I ^ x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v^. ^~~ I J ^^~~~il~ III^ THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. BEASLEY'S DRUGGIST'S RECEIPT BOOK. Comprising a Copious Veterinary Formulary, numerous Recipes in Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Druggists' Nostrums, etc.; Perfumery and Cosmetics, Beverages, Dietetic Articles and Condiments, Trade Chemicals, Scientific Processes; and an Appendix of Useful Tables. By HENRY BEASLEY, author of the "Medical Formulary," etc. e This is one of the class of books that is indispensable to every Druggist and Pharmaceutist as a book of reference for such information as is wanted, not contained in works used in the regular line of his business, and we can recommend it as one of the best of the kind. —Druggists' Circular. BEASLEY'S MEDICAL FORMULARY. Comprising Standard and Approved Formule for the Preparations and Compounds employed in Medical Practice. By HENRY BEASLEY. The fact that Mr. Beasley's Formulary has reached a sixth edition is a sufficient proof of the estimation in which it is held by the medical and pharmaceutical public. It is, in fact, a very comprehensive work, containing a great mass of information in a very small compass. The arrangement is alphabetical, as being most convenient. It contains selections from the American, French, German, and other foreign Pharmacopoeias, in addition to the Formula from the three British ones. The work, however, is so well known, that it is unnecessary to do more than announce the present edition, and to state that the doses of the various medicines have now been added.-lfed. Times and Gazette. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS, CONTAINING 3000 PRESCRIPTIONS, COLLECTED FROM THE PRACTICE OF THE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, n^lIiTh, vrnclh, anld Amevrian. COMPRISING ALSO, A COMPENDIOUS HISTORY OF THE MATERIA MEDICA, LISTS OF THE DOSES OF ALL OFFICINAL OR ESTABLISHED PREPARATIONS, AND AN INDEX OF DISEASES AND REMEDIES. BY HENRY BEASLEY, AUTHOR OF "THE DRUGGISTS' RECEIPT BOOK" AND "THE MEDICAL FORMULARY." PHILADELPHIA: LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. 1865. IHENRY B. ASHIMEAD, PRINTER, PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. IN presenting to the American public a second edition of this valuable work from the recent carefully revised London edition, the publishers have endeavored to render it still more acceptable to every medical practitioner who may wish to consult its pages, by translating into plain English all the Latin directions for dispensing the prescriptions, and administering the medicines; which plan it is confidently hoped will be found quite an improvement upon the previous edition. ( vii ) ADVERTISEMENT. THE Editor trusts that this work will supply a want which has long been felt. Carefully selecting from the mass of materials at his disposal, it has been his aim to compile a volume, sufficiently comprehensive, in which both physician and druggist, prescriber and compounder, may find, under the head of each remedy, the manner in which that remedy may be most effectively administered, or combined with other medicines, in the treatment of various diseases. The alphabetical arrangement will render this easy. It is also hoped that the short description given of each medicine, and the list of the doses in which its several preparations may be prescribed, will be found useful. In selecting the prescriptions and determining the doses reliance has been placed upon those medical authors who are generally considered as of most authority in each instance. But it will readily be imagined that the prescriptions are not all of equal merit, and the reader will find several opportunities of comparison, by which a considerable variety of opinion among medical practitioners, particularly in the matter of doses, has been forcibly illustrated. When it has been necessary to point out the mean between extremes of this nature, the Editor has been assisted in his task by competent medical advice, and he hopes that a correct judgment has been thereby arrived at. Besides those special pharmaceutical works, of which a full list is given at the commencement of the "Medical Formulary," X ADVERTISEMENT. the author has consulted, in the compilation of this volume, a large number of standard works on Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, both by English and foreign practitioners. The names, which are in general appended at the foot of each prescription, will for the most part be readily recognized. Reference must also be made to the "Formulary," by the same author, for exact information as to the composition and manner of compounding of the various preparations enumerated below in the lists of doses, or ordered in the prescriptions contained in the present work. To the Second Edition of the Book of Prescriptions one hundred additional prescriptions have been added, collected from recent works, English, French, and American. And a want having been felt. of some practical outline that should serve as a key to the whole, an Index of Diseases and Remedies has been inserted at the end, which, it is hoped, will be of use to the prescriber. SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS OCCURRING IN PRESCRIPTIONS. REFERRING TO THE OPERATION. 1i, Recipe, take. M., Mlisce, mix. F., Fac, Fiat, make, let there be made. Div., Divide, divide. Sol., Solve, dissolve. F.S.A., Fac secundum artera, make or prepare according to the rules of the art. M.S.D., Misce, signa, da, mix, write (the label or direction), and deliver to the patient. REFERRING TO QUANTITY, WEIGHT, OR PROPORTION. A., da., ana, of each. Singulorum, of each. Q.AS., Quantum sufficit, as much as is sufficient. Q.L., Quantum lubet, as much as you please. (., Cong., Congius, a gallon. 0., Octarius, a pint; 20 ounces. lb., Libra, a pound (apothecaries' or troy weight); 12 ounces. 3., Uncia, an ounce; 8 drachms. f~., ]fluiduncia, a fluid ounce. (This f is often omitted.) 5., Drachma, a drachm; 60 grains. f3., Fluidrachma, a fluid drachm. 3., Scrupulus, a scruple; 20 grains. Gr., Granum, a grain. nL., Minimum, a minim, or drop; also, gtt., gutta. SS., Semis, a half. xii SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS. REFERRING TO THE FORM OF THE PREPARATION TO BE MIXED OR COMPOUNDED. Co., Comp., Compositus, compound. P., Pulv., Pulvis, a powder. Pil., Pilula, a pill. Extr., Extractum, an extract. Elect., Electuarium, an electuary. Bol., Bolus, a large pill. Liq., Liquor, a solution. Tinct., Tinctura, a tincture. Inf., Infusum, an infusion. Dec., Decoct., Decoctum, a decoction. Mist., Mistura, a mixture. Haust., Haustus, a draught. Pot., Potus, Potio, a drink. Coll., Collyrium, an eye-water. Collut., Collutorium, a mouth-wash. Inj., Injectio, an injection. En., Enema, a clyster. Garg., Gargarisma, a gargle. Lot., Lotio, a lotion. Lin., Linimentum, a liniment. Baln., Balneum, a bath. REFERRING TO THE ADMINISTRATION. Cap., Sum., Capiat, Sumat, let the patient take. LEg., Eger, LEgra, the patient, the sick man, or woman. Det., Detur, let it be given. Part. 3tiam, 4tam, 6tam, Partem tertiam, quiartam, sextam, the third, fourth, or sixth part (accusative case). Semel, bis, ter in d., once, twice, thrice a day. H., Hora, an hour. H. S., HorTa somni, at bedtime. O. n., Omni nocte, every night. O. m., Omni mane, every morning. Coch., Cochleare, a spoonful. Poe., Poculum, a cup. Cyath., Cyathus, a wineglass. LIST OF LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES MORE OR LESS FREQUENTLY MET WITH IN PRESCRIPTIONS. Abdomen, the belly; abdominis, of the belly; abdomini, to the belly. Absente febre, in the absence of fever. Accurate, accurately. Ad duas vices, at twice taking. Ad tertiam vicem, for three times. Ad gratam aciditatem, to an agreeable sourness. Ad defectionem animi, to fainting. Ad libitum, at pleasure. Adde, or addantur, add, or let be added. Adhibendus, to be administered. Adjacens, adjacent. Admove, or admoveatur, or admoveantur, apply, or let it or them be applied. Adstante febre, when the fever is on. Adversum, against. Aggrediente febre, while the fever is coming on. Agitato vase, the phial being shaken. Aliquot, some. Alter, the other. Alternis horis, every other hour. Aluta, leather. Alvo adstrictd, when the belly is bound. Alvus, the belly. Amplus, large. Ana, of each ingredient. In the Pharmacopoeia the term singulorum is employed instead of ana. XijV LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. Aqua, water. Aqua astricta, frozen water. Aqua bulliens, boiling water. Aqua communis, common water. Aqua fluviatilis, river water. Aqua marina, sea water. Aqua nivalis, snow water. Aqua pluviatilis, or Aqua pluvialis, rain water. Aqua fervens, hot water. Aqua fontana, or Aqua fontis, or Aqua fontalis, spring water. Auris, the ear. Aut, or. Balneum Marix, or Balneum maris, a warm water bath. Balneum vaporosum, or Balneum vaporis, a vapor bath. Barbadensis, Barbadoes;:as Aloe Barbadensis. Bene, well. Bibe, drink (thou). Biduum, two days. Bis indies, twice a day. Bulliat, or Bulliant, let boil. Butyrum, butter. COruleus, blue. Calefactus, warmed. Calomelas, calomel, or chloride of mercury. Capiat, let the patient take. Caute', cautiously. Charta, paper. Cocelear, or Cochleare, a spoonful, a tablespoonful. Oochleatim, by spoonfuls. Cochleare amplum, a large (or table' spoonful, about half an ounce. Cochleare infantis, a child', spoonful. Cochleare magnum, a large spoonful. Coehleare medium, Cochleare modicum, a middling spoonful-i.e. child's, or dessertspoonful: about f3ij. Cochleare parvum a small (or tea) spoonful: about f3j. Oibus, food. Coctio, boiling. Cola, strain. Colatus, strained. Colaturoe, to, or of, the strained liquor. Coletur, let it be strained. Colentur, let them be strained. Coloretur, let it be colored. LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES, XV Compositus, compounded. Coneisus, cut. Congius, a gallon. Conserva, a conserve; also, keep thou. Continuantur remedia, let the remedies be continued. Contusus, bruised. Coque, boil; coquantur, let them be boiled. Coque ad medietatis eonsumptionem, boil to the consumption of half. Coque in stfficiente quantitate aquw, boil in a sufficient quantity of water. Cor, Cordis, the heart. Cornu cervi, hartshorn. Cornu cervi ustum, burnt hartshorn. Cortex, bark. Coxa, the hip. Cras, to-morrow. Cras vespere, to-morrow evening. Cras mane sumendus, to be taken to-morrow morning. eras nocte, to-morrow night. Orastinus, for to-morrow. Gucurbitula cruenta, a cupping-glass with the scarificator. Cjuys, of which. Cujuslibet, of any. Cum, with. Cyatho thee, in a cup of tea. G'yathus, vel 1 Cya s v.~a wineglass: from ftiss to fij. Uyathus vinarius, j ingla Da, give. De (prep.), of, or from. Deaurentur pilule, let the pills be gilt. Debita spissitudo, a proper consistence. Debitus, due, proper. Decanta, pour off. Decem, ten; decimus, the tenth. Decubitus, lying down. De die in diem, from day to day. Deglutiatur, may be (or let be) swallowed. Xvi LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. Dejectiones alvi, stools. Detur, let it be given. Detur in duplo, let twice as much be given. Dexter, dextra, the right. Diebus alternis, every other day. Dilue, dilutus, dilute (thou), diluted. Diluculo, at break of day. Dimidius, one-half..Directione proprid, with a proper direction. Dividatur in partes equales, let it be divided into equal parts. Dolor, pain. Donee, until. Donec alvus bis dejiciatur, until the bowels have been twice evacuated. Donec alvus soluta fuerit, until the bowels shall be opened. Donee dolor nephriticus exulaverit, until the nephritic pain be removed. Dosis, a dose. Durante dolore, while the pain lasts. EEadem (fer.), the same. Eburneus, made of ivory. Edulcorata, edulcorated. Ejusdem, of the same. Electuarium, an electuary. Emesis, vomiting. Enema, a clyster; enemata, clysters. Evanuerit, shall have disappeared. Exhibeatur, let it be exhibited. Extende super alutam mollem, spread (thou) upon soft leather. Fae, make; fiat, fiant, let it or them be made. Fac pilulas duodecim, make twelve pills. Farina, flour. Fasciculus, a bundle, which can be carried under the arm. Febre durante, during the fever. Febris, fever. Pemoribus internis, to the inner parts of the thighs. Fervens, boiling. LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. XVii Fiat hiaustus, let a draught be made. Fiat lege artis, let it be made by the rules of art. Fiat mistura, let a mixture be made. Fiat secundum artis regulas, let it be made according to the rules of art. _Fiat venwesectio, bleed. Fictilis, earthen. Filtra, filter (thou). Filtrzum, a filter. Fistula armata, a clyster pipe and bladder fitted for use. Fluidus, liquid. Formula, a prescription. Frustillatim, in little pieces. Fuerit, shall have been. -argarisma, a gargle. -elatind qzuvis, in any kind of jelly. Gradatim, by degrees. Grana sex pondere, six grains by weight. aranum, grain; grana, grains. Gratus, pleasant. qutta, a drop; guttws, drops. Guttatim, by drops. Guttis quibusdam, with a few drops. Harum pilularum sumantur tres, let three of these pills be taken. cfaustus, a draught. Hebdomada, a week. Herba, a herb. Heri, yesterday. fic, hwe, hoc, this. Hirudo, a leech. Hora, an hour. Hord decubitus, at the hour of going to bed. Hord somni, just before going to sleep. Bord undecimd matutind, at the eleventh hour in the morning. Hore unius s2atio, at the expiration of an hour. Horis intermediis, in the intermediate hours. 2 xviii LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. Idem, the same. Idoneus, proper. Imprimis, first. Indies, from day to day, or daily. Incide, cut (thou); incisus, being cut. Infunde, pour in. Injectio, an injection. Injiciatur enema, let a clyster be given. In pulmento, in gruel. Instar, as big as. Inter, between. Internus, inner. Jam, now, already. Julepus, Julepurn, Julapiun, a julep. Jusculum, broth. Juxta, near to. Kali prwararatum (Potassw carbonas, Ph. L.), prepared kali, or carbonate or subcarbonate of potash. Lac, milk. Lana, flannel. Languor, faintness. Lateri dolenti, to the side that is painful. Lectus, a bed. Linteum, lint. Micanus, large. Miane, in the morning. Mane primo, very early in the morning. IManipulus, a handful. lManus, the hand. Macssa, a mass. Massa pilularis, a pill mass. MIatutinus, in the morning, early. Medius, middle. Mica panis, crumb of bread. Minimum, a minim. Minutum, a minute. Mlisce, mix. LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. xix Mistura, a mixture. Mitte, send; mittatur, or mvittantur, let be sent. Mitte sanguinen acl uncias duodecim saltem, take away blood to twelve ounces at least. Modicus, middle-sized. Modo prwseripto, in the manner prescribed. Mora, delay. More dicto, in the manner directed. More solito, in the usual manner. 3iortarium, a mortar. Necnon. also. Nisi, unless. Noverm, nine. Nox, noctis, night. Nucha, the nape of the neck. Numerus, number. Nux Ioschata, a nutmeg. Octarius, a pint. Octavus, eighth. Octo, eight. Oleum lini sine igne, cold drawn linseed oil. Omni kora, every hour. Omni biduo, every two days. Omni bihorio, every two hours. Omni mane, every morning. Omni nocte, every night. Omni qnadrante horEe, every quarter of an hour. Opus, need, occasion. Ovumn an egg. Oz., Uncia, the ounce avoirdupois, or common weight. Pannus, a rag. Pars, partis, a part. Partes wequales, equal parts. Partitis vicibus, in divided doses. Parvuhls, an infant; Coch. parvulum, a teaspoonful. Parvus, little. Pastillus, pastillum, a little ball of paste, to take like a lozenge, &c. XX LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. Pediluvium, a footbath. Peractd operatione emetici, when the operation of the emetic is finished. Per deliquium, by deliquescence. Peryo, mergere, to go on with. Ph. D., Pharmacopoeia zDublinensis. Ph. E., Pharmnaeopoeia Eclinensis. Ph. L., Pharmacopoeia Loncinensis. Ph. U. S., Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Poculum, a cup; poeillum, a little cup. Pondere, by weight. Pondus civile, civil weight (avoirdupois weight). Pondus medicinale, medicinal (apothecaries') weight. Pone aurem, behind the ear. Post singulas sedes liquidas, after every loose stool. Potus, drink. Proeparata, prepared. Primus, the first. Primo mane, very early in the morning. Pro ratione wetatis, according to the age of the patient. Pro re natd, according as circumstances arise (i.e. occasionally). Pugillus, a pinch; a gripe between the thumb and two first fingers. Pulvis; pulverizatus, a powder-powdered. Pyxis, a pill-box. Quantum lubet, } Quantum plcet, as much as you please. Quantum placet, v Quantum sufficiat, or Quantum satis, as much as is sufficient. Quantum vis, Quantum volueris, as much as you will. Qudqud hord, each hour. Quartus, the fourth. Quatuor, four. Quinque, five. Quintus, the fifth. Quorum, of which. I1, Recipe, take. Ratio, proportion. Redactus in pulverem, powdered. LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. xxi _Redigatur in pulverem, let it be reduced to powder. Regio umbilici, the umbilical region. Reliquus, remaining. Repetatur, repetantur, let it or them be continued. Respondeo, to answer. Retineo, to keep. Salterm, at least. Scatula, a box. Seilicet, namely. Secundum artem, according to art. Secundum naturam, according to nature. Secundus, second. Sedes, the alvine evacuation. Semel, once. Semi, semis, a half. Semidrachima, half a drachim. Senmihora, half an hour. Septem, seven. Septimana, a week. Sescuncia, an ounce and a half. Sesquihora, an hour and a half. Sex, six. Sextus, sixth. Si, if. Simnul, together. Sine, without. Singulorum, of each. Si non valeat, if it do not answer. Si o2pus sit, if there be occasion. Si vires permittant, if the strength will bear it. Signetur nomine proprio, let it be written upon with the proper name (not a trade name). Sit, let it be. Solus, alone. Solve, solvere, solutus, to dissolve, dissolved or loosened. Somrnus, sleep. Spiritus vini riectificats, rectified spirit of wine. xxii LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES. Spiritus vini tenuis, proof spirit. Spiritus vinosus, ardent spirit of any strength. Statim, immediately. Stet, let it stand; stent, let them stand. Sub finem coctionis, when the boiling is nearly finished. Subactus, subdued. Subinde, frequently. Sumat talem, let the patient take one like this. Sume, sumat, sumatur, sumantur, sumendus, take thou, let him take, let it or them be taken, to be taken. Summitates, the summits, or tops. Supra, above. Superbibendo haustum, drinking afterward this draught. Tabella, (dim. of tabula, a table) a lozenge. Talis, such a one. Tempori dextro, to the right temple. Tem2us, temporis, time or temple. Ter, three times. Tero, to rub. Tertius, third. Tinctura, tincture. Tinctura opii, tincture of opium. Tinctura opii camphorata, paregoric elixir. It is now called Tinct. camphorwe composita. Tres, three. Triduum, three days. Tritura, triturate. Trochisci, troches or lozenges. Tussis, a cough. Ultimo pr'xscriptus, the last ordered. Una, together. Utor, uti) to make use of. Vas vitrenum, a glass vessel. Vehiculunm, a vehicle. Venwesectio brachii, bleeding in the arm. Vesper, vesperis, the evening. Vices, turns. GAUBIUS' TABLE. xxii Vires, strength. Vitellus, yolk. Vitello ovi solutu's, dissolved in the yolk of an egg. Vitrumr, glass. Vomitione urgente, the vomiting being troublesome. GAUBIUS' TABLE, Regulating the ordinary proportion of doses according to the age of the patient. For an adult, suppose the dose to be 1, or 1 drachm. Under 1 year, will require, t 5 grains. "' 2'''L' c 8 " 3 6' " (; " 10 " 6 4 (c 15 " " 7 " 6- 4 1 scruple. " 14 " ~ z, 2 a drachm. " 20 " " 2 scruples. From 21-60, the full dose, 1 1 drachm, Above 60, an inverse gradation should be observed. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. ABELMOSCHUS. Musk Seeds. The seeds of Hibiscus Abelmoschus (Nat. Ord. 3Ialvacew) have the odor of musk, and are supposed to possess its nervine, stimulant, and antispasmodic properties. In South America they are used as a remedy for the bites of serpents. The only preparation used in Great Britain, (not used in U. S.,) is Tinctura Abelmoschi; dose, halfa drachm to a drachm and a half. 1. R Tincturae Abelmoschi, oj. Tincture Fumarise alkaline, ass. Sods Bicarbonatis, 3iij. Misturge Camphors,.vj. Mix: three tablespoonfuls three times a day. In Indigestion, in nervous and gouty subjects.-Dr. R. REECE. 2.: Tinct. Abelmoschi, 3j. Tinct. Lupulinae, 3iij. Liquor Potassse, 3ij. Infusi Buchu, Tvj. As the last. In Indigestion, with nervousness, and high-colored urine. Dr. R. REECE. ABSINTHIUM. See ARTEMISIA. ACACIA. Gum Arabic. This gum is the product of Acacia vera, and other species. (Nat.'Ord. Leguminose.) It is demulcent; and is used in the dose of a drachm or more, chiefly in solution, in irritations of the urinary and respiratory organs, of the intestinal canal, &c. Dose of Mistura Acaciee (Mucilage), 2 to 8 drachms; Emulsio 3 26 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. Acacie; Pasta et Trochisci Acaciwe, almost ad libitum; Syrupus Acaciee, 4 drachms. The powdered gum with resin is used as a styptic; and mucilage has been recommended as an application to burns. 3. f1 Acacise electse, ~j. Aquae, Oiss. Dissolve; then add Syrupi Simpl. (or Althbeae) 3ij. Mix: a wineglassful frequently. In Strangury, Irritant Poisoning, ~c. 4. 1R Misturce Acacia,.iss. Aquoe, f iiiss. Syrupi, fgss. Mix: a tablespoonful frequently. In Bronchial Catarrh of Children.-Dr. URE. 5. iR Misturie Acaciac, f ij. Aquse, f iv. Syrupi Tolutani, Aquae fl. Aurantii, ia f~j. Make into a mixture. Take a tablespoonful every second hour. In Irritation of MAucous Membranes.-Dr. JoY. 6. R Pulv. Acaciae, Mellis Optimi, ana f.ss. Mix: a teaspoonful frequently. In Catarrhal Cough.-SAIJTE MARIE. 7. R Misturat Acacia, f ij. Syrupi Mori, fij. Aquae Rosac, f iij. Tinct. Scille, f3j. Mix: two or three tablespoonfuls to be taken frequently. Demulceent and Expectorant.-Mr. BRENDE. ACETUM. ACIDUM ACETICUM; ACIDUM PYROLIGNEUM. Vinegar (common and distilled), Acetic and Pyroligneous Acid. Vinegar is refrigerant, antiseptic, astringent, and diuretic. Dose, from 1 fluid drachm to 4 fluid drachms, with diluent drinks in inflammatory fevers. Oxymel, and Syrupus Aceti, and Syrupus Bubi Idei, for the same purposes, in doses of 1 to 3 drachms; generally added to water, barley water, or linseed tea, so as to make them pleasantly acid as a common drink in fevers. Externally, vinegar is applied as a discutient, styptic, and disinfectant. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 27 Distilled vinegar has the same properties and uses: both may be regarded as weak acetic acid. Acetic acid, in its more concentrated state, is caustic and rubefacient; its vapor is reviving, and is supposed to prevent infection. The most concentrated acid with aromatics and camphor, constitutes Acetum Aromaticum and Acidum Aceticum amlphoratum. Blotting paper, imbued with the strong acid, is used as a speedy vesicant. Pyroligneous acid is acetic acid, derived from the destructive distillation of wood. As employed in the following prescriptions, the name intends acetic acid from wood, which has been rectified, but not entirely freed from the creosote and other tarry products, which increase its antiseptic powers. Diluted acetic acid does not differ from distilled vinegar, except in being free from some accidental impurities which attend the latter. 8. ], Aceti, fgj. Aquse, fxxv. Sacchari,,ss. Mix: to be taken as a common drink. In fevers, and in White Urinary Deposits. 9. R Syrupi Aceti, f ij. Aqua, f xviij. Mix: make a mixture. Take a spoonful frequently. To allay thirst in PFebrile Affections.-Dr. NELIGAN. 10. P f Aquae fl. Sambuci, fgx. Aceti Vini acerrimi, j. Extracti Cinchonae, 3iij. Succi Spiss. Sambuci, 3j. Mix: a spoonful every hour. In Putrid Fevers.-GESNER. 11. 1R Aceti destillati, f3ij. Syrupi, fsiv. Aqum, fgij. Mix: a fourth part every three hours. In Scarlatina (for a child of 3 years).-Mr. J. B. BROWN. 12. R Aceti destillati, f)ij. Aquas Lauro-cerasi, f3ij. Syrupi Rhoeados, f3vj. Aquae destillati, fv. Mix: two tablespoonfuls every six hours. In JMucous Discharges, with Debility and Irritability of Stomach. Dr. NELIGAN. 28 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 1.. R Acidi Acetici diluti, f3j. Tinct. Jalapse, lrLxv. Tinct. Aurantii, f3j. Misturae Camphorse, f3x. Mix: make a draught to be taken two or three times a day. In Rhueumatism in debilitated subjects.-Mr. ATKINSON. 14. 1~ Acidi Acetici Pyrolig. tLxxv. Liq. Ammon. Acet., f3iiss. Mist. Camphorse, f j. Syrupi Zingiberis, f3ss. Mix: make a draught to be taken three or four times a day. In Offensive Discharges after Abortions.-Dr. COPLAND. 15. 13 Acidi Pyrolignei rect. 3j. Aquea fl. Aurantii,,ij. Syrupi Amygdale, 5j. Mix: a large teaspoonful every hour. In Gelatiniform Softening of Stomach, &c. of clildren. PITSCHAFT. 16. iR Acidi Pyrolignei rectif. 3ij. Tinct. Calami, 3iij. Aquoe Menthae, ~iv. Syrupi Simpl. giss. Mix: a spoonful every two hours. PHac BUS. -17; P~ Aceti communis, f'j. Aquse, f vj. Mix: make an enema. In Constipation and Typhus.-SWEDIAUR. 1,8. R Aceti com. fj. Aquae, f~iij-iv. Mix. For Sponging the Body in Fevers.-BRANDE. 1.93 P c Aceti com. fiij. Aquae, f.~v. Mix: make a lotion. In Contusions, fc.-Dr. PEREIRA. 20. Aj Aceti, 3ij. Ammon. Mur. 3j. Mellis, giss. Aquae, xij. Mix: make a gargle. In Sore Throat.-M. DE SANTE. 21. 1B Aceti,J f iiss. Decoct. Hordei,.f3xvj. Mel. Rose, f iss. Mix: make a gargle. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 22. P Acidi Pyrolignei rect. ass. Aquae Cinnamomi, f iv. Syrupi Mori, ~ij. Mix: make a mouth-wash. PHaEBUS. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 29 23. IR Acidi Pyrolignei, 3j. Infusi Salvise, 3vj. Mix: make a gargle. In Putrid Sore Throat.-FRANCKEL. 24. B Acidi Acetici (Ph. L.), fj. Spr. Camphor, f iij. Mix: make an embrocation. As a Rubefacient.-Mr. BRANDE. 25. lt Acidi Acetici, f j. Aqure, f iij. Mix. The shaved scalp to be rubbed over with this acid. The red spots produced show the infected parts, and are to be each wet with undiluted acetic acid for three or four minutes, by means of a sponge tied on a stick. The disease is generally cured by one application. In Tinea C(apitis.-Dr. WIGAN. 26. r1 MyrrheP pulv. 3j. 01. Cassia,'gutt. ij. Bals. Peruviani, gutt. iv. Acid. Pyrolig. rectif., -ij. Carbonis pulv. q. s. Mix: make a confection for the gums. As an Antiscorbutic to the G ums.-PHcBUS. FOR ACIDUM BENZOICUM, see BENZOINUM. FoR ACIDUM BORACICUM, see BORAX. ACIDUM CARBONICUM. Carbonic Acid Gtas. Carbonic acid introduced into the stomach (in the form of simple aerated water, soda water, effervescing draughts, &c.) is refrigerant and antiseptic; it checks vomiting, and allays, thirst and gastric irritation. The gas is applied topically to the skin as a cutaneous stimulant; to ulcersto promote suppuration and diminish fetor; it has been injected into the rectum in cancerous ulcers and dysentery; and into the uterus in a painful condition of that organ. Inhaled, it is a powerful poison. Carbonic acid is an active ingredient in the following officinal compounds:-Aqua Acidi Carbonici; Aqua Selterana (and the other aerated mineral waters); Balneurm Carbonicum; Liquor Potass E ffervescens; Liquor SodXe Effervescens; Pilule Acidi Carbonici; Cataplasma JEffervescens; Ifaustus Antiemeticus; Hfaustus Effervescens; Pulveres Effervescentes, ec. 30 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. ACIDUM CITRICUM. SUCCUS LIMONIS. ACIDUM TARTARICUM. Citric acid and lemon juice are refrigerant, allaying thirst, and diminishing febrile heat. In large doses lemon juice reduces the power of the pulse, and acts as a diuretic. It is also antiscorbutic. Dose of citric acid, 10 to 30 grains. Of lemon juice, as a refrigerant, 2 to 4 drachms; as a remedy for rheumatism, 2 to 6 ounces. Tartaric acid possesses the same refrigerant properties as citric acid, and is used for the same purposes, and in the same forms. It is, however, more irritant, and in doses of a few drachms it has proved fatal. It is often used with carbonate or bicarbonate of potash to form effervescing saline draughts. Added to salts of iron it prevents the precipitation of oxide by alkalies. Dose of tartaric acid, 10 to 25 grains; of Syrupus Acidi Citrici et A. Tartarici, 2 fluid drachms to an ounce; Trochisci A. T., one frequently; Pulveres Effervescentes Citrati et Tartarizati, &c., as required; Limonadum, Lim. aeratum, Julepum Limonis, ad libitum; Limonadum Siccum, a teaspoonful in a glass of water; Decoctum Limonum, by small glassfuls. 