THE FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. OF THE FOR 1874. PERSONS DISPOSED TO PATRONIZE THIS INSTITUTION WILL PLEASE SEND THEIR NAMES TO EITHER OF THE TRUSTEES, THE TREASURER, OR TO THE APOTHEC.ARY, AT THE DISPENSARY, LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF CHRISTOPHER STREET AND WAVERLEY PLACE. Brei ~T': CHARLES M. CORNWELL, STATIONER AND PRINTER, 247 PEARL ST. 1875. NAMES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY, And Date of the First Election of each Mlember. 1831. Alexander Knox. 1870. Samuel B. Van Dusen, 1835. Clinton Gilbert. 1871. Theodore Mallaby. 1846. Wm. M. Vermilye. " John Lawrence. " B. F. Wheelwright. " James Bryce. 1848. John N. Bradley. " Lambert Suydam. 1851. John B Hillyer. 1872. Parker Handy. 1854. Wmin. B. Aitken. " Winm. W. Parkin. 1856. Geo. C. Wetmore. " Geo. W. Welsh. " Jas. C. Forrester, M.D. " John Wilson. 1857. John C. Tucker. " Samuel Hall, M. D. 1859. Winm. K. Thorn. " John H. Watson, " Wmin. Remsen. 1873. Emerson Foote. 1860. Winm. H. Braman. " Ezra White. 1861. Edward Schell. " Hezekiah King. 1862. John W. Quincy. " William Libby. " Chas. F. Hunter. 1874. Chas. D. Smith, M. D. " John H. Mortimer. " A. G. Bogert. 1863. Henry M. Taber. " Edward Oothout. J". Harsen Rhoades. " P. Van Zandt Lane. 1864. John M. Knox. " CM. Earle. 1866. W. E. Lawrence. " W. Lambert. H" enry A. Tailer. 1875. T. L. Thornell. 1867. Edward Wight. " D. J. Holden. 1868. Wm. H. Wisner. " John S. Bussing. " Wm. Moir. " Robert Maclay. MINUTES OF THE FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBSCRIBERS. JANUARY 8th, 1875. On motion, Mr. Winm. Butler Duncan was called to the chair, and Mr. John Lawrence appointed Secretary The reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting was dispensed with. On motion, the Forty-eighth Annual Report of the Board of Trustees was presented and read by John W. Quincy, Chairman of the Committee appointed to prepare it. On motion, it was Resolved, "That the report of the Trustees be accepted with the thanks of this meeting to the Committee who prepared it." The Treasurer presented and read his report for the past year. On motion, it was Resolved, " That the report of the Treasurer be accepted, and that it together with the report of the Trustees be referred to the new Board of Trustees for publication and distribution." On motion, it was Resolved, "That we recognize the generosity of donors and subscribers to the funds of this Dispensary, and regret that the expenses for the past year have not been met out of its income; and pledge 4 ourselves to renewed effort in a cause so sacred as that in which it is engaged." On motion, it was Resolved, " That duly appreciating the donation given by the Commissioners appointed by the City to distribute its Excise Fund, we still beg to remind them, that the work done by this charity is widespread in its usefulness and that the dispensaries of this city are the most powerful agents at work in assisting the Board of Health to combat disease and pestilence in our midst; we ask for liberal help at their hands in the future as it has been freely given us in the past." On motion, it was Resolved, " That the thanks of this meeting are due and tendered to our Medical Staff for the satisfaction they have given in the performance of their duties for the past year, and it is hoped that while they continue the work so generously carried on, they will not forget to bear gently with such patients who, from ignorance or suffering are unmindful of what they are to them who are their best friends." On motion, it was Resolved, "That a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. J. tH. Rhoades, Charles F. Hunter, and H. A. Tailer, be appointed to nominate Trustees for the ensuing year, whose report was accepted, and upon a ballot the following persons were declared unanimously elected Trustees for the ensuing year. Messrs. Edward Wight and Charles D. Smith, M. D., acting as tellers." Whole number of votes cast 33. Alexander Knox, Edward Schell, Clinton Gilbert, John W. Quincy, Winm. M. Vermilye, Chas. F. Hunter, B. F. Wheelwright, John H. Mortimer, John N. Bradley, Henry M. Taber, John B. Hillyer, J. Harsen Rhoades, Winm. B. Aitken, John M. Knox, Geo. C. Wetmore, W. E. Lawrence, Jas. C. Forrester, M. D. Henry A. Tailer, John C. Tucker, Edward Wight, Win. K. Thorn, Win. H. Wisner, Win. Remsen, Winm. Moir, Wm. H. Braman, Samuel B. Van Dusen, Theodore Mallaby, Hezekiah King, John Lawrence, William Libby, James Bryce, Charles D. Smith, M. D. Lambert Suydam, A. G. Bogert, Parker Handy, Edward Oothout, Wm. W. Parkin, P. Van Zandt Lane, Geo. W. Welsh, C. MI. Earle, John Wilson, W. Lambert, Samuel Hall, M. D. T. L. Thornell, John H. Watson) D. J. Holden, Emerson Foote, John S. Bussing, Ezra White, Robert Maclay, On motion, it was Re8soved, "That we offer to our Chairman, Mr. Winm. Butler Duncan, our sincere thanks for the able manner in which he has presided over this, our Forty-eighth Annual Meeting." Mr. Duncan responded, thanking the gentlemen present for selecting him as their Chairman, &c. Adjourned. Signed, WM. BUTLER DUNCAN, Chairman. JOHN LAWRENCE, Secretary. EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. At a Stated Meeting of the Board of Trustees (elected at the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers), held at the Dispensary, January 12th, 1875, Mr. Alexander Knox was called to the chair, and Mr. Lambert Suydam appointed Secretary. The Minutes of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Subscribers were read. Of the gentlemen elected Trustees, the following answered to their names: Alexander Knox, Lambert Suydam, George C. Wetmore, Geo. W. Welsh, Wm. K. Thorn, John Wilson, Wm. Remsen, Samuel Hall, M. D. Edward Schell, Charles D. Smith, M. D. John W. Quincy, C. M. Earle, Chas. F. Hunter, T. L. Thornell, John M. Knox, D. J. Holden, Henry A. Tailer, John S. Bussing. Edward Wight, On motion, the chair appointed Messrs. John M. Knox, William Remsen, Samuel Hall, John W. Quincy, and Geo. MW. Welsh, a committee to nominate Officers and Committees for the ensuing year. The Committe made a report which was accepted. On motion, the chair appointed Messrs. Edward Schell and Charles D. Smith, Tellers, and the board proceeded to vote by ballot for officers. The Tellers reported the following gentlemen elected Officers for the ensuing year: President, - - - WILLIAM K. THORN. First Vice-President, - - JOHN W. QUINcY. Second " - - JOHN H:. MORTIMER. Third " - - - J. HARSEN RHOADES. Secretary, - - - - JonN LAWRENCE. Treasurer, - - - - GORGE C. WETMORE. Counselor - HENRY A. TAILER. And thereupon Mr. Knox retired from the chair, which was taken by the President elect. On motion, the following Committees were appointed by resolution: EDWARD SCHELL, CHAIRMAN. W. H. BRAMAN, W. E. LAWRENCE C. M. EARLE, A. G. BOGERT. committet one o upptli. ALEX. KNOX, CHAIRMAN. LAMBERT SUYDAM, S. B. VAN DUSEN. (attnmitttee on ppiinati9a~. JAMES C. FORRESTER, M. D., CHAIRMAN. CHARLES D. SMITH, M. D. SAMUEL HALL, M.D. gtretalt QIgrnmittest ot Qnzatcme. CLINTON GILBERT, CHAIRMAN B. F. WHEELWRIGHT, W. M. VERMILYE. 8 TiSthiag (9ofmtirtter. JANUARY. W. M. VERMILYE, W. H. BRAMAN, P. VAN ZANDT LANE, JOHN WILSON. FEBRUARY. CHARLES D. SMITH, M. D. H. M. TABER, H. A. TAILER, W. E. LAWRENCE. MARCH. JOHN N. BRADLEY, GEO. W. WELSH, PARKER HANDY, EMERSON FOOTE. APRIL. EDWARD OOTHOUT, EDWARD WIGHT, JOHN H. MORTIMER, C. M. EARLE. MAY. GEO. C. WETMORE, J. H. WATSON, J. M. KNOX, JAMES BRYCE. JUNE EDWARD SCHELL, THEODORE MALLABY, J. HARSEN RHOADES, LAMBERT SUYDAM. JULY. W. B. AITKEN, W. LAMBERT, JAS. C. FORRESTER, M. D. A. G. BOGERT. AUGUST. HEZEKIAH KING, CHAS. F. HUNTER, EZRA WHITE, T. L. THORNELL. SEPTEMBER. ALEX. KNOX, JOHN W. QUINCY, W. MOIR, SAM'L. HALL, M. D. OCTOBER. JOHN C. TUCKER, B. F. WHEELWRIGHT S. B. VAN DUSEN, D. J. HOLDEN. NOVEMBER. CLINTON GILBERT, JOHN B. HILLYER, JOHN S. BUSSING, WM. LIBBY. DECEMBER. W. H. WISNER, WM. REMSEN, W. W. PARKIN, ROBERT MACLAY. On motion, the following gentlemen were continued Physicians and Officers of the Institution, during the pleasure of the Board. ALONZO CLARK, M. D. ABRAHAM DUBOIS, M. D. SAMUEL L. GRISWOLD, M. D). J. C. FORRESTER, M. D. GURDON BUCK, M. D. WILLARD) PARKER, M. D. T. M. MARKOE, M. D. JAMES R. WOOD, M. D. EVERARDUS B. WARNER, M. D. FIRST DISTRICT-OSCAR G. SMITH, M. D. SECOND " J. C. MORTON, M. D. 10 E. B. WARNER. M. D. OSCAR G. SMITH, M. D. J. C. MORTON, M. D. ROBERT E. CURRAN. gtteodigtt ~hgicidano. R. B. PRESCOTT, M. D. HEART AND LUNGS, S. O. HENDRICKS, " At 9 A. M. M. B. DUBOIS, " W. S. LITTLE, " HEAD AND ABDOMEN C. P. RUSSEL, " | At io A. M. DAVID PHILLIPS," D. K. AMBROSE, " EYE AND EAR, N. H. DRAKE, " ~ At II A. M. E. B. BRONSON, " DISEASES OF THE SKIN, A. C HUTTON, " At II A. MI. J. S. CARRADINE, " GEO. Z. HUNTER, " SURGERY, CHAS. HITCHCOCK," At 12:30 P. M. T. L. JANEWAY, " J WM. THURMAN, " DISEASES OF WOMEN, L. P. WALTON, " At 2 P. M. WM. M. KEMP, " DISEASES OF CHILDREN, H. E. OWEN, " At 2 P. M. On motion, it was Resolved, That the proceedings of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Subscribers, including the Annual Report of the late Board of Trustees, and the proceedings of this Meeting, be referred to a Committee, consisting of the Treasurer, Secretary, and House Surgeon, to have one thousand (1,000) copies of the same printed for the use of subscribers and for distribution. 