PROYVINGS OF FERRUM METALLICUM, MERCURIUS JODATUS RUBER. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE AMERICAN PROVERS' UNION., PHILADELPHIA: C. SHERMAN & SON, PRINTERS, 19 ST. JAMES STREET. 1856. P RE FA C E. THE following Digest of Symptoms (or extracts from the MS. Provings of Ferrum Metallicum and Mercurius Iodatus PRubr), is now presented to the Ilomccopathic Physicians by the American Provers' Union, as the first of a series of Provings made by the members, and which will, ere long, be followed by others. The American Provers' Union regrets that among the many thousand lHomceopathic Physicians in the United States, only ninety-seven have joined in the laudable enterprise of proving and re-proving the many medicines composing our Materia Medica-but hopes to have, ere long, a large accession to its ranks of devoted provers, in which event, the result cannot but be beneficial to all. J. R. COXE, JR., M.D., Chairman,' Committee C. HERING,? of C. NEIDHARD, j Publication. J DIGEST OF SYMPTOIS. FERRUM METALLICUM. MIND. 1 THE most abiding symptom was a nervous hysterical feeling, a proneness to weep, or to laugh immoderately, accompanied by a choking sensation in the throat, as if it was swelling outwardly, so that the provers frequently examined the external 5 throat, to ascertain whether goitre was not being developed. This symptom continued in a greater or lesser degree for at least three months. Mental depression previous to menses. Gloomy feelings after menses. 10 Feels very sober and uncomfortable, but not gloomy. Temper more equable all through the proving. SENSORIUM. Moroseness after menses. Extremely nervous. Great restlessness-cannot study or go through the daily 15 duties. Not inclined to talk-disinclined to work. The mind wandering and discontented. Nervous excitability after menses. VEERTIG O. One very decided symptom, was a vertigo or dizziness in 20 the head. After sleeping in the afternoon, on suddenly rising, vertigo came on to such a degree,.that everything ape peared black, as if a dark curtain was slowly let down before the eyes, and he had to lean against the door for support, or he would have fallen. This vertigo was accompanied by nausea, 25 prostration, and a lethargic dulness. Went to sleep again, and found great difficulty in arousing himself. In the afternoon two momentary attacks of vertigo; a sensation of balancing to and fro, as when on the water. Hlead swimmy, hands cold. 30 Giddiness of the head, with great stupor and restlessness, it being impossible to confine or apply the mind to study. Giddy, with headache. DULL AND HEAVY. A sensation of dulness in the head. (8 A. M.) Gradually subsiding towards night. 35 Head felt dull and full, eyelids heavy. Great disposition to sleep, it being almost impossible to keep awake while reading. Stupor, with headache. A slight heaviness over the eyes and forehead in the morn40 ing. The forepart of the head feels full and heavy, but no real pain. Weight in back of head from ear to ear. Confused, thick, muddy headache. 4D Feet cold and fingers stiff. HIEADACHE. FOREHEAD. Sliglht dull heavy feeling in forehead all day. A slight pulsating, tickling pain in forehead and head. Head feels dizzy, or rather swimmy, for half an hour. Drawing pain in forehead. Head hot and feet cold. 50 Sharp, drawing, pressing pain in forehead. Stitches in the whole forehead from without inwards. Pain extending over whole forehead. Beginning in the temples. Severe headache all day. Greatest in the evening-worst 55 on the right side of the forehead, going down to the right nostril. Writing causes the headache to re-appear. OVER EYES. An occasional severe pain over the left eye, with lachrymation. O0 Headache over the eyes. Pain over left eye-coming very suddenly, and lasting a short time —returning for several days. Sharp pain over right eye. Sticking pain over left eye, lasting fifteen minutes. Head 65 swimmy. Awoke at 3 A. M., with severe stitches, as from a pen-knife, in both temples-gradually extending over the whole forehead, with chilliness, rendering her unable to go to sleep again. Sharp, sticking, pressing pain in both temples. SIDES. 70 A slight headache all day, occupying the whole left side of the head. A left-sided headache all day. TOP. A throbbing pain in top of head, whenever he moved suddenly, or walked quickly up stairs. 75 Throbbing in the top of head, as of a vein too full in the brain, a few days after the menses. Soreness on top of head, especially to right side. BACK PART. At 8 A. M., an oppressive and somewhat acute pain in the back part of the head and neck-gradually extending to the 80 forehead. Head dull and full. Giddy, darkness before the eyes. Symptoms much aggravated by stooping. WHOLE HEAD. Aching, tearing pain in head, on and off, for an hour. 85 gHeadache at times, during the day. Slight headache all day. Pain in the head lasting two hours, when it changed fronz acute to a dull and oppressive pain, accompanied by stupor. Less perceptible towards night. 90 Pain in head more acute-of a beating character, seated in the back part of the head and neck,'gradually extending to the sides and forehead, the pain being almost insupportable, and greatly aggravated by moving or stooping. These acute pains lasted about three hours, when they 95 gradually abated, but having periodical returns through the day, brought on by stooping. CONDITIONS. Headache is aggravated when walking or stooping, relieved while sitting. CONNECTIONS. Headache-head languid and stiff. 100 Dull headache, with coryza. Sick headache a few days after menses. Head hot, feet cold. Severe frontal headache all day, with cold feet. Headache, with fever, in the afternoon. 105 Pain in right-side of head, with itching in eyebrows and nose. Headache after menses. SCALP. Scalp and hair feel sore-drawing pain in chest and around the heart. 110 Scalp sore, especially in front. Head and scalp sore. Soreness in the hair, and pressing pain in forehead. Head itches very often during the day, compelling him to scratch. 115 Itching in scalp all day. Slight itching in scalp, and cold feet for ten days. SIGHT. Feels as if a dark curtain was let down over the eyes, with vertigo. Letters run into one another when reading or writing. 120 Unable to see the stitches in sewing. Giddy, darkness before the eyes. Much darkness before the eyes, especially when rising after stooping. WEAKNESS OF EYES AND LACHRYMATION. Great lachrymation in the left eye. Most in the open air. 125 Weakness of eyes, with great lachrymation. Eyes weak, with lachrymation and watery discharge from the nose for eight or ten days. Lachrymation so great, he could not read long. Tears. Tears and weakness of eyes, with pain over left 130 eye. EYES. A slight painful sensation in the orbit of left eye, with heartburn. Eyelids heavy in the morning. Stitches in the external corner of the right orbit. 135 Pressing on the eyes, as if they would protrude, especially the right. Canrl scarcely open the eyes. The eyelids are pressed down. Very singular sensation above left eyebrow, towards the nose-an iron pain. 140 Eyebrows itch. EARS. Ringing in the right ear. NOSE. At 1 P. M., four very painful spasmodic sneezes in rapid succession. Forenoon-several drops of blood fell from the right nos145 tril, a circumstance never before occurring. Watery discharge from the nose. Watery discharge from the nose all day, with dull headache. Nose numb and stiff. Pain in nostrils from the head. 150 Pain in nose from the eyebrows. Nose itches. 10 FACE. Sensation in face, as if swollen and bloated. Flushed face, with burning cheeks. TEETH. The tooth back of right eye-tooth feels longer than the others, 155 and very sore. (For eight days.) Toothache all the morning. TASTE. Taste not good on rising. Bad, disagreeable taste. Taste like rotten eggs. TONGUE. Tongue with a white coat, mouth dry, taste bad. 160 More natural after eating. MOUTH. Mouth dry in the morning. Drinking cold water improves the taste in mouth. THIRST. In the evening unquenchable thirst for one hour. Thirst in the evening, followed by heat, with perspiration. 