SECOND ANNUAL REPORT UPON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE 186 5~ INTRODUCTION. To the Senate and House of Representatives: In accordance with the provisions of the resolve authorizing the continuance of the Scientific Survey, we have the honor to present herewith our Annual Report, describing the results of our explorations during the past season. No change has been made in the organization of the corps of the survey; but we have been unable to employ all who were in the field the previous year. Mr. ioughton has not been in the service at all, and M[r. Packard only a few weeks; the rest have been hard at work in the field, some of us from the 10th of May to the 6th of October. Several persons of eminent ability have applied for the office of assistant to the survey, but we uniformly refused their services, and desire to accept no others until we have the means to employ aid in addition to those now on the list. Those who so kindly tendered us their services without charge shall be remembered first when we may have the means of remuneration in our hands. On the 25th of March we conferred with His Excellency the Governor and the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture in reference to the plan of operations for the season. The instructions then received we have endeavored to carry out in the way now to be described. As before, we formed two parties, each of us either accompanying or having charge of one of them. The Naturalist, Dr. Holmes, spent a part of May, the whole of June and a part of July in exploring the distribution of the Lower Helderberg limestone, or the "marble layer " of Maine, in Aroostook county. About the first of July Mr. Fuller commenced to explore the marine zoology of the coast, under the direction of the survey, accompanied by Mr. Packard for a few weeks. He commenced his work near Eastport, and worked his way along gradually to Portland, having amassed a great number of facts and specimens. 4 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. He was at work dredging until the middle of September. Dr. Holmes explored the Natural History of the Kennebec and Androscoggin regions during the latter part of the season. The Geologist, Mr. Hitchcock, was accompanied by Mr. Geo. L. Goodale (now Assayer to the State) during the whole season. About the middle of May they left Moosehead Lake in birch canoes, accompanied by Mr. 0. White, of the scientific department of Amherst College, and explored the west branch of the Penobscot, the upper portion of the river St. John, returning by way of Churchill, Chamberlain and Chesuncook Lakes to Greenville. Mr. White became so much interested in the work of exploration, that at his own expense he explored the geology of Alleguash and Cancemgomoe Lakes, and presented us with a report upon them. The Geological party spent the last of June and the whole of July in exploring the country near Penobscot Bay, and measuring a section from Eden to the Canada line in Somerset county. Then they spent more than a month in examining the country watered by the Schoodic Lakes and the St. Croix river, besides an important exploration of the iron ore and fossiliferous limestone of northern Aroostook county. The last work of the season was the exploration of the large lakes in Franklin and Oxford counties. We propose to divide this report into three parts. Part I will embrace the observations that have been made in Natural History during the past year, in all the departments of Zoology and Botany. Part II will treat of whatever may have been learned respecting the rocks and fossils of the State since the publication of the Preliminary Report; while Part III'will be devoted to the chemical portion of the general report. We shall not address your Honorable Assembly with each special report, but with this introduction present the several fragments in the most natural order possible. We have found it very difficult to devise an unexceptionable mode of presenting our materials, owing to their fragmentary character. We regard the notices of iron ores in the State, and the description of the Botanical Map, as the most important practical results of the survey described in this report. The one may have an intimate connection with the welfare of our General Government, while the latter will be of value to those who propose settling in the best agricultural districts; and when the details are properly investigated, it will afford to the residents of all parts of the State the knowledge of the best fertilizers for each district. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 5 We regard ourselves fortunate in being able to present communications from J. W. Dawson, LL. D., Principal of McGill College, Montreal, and from E. Billings, F. C. S., Paleantologist, of the Canada Survey, respecting new species of fossil plants and animals discovered in the State. These gentlemen kindly volunteered their aid in this department, and the former one visited the localities in person, thereby with his experienced eye gaining more information in a few days respecting this ancient flora of Maine than we could have done in as many weeks. We hope also to be able to present a valuable letter about the microscopic remains of animals and plants found in the "polishing powder" of our peat-bogs from Prof. L. WV. Bailey, of the University at Frederickton, N. B., who has inherited in this department the skill of his lamented father, the late Prof. J. TW. Bailey, of West Point. We have been much gratified with the favorable reception our Preliminary Report has found, both within and without the State, and in foreign countries, as well as in the British Provinces on our own continent. You are earning for yourselves a reputation for wisdom, skill and liberality across the water. In a review of the report of last year in the Daily Edinburgh Review of July 7, 1862, your example is commended to the chiefs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain; not that science is not cultivated there, but that too little effort is there made to popularize scientific details and to present their practical bearings to the people. Of the fruits of the survey this writer says: " We can only say that they are well fitted to stimulate the chiefs of surveys on this side of the Atlantic." Also: "We cannot, too, but commend the wisdom of the Legislature's'Resolve.' Great activity and enterprise are being thrown into agricultural and mining operations. Science might direct these energies. Geology might point out the connection between the characteristic rocks of a district and its soil," etc. "Zoology and Botany might also do much if their researches were set in popular and directly practical aspects. Maine has made the attempt, and the success is most marked. It will do a great deal more for the social comfort and morality of its people than the notorious'Liquor Law' of that State ever could." The estimate in which the report is held in the British Provinces may be seen in the following extract from the Canadian Naturalist for June, 1862: " The survey of Maine was commenced last year by Mr. Hitchcock, and his report shows a most praiseworthy dili 6 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. gence and an excellent combination of effort with others working in neighboring fields, along with great capacity for such work. The observations made and the fossils collected enable us for the first time to form just ideas of the parallelism of large portions of the rocks of Maine with those of New York, Canada, Nova Scotia, etc." The American Journal of Science and Art, the leading scientific journal of our country, says in its issue for May, 1862 "It is worthy of remark that in these times of civil strife Maine has the courage to inaugurate a new scientific survey, while some other States are suspending work on surveys only partly completed. This is the more to the honor of Maine, inasmuch as in case of a foreign war she would be the first to suffer the liability of an invasion." We have collected a large number of specimens illustrating the Geology, Zoology and Botany of the State, which we have accumulated at the rooms of the Portland Society of Natural History, preparatory to culling out suites of specimens for the State House and the higher literary institutions of the State. We are under great obligations to this -society for the free use of their rooms, and especially because they are aiding wonderfully in promoting a scientific knowledge of the State by their publications and the opening of their collections to the use of the public. These publications assist the State materially, for they are filled with scientific details of great importance, which need not be repeated in our reports, and are accessible to all who wish to inspect them. The value of this society is well known to you, as in times past you have granted it aid. The society is now virtually paying back to the State all that it has received. We must renew our thanks to the citizens of all parts of the State where we have travelled the past season, for their hospitality and earnest efforts to assist us in our labors. Last year we thought we had never seen people so obliging and generous as those who assisted us, but this year they have been still more courteous. In addition to those enumerated last year, we are under special obligations to the following gentlemen, as well as to many others whom we have not time to mention: Hon. Ira Fish of Patten, Joseph Pollard and Eben Trafton of Masardis, Daniel Stickney of Presque Isle, Hiram Stevens, William A. Sampson, J. W. Haines, Edward Fowler, Cyrus Estes and John B. Trafton of Fort Fair SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 7 field, Oliver Smith of Mars Hill, Milton Welch, Theophilus Cary and Z. P. Wentworth of Houlton, Hon. P. P. Burleigh of North Linneus, George H. Downing of No. 5, R. 3 of Aroostook county, Sylvester of Parlin Pond, -- of Forks Hotel, (Forks of the Kennebec,) J. H. Eveleth of Greenville, Capt. Thomas Robinson of the "Fairy of the Lake," Seward Dill and Mr. Russell of Phillips, E. Darwin Prescott of Sandy River Plantation, D. M. Benjamin of East Livermore, Prof. D. T. Smith of Bangor, Messrs. Best and McAdam of the Woodstock Charcoal Iron Co., Batchelder of Union, and Dr. John DeLaski of Vinalhaven. Very substantial assistance was furnished the Geologist by the superintendents of most of the railroads in the State; insomuch that enough funds were saved by this means to authorize the excursion to Aroostook county when the valuable properties of the iron ore in No. 13, R. 6 were discovered. We do not see, then, but that the credit of this discovery —the most important yet made by the survey —is to be ascribed to those gentlemen who so kindly furnished these passes. From Edwin Noyes, the Superintendent of the Penobscot and Kennebec, and the Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroads,-from B. H. Cushman, the Manager and Superintendent of the Kennebec and Portland Railroad, and from W. W. Sawyer, the Superintendent of the Calais and Baring, and Lewy's Island Railroad, complimentary tickets for the season were received: while for occasional passes for particular trains over the Grand Trunk Railway and the Somerset and Kennebec Railroad we are indebted to the kindness of their superintendents. To Mr. Sawyer, Superintendent of the Lewy's Island Railroad, we are not only indebted for season tickets for our whole party, but also for the use of special engines and a steamboat - the " Gipsey," —which plies over Lewy's Long and Big Lakes. These favors assisted us very materially, both in time and money. We cannot close without alluding to the wisdom your Honorable Assembly used in the selection of the commissioners to whom we are responsible, viz: His Excellency the Governor, and the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture. They have fully appreciated the value of scientific explorations in their instructions to us; they have been careful to see that the appropriations were expended to the greatest possible advantage; they have managed for us difficult questions of a pecuniary nature; have borne with our 8 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. failings, and assisted us all that was in their power. If the explorations are not conducted so as to secure the greatest possible benefit to the State, it is not their fault. With these preliminaries, we now present our reports. Respectfully submitted, EZEKIEL HOLMES, C. H. HITCHCOCK PART I. REPORTS UPON THE ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY OF THE STATE OF MAINE. DR. HOLMAES' REPORT ON THE FISHES OF MAINE, INCLUDING SOME OF THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF ICHITHYOLOGY. PART I. To the Hon. Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, January, 1863: GENTLEMEN: —In accordance with the resolves passed by your honorable body at the last session, providing for a continuance of the " Scientific Survey of the State," I herewith submit the following report on the Ichthyology of Maine. This report, I have divided into two parts, and you will find it somewhat anomalous in its plan as usually followed in such cases, inasmuch as it is not confined to a mere detail, or catalogue of the fishes which are found in the waters of Maine, but embraces also some of the more important elementary principles of the science of Ichthyology in general. My reasons for this, I trust, will, on a candid consideration of the subject in all its bearings, be fully appreciated and approved. A dry, formal catalogue of the fishes found in our State and vicinity, with their technical names and synonymes, would interest the experienced scientific Ichthyologist for a few moments, but the people none at all. As Naturalist to the survey, it becomes my duty to give in detail, as far as observation and facts will warrant, the natural history of fishes which frequent our coast, and streams, and lakes. Now, the natural history of fishes treats " of their structure and form-their habits and uses —their classification," and territorial distribution. To do this, appropriate use must be made of the peculiar language-nomenclature, or terms and phrases used, both among practical fishermen, and scientific men in this department; for Ichthyology, like every other science, profession and occupation, has its own particular language. As a general thing, how 12 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ever, the terms and phrases which scientific men have, from time to time adopted as appropriately descriptive of Ichthyological subjects and facts, are, to the majority of us, "heathen Greek." It is not strange that it should be so, for there has been little, or no effort to familiarize the people, whether old or young, with them. Books on this subject are comparatively rare and costly, and the few in existence are better calculated for those already adepts, than as guides to the first rudimentary principles, leading the young inquirer to a full knowledge of the science in all its branches. Hence arises the fact that, although the fishermen of Maine are among the most enterprising, intelligent and shrewd of the people-are well versed in all the technicalities of practical seamanship, whether in calm or in storm, understand thoroughly the habits of most of the fishes they pursue, and are perfectly acquainted with the best modes of taking, curing and preparing them for dietetical, commercial and economical purposes, but very few of them could point out the true scientific distinctive characteristics between a cod and a sculpin. As before remarked, they cannot be blamed for this, so long as the avenues to knowledge in this department of natural history are virtually closed against them. Indeed, I found it sufficiently difficult, during the writing of this report, to obtain some of the standard authors on Ichthyology, for the purposes of reference, and the clearing up of points on which the mind was in doubt.* To obviate, in some degree, this difficulty, I have thought it advisable to incorporate into this report, some of the general elementary principles of Ichthyology, by which the subject matter might be more clearly elucidated and better understood. What I have given is designed to aid the student in his investigations of this branch of natural science, so that his " pursuit of knowledge" * But one work of the kind could be found in the State Library, where, it is but fair to expect the student would be enabled to find all the more expensive works on every subject, and this belonging to the select class which bears the inscription, "not to be takenlfrom the Library." As further proof of the difficulty of obtaining elementary instruction in this department of natural history, Worcester's Dictionary may be cited. The publishers of that work boast of it as being the best of the kind in use for giving and defining scientific terms and phrases. On examination, you will find that, in Botany, Ornithology, and some other branches, nearly all the terms used are put down well explained and also illustrated by small neat wood cuts; but for the strictly Ichthyological terms you will seek in vain. It is true a few of the more common ones may be found, but no wood cut illustrates them to the eye. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 13 shall lie " under" less " difficulties" than they otherwise would be. In doing this, I have found it a difficult thing, as have undoubtedly many others who have essayed a similar task, to steer a middle course, so that what was written should not be so dryly scientific as to repulse and discourage the beginner-nor so purely elementary as to afford no interest to a deeply scientific man. If some of the rising generation, who are fond of deep sea fishing, with lead and line-or of Isaak Walton's "gentle art" of angling by brook and lake-let, should be led by it to turn their amusement to incentives for more thorough research into the works of nature, as manifest in the "finny tribes," the writer will be amply compensated for his labor, and the State expenditure will not have been made in vain. The Early Settlers of Maine drawn thither by its Excellent Fisheries. Progress and Importance of T'hem. The fisheries of Maine constitute one of the oldest and most valuable interests of the community. No person can sail along our coast, or explore our bays ard creeks, without being struck with the uncommon facilities offered for marine fisheries. No person can travel over our territory, and examine the innumerable lakes, rivers and smaller streams he meets with, without also being struck with the uncommon chances and advantageous localities offered by nature for interior fisheries. These advantageous sites, and the facilities for such pursuits were quickly observed by the very first discoverers of Maine, and were among the principal inducements which drew so many pioneers and adventurers to our shores, and made them so persevering and determined to establish settlements on the coast and islands, notwithstanding the social privations that at first attended, and the Indian hostilities that soon surrounded them. Pring, in 1603, and Weymouth, in 1605, both foresaw the uncommon advantages here offered for fishing and trading. Weymouth, during his voyage came to anchor near Monhegan island, and lay for a time in what he called "Pentecost Harbor," from which he sailed, as his historian says, " to enter a newly discovered river, swept by strong tides, and enlivened with fish, some of which were seen great leaping above water judged to be salmon." Around the island where they first landed (Monhegan) they relate 14 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. that great lobsters-rock fish and plaice were fished-all the fish being wellfed, fat and sweet." The natives, whom they found there inhabiting the seaboard, obtained an easy and luxurious living from the ocean, and were expert fishermen, as well as bold and skilful hunters. Rosier, the historian of Weymouth's voyage describes those whom he (Weymouth) basely kidnapped and carried with him on his return to England, as peaceable, kind-hearted, generous, truthful and honest"-as "expert whalemen by profession, often capturing this mammoth fish(?) in our waters." The account which these captives gave of the resources of their native country in these things, heightened the already roused excitement in England respecting the newly discovered regions, and two years after (1607) we find Popham, with true British enterprise, planting a village of fifty houses to accommodate his colony on the shores of the Kennebec, and erecting a fort for their defence. The objects of this settlement were principally fishing in the adjacent waters, and trade with the natives. In all the early descriptions of our State, fishing and fisheries always stood out in strong relief. Speaking of " Norembega," it was described by Purchas as being an island at the mouth of a goodly river,* "very fitfor fishing * * * and that the region that goeth along the sea doth abound in fish." The death of Popham, and the hostilities of the Indians, exasperated probably by the imprudence of his men, brought his settlement to an early destruction, but the inducements were too great to allow the country and fishing grounds to remain unoccupied, and accordingly we find the French settling Mount Desert in 1609, and a few years after (1614) we find the celebrated Capt. John Smith exploring along our coast with two ships. He, as did Weymouth, anchored at Monhegan. This island had been more or less a resort for fishermen since its discovery by Weymouth. Smith made it the centre of his operations during the summer. "Whilst the sailors fished," says he, "myself with eight others ranged the coast in a small boat. We got, for trifles, 11,000 beaver skins, 100 martins, and as many otters, and the most of them within the distance of 20 leagues. We ranged the coast east and west much further."t * Supposed to be Damariscotta, see Sewall's Ancient Dominions of Maine, p. 32. t Sewall's Ancient Dominions, p. 175. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 15 He returned to England in September following. Besides the furs, they carried home 47,000 dry and core fish made at Monbegan. Plymouth Colony saved from Starvation by Maine Fisheries. From this time the fisheries and settlements began to increase, proving a source, not only of profit to those who engaged in the business, but of food and life to many, especially to the Pilgrims of Plymouth, who obtained provisions from them to sustain their starving families, and without which relief, it is doubtful if they too would not have suffered the fate of Popham's colony and become annihilated. Some historians have stated, and many people believe, that the landing of the Puritan Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock, in 1620-an event whose anniversary is annually celebrated-constituted the first settlement in New England, and the germ of all its population and prosperity. Not so. Several settlements had been made and were in existence, years before, and to these were the Plymouth Pilgrims indebted for relief and timely succor. Monhegan and Damariscove, and Saco, and other places, were settled before that. In 1622, " thirty sail of vessels entered at Damariscove-which was now the granary of the embryo settlements of New England-whose name (Damariscove) an English corruption of Indian words signifying a "place for fish," indicates its early importance as a fishing depot. The ship Swallow, from here, sent her shallop to Plymouth, and to Damariscove came Winslow of the Plymouth plantation (the Governor of the colony) to draw supplies for his settlement famishing on the shores of Cape Cod-who says —" I found kind entertainment and good respect, with a willingness to supply our wants -which was done as far as able-and would not take any bills for the same, but did what they could freely"-which certainly indicates that the inhabitants of Damariscove were a thrifty and generous people.* A trading house was early established on Monhegan, where fish and furs were purchased and stored until shipped to the mother country. This house was broken up in 1626, when the goods, being offered for sale, Governor Bradford and Mr. Winslow of the New Plymouth colony, and Mr. Thompson of Piscataqua, went * Sewall's Ancient Dominions, p. 105. 16 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. thither and purchased them. The moiety of the Plymouth planters being ~400. The island was sold that year by Mr. Jennings of Plymouth, England, to the future Pemaquid patentees, and continued to be a favorite resort of fishermen.* Sir Fernando Gorges, who had taken a deep interest in the discoveries in this country, and who had given a shelter and a home to the natives whom Weymouth had kidnapped, while they were in England, and listened attentively to their descriptions of their country, fitted out, in 1616, an expedition under the command of Richard Vines, Esq., to explore the country still more, with a view to settlement. He came to anchor at a place which, in consequence of his wintering there, he called " Winter Harbor," a spot near the mouth of Saco river, which river had been previously described by Champlain, a French early voyageur and explorer, as being "three or four fathoms in depth, and is well stored with fish." The Plymouth Colony Purchase a Fishery in Maine. The Plymouth colony, finding the fisheries in this section of the coast much more productive than further south, purchased, in 1628, of Monquine, Sagamore of Kennebec, a large tract of country on both sides of that river from Cusenock ( Cushnoc) up to Wesserunskcick. It is conveyed by deed, which is still to be seen in the Register's office in Lincoln county, to William Bradford, Edward Winslow and others, in behalf of Plymouth Company. This grant was enlarged and confirmed to them in 1629-30. This patent gave to them the control of the fisheries and trading sections on that tract. The monopoly, or exclusive right to fishing in these waters, for one or more years, used to be sold to the highest bidder at the expiration of each lease, and thus the colony derived a profitable income from their domain. This was continued until the lands began to rise in value, when the colony sold out to a company of individuals known as the Plymouth Company, or proprietors. T'he Fishing Business becomes more Systematic and Increases Commerce. As population increased, the fishing business began to assume more systematic arrangements and regular business forms. In *Folsom's History of Saco. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 17 1636, Folsom observes* that fishing was the most common occupation, as it was both easy and profitable to barter the proceeds for corn from Virginia and other stores from England. The trade with the planters of Massachusetts soon became considerable. At this time, Mr. Vines had a consignment of bread and beef from that quarter. Jocelyn remarks that " Winter Harbor is a noted place for fishes; here they have many stages." I-Ie describes the mode of pursuing this business in the following manner. "The fishermen take yearly on the coast many hundred quintals of cod, hake, haddock and pollock, and dry them at their stages, making three voyages in a year. They make merchantable and refuse fish, which they sell to Massachusetts merchants; the first, for 32 ryals ($4.00) per quintal-the refuse for 9 and 10 shillings ($2.00 to $2.25.) The merchant sends the fish, the first to Lisbon, Bilboa, Marseilles, Toulon, Bourdeaux, and other cities of France-to Canaries, pipe staves and clapboards; the refuse fish to the West Indies for the negroes. To every shallop belong four fishermen-a master, a steersman, a midshipman and a shoreman, who washes the fish, out of the salt and dries it upon hurdles pitched upon stakes, breast high, and tends their cookery. They often get in one voyage eight or nine barrels a share a man. The merchant buys of the planters, beef; pork, peas, wheat, Indian corn, and sells it to the fishermen." Thus, step by step, grew the fisheries of Miaine into a business of magnitude and importance, and in proportion as the fisheries prospered, grew the maritime portions of our State in population and corresponding strength. During the vexatious and bloody Indian wars which soon after this began, and continued with but occasional cessation for more than a hundred years, and kept the settlers in constant watch for the safety of their property and lives, their principal reliance for sustenance and supply of other comforts was on their fisheries. But for these, many a family, and many a hamlet on the seaboard, would have been reduced to actual starvation. It was this never failing resource which gave them life and energy and the means to resist the assaults of their wily foes, until they finally conquered and exterminated them. * History of Saco, p. 37. 3 18 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Laws began to be called for to Regulate the Fisheries. As population increased, and settlements multiplied, and competition on the sea, and improvements on the land become more prevalent, separate interests of individuals and communities began to clash, and we find the government, whatever it was at the time, often called upon to make laws and regulations for restraining encroachments on the one hand, and resistance on the other. As governments therefore, whether proprietory or colonial, began to be established for the preservation or the protection of property, the expenses accruing thereby, were met by some sort of taxation. This was often paid in fish. Thus, we find that as early as 1684, when Pemaquid, and the "region round about" were formed into a "Ducal State," under the Royal Grant to the Duke of York, a duty, or tax was put upon the fishermen for the purpose of revenue. " All vessels, not of the Ducal State, were ordered to pay into public revenue-if a decked vessel, four quintals-if an open boat, two quintals of merchantable fish." In 1732, we find that the people of Saco met with trouble in regard to their river, or interior fishery, by reason of the practices of the officers and soldiers of the " Truck-house" (Block-house or fort,) and the town voted " that Mr. John Gordon lay a memorial before his Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable Council of the difficulties that the inhabitants and residents on Saco river sustain by those in the public pay of this Province, by setting of nets and drifting with nets to the disturbing of the common course of the fish, and any other difficulties that are not for the honor of this Province."* From this date to the present time, legislative enactments have been frequently called for, and an examination of our statute books will prove the fact, that if the naturalhistory of fishes had been more thoroughly understood, some of the laws would have been very differently framed and much better executed. Massachusetts commences Legislative Encouragement to Fisheries. Previous to this (in 1639) Massachusetts, whose government had become more stable than that of some of its sister provinces, seeing the great importance of this branch of industry, began a system of encouragement to legislative protection. It was provided by * Folsom's History of Saco. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 19 law, that all vessels and other property employed in "taking, making and transporting of fish, should be exempt from duties and public taxes for seven years; and that all fishermen, during the season of their business, should be dispensed from military duty. This so stimulated the business that in 1641, the mariners of that colony followed the fishing so well, that there was above three hundred thousand dry fish sent to market."* They become a Practical School for Seamen. This system of encouragement also resulted, not only to the increase of the fisheries, but also, by consequence, led to the business of ship building, and to a more extended commerce. It also proved itself to be one of the very best practical schools for seamanship and a source from which, in process of time, the merchant service derived their most expert and skilful sailors and shipmasters. At the breaking out of the revolution, these men formed the nucleus of our navy, which, though small, did essential and effective service in the cause of their country, and in the war of 1812, constituted a formidable rival to the greatest naval power then on earth. The United States adopt and continue a System of Encouragement. When peace was established and the Federal Congress was organized under the new constitution, they remembered this service, and to aid in continuing a school productive of such good results, they adopted a system of national bounty to those fishermen who embarked in the business to a certain extent. This bounty continues in operation to this day, and under its provisions more than three millions of dollars have been received since its commencement by the hardy fishermen of Maine alone. Aided by the stimuli and encouragement, which we have mentioned, and the profitable character of the business itself, the Maine fishermen have continued to increase from the humble beginnings we have related, until in 1850, the product of the shipping so employed amounted to $569,876; the capital employed to $496,910; and the number of hands to 2,783, being third State in rank. One would be lost in trying to estimate the myriads of fishes, of various kinds, that have been drawn from our waters, both sea and * Palfrey's History of New England, vol. 11, p. 55. 20 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. inland, since the day that Weymouth found them so plentiful " fat and sweet" at Monhegan, until the present time. Every year, and every season since, has the sea yielded to the industry of the adventurous fisherman, a life-giving, exhaustless harvest, and that harvest has been as continually replenished and nurtured in the coral fields of the ocean by an unseen but Almighty hand. CLASSIFICATION. By classification in natural history, is meant the arranging, or grouping into classes, orders and genera, the several objects to be described, which have properties and characteristics similar and common to each other. Some system of this kind was found necessary at a very early day, and some not very successful attempts of the kind were made by the older naturalists. The most successful systematizer in natural science was Linneus, the Swedish Phil6sopher, whose researches and writings opened a new era in studies of this kind. His keen observation and talent of discrimination enabled him to develope a more simple, and at the same time more practical arrangement, than any writer before him had done. By his writings and lectures he rendered all the departments of the science popular, and awakened an enthusiasm among the scientific of every nation, that has continued to this day and been of incalculable benefit to mankind. A theory had long obtained belief that God had created every thing in nature according to a natural gradation, or natural orders; or, in other words, that there is a continuous series, or chain of creation from the least to the greatest, and from the most simple to the highest and most complicated organizations-that a perfect knowledge of the whole range would enable us to place any particular object under consideration, unerringly into the exact place or link in the great chain of created beings or things-that by searching out the resemblances and affinities of the objects in question, they could all be grouped into true natural orders, each order sufficiently definite and distinct to warrant a specific name, or designation, and yet its extremities or borders (so to speak) so nearly resembling those on either side as to enable the student to see and point out where they meet and blend into each other. It is evident, that, in order to designate and accurately describe these natural orders (admitting their existence,) a perfect knowl SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 21 edge of the whole would be needed. This is impossible for one man to attain. Linneus, therefore, while he conformed as far as he was able to what he considered natural orders, thought it advisable to adopt what has been called an artificial system, establishing classes, orders, genera and species upon certain organs which are always present and uniform in form, position and structure. By these means the study and description of natural objects have been admirably systematized and facilitated. These important aids have wonderfully promoted investigation and research, and increased the knowledge of natural history in all its branches. Different individuals, following their taste and "bent of their genius" have devoted themselves to different departments of the science. Some making Botany, some Ornithology, some Entomology, some Ichthyology, others Mineralogy and Geology, and so on, their speciality, thus becoming adepts in their favorite science. New discoveries have brought new changes in grouping or classification, and it will be found in tracing back the progress that has thus far been made, that the arrangement of the present day is very different, in many important respects, from the systems adopted and promulgated by our predecessors-each of which had its day. In Ichthyology this has been especially the case, and as many of the terms, and some of the orders and genera are still used by modern writers on this science, it may be useful to look briefly over some of the several classifications which the older Ichthyologists adopted in their works. We shall thus more understandingly pursue the science as arranged by the more modern writers. As long ago as 1555, Belon, a French physician, wrote a work entitled " The nature and diversity of fishes with their portraits." He was the first who divided or grouped fishes into two grand divisions of cartilaginous and osseous fishes. Willoughby and Ray were among the earliest authors who reduced the study of Ichthyology to something like a systematic arrangement. Their work made its appearance in 1686, in four Books, folio. 22 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. WILLOUGHBY AND RAY'S SYSTEM. II. BooK-cetaceous fishes. III. BooK-concerning cartilaginous fishes. This is divided into three sections. IV. BooK-concerning oviparous fishes which have spines. This is divided into five sections. Ray, in 1713, published an improvement on this system in a work entitled " A Synopsis of Fishes." A classification by Samuel Dale, was published in 1739, who made several improvements upon former arrangements, showing that there had been some advance in the science. He based his method upon the respiratory organs, dividing them into two grand classes. DALE'S SYSTEM. CLASS I. —Fishes breathing by gills (Branchiis respirantes,) and having~but one ventricle to the heart. This class was divided into two orders, viz: I.-OVIPAROUs. II.-VIVIPAROUS. These orders were sub-divided into families, genera and species. CLASS II.-Fishes breathing by lungs (Pulmone respirantes,) and having two ventricles to the heart as the whales. About the same time, Linneus, who had collected the manuscripts and writings of his deceased friend, Artedi, published two volumes entitled Philosophia Ichthyologice, (Philosophy of Ichthyology. ) Artedi was a true and thorough naturalist for that day. He had confined his researches to the natural history of fishes with indefatigable zeal. He had systematized and arranged the classification of the science in accordance with the advice of Linneus-established new genera, gave rules for their formation and descriptions, assigned to them their proper limits, and gave the methods of separating different species, so as to render their descriptions clear and simple. So correct was he in the description and distribution of genera, that many of those he established are still retained in the nomenclature of the science on his authority to the present day. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 23 ARTEDI'S SYSTEM. CLASS I.-Fishes with tails placed perpendicularly (Pisces cauda Perpendiculari. ) This -class is divided into sections, orders and genera, as follows: A.-Fish with bony rays to the fins and bony gills. 1.-Fins unarmed, Malacopterygii, (soft fins.) Genera. ( 1. Syngnathus, Pipe fish. 2. Cobitis, Loche. Fish with one fin almost in middle of 3 3. Cyprinus, Carp. back. 4. Clupea, Herrings, ~-c. 5. Argentina, lrgentine, Silver fish. 6. Exocetus, Flying fish. One fin nearly in middle of back, and 7 Coregonus, White fish. one adipose fin near the end of back. 8. Osmerus, Smelt. - 9. Salmo, Salmon and Trout. One fin in further end of back. 10. Esox, Pickerel. 11. Echeneis, Sucking fish. 12. Coryphsena. 13. Ammodytes. One or more fins extending whole length J 14. Pleuronectes, Halibut, Flounders. back. 15. Stromateus. 16. Gadus, Cod, Haddock. 17. Anarrhichas, Wolf fish. One long fin scarcely distinct from the ( 18. Muraena, Eel. tail. i 19. Ophidion. One very small fin, or none at all, on 1 20. Anableps. extreme part of back. i 21. Gymnotus, Electrical Eel. 2.-Fish with bony fins, some of which are spines, Acanthopterygii, (thorny fins.) 22. Blennius, Blenny or Slime fish. 23. Gobius, Goby. 24. Xiphias, Sword fish. Fish with smooth heads. 26. MuSgier, Mackerel. (26. Mugil, Mgullet. 27. Labrus, Bass. 28. Sparus, Gilt Head. 29. Scivena. 30. Perca, Perch. 31. Trichiurus, Weever. 32. Trigla, Gurnard. Fish with rough heads. 33. Scorpnena. 34. Cottus, Bull-head. 35. Zeus, Dory. 36. Chsetodon, Beard-teeth. [belly. 37. Gasterosteus, Stickle-back, Bony(38. Balistes, File fish. Fish destitute of bony gills; with gill- 39. Ostracion, Coat of mail, Trunrcfish. coverings. 40. Cyclopterus, Sucker. 41. Lophius,.ngler. 24 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. B.-Fish with fins having cartilaginous rays hardly distinct from a membrane. (42. Petromyzon, Lamper Eel. Chondropterygii, cartilaginous or leath- 43. Acipenser, Sturgeon. ery fins. 44. Squalus, Sharks. 45. Raja, Skates. CLASS II.-Fish having tails placed horizontally, including whales. We have thus given the system of Artedi in detail, because, although Willoughby and Ray, by their improvements in classification of this branch of natural history gave it a more respectable position among the sciences than it before had, Artedi placed it on a firm basis and gave permanency to its nomenclature. Other writers on this subject followed from time to time and added, by their researches and discoveries, to the fund of knowledge on these matters. Among them, Klein published an interesting work in 1740, on the "Natural History of Fishes," in which he endeavored to improve upon Artedi. He increased the number of genera partly from the number of newly discovered fishes till then undescribed. He divided them into three grand orders, viz: I.-Cetaceous or whales. II.-Fishes with concealed gills as in Lamprey Eels. III.-Fishes with open gills. These were again separated into many sub-divisions or groups, and then again into genera. Artedi's arrangement, however, continued to take the lead until 1766, when Linneus himself, who at first had adopted his friend Artedi's system, came out with a new one of his own, which then, from the popularity of its author as well as from its simplicity, kept the ascendancy for several years. LINNEUS' SYSTEM. ORDER I.-APODES-fishes having no ventral fins. ORDER II.-JUGULAREs-fishes having their ventral fins placed before or forward of the thoracic or pectoral fins. ORDER III.-THORACICI-fishes having the ventral fins placed directly below the pectorals. ORDER IV.-ABDOMINALES-fishes having their ventrals placed behind the pectorals. This was a very simple and concise arrangement, but nevertheless a purely artificial one, and by following it out fishes of very SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 25 diverse form and characteristics were brought into the same order, as the eel and the sword fish for instance, individuals having but few properties similar or in common. He omitted the cetaceous tribe (whales, &c.,) altogether from the arrangement; placing them, inasmuch as they breathed air with lungs, among the mammalia. The assertion from such high authority that a whale was not a fish, made some stir at the time, but its correctness has long since been established. Ichthyology now began to be pursued as a well founded science, and, as a pursuit, contributing largely by the researches and discoveries of its followers, indirectly at least, to the comfort and wealth of the people by its suggestive aids to the practical economy and wants of mankind. Fisheries began to be established more understandingly and to better advantage as a branch of national industry, than they had hitherto been, and that too in proportion as the knowledge of the habits and instincts of fishes became better known and more widely disseminated. Other. writers upon this subject appeared from time to time, some of whom adopted the classification of Linneus wholly, and some only in part,* but his system kept the ascendancy until Cuvier, the celebrated French comparative Anatomist and Naturalist introduced his method, based in part upon differences of anatomical structure. CUVIER'S SYSTEM. He divided, as did Belon, all fishes into two great divisions, viz: those whose skeletons were made up entirely of bone which he called Osseous fishes: The other included those whose skeleton or frame work instead of being composed of bone was principally made * Among them, Gronovius, a contemporary and friend of Linneus, published his work (.Museum Ichthyologicum,) a few years before the latter had made public his system. He adopted Artedi's two natural orders of fishes with horizontal tails and those with tails in a perpendicular position, while his other characters were derived from those of Ray and Linneus. Brunich, in 1771, published a work on the " Principles of Zoology" (Zoologia Fundamenta,) in which he united as far as he could, the natural system of Ray with the artificial system of Linneus. Prof. Gowan followed, adopting Brunich's method. Scopoli, in a work published in 1777, adopted a new method which was never followed. Bloch, in 1785, published a work with excellent plates. It was written in French and German. He followed the Linnean system. Bonnaterre, who wrote the article on Ichthyology, in that great work, the Encyclopedie.Methodique, in 1788, also adopted Linneus' method. 4 26 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. up of cartilaginous matter. These he called cartilaginous fishes, such as the Lampreys or lamper eel-some of the sharks, &c. His next sub-divisions were based upon the structure of the gill apparatus and the Linnean plan based on the position of the fins. These again divided into families or groups dependent upon the formation of mouth or other appendages. A tabular view of his first formed system would read thus: (Fixed branchie or gills ( Round mouth at end of nose. chondropterygii. Transverse mouth under snout. (do. do. do. teeth. fishes. Free branchire with bran- Mouth at end of nose; no teeth. chiostegi or gill covers. do. do. teeth. Bones of jaw answering for teeth. IMouth very wide; number small teeth. Apodes........... Mouth at end of nose. A Mouth under the nose. Jugulares....... Head unarmed. (Dorsal fin partly spinous; head armed. One do. ihoracic.,,. do. do. do. headunarmed. T wO dorsals. Thoracici........ Bones of the jaws naked; used as teeth. Osseous fishes. Two eyes on the same side. Body very long. A furrowed disc on the head. (No operculum to the branchioe (gills.) No teeth. Abdominales. J..... Sharp.teeth; no cirri or beard. Head depressed; cirri. Spines free on the back. Mouth at the end of the nose. It will be seen on careful comparison that the two first divisions are those of Belon; the secondary characters are derived from Artedi and Linneus; the third are groupings of his own, which he has since improved upon, establishing several natural families which have been used by subsequent writers on Ichthyology. He subsequently, with Valenciennes, published a work on the " Natural History of Fishes," in 13 volumes. I have given his improved system on 33d page. LACEPEDE'S SYSTEM. A few years afterwards (1803) Lacepede published his celebrated work, "The Natural History of Fishes," in five volumes. From the accumulations of facts in the several authors that had preceded him, and the fact of his having access to the best museums or cabinets of natural history in Europe, he was enabled to make a very valuable work, and one which for many years was considered as standard authority. The following is a tabular statement of the SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 27 classification which he adopted by which it will be seen that the first or primary divisions are those of Belon-the second his own, and the third those of Linneus: Sub-Classes. Divisions. Orders. 1. Apodal. (1. 1. No operculum nor branchial 2. Jugular. membrane. 3. Thoracic. l~~ I~~~~~~~4. Abdominal. ( 5. Apodal. 2. 2. No operculum, but a branchial 6. Jugular. CARTILAGINOUS FISHES.- membrane. 7. Thoracic. The spine composed of 8. Abdominal. cartilaginous vertebrae. 3.. An operculum; no branchial. Apodal. 3. 3. An operculum; no branchial 10. Jugular. membrane. 11. Thoracic. 12. Abdominal. 13. Apodal. 4. 4. An operculum, and a bran- 14. Jugular. chial membrane. 15. Thoracic. 16. Abdominal. 17. Apodal. 5. 1. An operculum and a branchial 18. Jugular. membrane. 19. Thoracic. 20. Abdominal. 21. Apodal. 6. 2. An operculum; no branchial 22. Jugular. OSSEOUS FISHEs.-The membrane. 23. Thoracic. 24. Abdominal. spine composed of bony 25. Apodal. vertebrH. 7. 30 No operculum, but a branchial 26. Jugular. membrane. 27. Thoracic. 28. Abdominal. l~~ F(~~~ ~29. Apodal. I8. 4. Neither operculum nor bran- 30. Jugular. 1. chial membrane. 31. Thoracic. 32. Abdominal. Practical application of these Systems as aids to Study. We will not spend any more time in the review of the several systems of classification which have heretofore been adopted by the several writers in question. They are all of them based partly upon the existence or non-existence of certain organs without reference to their structures or uses. This, as has been remarked, while it did much better than none, and aided, not only the writer in establishing something like method in his work, also aided the student in his researches or studies, as far as merely ascertaining the place in the system of the individual specimens found, and the names given them. This may be thus illustrated in reference to either of the foregoing systems given. Take for instance the last named one (Lacepede's.) Suppose the student to have before him the five volumes of that 28 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. author, and has also a fish, the name and distinctive characteristics of which he is desirous of knowing. If there had been no more system in classification than is found in Pliny's writings, he would have to read the volumes all over in course, until he came to a description that tallied with the specimen in hand; but by the aid of the classification adopted, it will be a much less difficult task to find its name and description here. In the first place, he will look td its skeleton or frame, and ascertain whether it be cartilaginous or bony. He finds it bony-it therefore belongs to the osseous class. The ascertaining this fact abridges his labor materially. He may pass over the pages describing cartilaginous fishes and confine himself to the description of osseous fishes only. Again he will look over the gill coverings, and observe the appearance of those organs. Suppose he finds that it has an operculum and branchial membrane. On reference to the arrangement it will be seen that it belongs to the sixth division. His examination will therefore be still more curtailed, it being unnecessary to search for the description in any part of the volume than that which treats of fishes belonging to the sixth division. Next, he will turn his attention to the fins, particularly to the ventrals. It either has or has not any ventrals. If it has none, it belongs to the apodal order oithe sixth division, and the further search will be directed to that part of the work treating of such. If it has ventrals, the position of them will determine the order —if they are placed before the pectoral fins it comes under the order of jugulares-and will be -found in the description of that order, and so of the others. Remarks on the diflerence between Artificial and Natural Orders. It may be asked, if such classifications answer the purpose of convenient arrangement?-if they aid the author in giving method and system to his work?-if they aid the student in his research into the distinctive points of the subjects under examination? Why is it not sufficient? —and why should it be stigmatized as artificial? For the mere and single purpose of descriptive aid, it is enough. It is called artificial, because nature has never been guilty of grouping animals so diverse into the same order as these arrangements do-a proof that they are not arranged according to the natural order of things. We alluded to this fact while speaking of the system adopted by Linneus, which brought into one of SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 29 his groups or orders, the eel and the sword fish, animals exceedingly different in form, anatomical organization and habits. Such classification does not, therefore, accord with nature, and will not satisfy the student who wishes to investigate.the harmony displayed in God's work, and realize if possible the range and extent of the natural orders as they came from the hand of the Creator. The nearer we can come to this-the more clear and satisfactory and practically useful will be our views and knowledge of such things. The deeper man penetrates into the arcana of nature the more evidence does he find of method and system-of a beautiful and harmonious classification and skilful connection of manifold groupings, throughout the range and chain of animal existence, and indeed of all organic life. To follow nature, and to unfold as far as possible this classification, and the wise adaptations of means to ends and to render the discovery of these facts applicable to the practical business of our lives, has been, and still is, the legitimate work and desire of the true naturalist. Modern Classification more conformable to Natural Orders. Hence, modern Ichthyologists, using the experience of their predecessors and profiting by facts almost daily brought to light are establishing an entirely different classification, one much more conformable to natural orders, based on the unvarying anatomical structure, and physiological functions of the general organs of the fishes hitherto discovered. The classification I at present follow in the description of the fishes found in Maine, is the arrangement as given by Dr. Girard in his general report of the fishes found during the exploration of the Pacific Railroad route. One still more modern may be followed in the final report. This classification comprises ten orders. Each order is grouped into families, and the families into genera and species. Enumeration of the Orders. I. ACANTHOPTERI- Thorny fins. This order is made up of fishes that have one or more dorsal fins. If more than one, the rays of the forward one are stiff, sharp, inarticulated bony spines. If there be only one fin the anterior portion has spine rays. The remainder have soft articulated rays. The common perch affords a good illustration of this order. 