CATALOGUE OF THE GOVERNORS, TRUESTEES, AND OFFICERS, AND OF TIHIE 1754 TO 1864. NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND, 192 BROADWAY. M DCCC LXV. C ONSPE CTUS. PAGE Governors of King's College.............................5 Regents of the University, as Trustees of Columbia College............. 8 Trustees of Columbia College.................................. 9 Committee on the School of Mines.......................... 15 Trustees of the.Medical Department.......................... 15 Chairmen......................................................... 16 Clerks......................................................... 17 Treasurers of the College................................... 18 Presidents of the College............................................ 18 Provost........................................................ 18 Fellows............................................... 19 Faculty of Arts.......... 19 Tutors........................................................... 25 Librarians........................................................ 25 Chaplain............................. 26 Faculty of Medicine................................................ 26 Faculty of Law......................................... 30 Faculty of the School of Mines.................................... 31 Senatus Academicus, 1865....................................... 32 Graduates in Arts.................................................. 37 Graduates in Medicine......................................... 7....72 Graduates in Law.................7............................ Honorary Graduates, etc........................................... 80 Enumeration....................................................... 93 Index............................................................ 95 ABBREVIA T IONS. ARcH. Architect. ED. Editor. ART. Artist. ENG. Engineer. Au. Author. F. Farmer. B. Banker. M. Merchant. Br. Broker. PuB. Publisher. CHEM. Chemist. REV. Reverend. C. L. Counsellor at Law. T. Teacher. A star (*) prefixed to a name denotes that the individual is deceased. In every case in which the year of the decease is known, it is indicated at the right. EXPLANATORY NOTICE. ThE present catalogue of the Alumni and other graduates of Columbia College is the first in which an attempt has been made to exhibit the professions or occupations of the graduates, the academic distinctions which have been conferred on them, and the offices of honor or responsibility which they have filled. Unfortunately, no contemporaneous record of these things has been kept up at the College; and; until within the last few years, no organization among the graduates themselves has existed, by which such information might have been gathered and preserved. A Society of the Alumni was, however, formed in the year 1854,; and that Society, very early after its formation, made an earnest effort, by a correspondence conducted through its officers with very many of the living Alumni; to collect all the important or interesting facts in the personal history of every graduate of the College froDm the beginning.* This correspondence, which was quite laborious, resulted in the accumulation of much useful material; but the information obtained was of very unequal value, and in many instances the letters of inquiry failed to elicit any reply. Early in the present academic year, the President of the College was authorized by the Board of Trustees to publish a catalogue without further delay-the belief being entertained that the appearance of this publication would revive in the iminds of the graduates a sufficient interest in the subject to induce them, severally, to point out such impelifections as they may discover in it, to correct its inaccuracies, and to supply its deficiencies. In the mean time, however, another effort has been made to secure additional infoimation, by correspondence with members of the classes whose record appeared to be the most incomplete, and this effort has been partially, but only partially, successful. * A Society of the Alumni appears to have earlier existed; but no records of that organization are known to have been preserved. 4 EXPLANATORY NOTICE. Such as it is, the catalogue is now finally committed to the press. Copies of it will be sent to all the living Alumni whose residences are known. Those who may not receive it will be promptly supplied, on application to the President, at the College, by mail or otherwise. Every graduate to whom the catalogue may be sent is earnestly requested, first, to correct and complete his own record, as here presented; and, secondly, to communicate any information he may possess, which the catalogue may not give, in regard to any other graduate or graduates. Such communications may be addressed to the President, and the facts which they embrace will be incorporated into the catalogue in the next edition. Hereafter it is proposed to publish the catalogue triennially. Four catalogues of the Alumni of Columbia College have been heretofore published, the earliest of which appeared in 1815. The succeeding ones were issued in 1826, 1836, and 1844, respectively. The catalogue of 1815 was prepared and printed in Latin, in the style usual in college triennials. In 1826, Latin was abandoned for English, and this language has been employed in the more recent editions. After some hesitation, it has been determined not to revert, in the present publication, to the primitive style. A catalogue of King's College-that is to say,, of Columbia College before the Revolution —appeared in 1774, printed on a broad sheet. Two copies of this, the only copies known to have been preserved, have recently been discovered in the library of Yale College, one of which, has been courteously presented by the librarian of that institution to the library of this. GOVEfRNORS OF KING'S COLLEGE, NEW YORK, AS APPOINTED BY ROYAL CHARTER, A. D. 1754. THE most Reverend Father in God, THOMAS, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury; and the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, ex officio. The Right Honorable DUNK, first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations; and the first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations for the time being, ex officio. The Governor of the Province, ex officio. The' eldest Councillor of the Province, ex officio. The Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the Province, ex officio. The Secretary of the Province, ex officio. The Attorney-General of the Province, ex officio. The Speaker of the General Assembly. of the Province, ex officio. The Treasurer of the Province, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New York, ex officio. The Rector of Trinity Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in the City of New; York, ex officio. The Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Church in the City of New York, ex officio. 2 6 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The Minister of the French Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation in the City of New York, ex officio. The President of the College, ex officio. [The names of those who, at various times, attended meetings of the Governors, by virtue of their office as above, are: JOHN CHAMBERS, Second Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. WILLIAM KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. ABRAHAM DE PEYSTER, Treasurer of the Province. EDWARD HOLLAND, Mayor of the City of New York. HENRY BARCLAY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JoANNES RITZEMA, Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New York. JOHN ALBERT WEYGAND, Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Ch., New York. JOANNES CARLE, Minister of the French Church, New York. SAMUEL JOHNSON, President of the College. JOHN CRUGER, Jr., Mayor of the City of New York. DANIEL HIORSMANDEN, Third Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. JOHN TABOR KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. BENJAMIN PRATT, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. MYLES CooPER, President of the College. SAMUEL AUdHMUTY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JOHN CRUGER, Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province. The Archbishop of Canterbury (by proxy).] ARCHIBALD KENNEDY................ Refused to qualify or to serve. Deceased JOSEPH MURRAY................... Between July, 1756, and May, 1757 Removed from the Province JOSIAH MARTIN.................. Between March, 1761, and Oct., 1764 PAUL RICHARD.................................................. HENRY CRUGER............................................... Deceased WILLIAM WALTON............. Between May, 1768, and March, 1770 JOHN WATTS............................... HENRY BEExMAN.............................................. Resigned PHILIP VERPLANCK..-......................................... 1770 FREDERICK PHILIPSE...................................... GOVERNORS OF KING'S COLLEGE. 7 JOSEPH ROBINSON............................................. JOHN CRUGER................................................. OLIVER DE LANCEY.Y........................................ Deceased JAMES LIVINGSTON..................................... 1763 Deceased BENJAMIN NIaoLL................. Between Feb., 1760, and April, 1763 WILLIAM LIVINGSTON.............. Refused to qualify or to serve. JOSEPH READE................................................. NATHANIEL MARSTON.............................. JOSEPH HAYNES.................................... JOHN LIVINGSTON.............................................. ABRAHAM LODGE............................................... DAVID CLARKSON.......................................... LEONARD LISPENARD............................................ JAMES DE LANCEY, JR.......................................... Appointed subsequently, by virtue of the power vested in the Governors by the Charter: Appointed Resigned 1759 SAMUEL AUCHMUTY.... Having become Rector of Trinity Church, 1764 Resigned 1759 GABRIEL LUDLOW......................................... 1770 1761 EDWARD ANTILL..................... Did not qualify or serve. Deceased 1762 JOHN CHAMBERS............... Between Nov., 1762, and Oct., 1764 1762 HENRY CUYLER........................................... 1762 JAMES DUANE............................................ 1762 WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Earl of Stirling....................... 1763 CHARLES WARD APTHORPE................................. Resigned 1764 BEVERLEY ROBINSON...................................... 1770 Deceased 1764 JOHN PROVOOST.............. Between Aug., 1767, and March, 1770 1764 THOMAS JONES........................................... 1764 ARCHIBALD KENNEDY................. Did not qualify or serve. 1770 ROGER MORRIS............................................ 8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed 1770 JOHN OGILVIE, S. T. D................................... 1770 SAMUEL VERPLANOK....................................... 1770 GOLDSBOROIUGH BANYAR.................................... 1770 WILLIAM WALTON........................................ Subsequently appointed, the date not known: CHARLES INGLIS, S. T. D.................................... HENRY WHITE............................................ PETER MIDDLETON, M. D.................................. JAMES WALTON.......................................... JOHN HENRY CRUGER...................................... JOHN WALTON............................................ REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, To whom the Government of the College, under the name of COLUMBIA COLLEGE, was committed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, A. D. 1784: The Governor of the State for the time being, ex officio. The Lieutenant-Governor " " The President of the Senate " " The Speaker of the House of Assembly for the time being, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New York " " The Mayor of the City of Albany " The Attorney-General " " The President and Professors of the College " " The Secretary of State " " BROOCKHOST LIVINGSTON, MATTHEW CLARKSON, ROBERT HARPUR, RUTGERS VAN BRUNT, WALTER LIVINGSTON, JAMES TOWNSEND, CHRISTOPHER YATES, THOMAS LAWRENCE, ANTHONY HOFFMAN, HENRY WISNER, CORNELIUS HUMPHREY, JOHN HARING, LEWIS MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER TAPPAN, PHILIP PELL, JR., JAMES CLINTON, TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 9 CHRISTOPHER P. YATES, EZRA L'HOMMEDIEU, JAMES LIVINGSTON, CALEB SMITH, ABRAHAM BANCKER, JOHN WILLIAMS, JOHN C. DONGAN, JOHN M'CREA. And the following, added to the above-named by an Act of Legislature passed November 26, 1784: JOHN JAY, LL. D., CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D., SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D., THOMAS JONES, M. D., JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D., MALACHI TREAT, M. D., JOHN. RODGERS, S. T. D., NICHOLAS ROMAINE, M. D., JOHN MASON, S. T. D., PETER W. YATES, JOHN GANOE, MATTHEW VISSCHER, JOHN DANIEL GRoss, S. T. D., HUNLOCK WOODRUFF, M. D., JOHANN CHRISTOFF KUNZE, S. T. D., GEORGE I. L. DOLE, JOSEPH DELAPLAINE, JOHN VANDERBILT, GERSHOM SEIXAS,'THOMAS ROMAINE, ALEXANDER. HAMILTON, LL. D., SAMUEL BUEL, JOHN LAWRENCE, GILBERT LIVINGSTON, JOHN RUTHERFURD, NATHAN KERR, MORGAN LEWIS, EBENEZER LOCKWOOD, LEONARD LISPENARD, JOHN LLOYD, JOHN COCHRAN, M. D., HERMAN GARRISON, EBENEZER RUSSELL. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The following, appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, April 18, 1787, reviving the original Charter with amendments: Resigned JAMES DUANE.............................................. 1795 Resigned SAMUEL PRoVOOST, S. T. D........i....................... 1801 Resigned JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D................................. 1810 Resigned RICHARD VARICK............................................... 1816 Deceased ALEXANDER'HAMILTON, LL. D..... I.....D.................. 1804 Resigned JOHN MASON, S. T.'D......1.............,.......... 1788 Resigned JAMES WILSON............................. 1788 10 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Retired JOHN GAN6OE~.........................,............................ 8 Deceased BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL.D............................ 1823 Resigned ROBERT HARPUR............................................. 1795 Resigned JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D................................... 1787 Resigned JOHANN CHRISTOFF KUNZE, S. T.D............................... 1792 Deceased WALTER LIVINGSTON.......................................... 1797 Deceased LEWIS A. SCOTT................................................ 1798 Declined JOSEPH DELAPLAINE..8...................7.................... 1787 Deceased LEONARD LISPENARD............................................ 1790 Resigned ABRAHAM BEACH, S.T.D................................... 1813 Deceased JOEN LAWRENCE............................................... 1810 Retired JOHN RUTHERFURD............................................ 1787 Resigned MORGAN LEWIS.............................................. 1804 Resigned JOHN COCHRAN, M. D..................................... 1794 Resigned GERSHOM SEIx AS.......................................... 1815 Resigned CHARLES MCKNIGHT M. D....................................... 1787 Deceased THOMAS JONES, M. D...... 1798 Deceased MALACHI TREAT, M. D......................................... 1795 Resigned SAMUEL BARD, M.................................. 1804 Resigned NICHOLAS ROMAINE, M. D....................................... 1793 Deceased BENJAMIN KISSAM M. D......................................... 1804 Deceased EBENEZER CROSBY, M.D........................................ 1788 And the following, subsequently chosen by virtue of the Act of April 13, 1787, empowering the Trustees then created to fill vacancies: Appointed Resigned 1788 WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D........................... 1800 Deceased 1788 RICHARDHARISON, LL.D................................... 1829 * This name does not appear on the list of Trustees after.March 15, 1788. t This name does not appear on the list of-Trustees after May 20, 1787. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 11 Appointed Resigned 1789 JOHN WATTS..................1........................... 1816 Deceased 1790 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D.................................... 1824 Resigned 1793 EDWARD LIVINGSTON...........1.......8................... 1806 Resigned 1793 JOHN MCKNIGHT S. T. D................................ 1795 Deceased 1794 JOHN COSINE...................................... 1798 Resigned 1795 CORNELIUS I. BOGERT............................. 1823 Resigned 1795 JOHNM. MASON, S. T. D.............................. 1811 Deceased 1795 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D................................. 1796 Deceased 1795 EDWARD DUNSCOMB.................................... 1814 Resigned 1796 GEORGE C. ANTHON M. D................................... 1815 Resigned 1797 PHILIP LIVINGSTON.......................................... 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN CHARLTON, M. D...................................... 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN N. ABEEL, S. T. D.................................. 1812 Deceased 1799- JAMES TILLARY, M.D.............................. 1815 Deceased 1801 JOHN I. IOBART S. T. D............................. 1831 Resigned 1802 BENJAMIN MOORE S. T. D............................... 813 Resigned 1804 EGBERT BENSON, LL. D........................... 1814 Deceased 1804 JOHANN( C. KUNZE, S. T. D................................ 1805 Deceased 1805 GOUVERNEUR MORRIS.......................... 1816 Resigned 1805 JACOB RADCLIFF..................... 1817 Resigned 1806 RUFUS KING, LL. D.......................... 1824 Resigned 1806 SAMUEL MILLER, S. T. D............................. 1813 Deceased 1807 NICHOLAS EVERTSON..................................... 1807 Declined 1808 DE WITT CLINTON......................................... 1808 Resigned 1808 OLIVER WOLCOTT......................................... 1816 Deceased 1809 JOHN B. ROMEYN, S. T. D.......................... 1825 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. TD................................. 1829 Resigned 1811 ROBERT TROUP, LL.D.................................. 1817 12 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1812 PETER A. JAY......................................... 1817 Resigned 1812 JOHN M. MASON, S. T. D....................... 1824 Resigned 1813 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL. D........................ 1857 Resigned 1818 CHARLES WILKES..................................... 1824 Deceased 1815 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL. D................................... 1849 Resigned 1815 WILLIAM JOHNSON, LL.D). D........,...1841 Deceased 1815 JOHN WELLS...S...................., 1823 Retired 1816 THOMAS Y. How, S. T. D............................. 1818 Resigned 1816 WILLIAM HENDERSON....................... 1828 Resigned 1816 EDWARD W. LAIGHT. 1851 Resigned 1816 JOHN R. MURRAY 18385 Resigned 1816 WRIGHT POSTS M. D....................................... 1826 Resigned 1817 BEVERLEY ROBINSON....................................... 1854 Deceased 1817 THOMAS L. OGDEN....................................... 1844 Resigned 1817 NICHOLAS FISH............................................ 1838 Resigned 1817 JAMES RENWICK..K..................... 1820 Resigned 1818 SAMUEL F. JARVIS, S. T. D............................... 1820 Deceased 1818 JOHN T. IRVING.................................1838 Deceased 1820 DAVID S. JONES) LL. D.................................. 1848 Resigned 1821 GULIAN C. VERPLANOK................. 1826 Deceased 1822 PASCHAL N. STRONG.................................. 1825 Resigned 1823 JAMES KENT, LLD......................... 1828 Deceased 1828 PETER A. JAY LL. D................... - 1848 Resigned 1828 JOHN DUER.................... 1830 Resigned 1824 BENJAMIN T. ONDERDONK, S. T. D.......................... 1 Deceased 1824 LYNDE CATLIN........................... 1838 Resigned 1824 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T. D............... 1830 Deceased 1824 PHILIP HONE.............................................. 1851 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 13 Appointed Deceased 1824 JOHN WATTS, M.D................................... 1831 Resigned 1825 CHARLES KING........................................ 1838 Resigned 1825 JAMnES M. MATTHEWS, S. T. D............................... 1830 Resigned 1826 SAMUEL BOYD................................. 1835 Resigned 1828 WILLIAM CREIGHTONT S. T. ID.............................. 1840 1830 GARDINERR SPRING, S. T. D................................. Deceased 1830 JAMES CAMPBELL......................................... 1848 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM -D. SNODGRASS S. T. D.......................... 1833 Deceased 1830 JOHN L. LAW RENCE........................................ 1849 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM A. DUER, LL. D.............................. 1842 Deceased 1830 JOHN FERGUSON........................................... 1832 Resigned 1831 EDWARD R. JONES...................... 1838 Deceased 1832 WILLIAM BERRIAN) S. T. D................................. 1862 Deceased 1883 OGDEN HOFFMAN.................................. 1856 Resigned 1833 THOMAS W. LUDLOW............................. 1836 Deceased 1834 SAMUEL WARD............................................ 1838 Declined 1835 PETER G. STUYVESANT..................................... 1835 1836 SAMUEL B. RUGGLES~ LL..........ID........ Deceased 1836 JoHN KNOX, S. T. D................................. 1858 -Resigned 1837 THOMAS L. WELLS.................................... 1859 Resigned 1838 WILLIAM R. WILLIAMS S. T. D.............................. 1848 Deceased 1838 WILLIAM HII. HARISON.......................... 1860 Deceased 1838 JOHN B. BEOx, M. D....................................... 1851 Resigned.1840 HAMILTON FISH..................................... 1849 Deceased 1840 WILLIAM BARD............................................ 1853 1842 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D........................... Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D.............................. 1851 1848 BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D............................... 14 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Deceased 1845 GERRIT G. VAN WAGENEN.................................. 1858 Resigned 1848 JOHN L. MASON...................................... 1853 Resigned 1848 WILLIAM H. HOBART, M. D........................ 1855 1849 EDWARD JONES......................................... 1849 ROBERT RAY.............................................. 1849 GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN....................... 1849 CHARLES KING, LL.D......................... 1851 HAMILTON FISn, LL. D............................. 1851 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D.................... Resigned 1851 GERARD W. MORRIS..................................... 1855 Resigned 1851 GEORGE H. FISHER, S. T. D.................................. 1855 Deceased 1853 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T. D. J. C. D................. 1854 1853 EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D................................ 1853 GEORGE T. STRONG........................................ Deceased 1854 GEORGE F. ALLEN........................................... 1863 1854 HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D., D.C. L.............. 1855 ALEXANDER W. BRADFORD, LL. D......................... 1855 MANCIUS S. HUTTON, S.-T.D................................ 1856 MARTIN ZABRISKIE....................................... 1856 JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D................................ 1858 LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD............................... 1858 THOMAS DE WITT, S. T. D................................... 1859 JOHN JACOB ASTOR, Jr................................. 1859 JOHN C. JAY, M.D....................................... 1860 WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN................................. 1862 MORGAN DIx, S. T.D....................................... 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D.................. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 15 COMMITTEE OF THE TRUSTEES ON THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 1865. WILLIAM BETTS, LL.D., Chairman. LEWIS M. XIUTHERFURD, EDWARD JONES, FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., GEORGE T. STRONG, LL. D., JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D., HAMILTON Fism, LL. D. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D., ROBERT L. KENNEDY, GEORGE C. ANTHON, BARON ROBERT OSTENSACKEN, SAMUEL W. BBIDGHRAM, HOWARD POTTER, LEWIS L. DELAFIELD, TEMPLE PRIME, FRANKLIN H. DELANO, PERCY R. PYNE, WILLIAM E. DODGE, JR., JAMES RENWICK, JACOB P. G. FOSTER, OTIS D. SWAN, NATHANIEL P. HOSAOCK LUCIUS TUCKEERMAN, GEORGE C. WARD. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 1860. Deceased JOHN C. CHEESMAN, M. D............................... 1862 EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M. D....................................... JOSEPH DELAFIELD............................................ FLOYD SMITH............................................... RICHARD M. BLATCHFORD........................................ EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D.................................... JOHN P. CROSBY.............................................. GURDON BUCK, M. D................................. i........... Deceased LUTHER BRADISH............................................... 1863 JAMES W. BEEKMAN........................,.............. 16 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. DANIEL D. LORD.......................................... BENJAMIN R. WINTHROP................................ EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D.)........................ WICKHAM HOFFMAN........................................... IsAAC WooD,M. D.......................................... GEORGE W. WRIGHT.. FREDERICK A. CONKLING............................... CHARLES HENSOHEL, M. D..................................... WASHINGTON MURRAY.................... HENRY CHAUNCEY) Jr......................................... SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T.D................... WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D........................................... Resigned JOHN JACOB ASTOR Jr...................... 1863 GEORGE TALBOT OLYPHANT.................................. JOHN TORREY, M.D., LL. D.................................... SINCE APPOINTED. Appointed 1863 BENJAMIN OGDEN, M. D................................. 1863 CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON................ 1864 JARED LINSLY, M.D........................................ CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD OF. OVERNORS UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER. The Governor of the Province, or person: next in rank, or Senior Governor, as the case may be. OF THE BOARD OF RECENTS!1784-1787. The Chancellor of the University. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Appointed Resigned 1787 JAMES DUANE............................................. 1795 Resigned 1795 SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D............................... 1801 CLERKS. 17 Appointed Resigned 1801 JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D........................... 1810 Resigned 1810 RICHARD VARICK..................................... 1816'Deceased 1816 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D....................... 1823 Resigned 1823 RICHARD HARISON,. LL. D.............................. 1823 Deceased 1823 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D................................... 1824 Resigned 1824 NICHOLAS FISH...................................... 1832 Deceased 1832 PETER A. JAY, LL. D.................................1843 Deceased 1843 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL. D................................ 1849 Resigned 1849 EDWARD W. LAIGHT................................., 1850 Resigned 1850 BEVERLEY ROBINSON...................... 1854 Deceased 1854 JOHN KNOX, S. T. D...................... 1858 Resigned 1858 GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D......................... 1859 1859 HAMILTON FISH;LL. D. CLERKS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. LAMBERT MOORE. OF THE BOARD OF RECENTS, 1784-1787. ROBERT HARPUR. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Resigned 1787 ROBERT HARPUR................1795 Resigned 1795 ARBAHAM BEACH, S.'T. D.................................. 1811 Resigned 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS,;S.T.D. 11 Resigned 1811 JOHN B. ROMEYN, S.T.D................................ 1815 Resigned 1815 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL.D................ 1850 1850 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D....................... 18 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. TREASURERS OF THE COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1775 LEONARD LISPENARD......., 1784: Deceased 1784 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D............................ 1823 Resigned 1824 WILLIAM JOHNSON, LL. D. 1833 Deceased 1833 JOHN L LWRENCE...................................... 1849 Deceased 1849 GERRIT G. YAN WAGENEN. 1858 1858 GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN.................................... PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER. Resigned 1754 SAMUEL JOHNSON, S.T.D......................... 1763 Retired 1763 MYLES COOPER, LL. D 1775 1'763 MYLES'COOPER, LL.D........................... 1775 Resigned 1775 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M. (pro tempore in the absence of the President)........................................ 1776 UNDER THE NEW CHARTER. Resigned 1787' WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D..................... 1800 Resigned 1801 CHARLES WHARTON, S.T.D.................... 1801 Resigned 1801 BENJAMIN MOORE, S.T.D............... 1811 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T D....... 1829 Resigned 1829 WILLIAM ALEXANDER DUER, LLD................... 1842 Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LLD............ 1849 Resigned 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D.1864 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL............... PROVOST. Resigned 1811 JOHN M. MASON, S. T.D.. 1816 FACULTY OF ARTS. 19 FELLOWS. Appointed Resigned 1755 WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, A. M........................... 1756 Resigned 1756 LEONARD CUTTING, A..................................... 1763 ])eceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A........................ ~....... 1760 Retired 1762 MYLES COOPER, LL D..................................... 1775 Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M....................................... 1776 FACULTY OF ARTS. President JoHNsoN was, at first, sole Instructor. PROFESSORS-OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Deceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A. M 1760 Resigned 1761 ROBERT HARPUR, A.M. 1767 1761 ROBERT HARPUR) A. M..................................... 1767 Deceased 1786 JOHN KEMP, LL. D. 1812 Resigned 1813 ROBERT ADRAIN, LL. D.................................... 1825'PROFESSORS OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Promoted 1762 MYLES COOPER, A. M..................... 1763 Resigned 1787. JOHN DANIEL GROss, S. T. D............... 1795 PROFESSORS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Retired 1765 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D..................... 1776 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL LAW. Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M......................................... 1776 PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND LANCUAQES. Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M....................................... 1776 PROFESSORS OF THE FRENCH LANQUACE. Retired 1784 JOHN P. TETARD....................................... 1787 Resigned 1792 VILLETTE DE MARCELLIN.............. 1795 20 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF THE CREEK AND LATIN LANCUACES. Appointed Resigned 1784 WILLIAM COCHRAN, A. M.......... 1789 Resigned 1789 PETER WILSON, A. M....................................... 1792 Resigned 1792 ELIAS D. RATTOONE, S. T. D................................ 1797 Promoted 1817 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, A. M. (Adjunct)....................... 1820 Resigned 1820 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D.................................. 1835 Promoted' 1820 CHARLES ANTHON, A.B. (Adjunct).......................... 1830 Transferred 1830 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. (Jay)............................. 1857 Resigned 1837 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. M. (Adjunct)....................... 1843 Promoted 1845 HENRY DRISLER, Jr., A. M. (Adjunct)........................ 1857 In 1857 this Chair was subdivided into two, viz.: the Chair of the Greek Language and Literature, and the Chair of the Latin Language and Literature. PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND LOGIC. Resigned 1784 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M.................................... 1787 PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Resigned 1784 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D............................... 1787 Resigned 1792 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D. (reappointed).................. 1795 PROFESSOR OF THE GERMAN LANQUAGE AND GEOGRAPHY. Resigned 1784 JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D................................ 1795 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Resigned 1785 SAMUEL BARD, M. D.................... 1786 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY'AND CHEMISTRY. Resigned 1785 HENRY MOYES, LL. D...................................... 1786 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, CHEMISTRY, AND ACRI' CULTURE. Resigned 1792 SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, M. D., LL.D........................... 1810 FACULTY OF ARTS. 21 PROFESSOR OF BOTANY. Appointed Resigned 1792 SAMUEL L. MITOHILL M. D., LL. D.................... 1795 PROFESSORS OF LAW. Resigned 1793 JAMES KENT, A. M......................................... 1798 Deceased 1823 JAMES KENT, LL. D........................................ 1847 Resigned 1848 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D.................................... 1854 PROFESSOR OF GRECIAN AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. Resigned 1794 ELIAS D. RATTOONE, S. T. D................................ 1797 PROFESSOR OF GEOGRAPHY. Deceased 1795 JOHN KEMP, LL. D......................................... 1812 PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC. Resigned 1795 JOHN MOKNIGHT, S. T. D..................... 1801 PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND BELLES-LETTRES. Resigned 1795 JOHN BISSET, A. M......................................... 1801 PROFESSOR OF THE GREEK AND LATIN LANCUAGES AND OF GRECIAN AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. Resigned 1797 PETER WILSON LL. D............................... 1820 PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY, BELLES-LETTRES, AND LOGIC. Deceased 1801 JoHN BOWDEN, S. T. D..................... 1817 LECTURER IN NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMISTRY. Retired 1813 JAMES RENWICK A.M...................................... 1813 LECTURER IN MATHEMATICS AND QEOGRAPHY. Retired 1813 HENRY VETHAKE, AB............................181 3 22 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY, RHETORIC, AND BELLESLETTRES. Appointed - Transferred 1817 JOHN MOVIcKAR, S. T. D................................... 1857 The subjects of Intellectual Philosophy and Political Economy were, in 1818, added to this Department. In 1857, the Chair was subdivided into three, viz.: the Chair of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, the Chair of Ancient and Modern Literature, and the Chair of History and Political Science. PROFESSORS OF NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMISTRY. Deceased 1820 JAMES RENWICK, LL. D. Emeritus, 1853..................... 1863 Transferred 1854 RICHARD S. MCCULLOH, A. M............................. 1857 In 1857, this Chair was subdivided into two, viz.: the Chair of Mechanics and Physics, and the Chair of Chemistry. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, ANALYTICAL MECHANICS, AND PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. Resigned 1825 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D............................ 1843 PROFESSORS OF THE ITALIAN LANCUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1826 LORENZO DA PONTE........................................ 1837 Resigned 1839 E. FELIX FORESTI, LL. B..................................... 1856 PROFESSORS OF THE FRENCH LANCUACE AND LITERATURE. Resigned 1828 ANTOINE VERREN, A. M.................................... 1839 Retired 1839 FELIX G. BERTEAU, LL. B.................................. 1856 PROFESSOR OF THE HEBREW LANQUACE. Deceased 1830 SAMUEL H. TURNER, S. T. D................................. 1861 PROFESSOR OF THE SPANISH LANQUACE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1830 MARIANO VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADERA, LL.B.................. 1860 FACULTY OF ARTS. 23 LECTURER UPON ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY. Appointed Promoted 1830 WILLIAM H. ELLET, M. D.............................. 1832 PROFESSORS OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1830 FREDERICK C. SOHAEFFER, S. T. D............................ 1831 Resigned 1832 WILLIAM ERNENPsUTSCH.................................. 1832 PROFESSOR OF ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY. Retired 1832 WILLIAM 1H. ELLET, M. D.................................. 1833 GEBHARD PROFESSORS OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Resigned 1843 JoaHN LEWIS TELLKAMPF, J. U. ID 1847 1847 HENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D.................................. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. Transferred 1843 CHARLES W. HACKLEY, S. T. D............................ 1857 In 1857, this Chair was subdivided into two, viz.: the Chair of Mathematics and the Chair of Astronomy. PROFESSOR OF ELOCUTION. Retired 1844, JoHN W. S. Hows........................................... 1857 PROFESSOR OF THE EVIDENCES OF NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. Emeritus 1857 JOHN MCVICKAR, S. T. D................................. 1864 JAY PROFESSOR OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1857 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D................................... PROFESSOR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1857 HENRY DRISLER, LL.D...................................... 24 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF ASTRONOMY. Appointed Deceased 1857 CIHARLES W. HAOCLEY, S. T. D.............................. 1861 1861 WILLIAM GUY PECK, LL. D................................. PROFESSORS OF MECHANICS AND PHYSICS. Expelled 1857 RICHARD S. MCCULLon, A. M.*.......................... 1863 1863 OGDEN N. RooD, A. M...................................... PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY. 1857 CHAIRLES A. Joy, Ph. D................................ PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. 1857 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D..................................... PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS. Transferred 1857 CHARILES DAVIES, LL. D..................................... 1859 Promoted 1857 WILLIAM G. PECK, A. M. (Assistant)......................... 1858 Promoted 1858 WILLIAM G. PECK, A.M. (Adjunct)......................... 1859 In 1859, this Chair was subdivided into two, viz.: the Chair of Higher Mathematics and the Chair of Pure Mathematics. PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT AND MODERN LITERATURE. Declined 1857 SAMUEL ELIOT, A. M....................................... 1857 The Chair was united with the Chair of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. PROFESSOR OF MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE. 1857 CHARLES MURRAY NAIRNE, A. M............................ * Expelled October 9, 1863, for having abandoned his post and joined the rebels. LIBRARIANS. 25 PROFESSOR OF HIGHER MATHEMATICS. Appointed 1859 CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D. PROFESSORS OF PURE MATHEMATICS. 1859 WILLIAM GUY PECx, LL. D................................. Promoted 1863 JOHN H. VAN AMRINGE, A. M. (Assistant)................... 1863 1863 JOHN H. VAN AMRINGE, A. M. (Adjunct). TUTORS. Resigned 1755 WILLIAM SAMTEL JOHNSON, A. M........................... 1756 Resigned 1756 LEONARD CUTTING, A.M.................................... 1763 Promoted 1785 JOHN KEMP.............................................. 1786 Retired 1830 ROBERT B. VAN KLEECK, A.M............................ 1831 Retired 1831 ABRAHAM B. CONGER, A.B................................. 1833 Retired 1831 JOHN L. O'SULLIVAN, A. B. 1833 Promoted 1835 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. M................................. 1837 Promoted 1843 HENRY DRISLER, Jr., A. M.................................. 1845 Retired 1854 GEORGE W. DEAN, A. B.......................... 1854 Retired 1854 JOSEPH S. DODGE, A. B..... 1854 Resigned 1859 J. EMORY MCCLINTOCO, A.B............................. 1860 Promoted 1860 J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. B............................ 1863 1864 DUANE S. EVERSON, A. B................................... LIBRARIAN S. Till 1837, the duties of Librarian were discharged by one of the Professors. Resigned 1837 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D................................. 1839 26 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1839 GEORGE C. SCHAEFFER, A. M. M. D.......................... 1847 Deceased 1847 LEFROY RAVENHILL, A. M., M. D............................ 1851 1849 STEPHEN R. WEEKS (Assistant).............................. 1851 WIILIAM ALFRED JONES, A. M.............................. CHAPLAIN. The President discharged the duties of this office till 1857. 1867 CORNELIUS R. DUFFIE, A. M. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. PROFESSORS OF ANATOMY. Retired 1767 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D........... 1776 Transferred 1792 RICHARD BAILEY, M. D.................................... 1793 Resigned 1793 WRIGHT POST, M. D........................................ 1813 PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOCY. Retired 1767 PETER MIDDLETON, M.D.......................... 1776 PROFESSORS OF SURGERY. Retired 1767 JOHN JONES, M.D....................................... 1776 Transferred 1792 WRIGHT POST, M. D........................................ 1793 Resigned 1793 RICHARD BAILEY, M.D..................................... 1811 Resigned 1811 VALENTINE MOTT, M. D 1813 FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 27 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY AND MATERIA MEDICA. Appointed Retired 1767 JAMES SMITH, M.D....................................... 1770 Retired 1770 PETER MIDDLETON, M. D................................... 1776 PROFESSORS OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Retired 1767 SAMUEL BARD, M.D........................ 1776 Resigned 1795 WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, M. D................................. 1813 PROFESSORS OF MIDWIFERY. Deceased 1767 JoBn V. B. TENNENT, M.D....1770 Retired 1770 SAMUEL BARD, M. D. 1776 Deceased 1785 EBENEZER CROSBY, M. D 1788 Resigned 1792 JOHN R. B. ROGERS, M. D................................. 1808 Resigned 1808 WALTER C. BUCHANANM,. D........................... 1813 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY.'Resigned 1784 SAMUEL BARD, M. D....................................... 1785 Resigned 1786 SAMUEL BARD, M. D. (reappointed)...... 1787 Resigned 1792 SAMUEL NICOLL, M.D...................................... 1792 Resigned 1802 JAMES S. STRINGHAM, M.D......... 1813 PROFESSORS OF THE INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1785 BENJAMIN KISSAM, M. D................................... 1792 Resigned 1792 WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, M. D. 1808 Resigned 1808 JOHN C. OSBORN, M. D.................................... 1813 PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY AND SURGERY. Deceased 1785 CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D................................. 1792 28 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Appointed Resigned 1785 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M.D.................................. 178 Resigned 1792 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D...................................... 1794 Resigned 1794 EDWARD STEVENS, M.D................................ 1795 LECTURER IN CHEMISTRY, ASTRONOMY, AND THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1791 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M.D.................................. 1792 PROFESSORS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Deceased 1792 WILLIAM P. SMITH, M. D................................... 1795 Resigned 1811 JOHN C. OSBORN, M.D................................ 1813 PROFESSOR OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND CLINICAL LECTURER. Deceased 1792 WILLIAM P. SMITH, M. D................................... 1795 PROFESSORS OF BOTANY. Resigned 1792 RICHARD S. KIssM, M. D................................... 1793 Resigned 1795 DAVID HIOSACK, M.D., LL. D., F. R. S........................ 1811 DEAN OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY. Resigned 1792 SAMUEL BARD, M. D....................................... 1804 PROFESSOR OF BOTANY AND MATERIA MEDICA. Resigned 1796 DAVID HOSACK, M. D., LL. D., F. R. S........................ 1811 The Faculty of Medicine ceased in 1813, most of the Professors who composed it having been appointed to professorships in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York. In 1860 it was revived, by the adoption of the College of Physicians and Surgeons as the Medical Department of the College. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 29 FACULTY OF MEDICINE, 1860. PROFESSOR OF OBSTETRICS. Emeritus EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D....................................... 1860 PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL SURGERY. Emeritus ALEXANDER IH. STEVENS, M. D., LL. D............................ 1860 PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND BOTANY. Emeritus JOHN TORREY, M.D., LL.D;..................................... 1860 PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND CLINICAL MEDICINE. JOSEPH MATHER SMITI, M. D........................... PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY. ROBERT WATTS, M.D..... PROFESSOR OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SURGERY AND SURGICAL ANATOMY. WILLARD PARKER, M. D.......... PROFESSOR OF OBSTETRICS, THE DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. CHANDLER R. GILMAN, M.I.............................. PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND PRACTICAL MEDICINE. ALONZO CLARK, M.D., LL.D.......... PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY AND MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY. JOHN C. DALTON, Jr., M.D...................................... PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY. SAMUEL ST. JOHN, M. D.............. 30 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF SURGERY. THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D.. DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY AND CURATOR OF THE COLLEGE MUSEUM. HENRY B. SANDS, M. D. ASSISTANTS. FOSTER SWIFT, M. D. (to Prof. of Obstetrics). Resigned WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M. D. (to Prof. of Surgery).................... 1862 Resigned GEORGE F. SHRADY, M. D. (to Prof. of Surgery)..................... 1862 LIBRARIAN. GOUVERNEUR M. SMITH, M..................................... SINCE APPOINTED: PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SURGERY AND HYGIENE. Appointed 1862 WILLIAM DETMOLD, M. D. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF OBSTETRICS. 1863 T. GAILLIARD THOMAs, M. D. ASSISTANTS. Resigned 1861 MAURICE PERKINS (to Prof. of Chemistry).................... 1863 1861 ERSKINE MASON, M. D. (to Demonstrator of Anatomy)......... 1862 WILLIAM H. CARMALT, M. D. (to Prof. of Physiology).......... 1863 JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D. (to Prof. of Surgery)................. FACULTY OF LAW. PROFESSOR OF MUNICIPAL LAW. 1858 THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D............................... FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 31 PROFESSOR OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Appointed 1860 JOHN ORDRONAIX, LL. B., M. D............................ PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. 1860 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D..................................... PROFESSOR OF THE ETHICS OF JURISPRUDENCE. 1860 CHARLES MURRAY NAIRNE, A. M...................... WARDEN OF THE LAW SCHOOL. 1864 THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D............................... FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. PROFESSOR OF MINERALOGY AND METALLURGY. 1863 THOMAS EGLESTON, Jr., A.M., E. M......................... PROFESSOR OF MINININQ ENCINEERINC. 1864 FRANCIs L. VINTON, E. M................................... PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY. 1864 CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D.............................. ASSISTANTS. 1864 WILLIAM A. POTTER, A. B. (in Analytical Chemistry).......... 1864 JULIUS MAIER, Ph. D. (in Analytical Chemistry)............... 1864 ALBERT H. CHESTER (in Mineralogy)........................ 1864 HENRY B. CORNWALL, A.B. (in General Chemistry.).......... SENATUS ACADEMICUS. 18 65, TRUSTEES. NAMES. RESIDENCES. HAMILTON FISH, LL. D., CHAIRMAN OF THE BoARD. 134 East 17th Street. GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D., LL. D...............13 West 37th SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D..................... 24 Union Square. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D., CLER...................122 East 30th Street. BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D...................56 West 26th " EDWARD JONES..7..................... 5 Fifth Avenue. ROBERT RAY........................221 W. 28th Street. GOUVERNEUR Mi. OGDEN, TREAs-RER............84 West 11th Street. CHARLES KING, LL. D..........................New York. HENRY J. ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D..........53 West 36th " EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D......................Poughkeepsie. GEORGE T. STRONG.. 74 East 21st Street. MANCIUS S. HUTTON, S. T. D...................115 Ninth " ALEXANDER W. BRADFORD, LL. D..............9 East 34th " HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D.D. D.C. L.. 3..33 West 24th " MARTIN ZABRISKIE...................M........... orrisania. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D............... Columbia College. LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD........................175 Second Avenue. THOMAS DE WITT, S. T. D...................... 123 Ninth Street. JOHN JACOB ASTOR, Jr...................310 Fifth Avenue. JOHN C. JAY M.D..............................Rye. SENATUS ACADEMICUS, 1865. 33 NAMES. RESIDENCES. WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN..................49 West 23d Street. MORGAN DIX, S. T.D..........................50 Varick." FREDERIC A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D........Columbia College. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M. D..................... 49 East 23d Street. JOSEPH DELAFIELD......................4.....475 Fifth Avenue. FLOYD SMITH..................................283 West 21st Street. RICHARD M. BLATCHFORD.....................6 East 14th " EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D...................... 2 East 1 7th " JOHN P. CROSBY..............................31 West 17th GURDON BUCK, M. D............................121 Tenth " JAMES W. BEEKMAN......................... East 34th c" DANIEL D. LORD...............................45 West 19th " BENJAMIN R. WINTHROP......................134 Second Avenue. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D..................Poughkeepsie. WICKHAM HOFFMAN........................... ISAAC WOOD, M. D......................68 East 17th Street. GEO. W. WRIGHT...............................63 East 23d FREDERICK A. CONKLING......................103 Tenth " CHARLES HENSCHEL, M. D...................... 20 East 14th " WASHINGTON MURRAY........................ 11 East 12th " HENRY CHAUNCEY, Jr......................... 25 Washington Sq. SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T. D...................0 Laight Street. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D....................... 122 East 30th Street. TALBOT OLYPHANT............................18 East 37th " JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D............ Columbia College. BENJAMIN OGDEN, M. D...................... 140 Hester Street. CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON......................44 West 22d " JARED LINSLY, M. D...........................22 Lafayette Place. 34 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT. NAMES. RESIDENCES. FREDERIC A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D.......Columbia College. President. EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D..................... 2 East 17th Street. President of the Medical Department, and Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. JOHN McVICKAR, S. T. D.......................21 West 32d " Emeritus Professor of the Evidences of Christianity. CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D....................... 12 East 37th " Jay Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. HENRY DRISLER, LL. D.........................226 East 10th " Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. HENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D...................... 94 West 43d " Gebhard Professor of the German Language and Literature. STEPHEN R. WEEKS........................... Columbia College. Assistant Librarian. WILLIAM A. JONES, A. M........................198 West 20th Street. Librarian. CORNELIUS R. DUFFIE, A.M...................233 Lexington Av. Chaplain. CHARLES A. JOY, Ph. D..........................Columbia College. Professor of Chemistry. FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D.............48 East 34th Street. Professor of History and Political Science. CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D........................Fishkill Landing. Professor of Higher Mathematics. WILLIAM G. PECK, LL. D........................ 29 Tenth Street. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. CHARLES M. NAIRNE, A. M....................163 West 34th Street. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy and Literature. THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D...................37 Lafayette Place. Professor of Municipal Law, and Warden of the Law School. SENATUS ACADEMICUS, 1865. 35 NAMES. RESIDENCES. JOHN ORDRONAUX, LL. B., M. D................235 West 23d Street. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. JOHN H. VAN AMRINGE, A. M................. 172 Lexington Av. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, and Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, M. D., LL. D........6 Lafayette Place. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Surgery. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D......................Columbia College. Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Botany. JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D..........................11 East 17th Street. Professor of Materia Medica and Clinical Medicine. ROBERT WATTS, M. D...................42 East 12th " Professor of Anatomy. WILLARD PARKER, M. D....................... 37 East 12th " Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. CHANDLER R. GILMAN, M. D.................... 5 East 13th." Professor of Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, and Medical Jurisprudence. ALONZO CLARK, M.D., LL. D................... 30 East 21st " Professor of Pathology and Practical Medicine. JOHN C. DALTON, Jr., M. D...................... 109 East 21st' Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy, and Registrar of the Medical Department. SAMUEL ST.JOHN, M. D....................... 305 Fourth Avenue. Professor of Chemistry. THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D.............. 4 East 17th Street. Adjunct Professor of Surgery. WILLIAM DETMOLD, M. D.......................103 Ninth " Professor of Military Surgery and Hygiene. OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M...........................Columbia College. Professor of Mechanics and Physics. THOMAS EGLESTON, Jr., A. M., E. M............. 10 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy. T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, M. D.................. 86 Fifth " Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics. 36 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. NAMES. RESIDENCES. HENRY B. SANDS, M. D..........................64 East 12th Street. Demonstrator of Anatomy and Curator of the Museum. ERSKINE MASON, M. D..........................95 East 21st " Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. FOSTER SWIFT, M.D........................... 54 West 26th." Assistant to the Professor of Obstetrics. WILLIAM H. CARMALT, M. D.................... 24 West 23d " Assistant to the Professor of Physiology. JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D................... 2..... 268 West 42d " Assistant to the Professor of Surgery. GOUVERNEUR M. SMITH, M. D.................. 11 East 17th " Librarian of the Medical Department. DUANE S. EVERSON, A. B.......................16 West 28th " Tutor in Greek and Latin, and Secretary to the President. ~FRANCIS L. INTON, E. M.5 Grace Court, FRANCIS L. VINTON, E. M........................ Brooklyn Heights. Professor of Mining Engineering. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D..................246 East 51st Street. Professor of Chemistry. WILLIAM A. POTTER, A. B...................16 Gramercy Park. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. JULIUS MAIER, Ph.D............................Hoboken. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. ALBERT H. CHESTER.............C......Columbia College. Assistant in Mineralogy. HENRY B. CORNWALL, A. B................508 Seventh Avenue. Assistant in General Chemistry. GRADUATES IN ARTS. 17. e 0is*Isaac Wilkins, (Rev.), A. M., *Joshua Bloomer, (Rev.), A. M., S. T.D. 1790. *Isaac Ogden, Judge Supr. Ct. Canada. *Josiah Ogden. *Henry Holland, A. M. *Samuel Provoost, (Rev.), A. *Anthony Lispenard. M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. *lIenry Van Dyck, (Rev.), A. 1786, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. M. 3 1784-87, Trustee 17871801 and Chairman 1795- 1762. 1801, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1787-1815. *1815 *Edward Antil, A. M. *Joseph Reade. ~Henry Cuyler, A. M. *Rudolph Ritzema, (Rev.), S. *John Grinnell. T. D. elsewhere. *John Grinnell. T. D. elsewhere. ~ *Alexander Leslie, A. M. *Philip Van Cortla Cortlandt, A. M. *Leonarder Lispenard, Regent *Samuel Verplanck, A. M. Trustee 1787.. S90. 17847, 1'763, Gov. 1'770. 8 *William Benj. Nicoll Maverick. *Daniel Robert, (C. L.) 1759. *Epenetus Townsend, (Rev.), 1r763. A.M. *Barent Cuvler, A. M. *Abraham De Peyster, A. M. 1760. 2 *Samuel Bayard, A. M. 1764. *Anthony Hoffman, A. M. *Philip Livingston, A. M., *Richard Harison, (C. L.), A. Trustee 1797-1806. M., D. C. L. Oxford, Del. to *John Marston, A. M. U. S. Constit. Conven. 1787, *Robert Watts, A. M. U. S. Dist.-Atty. N. Y., Re4 38 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1764-1768. corder N. Y. C., Trustee *Richard D'Olier. 1788-1829 and Chairman of *Edward Nicoll, A. M. the Board 1823. *1829 *John Ray, A. M. 1773. *John Jay, (C. L.), A.MI., LL. *Henry Rutgers, Capt. U. S. D. Harv. 1790 and Brown A., N. Y. Assemb. 1794, Del. to Congr. 1774, *John Troup, A. M. 1775, Mem. Prov. Conv. N. *John Troup, Jr., A. M. Y. 1776, Ch.-Just. N. Y. *John Vardill, (Rev.), A. M., 1777, Prest. National Congr. Fellow, Prof. Natural Law 1778, Min. Plen. to Spain and History and Languages 1779, U. S. Peace Comr. 1773-6. 1781-3, U. S. Secy. For. Aff. *John Watts, A. M., Trustee 1784, Del. to Congr. 1784, 1789-1816, Judge WestDel. to N. Y. Constit. Con- chester Co. N. Y. ven. 1788, Ch.-Just. U. S. 11 1789-94, U. S. Envoy Ex. to Great Britain 1794, Gov. N. Y. 1795-1801. *1829 i 67 2 *William Laight, A. M. 1765. *Egbert Benson, (C. L.), A.M., 1768. LL.D. Union 1799 and Harv. 1808 and Dart. 1811, Tutor *Charles Doughty, A.M., M. Union, Trustee 1804-1814, B. 1772. Atty.-Gen. N. Y., Judge *James Ludlow, A. M. Sup. Ct. N. Y., Ch. Judge *Benjamin Moore, (Rev.), A. U. S. Circuit Ct., Delegate M., S. T. D. 1789, PresiAmerican Congr., Repr. in dentpro ten. 1775-6, Prof. Congr. *1833 Rhet. and Log. 1784-7, *Richard Grant. Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. *Robert R. Livingston, (C. L.), 1801-16,President 1801-11, A. M. and N. Jers., Recor- Trustee 1802-13. *1816 der N. Y. City 1773, Deleg. *Gouverneur Morris, (C. L.), Amer. Congr. 1775, 1780, A. M., Memb. N. Y. Prov. Memb. N. Y. Constit. Con- Cngr. 1775, Del to Contiven. 1777, Chancell. N. Y. nent. Congr. 1777, Asst. 1777-1801, U. S. Secy. For. Supt. Finance 1781-5, Del. Aff. 1781-3, U. S. Min. Plen. to U. S. Constit. Conven. to France 1801-4. *183 1787, U. S. Min. to France *Henry Lloyd, A. M.- 1769. 1792-4, U. So Sen. 1800-3, *Arent Schuyler. Trustee 1805-16, Canal 5 Com. N. Y. 1810-15. *1816 *John Stevens, (Eng.), A.M. *1838s *Peter Van Schaack, A. M. 1766. 1773, Commr. for revising Col. Stat. N. Y. 1773. *1832 *James Barclay, A. M. *Gulian Verplanck, Speaker *Gerard Beekman, A. M. House Assemb. N. Y. *Richard Nicholls Colden. 7 1'769-1776.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 39 *Nathaniel Phillipse. 1769. *Beverley Robinson, Lt.-Col. H. B. M. Army. *Caleb Cooper, A. M. 1771. *Thomas Shreve. 1770. 1774. *James Creighton, A. M. *Isaac Abrahams. *John Doughty, Aide to Gen. *Robert Auchmuty. Knox U. S. A. *William Chandler. *Jonathan Graham, and Yale *Edward Dunscomb, Officer 1770. U. S. Rev. Army, Trustee Richard Harris, A. M. 1795-1814, Sheriff N. Y. C. *William Hubbard, A. M. 1810-11. *1814 *Stephen Lush, A. M. *Nicholas Heyliger. *Philip Pell, A. M. *John Jauncey. 7 *Henry Nicoll. *George Ogilvie. 1i771. *John Rapelje. *Benjamin Seaman. *Ichabod Best Barnet, A. M. *Edward Stevens, M. D. else*Clement Cooke Clarke, A. M. where. *John Copp, A. M. *Robert Troup, (C. L.), LL.D. *Henry De Wint, A. M. elsewhere, aj. U. S. A., *Thomas Knox. Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. N. Y., *John Searle, A.. Trustee 1811-7. 6 12 1772. 1775. *Thomas Barclay, British *William Amory. Commr. under Treaty of *Richard Auchmuty, Maj.1783, H. B. M. Consul Gen. Gen. H. B. M. Army, India. U. S., Col. H. B. M. Army. *Samuel Auchmuty, K. B., Lt.*John Bowden, (Rev.), A.M., Gen. H. B. M. Army. S. T. D. 1797, Prof. Mor. *William Cock, A. M. 1790. Phil., Bell. Lett. and Logic *Joseph Griswold. 1801-17. *18s7 *John W. Livingston. *John King. *Jacobus Remsen. *Nicholas Ogden. 7 *Peter Roebuck, A. M. *Andrlew Skeene. 1776. 6 *Samuel Bayard. 1773. *James Devereux. *Peter Kissam. *Cornelius Bogart. *Matthias Nicoll. *Frederick Philipse, Capt. *Peter Ogden. Dragoons, British Army. *Marinus Willett, Officer U. S. 40 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1776-1787. Rev. Army, Sheriff N. Y. C. *Thomas Groesbeek Lynch. 1784-7, 1791-5, Mayor N. *Thomas Lambert Moore, Y.C. 6 A.M. 1790. *Jacob Morris. On the 6th of April, 1776, the *Augustus Nicoll. College buildings were taken for *Marinus Oudenaarde. military purposes. The College *Peter Oudenaarde. did not fully resume its functions till the close of the war; and no degrees were conferred till 1786. The following candidates had been IN 1777. T admitted, but did not complete their course on account of the disturbed state of public affairs: *James De Lancey Walton. *William Walton. IN 1774.t *Thomas Atwood. 17 8 6. *John Brickell. *David Clarkson. *John Bassett, and Yale 1786, *Samuel Deall. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Will. *James De Peyster. 1804. *1824 *John Gaine. *De Witt Clinton, (C. L.), A. *Alexander Hamilton, A. M. M., N.Y. Assemb. 1797, N. 1788 and Harv. 1792, LL. D. Y. Sen. 1798-1802, 1805Dart. 1790 and N. Jers. 1811, U. S. Sen. 1802-4, 1791 and Harv. 1792 and Mayor N. Y. C. 1803-7, Rutgers 1 792, Capt. U. S. A. 1809-10, 1811-15, Lt.-Gov. 1776, Lt.-Col. staff of Wash- N. Y. 1811-13, N. Y. Canal ington 1777, Memb. Congr. Commr. 1816-24, Gov. N. 1782, N. Y. Leg. 1786, Del. Y. 1817-21, 1825-28. *1828 to U. S. Constit. Conven. *Abraham Huron, A. M. 1787, Secy. Treasury U. S. *George Livingston. 1789-95, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. *Philip H. Livingston, A. M. 1798, Trustee 1787-1804. *1804 *Samuel Smith, A. M. *Tristrim Lowther. *Peter Steddiford, (Rev.), A. *Schuyler Lupton. M. *Edward Cornwallis Mon- *Francis Sylvester, (C. L.), crieff. A. M. *Daniel Moore. 8 *Paul Randall. *Jacob Shaw. 1787. *Horatio Smith. *James Stiles. *John Shitaker. *Samuel Boyd, (C. L.), Truis~*John Whitaker. tee 1826-35. *Nicholas Fonda. *John C. Ludlow, (C. L.), A. IN 1775. M. 1793. *Henry C. Van Schaack. *Edward Kerin. *John W. Yates, (B.) *Benjamin Kissam. 5 1788-1793.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 41 1788. m*Walter L. Cochran. *Pierre E. Fleming, A. M. 1797. *James Cochran, (C. L.), A.M. William Hendell, (Rev.), S. T. *John Eccles. D. 1828. *Brtandt S. Lupton. *Cave Jones, (Rev.), A. M., 3 S. T. D. elsewhere. Isaac Knevils. 1789. John Knevils. *Lancaster Lupton. *John T. Bainbridge. John W. Mulligan, (C. L.), *James C. Duane, (C. L.) A. M. 1834. *William Hurst. *Charles Ogden, (M.) * Henry Izard. *Thomas L. Ogden, (C. L.), *William Lupton. Trustee 1817-44. *1844 *John Mitchell Mason, (Rev.), *Daniel Paris, (C. L.), N. Y. A.M. N. Jers. 1794, S. T. D. Sen. Univ. Penn. 1804, Trustee George Rapelje, (C. L.) 1795-1811, Provost 1811- *Frederic Van Horne, (Rev.), 16, Prest. Dickin. Coll. Penn. A. M. 1791. 1821-4. *1829 *William B. Verplanck. *Matthew Mesier. *Nathan White, (C. L.), A.M. *Peter Mesier, (C. L.) 1791. *John Remsen, (C. L.) *Jesse Woodhull. *John P. Van Ness, A. M. *James Woods, (C. L.), A.M. 1845. 1804. 101 21 1790. - 1792. *David S. Bogart, and N. Jers. *Gerard Beekman. 1791, (Rev.) *1839 *Cornelius Brower. *Marmaduke Earle, (Re v. ) *Coi nelius Brower. *Marmaduke Earle, (Rev.) *Alexander Hosack, M.D. *Jonathan Freeman, (Rev.), 1797 A. M. N. Jers. 1809. *1822 *John B. Jo *John B. Johnson. *George Graham, U. S. Asst. *James W. Nicholson. Secy. State 1801-25. *Joha L. Norton. *John Graham. Post, J., (M.), A.M. *Frederick Halsey.Alexander Proudfit, (Rev.), 6 *Alexander Proudfit, (Rev.), A.M. Union 1792, S.T.D. Williams 1812. *,S44 1791. *Jacob Sickles-. Samuel Smith. Peter Anderson, A. M. 1795, *George Taylor, (M.) M. D. 1795. *William Taylor, (M.) *Anthony Bleecker, (C. L.), 12 A. M. 1797, Examiner in Chancery. *1827 *William Bleecker, (C: L.) 1793. *William T. Broome, A. M. 1797. *John Brower. 42 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1793-1795. *George Clinton, Jr., (C. L.), *Jacob J. Janeway, (Rev.), Repr. in Congr. A. M. *William Cutting, (C. L.), *Peter Augustus Jay, (C. L.), Sheriff N. Y. C. 1807-8. A. M. and Yale 1798, LL. D. *Cornelius Decker, (M.) 1835 and Harv. 1831, Trus*George I. Eacker, (C. L.), A. tee 1812-17 and 1823-43 M. 1797. and Chairman 1832, Re*Samuel Gilford, Jr., (M.) corder N. Y. C. 1819-20, *Charles D. Gould, (M.), A. M. Memb. N. Y. Constit. Con1797. ven., Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. *1843 *Robeit Heaton, Jr., A. M. *Cyrus King, (C. L.), Repr. in 1797, U. S. A. Congr. *John I. Johnson. *LeffertLefferts, (C. L.), Judge *Edward W. Laight, (C. L.), Kings Co. N. Y. Trustee 1816-51 and Chair- *Jacob O. Mackie, (M.) man 1849-50. *Samuel B. Malcolm, (C. L.) *Henry W. Ludlow, (F.) *Gilbert Milligan, M. D. else*Henry Masterton, (C. L.) where. *Philip Milledoler, (Rev.), A. *John B. Stringham, M. D. n. 1797, S. T. ID. Univ. elsewhere. Penn., Prof. Theol. and *Peter G. Stuyvesant, (C. L.), Prest. Rutg. Coll 1825-35. *1852 Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. *John Nicholl, A. M. 1797. *Thomas Ustick, (C. L.) *Robert B. Norton, (C. L.) 15 *Abrahanl Ogden, (M.) *James Parker, (M.), Repr. in 17Q r Congr. 17 9 *Jonathan Pearsee, (C. L.) *Valentine H. Peters, (M.) *George Baruloo, (Rev.) John S. Schermerhorn, (MI.) *Pilip Duree (Re.) *Gilbert Smith, M. D. else- *JohBernard Ellit.sch, *John J. Faesch. where. *Thomas R. Smith, (M.) *John Ferguson, (C. L.), *James S. Stringham, A. M. Mayor N. Y. C. 1815, Na1797, M. D. Univ. Edinb. vl Off N. Y. Trustee 1830-32.,s832 1799, Prof. Chem. 1802-13,2 *1 Prof. Med. J uris. Coll. Phys. *Thomas Herrin, (RI.), A.M. and Surg. N. Y. 1813-17. *1s *JaNichoes Inlis, (Rev.) *Thomas Thompson. *Nicholas Jones, (Rev.) *Comnelius A.Van Honme, (M.) *Adolph C. Lent, A. M., MI. D. *Elias B. Woodward, (C. L.), 1798. Judge N. W. Territory. ) *John B. Linn, (Rev.), A. M., 26 S. T. -I). Univ. Penn. *1s04 Silvanus Miller, (C. L.), N.Y. Assemb., Surrogate N. Y. 1794. C. 1800-20, Examiner in Chanc. *William Cocks. *John H. Meier, (Rev.), A.M. *John E. Fisher, (M.) 1804. *John Forbes. *John Morrison. *Levi P. Graham, (C. L.) *Alexander Phcenix, (Rev.) *Montgomery Hunt, (C. L.) *Sidney Phcenix. 1795-1798.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 43 *Thomas Phoenix, (C. L.), *William Turk, M. D. elseDist.-Atty. N. Y. C. where, U. S. N. *Robert Remsen. Lawrence Van Buskirk. *John Brodhead Romeyn, Adrian C. Van Slyck. (Rev.), A. M. Union 1797, *John Watts. S. T. D. N. Jers. 1809, 15 Trustee 1809-25 and Clerk 1811-15, Trustee N. Jers. 1797. 1809-25. *1825 *William Ross, (C. L.), Speaker *William Bard, (M.), Trustee N. Y. Assemb. 1840-53. *1858 *Henry Sands, (C. L.), A, *Robert Boyd, (C. L.) M. *Archibald Bruce, M. D. Ed*Benjamin Seaman, (C. L.) inburgh. *James B. Temple, Capt. H. George W. Clinton. B. M. Army. *Henry Kunze. *Daniel D. Tompkins, (C. L.), *Abraham R. Lawrence, (M.), N. Y. Assemb. 1801, Memb. Naval Off. N. Y. N.Y. Constit. Conven. 1801, *William Le Conte. Repr. in Congr. 1804, Just. *Isaac A. Vanl Hook, (Rev.), Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1804, Gov. A.M. 1803. N. Y. 1807-17, V.-Pres. U. *William Van Ness, (C. L.), S. 1817-25. *1825 Judge U. S. Circuit Ct. S. *Pierre C. Van Wyck, (C. L.), Dist. N. Y. Dist.-Atty. N. Y. C., Rec. 9 N. Y. C. *Effingham Warner, (Rev.) *Renssalaer Westerlo. 179 8* 26 *Joseph Bainbridge. Thomas Bay. ~1796. e*George Brinckerhoff, (C. L.), A.M. David Barclay. Jacob Brower, A. M. Henry Cruiger, Jr. *Rudolph Bunner, (C. L.), Philip Fisher. Repr. in Congr. *Andrew S. Garr, (C. L.) *1859 David Codwise, (C. L.) *David S. Jones, (C. L.), LL. D. *George Davis, A. M. Allegh. Coll. Penn., Corpo- *Charles Graham, (C. L.) ration Counsel N. Y. C. *John T. Irving, (C. L.), Trus1813-16, Trustee 1820-48, tee 1818-38, Judge Supr. Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. Ct. N. Y. *18s8 P. E. Ch. 1822-48, Judge *Philip L. Jones. Queens Co. N. Y. 1840-1. *1848 *William B. RIeese, (C. L.) *Edward P. Livingston, (C. Washington McKnight,(Rev.), L.), Lt.-Gov. N. Y. and Re- A.M. 1804. gent Univ. N. Y. S. *Clement C. Moore, A. M., Samuel Nicholson. LL. ID. 1829, Trustee 1813Gouverneur Ogden. 57 and Clerk 1815-50, Prof. William Rattoone. Hebrew and Greek Lit. Gen. *Josiah Shippey, (M.) Theol. Serm. P. E. Ch. N. Y. *Charles Taylor, (M.) 1821-50, Emeritus 1850-63. *s186 44 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1798 —1802. *Samuel Moore, M. D. else- *Charles F. Thomas. where. *Matthew Tillary, M. D. else*William Ogden, (M.) where. *William Rhinelander, (M.), John Y. Ward. A. M. 1804. *George Wilson, (C. L.), A. M. Lewis Sands. *Peter Wilson, (C. L.), A. M.. *1826 James Walsh. 16 18 1801. 1799. *John Anthon, (C. L.), LL. D. *John Christie, (Rev.) 1861. *1863 *Peter D. Fraligh, (Rev.) Robert Benson, (M.) *Lewis Le Conte. *Abraham L. Blauvelt. *James Livingston. *Samuel Bogert. *James Lynch, (C. L.), Just. *Thomas Bolton, (C. L.) Mar. Ct. N. Y. C. *John Furman. *T.Thornton Mackaness, A. M. John Gosman, (Rev.) *James R. Manley, A. M., M. *John Nitchie, (C. L,) D. 1803, Prest. N. Y, S. *Lewis M. Ogden. Med. Soc. 1825-26. *ls81 *Henry Schenck. Alexander Murray. *Henry H. Schieffelin. Philip Myer, (Rev.) *Gabriel Tichenor, *Stephen Price. Gulian Crommelin Verplanck, *Samuel Riker, Jr., (C. L.) A.M. 1821, LL. D. 1835 and *Jacob Schoonmaker, (Rev.), Amh. 1834 and Hob. 1835, A. M. N. Y. Assemb. 1820, Prolf *Arthur J. Stansbury, (C. L.) Ev. Christian. GTen. TheoL Peter I.Van Pelt, (Rev.), A. M. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1821, Repr. 1803. in Congr. 1825-33, N. Y' *Abraham Varick, Jr., (C. L.) Sen., Trustee 1821-6, Pres. *John V. Varick, (M.) Commr. Emigr. N.Y. 1846-. Arthur M. Walter, A. M, *Samuel Armstrong Walsh, David Wright. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 18 N. Y. 1811. *Gabriel Winter, (C. L.) 1800. John J. De Peyster. 1802. Samuel Halstead, (M.) *Philip Hamilton. *Alexandbr M. Beebe.. Samuel Harris. *John P. Crosby, and Yale John Henry. 1802 and N. Jers. 1802. *1806 John Huyler, A. M. *John Delafield, (B.) Robert S. Livingston, (C. L.) *William Gardner. John McKinnon, A.-M. *George W. Gosman. *Nicholas I.Quackenbos, M.D. *Francis L. Harison, (C. L.) 1802, A. M. *James Jones. Thomas W. Rathbone. *Henry Laight, (C. L.) *Samson Simson, (C. L.) *Leffert Lefferts, (C. L.) 1802-1804.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 45 *Robert Macomb, (C. L.) 1804 *John W. Macomb. 1804 Nathaniel F. Moore, A. M., LL. D. 1825, Adj. Prof. Samuel Akely, A.M. Greek and Lat. Lang. 1817-illiam D. Blackrnumell. 20 and Prof. 1820-35, Librarian 1837-9, President George Bryar. 1842-9, Trustee 1842-51. Elisha Camp, (C. L.), Asst. *Archibald McVickar, (C: U. S. Dist.-Atty N. Dist. " hL.)i MeVickar, (C. N. Y., Capt. U. S. V. 1812. *James McVickar, (M.) *1836ss *Cornelius T.Demarest, (Rev.), Isaac Ogden, (M.) A.M. 1813. *IsHaacny OgdrienM*. *Jeremiah I. Drake, A. M. *William Ogilvie. *William Edgar. *Billopp B. Seaman. *William Gracie, and N. Jers. *James Tillary, M. D. else- 1804. ~~~where. *John T. B. Graham. *Hubert Van Wagenen. *Henry B. Hagerman. 20 Alexander Hamilton, Col. N. Y. S. 1812, U. S. Consul at Havana, U. S. Boundary 1 03O. Commr. *Richard N. Harison. George H. Atkinson. *James D. Livingston. John Bay. *William L. Lytton, A. M., John Bowne. M.D. 1807. Thomas Crolius. John MeVickar, (Rev.), A.M. Augustus Fleming. 1818, S. T. D. 1825, Prof. *Edward R. Jones, (M.), Trus- Moral and Int. Phil., Rhettee 1831-38. oric, Belle-Lett. and Pol. Gouverneur Kemble, (M.), Econ. 1817-57, Prof. Ev. Repr. in Congr., Memb. Nat. and Rev. Relig. 1857N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. 64, Emeritus 1864-. 1846. *Edward Manley. Peter Kemble. *John Mitchell. Edward Kemeys. *Joseph Neilson, A.M. 1805, *John L. Lawrence, (C.L.), LL.D. elsewhere, Prof. LanN. Y. Assemb., Trustee guages Rutger's Coll. 1830-49, Treasurer 1833- *William M. Price. 49, Comptr. N. Y. C. *1849 *Philip Rhinelander. John Le Conte, M. D. else- Samuel Rogers. where. *David M. Ross, A. M. *George C. Quackenbos, M. D. *Robert Seaman. elsewhere. *1858 *John I. Sickles, A. M. *William Remsen, (C. L.) *Thomas D. Smith. *Henry F. Rogers, (M.) *Charles Stewart. Alpheus Sherman, (C. L.), *John R. Thompson, (Rev.), N. Y. Assemb., N. Y. Sen. A. M. *John C. Stevens. *James Talcott Watson, and Samuel W. Thomson. Yale 1804 and N. Jers. Robert Watts. 1804. 18 *John Watts, Jr., M.D. Ed 46 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1804-1807. inburgh 1809, Prof. Pract. *James McCullen. of Physic Rutg. Coll. N. *Robert B. Aneas McLeod, J., Pres. Coll. Phys. and (Rev.) Surg. N. Y. 1826-31, Trus- *Cornelius Miller, (C. L.) tee 1824-31. *1831 *David Moore, (Rev.), S.T. D. 30 elsewhere. *1856 *Samuel W. Moore, M. D. 1_805. 1810. *1854 1.*Ferris Pell, (C. L.) *David Quackinbush, M.D. Peter Allaire (M.) elsewhere. *James Bibby. Samuel B. Romaine, (C. L.), *Leonard A. Bleecker. N. Y. Assemb. *William Cock. *Frederic Roorbach, (C. L.) *Benijamin U. Coles. *Cornelius Schermerhorn, (C. *Joab G. Cooper, (Rev.), A. M. L.) *James L. Fine. *Philip Schuyler, U. S. Con*James Fleming. sul at Liverpool, N. Y. *Alexander Gunn, (Rev.), A. Assemlb. *1865 M. and N. Jers. 1805, S. T. John A. Smith, (C. L.) D. Allegh. Coll. Penn. *1829 John L. Tillinghast, (C. L.) *Richard Hatfield. 20 James A. Hamilton, LL. D. Hamilton, U. S. Dist.-Atty. N. Y., Secy. State N.Y. 1 J07. Robert Jaques, A. M. Thomas Lefferts. Egbert Benson, Jr. Thomas McGahagan. Johii L. Bronk. *Henry Ustick Onderdonk, John H. Brouwer. (Rev.), A. M., M. D. 1810, *William E. Burrell, M. D. S. T. D. 1827, Bishop P. E. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Ch. Penn. 1827-58. *1858 1811. *Edmund H. Pendleton, (C. George R. Copland. L.), Judge Dutchess Co. Henry S. Dodge, A. M. N. Y. Robert Gosman. Abraham Purdy, A. M. 1810. John H. Hill, (Rev.), A. M. *Edward Seaman. 1845, Missionary to Greece. John T. Smith. Philip M. Holmes. *Robert 1. Watts. Daniel Mack. 20 *Peter T. Marselis, (C. L.) William H. Maxwell, A. M. 18063o Simeon Remsen. *James Renwick, A.M., LL. *John V. Bartow, (Rev.), A. D. 1829, Lecturer in Nat. M. and Exper. Phil. and Chem. *George Boyd, (Rev.) *1850 1813, Trustee 1817-20, Prof. *John Chrystie. Nat. and Exper. Phil. and John P. De Wint. Chem. 1820-53, Emeritus William E. Dunscomb, (C. L.) 1853-63. *1863 *Gilbert O. Fowler, (C. L.) George P. Rogers. *Jonathan B. Gosman, (Rev.) Dirck B. Stockholm. 1807-1809.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 47 Peter V. C. Tappan. Provost and Prof. Moral Cornelius Van Buren. and Int. Phil. Univ. Penn. James Van Cortiandt. 1854-59. Theodore Van Cortlandt. Peter D. Vroom, Jr., (C. L.), Theodore V. W. Varick, A.M. A. M. 1812, LL.D. 1837 and Philip G. Van Wyck. N. Jers. 1850, N. Jers. Legis. Charles A. Williamson. 1826-29, Gov. and Chancel22 lor N. Jers. 1829-36, R.epr. in Congr. 1838-40, Memb. N. Jers. State Constit. Con1 08. yen. 1844, U. S. Envoy Ex. and Min. Plen. to Prussia *William Atkinson, (M.) 1853-57. *William Berrian, (Rev.), S.T. *Henry Watts. D. 1828, Rector Trinity Par- 21 ish N.Y. C. 1830-62, Trustee 1832-62. *1862 *Lionel Brown. 1809. *Timothy Clowes. *Henry M. Francis, A. M., M. *Thomas S. Aspinwall. D. elsewhere. Samuel Berrian. *Jarnes Inderwick, M. D. else- Edward N. Bibby, M.D. elsewhere, U. S. N. where. *Robert McCartee, (Rev.), A. John Brady, (Rev.), A. M. M., S.T. 1). 1831. *15s *John Cadle, A. M., M. D. John McKnight, (Rev.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Hugh Maxwell, (C. L.), A.M. 1822. 1816, Dist.-Atty. N. Y. C. Gerrit Conrey. 1819-29, U. S. Collector Edward Copland. Port of N.Y. *Cornelius R. Duffie, (Rev.), Frederick Muzzy, (C. L.) A.M. 1813. *1827 John W. Philips, (T.) Thomas Duggan. *Edward Post, M. D. Edin- John Fine, (C. L.), A. M., burlgh. Memb. N. Y. Assemb., William C. Rhinelander, Jr. Repr. in Congr., Judge St. Henry H. Ross, (C. L.) Lawrence Co. N. Y. Gilbert H. Sayres, (Rev.), S. Alexander Fleming. T. D. 1863. Alfred Floyd. James A. Stevens. *John Wakefield Francis, A. *WXilliail Stualt, (M.) M., M. D. Coll. Ph!s. and *Daniel Van Mater. Surg. N. Y. 1809, LL. D. Henry Vethake, A.M., LL. D. 1860, Prof. Mat. Med. Univ. 1836, Lect. in Math. and N.Y. C.' *1861 Geog. 1813, Prof. Math. James N. Gifford, (M.) and Nat. Phil. Rutg. Coll. Henry Green. 1813-17 and in Coll. N. John C. Hamilton, (C. L.) Jers. 1.817-21 and in Dick- D. Murray Hoffman, (C.L.), inson Coll. 1821-29 and in Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. Univ. N. Y. C. 1832-35, Samuel Jackson. Prest. Washington Coll. Ravaud Kearny, (Rev.), A.M. Va. 1835-36, Prof. -Math. Jackson Kemper, S.T.D. 1829, Univ. Penn. 1836-54 and Bishop P. E. Ch.Wis. 1835-. 48 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1809-1811. *Henry McVickar, (M.) 1853, Repr. in Congr. and *Benjamin Tredwell Onder- U. S. Sen. donk, (Rev.), A.M. 1816, S. *Francis B. Stevens. *1811 T. D. 1826, Trustee 1824-53, *Richard Stevens, M. D. elseBishop P. E. Ch. N.Y. 1830- where. *1828 61. *1861 *James Stoughton, (C. L.), Walter F. Osgood, A. M. A. M. *1819 Robert J. Renwick. *Paschal N. Strong, (Rev.), A. James Stryker, (C.L.), A.M. M. N. Jers. 1818, S.T. D. 1813, Judge Buffalo N.Y. elsewhere, Trustee 1822-5. *1825 William Turnbull. *Jacob Townsend, (C. L.) William E. Wyatt, (Rev.), A. *Charles Watts, (C. L.), Judge M. 1816, S. T. D. elsewhere. Dist. Ct. New Orleans. *1850 27 29 1810. 181.1. *John Agnew. *Gregory T. Bedell, (Rev.), *Andrew Anderson, M. I). A. M. 1816, S.T. D. elseCoil. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. where. *18s34 1813. John Brown, (Rev.), A. M. Francis Child, A. M. 1816. 1815. *David A. Clarkson, (M.) John Campbell. *George Codwise. Ebenezer Close, A.M. 1815. William De Peyster. John Covert. Israel D. Disosway, (F.) George Douglass. *Jacob Dyckman, A. M., M. Jacobus Dyckman. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Charles G. Ferris, A. M. 1816. Y. 18-13. *David H. Fraser, A.M. 1815, Robert Emmet, (C. L.), Just. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surlg. Supr. Ct. N. Y. C. N. Y. 1818. *1818 Theodosius O. Fowler. Richard Freeke. *James C. Garrison, A. M. James W. Gerard, (C. L.), 1816, M.D. elsewhere, U. A.M. 1816, LL. D. 1863. S. Navy. Benjamin Haight, A.M. 1816. Joseph Greenleaf, (C. L.) *William H. Harison, Trustee *Peter F. Hunn, (C. L.) 1838-1860. *1860 *Charles J. Kip. William H. Hart. Horatio G. Lewis. William Hogan, Repr. in John M. McDonald, (C. L.) Congr. *John McGregor, (T.) Peter V.-B. Livingston, U. S. *Benjamin Moore (M.) Min. to Cent. America. George W. Morton, (C. L.), Thomas W. Ludlow, Trustee U. S. Commissioner N.Y. C. 1833-6. John L. Morton, (F.) Jackson Odell. *Ava Neal, (Rev.), A. M. George B. Purdy. Waldron B. Post, (M.) Charles Rapelye, A.M. 1820. John Slidell, (C. L.), U. S. *John R. Rhinelander, M. D. Dist.-Atty. for La. 1829-33, Coill. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. U. S. Min. to Mexico 1845 1824, Prof. Anat. Coll. Phys. and to Central America and Surg. 1834-9. 1811-1814.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 49 John N. Talman, A. M. 181.5. John Swartwout. George J. Watts. *Peter S. Townsend, A. M.'23 1816, M.D. Coill. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1816. 18 12 C) *Egerton L. Winthrop, M. D. 1 812~ (1 D. - Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817. *18384 Albert Ammerman, (Rev.) 24 *Matthias Bruen, Jr., (Rev.), 1 13. A.M. 1 John A. Burtis. *William Creighton, (Rev.), *Henry Anthon, (Rev.), A. S.T. D. 1830, elected Bishop M., S.T.D. 1832. *1S61 P. E. Ch. N. Y. and de- William Bailey. cined, Prest. Gen. Conven. *John Brodhead Beck, A. M. P. E. Ch. U. S., Trustee 1818, M.D. Coll. Phys. and 1828-40. *1865 Surg. N. Y. 1817, Prof. Mat. James F. De Peyster, (M.), Med. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Capt. U. S. A. 1814. 1826-51, Trustee 1838-51. *isS1 *Alexander-Duer, (C. L.) *1819 *James J. Bowden, (Rev.) *Richard Duryee, (M.) William Boyd. *LindleyMurray Hoffman,(M.) *1861 *George W. Bruen, (M.), A. M. *Ogden Hoffman, (C.L.), Mid- Richard F. Cadle, (Rev.), A.M. shipman U. S. N. 1814, Thomas L. Davies. Repr. in Congr., Dist.-Atty *Robert Hyslop, (M.) *1816 N. Y. C., Atty.-Gen. N. Y., William Kemble, (M.) Trustee 1833-56. *1856 Thomas C. Mitchell, A.M. Benjamin R. Kissam, M. D. Nicholas Morris, Jr., A. M. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Thomas C. Murray, A. M. 1819. 1818. Augustine N. Lawrence, (B.) Nathaniel G. Pendleton. *Philip K. Lawrence, A. M. Robert Ray, (C. L.), A. M. 1818. 1817, Trustee 1849-. *Cornelius Low, (C. L.) *1849 Alexander H. Robertson, A. *Peter Mackie, Jr. M. Edward MeVickar. *Hugh Smith, (Rev.), A.M., *John W. B. Murray, A.M., S. T. D. 1838. *1849 M.D. elsewhere. *1s1s John Varick. *Matthew C. Paterson, (C.L.), 18 A.M. 1819, Dist.-Atty. N. 1814. Y. C. Jacob A. Robertson, (M.), A.M. 1818. John H. Ball. *John Smyth Rogers, M. ID. James Brooks. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Cornelius-D)avis. 1821, Prof. Chem. and Min. *William H. Heyer. Trinity, Prof. Mat. Med. N. Benjamin Hilton. Y. Coll. of Pharmacy. *1851 Allen Jackson, A.M. 1821. *John A. Sidell, (C. L.) Henry R. Judah. John B. Stevenson, A. M. *James M. Pendleton, A. M. 1816, M.D. Coll. Phys. and 1819, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816. Surg. N. Y. 1818. *1882 50 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1814-1817. Theophilus Eussel. *Richard Codman, (M.) *184s George F. Talman, (C. L.) Frederic De Peyster, Jr., Corporation Counsel N. Y. (C. L.), A.M., Milit. Secy. C. 1838-9. to Gov. Clinton 1825-8, Ferdinand Vandewater. Mastery in Chancery for 17 11 years, Prest. N. Y. Historical Society. 81815 *T*Maurice W. Dwight, (Rev.), 1 A. M. 1820, S. T. D. elseCharles Anthon, ILL. D. 1831, where. Adj. Prof. Greek and Latin *James Wallis Eastburn, Lang. 1820-30, Jay Prof. (Rev.), A. M. *1819 Greek rand Latin Lang. Isaac Ferris, (Rev.i), A. M., S. 1830-57 and Rect. Gram. T. D. Union 1833, LL.D. School 1830-64, Jay Prof. 1853, Chancell. Univ. N. Y. Greek Lang. and Lit. 1857-. *James W. Berrian. John Ireland, Jr., (F.) *Archibald R. Bogardus. *John E. Mowatt, (A.) *Robert G. L. De Peyster, (M.) L *Archibald Gracie, Jr., (M.) *1865 1823, M.D. Coll. Phys. and *William. S. Heyer, (Rev.), Surg. N.Y. 1819. - A. M. *Samuel G. Raymond, (C. L.), *John Hone, Jr., (M.) A. M., Memb. N.Y. Assemb. *1850 *William Ironside, John J. Robertson, (Rev.), S. *John Q. Jones, (C. L.) T. D. elsewhere. *Leonard W. Kip, (C. L.), A. *James Romeyn, (Rev.), S. T. ~M. 18s. *1803 1D. 1838, elected Prof. of Philip Mesier Lydig, (M.) Rhet. Rutg. Coll. and de*John L. Mason, (C. L.), A. *ined. M., Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y., *John M.Smith, (Rev.), A.M.,Trustee 1848-53. C.., Prof. in Wesl. Univ. Conn. *1832 *Francis Morton. *SamuelL. Steer, (F.), Speaker *Frederic ton. Rhinelander, Lower House of Louisiana. *Frederic W. Rhinelander, *Thomas M. Strong, (Rev.), A. James I. Roosevelt, Jr., (C. L.), M. 1820 S. T. D. elsewhere. Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. *Adrian Vandeveer, A.M., *Robert Charles Sands, (Au.), NM. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg A. M.'1882 N.Y. 1818. 38517 *Robert Seney, (Rev.) *Henry Hamlin Van Amringe, (Rev.), A. M. *1862 1817. James S. Watkins, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817. *John M. Cannon, (C. L.) *1835 19 James P. F. Clarke, (Rev.) *Matthias O. Dayton, (C. L.) 1816. Manton Eastburn, (Rev.), A. MI., S. T. D. 1835, Bishop Abel T. Anderson, (C. L.), P. E. Ch. Mass. 1842-. A. M. *Isaac Fisher, (Rev.), A. M. *ls39 *John D. Campbell, (C. L.), *Seymour P. Funk, (Rev.), A.M. 1820. *1852 A.M. 1821. *1828 1817-1819.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 51 Samuel L. Gouverneur. *John O'Blenis. John Grigg, (Rev.), A.M. George D. Post, (C. L.) Daniel Phoenix Ingraham, (C. *Clarence D. Sackett, (C. L.), LL. D. 1860, Just. Supr. L.) Ct. N.Y. *William Staley, A. M. *Benjamin Isherwood, A.M., *Abraham D. Wilson, A.M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1820 *1822 N. Y. 1821. William Lowerre, (C. L.), A. 18 M. Edmund Ludlow. *William Minturn. 1819. *John Neilson, Jr,, A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Henry N. Cruger, (C. L.), A. Y. 1821. *1853 M. 1823. Meredith Ogden (M.) Gabriel Poillon Disosway, (C. Richard Ray, A. M. *1839 L.), A.M. and Wesl. 1833, Edward N. Rogers, A.M. Member N. Y. Assembly *Samuel D. Rogers, (M.) *1850 1849. 18 *Peter Dykers, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1823. *1845 *Andrew Hamersley, M. D. l 1818*. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823. HenryJames Anderson, A. M., Edward P. Heyer, (M.) M. D. Coill. Phys. and Surg. Walter E. Heyer, (M.) N. Y. 1824, LL. D. 1850, William L. Johnson, (Rev.), Prof. of Math. Analyt. Mech. A. M. and Phys. Ast. 1825-43, *Charles Jones. *1854 Trustee 1851-. George Jones. Daniel Bonnett. *Henry J. Lowerre, (C. L.), *Richard Varick Dey, (Rev.), A. M. *1880 A.M. and Yale 1823. *183 George J. Rogers, (M.) *Frederick Fairlie, (C. L.) *James H. Roosevelt, (C. L.) *Peter Forrester, A.M. Rutg., A. M. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. James S. Rumsey, M. D. Coll. N. Y. 1822. *1837 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Robert Gracie, and Harv. 1818 1824. and Yale 1825, (M.), A. M. Richard L. Schieffelin, (C. L.), *Henry Hone, (M.) A. M. Richard F. Kemble, (C. L.) *John L. Suckley, A. M. 1823, William Beach Lawrence, A. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. M. 1823, Secy. U. S. Le- N.Y. 1823. *1836 gat. at London, Governor Samuel Verplanck, (C. L.), of R. I. A. M. James Lenox, A.M. and N. ThomasL. Wells, (C. L.),TrusJers. 1821, Trustee N. J. tee 1837-59. 1823-57. *Marinus Willett, Jr., M. D. *John H. Lloyd. Coil. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Alexander B. McLeod. 1823. *1840 Gerard W. Morris, (C. L.), *Richard Wynkoop, (Rev.), Trustee 1851-55. A. M. 19 52 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1820-1822. Pierre M. Irving, (C. L.) 18 2 0~. *Thomas Kermit. *Elisha S. King, (C. L.) William Betts, (C. L.), A. M., *Isaac Low, A. M. LL.D. 1850, Trustee 1842- Stephen H. Meeker, (Rev.), and Clerk 1850-, Prof. of A. M. Law 1848-54. William H. Munn, (C. L.), A. *John B. Bleecker, (M.) *1831 M. Joseph H. Coit, (Rev.), S. T. D. Samuel Ogden, (M.) 1855. Edwin Post, (M.) Cornelius' Ryerrs Disosway, *Henry A. V. Post. (C. L.), A. M. Wesl. 1838. George Shrady. *James Johnstone, (C. L.) *1854 *John C. Slack, (T.) Samuel Roosevelt Johnson, *Charles E. Stagg, (M.) (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1848, *Peter Stagg, (C. L.) Prof. Divinity Gen. Theolog. *Junius Thompson, A. M. Serm. P. E. Ch. 1825, M. D. Coil. Phys. and Henry Lawrence, (M.) Surg. N. Y. 1825. *Philip E. Milledoler, (Rev.), *John Tiebout, Jr., A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824, A. M. Rutg. N.Y. 1825. 1827. *William Turner, A. M., M. D. John Mitchell, (C. L.), A. M. elsewhere.,8s~ William Mitchell, (C. L.), A. *Gerrit G. Van Wacenen, M., LL. D. 1863, Master in Trustee 1845-58 and TreasChancery N. Y. 1840-43, urer 1849-58., 855 Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. State *John H. Waddell, A. M. 1850-58. Henry John Whitehouse, Archibald G. Rogers, (C. L.) (Rev.), A. M., Bishop P. E. Rutsen Suckley, (C. L.) Ch. Ill. 1851-. *John R. Townsend, (C. L.) *1846 George Wilkes, M. D. Coll. 13 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824. 1821. 30 *William B. Barnes, (B.) 1822. *Peter A. Cowdrey, (C. L.), A. M. *1852 Geojrge Abeel, (M.) *Isaac F. Craft, (M.) *George W. Dawson, (M.) William D. Craft, (C. L.) *Peter F. Dustan, (C. L.) George H. Fisher, (Rev.), S. *John M. Glover, A. M. Yale T. D. elsewhere, Trustee 1825, M. ID. Coll. Phys. and 1851-55. Surg. N. Y. 1826. *1832 *William Forsyth. *Josiah D. Harris, A. M., M. D. William N. Gibert, (C. L.) *1851 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Frederic Philipse Gouverneur, 1826. *1883 (C. L.) *Edwin Holt, 1826. *William P. Hawes, (C. L.), Henry P. Jones, (C. L.) A. M. Theodore F. King, M. D. Coll. *William Inglis, (C. L.), Judge Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1827. Ct. Common Pleas N. Y. N. Gouverneur Kortwright, 1839-44. *1863 (C. L.) 1822-1824.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 53 Anson Livingston, (C. L.) Ienry A. Heyer, (M.) Carroll Livingston. John A. Hicks, (Rev.), A. M. Edward N. Mead, (Rev.), A. 1830. M. 1833, S. T. D. 1861, Secy. *James Hosack. Trustees Gen. Theo. Sem. Mancius Smedes Hutton, Adrian H. Mailler, (M.) (Rev.), S. T. D. 1841, Trus*Alexander H. Paterson, (M.) tee 1855-. Alfied C. Post, M. D. Coll. *William L. Keese, (Rev.), Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 182 7, A. M. Prof. Surgery Univ. N. Y. C. *Jonathan Lawrence, (C. L.) *1s83 *John Lloyd Stephens, (C. L.), *William A. Lawrence, (M.) A. M. 1827, U. S. Special Adam D. Logan, (C. L.) Embassador to Central *George B. Ogden, (B.) America 1839, Del. to N. Y. John D. Ogden, M. D. elseS. Constit. Conven. 1846. *1852 where. *Thomas W Tucker, (C. L.) *1854 Smith Pyne, (Rev.), S. T. D. Alfred Wagstaff, M. D. Coll. elsewhere. Phys. and Surgeons N. Y. *Andrew K. Robertson. 1826. *Noel Robertson, (Rev.) *Alfred A. Weeks, (C. L.) *,84t *Grenville A. Sackett, (C. L.) *Hamilton Wilkes, (F.) *1852 Charles J. Smith, (C. L.) Edward M. Willett, (C. L.),. James 1H. Titus, (M.), A. M., A. M. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. William R. Williams, (Rev.), 29 A.M. 1835, S. T. D. 1837, Trustee 1838-48. Samuel F. Wilson, (C. L.) 1 824. Benjamin Aycrigg, (Eng.), A. M. 1839, Chief Engineer 1823. Penn. *Robert Barker. *Christopher Allen. Alexander M. Burrill, (C. L.) Horatio Allen, (Eng.) *Edward C. Crara, (M.) *Edward Anthon, (C. L.) William A. Curtis, (Rev.), William H. Boyd, A. M., M.D. A. M. 1838. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Benjamin Drake, A. M., M. D. 1826. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Edwaird M. Clarke, (C. L.) 1828. Lewis Cruger, (C. L.) William Duer, (C. L.), Repr. *:EdmundB. Elmendorf, (C. L.) il Congr. 1849-51, U. S. John T. Ferguson, A. M., Consul at Valparaiso. M. D. elsewhere. *William H. Elkt, M. D. else*John B. Foulke, A. M. where, Lect. on Element. *Adolphus N. Gouverneur, (C. Chem. 1830-32, Prof. EleL.) ment. Chem. 1832-33, Prof. *Edmund Dorr Griffin, (Rev.), Chem. Mineral. and Geol. A. M. S. C. Coll. 1835-48. *1859 William F. Havemeyer, (M.), James T. Gibert, A. M., M. D. Mayor N. Y. C. elsewhere. *William D. Henderson, (C. Jacob T. Gilford, M. D. Coll. L.), A. M. Phys. and Surg. Geneva. 5 54 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1824-1827. *Timothy R. Green, (C. L.), William Phyfe. A. M. 1834. *is40 Anthony L. Robertson, (C. L.), John K. Hardenbrook, A. AM., Asst. Vice-Chancellor N. Y. M. D. elsewhere. S., Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. Dayton Hobart, (C. L.), A. M. *Ferdinand Sands, (M.) *William H. Hobart, A. M., John J. Schenrerhorn. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. John F. Smith. N.Y. 1829,Trastee 1848-55. S1857 Wessell S. Smith, (C.L.),N. Y. Pierre Paris Irving, (Rev.) Assaemb. *George W. Johnson, (F.) *ISs6 Oliver S. Strong, (M.) William H. Lupp, (C. L.), Peter Wilson, (C. L.) A. M. VWilliam Wilson, M. D. Coil. *Elias J. Marsh, A. M., M. D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 21 1828.,1850 Hamilton Morton, (C. Lj.), A. 1826. M. 1834. *Waddington Ogden, (M.) Charles E. Anderson. *Henrly Perkins, A. M., M. D. William A. Clarke. elsebhertsone. A.John M. Guion, (Rev.) M *Alexander Robertson, A. M., John W. Hamersley, A. M. M. D. elsewhere: Nathaniel Pendleton Hosack, Daniel C. Schermerhorn. and Harv. 1826. 23 Gabriel F. Irving. *Robert Kelly. 18925.r Francis M. Kip. John N. McLeod, (Rev.) George P. Cammann, M. D. Joshua S. March. elsewhere. hoomas IH. Merry, Jr. *James A. M. Garldner, A. M., William H. Mlilnor,. D. Coll. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Srg. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. N. Y. 1829. Thomas R. Minturn. Nathaniel Marius Graves, (M.) Henry Morris. | Robert W. Harris, (Rev.), Richard L. Morris,. D Coll. A. iL., S. T. D. 1849. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1830. *Jacob Harsen, A. M. 1829, John B. Norsworthy. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Hewlett R. Peters, (Rev.) N. Y. 1829.. *186 Daniel Phenix Riker. *Williaim E. Laiahti. Beverley Robinson, Jr. Alexander S. Leonard, (Rev.), Williain H. Roosevelt. A. M. 1847, S. T. D. 1859. *Danid Seymour. John McKeon, (C. L.), A. lM. Ablaham A. Slover, J1. 1831, N. Y. Assemb. 1831, Gerl-it H. Van Wagenen. Repr. in Congr. 1834-37, Harris Wilson. Dist.-Atty. N. Y. C. t845- 24 51, U. S: Dist.-Atty. N. Y. 1827. 1853. 182 Isaac T. Minard. Edward E. Mitchell, (M.) Jonathan Trumbull Backus, Walter Nichols. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Union William Peshine. 184 7. 1827, 1828.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 55 Jacob Sperry Baker, (M.) *Samuel Penny, Jr., (Rev.) *s185 William Sperry Baker, M. D. Minturn Post, M. D. Univ. Coll. Phys. and Snrg. N.Y. Penn. 1832. 1831. James M. Quin, 1830, M.D. Thomas Hazard Barker (B.) elsewhere, A. M. 1833. Henry Neilson Brush. Charles Rbind, Jr., (M.) John P. Crosby, (C. L.), Trust. *Henry Rogers, Jr., (C. L.) - *1840 Med. Dept. 1860-. *Edwin Sands. *1828 William Henry Crosby,(C. L.), *Robert M. Sands, (C. L.) *1835 Prof. Greek and Latin Lang. John Schermerhorn. Rutg. Coll. 1841-9, Acting *Theodore A. Swords, (C. L.) *1841 Prof. Lat. Lang. and Lit. Joseph C. Wallace, (F.) 1859-60. William Winter, (C. L.) Henry Augustus Du Bois, *Grenville Temple Winthrop, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. and Yale 1827 and Bowd. N. Y. 1830, LL. D. Yale 1827,'(C. L.), A. M., Memb. 1864, Memb. Conn. Acad. Mass. Leg. 1840. *1852 Arts- and Sciences, Memb. 35 Geolog. Soc. France. Edward Dunscomb, (M.). Q ) *Edward Bristed Eastburn. *1s30 8 Hamilton Fish, (C. L.), A. I.j *William Bayley, (Art.) *1857 LL. D. 1850, Trustee 1840- *Edmund D. Barrv, Jr. and Chn. Board 1859-, Repr. *Jonas Butler, (C; L.) *1858 in Congr. 1843-5, Lt.-Gov. N. Y. 1847-9, Gov. N. Y. George Catlin, (C. L.), Dist.' U. S.e. 18 5 17. Atty. Richmond Co. N. Y. 1849-51, U. S. Sen. 1851-7. Thomas W. Christie, (C. L.) *Michael Floy, Jr., A. M. *188ssThonas T. Devan, (Rev.), John Murray Forbes, (Rev.), A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. A. M., S. T. D. 1847 and and Surg. N.Y. 1831. from Pope Pius IX. Cornelius Dubois, Jr., (M.) *John Henry Hobart Haws, Edmund Embury, (Rev.), A. (C. L.), Repr. in Congr. M. 1833. 1851-3. *1sS George Gilford. John Clarkson Jay, M. D. Robert Goelet. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Alexander N. Gunn, A. M., 1831, Trustee 1859-. Rnut. 1832, M. D. Coil. Joshua Jones, (C. L.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833. AbrahamBeakleyLabagh,(F.) Benjamin I. Haight, (Rev.), *Alfred Ludlow. *1831 A. M., S. T. D. 1846, TrusCharles McFarlan, N. J. Sen. tee 1843-, Prof. Past. Theol. 1846. and Pulp. Eloq. Gen. Theol. Henry J. Morton, (Rev.), Sem. P. E. Ch. and Rector A. M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. Burlington Coll. 1846. 1844, Trustee Univ. Penn. Henry S. Hoyt. *Jonathan Nathan, (C. L.), *Mortimer Livingston, (MI.) *185T Master in Chanc. N. Y. Austin L. S. Main, M. D. Coll. 1840-5. *1863 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. Henry Onderdonk, Jr., (T.), *John A. Morrill, (C. L.) A. M. 1833. George B. Neill. Laughton Osborn, (Au.) *John M. Ogden. *1836 56 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1828-1830. Joel B. Post, (M.) *Peter A. Schermerhorn. Barzillai Slosson, (CL.), Dist.- *Theodore Sedgwick,'Jr., (C. Atty. Ontario Co. N. Y. L.), U. S. Dist.-Atty. N. Y. Samuel S. St. John, (T.), A. M. Charles R. Swords, (C. L.) 1834. *Robert Tucker, M. D. Coll. Lewis Thibou, (Rev.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. John L. Vandervoort, A. M., John D. V;n Buren, (C. L.) M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Fanning S. Worth, (T.) N.Y. 1832. 20 Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, (Rev.), A. M., Tutor 1830-1. 11 William W. Van Wagenen, [830 (C. L.), A. M. 1834. A. Robertson Walsh, (M.) *John B. Boggs. William Walton, (Rev.), A. M. James Bowdoin, (C. L.) 1836, S. T. D. 1852, Instr. in Robert L. Cutting, (Br.) Hebrew Gen. Theol. Sem. John Delafield, Jr., (C. L.), P. E. (h.. M. 1837. *Richard Whiley, Jr., (C. L.) Hugh T. Dickie, (C. L.),Judge Martin R. Zabriskie, (C. L.), Sup. Ct. Ill. Trustee 1856-. *BenjaminT. Ferguson, (C. L.) *is3s 29 Lewis C. Gunn, (Ed.) *Nicholas C. Heyward. *1S52 George Ireland, Jr., (C. L.) 1829. Edward Jones, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1834, Trus*George F. Allen, (Eng.),Trus- tee 1849-. tee 1854-63. *1863 *John T. Kneeland, M. D. *Theodore A. Bailey, (C. L.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Thomas E. Blanch, (C. L.), 1833. *1S38 Dist.-Atty. Rockland Co. Henry Ledyard, Secy. U. S. N. Y. Legation at Parlis 1839-42, *James A. Carter, M. D. Coll. and Charge d'Aff. 1842-44, Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1832. Mayor Detroit, Mich. 1855, Alfred W. Craven, (Eng.) Mich. Sen. 185.7. Robert J. Dillon, (C. L.), *B. Franklin Miller, (C. L.) *18s7 Counsel to Corp. N. Y. C. Henry C. Murphy, (C. L.), 1853-6. Mayor Brooklyn N. Y., *Benjamin S. Downing, M. I). Repr. in Congr., Memb. N. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Y. Constit. Conven. 1846, 1832. U. S. Min. at the Hague. William Edgar. Henry-licoll, (C. L.), Repr. in *James Heyward, M. D. else- Congr., Menmb. N. Y. Conwhere. stit. Conven. 1846. John T. Irvillg, Jr., (C. L.) Charles H. Ogden, (M.) Richard H. Ogden, (C. L.) William Steele, (IM.), M.D. Samuel Ogden, (C. L.) Coill. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Thomas W. Ogden. 1833. *John D. Ogilby, Prof. Lang. Willliam D. Waddington, (C. Rutg. Coll. 1832-40, Prof. L.) Eccles. Hist. Gen. Theol. George W. Wright, (C. L.) Sem. P. E. Ch. 1841-51. *1851 19 1831-1i837.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 57 M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg.1831. N. Y. 1835, Prof: Anatomy. 24 James Bolton, A. M. 1835, M.D. Coill. Phys. and Surg. 1832. N. Y. 1836. Peter S. Chauncey, (Rev.), Henry T. Anthony, (M.) A. M. 1836, S. T. D. Univ. Walter Avery, (M.) N. Y. C. Horatio Bogert, (C. L.), A. M. *James Chrystie. 1836. Abraham B. Conger, A. M., William L. Boyd, (M.), A. M. Tutor 1831-3, N. Y. Sen., George Carvill, Jr., (M.) Piest. N. Y. S. Agricult. *John Chrystie, (M.) *ism6 Soc. *Henry S. Dodge, (C. L.), William E. Eigenbrodt. (Rev.), A. M. *1855 A. M. 1835, S. T. D. 1855, *Daniel G. F. Fanshaw. *1888 Prof. Past. Theol. Gen. James Heard, Jr., (M.), A. M. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1836. *Robert Emol y, (Rev.),A. M., Alexander C. Iilman, (Rev.) S. T. D. 1846, Prof Anc. *Nicholas W. Hoffman, (M.) *1848 Lang. Dickin. Coll. 1834-9, *Aaron Jarvis, A. M., 1. D. and Prest. Dickin. 1842-8. *1848 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Petrus StuyvesantFish, A. M. *1884 1835. 1859 *John B. Gallagher, (Rev.) *1849 William T. Johnson, (C. L.), John P. Hone. A. M. Bradish Johnson, (M.) Philip L. Jones, M. D. Coll. Charles R. King, M. D. Univ. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1835. Penn. 1834. *John J. C. Kane, (C. L.) *1854 *James Joseph Macneven. *s882 Frederick W. Miller, (Rev.) James M. Morgan. Stephen' Reed, Jr., (C. L.), Gideon S. Nichols, (F.) A. M. John L. O'Sullivan, A. M., *Thomas A. Richmond, (C. Tutor 1831-3, U. S. Min. L.), A.M. *1859 Portugal. William C. Russel, (C. L.), Jphn Punnett, A. M., M. D. A. M. elsewhere. Henry J. Ruggles, (C. L. *John B. Purroy, (C. L.), Erasmus P. Smith, (C. L.) A. M., Consul for Venezuela, John E. Stillwell, M. D. Coll. N. Y. *1859 Phys. and Sur N. Y. 1836. *Richard W. Redfield, A. M. Frederick L. Talcott, (M.) 1838. *1846 Philip W. Thomas, (C. L.) Edwin M. Taylor, (Eng.), State Jonathan Thompson, Jr., (M.), Eng. Virginia. A.M. 1836. Francis Tomes, Jr., (M.) Frederick Townsend, (C. L.) Robert G. Vermilye, (Rev.), *Russell N. Townsend, (C. L.) *1847 A. M. 1836, Tutor 1835-7, William S. Verplanck. Ad. Prof. Greek and Lat. 28 Lang. 1837-43, Prof. Christ. Theol. in Theol. Instit. Conn. 1*33. *Lloyd Saxbury Waddell. *1, 2 Samuel Ward, Jr., A.M. 1835. *Stephen D. Allen, M. D. elseRobert Watts, Jr., A. M., where. *1840 I ------- -- ~ -- --— ~~~~~~~~~~~~.s4 58 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1833-1835. James Barrow, Jr., (M.) *John Conger, A. M., M. D. *John S. Bartlett. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Jackson Bolton, M. D. else- 1838. where. Isaac C. Delaplaine, (C. L.), James Constable, (C..L.) A. M. Richard Cox, (Rev.), A. M. William Demarest, (Rev.), John F. Delaplaine, Jr., (C. L.) A. M. *Pierre C. De Peyster, (M.) *is William Dennis, (Rev.) *John M. Gelston. *William Dodge, (C. L.),A.M., Charles Hall, (M.), A. M. 1838. N. Y. Assemb. *1:88 John Jay Jenkins, (C. L.) William M. Gillespie, (Eng.), *Philip Kearney, Jr., Major A. M., LL. D. 1859 and U. S. A. 1847, Brig.-Gen. Univ. Nashville 1857, Prof. U. S. V, 1861 and Maj.-Gen. Civ. Eng. Union Coll. 1845-. 1862. *1862 John S. Heard, M. D. Coll. *Francis P. Lee, (Rev.), A. M. *184T Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1837. *Samuel B. McVickar. *18s7 Henry Heyward, A. M. 1838. *James W. Metcalf, M. D. else- Benjamin S. Huntington, where. *185s (Rev.), A. M. 1839. Gouverneur M. Ogden, (C. L.), William Henry Hyde, (M.) Trustee 1849- and Treasu- Samuel E. Johnson, (C. L.) rer 1858-. Judge Kings Co. N. Y. Henry B. Renwick, Examr. William G. King. U. S. Pat. Off. Alexander Major, (M.) William R. Renwick, (Mb.) Richard E. Mount, Jr., (C. L.) Bruce Schermerhorn. *Philip Rhinelander. Edward Slosson, (C. L.) Robert S. Swords, (C. L.) John G. Smedberg, (F.) Anthony Ten Broeck, (Rev.) *Robert Spencer, (C. L.) Lloyd Windsor, (Rev.) Abraham G. Thompson, Jr., 24 A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1837, N. Y. 1885. Assemb. 1847 and 1857. 183e. James A. Williams, (Rev.), A..,. T. D. 1863. 24Jedediah Blakeney Auld, (C. 24 L.),A.M. Romaine Dillon, (C. L.), Secy. U. S. Legation, Brazil. 1834. Evert A. Duyckinck, (Au.), A. M. William M. Allen, (C. L.), Benigno Gener, (C. L.) A. M. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, James W. Beekman, (C. L.), (C. L.), A. M. 1838, N. Y. Assemb. Andrew S. Hamersley, A. M. 1848, N. Y. Senate 1848-51, 1839. Trustee Med. Dept. 1860-. Orlando Harriman, Jr., (Rev.), Edward H. Bryar, A. M. 1838. A. M. William B. Casey, M. D. else- William Heard, (M.) where. *Joshua E. Jones. James M. Cockroft, (M.) *Charles C. Lee. William Cockroft, M. D. Coll. John W. C. Leveridge, (C. L.), Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1838. A. M. 1839. 1835-1838.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 59 Charles H. Lyon, (M.), A. M. James Willis Wilson, (C. L.), *Joseph McIntyre. A. I. 21 Charles D. BMead, (C. L.), A. M. 1839. William Mulligan, A. M. 187. *Alexander Palache, (M.) George Q. Pomeroy, (C. L.) *Charles Aldis, (Rev.), A. M. *ls57 John H. Riker, (C. L.) Samuel Blatchford, (C. L.) William H. Taggard, (C. L.) Nathaniel W. Chittenden, (C. Ludlow Thomas, (Br.) L.), A. M. *John R. Thurman, Repr. in John W. Clark, (Rev.) Congr. 1849-51. iss54 Samuel Cockroft. *Russell Trevett, (Rev.), A. *J. Wallace Collet, A. M. 1841. M., S.T.D. 1855, Prof. Anc. *Stephen Douglass, (Rev.), A. Lang. St. James, Md. *1865 M. *8s7 William H. Wilson, (T.), A. M. Henry P. Fessenden, (C. L.) Christian Zabriskie, (M.) Anthony Halsey, (B.), A. M. 24 *Benjamin H. Jarvis, (C. L.) William H. Leggett, (T.) -t c) e p *John McMullen, (T.), A. M. 1 836. *Chariles D. March. *William J. Masterlton, (M.) Newbold Edgar. George L. Nevius, (M.) Christodoulos L. M. Evange- Charles E. Shea. (C. L.), A. M. les, (T.) Jesse A. Spencer, (Rev.), A. *Geoirge William Fash,(Rev.), M., S. T. D. 1852, Prof. Lat. A. M. 1840. and'Orient. Lang. BurlingJohn Graham, (C. L.) ton Coll. 1850-51. Giles Mumford Hillyer, (C. *David P. Thomas, C. L.) L.), A. M., Repr. in Congrl. John I. Tucker, (Rev.), S. T. D. John Henry Hobart, (Rev.), 1858. S. T. (D. 1856. *George S. Van Cleef. Edward Hofftnan, ((C. L.) John Vanderbilt, Jr., (C. L.), John Jay, (C. L.), A. M. N. Y. Sen., Judge Kings Williamrn Alfired Jones, (Au.), Co. N. Y. A. MI., Librairian 1851-. *Samuel H. Whitlock, (M.) *Edward Hugelr Laight, (M.) *Alexander S. Wotherspoon, James Philips Lake. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. George Harrison Lyn ch, (C. L.) N. Y. 184i, U. S. A. *1854 *Henry McVickar, (Rev.) 23 Daniel MeLaren Quackinbush,. (Rev.) James Renwick, Jr., (Arch.), 1838. A.M. Charles Seymour, (Rev.), A. Frederic Anthon, (C. L.) M. Edward Anthonv, (M.) William Thompson. Mancer M. Backus, (M.), A. *IHenry Ward, Jr., A. M. M. Geneva 1841. George Gilfert Waters, (C. Thomas C. Cooper. L.), A. M. Richard H. Douglass. Harvey Augustus Weed, (C. Isaac V. Fowler, (C. L.), A. M. L.), A. MI. 1842. 60 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1838-1840. John Hone. Nathaniel B. Hoxie, (C. L.), Philip Hone, Jr. A. M. Benjamin T. Kissam, (C. L.), Frederick Hughson. A. M. 1851. Charles Ingersoll, (C. L.) John Miason Knox, (C. L.), Daniel D. Lord, (C. L.), TrusA. M. tee Med. Dep. 1860-. Jeremiah Larocque, (C. L.) Joseph Rich Mann, (Rev.), Alfred M. Loutrel. A. M. 1844, S. T. D. N. Jers. *William B. Moffat, A.M., M. 1862. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Edwin A. Nichols, (Rev.) N. Y. 1842. *John Pirnie, Jr., A. M. *Benjamin Romaine, Jr., (C. *Peter B. Pirnie, A. M. L.) *8s41 George W. Quackenbos, A. MA. William E. Snowden, (Rev.) Edward S. Renwick, A. M. Charles Spear, (BXr.) James W. Walsh, (M.) George Templeton Strong, (C. 25 L.), Trustee 1853-, Treas. U. S. San. Comm. William R. Travers, (Br.) 840o Henry Hall Ward, (B.) *Francis Marion Ward, A. M. Charles Bancroft, (IRev.), A. 20 Ml., S. T. D. 1861. Samuel Bowden, A. M. Gerard S. Boyse. 1839. Charles Balow Bucknor, (C. L.), A. M. Charles E. Anthon, A. M. 1853, James Farley Clark, A. M. Prof. Hist. Free Acad. N. Edward N. Crosby. Y. C. William Forrest, Jr., A. M. Georlge C. Anthon, Prof. Greek James G. Graham, (C. L.), A. Univ. N.Y. C. M. John Jacob Astor, Jr., Trus- Ogden Hoffman, Jr., (C. L.), tee 1859-, Col. U. S. Vols. Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. CaliAllen H. Brown. fornia. *James C. R. Brown. Lydig M. Hoyt. John E. Burrill, Jr., (C. L.), Alfred G. Jones, A. M. A. M. 1843. Robert L. Kennedy, A. M. Frederic A. Cairns. Edward H. Lawrence. *Arthur Carey, (Rev.), A. M. *ls44 Benjamin C. Leveridge, A. M. John Carey, Jr., (Eng.), A. M. 1844. *George J. Cornell, (C. L.), A. Levi A. Lockwood, (C. L.), A. M., Speaker N.Y. Assemb. M. Henry Drisler, Jr., A.M., LL. Dwight E. Lyman. D. 1860, Tutor 1843-45, John M. Mason (C. L.), A. M. Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat. Thomas C. Meyer. Lang. 1845-57, Prof. Lat. Alonzo C. Monson, A. M. Lang. and Lit. 1857-. Obadiah Newcomb, Jr. Richard S. Emmet, (C. L.) William Nicoll. James Walker Fowler, (C. George W. Pell, A. M. 1852. L.), A. M. Jotham Post, M. D. Coll. Harvey D. Ganse, (Rev.), A. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. M. 1844. Ellis Potter, Jr. 1840-1842.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 61 Worthington Romaine, (C. John Rankin, (C. L.) L.), A. M. Jones Rogers. William C. Schermerhorn, A. George M. Root, (Eng.), A. M. M., Trustee 1860-. Robert G. Simpson, (C. L.) Peter Shapter, Jr., A. M. Augustus L. Smith, (F.) Peter R. Strong, A. M. William L. Smith, (F.) Owen Sweeny, A. M., M. D. John J. Townsend, (C. L.), Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. A. M. 1845. *Robert D. Van Voorhis. Van Brunt- Wyckoff, M. D. 31 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. Joseph W. Winans, A. l. 1842. 31 *Hector C. Ames, Attache U. S. Leg. Madrid. 1841. *William G. Banks, (C. L.), A.M. Daniel H. Beadel. *Abraham S. Brouwer, (C. L.);*Edward L. Chichester. Benjamin F. Clark, (F.) John H. Clark. William H. Ebbeta, (C. L.) George W. Collord, (T.),A. M. Frederick Frye, (C. L.), A.'M. *Frederick Cunningham. William H. Harison, (Rev.), Richard V. De Peyster, (B.) A. M. Thomas B. Dibblee, (C. L.), Abram S. Hewitt, (M.), A. M., A. M. Secy. and Direct. Cooper Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, Union N. Y. C. (Rev.), A. M., Chaplain Julius S. Hitchcock, (M.) 1857-. Robert Jaffiay, Jr. William W. Duffield, (Eng.) William S. Kernochan, (C. L.) James Emott, Jr., (C. L.),Just. *Richard M. Lawrence, Jr., Sup. Ct. N. Y. (M.) Herman T. E. Foster, (F.) Livingston K. Miller, (C. L.), Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, A. M. A. M. 1846. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg., Clement Moore, (A. M.) N. Y. 1845, Prof.. Chem. *George L. Newton, (C. L.), and Phys. Free Acad. N. Y., A. M. Prof. Chem. Harv. Robert M. Olyphant, (M.) Thomas S. Griffing. Wheelock H. Parmly, (Rev.), Jacob B. Jewett, (C. L.) A. M. *William Kemble, Jr., A. M. *ls~z William J. Paulding. James Hall Mason Knox, James H. Phinney. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1861. *Edward E.Potter, Brig.-Gen. Joseph E. Lawrence, (Ed.) U. S. Vols. Robert Le Roy, Jr., (Br.) *Zebedee Ring, Jr., (C. L.) John H. Mortimer, (M.) Oliver E. Roberts, (M.), A. M. Israel Moses, A. M., M. D. Coll. Washington Rodmaln, (Rev.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. Silas Weir Roosevelt. (C. L.) Edward D. Nelson, (M.), A. M. David R. Stanford, (M.) John H. Parish, (C. L.) John B. Stevens, (C. L.) William L. Peck, (Rev.), A. M. William P. Stewart, (C. L.), 1857. A.M. 1848. 62 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1.842-1845. John Sym, (Rev.) Jacob P. Giraud Foster, (C. Elisha W. Teakle. L.) David Thomson, Jr., (M.), Samuel Hollingsworth, A. MI. A. M. N. Bergasse Labau. 30 Charles W. Lawrence. Edward McGee. ~1848. William B. Minturn, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Sulg. N. Y. *Benjamin N. Aymar.1848. William T. Moore. I Samuel P. Bell, (C. L.) illian T. oore. Thomas C. T. Bckley, (C. L.), Peter M. Pirnie. CA.M. TB l,.. Edward H. Swan. i ~iliiam EM. Bunker, (AI.) Otto W. E. Van Tuyl, M. D. i John W. Dana, M. D. Coll. Coll. Phys. ad Surg. N. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1846. Charles W. Whiley. { William C. Duncan, (Rev.), Charles W. Whiley. A. M., S. T. D. 1857. Benjamin H. Franklin, (M.) Albert Gallatin, Jr., (C. L.), 1845" A.M. James W. Gerard, Jr., (C. L.), John K. Adams. i lA. BM. James Anderson. iWilliam B. Lawrence, Jr. Francis S. Cottenet. Edward Z. Lewis. John Drake, A. M. 1851. William McCune, (F.) George B. Draper, A. M. HenryP. McMGowa, (C. L.) George T. Elliot, Jr., A.M. *Robert K. Moffet. 1849. William R. Morgan. John J. Elmendorf, (Rev.), John C. Philip, M. D. Coll. A. M. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. William A. Falls. George P. Quackenbos, (T.), Geolge Irving. A. M. George A. Jones. Charles Reynolds, (Rev.), A. Samuel T. Jones. IM. John W. Leavitt. John H. Ross, M. D. Coll. Alexander McCue. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. Charles A. Minton. Matson Meier Smith, (Rev.), Samuel B. R. Nichols. A. M., S. T. D. 1863. David B. Ogden; Jr. John B. Stevens, (C. L.) Henry Onderdonk. *John Thomson, M. D. Coll. *Lefi'oy Ravenhill, A. M. 1849, Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. *1s56 M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Cornelius Van Volst, Ji'., N.Y. 1849, Librarian 1847(C. L.). *151 23 Aaron B. Reid. Stephen K. Stanton. 1844. *John A. Taggard. *1865 Frederick S. Tallmadge, (C. Clement W. Al Burtis. L.), A. M. 1849. *John B. Arden, M. D. Coll. Pierre M. Van Wyck. Phys. and Snrg. N. Y. 1848. Henry P. Wainwright. Robert B. Campbell. 24 1846-1848.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 63 Carroll Dunham, MI. D. Coll. 1846. PaPhys. and Surg. N. Y. 185,. John W. Ehninger, (Art.) *R. S. Carden Abbott, A. M. Robert Holden, A. M., Prof: G. Mortimer Belden, A. M. Burlington Coll. N. Jers. 1850. 1849-51. Beverley Robinson Betts, *Arthur M. Jones. (Rev.), A. M. John S. Lane, (M.), A. AM. Edward C. Bogert, (M.) Isaac Lawrence, (C. L.), A. M. Henry A. Bogert,(C. L.), A.M. William S. Ludlum, (Rev.), Arthur Bronson. A. M. Elias G. Brown, (C. L.), A. M. John S. McLaren, (B.) William J. Frost, (Rev.),A. M; Clarence G. Mitchell, (C. L.), William B. Harison, (C. L.) A. M. Charles B. Hoffmi-nan, (B.) *Timothy G. Mitchell, A. M., William H. Hudson. Prof. Burl. Coll. N. Jers. John G. Hyer, (C. L.) 1849-57. *15. *William M. Johnston, (M.) John Moneypenny, Jr., M. D. John Grenville Kane, (C. L.), Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. A.M. 1850. Edwin M. Kellogg, M. D. else- John Wells Moore, (Rev.), where. A.M. 1860. John L. Lefferts, (C. L.) John Neilson, (M.) Jeremiah Loder, (C. L.), A. M. Benjamin A. Onderdonk. Charles S. McKnight. Frederic W. Rhinelander, (M.) William A. MeVickar, (Rev.), Joseph K. Riggs, (B.) A. M. 1850. James F. Ruggles, (C. L.) Frederick Nash, A. M., M. D. Archibald M. Stone, (Rev.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Israel Leander Townsend, 1850. (Rev.),, A. M. William Whittingham Olssen, Robert Travis, Jr., (Rev.), (Rev.), A. M. 1850. A. M. Edward MI. Peck, (Rev.), Francis Van Rensselaer, (F.) A. M. Tompkins Westervelt, (C. L.) James Thomson, (C. L.), A. M. 28 Alexander G. Tyng. 1848. 1847. Theodorus B. Bronson, (C. L.), A.M. *Cornelius D. Blake, (C. L.), Horace W. Carpentier, (C. L.) A. M. Ralph L. Cook, (M.) John H. Bolton, (M.) Lyman D. Dem-aray, (M.) Henry P. Campbell, (M.), Richard M. De Mille, (C. L.), A.M. A.M. John Winthrop Chanler, (C. Morgan Dix, (Rev.), A. M., L.), N. Y. Assemb. 1858-9, S. T. D. 1862, Rector TriniRepr. in Congr. ty Parish N. Y. 1862-, TrusWilliam S. Coffey, (Rev.), tee 1862-. A. M. George Clinton Farrar, (M.), Wilhelmus B. Conger, (M.) A. M. 64 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1848-1850. Joseph W. Harper, (Pub.), Joseph Larocque, (C. L.) A. M. David Porter Lord, (M.) Leslie Irving, (C. L.) Charles A. Magnes. Henry W. Johnson, (C. L.) *E. Bowman Miner, M. D. Levi M. Kellogg. elsewhere. Cornelius I. King, Capt. U. Daniel Morrelle, A. M. 1855. S. A. Aaron Ogden, (C. L.), A. M. George M. Klots, (M.) Henry Parish, Jr. Edward Leavenworth. John P. Pemberton, M. D. Theodore F. Lewis, (M.), A.M. 1864. John Lockwood, Jr., (T.) George C. Pollen. *Lewis Morris. Charles E. Rhinelandel. Peter Wilson Ostrander, (C. S. D. Routh. L.), A. M. J. Frederick Schroeder, Jr., William C. Pell, (C. L.) (Rev.) Columbus B. Rogers, (C. L.) Ezra K. Sherwood. Thomas P. St. John. John Shrady, Jr., A. M. 1858, Otis D. Swan, (C. L.), LL. B. M. D. 1861. IHarv. 