DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN AND THEIR REMEDIES CLINICALLY ILLUSTRATED DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN AND) THEIR REMEDIES CLINICALLY ILLUSTRATED. BY J. COMPTON BURNETT, M.D., Auzthor of "Diseases of the Veins, more especially of Venosity, Varicocele, Hremozorrhoids, and Varicose Veins," " Valvular Disease of the Heart fromn a New Standhoint," Etc., Etc. " Les 6tats pathologiques des organes doivent &tre d'abord isolement etudies et ensuite simultan/ment considiris,.... car souvent on est forcd d'attaquer les organopathies cons/cutives sans pouvoir atteindre l'etat morbide primitif qui les cause." PIORRY. EN 6-L AND: LONDON: JAMES EPPS & CO., 170 PICCADILLY AND 48 THREADNEEDLE STREET. 1 8 8 7. PRINTED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. PREFACE. THE strength of a chain is equal to that of its weakest link, and similarly the value of a person's life may be equal to that of his weakest vital organ: here the particular organ is equal in importance to that of the entire organism. Even where the tissue state of the entire organism is everywhere equally bad, it may be a life-saving act to relieve the particular organ that first gives way, so that time may be gained to alter the entire crasis or the quality of the stroma. Death itself is often at the start in a particular organ, i.e., local, and if the part be saved in time life may be preserved. In the acute processes the value of a particular organ strikes one often very forcibly, there may be no need of any constitutional treatment; the one suffering part may be the vi Preface. whole case. And in many chronic cases certain organs claim, and must have, special attention. This is my standpoint in the following pages on DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. As Forget says, " Entre la nature mztdicatrice et la nature homicide, il n'y a souvent que l'epaisseur d'une aponevrose." I deem it necessary to guard myself against misapprehension in one or two particulars. In the first place, I understand by organ-remedy not a drug that is topically applied to a suffering organ for its physical or chemical effects, but a remedy that has an elective affinity for such organ, by reason of which it will find the organ itself through the blood. For instance, an astringent applied to a mucous surface to get rid of a catarrh is no organ-remedy in my meaning, it is no example of Rademacher's organopathy. Then I do not put forward organopathy as an idea of my own, or as something new, but as that of Hohenheim, and of his codoctrinaries, as resuscitated, extended, elaborated, and systematized by Rademacher, Preface. vii in the early part of this century. Honour to whom honour is due; poor Hohenheim has been maliciously befouled and meanly robbed long enough, and it is high time he should have the credit of his own genius, as well as of his own folly. The modern father of organopathy is Johann Gottfried Rademacher, who was born on the 4th of August I772, and died on the 9th of February I850. His great life-work bears this title: " RECHTFERTIGUNG der von den Gelehrten misskannten verstandesrechten ERFAHRUNGSHEILLEHRE der ALTEN SCHEIDEKUNSTIGEN GEHEIMAERZTE, und treue Mittheilung desErgebnisses einer 25-jahrigen Erprobung dieser Lehre am Krankenbette, von Johann Gottfried Rademacher." The preface to the Ist edition is dated ist April I84I. This is the work I so often refer to herein, and from which I translate the part on diseases of the spleen, though slightly condensed. Further, I do not regard organopathy as viii Preface. something outside homceopathy, but as being embraced by and included in it, though not identical or co-extensive with it. I would say - Organojathy is homtzopathy in the first degree. And, finally, I would emphasise the fact, that where the homceopathic simillimal agent covering the totality of the symptoms, and also the underlying ppathologic pr-ocess causing such symptomrs, can be found, there organopathy either has no raison d'`tre at all, or it is of only temporary service to ease an organ in distress. J. COMPTON BURNETT. 2 FINSBURY CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C. A ugust 6, 8 8 7. Some of t/Ze Litera/ure relating to Organoopa/zhy which I have consulted. I. "Der Biicher und Schriften des Edlen Hochgelehrten unnd Bewehrten Philosophi unnd Medici Philippi Theophrasti Bombast von Hohenheim Paracelsi genannt: jetzt auffs new auss den Originalien und Theophrasti eygener Handtschrifft so viel derselbigen zu bekommen gewesen auffs trewlichst und fleissigst an Tag gegeben: Durch Joannim Huserum Brisgoium, churfiirstlichen Cilnischen Raht und Medicum." In 2 vols. Franckfort, Anno MDCIII. 2. Numerous writings of the ParacelsistsCrollius, etc. 3. Rademacher's Work. 4. "Zeitschrift fuir Erfahrungsheilkunst." Von Dr A. Bernhardi und Dr F. Lbffler. 1847-48. x Lizeralure. 5. " De la ge'neralite et de l'unite' de la maladie." Par le Professeur Forget de Strasbourg. Reprint from L' Union Medicale, December 25, 27, 29, I8556. "De la Doctrine des Etats Organopathiques; de la nomenclature organopathologique." Par M. Piorry. Paris, I855. 7. "De L'Element Specificite en Therapeutique." Par le Professeur Forget. Paris, I858. 8. "De l'autonomie ou Independance de la Medecine. Ce qu'il faut entendre par Doctrine Holopathique." Par M. Marchal, de Calvi. Paris, I86o. 9. " Holo-iatrie et topo-iatrie. Discussion entre MM. Fleury et Marchal (de Calvi)." Paris, i86o. Io. " Discours sur Organicisme, le vitalisme et le psychisme." Par M. P. A. Piorry. Paris, I860. I. "Continuation de 1'histoire et de la critique du localicisme ou topo-iatrie." Par le Docteur Marchal, de Calvi. Pinel. Paris, i86I. Lilerature. xi I2. s" Die direkte Kunstheilung der Pneumonieen." Von Dr Carl Kissel. Eilenburg, I852. I3. 1" Handbuch der physiologischen Arzneiwirkungslehre." Von Dr Carl Kissel. Tiibingen, I856. 4. " Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie." Von Dr Carl Kissel. Erlangen, I863. I5. "Dreissig Jahre Praxis. Erfahrungen am Krankenbett und im iirztlichen Kabinet mitgetheilt von H. L. von Guttceit." 2 vols. Wien, 1873. ERRATA. Page 103, line 7, for "dripping" read "dropping.",, I04, line 9, for "Crollins" read " Crollius." 1, 104, line I5, for " Crollins " read " Crollius.",, 107, line I9, for "Vennua cardui" read " Semina Cardui. ",, IO8, line 2, for " Manxe semmia" read "Mariae semina." Diseases of the Spleen. FROM the time of Morgagni's De Sedibus etc., but more particularly with the introduction and generalization of physical and regional diagnosis by Auenbrugger, Laennec, Skoda, Piorry, and the mighty host of their disciples, practical medical men have been led to consider each organ by itself much more than ever before, and this often apart from medical doctrines. We may say the first half of this century thoroughly P, 2 Diseases of Ite Spleen established the absolute essentiality of regional diagnosis. This separatist practice has gone so far that the organism has not unfrequently been lost sight of altogether. Piorry in his Traile de Plessirmelrie et de' Organogray5hisme, etc. (I827 to 185I), very justly remarks: "Le pathonomisme n'a donc ete possible qu'a cause de la doctrine sur laquelle il est fonde." With the direct diagnostic delimitations of the various organs by palpation, percussion, and auscultation came the coining of the words organopathy, organogeny, organography, and such like terms, which, we must say, are both sensible and useful, though organopathy had with and ever since Hohenheim consti Clinically Illusiraled. 3 tuted the backbone of the medical practice of certain, in their days mostly heterodox, practitioners, and some of them great masters of healing. If it be asked, What is here meant by ORGANOPATHY? my reply is, that organopathy is the specific local action of drugs on particular parts or organs, as first systematized by Rademacher in the early part of this century. It is, thus, a very convenient term in therapeutics as well as in aetiology and pathology. In pathology the term organopathy has long been in general use, particularly on the Continent of Europe. The French understand by Organopalhie an organ disease, and as such it is an accepted term in pathology. 4 Diseases of the Spleen The same is true of Oisganleiden in the German language. All this by the way. In this little work, therefore, the word organopathy is used as a technical term of drug therapeutics, it was copied in this country some years ago from Rademacher, and from the Rademacherian writers of Germany, without a single word of acknowledgment. But the real father of organopathy in essence and substance is Hohenheim, an eminent and learned physician commonly called Paracelsus, for proof of which see his works, and hereafter in this little volume on Diseases of the Spleen, if space permits. Organopathy is included in the wider generalization known Clizically zllustraled. 5 as homceopathy; for whereas organopathy claims only that certain drugs affect certain parts curatively, preferentially, or specifically, as, for instance, digitalis the heart (therapeutic organopathy), homceopathy claims that not only does digitalis, e.g., affect the heart specifically (therapeutic organopathy), but to be curative the natural disease of the organ (nosological organopathy) must be like in expression to the therapeutic organopathy or drugaction. Homceopathy may be said to be based upon organopathy, for a drug to cure the heart of its disease specifically must necessarily affect the heart in some manner. But the homceopath specializes, and says 6 Diseases of the Spleen further: The drug that is to cure the heart must affect the heart, certainly-that is one of the foundations of our whole therapeutic edifice, but that is not enough; the nosological organopathy and the therapeutic organopathy must be and -are similar. And inasmuch as we can know disease only by its subjective and objective symptoms (its language), it follows that the two organopathies must be symptomatically alike, though possibly antipathic in their mode of action as against one another. My reason for considering Diseases of the Spleen from the organopathic standpoint lies not only in the fact that I already worked on the same subject ten years ago, but be Clinically IllustIrated. 