30 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. II. ANACANTmNI-NO spines, thornless fins. The fins of the fish have no bony spiny rays. The general anatomical structure, however, is similar to the preceding. The cod-fish is one of the representatives of this Qrder. III. PHARYNGOGNATHI -Throat bones united. Fishes of this order have the inferior pharyngeal bones united into one piece. The tautog belongs to this order. IV. MALACOPTERI-Soft fins. The fishes of this order have their fins made up of soft articulated rays. The trouts are good representatives of this order. V. PLECTOGNATHI —Soldered jaws. Fishes in this order have the outer or premaxillary bone and the jaw united into one continuous immovable bony piece. The balloon fish belongs to this order. VI. LOPHOBRANCII —Tufted or crested gills. This order comprises fishes that have their jaws united into a tube or pipe and have tufted or crested gills, a small fish found in the Hudson river, called the river sea-horse (Hippocampus,) illustrates this order. VII. GANoIDEIm Plated Scales. Fishes in this order have their bodies covered with enamelled plate like, or shield like scales. The sturgeon is a good example of this order. VIII. HOLOCEPHALI-Solid heads. This order is made up of the few fishes that have the jaw bones and the bones of the head all united into one. The very rare fish called the Northern Sea Monster (Chimera monstrosus,) represents this order. IX. PLAGIOSTOMI -Skew mouths. Fishes of this order have their mouths transverse to their heads. The sharks and scates, &c., belong to this order. X. DERMOPTERI-Skin fins. The fins of fish in this order are of a skinny or cartilaginous texture. The lamper eel affords a good illustration of them. A more full explication of these orders and of the families into which they are divided, together with a description of the genera and some of the species of the fishes which have been found thus far in our waters, will be given in part II of this report. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 31 SYNOPSIS OF THE FISHES OF MAINE, IN PART. ORDER I. ACANTHOPTERI-Thorny fins. Family. Gunellus mucronatus, Butter fish. Blennidae. I Zoarces anguillaris, Blenny, -Eel shaped. Sticheus subbifurcatus. [ Annarrhicas vomerinus, Wof fish. Lophidm. - Lophius Americana, Angler. Batrachide. _ Batrachus tau, load fish. f Perca flavescens, Yellow perch. Labrax lineatus, Striped bass. Percide. - Labrax rufus, White perch. Pomotis vulgaris, Bream. (I think 3 species [ of them.) Scorpenidae. - Sebastes Norwegicus, Norway haddock. Gastoridae. - Gasterosteus DeKay,(?) Stickle back. Scikenidae. - Otolithus regalis, Squeteague. Sparide. - Pagrus agyrops, Porgee.(?) Scomber vernalis; Mackerel. Argyreiosus unimaculatus, One-spot Dory. Scombid Thynnus secundo-dorsalis, Horse Mackerel. Scombr. Cybium maculatum, Spotted Mackerel. Temnodon saltator, Blue fish. [ Rhombus anacanthus, Skip Jack. Atherinid e. q Atherina notata, Dotted Silver-side. I Dactylopterus volitan s, Sea Swallow. Acanthocottus variabilis, Greenland Sculpin. Acanthocottus Virginianus, Common Sculpin. Triglide. 1 Aspidophorus monopterygius, SingleFin Bullb I head. Cryptocanthodes maculatus, Sp otted wry mouth. Cryptocanthodes inornatus. Hemitripterus Acadianus, Deep-water Sculpin. ORDER II. ANACANTHINI —NO thorny rays. f Morrhua Americana, Codfish. Morrhua aeglefinus, cHaddock. M Aorrhua pruinosa, Tom Cod. Gadida3. { Merlanglus purpureus, Pollock. Phycis Americanus, White Hake. Phycis filamentosus, Squirrel Hake. [ Brosmius flavescens, Cusk. Ophididoe. q Ophidium marginatum,(?) Freshwater Cusk. Pleuronectide. H{ippoglossus vulgaris, lalibut. Pomabopsetta dentata, Gill. 32 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ORDER III. PHARYNGOGNATEI-Pharyngeal bones united. Family. Labrid. Ctenolabrus ceruleus, Cunner or Connor. Tautoga Americana, t'autog. ORDER IV. MALACOPTERI —Soft fins. Siluride. Pimelodus atrarius, Horned Pout, (perhaps two species.) ( Cyprinus auratus, Golden Carp, (introduced.) Cypriide Leucosomus Americanus, Shiner. Catostomus communis, Sucker. Catostomus gibbosus,(?) Chub. Cyprinodontidae. - Fundulus pisculentus, JXinnow, (2 species.) Esocidae. - Esox reticulatus, Pickerel. Salmo salar, Salmon. Fario fontinalis, Brook Trout. Fario erythrogaster,(?) Red-bellied Trout. Fario Sebago, Girard. Salmonidae. Fario confinis,(?) Togue or Lake Trout. m Fario tsuppitch,(?) Salmon Trout. Fario —,(?) Blue-back Trout. Osmerus viridescens, Smelt. Coregonus albus, Whitefish. Coregonus clupeiformis,(?) Shad-Salmon. F Clupea elongata, English Herring. Alosa prmestabilis, Shad. Alosa tyrannus, Alewife. d Alosa menhaden, Menhaden. Alosa cyanonoton, Blue back. Engraulis vittata,(?) Anchovy. Scomberesocirem. { Scomberesox storeri,(?) Bill fish. Anguillidae. Anguilla Bostoniensis, Common Eel. ORDER V. PLECTOGNATHI —Soldered jaws. Balistidae. - Not certain about genera of either family being Gymnodontidae. - found in Maine. ORDER VI. LOPHOBRANcmIIi-Bearded or tufted gills. IIippocampide. j Not certain about genera of either family being Syngnathidae. ~ found in NMaine. ORDER VII. GANOIDEI —Enamel or plated scales. Sturionidae. - Acipenser sturio, Sturgeon. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 33 ORDER VIII. HOLOCEPHrALI- Solid heads. Chimaeridae. { Probably none of these in Maine. ORDER IX. PLAGIOSTOMI-Oblique mouths. Sub-order I. Genera in one or two families (sharks) are Squali. - found in Maine, but am not well posted yet li. about them. Rajai. Sub-order II.Rajai {iDitto of the rays, and skates, and flounders. ORDER X. DERMOPTERI-Skin fins. Petromyzontidm. q Petromyzon marinus, Lamprey, or Lamper Eel. CUVIER's LAST SYSTEM. On page 26th was given Cuvier's system as first promulgated. He afterward enlarged and arranged it in the following manner: FIRST DIVISION-BONY FISHES. ORDER I. ACANTHOPTERYGII. Family Percidae, (Perch family.) Hard cheeks. Sciaenidwe, (Maigre family.) Sparidae, (Sea Breams,) Menidie, Squammipennes, (scaly fins.) Scomberidoe, (Mackerels.) Tamnidae, (Ribbon shaped.) Theiityes, (Lancet fish.) Pharynginme labyrinthiformue, (Pharyngeal labyrinths.) MIugilidoe, (Mullets.) Gobiodue, (Gobys.) Pectorales pedunculati, (wrists to pectoral fins.) Labridte, (Rock fish, thick lips.) FistularidTe, (Pipe mouths.) ORDER II. MALACOPTERYGII ABDOMINALES. ASoft or jointed fins. Ventral fins behind the pectorals. Family Cyprinidre, (Carp family.) Esocidae, (Pickerel or pikes.) Siluridae, (Sheat fish or smooth skins.) Salmonidw, (Salmons and trouts.) Clupeid&e, (Herrings.) 5 34 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ORDER III. MALACOPTERYGII SUBBRACHIATI. Ventrals under the pectorals. Family Gadide, (Cod fishes.) Pleuronectidse, (Halibuts and flounders.) Discoboli, (ventrals formed into suckers.) ORDER IV. AIALACOPTERYGII APODA. Ventral fins wanting. Murmenidee. ORDER V. LoPHOBRANCH1I. Tufted gills. ORDER VI. PLECTOGNATHI. Soldered jaws. Family Gymnodontes, (naked teeth.) Sclerodermi, (rough skins.) SECOND DIVISION-CARTILAGINOUS FISHES. CHONDROPTERYGII. This Division is divided into two orders. ORDER I. CHONDROPTERYGII BRANCmIIS LIBERIS. Free or open gills. Sturgeons. ORDER II. CHONDROPTERYGII BRANCHIIS FIXIS. Gills fixed with separate openings for water to pass through. Family Selachii, (Sharks and Rays.) Cyclostomata, (Sucker-formed mouths.) AGASSIZ SYSTEM. Agassiz, the eminent Professor of Natural History in 1Harvard College, has given the following arrangement of fishes, which seems to accord better than any other with that which geological researches among fossil remains point out as the order of succession in the formation or existence of fishes in early epochs of the world, The distinctive characters are founded upon the structure of the scales. 1. PLAcOIDS.-Embracing those with cartilaginous skeletons or a skin covered with enameled plates or scales, as the shagreen of sharks. 2. GANoIDs.-Those, whether bony or cartilaginous, covered with SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 35 a continuous armor of angular scales, or bony plates fitting into each as in the sturgeons. 3. CTENOIDS.-Those having scales with their posterior edges comb-like (pectinated,) as in the perches. 4. CYcLoIDs. —Those with scales entire and of a circular form, as in the Salmons. It seems, from this, that the first fishes formed, judging from the oldest fossil remains were Placoids, and the last Cycloids. GLOSSARY: OR EXPLANATION OF SOME OF THE TERMS USED IN ICHTHYOLOGY. A. ABDOMINAL —Belonging to the abdomen, or belly. Abdominal fins are those attached to the belly part of the fish, (see fins.) An order established by Linneus, having the abdominal fins placed behind the pectorals. AGANTHOPTERYGII-ThorIny or spiny fins; from akanthos, a thorn, and pterugion, fin or little feather. Fishes having such fins on their backs form one of the natural orders of fishes. ACANTHOPTERI-Same as the above. ACERATED-Pointed; sharpened to a fine point; needle-shaped. ADIPosE —Fatty; fleshy. An adipose fin is one without any rays, but made up of a fleshy or fatty substance, and is generally placed on the back near the tail, as in the salmon and trout. ANAL-Relating to the vent, placed near the vent, (see fins.) ANACANTHNI-Literally, this means no thborns, or thornless, (from the Greek ana none, and acanthus, thorn.) It is the name of the second order of fishes in some systems. ANTERIOR-Going before; fore-part; forward of something else; the opposite to posterior. APODAL-Without ventral fins; from a (privative) no, and pous, feet; no feet, the ventral fins being considered, in comparative anatomy, as in the place of feet, (see fins.) ARCADE -An arch or series of arches. B. BARBEL-A beard; a slender soft filament attached to the lips, chin or snout of some fishes. BIFuRcATE-Divided into four points or two forks; twice forked. 36 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. BLENNY —MUCUs fish; from Blennius, mucus. BRANCHII-The gills or breathing organs of fishes, (see gills.) BRANCHIe -Same as Branchii. BRANCHIOSTEGAL-Pertaining to the gill covering, or bony part of the gills, (see gills.) BRANCHIosTEGOUS-Having gill covers; from branchia, gills, and stegos, covering. The Branchiostegi were an order of fishes in Artedi's system, the rays of whose fins were bony but whose gill covers are destitute of bony rays. C. CARINATED-Keeled; having appendages in form like a keel. CARPUs-The small bones of the wrist. In Ichthyology, the joint bones of the pectoral fins. CARPAL-Pertaining to the carpus, or bones of the pectoral fins in fishes. CARTILAGINOUS FISHEs-Fishes whose spinal column or vertebra are made up of cartilage. CAUDAL —Pertaining to the tail. The caudal fin is the tail fin of a fish, (see fins,) from the Latin cauda, a tail. CENTRONoTUS-Thorny back; from kentros, a thorn, and notos, back. CENTRoPoMus-Thorny gill, having thorns or spines on the gill covering or opercle; from kenzton, thorn, and poma, an opercle. CHmTODON-A beard or bristle; from kaitee, a bristle. CHoNDROPTERYGII-Fish having cartilaginous fins; from chondros, cartilage, and pterygion, a fin. CIRRI-Filaments, or beard-like appendages. CoEcur —The commencement of the large intestine; sometimes the large intestine. It is also applied to the vermiform or worm-like appendages to the intestines, as in birds and fishes. CORPUS PAPILLA-The villous surface of the skin. CRENATED-Notched or cut into circular or curved shaped notches. CRESCENTIC-In form like a new moon; also growing or increasing. CTENOID-Comb formed; from kteis, a comb, and eidos, form. Ctenoidians formed the third order of Agassiz classification of fishes, containing those having jagged or comb-edged unenamelled scales. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 37 CUIRASSED-Covered with shield-like covering or scaly plates. CuLDESAc-The bottom of a bag; an appendage to the stomach or intestines, like a small bag or sac, with no opening except the passage into it from the stomach. CYCLOID-A peculiar curve or circle formed by any point in a circle while it is rolling on a plane surface as does a carriage wheel. CYcLOIDAL-Pertaining to or resembling a cycloid. CYcLoIDIANs-The fourth order of Agassiz system of Ichthyology containing those having circular smooth edged scales, as the herring. D. DEcIDuoUs-Falling; when applied to the scales of fishes it means those that adhere but slightly and fall easily. DENTARY-The place or places where teeth are inserted. DENTICULATED —Having small teeth. DERMIc-Skinny; pertaining to the skin. DERMOPTERI-Skin fins; (from derma, the skin, and pteron, wing or fin;) the tenth order of fishes in some systems. DICIHOTOMIZED-Separated into two forks or branches. DIPHYLLOUs-Divided into two-leaf like divisions. DIcoID —Having the form of a disc. DoRSAL-Belonging to the back. DUCTUS PNEUMATICUS-A tube or passage by means of which the air bag communicates with the throat. E. EcHENEIS-(Sucking fish,) or a fish that often attaches itself to ships; from Greek eko, I have, and naos, ship. EMARGINATED-Notched on the margin with circular notches. ENoPLUs-Armed; from Greek enoplos, armed. F. FINs —The organs of motion and position of fishes. They are formed for the most part of a membrane spread over a number of rays which are either bony or cartilaginous and which are jointed, and thus expand or fold up the membrane at the will of the fish. They are considered by comparative anatomists to be analagous to the wings of birds, or the arms and feet of mammalia. 38 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. They vary in number, situation and structure in the different genera and species. The size of the fins is also equally various in the different species, as it bears no constant proportion to the figure or magnitude of the fish, nor to its habits or instincts. The situation of the fins furnishes to the Ichthyologist some of the mlost obvious and useful distinctive characters, and have therefore received names expressive of their respective locations. Ventrals placed forward of the pectorals he termed Jugulars. Those that had the ventral fins beneath the pectorals he called Thoracic. Those that had the ventral fins placed behind the pectorals were called Abdominal. This system has now given way to one more in accordance with natural orders; but these distinctions are of great use in marking characteristic differences between genera and species. In regard to the structure and operation of the fins of fishes, we make an abstract of remarks by a writer in the Ed. Encyclopedia on this subject. In general these organs consist of numerous pointed rays, which are sub-divided at their extremities. These are covered on each side by the common integuments, which form in some instances soft fibres projecting beyond the rays. These fins, with articulated rays, were considered by the older Ichthyologists as furnishing characters for systematic arrangement of great importance. Fishes possessing these were termed Malacopterygii. Besides these articulated rays, there exists in the fins of some fishes one or more rays made up of a single bony piece, enveloped like the former by a common membrane. Some fishes have one or more fins consisting entirely of these bony rays. Fishes with such rays are called Acanthopterygii. In a few genera the posterior dorsal fin is entirely destitute of rays and has obtained the name offinna adiposa, or adipose fin, as in the salmon and trout. As these rays serve to support the fins, and are capable of approaching or separating like the sticks of a fan, we may conclude that they move upon some more solid body as a fulcrum. Accordingly we find in the sharks, for example, that the rays of the pectoral fins are connected by a cartilage to the spine. In the osseous fishes the pectoral fins are attached to an osseous girdle, which surrounds the body behind the branchica (gills), and which supports the posterior edge of their apertures. This osseous girdle is formed of one bone from each side, articulated at the SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 39 posterior superior angle of the cranium and descending under the neck, where it unites with the corresponding bone. Between the rays of the fin and this bone, which resembles the scapula (shoulder blade,) there is a range of small flat bones separated by cartilaginous intervals, which may be compared to the bones of the carpus. The rays of the ventral fins are articulated to bones corresponding to the pelvis in the higher classes of animals. The pelvis is never articulated with the spine, nor does it form an osseous girdle round the abdomen. In the Jugular and l'horacic fishes it is articulated to the base of the osseous girdle which supports the pectoral fins. In the Abdominal fishes, the bones of the pelvis are never articulated to the osseous girdle and are seldom connected with each other. They are preserved in their situation by means of certain ligaments. The rays of the caudal fin are articulated with the last of the caudal vertebrae which is in general of a triangular form and fiat. The rays of the dorsal fin are supported by little bones, which have the same directions as the spinous processes, and to which they are attached by ligaments. Asi connected with the fins we may here take notice of those organs which are termed cirri or tentacula (barbel which see) according as they are placed about the mouth, or on the upper part of the head. They are in general soft but often contain one jointed ray. They do not differ in structure from the fins, and are so closely connected with them, that it is difficult to point out their use. The motions of a fish are performed by means of its fins. The caudal is the principal organ of progression. Those fins which are situate on the back are termed Dorsal. These vary greatly in shape and number. FiG. 1. b6, a a. First dorsal. b. Second dorsal. -t-C ~~~~~~~~~ ~~c. Caudal. d. Anal. e. Ventral. f. Pectoral. The fin which surrounds the extremity of the tail is termed Caudal fin, and is always placed perpendicularly. It is forked in some 40 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. and in some even or rounded. Between the caudal fin and the vent is placed the Anal fins. These vary in number and shape according to the species. Between the vent and the throat are placed the Ventral fins. When these are found, they are always parallel to each other and never exceed two in number. A short distance behind the gill openings are the Pectoral fins, so called, one on each side. Linneus and some other writers on Ichthyology, considered the ventral fins analagous to the feet of quadrupeds. Ile used their varying positions as the basis of his classification of this branch of natural history, a brief abstract of which may be acceptable to some of our readers. Those fishes which had no ventrals he called Apodal or no feet. Those which had ventral fins placed nearer to the anterior extremity than the pectoral fins, or in other words those that had the ventral fins forward of the pectorals he called Jugulars; if beneath the pectorals they were called Thoracic; and if behind the pectoral Abdominals. FULIGINOus-Dark, dusky or sooty. FusIFoRM-Spindle shaped. G. GANoID-Pertaining to the order of fishes called ganoids or ganoidei; from ganois, bright, and eidos, form. GANoIDEI-The seventh order of fishes in some arrangements, the fishes having enamelled and plate like or shield like scales. GANOIDIAN-The second order of fishes in Agassiz classification, having angular scales covered with bright enamel, as in the sturgeons. GILLs-(From the Swedish word gel.) In Ichthyology, by gills are meant the organs of respiration in fishes, consisting of a cartilaginous or bony arch, attached to the bones of the head, and furnished on the exterior convex side with a multitude of fleshy leaves or fringed vascular fibrils resembling short plumes, and of a red color in a healthy state. The water is admitted through the mouth and poured out through the gill openings over these fibrils, and acts upon the blood as it circulates in them. The whole gill apparatus consist of four parts, viz: gill lid, gill flap, gill opening and the gills themselves, or gills proper, (see gill proper) as may be seen in the head of the common trout. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 41 FIG. 2. GILL LID, (a)-This is called the preopercle or preoperculum, and is situate behind m the eye on each side. In its structure it is b scaly, membranace- - = -- ous or bony, and is articulated to the c & e bones of the head. It consists of one or more pieces, and is therefore termed monophyllous when but one, diphyllous when two, triphyllous three, and so on. Its use is to support the gill flaps and act as cover to the opening of the lids. It is absent in fishes which have fixed branchiae, and in a few with free branchike. GILL FLAP, (b)-This was called by Linneus membrana branchiostega (branchiostegal membrane, or gill covering membrane.) He (Linneus) also considered it a true fin. It is also called opercle or operculum. It consists of a number of curved bones, or cartilages with a membrane. Its posterior or hindmost edge is generally free, and its anterior edge or base is united with the gill lid.(a) It is capable of extension and contraction, and when at rest is folded up partly under or beneath the gill lid (opercle). In some fishes it is wanting. When present it appears to assist the mouth in promoting the current of water over the gills. The rays of this organ (c. d. e.) sometimes called Branciostegal rays, furnish the Ichthyologist with valuable distinctive characters. GILL OPENING-In the osseous (bony) fishes, and among the Branchiostegi (of some authors) this opening is a simple aperture behind the gills on each side formed by the lifting up the gill/flap. It is sometimes round or semilunar, and in relative position differs according to the genera and species. In cartilaginous fishes as the "Lamper Eel," for instance, the gill opening is a round hole or aperture over each gill. GILLS (PROPER)-Lifting up the gill flap you will see directly beneath them the true gills, several organs consisting, as has been before said, of a multitude of red colored, fringed vascular fibrils, or delicate fleshy plumes attached to curved bones jointed on to the head. In fishes with gills, or branchice as they are often 6 42 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. called, these organs are generally eight in number, four on each side. Each of these consists of three parts, viz: a cartilaginous or bony support and its convex side, and concave side. The bony or cartilaginous support consists of a crooked bone or cartilage generally furnished with a joint. At its base it is united with the bones of the tongue and above with those of the head. At both extremities it is movable, and throughout flexible like a rib. From its exterior or convex side issues the multitude of fibrils or fleshy plumes before named closely connected with its base. The internal or concave side next the mouth varies in appearance. It is always more or less furnished with tubercles. It is of a white color. In the cartilaginous fishes (Chondropterygii of some authors,) the gills are not so perfect. They are fixed to partitions which serve the purpose of the bony arches in bony fishes just described. These partitions extend from the mouth to the gill openings and vary in number in different genera. They are destitute of the inner or concave white side, but the fibrils or fleshy plumes are of the same structure with those on the convex side of the bony fishes.-Ed. Ency. GULAR —Pertaining to the throat or gills. H. HELICOID-A spiral curve; (from helix winding, and eidos form.) HELICAL-Spiral. HERMOPHRODITE-Both sexes in one animal. This is alleged by Dr. Home to be the fact with the Lamprey Eel. HETEROCEREAL-Having upper lobe of the tail larger than the lower; from heteros, different, and kerkos, tail. HOLOCEPHALI-Solid heads; from holos, whole or solid, and kephale head, the eighth order of fishes in some arrangements. The jaw bones and bones of the head united. HOMOCEREAL-Both lobes of the tail equal. I. ICHTHYOLOGY-The science which treats of the natural history of fishes. From Greek ikthus fish, and logos discourse. INTERRADIAL-Between the rays. The membrane between the spines or rays of the fin is said to be interradial. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 43 ISTHMUvs-A narrow connecting space. INTERMAXILLARY-Applied to bones situate between the upper jaws or cheek bones. J. JUGULAR-Pertaining or relating to the throat or neck. L. LATERAL LINE-A line extending from the head of a fish to the tail on each side of the body. It contains numerous pores or ducts from which proceeds the mucus or slimy matter covering the body of fish. LOPHOBRANCHII-Tufted gills or crested gills; from lophoura a crest, and branchii gills. The sixth order in some systems. M. MALACOPTERYGII-Soft fins. Fish, the rays of whose fins are soft and not spinous, belong to the Malacopterygii or Malacopteri; the fourth order of fishes; from malalcos soft, and peterygii little wing. MALACOPTERI-Same as above. MiILT-The roe of fishes. The spermatic part of the male fish corresponding to the roe in the female. MoNoPHYLLOUS-Literally having one leaf. In Ichthyology, when the gill lid is composed of but one piece, it is said to be monophyllous. 0. OPERCLE-The gill flap, (see gills.) OPERCULAR-Belonging to the opercle. OPERCULUM-The opercle; which see. OSSEOUS FISHEs-Fishes whose spinal column and skeleton are made of bones. OvoVIPARoUs-Fishes whose eggs are hatched in the uterus and are excluded with the fry or young fish. P. PALATINES-The bones belonging to and forming the back part of the roof of the mouth. 44 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. PECTORAL-Near to or pertaining to the breast. The fins on the side of the fish near the gills are called pectoral fins. PEcTINATED-Resembling the teeth of a comb. PEDUNCLE-A stem or stalk. PETROMYZON-A stone sucker; from petros stone, and muzo to suck. The Lamprey Eel has received this generic name from the fact of its having an apparatus on its lip whereby it attaches itself to rocks and stones. PHARYNGEALS-Belon-,ing to the pharynx. Bones belonging to the pharynx or throat of fish are called pharyngeals. PHARYNGONATHI -The name of the third order of fishes in some systems and refers to the union of the bones of the inferior pharyngeal bones into one. PHARYNX-The upper part of the oesophagus or gullet. The cavity back of the tongue and above the oesophagus and wind pipe. PLAcoID-Plate like. The first order of fishes in Agassiz system is called Placoids, from their having plate like scales often elevated in the middle, and sometimes a point or spine as in the shark, rays, &c. PLAGIOSToMI-Oblique mouth or transverse mouth; from plagios oblique or transverse, and stoma a mouth, the ninth order of fishes. PLECTOGNATHI —Solid or soldered jaws; from plectos woven, and gnathos cheek or jaw. The fifth order of fishes. The outside bone is united to the main jaw immovably. PLEURONECTES-Broad swimmers, as the flounders; from pleuros broad, and nektces swimmer. PLURISERIAL-Made up of many serials. POLYMORPHIc-Many forms. PREMAXILLARIEs-Bones on the outside of the jaws of fishes resemb ling bony lips. (See fig. 2, m.) PREHENSILE-Adapted to seizing or laying hold of. PREOPERCLE-Before or forward of the opercle; the gill lid. (See gill.) PSEUDOBRANCHII-False branchiae or false gills. PTERYGOID-Wing shaped. PYLORIc-Pertaining or belonging to the pylorus. PYLORUS -The lower orifice of the stomach. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 45 t. RAPTATORIAL —Fitted to seize or snatch any thing. RAY-A slender, bony or cartilaginous spine or filament supporting the membrane of the fins of fishes. RAY FORMULA-Each species of fish has the same number of rays in their fins and this affords one of the characters to distinguish them. The number of rays is expressed in the following abbreviated method. Take fqr instance the common yellow or brindle perch. Its Ray formula would be expressed thus:-B. 7: D. 13; 2-13; P. 15; V. 1 —15; A. 2 —8; C. 18-which must be read as follows: Branchial rays, seven. Dorsal rays in first fin, thirteen, in second thirteen. Pectoral rays, fifteen. Ventral fins, one spiny ray, fifteen soft ones. Anal fin, two spiny and eight soft. Caudal ray, eighteen. The rays of the common brook trout, which has no spiny rays, would be expressed thus, omitting the branchial ray:-D. 11: P. 13; V. 8; A. 11; C. 19. RoE-The eggs of fishes. In bony fishes these consist of two long bodies resembling the soft roe or milt of male fish, except that they are of a firmer consistency, and are filled with a prodigious number of spheric ovula. They are situated side of the intestinal canal, and near the liver and swimming bladder and extend as far as the vent. The ovula (little eggs,) composing these hard roes are so numerous that nearly 350,000 have been counted in a carp eighteen inches long, and in a sturgeon weighing one hundred and sixty pounds there was discovered nearly 1,500,000. They are enveloped in a delicate membrane which forms a peripheral part of the ovary, and joining that of the opposite ovary near its sacral extremity forms with it a common tube that opens behind the vent for the passage of the egg.-Eney. S. SCALEs-The small thin plates which cover the bodies of fishes. SERRATED —Notched like saw-teeth. SOUND —The air-bag of fishes. SPIRACULA-Small holes through which air is passed. SPINIGEROus-Spine bearing. SuB-rUSIFORAI-Somewhat spindle-shaped. Sun-cRESCENTIC-Somewhat crescent or moon-shaped. SuB-oRBITAL-Under the eye or orbit. SUPRA ocULAR-Over the eyes. 46 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. T. TAENoID-Ribbon-shaped. TENTACULA-A filiform or thread-like process or organ fitted for holding or fastening the object to which it belongs to some particular place. It may also be an organ of feeling or of motion. THoRAcIc-Pertaining to the thorax or chest. One of Linneus' order of fishes was called Thoracic, in which the ventral fins were placed below the pectorals. TRIPHYLLOus-Divided into three leaf-like divisions. U. URANOscoPus-Star-gazer; from uranous, sky or heavens, and skopeo, I see. V. VENTRAL-Belonging to the belly. In Ichthyology the ventral fins are those situate between the anus and throat, (seefins.) VILLOUS-Covered with soft hairs or fine soft fibrils. VOMER-Literally a ploughshare; the point or end of the nose or snout of a fish. DR. IIOLMES' REPORT ON THE FISHES OF MAINE. PART II. Descriptive Ichthyology. We come now to an enumeration of some of the fishes of MIaine, including their arrangement into families,-the distinctive characteristics of their respective genera, together with their specific descriptions, and such general remarks as facts and observations have suggested. It has been seen by a perusal of Part I, that the classification of fishes has always been a rather difficult task, and that from the time attention was first turned to the subject, to the present, continued changes have been made. Increase of knowledge on this subject authorized these changes-successive increase of knowledge authorizes a continuance of changes. Indeed, we may consider this part of Ichthyological science as yet in a transition state, and still progressing towards completion. The researches of experienced and enthusiastic devotees to this branch of natural history are continually developing new and interesting facts, each of which either corroborate the correctness of former arrangement or point out such new variations as shall help to a consummation of the work in progress. Even since this survey was in contemplation, discoveries have been made leading those high in authority as to this science to follow out changes already begun with a view to the ultimate perfection of the classification proposed. * As before stated, on page 30, I proposed, without considering * Those who will examine the recent publications of the Smithsonian Institute, of the Philadelphia Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs of American Academy of Arts, and other scientific periodicals, will be convinced of this. 48 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. myself pledged to follow it in the final report, to adopt, for the present, the arrangement followed by Dr. Girard, in his general report of fishes found during the exploration of the Pacific Railroad route, published by order of Congress in 1855, an abstract of which has already been given. On further consideration I have concluded to change this plan, and follow the more modern classification of Prof. Gill of the Smithsonian Institute, it being more consonant with natural structure of fishes. Only a part of the species of fishes found in our waters can be at this time described. Many specimens are on hand, waiting further time for examination and their assignment to their true and proper place in the catalogue. Many more will undoubtedly be obtained by further search. There may be some question in regard to the limits of the geographical distribution of the fishes of Maine. Whether this term is to be applied to those only which are constantly found here, and those also which come regularly by periodical emigration to breed and feed their young to an age and size sufficient to enable them to follow their parents; or whether those also which are only occasionally found among us-chance visitors-should be claimed and included in the list. The fishes found on the north shore of Massachusetts bay, and those that frequent the coast of the British Provinces on the Atlantic as far as Newfoundland, may be fairly, I think, enumerated among Maine fishes. Our coast occupies a middle ground between them, and fishes are not restrained in their movements from one haunt to another, or in their instinctive explorations for food, &c., by any national or conventional boundaries. For the same reason some of the species which sometimes wander from their more southern localities to the extremity of Cape Cod, may be considered as coming into the region or confines of the Maine fishing grounds, as Kittery point is but about one-third of a degree more north than Race point, and but between twenty and thirty leagues distance from it on a straight line. If, therefore, some of the fishes which make the Cape Cod waters their particular "habitat," should occasionally be taken by the hook, or stray into the net of some of the Maine fishermen, and thereby be placed on our catalogue, I trust no accusation of breach of the "fishing treaty" or of poaching on our neighbors " aquarium" will be brought against me. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 49 I will here very cheerfully acknowledge the aid I have received from the published works of Dr. Girard in his general report before referred to-the late Dr. DeKay on the fishes of New York, and Dr. Storer on the fishes of Massachusetts. Few Ichthyologists describe a fish with more accuracy and precision than Dr. Storer. I have found his description of the color exhibited by different species remarkably correct, and have taken the liberty to often avail myself of this part of his description in this report. I am also under special obligations to Prof. Theodore Gill, of the Smithsonian Institution, who kindly revised a list of our fishes sent him and furnished information of more species not yet obtained by me. These, with the proffer of other favors, have been gratefully received. The system of classification devised and promulgated by Prof. Gill and which we propose to follow, is a modification of, and as we think, an essential improvement on that laid down by the celebrated European Ichthyologist, Johannes Muller. It is based upon the idea, as well as the fact of a gradual rise from a very simple form and frame work of fishes, up to that which is more complicated and more perfect in anatomical structure and physiological organization, classifying and arranging them into classes, orders, groups and families step by step, alon(r the whole line as you ascend from base to pinnacle. These are established according to similarity of permanent organs, and the affinities of those subordinate parts and appendages which are more variable in form and location. To use his own words, " fishes appear to be constructed according to four different sub-plans which are characterized by their correspondence to different stages or grades of developement of a typical or model osseous fish' To elucidate this more clearly we will begin at the lowest and simplest form and organization of fishes, as the " Lamper eels" for instance, which exhibit scarcely any organs of a complicated kind or remarkable developement. This sub-class * is called DPERnoPTErI, or skinfins. Their fins, instead of being fitted out with rays and membranes, are merely a duplicature or folding over of skin. The next step upwards brings us among the sharks and rays, or skates, a class whose frame-work or skeleton, though made up of * As Fishes, as a whole, constitute one of the grand classes of the animal kingdom, the next division of them must be into sub-classes. 50 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. cartila-ge likle those below, is a little more complicated aiid tleir orgalns noice perlect ill flrm anid adtptation.'lis stib-class receives the niatmle of'' ELASIOBRANNCHII, ( T1or plated gills, fi rrl tle fact of' tleir hlavig separate and detached breathiing apertures on each side of tieir niecks. Passitig upwards, we come to the sturgeons, where vwe find a still greater "advatlce of developemerlt,' adti more perfict and comrplicated organls tllan in t11ose below tlhem. l'lJis cliss is called GANOIDrI, f0rrom le enamelled plate-like scales witht whlich its representatives are covered. The next, and fourthll step upward brings us'imong fishles with a perfected bony skeleton —slowilg a coml plete verlt(brated organization, and their several parts constructed witIh reference to carryingl out lligller phl1ysiological ftulctiols,-in) shlort a perfect fishs. Thlis sub-clss is called'TEL.OSTEIT, pierfccted l)nes; in reference to tlhe com pletetiess and finis~h of its bony skeleton. Ie. e we Ilave l'lur sub-classes, f;)unrded on wlhait auppears to be a nlatural series of orders, eachl representing dliffireit but conllected stages ill the creation of' thle anlirmals ulllder exanS iation.'I'lilcse several sub-classes arie furtler divided into order:,,, the orders into stb-ordclrs, these again into groups a1d farnilies, the famnilies into sub-flatiilies, and these iiito genela., and the genera into species. To elicidate thlis system so as to make it cle'ar and plain, let us begin at tlhe " top of the hcap," anrd go doNrnwatrds. Comrrimencinr, thlerefi-re, with the sub-class Teleostei, or perfected bTones, let us examllle tleir several distinlctive characteristics morc minutely and techniically, and we shall find them as follows: usitng in part, Prof. Gill's description of them. * SUn-CLASS TELEOSTEI, MOllecr. Thc endo-skeleton (inside frame) is almost always osseous. Tha scapular arlch is suspelded from tlle slkull; tlhe sopra scapula gencIally connected witlh thle mastoid, and paroccipital bones. Thle exo-skeleton (oultside frame) is gemnerally in the form of' cycloid, or ctenloid scadles, lbut sometimes tl-le body is nakled, and somrnetimes covered vwith bony scales, plates or spilcs. Tlhe optic nlerves cross each other in their passage firoma tlheir respective lobes to the eyes. ~ Catalogue of fishes of the eastern coast of North America from Greenland to Georgia, by Theodore Gill. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 51 The bulbous arteriosust has almost always only two opposite semilunar valves. The branchial apertures are represented by simple fissures on each side. There are four pairs of true and well developed branchial arches, each of which generally supports free branchiae; an air bladder is generally present. The neutral fins vary in position, and are sometimes absent. This class embraces by far the largest proportion of existing fishes, and have been divided by Prof. G. into five "natural. and easily distinguished orders." The first order he calls TELEOCEPHALI, or perfect heads. Let us examine this order more in detail. ORDER TELEOCEPHALI, Gill. The endo-skeleton is almost always perfectly developed. Body generally covered by ctenoid or cycloid scales, branchit pectinated. The supramaxillaries and intermaxillaries, are always present and separate from each other. The sub-opercular bone is almost invariably present. Many of the rays are articulated and branched. Nearly all the fishes most esteemed as food, belong to this order; it is divisible into several sub-orders. Let us next examine these. SUBORDER PHYSOCLISTI, Bona. It has been found that a large number of fishes have an air bladder that is closel, and has no visible duct or communication out of it. Such of the fishes of the order Teleocepliali are put in this sub-order which, from this fact, is called Phy.soclsti, from the Greek phzusa, bladder, and laleisos, closed. The scales on fishes of this sub-order, when present, are either ctenoid or cycloid; there are rarely osseous plates. The anterior rays of the dorsal and anal fins, and the first ray of the ventrals are simple, or spinous. The ventrals are generally more or less anterior. The lower pharyngeal bones are small and triangular, sometimes united, but generally distinct, the teeth are implanted on the plain surface. SUB-ORDER ITETEROSOMATA, PBone. Next, on further examination, we find some fishes that have t Fishes are destitute of a double heart, such as the mammalia have. In some it appears to be merely an expansion of the aorta provided with one or two valveu within. 52 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. their bodies apparently all askew from their eyes, the eyes being both on one side of their heads, and their mouths distorted, and no air bladder, as the halibuts and flounders or flat-fish. These have been gathered into a sub-order and called Heterosomata (from heteros, another, and soma, body.) The side on which the eves are situated is dark, or variously colored, while the eyeless side is almost always white; the scales are either ctenoid or cycloid. The dorsal and anal fins are very long and composed mostly of articulated rays. SUB-ORDER PHYSOSTOMI, Huller. Proceeding in our examination of the Teleocephalic order, we find many that have an air bladder that communicates by means of a duct or passage with the mouth or intestinal canal. These are put into another order called Physostomi (from phasa, bladder, and stoma, mouth.) The scales are generally cycloid, there being but one or two exceptions. The fins are mostly sustained by branched rays, only the first rays being sometimes simple. The ventrals are always abdominal. The lower pharyngeal bones are separate and almost always small and triangular, with the teeth on a plain surface. The salmons and herrings are embraced in this order. SUB-ORDER EVENTOGNATHI, Gill. Continuing our investigation, we find fishes whose air bladders are divided by constriction into two or three portions, and communicate by a duct with the throat. With few exceptions they are covered with cycloid scales. All the rays of the fins except the first of each, are branched; the ventrals always abdominal. The lower pharyngeal bones are more or less falciform (sickle shaped,) greatly developed, nearly parallel with the branchial arches as provided on the internal surface of the curved portion, with large teeth of various forms. In allusion to the developement of the pharyngeal jaws, the Prof. has named this order Eventognathi. This concludes the division of the first order Teleocephali into sub-orders. We will now consider the details of another order. ORDER APODES, Kaup. We find in our researches, many fishes that have a snakelike form of body, -skin generally naked or rarely covered with SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 53 scales imbedded in the epidermis. The branchia, or gills are pectinated (comb-like.) The supramaxillaries and intermaxillaries are small and rudimentary. The teeth are planted on the palatine and vomerine bones. With the vomer, the nasal and ethnoid bones are coalescent. The pectoral fins are often absent, and the ventral fins always wanting. HIence the name Apodes is given to this order. The dorsal, anal and caudal fins, when present, always run together. The common eel and the conger eel belong to this order. This order has no sub-orders. ORDER LEMNISCATI, Kaup. Continuing the examination we find a few fishes of rather doubtful affinity to the above order or sub-orders, but which for the sake of convenience are placed, for the present, in an order by themselves until further light is thrown upon the doubts in regard to them. They are small, destitute of ventral fins and are generally diaphanous, or they are greatly elongated and compressed, or ribbon formed. The skull and vertebral column are incomplete and cartilaginous. The blood is colorless, and there is no spleen; the body is entirely naked and the arrangement of the muscles is very apparent. It has received the above name (from Lemnniskos, a ribbon, or crowned with a ribbon.) No sub-orders. Only one species has been found on the Atlantic coast, -the Leptocephalus gracilis (thin head) of Storer. ORDER NEMATOGNATHI, Gill. (Threaded Jaws.) Further search brings us to a grade of fishes with either naked bodies, or else protected with ganoid plates. The branchim are pectinated and supported on four arches as they are in the order Teleocephali. The supramaxillary bones are little developed, and are enveloped in the integuments which terminate in longer or shorter barbels, -hence the name Nematognathi, threaded jaws, (from nematos, thread or threaded, and gnathi, jaws.) The subopercular bone is always absent. The rays are mostly articulate and branched. The "catfishes," "hornpouts" and "bullheads" are embraced in this order. 54 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ORDER PLECTOGNATHI, Cuvier. (Soldered Jaws.) We next come to fishes that have some peculiarities in the structure of their jaws. The supramaxillary and intermaxillary bones are united together in a continuous piece, and the palatine arch and cranium are connected by immovable sutures. Hence they are called Plectognathi, (soldered or woven jaws.) The internal skeleton is less perfectly developed than those of the perfect head, (Teleocephali.) The exterior is covered with ganoid plates, granulations, or spines. The branchice are pectinated and the branchial apertures small. The air bladder has no duct. The "balloon fish," "puffers" and "blowers" belong to this order. ORDER LOPonBRANCHII, Cuvier. ( Tufted Gills.) All the fishes hitherto examined, have their gills or branchiae fringed like the teeth of a comb, but we now come to a few whose gills are in small round tufts, disposed along the arches in pairs. The branchial apertures small, and on each side of the nape. The jaws are produced into an elongated tubular mouth. The internal skeleton is less perfectly developed than in those with fringed gills. The external skeleton is composed of polygonal plates of a bony, or horny nature, which are joined to each other but permit considerable motion in the animal. In warm latitudes, there are quite a number of genera of this order, but there are but two in the Eastern Atlantic coast, viz: the " Syngnathus," or pipe fish, a "Hippocampus," or "River Horse," a small fish of the Hudson river. This closes up the orders and sub-orders of the first, or upper class of this sytem. Another step down the descending series brings us into the SUB-CLASS GANOIDEI, Agassiz. Here we find fishes of a mixed organization, if we may so speak, some of them exhibiting many of the characteristics of the class above them (Teleostei,) the more like the class below, and others intermediate. As revised by Muller, it embraces forms in which the vertebral column and skull are either osseous or cartilaginous. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 55 The scapular arch is suspended directly from the slrull. The exo skeleton is generally deposited in the form of ganoid plates, but there are in representatives of some families, oval or cycloid scales, and the body is still more rarely naked, and the bony plates absent. The optic nerves, like those of the plaigiostolns are o:ily connected by a comnllissure, and do not cross or decussate. The bulbus arleriosas is muscular and provided with two or more rows of valves, which, in one order are replaced by two spiral and longitaudilal valvular folds. Tile intestine has fiequently, but not always, -a spiral valve. The branchial apertures are simple fissures, or spiracles oil each side as in ordinary fishes; the branchim are fiee. An air bladder is present and communicates by a duct with the intestinal anal. The ventrals are abdominal. Tlhis subclass has been, for the present, divided into four orders, as follows: ORDER ITOLOSTET, Muller. (Whole Bones.) This order embraces fishes which are provided with plates which are either rhomboid and tiled, or oval and imnbricated. The hyoid (tongue) apparatus has one or many branchiostegal rays. The centre of the vertebrae are either ossified or represented by a persistent notochord, (spinal chord.) The neuro-apophyses (Ganglions) and haemapophoses) arterial bulb, are always ossified. The dorsal and anal fins are sustained by true dermo neural spines articulated with the inter neural spines. The scapular arch is suspended by two processes to the paroccipital and the mastoid bones, and sustains well developed pectoral fins which are provided with many rays. The abdominal ventral fins, are also supported by several rays. The bulb of the aorta has several longitudinal rows of valves. ORDER PLACOGANOIDEI, Owen. This order embraces those fishes that were, rather than those of the present day, and their characteristics are studied from the organic, or fossil remains, discovered by the geologist in his researches into the formations of early epochs of the earth on which we live. 56 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ORDER CHONDROSTET, Miuller. Ossified Cartilage. The fishes embraced in this order, among which are the sturgeons, have a skeleton, or frame work made up of both cartilage and bones. The body is sometimes naked, but in most of the species is covered with more or less interrupted rows of long or ganoid plates of irregular form. There also many smaller plates and tubercles scattered on different parts of the body. There are no true branchiostegal rays. The vertebrae and their elements are cartilaginous. The skull is also cartilaginous, but it is sometimes imperfectly ossified in front. The scapular arch is suspended by two processes of the paroccipital and mastoid bones. It supports two well developed ventral fins. The ventral fins are also furnished with several rays. The bulb of the aorta is furnished with several longitudinal rows of valves. ORDER DIPNOI, Muller. (Double Spiracles, or breathing holes.) The bodies of the fishes embraced in this order are elongated and covered with regularly imbricated cycloid scales. The centre of the true vertebra are cartilaginous, the notochord being persistent. The continuous vertical fin, or fold encircling the posterior part of the body, is sustained by articulated rays, immediately connected with the spinous processes of the neurapophyses and haemapophyses, which spines are osseous. The scapular arch is suspended only to the exoccipital bone and supports on each side a simple unjointed, or articulated ray on each side. The bulb of the aorta is furnished internally with two spiral ridges, or valves. This brings us through the second class from the highest and to the commencement of the third stage in the descending series of the structural arrangement under consideration. The next is S UB-CLAss ELASMOBRANCHII, Bona. (Plated gills or branchice.) This class embraces the sharks and the bony skates. They have the endo-skeleton or vertebral column, and skull cartilaginous, or, very imperfectly ossified. The exo-skeleton is developed in the form of placoid granules. The brain is much more complex and highly developed, than in the true fishes; the optic nerves are SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 57 connected by a commissure, but do not cross each other. The bulbus arteriosus or aorta has a thick muscular coat, and is provided with at least two rows of semi-lunar valves. The intestine has a spiral valve. The males are provided with the so called " claspers," which are present as appendages to the posterior edge of the ventral fins. Fecundation is effected by copulation. The branchial apertures are usually five in number, and are generally all external. There is no air bladder. This sub-class was divided into two orders, viz: Plagiostomi, (oblique mouths,) and Holocephali, (solid heads.) The Plagiostomi are distinguished by several separate branchial apertures on the side of the neck, and the Holocephali with only one branchial aperture on each side, as in the true fishes. The Plagiostomi order was divided into four sub-orders, viz: Squali, Rhinea, Pristes and Raim; and this arrangement is so laid down in Prof. Gill's catalogue of East Coast fishes before referred to. Subsequently, further investigation of the Sharks and Rays, has induced the Professor to modify this arrangement by raising the SQUALI to a full order, dividing it into several families and sub-families, and reserving the Rhinm and Raina (Rays) as sub-orders. The divisions, therefore, of this sub-class, (Elasmobranchii,) are ORDER SQUALI; Gill. Several branchial apertures on the side of the neck,-pre-supplementary eye-lids. An incomplete scapular arch; naso-pectoral cartilage absent. SUB-ORDE.R RHINA; Gill. This sub-order is distinguished from the Squali by the depressed head and body, and the dorsal position of the eyes. The branchial apertures are situated on the sides, but are placed in a furrow which separates the large expanded pectoral fins from the body. The mouth is at the extremity of the snout. SUB-ORDER RAIE; Muller & Henle. The Raice have the branchial apertures beneath the body under the pectoral fins. The body is flattened until from its union with the large and fleshy pectorals it forms a disc. These pectorals are united before the snout. Eyes and spout holes are always above 8 58 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. on the dorsal aspect of the head; the scapular arch complete; nasopectoral cartillages present; no eye-lid, or only an adnate upper one. ORDER IIOLOCEPHALI; Bona. There are but one or two genera of fishes belonging to this order. The Chfimcera, or sea monster of the high northern seas, is embraced by it. None of them, to ourt knowledge, have been fobund on the coast of Maine. They have but one branchial, or gill apertutre on each side of the head, as in the perfected or true fishes. The next step in the descending series brings us to the SUB-CCLAss DERMOPTERI; Owen. This is the lowest and most simply constituted of all the classes of the fishes. The body is very much elongated and worm-like, either sub-cylindrical or compressed. The endo-skeleton is very rudimentary and cartilaginous, and in one of the orders, (Pharyngobrancliii,) there is no distinct head. The pectoral and ventral fills are both absent. The skin is entirely naked and mucous, and the fins are only folds of the skins. There is no pancreas and no air bladder. The olfactory organ and nostril are single. There are three orders to this class, viz: ORDER ITYPEROARTII; (Bon a.) M lle r. The body of the members of this order is invariably greatly elongated, and sub-cylindrical or anguiliform. The head is distinct. The " myelon," or medulla spinalis, is described by Owen as being flattened or depressed, "of opaline sub-transparency, ductile and elastic." The bulbus arleriosus is absent, but there are two opposite valves at the organ of the branchite vessel, as in the Teleostei. The branchiat are purse shaped and without opercula. There are seven in number on each side. Each receives the streams of water for the correction of the blood, through short tubes, entering from a medium canal, which is below and distinct from the oesophagus and which terminates behind in a closed wall, and according to Professor Owen, communicates with the fauces anteriorly "by an opening guarded by a double membranous valve." This order includes the well known " Lamper Eel," and is equivalent to the AMarsipobranchii, (purse gills,) of other authors. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 59 ORDER ITYPEROTRETI; (Bona.) Muller. The representatives of this order resemble those of the other, (Ityperoartii,) except in the respiratory organs. The branchia3 are bursiform and fixed, receiving the streams of water directly from the throat or oesophagus, through short tubes communicating with each sac. The water is discharged through tubes which either severally open externally, or into two lateral and longitudinal canals, directed backwards and discharging by as many orifices on each side of the medium line of the ventral surface. ORDER PHARYNGOBRANCHII; Muller. There is but a single genus embraced in this order, and this is the very lowest in point of organization of all fishes. It has no distinct head, and no heart; body elongated and compressed. This brings us to the foot of the structural series following it, according to the anatomical characters as laid down by Muller and the great comparative anatomist, Professor Owen of England, and modified in its arrangement by Professor Gill, upon whose description we have drawn pretty freely. That it is perfect the authors themselves do not pretend, but it comes nearer to the scheme of natural orders than anything that has yet been promulgated, and will help greatly to the desired consummation of a perfect classification, according to the true plan of nature, so much desired and sought for by every naturalist. CATALOGUE OR SYNOPSIS OF A PART OF THE FISHES OF MiAINE, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO PROF. GILL'S CLASSIFICATION. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI, Muller. ORDER TELEOCEPHALI, Gill. Sub-order Physoclisti, Bona. PERCOID FAMILY. Perca flavescens, Mlitch., Yellow or brindle perch. Roccus lineatus, Gill, Striped bass. Morone Americana, Gill, lWhite perch. Pomotis vulgaris, Cuv., Bream, flat fish. Pomotis appendix, Jiilch., Pumpkin seed. SPAROIDS. Pagrus argyrops, Cuv., Big porgee. 60 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. S CIENOIDS. Cynoscion regalis, Gill, Weak fish, squeteague. SCOMBROIDS. Scomber vernalis, Mitch., Spring mackerel. Scomber grex, Mitch., Fall mackerel. Orycnus secundi-dorsalis, Gill, Tunney or HIorse mackerel. Apodontis maculatus, Gill, Spanish mackerel. CARANGINOIDS. Vomer setipinnis, Ayres, Blunt-nose shiner. SERIOLINOIDS. Pomatomus saltatrix, Gill, Blue fish. SCOMBERESOCOIDS. Scomberesox scutellatus, Lesueur, Bill fish. GASTEROSTOIDS. Pygosteus DeKayii, Brevort, Many-spined stickle back. ATHERINOIDS. Chirostoma notatum, Gill, Silverside. SCORPENOIDS. Sebastes Norvegicus, Cuv., Norway haddock. Hemitripterus Acadiensis, Storer, Sea raven. CoIMoIDs. Acanthocottus Groenlandicus, Girard, Sculpin; Greenland Bullhead. Acanthocottus octodecim-spinatus, Gill, Common sculpin or bullhead. Acanthocottus Labradoricus, Girard, Labrador or northern sculpin. AGONOIDs. Aspidophorus monopterygius, Storer, American aspidophore. TRIGLOIDs. Dactylopterus volitans, Lac., Sea swallow. BATRAdCHOIDS. Batrachus tau, Linn., Toad fish. BLENNIODS. Stichaeus subbipinnatus, Gill, Radiated shanny. Muraenoides mucronatus, Gill, Butter fish. ZOARCEOIDS. Zoarces anguillaris, Storer, Thick-lipped eelpout. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 61 ANARRHICHOIDS. Anarrhicas vomerinus, Storer, Sea wolf. CRYPTOCANT-IOIDS. Cryptocanthodes maculatus, Storer, Spotted wry mouth. Cryptocanthodes inornatus, Gill. LoPHIOIDs. Lophius Americanus, Val., Angler; goose fish. Sub-order A nacanthini, Muller. GADOIDS. Gadus Americanus, Gill, Cod fish. Gadus pruinosus, Mitch., Frost fish; tom cod. Melanogrammus aeglefilus, Gill, Itaddock. Merlangus purpureus, S'orer, Pollock. Merlucius vulgaris, lReinh, ILi ke. Brosmius flavescens, Lesueur, Cusk. PHYCINOIDS. Phycis Americana, Cuv., American codling. Phycis DeKayii, Kaup. OPHID10IDS. Ophidium marginatum, MIitch., New York ophidium. Sub-order Pharyngonzalhi, Jiculler. LABROIDS. Tautoga Americana,(?) DeKa.,y, Tautog; blackfish. Ctenolabrus Burgall, Gill, Cunner. Sub-order Htelerosoma, Bona. PILEURONECTOIDS. Hippoglossus Americana, Gill, IIalibut. Pomnatopsetta dentata, Gill, Toothed flat fish; summer flounder. Pleuronectes Americanus,(?) Walbaum, Flounder. Sub-order Physostomi, Mluller. CYPRINOIDS. Caraseira auratus,(?) Fitz., Gold fish; golden carp. Leucosomus Americanus, Storer, Shiner. Plargyrus cornutus,(?) Storer, Red fin. 62 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. CATASTOMOIDS. Catastomus Bostoniensis,(?) Lesueur, Common sucker. Moxostomus obloiigus, Ayres. CYPRINODONTS. Fundulus pisculentus, Val., MlIinnow; killifish. ESOCOIDS. Esox reticulatus, Leseur, Common pickerel. SALMONOIDS. Salmo salar, Linn, Salmon. Salrnmo fontinralis, lMitch., Brook trout. Salmo Gloveri, Girard. Sailmo Sebago, Girard, Salmon trout.(?) Salmrn l arnatus, (,'ztier. Salmo Tomah, HLamalin, Togoue. Salmo erythrogaster, DeKa:, Redl-bellied trout. Salmno oquass1a, Girard, Blue back. Coregollus albus, Liin., W\Iiite fish. Argy rosorna elupeifoinrmis, Ayres. Osrnerus nmordax, Gill, Smelt. CLUPEOIDS. Clupea elongata, Linrn., IIerring; English herring. Alausa sapidissina, Siorer, Comlrnon shad. Alausa tyrannus, DelaTay, Alewilfe. Alausa cyanonoton, S/orer. Brevoortia mnenlhaden, Gill, MIenhaden' moss banker. E NG RAULINOID S. Engraulis vittata, Baircd and Girard, Anchovy. ORDER ApoDons. ANGUILLOIDS. Anguilla Bostoniensiss, Les., Eel. ORDER LEMNISCATI, Kiaupl LEPTOCEPHALUS. Leptocephalus gracilis, Storer, Thin head. ORDER NEMATOGNATHI, Gill. PINIELOIDO. Amiurus pullus, Gill, Hornpout. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 63 SUB-CIASS GANOIDEI, (Ag.) Jilller. ORDER CIIONDROSTEI, Miller. STURIONOIDS. Acipenser oxyrhynchus, Miltchell, Sturgeon. SUB-CLASS ELASMrOBRANCHI, Bona. ORDER PLAGIOSTOMI, CGUv. SLub-order Squali, (TMuller) Gill. CETORIIINOIDS. Cetorhinus maximus (?) Blainville, Basking shark. SCYMNOIDS. Somniosus brevipcnnis, Lesueur, Sleeper. SuB-CLASS DERntOPTERI, Oween. ORnnER ITYPEROARTII, Bona. PETROMYZONTOIDS, BOn a. Petrornyzon Americanus, Les., Lamper eel. Familiar and ScienliJfc Description of some of the M1aine Fishes namled inl the foregoing Syjnopsis. SUB-CLASS TEILEOSTEI. ORDER TEmEOCEPrIALI. Sub order Physoclisli. FTAMILY PER\COIDo.* SUB-FAMILY PERCTNF~. FAAMILY CH-ARACTERS. Body more or less elongated; in most cases protected by pectinated scales, generally rough to the touch, occasionally smooth, owing to the deciduous nature of their prickles. Read.-The preopercle and opercle exhibit various spinous or serrated edges,-in a few they are smooth. Jaws, filont of vorner, and often the palatine bones furnished with teeth of various kinds, velvet-like, card-like, or of the canine type; the canines occurring, occasionally intermixed with the former two kinds. Fiins.-Dorsals always well developed, sometimes single, at othT In this description it is thought best to commence with the more perfected orders and proceed to the lower grades. Some of them I have described in full, in the form and manner that it is intended all of them shall be in the final report. Others, merely the family and generic characteristics are given, and in. a few even these are omitted because either some doubtful points in regard to them need further investigation, or I have not the proper authorities to which I could refer in the matter. 64 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOIDmE. ers subdivided into two distinct fins; the anterior portion, or anterior fin, as the case may be, being spinous,-that is, composed of bony or rigid rays. The anal fin has a variable number of spiny rays in its anterior margin, but in a few cases they are wanting. The caudal is either truncated posteriorly or more or less emarginated. Ventrals are inserted posteriorly to the base of the pectorals or composed of an external stoutish spine or fine soft dichotomized rays. GENERA. The following genera belong to this family: GENUS PERCA, CUV. GEN. CHAR. Two dorsal fins distinctly separated; the rays of the first spinous, those of the second flexible; tongue smooth, teeth in both jaws, in front of the vomer, and on the palatine bones; preoperculum notched below, serrated on the posterior edge; operculum bony, ending in a flattened point directed backwards. There are branchiostegous rays. Scales roughened, and not easily detached. Perca Flavescens, Mitchell. Brindle perch. Yellow perch. One of the most common and abundant of the fishes in our ponds and lakes, and one which every schoolboy recognizes as among the trophies of his earliest fishing expeditions, is the yellow or brindle perch. The perches breed in great numbers in the fresh waters throughout the State, preferring sandy bottoms and clear waters to any others. They take bait readily, and offer fine sport to anglers, especially in the months of July and August, when they congregate together in great numbers in the comparatively shoal and warm waters of the ponds where they breed. In winter they are sometimes caught, but they do not bite so readily as in summer. They are in the colder parts of the season most generally found near where warm streams enter the ponds or lakes and thereby furnish water of warmer temperature. They associate freely with other fish, which very seldom molest them. Indeed, they oftentimes take entire possession of their favorite grounds, to the exclusion of larger and stronger fish. Even the voracious pickerel, at times, has to give way to them, when they dash in among them, the sharp spines of their front dorsals erect and scraping their bellies as they scoot under and around with great SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 65 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOIDE. dexterity. The brindle perch are a very good "panfish," their flesh being firm and sweet, though not very high flavored. They vary much in size, seldom weighing a pound, though instances are known of those being caught which weighed three pounds. Distinctive Characteristics. The ground color of the sides is yellow. There are from six to eight vertical dark colored bands on the sides and over the back. The pectoral, ventral and anal fins are yellow. —DeKay. Specific Description. The head is of a darker color than the other parts. Jaws equal. Pupils of the eye black and the irides of a bright gold color. Above and between the eyes you will find it smooth. The top of it is broad and somewhat depressed, or flattened. DeKay says that in the old fish "the rostrum becomes more elongated, producing a concavity of the facial angle," or, as some term it, "dishfaced." Back of the eye, the raised stripe radiating from centres make it rough to the touch. The preoperculum is scaly and notched with fine serratures along its edge, except a portion of the posterior superior angle, which is bare. The opercle is subtriangular, of a green color in its centre, and has a few scales on its upper margin, is notched or serrated beneath, and has a sharp spine on its posterior angle. The length of the head is not quite one-fourth the length of the body. The body is somewhat compressed and elongated, with a subcircular or gibbous outline. Sides of a golden color, crossed by " seven transverse bands," of a dark color. These bands are located in the upper part-those of the middle broadest of all. The abdomen is white. Chin or lower jaw pink or flesh-colored. The lateral line is a series of tubular orifices, and runs parallel with the curve of the body from the humerus to the tail. The scales are small and pectinated or ciliated on their posterior edges, giving a rough feeling to the hand. There are two dorsal fins-the first with spinous rays, thirteen in number, and the second with mostly articulated or soft rays, also thirteen in number. These fins are of ayellowish-brown color, the first or anterior one tinged more with a light yellow. The spines strong-the first shorter than the second, and the fourth and fifth longest, the last much shortest. The whole height of this fin is about one-third of its length. The distance between the first and second is small, seldom more than three-tenths of an inch. 9 66 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOIDE. The second dorsal is of a subquadrangular shape, a little more than half the length of the first, and has oftentimes two spinous rays, the first one quite small. The pectorals rise very near the shoulder, or humeral bone, are rather long, somewhat fan-shaped and rounded slightly on the margin, and have fifteen rays. They are of a yellow color. Ventrals rise a short distance behind the pectorals, are a little triangular in shape, and have the outside ray spinous. Color orange, tinged with scarlet. Anal rises about opposite the middle of the second dorsal, has ten rays; its first two outside rays are spinous, the first one shortest, color like that of the ventral. Caudal is emarginate. Ray formula is as follows: B. 7, D. 13, 2-13, V. 1-5, A. 2, 8, C. 18. Whole length 10 to 15 inches. SYNONYRIES.-Bodianuss flavescens, Mitchill, Kirtland..forone flavescens, Mitchill. Perca acuta, Cuv. and Val. Perca gracilis, Rich. Perca granulata, Linsley Cat. Fishes of Conn. GENUS MORONE, (Mitch.) Gill. GEN. CHAR. Body oblong ovate. Gibbous as far as the commencement of first dorsal fin. Milaxillary teeth and those of the palatines and vomer villiform. Lingual teeth situate on the margin of the tongue-none on the base. Scales on the head pectinate. Preopercule denticulate, or serrate on its lower posterior margin. Operculum two spined. The two dorsal fins are connected by a slightly elevated membrane at their base. First dorsal is composed entirely of spinous rays. The anal has three spines, of which the second is often the largest. The lateral line slightly convex anteriorly-nearly concurrent with the body. The chief distinctive characteristics of this genus are the presence of strongly pectinated scales on the cheeks and opercular bones, and the band of villiform teeth on the sides, and more scattered over on the tip of the tongue. —Gill. Morone Americana, Gill. White perch. Wherever you find the yellow perch you also find the white perch, but in many of our lakes and ponds in Maine the white perch in some seasons are the most abundant, and furnish the best sport to the angler. Although not altogether similar in form and structure to the yellow perch, they are nevertheless very much SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 67 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOID2E. alike in their habits and modes of life. Like them they prefer clear waters and sandy bottoms. In the latter part of summer they congregate together in such waters, and afford fine sport to fishing parties in many sections of the State. They are then active and bite greedily, and we have known of as many as 150 being caught in a single day by one individual. They breed in great numbers in the Cobbosse Contee, and adjacent ponds in Winthrop and Hallowell, as well as in many others of our numerous sheets of water in different sections of the State. They are easily transferred from their native haunts, and are found to become easily habituated to their new locations, provided they are of suitable character, and soon multiply rapidly. Tlhey are much esteemed by many sportsmen, as making an agreeable ingredient in chowders and other savory dishes of the fisherman's and hunter's camp fare. They are of a silvery gray color, and like their cousins, the yellow perch, vary in size from a half a pound to a pound and a half, although the latter size is seldom caught. Distinctive Characteristics. Body compressed, front part gibbous. First ray of the posterior dorsal nearly as long as the second. Opercle with a single spine. General length three to six inches.-DedKay. Specifc Characters. I-ead rather small and slopes gradlually to the snout, with a suture behind the eyes, and is about one-fourth the length of body. Jaws about equal, with rose tints on the lips and underneath lower jaw. Upper jaw protractile; tongue and lips spotted with very small black dots. A number of small teeth on each jaw, and a row of velvet like teeth on sides of the tongue, but none on the tip or centre. Eyes circular, pupils black, iris silvery; space between the eyes covered with scales. The nostrils double, hindmost one oval and transversely situated to the other. Preopercle gives metallic reflections; serrated on its posterior and lower margin. Operculum scaled; has two points, the one in the posterior edge sharp, and the one above more blunt. Body rather deep beneath the first dorsal fin, compressed, curved, or gibbous, in front, and tapering with a slight curve back of the first dorsal; scales silvery, and covered with small black dots, like the -tongue and lips. Their free edges are serrated; lateral line follows the curve of the back; first dorsal rises on a line a little 68 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOIDY. back of the insertion of the pectorals; has strong spinous rays, the fourth of which is longest. The second dorsal is connected with the first by a low membrane; it is quadrangular in shape. The pectorals rise just below and on a line with the spine of the operculum; are broad, the upper ray longest, and the edges rounding downwards. They are brown at the base, but yellowish above; ventrals rise a little back of the pectorals, and are reddish at the base. Anal rises on a line with the middle of the second dorsal; second spine very strong. Caudal forked or " deeply emarginate." Ray formula — D. 9, 1, 12; P. 15; V. 1, 5; A. 3, 9; C. 17. Length six to ten inches. SYxao:N~IEs.-Perca anmericana, Grd., Block., Lacepede. Perca mucronata, Raf., Sw. JMorone ruqfa and MJorone pallida, Mitch. Bodianus riufus, Mitch; Centropomus albus, Raf. Labrax mucronatus, Cur. and Val., Storer, Ayres, Linsley, Baird, Hill. Labrax rufus, DeKay, Gill. Labrax pallidus, Mitch., Storer, Perley. Labrax nigricans, DeKay, Storer. GENUS Roccus, (Mitch.,) Gill. GEN. CHAR. Body slender oblong-ovate. Back anteriorly curved or gibbous, Maxillary teeth and those of the vomer and palatines villiform. Lingual teeth villiform, deposited in two lateral bands, and separated at their base in two longitudinal series, either separated or coalessing. Scales from the nape to Jthe nostrils and for the most part cycloidal. Preoperculum at the lower posterior part serrated. Operculum two spined. Dorsal fins not joined at the base by a raised membrane. Anal has three spines, increasing in size. Lateral line rectilinear. —Gill. This genus has been separated recently by Prof. Gill from the genus Labrax, from which it differs chiefly in the character of the armature of the preoperculum, and by the absence of teeth at the anterior extremity of the tongue; the whole margin of the tongue in the latter genus (Labrax) being provided with a band of villiform teeth, and the spur-formed teeth of the lower margin of the preoperculum. Roccus lineatus, Gill. Striped bass. Rock fish. This fish seems to posses rather a migratory character. Late in SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 69 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOID winter and early in spring it comes up from the sea into the rivers along the coast, where it is taken by seines or nets. It formerly ascended quite high up our rivers, but the dams have now shut them out from many of their old haunts, and they are now found only in those fresh waters near the ocean that are unobstructed. On the Kennebec they are now seldom seen higher than Eastern river, in Dresden, where they used to be taken in considerable numbers. The experiment has been tried of transferring them into lakes above the dams to breed and increase, but with rather imperfect success thus far. On the seaboard on some parts of the coast they come up into the creeks and arms of the sea, generally during the flood tides in the night, to feed and return to deeper water at ebb. They prefer rather shoal waters of the sea, with rocky bottoms. They bite the hook at times very readily, and many are thus taken. Fishermen use for bait, crabs or clams, but they prefer, of all things, squid to anything else. DeKay says that the largest individuals, called green heads, never ascend the fresh water streams. He also observes that in New York harbor, as the weather grows cold, they penetrate into the little bays and ponds connected with the sea, and imbed themselves into the mud. The bass, or rock fish is highly prized by some, though the larger ones are of rather coarse flesh. Those found in the market vary greatly in size, from one pound upwards. Storer mentions one that weighed 84 pounds. Specific Description. The head as well as the body of the striped bass or rock fish is covered with large and pretty strongly adherent scales. It is rather blunt, lower jaw a little the longest. The eyes are rather large, and their distance apart equal to a little less than two of their diameters. The pupils are black and the irides of a golden hue. The operculum is of a golden shade and has two spines on its posterior edge, the lowest of which is largest. The preoperculum is of the same color, and its posterior margin is finely serrated, the denticulations being largest on its lower edge. Teeth in the jaws and palatines, no teeth at the extremity of the tongue. Holbrook says " there are two bands of minute teeth at the root of the tongue, separated slightly from each other in the mesial line; the sides of the tongue are also armed with small teeth." The body is cylindrical, tapering to the tail, and about four times 70 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOIDE. as long as the head. It is of blueish brown above, and near the abdomen commences a bright silvery hue. There are eight or nine blackish bands or streaks passing from near the operculum, the middle ones terminating in the caudal fin. Sometimes these bands are curved and sometimes interrupted. Scales large and somewhat quadrangular, showing concentric lines on their sides, as also very minute strie diverging from the centre. They continue more or less on all the fins. Storer enumerates sixty-two scales along the lateral line. The lateral line is nearly straight, arises near the superior spine of the operculum, and extends through the fourth stripe of the body to the tail. The first dorsal fin arises behind the line from the posterior half of the pectoral. The spinous rays are nine in number. The first smallest, the fourth and fifth longest, and the others decreasing in length to the last. The second dorsal has the first ray spinous, and twelve branched ones-second ray longest. Pectorals arise a short distance behind the gill opening and a little below the lower spine of the operculum, rather short, and have sixteen rays. The ventrals are a little behind the pectorals; the first ray is spinous and short, the second ray is longest. The anal arises on a line midway of the second dorsal. Its three first rays are spinous, rather short and stout. Caudal deeply forked, and twice as wide at its posterior edge, when spread, as it is at its base. Ray formulaD. 9, 1-12; P. 16 to 18; V. 1-5; A. 3, 11; C. 17 to 18. Length from six inches to four feet. SYNONYMES.-Sciaena lineata, Block. Perca saxatilis, Schnocd. Perca Septiontralis, Schnued. Centropome Raye, La. Cep. Perca Jlitchilli, Mitch. Labrax lineatus, Storer, DeKay, Rich. GENUS POMOTIs, Raf. GEN. CHAR. Body subcircular or elliptical, very much compressed. Head small or moderate; mouth proportionate to size of head. Jaws generally equal, lower one longest. Velvet or card teeth upon the jaws and front of the vomer only. Tongue smooth, checks and opercular apparatus scaly. Branchial apertures continuous under the throat. Spinous portion of dorsal fin longer and less elevated SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 71 SUB-CLASs TELEOSTEI. PERCOIDE. than the soft portion. Three anal spines. Insertion of ventrals situate posteriorly to the base of pectorals. Posterior margin of caudal fin emarginated or suberescentic. Scales small, developed and pectinated. Pomotis vulgaris, Cuv. Bream, Roach, Sunfish, Pumpkin-seed, Pondfish, Kiver. If you should take a pumpkin seed and carve out a fish's head on the blunt end, attach dorsal fins to one side or edge of it and a fish's tail to the small end, you would have no mean miniature reppresentation of this species of fish. This resemblance has given rise to one of the many names given it, "pumpkin seed," which is quite expressive of its form. The Pornotis or Bream is found in nearly all the fresh waters of New England. It is found in nearly all the brooks and margins of lakes and ponds in Maine. The avidity with which it seizes the hook, and the ease with which it is taken, render the fishing for it a capital subject to initiate boys into the craft and mystery of the angler's art, being often caught by them with the simple and rude apparatus of a worm on a pin-hook, tied to an alder twig for a rod. Many an urchin in the country, thus equipped, becomes quite an expert at brook fishing, and exhibits as much zeal and prowess, and as many trophies of his piscatory victims as the most skillful angler, with reel and gaff, does over the subtle trout and salmon. In the spring of the year the Bream repairs to the margin of ponds, or to the eddies and still waters of brooks, where there is a gravelly or sandy bottom, and cleaning off any vegetables that may be in the way, they scoop away the sand by swimming around and stirring up the surface, and form a basin shaped cavity, sometimes two feet across. Here they deposit their spawn and carefully watch the premises until their eggs are hatched. Characteristics. Green mixed with olive, and dull reddish spots over the body. Appendix of the opercle black, bordered with scarlet. Length four to eight inches. —DeKay. Specific Description. The head of the Pomotis is rather small and less than a quarter part as long as the body. Eyes are large and circular, and near the "facial outline." Nostrils double, the forward one tubular. Mouth is small, and the teeth sharp and rather thickly set upon the jaws, vomer and pharyngeals. 72 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. PERCOIDX. The edge of the preopercle very finely serrated. The operculum terminates in a blunt point, which is prolonged by a membranous appendage, which is black with a bright scarlet spot at its extremity. The gill covers present beautiful blue, or azure lines running lengthwise across them. Body is oval and very much compressed and flattened, of a greenish color above, with irregular spots or blotches of red or rusty colors rather irregularly disposed along the sides. The abdomen is of a whitish silvery color. The lateral line curves with the outlines of the back. The scales are quite large and are toothed at their base. The dorsal fins are made up of spinous and soft rays, and the portion of soft rays is highest and rounded; the anterior portion of it is spinous, and this portion has ten rays, and the soft portion twelve. The pectorals are pretty long, of a triangular shape, and generally reach to the soft portion of the dorsal. The ventrals have one spinous ray. The anal fins extend as far as the dorsal. The caudal fin is emarginate. Ray formulaD. 10, 12; P. 1, 5; A. 3, 16; C. 17. Very seldom over eight inches long. SYNONYMEs.-Labrus auritus, Lin. JMorone maculata, Mitch. Pornotis appendix, DeKay. Red-tailed Bream. This species of Pomnotis is not so abundant as the Pomotis vulgaris. DeKay describes it as more robust in body, thick and chubby than the above named. The prolongation or appendix to the operculum broader and longer, and of a black color. Mouth and gape larger. Storer describes the dorsal fin as being anteriorly dark brown and the posterior membranous portion red; ventrals red at their base. Pectorals yellowish brown. Anal yellowish at the base and fuliginous at its margin. Caudals of a blood red color. After death he observes that the body becomes of a bluish-gray color, abdomen orange, extremities of the ventrals purple, and the tail a rust color. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. SUB-cLAss TELEOSTEI. SPAROIDE; SCIEANOIDE. Ray formulaD. 10 to 11; P. 11 to 12; V. 1, 5; A. 3 to 10; C. 18. Length six inches. SYNONYrIEs.-Labrus appendix, Mitch. FAMILY SPAROID., Cuv. SUBFAMILY SPARINE, Bona. CHAR. No spines or denticulations on the opercular bones. No teeth in the palate. Mouth not protractile, sides large. No scales on the fins.; muzzle not thickened, nor the bones of the head cavernous. Pylorus has coecal appendages. GENUS PAGRUS, CUr. GEN. CHAR. Four to six stout teeth in front of each jaw, and two series of round teeth on the sides. Many species have, behind the front teeth, numerous small granular or cardlike teeth. Body generally deep. Pagrus argyrops, Cur. Big Porgee. Scapaug. Characteristics. Brilliant metallic reflections on the sides. A short recumbent spine in front of the dorsal fin. The second and third dorsal rays often filamentous.-DeKay. DeKay gives the fin raysD. 9, 3, 22; P. 18; V. 1, 5; A. 3, 18; C. 16. Storer's formula is different, as follows: D. 12, 12; P. 15; V. 6; A. 3, 11; C. 1623. Perhaps it is an error to call this a Maine fish. It is sometimes brought in during summer by fishermen who have been out Cape Cod way. SYNONYMES.-Sparus argyrops, Lin. Spare xanture, La. Cep. FAMILY SCINOIDr, Cur. CHAR. Body similar to that of the Percoids, protected with pectinated or else ctenoid scales, extending over the head and a portion of the fins. Head peculiar, owing to a convexity of its upper surface and the bluntness of the snout; the bones of the skull being cavernous and otherwise provided with crests or ridges. They may be dis10 74 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTET. SCIMNOIDME. tinguished from the Cataphracti tribe by the suborbital bones not extending across the cheek. Mouth little protractile. Barbels sometimes under the lower jaw, near the mouth. Maxillary teeth various. Vomer and palatines toothless, which distinguishes them from Percoids. The operculars have spines or serratures. The preopercule is occasionally smooth. Fins-Either one or two dorsals, having the general modifications as the Percoids. Air-bladder peculiar by the horn-like process it exhibits. SUBFAMILY SCIENINE, Bona. GENUS OTOLITHUS, CUV. GEN. CHAR. The bones of the anal fin are weak and there are no barbels; some of the teeth terminate in elongated hooks, or are of the canine form. Their natatory bladder has a horn on each side, projecting forwards. (Storer.) Two small pores on the lower jaw are entirely wanting. Two dorsal fins. Body elongated.-DeKay. Otolithus regalis, CGuv. Weak fish, Squeteague, Squetee, Checouts. Prof. Gill has transferred this species to a different genus, " Cynoscion,'" and terms it Cynoscion regalis, but I have not seen his generic characters of it. It is a fish of very delicate structure, and makes such feeble resistance to the hook that it breaks from it very easily. Characteristics. It is of a bluish color above, veined with dusky. Ventrals and anal, orange. Ventrals with fine branched rays. Length one to two feet.-D. K. Ray formula — D. 8, 1, 28; P. g; V. 1,5; A. 13; C. 17. SYNONYMES.-Labrus squeteague, Mitch. Sciena regalis, Rich. FAMILY CORYPHIENOIDmE, Lowe. SUB-FAMILY PEPRILIN2E, Gill. GENUS PRORONOTUS, Gill. Poronotus triacanthus, Gill. Harvest fish. This is the Rhombus triacanthus described by Storer and DeKay as belonging to the Scombridse or mackerel family, but removed by Prof. Gill into the above-named family and genus. As we have not their descriptive characters at hand, we will give those under SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 75 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SCOMBROIDA. which they were formerly described. For description of Scombroid family see further along. GENUS RHOMBUS, La. Cepede. GEN. CHAR, Head and body compressed. Body covered with minute scales. A small trenchant and pointed blade before the vent. A horizontal partially connected spine before the dorsal and anal fins. Rhombus triacanthus, DeKay. Short-finned Harvest fish. Skip Jack. DeKay says of this fish that it is equally remarkable for the splendor of its coloring and its excellence as an article of food, although many fishermen consider them unfit for eating on account of the unpleasant odor which they emit when opened. They are believed to feed chiefly on marine plants. He found the oesophagus of many which he opened, filled with pebbles about the size of a pin's head. When taken from the water at night, it is said to emit vivid phosphoric flashes. Prof. Peck describes them on the New Hampshire coast as long ago as 1794. They are sometimes used on Cape Cod as a manure. They make a good bait for mackerel. Ray formulaD. 3, 45; P. 19; A. 3, 42; C. 19.-DeKay. Storer has itD. 45; P. 21; A. 43; C. 20. SYvNoNYIES.-Poronotus triacanthus, Gill. Stromateus triacanthus, Peck. Stromateus cryptosus, Mitchill. Peprilus cryptosus, Cuvier. FAMILY SCOMBROIDA. Mackerel. This family has been recently sudivided into several subfamilies, among which are enumerated Scombrince, Bona.; Orycnince, Gill.; Carangince, Bona.; Seriolince, Gill. We cannot now give the characters of each, and therefore recite the character given to the famly before its subdivision. CHAR. —Body exceedingly diversified in form and aspect, covered with minute scales, giving a smooth appearance to the slkin. 76 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SCOMBROIDR. These scales are both cycloid and ctenoid. Many genera are provided with a crest or ridge on the sides of the tail, often protected with a series of keeled, bony, scale-like shields. Head.-Sides of head smooth. Operculars have neither spines nor serratures. Fins.-Dorsal, caudal and anal fins scaleless and varied in structure, according to different genera. Stomach.-Numerous pyloric appendages to the intestines. Air-bladder wanting. SUB-FAMILY SCOMBRINAE, Bona. -GENUS SCOMBER, CUV. GEN. CHAR. - Body fusiform, covered by scales which are uniformly small; sides of the tail not connected but merely raised into two small cutaneous crests; dorsal fins widely separated; some of the posterior rays of the second dorsal and anal free, forming finlets. One row of small conical teeth in each jaw. Scomber vernalis, Hitch. Spring Mackerel. The mackerel, or spring mackerel, is one of those migratory fishes that everybody knows something of, because they form so important a branch of our fisheries and enter so largely into the commercial and dietetical uses of the community. They appear on our coast about the middle of May, and their numbers gradually increase until into June. The first comers are males, and are rather lean and do not rank so high in the inspection as those later comers, or those caught later, that have become fatter. They are caught with the hook, in large quantities, but they are subject to what the fishermen call " freaks " in this respect, sometimes taking the bait eagerly, and at other times pass along without taking the least notice of the bait and rejecting all the allurements which the fishermen can devise. To obviate this, many have adopted the custom of catching them with seines and drift nets by which great numbers are caught during the season of their stay in our waters. I have gathered some statistics in regard to the amounts taken in different years, from 1850 to 1860, but as they are quite defective and unsatisfactory I omit them at present. They give, however, some interesting facts showing the great importance of this branch of our industry. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 7 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI, SCOMBRtOIDsE. Characterisices. A dark spot at the base of the pectoral and anal fins.-DeKay. Specefic Description. The mackerel when first drawn from the water is a beautiful fish. De Kay describes its colors as exceedingly vivid; dark steel blue above, becoming lighter on the scales and mixed with metallic green near the lateral line. From 24 to 30 vertical deep blue half bands which are sometimes angu!lar, curved, interrupted and occasionally forming irregular circles. Below the lateral line, and parallel with it, is a longitudinal, dull, brownish line, often interrupted and some-times forming a series of inequidistant, irregular spots, occasionally both line and spots wanting. Beneath, silvery, with greenish and yellowish mnetallic reflections, a black blotch of the pectorals and ventrals. Pectorals, second dorsal and caudal, dark colored; the remaining fins lighter. Iris of the eye white with a slight tinge of yellowish; pupils black. A careful examination of these colors would be sufficient to identify this species. The head is somewhat pointed and about a sixth of the length of the body; mouth of a moderate size; eyes large. A single row of small teeth on the jaws, a single row on the palatines; tongue black. The lower margin of the operculul has a row of mucus pores. The body is cylindrical, tapering to the tail. The lateral line is waved or undulating, passing from the humeral bone to the tail. Dorsal fin commences over the ventrals; contains in the first 13 simple rays. The second dorsal is one third as high as the first; it has ten rays. Behind these are six finlets compQsed of one ray and equidistant. Generally there are five corresponding finlets on the opposite side beneath; pectorals acute, fourth ray longest; ventrals subdivided at their middle and again at their extremities, and opposite the commencement of the second dorsal, at its commencement is a short spine, and next to it the finlets before named; caudal deeply forked- on each side are ridges or carinu; no air bladder. Ray formula ID. 13, 10-V. I; P. 17; V. 6, A. 12; V; C. 15.-DeKay. Storer has it D. 10, 12; P. 17, V. 5, A. 12, C. 20. Length 15 to 17 inches. 78 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI, SCOMBROIDIE. SYNQoNYME.-Scomber scomber, Schoepf. La maquereale printanier, Cuv. et Val. Scomber grex. DeKay. Fall Mackerel. Characteristics. Small, a black spot at the base of the pectorals and tip of lower jaw. Dorsal bands very tortuous. Length 8 to 10 inches. There have been doubts in the minds of some Ichthyologists in regard to this species being a spring mackerel (Scornber vernalis) of a different age. GENUS THYNNUS. CG1. GEN. CHAn. Form of the body like that of the Scomber, but less compressed. A kind of corselet around the thorax, formed by scales larger and coarser than those of the rest of the body; a long and elevated crest on each side of the tail. The anterior dorsal reaching almost to the posterior one. Numerous finlets behind the dorsal and anal fins; a single row of small, pointed, crowded teeth in each jaw.-Storer. Of this genus we have one species on our coast the Thynnrus secundo dorsalis. Storer. American Tunny, Horse Mackerel, Albicore. It comes on to our coast in the early part of summer, when it is very lean; by autumn, before it diappears, it is very fat and affords a large quantity of oil from its head and belly. It frequently grows to a large size, weighing from 500 to 1000 pounds. Its characteristics according to DeKay are-very large and long pectorals, corselets pointed behind, no colored lines or spots. Length 9 to 12 feet. Ray formulaD. 14:, 1, 23-X; P. 34, V. 1, 5; A. 2, 12 —IX; C. 19. This fish is placed by Prof. Gill into the sub-family Orycnince, and into Cuvier's genus (Orycnus.) This species he terms Orycnus secundo dorsalis. Gill. GENUS CYBIuat, Cur. GEN. CHAR. An elongated body without a corselet, and large compressed sharp teeth. The palatines have only short teeth. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 79 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. ScMBsROID2E. We have one very rare species of this genus, occasionally found on our coast, viz: Cybium maculatum, Storer. Spanish Mackerel. This is characterized as large, —numerous greyish brown spots distributed along the sides. Length one to two feet. This species has been placed by Prof. Gill into the Orcyninae sub-family and into the genus Apodontis of Bennet. Its specific name under this arrangement is Apodontis maculatus, Gill, and is synonymous with the Scornber colias, (Storer) and la maquereau colias of Cuvier and Valenciennes. GENUS VOrtER, CUv. GEN. CHAR. Body compressed. No filaments or prolongations of the fins Profile nearly vertical. SUB-FAMILY CARANGIN2E. VOMER SETIPINNIS, 4Ayres. Blunt-nosed Shiner. This species is inserted here on the authority of another. I have never met with it in our waters and have considered, on the statement of DeKay, that New York, or the southern coast of Massachusetts was its northern limit. It has been described as the body of a lustrous silvery tint, passing into a leaden tint on the back. Iris yellow; membrane of the second dorsal minutely dotted with black, tinged at its base with light yellow. Pectorals olive green, verging to dusky. First dorsal composed of short isolated rays deeply hidden in a groove. Ray formula D. 7, 1, 22; P. 1, 18; V. 1, 3, A. 1, 18. air bladder very large with two horns behind. This has very recently been placed into the sub-family Carangincw (Bona.) Its synonymes are Vomner Brownii. Cur. Zeus setapinnis. Mitch. SUB-FAMILY SERIOLIN/E. GENUS TEMNODON, Cuv. GEN. CHAmR. The tail unarmed, the little fins or detached spines are before the anal as in Seriola. The first dorsal, fragile and long, the second and the anal coy 80 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SCOMBERESOCIDE. ered with small scales; but the principal character consists in a row of separated, pointed, cutting teeth in each jaw; behind the upper ones is a row of smaller teeth, and there are some fine as velvet on the vomer, palate and tongue. The operculum terminates in two points, and there are seven branchiostegous rays. Temanodon salltaor. Storer. Bluefish. Skip-jack. This species of fish seems to have an historical interest on account of its great abundance, at times, and then disappearing as to great numbers for many succeeding years. It is a great scourge to the herring and mackerel fisheries when they appear among them, as it eats them voraciously and becomes fat upon them. It It is rather a handsome fish and sometimes grows to the weight 14 pounds. Storer describes its colors as bluish on upper part of the body; greenish tinge upon the side and abdomen. Iris is yellow. Pectorals of a greenish yellow with a deep black blotch at their base. Second dorsal and caudal fins are likewise of a greenish brown color. Ventrals and anal fins are of a bluish white color. Fin rays D. 7, 26, P. 17, V. 6, A. 28, C. 20. This species has been placed recently in the sub-family Serziolice, Gill. Genus Pomatornus of Lacepede, and is termed Pomnatomus saltatrix, Gill. Its synomyms are Gasterosteus saltatrix Lin. Scomnber plzumbeuts Mitch. FArMILY SCOMBERESOCOIDE. CHAR. Body elongated. Head.-Gills fully developed-last branchial aperture extant. Pseudo branchim glandulous, and covered by the mucus membrane of the branchial aperture, and therefore concealed. Scales cycloidal-a row of keeled ones on either side of the body, distinct from the lateral line. Dorsal opposite the anal; rays soft and articulated. Vetenrals abdominal in position; rays soft, articulated. Air-bladder has no duct leading to the throat. Stom7ach has no culdesac and no pyloric appendages-straight and hardly distinguished from the intestines passing gradually into them. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 81 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. GASTEROSTEOIDE. GENUS SCOMBERESOX, Cuvier. GEN. CHAR. Snout greatly attenuated and elongated, as in the preceding. Teeth in both jaws; more on the palatines and tongue. Dorsal and anal fins divided behind into numerous finlets. Scomberesox scutellatus, Les. Bill fish. The Bill fish is a very handsome species, with a body shaped rike that of a mackerel, and the head, or rather snout, elongated much longer than that of a pickerel. Hence the common name of Bill fish. It is found all the way from the shores of Newfoundland to those of Cape Cod. At the latter place it is most abundant in October. Its characteristics are, "dark green above. Lower jaw longest. Body with a broad silvery band. "-DeKay. The head is narrow and long; eyes small; gill covers large, smooth; lower jaw one quarter of an inch longer than the upper. Minute teeth on the base of it. Nostrils are large. Body is somewhat eel-formed; scales small. The lateral line straight and near the back. A furrow extends from the lower edge of the operculum to the base of the caudal fin. Storer describes this as consisting of two yellowish lines, which are a continued series of scales. When raised, they resemble serrations; when not erect, they look like sinuses (furrows.) Between these rows are situate the ventrals, the anal, and the anal finlets. Ray formulaD. 10, v. or vi; P. 14; V. 6; A. 12, v. or vi; C. 20. The caudal is deeply forked, the lower lobe slightly the longest. SYNoNYiEms.-Scomberesox Storeri, DeKay. Scomberesox equirostrum, Lesueur. Esox longirostra, Mitch. FAMILY G-ASTEROSTEOIDzE, Bona. SUB-FAMILY GASTEROSTEINA, Bona. CHAR. Body diminutive in size-no scales; sometimes naked, sometimes plated entirely or in part. Heacd.-Gills four in number on each side, composed of two perfect branchial combs. Four branchiostegal rays; gill openings being separated beneath by an isthmus-the last gill opening situ11 82 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. GASTEROSTEOIDA. ate between the fourth gill and inferior pharyngeal bones, is fully developed. Fins.-The spinous rays of the dorsal region, instead of being united by a membrane into a dorsal fin, are isolated from each other. Each spine has a very small membrane at its posterior base. Spines variable in number, transversely flattened upon their base, and acerated upon their extremities, either smooth upon their edges or denticulated. Can be laid back in a horizontal position. Ventral fins situate about the middle of the abdomen, composed almost exclusively, with few exceptions, of one stout spine. Pelvic bones are external and united to the thoracic belt. GENUS GASTEROSTEUS, Artedi. GEN. CHAR. Upper surface of head plane either smooth or corrugated. Opercular apparatus without spines. Mouth rather small, oblique; posterior extremity of maxillary not extending as far as a vertical line drawn in advance of the anterior rim of the orbit. Minute velvet-like teeth upon the dentaries and premaxillaries; none on either the vomer or the palatines. Gill openings separated by a narrow isthmus; branchiostegal rays three on either side. First dorsal represented by a series of isolated spines, varying in number. Caudal fin subtruncated, or subcrescentic posteriorly. Insertion of ventrals situate opposite the second dorsal spine, therefore abdominal; has one strong spine. Body either covered with a smooth skin, or partly, or totally covered with tranversely elongated plates. Lateral line very obsolete. Bones of the pelvis forming a shield to the belly, pointed behind. —Grd. Gasterosteuzs biaculeatus, Mitch. Two-spined Stickleback. The stickleback is among fishes what the Bantam is among poultry —small, active, smart and pugnacious-often attacking and driving much larger fishes than themselves. This little species is found in the small pools and creeks in many parts of the seashore and in salt marshes. It is characterized by two distinct spines on the back and a third near the dorsal; a strong serrated spine on each side, representing the ventrals. The head is somewhat depressed or flattened above, with numerous punctures in rows, or as it is said by some, to be granulated; jaws equal; teeth minute and numerous. Eyes large for the size of the fish-pupils black, iris silvery. Opercles of a silvery color, spotted with dusky, covered with strioe. Mouth protractile. Nos SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 83 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. GASTEROSTEOIDE. trils large and placed half way between eyes and point of- the jaw. A broad silvery plate back of the gill opening. Body somewhat oblong, compressed, and very slender at the base of the tail. It is covered with twenty-eight or thirty bony plates, narrow and plated vertically, with slight serratures on their posterior margins and with perpendicular striae or markings. It is of a green color above and silvery below. Lateral line pretty high up. It has the power of raising or depressing the spines on the back; the dorsal is longer than it is high. The forward rays longest, one spine and twelve soft rays; pectorals fan-shaped. Two sharp serrated spines stand in the place of the ventrals, and between them is a kind of bony lanceshaped plate, rough upon its surface, serrated on its edges and on central keel. It seems to be made for a support to the abdominal point which is anterior to the vent. Anal fin commences on a line a little posterior to the dorsal, and ends on a line with its own preceded by very minute spines. Caudal fin is very slightly emarginate and has twelve rays. Ray formulaD. 2,1, 11; P. 10; V. I; A. 1, 6; C. 12. Length two and a half inches. Gasterosteus DeKayi, Agassiz. Many Spined Stickleback. This little fish is an occupant of both fresh and salt water, often in the brackish water about salt meadows. It has more than seven spines in front of its dorsal fin. Specific description. The head of this species is small, about one-fifth the length of the body. Gape of the mouth obliquely downward; nostrils round, and near the orbit; jaws full of small teeth. The opercula are of a silvery color; eyes circular black, iris metallic. Body is elongated, a little compressed, and tapers gradually from the dorsal. Upon the back there are generally ten sharp, slightly curved spines, inclined from right to left. The first are placed midway between the operculum edge and dorsal fin. The dorsal is of a triangular shape; has one stout spine and seven soft ones; anal beneath dorsal and like it in shape, with four 84 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. ATHERINOID.E, rays; ventral spines sharp, curved, with a slight membrane at base, and a bony plate between them pointed posteriorly. Caudal rounded, and the tail is keeled or carinated with from twelve to fourteen distinct plates. Ray formulaD. 80, 9 or 10; P. 11; V. 1; A. 1, 9;C. 13. Length from one to two inches. SYNONYMES.