1850. John Drake Skidmore, (M.), Isaac Van Winkle, (C. L.), A. M. A. M. Prospel M. Wetmore, Jr. Benjamin C. Wetmore, (C. L.) John Jay White, (M.) *Joseph M. White, (M.) 32 25 1849. 1(850. John M. Aims. Cornelius R. Agnew, M. D. Matthew M. Blunt, Major Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y. U. S. A. 1852, Memb. U. S. San. George W. Byron, (M.) Comm. Malcolm Campbell, (C. L.) William E. Armitage, (Rev.), Galen A. Carter. A. M. James Starr Clark, (Rev.), William Astor. A. M. *Edward C. Babcock. Frederic R. Coudert, (C. L.) Norman A. Beach. J. F. Delaplaine Colnell, (Rev.) Charles H. Brown. Archibald F. Cushman, (C. L.) Churchill J. Cambreling, (C. Edvwn W. Edwards. L.) Thomas L. Harison. *Baldwin Dix. John Sebastian Bach Hodges, George L. Freeman, M.D. (Rev.), A. M. elsewhere.. Walter-R. T. Jones, (M.) Henry De Coste Hanners. Adolphe Le Moyne, Jr., (B.) William A. Hardenbrook, (T.) Frederick L. Purroy. John Vernor Henry, (M.), Erskine M. Rodman, (Rev.), A.M. A.M. William H. Herriman. Joseph Sands, (Arch.) Lewis A. Kemper. George F. Seymour, (Rev.), William Morrow Knox, A. M. A. M..1855, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Charles Augustus Silliman, Surg. N. Y. 1854. (M.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. 1850-1853.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 65 John E. C. Smedes, A. M. Henry W. Cla.rk, (C. L.), A. M. William H. Terry..*John Wakefield Francis, Jr., Edward Forbes Travis. M. D. elsewhere. *1855 Evan T. Walker, (MI.) John W. Harper, (Pub.), A, 31. 23 George H. Hinton, A. M. John Augustine Hows, (Art.), - l Q x 1 A. M. Ansel N. Kelloggs, (Ed.) John H. Anthon, (C. L.), A. M. Lea uquer, (C. L.), A. M. Assemb Asst Dist Archibald Bleecker McDonAtty. N. Y. C., Prof. Med. ald, Jr., (Arch.), A. M. Jurisp. N. Y. Coll. Med. Samuel L. Mitchill, Jr., (M.), A. M. Henry M. Bedford, M. D. else- A. M. where..James M. Morris, (C. L.) Stewart M. ]Brown, (B.) Charles De Gray Mount, A. M. Charles Arms Cook. Washington R. Nichols, (C. L.) *William T. Cornell. Charles O'Dowd. John De Ruvter, Jr., (M.) John H. Pell, (C. L.), A. M. Janes DeKoven,(), Pr est. George C. Pennell, -(Rev.), Racine Coill. Wis. A. M. Legh R. Dickinson, (Rev.) Robert Ray, Jr., A. M., M. D. William H. Draper, A. M., Coll.Phys. and Surg. N. Y. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1856. N. Y. 1855, Asst. to Prof. James Renwick Smedberg, Surgery. (Eng.), A. M. Edward S. Hoffman, M. D. Richard F. Stevens. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Henry A. Tailer, (C. L.), A. M. 1855, Surgeon U. S. V. Euene Thorn. Henry B. Johnson. William E. Thorn, (C. L.) Nicholas F. Ludlulm. EEnstace Trenor, A. M., M. D. John G. MeNary, (T.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. George A. Seaman. 1856. William R. Smith. John Trenor, Jr.; A. M., M. D. A. Henry Thurston, A. M., Coll. Phys. and Sirg. N.Y. M. D. elsewhere, Surgeon 1856. U. S. eVseh. Sgn Richard H. Tucker, (C. L.) Charles H. Ward, (B.), A. M. 1864. William G. Ward, (B.) 1853. Merritt H. Wellman, A. M. c J. Walter Wood. *Cornelius Van Alen AnderDavid Augustus Wright. son, A. M., M.D. Coll. Phys. 21 and Surg. N. Y. 1857. *1862 1 ~ ~William Irving Clark, (M.) ~1 b2,.George Washington Dean, (Rev.), A. M. 1861, Tutor *John Bennem, (Rev.) *1858 1854. Charles Ludlow Bogert, Joseph Smith Dodge, Jr., (Arch.), A. M. A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. James L. Brown, M.D. else- and Surg. N.Y. 1856, Tuwhere. tor 1854. 66 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1853-1855. Daniel Embury, Jr., (M.), A. Charles E. Morgan, M. D. Coil. M. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. *William Emerson, Jr., (C. L.), Orlando H. Morris, (C. L.), A. M. Col. U. S. Vols. William George Farrington, Henry C. Murphy, Jr., (C. L.), (Rev.), A.M. A.M. 1860. Isaac J. Greenwood, Peter J. Neefus, (F.) (Chem.), A. M. 1857. *James C. Parker, Jr., (C. L.), Albert Ward Hale, (Eng.), A. M., Lieut. U. S. Vols. *1862 A.M. 1862. Charles S. Pomeroy, (M.), Abram S. Jackson, (C. L.), A.M. A. M. George V. Pomeroy, Jr., (M.), William Allen Johnson, (Rev.) A. M. John A. Kernochan, (M.) William J.'Sayres, (C. L.), Delaney W. Knevels, (M.), A.M. 1862. A. M. 1857. Reginald H. Smith, (Arch.), Edward W. Laight., (M.) A. M. Thomas McCarty, (C. L.), A. Benjamin Strong. M. Gardiner Thompson, (B.) William J. Osborne, (C. L.) J. Condit Trippe, (M.) St. Clair Smith, (C. L.) Marvin R. Vincent, (Rev.), *Washington Irving Tibbitts.. *1858 A. M., Prof. Lat. Troy Univ. Archibald Somerville Van Du- Stewart L. Woodford, (C. L.), zer, (C. L.), A. M. Col. U. S. Vols. 19 Jeremiah L. Zabriskie, (C. L.) 29 I 185"4. 1855. George Washington Bacon, (Rev.), (T.), A.M., LL. B. Gunning S. Bedford, Jr., 1862. (C. L.), A. M. Cullen L. Carter, (F.) Edward Cammann, (C. L.) Henry M. Congdon, (Arch.) A. M. *Charles B. Cromwell, (C. L.) Benjamin L. Curtis, (aM.), Francis A. De Wint, (C. L.), A. M. A.M. 1860. Charles Da Costa, (C. L.), Elias G. Drake, Jr., (C. L.), A. M. A. M. William Dean, (C. L.), A. M. Leicester K. Ely, (B.) Lewis L. Delafield, (C. L.), Carleton Moses HI-errick, A. M. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. Philip A. Embury, (M.), A. M. Edward Kirkland, (Br.), U. S. Edward O. Harmon, (M.) Vols. James R. Hosmer, (C. L.) George C. Kissam, M. D. Coll. Walter Knight, M.D. elsePhys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. where. John V. Lewis, (Rey.), A. M. Charles E. Miller, A.M., M. D. Cutler C. McAllister, A. M. elsewhere. Elias J. Marsh, M. D. Coll. David B. Miller, A. M., M. D. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Henry C. Marvin, (C. L.), A. M. 1858. James S. Merriam. George J. Murphy, A. M. 1860. 1855-1857.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 67 i George A. Ostrander, A. M., David B. Lee. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Hermon F. Lee. N. Y. 1858. Alexis Emerson McIlvaine, William A. Perry, (Eng.), (M.) A. M. Joseph Meeks, (C. L.), A. M. George A. Schieffelin, (C. L.), Robert B. Minturn. A. M. Richard C. Moore, Jr. Oscar Smedberg, (C. L., A. L.), A.M. Mandeville Mower, A. M. Herbert B. Turner, (C. L.), James G. Osborne, A. M. A. M. G. Wendell Prime. John G. Wendel. William J. Seabury, (C. L.), 19 A.M. William F. Shepard, (C. L.) 1856. Alexander M. Stanton, (Br.), 1856~ A. M. Russel Stebbins, Jr., (M.) William Warren Ayres, A. M. *rrhomnas Suffern, Jr., *15. Edwin S. Babcock, (C. L.), Charles C. Suydam, (C. L.), A. M., Col. U. S. V. A. M., U. S. V. Charles A. Bacon, A. M. 1863. David G. Thompson, Jr., (Br.), Albert H. Baldwin, (Art.), A. M. 1860.. A.M.. John W. Timpson, (C. L.), Eastburn Benjamin, (C. L.), A. M. A. M. William Gracie Ulshoeffelr, Marshall S. Bidwell, Jr. (C. L.), Capt. U. S. V. William Pell Bogert, (F.) William T. Van Riper, (C. L.), Abbott Brown, (M.), A. M. A. iM. 1863. John Francis Walton, (C. L.), Henry J. Carnmann, (M.), A. M. A.M. 1863. James Weeks, (M.), U. S. V. Charles N. Clark, (B.), A. M., Elbert M. Willett, (C. L.),. U. S.V. A.M. Edward C. Clement, A. M. Howell L. Williams, Jr.. A. M. 1860. 45 Whittingham Cox, (M.), A. M. 1860, U. S. V. n Robert L. Cutting, Jr., (C. L.), 1 $. 7. A. M. Maturin L. Delafield, (M.), William S. Boardman, A. M. A. M. *Morgan L. S. Brower, A. Walter Gregory. M. Francis Hendricks, (M.),A. M. Richard S. Dana, A. M. 1861. Henry E. Davies, Jr., (C. L.), William Hyslop, (C. L.), A. M. A. Mli., Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. Capt. UT. S. V. and Bvt. Maj.-Gen. Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jir., Samuel W. Francis, A. M. (M.), A. M. 1861. Elbridge T. Gerry, (C. L.), George L. Kingsland, (M.), A. Mi. A.M. 1861. George G. Haven, A. M. Leonard W. Kip, Jr., A. M. James B. Herrick, A. M. Peter I. Labagh, (C. L.), A. M. Philip W. Holmes., A. M. Thomas T. Lawrence. Oliver Phelps Jackson, A. M. 68 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1857-1859. William HamettMartin, A. M., Gilbert T. Totten, A. M., M.D. M.D. 1861. 1861. Erskine Mason, A. M., M. D. Hubert Van Wagenen. 1860, Asst. Dem. Anat. Francis C.Wainwrighbt, (Rev.) 1861-. A.M. *W. Carey Massett, A. M., John Ward, Jr., LL. B. 1860, Lt.-Col. U. S. V. *1862 A, M. 1864. MVtton Ma:ury, A. M. 25 Pierre McCarty, A. M. Henry B. Nott. 1' Richard T. Packwood, A. M. 185. Theodore Parkman, A. M. i Goold H. Redmond. Edward H. Anderson, (C. L.), Charles E. Sears, A. M. James H. Slipper, A. M. Richard Smith Bacon, (T.), William Renwick SnMedberg, A, M., LL. B. 1862. A. M., Calpt. R U. S. A. Thomas J. Benjamin, A. M; lEdgar P. Smith, A. M. John Crosby Brown, (B.), James T. Tailer, A. M. 31A..M. William R. Talbot, A. M. Edwald F. Blowning, A. M. Daniel S. Tuttle, (Rev.) A. M. Elisha S. Caldwell, (C. L.), William B. Winslow, A. M. A. M. 27 Frank P. Church, (Ed.), A. M. I Gouverneur Cruger, A. M. William F. Cushman, A. M. i 18 35. John William Duer, LL. B. 1861. WI yllys P. Baxter, A. M. Cortlandt De Peyster Field, Henry Woodward Cooper, A. M. A. M., LL. B. 1860. John Frederick Gesner, A. M. I Stephen B. M. Cornell, A.M. Irving Grinnell, 1862, A. M. Lewis A. Curtis. 1862. Daniel Sickles Duvall, LL. B. E. Treadwell Htstace. 1860. William Jay, Jr., A. IM. Jacob A. Geissenhainer, A. M. Charles A. Jackson, Jr., A. Harmon Hendricks, A. M. M. Henry L. Jones, (Rev.), A. M. James P. Lacombe, A. M. Henry C. Kinney, (Rev.), A. William Lummris, A. M. M. J. Emory McClintock, A. Mi., Nicholas Luquer, Jr. Tutor 1859-60. Philip Mesier Lydig, Jr., George William Maynard. LL. B. 1861, Capt. U. S. V. James -F'ederic Moore, A. MI., D. Ledyard Mallison. M. D.- elsewhere. James R. Manley, A. M. Stephen Whitney Phoenix, Charles H. Marshall, Jr., A.M. A. M., LL. B. 1863. William J. Marvin, A. M. 1864. William L. Raymond, A. iM. Benjamin Pell. *Stephen R. Reynolds, A. M. I A. G. Richards. Major U. S. V. *1864 Robert K. Richards. William T. Sabine, A. M. Henrly C. Riley. Oscar E. Schmidt, A. M. James W. Romeyn, A. M. J. Augustus Slipper, A. M. Thomas F. Thatcher. Thomas F. Trenor, A. M. 1859-1861.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 69 Gabriel Mead Tooker, A. M., Richard Lewis Morris, Jr., LL. B. 1861. A. M., Lieut. U. S. A. Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, Jr., Robert Dillon Nesmith, A. M., A. M., LL. B. 1862. M.D. Univ. N.Y. C. 1862. William D. Walker, (Rev.), Thomas Ludlow Ogden, A. M., A.M. 1863. LL. B. 1862. Edward N. Whitehouse, A. Robert Troup Pell, A. M., M. LL. B. 1863, U. S. V. Henry B. Whitehouse, A. M. Eugene Hall Pomeroy, A. M., 33 LL. B. 1862, U. S. V. Edward P. Robins. - 18 0 o Q Jamnes S. Satterthwaite, A.M. 1 (8 60~ D tJohn W. Southack, Jr., A. M., M.D. Bellevue Med. Coll. Robert P. Barry, 1865, Capt. N. Y. 1865. U. S. A. Abraham Suydam, A. M. Richard G. Benjamin, A. M. *Frederick A. Tracy, Licut. Clarence S. Brown, A. M. U. S. A. *1863 Major U. S. V. John Howard Van Amringe, J. Lorillard Cammann, A. M. A. M., Tutor 1860-63, Adj. Howard Clarkson. Prof. Maths. 1863-. Walter Livingston Clarkson, George Waddington, LL.B A. M., LL. B. 1863. 1862 Edgar M. Cullen, A. M., Col. William Fitzhugh WhiteU. S. V. house, A. M. Charles De Ruyter, (M.), Pierre Washington Wildey, A.M., LL. B. 1862, U. S. V. A.M., LL. B. 1863. EugHene Du Bons. M. Egerton L. Winthrop, A. M. J. Haven Emerson, A. M. 40 George R. Fearing, Capt. U. S.V. Robert Goelet, Jr., A. M., 1861. LL. B. 1862. Joseph Greenleaf, Jr., (Rev.), James Benkard, Jr., A. M., A. M. Capt. U. S. V. Edward L. Greenwood, (C. L.) William Alexander Boyd, Laban Gardner Hopkins, A.M., (C. L.), A. M., Lieut. U. LL. B. 1862, LL. M. 1864. S. V. Edmund Abdy Hurry, A. M., George Herbert Carey, A. M., LL. B. 1862. LL.B. 1863. *John William Jenks, Lieut. WilliamHalstedCaswell,(M.), U. S. V. *1861 A. M. Edward R. Jones. Henry'Dudley, A. M. Herbert Kettell, A. M. John Gihon, Jr. (M.), A. M. *Augustus F. King, U. S. V. *ls62 Langdon Greenwood, (C. L.), David Lydig, A. M. A. M. Samuel K. Lyon, A. M. Edward Haight, Jr., A. M., Thomas H. Messenger, A. M. Capt. U. S. V. George Mason Miller, A. M., Charles Coolidge Haight, LL. B. 1862, Capt. U. S. V. A. M., Capt. U. S. V. Augustus Newbold Morris, William Richards Hillyer, A. M., LL. B. 1864. A. M., Capt. U. S. V. 6 70 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1861-1862. Elisha Horton, Jr., (C. L.), 1832. A.M.. Reuben Wing Howes, Jr., (Revu), A. M. Edward Robert Atwill, (Rev.) Walter Bowne Law)ence, Francis Babcock. Wa L.terBown, A. M. La, Robert Erskine Bartow. (C. L.), A. M. Albert McNulty, Jr., A. M., William Harbert Benjamin. LL. B. e1864. Henry Carrington Bolton. Edward Mitchell, A. M. John Thomas Burr. Gratz Nathan, (C. L.), A. Robert Bage C.nfleld. Mi. Leslie Chase. Fralnk Alleyne Otis, A. M., John Lawrence Churchill. Frank Alleyne Otis, A.M., ~LL. B. 1864. Charles Ernest Congdon. *1SG6 LL. B. 1864. Nathaniel Ellsworth Corn*R(ichard Cornelius Ray, Lieut. U. S. V. *1863wall, Jr., (T.) ARLieut. U. S.cV. s.':John Halsey Curtis. William WAlexander Rie, ~Walter Cutting, Capt. U. S. V. (C. L.), A. M., U. S. V. 1862-3 and Maj. 1863-. Erastus Barnes Rudd, A. M., Henry Ammi Dows. LL. B. 1863. James Gore King Duer. William Henry Russell, Jr., Peter Forrester. I A. M., Capt. U. S. V. Charles Dudley Fuller. Th omas Taunton Sabine, A. M., George Wolfe Gillespie, (Eng.) l i M. D. 1864. Louis Haight. Hairy Augustus Schermer- William Augustus Ogden Hehorn, A. M. geman, LL. B. 1864. Thomas Henry Sill, (Rev.), Burrall Hoffman, LL. B. 1864. A. AMf. Laurence Yvonnet Hopkins. George Lansing Taylor, William Henry Jackson. (Rev.), A. M. Charles Sigourney Knox. Henry A.; Coit Taylor, A. William Elliott L:aight. M31. William Gerard Lathrop, Jr., John Ayscough Tucker, A. (C. L.) M. George Anderson Lawrence. Stephen Hague Turnbull, William Henry Martin. (C. L.), A. M. *Henry Howard Marvin, Lt.Joseph Mason Turner, A. M. Col. U. S. Eng. 1862-3. *Is63 William Mansfield Van Wag- Cornelius Berrian Mitchell. enen, (Rev.), A. M. John Fulton Berrian Mitchell, Luis Puertas Walton, A. M. Capt. U. S. V. Isaac Johnson Ward, (C. L.), Charles Walton Ogden, LL. B. A.M. 1864._ Samuel Baldwin Ward, A. M., *David Burr Olyphant. *1864 M.D. Alex. Med. Coll., Surg. *Edward Mesnard Pell, *1S68 U. S. A. Richard Vatick Pell, M. D. Ed ward Walter West, (C. L.), elsewhere. A. M., Col. U. S. V. *Gerardus Post, LL. B. 1864. *1s64 Frederick Cope Whitehouse, Russell Harper Root, LL. B. A. M. 1864. Albert Beach Whitney, A. M. Charles Ames Spencer, (T.) M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1863. Foster Thayer, M. D. else36 where, U. S. N. 1862-186L.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 71 Charles Rockland Tyng. Stephen Howard Thayer, Jr. John A. Vanderpoel. Robert Schuyler Tucker. Francis Willis. Frank Roe Van Buren. William Henry Willis, Jr. Frederick Brinsmade Van Leroy Milton Yale, M. D. else- Kleeck. where. Egbert Ward. 44 Sylvester Ward. 1 Q 53 Ellsworth Westervelt. 18OU 3 Willard Parker Worster. James Herman Aldrich. 48 William Cornell Binns. Daniel Frederick Boardman. 1864. William Brevoort Bolmer. Melville Brown. John Magnus Adams. Thomas Tileston Bryce. David Wylie Alexander. Charles Frederick Clarke. William Gardiner Appleton. Freeman Clarkson. Reginald Heber Bartow. William Peshine Douglass. Gerard Beekman. Clifford Faitoute Eagle, Lieut. John NTeilson Beekman. U. S. A. Walston Hill Browne. George Wilson Ferguson. Thomas Baird Browning. William Redwood Fisher. Charles Stedman Bull. Randall Cook Hall. John Frederick Butterworth. Richard Mentor Henry. William Henry Butterworth. Stephen Ferris Holmes. J. Ackerman Coles. Henry Augustus Hurlbut, Jr. Henry Bedinger Cornwall. Peter Augustus Jay. Edmund Dewees Davidson. Emile Henry Lacornbe. Theodore Frelinghuysen CorWilliam Scott Leggat. nell Demarest. Lewis Henry Lighthipe. Matthew BrIinckerhoffDuBois. Le Grand Lockwood, Jr. Duane Shuler Everson, Tutor Thomas Morwood McLean, Jr. 1864-. Rockwood McQuesten. Henry Floy. William Matthews Martin. William Newton Goddard. Dan Marvin, Jr. Thomas Hays Harmer. William Anderson Mitchell. Hiram Lyman Huston. Stuyvesant Fish Morris. Frederick Wendell Jackson. James Murray. Charles Henry Kaufmian. Hiram Hunt Nazro. Jonas Butler Kissam. Thomas Bellamy Newby. Joseph Bayley Lawrence. George Henry Owen. Isidor Mayer. James Brinckerhoff Pell. Alfred Perry McClellan. George Decatur Pond. John Brainard Morgan. Robert Emmet Robinson. William Franklin Mott. Philip Justice Sands. Howard Osterhoudt. Henry Yates Satterlee. Henry Hills Parker. Walter Satterlee. Frederick William Stevens. Wiliam Barnewall Schermer- Arthur Pemberton Sturges. horn. Albert Edward Valentine. Rutherfurd Stuyvesant. Isidor Walz. Charles William Terrett. Marinus Willett, Jr. 36 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY NAMED AS GRADUATES IN ARTS. 17$69.Jotham Post. Willett Taylor, Jr. Joseph Youle. *Sanmuel Kissam. Joseph oule. *Robert Tucker. ~2 1794. 1771. David G. Abeel. Peter Irving. *Benjamin Onderdonk. Henry Mead. *Michael Sebring. 3 2 1772. 1795. William M. Ross. *John Augustus Graham. Timothy F. Wmetmore. *Uzal Johnson. 2 *Jatnes Muirson. *Richard Udall. *William Winterton. 179 6. Alexander Anderson. 17730 *Winthrop Saltonstall, Yale 17793. *1802 *Jabez IDoty. 2 1797. 1774. William Bay. *Samuel Nicoll. 1802. 1793. *Joseph Bailey. *Jacob V. Brower. *Samuel Borrowe. Richard L. Walker. John B. Hicks. 3 1803-1860.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 73 Galusha Birchard Balch. 1803* George Burr Banks. Phanet Coe Barker. Isaac osterld. William Comstock Bennett, Samuel Scofield. Yale 1858. 2 John Caruthers Bogardus. Samuel White Briggs. 1804. Orlo Myron Bump. Charles Carrington. Williarm Barrow. Seth Lyman Chase. Ezekiel Ostrander. Robert Cooper. Daniel D. Walters. Charles Henry Covell. 3 Juan Bautista Ponce De Leon. Frank Wadsworth Doolittle. Philo Judson Farnsworth, and 1805. TUniv. Verm. William Baldwin Fletcher. Thomas Cock, Prof. Anat. and Edward Irving Ford. Physiol. Rutg. Coll. N. Jers., Otis W. Gibson. V.-Prest. PColl. Phys. and Walter James Hadden. Snrg. N.Y. 1827-55 and Joseph Lawrence Hicks. Prest. 1855-58. Courtland Hoppin. Benjamin Kissam. David Kennedy. 2 Daniel Avery Langworthy. William Whipple Leavitt. James Lawrence Little. 1806* James Gifford McKee. Thomas Knowlton Marcy. *Valentine Mott, LL. D. else- David Matthews. where, Prof. Surg. 1811-13, Robert Wisner Morse. Prof. Surg. Coll. Phys. and Archibald Finn Mudie. Surg. N. Y. 1813-26 and in George Andrew Mursick. Rutg. Med. Coll. N.Y. 1826- William Sheldon Clark Per30, Prof. Surg. and Relative kins. Anat. Univ. N. Y. C. 1830- Howard Pinkney. 65. *186, Oren Day Pomeroy. James Henry Pooley. 1807. Peter Prius. 1John George Ryerson. Charles Mase Samson. Alire R. Delile. 0. Henry Seeds. O. Henry Seeds, Benjamin Avery Segur. 1810. O Eldridge Gilbert Seymour. 1 8 t10o Dwight Delavan Stebbins. George Miller Sternberg. Robert Morrell. William Harrison Studley. George Edwin Summers. Charles James Taggart. 1860. William Faulds Thoms. Julius Vaughan. Thomas Henry Allen. Edmund Carlyle Ver Meulen. 7i 4 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1860-1862. i Joel Addington Warren. Theodore Millspaugh. Augustus Purdy Williams. Richard H. Moore. 51 Alfred North. James H. Noyes. I 18;1. S6Andrew T. Pearsall. William B. Pierce. Henry Sylvanus Plympton. WilliaGeorge Badger. Alfred Edgar Martindale I William Badger. Purdy. John Conner Barron. Purdy. John Connermas Barro. Charles H. Reynolds. J: Thomas Barrow. Charles Douglas Rigby. John Philip Benkalrd. John W. Robie. William Alexander Betts. Heber Smith. Willianz Blundell. Normand Smith. A. Norton Brockway. Norman Leslie Snow. Ryckman D. Bogert. Frederick Dennis Sturges. Basil Brown Brashear. Clalrles Henry Suydam. Samuel Nelson Brayton. Garrett W. Veeder Van Voast. William McQueen Bryce. Maus Rosa Vedder. Edmund Shackelford Carew. Edwin Fletcher Ward. George William Carleton. Robert Watts, Jr. William Henry Carmalt, Asst. William Lamont Wheeler. to Prof. Physiol. 1862-. John Phillips Payson White. C Gharles Cartel. Charles M. Wight. Matthew Chalmers, Yale 1858 Benjamin Franklin Wilson. and A. M. Yale. 66 John Francis Hamlin Chipman., George Rogers Cutter. 1$ 2. F. Munson Coan. Henry Munson Dean. George Pierce Andrews. Louis George De Blois. Cyrus Ebenezer Baker. Daniel McComb Devendorf. George Page Bassett. John Abbott Douglass. William Whitfield Bowlby. Albert Fairfax. George Marsden Brennan. Benjamin Franklin Fogg. John Weston Brennan. Winfield Scott Fuller. Sidney Rogers Burnap. Franklin Benjamin Galbraith. Garajed Caloosdian. Josiah H. Goddard. John Ely Carey. James Gralge. Thomas Knowlton Chandler. Theodore E. Hamiiton. Abel Blood Conant. Jerome Hibbard. William Arthur Conover. Henry M. HitchcHenry enry hite Cook. Edgar Holden. James Russell Cumming. John T. Kennedy. William Floyd Cushman. Charles John Kipp. Rem Lefferts Disbrow. Thompson Bailey Lewis. Barnard Douglass Eastman. Seth Stephen Lounsbery. William Eddy. Henry Munson Lyman. Henry Marlyn Field. Carrington McFarlane. Frank Pierce Foster. Edward Gardner Marshall. Gustavus Scott Franklin. B. Ellis Martin. William James Gilfillan. 1862-1863.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. William Henry Harlin. Albert E. Croucher. Solomon E. Hasbrouck. Rezin Pollard Davis. Jonathan Havens. Walter De Forest Day. Andrew H. Hershey. Francis Delafield, Yale 1860. George Hopkins. Samuel Dernarest, Jr. Lewis Slocomb Horton. George Clinton Dewey. Numon N. Horton. John Elderkin, Yale 1852 and John Andrew Jaume. A. M. Yale. William Malcoln James. George M. Engs. Dan Lee Jewett. David Osburn Farrand. Eldridge Monroe Johnson. Jacob T. Field. Joseph Dodson Lomax. Samuel A. Fitch. William S. Ludlum. De Witt C. Fowler. FrederickWentworthMercer. Walter R. Gillette. William Thomas Nealis. Frank West Goodall. Edward Monroe Norwood. Wait Robbins Griswold, Yale George Herschel Olmsted. 1844. William Browne Orchard. Charles Everett HalL Edmund Morris Pease. Frank Granger Hasbrouck. George Porter. John Cornelius Hasbrouck. William Chardavoyne Pryer. David Webb Hodgkins. Nathaniel B. Reber. Edward Kellv Hogan. Jasper Godsvenor Reynolds: James Hutchinson. John A. Robinson. Woolsey Johnson. William H. Rockwell, Jr. Charles S. Kittredge. Frank H. Roof. William Lee. George Schuyler Rngg. Elias Lester. Henry Thatcher Sears. Irving W. Lyon. Samuel Francis Shaw. Henry Emmet McCartin. Franklin Staples. Theodore A. McGraw. Thonias Hunt Stilwell. David Magie, Jr. John L. Swift. George Van Rensselaer MerAmazias Walter Tryon. rill. Edwin Morrison Ward. Martin Alexander Miller. Richard Halsted Ward. Lucius Mills. James H. Wheeler. Sherman Morse. Merrit H. Wilson. John D. Nicoll. 59 Wilbur Fisk Nutten. Patrick Pendergast. 18633 QaCharles Leander Pierce. Peter Van Schaack Pruyn. Burr Schermerhorn. William Bruce Almon. Wendell Abraham Anderson. Abner OrimebShaw. Alonzo Brayton Ball, Yale Amos Shaw, Jr. 1860. Andrew Jackson Smith. John Sterling Bird. Joseph George Smith. Joseph Bird. Thomas Thompson. Lewis Henry Bodman. Jacob Francis Tourtelotte. Wesley M. Carpenter. Lewis Arnold Tracy. George Augustus Christie. Samuel D. Wadsworth. Edward Cowles. De Witt Webb. 76 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1863, 1864. Walter Henry Wentworth. John C. Hooper. Lewis Westfall. George W. Hosmer. Benjamin Wilson. Edward G. Janeway. Gustavus S. Winston. Joseph E. Janvrin. Lockwood De F. Woodruff. William H. Kinney. 62 Henry M. Knowles. William Baldwin Linsly. William A. Lockwood. 1864~ D4.William M. McKay. James W. McLane. Samson American. Daniel E. McSweeny. Theophilus H. Andress. George J. Northrop. George W. Baker. George B. Oakes. Philip H. Barton. Henry E. Ogden. William Hunter Birckhead. Benjamin M. Page. John Bedell Boss. James L. Phillips. Richard B. Brown. Henry F. Piffard. George J. Bucknall. Stephen C. PowelI. J. Otis Burt. Alfred Pryor. Adolphe Carit. Charles S. Robert. Francis P. Casey. Stephen W. Roof. Samuel F. Chapin. Allen S. Russell. Albert T. Chapman. John P. Schenck, Jr. Charles De Cockerille. William F. Scoresbvy. George W. Currier. Edward C. Seguin. A. Thomas Cuzner. Charles E. Simmons. Henry A. Danker. H. Lyle Smith. Henry A. Darby. Montross L. Smith. Alberlt Austin Davis. William R. Stilwell. Henry J. Devlin. Freman Stoddard. Dwight Dudley. George W. Stout. George H. Dunbar. Edward W. Thompson. Francis D. Edgerton, and else- William Thurman. where. Elbert P. Tibbals.. Henry C. Eno. John R. Todd. D. Darwin Everett. Platon Vallejo. Edward Farrell. Augustus Van Cortlandt. Archelaus G. Field, and else- Frederick D. Vanderhoof. where. William P. W~arren. Luther P. Fitch. Lathrop P. Weaver. John -I. Furman. George- G. Wheelock. A. McT. Gregory. J. Elias Whitehead. David L. Haight. Thomas Wight. John C. Holmes. William S. Willis. William W. Hoppin, Jr. 77 GRADUATES IN LAW, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY NAMED AS GRADUATES IN ARTS. 1860. 1861. Daniel Pratt Baldwin, M-ad. Smith Bloornfield, A. M. Free Univ. Acad. N. Y. C. George Van Nest Baldwin, Miles Standish Bromley. A. M. Rutg. Coll. Herman Washington Bruen. Robert Henry Boorman. Nathaniel Barto Cooke, Yale Bradbury Chandler Chetwood, 1859. Burlingt. Coll. Cornelius, Jay Du Bois, Capt. Edward Salstonstall Dakin, U. S. V. Ham. Coll. Jas. McLaren Breed Dwight, Van Buren Dutton. Yale 1846 and A. M. Yale. *William. Sprague Ely. *1862 Sidney Stewart Henop. Harry Allen Grant, Ham. Coll. Benjamin Franklin Lee, Jr. Robert Chadwick Hutchings, Will. 1858. N. Jers., N. Y. Assemb. Seth Miller Murdock, Harv. 1861-3. 1858 and A. M. Harv. William Henry Ingersoll. William Henryv Owen, A. M. *Isaac Henry Kirby, Univ. Bowd., Capt. UT. S. V. N. Y. C, *1862 Robert Willets Pearsall. Charles McLean Knox, Major Temple Prime. U. S. V. IHenry Everett Russell, N. Francis Lewis Lowndes. Jers. 1859 andA. M. N. Jers. William Creighton Meade, Frederick Scoville, Univ. N. A. M. St. James' Coll. Y. C., Lieut. U. S. V. William Stevens Newell. Robert Noxon Toppan, Harv. Julius Harris Ranney, Free 1858 and A. M. Harv. Acad. N. Y. C. James Raymond Weeks, LaFenton Rockwell. fayette Coll. Walter Seabury Sands, Free Charles Hornblower WoodAcad. N. Y. C. ruff, Yale 1858. John Cornell Schenck. 17 Samnuel Farland Simpson. Theodore Murray Squires. Philip Lee Wilson, Lieut. 1862. U. S. v. 22 Charles Wesley Bangs. 78 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1862-1861. George Alexander Black, Free William Henry Fuller, Yale Acad. N. Y. C. 1861. Daniel Webster Bond. Edward Douglas Gale. l *Edward Carrington, Jr., Yale Frederick Gallatin, Univ. N. 1859, Lieut. U. S. V. *1865 Y. C. John Townsend Conolly, John Lyon Gardiner. Lieut. U. S. V. Eugene Terry Gardner. William Miller Denman, Free Francis Joseph Holahan, St. Acad. N. Y. C. John's. Frederic James De Peyster, Edwin Francis Hyde, Free Free Acad. N. Y. C., LL. M. Acad. N. Y. C. 1864. Peter Duncan Kenny. Robert Thomas Brown Easton, Francis Edward Kernochan, Free Acad. N. Y. C. Yale 1861. Edward Clarence Fraser. Carleton White Miller. Charles Henry Hatch, Yale John Pell. 1859. Charles Osborne Phelps. Stephen Burdett Hyatt, Free George Dwight Phelps, Jr., Acad. N. Y. C. Yale 1860. Sidmon Thorne Keese, Yale William Walter Phelps, Yale 1860. 1860. Edgar Ketchum, Jr., Free William Rounds Potter. Acad. N. Y. C. Josiah Collins Pumpelly, RutBruce Moffatt. ger's. Augustus White Nicoll, Univ. George Washington SandN. Y. C. ford. William O'Mullen. Eugene Schuyler, Ph. D. Yale John O'Neil, Jr. 1861. George Percy. Jacob Shrady, Univ. N. Y. C. James Edward Ryan. Archibald Walker Spier, Free John Bailey Storm,LL.M. 1864. Acad. N. Y. C. John Simpson Walker. James Steers, Free Acad. N. Henry Kirke White, Sci. B. Y. C. Free Ac. N. Y. C. James Avres Taber. Albert Wyckoff, Lieut. U. S.V. Ernest Tuckerman. 23 Morris Ashhurst Tyng, Will. 1861. George Edmondson Walker. 18639. Josiah Otis Ward. Edmund Wetmore, Harv. James Bruen Andrews, Yale 1860. 1861. 35 John Campbell Broderick. Willett Bronson, Williams 1861. 1864. William Campbell. George Chalmers, Yale 1861. Richard Armstrong. Paris Garner Clark, Jr. William Philip Arnold. Andrew Kirkpatrick Cogs- Henry Sandford Bellows. well, Rutger's. Henry Brodhead, Yale 1859. Richard William Ely, Univ. Eldred Absalom Carley, Free N. Y. C. Acad. N. Y. C. 1864.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 79 Thomas Bernard Connery, St. James Richards, N. Jelts. John's. 1858. George Campbell Cooper, Free Van Ness Roosevelt. Acad. N. Y. C. Merwin Rushmore. Abel Crook, Will. 1862. Elliot Sanford, Amh. 1861. Hiram Robert Dixon. Adolph Lewis Sanger, Free Jeremiah Donovan. Acad. N. Y. C. John Esler Eckerson. John Le Grand Schaffer. Washington White Ellsworth. William Arnet Seaman. Lemuel Edward Evans. Thomas Buckman Shoemaker. Joseph Fettretch. William Shrady. Jacob Alfred Gross. William Vanderbilt SimpFrank Harris, Christian Bros. son. Mri. William Edwin Slocum, B. S. Andrew Josephus Hennion. Free Acad. N. Y. C. William Myers Hoes, Will. Jacob Philip Solomon. 1861.'Frederick William Stevens, Henry Holt, Yale 1862. Yale 1858. Harlow Mather Hoyt, Free John Stout. Acad. N. Y. C. Sidney Harrison Stuart, Jr., Hamilton Bailey Humes. B. S. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Charles Nichols Judson, Yale Frederick Swarts. 1862. William Robert Syme, Univ. William Platt Ketcham, Yale N. Y. C. 1862. Richard Terheun Van BosArthur Malachi Lee, Free kerck, Free Acad. N. Y. C. Acad. N. Y. C. Julius Sylvester Walsh, St. Franklin McVeagh, Yale 1862. Joseph's. Joseph Augustus Marsh. Frederick Augustus Ward, Luther Ainsworth Milbank. Yale 1862. Horatio Woodhull Mills. Robert Kelley Weeks, Yale Israel Minor, Jr., Yale 1862. 1862. Charles Hoskins Mundy. William Leggett Whiting. William Henry Newschafer, Miron Winslow, Jr. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Buchanan Winthrop, Yale Henry Delafield Phelps, Trin. 1862. Coll. Samuel Purdy Wright. Albert Alfred Reuwee. 58 HONORARY GRADUATES, AND GRADUATES OF OTHER COLLEGES WHO HAVE BEEN ADMITTED IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE TO THE SAME DEGREE. 1758. 1759. *Daniel Isaac Brown, N. Jers. *William Hanna, (Rev.), A. B. 1753, A. M. and N. Jers. and N. Jers. 1790, A.M. *Samuel Brown, Yale 1749, 1765 and Yale 1768 and N. A. M. and Yale. *1778 Jers. *Isaac Browne, (Rev.), Yale 1729, A. M. and Yale. *1786 *Thomas Bradbury Chandler, (Rev.), Yale 1745, A. M. 17 1. and Yale and Oxford 1753, S. T. D. 1767 and Oxford *JohnBeardsley, (Rev.),A. B., 1766. *1790 A.M. 1768. *Leonard Cutting, (Rev.), *William Jackson, A. M. and Cambridge, A. M., Tutor Yale 1763 and N. Jers. 1771 1756-63. and Univ. Utrecht. *1813 *SamuelFayerweather, (Rev.), *Williaimi Samuel Johnson, Hlarv. 1743, A. M. and Yale Yale 1744, A. M. and Yale 1753 and Oxford 1756 and and Harv. 1747, J. C. D. Ox. Cambridge. *1781 1766, LL. D. Yale 1788, *Carey Ludlow, A. M. Del. to Col. Congr. 1765, *John McKesson, N. Jers. Judge Supr. Ct. Conn. 1772, 1753, A. M. and N. Jers. Del. to Congr. 1774, Memb. *David Matthews, N. Jers. Council Conn. 1780, Repr. 1754, A. M. in Congr. 1784-7, Memb. *Cyrus Punderson, Yale 1755, U. S. eonstit. Conven. 1787, A. M. and Yale. *1T89 President 1787-1800, U. S. *Ebenezer Punderson, Yale Sen. 1788. *1819 1755, A. M. and Yale. *1809 *Samuel Andrew Peters, *Daniel Treadwell, Harv. (Rev.),Yale 1757, A.M. and 1754, A. M. and Harv., Fel- Yale, LL. D. elsewhere. *1826 low and Prof. Math. and *Samuel Seabury, (Rev.),Yale Nat. Phil. 1757-60. *1760 1748, A. M. and Yale, S. T. *Timothy Wetmore, A. M. D. Ox., Bishop P. E. Ch. 13 Conn. 1784-96. *1796 1761-1768.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 81 *James Scovill, (Rev.), Yale 1757, A. M. and Yale. *1808 1767. *Agur Treadwell, -(Rev.), A. B. and Yale 1760, A. M. *Samuel Auchmuty, (Rev.), Yale. A. B. Harv. 1745 and A. M. *Edward Winslow, (Rev.), Harv. 1746, S. T. D. and OxHarv. 1736, A.M. and Harv. *1784 ford 1766. *177T 8 *Ephraim Avery, (Rev.),Yale 1761, A. M. and Yale. *1776 *Georlge Glentworth, M. D. ~1762. Edinb., A. M. *Charles Inglis, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. elsewhere, Bishop Y*Samuel An75d9res A. 1 *1818 P. E. Ch. Nov. Scot., Gov*Richard Clarke, (Rev.), A. B. ernor. and Yale 1762, A.M. 1766 *lugh Neill, A. N. and Yale. *1824 *John Ogilvie, (Rev.), Yale *Wld Yal. George 1748, A. M. and Yale, S. T. D. *William Cornelius George, and Aberd. *14 A. B. and Yale 1762. *R.obert _arpur, Glasg.w, "*John Tyler, (Rev.), A. B. and A.obM., Harpur, Glasgow, Yale 1765, A.M. 1769 and A. M., Prof. Math. and Nat. Yale. M. 1769 and Phil. 1761-7, Regent Univ. 7 N. Y. S. and Clerk of Board 1784-7, Trustee and Clerk of Board 1787-95, Secy. St. 1768. N.Y. 1768. *Bela Hubbard, (Rev.), Yale 1758, A. M. andYale, S. T. D. *Samuel Bard, M. D. and Yale 1804. *1812 Edinb. 1765, Prof. Theor. *Robert McKean,. (Rev.), and Piact. Med. 1767-76 and A. M. Midw. 1770-6, Prof. Chem. *Ebenezer Parmele, Yale 1758, 1784-5, 1786-7, Dean Med. A. M. and Yale. *1802 Fac. 1792-1804, LL. D. N. 7 Jers. 1815. *1821 *Samuel Clossy, M. D. and Trin. Coll. Dub., Prof. Anat. 1764. 1767-76. *Myles C6oper, (Rev.), Ox-.*Matthew Cushing,- Harv. ford, LL. D. and Ox., Prof. Mor. Phil. 1762-3, Fellow 1739, A. M. and Harv., Li762-75, President 163brarian Harv. *179 75. *1785 *Samuel Giles, A. B.ohn ones,. D. and 2 *John Jones, M. ID. and Rheims, Prof. Surg. 176776. *Peter Middleton, M.D. and 17600. St. And., Prof. Path. and Physiol. 1767-76 and Mat. *Jeremiah Leaming, (Rev.), Med. and Chem. 1770-6, Yale 1745, A. M. and Yale, Governor 1775. S. T. D. 1789. *1804 5 82 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1769-1789. 17690 9 **William Tryon, LL. D., Governor of the Province of New York. *Ebenezer Kneeland, (Rev.), New York. Yale 1761, A. M. and Yale. *i777 1787. 177 0.0* *Jarmes Hardie, A. B., A. IM. 1790. *Thomas Barton, (Rev.), A. M. *Robert Blackwell, (Rev.), A. B. and N. Jers. 1768, A. M. N. Jers., S. T. D. N.. Jers. and Univ. Penn. 1788. 2 *Robert Annan, (Rev.), A. M. *William Cochran, (Rev.), 17?71. Triin. Coll. Dub., A. M., 1771I Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. 1784-9. *Jonathan Boucher, (Rev.), *Robeit Charles Johnson, A. M. Yale 1783, A. M. and Yale. *lSOG *Peter Schuyler Livingston, 1 1 r772. A. B. and Yale 1789 and 1 772. N. Jers. 1789 and IIalv. 1790, A. M. 1791. *1s80 *Edmund Fanning, Yale 1757, iSaiulel Latham Mitchill, A. M. and Yale and Harv. M.D. Univ. Edinb. 1786, 1764, J. C. D. Oxford 1774, A.., LL.D. elsehere, LL. D. Yale 1803 and Dart. Memb. N.Y.Assemb. 17901803, Lt.-Gov. Nov. Scot., 2 and 1797-9, Prof Bot. Gov. Prince Edw. Isl. *181 1792-5 and Prof. Nat. Hist. Chem. and Agricult. 17921801, Repr. in Congr. 18011773. 3 and 1810-12, U. S. Sen. 1804-10, elected Prof. *Isaac Hunt, Phila., A. M. Chem. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Joseph Lamson, (Rev.), Yale N. Y. 1807 and declined, 1741, A. M. and Yale. *173 Prof: Nat. Hist. Coll. Phys. *John Marshall, (Rev.), A. M. and Surg. N. Y. 1808-20 *Harry Monroe, (Rev.), A. M. and Prof. Bot. and Mat. *John Stuart, (Rev.), A. M. Med. -1820-6, Vice-Prest. 5 PRutg. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1826-30. *1831 *Lncas 1774. *Daniel C. Verplanck, A. M. 177 4~ o *John W. Watkins, A. LM. *Lucas Babcock, Yale 1755, A.M. and Yale. *177 1789. *George Panton, (Rev.), Ab- 1789. erd., A. M. *James Sayre, (Rev.), Phila., *Roger Alden, Yale 1773, A. M. A. M. and Yale. *1s36 1789-1802.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 83 *Abraham Beach, (Rev.), Yale 1757, S. T. D., Trustee179 1787-1813 and Clerk 17951811. *1828 John- Campbell, A. M. *John Daniel Gross, (Rev.), *John Coffin, Dart. 1791,A.M. S. T. D., Regent Univ. N. Y. and Dart. and N. Jers. 1791 S. 1784-7, Trustee 1787-92, and Yale 1798. *1852 Prof. Germ. Lang. and 2 Geogr. 1784-95 and Prof. Mor. Phil. 1787-95. 1797 *James Rutsen Hardenbergh, (Rev.), A. M. N. Jers. 1770, Kent, Yale 1781 and. T. D., Prest. Rutg. Coll. *190 A. M. Yale, LL. 1D. and *Saim-iuel WVlliarm Johnson, lHarv. 1810 and Dart. 1819, Yale 1779, A. M. and Yale. *1846 N. Y. Leg. 1790-94 and *William Linn, (Rev.), N.Prof. Law 1793-98 Jers. 1'7'72, S. T. D. *1808 and1823-47,Mast. inChanc. 6 N. Y. C. 1793, Recorder N. Y. C. 1797, Judge Sup. Ct. 1790 N. Y. 1798-1814 and Ch.Just. N. Y. 1804-14, Chanc. N. Y. 1814-23, Trustee 1823. *1s47 *Henry Maeller, (Rev.), A. M. MaesP ero, (hRev.), A. IM. *Samuel Andrew Law, (Rev.), *James Proudfit, (Rev.), A. M. Yale 192, A.. and Yale and N. Jers. 1797. *1845 2 1793. 1[79 8e *Ebenezel Dibble, (Rev.), Yale 1 734, S. T. D. *1799 William Best, (Rev.), A. M. *Andrew Jaffray, (Rev.), S. William Scott, (Rev.), A.M. *T.a D.uel Andrew Smith, A. M. *Samuel Jones, Jr., A. B. and Robert G. Wetmore, (Rev.), Yale 1790, LL. D. 1826 and A.M. Union 1841, N. Y. Assemb. 1812-14, Rec. N. Y. C. 1823, Chancellor N. Y. 1826-8, Ch.-Just. Supr. Ct. 1-800 N. Y. 1828-47, Just. Supr. Ct. 184728-9. 13Spr. Joakamn Freeman, (Rev.), *William Ogilvie, LL.D., Prof: A. N. Human. Univ. Aberd. 1802. I794. William Duke, (Rev.), A. M. *Richard Channing -Moore, *James Kemp, (Rev.), S. T. D., (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Dart. Bishop P. E. Ch. Maryland 1805, Bishop P. E. Ch. Va. 1814-27. *182T 1814-41. *1841 2 84 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1804-1819. Jers., S. T. D. and Univ. 1804l Penn. 1815, Tutor N. Jers. 1798-1800, Provost tUniv. Edmund D. Barry, (Rev.), Penn. 1815. *1845 A.M. Edward Jenkins, (Rev.), S. T. D. and Brown Univ. 1803. James Larzelere, (Rev.), A.M. 1816. Peter Stryker, (Rev.), A. M. 4 *John Schureman, (Rev.), Rutg. Coll. 1795 and A. M. 1805. Rutg. and N. Jers. 1801, S. T. D., Prof. Eccles. Hist. Clement Merriam, (Rev.), and Past. Theol. in Theol. Sem. N. Brunsw. N. J. *ss1818 A.M. 1806. 1818. *William James Macneven, M. D. and Univ. Vienna *Robert Adrain, LL. D., Prof. 1783, Prof. Mat. Med. Rutg. Math. and Nat. Phil. Rutg. Med. Coll. N. Y. *1841 1810-13, Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. 1813-25, Prof. Math. Univ. Penn. 1827-34. *1848 *Joseph Hopkinson, Univ. 1809. Penn. 1786, LL. D. and N. Jers. 1818 and Harv. 1831, Abrlah~am Bronson, (Rev.), Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. Penn. *1842 A. M. Samuel Nichols, (Rev.), Yale 1811, A.M. Andrew Thomson, (Rev.), S. T. D. *John Croes, (Rev.), A.M. N. Jers. 1797, S. T. D., 1819. Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Jers. 1819. 1815-32. *1832 James Hall, (Rev.), S. T. D. *Thomas Church Brownell, *William Harris, (Rev.), (Rev.), Union 1804, S. T. D. Harv. 1786 and A. M. Harv., and Union 1819, LL. D. S. T. D. and Harv. 1811, elsewhere, Bishop P. E. Ch. President 1811-29, Trustee Conn. 1819-65. *1865 1811-29 and Clerk 1811. *1.829 *Philander Chase, (Rev.), 3 Dart. 1796, S. T. D. Prof. Ken. Theol. Sem., Prest. Ken. Coll., Bishop P. E. Ch. 1 $815c). Ohio 1819-52. *1852 John Philip, (Rev.), S. T. D. *Frederic Beasley, (Rev.), N. and N. Jers. 1820. Jers. 1797 and A. M. N. 3 _ _ _ __ _ -- -- V ---- - _ __- __-_ _ 1.820-1824.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 85 Secy. St. U. S. 1831-3, U. S. 185 20e. Min. to France 1833-5. *1886 *John Stark Ravenscroft, William Forrest, A. M. (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Car. 1823-30. *1830 *Nathan Sanford, LL. D., U. S. 18)21. Dist.-Atty. N. Y. 1803-16, Memb. N.Y. Assemb. 1811 *Thaddeus Fiske, (Rev.), and Speaker of the sne, Harv. 185 andA.M. Harv., N. Y. Sen., U. S. Sen. 1816S.T. T.D. *1s55 22 and 1825-31, Memb. N. *Washington Irving, A. M., Y. Constit. Conven. 1821, LL. D. 1829 and Harv. 1832, Chancell. N. Y. 1823-5. *1838 J. C. D. Ox. 1831, Memb. John Savage, Union 1799, of several learned Societies, LL. D. and Union 1829, Secy. U. S. Leg. Lond., U. S. Ch.-Justice Sup. Ct. N. Y. Min. to Spain 1842-46. *1s59 Samuel Seabury, (Rev.),A. M., Daniel McDonald, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1837, Prof. Bibl. Genev., S. T. D. 3-Learn. and Interp. Script. 3 Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. *Ambrose Spencer, Harv. 1822. 1783, LL. D. and Univ. Penn. 1819 and Harv. 1821, *Williaim Lowndes, LL. D., Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1793Repr. in Congress, U. S. 5, N. Y. Sen. 1795-1802, Sen. Atty.-Gen. N. Y. 1802-4, *Thomas Lyell, (Rev.), A. M. Judge Sup. Ct. N. Y. 1804Brown 1803, S. T. D. *1848 19 and Ch.-Just. of the same Alexis P. Proal, (Rev.), A. M. 1819-23, Repr. in Congr. *1848 John Reed, (Rev.), Union 1805 9 and A. M. Union, S. T. D. *Stephen N. Rowan, (Rev.), Union 1804 and A.M. Union, 182 S. T. D. 1885 *Lanlgdon Cheves, LL.D., Repr. in Congr. and Speaker, Supr. Judge S. Car., 182 3 Prest. U." S. Bank, Ch. Commr. U. S. under Treaty John Carroll, A. M. of Ghent. *185T Abraham N. Halsey, A. M. *James Fenimore Cooper, *Chauncey Lee,. (Rev.), Yale A. M. *1851 1784 and A. M. Yale, S. T. D. *1842 *Thomas Addis Emmet, Trin. *Edward Livingston, N. Jers. Coll. Dub., LL. D., Atty.1781 and A. M. N. Jers., Gen. N. Y. *1S21 LL. D. and Transyl. 1824 *Ernest L. Hazelius, (Rev.), and Harv. 1834, Trustee S. T. D. and Union 1824. *1s85 1793-1806, Repr. in Congr. Levi Silliman Ives, (Rev.) 1794-1801 and 1823-9, U. S. A. M., S. T. D. 1831, Bishop Dist.-Atty. N. Y. 1801-3, P. E. Ch. N. Car. 1831Mayor N. Y. C. 1801-3, 53. 7 86 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1824-1830. *James Kirke Paulding, A. M., Nav. Off. N. Y., Secy.. S. Navy 1837-41. *1860 *Daniel Webster, Dart. 1801 *JasperAdams, (Rev.),Brown and A. M. Dart. and Harv. 1815 and A. M. Brown and 18.04, LL.D. and N. Jers. Yale 1819, S. T. D., Tutor 1818 and Dart. 1824 and Brown 1818-19, Prof. Math. Harv. 1824, Memb. of sev- and Nat. Phil. Brown 1819elal learned Soc., Repr. in 24, Prest. Genev. Coll. Congr. 1813-17 and 1823- 1827, Prest. Charleston S. 25, Memb. Mass. Constit. C. Coll. and Prof. Mor. Conven. 1820, U. S. Sen. Phil., Prof. Eth. Milit. Acad. 1826-41 and 1845-50, Secy. U. S. St. U. S. 1841-43 and 1850- William Rollinson Whitting52. *1852 ham, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 7 1837, Bishop P. E. Ch. Maryland 1840-. 1825. *John Caldwell Calhoun, Yale 1804, iL. D. and i*Asa Eaton, (Rev.), Harv. Hamilt. 1821 and Yale 1822, 1803 and A.M. Harv. d Memb. S. C. Leg., Repr. in Brown 1818, S. T. D. *5 Congr. 1811-17, Secy. WTar Charles Taylor Catlin, Yale U. S. 1817-24, Vice-Prest. 1822, A. M. and Yale. U. S. 1825-32, U. S. Sen. William Buell Sprague, (Rev.), 1832-43 and 1845-50,Secy. Yale 1815 and A. M. Yale St. U. S. 1844-45. *1850 1819, S. T. D. and Harv. *Stephen Elliott, Yale 1791, 1848 LL.D. and Yale 1819 and Harv. 1822, Memb. S. C. Leg., Prof. Nat. Hist. and 1829. Bot. S. C. Med. Coll. *1s30 Henri L. P. F. Peneveyre, Antoine Verren, (Rev.), A. M., (Rev.), S. T. D. Prof. French Lang. and Lit. *JoelRoberts Poinsett, LL.D., 1828-39. Repr. in Conlgr. 1821-27, U. S. Min. to Mex. 1828-30, Secy. War U. S. 1837-41. *1851 1880. William Shelton, A. M. 1830. William-e. Heyward, A. B. *James Marsh, (Rev.), Dart. 1817 and A. M. Dart., S. T. D. 1826. and Amh. 1833, Tutor Dart. 1818-20, Prof. Lang. Hamp. V*William Wirt Phillips, Syd. Coll., Prest. and Prof. (Rev.), Union 1813, S. T. D., Mor. Phil.. and Met. Univ. Trustee N. Jers. Coill., Prest. Verm. *1842 Board For. Miss. Presbyt. *Frederic Christian Schaeffer, Ch. *1865 (Rev.), A. M. N. Jers. 1818, 1830-1836.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 87 S. T. D., Prof. Germ. Lang. Union 1839, Prof: Greek and and Lit. 1830-31. *Is31 Lat. Lang. Genev. Coll. *1857 William D. Snodgrass, (Rev.), 6 Wash. Coll. Penn., A. M. N. Jers. 1822, S. T. D. 1834-. *William Murray Stone, (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. Orange Clark, (Rev.), A. M. E. Ch. Maryl. 1830-38. *1s38 Thomas Winthrop Coit, 5 (Rev.), Yale 1821 and A. NI. Yale 1831, S. T. D., LL. P. 1831r Trin. 1853, Prest. Trans. Univ., Prof. Eccl. list. Eli Baldwin, (Rev.), S. T. D. Drin. Coll. James Ryan, A. M. Don Thomas Gener, LL. D., James Shea, A. M. Prest. Cortes of Spain. Thomas W. Swords, A. B. Robert J. Harvey, A. A. George Upfold, (Rev.), Union William A. Muhlenb erg, 1814, M. D. Coill. Phys. and (Rev.), S. T. D. Surg. N.Y. 1816., S. T. D., William Sherwood, (Rev.), Bishop P. Epis. Ch. Ind. A. M 1849-. 1835. 1832. Benjamin clark Cutler, (Rev.), Brown 1822 and A.M. Fran~cis Lister Hawks, (Rev.), Brown, S. T. D. Univ. N. Car., A. M. Yale Manuel Fetter, A. B., A. M. 1818, S. T.D. 1842. *William Gaston, N. Jers. 1796 and A.M. N. Jers., 18338 LL. D. and Univ. Penn. 1819 and Harv. 1826 and Univ. *Charles Burroughs, (Rev.), N. Y. C. 1834 and N. Jers. Harv. 1806 and A. M. Harv. 1835, N. Car.Sen., Judge and Dart. 1811, S. T. D. *1851 Sup. Ct. N. Car., Repr. in *George Washington Doane, Congr. *184M (Rev.), Union 1818, S. T. James N. Reynolds, A.M. D., LL.D. elsewhere, Prof. Trin. Coll. 1824-28, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Jers. 1832-59. *1859 183 *James Emott, A.M. Union 1800, LL. D. *1850 Benjamin Hale, (Rev.), Bowd. *James Hervey Otey, (Rev.), 1818 and A.M. Bowd. and S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Dart. 1827, S. T. D., M. D. Tenn. 1834-63. *1863 Dart. 1827, Prof. Chem. and John H. Pinder, (Rev.), S. T. Min. and Med. Juris. Dart. D., Principal of Codrington 1827-35, President Genev. Coll. Isl. Barbad. Coll. *David Prentice, Yale 1812, Benjamin Luckock, (Rev.), A. M. and Yale, LL.. A. M. 88 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1836 —1841. *Jacob Sutheirland, Yale 1807, LL. D., Judge Sup. Ct. N. Y. *1845 11840. 31 John Watson Adams, (Rev.), 1837 S.T.D. Stephen Elliott, (Rev.), S.T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. GeorJohn Bethune, (Rev.), S. T. D. gia 1841-. William Cullen Bryant, A. M. Ablaham Bruyn Hasbrouck, and Will. 1819, LL. D. Yale 1810 and A.M. Yale Union 1853. 1819, LL. D. and Union *John Duer, LL. D., Memb. I 1841, Repr. inCongr., Prest. N. Y. Constit. Conven. 1821, Rutg. Coll. Trustee 1823-30, Just. Supr. William Hawkesworth, A. Ct. N. Y. C. 1849-57 and M. Ch.-Just. of same 1857-8. *ss85s *Hugh Swinton Legare, S. *George Griffin, Yale 1797. C. Coll. 1814, Menlb. S. C. LL. D. *1860 Leg. 1824-30, Atty.-Gen. Fitz-Greene Halleck, A. M. S. C. 1830-2, Charge d'Aff. Charles Fenno Hoffman, A. M. U. S. at Brussels 1832-36, Theodore Irving, (Rev.), A. Repr. in Congr. 1836-38, M., LL. D. Union 1851. Atty.-Gen. U. S. 1841Samuel Allen McCoskry, 43. *1843 (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. *William Hickling Prescott, E. Ch. Mich. 1836-. Harv. 1814 and A.M. Harv., *Erskine Mason,(Rev.), S.T.D. LL. D. and Univ. N. Calr. Philip Meyer, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1841 and Harv. 1843, J. C. *David B. Ogden, LL. D., D. Oxford 1850, Memb. of Trustee 1815-49 and Chn. many learned societies. *lss5 of Board 1843-49. *1849 6 Thomas H. Taylor, (Rev.), S. T. D. Samuel A. Van Vranken, 1841. (Rev.), S. T. D. 13 "Albert Gallatin, Univ. Genev. Switz. 1779, LL. D., Memb. 1 2835.8 Penn. Constit. Conven. 1789, Memb. Penn. Leg. 1790-2, *Isaac Boyle, (Rev.), Harv. epr. in Congr. 1795-1801, 1813 andi AP. Mnl. H arv., S. T. Secy. Treas. U. S. 1801-13, 1813 and A. M. Harv., S. T. D. and Trin. 1838. *180 U.. om mr at Walter Chisholml, A. M. 1814, -U. S. Min. to France 1815-23 U. S. Env. Ex. to *Leonidas Polk, (Rev.), S. T. 18 5-23,.. nv2 ex. to Gr. Britain 1826-7, Prest. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Louis. Council Univ. N.Y C. 1830, 1838-64.,1864 Prest. N. Y. Hist. Society 1843-9.,1s49 18 39. C. H. Gottsberger, A. M. Samuel Nelson, LL. D., Just. Wm. M. Carmichael, (Rev.), Sup. Ct. U. S. S. T. D. William M. Thompson, A. M. Abraham Halsey, A. M. 2 4 1842-1848.] I1ONORARY GRADUATES. 89 18s42. c)Edward Cooper, A. M. V1842~.Charles Hewitt, A. M. John W. McCullough, (Rev.), Gustavus Abeel, (Rev.); Union S. T. D. 1823 and A.M. Union, S. Horatio Southgate, (Rev.), T. D. S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. James J. Bowden, A. M. Constantinople 1844-. *Charles W. Hackley, (Rev.), Bird Wilson, (Rev.), S. T. D. U. S. Mil. Acad., A. M., elsewhere, LL. D., Prof. S. T. D. elsewhere, Pl-est. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. Jeff. Coll. Miss., Prof. Math. 6 and Astr. 1843-57, Prof. Astr. 1857-61., 1861 Edward Y. Higbee, (Rev.), 1846. A. M., S. T. D. 1843. George C. Schaeffer, A. M., M. D. elsewhere, Librarian William Bayard Blackwell, A. 1839-47, Prof. Chem. M. Georget. Coll. Kent. Ezra A. Huntington, (Rev.), John H. Shepherd, A. M. Union 1833, S.T.D. 6 2 1843. 1847. John M. Duncan, (Rev.), William IngrlahamKip,(Rev.), S.T. D. Yale 1831 and A.M. Yale George E. Hare, (Rev.),Union and Trin. 1846, S. T. D., 1826, S. T. D. Bishop P. E. Ch. Californ, Daniel Stone, A. M. 1853-. 3 Joseph Henry Price, (Rev.), Brown 1825 and A. M. 1844. Brown, S. T. D. *John Canfield Spencer, Union 1806, LL. D. and Union/ Edward E. Ford, (Rev.)D, 1849, Mast. in Chanc. 1811, Joseph W. Ingraham. A. M Dist.-Atty. WVest. Dist. N. Joseph W. Ingraham, A. M. Y., epr. in Cogr. 181Charles G. McLean, (Rev.), 19, Memb. in Congr. 1817-Assemb. S.T.D. 19, Memli. N. Y. Assemb. 1819-24 and Speaker of the *Amb.rose S. Todd, (Rev.), same 1820, N. Y. Sen. 1824A.M. Yale 1824,. T. D. *1861 26, Secy. St. N. Y. 1839-41, Charles E. West, A.M..Secy. War U S. 1841-43, Secy. Treas. U. S. 1843-44. *1855 3 1845. *Daniel Dewey Barnard, Will. 1848. 1818, LL. D. and Geneva and Brown 1853, Repr. in Francis Vinton, (Rev.), U. S. Congr., U. S. Min. at Brus- Mil. Acad., A. B. Brown sels. *1861 1833, S. T. D. 90 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1849 —1854. Dart. 1831 and A. M. Dart., 1849.S.T. D., Prof. Rhet. and Polit. Lit. Dart. George Alexander Crook, A. Richard PullingJenks, (Rev.), M. lHarv. 1830, A. M. James Stephenson, (Rev,), William McMurray, (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. 2 John Rowland, (Rev.), A. M. {1850-. John Lee Watson, (Rev.), Harv. 1815 and A.M. Harv., William Drisler, A. M. S. T. D. David X. Junkin, (Rev.), S. 6 T. D., Pirest. Wash. Coll. Va. John B. Kerfoot, (Rev.), S. 1 853. T. D., Rector St. James Coll. 1 Md., Prest. Trin. Coll. 1864-. Talbot W. Chambers, (Rev.),:KRendriok Mete:+lf; (Rev.); Talbot W. Chambers, (Rev.), Kendriek Metcalf, (Rev.), S. T. D. Dart. 1829, S. T. D., Prof. ederick Davis, eeLit. Hobart La. and (Rev.), S.T.D., Bishop P.E. Ch. S. C. 1853-. Winfield Scott, A. M. N. Jers. Henry D. ErskineC (Rev.), A. 1814, LL. D. and Harv. 1861, M. elsewhere, S. T. D., Dean Maj.-Gen. and Bvt. Lt.-Gen., S. U. S. A. of Ripon, Eng. Timothy.DA. WiCharles J. Quintard, M.D. Timothy D.Williamns, A.M. 6 elsewhere, A. M., Prof. in Medical College Memphis, Tenn. 1 851. Samuel Pratt Strong, (Rev.), S.T.D. Francis H. Cuming, (Rev.), S. T. D. Martin P. Parks, (Rev.), S. 1854. T. D. John Williams, (Rev.), S. T. D. William. Gordon, (Re.), and Union 1847, Prest. Trin.. T. Gordon, (D. Coll. 1848-53, Asst. Bishop Jean Romer,A.M., LL.D. P. E. Ch. Conn. 1851-65 and elsewhere, Prof. French Bishop 1865-. Lang. and Lit. Free Acad. Octavius Winslow, (Rev.), S. N. Y. C.. D. I. Jackson Scott, (Rev.), S. T. D. Henry Philip Tappan, (Rev.), 18`2 Union 1825, S. T. D. Union 1845, LL. D., Prof. Mor. and Stephen Alexander,Union 1824 Int. Phil. Univ. N. Y. C. and A. M. Union, LL.D., 1832-38, Chancell. Univ. Prof. Math. and Astr. N. Mich. 1850-63, Cor. Memb. Jers. Inst. of France 1856. Samuel Gilman Brown, (Rev.), 4 1855-1860.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 91 1855. 1859. John M. Macauley, (Rev.), T. De Bois Coryell, A. M. S. T. D. William Armstrong Dod, Joseph Few Smith, (Rev.), (Rev.), N. Jers. 1838 and Yale 1840 and A. M. Yale, A. M. N. Jers., S. T. D., TuS. T. D., Prof. Sac. Lit. Aub. tor N. Jers. 1840-1, Lect. Theol. Sem. on Architect. and the Fine 2 Arts N. Jers. George H. Houghton, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1 856.* Lot Jones, (Rev.), S. T. D. Alexander G. Mercer, (Rev.), John Blakely, (Rev.), S.!T. D. S. T. D. George Sharswood, LL. D., S Tyler, LL D Samuel Tyler, LL. D. Ch.-Judge Dist. Ct. Penn., 6 Prof. Law Univ. Penn. Alfired Stubbs, (Rev.), Yale 1835 and A. M. Yale, S.T.D. 1860. Charles P. Daly, LL. D., Just. 185 7. Ct. Com. Pleas N. Y. C. Theodore W. Dwight, HamilJoseph Alden, (Rev.), Union ton, LL. D., Prof. Law 1829 and A.M. Union and 1858-. N. Jers. 1832 andWill. 1837, John W. French, (Rev.), S. T. S. T. D. Union 1839, LL. D., D., Prof. Eth. U. S. Mil. Tutor N. Jers. 1830-32, Acad. Prof. Rhet. Polit. Econ. and Thomas T. Guion, (Rev.), S. Hist. Will. 1835-52, Prof. T. D. Metaph. and Mor. Phil. Murray Hoffman, LL. D. and Lafay. Coll., Prest. Jeff. Union 1840, Judge Supr. Coll. Penn. Ct. N. Y. Samuel Cooke, (Rev.), A.M. Fordyce Mitchell Hubbald, Yale 1847, S. T. D. and (Rev.), Will. 1828 and A. M. Univ. N. Y. C. 1857. Will., S. T. D. and Trin. William F. Morgan, (Rev.), 1860, Tutor Will. 1831-2, Union 1837 and A. M. Union, Prof. Lat. Lang. Univ. N. S.T.D. Car. 3 Matthew Hall McAllister, LL..D., Judge -U. S. Dist. Ct. 1858. Cal. William H. N. Stewart, (Rev.), Charles D. Morris, A. M. and Trin. Coll. Dub., A. M. Oxford. Charles S. Triipler, M. D. elseSamuel Spring, (Rev.), A. B. where, A. M., U. S. A. and A. M. Yale 1821, S. T. D. Lewis Bartholomew WoodHenry Waterman, (Rev.), ruff, Yale 1830 and A.M. Brown 1831, S. T. D. Yale, LL. D;, Judge Supr. *Isaac D. Vermilyea, (Rev.), Ct. N. Y. C. A.M. 4 10 92 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1861-1864. Henry Joseph Scudder, Trin. 1846, A. M. and Trin. John Cotton Smith, (Rev.), Alexander W. Bradford, Un- S. T. D. ion 1832 and A. M. Union, LL. D. and Union 1852, Corporation Atty. N. Y. C. 1843, Surrogate N. Y. C. 18683 1848-58, Trustee 1855-. *Abraham Lincoln, LL. D., S. Hanson Cox, (Rev.),S. T. D. President of the United Samuel Eliot, Harv. 1839 and States 1861-65. A.. Harv. and Trin 1857, Joseph C. Passmore, (Rev.), LL. D., Prof. Hist. and Polit. S. T.D., Prof. Rhet. and Sci. Trin., elected Prof. It. Phil. St James Coll. Anc. and Mod. Lit. 1857 Md. and declined, President S. Chipman Thrall, (Rev.), S. T. CimD. Trl,(e.,S Jared B. Flag, (Rev.), S. T. D), Sullivan H. Westofn, (Rev.), S. T. D., Trustee Meda. Dept. S. T. D., Trustee Med. Dept. Robert S. Howland, (Rev.), 1860-. S.T.D. 5 Thomas Ricker Lambert, (Rev.), A. M. Brown 1845, 1 Q62c) S.T. D. 1862. Henry B. Walbridge, (Rev.), S. T. D. Henry P. Balcom, A. M., Supt. 6 Pub. Sch. Middlet. Conn. Samuel Buel, (Rev.), Will. 1833 and A. M. Will., S. T. 1864. D., Tutor Ken. George Jarvis Geer, (Rev.), Henry Stephens Cutler, Mus. Trin. 1842 and A. M. Trin., ID. S. T. D. and Union 1862. Joseph G. Fox, A. M., Prof. Benjamin Nicholas Martin, Math. Cooper Instit. N. Y. (Rev.),Yale 1837 and A. M. C. Yale, S. T. D., Prof. Phil. Thomas Hunter, A. M. and Hist. Univ. N. Y. C. 3 EN U ME R ATI O N. Graduates in Arts................................... 1911 Graduates in Medicine other than Graduates in Arts..... 35'2 Graduates in Law other than Graduates in Arts......... 155 Honorary Graduates, and Graduates of other Colleges admitted here to the same degree.....................'305 2723 KNOWN TO BE DECEASED. Graduates in Arts..................................... 682 Graduates in Medicine, as above....................... 16 Graduates in Law, as above........................... 3 Honorary Graduates, and others, as above.............. 139 840 Presumed to be living.......................... 1883 INlDEX. h indicates Honorary Graduates and Graduates of other Colleges who have been admitted to the same degree. 1 " Graduates in Law, except those who have their places in the Catalogue as Graduates in Arts. m " Graduates in Medicine, except those who have their places in the Catalogue as Graduates in Arts. Abbott, 1881823 Horatio. Anthony, Aycrigg, 1829 George F. 1846 R. S. Carden. 1833 Stephen D. 1832 Henry T. 1824 Benjamin. Abeel, 1834 William M. 1888 Edward. Aymar, 1860 Thomas H. m. 1794 David G. m.. Antil, 1843 Benjamin N. 1822 George. Almon, 1762 Edward. 1842 Gustavus. h. 1863 William B. m. Ayres, Appleton, 1856 William W. Abrahams, American, 1864 William G. 1774 Isaac. 1864 Samson. m. Barden, 14 Luck, Arden9 1774 Lucas. h. Adams, Ames, 1844 John B. 1849 Edward C. 1827 Jasper. h. 1842 Hector C. Armit 1856 Edwin S. 1840 John W. h. Armitage, 1862 Francis. 1845 John K. Ammerman, 1849 William E. 1864 John M. 1812 Albert. 1Backus, Armstrong, 1827 J. Trumbull. Adrain, Amory, 1864 Richard. 1. 1838 Mancer M. 1318 Robert. h. 1775 William.Bacon, Agnev, Anderson, 1864 William P. 1. 1854 George W. 1810 John. 1791 Peter. A 1856 Charles A. 1849 Cornelius R. 1796 Alexander. m. m. Aspnwall 1859 Richard S. Aims, 1810 Andrbel T. 1809 Thomas S. Badger, 1850 John M. 1818 Henry J. Astor, 1861 George. m. Akerly, 1826 Charles E. 1839 John J., Jr. 1861 William. m. Akerly, 1845 James. 1849 William.e 1804 Samuel. 1853 Cornelius V. A. 1Baley, Al Burt1is, 1859 Edward H. Atkinson. 1813 William. 1844 Clement W. 186 Wendell A.m. 1803 George H. 1829 Theodore A. 1844CAld ement, W Andress, 1808 William. * Bainbridge, Ald en, 1864 Theophilus H. n. Atwill 1789 John T. 1789 Roger. h.i1 1857 Joseph. A. Andrews, 1862 Edward R. 1798 Joseph. Aldis, 1762 Samuel. h. Atwood, -Baker, 18352 Stephen. H. 17801 Job.. 1756 Samuel. h. 186 Galeorgesha B. m. Alexander, Anthon, 1775 Richard. Balch, 1852 Stephen. A. 1801 John. 1775 Samuel. 1860 Galusha B. m. 1864 David W. 1813 Henry. Auld Balcom, 1815 Charles. Allaire, 1823 Edward. 1835 Jedidiah B. 1862 Henry P. h. 1805 Peter. 1838 Frederic. 1839 Charles E. Avery, Baldwin Allen, 1839 George C. 1767 Ephraim. h. 1831 Eli. h. 1823 Christopher. 1851 John H. 1832 Walter T. 1856 Albert H. 96 COLUMBIA COLLEGE, [1865. 1860 Daniel P. I. Bayard, Betts, 1846 Edward C. 1S60 George V. N. 1 6. Bs, 1846 Henry A. 17 60 Samuel. 1820 William. 1852 Charles L. Ball, 1776 Samuel. 1846 Beverley R. 1856 William P. 1814 John H. Bayley, 1861 William A. in. 1861 Ryckman D. m. 1868 Alonzo B.. 1802 Joseph. m. Bibby, Boggs, Bancroft, 1828 William. 1805 James. 1880 John B. 1840 Charles. Beach, 1809 Edward N. Bolmer, Bangs, 1789 Abraham. h. Bidwell, 1868 William B. 1862 Charles W. I. 1849 Norman A. 1856 Marshall S., Jr. Bolton, BankBs,, 1801 Thomas. 1842 William G. 1841 Daniel H. 1863 William C. 1881 James. 1860 George B. m. Beardsley, Birkhead, \ 883 Jackson. Beardsley, Birckhead,. 1847 John H. Barclay, 1761 John. h. 1864 William H. m. 1862 Henry C. 1766 James. Beasley, Bird, Bond, 17962 Thomasvid. 1815 Frederic. i. 1863 John S. m. 1862 Daniel W. 1. Barcnloo, Beck, 1868 Joseph. n. Bonnett, 1795 George. 1818 John B. Black, 1818 Daniel. Bard, Bedell, 1862 George A. 1. Boorman, 1768 Samuel. ih. 1811 Gregory T. Blackwell, 1860 Robert H. 1797 William. Bedford, 170 Robert. iD. Borrowe, 1804 William D. Barker, 1851 Henry M. 1846 William B. is. 1798 Samuel. in. 1824 Robert. 1855 Gunning S., Jr. Blake, Boss, 1827 Thomas H. Beebee 1864 John B. on. 1860 Phanet C. m. Beebee 1847 Cornelius D. 1864 John B. m. Barnard, 1802 Alexander M. Blakely, Boucher, 1845 Daniel D. h. Beekman, 1856 John. h. 1771 Jonathan. h. Barnes, 179266 Gerard. Blanch, Bowden, 1821 William B. 18834 James W. 1829 Thomas E. 1772 John. 1864 Gerard. 1818 James J. Barnet, 1864 John N. Blatchford, 1840 Samuel. 1771 Ichabod B. Belden, 1887 Samuel. 1842 James J. h. Barnum, 1846 G. Mortimer. Blauvelt, Bowdoin, 1804 John W. Bell 1801 Abraham L. 1880 James. Barron, 1843 Samuel P. Bleecker, Bowlby, 1861 John C. m. Bellows 1791 Anthony. 1862 William W 1864BHellos, 1 1791 William. Bowne Barrow, 1864 Henry S. 1. 1805 Leonard A. 1804 William. m. Bejamin, 1820 John B. 1808 John. 188860 Robert P. 1861 James, Jr. Blundell, 1832 William L. 183861 John S. Benn1856 Eastburn. Blooment, Boyle, 1861 77ilipH. 50 Thomas. 159Thomas J. Bo1787 Samuel. Barry, 1860 Richard G. d 1797 Robert. 1804 Edmund D. h. 1862 William R. Bloomfieldam 1840 Gerard S. 1820 Edmund D., Jr. Ben rdson, 1861 Smithel F. 18 WilliBradfordam. 1864 Reginald H. 1801 Robert. 1863 LewisH. m. Brady,. 