HOM(IEOPATllIC TREATMENT Of INTER-MITTENT FEVERS. BY JI S. DOUGLAS, A.M., M.D., MILWAUKIE.4 2NewoYaot * WILLIAM RADDE, 822 BROADWAY. PHILADELPHIA: IIADEmACHER & Srnx,; 289 ABCH-8. BOSTON:a. OTIS CLAPP, 12 SCHOOL ST~REE. ST. Louis: J. G. WimsUimoWP. 1 858. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by WILLIAM RADDE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. ANGELL, ENGEL & HEWITT, Printers, 12 Frankfort-st., N. Y. PREFACE. A BRIEF statement of the reasons which have induced the publication of the following work may be deemed necessary: There is no disease, perhaps, in the treatment of which the young practitioner has so much need of a pocket monograph at the bed-side as Intermittent Fever. The excellent work of Boenninghausen, at the time of its publication, supplied the desideratum, except that its form was inconvenient as a pocket book; but, since its publication, a large number of new and most important remedies have been added to the Materia Medica. The multiplied applications of such indispensable remedies as Chininum sulph., Cimex lee., Cinchoninum sulph., Crotalus, Eupatorium perf., Elaterium, Ferrum acet., Gummi gut., Laurocerasus, Lobelia infl., Podophyllum pelt., Rhus rad., &c., are not found in that work. The writer of this first supplied these iv PREFACE. deficiencies in Boenninghausen's work with a pen for his own convenience. But this required so many interlineations on almost every page, with so many written leaves pasted in, that it was obscure and inconvenient. An intimate study of that work, and a familiarity with the various forms of Intermittent Fevers in the West, convinced him that, besides the numerous necessary additions, considerable improvement might be made in the arrangement of the work, so as to render it more simple, and thus facilitate the investigation of individual cases. With the deficiencies supplied, and the plan simplified, it will be, as Boenninghausen's work once was, a useful book for daily reference to the young physician, and valuable to those families at a distance from a homoeopathic physician in the country, who are obliged to depend upon their own resources. J. S. DOUGLAS. INTRODUCTION. A FEW general remarks, in addition to the particulars contained in the following work, may be of service to the young practitioner. Few, if any, diseases require a more careful study, in order to treat each individual case successfully, than Intermittent Fever. There are so many elements in the different stages of the paroxysm, and in the apyrexia, that each case constitutes a considerable study of itself. The symptoms which are generally to be considered of most importance, are, perhaps, those which occur during the paroxysm; and of these the character of the chills, heat and thirst, claim precedence; then the sweat and other concomitant symptoms, and those of the apyrexia. But in cases in which the apyrexial period is marked by coated tongue, bilious symptoms, loss of appetite, and general feeling 1* vi INTRODUCTION. of illness, the symptoms of the apyrexia are more important than those of the paroxysm, and the remedy should be chosen chiefly in reference to these. No disease is perhaps more efficient in arousing latent psora in the system than Intermittent Fever; and where well-selected remedies fail to effect a cure, it may be attributed to this cause, and the appropriate anti-psorics administered. In cases where the disease has been prolonged by the injudicious use of the Peruvian Bark, Quinine in any of its mixtures, as Cholagogue, &c., reference should be had to this fact in the choice of a remedy. The most prominent among these remedies will be Arn., Ars., Bell., Cale., Eupat., Ferrum, Ipec., Lach., Staph., Sulph., Verat. Some high authorities recommend commencing the treatment of many cases of the Intermittents with a few doses of Ipec., to be followed by Nux or other appropriate remedies. This practice is quite prevalent in the West. Not a few experienced practitioners commence the treatment of almost every case with Ipec., and assert, that in a great proportion of cases no other remedy INTRODUCTION. vii, is found necessary. I believe nearly all agree that it puts the system in a better condition for the action of other remedies. When should the remedies be given? Hartmann says, immediately after the paroxysm,. and repeated "before its next invasion. Others repeat every three, four, or six hours during the whole apyrexia, and others still continue them, without interruption, during the paroxysm also. My own more general practice, when giving such articles as Ars., Chin., &c., has been to give them every three to six hours, according to the length of the apyrexia, and only during the apyrexia, giving a dose of Acon. at or before the commencement of the paroxysms. On the other hand, when- I have been giving Bry., Bell., Lach., Nux, Puls., &c., I have continued them through both the paroxysm and apyrexia. But my own experience does not enable me to decide in favor of either of these methods to the exclusion of the others, Are high or low attenuations best adapted to Intermittents? Here, again, there is not a unanimity of opinion among practitioners. Some that we know seldom give attenuations lower viii VI11 INTRODUCTION. than from the one-hundredth to onethousandth or even two-thousandth, with a success satisfactory to themselves. Others believe that the lower attenuations and pretty large doses are peculiarly appropriate in this disease, the medicine being given in the apyrexia when the system is comparatively free from diseased action, and therefore less susceptible to medicinal influence than in an active state of disease. We have usually employed from the twelfth to the thirtieth. In some cases of high susceptibility and a good deal of disorder during the apyrexia, we believe the higher may be preferable. On the other hand, in unsusceptible habits and with nearly a feeling of health during the apyrexia, we believe the low attenuations, even the 1st, 2d, or 3d, and in considerable doses, will be often found the most efficacious. We illustrate, by an example, the manner in which this work is to be used, in any particular case. The following case I did not see, but the symptoms were thus reported from the country. The paroxysms had been several times arrested by Quinine, but soon returned. There is thirst several hours before INTRODUCTION. ix the chill, which comes on in the morning, and is accompanied with severe shaking, pain of the head and limbs, continued thirst. About the termination of the chill there is nausea and bilious vomiting. The hot stage, which continues from 6 to 8 hours, is attended with dry, burning heat, continued pain of head and limbs, restlessness, but somewhat diminished thirst. Sweat slight during the apyrexia, he complains of pain in the limbs. By turning to Chap. 1, there will be found a long catalogue of remedies corresponding to the chill and heat in this case. There being no peculiarity of the sweat, Chap. 2 need not be consulted. By turning to Chap. 3, there will be found, of this long catalogue, only the following corresponding to the thirst before and during the chill, viz.: Am., Caps., Chin., Eupat., Lob., Nux, Puls. Turning now to Chap. 4, it will be found, that of these, only the following correspond to the pain of the head, back and limbs during the chill, viz.: Caps., Eupat. Of these only Eupat. corresponds to the vomiting of bile during the paroxysm. Looking at Chap. 5, we find this to agree also with the time and type. X INTRODUCTION. And lastly, consulting Chap. 6, article Eupatorium, we shall find this to agree in all the important features to the case in hand, and no doubt can remain that this is the remedy in this particular case. By following this method in each case, the selection of the remedy becomes alnmst a mathematical process. He who thus individualises each case the most minutely, and selects the remedy accordingly, will be the most successful. HOM(EOPATHIC TREATMENT OF INTERMITTENT FEVERS.* CHAPTER I. CHARACTER OF THE THREE STAGES OF THE PAROXYSM. General chilliness. Alum. anac. ant-tart. aranea, arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. canth. carbo, caust. china, chin-sulph. cina, cinch-sul. cimex, coc. cof. cycl. daph. digit. dros. eupat. graph. hell. hep. hyos. ig. ipec. kal. lauroc. lob. led. lye. magsulph. men. merc. am-mur. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. pod. puls. ran. rat. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spig. spong. stan. staph. stram. sulph. tarax. thuja, valer. verat. * NOTE.-The abbreviated names of the remedies used in this article, will be found in full, Chap. VI., the abbreviations being placed at the top of the page. 12 THE THREE STAGES General chilliness, withpartial heat. Acon. anac. bell. cal. cham. chin. cina, digit. fer. hell. ig. kali, lach. lye. petr. ran. rhustox. rhus-rad. thuja. Eixternal chilliness. Ars. bell. cale. china, chin. sul. ig. nux-v. rhus-tox. Internal chilliness. Ars. calc. caust. china, chin-sul. daph. eupat. hell. ig. ipec. kali, lach. lye. mere. phos. plumb. sil. thuja. Partial chilliness. Bry. caps. caust. chin. graph. hell. hep. ig. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sabina, samb. spig. spong. thuja. General heat. Acon. anac. ant-tart. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. carbo-v. caust. cham. china, chin-sul. cimex, cina, cinchsul. cof. con. cycl. crot. digit. dros. eupat. grap. hell. hep. hyos. ig. ipec. kali, led. lobel. lye. meny. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. pod. puls. rhus-tox. rhus-rad. sabad. sabin. samb. sil. spig. spong. stan. staph. stram. sulph. valer. verat. General heat, with partial chills. Bry. chin. ig. petr. rhus-rad. samb. spong. thuja. General heat, with partial sweat. Alum. ant-tart. chin. cinex, eup. puls. sep. External heat. Anacard. ars. con. eupat. ig. mere. phos. plumb. rhus-tox, sil. thuja. Internal heat. Aeon. anac. ars. cale. OF THE PAROXYSM. 13 carbo-v. con. hell. kali, nux-v. phos. phosac. puls. sab. stan. sulph. verat. Partial heat. Acon. anac. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cycl. digit. dros. fer. graph. hell. ig. ip. kali, lye. men. nit-ac. petr. phos-ac. ran. rhus-tox, sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. thuja. General sweat. Anac. ars. bell. bry. caps. carbo-v. caust. cham. china, chin-sul. cimex, cina, cof. con. dig. dros. fer. graph. elat. hell. hep. hyos. ig. ip. kali, ledum, lobel. lye. mere. natr-m. nit-ac. nux-v. op. phos. plumb. pod. puls. rat. rhus-tox. sabad. sabin. samb. sep. sil. spong. stram. stan. staph. sulph. thuja, verat. General sweat with partial chills. Petrol. Partial sweat. Bry. caps. caust. chin. cimex, graph. hell. hep. ig. ip. rhus-tox. sabin. samb. spig. spong. thuja. Predominanz t chills. Acon. aran. amr. ars. bell. bry. caps. china, cina, coc. cof. cycl. daphne, digit. dros.fer. gummi-gut. graph. hep. hyos. ig. kali, led. lobelia, lye. magsulph. meny. rhus-rad. Chills and heat at the same time. Ars. bell. nux-v. pod. natr-m. nit-ac. petrol. pod. phos-ac. plumb. puls. ran. rhus-rad. sabad. sabin. sil. spig. staph. thuja, verat. Chills and heat at the same time, then sweat. Cale. sulph. Chills and heat in alternation. Ant-t. ars. 2 14 THE THREE STAGES bell. calc. china, chin-sul. eupat. kali, lauroc. lobel. lye. mag-sulph. merc. nux-v. sabad. spig. sulph. veratr. Chills and heat in alternation, then sweat. Kal. meny. mag-sulph. Chills, then heat. Acon. alum. amrn. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. chin. cina, cof. crotalus, cycl. graph. hep. ig. ip. kali, lach. lye. meny. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. opi. phos. phos-ac. puls. sabad. sil. spig. stram. sulph. Chills, afterwards heat, with sweat. Alum. anac. ant-tart. bell. caps. china, graph. hell. hep. kali, lob. natr-mur. nitr-ac. nuxv. opi. phos. puls. rhus-tox. sabad. spig. sulph. Chills, then heat, then sweat. Ars. bell. bry. caps. carbo-v. caust. china, chin-sul. cimex, cina, digit. dros. elater. eupat. graph. ign. ip. kali, lach. lye. mag-sulph. natr-m. nitrac. nux-v. opi. phos. plumb. puls. rat. rhus-tox. sabad. sabin. samb. sep. sil. spong. staph. sulph. verat. Chills then sweat. Bry. caps. caust. cham. lye. natr-m. opi. petrol. phos. phos-ac. rhus-tox. sepia, thuja, veratr. Heat predominant. Ant-tart. ars. bell. cale. cham. china, cimex, cinch-sul. cof. con. eupat. hell. hyos. ip. mere. natr-m. nit-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhustox. sabad. samb. sepia, stram. sulph. valer. OF THE PAROXYSM. 15 Heat, then heat with sweat. Rhus-rad. Heat, then chills. Bry. calc. caps. caust. china, ig. meny. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. puls. sep. stann. sulph. thuja. Heat, then chills, then again heat. Stram. Heat, then sweat. Ant-tart. ars. calc. carbov. china, cof. hell. am-mur. Beat, with sweat. Con. opi. phos. rhus-rad. stramin. Heat, with sweat, then chills. Phos. stann. Sweat predominant. Cham. chin-sul. cimex, con. fer. lob. nit-ac. nux-v. op. phos. rhus-tox. samb. sil. stann. stram. thuja. Sweat, then chills. Hep. Sweat, then chills, then sweat. Xux-v. Sweat, then heat. Nux-v. 16 PECULIARITIES CHAPTER II. PECULIARITIES OF THE SWEAT. Sweat, exhausting. Ars. calc. china, chinsul. graph. lob. merc. phos. samb. sep. stan. - yellow. Ars. graph. mercurius. - bloody. Crotalus. - cold. Anac. ars. caps. china, cina, dig. mere. sep. sulph. veratr. - fctid. Con. graph. kali, ledum, merc. