TABLES T A B II jE S JFO THE DETERMINATION OF MINERALS ARRANGED FOR THE STUDENTS OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES COLUMBIA COLLEGE BY THOMAS EGLESTON, JR, Professor of Mlneralogy and Metallurfy. FOURTH EDITION. NEW YORK: 1871 Entered, aecording to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by THOMAS EGLESTON, JR., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. STEPHEN ANGELL, PRINTER, 410 FOURTH AVENUE. CONTENTS,........ I INTRODUCTION,....... CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES ACCORDING TO CRYSTALLfN' Fomr,. VI CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES ACCORDING TO HARDNESS,... VIII CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES ACCORDING TO SPECIFIC GRAvITY,. x CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES (SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT),... XIII SYSTEMS OF CRYSTALLIZATION,......... V. XT SCALE OF HARDNESS,.. *.... a..XV TABLES,............ page I INDEX,......... page 25 INTRODUCTION. TiE following tables have been arranged for the use of the students of the School of Mines. They have been condensed from the lectures and are intended to familiarize the student with the principal characteristics of minerals, so that by the aid of two or three questions, relating to the operations they would be obliged to perform in the field, a mineral can be determined. They have been used with marked success in the practical study of mineralogy for several years. T. EGLESTON, JR. SCHOOL OF MIES, 1871. CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES ACCORDING TO CRYSTALLINE FORM. ISOMETRIC. Diamond, Kalinite, Itllmannite, Tennantite, Garnet, Iron, Sphalerite, Tetrahedrite, Lapis Lazuli, Magnetite, Lead, Mercury, Hauynite, Franklinite, Galenite, Silver, Leucite, Pyrite, Clausthalite, Amalgam, Analcite, Pharmacosiderite, Arsenolite, Argentite, Halite, Chromite, Senarmontite, Cerargyrite, Sal Ammoniac, Alabandite, Uraninite, Bromyrite, Fluorite, Linnseite, Copper, Embolite, Boracite, Smaltite, Cuprite, Gold, Spinel, Cobaltite, Bornite, Platum. TETR A GONAL. Zircon, Scheelite, Stannite, Wulfenite, Vesuvianite, Braunite, Rutile, Torbernite, Wernerite, Hausnnnite, Octahedrite, Chalcopyrite, Apophyllite, Cassiterite, Stolzite, Calomel. OR T HO RHOMBIC. Sulphur, Staurolite, Aphthitalite, Aragonite, Chrysolite, Calamine, Thenardite, Epsomite, Iolite, Prehnite, Mascagnite, Diaspore, Muscovite, Natrolite, Barite, Wavellite, Lepidolite, Stilbite, Witherite, Chrysoberyl, Chondrodite, Talc,' Celestite, Goethite. Andalusite, Serpentine, Strontianite, Marcasite, Topaz, Nitre, Anhydrite, Leucopyrite, _J: _,.~~~~~~~~~~1 DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. Vii Arsenopyrite, Goslarite, Orpiment, Brochantite, Scorodite, Brookite, Valentinite, Atacamite, Columbite, Bournonite, Stibnite, Libethenite, Wolframite, Anglesite, Autunite, Olivenite, Pyrolusite, Cerussite, Molybdite, Stephanite, Manganite, Bismutiinite, Chalcosite, Polybasite. Triplite, Aikenite, MON OCLINIC. Wollastonite, Datolite, Nptron, Erythrite, Pyroxene, Titanite, Barytocalcite, Ainabergite; Spodufmene, Pectolite, Gypsum, Crocoite, Petalite, Laumontite, iPharmacolite, Realgar, Amphibole, Harmotome; Alunogen, Kermesite, Epidote, Heulandite,'Melanterite, Liroconite. Orthoclase, Glauberite, Vivianite, Malachite, Fibrolite, Mirabilite, Bieberite, Azurite.. Euclase, Borax, T RIO cL I NI C. Sassolite, Labradorite, Albite, Cryolite,: Rhodonite, Oligoclase, Cyanite, Chalcanthite. Anorthite, HEXAG ONA L. Water, Chabazite, Pyrrhotite, Bismuth, Tellurium, Prochlorite, Copiapite, Tetradymite, Graphite, Soda Nitre, Siderite, Arsenic, Quartz, Apatite, Menaccanite, Antimony, Beryl, Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Molybdenite, Willemite; Iolomite, Millerite, Cinnabar, Phenacite, Brucite, Niccolite, Proustite, Biotite, Magnesite, Zincite, Pyrargyrite, Nephelite,; Corundum, Smithsonite, Iedyrite, Tourmaline, Alunite, Pyromorphite, Iridosmine. Dioptase, Hematite, Mimetite, A MO RP H O U S. Carbonic Acid,:Sepiolite, Arseniosiderite, Zaratite, Opal, Aluminite, Psilomelane, Hydrozincite, Chrysocolla, Turquois, Wad, Minium. Chlorastrolite, Limonite, Remingtonite, CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES ACCORDING TO H A R D NESS. H. < I H.=1*5=2 Pyrargyrite, H.=25 —3'5 Carbonic Acid, Alunogen, lusite, Bae Senarmontite, Mercury, Gypsum, Stephanite, alcite. Molybdite, Mirabilite, Tellurium, e, Sassolite, Orpiment, Thenardie, H Sal-Ammoniac, Water. Realgar, Torbernite. Biotite. H.=0'5-6 Soda-Nitre, J. HWad. ="-Tetradymite,3 Vivianite. Chrysocolla, Anglesite, Kalinite, Wulfenite. H.=l15 H. =1'5 —2'" Lepidolite, Cerargyrite, Erythrite. Minium, H.=275 —3 Embolite, Polybasite. Stolzite. Iodyrite, H.=2a Kermesite, HH..=2 o Molybdeni te, Ciehalcanthite. 3 Natron, Nitrei Borite, Talc.'Stibnh. nyite.,Cyoite, Halite, Olivenite, H.=l 2 H.=2i-2*2* Muscovite, Serpentine. Pharmacosiderite, Aluminite, Epsomite. Sepiolite., l 3-3t Aluminite, H.=3 —,'2 Arseniosiderite,.= 2 H. aratite. Bromyrite, ikinite, Galenite. HG. =3 —3'5 Calomel, Argentite, Graphite. Autunite, H.=- 3 Amalgam, Ie H.=Pl-2e Bismuth, Anhydrite, Bismuthinite, Annabergite, Antimony, Sulphur. Borax, Bournonite, Aphthitalite, Cinnabar, Chalcocite, Atacamite, H. =1'5 Goslarite, Olausthalite, Celestite, Hydrozincite, -Copper, Cerussite, Arsenolite, Liroconite, Crocoite, Millerite. Brucite, Mascagnite, Glauberite, Copiapite, Pharmacolite, Gold, H.=3 —4'& Ice, Prochlorite, Silver, Lead. Proustite, Valentinite. Tetrahedrite. 8 DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. IX H.=3*2-4 H.=4 —45 H.=5-665 Iridosmine, HeatT te.'Prehnite. Wavellite. Chabazite, Hematite. Platinum, H.=-35 Zincite..= Epidote, Analcite, Vesuvianite. Arsenic, H.=4 —5 Chromite, H.=6*5-7 Laumontite, Cobaltite, Mimetite. Pectolite. Datolite, Chrysolite, Lapis Lazuli, Diaspore, H.=3'5-3'7 H.=4-5 Linneite, Garnet,. Iron, Uraninite, Spodumene. Witherite. Iron, Willemite. Harmotome. H.=7 H].=35-4 H.=45- H.='5 —6 Boracite, Arsenopyrite, Alabandite, Apatite, Brookite, Qa5 Alurnite, pophyllite, Chlorastrolite, rohantite, Scheelite, Haiiynite, Iolite, Brochntit, Wollastonite. Leucite, Staurolite, OCalcopyrite, Magnetite, Tourmaline. Duprite, H.=5 Nephelite, ^~Dolomite,. _ Octahedrite, H.-=- 7 eulandite, Calamine, Smaltite. Andalusite, Malachite, Chromite,. Eucase, Pyromorphite, Dioptase, H -ircon Scorodite, Franklinite, Opal, Sphalerite, Smithsonite. Rhodonite. H. 5-8 Stilbite, Strontianite, H=S 5 H.=6 Beryl, Tennantite. Phenacite. Anorthite, G oethite, Columbite, H-S H.* = 9 = 4 Hausmannite, Labradorite, Leucopyrite, Oligoclase, Spinel, Limonite, Orthoclase, Topaz. Azurite. Natrolite, Turquois. Niccolite, H.=-8agnesit Titnite, H.=6-65 Chrysoberyl. Magnesite, Triplite, Pyrrhotite, Ullmannite, Albite, Rhodochrosite, Wolframite. Braunite, H.=9 Siderite. Chondrodite, Corundum. H. =5-6 Marcasite, H.=4 Petalite, H.=10 Amphibole, Pyrite, Barytocalcite, Cyanite, Rutile. Diamond. Fluorite, Menaccanite, H.= 7 U undetermined. Libethenite, Psilomelane, Manganite, Pyroxene, Cassiterite, Biebetite, Stannite. Wernerite. Fibrolite, Remingtonite. CLASSIFICATION' OF THE SPECIES ACCORDING TO SP ECIFIC GRAVITY. G. O-098 —1 G.=19 —293 G.=2a35 —39 Oligoclase, Water. Opal. Apophyllite. Write Wernerite. G.=i-1'6 G.=2 G.=2*4 G.=.6-28 Sepiolite. Graphite. Harmotome. Glauberite G.=1I4 G.=29 —21 G.=2'4-9-2: 5 Prochlorite, Mirabilite, Chabazite. Leucite. Talc, Natron. G. —2Turquois. K atron. |G.=2-922 |G.=24 —28 u G.=I'48 Chrysocolla, Halynite. 0 - Sassolite. Soda-Nitre, G.=2'42-2- 45 Phenacite. G.=1*5 Stilbite. Petalite. G. Carbonic Acid, G.=2-5 G.=24T-26 Thenardite. Sal-Ammoniac. Biotite. Serpentine..== - G.=15 —1S G.=2'072 G.=2' —2^6 Pectolite. Kalinite. Sulphur. Iolite, G.=2S —2'9 G.-6 G.=2'1 —2'2 Nephelite,. G.=!'6 ZWollstonite. luminite. Heulandite, Zaratite. Natrolite. G.= 5.7 G.=23-2'9 G.= 16 —- =2.1' Anhydrite, Alunite, Dolomite, Alunogen. Halite. Calcite, rooite Liroconite, G.= 1* G.=2'2 Quartz. Prehnite. Aphthitalite, Analcite, G. =253 — *59 G.=2- -a Borax, Chalcanthite. Orthoclase. Datolite Datolite, Epsomite, G.=2'28-2*41- G.=2'54 —264 Lepidolite,, Mascagnite. Laumontite. Albite. Magnesite..G.=23 G.=2'6 G.=28 —-31 Melanterite. GelanG, Brucite, Vivianite. Muscovite.:1 it=1'9 eGypsum, G. =2'6 —2'. G.=2'9 Nitre. Wavellite. II G. 1i9-2*i Gt.=2*-2~4 BeAnorthite, Aragonite, Beryl, Boracite, Goslarite. Lapis Lazuli. Labradorite, Erythrite. 10 DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. -XI G.