1861 James, Jr. Blunogardusell, 1809 William L. Bartlett 1861 John P.n. 1861 William. an. 1861 William A. 1809 Samuel 1861 Basil B. B rl. axter, 8 JaS. Bennem Blfnart, Boyle, Barton 182 John. 185790 MDavid. 1838 Sam l. m. 1860 William C. m. 1857 William S. 1840 Gerard S. 179Bartow, Benson 18 Daniel F. s Bradfordge. 18036 Johnbert E. Bo dmahn. 182 tio. 1861 Alexander W.. 1864 Reginald H. 1801 Robert. 1863 Lewis H. m. Bassettrt, Bogardus, 1809 John. 1786 John. Berrian, 1815 Archibald R. 1862 George P. an. 1808 William. 1860 John C. m. ar, 1809 Samuel. 1861 Basil B. m. 1858 Wyllys P. 1 J e3 Cornelius. Brayton, Best, 1790 David S. 1861 Samuel N. an. Bay, 1798 William. h. 1l97 william. m. Bethune Bogert, Brennan, 1798 Thomas. me h n, 1801 Samuel. 1862 George M. m.. 1808 John. 1887 John. 1882 Horatio. 1862 John W. sas. 1865.] INDEX. 97 Brickell, 181.3 George W. Calhoun, Caswell, 1861 Herman W. /. 1174t John. 1825 John C. Ih. 1861 William H. Briggs, Brush827 Caloosdian, Catlin, 1860 Samuel W. m. 1862 Garabed. sn. 1S28 George. Brinckerhoff, Bryant, Cambreling, 1828 Charles T. h. 1798 George. 18 William.. 1849 Churchill J. Chalmers, Brockway, B~ryar, Camman 1861 Matthew. nm. ~Brockw3ay, I r, 18Cammann,68 George1. Gog. - 1861 A. Norton. rn. 04 George. 1825 George P. 18834 EdardH. 1855 Edwrl.. Chambers, Broderick, Bryce, 1856 Henry J. 1853 Talbot W. h. 1863 John C. 1. 1861 William McQ. n. LoChandler Brodhead, 1863 Thomas T. Camp, 1158 Thomas B. is. 1864 Henry. I. Buckley, 1804 Elisha. 1774 William. Bromley, 1843 Thomas C. T. Campbell, 1862 Thomas K. en. 1861 Miles S. 1. Bucknall, 1795 John. Ih. Chanler, Bronk,1864 George J. m. 1811 John. 1847 John W. r nk1864 s1816 John D. 1807 John L. Bucknor, 1844 Robert B. Chapin, 3ron-son, 1840 Charles B. 1847 Henry P. 1864Samuel F. en. BrOnlson, 1850 Malcolm. 1809 Abraham. h. Buel, 1863 William. 1. Chapman, 184 Arthu. 1862 Samuel. h. Canield, 1864 Albert T. in. 1848 Theodorus B. 1863 Willett. 1. Bull, 1862 Robert B. Chase, Brooks, 1864 Charles S. Cannon, 1819 Philander. h. 1814 James. Bump, 1817 John M. 1862 Leslie. Broome, 1860 Orlo M. m. Carew, Chauncey, 1191 William T. Bunker, 1861 Edmund S. m. 1831 Peter S. Brouwer, 1843 William E. Carey, Cheves,,~~1807~,John H. Bunne1839 Arthur.:1807 John H. Buner,39 John, r. 1824 Langdon. h. 1842 Abraham S. 1198 Rudolph. 1861 George H. Chetwood Brower, Burnap, 1862 John E. en. 1S60 Bradbury C. I. 1792 Cornelius. 1862 Sidney R. en. Carit, Chichester 1798 Jacob. Burr, 1864 dolphe.. 1841 Edward L. 1802 Jacob V. en. 1862 John T. Carleton, Chil* 18517 Morgan L. Sr. 1861 George W. en. Brownurrell, 1810 Francis. Brown, 1807 William E. Carley, Chipman 1758 Daniel I. /. Burrill, 1864 Eldred A. m. pman 1758 Samuel. i. Burrill, 1861 John F. H. en. 1808 Lionel. 1824 Alexander M. Carilalt, s 1811 John. 1839 John E., Jr. 1861 William H.. m 1839 Allen H. 1838 Walter. h. 1889 James C. R. Burrouighs, Carmichael, 1816 Elias Gl. 1833 Charles. Ih. 1839 William M. h. Chittenden, 1849 Charles H. 18387 Nathaniel W. 1851 Stewart M. Burt, Carpenter, Christie, 1852 James L. 1864 J. Otis. m. 1863 Wesley M. m. 1852 Samuel G. h. 1799 John. 1856 Abbott. Burtis. Carpentier, 1863 George A. n. 1859 John C. I " 181812 Jon. 1848 Horace W. Chrystie, 1860 Clarence S. Chrystie, 186 Melville. Butler, Carrington, 1806 John. 1864 Richard B. 772. 1828 Jonas. 1860 Charles. rn. 1828 Thomas W. Browne, B utteworth 1862 Edward. 6. 18381 James. 1758 Isaac. h. Butterwort, 1832 John. 1864 Waiston H. 1864 John F. Carroll, 1864 William H. 1823 John. h. Brownell, Byron, Carter1859 Frank P. 1819 ThoInas C. ih. 1850 George W. 1829 James A. Churchill, 1850 Galen A. 1862 John L. Browning, Cadle, 1854 Cullen L. 1859 Edward F. 1809 John. 1861 Charles. n. Clark, 1864 Thomas B. 1813 Richard F. l 1824 William A. h. BCr *arviii, 1834 Orange. h. Bruce, Cairns, 1832 George, Jr. 18387 John W. 1797 Archibald. 1839 Frederick A. 1840 James F. Casey, 1841 John H. Bruen, Caldwell, 1834 William B. 1842 Benjamin F. 1812 Matthias, Jr. 1859 Elisha S. 1864 Francis P. mn. 1850 James S. 98 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. 1852 Henry W. 1853 William I. Coles, Covell, Cushman, 1856 Charles N. 1805 Benjamin U. 1860 Charles H. m. 1850 Archibald F. 1863 Paris G. 1. 1864 J. Ackerman. 1859 William F. Clarke, Collet, 1811 John. Cutler, 1762 Richard. h7. 18T7 J. Wallace. CowdreY, 1835 Benjamin C. 7b. 1811 Jarmes P. F., Collord, 1821 Peter A. 1864 Henry S.. 1823 Edward M. 1841 George W. Cowles, utter, 1826 William A. ConantW 1861 George R. rn. 1868 Charles F. 1863 Edward. m, 1862 Abel B. m. COX, Cutting, Clarkson, Congdon, 1833 Richard. 1758 Leonard. A. 110 David A. 1854 Henry M. 1856 Whittingham. 1193 William. 1810 David A. 18254 Henry ME. 1868 S. Hanson. A. 1830 Robert L. 1860 Howard. 1862 Charles E. 1856 Robert L., Jr. 1860 WFlter L. Conga er, Craft, 1862 Walter. 1863 Freeman. 1onger21 Isaac F. l 1881 Abraham B. 1821 Isaac F. uyler, Clement 1834 J1821 William D. Clement, 1834 John. 1762 Henry. 1856 Edward C. 1847 Wilhelmus B. Crary, 1768 Barent. Clinton, Connery, 1824 dward. Cuzner, 1786 De Witt. 1864 Thomas B. I. Craven, 1864 A. Thomas. m. 1793 George, Jr. onolly, 1829 Alfred W. Costa, 1797 George W. 1862 John Dla. D. Costa, V 1862 John T. i. Creighton, 1855 Charles. Close, aT1770 James. 1811 Ebenezer. Conover, 1812 William. Dakin, 18Clossy, Ebne1862 William A. m. Croes, 1880 Edward S. 1. 1768 Samuel. h. Conrey, 1811 John. h. Daly, Clowes, 1809 Gerrit. Crolius, 1860 Chtarles P. h. s1808 Timothy. Constable, 1803 Thomas. Dana, Coa,188 James. Cromwell, 1848 John W. Coa, C ook, 1857 Richard S. 1861 F. Munson. m. Cook, 1854 Charles B. 1848 Ralph L. Crook, 1 Danker, Cochran, Cooke, 1849 George A. 1864 Henry A. 1788 James. 1788 William. h. 1857 Samuel. h. 1864 Abel. 1. Darby, 1791 Walter L. 1861 Nathaniel B.. I. Crosby, 1864 Henry A. m. Cock, Cooper, 1802 John P. Davidson, 177a W'Cilliam. T1768 Myles. h. 1827 John P. 1864 Edmund D. 1769 Caleb. 1827 William H. 1805 Thomas. m. 1805 Joab G. 1840 Edward N. Davies, 1805 William. 1824 James F. A. Cockcroft 1888 Thomas E. Croucher, 1818 Thomas L. Cockcroft, b138 Thomas (C. 1857 Henry E., Jr. 1845 Edward. A. 1863 Albert E. m. 187 enry E., J. 1834 James M. 1858 Henry W. Cruger, Davis 1834 William. 1860 Robert.. r er 1837 Samuel. 1864. George C. 1. 1796 Henry, Jr. 1798 George. Cocks, CoplanLL, 1819 Henry N. 1814 Cornelius. Cocks, Copland, 182 Leis. 1858 Thomas F. h. 1794 William. 180c George R. 1859 Gonverneur. 1868 Rezin P. sz. Codmkan, 1809 Edward. Cullen 1864 Albert A. m. 1884 William S. 1858ugteren B. M. CUa Dawso, 1816 Richard. Copp 1860 Edger M. Da.WSO, 7Codwi 171 John. Cuming, 1822 George W. 1798 David. Cornells 1851 Forncis H. A. Day, 1810 George. 1839 George J. Cumming, 1868 Walter De F. in. 185 W illiam ine. 1862 James R. m. 1Dayton, Coff seph 1851 William T. 1858 Lewis 0O 184f William S. 1858 Stephen B. M. C unning am, 1861 MatthiAs 0. Coffn, Cornwall, 1841 Frederick. Deall, 1795 John.. 1862 Nthaniel E., Jr. C rrier 17 el. 1864 Henry B. 1864 George W. m. Dean, 1863AndrewK. Coryell, C r1853 George W. 1863 Andrew lK 1.u, 1859 T. Dc Bois. /. 1824 William A. 1861 Henry M. 22. Coit, Cottenet 1855 Benjamin L. D Blois, 1820 Joseph H. J 1858 Lewis A. e 1884 Thomas W. A. 1845 Francis S. 1862 John H. 1861 Louis G. m. Colden, Coudert, Cushing, Decker 1766 Richard N. 1850 Frederick R. 1764 Matthew. A. 179 Cornelius. 1865.] INDEX. 99 De Koven, Dickie, Duane, Earle, 1851 James. 1880 Hugh T. 1789 James C. 1790 Marmaduke. Delafield, Dickinson, D'u Bois, Eastburn, 1802 John. 1851 Legh R. 1827 Henrv A. 1816 James W. 1830 John, Jr. Dillon, 1828 Cornelins, Jr. 1817 Manton. 1855.Lewis. n, 1860 Eugene. 1827 Edward B. 1856 Maturin L. 1829 Robert J. 1861 Cornelius J.. Eastm 1863 Francis. m. 1885 Romaine. 1864 Matthew B. Eastman IDelaplaine, Disbrow, Dudley, 1862 Barnard D. sn. 1888 John F., Jr. 1862 Rem L. mn. 1861 Henry. Easton, 1834 Isaac C. 1864 Dwight. m. 1862 Robert T. B. 1. de Leon, DisoswaY, Duer, Eaton, I Leon, 1810 Israel D). 1860 Juan B. P. m. 1819 Gabriel P. 1812 Alexander. 1828 Asa. h. e820 Cornelius R. IDelile, 187 John. h. Ebbets, 1807 Alire R. m. Dix, 1859 John W. 1842 William H. 1848 Morgan. 1862 James O. K. Eccles Demaray, Eccles, Ie aa,1849 Baldwin. Duffie, 1788 John. 1848 Lyman D. 184 MDixon, 1809 Cornelius R. Demarest, 1854 Hiram R. I. 1841 Cornelius R. Eckerson, 1804 Cornelius T. DoaneDuffield 1864 John E.. 1834 William. 1863 Samuel. in. 1833 George W. h. 1841 William W. Eddy, 1864 Theodore F. C. Dod Duggan, 1862 William. m. Dod, De Mille, 1809 Thomas. Edgar, 1859 William A. h. 1848 Richard M. Dode, Duke, 1804 William. Dodge, D u k e, 1829 William. Denmanry. 1802 William.. 1886 Newbold. 1862 William M. 1. 1882 Henry S. D 11862 WilliamM. Dunbar, Edgerton, Dennis, 1853 Joseph S., Jr. 1864 George H. m. 1864 Francis D. An. 1834 William. D Olier, Duncan, Edwards, De Peyster, 1766 Richard. 184 William C. 1850 Edwin W. 1768 Abraham. Donovan, Dunham, Ehninger, 1400 John J. 1864 Jeremiah. 1. 1847 Carroll. 1847. JohnW. 1810 William. Doolittle, Dunscomb, Eigenbrodt, 1812 James F. Dunscomb, 1815 Robert G. L. 1860 Frank W m. 1774 Edward.1881 William F. 1816 Frederic, Jr. Doty, 1806 William E. Elderkin, 1888 Pierre C. 1827 Edward. 1841 Richard V. 1778 Jabez. m. 186 John. 1862 Frederic J.. Douuhty, ry95 Philip. Ellet, De Ruyter, 1768 Charles. 1812 Richard, Jr. 1824 William H. 1851 John, Jr. 1770 John. Dustan, 1860 Charles. Douglas, 1822 Peter F. 1795 Bernard. Devani a1811 George. 1utton, 1863 Samuel. h. 1828 Thomas T. Douglass, 1860 Van Buren. I. Elliott, Devendorf, 1887 18 Stephen. h. 1838 Richard H. D ivall, 1840 Stephen. A 1861 DavidMcC. m. 18 1861 John A. m., 1858 Daniel S. 1845 George T., Jr. Devereux, 1868 William P. Duyckinck, Ellsworth, 1776 James. DOWnilng, 1885 Evert A. 1864 Washington W. I Devlin,1829 Benjamin S. Dwight, Elmendorf, 1864 Henry J. i,. Dows, 1816 Maurice W. -1828 Edmund B. Dewey, 1862 Henry A. 1860 Theodore W. i. 1845 John J. 1863 George C. m. Drake 1861 James McL. B. I. Ely, De VWint, 1804 Jeremiah I. Dyckman, 1854 Leicester K. i,1824 Benjamin. 1810 Jacob. 1860 William S. 1. 1771 Henry. 1845 John. 1811 Jacobus. 1868 Richard W. 1. 1806 John P. 1854 Elias G., Jr. 1854 Francis A. Dykers, Embury Draper, 1819 Peter. 1828 Edmund. Dey, 1845 George B. 185 Daniel, Jr. 1818 Richard V. 1851 William H. acer,1855 Philip A. Dibblee, Drisler, 193 George. Emerson, 1793 Ebenezer. h. 1889 Henry, Jr Eagle, 1858 William, Jr. 1841 Thomas B. 1850 William. h. 1868 Clifford F. 1860 J. Haven. 100 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. Emmet, Ferris, Forsyth, 1848 Albert, Jr. 1810 Robert. 1811 Charles G. 1821 William. 1824 -Thonmas A. h. 1816 Isaac. ster, Ganse, 1889 Richard S. F d 1 ost er, 1839 Harvey D. 183 ~ic~zrFessenden, 1803 Isaac. m. Emory, 1887 Henry P. 1841 Herman T. E. Gardiner, 1831 Robert. Fetter, 1844 Jacob P. G. 1863 John L. 1. Fe tt er, 1862 Frank P. m. Emott, 1885 Manuel. h. F lk Gardner, 1838 James. h. r Foulke, 1825 James A. M. 1841 James, Jr. Fettretch, 1823 John B. 1868 Eugene T. 1. Engs, 1864 Joseph. I. Fowler, Garr, 1868 George M, m. Field, 1806 Gilbert 0. 1796 Andrew S. wEno, 1859 Cortlandt De P. 1810 Theodosius O. 4Eno 1862 Henry M. m. 1888 Isaac V. - Garrison, 1864 Henry C. m. 1863 Jacob T. mn. 1889 James W. 1810 James C. Erskine, 1864 Archelaus G. mn. 1868 De Witt C. fn. 1853 Henry D. h. Fine, Fox, 1885 William. h. Evangeles, 180o James L. 1864 Joseph G. h. Geer 1886 Christodoulos L. Fish, Fr99 Pa t 1862 George J. h. M. Fish, 199 Peter D. Evans, 182 Hamilton. Fraeissenhainer, Evas 18381 P. Stuyvesant. 1858 Jacob A. 1864 Lemuel E. 1. 1808 Henry M. Fisher, 1809 John W. Gelston, Everett, 1T94 John E. 1852 John W., Jr. 1833 John M. 1864 D. Darwin. m,. 1796 Philip. 1857 Samuel W. 1811 Isaac. Gener Everson, 121 Geoge Franklin, Gener, EversonorgeH. 1884 Don Thomas. h. 1864 Duane S. 1863 William R. 1848 Benjamin H. I1885 Benigno. 1862 Gustavus S; m. Faesch, Fiske, Fraser, George, 1795 John J. 1821 Thaddeus. h. 1811 David H. 1762 William C. h. Fairfax, Fitch, 1862 Edward C. 1. Gerard, 1861 Albert. mn. 1863 Samuel A. m. Freeke, 181.1 James W. Fairlie, 1864 Luther P. m. 1811 Richard. 1848 James W., Jr. 1818 Frederick. Flag, Freeman, Gerry, Falls, Falls, 1863 Jared B. 7b. 1790 Jonathan. 1857 Elbridge T. 1845 William A. Fleming, 1800 Joakam. h. Gesner, 1191 Pierre E. 149 George L1859 John F. Fanning, 1803 Augustus. French,. 1772 Edmund. i. 1805 James. 1860 John W. h. Gibbs, 1809 Alexander. 1841 Oliver W. Fanshaw, Frost, ibrt, 1882 Daniel G. F. e 1846 William J. 1860 William B. mn. 1821 William N. Farnsworth, Floy, Frye, 1824 James T. 1860 Philo J. m. 1827 Michael Jr. 1842 Frederick. Gibson, Farrand, 1864 Henry. Fuller, 1860 Otis W.,l. 1863 David 0. m. 1861 Winfield S. M S63 David O. m. Floyd, 1862 Charles D. Gifford, Farrar, 1809 Alfred. 1863 William H. I. 1809 James N. 1848 George C. Fogg, Funk, Gihon, Farrell, 1861 Benjamin F. in. 1817 Seymour P. 1861 John, Jr. 1864 Edward. m. Fonda, Furman, Giles, Farrington, 1787 Nicholas. 1801 John. 1764 Samuel. h. 1853 William G. Forbes, 1864 Jdh H. m. Gilfillan Fash, 1794 John. Gaine, 1862 William J. 1,. 1836 George W. 1827 John M. 1741 John.Gilford,.t~tyerweathe EGl ford, Fayerweather, Ford, Galbraith, 1193 Samuel, Jr. 1758 Samuel. h. 1844 Edward E. h. 1861 Franklin B. m. 1824 Jacob T. 1860 Edward I. m. 1828 George. Fearing, Forrest, Gale, 1835 Thomas B. 1860 George R. Forrest, 163 Edward D. I. 1820 William. h. Gillespi~e., Ferguson, 1840 William, Jr. Gallagher, 1834 William M. 1795 John. ser 1 31 John B. 1862 George W. 1823 John T. Forrester, 1830 Benjamin T. 1818 Peter. Gallatin, Gillette, 1863 George W. 1862 Peter. 1841 Albert. h. 1863 Walter R. in. 1865.] INDEX. 101 Glentworth, Griffin, Hanna,. Havens, 1767 George. h. 1823 Edmund D. 1759 William. h. 1862 Jonathan. m. Glover, 1837 George.. Hanners, Hawes, 1822 John M. Griffing, 1849 Henry De C. 1821 William P. Goddard, 1841 Thomas S. Hardenbrook, Hawkesworth, 1861 Josiah H. m. Grgg, 1824 John K. 1840 William. 7h. 1864 William N. 1817 John. 1849 William A. Hawks, Goelet, Grinnell, Hardenburgh, 1882 Francis L. 7. 1828 Robert. J 1762 John: 1789 James R. h. Haws, 1860 Robert, Jr. 1859 Irving. Hardie 827 Jhn. H. Goodall, Griswold, Hardie, 1827 John I I. H. G ~oo~dall, G~riswold, 1787 James. 7. Hazelius 1863 Frank W. m. 1775 Joseph. Ha824 Ernest L. Gordon, Gross, Hare, 1824 Ernest L. It. Gordon, Gross, 1843 George E. h. Heard, 1854 William R. h. 1789 John D. h. 1864 Jacob A. Z. Harison, 1832 Jamnes, Jr. 1834 John S. osman, uio 1764 Richard. 1835 William. 1801 John. 1802 Francis L. 1802 George W. 1826 John M. 1804 Richard N. Heaton, 1806 Jonathan B. 1860 Thomas T. Ih. 1811 William H. 1793 Robert, Jr. 1807 liobert. Gunn 1842 William H. I -unn, 1846 William B. H genue an Gottsberg(er, 1805 Alexander. 1850 Thomas L. 1862 William A. 0. Gottsbrger, 1828 Alexander N. 1841 C. H. I 1830 Lewis C. Harlin, Hendell Gould, Hackley, 1862 William H. m. 1791 William. Gou93 Charld, D. ]Hackley, 1793 Carles. 1842 Charles W. 42. Harmer, Henderson, Gouverneur, Hadden 1864 ThomasH. 1823 William D. 1817 Samuel L. 1860 Walter J. n. Harmon, Hendricks, 18281 F'rederic P. 1855 Edward 0. 1856 Francis. 1823 Adolphus N. Hagerman, H 188 Harlnon. *racie,. 1804 Henry B. Harper, 180ra4 Wil, 1 Y 184S Joseph W. Hennion, 1804 William. Haight, 1852 John W. 1864 Andrew J. 1. 1815 Archibald, Jr. 1811 Benjamin. H i818 kobert. 182S Benjamin I. arpur, Graham, 1861 Edward, Jr. 1762 Robert. h. 1861 Sidney S. 1. 186t Charles C. 1770 Jonathan. 1862 Louis. Harriman, Henry, 1772 John A. CM. 1864 David L. m. 1835. Orlando, Jr. 1800 John. 1790 George.,. TT 1849 John V. 1790 John. Hale, narris, 1s3 Richad M. 1794 Levi P. 1886 Benjamin. h. 1770 Richard. 1798 CJhar les. 1853 Albert W. 1800 Samuel. Herrick, 1834 John'l. B. 1811 William. 1854 Carleton M. 1836 John. Hall, 1822 Josiah I). 1857 Janes B. 1840 James G. 1811 James. h. 1825 Robert W. G| ranzge, 1838 Charles. 1864 Frank. I. Herriman, Grange, 1863 Charles E. m. 149 Willianl I. 1861 James. m. 18 Randall C. 1849 Wlliar H. Grant, Hal.leck 1825 Jacob. Herring, 1765 Richard. 1837 Fitz-Greene. I. Hart 1795 Thomas. 1860 Harrly A. 1. 1811 William H. Hersl)ey,; Graves, 1790 Frederick. 1862 Andrew H. m. 1825 Nathaniel M. 1823 Abraham N. h. 1834 Robert J. 7. Hewitt, 1837 Anthony. 1842 Abram S. Green, 1839 Abraham. h7. lasbrouck, 184 Charles. h. 1809 Henry. Halstead 1834 Abraham B..I 1824 TFimothy It. 1862 Solonion E. qn. Heyer, 1824l'iothy. 1800 amuel. 1863 Frank G. es. 1814 William II. Greenleaf Ha ilt 1863 John C. n. 1815 William S. Ha milton, 1819 Edlward P. 1810 Joseph. 1819 Edward P. 1810 Joseph. 1774t Alexander. Hatch, 1819 Walter E. 1800 Philip. 1862 Charles H. t. 1823 Henry A. Greenwood, 12805,Tames A. Hatfield, Heyliger, 1853 Isaac J., Jr. 1809 John C. 1 1805 Richard, Jr. 1774 Nicholas, 1860 Edward L. 1861 Theodore E. m. Havemeyer, Heyward, Hgamersley, 1823 William F. 1829 James. Gregory, 1819 hndrew. II 1830 Nicholas C. 1856 Walter. 1826 John W. Haven, 180 William C. h. 1864 A. McI. m. 1835 Andrew S. 1857 George G. 1884 Henry. 8 _ 102 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. Hibbard, Holt, Hunter, Ives, 1861 Jerome. m. 1822 Edwin. 1864 Thomas. h. 1824 Levi S. h. Hicks, 1864 Henry.. Huntington, Izard, 1798 John B.. Hone, 14 Benjamin. 1789 Henry. 1823 John A. 1815 John, Jr. 1846 Ezra A. h. 1860 Joseph L. mn. 1818 Henry. Hurlbut Jac son, Hi b a 1881 John P. Her A. 11761 William. Ih. Higbee, 1838 John. 1863 Henry A., Jr. 1809 Samuel. 1842 Edward Y. h. 1838 Philip, Jr. Hurry, 1814 Allen. *ill, Ho e-ry 1858 Abram S. Hill, Hooper, 1860 Edmund A. 1857 Oliver P. 1807 John H. 1864 John C. m. Hurst, 1859 Charles A. Hillyer, Hopkins, 1789 William. 1864 Frederick W. 1836 Giles M. 1860 Laban G. Hustace, Jaffray, 1861 William R. 1862 George. in. 1859 E. Treadwell. ilman, 1862 Laurence Y. 1793 Andrew. h. -182 Alexander C. Hopkinson, Huston, 1842 Robert, Jr. 1832 Alexander C. 1818 Joseph. h. 1864 Hiram L. James, Hilton, Hoppin, utchinson, 1862 William M. nz. 1814 Benjamin. 1863 James. in. anewa 1860 Courtland. m 186 Jam es.. Janeway, Hinton, 1864 WilliamW.,Jr. ni. Hutton, 194 Jacob J. 1852 George H. Horton, 1828 Mancius S. 1864 Edward G. m. Hitchcock, 1861 Elisha, Jr. Huyler, Janvrin, 1842 Julius S. 1862 Lewis S.. 1800 John. 1864 Joseph E. m. 1861 Henry M. nm. 1862 Numon N. in. Hobart, Hosack, Hyatt, Jarvis, Dayton. 192 Alexa nder 1862 Stephen B. h. 1887 Benjamin H. 1824 Dayton. 1792 Alexander. 1824 William H. 1828,James. Hyde, Jaques, 1836 John H. 1826 Nathaniel P. 1834 William H. 1805 Robert. Hodges, Hosmer, 1863 Edwin F.. J 1850 J. Sebastian B. 1855 James R. Hyer, aume, 1864 George W. m. 1846 John G. m. Ho1862 David ns, Houghton, Hyslop, Jauncey, 1862 David W. ua. Hyslop, 1774 John. Hoes, 1859 George H.. 1818 Ro ert. 1864 William M.. Howes, 1856 William. Jay, 1794 Peter A. Hoffman, 6Howland, 1808 James. 182 John C. 1160 Anthony. Howland, 1186 John. 1809 D. Murray. 1868 Robert S. h. Ingersoll, 1 36 John. 1812 Lindley M. ow189 Charles. 1859 William, Jr.'1812 Ogden. ow, 1860 William H. 1 186 Peter A. 1882 Nicholas W. 1852 John A. Jenkins 1886 Edward. Hoytngls, n s Enis 1837 Charles F. I. Hoyt, 1767 Charles. h. 1804 Edward. h. 1840 Ogden, Jr. 1828 Henry S. 1795 James. 1833 John J. 1846 Charles B. 1840 Lydig M. 1821 William Jenks, 1851 Edward S. 1864 Harlow M. 1. 1860 Murray. h. Ingraham, 1852 Richard P. h. 1862 Burrall. IOX1e 1817 Daniel P. 1860 John W. 1H[ogan, 1839 Nathaniel B. 1844 Joseph W. 7h. Jewett, Hogan, 1811 William. Hubbard, Irelanld, 1841 Jacob B. 1863 Edward K. rn.:1762 Bela. h. 1816 John, Jr. 1862 Dan L. m. Holahan, 1770 William. 1830 George, Jr. Johnson, 1860 Fordyce M. h. 1863 Francis J. 1. Ironside, 1761 William S. ih. Holde'n,. 1, Hudson, 1815 William. 1712 Uzal. m. Holden, 1846 William H. r 1788 Robert C. h. 1847 Robert. I rving, 1789 Samuel W. h. 1861 Edgar. mn. Hughson, 1194 Peter. m. 1792 John B. 1839 Frederick. 1798 John T. 1T98 John I. Hollancd,.1821 Pierre M. 1819 William L. 1161 Henry. HIlmes, 1821 Washington, h. 1820 Samuel R. Hollingsw orth 1864 Hamilton B. 1. 1824 Pierre P. 1824 George W. JHlolllngswvorth, TT. 1826 Gabriel F. 1881 Bradish. 1844 Samuel. H unn 1829 John T., Jr. 1882 William T.. 1786 Abraham. 1837 Theodore. h. 1884 Samuel E. Holmes, 1810 Peter F. 1845 George. 1848 Henry W. 1807 Philip M. 1848 Leslie. 1851 Henry B. 1851 Philip W. iHunt, s e o 1858 William A. 1863 Stephen F. 1778 Isaac. h. Isherwood 1862 Eldridge M. m. 1864 John C. m. 1794 Montgomery. 1817 Benjamin. 1868 Woolsey. m. 1 865.] INDEX. 103 Johnston, Kemper, Kittredge, Law, 1846 William M. 1809 JacLson, 1863 Charles S. n,. 1797 Samuel A. kh Johnstone9 ewi A Klots, Lawrance,'1820 James. lKennedy, 1848 George M. 1840 Edward II. Jones, 180 Davidbert n Kneeland, Lawrence, 1768 John. A. 1861 John T. m. 1769 Ebenezer. ~ 1797 Abraham R. 17,91 Cave. Kenny1880 John T. 1803 John L. 1791 Cave. Kenny,..1812 Augustine N. 1793 Samuel, Jr, h. 1812 Phii K. 1795 Nicholas. PeterD. 1. Knevelas 1812 Phililp K. 1796 David S. Ke 1863 Delancy W. 1818 William.Henry 1798 Philip L. Kent, - 1802 Jame. 1797 James. h. Knevils, 1823 Jonathan. 1803 EdwardP. Ker tX 1791 Isaac. 1823 William A. n1815 J Qol. hn Q a 1791 John. 1841 Joseph E. 1819 Charles. 1850 John B. h, 1842 Richard M., Tr. 181B George.Knight, 1843 William.. "Jr 1822 Henry P. Ker in, 1855 Wlter 1844 Charles VW. 1822 Henry L. *Pe lElla~l n 1862 (,harles S.. 1847 Isacr. 1827 Joshua. 1775t Edward. 1847 Isaac. 183so0 dward. LaKnowles, 1856 Thomas 7. 1832 Philip L. Kermit, 1864 Henry M... 1861 Walter iI. 1835 Joshua E. 1821 Thomas. 1862 George A. 1836'Wilhlin J.(A. A.,acKnox, 1864 Joseph B. 1840 Alfred G. Kernochan, 1771 Thomas. Leaing, 1845 George A. 1842 William S. 1838 John M. 1845 Samun6 T. 1853 John A. 1841 James H. M. 1755 Jeremiah. h. 1847 ArthurI M. 1863 Francis E.,. 1849 William M. ea enorth, 1850Walter I T. 6 Geore L1860 Charles McL.. 1858 Henr L. Ketcham, 1862 Charles s. 1848 Edward. 1859 Lot. A. 1864 William P. 1. Kortright, Lea itt, 1860 Edmwar'.. Sortright, Leavitt, Ketchum, 1822 N. Gouverneur. 1845 John W. Judah,' 1862 Edgar, Jr. 1. 1860 Williaim WV. as. J1.dHeR Kettell,.Kunze, Le Conte, Settell, ~1707 Henry. u18148 nr 1860 Herbert.. 1797 William. u18d, 1hA80s N. H t Labagh, 1799 Lewis. 1864 CharlesKing, 827 Abraham. 1803 John. J ~nkin, 1772 John. 1856 Peter I. Ledyard, 1794 Cyrus. rd 1850 David X. K. 1821 Elisha S. Laban, 1830 Henry. 1822 Theodore F. 1844 N. Bergasse. Lee, Ka ne ur 1831 Charle R. Les x, 1882 John J. C. 1834 William G. Lacombe, 182 Chauncey. h. 1846 John G. 1848 Cornelius L. 1859 James P. 183 s 1860 Augustus F. 1863 Emile H. 1856 David B. 1864 Charles H. Kingsland, Laight, 1856 Hermon F. 1856 Ambrose C., Jr. 1767 William. 1861 Benjamin F. 1. 18n6l~16 Ambrosem 1863 William. en. 1802 JKearny, )w 1856 George L. 1793 Edward W. 1864 Arthur l. 1. I 1809 avaud. Kinney, 1802 HenrArthur. 1. K8 Pinny, J1825 William E. Lefferts, 1858 Henry C. 1836 Edward H. 94 Lffert. ~Keese, 1864 William H. m. 1853 Edward W. 1802 Leffert. 1798 William B. KipWilliam E. 1805 Thomas. 1823 William L. 1810 Charles J. Lake, 1846 John L. 1862 Sidmon T. 1815 Leonard W. 1836 James P. Legar6, 1826 Francis M. 1840 Hugh S. h. Kellogg, 1847 Willianms IA. Lambert 1846 Etwmnl M. 1856 Leonard W., Jr. 1863 Thomas R. A. Leggat, 1848 Levi M. 182 nsel N. Kip Lamson, 1863 William S. K ll Charles J. a. 1773 Joseph. h. Leggett, Kirby, Lane, 1837 William H. 1860 isaac H. 1. 1847 John S. Le Moyne, Kemble, Kirkland, Langworthy, 180 Adolphe, Jr. 1803 Governeur. 1854 Edward. 1860 Daniel A. as. Lenox, 1813 William Kissam, Laroque, 1818 ames. 1818 Richard F. 1769 Samuel. as. 1838 Jeremiah. Lent, 1841 William, Jr. 17751 Benjamin. 1849 Joseph. 1795 Adolph C. KemeysB Peter.. Larzelere, Leonard 1803 Edward. 1812 Benjamin R. 1804 James. h. 182g Alexander S. 1838 Benjamin T. 1854 George C. Lathrop, Le Roy, F 1802 James. A. 1864 Jonas B. 1862 William. G. 1841 Robert, Jr. 104 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. Leslie, Low, McCartin, Mackie, 1762 Alexander. 1812 Cornelius. 1863 HIenry E. m. 1794 Jacob O. Lester, 1821 Isaac. McCarty, 1812 Peter, Jr. LeMster,Car ty, 1863 Elias. m. Lowerre, 1853 Thomas. McIinnon, 4Leveridget3, 1817 William. 1857 Pierre. 1800 Johni. 1835,John gW.. C. Macauley, McKnight, 1840 Benja C. Low1ides, 1855 John M. h. 1798 Washington. 1822 William. s. 1808 John. Lewis, 1860 Francis. 1. McClellan, 1846 Charles S. 1810 Horatio G. Lowther, 1864 Alfred P. McLane, 1848 Edward Z. oh, cae, 1848 Theodore F. 1774t Tristrim. M cClintOCk 1864 James W. n. 1854 John V. L 1859 J. Emory. 1861 Thompson B. n. Luckock, M Laren, 1836 Benjamin. h. McCoskry, 1847 John S. 180g63hLew~is Ludlow, 1837 Samuel A. e. McLean, 1758 Carey. h. McCue, 1844 Charles O. h. Lincoln, 1768 James. 1845 Alexander. 1868 Thomas M., Jr. 1861 Abraham. h. 1787 John C. M Leod, 1798 Henry W. McCullen, McLeod, Linn, 1811 Thomas W. 1806 James. 1806 Robert B. A. 1789 William. h 181 Edmund. 1818 Alexander B. 1795 John B. 1827 Alfred. McCullongb, McMullen Linsly, Ludlurn, 1845 John W. h. 7 John. 1864 William B. m. 1847 William S. McCune, McMurray, 1851 Nicholas F. M.15Wlay. 1843 William. Lispenard, 1862 Williarr S. m. 1852 Williar. 7. 1761 Anthony. Lurnmis, McDonald, McNary, 1762 Leonard. 1859 William. 1810 John M. 1851 John G. K Little,5L 1821 Daniel. h. Little, Lupp, 1852 Archibalc B. Macneven, 1860 James L. in. 1824 William H. 1806 William.J. h. Livingston, LMlcFarlan, 1831 James J. 1760 Phiip. Lupton, 1827 Charles. M IcNulty, 1765 Robert R. 11T8 Brandt S. McFarlane, 1861 Albert, Jr.`1775 John W. 1788 Brandt S. 1786 George. 1789 William. 1861 Carrington. rn. MaCO mb 1788 Peter S. I. L n er 10Ro 1796 Edward P. Luquer, 1805 Thomas. 1799 James. 1852 Lea. McQuesten, 1800 Robert S. 18.58 Nichola s,, 1863 Itocltwood. 1804 Janes D. Lush, 1843 Henry P. 1811 Peter V. B. M Mcsweeny, 1822a Anson. 1770 Stephen. McGraw, Mc8 weeny, 1822 Carroll. Lydig, 1863 Theodore A. n 1864 Dniel E.. 1828 Edward. h. 28 Mortime. 1815 Philip M. McGregor, ceag 1858 Philip M., Jr. 1810 John. 1864 Franklin. 1. Lloyd, 1S60 David. McIlvaine MeVickar, 1765 Henry. Lyell lva1802 Achibald. 1818 John H. 182T asA 1856 Alexis E. Lockwood, La McIntyre, 1804 John. 1840 Levi A. Ly1835 osep. 180912 Edwnry. 1848 John. Jr. 1840 l)wight E. 1812 Edward. 1863 Le Grand, Jr. 1861 Henry M. n,. lIack 1833 Samuel B. n~. Lynch, 1807 Daniel. 1836 Henry. 1864 William A. Wn. Lynch, 180T Daniel. 1846 William A. Loder, 1775t Thomas G. Mackaness, Maeller 1846 Jeremiah. 1799 James.T 199 T. T-hornton. 1790 Henry. h. ~~~~Logan, 1836 George H. Logan, Lyon,, McKay, Magie, 185 Adam D. 18 Carles H. 1864 William h.. 1863 David, Jr. in. Lomax, 180 Samuel K. 1862 ph D.. 1860 Samel. McKean, Magnes, 1862 Jos ph D. m. 1863 Irving W. in. 1762 Robert. h. 1849 Charles A. Lord,:.. Lytton, McKeeM 1839 Daniel D. 1804 William L. McKee, ain, 1849 David P. ter 1860 James O. in. 1828 Austin L. S. McAllister, Lounsbery, 1854 Cutlel C. McKeon, Major, 1861 Seth S. in. 1860 Matthew II. h. 1825 John. 18834 Alexander. Loutrel, McCartee, McKesson, Malcolm, 1838 Alfred M. 1808 Robert. 1758 John. h. 1794 Samuel B. 186.5.] INDEX. 105 Mallison, Mead, Minard, Morrell, 1858 D. Ledyard. 1794 Henry. m. 1825 Isaac T. 1810 Ilobert. qn. 1892 Edward N. lr 1 MIanley, 185 Charles D. Miner, Morrelle, 1798 James R. eade 1849 E.'Bowman. 1849 Daniel. 1804 Edward. M eade, 1858,James R. 1860 William C.. Minor,rill Mann, Meeker,1864 Israel, Jr. I. 1828 John A. Mvlann, llMeeker, 1889 Joseph B. 1821 Stephen It. Mlinton, M orris, 1845 Charles 1768 Gouverneur. March, ~ Meeks, A. 1775t Jacob. 1826 Joshua S. 1856 Joseph. Minturn; 1818 Nicholas, Jr. 1887 Charle, D. M 1818 Gerard W. Meier, 1817 William. 1826 Heny. Marcy, Thma 11. 1826 Richard L. Mary, 1795 John H. 1844 WilliaWm B. 1848 Lichard L.s. 1860 Thomas K. m. Mercer 1856 Robert B. 1852 James M. Marselis, 1859 Alexander G,. 5 Mitchell, 1854 Orlando H. 1807 Peter T. 1862 Frederick W. m. 1858 Charles D. h, -1804 John. 1860 Augustus N. Marsh, lMerriam, 181 Thomas C. 1860 lichard L. 1820 John. 1868 Stuyvesant F. 1824 Elias J. 1805 Clement... 1820 William. Stuy 1830 James. h. 1854 James S. 1825 Edward E. Morrison, 1854 Elias 1.. errill 1847 Clarence G. 1795 John. 1864 Joseph A. I. ivierrhi, 1847 Timothy G. Marshall, 1868'G George V. R. en. 1861 Edward. Morse, I173 John. Il. lMvrry 1862 Cornelivs B. 1860 Robert W. sn. 1778 John. is. lM~erry, 1862 John F. B. 1868 Sherman. m. 1858 Charles H., Jr. 1826 Thomas H., Jr. 1868 William A. 1861 Edward G. in. Mesier Mortimer,,1861 Edward G.' e. Mesier, Mlitchill, 1841 John H. Marston, 1789 Matthew. 1788 Samuel L. J. nor 1760 John. 1789 Peter. 1852 Samuel L., Jr. rton, 1810 George W. Martin, Messenger, Mofat, 1810 GeorhnL. 1857 William H. 1860 Thomas H. Moffat, 1810 John L. 18657 William H. 1860 Thomas H. 1888 William B. 1815 Francis. 1861 B. Ellis. 1824 Hamilton. 1862 Benjamin N. l. Metcalf, Moffatt, 1827 Henry J. 1862 William H. 1888 James W. Her J. 1868 William M. 180 Kendrick.. 1862 Bruce. 1. Moses Marvin, Meyer, Moffet, 1841 Israel. 1854 Henry C. 1887 Philip. h. 1843 Robert K. Mott, 1858 William J. 1840 Thomas (. Moncrieff 1806 Valentine. in. 1862 Hentry H.. O 7. 1864 William F. 1868 Dan, Jr. Middleton, 1774, Edward C. Mason,. 1768 Peter. I. Moneypenny, Mount, 17-89 John M. M npMilbanke1o n nr 1884 Richard E., Jr. m1-89 John M. Milbank, 1847 John, Jr. 1852 Charles De G. 1840 John M1864. 18. 1840 sJoihn M. Milledoler, 1773 Harry. A. 1816 John E. 187 ErMa ssett, 1798 Philip. Monson, Mower, 1840 Alonzo C. 1856 Mandeville. 1857 W. Carey. MilleMoan Mdie, Masterton, 1795 Silvnnus. 1831 JamesM. 1860 Archibalcl F. nv. 1798 Henry., 1806 Cornelius. 18 am. 1887 William J. 1880 B. Franklin. 1854 Challes E. Muhlenberg, 1882 Frederick W. Matthe s, e1842 L ivingstoJn K. 1857 William F. hA 1884 William A. It. Matthews8 1842 Livingston K. 1864 John B. 1758 David. i. 1855 Charles E. -M irson 1860 David. m. 1855 David B. Moore, 1772 James. an. 1860 George M. 16 eai Maury, 1868 Carleton W. I. 17. narn. Iul 1857 Mytton. 1863 Martin A. mn. 1774t Thonas L. 1822 Adrian H. nMaverick, AMilligan, 1798 Clement C. Mulligan, 1762 William B. N. 1794 Gilbert. 1798 Samuel. 1791 John W. Mayer, MIlilnsor, 1802 Nathaniel F. 1885 William. Mivlnor, ~ 1806 David. 1864 Isidor. 1826 William H. 1806 Samuel W. Mundy, 1810 Benjamin. 1864 Charles II. 1. Maynarcd, lvMills, 1842 Clement. ni, 1859 George W. 1863 Lucius. n,. 1844 William. Munn 1864 Horatio W. I. 1847 John W. 1821 William II. axwell, Millspagh 1856 Richard C., Jr. Murdock 1807 William H. 18r9 James F.,1808 Hugh. 1861 Theodore. sn. 1861 Richard H. m. 1861 Seth M. 1. 106 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. Murphy, Nicho son 184960 Thomas L. Panton, 1880 Henry C. 1792 James W. 1862 Charles W. 1774 George. 1854 Henry C., Jr. 1796 Samuel. 1864 Henry E. m. Paris, 1855 George J. Paris, M18u George J. Nicholl,g Ogilby, 1791 Daniel. Murray, 1793 John. 1829 John D. P rish, 1812 John W. B. Nicol, Ogilvie, 1841 John H. 1813 Thomas C. 1766 Edward. 1767 John. h. 1849 Henry, Jr. 1868 James. 1774 Henry. 1774 George. 1774 Samuel. m. WilliParker, Mursick, 1775 Augustus. 1802 William. 1798 James. 1860 George A. mi. 1776 Matthias. 1854 James C., Jr. M180 Henry. Olmsted, 1864 Henry H. l rUZZy, 1862 Augustus W. 1. 1862 George H.. m. Parkman, 1808 Frederick. 186 John D. an. lssen, arkman, ~Myer.O Nitchielssen, 1857 Theodore. Myer. Nitchie, 1846 William W. 1799 Philip. 1801 John. Parks, NiPash, Norsw1 Jorthy, Olyphant, 1851 Martin P. h. lNash, JNorsworthy, 1842 Robert M. Parmel 1846 Frederick. 1826 John B. 1862 David B. Nathan, North, O' Mullen, 1762 Ebenezer. h. 1827 Jonathan. 1861 Alfred. m. 1862 William. 1. Parmly, 1861 Gratz. Northrop, Onderdonk, 1842 Wheelock H. Nazro, 1864 George J. m. 1771 Benjamin. m. Passmore, 1868 Hiram H. Norton, 1805 Henry U. 1861 Joseph C. h. ~Torton~ 1809 Benjamin T. Neal, 1792 John L. 1827 Henr, Jr. Paterson, 1810 Ava. 1798 Robert B. 1845 Henry. 1812 Matthew C. Ne8alis, Norwood, 1847 Benjamin A. 1822 Alexander H. 1862 William T.. 1862 Edward M. m. O'Neil, Paulding, Ne18efu2 William T. o. 1862 John, Jr. 1. 1824 James K. h. Neefs, 1857 Henry B. Orchard, 1842 William J. 185TH[enry B. Orchard, 1854 Peter J. I Noyes, 1862 William B. m. earsall, Neill, 1861 James H. m. Osborn, 1861 Andrew T. m. 1767 Hugh. h. utten1827 Laghton. 1861 Robert W. 1. eilson 186 Wilbur F. m. Osborne, 1798 Jonathan. 1817 John, Tr. 0akes, 1858 William J. 1847 John. 1864 George B. m. Pease, M. Osgood, 1862 Edmund M. m. Nelson, O'Blenis, 1809 Walter F. 1804 Joseph. 1818 John. Osterhoudt, Peck, 1841 Edward 1). 1841 William L. 1841 Samuel. h, Odell 1864 Howard. 1846 Edward M. Nsesmitlh, 1811 Jackson., Ostrander, Peixotto 1860 Robert D. 0' Dowd, 1804 Ezekiel. m. 1816 Daniel L. M. 1852 Charles. 1855 George A. Pell, N~evius, Ogden, m170 Philip. 18387 George L. Ode Sullivan, 1770 Plip 1758 Isaac. 1831 John L. 1806 Ferris. New-by, 1758 Josiah. 1840 George W. 1863 Thomas B. 1772 Nicholas. Otey' 1848 William C. 1776 Peter. 1852 John H. Newell, 1791 Charles. 18 1858 Benjamin. 1860 William s.. 1791 Thomas L. Otis, 1860 Robert T. 18 S 1798 Abraham. 1861 Frank A. 1862 Edward M. Nevconib, 1796 Gouverneur. 1861 rank A. 1862 Richard V. 1ewco lb, 1798 William. Oudenaarde 1863 James B. 1840 Ob1dihh, 1840 Ohbadiah, Jr. 1801 Lewis M. 17786 Mriohn. s. Newschafer, 1802 Isaac. d 1 7T75 Peter. Pemberton, 1864 William H. 1. 1821 Samuel. Owen, 1849 John P. Newtlon, 1828 George B. 1861 William H. 1. Pendergast, 12 e L 1828 John D. 1868 George H. 1842 George L. 1824 Waddington. 186.3 Patrick. m. Nichol, 1828 John M. Packwood, dleton.Nichols, 1829 Richard H. 1857 Richard T. 1818 Samuel. A. 1829 Samuel 1805 Edmund H. 1825 Walter. 1829 Thomas W. Page, 181805 EdmuNathaniel H. 1881 Gideon S. 1880 Charles H. 1864 Benjamin M. m. 1814 James M. 1889 Edwin A. 188833 Gouverneur M. 1845 Samuel B. R. 1887 David B. A. Palache, Peneveyre, 1852 Washington B1. 1845 David B., Jr. 1845 Alexander. 1825 Henri L. P. F. h. 1865.] INDEX. 107 Pennell, Pollen, Pumpelly, Redfield, 1852 George C. 1849 George C. 1863 Josiah C. 1. 1831 Richard W. Penny, Pomeroy, Punderson, Redmond, 1827 SamEel, Jr. 18.85 George Q. 1758 Ebenezer. h. 1857 Goold H. Percy, 1854 Charles.S. 1758 Cyrus. h. iPs~YC~ 1854 George Q., Jr. nn ett Reed, 1862 George. I. 1860 Eugene iH. 1822 John. h. Perkins, 1860 Oren D. m. 1831 John. 1832 Stephen, Jr. 1824 Henry. Pond, Purdy, Reid, 1860 William S. C. m. 1863 George D. 1805 Abraham. 1845 Aaron B. 1811 George B. Perry, Pooley, 1861 Alfred E. M. m. Remsen, 1855 William A. 1860 James H. m. Purroy, 1775 Jacobus. Peshine,. Porter,. 1831 John B. 1789 John. 1825 William. 1862 George. m. 1850 Frederick L. 1795 Robert. in 2 George. m. 1808 William. Peters, Post, Pyne, 1807 Simeon,. 1761 Samuel A. h. 1792 Jothain, Jr. 1823 Smith. Renwick, 1793 Valentine H. 1793 Jotham. m. Quackenbos, 180 James.`1826 Hewlett R. 1808 Edwrard. 1800 Nicholas I. 1809 Robert J. Phelps, o 1810 Waldron B. 1803 George C. 1833 William R. 1863 Charles. 1818 George D. 1839 George W. 1836 James. Jr. 186.3 George D. I 1821 Henry A. V. 1843 George P. 1839 Edward S. 1863 William W. I. 1822 Alfred C. Quackinbush, Renwee, 1864 Henry D. I. 1827 Minturn. 1806 David. 1864 Albert A. Z. Philip, 1828 Joel Bam. 1836 Daniel McL. 1840 aotbam. Reynolds, 1819 John. h. 1862 Gerardus. Quin Jame s., 1843 John C. 1835 James N. s. 1843 John O. Potter,...1827 James M. 1843 Charles. Philipse, 1840 Ellis, Jr. Quintard, 189 Stephen R. 1778 Frederick. 1842 Edward E... 1861 Charles H. m. 1773 Edwsrd FJ~ 1858 CharlesJ.h. 1862 Jasper G.. m. 1773 Nathaniel. 1863 William R. I. Randall, Rhind, Phillips, Powell, 1774t Paul. 1827 Charles, Jr. 1808 John W. 1864 Stephen C. m. a ki 1826 William WL.. ReantneRhinelander, 1864 James L. n. Prentice, 1841 John. 1833 David. h. 1798 William. Phinney, 8 David. Ranney, 1804 Philip. 1842 James H Prescott, 180 Julius H. 1808 William C., Jr. Pt 1860o Juus H.. 1811 John R. Phoenix, 1840 William H. A. Rapelie, 1815 Frederic W. 1795 Alexander. Price, 174 John. 18474 Philip. 1795 Sidney. 1799 Stephen. 1791 George. 1849 Charles E. 1859 Stephen W. 1847 JoWilh a. Rapelye, Rice Phyfe, Priest1811 Charles. 1861 William A. 1825 William. PriRathbone, Richards, Piece, Prim802 Henry B. 1800 Thomas W. 1858 A. G. 1861 William B. m. Prime, 1858 sRo t K. 1863 Ch~arles L. m. 1856 G. Wendell. 1864 James. 1. 1861 Temple. 1. 1796 William. Piffard, Prius, Ravenhill, Richmond, 1864 Henry G. m. 831860 Peter..845 Lefroy.882 Thomas A. 1860 Peter. m. 1845 Lefroy. 1833 John H. h. Proal, Ravenscroft, Riby, 1833 John H. A. 1822 Alexis P. A. 1823 John S. h. 1861 Charles D. m. Pinkney, Proudfit s Ray, Riggs, 1860 Howard. m. roudfit, 1766 John. 1847 Joseph K. 17.0 James. h. 181 Robert. Pirnie, 1792 Alexander. 1817 Richard. R k 1839 John, Jr. Prov t 1852 Robert, Jr. 1799 Samuel, Jr. 1839 Peter B. Provoost, 1861 Richard C: 1826 Daniel P. 1844 Peter M. 1758 Samuel. Raymond, 1835 John H. Plympton, Pruyn, 1816 Samuel G. Riley, 1861 Henry S. m. 1863 Henry V. S m. 1859 William L. 1858 Henry C. Poinsett, Pryer, Reade, Ring, 1825 Joel R. h. 1862 William C. m. 1758 Joseph. 1842 Zebedee, Jr. Polk, Pry or, Reber, Ritzem a, 1838 Leonidas. h. 1864 Alfred. m. 1862 Nathaniel B. m. 1758 Rudolph. 108 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. Robert, Ross, Sanger, Scoville, 1762 Daniel. 1795 William. 1864 Adolph L. 1. 1861 Frederick. 1. 1864 Charles S. m. 1795 William M. m. tterlee, Roberts, 1804 David M. Scudder, Roberts,, I 1808 Henry IH. 1863 Henry Y. 1862 Henry J. h. 1842 Oliver E. 1848 John H. 1863 Walter. Seabury Robertson, Ronth, Satterthwaite, 1761 Samuel. I. 1812 Jacob A. 1849 S. D. 1860 James S. 1828 Samuel. Ih. 1813 Alexander H. 1856 William J. 1816 John J. Rowan, Savage, 8 Andrw.Seaman, 1823 Andrew K. 1822 Stephen N. h. 1823 John. h. 1828 Noel. la 1774 Benjami l. 1824 Alexander. Rowland, Sayre, 1795 Benjamin. 1825 Anthony L. 1852 John. h. 1774 James. h. 1802 Billoplp B. 1804 Robert. Robie, Rudd, Sayres, 1805 Edwlard. 1861 John W. m. 1861 Erastus B. 1808 Gilbert H. 1851 George A. 1864 William A. 1. Roblins, Rugg, m 1854 William J. 1860 Edward P. 1862 George S.. Schaeffer, arle,1771 John Robinson, Ruegles 1842 George C. 7. Sears, 1773 Beverley. 1882 Henry J. 18*7 Charles E. 1826 Beverley, Jr. 1847 James F. Schafer 1862 He sly T. qn. 1862 John A. mi...1 H T 1863 Robert E. Runsey, 1864 John Le G. 1. Sebring, 1819 James S. Rockwell, 1819 James S. Schenck, 1771 Michnael. n. 1860 Fenton. H. Rushmore, 1801 Henry. Sedgwick 1862 William H., Jr. qn. 1864 Merwin.. 186 John. 1829 eodore, Jr. 1864 John P., Jr. in. 1829 Theodore, Jr. Rodman, Russel, Schieffelin, Seeds, 1842 Washington. 1814 Theophilus. 1850 Erskine M. 1832 William C.. 1801 Henry H. 1860 0. Henry. m. 1819 Richard L. Seuin, Roebuck, Russell, 1855 George R. 1864 Edward C. m. 1772 Peter. 1861 H nry E. I. Seg r 1772 Peter1861 William H., Jr. Schermerhorn, Seur, Rogers, 1864 Allen S. m. 1793 John S. e 1803 Henry F. 1806 Cornelius. 1860 Benjamin A. an. 1804 Samuel. Rutgers, 1824 Daniel C. Seney 1807 George P. 1766 Henry. 1825 John J. 181 1817 Ertward N.1812 John S. Ryan, 1827 John. 1815 Robert. 1812 John S. R 182T John. 1817 Edward N. Ryan, 1829 Peter A. Seymour, 1817 Samuel D. 1831' James.. - 188833 Bruce. ~ 1819 George J. 1862 James E. 1. 1840 William C. 1826 Daniel. 1820 Archibald G. 1861 Harry A. 1886 Charles. 1827 Henry. Ryerso 1, 1863 Burr. am. 1850 George F. 1841 Jones. 1860 John G. nz. 1863 William B. 1860 Eldridge G. as. 1848 Columbus B. Sabine, Schmidt. Shea, Romaine, 1859 William T. 1859 Oscar E. 1881 J s. 1806 Samuel B. 1861 Thomas T. 1837 Charles E. 1838 Benjamin. Jr. Sackett Schoonmaker, 1840 Worthington. ack 1799 Jacob. apter, Romer 1818 Clarence D. 1840 Peter, h'. Ro merI 1823 Grenville A. Schroeder, Sharswood Saltonstall, 18a Jean. h. Saltonstall, 1849-J. Frederick, Jr. 1856 George.'h. Rom.eyn, 1796 Winthrop. m. Schurem an Slaw, 179 John B.16 Samson, 1816 John. It. 17741 Jacob. 1858 James W. 1860 Charles M. n. Schuyler, 1862 Samuel F. m. TC5 A rent. 1863 Abner O. qn. Roof, Sands, 176o Arent. 1863 Amos S., Jr. qn. 1862 Frank. m. 1795 Henrv. 1806 Philil. 1806 Pn-ene.. Shelton,. 1864 Stephen W. m. 1798 Lewis. 1863 Eugene. 1. Slelt on, Roorbach, 1815 Robert C. Scoie, 1825 William. h. Ioo,an 1825 Ferdinand. Scouel. q S d, 1806 Frederic. 1827 Edwin. 1803 Sanuel. n. Shepard, Roosevelt, 182 Robert M. Scorsby, 1856 William F. 1850 Joseph. corsbyE 1815 James I., Jr. 1860 Walter S. I. 1864 William F. S. Shepherd, 1819 James H. 1863 Philip J. Scott 1842 John H. h. 1826 William 1I. d Shermancot 1842 Silas W. Sandford, 1798 William. 7. Sherman 1864 Van Ness. 1. 1863 George W. 1. 1850 Winfield. 4. 1803 Alpheus. Root, Sanford 1854 I. Jackson.. Sherwood, Root, Sanford, Sherwood, 1841 George M. 1823 Nathan. h. Scovill, Wi lliam. 1864 Russell H. 1864 Elliot. 1. - 1761 James. h.. 1849 Ezra K. 1865.] INDEX. 109 Shippey, 18180 John TD. Stebbins, Stringham, 1796 Josiah. 1806 John A. 1856 Russel, Jr. 1793 James S. Shoemaker, 1811 Hugh. 1860 Dwight D. rn. 1794 John B. 4 Thomas B,1 1816 John M. Steddiford, Strong, 1864 Thomllas B. I. 1828 Charles J. 1825 John F. 1786 Peter. 1810 Paschal N. Shrady, 1825 Wesseln ls. 1816 Thomas M. 1821 George. 1832 Erasmus P. Steele, 1825 Oliver S. 1849 John, Jr. 1841 Augustus L. 1830 William. 18838 George T. 1863 Jacob. 1. 1841 William L. 1840 Peter R. 1864 William. I. 1848 Matson M. Steel 1853 Samuel P. h. Shreve, 1851 William 1{. 1816 Samuel L. 1854 Benjamin. c1778 Thomas. 1853 St. Clair. Steers, Stryker, 1773 Thomas. 1854 Reginald H. 1855 Joseph F; 1863 James. i. 1804 Peter. h. Sickles, 1861 Normand. Mn. Stephens. 1792 Jacob. 1862 John C.. John Stuart 1804 Joh J. 1863 Andrew J.. 18 John L. ~Sia~el~, 1863 JAoseh G. in. 1773 John. k. Sidell, r18648 Joseph H. Ly le. Stephenson, 1808 William. 1812 Johnl A. 1864 Montross L. 9fi. 184v James. h. 1864 Sidney H., Jr. 1. Sill, Snodgrass, Sternberg, Stubbs, 1861 Thomas II. 1880 William D). h. 1860 George ll. sn. 1856 Alfred. At. Silliman, Snow, Stevens, Studley, 1850 Charles A. 1861 Norman L. in. 1768 John. 1860 William H. sn. 1774 Edward. Simmons, Snowden, 1803 John c;. Sturges, 1864 Charles E. Sn.. 1838 William E. 1808 James. 1861 Frederick D. Sn. 1810 Francis B. 1864 Arthur P. Simpson, Solomon, 1s10' ichard. 1841 Robert G. 1864 Jacob P. 1. 1842 John B. Stuyvesant, 1860 Samuel F. I. 184: John B1. 1794 Peter G. 1864 William V. 1. Southack, 1852 Richard F. 1863 Rutherfurd. 1864 Frederick W. Simson 1860 John W., Jr. 1864 Frederick W. I. Suckley, 1800 Samson. Southgate, Stevenson 1819 John L. Skeene, 1.845 Horatio. h. 1812 John ). 1820 Rutsen. 1772 Andrew. Spear, Suffern, Skio183r8 Cha rles. ar, 1856 Thomas, Jr. Skidml ore, - 1 Q a. 1804 U(harles. 1849 John D. Speir, 1842 Vlliam P. Summers, Slack, 1863 Archibald W. s. Ih8ib Willia. N. Wii.. 1860 George E. m. 1821 John C. Spencer, Sutherland, Slidell, 1823 Ambrose. h. 1774 J atlies. 1836 Jacob. A. Slidell, 18383 Robert. I 1810 John. 1837 Jesse A. tilwell, Suydamn, 1847 John C. A. 1862 Thomas H. Sn. 1856 Charles C. Slipper, 1862 Charles A. 1864 Williai 1E. ~. 1860) Abraham. 1857 James H. 1861 Charles H. mn. 1859 J. Augustus. Sprague, Stillwei l, Slocum, 1828 William B. h. 18;32 John 2. Swan, Slocum, 1844 Edward H 1864 William E. I. Spring, St. John, 1844 Edward D. 1858 Samuel. h. 1828 Samuel 8. Swarts Slosson, 1846. x'o ~s t. Swart s, 1828 Barzillai. Squires, 1841864 Frederick.. 1888 Edward. 1860 Theodore M. 1. Stockhl18ol64 rederick.. ~Slover, Stagg~18)7 -Dirk B Swartwout, Slover, - Stagg, 1812 John. 1826 Abraham A., Jr. 1821 Charles E. Stoddard, 1 821 Peter. 1864 Frenlan. n. Sweeny, Smedberg, 1840 Owen. 183s Jom n G. Staley, Stone, Swift 1852 James R. 1818 William. 1880 William M. 1855 Oscar. Stanford 1848 Daniel. At. 1862 John L. m. 187 William184 David Rt. 1847 Archibald M. Swords, Smedes, 1842 David R. Storm, 1827 Theodore A. 1850 John E. C. ctansbuny, 1829 Charles 1t. JSmithnEC 1799 Arthur J. 1862 John B. 1831 Thomas W. h. 17741 Horatio. Stoughton, 1834 Robert S. 1786 Samuel. 1845 Stephen K. 1810 oames. Sylvester, 1792 Samuel. 1856 Alexander M. Stout 1786 Francis. 1798 Gilbert. 5o, 1798 Thomas R. Staples, 186f4 George W. n. ym,n 1798 Andrew. /A. 1862 Franklin. n,. 1864 John. 1. 1842 John. 110 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. Syme, 1886 William. 1820 John R. Ulshoeffer, 1841 William M. h. 1882 Frederick. 1864 William R. / 1854 Gardiner. 1832 Russell N. 1856 William G. Taber, 1856 David G., Jr. 1841 John J. Upfold 1868 Thomas. m. 1847 Israel L. 1868 James A. 1864 Edward W.. Tracy, 1881 George. h. Taggard, Thorns, 1860 Frederick A. Ustick, 1885 William H. 1860 William F. m. 1863 Lewis A. sL. 1794 Thomas. 1845John A. Thomson Travers, Valentine, 1803 Samucil W. 1838 William R. 1864 Albert E. 1860 Charles J. m. 1818 Andrew. h. Tailer, ~ 1842 David, Jr. Travis, Vallejo, Ta ler, 1848 John. 1847 Robert, Jr. 1864 Platon. mn. 1852 Henry A. 1846 James. 1850 Edward F. Van Amrilge, 1Talbot Thorn, Treadwell, 1815 Henry H. Tal bot, 1852 Eugene. 1758 Daniel.. 1860 Joh H. 1857 William R. 1852.William E. 1761 Agur. h. Van Buren, Talcott, Thrall, Trenor, 1807 Cornelius. 1832 Frederick L. 1861 S. Chipman. h. 1852 Eustace. 1829 John 1). Tallmadge, Thurman, 185'2 John, Jr. 1863 Frank It. 1845 Frederick S. 1h nr R. 1859 Thomas F. Van Boskerck, 1845 PrrTalmank S 1864 William. John R. Trevett, 1864 Richard T. 1. Talman, 1811 John N. Thurston, 1885 Bussell. Van Buskirk, 1814 George F. 1851 A. Henry. Tripler, 1796 Lawrence. Tappan, Tibbal.s 186o. Charles S. l. Van Cleef, 1807 Peter V. C 1864 Elbert P. n. Trippe, 1837 George S. 1854 Henry P. It. 854 enry P.. Tibbitts, 184. ondit. Vanl Cortlandt, Tay~lor, Tibbitts, 1853 Washington. Troup, 1758 Philip. 1792 George.. 1766 John. 1807 James. 1792 William. Tichenor, 1766 John, Jr. 1864 Augustus. )7. 1793 Willett, Jr. m. 1801 Gabriel. 1774 Robert. 1796 Charles. Vanderbilt, 1881 Edwin M. Tiebout, Tryon, 1837 John, Jr. 1837 Thomas H. A. 1821 John, Jr. 1774 William. A. Ta h f 1861 George L. 1862 Amazias V. in, Vanuerhoo, 1861 Henry A. C. Tillary, 1864 Frederick L). qn. Teakle, 1800 Matthew. uc1864 Freder ick poel, 12 Ei 1802 James. 1769 Robert. m. Vanderpoel, 1842 Elisha W. 1822 Thomas W. 1862 John A. Temple, Tillinghast, 1829 Robert. 1 Jpames B. 1806 John L. 1837 John 1. Vanderveer, 1795 James B..1852 Richard H. 1816 Adrian. rrTen Broeck, LITimpson, 1861 John A.. 18en troec, 1856 John AW. 1863 Robert S. Vandervoort, 1834 Anthony. Titus, Tuckerman, 1828 John L. Terrett, 1823 James 1 H. 1863 Ernest. 1. Vandewater, T186 Charles ry, Todd, Turk, 1814 F'erdinand. Terry, 1844 Ambrose S. 7]. 1796 William. Van Duzer, 1850 William H. 1864 John R. mn Turnbull, 1853 Archibald b. Thatcher, Tones, 1809 William. Van Hook, 1858 Thomas F. 1831 Francis, Jr. 1861 Stephen H. 1797 Isaac A. ~ Thayer, Tompkins, Turner, Van Home 1862 Foster. 1795 Daniel D. 1821 William. 1868 Stephen H., Jr. 1855 Herbi'rt B. 1791 Frederic. Tooker, 1861 Joseph M. 1793 Cornelius A. Thibou, 1859 Gabriel M. Tuttle, Van Kleeck, 1828 Lewis. Toppan, 1857 Daniel S. 1828 Robert B. ~~~~~Thomas, ~~ 1861 Robert N. 1. 1859 Robert B., Jr. 1800Tho as, F. 1861 Robert N. I. Tyler, 1863 Frederick B. 1882 Philip W. otten, 1767 John. h. 1885 Ludlow. 1858 Gilbert T. 1859 Samuel.. V188 Daniel. 1808 Daniel. 1837 David P. Tourtelotte, Tyng, Thompson, 1863 Jacob F. mn. 1846 Alexander G. Van Ness, 1862 Charles R. 1789 John P. 1804 John R. Townsend, 1863 Morris A. 1. 1797 William. 1821 Junius. 1759 Epenetus. Udall, Van Pelt, 1882 Jonathan, r. 1810 Jacob.n Pelt 18338 Abraham G., Jr. 1812 Peter S. 1772 Richard. m. 1799 Peter I. 1865.] INDEX. 111 Van Rensse- Vethake, Warner, 1795 Timothy. m. laer, 1808 Henry. 1795 Effingham. 1848 Benjamin C. 184a7 eFrancis. Vincent, W arren, 1849 Prosper M., Jr. 1854 Marvin R. 1860 Joel A.,n. Van Riper, 1864 William P. Wheeler, 1856 William T. Vinton, aterman, 1861 William L. mW Van Schaack, 1848 Francis h. 1858 Henry.. 1862 James H. m. 1768 Peter. Vroom, Waters, Wheelock, 1787 Henry C. 1808 Peter D., Jr. 1886 George G. 1864 George O. mn. Van Slyck, 1886 George G ailyc, Waddell, Watkins, Whiley 1796 Adrian C. 1821 John H. iey, 796 Arian C. 181 John. 1788 John W. h. 1828 Richard; Jr. Van Tuyl, 181 Lloyd S. 1815 James S. 1844 Charles W. 1844 Otto W. E. Waddington, Watson, Whitaker Van Voast 1860 George. 1804 James T. 1774t John. 1861 Garrett W... W adworth, 1852 John L. W hite, Van Voorhis, 1868 Samuel D. m. W atts, 1791 Nathan. 1841 Robert D. agstaff, 17606 Johbert 184 Joseph J. 1766 John. 1849 John J. Van Vorst, 1822 Alfred. 1796 John. 1861 John P. P. in. 1848 Cornelius, Jr. ainwrig t, 1803 Robert. 1862 Henry K.. Wainwrignket, 1804 John, Jr. Van Vranken, 1845 Henry P. 1805 Robert I. Whitehead, 1887 Samuel A. 47. 1858 Francis C. 1808 Henry. 1864 J. Elias. in. 1810 Charles. Van Wagenen, Walbridge, 1811 George J. White 1802 Hubert. 1863 Henry B. 1881 Robert, Jr. 181 erJ 1821 Gerrit G. 861 Robert, Jr. n. Edward N. 1826 Gerrit H., Jr. VVa0 l, L W eaver, 1859 Henry B. 1828 William W. 1802 Richard L. nt. 18.9 Henry B. 1858 HubeWrt. 1850 Evan T. 1864 Lathrop P. in. 1860 William. 1861 William M. 1859 William D. 1861 Frederick. 1862 John S. 1. W ebb, Van W inkle, 1863 George E. I. 1863 De Witt. m. William L. I 1848Isalac e 1864 William L. 1. 1848 saac. VVallace, Webster, tlock, Van W yck, 1827 Joseph C. 1824 Daniel. h. 183 hiSamuel H. 1795 Pierre C. Walsh, W 1807 Philip G. sTeed, 1845 Pierre M. 1798 James. 1836 Harvey A.hitney, 1801 Samuel A. W eeks,1861 Albert B. Vardill, 1822 John. h.' W, V rd1766 John. 1828 A. Robertson. 1822 Alfred A. W hittingham, 1889 James W. 1856 James. 1827 William at. h. Varick, 1864 Julius S. 1. 1861 James R. 1. 1799 Abraham, Jr. alt4 Robert K. 1. W ight, 1799 John V. J. W alter, 1861 Charles M. m. 1807 Theodore V. W. 1799 Arthur M. W ellman, 1864 Charles M. m. 1851 Merritt II. 1813 John. Walters, W elrl. Wildey, Vaughan,`1804 Daniel D. m. 1860 Pierre W. Vaughanlius, m, Ti~alton, 1819 Thomas L. 1860 Julius. m. Walto, Wendel, Wilkes, V ~edder, 1777t James De L. 1821 George., edder, 1777t William. 1855 John G. 1822 Hamilton. 1861 Maus R. m. 1828 William. 1Ham ilton 1828 Williams P. Wen tworth, ilkins Ver Meulen, 1861 Luis P.,1863 H Wil HIa. 1860 Edmund C. Mn. W alz, 1760 Isaac. Vermilye, 1864 Isidor. VV1844 Charles E. W illett, 1831 Robert G. W ard, 1861 Edward W. 1776 Marinus. 1800 John Y. 1819 Marinus, Jr. Vermilyea, W188 SamuelJr. MTesterlo. 1822 Edward MI. 1858 Isaac D. 4. 1886 Henry, Jr. 1795 Rensselaer. 1856 Elbert M. 1838 Henry H. t1864 Marinus, Jr. Verplanck, \ 1888 Francis M. VWestervelt, Willi 1758 Samuel. 1851 Charles H. 1863 Ellsworth. v iiams, 1768 Gullan. 1851 William G. W t 11 1822 William R. 1788 Daniel C.. 1858 John, Jr. vestfall, 1833 James A. 1791 William B. 1861 Edwin F. n. 1863 Lewis. m. 1850 Timothy D. h. 1801 Gulian C. 1861 Isaac J. 1851 John. h. 1819 Samuel. 1861 Samuel B. W eston, 1856 Howell L., Jr. 1832 William S. 1862 Edwin M. n 1861 Sullivan H. h, 1860 Augustus P. m. Verren, 1862 Jichard H. m. Wetmore, Williamson, 1829 Antoine. h. 1864 Frederick A...1758 Timothy.,. 1807 Charles A. 112 COLUTMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. Willis, Winslow, Woodruff, Wyatt, 1862 Francis. 1761 Edward. h. 1860 Lewis B. h. 1809 William E. 1862 William H., Jr. 1857 William B. 1861 Charles H. 1. 1864 William S. rn. 1864 Miron, Jr. 1. 1868 Lockwood De F. W yckoff, Wilson, Winston,. 1840 Van Brunt. 1800 George. 1868 Gustavus S. m. V oods 1862 Albert.. 1800 Peter. 1791 James. 1818 Abraham D. WVinter, Vynkoop, 1822 Samuel F. 1801 Gabriel. W oodward, 1819 Richard. 1825 Peter. 1827 William. 1798 Elias B. 1825 William., 1826 Hrrim. Winterton, 7Torster Leroy M. 1835 William H. 1772 William.. 1868 Willa 1862 Leroy M. ~~~~~~~~~~81845 Bilrd..P. 18s86 James W. Winthrop, Worth Yates, 1860 Philip L. 1. 1812 Egerton L. 171829 Fannn S. John W. 1861 Benjamin F. m. 1827 Grenville T. 1862 Merritt H. in. 1860 Egerton L. Tothersp on Youle, 1863 Benjamin. m. 1864 Buchanan. 1. T Winans, Wood 18S7 Alexander S. 179 Joseph. m. T;I~inIWrhZ isood, 1840 Joseph W. 1851 J. Walter. W~right, IZabriskie, 1799 David. 1828 Martin R. W indsor, W oodhull, 1851 David A. 1835 Christian, Jr. 1834 Lloyd. 1791 Jesse. - 1864 Samuel P. 1. 1854 Jeremiah L. i i~~~~~~~~~~-. _:.i^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_l.i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CATALO GUE OF THE GOVERNORS, TRUSTEES, AND OFFICERS, AND OF THE ALUMNI AND OTHEP GRADUATES, OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE (ORIGINALLY KING'S COLLEGE), IN THE CITY OF NEWT YORK, FROM 1754 TO 1870. NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND, 23 MURRAY STREET AND 27 WARREN STREET. M DCCC LXXI. CONTENTS. PAGE Explanatory Notice..................................................... 5 Governors of King's College............................................. 7 Regents of the University, as Trustees of Columbia College......... 10 Trustees of Columbia College............................................ Committee of the Trustees of the School of Mines...17 Trustees of the Medical Department..............................17 Chairmen.............................................................. 19 Clerks................................................................ 20 Treasurers of the College............................................... 20 Presidents of the College.............................................. 20 Provost................................................................ 21 Faculty of Arts.........................................., 21 Tutors............................................26 Lecturers.................. 26 Librarians............................................................... 26 Chaplain............................................................... Head Masters of the Grammar School............................ 27 Faculty of Medicine.................................................... 27 Lecturers in the Medical Department.................................... 31 Faculty of Law........................................................ 32 Lecturers in the Law Department..................33...... 33 Faculty of the School of Mines..........................33............ Senatus Academicus, 1870......................................... 35 Graduates in Arts....................................................... 43 Graduates in Medicine................................................... 89 Graduates in Law....................................................... 103 Graduates in Mining Engineering...................................... 112 Honorary Graduates, etc................................................. 113 Enumeration........................................................... 128 Roll of Alumni, who Served in the Army or Navy, 1861-65..................129 Index of Officers............................................, 135 Index of Graduates.......................................... 139 ABBREVIATIONS. ACT. Actuary. ED. Editor. ARCo. Architect. ENG. Engineer. ART. Artist. F. Farmer. Au. Author. M. Merchant. B. Banker. PUB, Publisher. BR. Broker. REV. Reverend. CHEM. Chemist. T. Teacher. C. L. Counsellor at Law. A star (*) prefixed to a name denotes that the individual is deceased. In every case in which the year of the decease is known, it is indicated at the right. ADDITIONS. PAGE 62, 1824.-Prefix a star to the name of Benjamin Drake. aet. 66. *1871. 70, 1838.-Prefix a star to the name of Philip Hone, Jr. *1870. 73, 1845.-Prefix a star to the name of George T. Elliot, Jr. aet. 44. *1871. 74, 1846.-After the name of *R. S. Carden Abbott, add aet. 27. *1854. 74, 1846.-Prefix a star to the name of John G. Hyer. *1868. EXPLANATORY NOTICE. TIEE present catalogue of the Alumni and other graduates of Columbia College is the seventh which has been published since the re-organization of the College under its present title in 1787. The earlier of these publications were not issued periodically. With the fifth, published in 1865, there was commenced a series designed to be continued triennially. In this, also, the attempt was for the first time made to indicate the professions or occupations of the graduates, and to present a record of the honors, academic, civic, or military, which have been conferred upon them. Such an attempt, in the absence of any written record regularly kept at the College or elsewhere of matters of this nature, could not but be, to a certain extent, unsuccessful; and accordingly in the issuing of the catalogue of 1865 no credit was claimed for that publication on the score of perfection or completeness. The publication was avowedly made, in the form adopted, quite as much in the hope of eliciting, by means of the interest it might excite, additional information in regard to the personal history of the graduates, as of giving a permanent form to the information already obtained. This hope has not been wholly disappointed. A number of the Alumni of the College have kindly contributed important additions to the knowledge which had been previously gathered in regard to members of many of the earlier classes; and in consequence of this valuable assistance, the present edition of the catalogue, though still imperfect, will be found to exhibit a sensible improvement on those whichl'have gone before. Copies of this catalogue will be sent, as in 1865 and in 1868, to all the living Alumni whose residences are known. Those who may not receive it may be assured that the omission is owing only to want of information as to their proper addresses. They will be promptly supplied, on application, by post or otherwise, to the President, at the College. Notwithstanding the considerable success which has attended the efforts made to supply the deficiencies of former publications, the imperfections which will doubtless be detected in the present one can hardly fail to be numerous. This 5 6 EXPLANATORY NOTICE. prefatory note cannot, therefore, be better concluded than by once more repeating the request earnestly made on former occasions, of every graduate into whose hands the catalogue should fall, that he would communicate to the President, or to Professor Van Amringe, at the College, any information which may serve to improve it in future editions; completing first his own record, should he find it deficient, and adding any important facts within his knowledge, which the catalogue does not contain, in regard to any other graduate or graduates. GOVERNORS O F KIN G'S COLLEGE, NEW YORK, AS APPOINTED BY ROYAL CHARTER, OCTOBER 31, A. D. 1754. THE most Reverend Father in God, THOMAs, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury; and the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, ex oficio. The Right Honorable DUNE, Earl of Halifax, First Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations; and the First Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations for the time being, ex officio. The Governor of the Province, ex officio. The eldest Councillor of the Province, ex officio. The Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the Province, ex officio. The Secretary of the Province, ex officio. The Attorney-General of the Province, ex officio. The Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province, ex officio. The Treasurer of the Province, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New York, ex officio. The Rector of Trinity Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Church in the City of New York, ex officio. 