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sil. spig. staph. sulphur. - musty. Cimex. - sour. Acon. arn. bry. carb-v. cimex, caust. graph. hepar, ip. lyc. merc. nit-ac. rhus-tox. sep. sil. sulph. veratrum. - viscous. Anac. ars. calc. chin-sul. lyc. merc. nux-v. op. phosph. phos-ac. - about the head. Anac. cham. cimex, op. phos. plumb. rhus. sep. - all over except the head. Thuja. OF THE SWEAT. IT Sweat, in the face. Alum. ars. calc. carbv. cham. mere. rhus-tox. samb. sepia. - on the forehead. Ant-t. china, hep. cimex, nux-v. sabad. verat. - on the chest. Chin-sulph. hep.plumb. rhus-tox. sep. - on the abdomen. Anac. dros. plum. - on the back. Anac. chin. sepia. - on the hands. Anac. ars. calc. cham. phos. sulph. - on the legs. Cale. hyos. sepia. - on the feet. Calc. hell. sulphur. is1 THIRST CHAPTER III. TIIIRST. I. WHEN PRESENT. During the Paroxysm., Aranca, ars. bell. bry. caic. crotalus, chai. lobel. mere. riux-v. pulsatilla. Before the chill. Ain. caps. china, cimex, eupat. amrni-m. lobel. nnx-v. pulsatilla. During the chill. Acon. amm-rn. am. aran. bell. bry. caps. carbo-v. china, cina, eupat. daph. fer-act. gunam-gut. hep. ig. kali, lobel. led. natr-m. uux-v. plumb. puls. ran. rhus-tox. After the chill. China, dros. sab. thuja. Before the heat. China, natr-m. puls. sabad. -During the heat. Anac. ant-t. ars. bry. caps. carbo-v. chain, china, chin. sul. cinch-sul. cina, coff. con. elat. eupat. hyos. ip. lach. lobel. mere. natr-m. nux-v. op. petrol. phos. pod. puls. rhus-tox. sabad. sep. sil. spig. staun. sulph. valer. veratrum. After the heat. China, coff. uux-v. stann. strain. WHEN WANTING. Before the sweat. Cof. thpja. During the sweat. Anac. ars. china, chain. coff. con. lob. merc. rhus-tox. sabad. After the sweat. Cimex, lye. mag-suiph. II. WHEN WANTING. During the paroxysm. Ant-crud. ant-tart. bell. eale. caps. carb-v. caust. cinex, hell. hep. mag-snlph. natr-m. nnx-v. sabad. sep. spig. During the chill. Anac. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. china, chin-sul. cimex, cinch-sul. cina, cycl. hell. ip. mag-sulph. meny. mere. ammm-m. natr-m. nit-ac. nnx-v. op. petr. phos-ac. pnls. rhus-tox. sabad. staph. strain. During the heat. Ant-t. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. earb-v. caust. china, cimex, cina, coff. cycl. hell. ig. kali, led. nag-snlph. ieny. mere. natr-m. nit-ac. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus, sabad. sabin. saib. sep. staph. stram. thuja. During thee sweat. Pry. caps. caust. hell. ig. mag-sulph. neny. pnls. sabad. sabin. saib. strai. verat. 20 20 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS CHLAPTER IV. VARIOUS SYMPTOMS DURING THlE FEVER. I. BEFORE THE PAROXYSM. Anguish. China. Bitter taste in the mouth. Fer-acet. liepar. Burning in the eyes. IRhus-toxicodendron. Chilliness. Gummi-gut. pulsatilla. Coldness of the abdomen. Menyanthes. Coldness of feet. Carb-veg. Cough. Eupatorium. Diarrhoea. Rhus-tox. - slimy. Puls. Drowsiness. Pulsatilla. Fainting Ait Ars. Faintishnes8. Ars. calcarea. Ga~ping. Elateriurn. Hfeaviness in limbs. Calc. cimex. - head. Calcarea. BEFORE THE PAROXYSM. 21 Headache. Ars. bry. carbo-v. china, elat. eupat. lach. natr-m. puls. rhus-tox. Inclination to lie down. Ars. Mfucus in the mouth. Rhus-tox. Nausea. China, cina, lye. puls. Pain in the bones. Amrn. carbo-v. eupat. Pain in the abdomen. Ars. elat. - back. Ars. eupat. ip. pod. - chest. Ars. - joints, rending. Cale. eup. pod. - extremities, darting. Elat. - limbs, rending. Ars. cina, eupat. Palpitation of the heart. China. Ravenous hunger. China, phos. Soreness of the limbs. Elat. Stretching. Calc. eupat. elat. - of the limbs. Ars. calc. carbo-v. elat. eupat. rhus-tox. Sweat. Samb. Thirst. Carbo-v. cimex, elat. eupat. Toothkache. Carbo-vegetabilis. Vertigo. Ars. bry. puls. Vomiting. Cina, lyc. puls. Want of appetite. Puls. Weariness and drowsiness. Cimex, rhustox. Yawning. Ars. 22 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS II. DURING THE PAROXYSM. Aggravation of other symptoms. Ars. Ailments of the chest. Ars. bry. chin. daph. ip. lob. Anguish. Ars. calc. china, nux-v. verat. Apoplectic fits. Nux-vomica. Appetite, want of. Ant-c. canth. china, con. kali, lach. lob. staph. Appearance of newsymptoms. Ars. Aversion to every kind offood. Ars. kali. Bilious ailments. Ant-c. cham. nux-v. puls. Bitterness of the mouth. Alum. aran. ant-c. ars. phos. sep. Bleeding of gums. Carb-v. natr-m. nit-ac. phos. phos-ac. staph. sulphur. Bloatedness round the eyes. Ferrum. Cerebral symptoms. Bell. crot. lach. op. pod. stram. Coated Tongue. Ant-c. aran. nux-v. phos. Colic. Ars. cale. china, cinch-sul. fer. phos. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sepia, sulphur. Congestion of the head. Ars. cinch-sul. fer. phos. sep. sulph. Constipation. Bell. cimex, cinch-sulph. coc. lyc. nux-v. staph. verat. Cough. Ars. calc. china, ip. kali, phos. sulph. DURING THE PAROXYSM. 23 - dry. Bry.lob. - nigihtly. Hyoscyamus. Delirium. Nux-vomica. Diarrhea. Ars. chin-sul. con. phos. rhustox. sulph. Distension of the veins. China, cinch-sul. fer. - of the abdomen. Ferrum. Dulness of mind. Ipecac. Eructations. Alum. ant-c. carb-v. cinchsul. nux-v. Eruption on t1e lips. Ars. natr-m. nux-v. Fainting from motion. Eupat. Flushedface. Eupat. Gastric symptoms. Ant-c. aran. cham. cinch-sul. ip. nux-v. puls. sabad. Headache. Ars. bry. calc. china, daph. elat. graph. ip. kali, lach. lyc. natr-m. nux-v. phos. sep. spig. Hooping Cough. Kali. Inability to recollect. Ars. natr-m. phos-ac. sep. Languor. Cinch-sul. Lassitude of the legs. Ars. china. Loathing of food. Ant-c. kali. Nausea. Ant-c. ars. ip. lye. phos. Nervous irritability. BellUdonsn. 24: VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Nettle-rash. Rhus-tox. Oppression of the chest. Ip. lob. Obtusion of the head. Kali, phos. sep. valer. Pain in the face. Spigelia. - liver. China. - left hypochondrium. Cinchsulphur. - joints. Ars. calc-c. carbo-v. china, lyc. phos. pod. sep. sulphur. - back. Ars. calc-c. caust-c. crotal. eupat. lach. lyc. natr-m. rhus-rad. - stomach. Ars. cinch-sul. eupat. lye. nux-v. sepia, sil. sulphur. Pains intolerable. Ars. cham. coffea. Pains, rheumatic. Ars. ledum, lye. Paralytic weakness. Ars. fer. lach. nux-v. Palpitation of the heart. Rhus-tox. sep. sulph. Pressure at the stomach. Fer. rhus-tox. sep. Prostration. Eupat. Ravenous hunger. China, cina, phos. Snoring. Opium. Shortness of breath. Anac. fer. lob. kali, lyc. phos. sep. DURING THE PAROXYSM. 25 Spasms. Cocculus. Sleepiness. Daph. natr-m. rhus-rad. sep. Sleeplessness. China. Somnolence. Tart-ant. op. Scurvy, symptoms of. Staph. Stitches in the side. Bry. nux-v. - abdomen. Bry. nux-v. Stool delaying. Bell. coc. nux-v. verat. Swelling of the pit of the stomach. Rhustox. Toothache. Kali, graphites. Tremor. Ars. calc. con. natr-m. sep. Twitching of the limbs. Opium. Taste, bitter. Alum. phosphoricum. - bad. Kali, staph. Urine brown and fatid. Sep. - and hot. Cimex. - turbid. Phos. Urination difficult. Canth. Uneasiness. Ars. calc-c. silicea. Vertigo. Alum. ars. bry. china, lauroceras. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph. verat. Vomiting. Ant-c. ars. china, cina, con. eupat. fer. ip. kali, lach. lyc. sulph. Vomiting of bile. Ant-c. cham. eupat. china, nux-v. puls. - sour. Lyc. 3 26 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Yomiting, inclination to. Dros. eupat. sep. verat. III. DURING THE CHILLS. Anguish. Ars. caps. pulsatilla. Appetite, increased. Chin-sul. - want of. Anac. phos. silicea. Bitterness of mouth. Alum. aran. ars. Breathing, difficulty of. Ars. kali, lob. natr-m. Biting as of ants over the whole body. Gummi-gut. Burning in the hands andfeet. Rat. Coldness in the abdomen. Ars. meny. Convulsive twitches. Lach. Contractions of the limbs. Caps. cimex. Cough. Bry. cale. lob. phos. sabad. sulph. Diarrhawa. Ars. phos. sulph. Drowsiness. Cirnex. Drinking, much. Arn. fer-acet. gummi-gut. Delirium. Sulph. Desponding. Chin-sul. Eructations. Alum. gummi-gut. ran. Feet, deadness of. Cimex. Hands, deadness of. Cimex, sep. - clenched. Cimex. Headache. Acon. ars. bry. caps. chin-sul. DURING THE CHILLS. 27 cina, daphne, dros. elat. eupat. fer-acet. natr-m. rhus-rad. sep. tarax. Heat of the cheeks. Calc. cham. - forehead. Acon. calc. - face. Acon. anac. bell. calc. cham. china, digit. fer. lach. lyc. ran. rhus-tox. - ears. Acon. ran. - external. Rat. Hoarseness. ilep. Inability to recollect. Ars. caps. stram. Intolerance of noise. Caps. Loathing offood and drink. Bry. kali. Lassitude. Ars. calc-c. carb-v. caust. dros. Lips, blue. Chin-sul. Limbs, painful weariness of. Eupat. rhustox. Nausea. Ars. bry. cina, con. eupat. ig. kali, lyc. rhus-rad. sang. sep. verat. Nauseafrom motion. Eupat. Nails, blue. Chin-sul. coc. dros. natr-m. nux-v. Obtusion of the head. Calc. kali. Oppression of the chest. Ars. bry. cimex, daph. ip. lach. puls. Pain in the limbs. Ars. caps. cimex, enpat. nux-v. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sepia, sulphur. 28 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Pain in the limbs, rending. Bry. caps. lach. lye. phos. rhus-tox. sab. - pit of the stomach. Ars. eupat. Pain in the hip. Rhus-toxicodendron. - bones. Ars. eupat. natr-m. rhus-rad. - small of the back. Ars. calc. caps. elat. eupat. nux-v. - liver. China, nux-v. verat. - abdomen. Ars. calc. china, ig. nitr-ac. phos. sep. - ears. Graph. - left side. Elat. Pain in both hypochondria. Pod. - in the stomach. Eupat. lyc. sil. sulph. - in the ribs. Sabad. - in general. Arsenicum. - in the calves. Eupat. rhus-tox. - in the back. Ars. calc. caps. caust. eupat. hyos. ig. natr-m. puls. veratr. - under the shoulder-blade. Elat. Paleness of the face. Chin-sul. Pressure in the forehead. Fer-acet. Palpitation of the heart. Phos-ac. Paralysis, sense of, in the legs. Ars. cimex, ig. DURING THE CHILLS. 29 Peevishness. Arsenicum. Redness of the cheeks. Ars. bry. lye. Redness of the face. Acon. ars. bry. china, eupat. lye. plumb. rhus-tox. Sensitiveness to cold. Anacard. cycl. Sleep. Nux-v. opium. Sorelness of the fesh. Eupat. Spasms of the chest. Arsenicum. Spitting. Alum. caps. Somnolence. Cimex, daph. hell. natr-m. Stitches in the chest. Bry. kali. &retching. Ars. bry. caps. cimex, caust. elat. Stupefaction. Lauroceras. natr-m. Swelling of thespleen. Caps. Tastelessness offood. Bell. puls. sil. bar-c. kali, verat. Teeth, chattering of. Caps. gumnli-gut. hep. natr. nux-v. phos. ran. sabad. Toothlache. Graph. kali. Uiineasiness. Cale. caps. hyos. sil. Vehemence. Cimex. Vertigo. Alum. calc. lauroceras. phos.. rhus-rad. sulph. verat. Vomiting. Cina, ig. kali. of bile. Ars. cina, ig. - of mucus. Caps. ig. puls. 30 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Vomiting offood. Ig. - inclination to. Ars. rhus-rad. Yawning. Ars. bry. cap. caust. cimex, gummi-gut. meny. natr-m. phosphorus. IV. DURING THE HEAT. Abdomen, pulsations in. Kali. Agitation and tossing. Crotal. lach. Anguish. Aconitum. Anxiety. Ars. cycl. mere. nux-v. stram. Appetite, want of. Ars. con. fer-acet. Bitterness in the mouth. Ars. fer-acet. phos. sep. Burning in the hands. Nux-vomica. - lips. China. - mouth. Petroleum. - urethra during micturition. Cinch-sulphur. Chilliness, when uncovered ever so little. Aconitum. Chilliness, during motion. Nux-v. rhustox. Coldness. Pod. Coldness of the feet. Ignatia. - forehead. China, cina. Colic. Cinch-sul. DURING THE HEAT. 31 Consciousness, loss of. Ars. natr-m. phosac. pod. sep. Constriction of the cesophagus. Cimex. Coryza, fluent. Kali. Deliria. Ars. carb-v. cina, crotal. ig. lach. mneny. nitr-ac. pod. sabad. veratrum. Diarrhcea. Con. pulsatilla. Distension of the abdomen. Cinch-sul. Drinks little, but thirsty. Arnica. Dryness of lips. Rhus-tox. Dulness of mind. Natr-m. Ears, humming in. Nnx-vomica. Emission of flutulence. Cinch-sul. Eructations. Cinch-sul. Eyes, weak. Natr-m. sepia. Fi'ngers, deadness of. Thuja. Fingers, coldness of. Thuja. Face, paleness of. Ars. cina, lyc. rhus-tox. sep. - redness of. Alum. carbo-v. china, chin-sul. coff. con. crotal. cycl. eupat. fer. ig. lach. lye. nux-v. sep. spig. stram. sulph. verat. - swelling of. Ars. crotal. lach. Faintishness. Anac. bell. calc. merc. natr-m. nux-v. phos. Faintness from motion. Eupat. 32 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Headache. Ant-t. ars. calc. caps. carb-v. cina, crotalus, dros. elat. graph. ig. kali, lach, meny. natr-m. nux-v. puls. sabad. sep. sil. - throbbing. Eupat. Heaviness of the limbs. Calcarea. Hunger, ravenous. Cina, phos. Inability to recollect. Ars. natr-m. phos-ac. pod. sep. Loquacity. Pod..Aouth, dryness of. Nit-ac. nux-v. phos. phos-ac. sep. sulph. Nausea. Ars. carb-v. ip. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. Obscuration of light. Natr-m. Obtusion of the head. Ars. cham. phos. sep. valer. Oypression of the chest. Acon. ars. carb-v. cimex, cinch-sul. crotal. ip. kali. Pain in the legs. Carb-v. Pain in the limbs. Ars. calc. caps. carbo-v. crotal. elat. nux-v. puls. sep. sulph. - throat. Phos. phos-ac. sep. - chest. Ars. caps. carb-v. ip. kali, nux-v. - bones. Ig. natr-m. puls. DURING THE HEAT. Pain in the liver. Arsenicum. - abdomen. Ars. caps. carb-v. cina, elat. - stomach. Carb-v. cina, cinchsul, eupat. - back. Caps. crotal. ig. natr-m. - region of the thoracic dorsal vertebrac when pressed upon. Cinch-sul. Pain, shooting to the extremities of the fingers and toes, and shooting back into the body. Elat. Pains, labor-like. Pulsatilla. Painfulness of the body. Puls. stram., Palpitation of the heart. Crotal. sep.. sulph. Pituita in the mouth, increase of. Hyos.. Redness of the skin. Arsenicum. Shaking and sensation of Coldness. Pod., Shivering, internal. Ignatia. Shortness of breath. Anac. ars. lob. lye. phos. Sick feeling, internal. Sulphur. Sleepiness. Hep. ig. op. stram. verat. pulsatilla. Sleeplessness. Nit-ac. puls. Somnolence. Op. verat. Sopor. Ant-t. op. 34 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Starting when asleep. Cham. lyc. - falling asleep. Puls. Stretching. Calc. rhus-tox. sabad. Stupefaction. Laurocer. op. puls. Taste in the mouth, putrid. HyoscyaMulS. - bad. Caps. Tenesmus, unsuccessful. Caps. Thighs numb and chilly. Spongia. Throat, dryness of. Nit-ac. Tongue Coated. Ars. phos. -- - yellow. Rhus-rad. - dryness of. Ant-t. ars. Tremor. Ars. calc. sep. Uneasiness. Ant-t. ars. calc. petrol. sabin. Urine, red. Nux-v. - burning. Cinch-sul. Urinating, frequent. Bell. lyc. Vertigo. Ars. bell. carb-v. ig. laurocer. nux-v. phos. puls. sep. Vomiting, in general. Ars. con. eupat. ip. nux-v. - of bile. Cina, eupat. S of mucus. Nux-vomica. - of food. Nux-v. - of water. Nux-v. DURING THE SWEAT. 