- Gasterosteus pungitius, Storer. Gasterosteus occidentalis, DeKay. This species has been placed by Brevoort into a new genus, PYGOsTEUS, and terms this species Pygosteus DeKayi. FAMILY ATHERINOIDAE, Bona. SUB-FAMILY ATHRININ E, Bona. CHAR. Body, covered with cycloid scales, provided laterally with a silvery band. Mucous pores wanting. Head. Upper arcade of mouth formed by the pre-maxillaries. The maxillaries which are situate behind, are tapering towards its free or posterior extremity instead of being dilated. Upper jaws very protractile. Six branchiostegal rays on either side. Four gills on either side but no pseudo-branchiae. Branchial apertures continuous under the throat. Pre-maxillar, maxillar and other teeth, so small as to require being magnified to be seen. Fins. Two dorsals, widely separated. Ventrals are abdominal. Stomach, a simple membranous pouch, no culdesac, or pyloric appendages. Air bladder is extant. GENUS ATHERINA, Linn. GEN. CHAR. Body elongated; two dorsals, widely separated; ventrals further back than the pectorals; mouth highly protractile, and furnished with very minute teeth. A broad silvery band along each flank on all the known species. —Storer. Atherina notata, Mitch. Dotted Silver Side. Sand Smelt. In some parts of our seaboard, especially at the mouth of the Piscataquis river, and the creeks around Kittery during the smelt ing season, there is a beautiful little fish caught, known in some places as the " Sand Smelt," " Silver Side," " Capelin," "An SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 85 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. ATHERINOIDAE. chovy" and " Young Smelt." It is taken in company with the smelt and sold with them as such. It is from three to five inches in length, and when first taken from the water quite semi-transparent, especially along the back. Characteristics. Body, slender; dorsal fins some distance apart, the second one over the middle of the anal. Specific Characte*. Head small, pupils somewhat straight above and curved beneath, smooth on the top, greenish and covered with small black spots; upper jaw slightly the longest, and both jaws well furnished with very small teeth; mouth, when shut, a little oblique, the angle being lower than the point of the lips, "mouth protractile." Eyes black and slightly oval, iris silvery. Body slender, a little compressed, of a greenish color on the upper part, and "marked into diamonds by dotted lines." These dotted lines also disappear on the edge of the scales of the upper portion of the body. The lateral line is dark, commencing near the upper angle of the operculum, extending parallel with the back. Beneath it, and parallel to it, is a broad band of a bright silvery color starting at the root of the pectorals to the tail. This is a very distinguishing mark. Below this belt the body is of a higher color than above it. It has two dorsals, the first arising about one inch back of the extremity of the pectorals, and is smaller than the second and of a triangular shape. The second dorsal commences about one inch back of the first. It is square or quad angular in shape, its last rays being longest. Pectorals commence near the upper angle of the operculum and cover a portion of the silvery band. The ventrals arise on a line with the extremities of the pectorals. Anal commencing a little back of a line of the beginning of the first dorsal and is the largest fin of all. Caudal forked. All the fins have very delicate, colorless semi-transparent membranes. Ray formulaBranchial 6; D. 5, 9; P. 12; V. 5; A. 25; C. 18. Prof. Gill has separated this species from the genus Atherina and places it into " Chirostoma," (Chriostoma notatum, Gill.) SYNONYMsES. —therina menidia, Lacepede, L'atherine de Bosc. S1. boscii, Cuv. et Val. Chirostoma notatum, Gill. 86 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SCORPENOIDA. FAMILY SCORPENOIDE, Swainson. SUB-FAMILY SCORPENINE, Bona. CHAR. Body, large, and more or less spinous. Some genera exhibit flaps or membranous appendages; in others there are scales all over the head, as also to the tips of the snout and along the jaws. Head. There are seven branchial rays in all, and the gill openings are continuous under the throat. Gill. three and a half on either side, the fourth having but one branchial comb developed, consequently the last branchial split does not exist. Fins. The dorsal is unique, the spinous portion combining closely with the soft. GENUS SEBASTES, CU'V. GEN. CHAR. Body rather short and contracted. Head largely developed; upper surface covered with scales, and with or without spines. Mouth large; eyes large; inferior jaw the longest; velvet or cardlike teeth upon the premaxillaries, dentaries, the front of the vomer and the palatines. Surface of the tongue smooth; spines on the preopercle and opercle. Gill openings continuous under the throat. Branchiostegal rays seven on either side. Dorsal fins united at base and resemble one fin. Caudal posteriorly subcrescentic, or concave. Insertion of ventrals posterior to the pectorals. Body covered with well developed pectinated scales, opercular apparatus, cheek and jaws, and also over portion of the fins. SEBASTES NORVEGICA, CUV. Norway Haddock, Red Sea Perch, Rose Fish, Snapper, Hemdurgan. This fish is more abundant in the northen portion of our waters than in the southern, and is still more plenty on the shores of Newfoundland. Not having an opportunity to examine a good specimen, I here copy a part of Storer's description of it. Color. In the recent fish the entire body, together with the fins is of a beantiful bright red, with the exception of a blotch upon the posterior portion of the operculum. After death the color partially disappears upon the throat and abdomen, and the space between the ventrals becomes nearly white, and at the posterior base of the soft portion of the dorsal a dull blotch is observed. Pupils black, iris yellow. Description. Body oblong, compressed, covered with small rough scales. Head flattened above between the eyes and upon the occiput. The operculum is armed with three spines, one pointing SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 87 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. COTTOIDA. upward and backward at its posterior upper angle; a second, beneath this, directed obliquely backward and downward; and a third, much smaller, at its inferior angle, and the pre-operculum is rounded at its edge and furnished with five spinous processes; the three posterior of which are the larger. Two spines upon the scapular bones and two upon the suborbitars. Four spinous projection upon the supraorbitars, all of which are pointed backwards; one at the anterior angle of the eye; a second with its base continued under the greater portion of the ridge; and the two smaller ones behind. Two elevated sharp ridges upon the occiput which bifurcate posteriorly intq spinous points. Eyes circular, very large; the diameter of the orbit equal to one-third the length of the head, when the jaws are closed; uostrils just in front of the eyes, the posterior one largest. The jaws, pharynx, vomer, and palatine bones are armed with numerous minute teeth; upper jaw very protractile, and has an emarginature at its centre, into which the extremity of the lower jaw shuts when the mouth is closed. The chin prominent. The lateral line above the operculum, and taking the curve of the body, terminates at its caudal ray. About thirty-six tubes are seen in the curve of the line.-Storer's Hist. of Fishes of Mass., Mem. Am, Acad., Vol. 5, p. 86. Ray formula — D. 15, 15; P. 18; V. 1, 5; A. 3, 7; C. 19 Length one foot. SYNONYMEs-Perca marina, Pennant. Serranus JVorvegicus, Fleming. Scorpcena.VNorvegica, Jen. FAMILY COTTOIDy, Rich. SUB-FAMILY COTTINiE, Bona. CHAR. Body. Very thick anteriorly, tapering rapidly posteriorly. An absence of true scales; spine not always smooth. In some perfectly smooth; in others studded with minute prickles, simple or compound. Others with series of longitudinal long shields; others with parallel rows of small scale-like plates, various in form and structure. Head. Very large. Opercular apparatus provided with large spines. (Hence the name scull pin.) Three complete gills of two branchial combs, and a half one with but one comb. Teeth of 88 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. COTTOIDiE. velvet type on the jaws. Palate smooth, or velvet teeth on front of vomer and palatines. Fins. Two dorsals sometimes continuous, sometimes separated. Anterior one always composed of spiny rays. Anal fin is opposite second dorsal. Ventrals under the pectorals, posteriorly to base of the latter with small number of rays. Pectorals very large, broad and expanded; their inferior rays undivided, (though articulated,) and projecting beyond the interradial membrane which is emarginated. GENUS ACANTHOCOTTUS, Girard. GEN. CHAR. Spines upon each of the opercular bones. Surface of head, and often the circumference of the orbits either serrated, or notched, or armed with spines. Mouth more deeply cleft than those of the Cottus genus. Lateral line uninterrupted. Acanthocottus octodecim spinosus, Gill. Sculpin, Pig Fish, Bullhead, Sea Toad, Sea Robin. This is a handsome oddity, and a plague to fishermen who are fishing for better fish, but often have to haul it up, to their no small vexation'when they see its head and horns emerging from the water. It is rightly named " sculpin " for its scull is full of spines and thorns as sharp as pins, and as strong as so many ten-penny nails, projecting point foremost in every direction. If irritated when first taken from the water it shows fight-swelling out its gill membranes, pushing out the horns, and erecting the spines of its dorsal like the bristles on the back of a wild boar. It is said to be eaten by some, but little or no use is made of it among our fishermen. Characteristics. Spine of the pre-opercle reaching the point of the opercle. Pectorals very broad and rounded.-DeKay. Specific Description. The common sculpin has a large, broad head with channels or furrows on the top, apparently made by a continuation of the spinous ridges. Storer says there are twenty spines upon and about the head. These are strong and generally curved backwards. Each nostril is armed with one of these. Each eye has one, and on the nape of the neck is one on each side of it. The pre-operculum is also armed with them. The one on the posterior angle is a formidable one, very stout and sharp, partly curved at its base, but may be laid bare its whole length. Just below this SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 89 SUB-CLAss TELEOSTEI. COTTOIDE. is another much smaller, and pointing backward and downward. Below this a smaller one pointing a little forwards. The opercillum has but two. The larger on the upper anterior angle pointing backwards, and a small one on the inferior portion pointing downward. On the shoulder blade, just above the pectoral fin is another, pointing upward and backward, and above the commencement of the fleshy part, a membrane of the operculum, is another, but rather short. The mouth is large, and capable of being very much distended bythe fish itself. Card-like teeth are upon the jaws in pretty compact order; also upon the pharyngeal and palatine bones. Eyes large and the orbits projecting from the skull. The body variegated in color, with a mixture of black and greenish yellow. Light colored in the belly, with a yellowish or browned tint occasionally. There are four dusky bars commencing on the back extending downward a short distance irregularly. It tapers gradually and regularly to the tail. First dorsal smaller than the second with rounded margin on the top. Nine spinous rays, third ray largest, and all the rays are above the edge of the membrane. It is of a sooty color with brown bands. The second dorsal has articulated rays, and is nearly twice as long as the first. It is brownish, with three brown bands nearly horizontal across it. The pectorals are very large with rounded or circular edge when expanded. Yellowish above, flesh colored below, and crossed with six brown circular bands. Ventrals rather slender but long, yellowish white, the rays projecting above the membrane. Anal fin nearly even and opposite second dorsal; yellowish color, with two dark bands. Caudal long and even at its end. Ray formula — D. 9, 16; P. 18; V. 3; A. 14; C. 12. Length ten to twenty inches. SYNoNYMEs.-Scorpius Virginianus, Willoughby. Cottus octodecim spinosus, Mitch. Cottus Virginianus, Storer. Cottus scorpius, Schroep. Alcanthocottus Virginianus, Girard. 12 90 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TETLEOSTET. COTTOIDzs. Acanthocottus Groenlarndicus, Girard. Greenland Sculpin. This is the handsomest of the sculpin beauties, but is not so abundant as last described species. It can be distinguished from it by the different markings of its colors, and by a " quadrangular area in the head, bounded by four tubercles; circular white spots upon the abdomen; dark brown color of the body, with large claycolored blotches on the top of the head and upon the gill covers, with a few smaller ones on the back and sides; and small circular spots on the sides toward the abdomen." It may also be distinguished by the feel of the sides of the body, both above and below the lateral line, which are "roughened by granulated tubercles, which seem like spines when the finger is drawn over them." Ray formulaD. 9 or O, 16 or 18; P. 17; V. 3; A. 13; C. 16. Length ten to fourteen inches. SYNONYMES.- Cottus scorpius, Fabricius. Cottus quadricornis, Parry's Voyage. Cottus variabilis, Ayres..Icanthocottus variabilis, Girard. Richardson and Bonaparte have separated the Triglidme family to which this genus formerly belonged, into several new onesplacing the above into the newly family Cottoide and sub-family Cottinve. GENUS IIEMITRIPTERUS, CuV. GEN. CHAR. The head depressed; two dorsals; no regular scales on the skin, but teeth in the palatines; head is bristly and spinous, and has several cutaneous appendages. The first dorsal is deeply emarginate, a circumstance which has led some authors to believe there were three dorsal fins.-Storer. Hemitripterus Acadianus, Storer. Deep water Sculpin. One of the most elegantly colored though at the same time uncouth of the sculpin tribe, is the "Deep-water Sculpin," as it is called; called also by fishermen Sea Rover, which though not exactly coming under the same genus is nevertheless closely allied to it in form and habits. It is taken often times when fishing for SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 91 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. COTTOIDE. codfish in deep water, and is an unwelcome intruder upon the lines and bait and time of the fishermen. It is easily distinguished from the other Sculpin by the odd'fringes or cirrhi about the eyes and ranging from the lower jaw, which, with the indentations, ridges and spines give it a singular expression of countenance, if a Sculpin can be allowed to have a countenance. Specific Descrtption. Head large and broad and measuring from the point of the lips to the point of the operculum nearly or quite a quarter of the whole fish. Sometimes it is of a blood red, sometimes of a yellowish or pink purple with variegated markings of a brown or some other darker color with white. The mouth is very large when opened. Jaws of the same length, from the lower one there hang about a dozen fleshy fringes or cirrhi, giving it a singular appearance, cardlike teeth are found on the jaws, vomer palatine bones and the pharynx, but the tongue is quite large and smooth. The snout presents, a little above it, a ridge on each side with several spinous projections. Eyes moderate in size but the orbitar projections are large, and a fringe is attached to them composed of the fleshy cirrhi before mentioned They are also marked with white vertical lines. Pupils black, Iris yellow, tinged with brown. The preoperculum has two spines on its posterior angle, the superior one curving upward and backwards. The operculum is sub triangular in shape, rather small, ending in a blunt point and has ridges on its surface. The body is oblong, in outline cylindrical, and as Storer observes "granulated, and studded with innumerable tubercles which are quite large upon the back and very small or almost imperceptible below the lateral line." The dorsal has somewhat the appearance of three fins. It rises just behind the spinous processes of the head.' The first ray is long while the next, fourth, fifth and sixth are much shorter, and the next following rise again. Small appendages like tentacula are suspended from the tops of those rays. The second dorsal rise immediately behind, the first ray shortest and the others gradually increasing in length giving a sub quadrangular form to the fin. The rays project above the membrane. The Pectorals are large and the rays very marked and distinct. There are 18 of them in all, the first lowest one shortest and increasing in length as you count upward, giving the fin an oval out 92 BOARD OF' AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. COTTOID2E. line. It rises close to the gill opening. The ventrals rise just back of the pectorals, are small composed of one short strong spinous ray, and two sometimes three soft ones. Anal is opposite the second dorsal and similar in form to it. Caudal fin nearly even in width and slightly rounded at its extremity. Ray formulaD. 16, 13; P. 18; V. 1, 3; A. 15; C. 12. SYNONYMES.-Cottus hispidus, B1.. Scorpena flava, Mitch. Hemitripterus Jlmericanus, Cur. Cottus.lcadianus, Penn. This has also been removed from the Triglidae family into the Cottoidae of Richardson. GENUS ASPIDOPHOROIDES, Lacep. GEN. CHAR. Body octagonal covered with scaly plates; head thicker than the body, with points and depressions above, flattened below; teeth in both jaws only, none on the vomer; snout with recurved spines, branchiostegous rays six; body tapering to the tail; one or two dorsal fins distinct.-Storer. Aspidoshorboides monopterygius, Cuvier. Asphidophore, One fin Aspidophore. I place this species on the list of Maine fishes from hearsay evidence, never having seen a specimen. It is a very rare fish and most of the individuals obtained have been taken from the stomach of fishes caught on our coast, or further south. Storer gives a very fine engraving of it and a full description in detail. It is small, with a slender body divided longitudinally into eight rows of scaly plates which give it an octagonical shape. One dorsal fin on the last half of the body at the extreme portion of the dorsal furrow. Ray formulaD. 5; P. 10; V. 1, 2; A. 4; C. 16. Length 5 inches. SYNOYImES.-Jdgonus monopterygius, B1. Cottus monopterygius, Richardson. This genus has been removed from the Triglidae to the family Agonoidm of Swainson, and sub-family Agoninme of Gill. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 93 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. COTTOIDE. SUB-FAMILY DACTYLOPTERINX, Lac. GENUS DACTYLOPTERUS, Lacepede. GEN. CHAR. The rays under the pectorals are numerous and large and are united by a membrane into supernumerary fins, larger than the fish itself, and which will support it in the air for some length of time. The muzzle which is very short appears to be cleft like the lips of a hare; the mouth is situated beneath; there are in the jaws only, certain rounded teeth, arranged like pavement; the head is flat, rectangular, and granulated. The preoperculuin is terminated by a long and strong spine. All the scales are carinated.-Storer. Dactyloplerus volitans. Curv. Sea Swallow. Flying Finger Fin. This Sea swallow is one of those singular fishes that have the power of springing into the air, and by means of its long and wide spread pectoral fins supporting or buoying itself up some little time, and thus scaling along quite a distance forward. It is one of those varieties called flying fish, though there is no flying done, the large fins acting only as a sort of parachute to let them down gently as the momentum of the spring they take just before they leave the water, ceases. It is thus enabled to elude its numerous enemies, though it undoubtedly often performs the act for the sport of it. They have a wide territorial range, according to some, from Newfoundland to Brazil. They swim together in large schools (scholes?) and their frolics, in sea and air, often enliven the dullness and monotony of a sea voyage. Sometimes, as they are not very well able to steer, or vary their course, they fall on board of vessels in their way. Specific Description. Head somewhat foursided and wider than its height, and flatish above and of a darker color than its body, and there is a furrow between the eyes descending down in front, granulated. Mouth rather small, lower jaw shortest, lips fleshy. Teeth small, conical, three or four rows on the jaws. Small teeth exist on the pharyngeal bones but none on the palate-nostrils double, lower one smallest-snout very blunt, upper jaw of a yellowish color. Eyes large and circular. "Suborbitar bones are pushed forward nearly joining in front, their posterior upper angle passes upward and the opposite inferior angle continued back to the preoperculum where it terminates in a sharp point. The preoperculum has a long stout spine extending to the base of the pectoral fins. Operculum is small, covered with scales and is triangular in form. The body, 94 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. BATRACHOIDA. forward of the vent, cylindrical and flattened, or compressed back of it. It is of a slaty color mottled with darker spots-abdomen yellowish, sides silvery. Scales rough, hard, toothed finely on their outer margins, with a ridge on each of those on back and sides. " First dorsal is composed of two nearly free and flexible filaments nearly abreast of each other and united near the base by a low membrane; closely contiguous to these, but not united to them by a membrane, follow four feebly spinous rays, united together by a membrane and the rays diminishing in length backwards. Both this, and the following fin, are lodged in a groove. Between this and the second dorsal is a short immovable triangular crest, the "stiff spiny stump " of Mitchill." [DeKay."] Second dorsal of a quadrangular shape with a very delicate membrane. Pectorals large, and when spread very wide and extend to the base of the tail. They are made up of two parts; the first having six rays in part free at their tips, and the posterior or main fin. Yentrals beneath the pectorals, and beneath the second dorsal. The caudal is fanshaped and concave at its extremity. It has two elevated scales resembling finlets near the base. Ray formulaD. 2, 4, 1, 8; P. 30, 6;.V. 1,4; A. 6; C. 10. Length 4 to 6 inches. SYNONYMES- Trigla volitans, Shaw. Polynemus sex radiatus, Mitch. FAMILY BATRACHOIDE, -Rich. CHAR. Body more or less tapering, subdepressed anteriorly, and compressed posteriorly; in some protected by ctenoid scales, others scaleless. -Head branchial, apertures continuous under the throat in some genera, and widely separated by an isthmus in others. Four branchial combs in some, and three only in others. Some have the suborbital bone, other genera want it. Carpus much developed, but all the carpal bones contribute to its developement. Fins. Pectorals not pediculated but exhibit a broad and fanlike base. Ventrals inserted in advance of the thoracic belt. Stomach has pyloric appendages. Air bladder wanting. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 95 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. BATRACHOID:E. SUB-FAMILY BATRACHINgS, Bona. GENUS BATRACHUS, Linn. GEN. CIAR. Head depressed, broader than body, ventrals jugular with three rays; the first elongated. First dorsal small, second low and long. Base of the pectorals elongated. Branchial aperture small, with six rays. Sub-opercle as large as the opercle, and both spinous. No suborbital. Teeth on the jaws, in front of the vomer and palatines. Batrachus tau, Cuv. Toad fish. Whoever, in the summer season, looks carefully among the rocks where the eel grass is abundant in shoal water, will frequently see a " queer " looking fish peeping out from under the stones or among the grass. I have noticed it while standing on the bridge which connects the Navy yard at Kittery with one of the islands. This is the Toad fish, named by Linneus, Batrachus tau. The tau (being the Greek word for the letter T) refers to a fancied resemblance of the ridges of bone on the top of the skull of this fish when dried. It is not used for food nor put to any economical use, but it is, nevertheless, interesting to the naturalist on account of its habits and parental affection it manifests for its young. Dr. Storer, to who m we are all greatly indebted for much valuable information in regard to the fishes on the coast of AIassachusetts and Maine, has attentively studied the habits and characteristics of this fish, and we copy the following remarks in full from the memoirs of the American Academy. " The particular situations which it chooses vary with the nature of the coast. Thus along our southern shore it is found in the shallow bays. The sandy or muddy bottoms of these are overgrown with eel grass (Zostera marina) under cover of which it lives in security, and finds abundant sources of food. When the coast, on the contrary, is more or less rocky, we meet with it chiefly under the stones. Examining the places where the water is but a few inches deep at low tide, we see that under many of the stones or smaller rocks the sand has been removed, leaving a shallow cavity, perhaps a foot in width, and extending back beneath the stone. If we approach it cautiously, we shall probably distinguish the head of a Toad fish, very much in the position of that of a dog as he lies looking out of his kennel. The fish is at rest, and might be overlooked by a careless observer. A close attention, however, readily 96 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEL. BATRACHOID2E. distinguishes the curve of its broad mouth, the delicate laciniated furrows with which its jaws and other parts of its head are ornamented, its truly beautiful eyes and sometimes the anterior portion of its body. At the slightest alarm, it retreats beneath the stone, but presently reappears. It is lying here perhaps merely as a safe resting place, perhaps on the watch for its prey. But during the month of June, July and August, we shall, in many instances be able to discover another purpose, it is apparently guarding its eggs or young. We shall then find on the interior surface of the stone the young Toad fish adhering, to the number of several hundred. They will be in different stages of developement aecording to the season of our examination. We may see the eggs not larger than very small shot. A little later they are increased in size, and the young fish plainly visible through their walls; a little later still, the young have made their escape but are still attached to the stone. The attachment now is accomplished in a different manner. The yolks not being yet absorbed, occupy a rounded sac protruding by a narrow orifice from the abdomen, and the part of the sac near its outer border, being constricted, leaves external to it a disc, by means of which, acting as a sucker, the young fish adheres so firmly as to occasion difficulty in detaching it. They remain thus until they have attained the length of half or three quarters of an inch, or until the yolk sac is entirely absorbed. During this period an adult fish occupies the cavity beneath the stone, and if driven from it speedily returns. * * * * During the winter season, in our colder latitudes, the Toad fish in some instances, perhaps, retire into deep water; it is true, moreover, that many of them become nearly torpid. They are found buried beneath the mud, in the same manner as the eels, and are sometimes taken with the spear thrust down in search of their more valuable neighbors." Specific Description. The Toad fish has a broad flattened head, as broad as it is long. Its mouth very large;,lower jaw longest; several rows of conical, blunt pointed teeth on the jaws-thicker in front; smaller teeth on the inter-maxillaries and vomer; palatines have none; scarcely any tongue; lips fleshy; cirrhi about the head, and a row of from five to seven suspended from lower jaws —oie or more over each eye; eyes moderate in size, and guarded by a gelatinous or membranous covering. Numerous mucous pores are SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 97 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. BLENNIOIDE. seen about the head, about the body, and under the eyes. Preopercle has three spines partially concealed. Branchial apertures the size of the base of the pectorals. Body thick at fore part, tapering, and some compressed posteriorly, of an olive green or yellowish color, flecked in with green. Fins, orange, except the dorsal which is greenish. The skin has no scales, and is covered with mucus which is freely produced from the numerous pores. Dorsal fin continuous to the tail, with which it is connected by a membrane. The first three rays are spinous. Pectorals are large and arise near the lower part of the gill openings. Ventrals commence forward of the pectorals. First ray sickle form, covered with thick membrane. The anal fin terminates on a line with the end of the dorsal. Ray formulaD. 3, 27; P. 16; V. 3; C. 14. SYNONYMES. —Gadus tau, Linn.. Loph.ius buzfo, Mitch. Batrachoides vernullus, Loesuer. B. variegatus, Storer. FAMILY BLENNIOIDE, Bona. Mucous fish. CHAR. Body.-Generally small and offers a great variety of forms from a rounded and subfusiform shape to an elongated, tienoid, and very much compressed one. Scaly in some genera, scaleless in others; scales either ctenoid or cycloid in shape and structure. Read. The pseudobranchiva are gill-like and conspicuous. Fins. Are as diversified according to the genera in structure, and aspect as the body. Ventrals, when present, are separated from one another, and situate in advance of the base of the pectorals. In some genera these fins are quite rudimentary, whilst in others they are altogether wanting. Stomach. No pyloric appendages to the intestine. Air bladder. Absent in a great majority of the genera. SUB-FAM~LY BLENINE, Bona. GEN. CHAR. Body elongated, compressed very much. Head small and oblong, with an obtuse snout, and a small mouth, The maxillar teeth are velvet or ard13 98 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. BLENNIOID2E. like, disposed upon one row on the lower jaw and upon a double row on the upper jaw. Velvet-like teeth on the front of the vomer. Palatine bones and tongue occasionally provided with a few prickles. Dorsal fin occupying the whole length of the back, and composed exclusively of spiny rays. Anal fin long and low, provided anteriorly with two spines. Ventrals excessively small, inserted under base of pectorals and often reduced to a single ray. Caudal fin slender, exteriorly rounded and contiguous to the dorsal and anal. Scales very small. Lateral line not perceptible. Gunnellus mucronatus, Cuv. Butter fish. The American butter fish is a beautiful species of the Blenny family, and is so called on account of the thick covering of mucus which envelops its body. It is found among the rocks on the coast from Nova Scotia to New York. It is not unfrequently found at low tides in the shoal water among the stones, and sometimes partly buried in the sand and mud; but sometimes moving slowly and leisurely along, although it is capable of very swift motion. When first taken from the water it is almost semi-transparent, so near it that when held up against a strong light, its back bone (vertebrae) can be very plainly seen. Characteristics. Greyish with a series of dark oval rings along the sides. Dorsal fins not united to the caudal. In place of the ventrals are two short spines. Length from four to twelve inches. -DeKay. Color. The living fish is of an olive brown with numerous indistinct darker bands upon the sides; about twelve black ocelli along the base of the dorsal fin, each surrounded by a yellow ring. Fins yellow; the anal barred with white. Pupils black; irides golden. Abdomen yellowish. An oblique black band passes from beneath the eye to the throat.-Slorer. Description. The head is about one-tenth the length of the body, and blunt at anterior part. Mouth nearly vertical. Jaws equal, but when extended lower one a little the longest. Each jaw has minute sharp teeth-somewhat distant, with a small cluster of them on the vomer. Branchial rays six. Branchial aperture large. The body of this species is elongated, much compressed and without scales. Fins. The dorsal is single, long, slightly raised above the back, commences above the branchial aperture on a line over the posterior angle of the operculum and extends nearly to the base of the SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 99 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. BLENNIOID[E. caudal. It contains from seventy-five to seventy-eight sharp spinous rays which are enveloped and nearly or quite concealed in a thick membrane. Pectorals are situated just below the posterior angle of the operculum, are rounded and weak. Ventrals are wanting, and their place is supplied by two small spines in front of the pectorals. The anal is nearly equal throughout its length, and extends nearer to the caudal than the dorsal, but is not connected with it. Its first two rays are spinous, the others are soft and flexible. Caudal when spread has a rounded margin. Ray formulaD. 75 to 78; P. 11 or 12; V. 1; A. 36 to 40; C. 16 to 18. Prof. Gill has removed this species into the genus Muraenoides, ( Muraenoides mucronatus, Gill.) SYNONYMES.- Ophidium mucronatum, spinots ophidium, Mitchill. Gunnellus mucronatus, Cuv. et Val., DeKay, Storer. Blennius (Centronotus) gunnellus, Lin., Rich. Jlurvanoides guttata, spotted gunnell, Lacepede, Storer. GENUS PHOLIS, Fleming. GEN. CHAR. Body elongated, dorsal fin extending along the back, and composed of simple flexible rays. Skin smooth and without scales. Branchial rays six Ventral fins placed forward of the pectoral and under the throat, and composed apparently of two rows. No cirrhi on the orbits nor any fleshy crests as there are in the Blennius genus. Pholis subbifurcatus, Storer. The Radiated Shanny. This is a very rare species. I have never met with it, and therefore insert it here on the authority of others. It was first brought to notice by Dr. Storer and I copy his specific description of it entire, in addition to DeKay's. Characteristics. Dorsal fin extending to the tail. Filaments on. the nostrils. Three dark bands passing from the eyes. Lateral line sub-bifurcated. Length 5- inches. DeKay. Specific Description. General color of the body, reddish brown, several lighter colored circular patches along its upper parts, at the base of the dorsal fin; the spaces between the rings darker than the rest of the body presenting the appearance of bars. There is beneath the eye a broad black band, wider at its base, 100 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. BLENlNIOID2E. which crosses the operculum obliquely; two other bands of the same color extend fiom behind the eye backwards, in nearly a straight line, the distance from one to. two lines. Body beneath the lateral lines lighter colored, abdomen yellowish white. Head above brownish; opercula and preopercula yellow; numerous black spots upon the dorsal fin. Those upon the first five rays larger. Pectorals light, with some darker shades. Edge of anal dark colored. Small dark colored spots upon caudal. Description. Length including tail, five inches, five lines; depth across on a line with the anus, one inch; body much compressed. Body smooth, scales very minute. Length of head from tip of snout to posterior angle of the operculum, is to the entire length of body, as one to three; jaws somewhat protracted, armed with prominent sharp teeth; lips large and fleshy; over the nostrils is a minute filament one third of a line in length; circumference of eye two lines. The lateral line commences just above the angle of the operculum and having extended two lines, sub-bifurcates; passing down in a gradual curve a little more than a line, it is continued in a straight course to the base of the caudal fin; while the upper portion abruptly terminates opposite the fourteenth ray of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin, commencing on a line with theposterior angle of the operculum, is continued to the caudal fin; the first five rays of this fin are shorter than the sixth; the rays become again shorter as they approach the tail. The pectorals are rounded; they arise on a line with the posterior angle of the operculum. The ventrals are situated two lines in front of the pectorals; the rays are united throughout the greater portion of their extent; extremities free. The anus is situated two and a half inches from the extremity of the jaws. The anal fin commences just half way between the tip of the snout and the extremity of the tail. The caudal is rounded. Ray formulaD. 43; P. 13; V. 3; A. 30; C. 14. Professor Gill has removed this species into the genus Sticheus of Rheinhardt and describes it under the name of Sticheus sub-bifurcatus, Gill. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 101 S3UB-cLAss TELEOSTEI. BLENNIOID.M. SUB-FAMILY ZOARCEIN~A, Gill. GENUS ZOARCES, Cluv. GEN. CHAR. Body elongated, and covered with a mucus secretion, in which are imbedded small scales. Dorsal, anal, and caudal united; no spinous rays in the dorsal, except on its posterior part. Ventrals are jugular and small. Vent with a tubercle. Teeth conical, in two or three rows in front, in a single row on the sides; none on the palate, or tongue. Branchial rays six. Zoarces anguillaris, Storer. Eel-shaped Blenny, Thick lipped Eel pout, Ling, Conger Eel. Early in the spring and first of summer, the fishermen sometimes take, in company with cod, this fish to which, from its general resemblance to the Conger Eel, they frequently give the name of Conger Eel, and Ling. It is also caught at other seasons of the year, but not so often. It is much prized by some people as a savory fish. Its common length is from one.foot and a half to two feet. Occasionally one is caught from three to four feet long, but those of that size are rare. Weight from 1 to 100 lbs. Characteristics. " Dark olive brown, varied with dusky blotches. Dorsal and anal fin margined with rufous. DeKay. The living fish is of a bright salmon color, mottled with irregular olive blotches, darker towards the head. The front and top of the head are of light brown; two indistinct oblique bands upon the operculum, one back, the other in front of the eye and each side of the head. Body beneath white; neck flesh colored. Dorsal almost white, salmon colored at the edge. Pectorals of a true salmon color lighter at their origin. Ventrals salmon colored. Anal flesh colored at its base, salmon colored at its edge, with seven distinct white blotches in its length. Dorsal, pectoral and anal fins perfectly transparent. In the dead specimen the colors change essentially." Storer. Specific Description, Body much elongated, compressed and tapering to a point, and covered with minute cup like depressions, slimy. The head, though large, is compressed on its sides, flat to the angle of the eyes with a convex forehead. Cheeks full and protuberant. Upper lip very large and fleshy and projected over the under one at the angles. Nostrils somewhat tubular and placed about half way between the snout and the eyes. Its teeth are conical and large, the hindmost ones are sharpest, and there is a slight circular furrow around the base, also some longitudinal furrows. 102 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLAS5 TELEOSTEI. BLENNIOIDA. There are three rows of teeth on the upper jaw in front. Those in the forward row larger than the others. The innermost row, on the lower jaw, has four, and the intermediate row, three teeth. There are also strong pointed teeth on the pharyngeals, but none on the palate, or tongue. Eyes of moderate size. Branchial aperture moderate. Branchiostegal rays six. Fins. The dorsal fin unites indirectly with the caudal. It commences with a short ray forward of the pectoral and is of moderate, height; it is highest in front, sloping gradually posteriorly until it comes near the tail, when it breaks off, leaving the stubs or bases of seventeen or eighteen spinous rays, without any membrane, which continue to the caudal. The pectorals are broad, and at their extremities rounded; their inferior rays somewhat scolloped; they contain twenty rays. Ventrals are mere nubs being enveloped in a strong membrane. They contain two small rays. Anal fin is long, and lower in height than the dorsal, and seems to unite with the caudal. It contains about 100 rays. Caudal pointed. Ray formulaD. 118 to 120; P. 19 to 20; V. 2; A. 100 to 105. SYNONYMES.-Blennius anguillaris, Peck. Mem. Am. Acad. Vol. 2. Blennius labrosus, Mitch. Le Zoarces a grosse levres, Cuv. et Val. Zoarces anguillaris, Storer, De Kay. SUB-FAMILY ANARRHICANINAE, Gill. GENUS ANARRHICAS, Linn. GEN. CHAR. —lead smooth, rounded, muzzle obtuse; body elongated, covered with minute scales; dorsal, and anal fins. Teeth of two kinds, those in front elongated, curved, pointed, (upwards of five in each jaw) the others on the vomer, as also on the jaws truncated or slightly rounded; branchiostegous rays six. Anarrhicas vomerinus (Ag) Storer. American Wolf-fish. This "wolf" among fish, like the wolf among animals, inhabits a broad range, and prefers a cold region to a warmer one. It is most abundant among rocky places, but is not unfrequently found among cod fish, on the banks or shoaler fishing grounds, and the appearance of its "ugly mug," as the fishermen say, when they SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 103 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. BLENNIOIDAE. haul it up, is often the signal for some rather irreverent expressions. Unlike the land wolf, it is very good food, and the smaller ones make quite a savory dish. When smoked, or dried, it is thought by some, to equal in flavor Salmon, prepared in the same way. It is found largest in size in the more northern regions of its territorial limits. It is a savage among fish, and the expressions of its features, and the snapping of teeth, with which it is well provided, and the ferocity of its actions when taken, give true manifestations of its character. Some of them taken in the high latitudes have measured eight feet in length. Characteristics. "Leaden grey, with dusky vertical bands on the dorsal fin, extending irregularly over the sides. Length three to five feet." De Kay. Specific Description. The head is arched from the nape of the neck to the point of the snout, but slightly flattened on the top and at the sides. A few rows of pores pass up from the snout to the eye, and beneath it to the back of the head. There is another circular row around the eyes, others are seen on the cheeks and on the lower jaw. These, pores produce a thick covering of mucus over it which hide the scales which are discovered when this is removed. Nostrils small. Jaws are well provided with teeth. In the lower jaw are two long stout ones projecting forward, and there are two others of the same size bent backward, and behind these half a dozen more, very sharp and of different sizes. " There are six in the intermaxillaries; many above, larger, and diverging outwards; back of these on each side, are six smaller conical ones, sharply pointed." [Storer.] There are also nine on the vomer with flat tops, increasing in size as you pass back, sometimes forming a solid mass; and in addition to all these there is a double row of molar teeth, some of them having pointed crowns. Eyes of medium size, iris yellow; lips large loose, and fleshy-tongue large and dusky. The body is cylindrical-somewhat compressed on sides and tapers regularly to the tail. It is of pinkish brown, or leaden grey color, and has a series of about a dozen blackish bands passing transversely over its back, uniting or running into each other on the sides. The dorsal fin commences near to the nape of the neck and passes along to near the tail, all the way of a uniform height. It 104 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SuB-CLAss TELEOSTEI. CRYPTOCANTHOIDA. has black rays, while its membrane which is fleshy and tough, is of a slate color. The pectorals are large, broad with rounded edges, of a lead grey color, as are the other fins. Ventrals very small "like warts," and has two rays enveloped in tough membrane. The anal commences about mid way of the body and runs to the caudal. The caudal is rather small, and short, with a rounded or circular reddish margin. De Kay says the duodenum is so large as to present the appearance of two stomachs, and the urinary bladder very large. Ray formulaD. 118 or 120; P. 19; V. 2; A. 100; C. 14. SYNoNYMES.-.lnarrhicas lupus, Mitch. Storer. De Kay L'.narrhique loup, Cuv. et Val. FAMILY CRYPTOCANTHOIDE, Gill. SUB-FAMILY CRYPTOCANTHINAE, Gill. GENUS CRYPTOCONTHODES, Storer. GEN. CHAR.-Body elongated, much compressed, and gradually tapering to the tail. Destitute of scales. Head broad, with no projecting spines; the scapular and numeral spines, and the inferior edge of the preoperculum prominent to the touch. Numerous depressions in frontal, suborbitar, inferior maxillary, and preopercular bones. Banchiostegous rays seven; mouth oblique; a single dorsal fin composed of strong spinous rays enveloped by a common membrane, runs nearly the entire length of the fish, and unites, as does the anal, to the tail. No ventral fins. Storer. Cryptocanthodes maculatus, Storer. Spotted wry mouth. This is another one of those very rare fishes first discovered and described by Dr. Storer. Several specimens have been collected and received by him in a range extending from Nova Scotia to Cape Cod. This authorises me to enumerate the species among the Maine fishes, although I have not been able, as yet, to obtain any for examination. I therefore copy the description of Dr. Storer in part, and hope that some of our fishermen will be successful in taking some of them and supplying the State cabinet with a specimen. I will here state that it has been removed by Prof. Gill from the " Trig SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 105 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. CRYPTOCANTHOIDBJ. lidem" and made the type of a new family the Cryptocanthoidoe, and sub-family Cryptocanthinae. Color. Body a dark reddish brown tinged with violet. Abdomen and throat a dirty greyish white. A row or two of moderate sized dark brown blotches above the lateral line; and another row imnlediately beneath it extends throughout the greater length of it to the tail. Top and sides of the head, snout and anterior portion of the under side of lower jaw, marked with smaller spots of the same color as those on the sides. Pupils black, irides golden. Description. Length of head about one sixth the entire length; greatest breadth about one half the length of theXhead. On each side of top of head, two prominent long ridges run directly back from posterior angle of eye to occiput. The posterior angles of operculum and preoperculum; the lower edge of preopercle; the scapular bones,-all seem like sharp points and edges concealed by the skin. The operculum is large and triangular, covered by the skin, as is also the preoperculum which present to the touch two sensible carinao. Eyes circular, deeply sunk in the projecting orbits; diameter of orbits about equal to distance between the eyes. Nostrils tubular, situated on the side of the prominent snout just at the edge of the intermaxillary bones. Lips fleshy, lower jaw projecting above the upper, mouth slanting obliquely downwards, numerous teeth in jaws and upon vomer and palatine bones-those in the back part of the jaws recurved, while those in front are smaller and nearly straight. Gape of mouth moderate. Branchiostegal membrane extended along and connected with the sides for a short distance. Lateral line straight and interrupted. The dorsal fin arises above the posterior half of the pectorals, and is united with the caudal; all its rays are spinous and strong, concealed by a stout and fleshy membrane; the first few rays are shortest. The pectorals arise beneath the membrane of the branchie; they are fleshy, small and rounded. The anal arises upon the anterior half of the body; it is similar in its form and the character of its rays and their enveloping membrane to the dorsal, and, is also, like the fin connected with the caudal. 14:' 106 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TEIEOSTEI. LOPHIOIDtE. The caudal is rounded and appears like the prolongation of the dorsal and anal fins. Ray formulaD. 78; P. 15; A. 50; C. 15. Length three feet. Storer's History Mass. fishes in Memoirs of Am. Acad. Vol. 5, p. 82. FAMILY LoPHIOIDE, Bona. CHAR. Generally scaleless, some have bony tubercles. Body in some reduced and tapering; in others subelliptical and compressed. Head, in most of the genera very large and broad, in others moderate compared with the body; suborbital bone wanting; gills variable in number, according to genera, some two, some three and a half, others two and a half. The two carpal bones are elongated so as to constitute a kind of peduncle at the extremity of which the pectoral fin is articulated (hence this family have sometimes been called Pectorales pediculali.) Branchial apertures open behind the insertion of the pectorals. Stomach is simple except in " Devil fish," which has a few pyloric appendages. SUB-FAMILY LOPHINAi, Bona. GENUS LoPHIUS, Linn. GEN. CHAR. Head enormously large, broad and depressed. Mouth large, armed with slender conical teeth on the jaws, palatines, vomer, and pharyngeals. Tongue smooth. Branchial rays six, branchial arches three. Dorsal fins two; the anterior rays distant, detached, forming long filaments supporting fleshy slips. Lophius Americana, Cuv. Goose fish, Monk fish, Sea devil, Bellows fish. If the generic term (Lophius) were translated Loafer it would give a more expressive name than the many already given to it, as it seems to represent among fishes what the "loafer"' is among men, a lazy, stupid, gormandizing fellow, careless of itself or how and where it gets a living. It has an enormous mouth enabling it to swallow bodies almost as large as itself, Dr. Storer makes a statement on the authority of Capt. West of Chilmark, that one was caught that had " six coots in its stomach in a fresh condition." It grows oftentimes to a large size, individuals sometimes are taken weighing 60 or 70lbs. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 10T SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. LOPHIOIDAE. It is never fat, notwithstanding its voracity and the great capacity of its stomach, and, like other loafers, is useless when alive and good for nothing when dead. It takes the hook readily, and is also taken in nets, generally in the autumnal months. They are so stupid that they frequently commit suicide by running ashore, not knowing enough: to turn round into deep water again. RV Specific Description. The head is broad and flat, consisting almost wholly of mouth, it having an enormous gape. The top is of a brown color, smooth and scaleless. Lower jaw longest, and fringed around its margin with a row of fleshy barbels, or cirrhi, about an inch long. Similar smaller ones are continued along the sides of the body to the base of the tail. On the top of the upper jaw, about in its center, are two long bristle-pointed fleshy tentacula which the fish has the faculty of raising or depressing at pleasure. The eyes are oval horizontally, pupils black and irides yellowish brown. The lower jaw has a single row of long sharp teeth, curved backwards. Tongue bony on each side, on which are two rows of teeth also curved backward. The intermaxillaries can be pushed beyond the maxillaries, and have a single row of short teeth on each side and two rows in the middle, these last are larger than the others, curved backward. " Upon the upper jaw, at its tip, is a space of an inch and a half destitute of teeth; on each side of this space is one quite large tooth, and a second much smaller; about half an inch outside of this is another single row of eight or ten teeth, the first three or four of which are much the largest; on each side of the pharynx are three rows of sharp incurved teeth resembling spines; these rows are arranged directly above each other and are double." Slor. There are several Spines situated upon the head. The body is flattened, rather globular in front, tapering behind, of a dark brown, with netlike markings, lower part lighter colored. Two dorsals; first has three sharp spines, of which the posterior one is shortest, all of them project above the membrane. The second dorsal is more uniform in height, rounded at its posterior margin, and its length twice its height and rises about two inches behind the first. Pectorals rise by a " strong pedicel " on a line with the front of 108 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDE. the first dorsal, expanding broader at their margins where their rays project beyond the membrane. The ventrals of moderate size; one spinous ray on their external edge. Anal rises on a line with the commencement of the second dorsal; has five rays, and its posterior is the highest. Caudal long, rather narrow and fleshy, and notched on its margin by the projection of the rays from the membrane. Ray formulaD. 3-12; P. 24 or 25; V. 1-5; A. 10; C. 9. SYNONYMES.-Lophius piscator, 3Mitch. Lophius piscatorius, Storer. This closes the description of those fishes which were enumerated in the synopsis, belonging to the suborder Physoclisti. The succeeding orders embrace some of the most interesting as well as valuable species, whether marine or inland, such as the Gadoids (Codfish family) Clupeoids (Herrings and shad,) Salmonoids (Salmon and trout,) &c., &c. These all enter largely into commercial as well as domestic life. The taking and carrying of them employ an immense amount of capital and labor, and they are all intimately connected with the pleasures, the comforts and prosperity of the community. I have collected many valuable facts, and much statistical information in reference to the fisheries of these species, and would willingly record them here, but the time prescribed for publishing this report presses, and will not allow -me to continue these descriptions in full any farther at present. I therefore shall only add descriptions of a few new species of the Salmo genus (trout) which have been recently discovered in Maine and believed to be peculiar to our waters only. FAMILY SALMONOIDA2, CUV. CHAR. Body more or less scaly. Two dorsal fins, the first with soft articulated rays, the second small and adipose, numerous coecal appendages and a swimming (air) bladder. There is great variation in the arrangement of teeth in the jaws. Inhabit salt and fresh water, and mostly ascend rivers periodically. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 109 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDE. SUB-FAMILY SALMONINE, Bona. GENUS SALMO, Linn. GEN. CHAR. Head large; mouth generally deeply cleft and armed with conspicuous teeth. Premaxillary bones short and rather situated upon the sides of the snout than immediately upon its extremity. The maxillaries. are attached behind them and composed, each, of a single piece. The lower jaw is strong and terminates oftentimes into a small knob or tubercle, which in some species acquires a very great developement. Strong and conical teeth are inserted in a single row on the dentary; but the teeth vary in different species. Body fusiform in profile, one anterior dorsal fin followed by a small adipose one. Caudal fin well developed, and either truncated posteriorly or slightly emarginated. Salmo Toma, Hamlin. Togue. This trout known among the aborigines as the gogue, Tuladi, etc., has been classed by some observers, as identical with the Salmo Hucho of the Danube and of the lakes of Northern Europe; but in these classifications, peculiarities of anatomical structure have been overlooked, and the habits of the two fishes have also been noted as similar, whereas in reality they present great contrasts, for the one, agile and alert, seeks the swift and foaming currents of the clearest streams, and the other sly and sluggish, haunts always the quiet waters of the deepest lakes. It is mentioned by Mr. Gesner in his report upon New Brunswick, and identified with the Salmrno lacustris of Lake Geneva; a proper examination of the two fishes, however, will satisfy the naturalist that few positive analogies can be drawn; and again it is identified with the Salmo ferox of Loch Awe in Scotland, in the descriptive catalogue of fishes of New Brunswick, by Mr. Perley, who identifies from the characters drawn by Sir W. Jardine and Mr. Yarrell, some of which would certainly lead the observer, unless minute, into the same error, for it cannot be denied that great similarities are to be observed, but there are also as many with the S. erythinus of Siberia. There is none among all the Salmonidm, which resembles it more in form, color, linear markings, etc., than the S. Siscowet described by M. Agassiz, and until that eminent naturalist in a momentary examination observed differences, it was regarded as identical with that species. In shape it is not so elegant as that of some other species of the Salmonida3, but its whole form indicate great strength and swift 110 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-cLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDME. ness, although it has the reputation of being slow and sluggish. The female is more perfect in its proportions than the male, not having that. gibbous appearance at the nape, where the outlines of the head pass into those of the back, and besides, its general contour is more delicate. A rich pearly lustre covers the ventral regions, deepening into russet towards the. lateral line, above which the color appears of a deep mottled gray, still deepening into blue as it approaches the dorsal summit. The same pearly hues, blended and intermingled with gray, are observed upon the opercula. Spots and markings of a light sienna color appear on the sides; these spots are circular without being ocellate, and appear indistinct and grayish upon the dorsal and upon the commencement of the caudal. All these colors vary according to the seasons and local influences, being brighter at the spawning period than at other times. Its proportions are quite harmonious. The following are the measurements of a small specimen: Entire length, 18 inches. Greatest depth,, 3 Head, length 2j, with oper. 42 Pectoral, " 2 Ventral, " 2* Anal, " 21 in width, 42 C:audal, " 34 " I Dorsal, " 2! " 2 Br. 12; P. 12-13; V. 9; A. 11-12; D. 13; C. 19. Cacal appendages, 113; Ver. 65. Scales are small and elliptical. They decrease in size as they approach the thoracic arch. There are 53 in a vertical row anterior to the ventrals, of which 24 are above the lateral line number 123are long, narrow, with a deep grove passing through them, and strongly attached. They measure on specimens of 18 inches, in length 1-16 in their short diameter, and in their long 3-16. The lateral line arises from the height of the upper third of the operculum, curves slightly downwards -and proceeds with a slight inflection to its caudal insertion. The pectorals are not proportionally so long as those of the Siscowet, and they arise much nearer the branchiostegii, leaving a greater distance between their extremities and the plane of the commencement of the dorsal. The ven SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 111 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDNE. trals arise vertically beneath the sixth ray of the dorsal, are orange in color, and margined anteriorly with white. Their outer circumference is slightly oval. The anal is not so high as the dorsal by one-quarter, whilst in the Siscowet it is of equal height; terminal line obtuse and parallel with the axis of the dorsal. These fins are of an orange hue and tipped with white or light gray. The dorsal arises in the middle of the back, is of a dark gray color and spotted in the form of transverse bands-terminal line obtuse. Caudal long and much furcated, much more so than with the Siscowet, nor does age change much the acuteness of its terminal line. The branchiostegal rays are 12 in number, and are of a pure white except the last, which is irregularly spotted with gray. Eye large and circular, with irides of a golden yellow, and pupil angulated towards the snout, which is obtuse. The upper maxillaries are longest, and at their union show in both sexes a singular depression, into which is received the curve of the lower maxillaries. The maxillaries, intermaxillaries and palatines, have each a row of conical and inflected teeth. Those upon the lower maxillaries are large and strong; those of the intermaxillaries are next in size; upon maxillary and palatines next, and those upon the vomer smallest, numbering only three or four, and not confined to the anterior extremity, but extending a good way backwards. The tongue is deeply grooved and furnished with inflected teeth, arranged in lateral rows. The opercular apparatus is somewhat concealed by the thick skin which envelopes it, but the outer lines of the operculum are quite distinctly marked. The operculum is quadrilateral, of greater height than breadth,well rounded in its posterior free margin, denticulated in its lower and nearly square in its upper, the anterior angle of which is characterized by a strong and prominent process. Suboperculum is nearly one-third smaller than the operculumn, is triangular in its upper portions, elliptical in its lower borders, and terminates at its articulation in the form of a fish hook. The interoperculum has, as usual, the form of a long square, but square on the posterior side, and forming an acute. angle, with its lower margin; slightly rounded on the anterior side. Finally, the preoperculum is long, slender, crescentic and almost vertical in its 11.2 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDAE. position; it is thick and furnished with a prominent ridge and three foramina upon its anterior surface. This trout inhabits many of the great lakes and deep mountain tarns of Maine and New Brunswick, but it is believed not to exist in those of Eastern New Brunswick, which singular hiatus in its distribution, perhaps may be explained by the absence of deep waters in that country. It haunts the deepest waters, where the cold or the repose to which it leads, favors that development and conservation of fat. which is indeed a characteristic, and it steals forth in quiet at the approach of twilight or at early morn, to the shoals and the shores in quest of its prey, which consists, for the most part, of the Lota and Cyprinidce, but its baffled voracity often contents itself with substances entirely foreign, as its stomach presents sometimes a heterogeneous mass of bones, leaves, twigs, and fragments of decayed wood. Its habits vary in some localities; in certain lakes they are bold, and ranging near the surface, at times may be taken by trolling, but never rising to the fly, whilst in other lakes they are timid and seek the obscurest recesses; thus, for instance, their existence in the Tunk Lakes, was unknown for more than half a century to the inhabitants living near their shores. Its mysterious nature has furnished the all-observing Indian with some proper idioms, and it appears again in the vague mythology and wild legends of that almost extinct race. Its names are various among the different tribes, and if the present are not of the half-breed Canadian date, they are perhaps of recent origin, since the few remaining dialects have changed greatly within a century past. Considering then, the uncertainty of its ancient name and the diversity of its synonym, I propose my friend Toma of the Openangos.- Copied from a brochure on the ~logue, published by A. C. Hamlin, 2M. D., Bangor. Salno sebago, Girard. Sebago lake trout, Salmon trout.(?) The following is a description of a species of trout taken in Sebago lake, Cumberlaid county, in this State, by Dr. Girard, and published by him in the proceedings of the American Academy of Natural Sciences, Penn., Aug. 16th, 1853. I am inclined to think that this species is identical with that SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 113 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALlIONOIDzE. called Salmon trout caught in the Schoodic lakes, in the eastern part of the State (Washington county,) but I have as yet had no opportunity of comparing the two together side by side. Dr. Girard considered it a new species, and in his description observes —" Its large scales and fusiform body recall to mind the salmon, but on a more close examination the general shape and outline are far more elegant than in the salmon, preserving altogether better proportions between the different regions of the body. The head forms about a fourth of the entire length, whilst in the salmon it is about the sixth only. The eyes are of medium size and sub-circular in shape, their diameter being contained about seven times in the length of the head. The posterior half of the maxillary, which is regularly and most decidedly curved downwards, gives to the shape of the mouth a peculiar aspect. The anterior margin of the dorsal fin is equidistant between the tip of the snout and the base of the caudal. The posterior margin of the latter is regularly crescent-shaped. The adipose fin is elongated, club-shaped, and situated opposite the posterior half of the anal. The ventrals are inserted under the middle of the dorsal, somewhat nearer the anal than the pectorals. The scales are remarkably large, contrasting greatly when compared with those of Salnzo erythrogaster, (red-bellied trout,) and S. fontinalis, or S. Namaycush or amethystus. There are about 115 of them in the lateral line. The color in the female is uniform silver-grey, darker on the back and head. Sub-quadrangular or sub-circular black spots are observed upon the sides of the head behind the eyes, along the back, and the half of the flanks, also on the dorsal and caudal fins, where the red is sometimes but faintly indicated. The name of Salmo sebago is proposed for this species which inhabits the southwestern part of the State of Maine." Salemo oquassa, Girard. Blue back trout. A species of trout known by the name of " Blue backs," is found in the lakes at the head of the Androscoggin river, in Franklin County. This name is given them on account of the peculiar blue color of the back and upper parts of their bodies. Dr. Girard took opportunity to visit the lakes and make an examination of the 15 114 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDAE. distinctive characters of this trout, and subsequently published the results of his investigations in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History (Vol. IV, p. 262,) of which the following is a copy: "H Ie had often been told by Anglers that the trouts of those waters (upper lakes of the Androscoggin) Salmo erythrogaster and S. fontinalis are subject to considerable variations, making it probable, in their opinion, that there were more than two species. " Visiting the locality he had an opportunity of seeing and comparing large numbers of individuals. He satisfied himself that all the varieties spoken of are mere varieties of color, and all referable to either Salmo fontinalis or S. erythrogaster. He was told however, that about the 10th of October another trout, smaller in size than the common brook trout, and inhabiting the deep waters of Moosillamaguntic lake, would make its appearance near shore and ascend in large numbers the eastern inlet called Kennabago. This actually took place, and the trout on examination proving to be very different from Salmo fontinalis and the other species of Salmo, he named it Salmo oquassa,*" Girard, and gives the following I'Specific Description of it. It is from eight to ten inches in total length. The body is subfusiform, slender, and the most graceful of the trout family. The head is proportionally small, conical, coregonoid in shape. " The mouth is smaller than in Salmo fontinalis. Differences are likewise observed in the structure of the opercular apparatus. The fins have the same relative position as in the brook trout, but are proportionally more developed, with the exception of the adipose which is considerably smaller. Their shape is alike except that of the caudal, the crescentic margin of which is undulated instead of being rectilinear. The scales are somewhat larger, although they present the same general appearance as those of the brook trout. " The lateral line is similar in both of these species. A bluish tint extends all along the back from the head to the tail, so that *The Dr. gave it this name undoubtedly from the Indian name (oquassa) of the lake in which he found it-now Rangely lake. I object to his mode of spelling it. Matalluck, an Indian of the St. Francis, who for a long time lived on those lakes, and who used to be considered the guardian genius of that-locality used to pronounce the name of this lake, Argwas-suc, making a slight pause between the second and third syllables. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 115 SUiB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDAM. when seen from above, the fish appears entirely blue; hence the name Blue back given to it by the settlers of that neighborhood. " The sides and abdomen are silvery white in the female, and of a deep reddish orange in the male, spotted in both sexes with orange of the same hue as the abdomen. The dorsal and caudal fins are brownish blue, bordered with pale orange in the male, the pectorals, ventrals and anal of a fiery orange, blackish blue at their base, with their margin of the purest white. " When just taken out of the water it is impossible to imagine any thing more beautiful and more delicate in the way of coloration in fishes of the temperate zone. "The abode of the Blue back is, as stated above, the Moosillamaguntic Lake, in which it is concealed during the greatest part of the year, but about the 10th of October, it comes near shore and ascends in schools the Kennebago for the purpose of spawning. Half a mile above its mouth the Kennebago receives the outlet of Oquassa (Rangely Lake,) the trout there leaves the Kennebago to the left and runs toward Oquassa Lake where its voyage comes to a close.* After the middle of November it goes back into Moosillamaguntic Lake and is seen no more until next year. " The flesh of this fish is highly flavored, and more delicate than that of the brook trouts in Europe and America. It resembles that of Salmo umbla of the Swiss lakes, both in the peculiarity of its habits and its delicacy. " Salnmo umbla is a lake trout, an inhabitant of the deep, making its appearance near shores in January and February, to spawn, and never ascending the brooks or rivers, tributaries of these lakes." Salmo Gloveri, Girard. Union River Trout. The following description of a species of trout, considered by Dr. Girard as a new one, caught in Union river in this State, is copied from the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Arts and Sciences for 1855, page 55: Body of the male is subfusiform and rather slender, particularly *This is not correct. Prof. Hitchcock who was in that region last fall, informs me that they go through Rangely Lake and up the Sandy river some distance. 116 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDA:. in the caudal region; the head being regularly subernial, contained five times in the total length. The maxillaries are gently curved, extending backwards to about the posterior margin of the orbit. The female is stouter, with peduncle of the tail shorter; the head has the same general shape, but is not contained five times in the total length. The maxillaries are less curved, but extend as far backwards as in the male. The eye is very large, its diameter being contained nearly five times in the length of side of head. The caudal is deeply emarginated posteriorly, giving to it a more forked appearance than either in Salmno oquassa or Salmo sebago. The adipose fin in the male is situated opposite the anterior margin of the anal, whilst in the female it corresponds to the posterior margin of the same fin. The scales are well developed, being somewhat smaller, however, than in Salmo sebago, and considerably larger than either in Salmo oquassa or Salmo erythrogaster. On the dorsal and ventral regions they are considerably smaller than upon the sides, and along the peduncle of the tail. They extend, diminishing in size, over nearly the half of the length of the middle rays of the caudal fin. The lateral line takes an almost straight course along the middle region of the flanks. The following is our approximate formula of the rays of the fins: D. 2, 12; A. 7, 9; C. 81, 8, 9; I. 5; V. 1, 9; P. 14. There are two anterior rudimentary rays to the dorsal, one or two to the anal, one to the ventral, eight or ten to the upper lobe of the caudal, to five or six to the lower lobe. The upper surface of the head and dorsal region is blackish brown; the sides are silvery white, the belly yellowish, the region above the lateral line is densely spread all over with black, irregular spots, some of which are confluent. A few scattered ones may be seen beneath that line upon the middle of the abdomen. Four to six of these spots, well defined, are always observed on the operculum, one of which may occasionally reach the preoperculum. A few reddish orange dots, individually situated in the middle of a black spot, are occasionally observed along the middle of the upper part of the flanks. Whether these dots are peculiar to the female, or proper to both sexes, I am not prepared to say, from want of sufficient information upon that point. This species was first brought to my notice by Mr. Townsend Glover, of Fishkill SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 117 SUB-CLASS TELEOSTEI. SALMONOIDJA. Landing, Dutchess county, N. Y., who caught it in the upper affluent of Union river, Me., during the middle of September. I propose the name of Salmo Gloveri as a token of gratitude. Salmo namatus, Guy. This species of trout, according to the observations of Prof. Agassiz, is found in the eastern waters of New Hampshire, (and probably the adjacent waters of Maine.) In the proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. VI, p. 518, " Prof. Agassiz remarked that of the European species of Salmo, the Salmo salar, Linn, (common salmon,) is found on both sides of the Atlantic, while the Salmo eryox, Linn, called Salmo namatus by Cuvier, remarkable for the hook in the lower jaw of the male, and differing from the other in color and shape, has been hitherto considered as confined to Europe. But, on the 29th of October a fish of the latter species was caught in the Merrimac river and examined by himanother example of Arctic species coming down on the American as well as the European coast." It may not be improper here to state that no part of the world affords finer trout fishing, or a greater variety of trouts than Maine. At all times of the year, except in April and May, there are capital opportunities for the angler to exercise his skill and gratify his taste in the " gentle art." During those two months, probably on account of the breaking up of the ice and the consequent disturbance in the waters, they do not bite freely; but in summer and autumn, either on lake or by stream and brooklet, or during mid-winter, in deep lake water, through the ice, they can be caught in great abundance. In our large rivers, as in the upper Penobscot for instance, in warm weather, they abound near the mouths of the cool water spring brooks, and can be caught in unlimited numbers. In summer no better sport of the kind can be found than that afforded to the amateur by fly-fishing for the salmon trout on the Schoodic Lakes, in Washington county, or on Sebago Lake in Cumberland county, as well as in many other parts of Maine. In October, the streams which flow into our numerous lakes in every part of the State, and especially those on the frontier, are crowded with trouts of the different species which, impelled by their natural instincts, are hurrying up to the shoal waters to spawn. Barrels of them are then caught and preserved by the provident settler for domestic use during winter. 118 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. BIRDS OF MAINE-(ADDENDA.) In addition to the list of birds published in last year's report, I am enabled by the kindness of our zealous ornithological friend, Geo. A. Boardman, Esq., of Milltown, to enumerate the following species as having been obtained by him in his vicinity during the past season: INSESSORES. Black and Yellow Warbler. Dendroica maculosa, Baird. Sylvia magnolia, Wilson. SCANSORES. Banded three-toed Wood-pecker. Picoides hirsutus, Gray. Picus hirsutus, Vieitt. GRALLATORES. Northern Phalarope. Phaleropus hyperboreus, Temm. Tringa hyperborea, Linn. NATATORES. Burgomaster Gull. Larus glaucus, Brunnich. Through the politeness of Prof. C. E. iHamlin of Waterville College, I have been furnished with the following additional species found by him last summer in that vicinity: INSESSORES. Least Fly-catcher. Empidonax minimus, Baird. Tyrannula minima, Baird. Traills Fly-catcher. Empidonax Traillii, Baird. Muscicapa Traillii, Aud. Yellow-bellied Fly-catcher. Empidonax flaviventris, Baird. Tyrannula flaviventris, Baird. Olive-sided Fly-catcher. Contopus borealis, Baird. Muscicapa Cooperi, Nutt. White-crowned Sparrow. Zonotrychia leucophrys, Sw'n. Emberiza leucophrys, Fors. Chestnut-sided Warbler. Dendroica Pennsylvanica, Baird. Sylvia Pennsylvanica, Latham. Indigo Bird. Cyanospiza cyanea, Baird. Fringilla cyanea, Wilson. Maryland Yellow-throat. Geothlypis trichas, Cabanis. Sylvia Marilandica, Wilson. Mourning Warbler. Geothlypis Philadelphia, Baird. Sylvia Philadelphia, Wilson. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 119 MAMMALS. I have also been informed by Prof. Ilamlin that he has found a very rare species of Sorex in his neighborhood, (Waterville) the Sorex Thompsoni. Only one specimen of this Sorex has been found in Maine besides this, and that was in Norway, discovered by A. E. Verrill. SUB-ORDER INSECTIVORYE. FAMILY SORICIDi. SUB-FAMILY SORICINAE. GENUS SOREX, Linn. GEN. CHAR. Ears large, valvular concha directed backward, partly furred on both surfaces, tail about as long as the body (exclusive of the head,) or longer, its hairs of equal length, except at the tip; feet moderate, not fringed; skull slender anteriorly and elongated, upper anterior incisor with a second basal hook, and a small angular process on the inner side, near the point; two anterior lateral teeth somewhat larger than the next. Sorex Thompsoni, Baird. Thompson's Shrew. This species was named by Prof. Baird as a mark of respect to the late Prof. Zadoc Thompson of Vermont, who first discovered it in that State. Prof. B. gives the specific characters thus: Very small and slender. Ears large, about as long as the fur, which measures 1I lines. Feet very small and slender, hinder ones barely exceeding four lines. Tail shorter than the body, exclusive of head; terminated by a pencil. Only four lateral teeth above, the third in contact with the first molar. Anterior upper incisors with a serrated internal lobe near the point. Color above, dark olive brown, slightly hoary, paler on sides. Beneath ashy white, no tinge of chesnut or reddish brown. Length 2 inches. Tail, 11. We give the above description with the hope that it will lead others to watch for more specimens of the kind. Respectfully submitted, EZEKIEL HOLMES. BOTANICAL REPORT. E. HOLMES, M. D., Naturalist to the Scientific Survey of Maine: SIR:-During the present season, I have prepared a catalogue of the Flowering Plants of Maine. A portion of it, extending from the genus Atragene to the genus Ostrya, has been already printed in the first number of the Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History. The remainder, embracing the names of all other species known to exist in the State, will probably be published in a subsequent number of the Proceedings of the same Society, and will form, with the list already printed, a complete catalogue of the plants represented in the Herbarium at Portland. Owing to some oversight, the specific localities of many plants have been omitted, but, in most cases, reference to the Botanical report of last year will enable any one to distinguish localities, and they can be marked in the catalogue by marginal notes. Any additions, either to localities or species, will be most gratefully received by the Botanist or any member of the Survey. Many species peculiar to the North of Maine will be found noticed in the catalogue. During this summer, we have been quite fortunate in securing fair specimens of these plants, which, with others already upon the shelves of the Herbarium, form abundant material for exchange. I sincerely trust, Sir, that you may devise some method, by which these specimens may be of the greatest service to botanical students throughout the State. Packages of preserved plants, designed for delivery to teachers of those institutions in which Botany is taught, either have lain uncalled for upon the shelves of the Society, or have been bestowed, unasked for, upon those manifesting the slightest interest in botanical pursuits. But a parcel of dried plants thus thrust upon those who do not care enough about the specimens to even ask for them as a gratuity or by way of exchange, is as worthless in such hands, as a handful of hay. Holding this opinion, I have endeavored to be not too forward in offering to give away specimens from the State collec SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 121 tion; but proposals to exchange have been regarded, in all cases, as worthy our most prompt and careful attention. We now have, as I have already stated, abundant material in the Portland collection for many exchanges, and I commend, Sir, to your most serious consideration, this subject of facilitating its useful and judicious distribution. I have been requested to give, in this report, some plain directions for collecting and preserving plants. Most excellent rules are laid down in Dr. Gray's "Lessons" and " Structural and Systematic Botany," also in other text-books upon the same science; and, for this reason, it seems to me to be entirely superfluous to present extended directions in regard to the matter of plant collection. Nevertheless, since it is desired that some guiding rules should be given in this report, I will offer a few brief directions to those wishing to commence collecting plants, prefacing them by the remark that Botanists in Maine will find Dr. Gray's "Maftual and " Structural Botany," indispensable to a proper understanding of the Flora. Although the " Manual " has a very extensive geographical range it does not, in embracing so much, slight any part of its survey. This remark, which may be thought to have too personal a character for a report of this kind, is prompted solely by a desire to call the attention of Maine teachers and students to the absolute necessity of using the most thorough, precise and useful manuals of botany. Plain directions for collecting and preserving plants: 1. Gather plants upon a dry day, if possible, and shield them from sunlight and wind. 2. Plants should be dried between sheets of even, thick bibulous paper to which considerable pressure is applied. This mechanical pressure can be obtained by means of heavy weights or, more conveniently, by a botanical press. 3. A press, portable, easily adjusted, and in every way satisfactory, is constructed of three boards and two strong leathern straps. The boards should be at least fifteen by twelve inches in size, and be kept from warping by means of firm oaken splints secured to the ends. The middle board serves to equalize the pressure. 4. Between the boards should be placed eight or ten quires of thick, unsized, but smooth paper. The plants, as soon as convenient, must be laid evenly between these sheets of paper, having 16 122 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ten or a dozen thicknesses of paper to absorb the moisture of the fresh plant. 5. Change the papers each day, till each plant is perfectly dry; then place the dried specimens in folios of white sized paper, with the name of the species, if possible, the date of collecting and the looality. The plants are now ready for the Herbarium. 6. Herbarium specimens are best preserved by being moistened with a solution of corrosive sublimate in diluted alcohol. Having been thus poisoned they are to be fastened by hot glue to single sheets of thick paper. Specimens illustrating one species may be attached to a single leaf; the generic and specific name being written on a separate slip of paper and fastened to the right-hand lower corner of the sheet. The several species of a genus are usually contained in a folio of stiff paper of a color different from the single sheets. It is advisable to collect all plants which have not been previously placed in the Herbarium, whether the names are known or not. Unknown plants become, in a little while, far more interesting to the Botanical student than those with which he is perfectly familiar. Please send duplicates of all plants which the collector is unable to determine, to the State Collection at Portland, where they will, if possible, be gladly studied and named. These brief directions- may aid many young botanists in Maine in commencing to form Herbaria of much importance, and materially advance the knowledge of the plants of our State. By the members of the Survey, the Phaonogamia have been studied as thoroughly as time would allow: but much remains still to be done. As the names of those plants new to Maine, which have been detected this season, have been already published in the Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History, I shall not enumerate them in this place. The facts of botanical and agricultural interest, which I noticed during the tours in the wild-lands, will be given in the detailed account of those journeys through the valleys of the St. John and Schoodic Rivers. There are, however, one or two facts of some interest which may be as well alluded to now. I refer to the occurrence of several rare plants in Western Maine. While assisting in running a Geological section from Mount Desert to Canada, in July, I observed in a swamp two miles North-west of the hotel at Parlin Pond, and on the South side SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 123 of the highway, many fine specimens of the interesting species of Juncus, J. Stygius, L. This European species was first detected in the United States, by Dr. A. Graty. He discovered it on the borders of Perch pond in Northern New York, but I have been informed that it is not at all plenty in that locality. Therefore Botanists will be interested to learn of a new and easily accessible locality, which I have, for this reason, been particular in describing. All my specimens of J. Stygius, L., differ, from the specific description, in having a sheathing, filiform leaf clasping the middle of the stem, instead of being "naked above." Eriophorum vaginatum, L. common along the " Canada road," so called. Nardosmia palmata, Hook. very abundant in swamps near the Canada line, upon the same thoroughfare. Arnica mollis, Hooker. This showy plant is found sparingly, near Moxie Falls, a few miles from the Forks of the Kennebec. It occurs in great beauty and profusion in the vicinity of the cataract of Parlin Pond Stream, where its orange flowers are sprinkled by the spray of the falling water. The iridescence of the flowers as they were bathed in the sunlight and the spray, was a spectacle of much beauty, the orange of the blossoms here and there, overpowering the rainbow coloring of the drops of water. The Vegetation of Aroostook County. The local distribution of plants is a matter of much interest to the Botanist and Agriculturist. It is not my purpose, however, at this time, to express my crudely formed opinions concerhing the laws which have regulated the distribution of plants in Maine, nor to advance any theory in regard to the occurrence of certain species, but to present some facts which have come to my notice during the surveys of 1861 and 1862. Many of the facts were presented in the report of last year, but it is necessary to repeat them in this connection in order to give a clearer understanding of the Flora of the north of the State. It will be seen that I have ventured to divide the upper portion of our State into Botanical districts of considerable extent. That I may place myself right in regard to this subject, let me preface the descriptions of the districts by some remarks upon plant distribution throughout New England. Notwithstanding hundreds of our Phmnogamia are common throughout the length and breadth of New England, I think no one 124 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. will be unwilling to adopt the belief that there are certain wellmarked districts of plants in the six States. The maritime plants may be readily classed together, and, in like manner, the Alpine and sub-Alpine Flora of the White Mountains and Katahdin. But there are others, more or less confluent perhaps, which all botanists will readily recognize. Thus the West Connecticut district, so thoroughly examined by Drs. Barratt and Ives, contains very many herbs, shrubs, and even forest trees, not known to exist in other districts. Other well marked districts are Western Massachusetts; Southeastern Massachusetts, including Rhode Island; Northern Vermont, etc. As a general rule the characteristic species of each district are few in number, but the individuals of each species occur abundantly. Let us notice, for example, the difference between the plants of Hampshire county, Mass., and the plants of Southern New HIampshire. These districts are one hundred miles apart-a distance hardly great enough to account on any climatic hypothesis for so great a difference as exists. In the former we find occurring frequently Lygodium palmatum, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Camptosorus rhizophyllus, Allosorus atropurpureus and gracilis, Asplenium Ruta-muraria and angustifolium, Carex squarrosa, Verbena angustifolia, Pedicularis lanceolata, Pterospora Andromedea, Azalea nudiflora, etc., etc. I have searched very carefully among Oakes' lists of plants of Southern New Hampshire, and among many catalogues and Herbaria, and a large portion of the district itself, for any of thesesspecies, but in vain. And since English botanists make smaller and less important districts than these two are, I think there can be no reason for not accepting them. The question now arises, how can one know the points along the dividing line of any two districts? Since we have chosen these two as an illustration, it may be advisable to give the results of protracted herborizing, along the borders, on either side of what is accepted as the provisional line of demarcation. None of the above plants have as yet been found farther northeast than a line running from Athol to North Brookfield, Mass., and the New Hampshire plants are not found, plentifully, west of the same line. It will be perhaps noticed that these two districts have, for their centres, Concord, Mass., and Greenfield, Mass., these nearly coinciding with those marked out in the Mass. catalogue of plants appended to the final Report upon the Geology, in which Boston and Amherst are made two central points. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 125 If, then, it is admitted that districts of limited extent do exist, is it unreasonable to believe that several may be distinguished in Maine, a State fully as large as all the rest of New England? I am aware that severe, extremely careful and faithful study is needed to define the limits of such districts with anything like accuracy, and I long hesitated about marking out such lines upon the map of Maine. But I am sure of two facts; one, that the effort, although perhaps premature, may induce Maine botanists to explore Aroostook county in order to satisfy themselves of the truthfulness of these conclusions, and secondly, that such a map will elicit charitable but impartial criticism as to the expediency of defining such limited districts of vegetation. Although the members of the survey have been able to sketch roughly the limits of various districts in the State, it is thought expedient to defer presenting these lines of definition in this report, exhibiting now only two districts of Northern Maine. The upper fourth of the State is now, owing to the scattered and scanty population, all embraced within one county, Aroostook. It is of this county that I wish to speak particularly at the present time. The country lying along the river St. John, from Boundary branch to Grand Falls, is marked by the very frequent occurrence of certain Northwestern plants. And the district comprised by the curved northern limit of Maine and a line drawn from Grand Falls to a point between Baker Lake and Boundary branch will be found to be nearly the range of these plants in our State. This district is so entirely distinct botanically from any other portion of Maine, that its limits can be said with confidence to be clearly defined. The following list of plants may be considered as comprising the most characteristic species of the St John district: Anemone parviflora, Michx.-Abundant along the main river, in the disintegrating slates. Astragalus alpinus, L.-Common in rocky, damp woods. Astragalus sp. ign.-Much resembling A. Robbinsii, Gray, but appearing to possess specific differences. Very frequent along the shore. Oxytropis sp. ign.-Dr. Gray has examined specimens of this plant, but considered them too mature for proper identification. It agrees pretty well with 0. Uralensis, L., var. b. Quite abundant in moist woods. Artemisia borealis, Mx. —Common in clefts of rocks along the shore, particularly near falls. 126 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. A. Canadensis, Mx.-With the last. Tanacetum Huronense, Nuttall.-Plentiful in rocky soil, and very thrifty. Vilfa cuspidata, Torrey in Hooker's Flor. Bor. Am.-Not infrequent along the shore of the main St. John. Besides the foregoing species we also find in this district many which occur in other peculiar localities in New England; for instance, at the singular precipice at Willoughby Lake, or some cold maritime swamp. Astragalus Robbinsii, Gray. Phaca, Oakes. —Very abundant on the shores of the river St. John. Hedysarum boreale, Nutt. —Quite common and flourishing throughout the district. Primula Mistassinica, Michaux. So abundant is this delicate plant at some points along the River St. John, that the shore assumes a faint red or purple tinge when viewed at a little distance. Solidago Virga-aurea, var. alpina, Bigelow.-With the last. Nabalus racemosus, Hooker. Tofieldia glutinosa, Willdenow.-Wet grounds along the river. These plants occur on the shores of many tributaries of the upper St. John and in the neighboring woods. The whole region through which these plants are distributed is covered by a thick growth of coniferous trees, most of which are of good size, and are considered valuable for "tun timber" and " deal." Immediately south and east of the lower limit of this district we come into a different vegetation. The St. John plants have entirely disappeared, except along the river banks, to which they have been floated by the spring freshets. One, perhaps two, of the composite are detected high above the usual line of freshets, but it will be remembered that each plumed seed of the species of this vast order is wafted on its own wings far beyond the ordinary limits of the dissemination of other plants. With this exception, no plants of the St. John district were discovered outside the natural reach of water communication. This second region, which we can distinguish by the appellation of Aroostook district, is characterized by the occurrence of a different flora. Instead of conifers, we find a prevalence of "hard-wood" trees. Maples, Beeches, Oaks and Amentaceae form the forests. Under such trees we see flourishing Dicentras, Claytonias, Adlumia, Aralia quinquefolia, Solidago odora; SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 127 on the shores of the rivers and their tributaries, Lobelia Kalmii, Anemone Pennsylvanica, and two species of Vitis, V. labrusca and V. cordifolia. Even a third species of the Vine is said to be found near Woodstock, but a protracted search failed to detect it. It will be remembered, perhaps, that it was stated in the report of last year that a section of great fertility was noticed on the east branch of the Penobscot, near the mouth of the Wassataquoik and Sebois. Our limits which we have assigned to the Aroostook belt embrace this portion of the county as well as much of the west branch valley beyond Katahdin. The adaptability of this valley to farming purposes will be shown, at length, in the report upon the " Wild Lands." In order to better exhibit the limits of the two sections, I have made the following map, upon which are represented the St. John and Aroostook districts. I 7A A A ~~, A.. —..., A~n, A Those who have at hand the Geological map prepared by Mr. Hitchcock will see that the more fertile belt corresponds remarkably to the defining lines of the great formation of calciferous slates and slates of Devonian age. Of course the lower limit of the Aroostook section must, for the present, be considered entirely provisional, because we have not been able to devote sufficient study to this portion of the subject. The southern part of the Aroostook district and the northern portion of the Somerset section are therefore regarded now as having vegetation which is, so to speak, confluent. It is my opin 128 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ion, however, that it will be found that the " wheat-growing lands," as the farmers call them, are much better north of Weston, on the eastern boundary, than south of the same town. In Washington county, the granite comes in to modify the fertility in a marked degree, and it is very likely that the southern line of the Aroostook vegetation will be best traced westerly from the town of WTeston just referred to. The whole matter is one of interest alike to the botanist and the farmer, and deserves greater study than the members of the survey corps have been able, amid other more pressing duties, to bestow upon it. I must be permitted to acknowledge many favors received from botanists and other gentlemen in Maine during the present season. Very much has been due to Rev J. Blake, of New Hampshire, who has contributed to the Herbarium of the State pretty full sets of certain difficult genera. As his specimens were largely collected in ~Maine, the value of the gift can scarcely be over estimated. To him and the many others who have assisted me in botanical study this summer I am under great obligations. With high respect, I am, sir, Your obedient servant, GEORGE L. GOODALE. Portland, Oct. 29, 1862. I{EPORT ON MARINE ZOOLOGY. To EZEKIEL HOLMES, M. D., and C. HI. HITCHCOCK, A. M., Directors of the Scientific Survey of Mlaine: Pursuant to your instructions, I hereby submit the following brief and partial report of my labors in the department of Marine Zoology during the months of July and August, 1862. It is impossible to furnish anything more than a general statement of the progress of the work, and of the portions of the coast visited, as the proper identification and classification of the specimens collected will require several months' additional labor. The time allotted for my labors being but two months, and this in an advanced stage of the season suitable for work upon the sea-shore, I determined to commence at that point where the excessive fluctuations of the tides were more favorable to an abundant growth and a larger variety of species of marine life than some other portions of the coast. Accordingly, on the eighth day of July, accompanied by Mr. A. S. Packard, Jr., of Brunswick, I arrived at Eastport. Thence I took my small skiff and selected Treat's Island as the most central point of' the work in that region, it furnishing the best advantages on account of the extreme rise and fall of the tides, and its proximity to deep water. From this place I made numerous excursions by water to different localities, dredging in all practicable places and in depths of water varying from fifteen to twenty-five fathoms. Among the localities visited the following are the principal, and the result of the dredging most interesting. At Treat's Island, between the high and low water marks, the species of the fauna of the coast of Maine, mentioned below, occur. Sertularia polyzonias, S. argentea; Ophiolepis robusta, Ophiopholis scolopendrica (plenty;) Asteracanthion rubens, A. littoralis, Solaster endeca, S. papposa; Echinus granulatus; Pentacta fron 130 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. dosa, Chirodota lakvis; Ascidia callosa, Cynthia pyriformis; Boltenia reniformis (rare;) Pecten islandicus (rare; ) Modiolaria discors; Mya arenaria, M. truncata; Saxicava distorta; Tectura testudinalis; Margarita helicina, M. cinerea, M. undulata; Littorina littorea, L. rudis; Purpura lapillus, Buccinum undatum; Fusus decemcostatus, F. islandicus; Dendronotus arborescens. Nearly one half of the above are found at much lower points in the western part of the State, and there, generally, not above the laminarian region. In the vicinity of the same locality, in from ten to twenty-five fathoms of water, the dredge brought up-Alcyonium carneum; Actinia obtruncata; Astrophyton Agassizii; Ohiopholis scolopendrica; Cribella oculata; Solaster papposa, S. endeca; Echinus granulatus; Ventacta frondosa; Gemellaria dumosa; Ascidia callosa; Cynthia pyriformis; Boltenia reniformis (?); Terebratulina septentrionalis; Pecten tenuicostatus (rare;) Nucula delphinodonta; Yoldia sapotilla, Y. myalis; Modiolaria discors, M. corrugata; Cryptodon Gouldii, Astarte semisulcata, Cardita borealis, Lyonsia hyalina, Pandora trilineata; Chiton marmoreus, Chiton albus; Entalis striolata; Crucibulum striatum; Cemoria noachina;.Scalaria groenlandica; Lunatia triseriata; Nassa trivittata; Buccinum undatum; Fusus pygmmus, F. decemcostatus, F. islandicus; Sipunculus Bernhardus; Sternaspis fossor. After exploring this region as thoroughly as the time and weather would permit, we made a hurried visit to Cobscook river. At Pembroke Point we collected numerous fine specimens of fossils of marine animals, but in consequence of the strong tide which here flows with great velocity, it was impossible to use the dredge. Proceeding thence to Perry, we visited, on the way, the fossil deposits on Upper Treat's Island, where we procured some specimens, mostly Lingul13. At Little river in Perry, a small collection of Devonian fossils rewarded our labors. Returning to Treat's Island we resumed dredging, for a few days, with satisfactory results, and thence, Mr. Packard having left me, I turned my attention to the exploration of the St. Croix river, dredging between Devil's Head and Robbinston. In the vicinity of St. Croix Island the dredging in seventeen fathoms of water was productive of good results. The following are some of the specimens collected here: SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 131 Alcyoneum carneum; Pecten tenuicostatus (not plenty but probably more abundant further up the river;) Trochus occidentalis (rare;) Natica pusilla, N. clausa. At Devil's Head, Chirodota levis (plenty); Mya arenaria (large and more plenty than at Eastport); Chiton marmoreus; Tectura testudinalis; Margarita undulata; Buccinum undatum; HIomarus Americanus (abundant); Cancer irroratus (very rare.) Before leaving this section of the State I occupied some days in examining the bottom in the neighborhood of Eastport, where, at Shackford's IIead I found some of the finest specimens which I had taken during the exploration, consisting of Actinia obtruncata, Boltenia reniformis (very abundant), Velutina haliotoides, Hyas coarctata and a number of crustaceans. A little below Todd's Head at Eastport, we found the Corymorpha nutans so abundant that they were attached to nearly every mesh of the dredge net. At a short distance from this point, in from fifteen to forty fathoms of water I found Astrophyton Agassizii; Solaster papposa, S. endeca (plenty); Yoldia myalis (rare); Callista convexa; Anatina papyracia; Cochlodesma Leana; Thracia truncata; Trochus occidentalis; Trophon clathratus; Fasciolaria ligata. Dredging from Lubec to West Quoddy Head, on a hard nullipore bottom, I took large numbers of Chiton marmoreus, finding them attached to almost every pebble. I observed in this section the absence of the eel grass (Zostera marina) so common in the western part of the State, its place seeming to be supplied by the Chorda filum. The shores here are well lined with the fuci, while in the Passamaquoddy bays the Laminaria are quite small. My time having now nearly expired, I concluded to devote the remainder to a preliminary reconnoisance of other sections of the work. I accordingly embarked upon a vessel bound up the coast, and visited, among other. places, Machias bay, where I found, in from four to seven fathoms, Actinia obtruncata, (?) (plenty); A. sipunculoides, (1 specimen); Astarte semisulcata; Cardita borealis; Sternaspis fossor, (very large,) and some fine forms of Polyzoa;Narraguagus bay, securing the Nucula proxima in great plenty;Rockland harbor, taking, in five fathoms, nullipore bottom, Cuvieria Fabricii, plentifully;-Pemaquid. light, near which, in thirty-five fathoms, I dredged fine specimens of Corymorpha nutans; Entalis 132 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. striolata; Yoldia thraciaeformis. At Pemaquid outer and inner harbor I found in abundance, in from three to seven fathoms, Echinerachnius atlanticus, on sandy, nullipore bottom. I had now arrived at Casco bay, and here I spent some days visiting and exploring the numerous islands, bays, inlets and channels of this beautiful locality. At Jewell's Island, at the lowest tide mark, I found the Pholas crispata imbedded in peat and logs, usually covered with from two to three feet of water at ordinary low tides. At this place, beneath the surface of the water and extending to some distance from the land, is a submerged tract thickly covered with the remains of a forest visible in smooth times of water and in the early morning. It was with considerable difficulty that I was able to procure specimens of the Pholas. On the Brown Cow and the Green Islands, which are nearly destitute of vegetation, I found the following land shells in abundance, viz: Helix nemoralis, (wood snail,) Helix albolabris, (white-lipped snail,) and Succinia obliqua. On Eagle Island, a short distance from the above, Helix alternata occurs in great numbers. Almost every island in the bay has a mollusk peculiar to itself, and coincident with its soil or flora; Eagle Island bearing spruce and fir, producing Helix alternata, while one of the Goose Islands, with a hard wood growth, produces Helix albolabris abundantly. This completed the labors in this branch of the survey for the season. The specimens collected were carefully preserved, and are deposited for the purpose of identification and arrangement in the hall of the Portland Society of Natural History. Glass jars and alcohol will be required for their permanent preservation, and should be provided at the earliest opportunity. In consequence of the limited time during which my work was performed, you will readily perceive that this report must be quite imperfect; in fact the work was in its nature hardly more than preliminary. The process of collecting specimens and making explorations in this department of science is attended with so many difficulties arising from the state of the weather and of the tides, together with the necessary exposure and labor, that a complete examination of so extensive a range of coast as that of Maine, and a thorough classification of its fauna is unavoidably slow. I can, however, assure you that what has been done has been done well, and that the specimens enumerated above are but a very small proportion of those actually taken and preserved. The col SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 133 lection comprises animals belonging to almost every class in Marine Zoology known upon our shores, and probably contains several new and rare forms. In conclusion, I desire to acknowledge the valuable assistance rendered me by Messrs. A. S. Packard, Jr., C. A. Shurtleff, George Hayes, U. S. Treat, L. M. Barbour and Wm. I. Beals. Respectfully, C. B. FULLER. NOTES UPON CERTAIN MAMMALS IN MAINE. Quite recently our attention was called to descriptions of the characteristics and habits of some of the mammals inhabiting the wilds of Maine, by J. G. Rich, Esq., of Upton.* These articles appeared first in the columns of the Bethel Courier and the Oxford Democrat. Impressed by their value, we requested some of them for publication; and Mr. Rich has kindly handed to us the following sketches for this purpose: NORTHERN HARE, OR RABBIT, Lepus Americanus, Erxl. We have but one variety of this little animal in our good State of Maine, although in the neighboring State of Massachusetts there exists a distinct variety-being much smaller than the kind we are here to treat upon, and having quite different habits. Authors of Natural History, in several instances, confound the rabbit and hare; and although resembling each other exactly to the common observer, yet there exists a distinct difference, especially in the young leveret. In the first place, let me here observe that in no instance has the Creator shown IHis care and provision for animal nature more conspicuously than by providing so bountifully this species of animal. They cover the earth to the full extent of its capability of support for them; are extensive breeders, more than any other, and have no weapon of defence except flight,-and on which depend for sustenance, in a great measure, the bear, lynx, fox, fisher, mink, weasel, ermine, among the animal tribes, and owls, hawks, eagles, and many others among the birds,-in fact, it may truly be said the rabbit is the substantial food of a large class of animal nature. Our hare is about two feet from the nose to the hind feet, short head, full eve, receding forehead, large, open, long ears, short tail, long hind legs with four toes, and short forward legs with five toes; feet well covered with coarse hair, making a good brush, when dry, for many purposes; loose, long hair on the body, always whiter under the body, and in winter white all over; but in summer, of a yellowish brown, varying to a rufous brown. Next to the body is a soft, loose fur, of a silky texture, of a lead color on the back, and which fur, I think, keeps its constant color, and only the long hair on the upper parts of its body changes color. The weight of this animal is from five to seven pounds; and so constantly * We are glad to ascertain that Mr. Rich proposes to publish all his sketches of mammals, birds and fishes in a book, together with apropos descriptions of the best fishing grounds in the northwest part of the State; of life in the woods, and some sketches of his own experience of sixteen years as a hunter, trapper and guide. Persons as familiar as he is with the natural inhabitants of the forest, confer a favor upon the public when they present to them such experiences. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 135 out of condition, that it is proverbial among hunters, when visited by our young city sportsmen, to enlarge upon the great and excellent qualities of shaving soap made of "rabbit's grease " and " cedar ashes." The meat of the hare is quite flavorless and light colored, and depends much upon the condiments in dressing for its savory taste,-what epicures think to the contrary notwithstanding. Still, it is not void of a good share of nutrition, and makes a very simple diet for invalids. Indeed, I have not unfrequently been obliged to resort to this sort of food entirely, after getting short of provisions, in many a hunting tour in the wilderness; and we can almost always safely depend upon taking by trap, snare, or gun. a sufficient supply of hare venison almost anywhere in our forests of Maine. The female hare is capable of bearing young before they are one year old,say those born in August and September multiply the following spring; and in this State, I am of opinion that they quite regularly have two litters each season of from three to five each. They do not burrow as some of the genus do, but make a nest under a brush heap or the thick foliage of a small tree, of leaves and soft moss. They go with young about five weeks, and nurse them for three weeks, when they gradually leave the original nest and mother and take care of themselves. I have often picked them up in the woods, and when you find one you may be almost sure the rest of the family are within ten rods of you. They are born with a good dress of brown hair, and eyes open, and teeth well cut through; and what is quite peculiar to this animal by a curious formation of their genitals are often found to have a superlmetation. The food of our hare is chiefly browse of small and tender bushes, and they especially love the buds of yellow birch. I have often baited up a score of them in two nights by chopping down a birch tree, and limbing it down, and among the branches setting my traps. Hunters depend almost entirely on the hare and muskrat for bait for their traps to take larger game. I have noticed that the higher up among the mountains I go the larger are the hare, and I have no doubt that the atmosphere and even the soil have great influence on the native animals. The noise of the hare when frightened or hurt is a high note, cut short at very frequent intervals, and the voice kept up, and very shrill and very plaintive, sounding like filing a mill saw. They also have a peculiar grunting noise that is used when near each other, and in their families to make known their wishes to each other. They also stamp with their feet like the domestic sheep; and often resemble, when jumping around the camp, the step of a heavy animal. I have often had them come into my open camp, when I had nicely bivouacked for the night, and, in several instances, jump upon my body, causing a sudden fright and leap which sent " Master Fatty" (as he is familiarly called,) away in a hurry. They are always attracted by a campfire in the night, and we can always, of a clear night, shoot them by keeping awake after all is quiet. I have seen the fisher follow and take the hare. One on a certain occasion followed down the Richardson Lake about one mile, after they came on, when the hare commenced to circle, and the fisher, who was but a short distance behind, also continued the chase, but kept inside the circle of the hare, and by so doing made quite a gain of the game, and in a very short time was able to overcome the hare, of which he ate a portion, and dragged the remainder on shore and buried it for future use. THE WEASEL, Putorius pusillus, Aud. and Bach. This little animal is very common, and doubtless well understood by observing people; yet there may be simple facts about its habits worthy of a passing notice. 136 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. The length of its body is about eight inches, with short legs, long neck, large, open ears, small eves set in the head nearer the nose than the ears. Color, in the summer, brown above and white under the limbs, while in the winter it is white over every part of the body and limbs, with the exception of the end of the tail, which is always black for about an inch. The length of the tail will always reach exactly to the foot of the hind leg if both are drawn out straight. Its home or common retreat is in piles of loose stone, wood, or other material, or in hollow trees, where it brings forth its young of two or sometimes even three litters in a year, of from four to five at a time, commonly the latter number, and which it will defend with indomitable courage. They are remarkable for their perseverence and courage, and have been known to attack men when in companies of three or four. Their food is commonly mice, but they will devour most all kinds of birds and eggs, or at least the brains and blood of birds, which they like better than the fleshy part. The color of the weasel when changing from brown to white, or vice versa, is very prettily variegated. Their voice, or noise, is quite peculiar, and sounds like a serpent-a sharp, shrill, compressed sound, quickly repeated two or three times. We find the weasel everywhere, in the woods as plenty, and perhaps more so, than in the farm yard and house. They are uncommon mousers, being much more expert than the house cat, and so much smaller in body that they can follow their prey in many places where the cat cannot enter. It can run up a smooth perpendicular board with facility. The enemies of the weasel are chiefly the owl and hawk, and they are often obliged to come down after seizing and rising into the air with it, by his opening a vein under the wing. A larger species of Mustelidoe, which is often confounded with the weasel, and is called in history the "Stoat," Mustela erminea, is very plenty on high mountains in the forests in this State. I have'often caught them while sable hunting. I caught one the past winter. They are full twice the length and bigness of the weasel, and subject to the same change of color; and when in the white state are called " Ermine," and much used in foreign countries for lining and trimming fur garments. Of their habits but little is known. except that they prey on larger game than the weasel-such as the hare, partridge, &c. THE CANADA LYNX, Lynx Canadensis, Raf. This animal is the largest of the will cat species in this State. Arranged in the group by naturalists called " Feline " (Felide,) and in the order 1" Carnivora. " There are about eight kinds of lynx described by naturalists, but they are so confused that their histories are of little account. They describe the " Canada Lynx" for the Boreal Lynx and the Caracal, and so mix them up that it is about impossible to distinguish them by existing descriptions. The Lynx is one of those animals of which the ancients told so many fables. That they could see through opaque bodies, and even through stone walls, and that their urine often contained a valuable stone called " lapis lincurius," so the old maxim " Lynx eyed," &c. —be this as it may, our Lynx has a very sharp, large, round eye, and is capable of staring at you for a great length of time. Such is however the natural ferocity of this animal that it is believed to be impossible to perfectly subdue it. This Lynx is about three feet in the length of its [,ody and stands about twenty-one inches high; it has a round head like our domestic cat, but much larger. Its fur is long and soft, and changes its color twice in the year. In the hot months of summer it is dingy reddish grey and when prime, in the coldest part of the season, it is a beautiful stone grey along its sides and mixed along its back with long hairs tipped with black, while underneath it is SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 137 white, beautifully mottled with black spots. Its tail is about four inches long, tipped with black. Its ears stand erect and are quite conspicuous, being tipped with a tuft of black hair, and on either side of its lower jaw is quite a bunch pf grey hair mixed with long black hair. Dr. Richardson states that the early French writers on Canada, who ascribed to this animal the habit of dropping from the limbs of trees, on to the backs of deer and destroying them by tearing their throats and drinking their blood, gave them the name of Loup Cervier, or wolf stag. This animal has very long, owl shaped, retractile claws, and four toes on each foot, and the bottoms of their feet are covered with fur. Their legs are very muscular. And its whole contour denotes great activity. Virgil calls the Lynces of Bacchus, " varica." and in another place alludes to the skin of the spotted Lynx, " Maculasca Lynces." I think the "Boreal Lynx " and our " Canadensis" are the same, and one animal. The former ranges in northern Europe, and the latter in North America. The Hudson Bay Co., a few years ago; used to export to Europe from seven to nine thousand pelts of the Lynx. The most beautiful skins of the Lynx are from Siberia, and belong to the " lupus cervarius." Buffon says that all animals of America are smaller than the same kinds in Europe, and that the Lynx in Siberia is compared to the wolf, but in America, to the wild cat. I have been informed of another kind of Lynx in this State, but have never seen one of that kind. It is said they live in the open cultivated regions, and have no fur on the bottoms of their feet, and are not so thick furred, neither so handsome; but I cannot describe them from personal knowledge, and therefore will let them pass. Our Lynces breed once a year, and bring forth sometimes two and sometimes three at a birth, and like most other carnivorous animals will defend their young with their lives. They are not, however, so speedy as most people think, and can easily be treed with hounds. When they run they leap and strike all their feet together. When this country was first settled, this animal was quite troublesome among the sheep and lambs. They went in droves and were more bold than when single. The State of New Hampshire now pays a bounty of one dollar on their heads. When I first moved to the Mollychunkemunk Lake I trapped and killed forty-nine of these animals in one hunting season, and since that time have killed a great many each year, but have not kept an account of the number. I have seen them swimming the lake and they appeared to be good swimmers. Will often swim two miles at a time, and about as fast as we can paddle a boat. They can be easily trapped when it is good travelling for them on the snow, but when the snow is deeDp and soft they keep in the thick swamps and do not travel much. They live chiefly on the rabbit, and when we trap them twe have to bait them with fresh meat or scent of Assafoetida, or beaver castor, of which they are very fond. Their teeth are feline, very long, and extremely sharp. They take their prey principally by watching and creeping upon it. 1 frequently see their tracks where they are creeping along very slow, and with steps not more than three inches apart, although, when they they-leap they go from seven to ten feet. Capt. John M. Wilson informs me thathe once saw one lying stretched out on the limb of a tree directly over his head, but as he moved quietly along, the cat did not seem inclined to attack him. I have a preserved specimen of the Lynx before me now. but I think the eve a little too yellow, as the natural color always appeared to me in the living animal to be like bright silver; and after eveing the creature for a short time, and giving it time to grow mad, it increased in size and brightened to something like livid fire; and would seem to challenge the nerves of a strong minded hunter to look them out of countenance. It is my impression that this animal seldom, if ever, attacks a man, when 18 138 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. enjoying the freedom of nature, but if cornered up, and unable to escape, no doubt would defend itself to the last. Mr. Z. F. Durkee, of Magalloway, killed one of these animals in the Richardson farm house, some years ago, in this wise:-The cat was in th9 woodshed and Mr. Durkee went into the house through the shed and the cat ran in ahead of him in hopes of escaping, but he cornered it in the dining room and the creature jumped up against the window and before it could recover, he struck it down with a club he had in his hand. Mr. A. P. Gould, of Boston has had several hand to hand fights with this animal, and in every instance, I think, has succeeded in conquering the beast; although, at one time, he nearly surrendered to an old male, which had the advantage of position, and had it not been for his knowledge of the manner of the animal's attack, and his own superior skill with the knife, he would certainly have been overcome. I am not at liberty to give the full details now, of this encounter. Mr. Robert T'orrey, of Cambrideport, Mass., came near being attacked by one of these animals in the summer of 1858, in an old barn between the Mollychunkemunk and Mooseluckmaguntic lakes, where he and a few friends composing his party were camping for the night. The cat appeared to have been concealed somewhere on the beams of the building, and was not noticed by our party until we had got quietly stowed away for the night among the old refuse hay on the upper floor. The animal then descended to where we lay, not with a bound and a growl, but softly, as if' to make sure that we were fit for immediate use without cooking. He commenced his operations creeping along the floor near our feet, and making a rustling noise in the old hay, that set poor Torrey in high dudgeon, and he immediately drew his dirk knife and prepared for a close combat; but owing to the darkness, and the proximity of our bodies, he did not commence offensive operations, and the cat escaped. The hunter who taught me to hunt when I first came to this country (Winm. H. Leverett, who has since removed to Marquette County, Wisconsin,) frequently accompanied me to my traps, and I remember at one time, when we were following alone on our line of traps many miles from human habitation, we heard one of these animals screech, and knew by the peculiar sound what it was, and this being the second one I had caught, I was highly excited and elated. Leverett, on the contrary, was perfectly cool and collected. and told me while we were hurrying along to where the trap was set, that he would show me how to kill a Lucivee, (as we called them.) When we came up, behold we had a large specimen of the Lynx in a trap! Leverett immediately broke him a stick of dry alder and said: " It takes but a small stick to kill one of these creatures." But, said I, " do take a sound stick, for the one you have there is rotten." Said he, " it is sound enough." So he walked directly up to the cat and struck him over the head, and his stick broke in, two, and the cat leaped toward him and he jumped backward and at the same time caught his foot in some bushes and fell flat on his back, when the cat leaped upon him, trap and all, and but for my assistance with the axe, he would at least have been badly scratched, if not entirely done up. I think it very foolish for hunters and others to dally with these and other wild animals, because they have them in traps and security. I have known many instances of hunters losing their game in this way, and even getting into bad scrapes. 1 have lost bear and moose and some other game by not immediately killing them at the first opportunity. I will leave this animal by relating my first adventure with one, the first one I ever saw. I had been hunting but a few days when I came one evening just at sunset, to where I had set a trap a few days before-this was in township No. 4, Range 2d. My trap was gone and I followed on the trail by the marks in the moss the traps had made. I followed on at a rapid pace for it was nearly night and I could but just see the signs in the thick woods. I had SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 139 gone perhaps one fourth of a mile when, coming quickly out of a thick place into an open spot and leaning forward on a dog trot, I was completely knocked over by the cat, trap, and all, coming against me with a rush, and a spit, and a growl, as quick as thought. I did shoot the beast, and ever after followed on their signs more cautious, but the fright it gave me was never forgotten. THE BEAVER, Castor Canadensis, Kuhl. This almost amphibious animal is now chiefly confined to this continent, although formerly it was found in many parts of northern Europe and Asia, but has become nearly extinct in those countries. Its body, from the end of the snout to the insertion of the tail, is almost three feet long; the tail, or caudal paddle, is about one foot long, one inch thick, and five or six inches wide. Its teeth are two incisors in each jaw, and a vacant space between them and the eight upper and under molars. These incisors are no doubt what they chop their wood with, and as they wear shorter by continual use, the teeth grow out-for they are from two to three inches long and arching in form, and protrude about one-half to three-fourths of an inch outward. The feet have five toes, exterior and posterior; the forward toes are short and close, and the hinder ones long and palmated; being the only animal of this description known in nature. Its body is covered with two kinds of hair, one outward coating of hair two inches long and glossy black-the inner coat quite thick and downy. like fine silk. Its tail is covered with scales and looks like a fish. The meat of the forward parts of the body tastes like land animals, and that of the hinder parts and tail like fish. The largest beavers weigh about sixty pounds. The beaver attains its full growth at the age of three years, and is supposed to live from ten to fifteen years. It breeds once a year, and has from two to six at a birth, and even breeds before it attains its own maturity. It goes with young four months, and brings forth about the close of winter. Its food is chiefly vegetable, and it will not taste of meat, raw or cooked. In winter it subsists mostly upon the bark of green wood which it has laid up in store for this purpose, and it is also quite fond of fish. The color of the body is a cream brown, intermixed with black hair. This animal differs from all other animals in several particulars; first, it has a pair of glandular sacks between the hind legs, (which, I believe, have no connection with the organs of generation,) containing a substance quite odorous, called castor, (castoreum.,) which hunters call " barkstone." It is used extensively in medicine, and is quite valuable; but the castor which comes from Europe is esteemed by medical men as by far the most virtuous. This substance is worth about one dollar for each sack, and the fur of the beaver now commands two and one-half dollars for each skin. Not many years ago the skins were sold by weight, and brought one dollar an ounce. Since that time the beaver hat gives place to the silk hat, hence the difference. The savages are said to use the oil of the tail for many diseases, and we know they esteem it dressed and cooked, as far above any other food you can offer them. The second toe of their hind feet is armed with double nails. They make a very unequal gait in walking on the land, owing to the sloping of the body behind the centre down under towards their feet; and of their hind feet standing out, which is an advantage to their progress in the water. They are also remarkable for the great appearance of reason they seem to possess. They are more shy than the fox, and more knowing than the elephant. They are very acute in their scent and hearing, and naturally timid, with no way of defence except in flight. They live in the enjoyment of all the blessings of life, peacefully; and no doubt have a way of communing one with the other. Their houses and dams have been recently so well described that I will not now go into the particulars of them, but only add some new items or ideas that I have myself noticed. 140 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. In the unincorporated Townships of this county, (Oxford,) you cannot cross a meadow or follow up a valley without discovering the old signs of beaver. Their dams on flat land, where there is no current, are always made of grass and mud, but where there is a current, sticks and drift wood are used. And where the current of the stream is quite strong, the dam is made bowing, and presenting a convexity to the tide. Their houses are situated immediately above the dam, and are constructed of sticks and branches of willow and other wood, with mud and stones, all mixed together without any particular method, except to leave a hole to live in. They are built very strong and are generally two stories hight, and have a window, or hole facing the water up stream, apparently to admit fresh air. They have holes through the chamber floor to escape through, when alarmed. And at such times they always slap the water powerfully with their tails, which arouses the whole colony. 1 think this habit of slapping the water, is not for any particular purpose, but merely a habit, notwithstanding others have said that they do this while building, to put a finish to their work. They always lay with their hind quarters under water, and on their belly, and some suppose this gives their tail the fishy taste which it is known to have. When swimming, they keep almost an upright position, their heads and shoulders being above water. They generally congregate in the month of July, and choose their mates and live together until April or May. They live from six to ten in a house, and their houses, if joined together by one partition, never have a passage through. They sink their wood for winter food, by means of stones and mud, and not by any mysterious way, as some have supposed. They always choose a locality for colonizing where the water is deep enough not to freeze clear through. In the spring, the males leave their habitations first, and leave the females to take care of their young a few weeks, when they all roam about during the summer months, regardless of their home. They can be shot between sunset and dark, by lying in wait for them, as they take that time to swim out for relaxation. They work chiefly in the night. They seem to know how high the water will be the coming spring, and build their houses accordingly; whether this be reason or instinct, it never fails. They only seem to enjoy their full powers of reason or intellect, when they are living in society, and families, for when they get strayed apart, from any cause, and wander off alone, they seem to be as dumpish as a musk rat, or any other animal. If a colony gets scattered, it is the opinion of the hunters that they never collect to live together again. In our upper rivers there are now many small families of beaver. I saw new work on the Diamond river last year, and a hunter informed me of beaver, last fall, on the Cupsuptic river, and on the Beamus stream, seven miles from the upper dam, there were a few, and I met a hunter lost in the woods, trying to make his way to hunt them. I think beaver now choose very small streams in the deepest recesses of the wilderness to build their dams and houses, since they have been so often disturbed. They remind one of the native Indians. The white man is not contented to let either live in peace on the possessions given them by our common Father. The beaver seems to be the last of the genus 1" Castor," and they are fast dying out, and will soon become extinct. In the year 1745, there were imported into London and Rouchelle nearly one hundred and fifty thousand skins. And in the year 1827, the importation had fallen away to about fifty thousand, although four times the ground was hunted over to get them. And now there are very few beaver sent to Europe. This animal is truly a wonder in the great economy of creation, and presents to our minds the connecting link between instinct and reason, indeed the knowledge of the beaver seems sometimes to be far in advance of the lower order of the human family. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 141 LIST OF REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS FOUND IN THE STATE OF MAINE. At our request Dr. B. F. Fogg, Curator of Herpetology in the Portland Society of Natural History, prepared a catalogue of all the Reptiles and Amphibians found in the State, which was published originally in the Proceedings of the Society. It is now reproduced with notes upon their distribution, and a revision of the nomenclature of the Frogs, Toads and Salamanders, by Mr. A. E. Verrill, of Cambridge, approved by Dr. Fogg. Specimens verifying all the species may be found in the collections of the Society. The catalogue contains several species not heretofore credited to the State. REPTILES. TURTLES. Nanemysguttata, /g. Theyellow-spotted Chelydraserpentina, Schmig. TheSnapTurtle. Common in the southwest part ping Turtle. Common. of the State. Glyptemys insculpta,.Ig. The Wood Chrysemys picta, Gray. The Painted Turtle. Common except in extreme Turtle. Common. eastern part of the State. Ozotheca odoraia,./g. The Mud Turtle. Cistudo Virginea, /Ag. The Box Turtle. Quite common. Only one specimen found. SAVRIA. Scincus fasciatus, Linn. The blue-tailed Lizard. Rare. C. B. A/dams. SERPENTS. Eutainia sirtalis, B. 4 G. The Striped Bascanion constrictor, B. 4 G. The Black Snake. Common. Snake. Rare. In the southwest parts E. saurita, B. 4 G. The Riband Snake. of the State only. * Common. Nerodia sipedon, B. 4 G. The Water Storeria Dekayi, B. 4- G. The little Snake. Common. Brown Snake. Common. Storeria occipito-maculata, B. 4 G. The Chlorosomavernalis, B. 4 G. The Green Spotted-neck Snake. Common. Snake. Common. Diadophis punctatus, B. 4 (G. The ringCrotalus durissus, Linn. The Banded necked Snake. Not common. Rattlesnake. Rare. In the southwest Ophibolus eximius, B. 4 G. The Milk parts of the State only. Snake. Common. 142 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. AMPHIBIANS. FROGS AND TOADS. Rana Catesbianus, Shaw. The Bull Frog. R. halecina, IKalen. The Leopard Frog. Common. Hylodes Pickeringii, Hobb. Pickering's R. clamitans, Daud. The yellow-throated Hylodes. Common. Green Frog. Common. lHyla versicolor, Leconte. The Tree Toad. Rana palustris, Leconte. The Pickerel Common. Frog. Bufo Americanus, Lan. The Common R. sylvatica, Leconte. The Wood Frog. Toad. Common. SALAMANDERS. Plethodon erythronotus, Baird. The Red- Desmognathus fuscus, Baird. The PaintBacked Salamander. Common. ed Salamander. Rare. P. glutinosus, Tesch. The blue-spotted Spelerpes bilineata, Baird. The Striped Salamander. Common. Back Salamander. Common. Salamandra opaca, Gray. The Banded Pseudotriton salmoneus, Baird. ThesalSalamander. Quite common. mon colored Salamander. S. punctata, Lac. The violet colored Notophthalmus viridescens, Baird. The Salamander. Common. crimson-spotted Triton. Common. S. maculata, Green. The brown-spotted N. miniatus, Raf. The symmetrical SalSalamander. amander. Common. S. granulate, Hol. The granulated Salamander. Rare. ENTOMOLOGICAL REPORT. BRUNSWICK, December 28, 1862. Lao the Gentlemen in charge of the Scientific Survey I transmit herewith some instructions about collecting and observing the insects of our State, which will, I hope, lead to an extended cooperation in furthering the knowledge of the habits and forms of our noxious and beneficial insects. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, A. S. PACKARD, JR. Dr. E. HoLMEs, Prof. C. H. HITCHCOCK. HOW TO OBSERVE AND COLLECT INSECTS. INSECTS IN GENERAL. That branch of the Animal Kingdom, known as Articulata, is so called from having the body composed of rings, like short cylinders, which are placed successively one behind the other. In the class of Worms these rings or segments, are arranged in a continuous row, and their number is indefinite. The organs of locomotion consist of branches of cilia and bristles placed in a row, one on each side of the body; while on the first ring there are slender feelers directed forwards and placed around the mouth-opening. In the class of Crustacea this continuity of rings is broken; and there is a definite number, (21) which are gathered into two regions; the head-thorax and abdomen. The number of jointed legs is also indefinite, the number varying from ten to fourteen. In the class of Insects, the number of rings is still more limited, (14,) the head is distinctly separated from the thorax, thus forming, with the abdomen or hind-body, three distinct regions. 144 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. In the Insects again, there are three modes of disposing the rings, and their appendages: 1. Where the number of segments is indefinite, and much like each other in form, supporting both thoracic and abdominal legs; as in the order of Myriapoda. 2. Where the head and thorax are closely united; and there are eight pairs of legs attached to the thorax alone, as in the Arachnida. 3. Where there are three distinct regions to the body; the head, thorax and abdomen, as in the Insecta. Moreover the true insects have three pairs of legs attached to the thorax; and are winged. The Myriapods grow by the addition of rings, after hatching from the egg; the Arachnids by frequent moultings of the skin; while the winged insects pass through a distinct metamorphosis. The young insect after being hatched from the egg is called the larva, from the Latin term meaning a mask, since it was the ancient belief that it concealed beneath its skin the form of the perfect insect. When full-fed, the pupa-skin rapidly forms beneath the tegument, and the insect in that form escapes through a slit in the back of the larva. The perfect insect is often called the imago. The larval state of insects which resembles worms, has also an analogous form to the Myriapods; so spiders are analogous to Crustacea, while reminding us of the pupa state of the winged insects. Moreover, worms and crustacea are, generally speaking, aquatic, breathing by gills, while insects are terrestrial and breathe by pores in the side of the body which communicates with a complex system of air tubes, including tubular blood vessels. The order of winged-insects is subdivided into seven divisions, occupying an intermediate rank between orders and families, and called by naturalists suborders. Of these the Hymenoptera seem to be highest in the scale, and the Neuroptera the lowest. Before characterizing these suborders, a few explanations will be necessary to understand the terms applied to the different parts. In insects as in the higher animals, the parts are repeated on either side of the middle of the body, with the exception of the single intestinal canal, and the dorsal vessel, which performs the functions of a heart. In this head of a bee here figured we have all the parts connected with the function of sensation, and those adapted for seizing and SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 145 mIG. 4. chewing the food. Two large eyes (a) composed of numerous facets, and three small simple eyelets (c) arranged in a triangle on the top of the head, and the anlennae or feelers, (d) composed of numerous joints, are the most important sensory organs. —A pair of mnandibles (f) ifor grasping. often toothed for tearing the food.; manipulating the food, on the base of which is a pair ofpalpi, (h) or touchers, which are used in conjunction with the antenna, as feelers together with another pair articulated on to the labiumr (1) or so-called under lip, cor responding to the labrunL or upper lip, which is attached to the clypeus (b); and the labium which is prolonged into the lingua (Ic) or tongue having a pair of rude palpi-like organs called the paraglossce (nm), form the organs for seizing and chewing the food. Of the three rings of the thorax, the first (prothorax) is specialized to support the head; the second (meso-thorax) carries the first pair of winlgs (primaries;) the third (melta-thorax) carries the second pair (secondaries ) To each of these three rings is articulated a pair of fi-ve-jointed legs, of which the last joint or tarsus is divided into five smaller joints, the last terminating in two claws. The abdomen contains the viscera, and the organs of reproduction, surrounded, externally, by several pairs of sheath-like pieces in the male, which are in the female utnited into the ovipositor and its sheath-pieces. All these parts exist in a rudimentary state in the larva and pupa. Hymenoplera, (Bees, wasps, &c.) are known by their hard compact bodies, distinct head and thorax, the small narrow wings irregularly veined, and by the possession of a hard ovipositor, often forming a poisonous sting. Their transformations are the m6st complete of' all insects. The larva being most generally a white footless, helpless grub, partly curved, and rapidly tapering at each end. The pupa has the limbs free, contained in a thin silken cocoon. The species are all terrestrial. 19 116 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Lepidop!era, (Butterflies and moths,) have the mandibles obsolete, the maxillae greatly prolonged and rolled up between the labial palpi; and soft bodies covered with scales; and broad, regularly veined wings, also covered with dust-like scales. Their transfbrmations are complete. The active larvae assume a worm-like f'orm with several pairs (1-5) of fleshy false legs besides the thoracic ones; they spin silken cocoons before changing to pupae (chrysalids, nymphs,) with the exception of the butterflies.' The limbs of the chlrysalids are soldered together, and the abdomen is movable upon thel head and thorax. Some of the lower families are sorlewhat aquatic, feeding on water plants. Diptera, (flies) have the' mouth parts formed into a kind of proboscis; the second pair of wings are undeveloped, being reduced to a pair of pedicelled knobs serving as balancers or poisers. Their transtormations are complete, the larva being maggots or elongated worm-like embryos. The pupm often change within the skill of the larvm, which serves as a cocoon. The limbs are free. Many of the species are aquatic. Here we first find wingless parasites. Coleoplera, or beetles, are known by their hard bodies, free anid well developed mouth parts, and by the first pair of wings' being hardened into sheaths (elytra) for the protection of the second pair. Th6 larvm called grubs, often have a terminal prop-leg besides the thoracic or true jointed legs, and pass by a complete metamorphlosis' to the imago state. The pupa are often protected by a cocoon, and have their limbs free. Some of the species are aquatic. One family is parasitic but is winged. Hemiptera (bugs,) have the-.mouth parts formed into a sucking tube. The first pair are often thickened at the base and laid flat upon the abdomen, are thin, somewhat net veined, and inclined over the hind body. The transformatiofis are incomplete, as ill the orthoptera. The species are largely aquatic. Somle lower groups are tirue wingless parasites. Orthoplera (grasslloppers,) have free mouth parts, and the organs of nutrition very highly developed. The first pair of wil)gs are still partly hardened to protect the broad net-veined hind pair which fold up like a fan upon the abdomen. The translormalions are not complete, the larvm and pupe resembling closely the image, both being active. All the species are terrestrial. Neuroptera have the mouth parts free again, the wings large and net-veined, the hind pair being often larger than the primaries. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 147 Their bodies are more elongated than those of other insects. The metamorphosis is incomplete, the lavae and pupm closely resemble the imagines, and are both active, and with few exceptions they are all aquatic. The different species present strong analogies to all of the other suborders. The wingless lower genera present more analogies than other insects to the MIyriapods. Insects differ sexualIy in that the female generally has one abdominal ring less, and in being larger, fuller and duller colored than the males, while the males have often marked differences in the sclulpture and ornamentation. In collecting, whenever the two sexes are found united they should be pinned upon the same pin, the male being placed highest. When we take one sex alone, we may feel sure that the other is somewhere in the vicinity; perhaps while one is flying about so as to be easily captured, the other is hidden under some leaf, or resting on the trunk of some tree near by, when every bush must be vigorously beaten by the net. Many species rare in most places have a metropolis when they occur in great abundance. There are also insect years like apple years, when a species is more abundant than for three or four years succeeding. The collector should then lay up a store, against years of scarcity. In different seasons of the year insects are found in different stages; thus there are spring and fall insects, and summer species alone. Few insects hybernate'in the perfect state, the species is more often represented in winter by the egg, or larva, or pupa. At no time of the year need the entomologist rest from his labors. In the winter, under the bark of trees and in moss he can find many species, or on trees, &c. detect their eggs, which he can mark for spring observation when they hatch out. lIe need not relax his endeavors day or night. Mothing is night employment. Skunks and toads entomologize at night. the mriorning, at sunrise, when the dew is still on the leaves, insects are sluggish and easily taken with the hand; so at dusk when many species are found flying; and in the night, when many species fly that hide themselves by day, and many caterpillars leave their retreats to come oamt and feed, and the lantern call be used with success to draw them out, the collector will be rewarded with many rarities. There are species fiequenting gardens, lawns, fields and deep woods, and swamps and pools, that are not met with away firom 148 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. those localities. So there are insects frequenting mountains that are not found in the vallies below. More lepidoptera inhabit the summits of high mountains than beetles and other insects. In Maine there are found species which inhabit the sea coast alone, others that abound most on the sandy plains that run back from the sea to meet the hills of the interior, and some of the most productive places are those towns situated on the border of the low lands and hilly regions of the State. Other species are found only in the thick forests of the wild lands. Moreover it has been found that two assemblages of insects called faunae, people the surface of the State. The one called the Canadian fauna comprises a large mass of species that inhabit British North America, the Great Lakes, and the lakes and forests of northern Maine, including Eastport and the coast towards Mt. Desert. The other assemblage called the Alleghanian fauna, is that which covers the southern half of the State, besides NewEngland generally, (except the White Mountain region which belongs to the Canadian fauna,) and sweeps down the Alleghany range towards the southern States. The plants of the summit of Mount Katahdin belong to a more arctic region still than the Canadian flora; whether the insects partake of the subarctic character remains to be determined. HYMENOPTERA. In studying this suborder we must remember that every part of the body varies in form in the different genera, forming admirable and plain distinctions to characterize the genera. To the form of the head and its appendages, that of the thorax and its appendages, the wings in the venation of which we can perceive at a glance those characters which separate genera, and in the legs especially of the fossorial families, where there are found to be great differences, the student must look closely. The best specific characters lie in the sculpturing and color, but the spots and markings are apt to vary greatly. The great differences in the sexes are liable to mislead the student, and hence large collections are indispensible to their proper study.:The Hymenoptera are the most numerous in species of all the suborders except the Coleoptera. They have.been less studied in this country than almost any other suborder, though so deserving from their interesting habits. Especial attention should be paid to collecting the smaller species, and to the famnilies of the Chalcididae, the Cynipidae and the Crabronidae. SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 149 They should be pinned through the hard thorax, high up on the pin, and numbers should be preserved in alcohol. Their habits should be studied long and patiently, and attention be given to rear in the same way as given for Lepidoptera, the saw-flies, the gall-flies, &c. The Eurytomae can be found in wheat fields, &c., after harvest; the galls in autumn. Apidae, (honey bees, bumble bees, &c.) They are known from other families by their bodies being densely hirsute, the mouth parts lengthened and partially united to form a kind of proboscis that can be folded up out of sight under the head; and in their broad, flattened hirsute hind legs, adapted for collecting and carrying pollen, They are social, and the species often consists of males, or drones; females, or queens; and imperfect females, or workers, improperly called neuters, which are much smaller than the others. Apis mellfica is the honey bee, whose complex ceconomy and hives are well known. Siebold, a German physiologist, has ascertained that the queen and neuters are hatched from fertilized eggs, while the drones come from eggs that are unfertilized. There is one queen to a colony or swarm. The workers sometinmes lay eggs producing males, and there is a difference between them in other respects. The humble bees (Bombus) contain many species, which build hemispherical nests of moss under ground in pastures. The cells are large, oval and partially separate. There are from fifty to seventy in a swarm. The nests are built by the females, of which there are several in the spring which survive the winter; they then lay their eggs, which hatch out the workers late in the summer; soon after another brood of males and females alone, and in the fall, still later, a few more of both sexes appear. There are two kinds of females; the earlier born differing in size and producing male eggs only; so also there are two kinds of workers. The remaining species are solitary, and consist of males and females only. Xylocopa, the Carpenter-bee, has black wings; it forms a tube a foot long, in which it lays its eggs, arranged in successive layers in masses of pollen. Megachile, the Leaf-cutter, cuts circular pieces out of leaves, with which it makes a honey-tight cartridge-like cell, which it builds in holes excavated in trees and rotten wood. Osmia, the Mason-bee, is blueish, and has a circular abdomen. It constructs its nest of sand, large enough to hold three to eight cells, in crevices in fences. Other species burrow in the sunny 150 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. side of cliffs or sand banks, or in rotten trees; while others occupy dead snail shells. Coelioxys, with a sharp triangular abdormen, is parasitic, laying its eggs in the nests of Megachile, Osmia and other bees. Nomada is not hirsute, and in its slender form and gay c(ilors resembles wasps, It enters the nests of Andrena and feeds on its food, hence it is called the Cuckoo-bee. Andrera resembles very much the hive bee, though it is s"aller. The Andrenae " are all burrowers in the ground, some species preferring banks of light earth, others hard trodden pathways, &c.; their burrows differ in depth, but are seldom less than about six, whilst others excavate to nine or ten inches; at the bottom of each burrow is fobrmed a small oval cell or chamber, in which the industrious female lays up a small pellet of pollen mixed with honey; these little balls are usually about the size of a garden-pea, varying somewhat in size in diflerent species." Snmiih. IFaliclus is one of the smallest of the family. Angochlora embraces bees whose bodies are slightly hirsute, and of a rich shiny green. Mr. Fred. Smith, an English entomologist, says of the economy of this genus, that " it is so remrarkably different from that of all other solitary bees, except of those belonginlg to the genus kSphec'odes, that I am surprised it had escaped the researches of' my predecessors, who, like myself,' have loved to hear the wild bees' hum.' It will be observed that the females of Halictus and Sphecodes make their appearance in June, and are to be found from that time until late in autumn; but no males of these genera will be observed until long after the appearance of the females: my observationis on a colony of H. morio will serve as the history of the whole genus, making allowance for the d'ifierent periods of their appearance.' Early in April the females appeared, and continued in numbers up to the end of June; not a single male was to be found at any time; during the month of July scarcely an individual was to be found; a solitary female now and then mright be seen, but.the spring bees had almost disappeared; about the middle of August the males began to come forth, and by the end of the month abounded; the females succeeded the males in their appearance about ten or twelve days: these industrious creatures began the tasks assigned to them, burrowing and forming their nests; one of their little tunnels had usually others running into it, so ttlat a single common entrance SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 151 served as a passage to several cells, in each of which a little ball of pollen was formed, and a single egg deposited thereon; the larvae were usually ten or twelve days consuming it, bly which time they were fully fed; in this state they lay until they clhiinged to the pupa-state, when they very shortly became matured.' I have reared individuals of H. rubicaU dus from the egg( to the perfect insect; on the 15th of July I procured cells containing the pollen balls, with an egg on each; in twelve days the larvae were full-fed; the change to the pupa-state took place about the 25th of August, and during the first week of' September the perfect state was acquired. The history of' Haletus, therefore, is as fbllows: the males and females appear in the autumn; the latter beiixg impregnated, pass the winter in the perfect state, appearing during the following season to perform their economy, as detailed above in the case of H. morio." All these females of solitary species are found in spring on the blossoms of firuit trees, of wild cherries and about flowers. Vespidae, (wasps, yellow-jackets.) The hornet is the crabro of' Europe. The group is characterized by the folding of the wings, longitudinally. Vespa lives in colonies of three kinds of individuals, constructing complex nests either under ground or attached to the branches of trees, consisting of' several galleries of hexagonal cells, with their mouths downward, connected and supported by pedicels, and surrounded by an outer papery envelop. The females which have survived the winter begin in the spring to form their small nests, consisting of a single tier of a few cells, in which they lay their eggs and feed the young workers. The niales and females do not appear until autumn. Reaumur has observed that there are two sizes among the males.' Notwithstanding the powerful sting of the wasp, it is liable to the attacks of other insects. Rhipiphorus paradoxus and the larva of a Volucella infests its nests, de\ ouring the larva; as does also Aonomalon vesparum, and another species of Ichneumon. Dr. Leach also mentions that wasps are much infested by Lebia linearis. I have also observed.a spider sucking a wasp, which it had killed." -Westwood. Wasps should, if possible, be collected by the whole colony, when the individual variation of the three kinds of individuals-the males, females and workers-can be studied. For this purpose visit the nests by night, plug up the hole with a sponge saturated 152 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. with ether or chloroform, and the inhabitants can thus be stifled. Or stand by the nest and net the insects as they go to or from the hole. Little or nothing is known about these interesting insects in this country, and persons who will spend the time can find out much that is new to their history. The following genera have no workers: The common brown Polistes builds an exposed nest, consisting of few or many cells arranged in one tier, and attached to leaves and twigs by a short pedicel. The solitary wasps, Odynerus and Eumenes, build nests of sand glued together and hidden in cavities, hollow branches, &c., and they store them with great numbers of caterpillars, flies, larvae of beetles, and spiders. Thus it seems that the larvae of the social wasps are daily fed with sweets by the workers, while those of the solitary species, which have no workers, have a store of insectfood laid up for -them by the female. The following families are truly fossorial sand-diggers, making their holes in sunny paths, &c., of which the ants are the most familiar examples. Their ovipositor is adapted for stinging, and by the poison conveyed into the wound, for benumbing their victims, which live for a long time half alive, for the larvae to feed upon. "Although there is much general similarity in the habits of the truly fossorial species, there is considerable diversity in the details of their proceedings: thus, whilst Oxybelus conveys its prey by means of its hind legs, Pompilus and Ammophila walk backwards, dragging it with their mandibles.' Astata, Tachytes, Psen, Crabro, Mellinus and Cerceris fly bodily and directly forward with it in their mandibles, assisted by their forelegs.' Shuckard. From my own observations each species appears ordinarily to confine itself to its own particular prey. Instances are on record, however, in which considerable diversity in the prey of the same species has been observed; this probably arose from the female not being able to discover her legitimate prey; thus Serville and Saint Fargeau state that Bernbex rostrata indifferently collects the species of Eristalis, Stratiomys, and the larger Muscidae; but it may be regarded as the ordinary rule that each species confines itself to its peculiar prey: thus, numbers of the same species of fly or larva are found in the same cell, although this must sometimes be a matter of difficulty." * * * "The prey is moreover very various, comprising insects of nearly every order; the Coleoptera, Hem SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 153 iptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and spiders, contributing to the support of this tribe; and insects in the larva, pupa and imago state are employed for this purpose. The number of individuals enclosed in each cell varies according to the size of the species, and of the progeny for whose support it is buried: thus, whilst Ammophila sabulosa buries a single lepidopterous larva, as many as fifty or sixty Aphides are shut up in a single cell by other species." Westwood. Crabronidae, sand-wasps. It is this family that many of the Syrphus-flies resemble so closely. They have cuboidal heads, a somewhat flattened, spherical thorax, and a flattened abdomen, rarely pedicelled. The fore legs are broad, adapted for digging, and they often have a broad, banner-like expansion, to use perhaps as a shovel, while the hind and middle legs are spined for retaining the prey the sand-wasp carries off. The insects are of moderate size; they are found resting on leaves in the sunshine. They occur generally rarely, and little is known of the extent or habits of the family in this country. Crabro (Fig. 5) has slender legs, and digs into rotten posts, fences, stumps, where it FIG. 5. makes its nest, provisioning it with cate,pillars, flies, &c. Gorytes has been seen protruding her sting into the frothy secre- tion of Tettigoniae on grass, and carrying off the insect. Oxybelus is a small, stout black genus, " its prey consists of Diptera, which it has a peculiar mode of carrying by the hind legs the while it either opens the aperture of its burrow or else forms a new one with its anterior pair. Its flight is low, and in skips; it is very active." Trypoxylon has a long, club-shaped abdomen, and is black throughout. " Mr. Johnson has detected it frequenting the holes of a post pre-occupied by a species of Odynerus, and into which it conveyed a small-round ball, or pellet, containing about fifty individuals of a species of Aphis; this the Odynerus, upon her return, invariably turned out, flying out with it, held by her legs, to the distance of about a foot from the aperture of her cell, where she hovered a moment, and then let it fall; and this was constantly the case till the Trypoxylon had sufficient time to mortar up the orifice of the hole, and the Odynerus was then entirely excluded; for although she would return to the spot repeatedly, she never endeavored to force the entrance, but flew off to seek another hole elsewhere." 