7 8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The Minister of the French Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation in the City of New York, ex officio. The President of the College, ex officio. [The names of those who, at various times, attended meetings -of the Governors, by virtue of their office as above, are: JORN CHAMBERS, Second Jus+ice of the Supreme Court of the Province. WILLIAM KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. ABRAHAM DE PEYSTER, Treasurer of the Province. EDWARD HOLLAND, Mayor of the City of New York. HENRY BARCLAY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JOANNES RITZEMA, Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New York. JOHN ALBERT WEYG&ND, Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Church, New York. JOANNES CARLE, Minister of the French Church, New York. SAMUEL JOHNSON, President of the College. JOHN CRUGER, Jr., Mayor of the City of New York. DANIEL HORSMANDEN, Third Justice of the Supreme Couxt of the Province. JOHN TABOR KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. BENJAMIN PRATT, Chief-.Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. MYLES COOPER, President of the College. SAMUEL AUCHMrUTY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JOHN CRUGER, Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province. The Archbishop of Canterbury (by proxy).] ARCHIBALD KENNEDY................................. Declined to qualify. Deceased JOSEPH MURRAY............................Between July, 1756, and May, 1757 Removed from the Province JosIAH MARTIN..........................Between March, 1761, and Oct., 1764 Deceased PAUL RICHARD........................... Between July, 1756, and March, 1759 Retired HENRY CRUGER..............Sb.........................Subsequently to 1780 Deceased WILLIAM WALTON........................Between May, 1768, and March, 1770 Retired JOHN WATTS........................................... Subsequently to 1780 Resigned HENRY BEErKMAN......................................................~ 1770 Resigned PHILIP VERPLANCK........................................... 1770 Retired FREDERICK PHILIPSE................................. Subsequently to 1780 GOVERNORS OF KING'S COLLEGE. 9 Deceased JOSEPH ROBINSON....................Between May, 1755, and March, 1759 Retired JOHN CGRUGER...................................... Subsequently to 1770 Retired OLIVER DE LANCEY...................S.......Subsequently to 1780 Deceased JAMES LIVINGSTON................................ 1763 Deceased BENJAMIN NICOLL.....................Between Feb., 1760, and April, 1763 WILLIAM LIVINGSTON................................ Declined to qualify. Retired JOSEPH READE.................. Subsequently to 1770 Retired NATHANIEL MARSTON......................... Subsequently to 1780 Deceased JOSEPH HAYNEs.........................Between March, 1758, and Jan., 1762 Retit ed JOHN LIVINGSTON............ Subsequently to 1780 Deceased ABRAEAM LODGE...................... Between June, 1760, and Jan., 1762 Retired DAVID CLARISON........................................Subsequently to 1780 Retired LEONARD LISPENARD.................................. Subsequently to 1780 Retired JAMES DR: LANCEY, Jr................................... Subsequently to 1780 Appointed subsequently, by virtue of the power vested in the Governors by the Charter: Appointed Resigned 1759 SAMUEL UCHMUTY........ Having become Rector of Trinity Church, 17(64 Resigned 1759 GABRIEL LUDLOW.......................................... 1770 1761 EDWARD ANTILL...........................Did not qualify or serve. Deceased 1762 JOHN CHAMBERS............Between Nov., 1762, and Oct., 1764 Retired 1762 HENRY CUYLER.............,..,..... Subsequently to 1770 Retired 1762 JAMES DUANE................................Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1762 WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Earl of Stirling............. Subsequently to 1776 Retired 1763 CHARLES WARD APTEORPE.,.................Subsequently to 1780 Resigned 1764 BEVERLEY ROBINSON...................................... 1770 Deceased 1761 JOHN PRovooST........ Between Aug., 1767, and March 1770 Retired 1764 THOMAS JONES............................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1764 ARCHIBALD KENNEDY............................... Subsequently to 1780 10 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Retired 1770 ROGER MORRIS.............................. Subsequently to 1730 Deceased 1770 JOHN OGILVIE, S. T. D............................................ 1774 Retired 1770 SAMUEL VERPLANCH...................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1770 GOLDSBOROUGH BANYAR..................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1770 WILLIAM WALTON.................................Subsequently to 1780 Retired CHARLES INGLIS, S. T. D...................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired HENRY WHITE.Subsequently to 1780 Retired PETER MIDDLETON, M.D................. Subsequently to 1780 Retired JACOB WALTON....................................Subsequently to 1780 Retired JOHN HARRIS CRUGER.............................. Subsequently to 1780 Retired JOHN MAUNSELL......................... Subsequently to 1780 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, To whom the Government of the College, under the name of COLUMBIA COLLEGE, was committed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed May 1, A. D. 1784: The Governor of the State for the time being, ex officio. The Lieutenant-Governor. it The President of the Senate i" 4" The Speaker of the House of Assembly for the time being, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New Y ork ",c The Mayor of the City of Albany cc it The Attorney-General.;.. The President and Professors of the College. It The Secretary of State'... BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, MATTHEW CLARKSON, ROBERT HARPUR, RUTGERS VAN BRUNT, WALTER LIVINGSTON, JAMES TOWNSEND, CHRISTOPHER YATES, THOMAS LAWRENCE, ANTHONY HOFFMAN, HENRY WISNER, CORNELIUS HUMPHREY, JOHN HARING, LEWIS MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER TAPPAN, PHILIP PELL, Jr., JAMES CLINTON, TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 11 CHRISTOPHER P. YATES, EZRA L'HOMMEDIEU, JAMES LIVINGSTON, CALEB SMITH, ABRAHAM BANCKER, JOHN WILLIAMS, JOHN C. DONGAN, JOHN M'CREA. And the following, added to. the above-named, by an Act of the Legislature, passed November 26, 1784: JOHN JAY, LL. D., CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D., SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D., THOMAS JONES, M. D., JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D., MALACHI TREAT, M. D., JOHN ROGERS, S. T. D., NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D., JOHN MASON, S. T. D., PETER NV. YATES, JOHN GANO, MATTHEW VISSCHER, JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D., HUNLOCK WOODRUFF, M. D. JOHANN CHRISTOFF KUNZE, S. T. D., GEORGE I. L. DOLE, JOSEPH DELAPLAINE, JOHN VANDERBILT, GERSHOM SEIXAS, THOMAS ROMAINE, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, LL. D., SAMUEL BUEL, JOHN LAWRENCE, GILBERT LIVINGSTON, JOHN RUTHERFURD, NATHAN KERR, MORGAN LEWIS, EBENEZER LOCKWOOD, LEONARD LISPENARD, JOHN LLOYD, JOHN COCHRAN, M. D., HERMAN GARRISON, EBENEZER RUSSELL. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The following, appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, April 13, 1787, reviving the original Charter with- amendments: Resigned JAMES DUANE................................................. 1795 Resigned SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D........................................... 1801 Retired JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D........................ 1810 Resigned RICHARD VARICK....................................................... 1816 Deceased ALEXANDER HAMILTON, LL. D......................................... 1804 Resigned JOHN MASON, S. T. D..................... 1788 Retired JAMES WILSON......................................................... 1788 12 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Retired JOHN GANO*...................................................... 1788 Deceased BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D........................... 1823 Resigned ROBERT HARPUR...................................................... 1795 Resigned JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D............................................ 1787 Redigned JOHANN CHRISTOFF KUNZE, S. T. D..................................... 1792' Deceased WALTER LIVINGSTON.................................................... 1797 Deceased LEWIS A. SCOTT.................................................... 1798 Declined JOSEPH DELAPLAINE................................................ 1787 Deceased LEONARD LISPENARD................................................. 1790 Retired ABRAHAM BEACH, S. T. D................................. 1813 Deceased JOHN LAWRENCE....................................................... 1810 Retired JOHN RUTHERFURt................................................... 1787 Resigned MORGAN LEWIS................................................... 1804 Resigned JOHN COCHRAN, M. D................................................. 1794 Resigned GERSHOM SEIXAS................................................. 1815 Resigned CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D..................................... 1787 Deceased THOMAS JONES, M. D................................................... 1798 Deceased MALACHI TREAT, M. D................................................. 1795 Resigned SAMUEL BARD, M. D................................................... 1804 Resigned NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D.................................. 1793 Deceased BENJAMIN KISSAM, M. D...................................... 1803 Deceased EBENEZER CROSBY, M. D................................................ 1788 And the following, subsequently chosen by virtue of the Act of April 13, 1787, empowering the Trustees then created to fill vacancies: Appointed [' Resigned 1788 WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D.................................. 1800 Deceased 1788 RICHARD HARISON, LL. D................................... 1829 * This name does not appear on the list of Trustees after March 15, 1788. t This name does not appear on the list of Trustees after May 20, 1787. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 13 Appointed Resigned 1789 JOHN WATTS..................................................... 1816 Deceased 1790 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D............................................ 1824 Retired 1793 EDWARD LIVINGSTON.. 1806 Resigned 1793 JOHN-McKNIGHT, S. T. D......................................... 1795 Deceased 1794 JOHN COSINE..................................................... 1798 Resigned 1795 CORNELIUS I. BOGERT............................................ 1823 Resigned 1795 JOHN M. MASON, S. T. D........................................ 1821 Deceased 1795 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D............................................ 1796 Deceased 1795 EDWARD DUNSCOMB............................................... 1814 Resigned 1796 GEORGE C. ANTHON,':M.:D.......................... 1815 Resigned 1797 PHILIP LIVINGSTON................................................ 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN CHARLTON, M. D.................................... 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN N. ABEEL, S. T. D........................................... 1812 Deceased 1799 JAMES TILLARY, M. D............................................ 1818 Resigned 1801 CHARLES H. WHARTON, S. T. D..................................... 1801 Deceased 1801 JOHN H. HOBART, S. T. D........................................ 1830'Resigned 1802 BENJAMIN MOORE, S. T. D......................................... 1813 Resigned 1804 EGBERT BENSON, LL. D..........................*1.................. 15 Deceased 1804 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D......................................... 1807 Deceased 1805 GOUVERNEUR MORRIS.......................... 1816 Resigned 1805 JACOB RADCLIFFE................................................. 1817 Retired 1806 SAMUEL MILLER, S. T. D.......................................... 1813 Resigned 1806 RUFUS KING, LL. D......................................... 1824 Deceased 1807 NICHOLAS EVERTSON......................................... 1807 Retired 1808 OLIVER WOLCOTT................................................. 1816 Deceased 1809 JOHN B. ROMEYN, S. T. D......................................... 1825 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D.......................................... 1829 Resigned 1811 ROBERT TROUP, LL. D....................................... 1817 14 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1812 PETER A. JAY..................................................... 1817 Resigned 1813 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL. D........................................ 1857 Resigned 1813 CHARLES WILEES............................................. 1824 Deceased 1815 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL. D............................................ 1849 Resigned 1815 WILIAM JOHNSON, LL. D......................................... 1842 Deceased 1815 JOHN WELLS...................................................... 1823 Retired 1816 THOMAS Y. How, S. T. D.......................................... 1818 Resigned 1816 WIrLIAM HENDERSON......................... 1823 Resigned 1816 EDWARD W. AIGE T............................................... 1851 Resigned 1816 JOHN R. MURRAY.................................................. 1835 Resigned 1816 WRIGHT POST, M.............................................. 1828 Resigned 1817 BEVERLEY ROBINSON.................................... 1854 Deceased 1817 THOMAS L. OGDEN............................. 1844 Resigned 1817 NICHOLAS FISH................................................... 1833 Retired 1817 JAMES RENWICK...................................... 1820 Retired 1818 SAMUEL F. JARVIS, S. T. D......................................... 1820 Deceased 1818 JOHN T. IRVING.................................... 1838 Deceased 1820. DAVID S. JONES, LL. D............................................ 1848 Resigned 1821 GULIAN C. VERPLNC....................................... 1826 Deceased 1822 PASCAL N. STRONG................................ 1825 Resigned 1823 JAMES KENT, LL. D............................................... 1823 Deceased 1823 PETER A. JAY, LL. D... 1843 Resigned 1823 JOHN DUER..................................... 1830 Resigned 1824 BENJAMIN T. ONDERDONK, S. T. D.................................. 1853 / Deceased 1824 LYNDE CATLIN.................................................... 1833 Resigned 1824 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T. D.... 1830 Deceased 1824 PHILIP HONE.......... 1851 Deceased 1824 JOHN WATTS, M. D............................................... 1831 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 15 Appointed Resigned 1825 CHARLES KING............................ 1838 Resigned 1825 JAMES M. MATTHEWS, S. T. D.................................... 1830 Resigned 1826 SAMUEL BOYD.........................1.......... 835 Resigned 1828 WILLIAM CREIGHTON, S. T. D...................................... 1840 1830 GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D....................................... Deceased 1830 JAMES CAMPBELL.................................................. 1848 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM D. SNODGRASS, S. T. D.................................. 1833 Deceased 1830 JOHN L. LAWRENCE.................................. 1849 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM A. DUER, LL. D......................................... 1842 Deceased 1830 JOHN FERGUSON................................ 1832 Resigned 1831 EDWARD R. JONES............................................. 1838 Deceased 1832 WILLIAM BERRIAN, S. T. D.................................... 1862 Deceased 1833 OGDEN HOFFMAN......................................... 1856 Resigned 1833 THOMAS W. LUDLOW................................ 1836 Deceased 1834 SAMUEL WARD.......................................... 1838 1836 SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D....................................... Deceased 1836 JOHN KNOX, S. T. D............................................. 1858 Resigned 1837 THOMAS L. WELLS................................................ 1859 Resigned 1838 WILLIAM R. WILLIAMS, S. T. D.................................... 1848 Deceased 1838 WILLIAM H. HAR ISON............................................. 1860 Deceased 1838 JOHN B. BECK, M. D....................................... 1851 Resigned 1840 HAMILTON FISH.................................................. 1849 Deceased 1840 WILLIAM BARD................................................ 1853 1812 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D.......................................... Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D...................................... 1851 1843 BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D..................................... Deceased 1845 GERRIT G. VAN WAGENEN...................................... 1858 Resigned 1848 JOHN L. MASON................................................. 1853 16 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1848 WmILIAM H. HOBART, M. D........................................ 1855 Deceased 1849 EDWARD JONES................................................... 1869 1849 ROBERT RAY..................................................... 1849 GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN.......................................... Deceased 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D............................................ 1867 1851 HAMILTo N FISH, LL. D........................................... 1851 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D..................... Resigned 1851 GERARD W. MORRIS...................................... 1855 Resigned 1851 GEORGE H. FISHER, S. T. D....................................... 1855 1853 GEORGE T. STRONG............................................... Deceased 1853 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T. D., J. C. D........................ 1854 1853 EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D......................................... Deceased 1854 GEORGE F. ALLEN................................................ 1863 1854 HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D., D. C. L............ Deceased 1855 ALEXANDER W. BRADFORD, LL. D............................. 1867 1855 MANCUJs S. HUTTON, S. T. D...................................... Resigned 1856 MARTIN ZABRISIE....................................... 1869 1856 JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D....................................... 1858 THOMAS DE WITT, S. T. D......................................... 1858 LEWIS:M. RUTHERFURD........................................... Resigned 1859 JOHN JacoB ASTOR, Jr...................................... 1869 1859 JOHN C. JAY, M. D........................................ 1860 WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN....................................... 1862 MORGAN Drx, S. T. D............................................ 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D........................ 1867 SAMUEL BLATCHFORD, LL. D.......................... 1868 STEPHEN P. NASH................................................ 1870 CHARLES R. SWORDS.............................................. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 17 COMMITTEE OF THE TRUSTEES ON THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 1870. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D., Chairman, LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD, GEORGE T. STRONG, FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S,T.D., LL,D., STEPHEN P. NASH, HAMILTON FISH, LL. D., jOHN TORREY, M.D., LL. D. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D., ROBERT L. KENNEDY, GEORGE C. ANTHON, EDWARD G. LUDLOW, SAMUEL W. BRIDGHAM, Baron ROBERT OSTENSACKEN, LEWIS L. DELAFIELD, ROBERT P. PARROTT, FRANKLIN H. DELANO, HOWARD POTTER, WILLIAM E. DODGE, Jr., TEMPLE PRIME, JACOB P. G. FOSTER, PERCY R. PYNE, NATHANIEL P. HOSACK, JAMES N. RENWICK, MORRIS K. JESUP, OTIS D. SWAN, GOUVERNEUR KEMBLE, LUCIUS TUCKIERMAN, GEORGE C. WARD. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 1860. Deceased JOHN C. CHEESMAN, M. D............................................. 1862 EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M. D....................................... JOSEPH DELAFIELD...................................................... FLOYD SMITH........................_............................. RICHARD M. BLATCHFORD............................................... EDWARD DELAFIEID, M. D................................... JOHN P. CROSBY....................................... GURDON BUCK, DM. D.......................................... Deeeased LUTHER BRADISH........................................ 1863 JAMES W. BEEKMAN.................................................... 18 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. DANIEL D. LORD........................................ BENJAMIN R. WINTHROP............................................. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D............................... Resigned WICKHAM HOFFMAN.................................,........... 1867 Resigned ISAAC WOOD, M. D..1868 GEORGE W. WRIGHT................................................ FREDERICK A. CONILING....................................... CHARLES HENSCHEL, M. D............................................. Resigned WASHINGTON MURRAY........................................... 1868 Resigned HENRY CHAUNCEY, Jr................................................... 1869 SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T. D........................................... WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D................................... Resigned JOHN JACOB ASTOR, Jr.......................................... 1863 GEORGE TALBOT OLYPHANT................................... JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D......................................... SINCE APPOINTED. Resigned 1863 BENJAMIN OGDEN, M. D........................................... 1867 1863 CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON............................................ 1864 JARED LINSLY, M. D.............................................. 1867 JOHN J. CRANE, M. D............................................ 1869 ELLSWORTH ELLIOT........................................... 1869 ROBERT G. REMSEN...................... 1869 JAMES L. BANKS, M. D...................................... 1869 GEORGE H. GILLESPIE....................................... CLERKS. 19 CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER. The Governor of the Province, or person next in rank, or Senior Governor. OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, 1784-1787. The Chancellor of the University, or Vice-Chancellor, or Senior Regent. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Appointed Resigned 1787 JAMES DUANE........15....................................... 1795 Resigned 1795 SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D................................... 1801 Resigned 1801 JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D................................. 1810 Resigned 1810 RICHARD VARICK............................................. 1816 Deceased 1816 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D............................ 1823 Resigned 1823 RICHARD HARISON, LL. D................................... 1823 Deceased 1823 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D........................................ 1824 Resigned 1824 NICHOLAS FISH.......................................... 1832 Deceased 1832 PETER A. JAY, LL. D........................................... 1843 Deceased 1843 DAVID B. OGDEN, LLi D.................................... 1849 Resigned 1849 EDWARD W. LAIGHT.......................................... 1850 Resigned 1850 BEVERLEY ROBINSON......................................... 185i Resigned 1854 JOHN KNOX, S. T. D............................................ 1854 Resigned 1858 GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D............................. 1859 1859 HAMILTON FISH, LL. D........................................ 20 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. CLERKS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. LAMBERT MOORE. OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, 1784-1787. ROBERT HARPUR. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Appointed Resigned 1787 ROBERT HARPUR.................................................. 1795 Resigned 1795 ABRAHAM BEACH, S. T. D......................................... 1811 Resigned 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D........................................ 1811 Resigned 1811 JOHN B. ROMEYN, S. T. D...................................... 1815 Resigned 1815 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL. D..........1850 1850 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D........................................... TREASURERS OF THE COLLEGE. Resigned 1775 LEONARD LSPENARD........................................... 1784 Deceased 1784 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D.1823 Resigned 1823 NICHOLAS FISH................................................... 1823 Resigned 1824: WILLIAM JOHNSON, LL. D......................................... 1833 Deceased 1833 JOHN L. LAWRENCE............................................... 1849 Deceased 1849 GERRIT G. VAN WAOENEN..1858 1849 GERRIT G. VAN WAGENEN.............................................. 1858 1858 GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN...................................... PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER. Resigned 1754 SAMUEL JOHNSON, S. T. D...................................... 1763 Retired 1763 MYLES COOPER, L. D........................................ 1775 Resigned 1775 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M. (pro tempore, in the absence of the President)......................................................... 1776 FACULTY OF ARTS. 21 PRESTDENTS OF THE COLLEGE UNDER THE NEW CHARTER. Appointed Resigned 1767 WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D........................... 1800 Resigned 1801 CHARLES H. WHARTON, S. T. D............................... 1801 Resigned 1801 BENJAMIN MOORE, S. T. D.................................... 1811 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D........................ 1829 Resigned 1829 WILLIAM ALEXANDER DUER, LL. D.......................... 1842 Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D.................................. 1849 Resigned 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D......................................... 4 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARINARD, S. T. D., LL. D................... PROVOST. Resigned 1811 JOHN M. MASON, S. T. D......... 1816 FACULTY OF ARTS. President JOHNSO\N Twas, at first, sole Instructor. PRO;FESSORS OF MATHEMFATiC$ AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Deceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A. M........................................ 1760 T ansferred 1761 ROB:ERT HARPUR, A. M........................................... 1765 Deceased 1799 JOH I K vEP, LL. D............................................... 1812 Tralnsferred 1813 ROBERT ADRAIINT, LL. D.12................................. 1820 PROFESSOF1S OF MORAL PHILOSOPIHY. Promoted 1.762 MYLES COOPER, A. M............................................ i763 Resigned 1787 JoHN DANIEL GRoss, S. T. D...................................... 1795 In 1795, Logic was added tJ tlhe De partm':.t. Retired 1795 JOHN McKICNIGHT, S. T. D......................................... 1799 In 1799, Rhetoric and B hlles Lettres were added. Deceased 1801 JOHN BOWDEN, S. T. D............................................ 1817 Transferred 1817 JOHN MOViCKAR, S. T. D... 1857 In 1818, Intellectual Philosophly and Political Economy were added, 2 22 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS. Appointed Resigned 1765 ROBERT HARPUR, A. M............................................. 1767 Transferred 1786 JO3 N KEMP, LL. D............................................... 1799 Transfer, ed 1857 CHA.RLES DAVIES, LL D....................... 1859 Preomted 1857 1W1ILLIAM G. PECKc, A. M. (Adjunct)............................... 1859 1863 JOHN H. VAN AMRINGE, A. M. (Adjunc.t).......................... PROFESSORS OF NATURAL PHILOESOPHY. Retired 1765 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D............................................ 1776 In 1785, Astronomy was added to the Department. Resigned 1785 SAMUEL BARD, M. D.............................................. 1786 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL LAW. Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M.............................. 1776 In 1775, History and Languages were added to the Department, PROFESSORS OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. Deceased 1784 JOHN P. TETARD.................................................. 1787 Retired 1792 VILLETTE DFE MIARCELLIN.....1........... I... l 799 In 182S. the Depaltment was revived under the style of the D3partment of the French Language and Literature. Resigned 1828 ANTOINE VERREN, A........................................... 183 Retired 1839 FELIX G. BERTEAU. LL. B........................................ 1856 This Prlfessorslhip wavcs abolished in 1866. PROFESSORS OF THE GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES. Resigned 1784 WILLIAM COCHRAN, A. M.......................................... 1789 Resigned 1789 PETER WILSON, A. M.................... 1792 Resigned 1792 ELIJAH D. RATTOONE, S. T. D..................................... 1797 In 1794, Grecian and Roman Antiquities were added to the Department. Resigned 1797 PETER WILSON, LL. D................................... 1820 Promoted 1817 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, A. M. (Adjunct)............................. 1820 Resigned 1820 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D..................................... 1835 Promoted 1820 CHARLES ANIRON, A. B. (Adjunct)................................. 1830 FACULTY OF ARTS. 23 Appointed Transferred 1830 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. (Jay)................................... 1857 Resigned 1837 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. M. (Adjunct)............................. 1843 Promoted 1845 HENRY DRISLER, Jr., A. M (Adjunct).............................. 1857 PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND LOGIC. Resigned 1784 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M........................................... 1787 PROFESSORS OF THE ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Resigned 1784 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D........................................ 1787 Retired 1792 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D..................................... 1799 PROFESSORS OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. Resigned 1784 JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D...................................... 1795 In 1830, the Department was revived, under the style of the Department of the German Language and Literature. Deceased 1830 FREDERICK C. SCHAEFFER, S. T. D................................. 1831 Resigned 1832 WILLIAM ERNENPUTSCH............................................ 1832 Resigned 1843 JOHN LOUIS TELLEAMPF, J. U. D. (Gebhard)....................... 1847 1847 HENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D. (Gebhard)............................. PROFESSORS OF GEOGRAPHY. Resigned 1784 JOHN D. GROSS, S. T. D................................... 1795 Tiansferred 1795 JOHN KEMP, LL. D............................................. 1799 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HIST ORY. Resigned 1785 HENRY MOrES, LL. D............................................. 1786 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY. CHEMISTRY, AGRICULTURE, AND THE OTHER ARTS DEPENDING THEREON. Retired 1792 SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, M. D., LL. D............................... 1801 PROFESSORS OF LAW. Resigned 1793 JAMES KENT, A. M................................................. 1798 Deceased 1823 JAMES KENT, LL. D............................................... 1847 Resigned 1848 WVILLIAM BETTS, LL. D................................. 1854 24 COLUMBIA COLEGE. PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND BELLES-LETTRES. Appointed Retired 1795 JOHN BISSET, A. M.............................................. 1799 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY. Transferred 1802 JAMES S. STRINGHA.-, M. D................................ 1810 Retired 1813 JON GRscoM................................................... 1820 1857 CHLRLEs A. Joy, Ph. D.......................................... PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. Resigned 1820 ROBERT ADRAIN, LL. PD......................................... 1825 Emeritus 1825 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D., resigned 1843.............. 1.866 TlanlsfCer ed 1843 CHARLES W. HACELEY, S. T. D..................................... 1857 1861 WILLTAM GUy PECK, LL. D........................................ PROFESSORS OF NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND C H MISTRY. Deceased 1820 JAMIES REN-WICI, LL. D. Emeritus, 1853......................... 1863 Transferred 1854 RICHARD S. McCULLOH............................................ 1857 PROFESSORS OF THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1826 LoRENZO DA PONTE............................................... 137 Resigned 1839 E. FELIX FORESTI, LL. B.......................................... 1856 PROFESSOR OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.,.Deceased 1830 SABITEL H. TURNER, S. T. PD..................................... 1861 PROFESSOR OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1830 MARIANO VELAZQUeZ DE LA CADENA, LL. B.......................... 1]80 PROFESSOR OF ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY. Retired 1832 WILLIs M H. ELLET, M. D......................................... 1833 PROFESSOR OF ELOCUTION. Retired 1844 JOHN W. S. Hows............................................... 1857 FACULTY OF ARTS. 25 PROFESSOR OF THE EVIDENCES OF NATURAL AND REVEALED! RELIGION. Appoiltedl Deceased 1857 JOHN MOVICcKAR, S. T. D. Emeritus, 1864...................... 1868 JAY PROFESSORS OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1857 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D.......................................... 1867 1867 HENRY DRISLER, LL. D.......................................... PROFESSORS OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Transferred 1857 HENRY DRISLER, LL. D........................................... 1867 1868 CHARLES SHORT, LL. D.................................... PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY. Deceased 1857 CHARLES WV. HACELEY, S. T. D................................ 1861 PROFESSORS OF MECHANICS AND PHYSICS. Expelled 1857 RICHARD S. MCCULLOH, A. M.*......................... 1863 1863 OGDEN N. RooD, A. Mi...................................... PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. Transferred 1857 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D........................................... 1865 PROFESSOR OF MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE. 1857 CHARLES MURRAY NAIRNE, L. H. D................................. History and Political Economy were added in 1865. PROFESSOR OF HIGHER MATHEMATICS. Emeritus 1859 CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D.......................................... 1865 PROFESSOR OF PURE MATHEMATICS. Transferred 1859 WILLIAM GUY PECEK, LL. D............................... 161 * Expelled October 15, 1863, for having abandoned his post and joined the Rebels. 26 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. TUTORS. Appointed Resigned 1755 WILLIAM JOHNSON, A................................... 1755 Resigned 1756 LEONARD CUTTING.............................................. 1763 Deceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A. M............................................. 1760 Retired 1762 MYLES COOPER, A. M............................................ 1763 Retired 1765 SAMUEL CLOSSY,. D............................................ 1776 Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M.......................................... 1776 Promoted 1785 JOHN KEMP................ 1786 Retired 1831 ABRAHAM B. CONGER, A. B........................................ 1833 Retired 1831 JOHN L. O'SULLIVAN, A. B......................................... 1833 Promoted 1835 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. I........................... 1837 Proomoted 1843 HENRY DRISLER, Jr., A. M........................... 184-5 Resigned 1859 J. EMORY MCCLINTOCI, A. B...................................... 1860 Promoted 1860 J. HOWARD VAN AMIIINGE, A. M................18.3................ 1863 Resigned 1864. DUANE S. EVERSON, A........................................... 1868 Resigned 1865 EUGENE LAWRENCE, A. I-.... 1868 1868 AUGUSTUS C. MERRIAM, A. M........................ Retired 1868 WENDELL LAMOROUX, A......................................... 169 Resigned 1869 THEODORE F. C. DEMAREST, A. I.................................. 1870 1870 JOHN D. QUACKENBOS, A. B........................................ LECTURERS. Promoted 1830 WILLIAM H. ELLET, MI. D. (Elementary Chemistry)................. 1832 1869 WILLIAM A. MNcVICiAR, S. T. D. (Evidences of Religion)............ LIBRARIANS. The duties of Librarian were discharged by one of the Professors until 1837. Resigned 1837 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D.................................... 1839 Resigned 1839 GEORGE C. SCHAEFFER, A. M., I. D................................ 1847 FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 27 Appointed Deceased 1847 LEFROY RAVENHILL, A. M., M. D..................................1851 1849 STEPHEN R. WEEKS (Assistant).................................... Resigned 1851 WILLIAM ALFRED JONES, A. 1M..................................... 1565 1865 BEVERLEY DR. BETTS, A. M.................................. CHAPLAIN. The President discharged the duties of this office till 1857. 1857 CORNELIUS R. DUFFIE, S. T. D................................... HEAD MASTERS OF THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Retired 1763 M\1ATTHEW CUSHING, A. M......................................... Retired ALEXANDER LESLIE, A. I................................ Retired 1784 WILLIA1M COCHRAN, A. M........................................ Resigned 1829 JOHN D. OGILBY, A. B............................................ 1830 Retired 1830 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. (Rector)................................ 1864 FACULTY OF MEDICINE.* PROFESSORS OF ANATOMY. Retired 1767 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D............................................ 1776 Deceased 1785 CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D........................................ 1792 Transferred 1792 RICHARD BAILEY, M. D....................... 1793 Retired 1793 WRIGHT POST, M. D.............................................. 1813 Deceased 1860 ROBERT WATTS, M. D............................................. 1837 1867 HENRY B. SANDS, M. D................................... PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Retired 1767 PETER MIDDLETON, M. D.......................................... 1776 * There was no Faculty oi Medicine front 1813 to 1860. In this latter year it was revived by the adoption of the College of Physicians anll Surgeons as the Medical Department of the College. 28 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF SURGERY. Appointed Retired 1767 JOHN JONES, M. D................................................. 1776 Deceased 1785 CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D........................................ 1792 Transferred 1792 WRIGHT POST, M. D......................................... 1793 Deceased 1793 RICHARD BAILEY, M. D.......................................... 1811 Retired 1811 VALENTINE MOTT, M. D.......................................... 1813 Deceased 1860 ALEXANDER H. STEVENS, IT. D., LL. D. (Emeritus).................. 1869 Transferred 1860 WILLARD PAREER, NM. D.......................................... 1870 Promoted 1860 THOMAS M. MAXEOE, M. D. (Adjunct).............................. 1870 1870 THOMAS M. MARR OE, M. D........................................ PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY AND MATERIA MEDICA. Retired 1767 JAMES SMITH, MI. D............................................ 1770 Rel ired 1770 PETER MnIDDLETON, M. D.......................................... 1776 PROFESSORS OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Retired 1767 SAMUEL BARD, M. D........................................ 17G76 Transferred 1795 WILLIA HAMERSLEY, M. D........................................ 1808 PROFESSORS OF MIDWIFERY. Deceased 1767 JOHN V. B. TENNENT, M. D........................................ 1770 Retired 1770 SAM-.UEL BARD,. D.............................................. 1776 Deceased 1785 EBENEZER CROSBY, nI. D.......................................... 1788 Resigned 1792 JOHN R. B. ROGERS, M. D......................................... 1808 Retired 1808 WALTER C. BUCHANAN, MI. D...................................... 1813 1860 EDWARD DELAFIELD, I. D. (Emleritus)..................... PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY. Resigned 1784 SAMUEL BARD, MI. D.............................................. 1785 Resigned 1785 HENRY MOOYES, LL. D............................................. 1786 FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 29 Appoinlted esigned 1786 SAMUEL BARD, M. D........................................ 1787 Resigned 1792 SAxMrUEL NICOLL, 5M. D............................................ 1794 Resigned 1810 JAIES S. STrINGHAM............................................. 1813 1860 JOHN TORREY, 21:. D., LL. D. (Emeritus)........................... 1860 SAMIUEL ST. JOHN, A1. D........................................... Medical Jurisrlnudence was added to the Eepartment in 1870. PROFESSORS OF THE INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1785 BENJAMIN KISSAuI, 3I. D................................... 1792 Transferred 172 WAILLIAi HAME3ESLEY, 2I. D..,.....17.............. 1795 Retired 1808 JOHN C. OSBORn,. D............................................ 1813 PROFESSORS OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1785 NICHOLAS ROeiAYNE, AM. D........................................ 1787 Resignled 1792 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D..1 4........................... 17'319 Resigned 1794 EDWARD STEVENS, MI. D.......................................... 1795 Retired 188 WVILLIAM HAMIERSLEY, M. D....................................... 1813 DEAN OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY. Resigned 1792 SAMUEL BARD, M. D............................................. 1804 1860 EDtWARD DELAFIELD, 2M. D. (President)............................ PROFESSORS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Deceased 1792 WILLIAM P. SMITH, 1I. D1........................................ 1795 Resigned 1796 DAVID Hostcu, M. D., LL. D...................................... 1811 Retir ed 1811 JOHN C. OSRORN, M. D............................................ 1813 Deceased 1880 JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D.......................................... 1866 In 1860, Clinical Medicine belonged to the Departiment. 30 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF BOTANY. Appointed Resigned 1792 RICHARD S. IKISSAM, I. DI........................................ 1713 Resigned 1793 SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, M. D., LL. D.............................. 1795 Resigned 17c5 DAVID HOSACE, M. D., LL. D..................................... 1811 1860 JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D. (Emeritus).......................... PROFESSORS OF OBSTETRICS, DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Deceased 1860 CHANDLER R. GILMAN, M. D...................................... 1865 Promoted 1863 T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, MI. D. (Adjunct)........................... 1865 1865 T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, M. )...................................... In 1868, Medical Jurisprudence was assigned to another Department. PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND PRACTICAL MEDICINE. 1860 ALONZO CLARK, MI. D., LL. D..................................... PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY AND MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY. 1860 JOHN C. DALTON, Jr., M. D....................................... In 1870, the title of this chair was changed to that of " Physiology and Hygiene." PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SURGERY AND HYGIENE. Emeritus. 1862 WILLIAM DETMOLD, M. D......................................... 1865 In 1866, the title of this chair was changed to that of "' Clinical and Military Surgery." PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 1866 JOHN T. METCALFE,.M. D......................................... CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF VENEREAL DISEASES. 1867 FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD, M D...................................... PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA, THERAPEUTICS, AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 1868 JAMES W. MCLANE, M. D......................................... In 1870, Medical Jurisprudence was assigned to another Department. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 31 CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. Appointed 1869 CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D........................ CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1869 WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M. D................ CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 1869 ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D.......................................... PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL SURGERY. 1870 WILLARD PARKER, 1M. D..................................... DEMONSTRATORS OF ANATOMY. Retired 1860 HENRY B. SANDS, M. D........................................... 1b67 1867 SAMUEL B. WAED, M. D.......................................... 1868 1868 ERSEINE MASON, M. D............................................ 1870 1870 THOMAS T. SABINE, MI. D......................................... CURATORS OF THE MUSEUM. 1860 HENRY B. SANDS, M1. D........................................... 1867 1867 SAMUEL B. WARD, M. D........................................... 1869 1869 HENRY C. ENO, I. D.............................................. 1870 1870 CHRISTOPHER MI. BELL, M. D..................................... LECTURERS. Retired 1791 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, MI. D............................... 179.2 1794 WILLIAM P. SMITH, M. D........................................ 1795 1860 WATTS C. LIVINGSTON, I. D....................................... 1860 1860 FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD, M. D.................................. 1861 1860 GEORGE T. ELLIOTT, M. D..................................... 1861 1860 EDWARD W. LAMBERT, M. D......1....61................ 161 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~ 32 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Retired. 1860 DAVID S. CONANT, M. D........................................... 1861 1860 CHARLES K. BRIDDON, M. D....................................... 1861 1860 A. HERMANCE SMITH, M. D........................................ 1862 1860 FosTER SWIFT, M. D.............................................. 1863 1861 WILLIAM C. LIVINGSON, M. D.................................... 1863 1861 WILLIAM H. CHURCH, M. D....................................... 1862 1861 C. VAN ALLEN ANDERSON, AI. D.................................... 1862 1866 HENRY B. SANDS, /M. D. (Adjunct)............................... 1867 1866 FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD, M. D.................................... 1867 1867 JAMES W. McLANE, MI. D......................................... 1868 1867 D. TILDEN BROWN, MI. D........................................ 1868 1867 CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D....................................... 1869 1867 FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M. D......................................... 1867 WILLIAM H. DRAPER, i. D........................................ 1869 1868 JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D........................................... 1868 EDWARD B. DALTON, M. D......................................... 1870 1868 FRANCIS, DELAFIELD, M. D........................................ 1869 1868 GEORGE G. WHEELOCK, MI. D................................. 1869 EDWARD C. SEGUIN, NM. D..................................... 1870 A. BRAYTON BALL, M. D.................................... 1870 THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D. (Adjunct)..................... FACULTY OF LAW. PROFESSOR OF MUNICIPAL LAW. 1.858 THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D.................................... The office of "Warden of the Law School"' was added to this chair in 1864. PROFESSOR OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 1860 JOHN ORDRONAUX, LL. B., M. D................................... FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF IMINES. 33 PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. Appointed 1860 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D........................................... The title of this chair was changed, in 1865, to that of " Constitutional History and Public Law," PROFESSOR OF THE ETHICS OF JURISPRUDENCE. 1860 CHARLES MIURRAY NAIRNE, L. H. D................................ LECTURERS. Reti ed 1860 MARSHALL S. BID-WELL, LL. D.................................... 1860 ALEXANDER W. BRADFORD, LL. D................................. 1867 1860 CHARLES P, DALY, LL. D...................................... 1860 WILLTAM M. EVARTS, LL. D....................................... 1868 1860 WILLIAM CURTIS NOYTES, LL. D.................................... 1864 1863 EUGENE LAWRENCE, A. M..............18....5........ 1865 1863 AARON J. VANDERPOEL.............................. FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL, OF fIINES. PROFESSOR OF MINERALOGY AND METALLURGY. 1864 THoMAs EGLESTON, Jr., A. AM., E. M...............................,PROFESSOR OF M1NING ENGlINEER1NG. 1864 FRANCIs L. VINTON, E. M.................................... In 1870, the title of this chair was changed to that of " Civil and MIiningm Engineering",' PROFESSOR OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY. 1864 CHARALES F. CHANDLER, PH. D..................................... PROFESSOR OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY. 1865 CHARLES A. JOY, PH. D.......................................... PROFESSOR OF MECHANICS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. 1865 WTILLIAM G. PFCK, LL. D....................................... 34 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS. Appointed 1865 JOHN H. VAN AMRINGE, A. M...................................... PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS. 1865 OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M......................................... PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. 1866 JOHN S. NEWBERRY, M. D., LL. D................................. INSTRUCTOR IN GERMAN. 1870 FREDERICK STENGEL............................................. INSTRUCTOR IN FRENCH. 1870 JULES E. LoiSEAU............................................ SENATUS ACADEMICUS, 1S 7 0. TRUSTEES. NAMES. RESI)ENCES. PHAMILTON FISH, LL. D., CUAIRMAN OF THE BOARDO.......251 East 17th Street. GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D., LL. D....................6., East 37th " SAM/UEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D..........................24 Union Square. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D., CLERE.....................122 East 30th Street. BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D.......................... 56 WVest 26th " ROBERGT RAY....................................... 363 West 28th Street. GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN, TREASJRER..................84 West 11th " HENRY J. ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D..................53 West 36th " EDWARD L. BEADLE, AM. D.............................P oughkeepsie. GEORGE T. STRONG..................................113 East 21st Street. M/ANCIUS S. HUTTON, S. T. D.........................115 Ninth " HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D., D. C. L............38 East 22d Street. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D.....................Columbia College. LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD...................... 175 Second Avenue. THOMAS DE WITT, S. T. D............................. 123 Ninth Street. JOHN C. JAY, M. D.............. Rye. WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN....................49 West 23d Street. MORGAN DIX, S. T. D...................................50 Varick FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD. S. T. D., LL. D...........Co'umbia College. SAAMUEL BLATCHFORD, LL. D......................... 12 West 22d Street. STEPHEN P. NAII.....................................11 West 19th Street. CHARLES R. SWORDS........ 156 Broadway. 35 36 COLUABIA COLLEGE. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M. D..................49 East 23d Street. JOSEPH DELAFIELD................4............ 475 Fifth Avenue. FLOYD SMITH....................................... 283 West 21st Street. RICHARD M. BLATC IRFORD............................6 East 14th." EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D...................2 East 17th " JOHN P. CROSBY.......................................31 West 17th GURDON BUCK, M. D....................1..............21 Tenth JAMES W. BEEKMAN.......................,........5 East 34th DANIEL D. LORD...................................... 45 West 19th " BENJAMIN R. WINTHR1OP....................134 Second Avenue. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D...............Poughkeepsie. GEORGE W. WRIGHT...............................63 East 23d Street. FREDERICK A. CONKLING............................7 East 10th " CHARLES HENSCHEL, M. D...............20 East 14th " SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T. D................30 Laight WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D................................122 East 30th" G. TALBOT OLYPHANT................................18 East 37th " JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D...........................Columbia College. CAIBRIDGE LIVINGSTON................... 44 West 22d Street. JARED LINSLY, M. D................................... 22 Lafayette Place. JOHN J. CR ANE, M. D.............................31 West 21st Street. ROBERT G. REMSEN.......................5 Wall Street. ELLSWORTH ELIOT, M. D....................48 West 36th Street. JAMES L. BANKS, M. D..57 Fifth Avenue. GEORGE H. GILLESPIE............................... 40 East 12th Street. SENATUS ACADEMICUS-1870. 37 OFFICERS OF INSTRIUCTION AND GOVERNMENT. NAMES. RESIDENCES. FREDERPICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D.........Columbia College. President. EDWAED DELAFIELD, M. D.......................... 2 East 17th Street. President of the Medical Department, and Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. HENRjY J. ANDERSON, M. D., LL D................. 53 West 36th " Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. HENRY DRISLER, LL. D............................226 East 10th" Jay Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. HIENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D..........................126 West 43d " Gebhard Professor of the German Language and Literature. CHARLES A. JOY, Ph. D.........................Columbia College. Professor of Chemistry. FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D............................48 East 34th Street. Professor of Constitutional History and Public Law. CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D......................Fishkill Landing. Emeritus Professor of Higher Mathematics. WILLIAM G. PECK, LL. D.............................206 West 42d Street. Professor of MIathematics and Astronomy, in the Faculty of Arts, and of Mechanics and their Applications, in the Faculty of Mines. CHARLES M. NAIRNE, L. H.. D...................... 163 West 34th Street. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy and Literature. THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D.......................37 Lafayette Place. Professor of Municipal Law, and Warden of the Law School. JOHN ORDRONAUX, LL. B., MI. D.....................174 West 23d Street. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 38 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. NAMES. RESIDENCES. JOHN H. VAN AMRINGE, A M....................... 228 West 38th Street. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, and Professor of Mathematics in the School of Mines. JOHN TORREY, Al. D., LL. D.........................Columbia College. Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Botany. WILLARD PARKER, M. D.............................37 East 12th Street. Professor of Clinical Surgery. ALONZO CLARK, M. D., LL. D......................... 30 East 21st " Professor of Pathology and Practical MIedicine. JOHN C. DALTON, JR., M. D............................99 Madison Avenue. Professor of Physiology and Hygiene. SAMUEL ST. JOHN, M. D..............................Ashland House. Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. THOMAS M. MAR KOE, M. D.......................... 4 East 17th Street. Professor of Surgery. WILLIA.M DETMOLD, M. D...........................103 Ninth " Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Military Surgery. OGDEN N. ROOfD, A. M............................... 341 East 15th" Professor of Mechanics and Physics. T. GAILLIARD TIHOMAS, M. D......................86 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. THOMAS EGLESTON, JR., A. M., E. M................10 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy. FRANCIS L. VINTON, E. M............................ 806 Broadway. Professor of Mining Engineering. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D................... 74 East 49th Street. Professor of Analytical and Applied Chemistr-y, ard Dean of the Faculty of Mines. JOHN S. NEWBERRY, M. D., LL. D.................. Columbia College. Professor of Geology and Paleontology. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. 39 NAMES. RESIDENCES. JOHN T. METCALFE, M. D............................ 34 East 14th Street. Professor of Clinical Medicine. HENRY B. SANDS, M. D............................ 64 East 12th Street. Professor of Anatomy. FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD, M. D.................... 162 West 23d Street. Clinical Professor of Venereal Diseases. CHARLES SHORT, LL. D.............................33 West 33d Street. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. JAMES W. McLANE, M. D.............................51 West 38th Street. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D.........................19 East 39th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M. D......................... 37 East 12th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin. ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D........................1...110 West 34th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. CORNELIUS R. DUFUFE, S. T. D..................... 233 Lexington Av. Chaplain. WILLIAM A. McVICKAR, S. T. D.......................40 West 38th Street. Lecturer on the Evidences of Religion. BEVERLEY R. BETTS, A. M...........................122 East 30th Street. Librarian. STEPHEN R. WEEKS.............................. Columbia College. Assistant Librarian. AUGUSTUS C. MERRIAM, A. M..................33 West 33d Street. Tutor in Greek and Latin. 40 COLUMiBIA COLLEGE. NAMES. RESIDENCES. JOHN D. QUACKENBOS, A. B..........................331 West 28th Street. Tutor in Rhetoric and History. FREDERIC STENGEL.................................51 East 20th Street. Instructor in German. JULES E. LOISEAU...........................W....20i West 17th Street. Instructor in French. ALEXIS A. JULIEN, A. MI..............................29 East 23d Street. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. PAUL SCHWEITZER, PH. D............................232 East 50th Street. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. WILLIAM H. CHANDLER..............................137 East 21st Street. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. JOHN HENRY CASWELL, A. M........................ 370 Fifth Avenue. Assistant in Mineralogy. WILLIAM B. POTTER, A. M., E. M.....................38 East 22d Street. Assistant in Geology. THEOMAS M. BLOSSOM, A. M., E. M.................... 203 2d Avenue. Assistant in Assaying. ALBERT FOLKE, C. E................................. 329 East 19th Street. Assistant in Drawing. IHENRY NEWTON, A. B., E. M\......................... 26 West 21st Street. Assistant in Mineralogy. DOUGLASS A. JOY.................................... Columbia College. Assistant in General Chemistry. FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M. D............................. 108 West 34th Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D...............,..........266 West 42d Street. Lecturer on Operative Surgery and Surgical Dressings. GEORGE G. WHEELOCK, M. D........................ 46 West 31st Street. Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. 41 NAMES. RESIDENCES. EDWARD C. SEGUIN, M. D...........................58 West 26th Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Nervous System. A. BRAYTON BALL, M. D..............................36 West 10th Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Kidneys. THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D............................. 46 West 23d Street. Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Adjunct Lecturer on Anatomy. JOHN G. CURTIS, M. D................................ 27 Washington P1. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. CHRISTOPHER M. BELL, kM. D........................ 276 Fifth Avenue. Curator of the Museum of the Medical College. FRANCIS DELAFIELD, M. D.......................... 1 East 17th Street. Clinical Assistant for the Medical Clinique. W. DEFOREST DAY, M. D.............................56 East 34th Street. Clinical Assistant for the Medical Clinique. WOOLSEY JOHNSON, M. D............................220 West 43d Street. Clinical Assistant for the Medical Clinique. JOHN T. KENNEDY, M. D............................. 122 East 10th Street. Clinical Assistant for the Surgical Clinique. GERARDUS H. WYNKOOP, M. D................... 43 East 12th Street. Clinical Assistant for the Surgical Clinique. JAMES L. BROWN, M. D............................... 217 West 12th Street. Assistant to the Professor of Obstetrics. WILLIAM PISTOR, E. M............................... 946 Second Avenue. Secretary to the President. EDWARD C. H. DAY...................................t. Vernon. Librarian and Registrar of the School of Mines. EDWARD T. BOAG........... School of Medicine. Clerk of the School of Medicine. If 1:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ___________ - _____________________ GRADUATES IN ARTS. 758. *Philip Livingston, A. M., Trustee 1797-1806. *John MIarston, A. M. *Joshua Bloomer, (iRev.), A. *John Marston, A. M. M., S. T. D. 1790. aet. 55. *1790 *Isaac Wilkins, (Rev.), A.M., *Isaac Ogden, (C. L.), Judge S. T. D. 1811, Memb. of Supr. Ct. Canada. the Gen. Assemb. of N. Y. *Samuel Provoost, (Rev.), A. 1772-75. act. 89. *1830 M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. 6 1786, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, Trustee 1787- 1761. 1801 and Chairman of the *Henry Holland, (C. L.), A. Board, 1795-1801, Bishop M., Mast. in Chancery N.Y. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1787-1815. *1815 *Anthony Lispenard. aet. 64. *1806 *Joseph Reade, (C. L.), Mas- *Henry Van Dyck, (Rev.), ter in Chanc. N. J. A. M. aet. 60. *1804 *Rudolph Ritzema, Lt.-Col. 3 H. B. M. Army. *Philip Van Cortlandt, A. M., 1762. Lt.-Col. 4th Regt. N. Y. *Edward Antill, A. M. Vols. 1776, Lt.-Gov. N. Y. *Henry Cuyler, A. M. 1777-95. *Henry Cuyler, A. M. 1*Sa77uel Verplanok, A. AT. *William Cornelius George, 1763, Gov. King's Coil. *John Grinnell. 7 *Alexander Leslie, (T.), A. M., Master Gram. Sch. King's Coll. 17 d J9. *Leonard Lispenard, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, *Epenetus Townsend, (Rev.), Trustee 1787-90. *1790 A. M. *1779 *William Benjamin Nicoll *William Hanna, (Rev.), A. Maverick. M. 1765 and Yale 1768. *Daniel Robert, (C. L.), H. 2 B. M. Atty.-Gen. for St. Christopher's. *Samuel Bayard, A. M. 1763. *Anthony Hoffman, A. M., *Barent Cuyler, A. M. Regent Univ. N.Y. S. 1784- *Abraham De Peyster, A. M. 87. 2 44 COLU.MBIA COLLEGE. [1764-1767. 1764. 1775-77, 1779-81, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1777, Chan~. N. Y. 1777-1801, *:Richard Harison, (C. L.), Chan. N. Y. 177. 1781ford, Del. to Fed. Costit. 83, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. Conv. 1787, U. S. Dist. Sto1784-87, Del. to Fed. ConAtty. N. Y., Recorder N. Ctty. N. T., rec18de8 N9 ister Plen. to France., Trustee 178-182 1801-4. aet. 66. *1813 and Chairman of the Board 1823. of the Henry Lloyd, A. MI. 1769. BoIrd 183.182 ~act. 82. *1825 *John Jay, (C. L.), A. M., *Arent Schuyler. LL. D. Harv. 1790 and 5 Brown 1794, Del. to Congr. 1774, 1775, Memb. Prov. 1 Conv. N. Y. 1776, Ch.-Jiust. 1 7 N. Y. 1777,Prest. National Congr. 1778, Min. Plenipo. *Jamnes Barclay, A. MI. to Spain 1779, U. S. Peace *CGerard Beekman, A. lI. Cornmr. 1781-83, U. S. Sec. *Richard Nicholls Colden, For. Aff. 1781, Del. to Surv. of Customs, N. Y. *1777 Congr. 1784, Regent Univ. *Richard D'Olier. N. Y. S. 1784-90, Del. to *Edward Nicoll, A. 3M. Fede. Constit. Conv. 1787, *John Ray, A. M. 1773. Del. to N. Y. Constit. Cony. *Henry Rutgers, Capt. U. S. 1788, Ch.-Just. U.S. 1789- A. 1776, Alemb. Assemb. 94, U. S. Envoy Ex. to N. Y., Regent Univ. N. Y. Gt. Britain 179-4, Governor S. 1802-26. act. 85. *1830 N. Y. 1795-1801. act. 84. *1829 *John Troup, A. M. act. 70. *1817 2 *John Troup, Jr., A. M. *John Yardill, (Rev.), A. M., Tutor, Prof. Nat. Law 1765 I Hist. and Lang. 1773-76. *John Watts, A. M., MAemb. *Egbert Benson, (C. L.), A. Assemb. N. Y. 1788-89 and MI., LL. D. Union 1799 and Speaker of the same 1791Harv. 1808 and Dart. 1811, 2-3, Judge Westchester Memb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. Co. N. Y., Recorder N. Y. 1776, Del. to Continent. City. *1794 Congr. 1784-88, Regent 11 Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1802, Repr. in Congr. 1789-92, 177 1813, Trustee 1804-14, 1 670 Atty. C-en. N. Y., Judge Sup. Ct. N. Y., Ch.-Judge *William Laight, A. MI. U. S. Circuit Ct. N. Y. *i833 *Peter Van Schaack, 1768, *Richard Grant. (C. L.), A. M. 1773, LL. D. *Robert R. Livingston, (C. 1826, Commnr. for revising L.), A. M. and N. Jers., Colonial Statutes N. Y. Recorder N. Y. C. 1773, 1773. *1832 Del. to Continent. Congr. 2 1768-1774.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 45 1768. 1771. *Charles Doughty, A. M., *Ichabod Best Barnet, A. M. AM. B. 1772. *Clement Cooke Clarke, A. M. *Janies Ludlow, A. M. *John Copp, (T.), A. AI., 1st *Benjamin Moore, (Rev.), A. Lt. 1st Reg. N. Y. Vols. M., S. T. D. 1789, President 1776.'pro tem. 1775-76, Prof. *Henry De ~Wint, A. M. Rhet. and Logic 1784-87, *Thlomas Knox. Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1787 *John Searle, A. M. -1802, President 1801-11, 6 Trustee 1802-13, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1801-16. 1816 1772 *Gouverneur Morris, (C. L. ), A. M., MIemb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. 1775, Del. to Con- *Thomas Barclay, Maj. H. B. tinent. Congr. 19777, Asst. AM. Army 1777, Speaker AsSupt. Finance 1781-85s, sembly Nova Scotia, Adj. Del. to Fed. Constit. Convy. Gen. ova Scotia, British 1787, U. S. Min. to France 1792-94, U. S. Sen. 1800-3, Treaty " and under Treaty Trustee 1805-16, Canal of Ghent. 1830 Commissioner of N. Y. *John Bowden, (Rev.), A.-Y., 1810-15. aet. 65. 4lS16 S. T. D. 1796, Prof. Mor. *Johnm Stevens, (Eng. ) A. 3. *183 Phil. Bell. Lett. and Logic *Gulian Verplanck, Speaker 1801 House Assemzb. N. Y., Re- *John King. gent Univ. N. Y. S. 1790- *Nicholes Ogden. 1800. 6 *Peter Roebuck, A. M. *Andrew Skeene. 6 1769. *Caleb Cooper, A. M. 1771. *Cornelius BogerS, Lt. N. Y. Ind. Forces 1776. 1770. *Frederick Philipse, Capt. Dragoons, British Army. *1785 *Nathaniel Philipse. *James Creighton, A. ( I. *Beverley Robinson, Lt.-Col. *John Doughty, (Rev.) H. B. M. Army. *1816 *Jonathan Graham, and Yale *Thomas Shreve, (Rev.) 1770. aet. 64. *1816 *Richard Harris, A. M. *William Hubbard, A. M. *Stephen Lush, A. M., N. Y. 1774. Sen. 1801-2. *Philip Pell, A. M., Regent *Isaac Abrahams. Univ. N. Y. S. 178-87. *Robert Nicholls Auchmuty. *1813 7 *William Chandler. *1781 46 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1774-1774. *Edwardc Dunscomb, Maj. U. *M3Iatthias Nicoll. S. Rev. Army, Trustee *Peter Ogden. 1795-1814, Sheriff N. Y. C. *iMarinus Willeft. 6 1810-11. *1314 *Nicholas Heyliger. *John Jauncey. *Henry Nicoll. On the 6th of April, 1776, the t*George Ogilvie, (Rev.) *1797 College buildings were taken for *John Rapelje. military purposes. The College did *Benjamin Seaman. not fully resume its functions till *Edward Stevens, Mi. D. else- the close of the war, and no degrees where, Prof. Pract. of Med. were conferred till 1786. The fol1794-5. lowing candidates had been admit*Robert Troup, (C. L.), LL. ted, but did not complete their D. elsewhere, Maj. U. S. A., coarse on account of the disturbed Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. N.Y., state of public affairs: Trustee 1811-17. act. 7. *1832 12 IN 1774.t 61775 )*Thomas Atwood. *John Brickell. *William Amory. *David Clarkson. *Richard Auchnuty, Surgeon *Samuel Deall. H. B. M. Army. *1782 *James De Peyster. *Samuel Auchmuty, G. C. B., *John Gaine. aet. 26. 187 Adj. Gen. 52d Regt. H. B. *Alexander Hamilton, A. M. M. Army, Gov. of Isle of 1788 and Hav.1792,LL.D. Thanet 1802, Brig. Gen. Dart. 1790 and N. Jers. Coming. British Forces at 1791 and Harv. 1792 and Capture of Montevideo, Rutgers 1792, Capt. U. S. A. 1806, AIaj. Gen. Commg. 1776, Lt.-Col. staff of Washat Madras, ILt.-Gen. in ington 1777, Mernb. Congr. command at capture of 1782, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. Java, Gen. Commanding 1784-87, N. Y. Leg. 1786, the Forces in Ireland in'Del. to U. S. Constit. 1822. act. 64.. 1822 Conven. 1787, Secy. Treas*Williamn Cock, A. M. 1790. ury U. S. 1789-95, Maj.*Joseph Griswold. Gen. U. S. A. 1798, Trustee *John William Livingston, 1787-1804. act. 47. 1804 Lt. "N. Y. Independ. *Tristrim Lowther. Forces" 1776. *Schuyler Lupton. *Jacobus Remsen. *Edward Cornwallis Mon7 crieff. *Daniel Moore. *Paul Randall. 1776. *Nicholas Romeyn. *Jacob Shaw. *Samuel Bayard. *Horatio Smith. *James Devereux. *James Stiles. *Peter Kissam. *John Whitaker. L 1775-1789.1 GRADUATES IN ARTS. 47 IN 1775.t 1787. *Edward Kerin. *Samuel Boyd, (C. L.), Trus*Benjamin - Kissam, M. D. tee 1826-35. elsewhere, Prof. Instit. of *Nicholas Fonda. Med. 1785-92, Trustee *John C. Ludlow, (C. L.), A. 1787-1803. aet. 44. *1803 M. 1793. *Thomas Groesbeck Lynch. *Henry Cruger Van Schaack. *Thomas Lambert Moore, *John W. Yates, (B.) (Rev.), A. M. 1790. *1799 5 *Jacob Morris. *Augustus Nicoll. o *Marinus Oudenaarde. 1788. *Peter Oudenaarde. *James Cochran, (C. L.), A. M., Repr. in Congr. 1797IN 1777.t 99, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1796-1820. *1818 *James Delancy Walton, Ad- *John Eccles, (F.) miral H. B. M. Navy. *1834 *Williaml Hurst, 1789. *\ATilliam Walton. *1806 *Peter Schuyler Livingston, and Yale and N. Jers. 1788 and Harv. 1790, A. M. *1807 1786. *Brandt Schuyler Lupton, (Rev.) *1790 *John Bassett, and Yale 1786, *Daniel Crommelin Ver(Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. planck, (C. L.), A. M. 1788, Will. 1804. *1824 uJdge Dutchess Co. N. Y. *De Witt Clinton, (C. L.), A. 6 M., LL. D. 1826 and Ohio Univ. 1825, N. Y. Assemb. 1789. 1797, N. Y. Sen. 17981802, 1805-1811, Memb. Constit. Conyv. N. Y. 1801, *John T. Bainbridge. U. S. Sen. 1802-4, Mayor *James Chatham Duane, (C. N. Y. C. 1803-7, 1809-10, L.) 1811-15, Regent Univ. N.Y. *Henry Izard. S. 1808-25, Lt.-Gov. N. Y. *William Lupton, Jr. 1811-13, N. Y. Canal *John Mitchell Mason, (Rev.), Commr. 1816-24, Gov. N. A. M. N. Jers. 1791, S. T. Y. 1817-21, 1825-28. aet. 59. *1828 D. Univ. Penn. 1804, Trus*Abraham Hun, A. M. tee 1795-1821, Provost *George Livingston. 1811-16, Prest. Dickin. *Philip H. Livingston, A. M. Coll. Penn. 1821-24. aet. 60. *1829 *Samuel Smith, Jr., A. M. *Matthew Mesier. *Peter Steddiford, (Rev.), A. *Peter Mesier, (C. L.) M., *1826 *John Remsen, (C. L.) *Francis Sylvester, (C. L.), *John P. Van Ness, A. M. A. M. 1845, Repr. in Congr. 8 9 48 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1790-1793. 1790. *Thomas Ludlow Ogden, (C. L.), Trustee 1817-44. s1814 *David Schuyler Bogart, and Sen. 1810-13. *Dazvid Schuyler Bogart, and *Daniel Paris, (C. L.), N. Y. N. Jers. 1791, (Rev.) *1839 Sen. 1810-13. *Marminaduke Earle, (Rev.) *George Rapelje, (C. L.) aet. 63. *1832 *Frederic Van Horne, (Rev.), *Jonathan Freeman, (Rev.), A. M. 1795. A. M. 1800 and N. Jers. *WilliamBeekmanVerplanck. 1809. *1822 *Nathan H. White, (C. L.), *George Graham, U. S. Asst. A. AI. 1795. Secy. State 1801-25. *Jesse Woodhull, Jr. *John Graham. *James Woods, (C. L.), A. *Frederick Halsey. M. 1804. *Samuel Jones, Jr., 1793 and 21 Yale 1790, (C. L.), LL. I). 1826 and Union 1841, 1792. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1812- 1792. 14, Recorder N. Y. C. 1823, Chancellor N. Y. S. 1826- *Gerard Beekman. 28, Ch.-Just. Sup. Ct. N.Y. *Cornelius Brower. 1828-47 and Justice of *Alexander Hosack, M. D. same 18-17-49. act. 83. *1853 1797. *John B. Johnson, (Rev.) *1803 *James Witter Nicholson. *John L. Norton. 1 791. *Jotham Post, Jr., A. M., M. D. 1793. *Peter Anderson, A. MI. 1795, *Alexander Proudfit, (Rev.), M. I). 1795. A. Al. Union 1792, S,. T. ). *Anthony Bleecker, (C. L.), Middleb. Coll. 1811 and A. Ml. 1797, Examiner in Williams 1812. act. 75. *1844 Chancery.,1827 *Jacob Sickles. *WVilliam Bleecker, (C. L.) *Samuel Smith. *William Temple Broomne, A. *George Taylor, (M.) M. 1797. *William Taylor, (M.) *WXalter L. Cochran. 12 *Pierre Edward Fleming, A. M. 1797. 1 9 1 *William Hendell, Jr., (Rev.), 179 3 S. T. D. 1828. *Cave Jones, (Rev.), A. M., *John Brower. S. T. D. elsewhere. aet. 59. *1829 *George Clinton, Jr., (C. L.), *Isaac Knevils. Repr. in Congr. *John Knevils. *William Cutting, (C. L.), *Lancaster Lupton. Sheriff N. Y. C. 1807-8. *John W. Mulligan, (C. L.), *Cornelius Decker, Jr., (M.) A. M. 1834, Surrogate N. Y. *George I. Eacker, (C. L.), C. 1810, Clerk N. Y. Co. A. M. 1797. 1813-15, U. S. Consul at *Samuel Gilford, Jr., (M.) Athens, Greece, 1848. *1864 *Charles D. Goold, (M.), A. *Charles L. Ogden, (M.) M. 1797. 1793-1795.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 49 *Robert Heaton, Jr., A. M. *John Forbes. 1797, U. S. A. *Levi P. Graham, (C. L.) *John I. Johnson. *Montgomery Hunt, (C. L.), *Edward W. Laight, (C. L.), Repr. in Congr. Memb. N.Y. Assemb. 1816, *Jacob J. Janeway, (Rev.), Trustee 1816-51 and Chair- A. M., S. T. D. elsewhere, man 1849-50. Prof. Rutg. Coll. *1858 *Henry William Ludlow, (F.) *Peter Augustus Jay, (C. L. ), *Henry Masterson, (C. L.) A. M. and Yale 1798, LL. *Philip Milledoler, (Rev.), A. D. 1835 and Harv. 1831, M. 1797, S. T. D. Unlv. Trustee 1812-17 and 1823Penn., Prof. Theol. and 43 and Chairman 1832, Prest. Rutg. Coll. 1825-35. *1852 Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1816, *John Nicholl, A. M. 1797. Recorder N. Y. C. 1819*Robert B. Norton, (C. L.) 20, Memb. N. Y. Constit. *Abraham Ogden, (M.) Conv., Prest. N. Y. Hist. *James Parker, (M.), Maemb. Soc. *1843 N. J. Leg., Boundary *Cyrus King, (C. L.), Repr. Commr. N. J. 1807, 1827, in Congr. 1833, Pres. Elector N. J. *Leffert Lefferts, Jr., (C. L.), 1824, U. S. Collector Perth Judge Ct. Com.Pleas Kings AmboyN.J. 1829-33, Repr. Co. N. Y. in Congr. 1833-37, Memb. *Jacob Ogden Mackie, (M.) of the Constit. Conv. N. J. *Samuel B. Malcolm, (C. L.) 1844. aet. 92. *1868 *Gilbert Milligan, M. D. else*Jonathan Pearsee, Jr., (C. where. L.) *John B. Stringham, M. D. *Valentine H. Peters, (M.) elsewhere. *John S. Schermerhorn, (M.); *Peter G. Stuyvesant, (C. L.), *Gilbert Smnith, M. D. else- Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. *1847 where. *Thomas Ustick, (C. L.) *Thomas R. Smith, (M.) 15 *James S. Stringham, A. M. 1797, M. D. Univ. Edinb. 1799, Prof. Chem. 1802-13, 1795. Prof. Med. Juris. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1813-17. a1817 *George Barculoo, (Rev,), S. *Thomas Thompson. T. D. Rutg. Coll. 1834. *Cornelius Augustus Van *Philip Duryee, CRev.), S. T. Horne, (M.) D. Rutg. Coll. 1834. *1850 *Elias Brevoort WVoodward, *Bernard Elliot. (C. L.), Judge N. Y. Ter- *John J. Faesch. ritory. *John Ferguson, (C. L.), 26 Mayor N. Y. C. 1815, U. S. Naval Off.' N. Y., Trustee 1830-32. *1832 1794. *Thomas Herring, (M.), A. M. *James Inglis, (Rev.), S. T. *William Cocks. D. Coll. N. Jers. 1811. *1820 *John E. Fisher, (M. ) *Nicholas Jones, (Rev.) 50 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1795-1798. *Adolph C. Lent, A.M., M.D. *Philip Fisher. 1798. *Andrew S. Garr, (C. L.) *1859 *John Blair Linn, (Rev.), A. *David S. Jones,(C.L.), LL.D. M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. *1804 Allegh. Coill. Penn., Corpo*Silvanus Miller, (C. L.), N. ration Counsel N. Y. C. Y. Assemb., Surrogate N. 1813-16, Trustee 1820-48, Y. C. 1801-7, 1811-21, Ex- Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. aminer in Chanc. *1861 P. E. Ch. 1822-48, Judge *John H. Meier, (Rev.), A.M. Queens Co. N. Y. 1840-1. *1848 1804. aet. 32. *1806 *Edward P. Livingston, (C. *John Morrison. L.), N. Y. Sen. 1809-12, *Alexander Phoenix, (Rev.) *1863 Lt.-Gov. N. Y. 1831-33, Re*Sidney Phoenix. gent Univ. N. Y. S. *Thomas Phoenix, (C. L.), *Samuel Nicholson. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. *Gouverneur Ogden. *Robert Remsen. *William Rattoone. *John Brodhead Romeyn, *Josiah Shippey, Jr., (M.) (Rev.), A. M. Urmon 1797, *Charles Taylor, (M.) S. T. D. N. Jers. 1809, *WVilliam Turk, M. D. elseTrustee 1809-25 and Clerk where U. S. N. 1811-15, Trustee Coill. N. *Lawrence Van Buskirk. Jers. 1809-25. *1825 *Adrian C. Van Slyck. *Williamn Rogs,(C.L.),Speaker *John Watts. N. Y. Assemrab. 15 *Henry Sands, (C. L ), A. M. *Benjamin Seaman, (C. L.) 1797 *James Bowdoine Temple,t Capt. H. B. M. Army. *William Bard, (Br.), Trustee *Daniel D. Tompkins, (C.L.), 1840-53.,1853 N. Y. Assemb. 1801, Memb. *Robert Boyd, (C. L.) N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1801, *Archibald Bruce,M.D. EdinRepr. in Congr. 1805-7, burgh, Prof. Mineralogy in Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1804, N. Y. City. Gov. N. Y. 1807-17, V.- George W. Clinton, Repr. in Pres. U. S. 1817-25, Prest. Congr. Constit. Conv. N. Y. 1821. *1825 *Henry C. Kunze. *Pierre C. Van Wyck, (C. L.), *Abraham R. Lawrence, (M.), Dist. Atty. N. Y. C., Rec. U. S. Naval Off. N. Y. N. Y. C. *William Le Conte. *Effingham Warner, (Rev.) *Isaac A. Van Hook, (Rev.), *Rensselaer Westerlo, (C.L.) A. M. 1803. 26 *William P. Van Ness, (C. L.), Judge U. S. Circuit 1796 Ct. S. Dist. N. Y. *David Barclay. *Henry Cruger, Jr. 1798. t Known subsequently as James Josph Bainbridge. Bowdoine. *Thomas Bay. 1798-1801.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 51 *George Brinckerhoff, (C.L.), *Philip F. Mayer, (Rev.), S. A. M. T. D. 1837. *Jacob V. Brower, A. MI., M. *Stephen Price. 1D. 1802. *Samuel Riker, Jr., (C. L.) *Rudolph Bunner, (C. e.), et.32. ),1811 Repr. in Congr.*Jacob Schoonmaker, (Rv.), *David Codwise, (C. L.), LL. A. M., S. T. D. Dickin. Coil. D. Lafay. Coil. Penn. 1855, Penn. 1831. aet. 75. *1852 Mast. Laayin Chanll. 1855, *Arthur J. Stansbury, (C. L. ) Mas*George. in Chancvis,. M.64 Peter I. Van Pelt, (Rev.), A. *George Davis, A.M.M.1' M. 1803. *Charles Graham, (C. L. ) *Charles Graham, (C. L.) *Abraham Varick, Jr., (C. L) *John T. Irving, (C.L.), Trus- *John Varick, Jr., (C. L) tee 1818-38, Judge Supr.redenburgh Varick, Ct. N. Y. *1838.*Phiip L. YJones.*1838 Arthur M. Walter, A. M. *Philip L. Jones. *WVilliam B. Keese, (C. L.) David Wright. Washington McKnight,(Rev.), A. M. 1804. *Clement C. Moore, A. M., 1800. LL. D. 1829, Trustee 1813 -57 and Clerk 1815-50, John J. De Peyster. Prof. Hebrew and Greek *Samuel Halstead, (M.) Lit. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. *Philip Hamilton. E. Ch. N. Y. 1821-50, and Samuel Harris, (C. L.) Prof. Emeritus 1850-63. *1863 John Henry. *Samuel Moore, M. D. else- John Huyler, A. M. where. *Robert Swift Livingston (C. *William Ogden, (M.) L,) *1867 *William Rhinelander, (M.), John McKinnon, A. M. A. M. 1804. *Nicholas J. Quackenbos, M. Lewis Sands. D. 1802, A. M. James Walsh. Thomas W. Rathbone. 18 *Sampson Simson, (C. L.) *Charles Floyd Thomas. *Matthew Tillary, M. ID. else1799. where. John Y. Ward. *George Wilson, (C.L.), A.M. *John Christie, (Rev.) *Peter Wilson, (C. L.), A. M. *1826 *Peter Ditmarse Froeligh, 16 (Rev.) aet. 45. *182 16 *Lewis Le Conte. *James Livingston. 1801. *James Lynch, (C. L.), Just. Mar. Ct. N. Y. C. *John Anthon, (C. L.), LL. D. *Thomas Thornton Macka- 1861. *1863 ness, A. M. Robert Benson, Jr., (M.) *James R. Manley, A. M., M. *Abraham L. Blauvelt. D. 1803, Prest. N. Y. S. *Samuel Bogert. Med. Soc. 1825-26. aet. 69. *1851 *Thomas Bolton,(C.L.), Mast. Alexander Murray. in Chanc. 52 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1801-180-1. *John Furman. dent 1842-9, Trustee 1842 — *John Gosman, (Rev.), S. T. 51. D. elsewhere. *1865 *Archibald McVickar, (C. L.) *John Nitchie, (C. L.), Col. *James IcVickar, (Mi.) *1830 U. S. A. 1814. *1S38 Isaac Ogden, (M.) *Lewis Morris Ogden. *William Ogilvie. *Henry Schenck. *IHenry Bate Priest. *Henry H. Schieffelin, (lM.) *Billopp B. Seaman. aet. 83. 8*165 *James Tillary, M. D. else*Gabriel Tichenor. w *Gulian Crommelin Ver- er planck, A. M. 1821, LL. D. *-Hubert Van 2agenen. 1835 and Amh. 1834 and Hob. 1835, N. Y. Assemb. F 1820, Prof. Ev. Christian. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1821-24, Repr. in Congr. George H. Atkinson. 1825-33, N. Y. Sen., Trus- John Bay. tee 1821-6, Regent Univ. John Bowne. N. Y. S. 1826-70, Pres. Thomas Crolius. Commr. Emigr. N. Y. 1846 *Augustus Fleming. -70. aet.-84. *1870 *Edward R. Jones, (M.), Trus*Samuel Armstrong WTldsh, tee 1831-38. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Gouverneur Kemble, (M.), N. Y. 1811. iRepr. in Congr., Memb., *Gabriel Winter, (C. L.) *1862 N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. 1 1846. Peter Kemble. Edward Kemeys. 1802. *John L. Lawrence, (C. L.), N. Y. Assemb. 1816-17, *Alexander 1M. Beebe. Memb. Constit. Conv. N.Y. *John Player Crosby, and 1821, N. Y. Sen.' 1848-50, Yale 1802S and N. Jers. Trustee 1830-49, Treasurer 1802. *1s06 1833-49, Compt. N. Y. C. *1849 3*John *eltlfieldl, (M.) * *John Le Conte, M. ID. else*William Gardner. *George W. Gsmall. *George C. Quackenbos,M.D. *Francis L. Harison, (C. L.) elsewhere. *James Jones. *3almes Jones. "*Williarn RIemsen, (C. L. ) *Henry Laight, (C. L.) *Henry-,F. Rogers, (AM.) *Leffert Lefferts, (C. L.) *Alpheus Sherman, (C. L.), Judge Kings Co. N. Y. N. Y. Assemb. 1826-29, *Robert Macomb, (C. L.), A. N. Y. Sen. 1830-34. ~M. -~*John Cox Stevens. *John W. Macomb. Samuel W. Thomson. Nathaniel F. Moore, A. AM., Robert Watts. LL. D. 1825, Adj. Prof. 18 Greek and Lat. Lang. 1817 1804 -20 and Prof. 1820-35, Librarian 1837-9, Presi- *Samuel Akerly, A. MI. 1804-1806.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 53 *John W. Barnum. *John Watts. Jr., M. D. Ed*William D. Blackwell, (C. inburgh 1809, Prof. Piact. L.) of Physic Rutg. Coill. N. J., *George Bryar. Pres. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Elisha Camp, (C. L.), Capt. N. Y. 1826-31, Trustee U. S. V. 1812, Assist. U. S. 1824-31. *1831 Dist. Atty. N. Dist. N. Y. 31 *Cornelius T. Demarest, (Rev.), A. M. 1813. *Jeremiah 1. Drake, A. M. 1805. *William Edgar. *William Gracie, and N. Jers. Peter Allaire, (M.) 1804. *James Bibby. *John T. B. Graham. *Leonard A. bleecker. *HeIry B. Hagerman. *William Cock. Alexander Hamilton, Col. N. *Benjamin U. Coles. Y. M. 1812, U. S. Consul at *Joab G. Cooper, (Rev.), A. Havanna, U. S. Boundary M.) Commr. *James L. Fine. *Richard N. HIarison. *James Fleming. *James D. Livingston. *Alexander Gunn, (Rev.), A. *William L. Lytton, A. M., M. and N. Jers. 1805, S. T. M. D. 1807. D. Allegh. Coill. Penn. *1829 Thomas McGahagan, 1805. *Richard Ha;tfield, Jr. *John MeVickar, (Rev.), A.M. James A. Hamilton, (C. L.), 1818, S. T. D. 1825, Prof. LL. D. Hamilton, U. S. Moral and Int. Phil., Rhet- Dist. Atty. N. Y. oric, Belle-Lett. and Pol. Robert Jaques, A. M. Econ. 1817-57, Prof. Ev. Thomas Lefferts. Nat. and Rev. Relig. 1857- *Henry Ustick Onderdonk, 64 and Emeritus 1864-68. (Rev.), A. M., Ai. D. 1810, aet. 82. *1868 S. T. D. 1827, Bishop P. E. *Edward Manley. Ch. Penn. 1827-58. *1858 *John AMitchell. *Edmund H. Pendleton, (C. *Joseph Nelson, A. M., 1808, L.), Judge Datchess Co. LL. D. Rutg. Coll. 1825, N. Y., Repr. in Congr. Prof. Lai:guages Rutgcr's 1831-33. Coll. aet. 47. *1830 Abraham Purdcy, A. M. 1810. *William M. Price. *Edward Seaman. *Philip Rhinelander. John T. Smith. *Samuel Rogers. *1869 *Robert I. Wat'ts. *David M. Ross, A. MI. 19 *Robert Seaman. *John I. Sickles, A. M. 1806. *Thomas D. Smith. 1806. *Charles Stewart. *John R. Thompson, (Rev.), *John V. Bartow, (Rev.), A. A. N. M. *James Talcott Watson, and *George Boyd, (Rev.), S. T. Yale 1804 and N. Jers. D. elsewhere. *1850 1804. *John Clhrystie. 54 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1806-1808. *John Peter De Wint. aet. 84. Qs18o *James Renwick, A. M., LL. William E. Dunscomb, (C. L.) D. 1829, Instructor in Nat. *Gilbert O. Fowler, (C. L.) and Exper. Phil. and Chem. *Jonathan B. Gosman, (Rev.) 1813, Trlustee 1817-20,Prof. *James McCullen. Nat. and Exper. Phil. and *Robert B. Anmas McLeod Chem. 1820-53, and Prof. (Rev.) Emeritus 1853-63. *1863 *Cornelius Miller, (C- L.) *George Paxton Rogers. *1870 *David Moore, (Rev.), S. T. D. - irck B. Stockholm. elsewhere. *ls56 Peter V. C. Tappan. *Samuel W. Moore, M. D.; Cornelius Van Buren. 1810. aet. 68. *1854 James Van Cortlandt. *Ferris Pell, (C. L.) Theodore V. W. Varick, A. M. *David Quackinbush, M. D. *Philip G. Van Wyck. elsewhere. aet. 84. *1870 *Samuel B. Romaine, (C. L.), Charles A. Williamson. 21 N. Y. Assemb. 1816-19, 1819-22 and Speaker 1822. *Frederic Roorbach, (C. L.) 18088 *Cornelius Schermerhorn, (C. *Philip Schuyler, U. S. Con- *William Atkinson, (M. ) sul at Liverp~ool, N. Y. *William Berrian, (Rev.), S. ssembul at. SY T. D. 1828, Rector Trinity John A. Sm1ith, (C. L.) Parish N. Y. C. 1830-62, *John L. Tillinghast, (C. L.) Trustee 1832-62. *1862 2Q *Lionel Brown. *Timothy Clowes, LL. D. elsewhere. aet, 60. *1847 1807( *Henry M. Francis, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. *EgYbert Benson, Jr. *1866 *James Inderwick, M. D. John L. Bronk, (C.L.), Judge elsewhere, U. S. N. Greene Co. N. Y. *Robert McCartee, (Rev.), John H. Brouwer. A. M., S. T. D. 1831. *1865 *William E. Burrell, M. D. John McKnight, (Rev.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Hugh Maxwell, (C. L. ), A. M. 1811. 1816, Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. *George R. Copland. aet. 17. *1808 1819-29, U. S. Collector Henry S. Dodge, A. M. Port of N. Y. Robert Gosman. Frederick Mnuzzy, (C. L.) John H. Hill, (Rev.). A. M. John W. Phillips, (T.) 1845, S. T. D. elsewhere, *Edward Post, M. D. EdinLL. D. 1868, Missionary burgh. in Greece. William C. Rhinelander. Philip M. Holmes. *Henry Howard Ross, (C.L.), Daniel Mack. A. M. Univ. Vt. 1813; Repr. *Peter T. Marselis, (C. L.) in Congr. 1825-27, Memb. *William H. Maxwell, (C. L.), and Prest. N. Y. Electoral A. M. 1827. Coll. 1848, Judge Essex Co. *Simeon Remsen. *1815 N. Y. 1847-48. aet. 72. *1862 180s-1809.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 55 *Gilbert H. Sayres, (Rev.), S. LL. D. Hamilt. Coll. 1850, T. D. 1863. aet. 80. *1867 Treasurer St. Lawrence Co. James A. Stevens. N. Y. 1821-33 and Judge *William Stuart, (M.) 1824-39, 1844-47, Irepr. in *Daniel Van Mater. Congr. 1839 —41, N. Y. Sen. *Henry Vethake, A.M., LL. 1848-50. aet. 74. *1867 D. 1836, lnstr. in Math. *Alexander Fleming. aet. 77. *186T and Geog. 1813, Prof. Math. Alfred C. Floyd. and Nat. Phil. Rutg. Coll. *John Wakefield Francis, A. 1813-17 and in Coill. N. M., M. D. Coll. Pliys. and Jers. 1817-21 and in Dick- Surg. N. Y. 1809, LL. D. inson Coll. 1821-29 and in 1860 and Trin. Coll. 1850, Univ. N. Y. C. 1832-35, Prof. Obstet. and Med. JuPrest. Washington Coll. risp. Rutg. Med. Coll. N.Y., Va. 1835-36, Prof. Maths. Prof. Mat. Med. Coll. Phvs. Univ. Penn. 1836-54 and and Surg. N. Y. 1813-16 Provost and Prof. Moral and Prof. Obstet. 1820-26, and Int. Phil. Univ. Penn. Trustee Coll. Phis. and 1854:59. *1866 Surg. 1814-26, Prest. N. Y. Peter D. Vroom, Jr., (C. L.), Acad. Med. 1848. aet. 72. *1861 A.M. 1812, LL.D. 1837 and James N. Gifford, (MI.) N. Jers. 1850, N. Jers. Henry Green. Legis. 1826-29, Gov. and John C. Hamilton, (C. L.) Chancellor N. Jers. 1829- David Murray Hoffman, (C. 36, Repr. in Congr. 1838- L.), LL D. 1860 and Union 40, Memnb. N. Jers. State 1840, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. Constit. Conven. 1844, U. Samuel Jackson;. S. Envoy Ex. and AMin. *Ravand IKearny, (Rev. ),A.M. Plen. to Prussia 1853-57.:*Jackson Kemper, (Rev.), S. *Henry Watts. T. D. 1829, LL. D. elseJohn Watts, Jr. where, Missy. Bishop P. E. 22 Ch. of the North West 1835-52, Bishop 1Wisconsin 1809. 1852-70. act. 81. *1870 *Henry McVickar, (M.) *Thomas S. Aspinwall. *Benjamin Tredwell Onder*Samuel Berrian. - 1818 donk, (Rev.). A. M. 1816, Edward N. Bibby, M. D. else- S.T.D. 1826, Trustee 1824where. 53, Prof. EccLes. Pol. Gen. John Brady, (Rev.), A. M. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. *John Cadle, A. M., M. D. 1826, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1Y. 1830-61. 1861 1822, Surg. U. S. Navy. Waler F. Osgood, A. M. *Gerrit Conrey. *Robert J. Renwick. *Edward Copland, MIayor James Stryker, (C. L.), A. M. Brooklyn. aet 63. 1859 1813, Judge Buffalo, N. Y. *Cornelius Roosevelt Dulffie, William Turnbull. (Rev.), A. M. 1813. *1827 *William Edward Wyatt, Thomas Duggan. (Rev.), A. M. 1816, S. T. D. *John Fine, (C. L.), A. M., elsewhere. 27 58 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1810-1811. 1810. Judge Dist. Ct. New Or29 *John Agnew. *Andrew Anderson, M. D. 18111 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1813. *Gregory T. Bedell, (Rev.), *Francis Child, A. M. 1816. A. M. 1816, S. T. ). else*David A. Clarkson, (AM.) where. *1834 *George Codwise. John Brown, (Rev.), A. M. William De Peyster. 1815, S. T. D. elsewhere. Israel D. Disosway, (F.) John Campbell. *Jacob Dyckiman,, A. M., M.D. Ebenezer Close, A. M. 1815. Coll. Phys. and Surg N. Y. *John Covert, Jr., (Rev.) 1813. *George Douglass. Robert Ernmet, (C. L.), Just. Jacobus Dyckman. Supr. Ct. N. Y. C. *Charles G. Ferris, A.M. 1816, *Theodosius 0. Fowler. Repr. in Congr. 1834-36, *James C. Garrison, A. M. 1841-3. 1816, Al. D. elsewhere, U. *David H. Fraser, A.M. 1815, S. Navy. M. D. Coell. Phys. and Surg. Joseph Greenleaf, (C. L.) N. Y. 1818. *1818 *Peter F. Hunn, (C. L.) Richard Freeke, (C. L.) *Charles J. Kip. James Watson Gerard, (C. *Horatio G. Lewis. L.), A. M. 1816, LL. D. *John MeLain McDonald, (C. 1863. L. ) *1863 Benjamin Haight, A.M. 1816. *John AMcGregor, (T.) *William H. Harison, (C. *Benjamin Mloore, (M.) L.), Trustee 1838-1860. *1860 *George W. Morton, (C. L.), *William Henry Hart, (Rev.), U. S. Commissioner N.Y. C. A. WM. 1828. John L. Morton, (F.) William Hogan, Repr. in *Ava Neal, (Rev.), A. M. *1839 Colgr. *\Waldron B. Post, (IM.) *Peter V. B. Livingston, U. John Slidell, (C. L.), U. S. S.i n. to Cent. America. Dist. Atty. for La. 1829-33, Thomas William Ludlow, U. S. Min. to NMexico 1845 Trustee 1833-6. and to Central America Jackson Odell, (F.) 1853, Repr. in Congr. and *George B. Purdy, M. D. U. S. Sen. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Francis B. Stevens. *1811 1816. aet. 70. *1865 *Richard Stevens, M. D. else- Charles Rapelje, A. MI. 1820. where. *1828 *John R. Rhinelander, M. D. *Jaimes Stoughton, (C. L.), Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. A. M. *1819 1824, Prof. Anat.Coll.Phys. *Pascal N. Strong, (Rev.), and Surg. 1834-9 and TrusA. M. N. Jers. 1818, S. T. tee of same 1840-48. act. 68.'1857 D. elsewhere, Trustee *John B. Stevenson, 1816, 1822-25 *1825 A. M. 1816, M. D. Coll. *Jacob Townsend, (C L.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Charles Watts, (C. L.), 1816. aet. 68. *1863 1811-1814.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 57 John N. Talman, A. M. 1815. Prof. Mat. Med. N. Y. Coll. George J. Watts. of Pharmacy. aet.57. *1851 24 *John A. Sidell, (C. L.) John Swartwout. *Peter S. Townsend, A. 3M. 1812. 1816, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816. aet. 54. *1849 *Egerton L. Winthrop, M.D. Albert Ammerman, (Rev.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Matthias Bruen, Jr., (Rev.), 1817. *1834 A. M. 23 John A. Burtis. *William Creighton, (Rev.) 1813 S. T. D. 1830, elected Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. and declined, Prest. Gen. *HIenry Anthon, (Rev.), A 861 Conven. P. E. Ch. U. S., M., S. T. ID. 1832. Trustee 1828-40. *1865 *William Bailey. James F. De Peyster, Capt. *John Brodhecad Beck, A. M. 1818 and Union 1816 and N. Jers. 1818, M. D. Cod. *Alexander Duer, (C. L. ) #1819 *Richard Duryee, Jr., (M.) Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1817, *Lindley Murray HIoffinan, Prof. Mat. Med. Coll. Phys. (M. ) *1861 and Surg. 1826-51, Trustee *Ogden Hoffman, (C. L.), 1838-51. *1851 Midshipman U. S. N. 1814, *Jaumes J. Bowden, (Rev.) Memb. N. Y. Assemb 1826 *William Boyd. -28, Repr. in Congr., Dist. *George W. Bruen, (M.), A. Atty. N. Y. C., Atty.-Gen. M. N. Y., Trustee 1833-56. *1856 *Richard F. Cadle, (Rev.), A. *Benjamin R. Kissaml, M. D. M. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Thomas L. Davies. 1819. *Robert ltyslop, (M.) Augustine N. Lawrence, (B.) William Kemble, (M.) *Philip K. Lawrence, A. M. *Thomas C. Mitchell, A. HA. 1818. *Nicholas Morris, Jr., A. M. *Cornelius F. Low, (C. L.) *1849 Thoras C. Murray, A. M. *Peter Mackie, Jr. 1818. *Edward Mckiclar. *1866 *Nathaniel Greene Pendle*John W. B. Murray, A. M., ton, Repr. in Congr. s1861 M. D. elsewhere. *1818 Robert Ray, (C. L.), A. M. *Matthew Charles Paters 1on, 1817, Trustee 1849-. (C. L.), A. M. 1819, Dist. *Alexander H. Robertson, A. Atty. N. Y. C. M. *Jacob A. Robertson, (H~.), *Hugh Smith, (Rev.), A. M., *Hugh Smith, (Rev.), A. M., A M. M. 1818. S. T. D. 1838. *1849 *John Smyth Rogers, and *John Varick. 18, HIarv. 1827, M. ID. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1821, 1814. and Bowd. 1825, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Sci.Trinity, John H. Ball. 58 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1814 —1816. *James Brooks, (M.) aet.74. *1868 *Robert Charles Sands, *Cornelius Davis. (Au.), A. 3M. *1832 *William H. Heyer. *Robert Seney, (Rev.), A. M. Benjamin Hilton. 1828. *Allen Jackson, A. M. 1821. *HenryHamlinVanAmringe, Henry R;. Judah. (Rev.), A. lI. aet. 66. *1862 *James IMurison Pendleton, *James S. Watkins, M. D. A. M. 1819, M. D. Coll. Coell. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817. *1817 1818. aet. 33. *1S32 19 *Theophilus Russel. George F. Talman, (C. L.), 181< Corporation Counsel N. Y. C. 1838-9. *Ferdinand Vandewater. *Abel T. Anderson, (C. L.), 11 A. M. *1864 *John D. Campbell, (C. L.), A. M. 1820. *1852 15' *Richard Codman, (M.) *1847 *Charles Anthon, LL.D.1831, Frederic De Peyster, Jr., (C. Adj.-Prof. Greek and Latin L.), A. M., LL. D. 1867, Lang. 1820-30, Jay Prof. Milit. Secy. to Gov. Clinton Greek and Latin Lang. 1825-8, Master in Chan1830-57 and Rect. Gram. cerv for 17 years, Prest. N. School 1830-64, Jay Prof. Y. Historical Society. Greek Lang. and Lit. 1857- *Maurice William Dwight, 67. aet. 70. *1S67 (Rev.), A. M. 1820, S. T. D. *Jamines W. Berrian. elsewhere. *1860 *Archibald R. Bogardus. *James Wallis Eastburn, Robert G. L. De Peyster, (Rev.), A. M. *1819 (M.) Isaac Ferris, (Rev.), A. M., S. *Archibald Gracie, Jr., (M.) *1865 T. D. Union 1833, LL. D. *William S. Heyer, (Rev.), 1853, Chancell. Univ. N.Y. A. M. C. 1852-70, and Emeritus *John Hone, Jr., (M.) Chancellor 1870-. *William Ironside. John Irelan,, Jr., (F.) *John Q. Jones, (C. L.) *John Edgar Mowatt, (M.) *Leonard William Kip, (C. *Daniel Levi Medora PeixL.), A. M. 1820. aet. 67. *1863 otto, A. M. 1823, M. D. Philip 3Mesier Lydig, (M.) Col. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *John L. Mason, (C. L.), A. 1819, Prof. Tbeory and M., Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y., Pract. Med. Willoughby Trustee 1848-53. Med. Coll. aet.43. *1843 *Francis Morton. *Samuel G. Raymond, (C.L.), *Frederic William Rhine- A.M., Memb. N.Y. Assemb. *1850 lander, (M.) John J. Robertson, (Rev.), S. James John Roosevelt, Jr., T. D. elsewhere. (C.L.), N.Y. Assemb. 1835, *James Romeyn, (Rev.), S. 1840, Repr. in Congr. T. D. 1838, elected Prof. 1841-13, Judge Supr. Ct. of Rhet. Rutg. Coll. and.N. Y. declined. 1816-1819.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 59 *John M. Smith, (Rev.), A.M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Prof. in Wesl. Univ. Conn. *1832 N. Y. 1824, LL. D. 1850, *Samnuel L. Steer,(F.),Speaker Prof. of Math. and Astr. Lower House of Louisiana. 1825-43, Emeritus 1866-, *Thomas M. Strong, (Rev.), Trustee 1851-. A. M. 1820, S. T. D. else- Daniel Bonnett. where. *1861 *Richard Varick Dey, (Rev.), *Adrian Vanderveer, A. M., A. M. and Yale 1823. *1837 M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Frederick Fairlie, (C. L.) N. Y. 1818. *1857 *Peter Forrester, A.M. Rutg., 17 M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1822. *1837 Robert Gracie, and Harv. 1 1818, (M.), A. M. and Yale 1825. *John M. Cannon, (C. L.) *1835 *Henry Hone, (M.), N. Y. James P. F. Clarke, (Rev.) Assemb. 1834. *Matthias 0. Dayton, (C L.) Richard F. Kemble, (C. L.) Manton Eastburn, (Rev.), A. William Beach Lawrence, M., S. T. D. 1835, Bishop (. L.), A.. 1823, n ~ (C. L.), A. M. 1823, and P. E. Ch. Mass. 1842-. Yale 1826, LL. D. Brown *Isaac Fisher, (Rev.), A. M. *1839 Univ. 1869, U. S. Charge *Seymour P. Funk, (Rev.), d Aff. London 1827-29, A. M. 1821. *1828 Lt. -Governor of R. I., Trus*SamuelL. Gouverneur, U.S. tee Col. Pys. and Surg. Postmr. N. Y. C. 1821-25, Pys. nd 1837-55 N. Y. Assemb. 1825. *1865 James Lenox, A. M. and N. *John Grigg, (Rev.), A.M * Jers. 1821, Trustee N. J. aet. 72. Jers. 1821, Trustee N.J. Daniel Phcenix Ingraham, (C. 1823-57. L.), LL.D. 1860, Just. Supr. *John H. Lloyd. Ct. N. Y. *Alexander B. McLeod. *Benjamin Isherwood, A. M., *Gerard W. Morris, (C. L.), M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Trustee 1851-5. *1865 N. Y. 1820. *1832 *John O'Blenis. William Lowerre, (C. L ), A. George D. Post, (C. L.).51M. *Clarence D. Sackett, (C. L.) Edmund Ludlow. *William Staley, A. [. *William Minturn. *Abraham D. Wilson, A. WM., *John Neilson, Jr., A. M., M. AM. D. Coill. Phys. and Surg. D. Coill. Phys. and Surg. N. N. Y. 1821. Y. 1821..1857 18 Meredith Ogden, (M.) *Richard Ray, A. M. *1839 1819 *Edward N. Rogers, A. M. *Samuel D. Rogers, (M.) *1850 18 *Henry N. Cruger, (C. L.), A. M. 1823. *Gabriel Poillon Disosway, 1 8l8. (M.), A.M. and Wesl. 1833, Member N. Y. Assembly Henry James Anderson, A.M., 1849. aet. 70. *1868 60 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1819-1821. *Peter Dykers, M. D. Coll. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson, Phys. and Surg. N..Y. 1823. *1845 (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. *Andrew Hamlersley, M. D. 1848, Prof. System. DivinC11. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. ity and Dogmatic Theol. 1823, Fellow Coll. Phys. Gen. Theolog. Sem. P. E. and Surg. Ch., Emeritus 1869-. *EdwarcldP. Heyer, (MAl.) Henry Lawrence, (M.) *Walter E. Hyer, (M.) *1845 *Philip Edward Milledcloler, *William Lupton Johnson, (Rev.), M. D. Coll. Phys. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Al- and Surg. N. Y. 1824, A. legheny Coll. Penn. aet. 70. *1870 M. Rutg. 1827, N. Y. As*Charles Jones.,1854 semb. 1832. *1850 George Jones. *John F. Mitchell, (C. L.), *Heury James Lowerre, (C. A. M. L.), A. M. *1830 William Mitchell, (C. L.), A. George J. Rogers, (M.) M., LL. D. 1863, Master in *James H. Roosevelt, (C.L.), Chancery N. Y. 1810-43, A. M. *l6~ Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. State James S. Rumsey, M. D. Coll. 1] 850-58. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Archibald G. Rogers, (C. L.) 1824. Rutsen Suckley, (C. L.) Richard L. Schieffelin, (C.L.), *John R. Townsend, (C. L.) *1846 A. M. 13 *John L. Suckley, A.M. 1823, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg.1 1 N. Y. 1823. *1836 1821. *Samuel Verplanck, (C. L.), A. M..T*William B. Barnes, (B.) Thomas L. Wells, (C. L.), *Peter A. Cowdrey, (C. L.), Trustee 1837-59. A. M., N. Y. Assemb. *Marinus Willett, Jr., M. D. 1836. *1852 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Isaac F. Craft, (M.) 1823, Trustee Coll. Phys. WVilliam D. Craft, (C. L.) and Surg. 1S27-40. *1840 George H. Fisher, (Rev.), S. *Richard Wynkoop, (Rev.), T. D. elsewhere, Trustee A. M. 1851-55. 19 *Williamn Forsyth.'1851 William N. Gibert, (C. L.) Frederic Philipse Gouver1820, neur,J (C. L.) William P. Hawes, (C. L.), AWi1iam Betts, (C.L.), A.M., A. M. LL ID. 1850, Trustee 1842- *William Inglis, (C.L.),Judge and Clerk 1850-, Prof. of Ct. Common Pleas N. Y. Law 1848-54. 1839-44. *1863 *John B. Bleecker, (M.) *1831 Pierre M. Irving, (C. L.) *Joseph H. Coit, (Rev.), S. T. *Thumas Kermit. D. 1855. *1866 Cornelius Ryerrs Disosway, (C.L.), A. AI. Wesl. 1838. t Known subsequently as Frederic *James Johnstone, (C. L.) *1854 Philipse 1821-1823.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 61 *Elisha S. King, (C. L.), A. *Theodore F. King, M. D. M. 1826. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. *Isaac Low, A. M. 1827. aet. 63. *1868 Stephen H. Meeker, (Rev.), N. Gouverneur Kortright, A. M. (C. L.) WTilliam Henry Munn, (C.L.), Anson Livingston, (C. L.) A. M. *Carroll Livingston, (C. L.) r1867 Samuel Ogden, (M.) Edward N. Mead, (Rev.), A. Edwin Post, (M.) M. 1833, S. T. D. 1861, *Henry A. V. Post. Secy. Trustees Gen. Theo. George Shrady. Sem. *John C. Slack, (T.) Adrian H. Miiller, (M.) *Charles E. Stagg, (M.) *Alexander H. Paterson, (M.) Peter Stagg, (C. L.) Alfred C. Post, M. D. Coll. *Junius Thompson, A. A. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1827, 1825, M. D. Coill. Phys. and Prof. Ophthal. Anat. and Surg. N. Y. 1825. aet. 31. *1831 Surg. Castleton Med. Coll., *John Tiebout, Jr., A. M., Prof. Surg. Univ. N. Y. C., M. D. Coil. Phys. and Surg. Prest. N. Y. Acad. Med. N. Y. 1825. 1868. *William Turner, A.M.,M.D. *John Lloyd Stephens, (C. elsewhere. *1858 L.), A. M. 1827, U. S. *Gerrit G. Van Wagenen, (C. Special Embassador to L.), Trustee 1845-58, and Central America 1839, Del. Treasurer 1849-58. *1858 to N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. *John H. Waddell, A. M. 1846. *1852 Henry John Whitehouse, *Thomas William Tucker, (C. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. L.), A. M. 1826. *1854 1865 and Oxford Univ. Alfred Wagstaff, M. D. Coll. Eng. 1867, LL. D. Cambr. Phys. and Surgeons N. Y. Univ. Eng. 1867, Bishop P. 1826. E. Ch. Ill. 1851-. *Alfred Augustus Weeks, (C. George Wilkes, M. D. Coill. L.), A. M. 1826. *1847 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824. *Hamilton Wilkes, (F.) *1852 30 Edward M. Willett, (C. L.), A. M. WilliamWilliam R. Williams, (Rev.), 1822. A. M. 1835, S. T. D. 1837, Trustee 1838-48. George Abeel, (M.) *Samuel F. Wilson, (C. L.) *1870 *George W. Dawson, (M.) 23 *Peter F. Dustan, (C. L.) *John M. Glover, A. M. Yale 1825, M. D. Coll. Phys. and 1823. Surg. N. Y. 1826. *1832 *Josiah Dwight, Harris, A. *Christopher Allen. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Horatio Allen, (Eng.) Surg. N. Y. 1826, Asst. *Edward Anthon, (C. L.) *180s Surg, U. S. A. 1833. *1833 William H. Boyd, A. M., M. *Edwin Holt, 1826. ID. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Henry Philip Jones, (C. L.) N. Y. 1826. 62 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1823-1825. Edward M. Clarke, (C. L.) *Alexander M. Burrill, (C. Lewis Cruger, (C. L.) L.) aet. 62. *1869 *Edmund B. Elmendorf, (C. *Edward C. Crary, (M.) L.) *1846 *William A. Curtis, (Rev.), *John T. Ferguson, A. M., M. A. M. 1838. *1864 DJ. elsewhere. Benjamin Drake, A. M., M. *John Brain Foulke, A. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. and Yale 1827. N. Y. 1828, Prest. N.Y. Co. *Adolphus N. Gouverneur, Med. Soc. (C. L.) William Duer, (C. L.), Repr. *Edmund Dorr Griffin, (Rev.), in Congr. 1849-51, U. S. A. M. *1830 Consul at Valparaiso. William F. Havemeyer, (M.), *William H. Ellet, M. D. elseMayor N. Y. C. where, Lect. on Element. *William D. Henderson, (C. Chem. 1830-32, Prof. EleL.), A. M. ment. Chem. 1832-33, Prof. *Henry Augustus Heyer, (M.) Chem. Mineral. and Geol. *John A. Hicks, (Rev.), A. S. C. Coll. 1835-48.,1859 M. 1830, S. T. D. Univ. Vt. *James T. Giber, A. M., M. 1847. *1869 D. elsewhere. *.868 *James Hosack. *Jacob Townsend Gilford, M. MlIanciaus Smedes Hutton, D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. (Rev.), S. T. D. 1841, Geneva. aet. 64. *1869 Trustee 1855-. *Timothy R. Green, (C. L.), *Willialn L. Keese, (Rev.), A. Ml. 1834. *18:o A. M. *John K. Hardenbrook, A.M., *Jonathan Lawrence, (C.L.) *1833 M. D. elsewhere. William A. Lawrence, (M.) *Dayton Hobart, (C. L.), A. *Adam David Logan, (C.L.) M. *1870 act. 66. *1869 *George B. Ogden, (B.) *William Henry Hobart, A. John D. Ogden, M. D. else- M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and where. Surg. N. Y. 1829, Trustee Smith Pyne, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1848-55. *1857 elsewhere. Pierre Paris Irving, (Rev.) *Andrew K. Robertson. *George W. Johnson, (F.) *1856 *Noel Robertson, (Rev.), A. William H. Lupp, (C. L.), A. A.M. *Grenville A. Sackett, (C. L.) *Elias Joseph Marsh, A. M., Charles J. Smith, (C. L.) M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. James H. Titus, (M.), N. M., N. Y. 1828, Prest. N. J. MIemb. N. Y. Assemb. Med.Soc. aet.45. e1850 29 Hamilton Morton, A.-M. 1834, M. D. Rutg. Med. Coll N. Y. 1824. *Waddington Ogden, (M.) *Henry Perkins, A. M., M. D. Benjamin Aycrigg, (Eng.), elsewhere. A. M. 1839, Chief Engineer *Alexander Robertson, A. M., Penn. M. D. elsewhere. *Robert Barker. Daniel C. Schermerhorn. 23 1825-1826.1 GRADUATES IN ARTS. 63 1825. 1826. *George P. Cammann, Ml. ID. Charles E. Anderson, (Br.), elsewhere. aet. 59. *1863 Secy. U. S. Legation Paris *James A. M. Gardner, A. M., 1836-39 and Charge d'Aff. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1837. N. Y. 1829. *William A. Clarke, M. D. *Nathaniel Marius Graves, elsewhere. (M.e) John Mar-hall Guion, (Rev.), RobertWilliamHarris, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1865. A. M., S. T. D. 1849. *Ja(ob Harsen, Jr., A. M. John W. Haersley, (C. L.), 1829, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829, Prest. Nathaniel Pendleton Hosack, North. Dispens. N. Y. aet. 55. *1863 and Harv. 1826, (Mi.) *William E. Laight. *1859 *Gab iel F. Irving. Alexander S. Leonard,(Rev.), *Robert Kelly, Jr., Regent A.M. 1847, S. T. D. 1859. Univ. N. Y. S. 1856-57. John McKeon, (C. L.), A. M. Francis M. Kip, (Rev.), S. T. 1831, N. Y. Assemb. 1831, D. 1857. Repr. in Congr. 1835-37, John N. M[cLeod, (Rev.), A. 1841-43, Dist. Atty. N. Y. M. 1833, S. T. D. elsewhere. C. 1845-51, U. S. Dist.Atty. *Joshua S. Marsh. N. Y. 1853. *Thomas H. Merry, Jr. *Isaac T. Minard, (C. L.), *William Henry Milnor, M.D. Surrogate Otsego Co. N. Y. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Edward E. Mitchell, (M.) 1832. aet. 60. *1862 *Walter Nichols. aet. 21. *1826 Thomas R. Mainturn, (M.) *William Peshine. Henry Morris, (C. L.) William Phyfe. Richard Lewis Morris, M. D. *Anthony Lispenard Robert- Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. son, (C. L.), Asst. Vice- 1830, Health Commr. N. Y. Chancellor N. Y. S. 1846- C. 1848-52 and Health Off. 48, Surrogate N. Y. C. 1848, 1852-54. Justice Superior Ct. N. Y. *John B. Norsworthy. 1860-65 and Ch.-Just. of Hewlett It. Peters, (Rev.), S. same 1865-68, Memb. Con- T. D. elsewhere. stit. Conven. N. Y. 1867. *Daniel Phcnix Riker, (C. aet. 60. *1868 L.) aet. 61. *1868 *Ferdinand Sands, (M.) Beverley Robinson, Jr., (C. John J. Schermerhorn, (M.) L.) John Fletcher Smith. William H. Roosevelt. *Wessell S. Smith, (C. L.), *Daniel Seymour. N. V. Assemb.' 1860 Abraham A. Slover, Jr. 60 Tho as Swords, Jr., 1831, Oliver S. Strong, (M.)Brig-Gen. U. S. A. *Peter Wilson, (C. L.) *Gerrit HubertVanWagenen, William Wilson, MA. D. Coll. Jr. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829. Harris Wilson, (C. L.) 1 25 64 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1827-1828. Joshua Jones, (C. L.) 1827. *Abraham Beakley Labagh, *Alfred Ludlow. *1831 Jonathan Trumbull Backus, Charles McFarlan, N. J. Sen. (Rev.), A. M.,S. T. D. Union 1846. 1847. Henry J. Morton, (Rev.), Jacob Sperry Baker, (M.) A. M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. William Sperry Baker, M. D. 1844, Trustee Univ. Penn. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Jonathan Nathan, (C. L.), 1831. Master in Chanc. N. Y. Thomas Hazard Barker, (B.), 1840-5.,1863 U. S. Consul at Anterp Henry Onderdonk, Jr., (T.), 1836. A. M. 1833. Henry Neilson Brush. Laughton Osborn, (Au.) John P. Crosby,(C.L.),Trust. *Samuel Penny, Jr., (Rev.) *1853 Med. Dept. 1860-. *Minturn Post, M/[. D. Univ. William Henry Crosby,(C.L.), Penn. 1832. aet. 61. *1869 Prof. Greek andLatinLang. *James M. Quin, 1830, M. Rutg. Coll. 1841-9, Acting I). Rutg. Med. Coll. N. Y., Prof. Lat. Lang. and Lit. A. M. 1833. aet. 62. *1868 1859-60. Charles Rhind, Jr., (M.) Henry Augustus Du Bois, *Henry Rogers, Jr., (C.L.) *1840 M.D. Coell. Phys. and Surg. *Edwin Sands. *.828 N. Y. 1830, LL. D. Yale *Robert Mott Sands, (C. L.) *1833 1864, Memb. Conn. Acad. John Schermernorn, (Br.) Arts and Sciences, Memb. *Theodore A. Swords, (C. L.) Geolog. Soc. France. aet. 33. *1841 Edward Dunscomnb, (M.) Joseph C. Wallace, (F.) *Edward Bristed Eastburn. *1830,*William Winter, (C. L.) HaInmilto: Fish, (C.L.), A.M., *Grenville Temple Winthrop, LL. D. 1850, Trustee 1840- and H v. 1827 and Bowd. andChn.Board 1859-,Repr. 1827, (C. L. ), A. M., Memb. in Congr. 1843-5, Lt.-Gov. Mass. Leg. 1840.'1852 N. Y. 1847-9, Gov. N. Y. 36 1849-51, U. S. Sen. 18517, Secy. State U. S. 1869-. *Michael Floy, Jr., A. M. *1837 1 28. John Murray Forbes, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1847, Tutor *William Bayley, (Art.) *1857 Trin. Coil. 1830, Dean *Edilmund D. Barry, Jr. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. *Jonas Butler, (C. L.) *1858 1869-. *George Catlin, (C. L.), Dist. *John Henry Hobart Haws, Atty. Richmond Co. N. Y. (C. L.), Repr. in Congr. Thomas W. Chrystie, (Rev.) 1851-3. *1858 Thomas T. Devan, (Rev.), *William C. Heyward, 1830, A. M., M. D. Coell. Phys. (F.) *1883 and Surg. N. Y. 1831, MisJohn Clarkson Jay, M. D. sionary in China 1848, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Chaplain U. S. A. 1862. 1831, Trustee 1859-. Cornelius Dubois, Jr., (M.) 1828-1829.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 65 Edmund Eambury, (Rev.), A. M. 1833. 1829. George Gilford. Robert Goelet. *George Featherstone Allen, Alexander N. Gunn, A. M. (Eng.),Trustee 1854-63. *1863:Rutg. 1832, M. D. Coll. *Theodore A. Bailey, (M.) Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1833. Thomas E. Blanch, (C. L.), Benjamin I. Haight, (Rev.), Dist. Atty. Rockland Co. A. M., S. T. D. 1846, LL.D. N. Y. Hobart 1870, Trustee 1843 *James A-ugustus Carter, M. -, Prof. Past. Theom. and D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Pulp. Eloq. Gen. Theol. Y. 1832. Sem. P. E. Ch., Asst. Min- Alfred W. Craven, (Eng.), Ch. ister Trinity Parish N. Y. Eng. Croton. Aq. Dept. N. C. 1847-. Y. C Heriry S. iioyt.Robert James Dillon, (C.L.), "*MortnimerLviingston, (M. ) e1857 Counsel to Corp. N. Y. C. *Austin L. S. Main, M. D. 1853-6 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. ~*Benjamin S. Downing, M.D. 1832. aet. Bs. *1867 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *John A. Morrill, (C. L.) 1832. act. 24. *1834 George B. Neill. William Edgar. *John M Ogden. *1836 *Janles Heyward, M. D. elseJoel B. Post, (M.) wiere. Barzillai Slosson, (C.L.),Dist.g, Jr., (C. L.) Atty. Orntario Co. N. *.RiJohn T. Irving, Jr., (C. L.) Samuel Sidney St. John, *Richard H. Ogden, (C. L.) T. A. M. 1884 Samuel Ogden, (C. L.) w(T.), A. M. 1834. Thomas W. Ogden, (Br.) Lewis Thibou, (Rev.) * John Ledyard Vandervoort, *John D. Ogilby, A.M. 1833, M D. Coll Phs and Mast. Col. Cell. Gram. Sch. A.M., M.DY. Coil. Ph* *s.and 1829-30, Prof. Lang. Rutg. Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, Coll. l832-40 Prof Ecles. Surg. N. Y. 1832. Coil. 1832-40, Prof. Eccles. Robert Boyd Van Keck, Hist. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. (Rev.), A. M. and Trin., S. E. Ch. 1841-51. 1851 T. D. Trin. 1847, Instr.. Ch.#1861 T. D. Trin. 1847, Instr. *Peter Augustus Schermer1830-1. horn, A. M. 1833. *1845 William Wheeler Van Wage- *Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., (C. nen, (C. L.), A. M. 1834. U, Jr., (C. Alexander Robertson Walsh, L.),. S. Dist. y... Trustee Coell. Phys and (M.) *WillianmWalton, (Rev.), A.M. Surg. N. Y. 1842-59. *1859 1836, S. T. D. 1852, Inst. in Charles R. Swords, (M.),N.Y. Hebrew Gen. Theol. Sem. Assemb., Trustee 1870-. P. Ei. Ch.,and Prof. Hebrew *Robert Tucker, M. D. Coll. and Greek Lang. 1869. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. aet. 59. *1869 1832. *1846 *Richard Whiley, Jr., (C. L.) John D. Van Buren, (C. L.), Martin Ryerson Zabriskie,t - N. Y. Assemrb. (C. L.), Trustee 1856-. 29 *Fanning S. Worth, (T.), A. t Known, since 1864, as Martin M. 1835. Zborowski. 20 66 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1830-1831. 1830. 1831. *John B. Boggs. James Bolton, A. M. 1835, James Bowdoin, (C. L.) M.D. Coil. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1836. Robert L. Cutting, (B]r.) Jobert L. CuttingJ, ( LBr.) *Peter Schermerhorn ChaunJohn Delafield, Jr., (C. L.), cey, (Rev.), A.M. 1836, S. A. M. 1837. T. D. Trin. Coll. 1848, Hugh T. Dickie, (C. L.), Trustee Trin. Coill. *1866 Judge Sup. Ct. Ill. *James Chrystie, Jr. *Benjamin T. Ferguson, (C. Abraham B. Conger, A. M., L.);-1836 Tutor 1831-3, N. Y. Sen., Lewis C. Gunn, (Ed.) Prest. N. Y. S. Agricult. *Nicholas C. Heyward. *1852 Soc., Memb. N. Y. S. George Ireland, Jr., (C. L.) Constit. Conv. 1867. *Edward Jones, M. D. Coll. WilliamE.Eigenbrodt,(Rev.), Phys. and Surg. 1834, Trus- A. M. 1835, S. T. D. 1855, tee 1849-69. aet. 58. *1869 Prof. Past. Tbeol. Gen. *John Taylor Kneeland,M.D. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Robert Emory, (Rev.), A.M., 1833. 1838 S. T. D. 1846, Prof. Anc. Henry Ledyard, (C.L.), Secy. Lang. Dickin. Coll. 1834-9, U. S. Legation at Paris and Prest. Dickin. 1842-8. 1ls8s 1839-42, and Charge d'Aff. *Petrus Stuyvesant Fish, A. 1842-44, Mayor Detroit, M. *1834 Mich. 1855, Mich. Sen. *John B. Gallagher, (Rev.) *1849 1857. John P. Hone. *Benjamin Franklin Miller, Bradish Johnson, (MA.) (C. L.) *1837 Charles R. King, M. D. Univ. Henry C. Murphy, (C. L.), Penn. 1834. Mayor Brooklyn N. Y., *James Joseph 5Macneven. *1832 Repr. in Congr. 1843-45, James McCready Morgan. Mermb. N. Y. Constit. Con- Gideon S. Nichols, (F.) ven. 1846, 1867, U. S. Min. *John L. O'Sullivan, A. M., at the Hague, N. Y. Sen. Tutor 1831-3, U. S. Min. 1864-. Portugal, Regent Univ. N. Henry Nicoll, (C. L.), LL.D. Y. S. 1846-55. 1870, Repr. in Congr., John Punnett, A. M., M. D. Memb. N. Y. Constit. Con- elsewhere. ven. 1846. *John B. Purroy, (C. L.), A. Charles H. Ogden, (M.). M., Consul for Venezuela William Steele, (M.), M. D. N. Y. *1859 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Richard W. Redfield, A. M. 1833. 1838. *1846 William D. Waddington, (C. Edwin M. Taylor, (Eng.), L.) State Eng. Virginia. George William Wright, Francis Tomes, Jr., (Br.) (C. L.) Robert G. Vermilye, (Rev.), 19 A. M. 1836, S. T. D. 1851, 1831-1833.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 67 Tutor 1835-7, Ad. Prof. Henry J. Ruggles, (C. L.) Greek and Lat. Lang. 1837 Erasmus P. Smith, (C. L.) -43, Prof. Christ. Theol. in John E. Stillwell, M. D. Coll. Theol. Inst. Conn. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Lloyd Saxbury Waddell. *1832 1836. Samuel Ward, Jr., (Br.), A. Frederick L. Talcott, (M.) M. 1835. Philip W. Thomas, (C. L.) *Robert Watts, Jr., A. M., Jonathan Thompson, Jr., M.D. Coll. Phys and Surg. ((M.), A. M. 1836. N. Y. 1835, Prof. Anat. and Frederick Townsend, (C. L.) Physiol. Coll. Phys. and *Russell N. Townsend, (C. Surg. 1843-48, Prof. Anat. L.) *1837 1848-67. *1867 William S. Verplanck. 24 28 1833. 1832. *Stephen D. Allen, M. D. Henry T. Anthony, (M.) elsewhere. *1840 WValter T. Avery, (M.) *James Barrow, Jr., (C. L.) *1868 Horatio Bogert, (C. L.), A. *John S. Bartlett, Jr., (Ed.) M. 1836. *Jackson Bolton, M. D. elseWilliam L. Boyd, (5I.), A. M. where. George Carvill, Jr., (M.) James Constable, (C. L.) *John Chrystie, (M.) *1856 *Richard Cox, (Rev.), A. N1. *Henry S. Dodge, (C. L.), John F. Delaplaine, Jr., (C. A. M. *1855 L.), Attache at Madrid *Daniel G. F. Fanshaw. *1833 1852, and at Vienna, Secy. James Heard, Jr., (3I.), A.M. U. S. Legation:Vienna 1836. 1869-. Alexander C. Hillman, (Rev.) *Pierre CortlandtDePeyster, *Nicholas W. Hoffman, (M.) *1843 (IM.) *1854 Aaron Jarvis, A. NI., M. D. *John M. Gelston. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Charles Hall, (M.), A. NI. 1835. aet. 45. *1859 1838. *William Templeton Johnson, John Jay Jenkins, (C. L.) (C. L.), A. Iv. *1869 *Philip Kearny, Jr., Major Philip Livingston Jones, M. U. S. A. 1847, Brig.