35 Weakness. Ars. ig. meny. Yawning. Kali, sabad. V. DURING THE SWEAT. Anxiety. Calc. cimex. Appetite, loss of. Fer-acet. Ckilliness during motion. Nux-v. Coldness. Eupat. Constipation. Fer-acet. Congestion of the head. Thuja. Bitter taste. Fer-acet. Ears, roaring in. Arsenicum. Eruption. Con. Faintishness. Anac. ars. china, sulph. Face, paleness of. Veratrum. Fingers shrivelled. Ant-c. merc. phos-ac. Head, pain in. Fer. fer-acet. rhus-tox. - heaviness in. Caust. - roaring in. Caust. Heart, palpitation of. Mercurius. Heat. Eupat. Hunger. Cimex. Itching over the whole body. Led. Languor, great. Fer-acet. Nausea. Mere. thuja. Shortness of breath. Anac. 36 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Sleep. Cina, nitr-ac. sabad. Slumber. Rhus-tox. Taste, bitter. Fer-acet. Tenesmus. Sulphur. Tingling in the skin. Nux-v.,Urine, copious. Phosphorus. - turbid. Phosphorus. Vomiting. Sulph. Waking up. Anac. natr-m. nitr-ac. Yellow complexion. Fer-acet. VI. AFTER THE PAROXYSM AND DURING THE APYREXIA. Apathy. Ig. phos-ac. -Appetite, want of. Ars. caps. carb-v. china, chin-sul. coc. cycl. fer-acet. ip. kali, lobel. natr-m. nux-v. pod. puls. sabad. Breathing, difficult, in the night. Ars. ig. lobel. merc. nux-v. op. Chilliness. Anac. bry. caps. coc. daph. digit. led. natr-m. ran. rhus-rad. sabad. sil. veratrum. Conmgestion of blood to the head. Acon. amrn. chin. lyc. nux-v. phos. sep. sulphur. Coryza, dry. Calc. carb-v. graph. kali, natr-m. nit-ac. phos. puls. rhus-tox. sep. sil. spong. sulph. DURING TIHE APYREXIA. 37 C'onstiPation. Alum. anac. bry. calc. carb-v. china, ehin-sul. cimex, cinch-sul. coc. con. crotal. fer-acet. fer. graph. led. lye. natr-m. fux-v. op. pod. plumb. sabad. sil. staph. strai. suiph. verat. Convulsions. Aeon. alum. ars. am. bell. cale. caust. chai. ehin-sul. cina, coc. dros. digit. hyos. ig. ip. lach. mere. nux-v. op. phos-ac. rhus-tox. sil. stan. strai. suiph. valer. verat. Cough. Ar ars.'ant-t. bell. bry. china, cimex, cina, coc. eon. dros. eupat. hep. hyos. ig. ip. lob, mere. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos. plumb. puls. sep. sil. spong. stann. sulph. Cough, hoopi'ng. Am. bell. eale. eaust. cham. cina, dros. digit. hyos. 1g. mere. nux-v. op. phos-ae. stannum, strai. valer. verat. Diarrhcea. Ant-t. ars. eham. china, chinsul. dig. dros. elat. ig. mere. nit-ac. phos. phos-ac. pod. puls. rhus-tox. sabin. valer. Dim-sightedness. Gale. coc. eycl. digit. lye. mere. natr-m. phos. sep. sil. stan. sulph. thuja. Dropsy. Ant-c. ars. china, ehin-sul. digit. fer. hell. byos. kali, lye. mere. phos. rhustox. sabad. sabin. sep. suiph. Ears, pain in. Anac. bell. caust. chain con. digit. dros. gummi-gut. lob, mere. nit-ac. phos. puls. ran. samb. sep. spig. staph. sulph. 4 38 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Ears, painful straining in. Anac. bell. chai. cina, lauroc. phos. phos-ace. petr. rhus-tox. spig. spong. stan. - humming in. Alum. anac. ant-c. am. bell. bry. cabc. carb-v. caust. chai. china, con. fer. lye. natr-m, nit-ac. phos. phos-ac. sep. spig. suiph. - roaring in. Anac. ars. bell, caps. carb-v. caust. cinch-sul. con. daph. graph. kali, led. lyc. mere. natr-m. nit-ac. nux-v. petr. phos-ac. puls. sep. sulph. - singing in. Cinch-sul. fer-acet. Emaciation. Ant-t. ars. carb-v. cale. china, chin-sul. fer. lye. mere. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos-ac. plumb. puls. staun. sulph. verat. Erysipelas. B3ell. graph. hep. mere. rhustox. sulph. ructations, empty. Aeon. ant-tart. am. ars. 1ry. caic. carb-v. coc. con. daph. graph. lye. nitac. phos. sep. stan. bitter. Am. bry. cale. pubs. - utrid. Arn. cinch-sul. nux. puls. suiph. sour. Cimex, lye. natr-m. nux-v. phos. sulph. DURING THE APYREXIA. 3 39 Eructations, tasting of the ingesta. Phos. puls. sil. Lyes, ailments of. Bell. caust. calc. china, coc. crot. hep. ig. kali, graph. lach. lye. mere. natr-m. nit-ac. nux-v. petr. pod. phos. puls. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. spig. staph. sulph. valer. Excitability, nervous. Alum. amrn. ars. bell. calec. cham. china, cof. merc. nux-v. puls. rhus-tox. samb. sil. stan. sulph. Exercise, aversion to. Bell. bry. caps. cham. china, chin-sul. coc. fer. ig. merc. nux-v. op. puls. rhus-tox. sabad. spig. stram. sulph. verat. Face, paleness of. Anac. ars. arnm. bell. calc. carb-v. china, cina, fer. graph. ig. ip. kali, lach. lye. mere. nux-v. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sep. spig. spong. stan. sulph. - blueness of. Ars. bell. cina, hyos. op. samb. - bloatedness of. Ars. bell. bry. calc. china, cin. coc. crot. hyos. ip. kali, lach. led. lye. mere. nux-v. phos. puls. samnb. sang. sep. spig. spong. - yellowness of. Aeon. ams. caps. china, chin-sul. crot. fer. fer-acet. graph. lach. lye. mere. natr-m. nux-v. petr. puls. rhus-tox. sep. - heat of. Anac. amrn. chain. graph. lye. nux-v. petr. sabad. spig. verat. 40 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Face, 1r7edness of.. Acon. bell. bry. caps. coc. crot. graph. hyos. fux-V. op. rhus-tox. sabad. samb. strai. verat. - grayish. Carb-v. lach. - earthy. Ars. chin. fer. ig. ip. lach. lye. mere. nux-v. Faintishness. Arn. ars. caic. carb-V. caust. china, cina, coc. con. digit. ig. ip. lye. natr-m. nit-ac. nux-v. op. puls. sabad. Verat. Feet, coldness of. Alum. anac. bell. calc. carb-v. caust. coc. crot. graph. kali, byos. lye. natr. nit-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph. - swelling of. Ars. bry. caps. caust. chin. coc. eupa. fer. fer-ac. graph. lach. lye. natr. natr-m. nux-v. phos. puls. rhus-tox. sabad. sep. sil. Verat. Fits,fainting. Aeon. earb-v. cham. china, crot. graph. hep. 1g. lach. fux-v. phos-ac. puls. strain. Verat. - suffocating. A's. bell. ip. lob. samb. verat.,Glandular afections. Bell. cale. carb-v. coc. con. mere. nit-ac. spong. staph. sulph. t-umns, bleeding of. Cale. carb-V. crot. graph. mere. natr-in. nit-ac. phos. phos-ac. sep. staph. sulph. rhus-rad. Hands, coldness of. Bell. carb-v. coc. crot. uatr. nit-ac. phos. puls. rhus, spig. sulph. DURING THE APYREXIA. 41 Hands, swelling of. Gale. dig. lyc. stan. Headache. Ars. bell. bry. caps. carb-v. china, chin-sul. coc. crot. dros. ig. feracet. hep. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos-ac. puls. rhus-tox. sep. spong. stan. valer. Hearing, excessive sensitiveness of. Anac. arn. ars. bell. bry. cof. ig. lach. lyc. mere. natr. phos-ac. sep. sil. spig. - hardness of. Calc. chin-sul. caps. lye. nit-ac. petr. phos. rhus. Heartburn. Alum. calc. caps. carb-v. lob. lye. natr-m. nit-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. pod. sabad. sil. sulph. spong. Heat in the head. Amrn. ig. lye. sil. spig. Hoarseness. Bry. calc. caps. carb-v. cham. lye. natr-m. nit-ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. sep. spig. spong. Hunger increased. Carb-v. china, chinsul. cimex, cina, graph. lye. pod. stan. sulph. verat. Jaundice. Acon. ars. bell. chain. china, chin-sul. crot. dig. fer. mere. nux-v. puls. rhus-tox. sulph. Lie down, inclination to. Acon. bell. caps. fer. fer-acet. nux-v. Limbs, sense of paralysis. Aeon. arnm. carb-v. china, coc. cycl. dros. nux-v. plumb. rhus-rad. sil. verat. 4* ~42 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS imbs, rendingpain of. Caic. caps. carbv. caust. china, dros. eupat. graph. lyc. nit-ac. puls. sabin. -.t'8ffness of. Coc. eupat. lyc. rhusrad. sabad. Loathing offood. Am. bell. phos-ac. pula..Mammwe, 8welling of. Bry. caic. puls. Afenees, too early. Aeon. alum. ars. bell. bry. caic. carb-v. chai. chin-sul. cinch-sul. coc. fer. hyos. ig. ip. kali, led. lauroc. merc. natr-m. nux-v. petr. phos. rhus-tox. rhusrad. sabin. sep. sil. spong. staph. suiph. Verat. - too late. Bell. caust. china, con. fer. graph. hyos. ig. ip. kali, lach. lyc. natr-m. phos. puls. sabad. sil. sulph. -.cn rp.kl too little. Alum. con, graph. k)li, lac. lyc. natr-i. phos. puls. sabad. sil. suiph. verat. - tooprofae. Acon. ars. bell. bry. caic. caust. carb-V. chai. china, cina, fer. gum-g. hyos. ig. ip. lauroc. led. lyc. merc. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos. rlus-rad. sabin. sep. sil. spong. stan. strai. sulph. Verat. - 9up.pressed. Ars. calc. cham. chin. con. fer. graph. kali, lyc. nierc. nux-v. pod. puls. sep. sil. sulph. DURING THE APYREXIA. 43.Mouth, had sinellfiroin. Am. chai. crot. mer. nux-v. petr. pod. rhus-rad. sep. suiph. YNausea. Ars. crot. hep. hyos. graph. ip. nux-v. rhus-tox. sabad. sil. Opprlession of the chest. Ars. caps. carbv. coc. crot. ig. lob. natr-m. plumb. saba4. samb. spig. stan. strain. sulph. verat. Orgasm of the blood. Aeon. lye. petr. puls. sep. sil. Pain in the chest. Bry. erot. puls. ran. rhus-tox. sabad. spig. stan. - oints. Am. ars. bry. caust. chain. china, coc. eupat. ig. ip. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sabin. suiph. pit of thestomach. Bell. bry. caic. china, crot. lye. mere. natr-i. nux-v. phos. puls. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stan. verat. - hipv. Ars. bell, chain mere. nux-v. puls. rhus-tox. liver. Bell. bry. chain. chinsul. lye. mere. nux-v. puls. - abdomen. Ant-tart. chin-sul. elat. led. plumb. ran. sulph. kidneys. Bell. china, hep. lyc. staph. AA VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Pain in the back. Am. ars. cale. caps. chain. cina, crot. ig. nit-ac. nux-v. petr. rims-rad. samb. sep. sil. spig. strai. thuja, vemat. r1heumiatic. Acon. ant-t. am. bell. bry. carb-v. caust. chai. nux-v. puls. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. thuja, valer. verat. - labor-like. Bell. op. puls. in the stomach. Aeon. arn. as. cale. caust. coc. con. crot. fer. ig. lye. natr-m. nnx-v. puls. sabad. sep. sil. stann. Palpitation of the heart. Aeon. ig. mere. natr-m. pod. sep. spig. suiph. vemat. Ptyalism.. Chai. digit. dros. gummi-g. hyos. led. lob, mere. nit-ac. pod. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. spig., verat. Redness of the cheeks. Caps. chain, china. Repugnance to beer. Alum, bell. chain. china, nnx-v. puls. bread. Bell. ehin-sul. con. cyci. ig. kali, lye. natr-m. nux-v. nit-ac. puls. rhustox. cofee. Bell. carb-v. cham. china, coff. coc. byos. ig. lach. mere. natr-m. nuxv. rhus-tox. sabad. saub. spig. stram. DURING THBE APYREXIA. 4 45 Repugnance to fat food. Carb-v. hell. hep. natr-m. petr. suiph. - meat. Alum. arn. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. chai. daph. fer. graph. hell. ig. lye. mere. nit-ac. op. petr. puls. rhus-tox. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. milk. Am. bell. calc. cina, ig. fux-v. puis. sep. sil. staun. sulph. sour. Bell. ig. phos-ac. sourerout. Helleborus. sweet. Am. ars. caust. graph. ig. mere. nit-ac. verat. tobacco. Alum, arn. bell. calc. china, coc. daph. ig. lach. led. lyc. natr-m. nuxv. phos. puls. rhus-tox. sep. spig. stann. warm food. Anac. ant-t. ars. bell. caic. chai. china, coc. coff. cyci. fer. graph. hell. ig. lyc. mere. nux-v. petr. puls. sabad. sil. suiph. verat. - water and watery drinks. Rhus-rad. 46 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS enses, weakness of. Anac. caps. chain. crot. cyc. hell. plumb. puls. sil. - excessive irritability of. Acon. bell. chainm. china, coff. ig. mere. nuxv. puls. valer. Sight, vanisfhing of. Crot. Sleepiness. Acon. amrn. bell. bry. calc. carbv. cimex, hyos. mere. op. sabad. spig. stan. stram. sulph. valer. Sleeplessness. Ars. bell. bry. carb-v. china, chin-sul. cina, coff. hyos. ip. led. mere. natr-m. nit-ac. op. puls. ran. rhus-tox. sil. spig. Smell, sensitiveness of. Acon. bell. dros. nux-v. - loss of. Anac. ant-t. cycl. daph. hyos. nux-v. op. puls. sep. sil. Skin, disten8ion of. Ars. bell. bry. china, con. digit. fer. hell. byos. op. plumb. puls. rhus-tox. samb. sep. - desquarnation of. Acon. daph. digit. hell. mere. phos-ac. rhus-tox. sabad. sulph. verat. Somnolence. Ant-t. bell. cham. cimex, coc. con. hyos. op. puls. rhus-tox. Sopor. Cham. op. puls. verat. Spasms, in the 8tomach. Ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. coc. fer. ig. natr-m. nux-v. puls. sil. stann. sulph. valer. DURING THE APYREXIA. 4 4T Spasms, uterine. Bry. coc. con. ig. Swelling of the head. Crot. cheeks. Chai. crot. rhustox. pit of the stomach. Bry. carb-v. chai. coff. hell. lye. fux-v. op. puls. sabad. - spleen. Caps. chin-sul. ig. nit-ac. nux-v. suiph. tongue. Ars. bell, china, crot. merc. nit-ac. Taste, bitter. Ars. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chin-sul. cinch-sul. elat. fer. lob, lye. ierc. natri. nit-ac. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhus-rad. sabin. sulph. of food. Ars. bry. china, chin-sul. fer-acet. ip. phosac. Taste, flat. Bry. chin-sul. eupat. cycl. nux-v. - lost. Eupat. fer-acet. lauroc. lob. lye. puls. sil. - metallic. Cimex, coc. mere. iux-v. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. - nauseating. Ip. kali. - putrid. Bell. fer-acet. mere. nux-v. puls. 48 VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Taste, saltish. Ars. carbyv. china, mere. nux-v. - sour. Ars. calc. coc. graph. kali, ig. lye. mere. natr-m. nux-v. nitac. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. stan. sulph. - sweetish. Alum. bry. fer. ip. mere. puls. rhus-tox. sabad. spong. sulph. thuja. - for acids. Ant-t. amrn. ars. bry. con. hep. ig. kali, pod. puls. sabin. sulph. - beer. Acon. caust. china, coc. mere. nux-v. op. petr. phos-ac. puls. sabad. spig. sulph. - bitter things. Digit. natr-m. brandy. Ars. mere. nux-v. - bread. Plumb. - chalk-lime. Nit-ac. nux-v. cofee. Ars. bry. caps. cham, con. - coldfood. Sil. thuja, verat. - dainties. Calc. china, ip. petr. rhus-tox. - pungent things. Hep. puls. - salt things. Cale. carb-v. - spirituous liquors, wine, &c. Aeon. ars. bry. calc. china, DURING THE APYREXIA. 