7 cause I believe my experience in this field is somewhat unusual, and likely to be instructive to my readers; and incidentally I wish particularly to emphasize the fact that organopathy was a well-established system of medicine long years ago, and is no child of our time. No doubt it wants precisionizing and developing, and I trust this little volume will work a little in this direction; but for any man to come forward nowadays and pose as the discoverer of organopathy, in either name or substance, presupposes an amount of ignorance that makes one fairly stagger with amazement. I am not maintaining that treating an organ affection by an organ remedy, after the manner 8 Diseases of the Spleen of Hohenheim, Rademacher, and their respective co - doctrinaires, will stand as a medical system sufficient in itself, but that it is eminently workable, and is largely of the nature of elementary homceopathy, is, in fact, specificity of seat. Neither am I unmindful of the part played by the universalia in Hohenheimic medicine, or of the g-enius epidemicus morborum. I leave them here largely out of consideration, on the principle of doing one thing at a time. Finally, I am very far from supposing that in the vast majority of cases an organ disease exists primarily and permanently by itself independently of the organism; on the contrary, I know well from close Clinically Illustratecd. observation of nature that the part and the whole are commonly qualitatively the same. The organ which, to my mind, is the most systemic is the skin; * and, on the other hand, the spleen has clearly a very distinct life of its own, and its own sufferings may be, and are well pronounced. Whether any particular value is to be attached to the doctrine lately proclaimed by certain clear-seeing people that the spleen is the storehouse of vital energy I am unable to say; but I am much struck with the teaching of Rademacher, that a very large percentage of dropsies are curable by spleen remedies. I beg no one of my readers will * See my Diseases of the Skin from the Organismic Slandpoint. London, I886. Io Diseases of the Spleen confound what I here say with local treatment of disease. I am thinking and writing about self-elective specific treatment, not local treatment. The whole organism may suffer, or a part of it, and when such part or organ is wrong in its life and being, it generally speaks and lets its owner know, and that in its own way. The altered state of the organ sometimes produces a sense of tightness, or fulness, or pain in its own immediate vicinity; at other times, it expresses itself vicariously through another neighbouring or distant organ. First come first served is a good maxim, and is generally acted upon also in diagnostics. If a man coughs, his lungs Clinically zllustratecd. I are wrong; if he gets palpitation, his heart is at fault, always to the extent of being the seat of the symptom, though not necessarily its primary one, for the symptom COUGH, PALPITATION, may arise from the prompting of another organ or part either near or distant. In other words, an organ may speak out complainingly, either because it is wrong itself-organopathically; or it may be moved to express itself on behalf, or at the instigation, of another organ - synorganopatzically, or of the entire organismholopaliaically. Thus I desire to approach the subject of Diseases of the Spleen from the standpoint of organopatky. From the earliest childhood of I2 Diseases of th/e Spleen healing it has always been more or less known that, e.g., to cure a liver disease you will want a liver medicine, the organ suffering being the organopathy. But, as I have already said, we must ascribe to Hohenheim the honour of a real practical organopathy; * that is to say, that certain internal organs of the body seem at times to be afflicted by themselves primarily, as it were, on their own account organopalhically, whereby the very existence of the organism itself may be threatened, other organs or parts being, or not being, consecutively involved synorgano-.pathically,' and that there are in nature certain remedies that have " See Rademacher. Chizzzcally fllustrated. I3 a more or less pronounced elective affinity for these self-same organs or parts which, indeed, have long borne the name of organ remedies. But of this more further on. To Rademacher himself, as we have just seen, is due the formulation and actual clinical demonstration of this organopathy, for which see his work published some sixty odd years ago. Rademacher began to investigate organopathy in the year 1815, and practised organopathically with immense success for about thirty years and to the end of his life. Rademacher had a number of disciples who followed him in practising, developing, and defending organopathy. These disciples formed a school, and are known I4 Diseases of tIe Spleen in literature as Rademacheriansat least that is what I call themfor it were almost more in accordance with fact to say that literature has misunderstood or ignored them, though here and there a literary freebooter has " discovered" from their storehouse. For a time these disciples of Rademacher held together, and published a journal entitled Zez'tschrft f ir Erfahrungsheiikunst, which began in I847 at Eilenburg, being edited by Drs A. Bernhardi and F. L6ffler, and carrying as motto-" Medicina ars expverimentalis "-which is very old, very hackneyed, and still as true as ever! I do not know how many years it ran, but not many, for as soon as the Rademacherians Clinically Illustrated. 15 began to try to gain fixity for their indications they wandered off into the field of experimental pharmacology, but found it already occupied by-whom? by the homceopaths! and as in the case of so many wanderings, the wanderers never came back, but remained in the field of provings side by side with the followers of Hahnemann. Of course before Hahnemann's time no arrangement of drugs based on provings could be made. Hohenheim's organopathy, as interpreted by Rademacher, differs therefore somewhat from the organopathy of Rademacher's followers, inasmuch as these practically gave up the idea that remedies are per se friendly to the organs, and i6 Diseases of the Spleen brought into their organopathy the Hahnemannic proving of drugs on the healthy, and this being done, the organopaths (Rademacherians) and the homceopaths marched side by side, the former giving up their journal. Rademacher's work has been both ignored and criticised, but it remains classic for all time; I believe his direct art-cures of disease are unsurpassed, nay, never equalled, in the written history of medicine so far as the same is known to me. I sometimes regret that the disciples of Hahnemann and those of Rademacher became so closely assimilated, for it seems to me that drug provings are not everything, Clinically Illustrated. 17 and I cannot help thinking that had the Rademacherians kept by themselves, they would have taught us much of the higher physiology of the various organs that we still have to learn. And I am bound to say that some of the organ remedies of Rademacher possess a direct healing power over organ diseases that their provings in no way explain. Perhaps further knowledge will throw light on this; we must accept the fact, and wait for the explanation. In daily life we make certain acquaintances with our fellowbeings, and some of these pass out of sight for a time, or for ever. Months or years roll by, and we meet with some of them again, and c i8 Diseases of the Spleen as So-and-so is with us, we introduce our friend to him, remarking that we have known him ever since a certain memorable event. We find that with a physician diseases and drugs stand out as so many individual acquaintances along the path of his professional life; if he meet a congenial brother chip he will very soon run off the first subject of conversation and begin to "talk shop." Most people will join in a very hearty condemnation of " talking shop," but, nevertheless, the genuine man will not be long with you before you can form a pretty correct opinion of his walk in life. Let two medicoes meet for a little social chat, and you will not have to wait long for the sign of the Clinizcally Illustrated. I 9 leech. And why should it be otherwise? Do we really expect a plantloving botanist to prefer astronomy as a subject of conversation? Some time since I was casually sitting in a pretty garden with a gentleman. Left a few moments together we began to chat, and the gentleman asked if I could discern a bar across the attic window. No, was my reply. "I can," said he, and almost immediately he inquired whether I had been to the Academy. No, I had not. And then in a twinkling he exclaimed-" Oh, what lovely tints, just look at the shade of the plum-tree across, the path, and that green, I mean there just by the nut-tree." Need I say he is an artist? 20 Diseases of the Spleen I had not noticed any of the pretty things to which he called my attention, but I had seen a small issue-a tiny aperture in his skin covering his larynx. As a striking clinical acquaintance, there stands out in my professional path a remedy called Ceanolihus Americanus, which acquaintance has increased with years, till it and I have become fast friends, to the advantage of not a few. Through my clinical friend Ceanothus Amesricanus, I have perhaps paid much more attention to the spleen than I otherwise should, and it is of the spleen that I am about to discourse. As an introduction to " Diseases of the Spleen," I cannot do better Clinically Illustrated. 2 than reproduce a portion of what I wrote on the subject of this Ceanothus Americanus in I879.* ON Ceanothus Americanus IN ITS RELATIONS TO DISEASES OF TIHE SPLEEN. For several years I have been in the habit of using this drug in true Rademacherian fashion as an organ remedy. The perusal of Rademacher's Magnum Opus is one of the greatest literary treats that ever fell to my lot; based on Hohenheimian bizarries, avowedly and obviously merely an attempt at reducing his genial erratic Jretended mysticism to the concrete form of a Aionthly Homeoapath/c Review, March I879. 22 Dziseases of tie Spleen practice of medicine, by depolarizing it, if I may so speak, it is nevertheless the most genial and most original production it is possible to find in medical literature. It is the most bare-boned, lawless empiricism that one can conceive, and yet there are two leading ideas running through the entire work, and these are the genius epidemicus morborum and organopathy; and, considered from the pharmacological side, the other two ideas of universal (general) and particular medicines. For Paracelsus there were only three universal remedies, and so also for Rademacher and for their followers. Hahnemann has but three fundamental morbid states-psora, syphilis, and sycosis. ClGnically Ilusstrated. 23 Von Grauvogl has but three constitutions of the body-they might have all been working out the fatherlandish proverb, Aller gulen Dinge sind drei / The genius epidemicus morborum is beyond question a fact in nature, but it is dreadfully eel-like, hard to get a grip of. The same may be said of Hahnemann's tripartite pathology and of Grauvogl's three constitutional states. Rademacher's organopathy (that an otherwise able modern writer appropriates with child-like nazvete') is no more and no less than the homceopathic specificity of seat, with just a dash of a mystic psychic something in the several organs; if we set aside this little particular 24 Diseases of the Spleen soul for each organ, it is only local affinity, or elective affinity. And it is quite true in nature, and the mind that cannot, or will not, recognise it, is wanting in catholicity of perception; and inpractice will often go a mile when three paces would have reached the goal. Whatever else Cantharis may be, it is first and foremost a kidney medicine; whatever else Difgitalis may be, it is primarily a heart medicine; and let Belladonna be what it may, it is before all things an artery medicine, and just in this sense Ceanothus Americanus is a spleen medicine. The spleen constitutes a dark corner in the human economy, whether considered physiologically Clinically Illustrated. 25 or therapeutically.* I have heard it professorially very ably argued that the spleen is the principal manufactory of our blood corpuscles. I have heard that theory equally ably and professorially refuted, and in its stead the thesis set up that the spleen is, as it were, the ullimum refugium of the old and effete blood corpuscles, wherein they are broken up, and their debris sent off again into the circulating medium. A third argued that all this was veritable nonsense, as the spleen had nothing whatever to do with * "Qu'est-ce que la rate? Telle est la question, assez &trange, posee depuis trois mille ans dans la science, et dont, apres trois mille ans, la science a jusqu'a ce jour, vainement attendu la solution."-Bourgery. 26 Diseases of the Spleen either making leucocytes or breaking up their reddened descendants, that in fact the spleen had no other function than to act as a reservoir for the blood-being, indeed, a kind of living sac in the side, to swell or shrink according as the circulation required more or less of the circulating fluid. I fondle this latter theory myself, and like to call it mine; whose it really is I do not know. Perhaps some of my readers will be able to say what they think the spleen is good for beyond serving as the anatomical whereabouts of that enigmatical something that supposedly sends our dear fellow-countrymen in shoals off Clinically Illustrated. 