L8T'aDOvId O:IL S T' N O S'w A 7I I 1NF [I O r SHENIIS a'LI SAIO.MIDMF[.Z DNISJ(INO9D-NON 8WVIIS~~~~~0~DVIU -DUNY EIHV'IY S~lg~H3VHOal ONlY'bi-AXv ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1872, 3BY JOHN WILEY & SON, IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. TTIS collection of tables for non-condensing engines and boilers, and also the explanations relating to them, inclIdinll those which refer to HIorse Power of Engines, and the Diagrams showing the qulantity of water required per horse power per houl for different degrees of expansion, wvas originally prepared at the Novelty iron Works, New York, as a basis for the manufacture and sale of engines. The explanatory note relating to the Horse Power of Engines was prepared by ~Mr. I-Ioratio' Allen, President of the Novelty Iron Works. The explanations in regard to the tables of engines and boilers were prepared by Mr. C. E. Emery, who made, for the Novelty Iron Works, the valuable experiments which formed the basis of the tables. The descriptionl of the manner in which the experiments were conducted is given by Mr. Emery, in a note accompanying the diagrams; and the computations of the tables were also made by him. It was intended to publish the results of the experiments and the resulting tables in connection with the sale of engines, but the resolution of the proprietors of the Novelty Iron Works to close the works, made it necessary to withhold the matter from publication, notwithstanding it had been put into printed form. Believing that the information obtained and set forth in a manner so readily comprehended and applicable, may be valuable for reference to all who wish to manufacture or employ the non-condensing steam engine, I procured the matter already printed, with a view of publishing it in the form in which it is here presented. This explanation is rendered necessary on account of the references to the Novelty Iron Works which occur in the headings, and in other parts of the text. I have added notes and tables on the horse powers of boilers, and on boiler-explosions and safety valves, subjects connected practically with the manufactire and management of boilers, but which were not included iln the original design of the publication by the Novelty Iron Works. The practical value of this extended list of engines and boilers to those who wish to purchase or manufacture engines for special purposes consists in this, that for a range of 5 to 300 horse power, a choice is offered of various dimensions of engines, speeds of revolution and pressures of steam; and for each engine in the list, the quantity of water, or steain, per hour which this engine will require is given. The list of boilers, on the other hand, furnishes the means of selecting the boiler or boilers of the principal types necessary to produce this steam. Moreover, the diagrams showing the expenditure of steam or water per horse power per hour, for any degree of expansion in any particular engine with a given pressure, furnish a ready means of comparing The question of the limit of economy of expansion is here thoroughly and practically settled; and the results, as was to be anticipated, confirm the deductions of theory. The tables possess, therefore, a special interest, not only in their practical applications, but also in connection with corresponding theoretical deductions. W. P. TROWBRIDGE, Professor of Dynamic Engineerizng. SIIEFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, YALE COLLEGE, APRIL 5, 1872. HE power which a Steam Engine can furnish is generally expressed in " Horse Power." It will therefore be of interest to most purchasers, and of special value to many, to have briefly stated, what is meant by a " Horse Power," and how it has happened that the power of a Steam Engine is thus expressed in reference to that of Horses. Prior to the introduction of the Steam Engine, horses were very generally used to furnish power to perform various kinds of work, and especially the work of pumlping water out of' mines, raising coal, etc. For such purposes several horses working together were required. Thus, to work the pumps of a certain mine, five, six, seven or some other number of horses were found necessary. When it was proposed to substitute the new power of steam, the proposal naturally took the form of furnishing a Steam Engine capable of doing the work of the number of horses used at the same time. Hence, naturally followed the usage of stating the number of horses which a particular engine was equal to, that is, its "I Horse Power." But as the two powers were only alike in their equal capacity to do the same work it became necessary to refer in both powers to some work of a simhilar character which could be made the basis of comparison. Of this character was the work of raising a weight perpendicularly. A certain number of horses could raise a certain weight, as of coal, out of a coal mine, at a certain speed; a Steam Engine, of certain dimensions and supply of steam, could raise the same weight at the same speed. Thus, the weight raised at a known speed could be made the common measure of the two powers. To use this common measure it was necessary to know what was the power of one horse in raising a weight at a known speed. By observation and experiment it was ascertained that, referring to the average of horses, the most advantageous speed for work was at the rate of two-and-a-half miles per hour-that, at that rate, he could work eight hours per day raising, perpendicularly, from 100 to 150 lbs. The higher of these weights was taken by Watt, that is, 150 lbs. at 2} miles per hour. But this fact can be expressed in another form: 21 miles per hour is 220 feet per minute (2Yx52S0 22o). SO, the power of a horse vas taken at 150 lbs., raised perpendicularly, at the rate of 220 feet per minute. This also can be expressed in another form: The same power which will raise 150 lbs. 220 feet high each minute, will raise 300 lbs. 110 feet high each minute. 3,000 lbs. 11 " " 33,000 lbs. 1 " For in each case the total work done is the same, viz.: same number of' pounds raised one foot in one minute. If it is clearly perceived that 33,000 ls., raised at the rate of one foot high in a minute, is the equivalent of 150 ls., at the rate of 220 feet per minute (or 2~ mniles per hour), it will be fully understood how it is that 33,000 ltbs., raised at the rate of one foot per minute expresses the power of.one horse, and has been taken as the standard measure of power. 4 EHorse Power of Steam Engines. It has thus happened that the mode of designating the power of a Steam Engine has been by "Horse Power," and that one horse power, expressed in pounds raised, is a power that raises 33,000 tbs. one foot each minute. This unit of power is now universally received. Having a Horse Power expressed in pounds raised, it was easy to state the power of a Steam Engine in Horse Power, which was done in the following manner: The force with which steam acts is usually expressed in its pressure in pounds onl each square inch. The Piston of a High Pressure Steam Engine is under the action of the pressure of steam from the boiler, on one side of the piston, and of the back action of the pressure due to the discharging steam, on the other side. The difference between the two pressures is the effective pressure on the piston, and the power developed by the motion of the piston, under this pressure, will be according to the number of square inches acted on, and the speed per minute with which the piston is assumed to move. Thus, let the number of square inches in surface of piston of a steam engine be 100, and the effective pressure on each square inch be 33 lbs., and the movement of piston be at the rate of 200 feet per minute, then the total effective pressure on the piston will be 100 x 33=3,300 lbs., and the movement being 200 feet per minute, the piston will move with a power equal to raising 660,000 lbs., one foot high each minute (as 3,300 x 200 is 660,000), and as each 33,000 lbs., raised one foot high, is one horse power and 6%3630%00 is 20, then the power of this Engine is 20 Horse Power. If this power is used to do work, a part of it will be expended in overcoming the friction of the parts of the engine and of the machinery through which the power is transmitted to perform the work. The calculation made refers to the total power developed by the movement of the piston under the pressure of steam. The number of feet moved by the piston each minute is known from the length of stroke of piston in feet, and number of revolutions of engine per minute, there being two strokes of the piston for each revolution of the engine. When these three facts are known the power of an engine can be readily and accurately ascertained, and it is evident that, without the knowledge of each of the facts, viz.: square inches of piston, effective pressure on each sq'uare inch, and movement of piston per minute, the power cannot be known. But circumstances, especially those existing when the Condensing Engine was introduced by Watt, led to assumptions as to pressure per square inch and speed of piston, which, though true at the time, have long since ceased to be true, and consequently the rules based on such assumptions are entirely inapplicable, and when used must of necessity give false statements. As, however, such rules are still in use, although with the pmecautionary and unsatisfactory designation of nominal power, it is necessary to state what Nominal Horse Power is. In the United States the designation of Nominal Horse Power for Condensing Engines is seldom used, but in England the usage still prevails. After Watt had introduced the Condensing Engine, he gave convenient rules for determining the power of his engines, and as, at that time, the steam pressure and piston speed in general use were very low, his rule was based on the assumption that, in all steam engines, the effective pressure was 7 lbs. per square inch, and that the speed of the piston varied with the length of stroke from 160 feet per minute for 2 feet stroke to 256 feet per minute for 8 feet stroke. The only facts necessary to obtain were the diameter of cylinder and length of stroke. The nominal power was then determined by Watts' rule, which is as follows: RuLE.-Multiply the square of the dirtmeter of the cylinder in inches by the cube root of the stroke in feet, and divide the product by 47. The quotient is the nominal horse power of the Engine. For many years, and especially in the United States, this rule has ceased to be of any value. This becomes plainly the case when, instead of 7 lbs. per square inch, the pressure actually used greatly exceeds 7, being from 20 to 50 and over, while the speed of piston is often from 400 to 700 feet per minute. lHorse Po-Ter of Steam Engines, etc. 5 Some modifications of this rule have been made, but it is plain that when the pressure of steam and speed of piston are so various as at present it is simply not possible to have a general rule. If it becomes necessary to state the power of anl engine, then the three facts named above, viz.: number of square inches of piston, effective pressure per square inch per stroke of piston, and speed of piston must be known or assumed, and when known or assumed the Horse Power can in that case be ascertained, as explained above. In the United States, it is still usual to assign a certain Horse Power, often called " Rated Horse Power," for High Pressure Engines of certain dimensions, thus a cylinder of 12 inches diameter, 3 feet stroke is often called&20 horse power, and so of other dimensions. The considerations already presented show that it is plainly impossible to say what horse power a 12 inch diameter, 3 feet stroke cylinder is, unless there is also stated what effective pressure on the piston, and speed of piston are to be used. At what steam pressure that Engine will be used, and with what speed of piston run, remains to be decided, and until they are decided nothing can be said as to the power of the Engine. As it would not be safe to subject the Engine to higher steam than that for which it was built, nor to run it at higher speed than it is known its moving surface, in contact will bear, the maximum capacity of an Engine can be stated, within which the power of that Engine will be determined by the pressure and speed actually used. xp ra tIom of tIe YAi esu The tables commencing at page 7 show "The sizes of the Non-Condensing, Stationary Steam Engines, built at the Novelty Iron Works, New York; and the Revolutions, Steam Pressures and Points of Cut-off which will produce the several Horse Powers named; also the Amount of Water used per Hour and Cost of the Power per Year, for each case." Non-Condenzsing Engines, or, as they are often incorrectly called, Nigh Pressure -Engines, are those in which the steam, after its action on the piston, is permitted to escape into the atmosphere, and in which, therefore, the pressure of the outgoing steam must exceed the atmospheric pressure of fifteen pounds to the square inch. There are two kinds of Horse Power referred to in the tables, viz.: The lIndicated Horse Power and the Net Horse Power. The Indicated Horse Power is obtained by multiplying together the mean effective pressure in the cylinder, in pounds per square inch, the area of the piston in square inches, and the speed of piston, in feet per minute, and dividing the product by 33,000; and as the effective pressure on the piston is measured by an instrument called the Indicator, the power calculated therefrom is called the Indicated Horse Power. The Net Horse Power is the power available for useful work, and may be determined by subtracting, from the Indicated Horse Power, the power required to overcome the friction of the engine, when in the performance of its regular duty. For instance, if a 6:Explanation of the Tables. person desires an engine to drive ten machines, each requiring ten Horse Power, the engine should be of sufficient size to furnish one hundred Net Horse Power; but to produce this would require about one hundred and fifteen Indicated Horse Power. We manufacture two classes of engines, designated in the tables as "Long Stroke Engines" and "Short Stroke Engines." These engines, as suggested by their names, have different proportions of stroke to diameter, and the shorter strokes are made with increased size of brasses and other modifications of detail which fit them for high speeds. Colunin A of the tables shows the "Net HUorse Power," which has been calculated for the various powers usually required between 5 and 350 Horse Power. Each Horse Power can be obtained in a variety of ways, shown by the adjacent columns. The Net Horse Powers shown in the tables were obtained from the estimated Indicated Horse Powers, by deducting liberal allowances for friction. In the calculations, it was assumed that the short stroke engines have more friction than the long stroke. Column B shows the "Steam Pressures" above the atmosphere assumed for each case. The calculations have been made for pressures of 60, 80 and 100 lbs., as being those in most general use, in non-condensing engines. Column c shows the "Point of Cut-off" for each case. The table gives the results when the steam is cut off at 4, 1 and 3 of the stroke from the beginning, which means that the full pressure of the steam has been allowed to act on the piston during, or of the stroke, and that the remainder of the stroke, in each case, has been completed by the expansion of the steam. Column D, in each class of engine, shows the "Size and Designation" of the engine. For instance, the expression 5 x 12 means that the piston is five inches in diameter and twelve inches stroke, and that the engine is designated or called a;;5 by P1 Engine," instead of a five Horse Power Engine, for reasons before stated. Column E shows, for each class of engine, the "Revolutions per Minute" at which the several engines must be run, in order to produce the Net Horse Powers named, at the steam pressures and points of cut-off shown. C(olumns F and F show the number of pounds of " Water," evaporated into steam, required "per Indicated Horse Power per hour," for each case. The facts were obtained from experiments which are hereinafter explained and illustrated. This column shows the comparative economy of the different methods of producing the power, and from it may readily be calculated the amount of coal required per Indicated Horse Power per hour. Columins G and G show the'" Total Amount of Water per hour," in pounds, necessary to be evaporated to produce the Net Horse Power named. The results are calculated from the quantities in line F, due allowance being made for the difference between the Indicated and Net Horse Power. This column shows the evaporative power of the boiler required for each case. Columns H and I show, for each class of engine, the " Cost per Year of the Net Horse Power named." Column H shows the cost of the coal for one year, on the supposition that the engine runs ten hours per day, for 300 days in the year; that the coal, including cost of handling, etc., costs $8.00 per ton of 2,000 lbs., and that each pound of coal evaporates eight pounds of water. Variations may be made, by simple calculations, when the price of coal or the evaporation differs firomn the assumption. The quantities in column I were obtained by adding to the cost of the coal, in each case, the interest at ten per cent, on the estimated cost of the engine. This column shows, then, the total cost of the power per year for fuel and interest. :Explanation of the Tables. 