20 154 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Shuckard. C'erceris has a long abdomen, with convex rings. It is gaily marked with golden yellow. It has not been known to use its sting upon its captors. It lays up stores of young grasshoppers arid Curculion:dae. "Philanthus burrows in hot sandy situations, arid provisions its nests with hive-bees; a single individual of which, after being stung, is deposited with an egg; and as each deposits five or six eggs, the number of bees destroyed must be at least equal to that, if not more considerable, which is most probable; aind Latreille counted as many as fifty or sixty females occupied in making their burrows in a space of ground one hundred and twenlty feet long." Westwood. This is a most difficult family to study. The two sexes differ greatly, and are apt to be mistaken for distinct species, and the collector is fortunate if he comes upon a " metropolis " of a species. In limiting the species, more value must be placed upon the size and sculpture than the coloration, which varies greatly. Larridae. This is rather a small group, having a sessile conical flattered abdomen, and with the legs of the females very hirsute. They are generally dark in color. They are caught about sandbanks. Larra provisioas its nests with the caterpillars of small moths. Bembecidae. We have but two genera, Bembex and Mlonedlla, which have large heads and flattened bodies, bearing a strong resenmblance to syrphus flies from their similar'coloration. The labrum is very large and long, triangular, like a beak. The species are very active, flying rapidly about flowers with a loud hum. " The female Bembex burrows in sand to a considerable depth, lburying various species of Diptera (Syrphidae, Muscidae, &c.,) and depositing her eggs at the same time in company with them, upon which the larvae, when hatched, subsist. When a sufficient store has been collected, the parent closes the mouth of the cell with earth." "An anonymous correspondent in the Ent. Mag. states that B. rostrata constructs its nests in the soft light seasands in the Ionian Islands, and appears to catch its prey (consisting of such flies as frequent the sand; amongst others, a bottlegreen fly,) whilst on the wing. Ie describes the mode in which the female, with astonishing swiftness, scratches its hole with its fore legs like a dog. Bemnbex starsata, according to Latreille, provisions its nests with Bombylii." Westwood. Sphegidce. The mud-wasps are known by their long antenna, long hind legs and pedicelled abdomen. They are of large size, and SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 155 are colored black and red, brown and red, or wholly blue -or black. They are very active, restless in their movements, and have a po(werful sting. Ammophila is long, slenlder, with a long, pedicelled abdomen, the tip of which is red, and flies and runs onil SUiy paths and about pumps. " The species inhabit sandy districts, in which A. sabulosa forms its burrow, using its jaws in burrowing; and when they are loaded, it ascends backwards to the moutlh, turns quickly round, flies to about a foot's distance, gives a sudden turn, throwing the sand in a complete shower to about six inche's distance, and again alights at the mouth of its burrow. "Latreille states that this species provisions its cells with caterpillars, but Mr. Sh -uckard states that he has observed the fenlale dru:~ggirng a very large inflated spider ulp the nearly perpendicular side of a sand-bltik, at least twenty feet high, and that whilst burrowinlg it makes a loud whirring buzz; arid in the Trants. Ent. *pc. he states' that he had detected both A. sabulosa and hirsuta dragging along large spiders. Mr. Curtis observed it bury the caterpiilars of a Noctua and Geometra. St. Fargeau, however, states that A. sabulosa collects caterpillars of large size, especially those of Noctuae, with a surprising perseverance, whereas A. arenaria, form'ing a distinct section in the gerus, collects spiders." Westwood. Pelopaeus, which is the true mud-wasp, builds in length a row of parallel adjoining cells an inch or more long, and enveloped in an outer case of' mud or clay, in the corners of rooms, on rafters, &c., enclosing in each cell some insect. Pelopaeus coeruleus is our common shiny blue " sand-dauber." Pompilus has a short pedicel to its abdomen, and very long bind legs. They run very swiftly in grass and over sandy places, looking like winged black spiders, on which they prey..Scoliidae. This group has long, rather narrow hirsute bodies, with short, spiny fossori'al legs, sessile abdomen, with two prominent terminal spitnes in the males, and of'ten lunate eyes. They are black, often with bright yellow spots along the sides of the hind body. The genus Scolia is very large, often two inches long, marked with yellow. It is found in the hottest places about strongly scented flowers. It makes deep burrows in sand-tbanks, provisioning its cells with grasshoppers, &c. Other species are sluggish, crowding on stems of grass. Sapyga, known by its unusually narrow body and long, club-shaped antenna, is said to be parasitic on bees of the genus Osmia, in whose nests it lays its eggs. Muatillidae. This interesting family is characterized by the females 156 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. being wingless, by the want of the three ocelli on the top of the head that other hymenoptera possess, while the form of the body resembles the Scoliidae, though more hirsute. They are deep red and black, and are solitary in their habits. They belong more to the Southern and Middle States,-one species only being found in Massachusetts. The females run in hot places, and hide themselves quickly when disturbe.d, while the males frequent flowers. They take flies by surprising them. The sting of Mutilla coccinea in this country is said to be very powerful. This family, in its wingless females and structural features generally, leads to the ants, where we have three kinds of individuals, as has been noticed in the bees, but diffiering in the workers being wingless. Fornzicidce. Ants have a triangular head, round eyes, long elbowed antenna- and slender legs. Some species have a sting lil~ the other fossorial families. The males are much smaller than the females, and the wingless workers are a little smaller than the males. The mandibles in those species that do not themselves labor, but enslave the workers of other species, are slender and smooth, though they are generally stout and toothed. As ill the bees, there have been found in some species two sets of workers, (a few being of larger size than usual, with very large heads,) which are said to make honey in cells, like worker-bees. The habits of our ants in America have not been recorded, The little yellow ant that digs its holes in paths; the pismires that excavate their galleries in stumps; the ferocious red and brown species that raises its hills of sand in woods, or of clay in clayey places, and the large Pennsylvania ant. nearly an inch long, whose colonies we find under boards, &c., are but little known. In collecting them they should be caught when swarming, that is when the winged sexes come out of their holes and fill the air in countless hosts. The little yellow ants swarm thus in the second week of September on a hot day'that we generally have at that time. Hundreds of them should be pinned, or better, thrown into alcohol, keeping the colonies separate. So also their eggs, with the larvm and pupae, should be taken in large numbers. Unlike the bees, ants are represented in winter by the workers alone, the winged sexes only appearing in the summer. After.swarming, the females lay their minute eggs, and Gould, an English observer, says that those destined to hatch the future females, males, and workers, are deposited at three different periods. The larvae are like those of hymenoptera in general, being footless grubs,, SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 157 short, thick and white. How the larva are fed and the pupa are cared for by the neuters, and the habits of ants generally, are found in all the books. Sometirnes the pupam are naked, but generally they are enclosed in thin cocoons. Chrysidce. These insects are very different from the ants in their oblong compact form, their nearly sessile oblong abdomen, having only three to five rings visible, the remnaining ones being drawn within, forming a long, large jointed sting-like ovipositor which can be thrust out like a telescope. The abdomen beneath is concave, and the insect can roll itself into a ball on being disturbed. They are green or black. The sting has no poison-bag, and in this respect, besides more fundamental characters, the Chrysis approaches the Ichneurhon family. They best merit the name of " Cuckoo-flies," as they fly and run briskly in hot sun-shine, on posts and trees, &c., darting their ovipositor into holes in search of other hymenoptera, &c. in which to lay their eggs. Their larvae are the first to hatch and devour the food stored up by other fossorial bees and wasps. "St. Fargeau, however, who has more carefully examined the economy of these inseats, states that the eggs of the Chrysis does not hatch until the legitimate inhabitant has attained the greater part of its growth as a larva, when the larva of the Chrysis fastens on its back, sucks it, and in a very short time attains its full size, destroying its victim. It does not form a cocoon, but remains a long time in the pupa state." " In the Ent. Mag. has been noticed the discovery of Hedychrtmz bidentulutm, which appears to be parasitic upon Psenz caliginosuts; the latter insect had fo)rmed its cells in the straws of a thatched arbor, as many as ten or twelve cells being placed in some of the straws. Some of the straws, perhaps about one in ten, contained one or rarely two, of the Iledychrum, placed indiscriminately amongst the others. WValkenaer, in his Memoirs upon, informs us that Iledychrum lucidulum waits at the mouth of the burrows of these bees, in order to deposit its eggs therein; and that when its design is perceived by the bees, they congregate together and drive it away. " St. Fargeau states that the females of IIedychrum sometimes deposit their eggs in galls, while HI. regium oviposits in the nest of.Megachile muraria; and he mentions an instance in which the bee, returning to its nearly finished cell, laden with pollen paste, found the Iledychrum in its nest, which it attacked with its jaws; the parasite immediately, however, rolled itself into a ball, so that the Megachile was unable to hurt it; it 158 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. however bit off its four wings which were exposed, rolled it to the grolin(l and then deposited its lotcl in. the cell and flew away, whereupol,'the Iledychrum, now beilng wingless, had the perseveritig. inlstinct to crawl up the wall to the nest, and( there quietly deposit its egg which it platced between the pollen paste ltid the wall of the cell which prevented the MegaLchile from seeilg it."Weswl'vood. PrJoctotfrupide, E.qg-parasites. In this flamily are placed very minute species of parasitic Ichnleunlol-like hymenopters which have ratllher long and slentder bodies, with antennae of va.rious lengtlhs, often haired on the j,,ints, while the wings are covered with mininute hairs and most of the nervures are absent. Here the ovipositor has its true function, and its puncture conveys no p;uin; this nmay be said of the remaining famnilies of the hynmenoptera. These mnfinute insects which can scarcely be distinguished by the nakeil eye unless specially trained, are black or brown, and(] very active ill their habits. They may be swept off grass and herbage, fron aqulatic plants, or fiom hot sand banks. They prey on'the wlheat-flies by inserting their eggs in their larvm, in gall-nidglres, and gall-cynips, and inl fungus-eating flies, in wl-lich pl::ces they should be sought. In Europe species oF.Teleas lay their eggs in those of other insects, especially butterflies and moths and heimipters where they feed on the juices of the growing larv, and pupa withi.n the egg, conmiug out as perfeet Ichneurmon s. ".ui[.wytar ovulorumn oviposits in the eggs of other insects from whichl tlhe tiny parasite emerges only int the perfect state, a sin)gle butterfly's egg ofteln nourishing the transformation of many iiidividuA!s." A species of Platqygas'er, a short broad genus, lays its eggs in those of tile Canker-worm mnoth just after their deposition. It is one twenty-fifth of an inch lon}g. Another species itfests the eggs -of the HIessian fly. Cerctphron (lestruelor, which is a larvapar;site. of the HIessian fly, is a tentht of an inch long. WeT munst have many species of these insects in thlis country. They occur in great numbers where they are foutld at all. They are almost too smlall to pin, anl it' transfixed would be unfit for study, and sho)uld therefore be put into homeopathic vials of alcohol. Cha,lcididce. This is also a group of great extent, and like the preceedirig, the, species are of small size; but they are of shiny colors, as the name implies, being often bronzen, or metallic. Tlhey have also elbowed antennm, and the wings are often deficient in nervures. In some genera, including Chalcis the hind thighs are SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 159 thickened for leaping. The differences between the sexes, generally very marked in hymenloptera,are here especially so. Thle male of Eurytomna has the joints of the antennam swelled and furnished with long hairs above. Some of the species, such as those of Pleromialus, are.wingless, and closely resemble ants.. They infest eggs and larvae. Some species prey upon the Aplhides, others lay their eggs in the nests of wasps anrd bees. OnJe species is known in Europe to consume the intestines of the c,,ommon hIouse Fly. Others consume, the larvan of the IIessian fly, and those Cecidomyjca3 that produce galls, and also the true gall flies (Cynips.) Some are parasites on other Ichneurnon parasites, as there are species preying on the genus Aphidius, which is a parasite on the Aphis. So also in Illinois a species of' Hockeria and of Glyphe are parasitic on a MJicrogasler, which preys upon the Army worm; and Chalcis albi fions, Walsh, was bred from the cocoons of Pezomachus, an Ichneumon parasite of the same caterpillar. The genus Leucospis is of large size and known by having the ovipositor laid upon the upper surface of the abdomen, and by its resemblance to wasps. Earyloma hordei (fig. 6,) is founlld in galllike swellings of wheat stalks. The pupae of FIG. 6. this futmily have often the limbs and wings -".. sollered together as in lepidooplera, and the -...... larvia seldom spin a silken compact cocoon as.\ in the succeeding family. We have probab y in this country a thousand species of these small parasites, nearly twelve hundred having been named and described in Eigland alone. They are generally large enough to be pinned or stuck upon cards; some inldividuals should be preserved in this way, others, as wet specimens. [CIlo'eumoidce. The Ichneumon-fly (Fig. 7,) represents the most extensive family of the suborder as re- FIG. 7. gards lurnubers. They are long and nar- ~' r)ow bodied, with long and straight an- v tennrl; the ovipositor is generally long and protected by two sheath-pieces of Sphinx-like attitude. Ceratomnia quadricornis has a larva with four short fleshy horns on its thorax. It feeds on the elm. By thrusting a pin dipped into oxalic acid into the body of the moths they can be quickly killed, as also by the fumes of benzine. The larva are found crawl 168 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. ing about in September. They descend into the ground and make a rough earthern cocoon before pupating. The chrysalis has the tongue case detached. Smerinthus has notched wings, and the secondaries are ocellated. The larvae have triangular heads. S. geminatus feeds on the apple. Deilephilca feeds on the Willow herb. AEgeriadae. These are small species whose larvae are borers. The moths have delicate transparent wings and slender bodies, elegant and gaily colored.,Egeria cucuzrbitae feeds upon the squash.,E. exitiosa bores in peach trees. These two species have the sexes very distinct. The species bear a close resemblance to some hymenoptera. Trochilium tipultforme is a slender blue species. It bores in the stems of the current, and by splitting the stems open in the fall and spring, we shall find the larvae. Towards the last of May they turn to pupae. In the middle of July they appear, often abundantly, flying with great rapidity about the leaves, like certain hymenopters. They are easily caught with the net. The species are rarely met with. Zygaenidae. The members of this family which contains but a few New England species, fly in the middle of warm sunny days. They are generally blue, with pectinated or nearly simple antennae, slender bodies, and rather narrow wings, and they are covered with fine powdery scales. Procris americana is a slender bodied species, of a deep blue color, and saffron-yellow collar, and spreading anal tuft, which feeds on the vine or common woodbine (Ampelopsis.) Its larva is short and thick, yellow, with tufts of short black hairs across the rings. Those caterpillars of genera which approach more to the Lithosians have the body more elongated, and thickly covered with whorls of thick set hairs. Ctenucha latreillana has a yellow larva of this description, which is found early in summer feeding on grass. In June it makes a thin cocoon of hairs, and in the last of July appears in fields, flying in the hot sun. It is our largest species, of a dark blue color, and with well pectinated antennae. Glaucopis Pholus is a smaller species, with serrated antennae, and the base of the wings are yellow. It feeds as a larva on lichens, and flies about stone walls. Bombyces. Spinners. This handsome family comprises species of the largest and most regal moths. Their thick heavy bodies and small sunken heads, and often obsolete mouth parts, pectinated antennae, broad wings, and sluggish habits, notwithstanding SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 169 the numerous exceptions, afford good characters for distinguishing them. Likewise the thick hairy larvae, which spin silken thick cocoons, and change to short thick pupae, separate this family. There are several well marked minor groups, of which the Lithosians, with their slender bodies and wings, simple antennae, and slender verticillated larvae, head the group. They are also day fliers. Most of the group have narrow wings, such as Deiopeia bella which has bands of white enclosing dark spots on the fore wings, and scarlet hind wings, edged without irregularly with black. The species of Crocota of uniform pale red, look like Geometrids, and lNudaria has broad, nearly transparent wings, with square thinner spots. The Arcgians have thick bodies, and simple or feathered antennae. Their larvae have whorls of long spinulose hairs, as in the " yellow bears," the young of A. isabella, the buff brown species, which is yellow and black, and curls up and lies on its side when disturbed. The common yellow caterpillar is the young of Spilosoma virginica, a white species found in gardens, in August. S. acraea has a partly buff body, its larva is the Salt Marsh Caterpillar. Halesidota has a short thick larva, with raised middle tufts. The moths are yellowish with cross bands of spots, often partially transparent. They lead to the Dasychirae or tussock caterpillars, which have long pencils of hairs projecting before and behind the body. The pretty larva of Orgyia is variously tufted and colored, and feeds on garden vegetables. The moths fly in the sunshine in September, and resemble Geometrids. The thick and wooly bodied, pale yello'W crinkled-haired genus Lagoa, leads to the Cochlidice, a most interesting and anomalous group, when we consider the sluglike, footless larvae, which are either hemispherical, boat-shaped, or oblong with large fleshy spines. The moths are small, thick bodied, and with antennae pectinated two thirds of their length, or they are slender bodied with simple feelers, and resemble closely some of the Tortrices. They are very difficult to raise, as they generally die in confinement. The ANotodontians have larva singularly humped, with naked or slightly hairy bodies, having the last pair of prop-legs often prolonged and not often used in locomotion, being when at rest elevated over the back. The moths resemble very closely Noctzce. They may be distinguished by their small, sunken heads, feathered antennm, and often by the tufted inner margin of the primaries. 22 170 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. The Platypterycidce have broad falcated wings, closely resembling the Geometrids, and the larvma have the last pair of prop-legs united and greatly prolonged. The Bomycidae include the Bombyx mori or the silk-worm. The Atticidae are the central group of the family. The very large, eyed wings and broad doubly pectinated antennae of this kingly assemblage of moths, and the large, thick, fleshy larvae with angulated wings, surmounted by scattered tubercles, giving rise to a few short hairs, are represented by Samia cecropia and promethea, which have the discal spots triangular; Tropaea Luna is the immense, tailed, green species, while Telea Polyphemus is brown and has large transparent eye-like discal spots. The Ceratocampadae, include Citheronia regalis and Eacles imperialis, which are of gigantic size, and the smaller Saturnia Maia and Hyperchiria lo, which have triangular subfalcate primaries. The larvae are cylindrical and armed with hair bearing tubercles; or, as in Dryocampa, they have smooth bodies, with a pair of slender horns just behind the head., The two species of Clisiocampa, of which Americana and its larva are here figured, (13 and 14,) represent another small group. The leaf caterpillars are most injurious to FIG. 13. orchards. The moths fly at light in July. The Hepialidae have long, narrow wings, with both pairs much alike. Their larvae live in the roots and stems of plants. The moths come to light in July and August, and are rare. Xyleutes robinice is FIG. 14. stout bodied, and bores in the locust tree. - - Noctuidae, (Owletmoths.) There is great uniformity in the genera of this family, which are characterized by their thick bodies, stout and well developed palpi, simple and sometimes slightly pectinated antennae. The wings are small and narrow; they fly swiftly at night, and are attracted by light. The primaries have almost invariably a dot and reniform spot on the middle of the wing, and they are generally dark and dull colored. The larvae taper towards each end, and are striped and barred in different ways. They make thin, earthen cocoons. The Acronyctae are light gray species, with haired larvae, and approach the Bombyces closely. The Leucaniae are whitish yellow, with naked larvae, such as the Army SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 1. worm. The Agrotes or Dart moths have broad tips to the palpi, their antennae pectinated, and the spaces between the dot and reniform spots dark and conspicuous. The larvae are the noxious cuts worms. They lead to the Mamestrae, which usually have a W in the middle of the outer line of the primaries; they have rather broad wings, and are of large size. The larvae are long, cylindrical and naked. Gortyna, the spindle-worm and its allies, have somewhat falcated wings. The Acontians are small, slender bodied, often white species, which fly in the day time about flowers. Xylina and (ucullia are large dart moths, with tufted fronts. Plusia is marked with silver spots. The previous groups of genera have stout, blunt palpi, and narrow wings; but the Catocalae have broad wings, filiform antennae, and long, slender palpi, which reach often beyond the top of the head. Moreover, the larvae are elongated, and have fourteen legs, and a semi-looping gait, approaching closely to Geometrids. Catocala is very large, with gray fore wings, and beautifully scarlet, vermillion, or black striped secondaries. -Erebus odora is a gigantic species, dark as night and faintly banded. Homoptera lunata and allies are similar but much smaller broad winged Noctuae. Noctuae can be taken at dusk flying about flowers, and they enter open windows in the evening and night in large numbers, attracted by the light within. When lighted on the table under the lamp a slight tap with a ruler will kill them without injuring the specimens. In warm, foggy evenings they come in in great numbers. July and August are the best months for this family, but many species occur only in autumn, while others hybernate and are taken early in the spring. "Moths are extremely susceptible of any keenness in the air; a north or east wind is very likely to keep them from venturing abroad. Different species have different hours of flight. Thus, on a mild and dark November evening Pcecilocampa populi will occupy from seven to ten o'clock, after which it will make way for Petasia cassinea, which will fly till one or two o'clock in the morning. I have, for experiment's sake, sat up in the summer till three o'clock, when the whole heavens were bright with the rising sun, and moths of various kinds have never ceased arriving in succession till that time. Some of these must come from a considerable distance: Scotophila porphyrea, being a heath-moth, must come nearly a mile." Bird. "In April the willows come into bloom. In the day time they 172 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. are very attractive to bees, Bombi, Andraence, &c., and a few beetles also. At and after dusk the flowers are the resort of several species of moths, (Noctuina,) some of which have hybernated, and others have just left their pupa state. It is now some fifteen years since the collectors first took moths in this way, that were likely long to have remained deficient in the collections but for the discovery, by Mr. H. Doubleday, of the attractive powers of the sallow blossoms. I believe it was the same gentleman who found out about the same time that a mixture of sugar and beer, [or rum and sugar or molasses, &c.,] mixed to a consistence somewhat thinner than treacle, is a most attractive bait to all the Noctuina. The revolution wrought in our collections, and our knowledge of species since its use, is wonderful." "The mixture is taken to the woods, put upon the trunks of trees in patches or stripes, just at dusk. Before it is dark some moths arrive, and a succession of comers continues all night through, until the first dawn of day warns the revellers to depart. The collector goes, soon after dark, with a bull's-eye lantern, a ring net, and a lot of large pill-boxes. He turns his light full on the wetted place, at the same time placing his net underneath it, in order to catch any moth that may fall. " The sugar bait may be used from March to October with success, not only in woods, but in lanes, gardens, and whenever a tree or post can be found to put it upon. The best nights will be those that are warm, dark and wet; cold, moonlight, or bright, clear and dry nights are always found to be unproductive. It is also of no avail to use sugar in the vicinity of attractive flowers, such as those of willow, lime or ivy. Sometimes one of the Geometrina or Tineina comes, and occasionally a good beetle." The Virgins' Bower, when in blossom, is a favorite resort of Noctuae. Many can be taken by carrying a kerosene lamp into the woods and watching for whatever is attracted by its light. Geortetridce. (Geometers, Measuring-worms, Span-worms.)This is a large group of slender-bodied, broad winged moths, with feathered antennae, which at rest have the wings nearly expanding, hardly overlapping each other. The larvae have but ten legs, walking with a looping gait. At rest they often hold themselves out straight and stiff by the muscles of the anal prolegs. Ennomos and allies have stout, rather wooly bodies, and angulated wings. They are generally yellow, dusted with ochreons, and the larvae SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 173 are large, tuberculated, and spin rather thick cocoons among leaves. Boarmia has wings crossed by numerous bands of dark irregular dots. The Macarice have falcated primaries, and are of smaller size than the foregoing groups.. The allies of Abraxas have wings rounded at the apex. A species that is pale buff with smoky spots, inhabits the currant, whose larva is golden yellow with white and dark spots. Some genera have wingless females; such as llybernia which appears in October, and whose wingless female is ornamented with a double row of square FiG. 15. FIG. 16. black spots along the back; and the canker-worm (Anisopteryx vernata Fig. 15, larva, Fig. a /: 2 16, moth,)which is rarely found ~ now in Maine, but will probably i; be abundant before many years. Acidalia is a very delicate slender bodied genus, of large extent, whose wings are banded much as in the Boarmie. The genus Geometra. which is large and green, we do not have here; but some smaller species belonging to the genus bacheospila, whose abdomens are scarlet spotted above are frequent. The smallest speeies are found in the Eupithicice, which have long triangular wings. Nearly all the species can be taken in June and in July, in damp shady woods, or in open fields. Larentia and Cidaria come at light with Noctuids in July and August. Pyralidce. (Delta moths.) The species have the habit of placing the wings in the form of a triangle, when at rest, since they do not overlap each other. Their bodies are slender, the antenna nearly always simple, while the palpi are greatly enlarged, so as sometimes to be thrown back over the head. Hypena and its allies are of large size; the fore legs are frequently curiously tufted. They are found in company with Geometrids. Hydrocampa, as a larva feeds on aquatic plants, constructing a case like the Phryganeids, whieh it carries about with it. Pyrausta is generally red, striped with dark. Botys (Fig'. 17,) is of a pale straw FIG. 17. color with transparent spots, and long slender body and legs. Aglossa is found about houses, and feeds on 0 fatty substances. Some of the larvae are halfloopers, while those of the smaller species are naked, or with a few scattered hairs, slender and cylindrical. The smaller species are nearly all taken in damp places, in meadows, 174 ~ BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. grass lanes, or by rivers and pools in summer. Some of the species are day fliers. Tortricidue. (Leaf-rollers.) These are small, broad-winged moths, which at rest fold their wings, roof-like, over their bodies, FIG. 18. in the form of a triangle, (as in Fig. 18.) They are abundant in June and July, in low bushes, herbage, or on leaves of trees, where they can be swept by the net. The larvae are rather thick greenish caterpillars, which roll up leaves; their work can thus be easily detected. When disturbed they wriggle out of the other end of their domicile, and let themselves down by a silken thread. Others feed on buds and flowers, such as Loxotcenia; while another tortrix Carpocapsa pomonella, the " Codling moth," lays its eggs in the plumage of the young apple, and in the fall is found as a white fleshy grub in the core. lineidc. These are the smallest of moths, and are known not only by their minute size, but by their narrow wings, often falcate, or pointed acutely in both pairs, and edged with a long fringe of exceeding delicacy. The maxillary palpi are greatly developed, while the labial palpi are of their usual size, and are sometimes recurved as in the Pyralidae. Crambus and its allies have long palpi and oblong wings, generally white and buff yellow, sometimes ornamented with golden spots. They fly in grass in great abundance, resting on the spears with their heads down. To this group belongs the Bee moth, ( Galleria cereana) which as a larva eats wax. There are two broods in a season. Hyponomeuta has long maxillary -palpi, and very long antennae, closely resembling some of the smaller Phryganids. The Tineids, generally, are moths of rare beauty. The family is one of great extent, and the species are very destructive to vegetation, and have innumerable modes of attack. Thus, Tinea vestianella, the clothes-moth, and allied species, construct a case of the fibers they eat, and bear it about for their protection. In June the moth appears and lays its eggs. Tinea granella make a silken web of the grains they devour. Another species, FIG. 19. still more destructive in granaries is the'Angoumois moth, (Anacampsis cerealella, Fig. 19,) which secretes itself within the grain, devouring the mealy substance. Aluctae.'This is a family comprising a few species whose wings are divided into numerous delicately SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 175 fringed branches. They are found in July and August, in herbage. Pterophorus marginidactylus is a common species, and flies in at light in July and August. For collecting and preserving these minute and delicate moths, which are called by collectors, micro-lepidoptera, especial instructions are necessary. When the moth is taken in the net, it can be blown by the breath into the bottom. " Then by elevating the hand through the ring, or on a level with it, a common cupping glass of about two inches in diameter, or a wine glass carried in the pocket, is placed on the top of the left hand over the constricted portion, the grasp relaxed, and the insect permitted to escape through the opening into its interior. The glass is then closed below by the left hand on theoutside of the net, and may be transferred to the top of the collecting box, when it can be quieted by chloroform." Clemens. Or the moth may be collected in pill boxes, and then carried home and opened into a larger box filled with the fumes of ether or benzine. In pinching any moths on the thorax, the form of that region is invariably distorted, and many of the scales removed. In searching for " Micros" we must look carefully on the lee side of trees, fences, hedges, and undulations in the ground, for they avoid the wind. In seeking for the larvae we must remember that most of them are leaf miners, and their burrows are detected by the waved brown withered lines on the surface of leaves and their "frass"' or excrement thrown out at one end. Some are found between united leaves, of which the upper is curved. Others construct portable cases which they draw about the trunks of trees, fences, &c. Others burrow in the stems of grass, or in fungi, toadstools, in the pith of currant or raspberry bushes. Most are solitary, a few gregarious. A bush stripped of leaves and covered with webs, if not done by Clisiocampa, (the American Tent Caterpillar,) will witness the work of a Tineid. Buds of unfolded herbs suffer from their attacks, such as the heads of composite flowers which are drawn together and consumed by their larem. After some practice in rearing larva- it will be found easier and more profitable to search for the leaf miners, and rear the perfect fresh and uninjured moths from them. -In this way many species never found in the perfect state can be secured. In raising micro larvae it is essential that the leaf in which they they mine be preserved fresh for a long time. Thus a glass jar, 176 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. tumbler or jam-pot, the top of which has been ground to receive an air-tight glass cover, the bottom of which has been covered with moist white sand, will keep a leaf fresh for a week, and thus a larva in the summer will have to be fed but two or three times before it changes; and the moth can be seen through the glass without taking off the cover. Or a glass cylinder can be placed over a plant placed'in wet sand, having the top covered with gauze. The pupae easily dry up; they should be kept moist, in tubes of glass closed at either end, through which the moth can be seen when disclosed. Instead of benzine, powdered and crushed laurel or kalmia leaves, which contain prussic acid, is often used instead of ether, chloroform or benzine. How to set micro-lepidoptera: " If the insect is very small I hold it by its legs between the thumb and finger of the left hand, whilst I pierce it with the pin held between the thumb and finger of the right hand; if the insect is not very small I use a rough surface, as a piece of blotting-paper, or piece of cloth, for it to lie upon and prevent its slipping about, and then cautiously insert the point of the pin in the middle of the thorax, as nearly as possible in a vertical direction. As soon as the pin is fairly through the insect, remove it to a piece of soft cork, and by pressing it in, push the insect as far up the pin as is required. "For setting the insects I find nothing answers as well as a piece of soft cork, papered with smooth paper, and with grooves cut to admit the bodies. The wings are placed in the required position by the setting needle, and are then retained in their places by a wedge-shaped thin paper brace, placed over them till a square brace of smooth card-board is placed over the ends of the wings." Stainton. Pieces of plate glass are often used instead of cardbraces. Small slender insects pins No. 19 and 20, are made by Edleston & Williams, Crown Court, Cheapside, London. DIPTERA. North American flies have been but little studied, though so interesting and numerous. The different parts of the body vary greatly, and often give easy characters for discrimination. Thus the parts of the head, the form and disposition of the nervures and the intespaces of the wings, give good generie and specific differences. Their habits are very variable. Fresh water aquaria, consisting of glass jars with a few vegetables to oxygenate the SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 177 water, are necessary for the maintenance of aquatic larvae. If quantities of swamp mud and moss with decaying matter is kept in boxes and jars, multitudes of small flies will be hatched out. Leaf mining species can be treated as micro-lepidoptera, and earth inhabiting larvae, like ordinary caterpillars. Dung, mould in hollow trees, stems of plants and toad stools contain numerous larvae or maggots, as the young of flies are called, which must be kept in damp boxes. Flies can be pinned alive, without killing them by pressure, which destroys their form; and numbers may be killed at once by moistening the bottom of the collecting box with creosote, benzine or ether. Minute species can be pinned with minute No. 19 or 20 pins, or pieces of fine silver wire, and stuck into pieces of pith, which can be placed high up on a large pin. In this way the specimen can be handled without danger of breaking. Small moths can be treated in this way. In pinning long legged, slender species, run a piece of card or paper up under their bodies upon which their legs may expand, and thus prevent their loss by breakage. Of these insects, as with all others, duplicates in all the stages of growth, should be preserved in alcohol, as the minute species often dry up unless put in homeopathic vials. Culicidce. Jlosquitoes, Gnats, have the mouth parts produced into a proboscis half as long as the insects themselves, which they can push into the skin. The females lay their eggs in a boatshaped mass, which floats on the surface of the water, and in the spring the larvae are seen in pools by thousands, jerking themselves up and down in the water, after protruding a star-like respiratory organ above the surface to obtain a supply of fresh air. The pupae are club-shaped, with very large heads, to which two respiratory feeler-like organs are -attached. There are several generations in a season. AX large four-spotted species, (Anopheles quadrimaculatus) is abundant very early in spring and late in the fall. There are several genera and species of this family. Tipulidoe. (Daddy-long-legs. Crane-flies.) The long palpi and antennae, slender body and very long legs of the members of this family, make them well known. The smaller species belong to the genus Chironomus, which is musquito-like, with feathered antennae, and abounds in swarms in early spring. Their larvae are worm-like, of a blood-red color, and are found in the bottom of ponds. 23 178 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Ceratopogon, like the musquito, is a blood-sucker, has the male antennae partially feathered, and the larvae live in mushrooms, or under the bark of decaying trees. Cecidomyia. Gall flies have slender bodies and verticillate antennme, their wings have few nervures, and are placed roof-like over the body. The female lays her eggs in the stalks of cereals, and of stems and leaves, which produce galls inhabited by maggots. The IHessian fly does not, however, produce an enlargement of the stalk, as is usual. Those species injurious to wheat, &c., can be collected by sweeping the fields in the spring, at evening, when they are laying their eggs. Psychoda is a minute genus, with white, broad, oval wings, which is found flying about and into, little pools, and in great numbers on windows. The larvae live in dung. The lMycetophilidce are of small size, and very active, leaping little flies, which are found in damp places. The larva are long, nearly round, white or yellowish; they are gregarious, living in decaying vegetable matter, fungi, or in dung, one specieA forming a gall. Rhyphus is common on windows; it has rather broad, spotted wings, and the larva lives in cow dung. The large Tipulce, which fly all'the summer and form a numerous group, live as larvae in the mould of gardens,'at the roots of willows, and in rotten wood. The pupa have the margins of the rings spiny, to be able to push themselves along, as do many other Diptera. Other species are aquatic, and should be raised in aquaria. Chionea, the snow-gnat, looks like a spider, being wingless, and is found in March on the snow. The Bibionidce comprise species very injurious from their feeding on the roots of grass; the thorax is stout, and the legs are short. B. albipennis flies in swarms in June and October, alighting slowly on the passer-by. Simulium, the black fly, has a stout body and short legs, often silvery in color. It is aquatic, its larva living on the stems of plants. Stratiomyidce. The insects of the following families have broad bodies, and short, bristle-like antennae, the basal joints being enlarged. Those of this family are found among herbage in damp places. The larvae live in the water, in decaying subtances or dung. Tabanidce, Horse-flies. The parts of the mouth are here again converted into a proboscis. The horse-flies are of large size, and troublesome from their formidable bite. Their eyes are very large, SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 179 and the thorax large and oblong-square. They abound in pastures and woods. Their larvae live in the earth. The species of Chrysops, the golden-eyed breeze fly, are very troublesome, as they fly about one's head unceasingly, striving to alight and draw the blood. The following genera represent families of small extent. Anthrax is rather broad and flat bodied, with a round head, gaily colored with yellow and black, the wings often partially black; it frequents sunny paths, flying with great swiftness. Bombylius has the body covered with long hairs, which gives the genus an oval outline, with slender legs. They are exceedingly swift on the wing, and are found in sunny paths and glades early in the spring, and can only be taken when lighted on the ground. Leptis has large palpi, a fleshy proboscis and elongated form. Their bodies are often spotted, and the wings also spotted or banded. They are found resting on flowers and shaded sides of trees. The larvae are footless grubs, which widen gradually towards the terminal segment, which has two short appendages. The larva of an European species entraps other insects in holes in the sand, like the ant-lion, and is three years in coming to the perfect state. Midas is a genus of large size, M. clavatus being banded with orange, and expanding over two inches. It flies in July and August. The larva, according to Harris, is white, cylindrical, tapering before and almost rounded behind. Two breathing pores are situated in the last ring but one. The pupa is brown, nearly cylindrical, and provided with a forked tail. It lives in decayed logs and stumps. Asilus comprises several species, which have long, slender bodies-, a rather stout thorax, and are covered with short, stiff hairs, variously colored. They are rapacious, seizing other insects and flying off with them like the sand-wasps. Proctacanthus philadelphicus is a very large, dark species, which frequents sunny places. The larva of A. sericeus lives on the roots of the rhubard plant. It is three-quarters of an inch long, cylindrical nearly, and tapering at either end. Their pupa cases, with forked tails, are found sticking out of the ground and the roots. Laphria is one of the same family, though the body is much stouter and more densely covered with yellow and black hairs. Indeed, in their loud buzz, swift flight and appearance they closely resemble bumble bees. They are found in sunny places, preying upon other insects. Syrphidce. These gaily colored flies, so useful to agriculture 180 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. from their habit of feeding upon plant lice, are very like the hymenoptera in form and coloration, having hemispherical heads, rather flattened bodies, ornamented with yellow bands and spots; they hover in the hot'sun over and about flowers, resting upon'them to feed upon their sweets. The eggs are laid among a group of plant lice, which hatch out footless, eyeless,'flattened -grubs, having extensile bodies to reach up and grasp the Aphis by FIG. 20. their jaws, which are peculiarly modified for seizing their prey. They do great damage among these enemies of vegetation. The species of Eristalis which flies abundantly in May about the blossoms of gooseberries and currants, live in the'water during their larval state, and are called rat-tailed maggots. The abdomen of Conops' is:pedunculated, whilethe thorax is globular like Eumenes, a genus of wasps. Empis represents a small group of-species that are allied in form to the Asilidae. They are active flies, and very rapacious, seizing upon other insects and'sucking out their juices. They often assemble in swarms. Dolichopus and allies have long legs, and are generally green colored, and occur solitary in leaves or in damp situations, or in numbers flying and running on the surface of pools and running brooks, appearing very early in spring. (Estridae, (Bot-flies.) In these flies, which are of large size, the mouth parts are nearly obsolete, the flies themselves having thick bodies, covered thickly with hairs. The fly lays her eggs upon that part of the animal from which the larvae as they hatch out may find their way by some means to burrow in the back or stomach of the animal which they infest. From thence, when full grown, they escape and pass through their' remaining changes in the earth. These grubs are very thick and soft, being broad oval, with rows of minute spines along the wings of the body to aid in locomotion. The Horse bot-fly larva is provided with hooks which are modified maxillae, to enable it to maintain its position in the stomach of that animal. The Sheep bot-fly larva lives in the frontal sinus; and that of (Estrus bovis in the back of cattle, forming large open tumors. Muscidae. The common house fly, the blue bottle fly, and the flesh fly, at once recall the appearace of this family, one of great extent, and much subdivided by entomologists. "The larvae are SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 181 in general footless, soft vermiform, ringed grubs, of a cylindricalconic form, attenuated in front, and thickened and obtuse behind, with a head of variable form, furnished with two retractile hooks; the terminal segment of the body in many, and also that immediately succeeding the head, furnished with two spiracles, in some species inserted upon horn-like appendages. The pupa, which is very unmature in its form, with a swollen head, is enclosed within the contracted and indurated skin of the larva, which sometimes assumes the form of an oval, horny exasticulate mass, but in other species retains more of its former appearance." Westwood. Tachina is parasitic upon caterpillars, and destroys great numbers in the same way as Ichneumons. Some of them are parasitic in the nests of bees. Sarcophaga, the flesh fly, is viviparous, the larvae being placed upon the meat by the parent fly. Musca Caesar, the blue bottle, and vomitoria, the flesh fly, lay their eggs also upon meat and decaying animal matter, the larvae developing with great rapidity. The larvae of the House fly live in dung. Anthomyia raphani is the grub that attacks the radish roots. Other species live in onions, turnips, and the pulpy parts of leaves, and in rotten substances and dung. The species are very numerous; they are rather small and fly feebly. Ortalis and allies produce galls in plants, or lay their eggs in fruit, such as raspberries, &c. They are found in shady places; their wings are generally spotted. Tephritis asteris causes the large swellings in the stems of tall asters. Oscinis, in Europe, does great damage to cereals by laying its eggs in the flowers of grain, the larva afterwards consuming the grain itself. Thus by collecting heads of wheat and composite flowers and keeping them in boxes, &c., these flies may be reared, and much light thrown upon their history and modes of attack. Many of these small flies, like the micro-lepidoptera, are leaf-miners, and can scarcely be distinguished from them when in the larva state. Hippoboscidae, (Spider-flies.) These are small, flat-bodied flies, of disgusting appearance and habits, which by their large clawed legs run over the surface of quadrupeds and birds with great agility, burying themselves in the fur or feathers. Nycteribia, or Bat-tick, is a wingless genus, with long legs and a spider-like body, and has similar habits to the Hippoboscidae. Mellophagus ovis is the Sheep-tick. "These singular creatures are not produced from eggs, in the usual way among insects, but are 182 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. brought forth in the pupa state, enclosed in the egg-shaped skin of the larva, which is nearly as large as the body of the parent insect. This egg-like body is soft and white at first, but soon becomes hard and brown. It is notched at one end, and out of this notched part the enclosed insect makes its way, when it arrives at maturity." This species is probably viviparous, and the larvae are hatched within the body of the parent. Pulicidae. Fleas are but wingless flies, with hard, compressed bodies, a long, sucker-like arrangement of their mouth-parts, and large hind legs, formed for leaping. Their metamorphosis is complete, the larvae hatched from eggs laid upon hairs, being wormlike, as in flies. They come to maturity in a few days; spin a sort of cocoon, and change to pupae, when the perfect insects appear in about ten days. Thus a generation may be produced in a month. Different species inhabit man, cats, dogs, &c. Those infesting the lower animals do not pass from one species to another. COLEOPTERA. Beetles have been studied much more than other insects; in this country there have been described some 8,000 species, but from the difficulty of finding thieir larvae and carrying them through their successive stages of growth, the immature forms of but few native species are known. The family forms are easy to distinguish and characterize, the genera are based upon marked changes in the different parts of the body, which vary greatly, and some of the best characters lie in the relative size of the head pieces and those pieces that make up the flanks of the three thoracic rings, and the basal joints of the legs. The relative size and the sculpture of the body and of the elytra; and lastly, the coloration, which varies much among the individuals, afford good specific characters. The most productive places for the occurrence of beetles are alluvial loams, covered with woods, or with rank vegetation, where at the roots of plants or upon their flowers, under leaves, logs and stones, under the bark of decaying trees, and in ditches and by the banks of streams, the species occur in greatest numbers. Grass lands, mosses and fungi, the surfaces of trees and dead animals, bones, chips,pieces of board and excrement, should be searched diligently. Many are thrown ashore in sea-wrack, or occur under the debris of freshets on river banks. Many Carabidae run on sandy shore. Very early in spring, stones can be upturned, ants SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 183 nests searched, and the waters b.e sifted for species not met with at other times of the year. For beating bushes, a large strong ring-net should be made, with a stout bag of cotton cloth fifteen inches deep. This is a very serviceable net for many purposes. Vials of alcohol, a few quills stopped with cork, and close tin boxes for larvae and the fungi, &c., in which they live, should be provided; indeed, the collector should never be without a vial and box. Beetles should be collected largely in alcohol, and the colors do not change if pinned soon after being taken. Coleoptera should be placed FIG. 21. high up on the pin, (Fig. 21, Curculio,) as indeed all insects should. The pin should be stuck through the right elytron so that it shall come out beneath or between the middle and hind pair of legs. Small species should be pinned with No. 19 and 20 pins, which can be afterward mounted on high pins as described for / flies. Many coleopterists gum small species, under a tenth of an inch long, upon a small triangular bit of card, placing them crosswise with a cement of inspissated ox-gall, gum arabic and water, or gum mixed with a little sugar. The first mentioned cement is very convenient for mending broken specimens. Specimens thus, gummed have some of the best generic characters often concealed, and hence fine pins seem best to mount them upon. The specimens should be neatly set, in their natural postures. Some individuals should have their wings expanded to show the neuration. Beetles are best arrayed in boxes lined with cork well smoothed and neatly papered, 12 by 9 inches square, and an inch and a half deep. These boxes can be put under cover. Cicindelidce. The Tiger-beetle, has a large head, much broader than the prothorax, very long jaws, like curved scissors, and long slender legs. Their colors are green or darker, with purplish or metallic reflection, marked with light dots and stripes. They abound in sunny paths, and sandy shores of rivers, ponds, and of the ocean, flying and running swiftly. Capture them by throwing the bag net quickly over them after they are settled; when abundant remain still in one place, waiting for them to settle near you, thus saving time and trouble. If without a net, throw a handful of sand at one, and thus confuse and catch it in its endeavors to escape. The larvae are hideous in aspect: the head is large, with long jaws, the thoracic rings large and broad, and the 9th ring has a 184 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. tubercle and hook, by which the grub can climb up its hole, at the entrance of which it lies in wait for weaker insects. These holes are found in sandy banks frequented by the beetles. Either dig the larvae out, or thrust in a straw; which they will seize and often suffer themselves to be drawn out. This and the four following families are carnivorous, benefiting agriculture from the immense: numbers of insects they destroy. Carabidce. In this group the head is narrower than the thorax, which is throughout as broad as the abdomen. The powerful jaws are shorter, and not curved as in the Cicindelidae. The body is also flatter and more oblong. They are runners, the under wings being often absent. Their color generally dull. They run in grass, or lurk under stones and sticks, are under bark of trees, and under the debris of freshets, in the greatest numbers in spring. Lebia is found in Autumn on trees and tops of composite