-Gen. D. Coil. Phys. and Surg. U. S. V. 1861, and Maj.N. Y. 1835. Gen. 1862. aet 47. *1862 *John J. C. Kane, (C. i.) s1854 *Francis P. Lee, (Rev.), A. Frederick W. Miller, (Rev.) M.,1847 Stephen Reed, Jr., (C. L.), *Samuel'Bard MeVickar. *1837 A. NM. *James W. Metcalf, M. D. *Thomas A. Richmond, (C. elsewhere. *1856 L.), A. NI. *1859 Gouverneur Morris Ogden, William Channing Russel,(C. (C. L.), Trustee 1849- and L.), A. M., Prof. Antioch Treasurer 1858-. Coll. Ohio, Prof. Cornell Henry B. Renwick, (Eng.), Univ. N. Y. 1867-. Examr. U. S. Pat. Off. 68 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1833-1835. WilliamRhinelanderRenwick, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. (M.l) 1837. *Bruce Schermerhorn. q1862 Henry Heyward, A. M. 1838. Edward Slosson; (C. L.) Benjamin S., Huntington, John G. Smedberg, (F.) (Rev.), A. M. 1839. *Robert Spencer, (C. L.) William Henry Hyde, (nM.) Abraham Gardiner Thomp- Samuel Evan Johnson, (C.L.), son, Jr., A. M., M. D. Coll. A. M., Judge Kings Co. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1837, N. Y. N. Y. Assemb. 1845 and William Gracie King. 1857. Alexander Major, (M.) James A. Williams, (Rev.), Richard E. Mount, Jr.,(C.L.), A.M., S. T. D. 1863. A. WiI. 24 *Philip Rhinelander. Robert S. Swords, (C. L.), Lt..Col. N. J. Vols. 1 8O4. Anthony Ten Broeck, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1867, RecWilliam M. Allen, (C. L.), tor Burlington Coll. A. M. Lloyd Windsor, (Rev.), A.M. James William Beekman, (C. 24 L.), A. M. 1838, N. Y. Assemb. 1848, N. Y. Senate 1849-51,TrusteeMed.Dept. 1835. 1860-. Edward Brvar, (F.), A. M~. Edwa83rd Brar, (.), A. M. *Jedediah Blakeney Auld,(C. William Bryan Casey, MD.. L.), A. M. aet. 51. *186 elsewhere. Romaine Dillon, (C.L.), Secy. James Michael Cockeroft, U. S. Legation Brazil. (Ilvi.) Evert A. Duyckinck, (Au.), William Cockcroft, M. D. A. lvi. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Benigno Gener, (C. L.) 1838. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, *John Conger, A. M., M. D. (C. L.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Andrew Stelle Hamersley, 1838. (C. L.), A. M. 1839. *Isaac C. Delaplaine, (C. L.), Orlando Harriman,Jr.,(Rev.), A. M., Repr. in Congr. A.., Rpr. in ngt. 48, *1866 William Heard, (M.) William Demarest, (Rev.), *Joshua E. Jones. *1839 A. M. *Charles C. Lee. William Dennis, (Rev.) John W. C. Leveridge, (C.L.), *William Dodge, (C. L.), A. A. M. 1839. M., N. Y. Assemb. *1858 Charles Ha rison Lyon, (M.), *Williamn Mitchell Gillespie, A. M. (Eng.), A. M., LL. D. 1859, *Joseph McIntyre. and Univ. Nashville 1857, Charles D. Mead, (C. L.), Prof. Civ. Eng. Union Coll. A. lM. 1839. 1845-68. at. 52. *1868 William Mulligan, A. M. John S. Heard, A. M., M. D. *Al xander Palache, (M.) 1835-1838.] GRADUA~TES IN ARTS. 69 George Quartus Pomeroy, 1837 (C. L.) John H. Riker, (C. L.) William H. Taggard, (C. L.) *Charles Adis, (Rev.), A.M. 1857 Ludlow Thomas, (Br.) Samuel Blatchford, (C. L.), *John Richard Thurman, LL. D. 1867, Judge U. S. Repr. in Congr. 1849-51. *1854 Circ. Ct. N. Y. 1867-, Trus*Russell Trevett, (Rev.), A. tee 1867-. M., S.T.D. 1855, Prof. Anc. Nathaniel W. Chittenden, (C. Lang. St. James, Md. *1865 L.), A. M. William H.Wilson, (T.), A.M. John William Clark, (Rev.) Christian Zabriskie, Jr., (M.) 24 Samuel Cockcroft. *J. Wallace Collet, A. M. 18 Q 52 g 1841. 6 *Stephen Douglass, (Rev.), Newbold Edgar. A. M. *1857 Christodoulos L. M. Evange- *Henry P. Fessenden, (C.L.).1867 les, (T.) Anthony Halsey, (B.), A. M. *GeorgeWilliamFash, (Rev.), *Benjamin Holmes Jarvis, A. M. 1840. (C. L. ) John Graham, (C..) William Henry Leggett, (T.) Giles Mumford Hillyer, (C. John McMullen, Jr., (T.) A. L.), A.M. M. John Henry Hobart, (Rev.), *Charles D. March. S. T. D). 1856. EdwarS. T. D. 1856. (C.L*William J. Masterton, (M.) Ed~w~ard Hoffman, (C. L.) George L. Nevius, (M.) John Jay, (C. L.), A. M., U. *Charles Edward Shea, (C. S. Min. Plen. to Austria 1869-. JesseAmesSpencrL.), (eA.)M. 1869-. William Alfred Jones, (Au.), Jesse Ames Spencer, (Rev.), A. M., Librarian 1851-65. A.. and Trin. 154, S. T. *Edward Huger Laight, (M.) *1853 D. 1852, Prof. Lat. and James Phillips Lake. Orient Lang. Burlington Coll. 1850-51, Prof. Greek Georgre Harrison Lynch, (C. Lang. and Lof. l. C i L.) Lang. and Lit. Coll. City *Henry MeVickar, (Rev.) of N. Y. 1869-. Daniel MeLarenQuackinbush, *David Provoost Thomas, (C. (Rev.) L.) James Renwick, Jr., (Arch.), John Ireland Tucker, (Rev.), A. M. S. T. D. 1858. Charles Maison Seymour, *George Stayley Van Cleef, (Rev.), A. M. (Rev.)'William Thompson. John Vanderbilt, Jr., (C.L.), *Henry Ward, Jr., A. M. N. Y. Sen., Judge Kings George Gilfert Waters, (C. Co. N. Y. L.), A. M. *Samuel H. Whitlock, (C.L.) *1856 Harvey Augustus Weed, (C. *Alexander Somerville WoL.), A. M. therspoon, M.D.Coll. Phys. *James Willis Wilson, (C.L.), and Surg. N. Y. 1841, Asst. A. M. aet. 53. *1868 Surg. U. S. A. 1843-54. *1854 21 23 70 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1838-1840. C)3. "*James C. Roosevelt Brown. *1864 1838.,John Ebenezer Burrill, Jr., (C. L.), A. M., 1843, Memb. *Frederic Anthon, (C. L.) *1868 N.Y. S. Constit. Conv. 1867. Edward Anthony, (aM.) Frederic Augustus Cairns. MSta'ncer M. Backus, (M.), A. *Arthur Carey, (Sev.), A. M. *1864 M. Geneva 1841. John Carey, Jr., (Eng.), A.M. pt.Uhomas Colden Cooper, 64George James Cornell,(C.L.), Capt. U. S. V. *1884 A. M., Memb. N.Y.Assemb. Richard H. Douglass. Henry Drisler, Jr., A. M., *Isaac V. Fowler, (C. L.), A. LL.D. 1864,Tutor 1843-45,. 1842, U. S. Postnr. N. N Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat. Y. C. aet. 52. *1869 Langl. 1845-57, Prof. Lat. John Hone, (C. L.) Lang. and Lit. 1857-67, Philip Hone, Jr. Acting President 1867, Benjamin T. Kissam, (C.L.), Jay-Prof. Greek Lang. and A. M.1851~. Lit. 1867-. John Mason Knox, (C. RL.), Richard Stockton Emmet, (C. A.M. L.) *Jeremiah Larocque, (C. L.) James ValkerFowler,(C.L.), AlfredMersan Loutrel, (Rev.) A. M. *WVilliamBrinckerhoff Moffat, Harvey D. Ganse, (Rev.), A. A. /VI., aM.D. Coill. Phys. and MI. 1844. Surg. N. Y. 1842. Nathaniel Blossom HoMxie, *Benjamin Romaine, Jr., (C. (C. L.), A.M. L. ) *1S41 Frederick Hughson, (C. L.) William Edward Snowden, Charles Ingersoll, (C.L.), LL. (Rev.) B. Harv. 1841. Charles Spear, (Br.) DanielDeForest Lord, (C.L.), George Templeton Strong, (C. Trustee TMed. Dep. 1860-. L.), Trustee 1853-, Treas. Joseph Rich Mann, (Rev.), U. S. San. Comm. A.MI. 1844, S. T. D. N. Jers. William R. Travers, (Br.) 1862. Henry Hall Ward, (B.), A.M. Edwin Augustus Nicholls,'*Francis Marion Ward, A.M. *1847 (Rev.) 20 *John Pirnie, Jr., (C. L.), A. M. 1*Peter B. Pirnie, A. 3M. 183 9. George Warner Quackenbos, (T.), A. M. Charles EdwardAnthon,A.M. Edward Sabine Renwick, 1853, Prof. Coill. City of (M.) A. M. N. Y. James William Walsh, (M.) George Christian Anthon, 25 Prof. Greek Univ. N. Y. C. John Jacob Astor, Jr., Trustee 1840. 1859-69, Col. U. S. Vols. 1861-2 and Bvt. Brig. Gen. 1866. Charles Bancroft, (Rev.), A. Allen H. Brown,'(Rev.) Al., S. T. D. 1861. 1840-1841.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 71 Samuel Bowden, (Rev.), A. Owen Sweeny, A. MI., MI. D. M. Coll. Pbys. and Surg. N. Y. Gerard Smith Boyse. 1845. Charles B33low Bucknor, (C. Van Brunt Wyckoff, A. MI. L.), A. M. 1844, M. D. Coll. Phys. and *Jaimes Farley Clark, (C. L.), Surg. N. Y. 1845. A. M. Joseph Webb Winans, (C.L.), *Edward Nicoll Crosby. *1865 A. M. 31 WVilliam Forrest, Jr., (Rev.), A.M. James George Graham, (C. 1841. L.), A. M., N. Y. Assemb. Ogden Hoffman, Jr., (C. L.), *Daniel Henry Beadel. LL. B. Harv. 1812, Judge *Edward Lewis Chichester, U. S. Dist. Ct. California. M. D. elsewhere *Lydig Monson Hoyt. Lydig o 8. *1868 John Hicks Clark. *Alfraed Gteorge Jones, (C. 6George Washington Collord, *'l1fred George Jones, (C. L.), A. MI., LL. B. Harv. (p)' A. MI. A.M., B.1842. aet.47,*1868*FIrederick Cunningham, (C. 1842.. aet. 47, *1868 L.) Robert Lenox Kennedy, A. Richard Varick De Peyster, 3MI. (B.) Edward Henry Lawrance, Thomas Bloodgood Dibblee, (F.) C. L), A.. Benjamin Chase'Leveridge, e i Chaseeeridge, Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, (C. L.), A. M. 1844. (Rev.), A.M., S T. D. Univ. Levi Arnold Lockwood, (C. N. Y. C. 1865, Chaplain L.), A. AL. 1857-. Dwight Edwards Lyman, TWilliamWardDuffield, (Eng.) (Rev.) James Emott, Jr., (C. L.), John Mitchell Mason, (C.L.), Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. A. MI. *Herman Ten Eyck Foster, Thomas C. Mieyer, (Eng.) (F.) et. 47. *1869 Alonzo Castle Monson, (C.L.), Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, A. M., A. M., Judge Sup. Ct. Cali- M. D. Coil. Phys. and Surg. fornia. N. Y. 1845, Prof. Chem. and Obadiah Newcornb, Jr. Phys. Free Acad. N. Y. William Nicoll. 1848-63, Prof. Chem. Harv. George W. Pell, A. M. 1852. 1863-, MIemb, U. S. San. Jotham Post, M. D. Coll. Com., Miemb. Nat. Acad. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. Science. Ellis Potter, Jr., (C. L.) Thomas Strong Griffing, WorthingtonRomaine,(C.L.), Lieut. U. S. V. 1846-8. A. M. Jacob Boerum Jewett, (C. L. ) WVilliam Colford Schermer- *WVilliam Kemble, Jr., A.M. *1845 horn, (C.L.), A.M., Trustee James Hall Mason Knox, 1860-. (Rev.), A. MI., S. T. D. *Peter Shapter, Jr., A. MI. 1861. Peter Remsen Strong, (C.L.), Joseph Efiingham Lawrence, A. M. (Ed.) 72 COLUIMBIA COLLEGE. [1841-1843 *Robert Le Roy, Jr., (Br.), Livingston Kip Miller, (C.L.), Capt. U. S. V. aet. 41. *1865 A. M. 1846. John Hodgson Mortimer, Clement Moore, (C. L.), A.M. (Ml.) *George Lucas Newton, (C. Israel MNoses, A.M., M.D. Coll. L. ), A. M. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1845. Robert Morrison Olyphant, Edward DelavanNelson, (. ), (M3.) A. M. Wheelock Hendee Parmly, John Harris Parish, (C. L.), (Rev.), A. M. LL. B. Harv. 1844. William J. Paulding. William Lewis Peck, (Rev.), James Hunter Phinney. A. M. 1857. Edward Elmer Potter, Brig.John Rankin, Jr., (C. L.) Gen. U. S. Vols. Jones Rogers. *Zebedee Ring, Jr., (C. L.) George MetcalfeRoot, (Eng.), Oliver Everett Roberts, (M.), A. 3. A. M. Robert G. Simpson, (C. L.) Washington Rodman, (Rev.) Augustus Lyons Smith, (F.) *Silas Weir Roosevelt, (C. William Lyons Smith, (F.) L.) aet. 47. *1870 John Joseph Townsend, (C. David Reid Stanford, (M3.) L.), A. M. John Baker Stevens, (C. L.) *Robert Dorlon Van Voorhis. *William Pinckney Stewart, 31 (C. L.), A. M. 184*18. 1870 *John Sym, (Rev.) *1845 1842. Elisha William Teakle. David Thomson, Jr., (M.), Hector Craig Ames, Attach A. M 30 U. S. Leg. Madrid. *William Gould Banks, (C. 843. L.), A. M. *Abraham Smith Brouwer, (C. L.) *Benjamin Nibbs Aymar, (M.) Benjamin Franklin Clark,(F.) Samuel P. Bell, (C. L.) William Henry Ebbets, (C. Thomas C. T. Buckley, (C. L.), L.) A.M. Frederick Frye, (C. L.), A. William Edgar Bunker, (M.) M. *John White Dana, M. D. William Henry Harison, Jr., Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. (Rev.), A. M. 1846. Abram Stevens Hewitt, (M.), *William Cecil Duncan, A. M., Secy. and Direct. (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1857. *1864 Cooper Union, N. Y. C., U. Benjamin H. Franklin, (M3.) S. Commr. to Univ. Exposi- *Albert Gallatin, Jr., (C. L.), tion, Paris, 1867. A. M. aet. 35. *1859 Julius SleightHitchcock, (M.) James Watson Gerard, Jr., RobeLt Jaffray, Jr., (M.) (C. L. ), A. M. William SeymourKernochan, *William Beach Lawrence, (C. L.), LL B. Harv. 1844. Jr., (C. L.), A. M. 1845. *1870 *Richard Montgomery Law- Edward Zechariah Lewis, rence, Jr., (M.) (Rev.) 1843-1845.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 73 William McCune, (F.) Charles Whipple Whiley, M. Henry Post McGowan,(C.L.) D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Robert K. Moffet. N. Y. 1848. William R. Morgan, (B.) 14 John Christian Philip, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. 1847. George P.ayn Quackenbos, *John Knickerbocker Adams, (T.), A. M., LL. D. WesL James Andelson. Univ. Conn. 1868. Ja Anes CharlesUniv. Condsn. 1868. A. *Francis S. Cottenet. *1848 Charles Reynolds, (Rev.), A. John Drake, (C. L.), A. M. M., S. T. D. elsewhere. Drake, (. L.), A. 1851. John Henry Ross, M. D. Coll. George Barnard Draper Phys. and Surg N.Y. 1847. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Matson Meier Smith, (Rev.), 1868. A. M., S. T. D. 1863. George T. Elliot, Jr., A. M. John B. Stevens, (C. L.) 1849, M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. ~*~John Thol~mson, PMI. D. Coell. 1861, Prof.Obstet. Diseases Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. Wom and Childr. Bellev. aet. 31. *1856 Cornelius Van Yorst, Jr., Med. Coll. N. Y. C. (C. L.) 23 John James Elmendorf, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1866, Instr. in Maths. 1848, Prof. 1844. -Phil. and Belles-Lettres Racine Coll. 1868. Clement W. Al Burtis, (F.) TWilliam Alexander Falls, (B.) *John Babcock Arden, M. D. George Irving. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. George A. Jones, (C. L.) 1848. *1851 Samuel Thomas Jones, (C. Robert Bayard Campbell, L.), Just. Sup. Ct. N. Y. ~(C. L. ~) ~John Wheeler Leavitt, Jr. Jacob Post Giraud Foster, (C. Alexander McCue, (C. L.) L.) Charles Armand Minton. Samuel Hollingsworth, (Rev.), *Samuel B. Romaine Nichols. A. M., S. T. D. 1868. *David B. Ogden, Jr. *1S65 Nicholas Bergasse Labau, Henry Onderdonk, Prof. (C. L.), N. Y. Sen. 1867- Chemn. St. Timothy's Hall., 69, N. Y. Assemb. 1869-. Md. Charles William Lawrence. *Lefroy Ravenhill,A.M. 1849, Edward ~McGee, (Rev.) ~ M. D. Coill. Plkys. and Surg. William BownleMintmrn,M.D. N.Y. 1849, Librarian 1847Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 51. aet. 26 *1851 1848. Aaron B. Reid, (M.) William Taylor Moore. Stephen K. Stanton. *Peter Martin Pirnie. *John A. Taggard. *1865 Edward Henry Swan,(C.L.), Frederick Samuel Tallmadge, LL. B. Harv. 1847. (C. L.), A. M. 1849. Otto William Erasmus Van Pierre Marston Van Wyck. Tuyl, M. D. Coll. Phys. and *Henry P. Wainwright. *1845 Surg. N. Y. 1847. 24 74 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1846-1847. 1846. Henry Pearsall Campbell, *R. S. Carden Abbott, A. M Johni Winthrop Chanler, (C. G. Mortimer Belden, (F.), A. L.), N. Y. Assemb. 1858-9, MG. M~ortilner:3eldte, (1F.), A. Repr. in Congr..Beverlev obinson Betts, William Samuel Coffey, (Rev.), Beverley Robinson Betts, A. M. (Rev.), A. M., Librarian Wilhelmus Bogart Conger 1865-. (M.) Eclward C. Bogert, (MI.) Carroll Dunham, M. D. Coll. Henry A. Bogert, (C. L.), A. Phys. and Surg. N. Y.:M. 1850. Arthur Bronson, Jr. John Whetten Ehuinger, Elias G. Brown, (C. L.), A. (Art.) M.Robert Holden, (Rev.), A.M[., William J. Frost, (Rev.), A. Prot Hlrlington Cell. A. M. Prof. Burlington Coll. N. Jers. 1849-51. William B. Harison, (C. L.) *Arthur M. Jones. 8180 WiCharles B. hofln, (B.H) John Stearns Lane, (MI.), A. *XWilliam H. Hudson. John G M. Hyer, (C. L.) Isaac Lawrence, (C. L.), A. *William M. Johnston, (M.) John Grenville Kane, (C. L.), William Simmons Ludlum William Simmons IrLdlurm, A. M. Edwin M. Kellogg, M.D. else- (Rev.), A. M., M. D. 1862. wvhere. John James McLaren, (B.) John L. Lefferts, (C. L.) Clarence Green Mitchell, (C. Jeremiah Loder, (C. L.), A. L.), A. M. M., LL. B. Yale 1848. *Timothy G. Mitchell, A. M., Charlos Scott McKnight. Prof. Burl. Coll. N. Jers. William Augustus MeVickar, 1819-57. *1S57 (Rev.), A. lM. 1850, S. T. John Moneypenny, Jr., M. D. D, 1870, Lect. on Ev. of Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Religion 1869-. 1850, Surg. 123d N. Y. S. *Frederick Nash, A.M., M.D. Vols. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. John Wells Moore, (Rev.), 1850. aet.34. *1861 A. M. 1860. William Whittingham Olssen, John Neilson, (M.) (Rev.), A. M. 1850. *Benjamin Augustus OnderEdward M. Peck, (Rev.), A. donk. M. and Trinity Coill. 1852. Frederic W. Rhinelander, James Thompson, (C. L.), A. (M.) M. Joseph Kanick Riggs, (B.) Alexander G. Tyng. James Francis Ruggles, (C. 24 L.) Archibald M. Stone, (Rev.) 1847. Israel Leander Townsend, (Rev.), A. M. *Cornelius Duffie Blake, (C. *Robert Travis, Jr., (Rev.), L.), A. M. A. M. *1866 John H. Bolton, (M.) Francis Van Rensselaer, (F.) 1847-1849.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 75 Tompkins WTestervelt, (C. L.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 28 1852, Menlb. U. S. San. Corn. 1860-67, Prof. Dis1848. eases of the Eye and Ear 1869-. Theodorus Bailey Bronson, William Edmond Armitage, (C. L.), A. M. (Rev.), A.M., S. T. D. 1866; Horace W. Coarpenter, (C.L.) Asst. Bishop P. E. Ch. Wis. Ralph L. Cook, (M.a) 1867-70 and Bishop 1870-. Lyman Denison Demaray, William Astor. (M.) Richard Mead De Mille, (C. *EdwardCourtlandt Babcock, L.), A. M. (Rev.) *1867 Morgan Dix, (Rev.), A. MN., Norman Adams Beach, Prof. S.T.D. 1862, RectorTrinity Coll. City N. Y. Parish N. Y. 1862-, Trus- *Charles Hinclkley Brown. tee 1862-. Churchill John Cambreling, George Clinton Farrar, (M.), (C. L.), Major U. S. V. A.. YI. *Baldwin Dix, (C. L.) Joseph Wesley Harper, Jr.,, (Pub.), A. M-. George Lloyd Freeman, M.D. P. Leslie Irving, (C. L.) Henry De Costa Hanners. *Henry Whitlock Johnson, Henry De Cost anner. William Abel Hardenbrook, (C. L.) 163 l T Levi M. Kellogg. (T.) Henry, ( John Yernor Henry, (M.) Cornelius Low King, Capt. A. M. and Bvt. Maj. and Lt.-Col.. H U. S. A. William Henry IHerriman. Lewis Ashhurst Kemper, George Morford Kiots, (M.) Georgeard Leave orth. ) (Rev.), B.D. elsewhere, S.T. Eward Leavenworth. 1D. 1868, Prof. Bibl. Interp. T h e o d o r e FrelinghuysenD., Prof. Bib. nter. Nashota Theol. Serm. P. E. Lewis, (M.), A. M. Ch. Wis. John Lockwood, Jr., (T.) * tLewis Morris, Jr. llanorrow oxA.. *lewis Morris, Jr. 1855, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Peter Wilson Ostrander, (C. 1855, M. Col. 1hyAsst. Surg. N. Y. 1854, Asst. William Cruger Pell, (C. L.) Surg. U. S. V. *1862 Columbus B. Rogers, (C.L.) Joseph Larocque, (C. L.) *Thomas P. St. John. David Porter Lord, (M.) Otis Dwight Swan, (B.), Charles A. Magnes, Jr. LL. B. Harv. 1850. *Ebenezer Bowman Miner, Isaac Van Winkle, (C. L.), M. D. elsewhere. *1~69 ~(A. lviM~.) Daniel Miorrelle, (Rev.), (T.), Benjamin Clark Wetmore, A. M. 1855. (C. L.) Aaron Ogden, (C. L.), A. M. *Joseph Moss White, (M.) Henry Parish, Jr., (M.) 25 John Prince Pemberton, M.D. 1864..1849. *George C. Pollen. aet. 39. *1867 Charles E. Rhinelander. Cornelius Rea Agnew, M. D. Saumarez Dobree Routh, KM.) 76 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1849-1851. John Frederick Schroeder, *Edward Forbes Travis, (C. Jr., (Rev.) L.) *1867 Ezra Kellogg Sherwood. Evan Thomas Walker, (M.) John Shrady, Jr., A. M. 1858, 23 M. D. 1861, Surg. U. S. V. 1862-64. John Drake Skidmore, (C. 1851. L.), A. M. *Prosper M. Wetmore, Jr., (MI.) John H. Anthon, (C. L.), A. John Jay White, (C. L.) M., N. Y. Assemb., Asst. *32 IDist. Atty. N. Y. C., Prof. Med. Jurisp. N. Y. Coll. MVIed. 1850. Henry M. Bedford, M. D. elsewhere. John Martin Gabriel Aims, Stewart H. Brown, (B.) M. D. elsewhere. Charles Arms Cook, (Br.), Mathew M. Blunt, Major U. A. M. S. A. *William T. Cornell. George G. Byron, (M.) John De Ruyter, Jr., (M.) Malcolm Campbell, (C. L.) James De Koven, (Rev.), S. Galen Augustus Carter, (Br.) T. D. elsewhere, Prest. RaJames Stark Clark, (Rev.), cine Coll. Wis. A. M. Legh R. Dickinson, (Rev.), Frederic R. Coudert, (C. L.) A. M. John Ferris Delaplaine Cor- William H. Draper, A.M., M. nell, (Rev.) D. Coill. Phys. and Surg. Archibald FalconerCushman, N.Y. 1855, Asst. to Prof. (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1852. Surgery, Prof. Diseases of Edwin Wakeman Edwards, the Skin 1869-. (M.) Edward S. Hoffman, M. D. Thomas Ludlow Harison, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. (F.) 1855, Surgeon U. S. V. John Sebastian Bach Hodges, Henry B. Johnson. (Rev.), A. M. Nicholas F. Ludlum, (Rev.) Walter R. T. Jones, (M.) John G. McNary, (T.) Adolphe Le Moyne, Jr., (B.) George A. Seaman. Frederick L. Purroy. William R. Smith. Erskine M. Rodman, (Rev.), *A. Henry Thurston, A. M., A. M. M. D. elsewhere, Surgeon Joseph Sands, (Arch.) U. S. V. *1865 George Franklin Seymour, Charles H. Ward, (B.), A. M. (Rev.), A. M., Prof. Eccles. 1864. Hist. Gen. Theol. Sem.P. E. William G. Ward, (B.), Col. Ch. NU.. U.S. V. Charles Augustus Silliman, Merritt H. Wellman, (Rev.), (M.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. A. M. John Esten Cooke Sinedes, J. Walter Wood, (Br.),A. M. (Rev.), A. M. David Augustus Wright. IWilliamr Hazard Terry. 21 1852-1854.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 77 1856, Surg. U. S. V. 18631852. 65, Bvt. Lt.-Col. U. S. V.,867 Richard H. Tucker, (C.L.) 27 *John Bennem, Jr., (Rev.) *1853 Charles Ludlow Bogert, 1853. (Arbch.), A. M. James Livingston Brown, A. *Cornelius Van Alen AnderD. Univ. N. Y. C. 1856, son, A. M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. *1862 Henry W. Clark, (C. L.), A. William Irving Clark, (M.) M. George Washington Dean, *John Wakefield Francis, Jr., (Rev.), A. M. 1861, Tutor M. D. elsewhere. *1855 1854, Prof. Gr. and Lat. John W. Harper, (Pub.), A. Lang. Racine Coill. Wis. M. Joseph Smith Dodge,AJr.,A.M., George H. Hinton, A. M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. John Augustine Hows, (Art.), N. Y. 1856, Tutor 1854, A. M. Prof. Dental Coll. N. Y. C. Ansel N. Kellog, (Ed.) *Daniel Embury, Jr., (M.),.A. Lea Luquer, (Rev.), A. M. A. aet,3. *1869 *Archibald Bleeclker McDon- *William Emerson, Jr., (C.L.), aid, Jr., (Arch.), A. M. *1866 A. M., LL. B. Harv. 1856. *1864 Samuel L. Mitchill, Jr., (M.), William George Farrington, A. M. (Rev.), A. H. James Morris, (C. L.), LL.B. Isaac J. Greenwood, Jr., Harv. 1854. (Chemn.), A. M. 1857. Charles De Gray Mount, A. Albert Ward Hale, (Eng.), M. A. M. 1862, E. 31. Washington R. Nichols, (C. Abraham S. Jackson, (C. L.), L.) A.M. Charles O'Dowd. William Allen Johnson,(Rev.), John H. Pell, (C. L.), A. M., A. AM. 1857. U. S. V. John A. Kernochan, (M.) George C. Pennell, (Rev.), Delaney W. Knevels, (HM.), A. M. A. M. 1857. *Robert Ray, Jr., A.M., M. D. *Edward William Laight, Jr., Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. (M.) aet. 33. *1867 1856. aet. 28. *1860 Thomas McCarty, (C. L.), James Renwick Smedberg, A. M. (Eing), A. Atv. William J. Osborne, (C. L.) HRichard F. Stevens. *St. Clair Smith, (C. L.) *18s69 Hetnry A. Tailer, (C. L. ), A. ~~l*Washington Irving Tibbitts. *1853 AM. 8 -*Archibald Somerville Van Eugene Thorn, Capt. U. S. V. Duzer, (C. L.), A. M. aet. 36. -1870 William E. Thorn, (C. L.) 19 Eustace Trenor, A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1854. 1856, Surg. N. Y. S. Vols. 1854. *John Trenor, Jr., A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. George Washington Bacon, 78 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1854- 1855. (Rev.), (T.), A. M., LL. B. Stewart L. Woodford, (C.L.), 1862, M. D. 1865. A. M. 1866 and Yale 18(66, Cullen L. Carter, (F.) LL. D. Trin. 1870, Asst. Henry M. Congdon, (Arch.) Atty. U. S. South Dist. N. *Charles B. Cromwell, (C.L.) Y. 1861, Col. and Brev. *Francis A. De Wint, (C. L.), Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols., A. M. 1860. *1866 Lieut.-Gov. N. Y. 1867-9. Elias G. Drake, Jr., (C. L.), Jeremiah L. Zabriskie, (C.L.) A. M. 29 Leicester K. Ely, (B.) Carleton Moses Herrick, (C. 1855. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. 1855, Edward Kirkland, (Br.), U. S. Vols. Gunning S. Bedford, Jr., (C. George C. Kissam, M.D. Coll. L.), A. MI., LL. B.- Harv. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. 1859, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. John V. Lewis, (Rev.), A. M. Y. C., City Judge N. Y. C. Cutler C. McAllister, (C. L.), 1869-. A. M. Edward Cammann, (C.L.), A. Elias J. Marsh, M. D. Coll. M. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1858, Benjamin L. Curtis, (M.), A. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1861-,'VI. Med. Direct. U. S. V. Charles Da Costa, (C. L.), *Henry C. Marvin, (C. L.), A. M. A. AM. *1865 William Dean, (C. L.), A. M. James S. Merriam, (C. L.) Lewis L. Delafield, (C. L.), *Charles Edwards Morgan, A. IM. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Philip A. Embury, (M.), A. N. Y. 1857. *1867 A1. *Orlando H. Morris, (C. L.), Edward 0. Harmon, (li.) Col. U. S. Vols. *1864 James R. Hosmer, (C. L.), Henry C. Murphy, Jr., (C.L.), Capt. U. S. V. A. 1t. 1860. Walter Knight, M. D. elsePeter J. Neefus, (F.) where. *James Cortlandt Parker, Jr., Charles E. Miller, A. iM. (C. L.), A. M., Lieut. U. S. David Burgess Miller, A. MA., Vols. *1862 M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Charles S. Pomeroy, (Rev.), N. Y. 1858. A. M. George J. Murphy, A. iM. *George V. Pomeroy, Jr., 1860. (M.), A. M. s1867 George Augustus Ostrander, William J. Sayres, (C. L.), A.M.,M.D. Coll. Phys. and A. M. 1862. Surg. N. Y. 1858. Reginald Heber Smith,(C.L.), William A. Perry, (Eng.), A. M., LL. B. 1866. A. AM. Benjamin Strong, (F.) George R. Schieffelin, (C.L.), Gardiner Thompson, (B.) A. MI. John Condit Trippe, (M.) Oscar Smedberg, (C.L.),A.MI. Marvin R. Vincent, (Rev.), Herbert B. Turner, (C. L.), A. M., S. T. D. Union 1868, A. M. Prof. Lat. Troy Univ. John G. Wendel. 19 1856-1857.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 79 Jcseph Meeks, (C. L.), A. AI., LL. B. Harv. 1858. Robert B. Minturn, Jr., (M.) William Warren Ayres, (M.), Richard C. Moore, Jr. A. M. Mandeville Mower, A. M. Edwin S. Babcock, (C. L.), James G. Osborne, (C. L.), A.M., Lieut.-Col. U. S. V. A. M. Charles A. Bacon, A. M. 1863, G. Wendell Prime, (Rev.) M. D. elsewhere. William Jones Seabury, Albert H. Baldwin, (Art.), (Rev.), A. M. A. M. William F. Shepard, (C. L.) Eastburn Benjamin, (Rev.), Alexander M. Stanton, (Br.), N.M. A. M. Marshall Spring Bidwell, Jr., Russel Stebbins, Jr., (AM.) A. M. 1868. *Thomas Suffern, Jr. *1857 William Pell Bogert, (F.) Charles C. Suydam, (Br.), Abbot Brown, (Rev.), A. AM. A.M., Lt.-Col. U. S. V. 1863. David G. Thompson, Jr., (Br.), Henry J. Cammann, A. M. 1860. A. M. 1863. John W. Timpson, (C.L.), Charles N. Clark, (B.), A. AM., A. 1M. U. S. V. 0William Gracie Ulshoeffer, Edward C. Clement, A. b. (C. L.), Capt. U. S. V. 1860.. *Willianm T. Van Riper, (C. Whittingham Cox, N.M. 1860, L.), A. M. Lt. 4th U. S. Inf *John Francis WTalton, (C. Robert Livingston Cntting, L.), A. M. Jr., (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. James Weeks, (M.) Harv. 1859, U. S. V. Elbert M. Willett, (C. L.), Maturin L. Delafield, (M.), A. M. A. A. Howell L. Williams, Jr., Walter Gregory. (M.), A. M. 45 Francis Hendricks, (M.), A. M. 1861. *William R. Hyslop. (C. L.), 1 8 7. A. M., Capt. U. S. V. aRet. 31. *1868 Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr., William S. Boardman, (Rev.), (M.), A. M. 1861. A. M. George L. Kingsland, (M.), *Morgan L. S. Brower, A.M. *1864 A. M. 1861. Richard S. DaRa, A. M. Leonard William Kip, Jr., Henry Eugene Davies, Jr., (Rev.), A.M. (C. L.), A. M., Maj.-Gen. Peter I. Labagh, (C. L.), A. U. S. V., Pub. Admin. N. M. Y. C. Thomas Townsend Lawrence, Samuel W. Francis, A. M., (C.L.), LL.B. Harv. 1862. M. D. elsewhere. David B. Lee. Elbridge Thomas Gerry, (C. *Hermon F. Lee. *1864 L.), A. M., Memb. N. Y. S. Alexis Emerson' Mlclvaine, Constit. Cony. 1867. (M.) George G. Haven, A. M. 80 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1857-1859. James B. Herrick, A. M. *Philip Mesier Lydig, Jr., Philip W. Holmes, (C. L.), (C. L.), LL. B. 1861, Major A. M. and Bvt. Lt.-Col. and Col. Oliver Phelps Jackson, A. U. S. V. aet. 31. *1868 M. *D. Ledyard Mallison. WVilliam Hamett Martin,A.M., James R. Manley, A. M. M. D. 1861. Charles H. Marshall, Jr., (M.), Erskine Mason, A. M., M. D. A. M. 1860, Asst. Dem. Anat. William J. Marrin, A.M. 1864. 1861-66, Dem.Anat. 1866-. *Benjamin Pell. *1862 *W. Carey Massett, A. M., A. G. Richards. Lt.-Col. U. S. Y. aet. 23. *1862 Robert K. Richards. Mytton Maury, (Rev.), A. M. Henry C. Riley, (Rev.) Pierre McCarty, A. M. James W. Romeyn, A. M. *Henry B. Nott. *1S59 Thomas F. Thatcher. Richard T. Packwood, A. M. Gilbert T. Totten, A. M., TM. *Theodore Parkman, (Chem.), D. 1861, Asst. Surg. N. Y. A. M., Ph. D. Univ. Gottin- V. gen 1860, U. S. V. aet 27. *1862 Hubert Van Wagenen. Goold H. Redmond. Francis C.Wainwright, (Rev.), Charles E. Sears, (C.L.), A.M. A. M. James H. Slipper, A. M. John Ward, Jr., LL. B. 1860, William Renwick Smedberg, A. M. 1864, M. D. Univ. N. A. M., Capt. and Bvt. Maj. Y. C. 1864, Capt. U. S. V. and Lt.-Col. U. S. A. 25 Edgar Pinckney Smith, A.M. James T. Tailer, (M.), A. M. William R. Talbot, A. M. 1859. Daniel S. Tuttle, (Rev. ),A.M., S. T. ID. 1867, Bishop P. E. Ch. Don 1867, Bishop 7-. E. Edward H. Anderson, (C.L.), Williamt B. Winslow, A.M. A. M., N. Y. Assemab. 1866. 27 Richard Smith Bacon, (T.), A. M., LL. B. 1862, M. D. 1865 1 8 5 8. Thomas J. Benjamin, A. M. John Crosby Brown, (B.), Wyllys P. Baxter, (C. L.), A. A. M. MI. Edward F. Browning, (M.), Henry Woodward Cooper, A. M. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. Elisha S. Caldwell, (C. L.), Stephen B. M. Cornell, A.M. A. M. Lewis A. Curtis. Frank Pharcellus Church, Daniel Sickles Duvall, (C. L.), (Ed. ), A. M. LL. B. 1860. Gouverneur Cruger, A. M. Jacob A. Ceissenhainer, A. William Floyd Cushman, M. A. M., M. D. 1862. Harmon Hendricks, A. M. John William Duer, (C. L.), Henry L. Jones, (Rev.), A.M. LL. B. 1861. Henry C.Kinney, (Rev. ),A.5M. Cortlandt De Peyster Field, Nicholas Luquer, Jr. (M.), A.M. 1859-1860.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 81 John Frederic Gesner, A. M. *Richard G. Benjamin, A. M. *1864 Irving Grinnell, 1862, A. M. Clarence Stewart Brown, (B.), 1862., A. M., Major U. S. V. *E. Treadwell Hustace. *1859 *J. Lorillard Cammann, A.M. William Jay, Jr., (C. L.), aet. 28. *1868 A. M., LL. B. 1867, Bvt. Howard Clarkson. Lt.-Col. U. S. V. Walter Livingston Clarkson, Charles A. Jackson, Jr., (C. (C. L.), A.. M., LL.B. 1863. L.), A. M. Edgar M. Cullen, A. M., Col. James Pierre Lacombe, A.M. U. S. V., Lt. 1st U. S. Inf. William Lummis, (B.), A.M. Charles De Ruyter, (M.), A. J. Emory McClintock, (Act.), M., LL.B. 1862, U. S. V. A. M., Tutor 1859-60. Eugene Du Bois. George William Maynard, John Haven Emerson, A. M., A. M. 1868, Prof. Metall. M. D. 1865. Polyt. Inst., Troy N. Y., George R. Fearing, (B.), 1867-. Capt. and Bvt. Major U. S. James Frederic Moore, A. M., V. M. D. elsewhere. Robert Goelet, Jr., (C. L.), Stephen Whitney Phoenix, A. M., LL. B. 1862. A. M., LL. B. 1863. Joseph Greenleaf, Jr., (Rev.), William Lewis Raymond, (C. A. M. L.), A. M1., U. S. Consul, Edward L.Greenwood,(C.L.) Leeds, Eng., 1864-68. Laban Garclner Hopkins, (C. *Stephen Richard Reynolds, L.), A. M., LL. B. 1862, A. M., Capt. U. S. V. aet. 26. s1864 LL. M. 1864. William T. Sabine, (Rev.), Edmund Abdy Hurry,(C.L.), A. M. A.M.. LL.B. 1862, U. S. N. Oscar E. Schmidt, A. M. *John William Jenks, Lieut. J. Augustus Slipper, (Ed.), U. S. V. *1861 A. M., Maj. U. S. V. Edward Renshaw Jones,(Br.) Thomas F. Trenor, A. M., Herbert Kettell, A. M. M. D. elsewhere. *Augustus F. King, U. S. V. Gabriel Mead Tooker, (C.L.), aet.23, *1862 A. M., LL. B. 1861. Samuel Kuypers Lyon, A.M., Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, M. D. 1866. Jr., (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. Thomas H. Messenger, A. M. 1862. Thomas H. Messenger, A. M. 1862. William David Wler, George Mason Miller, A.M., Wilm(Rev.), A. M. 1863. LL. B. 1862, Capt. U. S. V. Edward N. Whitehouse, (A. A. M., LNewold. B. 1864 A. M., LL. B. 1864. Henry Bruen Whitehouse, NRichard Lewis Morris, Jr., A. (M.), A. M., LL. B. else- M 186, Capt. and Bvt. where. 33 Major U. S. A. Robert Dillon Nesmith, A. M., M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1860. 1862. Thomas Ludlow Ogden, (C.L.), Robert P. Barry, 1865, Capt. A. M., LL. B. 1862. U. S. A. *Robert Troup Pell, (C. L.), 82 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1860-1861. A. M., LL. B. 1863, U. S.V. William Richards Hillyer, aet. 27, *186S (M.), A. M., Capt. U. S. V. Eugene Hall Pomeroy, (C.L.), LL. B. 1862, U. S. V. Elisha Horton, Jr., (C. L.), Edward P. Robins. James S. Satterthwaite, A. Reuben Wing Howes, Jr., M. (Rev.), A. M. *John TW. Southack, Jr., A.M., Walter Bowne Lawrence, M.D. IBellevue Med. Coll. N. KBr.), A. M. Y. 18)65, Asst. Dem. Anat. Albert McNulty, Jr., (C. L.), Bell. Mied. Coll. aet. 30. *189 A. M., LL. B. 1864, U. S V. Abraham Suydam, (Eng.), A. Edward Mitchell, (C. L.), AM. A.M., LL. B. 1865. *Frederick A. Tracy, Lieut. Gratz Nathan, (C. L.), A. M., U. S. A. aet. 23. *1863 Asst. Corporation Atty. N. John Howard Van Amringe, Y. C. A. M., Tutor 1860-63, Adj. Frank Alleyne Otis, (C. L.), Prof. Maths. 1863-, and A. M., LL. B. 1864. Prof. Maths. School of *Richard Cornelius Ray, Mines 1865-. Lieut. U. S. V. *1863 George Waddington, (C. L.), *WVilliam Alexander Rice, LL. B. 1862. (C.L.), A.M., U.S V. aet. 24. *1866 William Fitzhugh White- Erastus Barnes Rudd, (C.L.), house, (C. L.), A.M., LL.B. A. M., LL. B. 1863. elsewhere. WNilliam Henry Russell, Jr., Pierre Washington WVilcey, A. M., Capt. U. S. V. (C. L.), A. I. and Yale Thomas Taunton Sabine, A. 1865, LL. B. 1863. M., M. D. 1864, Asst. Dem. Egerton L. Winthrop, A. M. 40 Anat. 1866-. *Henry Augustus Schermerhorn, (C. L.), A.M., LL. B. 1861, 1867. aet. 29. *1869 Thomas Henry Sill, (Rev.), James Benkard, Jr., A.., A. M. Capt. U. S. V. George Lansing Taylor, William Alexander Boyd, (Rev.), A. M. (C. L.), A. M., Lieut. U. S. Henry A. Coit Taylor, (3.), V. A. iM. George Herbert Carey, (C.L.), John Ayscough Tucker, (3M.), A. M., LL. B. 1863. A. M., U. S. V. Villiam Halsted Caswell, (M.), Stephen Hague Turnbull, A. M. (C. L.), A. M. Henry Dudley, A. M. Joseph'3Mason Turner, A. TM. John Gihon, Jr., (MI.), A. M. *William MansfieldVanWagLangdon Greenwood, (C.L.), enen, (Rev.), A. AM. aet, 21. *1866 A. M. Luis Puertas WTalton, A. AM. Charles Coolidge Haight, Isaac Johnson W'ard, (C. L.), (Arch.), A. M., Capt. U. S. A. IM. V. Samuel Baldwin Ward, A.3M., Edward Haight, Jr., A. A3., MA. D. Georgetown Med. Capt. U. S. A. Coell., Asst. Surg. U. S. V., 1861-1862.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 83 Curator Coell. Museum Barrall Hoffman, (C. L.), 1868-69, Prof. Anat. Wo- LL. B. 1864, LL. M. 1865, man's Med. Coell. N. Y. C. A. M. 1869-. Lawrence Yvonnet Hopkins, Edward Walter West, (C.L.), A. aM., U. S. V. LL. B. Univ. N. Y. C. 1861, William Henry Jackson, A.M. A. M., Col. U. S. V. Charles Sigourney Knox, Frederick Cope Whitehoube, A. M., Act. Prof. Mor. and (Rev.), A. M. Int. Phil. 1869-70. Albert Beach Whitney, A.MA., William Elliott Laight, (C.L.) M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1863). William Gerard Lathrop, Jr., 36 (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1864, A.M. George Anderson Lawrence, 1862. (M.), A.M. William Henry Martin, (Mi.)'Hecnry Howard Marvin, Lt.Edward Rob r Atwill,(Rev.), Col. U. S. Eng. 1862-3. *1863 A. lM. Cornelius Berrian Mitchell, *Francis Babcock, (Br.), A. (M.), A. M., U. S. V. Mxi. aet. 24. *18C6 John Fulton Berrian Mitch*Robert Erskine Bartow, A. ell, (Mxi.), A. M., Capt. U. lM. *1867 S. V. William Harbert Benjamin, Charles Walton Ogden, (iM.), (F.), A. M. LL. B. 1864, A. l. elenry Carrington Bolton, *David Burr Olyphant. *1864 A. M. 1866. *Edward Mtesnard Pell. *1S63 John Thomas Burr. *Richard Varick Pell, Mi. D. Robert Bage Canfield, (C.L.) Bellevue l'ecl. Coll. A. I. Leslie Chase, (Br.) aet. 23. *1866 *John Lawrence Churchill, *Gerardus Post, (C.L.),LL.B. A, M._ Lieut. U. S. A. *1868 1864. aet. 22. *1864 *Charles Ernest Congdon, Russell Harper Root, (C.L.), aet. 21. *1862 LL. B. 1864. Nathaniel Elsworth Cornwall, Jr., (T.), A. M. and Charles Ames Spencer, (T.), Harv. 1868. John Harv. 1868 isA.M.. Foster Thayer,M.D. Bellevue JOhn Halsey Curtis, A. M. Med. Coll...y 1866 A. l. Walter Cutting, Maj. U. S. V. 1866, o. S.. Henry Ammi Dows, (Rev.),, Aen.. 1869. Charles Rockland Tyng, (M.),.A.M. 1869. Jaimes Gore King Duer, (B.) A. M. erpoel, (C.L. Peter F*orrester, (lx.) *John A. anderpoel, (C.L.), Charles Dudley Fuller, A. M., LL nB. 1865, A. M. aet. 04. *1866 *Francis Willis, (M.), A. *George Wolfe Gillespie, aet. 31. *1870 (Eng.), A. M. aet. 28. *sS70 William Henry Willis, Jr., Louis Haight, A. I.t.(l.), A. M. Willliam Augustus Og den Leroy Miilton Yale, M. D. Hegeman, (C. L.), LL. B. Bellevue Med. Coil., A.iM. 1864, LL. M. 1865, A. Al. 44 81 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1863-1864. 1863* TWilliam Matthews Maltin, (C.L.), LL. B. 1865, A.Al. Dan Marvin, Jr., A.M., Asst. James Herman Aldrich,(M.), Prof. Grk. and Lat. Lang. A. MI. Racine Coll. Wis. 1868-. Fanning Cobham Tucker William Anderson Mitchell. Beck. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M. William Cornell Binns, A. M. D. 1867. Daniel Frederick Boardman, James Murray, (Rev.), A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. 1866. Hiram Hunt Nazro, A. AM. WVilliam, Brevoort Bolmer, Thomas Bellamy Newby, (C. L.), LIL. B. 1865, A. M. (Rev.), A. M. 1868. George Henry Owen, (C.L.), Melville Brown. A. M. Thomas Tileston Bryce, A.M. *James Brinckerhoff Pell. Charles Frederick Clarke, aet 28. *1870 A. M., MI. D. 1866. George Decatur Pond. Freeman Clarkson, (C, L.), Robert Emmet Robinson, (C. LL. B. 1865, A. M. L.), LL. B. 1865. WVilliam Peshine Douglass. Philip Justice Sands. Clifford Faitoute Eagle, (Br.), Henry Yates Satterlee, (Rev.) A. M., Lient. U. S. A. Walter Satterlee, (Art.) George Wilson Ferguson, ]William Barnewall Schermer(Rev.), A. M. horn. William Redwood Fisher, Rutherfurd Stuyvesant. A. M., M. D. 1867. Charles William Terrett,A.M. Randall Cook Hall, (Rev.), Stephen Howard Thayer, Jr., A. M., Inst. in Hebrew (C. L.), LL. B. 1865, A. IM. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. Robert Schuyler Tucker, A. 1869-. M. Richard Mentor Henry, (C. Frank Roe Van Buren, A. M. L.), A. M. Frederick Brinsmade Van StephenFerrisHolmes,(Rev.), Kleeck, (Rev.), A. M. A. M. Egbert Ward. Henry Augustus Hurlbut, Jr., Sylvester Ward. A. M. Ellsworth Westervelt. Peter Augustus Jay, (Rev.), Willard Parker Wooster, A. M.' A. M., M. D. 1867. Emile Henry Lacombe, (C. 50 L.), LL. B. 1865. William Scott Leggat. 1864 Lewis Henry Lighthipe, (Rev.), A. M. Le Grand Lockwood, Jr., John Magnus Adams, (Eng.), (Br.) A. M., E. M. 1867. Thomas MAorwood McLean, David Wylie Alexander, (C. Jr. L. ), LL. B. 1866, A. M. James Allen Macdonald, A. Wiliam Gardiner Appleton. M., U. S. V. Reginald Heber Bartow. RockwoodMcQuesten, (Rev.), Gerard Beekman, (C. L.), A. A. M. M., LL. B. 1867. 1864-1856.1 GRADUATES IN ARTS. 85 John Neilson Beekman, A.M., Frederick William Stevens, M. D. 1868. (C. L ), A. M. Walston Hill Browne, (Br.), *Arthur Pemberton Sturges. A. Mf.aet. 24. *1866 Thomas Baird Browning, (C. Albert Edward Valentine, A. L.), LL. B. 1866, A. M. M., M. D. elsewhere. Charles Stedman Bull, A. I{., Isidor Walz, (Chem.), Ph. D. M. D. 1868. Heidelberg 1867. John Frederick Butterworth, Marinus Willett, Jr. 38 (Rev.), A. M. William Henry Butterworth, 1 < (C. L.), LL.B. 1866, A.M. 18 65 Jonathan Ackerman Coles, A. M., M. D. 1868. A. M., M. D. 1868. IHenry Beadel, Jr., 1869, (C. Henry Bedinger Cornwall, L.), LL. B. 1870. (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1869. Henry Rutgers Beekman, (C. Edmund Dewees Davidson, L.), LL. B. 1867, A. M. A. M. Edward Stelle Brownson, Theodore Frelinghuysen Cor- (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1869. nell Demarest, (C. L.), A. Douglas William Burnham, M., LL. B. 1868, Tutor A. M. 1869-70. Archibald Murray Campbell, Matthew Brinckerhoff Du A. M. Bois, A. M., M. D. 1868. Thomas Cooper Campbell,(C. Duane Shuler Everson, (T.), L.), A. M. A. M., Tutor 1864-68. John Henry Caswell, Asst. *Henry Floy, LL. B. 1866. in Mineral. 1870-. aet. 23. *1866 Jonathan Odell Fowler, Jr., WVilliam Newton Goddard, A. M. A. M. Charles King Gracie, (Eng.), Thomas HaysHarmer, (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1868. A. M. James Hooker Hamersley, (C. Hiram Lyman Huston, A.M. L.), LL. B. 1867, A. M. Frederick Wendell Jackson, John Moore Heffernan, (Rev.), (Br.) A. M. Charles Henry Kaufman. *Julian James, A. M., Lieut. Jonas Butler Kissam, (Br.) U. S. V. aet. 26. *1870 Joseph Bayley Lawrence, (C. Frederic Rhinelander Jones, L.), LL. B. 1866, A. M. A. M. Isidor Mayer. George Goelet Kip, (C. L.), Alfred Perry McClellan. LL. B. 1867, A. M. William Meikleham, 1868. William Gilman Low, (C.L.), JohnBrainardMorgan,(Rev.), LL. B. 1867, A. M. A. M. Henry Richard McElligott, William Franklin Mott, (Br.) A. M. Howard Os'terhoudt, (C. L.), William Neilson McVickar, LL. B. 1866, A. M. (Rev.), A. M., U. S. V. Henry Hills Parker, (C. L.), Randolph Brant Martine, A. LL. B. 1866, A. M. M. Charles BurroughsRice,1865, James Fontaine Maury, A. (C.L.), A. M., LL.B. 1867. M. 86 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865-1867. George WVebster Peck, A.5M., William Augustus Hooker, U. S. V. (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1869. James Lyman Price, A. M., Daniel Lord, Jr., (C. L.), LL. B. 1868. LL. B. 1868, A. M. Frederick Prime, Jr., Prof. Theodore Holmes McNamee. Metall. Lafay. Coll. 1870-. Edward Ward Malloy. Arthur Bernard Ross, A. M. Augustus Chapman Merriam, Roderick Burt Seymour, A. A. M., Tutor 1869-. M., U. S. V. Frank Ames Mullany. Lenox Smith, A. M1., E. Mi. Edward Holland Nicoll, (C. 1868, U. S. V, L.), LL. B. 1868, A. M. John Edwin Swezey, (C. L.), Willard Parker, Jr., M. D. LL. B. 1867, A. M. 1870. Seymour Van Nostrand, A.M. William Bleecker Potter, Abraham Van Santvoord, (Eng.), E. M. 1869. (C. L.), LL. B. 1867, A. M. William Edwin Smnalley, (C. Edward Henry Van Winkle, L.), LL. B. 1868. A. M. George Putnam Smith, (C. Isaac Van Winkle, (Rev.), L.), LL. B. 1868. A. M. Prof. Maths. and Stephen Dover Stephens, Jr., Nat. Phil. St. Stephen's Coll. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 18 S. Annandale 1869-. Horace Stetson, (C. L.), LL. WVilliam Bogert Walker, A. B. 1869. M. Augustus Talbot. WTillard Parkor Ward, (Eng.) Gichinond Talbot. James Lee Wells, A. M. William Jameson Thomson, John Visscher Wheeler, A. (Rev.) M. Henry Crosswell Tuttle, (C. Francis French WVilson, (T.), L.), LL. B. 1868. U. S. V., A. M. 35 Martin Van Buren. James Moore Wayne. 186. O He nry Augustus ~Whiting, 1806. (Eng.), A. WM., E. M. 1869. John Fritz Wissman. Marshall Pepoon Bell,t(C.L.), Graham Youngs. 32 LL. B. 1868. Louis Edward Binsse. 1867. Thomas Monahan Blossom, (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1869. Caence Irainerd. Joseph IIalsey Anderson, James Manning Bruce, A. I. A. M. *Nathan Robins Carter. *1866 James Baker, Jr., (C. L.), A. Julian Tappan Davies, (C. M. L.), LL. B. 1868. Henry Anthony Waldburg Augustus Floyd Delafield. Barclay. Moses Downs Getty. Walton Peckham Bell, (C.L.), Edward Clark Houghton, LL. B. 1869, A. M. (Rev.), A. M. Samuel Appleton Blatchford, (C. L.), A. M. t Known subsequently as Marshall Jacques Arnold Bernheimer, Bell. A. M. 1867-1869.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 87 Charles Henry Burtis, (C.L.), Benjamin Howell Campbell, LL. B. 1869, A. M. (T.) Henry Cohn, A. M. WNalter Ewing Colton. Theodore Hedges Conger, Frederic De Peyster Foster. 1870. Talmadge Woodward Foster. John Alexander Denniston, Andrew Jackson Gilhooly, Jr., (Rev.), A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. 1870. George Gosman Dewitt, Jr., Elmslie Morven Gillett. (C. L.), LL. B. 1869, A. M. Joseph Bayley Halsey. George Duyckinck, A. M. John Archibald Macdonald. Edgar Fawcett, A. M. Edward Schermerhorn Mead. Nicholas Fish, (C. L.), LL. B. William Mitchell, Jr. Harv. 1869. John McLean Nash, (C. L.), Antoine Lentilhon Foster. LL. B. 1870. Giraud Graham. Duane Livingston Peabody, Clarence Melville Hyde, (C. (C.L.), LL. B. 1870. L.), LL. B. 1869, A. M. John Duncan Quackenbos, William Halsey Ingersoll, (C. Tutor 1870-. L.), LL. B. 1869, A. M. George Lockhart Rives. George Barent Johnson, A.M. George Nicholas Sanders, Jr., John Alsop King. (C. L.), LL. B. 1870. *Hobart Lewis. aet. 23. *1870 Arthur Sloan. Henry Demarest Lloyd, A.M. William James Milligan James McNamee, (C. L.), Sloane. A. M. John Steward, Jr. Cadwalader Evans Ogden, James Prescott Swain, Jr. (C. L.), LL. B. 1869. Horace Holden Thayer. Henry Evelyn Pierrepont,Jr., Stephen Whittingham WVilA. M. liams. Hector Craig Fitz Randolph, Lucius Kellogg Wilmerding. A. M. 27 Julius Sachs. Henry Schneeberger, A. M.1 8 6 9 Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel, (C.L.), LL. B. 1869, A. M. Rudolph August Witthaus, Charles Augustus Adams. Jr., A. M. Hal Allaire. James Henry Work, (C. L.), Willard Bartlett, (C.L.), LL. aLL. B. 1869, A. M. B. Univ. City N. Y. 1868. 31 Evelyn Bartow. - Robert Lenox Belknap. 1868. Jacob Bininger. 18 6 8.Thomas Newby Cuthbert. William Bayard Cutting. Isaac Adler. Henry Drisler, Jr. John William Schmidt Ar- William Alexander Duer. nold. Hamilton Fish, Jr. Henry Denison Babcock. William Dudley Foulke, (C. William Preston Beck. L.) James Michael Brady,(C.L.), William Montague Geer. LL. B. 1870. Edward John Hallock. 88 COLUIMBIA COLLEGE. [1869-1870. George Webster Heasley. Isaac Baker Barrett. William Berrian Hooper. Richard'Berrian. *Robert Henry Hunt. aet 21. *1870 Towson Caldwell. WVilliam Iselin. Lewis Buffett Carll. Henry Madison Jones. John Cropper. Shipley Jones. George Hicks Dibblee. John Henry Livingston. Thomas Charles Edward EcDavid B. Ogden. clesine, (C. L.) John Owen. William Fanning, Jr. Charles Augustus Peabody, Charles Meredith Garth. Jr. William Erwin Gilhooly. George Plato Pierce. Henry Waterman Holden. Samuel Augustus Purdy, Jr. Arthur Ingraham. William Macnevin Purdy. Edmond Kelly. Horace Nelson Seaver, Jr. Franklin Butler Lord. Frank Norseworthy Shepard. Seth Low. John Adams Smedberg. John Bartow Montell. Edward Bayard Smith. Robert Stratton Morison. David Stewart, Jr. Isidor Pierce Oberndorfer. Henry Cady Sturges. Walter Ogden. Edward Tillou. George Livingston Peabody. Edward Francis Weeks. Spencer Summerfield Roche. Thenford Woodhull. 36 David Alvah Rowe. George Starr Scofield, Jr. P180 Q ERobert Norsworthy Shepard. 1870. Deming Beadle Smith. Frank Dodge Sturges. Felix Adler. William Naylor Webbe. Walden Pell Anderson. Dennistoun Wood. 30 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY NAMED AS GRADUATES IN ARTS. 1769. 1793. *Samnuel Kissam. *Samuel Borrowe, Trustee *Robert Tucker. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 2 1820-28. *John Bowne Hicks. 1 771. *Willett Taylor, Jr. *Joseph Youle. / 4 *Benjamin Onderdonk. aet. 21.'1772 *Michael Sebring. 2 1794. 1772. *David G. Abeel. *Peter Irving. *John Augustus Graham, *Henry Mead. Yale 1768 and A. M. Yale. *Uzal Johnson. *Jarmes Muirson. 1 795. *Richard Udall, Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1807- *William Morey Ross. illiam Winterton.. *Timothy Fletcher Wetmore. *William Winterton. 2 5 1773, l.96. *Jabez Doty. *Alexander Anderson. aet. 95. *1870 *Winthrop Saltonstall, Yale 1793. *1802 1774. 2 *Samuel Nicoll, Prof. Pract. 1797. of Med. and of Chein. 1792 -94. *William Bay. 90 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1802-1860. 1802. 1810. *Joseph Bailey, Trustee Coll. Robert Morrell. Phvs. and Surg. N. Y. 1820 -37. Richard L. Walker. 2 1860. C)A') Thomas Henry Allen. 1 8 0 3. Galusha Birchard Balch. George Burr Banks. Isaac Foster. Phanet Coe Barker. Samuel Scofeld. William Comstock Bennett. 2 Yale 1858, Surg. 5th Conn. Vols. 1804. Q John Caruthers Bogardus, 1804. Asst. Surg. 102d N. Y. S. Vols. William Barrow. Samuel White Briggs, Asst. Ezekiel Ostrander. Surg. U. S. N. act. 26. *1861 Daniel D. Walters. Orlo Myron Bump. 3 Charles Carrington. Seth Lyman Chase. 1805. Robert Cooper. *Charles Henry Covell, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. *Thonas Cock, Prof. Anat. Juan Bautista Ponce DeLeon. and Physiol. Rutg. Cll. Rutg. Frank Wadsworth Doolittle, Jers., V.-Prest. Coll. Phys. Surg. 5th N. Y. S. Vols and Surg. N. Y. 1827-55 Philo Judson Farnsworth, and Prest. 1855-58. act. 87. *1869 and Univ. Verm. *Benjamin Kissam. act. 50. *1831 William Baldwin Fletcher. 2 Edward Irving Ford, A. B. elsewhere. 1806, Otis W. Gibson. Walter James Hadden. ~*YValentine Mott, LL.D. else- Joseph Lawrence Hicks,Surg. 1st, N. Y. S. Vols. where, Prof. Surg. 1811-13, Courtland Hoppin, A.B. elseProf. Surg. Coll. Phys. and where. Surg. N. Y. 1813-26 and in David Kennedy. Rutg. Med. Coll. N.Y. 1826- Daniel Avery Langworthy. 30, Prof. Surg. and Relative William Whipple Leavitt, Anat. Univ. N. Y. C. 1830- Asst. Surg. U. S. N. 65, Prest. N.Y. Acad. Med. J s ce Little. aet. 79. 186James Lawrence Little. James Gifford McKee, A. A., Surg. U. S. A. 1807 7. Thomas Knowlton Marcy. David Matthews, Surg. 143d Alire R. Delisle. N. Y. S. Vols. 1860-1861.1 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 91 Barnet Wisner Morse, Asst. William Alexander Betts. Surg. 27th N. Y. S. V. William Bllndel]. Archibald Finn Mudie, Asst. Ryckman D. Bogert, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. Surg. 6th N. Y. Art. George Andrew Mursick, Basii Brown Brashear. Asst. Surg. U. S. V. Samuel Nelson Brayton, Asst. William Sheldon Clark Per- Surg. U. S. N. kins. Asahel Norton Brockway, Howard Pinckney, A.M. else- Hamilt. Coill. 1857, A. A. where, Surg. U. S. V. Surg. U. S. V. Oren Day Pomeroy. William McQueen Bryce, James Henry Pooley, Jr., Asst. Surg. 144th N.Y.S.V. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Edmund Shackelford Carew. Peter Prius. George William Carleton, John George Ryerson, A. I. William's 1858. elsewhere. William Henry Carmalt,Asst. Charles Mase Samson. to Prof. Physiol. 1862-. Orin Henry Seeds. Charles Carter, Surg. U. S. A. Benjamin Avery Segur. Elbridng~e Gvilbert Seymour, Matthew Chalmers,Yale 1858 Asst. Surg. 94th N. Y. S. V... e, Dwight Delavan Stebbins, A. B. elsewhere. John Francis Hamlin ChipGeorgeMiller Sternberg, Asst. man. Sury. U. S. A. George Rogers Cutter, Surg. O- *.. 127th N. Y. V. William Harrison Studley, F. Munson Coan. A. M. elsewhere.HerMusnDaAt George Edwin Summers, N. Henry Munson Dean, Asst. Jers. 1857 and A. M. N. Surg. U. S. V. Jers. Louis George De Blois. Charles James Taggart. Daniel McComlb Devendorf. WiCharles Jamulds Thoaggart. John Abbott Douglass, Jr., William Faulds Thoms. Bowdoin Coll. 1854, Surg. dJulius V aughan. 11th Mass. V. Edmund Carlyle Ver Meulen, Albert Fairfax. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Joel Addington Warren. Benjamin Franklin Fogg. Augustus Purdy Williams,;6Winfield Scott Fuller, Surg. Sarg. U. S. V. 78th N. V. S. V. 61 Franklin Benjamin Galbraith. Josiah H. Goddard. Jame3 Grange, Theodore E. Hamilton. Jerome Hibbard. George Badger, A. A. Surg. Henry M. Hitchcock. U. S. A. Edgar Holden, N. Jers. 1859, William Badger, A. A. Surg. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. U. S. A. John T. Kennedy, A. A. Surg. John Conner Barron, Asst. U. S. A. Surg. 69th N. Y. S. V. Charles John Kipp,' Surg. U. *Thomas Barrow. aet. 23. *1801 S. V. John Philip Benkard. Thompson Bailey Lewis. 92 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1861-1862. Seth Stephen Lounsbery,Surg. 862. N.Y.S.V. 162 Henry Munson Lyman, William's 1858, A. A. Surg. U. George Pierce Andrews. S. A. Cyrus Ebenezer Baker. Carrington McFarlane, Surg. George Page Bassett. 115th N. Y. S. V. William Whitfield Bowlby, Edward Gardner Marshall, Surg. 3d N. J. Cav. Asst. Surg. 124th N Y George Marsden Brennan. B. El. uig. Martin,. Asst r. John Weston Brennan. B. Ellis Martin, Asst. Surg. Sidney Rogers Burnap, Surg. 5th N. Y. S. V. N. Y. S. V. Theodore Millspaugh. Garabed Caloosdian. Richard H. Moore. John Ely Carey. Alfred North. Thomas Knowlton Chandler. James H. Noyes. *Abel Blood Conant, Surg. Andrew T. Pearsall. 3d Kent. V., Lect. on William B. Pierce. Physiol. Univ. Vermont. Henry Sylvanus Plympton. aet. 28. *1864 M William Conover, N. Jers. Alfred Edgar Martindale 1859. Purdy. B*Henry White Cooke. aet. 26. *1863 Charles H. Reynolds. James Russell Cumming, Charles Douglas Rigby. Asst. Surg. 12th Conn. V. John W. Robie. Rein Lefferts Disbrow. Heber Smith, Asst. Surg. U. Barnard Douglass Eastman. S. N. William Eddy. Normand Smith, Yale 1858. Henry Marlyn Field, Harv. Norman Leslie Snow. 1859. Frederick Dennis Sturges, A. Frank Pierce Foster, A. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Surg. U. S. A. Charles Henry Suydam, Asst. Gustavus Scott Franklin. Surg. 27th N. J. V. William James Gilfillan. Norman Leslie Swan, A. B. William Henry Harlin. elsewhere. Solomon E. Hasbrouck. Garrett W.Veeder Van Voast, Jonathan Havens. Union 1857 and A. M. Andrew H. Hershey. Union, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. George Hopkins, A. A. Surg. Maus Rosa Vedder. U. S. A. Edwin Fletcher Ward. Lewis Slocomb Horton. Robert Watts, Jr., Surg. 133d Numon N. Horton, Surg. 47th N. Y. S. V. U. S. Coll. Inf. William Lamont Wheeler, John Andrew Jaume. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. William Malcolm James. John Phillips Payson White, Dan Lee Jewett, Asst. Surg. A. B. elsewhere, Surg. 10th 20th Conn. V. N. Y. S;. V. Eldridge Monroe Johnson. Charles M. Wight, Asst. Surg. Joseph Dodson Lomax. 26th N. Y. S. V. FrederickWentworth Mercer. Benjamin Franklin Wilson. William Thomas Nealis, St. 67 Joseph's Coll. Ohio, 1858, 1862-1863.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 93 and A.M. St.Joseph's, Surg. and Royal Coll. Surg. Edin69th N. Y. S. V. burgh 1864. Edward Monroe Norwood, Edward Cowles. Surg. 4th E. Tenn. V. Albert E. Croucher. *George Herschel Olmnsted, Rezin Pollard Davis. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. *1863 Walter De Forest Day, WilWilliam Browne Orchard. liam's 1859. Edmund Morris Pease. Francis Delafield, Yale 1860. George Porter. Samuel Demarest, Jr. William Chardavoyne Pryer. *G e o r g e Clinton Dewey, Nathaniel B. Reber. William's 1860, and A. M. Jasper Godsvenor Reynolds. Will. aet. 23. *1861 John A. Robinson,Asst. Surg. John Elderkin, Yale 1852 and 38th N. Y. S. V. A.M. Yale, Asst. Surg. 10th William H. Rockwell, Jr. U. S. Col. Inf.:Frank H. Roof. George M. Engs, Yale 1860. George Schuyler Rugg, Asst. David Osburn Farrand. N. Y. S. V., Surg.-in-Chief. Jacob T. Field, A. B. else2d and 3d Brigades Art. where. Reserves, Army of the Po- Samuel A. Fitch, A. B. elsetomac. where, Asst. Surg. N. Y. S. Henry Thatcher Sears. V. Samuel Francis Shaw. De Witt C. Fowler. oFranklin Staples. Walter Roberts Gillette, Mad. Thomas Hunt Stilwell. Univ. 1861. John L. Swift. John L. Swift..Frank WTest Goodall. Amazias Walter Tryon, Asst. ait obbi Gwold, Yale Surg. 100th N. Y. V. WWait Robbins Griswold, Yale Surg. 100th N. Y. V. 1814. [Edwin Morrison Ward, N. Edwirs. Morrison Ward, N. Charles Everett Hall, N. Jers. Jers. 1859. 1860 Richard Halsted Ward, WilFrank Granger Htasbrouck. liam's 1858, A. A. Surg. U. John Cornelius Hasbrouck. James H. Dheeler. David Webb Hodgkins, A. A. Merrit H. Wilson. 57 Surg. U. S. A. Edward Kelly IHIogan, Asst. Surg. U. S. V., Bvt. Maj. U. S. V. 1865. 1863. James Hutchinson. Woolsey Johnson, N. Jers. William Bruce Almon. 1860 and A. M. N. Jers. Wendell Abraham Anderson, Charles S. Kittredge. Surg. 3d Maryland Vol. William Lee, Lect. on PhysiInf. cal and Micr.Anat.National Alonzo Brayton Ball, Yale Med.Coll. Washington,D.C. 1860. Elias Lester, Med. Director John Sterling Bird. U. S. V. Joseph Bird, N. Jers. 1860. Irving Whitall Lyon, and Lewis Henry Bodman. Univ. Vt., Dem.Anat. BerkWesley M. Carpenter. shire M ed. Coll. 1862, A. A. George Augustus Christie, Surg. U. S. A. 94 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1863-1864. Henry Emmet McCartin. Richard B. Brown, Yale 1860, Theodore A. McGraw. Asst. Surg. U. S. V., Bvt. David Magie, Jr., N. Jer. Major U. S. V. 1865. 1859. George J. Bucknall, A. B. George Van Rensselaer Mer- elsewhere. rill, Surg. 6th U. S. Col. J. Otis Burt, Harv. 1858, Asst. Inf. Surg. U. S. N. Martin Alexander Miller. Surg. U. S. N. Lucius Mills, A.B. elsewhere. Adolphe Caset. Sherman Morse. Francis P. Casey. *John D. Nicoll. 6 Samuel F. Chapin. *John D. Nicoll. Albert T. Chapman. Wilbur Fisk Nutten. *Patrick Pendergast, AssL Charles De Cockerille. Patrick Pendergast, Asst. Surg. 107th N. Y. S. V. George W. Currier. A r. Thomnas Cuzuer. Charles Leander Pierce. Peter Van Schaac Peruyn, A. *Henry A. Danker, A sst. Surg. Peter Van Schaack Pruyn, A. 0 B. elsewhere, Asst. Surg. U. S.. N. Y. S. V. Henry A. Darby. Albert Austin Davis; Burr Schermerhorn, Asst. Surg. 108th N. Y. Vols. *Henry J. Devlin. aet. 25. *1864 Abner Orimel Shaw, Surg. Dwight Dudley. 20th Maine V. George H. Dunbar. Amos Shaw, Jr., Asst. Surg~. Francis D. Edgerton, and 41st N. Y. S. V. elsewhere, Wesleyan Univ. Andrew Jackson Smith. 1861. Joseph George Smith. Henry Clay Eno, Yale 1860. Thomas Thompson, Asst. D. Darwin Everett. Surg. N. Y. S. V. Edward Farrell. Jacob Francis Tourtelotte. Archelaus G. Field, and StarLewis Arnold Tralcy. ling Med. Coll. Ohio 1854. Samuel D. Wadsworth.- Luther P. Fitch, Beloit Coll. De Witt Webb. and A.M. Beloit,Asst. Surg. Walter Henry Wentworth. 47th U. S. Col. Inf. Lewis Westfall. John H. Furman. Benjamin Wilson. Archibald McI. Gregory, A.A. Gustavus S. Winston. Surg. U. S. N. Lockwood DeForest Wood- David L. Laight. ruff, Free Acad. N. Y. C. John C. Holmes. 62 William AVarner Hoppin, Jr., Brown Univ. and A. MI. Brown, LL. B. 1869. 186)4. John C. Hooper. George W. Hosmer. Samson American. Edwar G. Janeway, Rutger's Theophilus H. Andress. 1860 and A. M. Rutg. George W. Baker,Unionl861, Joseph Edward Janvrin,Asst. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Surg. 15th N. H. Vols. Philip H. Barton, A. A. Surg. William H. Kinney. U. S. N. Henry M. Knowles. William Hunter Birckhead. William Baldwin Linsly, A. John Bedell Boss. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864-1865.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 95 William A. Lockwood. William S. Willis, Surg. 1st William M. McKay. N. J. Cav. 77 James WV. McLane, Yale 1861. 1865. Daniel E. McSweeny,St.Francis Xavier's Coill. 1861 and Andrew Anderson. A. M. St. F. X., A.A. Surg. Calvin Anderson. U. S. A. Harvey Napoleon Austin, George J' Northrop, Asst. and elsewhere. Surg. U. S. V. James E. Barbour. Henry Eagle Ogden, Union George Lewis Beers, Yale 1862. 1860 and A. M. Yale. Benjamin M. Page. Christopher M. Bell. James L. Phillips. Timothy Bigelow. Henry F. Piffard, Univ. N.Y. Henry Edward Bissett, A. A. C. 1862. Surg. U. S. A. Stephen C. Powell. Edward Bleecker. *Alfred Pryor. *18S5 Sylvester S. Bogert. Charles S. Robert. Theodore Dwight Bradford, Stephen W. Roof. A. B. elsewhere. Allen S. Russell, Surg. in John Boyd Campbell. Chief 3d Brig. Hardin's Dexter Selwyn Clark, Beloit Div. 22d Army Corps. Coll. 1860, Asst. Surg. 25th John P. Schenck, Jr. Ill. Vols. 1863-4 and Surg. William F. Scoresby. 1864. George W. Stout. Lucian Dean Clark. Edward Constant Seguin, Charles A. Conover. Asst. Surg. U. S. V. Thomas Vaughn Crandall, Charles E. Simmons. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. H. Lyle Smith. Clarence E; De Wolfe. Montross L. Smith. James A. De Wolfe, Brown *William R. Stilwell. *1864 Univ. and A. M. Brown. Freman Stoddard. Richard Dey. Edward W. Thompson, Asst. Andrew J. Disbrow. Surg. U. S. A. Alvan Dodge. William Thurman. Frank 0. Earle. Elbert P. Tibbals. Daniel H. Fairweather. John R. Todd. Levi Farrow. Platon Vallejo. Edwin B. Flagg, A. M. elseAugustus Van Courtlandt. where. Frederick D. Vanderhoof, Horace S. Fuller, A. M. elseAsst. Surg. 51st N. Y. Vet. where. Vols. Charles F. George. William P. Warren. John Francis Gignoux, A. AI. Lathrop P. Weaver. elsewhere. George G. Wheelock, Harv. William Chalk Gouinlock. 1860. John R. Greenleaf, Jr. J. Elias Whitehead, Rutgers Edward D. Griffin. 1844 and A. M. Rutg. Thomas Haigh, A. A. Surg. Thomas Wight. U. S. A. 1864. 