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PRENDERGAST Comptroller BY THE "I BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL INVESTIGATION AND STATISTICS AUGUST, 1916 I -- — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I —, - -1 - - 1* --- No. 12 REPORT )N' '1'1l1 1: MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK IN 1914 AND) 1915 PREPAR E FROM THE l) ETAILED EXPENSE STATEMENTS F T H A'I 1) E P ART M EN T WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST Comptroller BY TtHE BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL INVESTIGATION AND STATISTICS AUGUST, 1916 BRQWN VRImtNG ONDINO CO. Z, CL ';0 3 —0 4403-16-500 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE THE CITY OF NEW YORK BUREAU ()OF MUNICIP AL INVISTIG(,ATI(ON AND STATISTI(S August 15, 1916. 1Hon. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller, The City of NCew York: e)car Sir-On September 17, 1915, there was submitted to you a "Report on the Maintenance of the Department of Iridges of The City of New York in 1913 and 1914, Prepared from the D)etailed Expense Statements of That I)epartment." In that report was shown the number, location and estimated aggregate value of the bridges under the jurisdiction of the department, the traffic on the East River bridges in 1913 and 1914, the revenues for those years, the manner in which such revenues were affected by the deductions under section 48 of the General Tax Law, and a comparison of the operation and maintenance costs for 1913 and 1914. The report now submitted covers substantially the same field for 1914 and 1915. No change in the number or location of the various bridges has taken place in 1915, so this information is not repeated. Below is now presented what appear, from the linancial standpoint, to lbe the most interesting features of the Department of Bridges in 1915. 1. Statistics Pertaining to the Traffic in 1914 and 1915 Over the Four East River Bridges. Below is shovwn the.)assenlger and car and highway vehicle traffic over the Brooklyn, Manlatttan, Willlamsburg and Queensboro Iridges in 1914 and 1915. Based on the data shown the passenger traffic over all four bridges was 254,582,932 in 1914 and 268,986,837 in 1915, the net increase in passenger traffic for the year amounting to 14,403,905 passengers. 4 Traffic Over fEast River Bridges Thursday November 5, 1914, and Thursday, Brooklyn Bridge. Manhattan Bridge. 1914. 1915. — r- 1914. 19 19i4. 1915. 1914. 1915. Traffic to Malhattal. Elevated Railroad Cars............. Subway Cars (Sea Beach).......... Surface Railway Cars.............. \V ehicles........................... Total Cars and Vehicles...... Elevated Railroad Passengers...... Subway (Sea Beach) Passengers... Surface Railway Passengers........ Passengers on Vehicles............ Pedestrians........................ Total People Crossing Bridges Traffic front Mahtattan. Elevated Railroad Cars............ Subway (Sea Beach) Cars.......... Surface Railway Cars.............. -ehicles.......................... Total Cars and Vehicles...... Elevated Railroad Passengers....... Subway (Sea Beach) Passengers.... Surface Railway Passengers........ Passengers in Vehicles............. Pedestrians........................ Total People Crossing Bridges Total Traffic, Both Directions. Elevated Railroad Cars............. Subway (Sea Beach) Cars......... Surface Railway Cars.............. V ehicles........................... Total Cars and Vehicles...... Elevated Railroad Passengers....... Subway (.Sea Beach) Passengers.... Surface Railway Passengers........ Passengers in Vehicles.............. Pedestrians........................ Total People Crossing Bridges Per cent. of changes from preceding y ear............................ Per cent. of total East River Bridge traffic........................... 3,461 3,699 2,044 9,204 95,509 48,679 3,394 3,752 151,334 3,503 3,706 1,939 9,1i8 81.144 53,521 3,437 4,270 142,372 6,964 7,405 3,983 18,352 176,653 102,200 6,831 8,022 293,706 -4.3 38.6 3,285 3,349 2,198 8,832 69,441 41,473 3,659 3,459 118,032 3,339 3,356 2,161 8,856 69,415 48,143 3 893 4,134 125,585 6,624 6,705 4,359 17,688 138,856 89,616 7,552 7,593 243,617 -17.1 30.3 680 3,837 4,517 18,566 6,960 1,065 26,591...... 678 3,779 4,457 17,838 7,022 944 25,8041 554 731 4,833 6121...... 26,275 20,403 9,327 904 56,906 554 732 4,564 5,850 25,223 19,479 8,841 855 54,408...... 1,108 1,358 1,463 7,616 9,400 8.974 11,971.................. 51,498 36,404 39,879 13,982 18,168 2,009 1,769 52,395 111,314 +19.6 +112.4 6.9 13.8 If we multiply the total number of people crossing these bridges on October 28, as one-half davs), we arrive at a total of 268,9)5,837, representing the number of the passenger traffic of the Brooklyn Bridge in 1912, 1913, 1914 and 1915, and a 5 Octobcr 28, 1915, as Shown by Records of the DePartmenitt of Bridges. Total Traffic, Williamsburg Bridge. Queensboro Bridge. East River Bridges. I-A — (I, -, A 1914. 1915. 1914. 1915. 1914. 1915. 1,357 4,527 3,726 9,610 74,531 78,787 7.398 2,143 162,859 1,488 4,523 3,465 9,476 72,718 82,444 6,974 2,139 164.275 2,845 9,050 7,191 19,086 147,249 161 231 14,372 4,282 327,134 +4.4 43.0 1,642 4,581 4,564 10,787 83,487 81,130 8,761 1,473 174,851 1,645 4,580 4,274 10,499 83,795 86,941 8,351 1,623 180,710 3,287 9,161 8,838 21,286 167,282 168,071 17,112 3,096 355,561 +8.7 44.2 1,544 3,559 5,103 35,184 7,733 1,001 43,918 1,547 3,648 5,195 35.247 7,620 1,065 43,932 3,091 7,207 10,298 70,431 15,353 2,066 87,850 +11.2 11.5 1,598 4,688 6,286 34,928 10,689 988 46,605 1,614 4,817 6,431 35,950 10,10-,9 990 47,049 3,212 9,505 12,717 70,878 20,798 1,978 93,654 +6.6 11.7 4,818 10,450 13,166 28,434 170,040 181,216 25.485 7,961 384,702 4,991 10,454 12,831 28,276 153,862 189,050 25,053 8,418 376,383 9,809 20,904 25,997 56,710 323,902 370,266 50,538 16 379 761,085 ~2.4 100.0 4,927 554 10.259 16,286 32,026 152,928 26,275 177,931 32,436 6,824 396,394 4,984 5' 54 10,282 15,816 31,636 153,210 25,223 190,513 31,194 7,612 407,752 9,911 1,108 20 541 32,102 63 662 306,138 51,498 368,444 63,630 14,433 804,146 ~5.5 110. 0 1915 (804,146, as shown above), by 334'2 (this is treating 52 Sundays and 9 holidays 1)eA)Ille crossing these bridges in the year 1915. There was a continuous decrease in continuous increase in the traffic of the other three bridges in the same years. 6 A comparison of the traffic figures above, as regards the increases or decreases in the various classes of traffic, is also interesting. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Vehicular Traffic. Elevated Railroad Cars......................... 9,911 9,809 102 Subway (Sea Beach) Cars...................... 1,108...... 1,108 Surface Railway Cars......................... 20,541 20,904 *363 Vehicles....................................... 32,102 25,997 6,105 Totals................................. 63,662 56,710 6,952 Passenger Traffic. Elevated Railroad Cars....................... 306,138 323,902 *17,764 Subway (Sea Beach) Cars...................... 51,498...... 51,498 Surface Railway Passengers................... 368,444 370,266 *1,822 Other Vehicles................................ 63,630 50,538 13,092 Pedestrians.................................... 14,436 16,379 *1,943 Totals................................. 804,146 761,085 43,061 The heavy increases, it will be noted, are in highway vehicles and in the passengers carried by them. In every item except those just mentioned, the Brooklyn Bridge shows a decrease in 1915 as compared with 1914. It is stated by the Bridge Department that in 1915 the vehicles using these bridges numbered 32,102 daily as against 18,304 in 1912, and that the motor-drawn vehicles in 1915 were 18,401 as compared with 6,411 in 1912. 2. Engineering Progress in 1915 and Future Projects Contemplated. The following information is taken from a report made by the Acting Chief Engineer of the Department of Bridges to the Commissioner of Bridges under date of December 31, 1915: THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE. The subway between the Brooklyn Bridge and the Municipal Building, designed to provide through operation in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by linking the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges, was completed about January 1, 1915. The cost of this subway construction was $588,330.41 for the structural work and $152,967.49 for the land, a total cost of $741,297.90. Chapter 90, Laws of 1907, providing for the construction of this connection further provided that the operating company should pay to the city for the privilege of operation the interest on the bonds issued by the city for such improvement, plus one per cent. additional to provide a sinking fund for the retirement at maturity of the bonds so issued. This the company now operating over the bridge is unwilling to do. MANHATTAN BRIDGE. The improvement of the Brooklyn Plaza and the equipment of both the easterly and westerly upper deck tracks of this bridge for surface car traffic were completed in 1914 and 1915 at a cost of over $1,200,000. The first contract in connection with the construction of this bridge was let in 1901. When fully completed in 1916, the cost of the bridge will be about $31,000,000. This sum will include land, the main bridge approaches and the ornamentation of the plazas. This latter work will cost about $600,000, or about two per cent of theentire cost of the bridge. Six of the eight tracks upon this bridge are now 7 in use: Two for a local service line from Flatbush Avenue and Fulton Street, Brooklyn, to Bayard Street and the Bowery, Manhattan; two for through surface car lines from the same point in Brooklyn to Desbrosses Street Ferry, North River and two connecting the Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, Subway with the Center Street Loop. The two remaining tracks are to connect the Fourth Avenue Subway with the Broadway (Manhattan) subway at Canal Street and Broadway some time it is expected, in 1917. It was on June 22, 1915, that the Fourth Avenue subway trains were first operated over this bridge. WILLIAMSBURG BRIDGE. The end spans of this bridge have been reconstructed and the main span strengthened, safety guides installed on the main bridge, and a number of other changes made in contemplation of the crossing of 10-foot wide cars. QUEENSBORO BRIDGE. Much needed repairs to the pavement of this bridge were delayed pending the determination by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of whether subway trains should be run over this bridge or in tunnels. In March, 1916, $144,000 was authorized for the new pavement. In November, 1915, an additional elevator was put in service in the tower of the Queens Anchor Pier at Vernon Avenue, Long Island City. A station is also being erected on the Queens Plaza of this bridge. HARLEM RIVER, MANHATTAN AND BRONX BRIDGES. Willis Avenue Bridge. A franchise was granted to the Union Railway Company in 1915 to operate cars over this bridge. This line will provide a direct connection from the easterly part of The Bronx to the Fort Lee Ferry at 130th Street. Third Avenue Bridge. In conjunction with the Borough President of Manhattan the Arcade at 130th Street and 3d Avenue was laid out as a free open market. Madison Avenue Bridge. The shops at the Manhattan Approach were equipped with motor-driven tools. The location here of an Engineer in charge has given better control of the shopwork and of the raw materials. Washington Bridge. This bridge was painted without an accident of any kind. When this was last done by contract several fatalities occurred. Westchester Creek Bridge. Pending the erection of a permanent bridge on the line of East 177th Street at a cost of about $200,000, a temporary bridge was opened to traffic in April, 1915. It cost $9,710.36. BROOKLYN, QUEENS AND RICHMOND BRIDGES. The largest bridge of this division is the Vernon Avenue over Newtown Creek. Despite the fact that this bridge affords a clear way when closed of 24 feet at mean high water, 37,208 openings, an average of 51 per day, including 8 Sundays, were made in 1914 and 1915. A partial reconstruction of this bridge is contemplated. The Fresh Kills Bridge, Richmond, has been refloored and provided with safety platforms. MISCELLANEOUS. It is estimated that the nitrogen lamps now used on the various bridges are saving the city over $20,000 annually. At the request of the President of the Borough of Manhattan the viaduct at 155th Street was repaired and repainted. When this work was completed, the Bridge Department was also requested to paint the Viaduct on Riverside Drive from 127th Street to 134th Street. The conditions discovered there prompted the suggestion that all the city bridges be subjected to inspection by the Bridge Department. It is stated that a Painting Division was organized in April, 1914, because the previous division of this force into five separate units did not make for economical and efficient service. A survey of the department bridges and the resultant program of work is expected to insure proper treatment of