6* These tables and diagrams are based chiefly on experiments made for the Novelty Iron Works, under the direction of Mr. Charles E. Emery, formerly of the U. S. Naval Engineers, -with machinery constructed especially for the purpose. Confirmatory results were, however, derived from the previous practice of that and other establishments, and from experiments made for the U. S. Navy, and under Government Commissioners. It had been shown conclusively that the attempt to malke a complete series of experiments, un.der the nany changes of condition necessary to a comlplete investigation, with Icarge engines involved an incredible amount of labor and expense, and would occupy a period of time almost proscriptive. It was found, however, that by exercising care in the construction and operation of a smncall engine the results would show the laws applicable to engines of all sizes, and the apparatus could be at all times under the direction of the same persons, and thus secure great uniformity of observation. The steam cylinder of the engine constructed for the experiments referred to herein was eight inches in diameter, and had eight inches stroke of piston. The power was applied to give motion to a large fanblower, the speed of the engine being regulated by a gate in the discharge orifice of the blower. Steam was supplied from a locomotive boiler with a high steam drum, and the steam pipes and cylinders were carefully fitted. The bed plate of the cylinder formed a surface condenser, to which was connected an efficient airpunmp operated from the. engine crosshead. The cylinder ports were of ample area, and the cut-off was performed by plates having a 9-inch movement over the back of the main valve. The Power was measured with a Richards' Steam Engine Indicator, used in connection with a clock and engine register. The cost of the Power was ascertained by weighing the amount of water (condensed steamn) delivered from the air pump. The valves and piston of the engine were by good workmanship and extended operation made perfectly tight, under the maximum pressure used, and examinations were frequently made to prevent the possibility of steam or water leaks. During the experiments herein referred to air was let into the condenser to destroy the vacuum. During each experiment the steam pressure and revolutions were kept exactly uniform. Each experiment was started with everything in average working condition-the engine register being thrown in gear, and the vessel, to receive the water from the hot well, pushed under the delivery of the latter simultaneously, at an even minute, as shown by the second-hand of the clock. Exactly at the end of every hour, to the second, the position of the engine register was noted, the water vessels shifted, and the one removed weighed on a platform scale. This method of working insured such remarkable correspondence in the results that it was found possible to reduce the duration of many of the experiments to a single hour each. After each experiment some condition,-for instance, the point of cut-off,-w-as slightly changed, and another experiment started immediately after. This operation was continued, and the power and its cost calculated for each instance, when thie results were dotted in proper position on a ruled sheet, and with the points as a guide, curves were dlawn similar to those shown on page 23. In this way the modification of result due to changing the three first conditions mentioned on page 24 were obtained, viz., Is%', " The steam pressure;" 2d, " The amount of expansion;" and 3d, "The speed of revolution." The modification due to —th-" The size of cylinders," was approximated by comparing the results withl those obtained from larger engines operated under similar conditions. The experiimental results were checked again by calculating theoretical curves similar to G and I-, page 23, for each steam pressure, in which all the conditions, including an allowance for the condensation due to the mechanical work done, were taken into consideration. All the results are in harmoiny, and furnish a reliable basis for the information herein contained. such as should be expected in ordinary good practice. The proper size of boiler of either of the different types mentioned required to evaporate a given quantity of water was determined in the different wrays by different incdividuals-one collating tihe previous practice of the Novelty Iron WVorks and other establishments; the otlher comparing numerous experiments on the subject. The results agreed in a most satisfactory manner. The tables on this sulbject were, hlowever, calculated with considerable allowance for difference in condition, fuel, and management; the necessity of which allowance will be appreciated by the practical engineer. TABLSES SHO WIYG THE SIZES OF THE J/OX- COvYDESSIXVG BUILT AT THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS, NEW YORK; AND THE Revolutions, Stenam Pressures anid Points of Vuutuoff, WHICH WILL PRODUCE THE SEYERAL HORSE POWERS NAMED; ALSO THE AMOUNT OF WATER USED PER HOUR AND COST OF THE POWER PER YEAR, FOR EACH CASE. LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEA ENGINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED ENGINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED ~A B C D E F G H D E F G H Size and TOTAL Size and oo TOTAL NET n Per Hour For Coal TOTAL, Designa- $ Per TOTAL, NE'PT ~ a Point ei Per otio Per for ForCoal tion / 4 II. t P. for Net tion Eof per Horse at $8.00 (Interest (est POWERS i Cutoff | our Power Hron cost of; i a per Horse at $8.00 (Interest POWER /I~~~j~ut-cff Hour Power oncostHo Power oo ostof POWER To ff na med per TonTon Egi P-,So~~ inclded) i included) ritro~In. In.| Lbs. Lbs. In. Iin. __ Lbs. Lbs. $7| 3 100 stroke 5x12 95 30.4 190 $285 $375 5x 9 129 28.9 183 $275 $343 100 1 " 6x16 50 32.9 206 309 409 6x 9 90 30.'3 192 288 363 H.P 80 I " iSxl 123 31.4 196 294 384 Sx 91 167 30.0 190 285 353 480 i" 6x 16 64 34.4 215 323 423 6x 9 116 31.5 199 299 374 60 " 5 x 12 173 33.3 209 314 404 5x 91 235 31.6 200' 1 300 368 60 A " 6x161 91 36.6 21611 324 424ll x 9 163 33.2 210 315 390 60!{ " 7x20 53 39.3 243 365 475 7x12 89 36.2 226 339 422 100| strokei 5X12 65 37.6 235 $353 $443|11 5x 9 87 35.9 227 $341 $409 80 / " 5x12/l 81/39.0 244 36 46103. 35 3466 45619 Continuedon | 60' " 2 1 40.9 6 1 383 1 473 1 5x 9 149 38.9 1245 367 435 8 Tables showing Power, &o,, of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM _ COST PER YEAR COST PER YEAR ENGINE WATER ENGINE WATER O T PER YEA NET TLIE POWER NB~ZEDOF THE POWER NtMED A B C )D F F G H I 5D | F G H I 02| I Size and TOTAL Size and TOTAL NET e Pc Point | )Designa- Per Perur TOTAL, Designa- Per TOTAL,:O' Point. Per Hour For CoD al, Per Hour For Coal on, i *.!1. 1. It for Net ion 1 I. P. for Net IO.. o'.(.f N (Interest (nterest HORSE 0 of per Horse at $800 on cost ofp 6. er or s at $8.00 oncostof Powneer Hour Power cut-off p i 2Engine E! 2 1. || i 31ngine *or 8 * 1l Cut-of j m8X2a me per 8lToi included) [24!1 821 97 1ned p er Ton included) In In. Lbs. Lbs: In. In Lbs. Lbs. 60 stroke 6 X 16 88 41.5 259 $389 $489 16 X 9 104 40.7 258 $386 $461 H.P. 8 40 stroke 5x12 71 45.4 284 $426i $l 5x 9 95 43.7 264 $396 $460 Concluded. 60 " 5x12 101 46.9 297 445 530] 5x 9 128 45.5 288 432 496 0 " 6x16, 50 51.4 321 482 577 6x 9 90 47.7 302 453 524 |1 O 100j ~stroke 6 x 16 100 29.0 362 $544 $644 6X 96 179 26.7 338 $507 $582 80 I " 6 X 16 128 30.2 377 566 666 6X 9 231 28.5 361 541 616 H. P. 80 1 " 7x20 75 32.4 400 600 710[ 7x12 12l 6 29.1 364 546 629 80 1 " 8x20 58 33.0 408 612 745 8 x 12 9 30.9 388 582 682 60 4 c 7x20 105 34.4 425 637 747 7x12 178 31.7 396 594 677 60 c" S x2O0 81 35.6 439 659 o s/ x 12x 138 32.7 409 613 7Ma i60 " 9x24 53 37.4 460 690 85011 9x15 85 35.0. 432 648 768 100 Istroke 5x12 129 33.4 417 $626 $716 5x 9 174 31.7 401 $602 $670 100 2 6x X16 68 35.8 448 672 772] 6x 9 121 33.2 420 630 705 80 c c 5x12 162 34.4 430 645 7351 5x 9 220 32.9 416 625 693 80. cc 6x1l 6 85 37.2 465 698 7981sl 6 x 9 153 34.3 434 651 726 60 t "~ 6x16 116 39.4 492 739 8391I 6x 9' 207 35.8 453 680 755 60! 10 " 7x20 67 42.2 520 780 890ol[ 7x12 113 39.1 489 733 816 100 stroke 5 5x12 113 39.7 496 $744 $8291[ 5x 9 152 38.2 484 $726 $790 100 1 " 6x16 59 42.2 528 792 887111 6x 9 106 39.5 500 750 821 80 1 " 5 x12 142 40.9 5'11 767 85211 5 x 9 190 39.4 500 750 814 80 3 1" 6x16 74 43.7 546 819 91411 6 x 9 132 40.8 516 775 846 60 i 1 6 x 16 100 45.9 574 860 955111 6x 9 1 179 42.6 539 809 - 880 1 S 100 I stroke | 7x20 87 29.0 537 $806 $916| 7 x 12 145 27.1 508 $762 $845 100 1 " 8 x 20 66 29.6 548 822 955 8 x12 112 27.6 518 776 876 H P. 180' c" 7x20 112 30.2 559 839 949111 7x12 189 28.1 527 790 873 80 8 x 20 86 31.0 574 861 9941 8 x 12 145 29.0 544 816 916 80, "11 9x24 56 32.4 592 888 104811 9 x 15 90 30.6 567 851 971 60 - "i 7x20 158 32.1 594 891 1000j1 7xl12 266 29.8 559 838 921 60 " 8x20 122 33.1 613 920 10531[ 8x12 207 30.6 574 861 961 60 j " 9 x 24 79 34.9 638 958 1118i 9 x 15 127 32.6 603 905 1025 60 j " 10 x 24 641 35.6 652 979 1159 10 x 15 104 33.3 616 924 1104 100 strokoe 6 x16 101 33.'7 631 $948 $10481|1 6 x 9 181 31.2 592 $888 $963 ~100 "1 7x20 58 35.7 660 990 1100i[l 7x12l 98 33.6 630 945 1028 80 ~ " 6x16 127 34.9 654 981 108111] 6x 9 229 32.3 613 920 995 - 80( l- "? 7X20L 74 37.1 687 1031 11411][ 7x121 129 34.4 645 968 1051 601 " 7x 20 100 39.3 728 1092 1202i11 7 x 12 169 36.3 681 1021 1104 ~n~t e~n 60 ~; l ||820 40.4 x4 7 7 1.7 121 1254 ||| 8 x 12 1 29 37.~ 703 1055o 1155 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. 9 LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM l S M ENGINE WATER COST PER YEAR E E COST PER YEAR _~ENGINE __ WATER _ ~OF THE POWER NAMED ENGINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED A CB D E F G H | I ID E F G H I Size and TOTAL i Size and TOTAL NET Pc Point i3Designa- ~ Per Per Hour For Coal TOTAL, Designa- P er Hour For Coal TOTAL, {, ~ tion L/ H. P. for Net tion IP, P. P, for Net. HORSE - s of la - 3 per Horse at $8.00 (Inter Horse at $8.00 ~a ~ ll ~ ~ ~ ~ -a Power on cost of I c on cost of Hour Power o Hour Power POWER | Cut off | o named per Ton Engine named per Ton Eng ne included) nae Eincluded) In. In Lbs. Lbs. In. In. i Lbs. Lbs. 100 stroke 5 X12 |170 37. 3 1699 $1049 $1130 5 x 9 228 35.9 682 $1022 $1086 100 "1 6 x 16 88 40.1 752 1128 1223 6 x 9 159 38.7 735 1102 1173 H.P. 80 c "I 6 x 16 111 41.3 774 1161 1256 6 x 9 199 38.7 735 1102 1173 Coneluded. 80 | cc l 7 x 20 65 43.4 803 1205 1309 7 x 12 108 41.0 769 1153 1231 60 42 " 7 x 20 86 45.9 850 1275 1379 7 x12 146 ] 42.9 804 1206 1284 _ _ 1 60 _ 4" 116 8x20 66 47.2 873 1310 1438 8x12 112 44.0 825 1238 1334 2 O O 100 b stroke| 7x20 115 27.6 681 $1022 $1132 7x12 194 25.8 64s5i $968 $1051 100 1 1 8 x 20 88 28.3 699 1048 1181 8x 12 149 26.7 668 1001 1101 |H P. |80 1 " 8x20 114 29.7t 733 1100 1233 8x121 193 27.8 695 1043 1143 80 1 " 9 x 24 74 31.1 759 1138 1298 9 x 15 120 29.2 721 1081 1201 80 1' " 10 x 24 60 31.6 771 1156 1336 10 x 15 98 29.9 748 1122 1257 60 " LL 9x24 10a5 33.1 807 1211 1371 9x15a 169 31.1 768 1152 1272 60 ][ 110 x 24 85 34.0 829 1244 1424 10 x 15 138 31.8 785: 1178 1313 60 } " 11 x 30 56 35.8 863 1295 1495 11 x 18 94 33.4 815 1222 1372 100 | stroke || 7 X 20 78 34.3 847 $1270 $13801 7 x 12 | 131 31.8 795 $1193 $1276 100 ~ " 111 8 20 60 36.3 896 1344 1477 8 x 121 101 32.8 820 1230 1330 80 ~ "? 7x 20 98 35.6 880 1319 1429 7x12 166 33.1 828 1241 1324 80' " I1 8 x20 75 36.3 896 1344 14771 8X12 128 33.9 84811 1271 1371 60 1 "L 7X20 134 37.4 923 1385 1495 7X12 225 34.8 870 1305 1388 60 1' 1 8x20 102 38.5 951 1426 1.559 8x12 173, 35.7 89311 1339 1439 60 * " 1 9x24 67 40.4 985 1481 16411 9x15 108 37.1 916 1374 1494 100 Astroke/il 6x16 118 38.4 960 $1440i $1535 6x 9 212 35.8 906 $1359 $1430 100 -" 1 7x20 68 40.5 1000 1500 1604 7 x 12 116 38.2 955 1433 1511 80 s1 "ll 7x20 86 41.9 1035 1552 1656 7x 12 145 139.6 990 1485 1563 80 "c 8 x 201 66s 42.6 1052 1578 1733. 8 x 12 111 40.4 1010 1515 1611 60 " 7 x 20 115 44.0 1086 1630 17341 7x12 195 41.1 1028 1542 1620 60 3 " 8 x20 88 45.1 1113 1669 1797 8x12 149 42.2 1055 1583 1679 1 25 100 o strokel 8x20 110 27.3 843 $1264 $1397 8x12j 186 25.7 803 $1205 $13s05 100 11 " 9 x 24 72 28.5 869 1304 1464 9 x 15 116 27.0 833 1260 1380 H. P.'80 " 9 x 24 93 30.0 915 1373 153311 9x15 150 28.3 873 1310 1430 80 4 " I10x24 75 30.6 9331 1399 1579 10x15 1221128.9 891 1336 1471 60 1 " 9x24 131 32.0 9761 1464 162419 9x15 212 30.1 929 1394 1514 60 1 " 10x24 106 32.7 997 1496 1676 10 X15 1 721 30.8 951 1427 1562 60 1 ( 1 1 x 30 69 34.6 1048P 1572 1772 11 x 18 117 32.2 98219 1473 1623 60 1 " 112x30 1 58 35.01 1054 1581 1801 112x 18 96 11 32.9 1021 1541 1706 1ool0 8strokel 7x20H 977 33.2 10251 3 $1537 $1647 7x12 16411 30.5 953 $1430 $1513 1oo0 4 " 8 x20 71 5 33.7 104l1 1560 1 1693 8x12 126 31.6 988 1481 1581 onext pane o 80 1 I| 8x20 94 35.1 1083 1625 1758 |6 8x12 160 32.8 1025 1538 1638 10 Tables showing Power, &e,, of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines, LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM _ H COST PER YEAR ENGI COST PER YEAR ENGINE IWATER'i EGNAE OF ToE POWER NAMED OF TE POWER NAMED A -B Ci i T F G H Size and TOTAL Size and TOTAL D i ~ Per TOTAL, NET L~ ~ Point D~esigfna- TOTAL, jj Pizerand ToTAL-ij:gu HRNET 04 g. Pon esl Per Hour For Coal TOTAL, Designa- i PerCol TOTAL i (I onterest........ tt p foiet. 1.11.1?. for Net(Interest ~HORSE ~ of 2 per Horse at $8.00 (nest per Horse at $8.00.. st on cost of p ~.~ t ~ ~~~~Power Pon osr o ~POWEl~,5~ Cu-f'~ POWER ~1Cut-off'.d ~ ~ H HourP Engine! Hour Power e namd r~ ~ed 5r~ En gine 5 _ _amed_ 1 per Ton included) named per Ton Engine ~~_l~____- ~ ~ ~ II iroincluded) __ _ _ _In.] In. Lbs. Lbs. In. In. Lbs. Lbs. 9x2'4 i II b.! ~s $~stok 9x 24 6 36.61 1116I $1602 $1822 2stroke:l 9111661 $1674 $184 9 x 15 99 34.6 1068 $1602 $1722 60 " 9 x 24 83 39.2 1195 1793 1953 9x15 135 36.6 1130 1694 1814 ~~6H. P. "0I 10x24 67 39.8 1213 1820 2000 10x15 109 37.4 1154 1731 1866 Concluded. 18 1001 stroke x 20 85 39.4i 1216 $1824: $1928 7 X 12 145 37 111539 $1 8173 100 " 8 x 20 65 39.9 1231 1847 1975 8x 12 111 37.9 1184 1777 1873.I80~ ~ 7 x 20 107 40.6, 1253 1880 19841 7x12 183 38.5 1203 1805 1883 80o 8x20 82 41.4 1278 1917 2045; 8x12 138 39.3 1228 1842 1938 80 s 9 x24 53 42.9' 1308 1 1962 2117 9x15 87 40.9 1262 1893 2009 cc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 60 " 8x20 110 43.'1 1349 I 2023 2151 8x12 176 41.3 1291 1936 2032 60 9 x 24 72 45.41 13S4x 1l 2000 211 60 I" x241 72 45.4 13844 2076 2231 9x15 116 43.2 1333 2000 2116 100 jt 1" 9x241 8W 27.9 1 0211 $1531 $1691 9x15 140 26.3 974 $1461 $1581 3j0 1 10Lo {"'10 x24' 70'1 28.2 1032 1548 1728 1 x 15 113 26.8 993 1489 1624 II ~. 80 " 10 x 24 90' 29.81 1090 1635 1815 10 x15 146 28.1 1041 1561 1696 H.8 " 1130 59 31.1. 11590 1739 1939 11x18 99 29.3 1065' 1597 1747 60 — " 11 x30 83 33.7 1217i 1825 2025 Il x18 140 31.3 11451 1718 1768,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 70,40121I4 71 11 60 x " 12x301 70 34.01 12291 1843 2063 12x18 115 31.9 1167 1751 1916 60 cc" I13x361 49 35.3 1261 1891 2144 13x21 85 33.0 1193 1789 1979 100 stroke x20 117 322 1193 $1789 $1899 7x12 1971 29.4 11031 $1654 $1737 ~00 ~ ~]eI x 2o s9~a: 3isi 116 (s 100 820 89 32 1215 1822 1955 8x12 151 30.5 1144 1716 1816 100 " 9x24,i 58 34.1 1246!i 1869 2029 9x15 94 32.5 12041 1806 1926 80 cc" 8 x 20.i 113, 34.2 1266 1900 2033 Sx12i 192 32.1 1204, 1806 1906 80 ~ 9 X 24 74 35.7 1306 1959 2119 9 x 15 119 33.8 1252 1878 1998 80 18" 0 x 24'1 60 36.2 13241 1986 2166 10 x 15 97 35.4 1311 1967 2102 60 9 x 24 100 37.91 138711 2080 2240 9x I51 162 35.6 1319 1978 2098 60, 10 x24 81 38.8' 1420 1 2129 2309 o xi 131 36.4 134S 2022 2157 100 stroke x 20! 102' 38.4 1422 $2133 $2237 7 x 12 173 35.9 13461 $2019 $2097 100 ~ 8 x 20!1 39.2 14V52 2178 23060 8x12 1 132 37.0 1388' 2081 2177 {~~~~~~~7'' 216 80 o " 8 x 20 9840.6' 1504 2256 2384 8x12 I166 38.5 1444/ 2166 2262 60 9 x 24, 63' 42.0, 1537 2305 2460 9x15i104 40.0 14811 2222 2338 440 60 3 9 x 924 1 861 44.41 1624 2436 2591 9x15i 139 42.0 1556i 2333' 2449 _ 60 _ _ 10 x 241 70T 45.0 1646 2469 2642 10 x 15i 114 42.9 15591 2383, 2513 100 14stroke'10 x24 93 2.2 1327 $1990 $2170 lOx 15 151 25.7 12C69 $1904 $2039 100 ~ " 11 x30 61 28.4 1369 2053 2253 11 x18 103 26.7 1302 1954 2104 H. P. 80 " lx30 79 29.9 1441 2161 23 x18 13328.1 1371 207 2207 80 { " 12x30 66 30.3 1460 2190 2410t 12x18 111 28.6 1395 2093 22S8 60 1} " 11x30 111 32.2 1552 2328 25281 11x18 187 29.9 1459 2189 2339 60 L " 12x30 93 32.6 1571 2357 2577t 12x18 153 30.6 1493 2240 2405 60 {" 13x36 65i 33.8 1610 2414 2667t 13x21 114 31.7 1S28 2292 2482 Continued on 6 1 3 next page. 6 0 { ~ 14X36 56 34.2 1619 2428 2704: 1i4X21 i 98 32.2 1552 2328 2535 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. t LONG STROKE ENGINES | SHORT STROKIE ENGINES I STE A I I - COST PER YEAR COST PER YEAR |ENG IN E WATER OF THE POWER NAMED EGINE WATE OF THE POWER NAMED A B I D | F G H D E F G I xXI Size and TOTAL 1 TOTAL NET IP ~ POint |Designa- P Per TOTAL, Designa- Per H TOTAL, HORET Poin~ 1.t11.~ Per Hour For Coal to I Hou IPer Hour For Coal HORSE;a of 2 ~ per for Net(Interest _fo (Interest HORSE of l \Horse at $8.00 on costo' peI Hors on cos a)J $ \ ll on cost of POWER ~ ~f ICut-off Ht4 Powyer I nme Powernlued Hour Engins Hour EDgine POWER if1 named per Ton includsd) I co named per Ton Enin a)_ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ud_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ included)'In. In. Lbs. Lbs. In. In. Lbs. Lbs. 60 iike15 x 36 49 34.7 1652 $2478 $2803 15 4 7 3119 29 23 qO 01~Ll iie? i ~~n l4stroke$203I/ 115 x 24 /;4 33.1 1~595 $2393 $2631 H. P. | 100 -stroke 8x20.119 31.5 1556 $2333 $2466 8 x12 201 29.2 1460 $2190 $2290 Concluded. 100 | " 1 9 X 24 78 33.0 1610 2415 2575 9 X 15 126 30.9 1526 2289 2409 100 " 1 x 24 63 33.4 1622 2433 2613 10 x 15 102 31.6 1560 2341 2476 80 " 9 x 24 98 34.3 1673 2510 26'0 9 x 15 159 32.3 1595 2393 2513 80 I 10 x 24 79 34.9 1702 2554 2734 10 x 15 129 33.0 1630 2444 2579 60 1 " 11x 30 70 39.0 1880 2819 3019 t 11 x 18 I 119 36.2 1766 2649 2799 60 | 12x | 30 59 39.4 1899 2848 3068 12x18 I1001 37.0 18 17 2726 2891 100 Atroke 8x 20 104 37.6 1857 $2786 $2914 8x12 176 35.6 1780 $2670 $2766 100 -a 11 9x241 68 39.1 1907 2861 30161 9x15 110 37.2 1837 2756 2871 80 i " 9 x 24 85 40.6 1980 2971 3126 11 9 x 15 138 38.8 1916 2874 2990 80 1 " l O x 24 69 41.1 2005 3007 31801 10 x 15 112 1 39.4 1970 2956 3086 60 " 10x 24 93 43.5 2122 3183 3356 l Ox 15 151 1 41.2 2034 3051 3181 160 " 11 x 30 61 45.4 2188 3282 3475 11 x 18 102 42.8 2088 3132 3277 50 X100 stroke111 X 30 76l 27.6 1663 $2494 $2694 11x18' 128 25.9 1580 $2370 $2520 1001 " 12 x 30 641 27.9 1681 2521 2741 112 X 18 108 1 26.3 1604 2405 2570 H. P. |80 " |11 x301 98 29.0 1747 2620 2820 11 x18 166 27.3 1665 2498 2648 180 " 12 x 30 I 83 29.4 1771 2651 2877 12x 18 139 27.7 1689 2534 2698 180 " i13x36 581 30.2 1798 2696 2949,113x21 100 286 1723 2584 2774 80 1 " 14x361 50 j30.6 182111 2732 3008 14x21' 86 29.1 1735 2603 2810 60 " 12 x 30 116, 31.6 1904 2856 3076 12 X 18 191 29.7 1811 2717 2882 60 1 13 x361 82 32.8 1952 2929 3182 1 13x21 142 30.7 185(0 2775 1 2965 60 1 " 14 x 36 70 38.1 1970 2955 3231; 14x21 1122 31.1 1873 2810 3017 I60 " I15 x 361 61 133.7 2006 3009 3334 15 x 24 93 32.0 1928 2892 3136 60 i 16 x 42' 46 34.5 2029 3044 3389 16 x 24 80 32.5 1958 2917 3177 60 " I 11 x 421 411 35.0 2059 3089 3464 17 x 30 57 33.6 2000 3000) 3276 |100 -ystroke| 9x24i 97I 31.7 1933 $2899 $30591 9x150 157" 29.8 1840 $2759 $2879 100 " I 1 0x24 79 32.3 1970 2954 3134 lx 10 i 127 30.5 1883 2724 2859 80 I " 10X24 99 33.9 2067 3101 3281 10x15 161 31.8 1963 2944 3079 801 " 11 x 30 65 135.2 2120 3181 3381 11x18 1091 33.2 2021 3037 3187 |80 " 12 x 30 54i 35.8 2157 3236 3456| 12 x 18 92 33.9 2067 3101 3266 602 " 11 X 30 88 I37.8 2227 3416. 