166.896 0994 7093 9110438 19181009 8782 739 21 40 3503 2285 8338 1637 2161 9888 4797 20 41 4838 3575 9582 2835 3313'9250993 5855 19 42 6172 4864'9040825 4033 4464 2097 6912 18 43 7506 6153 2068 5229 5614 3201 7969 17 44 8839 7440 3310 6425 6763 4303 902-1 16 45'8890171 8727 4551 7620 7912 5405 -9320079 15 46 1503'897 0014 5792 8815 9060 6506 1133 14 47 2834 1299 1 7032'912 0008'919 0207 7606 2186 13 48 4164 2584 8271 1201 1353 8706 3238 12 49 5493 3868 9509 2393 2499 9805 4290 11 50 6822 5151.'905 0746 3584 3644'926 0902 5340 10 51 8149 6433 1983 4775 4788 2000 6390 9 52 9476 7715 3219 5965 5931 3096 7439 8 53 8900803 89960 445:- 7154 7073 4192 8488 7 54 2128 -8980276 5(88 58342 8215 52 6 9535 6 55 3453 1555 6922 9529 9356 6380'933 0582 5 56 4777. 2834 8154 -9130716 -920 0490 7474 1628 4 57 6100 4112 9386 1902 1635 8566 2673 3 58 7423 5389'9060618 3087 2774 9658 3718 2 59 8744 6665 1848 4L271 3912'927 0748 4761 1 60 891 0065 79-40 3078 5455 5049 1839 5804 0 / 27~0 26~ 25 224~ 230 22 21 / NAT, COSI06E. NAT. SINE. 101 6/' 9o 70o 710 720 730 740 75: / 0 -933 5804 -939 6926 945 5186 951 0565'956 3048 -961 2617 965 9258 60 1 6846 7921 6132 1464 3898 3418 -9660011 59 2 7388 8914 7078 2361 4747 4219 0762 58 8 928 9907 8023 3258 5595 5019 1513 57 4 9'968 -940 0899 8368 4154 643- 5818 2263 56 5 934 1007 1891 9311 5500 7290 6616 3012 55 6 2045 2881 946 0854 5944 813 7413 3761 5 7 3082 3871 1795 6838 8981 8310 4508 53 8 4119 4860 2736 7731 9825 900o5 5255 2 9 5154 5848 3677 8623 957 0669 9800 6001 51. 10 6189 6335 4616 9514 1512 -962 0594 6746 50 11 7223 7822 5555 -952 0404 2354 1387 7490 49 12 8257 8808 6493 1290 3195 2180 S234 48 13 9289 9793 7430 2183 4035 2972 8977 47 14 935 0321 941 0777 8366 3071 4875 3762 9718 46 15 1352 1760 9301 3958 5714 4552'967 059 45 16 23 82 2743 947 0236 4844 6552 53412 1200 44 17 31112 372:1 1170 5730 7389 6130 19 39 43 )18i 4480 4705 2103 6615 8225 6917 2678 42 19 5468 5686 3035 7499 9060 7704 3415 41 20 6495 6665 -3966 30 8382 9895 8490 4152 40 21 7521 7641 4897 9261'958 0729 9275 4888 39 22 8547 8621 5827 -953 0146 1502 -963 0060 5624 38 23 9571 9598 6756 1027 2394 0843 6358 37 24 -9360595 942 0575 7684 1907 3226 1626 7092 36 25 1618 1550 8612 2786 4056 2408 7825 35 26 2641 2525 9538 3664 4886 3189 8557 34 27 3662 349 1948 0464 4542 5715 3969 9288 33 28 4683 4171 1389 5418 6543 4748'968 0018 32 29 5703 5444 2313 6294 7371 5527 0748 31 30 6722 6415 3237 7170 8197 6305 1476 30 31 7740 7386 4159 8044- 9023- 7081 2204 29 32 8758 8355 5081 8917 9848 7858 2031 28 33 9774 9324 6002 9790 959 0672 8633 3658 27 34 -9370790 -943 0293 6922 9540662 1496 9407 4383 26 35 1806 1260 7842 1533 2318 -964 0181 5108 25 36 2820 2227 8760 2403 3140 0954 5832 24 37.3833 3192 9678 3273 3961 1726 6555 23 38 48-16 4157 9490595 4141 4781 2497 7277 22 39 55858 5122 1511 5009 5600 9 268 7998 21 40 6869 6085 2026 5876 6418 4037' 8719 20 41 7880 7048 3341 674, 7236 4806 9438 19 42 8889 8010 4255 760S 8053 5574'9690157 18 43 9898 8971 5168 8473 8869 6341 0875 17 44 938 0906 9931 6080 9330 9684 7108 1593 16 45 191.3 944 0890 6991 955 0199 0499 7873 2309 15 46 2920 189 7902 1062 -9601312 8638 3025 14 47 3925 2807 8812 1923 2125 9-102 3740 13 48 4930 3764 9721 2784 2937 -96501658 4453 12 49 5934 4720 950 0629 3643'3748 0927 5167 11 50 6938 5675 1536 4502 4558 1689 5879 10 51 7910 6630 2413 5361 5368 2-49 6591 9.52 8912 7584 3348 6218 6177 3209 301 8 53 9943 8537 4253 7074 6984'3968 8011 7 04 939 0943 9489 5157 7930 7792 4726 8720 6 55 1942 -9450111 6061 8785 8598 5-158 9428 5 56 2940 1391 6963 9639 9403 62410 970 0135 4 57 3938 2311 7865 -956 0492 -961 0208 6996 0842 3 5S 4935 -29. 8766 13-15 1012 7751 154i 2 59 5931 423:8 9666 2197 1815 8505 2253 1 60 6926 5186.9510565 3048 2617 9258 2957 0' 20~ 190 18~ 17~ 1 6~ 15~ 14~ / 9Q* NAT. COSINE. 1.02 NAT. SINE. 7 7160 770 50780 790 8 5 9 810 9 820 / 0 89702957 -9743701 -9731476 -9816272'948 07819876 883 -9902 81 60 1 36 0 4355 2080 68263 582'-9877 338'9903 085 59 2 4383 5008 2681' - 7 9849 08 91( 792 489 58 3 505 560 S7 793 589 1-978 245 891 57 4 5766 6311 388 8485 -9850 091 697 -9904 293 i 56 5 L 63 6 0962 449093- 37 593 -9879 148 694 535 6 7165 7"12 5090 9587 -9851 093 5939 -9905095 54 7 7'83 8261 5689 -9820137 593'9S80048 494 53 8 8561 8909 6238 0686 -9852 092 49 833 52 9 9253 95536 6886 1234 590 9415 -9906 290 51 10 9953 -975' 0203 7483 1781 -98753087 -9881392 687 50 II -97106-19 0849 8079 2327 583 838 -9907 083 49 12 1343 149 8674 2873 -9854 079 -9882284 478 48 13 2036 2138 9268 3417 574 728 87347 14 2729 2781 9862 3961 9855 068 -9S83172 -9908266 46 13.5 3'21 3423 -9790 55 450 561 615 659 45 16 4112 4065 1047 5046'9856053 -9884057 -9909051 44 17 4802 4706 1638 5587 544 498 442 43 18 5491 535 2228 6128 -9857 035 939 832 42 19 6180 5985 2818 6688 524 9885 378 -9910221 1 20 68607 6623 34063 7206 9858 013 817 610 40 21 7554 7260 3994 7744 501 -9886255 997 39 22 82-30 7897 4581 82821 988 692 -9911384 38 23 8926 8533 5167 8818 -9859 475 -9887128 770 24 9610 9168 5752 935 960 564 -9912155 36 25 -9720294 9802 337 9888 9860 445 998 540 35 26 0976'976 0435 6921 -983 0422 929 9888 432 923 34 27 1658 1067 7504 0955 -986141.2 865 9913 306 33 28 2339 1699 8086 [ 1487 894 -9889 297 688 32 29 3020 2330 8667 2019 -9862 375 728 -9914009 31 30 3699 2960 9247 2549 856 -9890 159 449 30 31 437 8 3589 9827 3079 -9863336 588 828 29 32 5056 4217 -980 0405 3608 815 -9891 017 9915 206 28 33 5733 4845 098.3 4136 -9864 293 "445 584 27 34 6409 5472 1560 4663/ 770 872 961 26 35 7084 6098 2136 5189 -9865 246 -9892 298 -9916 337 25 36 7759 6723 2712 5715 722 723 712 24 37 8432 7347 3286 6239 -9866196 -9893148 -9917 086 23 38 9105 7970 3860 6763 670 572 459 22 30 9777 8593 4433 7286'9867143 994 832 21 40 -973 0449 9215 5005 7808 615 -9894416 -9918204 20 41 1119 9836 5576 8330'9868 087 838 574 19 42 1789''977 0456 6147 8850 557'9895 258 944' 18 43 2458 1075 6716 9370'9869 027 677'9919 314 1.7 44 3125 1693 7285 9889 496'9896096 682 16 45 3793 2311 7853 -984 0407 964 514 -9920 049 15 46 4458 2928 8420 0924 -9870 431 931 416 14 47 5124 3544' 8986 1441 897 -9897347 782 13 48 5789 4159 9552 1956'9871 363 762 -9921147 12 49 6453 4773 -9810116 2471 827 -9898 177 511.11 50 7116 5386 0680 2985 -9872 291 590 874 10 51 7778 5999 12-13 3498 754 -9899 003'9922 237 9 52 8439 6611 1805 4010 -9873 216 415 599 8 53 9100 7222 2368 4521 678 826 959 7 54 97160 7832 2927 5032 -9874138'9900 237'9923 319 6 535 -974 04119 844:1 3486 5542 598 646 679 5 56 1077 9050 4045 6050 -9875 057 -9901055 -9924 037 4 57 1734 9658 4603 6558 514 462 394 3 58 2390 -9780265 5160 7066 972 869 751 2 59 3046 0871 5716 7572 -9876428 -9902275 -9925 107 1 60 3701 1476 6272 8078 883 681 462 0 / 130 12~ 11 10~ 9 8~ 70 / NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. 10 / 830 840 850 86~0 870 88o 90 0'9925 462'9945 219'9961 947'9975 641'9986 295 9993 08 j998v 477 60 ( 1 816 523'9962 200 843 447 199-1 009 27 59 2'9926 169 825 45'2 9976 045 598 110 577 58 3 521'9946127 704 245 748 209 625 57 ) 4 873 428 954 445 98 308 673 56) 5'9927 2241 7'29'9963 204 645 -9987 046 405 720 55 6 573'9947 028 453 843 194 502 7G6 54 7 922 327 701 -9977 040 340 98 812 53 8'9928 271 625 948 237 486 C93 856 52 9 618 921'9964195 433 631 788 900 51 10 965'9948 217 440 627 775 881 942 50 11'9929 310 513 685 821 919 974 98P 49 12 655 807 929 9978 015'9988061'9995066 9999 025 48 13 999 9949101'9965 172 207 203 157 065 47 14'9930342 393 414 399 344 247 106 46 15 685 685 655 589 484 336 143 45 16'9931026 976 895 779 623 424 181 44 17 367 9950 266'9966135 968 761 512 218 43 18 706 556 374 -9979156 899 599 254 42 19 -9932045 844 612 343 -9989 035 C84 289 41 20 384 -9951132 849 530 171 770 323 40 21 721 419 -9967085 716 /306 854 357 39 22 -9933057 705 321 900 440 937 389 38 23 393 990 555'9980 084' 573 -9996 020 421 37 24 728 -9952 274 789 267 706 101 452 36 25'9934 062 557'9968 022 450 837 182 482 35 26 395 840 254 631 968 262 511. 