J O U PT At L OF lIIL PORTLAND SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Vol. 1. - - No. 1. STEITTIEN BERR~~~ -Y,' PRNTR $TPiENB lI,PITR ~~' lgfJ. JO U RNAL OF THIE PORTLAND SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY, ART. I.- Observations on the Terrestrial Pulmonifera of Jflc'ine including a Catalogue of all the species of terrestrial and fluviatile Jiolluscca known to inhabit the State, By EDWARD S. MORSE. TWENTY-ONE years ago, Dr. J. W. Mighels, then of Polrtland, presented to the Boston Society of Natural History a catalogue of the shells of Maine, which was accepted and published by them in the fourth volume of their Journal. Since that time the number of species of terrestrial and fluviatile MIollusca detected in the State has been nearly doubled. To make these additions known, I commenced the preparation of a simple catalogue. Such catalogues, however brief, are of value in the study of geographical distribution, which is rapidly becoming an element of vast importance in the study of Zoology. At the same time their value is greatly enhanced by observations concerning the relative scarcity or abundance, habits, etc., of each species. While making these brief notes, I was led to examine the subject still more closely. This paper, the result of that investigation, is offered as a first contribution to a more intimate knowledge of our native species. In the preparation of these pages I have received great assistance from W. G. Binney, Esq., of Burlington, New Jersey, to whom I feel under grateful obligations for aid, without which it would have been impossible to present certain species in the light recently thrown upon them by the labors of certain European writers. He JOURNAL P. s. N. H. 1 XARCH, 1S64. 2 Observations on the Terrestrial has freely sent me all the works at his disposal, furnishing any de