165 Thirst after chill (3 P. M.), before heat. Thirst in the evening after chills and fever have vanished. Excessive thirst after day sleep. Thirst after sleeping. APPETITE. Complains of loss of appetite. 170 Appetite much diminished. Appetite good, natural. AFTER EATING. After breakfast mouth and tongue better. Nausea after food. Nausea before, or after eating. 175 After eating, heat in stomach. NAUSEA. Felt at times as if he would vomit, but without nausea, ro qualmishness. When rising, nausea, without vomiting. Nausea (at 8 P. m.), with flushes over the whole body, as if 180 perspiration would break out. Nausea slightly increased after food. Nausea continuing through the forenoon. iNausea, with vertigo. Sickness of stomach, with diarrhcea at night. 185 Nausea, with headache. ERUCTATION'S. Eructations, without relief of abdominal feelings. Foul eructations. Acrid eructations. After eructations, decreased burning in stomach. 190 Eructations, acrid and burning. Burning in the throat, with eructations of an acrid gas. Considerable heartburn, with painful sensation in left orbit. THROAT. A sensation, as of a lump in left side of throat, below tonsil. Painful during empty deglutition, but not when eating oe 195 drinking. Sore throat, not painful when eating. Sore throat, with dulness and heaviness all day. In the evening became exceedingly lively. Throat well on the 8th day. 200 Sensation extending through the omesophagus from the stomach. Choking in throat. STOMACH. HEAT. Heat and burning in the stomach, with momentary eramp: like pain in splenic region. 205 All sensations in stomach are experienced at the cardiac extremity, and in the splenic region. Heat in'the stomach, and an unpleasant feeling throughout the entire body, being symptoms of a febrile character; also, a soreness and languidness of the limbs. 210 Heat in the stomach, increased up to the third day, and very intense, so that he thought the stomach was partially inflamed, causing eructations and indigestion. Heat in stomach, worse before eating, better after eating. PRESSURE. A feeling in stomach, as from a hard body, or as from un215 digested food, followed in about two hours with burning and acid eructation. General dyspeptic symptoms much improved from 4th to 7th day. Indigestion with heat of stomach. 220 Feeling as if something rose in the stomach. Violent pressure in stomach, and unusual tension (after a few grains of iron filings). Pressing and very intense pain in stomach. Region of stomach and abdomen extended (after taking 225 powdered iron). Heavy pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pain in pit of the stomach. Palpitating sensation in stomach, extending through the cesophagus, as if a nerve was quivering, giving occasionally a 230 sensation of suffocation, as if a valve rose in the throat, with headache, after menses. HYPOCHONDRES. RIGHT AND LIVER. A dull sticking pain in right side, with sore feeling of neck, as if bruised. Pain in right side. 235 Pain in liver and chest. Pain in small of back and liver all day. Pain in right chest, liver, and kidneys, with constant desire to urinate. 13 LEFT AND SPLEEN. Flatus in left side of abdomen while riding in a carriage, 240 soon passing off. Shooting pain in left hypochondria. Cramp-like sensation in splenic region. Occasional uneasiness at the left extremity of stomach, not amounting to pain. 245 A slight dull pain and heavy feeling in the splenio region. ABDOMEN. PAIN. A sharp aching pain in upper portion of abdomen and pit of stomach (for one hour). Sharp pains in abdomen. Pain feels like iron pain in left side of abdomen, not very 250 severe, but nearly constant. SORENESS AND RUMBLING. All day rumbling of the bowels, with pain in small of back, and in the kidneys, and a slight soreness in the urethra when urinating. In the evening, rumbling of the bowels, and feeling of sore255 ness in them, with feeling as if they were about to be moved. Slight soreness all over the bowels, with rumbling. Rumbling of bowels, with headache. FULNESS. Great sensation of fulness in abdomen for several days(nine and ten days). 260 Extension, or a swelling of abdomen. FLATUS. Much flatus in lower abdomen, and in its left side —slightly incarcerated. A large amount escaped per mouth and anus, without sound or smell, with very little relief. A flatulent condition of bowels all day, extending through 265 the whole abdomen. No perceptible change in a warm room, in the open air, while riding, or sitting quiet. 14 STRAINING. Movement in bowels, as if diarrhoea would ensue, but stool natural. Straining for stool all day. 270 Severe straining with stool, and after. Pressing, tearing through anus, with hard stool. STOOL. A very small stool, rather harder than usual. A severe pain all over bowels (at 2~ A. M.), had scarcely time to go to stool; had a free and loose passage, with griping, 275 cutting pain and severe straining. Straining lasted some time-at same time felt sick at stomach, and a disagreeable taste in the mouth-relieved by drinking cold water. At 6 A. M., another loose, brownish yellow stool, with colic 280 pains before, and straining during the passage. Only a very small stool, though had much pressure and straining, as if the bowels would be freely moved. No passage, though bowels felt as if they would be freely opened. 285 A small, rather hard stool, with pressing and tearing through anus. Bowels rather constipated-(13th day). At 8 A. M., a very sudden discharge from bowels-watery, without pain or smell. 290 Bowels not moved-(3d day-very unusual). Stools harder and delayed-very unusual-(from fifth to ninth day). Scanty stool for several days. Excessive constipation of bowels for three months. 295 During that time never had a natural evacuation. After that period, bowels returned to their natural condition. Stool without smell. Loose, brownish yellow stool. Yellow stool. URINARY ORGANS. 300 Pains in bladder. Slight soreness in the urethra, when urinating. Continual desire to urinate, with pain in liver, chest, and kidneys. On the night of the seventh day, involuntary wetting the 305 bed, quite copious, which never before occurred. Involuntary wetting the bed at night —(two provers). Involuntary discharge of urine when standing. URINE. No change in quality was observed. On several different days perceived urine increased in 310 quantity, more colorless than usual, accompanied by a sensation of prostration and relaxation, rendering him extremely nervous. SEXUAL FUNCTIONS. A pollution, not followed by weakness. A seminal emission. FEMIALE ORGANS. 315 Pain near mouth of uterus when lying down. Sticking, shooting pain in uterus. Occasional slight, involuntary discharge of urine when standing. Sharp pains in abdomen, bearing down in uterus, with 320 aching below it. Less dryness in vagina on commencing coitus, and more pleasure with it. MENSTRUATION. Menses came on, with feeling of wretchedness, a prostration of physical power and a mental depression united, which ren325 dered it nearly impossible to rise and go through the duties of the day. Was compelled to make the effort, and the exertion con quered the languor and depression. The latter part of the day felt well-better than usual, and 330 the pain usually suffered at the commencement of the menses entirely disappeared. 16 Felt no pain, nor any of the distressing sensations in the limbs extending from the back to the knees which heretofore were always present. 