all structures and to eliminate any unnecessary work. FUTURE PROJECTS. Some of the projects it is stated should be carried out or at least initiated during the next few years are: "1. Brooklyn Bridge. Reconstruction of the Manhattan Terminal of this bridge, which includes the removal of train shed over Park Row. "2. Brooklyn Bridge. Reconstrution of the Brooklyn Terminal in connection with plans for the removal of elevated tracks on Fulton Street, Brooklyn. "3. Brooklyn Bridge. Eliminating spruce plank as wearing surface on main bridge and substituting wood block pavement. "4. Mlanhattan Bridge. Completion of southerly part of Manhattan Plaza. "5. Williamsburg Bridge. Eliminating Medina sandstone block and substituting granite blocks for pavement of approach spans, and reconstruction of the wood block pavement on the main span. "6. Queensboro Bridge. Reconstruction of roadway pavement on buckle plate floor. * * * "7. Queensboro Bridge. Completing the attics on masonry piers. "8. Vernon Avenue Bridge over Newtown Creek. Reconstruction of rolling segments and track girders. "9. Meeker Avenue Bridge over Ncwtownt Creek. New high level bridge in place of present low level structures. "10. Greenpoint Avenue Bridge over Newtaown Creek. New high level bridge in place of present low level structure. "11. Little Neck Bridge over Alley Creek, Borough of Queens. New bridge to accommodate highway and trolley traffic, which are now taken care of by two separate inadequate structures, one city owned and one owned by the railroad company. "12. Ocean Aventue Bridge over Sheepshead Bay. New bridge to accommodate highway and trolley traffic. Present structure is only for foot passengers. "13. Lemon Creek Bridge, Borough of Richmond. New bridge to accommodate pedestrians as well as roadway traffic. The present structure does not provide for pedestrian traffic. "14. New bridge over Bronx River at 174th Street. "15. New bridge over Harlem River at Morris Heights, on the line of 177th Street, Borough of The Bronx. 9 "16. New bridge over Flushing River at Roosevelt Avenue. This bridge will provide for highway traffic, and in addition will carry the rapid transit lines, which now terminate at Alburtis Avenue, Corona, to points east of Flushing River. "17. New bridge over Westchester Creek at Waterbury Avenue. "In addition to the above works, the Department will be called upon to design and construct any bridges required in completing the boulevard across Jamaica Bay, Borough of Queens, connecting the mainland and the Rockaways." 3. Organization of the Department. From the Civil Lists of June 30, 1915 and 1916, is obtained the following comparative statement of the organization of the department on these respective dates: June 30, June 30, Increase or 1916. 1915. *Decrease. Commissioner................................... Deputy Commissioner............................ Secretary to Department.......................... Secretary to Commissioner....................... Chief Clerk..................................... Chief Clerk, Brooklyn Bridge.................... Auditor......................................... Bookkeepers.................................... C lerks.......................................... Stenographers and Typewriters................. Messengers...................................... Telephone Operators............................ Photographer.................................... Engineers....................................... Transitmen...................................... L eveler......................................... D raftsm an...................................... Structural Steel Draftsmen...................... A xem en......................................... R odm en......................................... T oolm en....................................... Inspectors of Steel............................... Inspectors of M asonry.......................... Attendants...................................... Auto M achinist.................................. Brick Mason, Foreman........................... Bricklayers...................................... Bridge Keepers.................................. Bridge Mechanic, Foreman........................ Bridge M echanics................................ Bridge Tenders.................................. Blacksm iths..................................... Blacksmiths' H elpers............................. Carpenters, Foremen............................. Carpenters...................................... Ship Carpenter................................... Cleaners........................................ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 29 32 9 9 4 7 2 2 1 1 21 31 3 6 1 1 1 8 9 2 3 2 1 2 5 6 4 5 15 12 2 1 1 1 4 4 35 34 1 1 9 9 156 164 6 6 7 7 3 4 33 36 1 1 3 *1 *1 *1 *3 *3 *10 *3 *1 *1 *2 1 *1 *1 1 1 1 *8 *. *3 *3 10 June 30, June 30, Increase or 1916. 1915. *Decrease. Drivers......................................... 12 12 Electricians...................................... 2 2 Elevator Attendants.............................. 6 4 2 Enginemen...................................... 26 26 General Foremen................................ 3 3 Housesmiths.................................... 3 4 *1 Inspectors of Electric Lights and Conduits........ 2 2 Laborers, Foremen............................... 7 9 *2 Laborers, Assistant Foremen...................... 2 *2 Linemen, Foremen............................... 1 1.. Machinists, Assistant Foremen.................... 2 2 M achinists.................................... 16 17 *1 M achinists' Helpers.............................. 5 5 Mechanics' Helpers.............................. 2 2 O ilers........................................... 5 5 Painters, Foremen............................... 5 6 *1 Painter and Rigger, Foreman...................... 1 *1 Painters (Bridge).............................. 97 48 49 P avers.......................................... 6 6 Ram m ers........................................ 2 2 R iggers......................................... 2 2 Riveters, Forem en............-..................... 5 6 *1 R iveters......................................... 86 103 *17 Stokers.......................................... 8 13 *5 Licensed Firemen................................ 1 1 Stone Cutters................................... 2 2 Storekeepers.................................... 4 3 1 W atchmen...................................... 21 25 *4 W irem en........................................ 20 24 *4 Laborers........................................ 210 217 *7 Garage Foreman................................. 1.. 1 Chauffeurs...................................... 39.. 39 Totals................................... 971 963 8 The increases in positions shown above, arranged in order of their size, are: Painters (Bridge), 49; Chauffeurs (Added January 1, 1916), 39; Garage Foreman (added January 1, 1916), 1; Attendants, 3; Elevator Attendants, 2; Rodman, 1; Auto Machinist, 1; Bridge Keeper, 1; Storekeeper, 1; total increases, 98. The decreases in positions are: Riveters, 17; Engineers, 10; Bridge Tenders, 8; Laborers, 7; Stokers, 5; Watchmen, 4; Wiremen, 4; miscellaneous positions, 35; total decreases, 90. Substantially all of the increases in positions are due to the increase in the number of Painters and to the Garage Foreman and Chauffeurs added on January 1, 1916, in connection with the central municipal garage service. If we omit in our comparison with 1915 the 40 men added by this new service, the net decrease in positions would be 32 instead of a net increase of 8, as shown by the statement above. 11 4. Accrued Revenues. The gross revenues of the several bridges increased from $486,151.37 in 1914 to $513,829.48 in 1915, an increase of $27,678.18. The following statement displays the various classes of revenues and their sources: Revenues of the Department of Bridges, Accrued in 1914 and 1915. Tolls. Charges -- A — for Use of Total Bridge. Surface Elevated Loop and Rents. Privileges. Revenues. Roads. Roads. Terminals. Brooklyn, 1915... $66,494 65$128,544 40...... $78,839 26 $23,399 38$297,277 69 Brooklyn, 1914... 64,882 40 134,753 80...... 70,583 54 10,909 36 281,129 10 Increase or *Decrease........ $1,612 25 *$6,209 40...... $8,255 72 $12,490 02 $16,148 59 Williamsburg,1915 $80,648 35 $56,889 00...... $15,516 50......$153,053 85 Williamsburg,1914 78,300 95 53,643 40...... 15,258 34...... 147,202 69 Increase or *Decrease........ $2,347 40 $3,245 60...... $258 16...... $5,851 16 Manhattan, 1915. $12,462 15...... $520 24...... $1,070 70 $14,053 09 Manhattan, 1914. 11,186 20...... 448 08...... 5 00 11,639 28 Increase or *Decrease........ $1,275 95...... $72 16...... $1,065 70 $2,413 81 Queensboro, 1915 $28,301 38...... $10,815 00...... $3,729 18 $42,845 56 Queensboro, 1914 27,998 77...... 10,814 01...... 1,200 00 40,012 78 Increase or *Decrease......... $302 61...... $0 99...... $2,529 18 $2,832 78.T... -A T-%.-, Harlem River and Bronx, 1915.... Harlem River and Bronx, 1914.... Increase or *Decrease........ Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, 1915.......... Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, 1914.......... Increase or *Decrease............................$2,500 00 $3,638 19 $6,138 19................... 2,500 00 3,267 52 5,767 52.......................... $370 67 $370 67......................... $461 10 $461 10........................ 400 00 400 00............ All Bridges, 1915. $187,906 53 $185,433 40 All Bridges, 1914. 182,368 32 188,397 20 Increase or *Decrease........ $5,538 21 *$2,963 80........... $61 10 $61 10 $11,335 24 $96,855 76 $32,298 55 $513,829 48 11,262 09 88,341 88 15,781 88 486,151 37 $73 15 $8,513 88 $16,516 67 $27,678 11 12 The principal increases and decreases shown above are explained below: BROOKLYN BRIDGE. Decrease in Elevated Railroad Tolls, $6,209.40. This is said to be due to the smaller number of trains crossing the bridge, owing to the diversion of part of the passenger traffic to the new subway, leading to the Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges. Increase in Rents, $8,255.72. Space at the New York approach to the Brooklyn bridge was leased for an orangeade and confectionery stand at $5,000 per annum, and for a lunch counter and fruit stand at $5,640 per annum. A plot near the Brooklyn tower of this bridge was let for storage purposes at $4,080 per annum. Increase in Privilegrs, $12,490.02. A suit relative to charges for the two pneumatic tubes on the bridge used for the transportation of mail, etc., pending since 1909, was decided in favor of the city. The amount collected was $10,951.23, of which $947.07 was for interest. QUEENSBORO BRIDGE. Increase in Privileges, $2,529.18. This was received from electric lighting companies for extra cables strung over the bridge. 5. Deductions Under Section 48 of the General Tax Law Affecting the Reven= ues from the Bridges. The deductions in 1914 and 1915 from the taxes payable to the City by the various companies operating cars over the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges were: Statement of Deductions Under Section 48 of the General Tax Law Applied on the Tax Rolls During the Years 1914 and 1915, Respectively, for Tolls and Rentals Paid to the Department of Bridges for Crossing the New York and Brooklyn Bridge and Williamsburg Bridge During Said Years. Year. Name of Company. 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 Coney Island and Brooklyn Railroad Co.............. Brooklyn Heights Railroad Co....................... Local Railroad Tolls............................... Nassau Electric Railroad Company................... Washington Street Siding.......................... Brooklyn and Queens County & Suburban R. R. Co... Brooklyn Union Elevated R. R. Co. (New York Consolidated R. R. Co.).............................. Total......................................... Coney Island and Brooklyn Railroad Co.............. Brooklyn Heights Railroad Co....................... Local Railroad Tolls................................ Nassau Electric Railroad Company.................. Washington Street Siding.......................... Brooklyn and Queens County & Suburban R. R. Co.... Brooklyn Union Elevated R. R. Co. (New York Consolidated R. R. Co.).............................. T otal......................................... New York and WilliamsBrooklyn burg Bridge. Bridge. $12,013 55 $4,261 50 36,991 50 15,876 65 6,071 85........ 12,763 30 3,333 10 1,000 00.................18,048 85 135,919 30 12,911 90 $204,759 50 $54,432 00 $11,630 05 $4,067 60 36,175 65 15,343 05 5,531 80........ 12,594 65 3,469 10 1,000 00................ 18,061 00 134,497 70........ $201,429 85 $40,940 75 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 13 Note-The New York Railways Company, successors to the Metropolitan Street Railroad Company, applied for a writ of mandamus against the City for deductions, under section 48 of the General Tax Law, for tolls paid by it to The City of New York for crossing the Williamsburg Bridge. The deductions claimed were as follows: $10,292.25 paid up to March 31, 1912; $22,205.45 paid up to March 31, 1913, and $20,535.75 paid up to March 31, 1914. The Supreme Court denied this writ, and its order was affirmed by the Appellate Division in March, 1916. The portion of section 48 quoted below gives the authority for the deductions shown above, and shows also, in italics, the amendment passed to eliminate these deductions in the future: "Sec. 48. Deduction from special franchise tax for local purposes. If, when the tax assessed on any special franchise is due and payable under the provisions of law applicable to the city, town or village in which the tangible property is located, it shall appear that the person, copartnership, association or corporation effective has paid to such city, town or village for its exclusive use within the next preceding year, under any agreement therefor, or under any statute requiring the same, any sum based upon a percentage of gross earnings, or any other income, or any license fee, or any sum of money on account of such special franchise, granted to or possessed by such person, copartnership, association or corporation, which payment was in the nature of a tax, all amounts so paid for the exclusive use of such city, town or village except money paid or expended for paving or repairing of pavement of any street, highway or public place, and except in a city of the first class car license fees or tolls paid for the privilege of crossing a bridge owned by the city, shall be deducted from any tax based on the assessment made by the state board of tax commissioners for city, town or village purposes, but not otherwise; and the remainder shall be the tax on such special franchise payable for city, town or village purposes. * * * *" The elimination of these deductions should mean an annual saving to the city of approximately $190,000. 6. Expenditures, 1905 to 1915. Below are shown the expenditures of the department from appropriations, special revenue bonds and revenues from 1905 to 1915, inclusive. The figures for 1914 and 1915 are on a "consumption" basis: 1905........................ $863,611 26 1911........................ 1,424,579 43 1906........................ 990,468 71 1912........................ 1,446,171 37 1907........................ 1,078,545 35 1913........................ 1,330,093 72 1908........................ 1,151,255 38 1914........................ 1,280,133 06 1909........................ 1,311,801 45 1915........................ 1,201,393 39 1910........................ 1,532,683 60 The tax-budget appropriations for these same years and for 1916 were: 1905........................ $447,138 38 1911........................ 793,053 95 1906........................ 485,608 38 1912........................ 825,312 25 1907........................ 547,545 60 1913........................ 922,255 25 1908........................ 569,545 60 1914........................ 871,699 85 1909........................ 790.808 64 1 1915........................ 802,218 09 1910........................ 881,241 25 1916........................ 746,769 95 The difference between the expenditures and the tax-budget appropriations, 1905 to 1915, are made up of expenditures from the revenues of the bridges (about$5,750,000) and special revenue bond funds (about $450,000). In 1910 the expenditures from bridge revenues aggregated $769,314.43; in 1915 the expenditures from this source were but $382,482.82. This decrease in expenditures from revenues is ascribable to the 14 discontinuance of tolls on highway vehicles. Substantially all of the special revenue bonds were issued because of the inadequacy of the bridge revenues to meet the operating expenses of the bridges from 1911 to 1915. Despite the increase in the service rendered by the bridges of the city, the appropriations for them have decreased from $881,241.25 in 1910 to $746,769.95 in 1916, while the entire expenditures for operation and maintenance have fallen from $1,532,683.60 in 1910 to $1,201,393.39 in 1915. The $746,769.95 appropriated for 1915 also includes $137,500.50 for the maintenance and operation of a Municipal Garage Service. 7. Expenditures of 1914 and 1915 Upon a Detailed and Comparative Basis. The information indicated by the above caption is shown in the following statements: Statement No. 1 following shows the cost of operation and maintenance of each bridge in 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 2 shows the cost of operation of each bridge in 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 3 shows the cost of maintenance (repairs and replacements) of each bridge in 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 4 shows the cost of operating and maintaining the four repair shops of the Department of Bridges in 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 5 shows the cost of operating and maintaining the four storehouses of the Department in 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 6 shows the cost of stable service in the Department of Bridges in 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 7 shows the cost of operation and maintenance of Comfort Stations in the Department of Bridges in 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 8 compares the overhead and undistributed expenditures of the Department of Bridges with the direct expenditures for the years 1914 and 1915. Statement No. 1, Showing the Cost of Operation and Maintenance of Each Bridge for the Years 1914 and 1915. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. General. General Administration................. $93,203 67 $90,845 63 $2,358 04 Automobile Service....................... 10,327 30 8,719 54 1,607 76 Total, General.................. $103,530 97 $99,565 17 $3,965 80 East River Bridges. Administration.......................... $541 66 $6,516 37 *$5,974 71 New York and Brooklyn................. 285,238 60 352,688 43 *67,449 83 Williamsburg........................... 222,197 61 198,997 37 23,200 24 Manhattan.............................. 62,428 27 60,112 14 2,316 13 Queensboro............................. 86,862 77 86,941 08 *78 31 Total, East River Bridges........ $657,268 91 $705,255 39 *$47,986 48 Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges. Administration.......................... $24,979 54 $33,858 29 $8,878 75 135th Street............................. 2,288 98 2,997 06 *708 08 Westchester Ave........................ 4,776 05 5,799 55 *1,023 50 15 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. U nionport............................... Pelham................................. City Island.............................. Eastchester............................. W illis A ve.............................. 3d A venue.............................. M adison Avenue......................... 145th Street............................ M acomb's Dam.......................... New York and Putnam.................. W ashington............................. University Heights...................... Ship Canal.............................. Broadway............................... K ings................................... U ndistributed............................ Total, Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges............ Brooklyn Borough Bridges. A dm inistration.......................... Hamilton Ave............................ 9th Street............................... 3d Street................................ Carroll Street........................... U nion Street............................ W ashington Ave......................... Harway Avenue........................ Ocean Avenue........................... Shell Road.............................. Total, Brooklyn Borough Bridges. Newtown Creek Bridges. V ernon Ave............................. Greenpoint Avenue...................... M eeker Avenue......................... Grand Street............................ Metropolitan Avenue (Swing)............ Total, Newtown Creek Bridges... Queens Borough Bridges. Borden Avenue......................... Flushing Avenue........................ Strong's Causeway...................... Little Neck............................. Hunter's Point Avenue.................. Total, Queens Borough Bridges.. 6,764 99 7,746 17 2,998 42 5,253 96 34,016 61 26,739 53 19,056 45 20,878 21 24,316 47 4,229 73 5,836 73 15,730 73 16,375 85 13 12 15,441 56 5,455 75 7,006 36 4,183 71 4,915 65 33,099 15 41,476 25 20,470 35 23,597 70 26,786 24 3,786 04 20,766 87 18,604 24 17,671 08 35 26 17,146 49 1,309 24 739 81 *1,185 29 338 31 917 46 *14,736 72 *1.413 90 *2,719 49 *2,469 77 443 69 *14,930 14 *2,873 51 *1,295 23 *22 14 *1,704 93 $237,443 10 $287,656 04 *$50,212 94 $10,791 11 8,465 95 8,517 24 7,744 09 9,693 40 6,236 85 8,169 55 5,313 80 156 93 139 95 $65,228 87 $34,517 77 12,615 71 10,655 92 7,243 03 7,864 01 $72,896 44 $4,605 73 8,220 26 693 84 1,169 55 3,318 05 $18,007 43 $10,744 45 7,951 64 9,939 94 9,850 02 6,673 64 6,560 14 8,306 36 5,068 00 138 69 178 54 $65,411 42 $32,814 07 10,989 33 10,089 10 10,250 03 8,183 55 $72,326 08 $6,107 21 7,849 92 1,375 14 789 69 3,474 96 $19,596 92 $46 66 514 31 *1,422 70 *2,105 93 3,019 76 *323 29 *136 81 245 80 18 24 *38 59 *$182 55 $1,703 70 1,626 38 566 82 *3,007 00 *319 54 $570 36 *$1,501 48 370 34 *681 30 379 86 *156 91 *$1,589 49 16 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Richmond Borough Bridges. Lemon Creek........................... $1,014 48 $990 12 $24 36 Fresh Kills.............................. 6,540 26 1,722 44 4,817 82 Total, Richmond Borough Bridges $7,554 74 $2,712 56 $4,842 18 General. Undistributed........................... $8,091 15 $11,963 38 *$3,872 23 Municipal Building...................... 771 87 2,744 33 *1,972 46 155th St. Viaduct........................ 12,663 21 7,928 01 4,735 20 Riverside Drive Viaduct................. 2,786 96.......... 2,786 96 General Painting........................ 15,149 74 4,973 76 10,175 98 Total, General.................. $39,462 93 $27,609 48 $11,853 45 Grand Total.................... $1,201,393 39 $1,280,133 (16 *$78,739 67 The items above showing in 1915 an increase in cost of more than $1,000 over the cost in 1914 are: W illiamsburg Bridge.................................................. $23,200 24 Manhattan.2,316 13 U nionport............................................................ 1,309 Z4 Carroll Street......................................................... 3,019 76 V ernon A venue....................................................... 1,703 70 Greenpoint A ve....................................................... 1,626 38 Fresh K ills........................................................... 4,817 82 155th St. V iaduct..................................................... 4,735 20 Riverside Drive Viaduct.............................................. 2,786 96 General Painting...................................................... 10,175 98 General Adm inistration................................................ 2,358 04 Autom obile Service................................................... 1,607 76 Those showing a decrease in 1915 of $1,000 or over are: Administration (East River Bridges)................................. $5,974 71 New York and Brooklyn Bridge...................................... 67,449 83 Administration (Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges)......... 8,878 75 W estchester Avenue.................................................. 1,023 50 City Island.1,185 29 C ity Island........................................................... 1,185 29 T hird A venue........................................................ 14,736 72 M adison A venue...................................................... 1,413 90 145th Street.......................................................... 2,719 49 M acom b's D am....................................................... 2,469 77 W ashington.......................................................... 14,930 14 U niversity H eights................................................... 2,873 51 Ship C anal........................................................... 1,295 23 U ndistributed......................................................... 1,704 93 N inth Street......................................................... 1,422 70 T hird Street.......................................................... 2,105 93 G rand Street......................................................... 3,007 00 Borden A venue....................................................... 1,501 48 U ndistributed (General).............................................. 3,872 23 M unicipal Building.................................................... 1,972 46 17 Statement No. 2, Showing the Cost of Operation of Each Bridge for the Years 1914 and 1915. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. East River Bridges. New York and Brooklyn................... W illiamsburg........................... M anhattan............................... Q ueensboro.............................. T otals........................... Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges. 135th Street Bridge...................... W estchester Avenue..................... U nionport............................... Pelham................................. City Island.............................. Eastchester.............................. W illis A venue.......................... Third Avenue.......................... M adison Avenue........................ 145th Street............................ MIacombs Dam.......................... New York and Putnam................. W ashington............................. University Heights...................... Ship Canal............................. Undistributed............................ Totals........................... Brooklyn Borough Bridges. Hamilton Avenue....................... 9th Street Bridge........................ 3rd Street Bridge........................ Carroll Street........................... Union Street............................ Washington Avenue..................... Harway Avenue......................... Ocean Avenue........................... Totals........................... Queensboro Bridges. Borden Avenue.......................... Flushing Creek.......................... Strongs Causeway....................... Little Neck.............................. Hunters Point Avenue................... Totals........................... $63,637 79 48,018 00 30,460 27 34,591 72 $176,707 78 $2,137 48 4,097 23 4,375 07 6,862 79 2,791 59 3,926 48 28,914 98 23,670 69 18,368 74 20,340 85 19,698 68 3,724 23 4,373 09 13,937 86 14,775 79 6,296 19 $178,291 74 $7,295 98 7,373 08 7,116 87 5,062 89 5,342 55 7,073 68 4,067 83 8 75 $43,341 63 $4,438 45 7,458 79 327 56 708 33 3,104 53 $16,037 66 > $88,573 35 67,992 87 31,566 97 37,741 18 $225,874 37 $2,263 28 4,936 30 3,905 42 6,678 96 3,218 09 3,763 80 28,103 17 28,081 10 20,101 59 22,897 09 21,233 43 3,629 94 4,219 54 13,683 16 16,500 62 6,945 35 $190,160 84 $7,052 99 7,258 37 6,812 10 5,098 15 5,018 54 7,399 76 3,903 21 10 75 $42,553 87 $5,549 76 7,067 72 799 50 655 25 3,035 43 $17,107 66 *$24,935 56 *19,974 87 *1,106 70 *3,149 46 *$49,166 59 *$125 80 *839 07 469 65 183 83 *426 50 162 68 811 81 *4,410 41 *1,732 85 *2,556 24 *1,534 75 94 29 153 55 254 70 *1,724 83 *649 16 *$11,869 10 $242 99 114 71 304 77 *35 26 324 01 *326 08 164 62 *2 00 $787 76 *$1,111 31 391 07 *471 94 53 08 69 10 *$1,070 00 18 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Richmond Borough Bridges. Lemon Creek............................ $968 91 $905 48 $63 43 Fresh Kills.............................. 896 10 956 37 *60 27 Totals.......................... $1,865 01 $1,861 85 $3 16 Newtown Creek Bridges. Vernon Avenue.......................... $26,546 32 $26,877 69 *$331 37 Greenpoint Avenue...................... 10,200 22 9,683 04 517 18 Meeker Avenue......................... 9,352 68 9,463 20 *110 52 Grand Street........................... 7,133 49 8,773 96 *1,640 47 Metropolitan Avenue (Swing Bridge).... 7,250 70 7,155 34 95 36 Totals........................... $60,483 41 $61,953 23 *$1,469 82 Miscellaneous. Undistributed............................ $4,901 69 $3,940 37 $961 32 Total Operation............. $481,628 92 $543,452 19 *$61,823 27 Below is shown the cost of operation of each bridge and the cost of each subactivity incident to operation: CARE OF BRIDGES-OPERATION. East River Bridges. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. New York and Brooklyn. General Care and Watching............. $5,496 51 $11,277 97 *$5,781 46 Light, Heat and Power.................. 20,348 61 29,313 03 *8,964 42 Cleaning................................ 32,062 84 40,646 40 *8,583 56 Emergency Snow Removal.............. 1,051 59 3,213 94 *2,162 35 Vacations and Miscellaneous............. 4,678 24 4,122 01 556 23 Total Operation, Brooklyn and New York.................... $63,637 79 $88,573 35 *$24,935 56 Williamsburg. General Care and Watching............. $3,063 16 $3,931 26 *$868 10 Light, Heat and Power.................. 11,994 39 23,143 02 *11,148 63 Cleaning................................ 26,322 62 31,457 04 *5,134 42 Emergency Snow Removal.............. 3,923 04 7,144 87 *3,221 83 Vacations and Miscellaneous............. 2,714 79 2,316 68 398 11 Total Operation, Williamsburg Bridge........................ $48,018 00 $67,992 87 *$19,974 87 19 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Manhattan. General Care and Watching............. $1,735 75 $2,005 09 *$269 34 Light, Heat and Power.................. 5,067 86 5,043 34 24 52 Cleaning................................ 21,038 92 20,690 81 348 11 Emergency Snow Removal............... 1,585 74 2,813 63 *1,227 89 Vacations and Miscellaneous............ 1,032 00 1,014 10 17 90 Total Operation, Manhattan Bridge $30,460 27 $31,566 97 *$1,106 70 Queensboro. General Care and Watching............. $7,031 62 $8,574 87 *$1,543 25 Light, Heat and Power.................. 2,744 61 2,866 29 *121 68 Cleaning................................ 20,614 41 20,730 12 *115 71 Emergency Snow Removal.............. 2,451 72 4,230 30 *1,778 58 Vacations and Miscellaneous............ 1,749 36 1,339 60 409 76 Total Operation, Queensboro Bridge........................ $34,591 72 $37,741 18 *$3,149 46 Total Operation, East River Bridges....................... $176,707 78 $225,874 37 *$49,166 59 Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. 135th Street Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. $1,867 92 $1,851 37 $16 55 Light. Heat and Power................... 199 15 211 35 *12 20 Cleaning................................ 61 04 155 30 *94 26 Emergency Snow Removal............... 9 37 30 01 *20 64 Counting Traffic.................................. 15 25 *15 25 Total Operation, 135th Street Bridge $2,137 48' $2,263 28 *$125 80 Westchester Ave. Bridge. General Care and Watching............. $3,774 46 $3,657 29 $117 17 Light. Heat and Power................... 151 82 1,008 89 *857 07 Cleaning................................ 157 82 200 17 *42 35 Emergency Snow Removal.............. 13 13 41 70 *28 57 Counting Traffic.................................. 28 25 *28 25 Total Operation, Westchester Ave. Bridge.......................... $4,097 23 $4,936 30 *$839 07 Unionport Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. $3,742 17 $3,686 59 $55 58 Light, Heat and Power................... 414 10 64 67 349 43 Cleaning................................ 218 80 138 66 80 14 Counting Traffic.................................. 15 50 *15 50 Total Operation, Unionport Bridge. $4,375 07 $3,905 42 $469 65 20 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Pelham Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning.................................Emergency Snow Removal............... Counting Traffic........................ Total Operation, Pelham Bridge.... City Island Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................ Emergency Snow Removal................ Counting Traffic......................... Total Operation, City Island Bridge. Eastchester Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................ Counting Traffic........................ Total Operation, Eastchester Bridge. Willis Avenue. General Care and Watching............... Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................. Emergency Snow Removal............... Counting Traffic......................... Total Operation, Willis Avenue Bridge.......................... Third Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................ Emergency Snow Removal............... Counting Traffic........................ Total Operation, Third Avenue Bridge Madison Avenuc Bridge. General Care and Watching............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................. Emergency Snow Removal............... Counting Traffic........................ Total Operation, Madison Avenue Bridge.......................... $5,176 01 594 85 1,006 93 85 00 $6,862 79 $1,960 68 291 58 514 33 25 00 $2,791 59 $3,730 60 47 85 148 03 $3,926 48 t$13,413 89 8,592 61 5,894 83 1,013 65 $5,364 56 232 44 1,003 83 70 63 7 50 $6,678 96 $1,950 55 475 57 747 22 37 00 7 75 $3,218 09 $3,623 14 77 20 55 71 7 75 $3,763 80 $10,493 31 10,101 45 5,882 62 1,599 04 26 75 *$188 55 362 41 3 10 14 37 *7 50 $183 83 $10 13 *183 99 *232 89 *12 00 *7 75 *$426 50 $107 46 *29 35 92 32 *7 75 $162 68 $2,920 58 *1,508 84 12 21 *585 39 *26 75 $811 81 $1,142 76 *4,148 91 *612 30 *766 46 *25 50 *$4,410 41 $121 49 *1,584 14 *90 20 *156 00 *24 00 *$1,732 85 $28,914 98 $28,103 17 t$10.768 35 $9,625 59 8,144 12 12,293 03 3,973 56 4,585 86 784 66 1,551 12............25 50 $23,670 69 $28,081 10 $9,681 07 5,721 83 2,380 79 585 05 $18,368 74 $9,559 58 7,305 97 2,470 99 741 05 24 00 $20,101 59 21 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. 145th Street Bridge. General Care and Watching............. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................ Emergency Snow Removal............... Counting Traffic........................ Total Operation, 145th Street Bridge Macomb's Dam Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... C leaning................................ Emergency Snow Removal................ Counting Traffic........................ Total Operation, Macomb's Dam B ridge.......................... New York and Putnam Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... C leaning................................ Counting Traffic........................ Total Operation, N. Y. and Putnam B ridge................................ Washington Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... C leaning................................ Emergency Snow Removal............... Counting Traffic and Miscellaneous...... Total Operation, Washington Bridge University Heights Bridge. General Care and Watching............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................. Emergency Snow Removal............... Counting Traffic and Miscellaneous....... Total Operation, University Heights B ridge.......................... Ship Canal Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... $9,831 27 6,724 00 3,244 48 541 10 $20,340 85 $9.8)3 94 6,285 57 3,263 43 345 74 $9,569 03 9,379 39 3,302 27 622 40 24 00 $22,897 09 $9,799 85 7,933 35 3,140 87 335 36 24 00 $262 24 *2,655 39 *57 79 *81 30 *24 00 *$2,556 24 $4 09 *1,647 78 122 56 10 38 *24 00 *$1,534 75 $121 23 10 68 *29 62 *8 00 $19,698 68 $21,233 43 $3,693 80 30 43 $3,572 57 19 75 29 62 8 00 $3,724 23 $3,629 94 $94 29 $14 46 86 20 3,647 C8 625 35 $4,373 09 t$6,917 72 5,198 73 1,739 91 81 50.......... $5 75 30 00 3,648 16 504 13 31 50 $4,219 54 $5,300 40 6,482 04 1,756 72 112 50 31 50 $8 71 56 20 *1 08 121 22 *31 50 $153 55 $1,617 32 *1,283 31 *16 81 *31 00 *31 50 $13,937 86 $13,683 16 $254 70 $9 640 63 $8,777 33 $863 30 4,944 67 7,673 22 *2,728 55 t Contains charges for opening and closing bridges. Similar charges in 1914 were charged to Light, Heat and Power. 22 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Cleaning................................ 189 95 26 07 163 88 Emergency Snow Removal............... 54.......... 54 Counting Traffic and Miscellaneous................ 24 00 *24 00 Total Operation, Ship Canal Bridge $14,775 79 $16,500 62 $1,724 83 Undistributed. General Care and Watching.............. t$2,712 74.......... $2,712 74 Cleaning................................ 5 26.......... 5 26 Counting Traffic and Miscellaneous...... 3,578 19 $6,945 35 *3,367 16 Total Undistributed............... $6,296 19 $6,945 35 *$649 16 Total Operation, Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges........ $178,291 74 $190,160 84 *-$11,869 10 tSimilar charges included in 1914 in general term "Undistributed." Brooklyn Borough Bridges. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Hamilton Avenue Bridge General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................ Total Operation, Hamilton Avenue B ridge........................ 9th Street Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................ Total Operation, 9th Street Bridge 3rd Street Bridge. General Care and Watching............... Light Heat and Power.................... Cleaning................................ Total Operation, 3rd Street Bridge Carroll Street Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................ Total Operation, Carroll Street Bridge........................ $6,602 99 687 70 5 29 $6,406 44 637 06 9 49 $196 55 50 64 *4 20 $7,295 98 $7,052 99 $242 99 $6,797 99 569 85 5 24 $7,373 08 $6,690 76 421 55 4 56 $7,116 87 $4,733 17 320 74 8 98 $6,635 62 614 87 7 88 $7,258 37 $6,209 32 568 91 33 87 $6,812 10 $4,791 28 298 89 7 98 $162 37 *45 02 *2 64 $114 71 $481 44 *147 36 *29 31 $304 77 *$58 11 21 85 1 00 $5,062 89 $5,098 15 *$35 26 23 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Union Street Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................ Total Operation, Union Street Bridge........................ Washington Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................ Emergency Snow Removal.............. Total Operation, Washington Avenue Bridge.................... Harzay Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................ Total Operation, Harway Avenue Bridge........................ Ocean Avenue Bridge. Light, Heat and Power.................. Cleaning................................ Emergency Snow Removal.............. Total Operation, Ocean Avenue B ridge........................ Total Operation, Brooklyn Borough Bridges................. $4,921 80 417 21 3 54 $4,551 84 458 01 8 69 $369 96 *40 80 *5 15 $5,342 55 $5,018 54 $324 01 $5,445 90 $5,476 91 1,413 26 1,908 60 209 72 14 25 4 80........ $7,073 68 $7,399 76 $3,901 12 164 01 2 70 $4,067 83 $8 75 $8 75 $43,341 63 $3,669 84 207 81 25 56 $3,903 21 $2 50 8 25........ *$31 01 *495 34 195 47 4 80 *$326 08 $231 28 *43 80 *22 86 $164 62 *$2 50 *8 25 8 75 $10 75 *$2 00 $42,553 87 $787 76 Queens Borough Bridges. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Bordcn Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. $3,903 57 $4,114 70 *$211 13 Light, Heat and Power................... 447 90 1,292 49 *844 59 Cleaning................................. 4 58 16 96 *12 38 Emergency Snow Removal................ 82 40 125 61 *43 21 Total Operation, Borden Avenue Bridge........................ $4,438 45 $5,549 76 *$1,111 31 --------— ~... 24 1915. Increase or 1914. *Decrease. Flushing Creek Bridge. General Care and Watching............... Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................. Emergency Snow Removal............. Total Operation, Flushing Creek Bridge......................... Strongs Causeway Bridge. General Care and Watching............... Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................. Total Operation, Strongs Causeway Bridge......................... Little Neck Bridge. General Care and Watching............... Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................. Total Operation, Little Neck Bridge Hunters Point Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watching............... Light, Heat and Power.................... Cleaning................................. Emergency Snow Removal................ Total Operation, Hunters Point Avenue Bridge................. Total Operation Queens Borough Bridges........................ $6,598 08 692 67 5 04 163 00 $7,458 79 $221 62 105 23 71 $6,411 69 476 38 15 15 164 50 $186 39 216 29 *10 11 *1 50 $7,067 72 $391 07 $751 50 44 70 3 30 *$529 88 60 53 *2 59 $327 56 $799 50 *$471 94 $693 99 10 81 3 53 $708 33 $2,699 81 403 38 1 05 29 $502 25 152 26 74 $655 25 $2,618 49 414 13 2 81...... $191 74 *141 45 2 79 $53 08 $81 32 *10 75 *1 76 29 $3,104 53 $3,035 43 $69 10 $16,037 66 $17,107 66 *$1,070 00 Richmond Borough Bridges. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Lemon Creek Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. $952 50 $865 42 $87 08 Light, Heat and Power.................... 13 38 35 30 *21 92 Cleaning................................. 3 03 4 76 *1 73 Total Operation, Lemon Creek Bridge......................... $968 91 $905 48 $63 43 25 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Fresh Kills Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. $877 50 $16 94 $860 56 Light, Heat and Power................... 10 06 935 05 *924 99 (leaning................................. 8 54 4 38 4 16 Total Operation, Fresh Kills Bridge $896 10 $956 37 *$60 27 Total Operation, Richmond Borough Bridges........................ $1,865 01 $1,861 85 $3 16 Newtown Creek Bridges. Increase or 1915 1914 *Decrease. Vernon Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watching............... Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................. Emergency Snow Removal............... Total Operation, Vernon Avenue B ridge......................... Grcenpoint Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watchilng.............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning................................. 'Total Operation, Greenpoint Avenue Bridge.................... Meeker Avenue Bridge. General Care and Watching............. Light, Heat and Power.................. C leaning................................. Total Operation, Meeker Avenue Bridge......................... Grand Street Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. Light, Heat and Power................... Cleaning.................................. Emergency Snow Removal............... Total Operation, Grand Street B ridge......................... $13,299 61 7,301 72 4,882 47 1,062 52 $13,515 94 7,399 62 4,760 74 1,201 39 $26,546 32 $26,877 69 $8,796 45 1,389 83 13 94 $8,687 81 981 96 13 27 *$216 33 *97 90 121 77 *138 87 *$331 33 $108 64 407 87 67 $517 18 $84 58 *160 47 *34 63 $10,200 22 $9,683 04 $8,387 40 947 25 18 03 $8,302 82 1,107 72 52 66 $9,352 68 $9,463 20 *$110 52 $6,680 09 433 39 20 01........ $6,127 10 2,523 91 122 08 87 $552 99 *2,090 52 *102 07 *87 $7,133 49 $8,773 96 *$1,640 47 26 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Metropolitan Avenue Bridge (Swing). General Care and Watching............... $6,708 85 $6,644 94 $63 91 Light, Heat and Power.................... 402 45 494 95 *92 50 Cleaning................................. 139 40 15 45 123 95 Total Operation, Metropolitan Avenue Bridge (Swing)............ $7,250 70 $7,155 34 $95 36 Total Operation, Newtown Creek Bridges........................ $60,483 41 $61,953 23 *$1,469 82 Undistributed. General Cleaning and Watching........... $4,030 19 Counting Traffic and Miscellaneous....... 871 50j $3,940 37 $961 32 Total Undistributed.............. $4,901 69 $3,940 37 $961 32 CARE OF BRIDGES-OPERATION-SUMMARY. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. East River Bridges...................... Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges............................... Brooklyn Borough Bridges............... Queens Borough Bridges................. Richmond Borough Bridges............... Newtown Creek Bridges................. Undistributed............................ Total Operation, All Bridges...... Operation, All Bridges. General Care and Watching............... Heat, Light and Power................... C leaning................................. Emergency Snow Removal............... M iscellaneous............................ U ndistributed............................ Total Operation, All Bridges...... $176,707 78 $225,874 37 *$49,166 59 178,291 74 190,160 84 *11,869 10 43,341 63 42,553 87 787 76 16,037 66 17,107 66 *1,070 00 1,855 01 1,861 85 3 16 60,483 41 61,953 23 *1,469 82 4,901 69 3,940 37 961 32 $481,628 92 $543,452 19 *$61,823 27 $210,257 21 103,735 37 131,820 13 14,443 94 10,174 39 11,197 88 $481,628 92 $208,926 95 144,209 12 145,796 71 24,540 05 9,093 64 10,885 72 $543,452 19 $1,330 26 *40,473 75 *13,976 58 *10,696 11 1,080 75 312 16 *$61,823 27 3tatement No. 3, Showing the Cost of Maintenance (Repairs and Replacements) of Each Bridge for the Years 1914 and 1915. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. East River Bridges. New York and Brooklyn................ $139,566 60 $188,374 83 *$48,8(8 23 Williamsburg........................... 135,497 01 92,572 65 42,924 36 27 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M anhattan.............................. Queensboro............................. Total, East River Bridges...... Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges. 135th Street............................. Westchester Avenue..................... U nionport.............................. Pelham................................. City Island............................... Fastchester............................. W illis Avenue......................... Third Avenue.......................... Madison Avenue........................ 145th Street............................ M acombs Dam.......................... New York and Putnam................. W ashington............................. University Heights...................... Ship Canal.............................. Broadw ay............................... U ndistributed........................... T otal........................... Brooklyn Borough Bridges. Hamilton Avenue....................... 9th Street............................... 3d Street............................... Carroll Street........................... U nion Street............................ Washington Avenue..................... Harway Avenue........................ Ocean Avenue........................... Shell R oad.............................. T otal........................... Queens Borough Bridges. Borden Avenue................... Flushing Avenue........................ Strongs Causeway...................... Little N eck............................. Hunters Point Avenue.................. Total........................... Richmond Borough Bridges. Lemon Creek........................... Fresh Kills............................. Total........................... 1915. 22,973 87 37,045 37 $335,082 85 $151 50 678 82 2,389 92 883 38 206 83 1,327 48 5,101 63 3,068 84 687 71 537 36 4,617 79 505 50 1,463 64 1,792 87 1,600 06 13 12 9,145 37 $34,171 82 $1,169 97 1,144 16 627 22 4,630 51 894 30 1,095 87 1.245 97 148 18 139 95 $11,096 13 $167 28 761 47 366 28 461 22 213 52 $1,969 77 $45 57 5,644 16 $5,689 73 1914. 20,c6 83 33.903 02 $334,917 33 $733 78 863 25 1,548 58 327 40 965 62 1,151 85 4,995 98 13,395 15 368 76 700 61 5,552 81 156 10 16,547 33 4,921 08 1,170 46 35 26 10,201 14 $63,635 16 $898 65 2,681 57 3,037 92 1,575 49 1,541 60 906 60 1,164 79 127 94 178 54 $12,113 10 $557 45 782 20 575 64 134 44 432 08 $2,481 81 $84 64 766 07 $850 71 Increase or *Decrease. 2,907 04 3,142 35 $165 52 *$582 28 *184 43 841 34 555 98 *758 79 175 63 105 65 *10,326 31 318 95 *163 25 *935 02 349 40 *15,083 69 *3,128 21 429 60 *22 14 *1,055 77 *$29,463 34 $271 32 *1,537 41 *2,410 70 3,055 02 *647 30 189 27 81 18 20 24 *38 59 *$1,016 97 *$390 17 *20 73 *209 36 326 78 *218 56 *$512 04 *$39 07 4,878 09 $4,839 02 28 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Newtown Creek Bridges. Vernon Avenue......................... $7,971 45 $5,936 38 $2,035 07 Greenpoint Avenue...................... 2,415 49 1,306 29 1,109 20 Meeker Avenue.......................... 1,303 24 625 90 677 34 Grand Street........................... 109 54 1,476 07 *1,366 53 Metropolitan Avenue (swing)........... 613 31 1,028 21 *414 90 Total........................... $12,413 03 $10,372 85 $2,040 18 Miscellaneous. Undistributed........................... $3,189 46 $8,023 01 *$4,833 55 Municipal Building..................... 771 87 2,744 33 *1,972 46 155th Street Viaduct.................... 12,663 21 7,928 01 4,735 20 Riverside Drive Viaduct................. 2,786 96........ 2,786 96 General painting........................ 15,149 74 4,973 76 10,175 98 Total........................... $34,561 24 $23,669 11 $10,892 13 Total, Maintenance, All Bridges.. $434,984 57 $448,040 07 *$13,055 50 Below is shown the cost of maintenance (repairs and replacements) for each bridge and the subactivities incident to maintenance for 1914 and 1915: EAST RIVER BRIDGES. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. New York and Brooklyn-Direct Charges. Structural Painting...................... Structural Repairing................... Walks and Roadways.................... Land Approaches........................ W arehouses............................. General Charges........................ $34,952 41 53,782 91 17,818 98 4,799 24 11,487 20 16,725 86 $40,405 94 78,026 57 31,133 64 4,407 78 9,446 88 24,954 02 $188,374 83 *$5,453 53 *24,243 66 *13,314 66 391 46 2,040 32 *8,228 16 *$48,808 23 Total........................... $139,566 60 Williamsburg-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Land Approaches....................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ W arehouses............................. General Charges........................ T otal........................... ($58,943 74 $12,209 99 31,787 23 28,317 06 11,654 38 24,481 08 11,302 44 6,324 40 390 81 34 25 1,454 24 923 16 19,964 17 20,282 71 $135,497 01 $92,572 65 $46,733 75 3,470 17 *12,826 70 4,978 04 356 56 531 08 *318 54 $42,924 36 aThe average cost of painting on this bridge for 1913, 1914 and 1915 was $36,896.48. 29 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Manhattan-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Land Approaches....................... W arehouses............................ General Charges........................ T otal.......................... Quecnsboro-Direct Charges Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Land Approaches....................... W arehouses............................ General Charges........................ T otal........................... Harlem River, Bronx and Manhattan Bridges-135th Street-Direct Charges. Structural Painting...................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ T otal............................ Westchester Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting.................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ T otal............................ Unionport Bridge-Direct Charges Structural Painting...................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................. Land Approaches....................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ T otal........................... Pelham Bridge-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing................... Walks and Roadways................... $2,473 57 8,987 49 1,520 39 2,366 73 b5,345 57 2,280 12 $22,973 87 $298 51 17,429 30 13,245 06 280 06 5,792 44 $37,045 37 $136 02 15 48 $151 50 $168 55 99 48 126 44 284 35 $678 82 $436 98 1,069 61 237 39 352 27 270 19 23 48 $2,389 92 $306 05 495 40 $4,118 21 9,404 90 2,634 15 1,492 50 420 00 1,997 07 $20,066 83 $586 85 15,202 28 11,024 62 823 88 2 50 6,262 89 $33,903 02 $0 50 101 33 303 80 328 00 15 $733 78 $287 34 413 97 159 80 2 14 $863 25 $103 07 1,006 10 31 55 385 69 22 17 $1,548 58 $9 00 285 86 16 16 *$1,644 64 *417 41 *1,113 76 874 23 4,925 57 283 05 $2,907 04 *$288 34 2,227 02 2,220 44 *543 82 *2 50 *470 45 $3,142 35 *$0 50 34 69 *288 32 *328 00 *15 *$582 28 $168 55 *187 86 *287 53 124 55 *2 14 *$184 43 $333 91 63 51 205 84 352 27 *115 50 1 31 $841 34 *$9 00 20 19 479 24 bThis is said to represent construction work. 30 Land Approaches....................... General Charges........................ T otal........................... City Island Bridge Direct Charges. Structural Painting.................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Land Approaches....................... General Charges........................ T otal.......................... Eastchester Bridge-Direct Charges Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Land Approaches........................ General Charges........................ T otal........................... Willis Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting.................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Land Approaches....................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ T otal........................... Third Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting...................... Structural Repairing..................... Walks and Roadways.................... Land Approaches....................... Docks, Fenders and Piers............... General Charges......................... Total.......................... Madison Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting...................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Land Approaches....................... General Charges........................ T otal........................... 1915. 12 50 69 43 $883 38 Increase or 1914. *Decrease. 16 13 *3 63 25 69 18 $327 40 $555 98 $54 83 25 00 127 00 $206 83 $11 00 388 62 359 14 216 53 33 $965 62......... $14 00 $143 04 1,107 13 1,179 75................. 30 00 4 69 72 $1,327 48 $1,151 85 $153 32 2,265 82 1,777 01 35 25 869 46 77 $5,101 63 $125 65 899 85 501 26 1,428 42 103 91 9 75 $3,068 84 $70 00 578 45 18 63 20 63 $687 71 $179 60 1,093 08 2,942 66 3 25 759 17 18 22 $4,995 98 $10,215 52 2,251 36 736 30 142 49 6 32 43 16 $13,395 15 $178 85 146 85 34 72 8 13 21 $368 76 *$1 00 *333 79 *334 14 *89 53 *33 *$758 79 *$14 00 *964 09 1,179 75 *30 00 3 97 $175 63 *$26 28 1,172 74 *1,165 65 32 00 110 29 *17 45 $105 65 *$10,089 87 *1,351 51 *235 04 1,285 93 97 59 *33 41 *$10,326 31 *$108 85 431 60 *16 09 *8 13 20 42 $318 95 31 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. 145th Street-Direct Charges. Structural Painting.............................. $194 43 *$194 43 Structural Repairing.................... $511 09 477 74 33 35 Walks and Roadways.................... 18 64 12 75 5 89 Land Approaches................................ 10 45 *10 45 Docks, Fenders and Piers................ 7 63........ 7 63 General Charges................................. 5 24 *5 24 Total....................... $537 36 $700 61 *$163 25 Macombs Dam-Direct Charges. Structural Painting............................. $333 81 *$333 81 Structural Repairing.................... $3,260 79 2,041 24 1,219 55 Walks and Roadways................... 1,249 65 2,090 26 *840 61 Land Approaches........................ 50 43....... 50 43 Docks, Fenders and Piers............... 20 00 1,067 26 *1,047 26 General Charges......................... 36 92 20 24 16 68 Total....................... $4,617 79 $5,552 81 *$935 02 New York and Putnam-Direct Charges. Structural Painting.............................. $3 00 *$3 00 Walks and Roadways.................... $452 25 452 25 Structural Repairing.................... 53 25 153 10 *99 85 Total........................... $505 50 $156 10 $349 40 Washington-Direct Charges. Structural Painting.............................. $14,605 60 *$14,605 60 Structural Repairing.................... $241 62 31 56 210 06 Walks and Roadways................... 1,205 26 1,837 67 *632 41 Land Approaches........................ 10 50........ 10 50 Docks, Fenders and Piers................1 88........ 1 88 General Charges......................... 4 38 72 50 *68 12 Total........................... $1,463 64 $16,547 33 $15,083 69 University Heights-Direct Charges. Structural Painting............................. $3,733 65 *$3,733 65 Structural Repairing.................... $287 38 1,058 80 *771 42 Walks and Roadways.................... 362 72 41 18 321 54 Land Approaches........................ 97 64 33 04 64 60 Docks, Fenders and Piers................ 1,042 58 24 97 1,017 61 General Charges........................ 2 55 29 44 *26 89 Total........................... $1,792 87 $4,921 08 *$3,128 21 Ship Canal-Direct Charges. Structural Painting.............................. $220 23 *$220 23 Structural Repairing.................... $594 50 649 77 *55 27 Walks and Roadways................... 898 36 146 53 751 83 Land Approaches....................... 2 37........ 2 37 32 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges......................... Total........................... Broadway-Direct Charges. Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Total........................... Undistributed................... 99 19 5 64 $1,600 06 $13 12 $13 12 $9,145 37 153 93 $1,170 46 $4 69 30 57 $35 26 $10,201 14 *54 74 5 64 $429 60 *$4 69 *17 45 *$22 14 *$1,055 77 BROOKLYN BOROUGH BRIDGES. Hamilton Avenue.-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ Total........................... 9th Street-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ Total........................... 3rd Street-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... Land Approaches....................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ Total........................... Carroll Street-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing................... Walks and Roadways.................... Docks, Fenders and Piers............... General Charges........................ T otal........................... Union Street-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... $93 93 440 40 509 64 126 00 $1,169 97 $147 26 559 59 437 31........ $1,144 16 $239 50 367 84........ 19 88 $627 22 $221 70 3,725 99 531 35 138 50 12 97 $4,630 51 $4 76 263 17 600 28 30 44 $898 65 $8 61 1,929 34 582 51 153 88 7 23 $2,681 57 $120 66 771 88 1,864 53 42 42 226 93 11 50 $3,037 92 $89 17 177 23 *90 64 95 56 $271 32 $138 65 *1,369 75 *145 20 *153 88 *7 23 *$1,537 41 $118 84 *404 04 *1,864 53 *42 42 *226 93 8 38 *$2,410 70 $2 42 $219 28 195 15 3,530 84 275 92 255 43 1,102 00 *963 50........ 12 97 $1,575 49 $3,055 02 $2 00 $197 10 784 99 *178 89 $199 10 606 10 33 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease., ~ ~ ~ ~ -. —~ ---.. Walks and Roadways.................... General Charges........................ Docks, Fenders and Piers................ T otal........................... Washington Ave.-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................. Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ T otal........................... Harway Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ Total........................... Ocean Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ Total........................... Shell Road. Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... General Charges........................ T otal........................... 24 88 86 $894 30 $384 34 695 32 13 12 2 74 35 $1,095 87 $1 87 1,015 60 228 50 $1,245 97 $8 25 124 93 15 00 $148 18 $7 13 132 82 $139 95 355 66 398 95 $1,541 60 $48 90 565 06 55 00 233 14 4 50 $906 60 $167 05 314 74 683 00 $1,164 79 $4 00 2 50 121 44 $127 94 $2 50 172 04 4 00 $178 54 $12 00 456 24 52 59 25 62 11 00 $557 45 $32 82 708 69 39 44 1 25 $782 20 *355 66 24 *310 09 *$647 30 $335 44 130 26 *41 88 *230 40 *4 15 $189 27 *$165 18 700 86 *454 50 $81 18 *$4 00 5 75 3 49 15 00 $20 24 $4 63 *39 22 *4 00 *$38 59 *$11 49 *290 02 *52 59 *25 62 *10 45 *$390 17 $241 13 *523 58 262 97 *1 25 *$20 73 QUEENS BOROUGH BRIDGES. Borden Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... $0 51 Structural Repairing.................... 166 22 Walks and Roadways............................ Docks, Fenders and Piers........................ General Charges....................... 55 T otal........................... Flushing Creek-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ T otal........................... $167 28 $273 95 185 11 302 41 $761 47 34 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Strong's Causeway-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing................... Land Approaches....................... Total........................... Little Neck —Direct Charges. Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways....................,Land Approaches....................... Total........................... Hun-ers Point Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ Total........................... $164 65 $473 90 201 63 69 98......... 31 76 $366 28 $575 64 $363 18 $8 75 98 04 62......... 125 07 $461 22 $134 44 *$309 25 131 65 *31 76 *$209 36 $354 43 97 42 *125 07 $326 78 *$2 00 *250 82 34 26 *$218 56 $27 02 186 50 $213 52 $2 00 277 84 152 24 $432 08 RICHMOND BOROUGH BRIDGES. Lemon Creek-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... T otal........................... Fresh Kills-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges....................... T otal........................... $1 88 43 69 $45 57 $815 71 c3,965 10 857 85 5 50 $5,644 16 $16 92 67 72........ $84 64 $19 78 536 07 205 22 5 00 $766 07 *$16 92 *65 84 43 69 *$39 07 *$19 78 279 64 3,759 88 852 85 5 50 $4,878 09 NEWTOWN CREEK BRIDGES. Vernon Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ Total........................... Greenpoint Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting.................... Structural Repairing.................... cRoadway replanked. $6 00 7,232 87 627 09 24 75 80 74 $7,971 45 $257 29 445 39 $72 11 *$66 11 1,941 69 5,291 18 3,889 54 *3,262 45 2 50 22 25 30 54 50 20 $5,936 38 $2,035 07 $68 70 $188 59 762 71 *317 32 35 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Walks and Roadways.................... Land Approaches....................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ Total........................... Mlleeker Avenue-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ T otal........................... Grand Street-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing.................... Walks and Roadways.................... Docks, Fenders and Piers................ General Charges........................ T otal........................... 818 48 32 50 861 44 39 $2,415 49 $30 00 259 63 20 00 992 92 69 $1,303 24 $10 00 93 89 5 65 $109 54 474 88 $1,306 29 $3 08 493 22 38 56 90 50 54 $625 90 $1,101 39 213 69 141 17 3 13 16 69 $1,476 07 $646 28 315 76 62 67 3 50 $1,028 21 $7,928 01 4,973 76 2,744 33 8,023 01 $23,669 11 $448,040 07 343 60 32 50 861 44 39 $1,109 20 $26 92 *233 59 *18 56 902 42 15 $677 34 *$1,091 39 *119 80 *141 17 *3 13 *11 04 *$1,366 53 *$646 28 *42 88 *62 67 336 93 *$414 90 $4,735 20 10,175 98 *1,972 46 2,786 96 *4,833 55 $10,892 13 *$13,055 50 Metropolitan Avenue (Swing)-Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... Structural Repairing..................... W alks and Roadways..................... Docks, Fenders.and Piers................. T otal........................... Miscellaneous. 155th Street Viaduct..................... General Painting........................ Municipal Building...................... Riverside Drive Viaduct.................. U ndistributed........................... T otal........................... Total Maintenance, All Bridges... $272 88 340 43 $613 31 d$12,663 21 e15,149 74 771 87 2,786 96 3,189 46 $34,561 24 $434,984 57 dPainting cost about $3,600 additional and repairing about $1,050. eFiremen's salaries not distributed to individual bridges in 1915 as in 1914. 36 CARE OF BRIDGES, MAINTENANCE (REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS)-SUMMARY. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. East River Bridges...................... $335,082 85 $334,917 33 $165 52 Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges.............................. 34,171 82 63,635 16 *29,463 34 Brooklyn Borough Bridges............. 