27 London Bridge into the Thames on a rainy or foggy day-I mean, of course, le spleen! This great bugbear of our Gallic and Germanic brethren-as applied to ourselves bien en/endu! for they consider it essentially a morbus Anglicus, just as we like to think it is principally those naughty French who commit suicide-is really only another name for being "hipped," or suffering from an attack of hypochondriasis, and there cannot be any sound reason for refusing it a habitat under the left ribs, since so many have welcomed it under the right ones. My first and only literary acquaintance with Ceano/hus Americanus 28 Diseases of the Spleen is the very short empirical account of it in Hale's New Remedies, which I read some five or six years ago. Previously I had frequently felt a difficulty in treating a pain in the left side, having its seat, apparently, in the spleen. Myrtis communis has a pain in the left side, but that is high up under the clavicle; the pain that is a little lower is the property of Sumbul; still lower of Acidum fluoricum; a little further to the left of Acidum oxalicum;n, more to the right of Aurum; right under the left breast of Cimiczfiuga rac. These remedies promptly do their work when these left-sided pains are a part of the disease-picture, but they will not touch the pain that is Clinically Illustrated. 29 deep in behind the ribs of the left side; more superficially Bryonia has it; a little deeper than Bryonia, Pulsatilla nut/al will touch it; and so will 7uglans regia, which poor Clothar Miller proved as a student. But the real splenitic stitch requires China, Chelidoniumn, Berberis, Chininurn sulphuricum or Conium, or Ceanothus Americanus. Some years since I treated a lady for "violent vomiting, pain all up the left side, cough with expectoration, profuse perspiration, and fever." She was not a native of the place, but came only for a short visit, and took lodgings in a small house facing a meadow on the banks of the river; the locality was at one time a part of the port, but was many 30 Diseases of the Spleen years ago reclaimed. At my first visit she told me she often got inflammations on the chest with cough, and finding considerable fever, cough, pain in left side, and dulness on percussion of the same side, I quickly ticketed it pleuropneumonia sinistra, and gave Acidum oxalicum, which seemed to cover all the symptoms, and to correspond also to the supposed pathological state within. Oxalic aczid somewhat relieved the vomiting, but nothing more, and I then gave various remedies, such as Aconite, Bryonia, Phos., Ipec., and thus elapsed about three weeks, but patient remained as ill as ever. Then I went into the case with very great care, and examined my Clinically Illustrated. 3 I patient very thoroughly, and, see, there was inflammation of the spleen. I gave her Ceanoltus Americanus in a low dilution, and all the symptoms, subjective and objective, disappeared right off, and my previously ill -treated patient was sitting up in a week, and quite well in a few more days. I had never before met with splenitis in the acute form, and, indeed, it is a very rare disease in this country. Cases of chronic pains in the spleen occurred subsequently in my practice, and they rapidly yielded to Ceanothus, one of which I well remember; it is this:Chronic Splenills.-A young lady of about 26 consulted me for a chronic swelling in the left side under the 32 Diseases of the Spleen ribs, with considerable cutting pain in it. She stated that it was worse in cold damp weather, and she always felt chilly; the chilliness was so severe and long lasting that she had spent the greater part of her time during the previous winter sitting at the fireside, and now she was looking forward to the winter with perfect dread. In the summer she had felt nearly well, but the lump and the chilliness and pain nevertheless persisted, but it being warm, she did not heed it much, it being quite bearable. Ceanothus A mericanus quite cured her of all her symptoms, and subsequent observation proved its permanency. Often during the following winter she called my attention Clinically Illustrated. 33 to the fact that she was not chilly and felt well. Another case which I treated at a later date was that of a young man somewhat similarly suffering. Chronic Splenitis.-This young man had been sent to my dispensary, and was occupied in the postoffice in some light but ill -paid employment. His whole trouble consisted in severe pain in the left side in the region of the spleen, and he had long vainly sought relief of many, probably at dispensaries. He therefore put in an early appearance at my new dispensary to try the new doctor, probably on the well-known principle of the new broom. He had become quite lowspirited and began to fear he would D 34 Diseases of the Spleen become totally unfit for work, and naturally that was a very serious matter for a young married man. He told me he had formerly helped his wife in her household matters, doing the heavy rough work, but the pain in his side had now become so bad that he could not carry a bucket of water into the house or even sweep up their little yard, as handling the broom pained him so dreadfully. I was pressed for time, and prescribed Ceanothus Americanus in pilules of a low dilution, and promised to go into his case that day week, meaning to percuss the part and ascertain whether the spleen was enlarged. He returned that day week almost well, and the following week was quite well. At Clinically Illizs/raed. 3 5 my request he again reported himself some time afterwards, and he still continued well. I resolved to begin my next case with a physical examination. My next case was thisChronic.Hypertrophy of the Spleen. A middle-aged lady consulted me, shortly after the above case, for a severe pain in the left side and a large swelling in the same position. Remembering the last case, I said I must examine the side. She objected, so I declined to treat her; then she said she would think about it and consult with her husband on the subject. In a fortnight or so she returned (driven by the severe pain in the side), and I examined 36 Diseases of tze Spleen the side and found an enormous spleen occupying the entire left hypochondrium, and reaching inferiorly to about an inch above the crest of the ilium; it bulged towards the median line and ran off to an angle laterally. It was of long standing. Gave Ceanothus Amerzcanus in a low dilution. This lady being very intelligent I begged she would allow me to examine the side again after I had finished the treatment. She promised to comply. Fourteen days after this she came full of gratitude, and reported that the swelling was smaller and the pain considerably less. To continue the medicine. She Clinically I/lustrated. 3 7 never consulted me again, but as she was a near neighbour of mine I often saw her, and somewhat six months afterwards she called to pay my fee, and then informed me that she had soon got rid of the pain entirely and the swelling was much smaller, so she had discontinued the medicine altogether, and did not deem it needful to trouble me again. This is the usual thing. People will not be at the trouble of seeing the doctor as soon as they are better, they seem not to understand any interest one feels in the case. We can only make periodical reliable examinations of patients in a hospital; in private practice it is extremely difficult, as all practitioners know to 38 Diseases of the Spleen their chagrin. Still, fau/e de mieux, we must put up with these fragments. This patient has had no children, and had a very fresh complexion. My next case is also one of Chronic Hyperlrojhy of ihe Spleen, though only about half the size of the one just narrated. Subject: a poor woman of about 30 or 32 years of age, whom I was requested to see by a very kind-hearted benevolent lay minister well known in the neighbourhood. She is the mother of several children, very poor, ill-fed, and over-worked, but withal a good, respectable woman, and very clean. She had a considerable and very painful swelling Clinically Illustrated. 39 in the left side under the ribs, that had been there for some time, and latterly she could not get up on account of the severe pain. I carefully examined the tumour and satisfied myself that it was a very much swelled spleen, and the pain seemed to me to be due to its pressing against the ribs. I marked its size on the skin with ink, made her engage not to wash off the ink mark, and promised her I would call in a week, having first prescribed Ceanothus as in, the other cases. But the fates were against my laudable plan, for I received a message, the day before my next visit was due, to the effect that Mrs felt herself so much better that she was up at her housework, and begged me not 40 Diseases of the Spleen to call again, as she thought it unnecessary. Since then I have at times had cases of deep-seated pain in the left side to treat, and have mostly found it yield to Ceanothus, though not always. In one case in which it failed the pain was cured with Berberis vulgaris. In one case of jaundice, characterized by very severe pain in the left side, I gave Ceanothus, with very prompt relief of the pain only; Myrica cerifera then finished the icterus. Before giving the Ceanothus I had given Chelidonium mlajus. In one case of severe metrorrhagia, characterized by pain in the left hypochondrium, Ceanothus Clinically Illustraled. 41 gave instant relief to the pain, and checked the hzemorrhage. It failed me in a subsequent similar attack in the same person, when Conium was effective. Chronic Splenitis, Chills, and Leucorrhwa. - Some four years since, perhaps a little more, I treated a lady of about 55. She complained of rigors at frequent intervals, and pain in left side, both of long standing. The leucorrhcea had lasted some twenty years, and was profuse, thick, and yellow. She had been for years under the best allopathic physicians of her native city, and finally given up as beyond the reach of medical art, evidently on Moliere's principle that "Nul n'aura de I'esprit que 42 Diseases of the Spleen nous et nos amis." Nevertheless, the patient bethought her of homceopathy, and came under my care. Her last physician had finally suspected cerebro-spinal mischief, and hinted at incipient paralysis. The pain in the side was the most prominent and distressing symptom, and for this I prescribed Ceanolhus. In a month the pain was entirely cured, and also the leucorrhxa, while the cold feeling was very much diminished, but not quite cured. I have also never succeeded in quite curing it with any subsequent treatment. I watched the case for nearly four years, and am thus enabled to state that the pain in the side and the leucorrhcea never returned, Clinically Illustrated. 