=2.9-3 G.=3*835-3 5 G.=3'r —43 G.=43 -45 Cryolite, Calamine. Psilomelane. Ohromite, Pharmacosiderite. Pharmacosid. G.=3*4 G.= 3'S'3-9 Stannite. G. —-29 — 3, 4 G.=2 34 Orpiment. Brochantite, G.=44-4' Amphibole. G.=34 6 Octahedrite. Pyrrhotite..... G ^ 0.=3.8-0-4.1 e 44-4oS Annabergite Realgar, G.= -=4.1Atuna ite,' Rholdonte~, - Willemite. Moiybdenite. Autunite, Rho'donte, Euclase. Rhodoclirosite..=9 C.=44 G.= 3-32 G.=34 —38 Celestite. Bornite. Tourmalie. Staurolite, G.=3-O4 G.=45'-4 G._=3f1 Triplite. Alabandite Kermesite, Chondrodite, G.=3'5 Corundum, Stibnite. Fluorite. Arseniosiderite Sphalerite. G.=4; {4 G.=3*1-3.2 Topaz..=4-4 Meaccaite Menaccanite. Andalusite, C. =3a- -36 Atacamite. Spodumene. 4 G.=4' 5 —5'1. —— t —-'3 Hydincit~e, 6a ^.~ Tetrahedrite. c. = l~OHydrozincite, Goethite, Scorodite. Torobernite. Smithsonite. G.=4' & —' G.=314 G G.=-35-3*'S G.=4 —45 Hematite, Garnet. Azurite, Bornite. G. =46 G.=3E18i Chrysoberyl. G=4-47 Miium Chlorastrolite. =35 Z. =4. G.- -3'5 —.' "Zircon. C.4~6~4*8 GFib ^ Spinel. G.=4-4f8 Marcasite. ibrolite. G.=3'55 Barite. G.=47 Diamond. G.=4'1 Hausmannite. Dioptase. Diops. -G.=3'6 Brookite. G.=4'7 —4'8 Gyr.oe=2 * Arsenolite, G.=4'1-4'2 Braunite. Pyrosuene. ( nBarytocalcite, Rle. =48Rutile. G.=4*8 —4'9 G.=3Apati3 =36-3 G.=4'1-4-3 Pyrolusite. Apatite. Strontianite. Chalcopyrite.' G.=33-3.4.= —5 G ineite, Chrysolite, Linneite, Vesuvianite. Libethenite. Olivenite. Pyrite. G.=3.3 —3. CG.=3'6 — 4 G.=42 —4'3 C.=439-5*1 Diaspore. Limonite. Witherite. Magnetite. G.=3'3-3'7 G.=3*7 —3*9 G.=4'2 —4'4 G.=52-53 Titanite. Siderite. Manganite. Senarmontite. G. =33 —4 G.=3.7- 4 G.=4.3- 4.4 G.=52-56 Epidote. Malachite. Tennantite. Millerite. XI1 PETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. G.=5'3 —5'8 G.=6 G.=64- 7 G.=8'9 Embolite. Scheelite. Smaltite. Cinnabar, G. =5'4 —5~5 G.=6 —63 C.=65- Copper. Proustite. Cobaltite. Pyromorphite. G.=9'7 G.=54 —58 G.C=6 —6*4 4 G.=6'6 —667 Bismuth. Zincite. Arsenopyrite. Antimony. G' =10-14 G.=54 —6e4 G.=6' 1 —6'3 G.=7-S7 Amalgam. dolumbite. Tellurium. Leucopyrite. G.=1*01 —11'1 G.=5.5 G.=661 —6es G.=7 —'8 Silver. Cerargyrite, Aikinite. Clausthalite. G. G. = 11'4 Iodyrite, G.=62 G.=7'-7-2 Lead. Valentinite. Anglesite, Mimetite. G.=13* G.=5'5 —5'8 Polyasite, G.=1 —73 Mercur Chalcocite. Stephanite. C G -5. -Chalcoe.= Argentite. G.=15-19.m-6'm'ellG.a7nn1-7t5e Gold. Franklinite. U an Woframite G.=6'g —6; 9 |G.=16-19 Wulfenite. Platinum. Bournonite, Galenite. Pyrargyrite. CG..3-7 _.=19 —21 Pyrargyrite. G.=637 r1 G.=7 2- s4 Iridosmine. G.=5*86 GCassiterite. Tetradymite. Bromyrite, G. =6'4 G.=73 —76 Undetermined, Cuprite. Calomel, Niccolite. Bieberite, G.=-'9 Cerussite, G.=7-3 —781 Copiapite, Arsenic. Uranipite. Iron. Molybdite, G.=5 9-61 G.-=Q64-65 G.=7'8 —821 Remingtonite, OGrocoite. Bismuthinite. Stolzite.Wad. Crocdite.' Bismuthinite. Stolzite. DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. xiv Strontium. Leucopyrite, p. 14 Titanitan. Copper. Celestite, Arsenopyrite, Rutile, Copper Strontianite. Scorodite, Octahedrite, Cuprite, Calcuim. Pharmacosiderite, Brookite. Chalcocite Anhydrite, p. 10 Aseniosiderite, Bornite, p. 22 Gypsum, Side, halcopyrite, Fluorte ite, Menaccanite Tennantite, Apataite, Chromite, MGlenite, Tetrahedrite, Pharmacolite, Columbite, p.15 Boalernonite, Chalcanthite, Aragonite, Wolpraite. p. no, Brochantite, ChroAnmlesite, Brochantite, Calcite, Vng ee Clausthaite, Atacamite, Dolmite Braunite, Pyromorhite, p. ibethenite, Scheelite. Hausmanmite, ylimoetite, Olivenite, ul1aginesiunm. Pyrolusite, Cerussite, Lirocouite, Brucite, p. 11 Manganite, Crocoite, Malachite, Epsomite, Psilomelane, Stolzite Azurite. Boracite, Wad, Wulfenite. Magnesite, Alabandite, Isereuary. Spinel. Triplite, Mil&tl Mla saercury, Aianalnmin. Rhodochrositep.l Bismuth, Cinnabar, GCorUndU, dobat, rBismuthinite, Calomel. Corunduma, cobat Aikenite, Diaspore, Linueite, ed ite, p. Aluminite, Bieberite, Tetradymite, p. 20 Sver Alunogen, Smaltite, Arsenic. Silver, Alunite, p. 12 Cobaltite, Arsenic Amalgam, Kalinite, Erythrite, Arsenolite, Argentite, Cryolite, Remingtonite, Realgar, Proustite, Turquois, Niciel Orpiment. Stephanite, p. 24 Wavellite, Pyrargyrite, Chrysoberyl. Millerite, Antitmony. Polybasite, Iffron. Niccolite, Antimony, Cerargyrite, or n. a Ullmannite, Senarontit Bromyrite, Iron, Annabergite, aEmbolite, Magnetite, Zaratite. tinite, Jorite Franklinite, Stibnite, Iodyrite. Hematite, p. 1 Zn. Kermesite, p. 21 Goethite, Zincite, Urnaloinme. Gol Limonite, Sphalerite, i Gold. Pyrrhotite, Goslarite, UrAninite, Pyrite, Smithsonite, Aut nite, PitinUm Marcasite, Hydrozincitee. Platinum. Melanterite, TWin. olybdenBm. Copiapite, Cassiterite, Molybdite, Iridium. Vivianite, Stannite. p. 18 Molybdenite. Iridosmine. t ~~~~~Anb rite CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES. SYSTEMATIC ARRAN'GEMENT. Hydrogen. Phenadte Group. III. Subsilicates. Stilbite, Water. page 1 Willemite, Chondrodite, Heulandite. Sulphur. Phenacite, p. 3 Tourmaline, MAxRABOPHYILITB Sulphur. Garnet Group. I. Bisilicates. Fibpolite, Tellurium. Garnet. C te, Talc Group. Cyanite, Tellurium. Veuiante Group. Topaz, Talc. Carbon. Zircon, Euclase, Sepwilite Group. Diamond, Vesuvianite. Datolite, Sepiolite. Graphite, ^ote Gup. Titanite, p. 6 II. Unisilicates. Carbbnic Acid. Epidote. Staurolite. Serpentine Group. Boron titGru. UYDOUSSILCATES. Serpentine. p. 8 Boron.ite r^ HYDROTTSSILICATES. Iolite Group. Sassolite. Iolite. I. Bisilicates. II. Subsicates. Silicon. Pectolite Grozp. Chlorite Group. Oxygen Compounds.. a G Pectolite, Quartz, Biotite, Laumontite. Potassium. Quartzus covite, Opal. Muscovite, Diptase Group. Nitre, SaLIAES Lepidolite. Dioptase, Aphthitalite. SILICATES. S~lICAYDRO ES. SI- Slipolite Group. Chrysocolla. Sodium. AHYDROUS M SILI- Sod m. CATES. Wernerite, p. 4 II. Unisilicates. Soda Nitre, I. Bisilicates. Nephelite Group: Calamine Group. Thenardite, Amphibole Group. Nephelite. Calamine, Glauberite, Wollastonite, p. 2 Prehnite, Mirabilite, Pyroxene, ue roup. Chlorastrolite. Halite, Rhodonite, Lapis Lazuli, Apophyllite Group. Borax, p 9 Spodumene, Hauynite, Apophyllite. p. 7 Natron. Petalite, Leucite. ZEOLITE BECTION. Ammonium. Amphibole. eldspar Group. I. Unisilicates. MasCagnite, Beryl Group. Anorthite, Natrolite. Sal Ammoniac. Beryl. Labradorite, II. Bisilicates. Barium. II. Unisilicates. Oligoclase, Analcite, Barite, Chrysolite Group. Albite, Chabazite, Witherite, Chrysolite. Orthoclase, p. 5 Harmotome, Barytocalcite. SYSTEMS OF CRYSTALLIZATION. NO. SIMPLE FORMS. AXES. 1 Octahedron, or cube. 3 axes rectangular and equal. 2 T etragonal pyramid, or right prism with 3 axes rectangular, 2 equal. a square base. 3 Rhombic pyramid, or right prism with a 3 axes rectangular, and unequal. rhombic base. 4 Monoclinic pyramid, or inclined rhombic 3 axes unequal, 2 rectangular. prism. 5 Triclinic pyramid, or doubly inclined 3 axes unequal, and unequally inclined. rhomboidal prism. 6 Hexagonal pyramid, hexagonal prism, 4 axes, 3 equal and equally inclined, 1 or rhombohedron. at right angles to the other three. NAMES USED BY DIFFERENT, AUTHdRS. WEISS & DANA. DANA. NO.. PHILLIPS. oNAsUMANN. DELFOSE 1854. 1869. 1 Tessular. Regular. Cubic. Tesseral. Cubic. Monomet- Isometric. ric. 2 Pyramidal. 2 and 1 Pyramidal. Tetrago- Tetrago- Dimetric. Tetragonal. axial. nal. nal. 3 Orthotype. 1 and 1 Prismatic. Rhombic. Ortho- Trimetric. Orthorhomaxial. rhombic. bic. 4 Hemior- 2 & 1 mem- Oblique. Monoclino- Clino- Monocli- Monoclinic. thotype. bered. hedric. rhombic. nic. 5 Anortho- 1 & 1 mem- Anorthic. Triclino- Clino- Triclinic. Triclinic. type. bered. hedric. hedric. 6 Rhombo- 3 and 1 Rhombo- Hexagonal. Hexagonal. Iexagonal. Iexagonal. hedral. axial. hedral. SCALE OF HARDNESS. l.-Talc. Laminated light green variety. Easily scratched by the nail. 2.-Gypsum. Crystallized variety. Not easily scratched by the nail. Does not scratch a copper coin. 3. —Calcite. Transparent variety. Scratches and is scratched by a copper coin. 4.-Fluor. Crystalline variety. Not scratched by a copper coin. Does not scratch glass. 5.-Apatite. Transparent variety. Scratches glass with difficulty. Easily scratched by the knife. 5.5.-Scapolite. Crystalline variety. 6.-Orthoclase. White cleavable variety. Scratches glass easily. Not easily scratched by the knife. 7.-Quartz. Transparent variety. Not scratched by the knife. Yields with difficulty to the file. 8.-Topaz. Transparent variety. Harder than flint. 9.-Sapphire. Cleavable varieties. Harder than flint. 10.