11 On motion, it was -Resolved, That the Secretary transmit copies of the Report to the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer of the State, and each member of the Legislature; the Mayor, Members of the Common Council, Board of Health and Comptroller of the City, Presidents of Hospitals and Dispensaries of this City and Brooklyn; Commissioners of Public Charities, Editors of Newspapers, Presidents of Life Insurance Companies, Donors, and to each Life and Annual Subscriber to this Institution. ALEXANDER KNOX, Chairman. LAMBERT SUYDAM, Secretary. THE F01._TY- I GHTH ANNUAL J EPORT OF THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY. To THE SUBSCRIBERS: The close of another. year reminds us of our duty, and our privilege, to render you an account of our stewardship as Trustees of the Northern Dispensary. The past year, although adding one more to the period of our existence, has nothing extraordinary to mark it as an epoch in its history. Every year goes freighted with its thousands of visits from your vigilant physicians, its tens of thousands of prescriptions, its multitudinous labors of its various officers, as shown by the accompanying tables, that also exhibit an amount of labor and care, that no cursory examination can adequately appreciate. Each visit requires, not only time but personal exertion; extending from attic to cellar. The patients are found in all stages and degrees of illness, in close rooms of overcrowded tenement houses, in the cold and cheerless apartment, where not only the fire is wanting, but human sympathy; except that which is extended through your Physician and your benificence. Summer and winter, heat and cold, day and night, are no barriers to the duties of your faithful Physician. We may thank the Father of Mercies, for the benign influence of that Christianity, which has made this age so marked for its many noble charities, and this one, among the number, and we may rest assured that we may claim the benediction that, " Inasmuch as ye have done it, unto one of the least of these my bretheren, ye have done it unto Me." In none of the channels of benevolence do the smallest sums bestowed a greater work than in our institution. Such a sum procures a healing medicine, that judiciously bestowed often restores a parent to health, and give his family thus a support, whilst the want of such medicine, would insure suffering and often death. Well then may the subscribers, and all engaged, be encouraged in this noble work, and do what in them lies, to carry forward this 13 health and life saving charity, and though we have been deprived to some extent 6f City and State aid, and our income has fallen short of our expenses, we may still work and hope in the assurance, that we shall not be forgotten, and that the work solong and so well sustained, handed down by others to us, may be by us handed down to coming generations, as an example of the promise that they shall reap, if " they faint not." Once more we are called to mention the departure of one of our Trustees. Floyd Smith, died April 6th, 1874, in the eightyfourth year of his age. His name stands with those nwho obtained our Act of Incorporation dated November 28th, I828. He was President during 1841 and 1842, and senior Trustee at the time of his decease. He was identified with this Institution from its infancy to manhood, and stood by it with heart and hand, through adversity and prosperity. The cheerful spirit that pervaded his character, makes his absence morefelt, but he has obeyed death's summons to accept his reward, whilst the voice of monition to us, says, " Be ye also ready." As the early reports of this Institution have long since been out of print, and there are several interesting historical facts concerning its origin, unknown to many of our subscribers, it may be desirable again here to refer to a few'of them, that they may be placed once more on record. The First Annual Report of the Northern Dispensary was made April I4th, 1828. We are therefore in the forty-seventh year of our existence. That Report says, "As far back as October, I824, it appears by the records that,'A number of benevolent individuals organized themselves into an institution denominated the Northern Dispensary, which was intended to extend gratuitous medical relief, more certainly and effectually, than had been heretofore done by the City Dispensary to the indigent inhabitants of the North-western district of the city. But from the operation of causes not known to the present Board of Managers, this Institution did not acquire sufficient vigor to insure its continued existence, and consequently suffered a premature decay, and ultimate extinction.'" "Under the impression that the remote situation of the City Dispensary rendered it unable to supply the wants of the indigent of this district, a number of individuals met at the schoolroom of Messrs. Flint & Kidder, on the 4th of April, I827, to take into consideration the expediency, of either reviving and infusing new life 14 and energy into the former institution or to erect upon its ruins another of more durable materials." It resulted in a unanimous resolution to form a new institution. An able Board of Physicians and Surgeons was appointed. The Finance Commnittee " provided well-arranged accommodations for the Dispensary at 64 Herring, (now Bleecker street) corner of Commerce street." " In consequence of the owner finding another occupant'by business better adapted to the original designs of the building, other excellent apartments have been obtained in Carmine street, near its junction with the Sixth avenue. "' The Third Report is dated April 3d, I830. The following paragraph is worthy of note. " Hitherto the Dispensary can hardly be said to have had a'local habitation.' The office has been removed from place to place, in obedience to circumstances producing sometimes inconvenience and always subject to an expense of rent, which it has been ill able to bear. But the Board are most happy to say that in this particular, better prospects are now presented. By the ever active liberality of the City Authorities, a lot of ground has very lately been granted for its use, centrally situated at the corners of Christopher, Sixth and Factory streets." The Trustees say they, "have had to resort to ordinary and extraordinary means to raise funds to carry on the building. They solicited donations from friends, they have asked sermons of clergymen, and through them collections from their congregations, and have established a course of Chemical and Philosophical lectures." The Fourth Annual Meeting, was held for the first time in this building, April I2th, I83I. In the Report then presented, it was stated, that the building is nearly finished at an expense of about five thousand dollars. The Fifth Annual Report was made April 6th, i832. In which the Building Committee report, "They have built a cistern, and have connected therewith a rotary pump, and have supplied several fixtures, so as to render the building complete, as will be seen by an examination thereof, and that the whole expenditure has been $4,725.99 which has been entirely paid off, with $291.OI on hand, subject to the order of the Trustees." The supply of funds to carry forward the daily expenses of the Institution was always a matter of solicitude. Personal applications were continued, as were the efforts of various clergymen and popular lecturers, to provide the necessary funds for the Treasury." 