43 and the chilliness never again became very bad, but still she had it a little when I saw her last. I wrote the foregoing at the beginning of 1879, and since then have found a good many chronic cases of spleen affections, and those for the most part previously unrecognised. CASES OF ENLARGED SPLEEN MISTAKEN FOR HEART DISEASE. A few years ago I was attending some of the members of a family of position in London, and at my various visits I occasionally heard of an invalid daughter of the family suffering from a hopelessly incurable disease of the heart, for which she was said to be under a West 44 Diseases of the Spleenz End physician, who was thought to devote himself especially to diseases of the heart. The heart was said to be enormously enlarged, and patient had had to give up first dancing and then hurrying, and finally she was only allowed to walk very slowly and carefully, lest the hugely enlarged heart should rupture. Several physicians had examined the case, and all were agreed as to its cardiac nature. I had never seen the young lady, and took no particular interest in the frequent narrations of her heart troubles: they are common enough. Time went by, and the mother used to speak of her " poor invalid daughter" with increasing despondency, finishing up one day with Clinically zIllusraled 45 the remark that the unfortunate girl was no longer allowed even to walk, as the doctor considered even that now fraught with danger. " Is it'not sad?" said she. "Would you like to see her?" I declined, saying, I never cared about seeing other physicians' patients. More time elapsed, and finally I was requested to take the case in hand. I demurred at first, because such hopeless cases are as unsatisfactory as they are painful. At last I consented to take over the case, and I appointed a time to call and examine the patient. During all my professional life, I have rarely been more taken aback than I was after I had made my examination of the patient, for I 46 Diseases of the Spleen found the heart not only not enlarged, but of the two rather abnormally small, although apparently the cardiac dulness extended a foot down the left side. But this dulness on percussion was due to an enlarged spleen which pushed up the diaphragm and left lung by its bulk, till the heart and the spleen gave one continuous dull percussion note. Patient had many genuine symptoms of real heartdisease-dyspncea, palpitations, inability to lie on the left side, faintness-but these were due to the mechanical hindrance to the heart's action produced by the spleen bulking upward so much. That young lady I met three weeks ago looking blooming, and as agile as possible, and she has Clinically Muluzstrated. 47 done her share of dancing, tennis, etc., for some years. Ceano/hus Americanus cured the enlargement of the spleen for the most part, though it swelled again two or thrce times at some months' intervals, and FerriPhosph., Coniumn, Tihuja, Besrberis, and other splenics, came into play before patient was really well. Looking at the case now with the advantage of wider experience and more matured views of biopathology, and with the patient fully six years under my observation, I regard the affection as a primary disease of the leucocytes due to vaccinial infection, the spleen being disturbed secondarily, and then the heart mechanically. I am confirmed in this view 48 Diseases of the Spleen by the fact that the spleen would not leave off swelling up at certain times till I had cured the vaccinosis. That prince of splenics, Ceanothus Americanus, readily cured the splenic engorgement, but did not touch the blood disease which caused it. This is the inherent defect of organopathy, that it is not sufficiently radical in its inceptive action, but the like remark applies to every other pathy more or less, because the primordial cause is more or less elusive, and generally quite beyond positive science, which only admits of what it knows, and will not seek to encompass the unknown by the processes of thinking and reasoning. Because in former times philosophy made Clinically I/zustira/ed. 49 science impossible, the votaries of science now round upon philosophy, and sneer it out of view. To trace back proximate effects to remote causes is now ridiculed in medicine because mere science is productive of a gross-mindedness, incapable of following the fine threads of the higher perception. It was also about the same time that I was at the house of a patient in London, the wife of a general officer, and the conversation fell upon the general's heart affection, and also upon that of their charwoman. I learned that the lady of the house took a certain interest in her charwoman because she had seen better days, E 5o Diseases of Mte Spleen and had an invalid husband depending upon her labour more or less. This charwoman was, it was said, suffering from an incurable disease of the heart, causing her terrible distress; on rising in the morning she would have to fight for her breath, so that it would take her often three-quarters of an hour to get dressed, having to pause and rest, from the dyspncea and its effects. Nevertheless she persisted in thus getting up and dressing, and did as much charing as she could get. Her pride would not allow her to beg of her friends. Such was the story, and I really felt curious to see the charwoman, and promised to do what I could, though from the account given me by the Clinically Illustrated. 5i general's wife, I certainly thought it quite a hopeless case. Calling a few days later, I saw the lady and the charwoman, and having duly examined the latter, I promised to cure her! She was to come to my city rooms, and report herself every fortnight. On returning from the bedroom to the drawing room, the general's wife accused me of cruelty in thus raising the poor old woman's hopes "when," exclaimed she, "you must know it is impossible." I tried to explain that it was a case of enlarged spleen, and not heart disease at all, that the charwoman was suffering from, and that the palpitations and fightings for breath were the mechanical sequels of the splenic engorgement, but my 52 Diseases of the Spleen patient evidently did not believe it, for she wound up by saying, " As you will treat her for nothing, I hope you may succeed, and it is very kind of you, but you must know that the poor woman has been under various doctors, and all have declared it incurable heart disease, and I merely wanted you to tell me of something to relieve and ease the poor old thing." This was towards the middle of October I879. A careful physical examination showed that the heartsounds were normal, but there was much beating visible in the neck, and the heart's action was laboured. In the left hypochondrium there was a mass corresponding to the position of the spleen, and a dull Clinically Illustrated. 53 percussion note was elicited not only in the left hypochondrium, but also in the right, and all across the epigastrium, or pit of the stomach, from side to side. The following notes were put down at the time:- " Heart-sounds, normal; apex beat, exaggerated; splenetic dulness extending up to the left mamma; the whole region very tender, so much so that she cannot bear her clothes or any other pressure." The prescription was: CeanoIhus Americanus Ix 3ij., five drops in water three times a day. November I4.-Has been taking the Ceanothus five weeks today, and has taken altogether three bottles of it, viz., 3vj. It has nearly stopped the pain in the left side, 54 Diseases of the Spleen wzeich had lasted for quite twenlyfive years. This pain came on suddenly, especially if she drank anything cold. She would get an indescribable pain under the left ribs, and she would have to fight for breath, and the dyspncea would be so severe that it could be heard in the next room, frightening everybody. She had ague thirty years ago in Northamptonshire. Repeat. November 29.-Not much pain left; the cold feeling still there, but nothing as it was. Repeat. December 20. Has the pain in the left side, but very little; has not had any of those at/acks of fighting for breath', she can walk better, and the side is much smaller, which she knows from her dress. In her Clinically Illustrated. 55 own opinion she is less in the waist by two inches. Before taking the medicine, for very many years she was compelled to pause in the morning when dressing, and lie down on account of the beating of the heart, but this has all gone; on examining by palpation and percussion I find the dulness diminished by four inches in the perpendicular, and by about the same from side to side. However, there is still some tenderness on pressure, and the swelled spleen can still be felt towards the mesian line and inferiorly. She can now do her work (charing) very much better. 1~ Tc. Ceanoth/.-Am. I, four drops in water three times a day. January Io, I88o.-The pain is gone; has now no pain in walking, 56 Diseases of lie Spleen and she is a great deal stronger and better. The coldness in the pit of the stomach has gone. Repeat. February 7.-In the left hypochondrium there is now nothing abnormal; the old ague-cake has disappeared, there being no dull percussion note. Her own conception of the size of that portion of the enlarged spleen that used to stretch across the pit of the stomach to the liver is thus expressed by her:-" I used to say it was as big as a half-quartern loaf." Not only is the lump gone, but she is much stronger; she now wears stays again, and fastens her clothes with comfort. She again gets some cold feeling in the pit of the stomach, but not much. Her liver seems considerably en Clinically Illustrated. 57 larged, and there is still too much beating of the bloodvessels (veins) in the neck. In my opinion the condition of the bloodvessels calls for Ferrum 6, which I now prescribe, and when that has done its duty-as it surely will-the liver will call for attention. But what I wanted to bring out was the specific affinity of Ceanolhus Americanus for the spleen, and its consequent brilliant effects, as the simile only grounded on the homceopathic specificity of seat, which some say has no existence. This poor woman thus took Ceanothus during about four months in small appreciable doses: at first the Ix and then the I centesimal. The existence of the hypertrophy 58 Diseases of the Spleen was ascertained by percussion and palpation; and subsequently I ascertained by the same means that it had ceased to exist. Although patient took the drug for four months I could not find that it affected any other organ-liver, kidney, bowelsave and except the spleen. The dyspnoea and palpitation were cured certainly, but these arose, I submit, from the engorged condition of the spleen itself. As far as I could ascertain, the secretions and excretions were not affected in the least degree; the remedial action must therefore be considered specific. My conception of the cure is simply this, that the specific Ceanothus stimulus persistently applied restored the spleen Clinically Illustrated. 59 tissue to the normal. This homcceopathic specificity of seat suffices only in simple local disturbance; it is only a simile, not a simillimum. The latter would, I apprehend, have affected the liver also and the right heart, and I should then not have needed further detail treatment. This charwoman continued to attend at my rooms for some months, and CeanoIhus Americanus and other indicated remedies cured her of her "incurable heart disease;" and I saw no more of her for some time, when one day she was ushered into my consulting room. She came up to where I was sitting, told me she was perfectly well, could do any work with ease, and-then occurred one of the sweetest things of my 60 Diseases of the SpZeen whole professional life-the old lady (and what a lady!) put a tiny packet on my desk, tried to say something, burst into tears, and rushed out! I never saw her again, and have often since wished I had kept that particular sovereign and had it set in diamonds. SUPPOSED CONSUMPTION: CHRONICALLY ENLARGED SPLEEN. The case I am about to relate is not without practical interest. The subject is a fine young AngloIndian of about 2 or 22 years of age, who, a couple of years since, commenced preparing for the study of medicine in London. His father was my patient, and told me, as he left for the East, that one of Clinically Illustraterd. 6 i his boys, whom I had casually seen, was going to remain in London to study medicine as a profession, rather than as a hobby, as said father has done for many years. Two years elapsed, and then my patient returned from the East, and came to see me on his own account, and I incidentally inquired about the medical student. " Ah! he is better now, but he had to give up the study of medicine, as the professors said he was going into consumption. He had spitting of blood, and they sent him to America. He has returned, and is better; but I am still anxious about him, as his breath is very short. He looks very well." The young man came in due course, and a very careful percussion and 62 Diseases of the Spleen auscultation of the chest revealed nothing but a very large spleen filling up the left hypochondrium, and clearly impeding both lungs and heart in their action. I ordered Ceanothus Am. I in five drop doses. He took the drops for a month or so, and came again on the I6th February i887, telling me he breathed easily and comfortably, and demonstrated to me that he was inches smaller round the body, by showing me his waistcoat and trousers that were previously tight, but now uncomfortably loose, so much so that he laughed at their bagging. Evidently his pulmonary symptoms had never been phthisical at all, but were merely mechanical from the engorgement of the spleen. Clinically Illus/traed. 