335 In a few days had a sick headache, which formerly always preceded or followed the menses, until within the last six months-(after taking veratrum 1). It was accompanied this time by a throbbing in the top of the head, as of a vein too full in the brain, and a palpitating sensation in the stomach, 340 extending through the cesophagus, as if a nerve was quivering and gave at times, a sensation of suffocating, as if something rose in the throat like a valve. Sensations seemed like those in hysteria. Felt a gloomy depression of spirits and a nervous excita345 bility the whole time. For three successive monthly periods, all the above symptoms returned,-the excessive nervousness, the headache, and the varicose vein in the left ankle; after that time they have never returned. 350 The distressing pains in back and limbs, from which she had suffered during her whole life, have never returned with menses. COUGH. Cough through the night. Wheezing under the sternum, with slight inclination to 355 cough through the night. Disappeared after rising. Flushed face, with burning cheeks while riding in the open air on a cloudy day. After a tickling in the throat, with a slight dry cough, a 360 spoonful of bright red blood came up. BREATHING. Suffocating sensation, from a quivering and palpitation in stomach. Difficult breathing, from heaviness in left lung. Uneasy breathing, from pain across chest. 365 Full inspiration increases pain in chest. 17 Asthma among the workmen in needle manufactories (Buchner). CHEST. Weight across the chest. Dull drawing pain across the chest. 370 Drawing pain in chest and heart. Sticking cutting pain in chest. Stitches in right chest. Pain in chest and liver. Wandering sticking pains in breast. 375 Stitches all over the chest. An old pain in left lung revived, not accompanied by a cough, and passed away in one or two days. A slight heaviness in upper part of left lung, rendering breathing rather difficult, and feels sore below the clavicle and 380 the left nipple, hindering him from taking a long breath. A slight, dull, heavy pain across the upper part of chest, rendering breathing uneasy-continuing many clays. Consumption of lungs, from iron filings, given for a tapeworm (L. W. Sachs). HEART. 385 Pain below sternum. Heavy sore pain below left nipple. Drawing pain around heart, and in chest. NECK. Throat feels as if swelled outside. Neck sore, as if bruised. 390 Soreness and stiffness of neck. Neck feels stiff. Neck and back of head stiff and sore. Pain in neck. When lying on the right side, neck and shoulder severely 395 painful. 2 18 BACK. Back feels chilly. Pain in region of the kidneys. Pains in kidneys. SACRAL REGIONS. Pain in back, with menses. 400 Pain in small of back. Pains in small of back and liver.. An aching pain on each side of the sacrum, at its junction with the ossa innominata. Slight pain in the small of the back. 405 -On rising, a slight soreness in the small of the back, with rumbling in bowels. SHIOULDER AND A RMS. A continual soreness in front part of right shoulder, and also in right arm. Shoulder sore to the touch. 410 Shoulder and neck painful. On top of right shoulder, a round red itching spot (size of a dollar), which peels off like dust in the evening and at night. Armrs feel sore and stiff —weight across chest and back of head, -from ear to ear. 41.5 Arms nearly rigid. A slight pinching pain in deltoid muscle of -the right arm. A lameness in right arm, with disinclination to move itinvoluntary assisting it with the left hand. Boreing pain in right shoulder joint, passing down the biceps 420 to the elbow jointo Motion aggravates the pain, heat relieves it. Pain worse at irregular intervals. Downward shooting pains more severe than the shooting upwards. Pains worse, arms more stiff-a bending position of the 425 arm towards the chest renders it more tolerable. lPain increases, motion and change of position aggravate it, the weight of the bed-cover makes it intolerable. 19 Pain changes its location-at one time the shoulder, at another the elbow joint is most affected. 430 An irresistible desire to bend the arm was followed by such intense pain, as to drive him out of the bed at 2 A. M. After walking about for an hour and a half, went to bed again, and fell asleep in a sitting position. Arm entirely stiff, and severe pain. 435 Boring pain in shoulder, passing down to finger ends. Arm immovable —fixed in a straight position, with trembling, and chilliness all over-took a dose of ran bulb, 200, which aggravated all the symptoms in two hours to an extreme height. Soon after improvement gradually occurred 440 from the fingers upwards, being greatly relieved about 11 P. M. Much better next day (but the pain continued for fifteen days, and was always worse in the morning). Arm pain. Stiff arms with severe pain. 445 Arms nearly rigid. ELBOW. Sticking pain in elbow joint of left arm (10th day). Sharp sticking pain in left elbow. HAND. Sharp shooting pain in left wrist and back of hand, thumb most painful when moving it.. 450 Pain in left wrist, as if sprained. A rheumatic pain in the phalangial joints of left hand. While writing, no power over the pen, the hand trembles — writes better when writing fast-when reading and writing the letters run into each other. 455 In the evening hands tremble so much she cannot sew. HIands sore and stiff. Hands cold and numb. Left hand nearly numb, right hand cold. Palms of the hands hot. 460 Hands quite cold and stiff all day. Very fine dust on the left hand, like flour-the skin peels off in this dust-like form till the next morning. 20 FINGERS. Thumb of right hand very stiff, painful on moving. Stiffness in fingers and toes. 465 Pain in fingers from the shoulder. LOWER LIMBS. Lumbago in left lumbar region. Lumbago all night-goes off on rising. Slight itching, and sticking, stabbing feeling above right knee. 470 Acute pain, like moving a screw through the right leg, on walking. Aching pains, extending from right heel into thigh. A very disagreeable sensation between the knee and ankle of the left leg, as of a swollen vein, very painful to the touch, 475 and incommoded occasionally in walking. The varicose vein in left leg continued to extend itself downward —more painful to the touch. Calves very weak, as if bruised. Lower extremities weak. FEET. 480 Has to take off boots. Heel pains. Soles of feet hot. Cramps in right foot. Shooting pricking pain in right instep. 485 Cramp in the feet in the evening, first in the left, drawing up the limbs. Cramps in the feet, relieved by pressing them against the footboaird. Cramp in the soles of the feet. 490 Feet sore and stiff. Toes and fingers stiff. Feet cold all night, and numb, as after skating. Feet cold and numb. Feet cold all night-could not get warm. 495 Feet cold. 21 Feet very cold —lay awake some time, thinking feet were bars of iron. Feet colder than usual, the whole time. Cold feet for ten days. 500 Cold feet for eighteen days. Toes cold as ice, and painful. LIMBS. UPPER AND LOWER EXTREMITIES. Limbs sore and languid, quite restless. Pain in limbs from touch. Pains in the joints. 505 Hands and feet cold and numb-chilly all over —does not go off by walking, though had free perspiration. From thirteenth to twenty-third day hands and feet cold and numb. GENERAL SYMPTOM1S. Stupor, with giddiness. 510 Prostration, and lethargic dulness, with vertigo. On awaking, sensation as if magnetized; wished to resist inclination to sleep, but did not succeed. Wretched feeling With menses. Trembling and chilly all over, with stiff arm. 515 Restlessness from pain in arm, and also in limbs. A kind of tired ache, like that consequent upon lying in one position a very long time. Unpleasant and uneasy feeling through the entire body. Distressing sensations in limbs, from back to knees, with 520 menses. Feeling of fatigue. Feeling of extreme fatigue, aching in all the limbs. Toothache all the morning. Lassitude in afternoon. 