27. Ri Succi Limonis recent. f j-ij. Misturae Camphorae, f j. Mix: make a draught to be taken three times a day. In Acute Rheumatism.-Dr. G. O. REES. ~8, u1 Succi Limonis recent. f iij ad f vj. To be taken three times a day. In Acute Rheugnatism.-Dr. BABINGTON. 29. R Succi Limonis, f iv. Cort. Limon, recentis cone. ss. Potassae Nitrat. Sj. Sacchari Albi, iv. Aquae ferventis, Oiij. Cool, and strain. As a common drink in Fevers, Wc.-Mr. BRANDE. 30. 1? Fruct. Limonis, No. 1. Aquae frigidee, Oiss. Syrupi, f ij. Make into a lemonade for a general drink. In Fevers and Inflammations. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 31 31. J~ Succi Limonis recentis, ~j. Olei Amygdale dulcis, kiss. Syrupi Althoeae, ass. Mix: a spoonful every three hours. In Obstinate Diarrhoea.-STEINHEIM. 32. R Succi Limonis, f j-ij. Aqua, f xv. Make an injection. In Alkaline Leucorrhcea.-Dr. ASHWELL. ACIDUM GALLICUM. ACIDUM TANNICUM. See GALLA. ACIDUM HYDROCYANICUM. Hydrocyanic or Prussic Acid. Hydrocyanic acid is a direct sedative, and so highly poisonous, that a single grain of the pure acid is sufficient to destroy life. The diluted acid, in medicinal doses, allays irritation, reduces the pulse, and lowers the sensibility of the nervous system. It is used to quiet irritable and spasmodic cough, to allay vomiting and nervous palpitations, and to relieve pain and quiet the system in neuralgic, rheumatic, and other painful affections. Externally, it is used in lotions, to allay itching in some cutaneous diseases. Inhaled, it has been tried in some affections of the lungs. The usual dose of Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum, L., is from 3 to 5 minims. That of the new DUB. Ph. is, perhaps, intended to be of the same strength, but its percentage of real acid is not stated. The process yields a product which is variable, but usually stronger than that of L. Acidum hydrocyanicum, E., is stronger than L., 3 minims of the former being equal to about 5 of the latter. Acidurn Hydrocyanicuz (Seheelii) is often met with in prescriptions; but there is no standard strength for it, and it possesses no advantage over the pharmacopoeia preparation. The average strength, as procured from various manufacturers, seems to be about twice that of L. Acidurn Hydroeyanicum of the United States and Prussian pharmacopoeias contains, like that of L., 2 per centum of real acid. Potassii Cyanidum has the same properties and uses as hydrocyanic acid. Dose, from one-eighth to one-fourth of a grain. 32 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. The latter dose is equal to 5 minims of diluted Hydrocyanic Acid, L. 33. 13 Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. 1Lj. Aqune destillats, f3vij. Syrupi simplicis, f3j. Mix: make a draught to be taken every second hour, until the symptoms disappear. In Gastric Irritability, Nervous Palpitation, -c. —Dr. NELIGAN. 34. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. tJiv. Aqucl destillata, f j. Syrupi Aurantii, f3ss. Mix: make a draught to be taken every fourth hour. M[r. BRANDE. 35. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil ntij. Mistura Amygdalae, f ij. Mix: make a draught. Dr. JoY. 36. 1 Acidi Hydrocyan. dil. wLxij. Aquse destillate, f3vj. Syrupi Papaveris, f3iij. Mix: take a large spoonful eveiy second hour. ln Consumptive Cough, c.-Dr. GRANVILLE. 37. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. TrLv. Misture Amygdale, f j. Extracti Conii, gr. iij. Mix: make a draught, to be taken twice or thrice a day. Mr. BRANDE. 38. P Misturae Acacin, fQj. AquT destillatwe, ffviss. Syrupi Tolutani, f ss. Acidi Hydrocy. diluti. gutt. xij. Mix: a tablespoonful every three hours. In Consumptive (ough.-Mr. S. G. MORTON. 39. I Potassme Bicarbonatis, gr. xv. Cocci Cacti, gr. viij. Aqun destillatse, f vj. Rub up together, strain, and add Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. nLx. Mix: a teaspoonful to be taken when the cough is troublesome. In Hooping-Cough of Children. —Dr. GRANVILLE. 40. R Acidi Hydrocyan. dil. mtxxiv. Bismuthi Nitratis, Magnes. Carbonatis, ana 3ij. Aquae purm ad f vj. Mix: take a fluid ounce twice daily. Dr. W. BUDD. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 33 41. 1 Acidi Hydrocyanici, (Scheelii) ITriss. Sodse Bicarbonatis, gr. xv. Misturse Camphorse, f3x. Make a draught, to be taken three times a day, after meals. Dr. CHAMBERS. 42. I Acidi Hydrocyan. dil. ntxij. Aqume Rosse, f vss. Syrupi Papaveris, f3iij. Mix: a teaspoonful every two or three hours. In Croupy Cozugh, after Purgatives.-Dr. GRANVILLE. 43. P3 Acidi Hydrocyan. dil. Tlv. Spir. Ammoniae fcetidi, f3ss. Tinct. Hyoscyami, 1lx. Spiritus Anisi, f3j. Syrupi Aurantii, f ss. Aquae, f j. Mix: take a teaspoonful thrice a day. In Laryngismus Stridulus.-Dr. REID. 44. R MisturaT Amygdalae, f3vss. Acidi Hydrocyan. dil. f3ss. Tincturse Opii, f3ss. Tinct. Lavand. comp. f3ij. Mix: make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls every second or third hour. In Gastrodynia with Spasms.-Dr. COPLAND. 45. IR Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. mLiij Creosoti, Wniij. Olei Terebinth. Mx. Mucil. Acacis, f3j. Aqu-e Cinnamomi, f j. Mix: take one-half for a dose, and, if necessary, repeat. In Spasmodic Asthma. —Sir P. CRAMPTON. 46. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. Wtiv. Potas. Bicarbonatis, gr. x. Syrupi Zingiberis, foss. Aquse Anethi, foiss. Mix: make a draught to be taken twice a day. In Irritable and Acid Stomach.-Dr. DRIUITT. 47. R Acid. Hydrocyan. gtt. 32. Liq. Mur. Morph. f3iij. Mist. Amygdalse, f viij. Mix: take a tablespoonful thrice daily. In Painful Indigestion.-Dr. Rosso 34 TTHE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 48. R Acid. Hydrocyan. gtt. ij-iij. Creosoti, gtt. j-iij. Liq. Morph. Mur. gtt. xx. Sodae S.-Carb. gr. xx. Aquas, iss. Mix: make a draught. In Gastrodynia with Vomiting.-Dr. Ross. 49. R Acidi Hydrocyanici, guttas v. Aqum calidie, q. s. Inhale the vapor by means of a suitable apparatus three times a day, lying down an hour after each; very gradually increase the dose to ten drops. After four or six weeks give steel and quinine. In H:ypertrophy of the Heart.-Dr. T. G. HARE. 50. J Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f3ij. Aquos destillata, f viij. Mix: make a lotion. To allay Itching in Cutaneous Diseases.-Dr. NELIGAN. 51. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. f3iss. Aque Rose, fviiss. Make a lotion. For the same purpose.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 52. Ac Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, 3j-iv. Decocti Malvae (vel Altheau), lbj. Mix: make a lotion. In Irritable Cutaneous Affections.-Dr. JoY. 53. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. f3iij. Spirit. rectificati, f ss. Aquae distillate, f'vij. Make a lotion, to be applied with lint, covered with oiled silk. In Impetigo (after the scabs have been removed by fomentations, &c). Mr. PLUMBE. 54. i Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f3ij. Misturne Amygdalu, f viij. Make a lotion. In Itching Cutaneous Diseases.-Dr. IIOOPER. 55. 1 Liq. Ammonie Acetatis, f ij. Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. f3j Tinct. Digitalis, f3iij. Aquae Rose, f v. Make a lotion: apply twice a day to the parts affected, by means of a small sponge. In Pruriginous Diseases of old persons.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 56. R Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f~j. Liquoris Potassae, f3ij. Misturie Amygdale, f viij. Mix: make a lotion. In Lichen.-Dr. BURGESS. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 35 57. 1R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. f3iss. Aqume destillatoe, fgvijss. Plumbi Acetatis, gr. xvj. Spirit. rectificati, f5ij. Make a lotion. To allay Itching in Cutaneous Affections.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 58. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. f3ij. Aquae destillatm, f3vj. Mix: to be applied by means of a camel-hair pencil. In Acute Rheumatism.-Dr. HI. W. FULLER. 59. R Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f3ss. Sode Bicarbonatis, 3ij. Lactis vac. f.viij. Mix: make a lotion. In Milk-scall.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 60. R Acidi Hydrocyanici dil.;ij. Hydrargyri Bichloridi, gr. ij. Emulsio. Amygd. Amara, f3vj. Mix: make a lotion. In Chronic Eruptions with Itching.-Dr. BURGESS. 61. R Potassii Cyanidi, gr. j. Aque destillatce, f iijss. Syrupi Linionum, f ss. Mix, and divide into eight draughts, of which take one for a dose. As a substitute for Hydrocyanic Acid.-Mr. DONOVAN. 62. r Potassii Cyanidi, gr. j. Amyli pulveris, Syrupi Acacie, ana q. s. Mix well, and divide into 4 pills. Take one every sixth hour. In Convulsive Dyspnoea.-BAILLY. 63. R Potassii Cyanidi, gr. xij. Mist. Amygdalm, f vj. Make a lotion. In Itching Eruptions, Lichen, fc.-LOUIS. 64. P 3 Potassii Cyanidi, gr. iij. Aquee destillatce, f ~j. Mix: to be applied with compresses. To ease Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains.-LOMBARD. 65. R Potassii Cyanidi, gr. xv. Aquae destillatse, 5iij. Dissolve, and form a lotion. (Folds of linen dipped in this to be applied to the seat of pain, and.renewed frequently, taking care that none of the solution enters the mouth.) In frontal Neuralgia.-TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 66. R Cyanidi Potassii, gr. iij. Aq. Belladonnm, dest. ~j. Make an eye-wash. In extreme Photophobia, ~c.-CUNIER. 86 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 67. R Cyanidi Potassii, gr. xij. Olei Amygdalae, 5ij. Ung. Cerse Alboe, 3ij. Make an ointment. In Lichen.-Dr. BURGESS. 68. Rf Potassii Cyanidi, gr. j. ad iv. Olei Amygdake, 3ij. Cerati Galeni (cold cream), 3ij. Mix: make an ointment. In Neuralgic pains.-M. CAZENAVE. ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM. ACIDUM NITRICUM. ACIDUM NITRO-HYDRO'CHLORICUM. H:ydrochlorie or Muriatic, Nitric, and Nitro-muriatic Acids. These are all tonic, in small doses properly diluted. Externally they are caustic and detergent. Hydrochloric acid is refrigerant, tonic, antiseptic, and vermifuge. The diluted acid is used in malignant typhus and scarlet fever; in cases of phosphatic urinary deposits; and sometimes in syphilis. It is also used as a gargle in malignant sore throat, &c. Nitric acid is tonic and antiseptic; in chronic hepatitis; in indigestion, especially when connected with mixed urinary deposits of uric acid and the phosphates; and in syphilitic affections in broken-down or scrofulous constitutions. It has also been found useful in hooping-cough, and in asthma. Dr. Arnoldi prescribes it diluted to the strength of lemon juice, and sweetened; in this way he has given as much as a drachm of the strong acid per diem to a child of two years old. The red fuming nitric acid, commonly termed nitrous acid, is sometimes preferred, particularly in cholera. Strong nitric acid is used locally as a caustic to warts, sloughing phagedsense, huemorrhoidal excrescences, &c.; and in a more diluted form to superficial ulcers which are indisposed to cicatrize, and to offensive ulcers, and caries of the bones. The vapor of ilitric acid is disinfectant; but probably inferior to chlorine. Nitro-hydrochloric (nitro-muriatic) acid is thought to act more decidedly on the liver than the preceding, especially as THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 37 applied to the skin by foot-bath and sponging. It is also used in syphilitic and mercurial cachexia, cutaneous diseases, &c. The preparations and doses are as folllows: Acidunm Iydrochloriczum purum, 5 to 30 minims. - ----— dilutum, L 30 to 60 minims. Julepum Acidurn [Guy's H.], ad libitum. Aciidum Nitricum Dilhtum, L. 10 to 40 minims. Acidum N'itro-murialicumn [nitro-hydrochloricum], 5 to 20 minims. -- --- d —-- udilutuzm 10 to 40 minims. --- itricurn alcoholisatzm, 30 minims. 69. i Acidi Hydrochlorici, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f xiv. Syrupi, f ij. Mix: take two fluid ounces frequently. In Typhus, Scarlatina, and Angina.-Dr. GREGORY. 70. tA Acidi Muriatici [hydrochlorici], f3j. Decocti Hordei, Oj. Sacchari Albi,.ss. Make a mixture. Take from two to four fluid ounces twice or three times a day. In Typhoid Fever, and White Deposits from Urine. Dr. COPLAND. 71. 1f Acidi Hydrochlorici, f3j. Aquae destillata, f vj. Syrupi Mori, f j. Mix: write A tablespoonful every four or five hours. In lMalignant Fevers and Exanthemata of Children.-Dr. URE. 72. R Acidi Hydrochlorici, f3ij. Aque destillats, f3viij. Syrupi Rubi Idei, f^ij. Mix: a tablespoonful every hour in water or gruel. In Fevers, Phlebitis, &c.-Dr. REID. 73. If Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, f3ij. Infusi Quassie, f viiss. Syr. Aurantii, f ss. Make a mixture. Take a fourth portion, twice a day. To prevent the generation of worms, after purgatives. Dr. PARIS. 74. 1R Acidi Hydrochlorici, f3ij. Infusi Calumbh, f vss. Tincturte Lupuli, fSss. Make a mixture. Take a sixth part for a dose. In Indigestion with Phosphatic Diathesis.-Dr. HOOPER, 38 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 75. 1R Acidi Hydrochlorici, 3ij. AEtheris Acetici, 3ss. Decocti Althe, v. Syrupi Rubi Idei, 3ij. Mix: write A tablespoonful every two hours. P(CEBUS. 76. 13 Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, Mrxx. Infusi Aurantii, comp. f3ix. Syrupi Zingiberis, f3j. Make a draught, to be taken daily two hours before dinner. In the above cases.-Dr. PARIS. 77. 1P Acidi Hydrochlorici, f3ij. Sodii Chloridi, 3ss. Aquce destillate, f iv. Make a solution. Take a teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water. In Anorexia.-Dr. CULLEN. 78. 1 Decocti Cydonii, f vij. Syrupi Mori, f j. Acidi Hydrochlorici, lxtxv-xxx. Make a gargle. In Sore Throat.-R. G. HOLLAND. 79. R Acidi Hydrochlorici, f3iss. Decocti Cinchone, Infusi Rosse comp. ana f iiiss. Mellis Rose, f j. Mix: make a gargle. In Maclignant Sore Throat.-Mr. BRANDE. 80. R Acid. Hydrochlor. ITLxv. Infusi Cinchonhe, f iv. MIellis Rost, f j. M. Make a gargle. In Relaxed and Putrid Sore Throat.-TROUSSEAU & REVEIL. 81. R Acidi Hydrochlorici, f Sj-iss. Syrupi Rosas gallicse, fj. Decocti Hordei, f vij. Mix; make a gargle. Dr. JoY. 82. 1 Acidi Hydrochlorici, 3j. Infusi Cinchonte, vij. Mellis Despumati, 3j. Make a gargle. In Putrid Sore Throat, Chronic Quinsy, &c.-RADIUS. 83. 13 Infusi Salvie, gviij. Acidi Hydrochlorici, 3iss. Syrupi Mori, ~ij. Mix: make a gargle. In Malignant Sore Throat.-WENDT. 84. 1R Acidi Hydrochlorici, f3ss. Infusi Rosw comp. f iiiss. Mellis Rosse, fss. Mix: make a gargle. Dr. AINSLIE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 85. 1 Infusi Rosa- comp f viss. Acidi Muriatici dil. Nij. Tinct. Capsici, f3iss. Mellis, f3iij. Make a gargle to be used frequently. Dr. COPLAND. 86. R Acidi Hydrochlorici, f3j. Mellis, Aquse Rosi, ana fTj. Mix: make a thick syrup to be applied to the gums, three or four times a day. In Scorbutic Ulceration of the Gums.-Mr. BRANDE. 87. 1B Acidi Hydrochlorici, Mellis, ana partes oequales. Mix. To touch the Fauces with in Dipltherite.-BRETTON-NEAU. 88. P 1 Acidi Hydrochlorici, 3ij. Syrupi Mori, 3ij. Mix: make a mouth-wash, to be applied to the affected parts. In Stomatitis.-WENDT. 89. 1i Mel. Rosae, 3x. Acidi Hydrochlorici, mlxx. Syrupi Rhceados,,ij. Mix: make into a thick syrup. 90. 1{ Acidi Muriatici, 3j. Aquae destillatse,,ij. Mix: make a lotion. In Chilblains, Lepra, &C.-BERAL. 91. P Acidi Hydrochlorici, gutt. iij. ad vj. Aque destillalte,.j. Make an eye-wash, to be applied frequently. For removing particles of iron from the Eye.-SICHEL. 92 R Acidi Hydrochlorici, gutt. viij. Aquas purin, f iv. Mix: make an injection. R. G. HOLLAND. 93. R Acidi Hydrochlorici, ntx. Vini Opii, ntxx. Decocti Hordei, q. s. Make an injection. To be carefully injected into the bladder, when coated with mucus and phosphates. Dr. G. BIRD. 94. RI Acidi Hydrochlorici, ss. Unguenti Sambuci, 3x. Make a liniment, to be applied twice a day. In Porrigo.-Dr. URE. 95. R Acidi Muriatici, Ung. Althsae, ana ass. Ung. Juniperi, 5ij. Mix: make an ointment, to be applied twice a day. In Tinea Capitis.-HENKE. 40 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 96. P f Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3ij. Syrupi Aurantii, f ij. Aquse, fxiv. Make a mixture. Dose, f3iv. Dr. HAMILTON. 97. 1R Acidi Nitrici, f3ss. Decocti Hordei, Oj. Mix: a wineglassful to be taken three times a day. In Papulous Eruptions.-Dr. BTURGESS. 98. R Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3iss. Aqune, fxxiv. Sacchari,.iss. Make a mikture. Take fgiij three times a day, by means of a glass tube. In Typhoid Fevers, Chronic Hepatitis, and secondary Syphilis. Dr. JoY. 99. R1 Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3ij. Spir. ALEtheris N itrici, f3ij. Syrupi, f ss. Aquas, f viiss. Mix: take a sixth part three times a day. In Dyspepsia, with foul tongue and inactive liver.-Dr. DRUITT. 100. lf Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3j. Decocti Hordei, Oj. Mix; the whole to be taken daily. In Coloration of the skin from taking nitrate of silver. Dr. URE. 101. iB Acidi Nitrici dil. fbj Aquae destillatse, f xivss. Syrupi Aurantii, f iss. Make a mixture, to be taken daily, through a glass tube, in proportionate doses. Dr. PEREIRA. 102. RP Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3ij. Infusi Chiraytoe, viiss. Mix: dose, f jss three times a day. As a Tonic, when the bowels are irritable.-Dr. DRUITT. 103. 1R Acidi Nitrici dil. Txxx. Decocti Cinchonh3, f iss. Make a draught, to be taken every fourth hour. In )Dropsy with Diseased Liver (after a purgative). Mr. J. S. WILKINSON. 104. R Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3j. Aqua destillatse, f vss. Extr. Hyoscyami, 3ss. Syrupi Zingiberis, fbiij. Mix: take f'j. Dr. COPLAND. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 41 105. R Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3iss. Aqute destillatse, Oiss. Spir. Lavandule comp. f3iv. Syrupi Aurantii, f iss. Mix: dose, a wineglassful three or four times a day. In Secondary Syphilis, Chronic Hepatitis, Chronic Indolent Ulcers of the Leg, obstinate Cutaneous Diseases, ec. Dr, M. RYAN. 106. Re Infusi Cascarillke, f vj. Potassse Nitratis, 3j. Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3iss. Tinct. Opii, f3j. Make a mixture: take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. In Oxaluria.-Dr. ALBRIDGE. 107. R Acidi Nitrici rubri, f3j. Aquoe Menthbe piperitoe (vel Misturoe Camphorae), f.j. Tincturie Opii, flrxx. Mix. A fourth part to be taken in a cupful of gruel every three or four hours. In Asiatic Cholera. —Mr. HOME. 108. Px Acidi Nitrici, rLxij. Aquoe destillatte, f xvj. Make a lotion. To Indolent Ulcers. —SIR E. HoPE. 109. R Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3ij. Aquoe pure, Oj. Make a lotion. To Indolent and Fetid Ulcers, and Caries of Bones. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 110. 13 Rosse petale, 3j. Aqute ferventis, f viij. Acidi Nitrici dil. f3iiss. Macerate and strain; and make a lotion. In Lichen and Chronic Eczema.-Dr. HOOPER. 111. gi Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3j. Acidi Hydrochlorici dil. f3ss. Aquae destillatse, f viij. Mix: take two spoonfuls three times a day. In Irritable Bladder, with Alkaline Urine. —Mr. COULSON. 112. 13 Acidi Hydrochl. diluti, Acidi Nitrici diluti, ana f3ij. Tinct. Gentiante comp. f iiiss. Make a mixture. A teaspoonful to be taken in a wineglassful of water twice a day. Mr. E. WILSON. 4 42 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 113. R Acidi Nitrici diluti, Acidi Hydrochl. diluti, ana 1%Lx. Infusi Quassiae, f iss. Mix.make a draught to be taken three times a day. In desquamative Nephritis, with general Dropsy. Dr. G. JOHNSON. 114. t~ Acidi Nitrici, nLxij. Acidi Hydrochlorici, TLxij. Aquoe Menthre pip. f vss. Syrupi Aurantii, f ss. Mix: one-sixth part for a dose. Dr. HOOPER. 115. iR Acidi Nitrici, f3j. Acidi Hydrochlorici, fgiij. Misturta Camphorse, f iiiss. Mix: take a teaspoonful in f iss of infusion of chamomile flowers, three times a day; and take every night five grains of the compound calomel pill.* In Oxaluria, with Dyspepsia, &c. —Dr. G. BIRD. 116. i~ Acidi Nitrici diluti, Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, ana f3iij. Syrupi Aurantii, f j. Aquoe fl. Aurantii, fj. Aqum destillate, f xiiiss. Make a mixture: take a wineglassful three or four times a day. Dr. DRUITT. 117. R Acidi Nitrici diluti, Acidi Hydrochlorici dil. ana Mnv. Inf. Serpentarise,.j. Make a draught, to be taken three times a day. In Oxaluria, with Debility and Irritability. —Dr. G. BIRD. 118. 1i Acidi Nitrici dil. Acidi H) drochlorici dil. ana flv. Misturte Gentianse comp. f3x. Make a draught, to be taken three times a day. Tonic and Laxative. 119. PR Acidi Nitrici, RLxij. Acidi Hydrochlorici, PLxxiv. Infusi Lupuli, f viij. Mix: take-a wineglassful three times during the day, and every night take the following pill. Hydrarg. cum Creta, gr. iss. Ipecacuanhbe p. gr. j. Make a pill. In Oxaluria, &c. —Dr. G. BIRD. * Plummer's Pill. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 43 120. R Acidi Hydrochlor. diluti, Acidi Nitrici diluti, ana Mlxxx. Tinct. Camphorse comp. f3iv. Tinct. Aurantii, f ss. Syrupi Sarsse, f^ss. Aqu s Rosse, f vj. Mix: take two tablespoonfuls twice a day. H. F. 121. P1 Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, Acidi Nitrici diluti, ana f3j. Extracti Taraxaci, ~j. Infusi Gentianse comp. f,vij. Mix: make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls twice daily, before taking food. In Dy smenorrhoea and Amenorrioea. —Dr. E. RIGBY. 122. R Acidi Nitrici diluti, Acidi Hydrochlorici, ana f3iss. Syrupi Zingiberis, fss. Tinct. Aurantii, f[ix. Mix: take a teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water, on an empty stomach, twice every day. B. TRAVERS, Jun. 123. lR Acidi Nitrici dil. f3ss. Acidi Hydrochlor. dil. f3j. Spir. 2Etheris Nitrici,'fss. Syrupi Sarse, f, j. Aquas purse, fviss. Mix: take two spoonfuls three times a day. Alterative. —Dr. HOOPER. 124. 1R Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, Acidi Nitrici diluti, ana f3j. Liquoris Taraxaci, f j. Infusi Cinchonae flave, f vij. Make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls twice a day, before taking food. In Dy/smenorrhoea. —Dr. E. RIGBY.. 125. 1f Acidi Nitrici, fgij. Acidi Hydrochlorici, f iij. Aquae destillata, f viij. Mix. For sponging the body, add f3iij. of the above to Oj. of warm water, and' apply it for a quarter of an hour. As a foot-bath, add 6 ounces of the acid to 2 gallons of water. in a deep wooden or earthen vessel; and while the feet are in the bath (the temperature of which should be 960 or 98~) the inside of the legs and thighs and arms, and the right side over 44 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. the liver, should be sponged alternately. This should be continued for fifteen minutes, morning and evening. An aperient draught of salts in a bitter infusion should be taken every second morning. In Chronic Affections of the Liver.-Mr. J. R. MARTIN. 126. R Acidi Nitro-muriatici, 3j. Adipis preparati, ~j. Mix with a wooden spatula, and add Olei Terebinth. rect. 3ij. Mix: make a liniment. As a Rubefacient in Chest Affections.-Dr. GRAVES. ACIDUM LACTICUM. Lactic Acid. Lactic acid increases the appetite and promotes digestion, in cases of deficiency of the acid of the gastric juice; it has also been recommended in the phosphatic diathesis. It is obtained as a syrupy liquid. Dose, Ltx. —xxx. diluted with water. Trochisci Acidi Lactici (Magendie's), 6 in the day. 127. 1R Acidi Lactici,.j. Aquse, Oj. Syrupi simp. (vel Aurantii),;j. A wineglass several times a day. In simple Indigestion.-MAGENDIE. ACIDUM MURIATICUM. See ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM, &C. ACIDUM OXALICUM. Oxalic Acid. Oxalic Acid, or Acid of Sugar, is well known as one of the most rapid and fatal poisons. On the Continent it is used as a refrigerant, in very small doses, and is supposed to be useful in some inflammatory conditions of mucous membranes. Dose, ~ grain to 1 grain. Salt of sorrel and the artificial superoxalate of potash possess the same poisonous and remedial properties. 128. R Acidi Oxalici, gr. viij. Misturse Acacise, fiij. Syrupi, f j. Mix; a spoonful to be taken several times a day. In Inflammation of the Fauces and Digestive Tube. M. NARDO. TIHE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 45 129. R Acidi Oxalici, gr. iv. Syrupi Limonis, f ss. Aquu, f viiss. Mix: make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls every third hour. In Inflammation of the Stomaeh.-Dr. NELIGAN. [For Trochisci Acidi Oxalici, and Troch. Potasse Superoxalatis, see' Pocket Formulary."] The effects of a poisonous dose are best combated by the immediate administration of chalk, whiting, or magnesia, in water, or any demulcent liquid. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM. Phosphoric Acid is employed as a refrigerant and general tonic, like the mineral acids, but is preferred.to them in some cases; it is more efficacious in quenching thirst in diabetes, agrees better with the stomach, and is thought to possess peculiar efficacy when there is a tendency to earthy deposits in the urine, or to exostosis, or ossification of the arteries; in caries, &c. Dose of Acidum Phosphorieum Dilutum, 20 to 40 minims. 130. R Acidi Phosphorici diluti, 3j. Decocti Hordei, Oij. To be used as an ordinary beverage. In Diabetes. 131. R Acidi Phosphorici diluti, 3j. Decocti Salep. (vel Avenue), 3vj. Syrupi Rubi Idei (vel Mori), ass. Mix: a spoonful every two hours. In Caries, Salivation, and lHemorrhage. —WTENDT. 132. R Acidi Phosphorici diluti, fss. Infusi Calumbse, 3 viiss. Tinct. Cardam. comp. fgss. Make a mixture, of which take f j three times a day. In Phosphatic Deposits from lUrine.-Dr. NELIGAN. 133. l Acidi Phosphorici diluti, Acidi Hydrochlorici dil. ana f3iss. Tinct. Calumbae, 3ix. Mix: take a teaspoonful twice a day in a wineglassful of water. In the same. 46 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 134. R Acidi Phosphorici dil. f3ss. Infusi Uvse Ursi, fgiss. Make a draught, to be taken twice a day. In Mucous Urine, with copious earthy excretions. Dr. G. BIRD. 135. 1 Acidi Phosphorici dil. f3ss. Infusi Chimaphile, f~iss. Make a draught, to be taken twice a day,. In the same case, when the Kidneys are inactive. Dr. G. BIRD. 136. ] Acidi Phosphorici dil. f3ss. Inf. Pareirse, fgiss. Make a draught. In the same, with opaque mucus.-Dr. G. BIRD. 137. R Acidi Phosphorici dil. f3ss. Infusi Buchu, fgiss. Make a draught. In the same, with Jnaction of the Skin and Kidneys. Dr. G. BIRD. 138. 13 Acidi Phosphorici sicci, Assafcetide, Pulv. rad. Althaeae, ana 3ij. Aque, q. s. Make into pills of four grains each. Three pills three times a day. In Caries.-RUST. 139. l Acidi Phosphorici sicci, Pulv. Cinchone, Extracti Cascarilla, ana =j. Testoe prseparate, gr. xv. Ferri pulverati, gr. xlv. Mix with mucilage of gum arabic a sufficient quantity to form one hundred and twenty (120) pills. Five pills to be taken three times a day. In Seminal. Weakness.-WURTZER. 140. R Acidi Phosphorici dil. 3iv. Aque purxe, ivss. Make a lotion. In Caries. —Dr. A. T. THOMSON. ACIDUM SALICULOSUM. Saliculous Acid. This acid is obtained by dissolving 1 part of salicine in 10 of water, mixing it with 1 part of bichromate of potash, and 2 ~ of oil of vitriol, diluted with 10 of water, distilling, and rectifying the oily acid from chloride of calcium. It exists also in the volatile oil of Meadow Sweet, Spirwa Ulmaria. It is diuretic, irritant, and narcotic, and is used in various dropsical affections, particularly in those connected with heart dis THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 47 ease, where from the weakened state of that organ digitalis would be improper. It is administered in the form of a tincture, containing 1 drachm of the acid in 1 ounce of proof spirit; or of a syrup, made by adding 45 drops of the tincture to 1 ounce of simple syrup. By saturating the acid with potash or soda, and evaporating, salts of these alkalies are obtained which hare the same effects as the acid more certainly and powerfully. 141. lf Tinctura Acidi Saliculosi, gtt. xx. Syrupi Menthoe piperitea, 3j. Aquas Hyssopi, f vj. Mix: a spoonful to be taken every hour. In Dropsy.-M. HANNON. 142. 3 Syrupi Acidi Saliculosi,,j. Aquce Hyssopi, ~v. Mix: as the last. 143. l Potassii vel Sodii Salicylidi, 3ss. Extracti Graminis (vel Tarax.), q. s. Make into a hundred and twenty (120) pills. Take from two to five pills in the day. In Dropsies.-M. HANNON. 