3616141 X 18q 149 35.1 2140 3210 3360 601 i " 12X30 741 38.3 231411 3472 3692 12x18 125 35.7 21771 3265 3430 60 L " 13x36/' 52 139.5 2351 3527 37801) 3 X 21 901 37.2 2211 3361 3551 100. stroke 9X24' 85138.1, 2323 $3485 $36401 9x15 138j1 36.1| 2228 $3343 $3459 nextpage. 100l " 0x24I 691138.6 235411 3530 3703 10X I 5xl 111 36.98 2278 3417 3547 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM ENGINE WAT COST PER YEAR COST PER YEAR |OF THE POWER NAMED OF THIE POWER NAMED A B C D E F G H IE F G H I Size and TOTAL Size and TOTAL NET P Pint Designa- Per PHour F Cl TOTAL, Designa- Per PerHour For TOTAL ~ n~ tion j I,,LP for OF O on Nt H- P. for Net H -f I | I~ e Horse a t $~ on conterest - pe H |orse at $8.00 on cost Poe n otH Power' on cost of Cf'IHour PoEer on Engine POWER I u, UOff |) named per Ton e | named included) included) In. In. Lbs Lbs. In. In. Lbs. Lbs. 5 80 stroke 10 24 8(6 40.2 24511 $3677 $3850 10 X 15 140 38.3 2364| $3546 $3676 o80 3 11x30 5 6 41.6 2506 3759 395211 X 18S 95 39.6 2415 3622 3767 H. P. 60 3" ix x 30 76 144.2 2663i 3994: 4187 11x 18 1281 41.4 2524/ 3787 3932 Concluded. 60 K12 x 30 641 44.5 2681 4021 4233 12 18 108 42.2 2573 3859 4018 o60 " 13 x36 45 45.8 2727 4091 4336 13 x21 78 43.6 2626 3939 4123 60 100 1stroke 1 x 30 91 26.9 1945 $2917 $3117 11 x 18 154 25.4 1550 $2324: $2474 100 12x30 77 27.2 1966 2949 3169 12 x 18 129 25.7 1880 2821 2986 H. P. 100 / 4 0 13x36 5411 28.0 20001 3000 3253 13x211 93 26.6 1923 2885 3075 80 " 12 x 30 99 28.7 2075 3112 3332 12x18 167 27.0 1976 2964 3129 80s " 13 x 36 69 29.6 2114 3171 3424 13x21 121 27.9 2017 3025 3215 80 " 14 x 36 60 29.9 2136 3204 3480 14 x 21' 104 28.1 2031 3047 3254 80 "'15x36 52 30.2 21571 3236 3561 115 x 24 71 29.0 2096 3144 3388 60 " 14x36 846 32.3 2307 3461 3737 14x21 146 30.3 2190 3285 3492 60 i " lo'5x36 74 32.7 2336 3504 3829 115 x 24 112 131.1 2248' 3372 3616 60' " 16 x 42: 55 133.7 2379 3568 3913 16 x 24 97 31.7 2264 3396 3656 460 " 117x4241 49 33.9 2392 3588 39631 17x30 68 32.8 2315 3473 3749 100 stroke1,0x24 941 31.6 2312 $3468 $3648 10 IOx 153 29.7 2200 $3300 $3435 100 I 11 x 30 62 33.0 2386 3578 3778 T x11 18 104 30.9 2261 3391 3541 801 " 11x301 78 3-4.5 2494 3741 3941 11x188 131 32.5 23781 3567 3717 801 s " 12x30o 65 34.8 2516 3773 3993 112x 18 111 33.0 2415 3622 3787 60 1112 x 30 89 137.2 2689 4034 4254 12 x 18 150 34.8 2546 3820 3985 60 1 " 13 x 36 62 38.6 2757 4136 4389 13 x 21 108 36.2 2617 1 3925 4115 60-2' 11 " 14X36 55 38.8 2q95 4193 4469 14X211 93 136.8 26621 3993 4200 |100 | strokelo 9x241 102 37.1 27151 $40721, $4227| 9x15 165| 35.3 2615 $3922 $4038 100 i" I10x24 83 37.8 2766 4149 43221 10x1i 134 35.8 2652 3978 4108 -100 i" 11x30 54 39.1 2827 4241 44341 I x181i 91 37.2 2722 4083 4228 80 4 " 10 lOx 24 104 139.3 2876 4313 4486 O1 x 1 168 37.6 2785 4178 4308 80 3 " l1 x 30 68 40.7 2942 4413 4606 l1 x 18 11 4 38.9 2846 4270 4415 80' E 12 x 30 57 41.1 297111 4457 4669 12 x 18 96 39.4 2883 4324 4483 60 4" 11tx 301 91 43.2 31231 4684 4877 t111x18 154 40.6 29711 4457 4602 60 " 12 x 30' 77 43.5 3145 4717 4929 1 2 x 18 129 41.2 3015 4522 468 1 60 " 13x36 54 44.8 3200 4800 5045113 x 21 93 42.71 308 4631 4815 I 70 100 4 stroke 12x30' 891 26.7 2252 2 $3378 $3598 |12 x 18' 150 25.3 2160 $3240 $3405 100 " 113x36 63 27.5 2292 3437 3690 13x21 109 26.0 2193 3290 3480 H. p. 11100 " 11[14x36i 54'27.71 2308 3462 3738 14x211 941126.3 2218 3327 3534 80 " 113x36l 81 29.0 2417 3625 3878 13x21 141 27.4 2311 3466 3656 80 - ] 14 x 36 70 29.3 2442 3662 3938 1 14 x 21 121 27.7 2336 3504 3711 180 " 115x36 61 29.6 24671 3700 40251 15x24 92 28.5 24041 3606 3850 | nextpage.~ 80 } " |16 x 42 a45 30.4 25041t 3755 i 4100 10 6 x 24 80 28.8 2400 3600 3860 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. 13 LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM ENGINE WlATER OF THrE POWER NAMED 1l ENGINE llWATER- OF THrET POWEWRNAMRED|| A B 1 D E F G T H I I D E F G H j I, Size and TOTAL Size and TOTAL NET ~~~Designa- PrPer Hour For Coal TOTAL, Deina PerHorFrCaTTA NET o j.o > vPoin ti on I 1.11| Por Net tion 1. ]. Pe Hor For Ca TOTAL p~q tion L H- P- for Net I. H. P. for Net HORSE. of. per Horse at $8.00 (Int per Horsest at $8.00 k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on cost of on cost of Hour Power n t onrwer Engine I aeEngine,POWER 15 ni /Cut-off named per Ton Engine er Toncot Izog _______ m.included) included), ||In. In. | Lbs. Lbs. * || _ _ In. In. Lbs. Lbs. | _ _ _ /1 oo ~ S I[ l 1x11 o4. I —3.' 717 I-1[ 1 1 1 11 - 60 48trokel 15x36 86 32.1 2675 $4013 $43381 15x24 130 30.5 2572 $3858 $4102 I J 601i" l16x42 64 133.0 2717 4076 442 16x24 114 31.0 2583 3875 4135 60 / I 17x42 57 33.2 2734/ 4101 4476 17x30 79 32.2 2683 4025 4301 H. CCUd 60 1 19 x 48 35 34.8 2832 4248 4674 19 x 30 64 32.7 2706 4059 4379 Concluded. 4 9 1001 stroke li{x 30 72| 32.1 2707[ $4061 $4261 I lx18 121 30.3 2587 $3880 $4030 1 100 1 " 112 x 30 6I0 132.7 2758 4137 4357 12 x 18 102 30.7 2621 3931 4096 I180 1; " 11x30 91 33.8 2851s 4276 4476 11x18 153 318 2714 4071 4221 80 " 12x30 76 34.3 2893 4339 4559'12x18 129 32.4 2766 4149 4314 80 " 13 x 36 531 35.1 2925 4388 4641 13 x 21 93 33.3 2808 4213 4403 60 ~ " 13 x 36 731 37.7 3142 4712 4965 13 x 21 126 35.2 2970 4455 4645 60, 14 x 36 63 38.0 316711 4750 5026 14 x 21 108 36.0 3036 4554 4761 601 i 15 x 36 55 38.6 3217 4825 5150 15 x 24 83 37.0 3120 4680 4924 60; " 16 x 42 40 39.7 3269 4904 5249'16 x 24 72 37.4 3140 4710 4970 100 stroke 10 X 24 96 37.1 3167 $4750 $49231| x 15i 156 35.3 3051 $4576 $4706 o100 T " 11x 30 63 38.4 3239 4858 5051 1 x 18 106 36.5 3116 4674 4819 80 T " l x 30 79 40.1 3382 5073 5266 lx 18 1 5x 38.3 3270 49041 5049 801 " 12 x 30 66 40.5 3416 5123 5335 12x18 112 38.8 3312 4968 5127 80 3 cc 13 3X36 46 41.4 3450 5175 5420 13x21 81, 39.7 3342 5013 5197 60 4 2x30 89x 42.8 3610 5414 5626 12x 18 150 40.4 3449 5173 5332 60 " 13x36 63| 44.0 36671 5500 5745 13x21 109 41.7 3517 5276 5460 _____ I60 " " 14x36 544 44.4 3700I 5550 5811 14x21 931 42.4 35761 5364 5564 80Qn 100 istroke il 33 |72 27.0 2571 $3857 $4110 13 x21! 124 |25.7 2477 $3716 $3906 100 14X36 62 27.2 2590 3886 4162 14x21 107 25.8 2488 3732 3939 HI. P. 100 - 15x36 54 27.5 2619 3929 4254 15 x24 82 26.5 2554 3831 4075 80 -1 "11 14 x 36 80 28.8 2743 4114 4390 14 x 21 138 27.2 2622 3933 4140 80 1 " 15 x 36 70 29.1 2771 4157 4482 15 x 24 106 27.9 2689 4034 4278 |80 1 16 x 42 I52 29.8 2805 4207 4552 16 x 24 92 28.4 2705 4058 4318 80 1 t7x42 46 30.0 2824 4235 4610 17x30 64, 29.0 2762 4143 4419 60 W " 16x42 73 32.5 3058 4588 4933 16x241 130 30.3 2886 4329 4589 60 " 17x 421 65 32.6 3068 4602 4977 17x30 90 31.6 3009 4519 4795 60 1 "1 19 x 48 1 45.33.8 3181 4772 5198 19 x 30 73 32.2 3030 4545 4865 |100 stroke 11x30 82 31.7 3055 $4583 $4783 11 x 18 138 29.7 2898 $4346 $4496 100 1 " 12 x 301 69 32.1 3094 4641 4861 12x18 1116 30.2 2946 4420 4584 100 13 x 36 48 33.1 3152 4728 4981 13 x 21 84 31.3 3017 4525 4715 80 12 x 30 87 33.7 3248 4872 5092 j 12x 18 1481 31.7 3093 4639 4804 80 1 " T13 x 36 61 34.6 3295 4943 5196 13x21 106 32.7 3152 4728 4918 $80~ 2 14X36 53 34.9 3324 4986, 5262 14x21 91 33.1 3190 4785 4992 601 L "| 13x36\ 83 37.2 3543 5314| 5567 13x21 144 34.7 3344 5016 5206 160 1 1|14x3611 71 37.5 3571 5357/ 5633 14x21 124 35.2 3393 5090 5297 Cnnexd p 6ge.0 1 15 x 36 62 38.0 3619 5429 5754 15 x 24 95 36.2 3489 5234 5478 next0 page8. 0 31 14 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. COST PER YEAR COST PER YEAR FVATEK. _ NIN _ __ _ _ _ t1 |TA LONG STROKE ENGINES ill SHORT STROKE ENGINES _ t _ 4 | ENGINE WATER i \ OF THE POWER NAMED ENGINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMlED A B Ca D i E F G |H I D lE F I S ize and TOTAL Size and I TOTAL 9 Per TOTAL ~~~~~~~~~~Per Designa -TAL Designa-LL- e orFrCa TOTAL, NET a 0 Point Designa- Per Per Hour For Coal i Per Hour For CoalTOTAL,. P' ~ tion I 1. P. for Net ton P. for Net HORSE ~~% of ______.~~ for Net ______ I per Horseereat w ~HORSE Ca, of per Horse at $8.00 or t 00 (Interest on cost of on cost of Hour Power 0 HourPos POWER o Cut-off ~ named per Ton Engie named per Ton Engine __________ ____________- included) included) I j n. In. Lbs. Lbs. QN | | 60 16 142 46 39.0 36 1 $5506 $5851 16I x 24 82 36.8 3505 $525 ] $5517 60 I L 17 X 42 41 39.2 3689 5534 59(9 17 X 30 65 37.4 3657 5485 5761 H. P 1. Concluded. 100 stroke 11 X 30 72 37.8 3643 $5465 $5658 11 X 181 121 35.9 3502 $5254 $5399 100 1f " 12x30 60 38.3 3692 5537 5749 12x18 102 36.3 3541'I 5312 5471 80 I Il"2x 30 76 40.0 3855 5783 5995 l12 x 18, 128 137.9 3698 55461 5705 80 1 " l13x36 53 40.8 3885 5829 6074 13x21 92 39.2 3714 5660 5844 60 " I13 x 36 72 43.3 4124 6186 6431 l13x21 124 41.1 3962 5943 6127 60 I " I14 x 36 62 43.7 4162 6243 6510 14 x 21 107 41.6 4009 6019 6219 11 60 i' 15 x 36 54 44.2 4210 63141 6630 5ll5 x 24, 82 42.6 4106I1 6159 6396 9 100 stroke;13 x 36 81 26.7 28611 $4291 $4544 I13 x 21 140 25.3 2743 $4115 $4305| 100 l 14 x 36 69 26.8 2871 4307 4583 14 x 21 120 25.5 2765 4147 4354 100~ i 15 x 36 61 27.1 2904 4355 4680 15 x 24 92 26.2 2841 4262 4506 |H. P. |100 1 " | 16x42 45 27.7 2933 4399 4744 16x24l 80 26.4 2829 4244 4504 80 1 " 15 x 36 78 28.8 3086 4629 4954 115 x 24 119 27.6 2993 4489 4733 80 j 116x42 5811 29.4 3113 4670 5015 16 x 24 103 27.9 29891 4484 4744 80 t " 1117x42 52 29.6 3134 4701 5076 117x301 71 28.9 3097 4645 4921 60 t "c 16 x 42 82 31.9 33781 5067 54121 16x24 14511 30.0 321411 4821 5081 60 i " 1117x42 73 32.2 3409 5114 5489 117x30 101 31.1 3334 5001 5277 60j " 19 9x48 50 33.4 3495 5243 5669 ll19 x 30 82 31.7 3354 5031 5351 60 c" 21x48 44 33.4 3495 5243 5731 21x30 67 32.3 3420 5130 5496 100 stroke, 11 X 30 92 31.3 3394 $5091 $5291 11x18 155 29.2 3205 $4809 $4959 1001 " l12 x 30 78 31.6 3427 5140 5360 12 x 18 131 29.7 3260 4890 1 5055 100 1 " 1 13x36 54 32.6 3493 5239 5492 i13 x 21 94 30.9 3351 5026 5216 801 " 12 x 30 98 33.2 3600 5400 5620 12x18 166 31.3 3435 5153 5318 80 1 4 i13x36 69 34.1 3654 5480 5733 113X211 119 32.4 3513 5270 5460 80 -'" 14x36 59 34.4 3686 5529 58051 14x21 103 32.7 3546 5319 5526 80 1 " j15x36 52 34.7 37181 5577 5902 15 x 24 78 33.7 3654 5481 5725 60 " 14 x 36 80 36.9 3954 5930 6206 14 x 21 139 34.7 3763 5644 5851 60' j"15 x36 70 37.3 3996 5995 6320 15x24 106 35.6 3860/ 5790 6034 60 L'" i 16x42 52 38.4 4066 6109 6454 16 x 24 93 36.1 3868 5802 6062 60:1 I" 17 x42l 46 38.7 40981 6146 6521 17 x 30 64 37.5 40181 6027 6303 100 1 stroke I 1 X 30 81 37.3 4045 $6067 $6260 l11 x 18 136 35.5 3896 $5845 $5990 100 l - " 112x30 681 378 4099 6148 6360 12x18 114 35.9 3940 5910 6069 100 " 13 x 36 48 38.7 4146 6219 6464 13 x 21 83 37.0 4012 6018 6202 80 c " 12x30 85 39.5 4283 6425 6637 12x18 144 37.7 4162 6243 6402 80 1 113 x 36 60 40.3 4318 6477 6722 1113x21 104 38.6 4186 6278 6462 80s " 114x36 53 40.6 4350 6525 6792 14x21 89 390 4230 6345 6545 60BI " I1 13x36 81 42.9 4596 6895 7140j113x21 140 40.4 4381 6572 6756 601 8 " 14x36 69 43.1 4618 6927 71941'14x21 120 41.0 4446 6669 6869 60 ( " 15x36 60 43.71 4682 7023 7339 15x24 92 42.0 4554 6831 7068 601 t'' " /16x42 45 44.1 4733 7099 743411 16x24 80 42.5 45541, 6831 7082 i Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Oondensing Stationary Steam Engines, 15 LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM STEAMWAER COST PER YEAR -__ENGINEWAE COST PER YEAR ENGINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED GINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED A B C D E F G H D E F G H I Size and TOTAL Size and TOTAL Designa- I Per Deia oerColTAL NET For Coal TOTALPoint Designa- Per Per Hour For Coal TOTAL, Per our F 0 tion tion rCe:, ~~ Pinttiou1. ]]. P. for Net i. H. P- for Net o (I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(nterest of perOWER~~~~~~ Hper Horse at $8.00(Itrs HORSE 8[0" of per Horse at $8.00 (InterestH o " H Power on cost of ost Cut-ofi named per Ton Engine per Ton Engine POWER i P CC nane pe Ton namied per Ton aic~ ~~. __ B ________________ ~~~~included) n included) ~n__ Lbs.I Lbs. P-, I. P I In. Lbs. Lbs. to100 stke 14 x 36 77/' 26.5 3014 $4521 $4797 14 x 21 134 25.2 3036 $4554 $4761 1 100 1 " 6 x 42 50 27.4 3224 4835 5180 16 x24 88 26.1 3107 4660 4920 -I. P. 1o I 17 x 42 45, 27.51 3235 4853 5228 17 x 30 61 26.9 3203 4804 5080 4 80 15 x 36 87 28.3 3370 5055 5380 15 x 24 132 27.2 3277 4916 5160 4 80 1 " 16x42 65 29.0~ 3424 515 5480 16x24 115 27.5 3274 4911 5171 80 2 " x42 57 29.3 3488 5232 5607 17x30 79 28.5 3393 5089 5365 80 19 x 48 40 30.1 3500 5250 5676 19x30 64 28.9 3400 5100 5420 60 1" x 42 81 31.8 3741 5612 5987 17 x 30 112 30.7 3655 5482 5758 4 6 60 1 "'19 x48 56 32.9 3826 5738 6164 19 x 30 91 31.2 3671 5506 5826 60 21 x 48 49 32.91 3826 5738 6226 21 x 30 74 31.9 3752 5628 5994 60'' " 23 x 54 34 33.9' 3897 5846 6396 23 x 36 51 32.8 3814 5721 6133 100 ~stroke 12 x36 86/ 31.3' 3783 $5659 $5879 x12x18 146 29.2 3561 $5342 $5507 io I~~ ~ %i'2x3~i 10~~~~10 x.x'~~9513x2 100i " 15x36 60 32.1 38221 5732 5985 13x21 105 30.2 3639 5458 5648 1001 -" 14x36 520 32.2 38331 575 0 02114x21 90 30.7 3700 5550 5757 8..10 ~ 14x36 66,1 4012 6017 627013 x 21 132 32.0 3855 5783 597 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~[x0 21 216.93 7 303.7 48012 6010 80 66 34.1' 4060 6080 6356 14 x 21 114 32.3 3892 5838 6045 80 " 15x36 56 34.41 4095 6143 6468 15x24 87 33.1 3988 5982 6226 80 ", 16 x42 485 34.6 4071 6107 6452 16x24 75 33.4 3979 5968 6228 60 15 x 36 781 37.0/ 4405 6607 6932,11 15 x 24 118 35.1' 4229 6343 6587 60 " 16x42 58 37.8 4447 6671 7016 16x24 103 35.6 4238 6357 6617 80 17 x 42 51 38.2 494 641 716 x 30 71 37.11 44.17 6625 6901 00 stroke1x3 90 37.01 4458 $6687 $6880 1 x 18i 151 35.0 4268 $6 402 $6547 I 100i " 12 x 30 75 37.31 44194 6741 6953 12x18 127 35.51 4329 6494 6653 3~~~~~~~~~ Ic 100 {-" 13x54 53 3 3893 4560 6839 7084'213x21 92 3.85 4398 1 59 6780 80i q 12 X 30 9511i39.0 41699 7048 72601:~i12 xiS, 160/ 37.3 1 4549 6824, 6983 800 I" 13 x36 67 39.93 47 5159 $5737 13 x21 115 38.31 4614 6922 7106 800 " 14x36 591 40.1 4774 716 742810 14x211 97 38.731 463 69940 7194 80 "115x36 50 840. 3 4 7 15 x 24 76 39.41 447 7357 60 14x36 77 42.71 5083 7625 789214 x 21 134 40.4 4865 7297 7497 60 " 15 x 36 6 43.21 5142 7714 8030 15 x 24 102 41.3 4976 7464 1 60 16x42 50 5188 782 8117 16 x 24 88 42.0 5000 7500 7751 1? x 42 jj 44 44.41 5224 15x241 87 33.1 3988 5982 622 60 3 " 1742 44445224 7836 8201 17 x 30 61 43.4 51431 715 7981 0 sroke 15x36 84 26.1 3908 $5862 $6187 15x24~ 128 25.1 3780 $56701 $5914 4 6 IIi-i 100 1" 100 16 x 42 63 26.7 3926 5890 6235 16x241 111 25.4 3779 5668 5928 /~ooi000 g,,.ok" ll x 30 90ii2~. 37.0i 4 58 $68 $61880 11 x j128 15 35.0t 4680 $5640 $5947 /.P. 100 " 17x42 56 26.8 3941 5912 6287 1x 30 77 26.2 3900 5850 6126 80 10 " 173x342 72 28.4 4176 6165 6540 17x3011 99 27.7 4121 6182 6458 8800 ~: 19x48 50 39.4 4273 6410 6836 19x30S 80 28.1 4132 6198 6518 80 4 21 x48 43.29.4 4273 6410 6898 21x30 66 28.6 4266 6309 6675 C/ n n 60i I " 194 60 31.9 4637 6955 7381 I19x30 - 113 30.4 44719 6706 7A026 Cnextpge. 60 4 " 2ix48; 5 61 32.1 4666 6999 7487 21x30 93 30.9 4545 6818 7184 16 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM _ ENGINE TER COST PER YEAR ENGINE WAOST PER YEAR ENGINE;WATER OF THE POWER NAMED ENGiE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED A B | C | D C E OF H D E s F | G I Size and TOTAL Size and TOTAL DET Point I~esigna- Per TOTALI/ ~ ize ~ IH r. Dg PerPe for TAL NET a o Point De.n ePer Hour For Coal TOTALPer Hour For Coal TOTAL, H R tionCa.. P. o e at.0on cost of. ore t (Interest Hs of 3 aHour nd(tPower oEngine at $8.0 0 o POWER n~ ~ Cu-o f nu oe named per Tonp included) nHo er on _____ ___ _ H _includaedincluded) In. In. Lbs. Lbs. i In. In. l Lbs. Lbs. / 1 60 stre 23X5 42 33.2 4770 $7155 $705 23 x36 64 31,9 4637 $955 $36 160 I 24 x 54 39 33.2 4770 7155 7770 24x 36 59 32.0 4651 6977 7438 H.P. Concluded. 100 ISstroke 13x36 76 31.3 4658 $6987 $7240 13 x21 131 29.2 4398 $6596 $6786 100I 2'11 114x36 65 31.4 4673 7009 7285 14x21 113 29.7 4472 1 6708 6915 100: " 15 x 36 57 31.7 4717 7076 7401 115 x 24 86 30.5 459311 6889 7133 100 1 1 16 x42 43 32.3 4739 17109 7454 1.6x24 771 30.7 4569 6853 7113 80 o" 14 x 36 82 33.1 4925 7388 7664M1 14x2 21 125 31.8 47891 7183 7390 80 " 115 x 36 71 33.6 5000 7500 7825 15 x 24 109 32.3 4864i 7296 7540 I 1801 1" 16 x 42 53 34.3 5044 7566 7911 16 x1624 95 32.6 4851/ 7277 7537 80 " 17 x 42 47 34.4 5059 588 796317 x 30 65 33.6 5000 7500 7776 601" 16 x 6X42 73 36.9 5426 8140 8485 16 x 24 128/; 34.5 51691 7753 8013 60.L " 1|7 x42 64 37.1 5456 8184 8559 | 17 x 30 89 36.0 5357 8036 8312 60 I " 19 x48 45 38.3 55671 8350 871 19 xx30 72 36.5 5368 8052 8372 100 stroke 12 x 30 94 36.5 5497 $8245 $8457 12x18 159 34.6 5274 $7911 $8070 100 1113x 36 66 37.3 5551 8326 8571 113x 21 115 35.5 5346 i 8020 8204 100 " 11 14 x 36 571 37.6 5595 8393 8660 14 x 21 99 35.8 5392 8088 8288.100 " 15 x 36 50 37.8 5625 8438 8754 I.15x24 75 136.7 5525 8288 8525 80s " 1l3x36 84 39.1 58119 8729 8974 13x21 1 144 37.5 5648 1 8472 8656 80 " 14 4x36 73 39.4 5863 8795 9040 14 x21 124 37.7 5677 8515 8715 801 3 " 15 x 36 62 39.8 5923 8884 9200 1 5x24 95 38.6 5813 8720 8957 80 3 " 116 lx 42 47 40.4 5941 8912 92471116 x24 82 38.9 57901 8685 8936 80 4 " 1 7 x 42 41 40.6 5971 8957 9322 17 x 30 571 39.8 5923 1 8884 9150 601 3t " 15 x 36 84l 42.1 6265 9397 9713 15 x 24 127 40.4 6080! 