525 Great lassitude, increasing towards evening. Much weakness in lower extremities. Very dull and heavy all day. Relaxed and prostrated, with increased urination. Prostration of strength, with menses. 530 Weak and sleepy all day. 22 SLEEP. Debility-falls asleep. Frequent gaping all day. Very weak, and sleepy all day. Disposed to sleep more than usual. 535 Very apt to go to sleep. Sleep in the afternoon. Must go to bed in the afternoon, with a chill. Great debility in the afternoon. Falls asleep while sewing-she must lie down-sleeps one 540 hour, and awakes with excessive thirst, and cramps in right foot. Must retire early. Sleepy, with thirst, in evening. Very languid, drowsy, disinclined to talk, or work. 545 Sat down to study, fell asleep, slept an hour, or more, still felt very sleepy, and again went to sleep till 11 P. M.; went to bed, fell asleep immediately. On getting into bed, feet cold, lays awake some time. DREAMS. Sleep sounder than usual, but with unpleasant dreams. 550 Unpleasant dreams during the whole night, of friends and relatives, deceased twenty-five years since. Rested well, but dreamed a great deal of meeting with old schoolmates, of student life, &c. Did not sleep well, as sleep was much disturbed by dreams 555 of old friends. Sleep disturbed by many confused dreams. Sleep disturbed by dreams. Very unpleasant dreams. Severe attack of nightmare (lst day). 560 In sleep, wetting the bed. Night pollutions. -Night cough. All night wandering about on account of pain. WAKING. On wakening, lump in throat. 565 Pain in bowels on wakening. 23 On waking, feeling as if magnetized. On waking, pain over eye. On waking, sore throat. On waking in the evening, thirst and cramp. ON RISING. 570 Cannot rise in the morning. Difficult rising in morning, afternoon sleep. Before rising, lumbago. After sudden rising, vertigo. On rising, nausea. 575 On rising, hands and feet cold. After rising, sore in arm, and rumbling in bowels. After rising, cough. After rising, lumbago. PULSE. Pulse 68, 1st day. 580 Pulse 60, 3d day, natural. Pulse natural, 8th day. Pulse 68 to 72, with fever. Pulse 72, with fever. CHILL AND FEVER. In the afternoon (14th day) violent chill for half an houri 585 then thirst; must go to bed-followed by heat, with perspiration. A creeping feeling, slight chilliness all over, more in the back, commencing at 7 A. M. At noon rather chilly, creeping sensation all over. 590 At 3 p. M. rather warm, feverish, but not thirsty. Fever less at 7 P. M. Between 1 and 2 P. M. rather chilly, for a short time. Between 4 and 5 P. M. pulse 68 to 72, not hard, pretty warm, and a slight headache. 595 In the afternoon a little cold for a short time, then a little feverish (14th day). At 5 P. m. a little chilly, then feverish for a short time (15th day). 24 CHILL. Felt more or less chilly all day, especially in the after600 noon, then again a little feverish in the evening, quite chilly again, and did not get warm for a long time after going to bed. General chilliness, all over, the whole day. Chilliness, with headache, in the morning. 605 Chilliness and trembling all over, with stiff arm. At 7- A. M. general coldness over whole body, hands and feet very cold (2d day). LOCAL COLDNESS. At 8 A. M. neck feels stiff, hands and feet cold, hands most so; feet quite cold all night, but not so much so as night pre610 vious (4th day). Coldness of hands and feet, numbness, cold hands. Cold feet, head hot. Coldness of toes. HEAT. Heat of head, cold feet. 615 Flushes over the whole body, as if perspiration would break out. Feverish at 3 P. M. At 3 P. M. felt warm. Pulse 68 to 72, soft, not full. 620 Febrile heat. Great heat in palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Sensation of heat all over the body, which was cool to the touch, with sensation in the face as if swollen and bloated. Heat without thirst. 625 Heat with perspiration, follows thirst (8 P. M.) Heat with perspiration after chills (3 P. M.) SWEAT. Perspiration, with heat, after thirst (evening). Perspiration, with heat, after chill (3 P. M.) Perspiration, after rapid walking, not relieving the chilli630 ness. SKIN. Itching on head. Itching on the scalp. Itching on scalp for ten days. Itching in eyebrows and nose. 635 Itching above the knee. Spot peeling off on shoulder. Skin peels off on left hand. Skin peeling off like dust. *Scarlatina during desquamation corresponds to peeling 640 off of skin. EXTERNAL. Varicose vein on left leg, as if too full. Varicose vein on leg, after menses. CONDITIONS-TOUCH AND PRESSURE. Pressure of bed-cover increases pain in the arm, Weight of cover increases pain in the arm. 645 Lower leg painful to the touch. Varicose vein on leg painful to the touch. Pressing feet against a board decreases cramps. REST. When lying on right side, pain in neck and shoulder. When lying down, pain in uterus. 650 Sleep sitting, after wandering about more than an hour, with pain in arm. Sitting and standing very sleepy. Falls asleep when reading. Sitting decreases headache. 655 When standing, involuntary discharge of urine. MOTION. Sudden rising produces vertigo. On moving, pain on top of head. lMoving increases headache. Disinclination to move arm. 660 Change of position increases pain in arm. On moving, pain in thumb. 26 Writing slow makes the hand tremble, but not when writing fast. Writing reproduces headache. 665 Bending towards the chest decreases pain in arrm, Irresistible desire to bend affected arm. STOOPING. Stooping increases headache. Stooping increases giddiness. On rising, after stooping, darkness before the eyes. 670 Walking up the stairs pain on top of head. WALKING. On walking, acute pain through right leg. Walking increases headache. In walking, pain in left lower leg. Walking does not relieve chilliness. 675 While riding, flatulence. After exercise, better. OPEN AIR. In the open air, eyes weak and heavy. In the open air, tears. MORNING. At 2 A. M., obliged to get up, from pain in arm. 680 2! A. M., diarrhcea. Towards morning sleep better. 6 A. M., pain in left chest below nipple. 6 A. M., nausea. 6 A. M., loose stool. 685 7 A. M., headache. 7 A. M., chilliness. 8 A. M., head dull. 7 A. M., hands and feet cold. 8 A. M., head swimmy. 690 8 A. M., pain in back part of head. Morning, stitches in eyes. All morning, toothache. Morning, lump in throat. 8 A. M., heat in stomach. 695 8 A. M., sudden discharge from bowels. Morning, stool. 8 A. M., pain across chest. 8 A. M., pain in side. 8 A. M., neck stiff. 700 8 A. M., hands cold. 8 A. M., cold hands and feet. Morning, great depression and prostration. Morning, till noon, flatulence. 9 A. MI., sore scalp. 705 9 A. M., arms sore and stiff. 9 A. M., thumb stiff. 9 to 11 A. M., heat in stomach. FORENOON. From 10 A. Mi., till evening, headache..0 A. M., burning in throat. 710 10 A. M., desire to urinate. 10 A. M., pain across chest. 10 A. Mvi., pain in elbow. 11 A. M., feet cold. Forenoon, nose bleeding. 715 Forenoon, nausea. Worse in morning, better towards noon. NOON. At noon, headache and chilly feeling. Noon, chilly creeping sensation. Noon, pain in arm decreased. AFTERNOON. 720 1 P. M., sneezing. From 1 till 2 P. M., chilly. 2 P. lI., pain over eye. 2 P. ml., flatus in abdomen. 2 P. M., hands numb, languid, and stiff. 725 3 P. M., cramps. 3 P. Al., warm feeling. 2 till 5 P. M., warm. 4 P. M., headache. 5 P. M., abdominal pain and pain in wrist. 7830 5 P. M., feverish. 6 P. M., pain in head, and headache. 6 P. M., feet cold. Afternoon, chills and cold, sleep and vertigo, heaviness, and debility. 735 Latter part of day, better. EVENING. Dulness and heaviness-decreased towards night. Evening, sleepy and chilly. Evening, very lively. From 6 till 11 P. M., top of head sore. 740 Evening increases headache. Evening, thirst and sleepy. 