144. R3 Potassii vel Sodii Salicylidi, 3ss. Sacchari Lactis pulv.?iv. Mix well, and divide into sixty powders. Two to four packets in the day. In Dropsies.-M. HANNON. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. Sulphuric Acid. The concentrated acid (Oil of Vitriol) is a powerful escharotic, rapidly disorganizing the parts with which it comes in contact, and is consequently an energetic corrosive poison. Largely diluted, it is administered as an antiseptic and refrigerant in typhoid fevers; as a tonic in general debility, and in weakness of the digestive organs attended with alkaline pyrosis; as an astringent in hemorrhages and colliquative sweats. Lately it has been used with remarkable success in many cases of epidemic diarrhoea and cholera. It is also given in some chronic cutaneous affections attended with troublesome itching; in hiccough; in chronic catarrhal diseases, &c. The dose of the diluted acid (Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum, 48 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. L.) is from 10 to 20 or 30 minims; of Acidum Sul2dphuricum Aromaticum, 5 to 15 minims. Externally, the strong acid is used alone, carefully applied, as a caustic; or formed into a paste with saffron (Gausticum Sulphuricum). As a rubefacient, it is combined with lard (Unguentum Acidi Sulphurici), or with oils (Linimentum Ac. Sulph. Compositum). With a large quantity of water it is used as a lotion in some skin diseases, and in injections. 145. IR Acidi Sul. dil. fgss. Syrup. simp. ~ij. Aquae,,xxxij. M. (Mlineral Lemonade, to be taken as a common drink.) In cases requiring Mineral Acids.-TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 146. R Acidi Sulphurici, (by weight) 3j. Aquem pura', gxxxij. Syrupi simplicis, gij. Mix: to be taken by small cupfuls. As a preventive of Lead Colic.-M. MIARTIN SOLON. 147. R Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f3ij. Aque destillate, fgvj. Mix: take f.jss immediately, and repeat in doses of f j after each liquid evacuation. In, Epidemic Diarrhoea.-Mr. GRIFFITH. 148. R Acidi Sulphurici diluti, 3ij. Aquae purme, f vj. Mix: take f:j after each liquid evacuation. In the same.-Dr. H. W. FULLER. 149. 13 Sacchari albi, 3iv. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, 3ij. Tinct. Cardamomi comp. f3iv. Aqume Menthre pip. ad f vj. Mix: take a fourth part every fourth hour. In the same.-Mr. E. SIEPHERD. 150. R Sacchari albi, 3iv. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f3iss. Tinct. Cardamomi co. f1iij. Liq. Morphire Bimeconatis, ixl. Mistura Camphorre, f vss. Mix: a fourth part every four hours. In D)iarrhoea, with Vomiting (English Cholera). Mr. E. SHEPHERD. 151. R Acidi Sulphurici diluti, qnlxv. Infusi Rosse comp. f iss. Syrupi, f/j. Mix: make a draught. In Heemorrhage.-Dr. Jox, THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 49 152. R1 Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f3iv. Syrupi Aurantii, fgiss. Aquse Cinnamomi, f~j. Mix: a teaspoonful to be taken twice a day in a glass of water. Dr. J. CLARK. 153. P~ Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f3j. Syrupi Aurantii, f3vj. Aquae purse, fviiss. Mix: a sixth portion to be taken three times a day. In Debility, with profuse Perspiration. — Dr. DRUITT. 154. PR Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f3ss to f3j. Syrupi Mori, f3j. Aquse purae, f iv. Mix: a tablespoonful three times a day. In the advanced stage of Inflammatory and Febrile disorders of Children. Dr. URE. 155. I Infusi Rosme comp. f3x. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, wLxxx. Syrupi, f3j. Mix: make a draught, to be taken every hour. In HEmoptysis.-Dr, G. GREGORY. 156. a Acidi Sulphurici dil. f3ij. Magnesise Sulphatis, 5vj. Infusi Rosme comp. vj. Make a mixture, of which take fgj every fourth hour. In Epistaxis.-Mr. DAVIS. 157. R Acidi Sulphurici diluti, rlv-xv. Infusi Cascarillae, f3x. Syrupi Aurantii, f3j. Make a draught, to be taken three times a day. Tonic.-Dr. DRUITT. 158. R Infusi Rosse comp. fvss. Acidi Sulphurici dil. f ij. Extracti Conii, gr. xij. Syrupi Mori, f3iij. Make a mixture: take two tablespoonfuls every fourth hour. In Heemoptysis.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 159. R Acidi Sulphurici diluti, ltxl. Spirit. zEtheris comp. f3ij. Sacchari albi, ~ss. Aquse Menthw vir. f vj. Mix; take a fourth part four times a day. As a Restorative after Illness.-Dr. DRUITT 160. R Decocti Cinchone, fgvj. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f3iss. Make a mixture: dose, a sixth part. Tonie.-Dr. HooPER 50 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 161. R Infusi Cascarillse, f iss. Magnesike Sulphatis,'j. Acidi Sulphurici dil. ltxv. Make a draught, to be taken twice or thrice a day. Tonic and Laxative.-Mr. BRANDE. 162. R Acidi Sulphurici diluti, fgss. Syrupi Rhceados, f ij. Tinct. Cardamomi, f3ij. Make a mixture, of which take a teaspoonful every sixth hour, in some agreeable vehicle. Dr. PEREIRA. 163. I Acidi Sulphurici Aromatici, f3iiss. Syrupi Rosse Gallicse, f3vss. Aquae destillatgm, f vij. Mix: make a mixture; take an ounce every sixth hour. In Passive HcTmorrhages and Colliquative Sweats. Dr. NELIGAN. 164. Rx Acidi Sulphurici Alcoholisati (Eau de Rabel), 3ss. Aquo pure, 3xij. Syrupi simplicis, ass. Mix: for a common drink. In Low Fevers and Passive Hamorrhages.-FRENCH HlOSP. 165. R Acidi Sulphurici, AEtheris Nitrici, ana partes oequales. Mix: take from five to ten drops in an ounce of water. In Spasms, Hwemorrhages, fc.-VOGLER. 166. 1j Decocti Hordei, f~vij. Mellis Rosie, f j. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f3ss. vel. lTxl. Mix: make a gargle. Mr. R. G. HOLLAND. 167. R Acidi Sulph. rlvxv. Syrupi simpl. Ass. Aquoe, giv. Mix: make a gargle. In Relaxed Throat. —TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 168. R Mellis Optimi, 5v. Acidi Sulphurici (pondere), 3j. Mix. To be applied by means of a camel-hair pencil. In Aphtlth.-Professor LIPPICH. 169. 3 Acidi Sulphurici dil. f3ij. Aqus, Oj. Make a lotion. In Prurigo. —Dr. GREGORY. 170. 1 Acidi Sulphurici (by weight), 3iv. Acidi Acetici, Spiritus rectificati, ai lb. ij. Mix. Applied externally to foul ulcers, and to stop bleeding. Also 20 to 30 drops given internally in water. Vulnerary, Styptic, Astringent.-CAMPANA. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 51 171. l Acidi Sulpliurici, 3iss. Olei Terebinthine, 3ss. Olei OlivSe,,iss. Mix: make a liniment. As a CQounter-irritant.-Mr. PEARSON. ACIDUM TARTARICUM. See AcIDUM CITRICUM. ACIDUM TANNICUM. See GALLZE. ACONITUM. Monkshood. Monkshood (the leaves and root of Aconitum Napellus, Nat. Ord. Ranunculacea) is a powerful poison. In medicinal doses it is anodyne, sedative, diuretic, and diaphoretic. It produces a sensation of numbness in the mouth and throat, and the parts to which it is applied. It is used, both topically and internally, to relieve neuralgic and rheumatic pains; and is also occasionally administered in hypertrophy of the heart, dropsy, consumption, gastralgia, &c. A slight increase in the quantity or frequency of the dose mIay be attended with fatal effects; it must therefore be exhibited with the greatest caution, and the state of the pulse ascertained before the dose is repeated. As there are several Tinctures of Aconite (the doses of which are stated below), it is of importance that the prescriber should indicate which he intends. The extract is of such variable strength, that its use requires especial caution. The following are the usual doses of the officinal preparations: Extractum Aconiti, L. or E., I grain to 2 grains. ------ — Alcohol. U. S. & P., - of a grain to 3. --- ---- —, et siccum, PRUS. PH., 1 grain to 3 grains. Succus Aconiti (alcholisatus) (less powerful than the tincture of the root). Tinctura Aconiti, L. (from the root), 5 to 9 minims, but chiefly for outward use. Tinctura Aconiti radicis, U. S., as L. D., 4 to 7 minims. ------------ Dr. FLEMING'S. 3 minims 3 times a day, as an anodyne, aneuralgic, and calmative; or 5 minims, repeated in not less than 4 hours, as an antiphlogistic. Tinctura Aconiti rad. concentrata, TURnBULL's, for outward use. ---- - foliorum, U. S., 20 to 30 drops. Aconitina, dose 1-120th to 1-50th gr. Liquor Aconitince (Dr. HEADLAND), 1jrv-xij (each drop contains 1-600th gr.). 52 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. Unguentum Aconitince (for outward use, made of several strengths). See below. Lotio Aconitinc (Dr. HEADLAND). See below. Unguentum Aconiti, and Ung. Aconiti Ammoniatum, are also for outward use, in neuralgia, &c. Aconitina, the active principle of Aconite, is almost too powerful for internal administration. Its high price used to present an obstacle to its use in neuralgia. It may now be made more cheaply by Dr. Headland's process. 172. R Tincture Aconiti (Fleming's), f3j. Sodoe Carbonatis, 3iss. Magnesie Sulphatis,,iss. Aquoe destillatae, f vj. Make a mixture: a tablespoonful to be taken when the pain is urgent. In Gastralgia. —Dr. FLEMING. 173. R Tincturie Aconiti (D.), -rrLv. Misture Camphors, f j. Make a draught, to be taken every fourth hour until the suffering is mitigated. (Its effects must be carefully watched.) In Acute Rheumatism and Neuralgia.-Dr. NELIGAN. 174. EX Extr. Aconiti Alcoholici, granum unum. Pulveris Glycyrrhizoe, gr. xij. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Mix: make into six pills. Dr. TURNBULL. 175. R Extracti Aconiti, gr. j. Antimonii Oxysulphureti, gr. j. Magnesie, gr. x. Mix: make a powder, one to be taken every four hours. In Rheumatic Pains, &c.-VOGLER. 176. R Extracti Aconiti, 3ss. Vini Antim. Potassio-tart. ss. Mix: from 15 to 20 drops to be taken three times a day. In Painful Gout, with Fever. —RUST. 177. R Extracti Aconiti, gr. xx. Tincturte Guaiaci, Vij. Vini Colchici sem.,ss. Mix: fifteen drops to be taken three times a day. In Chronic Gout.-Dr. SOBERNHEIM. 178. R Extr. Aconiti Alcoholici, gr. xv. Extr. Taraxaci, gr. xv. Pulv. Glycyrrhize, q. s. Mix with great care, and divide the mass into forty pills, of which one or two may be taken morning and night. In Papulous Affections of the Skin.-'CAZENAVE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 53 179. P1 Extracti Aconiti Alcoholici, gr. ij. Myristicoe Adipis, gr. xviij. Misturse Acacise, q. s. Make into a mass; divide into six pills, of which one may be taken every sixth hour. In Chronic Rheumatism, &c. —Dr. NELIGAN. 180. 1 Extracti Aconiti, gr. j. Guaiaci Resins, gr. viij. Olei Cajeputi, q. s. Make into two pills; take one night and morning. In Rheumatism, &c. —Dr. COPLAND. 181. R Tincture Aconiti (Ph. L.), f3x. Linimenti Saponis, f3vj. Make a liniment, to be rubbed on the painful joint at bedtime. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 182. 1 Tincturse Aconiti, Tincturse Belladonnae, ana f3ij. Aquse Rosae, f iv. Mix: make an embrocation. Let fqij be rubbed over the sacrum, groins, &c. In Threatened Abortion. —Dr. R. EADES. 183. ]R Tincturie Aconiti, f3j. Aqu2e destillatse, f j, Make an embrocation. In Neuralgic Pains.-Dr. R. EADES. 184. R Tincturoe Aconiti (Fleming's), f3iv. Extracti Belladonnue, 3ss, Linim. Camphorte comp. f iss. Make a liniment. As a Counter-irritant and Sedative.-Dr. OLDHAM. 185. 1f Linim. Saponis,,ij. Tinct. Aconiti (Ph. L.), 3j. Mix: make a liniment. 186. R Extracti Aconiti, 3j. Liquoris Ammoniae, gtt. viij. Adipis proeparati, 3iij. Make an ointment. tIn Old Rheumatic Pains, Neuralgia, c.-Dr. A. TURNBULL. 187. R Aconitinte purce, gr. ij. Cerat. Cetacei, 5j. Mix with the greatest care, and make an ointment, of which rub in a moderate portion over the region affected by pain. In Facial Neuralgia.-Dr. HEADLAND. 188. 1 Aconitinue puree, gr. iv. Cerat. Cetacci, jj. Mix with great care. A strong aconite ointment.. In the same, to produce a more rapid and powerful effect. Dr. HEADLAND. 54 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 189. RP Aconitins, gr. iv. Olei Olivse, nLviij. Triturate together, then add Adipis prseparati, 3ij. Mix; to be used by friction with the finger for several minutes. In Neucralgia, ce.-Dr. A. TURNBULL. 190. 1R Aconitinse, gr. v. Olei Olive, 3ss. Rub together, then add Adipis prseparati, 3viiss. Olei Bergamii, rLx. Olei Santali, nlrij. Make an ointment. In Neuralgic Rheumnatism.-Dr. IH. W. FULLER. 191. IR Aconitinse purse, granum. Spirit. restif. 3j. Aquse destillate, 3ix. Dissolve the Aconite in the Spirits, then add the water, and strain. Add, Glycerinse, 3ij. Olei Bergamotse, lrvv. Mix: make a lotion. The solution in spirit and water forms Liquor Aconitince, which may be prescribed internally in minute doses in acute Rheumatism. With the Glycerin, &c., a lotion is formed, which will rapidly produce numbness if rubbed on to the painful part in a quantity of about 3ss. at a time. Anesthetic application.-Dr. HEADLAND. AcORUS CALAMUS. See CALAMUS. ADANSONIA. Baobab Tree. The bark of the Baobab Tree (Adansonia digitata, Nat. Ord. Bombacew, or Sterculiacewe) is tonic and diaphoretic, and has been recommended as a substitute for Cinchona. It differs from it, however, in having but little taste. The decoction is mucilaginous, and soon spoils. It is taken in the same manner as Cinchona bark, usually in the form of decoction. ADIANTUM. Maidenhair. Adiantum Capillus Veneris, and A. pedatum, European and American Maidenhair, are pectoral, and are used, especially in France, in the form of Syrup (Sirop de Capillaire). Mixed with water, it may be taken as a common drink in catarrhal disorders. 2EGLE MARMELOS. Bael, or Bela. The Bael is sometimes termed the Bengal Quince, but belongs to the Nat. Ord. Aurantiacee. A decoction of the root THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 55 is used in Malabar as a remedy for hypochondriasis, melancholy, and palpitations of the heart; and of the leaves in asthma. In this country the bark of the root, and the unripe fruit and the preserved fruit, have been introduced into medical use, chiefly in irritations of the mucous membrane, and to obviate costiveness arising from debility. 192. R Fruct. immaturi Belse, gij. Aquae, Oj. Boil slowly to f v, and strain. For a dose, f j to f iss two or three times a day, or every third hour. In Dysentery and Diarrhoea.-Mr. POUND. _ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Horse Chestnut. The bark of Horse Chestnut has been used as a substitute for Cinchona. From half an ounce to an ounce of the powder may be taken in twenty-four hours. The decoction may be used in the same way as Decoctum Cinchonw. E]THEREA. lEthers. LEther. Sulphuric lEther is a diffusible stimulant, much employed, on account of its rapid but transient effects, for the relief of spasmodic and nervous affections not connected with inflammation; as in spasmodic asthma, angina pectoris, cramp of the stomach, spasmodic and flatulent colic, hiccough, nervous palpitation, fainting, &c. Externally, it is applied to produce cold by evaporation; or if the vapor is confined, as a stimulant and rubefacient. Inhaled, it produces insensibility to pain, and is used for this purpose in painful and protracted operations. In some cases, fatal results have followed its inhalation. The other aethers have a similar effect as diffusible stimuli, but with some differences..Ether Nitrosus. and Spiritus ZEtheris Nitrici are mildly stimulating, and more decidedly diuretic, or diaphoretic if the patient be kept warm. Oleuntm Ethereum is anodyne and calmative; but is seldom given alone. lEther Aceticus is much used on the Continent, internally, as a mild stimulant, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, and nervine; externally, in stimulating liniments; and alone, in gentle frictions in Gout. Ezther Hydrochloricus, Muriatic Ether, is regarded as diuretic 56 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. and diaphoretic. What has been termed Chloric tlther is a solution of chloroform in alcohol. Chloroforrny, Chloroform, is classed with the ZEthers; it is given as a pleasant and effective antispasmodic, in spasmodic asthma, colic, cholera, &c.; and is used externally as a stimulant and anodyne; and to arrest phagedenic ulceration. Inhaled, it is now preferred to sether for producing insensibility to pain; but requires caution. The doses of the officinal sethereal compounds are: Jther [Sulphuricus], 20 minims to a fluid-drachm, or sometimes more. Spiritus ^itheris compositus, from half a fluid-drachm to two. Etlher Nitrosus, 10 to 20 minims. Spiritus Ethseris Nitrici, half a fluid-drachm to two. _Ether Aceticus, from 5 to 30 or 40 drops. Ether llMuriaticus, 10 to 30 minims. Spiritus AEtheris Muriaticus, 20 minims to a drachm. Chloroformyl [chloroform], 3 to 12 drops; in delirium tremens, to a drachm. lEther Chloricus is of uncertain strength, and usually contains 1 part of chloroform to 6 or 7 parts of alcohol. [_Ether Ansestheticus (chlorinated hydrochloric ether), Amylene, Dutch liquid, and some other ethereal compounds have been used for inhaling.] 193. If AEtheris Sulphurici, f3iij. Misturce Camphore, fgvss. Make a mixture. Dose, a fourth part. -Dr. HOOPER. 194. R 2Etheris, fsj. Cetacei, gr. ij. Rub up together, and add Aquse (vel Aq. Menthre pip.), f3xj. Make a draught. In Nervous IHeadache, Spasmodic Uolic, fc.-DURANDE. 195. c Altheris Sulphurici, fgss. Misture Camphorre, f vij. Syrupi Croci, f~ss. Make a mixture, of which give for a dose three large spoonfuls. In Spasms (repeated every 1, 2, or 3 hours, according to their violence). Mr. BRANDE. 196. 13 _Etheris Sulphurici, Liquoris Ammonie, ana f3ss. Misture Camphore, f3x. Tinct. Cardamomi comp. f3j. Make into a draught, to be taken two or three times a day. In Nervous eHeadache.-Mr. BRANDE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 57 197. R JEtheris Sulphurici, 3ij. Olei Ricini, 3j. Mix: a teaspoonful every one, two, or three hours. In Tape Wormns.-ALIBERT. 198. R Etheris Sulphurici, 3iij-vj. Olei Terebinthine rectif. 3ij. Mix: ten or twelve drops to be taken in sugared water morning and evening. In Gall Stones.-DURANDE. 199. R Sp. /Etheris compositi, f3j. Misturte Camphorae, f j. Tinct. Cardam. comp f3ij. Mix: make a draught, to be taken immediately, and repeat in two hours, if the flatulence continues troublesome. In Flatulent Colic.-Dr. NELIGAN. 200. R Misturae Canphoroe, f~j. Spir. /Etheris comp. f3ij. Tinct. Cardam. comp. f3iv. Spir. Anisi, f3vj. Olei. Carui, tLxij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f3ij. Aquae Menthae pip. f.vss. Mix: make a mixture; take two tablespoonfuls for troublesome flatulence. In Flatulent Colie.-Dr. Joy. 201. 1 Magnesiae Carbon. 3j. Aquas Anethi, f3x. Spir..Etheris comp. f3j. Tinct. Castorei, 3j. Olei Anisi, lriij. Mix: make a draught. Dr. COPLAND. 202. R Spir. Ammonioe Arom. f3iss. Spir. _Etheris Sulph. f3j. Syrupi Zingiberis, f3iij. Aqute Anethi, f iiiss. Mix: dose, a third part frequently. In Hysteria, Syncope, Tympanitis, &c.-Dr. DRUITT. 203. R Spir. AEtheris comp. fjj. Spir. Ammonie Arom. f ss. Spir. Cinnamomi, f3ss. Inf. Cascarillae, fiv. Make a mixture: dose, a sixth part Dr. HOOPER 204. I Misturae Camphorae, f j. Liq. Ammon. Acetatis, f3ij. Sp. AEtheris comp. f3j. Tinct. Camphoroe comp. f3j. Syrupi Papaveris, f3j. Mix: make a draught. In Angina Pectoris.-Dr. COPLANI 5 58 TIIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 205. R Spiritus Atheris Sulphurici, f Tj. Solutionis MNlriatis Morphli, (Ph. Ed ) 11Lxv. AquAe Menthae piperiize, t'j,. Mix: make a draught to be taken immediately; and repeat, if necessary, in a quarter of an hour. In Spasm of Stomach, and Spuasmodic Colic.-Dr. NELIGAN. 206. P Mist. Camphorre, f3x. Sp. AEtheris Sullphrici, faj. Confect. Aromallice, 3j. Tinct. ILavarid. comp. t3ss. Mix: make a draught, and repeat in four hours, or if the symptoms are urgent. ein the sinking of Fevers, Palpitations, &c.-Dr. JOY. 207. PR Spirit. IEtheris comp. f3iij. Tinct. Abelmoschi. fQj. Misturle Camphor'l, f`vj. Two tablespoonfuls occasionally. To allay Nervous Excitability.-Dr. R. REECE. 208. P Spir. XEtheris comp. Rwviij. Acidi Hydrochlorici dil. jLiv. Alisture Camphorle, f3iij. Make a draught, to be taken every sixth hour. [For a child of five years of age.] In the advanced stage of Fever.-Dr. WEST. 2'09. R Spirit. }Etlheris Aromatici, f3j. Aquar Cinnamomi, f3vj. Spir. Lavand. comp. f3j. Mix: make a cordial draught. Dr. E. G. CLAKK. 210. R E Atheris Sulphurici, Liquoris Anrmonie Acet. Spiritus Vini rectificati. ana friss. Aqnoe Rosse, fiiiiss. Mix: make aneevaporating lotion. In Inflammation of the lBrain.-Dr. CGPLAND. 211. P bEtheris Sulphurici, Spir. Camphorae, Tinctur'e Opii, Tincturre Cantharidis, ana f3iv. Mix: make a liniment, to be rubbed upon the affected part frequently during the day. In Hysterical Pain in the Side.-Dr. ASHIWELL. 212;. Sp, AEtheris Nitrici. f3j. Aquoe destillatme, f-j. Make a draught. Diuretic. —Dr. PARIS. TIIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 59 213. R1 Spirit. AEtheris Nitrici, f3iij. Liq. Ammunia Acetatis, f j. Misturte Camlphora', fjivss. Syrupi Zingiberis, f3ij. Make a mixture, of which take three large spoonfuls frequently. In Low Febrile Affections. —Mr. IBRANDE. 214. 1R Spir. JEtleris Nitrici, fgj. Liq. Ammoiiie Acetatis, f, ij. Syrupi sinmplicis, fj. Aqume ad. f~lv. Mix: dose, two or three spoonfuls. Diaphoretie.-Dr. HOOPER. 215. l Spir. AEttheris Nitrici, f3ij. Tinct. Camphorcr com p. f3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, tfij. Liq. Amnrmoniie Acetatis, f3ij. Spirit. Anisi, f;j. Mist. Camphoroe, f j. Syrupi Tolutani, f3j. Make a drauglht, to be taken on going to sl^ep. In recent Oatarrh. (To be followed by a stomachic aperient next morning.) Dr. COPLAND. 216. PX Aqu- dest.illatms, 3j. Spir. tEtlheis Nitrici, ilxl. Vini Opii, WrLxv. Syr. Rlheados, f`iij. Make a draught, to be taken going to sleep. As an Anodyne in Fevers.-Dr. E. G. CLARK. 217. SR Sp. jElheris Nitrici, Sp. Amiioniei Arom. ana fj. Mix: take a teaspoonlftl t\o or Ithree tiiies a d:;y in water. Diaphoretic and Diuretic. —Sir A. COOPER. 218. P r Spir. Ettlheris Nitrici, Liqtloris Potasste, alna f~j. Mix: take a teaspoont'ul in water three times a day. H. J. [If the Sp. AEth. Nit. is not free from Aldehyd, the mixture will be brown.] 219. P1, Spir. ABtheris Nitrici, f j. Liq. Ainmotnie Acet. fiv. Anumonive Sesquic irh. 3j. Mitturue Caml)li)roe, fgiiss. Tint. Scillre, fcjss. Mix: take a tablespoontul three times daily with a tablespoonful of pure water. J. HODGSON. 60 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 220. R Spir. JEtheris Nitrici, Syrupi Tolutani, ana f j. Mix: a teaspoonful to be taken frequently while the cough is troublesome. In Coughs.-Dr. HOOPER. 221. A JEtheris Acetici, 3j. Liq. Ammon. Acet. Aquee fl. Aurantii, ana 3j. Syrupi Ribium (vel Mori), 3iij. Mix a spoonful every hour. To promote Diaphoresis.-JAHN. 222. R Etheris Acetici, WLIxxx. Misturoe Camphoroe cum Magnesia, f j. Make a draught, to be taken immediately, and, if necessary, repeat in an hour. In HIysteria. —Dr. NELIGAN. 223. R Atheris Acetici,.ss. Acidi Acetici, 3ij. Aquae Rubi Ideei,,iv. Syrupi ejusdem, gij. Mix. a spoonful every two hours. In Nervous Fevers. —SUNDELIN. 224 RB Olei Cajaputi, nLxij. AEtheris Acetici, 3ij. Tincturse Opii, 3j. Mix: ten, fifteen, or more drops to be taken every hour, shaking the bottle. In Asiatic Cholera. —PHo(EBS. 225. P 2Etheris Acetici, gutt. xxx. Olei Olive, 3ij. Mix: put a few drops in the ear at night. H. NEIL. 226.:R Altheris Acetici, 3j. Saponis sevi, 3j. Dissolve at a gentle heat, and strain. From half a dr. to 1 dr. to be used in frictions. In Rheumatic Pains.-PELLETIER. 227. P R Etheris Hydrochlorici, 3ss. Aquae Menthae pip. iij. Syrupi Aurantii, 3j. Mix: to be taken by spoonfuls. As a Stimulant in Sinking. —B RERA. 228 P Chloroformylis, gr. xv. Syrupi flor. Aurant. 3x. Aquae flor. Tilioe, 3iij. Mix, according to art; dose, a dessert or tablespoonful. In violent Colic, Neuralgia, or Asthma. TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 6 229. 1 Chloroformi, gutt. vj. Aquse purse, f'j. Make a draught. In Asiatic Cholera (after a pill of 5 gr. calomel, and 2 gr. opium.) Mr. J. P. OATES. 230. R Chloroformi, nLv. Syrupi Rhteados, f3j. Aque, f iss. Make a draught, to be taken when the pain is urgent. In Spasmodic and Cancerous Diseases.-Dr. NELIOAN. 231. R Chloroformi, TWviij. Sp. Vini Gallici, f3iij. Aque, fyij. Make a draught. In Cholera.-Mr. BRADY. 232. Chloroformi, f3j. Sp. AEtheris comp. Tinct. Valerianre, ana f3ij. Aquoe, f iss. Make a draught. In desperate cases of Deliriu.m Tremens. Dr. S. PRATT (U. S.). 233. R Chloroformi, f3j. Aquoe, fgiiss. Make a draught. In the same.-Mr. BUTCHER. 234. R Chloroforni, rv. Tinct. Belladonnm, f3ss. [Twxv?] Syrupi Croci, f'j. Aquoe destillate, fgiss. Mix: make a draght. Take such a draught three or four times a day. Int Epileptiform IHysteria, and Hysterical _Neuralgia. Dr. NELIGAN. 235. f Chloroformi, part j. Misturll Acacies, p. ij. Mix: make an injection. It produces severe pain. In Gonorrhoea.-Mr. H. BEHRENDS. 236. l Chloroformi, 3j. Olei Terebinthinse, ~iiiss. Make a liniment. In Intermittents (rubbed on the spine).-M. ARAN. 237. R Chloroformi, Lmxx. Tinct. Aconiti rad. Tinct. Opii, ana f3j. Lin. Camphorse comp. fsxiv. Mix: make a liniment. In Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains. —Dr. NELIGAN. 238. R Chloroformi, 3j. Camphorae, 3j. Adipis praep. 3j. Make an ointment, to be applied every night. In Rheumatism 62 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 239. R Chloroformi, 3ss. Cerati Galeni (c'old cream), 3j. Make an ointment. To allay Itching in Urticaria, &c. —-Dr. NELIGAN. 240. 1 Chloroformi, gutt. Ix. Adipis, 3j. Rub up together in a mortar, to form an ointment. In Neuralgic and lRheumatic Pains.-M. BouIs. 241. 1 Chloroformi, 3iv. Potassii Cyanidi, 3iij. Ung. Cerae Albae, ~iv. Make an ointment. In Neuralgia.-CAzENAVE. 242. 1, Pulv. Resinze flav. ass. Chloroformylis, q. s. to dissolve the'esin. Impregnate with this thick solution a small piece of cotton, and introduce it into the hollow of the tooth. In Toothache.-TROussEAU and REVEIL. 243. R Chloroformi, f3j. Zinci Oxydi, 3ss. 01. Olivee, 3j. Cerati Cetacei, 3iv. Mix: make an ointment. To sensitive Ulcers of the Rectum.-Mr. CURLING. 244. R1 Chloroformi, nTxx. Olei Olivse, fgj. Make a liniment: to be smeared on the skin, previously well dried, after a tepid bath. In Lichen.-Dr. NELIGAN. 245. 13 A2theris Chlorici, f3j. Pulveris Acaciae, 3ss. Aquae, f, iv. Make a mixture, of which a third part may be given for a dose. Antispasmodic and Stimulant.-Dr. DRUITT. 246. R A3ltheris Chlorici, 3j-iij. Aquae destillatse, Oj. Make a lotion. In painful affections of the Breast.-Mr. TUSON. ALCOHOL. In the form of Rectified Spirit and Proof Spirit, alcohol is used in many pharmaceutical preparations, which are noticed under the several drugs. Largely diluted spirit is used in evaporating and other lotions, in gargles, collyria, &c. Ardent Spirits (brandy, rum, gin, whisky, &c.) mlay be regarded as diluted alcohol. Of their dietetic use it is riot necessary tc TIHE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 63 speak here; but we may notice Dr. Paris's opinion, that the habitual use of them induces "more than half of all our chronical diseases." Medicinally, they are sometimes prescribed, particularly brandy, to rouse the system in some cases of extreme debility, the sinking stage of typhus fever, &c. Mlistura Spiritus Vini Gallici is given in the dose of half an ounce to an ounce, frequently repeated. 247. R Infusi Thsese, Oij. Succi Liimonis, f'j. Spiiti. Vini Gallici,.iv. Sacchari albi, liv. Mix: a small glassfuil fiequently. In Cholera,'c.-MAGENDIE. 248. R Spiritus Vini rectificati, Albuminis ovi, partes oequales. Mix: to be applied with a feather. To Bed Sores in their first stage.-Dr. CIIISTISON. 249. l Spiritus rectificati, f j. Aqule purte, f xv Malke a lotion. To produce cold by evaporation.-Dr. DRUITT. 250. B Spirit, Vini rectificati, fiv. Liquoris Calcis, f.viij. Make a lotion. To inflamed sur'faces.-Dr. REECE. 251. ~ Spirit. Vini rectif. gij. Liq. Ammonite Acet.,vj. Mix: make a lotion. Discutient.-R. G. HOLLAND. 252. R! Spirit. rectificati, f3ij. Aquae (vel Aque Rosse), liv. Make an eyewash. PH(EBUS. ALLIUM. Allium Sativum, Garlic; and Aliurm Cepa, Onion (Nat. Ord. Liliacee), are stimulant, diuretic, expectorant, and deobstruent; but are more suitable for cold phlegmatic constitutions than for hot and bilious ones. They are seldom prescribed; but have been recommended in chronic catarrhs, humoral asthma, worms, &c. Dr. Sydenham says he has seen dropsies cured by garlic. Epilepsy, of old standing, is said to have been cured by a strong infusion of it. Externally, Garlic is used as a revulsive. Onions, roasted and split, are applied as maturating cataplasms. 