34 27 727 *9953122 485 811 *9990098 341 539 33 28'9935058 403 715 991 227 419 567 32 29 389 683 945 -9981170 355 497 593 31 30 719 962 -9969173 348 482 573 619 30 31 -9936 047'9954 2040 1 525 609 649 644 29 32 375 517 628 701 734 724 668 28 33 703 794 854 877 859 798 692 27 34 -9937 029 9955 070 -9970 080 9982 052 983 871 714 26 35 355 345 304 225'9991106 943 736 25 36 679 620 528 398 228 -9997 015 756 24 37 -9938003 893 750 570 350 086 776 23 / 38 326 -9956165 972 742 470 156 795 22 39 648 437 -9971193 912 590 224 813 21 40 969 708 413 -9983082 709 292 831 20 41 -9939290 978 633 250 827 360 847 19 42 - 610 -9957 247 851 118 944 426 863 18 43 928 515'9972069 585'9992360 492 878 17 44'9940246 783 286 751 176 556 892 16 45 563 -9958049 502 917 290 620 905 15 46 880 315 717 9984 081 404 683 917 14 47'9941195 580 931 245 517 7435 928 13 48 510 844 9973145 408 629 807 939 12 49 823 -9959107 357 570 740 867 949 11 50 -9942136 370 569 731 851 927 958 10 51 448 631 780 891 960 986 966 9 52 5 760 892 990 9985 050 -9993 069 -9998 044 973 8 53'9943070 -9960 152'9974199 209 177 101 979 7 54 379 411 408 367 284 57 985 6 55 688 669 615 524 390 213 989 5 56 996 926 822 680 495 267 993 4 57 9944 303'9961183 997 5028 835 00 3021 996 3 58 609 438 233 989 704 374 998 2 59 914 693 437'9986143 806 426 1-000000 1 60'9945219 947 641 295 908 477 000 0 / 0 5 40 30 20 lo 00 NAT. COSINE. 104 NAT. TAN. "/ 0~ 1~ 20 30 40 50 60 7 / 0 000 0000 -017 4551 -034 9208 052 4078'069 926S O08 4887 -105 1042 -122 7840 60 1 2009 7460'035 21920 6995'070 2191 7318 3983 123 0798 59 2 5818 018 0370 50 115 088 0749 6925 3751 5 3 8727 3280 7'94- 053 829 8038 3681 9866 7 670, 57 4 001 13C 6190C10360858) 5746 071 0961 6612 106 2808 95 56 5 4544 9100 3771 86 38S 9544 i 570 124 201i 55 6 7453 -019 2010 6683 054 1581 6809 089 2476 8692 55GC 5 4 7 -002 0362 4920 9596 4498. 9733 5~08 -107 1634 8520 53 8 3271 7830 -037 2500 7416 072 2657 8S41 476 1251474 r5 9 6180 -020 0740 542 -,055 0333 5581 -090 1273 7519 4429 51 10 9089 3G50 8335 3251 8505 4200 1080462 78t 50 )11 0031'9;8 6560 -038 1248 6169 -073 1430 7138 3405 126 033 49 12 4907 (94701 41l1 9087 43549 -091 0071 6348 329- 4 13 781;-0291 2380 7074.056 2005. 7 9 3004 9291 6249 47 14 -00 0725 5291. 9988 4923 0740203 5938- 109 2234 9205 6 15 30 8201039 29011 7841 3128 8871 5178-127 2161 45 1.6 65421 02 11]11 5814 -057 0759 605092 5 S04 8122 5117 44 17 94-51 4021 8728 3678 8079 4738 -110 1060 807 - 18 -005 2360 6932 -040 1641 6596 -075 1904 7672 4010 1128 1030 42 19 5206 9842 4555 9515 4829 -093 0606 6955 398 41 20 8178 023.2753 7460 058 2434 7755 3540 9999 6943 40 21'006 108, 5663 0-01 0383 5032'076 0680 6474 111 2841 9900 39 22 3990C 8574 32961 8271 3606 9409 5789 -129 2858 38 23 6905 024 1484 62101059 1190 6532 094 2344 8734 5815 37 24 9814 4395 91241 4109 9458 5278 -112 10S0 8773 36 25 007 272' 7305-042 2038 7029077 2384 8213 4625 -130 1731 35 26 5632'025 0216 49521 9948 5311 -0951148 7571 4690 34 27 8541 3127 7866-060287 8237 4084 -113 0517 7648 3 28 -008 1450 6038 -043 07S1 5 5787'078 1164 7019 34631 131 0607 32 29 430CO 8948 306951 8706 4090 9955 6410 3566 31 30 7269 026 1859 6609;'061 1260 7017 -096 2890 93506 6525 30 31 -009017F 4770 95241 4546 9944 5826'114 2303 94S4 29 32 3087 7681 -04- 24381 7466-0792871 8763 5250-132 2444 28 33 5990i027 05929 53*53'062 0386 5798'097 1699 8197 5404 27 34 8905, 35031 82681 3306 8726 4635 -1151144 8364 23'35 -00191814 6414104511831 6226 -OS 01653 7572 4092-1331324 25 (36 | 47241 9325 40971 9147 4581-098 0509 7039 428 24 37 763iS -02822936 7(12i 063 2067 7509 34460 9987 7246 23 38 -011 054 51.48 9927 4988 081 0437 6383'116 2936 134 0207 22 3t9 3451 8059 -0462842! 7908 3365 9320 5884 316S 21 40 6361 0290970 5757 -064 0829 6293 099 2257 8832 6129 20 1 9270 3882 8673! 37501 9221 5194'117 1781 9091 19 42 -012 2179 6793.047 1588 6671 082 2150 8133 4730 135 2053 18 43 5088 9705 45031 95921 5078'1001071 7679 5015 17 41 799 1-03026160 7419'065 2513 89007 4009'1180628 7978 16 45 -013 0907 5528 -048 03341 5435 -083 0936 6947 3578 -136 0940 15 45 1 3817 84-.39 32501 8356 3865 9986 6528 39031 47 6726 -031 1351 61661 066 1278 6794 -1012824 94'78 680 13 48 9535 4263 90821 4199 9723 5763 119 24-28 9830 12 419'014 255 7174'049 1997 7121 -0842653 8702 537S8 137 2793 11 50 545-1 032 00561 49131067 0043 5583 1021641 83291 5757 10 51 8364 29981 7829 2965 8512 4580'120 1279 8721 9 52 -015 127 5910i'050 0746 5887'085 1442 7520 4230 -13 1685 8 53 41839 8822 3662~ 8809 4372 1030460 7182 4650 7 591 709S- 033 1734 6578 068 1732 7302 3399'1210133 7615 6'55 016 0002 4646 94951 4654' 086 0233 6340 3085 139 0580 5 56 2912 7558 051 2411 7577 3163 9280 6036; 355 4 57 5821 034 0471 5328' 069 0499 6094-10 2220 8988 6510 3 58 87 31 33831 82441 34-22 9025 5161'1221941i 94761 2 59 -017 1641 6295 -05211611 6345 1087 1956 8101 4893 -140 2442 1 0 0 4551 9208 40781 9268 4S871-1051042 7848i 5408 0 / 89~ 880 87~ I 86~ 85~ I 84~ 830 82o / NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 05 R 8o 90 110 11 120 130 I 1i0 15 0 I'140 5408 -158 3841.176 3270 -194 3803 -212 5566 -230 8682 -219 3280 267 9492 60 1 I 8375 6826 6269 6822 8606'231 1746 6370'268 2310 59 2 -1411342 9809 9209 9841 213 164171 4811 9-60 5728 58 3 4301) 159 2791 -177 2269 -195 2861 46881 7876' 250 2551 8S47 57 4 727t 5774 5270 5881 7730'23209411 56;12'269 1907 56 5'142 0214 8757 8270 8901 -214 0772 4007 87341.5087 55 6 3211 -160 1740 178 1271 196 1922 38141 7073 -25118261 8207 54 7. 6179 47241 4273 4.943 6857 253 0140 4919-270 1328 53 8 9147 7708 7274 7964 9900 3207 80121 4449 52 9 -143 2115 161 0692 179 0276 -197 098- 1215 294 6274 -2521106 7571 51 10 5084 3677 3279 4008 59881 9342 4200'271 0694 50 11 8053 6662 62SI 7031 90321-234 2410 724l 3817 49 112 -1441022 96-7 9234 1198 0053 -216 2077 5479 253 0389 69440 48 13 3991 -162 2632 -180 2287 3076 5122 8548 3484: 272 0084 47,1 6961 5618 5291 6100 8167'2351617 65801 3188 4 15 9931 8603 8295 9124 -2171213 4687 9676 6313 45 16 -145 23. 01-163 1590 1181 1299 -199 2141 4259 7758 254 2773 9438 44 17 5872 4576 4303 5172 7306 -2360829 5870-2732564 43 18 8842 7563 7308 8197 -218 0353 3900 89681 5690 42 19 1146 1813'164 0550 -182 0313 -200 1222 3-100 6971 -255 2066 8817 41 20 4784 3537 3319 4248 6448.237 004 5165 -2741945 40 ) 21 775t 6525 -'6324 7274 9496 3116 8264- 5072 39 )22 -147 0727 9513 9330 -201 0300'219 2544 6189 256 1363 8201 38 23 3630 -165 2501 183 23371 3327' 5593 9262 4463 -275 1330 37 21 6672 5189 5343 6354 8643 -238 2336 7564 4159 36 253 96441 8478 8350 9381'220 1692 5110 -257 0664 7589 35 226 1148 2617 -166 1467 -184 13581.202 2409 4742 8185 37661 276 0719 34 27 5590 44 446 4365 5437 7793 -239 19560 6868 3850 33 )28 8563 7441 7373 8465'2210844 4635 99'70 6981 32 29 149 1531C 167 0436 -185 os2 203 0 1494 3895 7711 -258 30731 277 0113 31 130 45101 3426 3390 4523 6957 -2400788 6176 3245 30 ) 1 7484 6-17 63399 7552 9999 3386 9280 6378 29 5 32 -150 045S 90407 9409 -204 0582'222 3051 6942 -259 2384 9512 28 33 3413'168 2398 -186 2518 3615.2 6104 -241 0019 54-88 -278 2646 27 1 31 6408 591 0 5428 66431 9157 3097 8593 5780 26 35 93813 8381 8-139 9674'223 2211 6176 -260 1699 8915 25 36'151 235S -169 13731 -17 1419 -205 270,5 5265 9255 4805 -279 2050 24 (37 5333 4366 4460( 5737 8319 -242 2334 7911 5186 23 38 8303-) 7358 7471 8769'224 1374 5414T-261 1018 8322 22 6 39 -152 1285 -170 0351 -188 0483 -206 1801 4429 8459 4126 -280 1459 21 40 4262 334-1 3495 4833- 74835 -2431 571 7'234 4597 20 41 723S 6338 6507 7867'225 05411 465i0 262 03421 7735 19 42'153 0215 9331 5201' 207 0900 3597 77371 3451-281 0873 18 43 31912'171 232,5.1 189 253; 393: 6654 -244 0819 6560 4012 17 ( 41 6170 5320 55-2![ 6968 9711 39021 9670 71521 16 415 9134.7 8114 85:59'208 0001' 226 2763 6934:-263 2780 -282 0292 15 4; -154 2125 -172 1-303 -190 1573 3038 58>27 1245 005S 58091 3432 134 47 5103. 