9 P. m., pain in left hypochondre. Evening, rumbling of bowels. 10 P. M., pain in forehead. 745 10 P. M., scalp sore and pain in chest. 11 P. M., pain in elbow. Evening, cramp in feet. From 11 P. M. till midnight, pain in abdomen and head. Forepart of night, very disagreeable dreams. 750 Evening and night, skin peels off of a spot on the shoulder, and on the hand. NIGHT. At night, wetting the bed. At night, wheezing. Night increases the pain in arm. 755 At night, lumbago. Coldness all night (2d day). ALL DAY. All day, headache. 20 All day, scalp itches. All day, coryza. 760 All day, sore throat, dull and heavy. All day, as if would throw up. All day, liver-pain and backache. All day, bowels sore and rumbling. All day, pressing to stool. 765 All day, pressing across chest. All day, pain in chest, and breathing difficult. All day, hands and feet cold. All day, gaping. All day, drowsy. 770 All day, weak and sleepy. All day, chilliness. PERIODICITY. At intervals, increased pain in arm. Periodical return of pains (many provers). On 4th day, sore headache, at 7 A. M. 775 On 5th day, same sore headache, at 8 A. Ai. (postponing). DIRECTION. Stitches in forehead, from without inwards. Pain from back of head to forehead. From back to fiont of head, pain. Pain from finger to shoulder. 780 Pain from heel to thigh. Pain in arm increased, on ascending, Pain from shoulder to elbow. Pain in arm, passing down. Soreness in affected arm-shifts about. LEFT TO RIGHIT. 785 Cramp in the feet from left to right. Pain in left lung towards right-worse when lying on the right side. Left side of head aching. Left headache. 790 Pain in left temple. so Pain over left eye. Pain in orbit of left eye. Tears in left eye. Pain in left eyebrow, towards nose. 795 Lump in left side of throat. Pain in left extremity of stomach and spleen. Pain in left hypochondre. Pain in left side of abdomen. Flatulence in left side of abdomen. 800 Pain in left chest. Pain in left lung. Left lung heavy. Pain below left nipple. Pain in left elbow. 805 Pain in left wrist. Rheumatic pain in left hand. Left hand numb. Peeling off of left hand of dust-like powders Pain in left lumbar region. 810 Pain in varicose vein of left leg. Pain in left lower leg. RIGHT SIDE. Pain in right side of forehead. Pain in right side of head. Pain in right temple. 815 Right side of head sore. Pain over right eye. Stitches in, and pressing outwards of right eye. Ringing in right ear. Pain in right nostril. 820 Right nostril bleeding. Right molar tooth sore. Pain in right side of chest, and in liver. Pain in right side. Sticking pain in right side. 825 Stitches in right chest. Pain in neck when lying on right side. Pain in right shoulder. 81 Soreness in right shoulder. Spot peeling off right shoulder. 830 Right arm lame. Right hand cold. Right thumb stiff. Itching and sticking pain above right knee. Pain like a screw moving through right leg. 835 Pain from right heel to thigh. Shooting in right instep. Cramps in right foot. DURATION OF EFFECT. No change since yesterday, fifth day. No symptoms on ninth day. 840 Tolerably well eleventh day. No symptoms on fourteenth day. No symptoms on fifteenth day. OTHER DRUGS. Vinegar does not increase the symptoms. Ran bulb increased symptoms for two hours, then decreased 845 them. REMARKS BY DR. HERING. APPLICATIONS OF FERRUM METALLICUM IN DISEASES WHERE IT HAD NOT OFTEN BEEN GIVEN HERETOFORE. 1. CATARRI. All day watery coryza, with a dull headache and rapid sneezing. Drops of blood from right nostril. Nose itching or numb. 850 Pain from head to nose, and from nose to right eyebrow. iEyes pressed out (more the right eye), eyelids heavy. Running of tears, and weakness of eyes-more in open air. Sore throat, like a lump in left side, when waking-pain 855 only, with empty deglutition. Wheezing under the sternum, with a night cough-better after rising-breathing difficult (more in forenoon), or stitches in chest, on right front, or going about to all parts. 2. BR ONCHITIS. Scabs out of nose or coughed up every two or three 860 weeks. Sensation of a lump in throat, on left side. Empty swallowing, painful. Cough during the night. Tickling in throat, coughing up a mouthful of bright red 865 blood. Breathing difficult, from heaviness in left lung. Breathing difficult, from pain across chest. Breathing difficult, from cramp of chest. With a full inspiration, pain in breast. 870 Weight across chest, and drawing pain. Sharp pain across chest. Stitches in right chest. Wandering stitching pains in all parts. Pain in left lung-worse afternoon and evening. 875 Dull heaviness under left nipple, hindering breathinggoing from left to right. (In the patients, going from right to left.) Sore dull pain, with heaviness across upper part of chest, affecting breathing. 880 Lassitude, worse in evening-drowsy, or very lively. Chilly in afternoon, followed by heat and perspiration. Thirst when waking, or after a chill. Face bloated, feet swollen. 3. SKIN. Skin peeling off on shoulder and left hand, like dust-more 885 in the evening. Itching on scalp, with soreness. Secondary stage of scarlatina during desquamation. Threatening or already developed dropsy, or Bright's disease. 890 Albuminous urine. Itching on eyebrows and nose. Spots on legs, very sore to the touch. Chilly, cold, or warm, afternoon and evening. 895 Heat in palms of hands and soles of feet, and feeling of heat all over, but cool to the touch. Cold hands and feet, sometimes numb. Coldness of toes. Dull, heavy, languid and stiff-greatest lassitude in after900 noon and evening. Sore pains in neck, back, and sacral region. Straining for stool all day, even after a passage. Hard and retained stools. Eructations without relief. 905 Acrid burning eructations. Qualmnishness frequently during the day, before or after eating. Thirst after sleep. Dry mouth in the morning. 910 Taste bad. Pain in region of kidneys or in small of back, with desire to make water. More urine, and a relaxed prostrated feeling afterwards. Great soreness and rumbling in the bowels. 915 Flatus passing without relief. Fatigued all day-aching in limbs. Pains at intervals-periodical; every day an hour later (thus better when earlier). Symptoms extending from left to right (thus better when 920 with patient from right to left). Right side and limbs more affected. Intermittent fever-every day later in the symptoms (thus earlier in the cases). Weakness after exertion. 925 Remarks by Dr. Neidhard: Ferrum acet. and ferr. met. 3d, alternately, with phosphorus 3, has been exhibited by me, in numerous hopeless cases of colliquative diarrhoea, with the greatest benefit. Ferr. acet. in mucous diarrhoea of long standing. 930 Miss M. R., light complexion, light hair-hard swelled ab3 384 domen-picking of nose —pain in abdomen-feet swollenfetid perspiration-ascarides-strong palpitation of heart, anal oppression of chest-cured with ferr. acet. in alternation with calc. carb. Ferr. acet. 1-10 produced, for four days, constant 935 diarrhoea.-C. N'd. DIGEST OF SYMPTOMS. MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER. MIND AND DISPOSITION. ILL humor and bad taste on waking, second day, morning. (Dr. Siemers has also, as an alternate effect, cheerfulness once in the morning and once in the evening.) 