49 hep. lach mtere. nux--v. puls. sep. Ataph. suipip. Taste fcir sweetmeats and* sgar. Carb-v" ip. kali, lyc.'sabad. suiph. S thingsi tha't are' nobt wOanted when obtained: Iganatia. tobacco smoke. iDaph. staph. - uneatable things. Bryonia. - undetermined things. Bry. cliP na, puls. Throat, iiJlamrwnation of. Aeon. alum. bell. chain. ig. inere. uux-v. puls. rhus-tox. samnb. - roughness of. Gummi-g. kali, nitac. phos. ran. stan. sore. Bell. eaps. hep. ig. led. mere. nitr-ae. nux-. phos. phos-ac. plumb. ran. sabad. sabin. spong. Tongue, feeling as if -burnt. Ars. cimnex, daph. fer-aeet. hyos. lauroc..mere. puls. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sabad. coated on the r2-iyht side, and clean on the left. Lob. blackish. Ars. china, -mere. phos. brown. Ars. bell. hyos. phos. rhusrad. rhus-tox. sulph. dirty. Bryonia. grayish. Ant-t.puls. 5 50) VARIOUS SYMPTOMS Ton-ue, with, mucu&. Bell. lach. merc. phos-ac. pals. sulpli. - thick. Bell. chain. mere. nux-v, puls. rhus-rad. sabad. suiph. coated white. Alum. ant. am. bell. bry. calc. cimex, cycl. eupat. ig. ip. lauroc. merc. nux-v. petr. pod. pills. sep. sulph. yellowish. Alum. bell. bry. chai. china, chin-sul. cinch-sul. coo. eupat. ip. fux-v. plumb. puls. rhus-rad. sabad. verat. dry. Ant-t. ars. bell. cale. chinsul. cinch-sul. lauroc. mere. nuxv. phos. phos-ac. rhus-rad. rhustox. sep. red. Ant-t. ars. bell. bry. chaIn. hyos. lach. nux-v. rhus-rad. rhustox. stan. suiph. verat. rednzess of _pcpillce. Ant-t. belladonna. - urningi ti of. Gummi-g. lauroc. Tremor. Arn. bry. chin. coc. cinch-sul. con. graph. ig. lach. nux-v. op. puls. rhustox. sabad. Twnia. Cale. carb-v. graph. petr. sabad. sulph. Uneasin~ess. Aeon. ars, bell. chain. cina, dros. phos. sil. spig. DURING THE A.PYREXIA. 5 51 Urine, urgent desire to pass the. Ant-t. bell. bry. dros. kali, lach. hell lyc. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stan. staph. suiph. thuja. difficulty of passing. Ars. cap&, con. caust. digit. staph. - profuse. Anit-t. alum. bell. hell. lach. natr. natr-m. rhus-tox. spig. spong. stann. thuja. scanty. Alum, bell. bry. carb-v. digit. graph. ip. puls. rhus-tox. stan. suiph. verat. dark. Ant-t. bry. calc. carb--v china, eupat. mere. sep. -light. Phos-ac. thuja. turbid. Ant-t. china, chin-sul. cinch sul. dulc. graph. ip. mere. hot. Ars. bry. chai. cimex, hep. -Vertigo. Acon. am. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. cham. coc, con, crot. daph. hyos. lyc. nit-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. puls. ran. sep. sil. Vomiting in general. Ant-t. chin. cina, crot. fer. hyos. ip. mere. nuxv. sep. sil. - of ile. Ant-t. ars. chain. crot. ip. merc. nux-v. phos. puls. sep. strai. suiph. verat. 52 2MORAL SYMPTOMS. Vomiting of mucus. Ars. bell. chain, china, digit. i'p. merc. nux.v. pu;J. verat. offood. Ant-c. ars. bell. bry. caic. chain. china, coc. fer. graph. ip. kali, lach. natr-m. nux-v. puls. rhus-tox. suiph. veratrum. Weakness. Ars. china, chin-sul. digit. for. fer-acet. lyc. nit-ac. verat. - n2ervous. Bell. chai. china, chinsul. coff. ig. nux-v. puls. valor. VII. M1ORAL SYMPTOMS. Anguis7, anxiety. Acon. alum. aniac. antt. am. ars. bell. bry. caic. carb-v. caust. china, chai. chin-sul. coc. coff. dros. fer. graph. gummi-gut. hell. ig. kali, lach. lauroc. lye. merc. nit-ac. natr. nux-v. phos. puls. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sabad. sep. sil. staph. sulph. verat. Anger, qutarrelsomeness, vehertnce. Acon. am. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. caust. chai. china, coc. coff. con. crot. daph. fer. fer-acet. graph. hep. ig. ip. kali, led. lach. lyc. merc. natr-i. nit-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. pod. ran. sab. sep. sil. spig. stan. staph. strain. snlpli. veratmum. Cheerfulness. Caps. chin-su]. coff. fer-acet. gummi-g. lach. op. phos-ac. valer. MORAL. SYMPTOMS. 53 D lpression of spirits, melancholy. Alum. ant-c. caic. china, chin-sni. coc. coff. con. crot. cyci. digit. elat. fer-acet. graph. ig. lach. lye. natr-m. nit-ac. phos-ac. puls. sabad. sep. spigf. spong. stann. sulph. thiuja, veratrum. _Dfflidence, ant hr op opoitobia. b3ell. crot. led. lye. rhus-rad. Frenz.y, dleliria, rage. Acon. ant-c. am. ars. bell. bry. caic. chlam. china, cina, hyos. ig. lach. inere. nnx-v. op. plumb. py4s. sabad. samb.' strain. verlat. Fixed ideaas, absence, thoughtlessness. Anac. bell. chain. caust. coff. daph. hell. lach. mere. natr-m. nux-v. phos-ac. puls. rhustox. sep. sil. strain. thuja. Fri ghýfvlnes&s. Aeon. alum. ant-c. caic. caps. coc. ig. kali, lach. lye. nux-v. op. petr. plies. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spong. strain. suiph. veratruim. Illness, imaginary. Cale. kali, lachl. mere. sabad. stran. Indi/fevence, insensibility. Carb-v. china, cina, erot. lach. puls. sep. Irresoluteness, doubtfulness. Ars. cabe. china, ig. lacl. nnx-v. petr. puls. sulph. Irritability. Be11. bry. carb-v. coc. coff. hep. kall, lye. mere. natr-m. nux-v. phos. rhus-raci. sulph. 54 MORAL SYMPTOMS. Afood, changeabule. Ant-t. bell. cycl. fer. ig. spong. Peevishness, oli~tinacy, want of digposition to do anything. Ant-c. arn. bell. caic. caps. caust. chain, china, chin-sul. coff. con. cyci. daph. digit. hep. ip. kali, lach. led. merc. nux-v. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus-rad. samb. spong. stan. staph. suiph. thuja. Restlee8ne~s, impatience, hurry. Acon. ant-t. ars. bell. chain. cina,.dros. hiyos. ig. ip. lach. mnerc. nit-ac. phos-ac. puls. stan. suiph. valer. veratrumn. Sadness, melancholy. Anac. ars. bell. cabc. caust. coc. con. graph. hell. hyos. ig. lach. lyc. natr. nux-v. petr. phos. puls. rhustox. sep. sib. stan. strain. subph. verat. TIME AND TYPE. CHAPTER V. TIME AND TYPE. I. TIME, Morning. Amrn. coff. con. eupat. fer. graph. hell. hep. kali, lob. men. pod. rhus-rad. sep. sil. Forenoon. Dros. kali. men. Afternoon. Alum. ant-c. coff. daph. elat. hepar. hyos. ig. lach. men. ran. bulb. rhus-rad. stan. Evening. Acon. am-mur. anac. caps. carbveg. daph. graph. hell. hep. hyos. kali, lach. lyc. mag-sulph. merc. rat. ran. bulb. rhus-rad. sep. sil. stan. Night. Ant-tart. con. hyos. ig. lyc. ammur. mag-sulph. All periode. Ars. bry. chin-sulph. cinchsulph. crotalus, gummi-gut. ledum, lauroc. sulph. All periods, except morning. Sabina. 56 TIME 4-ND TYPE. All periods, except morning and forenoon. Spig. spong. - forenoon. Nit-ac. nuxv. puls. rhus-tox. - afternoon. Bell. op. - afternoon and night. Calcarea. - evening and night. Chamiomilla. - forenoon and evening. Caust. phos. strainm. thuja. forenoon and night. Cina, phos-ac. verat. - night. China. - evening. Natrum. II. TYPE. Quotidcian. Ars. caps. carb-v. chin. chinsulph. dros. eupat. elat. gummni-gut. graph. ig. ipec. kali, natr-m. nit-ac. nux-v. op. puls. rhus-rad. rhus-tox. sabad..spig. stan. staph. sulph. verat. Double quotidian. Chin. chin-sulph. cinchsulph. eupat. graph. strain. Tertian. Alum. anac. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. cham. chin. chin-sulph. cimiex, cina, crotal. dros. elat. fer. fer-acet. IflMJ AND I!TP-E. 57( eupat. gummi-gut. ig. ipec. lach. lyc. natr-rnur. nux-v. puls. rhus-tox. sabad. staph. veratrurn. -Double tertiam. Chin-suiph. rhus-rad. rhustox. Quartan.. Anac. ars. carb-v. chin-suiph. cimex, eupat. hiyo-s. lach. pod. puls. rlimsrad. sabad. Po,9tponing type. Chin. cina. Anticipatihny type. Ars. chin. ig. inatr-m. flux-v. 160 AOON. CHIAPTER VI. PATHOGENESIS OF THE MEDICINES CORRESPONDING WITH THE SYMPTOMS OF THE FEVERS. Aconite corresponds to a plethoric habit. The paroxysms come on in the evening, commencing with chilliness, followed by long-continued dry heat. Heat of the head and face, with redness of the cheeks and pressing headache, anguish and oppression of the chest. Chilliness reproduced by movement or lifting the bed-clothes, with hot forehead and lobules of the ears and internal dry heat. Aconite should be given during the paroxysm, and is often of great service in equalizing the circulation, and diminishing the congestion of the head, chest, &c., which is often so distressing and sometimes dangerous. It has been recommended, we think judiciously, to exhibit a dose of Aconite some time before the paroxysm, and it should be continued after the paroxysm if the congestions are not wholly dissipated. ALUM. AM-MUR. ANAC. ANT-C. SO Alumina. Fevers, especially of the ter. tian type, with despondency, apprehensiveness and mental anxiety. First, chilliness and shuddering over the whole body,:especially the back and feet, sometimes with heat of the face, and alternation of coldness and warmth, or followed by heat of the body and sweat of the face. Paroxysm in the afternoon or evening. Ammonium muriaticum. Especially in lymphatic and scrofulous constitutions. Paroxysm chiefly in the evening. Chilliness, sometimes preceded by, or attended with thirst, and followed by sweat. Heat followed by sweat. Heat in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, and in the face, with thirst, when lying down at nights; afterwards sweat. Anacardium. General chilliness, with heat in the face without thirst. Heat in the face, with nausea and heaviness in the whole body every afternoon at 4 o'clock; she is obliged to lie down. Chills without thirst, followed by internal heat with a cool sweat all over, but most abundant on the head, with thirst, short breathing and lassitude in the abdomen and knees. Antimonium crudum. Tertian and quotidian fevers with predominance of gastric and bilious symptoms, such as want of appetite, eructations, nausea, vomiting, bitter 60 ANT-T. ARN. taste, coated tongue, tightness and pressure in the stomach and pain in the chest. Hartmann adds, particularly when the sweat sets in with the heat, and disappears speedily, dry heat remaining. Antimonium tart. (Tartar emetic.) Characteristic indications for this remedy are chills at evening, especially during motion, alternating with heat. The patient wakes at night with thirst and desire to urinate. Chilliness with flushes of heat. Violent febrile motions, with restlessness, great heat, thirst and headache, with profuse sweat the following night. Slight chills, great heat, profuse sweat, sleepiness, and increased secretion of urine. Additional indications are gastric symptoms, red tongue, covered with raised papille as in scarlatina, or tongue bright red and dry in the centre. Prof. Freedly, of Philadelphia, says he has found this one of the best remedies and has cured a majority of- cases with it. Arnica. Arnica corresponds to the following conditions: Paroxysm early in the morning, afternoon or evening. First chills, then heat. Yawning and much thirst, with copious drinking before the chill. The thirst continues during the heat, though the patient drinks but little. Great painfulness and drawing in the periosteum of all the bones. ARSENICUM. 61 Arsenicum, This is one of the most important remedies in intermittents, and corresponds to a large field of symptoms. The following are the principal: There is no distinct development of the chills or heat; they occur simultaneously or alternately. The chilly stage is preceded by a general feeling of malaise, stretching and drawing of the limbs, yawning, debility, inclination to lie down, headache, vertigo and confusion of head. Between the chilly and hot stage, debility and sleep; vertigo, thirst, hiccup, anxiety, nausea, vomiting of bile and diminished pains. During the apyrexia, hiccup, pressure in the forehead and temples; frightful dreams; bruised feeling in the limbs. The heat of an Arsenicum fever is burning and pungent to the touch, and attended with anguish, restlessness and terrible thirst. Or chills, principally in the afternoon or evening, followed by dry heat at night or towards morning, and afterwards sweat. Arsenic is also indicated when new symptoms occur, or existing symptoms are aggravated before or during the paroxysm, as violent anguish, buzzing in the ears, tearing in the bones and limbs, trembling, paralysis, syncope, &c. Or with the following: bitter taste or nausea during the chills; bitter taste after eating, sudden prostration of strength, fre6 BELLADONNA. quent drinking, but little at a time; no sweat or not till some time afte4 the heat. Arsenic is increasingly indicated if the patient has suffered from an abuse of Quinine. Belladonna. The Bell. paroxysm of fever is composed of a chill followed by or alternated with heat, sometimes with and sometimes without a sweating stage. Time: evening or night, sometimes in the morning. During the paroxysms; no thirst during the chill or heat, or burning thirst during the heat; drowsiness, debility, frequent micturition. During the chilly stage, nausea, violent, dry, burning heat, or only thrills of heat, or simple chilliness commencing on the arms and spreading over the whole body; redness or paleness of face. During the hot stage, delirium, redness of face, obscuration of sight; no thirst or violent thirst; distension of the superficial veins; throbbing of the carotid and temporal arteries, restlessness, redness and puffiness of the face. "The exhibition of Bell. depends, like that of Nux, more upon the concomitant symptoms than upon the character of the paroxysm itself." " Bell. deserves consideration in fevers of long standing, or in those which had been suppressed by Quinine, and have returned afterwards, with BBY. CALC. 68 swelling of the liver and spleen, incipient dropsy, derangement of the digestive pow. era, and violent headache during the paroxysm.'