64 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. Dose of Garlic, ~ dr t. to 2 dr. (a clove or two is recommended to be taken in the morning, for worms); Syrupus Allii, a teaspoonful; Vinum Cepw, a wineglassful as a diuretic; Unguentum Allii is rubbed on the soles of the feet in hoopingcough. 253. r Allii contusi, lb.ss. Aquae, lb j. Let them stand in an oven, in a covered vessel, for some hours; then strain. Two spoonfuls to be taken before and after every meal. In Epilepsy.-Mr. WHITE (Veterinarian). 254. P Succi cepoe, 3j. Sacchari,,iss. Make into a syrup: a teaspoonful occasionally. In Coughs of Children, without Inflammation.-Dr. WOOD. 255. B Allii sativi bulbi, 3ij-iv. Lactis, vj-viij. Boil gently, and strain, to make an enema. In Thread Worms.-RADIUS. 256. P Bulbos Allii sativi incis. No. 3-4. Spir. Vin. Gallici, f xxvij. Macerate for 36 hours, strain, and add Decocti Bardante, vviij. Make a lotion. To prevent Baldness.-PnHaBus. ALOE. Aloes. Aloes is the inspissated juice of various species of Aloe (Nat. Ord. Liliaceee). In full doses it operates pretty certainly, though slowly, as a stimulant cathartic, chiefly acting on the lower bowels. In smaller doses it is stomachic and tonic. On account of its stimulating action on the rectum, aloes must be cautiously prescribed where there is a tendency to piles; and as its stimulus extends to the uterus, it is ranked among the Emmenagogues, and must be used with caution during pregnancy. Aloes is much used as a remedy for sluggish bowels in persons of sedentary habits; in dyspepsia, hypochondriasis, jaundice, &c. On account of its extreme bitterness it is usually given in the form of pills; in the liquid form its taste is partially concealed by liquorice. Its purgative powers are increased by the addition of bitter tonics. The dose of Socotrine Aloes is from 1 or 2 grains (as a THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 65 stomachic and laxative), to 12 grains as a cathartic. Barbadoes and hepatic aloes are regarded as rather more powerful. The following are the principal officinal preparations in which it is the chief ingredient, with their respective doses: Extractum Aloes (Aquosum), 3 to 12 grains. t" "C Barb. 2 to 10 grains. Piluloo Aloes, E. 10 to 20 grains. comp. 5 to 15 grains. et Assafoetidte, 10 to 15 grains. "' " curn Sapone, 5 to 15 grains. " cum Myrrh.a, 5 to 20 grains. ";" et Ferri, E. 1 to 3 pills. "'" et Mastiches, 6 grains.' Aloetice (Guy's H.), 2 to 4 pills. Aloina (the active principle), 1 or 2 grains. Collyrium Aloeticum. Decoctum Aloes comp. ~ oz. to 2 oz. Enema Aloes. Solutio Aperiens (Mettauer's), 1 to 2 drs. Tinctura Aloes, 1 dr. to 1 ounce..".. comp. ~ dr. to 1 drachm. " Rhei et Aloes, 2 oz. to 1 oz. " Aloes Alkalila, 1 dr. to 4 drs. Vinuin Aloes, 1 to 2 drs as a stomachic. " 2 ~ oz. to 12 oz. purgative. Pulvis Aloes comp. 10 to 20 grains. " ~ " Ccum Canella, 5 to 15 grains. " et Ferri, 5 to 15 grains. Suppositorium A nthelminticum. Unguenturn Aloes. 257. R Aloes Socot. 3ij. Saponis mollis, (Ph. L.) 3ss. Olei Menthb pip. nlv. Make into 30 pills. Take one or two occasionally, as necessary. In Sluggish Bowels.-Dr. A. T. TIHOMSON. 258. R Aloes Extracti, Dj. Pulv. Ipecacuanhte, gr. viij. Pulv. Zingiberis, 3ss. Syrupi, q. s. Make 16 pills. One to be taken before dinner. In Indigestion with (Costiveness.-Dr. BAILLIE. 259. PB Pulv. Aloes comp. gr. viij. Olei Anisi, gutt. ij. Olei Carui, gutt. j. Make two pills. A2erient and Carminative.-Dr. HOOPER 66 THIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 260. R Extr. Aloes aquosi, Pulv. Rlhei, Pulv. Ipec:cuanhb, Saponis Hislan. sing. gr. xij. Make a mass, to be divided into 12 lills. Take one or two for a dose. In Indigestion.-Dr. G. GREGORiY. 261. I~ Extracti Aloes aquosi, 3j. Scammonii opt. 3ss. Bals. Peruviani, gr. x. Olei Carui, gult x. Mix: make 20 pills, of which two or three may be taken, according to circumstances, occasionally. For Indolent Bowels in Aged Persons.-Dr. ROBINSON. 262. R Pulv. Aloes, Pulv. Mastiches, Pulv. Rhei, ana 3ss. Water, sufficient to form a mass, which is to be divided into 20 pills, of which two or three may be taken before dinner. In Costiveness and Flatulence in DAyspeptic faabits. Mr. BRANDE. 263. B Pil. Aloes comp. Pil. Fetri comp. ana 3j. 01. Sabinse, 01. Rutte, ana gutt. iij. Pulv. ('Iapsic'i. gr. viij. Triturate intimately, and divide into 24 pills. One may be taken three times a day. In Amenorrhoea.- Dr. RYAN. 264. 1 Aloes Socotrinse, gr. xvj. Masiicles, gr. viij. Extr. Gentiansre, Pil. Galbani comp. ana gr. iij. Olei Anisi, q. s. Make into 12 pills. Take three every day on going to sleep. As a warm Laxative, in Asthma, ec.-Dr. COPLAND. 265. 13 Aloes Socotrinee, Zingiberis, )ulv. ana 3ss. Extr. Anthemidis, 3ij. Make into 20 pills. One or two an hour before dinner. In Indigestion, with Costiveness.-Dr. HOOPER. 266. 13 Aloes Socotrinse, Rhei Pulveris, ana 3ss. Saponis, q. s. Make a mass, and divide into 25 pills. Three or four may be taken occasionally, as may be necessary. In Dyspepsia, with Costiveness.-DR. ELLIS (U. S.). TIIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 67 267. R Pil. Aloes cum Myrrlih. 3ij. Exlracli Hyoscyami, 3j. Mix: and divide iio 12 pills. Take one at night, frequently. As a mild Laxative in Dyspepsia.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 268. R Pil. Aloes compos 3iiss. Olei Crotoni-, glutt. j. Make 12 pills, of which take two at the hour of sleep, as often as may be necessary. Dr. ELLIOTSON. 269. R Aloes spicatse, 3ss. Rhei pulveris. 3!s. Extr. Gentianre, 3j. Syrnpi, q. s. Make.20 pills. Tlke two twice a day. In Dyspepsia, with Torpid Bozwels.-Dr. AINSLIE. 270. 13 Aloes Socot. 3iij. Mastiches, 3j. Petaloe Rosre (vel Pulv. Rhei), 3j. Fellis insl)issti, 3i,-s. Mix well, and divide into 100 pills, of which take two or three before dinner. In Indigestion.-Dr. COPLAND. 271. 13 Pil. Aloes et MIyrrhre, 3j. Pil. Galbani comp 3ij. Mix, and divide into 40 pills. Take two three times a day. In Costiveness, with -Nervous Debility.-Dr. FARRE. 272. PR Plilv. Aloes comp. 3ij. Pulv. Antimonii comp.?j. Syr. Zingiberis, q s. Make into 16 pills. Take two every night. As a Sudorific Laxative.-Dr. AINSLIE. 273.' BExtr. Aloes Barb. aquosi, Saponis Hispanici, Theriac(e (treacle), Extr. Glycyrrhizae, each 7j. Soften together in a water bath, and then divide into 48 pills. Take one on going to sleep. Dr. MARSHALL HALL. 274. l Aloes Barbad. gr. xxiv. Acidi Sulphurici, gutlas sex. Mix well, and divide into 6 pills, of which two may be taken every fourth hour. In Obstinate Costiveness.-Dr. DICKSON. 275. R Pil. Aloes comp. Pil. Hydrargl ri, ana gr. xxv. Syr. Zingiberis, q. s. Mix, and divide into 10 pills; take one every night, going to sleep. In Flatulent Intdigestion, with Liver Derangement. Dr. AINSLIE. 68 TIIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 276. R Pulv. Aloes comp. 3j. Pulv. Antimonii comp. gr. v. Saponis duri, Dss. Decocti Aloes comp. q. s. Make a mass and divide into 20 pills, of which two may be taken to excite a proper action ot the bowels. Dr. PARIS. 277. R Extracti Aloes aquosi, Qninse Disulphatis, ana 3j. Mix: make into 20 pills, one to be taken at bedtime. In Costiveness from Torpor of Colon, and Deficient Bile. PITTSCHAFT. 278. R Extracti Aloes purif. gr. xviij. Quinae Disulphatis, gr. xij. Pil. Hydrargyri, gr. vj. Extracti Rhei, gr. xviij. Mix: make 12 pills, take one at noon and one just before going to sleep. Dr. BARON. 279. R Pulv. Aloes, gr. iv. ad viij. Syrupi simp. (vel empyrenmatici), 3j. Make an electuary to be taken at evening. [This is continued nightly with only 2 grains, or q. s. of aloes, for a child of 7 to 10 years.] In Chorea.-Dr. JAMES HAMILTON. 280. R Vini Aloes, f iss. Spir. Ammonise arom. f ss. Mix: dose, a tablespoonful, with water. As a Warm Aperient. —Dr. AINSLIE. 281. R Decocti Aloes comp. Inf Gentianve comp. ana f iij. Liq. Potasse, 3ij. Mix: take two large spoonfuls every morning. In Headache, with Indigestion.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 282. 1R Decocti Aloes comp. f3iv. Infusi Cascarillm, f j. Make a draught, to be taken once or twice a day. In Costiveness in Weak Hysterical Subjects.-Dr. UWINS. 283. R Decocti Aloes comp. f iij. Mist. Ferri comp. f v. Make a mixture, take two spoonfuls twice a day. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 284. 13 Decocti Aloes comp. f ivss. Sode Bicarbon. 3j. Vini Aloes, f3vj. Extracti Taraxaci, 3iij. Spir. Pimentse, f ss. Mix: take a third part for a dose. In Habitual Constipation.-Dr. COPLAND. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. ()9 285. P 3 Decocti Aloes comp. f viss. Tinct. Sennm comp. f j. Tinct. Scille, f3iij. Make a mixture, three tablespoonfuls to be taken occasionally. As a Laxative, in Asthma. —Dr. R. REECE. 286. R Decocti Aloes compositi, ftij. Syrupi Croci, Syrupi Rhei, ana f ss. Make a mixture, to be taken in two doses. In Torpor of the Bowels, with Chlorosis. —Dr. NELIGAN. 287. R Decocti Aloes compos. f iss. Extracti Glycyrrhizem, 3ij. Vini Aloes, f3ij. Mix: one or two teaspoonfuls twice a day. As a Laxative and Vermifuqe for Children. Drs. EVANSON and MAUNSELL. [The same, with rtxxx-lx Tinct. Ferri Sesquichloridi, is given to prevent the re-generation of worms.] 288. R Decocti Aloes comp. f~vss. Infusi Sennc comp. fgij. Tinct. Sennm, Tinct. Jalapce, ana f3ij. Make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls twice daily, morning and late in the evening. Dr. PARIS. 289. R Decocti Aloes comp. f iij. Potas. Bicarbon. 3ij. Ferri Ammonio-tart. (Aikin's), 3ss. Sp. Ammonite arom. f3iij. Aquie, gviss. Make a mixture, take a sixth part twice a day. Laxative and Tonic.-H. J. 290. R Aloes,.j. Sacchari crystallati, 3ij. Triturate intimately: and divide into 18 equal doses; give one occasionally. In Convalescence from Chorea. —Dr. JAS. HAMILTON. ALTHIEA. Miarsh Mlallow. The dried root of Marsh Mallow (Althaea officinalis, Nat. Ord. Malvacee) is used as an emollient and demulcent, in inflammations and irritations of the alimentary canal, and of the urinary and respiratory organs. The powdered root is employed to give consistence and coherence to pill-nasses, &c. 70 TIlE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. The leaves and flowers of Altlhea (as well as of the common mallow, MAalva Sylvestris) have similar properties, but are chiefly used externally, in soothing fornentations, &c. The powdered root, and albo lMistura Altlhaw, Syrupus Althexx, and Pasta Althcew, are taken almost ad libitum. Unguentumn Althxx is emollient and resolvent. 291. 1R Decocti Altheae, f vj. Syrlipi simplicis, fj. Make a mixture, of which give a third portion, every sixth hour. In Calculous Disorders, and Infltammation of the Kidneys. Dr. A. T. THlOMSON. 292. 1r Pulv. Althsee, Pulv. Gl) cyrrhizoe, ana iij. Pulv. Poitsste Nitratis,.ss. Pulv. Camphorue, 3j. Mix, and divide into 30 powders; one powder three times a day. 293. 1 Rad. Altlihee,,ij. R.,d. Glycyrrhliz,, 3iij. Aquse, Oi-s. Boil lown to a pint, and strain. Dr. COPLAND. 294. 3 Rad. Althese,.j. Aquce, Oss. Coque ad f-v. cola, et adde Lactis, f iij. Mellis, ~iss. Make a gargle. TROUSSEAU. 295. w Fsectum Solani tuberosi, Decocti Alihmae, aria p sq. Mix the starch witlh a little of the cold decoction, then add the remainder of the decoction, and boil until it assumes a proper consistency for use as a poul ice. In Irritable Diseases of the Skin. —Dr. JoY. 296. R Infusi Altlihte, f.xvj. Liq Plumbi )iacetatis, f3j-ij. Make a lotion. In Lichen and Chronic iEczema. —Dr. BURGESS. 297. P Decocti Althseae, Oss. Sodce SuliIhatis, gj. Olei Oliv\e, f'j. Mix: make an enema. Dr. HOOPER. ALUMEN. Alum. Alum (Sulphate of Alumina and Potash) is astringent, and is prescribed in haemorrh.lges, chronic diarrhcea, and dysentery, and in atonic discharges generally; also in hooping-cough and TIIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 71 lead colic. Locally, its saturated solution is used as a styptic; and a weaker solution as a lotion, to ulcers and chilblains; as a gargle, in relaxed sore throat, excessive salivation, &c.; as a collyrium in chronic ophthalmia,; as an injection in gleet, &c. The powder is blown into the throat in diphtherite, &c. Burnt alum is chiefly used as a mild caustic to repress proud flesh. The usual dose of alum is from 5 to 30 grains for an adult, or 1 to 5 grains for chillren: some practitioners have given as much as a teaspoonful to children of two years old, as an emetic in croup. Confectio Aluminis (St. Bart. II.), a drachm. Liq. Aluminis C(ompositus (L.), for outward use. 298. B: Aluminis, gr. xlviij. Aquoe calidre, f3vss. Syrupi, f~ss. Mix: dose, fromr f3ss to f5iv, according to the age, three or four times a day. In Bronchitis.-Dr. ANDREWS. 299. 1 Aluminis, gr. xxiv. Acidi Sulphurici diltiti, ITjxij. Syrupi Riceados, f3iv. Aquoe purse, fiiss. Make a mixture, take f3iij every six hours. In Hooping-cough.-Dr. WEST. 300. R Aluminis, 3ss. Aqume, fiiiiss. Symupi Rlc(eados, fgiv. Mix: take forn a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, according to the age of the patient, twice a day. lit Inooping-cough.-Dr. DAVIS. 301. R Aluminis, gr. xxv. Extrlcti Conii, gr. xij. S) rupi Rlioeados, f3ij. Aque Anethi, f iij. Mix: take a dessertspoonful every sixth hour. In the second stage of Hooping-cough.-Dr. GOLDING BIRD. 302. R Aluminis, 3iss. Syrupi Rosat Gallice, f~j. Aque Rosoe, f, vij. Mix: make a mixture, of which let the patient take a tablespoonful every three or four hours. In Painters Colic and old Diarrhoeas.-Dr. NELIGAN. 72 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 303. R Infusi Rosie comp. fgviiss. Aluminis, 3ij. Tinct. Cardam. co. fgss. Mix: give two tablespoonfuls three times a day. In Habitual Constipation.-Dr. ALDRIDGE. 304. R Aluminis, 3ij. Magnes. Sulphatis, ~j. Infusi Rosi comp. f~viij. Mix: give two tablespoonfuls with two wineglassfuls of water, early in the morning, every day. In Habitual Constipation and Lead Colic.-Dr. ALDRIDGE. 305. 1~ Aluminis, 3j. Acidi Sulphurici dil. f3iss. S rupi simpl. f ss. lnfusi Rosi cornp. f^vij. Mix: dose, one-sixth every fourth hour. In Passive HEemorrhages.-Dr. DRUITT. 306. R Pulv. Aluminis, P. Kino, ana 3iiss. Syrupi simp. q. s. To make a mass to be divided into 100 pills; dose, 2-10 daily. In Chronic liiarrhoea or Menorrhagia. TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 307. fP Aluminis, 3iiss. Syrup. Rhatanise,,ij. Aquoe, ~vj. Dissolve the alum in the water, and add the syrup; divide into four doses, and administer at intervals of half an hour. ln HWmoptysis.-TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 308. IR Camphorae rasue, gr. iv; rub up with Mucilaginis Acacire, f ss. Aqute Pimentoe, f3j. Pulv Aluminis, 3ss. Spirit. Anisi, f3j. Syrupi Croci, f3ss. Mix: make a draught, to be taken every fourth or fifth hour, first shaking the vial. In Painters' Colic.-Dr. COPLAND. 309. R Lactis Vaccini bullientis, Oj. Aluminis contriti, 3ij. Boil together until a coagulum is formed; strain the serum, and give a wineglassful frequently. Mr. BRANDE. 310. R Pulveris Aluminis, 3iiss. Mellis albi, 3x. Mix: half a spoonful to be given every hour; and powdered alunr blown into the throat every four hours. In Croup and.Diphtheritis.-Dr. TROUSSEAU TIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 73 311. R Pulv. Aluminis, 3j. Pulv. Cubebbe, 3v. Make a powder, to be taken three times a day. In Gonorrhoea.-M. RICORD. 312. R Pulv. Aluminis, gr. viij. Quinse Disulph. gr. ij. Pulv. Acacie, Pulv. Sacchari albi, ana gr. xij. Make a powder. Prepare 12 such powders, and let the patient take one powder every third hour. In Passive Haemorrhages, Adynamic Fevers,.c. Dr. COPLAND. 313. I Picis liquids, Ptlv. Aluminis, ana 3v. Pulv. Glycyrrhizoe, q. s. Make a mass, and divide into pills of 42- grains; take from 6 to 10 every day. In Gonorrhoea.-M. BERTON. 314. R Pulv. Aluminis, gr. vj. Pulv. Ipecacuanhae, gr. iss. Syrupi Papav. q. s. Make a bolus, to be repeated in four or six hours. In Dysentery.-Dr. JOY. 315. lR Pulv. Aluminis, gr. xij. Pulv. Catechu, gr. v. Cinnamomi, gr. iv. Conf. Rosie, q. s. To make a bolus, to be taken three times a day. In Flooding from Relaxation.-Dr. OSBORNE. 316. R Pulv. Aluminis, gr. vj. Dissolve in Aquse Rosae, f v. Make an eyewash. In Chronic Ophthalhnia.-Mr. BRANDE. 317. 1R Pulv. Aluminis, gr. vj ad Dj. Aquse Rosse, f vj. Dissolve, and make an eyewash. Mr. G. G. HOLLAND. 318. 1R Aluminis, 3ij. Inf. Rosse, Oj. Make a lotion. In Acne, Pityriasis, Eczema,'c. (after the removal of the incrustations). M. CAZENAVE. 319. R Aluminis, 3j. Decocti Cinchonie, f xij. Mellis Rosse, f iss. Mix: make a gargle. In relaxed Sore Throat.-Sir A. COOPER. 6) 74 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 320. R Infusi Rose comp. Decocti Althoee, ana f iij. Aluminis, 3j. Mel. Rosie, f ij. Make a gargle. Use frequently. In relaxed Sore Throat and Ulcerated Mouth.-Dr. NELIGAN. 321. R Aluminis, 3j. Acidi Sulph. diluti, lLxx. Tinct. Myrrh3e, fsij. Decocti Cinchon-e, f vj. Make a gargle. Dr. HOOPER. 322. P1 Pulv. Acaciam, 3ss. Pulv. Aluminis, gr. v. Mix with great care, and make a powder. To be applied to the nipple as often as may be necessary. To Sore Nipples (applied after suckling). Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 323. R Aluminis pulv. 3j. Crette prteparatse, jj. Mix carefully, and make a powder, of which a portion may be sprinkled on the nipple as often as occasion may require. Dr. PEREIRA. 324. R Pulv. Aluminis, Pulv. Acacie, ana part. seq. Mix: to be blown into the nostrils. In _Epistaxis.-M. LECLUYSE. 325. P R Aluminis pulv. 5vj. Tinct. Capsici concent. 3ij. Mix, and dry. A very small quantity of the powder to be applied to the tonsils. Dr. TURNBULL. 326. R Aluminis; 3iss. Aqute Rose, f viij. Make an injection. In Gonorrhoea.-BELL.:327. 1 Liq. Aluminis comp. fgvj. Aquae destillatae, f vss. Misturae Acaciae, f ss. Mix: make an injection. In Gleet.-Mr. BRANDE.'328. R Aluminis, 3ij. Decocti fol. Juglandis, Oij. Mix: make an injection. In Leucorrhoea.-M. TROUSSEAU. 329. R Infusi Lini, f'xv. Aluminis, 3ij. Tincturte Kino, %j. Mix: make an injection. In Cauliflower Excrescence of the Uterus.-Dr. CLARK. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 75 330. R Aluminis, 5j-iv. Decocti Quercus, Oj. Make an injection. Sir A. COOPER. 331. R Aluminis usti, Hydrarg. Nitrico-oxydi, ana 3j, Mix well. As a Causti for Fungous Growths. — Dr. KIRKLAND. 332. 1 Aluminis, 3j. Butyri recentis, j. Make an ointment. In Hlemorrhoids.-M. SUNDELIN. 333. 3 Aluminis usti, Sodoe biboratis, ana 3ss. Medulle bovinue,.j. Olei Bergamie, gutt. vj. Mix: make an ointment. Half a teaspoonful to be rubbed on the head night and morning. To promote the Growth of the JHair. —FRICKE. ALUMINA. ALUMINIE ACETAS, &c. Alumina, earth of Alum, or Argil, is the basis of clays and boles; but for medical use it is usually obtained from alum. It is chiefly prescribed in diarrhoea and dysentery of children, to whom it is given in some mucilaginous liquid, to the amount of 30 grains, or more, in the day. To adults, in doses of 10 to 20 grains several times a day. Acetate of Alumina is astringent, sometimes used in injections, and more rarely given in hoemoptysis, &c. The simple Sulphate of Alumina is used to preserve animal substances, and also in detergent and antiseptic lotions to foul ulcers. 334. R Aluminte puree, 3ss. Acaciae pulv. 3j. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Aqume Foniculi, f iij. Mix: a teaspoonful to be given frequently. In )iarrhoea of Children. —RIECKE. 335. R Alumine Acetatis, gr. x-xx. Aqum destillatae, f iij. Make an injection. Dr. PEREIRA. 336. R Aluminue Sulphatis, 3ij. Aquoe destillatte, f viij. Make a lotion. To Foul Uleers.-Dr. PENNYPACKER (U. S.) 76 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. [Tannate' of Alumina is commended by Mr. B. Harrison and others, in injections; but they appear to have used a spurious salt. We therefore omit their formunle.] AMMONIA. AMMONIE CARBONAS, &c. Ammonia, whether in its caustic state or combined with carbonic acid, is antacid, diaphoretic, and stimulant. It stimulates the stomach and increases the action of the heart and arteries, without unduly exciting the brain. It is prescribed, in the form of some of the compounds mentioned below, in fainting, and sinking of the vital powers from haemorrhages, &c.; in poisoning by prussic acid and other sedatives; in some cases of scarlet and typhus fever, and delirium tremens; and as an antidote to the bites and stings of venomous reptiles and insects. Ammonia has also been supposed to remedy the nervous disorders produced by alcohol'and tobacco. The sesquicarbonate is less irritant than the caustic ammonia (as contained in Liquor Ammoniae); the bicarbonate is still milder. The Sp. Ammonix aromaticus, etfoetidus, L., contain a carbonate of ammonia; the same preparations of the E. and D. Ph., and the simple Sp. Ammoniie, E., contain ammonia in a caustic state, and are consequently rather more irritant. The vapor of Ammonia is applied to the nostrils as a stimulant in faintness, nervous headache, vertigo, suspended animation, &c. It should not be used in a too concentrated form, especially when the patient is in an insensible state; as the after-effects have sometimes proved serious. Spiritus Ammonice Aromaticts, L., 20 to 80 minims. -- - -- - -E. and D., 10 to 60 minims. - _ —---— _ - EIcetidus, L., 40 to 60 minims. ---— __ ---- E., 20 to 60 Ininims. Liquor Ammonice, 10 to 30 minims. ----- ---- fortior, 3 to 10 minims. 4Ammornice Sesquicarbonas, 4 to 15 grains; or as an emetic, 30 grains. Ammonice Bicarbonas, 6 to 24 grains. Liq. Ammonice Sesquicarbonatis, 20 to 40 minims. -— Anisttus, 5 to 20 drops. Volatilis Cornu Cervi, 20 to 60 minims. Tinct. Amrmonice Composita, 5 to 10 minims. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 77 Linimentum Ammonite; Lin. Ammonie Sesquicarbonatis; Linimentum Ammonite compositum; Emplastrum Ammonite; and Unguentum Ammonite, are used as local stimulants, or rubefacients, and counter-irritants. 337. R Liquoris Ammoniae, gutt. x. Aquae cum Sacclaro, ~iij. Mix' to be taken in the course of the day. To remove the ill effects of Tobacco and Alcoholic Drinks. M. TESSIER. 338. R Liquoris Ammoniae, Tinct. Cardamomi comp. Tinct. Gentianas coml. ana f3ss. Mistura Camphorse, f iss. Make a draught. In Fainting, Giddiness, and Acidity of the Stomach. Mr. BRANDE. 339. R Liquor. Ammoniae, nTrxv. MiaturSe Amy)gdalae, f'ij. Tinct. Opii, ITLvj. Make a draught: to be taken three times a day. In Acidity of the Primne Vixe.-Dr. Joy. 340. 1 Liq. Ammonia, rLx. Infusi Chiraytae, f j. Tinct. Aurantii, f3ij. Make a draught: to be taken morning and noon. In Dyspepsia of the Debilitated, with Acidity.-Dr. NELIGAN. 341. R Liquor. Ammoniae, gtt. x. Syrupi Erysimi, Hiss. Infusi Tiliae, giij. Mix: to be taken at one dose. Prescribed for Napoleon I, for the immediate cure of Severe Hoarseness. Dr. FOREAU. 342. R Ammonise Sesquicarb. 3ss. Misturat Camphorae, gvss. Syr. Zingiberis, 3iv. Mix: make a mixture. Take a tablespoonful every second hour. In Prostration of Typhus Fever.-Dr. JoY. 343. l3 Ammoniae Sesquicarb. 5ij. Aquoe destillatae, fgv. Two teaspoonfuls to be taken every three or four hours. When the difficulty of swallowing abates, cold water, or toast-water may be added to each dose. In Scarlatina.-Dr. PEART. [Mr. Wilkinson gives the same medicine also in Erysipelas, Rubeola, Urticaria, Roseola, and Erythema.] 78 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 344. R Ammon. Sesquicarb. 3ss. Sodte Carbonatis, 3j. Infusi Quassis, f~vj. Mix: take a sixth part for a dose. In Indigestion, with Acidity.-Dr. HOOPER. 345. R Ammonise Sesquic. gr. xxv. Aqute destillatse, fgvss. Tinct. Calumbte, f3ij. Tinct. Zingiberis, f3iss. Syr. Aurantii, f3ij. Make a mixture: take two tablespoonfuls at 11 o'clock A.M. Dr. HODGKIN. 346. R Ammonite Sesquicarb. gr. v. Sodse Bicarbon. 3ss. Tinct. Calumbte, f3j. Inf. Gentianae comp. f iss. Mix: make a draught. To be taken twice a day. In Cancerous Diseases.-Sir A. COOPER. 347. R Ammoniae Sesquicarb. 3ss. Aquse Menthse pip. f vij. Syrupi Aurantii, f ss. Mix: take an eighth part in fainting spells. Dr. PARIS. 348. R Ammonise Sesquicarb. gr. iv. Tinct. Hyoscyami, f3j. Liq. Ammoniae Acet. f3iij. Syrupi, f3j. Misturae Camphorse, f j. Mix: make a draught. To be taken every six hours. In.Delirium Tremens.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 349. R Ammonite Sesquic. 3iv. Tinct. Aurantii, f.iv. Dissolve: take a teaspoonful twice a day in water. G. T. G. 350. R Ammon. Sesquicarb. 3ss. Liq. Ammoniae Acet. f ij. Mist. Camphorae, f iijss. Syr. Aurantii, f ss. A sixth part to be taken for a dose. Stimulant and Diaphoretic.-Dr. HOOPER. 351. R Ammoniae Sesquicarb. Potassoe Bicarbonatis, ana 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f viiss. Make a mixture. Dose, f jss twice a day, after breakfast, and just before going to sleep. In D)yspepsia, with Acidity.-Dr. JoY. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 79 352. R Ammonias Sesquic. 3ss. Aquae Cinnamomi, 3j. Tinct. Capsici, 3ss. Syrupi Croci, ass. Make a draught: to be taken just before going to sleep. To prevent Nightmare.-Dr. WALLER. 353. 13 Ammonis Sesquicarb. 3ij. Gummi Tragacanthas, 3j. Aquae destillatas, f*vij. Make a mixture. Take a spoonful every hour. In Vomiting from Acidity.-RUDERMACHER. 354. R Ammoniae Sesquicarb. 3j. Aquae Rutas, six. Syrupi Papaveris, %j. Mix: a spoonful every ten minutes. In Spasmodic Asthma.-VAN SWIETEN. 355. i3 Liq. Ammoniae Sesquic. fss. Infusi Cascarill., f vij. Spir. AEtheris Nitrici, fsj. Spir. Cinnamomi, f3iij. Mix: make a mixture, of which two tablespoonfuls may be taken three times a day. In Lithic Diathesis, with Debility of Stomnach.-Dr. NELIGAN. 356. R Ammoniae Sesquicarb. 3iiss. Syrupi Sudorifici [vel Sarste], 3viij. Mix: a tablespoonful from once to four times a day. In obstinate Skin Diseases. —CAZENAVE. 357. 1 Ammonie Sesquicarb. 3j. Ipecacuanhas, 3ss. Tinct. Capsici, 3j. Aquas Menthe pip. f iij. Make an emetir draught. In Poisoning by Narcotics.-SPRAGUE. 358. R Ammonias Sesquicarb. 3ss. Infusi Senegae, f j. Syrupi Croci, f3ij. Make a draught: to be taken immediately. In Suffocative Catarrh of Typhus.-Dr. NELIGAN. 359. R Ammon. Sesquicarb. 3ss. Spirit. Sacchari (Run), 3v. Syrupi simpl. 5v. Aquae, ~iij. Mix: half to be taken morning and night. In Saccharine Diabetes.-M. BOUCHARDAT 60. R Ammoniae Sesquicarb. 3ss. Pulv. Valerianea, Dj. Aquas Cinnamomi, f ij. Make a draught. In Nervous Headache.-Dr. JOY. 80 TIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 361. R Ammoniae Sesqnicarb. Extracti Glntianme, ana 3ss. Make into a mass, and divide into 12 pills, of which one is to be taken twice or thrice a day. Antacid, Tonic, and Stimulant. —Mr. BRANDE. 362. P ~ Ammonise Sesquicarb. gr. xxiv. Fellis bov. inspissati, 3ss. Mucilag. Acaciae, q. s. Make into 12 pills. Tlake one thrice a day. In -Dyspepsia, with Vomiting and Constipation. Dr. NELIGAN. 363. R Ammonis Sesquicarb. gr. viij. Extracti Rhei, gr. viij. Syr. Zingiberis, q. s. Divide into 4 pills. Take one or two as occasion may require when acid is present in the stomach. In Dyspepsia, with Acidity.-Dr. JoY. 364.' R Ammonise Sesqnicarb. Extracti Anthemidis, ana 5ss. Make a mass, and divide into 12 pills, of which one is to be taken twice or thrice a day. Dr. COPLAND. 365. P Ammonie Bicarbon. gr. viij. Tnfusi Calumhbe, f j. Tinct. Humuli, f3j. Tinct. Hyoscyami, Wnxx. Mix: make a draught. To be taken twice daily. In Dyspepsia, with Acidity and Irritability of the Stomach. Dr. NELIGAN. 366. R Spiritus Ammonias aromatici, f j. Aquse Cinnamomi, f v. Sodae Bicarhonatis, ass. Olei Cinnamomi, rTLxv. Tinct. Capsici, fqj. Mix: take a dessertspoonful in a wineglassful of water, after breakfast and dinner, every day. Antacid and Stimulant.-Mr. VANCE. 367. R Magnesiae Carbon. 3j. Mist. Camphorse, f iss. Spir. Ammonise aromat. f3ss. Tinct. Opii, tlv. Mix: make a draught. To be taken at bedtime. In Acid Dyspepsia, with Languor and Irritability. Mr. BRANDE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 81 368. R Spirit. Ammonie arom. Tinct. Cas(arillm, ana f j. Mix: take a teaspoonful thrice a day in a wineglassful of water. Dr. GOLDING BIRD. 369. R Spir. Ammoniae aromat. Tinct. Lavandulse comp. ana f'j. Mix: take a teaspoonful in water when the flatulence is excessive; or, in faintness. Dr. JoY. 370. L Spir. Ammonie aromat. Liquoris Potasse, Tincturme Rhei, ana f j. Mix: take a teaspoonful twice a day in water. Antacid, Stimulatan and Stomachic.