15 In the Seventh Report, April 4th, I834, it is stated that to procure more funds and make the Institution more known means were taken to "bring its claims more directly home to the feelings and knowledge of the inhabitants of that quarter of the city especially under the charge of the Institution. That portion, south of Twelfth street, was subdivided into thirteen districts, and a Committee of the Board allotted to each, with instructions to call personally at every door and solicit subscriptions, or contributions from each individual supposed to possess ability or inclination to aid in either mode. The labor was cheerfully performed, and the result was donations amounting to $I I9.26, and seventy new annual subscribers." In the Ninth Report, presented April ist, 1836, it says, the field of the Northern Dispensary is "extensive and important, embracing that portion of our city, having as a boundary, Spring street on the South, Broadway and Bloomingdale on the East, Thirteenth street on the North, and Hudson river on the West." We have thus presented some of the earlier historical facts of this Dispensary. The whole line of Reports, shows that the large and respected body of citizens, who sustained the work by their subscriptions, and gave their valuable time to manage its affairs, esteemed this charity worthy of their highest consideration and respect, and the efficient manner in which it has been carried forward, shows they displayed the same skill and energy, which they manifested in their own professionl or mercantile business, that placed many of them in the front rank of the most respected and successful men of this great city. May all who -are now engaged in this good work, do like honor to this Institution, and to themselves by the faithful performance of the duties with which they are entrusted, and receive from the "giver of every good and perfect gift," as well as from their fellow men, the approval of " Well done good and faithful servants." THEODORE MALLABY, WILLIAM K. THORN, Secretary. President. This Institution has been established for the purpose of affordingg Medical and Surgical relief to such sick, poor and indigent persons as reside in that portion of the city, bounded on the North, by West 23d Street; on the East, by Broadway; on the South, by Spring Street; and on the West, by the North River. Yet its benevolent object knows no boundary, as all deserving poor who seek its aid are welcome. 16 STATISTICAL REV'ORT OF THE HOUSE SURGEON TO THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY, For the?year endingq December 31st, 1874. 1874. SEX. NATIVITY. RESULT. igarch 48 4 91 5 1 8 1 w 0 1 143: September... 14 2( 21, 2 3 3 o 386 MONTHSber. 18 0 Febranuary, 875. Respectfully submi88te14,. B. WARER, M. 22830 2D.31 Maor tr d489 Decembe915 1 3 1st, 1874. 1 0 April.. S 12 104 84 7 2 3 1 198 2 1 0 201 MaFebrury 1129 130 95 1 1 1 2281 0 231 une........43 1 46 9 0 1 4 1 142 2 2 0 146 July....... 92 138 741501 1 2 2 2291 0 0 230 August...... 97 204 98194 3 2 1 298 1 2 0 301 September... 134 202 97 215 12 3 5 4 1325 3 8 0 3:36 October...... 56 185 79 103 3 1 4 1 189 1 1 0 191 November... 54 127 81 100 0 0 0 0 80 1 0 0 181 December... 18 115 62 68 0 2 1 0 131 1 1 0 133 Total.......893 1619 934146414 18 33 17 1474 20 18 0 2512 January, 1875. Respectfully submitted, E. B. WARNER, M. D. GENERAL REPORT OF VACCINATIONS OF THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY, ___________ For tob year endi..g Dece1n1er 31st, 1874. 1874. SEX. CONDITION. NATIVITY. November... I' 5 0- January.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 February.0..0. 0 0 0 0 00 0 0000 (J 0 March.......... 11 5 6 2 8 1 0011 0 0 0 0 01I Aeebpril. - 23.17 7 10 6 11 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 May............ 94 39 55 37 47 8 2 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 1 June.15 5 10 3 12 0 0015 0 0 0 0 0 0 July..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 August....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September...... 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 October..... 13 3 10 4 9 0. 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 November. 7. 4 3 1 5 0 1 -0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 December. 23 12 11 5 11 4 0. 3 21 2 0 0 0 0 4 Total1,- 80 75s105 58 103 13 S3 3 177 3 0.0 0 01 6 January, 1875. Respectfullt submitted, B. B. WARNER, M. D. 17 STATISTICAL TABLE-FIRST DISTRICT..For the year ending December 31st, 1874. SEX. l NATIVITY. RESULTS. MONTHS. 4 Ca,,3 1874. o'v I::1 Jan...... 15 70 80 75 50 60 10 14 5 11 6 143 4 2.. 15 170 345 March... 181) 80 100 77 75 90 3 5 3 2g 4 173 6 1 1 15 200 863 April..... 183 85 98 88 70 99 5 7 2 10 173 3 12 198 865 July 160 70 -I 90 01-/ 60 7 133 7 21 20 1170 32 August..10 90 5 0 4 2 4 40.. 140 160)1o4 81300 Sept..... 120 50 701 601 70Q 5 3 2 10 109 3 1 1 10 134 220 Oct.... 135 67 67~ 69 60. I. | 7/1831 7/8 1 | 146 260 ~~Nov. 144 ~ 9 7.. 40 -... 2 136 2 -11 69 301 e.... 158 7 78 1 80 75 1 69 311 11 8 149 3 1 15 172 350 TOTAL.c. 1832 815 10177 915'909 808 3846141171179 1691 53 9/| 1 1720 1/00 3772 FATAL CASES-FIRST DISTRICT. Abcess 1. 8 8 8 9 572 1 1....1 9... 13 Ascites 188.....89. 991. 7... 11 2 I 11..... 2 20r03 10 Asthma and ronic Bronchitis........ 1 1a 30 Bright's Disease and Dropsy..... 2 Marasmus Bronchitis..................... (Phth) Consumption............ 15 Cholera Infantum.................. Pleuropneumoni.... 2 Congestion. Lungs 5 9.7 95........... 1 Pneumonia 1 Cy anDosis I............. bl a..... 3 Dentitis..... 1 h Conumtion.......... 21S Diarrhoea Infula.............. I 1 Can., 7..88075693211431 5... 172 350 Diptheria...................... 3 Ulcers (gangrenous)............ 1 Dropsy...... 1..5................ Whoopig Cough........... 3 Fuatty Liver.................. I.... 1 I Respectfully submitted, OSCAR G. SMITH, M. D. NEW YORK, Jan. 9th, 1875. BVctis g Physi ian, Bgs District. Diptheria, ~ ~ SCA G....., SMTH Dgnrnu..... 18 STATISTICAL TABLE-SECOND DISTRICT. For the year ending December 31st, 1874. SEX. NATIVITY. RESULTS.' I MONTHS. 4, mos~ s nib~u.0'. a''4'tl 1874.'5 - 0 _ _ _, _d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ January...... 141 49 53 881 53 86. 1 1301 3 4.! 157 291 February.... 103 33 43 60 89 62.. 2 98 2 2 2..l 122 283 March. 183 78 70113 91 0.. 1.. 1 165..13 3.. 201 391 April........137 64 50 87 71 64 1 1.. 129 2 4 6.. 157 209 May....... 102 31 46 56 35 65 1 1 9214..t2 118 151 June........202 72 85 117; 2118 2 182 2 8 2 212 381 July.... 164 64 88 76 74 86 2 2 15.. 3 6 182 269 August. 111 4 40. 471...... 102 71 5 4..12 12 191 September'117 27 46 71 35 81 1. 10 1 9 3... 129 185 October.. 122 42 66 56' 50 72.... 115.. 2 4.. 135 210 November.... 144 54 56 88 67 7... 1 111 5. 5 1 158 291 December... 178 1 82 7999 89 8 22 11 163 5 7 19 195 384 Alcoholism (chronic)............ 1 Laryugitis (acute).............. 2 Bright's disease............... 9 Marasmus...3.......... 3 Bronchitis..................... 1 easels........................ 1 Caries of Tibia................. Pleurisy.......................1 Convulsions................... 1 Scarlatina............. 2 Consumption................... 8 Suppurative inflam. of Wrist..... 1 Cancer of Breast.... 1 Typhoid Fever........... 1 Diarrhoea. 7 Total...................... 45 Diptheria..................... 4 Heart (organic disease of)....... 1 Respectfully submitted, J. C. MORTON, M. D. January, 1875. 1.9 The following figures exhibit a summary of the Patients treated during the year in the several departments: Class-Heart and Lungs.......................1............ 1,167 " Head and Abdomen.................................. 1,717 " Eye and Ear......................................... 569 D" isease of the skin...................... 670 " Surgery...................... 1,329 " Diseases of Women........ 1,004',' Diseases of Children...................... 2......... 2,123 " Vaccination.............. 180 " House Surgeon's Department.......................... 2,512 " Minor................................. 1,387 Patients treated at their homes by the Visiting Physicians. First District........................................ 1,832 Second District....................................... 2,084 Total.... 16,57 SexesMales............................................... 6,892 Females............................................ 9,682 Total................................ 16,574 NativityBorn in United States............................. 7,699 " Ireland...................................... 