5 Ill humor during toothache. *Dejection. SENSORIUM. Dulness of the head and slight pressing pain on the left side, the eighth day. Dulness of the head like during coryza, the eighth day. 10 Dulness of the head relieved by walking in the open air, the tenth day. (The dulness in the head is mentioned as occurring five times more in the course of the proving by Siemers.) *Vertigo during the grippe. HEAD. 15 Fulness in the head, second day. Dull heavy pain in the head, fifth day. Slight'soreness all over the bowels,with sometimes heaviness in the head, thirteenth day. In the morning headache, as of a cold, disappearing in the 20 afternoon, tenth day. Pressing pain in the head, all day. Pain in the forehead, first day. Slight headache in the region of comparison, third day. Dull pressing pain in forehead, most severe in right side, 25 continuing at intervals from 7 to 10 P. M., second day. Dull pressing pain in forehead, and sticking pain in heart, till 9 P. M., third day. Sharp pain in sinciput over both eyes, at 11 A. M., first day. Slight pressing pain in the left side of the head, third and 30 fourth days. Towards morning, headache, in the right side of the head, disappearing on rising, the ninth day. Pain in the jaws and temples, seventh day. Slight heavy feeling right through the forehead up to the 35 vertex. Also, the same sensation in the outside of the skull, (for two grains of 2d triter., taken in the evening). Heavy feeling in the forehead all day, but more severe than the day before, and in the evening he had with it a severe beating throbbing in the right side of the head, from the 40 front part of the head up to the vertex. The same headache as second day, but still more particularly in the afternoon and evening-at the same time a drowsy stolid feeling in the head, third day. Slight heaviness, and in the afternoon slight throbbing 45 beating from vertex down to the nose, on the right side, sixth day. In the evening felt the vertex very hot, and a slight pulsation in it, sixth day. Pain in the head, and heat. 50 Dull heavy aching pain at the base of the brain, in the throat and nostrils. Dull pressure in the cerebellum, beneath the occipital tuberosity-a little afterwards, pressure over the eyes. SCALP. Several small pustules on the scalp, which do not itch, but 65 contain some matter and form crusts-seventh, eighth, and ninth days. EYES. Dimness of sight, first day. After three months he found his right eye much stronger than he ever remembers it to have been. He can bear a light 60 directly on that eye, without pain or uneasiness, much stronger than he ever could before. Eyes inflamed, particularly the right, the eighth day. Right eye inflamed, and slight lachrymation, first day. Eyes inflamed, right eye worst, bright light irritates it 65 greatly, so that he keeps it closed, third day. HEARING. Sudden return of the hearing on the right side, with subsequent itching in the helix, fourth day. Hearing in the morning better, fifth day. Hlearing improved at noon and afternoon. 70 Hearing better after walking out, tenth day. *Chronic catarrhal deafness improved. Singing in the ears in the evening, tenth day. EAR. increased secretion of the ear wax, tenth day. Continual itching in the right external auditory passage, 75 with that the improved hearing continues, tenth day. Nineteen days after the first dose, and eleven after the last, a wen, which had existed behind the right ear from infancy in a young woman of twenty-four, burst open and discharged pus. NOSE. 80 Tickling in the nose, causing him to sneeze. Running of the nose with a good deal of sneezing, second day. Fluid coryza from the right nostril in the evening. The cold in the head disappears in the open air, but returns 85 in the warm room —with it there is a cough from irritation, the ninth day. Dull, heavy aching pains at the base of the brain, throat, and nostrils. Throat and nostrils dry. 90 In the morning after a good sleep a great deal of mucous discharge firom the nose, the tenth day. Coryza has ceased in the evening, the tenth day. Coryza and dull hearing disappears after getting warm from walking, the eighth day. FACE. 95 Heavy, dull aching in the upper jaw, and then in the lower — mostly on the sides-worst in the right. Pain in the jaws and temples. TEETH. During breakfast, teeth sensitive, the eighth day. During dinner, pain in all the teeth from mastication, the 100 eighth day. For several hours acute rending pain in the teeth of the upper and lower jaw, towards the right, the eighteenth day. Fine stinging in the teeth at times, seventh day. Sensation of fulness, grinding, and drawing in the roots of 105 the teeth, with a constant desire to press the teeth together. He had pressed them so hard during sleep that the muscles were lame and tired on awaking. On the fourth day, 12 Ai., creeping, grinding sensation at the roots of the teeth, with pressing together, and a sensation 110 of soreness deep behind the umbilicus. Sensation of dryness in teeth. Gums feel slippery. MOUTH. Lips slimy and sticky on waking, the fourth day. Sticking together of the lips, and headache, sixth day. 115 Sensation of being burned in the mouth in the forenoon, the fourteenth day. In the mouth (lower lip), like small sore spots, the fourth day. In the thin part of the left cheek soreness, second day. SALIVA. 120 Fauces and roof of mouth dry-a-gums and side of tongue moist. About 12 o'clock at noon an increase of saliva in the mouth, sixth day. Unusual afflux of saliva from the salivary glands for the 125 first twelve hours, tasteless, after that an unusually fresh taste. Salivation returned-mouth constantly filled with a decided metallic taste. The tongue and whole buccal cavity seemed sensitive, as if 130 burned with hot tea. The gum of the upper jaw, right side, over the second molar tooth became excessively tender to touch, as if an abscess was forming. This tenderness continued for four days. On the sixth day it had entirely disappeared without forming an 135 abscess. Increase of saliva, with a congested feeling at the root of a tooth from the twelfth to thirteenth day. An increased flow of saliva in the morning. In the evening (after second dose in the morning), metallic 140 taste and taste of iodine in the mouth-the gums feel sore, as if he was going to be salivated. TONGUE. Sensation of being burned on the tongue, twelfth day. A small blister on the point of the tongue, second and third day. 145 Tongue constantly dry. TASTVI. Slimy taste on waking, third day. In the evening, metallic taste and taste of iodine in the mouth. FAUCES-THROAT. Hawking and spitting of a small quantity of white tough 150 expectoration through the day, second day. Sensation of a lump in the throat; hawked up a hard greenish lump, eighth day. Almost constant desire to make an empty deglutition, ap 40 parently from a large collection of water in the mouth, and 155 from a sense of fulness in the throat, third day. On waking, sore throat-feels as if scalded-worse during empty swallowing, sixth day. Slight superficial ulcers in the throat, in patches, like islands in the ocean. 160 Sensation of dryness in the throat. Throat quite sore and inflamed, cough frequent and expectoration more than usual, twenty-fifth day. Left tonsil inflamed and swollen, velum elongated, which seems to be the cause of coughing, third day. 165 Sticking pain in throat, sixth day. APPETITE. STOMACH. Inclination to have the food more salted, twelfth day. During breakfast and dinner, pain in the teeth. After dinner, pyrosis, fifteenth day. Nausea and sore throat, after half an hour, first day. 170 Inclination to vomit, and constant strong desire for stool. Squeamishness of the stomach, with uneasiness and laziness all over the limbs. A sensation of nausea and sinking at the stomach or in the epigastrium, with a general sick feeling, thirtieth day. HYPOCHONDRIA. 