-Hartmann. Bryonia. Bry. corresponds to intermittents occurring at all hours, but chiefly in the morning, with predominant chilliness, and quotidian or tertian type; thirst during the chill and heat, dry cough, with stitches in the chest, asthma, nausea, and gagging, and paleness of face. Before the paroxysm, vertigo and violent headache, as if the head would burst; stretching and drawing in the limbs. During the chill heat in the head; redness of the face, and thirst; dry and viscid tongue; aversion to food and drink; nausea and vomiting. In the hot stage increase of headache and vertigo. Calcarea. This is particularly indicated in lymphatic and scrofulous constitutions, and for females with too early and profuse menstruation. The indications drawn from the symptoms of the paroxysm are not so clearly marked. The following symptoms, however, may be regarded as indications: chilliness, with thirst; chilliness of the body, with heat in the face and head; external heat, and internal chilliness; heat in the face, followed by chilliness every third B4 CAPS. CANTH. day, sweat when walking or at night; fever in the forenoon; alternate chills and heat; heat and burning thirst, alternating with chilliness; fever in the evening, with external chilliness, internal heat and violent thirst; the sweat commences during the chilliness, and terminates in profuse sweat; fever from morning till noon, or after, commencing with tearing in the joints and heaviness of the head, followed by languor, heaviness, stretching of the limbs, heat, and a constant sensation, as if sweat would break out, with trembling and uneasiness of all the limbs. Capsicum. Capsicum corresponds to the quotidian or tertian type, with predominant chilliness, especially after abuse of China or Quinine. During the chilly stage thirst, anxiety, restlessness, inability to collect the senses, intolerance of noise, headache, ptyalism, vomiting of mucus, painful swelling of the spleen, pain in the back, tearing and contraction of the limbs. In the hot stage stinging in the head, bad taste in the mouth, cutting colic, with ineffectual urging, pain in the chest, back and limbs, either with or without thirst; sweat during the heat; cold sweat. Cantharis is sometimes a good remedy in tertian fevers with predominance of chilliness, irritation of the urinary organs, and CUARB-V. CATUST. 65 difficult micturition. The chilliness is mingled with heat, with heaviness of the feet, lameness and immobility of the limbs, loss of appetite, pain in the eyes, and desire to lie down. Carbo-veg. Carbo corresponds to quotidian, tertian, and quartan fevers, with the following symptoms: before the chill beating in the temples, tearing in the bones of the limbs, and in the teeth, cold feet, stretching of the limbs. During the chilly stage languor and thirst. In the hot stage headache, vertigo, redness of the face, obscuration of sight, nausea, pains in the stomach, abdomen, or chest; oppression of the chest; pain in the lower limbs. Headache continues after the fever. Carbo will be particularly useful in cases of long standing from a psoric condition or abuse of china. Causticum. Paroxysms afternoon or night, with predominant chills. Paroxysms composed of moderate chilliness and sweat, with bitter thirst. Or, first, general heat, without sweat or thirst, followed by coldness spreading over all parts of the body, with yawning and stretching of the arms. In the afternoon chilliness in the lower limbs, extending to the back, with lassitude for three hours, and afterwards sweat without heat or thirst. Chilliness the first 6* 66 CHAM. CHINA. half of the night, afterwards heat, and towards morning a moist skin. Chamomilla. "Intermittent fevers with prevailing gastric or bilious symptoms. Tertian fevers, with immense pressure at the heart, and hot sweat on the forehead after the paroxysm: chilliness in the even, ing; a good deal of heat and sweat at night. In the evening the cheeks are burning, accompanied by superficial shiverings; little chilliness, but long-lasting, great heat, with thirst; obtusion of the head and frequent startings during sleep, as with fright."-Boenninghausen. China. China is doubtless one of the chief remedies in endemic intermittents of marshy regions, type quotidian, tertian, or double quotidian, attended with languor, especially of the feet; congestion of blood to the head, with pressure of the head, pressure and pain in the liver and spleen, loss of appetite, bitter taste, bitter eructations and bitter vomiting, yellow color of the skin and face, short, spasmodic cough, stitches in the chest, great debility and pain in the limbs, colic; pains in the back. Before the paroxysm palpitation of the heart, frequent sneezing, anguish, nausea, great thirst, canine hunger, headache, colic, &c. During the chilly stage headache, nausea, absence of thirst, vertigo, conges CHIN-SULPH. 67 tion of blood to the head, paleness of the face, coldness of the hands and feet, gagging and vomiting mucus. Between the chilly and hot stage, thirst. During the hot stage, dryness of the mouth and lips, with burning; redness of the face and headache; canine hunger, delirium, full and quick pulse, violent desire for cold drinks, with stinging in various parts of the skin, absence of thirst, inclination to uncover one's self, or chilliness and shuddering when uncovered in the least; distended veins, readily dilating pupils, dry lips, without thirst, after midnight. After the heat and during the sweat, thirst and dryness of the palate. Chininum sulphuricum. (Sulphate of Quinine). Shaking chill, followed by heat, then sweat for several hours. Violent paroxysm, with shaking chill, profuse sweats, nightly diarrhoea, and pain in the left hypochondrium. Attacks of paleness, chilliness and shuddering for an hour, with blue lips and nails, and contracted pulse, then general heat and redness of face and lips, large, full pulse and thirst; lastly, slight sweat. During the chilly stage, paleness of face, headache in the forehead and temples, tingling in the ears, thirst, increased appe 68 CIMEX. tite, difficult, painful stool and despondency. Cimex lecticularis. This comparatively new article has not an unimportant place in the treatment of intermittents. Symptoms: Occasional chilliness succeeded by dry heat, followed by moisture of the skin, with anxiety, which obliges her to move about, with yawning, feeble pulse, little thirst, but desire to drink from dryness of the throat, nearly all day. At the setting in of the chilly stage, her hands become clenched, she becomes vehement, would like to tear everything to pieces. Evening, chilliness, without thirst; her feet become cold first, after a cold shuddering as if she had cold water poured over her. During the chill, all the joints are painful, as if the tendons were too short, particularly the knee-joints; the chest feels oppressed, obliging her to take a deep breath; pain in the muscles of the thighs and knee-joints. At the end of the chill, uneasiness in the lower limbs as if tired; has to change the position of limbs constantly. When the dry heat sets in, this uneasiness disappears, in the place of which there is a pressure and gagging in the oesophagus which affects the whole chest and impedes CINA. 69 respiration. The heat is without thirst, but with a feeling of constriction of the oesophagus. After the heat, violent hunger. Heaviness in the lower limbs five or six hours before the chills, with a good deal of thirst. Tertian fever: stretching, yawning and drowsiness during the chill; hands and feet dead. Constipation. Oppression of the chest during the heat. Dry, short heat, but a good deal of long-continuing sweat with hunger. A good deal of thirst during the apyrexia, but little during the chilly stage, less during the hot and none during the sweating. A good deal of sweat at night after the fever, with amelioration of symptoms. Head and chest sweat most. Sour or musty smelling sweat. Cina is useful in fevers in which the paroxysm commences with vomiting of food or is followed by vomiting and afterward canine appetite. The vomiting is followed by chilliness, then heat and great thirst. Or, fevers with thirst only in the cold stage; afterwards heat, with a little sweat and paleness of face, and then vomiting. Or, again, chilliness without thirst, with nausea and vomiting of bile; then heat 70o CIMCH-SULPH. COC with thirst, increased headache, delirium and ravenous hunger; at last, sweat with sleep. Or, violent chills and vomiting of bile; the face continuing pale even during the hot stage. Sometimes every day, in the afternoon, several attacks of chilliness with thirst; the hands and feet being cold; afterwards heat of the face which is pale, with heat of the hands and feet and cutting colic. Predominance of coldness with cold sweat, and continued hunger in quotidian fever. Cinchonium sulphuricum is indicated in intermittents, characterized by gastric derangements, torpidity of the intestinal canal, erithism of the vascular system, predominance of heat, with congestion of blood to the head, thirst during the heat, frequent eructations, pain in the pit of the stomach, (increased by pressure,) distension of the abdomen and urithing colic (flatulent colic), emission of flatulence by the rectum, costiveness, burning in the urethra during micturition, oppression of the chest, pain in the region of the thoracic dorsal vertebrae when pressing on them; great languor after the attack, and tremor of the limbs after the apyrexia. Cocculus, Fever consisting only of the co0P. CON. OYCL. n. cold stage, or alternations of cold and heat without sweat or thirst, in patients with obstinate constipation, and spasms of various kinds, especially of the stomach and paralytic weakness of the small of the back. Coffea. Slight chills, followed by slight heat without any thirst. General heat and redness of the face, with much thirst at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, without any previous chills; the heat is followed by sweat all over the body; the first hours of the sweating stage being accompanied by thirst.-(Boenn.) Intermittent fevers with violent colic; horripilations and restlessness and violent tossing during the paroxysm; intermittent fevers where want of irritability and excessive rigidity of the fibre do not admit the use of bark which is otherwise the specific remedy.-(Noack and Trinks.) Conium. Violent heat with much sweat and thirst, accompanied by want of appetite, diarrhoea and vomiting.-(BoEnn.) Cyclamen. Chills, gradually giving place to heat without thirst, especially in the face, accompanied by redness which increases after dinner. Towards evening, chills, accompanied by intolerance of cold, without any thirst; then heat in some parts of the body, in the dorsa of the hands, and in the neck, but not in the face, accompanied by anguish.-(Boenn.) 72 CROT. DAPH. DIAD. DIGIT. Crotalus. Tertian intermittent, first chilliness, then heat with pain in the small of the back and all the limbs; restless tossing with oppression of the chest, horrid headache, red, bloated face and delirium, with open eyes. Daphne. External coldness and great thirst; violent universal chilliness; chilliness and coldness of the whole body, with asthmatic contraction and oppression of the chest, in front and behind. Cold hands and feet like those of a dead person. Cold hands with general chilliness, without shuddering, with dryness in the posterior part of the mouth, and accumulation of saliva in the interior part without desire fbr drink. Fevers consisting only of the cold stage, with thirst. Diadema. Intermittents with predominant coldness. Pains of the bones with evening paroxysms of chilliness, attended with colic and shuddering. The symptoms appear every day at the same time. Bitter taste, coated tongue, colic. Painful feeling of coldness in the lower incisors every day at the same hour. Digitalis. Shivering, followed by heat, then profuse perspiration. Internal chilliness, or of the back, sometimes with redness and heat of the face. Desire for sour drinks and bitter food. Want of appetite or great hunger. DROS. ELAT. 73 Drosera. Quotidian intermittent. Paroxysm every morning. Chilliness with blue nails, icy cold hands and necessity to lie down. After the chill, thirst. Atnoon, heat in the face, heaviness in the head, beating in the occiput, and afterwards inclination to vomit. Feels well in the evening and profuse sweat at night, particularly on the abdomen. Chilly during the day and heat at night. Elaterium. Quotidian, tertian and quartan fever. It has been successfully employed in fevers with the following symptoms: Quartan ague of six weeks' standing, paroxysms occurring at noon, when an attack resembling cholera supervened, afterwards severe and copious discharge of frothy fluid matter frequently dejected from the bowels with cutting pains and vomiting. Obstinate tertian ague for five years, suppressed by quinine, but recurring at intervals. Symptoms: Chill every third day, twice in the day, continuing for two hours; pains in the head, under the shoulder-blades, in the left side, in the calves of the legs and small of the back; yawning and gaping, with a sound resembling the neighing of a horse; running at the nose; cramps in the legs and soles of the feet. The chill was followed by a high fever, ending in copious perspiration. 