7,994 " England.............................. 404 " Scotland.................................. 127 " Germany................ 237 " Other Countries.............................. 113 Total............................... 16,574 The treatment of Patients resulted as follows: Were Cured or Relieved........................... 16,115 Were sent to Hospital................................ 285 Discharged, (improper objects)......................... 40 Died........................................ 10(' Remained under Treatment December 31st, 1874.... 34 Total............................... 16,574 The number of Patients under 15 years of age treated during the year was........................................ 5,821 The number of Prescriptions dispensed was.................... 25,143 GENERAL REPORT FOR 1874. A 0 M.ONTHS.. -4 C a 0) 02 4 0 J 14 6 3 6 0 4 1 13] 01 ouly 1I L10 / [9n _ _ _ _ _ _ _:/ 011445 /352'i SO/2030 ts L~~~~~~~0) 0 ) 0).5 5 f January......... 22 0 0 1240 327 42 173 34 67 115 9 99 105 0 188 3781775 February.............1132 5 19 3 0 0 1159 287 63 138 44 47 112 96 55 86 0 231 350 1619 March.1372 9 28 3 11 0 1423 401 136 154 68 64 94 91 90 171 11 143 463 2181 April.1343 9 31 3 17 0 1403 355 114 152 40 56 93 123 84 168 17 201 52.3 2241 May..................1286 9 34 4 94 0 1427 318 110 161 51 51 110 109 90 102 94 231 553 2156 June..,. 1419 7 23 4 15 0 1468 363 134 147 70 47 143 130 73 200 15 146 513 2121 July.................. 1410 13 19 3 0 0 1445 352 100 159 51 48 123 81 74 227 0 230 520 2030 August.... 1407 9 23 2 0 0 1441 286 64 131 48 62 86 111 104 248 0 301 579 2260 September.... 1375 6 19 10 0 0 1410 263 48 92 38 60 98 159 81 235 0 336 465 1159 October............... 1467 12 27 1 13 0 1520 280 104 148 47 72 137 161 107 260 13 191 572 2294 November............ 1316 3 19 0 7 0 1345 317 118 132 44 43 114 135 74 180 7 181 484 2198 December.... 1201 10 21 4 23 34 1293 367 134 130 34 53 104 101 73 141 23 133 421 2079 Total............ 5,935 100 285 40 180 34 16,574 39161167 1717569 670 1329138710042123180 25125821 25,140 THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY in aooount with GEORGE 0. WETMORE, Treasurer. OCr January 1st, 1875. January 1st, 1875. To Balance due Treasury Ist January, 1874......... $1034 90 By Interest...................................... $1754 04 " Medicines................................... 643 25 " Annual Subscriptions.......................... 839 40 Repairs, Plumbing, &c......................... 115 35 " Donations..992 00 "Printing, Stationery, &c........................ 159 80 " Life Subscriptions............................. 150 00 " Monthly Supplies............................ 345 93 " Legacy from Estate of Henry Elsworth.......... 5000 00 " Commissions on Collections..................... 124 20 " " " " Mrs. Harper.............. 2700 00 " Coal and Gas................................. 63 25 " Permanent Fund........ 1750 00 "Premium on Insurance................ 16 20 " Appropriation from the Excise Fund............ 750 00 " Permanent Fund.............................. 1600 00 " Vaccine forfeits............................. 29 50 "Investment on-Bond and Mortgage................ 8000 00 " Balance...................1537 90 Physicians' Salaries.................. 3399 96 $1550$15502 84 $15502 84 The undersigned, appointed a Committee to audit the Treasurer's accounts for 1874, have examined the vouchers and find tbe same correct, showing a balance due -him of Fifteen Hundred and Thirty-seven 96-100 Dollars. Signed, HENRY M. TABER, ) COMMITTEE. frew York, January 2d, 1875. P. VAN ZANDT LANE, ) LIST OF LIFE SUBSCRIBERS AND DONORS TO THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY JAN UARY, 1875. LIFE SUIC3BSCE:IzBE ES. *Richard Amos, *Aug's F. Dow, *Wm. H. Aspinwall, Alex. Duncan, W. B. Aitken, *H: Elsworth, W. M. Allen, Benj. H. Field, T. C. Baring, C. De P. Field, *James Boorman, S. V. Hoffman, *Walter Bowne, *Thomas H. Faile, John M. Benson, P. S. Forbes, S. D. Babcock, James C. Gulick, James Brown, *Jacob Harsen, M. D., James M. Brown, *L. M. Hoffman, Ja's Bryce, J. B. Hillyer, *Wm. Bradford, *Wm. M. Johnson, W. H. Bradford, *John Johnston, Miss Grace Bradford, John T. Johnston, James Bryce, *D. S. Kennedy, Geo. D. Crary & Co., *Alexander Knox, Sr., *Thomas Cumming, Alexander Knox, Don Alonzo Cushman, J. M. Knox, Jr., David Clarkson, Jr. *Gideon Lee, *George S. Doughty, Robert J. Livingston, John Delamater, James Lenox, *Deceased. 23 *Otis Loomer, *Moses Speer, *George Lovett, *Wm. A. Spencer, *P. Lorillard, *George Suckley, *Josiah Lane, Henry Stokes, Winm. Libby, David Stewart, Winm. Libby, Jr., Alexander Stuart, Jonas M. Libby, R. L. Stuart, Mrs. Wm. Libby, Mrs. C. L Spencer, *John Mason, Lorillard Spencer, J. B. Murray, Rufus Story & Co., *Hamilton Murray, *John Tait, *Robert B. Minturn, *George T. Trimble, John Nicholson, Merritt Trimble, *John Oothout, Mary B. Trimble, iHenry Oothout, J. C. Tucker, *John R. Peters, *Abraham Van Nest, *Anson G. Phelps, Washt. R. Vermilye, Royal Phelps, *James N. Wells, *James Pollock, *Samuel Whittemore, Thos. Paton, *Timothy Whittemore, Joseph Park, Jr., *John David Wolfe, J. W. Quincy, Miss C. S. Wolfe, *Guy Richards, P. R. Warner, Wm. C. Rhinelander, B. F. Wheelwright, *0. V. S. Roosevelt, John H. Watson, *John Rogers, S. C. Williams, *George Schmelzel, Emerson Foote, *John B. Schmelzel, P. Van Zandt Lane, *B. B Seaman, Frederick A. Libbey. J. Newton Sears, *Deceased. ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS, 187~. Wm. M. Allen..............$10 00 Wm. A. Gedney............ 5 00 Mrs. W. M. Allen......... 10 00 G. D. H, Gillespie......... 5 00 Mrs. Richard Alsop....... 10 00 Clinton Gilbert.......... 10 00 J. W. Alsop............... 5 00 Mrs. J. H Gautier........ 5 00 D. H. Arnold............... 5 00 Charles F. Hunter... 10 00 John Auchincloss.......... 10 00 J. B. Hillyer.... 5 00 James M. Brown........... 10 00 W, F. Havemeyer......... 5 00 R. W. Booth............. 5 00 A. B. Hays............. 5 00 J. N. Bradley............. 5 00 Hendricks Bros........... 5 00 Charles Burkhalter........ 5 00 James E. Hedges.......... 10 00 W. H. Braman............. 5 00 Samuel Hall, M. D........ 10 00 E. C. Benedict............. 5 00 J. E. Hoagland.. 5 00 E. F. Brown............... 5 00 Mrs. Horace Holden...... 5 00 A. G. Bogert............. 10 00 George A. Hearn......... 5 00 James Buell............. 5 00 Samuel I Hunt.......... 5 00 Robert Colgate............ 5 00 George Hamilton.......... 5 00 Peter Cooper............. 5 00 Richard Irvin........ 10 00 R. L. Cutting............. 5 00 David Irvin............. 10 00 John P. Crosby............ 5 00 Mrs. John Johnston....... 5 00 Cornell & Amerman...... 3 00 Bradish Johnson.......... 5 00 T. C. Chardavoyne........ 5 00 S. Inslee, Jr.............. 10 00 C. M. Cornwell............ 5 00 J. M. Knox.................. 5 00 Albert Clark.............. 10 00 Hezekiah King........... 5 00 W. E. Dodge............. 5 00 F. A. Livingston.... - 5-00 Charles P. Daley.......... 5 00 W. E. Lawrence........... 5 00 A DuBois, M. D.......... 5 00 G. D. F. Lord.............. 10 00 Wm. Dennistoun........... 5 00 Charles Lowther........ 5 00 Elias A. Day.............. 5 00 John Lawrence............ 10 00 C. E. Detmold............. 10 00 William Lambert........ 5 00 P. W. Engs................ 5 00 Mrs. C. S. Lowery......... 5 00 G. W. Egleston............ 5 00 M. H. Levin................. 10 00 Mrs. M. C. Frye............. 5 00 Walter Lewis............. 5 00 J. 0. Forrester, M. D..... 10 00 William B. Meeker........ 10 00 J. P. G. Foster.............. 5 00 Mrs. W. B. Meeker...... 10 00 25 J. H. Mortimer............ 5 00 Edward Schell.............. 10 00 J. S. McClean............... 10 00 Floyd Smith. 3 00 William Moir............... 5 00 R. B. Sherman............ 5 00 Henry Morgan............ 10 00 Lambert Suydam.......... 10 00 Edward Minturn.......... 5 00 W. C. Schermerhorn...... 5 00 Mrs. E. D. Morgan........ 5 00 Mrs. Spofford................ 10 00 Theodore Mallaby........ 5 00 U. J. Smith................. 10 00 Edward Matthews......... 10 00 Gardner A. Sage........... 5 00 S. B. W. McLeod, M. D. 5 00 H. M. Taber................ 10 00 James B. Mingay.......... 5 00 HI. A. Tailer................. 10 00 James M. Mills............ 5 00 W. R. Thorn................ 10 00 P. J. Nevius............... 5 00 Joseph Tuckerman.......... 5 00 Edward Oothout.......... 5 00 Effingham Townsend...... 