-Diamond. Harder than flint. 1._________________.,________________ __.___ Narneof th Pri-mitive -_____ _ __ _Spic Hr- Colors auiad- Action of Secame of theCleavage. Fracre eciitc, Hiard- Luster. Streak. Physical Bcids. Blowpipe Characters Species. For. leavge. Fracture. Gravity ness. Properties. Water, HIIexagonal Parallel to Conchoidal. 1 1.5 Vitreous. White. Colorless, Becomes liquid at 0', Prism. the bse. Cgreenish and boils at 100'. Water,'~~~~'the base.~ b~luish inlarge masses. Sulphur, Rt. Rhombic Imperfect Conchoidal. 2.072 1 Resinous. Sulphur yel- Yellow when Not acted on. When pure volatilizes Prism of Parallel to the t Vitreous and low. Some- transparent. without residue, giving 101~ 47' Prism and adamantine. times reddish Double re- off sulphurous acid. Octahedron. a 2.5 or greenish. fractiug. Tellurium, Hexagonal Parallel to Lamellar. 6.1 2 Metallic. Tin white. Tin white. On chalcoal burns with Prism. the Prism to g reen flame; volatilizes Prism, the to leaving a white ring _ 6.3 2.5 with a red border. _ I)ianmond, Octahedron. Par allel.tothe Conchoidal. 0 Brillia2nt Colorless, Not acted on. Burns without residue Diamond, faces of the adamantinsmoky, yel- before the oxyhydrogen > Diamond, Octahedron. Parallelize Conchoidal. 3.55 10 adamantine.s Octahedron. low, green, blowpipe. blue & black. Grlaphite, iHexagonal Parallel to Lamellar. [2 1 | iMetallic. Black and Steel gray. Not acted on. Infusible. M Prism. the base of lustrous. the Prism. to 2 Carbonic 1.5 -1 Colorless. Z Acid. Sassolite, Doublyin- Parallel to Lamellar. 1.48 -1 Pearly. White. White. Solble in Fuses in the flame ofa dined Prism the base. water. candle. O of 118 30' QI uartz, hombo- Difficult par- Conchoidal. 2 ".v 7 Vitreous and White if pure. Colorless, Not acted on. Infusible, Soluble in heQuartzon of alel to the resinous. If impure, of- white, black, Carbonate of Soda. 94 5 faces of the to ten of the red, green, Rhombo- 2.7 same color as double rehedron. the impurity. fracting. Opal, Conchoidal. 1.9 5.5 Vitreous and White. White,yellow, More or less Infusible. Gives off resinous. red, brown, completely water and becomes to to green, gray. soluble. opaque. 2.3 6.5 Name of the Primitive eCifi Hard- Colors and Action of Species. Cleavage. Fracture. Grat ad Luster. Streak. Physical Acids. Blowpipe Characters. _______.~~ ______._~ ~Properties. Wollastoln- Inclined Parallel to the Uneven. 2.7 4.5 Vitreous and Whiteorsame White, gray. Gelatinizes. Phosphorescentwhen ite, Rhombic base. to to pearly. as color. yellow, red, heated on chcl. Fuses Prism of brown. to a colorless bead. 95~35' 2.9 5 Borax, transp. glass & skeleton of Silica. Swells with Soda in excess and is infusible. Pyroxene, Inclined Parallel to the Conchoidal or 3.2 5 Vitreous, re- Whiteorgray, White Some varie- Fusible to a glass darkRhombic Prism & base. uneven. to to sinons, pearly or paler than throughgreen ties are er than the specimen. Prism of color. to black. slightly acted 875' 3.5 6 on. Rhodonite, Doubly Incli- More or less Uneven. 3.4 5.5 Vitreous and Reddish Red, rose, More or less Fusible. ned Rhomb- difficultParal- to to pearly. white. brown. completely M oidal Prism of lel to thefaces dissolved. 73o48' of the Prism. 3.6 6.5 Spodumene Inclined Parallelto the Uneven. 3.1 65 Pearly and White. White, gray, Not acted on. Loses color,intumesces, Rhombic Ortho Pina- to vitreous green,reddish fuses to a glass. Reac- Prism of coid. ttion for Lithia. 87" 3.2 7 < Petalite, Inclined Perfect paral- Imperfectly 2.42 6 Vitreous. White. Milk white, Not acted on. Melts and colors the lIhombic lel to the base conchoidal to to white tinted flame red, from Lithia, Prism of Easy parallel and scaly. 24 6 gray, red or sometimes the reaction 86o20' to clino dome. 2. 6.5 green.'for Fl. t Amphibole, Inclined. Parallel to the Conchoidalor 2.9 5 Vitreous. Whiteorpaler White Some varie- P, las ndarerr Rhombic Prism. uneven. to o pearly, silky. than color. throughgreen ties are t - e-Jp-i p. Prism of 4 to black slightly acted O 12411, 3.4 6 on. 0 Beryl, Hexagonal Easy Parallel Conchoidal or 2.6 7.5 Vitreous. White. Green, blue, Not acted on. Fusible with difficulty Prism. to the base. uneven. to to yellow, red, on the edges. DifficultPar- 2 white. allel to Prism.. Chrysolite RizhtRhomb. Easy Parallel Conchoidal. 3.3 6.5 Vitreous. White. Green, yellow Gelatinizes. Infusible. Prism of 119' to the macro- brown. 13' Pinacoid.Tra- t to Double Reces Parallel to 3.4 7 fracting. Br'chy Pinac.'pnColorswhite Gelatinizes. Becomes opaque & Willemite Rhombo- Parallel to Conchoidal 3.8. Vitre and White. Colo white Geltinize. Become odi e exagonal and to resinous. yellow, I n fses with lty on ~ Prism and Imperfect. orgraysblk. theedge Pinacoid. 4.1 Dble. refract'g Name of the Primitive Specific Hard- Colors and Action of Se Cleavageies. Streak. P^ Blowpipe Characters. Species. Form. Cleavage. racture. Gravity ness. Physical Acids. Blowpipe C Gravity_____ hess._ _ _Properties. A i Phenacite, Rhombo- Indistinct. Conchoidal 2.6 7.5 Vitreous. Colorless. Colorless Insoluble. Infusible. hedron, and uneven. to to ellow, brown, 116' 36' D tO ouble re3 8 fracting. Garnet, Rhombic Do-Dodecahedral SubconchoiGarnet, Rhomb Do- Dodeca hedral Subconchoi- 3.15 6.5 Vitreous or Colorless. Red, brown, Imperfectly'uT~. decahedron.Gerally in- dal, uneven. ~ distict.dal, uneven to to resinous. yellow,white, soluble. 4 7: green, black. Zircon, Right Square Parallel to Concholdal, 4 7.5- Vitreous. Colorless. Colorless,red, Insoluble. Infusible. Prism. Prism and uneven. to brown,yellow M Octahedron. 4.7 pink, green. S 4.7 Double re- M fracting. Vesuvianite Night Square Parallel to Imperfectly 3.3 6.5 Vitreousor White. Green,brown, Partially sol- Intumesces and fuses. a Prism. both Prisms. conchoidal. to resinos. yellow, red, uble In HC1. i d t resnousblue. Gelatinizes 3.4 Dichroic. after calcination. Epidote, Inclined Easy Parallel Uneven. 3.3 6.5 Vitreous and Colorless, Green,yellow, Gelatinizes. e Rhombic to the base. to pearly on the graishor brown,black. ~~~~~~~Prism of ~easy fracture. reddish. 69~ 56' 4 Tolite, Right Rhom-Easy Parall. to eConchoidal. 2.5 7 Vitreous Colorless. Blue, green, Partially Fusible with difficulty. bic Prism of Macro, & diff. yellow, gray a cted on. 119' 10' paral. to Bra- Pleohroic. chy Pinacoid. 2.6 7.5 iochroic. Biotite, Hexagonal. Parallelto the Lamellar. 2 2.7 Vitreous. White orgray White, gray, Decomposed Fusible with difficulty. e,abase. to to brown, red, 2.5 2.9 green, black. by S. M.uscovite, Right lhom- Parallelto the Lamellar. 2.8 2.5 Vitreous. White orgray White, gray Insoluble. Fusible with difficulty. bic Prism base. to brown, green, near 120' 3.1 black. Lepidolite, Right Rhom-Paralleltothe Lamellar. 2.8 2 Pearly or White. White, green, Attacked by Fusible. bic Prism of base. vitreous. red, gray, acids. Reaction for 120' 30' to to 31203 3 t O" acids. Reaction for Li. to to"3ilt 8'8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Name of the Primitive Colors and j pe av- Cla e he Primitive C levage. Fracture. 1 Spcific Hard Luster: Streak. Physical Actionf Blowpipe Characters. pecies. Form. Gravity ness. Properties. Ac Wernerite, Right Square Parallel to Uneven. 2.6 5 Vitreous or Colorless. White, gray, Partially Fuses'hib.. Prism. both Prisms. to to pearly on the yellow,green, soluble in o.7 |6 fracture. blue and. red. H C1. 2.7 6 Nephelite, Hexagonal Imperfect Pa- Conchoidal 2.5 5.5 Vitreous or Colorless. Gray, white. Gelatinizes. Melts with difficulty. Prism. rallel to the and unequal. to to resinous base and. prism. 2.6 6 Lapis La- Rhombic Do- Parallel to the Uneven. 2.3 5.5 Vitreous or Clear blue. Blue. Gelatinizes. M es to a white glass. | zuli, decahedron. Rhombic Do dull. decahedron. to4 2.4 Hauynite, Rhombic Do- Parallel tothe Conchoidal, 24 5.5 Vitreous. Bluish white. Blue Gelatinizes. Decrepitates and fuses decahedron. Rhombic Do- unequal. with difficulty. decahedron. to to 2.8 6 Leucite, Tetragonal Parallel tothe Conchoidal 2.4 5.5 Vitreous or Colorless. White, gray, Completely 4fusible. 4 Tris-Octa- Rhombic Do- and unequal. to to resinous. red. soluble, hedron. decahedron. 2.5 6 but does not c2.5 6 r |gelatinize. Anorthite, Doubly In- Parallel to the Conchoidal. 2.6 6 Vitreous or Colorless. Colorless, Soluble and Fusible. | boidal h to pearly. white. deposits Prism of 2 pulverulent 12 80of 2.7 silica. O 120~ 83' Labradorite Doubly in- Parallel to the Imperfectly 2 6 Vitreous on Colorless. Gray, yellow, Completely Fusible. clined Rhom- base. conehoidal,the faces redblue,with olule, but boidal Prism uneven,scaly. to the faces, 121 37 neensca. 