430-1 4587 1 6073 8885 3151 9002 6573 13 -s 38082 7300 7602 910-1'227 1911 623,6-264 2114 97151 12 49 -155 1061'173 0296 -191 0617 -209 2145 50031 9320 5226 -283 28571 1 50 4040 3292 3632 5181 8063 -246 2405 8339 59919 10 51 7019 6288 6648 8211 -228 1123 5491;265 1452 9143 5 5 9398 9285 9664 -2101255 418.1 85771 4566-284 2286 8 (53 -156 2978 -174 2282'192 2180 429,3 7214 -247 1663 7680 5430 7 51 5958' 5279 56960 7331'2290306 4750'266 0791 8575 6,55 8939 8277 8'71312110369 367 78371 3909'2851720 5 56 1-1571919 -175 1275 -193 1731 3407 64292'248 09251 7025 4866 4 57 4900 4273 4748 6i4463 9492 4013'267 01:411 8012 3 58 7881 7272 7766 9038'230 25551* 7102i 32571-2861159 2 59'158 0863 -176 0271 -19-1 07841 212 2521 5618 -249 0191 6374 4306 1 60 3845 3270 38031 556e 882 328013 9592 7454 0 / 81~ 80~ J90 80 0 79~ 5 1 740 NAT. COTAN. 106 NAT. TAN. / 160 170 180 19o 200 210 220 23 o 0 -286 74541 305 7307 -324 9197 344 3276 -363 970. -383 8640 -404 0262 424 4748 60 1'287 0602'306 0488 -325 2413 65301 364- 2991 -384 1978 3646 8182 59 2 3751 3670 5630 9785 629-9 5317 7031 -425 161( 58? 3 6900 6852 8848 -345 3040 958 8656 -405 0417 5051 57 ) 4 -288 0050'307 0034 -326 2066 G296 -365 2'88- 1385 1996 3804 848'i 56 5 3201 3218 524s 9553 618 5337 7191 -426192. 55) 6 6352 6402 8504l-346 2810 9148( 8679 406 0579 5361 54 7 9503 9586 -327 1724 6068 366 277.'-386 2021 39068 880 53 8 -289 2655'308 2771 4944 9327 6071 536t4 7358 -427 2,231 52 9 5088 5957 8165 -347 2586 937,o 8708 -407 0748 568C 51 10 8961 91143 328 1387 5846 367 2638C 387 2053 4139 91211 50 11 -290 2114 1308 2330 4610 9107 5981 5398 7531 1428 2563 49 12 5269 5517 7833-3318 2368 9284 87 44 408 0924 6005 483 13 8423 8705 -3291056 5630 -368 2587 388 2091 4318 9449 47 14 -2911578'310 1893 4281 8893 580 5439 77131 429 2891 46 15 4734 5083 7505 -349 2156 919, 87871 4091108 6339 45 16 7890 8272-330 0731 5420'369 250C -389 2136 4504] 9785 44 17 -292 1047'311 1462 3957 685 580( 5486 79011 430 3232 43 18 4205 4653 7184 350 1950 9112 8837'410 1299 6680 42 19 7363 7845 -331 0411 5216 -370 242G 390 2189 4697'431 0129 41 20 -293 0521 -31210 36 3639 8483 5728 5541 8097 3579 40 21 3680 4223 6868 -351 1750 903C 8894 1411 1497 7030 39 22 6839 7422 -332 0097 501oS 371 234; -391 22i7 4898 -432 0481 38 2 23 9999 -313 0616 3327 8287 565'- 5 8C02 8300. 3933 37 ) 24.294 3160 3810 6557 -35215506 967 895 412 17031 738c 36 )25 6321 7005 9788 48206-372 227-.392 2313 51061433 0840 35 26 9483 -314 0200 333 3020 S096 5590 5670 8510 4295 34 27 -295 2645 3396 6252.353 1368 8901 9027 -413 1915 7751 33 28 5808 6593 9485 4640.373 2217 393 2386 5321.43,. 1208 32 29 8971 990332719 7912 532 5745 8728 4665 31 130 -296 2135 -315 2988 5953 -3541186 88471 9105 -414 21738.8124 30 31 5299 61861 9188 4460 -374 2161 -394 2465 554-1 435 1583 29 32 8464 9385'335 2424 7734 5479 5827 8953 5043 28 33 -297 1630 -316 2585 5660 -355 1010 8797 9189 1-415 2363 850- 27 34 4796 5785 8890 4286 -375 2115 -395 2552 5774 -436 1906 26 35 7962 8986 336 2134 7562 5433 5916 9186 5429 25 36 -298 1129 -317 2187 5372 -356 0840 8753 9280 -416 2598 8893 24 37 4297 5389 8610 4118 1376 2073 -396 2645 6012 -437 2357 23 38 7465 85911-337 1850 7397 5394 6011 9-426 58-23 22 39 -299 06341 318 1794 50901 357 0676 8716 9378 417 2841 9289 21 40 3803 4998 8330 39506 377 2038 -397 2746 6257 -438 2756 20 41 6973 8202 1338 1571 7237 5361 6114 9673 6224 19 42 -300 0144 -319 1407 4813 -358 0518 8685 9483 -418 3091 9693 18 43 3315 4613 8056 3801 1378 2010 -398 2853 61509- 439 3163- 17 44 6486 7819 -339 1299 7083 5335 6224 9928 6634 16 45 9G58 -320 1025 4543 -359 0367 8661 9595 -419 3348 -440 0105 15 46'3012831 4232 7787 36511 379 1988 399 2968 6769 3578 14 47 6004 7440'340 1032 6936 5315 6341 420 0190 7051 13 4S 9178'321 0649 4278'360 0222 8644- 971.5 3613 441052 12 49 -302 2352 3858 7524 35081 380 1973 -400 3089 703(t 4001 11 50 5527 7067.341 0771 6795 5302 6465'421 0460 7477 10 51 8703'322 0278 4019 -361 0082 8633 9841 3885 -442 0954 9 52 -3031879 3489 7267 3371 -3811964.401 3218 7311 4i32 8 53 5055 6700 3420516 6660 5296 659C'422 0738 7910 7 54 8232 9912 3765 9949 8629 9974 4165 4431390 6 55 -3041410- 323 3125 7015 -362 32401 3821962 L402 3354 7 7594 4871 5 56 4588 6338 -343 0266 6531 5296 6734 -4231023 832 4 57 7767 9552 3518 9823 8631 -403 0115 4453 -444 183- 3 58 305 0946'324 2766 677-'363 311'i -3831967 3 49, 7884 531 2 59 4126 5981 3440023 6408l 5303 6879 4241316 8802 1 60 7307 9197 3276 9702 8640 4004 0262 4748'445 2287 0 / 73~ 72~ 71~ 70~ 69~ 68~ 67~ 66 / NAT, COTAN. NAT. TAN. 107 / 240,~ t 0 26 270 280 290 1 300 3J10 / 0'445 2287 -466 3077 -487 7326 -509 5254 531 7094 -554 3091i-577 3503.600 8606 60 1 5773 6618 -488 0927 89191 532 0826 6894.1 7382 601 2566 59 2 92601-467 0161 4530*-510 2585 4559 -555 0698 578 1262 6527; 58 3'446 2747 3705 8133 62852 8293 4504' 51441-602 0490 57 4 6236 7250 -489 1737 9919 -533 2029 83111 9027 4454 56 5 9726.468 0796 5343- 511 3588 5765 556 2119'579 2912 8419 55 6 447 3216 4342 8949 7259 9503 5929! 6797'603 23860 54 7 6708 7890'490 2557 -512 0930 -534 3242 9739 -580 0684 6354' 53 8 -448 0200 469 1439 6166 4602 6981'557 31551 4573 1604 0323 52 9 3693 4988 9775 8275 -535 0723 7364 8462 42941 51 10 7187 8539 -491 3386 513 1950 4465 -558 1179 -5812353 8266 50 11 -449 0682 470 2090' 6997 5625 8208 4994 6245 -605 2240i 49 12 4178 5643 -492 0610 93021 536 1953 8811'582 0139 6215148 13 7675 9196 4224 514 2980 5699'559 2629 4034 -606 0192 47 14 -4501173'4712751 7838 6658 9446 6449 7930 4170! 46 15 4672 6306-'4931454 a515 0338X-537 3194 -560 0269 -5831828 8149l 45 16 8171 9863 5071 4019 6943 4091 5726 -607 2130 44 17 -451 1672 -472 3420 8689 7702'538 0694 7914 9627 61121 43 18 5173 6978 -494 2308 -5161385 4445 -561 1738 -584 3528 -608 0095 42 19 8676 -473 0538 5928 5069 8198 5564 7431. 4080 41 20 -452 2179 4098 9549 87551 539 1952 9391 585 1335 8067 40 21 5683 7659 -495 3171'517 2-141 5707'562 3219 5241 -609 2054 39 22 9188 4741222 6794 6129 9464 7048 9148 6043 38 23'453 2694 4785 -496 0418 9818 -540 3221 -563 0879 -586 3056 -610 0034 37 24 6201 8349 4043' 518 3508 6980 4710| 6965 4026 36 25 9709 -47519141 7669 7199 -5410740 8543]-587 0876 8019 35 26 -454 3218 5481 -497 1297'519 0891 4501 -564 2378 4788 -611 2014. 34 27 6728 9048 49'25 4584 8263 6213 8702 6011 33 28'455 0238 1476 2616 8554 8278 -542 2027 -565 0050 588 2616 -612 0008' 32 29 3750 6185 -498 2185'520 1974 5791 3888 6533 4007 31 30 7263 9755 5816 5671 95571 7728-589 0450 8008 30 31'456 0776 -477 3326 9449 9368 -543 3324 566 1568 4369 -613 2010' 29 32 4290 6899'499 3082 -521 3067 7092 5410 8289 6013 28 33 7806'478 0472 6717 6767 -544 0862 9254 -590 2211'614 00181 27 34 -457 1322 4046'500 0352 -522 0468 4632'567 3098 6134 4024 26 35 4839 7621 3989 4170 8404 6944-591 0058 8032 25 36 8357 479 1197 7627 7874 -545 2177 -568 0791 3984 -615 2041 24 37 -4581877 4774'5011266 5231578 5951 4639 7910 6052 23 38 5397 8352 4906 5284 9727 8488 -5921839]-616 0064 22 39 8918'4801932 8547 8990'546 3503'569 2339 5768 4077 21 40 -4592139 5512 1502 2189-.524 2698 7281 6191 9699 8092 20 41 5962 9093 58321 6407 -547 1060'570 0045 -593 3632 -617 2108 19 42 948614812675 9476 525 0117 4840 3899 7565 6126 18 43 -4603011 62581 503 3121 3829 8621 7755-59415011-6180145 17 44 6537 9842 6768 75411 548 2404 -571 1612 5437 4166 16 45'461 0063 482 3427 -504 0415 5261255 6188 5471 9375 8188 15 46 3591( 7014 4063 4969 9973 93311 59533141 6192211 14 47 7119 4830601 7713 8685 549 3759'5723192 7255 6236 13 48 -462 0649 4189'-505 1363 527 2402 7547 7054'596119616200263 12 49 4179 7778 5015 6120 5501335-5730918 5140 4291 11 50 7710'-4841368 8668 9839 5125 4783 9084 8320 10 51 -46312431 4959}-506 2322-528 3560 8916 8649 -597 3030 -621 2351 9 52 47761 8552 59771 72811-5512708'5742516 6978 6383 8 53 83104-485 2145 9633'-5291004 6502 63851-598 0926'622 0417 7 54 -464 18451 5739 5073290 47271'5520297'5750255 4877 4452 6 55 5382- 93341 6981 8452 4093 4126 8828 8488 5 56 8919 -486 29311-508 0607.