9120 9357 -60 o " 1 6 x 42 63 43.1 6338 9507 9842 ll16 x 24 111 40.8 6072 9108 9359 601 3 "l 17x4211 551 43.4 6382 9574 9939 17 x 30 7711 42.2 6280 9420o 9686 1 SO 100 I stroke 16 x 42 75 26.2 4624 $6935 $7280 16 x 24 133 24.9 4446 $6670 $6930 100oo 1 17 x 42 67 26.3 4641 6962 7337 17 X 30 92 25.7 4590 6885 7161 1001 " 19 x 48 46 26.9 4692 7038 7464 19x30 75 25.9 4571 6856 7176 H. P. 4 10oo0 21 x 48 40 27.1 4704 17055 7543 21x30 61 26.4 4659 6988 7354 801 1 ( 9 x 48 60 28.7 5006' 7509 7935 119 X 301 96 27.6 48711 7306 7626 80 14 " 21 x 48 52 28.9 5041 7561 804911121 x 30 79 28.0 4941 7413 7779 80 I " 23 x 54 36 129.6 5103 7655 82051 23 x 36 54 28.7 5006 7509 7921 60 21 x 48 73 31.4 5477 8216 87041 121x30 112 30.2 5330 7995 8361 60 4 " 1123x54 50 32.6 5621 8431 8981 23x36 7e6 31.3 54:69 8188 8600 60 I " 24X,54 46 32.7 5638 8457 90721 24X36 70 31.4 5477 8215 8676 60 1 " 26 x 54 40 32. 5638 8457 91126 x 42 51 32.0 5581, 8372 8863 601 ( 27x60 33 33.1 5642 8463 9178 1/ 42 49 32.2 5552 8328 8864 601 i " 28x60 30 33.3 5619 8429 9205 28x48 39 32.6 5621 8432 9014 00 1stroke 14x36 78 30.7 5482 $8223 $8499 1 4x21 135 28.9 5223 $7834 $8041 Contpnued. 100 2 15X36 68 31.0 5536 8304 8629 15 x24 103 29.8 5409 8119 8363 Tables showing Power, &C., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. 17 | LONG STROIKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEANM I COST PER YEAR COST PER YEAR ENGINE WATER | OF THE POWER NAMED ENINEOF THE POWER NAMED I A |B C a E_ F G H I D E F H I, Size and TOTAL Size and TOTAL NET. o;51 Point i | I~e *g a 1l W X l \ I.Per T Designa- Pe rPer ToT and P r TOTAL, Designa- Per Hour For Coal oL, DesignaCoal Per HuFoCa U- P-?. for tionNL H P- for Net ~HORSE of per Horst-toff 0 a0 o per cHore o at $8.00 on cost of HORSEofPper Hore at$. Hour PoEner E in i hour Power named- per Tond included) POWER- na lleb per Ton included) | \ ijF B ~i( In. In. Lbs. Lbs. In. In Lbs. Ls. I 10 -1$8391 $8736 16 x24 92 30.0 5357 $8035 $8295 l n 11002 jstroke 16 x42 51 31.7 5594 10 50l~JV, 100 I " 17x 42' 45 32.0 5647 8471 884-6 17 x 30 68 30.7 5480 8220 8496 11. P p 80 115 x36 85 32.8 5857 8786 9111 15x24 131 31.4 5675 8512 8756 Concluded. 80 t | 16 X42 64 33.6 5929 8894 9239 16 x24 114 32.0 5714 8571 8831 80 1 17 X 42 57 33.8 5964 8947 9323 17 x30 78 33.0 5893 8839 9115 2 8 0 i L 80 119x"48 40 34.6 6035 9053 9479 I19x30 63 33.3 5877 8815 9135 60 S " 17 x 42 77 36.1 6371 90556 9931 17 x 30 107 35.0 6250 9370 9646 60 4 " 19 x 48 53 37.5 6541 9811 10237 19 x 30 75 36.3 6406 9609 9929 i60 " 21x48 46 37.8 6594 9891 10379 21x30' 71 36.3 6406 9609 9975 100 gstroke 13x36 79 36.7 6554 $9830 10075 13x21 138 34.9 6307 $9461 $9645 1100 3 4 114 x 36 68 36.9 6589 9884 10151 14x21 118 35.3 6379 968 9768 1 100 " 115 x 36 60 37.1 6625 9938 10254 15 x 241 1 91 35.9 6488 9732 9969 100 C' 16 x 42 54 37.1 6547 9821 10156 116x24 78 36.3 6482 9723 9974 80 j " 14 x 36 88 38.7 6911 10367 10634 114 x 21 149 37 0 6687 10030 10230 80 15 x 36 75 39.0 6964 10446 10762 15 x 24 114 37.9 6849 10273 10510.80 3 1"16x42 56 39.8 7107 10661 10996 16x24! 98 38.3 6840 10260 10511 804 " 17 x 42 49 40.0 7143 10714 11079 17x 30 68 39.2 7000 10500 10766 60 " 116 x42 75 42.2 7536 11304 11639 16 x24 133 40.0 7143 10814 11065 60 1." 17 x 42 1 66 42.6 7607 11 411 11776 17 x 30' 921 41.4 7393 11089 113a5'34'1 X 4 437 71 60. C 19x48 46 43.7 7712 11568 11982H 19x30 75 41.9 7394- 11091 11401 40~~ 1 1 i 60 3 " 21x48 40 44.0 7765 11647 12122 21x30 611 42.8 7553 11330 11686 17 100 stroe 17100x42 78 25.9 5332 $7999 $8374 1i17 x 30i 101 25.2 5a250 $7875 $8151 L J 100 4 " 119 x 48 54 26.5 5392 8089 8515 19x30 87i 25.6 5270 7905 8225 IH. P. 100 1 21 X 48 I 471 26.6 5413 8119 8607 121 x 30 71 26.0 5353 8029 8395 80 4 1 19 x 48 i 70T 28.2 5738 8608 9034 119 x 30 113 27.1 5577 8365 8685.80 21"21 x 48r 60 28.4 5779 8669 9157 I 21 x 30 92 27.8 5723 8584 8950 804 1 23 x 541 42 29.2 5874 8810 9360 23 x36 63; 28.2 5730 8595 9007 80 24 x 54 38 29.4 5914! 8871 9486 24x36,i 28.4 5780 8670 9131 60 - " i23x54, 58 32.1 6457 9686 10236 23 x 36 8 S 30.7 6256 9384 9796 60 4 l24x54 54 32.1 6457 9686 10301:24x36 82 30.9 6291 9436 9897 1 4 2 x 54 46Si 32.2 6441 68~100 >601 x 4 46 32.2 6477 9716 10371 26 x 42 60 31.4 6387 9581 10072 60 " 27 x 60l 38 32.7 6503 9754 10469.27 x 42 55 31.7 6376 9565 10101 60 2 " 8 x 60 35 32.8 6523 9784 105601 2S x 48' 45 32.2 6477 9716 10298 60'" 30 x60 31 33.0 6563 9844 10684 30 x 48 40 32.4 6517 9776 10406'100 stroke 15 x 36 79 30.4 6333 $9500 $9825 15 x 24 121 29.1 6135 $9203 $9447 100 I I 1 C6x42 1 59 31.2 6424 9635 9980 16 x24 108 29.4 6125 9187 9447 1001 1 117x42 x 2 5 31.4 6465 9697 10072 17x30 80 30.0 6250 9375 9651 80 4 " 16x42 75 3.9 677114 10160 10505 16x24 132 31.3 6512 9768 10028 80;" 17x42 66 33.2 6835 10253 10628 17x30K 92 32.4 6750 10125 10401 80 " 19x48; 46 34.1_ 6939 10408 10834 19x30' 74 32.8 6753 10129 10449 Co nextpagneu d 80 g " 21x48 40 34.2 6959 10439 10927| 21 X30 61 33.2 6835 10252 10618 1 8 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEiAM COST PER YEAR COST PER YEAR ENGINE WATER'NIN cotrR EV~[. — ~.....-C~fnYA ENGINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED ENGINE WATER OF THE POWER NAMED A B C D E F G H D E F C H Size and TOTAL Size and ToTAL nT- TOTAL, Designa-'Per' NET Point signa- Per Per Hour For Coal TOTAL, Designa- inPer Hour For Coal TOTAL, HORI' ) Pqo i/ P, er a n Per Hour For Coal tion I ~ 1H.1P. for Net tion I.. o HORSEf L -.P. for Net HO RS E r Horf 80 (Interest. per Horse at $8.00 (I per Horse at. (Interest Cut-off' Hou' Power on cost of iou Power on cost of Hour Hour~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'"' llu.. POWER eff nd per Ton 43 named per Ton, included) included) in. In. Lbs. Lbs. in. In. Lbs. Lbs....... in...... 6 75 stroke 19 x 48 62 36.9 7509 $11263 $11689 19x 30 142 33.7 6938 $10407 $10727 60 ( 21 x 48 54 37.0 7529 11294 1782 21x30 83 135.6 7330 10995 11361 60 23" 23x54 37 38.2 7684 11526 12076 23x36 56' 36.8 7489 11233 11645 H. P. 60 y " 24x 54 34 38.3 7704 11556 12171 24 x 36 52 36.9 7509 11263 11724 Concluded. 100 -stroke 14 x 36 80 36.2 7542 $11312 $11579H14 X21 138 34.6 7271 10906 $11106 100 ~ " x36 70 36s5 7604 11406 11722 15x 24 105 35.3 7442 11163 11400 100 " 6 x 42' 63 36.7 7556 11334 11669 16 x 24 92 35.7 7437 11158 11409 100 " [17X42 46 37.4 7782 11674 12039 17x30 64 36.7 7646 11469 11735 80. " 15 x36 87 38.5 8021 12031 12347 15 x24 133 37.3 7864 11796 12033 80 "l 16 x42 65 39.2 8071i 12106 12441 16x24 115 37.6 7833 11750 12001 80 s "' 7I x 42 58 39.,4 8112 12168 125331 17x30 80 38.6 8042 12063 12329 80'3 19x48 40 40.3 8201 12301 12715 19x30 65 39.0 8030 12045 12355 60 "'17x42 78 41.8 8606 12909 13274 17x30 107 40.6 8460 12690 12956 60 B "19 x48 54 43.0 8750 13125 13539 19x30 87 41.2 8483 12724 13034 60,,' 21ix481 47 43.1, 8770 1315(, 136311i 21x30 71 41.9 8627 12940 13296 100 1stroke 19X48 61 26.2 6070 $9104 $9530 19 x 30 100 25.2 5930 $8895 9215 100 " 21 x 48 53 26.3 6116 9174 966221 x 30 81 25.6 6024 9036 9402 1000 100H P' 23x54 37 27.0 6207 9310 9860 23 x36 56 26.2 6093 9139 9551 H-. P. 80 " 21 x 48 69 28.0 6512 9767 1025521 x 30 105 27.0 6353 9529 9895 80 " 23x54 48 28.8 6621 9931 1048123 x 36 72 27.8 6465 9697 10109 80 } " 24x 54 44 29.0 6667 10000 10615 24 x 36 66 28.0 6512 9768 10229 80 " 26 x 54 37 29.0 6667 10000 106556x42 48 28. 0 990 1039 80 " 27x60. 31 29.3 6667 10000 10715 27x42 45 28.7 6598 9897 10433 60 2' "26x54 53 31.7 7287 10931 11586 26 x 42 69 30.9 7186 10779 11270 60 i" 127x 60 43 32.3 7341 11011 117261 27x42 63 31.3 7195 10793 1t329!60 " 28x60 40 32.4 7364 11045 11821 28x48 51 31.3 7195 10793 11375 60 1"- 130x60/ 3i5 32.6 7409 11114 1195430x48 45 32.0o 7356 11034 11664 100 ~stroke I'l x 36 90 29.9 7119 $10678 $10994 15 x 24, 138 28.6 6892 $10338 $10582 100 1'~ ~ ~S.. ln2 16 x 42 68 30.5 176 10765 11110,1 x 24 123 28.8 6857 10285 10545 100 17 x 42 60 30.9 7271 10906 11281 17 x 30 91 29.7 7072 10608 10884 100 " 19 x 48 41 31.6 7349 11023 11449 [ 19x30 6'7 30.4 7153 10729 11049 80 17 x 42 76 32.7 7694 11541 11916 17 x 30 105 31.7 7547 11320 11596 80' 1 19 9x48 52 33.7 7837 11756 12182ti19 x 30 85 32.3 7600 11400 11720 80 1 21 x48 46 33.7' 7837 11756 12244 21 x 30 69 32.8 7718 11677 12043 60 - " j19x48i 711 36.2 8419 12629 13043 19 x30 115 34.4 8094 12141 12461 60 / " I'21x48 36.3 84,42 12663 13151! 21 x30 94 35.0 8235 12352 12718 60 ~ " 23x54 43 37.5 8621 12931 13481 23x36 65 36.1 8395.12592 13004 60 /~ " 24L x5i4 39 37.7 8667 13000 13615,24x36 59 36.3 8442 12663 13124 Cnxtipage.n 60 ~,';97 J 13000 13655 26x42 45 36.9 8581 12872 13363 Continued on 1 t I26X54 34 987.7 866 Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines. 19 LONG STROKE ENGINES HORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM:I! ENGINE OyCOST PER YEAR COST PER YEAR _|ENGINE WATER ENGINE ATER OF THE POWTER NAMED NWATER OF THE POWER NAMED A _B C a N D E | F I G I | H I D E F G H I | Wr, Size and TOTAL Size and' TOTAL NET Point Designa- Per CalTOTAL, Designa- 5 iPe Per Hour I For Coal TOTAL, Poer HuHour e]Power oEfi JNET_ nlue) Point ForCoalFoesigna-_ per Ton included) n. In. Lbs Lbs. In. In. Lbs. Lbs 100 stroke 15 x 36 80 35.9 858 $12821 $13137 15 x24 121 34.9 84101261 $Interes12852 2 t l 11~00 4 " 16 x 42 59 36.8 8659 12988 13323 16x24 105 35.2 8381 12572 12823 H. P l 1001 W " 7 x42 52 37.0 8706 3059 13424 117x30K 73 36.1 8595 12892 13158 Concluded. 80 L6 x 42 74 38.8 91291 13694 11029 16 x 24 131 37.2 857 13285 135 36 _HORSE_ 680 42 653739.0 9106 13569 14130 17 x 306 91 438. 9095 13642 1st3908 l 13x54 37 43.70 on cost of 509 15423x36 562.4 49 92 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - H _ _ _ Power -i _______ Pow er 2 100 stroke 19 x48 69 25.8 6750 $10125 $10551 | 19 x 30 1 112(a 24.9 6588 $9882 $10202 100 2l x 48 531 26.3 68811 10321 10809121 x30 92 253 6706 10059 10425 HP 100 1 " 23 x 54 41 26.7 6905 10358 10908 123 x36 63 125. 1 6779 10168 10580 P 100;' 124x54 38 26.7| 69058 10358 10973 24x36 58 26.0 6803 10204 10665 II 80 1 " L 23x54 1 54 28.5 7371 11057 116071|23 x36 81|1 27.5 7198 10797 11209 80 1 ",L24 x 54 49 28.6 7397 11095 11720 24 x 36 75 27.6 7221 10831 11292 80 t " 26 x54 42128.7 7422 11134 11789 26x42 55 28.0 7326 10988 11479 801 $ " 27 x 60 35 29.0 7415 11122 11837 27x42 50 28.3 7318 10978 11514 80 L " 28x60 32129.0 7415 11122 11898128 x 481 41 28.6 7386 11078 11660 60" -27x 60 48 31.9 8156 12234 12949127x42 70 30.8 7966 11948 12484 60 1"28 x601 451 32.0 8181 12273 1130491 28x48 571 31.3 8095 12142 12724 5601 i " 130x6011 401 32.2 8233 12349 131891 130x48 50 31.6 8172 12259 12889 4 100| I 1stroke536 x 42 760 30.3 8021|$12031 $12376|16 x24 138 28.5 7631 $11446 $11706 100 i " ( 17 x 42l 671 30.4 8047? 12071 12146 7 x 301103 28.9X 7738 11607 11883 100 4- " 119 x 48 47 31.3 8189 12283 12709' 19x30 75 29.9 7917 11875 12195 801 " 119 x48 59 33.28 8688 13029 13455 19x30 95 352. 8494 12741 13061 1801 " 21x48 51 33.3 87240 13086 135741 21x30 78 532.5 8600 12900 13266 80 14 " 1 23 x54 351 34.2 8845 13267 13817 123x363 5133.1 86632 129945 13406 j60x 4s o 21 x 48 70 135.7 93401 14010 144981 21 x 30 106 34.5 9129 13693 14059 60 I " 23 x54 481537.1 95951 14392 149421 23 x 36 73 35.6 9314 13971 14383 601 4 127x601 31137.8 9665 14497 152121 27x42 41 37.2 9621l 14481 14967 1 1 l stroke 1 5 x 36 90 35.6 9536||$14304 $14620 15 x24 136 34.5 9349 |$14023 $14260;1001 1",16x42 67 36.3 9609 14413 14748 16x24 118 34.6 9262 13893 14144 1100 " 17x42 | 59 36.. 9662 14493 148581 21x30 81 35.7 -9597 14338 14604 100 " 2319 x48 41 37.2 9:33 14699 15113 x19 x 306 66t 36. 9553 14329 14639 next page. 801; 19X4 8 51 4 39.5 110334195/ 11720]219x306 83 38.3 10141 1083212 15522 2O Tables showing Power, &c,, of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines, LONG STIROKE ENGINES SHOIRT STRlOKE ENGINES STEAM COST PER YEARIl ) COST PER YEAR TVBTER, TO TH POER AME OF THE POWER NAMED A /jB C: D E F G H I I F H Size a nd TOTAL, TOTAL NET ~ Z esigna PerHour For Coal, DgH TOTAL, Point Per Hour For Coal Per tion LH- P- for ~Net I i I.H.P. - for Net 4? 0, at s8.oo (Interes~et (Intere cst o HORSE ~ ~'~ of:,~ per Horse at $8.00 er Horse at $8.00 Interest on cot o 0i ~' on cost of ~~~~~~~~Hu ~Hour Power ~~ Hu P-I FE Cut off, Engine EngineE POW;VER Cu) o ~ named per Ton d per Ton POWEI~ ~5 ~~~~~~~~ — C named e o nldd Ii~ I includ ed) included) " In. -in Lbs. Lbs. 80 stroke 21 x 48 45 39.5 10334 15501 *15976 21X30 68 38.6 1021 2 $15318 $15674' 60 1 ~ " 19 x 48 69 41.9 10962 16443 10857 19X30 112 15901 16228 60 " 1 21 x 48 60 42.0 10988 16483 16958 21x30 91 40.7 10776 16164 16520 Concluded. 60 2 23 x54 41 43.3 11198 16797 1 7332 23 x 36 63 41.8 10930 16396 16797 60"'124X54 38 43.4 11224 16836 17436 24X36 I 58 42.0 10988 16482 16932 too stroke 21 X 48 67 25.7 746(5 I11198 $1168] 21 x 30 102 25.0 7353 $11029,11395 100 23 X 54[ 46 26.5 7615; 11422 11972[ 3 x 3670 25.6 7442 1 1163 115705 too 121xx54 42 26.5 7615 11422 12037I 64 25.7 7465 11198 11659 H-. P. IL CC/759 124 18 100 26 x 54l: 36 26.4 1586 1 13'9 1 20,31 26 x 42 472. 59 19 18 100~~~~~~~~~-8 11391042(x4 32 [] 100 -~ 27 x 60 30 1 26.7 758I 11379 12094 x42 43 26.2 7529 11294 11830 80" 4 23 x ~4 60 28.2 8102! 121053 12703 90 23 3627.2 7907 11860 12272 80 1 " 24 x 54 55 28.3 8131 12197 12812 2436 83 7.4 7965 11947 12408 so 26 x 54 1! 46 28.4 S161 12241 12896 26 x 42 61 27.8 8081 12122 12613 so 27 x 60 3S 28.8 8182 12273 1298S 27 x 42! 56 21.0 S023 12034 12570 $o1" 28 x 60 36 28.s 8182s 1 2273 13049 28 x 48 1: 45 28.4 81s4 12222 12804 40" 30 x 60 31 29.0 8239 1 235 1335 11 xd. 39 28.6 8218 12327 12957 60 4 - - 118 x 60 50 1 1689 146 425 2 x4 63 31.0i S908 13362 13944 60 ~ (30 x 60 44 I 31.9- 9 0 6 3 13594 14434 30 x 48 5 31.2 8966i 1341S 14078 to Isroe1~x42 7 3. 824$32- $310 x3 114: 28.8 S 871 $12857 $13133:~~~~~~~ ~~o,o $$,~ 17~,7 ~~00 1_9 x 48 52;j ~~~30.9 8983 134,74 13910 11 9 x 127sl 88571 2-06 13026 100 1 x4S:431 31.3 9099 1364 1131 1 3'1 7 29.9 8788~1 13182 1354S s80 19 X 4S 661 32.9 9564 114346 14772j 19~ x 30 106: 31.4 9235 13S52 141'72 2 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: 80:'- C 1x4S 51i 33.0 9593 14 90 14S5 8'8 21 x30 8 7 32.1. 9435' 14125 14491~ 80 1 23' x 54 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.996;)1144 14752 2 8I 3 P 9 33.0 9483( 14224 14774 23 x 36 603.996 1-4 801 24 x 54 36~ 33.0 94S31 142241 14839' 24 x36 55i 32.9 9560 14340 -14801 60 1~ 23xx54 53i 36.6 10515 157V3 1 6' 81'3 3 35.1 101-97 15295 1 50' 2 323' 23 X~~~~~ 3181 0~ 60'r 2oe x 7 49 36.9 10613 15920 16535 24x36 0 4 35.41 10291' 15436 15891 60" 26 54'8 42 36.3910613 15920 16575 8 426x4 { 56 36.0 10466 GO~~L'l a~~27 x 0 1137.4 10625 15938 16653 27 x 4' 50 36.4 10460 160-62 60 1 2" X'60 32 31.4 10625 15938 16 14 28x44 100 CC ~00 1 ~ 6~ /1 19 X48 45 1 37. 0 10756 16134 1651-5S 19 x30 i 74 35.~ 10494 1 5741 16051 80x 48 07 i 39.1 i 11366' 1`7049 17463 1i-9 x 30 1 93 37.8 13 169 16948 80 ~" 21x48 57 39.2 1139.0 1 93 17568 21 x 751 38.3 11259 1688 17244 80 23 x x54, 35 39.9 11463 17195'.7730 23 3 52x 39.0 1132 17005 17406 ~~81~~ CL 26 X ~ ~~5 3.01 j 8534 y7 6<2 4/2~ 9563 14340 14801 ~O ~ lf27x0 31 4.4 1306131 5892 0] _65 275 x42 56 386.010465- 153691 88 Tables showing Power, &o,, of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines, LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES ~~~~~~~~~STrORgE rN~Nr, SS STEAM. STEAM _______ COST PER YEAR ENGINE WATER ENGINE WATER OF_____ TH__ _ _ _ _ _ _E POWER_ _ NAM I __ED _ OF THE POWER NAMED A B C D E H I' E F G H I....... FB~~i"L Gi 0__l G F ___ E.Size and TOTAL /Size and TOTAL NET a D,. Point iDesigna- n Per Per TOTAL, Designa- c Per Pr r For Coal ToTAL, H For Coal tio a IjI tion. ti HORSE tion * H.., for Net L. -P.e forNet tst HORSE ~.~'~ ^e ~.~ ~' ~............. ~~~~(Interest (Interest~ HORSE ~ of per Horse a $ 00 (nr per Horse at $8.00:',~ $0 oncostof on cost of ~,(~a. Po Hour Pow -'er on cost ofwer ~~~~~~~~~~~Hour rowHour POWER Ho rCut-off Engine Engine POERmnameer Ton clud nameed) per T in ncluded) _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p e i n c l u d e d _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H S In. In. b Lbs. Lbs. In. In. Lbs. Lbs. 100 I}stroke; 21x48 74 25.5 8154 $12231 $12719 21x 30 112 24.8 8023 $12034 $12400 100' ~"23 x 54 51 26.2 8295 12443 12993 23 x 36 77 25.4 8116 12174 12586 ~275 100 2 " 2x 54 46 26.2 8282 12422 130371 24x36 71'25.5 8163 12244 12705 H.P. 100 j" 26x54 40 26.2 8282 12422 13077 26x42 52 25.7 8218 123272 12818 100 -"'27 x 60 33 26.4 8250 12375 13090 21 x 42 47 25.9 8187 12280 12816 100 -,. 28 x 60 30 26.5 8281 12429 13198 28 x 48 39 26.1 8250 12375 12957 80 " 24 x 54 61 28.0 8851 13277 13892 24 x 36 88 27.2 8651 129'77 13438 80 - " i26x54 51 28.2 8914 13371 14026 26 x 42 67 27.5 87911 13190 13681 80la((' "27x60 42 28.5 8906 13359 14074 27 x42 61 27.8 8,787' 13183l 13717 4 80 k" t 28 x 60 39 28.6 8937 13406 14182 28 x 48 50 28.1 8882 13323 13905 80o,,: 30x60~x 35 28.7 9084 13625 14465I 30 x 48 43 28.4 8988 13483 14113,60 3'" 30x60] 48 31.6 9875 14813 15653 130 x48 62 30.9 9767 14651 15281 100 1stroke 19 X 48 57 30.4 9721 $14581 $15007 19x30 92 29.4 9472 $14208 $14528 100 ~ " 21 x48 47 30.9 9881 14821 15309 21x 30 80 29.5 9553 14329 14695 100 2" 23x54 34: 31.6 9989 14984 15534:123x36 52 30.5 9744 14616 15028 80 c' 199x48 73 32.6 10424 15636 16062 19x30 117 31.2 10094 15141 15461 80 2 " 21 x 48 63' 32.7 10456 15685 16173 21 x o0 96 31.7 10240 15360 15726 80 " 23 x 54 43 33.7 10652 15978 16528 [23 x36 66 32.5 10384 15576 15988 80 " 24x54 40O 33.8 10684 16026 16641 24 x 36 60 32.7 10465 15697 16158 60 " 23 x 54 58 36.3 11474 17211 17761 23 x 36 89 34.8 11130 16695 17107 60 1 24 x 54 54 36.4 11502 17253 17868 24 x 36 82 35.0 11151 16726 17187 60 "26 x 54 46 36.5 11537 17306 17961 26 x 42 61 35.6 113584 17076 17567 60 "' 27x60 38 371.1 11594 17391 18106 2 7x42 55 36.0 11379 17069 17605 60 ~ "c 28 x 605 5 37.2 11625 17438 18214 28x48 45 36.4 11506 17259 17841 60 -1' 30 x 60 31 37.4 11687 17531 18371 30 x 48 39 36.9 116641 17496 18126 100 1stroke 23 x 54 55 26.0 8965 $13448 $13998 23 x 36 84 25.2 8791 $13186 $13598 100 " 24 x54 50 26.0 8965 13448 14063 24 x 36 77 25.3 8825 13238 13699 1001 H. P. ~100' 26x54 43 26.1 9000 13500 14155 26 x 42 56 25.5 8895 13343 13834 Ht. P. [' 10 " 27 x 60 36 26.3 8966 13449 14164 27x42 52 25.7 8839 13259 13795 1001j c28x60 33 26.3 8966 13449 14225 28x 48 42 25.9 893t 13397 13979 104 80 -' 27x60 46 28.3 9648 144712 15187 27x442 67 27.5 9483 14224 14760 80 ~ " 28 x 60 43 28.4 9625 14438 15214 28x48 54 27.9 9621 14431 15013 80 ~ " j30x60 38 28.5 9716 14574 15414 130 x 48 47 28.2 9724 14586 15216 100 1948 6 30.2 10535 $15802 $16228 /19x30 101 / -28.9 4 10200 $1 5300 $1 5620 100 ~ "' 21x 48 51 30.5 10640 15959 164471 121x 30 86 29.4 10377 15565 15931 1oo0 " ~23x54 37 31.3 10793 16190 16740 ~23x 36 56 30.3 10570 15855 16267 Continued on netage 100 ~ ( l24x54 34 31.3 10793 16190 1 6805 i 24 X36 52 30.4 10605 159071 6368 22a Tables showing Power, &c., of Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines, LONG STROKE ENGINES SHORT STROKE ENGINES STEAM COST PER YEAR~~~~~ COST PER YEAR ENGINE WATEI ENGINE WATER WATR ~ ~ ~w~- ~. E1 mE OF THE POWENADOF THE POWER NAMED A B C E Fi G H D E G Size and| TTAL Size and TOTAL I I Desiga PerO Designa- Per NET Per Hour For Coal NET Point Desig*- r,,Hour~or4i Per Hour For Coal TOTALal g Point Oion,-to aa L HI P- for Net R / ~ $. P. for Net HORSE "~~Ct f|Re 2 Hour':/e ~tat $8.00 on cot of $ o (Interest 04 H~ ~ I ~ [ ~ ~ ][ I{our Power I ~ac~st'~fl ~ / ~ I[ ~'~ Houri Power POWER ~~j~i Cut-off Engine Engine In. n.Ls. Lbs.a In. In. Lbs. Ibs. 1t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 1111 t 1; me loe Tol /1 ~~~~ —( —— /-'"'[l ~ I —---- ~ cue)fi/ Im/.. nldd 80 strok2e 2 X 48 68 32.4 | 11302 | $16953 $1 7421 21 x 30 104 31.3 11047 1657 $16936 80 - C 1 23 x 54 47/ 33.3 114831 17224 17774 23x361 72 32.2/11163 16744: 17156 80 i' 24 x 54 43 8 33.4 1517 11 178911 24 x 36 66 32.411303 16954 17415 H. P. 80 t' 26 x 54 371 33.4 115171 17276 17931126 x 42 48 &32.8/11442 171163 17654 Concluded. / |80 |' ( |27 x 60 30/ 33'9115571 17335 180501 27 x42 44 j 33.1:11414 -1721 17657 60 ) "26 x 54 50 36.2 12437 18655 19310 126 x 42 671l 35.1 12244 l 18366 18857 6) 0 " 27 x 601 41 36.8 12545 18818 195331 27 x 421 60 35.6 12278 18417 18953 60o " 1 28x6011 38 36.91l2580[ 18869 19645 28x48 49 1136.1 12448 18672 19254 601 " l30x 60o 34 37.1 12-648 18972 1981[2 30 x 481 42 36.5 12586 18879 19509 6 0 10 troko 124 x 54 58 25.7 1>0340 1 15510 $1612|24 x 36 9 25.0x 1 4 1$15261/ 15722 40 ~str~kli ~ 90 58 t61S5 2]: < 36 9 S~~~~5 0 1 0174 $ 915261 8 157S2 t 10oo i x' 26 x 54- 50 25.10925.210256 )/ 15384 15875 100 ~ 1 27 x 60 42 25.91 0301 _15452 16167 27 x 42 60 25.4110218 15328 15864 H. P. 100 128 x2 x60 39 25.9 1030 1 154-52 16228 28x48 49 25.6 10298 15441 16029 -ioo~~~~~~X3 I $ 80 u 130x60 44 28.2 11216 16824 17664x13048 55 27.7 11144 16716 17346 100l 21 19!! 