2.7 pearly on the play of colos. with diffi-.1 2. fracture. culty. Oligoclse, Doubly in- Parallel to the Conchoidal, 2 6 6 Vitreous or Colorless. White, green, Insoluble. Melts with difficulty. cined Rhom- base. uneven,scaly.. pearly on the red. Colors the flame yellow. boidal Prism to cleavage, of 120' 42' 2.7 pearly on the fracture. Albite, Doubly in- Easy parallel Imperfectly 2.54 6 Vitreous, Colorless. Colorless, Insoluble. Melts with ieiy ined Rhom- to the base. conchoidal, pearly on base pale red, yel- on the edges. Colors boidal Prism Less easy pa- uneven. to to & sometimes low, green, the flame yellow, of 120~ 47' rallelto prism 2.64 6.5 on the prism, gray..........,.. -.............................gray. Nameofdhyicl Action of BlowppeaChacters pecithe Primitive C eavage. |Fractre. Specific Hard- Luster. Streak. PhysicBal Acid Blwpie Caters. Prism of & very often base. red, brown, 118~ 48' interrupted 2.59 yellow, green. paral.toprism Chondro- RightRhomb. Indi. Indt Conchoidal. 3.1 6 Resinous. White, yel- Yellow, Gelatinizes. Infusible. With Borax, dite, Prism of lowish or brown, red, if saturated, becomes dt 49~ 59' to greenish. green, gray. cloudy on flaming. Re6.5 action for Fl. Tourmaline Rhombohe- Imperfect pa- Conchoidal, 3.0 7 Vitreous. Colorless. Colorless, Not acted on. Selot and gives the re- t dron of 139 8' rallel to the and uneven. to to gray,red,blue, M Rhomb and 3.2 7.5 brown.yellow action for Bo. H Prism. black. M Dichroic. W Andalusite, Right Rhom- Perf. paral. to Conchoidal, 3.1 7.5 Vitreous White. Green, red, e Not acted on. Infsible. bic Prism of theprism. Im- scaly, or un- to gray, brown. the Macro and 3re shows Poly- Brachy Pinac. chroism. < Fibrolite, Inclined Parallel to the' Uneven. 3.2 6 Vitreous. Colorless. Gray or Not acted on. Infusible. M Rhombic Bsqs. Pina- to brown. Prism of re oid. 7 Dichroous. 97.~ i Cyanite, Doubly in- Three Cleav- Uneven. 3.5 5 Pearly and Colorless. Colorless, Not acted on. Infusible. clined Rhom- ages, one of to to vitreous. white, blue, boidal Prism which is easy 3.6 6 green, gray, of 106~ 15' the others bc. less so.. Topaz, Right Rhom-Perf. paral. to Conchoidal 3.5 8 Vitreous. Colorless. Colorless, Not acted on. Infusible, but cracks at bic P^ism base. Imperf. or uneven yellow, red, a high heat. 914' pr paral. to the greenishblue. Macro & Bra- Pyroelectric. achy-domes. Euclase, RhombInclined Very easy pa- Conchoidal. 3.0 7.5 Vitreous Colorless. Colorless, Not acted on. Swells and melts ts a Prism of rallel to the to or pearly,. green, blue. White enamel. 140' 40' 3.1 Electric by friction, Datolite, Inclined Eas Parallel'Uneven or 28 5.5 Vitreous. White. Colorless, Gelatinizes. Swells and melts easily ombi to the Ortho- conchoidal. white, green, to a clear glass. Gives 76'38 acoid. gray, violet, thereaction for Boracic Prism of Pnacoid3red or yellow. Acid. L - - - -.... _____.. 0_ Colors and Name of the Primitive Cleavage. Fracture Specific H Luster. Streak. Physical cids Blowpipe Characters. Speci-r ness F. Properties. ^^ ^^' ^^' 1^^: ^^ ^^ ^^AeoWlf |Titanite, | Inclined Easy parallel Imperfectly 3.3 Adamantine White or red.White, yellow n fne pow- Melts with intumesRhombic to the Prism. conchoidal, to to or vitreous, red, brow., der cence to a darkglass. Prism of uneven. reen, gra, imperfectly. 113~ 31' 3.7 5.5 Pl eichrois completely. Pyroelectric. Staurolite, Right Rhom- Perf. parallel Conchoidal 3.4 7 Vitreous or White. Dark red, red- Partly acted Infusible. bic Prism of to the Macro- or uneven. to to resinous dis brown, onby 129~ 26' Pinacoid. Im- black. perf. parallel 3.8 7.5 to the Prism. Pectolite, Inclined Easy parallel Fibrous. 2.7 4 Pearly and White. White, gray,,After heat- Melts easily to a white Rhombic to the Prism. silky on the,brown. ing soluble enamel. Prism. to to fracture. inH Cl. giv- 3 2.8 5 ing up gelati- ] nous silica. W Laumontite Inclined Easy parallel Uneven. 228 3.5 Vitreous or White. White,yellow Gelatinizes Intumesces and melts Rhombic to the Prism. pearly on the gray, red. Ex- with HC1. to a white glass. Prism of Psto cleavage. foliates in the 86~ 16' 2.41 air, losing H water. Dioptase, Rhombo- Parallel to the Conchoidal or 3.2 5 Vitreous or Emerald Emerald Gelatinizes. Black in the oxidizing hedron of Rhombo- uneven. to resinous. green. green. flame, and red in the re95~ 55' hedron. ducing flame. Chryso- Amorphous. Conchoidal. 2 2 Resinous. Greenish Green, blue, Soluble, leav- Colors the flame green, colla, to to- white. brown, black. ing gelatin butis infusible. c0113,o2.2 3tioe, ous silica. 2.2 3 0 Calamine, Rt. Rhombic Easy parallel Conchoidalor 335 5 Vitreous,ada- White. Colorles, Gelatinizes. nif, gives a sliht bt Prism of to the Prism. uneven. white, gray, flame with a green Ius104 13' Less easy pa- to mantne, 4 13' rallel to bease.y pa a3.5e 0 ypearly. yellow,brown ter,melts with difficulty ~rallel to base. 3.50 pi. green, blue, on the edges..Pyroelectric. Prehnite, Rt. Rhombic Easy parallel Uneven. 2.8 6 Vitreous or Colorless. White, gray, Gelatinizes Swells, exfoliates, and Prism of to base, more to pearly. green. after calcina- melts easily to a white lel to the 2.9 7 99~ 56' diffleultoarthe 2.9 7o. Pyroelectric. tion. or yellow glass. Prisin. Chlorastro- Amorphous. Fibrous. 3.18 5.5 Pearly in the White. Bluish green. Soluble with Intnmesces and melts lite. fracture. flocculent to a greenish glass. o silica. 6 Colors and Name of the Primitive Specific Harda - Physical Acids Blowpipe Characters. Nmeote Primie vage. Fractue. 1 Gravity ness. Lse Properties. Acids. Apophyl- Right Square Very easy pa- Conchoidal 2.3 45 Vitreous, White. Colorless, Soluble, leav- Exfoliates, intumesces, l " Prism. rallel to the or uneven. to to pearly on the gray, yellow, ing pulveru- and melts to a white ) base. base. blue, rose, lent silica, enamel. 2.39 5 pale green. Natrolite, Rightlhomb. Easy parallel Uneven or 2.1 5 Vitreous. Colorless. Colorless, Soluble with Swells and melts to a Prism of to the Prism. conchoidal. to white, gray, gelatinous colorless or greenish 91' 2 5 red or green, silica, glass. 2.f2 5.5 Analcite, Cube. Imperfect pa- Uneven or 2.2 5.5 Vitreous White. Colorless, Soluble with Swells and melts to a rallel to the conchoidal. or pearly, white, gray, separation transparent glass. faces of the blue, green, of gelatinous Cube. red. or flocculent M silica. Chabazite, 0hombo- PEarallelto the Uneven. 2 4 Vitreous White. Colorless, Soluble with Intumesces and melts hedron of Rhombo- hedron of hombo- to to white, red, separation to white glass. 9 464' hedron. 4.5 yellow, of gelatinous 4.5^~~~~~~~~~ ^or flocculent silica. Harmo- Incline Parallel to the Uneven or 24 4.5 Vitreous. White. Colorless, Soluble with Becomes friable, and N tome, Rhombic base and the imperfectly white,gray, pulverulent then melts with diffiPrism of Prism. concholdal. brown anu silica, culty on the edges. 124' 47' red. Stilbite, Rt. Rhombic Easy parallel Uneven. 2 3.5 Vitreous, White. White,, red, Soluble with Swells and melts easily. Prism of to the Macro to to pearly on the yellow,brown. pulverulent 94" 16' and Brachy- 2.2 4 Macro-Pina- silica. Pinacoids. coid. 0 Heulandite, Inclined Easy parallel Uneven or 2.1 3.5 Vitreous or White. White, gray, Soluble with Swells and melts toa a Rhombic to the Clino- ImPerfectl to to pearly on the yellow,brown pulverulent white enamel. Prism of Pinacoid. conchoidal. Clino-Pina- red. silica. 136' 14' 2.2 4 coid. Talc, Rt Rhombic Easy Parallel Scaly or 2.6 Pearly on the White, or Blue, green, Partly acted Gives a bright flame. Pism near to the base, earthy. to to cleavage lighter than gray, white. on after long Exfoliates and melts 120? difficult paral. planes. color. ebullitionin with difficulty on the to the Prism. 2.8 1.5 concentrated edges. acids: Sepiolite, Compact or Earthy. 1.2 2.5 Dull. White. White, ra Wnite. White~gra^ Soluble. Becomes black and then -earthy to or reddish, white, and melts with 1.6 difficulty on the edges. 00 Name ofhe| Primitive C leavage. Fracture. Specific Hard- Colors and Action of'Serpentine, t. Rhombic Conchoidal or 2.47 3 Resinous. White. Green,yellow, In powder Becomes white and * Prism? Lamellar. to red. dissolves in melts with difficulty on Crystalsgene- the edges. rally pseudo- 2.60 Hl and. morphs.'i Prochlorite Rhombo- Very easy pa- Lamellar. 