-530 2178 7890 7999 -599 2781-'623 2527 4 57 -465 2457! 6528 42671 59086-5531688'5761873 6735 6566 3 58 5996 487 0126 7929 9634 5 5488 5748 -600 0691 624 0607 2 59 95361 -3726,509 1591 531 3364 9288 9625 4648 4650 1 60 -46630771 73261 5254: 7094 -551 3091'577 3503 8606 8694 0 / 65~ 164~0 63~ 62~ 61~ 60~ 59~ 58~ / NAT, COTAN. 108 NAT. TAN. / 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 0 -624 8694'649 4076 -674 5085 -'700 2075 726 5425 -753 56,541 -781 2856 -809 7840 60 1 -625 2739 8212 9318 6411 9871-7540102 754-2-810 2658 59 2 6781 -650 2350 -675 3553 -701 0749 -727 4313 4666 -782 2229 7478 58 3 -626 0834 6490 7790 5089 8767 9232 6919'811 2300 57 4 4884'-651 0631'676 2028 9413G-728 321-755 3799'7831611 7124 56 5 8935 4774 6268-'7023773 7671 8369 6305'8121951 55 6 -627 2988 8918 -677 0509 8118 -729 2125 -756 2941 -784 1002 6780 54 7 7042-652 3064 47521'703 2464 6582 75141 57006-8131611 53 8 -6281098 7211 8997 6S1; -7301041 -757 2090 -785 0400 6444 52 9 51551-6531360-'678 3243'704 11631 5501 6668 51031-8141280 51 10 9214 5511 7492 5515 9963 -7581248 9808 6118 50 11'6293274 9663'679 1741 986 -7314428 5829-1786 4515815 0958 49 12 7336, 654 3817 5993'705 4224 8894 -759 0413 9224 5801 48 )13 630 1399 7972'-680 0246 8581-732 3362 4999'-787 3935-'816 0646 47 14.5464 -655.2129 45011 706 2940 7832 9587'8649 5493.46 1 5 9530 6287 87358 7301 -'733 2303 -'760 4177 -788 3364 -817 0343 45 16 -631 35981-656 04471-681 3016 -707 1664 6777 8769 8082 5195 44 (17 7667 4609 727 6 6028. 7341253 -701 3363 -789 2802 -818 0049 43 18 -6321738 8772'-6821537 -7080395 5730 7959 7524 4905 42 (19 58101-65723937 5801 4760-'735 02101-762 25571'790 2248 9764 41 203 9883 7103. 683 0066 9133 4691 7157 6975 -'819 4625 40 21 -633 395916589 1271 4-.33 -709 3504 9174 -763 1759 791 1703 9488 39 )22 8035 5441 8601 7876'-7363660 6363 64341-8204354 38 23 -63121131 9612-6842.771'710 225-.2 8147'-76409691-7921167 9222 37 24t 61930-659 3785 714- 6630 -737 2636 5577 5902 -8214097 36 25.6350274 7900'6S5 1416 -711 1009 7127 -'765 0188 -793 0640 8965 35 26 4357'-660 2136 5692 539' -738 1620 4800 5379 -822 3840 34 27 8-141 6313 999 977' 611 9414 -794 0121 8718 33 28 -636 2527 -661 0492'6864 4247-'712 4157 739 061-1 -766 4031 4863.823 3597 32 29 66141 4.67'3 85328 854'1 5110 8649 9611 8479 31 30 -637 0703 8856 -687 2810 1713 293' 9611 -767 3270 -795 4359 -824 3364 30 31 47931'-662 3040 7093 7320'T40 4113 7893 9110 8251 29 32 8885 7225 -'688 1379 714 1712 8618 -'768 2517 -796 3862 -825 3140 28 33 -638 2978 -663 141173 5666 6106 -741 3124 7144 8617 8031 27 34 7073 5601 9955 -715 0501 7633 -7691773 -797 3374 -82629253 26 35'639 1169 9792 -689 42401 4898 -742 2143 64034 8134 7821 25 36 5267 -664 3984 8538 90297 6655'7701037'798 2895'827 2719 24 37 936 8178 -690 2832 -716 369-'743 1170 5672 7659 7620 23 33'640 3167 1665 2373 712, 8100 5686 771 0309'799 24251 -828 25237 22 39 75691 6570'0691 11-25'717 25051'744 0204 4948 7193 742 21 40 -6-11673-'6660769 57- 5 6911 4724 9589-800190638292337 20 41 5779 4969 692 0026 -718 1319 92461'7724233 6736 7247 19 42 9886 9171. 432S 53729 -745 3770 8878'801151 1-830 2160 18 43 -642 39900 -667 3374 8633-'719 0141 829601773 3526 6288 7075 17 44 8105 75801.693'2939 43554 -746 2821 8176'802 1067'831 1992 16 45 -633 221( -668 1780) 7237 897<7 7354 -7742827 5849 6912 15 46 6329 5995 -696 1557 -720 3387 -747 1886( 7481 -803 0632 -8321834 141 47.641.404-.669 0205 5 86 780c 6420 -775 2137 54111 6759 13 48 456O 4417 -695 0181 -721 2227 -748 095C 6795 -804 020C -833 1686 12 49 8678 8630 4496 653C 5194 -'7761455 4997 6615 11 50 -645 2797 -670 2845 8813 -722 1075 -749 0033 6118 9790 -834 1547 10 51 6918 7061].696 3131 550'1 4575 -777 0782 -805 4584 6481 9 52'646 1041-1 671 1280 7451 9930 9119 5438 9382-'835 1418 8 53 51651 5500.697 1773 -723 4361 -750 3665 -778 0117 -806 4181 6357 7 51 9290 9721 6097 879:1 8212 4788 80983-8361298 6 55 -647 -417'672 3944 -698 0422 -'724 3227 -751 276:2 94)0 -807 3787 6242 5 56 7554(1 8169 4749 766:1 7314 4-7794135 85973-837 1188 4 57 -6481676 -673 2396, 9078 -725 2101 7521867 8812 -808 3401 6136 3 58 5808 -6624,699 3409 65401 64231 780 3492 8212'838 1087 2 59 99.-1 -674 08541 7714,1 -726 098? -753 0981 8173 -'809 3025 6041 1 60 -649 4076 50851'700 2075 5425 55411 7812356 78401-839 0996 0 / 570 560 550 540 530 520 51 50~ / NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 109 / 400 41~ 42~ 43.0 440 45~0 460 470 0'839 0996 -869 2867 -900 4040 -932 5151 -965 6888 1100 00000 1-03 55303 107 23687 60 1 5955 7976 9309 933 0591 -9662511 05819 61333 29943 59 2'840 0915 870 3087'901 458C 6034 8137 11642. 67367 36203158) 3 5878 8200 98554 9341479 -967 3767 17469 73404 42467 57 4 ~8410844 871 331C 902 5131 6928 9399 23298 79445 48734 560 5 5812 8435 -903 0411 935 2380'968 5035 29131 85489 55006!55( 6 842 07892 872 3556 5693 7834 -969 0674 34968 91538 61282:54( 7 5755 8680, 904 0979 -936 3292 6316 40807.97589 67;561153? 8 ~843 0730 1873 3806 6267 8753'970 1962 46651 1-04 03645 7384552 9 5708 8935 9051557 -937 4216 7610 52497 09704 80132 51) 10 1844 06881 874 4067 6851 9683 -9713262 58348 15767 86423150 111 5670 9201 -906 2147'938-5153 8917 64201 21833 92718149 )12i845 0655 -875 433S 744 -939 0625 -972 4575 70058 27904 99018 48,13 5643 9478 907 2748. 6101 -973 0236 75918 33977 1108 05321 47 484680633-876 4620 80533-9401579 5901 81782 40055 1162846 15 5625 9765-190833601 7061 19741569 87649 46136 17939 45( (16 847 0620.877 4912 8671 -9412545 7240 93520 52221. 24254 44 17 5617.878 0062'909 3984 8033 -975 2914 99394 58310 30573 43 18 -8480617 5215 9300 -9423523 8591 1-0105272 64402.36896142 19 5619 879 0370 -910 46193 90171 -976 4272 11153 70498 43223 41 20 849 0624 5528 9940 -943 4513 9956 17038 76598 49554 40 21 5631'880 0688'911 5265 9414 00131 977 5643 22925 82702.55889 39) )22850 0640 5852 -912 0592 5516 -9781333 28817 88809 62228 38) 3 5653 8811017 5922 9451021 7027 3471 94920 6857137 24.8510667 6186 9131255 6530 -9792724 40610 10501034 74918 36 25 5684'8821357 6591:946 2042 8424 46512 07153 81269 35( (26 852 0704 6531 9141929 7.556 980 4127 52418 13275'87624134 (27 5726 88317071 7270 -9473074 9833 58326 19401 93984 33 28.853 0750 6886- 915 2615'8595 -981 5543 64239 25531110900347 32) 29 5777 -8842068 7962 -948 4119 9821256 70155 31664 0671431 30.8540807 7253 -916 3312 9646 6973 76074 37801 19085130 31 5839' 885 2440 8665'949 5176'983 2692 81997 43942 19460 29< 32'855 0873 7630 917 4020 950 0709 8415 87923 50087' 25840 28 33 5910 -8862822 9379 6245 -9844141 03853 56235, 32223 27 34.856 0950 8017'918 4740'951 1784 9871 99786 62388 38610 26( 35 5992'887 3215'919 0104 73261 985 5603 1-02 05723 68544 45002 25 36.8571037 8415 5471.-952 2871 -9861339 11664 74704 51397 24 37 6084'888 3619'920 0841 8420 7079 17608 80867 57797 23) 38 858 1133 8825 6214'9533971 -987 2821 23555 87035 6420122 839 61851-8894033 921 1590 9526 8567 29506 93206 7060921 40.59 1240 9244 6969 -954 50831 988 4316 35461 99381 77020 20 41 6297 890 4458 -922 2350'955 0644'989 0069 414191-0605560 8343619 42'860 1357 9675 7734 62081 58251 47381 11742 -89857 18 43 6419'891 4894 923 3122 956 1774'9901584 53346 17929'96281 17 861184 892 0116 8512 7344 7346 59315 24119' 1-10 02709 16 45 6551 5341 9243905 957 2917 -9913112 65287 30313 09141115 46 88621621'893 0569 9301 8494 8881 71263 36511 15578 14 47 6694- 5799 -925 4700'958 4073 -992 4654 77243 42 13 22019 13) )8 863 1768-894 1032 -926 0102 9655 -993 0429 83226 48918 -28463112 49 6846 62681 5506 -959 5241 6208 89212 55128.3491211) 50!864 1926'895 1506 -927 0914 -960 0829 -994 1991 95203 61341 4136510 51 7009 6747 6324 6421 7777 1-03 01196 67558 47823 52-'865 2094'896 1991 928 17389'961 2016 -'995 3566 07194 73779 54284 8( (53 7181 7 238 7154'7614' 93581 13195' 80004 60750 7( 54 -866 2272 -897 2487. 