5 00 William Oothout........... 5 00 J. C. Tucker................ 10 00 Miss Oothout............... 5 00 E. N. Tailer, Jr............ 10 00 C. V. B. Ostrander......... 5 00 R. W. Tailer................ 5 00 W. H. Popham............ 5 00 J. T. Tailer.................. 5 00 Cortlandt Palmer......... 00. H. Tailer....... 00 J. G. Pearson............... 5 00 F. B. Thurber............. 5 00 W. W. Parkin............. 5 00 Thomas S. Thornell....... 5 00 J. M. Park.................. 10 00 Win. M. Vermilye......... 10 00 Thomas Patton............ 5 00 W. R. Vermilye............. 10 00 Miss Pearsall............... 10 00 S. B. Van Dusen........... 5 00 J. HEarsen Rhoades........ 5 00 John R. Voorhis.......... 5 00 Mrs. Rhoades............... 10 00 Edward Wright............ 5 00 William Remsen........... 5 00 P. R. Warner.5 00 Mrs. J. B. Richards....... 3 00 A. 1R. Wetmnore............. a 00 R. G. Remsen.............. 5 00 George C. Wetmore...... 10 00 H. R Reinsen............. 5 00 A. R. Walsh................ 5 00 Mrs. Rogers................. 5 00 W. H. Wisner.............. 5 00 Joseph Rudd'............... 5 00 George W. Welsh......... 5 00 Charles D. Smith, M. D. 5 00 Thurlow Weed......... 10 00 H. B. Stebbins.............. 5 00 C. C. Waite................. 5 00 Mrs. Lispenard Stewart... 5 00 Leonard W. Warner...... 5 00 Winm. Alexander Smith... 10 00 F. Wiebusch.............. 5 00 J. S. Stitt................ 5 00 lHasbrouck Zabriskie...... 5 00 Otis D. Swan............... 5 00 DONATIONS, 1874. James Lenox...............$100 00 Miss Garner............... 10 00 W. C. Rhinelander...... 100 00 J. G. Barnard.............. 10 00 Miss C. L. Wolfe......... 100 00 J. A. Hadden............. 10 00 Mrs. C. L. Spencer....... 100 00 James Lee................. 5 00 James Brown.............. 25 00 C. N. Talbot.... 5 00 J. F. Sheafe............... 20 00 J. L. Banks, M. D....... 5 00 Miss Oothout.............. 25 00 Mrs. Siebert............... 5 00) Miss White................ 20 00 T. W. Riley............... N5 00 William Libbey........... 20 00 Mr. De Rham............. 5 00 Elizabeth Libbey........ 20 00 Henry Nicoll.............. 5 00 Mrs. Minturn... 20 00 J. C. Beales, M. D....... 5 00 John H. Watson......... 50 00 L. B. Binsse............... 5 00 James W. Foster......... 20 00 Mrs. T. W. Riley.......... 5 00 L. Hallgarten............. 20 00 A. C. Kingsland.......... 5 00 Henry A. Hurlbert...... 25 00 NV. M. Kingsland.......... 5 00 John Wilson............... 25 00 Latimer Bailey........... 5 00 The Misses McLeod....... 10 00. M.................5 00 William H. Swift......... 10 00 J. H. Coates............... 5 00 Howard Potter............ 10 00 Miss Maitland.............. 5 00 Mrs. J. Bishop............ 10 00 A. B. Belknap... 5 00 Mrs. Kennedy............ 10 00 A. B. A..................... 5 00 R. S. Clark............... 10 00 Mrs Hegeman........... 5 00 P. A. Morgan............ 10 00 John B. Ireland........... 5 00 Jonas Mf. Libbey......... 10 00 Mrs. McCall............... 5 00 Mrs. J. G Lightbody... 10 00 C. M. Hyde................ 3 00 P: M. Suydam............ 10 00 G. J. Foster. 5 00 John Steward............. 10 00 Mrs. Maitland............ 5 00 W. B. Astor............... 10 00 Gilbert J. Bogert........ 4 00 Mrs. Schmelzel............ 10 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co., I 24 50 W. M Evarts.............. 10 00 Ice for season,....... Mrs. A. M. Minturn...... 10 00 TH E FIFTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIlE FOR 1876. PERSONS DISPOSED T'( PATRONIZE T'lIS INSTITUTION WILL P'LEASE SEND THEIR NAMES TO EITHEl'R OF TIIE TRUSTEES, TIIE TREASURER, OR TO TILE APOTIECAlRlY, AT TIlE DISPENSARY, LOCATED AT THE INTERISECTION OF CHR(ISTOPHER STREET AND WVAVERLY PLACE. CHARLES M. CORNWELL, STATIONER AND PRINTER, 247 PEARL ST. 1 83 7 7. NAMES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIlE NORTHERN DISPENSAR-Y, And Date of the First Election of Each Member, I831. Alexander Knox. [872. l'arker Handy. 1835. Clinton (ilbert. " Win. A. Parkin. 1846. nVm. Ai. Vermilye. " John Wilson. 1848. John N. Bradley. " Samuel Hall, MA. D. 1854. Win. B. Aitken. " John H. Watson. 1856. Geo. C. Wetmore. I873. Emerson Foote. " jas. C. Forrester, M. D. " Hezekiah King. I857. John C. Tucker. " William Libbey. 1859. Wim. K. Thorn. 1874. A. G. Bogert. " 1 Wm. Reinsen. " Edward'Oothonut. i86t. Edward Schell. " P. Van Zandt Lane. I862. John W. Quincy. C. M. Earle. " Chas. F. Hunter. " W. Lambert. " John H. Mortimer. 1875. T. L. Thornell. i863. Henry M. Taber. " D. J. Holden. " J. Harsen Rhoades. " John S. Bussing. 1864. John M. Knox. " Robert Maclay. I866. Henry A. Tailer. 1876. John S. Dickerson. 1867. Edward Wight. " Edward F. Brown. i868. Wm. H. Wisner. " ILatimer Bailey. " V Wm. Moir.' Joseph Britton. 1870. Samuel B. Van Dusen. " C. S. Arthur. r87I. Theodore Mallaby. " Samuel Derrickson. " John Lawrence. " Chas. (;. Landon. Lambert Suydam. " A. J. Peabody. MINUTES OF TTIE FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBSCRIBERS. JANUARY I2t1h, IS77. On motion, James M. McLean, Esq., was called to the chair, and J. Harsen Rhoades appointed Secretary. The reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting was dispensed with. On motion, the Fiftieth Annual Report of the Board of Trustees was presented and read by Edward Oothout, Esq., Chairman of the Committee appointed to prepare it. On motion of John M. Knox, it was Resolved, " That the report of the Trustees be accepted, with the thanks of this meeting to the Committee who prepared it." The Treasurer presented and read his report for thel ast year. On motion of C. M. Earle, it was Resolved, " That the report of the Treasurer be accepted, and that it, together with the report of the Trustees, be referred to the new Board of Trustees, for publication and distribution." On motion of Mr. Edward F. Brown, it was Resolvet, " That the thanks of this meeting are due to those who, by their donations and subscriptions, have contributed to the support of this Institution, and that by the continuance of their liberality the T'rustees will be enablled to extend its benefits to the deserving poor. On motion of Mr. Edward Schell, it was Resolved, " That on behalf of the sick poor under the care of this Institution during the past year, and also of the Trustees, we tender to the Board of Apportionment of the city of New York our grateful thanks for their generous and timely contribution from the Excise Fund; and, also, that a copy of the Report be furnished each member. " On motion of Mr. S. B. Van Dusen, it was Resolved, " That the Medical Staff, having performed their important and arduous duties, during the year just closed, to the entire satisfaction of the Board of Trustees, are entitled to our grateful acknowledgl ents." On motion of Mr. H. A. Tailer, it was Resoled, "'I'hat a committee of three, to be named by the Chairman, be appointed to nominate Trustees for the ensuing year, and that they report at this meeting." The Chair appointed the following gentlemen as a Nominating Committee: John M. Knox, H. A.'lailer, and Edward Schell. The Committee reported the following ticket, which was unanimously elected, Messrs. John H. Watson and Win. Moir acting as tellers. Alexander Knox. Henry A. Tailer. Clinton Gill)ert. Edward Wight. \min. M. Vermilye. \ \Vm. H. Wisner. John N. Bradley. Wiln. Moir. Win. B. Aitken. Samuel B. Van Dusen. G;eo. C. Wetmore. Theodore Mallaby. Jas. C. Forrester, MD.I). Charles G. Landon. John C. l'ucker. Samuel Derrickson. Win. K. Thorn. John Lawrence. Win. Remsen. Lambert Suydam. Edward Schell. Parker Handy. John W. Quincy. Win. W. Parkin. Chas. F. Hunter. John Wilson. John H. Mortimer. Samuel Hall, M. 1). Henry M. laber. John H. Watson. J. Harsen Rhoades. Emerson Foote. John M. Knox. Hezekiah King. William Libbey. John S. Bussing. A. G. Bogert. Robert Maclay. Edward Oothout. John S. Dickerson. P. Van Zandt Lane. Edward F. Brown. C. M. Earle. Latimer Bailey. W. Lambert. A. J. Peabody. T. L. Thornell. Joseph Britton. D. J. Holden. Charles S. Arthur. On motion of Mr. Win. Remsen, it was -Resolved, " That the thanks of this meeting be, and are hereby, tendered James M. McLean, Esq., for the able manner in which he has presided over this, the Fiftieth (5oth), Annual Meeting of the Northern T)ispensary." Mr. James M. McLean returned thanks for the honor conferred upon him, and the meeting adjourned. (Signed) JAMES M. McLEAN, Chairrman. J. HARSEN RHOADES, Secretary. EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. At a Stated Meeting of the Board of Trustees (elected at the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers), held at the Dispensary, January I6th, I877, Mr. John W. Quincy was called to the chair, and Mr. J. Harsen Rhoades appointed Secretary. The Minutes of the Fiftieth (5oth) Annual Meeting of the Subscribers were read. Of the gentlemen elected Trustees, the following answered to their names: George C. Wetmore. P. Van Zandt Lane. Edward Schell. Charles M. Earle. John W. Q(uincy. Latimer Bailey. Henry M. Taber. Joseph Britton. J. Harsen Rhoades. Charles S. Arthur. Henry A. Tailer. John M. Knox. William Moir. Theodore Mallaby. John Lawrence. Samuel Derrickson. Albert G. Bogert. The Chair named John M. Knox, H. A. Tailer, Edward Schell, Geo. C. Wetmore and C. M. Earle a Committee to nominate Officers for the ensuing year, who reported a list. Report accepted and Committee discharged. 