-I-. J. 371. R Aquee Menthbe, f3iss. Sp. Ammon. arom. f3ss. Sp. JEtheris Nitrici, gutt. xij. Sp. Lavandulte comp. f3j. Syruli simpl.?ss. Mix: take f3j every second hour. In receded Eruptions, Sinking, $c. of Children. Drs. EVANSON and MAUNSELL. 372. R Spirit. Ammon. arom. f ss. Tinct. Lavandulse comp f.j. Aqute Cinnamomi, fiiiss. Syrupi Aurantii, fj. Take a sixth or fourth part for a dose. Dr. HOOPER. 373. 1 Spirit. Ammon. arom. Spirit. JEtheris sulph. ana f3iss. Morphiae Acetatis, gr. ss. Misture Canmphorre, f3ij. Mix: a teaspoonful to be taken when occasion requires. In Spasms of the Stomach, &c.-Dr. GRINDROD. 374. R Aquoe Carui, f3j. Tinct. Cardam. comp f3ij. Spir. Ammonite aroin. lx. Syrupi Croci, f3j. Mix: make a draught. Dr. JoY. 375. R Liquoris Calcis, fkvss. Magnesise Carbon. 5ss. Spir. Ammon. arom. f3ij. Tinct. Rhei, f3iij. Mix: dose, foj twice daily. In Herpes Labialis, &c.-Dr. BURGESS. 376. Rf Spir. Ammon. arom. f3ij. Sp. Etheris Nitrici, f3ij. Tinct. Hyoscyami, f3ij. Mist. Camphorme, f3v. Take a fourth part thrice a day. In Irritable Bladder,.with Acid Urine. 82 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. [This has been recommended when fixed alkalies disagree; the latter, however, are always preferable where the object is to render the urine alkaline, ammonia being decomposed before it reaches the bladder.] 377. lR Liquoris Ammonite anisati, Vini Antim. Potassio-tart. ana f3iss. Decocti Althace, f3v. Syr. Opii, P. [vel Papaveris],,j. Mix: a spoonful every two hours. In Bronchitis. -SH UBARTH. 378. R Decoct. Althset, ~ij. Olei Amygd. dulcis, Pulv. Acacise, ana 3ij. Liq. Ammonie anisati, gutt xxv. Sacchari conditi, 3j. Mix: take two teaspoonfuls every second hour. In Colic, Diarrhoea, and Tenesmus, of Children of 2 years. RADIUS. 379. ] Misturm Camphorse, f v. Spir. Ammon. fcetidi, f3v. Syrupi Croci, f3iij. Mix: taketwotablespoonfulsfor a dose. In Hysteria, ~c.-Dr. JOY. 380. 1 Sp. Ammoniae foetidi, f3iij. MIisturme Camphors, f vj. Syrupi Aurantii, f3iij. Spir. Lavand. comp. f3ij. Mix: take two spoonfuls twice daily. 1f Zinci Sulphatis, 3ss. Extr. Gentianre, ij. Extr. Coloc. comp. Dj. Make 20 pills. Take 2 every night. In (Costiveness, with -Nervous _Debility.-Dr. BABINGTON. 381. R Infusi Valerianae, f3xj. Spir. Ammon. foetidi, f3ss. Tinct. Castorei, f3ss. Mix: make a draught, to be taken twice or thrice a day. In 4ngina.Pectoris and other Spaasmodic disorders. Dr. COPLAND. [For other formulae containing Sp. Ammon. Foetidus, see ASSAF(ETIDA, VALERIAN, and CASTOR.] EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS. 382. 1 Liq. Ammoni;e, f3ij. Linim. Saponis, f j. Make a liniment. Rubefacient and (Counter-irritant.-Dr. DRUITTT. 1iHE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 83 383. 1 q Liquor. Ammonie, f3j. Glycerlino, f'3vj. Sp. Lavandulke, f3ij. Aquae destillatse, fgvj. Mix: make a lotion. In Cutaneous Diseases, with Atony of the Skin. Dr. NELIGANT. 384. R Sp. Rosmarini, f ij. Liq. Ammonice, Tinct. Opii, ana 3ss. Mix: make an embrocation, to be rubbed over the chest and along the spine. In Spasmodic Croup and Convulsions of Children.-Dr. URE. 385. P Liq. Ammonite, fgss. Olei Olivte, gj. Olei Terebinthine, f ss. Olei Limonis, f3ss. Shake together until well mixed. Dr. COPLAND. 386. R Liq. Ammonite,,ss. Petrolei Barbad. kiss. Make a liniment. As a Counter-irritant in Diseased Join ts. —Dr. KIRKLAND. [For other Ammoniacal Liniments, see under CAMPHORA, OL. TEREBINTHINJB, &C.] 387. fR Liquor. Ammoniso, Div. Lactis Vaccini, 3iv. Make an injection, ftj to be injected daily. In Amlenorrhoa.-LAVAGNA. AMMONIIE ACETAS. AMMONIA] CITRAS. AMMONIE TARTRAS. Acetate, Citrate, and Tartrate of Ammonia. These neutral Salts of Ammonia are all regarded as diaphoretic, and in some cases diuretic. They are used in febrile diseases, and generally to promote diaphoresis, as in dropsy, rheumatism, &c. The acetate (as well as the carbonate and pure ammonia) has also been recommended to remove the effects of intoxicating liquors. The acetate is only employed in the form of Liquor Ammonie Acetatis, commonly termed Mindererus' Spirit. The citrate is very commonly given in the extemporaneous and 84 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. effervescing form of sesquicarbonate of ammonia and lemonjuice. The doses are: Liq. Amrnonice Acel/ais, 3 to 12 drachms. Ammonice Citras, 1 to 3 scruples. Liq. Ammnonice Citratis, L.; 21 to 4 drachms. ------ --- - Tartratis; the samle. Externally, Liq. Amnmon. Acet. is cooling and discutient, and is used in lotions to bruises and inflammations, and as a collyrium in chronic ophthalmia. 388. R Liquoris Ammoniae Acetatis, f ij. liisturee Camphorre, f vj. Mix: take f ij every six hours. As a Diaphoretic in Low Fevers.-Dr. AINSLIE. 389. Rc Liq. Ammonige Acetatis, f3ix. Vini Antim. Potassio-talrt. f3j. Syrnpi Papaveris, fJj. Aqium Mlenlthe. f5xij. Make a mixture: take a lablespoonful every fourth hour, and take every night, going to bed, the following powder: R Pulv. Ipecac. comp. gr. iiiss. Hydrarg. cumr Cieta, gr. v. Mix. In Dropsy, after Scarlatina.-Dr. GOLDING BIRD. 390. I1 Liq. Ammonite Acet. f3iij. Misture Camphorae, Aquae destillatae, ana f3iv. Syrupli 1Rheados, f3j. Make a draught, to be taken every 6 hours. As a Diaphoretie.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 391. R Liquor. Ammonioe Acet. f ij. Syrupi simplicis, t'fj. Aqule fl. Aurantii, tfjj. Misturae Camphorae, ftiv. Mix,. take f j every fourth hour. Dr. NELIGAN. 392. R Liquor. Anmmon. Acet. f3ij. Aquae Menthle pip. Aqlie purve, ana f ss. Vin. Antim. Potassio-tart. rLrxx. Syrupi, f3j. Make a draught, to be taken every four hours. Dr. G. GREGORY. 393. I Liq. Ammon. Acet. f3iij. Misturae Camphorea, ftj. Syr. Auranrii, f3j. Make a draught. As a ]iilcd Diaphoretie.-Dr. JoY. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 85 394. R Misturse Camphorse, foiss. Liq. Amtmon. Acet. f3iv. Vini Antim. Potassio-tart. gutt; xl. Tinctlurell Opii, gutt xx. Mix: make a draught, to be taken at the hour of retiring. In Acute Rheumatism. -BLANE. 395. & Liq. Ammon. Acet. f3iij. Vinli Opii, 1Lxv. Mucilig. Acacie, f j. Aqume, Oiss. Mix: the whole to be taken in the course of the day. In Typhoid Fevers. —M. MICHEL. 396. I LiQ. Ammonie Acet. Mistur(e Camphorse, ana f3vj. Syrupi Papaveris, fjj. Vini Antimi. Potassio-tart. wLxx. Mix: make a draught. To be taken before going to bed. In Common Catarrh.-Mr. BRANDE. 391. 1 Misturse Camphorre, Misture Amytgdalse, ana f ij. Liq. Ammtronie Acet. f iss. Spir. /Eiheris Nutrici, Viui Antim. Potassio-tart. ana f.iis. Syrupi Tolutani, f3iss. Mix: take two tablespoonfuls every second hour. In Bronchitis.-Dr. COPLAND. 398. P Liq. Ammon. Acetatis, Liq. Potassae Acetatis, Oxymellis Scillse, anla j. Mix: dose, one to two spoonfuls every second hour. In Dropsy, after Scarlet Fever.-JAHN. 399. R Liq. Ammon. Acet. f3vj. Tinct. Camphorte comp. f3ij. Sp. zEiheris Nitrici, f3j. Syrupi Tolutani, f3j. Aquae purte, f ij. Take one-half one night, and the balance the next night. Dr. C. G. BABINGTON. 400. P B Liq. Ammon. Acet. kiss. Potass. Nitrat. 3j. Liq. Morph. Mur. 3j. Mist. Amygdalse, ad lvj. Mix: a tablespoonful three times a day, half an hour before meals. In Itflata matory Dyspepsia.-Dr. Ross. 86 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 401. PR Liq. Ammonie, Acet. f j. Vini Antimonii P. f3ij. Syrupi Tolutani, f3vj. Aquae fontane, f iv. Make a mixture: take Ith part every fourth hour. In'atarrh.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 402. Ammonie Sesquicarb. )j. Succi Limonis recentis, f3vj. (vel Acidi Citrici, gr. xxiv.) Aquc. destillatSe f3ivj. Syrupi Tolutani, Spir. Myristice; ana f3ss. Make a draught. Diaphoretic. —Mr. BRANDE. 403. AR Ammonite Sesquicarb. 3j. Aque purse, f'iiiss. Succi Limonis, f ij. (or sufficient to saturate). Syrupi Aurantii, fgss. Make a mixture: two spoonfuls to be taken every third or fourth hour. In Fevers.-Dr. CHEYNE. 404. R Ammonise Sesquicarb. 3j. Aquae pulrs, f iss. Syrupi, foj. Make a draught, with a tablespoonful of lemon-juice, repeating in four hours. Dr. JoY. 405. iR Ammonise Sesquic. 3j. Aqua, fvss. 7yrupi Zingiberis, t3iij. Mix: mark No. 1., Aqut, f iij. Acidi Citrici, 3j. Mark No. 2. Two spoonfuls of No. 1 to.be taken in effervescence with one spoonful of No. 2. In the latter stage of Protracted Nervuus Fevers. Dr. GRAVES. 406. R Ammonise Sesquicarb. gr. xv. Aquse destillatse, f j. Spirit. Myristicse, fsj. Syrupi Aurantii, fsss. Extr. Conii, gr. iij ad vj. Make a draught: to be taken four times every day with a tablespoonful of fresh lemon-juice, while in a state of effervescence. Sedative. —Dr. COPLAND. 407. }1 Ammonise Sesquicarb. gr. xv. Acidi Tartarici, 3j. Aquae, f3xj. Syrupi Aurantii, f3j. Make a draught. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 87 LOTIONS, &C. 408. R Liq. Ammoniae Acetatis, f vj. Spir. rectificati, fiij. Make a lotion. To Hard and Inflamed Breasts, &c.-Dr. CLARK. 409. R Liq. Ammoniae Acet. f~iij. Spir. rectificati, f3iv. Aquue Rosse, f iv. Make a lotion. In Lichen, &c.-Dr. BURGESS. 410. R1 Liq. Ammonite Acet. f ij. Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. f.j. Tinct. Digitalis, f3iij. Aquae RosTa, fiv. Make a lotion: apply twice a day to the affected parts by means of a sponge. In Pruriginous Affections of the Aged.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 411. 1 Liq. Ammonie Acet. fivj. Spir. Rosmarini, f ij Aquoe, 7xvj. Make a lotion. Discutient.-R. G. HOLLAND. 412. R Liq. Ammonise Acet. fsvj. Aqute Sambuci, f vij. Make an eyewash. In Ophthalmia.-Mr. WAlrE. AMMIONIE HYDROCHLORAS, VEL MURIAS. Sal Ammoniac. Hydrochlorate, or Muriate of Ammonia, is regarded as alterative or resolvent; and is used in inflammation of the mucous membranes, after its violence has subsided; particularly in bronchitis, when not attended with much fever, pain, or irritability; and in a great variety of chronic diseases. It increases the action and improves the secretions of the mucous membranes, especially that of the lungs. It is also described as refrigerant, antiseptic, and tonic. The dose is from 5 to 20 grains every two or three hours. Still larger doses have been given in intermittent fevers, and in chronic enlargement of the prostate. But its use requires caution in persons of feeble constitution, especially those subject to hemorrhage. 88 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 413. IA Aquae destillatSe, fgij. Ammonite Hydrochl. gr. viij-xij. Tinct. Opii, gutt. ii-iij. Extracti Glycyrrhizae liq. 3iss. Mix: give a teaspoonful every two or three hours for a child 1 or 2 years of age. Dr. MEIGS. 414. r Ammoniae Muriatis, 3j. Syrupi Hemedesmi, f'ss. Aqua, Cinnanlmmi, f3viiss. Mix: make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls every six hours. In Adynamic Fevers, and Subacute Laryngitis.-Dr. NELIG AN. 415.. P Ammonite Muriatis, gr. xij. Decocti Cinchonae, f iss. Make a draught: to be taken twice a day. In Chronic Rheurnmatism.-Dr. E. W. FULLER. 416. R Ammoniae Hydrochlor. 3ij. Extr. Glycyrrhizte, 3iij. Antimonii Potassio-tart. gr. ij. Aquae destillatse, f viij. Make a mixture, of which take a tablespoonful every second hour. [The Antim. Potassio-Tart. to be omitted when it has made a sufficient impression on the disease.] In Pleurisy, Subacute Pneumonia, Mucous Congestion, ec. Sir GEO. LEFEVRE. 417. I~ Ammoniae Muriatis, 3iss. Acidi Mutiatici, f3ss. Decocti Hordei, Ibj. Mix: take three tablespoonfuls every second or third hour. Dr. COPLAND. 418. [I Ammonike Muriatis, 3ij. Aqute Menthle, Aquae flor. Autantii, ana f iij. Mix: to be taken in two doses, at intervals of two hours, followed by a cup of coffee. In Intermittent Fever.-M. ARAN. 419. 1B Ammonike Muriatis, gr. iv. Liq. Ammon. Acetatis, f3ij. Misture Camnphorae, f j. Syrupi Limo-is, t'j. Make a draught: to be taken every fourth hour. In Typhoid Fevers.-DR.. COPLAND. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 89 420. BR Ammoniae Muriatis, gr. xv. Gummi Acaciae, 3ss. Infusi Anthemidis, Piij. Vini Antimon. q. 3j. Extr. Glycyrrhizte, 3ij. Mix: half a spoonful every two hours to a child of 5 or 6 years old. In Dysentery and Catarrhal Affections.-TORTUAL. 421. R Ammon. Hydrochl. gr. x. Extr. Taraxaci, 3ss. Decocti Aloes, comp. Mist. Gentianae comp. ana 3v. Sods Potassio-tart. 3j. Tinct. Lavand. comp. Rlxx. Make a draught: to be taken in the morning, and, if occasion calls for it, it can be repeated at noon. In Torpid Liver, with Uterine Disease. —Dr. G. CORFE. 422. i Ammonite Mur. Dij. Potassae Nitratis, Div. Aquae Rubi Idtei, vj. Syrupi fl. Aurantii, 3iij. Mix: a spoonful every two hours. In the early stage of Rheumatic, Exanthermatic, and Catarrhal Fevers. CLARUS. 423. Tc Ammon. Mur. Extr. Glycyrrhizse, ana 3j. Decocti Althtetc, f vj. Oxymel. simpl. (vel Scillse), j. Make a mixture: take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. In Catarrhal Affections. —Dr. COPLAND. 424. R Ammonite Muriatis, 3ij. Camphorne, gr. vj. Flor. Arnicae, 3ss. Sacchari albi, 3vj. Mix: make a powder. Let it be given in glass, a teaspoonful three or four times a day. As an Expectorant and _Emmenagogue. —M. BERENDS. 425. 1f Ammoniae Muriat. Extr. Glycyrrhizte, ana Dj.'Ext. Taraxaci, q. s., to form a bolus. Make 12 such doses. One may be taken every second or fourth hour. In Scirrhus of the Prostate, &C. —SOBERNHEIM. 426. R Ammonike Muriatis, 3ss. Sulphuris loti, gr. xv. Extr. Dulcamaroe, q. s. Make four boluses. Take one every second hour. In Chronic Pulmonary (Catarrh. —FISCHER. 7 90 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 427. R Ammmonia Muriatis, 3ss. Pulv. Opii, gr. x. P; Digitalis, P. Scillas, la Dj. Mix: divide into 30 pills. Take one every sixth hour. In early stage of Phthisis. —Dr. H. GREEN. 428. R Decocti Papaveris, Oj. Ammonias Mur. 3vj. Make a lotion: linen rags dipped in it to be kept applied to the part. To Milk Breasts. —Dr. CLARK. 129. R Ammoniae Muriatis, 3ij. Acidi Acetici diluti, fvj. Spir. Camphorae, f ij. Make a lotion. In Sprains, Contusions, fc. —Dr. JoY. 430. BR Ammonia Mur. 3ij. Aquse, f ij. Spir. Rosmarini,.ss. Make a lotion. For Unbroken Cjhilblains. 431. P Ammoniae Muriat..ss. Aqua commun.,x. Dissolve, and add Aceti Scillke, 3ij. Make a lotion. In Hydroeele of Children, &c. —GRAEFE. 432. R Ammonie Mur.,j. Spir. rectificati, f3j. Aqute, f xv. Make a lotion. Dr. HOOPER. 433. R Ammoniko Mur. 3j. Liq. Ammon. Acet. f~ij. Aqune, f iv. Make a lotion: to be kept constantly applied. In Hydrocele of Children.-Mr. BRANSBY COOPER. 434. 1R Ammon. Hydrochlor. 5j. Aquc fontanme, f v. Spir. rectif. f j. Mix: make a lotion. In Swelled Testicles, fc.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 435. R Ammon. Mur. 3iiss. Tinct. Arnicse, 3iiss. Aquae Rute, 7x. Aceti Rutse, v. Make a lotion. In Hydrocele of Children.-CARUs. 436. lR Ammon. Mur. 3ij. Liq. Ammon. Acet. f v. Spirit. Vini rectif. f j. Make a lotion. For the same.-Sir A. COOPER. THIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 91 437. lR Ammon. Hydrochl. ass. Acidi Acetici diluti, Spir. rectificati, ana f ss. Misturm Camphorse, f xv. Make a lotion. Dr. DRUITT. 438. R Amygd. dulc. excort. ~j. Aque. flor. Aurant. Pij. Aqua Rosae, ~viij. Make an emulsion, and add Ammon. Muriatis, 3j. Tinctur'e Benzoini, 3ij. Make a cosmetic lotion. In Pimples and Dryness of the /kin. —HERRMAAN. 439. B Ammonis Muriat. gr. xv. Camphorm pulv. 3j. Rub together, and add Decocti Cinchonhe, f vi. Make a gargle. In Putrid Sore Throat. —Dr. COPLAND. 440. R Rad. Pyrethri cont. gj. Aquse ferventis, f xij. Macerate for an hour, strain, and add to the liquor Ammonia Mur. 3iij. Aceti communis,,iij. MAIake a mouth wash. VAN SWIETEN. 441. R Ammon. Mur. pulv. Potassse Nitratis pulv. ana 3j. Pulv. Capsici, 3ss. Mix well, to be applied by means of a camel-hair pencil. In Elongated Uvtula.-Dr. B. GRANVILLE. AMMONIiE NITRAS, PHOSPHAS, SULPHAS, &c. The remaining Ammoniacal Salts employed in medicine are: Ammonix Nitras. Nitrate of Ammonia is refrigerant and diuretic. Dose, from 3 to 20 grains, in slight inflammations of mucous membranes, catarrhal and rheumatic fevers, &c. Equal parts of nitrate of ammonia, carbonate of soda, and water form a powerful freezing mixture. A mmoniwe Sulphas. Sulphate of Ammonia is diuretic, stimulant, and resolvent. Dose, 15 to 30 grains. Ammonie YNitro-Sulphas. Nitro-sulphate of Ammonia, is said to be useful in typhoid fevers. Dose, about 12 grains. Ammoniw Phosphas. Phosphate of Ammonia has been used with success in some cases of rheumatism. Dose, 3 to 10 grains. Dr. Edwards gives 10 grains every eight hours. Ammonixe Succinas. Succinate of Ammonia is antispasmodic. 92 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. It is usually given in the form of Liq. Ammonise (vel Cornu Cervi) Succinatus, of which a few drops are a dose. Ammoniwe Hydro-Sulphas. The Hydro-sulphuret of Ammonia, and the Sulphuretted Hydro-sulphuret (Liq. Fumans Boylii) are poisonous in large doses; in small doses they produce nausea, reduce the pulse, and promote the secretion of the skin and lungs. They have been used in catarrhal complaints, diabetes, and gout; but are now rarely prescribed. Dose, from 4 to 8 drops. 442. I Ammonie Nitratis, 3ss. Aquve destillate, Piij. Syrupi Altheae,,j. Mix a dessertspoonful every two hours. In Fevers and ]Dropsies. 443. R Liq. Vol.. Cornu Cervi,?iv. Acid. Succinici, q. s. to saturate. Sp. _Etheris Sulphurici, 5iv. Mix: twenty to forty drops in a glass of sugared water two or three times a day. [Eller's Liquor Arthriticus.] In Gout and Inveterate Rheumatism.-NIEMANN. 444. IBA Ammonie Phosphatis,.ss. Aqua Cinnamomi, fj. Make a draught, to be taken thrice a day. In Acute and Subacute Rheumatism.-Dr. BUCKLER (U. S.). AMMONIACUM (G-ummi). Gum Ammoniac is the concrete juice of an umbelliferous plant, Dorema Ammoniacum. It is stimulant, expectorant, deobstruent, diuretic, diaphoretic, and emmenagogue; and is chiefly used as an expectorant in affections of the chest not attended with inflammation; and in visceral obstructions. Externally, it is applied as a discutient and resolvent to indolent tumors. Dose of the gum, 5 to 30 grains; of Jlistura Ammoniaci, 4 to 8 drachms. Emplastrum A moniai and Ea. Ammo i d mon. cum Hydrarg. are the usual forms for outward application. 445. l Misturue Ammoniaci, f viij. Vini Antimonii Potassio-tart. f3j. Make a mixture: dose, 2 or 3 spoonfuls. Expectorant.-Dr. PEARSON. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 93 446. R "'Mist. Ammoniaci, f v. Oxymel. Scillae, f ss. Vini Antimon. Timxxj. Aceti destillati, f3iij. Mix: take a tablespoonful frequently. In Humoral Asthma, Chronic Cough, &c.-Dr. AINSLIE. 447. I Pulv. G. Ammoniac. 3j. Oxymellis Scille, ij. Rub up together, and add Ovi unius vitellum. Aquae Menth. Puleg. ~vj. Aquae Menth. pip. giv. Mix: to be taken during the day by a tablespoonful at a time. In Catarrh.-TROusSEAU and REVEIL. 448. 1c Mist. Ammoniaci, f ivss. Liq. Antimon. Tart. f3iv. Tinct. Camphorw comp. f~ss. Syrupi Tolutani, f j. Mix: take a spoonful occasionally. In Chronic Pituitous Asthma.-Dr. COPLAND. 449. P R Mist. Ammoniaci, Aquas Pulegii, ana f.vj. Spir. Ammon. arom. Syrupi Scillae, ana f3ss. Make a draught, to be taken twice a day. As a stimulating Expectorant.-Mr. BRANDE. 450. R Ammoniaci, 3iiss. Acidi Nitrici, f3ij. Aquae destil. f viij. Add the distilled water to the acid, and make an emulsion with the gum; a teaspoonful two or three times a day. In Chronic Catarrh of elderly persons.-Dr. ELLIS (U. S.). 451. R Ammoniaci, 3j. Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3j. Aquse, f iij. Triturate together until an emulsion is made, and add Syrupi, f3ij. Mix: take a dessertspoonful in some demulcent liquid. Expectorant and Tonic.-Dr. PARIS. 452. 1 Mist. Ammoniaci, Mist. Amygdalce, ana fsiv. Aceti Scillae, f3j. Tinct. Opii, iljiij. Make a draught, to be taken every third hour. In Catarrhal Cough.-Dr. GREsGORY. 94 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 453. R Mist. Ammoniaci, f fvj. Sodme Carbonatis, 3ss. Tinct. Camphorae comp. f ss. Tinct. Hyoscyami, f~j. Vini Ipecacuanhe, fij. Make a cough mixture, of which take a tablespoonful for a dose. In Chronic Bronchitis.-Dr. GRAVES. 454. R Mist Ammoniaci, Aquae Cinnamomi, ana f iij. Cetacei (vitel. ovi sol.) 3ij. Syrupi Tolutani, fgj. Mix: take a wineglassful morning and evening. As an Expectorant, in Phthisis, &c.-Dr. E. G. CLARIK 455 1 Mistur-e Ammoniaci,,vij. Oxymel. Scillhe, f3vj. Tinct. CamphorTe comp. 3iv. Make a mixture: take two spoonfuls every second or third hour. In Chronic Bronchitis.-Sir.. H. HALFORD, Bart. 456. BR Mist. Ammoniaci, Mist. Amygdaloe, ana f3vj. Tinct. Scillxe, TlLx. Mix, for a draught. Mr. BRANDE. 457. R Mist. Ammoniaci, Aqua Cinnamomi, ana f iss. Syrupi Tolutani, f ss. Tinct. Castorei, f3ij. Tinct. Opii, lyv. Miake a mixture, of which take a tablespoonful frequently. In Hooping Cough#, &c.-Dr. PARIS. 458. If Gummi Ammoniaci, f3j. Oxymel. Scillac,,j. Vini Ipecacuanhme, f3j. Aqua fl. Sambui, f ivss. Syrupi Papaveris, 3ij. Mix: let the patient take a spoonful at appropriate hours. In Chronic Pectoral complaints.-Dr. COPLAND. 459 t Mist. Ammoniaci, f viss. Tinct. Camphorte comp. f3vj. Liq. Volat. cornu cervi, f3iij. Tinct. Scillve, 5iij. Make a mixture: a tablespoonful now and then. In Chronic and Asthmatic Cough.-Dr. WARREN. 460. R Ammoniaci, 3j. Sagapeni, 3ij. Tinvt. Aloes comp. q. s. Make into 4-grain pills; take two twice a day. In Amenorrhoea, fc.-BORIES. TIHE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 95 461. la G. Ammoniaci, 5j. Scillae recentis, 3j. Pulv. Ipecac. comp. 3ss. Hydrarg. chloridi, gr. vj. Mix: make into a mass, and divide into 24 pills; two may be taken every 4 hours. In Chronic Cough.-Dr. LATHAM. 462. 1 G. Ammoniaci, 3ss. Pil. Scillme comp. 3ss. Extr. Hyoscyami, gr. xij. Extr. Papaveris, gr. xij. Make into 24 pills; take one twice a day. In Chronic Coughs, fc.-Dr. BOISRAGON. 463. RP Amnoniaci, 3j. Saponis duri, 3iiss. Aloes extracti, gr. xv. Assafcetidae, ass. Pulv. Rhei,?j. Croci pulv. 3ss. Syrupi, q. s. Make into 80 pills; take two twice a day. D)eobstruent. —RECAMIE R. 464. Rf Ammoniaci, 3j. Scille pulv. 3j. Saponis Venet. 3ij. Syr. Tolutani, q. s. Make into 24 pills, of which 3 may be taken morning and night. In Peripneumonia Notha.-Dr. E. G. CLARKE. 165.! Emplastri Picis, 2 parts. Emplastri Ammoniaci, Emplastri Opii, each 1 part. Mix: make a plaster of an appropriate size, to be placed between the shoulder blades. In Cough.-Dr. COPLAND. AMYGDALAE. Almonds. Sweet Almonds are the kernels of Amygdalus communis (dulcis). They are emollient and demulcent, and are used in the form of emulsion, in catarrhal complaints, in dysentery, and in strangury, calculus, and other affections of the urinary organs, to lessen the acrimony of the secretions. Milk of almonds is less frequently used alone than as a vehicle for more active remedies. (See Potassfe Nitras, Opium, Scilla, &c.) The expressed oil is emollient and slightly laxative. It may be formed into an emulsion with mucilage, or alkalies. Confectio 96 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. Amygdalee is used to prepare Mistura Amygdale; the dose of the latter may be from 1 to 2 or 3 ounces. Of Oleum Amygdale, 1 to 8 drachms. 466. R Mistarae Amygdalae, Oj. Syrupi Papaveris, f3x. Make a mixture, for an ordinary drink. In Calculous Disorder, Strangury, ~c. —Dr. E. G. CLARKE. 467. R Mist. Amygdalke, f3x. Vini Ipecac. 1Lvj. Syr. Papaveris, f3ss. Make a draught, to be taken thrice a day. In Catarrhal Cough.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 468. R Mist. Amygdalae, f v. Liq. Ammonise acet. fjj. Spir. 2Etheris Nitrici, Tinct. Croci, ana f.j. Make a mixture: take a tablespoonful three times a day. In Catarrh. —Dr. CLUTTERBUCK. 469., Mist. Amygdal,, f3vij. Mucil. Acacia, f j. Pulv. Ipecac. comp. 3j. Mix: take two spoonfuls every third hour while the cough is trgublesome. In Catarrhal Cough.-Dr. LATHAM. 470. R Olei Amygdala, fgiss. Vitellum Ovi unius. Aquas fl. Aurantii, f.v. Mucilag. Acacia, f ss. Vini lpecacuanhe, f3iss. Syr. Althsea (vel simpl.) f ss. Make a mixture: a tablespoonful frequently. In Catarrhs. —Dr. COPLAND. 471. R Acacise pulveris,,ss. Aquae destillatse, fgss. Mix, and add by degrees, Olei Amygdalse, fsiij. Rub up together, and add Aquas destil. f iij. Aquae Rosse, f iss. Syrupi, f3iij. Mix: take one or two spoonfuls frequently. In Catarrh, Urinary Irritation, ec. —Mr. BRANDE. 472. RI Olei Amygdalse, f ij. Syrupi Papaveris, Syrupi Tolutani, ana f j. Pulv. Sacchari, f3ij. Make a thick syrup, of which the patient may suck frequently, the cough being troublesome. In the Cough of Measles, $e. —Dr. E. G. CLARKE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 97 473. R Olei Amygdale, Syrupi Violae, ana ~j. Mix: take two spoonfuls every third hour. Dr. HARDING. 474. R Mellis despumati, Olei Amygdalae, ana ~j. Syr. Rhceados, Pss. Aceti Scillae, 3ij. Syrupi Tolutani, Mucil. Acaciae, ana ss. Mix. In Coughs, ec. —Dr. JoY. 475. R Olei Amygdale, Pulv. Acacike, Syr. Althoese, ana 3ij. AquGe Cinnamomi, ~ss. Aquce Foeniculi,,j. Mix: one or two teaspoonfuls to be given every hour. In rInfantile D)iarrhoea. —RICITER. 476. R Olei Amygdale, fgj. Acacia pulveris, 3ij. Aquae destil. fvj. Syrupi Papaveris, f ss. Rub the oil up diligently with the gum, then by degrees add the water and syrup. Take a tablespoonful frequently during the day. In Catarrh. —Dr. G. GREGORY. 477. R Olei Amygdalse, Mellis, ana.j. Succi Limonis, ass. Syrupi Tolutani, Syrupi Scille, ana 3ij. Mix: make a thick syrup. Take a tablespoonful frequently. In Catarrh.-Dr. JOY. 478. PR Olei Amygdalce, f ss. Aqume Rosai, f ij. Liquor. Potassae, f~ij. Mix, by shaking, and add Syrupi, f ss. Aquce destillatoe, fv. Make a mixture, of which two ounces may be taken for a dose. In Catarrh, and in Renal and Urinary Irritation. Mr. BRANDE. 479. R Olei Amygdalc, Aquas destillatae, ana ass. Liq. Ammonike Sesquicarb. tLxx. Make a draught: to be taken every morning on an empty stomach. In Worms.-Dr. CLARKE. 98 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. The Bitter Almond, Amygdala amara, is the product of a variety of the Amygdalus communis, but contains, in addition to the constituents of the sweet almond, a peculiar principle, Amyydaline, which gives rise, when triturated with water, to hydrocyanic acid and volatile oil of bitter almonds. By distillation with water, Aqua Arnygdalw amnarw and Oleum essentiale Amygdale amare are obtained. These are sometimes used in the same cases as prussic acid. A few bitter almonds are sometimes added to the sweet in making emulsions, on account of their sedative properties; as well as for the flavor. Aqua Amyydalwe amare is made of very different degrees of strength; and as no form is given for it in the British pharmacopceias, it is necessary for the prescriber to specify the kind intended. That of the Prussian pharmacopoeia contains two-thirds of a grain of pure prussic acid in an ounce, which is about the average of the Continental preparations. Dose, from 10 to 30 drops, sometimes increased to 60. A formula. for a much weaker kind has lately been introduced into the United States pharmacopoeia. A still weaker kind is sometimes sold under the name of black cherry water. The leaves and kernels of the Peach (Amygdalus Persica) have similar properties. The flowers are laxative. 480. R Amygdalke dulc. excort. 3vj. Amygd. amarme excort. Sij. Aquas, f xvj. Make an emulsion: take two spoonfuls twice or thrice a day. Sedative and Demnlcent.-BERAL. 481. R Emuls. Amygd. dule. (ex. Am. dulc. 3ij.) ~j. Amygdaline, gr. xvij. Dissolve. Dose, from ten to thirty drops. In the same cases as Ac. Hydrocyanicum.-Wo EHLER. 482. R 01. essent. Amygd. amaroe, gtt. xx. Spirit. Vini rectificati, siij. [f3iv.] Mix: from ten to twenty drops three times a day. In Facial Neuralgia.-RADIUS. AMYLUM. Starch. Wheat starch and the starches of other plants (as of potato, arrow-root, &c.) are demulcent and slightly nutritive. They THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 99 are also used in enemata, in irritated states of the rectum; the powder is dusted on the skin to absorb irritated secretions, and to allay inflammation in some affections of the skin. It is much employed in the nursery for the excoriations of infants. Starch is an antidote for poisoning by iodine. The only officinal preparations are Decoctum Amyli and Trochisci Amyli. 483. g Pulv. Amyli, 3x. Pulv. Soda Carbonatis, 3j. Mix: make a powder, to be applied to the affected part. In some Skin Diseases.