7 74 EUPATORIUM. Tertian fever, paroxysms preceded by much gaping and attended by much thirst, with pain in the abdomen and great pain in the extremities darting down into the fingers and toes. Quotidian fever, repeatedly suppressed by quinine. Paroxysms preceded by headache, soreness of the limbs, pain of the bowels, continued gaping and stretching. In the chill slightly increased pain in the head and limbs. In the hot stage, violent, tearing pains throughout the head, but most in the region of benevolence; increased pain in the bowels and extremities, and pains shooting to the very tips of the fingers and toes, and then shooting back into the body. Thirst intense. In the sweat, all the symptoms gradually subside. Access at 1 o'clock, P. M. Eupatorium. This remedy, as seen by its pathogenesis and as found in practice, is one of the most valuable of the Materia Medica in the treatment of Western intermittents. It corresponds to strongly marked and frequently recurring forms of fever, of all types. The paroxysm generally commences in the morning. There is thirst some hours before the chill, which continues during the chill and heat. Sometimes there is chilliness] during the night and in the EUPATORIUM. 75 morning with nausea from the least motion, and aching pain and soreness as if from having been beaten in the calves of the legs, small of the back and arms. Vomiting at the conclusion of the chill. During the heat, flushed face and dry hot skin and violent throbbing headache. Chill in the morning, heat during the rest of the day and slight perspiration in the evening. Heavy chill early in the morning of one day, and a light chill about noon the next, and so on. Pain in the bones early in the morning, before the chill. Increased headache, but diminished thirst during the heat. Chill with excessive trembling and nausea. Internal trembling and external heat. The patient feels worse in the morning of one day and afternoon of the next. A greater amount of shivering during the chill than is warranted by the degree of coldness. Retching and vomiting of bile. Distressing pain at the screbiculus cordis during the chill and heat. Violent pain of the head and back before the chill. Little perspiration. Cough in the night before the paroxysm, and loose cough in the apyrexia. Great weakness and prostration during the fever, and faintness from motion. Coldness or pungent heat during the perspiration at night. 76 FER-MET. FER-AC. GUM-G. Ferrum met. Intermittent fever from abuse of China, with determination of blood to the head, puffiness round the eyes, swelling of the veins, vomiting of food, shortness of breath and paralytic weakness. " Chilliness with heat of face; extreme redness of the face during the hot stage. Sweat coming on early at day-break, and continuing until noon, every other morning; the sweat is immediately preceded by headache."-(Bcenn.) Ferrum aceticum has been employed in tertian fevers commencing with a pressing in the forehead, followed by violent chilliness for three quarters of an hour, with increase of headache and great thirst, then moderate heat and sweat with bitter taste, loss of appetite, constipation, yellow complexion, great languor and headache during the apyrexia. Gummi gutti. Violent chills proceeding from the back, with chilliness of the whole body, even the forehead, from eve till morning. Chills for two hours with chattering of the teeth, the skin feeling warm to the touch, with violent thirst. Quotidian or tertian fever, rather postponing than anticipating type. Chilliness, with empty eructations, yawning, thirst, pain of the back and biting as GRAPH. HELL. HEP. of ants over the whole body (at night), or with excessive stitches of the ears at the commencement. Graphites. Chills early in the morning and in the evening; then heat followed by sweat, fever every day, commencing with a shaking fit in the evening, followed by heat in the face and cold feet, without sweat. In the evening stitching pain in the temples, in the left ear and in the teeth, with shiverings; sweat the following night. Helleborus. Violent heat in the head, cold hands and feet, afterwards general slight sweat for an hour. When out of bed is constantly affected with chilliness of the body without thirst, cold hands, internal burning heat and dulness of the head, drowsiness, heaviness and weakness of the feet; after lying down in bed is immediately attacked with heat and sweat all over the body, without thirst. " Towards five or six o'clock in the evening, and especially after lying down, there is a burning heat over the whole body, especially about the head, accompanied by internal chills, without thirst; when he attempted to drink, he could only drink a little at a time."-(Bcenn.) Hepar sulph. Violent chilliness with chattering of the teeth at 8 o'clock in the 7* 78 HYOSCYAMUS. evening, for a quarter of an hour, with cold hands and feet, followed by heat and sweat, especially on the chest and forehead, with slight thirst. Shuddering at 2 o'clock at night, with hot, dry skin; occasional creeping chills along the back and on the chest, with a pressing pain in the back, in and near the hips, and in the abdomen, with inclination to vomit. Paroxysm early in the morning; first, bitter taste in the mouth; after a few hours, chilliness and thirst. Burning, feverish heat, with great thirst; red face, headache and muttering delirium from 4 o'clock p. M., through the night. Hyoscyamus. Tertian and quartan fevers with epileptic fits; great weakness, flashes before the eyes and congestion of blood to the head. " Quartan fever, with dry cough at night. Quartan fever, with a short, dry, hacking cough at night. Fever in the afternoon where the coldness is the characteristic symptom, with pain in the back. In the evening violent and long chills, with uneasy sleep, followed by copious sweats, especially on the thighs. In the evening, burning heat of the whole body, with much thirst; putrid taste and much mucus in the mouth."-(Bcenn.) IGNATIA. 79 Ignatia. Ignatia is adapted to intermittents with thirst during the chill, and absence of thirst during the heat. The chilliness is relieved by external warmth; some parts are hot, while others are cold. The heat is mostly external. Chilliness over the arms; afterwards heat and redness of the cheeks, and heat of the hands and feet without thirst. Fever in the afternoon; shuddering, with colic; afterwards, weakness and sleep, with burning heat of the body. Chill, followed by external heat, then sweat. Quotidian, tertian and quartan fevers, with anticipating type. Chill, with thirst and external coldness (frequently proceeding from the abdomen), followed by heat without thirst, with cold feet, with or without thirst. The symptoms during the paroxysm are: Headache, pain in the pit of the stomach, great languor, paleness, or alternate redness and paleness of the face, lips dry and chapped, white tongue, deep sleep with snoring; nettle rash. During the chill, nausea, vomiting of food or bile and mucus; sallow complexion, pain in the back, lameness of the lower limbs. During the heat, redness of the cheeks, absence of thirst, internal shuddering, cold feet, stinging in the limbs, pain in the back, delirium, vertigo, beating headache, tearing in the bones, 80 IPECAC. and sleep. During the sweat, stinging and roaring in the ears. Ipecac. Ipecac. is an important remedy in intermittents. It is remarked of it, and we think truly, that it possesses this advantage, that even if it does not entirely suit a given case, it effects a favorable change, so that the cure can be afterwards completed by am. chin. ig. nux, &c. In this region it cures very many cases alone, and many more, followed, after two or three days' use of it, by ars., china, nux, &c. The following are the characteristic symptoms of Ipecac. The chilly stage moderate and short, with thirst; the heat great, without thirst. Sometimes the heat is only felt about the head with red cheeks, dilatation of the pupils, prostration of body and mind, and constriction of the chest. Or much shivering, with little heat; aggravation of shivering by external warmth. Sometimes little or no thirst during the chill and a good deal of thirst during the heat. Profuse sweat or absence of sweat. The paroxysm is accompanied by headache, gastric symptoms, nausea and vomiting, oppression and constriction of the chest. During the apyrexia, bad taste of the mouth, bitter taste of food, spitting, loss of appetite, languor and debility, and absence of sleep. KALI, LACH. 81 The indication for Ipecac. is increased if the paroxysms have been suppressed by quinine or China, and returned. Kali carbonicum. At 6 o'clock P. M., every day, feverish chilliness for one hour, with thirst; afterwards heat without thirst, with violent fluent coryza, followed by slight perspiration with sound sleep; in the morning scraping sensation in the throat, bad taste in the mouth, want of appetite and agglutination of the eyelids. Continual chilliness, with violent thirst and internal heat, hot hands and aversion to eating. Chilliness, followed by heat in the face. Feverish heat at 9 o'clock every forenoon, and at 5 o'clock every afternoon from half an hour to an hour, with yawning, violent thirst, headache and pulsations in the abdomen. In the evening alternate chilliness and heat, followed by sweat in the night. Lachesis. Intermittent fevers every evening, with want of appetite and headache, internal chilliness with externalheat; afterwards a violent feverish heat the whole night. Chilliness every afternoon, followed by heat, with shiverings when lifting the cover, afterwards sweat. Every evening slight chills with drawing in the back and along the lower extremities from 82 LAUROC. below upwards; afterwards dry, nightly heat, with want of appetite and exhaustion. Every morning, when rising, uneasiness with hurried and anxious movements, as if they originated in fear; towards 11 o'clock one is more easy; there is headache, deep breathing, groaning and a hot sweat all over the body; afterwards, towards evening, vomiting and hiccough (in children). Tertian fever, especially immediately after dinner; first chilliness with burning in the face and constant shiverings throughout the body; afterwards, towards evening a good deal of heat, with violent headache. Inveterate quartan fevers with abuse of quinine, accompanied by convulsions during the cold stage and thirst in the hot stage. Hempel says, Lachesis has proved efficient in relieving the excessive burning and rending pain which is often experienced during a relapse into bilious intermittent fevers, the type of which had been violently suppressed by renewed doses of quinine and mercury. It may be exhibited immediately during the paroxysm; this ought then to be followed by Arsenic, to be exhibited shortly after the attack. Laurocerasus. First shuddering, then LED. LOB. 83 burning heat, with stupor, vertigo, and subsequent languor of the limbs. Alternation of violent chills and burning heat, with stupor and vertigo. Fever lasting twelve hours; violent thirst, with dryness of the mouth evening or afternoon; pulse very variable. Ledum. Chilliness without subsequent heat, with thirst especially for cold water; heat all over, without thirst. On waking up the body is covered with perspiration, accompanied by itching of the whole body. Intermittent fevers, with malignant rheumatic pains. Lobelia infi. Lobelia has proved an efficient remedy in intermittent fevers with the following characters: attack at halfpast 10 o'clock, A. M. Severe coldness, alternating with flashes of heat till 12 o'clock, M., when the heat, which was moderate, became more constant, but alternating with slight chilliness, till evening; profuse sweat at night, with quiet sleep; thirst great from the first chill during the hot stage, but worse in the chill; respiration short, anxious, laborious and wheezing, with sensation of tightness in the chest; tickling in the throat-pit, with frequent hacking cough; severe headache, extending round the forehead from one temple to the other; loss of appetite both 84: LYCOPODIUM. in the paroxysm and apyrexia; tongue white, scaly, coated on the right side, but clean on the left; great debility. Shaking chill, with thirst; then heat, with thirst and sweat. The thirst is sometimes observed before the chill, and through the whole fever; often only before the chill, and not in it, and then again in the heat. The coldness is increased after drinking. The sweat begins with the heat, or after the heat has continued for some time. Lycopodium. Paroxysm every afternoon, from 3 o'clock till evening, the chilliness increasing progressively without any subsequent heat or sweat. Paroxysm at 7 o'clock in the evening; chills and great coldness, even when in bed, as if she were lying in ice, for two hours, with drawing in all her limbs, in the back, and in the whole body. On waking from her sleep, which was full of dreams, she is covered all over withsweat, with violent thirst after the sweat. Coldness of the body in the evening, with heat of the forehead. At 8 o'clock in the morning violent chilliness for half an hour, followed by but little heat. Early in the morning she wakes with chilliness; soon afterwards has much heat and pain in the occiput, and feels quite sick. Even MAG-SULP3H. 85 ing fever every day; chilliness, followed by heat. Evening fever, a little chilliness, followed shortly by violent continued heat; weariness and pain in the limbs. Chilliness every evening when in bed till midnight; after midnight feels warm and hot; early in the morning sour-smelling sweat. In the evening alternate chilliness and heat, with aching of the whole head and coryza. Alternate chilliness and heat, and great redness and heat of the cheeks. First nausea and vomiting; then chilliness, followed by sweats, without any previous heat. Fever, with great weakness, heat predominant, afterwards chilliness. Tertian fever, with sour vomiting after the chills, and bloated face and hands. Magnesia sulph, Chilliness in the evening until he lies down, afterwards sweat, with thirst early in the morning. Chilliness from 9 o'clock in the evening until 10 in the morning; afterwards, towards noon, he is obliged to lie down; sweat at 3 o'clock, r. M. Shaking chills from 7 o'clock, evening, till