63 SPLENALGIA. A lady came to me complaining of the following series of symptoms Pain in the left side corresponding to the region of the spleen, so bad that she cannot lie on the left side; with this pain in the side there are two other disturbances, indicating that a kind of vascular turgescence - an orgasmus humorum - underlies the whole, viz., palpitation of the heart and piles. With these also some indigestion, and a feeling as if the visceral contents of the abdomen were being pulled down. W1 Tc. Ceanothi A4mericani 3x 3iv. Three drops in water three times a day. 64 Diseases of lhe Spleen She came from the country, so I did not see her again, but as I asked for a report in a fortnight, her husband wrote at the end of that period to say that she was well and needed no further attention. The case of this lady rather interested me, as some six years previously she came under my care for chronic headaches that seemed climacteric; I treated her for these headaches, but could not make any impression upon them, and then on going over the various organs I found that the urine contained a small quantity of albumen. This our ordinary remedies removed in about two months, and the headaches disappeared. About a year later the albuminuria again returned Clinically Illusstraled. 65 in a very slight degree, and with it some cephalalgia, both yielded at once to the same remedies, and she had remained well till she came with the splenalgia and haemorrhoids. I suspect, therefore, that the old albuminuria was not due to any kidney mischief, but to venous congestion of the kidneys. PAINFUL ENGORGEMENT OF SPLEEN, WITH VARICOSIS. Some cases of varicosis will not get well till you cure the spleen of its, perhaps slight, enlargement. Thus, a hale gentleman of 70 odd consulted me early in I887 for varicose veins, particularly below the knees. The veins on the surface of all four extremities get knotty F 66 Diseases of tIe Spleen and painful. There is a pain under the left ribs, which is worse when he has urinary urging. The splenalgia he has had these ten years. I prescribed Ceanothus I. It cured the splenalgia and painful vein-knots in a few weeks. He is now comfortable under left ribs for the first time for ten years. He is also not so short of breath. The stricture of the urethra of which he also suffers was not affected by the Ceanolth/s, and he remains under my care to see if the stricture will also yield to treatment. CHRONIC ENLARGEMENT OF SPLEEN, WITH HEAIT SYMPTOMS. An unmarried lady of 49 came to me in January I887 for a sup Clinically Illustrated. 67 posed affection of the heart. Being rather stout, she was thought to have a fatty heart. She complained of numbness and heaviness down the left arm for a considerable time, also of a pain under her left ribs at times ever since her childhood, and over which part she had had blisters and poultices from most of her many physicians, generally with relief for the time being. An'examination showed the heart to be normal, but disclosed an enlargement of the spleen. Patient has suffered from whites all her life. She took Ceanolhus Americanus I, five drops in water night and morning, for two months: I had ordered it for one month only, but she found herself so much better 68 Diseases of the Spleen from the medicine that she got a second bottle of it on her own account, and continued taking it for just two months, when she came to inform me that she felt quite well, and percussion showed that the spleen had returned to its normal size. The leucorrhcea was a trifle better, but not much, and for this affection she remained under treatment. The spleen engorgement had been cured by the spleen remedy, but the constitutional state had remained unaltered; but with this I am here not concerned. VOMITING-CHRONIC AND SEVERE HYPERTROPHY OF SPLEEN. On June I6, 188i, an unmarried lady, of 23 years of age, residing on Clinically Izlustirated. 69 high ground in London, came to me saying she suffered from chronic and severe vomiting, debility, and emaciation. The vomiting began about Midsummer i88o, at first once or twice a week, and it has been gradually getting worse, so that she now vomits generally about half an hour after every meal, though occasionally she will miss a meal and not vomit. She has lost I3 lbs. in weight since January last. Menses are getting scant. There is a very considerable area of dulness on percussion in the left hypochondrium, and when she is sick she feels pain under the left ribs. She often gets caught with a pain under left ribs; and, besides this left hypochondriac pain, she gets a clawing pain in the pit 70 Diseases of the Spleen of the stomach, not seemingly connected with it, and apt to last the whole of the day. Lifting her arms seems to pull her stomach, and hurt in the middle. Cannot wear stays, because their pressure hurts; she dons them, but is compelled to put them off every few hours. There is a clear space of about an inch between the area of dulness on percussion of liver and spleen respectively. She flushes at times. She is generally chilly, sitting by the fire when others do not, and she goes to sit by the kitchen fire when there is no fire anywhere else in the house. Cannot walk up stairs other than very slowly because of dyspncea. The vomit is sometimes nearly black, as if she Clinically Illustrated. 7i had been drinking coffee; at times it is watery, at others just the food. 1U Tc. Ceanokhus Am. I, 3iv. Five drops in water three times a day. She took no other remedy, and was discharged cured in about seven weeks. The patient had previously been under an able homceopathic practitioner, who had treated the case purely symptomatically, and thus failed, for the very sufficient reason, that the symptoms which he treated were secondary to the engorgement of the spleen, and so his remedies all failed. God forbid that I should say one disparaging word about symptomatic treatment as such, for we but too often have only the subjective symptoms to go by, but where an exhaustive physi 72 Diseases of the Spleen cal diagnosis is possible, it should always be made, and should stand in importance far before merely subjective symptoms, as these may be, and often are, consecutive and secondary, and consequently in this sense delusive. For, as in this case, it must be manifest that vomiting due to an enlarged spleen can never be cured by remedies that physiologically produce vomiting, but by such as will bring a large spleen back to the normal. ENLARGEMENT OF SPLEEN-AGUECAKE. In November i886 a poitrinaire lady of 29 came under my observation complaining of indigestion, Clinically Illustrated. 73 flatulence, and palpitation, with cough and considerable debility. The flatulence is worse in the evening. The right lung gives a dull percussion note almost all over the front aspect. There is an endocardial bruit, best heard at midsternum. The spleen fills the entire left hypochondrium, while in the right side the hepatic dulness runs up, seemingly almost to the nipple. There is slight increase of vocal resonance on the right side of thorax. The skin across the epigastrium is very brown. Had a cough ever since she had fever in Malta three years ago; also frontal neuralgia. Chezidonium I cured the swelling of the liver, and reduced the spleen a trifle. Ceanotzhus Ameri 74 Diseases of the Spleen canus I restored the spleen to the normal, but did not touch the neuralgia. Thuja occidentalis 30 cured the neuralgia, and I am now endeavouring to go deeper into the case to find out the etiologicx of her.constitution, which causes me to state that she is poilrinaire, the anatomic basis of which is a sodden, phlegmy, bronchial lining; but what is the etiologic moment thereof? This case also illustrates both the insufficiency of the organopathic conception and also its practical utility. QUASI-HEART DISEASE. A city gentleman between 30 and 40 came to see me on November 25, 1885, for heart disease, from Clinically Illustrated. 75 which he had suffered for fifteen years. He has been under quite a number of eminent physicians, tried changes to spas, and been for climatic benefits east, west, north, and south, at all times and seasons. Cruising about in a yacht does him most good. For the past several years he has been under Sirfor his heart. I find his heart rather small, its action irregular, an endocardial bruit most audible below and to the left of the left mammilla. He gets very chilly, and his fingers often go dead in the early morning: the socalled "poor circulation" so frequently accused. He is languid, anaemic, seemingly barely able to rise in the morning. Has been vac 76 Diseases of Ahe Spleen cinated three times, but only took very slightly the first time. The lungs are flat; the spleen notably enlarged. The most distressing symptom is his nocturnal palpitation. I$ Ceanothus Am. I. Five drops in water three times a day. After taking the Ceanothus thus for a fortnight, the cardiac and splenic dulness no longer ran into one another, and the palpitation and numbness were much better. Regarding the case causally. as partly from vaccinosis, I gave Thuia 30 infrequently, which did him so much good that he stayed away for a month. But a very ugly patch of eczema had come out in the rzght axilla / and he Clinically Illustrated. 77 subsequently got shingles on left thigh. The quasi-heart disease was gone, and has not returned, and the further course of the case presents no relevancy to my present thesis. Strange to say, the endocardial bruit had also quite disappeared. The foregoing being entirely chips from my own workshop, I think it would be well to give an example of what Rademacher's organopathy really is, by reproducing in rough and ready translation the bulk of his chapter on Diseases of the Spleen from his great life-work the Rechtferligung, already referred to. 78 Diseases of Ike Spleen RADEMACHER'S EXPERIENCE OF DIsEASES OF THE SPLEEN, BASED ON HOHENHEIM'S ORGANOPATHY. * Spleen Medicines. It is difficult to find good spleen remedies, because the spleen, as compared with the liver, is seldom painfully affected in its substance. When it pains, the pain is most commonly at the margin of the epigastric and left hypochondriac region rather than in the hypochondrium itself. But, alas! just at I Abbreviated from - RECHTFERTIGUNG der von den Gelehrten misskannten, VERSTANDESRECHTEN ERFAHRUNGSHEILLEHRE der alten scheidekiinstigen Geheimaerzte, etc., von Johann Gottfried Rademaczer. Erster Band. 4th Edition. Berlin, 8 5 1. Chizically I/lustrated. 79 this very spot liver affections also often express themselves, so this symptom is uncertain. The com. fortable lying on the left side, and the impossibility of lying without distress on the right side, certainly speaks for a spleen affection, provided always that the left lung be not affected. So it is very well to pay attention to this symptom, but it is an uncertain one. People whose spleen is much affected like to lie on their backs, just as do those who have the right lobe of the liver much enlarged, and neither can lie comfortably on their sides. When we further bear in mind that the spleen (so far as we know at present) is neither an excretory nor a secretory organ, 80 Diseases of the Spleen it follows that we cannot have any symptoms indicating a disturbance of such-like functions. When we further consider that the gall ducts are sometimes sympathetically affected in spleen complaints, with the urine discoloured as in gall affections-that, in fact, the mensirua dzgestionis in general are qualitatively altered; and that to fill the cup of difficulties to overfilling, abdominal plethora will simulate painful spleen disease; it is easy to see that the finding of good spleen medicines is, indeed, a very difficult affair. The states and symptoms that, during my medical career, I have known to arise more or less frequently from spleen affections are the following: Clinically Illustraled. 