11,096 13 12,113 10 *1,016 97 Queens Borough Bridges................ 1,969 77 2,481 81 *512 04 Newtown Creek Bridges................. 12,413 03 10,372 85 2,040 18 Richmond Borough Bridges............. 5,689 73 850 71 4,839 02 155th Street Viaduct.................... 12,663 21 7,928 01 4,735 20 General Painting...................... 15,149 74 4,973 76 10,175 98 Municipal Building..................... 771 87 2,744 33 *1,972 46 Riverside Drive Viaduct............... 2,786 96........ 2,786 96 Undistributed........................... 3,189 46 8,023 01 *4,833 55 Total Maintenance, all Bridges.. $434,984 57 $448,040 07 *$13,055 50 Direct Charges. Structural Painting..................... $99,650 96 $89,753 58 $9,897 38 Structural Repairing.................... 138,966 61 152,569 38 *13,602 77 Walks and Roadways on Bridges........ 61,454 75 87,517 56 *26,062 81 Land Approaches, Walks and Roadways.. 20,897 35 13,707 83 7,189 52 Docks, Fenders and Piers................ 6,953 49 6,027 97 925 52 W arehouses............................ 18,287 01 10,792 54 7,494 47 Total Direct Charges............ $346,210 17 $360,368 86 *$14,158 69 Total General Charges.......... 75,667 70 66,702 73 8,964 97 Undistributed.................... 12,334 83 18,224 15 *5,889 32 Municipal Building.............. 771 87 2,744 33 *1,972 46 Total all Maintenance............ $434,984 57 $448,040 07 *$13,055 50 Below the operation and maintenance costs are shown by functions: Per Per Increase or 1915. Cent. 1914. Cent. *Decrease. General and Divisional Administration............... $187,993 31 15.65 $192,951 63 15.08 *$4,958 32 General Expense. Shop....................... 52,909 27 4.40 45,175 06 3.53 7,734 21 Storehouse.................. 14,753 62 1.23 17,879 22 1.39 *3,125 60 Stable...................... 10,355 82.86 10,913 67.85 *557 85 Direct Bridge Expense. Operation................... 481,628 92 40.09 543,452 19 42.46 *61,823 27 Maintenance................ 434,984 57 36.21 448,049 46 35.00 *13,064 89 Comfort Stations........... 18,767 88 1.56 21,711 83 1.69 *2,943 95 Totals.............. $1,201,393 39 100.00 $1,280,133 06 100.00 *$78,739 67 The only function showing an increase in total cost and an increased percentage of the total expenditures is General Expense, Shop. The functions, showing a decrease in total cost, but an increase in percentage of the entire expenditures, are Administration, Stable, and Maintenance. The largest decrease occurs in the most expensive function, Operation, $61,823.27. 37 The Functional Costs above are further detailed below: Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. General Administration Executive............................... $36,348 10 $37,055 17 $707 07 Audit and Accounts..................... 28,491 94 28,233 33 258 61 Purchase and Storage of Supplies........ 2,700 00 2,700 00........ Engineering Supervision................. 20,834 94 17,673 36 3,161 58 Undistributed Expense.................. 4,828 69 5,183 77 *255 08 Totals.......................... $93,203 67 $90,845 63 $2,358 04 Automobile Service. Entire Department.................... $10,327 30 $8,719 54 $1,607 76 The miles run in 1915 were 46,012 at a cost of 21.5 cents per mile, as against 33,048 miles run in 1914 at a cost of 26.4 cents per mile. Care of Bridges, Administration, Offices of Assistant Engineers. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. East River Bridge Division, Shops and Stores................................ $541 66 $6,516 37 *$5,974 71 Harlem River, Manhattan and Bronx Bridges............................. 11,815 59 12,276 80 *461 21 Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond Bridges.. 10,328 14 10,317 30 10 84 New York and Brooklyn Bridge.......... 16,419 28 17,645 46 *1,226 18 Williamsburg Bridge.................... 15,384 18 15,835 43 *451 25 Manhattan Bridge...................... 7,078 61 6,051 29 t1,027 32 Queensboro Bridge..................... 10,390 50 11,293 67 *903 17 Totals.......................... $71,957 96 $79,936 32 *$7,978 36 Operation and Maintenance of Department Buildings, Office of Assistant Engineers. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. 179 Washington St., Brooklyn........... $3,690 61 $2,893 74 t$796 87 Broadway and Kent Ave., Brooklyn...... 4,538 22 3,627 30 t910 92 305 East 60th Street, Manhattan.......... 808 21 888 79 *80 58 428 East 133rd Street, Bronx.............. 3,467 34 6,040 31 *2,572 97 Totals........................... $12,504 38 $13,450 14 *$945 76 Total Administration............. $187,993 31 $192,951 63 *$4,958 32 tIncludes wages of temporary man, formerly charged against corporate stock funds. tCost of extra man for cleaning. 38 Statement No. 4, Showing the Cost of Operation and Maintenance of the Four Repair Shops of the Department of Bridges in the Years 1914 and 1915. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. New York and Brooklyn Bridge. Supervision and Undistributed........... $10,643 95 OperationLight, Heat and Power................. a7,938 57 Cleaning and Watching................ b15,707 10 MaintenanceOffice Equipment.............................. Light, Heat and Power Plant Equipment a2,267 13 Cleaning Equipment................... 22 65 Other General Plant Equipment........ 1,667 50 Repairs to Buildings................... 2,553 89 $12,294 50 *$1,650 55 5,516 96 2,421 61 4,618 62 11,088 48 8 52 740 43 17 50 323 98 6,723 38 *8 52 1,526 70 5 15 1,343 52 *4,169 49 $10,556 90 Total, New York and Brooklyn Bridge........................ Williamsburg Bridge. Supervision and Undistributed........... OperationLight, Heat and Power................ Cleaning and Watching................ MaintenanceOffice Equipment..................... Light, Heat and 'Power Plant Equipment Cleaning Equipment................... Other General Plant Equipment........ Repairs to Buildings................... Total, Williamsburg Bridge..... Queensboro Bridge. Supervision and Undistributed........... OperationLight, Heat and Power................. Cleaning and Watching................ MaintenanceOffice Equipment...................... Light, Heat and Power Plant Equipment Cleaning Equipment................... Other General Plant Equipment........ Repairs to Buildings................... Total, Queensboro Bridge........ Madison Avenue Bridge. Supervision and Undistributed........... $40,800 79 $30,243 89 $222 73 $16 12 $206 61 228 81 1,247 99 *1,019 18 3,104 33 2,516 39 587 94 15 13 804 31 39 08 1,796 57 634 89 $6,845 85 $10 19 44 58 11 02 42 94 1,352 17 7 04 140 25 452 25 $5,775 15 $8 96 54 16 9 84 *27 81 *547 86 32 04 1,656 32 182 64 $1,070 70 $1 23 *9 58 1 18..........36 *36 184 61 62 98 121 63 92 2 80 *1 88 469 46 325 25 144 21 178 68 35 00 143 68 $899 46 $499 35 $400 11 $301 75 $606 40 *$304 65 aExtra men employed and additional repairs made to equipment. bThis amount includes charges for cleaning and watching in shops and yards, which in 1914 were charged to the operation of the Brooklyn Bridge. 39 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. OperationLight, Heat and Power................. Cleaning and Watching................. MaintenanceOffice Equipment...................... Light, Heat and Power Plant Equipment Cleaning Equipment................... Other General Plant Equipment......... Repairs to Buildings.................... Total, Madison Avenue Bridge.... Total Undistributed Repair Shop Expense...................... 183 30 2,069 61 33 440 18 141 1,022 51 344 08 $4,363 17 220 65 1,662 19 15 39 4,116 77 1 80 1,099 12 934 35 $8,656 67 *37 35 407 42 *15 06 *3,676 59 *39 *76 61 *590 27 *$4,293 50 $7,734 21 $52,909 27 $45,175 06 COST OF REPAIR SHOPS-SUMMARY STATEMENT. New York and Williams- Queens- Madison Brooklyn burg boro Avenue Total. Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. Salaries and Wages, Supervision, etc...... $10,504 51 $207 83 $3 75 $291 99 $11,008 08 Wages, Operation..... 20,132 22 3,153 06 10 25 2,067 69 25,363 22 Labor Maintenance.... 5,006 66 2,786 31 692 49 1,561 91 10,047 37 Fuel.................. 3,327 16 153 17 23 05 178 72 3,682 10 Supplies, Materials, etc. 1,830 24 545 48 169 92 262 86 2,808 50 Totals........ $40,800 79 $6,845 85 $899 46 $4,363 17 $52,909 27 The Salaries and Wages here shown represent 87.73 per cent. of the total cost of the repair shops, as compared with 84.87 per cent. in 1914. Statement No. 5, Showing the Cost of Operation and Maintenance of the Four Storehouses of the Department of Bridges in 1914 and 1915. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Washington and Nassau Streets, Brooklyn. General Care and Watching.............. $3,583 79 $4,002 56 *$418 77 MaintenanceOffice Equipment...................... 4 74 5 11 *37 General Plant Equipment............... 6 39 78 01 *71 62 Repairs to Buildings.................. 176 74 1,654 53 *1,477 79 Total, Washington and Nassau Streets....................... $3,771 66 $5,740 21 *$1,968 55 Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Kent Avenue and Broadway, Brooklyn. General Care and Watching.............. MaintenanceGeneral Plant Equipment.............. Repairs to Buildings.................. Total, Kent Avenue and Broadway 60th Street, Between 1st and 2nd Avenues, Manhattan. General Care and Watching.............. MaintenanceOffice Equipment..................... General Plant Equipment............. Repairs to Buildings.................. Total, 60th Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenues................. $4,020 89 $5,400 81 *$1,379 92 444 07 47 94 $4,512 90 319 50 5 00 $5,725 31 124 57 42 94 *$1,212 41 $2,914 83 $2,557 33 $357 50 2 50 52 86 157 32 62 40 23 16 70 1 88 12 63 140 62 $3,127 51 $2,614 88 $512 63 137th Street and Madison Avetnue, The Bronx. General Care and Watching.............. MaintenanceOffice Equipment...................... General Plant Equipment............... Repairs to Buildings................... Total, 137th Street and Madison Avenue....................... Total Undistributed Storehouse Expense.. $2,222 06 $3,676 20 *$1,454 14........'..9 251 29 868 20 $3,341 55 $14,753 62 16 58 20 78 85 26 $3,798 82 $17,879 22 *16 58 230 51 782 94 *$457 27 *$3,125 60 The salaries and wages in 1915 represent 96.38 per cent of the total storehouse charges, as against 96.75 per cent. in 1914. The percentage relation of the cost of operating the stores in 1914 and 1915 to the value of the stores disbursed follows: Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. aValue of Stores Disbursed............. $92,219 43 $121,779 43 $29,560 00 bCost of Operating Stores............... 14,753 62 17,879 22 3,125 60 Percentage of "b" to "a"................ 16.00 14.68 1.32 It will be noted from the above statement that the value of the stores disbursed has decreased more rapidly than has the cost of handling them. 41 Statement No. 6, Showing the Cost of Stable Serzice in the the Years 1914 and 1915. Department of Bridges in Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Brooklyn Bridge. Operation..........................$6,272 07 $5,436 73 $835 34 MaintenanceLive Stock............................... 325 00 *325 00 Motorless Vehicles.................... 762 76 620 49 142 27 Harness and Blankets.................. 288 65 180 38 108 27 General Plant Equipment............... 40 89 27 97 12 92 Repairs to Buildings................... 536 59 810 21 *273 62 Total, Brooklyn Bridge............ $7,900 96 $7,400 78 $500 18 HIarlclt River, M:Ianhattan and Bron.x Division. Operation................................ $1,773 94 $2,795 67 *$1,021 73 MaintenanceMotorless Vehicles.................... 198 77 173 48 25 29 Harness and Blankets.................. 19 18 116 54 *97 36 Total, Harlem, Manhattan and Bronx Division................ $1,991 89 $3,085 69 *$1,093 80 Brooklvli, Queens and Richmond Division. Operation............................... $395 00 $387 15 $7 85 MaintenanceMotorless Vehicles.................... 52 97 25 00 27 97 Harness and Blankets................ 15 00 15 00...... Total, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond.......................... $462 97 $427 15 $35 82 Total Operation and Maintenance of Stables..................... $10,355 82 $10,913 62 *$557 80 Stable Service-Some of the fifteen horses owned by the Bridge Department are maintained by the Department, and some are boarded. A comparison of the cost of the two groups follows: Cost of Horses Main- Cost of 1915. tained by Horses the Bridge Boarded. Department. W ages................................................ $3,710 94...... Fuel Supplies......................................... 58 97...... Cleaning and Disinfecting Supplies...................... 9 32...... General Plant Supplies................................ 18 81...... Forage Supplies................................ 1,960 95....... l s; l.i 42 Cost of Horses Main- Cost of 1915. tained by Horses the Bridge Boarded. Department. Veterinary Supplies................................... 17 48...... Shoeing Horses....................................... 