an hour after going to bed, followed by increase of warmth, and towards morning sweat, without any thirst. Alternations of chilliness and heat at night, only chilliness in the night following. Alternation of heat and shudder8 86 MENYANTHES. ing, with alternate redness and paleness of face. Menyanthes. Predominant coldness; coldness in the region of the dorsal spine, with shaking; icy coldness of the hands and feet, the rest of the body warm. Coldness of the legs and feet as far as the knees, as if standing in cold water. Coldness of the feet, sometimes icy coldness, with swelled veins of the arms and hands, the coldness continuing even in bed. Shivering over the body, with yawning, even in the warm room, the hair sometimes standing on end, especially cold thrills over the legs; horripilation over the back, as if the parts had long been exposed to cold air. Chilliness of the trunk, especially in the fingers, over the whole body, disappearing in the neighborhood of a warm stove, or chilliness of the back continuing near a warm stove. Intermittent fevers with chilliness in the belly, lasting for six hours, and then a disagreeable feeling of heat comes on; heat in the face, followed by universal chilliness; feeling of heat in the back, intermingled with coldness, and succeeded by warmth of the cheeks; heat of the ears; thrills of heat over the cheeks in the evening; great heat over the whole body, with cold feet; heat in the evening; very slow pulse. MERC. NAT-M. 87 Mercury. Chilliness in the evening when in bed; afterwards heat with violent thirst. Attacks of heat, accompanied by great anxiety, as if the chest were compressed, without any thirst; the heat alternates with a sensation of coldness over the whole body, and great failing of strength; heat and chilliness continually intermixed; when out of bed one feels chilly, when in bed hot; with daily great desire for milk; chilliness and heat without any thirst; towards morning thirst, nausea, and an excessive palpitation of the heart during the sweating stage, the sweat smelling fetid or sour. Natrum muriaticum, Heat after the siesta; the heat is followed again by shiverings until evening. At 8 o'clock in the morning a violent chilliness commences, which lasts till noon; this is followed by heat until evening, without sweat or thirst, either in the cold or hot stage; she was without any consciousness, and had violent headache. Chilliness at 10 o'clock, A. m., commencing at the feet; two hours and a half afterwards general short-lasting heat; before and after the heat one experiences a violent thirst; the heat is followed by headache. Chilliness, with thirst, and tearing in the bones at 10 o'clock, A. M.; this is followed 88 NAT-M. by great heat, with excessive thirst, and tearing in the head. In the forenoon chilliness for three hours, with blue nails, and chattering of the teeth; this is followed by heat of equal duration, with obscuration of sight, stitches in the head, a good deal of thirst, and some sweat; pain in the back during the fever. Chilliness at 4 o'clock, A. M.; this is followed by heat, with a throbbing headache; thirst immediately after the chilliness and during the heat. Considerable chilliness and chattering of the teeth, commencing in the evening; this is followed by a slight increase of the warmth of the skin, with violent headache, as if the head would burst; no thirst in either stage; accompanied by eruption of the lips. Anticipating chilliness in the morning, with external coldness, great thirst, violent headache and stupefaction; afterwards slight heat, with a little sweat; faintishness and weakness of the eyes. Chilliness with great thirst; afterwards great heat with violent thirst and excessive headache; at last violent sweat. Chilliness, with increasing headache in the forehead every day from 9 o'clock in the morning until noon; afterwards warmth, with gradually appearing sweat NITR-AC. 89 and thirst, the headache decreasing afterwards in the same gradual manner until 5 o'clock, P. M. A friend in Philadelphia writes me that Dr. Kitchen remarked in the Clinic, that he has cured nearly all his intermittents this year and last with natrmur., 3d and 6th potency. Nitric acid. Chilliness in the afternoon for an hour; then heat over the whole body for a quarter of an hour; afterwards a violent sweat over the whole body for two hours; there is no thirst either in the cold or hot stage. Quotidian fever: after having taken cold during a long ride in a violent wind; first chilliness for three hours; afterwards heat for six hours, with excessive sweat. Afternoon fever, heat and chilliness; feverish chilliness in the afternoon, in the open air, for an hour and a half; afterwards dry heat while in bed, with delirium in a sort of half-waking state; no sleep; sweat and sleep towards morning. Chilliness in the morning in bed, and the whole day, with heat in the face in the afternoon; chilliness and shaking in the evening; afterwards flushes of heat, with dryness of throat. Chilliness from bed-time till midnight; afterwards dry heat of the head, body, and lower limbs. It is particulary appro8* 90 NUX-VOM. NUX-MOSCH. priate in a scorbutic state of gums, chronic diarrhoea, or after the abuse of mercury. Nux moschata. Quartan? tertian and compound tertian fevers, with drowsiness: white tongue, rattling, bloody expectorations, slight thirst, even during the heat. Violent heat in the face and hands, with prostration and hypochondriacal mood for several forenoons. Nux vomica. Nux is an important remedy in connection with the state of the patient during the apyrexia, ýas well as during the paroxysm. It is indicated by a state of constipation, gastric, or bilious symptoms, in consequence of errors of diet, or in a nervous condition from irritation of the spinal marrow. Intermittent fevers, mostly in the afternoon, evening, or night. Quotidian or tertian fevers, with or without gastric fevers. Fevers, mostly consisting of chilliness and partial heat, with or without subsequent sweat. Intermittents, consisting mostly of heat, preceded, followed, or mingled with chills. Alternations of chills and heat, with constant desire for beer. During the paroxysm: pains and languor of the limbs, vertigo, and dulness of the head, oppressive headache, aching and spasmodic pains of the stomach, pressure in the pit of the stomach, NUX-VOM. 91 nausea, bitter eructations, bitter and sour taste, white or yellow coating of the tongue, vomiting of the ingesta, loss of appetite, constipation, or else frequent small evacuations of watery mucus, abdominal spasms, fainting fits, great languor of body and mind, excessive debility and prostration. During the heat: vertigo, headache, chilliness upon uncovering one's-self in the least, or making the least motion, thirst, nausea, vomiting, buzzing in the ears, pains in the chest, red urine. Intermittents after the abuse of china or quinine, with or without swelling and hardness of the liver. Intermittent fevers, sometimes without the usual coldness of the body, or with long-lasting coldness, chattering of the teeth, icy coldness of the hands and feet, blue nails, no thirst, tearing pains in the thighs and legs, and in the small of the back, succeeded by continued general heat, with aching pains in the forepart of the head, redness of the face, violent thirst, shuddering and chilliness on moving or uncovering one's-self, lastly sweat. During the apyrexia: vertigo, heaviness and dulness of the head, tearing, aching, and beating pains in the sinciput and temples, wan paleness of the face, toothache, clean tongue, or else tongue coated with a thick yellow brown mucus, loss of taste OPIUM. and appetite, bitter putrid taste, nausea, bitter vomiting, stitches in the region of the liver and right side of the chest, great sensitiveness and painfulness in the pit of the stomach, distension of the pit of the stomach, oppressive, contractive pain in the stomach, painfulness and distension of the left hypochondrium, swelling of the spleen, which does not admit of pressure; when turning to the right side a heavy body seems to fall to that side; constipation, stinging of the rectum, dry nightcough, emaciation, weakness, anguish, disconsolate mood, with violent weeping, excessive sensitiveness of feeling, the patient is beside himself on account of trifles. Many of these symptoms continue even during the paroxysm. Quotidian fever: violent coldness, followed by heat, with thirst and white-coated tongue. Quotidian intermittent, with loss of appetite. Compound quotidian fever. Tertian, quartan, and compound quartan fevers, with constipation. Anomalous intermittent fever, with gastric symptoms. Intermittent fever, with jaundice. Apoplectic intermittents. Opium. Shaking chills, followed by heat, with sleep, during which she sweats a good PETR. PHOS. 93 deal. She falls asleep during the cold stage without thirst; thirst during the hot stage, and copious sweat. Chilliness on going to bed, and sweat on going to sleep, most copious about the head. Shaking chills at 11 o'clock, A.M., afterwards sleep with heat, followed by sweat; headache and faintishness after waking up. Little chilliness and a good deal of dry heat. Fever with stupor, snoring with the mouth open, twitching of the limbs and burning heat of the body, at the same time sweating. Fevers with cerebral affections and sopor during the hot stage. Fevers with sopor and stupor. Petroleum, At 10 o'clock, A.M., violent chilliness with coldness of the hands and face, without thirst, for half an hour; in the afternoon heat in the face, especially the eyes, with thirst, for half an hour. Evening, chilliness, followed by heat in the face, with cold feet. Shaking fits at 7 o'clock in the evening, an hour; afterwards sweat in the face and on the whole body, except the lower limbs, which are cold. Phosphorus. Chilliness in the afternoon from 5 to 6 o'clock; afterwards heat and thirst with internal chilliness; the chilliness succeeded by heat and sweat, when in bed, lasting all night. Febrile heat 94 PHOS-AC. POD. and sweat at night, with insatiable canine hunger, followed by chilliness with chattering of the teeth and external coldness; the chilliness is succeeded by internal heat, especially in the hands, the coldness continuing on the outside of the body. Violent shaking fits, with four liquid stools during the night; afterwards great heat and sweat all over, the sweat breaking out several nights in succession before midnight. Phosphoric acid. General shaking chills, the fingers being cold as ice, without thirst; four hours afterwards increased warmth, without thirst. Violent shaking chills from afternoon till 10 o'clock at night, followed by excessive dry heat, which almost deprives the patient of consciousness. Evening, chills which produce trembling; the morning following, heat in the face, dryness in the mouth and stinging pain in the throat when swallowing. Podophyllum peltatum. Quotidian, tertian and quartan fevers. Chill at 7, A.M., with pressing ing pains in both hypochondri, and dull aching pains in the knees and ancles, elbows and wrists. Backache before the chill. The shaking and a sensation of coldness continue for some time after the heat commences. Some thirst during the chill, but more during the heat. The patient is conscious during the chill, PULSATILLA. 95 but cannot talk because he forgets the words he wishes to employ. Delirium and loquacity during the hot stage, with forgetfulness afterwards of all that passed. Violent pain of the head, with excessive thirst during the fever. Sleep during the perspiration. Loss of appetite during the apyrexia. Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla is applicable to intermittents of all types. The Pulsatilla paroxysm generally consists of chilliness, followed by heat, which is accompanied or succeeded by sweat. Period, afternoon or evening. Symptoms of the chill: paleness of the face, vertigo, stupefaction, painfulness and heaviness of the head, anxiety and oppression of the chest, or vomiting of mucus; freedom from thirst. During the heat: paroxysms of anguish, headache with red, bloated face; sweat in the face, chilliness on taking off the covering, lamenting and moaning, deep or restless sleep, hurried and anxious breathing, disposition to vomit, diarrhceic stools. After the heat, or simultaneous with it, moderate sweat. During the apyrexia: headache, painful oppression of the chest, moist cough, somnolence, bitterness of the mouth, diarrhoea or constipation. Intermittents, after abuse of china or quinine, with bitter taste of food. Inter 96 RAN-BULB. RAN-SOEL. mittents, with prevalence of gastric and bilious symptoms. Intermittents commencing at 8 o'clock in the morning, with nausea, vomiting, thirst, headache and vertigo; chill, heat and sweat are not distinctly marked, and there is much thirst during the whole period of the attack. Ranunculus bulbosus. A prominent effect of different species of Ranunculus is the production of febrile chilliness. They seem, therefore, adapted principally to intermittents in which the cold stage is predominant. Ran-bulb. produces chilliness, especially after dinner, also after supper. Chilliness for two hours in the evening, with general external coldness of the body. General chilliness, chattering of the teeth and shaking. Heat of the face, burning of the ears, cold hands, quick pulse and eructations. Succeeding the creeping chills after dinner, there is pinching in the hypogastrium, with stitches resembling pushes, which dart towards the hypochondriac region. Ranunculus sceleratus. The patient wakes after midnight, many nights in succession, with heat over the whole body and violent thirst; the pulse full, soft, accelerated; afterwards sweat over the whole body, especially on the forehead. RAT. RHUS-RAD. RHUS-TOX. 97 Skin