2.6 2 Vitreous or Slightly Green,brown, In powder Exfoliates, becomes hedron of rallel to the to to pearly. green. yellow. soluble in white, and melts with 65' 28' base. Trace ng. difficulty t- gray parallel to the 2.8 2.. enamel. Prism. Nitre, Rt. Rhombic Parall. to theConchoidal. 1.9 2 Vitreous or White. White, Soluble in Deflagrates. Rt. Rhombic Difficult par- Fibrous or 1.7 3 Vitreous or White. White, bluish Soluble in Fuses without intu- w 1Prism of ll uneen to reinous. or greenish. water. mescing. 3.5 oda-Nitre Rhombo — Paralleltothe Imperfectly 2 Vitreos. White. White,brown, Deliquesces rates hedron of Rhombo- conchoidal. to to a,yblow. e Soluble in 106' 33' hedron. 2.2 2 Double Re- water. ^ fracting. % T henardite, Rt. Rhombic Paralleltotbe Uneven. 2.7 2 Vitreous. White. White. Soluble in Colorstheflameyellow I Prism of base and the to water. and fuses 125' 55' Prism. ter and fus. 2.5 O 0 lauerite Inclined Easy Parallel Conchoidal. 26 2.5 Vitreous. White. Yellowor Partially dis- Decrepitates andmelts Rhombic to the base. to to gray. solved in wa- to a clear glass. Prism of ter. Falls to 83' 2.8 3 pieces after long expos're Mirabilite, Inclined. Paralleltothe Uneven. 1.4 1.5 Vitreous. White. White, Soluble in Fusible. Rhombic Ortho-Pina- to water. Prism of t Cube. to blue, redin. 86* 31' P. 2.5 purple. Name of the Primitive Sei e- Luster. StrFatr. SeicHrdCorseaakAtn. pecies. iorm. Cleavage. Fracture. ty Luster. Streak. P sical Acid Blowpipe Characte Species., m Gravity. ness._. _ Properties Borax Inclined Parallel to the Conchoidal. 17 2 Vitreous orre- White. White, gray, Soluble in Swells and melts to a Rhombic Ortho-Pina- to sinous. or blue. water. transparent glass. Prism of coid and s87ln Prism. 2. Natron Inclined Parallel to the Earthy. 1.4 1 Vitreous. White. White, gray, Soluble in Swells and melts. Ithormbic base. to yellow. water. Prism of Effervesces 76"2S' 1.5 with acids. Mascagnite, t. lhombic Parallel to the Earthy or 1.7 2 Vitreous. White. Gray, yellow. Soluble in If pure volatilizes com- M Prism of base and Bra- uneven to water. pletely. 107040' chy-Dome. 2.5 Sal-Altmo- Cube. Parallel to the Uneven. 1.5 1.5 Vitreous. White. White, gray, Soluble in If pure volatilizes com- Z! nliac, Octahedron. to or yellow. water. pletely. 2 | 101040'. 3. pearly, or brown. edges. Witheritr,, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 4.2 3.5 Vitreous or White. Whiteyeyllow- Soluble with Decrepitates and melts Prism of Prism. to to resinous. isb, orgrayish. effervescence to a transparent globule [ 11030' which becomes white on 4.3 3.7 cooling. Barytocal- Inclined Parallel to the Uneven. 3.6 4 Vitreous or White. White, gray, Soluble with Infusible, but colors the cite - Rhombic Prism. resinous. green, yellow. effervescence flame yellowishPrism of green Celestite, Rtt. Rhombic Parallel to the Imperfectly 3.9 Vitreous or White. White or Insoluble. Decrepitates and bePrrism of base & Prism. conchoidal, to pearly, faintly bluish comes opaque. Gives Sr. 104~2' or uneven. 3. or reddish. reaction. Strontian- eight Rhom- Parallel to the. Uneven. 3.6 3.5 Vitreous orre- White. Green, white, Soluble with Melts on the edges and ite, bic Prism of Prism. to to sinous. gray, yellow, leffevescence swells. Gives Sr. 11i7~19' 32ly.7 4 brown. reaction. -.-. ~_ ~mbi Pa e to hne. 0..5, 8peeieje vity. new.. Properties. Anhydrite, t. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 2.8 3 Vitreous Grayish White, gray- Slightly sol- Whitens, does not'exPrism of base and the to to or pearly. white. ish, bluish, uble in H. foliate, becomes covered 102~56' Macro-Pina- reddish. with a white enamel. coid. 2.9 3.5 Gypsum, Inclined Parallel to the- Uneven. 2.3 1.5 Pearly or White. White, gray, Soluble in 4 -Exfoliates and falls to Rhombic Clino-Pina- -to vitreous. yellow, blue, to 500 parts powder. Prism of coid. red, black, of water. 13882S1 2 brown. Fluorite, Cube. Parallel to the Conchoidal or 3.1 4 Vitreous. White. White,yellow,lGives the re- Decrepitates and fuses to Fluor,eoia or! 3.1 Octahedron. uneven. green, blue, action for a white enamel. red, brown. Fl. with 8.. Apatite, Hexagonal Imperfect pa- Conchoidal or 3.25 4.5 Vitreous or White. Colorless, Dissolves Fusible on the edges. Prism. rallel to the uneven. to resinous. green, blue,: base. violet, red, slowly in N. 5 gray, brown. Pharmaco- Inclined Parallel to the Uneven. 2.6 2 Vitreous. White. White, gray, Soluble in Fuses to a white enamel lite, Rhombic Clino-Pina- to to or red. acids. Insol- and gives the odor of As. Prism of cold. 2. 2.5 uble in water. 11106. Aragonite, Rt Rhombic Parallel to the Conchoidal or 2.9 3.5 Vitreous or White. Colorless, Soluble with Loses Cand falls to powPrism of Macro-Pina- uneven. to resinous. green, yellow, effervescence der. 116010' coid. 4 gray, violet. 4 0 Calcite, Rhomb. of Parallel to the Conchoidal. 2.5 2.5 Vitreous or White or gray. White, gray, Soluble with Infusible. Loses C and 105~5' Rhomb. to to earthy. green, yellow, effervescence becomes incandescent. 2.o7 3.5 red, black. Double refracting. Dolomite, Rhomb. of Parallel to the Concholdal or 2.8 3.5 Vitreous or White or gray. White, gray, Slowly Infusible. Loses C. 10605' Rhomb. uneven, to to pearly. red, green, soluble. 2.9 4 brown,yellow, black.' Scheelite, Bight Square Parallel to the Uneven. 6 4.5 Vitreous or White. White,yellow, Soluble, leav- In thin splinters fuses on Prism. Octahedron. to adamantine. brown. ing a yellow the elges | G | l l t povwder.,.',,....... _,, Nam~e of the Primitive. Colors and Action ofI ece. Fo thaa Primitive |Fracture ai ard- Luster. Streak. Physical Acid Blowpipe Characters. l Species. Form. Gravity. ness. Properties. Brucite, Rhombo- Parallel to the Uneven. 2.3 1.5 Pearly. White. White, gray, Soluble. Infusible. Becomes hedron of base. blue, green. opaque and friable. 82o15' Epsomite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 1.7 2.25 Vitreous, silky White. White. Soluble in Loses water and fuses. Prism of Brachy Pina- or earthy. water. 90034' coid. Boracite Cabe. Difficultparal- Conchoidal 2.9 7 Vitreous or White. White, gray, Solublewhen Intumesces and fuses to lel to the Octa- or uneven. adamantine. yellow, red, in powder. a glass which is white on n hedron. green. cooling. Pyroelectric. Magnesite, Rhombo- Parallel to the Conchoidal 2.8 3.5 Vitreous or White. White,yellow, Dissolves Gives a bright light, loses | hedron of Rhombo- or fat. to to silky. brown. slowly., and is infusible. 107~29' hedron. 4 3 4.5 Spinel, Octahedron. Parallel to the Conchoidal. 3.5 8 Vitreous or White. Red, blue, Insoluble in Infusible, _F Octahedron. to dull. green, yellow, HCI. Partial-.r. to gray, white, ly soluble In.9 brown, black.:.. S. M Corundum, Hexagonal Parallel to the Cmchoidal or 3.9 9 Vitreous pear- White. Colorless, Insoluble. Infusible. Prism. base. uneven. to ly. In twin blne, red, yel- tY crystals often low, gray, O opalescent broWn. Diaspore, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 8.3 6.5 Vitreous, bril- White, Colorless, Insoluble. Infusible. Prism of Macro-Pina- to to liant or pearly green, violet, 98352 coid. 3.5 on the cleav- blue, red. age. Shows Polychroism. lummiite, Botroda. Earthy. 1.6 1 Dull earthy. White. White. Soluble. Fuses with difficulty. to 2 Alunogen, Inclined Uneven. 1.6 1.5' Vitreous or White. White,yellow, Soluble in Intumosces and fuses. Rhombic to to silky. red. water. Prism. 1 1.8 2 - _,.. -.. Colors and ction of Name of the Cleavge. Fractre. pecii Hard- Luster. treak. ysical cid Blowpipe Characte Alunite, Rhombo- Parallel to the Conchoidal or 2.5 3.5 Vitreous or White. White,gray Soluble Decrepitates and is in|hcdron of C base. flat. o to pearly. or pulvzed. fsible. 89~ 10' 2.7 4 Kalinite Octahedron. Paralleltothe Conchoidal 1.5 2 Vitreous. White. White or Soluble in Swellsandformsaspongy Octahedron. or uneven to to brown. water. mass. 1.8 3 C'ryolite, Oblique Parallel to the Uneven. 2.9 2.5 Vitreousor White. White, red or Soluble in Fuses in the fame of a Rhomboidal base. to pearly. brown. candle. H Prism. M Turquois, Botryoidal and Conchoidal. 2.6 6 Waxy or dull. White. Blue. Soluble. Infusible. I mamelonated. to 2.8 I H Wavellite, |t. Rhombic Parllelto Uneven. |2. 3.2 Vitreous pear White. White,yellow, With S gives Infusible. Prismn of Prism. to ly or resinous green, gray, off HFeI. 126025 4 brown, black.'1.8 oneite, Cube. Parallel tothe Hackly. 4.3 5.5 Metallic. Gray. Bray, Solublet Fuss wih dil. Octahedron. idal to t Magnetic. C n Magnetite, Cube. Parallel to the Subconcho- 4.9 6.5 Metallic. Blakei |Cblbit tF seswithdifculty. 