7 On motion, the Chair appointed Messrs. Wetmore and Earle as Tellers, and the Board proceeded to vote by ballot for officers. The Tellers reported the following gentlemen elected for the ensuing year: Presi1cidt, - - - J. HARSEN R HOADES. FiYrsl Vice-Presitldei, - - EI)WARD) SCHELI,. SC'o/td - - EDWARD OOH()UT. / iird - - - HENRY M. TABER. et'cretary, - - - SAMUEL HALL, M.D. Trrcasuzrer, GEO. C,. WETMORE. CGouLselor, - - - CHARLES M. EARLE. On motion, the following Commnittees were appointed by resolution,inante $omnmittec. JOH1N W. QUINCY, CHAIRMAN, P. VAN ZANI)T LANE, HENRY A. TAILER, WM. K. THORN, A. G. BOGERT. (0ommittee oil ffupptiei. ALEX. KNOX, CHAIRMAN, L,AMBERT SUYDAM, S. B. VAN DUSEN. (ontmmittee a ppltrationn. JAMES C. FORRESTER, M. D., CHAIRMAN, WM. REMSEN, SAMUEL HALL, MI. 1). (6eltr at (0mittee olx (o0aeveme. CLINTON GILBERT, CHAIRMAN, WM. H. WISNER, CHAS. F. HUNTER. 8 Tigtiafg onmmitttee. JANUARY. \V. M. VERMIlYE, CHAS. G. LANDON, P. VAN ZANDT LANE, JOHN WILSON. FEBRUARY. WM. K. THORN, H. M. TABER, H. A. TAILER, JOHN S. DICKERSON. MARCH. JOHN N. BRAI)IJEY, JOSE1PH BRITTON, PARKER HANDY, EMERSON FOOTE. APRIL. E)WARI) OOT''HOIJT, El)WARD WIGHT, JOHN H. MORTIMER, C. M. EARLE. MAY. GEO. C. WETMORE, J. H. WATSON, J. M. KNOX, CHAS. F. HUNTER. j UNE. EDWARI) SCHEIL,, THEOD)ORE MALLABY, JOHN WV. QUINCY, LAMBERT SUYDAM. JULY,. WV. B. AITKEN, WV. LAMBERT, JAS. C. FORRESTER, M. D., A. G. BOGERT. AUGUJST. HEZEKIAH KINGT (HARLES S. ARTHUR, EDWARD F. BROWN. T. L. THORNELL. 9 SEPTEM BER. AL,EX. KNOX, LATIMER BAILEY, W. MOIR, ARTHUR J. PEABODY. OCTOBER. JOHN C. TUCKER, JOHN LAWRENCE, S. B VAN I)USEN, ). J. HOLI)EN. NOVEMl BER. CL-INTON GCILBERTr, SAMUEL DERRICKSON, JOHN S. BUSSING, WM. LIBBEV. I) E(C.ETHER. AV. H. WISNER, WMVi. REMSEN, \V. WV. PARKIN, ROBERT MACIAY. On motion, the following gentlemen were continued and appointed Physicians and Officers of the Institution during the pleasure of the Board. Tolotutin0 n ItgStian,,. AL,ONZO CLJARK, M. D. AB1RAHAM I)UBOIS, M. 1). SAMUEIL L. GRISWOLD, M. 1). J. C. FORRESTER, M. ). Tolloitlttng S4tvgeol. (iURDON BTCKI, M. 1). WIIAT,LRD PARKER, M. 1). T. M. MARKOE, M. D. JAMES R. \()OD, M. I. gouge *uvgea l. EVERARDUS B. WARNER, M. 1). FLRST' DiTS'RL('rC-OSCAR (G. SMITH, M. 1). SECND 4 J. C. MORT'IN, M. D. 10 ataitrre Thgirtiax. E. B. WARNER, M. D. OSCAR G. SMITH, M. D. J. C. MORTON, M. D. pothetrarm and igotr turgwolx. WILLIAM B. LINN. Attending t1x~s~XaS. J. H. EDEN, M. D. HEART AND LUNGS, S. O. HENDRICK, M. D. At 9 A. M. A. B. DELUNA, M. 1). 1 J. H. BATES, M. D. L HEAD AND ABDOMTEN, C. WILLIAMS, M. D. I At 10 A. M. J. C. CARREAU, M. DI. j EYE AND EAR, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at IT A. M. W. N. CAMPBELL, M. D. A. C. HUTTON, M. D. I)ISEASES OF THE SKIN, E. B. BRONSON, M. D. At II A. M. J. S. CARRADINE, M.. 1 R. B. PRESCOTT, M. D. SUR GERY, C. HITCHCOCK, M. D. At 12.30 P. M. WILLIAM MAY, M. 1)D. WM. THURMAN, M. D. [ DISEASES OF WOMEN, L. P. WALTON, ME. D. At 2 P. AlM. D. PHILLIPS, M. nD. | DISEASLS OF CHILDREN, H. E. OWEN, M. D. At 2 P. AlM. On motion, it was Resolved, That the proceedings of the Fiftieth (5oth) Annual Meeting of the Subscribers, including the Annual Report of the late Board of Trustees and the proceedings of this meeting, be referred to a committee consisting of the Treasurer, Secretary, and House Surgeon, to have one thousand (i,ooo) copies of the same printed for the use of subscribers, and for distribution. 11 On motion, it was Resolved, That the Secretary transmit copies of the Report to the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and Treasurer of the State, and each member of the Legislature; the Mayor, Members of the Common Council,.Board of Health, and Comptroller of the City; Presidents of Hospitals and Dispensaries of this city and Brooklyn; Commissioners of Public Charities, Editors of Newspapers, Presidents of Life Insurance Companies, Donors, and to each Iife and Annual Subscriber to this Institution. JOHN W. QUINCY, C/lairalllt, J. HARSEN RHOADES, Secretary. I' IH E IFTIETH }N NU A L EPORT BOARD OF TRUSTEES ()OF TlE NORTHERN DISPENSARY. T'o I HE SUBlSCRII ERs: In presenting the Fiftieth Annual Report of the Northern l)ispensary, the Trustees would first acknowledge their dependence upon and gratitude to Almighty God, for his care and protection through this long period of time, and would humbly implore a continuance of the same-that the Institution, which has done so much to relieve the distress of the poor and needy in the past, may be enabled to continue its good work for the coming fifty years, thereby completing a Century of Christian Charity.'Ihe Trustees would again call the attention of the Subscribers to the continued effects of the depressed and disastrous -condition of business in this city upon the financial condition of the Institution, and earnestly urge upon them the necessity of renewed efforts to fill the treasury by enlarged subscriptions, and by supplying the places of those annual subscribers of whom death has deprived it. By the Treasurer's report, it appears that a small amount of debt must be carried to the new year, and without increased receipts from its donors and subscribers the Board will be obliged to curtail its work and reduce their prescriptions. Early this year the Board was called upon to mourn the loss of three of its members; and last month, that of one who, though no 13 longer an officer or Trustee, was a warm and kind friend to the Institution. _Mr.\V. H. Brainan died on the 24th'of February, Mlr. (;.W.\Velsh,on the 24th, and Mr. J. B. Hillyer on the 3oth of Alarch. Mr. Bramah was elected a Trustee in I86o, Mr. Welsh in 1872, and Mr. Hillyer in 185 1. Alr. Hillyer was chosen, in G863, as Second Vice-President, as First Vice-President for 1864 and I865, and served as President for the year i866. Mr. Washington R. Vermilye was elected a Trustee in I841, served as Secretary for 1843 and.1844, and as First, Second, and Third Vice-President and as President from I849 to 1855. For their services, and especially for those of Messrs. Vermilye and Hillyer of over a quarter of a century, the Dispensary cannot be too grateful. Death has visited the Institution itself, and removed from his accustomed place, on the 23d of July, Robert Emmett Curran, our late Apothecary, who for thirteen years had well and faithfully performed every duty laid upon him, and who truly can be said to have died in the harness. The Trustees would impress upon all the importance of making provision for the increased demands that will be made upon the Dispensary this Winter; for it will not only have its regular recipients, but many who have never before been forced to avail themselves of its free gift; and it may be that some of those who in former years have helped it to do its work of charity will come for that charity for themselves. By reference to the detailed report of patients treated during the year, the diseases from which they were suffering, the results of their treatment, and the number of prescriptions dispensed, some idea of the magnitude of the work accomplished, with the relatively small expenditure of money, may be obtained. D)uring the year 1875 there were 15,297 patients treated, at the average cost of 364 cents per patient, including the 23,551 pre 14 scriptions dispensed for their use. This year shows 17,56I patients treated, at 3I cents, and 25,792 prescriptions dispensed. The Board of Trustees cannot allow this opportunity to pass without commending to the hearty approval of the Subscribers the staff of Attending and Visiting Physicians, as well as the House Surgeon, and all those connected with the Institution, for the faithful performance of their duties and their successful treatment of the sick. ElD)WARI) OOTHOUT, ommit GEORGE C. WETMORE, Annual Report. HENRY M. TABER, SAMIUEL HALL, lM. D., JOHN XV. QUINCY, Secretary. President. "This /Ilstitllion has been cstaablished for the purpose of affaordihng Jledical and.Surgical relief to such/t sick poor anti indtigent persons as reside in that portion of the City bounded on the North by West 23d Street, on the East by Broadway, on the South by Spring Street, and on the West by the North -River. Yet its benevolent object knows no boundary, as all deservinzC poor who seek its aid are welcome. STATISTICAL REPORT, Embracing the Vaccine Report of the Hourse Surgeon to the Northern Dispensary, for the Year ending December 31st, 1876. 