plants. Amara feeds on pith and stems of grasses. Others feed on wheat. They are often attracted by light. Elaphus, which is flat, and covered with coarse metallic punctures, runs on the mud flats of rivers, &c. The larvae are found in much the same situations as the beetle and are oblong, broad, with the terminal ring armed with two horney appendages, and beneath a single tube-like false leg. They are black in color. The larva of Calosoma ascends trees to feed on caterpillars. C. scrutator, (Fig. 22,) is our most FIG. 22. splendid New England beetle of this family. It has not yet been found in Maine. C. calidum, our common golden spotted purple species, digs holes in fields where it lies in wait for its prey. Dysticidce, or Diving beetles, are, by their carnivorous habits closely allied to the Carabidae. They are aquatic, flattened elliptical beetles, with their hind legs ciliated, forming a broad surface for swimming. In night time they leave the water and fly about. Their larvae are ferocious looking objects, and from their long curved jaws, and agile and stealthy habits, called Water Tigers. They prey on tadpoles and large insects. The beetles are most commonly found in SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 185 spring and fall. They can be raised, and their habits observed in Aquaria. Gyrinidce, Whirl-gigs, are easily distinguished by their form and habits, being always seen in groups, gyrating and circling about on the surface of pools, and when caught giving out a disagreeable milky fluid. Their short antennae, short mandibles and two pair of ocelli, and bluish black colors, distinguish them from other aquatic beetles. Like the previous family, upon being disturbed, they suddenly dive to the bottom, holding on by their claws to submerged objects. They carry a bubble of air on the tip of their abdomen, and when the supply is exhausted, they rise for more. The larvae resemble a small centipede, with lateral ciliated filaments, serving as organs of respiration. ]Lydrophilce. Carnivorous as larvae, but when beetles, vegetable eaters, and living on refuse and decaying matter; this family unite the habits of the previous mentioned families, with those of the scavenger silphidae, &c. They are aquatic, small, convex oval, or hemispherical beetles. Their antennae are short, and their palpi are long and slender. The allies of the genus Sphceriunm, live in excrements of herbivorous animals. Silphidce, Carrion or Sexton beetles, are useful in burying decaying bodies in which they lay their eggs. Smaller species live in fungi, &c.; other genera live only in caves; Catops inhabits ants' nests. Another genus Brathinus, has been found from Lake Superior to Nova Scotia, about grass roots in wet places, and are small shiny insects of graceful form, according to Le Conte. The group is distinguished by the knobbed antennae. Their larvae are crustaceous, flattened, the sides of the body often serrated, black and of a foetid smell; or those immersed in the midst of their food have weak limbs and soft bodies. The beetles can be caught on the wing in warm spring days, or taken at light in summer. By placing dead birds and small mammals, &c. in favorable places, they are allured in considerable numbers. By the Scydmaenidae which are minute oval shiny brown insects found under stones near water, in ants nests and under bark, we pass to the Pselaphidae, with short elytra, much broader than the prothorax and head, with clavate antennae, and palpi nearly as long, which are found in spring in moss, or swept from herbage or taken while on the wing, we come to the Staphylinidee or Rove beetles, which are long, linear, black, with remarkably short elytra, 24 186 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. the abdomen beyond having 7 to 8 visible rings. Though sometimes an inch in length, they are more commonly minute, inhabiting wet places under stones, manure heaps, fungi, moss, under the surface of bark, or leaves of trees. Some burrow in sand, others form galleries under bark; Stenus is found running on mud, near water; Micrailymna is found at low water mark in sea weeds in the larva state. Many species inhabit ants' nests, and should be carefully sought for on dewy mornings, under stones and pieces of wood, which should be taken up and shaken over a white cloth or paper; or the whole nest should be sifted through a rather coarse sieve, when the small beetles will fall through the meshes. The larvae resemble the beetles, and are difficult to rear. Histeridce. These beetles are square or oblong, hard, solid, shiny insects, black, with the prothorax hollowed out to receive the head, which has long prominent jaws. The elytra are usually striated. The antennae are elbowed, club shaped, and the legs are broad and thin. Others are oval and spotted. They are found in excrement and under bark of trees. Nitidulidce. Broad oval or elliptical, depressed, the head also received into the excavated prothorax. The three last joints of the antennae are gathered into a broad club. Insects of small size, and found about rubbish, bones, &c. Ips has bright colors, often red, is one of the larger genera, and is found under bark and on the sour sap of stumps and trees in the spring. Others are found in fungi and in flowers. The larvae inhabit similar places. They are flattened oblong whitish grubs, the end of the abdomen has four horny conical upturned appendages. The pupae are found loose in rubbish and decaying wood, saw dust, &c. Of similar form and habits is Mycetophagus, and other genera, representing families of small extent. Dermestidoe. Every entomologist dreads the ravages of Dermestes and Anthrenus in his cabinet. The ugly bristly insidious larvae which so skilfully hide in the body whose interior it consumes, leaving only the shell ready to fall to pieces at any jar, can be kept out only with great precautions. Dermestes lardarius is oblong oval, legs short, black, with the base of the elytra gray buff, covered by two broad lines. It is timid and slow in its movements, when disturbed seeking a shelter, or mimicking death. Anthrenus musaearum is round oval, with transverse waved lines. Its larva is thick, with long bristles, which are largest on the end SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 187 of the body. They eat also the integuments of stuffed specimens, doing great injury. Boxes and drawers should be tight enough to keep them out, or it may be done with camphor or benzine in a sponge or in cotton. Collections which are much infected should be baked. Byrrhus, which is short, thick convex, is found under stems and on leaves. When disturbed it counterfeits death. Larva long, narrow, oblong. By the small group of Byrrhidae we pass to one of immense extent, and of great importance to agriculturists from the great injury they do as leaf-eaters. Scarabeide, or Lamellicornes, are distinguished by their lamellated antennae, short broad, thick convex form; their legs are flattened, and toothed for the purpose of digging. The tip of the abdomen is generally exposed. The males are often armed with horns on the clypeus. Colors black, dull or shiny, coppery or gaily ornamented. Among them occur tropical insects, such as the Goliath beetles, which are the largest of insects. Lucanus has immense jaws; in the males they are like deer's horns. The larva forms a cocoon of the chips it has made in boring into decaying trees. The larvae are thick, cylindrical, soft fleshy grubs, the abdomen incurved, so that the grub lays on its side, the legs being short and weak. They live several years. Aphodius is a small semicylindrical genus, flying about ordure in spring; of similar habits is Geotrupes, a large green or purplish colored genus. Copris, called Tumble Dungs, enclose their eggs in pellets of excrement. Melolontha and allies are leaf eaters, which have long-clawed legs to cling on to leaves, where they are found early in summer. Their larvae eat the roots of grass, and before transforming, form oval earthern cocoons. Macrodactylus, the Rose beetle, is found on roses and rhubarb blossoms in-gardens. Lachnosterna, the June bug, does much injury to apple and cherry trees. The males fly in evening in search of the other sex. The large grubs are turned up abundantly in spring, in gardens. Skunks feed upon them, and smaller species are eaten by toads, indeed many rare species of beetles have been found in the stomach of toads and insectivorous birds. Buprestidce. Beetles, with elongate, flattened, very solid bodies, often angulated, the antennae slender and serrated, legs short. The head is received into the excavated prothorax. Colors bril 188 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. liant, often metallic. On being disturbed, the insects draw up their legs and feign death, They creep slowly, flying in the hot sun, and feed on wood, flowers and sap; being found especially on fir trees. They should be sought for while sunning thcmselves on trunks of trees, where they lay their eggs. The larvae are also elongated, the thorax is broad, while the abdomen may be equally broad, or narrow and cylindrical. They are wood borers, and live in this state several years. Chalcophora virginica is common in May and June. Dicerca has the tip of abdomen divided. Chrysobothris lives in the apple tree. Elateridae, or Snapping beetles, are known to many by their power of righting themselves when turned on their backs, by jerking themselves up into the air, since their legs are too short to catch hold of the surface they are upon. They are of a very uniform elongate ellipsoid form, somewhat flattened, the head and prothorax rendered very distinct by a depression of the base of the elytra. Colors are obscure brown, sometimes green with metallic reflections. They frequent- the flowers of Viburnum, of rhubarb in gardens, and are found under bark. The Eucnemidce are rare, being found under bark or on leaves. Alaus oculatus, is the larger ocellated species. The larvae are called wire-worms from their long cylindrical form. They feed on the roots of grass, grain, &c., often devour turnips, salad, cabbages and pinks, living in the interior of these stems. Moles devour great quantities of them. Other species inhabit rotten stumps. They live several years in this state. We pass over several smaller groups to the Lampyridce, or Glow worm. They resemble the Elaters, but are shorter and broader, and of softer consistence. The species of Ellychnia are found early in spring and fall, on trunks of trees, and they winter under the bark. The female glow worm is apterous, and resembles the larvae; the end of the abdomen is light colored, and at night this portion sheds a brilliant light at its will. Winged females of other genera emitting a bright light, appear on low grounds in the evenings, at the middle of June. Drilus is distinguished by the plumose antennae. The larvae are flatted, the margin of their bodies is serrated, and they are soft and black in color. They are carnivorous SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 189 and feed on snails, and are found in places frequented by these mollusks, as at the roots of alders and willows, under the bog moss. Eurypalpus Le Contei is an anomaly, since it lives under stones in rivers and brooks, being oval hemispherical as a larva, the sides of the body greatly extended, resembling some species of crustacea. The beetles are narrow and rather short. The species of Telephorus live on leaves of plants, especially the birch. They are carnivorous, often feeding upon:each other. We pass by the Malachidce to the Cleridce, which are beetles whose larvae are carnivorous. They are cylindrical, the prothorax narrower than the head. They are fast runners, and run like ants, which they much resemble, over flowers and trees, to feed on the sweets and sap. Trichodes nuttallii is blue and red, and found on the flowers of'Golden rods and Spiraea. The narrow long pink-colored larvae of Thanasimus can be found under the bark of dead pine trees, where it devours the larvae of Hylurgus and Hylobius; Clerus and allies are found in bumble bees' nests. In Europe they have been found infesting the nests of mason bees ( Osmia and Megachile.) Ptinidce. They also infest herbariums and museums. They are small beetles, of an obscure brown color, somewhat oval, behind truncated, the prothorax slender and receiving the head. The antennae are long and filiform, and in constant motion when the insect walks. Upon being disturbed it feigns death. They are found about out-houses. Ptinus fur has done great mischief in eating wheat. -Anobius is the Death-tick; the females strike their jaws on the surface of walls, to attract the other sex in the pairing season. The larva are also supposed to make the same noise. When about to change to pupae, they construct silken cocoons. Bostrichus, lives in fungi and under bark; Cis in toadstools; the larvae are fleshy white grubs. The Tenebrionidce, are apt to be confounded, by beginners, with Carabids, but the prothorax is much narrower than the abdomen, and the head is narrower still. Antennae clavate, feet short, of black or brown colors. The surface is smooth, in Tenebrio, or roughly corrugated in Upis. They are generally found under stones, logs, and in toad-stools. T. molitor, the meal worm, inhabits granaries. Ship bread is eaten by the larvae, which are "about an inch long, of cylindrical and lineal form, very smooth 190 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. and glossy, of a fulvous color." Blaps is found in moist places; other genera, under bark; Phaleria, on the sea shore. Boletophagus, as the name suggests, lives in fungi. Passing over several small groups we come to the Mordellidae, which are wedge-shaped, small, glistening pubescent black beetles, which occur in abundance on the flowers of golden rod and asters, and when disturbed leap like fleas. The larvae of Miordella are found in the pith of plants in autumn, and are long, subcylindrical, the sides of the rings furnished with fleshy tubercles. Meloidae. This and the following family are most interesting, from their parasitic habits, and demand careful study and observation. Meloe augusticollis, is an, inch long, thorax very small, square; abdomen large and swollen; the elytra are small and oval. The antennae of the male are crooked in the middle. It is of a deep Prussian blue. It feeds on grass in the spring, in the summer it is found in the White Mountains, feeding on Clintonia borealis. The larva is very different from the beetle, and as found parasitic on wild bees, resembles larvae of some Staphylinidae, being oblong, flattened; the three thoracic rings above, of nearly equal size, transversely oblong, the head nearly of the same size, with short antennae; the legs have very long claws, with an intermediate long pad. From the tip of the abdomen proceed two pairs of setae of unequal length. They are found living upon bees between the joints of the head and thorax, their heads immersed in the dense scales of the bee. In Europe this genus has been found parasitic on Cetonia. Our Cetonia Inda, and other related beetles should be searched for them. The eggs are laid on the ground, and the active larvae attach themselves soon after hatching, to bees, and to the Syrphus flies, and Muscae. Cantharis and our Epicauta, secrete cantharidine, of use in pharmacy. E. atrata, is found in abundance on golden rod, and it is perfectly black, with long elytra. Rhipiphorus, is parasitic on the wasp; Ripidia on Blatta americana, the cockroach. Stylopidae. The larvae of this most anomalous family are much like that of Melve. They are oval in form. The perfect insects are not a quarter of an inch long. The elytra are pad-like, while the hind wings are greatly developed, expanding broadly, folding when the insect is at rest, along the body. They live but a short time in the perfect state. "They are parasitic in the bodies of SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 191 species belonging to various genera of aculeate Hymenoptera ~ the comparatively large size of these parasites, causes a distension of the abdomen of the Hymenopteron affected, and, on close observation, the heads of the pupa cases may be seen emerging between the segments. The head of the pupa case of the male is convex, that of the female is flat; specimens containing male pupae can be kept confined with proper food, until the parasite is hatched. Stylops inhabits bees, of the genus Andraena. I have never met with specimens. Xenon Peckii, lives in our common wasp Polistes fuseata. I have seen stylopized individuals of Odynerus quadricornis, and of a large species of Sphex."-Le Conte. Stylops has four joints, Xenos, six joints to the antennae. There is a species of Xenos, only found, thus far, in Nova Scotia, which must likewise occur in Maine. They are found at different seasons of the year, but mostly in April and May. They have been taken by sweeping grass in August. The three following families are of great extent, and do great mischief to agriculturists, by the great variety in their modes of attack upon plants. Curculionidae-(See Fig. 21.) This group is at once recognized, by having the head lengthened into a long snout, near the middle of which are situated the elbowed antennae. Their bodies are hard and round, and often very minute in size. The beetles are very timid, and quickly feign death. The larvae are white, thick, fleshy, legless grubs, with tubercles, instead of limbs, and armed with thick, arched, strong jaws. They feed on nuts, seeds, the pith of plants, leaves or flowers; while some are leaf miners, and others make galls. Before they transform they spin a silky cocoon. Bruchus pisi is short and oblong, it lays its eggs on the pea, when in flower, and lives in the pea till the following spring. Anthribus is parasitic in the body of Coccus. Brenthus inhabits the solid trunks of oaks. Apion inhabits the seeds of clover. Hylobius pales is found under the bark of the pine, where Pissodes strobi in all its stages occurs. Rhynchaenus nenuphar infests the plum. Calandrla granaria, the grain weevil, is an eighth of an inch long, and consumes the interior of wheat. Balaninus forms galls on the willow. Scolytus, Xyloteres and lomicus are cylindrical bark borers; " they form galleries in the bark, or sap wood, often causing the disease called fire blight." Cerambycidae. The Longicorns are insects with long bodies, 192 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. tapering behind; the elytra broader than the prothorax, the antennae and legs very long, and are large handsome beetles, often gaily ornamented. They fly in hot days about woods and timber. Orthosoma cylindricum flies into houses at light in the evening. Prtonus, and allies, are large, dull colored, flattened beetles, which fly in the evening. The larva is broad and flattened, the head can be drawn in the prothorax farther than usual. It.forms cocoons of the chips it makes. Asemum flies in hot days, often in great numbers. Cerambyx, and allies, have the antennae very FIG. 23. long, and are highly colored. They are found in trunks of trees, or flying clumsily among the leaves. Clytus speciosus, bores in the locust. Saperda candida, (Fig. 23.) is the apple tree borer. A species of Staphylinus is, in Europe, parasitic upon one of this genus. Stenocorus putator, the oak pruner, severs the twigs of that tree, by eat- ~ ~ ing the wood under the bark, which the wind:Y., breaks off. Leptura and the neighboring genera, narrow rapidly at the hinder portion of their bodies, the antennae are rather short, and they occur on flowers, such as Spiraea, &c. Rhagium lineatum has a flatted larva which can be found under the bark of pines, in large cells formed of its chips. Desmoceres palliatus, the "Purple cloak," is found boring in the pith of elders. Chrysomelidce. The insects of this family have hemispherical or oval convex bodies, with small heads sunken in the thorax, and live in all their stages on the leaves of plants. The larvam have thick bodies, the rings composing it are very convex, and above marked with tubercles and thickened deposits; they are often gaily colored. Donacia, which approaches the Cerambycidme in its elongated body and long antennae, lives as a larva in the stems of aquatic plants; the pupa is found in silken cocoons attached to the roots of the submerged plants. Lena trilineata, which closely resembles the squash beetle, devours the leaves of the potato. Cassida, or the Tortoise beetle, is round, depressed, and yellow. Its larva is broad and flattened, with lateral ciliated filiaments, and its abdomen is produced into a tail which it holds loaded with its excrement, over its back for purposes of concealment and defence. Hispa is a leaf SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 193 miner, its minute larva making galleries in the leaves of the apple tree, and wild cherry. Galeruca vittata, the squash beetle, is yellow with black stripes. The different species of Haltica or flea beetles, are little, black colored, most hurtful insects, which destroy young tomatoes, turnips, &c. Several species of Calligrapha are found on alders, they are oval and richly ornamented with dots and curved lines: Chlamys, which is an oblong square beetle, has its convex surface most curiously corrugated; as a larva it lives in a cylindrical case, on the sweet fern. Coccinellidae (Lady bugs.) They are hemispherical, generally red or yellow, with round or lunate black spots. Chilocorus is black with yellow dots. The eggs are laid, often, in a group of plant lice, or Aphides; as soon as hatched the larvae devour them. When about to turn to pupae, they attach themselves by FiG. 24. their terminal rings to the leaf they are upon. The beetle is as voracious as the larva. In Europe gardeners take pains to collect and put them on trees infested by lice,, which they will soon remove. Coccinella novemnzotata, (Fig. 24,) is a common species in gardens. ORTHOPTERA. In studying these insects, the proportion of the head, of the prothorax, of the wings, of the hind legs, and the external genital parts, should especially be taken into account. The ornamentation varies greatly even in the same species, and therefore large numbers of individuals are necessary to ensure a proper knowledge of any species. The transformation of grasshoppers need careful study. For this purpose their eggs should be sought for, and the development of the embryo in the egg be noted; also the following facts should be ascertained: the date of deposition of the eggs; the manner of laying them; how long before the embryo is hatched; the date of hatching; how many days the pupa lives; also so of the pupa and of the imago, while the intervening changes should be carefully observed. Crows and blackbirds feed on their eggs and larvae, and hens and turkeys feed greedily upon young and old. Ichneumon parasites prey upon them, and also the lower worms, such as Filaria, Gregarina and Gordius and red mites, attack them. Mud wasps provision their nests with their young. 25 194 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Orthoptera can be easily preserved in strong alcohol, and can afterwards be taken out and pinned and set at leisure. They can be killed with ether or benzine, as coleoptera, without losing their colors, as they would do, after remaining long in alcohol. They should be pinned through a little triangular spot between the bases of the elytra or fore wings, when the wings can be spread to advanage. They are also often pinned through the prothorax, or through the right elytia, as in coleoptera. In pinning these insects for transportation; care should be taken to put in additional pins on each side of the abdomen, and in like manner to steady the hind legs, which are very apt to fall off if too much jarred. The different sounds produced by Orthoptera should be carefully studied; every species can be distinguished by its peculiar note, and as in different families the musical apparatus varies, so each family has a characteristic chirrup, or shrilling, or harsh, grating, rasping noise. Forficulidae, Earwigs. Narrow, flattened insects, very unlike other Orthoptera, with short wing covers, like the Staphylinids among beetles; terminal ring armed with a pair of very long incurved forceps-like horny pieces; nocturnal insects, hiding in the daytime between leaves and in flowers, flying about at dark. They feed on the corollas of flowers and on fruit; they will eat bread and meat, &c., and are very troublesome in Europe. Our species has not yet been found in Maine, though inhabiting other parts of New England. An Alpine species lives under stones in Europe. Blattariae, Cockroaches. Also nocturnal, hiding by day, or as in the wild species, under stones, &c. They are fond of heat. While troublesome from eating garments, &c., they do great service in clearing houses and vessels of bed-bugs, which they prey upon. We have several species in New England which should be carefully sought after. They are found.under stones, and are smaller than the house cockroach. They are oval, the head rounded and partially concealed, with long antennae. The fore wings are thickened, the anal stylets short. Color almost invariably a reddish brown. The eggs are laid in large bean-shaped capsules, which are divided into two apartments, each containing a row of separate chambers, about thirty in number, and each enclosing an egg. Many days are required for oviposition. An English writer has stated that in Biatta and a species of Phasma the larva and pupa state are undergone before leaving the eggs, so that the changes SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 195 of the hatching belong to the imago state. Future observation must show whether this be generally the case in this suborder. Various Ichneumons feed on the eggs. Phasmidae, Walkling sticks. Our New England Diaphomera femorata is four inches long; linear, wings minute, legs very long and linear, and is found in trees, rose bushes, &c. It is very sluggish and not easily distinguished from the twigs it may be resting upon. The eggs of this group are bean-shaped with scattered dots. Gryllodea. Crickets are known by their dark colors, depressed oblong form, and long anal stylets, and by their long antennae. The female has an ovipositor nearly as long as her body. They are ground insects and fast runners. The male chirrups to attract the other sex; the apparatus being a specialization of the membrane and nervures at the base of the wings, so that the rubbing of the wings one upon the other produces a rasping-like noise. The eggs are laid in cases, and the insects come to maturity in the fall. Our common black species is the Gryllus neglectus. Gilbert White says of the English cricket: "When the males meet they will fight fiercely, as I found by some which I put into the crevices of a dry stone wall, where I should have been glad to have made them settle; for though they seemed distressed by being taken out of their knowledge, ye't the first that got possession of the chinks, would seize upon any that were obtruded upon them with a vast row of serrated fangs. With their strong jaws, toothed like the shears of a lobster's claws, they perforate and round their curious regular cells, having no fore-claws to dig, like the molecricket. Of such herbs as grow before the mouth of their burrow they eat indiscriminately; and on a little platform which they make just by, they drop -their dung; and never, in the daytime, stir more than two or three inches from home." The mole cricket, Gryllotalpa, live in wet, swampy soil, by ponds and streams, where they raise ridges, as they make their subterranean galleries in search of insects. Their fore legs are adapted like those of the mole for digging, and are stout and short, much flattened, and armed with solid, tooth-like projections. Their eggs are in a tough sack, containing two to four hundred, it is stated. " As mole crickets often infest gardens by the sides of canals, they are unwelcome guests to the gardener, raising up ridges in their subterraneous progress, and rendering the walks unsightly. If they take to the kitchen quarters, they occasion great damage 196 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. among the plants and roots, by destroying whole beds of cabbages, young legumes and flowers. When dug out, they seem very slow and helpless, and make no use of their wings by day; but at night they come abroad and make long excursions, as I have been convinced by finding stragglers, in a morning, in improbable places. In fine weather, about the middle of April, and just at the close of the day, they begin to solace themselves with a low, dull, jarring note, continued for a long time without interruption, and not unlike the chattering of the fern owl or goat-sucker, but more inward. " About the beginning of May they lay their eggs, as I was once an eye-witness; for a gardener at a house where I was on a visit, happening to be mowing on the sixth of that month, by the side of a canal, his scythe struck too deep, pared off a large piece of tuft, and laid open to view a curious scene of domestic economy. There were many cavern and winding passages leading to a kind of chamber, neatly smoothed and rounded, and about the size of a moderate snuff box. Within this secret nursery were deposited nearly an hundred eggs, of a dirty yellow color, and enveloped in a tough skin; but too lately excluded to contain any rudiments of young, being full of a viscid substance. The eggs lay but shallow, and within the influence of the sun, just under a little heap of fresh moved mould, like that which is raised by ants. "When mole-crickets fly, they move cursu undoso, rising and falling in curves." White. Nothing is known about our New England species, of which we have more than in Enrope. (Ecanthus niveus, is very flat and broad behind, with long'legs, and white, colored with yellow; the female is narrower.and tinged with green. They live on grape vines, and art easily detected by their loud shrilling. They lay their eggs in the stems of plants, by perforating the stalks with their ovipositor, and they have been found thus perforating the branches of peach trees; they also feed upon the tobacco leaves. It has not yet been observed in Maine. Locustariae, are large, generally broad-winged grasshoppers, with long, slender legs. The Katydid belongs to this family. It has not yet been found in Maine. But its allies which live in bushes and on trees, such as the large Phaneroptera augustifolia, and which make a loud, shrilling noise, are common. Ceuthophilus maculatus, a wingless species, of a dark brown color, is common under stones; in other parts of the country they are SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 1.97 found in caves. A different species from the maculatus inhabits the island of Grand Manan. Acrydii. The common grasshoppers have large heads, rather short and thick antennae, thick, compressed bodies, and the prothorax projects backward conspicuously, and is often divided by crosswise impressions. The hind legs are stout and thick, adapted to the leaping habits of the insects. Locusta corallina appears for about two weeks in May in dry fields. L. sulphurea and carolina, the " quakers," are fall insects; so are the different species of Chloegiltis, which survive the frosts till late into November. They produce their chirrping noise by rubbing their thighs on the wing covers. Red mites are frequently found sucking the juices beneath the wings. The species of Telttix are small, but prodigious leapers, and are characterized by having the prothorax carried out to the end of the abdomen. Toads and frogs devour large numbers of grasshoppers. HIEMIPTERA. This suborder has been greatly neglected; these insects are not the favorites of entomologists. In studying the different groups the investigator is aided by the great variation in the general proportions of the body; in the shape and relative size of the head and its appendages. The species are subject to great individual variation, which should caution the student in drawing the limits between them. Aquatic species should be taken out by the water-net by thrusting it under swiming species, or pushing it among submerged grass or weeds where small species are lurking. Several species of small size are found under logs, &c., in the water. By sweeping grass and herbage as for coleoptera in the last part of the summer, large numbers occur which can only be obtained in this way. ilybernating species are found under leaves in hard wood forests. The large carnivorous kinds are found on bushes frequently with lepidopterous larvae transfixed on their jaws. The soft bodied species of Aphis and allies should be preserved in alcohol. These species should be carefully watched for their parasites, and can be easily kept in slender glass vials through which the insects can be watched. All hemiptera should be pinned through the distinct triangular scutellum in the middle at the base of the wings. -The minute hard species of Tettigoniae, Thrips and 198 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. small Capsidac, may be stuck upon cards as in the coleoptera. When on a collecting tour they can all be thrown into alcohol, and taken out afterwards and pinned and set. Ihripadae. This family has by some authors been considto form a distinct order called Thysanoptera. They are minute, narrow and flattened insects, very active in their habits, are found in flowers, especially composite plants, such as the Whiteweed, and when running over the hand cause a severe itching. There are two pairs of long narrow wings without any nervures, which are delicately fringed on the margin, and are laid one above the other over the body. The mouth parts are free, but the mandibles are like two bristles, the maxillae are flat triangular, bearing a pair of palpi. These parts are partially united into a conicle sucker which is folded upon the breast. The prothorax is largely developed; the legs are short, and the elongated abdomen terminates in several long bristles which are closely united together. Some species are wingless, being found under the bark of FIm. 25. trees. They closely resemble their larvae (Fig. 25), which are found in the same situations as the perfect insects, and are distingushed from them by the uniformity of the three thoracic rings, and their similarity to those of the abdomen; by their softer body, and shorter antennae and legs, and the want of simple eyes. They are often pale yellow, blood red and flesh color. The pupae have "the limbs obscured by a film, and the wings enclosed in a short fixed sheath. The antennae are turned back on the head, and the insect, though it moves about, is much more sluggish than in the other states." The species are very injurious to flowers, eating holes in the corollas, and sucking the sap from the flowers of wheat, in the bottom of which they hide. Cicadidae, commonly called "locusts," are large wedge-shaped insects, with a large broad head, prominent eyes, their ocelli on top; wings transparent with thick veins. The males have a musical apparatus beneath the wings on the hinder ring of the thorax, which acts like a kettle drum, producing the loud, penetrating, shrill sound issuing apparently from trees. Cicada rimosa, our smallest species in Maine, begins to be heard a little before the middle of June. The C. canicularis is larger and comes later, being an autumnal species. Mr. Verrill has observedithis species in SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 199 Norway laying its eggs in the stems of Solidago or Golden Rod. It made a longitudinal incision with ragged edges into the pith of the plant, then with its ovipositor forced its eggs some distance down in the pith below the outer opening; there were two rows of eggs succeeding the first single one, each pair diverging outwards, the lower ends of each pair nearly touching each other, and all the pairs were placed very near together. The habits of the seventeen year locust which does not inhabit Northern New England, are well described by Dr. Harris in his Treatise. The young larvae feed on the roots of the oak and apple, clustering upon the roots, and sucking the sap with their beak-like mouth. Membranicidae. Antennae three-jointed; head broad, with two ocelli. The insects of this family assume the most grotesque forms. They are great leapers. Ceresa is broad, wedge shaped, green or brown color, and two species are found in great profusion in bushes in August and September. Different species of Eutilia, which are often notched upon the back, are found upon the stems of golden rods and birches, and closely resemble the surface they are upon. They lay masses of white eggs on the plants they frequent. Clastoptera proteus, convex above and in front and highly colored, is injurious to the cranberry in Massachusetts. It is a common Maine insect. Tettigonidae.-Leaf-hoppers. They pass all their lives on the leaves of plants, inserting their beaks into the leaves and sucking the sap, thus causing the leaves to wither and also the twigs, producing what is called " Fire-blight," having much the same effect that the Scolytus produces. The species of this family are very numerous, and are found hopping on leaves and herbage late in the summer, though a few species are among the earliest spring insects. There are some yellowish species found in moss and grass by the side of pools and puddles in woods just as the snow is going off. The eggs are laid in autumn to be hatched in the spring. A very abundant species on grass, producing what is called " frog spittle," can easily be traced through all its changes by frequently examining the froth which surrounds them. T'ettigonia vitis is a tenth of an inch long, straw yellow striped with red; it lays its eggs in summer and hides among the dead leaves during the winter. T. rosae, a still smaller species, is found on the rose. As a family these insects are characterized generally by their oblong outline, being convex 200 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. above, the head somewhat triangular or crescent shaped, the prothorax is large and of the same width as the body, and the legs are thickly spined. Aphidae. Every thing. about this extensive group is of the greatest interest, whether it be their structure, mode of growth or habits and relations to other insects. They have soft oval bodies, with two slender tubercles behind, with somewhat square heads and long slender seven-jointed antennae. The beak is often half as long as the body. They are generally colored green, and often have a soft bloom upon the surface. "The brief history of the general conditions of the development of these insects is as follows: —n the early autumn the colonies of plant-lice are composed of both male and female individuals; these pair, the males then die, and the females begin to deposit their eggs, after which they die also. Early in the spring, as. soon as the sap begins to flow, these eggs are hatched, and the young lice immediately begin to pump up sap from the tender leaves and shoots, increase rapidly in size, and in a short time come to maturity. In this state it is found that the whole brood, without a single exception, consists solely of females, or rather, and more properly, of individuals which are capable of reproducing their kind. This reproduction takes place by a viviparous generation, there being found in the individuals in question, young lice, which, when capable of entering upon individual life, escape from their progenitors, and form a new and greatly increased colony. This second generation persues the same course as the first, the individuals of which it is' composed being, like those of the first, sexless, or at least without any trace of the male sex throughout. These same conditions are then repeated, and so on almost indefinitely, experiments having shown that the power of reproduction under such circumstances may be exercised, according to Bonnet, at least through nine generations, while Duvau obtained thus eleven generations in seven months, his. generations being curtailed at this stage not by a failure of the reproductive power, but by the approach of winter; which killed his specimens; and Kyler even observed that a colony of Aphis Dianthi, which had been brought into a constantly heated room, continued to propagate for four years in this manner, without the intervention of males, and even in this instance it remains to be proved how much longer these phenomena might have been continued.'" Dr. Burnett, from whom we quote, considers this SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 201 anomalous way of increase of individuals as a process of budding, and that the whole series, like the leaves of a tree, constitutes but a single generation, which results from the union of the sexes in the previous fall. It has always been supposed that the final autumnal set of individuals were males and females alone. Hear Dr. Burnett again: " The terminal brood has hitherto been considered, as far as I am aware, to be composed exclusively of males and females, or, in other words, of perfect insects of both sexes. I was surprised therefore on examining the internal organs of the non-winged individuals, to find that many of these last were not females proper, but simply the ordinary gemmiperous form. Moreover so great was the similarity of appearance between these two forms-true females and gemmiperous individuals-that they could be distinguished only by an examination of their internal genitalia." Aphides, (Fig. 26,) are found upon every part of FiG. 26. plants. Some species which are wingless, are found on the roots of plants, others on the stems or twigs, others roll up leaves, or form gall-like swellings on leaves; the grain aphis sucks the sap of the kernel. Ants are fond of the sweet excretions from the abdominal stylets, and often keep them captives in their nests like herds of cattle. Syrphus flies, and Coccinellae, keep them within proper limits in nature;. Minute species of Aphidius, small Ichneumons, kill larger numbers than we imagine. "When an aphis has received an egg from one of these parasites, it quits its companions and fastens itself by its ungues to the under side of a leaf, when it swells into a globular form, its skin stretched out and dried up, and in a short time the perfect parasite escapes by a circular hole, the mouth of which sometimes remains like a trap door," Eriosoma lanigerum, the American blight, a wooly or cottony covered species, feed on the sap wood of the apple. Coccidae, or bark lice, are scale-like in form like miniature oyster shells, and live on the bark of trees, or upon the roots. The males alone are winged and pass through the usual changes, while the female only increases in size, preserving its scale like form. "Early in spring the bark lice are found apparently torpid, situated longitudinally in regard to the branch, the head upwards, and sticking by their flattened inferior surface closely to the bark. On attempting to remove them they are generally crushed, and there issues from 26 202 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. the body a dark colored fluid. By pricking them with a pin, they can be made to quit their hold, as I have often seen in the common species, Coccus Hesperidurn, infesting the myrtle. A little later the body is more swelled, and, on carefully raising it with a knife, numerous oblong eggs will be discovered beneath it, and the insect appears dried up and dead, and only its outer skin remains, which forms a convex cover to its future progeny. Under this protecting shield the young are hatched, and, on the approach of warm weather, make their escape at the lower end of the shell, which is either slightly elevated or notched at this part. They then move with considerable activity, and disperse themselves over the young shoots or leav'es." Harris. The cochinealis prepared from the coccus that lives upon the cactus. In Canada a dye of equal value has been prepared to some extent from a native species of this genus. The minute scales secreting wax that cover certain species in the East Indies, enable the natives to prepare the different varieties of shellac. The preceding families belong to the order Hemoptera of many writers, but it is difficult to draw the line between the two groups of families. As a general thing the following families have the head smaller, the antennae long, and the base of the fore wings thickened; the beak is longer; many of the species are carnivorous. These have by one author been divided into flower-suckers and blood-suckers.' When disturbed they emit a disagreeable odor, and small species are often eaten with fruit, producing a particularly offensive and lasting taste. Various genera, such as Velia, Gerris and the bed-bug, often have no wings when merely perfect insects but pads instead, as all hemipters have when in the pupa state; but as the functions of reproduction are carried on, they have by some writers been called different species from the fully winged individuals. Notonectidae, or water-boatmen, are like Tettigoniae, but their legs are ciliated and formed for swimming. The different species of Corixa are common in every pool. Their motions are rapid, diving suddenly to the bottom and holding on to submerged objects when disturbed. They fly well, but walk with difficulty. Nepidae. This group comprises, among others, two singular genera. Belostorma, containing the largest species in the suborder, often measuring three inches in length. They may be seen in winter swimming beneath the ice of ponds. Nanatrca is long linear, SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 203 a water walking-stick. The head is small, the forelegs enlarged and adapted for seizing insects, as they creep about the roots of aquatic plants. Hydrometridae. The genus Gerris which represents this family in Maine, is long, narrowing alike towards both ends, being shaped like a wherry, and with their long legs they run over the surface of ponds and streams, moving backwards and forwards with great facility. They are among the earliest spring insects. The following families are terrestial, living for the most part on plants: Reduviidae. Insects with rather long, somewhat flattened bodies; the beak is much curved; the head is narrowed behind; the eyes are very prominent, and the prothorax is much raised in the middle, with a thin, often serrated ridge. The European Reduvius personatus feeds on bed-bugs, its larva and pupa concealed in a case of dust, the better to approach their prey. Ploiaria is very narrow, with very long legs; it is common in gardens, and is found as late as the middle of November. Nabis ferus is stouter, and very common in gardens. Pentatomidae. This is a large family of insects, of bright colors, and often of large size. The head is received into the large, broad, short prothorax, and the scutellum or the triangular piece at the base of the wings is large and distinct; they are generally oval in form. They are found in shrubs, sucking the leaves, or often seizing some caterpillar with their hooks. De Geer describes the eggs as being generally of an oval form, attached to leaves at one end by a glutinous secretion, the other being furnished with a cap, which the larva busts off when it hatches out. The larvae are rounded oval. Coreidae. These insects are narrower than the preceding group; they are flat above, and beneath convex. They run and fly well, their habits being generally very active. They are the most gaily colored, perhaps, of hemiptera. The larvae differ FIG. 27. very little from the perfect insects. They are found on plants, or at their roots. Phytocoris lineolaris is is our most abundant and injurious insect. It appears early in spring- Coreus tristis, the squashbug, (Fig. 27,) collects in numbers around the stems of squash vines next to the roots. lingis hyalina represents another family of broad, flattened semi 204 BOARD OF AGRICULTVRE. transparent hemipters. The hyalina is very abundant on the willow early in summer. Capsus is the type of another family, which consist of small species, with soft, rather narrow bodies, and long beaks and legs. They are very active, flying readily. They are found in flowers, and on fruit, such as raspberries. Cirnicidae. The bed-bug, (Cimex lectularius,) has a small, somewhat triangular head, orbicular thorax, and large, round flattened abdomen. It is generally wingless, having only two small wingpads instead. The eggs are oval, white; the young escape by pushing off a lid at one end of the shell. They are white, transparent, differing from the perfect insect, in having a broad, triangular head, and short and thick antennae. Indeed, this is the general form of lice, to which the larva of Cimex has the closest affinity. Some Cimices are parasites, infesting pigeons, swallows, &c., in this way also showing their near location to lice. The cockroach is the natural enemy of the bed-bug, and destroys large numbers. Houses have been cleared of them after being thoroughly fumigated with brimstone. Pediculi, Lice. These degraded, wingless forms of Hemiptera, still preserve the mouth parts in the form of a sucker, but it is fieshy and retractile. The triangular head has two simple eyes. The body is rather long, the abdomen oval. They are generally white, and of minute size. The metamorphosis is very incomplete -that is, there are but slight differences between the larva and the imago. The species of Pediculus are blood-suckers, and parasitic upon AMan and some of the Mammalia; different species being found upon different regions of the body. Different varieties are found living upon the bodies of different races of men. Mallophaga, bird-lice, live on hair of mammalia and feathers of birds. In this group there are distinct jaws. Nearly every bird and mammal has its parasite, so that the number of species is actually very large. NEUROPTERA. As a suborder these insects are the most aquatic of any other similar group, and it is swampy low grounds, the banks of pools and rivers, the thick dense damp forests, that the collector must frequent to find them. The large Dragon-flies when taken by the net must be killed by brushing with alcohol or benzine carried in a SCIENTIFIC SURVEY. 205 vial, and then the wings can be folded together and the insects be placed in bags, or pieces of paper, as directed for putting up Lepidoptera. The smaller, more slender and delicate species should be pinned directly in the collecting box, &c. Many species are caught at light in the night time, such as Polystoechotes nebulosus and the Phryganeidae; and a bright light placed in damp situations by streams, &c., will attract large numbers. Like moths the smaller species are attracted a great distance by light. Other species of this family so numerous in New England, are found in great numbers floating in the lakes and ponds.of the wild lands of Maine that are rare elsewhere. For the proper study of the genera of these insects, and often of the species, they should be collected in alcohol, so as to be studied in a flexible state. The aquatic larvae and pupae can easily be reared in aquaria in jars and tumblers, taking care that the weaker species are separated from those more powerful and bloodthirsty. The little entomostraca or water-fleas serve as food for the smaller species. With very little care many species can be raised in this way, and so little is known of their transformation that figures and descriptions would be of great value. The interesting and varied habits of the different families can also easily be noted. They can be called summer insects, since few are found late in the fall or early in the spring. Hemerobius and several species of Phryganeids are. found ere the snow has gone in the spring,-a few species of the latter family are found in November. Iermitidae. White ants, so called, from their resemblance to ants, and the snowy whiteness of their wings, and the pale colored female, like the true ants, are social, living in communities; while the majority are wingless males, often called neuters. In the winged individuals the wings are much larger than the body, being folded, when at rest, one upon the other. The wingless individuals have an enormous head with scissor-like mandibles. The American white ant, Termes frontalis, has been found in Massachusetts ruining the roots and stems of the grape vine. The insect is careful to conceal its work by leaving the outer crust intact. It feeds on dead wood, eating the inside of the sill of the house next to the grape vine. Psocidae. These little insects when winged, as most usual, and flying about in August, have a remarkable resemblance to Aphides. -The body is soft and short; the head is broader than the thorax; 206 BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. the wings are broad, the second pair much smaller than the first, both having raised nervures; the prothorax is very short. Atropos divinatorius is the little wingless louse-like insect always running over the leaves of books, and about dusty places, and they feed on cabinet specimens, sometimes doing considerable injury. These little soft insects should be gummed on pieces of cards, or put into alcohol; while the winged species can be pinned with small pins. Phryganeidae. (Caddice-flies, Case-worms.) The imago has a rounded body, with moderately broad, parallel veined wings, which are folded on the sides of the body, and the head is provided with long antennae and palpi. Both larvae and pupae are active. The smaller species are often hardly distinguishable from many simall moths. The female lay their eggs in gelatinous masses on aquatic plants, above or beneath the surface of the water. The larvae are found abundantly in the bottom of ponds, in cylindrical cases of grass or stems of reeds, or bits of sticks, sand, minute shells, &c. They assume different forms, sometimes a long, conical shape, or imitating snail shells. The larva lines the interior with silk, and by bristles on the side of the body and a pair of anal hooks keeps its body adhering to the sides of the case while it drags it over the bottom. They eat large quantities of minute water fleas (entomostraca) and small insects, while many are herbivorous, the larger ones eating whole leaves that have been submerged, while the smaller ones leave the veins entire. When about to change to pupae, the larva closes up the mouth of its case with a net-work like a grate for the passage of the water for respiration. When about to leave the pupa state they crawl up stems of plants, or the smaller species use their light cases as rafts to rest upon as their wings are drying. Neuronia semifasciata, (Fig. 28,) is FIG. 28. our largest species, and is taken away from damp places; but the smaller species are only taken on leaves of