-DEVERGIE. The foecula or starch of potato, arrow-root, tous-les-mois, &c. have similar properties, but are more frequently employed as a mild article of diet. ANETHUM. F(ENICULUM. ANISUM. CARUI. These aromatic seeds, or rather fruits, are placed together, as their properties and uses are similar. The plants which produce them belong to the natural order Urmbelliferie. Dill seed is the fruit of Anethum graveolens; Anise seed, of Pimpinella Anisum; Fennel seed, of Foeniculum dulce [officinale, D.]; Carraway, of Carum Carui. They are mildly stimulant and carminative; and are used in flatulent disorders, particularly of children; and as vehicles and correctives of more active or less agreeable remedies, especially to cover the taste, and prevent the griping effects of purgatives. The doses of Aqua Anethi, Aqua Foeniculi, Aqua Anisi, and Aqua Carui are from half an ounce to two or three ounces for adults; or from a teaspoonful to a dessertspoonful for children. Infusum Foeniculi, Infusum Anisi, and Infusum Carui, the same. Spiritus Anisi and Sp. Carui are used for the same purposes, in doses of one or two drachms; but for children the simple waters are preferable. Tinctura Carui comp. (Guy's H.) 1 to 4 drachms. The dose of Oleum Anethi is from 2 to 4 drops; of Oleum Foeniculi, 01. aruvi, and 01. Anisi, from 2 to 8 drops. Oleosaccharum Anisi, ec., 20 to 30 grains. Of the powdered seeds, from 10 to 30 grains. 100 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 484. R Semin. Anisi, Semin. Foeniculi, ana gr. ij. Purl. Croci, gr. j. Magnesie, gr. viij. Sacchari albi, gr. vij. Mix: make a powder. Take one-half immediately, and the balance after the lapse of an hour. In Tormina of Infants. —Dr. COPLAND. 485. R Radicis Fceniculi, Semin. Foeniculi, ana iij. Cut, bruise, and mix. [Two or three spoonfuls to be boiled for some time in a quart of water, and the strained decoction taken by glassfuls.] To promote the Secretion of Milk.-RADIUS. 486. P~ Infusi Anisi, giv. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Mix: by teaspoonfuls. In Flatulence of young Children. 487. R Olei Anisi, gutt. iv. Sacchari albi, 3ss. Mix intimately, and add Aquac, fij. Pulv. Rhei, 3ss. Magnesi&e Carb. Dj. Tinctura, Opii, gutt. iv. Sp. Ammon. foetidi, gutt. x. Mix: take a dessertspoonful every third hour. In Infantile Convulsions.-Dr. BRERETON. 488. R Olei Anisi, rlxij. Sacchari albi, 3j. Tinct. Zingiberis, f3ij. Aquae Menthee pip. f viiss. Mix. Dose, three spoonfuls. Carminative.-Dr. AINSLIE. 489. R Sodae Bicarbon. gr. viij. Olei Anisi, gtt. j. Syrupi Aurantii, 5j. Rub up together, and add Aquoe Anethi (vel Fceniculi), f j. Take a teaspoonful as occasion requires. As a (Carminative for Children. 490. R Seminum Anisi contus. 3iss. Fol. Melissae, 3j. Aquae calidee, lbij. Infuse for a fourth of an hour, strain, and add as much sugar as may please. Carminative.-Dr. COPLAND. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 101 ANGELICA. The Garden Angelica, Angelica Archangelica (Nat Ord. Umbellifere or Apiacew), is stimulant, carminative, and tonic. The seeds and roots are the parts principally used; the latter retain their pungency longer. Dose of the powdered root, 10 to 20 grains; Aqua Angelicw, an ounce; Extractum, 5 to 15 grains; Infusum, by spoonfuls; Tinctura, a drachm; Spiritus Angeliee, and Sp. Angel. Comp. from half a drachm to 2 drachms. 491. R Pulv. rad. Angelicae, 3j. Pulv. Cinchona?, 3ss. Make a powder: to be taken every third hour. Inr Intermittent Fevers.-Dr. CASTLE. 492. R Angelicae rad. 3x. Aque, Oiij. Boil to two pints and strain. A wineglassful every three hours, as a sudorific and cordial. In Typhus Fever.-Dr. CASTLE. 493. h Rad. Angelicre, gij. Rad. Serpentarime,,ss. Flor. Sambuci, gj. Potas. Subcarbon. 3iij. Aqum'ferventis, lbij. Macerate for three hours and strain. Liquoris colati, fgiss. Sp. Juniperi comp. f3j. Vini Opii, WLx. Make a draught. In Atonic Dropsy.-Dr. COPLAND. ANTHEMIS. Chamomile. The dried flowers of common Chamomile, Anthemis nobilis (Nat. Ord. Composite), are stomachic and tonic; and are used in dyspepsia and general debility. The warm infusion is used to promote the action of emetics. Externally, the hot decoction or infusion, or the flowers themselves moistened with hot water, are applied to relieve pain, &c. Dose of the powdered flowers, from five to thirty grains; Infusum Anthemidis, one to three ounces; _Extractum, five to twenty grains; Aqua, one to eight drachms; Oleum volatile, one to four drops. Decoctum Chamomwli comp. is used in fomentations and clysters. 102 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 494. R Pulv. Anthemidis, 3ss. Pulv. Piperis longi, gr. iij. Pulv. Aloes, gr. j. Mix: make a powder, to be taken every night. In Flatulency and Eructations.- Dr. HEBERDEN. 495. 13 Pulv. Anthemidis, 3j. Pulv. Myrrh-e, gr. v. Pulv. Rhei, gr. iij. Mix: make a powder, to be taken twice a day. Stomachic and Tonic. —Dr. BABINGTON. 496. 1P Pulv. Anthemidis, gr. xvj. Pulv. Rhei, gr. viij. Pulv. Zingiberis, gr. j. Make a powder. Stomacchic and Laxative.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 497. 1P Pulv. Anthemidis, 3j. Potassse subcarb. Dss. Cale. Antimonii, Dss. Make a powder. In Inte rmittents.-Dr. MORTON. 498. P 1 Anthemidis pulv. 3ss. Aqume Menthae pip. f iss. Tinct. Cardam. comp. ftiss. Make a draught: to be taken thrice a day. In Agues.-Dr. E. G. CLARKE. 499. XR Punv. Anthemidis, Pulv. Myrrhae, ana 3j. Potas. subcarbon. Dss. Make a powder: to be taken every sixth hour. In Intermittent Fevers.-Dr. MEAD. 500. u Pulv. Anthemidis, 3j. Syrupi, q. s. To make a bolus: to be swallowed every third hour. In Inter mittents. 501. 1 Pulv. Anthemidis, Pulv. Ciuchonu, ana,j. Pulv. Zingiberis, 3ij. Mix, and add Syrupi, q. s. Make an electuary: take 3j thrice a day. In Convalescence from Acute Diseases.-Dr. BLA.NtE. 502. Jf Flor. Anthemidis, 3j. Cort. Aurantii exsic. 3ij. Aquwe destil. frigide, Oj. Rub together in a mortar, and after an hour, strain. A w'ineglassful twice a day. In simple Indigestion.-Dr. A. T. T.HOMSON. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 103 503. R Flor. Anthemidis, gss. Sem. Anisi cont. 3iij. Fol. Menthae vir. 3ss. Carophyl. cont. 3j. Aurantii cort. sic. 3ij. Aqume ferventis, Oiss. Macerate for an hour and strain: take a wineglassful fiequently. In Flatulent Dysjpepsia, c&.-Dr. COPLAND. 504. R Extracti Anthemidis, 3ij. 01. ess. Antheiidis, gutt. xij. Pulv. Anthemidis, q. s. Make into 120 pills: from eight to tel to be taken daily. In Dyspepsia, c.-TItEuR. 505. R Extr. Anthemidis, 3j. Assafcetid-e, 3ss. Pulv. Rhei, 3j. Make into a mass, and divide into 30 pills: take three twice a day. In Flatulent Dysp2epsia.-Dr. AINSLIE. 506.! 1 Extr. Anthemidis, Dij. Aloes Socot. Zingiberis pulv. ana 3ss. Mix, and divide into 20 pills: take one or two an hour before dinner. In Indigestion.-Dr. HOOPER. 507. 13 Infusi Anthemidis, f j. Spir. Camphorse, f3j. Make a lotion. In unhealthy Ulceration from Blisters, and in Typh/us. COLLES. 508. R Infusi Anthemidis, 7xij. Olei Lini. (vet Olivze), ~ij. Make an enema. R Infusi Anthemidis, fOss. Sodae Sulphatis, Fj. Make an enema. ANTH-RACOKALI. A. SULPHURETUM. These compounds are used as alteratives, in herpetic eruptions, and in scrofulous and rheumatic affections. Dose, 1- to 2 grains three times a day. 509. lf Anthracokali simpl. gr. ij. lMagnesise carb. gr. v. Make a powder: make three such doses. Give one every eight hours. In Tetters.-POYLA. 510. P Anthracokali simpl. 3j. Pulv. Glycyrrhizae, ass. Mix: make a powder. Take a teaspoonful three or four times a day. In Chronic Eczema, Impetigo, &c.-RADIUS. 104 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 511. I Anthracokali Sulphur. gr. ij. Sulphur. Sublim. gr. iv. Magnesiae Carbon. gr. iij. Make a powder: to be taken every eighth hour. In Tetters, Psora, c. —POYLA. 512. IP Anthracokali simpl. gr. ij. Hydr. Chloridi, gr. ~. P. Glycyrrhizse, gr. iij. Three of these doses may be given during the twenty-four hours. In Syphilitic _Eruptions. —PoYLA. 513. R Anthracokali, Dij. Ext. Glycyrrhiz'e, Pulver. ejusdem, ana q. s. Make 40 pills: take from two to six, three times a day. In Lupus, Chronic Eezema, Impetigo, Psoriasis, and Lepra. BLASIUS. ANTIMONIUM. The preparations of Antimony are alterative, diaphoretic, and emetic: in some cases they prove purgative. They are also employed, especially the potassio-tartrate, as contra-stimulants to subdue inflammation. The potassio-tartrate is also used as an external counter-irritant. The following are the officinal preparations and their doses: Antimonium Metallicum. Regulus or metallic antimony was formerly cast into little balls, as perpetual pills, which served for a purgative. Antimonii Tersulphuretum (formerly sesquisulphuretum, and sulphuretum nigrum), finely levigated, is alterative and diaphoretic. Dose, from five to thirty grains. Antimonii Oxysulphureturn. [Ant. sulphuretum prsecipitatum, D.; Ant. Sulph. aureum, E.] Precipitated or Oxysulphuret of Antimony. Dose, as an alterative and diaphoretic, one to three grains; as an emetic, five to fifteen grains. Kermes Mineral is very similar to the last, and is used in the same manner. Antimonii Oxydumz. The dose is variously stated, and its effects probably uncertain. Mr. Tyson says, when prepared by his method (adding the chloride to water and treating the precipitate with sol. of carb. of ammonia), the dose is from one THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 105 tenth to one grain, and that the latter often vomits and purges. Other authors state the dose to be from two to five grains. Antimonitcm Calcinatum. Calx Antimonii lota. Uncertain; but less active than the preceding. It was formerly prescribed in doses of five to ten grains or more. It is an antimoniate of potash. Pulvis Antimonii Compositus. Antimonial powder. Dose, as an alterative, one to three grains; as a diaphoretic, three to eight grains. In large doses it is emetic and purgative. James's Powder is nearly the same, but with some unascertained difference in the mode of preparation. Antimonii Vitrum ceratum. Formerly used in dysentery. Dose, four to ten grains. Antimonii Tannas. As a contra-stimulant, three'to eight grains. Antimonii Potassio-tartras. Emetic Tartar. This is the most certain and generally used preparation of antimony. Dose, as an emetic, one to three grains; as a diaphoretic, one-twelfth to one-sixth of a grain; as an expectorant, one-sixteenth of a grain; as a contra-stimulant, from one to three grains, repeated every four hours for six times. Dr. Pereira recommends to commence with half a grain, and gradually increase the dose. VTinum Antimonii Potassio-tartratis. Antimonial wine is given as a diaphoretic, from twenty to thirty minims every hour; as an emetic for children, half a drachm to a drachm every quarter of an hour until it operates. Antimnonii Terchloridum. Butter (or Chloride of) Antimony. It is used as a caustic only. 514. R Antimonii Tersulphur. lsvig. 3ss. Magnesie Carbonatis, gr. v. Cinnamomi pulv. gr. iv. Sacchari albi, 3ss. Make a powder: take half, morning and evening. In Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, c.- RADIUS. 515. 1 Antim. Sulphur. nigri, Hydrargyri Sulphureti nigri, ana Dj. Confectionis Aurantii, q. s. Make a bolus: to be taken morning and night. 8 106 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 516. R Antimonii Oxysulphureti, Pulv. Ipecacuanhse comp. ana 3j. Guaiaca Resinse, 3ij. Theriacse, q. s. To make 60 pills: one every six hours. In Skin Diseases.-Dr. CHEYNE. 517. R Antimonii Oxysulphureti, Dss. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Sulphuris proecipitati, 3j. Olei Lirnonis, tLxx. Mix: make a powder. Take 3ss twice a day. In Chronic Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, c. 518. R Antimonii Oxysulphureti, 3ss. Sulphuris sublimati, 3iss. Guaiaci Resinue, 3j. Extr. Conii, 3j. Sacchari faecis, q. s. Divide into 60 pills. In Chronic Catarrhal Affections.-Dr. JoY. 519. R Antimonii Oxysulphureti, Hydrargyri Chloridi, ana 3ss. Ammoniaci, 3j. Bals. Peruviani, q. s. Make 30 pills: take one or two every night. In Scrofula.-Dr. DUNCAN. 520. R Antimonii Oxysulph. Camphorse tritme, ana gr. vj. Acid. Benzoici, 5ss. Oleosacchari Anisi, 3j. Mix: make a powder, and divide into six equal parts. Take one every two hours. In the second stage of Pneumonia.-BERENDS. 521. R Kermetis Mineralis, 3j. Extracti Dulcamarse, q. s. Make 40 pills: take one every hour. In Chronic Catarrh.-SOBERNHEIM. 522. R Kermetis Mineralis, gr. iss. Ipecacuanhme pulv. gr. v. Mix well, and divide into 6 powders. Take one every four hours. In Hooping Cough. —MONTPELLIER HOSP. 523. R Kermetis Mineralis, gr. j. Camphorse tritse, gr. ij. Pulv. Gummosi, 3j. Mix: make a powder. To be taken every second hour. In Typhoid Pneumonia.-PHcEBUS. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 107 524. JR Antimonii Oxidi, 3iss. Morphiae Muriatis, gr. iss. Confectio. RosSe, q. s. Make 24 pills, of which take two every three hours. In Chronic Rheumatism, and Cutaneous Diseases. Dr. NELIGAN. 525. IR Lohoch albi (vel Mist. Amygdale), v. Antim. Oxidi albi, 3ss. Mix: the whole to be taken, in divided doses, during 24 hours. In Febrile Pulmonary Catarrh.-M. TROUSSEAU. 526. 1R Antimonii Protoxidi (Tyson's), gr. ij. PotassSe Sulphatis, gr. ix. Calcis phosphatis prSecip. gr. ix. Mix: dose, from five to ten grains. As a Diaphoretic, Mc.-Mr. TYSON. 52 7. R Antimonii Sesquiox. jj. Nitratis Potassas, 3j. Pulv. Ipecac. comp. 3ss. To be mixed and made into a very fine powder, and divided into seven equal parts, of which one may be administered each hour. Dr. PEREIRA. 528. R Calc. Antimonii, Potas. Carbon. ana 3ss. Pulv. Anthemidis, 3j. Make a powder, to be taken every sixth hour during the space of two or three days. In Intermittents. —Dr. MORTON. 529. R Pulv. Antimonii comp. gr. xij. Pulv. Tragac. comp. 3ij. Mix well, and divide into four powders. Take one every fourth hour. As a Diap}oretic.-Dr. JoY. 530. 13 Pulv. Antimonii comp. gr. iij. Hydr. Chloridi, gr. ss. Extracti Hyoscyami, gr. iss. Make a pill, to he taken every third hour. In Acute Rheumatism, and mild Febrile Affections, with a harsh dry skin. Dr. NELIGAN.. 531. R1 Pulv. Antimonii comp. gr. ij-v. Camphorae rasse, gr. ij-iv. Extr. Hyoscyami, gr. iv-vij. Syr. Papaveris, q. s. Make three pills, to be taken just before hour of sleep. At the commencement of Brain Fever.-Dr. COPLAND. 108 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 532. P Pulver. Jacobi, gr. vj. Hydrarg. Chloridi, gr. iij. Extr. Hyoscyami, gr. iv. Mix: make two pills, to be taken just before hour of sleep. [To be followed by an aperient draught in the morning.] In recent Catarrhs.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 533. R Pulv. Jacobi, Pil. Aloes et Myrrhm, G. Guaiaci, sing. 3iiss. Tinct. Castorei, q. s. Make 96 pills: take three or four every night; and take a teaspoonful of vinegar of squills every morning, in a tablespoonful of cinnamon water. In Dropsy, c..-Dr. JAMES. 534. 3 Pulv. Jacobi, gr. v. Hydrarg. Chloridi, gr. j. Pulv. Ipecac. gr. ij. Confect. Rose, q. s. Make two pills: to be taken just before usual hour of sleep. Diaphoretic. —Dr. HOOPER. 535. 13 Pulv. Jacobi, gr. viij. Hydr. Chloridi, gr. iv. Opii pulv. gr. j. Contf Rosse, q. s. Mix, and divide into four pills, of which take one every six hours with a saline draught. In Inflammction of the Lungs. —Dr. G. GREGORY. 536. R Pil. Plummeri, gr. xviij. Pulv. Jacobi veri, gr. xij. Sapon. Castil. gr. xxiv. Mix: divide into twelve pills. Two every night. In Bilious Dyspepsia.-Dr. Ross. 537. P 1 Antimoni Potassio-tart. gr. j. Ipecacuanhae pulv. 3j. Make an emetic powder. Dr. HOOPER. 538. 13 Antim. Potassio-tart gr. iij. Aquae ferventis, ~vj. Dissolve.: take f gj every quarter of an hour, until vomiting is induced. Dr. PEARSON. 539. R Antim. Patassio-tartr. gr. j. Decocti llordei, Oij. Mix: the whole to be taken in twenty-four hours. To be followed, as soon as it has sufficiently acted, by tonics. No local applications. In Erysipelas. —Dr. WALSHE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 109 540 R Antim. Tart. gr. 4. Decoct. Hordei, Oij. Dissolve, and add Syrupi, iij. To be taken by glassfuls in the course of the day. A nauseating drink in Inflammation of the Eyes and Ears. TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 541. R Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. j. Emulsio. Amygdalm amarme, 3vj. Mix: take three spoonfuls every third or fourth hour. [When the inflammation subsides, the same medicine to be continued at longer intervals.] In Pneumonia, after bleeding, and calomel and opium. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 542. ] Antim. Potassio-tart. granum. Potassse Nitratis, 3ij. MisturLe Amygdal e, f xij. Tinct. Camphorae comp. f ss. Make a cough mixture, of which a tablespoonful may be given every hour. In Bronchitis, ec. —Dr. GRAVES. 543. Aj Antim. Potassio-tartr. gr. j. Tincturta Opii, mxx. Aque dcstillatae, f 3j. Mix: a teaspoonful every, or every alternate, night. In Hooping Cough.-Sir W. W. TSON. 544. t~ Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. ij. Magnes. Sulphatis, 3ss. Aquae pure, f x. Mix: the dose for an adult is a tablespoonful; for a child of two years, a teaspoonful; repeated every half hour. In Cholera.-Dr. BILLING. 545. I Antim. Potassio-tartr. gr. ij. Aqum destillatme, f vij. Aqum Lauro-cerasi, f3ij. Syrupi simplicis, f3vj. Make a mixture, of which a tablespoonful may be given every two hours. [With antiphlogistic treatment.] In Acute Catarrh and Bronchitis.-Dr. NELIGAN. 546. 1 Antimonii Potassio-tartr. gr. iv. Tincturte Opii, f3j. Misturge Camphorme, f viij. Make a mixture: a tablespoonful to be given every second hour. In Delirium Tremens, and in the advanced stage of continued Fevers, with sleeplessness and extreme nervous excitement. Dr. GRAVES. 110 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 547. R Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. ij. Moschi, gr. xxx. Mucilaginis Acaciae, Syrupi simplicis, ana f~j. Aquae, fax. Mix: take f ss every hour. In the same cases, where Opiu is inadmissible. —Dr. GRAVES. 548. R Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. iij. Tincturae Opii, f3ss. Aquae purse, f vj. Mix: dose, a tablespoonful every half hour, or at greater intervals until the delirium has ceased. In Delirium Tremens, and other cases of nervous excitement where depletion is inadmissible. Dr. DRUITT. 549. R Antimonii Potassio-tartr. gr. vj. Aquae Cinnamomi, Aquae desillatte, ana f viij. Syrupi Althaeae, f ij. Make a mixture,,of which a sixth portion may be given every second hour. In Pneumonia, Acute Rheumatism, fc. —Dr. JoY. 550. R Antimonii Potassio-tart. gr. j. Aquae destillatse, f iss. Syrupi simplicis, f3ss. Mix: one, two, or three teaspoonfuls every quarter of an hour until vomiting is produced. As an -Emetic, in the Inflammatory Complaints of Children. Drs. EVANSON and MAUNSELL' 551. R Antim. Potassio-tartr. gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f viij. Mix: take f j every hour. [The same mixture to be repeated at intervals of four and afterwards of six hours.] In Chorea, from fright, ec. —Dr. SETH THOMPSON. 552. R Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. ij. Aquae purae, f vj. Tinct. Opii, fltxx. Make a mixture, of which a spoonful may be given every hour until nausea or vomiting supervenes. In rigidity of Os Uteri, in Labor. —Dr. HARDY. 553. I1 Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. ij. Potassse Nitratis, 3ss. Aquae, f xij. Spt. JEtheris Nitrici, 3j. Mix. 554. B Antim. Potassio-tartr. granum. Misturae Amygdalae, f xij. Potassse Nitratis, 3ij. Tinct. Hyoscyami, f3iss. Tinct. Digitalis, f3ss. Mix: one tablespoonful every hour. In Bronchitis, with Dropsy of the Chest.-Dr. GRAVES. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 111 555. R Antim. Potassio-tartr. gr. j. Mist. Amygdalae, f xij. Potassae Nitratis, f3ij. Tinct. Camphorae comp. f ss. Make a mixture, of which take a tablespoonful every hour. In Bronchitis.-Dr. GRAVES. 556. R Vini Antimon. Potassio-tartr. stxxx. Vini Ipecacuanhse, ntx. Tinct. Camphorae comp. Wlxx. Mucilag. Acaciue, f3vij. Mix: give two teaspoonfuls every four hours, for a child of four years. In Hooping Cough. —Dr. WEST. 557. R Vini Antimon. P.-tart. f j. Syrupi Papaveris, f j. Aquue, f vj. Mix: take two or three spoonfuls for a dose. Dr. HOOPER. 558. I Vini Antimonii Pot.-tart. f3ij. Liq. Ammonia Acetatis, f j. Syr. Tolutani, fvvj. Aque fontana, f iv. Mix: dose, a sixth part every fourth hour. In recent C(atarrh.-Dr. G. GREGORY. 559. Rf Aquae fontanse, f vss. Sacchari puri, 3iss. Vini Antimonii P.-tart. f3ij. Tincturae Opii, guttas xx. Mix: take f j thrice a day. Diaphoretic.-Dr. JAMES HAMILTON. 560. R Antim. Potassio-tartr. gr. j. Cretse prseparatse, Dss. Make a powder, to be taken in two spoonfuls of some appropriate vehicle. [It frequently vomits, procures a stool, and produces diaphoresis.] In Fevers.-Dr. E.G. CLARKE. 561. R Antimonii Potassio-tart. gr. j. Cretse praeparatce, Sacchari albi, aa 3ss. Mix with the greatest accuracy, and divide into ten equal parts, of which take one every second or third hour. Diaphoretic.-Mr. BRANDE. 562. R Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. j. Pulv. Ipecacuanhae, gr. x. Pulv. Opii, gr. ij. Pulv. Glycyrrhizse, 3j. Mix well, and divide into ten powders. -Expectorant.-Dr. HOOPER 112 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 563. 1] Antim. Potassio-tart. gr. j. Hydrarg. cum Creta, gr. xij. Sacchari albi, Jj. Mix, and make eight powders. One powder two, three, or four times a day. In Bronchitis of Children, and Skin Affections.-Dr. HOOPER. 564. R Antim. Potassio tart. 3ij. Tinct. Oantharidis, fgj. Aquae Rosae calidoe, f ij. Dissolve: make an embrocation. As a Counter-irritant (when the ointment fails).-Dr. JoY. 565. R Antim. Pot-tart. 3j. Aqua destillatae, f j. Make an embrocation. Sir W. BLIZARD. 566. 1 Antim. Tart. 3ss. Unguent. Hydrarg. 3j. Axungia, 3vij. Mix: the size of a nut to be rubbed in night and morning over the epigastric region. For C'hronic Inflanmmatory Dyspepsia.-Dr. Ross. 567. P Pulv. Aloes, gr. iij. P. Antim. Tart. gr. 4. Butyri Cacao 3ij. Mix: make a suppository. One to be introduced every day until a severe pain is felt round the margin of the anus. To recall a suppressed hwmorrhoidal discharge. TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. ANGUSTURA. See CUSPARIA. APARINE. See GALIUM APARINE. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS. See UVA URSI. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Apocynum Cannabinum (Nat. Ord. Apocynacete) is known in America under the name of Indian Hemp, but must not be confounded with Cannabis Indica. The root is emetic and cathartic, and sometimes acts as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and expectorant. Dose of the powdered root as an emetic and cathartic, fifteen to twenty grains. Decoctum rad. Cannabini, one to two ounces three times a day in Dropsies. Extractum, three or four grains three times a day. 568. P Decocti Apocyni, f,.xv. Syr. Aurantii, f j. Mix: take a wineglassful twice or thrice a day. In Dropsy. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 113 ARGEMONE MEXICANA. The yellow Mexican Thistle, or Prickly Poppy (Argemone Mexicana, Nat. Ord. Papaveracee), contains a milky juice which is applied to cancers, spots on the cornea, and eruptions on the skin; also to repress proud flesh. The seeds are narcotic and emetico-cathartic.. The oil expressed from the seeds, in the dose of thirty drops, produces profound sleep, and afterwards relieves the bowels. It has been proposed by Dr W. Hamilton as a remedy for Cholera. 569. l; Sem. Argemonis Mexicane, 3ij Sacchari albi, 3ij. Aque purse, f h viij. Make an emulsion, of which take a tablespoonful every half hour. In Dry Bellyache.-Dr. AFFLECK. 570. R! Succi Argemonis Mexicanm, ~viij. Succi Jatrophoe multifidc, viij. Saponis Hispanici, ~j. Spirit. Sacchari (Rumi), ~iij. Mix: expose it to the sun till sufficiently thickened to spread on lint. Apply this to the diseased part, previously bathed with a decoction of berries of French physic nut. A CREOLE remedy for Cancer. ARGENTUM. Silver in fine powder has been used, in frictions on the tongue, as an antisyphilitic remedy, by M. Serres, but the chloride is more active. The Oxide, Cyanide, Chloride, Iodide, and Nitrate of Silver are tonic and antispasmodic; and are used in epilepsy, chorea, passive hemorrhages, gastrodynia, &c. M. Serres lauds the preparations of silver in syphilis, but others have not found them effectual. Nitrate of Silver, both solid and in solution, is much used as a stimulant, vesicant, and escharotic in various surgical diseases. It is supposed to arrest the progress of erysipelas and other inflammations of the skin, &c. Mr. Higginbottom, who has much extended its use, says it is not strictly a caustic. We must refer to his work for directions for its use in the various cases in which he recommends it. 114 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. Oxide of Silver is much recommended as a sedative and tonic by Dr. B. Lane, Sir James Eyre, and others, as a remedy for dyspepsia and painful affections of the stomach, as gastrodynia, pyrosis, &c., when the tongue is not red; also in uterine hoemorrhage, haemoptysis, &c. In chronic diarrhoea, especially of children, it has also been found useful. The dose in stomach affections is from a quarter of a grain twice or three times a day, increased to one-third or half a grain, and, if necessary, to a grain. In obstinate relaxation of the bowels, and in that case alone, Sir James Eyre recommends the addition of a small portion of opium. In hUemorrhage the dose may be from half a grain to a grain or more. Cyanide of Silver is supposed to combine the sedative operation of cyanogen with the tonic of the metal. Dose, one-tenth or one-twelfth of a grain. Iodide of Silver is recommended by Dr. Patterson as not likely to discolor the skin. Dose, half a grain to one grain. Chloride of Silver is less active. Dose, half a grain to five grains. In epilepsy, three grains three or four times a day. Ammonio- Chloride of Silver, from one-fourteenth of a grain; rarely used. Nitrate of Silver is given in doses varying from one-sixth of a grain to two or three grains. For external uses, solutions containing from a quarter of a grain to eight scruples, to an ounce of distilled water. The ointments also vary, containing from one grain to one drachm of the nitrate in an ounce of ointment. 571. R Argenti Oxidi, gr. -. Pulv. Tragac. comp. gr. v. Mix: make a powder. To be taken three times a day. In passive Heemorrhages, painful Dyspepsia, Chorea, ec. Sir JAMES EYRE. The above is the usual dose with which Sir James commences, gradually increasing it if required. In some cases, however, he commences with half a grain; but in no case has he given more than one grain three times a day. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 115 572. R Argenti Oxidi, gr. iij. Micse panis, 3j. Make 12 pills: take one or two, three times a day. In the same cases.-Sir JAMES EYRE. 573. P Argenti Oxidi, gr. ij ad gr. vj. Mucilaginis Acacike, f j. Aquae destillatU, f iij. Make a mixture: take f ss three times a day, first shaking the phial. In the same cases. 574. R Oxidi Argenti, gr. ix. Opii pulv. gr. ij. Extracti Anthemidis, q. s. Mix, and divide into 12 pills: Take one three times a day. In Mlenorrhagia.-Dr. THWEATT. 5. 5. If Oxidi Argenti, gr. vj. Extr. Absinthii, 3j. Mix, and divide into 12 pills, of which one may be taken three times a day. In Epilepsy, Angina, Chorea, ec.-Dr. NELIGAN. 576. c Oxidi Argenti, gr. vj. Pulv. Rhei, gr. xviij. Ext. Conii, Dij. Make 18 pills: take one three times a day. In severe Gastrodynia, &e.-Mr. STOWE. 577. R Argenti Oxidi, gr. vij. Extr. Hyoscyami, Dj. Make 14 pills: take one twice a day. J. H. 578. Bc Oxidi Argenti, gr. iv. Extr. Humuli, gr. xxiv. Mix: make 12 pills. Take one three times a day, drinking afterward a wineglassful of an infusion of chiretta. In obstinate Chronic Diarrhoea.-Dr. TUNSTALL. 579. 1 Argenti Cyanidi, gr. j. Pulv. Iridis, gr. ij. Triturate in a glass mortar, and divide into ten equal parts. One to be rubbed on the tongue. In Syphilis.-Dr. SERRES. 580. 13 Argenti lodidi, Potassse Nitratis, ana Dss. Rub up together, and make a very fine powder, then add Pulv. Glycyrrhizse, 3ss. Sacchari albi, 3j. Mucilag. q. s. Make 40 pills, of which the patient may take one three times a day. In G-astralgia, Pyrosis, Chorea, -c.-Dr. PATTERSON. 116 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 581. R Argenti Chloridi; gr. j. Pulv. Iridis, gr. ij. Rub up together, and divide into 8 or 10 powders. One to be rubbed on the tongue. [Argenti Ammonio-chloridum is used in the same manner.7' In Syphilis.-M. SERRES. 