5.1 6 inN. Franklm-ite, Octahedron. Parallel to the Conchoidal. 65.5 6 Metallic. Reddish Black. Soluble in Infusible, Octahedron. obrowi warm. At ahigh heat, on ehar 6.5s coal, gives off Zn. Name of the Printive Speific Hard- Lster. Action of Hematite, | hombo- Indistinct Subconchoi- 4.5 6 Metallic and Bright red, or Steel gray or Soluble when Infusible. In R.FI blackhedron of parallel to the dal or uneven. to t splendent. brownishred. iron black. in powder,in ens andbecomes mag86C10' lhombo- Sometimes H01. netic. hedron and 5.3 6.5 magnetic. base. Goethite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven or 4 5 Vitreous or Brownish yel- Yellow, red, Soluble in Infusible. In R.FI.BlackPrism of Brachy-Pina- conchoidal. t to imperfectly low or ochre or blackish HC1. ens and becomes mag94052' coid. 4o o adamantine. yellow. brown. netic..4. 5 et Limonite, Stalactftic, Fibrous or 3.6 5 Silky subme- Yellowish Dark brown. Soluble in Infusible. In RFI. Black- W botryoidal. earthy. to to talic and brown. warm lHC. ens and becomes mag- mamelonated. earthy. netic. 4 5.5 Pyrrhotite, Hexagonal Parallel to the Subconchoi- 4.4 3.5 Metallic. Dark grayish Bronze yellow Soluble in Gives off S and leaves a z Prism. base. dal. to to blacl. and copper HC1 and de- magnetic scoria. 4. 4.5 red. Slghtly posits S. i.7.....4.5.' mmagnetic. Pyrite, Cube. Imperfect Conchoidal or 4.8 6 Metallic and Brownish Bronze yel- Soluble in N Gives off S and forms a parallel to the uneven. to to glistening. black. low. but deposits magnetic globule. Cube and. Octahedron. 5 6.5 || M~arcasite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 4.6 6 Metallic. Grayish or Pale bronze Soluble in Nives of 8 and forms a Prism of Prism. brownish yellow with a but deposits magnetic globule. 10602' black. green or gray S. 4.8 6.5 tint. Melante- Inclined Parallel to the Conchoidal. 1.8 2 Vitreous. White. Green or Soluble in Turns black and becomes rte, Rhombic base. white. Be- water. magnetic. Prism of comes yellow -8221' on exposure. Copiapite, Hexagonal Parallel to the Earthy. 2.14 1.5 Pearly. Yellow. Yellow. Soluble in Loses color and becomes Prism. base. water. magnetic. Vivianite, Inclined arallel to the Uneven. 2.6 1.5 Pearly or Bluish white. Blue or green. Soluble. Decrepitates, loses color Rhombic Clino-Pina- to vitreous and "epe -ngn'Ti_. Prism of coid. 2 L= 111 012' "'- z.' l C Colors and Name of Primitie Sp cife Hard- Luster, Streak. Phylsiel Action of Blowpipe Characters. Species. Form. Gravity. ness. Propert es. Leucopy- Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 7 5 Metallic. Grayish black. Between Soluble and Gives off X and becomes | riste, Prm of base. steel gray and deposits As. magnetic. Prismof to to silver white. 8.7 5.5 Arsenopy- Right Rhom -Parallel to the Uneven. 6 5.5 Metallic. Dark grayish Silver white. Soluble, Gives off As and becomes bic Prism of Prism. to to black. leaving a magnetic. rite^, t111 53". residue of rite, ^ 6.4 6 8 and As. Scorodite, Rt. Rhombic Imperfect Uneven. 3.1 3.5 Vitreous. White. Pale green or Soluble in Gives offa and becomes Prism of parallel to the to to brown. CL magnetic. 98~2' Macro-Pina- 33 4 coid. I Pharmaco- Cube. Imperfect Uneven. 2.9 2.5 Adamantine. Green, brown, Green, brown, Soluble in Gives off As, fuses and siderite, parallel to the to yellow. red. Pyro- COL becomes magnetic. Sierite paralleltothCube. to electric. H 3 Arseniosid- Fibrous and Earthy. 3.5 1 Silky. Yellowish Yellow. Soluble in Fuses to a black enamel, M erite, concretionary. to brown. hot ICI. and gives off As. 107~ hedron. 3 white. Ite, 8605' 5 6 red. netic. imperfectly. Chromite, Cube. Uneven. 4.3 |.6 Submetallic. Brown. Black. Slight- Insoluble. Infusible. to ly magnetic. 4.5 (olumbite, it Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 5.4 6 Submetallic. Dark red to Iron or Insoluble. Infusible. Prism of Macro-Pina- to black. brown black. 100~40' coid. Oftenirides6.4 acgnt. Colors and Name of the Primitive Speific rd. Luster. Streak. Physical Ac of Bwpipe Characters. Species. Form. Gravitnctwre. Prr rty ies. Acids. 1-ty~l. ness. Properties. Wolfram- t Rhombic Ver easy pa- Uneven. 7.1 5 Submetallic. Dark reddish Dark brown- Decomposed Decrepitates and melts Prism of rallel to the t t brown. ish, black. by aqua with difficulty to a magite, 10105' Macro-Pina- Sometimes regia. netic globule. coid.'1.5 5.5 slightly magnetic. Braunite, ight Square Parallel to the Uneven. 4.7 6 Submetallic Dark brown- Dark brown- With con- Infusible. Reaction for Prism. Octahedron. ish black. ish, black. centrated M to to HCI gives off 4.8 6.65 Cl Hausman- Right Square Parallel to the Uneven. 4.7 Submetallic. Chestnut Brownish With con- Infusible. Reaction for nite, Prism. base. to brown. black. centrated. Mn. nite, a HC1 gives off' 5.5 CL Pyrolusite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 4.8 2 Metallic. Black. Iron black, With con- Infusible. Reaction for Manganite, Rt Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 4.2 4 Submetallic. Reddish Dark steel InsolAble in Infusible. Reaction for Prism of Macro-Pina- brown. grt or iron. n. Yields water. 99040' coid and the blac N, in HCl Prism, gives off Psilomelane Massive and Uneven. 3. 5 Submetallic. Brownish Iron black or oluble in ields water. Reaction k botryoidal. to to black and dark steel HCI, and for MUn. 4.3 6 shining. gray. gives off Cl. Wad, Beniform and Uneven. 0.5 Metallic or Brown, Brown to Gives C Infsibe. eation for amorphous to earthy. shining. gray. with HCL Mn. masses. 6. Alabandite, Cube. Parallel to the Uneven..9 3.5 Submetallic. Green. Iron black. Solnble and Fasible. eactionfor Mn. Cube.. to to Becomes gives off HS. 4 4 brown on exposure. Triplite, Rt. Rhombic Three difficult Conchoidal. 3.4 5 Resinous Yellowish Brown. Soluble. Fusible. Reaction for Mn. Prism. and at right to to gray. angles to each 3.8 5.5 other. Uv Cube_________________________________________._..to___________ ___O___Becomes___________gI o. ae of the Priitive Colors and Action of', s*e& ofh Fo | rlmi. Cleavage. Fract^e ^i r Hrd- Luster. Streak. Physical Actid. Blowpipe Characters.,Sp des. a Form. Gravity. nes& Properties. Rhodochro- Rhombo- Parallel to th Uneven. 3.4 3.5 Vitreous or White. Rose. Soluble in Decrepitates, changes t hedron of Rhombo- to to pearly. warm acids color and is infusible. site, 10651' hedron.. with effer- Reaction for Mn. 3.6 4.5 vescence. Linnaitie, Cube. Imperfect Uneven. 4.8 5.5 Metallic. Blackish gray. Pale gray or Soluble in N, Gives off sulphur and parallel to the to copper red and deposits fuses. Reaction for Co. Cube. when tarn- S. Cube. 5 ished. Bieberite, Inclined Fibrous or 1.92 Vitreons. Reddish Fleshandrose Soluble in Loseswater and at a high Rhombic earthy. white. red. water. heat gives off S. ReacPris of tion for o. Smaltite, Cube. Parallel to the Granular and 6.4 5.5 Metallic. Grayish black. Tin white or Gives a pink Gives off As and melts Octahedron. uneven. to to steel gray.:..: to a brittle globule. Re- 7 6 solutIon in N, action for Co. and deposits arsenic. Cobaltite, Cube. Parallel to the Uneven or 6 5.5 Metallic. Grayish black. Silver white, Soluble in Gives offAs and becomes Cube. lamellar. to with a violet.7. magnetic. Reaction for 6.3 tint, or gray. warm N, de- Co. positing AsI t Erythrite, Inclined Parallel to the 2.9 1.5 Vitreous or Paler than the Peech, crim- Soluble. Gives off si and fuses. Rhombic Clino-Pina- to earthy. color. son, red. Reaction for Co. Prism of coid. Sometimes C 111016'. 2.6 greenish gray. I R-emington- Incrustation. Earthy. Earthy. Pale rose. Rose. Soluble with Reaction for Co. ite, effervescence Millerite, Rhombo- Parallel to the Uneven. 6.2 3 Metallic. Bright. Brass or Soluble in Easily fusible to a brittle hedron of Rhombo- to to bronze yellow. aqua regi. magnetic globule. Reac1408 hedro..6 3. tion for Ni. Niccolite, Hexagonal Uneven. 7.3 6 Metallic. Pale brown- Copper red. Gives agreen Fuses with odor of As. Pism to to ish, black. solution with Reaction for Ni. o6 i66 black aqua regia. 71.6 sg.s Colors and Npecie. te Primitive Specic Hard- Luster. Streak. Physical c Blowpipe Characters. Speies. Form Cleavage. Jracmre. Gravty. nes. Properties. Gravity. nes8 A Properties. Ullmannite Cube. Parallel to the | ranular. 6| 2 6 MLetallc. 3rayish black. Steel gray. Soluble in Gives off AiusGanad bs faces of the aqua regia. Fuses and gives a metalCube. t Gives agreen lio globule. Reactions for 6.5 5.5 color, Ni. Annaberg- Inclined Uneven or 3 2.5 Silky. Greenish Apple green. Soluble in N. Gives off As and fuses. ite, Rhombic earthy. to to white. Reactions for Ni I i m I I I r 1 3 Zaratite, Incrustation. Conchoidal. 