929 2573'962 3215 -996 5154 19199 86233 67210 6G 55 7365 7739 7996 8819'997 0953| 25208 92466 73693 5 56 -867 2460 -898 2994'930 3421 -963 4427 6756 31220 98702 80171 4 57 7558 8251 8849 -964 0037'998 2562 37235 1107 049-13 86653 3 58.868 2659 8993512 -931 4280 5651 8371 43254 11187 93140 2 591 7762 8775 9714'9651268.99 4184 49277 17435 99630 1 60869 2867 -900 4040 -932 5151 6888 1-0000000l 55303 23687 1-11;06125 0 / 49~0 48'~ 470 460 450~' 440 430~ 420 / 10 NAT. COTANTO 110 NAT. TAN. / 480 490 500 t510 520 530 540 0 1-1106125 1115 03684 1119 1753611-23 48972 1-27 99416 1132 70448 1137 63819 60 1 12624 10445 24579 5631911-28 07094 78483 72242 59 2 19127 17210 31626 63672 14776 86524 80672 58 3 25635 23979 38679 71030 22465 94571 89108 57 4 32146 30754 45736 78393 30160,1-33 02624 97551 56 5 383662 37532 52799 85762 37860 10684 1-38 06001 55 6 45182 44316 595866 93136 45566 18750 14458 54 7 51706 51104 66938 1-24 00515 53277 26822 22922 53 8 58235 57896 74015 07900 60995 34900 31392 52 9 64768 64693 81097 15290 68718 42984 39869 51 10 71305 71495 88184 22685 76,147 51075 48353 50 11 77846 78301 95276 30086 84182 59172 56844 49 12 84391 8511211-20 02373 37492 91922 67276 65342 48 13 90941 91927 09475 44903 99669 75386 73847 47 14 97495 98747 16581 523201129 07421 83502 82358 46 15 1'12 04053 1-16 05571 23693 59742 15179 91624.90876 45 16 10616 12400 30810 67169 22943 99753 99401 44 17 17183 192341 37932 74602 307131'34 07888 1-39 07934 43. 18 23754 26073 45058 82040 38488 16029 16473 42 19 30329 32916 52190 89484] 46270 24177 25019 41 20 36909 39763 59327 96933 54057 32331 33571 40 21 43493 46615 664681-25 04388 61850 40492 42131 39 22 50081 53472 73615 11848 69649 48658 50698 38 23 56674 60334 80767 19313 77454 56832 59272 37 24 63271 67200 87924 26784 85265 65011 67852 36 25 69872 74071 95085 34260 93081 73198 76440 35 26 76478 809471'2102252 41742 1-30 00904 81390 85034 34 27 83088 87827 09424 49229 08733 89589 93636 33 28 89702 94712 16601 56721 16567 97794 1-40 02245 32 23 96321 1-17 01601 23783 64219 24407 1'3506006 10860 31 30 1-13 02944 08496 30970 71723 32254 14224 19483 30 31 09571 15395 38162 79232 40106 22449 28113 29 32 16203 22298 45359 86747 47964 30680 36749 28 33 22839 29207 52562 94267 55828 38918 4-5393 27 34 29479 36120 59769 1-26 01792 63699 47162 54044 26 35 36124 43038 66982 09323 71575 55413 62702 25 36 42773' 49960 74199 16860 79457 63670 71367 24 37 4940-27 56888 81422 244902 87345 71934 80039 23 38 56085 63820 88650 31950 95239 80204 88718 22 39 62747 70756 95583 395031-31 03140 88481 97405 21 40 69414 77698 1-22 03121 47062 11046 96764 1-4106098 20 41 76086 84644 10364 54626 18958 1-36 05054 14799 19 42 82761 91595 17613 62196 26876 13350 23506 18 43 894411 98551 24-866 69772 34801 21653 32221 17 44 961261-18 05512 32125 77353 42731 29963 40943 16 48 1-14 02815 12477 39389 84940 50668 38279 49673 15 46 09508 19447 46658 92532 58610 46602 58409 14 47 16206 26422 539321127 00130 66559 54931 67153 13 48 22908 33402 61211 07733 74513 63267 75904 12 49 29615 40387 68496 15342 82474 71610 84662 11 50 36326 47376 75786 22957 90441 79959 93427 10 51 43041 543760 83081 30578 98414 88315 142 02200 9 52 49762 61369 90381 38204 132 06393 96678 10979 8 53 56486 68373 97687 45835 14379 1-37 05047 19766 7 54 63215 75382 123 04997 53473 22370 13423 28561 6 55 69949 82395; 12313 61116 30368 21806 37362 5 56 76687 89414! 19634 68765 38371 30195 46171 4 57 83429 96437] 269651 76419 46381 38591 54988 3 58 90176 1-19 03465' 34292 84079 54397 46994 63811 2 59 96928 10498' 41629 91745 62420 55403 72642 1 60 1-15 036841 17536' 48972 994161 70448 63819 81480 0 / 41~ 400 390 380 370 360.350 / NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 111 /1 550 560 570 580 590 600 61 0 142 81480 1-48 25610 1-53 98650 160 03345 1-66 42795 1-73 20508 1-80 40478 60 1 90326 34916154 08460 13709 53766 32149 52860 59 2 99178 44231 18280 24082 64748 43803 65256 58 3 14308039 53554 28108 34465 75741 55468 776645 57 4 16906 62884 37946 448581 86744 67144 90086 56 5 25781 72223 47792 55260 97758 78833 1-8102521 55 6 34664 81570 57647 65672 1-67 08782 90533 14969 54 7 43554 90925 67510 76094 19818 1-74 02245 27430 53 8 52451 1-49 00288 77383 86525 30864 13969 39904 52 9 61356 09659 87264 96966 41921 25705 52391 51 10 76268 19039 97155 1-6107417 52988 37453 64892 50 11 79187 28426 1-55 07054 17878 64067 49213 77405 49 12 88114 37822 16963 28349 "75156 60984 89932 48 13 97049 47225 26880 38829 86256 72768 1-82 02473 47 14 144 05991 56637 36806 49320 97367 84564 15026 46 15 14940 66058 46741 59820 1-68 08489 96371 27593 45 16 23897 75486 56685 70330 19621 1-75 08191 40173 44 17 32862 84923 66639 80850 30765 20023 52767 43 18 418314 94367 76601 91380 41919 31866 64374 42 19 50514 1-50 03821 865721-62 01920 53085 43722 77994 41 20 59801 13282 96552 12469 64261 55590 90628 40 21 68796 22751 1-56 06542 23029 75449 67470 1-83 03275 39 22 77798 32229 16540 33599 86647 79362 15936 38 23 86808 41716 26548 44178 97856 91267 28610 37 24 95825 51210 36564 54768 1-69 09077 1-76 03183 41297 36 25 145 04850 60713 46590 65368 20308 15112 53999 35 26 13883 70224 56625 75977 31550 27053 66713 34 27 -22923 79743 66669 86597 42804 39007 79442 33 28 31971 89271 76722 97227 54069 50972 92184 32 29 41027 98807 86784 1-63 07867 65344 62950 1-8404940 31 30 500901-5108352 96856 18517 76631 74940 17709 30 31 59161 17905 1-57 06936 29177 87929 86943 30492 29 32 68240 27466 17026 39847 99238 98958 43289 28 33 77326 37036 27126 505281-7010559 1-7710985 56099 27 34 86420 46614 37234 61218 21890 23024 68923 26 35 95522 56201 47352 71919 33233 35076 81761 25 36 1-46 04632 65796 57479 82630 44587 47141 94613 24 37 13749 75400 67615 93351 55953 59218 1-85 07479 23 38 22874 85012 777601-64 04082 67329 71307 20358 22 39 32007 94632 87915 14824 78717 83409 33252 21 40 41147 1-52 04261 98079 25576 90116 95524 46159 20 41 50296. 13899 1-58 08253 36338 1-71 01527 1-78 07651 59080 19 42 59452 23545 18436 47111 12949 19790 72015 18 43 68616 33200 28628 57893 24382 31943 84965 17 44 77788 42863 38830 68687 35827 44107 97928 16 45 86967 52535 49041 79490 47283 56285 1-8610905 15 46 96155 62215 59261 90304 58751 68475 23896 14 47 1-47 05350 71904 69491 165 01128 70230 80678 36902 13 48 14553 81602 79731 11963 81720 92893 49921 12 49 23764 91308 89979 22808 93222 1-79 05121 62955 11 50 32983 1-53 01023 1-59 00238 33663 1-72 04736 17362 76003 10 51 42210 10746 10505 44529 16261 29616 89065 9 52 51445 20479 20783 55405 27797 41883 1-87 02141 8 53 60688 30219 31070 66292 39346 54162 15231 7 54 69938 39969 41366 77189 50905 66454 28336 6 55 79197 49727 51672 88097 62477 78759 41455 5 56 88463 59494 61987 99016 74060 91077 54588 4 57 97738 69270 72312 1-66'09945 85654 1-80 03408 67736 3 58 1-4507021 79054 82647 20884 97260 15751 80898 2 59 16311 88848 92991 318341-73 08878 28108 94074 1 60 25610 98650 1-60 03345 42795 20508 40478 1-88 07265 0 / 340 330 320 310 300 290 28~) NAT. COTAN 112 NAT. TAN. / 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 / 0 1'88 07265 1'96 26105 2-05 03038 2-14 45069 2-24 60368 2-35 58524 1247 50869 60 1 20470 40227 18185 61366 77962 77590 71612 59 2 33690 54364 33349 77683 95580 96683 92386 58 3 46924 68518 48531 94021 2-25 13221 2-3615801 2-48 13190 57 4 60172 82688 63732/2-1510378 30885 34946 34023 56 5 73436 96874 78950 26757 48572 54118 54887 55 6 8671311-9711077 94187 43156 66283 73316 75781 54 7 1-89 00006 2529612-06,09442 59575 84016 92540 96706 53 8. 