582. RX Argenti Chloridi, gr. xv. Sodii Chloridi, 3j. Amyli, gr. xv. Pulv. Acacise, gr. xv. Aquce, q. s. Make 100 pills. 583. 1 Argenti Chloridi, gr. xxxvj. Pulv. Acacis,. Cons. Rosse, ana q. s. Make 12 pills: take one three times a day. In Chronic Dysentery, and Epilepsy.-Dr. PERRY. [The quantity of Chloride to be increased to 1 drachm (in 12 pills) in Epilepsy.] 584. 1, Argenti Chloridi, gr. xxxvj. Quina Muriatis, gr. xviij.:.Malnne, gr. viij. Mix: make into a mass with mucilage, and divide into 12 pills, of which take one every six hours. In the early stage of Phthisis, and in Dyspepsia in debilitated habits. Dr. NELIGAN. 585. r Argenti Ammonio-chloridi, gr. j. Pulv. Iridis, gr. ij. Rub up together, and add Conservae, q. s. Make 14 pills. M. SERRES. 586. 1 Argenti Nitratis cryst. gr. - to I. AquTe destillatw, ~ij. Gummi Acacike, lij. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Mix: a teaspoonful or two every two hours. In obstinate Diarrhoea.-Dr. CANSTATT. 587. R Argenti Nitr. cryst. gr. -1 ad 3. Aquna destillata, 3j. Syrupi simpl. 3v. Make a mixture: to be taken by spoonfuls in the course of the day. In Chronic Diarrhoea (of Children).-M. TROUSSEAU. 588. Pc Argenti Nitratis, gr. iij. Opii pulv. gr. iij. Pulv. Rhei. Extr. Humuli, ana gr. xij. Mix: make 12 pills. Take one three times a day. In Pain and Tenderness of the Stomach, and other affections of rucous membranes. Dr. A. HUDSON. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 117 589. Rc Argenti Nitratis. gr. ij. Extr. Humuli, Dj. Extr. Hyoscyami, gr. xij. Rub well together, and divide into 8 pills. Take one three times a day. In Pyrosis, Dyspeptic Palpitation, c.-Dr. JOY. 590. 1 Argenti Nitratis, gr. j. Camphorae, gr. xxiv. Opii Extracti, gr. iij. Spirit. rectificati, Trtiij. Make 6 pills: take one three times every day. In Spasmodic Diseases.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 591. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. ix. Pil. Aloes cum Myrrha, iij. Make 12 pills: take one twice a day. In Chorea.-Dr. COPLAND. 592. P Argenti Nitratis, gr. ij. Fellis Bovini inspissati; Extr. Anthemidis, ana 3ss. Mix, and divide into 12 pills, of which one may be taken morning and noon. in painful affections of the Stomach, without organic disease. Dro NrLIrGAN. 593. 1 Argenti Nitratis, Extr. Gentians, Pulv. Calumbae, ana gr. xij. Mix well, and divide into 12 pills, Take one twice a day or oftener. Aen Epilepsy, Chorea, fc. [These contain 1 gr. N. S. in each.] 594. 1 Argenti Nitratis cryst.:ss. Opii puri, gr. vj. Extracti Conii, 3ij. Exirticti GlycyrrhizWe, 3j. Mix: make into pills of two grains each. Take from two to five every day. In the same case.-ITIEM. 595. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. ij. Ext. Lupili, Pj. Ext. Hlyoscyami, gr. xij. Make a mass, and divide into 8 pills. Take one three times a day. Dr. HooPER. 596. 1R Argent. Nit. gr. iij. Pulv. Opii, gr. iij. Pulv. Rhei, gr. xij. Ext. Humuli, gr. xij. Mix, and divide into 12 pills. Take one three times a day. In Palpitations of the Heart depending on Dyspepsia. Dr. Ross. 118 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 597. RI Argent. Nit. gr. x. Ext. Hyoscyami, 3j. Bismuthi Nit. 5iss. Mix: make into 40 pills. Take one night and morning. In Chronic Gastritis.-Dr. H. GREEN. 598. P x Argent. Nit. gr. x. Ext. Conii, vel Ext. Lupuli, 3j. Pulv. Capsici, Quinse Disulph. gaa iij. Mix: divide into 40 pills. Take one twice or thrice a day. In obstinate forms of Dyspepsia.-Dr. H. GREEN. 599. R Argent. Nit. gr. x. Ext. Lupuli, 3j. Bismuthi Nit. Diss. Quinas Disulph. Dij. Mix: make 40 pills. Take one twice or thrice a day. In Gastralgia with Pyrosis.-Dr. H. GREEN. 600. I: Argenti Nitratis, gr. xij. Tinct. Gentianae comp. f iij. Take a teaspoonful thrice a day. In Leucorrhoea, &c.-Dr. A. HUDSON. 601. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. vj. Opii pulv. gr. iss. Make 6 pills: take one after each liquid evacuation, or every hour. In the rice-water purging of Cholera.-Mr. G. Ross. 602. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. vj. [gr. iv ad xv.] Aqusl destillatae, xij. Make an enema. In Acute Dysentery.-M. TROUSSEAU. 603. BP Argenti Nitratis, 3j. Aquoe destillatme, f j. Make a solution: to be applied with a camel-hair pencil. In Excoriations of the Back, in tedious illnesses. Dr. A.. T.HOMSON. [The same solution is applied to the sore edges of Scorbutic Gums (Fox); to Erysipelas; Lupus; Porrigo, fc (Dr. A. T. Thomson). A weaker solution, ten grains to an ounce of water, is used to prevent bed-sores.] 604. R Argenti Nitratis, Div. Aquae destillatze, f3iv. Acidi Nitrici, gutt. vj. Make a solution: to be applied two or three times a day over the inflamed surface, and for two or three inches beyond it, to arrest the spreading of Phlegmonous and Traumatic Erysipelas.-Mr. HIGGINBOTTOM. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 119 605. ]1 Argenti Nitratis, Dj ad Div. Aquse destillatce, f j. Dissolve: to be applied by means of a sponge affixed to a whalebone rod to the fauces, pharynx, epiglottis, and larynx. In Affections of the Throat; particularly follicular disease of the Larynx. Dr. HORACE GREEN. [When ulceration exists, Dr. G. states that the solution should not contain less than Dij of the nitrate. A similar solution, containing from eight to forty grains of nitrate to an ounce of water, is used by Dr. E. Watson, Dr. Wagstaff, M. Latour, and others, in Hooping-Cough, Hoarseness, Diphtherite, Croup, &c. But Dr. E. Watson considers it improper in acute exudative croup; and only suitable in asthenic laryngeal inflammation; and that the strength should vary inversely to the intensity of the inflammation.] 606. 1 Argenti Nitratis, gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f j. Make a mouth-wash. In Aphthe. —Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 607. 13 Argenti Nitratis, gr. iiss. Aquxs destillatae, f j. Dissolve, and make an injection. In Pistulous Sores.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 608. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. iiiss. Aquse destillatae, f viij. Make a lotion. For old Sores.-HAHNEMANN. 609. B Argenti Nitratis, gr. iv. Aquae destillatse, 3j. Make an eyewash: one drop to be applied to the eye by a camel-hair pencil, and repeated in five or six hours when the symptoms return. In Catarrhal Ophthalmia.-Dr. MACKENZIE. 610. J3 Argenti Nitratis, ss. Aqume destillatae, f j. Make an eyewash: one or two drops to be introduced into the eye every second day. In Egyptican Ophthalmia.-Dr. RIDGEWAY. 611. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. iv. Aquae destillatae, f j. Make an eyewash. In Superficial Ulcers of the Cornea.-Mr. MACKENZIE. 612. 1 Argenti Nitratis, gr. viij. Aquae destillata3, 3iv. Make a gargle. In Nurse's Sore Mouth. 613. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatse, fvviij. Make an injection. Mr. DRUITT. 614. BP Argenti Nitratis, gr. i to gr. j. Aquae destillatae, j. Make an injection. In Gonorrhcea. —Mr. CARMICHAEL. 120 TIIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. [Some writers direct much stronger solutions. Mr. C. begins with a quarter of a grain, increasing the strength as it can be borne; but finds this to be seldom the case with a full grain.] 615. R Argenti Nitratis, gr. iv ad xvj. Aquae destillatse, fgiv. Make an injection: to be thrown into the bladder daily. In Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder. Dr. R. L. M'DONNEL..616. ZfR Argenti Nitr. in pulv. subtil. p. j. Sacchari purificati, p. v. Rub together: to be inhaled from a proper apparatus. In Affections of the Air-passages. —Dr. WAGSTAFF. 617. Rk Argenti Nitr. gr. iij ad x. Liq. Plumbi diacet. rTx-xx. Cerati Cetacei, 3j. Mix: the size of a pin's head to be put within the eyelids, and repeated according to the degree of inflammation produced. In Opacity of the Cornea.-Mr. GUTIIRIE. 618. 1R Argenti Nitratis, gr. iv. Adipis prpeparati, 3ss. Make an ointment. Dr. DItUITT. [M. Serres uses, for syphilitic ulcers, one scruple of oxide, or half a scrup)le of iodide or cyanide of silver, to one ounce of lard.] ARMORACIA. The fresh root of Horse-radish, Cochlearia Armoracia (Nat. Ord. Brassicacee), is used as a condiment on account of its pungency; as a medicine it stimulates the stomach, and increases the secretions, especially the urine. Externally, itisrubefacient. It yields, on distillation with water, a volatile oil, which is identical with that of mustard, and may be employed for the same purposes. Horse-radish is used in weakness of the stomach, and in paralytic, dropsical, rheumatic, and scorbutic complaints; also in hoarseness, and in chest affections unattended with inflammation. Dose of the fresh root, half a drachm; of Infusuzm Armoraciw, two ounces; Spiritus Armoraciwe, one to four drachms; Syrupus Armoraceie, a drachm; Syrupus Antiscorbuticus, four drachms. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 121 619. R Rad. Arroracise, rec. Sem. Sinapis cont. ana 3iij. Aqu-e ferventis, Oj Macerate for an hour and strain. Colaturne,,vij. Spir. Ammonioe, arom. 3iss Spir. Pimentae, giij. Mix: take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. In Paralysis. —Dr. COPLAND. 620. l Rad. Armoracim, cont. ij. Serm. Sinapis, 3ij. Rad. Valerianse,;ij. Rad. Rhei inciste,,ss. Vini rubri, Oiss. Digest, and strain: a wineglassful occasionally. Stimulant and Aperient.-Dr. H00PEoR. 621. TE Inf. Armoracise comp. f3ix. Tinct. Ammonise comp. ultviij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f j. Make a draught. Sti'mulant.-Dr. PARIS. 622. R Infusi Armoracise, 3v. Spir. Armoracise comp. 3iv. Tinct. Capsici, 3ij. Make a gargle. In Catarrhal Deafness, and enlarged Tonsils.-Dr. FOSBROKE. ARNICA. Leopard's Bane. The root, leaves, and flowers of Arnica Montana (Nat. Ord. Asteraeee), are used; but the dried flowers are alone officinal in the Prussian pharmacopoeia, and are generally preferred. MAny virtues are ascribed to Arnica; but its principal action is as a cerebro-spinal stimulant: it is also irritant to the stomach and bowels, and is supposed to be diuretic, diaphoretic, and emmenagogue. It is much employed, especially in Germany, to obviate the effects of severe falls, bruises, &c., on the brain and nerves; also in amaurosis, paralysis, and other nervous affections. In the latter stage of hydrocephalus and typhus fever, and in numerous other cases, it has also been recommended. Locally, it is applied in lotions for contusions, and in affections of the brain. Dose of the powdered flowers, five to fifteen grains; of the root, ten to thirty. Infusum Arnise, half an ounce; Extractum Arnice, five to ten grains; Tinctura Arniete, thirty drops; Oleum essentiale, one to two drops. 9 122 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 623. R Infuli Arnice? (ex 3j flor.) fgiv. Syrupi Croci, f'vj. 2Etheris Sulph. gutt x. Mix: a tablespoonful every hour, to a child above two years old. In Hydrocephalus. —Dr. URE. 624. R Flor. Arnicae, 3ss. Ammoniae Mur. pur. 3ij. Camphorae tritce, gr. vj. Sacchari albi, 3vj. Mix: make a powder. A teaspoonful three times a day. Expectorant and _Emmenagogue.- M. BERENDS. 625. R Flor. Arnicse, 3ss. Aqiase ferv. q. s. ad col. 5viij. R Colaturce, 5viij. Syr. Aurantii, ~ss. Sp. AEtheris Nitrici, gtt. vj. Mix: take a tablespoonful every second hour. In the latter stage of fHydrocephialus.-GOELIS. 626. R Tinct. Arnicse, fgss. Infusi Acori Calami, f viiss. Mix: take an ounce every three or four hours. In nervous Headache, and old Paralytic cases. Dr. NELIGAN. 627. R Infnsi Arnicae (ex 3ij. rad.) 3vj. REtheris Sulphurici, 3ij. Mix: a spoonful several times a day. In Nervous Affections. —BRERA. 628. R Pulv. Arnicee, Pulv. Comphorae, ana gr. iv. Cons. Rosa Canince, q. s. Make a bolus: to be taken every sixth hour. Dr. COPLAND. 629. R Flor. Arnicex, j. Aquce, Oiiss. Boil to a pint and a half, and add Syrupi Zingiieris, 3ij. Mix: take from f ij to ft iij, every second hour. In Paralysis, Articular Rheumatism, fc.-SWEDIAUR. 630. R Flor. Arnicae, Rad. Serpentarire, ana 3ij. Decocti Cinchonoc ferv. 3ix. Infuse, strain, and to eight ounces, add Atheris Sulphurici, 3ss. Syrupi, 3j. Mix: two tablespoonfuls every two hours. As a Stimulant to the Nervous System. —BRERA. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS, 123 631. R Inf. Arnica (ex 3vj flor.) vj. Camnphorae, 3j. Mucilag. AcaciaT, j. Make an emulsion: take a tablespoonful every second hour. HORN. 632. R Infusi Arnica, f viiss. Potass. Carbon. 3j. Tinct. Lavand. co. 3iss. }Mix: take a tablespoonful three times a day. Dr. COPLAND. 633. u Pulv. flor. Arnicae, 3iij. Pulv. Cinchonas, ss. Pulv. Serpentaria, 3iij. Conf. Arornat. 3j. Syrupi Aurantii,.v. Mix: take from f3j to f3ij, every two hours. Dr. COPLAND. 634. l Rad. Arnicae, Rad. Calumba, ana 3ij. Pour in Aqua tferventis, q. s. To strain off seven ounces. Syrupi Aurantii, ~j. Mix: a spoonful every, three hours. In Atonic Diarrhoea.-BERENDS. 635. R Flor. Arnicae, 3vj. Herba Rutae, jj. Aqua ferv. f.xij. Macerate, and strain, to make a fomentation. flor Black.Eye, fC. —GRAEFE. 636. R Tincturae Arnicae, 3ij. Aquae destillatae, liv. Make a lotion. For Contusions, &c. ARSENICUM. Arsenic in its metallic state is not administered medicinally. All its soluble preparations are violently poisonous; and its insoluble preparations are probably all so far acted upon by the fluids of the stomach as to become so. They are employed in medicine as alteratives, and febrifuges or antiperiodics; but their effects require to be very carefully watched. Arsenious Acid (formerly termed uhite arsenic) and' its solution with potash (Liq. Potassae Arsenitis) are generally preferred in this country; they are principally used in obstinate chronic diseases of the skin; but also in intermittent fevers and other periodic 124 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. diseases. Arsenic is contraindicated when there is a quick pulse and a hot skin. The dose of Acidum Arseniosum is from one-sixteenth to oneeighth of a grain; some practitioners prefer it to the following solutions in periodical diseases. Liquor Potasse Arsenitis (Fowler's Solution) is given in doses varying from three to fifteen minims. Mr. Hunt recommends it not to be given in increasing doses, but five minims to be given three times a day, on a full stomach; and the dose reduced as soon as the conjunctiva is affected. He never finds it necessary to exceed this dose, in skin diseases. The other preparations and their doses are: Liquor Arsenici Chloridi, 3 to 10 drops. Ammonice Arseniatis, from 20 drops. Sodce Arseniatis, from 12 drops. Ar'senici Periodidi, 20 drops. - Arsenici et lydrargyr Hydriodatis, from 10 to 30 minims. Pilulce Arsenici (Asiaticre), one pill. Quince Arsenias, 1-10th to 4th of a grain. Diarsenias, -d of a grain. Potassce Arsenias, 1-16th to -th of a grain. Sodce Arsenics, 1-12th of a grain. lodidum Arsenici, 1-10th of a grain. 637. 1 Acidi Arseniosi, gr. j. Sacchari puri, Dss. Rub together to a very fine powder, and add Micae panis, q. s. Mix well, and divide into 20 equal pills. Take one twice a day. In Chronic Skin Diseases, Intermittents, Hc.-Dr. WOOD. 638. 1 Acidi Arseniosi, gr. ij. Strychninme, gr. j. Extr. Aconiti, gr. viij. Pulv. Opii, gr. v. Mix well, and divide into 16 pills. One every six hours, or four in twenty-four hours. If nausea ensues, give half a pill only. In Neuralgia of the Bladder, Gc. —Dr. S. D. GRoss. 639. R Acidi Arseniosi, gr. ij. Opii pulv. gr. viij. Saponis duri, Dj. Mix accurately, and divide into 24 pills. Take one once or twice a day. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. [Dr. Barton directs 32 grains of soap, and to divide the mass into 32 pills.] THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 125 640. R Acidi Arseniosi, gr. j. Piperis nigri, 3ss. Rub up together for half an hour, then add Mucil. Acacias, q. s. To make 15 equal pills. Take one once or twice a day. In Elephantiasis, Lepra, C. —ASIATIC PILLS. 641. P Liquor. Potassa Arsenitis, f iv. Liquor. Iodinei comp. (U. S.) f j. Mix: dose, five drops. DUHAMEL. 642. P Liq. Potassae Arsenitis, f3ss. Liq. Potassae, f3j. Infusi Gentianae co. f vij. Sp. 2Etheris Nitrici, f3ij. Mix: make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. In Psoriasis.-Dr. S. WRIGHT. 643. 1P Liq. Potasse Arsenitis, Tr1iv. Decocti Cinchonte, f3x. Syrupi Aurantii,?ij. Tincturae Opii, lkTv. Make a draught: to be taken twice a day after food. In Chronic Eczema and Pityriasis. —D.r BURGESS. 644. 1 Liq. Potassme Arsenitis, f3ss. Infusi Quassice, fiv. Tinct. Lupuli, f j. Make a mixture: take a sixth part twice a day. Dr. HOOPER. 645. R Liq. Potassse Arsenitis, mliv ad x. Mistursc Camphorce, f3xss. Spir. LEtheris comp. f3ss. Syrupi Croci, f3j. Mix: make a draught, to be taken thrice a day. In Epilepsy.-Dr. A. FRAMPTON. 646. lT Liq. Arsenitis Potass-e, TrTxx ad xxx. Syrupi Simplicis, f3iij. Tinct. Cardam. comp. f3iij. Aquse destillat.c, f vss. Dose, fgj, immediately after food. Dr. DRUITT. 647. 1c Liq. Potassme Arsenitis, f3j. Vini Antimonii Potassio-tart. Vini Ipecacuanhse, Liquor. PotassTe, ana f3iiss. Aquae destillatae, ad f xij. Make a mixture, of which f j may be taken thrice a day. In Hay Fever.-Dr. F. W. MACKENZIE. 126 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 648. R Liquor. Potassse Arsenitis, f3ij. Liquor. Ammonia Hlydrosulphatis, TLxx. Tinct. Hyoscy ami, f3ij. Infusi Buchu, f~viij. Mix: take a tablespoonful every fourth hour. In Diabetes. —Mr. J. HOGG. 649. PR Arseniatis Ammonis, granum. Aquoe destillatoe, foj. Mix: take from twelve to twenty-four drops every day, gradually increasing the dose to f3j. In Skin Diseases, ec. 650. R Arseniatis Sodae, gr. j. Aquoe destillatae, fcj. Take from twelve to thirty drops during the day. In Chronic Skin Diseases, c. —Dr. PEARSON. 651. Rf Sodae Arseniatis, gr. ij. Aqume destillate, q. s. Dissolve, and add Guaiaci pulv. 3ss. Antimon. Oxysulphur. 3j. Mucilag. Acacia, q. s. Mix with great care, and divide into 24 pills. In Chronic Skin Diseases, &c.-ERASMUS WILSON. 652. Fg Ferri Arseniatis, gr. iij. Extracti Humuli, 3j. AlthaeT pulv. 3ss. Syrupi, q. s. Make 48 pills: take one every day. In Cancerous Diseases, and Herpetic Ulcers. —M. BIETT. 653. R Liquor. Potassae Arsenitis, f j. Aquae destillata, f j. Make a lotion. In mild cases of Lupus.-Dr. HOOPER. 654. R Acidi Arseniosi pulv.'j. Pulv. Sang. Draconis, 3viij. Hydrarg. Sulphur. rubri. 7ij. Mix: to be moistened with saliva or mucilage at the time of using As a Caustic, for Cancers, Lupus, c.-ROuSSELOT. 655. 1 Acidi Arseniosi, gr j. ad ij. Hydrarg. Chloridi, gr. C. Make a powder. As a Caustic.-Dr. BURGESS. ARTEMISIA. Several species of Artemisia (Nat. Ord. Comnyositx, or Senecionidea) are used in medicine; the principal of which are here grouped together. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 127 1. Artemisia Absinthium. Common Wormwood. The dried tops are used as a bitter tonic, and vermifuge; also as an antiperiodic and emmenagogue. Externally, wormwood is used in discutient and antiseptic fomentations. The dose of the powdered herb is twenty to thirty grains. The officinal preparations and the doses areAqua Absinthii, - to 1 ounce. Extractuzm-, 5 to 20 grains. Essentia-, 2 to 8 drops. Infusum —-, 1 to 2 ounces. 01. Essentiale, 2 to 4 drops. Syrupus Absinthii, I to 1 ounce. Tinctura —--- -, dr. to 2 drachms. --------, comp., a drachm. Vini Absinthii, 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls twice or three times a day. Wormwood also forms part of Species Amarse, Species An thelmintiew, and Sp. Aromatiew (P.). Sal. Absinthii, formerly much used, was carbonate of potash, obtained from the ashes of wormwood; but is now considered identical with that derived from other sources. 2. Artemisia maritima, sea wormwood, has similar properties. It is less unpleasant, but seldom used. 3. Artemisia vtlgaris. Mugwort. The fibrillm and soft sound parts of the root, dried in the shade, and reduced to powder, or infused, have been recommended in epilepsy, infantile convulsions, chorea, hysteria, and amenorrhoea. The dose of the freshly-powdered root is from thirty to sixty grains in twenty-four hours; or to children, a few grains, according to their age. Dr. Burdach gives to adults a heaped teaspoonful of the powder, in warm beer, promoting diaphoresis, and repeats it daily till the disease is removed. It is not proper for young persons in diseases connected with their growth. The dose of Extractum Artemisie is thirty grains; Syrupus and Syrup Art. comp., two drachms to sixteen; Aqus Artemisiwe, one to two ounces. 4. Artemisia Abrotanum. Southernwood. This has an aromatic smell; it is regarded as tonic, vermifuge, and antispasmodic; but is seldom used in this country, except in fomentations, and in washes to promote the growth of the hair. [28 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 5. Artemisia Santonica. Tartarian Southernwood. This is supposed to yield semen contra, the worm-seed of the shops; which, however, consists of broken flower-buds and their stalks. Worm-seed is given in doses of ten to thirty grains morning acl evening for some days, followed by an active purge, as a remedy for round worms. The active principle, Santonine, is used for the same purpose. Dose, three or four grains. 6. Artemisia Chinensis, Chinese Mugwort, is used in the preparation of Moxas. 656. IP Infusi Absinthii,,iss. Sp. Cinnamomi, f3ss. Make a draught: to be taken every four or six hours. In Weakness of the Stomach.-Mr. BRANDE. 657. R Foliorum Absinthii, Foliorum Ruts, Foliorum Sennse, Ras. Cornu Cervi, ana 3ss. Rad. Rhei,;j. Triturate together to a very fine powder, of which take 3ij every morning in four doses, in some saccharine material. In Worms. —Dr. G. REGORY. 658. B Infus. Absinthii, f ij. Infus. Gigartina, f iss. Tinct. Valeriane, Syrupi Zingiberis, ana fgij. Mix: take a third portion every three hours. To expel Lumbrici. —Dr. NELIGAN. 659. R Extr. Absinthii,,ss. Aq. Menth-e piper. 3iv. Tinct. Aurantii, 3ij. Mlake a mixture: a spoonful three times a day. In Debility of the Stomach.-AUGUSTIN. 660. R Vini Absinthii, fgiv. Potass Carbonat. 3j. Mix: take f j four times a day. As a Diuretic and Resolvent.-P. P. FRANK. 661. 1R Pulv. Absinthii, 3ss. Calomelanos, gr. vj. Sodae Muriatis, gr. xij. Saponis Jalapae, gr. xxiv. Mellis despum. q. s. iix, and divide into two boluses. Take one in the morning, and the other after six hours, unless it has produced good stools. To expel Lumbrici or Ascarides.-Dr. NELIGAN. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 129 662. R Ferri levigati. 3j. Extr. Absinthii, 3ij. Make 36 pills: take one thrice a day. In Chlorosis, Worms, General Debility, &C.-SYDENHAM. 663. P 01. Volat. Absinthii, 3ss. Spir. jEtheris Sulph. Spir. Vini rect. ana 3ij. Give the patient from twenty to thirty drops every two or three hours. 664. R Infusi Absinthii, Enema. Aloes, ana f iv. Make an enema: one-half to be used. To dislodge Asearides in Children. —Dr. UR1E. 665. R Speciei Amarae, liv. Aquie ferventis, Oiv. Macerate, and strain. To be added to a bath. In Debility of Children. —RADIus. 666. 13 Absinthii, Fol. Lauri, Fol. Rosmarini, ana ~j. Aqume, lbv. Boil to four pounds, and strain. As a Fomentation in Bruises and Strains. — MIALIIE. 667. P 1 Pulv. Artemisise vulg.,j. Pulv. Sacchari albi,.ij. Mix: take a teaspoonful four times a day. In Epilepsy.-BRESLER. 668. R Pulv. Artemisiae vulg. 3j. Pulv. Sacchari albi, 3j Make a powder: to be taken at bedtime in warm beer. In _Eilepsy.-LOWsENSTEIN. 669. P Extr. alcoholici Artemisiej gr. iv. Acacia pulv. 3j. Sacchari pulv. 3iij. Mist. Amygdale, giij. A teaspoonful every half hour, gradually increasing the dose to two teaspoonfuls. In Infantile Convulsions. —KI LREUTER. 610. R Santoninme (crystallizable principle of Semen Contra), gr. xv. Pulv. Sacchari,,iss. Mucilag. Tragacanthle, et Aque florum Tiliae, q. s. To make a mass of the proper consistence: divide into fifty lozenges. (Each lozenge contains 1-5th gr. Santonine.) 1-5 daily. For Ascaris Lumbricordes. —TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 130 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. ARUM. The root of Wake-Robin or Cuckow-pint (Arum maculatum, Nat. Ord. Araceee) is acrid, stimulant, and increases the secretions. It was formerly used in humoral asthma, chronic rheumatism, jaundice, obstructions, &c. Dose of the recently powdered root, from ten to thirty grains; of the conserve, one or two drachms. Arum triphyllum is used in America in chronic coughs, even of a consumptive character. 671. 1R Bad. Ari pulv..j. Sem. Carui pulv.,ss. Magnesise, 3ij. Mix: a teaspoonful in the morning. In weakness of the Stomach, in gouty constitutions.-NICOLAI. 672. 21 Pulv. Ari tryphylli, 3j. Pulv. Gummi Acacise, 5iij. Pulv. Sacchari, 3ij. Triturate together, and add while rubbing Aquae, vj. Mix: take two spoonfuls twice or thrice a day. In Chronic Catarrhs, Rhleumatisms, c.-Dr. WOOD. 673. R gad. Ari triph. recent. 3iss. Spirit. Juniperi, Oj Make a tincture: take a spoonful every morning in sweetened water. In Consumption.-M. POITEVIN. ASARUM. Asarabacca. The root and leaves of Asarum Europsum (Nat. Ord. Aristolochiaceze) are acrid, emetic, cathartic, and sternutatory; but now scarcely used except with the latter intention. For this purpose the Pulvis Asari compositus is commonly used. Asarum Canadense, Canada Snakeroot, or Wild Ginger, is an aromatic tonic. Dose of the powder, twenty to thirty grains. It does not usually prove emetic or cathartic. ASPARAGUS. The roots and shoots of A. officinalis (Nat. Ord. Liliacee) are diuretic, aperient, and alterative or deobstruent; and allay inordinate action of the heart. They contain asparagine, on which these effects are supposed to depend. Used chiefly in dropsy, consumption, and palpitations. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 131 Dose of Decoctumr Asparagi, a teacupful three times a day; Extractumn, twenty to sixty grains; Syrupus, from one to four ounces in the day in heart affections and phthisis. 674. 1 Decocti Asparagi,,xvj. Potassas Acetatis, Dj. Mel. Scillae, ss. Mix: to be taken by cupfuls. In Dropsies. —FoY. 675. R Decocti Asparagi, lbj. Potas. Nitratis, 3ij. Sp. _Etheris Nitr. 3iij. Oxymel. Scilla, ~ ss. Mix: to be taken as a common drink. Diuretic and Cooling.-Dr. COPLAND. 676. BP Syrupi Asparagi, f viij. Take a dessertspoonful morning and night. In Palpitations.-Dr. FOSBROKE. ASSAF(ETIDA. Assafoetida is the concrete juice of Narthex Assafoetida (Nat. Ord. Um/bellifere). It is antispasmodic, expectorant, moderately stimulant, and slightly laxative. It is much used in hysterical affections, in nervous debility, hypochondriasis, flatulent distention of the bowels, in the cough of old persons, hooping-cough, asthma, and other affections of the chest not attended with inflammation. As an enema it is advised in flatulent diseases of children, in typhoid fever, cholera, convulsions, &c. Dose, five to twelve grains; Pilulwe Assafoetidwe (E.) ten to fifteen grains; Pil. Assafoetidw (Guy's H.) three pills; Pilule Aloes et Assaf. ten to fifteen grains; Pil. Galbani comp. ten to fifteen grains; Mistura Assafoetide, half an ounce to one ounce; Tinctura Assafoetidw, a drachm; Spiritus Ammoniwe foetidus, thirty drops to a drachm. The officinal preparations for local use are, Enema Assafoetidre; Emplastrum Assafoetidme. 677. R Assafcetidre, Pulv. Valeriana, ana p. equales, Syrupi et Tinct. Valerianae, q. s. Make a mass, and divide into 5-grain pills. Take two, twice a day. In Nervous Affections. 132 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 678. R Assafmetids, gr. iv. Ammonie Sesquicarb. gr. v. Spir. Armoracie comp. foij. Decocti Aloes, f3x. Make a draught. In muscular Atony of thfe Alimentary Canal.-Dr. PARIS. 679. } Tinct. Assafcetidoe, Tinct. Absinthii, ana.j. Take sixty drops three times a day. In Tape Worm. —HUFELAND. 680. P Mist. Assafetida, fgvj. Tinct. Valerianae Ammon. f~ij. Spir. AEther. Sulphuric. f3j. Mix: make a mixture. Two tablespoonfuls every six hours. In Hysteria.-Dr. THOMAS. 681. R Assafoetidoe,,j. Aq. Menthle pip. f vss. Rub well together, and add Tinct. Valerianue Am. f3ij. Tinct. Castorei, f3iij. /Etheris Sulphurici, 3j. Mix: make a mixture. A tablespoonful every second hour. in the Hysterical Paroxysm.-Dr. JoY. 682. R Spir. Ammon. Fcetidi, 3ss. Tinct. Hyoscyami, nx. Syrupi Aurantii, gss. Spirit. Anisi, f3j. Acidi Hydrocyanici, dil. tkv. Aque, 6j. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. In Laryngismus Stridulus.-Dr. REID. 683. P Sp. Ammon. Fcetidi, Tinct. Valeriance, ana f3iij. Mist. Camphors,,viss. Syrupi Croci, fsiij. Mix: take three tablespoonfuls frequently. In Hysteria, Flatulence, and various Nervous Diseases. Mr. BRANDE. 