2.5 3 Vitreous. Pale emerald Emerald Soluble with Gives a metallic globule | to to green. green. effervescence of Ni. 2.6 3.2 b Zincite, Hexagonal Parallel to the Subconcho- 6.4 4 Vitreous. Orangeyellow. Deep red. Soluble. Infusible. Reaction for Prism. base. idal. to to Zn. 5.8 4.6 H Sphalerite, Cube. Parallel to the Conchoidal. 3,9 3.6 Resinous or White or red- White,yellow Soluble, and Infusible. Reaction for Rhombic Do- to to adamantine. dish brown. brown, black gives of H8. Zn. decahedron. r4 4 red, gren. Goslarite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Concholdal. 1.9 2 Vitreous. White. White, red- Soluble in Intumesces. Reaction Prism of Macro-Pin- to to dish, bluish. waer for Zn. 90042' coid. 2.1 2.56 Smithson- Rhombo- Parallel to the Ueven. 4 Vitreous or Whit. White gray, Soluble with Insible. Reaction for ite, hedron of Rhombo- to pearly. green, brown. effervescence Zn. iyo I107t40' hedron. 4o Hydrozin- Incrustaton. Fibrous or 3.i 2 Dull. Shining. White, gray, Soluble with Infusible. Reaction for cite, earthy. t to yellow. effervesoence Z. 3.6 2.5 Cassiterite RBight SQuare Imperfect Conchoidal o 6.3 6 Adamantine. White, gray, Brown, black, Insoluble. nfsible. Reation or bro wn', red, gr''y, Prim. parallel to the uneven to to brown red gray Sn. Prism 1 7 hite, yellow.,. -., ",,..............'.;.....',.,..,,., -.. l Prism? to iron blac a rega, a reiaa scoria. to Mbluish, or yel- and deposits 4.5 lowish. n. Rutile, Right Square Parallel to the Subconchoi- 4.1 6 Metallic, ada- Pale brown. Yellowish, Insoluble. Infusible. Reactions for ameofthe rism. Prism dal or uneven. to to mantine.brown, or red, Ti. - 4.2 8.5 black. Octahedrite Right Square Parallel to the Subconchoi- 3.8 5.5 Metallic, ada- Colorless. Brown, blue, Insoluble. Infusible. Reactions for Prism. Octahedron dal. to to mantine. yellow. T. and base..9tre orm.9 ness.6Properties. Brookite, t. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 4.1 5.5 Metallic, ada- Colorless. Brown, Insoluble. Infusible. Reactions for Prism of Prism. to mantine. yellow, red, Ti. o6 black.'~ 4.5' low ish Lead, Cube. Hackly. 11.4 1.5 Metallic. Shining. Lead gray. Soluble in N. Fusible. Minium, Pulverulent. Earthy. 4.6 2 Orange yellow. Red. Partly sol- Fusible. GOalenite, Cube. Parallel to the Subconchoi- 7.2 2 6 Metallic. Lead gray, Lead gray. Partly sol- Gives off Sand fuses. f faces of the dal or uneven. to to shining.:. O Cube. 7*7 27 uble in N. Bournonite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Conchoidal or 5.7 2.5 Metallic. Steel gray, Steel gray, Dissolved in Decrepitates and fuses Prism of Macro and uneven, to to lead gray, lead gray,. easily. Gives the reac9304Y Brachy 59 3 ron bl iron black. N, giving a tions for 8.Sb. Cu., & Pb. Pinacoids.. blue solution. Anglesite, Rt Rhombic Parallel to the Conchoidal. 6.2 25. Adamantine. Colorless. White, tinged Insoluble. Decrepitates and fuses. Prism of Prism a to with yellow, 1088n8' base. blue green. Clausthal- Cube. Parallel to the Granular. 7 2.5 Metallic. Darker than Lead gray, Partly sol. Gives the odor of Be., ite, faces of the to to the color bluish or red: fuses and volatilize. Cube. 8.8. dish. uble in N.. te, faces of the a >o to t.o s ning..... .ame rd.Colors and ction of re iSpecific - Blowpipe Characters. Cleavage. Fracture Luster. Streak. Physical Acids. Pyromor- H|exagonal Paralel to the Subconcho- 6.5 35 Resinous. White or yel- Green,yellow, Soluble. Fusible. phite, Prism. Prism. idal. to to lowish. brown, blue. 4 Mimetite, Hexagonal Parallel to the Imperfect or 7.1 3.5 Resinous. White or yel- Whiteyellow Soluble. Gives off'As and fuses. Prism. faces of the Subconchoi- to lowish. brown. Rhombo- dal. hedron. 7.2 Cerussite, Rt. Rhombic Difficult paral- Ccuchoidal. 6.4 3 Adamantine, Colorless. White, gray, Soluble with Decrepitates and fuses. Prism of lel to the vitreous or black, blue, effervescence -3 ll Pto vtro o 11T013' Prism. 35 pearly. green. Crocoite, Inclined Parallel to the Uneven. 5.9 2.5 Adamantine. Orange yellow. Bright red. Soluble. Blackens, decrepitates Rhombic Prism. to to and fuses. Prism of 6.1 3 93~44'... 93044.{ 6.1 3 Stolzite, Right Square Difficult paral- Conchoidal. 7.8 2.75 Resinous. Colorless. Green,yellow, Soluble in N. Fusible. Prism. lel to the base. to to gray, brown, 8.1 3 red. M Wulfenite Right Square Parallel to the Subconchoi- 6.3 2.7 Resinous. White. Yellow, green, Decomposed. Decrepitates and Fuses. Prism. Octahedron. dal. to to gray, white, 6.9 3 b Bismuth, Rhombo- Parallel to the Indistinct. 9.7 2 Metallic. Reddish silver Reddish, sil- Soluble. Volatilizes, leaving a yelhedron of base. to white. ver white. low coating. 8740' 2.5 Bismuthli- Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Conchoidal. 6.4 2 Metallic. Lead gray Lead gray Soluble. Fuses in the flame of a ite, Prism of Brachy-Pina- to to with a yellow with a yellow- candle, and is volatilized. 91030' coid. 6.5 2.5 ish tarnish. ish tarnish. Aikinite, Rt. Ehombic Conchoidal 6.1 2 Metallic. Leadgraywith Lead gray, Partly sol- Gives off S and volatilPrism of or uneven. to to a red tarnish. with a red uble. izes. |110'0 6QO.8 | 2.5 tarnish...,{o~. -.(. 6.8 5CC Name of the Primitive CSpef fHard- Lel Action Species. m laae nrtr.Hr-~to Of C Cleavage. Facture. G n Luster. Streak. Ppieal Acio Blowpipe Characters. Gravity. ness. I ~ ^ if~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~POperties. Tetrady- Bhombo- Parallel to the Uneven. 7.2 1.5 Metallic. Steel gray. Steel gray. Soluble and Easily fusible. mite, hedron of base to to deposits S. 81r2'to o 8.4 2 Arsenic, Bhombo- Parallel to the Uneven or 5.9 3.85 Submetallic. Tin white. Tin white, With N, As Volatilizes. hedron of base. granular. tarnishes to is deposited. 85O41 gray. Arsenolite, Cube. Conchoidal. 3.6 1.5 Vitreous or White. White or Slightly sol- Volatilizes. silky. yellowish. uble in hot water. Realgar, Inclined Parallel to the Conchoidal or 3.4 1.5 Resinous. Bed. Red and Partly sol- Fuses and volatilizes. Rhombic base. uneven, to to Orange yellow. uble in aqua Prism of re8ia 74026' 3.6 2 Orpiment, Eit. Rhombic Parallel to the 3.4 1.6 Pearly or Yellow. Yellow. Soluble in Fuses and volatilizes. Prism of Brachy-Pina- to resinous, aqua regia. 100'40 C coid. Antimony, Rhombo- Parallel to the 6.6 3 Metallic. Tin white. Tin white. Soluble in Fuses and volatilizes. hedron of base, to to aqua regia. 8T*35i' t-4 6.'7 3.6 0 Senarmon- Octahedron. Parallel to the Conchoidal. 5.2 2 Resinous. White. Grayish Soluble in Fused and is volatilized. tite, Octafiedron. to to white. HCL 5.3, 2.5 Valentinite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the 6.5 2.5 Adamantine or White. White, red or Soluble in Fuses and is volatilized. Prism of Prism, to pearly. brown. aqua regia. 136"58'' 3 Stibnite, Right Rhom- Parallel to the Subconchoi- 4.5 2 Metallic Lead gray. Lead gray and Soluble. Fusible In the flame of a bic Prism of Brachy-Pina- dal. to blackish. candle. Wo4V' cold. Sometimes.4.... *~".6~~~ iridescent. Colors-and Action of Name of the Primitive Cleavage. Fracture. pecific Hard- Luster. Streak. Physical Acids. Species. Form. Gravity. ness. Propertie. Kermesite, Iloclined Parallel to the 4. 1 AdamantineorBrownishred. Cherry red Solble in Fuses and is volatilied. * Rhombic base. to to metallic.HC. Prism. 4.6 1.5 Uraninite, Cube. Conchodal or 6.4 6.5 Submetallic. Brown, green, Gray, green, Gives a yel- Infusible. uneven. shining. brown, black. low solution with N. 8.1 2.5 with N. Torbhernite, Rt. Rhomb!c IParallel to the 2 2 Pearly or Green. Green. Gives a yel- Fusible. Prism. base. to to vitreous. low solution 8.6 2.5 with N. Molybdite, Inclined Earthy. -1 Dll orearthy. ellow. Yellow. Soluble in Fusible. Rhombic Prism of 136' 48' Mi Molybden- Hexagonal Parallel to the 4.4 1 Me c Lead gray Le- dgray. ble In N, In sibl tePrism. base. I to to or greenish ving a re ~~~~~~~~~~4. ite, on glazed porcelain. Copper, Cube. Hackly. 8.9 2.5 Metallic. Metallic, Bed. Soluble. Fusible. Cuprite, Octahedron.. Parallel to the Conchoidal or 5.8 3.5 Adamantine, Brownish red, Red. Soluble. Infusible. Cuprite, faces of the earthy. shining. Octahedron. 6 A Chalcocite, Rt.Rhombic Paralleltothe ConchoidaL 5^5 2.5 Metallic. Blackish grayBlackish gray Soluble and Gives off and cflmrtF? Prism of Brachy- to 3 ndshining. andbluish, deposits. 