175 Sprain-like pain in the right hypochondrium, near the pelvis, the thirteenth and fourteenth day. Aching and full feeling in right hypochondrium, third day. Sudden cutting pain in the region of the liver, fourteenth day. 180 At first transient drawing pains in the left hypochondrium, afterwards a lame sensation there in the morning, eighth day. ABDOMEN. Pain in region of the navel, first day. Constant daily return, at 2 A. M., for sixty-one days, of a heavy, uneasy sensation below the umbilicus, as if full above, 185 and empty below, with a kind of pressure towards the anus, and a sensation, as if it could not move at all. This was succeeded by a sensation, as if a proper acrid loose stool would be discharged, immediately followed by a sensation of faintness and sickness in the hypogastrium, and fre190 quent discharge of fiatus. Inodorous, without pain. All these symptoms gradually diminished in violence, and often manifested themselves in a somewhat modified form. (Some thirty years ago, this prover had taken a great deal of mercury, and also some blue pills, occasionally, some ten years 195 ago). Frequent short darting pains in the left side of the abdomen, and an occasional one on the right-running from deep in the pelvis up into the region of the liver. Sensation of strings of air-bubbles running transversely 200 across the abdomen below the umbilicus. Also a shooting pain, as of a knotted string, down through and across, above the umlbilicus. On the thirteenth day, a heavy, painful feeling in the region of the liver, pancreas, and spleen, which does not continue all 205 the time. Pain in the abdomen, with diarrhoea~ from 11 P. M., the whole night through, the twentieth day. Frequent desire for stool, with pain in abdomen. Loud rumblings in the bowels, second day. 210 Severe griping and colic pains, forcing him to go to stool, followed by a very large, copious, but not loose discharge of rather a light brownish color; could not make any water at all, as long as the discharge lasted; after the discharge the urging and desire for an evacuation continued, with irritation 215 and itching in the rectum, all around the sphincter ani, which felt as if it protruded a little. After taking three grains of the first tritur., at 9 A. M., the uneasiness and slight pain in the bowels continued. About 11 o'clock he had, again, severe colic pains, which 220 left him after a pretty loose, light yellowish brown somewhat watery discharge, coated with mucus, and of a slight bloody appearance. After the discharge a slight tenesmus existed for a while, but the colic pains disappeared more and 42 more, and only great soreness of the bowels remained. After 225 dinner, at 2 P. M., the colic pains again returned, with a thin loose discharge and slight tenesmus afterwards. In the afternoon and evening only soreness in the bowels. On the thirteenth day, slight rumbling and soreness all over the bowels, with slight heaviness of the head. 280 Sometimes a chilly feeling and a creeping sensation all over the skin, and a kind of uneasy sore feeling all over the bowels. Occasional pains in abdomen, with grinding sensation in root of teeth, twentieth day. 235 From 6 o'clock A. M., until 3 P. M., weakness in the bowels, stomach, and partly extended into the chest; a feeling as if the bowels would be moved; during this time, he had to belch up wind frequently. Sensation of nausea and fainting, with pressure high up in 240 the rectum, fourth day. URINE. Red urine, second day. Increased flow of the urine, of nearly natural color, and also in a much larger stream than formerly, the fifth, seventh, and ninth day. 245 Increased flow of urine, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth day. Slight constant discharge of mucus from the urethra, with sensation of slight soreness around the g]ans, seventh day. *Ulcers in bladder. GENITAL ORGANS. Sexual desire, particularly on going to sleep. 250 Erections without desire, a thing which never happened before in the morning. Profuse sweat of genital organs. Towards morning, a seminal emission. Towards 2 o'clock, sensitiveness of the right testicle and 255 spermatic cord, third day. *Leucorrhcea of yellowish color. LARYNX. Hoarse and husky half an hour after getting a little wet in a very light shower in the evening, fifth day. COUGH -BREATHING —PAIN IN THE CHEST. Cough, with a little loose, whitish, slimy expectoration 260 through the day, and accompanied with slight difficulty of breathing, tenth day. Cough, with white expectoration-cough became dry in the evening, eleventh day —(- mercur., C. HIering.) Stricture across chest, fourth day —most painful in the left 265 side. Pressing pain across the chest, fifth day. Constriction across the chest, sixth day. Some tightness and pressure in the lungs, aching and drawing pain in the bones of left forearm; some pressure in hypo270 gastrium, mid-day; same symptoms returned at 9 P. M., together with a passage of the bowels. Awoke from a feeling of great soreness in the whole breast, but only a few minutes, fourth day. Pain in left waist, on stooping-sharp cutting pain in chest, 275 and sticking pain in heart, eighth day. During a walk, suddenly sticking in the muscles of the chest, on the left side, exactly on the spot where two years ago he had the commencement of his acute rheumatism, eighth day. In the afternoon he felt several times a sharp shooting 280 through the right side of the chest, like rheumatism-going down the arm. Profuse yellow expectoration. HEART. Sticking pain in the heart, second day. NECK. On waking, stiffness and pain in the neck, in the region of 285 the first or second cervical vertebra-going off in a short time, fourth day. Rheumatic pain, for a short time, in the muscles of the neck and back of neck, the sixth day. 44 Severe pain in back of neck, as if he had been struck, at 290 7 P. M., fifth day. During eructations of gas, pain was experienced in region of right parotid gland, passing off in two hours-but for twenty-four hours there was soreness to touch of right parotid. At the same time, when walking, sudden acute pain through 295 and around the head of the right tibia, at the knee joint. In about half an hour after the pain in the knee disappeared, two throbs of a similar pain were felt in the rectus femoris muscle of the left leg, about one-third of the distance from the knee upwards. thirtieth day. 300 An aching and stiffened feeling in splenius capitis muscle of the right side of the neck, third day. Dull, aching, strained sensation in the middle of the os humerus, as if about to break. Wavering stitches through all the muscles, and sensation as if they were sore. Desire to 305 stretch the limbs and body. Aching and drawing pain in the bones of the left forearmn. Glandular swellings of the neck in scarlatina. UPPER EXTREMITIES. About 3 o'clock, P. M., a pricking, itching sensation all over the right hand —lasted one hour, second day. 310 Itching, pricking feeling at the lower part of the upper arm, all around it-lasted from 3 o'clock half an hour, third day. The same pricking, itching sensation appeared on the upper part of upper arm-mostly in the armpit, and only lasted a few minutes. All this on the right side, at 6 o'clock P. M., 315 third day. Rheumatic pains-more in the forearm and hand of right side. Sensation of great weakness attending pain, third day. Rheumatic pains, soreness and stiffness in the left arm, aggravated by motion, particularly on putting on his coat, 320 and during the middle of the day. The pain is better in the evening, and at night. He could lay on the arm (Lycopod 3, relieved the pain.) Jerking in the fingers of left hand in the evening, until he falls asleep, the eighth day. 825 On the twelfth day, a pretty strong itching, on several parts of the skin of the right forearm. 45 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Weakness of the knee-joints. At 81 o'clock, when walking, was seized with an acute pain, which suddenly passed through or around the head of 330 the right tibia at the knee-joint, in three or four successive throbs; about five minutes after this paroxysm passed off it returned in the same form, and with like intensity. At the same time, pain in right parotid gland. In half an hour the pain in the knee disappeared. Two throbs of a similar pain 8335 were felt in rectus femoris muscle of the left leg, about onethird of the distance from the knee upwards, and in about five minutes a similar renewal of the pain in the same place, thirtieth day. Chilly, and aching in the lower limbs, through the forenoon. 