48I7229.7 1 118 13 1001 2 stroke: 1 9 X 48 / 72 297 0 208: $83 $ 18557 19 x 30 / 1 28.5.11730!I 5 $117915! 1001 2 " 121x48" 60 30.0 122091 18314 188021x21x30 100 28.7 118121 17718 18084 100/" 1 23x54 448 30.9112431 18647: 191971 23x36 66 29.85112130 18195 18607 10 ioo i' 24 x 54! 40 30.9 12431 18647 19262124 x 36 61 29.9 i12163 18244: 18705 801 2 Li 23 X 54 1 55 32.8 13195 19T93 203431 23 X 36 83 31.8 112942 19413 19825 801 g 124x54! 50 33.0 13276 19914 20529 j1124x 36 76 32.0 13023 19534 19995 80 26 x 54 1 43 11 3.0 13276 19914 205691 26 x 42 56 32.4113186 1 9779 2020 so!! I'27 x60! 36 33.3 13245l 19867t 20582127x422 51 32.7 13155 19733 20269 80 2;; 128X60 33 33.3113245 19867 20643 128 x 481 42132.9 13236 19853 20435 /60o o 27x60l 48 36.2 14398 21597 223120127x421 70 34.9114040 21060 21596 6'28 x 60o 45 36.3 14438 21656 22432 28x48 157 35. 114201 21302 21884 60i' tl30 x 60 395 36.6 14670 22006 22846 ]j30 x 48 49 36.0 14483 21725 22355 .20_-_.'......70 +.) 0.t t-1/ ir-7fi ~ r81 ut g(/ N = 6-~ i t | t 1 L 1 1 | r | ir | X w ~ 11t -- u + - 4 -- W z s MS7 t t.77 ztf.07X % tt.KJ/ tf nA <47(1; _1 _ \ I _ F................................ 77 1 T 1W' - - = ___=5 iii-".':i —--- _ __ - _ - - — o /* i -Kt(yx7?td.(%,i/e |&J7i. _.._'.f _=-',-.. 7, -.0.10 ~.20.130.-O. go,9 1.00.0 J1 20,0.-4).50'.60.70..80.0t.0....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J Z.: r/?,' 6./~.,,,~~,_~;. "/~0'w-.0,'.>..o, o:f. o>he Nipiarnaou. f aiaganS. BI~AGIRAM No. 1 is intended to' show, by inspection, the number of pounds of water required per hour for one Indicated Horse Power, at different steam pressures and points of cut-off. In this Diagram the vertical lines drawn through.0,.20,.30, etc., show the proportion of stroke at which it is assumed that the steam is cut-off, in various cases-the figures expressing decimally that proportion. The horizontal lines drawn through 70, 60, 50, etc., show the number of ponnds of water required per hour for one Indicated Horse Power. The curved lines A, B, C, ID and E refer respectively to the steam pressures named: The curve A being the line for pressure of 25 lbs. B " 40 " C 60 " (" D 80 " E " 100 " To find from Diagram No. 1 the number of pounds of water per Indicated Horse Power per hour at a pressure of steam and proportion of cut-off namned, suppose the pressure to be 60 lbs. and proportion of cut-off.30: Find the intersection of the vertical line passing through.30 with the curved line C representing 60 lbs. steam pressure. It will be seen that a horizontal line drawn through this intersecting point will pass through 41, in the vertical line showing pounds of water, showing that, for a steam pressure of 60 lbs., with proportion of cut-off.30, the pounds of water per Indicated Horse Power per hour is 41. It will be seen, oxn examination, that the point of cut-off, most economical in water, varies with the pressure of steam. When the cylinder exceeds one cubic foot capacity, the pounds of water will be somewhat less than is shown by the Diagram. The lowest point of each curve shows the least number of pounds of water and the most economical point of cut-off for each steam pressure. The curves A, B, C, D and E have been obtained from a large number of experiments made with a small engine, the experiments with each pressure furnishing a series of points through which a curve was drawn. In Diagram No. 2 the curves D and F are presented to show the difference in pounds of water when the cylinder is less than one cubic foot capacity, and when the cylinder is greater than ten cubic feet capacity; a steam pressure of 80 lbs. being used in both cases. The curves H and G are presented to show the number of pounds of water which would be required by calculation according to Mariotte's law and the well-known tables of specific volumes. Curve H being the theoretical curve where there are no clearances and the curve G the corresponding curve when the capacity of clearances and ports equals one-twentieth of the piston development. '24 Explanation of Diagrams. There are four conditions which influence the economy of a non-condensing steam engine, viz: 1st — The steam presszre; 2d- The amount of expansion; 3d- The speed of revolution, and 4th- The size of the cylinder. The relative and actual value of each of these has been determined by careful experiment. By combining together the facts thus obtained, the cost of the Indicated Horse Power has been ascertained in pounds of water per hour for any desired steam pressure, point of cut-off, speed of revolution or size of engine. Such results, for the regular sizes of the engines manufactured at The Novelty Iron Works, are presented in the tables on page 7 et seq., in columnis F and F, headed "Water per Indicated Horse Power per hour." The tables are particularly useful in showing the exact value of several of the methods of producing economy of' steam. The economy, due to an increase in the size of the engine, is shown in the tables by comparing different horse powers, produced under like conditions, and necessarily, therefore, in different sized engines. It will be found, however, by selecting any particular horse power, that the highest steam pressures and revolutions and shortest points of cut-off mentioned are those which show the greatest economy of steam. When these three conditions are all favorable, at the same time, the maximum economy is obtained but when one or nmore only is favorable, the results are so mlodified as often to appear contradictory. For instance, the short stroke engines are, in all cases, a little more economical than the corresponding long strokes, and the small engines of each class are more economical than the large ones, in all cases where the steamn pressures, points of cut-off and power developed are the same; for, although the smaller engilie, at the same speed, wvoulcl be less economical, at the higher speeds, necessary to produce the same power, the gain, due to the high speed, overbalances the loss due to the smaller size of cylinder, as is shown all through the tables. Selectiing for more particular comparison, 60 HIorse Power, on page 12, we find that using a steam pressure of 60 lbs. cut-off at o7,e-quarler of the stroke, in a 17x42 engine, running 49 revolutions, the cost of the Indicated Horse Power is 33.9 Tbs. of water per hour; while, by using 100 lbs. steam pressure, cut off at one-half of the stroke, in a 10 x 24 engine, running 94 revolutions, the cost is only 31.6 lbs. of water per hour. So likewise, the same power can be obtained in a 9 x 24 engine, at 102 revolutions, using 100 lbs. steam pressure, cut off at three-quarters of the stroke, nmore economically than it can in a 14 x 36 engine at 55 revolutions, using 60 bs. steam pressure, cut off at one-half of the stroke. In these cases, the higher steam pressure and revolutions overbalance greatly the losses due to the less expansion and smaller engine. J and K (No. 3) are Indicator Diagrams, which are intended to show.-the comparative value of regulating speed by the throttle or by the cut-off. The diagrams are of the same area and were taken from the same engine. The pressure in the steam pipe was 80 lbs. above the atmosphere, ill both cases. Diagrlam J was taken with the throttle partially closed alnd the steam cut off in the cylinder by the lap of the main valve, at seven-eighths of the stroke. Diagram K was taken with the steam cut off at one-fourth of the stroke, by an independent valve. It has been usual to compare such diagrans by assuming that there is used, in each case, only a cylinder full of steam of the terminal pressure. This assumption has been found to be incorrect in practice. We may, however, compare the two systems of working by referring to the curves on Diagram No. 1. The initial pressure of Indicator Diagram J is 53 lbs., and as the point of cut-off is seven-eighths of the stroke, by referring to No. 1 we find, at the point a, that an engine, working nuder these conditions, requires 56 lbs. of water per indicated horse power per hour. The initial pressure of diagram IK is 80 lbs., and the point of cut-off being one-fourth of the stroke, we find at 6, in like manner as before, that the water required is only 35 lbs. per hour. Nea.CeRdeCsnirg S t io~a"y Steam iBrngire HE engraving represents one of the Non-Condensing Stationary Steam Engines built at The Ntovelty Iron Woiksg, New York. The bed-plate of the engine is of the style introduced many y ears ago by The Novelty Iron Works, and has since been extensively copied by other manufacturers. It may be described as a strong cast-iron box, one end of which is so constructed as to form a cylinder head and the other a pillow block for the main shaft. The main slides also form part of the same casting as do also the strong legs and broad feet upon which the frame is supported. This bed-plate has the advantages that the metal is disposed directly in the line of the strains, and neither the cylinder, main slides or pillow block can work loose or get out of proper adjustment. The legs upon which the frame rests are put under the slides and under the shaft, which is an additional security against any springing of the frame from the oblique strains brought to bear at these points by the connecting rod and crank. The cylinder being attached at only one end to the bed-plate is free to expand when heated without any alteration of shape-the outer end simply sliding over a small stationary standard which carries part of the weight. The steam is admitted to and foro the cylinder by a plain slide valve, so arralged that the cylinder ports are very short and direct, and the amount of steam required to fill the clearance and port is much less than in any other arrangement in use. 26 iN-on-Condensing Stationary Steam Engine. The cut-off consists of two plates sliding on the back of the main valve and operated by a separate eccentric. This cut-off is either set at a fixed point, in the usual way, or made so that it cal be adjusted by hand, from zero to seven-eighths stroke, by simply turning the cut-off valve stem. Preferably, however, the adjustment is made by the governor through a simple arrangement which we will try and make understood without illustrations. The cut-off is varied by drawing together or spreading apart the cut-off plates. To accomplish this by the governor, the plates are operated by separate rods which pass outside the chest and connect to the ends of a small double-ended vertical lever, the center of which receives motion from the cut-off eccentric. The double-ended lever has attached to it a horizontal arm, which is operated to adjust the plates by a vertical movement derived from an adjusting screw on the governor. The governor is driven by gear in the simple manner shown, so as to be reliable in its action, and is what is ordinarily called a " mill governor." The governor balls have a very slight movement, which simply causes a disk on the adjusting screw mentioned to be clutched to the wheels operating the governor in such a manner that the screw is turned in one direction by the engine when the balls rise, and in the other direction when the balls fall-thereby adjusting the cut-off plates, by the power of the engine, the instant the speed changes. The screw stops when the: proper speed is restored, and the cut-off plates are held by it, in a fixed position, until a further change of speed takes place. The advantages of this form of governor cut-off are, that it is simple in construction, positive and reliable in its operation, and, unlike any common governor, gives exactly the same speed throughout the full range of power and steam pressure. o S~izxo et egines Remm o eud ifor Given Powers WE tables on page 7 el seq., show conclusively that ally particular horse power can be obtained ain a variety of ways in either of a large number of engines of different sizes. All the cases are entirely practical if the engines are especially designed to operate under the conditions stated, but there are few instances in which it would be desirable to use the extremes mentioned. The proper size of an engine, and the conditions under which it is to be run, must be determined by the requirements of each particular case. One great difficulty in fixing the proper size of an engine is to know what power is actually required by the purchaser. Too often this is underrated, whence for safety manufacturers have been in the habit of furnishing an engine large enough for all contingencies, and therefore, in many cases, too large to do the work economically. We believe that, with the complete guide as to power furnished by our tables, it is safe to select engines properly proportioned for the work they are expected to perform. For ordinary practice we recommend that the selection be made by the following table: TABL E SHOWINGB RECOMMENDED SIZES OF ENGINES FOR GIVEN HORSE POWERS. SIZES.OF NET SIZES OF SIZES OF NET SIZES OF LONG STROKE ENGINES HORSE SRORT STROKE ENGINES LONG STROKE ENGINES HORSE S TROKE ENGINES DIAMETER STROKE DIAMETER STROKE DIAMETER STROKE DIAMETER STROKE POWER POWER Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches In ches Inches 5x12 5 5x 9 16x42 90 16x24 6x16 10 6x 9 17x42 100 17x30 7 x 20 15 7x12 19 x 48 12o5 19 x 30 8 x 20 20 8 x 12 21 x 48 150 21 x 30 9 x 24 25 9x 15 1 23 x 54 175 23 x 36 10 x 24 30 10 x 15 24 x 54 200 24 x 36 11 x 30 40 11 x 18 26 x 54 225 26 x 42 12 x 30 50 12 x 18 27 x 60 250 27x 42 13 x 36 60 13 x 21 28 x 60 275 28 x 48 14 x 36 70 14 x 21 30 x 60 300 30 x 48 15 x 36 8O 15 x 24 28 Sizes of Engines Recoomnnended for Given lPow-ers. The engines in the foregoing table are of sufficient size to furnish the net horse powers named when using 80 tbs. of steam, cut off at one-fourth of the stroke; and the same power may be obtained in the same engine, with greater economy, by increasing the steam pressure and shortening the point of cut-off; and with less economy by reducing the steam pressure and following farther in the stroke. In cases when there is any uncertainty as to the amount of power that will be required, or when it is desired to have an engine that will do its work with very little attention, it is best to select for the given power an engine one size larger than is set opposite that power in the above table..y 4 = k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'" Bol ers. HE tables on page 7, et seq., giving dimensions, &c., of the engines which willfurnish a desired horse power, state in columns G and G the number of pounds of water required to be evaporated to produce that horse power. That evaporation call be provided by boilers of various kinds and proportion of parts. Local and other considerations often decide the kind of boiler. In order, therefore, to affbrd the opportunity of selecting the boiler that shall be of adequate evaporative power, and be of the kind preferred, a table is given at the close of this article, of the four kinds of boilers most generally in use; giving, for various dimensions of each killlnd, the evaporative capacity of each boiler. In this table the proportion of parts are those most generally in use, which are not always those that will give the greatest evaporation per pound of coal. Thus a cylinder boiler 18 inches in diameter and 18 feet long will evaporate about 7 bs. of water per pound of coal, but if made 36 feet long it will evaporate fully 8 lbs. per pound of coal. The amount of water evaporated per pound of coal under favorable conditions by each of the three kinds of boilers when proportioned as in our table, has been ascertained by careful experiment and is given below: Water evaporated per pound of Coal, at 80 lbs. pressure, from i NAME OF BOILER. temperature of 16Q. RELATIVE EVAPORATION. Lbs. Plain Cylinder Boiler, 6.91 1.00 Cylinder Flue "'7.91 1.14 Tubular' i 9.15 1.32 The performance of a locomotive or marine tubular boiler is substantially the same as that of the cylinder tubular, when similarly proportioned. In preparing the table of evaporative capacities of boilers, an allowance ot over 25 per cent. has been made to provide for differences of management, draft and fuel which may be met with. The headings of the columns in the table show what are the particulars stated. It will be seen that columns 10 anld 11 show the number of pounds of water evaporated, in one case from 60~ temperature, and in the other from 160~. In cases where a single boiler of dimensions stated will not furnish the evaporation required, modifications in number and length will be necessary to produce the required evaporation. 