and mouth dry, without thirst, at night. Chilliness while eating. Ratanhia. Chilliness for half an hour in the evening, going off in bed, followed by sweat till midnight. Chilly shuddering over the whole body in the evening. General chilliness in the evening, with burning in the hands and feet, and external heat, followed by sweat till midnight. Profuse sweat at night. Rhus radicans. Quotidian intermittent; chills between 9 and 10 A.M., followed by heat, with frequent pulse. Chills commencing every day at 1 P.M., increased by movement and attended with pain in the bones, and followed by heat mixed with chills; the fever sometimes attended with sharp pains in the abdomen. Double tertian: chills predominant, pain in the forehead during the chills; thick, paste-like, grayish, white coat on the posterior part of the tongue, redness of the anterior part. Quartan fever, commencing in the evening with heat, followed by heat with perspiration, yellow coat and reddish tip of the tongue, neck tender on the left side; during the fever, sleep and pains of the legs and small of the back; after the fever, debility. Rhus toxicodendron. Simultaneous chil9 98 RHUS-TOX. liness of some parts and heat of others. The paroxysm comes on with drowsiness, weariness and yawning, afterwards, at 10 A.M., excessive heat, without thirst. Chilliness at 7 P.M., as if he had cold water poured on him; after going to bed, heat and stretching the limbs; towards morning, sweat. At 5 P.M., stretching of the limbs, shivering, with thirst; cold hands, heat and redness of the face; shivering in the evening in bed; in the morning slight perspiration, with pressure in the temples. At 7 P.M., external chilliness and sensation of coldness without shivering or actual coldness of the surface, or internal coldness; on going to bed, external heat and intolerance of being covered; the mouth watery, lips dry and no thirst; about midnight, during half sleep, slight perspiration, afterwards sweat in the face, head and neck, as far as the chest. In the evening, chilliness, without thirst, followed by dry heat' for several hours, then heat with profuse sweat; in both the latter stages thirst, cutting in the abdomen, and diarrhcea; finally sleep, followed by diarrhoea in the morning. Quotidian fever about midnight, with pressure and swelling at the pit of the stomach, and anxious palpitation of the heart by day. SABAD. 'SABIN. 99 Paroxysm commencing with headache, followed by chilliness and thirst, and tearing and pain in the lower limbs as from fatigue; then general warmth, with slight chills during motion, and livid face; finally profuse, sour-smelling sweat. Tertian fever, with nettle-rash, which disappears after the attack, leaving, during the apyrexia, burning and redness in the sclerotica. Sabadilla, Intermittents commencing with chilliness or external coldness and shaking of the limbs, with little or no thirst, followed by heat with little thirst, and accompanied or followed by sweat. Fevers of all types occurring at regular periods, attended with loss of appetite, oppressive bloatedness of the stomach, pain in the chest, cough, debility, and thirst between the chilly and hot stages. During the chilliness: pain of the upper ribs, dry, spasmodic cough and tearing in all the limbs and bones. During the hot stage: delirium, yawning and stretching. During the sweat: sleep. After the paroxysm, the limbs feel bruised, without any other complaint. Sabina. Paroxysm, especially towards evening; first, chilliness, afterwards heat in the whole body and at night profuse sweat. In the evening, chills over the whole body, especially in the back; after 100 SAMB. SEP. SIL. wards internal burning heat without thirst, with uneasiness in the limbs; sweat at night, without thirst. Sambucus, Chills, with cold extremities; afterwards, distressing dry heat, without thirst, with dread of being uncovered; afterwards, copious sweat without any particular thirst. Feeling of burning heat in the head and face, the body being moderately warm and the feet icy cold, without thirst. Intermittents, with profuse weakening sweats during the apyrexia. Sepia. Thirst during the chill. Paroxysm frequent but at indefinite periods of the day. First: general heat with sweat in the face, violent thirst and bitterness of the mouth; then again chilliness, with general coldness, also in the face, with inclination to vomit, and pressure in the forehead, extending into the temples; during the heat, vertigo. Violent chills for an hour, followed by violent heat and inability to collect one's senses; after which violent sweat in the evening, the urine brown and having an acrid smell. Silicea. Repeated shiverings through the day for half an hour, followed by moderate heat, mostly in the head and face. In the evening, after lying down, violent chilliness which produces pain in the SPIG. SPONG. STANN. 101 stomach; afterwards general heat, with thirst; copious sweat with thirst. Profuse, exhausting, night sweats. Spigelia. For five days in succession, chilliness, in the morning, after rising, at the same hours, and heat at noon, five hours afterwards, mostly on the trunk, but more so in the face, with redness, but no particular thirst. Alternation of heat and chilliness; the chilliness being especially felt in the back, the heat in the hands and face. As soon as he lies down he feels chilly; after which he is covered with a profuse fetid sweat. Heat, with great esire for beer. Great heat, with sweat over the whole body, especially about the head, without thirst. Spongia. In the afternoon, aching, in the occupit, with heat of the face, hands and feet, chilliness of the rest of the body, and disposition to coryza, with weariness of the body and bitterness in the mouth; in the evening after taking off his clothes, he had shaking chills, followed, in a quarter of an hour, when in bed, by heat of the whole body except the thighs, which were numb and chilly; sweat at night. Stanuum. First, heat and sweat over the whole body from four to five o'clock in the afternoon; followed by slight chills; thirst during and after the heat; the thirst 9* 10 2 STAPH. STRAM. returns for several afternoons at the same period. Staphysagria. A marked febrile symptom of Staph. is predominant chilliness. Fever at evening, night or morning, consisting only of chilliness without thirst. Internal shuddering with violent thirst, for several days at three o'clock, P. M., without subsequent heat. Sometimes there is slight heat after the morning shuddering. Tertian fever with scorbutic symptoms, as putrid taste in the mouth, bleeding gums, want of appetite and constipation. Stramonium. Heat in the head; afterwards coldness of the whole body, followed by heat of the whole body, with anguish; sleep during the hot stage, and violent thirst after waking up, which causes a stinging in the throat until he drinks something. Violent fever at noon, which returns with the same violence at midnight. Chills over the whole body, without thirst, accompanied by an inability to collect one's senses, and by twitchings of the limbs; afterwards heat without any thirst, with a highly red face, painful chilliness consequent upon the slightest bearing of the body, and anguish; during these symptoms he falls asleep; violent thirst after waking up. SULPH. TAR. 103 Heat and sweat over the whole body without thirst. Sulphur. Heat in the face, and sense as if just recovering from a hard sickness; the heat is followed by a little chilliness, with a good deal of thirst. Slight chills for an hour in the forenoon, at ten o'clock; afterwards ease until 3 o'clock P. M., then heat for two hours in the head and hands, with desire for beer. At noon, a good deal of internal heat, with redness of the face and chilliness; all the limbs feel tired as if bruised, with great thirst, till midnight; then abatement of the chilliness and heat, and the body is covered with perspiration for three hours. In the afternoon feverish heat, mingled with chilliness and continual palpitation of the heart. Violent chilliness in the evening when in bed; afterwards exaltations of the fancy; lastly heat and profuse sweat. Chilliness every evening, which cannot be relieved by warmth of the stove; considerable warmth when in bed, and sourish-smelling sweat in the morning. Taraxacum. Quotidian fever: in the evening the hands and nose become cold, after which sleep sets in with considerable sweat, particularly about the head. The apyrexia is characterised by languor and vertigo. 104 THUJA, VALER. VERAT. Febris intermittens quotidiana sudorifera? Debility, loss of appetite, profuse sweat every night, thirst day and night, restless sleep; Ars. was of no avail; Tarax. effected a complete cure.-(Jahr.) Slight chill through the whole body; chilliness with continual pressure in the head; violent chills when walking in the open air. This remedy has been employed with success against endemic fevers where the plant grows. In general, drugs which grow in regions where endemic fevers prevail, seem to be the best remedies against those fevers, provided that the drugs have at all a febrifuge power.-(Hempel.) Thuja, Violent shaking chill at 3 o'clock A. M., for a quarter of an hour; afterwards thirst, lastly violent sweat all over the body, but not on the head, which is only moderately warm. Shaking chill, with external and internal coldness, then sweat without intervening heat. Predominant chilliness, with heat of face. Valeriana. Predominant heat. Much dry heat, preceded by little chill, and irregular pulse. Violent heat with thirst and great obtusion of the head. Veratrum, External coldness, with dark urine and cold sweat. Coldness with in VERAT. 105 ternal heat, dark urine and cold sweat. Chilliness succeeded by warm sweat, which is soon changed to cold sweat. Tertian fever, consisting of mere chilliness. Simply nightly chills, with violent pain in the small of the back. Chilliness with great desire for cold drinks, and accompanied by nausea, alternating with increasing heat, afterwards heat with unquenchable thirst, delirium, redness of the face and constant slumber; finally sweat without any thirst, with a pale countenance. Chilliness in the evening, alternating with thrills of heat: afterwards heat with violent thirst: and finally, after a considerable interval, sweat. Chilliness and heat alternating from time to time, accompanied by vertigo, continual anxiety and inclination to vomit. Intermittent fevers, with obstruction or indolence of the intestinal canal. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface.. ili Introduction. v CHAPTER I. Maracter of the three stages of the paroxysm 11 CHAPTER IL. Peculiarities of the sweat... 16 CHAPTER IIL. TMrst. _._.... 18 I. When present.............1 IL. When wanting...... 19 CHAPTER IV. Various symptoms during the fever.. 20 I. Before the paroxysm.... 20 II. During the paroxysm... 2 ll. During the chills.... 26 IV. During the heat.... 30 V. During the sweat 35 VL. After the paroxysm and during the apyrexia 36 VII. Moral symptoms. 2 CHAPTER V. Time and Type....... 55 I. Time........ 55 II. Type...... 56 CHAPTER VI. Pathogenesis of the medicines corresponding with the symptoms of the fevers 58.-Aconite (Aeon.) 58 Alumina (Alum.)....... 59 COITNTSI. 10'r Ammonium muriaticnm (Amm-m.)... Anacardium (Anac.) 0 Antimonium crudum (Ant-c.)... 9 Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t.) or T'artar emetic. 60 Arnica (Amn.)....................60 Arsenicum (Ars.)..............61 Belladonna (Bell.).............. Bryonia (Bry.)...............63 Calcarea (Cale.)..............6S Capsicum (Caps.)..............64 -Cantharis (Canth.) or Cantharides 647 Carbo-vegetabilis, (Carb-v.). 5 Causticumn (Caust.)............ Chamomilla (Chain.).............6a China (Chin.).. 66; Chininum suiphuricurn (Chin-s.) Wr1 Cimex lecticularis (Cimex) a&. Cina (Cmn.) v 0 9 Cinchonium suiphurienin (Cinch-s.) '701 Cocculus (Coec.) 1 Coffea (Coff.)................71 Coniumn (Con.)...............71 Cyclamnen (Cyc.)..............'1 Crotalus (Crot.)...............'2 Daphne (Daph.) 1? Piadema (Dia.)...............'2 Digitales (Dig.)...............'2 Drosera (Dros.)................a Elaterium (Elat.)..............73 lEupatorium (Eupat.).............'4 Ferrum metallicurn (Fer.) '76' Ferrum aceticum (Fer-acet.) '76 Gummi gutti (Gum.)..............7 Graphites (Graph.)..............7 Helleborus (Hell.)............... t' Ifepar suiph. (Hop.)............P 1Iyoscyamus (Hyos.) Ignatia (1g.)19 Ipecacuanha (Ip.) 0 Kali carbonicum (Kali)...........81 Lachesis (Lach.)...............81. 108 COINTENTS. PAOZ Jlaurocerasus (Laur.)............82 Ledum (Led..)...............83 lobelia inflata (Lob.)... 83 Lycopodiumi (Lyc.).............84 iMagnesia sulphur (Magn.)...........85 Menyanthies (Meny.).............86 Mercury (Mere.)..............81 INatrum muriaticum (Nat-rn.).87 Nitric acid (Nitr-ac.)............89 Nux moschata (Nux-ra.)...........90 Nux vomica (Nux-v.)............90 Opium (Op.).......... 92 Petroleum (Petr.)..............93 Phosphorus (Duos.).............93 IPhosphoric acid (Phos-ac.) 94 IPodophyllum peltatum (Pod.) 94 IFulsatilla (Puls.)...............95 Ranunculus bulbosus (Ran.) 96 Rlanunculus sceleratus (Ran-s.). 96 Ratanhia (Rat.) 9 Rhus radicans (Rllus-r.) 9 Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.) 9. Sabadilla (Sab.)...............99 Sabina (Sabin.)...............99 Sambucus (Samb.).............100 Sepia (Sep.)...............100 Silicca (Sil.)...............100 Spigelia (Spig.)................101 Spongia (Spong.).............101 Stannum (Stan.)..............101 Staphysagria (Staph.)............102 Stramionium (Stran.)............102 Sulphur (Suiph.)..............103 Taraxacurn (Tar.).............103 Thuja (Thuij.)...............104 Yaleriana (Val.)..............104 Yeratrum (Ver.).............104