8 Pain in the stomach (often). Cough, and that oft, violent, and suffocative. Bellyache (at times). Chronic diarrhcea, and rather more frequently, Constipation. Asthma (seldom). Disturbed renal functions and their consequent dropsy. And with regard to such dropsies, in so far as they are not due to organismic affections, I ascribe, according to a rough calculation, about one-third to the spleen. In women the spleen affects the womb and the vagina, causing emansion, or excess of the flow, and leucorrhcea. [This I (Burnett) have myself observed very freG 82 Diseases of She Spleen quently, and also a very distinct sympathy between the male urethra and the spleen, which Rademacher does not appear to have noticed, since probably peccant urethrorrhceae were not very common in a place like Goch.] Not a few acute fevers of a secondary nature (Consensueller Art-synorganismie) and agues are the mere concomitants of spleen disease. When abdominal affections are prevalent, we at times meet with splenic fever. But in this one year differs from another. At one time, when liver affections were prevailing, I have not had to treat a single case of spleen fever in a whole year, and at other times, liver affections still prevailing, I Clinically I/lustrazed. 83 have had here and there an intercurrent case or two of spleen fever. Brain affections, such as mania and melancholia, eye diseases, such as diplopia, amblyopia, chronic inflammations, I have seen arise from the liver, but thus far not from the spleen. If I had ever witnessed an epidemic of spleen affections, I should know more about the organ. As it is, what I have to say about spleen medicines can only be imperfect. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Rademacher speaks of the difficulty of really diagnosing a primary spleen disorder, and then says:Continuous asthma, worse at night, is not a common complaint. It may 84 Diseases of the Spleen be, like the cough, of a synorganic (consensueller) nature, and depending upon a spleen affection. Not long since I witnessed an instructive case of the kind. A man who, in his youth, had had a moist eruption all over his body, which eruption was fruitlessly treated with medicines, but went away of itself in adult life, but left behind an ugly fish-skinlike epidermis, began to complain of tension in the left hypochondrium, becoming at times a little painful. He did not, however, consult me for this, but for shortness of breath. I soon ascertained that he had had the tension in the hypochondrium much longer than the asthma, and so thought he was suffering from a disease of the spleen, and which Clinically Zllustrated. 85 I thought the more likely, as he had never had the least the matter with his lungs. Well, I did not give this man Carcbo, but another remedy, and the complaint got visibly better. When it had reached a certain stage of improvement, he was hard hit by a then prevailing liver fever, which in his case implicated the chest. This chest affection, however, did not consist in the previous asthmatic attacks, but in pain in the side, with cough and bloody expectoration. He got well, but hardly was he able to be up all day when the old asthma came back worse than ever. Thinking the liver complaint might not be quite cured, I gave him a good hepatic, but the asthma remained. 86 Diseases of the Spleen Here I gave him the spleen remedy -the splenic-which had done him so much good before the acute affection came on. The man asked for it himself, but it did no good at all. Asthma and cough remained, and instead of picking up after his acute disease with good nights' rest, the asthma drove him every night out of bed. I now gave him Carbo, which soon altered the face of things. Cough and asthma lessened; the latter soon disappeared altogether, so that the man was able to make the hour and a half walk home to his friends, who had given him up. But not every case of asthma, due to the spleen, will yield to Carbo. Those stomach pains that, as they pass off, lose themselves in Clinically Il/ustra/ed. 87 the left hypochondrium, and which I put down to the spleen, I have at times cured with Carbo, more frequently, however, with other spleen remedies. Kidney affections, with dropsy, due to primary spleen disease, I have never tried to cure with Carbo, because I thus far have managed to cure them with other remedies, and I do not hold it to be right to try experiments from mere curiosity. SCILLA MARITIMA. In my youth I used Scilla, like so many other physicians, as a pectoral and diuretic. But finding it thus used so little helpful, I gave it up in contempt. During the last twenty years, in which I have taken 88 Diseases of the Spleen more interest in the affections of single organs, I came to recognise the necessity of finding out good and reliable remedies proper to the various organs, and as I had indeed such a very poor stock of spleen medicines, I read one day in an old Galenic author (I really don't remember now in which) that Scilla was a very good splenic. Dioscorides also reckons it to the spleen medicines, but he has put down so many drugs as organ remedies that one's whole life would not suffice to try half of them. All things considered, I thought the old Galenic's idea not a bad one, and from that time on I have used Scilla as a spleen remedy, and I have never given it up since. Clinically Mflustraled. 89 Although I may be in some doubt as to whether Carbo veg. really acts healingly upon a diseased spleen, I am, on the contrary, very sure about Scilla. I have found it quickly and surely helpful in such painful spleen diseases-affections painful and beyond any doubt in and of the spleen. In those dull pains on the border of the left hypochondriac and epigastric regions, there being no signs of any liver affection (a rather uncertain and negative sign), I have used Scila as a remedy with advantage. I have also used Scilla with very striking results in those socalled stomach pains that are made so much better by lying on the left side, and which in all probability 90 Diseases of tle Spleen depend upon a primary affection of the spleen. Finally, I have used it with good results in one case of continuous asthma from a spleen affection, with nocturnal exacerbation, and in which Carbo had been used in vain, but in this case the spleen engorgement was of such long standing that I hardly believe in its being radically cured. As to the dropsy that depends upon a diseased spleen, I no doubt gave it in former years in such also, for I daresay I gave squills to nearly all my dropsical patients; and that may account for my having found it so useful in dropsy, but I am not so very sure. But since I have had the habit of trying to find out in all Clinically Illustrated. 9I diseases the primarily affected organ (provided the to-be-cured disease be not a primary one of the whole economy) I have not used it, for the very sufficient reason that I have not needed it, but of which more anon. The preparation I prefer is the tincture I 5 to 30 drops, five times a day. In cases where it caused diarrheea in these doses, I have had to come down to 5 drops three times a day. AQUA VEL TINCT. GLANDIUM QUERCUS. I became acquainted with this remedy in a wonderful way. Many years ago (I do not remember the exact time) a working carpenter, 92 Diseases of the Spleen who had previously lived in Crefeld, came to seek my advice for his bellyache, which was of long standing. According to his own statement, he had long been under Sanitary Councillor Schneider in Crefeld, who was not able to help him, and so sent him to Professor GUnther in Duisberg. Ten journeys thither were likewise in vain. I tried my usual remedies for seemingly such cases, but to no good; and as I noticed he was a good cabinetmaker, and dabbled a bit in upholstery, I told him it would be a good plan if he were to hire himself out to a country squire as joiner, thinking that the food of the servants' hall would suit his sick stomach better than the beans, Clinically Illus;rated. 93 black bread, and potatoes of the master carpenter. The good fellow followed my advice, and lived with a squire for many years; and I heard nothing more about him. Finally, he married the parlourmaid, and settled here in this town as a joiner. One day when visiting his sick wife I remembered the old story of his bellyache, and wanted to know how it then was. "All right," said he, " I have not had it for years." It seems that a local surgeon, being one day at the squire's, told him to get some acorns, and scrape them With a knife, and then put the scrapings into brandy, and leave them to draw for a day, and then to drink a small glass of this spirit several 94 Diseases of the Spleen times a day. He did as he was advised, and was forthwith relieved, and very soon entirely freed from his old trouble. From what I knew of the surgeon, I was very sure he could not give me any intelligent reason for his prescription. I should only have heard that acorn scrapings in brandy were good for the bellyache, or, at the most, I may have ascertained from what doctor, or peasant, or old wife he had got the tip. But this would have done me but poor service; and as I had in the meantime become much more cunning, I questioned the joiner himself afresh as to the kind of his old pain, particularly as to the part of the belly where the pain was last felt Cnizically Izuls/rated. 95 when he had had a bad attack. He was in no doubt about it, but at once pointed to the part of the belly nearest the left hypochondrium. So I very shrewdly suspected that the abdominal pains were really owing to a primary affection of the spleen, in which notion I was strengthened by remembering that the best pain-killing hepatic and enteric remedies had done him no good. To get as soon as possible to the bottom of the thing, I set about preparing a tincture of acorns, and gave a teaspoonful five times a day in water to an old brandy drunkard, who was sick unto death, and of whom I knew that he had suffered from the spleen for a very long 96 Diseases of the Spleen time, the spleen being from time to time painful. He had likewise ascites, and his legs were dropsical as far as the knees. It occurred to me that if the acorn tincture were to act curatively on the spleen the consensual kidney affection and its dependent dropsy would mend. I soon saw that I had reckoned rightly. The urinary secretion was at once augmented, but the patient complained that each time after taking the medicine he felt a constriction of the chest. I ascribed this to the astringent matter of the acorns, and thinking the really curative principle thereof would most likely be volatile, I caused the tincture to be distilled. This acorn spirit caused no further constriction, Clinically Illustrated. 