30 Boilers. For example, if a person select for 100 horse power, an engine 17 inches diameter, 42 inches stroke, to run at 57 revolutions per minute, and use 80 pounds of steam cut off at a, the total quantity of water required per hour would equal 3,488 lbs. No single boiler in the list will evaporate this quantity, but it may be obtained by using 2 Cylinder Tubular Boilers of 55 inches diameter, or 3 " " " 47 " " " 2 " Flue " 56 " " l 3 " " " 44 " " " 4 Plain Cylinder 36 " " " 5 " " " 33'" "l As a general rule it is true economy to select a boiler a little larger than is required. The variations from the table in either direction should not amount to more than 10 per cent. The amount of water evaporated by either of the plain cylinder boilers may be varied, within large limits, by altering the length of the boiler. If the grate surface and height of bridge walls be proportionately altered the economy will not be sensibly influenced. The cylinder flue and cylinder tubular boilers may be shortened to reduce the heating surface, and will evaporate a quantity of water fully proportioned to the reduced length, but at a small sacrifice of economy. ~~~~I 41~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TA BL ES SHOWING THE PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF THE 11igh Piesnawe S'Baom 3Dlez BUILT AT THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS, NEW YORK, AND THE Water Evaporated per Hour by the same from the Temperatures of 600 and 1600 Fahrenheit, D I iV H:E N S I ON S WVATIEIR K I P* IR Evaporated per Hour at O SHELL OF BOILER FLUES OR TUBES STEAM DRUM GRATE HEATING 80 Mbs. Pressure from 0 IF SURFACE SURFACE. Temperature of BE 0O I L E l l|DIAMETER LENGTH NUMBER DIAMETER DIAMETER HEIGHT SURFCE SUFACE160 Inches Feet i Inches Inches Inches 11 Square Feet Square Feet Lbs. Lbs. 18 18.0 12 24 3.8 42 202 221 21 21.0 14 28 5.3 58 280 306 PLAIN CYLINDER 24 24.0 15 30 6.8 75 363 395 27 27.0 16 32 8.6 95 458 501 BOILERS. 30 30.0 18 36 10.7 118 569 622 33 33.0 20 36 13.0 143 689 754 36 36.0 20 40 15.4 170 819 896 24 8.5 2 6.5 12 24 3.3 56 200 219 30 13.0 2 9.0 15 30 6.6 112 400 438 36 16.0 2 11.0 18 30 9.9 168 600 657 38 18.0 2 12.5 22 36 12.2 207 739 809 CYLINDER FLUE 40 20.5 2 13.5 24 42 14.8 252 900 985 42 22.0 2 14.5 26 42 16.9 288 1028 1126 BOILERS. 44 23.0 2 15.0 26 42 18.4 313 1117 1224 48 24.5 2 16.0 27 48 9211.1 3.59 1282 1404 52 26.5 2 17.5 28 48 24.9 423 1500 1654 56 29.0 2 19.0 30 54 29.5 501 1789 1959 60 31.5 2 20.5 32 54 34.5 586 2291 2092 66 36.0 2 23.0 36 60 43.8 745 2660 2913 22 6.5 18 2.0 12 24 2.9 80 187 205.30 7.0 22 2.5 15 30 5.6 157 367 402 CYLINDER 36 8.5 34 2.5 18 30 8.2 229 536 586 40 9.0 42 2.5 22 36 10.5 294 688 753 TUIBULAR 44 11.0 40 3.0 24 42 14.7 409 957 1047 47 12.5 34 3.5 26 42 16.6 466 1090 1193 BOILERS. 51 14.0 34 4.0 28 48 21.1 592 1385 1516 55 14.5 42 4.0 30 54 26.5 742 1736 1900 60 15.0 52 4.0 34 54 33.2 931 2178 2383 66 15.0 60 4.0 36 60 38.3 1072 2508 2744 3.0 85 199 218 5.9 165 1 386 422 ~L~~~OCOM~~OTIVE /I j i / 8.8 245 573 627 |i X ~~~ LOCOMOTIVE i~i;;;11.4 i320 749 819 BOILER.S. 14.3 400 936 1024 BOILERS. j l y jI 17.1 480 1123 1229 22.5 630 1474 1613 _____ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27.7 775 1 814 1984 32 Boilers. PZairn e ina.er 3eilersWysrrla ~gle Flu neibfrM...__ —-— ~ - i ~p- Ill1,,11 The above boilers are, if desired, furnished complete, with Cast Iron Fronts and Doors, Grate Bars and Bearers, Buckstaves and Bolts, Cast and Wrought Iron Pipe, Safety, Feed and Stop Valves, Guage Cocks, Water Guages and all other fixtures necessary in setting boilers. Complete plans are also furnished of the foundation and brickwork. For sizes and evaporating power of the above boilers, see previous page. See also the article headed "Boilers," on page 29. Horse Power o! Boilers, (The following remarks on Horse Power of Boilers, Boiler Explosions, &c., are from a paper read before the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, by W. P. TROWBRIDGE.) The term "Horse Power," in its application to boilers, has heretofore been no less indefinite than the same term in its application to the engine. It has been customary to fix upon some unit of heating surface as the unit of the horse power of the boiler. The boiler is supposed to furnish a definite amount of steam at the working pressure employed, this amount depending on the heating surface; and the utilization of all this steam, under the most favorable conditions, would thus furnish, through the medium of an engine, a certain rate of work, or a certain Horse Power. An inspection of the preceding tables of engines is sufficient, however, to show that the same quantity of water evaporated by a boiler will effect different quantities of work in the same engine, or in different engines, under various conditions of working; these conditions being the pressure, the degree of expansion, and the speed of the piston. The rate of work of the boiler thus depends entirely on the engine; and the term "Horse Power," as usually applied, has no very definite signification. The effective power of a given boiler-apparatus, including the chimney, or power for producing the draft, may, perhaps, be estimated by supposing all the steamn which such a boiler can produce at a given pressure, to be utilized under the most favorable circumstances conceivable in practice. But it is still apparent that the power of the boiler is dependent upon the most favorable utilization of the steam. A more definite and positive mode of determining the true theoretical or disposable Horse Power of boilers may be derived from the investigations of Prof. Zeuner, Director of the Mining School at Freiberg, in his work on " The Mechanical Theory of Heat." This new method gives the maximum disposable rate of work, without reference to the engine; and hence, when an engine is using all the steam a boiler can produce, the boiler Horse Power may furnish a standard for the economy of the engine. The method depends on the following considerations: If we suppose the whole work of the boiler to be expended in producing a flow of steam through a small orifice, the velocity of the issuing steam is independent of the diameter of the orifice, and dependent only on the pressure; but the quantity of steam which flows through in pounds, will, of course, depend on the diameter of the orifice; and if the size of the orifice be just sufficient to allow all the steam to escape which the boiler can produce, the quantity which Ilows through in pounds, in each second, will be just equal to the amount which the boiler will produce in a second. The work of the boiler each second will be expended in imparting to this quantity of water, or steam, the velocity with which it issues from the orifice, and will be equal to the LIVING FORCE of the mass in motion with the issuing velocity. If M3I be the quantity of water evaporated in pounds, V the issuing velocity in feet per second, this living force will be V2 M g. The work expended to produce the velocity V, in the mass M1, may be represented by a constant force V2 acting through a given height, P h = M 2 g, P. h. being represented in foot pounds. For the work 22 performed by the boiler in one minute we have 60 x P. h. 60 M. 2 g. and if we represent by M' the weight of water, in pounds, evaporated and forced out of the orifice in one minute, we have M' = 60 M. and 60, P. h. = M1' 2g. 60. P ~M V2 If we suppose h to be one foot, and divide by 33.000, we have 33.000 = 2.g. 33.000 = X, = the number of horse power of the boiler. 34 H-orse Powers of Boilers. Prof. Zeuner furnishes a table of values of the velocity V, in metres per second, for different pressures, from 2 atmospheres, to 14 atmospheres, which is given below. The velocities V, for different pressures, taken from Zeu-ner's table, are as follows: For 2 atmospheres =............. V 481.71 metres per second. 3 "............................ 606.57 4... 681.48 e5 734.32 6.. v 774.89 C "........................... 80 5 S 7 7~ 807.57 " 8...................... 834.90 " 9.. "... 858.33C " 10 (........ 878.74 " 11........................... 896.80 cc 11 "...@***@@@*e***v*@@s~esso 896.80 " 12.......913.00 13..................... 927.69 " 14 " o 941.06 V2 From this table the corresponding values of 2 g 33.000 in English units, have been deduced, and we have the very simple results in the following table for finding the total theoretical horse power of any boiler. TABLE FOR FINDING THE HIORSE POWERS OF BOILERS. Horse Power = the Horse Power - the Pressure in Boiler, numbers of this Pressure in Boiler, numbers of this in table multiplied by 3M'1 in table multiplied by Nl' Lbs. per Squarle Inch. water evaporated Lbs. per Square Inch. water evaporated per minute, in lbs. per minute. 14.7 0.0 x [M' 110 3.43 xM' 20 0.5 115 3.52 25 0.9 120 3.59 30 1.60 125 3.65 35 1.45 130 3.72 40 1.65 135 3.79 45 1.85 140 3.85 50 2.05 145 3.92 55 2.23 150 3.97 60 2.35 155 4.02 65 2.52 160 4.06 70 2.65 165 4165.12 75 2.82 170 4.18 80 2.87 175 4.23 85 3.00 180 4.27 90 3.09 185 4.32 95 3.19 190 4.36 100 3.28 195 4.39 105 3.37 x M1' 200 4.40 x M To use this table, find the weight of water evaporated in each mm;tute by the boiler, in pounds, and multiply the number expressing this weight by the number in the table corresponding to the pressure in the boilel; the product will be the total disposable power of the boiler. Horse Powers of Boilers. 35 This new expression for the disposable power of boilers was leduced incidentally by Prof. Zeuner as the disposable power of the steam after it enters the cylinder of the engine, and he found its equivalent in an expression previously determined for the living force of the steam issning at a high velocity into the atmosphere through a small orifice. The value of this rule consists in the facility with which it may be employed, its absolute correctness, and the readiness with which the performance of an engine which utilizes all the steam produced by a given boiler may be compared with a perfect working engine, the standard being from 50 to 60 per cent. of the horse power of the boiler. A higher efficiency than 60 per cent. cannot probably be looked for in practice with a high-pressure engine, as at present constructed. A perfect working engine may also, conversely, be an approximate test for the economic performance of a given boiler. According to determinations of Prof. Zeuner, based exclusively on the dynamic theory of heat applied to the problem of the efficiency of ordinary high-pressure engines, the utmost efficiency possible, under the most favorable conditions of expansion, is from 50 to 60 per cent. of this theoretical power; the 40 to 50 per cent. loss being inherent in the nature of the engine, which no improvement can greatly alter. The following test of this theoretical law, and of the new rule for the disposable power of boilers, is derived from the preceding tables of engines. Taking, for comparison, engines working under steam at 80 pounds pressure, cutting off at i of the stroke, and making 60 revolutions a minute, we find for engines of 10, 20, 30, 40, &c., horse powers the quantity of water required per minute from the tables, which are based on actual experiments. These quantities are introduced in the following table in the first column; the second column showing the disposable horse powers of the boilers which produce exactly those quantities of steam; the third column shows the actual horse powers corresponlding for the steam which enters the cylinder, according to Mr. Emery's experiments. The efficiency of the smaller engines is placed at 53 per cent., and of the larger at 60 per cent., the intermediate powers ranging from 53 to 60. If in each case we have a boiler which will evaporate just the quantity of water given in the first column, we may find the theoretical disposable power of these boilers by the preceding rule of horse powers of boilers, which should correspond with the results of experiments. The results are given in column four of the table, showing a remarkable coincidence. The accuracy of the experimental results in the steam engine tables, and the correctness of the theoretical laws, thus confirm each other. These examples have been taken at random. A more extended and thorough comparison might be made for engines working under various degrees of expansion. TABLE OF COMPARISON. Pounds of water which ITotal disposable power Actual H. Power by in- heoretical passes through cylinder of Steam at 80 lbs. dicator, from Tables of Theoretical of Engine = pressure. Engines disposable power 0 ~~~~of the same steam Pounds. of water N = horse power from Using amounts of water evaporated by Boiler Table = Disposable in first column with 80 after it enters the cylinder. per hour. power of Steam. lbs. p. cutting off at. the cylinder. 400 19.3 11. P. 10 =lODiv'dby,53= 19.0 H.P. 771 37.3 " 20 20 ",53= 36.4 1159 56.0 " 30 30 ",53= 54.5 1460 70.1 " 40 40 ",53= 70.8 1790 86.5 " 50 50 ",56- 87.7 2136 103.2 " 60 60 ",56=102.5 24Y69 119.3 " 7 70 70 ",56=117.4 2790 1 34.9 " - 80 80 ",56=133.7 3113 150.5 " 90 90 ",56=148.7 3424 165.5 " 100 100 ",60=166.6 L1~ llll —-— Y- -—' — J -__________ _________ —~ — FROM BOILER POWER. FROM EXPERIMENTAL ENGINE. a 9i)AGRAMr o1v HORSE POWER OF BOILERS (CuRV X) o - _3Pod 6) 28 se roe 0o dcls -Per s uare nclii. pres soile'r Horse Powers of' ]Boilers. 37 EXPLANATION OF THE DIAGRAM OF HoRSE POWER OF BOILERS. This diagram is constructed from the table for finding the horse powers of boilers, or from the formula ~~ N the velocities being taken from Zeuner's table and reduced to English units. 2.. 83. 000. The formula shows that the curve which indicates the powers of the same boiler with increasing pressures of steam, is a common parabola. In the diagram the same boiler may be supposed to be used with steam pressure increased according to the numbers along the line of abscissas; and supposing the same quantity of steam IM1 to be evaporated each minute, which will be approximately true, the ordinates of the curve show the increase of disposable power of the boiler, as the pressure is increased. The curve of boiler horse-power, curve (1), supposes the evaporation constant, under different pressures, and exhibits the law of increase of disposal power as the pressure rises. An increase of power would also attend increased evaporation. The quantity of swater or steam in pounds required for a theoretically perfect engine, that is, an engine which, for instance, would utilize call the disposable work of a boiler, is given by Prof. Zeuner in the following table, taken from his work, the numbers being reduced to English units. QUANTITY OF VAPOR EXPRESSED IN POUNDS REQUIRED IN A THEORETICALLY PERFECT ENGINE TO PRODUCE ONE HORSE POWER PER HOUR. Tension of the Pounds of Water for Vapor One horse power in Atmosphere. per hour. 1~ 729.9 3 32.8 4 26.3 5 22.9 6 20.7 8 18.0 10 16.5 Putting these numbers in the form of a curve, they are represented by curve (2) of the preceding diagram. This curve exhibits to the eye the rate of diminution of the quantity of steam required in a perfect engine to produce one horse power per hour under the different pressures given on the line of abscissas. The lower curve (2) may be taken to represent, in a general way, the diminution of the size of the boiler required for a pef/ect engine, as the pressure rises. And the two curves taken together show the fallacy of estimating the horse power of the boiler by heating surface alone, or without reference to quantity of water evaporated, pressure, &c. The efficiency of real engines may be found, in a general way, from curve (2), or by the table from wvhich it is derived, by takling double the quantities of water as the amount required for any given pressure, when the steam is utilized under the most favorable conditions. THE EVAPORATIVE POWER OF BOILERS. The quantity of water evaporated by a given boiler in an hour, depends not only on the heating-surface and the proportions of the grate-surface, heating-surface, and draft area, but also upon the quantity of air which passes through the furnace in a given time. A locomotive boiler, for instance, burning ten pounds of coal on each square foot of grate-surface in an hour, will evaporate about nine pounds of water for each pound of coal, under the most favorable conditions. The same boiler, running at high speed and burning seventyfive pounds of coal on each square foot of grate-surface, will evaporate seven pounds of water for eachc 2ound of coal burned. The total quantity evaporated in an hour in the first case will be 10 x 9=90 pounds of water for each square foot of grate surface; and in the second case, the same boiler, under a forced draft, will evaporate 75 x 7=525 of water in one hour. Here there is a vast difference in the total amount of evapora 38 Boiler Explosions. tion; but each pound of coal, under the forced draft, produces less steam, in the proportion of 7 to 9 pounds; so that while the economy of fuel in one sense is less, the total amount of work done by the same boiler in the same time is very much greater with the higher rate of combustion. The same differences occur in stationary boilers having the same general proportions, but different heights of chimneys. The chimney is the machine or agency which produces the flow of air through the furnace, and which, by its height, determines the quantity which passes through in a given time. It is, therefore, the principal element in the determination of the total evaporation of a boiler in a given time. There are probably no phenomena connected with the generation and utilization of steam so imperfectly defined, either theoretically or practically, at present, as those connected with the quantity of air which passes through the furnaces of boilers, under varying conditions of draft, and the temperatures of the furnace and flues which depend on this quantity. And hence, for greatly varying heights of chimlneys, the quantity of coal consumed per hour can only be determined in advance by the most uncertain estimates. It