13313 39531 24716 76015 2-26 01773 2-37 11791 2'49 17660 52 9 26635 53782 40008 92476 19554 31068 38645 51 10 39971 68050 55318 2-16 08958 37357 50372 59661 50 11 53322 82334 70646 25460 55184 69703 80707 49 12 66688 96635 85994 41983 73035 89060 2-50 01784 48 1.3 80068 1-98 10952 2-07 01359 58527 9090912-38 08444 22891 47 14 93464 25286 16743 75091 2-27 08807 27855 44029 46 15 1-90 06874 39636 32146 91677 26729 47293 65198 45 16 20299 54003 47567 2-17 08283 44674 66758 86398 44 17 33738 68387 63007 24911 62643 86250 2-5107629 43 18 47193 82787 78465 41559 80636 2-39 05769 28890 42 19 60663 97204 93942 58229 98653 25316 50183 41 20 74147 1199 11637 2-08 09438 74920 2-28 16693 44889 71507 40 21 87647 26087 24953 91631 34758 64490 92863 39 22 1-91 01162 40554 40487 2-18 08364 52846 84118 2-52 14249 38 23 14691 55038 56039 25119 70959 2-40 03774 35667 37 24 28236 69539 71610 41894 89096 - 23457 57117 36 25 41795 84056 87200 58691 2-29 07257 43168 78598 35 26 55370 98590 2-09 02809 75510 25442 62906 2-53 00111 34 27 68960 2-0013142 18437 92349 43651 82672 21655 33 28 82565 27710 34085 2-19 09210 61885 2-41 02465 43231 32 29 96186 42295 49751 26093 80143 22286 64839 31 30 1-92 09821 568971 65436 42997 98425 42136 86479 30 31 23472 71516 81140 59923 2-30 16732 62013 2-54 08151 29 32 37138 86153 96864 76871 35064 81918 29855 28 33 50819 2-01 00806 2-10 12607 93840 53420 2-42 01851 51591 27 34 64516 15477 28369 2-2010831 71801 21812 73359 26 35 78228 30164 44150 27843 90206 41801 95160 25 36 91956 44869 59951 44878 2-31 08637 61819 2-55 16992 24 37 1'93 05699 595921 75771 61934 27092 81864 38858. 23 38 19457 74331 91611 79012 45571 2-43 01938 66756 22 39 33231 89088 2-1107470 96112 64076 22041 82686 21 40 4702012.02 03862 233482-2113234 82606 42172 1256 04649 20 41 60825 18654 39246 30379 2-32 01160 62331 26645 19 42 74645 33462 55164 47545 19740 82519 48674 18 43 88481 48289 71101 64733 38345 2-44 02736. 70735 17 44 1-94 02333 63133 87057 81944 56975 22982 92830 16 45 16200 77994 2-12 03034 99177 75630 43256 2-57 14957 15 46 30083 92873 190302-2216432 94311 63559 37118 14 )47 4398112-03 07769 350461 33709 2-33 13017 83891 59312 13 48 57896 22683 510821 51009 31748 2-45 04252 81539 12 49 71826 37615 67137 68331 50505 24642 2-58 03800 11 50 85772 52565 832131 85676 69287 45061 26094 10 51 99733 67532 99308 2'23 03043 88095 65510 48421 9 52 195 13711 8251712-13154231 20433 1234 06928 85987 70782 8 53 27704 97519 31559 37845 25787 2.46 06494 93177 7 541 417131204 12540 47714 55280 44672 27030 1259 15606 6 55 55739 27578 63890 72738 63582 47596 38068 5 56 69780 42634 800851 9021,8 82519 68191 60564 4 57 83837 57708 963012-240772112-35 01481 88816 83095 3 58 97910 7280012-1412537 25247 20469 2-47 09470 2-60 05659 2 59 19612000 87910 287931 42796 39483 30155 28258 1 60 261051 205 03038 45069 60368 58524 50869 50891 \' 27~0 1 260 25~50 240 230 220 210 ^' NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 113 9/ 69~ 70~ 71~ 720 730 74~ 750~ 0 2-60 50891 2-74 74774 2-90 42109 3-07 76835 3-27 08526 3-48 74144 3-73 20508 60 1 73558 99661 69576 3-08 07325 42588 3-49 12470 39080 59 2 96259 2-75 24588 97089 37869 76715 50874 3-74 07546 5 3 261 18995 49554 2-91 24649 68468 3'28 10907 89356 51207 57 ( 4 41766 74561 52256 99122 45164 3-50 27916 94963 06 5 64571 99608 79909 3-09 29831 70487 66555 3-75 38815 55 6 87411 2-76 24695 2-92 07610 60596 3-29 1876 3-51 05273 82763 54 7 2-62 10286 49822 35358 91416 48330 44070 3-76 26807 53 8 33196 74990 63152 3-10 22291 82851 82946 70947 52 9 56141 2-77 00199 90995 53223 330 17438 3-52 21902 3-77 15185 51 10 79121 25448 29318885 84210 52091 60938 59519 50 11 263 02136 50738 46822 3-11 15254 86811 3-53 00054 3-78 03951 49 12 25186 76069 74807 46353 3-3121598 39251 48481 48 13 48271 2-78 01440 2-94 02840 77509 56452 78528 93109 47 14 71392 26853 30921 3-12 08722 91373 3-5417886 3-79 37835 46 15 94549. 52307 59050 39991 3-32 26362 57325 82661 45 16 2-64 17741 77802 87227 71317 61419 96846 3-80 27585 44 17 40969 2-79 03339 2.95 15453 3'13 02701 96543 3-55 36449 72609 43 ) 18 64232 28917 43727 34141 3-33 31736 76133 3-8117733 42 19 87531 54537 72050 65639 66997 3-5615900 62957 41 20 265 10867 80198 2-96 00422 97194 3-34 02326 55749 3-82 08281 40 21 34238 2-80 05901 28842 3-14 28807 37724 95681 53707 39 22 57645 31646 57312 60478 73191 3-57 35696 99233 38 23 81089 57433 85831 92207 3-35 08728 75794 3-83 44861 37 24 2-66 04569 83263 2'97 14399 3-15 23994 44333 3'58 15975 90591 36 25 28085 281 09134 43016 55840 80008 56241 3-84 36424 35 26 51638 35048 71683 87744 3-3615753 96590 82358 34 27 75227 61004 2-98 00400 316 19706 51568 3'59 37024 3-85 28396 33 28 98853 87003 29167 51728 87453 77543 74537 32 29 2-67 22516 2-82 13045 57983'83808 3-37 23408 3-60 18146 3-86 20782 31 30 46215 39129 86850 3-17 15948 59434 58835 67131 30 31 69951 65256 2-99 15766 48147 95531 99609 3-87 13584 29 32 937251 91426 44734[ 80406 3-38 31699 3-61 40469 60142 28 33 268 17535 2-83 17639 73751 3-18 12724 67938 81415 3-88 06805 27 34 41383 43896 3-00 02820 45102 3-39 04249 3.62 22447 53574 26 35 65267 70196 31939 77540 40631 63566 3-8900448 25 36 89190 96539 61109 3-19 10039 77085 3-63 04771 47429 24 37 2-69 13149 2-84 22926 90330 42598 3-40 13612 46064 94516 23 3 3 7147 49356 3-01 19603 75217 50210 87444 3-90 41710 22 39 61181 75831 48926 1320 07897 86882 3-64 28911 89011 21 40 85254 2-85 02349 78301 40638 3-41 23626 70467 3-91 36420 20 )41 270 09364 28911 3'02 07728 73440 60443 3'65 12111 83937 19 42 33513 55517 37207 3-21 06304 97333 53844 3-92 31563 ]8 43 57699 82168 66737 39228 342 34297 95665 79297 17 44 81.923 2-86 08863 96320 72215 71334 366 37575 3-93 27141 16 45 271 06186 35602 3-03 25954 3-22 05263 3-43 08446 79575 75094 15 46 30487 62386 55641 38373 45631 3-67 21665 3-94 23157 14 47 54826 89215 85381 71546 82891 63845 71331 13 48 79204 2-87 16088 3!04 15173 3-23 04780 3-44 20226 3-68 06115 3-95 19615 12 49 2-72 03620 43007 45018 38078 57635 48475 68011 11 50 28076 69970 74915 71438 95120 90927 3-9616518 10 51 52569 96979 3-05 04866 3-24 04860 3-45 32679 3-69 33469 65137 9 52 77102 2-88 24033 34870 38346 70315' 76104 3-97 13868 8 53 273 01674 51132 64928 71895 3-46 08026 3-70 18830 62712 7 54 26284 78277 95038 3-25 05508 45813 61648 3-98 11669 6 55 509342-89 05467 3-06 25203 39184 83676 3-71 04558 60739 5 56 75623 32704 55421' 72924 3-47 21616 47561 3-99 09924 4 57 2-74 00352 59986 85694 3-26 06728 59632 90658 59223 3 58 25120 87314 3-07 16020 40596 97726 3-72 33847 4-00 08636 2 59 49927 2-90 14688 46400 74529 3-48 358961 77131 58165 1 60 74774 42109 76835 3'27 08526 74114 4'373 20508 1-0107809 0 20~ 1 9 180 7 16~ j 1 4~ /~ I 1 NAT. COTAN. 114 NAT. TAN. 760 770 780 790 80~ 810 82 ) 0 — 1 07809 4I33 14759 4-70 46301 5-1 445540 5'6 712818 63 137515 -1 1536971 60 1 57570 72316 4-71 13686 525557 809446 256601 304190 59 2 1-02 07416 4-34 30018 81256 605813 906394 376126 455308! 