97 and the urinary secretion was still more markedly increased, the tension in the praecordia became less and less, and this hopelessly incurable drunkard got quite well, much to the surprise of all who knew him, and, honestly speaking, much to my own surprise also. Having thus put the spirit of acorns to such a severe test, and that in a case that I already knew so well, in which it was impossible to make a mistake as to the primary affection, I went further, and used it by degrees in all sorts of spleen affections, and that not only in painful ones, but in painless ones, in the evident ones, and in those of a more problematical kind. Gradually I became convinced that it is a H 98 Diseases of Mte Spleen remedy, the place of which no other can take. More particularly is it of great, nay, of inestimable value in spleen-dropsy. Later on, I found that the volatile curative principle of acorns may be still better extracted with water with the addition of alcohol. [The aqua glandium is thus prepared,-One pound of peeled and crushed acorns to the pound of destillate.] Perhaps water alone might extract the healing principle, but it would thus not keep, and so the cures would be uncertain, not to mention the fact that such-like decaying medicines are a great trouble to the chemists. The dose of the spirituous acornwater (the only preparation I have used of late years) is half a table Clinically Illustra/ed. 99 spoonful in water four times a day. It has not much taste; some would even say it has none, but the doubter may make a solution of alcohol and water in the same proportions, and he will soon find that it has quite a taste of its own. I must make mention of two of its peculiar effects. Certain few people feel, as soon as they have taken it, a peculiar sensation in the head, lasting hardly a minute or two, which they say is like being drunk. With a few people, particularly with those who have suffered from old spleen engorgements, diarrheea sets in after using it for two or three weeks that makes them feel better. It seldom lasts more than a day, and is not weakening, but moderate. I00 Diseases of tle Spleen Hence it is not needful either to stop the acorn water, or to lessen the dose. I could add many instructive cases of spleen-dropsies and other spleen affections, in which the volatile principle of acorns proved curative, but as I have so much more to say on other subjects, I dare not be too discursive on this one point; besides, what I have already said will suffice for common-sense physicians. Still I cannot forbear noticing a few bagatelles. For instance, I have found that the acute spleen fevers that occur intercurrently with epidemic liver fevers, are best cured with aquaglandium-at least that is my experience. Furthermore, I am of opinion Clinically Illustraledt. loI that the three splenics of which I have made mention are curative of three different morbid states of the spleen, and I know well from my own experience that acorns are indicated in the most common spleen affections; and, finally, I am not acquainted with any positive signs whereby those three separate morbid states of spleen can with certainty be differentiated from one another. There are other spleen remedies to which I must allow a curative action in diseases of the spleen, but I have not used them so often as those, because the morbid states of which they have been more particularly curative have not occurred so often to me. I02 Diseases of the Spleen Those I have tried are-Galiofsisgrandiflora, a celebrated spleen remedy of the old time, and not to be despised; and Rubza linctoria, which is also undoubtedly justly credited with being a splenic, but I have not used it often enough myself to be able to say anything satisfactory about it. BACCAE JUNIPERI. These berries are a good spleen medicine which I have often ordered for the poor, and sometimes with good effect. The berries must be crushed, and a handful left a long time to draw in four cupfuls of boiling water if you want to see any effect from them. I do not think it is the xetherial oil, but a non-volatile Clinically Ilzustrated. Io03 principle of the berries, that acts as a splenic. OLEUM SUCCINI NON RECTIFICATUM. This is a good spleen remedy. It must be given in small doses, and as people often make a mess of the dripping, it is best to give it in some other fluid. I order it in acorn water, and formerly in acorn spirit. To six ounces of acorn water I add half a scruple or a whole scruple of the oil. They do not mix chemically, but if the mixture be well shaken our object is attained; the patient does not get more into his stomach than we intend. The giving them together contains no virtue; at least I have no reason to think so. The Oleum Succini does Io4 Diseases of Mte Spleen good service in painful spleen affections wherewith there are convulsive attacks, such as the hysterical and hypochondriacal often have. Only once did I observe its smell cause hysterical convulsions in a woman, but that is a very rare exception to the rule. Oswald Crollins lays great stress on the importance of rectifying the oil of amber, but what he says therein is not true. The rectified oil is nothing like so serviceable as the unrectified. In general, Crollins is the most honourable and the most straightforward of all the jatro-chemists, but a man of but small understanding. Clinically Illustraled. I05 CONIUM MACULATUM. The late Professor GUnther, of Duisberg, used to give for chronic cough a powder composed of one grain of Conium and ten grains or a scruple of acorn mistletoe. He had once cured an old gentleman with it. A colleague of mine, an out-and-out sceptic, who had in vain patched away at the old gentleman, did not deny the cure, but ascribed it to chance, to the particular faith the patient had in GUnther, and not to the action of the powder. But I could in no wise agree with his opinion, for although I had at the time but very little (kxperience of Coniurn, still I knew Giinther was a sensible physician, who wrote i o6 Diseases of the Spleen simple prescriptions, and so must have understood the curative action of his medicines. I once met G'unther over a patient, about whom there was little to say, as he was evidently dying. In the course of our conversation, I begged him to tell me what he thought about Coniumn. He was willing, but, being interrupted by the anxious friends of the patient, I only gathered that he set great store by it. I had several times easily cured patients of his of liver coughs, and to whom he had in vain given Coniurm, as I saw from the prescriptions of his that they brought with them; from which I concluded that it was not a sure liver remedy. I had before fruitlessly used Conjiur in painful Clinically Illustrated. I07 spleen affections, and hence too hastily concluded, because I was still stupid, that it was not a spleen remedy. Now that I had become wiser, and understood that nature could produce different sorts of spleen affections, I began also to see that while Conium might be quite useless in one kind of spleen affections, it might nevertheless be remarkably - curative in another kind of spleen disease. Thus I once used it in a case of consensual cough arising from a primary spleen disease. This is hard to cure; all the lung medicines do no good. Of the belly medicines, the only one that would occasionally be of any service was the Vennua cardui. I now put Coniure to a very severe Io8 Ditseases of the Spleen test, that is to say, I gave it in cases in which the Cardui Mane semmia failed me, and lo! and behold! I saw the most beautiful and most astonishing curative action from it. Since then I have never given it up, and as I make no unreasonable demands upon it, it has never disappointed me. I stated earlier on that Giinther gave it in combination with oak mistletoe, but there is nothing in that; I have found it just as active with sugar of milk or sweetwood, as when triturated with oak mistletoe. MAGNESIA TARTARICA. My readers will not much care to learn how I became acquainted with this remedy. So I may just say Clinically Illustrated. I09 that I neither stole it from a brother brush, nor did one very kindly communicate it to me, neither did I find it in a book. Still it is manifestly a remedy with which a spleen affection may be ousted. I confess, however, that I knew nothing of it till four years ago, and, from want of opportunity, have not used it much. But as I have got rid of painful spleen disease with its aid, and that such as would not obey other remedies, I am bound to conclude that there must be a spleen affection in nature which is peculiarly subject to the healing power of this remedy. It does not follow that because this particular disease has come comparatively seldom under my observation that this IIO Diseases of the Spleen will necessarily be the case in the future. I have not yet given this remedy in those spleen diseases that are evidenced by consecutive cough or dropsy, for the very good reason that other and twice better known remedies sufficed. I never try experiments with new remedies until the old ones leave me in the lurch. The average dose of the remedy is one scruple four or five times a day. In this dose it has no laxative action. Should one, however, meet with very sensitive bowels, whose movements are increased by this dose, less must be given, for I have observed that the laxative action does not hasten the healing. Rademacher also favourably men Clinically llus/rated. I I I tions Cicuta and Acidum pyrolignosumn as topic splenics. There is not much to be learned in any English works that I have read on spleen medicines. I, personally, know nothing ofLUFFA ECHINATA. Moore (Diseases of India, 2nd edition, p. 527) narrates that Dr Dickinson (Bengal Service) had some years ago recommended the Bindaal Rerula, or Luffa echinala, an indigenous plant of the N. O. Cucurbitacese, as a remedy in spleen disease, and says that he himself had used it in dispensary practice with apparently good results. I may now refer to a little of my I I2 Diseases of the Spleen own clinical experience with Rademacher's spleen remedies, and particularly as to the Oleum Succinalum non rectiftcatunm, which has rendered me brilliant service, as my readers will see. CHRONIC ENLARGEMENT OF THE SPLEEN, WITH HEMIHYPERAESTHESIA, CEPHALALGIA, DYSPNCEA, ORTHOPNCEA, CONVULSIONS. A more remarkable case of its kind I never observed. Subject: A young lady towards the end of her teens, of good family, and at a finishing school in London. Had been treated at home for hysteria of a severe type both homceopathically and hydropathically, the Clinically Illustrated. I 13 latter consisting of the cold douche when a convulsive attack was on. The cold douche was only once applied, and nearly killed the patient. Many months after it was applied, when the patient was in a state of what seemed to be approaching death from exhaustion with violent delirium, she literally yelled at what she imagined was some one approaching the bed to throw water on her. It would fill a little book to give a complete history of her case; so I will summarize it as briefly as may be. At first, and for a year or two, I treated her for attacks. Said "attacks" I had never seen, but I put them down as a form of epileptoid seizure, though it was disI II4 Diseases of ihe Spleen tinctly stated that the convulsions were mostly left-sided. Sometimes violent palpitation of the heart was essentially the attack; at other times dyspncea, orthopncea; and always a pain in the left side under the ribs, going up and down; and patient, no matter how violent the convulsive attacks, was never quite unconscious. I was not able to see an attack, and could never get a really clear description of them. " Dreadful fighting for breath" coming on in attacks, with pain in the left side, was the essence of all the descriptions given to me. I treated the case, but without doing any real good, and finally she was seized with an attack so violent that the parents telegraphed from Clinically Illustrated. Ir5 the country to me to know what to do, and I felt it too serious a case to be treated by me at a distance, and so I wired back that I resigned the case to their family physician, himself an eminent homceopathic practitioner, who also had formerly tried his hand at the case, but in vain. Many months elapsed, and I heard only indirectly about the case; and then the friends, in sheer despair and disgust at the obstinacy of the attacks of what their family physician said was a severe form of hysteria that would not go away for good, but ever and anon came like a domestic explosion, creating unrest and tension, brought her to reside near me in the neighbourhood of I I6 Diseases of the S5leen London, and this was at the beginning of the winter of 1886-87. The attacks soon came, and I had the opportunity of observing them. On entering the room I thought I heard steam coming out in short, sharp " whists" from a kettle-spout, but I found it was patient's expiratory efforts. The dyspncea was very great, and the convulsions most violent, being always confined to one side-the left but varying as to position on the trunk, being at times in the nape, then on a level with the nipple, then in the lumbar region, sometimes so bad that the body would be bent like a hoop, and the movements very often sent patient flying either against the bedstead, over on to the next Clinically illustraled. I I 7 bed, or on to the floor; and hence we had to pad all hard objects. Some of the convulsive contortions were awful to behold, and most of her friends devoutly hoped and prayed that she might die. For some weeks I was the only one who believed recovery possible, so long, so violent, and so exhausting were the convulsive attacks. Myself, I only lost heart once, and that was after a series of attacks of convulsions lasting for hours, and leaving only short intervals. Her friends several times fetched me in the night, believing patient to be dying. The thing went on for months, and I was able to get slowly at some constant characteristics. II8 Diseases of the Spleen I. When out of the attacks patient was comparatively well in herself, and looked well, only as time went on, and the attacks lasted for hours with great violence (relays of two, and sometimes three persons being required to hold her down), she became very weak from exhaustion. 