has been generally assumed from the experiments of Prof. Johnston, Mr. HIunt, and others, that in ordinary practice double the amount of air necessary for complete combustion passes through the furnace. It is contended, on the other hand, by Ranlkine and Clalrke, that for high rates of combustion this law is not true; and experiments made at the Paris Expositioil, in which the quantity of air was measured, in different cases, show that in ordinary practice this law of double the quantity is by no means to be relied on. Hence all attempts to reduce the laws of evaporation of boilers to fixed and definite rules of practice for all conditions of draft, have thus far been based on assumptions which have no definite and precise foundation in practice. For stationary and steamship boilers the chimneys are generally of a uniform height, arising from the nature of the structures with which they are connected, and hence the approximate amount of combustion on a square foot of grate-surface, and the resulting evaporation of water per hour, are pretty well known from practical observations. The tables of evaporation given on page 31 have been determined from such considerations, and are not intended to represent what the boilers there given might accomplish, under various rates of combustion arising from greatly varying heights of chimneys. Experiments are greatly needed to determine the rates of combustion for varying dimensions of chimneys, as well as the quantities of air actually drawn through the furnaces under these varying rates of combustion. Such determinations are necessary in order to establish the corresponding temperatures of the furnaces and the gaseous products of combustion, and from these, the laws of transfer of heat by radiation and contact in the furnaces and flues respectively. B oler Egxpli ttOUSO The risk of life and property involved in the use of the Steam Boiler is still, as it has always been, a source of'constant anxiety to the Engineer and to the public. Explosions continually take place under circumstances of the utmost apparent security. Occurring without warning, and occupying but an instant of time, it is generally difficult, if not impossible, except in rare instances, to ascertain with certainty their true cause. There is seldom a unanimous opinion on the part of experts who examine into the causes after the event. The following remarks on the subject are intended, therefore, to point out, as far as possible, some of the obvious sources of danger, which are clearly indicated by the developments of the Dynamic theory of heat, and confirmed by actual experiments. The results will serve, perhaps, to indicate more clearly the direction in which further experiments are needed. Explosion can occur from two causes only-first, from deficiency of strength in the shell or other parts of a boiler. This deficiency of strength may be an original defect arising in the material or workmanship at the time of eonstruction; or it may be due to deterioration from use, from ordinary wear, or from injuries occurring from mismanagement, want of attention and repairs, etc. Manufacturers and Engineers are supposed to comprehend fully these causes of danger, and ought to be able to avoid them. Boiler Explosions. 39 The other source of danger arises from an accumulation of pressure within the boiler, to a dangerous degree above that which the structure is designed to resist. This accumulation of pressure may be gradual, and due simply to the increase of pressure which attends a continued evaporation when there is not sufficient outlet for the steam constantly formed. This source of danger will first be discussed. One question to be solved is at what rate, in time, will the pressure in any given boiler in active use increase if there is no outlet for the steam. In other words, how long a time must elapse before the pressure under such circumstances will rise from an ordinary working pressure to a dangerous or prohibited pressure. This is a practical question, and its solution ought to point out the degree of watchfulness necessary on the part of an engineer. It has been solved in a very thorough and practical manner by Mr. Zeuner, in the work to which reference has been made. The formula which is given below is Prof. Zeuner's formula derived, not from experiments, but in an incidental manner from a mathemnatical discussion of the laws of temperature, pressure, and volumes of vapors, based on Regnault's experiments. Let T be the time in minutes which must elapse from the instant that all egress of steam is prevented in a boiler (by the stopping of the engine and closing of the safety-valve) to the instant when a dangerous or bursting pressure must follow in the boiler. W Represent the weight of water in the boiler. tl. The temperature of the water due to the dangerous pressure. t. The temperature due to the working pressure. Q The quantity of heat in units of heat transferred to the water per minute. Then T - TW (ti-t) Q the mean specific heat of water being taken as unity. This formula shows that the time, T, is greater the greater the amount of water in the boiler, and it diminishes as Q increases. T is less also as (t,- t) is less. At high pressures a greater change of pressure accompanies a small change of (t, t), and T will fluctuate more rapidly at high pressures than at low pressures. The following examples, as illustrations, will exhibit the applications of the formula:EXAMPLE 1. A Mfarine T6bular Boiler of th/e Largest Size. W=79,000 lbs. of water. Suppose the working pressure to be 2- atmospheres, and the dangerous pressure 4. atmospheres, (t t)-290 Fahr. The boiler contains 5,000 square feet of heating surface, and supposing the evaporation to be 2.5 lbs. per hour for each square foot of heating surface, we have, Q in pounds of water per minute - 5,000x.2.5 60 And taking as a sufficient approximation 1,000 units of heat as the equivalent of the evaporation of 1 lb. of water, we have, Q in units of heat - 5 000 x.2.5. x 1,000 60. 5,000 x.2.5. x 1,000 Q on its of heat Hence the steam would reach a dangerous pressure in 11 minutes. 40 Boiler Explosions. EXAMPLE 2. A Return Tubular Boiler, containing 3,000 lbs. of water, and having 500 square feet of heating surface, each square foot evaporating, as before, 2- lbs. of water. Suppose the ordinary working pressure to be 75 lbs., and the dangerous pressure to be 150 lbs. per square inch. The formula gives, T= 7 minutes. EXAMPLE 3. A Locomotive Boiler, containing 5,000 lbs. of water, and having 11 square feet of grate surface, and burning 100 lbs. of coal on each square foot of grate an hour. Each pound of coal will, under such conditions, evaporate about 7 lbs. of water. Suppose the working pressure to be 100 lbs., and the dangerous pressure to be 200 lbs. per square inch. The transition from the working to the dangerous pressure will occur in T - 2 minutes. This example is, of course, an impossible case, because no locomotive standing still can burn 100 lbs. of coal on a square foot of grate in an hour. It illustrates, nevertheless, the degree of danger under circumstances which may occur. For if we suppose this locomotive standing still to burn only 10 lbs. of coal per hour on each square foot of grate, the time T will be increased ten times, and we will have, T=20 minutes. EXAMPLE 4. The Steam Fire Engine. Taking an actual case. The boiler contains 338 pounds of water, and it has 157 square feet of heating surface. Supposing each square foot of heating surface to generate 1 pound of steam in one hour, the pressure will rise from 100 to 200 pounds in T=7 minutes. EXAMPLE 5. To find in the same boiler how long a time will be required to get up steam. That is to run the pressure from 0 to 100 lbs. If we suppose only 1- cubic feet of water to be introduced into the boiler at first, we shall hatve 93 x 117 T = 157 x 1000 =4.1 minutes. 60 This result is realized in practice, and exhibits the truth of the formula. The formula shows generally that boilers which contain large quantities of water and burn coal slowly, have less rapid fluctuations of pressure. And also that the lowering of the water in the boiler from failure of the feed apparatus by diminishing W, diminishes also T in the same proportion. Low water increases the danger of explosions, therefore, not only by exposing plates to overheating, followed by a sudden evolution of steam, but by diminishing the ratio W It is even probable that Q is largely increased in such cases by internal radiation of heat from the plates to the water. SAFETY VALVES. It is supposed that a gradually increasing pressure can never take place if the safety valve is in good working order, and if it have proper proportions. Upon this assumption, universally acquiesced in, when there is no accountabjle cause, explosions are attributed to the "sticking" of the valves, or to "bent valve stemns," or "inoperative" valve springs. As the safety valve is the sole reliance in case of neglect or ilnattention on the part of the engine driver, it is important to examine its mode of working closely. Boiler ]Explosions. 41 It is designed on the assumption that it will rise from its seat under the statical pressure in the boiler, when this pressure exceeds the exterior pressure on the valve, and that it will remain off its seat sufficiently far to permit all the steam which the boiler can produce to escape around the edges of the valve. The problem to be solved is, then, to find first what amount of free orifice is necessary for the flow of steam from a given boiler under a given pressure, and then to ascertain whether ordinary valves will rise far enough to give this amount of free orifice. The ordinary safety valve, as at present constructed, consists of a disc which closes the outlet of a short pipe leading from the boiler. The area of the disc or diameter of the valve is usually determined from theoretical considerations based on the velocity of the flow, or upon the results of experiments made to ascertain the area of orifice necessary for the flow of all the steam a boiler can produce under a given pressure. The fact is recognized by engineers and constructors, that the real diameters of safety valves must be greater than the theoretical orifices, because common observation shows that the valves do not rise appreciably from their seats; and to lakle the outlet around the edges of the valve equal in area to the pipe, the valve should rise i of its diameter. The uncertainty begins when it is attempted to fix upon a diameter. The difficulties of the problem become evident in the light of late experiments. In regard to the area of orifice necessary, this question is solved by Prof. Zeuner in a very simple manner theoretically; the following table gives the results of his determinations reduced to English units. Let d be the diameter of the orifice in inches, and w the weight of steam which flows through the orifice in a second (equal to'the weight of water evaparated in a second) in the problem under consideration; then the diameters d for different pressures are found from the following table. For 2 atmospheres d - 1.72 Via. For 9 atmospheres d = 1.22 V'il. 3 d" d1.51 V'l. 10 " d 1.21V l. 4 d= 1.41V/-. * 11 " d=1.19 /. 5 d 1.35V-. 6 " d-1~35 |u 12 " d -= 1.18 V. 6 d= 1.30 V/. 8' d =i.22. -13 " d = 1.17-. 8 " d - 1.22A V/'. 14 " d- 1.16 /-. 42Q Boiler [Explosions. The following Table gives the results of experiments made at the Novelty Iron Works in New York City, several years before Prof. Zeuner's work was published. These experimental results have never before been published. The observations were made with great care, with a tubular boiler adapted to the experiments. The first column gives the pressure in pounds per square inch in the boiler, and the second the area of orifiee in square inches for each square foot of heating surface of the boiler. Pressure in the Boiler inlArea of Orifice in square pounds above the at- inches for each square mosphere. foot of heating surface. 0.25.022794 0.5.021164 1..018515 2..014814 3..01_2345 4..010582 5..009259 10..005698 20..003221 30..002244 40..001723 50..001398 60..001176 70..001015 80..000892 90..000796 100..000719 150..000481 200..000364 To compare the results of Zeuner's formula, which is entirely theoretical, with the results of these experiments, we may assurLme that each square foot of heating surface of a tubular boiler will evaporate 2.5 pounds of water per hour with ordinary chimney draft. Taking a series of boilers of the different heating surfaces named below, the comparison is given for two pressures, 3 and 5 atmospheres. 3 ATMOSPHERES. 5 ATMOSPHERES. HIIATING SURFACE, AREA OF ORIFICE BY AREA OF ORIFICE BY HEATING SURFACES AREA OF ORIFICE BY AREA OF ORIFICE BY SQUARE FEET. EXPERIMENT. FORMULA. IN FEET. EXPERIMENT. FORMULA. SQUARE INCHES. SQUARE INCHES. SQUARE INCHES. SQUARE INCHES. 100.089.09 100.12.12 200.180.19 200.24.24 500.45.48 500.59.59 1000.89.94 1000 1.20 1.18 2000 1.78 1.90 X 000 2.40 2.37 5000 4.46 4.75 5000 6.00 5.95 At five atmospheres pressure the results from the two sources are almost identical, and at 3 atmospheres sufficiently near to malke a remarkable coincidence. The formula of Mr. Zeuner is, however, preferable in practice, as it takes account of the weigyt of water evaporated, which depends on the amouont of fuel trned (heigyht of chimney, &c.) and is therefore more comprehensive. Boiler Explosions. 43 The mode of determining the area of free orifice necessary for the flow of steam may thus be considered theoretically and practically settled. The next question for consideration is, how High will any safety valve rise under the influence of a given pressure? This question cannot be determined theoretically, except that it has been demonstrated by Zeuner, Weisbach, and others, that as soon as the flow of steam begins the pressure in the plane of the orifice rapidly diminishes, and in fact ceases at a minute distance from the orifice, and is also diminished within the orifice, in the pipe. It has been supposed that the force of the issuing steam striking against the lower face of the valve may act to keep it off its seat. This question has been settled conclusively by Mr. Burg, of Vienna, an account of whose experiments was published in the proceedings of the Vienna Academy of Sciences in 1862. Mr. Burg, made careful experiments to determine the actual rise of safety valves above their seats. Ice found by actual measurements, made by means of apparatus constructed for the purpose, that an ordinary four-inch valve rises according to the laws stated below. For a boiler pressure of lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 12 20" 35 45 50 60 70 80 90 The rise of the valve is, in parts of an inch, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 36 48 54 65 86 86 168 132 168 Or, taking average valves, the rise for pressures from 10 to 40 lbs. is' of an inch, from 40 to 70 lbs. -1~, and from 70 to 90 lbs. r~- of an inch. These results show that the rise dimini8shes rapidly, as the pressure increases-a result which is indicated by theory. The very small rise for pressures from 70 to 90 lbs., 1- of an inch, is remarkable. If now we take a tubular boiler with 500 square feet of heating surface, the free orifice necessary for the flow of all the steam the boiler can produce at 5 atmospheres pressure will be, according to Zeuner's Formula, -J09 of a square inch. Let x be the diameter of the valve, which, by rising a~I of an inch, shall give this amount of free orifice. The circumference will be approximately 3x, and we must have 3x. TA.59 square inches, from which we find the diameter of the required valve, - = 23.6 inches. This is an impracticable size. If we assume a size of six inches diameter as suitable, and ascertain how high the valve must rise to make an annular opening around the edge equal to.59 of an inch, we may let x represent the rise of tie valve. The circumference will be, in round numbers, 3 x 6 = 18 inches, and we will have 18 x -=.59 square inches; -= -31 of an inch. This amount of rise appears clearly impossible from the results of Mr. Burg given above, as the valve will rise under 5 atmospheres only T1v of an inch. These results have been confirmed in another manner. Bcaily, in experimenting with his volute springs, found that, for an ordinary locomotive, a valve of 13 inches diameter was required, and with this the pressure in the boiler rose considerably above the pressure at which the valve was set. With ordinary valves he found that there was no relief of the boiler when the fires were kept in full blast. Gooch, the English engineer, recommended three safety valves to each locomotive. And Mr. Holley, in his recent work on Railway Practice, recognizing the inefficiency of the ordinary valve, states that he has seen the pressure in a locomotive boiler rise to 140 lbs., with two valves blowing off at 100 lbs. These facts and expressions from practical engineers are sufficient to confirm the foregoing deductions. Another series of experimnents, made by Mr. Burg, is still more conclusive, and justifies hirn in the statement that the " most izcornpreh/ensible delusion has existed in regard to the efficiency of the valve, as commonly employed;" and that it acts at most only as an aarm but ot be depended on alarm, but cannot be depended on as secity against explosions. 1-is final experiments were macde with a view of determining the pressure in pounds per square inch actually exerted upon the under surface of the valve, with different amounts of rise or lift, and were intended to supplement the first experiments. SHOWVING THE RISE OF SAFETY VALVIS& (DEDUC~ED FROM BURG'S~&6b~' EZI:)E~~~fERWENTS)g-~p(~ ~ te L~~;sa;~~e p PI- -- ii H ~~~~d /11 m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ai r 44 —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I i 1, +-4-4: F -" —lt —3 -41 1 ~ -t-i — — i —~-iri~t+-t"~-~ -t Boiler Explosions. 