58 3 57440 87866 4-72 49012 686311 5-7 003663 496092 6070561 57 4 1403 07550 4-35 45861 4-7316954 767051 101256 616502 759437 56 5 57779 4-36 04003 85083 848035 199173 737359 912456 55 6 1-i0408125 62293 4-7453401 929264 297416 858665 7-2 066116, 54 7 58590 4-37 20731 4-75 21907 5-2 010738 395988 980422 220422 53 8 4-05 09174 79317 90603 092459 494889 6-4102633 375378 52 9 59877 1438 38054 4-76 59490 174428 594122 225301 530987 51 )10 410610700 96940 4-77 28568 256647 693688 348428 687255 50 11 61643 439 55977 97837 339116 793588 472017 844184 49 12 a407 12707 4-40 15164l 4-78 67300 421836 893825 596070 7-3 0017801 48 13 63892 74504 4-79 3695'7 504809 994400 720591 1600471 47 14 1-08 15199 4-4133996 4'80 06808 588035 5-8 095315 845581 3189891 46 15 66627 93641 76854 671517 196572 971043 478610 45 J 16 4-09 18178 4-42 53439 4-8147096 755255 298172 6-5 096981 638916 44 17 69852 4-4313392 482 17536 839251 400117 223396 799909 43 1 1 410 21649 73500 88174 923505 502410 350293 961595 42 19'73569 4144 33762 4-83 59010 5-3 008018 605051 4776727-4 123978 41 20 4-1125614 91181 4-84 30045 092793 708042 605538 287064 40 21 77784 4145 5456 4-85 01282 177830 811386 733892 450855 39 22 4-12 30079 4-4615489 72719 263131 915084 862739 615357 38 23 82499 76379 4-86 44359 348696 5-9 019138 992080 780576 37 24 413 35046 4-47 37428 4-87 16201 434527 123550 66 121919 946514 36 25 87719 98636 88248 520626 228322 252258 7-5113178 35 26 4-14 40519 4-48 60004 4-88 60499 606993 333455 383100 280571 34 27 93446 4149 21532 4 8932956 693630 438952 514449 448699 33 28 4-15 46501 83221 4-90 05620 780538 544815 646307. 617567 32 )29 99835 4-50 45072 78491 867718 651045 778677 787179 31 )30 4-16 52998 4-5107085 4'91 51570 955172 757644 911562 957541 30 31 4-17 06440 69261 4-92 24859 5-4 042901 864614 6-7 044966 7-6128657 29 32 60011 4.52 31601 98358 130906 971957 178891 300533 28 33 41813713' 94105 4-93 72068 219188 6-0 079676 313341 473174 27 34 67546 4-53 56773 4-94 45990 307750 187772 448318 646584 26 35 4-19 21510 4-5419608 4-95 20125 396592 296247 583826 820769 25 36 75606 82608 94474 485715 405103 719867 995735 24 ) 37 420 29835 4-55 45776 4-96 69037 575121 514343 856446 7-7 171486 23 )38 84196 4-56 09111 4-97 43817 664812 623967 993565 348028 22 39 4-2138690 72615 4-98 18813 754788 733979 6-8131227 525366 21 40 93318 4-57 36287 94027 845052 844381 269437 703506 20 41 4-22 48080 4-58 00129 4-99 69459 935604 955174 408196 882453 19 42 4123 02977 64141 5-0045111 55 0264466-1 066360 547508 7-8 062212 18 43 58009 4-59 28325 5-0120984 117579 177943 687378 242790 17 44 4-2413177 92680 97078 209005 289923 827807 424191 16 45 68482 4E60 57207 5-02 73395 300724 402303 968799 6064823 15 46 4-25 23923 461 21908 503 49935 392740 515085 6-9110359 789489 14 47 79501 86783 5-04 26700 485052 628272 252489 973396 13 48 4-26 35218 4-62 51832 5-05 03690 577663 741865 395192 79 158151 12 49 91072 -63 17056 80907 670574 855867 538473 343758 11 50 427 47066 82457 5-06 58352 763786 970279 682335 530224 10 51 4-28 03199 4-64 48034 5-07 36025 857302 6-2 085106 826781 717555 9 52 59472 1465 13788 508 13928 951121 200347 971806 905756 8 53 4-2915885 79721 92061 i56 045247 316007 7-0 117441 8-0 094835 7 54 72440 4166 45832 5-09 70426 139680 432086 263662 284796 6 55 1t30 29136 4-67 12124 5-10 49024 234421 548588 410482 475647 5 56 85974 78595 511 27855 329474 665515 557905 667394 4 )57 4-3142955 4-68 45248 5-12 06921 424838 782868 705934 860042 3 58 4-32 00079 54-6912083 86224 520516 900651 854.573 8-1053599 2 59! 57347 79100 5-13 65763 616509 6-3018866.71 003826 248071 1 60 i-) 33 14759 4170 46301 5-14 45540 712818 1375151 153697 443464 0 / 183 12 110 100 9~ 8~ 70 NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 115 83~ 840 1 850 860 870 880 890 0 1 81443464 95 143645 11.430052 14-300666 19-081137 28-636253 57-289962 60 1 639786 410613 468474 360696 187930 877089 58-261174 59 2 837041 679068'507154 421230 295922 29-122006 59-265872 58 3 82 035239 949022 546093 482273 405133 371106 60-805820 57 4 234384 9-6220486 585294 543833 515584 624499 61-382905 56 5 434485 493475 624761 605916 627296 882299 62-499154 55 6 635547 768000 664495 668529 740291 30-144619 63-656741 54 7 837579 9-7 044075 704500 731679 854591 411580 64-858008 53 8 8-3040586 321713 744779 795372 970219 683307 66-105473 52 9 244577 600927 785333 859616 20-087199 959928 67-401854 51 10 449558 881732 826167 924417 205553 31-241577 68-750087 50 11 655536 9-8164140 867282 989784 325308 528392 70-153346 49 12 862519 448166 908682 15-055723 446486 820516 71-615070 48 13 8-4070515 733823 950370 122242 569115 32-118099 73-138991 47 14 279531 99 021125 992349 189349 693220 421295 74-729165 46 15 489573 310088 12.034622 257052 818828 730265 76-390009 45 16 700651 600724 077192 325358 945966 33-045173 78-126342 44 17 912772 893050 120062 394276 21-074664 366194 79-943430 43 S 18- 8125943 10 018708 1363236 463814 204949 693509 81-847041 42 19 340172 048283 206716 533981 336851 34027303 83-843507 41 20 555468 078031 250505 604784 470401 367771 85-939791 40 21 771838 107954 294609 676233 605630 715115 88-143572 39 22 989290 138054 339028 748337 742569 35-069546 90-463336 38 23 8-6 207833 168332 383768 821105 881251 431282 92-90S487 37 24 427475 198789 428831 894545 22-021710 800553 95-489475 36 25 648223 229428 474221 968667 163980 36-177596 98-217943 35 26 870088 260249 519942 16-043482 308097 562659 101-10690 34 27 8-7 093077 291255 565997 118998 454096 956001 104-17094 33 28 317198 322447. 612390 195225 602015 37-357892 107-42648 32 29 542461 353827 659125 272174 751892 768613 110-89205 31 30 768874 385397 706205 349855 903766 38-188459 114-58865 30 31 996446 417158 753634 428279 23-057677 617738 118-54018 29 32 8-8 225186 449112 801417 507456 213666 39-056771 122-77396 28 33 455103 481261 849557 587396 371777 505895 127-32134 27 34 686206 513607 898058 668112 532052 965460 132-21851 26 35 918505 546151 946924 749614 694537 40-435837 137-50745 25 36 89 152009 578895 996160 831915 859277 917412 143-23712 24 37 38672 611841 13-045769 915025 24-026320 41-410588 149-46502 23 38 62'268 640A992 095757 998957 195714 915790 156'25908 22 39 859843 67-834.8 146127 17-083724 367509 42-433464 163-70019 21 40 90 098261 711913 196883 169337 541758 964077 171-88540 20 41 337933 745687 248031 255809 718512 43-508122 180-93220 19 42 578867 779673 299574 343155 897826 44-066113 190-98419 18 43 821074 813872 351518 431385 25-079757 638596 202-21875 17 4' 9-1064564 848288 403867 520516 264361 45-226141 214-85762 16 45 309348 882921 456625 610559 451700 829351 22918166 15 46 555436 917775 509799 701529 641832 46-448862 245-55198 14 47 802838 952850 563391 793442 834823 47-085343 264-44080 13 48 9-2 051564 988150 617409 886310 26-030736 739501 286-47773 12 49 301627 11-023676 671856 980150 229638 48-412084 312-52137 11 50 553035 059431 726738 18-074977 431600 49-103881 343-77371 10 51 805802 095416 782060 170807 636690 815726 381'97099 52 93 059936 131635 837827 267654 844984 50-548506 42971757 8 53 315450 168089 894045 365537 27-056557 51-303157 491-10600 7 54 572355 204780 950719 464471 271486 52-080673 572-95721 6 55 830663 241.712 14-007856 564473 489853 882109 687 54887 5 56 94090384 278885 065459 665562 711740 53-708587 859-43630 4 57 351531 316304 123536 767754 937233 54-561300 1145-9153 3 58 614116 353970 182092 871068 28-166422 55-441517 1718-8732 2 59 878149 391885 241134 975523 399397 56-350590 3437-7467 1 60 9.5 143645 430052 306066C6 19-081137 636253 57-289962 Infinite. 0 / 6 5~ 40~ 3 2~ 1~ 0 / NAT. COTAN. 116 COMPARISON OF FRENCH AND ENGLIS1H BAROMETERS. 