2. The appetite was poor, the tongue coated, the bowels obstinately confined. 3. The left side of the body (trunk) was so tender that she could not bear the least pressure. Touching it gently with one finger even made her wince. 4. The spleen was considerably enlarged, and the whole region excessively tender. Clinically Zllustrated. I 19 5. She had a constant fixed pain in the left half of skull, worst about midway between ear and the sagittal suture, and she usually held her head in left palm. 6. Warmth was agreeable, and cold aggravated very distinctly, and particularly frost and snow; violent attacks always came on whenever it froze. "Thunder has always tried me." 7. There was pronounced periodicity, sometimes irregular, but also at times and for weeks together as regular as a clock, there being two, three, or four attacks in twenty-four hours. I could not agree that the case was one of hysteria, as the family physician thought. In the very early part of the treatment I treated 120 Diseases of the Spleen her for epilepsy, but did her no good. Then, in view of the enlarged spleen, I gave Ceano/tus Am. and other spleen remedies, but in vain. She was at times feverish, and had Aconitum; very flushed in the face, and I ordered at first Belladonna, and then Lachesis, but in vain. PhospSorus, Gelsemium, Zincum, Cuprum, Ignatia, Nux, Puls., and many such, were equally useless. Aranea diadema, Cicuta, were no better. Sulphur and Plumbum did a little temporary good, and we thought Cup rum and Acid. hydrocyanic eased the convulsions a little, and also Mikania guaco. Essentially they did no real good. Clinically Illustraed. 1 2 1 The fixed, constant, and often severe pain in the left side of the head at last compelled me to assume the presence of a tumour in the brain, perhaps of a vascular nature. Silicea and a number of other remedies were given on this hypothesis, but the patient seemed practically uninfluenced by them. Heretofore I had treated the case from the particular standpoint,- as well as from that of the entire organism, and had failed, so I thought over the case afresh, and came to the conclusion that Rademacher's account of the action of Oleum Succini made that drug appear a likely remedy. I therefore prescribed the non-rectified oil in fivedrop doses three times a day. That 122 Diseases of the Spleen was early in March.... In forty-eight hours the convulsive attacks ceased, and in three weeks the hemihyperaesthesia. The pain in the head in fact, the whole series of morbid phenomena-slowly disappeared. So I am now disposed to regard the case as a primary disease of the spleen from the very beginning, the convulsions and head pain being consecutive thereto. This is the kind of cure one meets with in Rademacher, and which gave the tone to his life and practice. When I say kind of cure, I mean an obviously bad case of disease not mending of itself, and cured straight off - generally jugulated. Evidently, too, Hohenheim used his Clinically Illustrated. 123 organ-remedies, so that he effected striking cures; any wonder that he became overbearing and arrogant? After taking the Oleum Suc. for six weeks, I very carefully percussed and palpated the left hypochondrium, which was no longer tender, and the enlargement of the spleen had quite disappeared, though patient said the side was at times tender still, and the pain in the head still persisted a very little. No convulsion since the second day of taking the 01. Succini. LEUCOCYTHAEMIA SPLENICA. There is nothing quite certain about this disease-form, except that scholastic medicine defends it as a I24 Diseases of tMe Spleen distinct morbid species, and thendeclares it to be incurable. A consideration of it in brief will not be out of place in a treatise on Diseases of the Spleen. That there are cases answering to the ordinary description of splenic leucocythaxmia is quite certain; several such cases have come under my observation, two of which are now under my care and are getting better-incurability notwithstanding. Splenic leucocythxemia has been defined as hypertrophy of the spleen, with an alteration of the blood consisting in a considerable augmentation of the number of the white corpuscles. Virchow called this disease Leukaimie (from XevK0v, white, &a4Aa, blood), because of the altera Clinically Illustrated. 125 tion in the blood. Now that the white blood corpuscles are often called leucocytes (XevK,5, white, KUVTO9, cells), Bennett's name of leucocythaemia (splenica) is likely to carry the day as against Virchow's leukaimie, though, perhaps, not in Germany. The disease is variously called a cachexia, a diathesis. The first case recorded is that of Dr Craigie (184 I), and then Hughes Bennett and Virchow run neck and neck in their claims for priority; and, I think, to Bennett belongs the honour. The year i845 may be accepted as the year of the recognition of the new disease; and for years medical literature gave it a front place, but of late one sees but a very occa 126 Diseases of the Spleen sional note on the subject. Whether leucocythxamia splenica is essentially different from other varieties of leucocytosis remains to be investigated; and whether common anzemia and it are degrees of the same is also very much an open question. Perhaps future progress in our knowledge of hzematology may show us as very numerous diseases, the one anemzia, that "calls for iron." For I apprehend that if the spleen be the breeding-place of some of the leucocytes, and the lymphatic glands and the bone-marrow the breedingplaces of other leucocytes, we shall necessarily have three varieties of anaemia, namely, the splenic, the lymphatic, and the medullarycausally, perhaps very different. Clznically Izllustraled. I27 Then the spleen is said to be the place where some of the red blood corpuscles are broken up and destroyed. If this be true, then there must in all probability be two distinct forms of leucocythaemia splenica-the one due to formative lack, and the other due to undue splenic destructiveness. The probability of the truth of this speculative theory is greatly enhanced by the absolute uselessness of the ferric medication in some cases of anaemia; whereas in others the striking, nay, almost startling, curative results following the same treatment surely characterize it as different. Clearly, the anaemia which yields to iron must be very different 128 Diseases of the Spleein from that which does not yield to it. I have found Oleum Succini non rectz/fcalum, Sfpiritus glandium Quercus, Thuja 30, M/Ianigan acel. i, and Natruim sul. of positively curative effect in leucocythzemia splenica. Beyond any question there is a form of leucocytosis that is surely and rapidly cured by iron, a remedy which the Paracelsists considered universal, i.e., affecting that which is common to the whole economy (the microcosm), and not having any particular affinity for any one of the organs of the body above another. It follows, therefore, that from Hohenheim's standpoint iron would be no remedy for Clinically Illustrated. I29 leucocythaemia splenica unless the disease was one of the entire organism (or its blood), and, indeed, iron is no remedy in leucocythaemia splenica; and I regard the therapeutic uselessness of iron in a bad form of anaemia as a first step to the diagnostic differentiation of the kind of leucocytosis one is dealing with. Nevertheless, good authorities claim that iron will reduce the spleen, but this may be by reason of its unquestioned action on the blood. I have found it of considerable therapeutic advantage to regard leucocythxamia as being causally connected (often remotely) with vaccinosis and gonorrhcea-to me a great clinical fact, but on which K I30 Diseases of t/e Spleen. I have here nothing further to say. And, indeed, cui bono? The world that would not listen to Autenrieth, Hahnemann, Grauvogl, Wolff, H. Goullon, and others, would also not listen to me. Well, we can wait; and since the spleen, on which I have been here already too discursive, is the organon risus of the ancients, I must keep my own functionally intact, and hence will close with their old distichCor sentit, pulmo loquitur, fel continet iras, Splen ridere facit, cogit amare jecur. PRINTED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. WORKS BY DR BURNETT, Second Edition, Foolscap 8vo, Cloth. 2s. 6d. THE MEDICINAL TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE VEINS, MIORE ESPECIALLY OF VARICOCELE, HEMORRHOIDS, AND VARICOSE VEINS. "Dr Burnett shows that by judicious, local, medicinal, and hygienic treatment the worst cases may be really cured; that the sufferer may be restored to health without having any tissue removed by the knife or the cautery." "The principles he enunciates are sound beyond cavil. That they can be successfully carried out in practice is proved by the very striking cases he records.... The two cases related on pages 83-99 are among the trophies of medicine. Nothing short of indomitable pluck and confidence could have saved these cases from the knife of the surgeon-and the knife of the surgeon would never have restored health as completely as did Dr Burnett's' homceopathic, postural, and dietetic treatment. " —The Monthly Honzieopathic Review. " This is another of the pretty looking and pleasantly reading books which Dr Burnett has so freely bestowed upon us during the last few years. Less original than his'Natrum Muriaticum,' and less exhaustive than his'Gold,' it has more solidity than his'Cataract,' and is really an excellent contribution to practical medicine. It is one of the books which inspire fresh confidence in the healing art."-The British Journal of Homweopathy. Foolscap 8Co, Cloth, pp. 160. Price 3s. 6d. Gold as a Remedy in Disease, 1votably in some forms of ORGANVIC IHEART DISEASE, Angina Pectoris, Melancho7y, Tediltm Vitce, Scrofula, etc., and as an Antidote to the III Efects of Mercury. "Dr Burnett gives a most interesting and full history of the literature of gold, showing how it was known from the very earliest days of medicine, and was valued by the Arabian physicians for diseases, to which our knowledge of the pathogenesis shows it to be homceopathic. They had, even in those days, discovered the value of gold in melancholy, in shortness of breathing, and in skin disease.... We heartily commend the work as one well worth perusal, and one without which we cannot have a full conception of the action and value of gold as a remedy."-The Monthly Ilomeeopathic Review. 18mo, Cloth, pp. 82. Price is. Valvular Disease of the Heart, FROM A NEW STANDPOINT.