1876. SEX. NATIVITY. RESULT. VACCINATION. TOTAL. l a. i.r Q) I k. __ _ a~tj. o -_/ _ _-10 -I-/0-I-I I4-' — ____ January................................... 44 106 42 53 1 1 0 3 43 150 February.................................33 84 21 84 0 1 1 0 105 1 1 0 10 5 10 17 March..................................... 24 108 29 93 1 1 3 1126 0 2 0 4 1 132 April...................................... 43 88 29 99 1 0 0 2 130 1 0 0 0 0 131 May....... l. 98 132 70 158 5 2 3 2 227 1 2 0 0 0 230 June.......................... 75 69 53 80 6 1 3 1 143 0 1 0 0 0 144 July.........................74............. 99 42 125 0 4 2 0 172 0 1 0 0 0 173 August.................................... 145 107 46 102 0 0 3 1 152 0 0 0 0 0 152 September................................. 39 9 39 27 49 0 1 1 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 78 October.........59 114 44 123 0 0 6 0 172 0 1 0 0 0 1 73 November...... 66 58 33 73 8 1 4 5 124 0 0 0 0 0 124 December.............................. 40 88 27 92 2 2 2 127 1 0 0 0 0 1 28 Total....................... 40 1092 4 1131 24 14 29 15 153 4 9 0 67 49 1732 Too much credit cannot be given to the Metropolitan Board of Health of the city of New York for the very thorough manner in which they have performed gratuitous vaccinations from house to house, and it has been received very generally by those who formerly availed themselves of that prophylactic from this Institution. This will account for the very few who have applied and received vaccination within the doors of the Northern Dispensary. To the Board of Health is due the credit of literally stamping that loathsome disease (Small-pox) from your Dispensary District. EVERARDUS B. WARNER, M. D. Jancuary, 1877. 16 STATISTICAL TABLE - FIRST DISTRICT. For the Year ending Dec. 31, 1876. SEX. NATIVITY. RESULTS. MONTHS. I. *l.,'l 8 Jan ulary. 215 114 93 122 120 85 4 2 2 2 190 10 4.. 23 390 IFelbruary 206 82 83 123 110 84 8 2 1 1 195 1 5 5 231 362 March.. 212 112 l 84 228 230 67 6 2 ( 1 278 1 8 9.. 42 542 April..... 210 121 90 120 133 61 11 2 3..215 3 5 7..7 256;l 351 May...... 204 109 76 128 12)(6 68 5 2 3.. It 1 1t() 4.. 280 328 Jlune..... 188 80 72 116! 100 74 5 4 3 2 180 2 6( 4. 208 240 July...... 171 100 70 101 111 58.. 2.. 15). 7 9 187 50 August... 194 9,5) 78 116 118 69 5 1 1.180 1 9 4. 206 80 Sepltemberl 117 51 37 80 59'49 5 4.. 103 3 8 5.. 129 218 October. 153 86 58 95 1 98 49 2 2 1 1 141 2 5 2. 163 270 Noveumber 185 95 67 118 104 6(6) 4 5 4 23 167 2 8.. 1.198 330 I)ecembe 173[ 81 71 1021 89 75 3 3 1 21 51 4 9 5 20 189 298 Total... 2328 1126 879 1439 1398 805 58 3125 11 2150 34 86 63 201 2574 14059) LIST OF FATAL CASES —FIRST DISTRICT, 1876. Astlllma....................... 1 astro-intestinal Catarrh....... 1 Burns 1.. Hemoptysis................... 1 Bronchitis..................... 6 Inanition................. 1 Cancer................... 1 Intemperance...1........ 1 Consumption..1..... 5 Marasmus................... (Cholera Infaintumn.............. 8 Meningitis............... Chllolera Morbus............... 1 Pneumonia............... Cynanche trach and Abscess.... I Rubeola................ 1 Dentition an(l Diarrllea....... 2 Scrofula.....................1 Diptheria.................... 7 Syphilis (Congenital).... 3 Dropsy (Hepatic)..... 2 Whooping Cough.............. 1 Fungus Hemlnatodes of Neck.... -- Total....3 (' RespectfuTlly submlitted. OSCAR (i. SMITH, M. D., Vi;sitilYg Playsician1. JAN UARY, 1877. 17 STATISTICAL TABLE —SECOND DISTRICT. Fbr tl/,e fctr c,,1ilg DI)ceciubc) r 3lst, 18:6. SEX. NXTIVITY. RtESULTS.,aONTrS, - l 787 8 3 9866 4 162.. 5 3... 90 34 FebIary... 99 99 9( 112 75 1.. 7.. 13.. 5 4... 215 407 March1...... 2)0 124 114 130 149' 95 291 3 1 233 1 (i... 273 496 \pril....... 192 99 85 107 114 73 1.. 1 183 1 1 5... 216i 430 Mlay3y........3 57 58 78 64 7t1..7..f 13634... 162 280 June. 103 56 1 87 3 64 391 3.......2 121 17314.July.....13. 17 83 8 8105 114 77. 1 11.. 165.. 10 5... 206 347 brAuguarst....56 188 73 ( 1.. 1 7 (i.. 5... 170 307 September.. 148 61) 60 88 78 63' 4 3.... 134 11 1 165 237 October.... 109 42 41 68 53 56......96 7. 127 201 Noveutber.. 124 54 47 7 (i66 57 1..1... 118.. 3 2... 141 263 December.. 236121 )7 139 148 83.. 5.. 212'..tO 4 28 254 421 Total. 20t'01 976 867 1134 t133 820 16 624 2 18761(i 7544 28 2244 3876 SUMIMAPRY OF DEATHS. Bright's Disease............... 5 Marasmus..................... 3 Bronchitis.2 Meningitis....... 2 (olsulption.................. 15 Nephritis, Acute...1........... Convulsions................... I Pneumonia....1 Diarrhllea.................. 4 Pertlssis...................... 1 Diphtheria.................... 2 Scarlatina............. 3 Heart (Organic disease of)...... 2 Hemnorrhage (Uterine)......... 1 Total.............. 44 Inanition....... 1 Respectfully submitted. J. C. MORTON, M. D., Physician Second District. JtmLbeetry, 1877. 18 The following is a summary of the Patients treated in the several departments during the year S876: (lass —Teartt anid lungs. 1................................. 1,790 H tead and Abdomen........................,016 E"ve and Ear.............3........ 360 I)iseases of Skin................................. 742 Surgery.............................................. 1,457 I)iseases of'Vomen.................Women.... 926 I)iseases of Children............................... 2,324 Vaccination............................... 66 H" ouse Surgeon's Departllent............... 1,666' Minor "........................ 1,396 12,743 Patients treated at their the Visiting'llhysicians: First District....2.... 3,574 Second 2...............................................,244 4,818 Total.................................. 17,561 SexMales............................ 7,161 Fenales................................................10,400 _ --- -17,561 NativityBorn in l nitcd States..... 7,735 " Ireland................................. 8,720 ngland....................................... 42 S" cotland.... 156 teralllny.y.............................. 282' Other countrie-s................. 2319 l7,T561 T'rcatment of Patients resulted as follows: Were cur-ed or relieved.................................1.... 7,098 Sent to tHospital. 2638( Discharged....................................... 47 Died.......................5......................... 105 Remaining under treatment Dec. 31, 1876...................... 48 - 17,561 Thie number of Patients under 15 years of age treated luring the year was..............5.......................................,177 The number of Prescriptions dispensed was........................ 25,792 GENERAL REPORT FOR 1876. MONTHS. 0 E5 Jna.......|123|2|0 2O|506 425184 149 3S 82 115i 125|100 |1411 98| 384 2114 Februay.. 13.2 9 21 2 10 0 1447 446 164 178 44 29 100 90 46 233 107 554 2024 April 14 12 } 4} March......1000 15 30 4 4 0O 1~719 615 249 1891 31 60 98 75 95 175 128 519 2644 April.1412 12 29 4 0 0 1509 472 192 14 35 66 93 91 79 196 131 a72 2376 April..................... 1412 12 29 4 0 0 1509 4721 192) 1,541 35 66 93 91 79 196 13t 572 2376 May................... 1307 8 23 6 O 1382 392 197 184 27 52 119 81 71 181 78 512 2191 June.................... 349 6 27 4 0 0 1415 329 131 191 59 69 139 119 95 159 144 425 2222 July..................... 1453 14 32 1 0 0 1538 393 85 138 19 89 141 130 82 288 173 520 2129 August................... 1621 6 17 1 0 0 1674 376 111 155 21 70 158 135 97 311 230 419 2234 September. 1286 6 19 4 O O 1343 294 129 131' 18 47 126 150 76 197 152 291 2007 October................. 4 8 12 4 0 0 1480 290 137 190 32 58 191 140 81 158 173 377 2001 November................. 