429 35 $333 63 Boarding Horses............................................ 1,812 81 Veterinary Service.................................... 66 25 22 50 General Plant Equipment.............................. 40 89...... Repairs to Buildings.................................. 536 59...... Total Cost.................................... $6,849 55 $2,168 94 Cost per Horse per Month............................. $63 42 $30 12 Note-There were 108 horse-months of boarding service by the Bridge Department, and 72 horse months of service by private stables. Besides the above charges for stable service, aggregating $9,018.49, there were the following additional charges: H orses and Blankets................................................ $322 83 Repairs to V ehicles................................................ $1,014 50 T otal........................................................ $1,337 33 Total Cost of Stable Service, 1915.......................... $10,355 82 Total Cost per Horse per Month............................... $57 53 It will be noted from the above that the cost of each horse boarded, with shoeing and veterinary service, is $30.12 per month, while the cost of corresponding service performed by the Department itself is $63.42 per horse per month. The total cost of stable service per horse per month is, as stated above, $57.53, or at the rate of $590.36 per annum. The cost per horse-month for the animals cared for directly by the Bridge Department ($63.42), appears altogether too high. The cost for wages per horse-month is $34.36 or $4.24 more per horse-month than the entire cost of the horses boarded ($30.12). Attention was called to this matter in last year's report. Statenment No. 7, Showing the Cost of Operation and Mailntcenance of Comifort Stations in the Department of Bridges in the Years 1914 and 1915. Increase or 1915. 1914. *Decrease. Brooklyn Bridge. General Care and Watching.............. $9,283 80 $9,838 06 *$554 26 MaintenanceGeneral Plant Equipment.............. 17 95 180 75 *162 80 Repairs to Buildings.................. 149 16 1,797 31 *1,648 15 Total, Brooklyn Bridge.......... $9,450 91 $11,816 12 *$2,365 21 Williamsburg Bridge. General Care and Watching............. $6,821 05 $6,811 59 $9 46 43 Increase or 1915.. 1914. *Decrease. Maintenance — General Plant Equipment.............. 346 01 643 26 *297 25 Repairs to Buildings................. 234 39 13 81 220 58 Total, Williamsburg Bridge...... $7,01 45 $7,468 66 *$67 21 Manahattan Bridge. General Care and Watching............ $1,893 81 $2,131 30 *$237 49 MaintenanceGeneral Plant Equipment.............. 21 71 111 39 *89 68 Repairs to Buildings.......................... 184 36 *184 36 Total, Manhattan Bridge........ $1,915 52 $2,427 05 *$511 53 Total Operation and Maintenance of Comfort Stations......................... $18,767 88 $21,711 83 *$2,943 95 Statement No. 8, Comparing the Overhead and Undistributed Expenditures of the Department of Bridges with the Direct Expenditures for the Years 1914 and 1915. Per Per Increase or 1915. Cent. 1914. Cent. *Decrease. Overhead ExpendituresGeneral and Division, Administration.................. $103,530 97 8.6 $99,565 17 7.8 $3,965 80 Engineering................. 84,462 34 7.0 93,386 46 7.3 *8,924 12 Shop........................ 52,909 27 4.4 45,175 06 3.5 7,734 21 Storehouse.................. 14,753 62 1.2 17,879 22 1.4 *3,125 60 Stable....................... 10,355 82.9 10,913 67.9 *557 85 Total, Overhead Expenditures......... $266,012 02 22.1 $266,919 58 20.9 *$907 56 Direct ExpendituresOperation................... $481,628 92 40.1 $543,452 19 42.4 *$61,823 27 Maintenance................ 434,984 57 36.2 448,049 46 35.0 *13,064 89 Comfort Stations............ 18,767 88 1.6 21,71-1 83 1.7 *2,943 95 Total Direct Expenditures.............. $935,381 37 77.9$1,013,21348 79.1 *$77,832 11 Grand Total........ $1,201,393 39 100.0$1,280,133 06 100.0 *$78,739 67 It will he noted that although the overhead expenditures in 1915 are $907.56 less than those for 1914, the percentage of these expenditures to the total expenditures is one and two-tenths per cent. more in 1915 than in 1914. i I 44 PERSONAL SERVICE. The percentage relation of the expenditures for personal service to the total expenditures of this department in 1913, 1914 and 1915 are shown below: a. Total Personal b. Total Percentage Service Expenditures. of b to a. Expenditures. 1913.................................... $1,330,093 72 $1,120,244 94 84.22 1914.................................... 1,280,133 06 1,097,084 92 85.70 1915.................................... 1,201,393 39 1,052,707 62 87.62 This table indicates, of course, that, while this increase in the percentage of the cost of personal service to the total expenditures was taking place, the other expenses were decreasing in the ratio of 15.78, 14.30 and 12.38 per cent. 8. Municipal Garage Service. While the establishment of a central garage for the use of all departments is not a new idea, separate provision fo'r it in the tax budget was first made in the 1916 budget. The principal items in this allowance are: Salaries and W ages................................................... $65,387 50 Supplies............................................................... 14,536 00 E quipm ent............................................................. 52,892 00 M iscellaneous.......................................................... 4,685 00 Total....................................................... $137,500 50 In a report made to the Mayor on Octoler 14, 1915, Chamberlain Bruere recommended the establishment of such service. He stated that many of the city cars were not used to their full capacity, and estimated that a saving of $76,000 could be made in 1916 by centralizing this service and placing it on a livery (so much per ho'ur) basis. Following out this idea seventy-nine cars were surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund in December, 1915, by various departments and were assigned by the Commissioners in February, 1916, to the Municipal Garage service. It would seem that a considerable saving should accrue from this procedure. 9. The Department of Plant and Structures. The cost to The City of New York of maintaining its public structures has been excessive because of the diffusion among several distinct departments of the authority to do this work. Chapter 528 of the Laws of 1916 represents an effort to effect a saving by obviating in a measure the defect mentioned. The law referred to amends, among others, section 595 of the City Charter. Subdivision 2 of this section reads in part as follows: "The Board of Estimate and Apportionment may, in its discretion, direct the transfer of the powers and duties of the Police Department, the Department of Street Cleaning, the Department of Parks, the Department of Public Charities, the Department of Correction, the Fire Department, the Department of Health and the Board of Trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in respect of the construction, maintenance, upkeep and repair of buildings and structures, and the repair of boats, vehicles, apparatus and equipment to the Department of Plant and Structures." * * * 45 Other sections of the City Charter amended by Chapter 528 eliminate the Department of Bridges and transfers its powers to the new department. It is too early, as yet, to predict with any degree of accuracy what the financial results of the new plan will be. 10. General Remarks. The total cost of maintaining the Department of Bridges decreases from 1913 to 1914, $49.960.66, and from 1914 to 1915, $78,739.67, a total decrease in these two years of $128,700.33. The decreases were as follows: General and Division Administration, $8,438.32; Direct Bridge Expense, $122,608.52; General Expenses, Shops, Storehouse and Stables, increase, $2,346.51. An element worth considering here is the fact that the cost of the General and Division Administation and the cost of general expenses are a greater percentage of the total expenses in 1915 than in 1913. These percentages are shown in the following table: i'crccntage of Total Expcenses. 1915. 1914. 1913. 1. General and Division Administration............. 15.65 15.08 14.76 2. General Expenses............................... 6.49 5.77 5.68 3. Direct Bridge Expense.......................... 77.86 79.15 79.56 Totals.................................. 100.00 100.00 100.00 In this connection it is also proper to call attention to the fact that in 1915 the ratio of the cost of "personal service" expenditures to the total expenditures of the department was 87.62 per cent., as against 84.22 per cent. in 1913. The direct cost of operating and maintaining the bridges and the cost of materials, etc., is decreasing, but the remaining charges are not decreasing in the same proportion. Attention has been called in the body of the report to the increased costs of operating and maintaining individual bridges and explanations thereof made in the foot-notes. Other matters requiring comment are the increase in the number of automobile miles run from 33,048 miles to 46,012, an increase of 3.9 per cent., at an increased cost of 18 per cent. The repair shops also show an increased cost, due in large measure to the inclusion of certain costs formerly distributed in a different manner. The value of the stores disbursed decreased 24.2 per cent., while the cost of handling them decreased but 17.4 per cent., with the result that in 1915 the handling of stores cost 16 per cent. of the value of the stores disbursed as against 14.68'per cent. in 1914, an increase of 1.32 per cent. A statement included herein shows that it cost the department $63.42 per horsemonth for the horses maintained by it as against $30.12 for those boarded in private stables. The wages alone in the department cost $34.36 per horse month. It is recommended that some effort be made to remedy this excessive cost. The heavy expenditures in 1914 in connection with the maintenance of the Brooklyn Bridge, comment upon which was made in last year's report, were greatly reduced in 1915-something over 19 per cent. As previously stated herein the amendment of section 48 of the General Tax Law, so that the tolls paid by the elevated railroad companies operating cars over the Brooklyn and Williamsburg Bridges need not be deducted from the taxes on their special franchises, should add approximately $190,000 to the City's revenue. i I I 46 The Bridge Department calls attention to the fact that the subway loop connecting the Brooklyn Bridge and the Municipal Building is lying idle owing to the unwillingness of the railway company to render to the City the compensation set forth in the law (chap. 90, Laws 1907), authorizing this subway's construction. It cost $741,297.90, and in return for the interest and amortization charges oni the bonds issued by the City to cover this cost, amounting to over $35,000 per annum, the City as yet receives nothing in return. If this loop is not worth this sum to the railway company, it would seem advisable to have the law amended to permit of some other arrangement being made. The Bridge Department makes a suggestion in the line of economy that appears worthy of investigation and that is that the City take up, in connection with its asphalt plants, the manufacture of wood blocks, including preservative treatment, required for bridge pavements. It is stated that "By the addition of treatment tanks, sawing outfits, etc., these plants could be utilized for the entire year, the manufacture of wood blocks being done largely through the winter months, when these plants are practically shut down on account of weatier conditions. The advantages that would ensue are many-the City would be in a better position to obtain what it wants, the asphalt plant's overhead charges would be made productive and all the year employment of the day workmen would tend to the general efficiency of these plants." Future reports will necessarily treat of the new Department of Plant and Structures and its wider duties and activities. Respectfully, R. B. McINTYRE, Supervising Statistician and Examiner. )r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i I :'~~~ ~;~~~~~~~;; 1; t;;~~~%.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ c;-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~,.J 444 ik ~~ir;:~., ~:~ ~-: -; —;~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 444 '~:.-:f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.q 4'..44-I~1~~l~ 4 ~~:~: 4444 -~~~ '~~ ~''v' ~~~'4x~ 4'' 44,4 4 4 4 4 '~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ -~~ 4 ~ ' ''~l-~ n~ -p`-~V't;:l~~l~~~:+-;~ II. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y4'.: 41'.4?;' Pi. ~.~;;~R ~i'~; 'c~:P3~'ii " 44 i'r'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;tt4 AA'~ Ptt *j,'44444 44; '''I ' 'U 4' '5 ::}~4A' 7'. A" 2Lr 4 '4 4-d 4. 1. "414 4444, 444 4. 4"' 4' "".4,' 44'> / 4'. ' '4 4 4' A. '-4 4 '.'4 4,.-44'A"''.''A' '4" 444'' <'44 44,... 4" A '4') 4. K' N""' Sw"" ''4 ""4 44Ji.4)' *'A'44 <'4W''?4 )4i".4'!.' j'v ';j