684. R Assafoetide, Opii pulv. Piperis nigri, ana gr. iss. Make a pill: one to be bruised, and taken in a spoonful of brandy and water every half or three-quarters of an hour. In Cholera.-[AN INDIAN SPECIFIC.] 685. 1 Assafcetidse, 3j. Castorei, jj. 01. Animalis (Dippel's), gutt. xx. Tinct. MyrrhTe, q. s. Make a mass: divide into 4-grain pills. Antispasmodic.-T. H. LYON. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 133 686. 1 Assafcetid-e, iss. Extr. Anthemidis, 3iij. Pulv. Rhei, 3j. Mix: make a mass, and divide into 30 pills. Take three morning and evening. In Dyspepsia with Flatulence.-Dr. AINSLIE, 687. 3G Gum Assafcet. gr. xxxvj. Pulv. Rhei, gr. xij. Olei Cajuput, gtt. xij. Mix: divide into 12 pills. Take two every night. In Flatulency-Dr. Ross. 688. 1 Assafcetidae,.j. Morph. Sul. gr. iij. Mix: make 30 pills, of which give one three or four times a day. In disordered Menstruation with dry 6Cough. —Dr. H. GREEN. 689. Tinct. Assafoetidoe, fgj. Tinct. Opii, nrlx. Ipecacuanhse pulv. Dss. Aque, f ij. Make a mixture; of which take a teaspoonful every third hour. In IHooping-cough.-Dr. R. REtECE. 690. P Mist. Assafcetide, gvss. Tinct. Valerianae Ammon. 3iv. Mix: make a mixture. Take a fourth part every fourth hour. Antispasmodic. —Dr. JoY. 691. R Assafcetidae, 3j. Rub up with Liquor. Ammoniae acet. Aquae destillate, Aquae Pulegii, ana f ij. Syr. Papaveris. f3ij. Mix: take two spoonfuls for a dose. In obstinate Spasmodic Cough.-Mr. IBRANDE. 692. R Assafoetidse pure, 3j. Olei Amygdalke dulc. gutt. xx. Rub up together, and add Mucilag. Acaciae, 3ij. Syrupi Althmese, j. Mix: make an emulsion. Give a teaspoonful every two hours to a child of two to six years, shaking the bottle. In Hooping-cough. —KoPP. 693. Rl Tinct. Assafoetide, f3ss. Tinct. Valerianas comp. f3ss. Ferri Sulphatis, gr. ij. Mist. Camphoroe, f j. Mix: make a draught, to be taken three times a day. Take at night, going-to sleep. Pil. Hydrargyri, gr. iij. Ext. Coloc. comp. gr. iv. In Hysterical Affections.-Dr. W. DUNCAN. 184 THIE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 694. k Tinct. 2Etheres Assafeetidmc, 1Txx. Spir. Ammon. Arom. fsss. Mist. Moschi, f j. Mix: make a draught. In Hysteric and Spasmodic Colic.-Dr. NELIGAN. 695. P Assafcetidim colatoe, 3ij. Liq. Ammon. Acetatis, ^j. Aquoe Menthse, piij. Syr. Croci,,ss. Mix: a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, according to the age of the child, every two hours. In Millar's (acute) Asthlma. —MILLAR. 696. R Mist. Assafcetidse, fgvss. Spir. Lavandulke comp. ass. Spir. Ammonim arom. f3ij. Mix: take three spoonfuls thrice a day. In Nervous Indigestion, Hysteria, &c. —Dr. AINSLIE. 697. R Tinct. Assafcetidm, ass. Tinct. Opii, f3j. Decocti Hordei, Oss. Make an enema. In Flatulent Colic.-Dr. HOOPER. 698. P Assafcetidze, gr. vj-viij. 01. Amygdalae dnlc. tLiv. Rub together, and add Pulv. Acacim, 3ss. Infusi Anthemidis, "j. Make an enema. In Flatulent Colic.-Dr. URE. [This is for an infant. For older children, use one scruple to half a drachm of Assafcetida.] 699. R Assafoetidoe,.ij. Camphorse rasme, gr. xij. Rub up with Decocti Avenie,,viij; then add Olei Terebinthinse,,ss. Mix: make an enema. In Pestilential Cholera.-Dr. COPLAND. 700. D Assafcetidse, 3ij. Rub up with Decocti Papaveris, ibj. Strain, write: the clyster. In Spasmodic and Hysterical Affections.-RADIUS. 701. P Assafcetidae, 3iij. Rub up with Lactis Vaccini, ov. Strain through a linen cloth, and make an enema. _In Ascarides.-RUDOLPHI. AURANTIUM. Orange. The dried rind of the Seville or Bitter Orange, C. Bigardia, is a light bitter tonic, stomachic, and slightly astringent. It is much prescribed as an accompaniment to other medicines; THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 135 particularly the stronger bitters, quinine, neutral salts, &c., to render them less offensive to the palate or the stomach. Although regarded as a very safe remedy, large quantities of the peel have proved fatal to children. Dose of the powdered peel, five to thirty grains; Confectio Aurantii, one to four drachms; Infusum Aurantii, one to two ounces; Elixir Aurant. comp., a drachm; Syrupus Aurantii, a drachm to an ounce; Tinctura Aurantii, one to three drachms; Oleum Cort. Aurantii, one to three drops. The juice of the Sweet Orange, Citrus Aurantium, is refrigerant, and is used for the same purposes as Citric Acid and Lemon Juice. Orange Flowers, and their distilled water and oil, are the product chiefly of the bitter orange. They are fragrant, and chiefly used for their flavor and odor, but are also regarded as antispasmodic. The leaves are aromatic, tonic, and diaphoretic. Dose, twenty to sixty grains. 702. R Cort. Aurantii, gss. Flor. Anthemidis, ~j. Infuse in two pints of cold water for twenty-four hours, and strain. Take a wineglassful frequently. In Weakness of the Stomach, Flatulence, C. —Dr. PERCEVAL. 703. R Flavedinis Aurantii, Radicis Rhei, Potassae Tartratis, ana 5ss. Olei Cajuputi, Miij. Mix: make a powder. In Hypochondriasis, c.-KILEIN. 704. R Infusi Aurantii comp. f3ix. Acidi llydrochlorici, dil. TLxx. Syrupi Zingiberis, f3j. Make a draught: to be taken every day, two hours before dinner. Tonic.-Dr. PARIS. [For other recipes containing Cortex Aurantii, see under Acidum NitroMuriaticum, Cinchona, Quina, Gentiana, &c.] "05. 1R1 Pulv. fol. Aurantii, Pulv. rad. Valerianse, Syrupi Aurantii, q. s. Make an electuary: a teaspoonful occasionally. In Epilepsy, and other Chronic Nervous Diseases. SCHUBARTH. 136 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 706. Rl Fol. Aurantii, Rad. Rhei, ana Jj. Rad. Valeriane, Potas. Bitartr. ana 5iij. Mix: take half a teaspoonful twice a day. Chkorea, Epilepsy, fc.-CHOULANT. AURUM. Gold. The preparations of gold excite the secretions, sometimes salivate, and, if too freely given, produce great local and general irritation, and act as irritant poisons. They are classed among the special stimulants and alteratives, and are used by frictions on the tongue and gums, and endermically, as well as administered internally, in syphilis, scrofula, scirrhous and cancerous diseases, lepra, and amenorrhoea. Metallic gold, in a finely divided state, produces the constitutional effects of the remedy in a milder degree, without proving a local irritant. Of the salts of gold, the chloride of gold and soda (Auro-Sodii Chloridum, Sodii Auro-terchloridum, vel Auri et Sodse Murias vel Hydrochloras) is most used. The preparations and their doses are: Anri Pulvis, from -th of a gr. to 1 gr. (1-5th to ~ a gr.-LECRAND). Auri Chloridum [Terchloricdlum, vel Perchlori- I From 1-20th to 1-10th of dum,]............. a grain. In frictions, Auro-Sodii Chloridum, vel Sodii Auro- Terchlo- r from 1-16th to 1-6th, ridum,............. gradually increased. A uri Cyanidtm, } Asi dcan idu' n From -15th to 1-10th of a grain. — ocidum, ) Sulphuretuzm, 1-10th of a grain to a grain and a half. Augoum Stanno Paratumn (Puyple of Cassius), 1-15th to 1-10th of a grain (?). Trochisci Auri, and Troch. Auri Cyanidi, 1 to 4 daily. Unguentum Auri is applied in frictions, and also to the surface from which the cuticle has been removed by a blister. Syrupus Auri is also used topically. 707. R Auri pulveris, gr. vj. Amyli pulv. gr. xxxvj. Mix, and divide into 12 parts. Take one four times a day. REICKE. 708. R Auri pulveris, Lycopodii, ana gr. ij. Mix: to be rubbed on the tongue and gums, in divided portions, during the day. In Sypthilis,.c.-REICKE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 137 709. R Auri pulveris, 3j. Syrupi Acaciae, 3j. Mix. In Syphilitic Ulceration. 710. R Auri pulveris, gr. xv. Axungioe, gss. Mix. To obstinate Syphilitic Ulcers. —BOUCHARDAT. 711. R Auri Terchloridi, gr. j. Lycopodii praep. gr. xv. Mix, and divide into 16 powders. One to be rubbed on the tongue and gums daily. Afterward the same quantity to be divided successively into twelve and ten powders. In Syphilis.-C HRESTIEN. 712. B Auri Chloridi, gr. j. Extr. Aconiti alcohol. 3ss. Pulv. Glycyrrhizme, 3ij. Syrupi; q. s. Mix intimately, and divide into 20 pills, of which one is to be taken: thrice a day. In Secondary Syphilis, with much pain.-Dr. NELIGAN., [We omit many other formulae, as they resemble the following: for the use of the Chloride of Gold and Soda, which is nearly as active as the simple chloride,.. and cheaper.] 713. 1. Auro-Sodii Chloridi, granum unum,. Aquae destillatse, q. s. Dissolve, and add. Syrupi simplicis, f vj. Mix: take a tablespoonful thrice a day. CHRESTIEN-. 714. 13 Auro-Sodii Chloridi, gr. j. Aquge destillatae, ss. Dissolve: six drops, gradually increased to fourteen, to be taken three times a day in water, or decoction of sarsaparilla. In Secondary Sypihilis.-LEHMANN. 715. Rf Sodii Auro-terchloridi, gr. ij. Manne durs, 3iiss. Rub up well together, and form into 24 pills with mucilage, of which one is to be taken three times a day. In Syphilitic Affections. —Dr. NELIGAN. 716. R Auro-Sodii Chloridi, gr. iv. In sufficient distilled water to dissolve it. Extracti Dulcamarse, 3j. Extracti Aconiti, 3ss. Pulveris Althaeme, q. s. Make 80 pills, of which take one three times a day. In Venereal Skin Diseases, &c.-GRiTZNER. 10 188 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 717. 1I Auri et Sodce Muriatis, gr. j. Extr. Mezerei, 3j. Make 60 pills. MAGENDIE. 718. R Auro-Sodii Chloridi, gr. 4. Lycopodii, gr. xv. Mix thoroughly, and divide into 20 powders. One powder to be rubbed on the tongue and gums daily. The same quantity to be divided the next time into sixteen, then into twelve, and by degrees into three packets. In Syphilitic Affections. —CHRESTIEN: TROUSSEAU. 719. 1 Auro-Sodii Chloridi, gr. j. Aquae destillatae,.iij. Make an eyewash. In Chronic Ophthalmia. —JAiN. 720. A1 Auro-Sodii Chloridi, gr. iiss. Axungis, 3iss. The size of a bean to be introduced into the nostril in the evening. In Scrofulous Swelling of the NVose. —KoPP. 721. R Auro-Sodii Chloridi, gr. iij ad iv. Axungioe,.ss. Mix thoroughly, and make an ointment. In Induration, Exostosis, ic., especially of Syphilitic origin. GRiTZNER. 722. B1 Auri Teroxidi, gr. ivss. Extr. Mezerei, 3ij. Mix, and divide into 60 pills. Take two to ten every day. HOSP. OF MONTPELLIER.?723. 1R Auri Cyanidi, gr. j. Lycopodii, gr. xv. Mix, and divide into 16 powders. One daily in frictions on the tongue..724. r Auri Cyanidi, gr. iss. Pastoe Cacao,.j. Mix, and divide into 24 lozenges. One to three daily. CHRESTIEN.:725. 1R Auri Cyanidi, gr. j. Extr. Mezerei, gr. iij. [gr. viij. —CRESTIEN.] Pulv. Althaee, q. s. Make into 15 pills. Give at first one pill, then two, then three, daily. In Syphilis, Scrofula, Amenorrhcea, c. POURCHE: CHRESTIEN. [Aurum Stannoparatum and Auri Sulphuretum are given in powders and pills, as the other preparations.] BALLOTA. Siberian Woolly Ballota (Ballota lanata, Nat. Ord. Labiatee) is sudorific and diuretic; and is used in gout, rheumatism, dropsies, &c. The dried plant is employed. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 139 726., Decocti Ballotse, Zxv. Syrupi Althese, jj. Mix: this quantity to be drunk in the course of the day. RADIUS. 727. tR Decocti Ballotte, exvj. Tinct. Cinnamomi, ass. /Etheris Sulphur. 3j. Mix: a wineglassful to be taken every three hours. In Dropsy.-REHMAN. BALSAMUM CANADENSE. See TEREBINTHINA. BALSAMUM COPAIBA. See COPAIBA. BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM. Balsam of Peru is obtained from incisions made into the trunk of the Myrospermum of Sonsonate. It is expectorant and stimulant, acting especially on the mucous membrane; hence it is used in chronic catarrhs, and other non-inflammatory affections of the chest attended with debility; also in leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, chronic rheumatism, amenorrhoea, &c. Dr. Van Ness gives it in half-drachm doses three times a day, in diabetes mellitus. Externally, it is used as a stimulant to unhealthy ulcers, to chilblains, chapped nipples, and to promote the growth of the hair. Dose, ten to forty grains; of Tinctura B. Peruviani, one to two drachms. 728. R Bals. Peruviani, 3iv. Olei Amygd. dulc. 3vjo Pulv. G. Acaciee,.j. Rub up together, and add, while rubbing, Aqua, Ross, div. Mix: dose, a tablespoonful. In Chronic Catarrhs, ec. 729. 1R Bals. Peruviani, 3ij. Mellis despumati, ~j. Rub up together diligently, and add gradually Aqua destillate tepid', vij. Take two to four spoonfuls, twice, thrice, or four times a day. 730. BR Bals. Peruviani, 5ij. Vitel. ovor, No. ij. Rub up together, and add Extr. Cinchonse, 3iv. Mellis Rosse, ~vj. Mix: take a tablespoonful twice a day. In Chronic Bronchitis.-Dr. JoY. 140 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 731. Jf Bals. Peruviani, 3ss. Mucilag. Acaciae, 3ij. Rub up together, and add Aquce Cinnamomi, Aquse destillatue, ana,ss. Mix: make a draught. To be taken three times a day. In Chronic Asthma, Old Dry Cough, and Rheumatism. Mr. BRANDE. 732. R Bals, Peruviani, 3ij. Ovi unius Vitellum. Rub up together, and add Aquae Cinnamomi, fiviss. Tinct. Aloes comp. f3iij. Syrupi Croci, f3ij. Make a mixture: take fgiss. twice a day. In a Sluggish state of the Bowels.-Dr. PARIS. 733. PR Bals. Peruviani, 3ij. Mellis despumati, 3vj. Mix, and add by degrees Misturee Myrrhma (Guy's H.) f vj. Tinct. Aurantii, f j. Make a mixture, of which take from one to two spoonfuls three or four times a day. Dr. COPLAND. 734. R1 Bals. Peruviani, 3ss. Vitelli ovi, q. s. Aquae Cinnamomi, Aquoe purae, ana f;j. Spir. Ammon. Arom. Syrupi Croci, ana f3j. Make a draught. To be taken three times a day. In Paralytic Cases.-Dr. HUGH SMITH. 735. R Ung. Cerae albae, 3iiss. Bals. Peruviani, 3ij. Olei Lavandule, nYtxij. Make an ointment. To promote the growth of the Hair.-Dr. COPLAND. 736. R Bals. Peruviani, 3j. Fellis Bovini, 3iij. Mix: make a balsam for the ear. In fetid discharges from the Ear.-Dr. HUGH SMITH. BALSAMUM TOLUTANUM. Balsam of Tolu, which is obtained from Myrospermum Toluiferum (Nat. Ord. Papilionacee), has similar properties and uses to Balsam of Peru; being a balsamic stimulant, tonic, and expectorant. It is chiefly prescribed in pectoral complaints, after the inflammatory action is subdued. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 141 Dose, ten to thirty grains; Tinctura Tolutana, half a drachm to a drachm; Syrupus Tolutanus, two to four drachms; Trochisci Tolutani, ad libitum. 737. 1P Balsami Tolut. 3iss. Misturse Acacise, f j. Rub up together, and add slowly Aquae destillatae, f iv. Tinct. Camphorae comp. Syrupi simplicis, ana f3iij. Mix: make a mixture, of which take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. In the above Cases.-Dr. COPLAND. 738. _R Bals. Tolutani, 3ss. Mucil. Acaciae, f3iv. Aquae, f3v. Aquae Pimentae, 3iij. Make a draught. In Chronic ZMucous Discharges. 739. R Syrupi Tolutani, ~j. Emulsionis Acacias,.viij. Olei Amygd. dulc.,iss. Mix: a spoonful to be taken frequently. In Chronic Catarrhs.-NIEMANN. BARIUM. BARYTA. All the soluble salts of Barium are poisonous; in small doses they are used as alterative and deobstruent remedies, in scrofulous diseases [when attended by an irritable and febrile state of the system], cancer, skin-diseases, &c.; but require caution. The Chloride of Barium (Barii Chloridum, formerly Barytwe Murias) is most frequently used. Dose, one to two grains, sometimes increased to five grains [NELIGAN]; usually in solution. The poisonous effects of an overdose should be combated, in the first instance, by sulphate of magnesia or of soda, or by dilute sulphuric acid. The other preparations and doses are: Liquor Barii Chloridi, 5 to 15 minims. Barii lodidum, 1 to 3 or 4 grains. Barii Bromidum, the same. 740. tB Solut. Barytae Muriatis sat. ~j. Acidi Muriatici, gutt. iv. Mix: begin with three or four drops, and gradually increase the dse to ten drops twice a day. In Scrofulous and Cancerous Affections. —Dr. CRAWFORD. 142 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 741. R Barii Chloridi, 3ss. Aquae destillatse, 3j. Mix: give daily, to a child of three years, from five to twenty drops; to older children from ten to thirty drops; increasing the dose to fifty or sixty. [WENDT says from five to fifteen drops every three hours.] In Scrofula. —HUFELAND. 742. R Barii Chloridi, Ferri Potassio-tartr. ana 3ss. Aquae Cinnamomi, ~j. Dissolve, and add Syrupi Aurantii, 3j. To a child of two or three years, give eight or ten drops every three hours, in gruel; to those of four to six years, give twelve to fifteen drops; and to older children twenty drops, at the same intervals. In Scrofulous Affections, G'landular Obstructions,.c. Dr. URE. 743. R Barii Chloridi, Extracti Conii, ana 3ss. Dissolve in Aquae destillatae, 3ss. Add Vini Antim. Potassio-tart. 3iss. Mix: give fifteen drops, gradually increased to thirty, every three hours, shaking the bottle. In Chronic Enlargement of the Testicle, &c. —Dr. WYLIE. 744. R Barii Chloridi, Dss. Tinct. Ferri Sesquichlor. f3ij. Syrupi Aurantii, f ij. Aquae destillatae, f viij. Mix: give from half an ounce to an ounce, three times a day. In Scrofula, with languid Circulation, and Debility. Mr. BALMAN. 745. R Barii Chloridi, 3ss. Tinct. Cinchonae,.ss. Mix: ten to fifteen drops morning and night, shaking the bottle. In Scrofulous Photophobia.-AMMoN. 746. lR Barii Chloridi, gr. j. Morphire Muriat. gr. iij. Conf. Rosae, q. s. Make 12 pills. Take one three times a day. In Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery.-Dr. A. WALSH. 747. 1 Barii Iodidi, granum Cinnamomi pulveris, Sacchari albi, ana Div. Mix, and divide into eight equal parts. One to be taken three times a day. In Scrofulous Diseases. — RADIUS. THE BOOR OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 143 BEBEERINA. Bebeerine is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the Greenheart tree, Nectandra Rodise (Nat. Ord. Rosacew). It is tonic and febrifuge. Dose of the sulphate, which is the only salt of Bebeerine generally employed, from two to six grains twice a day, as a tonic in ordinary cases of debility, &c.; or from ten to twelve grains twice a day in intermittent fevers, during the intermissions. Some give as much as fifteen grains. 748. 1 Bebeerinae Sulphatis, gr. xxxvj. Confect. Rosse, q. s. Make a mass, and divide into 12 pills. One to be taken three times a day during the intermissions. In Intermittent Headache.-Dr. GAIRDNER. 749. R Bebeerinae Sulphat. 3ij. Confect. Rose, q. s. Mix: make 24 pills. Take one, two, or three, three times a day. In Intermittent Fevers.-Dr. CHRISTISON. 750. R Bebeerint Sulph. gr. xvj. Acid. Sulph. dil. rLx. Aqua destillatae, f iiiss. Syr. for. Aurantii, f ss. Mix: make a mixture. Take two tablespoonfuls every six hours. In Periodic Headache and Neuralgia.-Dr. NELIGAN, 751. R Bebeerint Sulph. 3ss. Acidi Sulphurici dil. nLxxv. Syrupi simplicis, f j. Tinct. Aurantii, f j. Aqua, f iv. Mix: a tablespoonful three times a day. Dr. CHRISTISON, BELLADONNA. The leaves and root of Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna, Nat. Ord. Solanaceee) are powerfully narcotic, and in some cases act as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and laxative. It is employed to alleviate pains and quiet nervous excitement and spasm, in neuralgic and convulsive affections, as chorea, epilepsy, hooping-cough, tic douloureux; also, in rheumatism, dysmenorrhoea, &c. Also, as a prophylactic against scarlet fever. Locally, it is used to relieve pain, and to dilate the pupil of the eye. The vapor of its decoction is inhaled to relieve asthma. 144 THE BOOK O PRESCRIPTIONS. This powerful remedy requires to be used with great caution. The occurrence of dryness and stricture of the fauces, giddiness, or dimness of vision, indicates the necessity of suspending its use. Atropia, Atropine, the active principle of belladonna, is an energetic poison, seldom given as an internal remedy in this country. The dose of the powdered leaves of belladonna is from one grain once or twice a day, gradually increased to two or three grains, carefully watching its effect. To children, one-eighth to one-fourth of a grain is given. The powdered root is preferred in Germany; the dose is somewhat less. Extraetum Belladonnse, from a quarter to half a grain twice a day; or one-twelfth of a grain to a child. Extractum Belladonna Alcoholicum (U. S. and Paris codex), from one-sixth to one-fourth of a grain. Tinctura Belladonnx (L.), from five to twenty minims, equivalent to half a grain to two grains of the dried leaves. Dr. Wood says from fifteen to thirty drops. Atropia, and Atropiwe Sulphas, from a thirtieth to a sixth of a grain for an adult. The following are for local use: Cataplasma —CeratumEmplastrum-Linimentum-Lotio- Oleum-and Unguentum Belladonne-Solutio Atropie- Ung. Atropie. 752. R Extracti Bellad. Alcoholici, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae,.j. Dissolve: give a child as many drops as it is years old, morning and evening. As a Prophylactic against Scarlatina.-Dr. FLEISHMANN. 753. R Extracti Belladonna3, gr. iij. Aqua Cinnamomi, 3j. Give two drops, morning and evening, to a child under one year of age, and one drop more for every additional year. For the same purpose.-Dr. HARDY. [It should be continued for at least fourteen days.-Dr. ScHNEEMANN.] 754. R Extracti Belladonnse, gr. j. Acidi Hydrocyanici dil. Mnij. Misturae Camphorse, 3j. Make a draught. In Gastralgia.-Dr. STRANGE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 145 755. PR Succi Belladonnae (cum 1-5 Sp. rect.) f.iv. Misturse Camphore, f vij. Syrupi Rhoeados, f ss. Mix: make a mixture, of which take a tablespoonful every six hours. In Neuralgia, and Tic Douloureux.-Dr. NELIGAN. 756. R Extracti Belladonne, gr. viij. ad xij. Vini Ipecacuanha, f3j. Syrupi Senegc, fi ss. Syrupi Tolutani, f iiiss. Mix: a teaspoonful three or four times a day, with a mucilaginous acidulated drink. In Catarrh. — Dr. ELLIS (U. S.). 757. R Extracti Belladonne, gr. vj. Glycyrrhiza Rad. pulv. ass. Succi spiss. Sambuci, q. s. Make 12 pills. Take from one to three for a dose. Dr. COPLAND. 758. R Extracti Belladonnme, gr. iv. Extracti Gentianae, 3j. Mix well, and make 12 pills. Take one three times a day. In flying Rheumatic Pains. —Dr. J. OSBORNE. 759. R Extracti Belladonnae, gr. v. Pulv. Ipecacuanhae, 3ss. Mix: make 20 pills. Take one every two or three hours until the pain ceases. In painful Menstruation in full habits.-Dr. G. BIRD. 760. R Extracti Belladonna, gr. v. Zinci Sulphatis, jj. Mix: make 20 pills. Take one every three hours until the pain ceases. In the same, in Leucophlegmatic habits. —Dr. G. BIRD. 761. R Ext. Belladonnae, gr. viij. Pulv. Camphorae, 3j. Quinae Disulph. 3ij. Mix: make 30 pills. One every hour or two until the pain ceases. For painful Menstruation.-Dr. H. GREEN. 762. R Ext. Belladonnae, gr. viij. Pulv. Ipecacuan. gr. x. Zinci Sulph. 3ss. Mix: make 30 pills. Take one every hour until the pain is relieved. In Dysmenorrhoea. —Dr. H. GREEN. 763. R Extracti Belladonnue, Pilula Hydrargyri, Ipecacuan. pulv. ana gr. xij. Mix: make 12 pills. One to be taken morning and evening. In Cancerous Affections.-Dr. AINSLIE. 146 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 764. 1 Rad. Belladonnae pulv. gr. ij. Rad. Ipecacuanhae p. gr. iss. Sulphuris loti, Sacchari Lactis, ana 3ss. Mix: make a powder, and divide into 8 parts. Take one three times a day. In Hooping-cough. (For a child of three or four years.) KoPP. 765. i, Rad. Belladonne, gr. iv. Rad. Glycyrrhizae, Sacchari albi, ana gr. xxxviij. Rub up well together. Dose, from four to twenty grains twice a day. Dr. COPLAND. 766. R Ipecacuanha rad. pulv. gr. ij. Belladonne rad. pulv. gr. iij. Zinci Oxidi, gr. vj. Sacchari albi, 3j. Make a powder, and divide into 6 parts. One every two hours. In Nervous iEpilepsy.-BERENDS. 767. J Rad. Belladonnae pulv. 3ss. Rad. Rhei pulv. Dij. Mix, and divide equally into 10 powders. Take one twice or thrice a day. In obstructions, enlargement, and induration of Liver and Spleen; Jaundice, Palpitations, c e. HUFELAND. 768. R Rad. Belladonnu pulv. gr. vj. Quinae disulphatis, gr. vj-xij. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Mix: make a powder, and divide into 6 equal parts. Take one twice or thrice a day. In Obstinate Quartan Agues.-RADIUS. 769. 1R Belladonnas fol. pulv. gr. ij. Potasse Nitratis, p. gr. xv. Sacchari purif. gr. ix. Make a powder. To be taken every day just before going to sleep. In Chronic Rheumatism, Epilepsy, fc.-Dr. A. T. THOMSON. 770. R Fol. Belladonnae sic. gr. xij. Aquae ferventis, 3vj. Macerate, and strain. Make an enema. In Spasm of the Rectum, or Sphincter Vesice. —PITSCHAFT. 771. 1P Extracti Belladonnae, jj. Aquae purae, f iv. Make a lotion. Dr. DRUITT. 772. R Extracti Belladonnse, 3j. Liq. Plumbi diacet. Oj. Mix: make a lotion. G RAEFE. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 147 773. R Tinct. Belladonnae, f3ij. Linim. Saponis cum Opio, f viij. Make a liniment: to be used frequently. In Neuralgic Pains, and painful Glandular Enlargements. Dr. NELIGAN. 774. 17 Extr. Belladonna, Adipis praparati, ana 3ij. Opii pulveris, 5ss. Mix accurately: the size of a hazel-nut to be rubbed on the seat of pain three times a day during the exacerbations. In Neuralgia.-Dr. DEBREYNE. 775. R. Unguenti Belladonnm, gij. Camnphorae redactms, j. Tinct. Camphorae comp. f3j. Mix: make an ointment. In painful iHemorrhoids, and Chordee.-Dr. NELIGAN. 776. 1R Ext. Belladonnae Alcoholici, gr. iss. Ext. Opii, gr. -. Mix. (Place in the center of a little pledget of carded cotton; fold it up so as to inclose the extracts, tie with a very strong thread, and have a double. thread eight inches long attached.) To be introduced per vaginam, placed on the neck of the uterus, and retained for twelve to twenty-four hours. In Neuralgia of Uterus.-TROUSSEAU and REVEIL. 777. PR Atropise, gr. 3. Sacchari puri, 3iiss. Mix intimately. Give a grain and a half, two or three times a day, to a child of five years. In Hfooping-cough. —BoUCHARDAT. 778. R Atropise, gr. ij. Spirit. rectificati, f5j. Aque destillat~e, f3vij. Make a solution. One drop to be applied to the inner surface of the lower eyelid. To dilate the Pupil.-Mr. W. W. COOPER. 779. I Atropic, gr. v. Adipis prucparati, 3iij. Otto Ros~e, gutt. j. Make an ointment. In Neuralgia.-Dr. W. P. BROOKES. BENZOINUM. ACIDUM BENZOICUM, &c. Benzoin is the balsamic resin of Styrax Benzoin (Nat. Ord. Styracee). It is stimulant to the mucous membranes, and expectorant; its vapor is deodorant and antiseptic; and the acid obtained from it by sublimation (Acidum Benzoicum), 148 THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. besides its expectorant properties, is diuretic and useful in calculous disorders, especially in phosphatic deposits. The Benzoates of ammonia, potash, and soda are decidedly diuretic, and useful in dropsy, gouty concretions, &c. They are usually formed extemporaneously, by adding benzoic acid to the carbonated alkalies. Benzoin has the property of preventing ointments becoming rancid. Its vapors are supposed to be useful in hooping-cough. It is an ingredient in cosmetic washes; and in balsamic tinctures as applied to wounds, &c. Dose of Benzoinum, three to ten grains; Acidum Benzoicum (and its salts), three to thirty grains; Tinctura Benzoini, and Tinct. B. comp., thirty drops to a drachm. 780. R1 Tinct. Benzoini comp. f ss. Acaciae pulveris, iss. Tragacanth, pulv. 3j. Aquas Cinnamomi, f~j. Aquae purae, f iiss. Mix: make a mixture, of which take a fourth part three times a day. In Chronic Bronchitis.-Dr. HOOPERa 781. 1 Tinct. Benzoini comp. Acidi Sulphurici dil. ana f3ss. Mix: thirty drops to be given on sugar. To allay Vomiting.-Dr. E. G. CLARK. 782. R Benzoini pulv. 3j. Ammoniaci pulv. Myrrhse pulv. ana 3iss. Extr. Gentianae, 9ij. Terebinth. Venet. 3iss. Rhei pulveris, q. s. Make a mass, and divide into 4-grain pills. Two pills twice a day. In Hypochondriasis, Habitual Constipation, Hc.-Dr. COPLAND. 783. R Acidi Benzoici, gr. xij. Extracti Papaveris, gr. xviij. Make 6 pills: one for a dose. Expectorant.-Dr. PARIS. 784. R Acidi Benzoici, 3ij. Mannae, q. s. Make 40 pills: two pills twice a day. In Enuresis Nocturna.-Dr. J. DELCOUR. ~785. fR Acidi Benzoici, Dij. Make a powder, to be taken four times a day. In Alkaline Urine, with deposition of Phosphates. Dr. GARROD. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS. 149 786. R Acidi Benzoici, gr. xviij. Sacchari albi, 3j. Olei Anisi, gutt. ij. Mix, and divide into six powders. One powder every second hour. Expectorant, in Chronic Bronchitis, Gc.-NIEL. 787. R Acidi Benzoici, 3ij. Bals. Tolutani, 3j. Tinct. Tolut. q. s. Make a mass, and divide into 12 pills. One twice a day. In Chronic Bronchitis,