45 He constructed an apparatus by which he was enabled to remove weights from the exterior load on the valve at the same time that he measured, by the revolutions of a screw, very accurately, the corresponding rise. The results are given in the following diagrams, which have been made from his published records. Six experiments were made, in which the pressure of steam in the boiler was first taken at 10 English lbs.; then at 27; again at 33, 44, 65, and 75 lbs. The results correspond to the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in the diagrams. At the beginning of each experiment the valve was loaded to resist the required pressure in the boiler. The curves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, represent the rising of the valves, during each series, as weights were taken off the the valve. The horizontal line of numbers, 0, 5, 10, 15, &c., gives the actual pressures on the lower surfaces of the valve in pounds per square inch for the rise of valve, as shown by projecting the number down to the corresponding curve. Thus, in the first experiment, beginning with ten lbs. constant. pressure per square inch in the boiler, the rise (curve (1) ) was zero; by removing weights, - lb. at a time, the valve rose according to curve (1), the height from the base line, 0, 0, 0, being in lines, or t of an inch. With a rise of 1- lines, for instance, the pressure on the lower surface of the valve was only 5 lbs., and with a rise of 1.9 lines (about 2 lines, or - of an inch), the pressure on the lower surface of the valve was less than 1 lb. per square inch. Taking the fifth series of experiments, with a constant boiler pressure of 65 lbs., it is seen by curve 5 that a reduction of pressure to 35 lbs. (by unloading the valve), was necessary, in order that the valve might rise -4- lines, or -1 of an inch. In all the experiments a rise of two lines, f of an inch, as shown by the curves, was only accomplished by diminishing the load on the valves, until the pressure on the under surface was reduced to less than 7 lbs. per square inch. These remarkable results show that when a valve stands from its seat the very small distance of f of an inch, there is practically very little sustcaining force in the current of outflowing steam. They confirm the former results that, to obtain a rise of valve above the minimum height of ~l. of an inch for high pressures, an increasing pressure within the boiler is not sufficient. On the contrary, a diminution of exterior load on the valve is indispensable. These results show conclusively that the ordinary safety valve presents no real security. If the fires are kept up, and no other relief afforded than the self-action of the valve, the pressure on the boiler must continue to rise,* and a few minutes inattention on the part of an engineer may result in an explosion. It is not necessary to such a result that the valve should " stick," or that the stem should " be bent," for it is proved beyond a doubt that the higAer the pressure, the less will the valve rise; and in not rising it simply obeys the action of the forces exerted upon it. Explosions arising from Sudden Evolutions of Steam. A grccaducally increasing pressure to a dangerous degree would be impossible in any boiler, if the safety valve were what it is supposed to be, viz., a perfect automatic means for liberating all the steam which a boiler may produce with the fires in full blast, and all other orifices for the escape of steam closed. Until such a safety valve shall have been devised and adopted into general use, safety from gradually-increasing pressure must depend on the attention and watchfulness of the engineer alone. There are supposed to be, however, occasional instances of sudden or violent evolution of steam, in such quantities that no relief is possible through the medium of safety valves, however perfect they may be in their functions. * The formula (or diameter of orifice shows that the free orifice necessaey for the issue of steam diminishes but slowly as the pressure rises. 46 Boiler Explosions. That such occurrence may take place from natural causes, which do not require for their explanation any extraordinary hypotheses, such as chemnical decomposition or electrical action, may perhaps be delronstrated. But there is reason to believe that they are exceedingly rare. One of these causes which has received the most general acceptance, both in theory and practice, is the sudden flow of water upon plates which have become overheated by the accidental lowering of the water level in the boiler. It is, in fact, considered almost an axiom that very low water will cause an explosion. There is no doubt that exposure of the upper surfaces of flues, or the crown of a furnace, to the intense acti(tl of heat, when there is no water upon their surfaces to absorb or transfer this heat, is highly injurious and destructive to the boiler; and on this ground alone all the devices for regulating or observing the water level are necessary and advisable. It is not certain, however, that even in such an extreme case of accident or neglect as overheated plates, an explosion must ensue if there be an efficient safety valve. If we suppose ten square feet of the furnace or flues to become heated to redness, say 1,000 degrees (a very extreme case), the quantity of heat in runits of heat which would be transferred quite suddenly but not necessarily instantaneously, to water coming in contract with them at the ordinary boiler temperature, would be found thus: 10 square feet of iron, L of an inch thick, would weigh about 100 lbs. The specific heat of iron is.11; and if we take 3000 as the temperature of the steam of the boiler, the lowering of temperature of the plates would be 1,000'~300~- 700~, and 100 x 700 x.11=-7.00 units of heat. This amount is sufficient to evaporate about 7.7 lbs. of water. If we refer to any of the examples of the application of the formulla, T= M (t,-t) Q we will find that to raise the pressure from an ordinary working pressure to a dangerous pressure, a much greater number of units of heat was required, 6. The quantity of heat transferred to the boiler in each mirnute was, in the examples given, as follows, respectively: EXAMPLE 1,..........2..............08,300 2,.......... 20,830 3,.......................123,300 From these examples it is seen that the addition of only 7.700 units of heat, either gradually or suddenly, would not cause a dangerous elevation of pressure in the boiler, under the conditions assumed. Nothwithstanding, therefore, the overheating of plates is highly detrimental, and no doubt dangerous, yet it seems probable that this source of danger of explosions belongs to the dangers froln gradually-increased pressure, and may be avoided by perfectly efficient safety valves. The occurrence of this cause of danger can only happen from the most culpable neglect or inattention, and cannot be regarded as an unforseen danger, since the means of warning are abundant. The principal cause of suddeu, evolution of steam, which finds an explanation in the known properties of water, and its action under changes of temperature, is probably what is called concussive euli&t6,ion. This is doubtless a real danger, and the more so because it is hidden, and gives no warning. How far this phenomenon takles place in steam boilers, and produces explosions, there are no means of knowing. But that it is a possible cause, there seems to be good reasons for believing. It is known from the investigations on the boiling points of water, and other fluids, by Dufour, Kopp, Donny, and others, that the conversion of water into vapor at a certain temperature due to the pressure is dependent on other conditions besides the temperature; that water may become heated, under certain coi1ditions, to temperatures many degrees above the temperature due to its boiling point. The phenomenon called "concussive ebullition" arises, accolrclding to Dufour, from the principle that in order that a liquid may be transformed to vapor at any temperature, sonie portion of the surface must be freely exposed to a space into which the vapor may expand. This was demonstrated by suspending drops of water in heated oil. The temperature of the water was raised considerably above the boiling-point without the formation of vapor; but if a bubble of air or a piece of porous substance was placed in contact with the water, a Boiler:Explosions. 47 burst of vapor occurred. Professor Donny, of Ghent, observed that water thoroughly deprived of a.ir, and sealed up in thin glass tubes, free from air, and heated at one end of the tube, could be heated to 2800 F., under atmospheric pressure. The burst of vapor, when it took place, threw the whole mass of water suddenly to the other end of the tube. This phenomenon of concussive ebullition may be produced in a variety of ways in the chemical laboratory, and accompanies the processes for the rectification of sulphuric acid to such an extent that special means are required to avoid its evil effects. The practical conclusion to be derived from these facts in connection with the generation of steam in steam boilers, is that the water in a boiler may, under some circumstances-such as slow-continued evaporation when a boiler is at rest, or doing no work-be nearly deprived of air, and the circulation being then feeble, portions of the water in contact with the plates may become heated to a higher temperature than that of the mass of water above. Under such circumstances the sudden starting of an engine, or other cause of agitation, producing an increased circulation and an agitation of the water, might cause a sudden evolution of steam in such quantities and with such force as not only to produce a dangerous and sudden elevation of pressure, but'a violent concussion, by throwing large masses of water against the sides of the boiler. It was demonstrated by Dufour and others, that the presence of air in minute bubbles prevented this overheating of portions of the water, and caused evaporation to go on continuously. When a boiler is at work, circulation is rapid and continuous, and in most cases feed water fully charged with air continually enters the btoiler; and hence the conditions necessary to cause a retarded ebullition are rare. On this subject, however, further experiments and investigations are especially needed. The general conclusions which may be regarded as established from experiments, observations, and practice, thus far seem to be: 1. That the laws of resistance of the parts of boilers to the internal pressure are sufficiently well established. 2. It is of the utmost importance that the materials employed should be of the best quality as regards strength and durability; and as there are but few manufacturers of boiler plates, the inspection of materials especially boiler plate, should be made by the government at the _place qf manct2fcture, and the inspection should extend to the qualities of ores and the process of 2canc facctre; the required stamps, brands, or certificates being put on or authorized by the inspector in person. There is much greater certainty of securing the best materials by an inspection of the process of working and the raw materials employed, than by an inspection of plates after they have been sent to market, when, to all external appearances, good and bad plates are not easily distinguished. 3. An inspection of the boiler during the process of construction. It is impossible to discover all the defects of construction after a boiler is made. 4. The deterioration of strength from wear and tear, from sudden heating or cooling of parts, from oxidation, &c., gives rise to evils which can only be avoided by constant attention and repairs. 5. The danger from sudclden generation of steam in large quantities arises probably from one cause, retarded ebullition, and is less likely to occur when the boiler is at work, receiving constantly fresh supplies of water charged mechanically with air in minute bubbles. Any device which should force air in small bubbles into a boiler, would probably prevent this source of danger. 6. The ordinary construction of the safety valve is fundamentally defective, being based on ideas in regard to its action which are unsound and delusive. A safety valve should be adopted which is not dependent for its actioIn on, the presszre of the steam a t the orifice opened by the vaclve, and through which the steam flows, since it is demonstrated that the pressure at thispoint practically ceases with any considerable opening of the orifice. 48 Boiler Explosions. A new construction for safety-valves, suggested by the foregoing discussion, is exhibited in the following cuts. To enable a valve to rise from its seat an appreciable distance, it appears, from that discussion, that either a portion of the exterior load must be removed from the valve the moment it begins to rise, or that a- continuous sustaining force must act on the valve from beneath, which shall not be diminished by. the flow of steam through the orifice. The latter expedient is adopted, and the end accomplished, by simply carrying down a stem from the valve into the water of the boiler. The total pressure of steam upon the lower end of this stem (or if it be hollow, as in the figure, upon the upper interior end surface) will be continuously exerted upon the valve. In the use of the ordinary disc or conical face valve, it has been shown that when the valve stands one-sixth of an inch from its seat the total force (or statical pressure and impulse combined) on the lower surface of the valve amounts in no case to more than five or six pounds per square inch. If a four-inch stem be carried down below the water surface, with a pressure of 60 lbs. per square inch in the boiler, the total pressure on the lower end of the stem, transmitted to the valve, will be over 750 lbs. This is equivalent to removing over 45 lbs. per square inch from the exterior load. With th'is plessure on the main surface the valve will rise from its seat, and will continue to rise as the pressureincreases. Fig. 1 represents a valve arranged for a marine boiler. I -I-w- - ________H__-I~OFSON -SIHIER AN NEW IIAVEN -- - V. Valve. T. Stem carried below the owater. L. Valve lever extended into escape pie. The force applied to keep the valve down is produced by a number of spiral fiat springs within a barrel, adjusted by a worm and wheel. This valve can be locked, by locking the hand-wheel which turns the worm, and the worm and wheel furnishes a simple means of adjustment; all other parts are inaccessible' and the force acting on the valve cannot easily be altered by unauthorized persons. Boiler Explosions. 49 In Fig. 2, an ordinary lever is applied with weights, and a diaphragm is acted upon by the pressure of the water in the tube or stem, the diaphragm being simply a metal plate with circular corrugations. _...._ —..., I HOPSON-SHERMAN NEW HAVEN. I To calculate the size of valve for a given boiler, it is to be recollected that the circumference' determines the annular opening for the efflux of steam. Having found the area of orifice necessary by Zeuner's formula, a diameter is to be chosen, which will give this opening for a given rise; for instance one-sixth of an inch. The diameter of the stem should be less than this by one-half an inch (one-fourth all around). The statical pressure to be applied to hold the valve down, may be calculated in the ordinary manner. The valve seat should be spherical, and the radius lever as long as convenient, in order that the valve stem may rise and fall in a true vertical line. The above described construction is simple, inexpensive, practical, and applicable to many boilers by simply putting a stem to the valves already in place. Where the valves already in place are too far from the water, or in such a position that a stein cannot be readily extended to the water, a short valve pipe may be bolted to the boiler. The slight agitation of the valve stem, by the currents in the boiler, will tend to keep the valve well fitted to its seat, and will prevent sticking, if there be any such tendency. To illustrate the mode of finding the dimensions of a valve, according to this construction, let it be required to find a safety valve which shall furnish relief for all the steam which a tubular boiler of 2,000 square feet of fire surface can generate, with all other orifices closed and the fires kept in full blast. Let the pressure of steam in such a boiler be taken at 5 atmospheres. By the table, page 42, the free orifice necessary will be 2.4 square inches. If a valve, 4i inches diameter, be chosen, the circumference will be approximately 14. inches, and 1 2.4 1 it will be necessary for the valve to rise - of a ich. 14. x X 2.4 inch, X of an inch approximately, X being the rise. The area of the valve disc being 4~ inches, suppose a stem 4 inches diameter to be carried down below the water. The pressure on the lower part of the stem will be found by multiplying its area in square inches by the boiler pressure, or 4. x 3.1416. x 75. = 939 lbs. This would be equivalent to removing 939 lbs. from the exterior load, if the valve were of the ordinary kind, such as that used in Burg's experiments.. _. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I) 50:Boiler Explosions. To this must be added the diminution of atmosphelric pressLre on the upper surfaee of the valve, which takes place when the valve rises. When the valve is seated, the atmosphere presses upon the lwhole surface; when it rises, only so much of this surface as is represented by the cross section of the stein, is subject to the unbalanced pressure of the atmosphere. Withl a 4~1 illch valve and 4 inch stem, the additional virtual diminution of exterior load will be, from this cause, about 90 lbs., and the total diminution may be taken at 1,029 lbs., making a virtual relief of pressure of 64 lbs. per square inch. This would leave an unbalanced pressure from the exterior load of 11 lbs. per square inch, upon the area of the valve. A rise of one-sixth of an inchl nearly, as shlowvn by the curves, would take place, and an increase of pressure in the boiler more than 5 lbs. above this would be impossible from ordinary causes. It would be advisable in the case presented to imake the valve 5 inches in diameter, and thus secure a margin for excessive firing. This is believed to be an exact method of estimating the dimensions of valves, and one which will be borne out in practice. With the construction proposed, the gradual accumulation of pressure, with all other orifices closed and the firing kept up, should be impossible, and the valve becomes in reality a SAFETY valve.