501 i 19-725 551 21-693 601 23-662 651 25-630 701 27-599 751 29'567 502 -764 552 -7'33 602.701 1 652 -670 702 -638 752'6060 503 -803 553 -772 603 -741 i 653.709 703 -677 753 -646 504 -843 554 -811 604 78011 654 -748 704 -717 754[ -685 505 *882 555 -851 605 -819 655'788 705 -756 755 -725 506 -921 556 -890 606'859 656 -827 706 -795 756 -764 507 19-961 557 -930 607 -898 657 -867 707'835 757'803 508 20-000 558 21-969 608'937 658 -9061 708 -874 758 -843 509 -040 559 22-009 609 23-977 659'945 709 ~914 759'882 510 -079 560 -048 610 24-016 660 25-985 710 -953 760 -921 511 ~118 561 -087 611 -056 661 26.024 711 27-992 761 29-961 512 -158 562'126 612'095 662'063 712 28-032 762 30-000 513 ~197 563 -166 613 -134 663 -103 713 -071 763 -040 514 -236 564'-205 614'174 664 ~142 714'110 764 -079 515 -276 565'244 615 -213 665 -181 715'150 765 -118 516 -315 566 -284 616 -252 666 -221 716 -189 766 -158 517 -354 567'323 617 -292 667 -260 717 -229 767 -197 518 -394 568'363 618 -331 668 -300 718'268 768 *236 519'433 569'402 619 -371 669 -339 719 -307 769.276 520'473 570 -441 620 -410 670'378 720 -347 770 -315 521 -512 571 -481 621 -449 671 -418 721 -386 771 -355 522 -551 572 -520 622 -4S9 672 -457 722 -425 772 -394 523 -591 573 -559 623 -528 673 -496 723 -465 773 -433 524 -630 574:599 624'567 674'536 724'504 774 -473 525'670 575 -638 625'607 675'575 725'543 775 -512 526'709 576 -678 626 -646 676 -615 726'583 776 ~551 527'748 577'717 627 -685 677 -654 727'622 777 -591 528 -788 578'756 628'725 678'693 728 -662 778 -630 529 -827 579 -796 629 -764 679 -733 729 -701 779 -670 530 -867 580 -835 630 -804 680'7721 730 -740 780 -709 531'-906 581 -875 631 -843 681 -811 731 -780 781'748 532 -945 582 -914 632 -882 682 -851 732'819 782'788 533 20-985 583 -953 633 -922 683'890 733 -858 783'827 534 21-024 584 22-993 634 -961 684 -930 734'898 784'866 535 -063 585 23-032 635 25-000 685 26-969 735'937 785 -906 536 -103 586 -071 636 -040 686 27-008 736 28-977 786 9 45 5371 142 587 -.11' 637 -079 687 -048 737 29-016 787 30-984 538'181 588'150 638 -118 688'087 738'055 788 31-024 5391'221 589'189 639 -158 689'126 739'095 789 -063 540 -266 590 -229: 640 -197 690 -166 740 -134 790 -103 541 -300 591'268 641'237 691'205 741'173 PROP'L PARTS. 5421 339 592'308 642 -276 692'245 742'213 0-1 0'0039 543 -378 593'347 643 -315 693 -284 743'252 2'0079 544'417 594'386 644 -355 694'323 744'292 -3'0118 545.457- 595 -426 645 -394 695 -363 745 -331.4'0157 546 -496 596 -465 646 -433 696 -4021 746 -370 -5 -0197 547. -536 597 -50 647 -473 697'441 747 -410 -6 -0236 548 -575 598 -544, 648 -512 698 -481 748 -449 -7 -0276 549'614 599'5831 649'552 699 -520 749'488'8 -0315 550 - 654 1 600 -622; 650 -591 700 -559! 750 -528I -9 -0354 I Metre. 39-3707 English inches - 443-296 Paris lines. 1 English foot - 0-304794 metre = 135-114 Paris lines. I French foot, 1-0658 English feet 0-32484 metre. TABLE OF CHORDS TO A RADIUS OF UNITY. 117 D. M. Cors D M hord D.. Ch. D..M. Chor D.. Cho rds. D. M. Chords. hords. 5 0015 9 -1569 18 -3129 27 -4669 36 -6180 10 0029 10.1598 10 -3157 10 -4697 10 -6208 20 -0058 20 *1627 20 -3186 20 -4725 20'6236 30 -0087 30.1656 30 -3215 30 -4754 30 -6263 40 -o 0116 40 -1685 40 -3244 40 -4782 40 -6291 50'0145 50'1714 50'3272 50'4810 50'6318? 1'0175 10 t 1743 19 *3301 28'4838 37 -6346 10 *0204 10 -1772 10'3330 10 4867 10'6374 20 *0233 20'1801 20'3358 20'4895 20'6401 30'0262 30.1830 30'3387 30 l4923 30'6429 40 0291 40'1859 40'3416 40'4951 40'6456 50 -0320 50'1S88 50'3444 50'4979 50'6484 2 0349 11'1917 20'3473 29'5008 38 *6511 10'0378 10'1946 10 *3502 10 *5036 10 *6539 20 0407 20'1975 20'3530 20'5064 20'6566 30'0436 30 *2004 30'3559 30 -5092 30 6594 40'0465 40'2033 40 *3587 40'5120 40'6621 50'0494 50'2062 50 -3616 50'5148 50 *6649 3'0523 12'2091 21'3645 30 5176 39'6676 10'0553 10'2119 10'3673 10'5204 10'6703 20'0582 20?'2148 20'3702 20'5233 20'6731 30'0611 30'2177 30'3730 30'5261 30'6758 40'0610 40'2206 40'3759 40'5289 40'6786 50'0669 50'2235 50'3788 50'5317 50'6813 4.0698 13'2264L 22'3816 31'5345 40'6840 10'0727 10'2293 10'3845 10'5373 10 -6866 20'0756 20'2322 20'3873 20'5401 20'6895 30'0785 30'2351 30'3902 30'5429 30'6922 40 -0814 40 -2380 40'3930 40 -5457 40'6950 50'0843 50'2409 50'3959 50'5485 50 -6977 5'0872 14'2437 23'3987 32'5513 41'7004 10 0901 10'2466 10'4016 10'5541 10'7031 20 31 2009 0 2495 20 4044 20 5569 20'7059 30'0960 30'2524 30'4073 30'5597 30'7086 40 -0989 40'2553 40'4101 40'5625 40'7113 50'1018 50'2582 50'4130 50'5652 50 -7140 6'1047 15'2611 24'4158 33 -5680 42'7167 10'1076 10'2639 10 -4187 10'5708 10'7194 20'1105 20 *26 8 20 24215 20'5736 20'7222 30'1134 30'2697 30 4244-1 30'5764 30'7249 40'1163 40'2726 40'4272 40'5792 40'7276 50'1192 50'2755 50'4300 50'5820 50'7303 7'1221 16'2783 25'4329 34'5847 43'7330' 10 -1250 10'2812 1 10 -4357 10'5875 10'7357 20 *1279 20'2841 20'4386 20'5903 20'7384 30'1308 30'2870 30'4414 30'5931 30'7411 40'1337 40'2899 40'4442 40'5959 40'7438 50'1366 50'2927 50'4471 50'5986 50'7465 8'1395 17'2956 26'4499'35 601 44 4 7492~ 10'1424 10'2985 10'4527 10'6042 10'7519 20'1453 20'3014 20'4557 20'6070 20'7546 30'1482 30'3042 30'4584 30'6097 30'7573 40'1511 40'3071 40'4612 40 -6125 40'7600 50.1540 50'3100 50'4 11 50'6153 50'7627 118 TABLE OF CHORDS TO A RADIUS OF UNITY. D. M. Chords. D. M. Chords. D. M. hords D. M. Chords. D. M. Chords. 45 -7654 64 -9080 63 1-0450 72 1-1756 81 1-2989 10 -7681 10 *9106 10 1-0475 10 1-1779 10 1'3011 \ 20 -7707 20 -9132 20 1-0500 20 1-1803 20 1-3033 730 7734 30 -9157 30 1-0524 30 1-1826 30 1.3055 40 -7761 40 -9183 40 1-0549 40 1-1850 40 1-3077 50 -7788 50 -9209 50 1-0574 50 1-1873 50 1-3099 46 -7815 55 -9235 64 1-0598 73 1-1896 82 1-3121 10 -7841 10 -9261 10 1-0623 10 1-1920 10 1-3143 20 -7868 20 9287 20 1-0648 20 1-1943 20 1-3165 30 -7895 30 -9312 30 1-0672 30 1-1966 30 1-3187 40 -7922 40 -9338 40 1-0697 40 1-1990 40 1-3209 50 *7948 50 -9364 50 1-0721 50 1-2013 50 1-3231 47 -7975 56'9389 65 1-0746 74 1-2036 83 1-3252 10 -8002 10 -9415 10 1-0771 10 1-2060 10 1-3274 20 -8028 20 -9441 20 1-0795 20 1-2083 20 1-3296 30 -8055 30 -9466 30 1-0819 30 1-2106 30 1-3318 40 -8082 40 -9492 40 1-0844 40 1-2129 40 1-3339 50 -8108 50 -9518 50 1-086S8 50 1-2152 50 1-3361 48 -8135 57 -9543 66 1-0893 75 1-2175 84 1-3383 10 -8161 10'9569 10 1-0917 10 1-2198 10 1-3404 20 -8188 20 -9594 20 1-0942 20 1-2221 20 1-3426 30 -8214 30 -9620 30 1-0966 30 1-2244 30 1-3447 40 -8241 40 -9645 40 1-0990 40 1-2267 40 1-3469 50 -8267 50 -9671 50 1-1014 50 1-2290 50 1-3490 49 -8294 58 -9696 67 1-1039 76 1-2313 85 1-3512 10 -8320 10 -9722 10 1-1063 10.1-2336 10 13533 ) 20'8347 20 -9747 20 1-1087 20 1-2359 20 1-3355 5 30 -8373 30 -9772 30 1-1111 30 1-2382 30 1-3576 40 -8400 40 -9798 40 1-1136 40 1-2405 40 1-3597 50 -8426 50 -9823 50 1-1160 50 1-2428 50 1-3619 50 -8452 59 -9848 68 1-1184 77 1-2450 86 1-3640 10 -8479 10 -9874 10 1-1208 10 1 24,73 10 1-3661 20'8505 20'9899 20 1-1232 20 1-2496 20 1-3682 30 -8531 30 -9924 30 1-1256 30 1-2518 30 1-3704 40 -8558 40 -9950 40 1-1280 40 1-2541 40 1-3725 50 -8584 50 -9975. 50 11304 50 1-2564 50 1-3746 51 -8610 60 1-0000 69 1-1328 78 1-2586 87 1-3767 10 -8636 10 1-0025 10 1-1352 10 1-2609 10 1-3788 20 -8663 20 1-0050 20 1-1376 20 1-2632 20 1-3809 30 -8689 30 1-0075 30 1-1400 30 1-2654 30 1-3830 40 -8715 40 1-0101 40 1-1424 40 1-2677 40 1-3851 50 -8741 50 1-0126 50 1-1448 60 1-2699 50 1-3872 52 -8767 61 10151 70 1-1472 79 1-2722 88 1-3893 10 -8794 10 1-0176 10 1-1495 TO 1-27 0 2744 10 13914 20 -8820 20 1-0201 20 1-1519 20 1-2766 20 1-3935 30 -8846 30 1-0226 30 1-1543 30 1-2789 30 1-3956 40 -8872 40 1-0251 40 1-1567 40 1-2811 40 1-3977 50'8898 50 1-0276 50 1-1590 50 1-2833 50 1-3997 53 -8924 62 1-0301 71 1-1614 80 1-2856 89 1-4018 10 -8950 10 1-0326 10 1-1638 10 1-2878 10 1-4039 20 -8976 20 1 0351 20 1-1661 20 1-2900 20 1-4060 30 -9002 30 1-0375 30 1-1685 30 1-2922 30 1-4080 40 -9028 40 1-0400 40 1-1709 40 1-2945 40 1-4101 50 -9054 I 50 1-0425 50 1-1732 50 1-2967 50 14122 Chord of 90 Degrees 1-4142. FOR SALE BY WILLIAM A. BURT, MOUNT VERNON, MICH., To whom all communications (post paid) should be addressed, WILLIAM J. YOUNG, MIATHEMATICAL AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, No. 33 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, MIcALLISTER & BROTHER, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MATHEMATICAL, OPTICAL, AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS, No. 194 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.