1256 9 11 3 O O 1313 839 115 147' 25 63 88 135 73 184 124 257 2042 December............ 1153 9 21 4 0 48 125 443 9 110 14 57 89 125 51 102 128 347 1808 Total...16..... 1,757 10 23 47 66 48 17,561 481411790201 360 1742- 14571396 926 23241665177 2I,792 742 i15715~8 920 ~o3241161~,!i~'. 177 25,702 Dr. THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY in account with GEOS a. WETMORE, Treasurer. Or. 1876. 1876. To Balance..................................... $1,319 15 By Interest................... $2,520 00 " Medicines.......5.......................... 553 55 " Annual Subscriptions....................... 871 00 "Repairs, Plumbing, &c....................... 246 51 " Donations.........:........................... 615 50 "Printing,' Stationery, &c...................... 160 35 " Life Subscription.......................... 50 00 " Incidental Expenses........................ 256 74 " Legacy from Estate of B. F. Wheelwright.... 1,000 00 "Commission on Collections.................... 81 60' Donation from Excise Fund.................. 1,076 76 Coal and Gas........................ 59 50 Permanent Fund............................ 1,160 52 "Premium on Insurance....................... 16 20 " Balance.......2......... 288 08 to "Physicians' Salaries... 2,833 26 "Purchase of $2000 City Sixes............... 2,055 00 $7,581 86 $7,581 86 The undersigned Committee, appointed to audit the Treasurer's account for the year 1876, have examined the vouchers, and find the same correct, and that there is due the Permanent Fund a balance of $288.08. CHARLES M. EARLE, C)mnittee. S. DERRICKSON, JANUARY 8, 1877. LIST OF LIFE SUBSCRIBERS AND DONORS TO T. I E NORTHERN DISPENSARY.TANAJtXRY. 1877. IL IFIE S3SC OIRJI8IEIE S. *Richard Amos., *-I. Elsworth, *Wm. H. Aspinwall, Benj. H. Field, W. P. Aitken, C. De P. Field, W. M. Allenl, S. V. Hoffman, T. C. Baring, "Thomas H. Faile, *James Boorman, P. S. Forbes, *Walter Bowne, James C. Gulick, *Alfred Barmore, -*Jacob Harsen, M. D., John M. Benson, *L. M. Hoffman,' S. D. Babcock, Chas. F. Hunter, James Brown, *J. B. Hillyer, James M. Brown, Samuel Hall, M. D., *Wm. Bradford, -*Wm. M. Johnson, John N. Bradley, Parker'IHandy, W. II. Bradford, -*John Johnston, Miss Grace Bradford, John T. Johnston, *James Bryce, eD. S. Kennedy, Geo. D. Crary & Co., *Alexander Knox, Sr., -'Thomas Cumming, Alexander Knox, *Don Alonzo Cushmlan, John M. Knox, David Clarkson, Jr., J. M. Knox, Jr., *George S. Dougllty, *Gideon Lee, John Delamater, Robert J. Livingston,'-Aug's F. Dow, James Lenox, Alex. Duncan, W. E. Lawrence, -xDeceased. 22 *Otis Loomer, *Moses Speer, *George Lovett, *Wm. A. Spencer, *P. Lorillard, *George Suckley, *Josiah Lane, Henry Stokes, Wm. Libbey, David Stewart, Winm. Libbey, Jr., Alexander Stuart, Jonas AI. Libbey, R. L. Stuart, Mrs. Wmin. Liblbey, Mrs. C. L. Spencer, *John Mason, Lorillard Spencer, J. B. Murray, Rufus Story & Co., Robt. Maclay, *John Tait, *Hamilton Alurray, II. A. Tailer, *Robert B. Minturn, George T. Trimble, John Nicholson, Merritt Trimble, *John Oothout, Mary B. Trimble, Henry Oothout, I W. K. Thorn, g''John R. Peters, J. C. Tucker, *Anson G. Phelps,'*Abraham Van Nest, Royal Phelps, *Washt. R. Vermlilye, %James Pollock, *James N. Wells, Thos. Paton, *Samuel Whittemnore, Joseph Park, Jr., * Timiotly Whittemore, J. W. Quincy, *John David Wolfe, *Guy Richards, Miss C. S. Wolfe, Wm. C. Rhinelander, P. R. Warner, *C. V. S. Roosevelt, *B. F. Wheelwright, J. H. Rhoades, John H. Watson, *Johu Rogers,. S. C. Williams, *George Schmelzel, Emerson Foote, *John B. Schmnelzel, P. Van Zandt Lane, *B. B. Seaman, Frederick A. liblbey. J. Newton Sears, eDeceased. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1876& John Auchincloss......... $10 00 J. C. Forrester, M. D.....$10 00 Winm. M. Allen............ 10 00 J. P. G. Foster............ 5 00 Mrs. W. M. Allen......... 10 00 Emerson Foote............ 5 00 Alrs. Richard Alsop...... 10 00 J. A. C. Gray............... 10 00 J. W. Alsop............. 5 00 Mrs. J. H. Gautier........ 5 00 D. H. Arnold............ 10 00 G. D. H. Gillespie......... 5 00 Edward F. 1Brown......... 10 00 Charles F. Hunter........ 10 00 A. G. Bogert............... 10 00 Mrs. Horace Holden...... 5 00 James Buell............. 5 00 Hendricks Brothers...... 5 00 Charles Burkhahlte...... 5 00 George Hamilton......... 5 00 E. C. Benedict............ 5 00 John B. Hillyer............5 00 J. MI. Brown............... 10 00 D. J. Holden.............. 5 00 La'imer Bailey........... 10 00 S. Inslee, Jr............... 5 00 J. N. Bradley.............. 5 00 Richard Irvin............. 10 00 Mrs. James BowenI....... 10 00 J. B. Ireland............... 5 00 R. Maclay Bull.......... 5 00 David Irwin................. 10 00 John P. Crosby........... 5 00 Mrs. John Johnston...... 5 00 J. L. Crowell............... 5 00 John M. Knox............ 5 00 R. L. Cutting.............. 5 00 William Lambert........ 10 00 J. C. Carson............... 5 00 John Lawrence............ 10 00 Robert Colgate............ 5 00 F. A. Livingston........... 5 00 Charles M. Cornwell..... 5 00 Charles Lowther........... 5 00 Peter Cooper............ 5 00 Walter Lewis............... 5 00 Cornell & Amermllan....... 3 00 G. D. F. Lord.............. 10 00 Kimble Dunham........... 5 00 Mrs. McLanahan......... 5 00 J. R. Dickerson............ 5 00 S. B. W. McLeod, M. D.. 5 00 Charles P. Daley.......... 5 00 James B. Mingay........ 5 00 William E. DIodge......... 5 00 James M. Mills............ 5 00 A. DuBois, M. D......... 5 00 A. W. Morgan.............. 5 00 Henry Draper.............. 5 00 Mrs. R. Maclay............ 5 00 Charles M. Earle......... 5 00 R. Maclay................ 5 00 MIrs. M. C. Frye.......... 5 00 Misses McLeod............ 10 00 Jed Frye............ 5 00 William Moir..10 00 24 Martin H. Levin...........$10 00 MIrs. Lispenard Stewart..$10 00 J. S. McLean............... 10 00 B. B. Sherman............ 5 00 WVilliam B. Meeker...... 10 00 Edward Schell............ 10 00 Mlrs. E. D. Morgan...... 5 00 F. B. Thurber.............. 5 00 J. HE. Mlortimer............ 5 00 T. L. Thornell......... 5 00 T. Mallaby.................. 5 00 iH. A. Tailer.............. 10 00 1'. J. Nevius............... 5 00 E. N. Tailer.............. 10 00 C. V. B. Ostrander........ 5 00 R. W. Tailer............... 5 00 Edward Oothout.......... 5 0() J. T. Tailer................. 5 00 Williamr Oothout......... 10 00 W. H. Tailer............... 5 00 Aiss'Poarsall............... 10 00 WV. K. Thor............ 10 00 WVilliam H. I'opllaini..... 5 00 H. M. Tabeor............. 10 00 Daniel l'arish............ 10 00 Joseph Tuckerlmlan........ 5 00 William Remsen........... 5 00 John C. Tucker........... 10) 00 Mrs. T. B. Richards...... 3 00 S. B. Van Dutsen........... 5 00 W. C. Rhinelander.. 10 00 W. R. Vermilye........... 10 00 R. G. Remsen.............. 00 W. M. Vernlilye........... 10 00 J. Harsen Rhoades...... 5 00 L. II. Warner............ 5 00 Mrs C. R. Rhoades...... 10 00 John Wilson............... 20 00 AMrs. Rogers............ 5 00 William MI. Wilson...... 5 00 Gardner A. Sage......... 5 00 Ezra White................. 10 00 AV. H. Swift....... 10 00 J. T. Williams.............. 5 00 Mrs. L. P. Siebert........ 5 00 Thurlow Weed............. 10 00 Mrs. J. B. Schmelzel..... 5 00 P. R. Warner.............. 5 0( Lambert Suydam......... 10 00 Mrs. B. F. Wheelwright 10 00 W. C. Schermerhorn..... 5 00 A. R. Walsh.. 5 00 Winm. Alex. Smith.......... 5 00 DONATIONS, 1876. James Lenox..............$100 00 Mrs. Kennedy............ $10 00 Miss C. L. Wolfe......... 100 00 J. F. Sheafe............... 10 00 Mrs. C. L. Spencer...... 100 00 Mrs. J. G. Lightbody.... 10 00 R. L. and A. Stuart..... 50 00 John T. Johnston....... 10 00 John M. Knox............ 25 00 J. Van Schaick........... 10 00 James Brown............ 25 00 Mrs. J. R. Brodhead...... 5 00 Wm. M. Vermilye...... 25 00 Mrs. L. N. Hagerman... 5 00 Arthur J. Peabody...... 25 00 Henry Parish.......... 5 00 Mrs. A. G. Phelps........ 20 00 Mrs. Havemeyer........ 5 00 Miss Burr............. 20 00 Mrs. C. N. Talbot....... 5 00 Miss Garner................ 10 00 Mrs. Geo. Morgan... 5 00 Mrs. Winthrop........... 10 00 L. B. Binnse.. 5 00 Mrs. A. M. Minturn...... 10 00 Brevoort House........... 5 00 Mrs. J. Bishop........... 10 00 G. W. Egleston......... 3 00 J. G. Barnard.............. 10 00 J. H. Glover.............. 2 00 R. Smith Clarke........ 10 00 Gilbert S. Bogert........ 2 00 Howard Potter.. 10 00 Knickerbocker Ice Co.... 12 35