1185 Dome.. I ___~~~~~~ onlze-idu. lqaeofthe Pi i a tiv SName of the Priamtive. Specific Hard- Luster. Streak. Physial idn f Blowpipe Chracters Species. Form. Clea.Gravity. ness. Pyi Acid Bornite, Cube. Parallel to the Conchoidal or 4.4 3 Metallic. Pale grayish, Copper red & Parlysol- Blackens,fuses,andgives B i. ~Octahedron. uneven. + black and pinchbeck:. a magnetic globule. shining. brown. Easily uble in N. tarnishes. Chalcopy- Right Square Difficult paral- Conchoidal or 4.1 3.5 Metallic. Greenish, Brass yellow. Soluble. Fuses to a magnetic gloPrism. le to the base. uneven. t t black or bule. Gives reactions rite, to to shining. for Cu. 4.3 4 Tennantite, Octahedron. Difficult Uneven. 4.3 3.5 Metallic. Dark, reddish, Lead gray to Soluble. Decrepitates, gives off parallel to the to to gray. iron black. XI. and 8b. and becomes Rhombic magnetic. Dodecahedron 4.4 4 Tetrahed- Tetrahedron. Traces parallel Subconchoi- 4.5 3 Metallic. Same as color. Steel gray to Partlsol- Gies off.and. and to the Octa- dal or uneven to to iron black. nble. fuses to a malleable rite, hedron. gobule. -' Chalcan- Doubly Parallel to the Conchoidal. 2.2 2.5 Vitreous. Colorless. Sky blue. Soluble in Loses water, fuses, and thite inclined Prism water. gives a malleable globule. Rbhomboidal Prism. | Brochantite Et. Rhombic Parallel to the Conchoidal. 3.8 3.5 Vitreous. Paler than Emerald or Soluble. Fuses and gives a globule Prism of Macro-Dome. to to color blackish of copper. 10410' 3.9 4 green. 0 Atacamite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the 4 3 Adamantine Apple green. Bright or dark Soluble. Colors theflameintense Prism of Macro-Dome. to to or vitreous. green. bluish-green. 112020'. 5 Gives off C1. Libethenite, Et. Rhombic Imperfect. Subconchoi- 3.6 4 Resinous. Olive green. Olive orblack- Soluble. Fusile to a partly mal Prism of dal or uneven. to ish green. leable globle. 92020' 3.8 Olivenite Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Conchoidal or 4.1 3 Adamantine Olive green or Light to dark Soluble. Gives fumes of and Prism of Prism. uneven. to or vitreous. brown. green. fuses. 92~ 30.. 4.4 _____ ___________ ___ __ _ ___^__ _. Name ofthe PimitColors and Nme f h e Specific Hard. ster. Streak. Physical Action o Blowpipe Character Rhombic Prism. uneven. to to resinous green. green. and fuses. Prism of 119" 20' 2.9 2.6 Malachite, Inclined Parallel to the Subconchoi- 3.7 3.6 Adamantine, Light green. Bright green. Soluble with Gives off water and fhses. ihombic base. dal or uneven. t to vitreos or effervescence Prism of silky. 108~42' 4 4 Azurite, Inclined Parallel to the Conchoidal. 3.5 3.5 Vitreous or Light blue. Different Soluble with Gives off water and fuses. Rhombic Brachy-Dome. to t adamantine. shades of blne. effervescence M Prism of 3 99'32' 3.8 4.2 Mercury, Cube. 13.5 -1 Metallic. Tin white. Soluble. Volatilizes. Cinnabar, Rhombo- Parallel to the Conchoidal or 8.9 2 Metallic or Scarlet. Red. Soluble In Volatilizes. hedron of Hexagonal uneven. t adamantine. aqua regia. N 92086' Prism. 2. M Calomel, Eight Square Parallel to the Conchoidal. 6.4 1 Adamantine. White. Yellowish Soluble in Volatilizes. Prism. Prism. P. grayorbrown. aqua regia. to H 2 N Silver, Cube. Hackly. 10.1 2. Metallic. Silrer white. Silver white. Soluble. Fusible. to to 4 11.1 3 Amalgam, nCbe. Parallel to the Conchoidal. 10 3 Metallic. Silver white. Silver white. Soluble. Gives off Hg. and fuses. Rhombic to to Dodecahedron 1 3 14 3.5 Argentite, Cube. Parallel to the Uneven. 1.1 2 Metallic. Lead, gray, Black or lead Soluble. Gives off 8, intumesces Rhombic t 2 shining. gray. and fses. Dodecahedron to to'7.3 2.5 Proustite, Rhombo- Conchoidal. 5.4 2 Adamantine. Red. Red. Partly sol- Gives off As and fuses. hedron of t ouble. 10748' 5. _'6 2.6 Rh______________ ________________________________fombi of the Primitive Fracture Specific Hatr~d Colors and Action of ec Cleavage. Fracture. Luster. Streak. Physical cid Blowpipe Character Stephanite, Et. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 6.2 2 Metallic. Iron black. Iron black. Partly sol- Gives off S6. and fuses. Prism of Macro-Pina- to uble. 115~89' coid and 2.5 Prism. 2Pyrargyrite Rhombo- Parallel to the Conchoidal. 5.7 2 Metallic or Red. Black or dark Partly sol- Gives off 8b. and fuses. hedron of Rhonbo- to to adamantine. red. uble. 10i842' hedron. h.9 2.i Polybasite, Rt. Rhombic Parallel to the Uneven. 6.2 2 Metallic. Iron black. Iron black or Soluble. Decrepitates and uses. Prism. base. to cherry red. M 3 NH Cerargyrite Cube. Conchoidal or 5.5 1 Resinous or Shining. Gray, white, Insoluble. Fuses in th flame of a uneven. to adamantine. greenish or candle. W 1.5 ~~~~~~~- ~violet. |.5 Malleablo. Bromyrite, Cube. Conchoidal or i. 8 1 Splendent. Shining. Yellow or Partly sol- Easily fusible. uneven, to to green. uble. < 6 2 Malleable. Embolite, Cube. Conchoidal or 5.3 1 Resinous or Shining. Gieen. Partly sol- Easily fusible. uneven. to to adamantine. Malleable. uble. Z 5.8 1.5 Iodyrite, Hexagonal Parallel to the Conchoidal. 5.6 1 Resinous or Yellow, shin- Yellow. Soluble. Fusible. t Prism, base. to adamantine. ing. 0 1.5. Gold, Cube. ackly 15. 2.5 Metallic. Gold yellow. Gold yellow. Soluble in Fusible. to to aqua regis. 19.0 3 Platinum, Cube. Hackly. 16 4 Metallic. Whitish, steel Whitish steel Soluble in Ifusible. to to |gray, shining. gray. aqua reg.a. 19 4.5 Iridosmine, Hexagonal Unoven. 19 6 Metalllc. Tin white. in white. Insoluble. Infsdble. Prism. to tb 21to t INDEX. Page Page Page Page Aikinite, P9 Beryl, Pa Chrysoberyl, 1 Galenite, 18 Alabandite, 15 Bieberite, 16 Chrysocolla, 6 Garnet, 3 Albite, 4 Biotite, 3 Chrysolite, 2 Glauberite, 8 Aluminite, 11 Bismuth, 19 Cinnabar, 23 Gold, 24 Alunite, 12 Bismuthinite, 19 Clausthalite, 18 Goslarite, 17 Alunogen, 11 Boracite, 11 Cobaltite, 16 Goethite, 13 Amalgam, 23 Borax, 9 Columbite, 14 Graphite, 1 Amphibole, 2 Bornite, 22 Copiapite, 13 Gypsum, 10 Analcite, 7 Bournonite, 18 Copper, 21 Andalusite, 5 Braunite, 15 Corundum, 11 Halite, 8 Anglesite, 18 Brochantite, 22 Crocoite, 19 Harmotome, 7 Anhydrite, 10 Bromyrite, 24 Cryolite, 12 Hausmannite, 15 Annabergite, 17 Brookite, 18 Cuprite, 21 Hauynite, 4 Anorthite, 4 Brucite, 11 Cyanite, 5 Hematite, 13 Antimony, 20 Heulandite, 7 Apatite, 10 ~Calamine, 6 Datolite, 5 Hydrozincite, 17 Aphthitalite, 8 Calcite, 10 Diamond, 1 Apophylle, I72 Apophyllite, 7 Calomel, 23 Diaspore, 11 Iodyrite, 24 Aragonite, 10 Carbonic Acid, 1 Dioptase, ite, 3 Argentite, 23 Cassiterite, 17 Dolomite, 10 Iridosmine, Arsenic, 20 Arseniosiderite, 14 Cerargyrite, 24 Embolite, 24 Kalinite, 12 A.rsenolite; 20 Cerussite, 19 Epidote, 3 Kermesite, 21 Arsenopyrite 14 Chabazite, 7 Epsomite, 11 Asenopyrite, 14 Atacamite,'22 Chalcanthite, 22 Erythrite, 16 Labradorite, 4 Autunite, 21 Chalcocite, 21 Euclase, 5 Lapis Lazuli, 4 Azurite, 23 Chalcopyrite, 22 Laumontite, 6 Chlorastrolite, 6 Fibrolite, 5 Lead, 18 Barite, 9 Chondrodite, 5 Fluorite, 10 Lepidolite, 3 Barytocalcite, 9 Chromite, 14 Franklinite, 12 Leucite, 4 26 DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. Page Pale Page Pa e Leucopyrite, 14 Oligoclase, Rhodonite, 2 Tetradymite, 20 Libethenite, 22 Olivenite, 22 Rutile, 18 Tetrahedrite, 22 Limonite, 13 Opal, 1 Thenardite, 8 Linnseite, 16 Orpiment, 20 Sal-Ammoniac, 9 Titanite, 6 Liroconite, 23 Orthoclase, 5 Sassolite, 1 Topaz, 5 Scheelite, 10o Torbernite, 21 Magnesite, 11 Pectolite, 6 Scorodite, 14 Tourmaline, Magnetite, 12 Petalite, 2 Senarmontite, 20 Triplite, 15 Malachite, 23 Pharmacolite, 10 Sepiolite, 7 Turquois, 12 Manganite, 15 Pharmacoside- Serpentine, 8 Marcasite, 13 rite, 14 Siderite, 14 Ullmannite, 17 Mascagnite, 9 Phenacite, 3 Silver, 23 Uraninite, 21 Melanterite, 13 Platinum, 24 Smaltite, 16 Menaccanite, 14 Polybasite, 24 Smithsonite, 17 Valentinite, 20 Mercury. 23 Prehnite, 6 Soda-nitre, 8 Vesuvianite, 3 Millerite, 16 Prochlorite, 8 Sphalerite, 17 Vivianite, 13 Mimetite, 19 Proustite, 23 Spinel, Minium, 18 Psilomelane, 15 Spodumene, 2 Wad, 15 Mirabilite, 8 Pyrargyrite, 24 Stannite, 18 Water, 1 Molybdenite, 21 Pyrite, 13 Staurolite, 6 Wavellite, Molybdite, 21 Pyrolusite, 15 Stephanite, 24 Wenerite, 4 Muscovite, 3 Pyromorphite, 19 Stibnite, 20 Willemite, 2 Pyroxene, 2 Stilbite, 7 Witherite, 9 Natrolite, 7 Pyrrhotite, 13 Stolzite, 19 Wolframite, 15 Natron, 9 Strontianite, 9 Wollastonite, 2 Nephelite, 4 Quartz, I Sulphur, 1 Wulfenite, 19 Niccolite, 16 Nitre, 8 Realgar, 20 Talc, 7 Zaratite, 17. Remingtonite, 16 Tellurium, I Zincite, 17 Octahedrite, 18 Rhodochrosite,16 Tennantite, 22 Zircon, 8