340 In the evening, almost insupportable pain and aching in the lower limbs-better on moving. Pains in the lower extremities-went off during a walk in the evening. Pain in the ball of the foot, and in the large toe-amelio345 rated by walking. Sensation of lameness in the feet, seventh day. Rigidity of the limbs-disappearing on walking, the ninth day. Nearly a month after experiencing the above symptoms, and 350 several days after taking the twelfth dose, two small pustules appeared in the outer side of the right leg, just below the knee, about two inches distant from each other, slightly itching, sore to the touch, with inflamed basis. On the third day after their appearance, they scabbed, but matter continued to ac355 cumulate under the scab. They were quite sore, and were not healed till thirteen days afterwards. After they were healed, another sore, of the same character, appeared in front, or a little to the left of the same leg, just below the knee. In three days it healed, and no more ap360 peared, twelfth day. Rheumatic pains, now here, now there-generally in limbsmostly muscular-alternately in arms and hands, legs and feet. Occasionally pains of a similar character in left ear, as 46 if it would prove a violent and long-continued otalgia; never365 theless, it lasted but a moment at a time, but frequently returned, third day. SLEEP. On going to sleep, toothache. IHe pressed the teeth so much during sleep, that the muscles were lame and tired on waking. 370 On retiring to bed, sexual desire excited. Could not sleep well-very restless —headache. Very sleepy and drowsy in the evening of fifth day. At the same time, squeamishness of the stomach, with great uneasiness and laziness all over the limbs. 375 [From midnight till morning, a very restless feeling, with a constriction in the diaphragm, almost like cramp. DREAMS. Anxious dreams about removing and his relations, fourth day. Sleep disturbed by troublesome dreams, such as swimming 380 and wading in water, and pushing through low places, and under a shed. Half conscious sleep, with fearfulness. Also dreamed of detecting robbers in the night, in attempting to enter dwellings, twelfth day. Dreams about gunning and farming, seventh day. 385 Dreams a great deal these last nights (on the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth day). On waking, ill humor. Waking with dulness of the head, the second day. After his sleep in the afternoon, his head is clear. 390 After his sleep in the afternoon, headache. On rising from bed, headache. On waking, slimy taste, slimy lips. "t " L sore throat. pain in the chest. 395 " " stiffness of the head. cc "L headache. 47 FEVER. Flush of heat and a sensation of being tickled over the whole body, fourth day. Sometimes a chilly feeling, a creeping sensation all over 400 the skin, and a kind of uneasy sore feeling all over the bowels. Chilly, followed by a flush of heat over the face, first day. Felt often chilly, the second day, and then again quite warm, although his pulse was natural. Felt pretty warm all over, but not feverish-sometimes a 405 slight chilly feeling and creeping over the back. Very copious night-sweats for more than two weeks. SKIN. CONDITIONS, CHARACTERISTICS, AND MOVEMENTS. From two grains hydrarg. bijodatum rubrum, mixed with ten drachms of hog's lard, and rubbed into the forehead. Skin, light red-pink red. 410 Third day, dull, tearing, gnawing pains. In the night so violent that they disturbed his sleep. Fifth day, and following days, innumerable small fissures and cracks in the skin, in all directions. The pink red color gets ash gray. 415 Appearance of the skin on the forehead, as if it was drawn into infinitely small wrinkles. On the subsequent days the epidermis peels off in the form of dandruff.-Riiseberg, in Medical Zeitung of Prussia, 1847. Better, after rising-headache. 420' on rising from bed-toothache. on walking out-headache. c as deafness. coryza. 46 CC Ad toothache. 425 c " c pain in the hips in the morning. on moving-pain in lower limbs. on walking-rigidity of limbs. " in the open air-coryza. cough. 48 430 Better, on getting warma-coryza-hearing (-= merc., C. IHering.) Aggravation in the warm room-coryza (iodine, C. Hering.) TIMES OF THE DAY AND NIGHIT. In the morning, headache. r4 4h4 difculty of breathing. 435 "4 4' cold in the head. In the forenoon, 11 o'clock, acute hearing. aggravation-cold in the head. "c 6 mouth scalded. During the day, cough. 440 At noon, all his symptoms disappeared. In the afternoon, headache. r h 6 te better-cough. In the evening, better —cold in the head. "~ - 6" the cough became dry. 445' 6 pain in lower limbs. At night, itching in the ear. 44 G; 0on going to sleep, toothache. "6 "G colic and diarrhoea. 4" "4 diarrhoea worse. 450 "' "' ineffectual desire for a passage. RIGHT AND LEFT. From right towards left, headache. "' "' "6 " toothache. First on the right side, toothache, then on the left (= mere., C. Hering). 455 Right eye inflamed (mercur., C. IHering). Left eye, pain (iodine, C. HIering.) On the right side, running from the nose in the evening (? mercur., C. IHering). ON THE RIGHT SIDE, BELOW. Pain in the pelvis. 460 "''4 hips. "' "' in the knee.'" "( toes. 49 Pain in the large too. Sore between the toes. ON THE LEFT SIDE, ABOVYE. 465 Pain in the left neck. a C 6 " side of chest —stricture. Stitches in the muscles of the chest, on the left side. THERAPEUTICAL OBSERVATIONS. Dr. W. E. Payne, of Bath, Maine, in a letter to the Provers' Union, remarks, that in analyzing his record, it would be 470 perceived that the first or primary impression of the drug is upon the glandular system, but more specifically upon the salivary glands, and consecutively upon the nervous and muscular tissues, the sensorium, and lastly, upon the dermoid tissue; upon the glandular, as evinced by the aflfux of saliva, 475 and pain and tenderness of the parotid gland; upon the nervous, as indicated by the sudden acute pains in the limbs and elsewhere; upon the mucous, as shown by the tenderness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, and irritation of the schneiderian membrane; upon the involuntary sensorium, as 480 manifested in troubled dreams; and lastly, upon the dermoid tissue, as seen in the development of pustules about the limbs. Hoffman recommends iodide of mercury, in spreading old scrofulous and syphilitic ulcers, condylomas, lupus, psorophthalmia. Eczema rubrum on the chin. 485 Horny disorganization in the palm of the left hand, divided into several rhagades, was cured in ten days. Frostbites. Rheumatic affections of the feet after scrubbing the floor. Violent shooting pain in the soles of the feet and in the joints. Feet swell-painful to touch, particularly in the region of the 490 ankle. Walkingis difficult orimpossible. AccordingtoRadius and Clarus, protojodureturn mercurius is particularly useful in the syphilitic affections of females. Carr6 employs iodide of mercury with success, in swelling of the knee, abscess, orchitis, and dropsies of the joints. 495 In two cases of swellings of the knee from mechanical in4 jury, this remedy was successful, within six weeks, after moxas, blisterings-the usual mercurial salve, had been applied in vain. In the same way in orchitis, mercurial ointment was of no avail, whilst the iodide of mercury effected a cure. By 500 the same remedy, was cured, within three weeks, a very large goitre; also scrofulous ulcers. The same favorable results Shubert experienced from its internal and external use in herpetic diseases and obstinate swellings of the glands, &c.