96 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865-1866. WVilliam Henry Hoag. James McMillan Ayer, A.B. Stephen E. De Witt Hoorn- elsewhere. beck. Silas Cook Baldwin. David Post Jackson. George Miller Beard, Yale John Clarkson Jay, Jr. 1862 and A. M. Yale. Parley H. Johnson. William Graham Bryson. Edgar K. Kelley. Lafayette Bugbee. Daniel W. Kissam. George Owen Burgess. James F. Laughlin. George Cary. John B. Learned. Thomas Edwards Clark. John Lawrence Lee. John Wordsworth Clemesha. Thomas Wi. Lowerree, Jr. William S. Combs, A.M. elseJohn Gilman McAllaster, where. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. ~William Augustine Conway. John C. Minor. Adam C. Corson. Alfred Mitchell, A. M. else- David Magie Cory. where. John Cowan. Lawrence O. Morgan. Patrick W. Cremin. Martin Luther Overton. Benjamin Frederick Dawson. Joseph Otis Pinneo. John J. De Motte. John A. Purney. Marcus Dodd. Eli D. Sargent, John William Dooley. Peter Laurence Schenck, A. Henry Dusenbury. TenisScenkA.B. elsewhere. James Anderson Exton. Tennis Schenck, A. B. else- Daniel McLean Forman. where. Octavius Barrell Shreve, A. Addison Howard Foster. Octavius Barrell Shreve, A. DavidR.Francis. David R. Francis. B. elsewhere. Edward Frothingham. Elijah Hermtan SfYlhith. John Pool Garrish, Jr. James Welch Smith. Ralph Schuyler Goodwin. Albert Leroy TW. Stephenson. Jay Levins Greene. William George Stevenson. James Romevn Gregory. Alexander Stewart, A. B. George Wheelock Grover. elsewhere. Orrin Franklin Harris. Jay Stephen Stone. Samuel Harris. David L. Stricwklin. George Elias Hawes, A. B. James Buckley Tweedlelsewhere. Nelson S. Westcott. Tecumseh K. Holmes. Alvord E. Winchell, A.B. else- Edward R. Hun, A.. elsewhere. where. Russell WTithers. Joseph Slater Hunt. George Powell Wright. James B. Hunter. 66 Edward Carroll Huse. Edwin Hutchinson, A. M. 1866. Q zelsewhere, Ph. B. Yale l866' O 1860. James C. Hutchinson. Lewis Applegate. Stephen Hyde. David Penfield Austin. Richard Douglas James. Edward Woodbridge Avery. Joseph Johnson. 1866-1867.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 97 Henry De Witt Joy. Henry Freeman Walker,A.M. Robert P. Jump, and else- elsewhere. where. Charles Washburn. Samuel Lisle Kennedy. Peter Wheeler. Samuel Whitall. James Suydam Knox, A. M. elsewhere. Henry Simmons White, LL. elsewhere. Mortimer Lampson. B. 1870. James Wright Wilson. Archibald Lawson. Joseph Sands Winston. Charles E. Lee. Augustus Wohlfarth. Thomas Le Guen. Alfred H. Woodill. Algernon Sidney Leonard. Joel Williston Wright. Walter Lindsay. Gerardus Willis Wynkoop. William Henry McKelvie. George Ludlow Yost. Edward Macomb, A. M. else- Charles Young, A. M. elsewhere. Isaac Newton Mead. where. JohIsaac Newto Calvin Mead. William Henry Young. John Calvin Mtead. George Le Roy Menzie. Hubbard Winslow Mitchell. William Morton. 1867 John Moore. George Washington Newcomb. Thomas R. Almon. Henry D. Nicoll, A. B. else- Theodore F. Alverson. where. John W. Baldwin. Joseph O'Dwyer. Oglevie D. Ball. John Wright Ostrander. Frederick S. Barclay. Edwin Phillips, and else- Willis J. Beach. where. Herbert C. Belden. Charles Talbot Poore. Charles MI. Billings, A. M. Francisco Repetto. elsewhere. William G. Ridout. James A. Blanchard. Charles Roth. Francis V. Brush. Samuel Fowler Rouse. Albert H. Buck, Yale 1864. Dayton Wykoff Searle. Charles C. Buckley. Thomas Skelding. Charles A. Carle. David Augustine Smith. Frank Carter. Samuel St. John Smith. Philo W. Clark. Whitmer Snively. James D. Clyde. Richmond Joseph Southworth. James E. Cooper. Richard Henry Stone. Frederick S. Creelman. Joseph Stubbs. Samuel Decker. James Madison Study, and John O'Fallon Delany. elsewhere. Laban Dennis. Ralph Partridge Thatcher. Charles M. Des Brisay. Walter Ure. Stephen M. Disbrow. James D. Van Der Veer. Francis Du Bois, Jr., A. B. Henry Clay Van Gieson. elsewhere. Cornelius Van Riper. Morton W. Easton, Yale Frederick Judd Van Wagner. 1863. 98 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1867. Jonathan Edwards, Jr., Yale Theodore Dwight Martin. 1863. David H. Muir. Frederick W. Elberg, A. M. Georoe W. Murdock. elsewhere. John H. Murfee. William S. Ely, A. B. else- Henry E. Owen, Yale 1864. where. William H. Palmer, A. B. Bache McEvers Emmet. elsewhere. Edward S. Eveleth. Charles W. Ferguson. David F. Fetter, and Phila. Edward R. Post, A. M. elseColl. Med. 1853. where. James N. Fitch, A. B. else- William H. B. Pratt, Yale where. 1864. Edward T. Fuller. Albert R. Randol. Burns Gilman, and Bowd. Ira Remsen. Med. Coll. Zeeb Gilman, Jr.`iNathan S. Roberts. Frederick Gilnack. George W. Robinson, A. M. Harry Gove. elsewhere. Henry Gray. John W. Robinson. Emile Gruening. Charles F. Rodenstein, A. M. Martin Hagan, and Starling elsewhere. Med. Coil. Albert S. Rogers. John D. Hall, A. B. else- Albere. Sanbogers. where. where. E~rugene B. Sanborn. Henry E. Hand erson, A. M. Charles R. Sanderson, and elsewhere. Cleveland Med. Coil. Daniel De W. HIarrington. ThomasEdwardSatterthwaite, Audley Haslett, A. M else- Yale 1864. where. Thomas Sidney Scales, A. B. Henry Henderson, A.M. else- elsewhere. where. Warren Schoonover, A. B. Edward J. Hogan. elsewhere. George F. Hollick. Alonzo De Loos Smith. Charles H. Horton. Josiah P. Sugg. Erasmus Darwin Hudson, Jr. Thomas Terrill, Jr. A. B. elsewhere. Henry C. Turner. Stephen J. Hutchinson. James Vanderpool, A.B. elseThomas L. Janeway, A. Al. whqre. elsewhere. Nicholas Berdan Van Houten. Samuel Johnson. James Van Derveer Van Henry I. Jordan, A. B. else- Nest. where. Richard C. Van Wyck. John J. Keator. William A. M. Wainwright, John J. Ketchum. A. B. elsewhere. William A. Kissam. Eli Warner. Eustis F. Langdon, A. B. George Wells, Jr. elsewhere. John WTinslow, and Bellevue William M. Lyttleton. Med. Coill. N. Y. C. William C. McFarland. Silas O. Witherbee. 94 1868.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 99 Joseph Bassette Holland, A. 1868. M. elsewhere. Charles Taylor Jewett. Frederick Mixer Aitken. Herschel Vespasian Johnson, Philip Edward Arcularius, Jr. A. MI. elsewhere. Adoniram Brown Judson, A. WTilliam Augustus Avery. M. and M. D. elsewhere. Joseph Ritner Benjamin, A. John Marshall Kellogg. M. elsewhere. Warren Kemble. John Ferguson Black, A. B. Thomas H. Kenan. elsewhere. Frederick Kidder. Thomas Sheldon Bond, A.M. Edwin A. Kilbourne. ~ and M. D. elsewhere. Charles Laight. Calvin F. Bonney. A. J. Lanterman. George Henry Bosley, and Charles Henry Leonard, A.B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Benjamin Mills Briggs, M. S. Charles Edward Lockwood, elsewhere. A. B. elsewhere. John Anthon Callender. James E. M. Lordly. William Jessup Chandler. John Tarleton Luck. Henry Waldburg Coleman. Robert Louis Lusby. WTilliam Albert Corwin. David Valentine Lynch. Samuel Pierce Craig. Frederick Dey Marshall. Cnarles Culver. Frederick D. R. Marshall. Byron Cummings. James Joseph McCarty. Henry Nehemiah Dodge. Daniel McEwan, Jr. John Luther Duryee, A. M. Fob,rt James McGay. elsewhere. John Hector McKay. Henry O. Ely, A. 1. else-'John Abner Miead, A. M. where. elsewhere. David Combs English. Morris Henry Miesse. George Emory Foster, A. M. Henry James Miller. elsewhere. John Nolan. Edward Frankel. Aggeus Outerbridge. Gustav Frauenstein. Julius L. Parke, A. M. elseSamuel Horace Frazer. where. Charles D. T. Gibson, A. B. Charles B. Parkhurst. elsewhere. Howard Whited Phillips. Theodore Giddings. James Oakley Pipgry. James Glynn Gregory, A. B. John Joseph Prendergast, elsewhere. A. M. elsewhere. William Edward Griffiths. Monroe T. Pultz. Albert E. Ham, A. B. else- Robert Morgan Rea. where. Philippe Ricord. Frederick Fanning Harral, Frank Warren Rockwell, A. A. M. elsewhere. B. elsewhere. George Fuller Hawley. Charles S. Rodman. Frederick Porteous Henry. William Chambers Rogers. Neil Jamieson Hepburn, A.M. William H. Ross, Jr. elsewhere. Wallace Edgar Sabin. 100 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1868-1869. Norton Jerome Sands. Lucius Duncan Bulkley, A. Edward William Schauffler. B. elsewhere. Walter Keeler Scofield. Richard Winthrop Bull. John Sharp, A. B. elsewhere. Edward Worthington Burnett. Charles Stuart Sheldon, A.. Craft Coast Carroll. and M. D. elsewhere. Craft Coast Carroll. George Henry Sherman. William Hanford Cartter, and Daniel MacMartin Stimson, elsewhere. A. M. elsewhere. Charles Hoag Case. Stephen Van Wickle Stout. Curtis Chapman. Henry Tunstall Strong, A. B. James Francis Chapman. elsewhere. Sherman Hartwell Chapman, Benjamin Ralph Swan. A. B. elsewhere. Robert William Taylor. Nelson Henry Claflin. Charles Henry Thompson. John Ralph Coffman, and Samuel William Torrey, A. elsewhere. B. elsewhere. Gustavus Pierrepont Davis, Roger Sherman Tracy. A. B. elsewhere. Thomas Hall Tripler. Francis E. Doughty, and John Bennett Tyler, A.B. elsewhere. elsewhere. John Edwards. Jerome Walker. Nathaniel Bright Emerson, Leslie Dodd Ward. A. MI. elsewhere. John William Warth, Jr., A. Julius Fehr. M. elsewhere. Ira WTilliam Fletcher. Francis Henry Weismann. Seth Burnham Foster. Frank Wilmarth, A. M. else- Alonzo Freeman. where. Charles Lindol French. T h e o d o r e Frelinghuysen Omer Tousey Giilett, A. B. Wolfe. elsewhere. John Frank Young. William Joseph Haine. 9 George Adelbert Hathaway. Russel Thayer Hayes, and elsewhere. 1869. George Benedict Hickok, A. MI. elsewhere. Augustus Villery Hill, A. B. Amos Wilson Abbott. elsewhere. George Henry Aiken. Urban Gillespie Hitchcock, Clinton Atkinson. A. B. elsewhere. Charles Howell Bailey, and William Mulligan Hodges. elsewhere. Charles Barnes Huffinan. George Henry Balleray. John Hurdsfield. George Wilson Bell. Andrew Jackson Jessup. Henry M. Bishop. John Henry Korff: James Augustus Blake, A. B. Isadore Perrin Latour, A. B. and M. D. elsewhere. elsewhere. Hector Seager Bowen. John Howard Lever. Edward Bennett Bronson, A. Newton Adams Lindley. B. elsewhere. James Cook Linsly, A. lM. Lawton Stickney Brooks. elsewhere. 1869-1870.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 101 Justin Martin. Thomas Trenaman. Forster Jonas Maynard. William IHenry Vail, A. M. Joseph Williams McCall, and elseWhele. elsewhere. John Van Harlengen. George Wackerhagen. John Cameron McDougall. George Wackerhagen. Charles Edwards Willard. John McGuirk. William Bull Wright. Thomas Joseph McLoughlin. Samuel Monell Zabriskie. Malcolm McLean. 92 Henry McManus, A. M. elsewhere. Augustus Aloysius Moloney. 1 70J. Jesse Lee Morrill. Eugene Bernard Murtha, A. J. Freeman Atwood. M. elsewhere. Daniel S. Ayers, Jr. James Robert Nelson. Lewis Balch. Ashel Griswold Nettleton. Arthur A. Barrows, A. B. Stephen Pierson. elsewhere. Thomas Jefferson Pitner, B. John A. Bevan. S. elsewhere. John M. Bigelow, A. M. elseWilliam Mecklenbargh Polk. where. Joseph Henry Raymond, A. Eugene P. Boise, A. B. and B. elsewhere. M. D. elsewhere. John Joseph Reid. George P. Bradley. Benjamin C]app Riggs, A. B. William Brand. elsewhere. Eugene W. Brooks. Orville Forrest Rogers. James Y. Bryce. Leavitt Sanderson. Harvey S. Calderwood. William Darwin Schuyler. Stewart Church. Jefferson Scoonover. Staats V. D. Clark. Xenophon Christmas Scott, Leartus Connor, A. M. elseA. M. and M. D. elsewhere. where. Alexander Grant Sinclair. Frederic C. Curtis, A. M. Charles Elihu Slocum. elsewhere. Horatio Nelson Spencer, Jr., John G. Curtis, A. M. elseA. B. elsewhere. where. Louis D. Sproat. Nathaniel P. Dandridge, A.B. Ralph Edward Starkweather, elsewhere. A. M. elsewhere. Henry C. Day. Charles Sackett Starr, A. B. William J. Duffield. elsewhere. Herbert M. Eddy, A. M. and Darwin Adelbert Stewart. M. D. elsewhere. Charles Stokes, Jr. Charles Enfield. Louis Stoskopf, A.M. else- Edwin Evans. where. James D. Featherstonhaugh, Erastus Perry Swasey. Jr., A. B. elsewhere. David Thompson. Charles O. Files, A. B. elseCharles Alonzo Todd. where. William Sheridan Todd, A.M. Charles A. Foster. elsewhere. Bernhard Grunhut, A.B. elseEdward Torrey. where. 102 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1870. George M. Haines. Milton G. Planck, A. B. elseWilliam E. Hall. where. Allan M/cL. Hamilton. Frederic Powers. D. Brainerd Hunt, A. I. Robert Prentiss. elsewhere. Robert A. Quin. WValter Judson, A. MI. else- William H. T. Reynolds, A.M. where. elsewhere. Eugene Kingman. Joseph S. Ripley. Hugh S. Kinmonth. Francis E. Ross, and elseGeorge M. Lefferts, A. M3. where. elsewhere. John D. Rushmore. Albert H. Little. Francis F. Sanders, A. B. Samuel O. Loughridge, and elsewhere. elsewhere. Francis A. Stanley. William Markham. Samuel B. St. John, A. M. elsewhere. George Martin. Frederic R. M arvin. George M. Swain. Robert RMason. Robert E. Thompson. Clayton W. Townsend. Charles McBurney, Jr., A.M. David Clark Van Deursen. elsewhere. William H. Vermilye. John V. Morgan. George H. Whaley. Samuel H. Morris. Francis A. Wheeler. Albert J. Murdock. Howard Whiting. Henry T. Pierce, A. B. else- Charles T. Whybrow. where. John P. Wilson. 67 GRADUATES IN LAW, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY NAMED AS GRADUATES IN ARTS. 1860. Theodore Murray Squires. Philip Lee Wilson, Lieut. U. S. V. Daniel Pratt Baldwin, Med. 22 Univ. George Van Nest Baldwin, 1861. A. M. Rultg. Coll. Robert Henry Boorman. Smith Bloomfield, A.M. Free BradburyChandlerChetwood, Acad. N. Y. C. Burlingt. Coell. Miles Standish Bromley. Edward Salstonstall Dakin, Herman Washington Bruen. Hiam. Cell. Hatn. Coil. Dutton. Nathaniel Barto Cooke, Yale *Vanl Buren Dutton aet.31.'1865 1859. *William Sprague Ely. *1862 Harry Allen Grant,Ham.Coll. Cornelius Jay Du Bois, Capt. 1858, A.M. Hamil. and Yale U. S. V. 1861. Jas. McLaren Breed Dwight, Robert Chadwick iutchings, Yale 1846 and A. M. Yale. N. Jers. N. Y. Assemb. Sidney Stewart Henop. 1861-3, Surrogate N. Y. C. Benjamin Franklin Lee, Jr., 1870-. Will. 1858. William Henry Ingersoll. Robert Morris, Yale 1858. *Isaac Henry Kirby, Univ. Seth Miller Murdock, Harv. N. Y. C..1862 1858 and A. M. Harv. Charles McLean Knox, Major WVilliam HIenry Owen, A. M. U. S. V. Bowd., Capt. U. S. V. Francis Lewis Lowndes. Robert Willets Pearsall. *William Creighton Meade, Temple Prime. A. M. St. James' Coell. 1857, Henry Everett Russell, N. U. S. V. aet. 23. *1863 Jers. 1859 and A. M. N. William Stevens Newell. Jers. Julius Harris Ranney, Free Frederick Scoville, Univ. N. Acad. N. Y. C. Y. C., Lieut. U. S. V. Fenton Rockwell. Robert Noxon Toppan, ITarv. Walter Seabury Sands, Free 1858 and A. M. Harv. Acad. N. Y. C. *Prescott Hall Ward. aet. 29. 18s70 John Cornell Schenck. James Raymond Weeks, LaSamuel Farland Simpson. fayette Coll. 104 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1861-1863. Charles Hornblower Wood- Willett Bronson, William's ruff, Yale 1858. 19 1861. WVilliam Campbell. 1862. George Chalmers, Yale 1861. Paris Garner Clark, Jr. Charles Wesley Bangs. Andrew Kirkpatrick CogsGeorge Alexander Black,Free well, Rutgers. Acad. N. Y. C. Richard William Ely, Univ. Daniel WVebster Bond. N. Y. C. *Edward Carrington, Jr.,Yale William Henry Fuller, Yale 1859, Lieut. U. S. V. *1865 1861. John Townsend Conolly, Lt. Edward Douglas Gale. U. S. V. rEdward Douglaserick Gallatin, Univ. N. %William Miller Denman, Freeti, Ui. C. Acad N. Y. C. Y. a. Frederic James De Peyster, John Lyon Gardiner. Free Acad. N. Y. C., LL.M. FVaugene Terry Gardner. 1864. Francis Joseph Holahan, St. RobertThom asBrownEaston, John's. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Edwin Francis Hyde, Free Edward Clarence Fraser. Acad. N. Y. C. Charles Henry IHatch, Yale Peter Duncan Kenny. 1859. Francis Edward Kernochan, Stephen Burdett Hyatt, Free Yale 18~1. Acad. N. Y. C. Carleton White Miller. Sidmion Thorne Keese, Yale John Pell. 1860. Charles Osborne Phelps. Edgar Ketchurn, Jr., Free George Dwight Phelps, Jr., Acad. N. Y. c. Yale 1860. Bruce Moffatt. TWilliam Walter Phelps, Yale Augustus White Nicoll, Univ. 1860. N. Y. C. mWilliam Rounds Potter. William O'YC ullen. Josiah Collins Pumpelly, RutJohn O'Neil, Jr. ger's. George Percry. George Washington SandJalmes Eclward Ryan. for. Johl Bailey Stonm, LL. M. Eugene Schuyler, Ph. D. Yale 1864 1861. John Simpson AWalker. Jacob Shrady, Univ. N. Y. C. Archibawld W alker Spier, Henry Kirke White, Sci. B. Archild Walker Sper, FE ree Ac adl. N. Y. C. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Albert WVyckoff, Lieut. U. James Steers, Free Acad. N. S. V. 23 James Ayers Taber. Ernest Tuckerman. 1863*). iMorrisAshhurst Tyng, (Rev.), Will. 1861, Prof. Bibl. Lit. James Bruen Andrews, Yale Gambier Theol. Sem. 1870. 1861. George Edmondson Walker. John Campbell Broderick. Josiah Otis Ward. 1863-1865.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 105 Edmund Wetmore, Harv. Henry Delafield Phelps, Trin. 1860. 35 Coll. Albert Alfred Reuwee. James Richards, N. Jers. 1864. 1858, LL. M. 1865. Van Ness Roosevelt. Richard Armstrong. Merwin Rushmore. William Philip Arnold. Elliot Sanford, Amh. 1861. Henry Sandford Bellows. Adolph Lewis Sanger, Free Henry Brodhead, Yale 1859. Acad. N.Y.C., LL. M. 1865. Eldred Absalom Carley, Free John Le Grand Schaffer. Acad. N. Y. C. William Arnet Seaman. Thomas Bernard Connery, Thomas Buckman Shoemaker. St. John's. William Shrady. George Campbell Cooper, William Vanderbilt Simpson. Free Acad. N. Y. C. William Edwin Slocum, B. S. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Abel Crook, Will. 1862, LL. Jacob Philip Solomon. Frederick William Stevens, tHiram Robert Dixon. Yale 1858. Jeremiah Donovan. John Stout. John Esler Eckerson. Sidney Harrison Stuart, Jr., Washington White Ellsworth. B. S. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Lemuel Edwakrd Evans. Frederick Swarts, LL. M. Joseph Fettretch. 1865. Jacob Alfred Gross, LL. M. William Robert Syme, Univ. 1865. N. Y. C. Frank Harris, Christian Bros. Richard Terheun Van BosMri., LL. M. 1865. kerck, Free Acad. N. Y. C. Andrew Josephus Hennion. Julius Sylvester Walsh, St. William Myers Hoes, Will. Joseph's. 1861. Frederick Augustus Ward, Henry Holt, Yale 1862. Yale 1862. Harlow Mather Hoyt, Free Robert Kelley Weeks, Yale Acad. N. Y. C. 1862. Hamilton Bailey Humes. William Leggett Whiting. Charles Nichols Judson, Yale Miron Winslow, Jr. 1862. Buchanan Winthrop, Yale William Platt Ketcham, Yale 1862. 1862. Samuel Purdy Wright. Arthur Malachi Lee, Free 58 Acad. N. Y. C. Franklin McVeagh, Yale 1862. 1865. Joseph Augustus Marsh. Luther Ainsworth Milbank. Edmund Bragdon Barnum. Horatio Woodhull Mills. William Nelson Bedelle. Israel Minor, Jr., Yale 1862. George Alvin Bevins. Charles Hoskins Mundy. Edward Griffiths Black. William Henry Newschafer, Andrew Benton Chalmers. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Gasheree De Witt Clock. 106 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865-1866. Thomas Cochran, Jr., Univ. Thomas Robinson, M.D. elseN. Y. C. where. Lewis Osborn Corbet. Louis Ruttkay, Union. Adrian Voorhees Cortelyou, Peter John Sause. Peter John Sause. Adrian Voorhees Cortelyo, Charles Carroll Smith. Yale. Gerrit Smith Stanton. Ten Broeck Crawford.. Henry Brewster Stanton, Jr. James Geddes Day. GeorgeWashingtonStephens. Hlugh Duffy. Free Acad. N. Y. C. William Henry Field, Union David Dean Terry, Free Coll. Acad. N. Y. C. Henry Edward Fitzsimons, John Julius Thomasson. St. Francis Xavier Coll. Isaac Van Alst. Henry Rankin Freeland, N. Singleton Van Buren. Jers. c' JElias Williams Van Voorhis, Charles Miles Gilman, Yale. Jr. Edmund Banks Graham. Hamilton Wallis, Yale. Richard Henry Greene, Yale. Townsend Wandell, Free Richard Booth Greenwood, Acad. N. Y. C. Jr. Almar Preston Webster. Isaac Hollister Hall, Hamilt. Charles Howland Wesson, Coll. Yale. 58 George Scovill Hamlin, Yale. Thornton Mills Hinkle, Yale. 1866. George Hoffman, Yale. 1866, Samuel Huntington, Yale. Cortlandt Irving. John Johnson Allen, Univ. Luther Manard Jones, Yale. Vermont. Joseph Frederick Kernochan, Edward Sandford Atwater, Yale. N. Jers. George Keyser. Edwin Bergh, Jr. Robert Blair Keyser, Free Frederick Henry Betts, Yale. Acad. N. Y. C. Thomas Bracken, A. M. St. George Pliny Kingsley. John's Coll. Joseph Koch, Free Acacl. N. Ebenezer Buclingham ConY. C. vers, A. M. Yale. Mordecai Lewis. John Thomas Cornell. Francis Ferdinand Marbury, Albert Crane, Tuft's Coll. Jr. Charles Henry Douglas, [BeWilliam Lewis M a t s o n, loit Coll. Yale. Williarin Oliver Embury. Charles Frederick Mawbey. Lewis C. Goebel, Coill. City Theodore Florence Henry N. Y. Mayer. Charles Auguste Lambert James Slade Millard, Yale. Goldey. WVilliam Stewart Ross Ogilby. James John Gray. James Augustus Olwell, A. Daniel Judson Holden, Yale. M. St. John's Coll. William Allen Hoyt. Charles Godfrey Patterson. Ephraim Arnold Jacob, Coll. Charles Alfred Post. City N. Y. Henry Foster Ranney. John Watts Kearny. 1866-1867.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 107 Samuel Lawrence, Jr. Frank Hull Cowdrey. Alfred James McCullough. Samuel Oakley Crawford. NAlexaJnder Taggaart McGill, William Bedlow Crosby, Coll. City N. Y. Henry Major, Jr., George- N. Gano Dunn. town Coll. Clarence Uriah Embury. Frederick Halsey Man, Coll. Thomas Rawdon Fisher. City N. Y. William Hubbell Fisher, Nicholas Murray, A. B. Wil-t. Coll. liam's. Horace Webster Fowler, W~illiam Chauncey Prall. Yale. IL. Bradford Prince. William Edgar Glover. James Sandford Greves,HamEdward Ross Robinson. ilt. Col.'William Henry Rooney. William Fearing Hall. Washington Sackmnann. Henry Bailey Hathaway. HIenry J. Schenck. William Herring. Murray Colgate Shoemaker, Archibald Hopkins,William's. Yale.. Isaac Samuel Isaacs, Univ. N. Nathaniel Ferdinand Smith. Y. C William Washington Smith. Charles Swift Joslyn, and Edward Fay Stilwell. Yale. Samuel John Storrs, Amherst. Charles Phelps Taft, Yale John llhomas Locman. 1864, and A. M. Yale, J. U. D. Heidelberg, 1867. Coll. D. C. Frederick Thompson. John Alfred Mack. Alfred Wagstaff, Jr. John Hobart MeMurdy Benjamin Robert Winthrop, Thomas Martin Moore. Jr. 39 Philip Murphy. Daniel Weir Northrup. 1867. David Robinson Nutter, Dartmouth. Wilbur Russell Bacon, Yale. Sidney Oaksmith. Charles Henry Baldwin. Daniel Parish, Jr. Truman Hamilton Baldwin, Phoenix Remsen. Coll. City N. Y. Joseph Swift Richards, M. S. James Bell, Jr. Norwich Univ. Vt. William Johnson Binney, Zabdiel Sidney Sampson,AmAmherst. herst. Eugene Samuel Blois. Lorenzo S. B. Sawyer, HamilEdward Payson Brewster, N. ton. Jers. William Andrew Senger. John Edward Brooks, Yale. Morris Woodruff Seymour. John Lovett Brower, A. M. Charles Christmas Shelton. Coll. City N. Y. Eugene Carroll Skinner. Edward Sears Clinch, B. S. Charles Edward Smith, Coll. City N. Y. Renss. Polytech. Inst. N.Y. Edwini Walter Coggeshall. Charles Henry Smith, Jr., B. Theodore Pease Cook. S. Coill. City N. Y. 108 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1867-1868. Freling H. Smith, Union. Edward Donaldson Cowman, Isaac Spencer Smith. Hobart Coll. John William Sterling, Yale. Henry Sprong Davis, Hobart WVilliam Edwin Stiger. Coll. John Hervey Stitt, Coill. City Charles Villoughby Dayton. Frederick Wilmot Sturges. John Albrose Deady, AmFrank Thompson, Union. herst, Ckll. Charles Harmer Trafford. Frederick Nevins Dodge, Henry Edwin Tremain, Coll. Ya e City N. Y. Franklin Woodward Earl. John HaCmilton Turner, A. M.'Wilberforce Freeman, Coll. Coil. City N. Y. New Jersey. Augustus Gifford Vanderpoel. Michael Emanuel Goodhart. Philip Livingston Van Rens- Dalliel Edward Hervey. selaer, A. M. N. Jers. William Monefeldt Howland, George West Van Siclen, M. arv. and A. M. Harv. S. Coll. City N. Y. Walter Langdon Kane. Edmund Augustus Ward. John Vincent Kernan, Seton Francis H. Weeks, William's. Hall. Coll. James Keappoch Hamilton James Keappoch Hamiltonrl James King Lawrence, Brown Willcox, Univ. N. Y. C. Univ. William Henry Williams, Theodore Akerly Lord, Yale. Brown Univ. James A. McCreery, Mt. St. William Clitus Witter, Yale. Mary's Coll. 67 George Souter McKay. Payson Merrill, Yale. Ormond Tucker Middleton. 1860. Fordham Morris, Trin. Coll. Henry Lewis Morris. Osmin W. Atkins, Wesleyan'Max Moses. Univ. David Judson Newland, MidEmile Beneville, Coill. City dleb. Coell. N. Y. and A. M. Coell. C. N. William Greenly Nicoll, Yale. Y. William Franklin North. William WVarwick Bliss, Robert Hunter Patton. Brown Univ. George Jones Peet, Kenyon Morris Mumford Budlong, Coll. Yale. Thomas Bond Raynolds. George Noyes Burt, Union Henry Hutchinson Reid. Colil. Thomas-Rogers, Union Coell. Albertson Case, Harv. Univ. Henry Andrew Root. Newton Henry Chittenden. Edward Whelan Searing. Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, Thomas Parish Sherman. Jr., Yale. Frank Sherman Smith. Elihu Church. Asa Adams Spear, Amherst George Clinton. Coll. Henry Kiersted Coddington, Samuel Hempstead ValenM. S. Coell. City N. Y. tine, Amherst Cell. Edmund Coffin, Jr., Yale. Thomas Sedgwick Van ValArthur Douglas Collins. kenburgh, Yale. 1868-1869.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 109 John Waring Weed. William Hector MIcAllister. John Brandagee Wood, Yale. John Thomas McDonough. 51 Dennis MclMahon, Jr., Manhattan Coll. 1869. Charles Anson Maltby. George Manierre, Yale. Francis Elston Marsh, Coll. William Henry Andrews. N. Jers. James Knox Averill. Abram John Miller. Charles Wyllys Betts, Yale. James Appleton Morgan, RaJames Lord Bishop, Am- cine Coll. herst Coill. James Edward Morrison, Henry Herrick Bond. Coll. City N. Y. Charles Goodrich Coe, Yale. William Pitt Mudgett, BowDuane Conant, Hamilt. Coill. doine Coll. Thomas Duncan Cottman, George Francis Murray, Mt. St. Mary's Coill. Georgetown Coell. Robert Emmett Cowart. Henry Loomis Nelson, WilGeorge Hubert Cowell, Yale. liam's Coil. James Ambrose Deering, Courtlandt Palmer, Jr. Manhattan Coill. Richa-rd Wayne Parker, Coll. John J. Du Bois, Yale. N. Jers. Patrick Gavan Duffy. Charles Ewing Patterson. Frank J. Dupignac. Walter Pell. George Ozro Emerson, Ro- Caleb Purdy. chester Univ. Rudolph Frederick Rabe. Charles Emmett. Theodore Ritter. John Barnard Fairbank, Am- Charles Roberts, Coli. City herst Coll. N. Y. Louis Fellows, Coill. City Charles Hall Rockwell. N. Y. Francis Markoe Scott, Coll. Francis Forbes, Rochester City N. Y. Univ. William Henry Secor. Louis William Frost. George Preston Sheldon, George Griswold Greene. Yale. Edward Graham Haight. Frederick IsaacSmall, Yale. George Henry Hansen. Charles Edward Souther, Thomas Hedge, Jr., Yale. Harvard Univ. John Homer Hildreth. Calvert Spensley. Pierre Van Buren Hoes. Ernest Gordon Stedman, George Chandler Holt, Yale. Yale. William Warner Hoppin, Jr., Francis Lynde Stetson, WilBrown and A. M. Brown, lianl's Coell. M. D. 1864. Solomon Thayer Streeter, George Landon Ingraham. Amherst Coell. Henry Whitman Kennedy. Charles Avery Tracy. Henry Thomas Lee, Lafay- Charles Edward Tracy, Coll. ette Coll. City N. Y. Hamilton Wright Mabie, Edgar Abel Turrill, Yale. William's Coll. Waldemar Jonas Tuska. 110 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1869 —1870. Philip Van Rensselaer Van William Palmer 1- ixon, Yale. Wyck. John Holmes Prentiss Dodge. Frank Ward Wessels. Charles Arthur Doten. Charles Warren West, WYil- George Williams Ellis, Midliam's Coll. dlebury Coll. George Peabody Wetmore, George Washington Flaacke. Yale. William Riley Foster, J. D. Ezekiel Webster Whipple, Heidelberg. Dartmouth Coll. J. Henry Fowler, Jr. William Wilson. A7illimm TWATilson. R{obert Ludlow Fowyler. Edward Marshall Wright, Yale. 72 Joseph Warren Greene, Yale. Augustus Fraugott Gurlitz. Lovell Hall, Yale. 187O. Frederick Robert Halsey, Harv. Union. George Augustus Adee. George Henry Hart. Walter Howe, B. S. Coill. City Edward Knapp Anderton. Lemuel Hastings Arnold, Jr. N.Y. el Hastings Aold, Jr. illiam Reed J e r o m e, Theodore Aub. Hamilt. Coll. George Augustus Baker, Jr., Charles Dunn Jones. Coll. City N. Y. Clarence Delafolie Jones. Edward Wells Bell, Yale. Samuel Kalish. Alfred Douglas Brush. James Knox, A. M. Coill. City Peter Vincent Burtsell. N. Y. Charles Kinsey Cannon, Yale. Samuel Spahr Laws. Samuel Cardwell, Jr. Thomas Alphonso McGlade, Timothy Pitkin Chapman, Jr. Yale. Robert Bach McMaster, B.S. Henry Abel Chittenden, Jr., Coill. City N. Y. Yale. William Fleming McRae. John Chorlton. John Calvin Paulison, Coll. Edgar Bradford Clark. N. Jers. John Henry Clayton. Henry Wilson Payne, Yale. Stacy B. Collins, Jr. Paul Pelletier, A. M. St. Le Baron Bradford Colt, Louis. Yale. Samuel Edmund Perry. John Christopher Connor, Jr. William Franklin Pitschke, William Edgar Conover. B. S.Coll. City N. Y. Gilbert Holmes Crawford, James MI. Poulsen, Coill. N. Coll. City N: Y. Jers. Charles Edward Crowell. Arthur Rickards Robertson. Albert Delafield, B. S. Coll. Roderick Robertson. City N. Y. Kaufman Simon. Leo Charles Dessar. Orrin Skinner. Francis Charles Devlin, St. William Brown Slocum. Francis Xavier's Coll. Nathaniel Phillips Smith George Gillespie Dickson, Thomas, Yale. Keny. Coll. William Knapp Thorn, Jr. 1870.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 111 Thomas Birdsall Van Bos- Henry Simmons White, M.D. kerck. 1866. Albert Warren Wells. James Henry Wood, Yale. 65 GRADUATES IN MINING ENGINEERING, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY NAMED AS GRADUATES IN ARTS. 1868. Alonzo Clarence Camnpbell. Roland Duer Irving, A. M. George Strong Baxter, A. B. 1870, Prof. of Geology, WVill. 1865. Mining, and Metallurgy Samuel Willard Bridgham. Univ. of Wis. Francis Gordon Brown. Lionel Robert Nettre. James Pettigrew Carson. Henry Newton, A. MI. Coell. Albert Huntington Chester. N. Y. C. John Adams Church. George Howland Parsons. George Hampton Coursen. William Pistor. George Jarvis Geer, Jr. John Cooper Randolph, A. George Byron Hanna, A. B. M. N. Jers. Coll. N. J. Albert P. Schack. Archibald MacM5artin, A. 5M. Henry Maynard Smith. Coll. N. J. Frederic Stallknecht. E d w a r d Stewart Moffatt, 11 A. TM. Coll. N. J., Adj. Prof. Mining and Metall. Lafay- 1870. ette Cell. 1869-. Charles Slason Plat eCharle s lason Plat Augustus Porter Barnard. Kenneth Robertson. William Allen Smith. Ogden Haight. AWilliam WTey Tuttle. John Augustus Knapp. A. M. Coil. N. Y. C(. William Henrv Van Arsdale, A. M. Coll. N. Y. A M. Coll. N. Y.. Stuart Lindsley. A. M. Coll. N. Y. C. Frederick Augustus ScherDavid Van Lennep. Fer SherMoses Dillon Wheeler, A. B. merhorn. Harv. Univ. 18 Richard Henry Terhune. Theodore Francis Van Wagenen. l )1869' J.Elwyn Waller, A. M. Harv. Frederick Buckman. 8 H O N O RARY GRAD UATES, AND GRADUATES OF OTHER COLLEGES WHO HAVE BEEN ADMITTED IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE TO THE SAME DEGREE. 1758. *Cyrus Punderson,Yale 1755, A. A.. and Yale.. 189 *Ebenezer Punderson, Yale *Daniel Isaac Brown, (C. L.), 1755, A. M. and Yale. *1809 N: Jers. 1753, A. M. and N. *Daniel Treadwell, Harv. Jers.,Prothonotary Bergen 1754 A.NI. and Harv., FelCo. N. J. 1776, Major H. B. low and Prof. Math. and NM. Army 1780. Nat. Phil. 1757-60. *1760 *Samuel Brown, Yale 1749, *Timothy Wetmore, (T.), A. A. M and Yale. *1778 M. 14 *Isaac Browne, (Rev.), Yale 1729, A. M. and Yale. *1786 *Thomas Bradbury Chandler, 1761. (Rev.), Yale 1745, A. M. and Yale and Oxford 1753, *John Beardsley, (Rev.), A. S. T. ID. 1767 and Oxford B., A. M. 1768. 1766. *1790 *William Jackson, A.M. and *Leonard Cutting, (Rev.), Yale 1763 and N. Jers. Cambridge, A. IM., Tutor 1771 and Univ. Utrecht. *1s13 1756-63. aet. 69. *1794 *William Samuel Johnson, *S a m u e 1 Fayerweather, Yale 1744, A. M. and Yale (Rev.), Harv. 1743, A. M. and Harv. 1747, J.C. D. Ox. and Yale 1753 and Oxford 1766, LL. D. Yale 1788, 1756 and Cambridge. *1781 Del. to Coll. Congr. 1765, *Carey Ludlow, (C.L. ),A. M., Judge Supr.Ct.Conn., 1772, Mast. in Chanc. N. Y. 1776, Del. to Congr. 1774, MIemb. Surrogate N. Y. C. 1782. Council Conn. 1780, Repr. *John McKesson, N. Jers. in Congr. 1784-7, MIemb. 1753, (C.L.), A. M. and N. U.S. Constit. Conven. 1787, Jers. President 1787-1800, U. S. David Matthews, N. Jers., Sen. 1788. *1819 1754, (C. L.), A.M., Alder- *Samuel Andrew Peters, man N. Y. C. 1776. (Rev.), Yale 1757, A.M. and Josiah Ogden, A. B. and N. Yale, LL. D. elsewhere. *1826 Jers. 1756. *Samuel Seabury, (Rev.), 114 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1761-1768. Yale 1748, A. M. and Yale S. T. D. Ox. 1777, Bishop 1767. P. E. Ch. Conn. 1784-96. *1796 *James Scovill, (Rev.), Yale *Samuel Auchmuty, (Rev.), 1757, A. MI. and Yale. s1808 A. B. Harv. 1745 and A. M. *Agur Treadwell, (Rev.), A. Harv. 1746, S.T.D. and OxB. and Yale 1760, A. M. ford 1766. 1777 Yale. *1763 *Ephraim Avery, (Rev.), Yale *Edward Winslow, (Rev.), 1761, A. M. *1776 tHarv. 1736, A. M. and George Glentworth, M. D. Edinb., A. M. 8 *Charles Inglis, (Rev.), A.M., 1762. S. T. D. elsewhere, Bishop P. E. Ch. Nov. Scot., Gov*Samuel Andrews (Rev.), ernor King's Coll. aet. 82. 181t6 Andrews, (Rev.), *Hugh Neill, A. M. Yale 1759, A. M. *1818s *John Ogilvie, (Rev.), Yale *Richard Clarke,f(Rev.), A.B. 1748,A.M. a d Y leS.T.D 1718, A.M. and Yale,S.T.D. and Yale 1762, A. M. 1766,0 and Abed., Gov *Robean t arpur, Glasgow, King's Coill. 1770-4. *1774 A.M., Prof. Math. and Nat. Joh Tyler, (ev.),. B.,1823 Phil. 1761-7, Regent Univ. N. Y S. and Clerk of Board 1784-7, Trustee and Clerk of Board 1787-95, Secy. St. 1768. N.Y. *Bela Hubbard, (Rev.), Yale 1758, A.M. and Yale, S. T.D. *Samuel Bard, M. D. and Yale 1804. *1812 Edinb. 1765, LL.D. N.Jers. *RobertMcK ean, (Rev.),Phila. 1815,Prof.Theor.anldPract. Coll., A. M. Med. 1767-76 and of Midw. *Ebenezer Parmele,Yalel758, 1770-6, Prof.Chem. 1784-5, A. MI. and Yale. *1802 1786-7, Dean Med. Fac. 6 1792-1804. *1821 *Samuel Clossy, M. D. and 1764. Trin. Coll. Dub.,Prof. Anat. 1767-76. *Matih~ew Cushingf, Harv. *iMyles Cooper, (Rev.), Os1739, A. l. and H1arv., Li- ford,.LL.D. and Ox., Prof..rarn. l. an a - Mor. Phil. 1762-3, Presibrarian Harv. *1779 dent 1763-75. *1785 *Samuel Giles, A.B., Instr. in Maths. John Jones, Al. D. and 2 Rheims, Prof. Surg. 176776. *1791 *Peter Middleton, M. D. and 6 St. And., Prof. Path. and Physiol. 1767-76 and MSat. *Jeremiah Leaming, (Rev.), Med. and Chem. 1770-6, Yale 1745, A. M. and Yale Governor King's Coll. S. T. D. 1789. *1804 5 1769-1789.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 115 *James Sayre, (Rev.), Phila. 1 769. Coll. A. M. act. 53. *1798 *Williamn Tryon, LL. D.,Gov*Ebenezer Kneeland, (Rev.), ernor of the Province of Yale 1761, A. M. *1777 New York. 1788 4 1770. 1787. *Thomas Barton (Rev.), A.M. *James Hardie, A. B., A. M. *Robert Blackwell, (Rev.), 1790. A. B. and N. Jers. 1768. A. M. N. Jers., S. T. D. N. Jers. and Univ. Penn. 1788. 1788. 2 *Robert Annan, (Rev.), A.M. 17716 *William Cochran, (Rev.), Trin. Coll. Dub., A. M., Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. *Jonathan Boucher, (Rev.), 1784-9. A. Iv. *Robert Charles Johnson, Yale 1783, A. M. and Yale. x1800 1772. *Samuel Lathanm Mitchill, M. D. Univ. Edinb. 1786, *Edmund Fanning,Yale 1757, A.M., LL. D. elsewhere, A. M. and Y'ale and Harv. emb. N.Y. Assemrab. 17901764, J. C. D. Oxford, 1774,,2 and 1797- 9, Prof. Bot. LL. D. Yale 1803 and Dart. 1792-5 and Prof. Nat. Hist. 1803, Surveyor Genl. Prov. Chem. and Agricult. 1792N. Y. 1776, Lt.-Gov. Nov. 1801, Repr. in Congr. 1801Scot.,Gov. Prince Edw. IsI. *1818 3 and 1810-12, U. S. Seln. 1804-10, elected Prof. Chem.Coll. Phys. and Surg. I 773 N. Y. 1807 and declined, Prof. Nat. Hist. Coill. Phys. *Isaac Hunt, Phila., A. M. and Surg. N. Y. 1808-20 *Joseph Lamson, (Rev.), and Prof. Bot. and Mat. Yale 1741, A.M. and Yale. *1773 Med. 1820-6, Vice-Prest. *John Marshall, (Rev.), A.M. Rutg. Med. Coll. N.Y. 1826 — *Harry Monroe,(Rev.), A.M. 30. *1831 *John Stuart, (Rev.), A. MI. *John W. Watkins, A. M. 55 1774. 1789. *Luke Babcock, Yale 1755, *Roger Alden, Yale 1773, A. M. and Yale. *1777 A. M~[. and Yale. *1836 *George Panton, (Rev.), Ab- *Abraham Beach, (Rev.), erd., A. M. Yale 1757, S. T. D., Trus 116 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1789-1804. tee 1787-1813 and Clerk 1795-1811. *1828 1797 *John Daniel Gross, (Rev.), S. T. D., Regent Univ. N.Y. S. 1784-7, Trustee 1787- *James Kent, Yale, 1781 and 92, Prof. Germ. Lang. and A. M. Yale, LL. D. and Geogr. 1784-95, and Prof. Harv. 1810 and Dart. 1819. Mor. Phil. 1787-95. N. Y. Leg. 1790-94 and *Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, 1796, Prof. Law 1793-98 (Rev.), A. MI. N. Jers. 1770, and 1823-47, Mast. in S. T. D., Prest. Rutg. Coll. *1790 Chanc. N. Y. C. 1793, Re*Samuel William Johnson, corder N. Y. C. 1797, Judge Yale 1779, A.M. and Yale. s1846 Sup. Ct. N. Y. 1798-1814 *William Linn, (Rev.), N. and Ch. Just. N. Y. 1804Jers. 1772, S. T. D., Regent 14, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1808. 1808s 1800-17, Chanc. N.Y. 18146 23, Trustee 1823. act. 85. *1847 *Samuel Andrew Law,(Rev. ), 1790a Yale 1792, A. M. and Yale and N. Jers. 1797. *1845 2 *Henry Maeller, (Rev.), A.M. 2 *James Proudfit, (Rev.), A.M. 2 1798. 1793. William Best (Rev.), A. M. William Scott, (Rev.), A. M. *Ebenezer Dibble, (Rev.) Andrew Smith, A. MI. i (ev.), Rnobert G. Wetmore, (Rev.), Yale 1734, S. T. D. *1799 A. A.. 4 *Andrew Jaffiay, (Rev.), S. T. D. *William Ogilvie, LL. D., 1802. Prof. Human. Univ. Aberd. 3 William Duke, (Rev.), A. M. 1 - (P"*Jamnes Kemp, (Rev.), S. T. I tI9JoD., Bishop P. E. Ch. Maryland 1814-27. *1827 *Richard Channing Moore, 2 (Rev.), A. M., S.T.D.' Dart. 1805, Bishop P. E. Ch. Va. 1814-41. aet. 79. *1841 1804. 1795. *Edm=und D. Barry, (Rev.), A.M. John Campbell, A. M. Edward Jenkins, (Rev.), S.T. *John Coffin, Dart. 1791, A.M. D. and Brown Univ. 1803. and Dart. and N. Jers. Jacob Larzelere, (Rev.), A.M. 1795 and Yale 1798. *1852 *Peter Stryker, (Rev.), A.M. *1847 2 4 1805-1821.1 HONORARY GRADUATES. 117 Rutg. and N. Jers. 1801, S. T. D., Prof. Eccles. Hist. and Past. Theol. in Theol. Clement Meriam, (Rev.), Sem. N. Brunsw. N. J. *1818 A. M. 1806. 1818. *William James Macneven, *Robert Adrain, LL.D., Prof. My. D. and Univ. Vienna 3Math. and Nat. Phil. Rutg. 1783, Prof. Mat.Med. Rutg. 1810-13, Prof. Math. and ~M~ed. Coll. N. Y. *1841 Nat. Phil. 1813-25, Prof. Math.Univ. Penn. 1827-34.,1843 *Joseph Hopkinson, Univ. 1809. Penn. 1786, LL. D. and N. Jers. 1818 and Harv. 1831, Abrahalm Bironson, (Rev.), Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. Penn. *1842 A. M. Samuel Nichols, (Rev.), Yale 1811, A. M. Andrew Thomson, (Rev.), 1811*John roes, S(Rev.), A.. 4 *John Croes, (Rev.), A. M. N. Jers. 1797, S. T. D., 1819. Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Jers. 1815-32. *1832 *Thonas Church Brownell, James Hall, (Rev.), S. T. D. (Rev.), Union 1804, S.T. D. *William Harris, (Rev.),Harv. and Union 1819, LL. D. 1786 and A.M.Harv.,S.T.D. elsewhere, Bishop P.E. Ch. and Harv. 1811, President Conn. 1819-65, Prest. Trin. 1811-29, Trustee 1811-29 Coll. 1824-31. *1865 and Clerk 1811. *1829 *Philander Chase, (Rev.), 3 Dart. 1796, S. T. D., Prest. Ken. Theol. Sem., Prest. 1815. Ken. Coll., Bishop P.E. Ch. 1 (D 1 15. Ohio 1819-52. aet. 76. *1852 John Philip, (Rev.), S. T. D. *Frederic Beasley, (Rev.), N. and N. Jers. 1820. Jers. 1797 and A. M. N. 3 Jers., S. T. D. and Univ. Penn. 1815, Tutor N. Jers. 1820. 1798-1800, Provost Univ. Penn. 1815. s1845 Penn. 1815. *1845 illiam, Forrest, A. M. 1816. 1821. *John Schureman, (Rev.), Rutg. Coll. 1795 and A. M. *Thaddeus Fiske, (Rev.), 118 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1821-1824. Harv. 1785 and A. M. *Nathan Sandford, LL.D.,U, IHarv., S. T. D. *1855 S. Dist.-Atty. N. Y. 1803*Washington Irving, A. M., 16, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. LL.D.1829 and Harv. 1832, 1811 and Speaker of the J. C. D. Ox. 1831, Memb. of same, N. Y. Sen., U. S. several learned Societies. Sen. 1816-22 and 1825-31, Regent Univ. N.Y. S. 1835- MIemb. N. Y. Constit. Con42, Secy. U. S. Leg. Lond., yven. 1821, Cbancell. N. Y. U. S. Min. to Spain, 1842- 1823-25. *1838 46. aet. 76. *1859 *John Savage, Union 1799 Daniel MicDonald, (Rev.), LL. D. and Union 1829, S. T. D. 3 Ch. Justice Sup. Ct. N. Y. Samuel Seabury, (Rev.), A. 1822. Ai., S. T. D. 1837, Prof. Bibl. Learn. and Interp. *William Lowndes, LL. D., Script. Gen. Theol. Sem. Repr. in Congress, U. S. P. E. Ch. Sen. (*Ambrose Spencer, Harv. *Thomas Lyell, (Rev.), A. I. 1783, LL. D. and Univ. Brown 1803, S. T. D. *1848 Penn. 1819 and Harv. 1821, *Alexis P. Proal (Rev.), A.M. Memb. N.Y. Assemb. 1793John Reed, (Rev.), Union 5, N. Y. Sen. 1795-1802, 1805 and A. M. Union, S. Atty.-Gen. N. Y. 1802-4, T. D. Regent Univ. N.Y.S. 1805*Stephen N. Rowan (Rev.), 17, Judge Sup. Ct. N. Y. Union 1804 and D A. M. 1804-19 and Ch.-Just. of Union, S. T. D1835 the same 1819-23, Repr. in John Walsh, A. MI. Congr. *1848 ~~~~~6 9 1823. 1824. John Carroll, A. M. *Langdon Cheves, LL. D., Abraham N. Halsey, A. M. Repr. in Congr. and Speak*Chauncey Lee, (Rev.), Yale er, Supr. Judge S. Car., 1784 and A. M. Yale, S. T. Prest. U. S. Bank, Ch. D. *1842 Comlmr. U.S. under Treaty *Edward Livingston, N. Jers. of Ghent. 1857 1781 and A. M. N. Jers., William A. Clark, (Rev.), LL. D. and Transyl. 1824 A. M. and Harv. 1834, Trustee *Janres Fenimore Cooper, 1793-1806, Repr. in Congr. A. M. *1851 1794-1801 and 1823-9, U. *Thomas Addis Emmet,Trin. S. Dist.-Atty. N. Y. 1801-3, Coll. Dub. LL. D., Atty.Mayor N. Y. C. 1801-3, Gen. N. Y. *1827 Secy. St. U. S. 1831- 3. U.S. *Ernest Lewis Hazelius, Min. to France 1833-5. *1836 (Rev.), S. T. D. and Union *John Stark Ravenscroft, 1824. -1853 (Rev.), S. T. D. Bishop P. *Levi Silliman Ives, (Rev.), E. Ch. N. Car. 1823-30. *1830 Hamilton Coill., A. M., S.T. 1824-1830.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 119 D. 1831, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Car. 1831-53. aet, 70. *1867 1827. *James Kirke Paulding, A. M., Nav. Off. N. Y., Secy. *Jasper Adams, (Rev.),Brown U. S. Navy 1837-41. *1860 1815 and A. M. Brown and *Daniel Webster, Dart. 1801 Yale 1819, S. T. D., Tutor and A. M. Dart. and Harv. Brown 1818-19, Prof. Math. 1804, LL. D. and N. Jers. and Nat. Phil. Brown18191818 and Dart. 1824 and 24, Prest. Genev. Coill. Harv. 1824, Memb. of sev- 1827, Prest. Charleston S. erallearned Soc., Repr. in C. Coll. and Prof. Mor. Congr. 1813-17 and 1823-. Phil., Prof. Eth.Milit.Acad. 25, Memb. Mass. Constit. U. S. *1841 Conven. 1820, U. S. Sen. William Rollinson Whitting1826-41 and 1845-50,Secy. ham, (Rev.), A. M., S.T.D. St. U.S. 1841-43 and 1850- 1837, Prof. in Gen. Theol. 52. *1852 Sem. P. E. Ch. N.Y., Bishop 8 P. E. Ch. Maryland 1840-. 1825. 2 *John Caldwell Calhoun, 1828. Yale 1804, LL. D. and Hamilt. 1821 andYale 1822, *Asa Eaton, (Rev.), Harv. Memb. S. C. Leg., Rep. in 1803 and A. M. Harv. and Congr. 18171-124, Secy. e-Par Brow 1818, S. T. D. *188 U.. 1817-24, ce-Pres. *Charles Taylor Catlin, Yale U. S. 1825-32, U S. Sen. 3U. 5. 1825-32, U S. Sen. 1822, A. M. and Yale. aet. 67. *1870 1832-43 and 1845-50, Secy. WitliasnBuellSprague, (R~ev.), WiTliam.BuellSprague, (Rev.), St. UJ. 5. 1844-45. *1850 Yale 1815 and A. M. Yale *Stephen Elliot, Yale 1791, 1819, 5. T. D. and Harv. LL. D. and Yale 1819 and 1848 3 Harv. 1822, Memb. S. C. Leg., Prof. Nat. Hist. and Bot. S. C. Med. Coll. 183so 1829. Henri L. P. F. Peneveyre, (Rev.), S. T. D. Antoine Verren, (Rev.), A.M. *JoelRobertsPoinsett,LL.D., Prof. French Lang. and Lit. Repr. in Congr. 1821-27, 1828-39. U.S. Min. to Mex. 1828-30, Secy. War U. S. 1837-41. *1851 Williamn Shelton, A. M. 1830. 5 *James Marsh, (Rev.), Dart. 1826. 187 and A.M. Dart. S. T.D. and Amh. 1833, Tutor Dart. *William Wirt Phillips, 1818-20,Prof. Lang. Hanip. (Rev.), Union 1813, S. T. D., Syd. Coil. Prest. and Prof. Trustee N. Jers.Coll.,Prest. Mor. Phil. and Met. Univ. Board For. Miss. Presbyt. Vt. *1842 Ch. *1865 *FredericChristian Schaeffer, 120 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1830-1836. (Rev.), A. M. N. Jers. 1818, John H. Pinder (Rev.), S. T. S. T. D., Prof. Germ. Lang. D., Principal of Codringand Lit. 1830-31. *1831 ton Coill. Isl. Barbad. *WilliamD.Snodgrass, (Rev.), *David Prentice, Yale 1812, Wash. Coell. Penn., A. M. A. M. and Yale, LL. D. N. Jers. 1822, S. T. D. Union 1839, Prof. Greek *William Murray Stone, and Lat. Lang. Genev. (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. Coell. *1857 E. Ch. Md. 1830-38. *188 4 1834. 1831. Orange Clark, (Rev.), A. MT. T h o m a s Winthrop Coit, *Eli Baldwin, (Rev.), S.T.D. *1839 (Rev.), Yale 1821 and A.M. *James Ryan, A. M. Yale 1831, S. T. D., LL.D. James Shea, A. M. Trin. 1853, Prest. Trans. George Upfold,(Rev.),Union Univ., Prof. Eccl. Hist. 1814, M.D. Coell. Phys. and Trin. Coll. Surg. N. Y. 1816, S. T. D., Don Thomas Gener, LL. D., LL. D. elsewhere, Bishop Prest. Cortes of Spain. P. E. Ch. Ind. 1849. Robert J. Harvey, A. M. 4 William Augustus Muhlenberg, (Rev.), S. T. D. l1832. William Sherwood, (Rev.), A. M. * Francis Lister Hawks, (Rev.), Univ. N. Car. 183815, A. M. Yale 1818, S. T. D., LL. D. elsewhere. *1866 * B e n j a m i n Clark Cutler, (Rev.), Brown 1822 and A. M. Brown, S. T. D. *1863 1833. Manuel Fetter, A. B., A. M. 1842, Prof. Greek Lang. and Lit. Univ. N. Caro*Charles Burroughs, (Rev.), and Lit. Univ. N. CaroHarv. t1806, and WA.M/.Harv. W Villiam Gaston, N. Jers. andc Dart. 1811, S. T. D. 1851 1796 and A. AM. N. Jers., *George Washington Doane, LL. D., and Univ. Penn. (Rev.), Union 1818, S. T. 1819 and Harv. 1826 and ID. and Trin. 1833, LL. D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1834 and N. elsewhere, Prof. Rhet. and Jer 183 N. Ca Sen., Orat. Trin. Coll. 1824-28, Ja,. N., Prest. -Burlington Coll. N. Judge Sup. Ct. N. Car., J., Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Repr. in Congr. *1844 Jers. 1832-59. *1859 James Neilson Reynolds, A. Jers. 1832-59. *1859. *James Emott, A. M., Union 1800, LL. D. *1850 *James Hervey Otey, (Rev.), 8 6 S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Tenn. 1834-63. *1863 * Benjamin Hale (Rev.), 1836-1840.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 121 Bowd. 1818 and A. M. Bowd. and Dart. 1827, M. 1838. D. Dart. 1827, S. T. D. Prof. Chem. and Min. and *Isaac Boyle, (Rev.), Harv. Med. Juris. Dart. 1827- 1813 and A. M. Harv., S. 35, President Genev. T. D. and Trin. 1838. *1850 Coll. aet. 66. *1863 Walter Chisholm, A. M. Benjamin Luckock, (Rev.), *Leonidas Polk (Rev.), U. S. A. M. Mil. Acad. 1829, S. T. D.,'Jacob Sutherland, Yale Bishop P. E. Ch. Ark. 1807, LL. D., Judge Sup. 1838-41, and Bishop of Ct. N. Y. *1845 Louisania 1841-64. act. 58. *1864 3 3 1837. 1 John Bethune (Rev.), S.T.D. William Cullen Bryant, A.M. Wim. M. Carmichael (Rev.), and Will. 1819, LL. D. S. T. D. Union 18;,3. DAbraham Halsey, A. M. *John Duer, LL. D., Memb. 2 N. Y. Constit. Conven. 1821, Trustee 1823-30, Just. 1840. Supr. Ct. N. Y. C. 1849-57 1840, and Ch.-Just. same 18578. *+s1s John Watson Adams (Rev.), *George Griffin, Yale 1797, S. T. D. LL. D. *1860 *Stephen Elliott, (Rev.), *Fitz-Greene Halleck, A. M. *1867 Harv. 1824 and A. M. *Charles Fenno Hoffman, Harv., S. T. D., and Trin. A. M. 1840, Bishop P. E. Ch. Theodore Irving, (Rev.),. A. Georgia 1841-66. *1866 M., LL. D., Uinion 1851, Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck, Prof. Belles-Lettr. Geneva Yale 1810 and A. M. Yale Coll. 1837. 1819, LL. D. and Union Samuel Allen McCoskry, 1841, Repr. in Congr., (Rev.), Dickin. Coill. 1823 Prest Rutg. Coll. and A. M. Dickinson, S. T. William Hawkesworth, A.M., D., D. C. L. Univ. Oxf., Prof. Lang. S. Car. Coll. Bishop P. E. Ch. Mich. 1840. 1836-. *Hugh Swinton Legare, (C.L.) *Erskine Mason(Rev.), Dick- S. C. Coill. 1814, LL. D., ins. Coll. Penn. 1823 and Memb. S. C. Leg. 1824-30, A. M. Dickin., S. T. D. Atty.-Gen. S. C. 1830-2, *David B. Ogden, LL. D., Charge d'Aff. U. S. at BrusTrustee 1815-49 and Chn. sels 1832-36, Repr. in of Board 1843-49. *1849 Congr. 1836-38, Atty.-Gen. *Thomas House Taylor, U. S. 1841-43. *1843 (Rev.), S. T. D. *1867 *WVilliam Hickling Prescott, *Samuel A. Van Vranken, Harv. 1814 and A.M. Harv., (Rev.), S. T. D. 12 LL. D. and Univ. N. Car. 122 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1840-1846. 1841 and Harv. 1843, J. C. D. Oxford 1850, Memb. of 1843, many learned societies. *1859 6 John M. Duncan, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1 QA X ~ 1George E. Hare, (Rev.),Union 1841. 1826, S. T. D. Daniel Stone, A.M., Prof.Anc. *Albert Gallatin,Univ. Genev. Lang. West. Univ. Penn. Switz. 1779, LL. D., Memb. 1843. 3 Penn.Constit. Conven. 1789, Memb Penn. Leg. 1790-2, Repr. in Congr. 1795-1801, 1844 Secy. Treas. U. S. 1801-13, U. S. Commr. at Ghent Edward E. Ford, (Rev.), S. 1814, U. S. Min. to France, T. D. 181t5-23, U. S. Env. Ex. to Joseph W. Ingraham, A. M. Gr. Britain 1826-7, Prest. Charles G. McLean, (Rev.), Council Univ. N.Y.C. 1830, S. T. D. Prest. N. Y. Hist. Society *Ambrose Seymour Todd, 1843-9. *1849 (Rev.), A. M. Yale 1824, S. C. H. Gottsberger, A. M. T. D. *181 Samuel Nelson, LL. D., Just. Charles E. West, A. M. Prine. Sup. Ct. U. S. Rutg. Female Instit. N. Y. William M. Thompson, A. M. C. 1844. 5 4 1842 1845. *Danie] DeweyBarnard,Will. GustavusAbeel,(Rev.),Union 1818, LL. D. and Geneva 1823 and A. M. Union S. and Brown, 1853, Repr. in T. D. Congr., U. S. Min. at BrusJames J. Bowden, A. B. sels. *1861 *ChaLrles W. Hackley, (Rev.), Edward Cooper, A. M. U. S. Mil. Acad. 1829, A.M., Charles Hewitt, A. M. S.T.D. elsewhere, A.A.Prof. John W. McCullough, (Rev.), Maths.U.S. Mil.Acad.1829- S. T. D. 31, 1832-33, Prof. Maths. Horatio Southgate, (Rev.). Univ. N.Y.C.1833-39,Prest. Bowd. 1832 and A.M.Bowd., Jeff. Coll. Miss. 1839, Prof. S. T.D. and Trin. Coll. 1846, Math. and Astr. 1843-57, Bishop P. E. Ch. ConstantiProf. Astr. 1857-61. *181 nople 1844-. Edward Y. Higbee, (Rev.), *Bird Wilson, (Rev.), S.T. D. A.rM., S. T. D. 1843. elsewhere,LL.D.,Prof.Gen. George C. Schaeffer, A. M., Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 6 M. D. elsewhere, Librarian 1839-47, Professor Chem. 1846. Georget. Coll. Kent. John H. Shepherd, A. M. William Bayard Blackwell, A. 6 M. 1846-1851.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 123 Ezra A. Huntington, (Rev.), 1823, LL. D. and Keny. Union'1833, S. T. D. Coll. 1842, M. D. Univ. 2 Pern. 1850, Asst. Prof. Math. U. S. Mil. Acad. 1847 Xv1818-25, Prof. Math. Geneva Coll. 1825-48, Prest. Coll City N. Y. 1848-69. W 11 i a m Ingraham Kip, 3 (Rev.), Yale 1831 and A.M. Yale and Trin. 1846, S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Cali- 185 0 forn. 1853-. Joseph Henry Price (Rev.), *William Drisler, A. M. *1870 Brown 1825 and A. M. David X. Junkin, (Rev.), S. Brown, S. T. D. T. D., Prof. Belles Lettr. *J o h n Canfield Spencer, and Eng. Lit. Lafay. Coll. Union 1806, LL. D. and 1837-42, Prest. Wash. Coll. lUnion 1849, Mast. inChanc. Va. 1811, Dist. Atty. West. John Barrett Kerfoot,((Rev.), Dist. N. Y., Repr. in Congr. S. T. D., Rector St. James 1817-19, Memb. N. Y. As- Coll. Md., Prest. Trin.Coll. semb. 1819-24 and Speaker 1864-65, Bishop P. E. Ch. of the same 1820, N. Y. Pittsburg 1865-. Sen. 1824 —26, Secy. St. N. Kendrick Metcalf, (Rev.), Y. 1839-41, Secy. War U. Dart. 1829. S. T. D., Prof. S. 1841-43, Secy. Treas. U. Greek and Lat. Lang. and S. 1843-44, Regent Univ. Lit. Hobart. N. Y. S. 1840-44. *1855 *Winfield Scott, A. M. N. 3 Jers. 1814, LL. D. and Harv. 1861, Maj.-Gen. and Bvt.-Lt.-Gen. U.S.A. aet. 80.. 1866 l t1848' U.Timothy D. Williams, A. M. Francis Vinton, (Rev.), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1830, A. B. Brown Univ. 1833, S. T. D., LL. D. Will. Coll. 1869, elected Bishop P. E. Ch. Francis H. Cuming, (Rev.), Indiana 1847 and declined, S. T. D. Prof. Divin. Gen. Theol. *Martin P. Parks, (Rev.), S. Sem. P. E. Ch. N.Y. 1869-. T. D. John Williams, (Rev.), S.T.D. and Union 1847, LL. D. 1 849. Hobart 1870, Prest. Trin. Coll. 1848-53, Asst. Bishop George Alexander Crook,A.M P. E. Ch. Conn. 1851-65 James Stephenson, (Rev.), and Bishop 1865-. A. M. Octavius Winslow, (Rev.), S. Horace Webster, U. S. Mil- T. D. Acad. 1818, A. M. N. Jers. 4 124 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1852-1856. 1852. 1854. Stephen Alexander, Union William R. Gordon, (Rev.), 1824 and A. M.'Union, S. T. D. LL. D., Prof. Math. and Jean Romer, A. M., LL. D. Astr. N. Jers. elsewhere, Prof. French S a in u e 1 Gilman Brown, Lang. and Lit. Free Acad. (Rev.), Dart. 1831 and A. N. Y. C. M. Dart., S. T. D., Prof. I. Jackson Scott, (Rev.), S. Rhet. and Polit. Lit. Dart. T. D. 1840-63 and Prof. Int. Phil. Henry Philip Tappan, (Rev.), and Pol. Econ. 1863-66 and Union 1825, S. T. D. Union Prest. 1866-68,Prest. Ham. 1845, LL.D., Prof.Mor. and Coll. 1868-. Int. Phil. Univ. N. Y. C. William B. Franklin, U. S. 1832-38, Chancell. Univ. Mil. Acad. 1843, A. M., Mich. 1850-63, Cor. Memb. Prof. Nat. Phil. Free Acad. Inst. of France 1856. N. Y. C., Maj.-Gen. U.S.V. 4 Richard Pulling Jenks, Harv. 1830, A. M. William McMurray, (Rev.), 1 5. A. M. Trin. 1846, S. T. D. John Rowland, (Rev.), A.M. John M. Macauley, (Rev.), John Lee Watson, (Rev.), S. T. D. Harv. 1815 and A.M. Harv., Joseph Few Smith,t (Rev.), S. T. D. Yale 1840 and A. M. Yale, 7 S. T.D., Prof. Sac. Lit. Aub. 18 53. Theol. Sem. 2 Talbot W. Chambers, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1856. Thomas Frederick Davis, (Rev.), S. T. D.. Bishop P. John Blakely, (Rev.), S. T. D. E. Ch. S. C. 1853-. George Sharswood, LL. D., Henry D. Erskine, (Rev.), A. Ch.-Judge Dist. Ct. Penn,, M. elsewhere, S.T.D., Dean Prof. Instit. of Law Univ. of Ripon, Eng. Penn., Judge Sup.Ct. Penn. Charles Todd Quintard,(Rev.), 1867-_ M. D. elsewhere, A. M., S. Richard Somers Smith, U. S. T. D. 1866, Prof. in Medical Mil. Acad. 1834, A.M.,Prof. College, Memphis, Tenn., Maths., Eng. and Drawing, Bishop P. E. Ch. Tenn. Brooklyn Polyt. Inst. 1855 1865-. -59, Director Cooper Union Charles Rogers, (Rev.),LL. N. Y. C. 1859-61, Major D., Fellow Scottish Soc. of U. S. A. 1861-63, Prest. Antiquarians, Prof. Eng. Girard Coll. Penn. 1863-. Lang. and Lit. Univ. Penn. Samuel Pratt Strong, (Rev.), t Known subsequently as Joseph S. T. D. 6 Fewsmith. 1856-1860.' HONORARY GRADUATES. 125 Alfred Stubbs, (Rev.), Yale tor N. Jers. 1840-1, Lect. 1835, and A. M. Yale S. on Architect. and the Fine T. D. Arts N. Jers. 4 George H. Houghton, (Rev.), S. T. D., Instr. in Hebr. 1857 Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. Joseph Alden, (Rev.), Union *Lot Jones, (Rev.), Bowd. 1829 and A. M. Union and 1821 and A. M. Bowd., S. N. Jers. 1832 and Will. 1837, S. T. D. Union 1839, Alexander G. Mercer, (Rev.), LL.D., Tutor-N. Jers.1830- S. T. D. 32, Prof. Rhet. Polit. Econ. Samuel Tyler, LL. D. and Hist. Will. 1835-52, Prof.Metaph.and Mor.Phil. Lafay. Coll., Prest. Jeff. 1860 Coll. Penn. Alfred Baury Beach, (Rev.), Charles P. Daly, LL. D., Just. Trin. Coll. 1841 and A. II. (Ct. Coru. Pleas N. Y. C., Trin., S. T. D. Memb. N. Y. S. Constit. Samuel Cooke, (Rev.), A. M. Conv. 1867. Yale 1847, S. T. D. and Theodore W. Dwight, HamilV. N. Y. C. 1. ton and A. M. Hamilt., LL. William Ferdinand Morgan, D. and Rutg. Coil. 1859, 1846-58, P1of. Munic. Law 1858-, and Warden Law 1858. Sch. 1864-, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1867. Charles D. Morris, A. M. and John W. French, (Rev.), Trin. Oxford. 1832 and A. M. Trill., S. Samuel Spring, (Rev.), A. B. T. D., Prof. Ethics U. S. and A. M. Yale 1821, S. Mil.WAcad. T. D. Thomas Tompkins Guion, Henrv Waterman, (Rev.), (Rev.), Trin. 1847, S. T. Brown 1831, S. T. D. D. *Isaac Dyckman Vermilye, Fordyce Mitchell Hubbard, (Rev.), A.M. (Rev.), A.ill. 1828 and A. (Rev.),nd A.M. M. Will., S. T. D. and Triu. 1860, Tutor Will. 1831-2, 1 Q U (l rProf. Lat. Lang. Univ. N. ~1859J ~ ~ Car. *Matthew Hall McAllister, Thomas De Boice Coryell, LL. D., Judge U. S. Dist. Univ. Wis., A. M. Ct. Cal. *1Q65 William Armstrong Dod, William H. N. Stewart, (Rev,), (Rev.), N. Jers 1838 and - Tril. Coll. Dub., A. I., A. M. N. Jers. S. T. D., Tu- LL D. Lafayette 1868. 126 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. L1860-1865. Charles S. Tripler, M. D. Coll. (Rev.), Yale 1837 and A. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1827, M. Yale, S. T. D., Prof. A. M., Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Phil. and Hist. Univ. N. Y. 1830-38 and Surg. 1838-, C. Maj. and Bvt. Col. U. S. A. Henry Joel Scudder, Trin. Lewis Bartholomew Wood- 1846, A. M. and Trin. ruff, Yale 1830 and A. M. John Cotton Smith, (Rev.), Yale, LL D., Judge Supr. Bowd. 1847 and A. M. Ct. N. Y. C., Judge U. S. Bowd., S. T. D. Circ. Ct. 1870-. 6 9 1863. 1861. Samuel Hanson Cox, (Rev.), *Alexander Warfield Brad- Univ. N. Y. C., A. M. Trin. ford, Union 1832 and A. AI. 1852, S. T. D. Union, LL. D. and Union Samuel Eliot, Harv. 1839 and 1852, Corporation Atty. N. A.M. Harv. and Trin. 1857, Y. C. 1843, Surrogate N.Y. LL.D.,Prof. Histand Polt. C. 1848-58, Trustee 1855- Sci. Trin., elected Prof. 67 aet. 52. *1867 Anc. and Mod. Lit. 1857 Charles H. Hall, (Rev.), Yale and declined, President 1862, S. T. D. and Hobart Trin. Coll. 1860-4. 1862. Jared B. Flagg, (IRev.), S. T. *Abraham Lincoln, LL. D., D. President of the United Robert S. Howland, (Rev.), States 1861-65. *1865 S. T. D. 8Thomas Ricker Lambert, *Joseph C. Passmore, (Rev.), Thomas Ricker Lamw ert, S. T. D., Prof. Rhet. mIt. (Rev.), A. M. Brown 1815 Phil. and Pol. Econ. St. and Trin. 1852, S. T. ID. James Coll. Md. Henry B. Talbridge, (Rev.), S. Chipman Thrall, (Rev.), S. S. T. D. T. D. 6 Sullivan H. Weston, (Rev.), S. T. D., Trustee Med. 1864. Dept. 1860-. 6 Henry Stephens Cutler, Mus. ID. 1862. Joseph G. Fox, C. E. elsewhere, A. AM., Prof. Math. Henry P. Balcom, A. M. Supt. Cooper Inst. N. Y. C. Pub. Sch. Middlet., Conn. Thomas Hunter, A. M. Samuel Budel, (Rev.), Will. 1833 and A. M. Will., S. T. D., Tutor Ken. 1865, George Jarvis Geer, (Rev.), Trin. 1842 and A. M. Trin., Samuel Ely, (Rev.), S. T. D. S. T. DI. and Union 1862. Richard Graham Hutton, Benjamin Nicholas Martin, (Rev.), A. M. 1865-1870.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 127 Andrew Johnson,LL.D.,Vice- Ferdinand Cartwright Ewer, President of the United (Rev.), Harv. 1848 and A. States 1865 and President M. Harv. 1868, S. T. D. 1865-69. Channing Moore Williams, McWalter B. Noyes (Rev.), (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. A. M. E. Ch. China 1866-. Samuel S. Shedden, (Rev.), 4 S. T. D. James Tuttle Smith, (Rev.), 1868. A.M., Hosp. Chapl. U. S. A. 1862-65. WVilliam H. Walter, Mus. D. Philander Kinney Cady, George D. TWaters, (Rev.), S. (Rev.), S. T. D. T. D. Benjamin Wistar Morris, John Freeman Young, (Rev.), (Rev.), S. T. D. BishopP. S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. E. Oh. Oregon and WashFlorida 1867-. ington 1868-. 9 Charles Franklin Robertson, (Rev.). Yale 1859, S. T. D. 186G6. Bishop P. E. Ch. Missouri 1868-. 3 Abner Jackson, (Rev.), Trin. Coll. 1837 and A. M. Trin., 1869. S. T. D. Trin. 1858, LL.D., Tutor Trin. 1837-38, and Charles Breck, (Rev.), S. T. Libr. 1837-49, Adj. Prof. D. Greek and Lat. Lang. Theodore Augustus Eaton, Trin. 1838-40, Lect. in (Rev.), S. T. D. Chem. and Nat. Sci. Trin. Asa Bird Gardner, (Rev.), 1840-51 and Prof. Ethics Dart. 18-, A.M. and Dartand Metaphys. 1840-58, mouth. Prest. and Prof. Ev. Christ. Thomas Williams Hughes, Hobart Coll. Prest. Trin. (Rev.), S.T.D., Prest. Univ. Coll. 1867-. East Tenn. Charles P. Kirkland, LL. D., William Quintard Ketchum, Judge Sup. Court N. Y. (Rev.), S. T. D. James Mulchahey, (Rev.), Benson J. Lossing, A. M. Trin. 1842 and A. M. Trin. John Carpenter Smith,(Rev.), S. T. D. S. T. D. 3 7 18 7. 1870. Samuel B. Bostwick, (Rev.), Samuel Brazer Babcock, S. T. D. ~Rev.), S. T. D. William Croswell Doane, George Marlow Everhart, (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. (Rev.), S. T. D. E. Ch. Albany 1868-. 2 ENUMERATION. Graduates in Arts................................... 2109 Graduates in Medicine other than Graduates in Arts.... 868 Graduates in Law other than Graduates in Arts........ 487 Graduates in Mining other than Graduates in Arts..... 37 Honorary Graduates, and Graduates of other Colleges admitted here to the same degree.................... 333 3834 KNOWN TO BE DECEASED. Graduates in Arts.................................. 910 Graduates in Medicine, as above..................... 38 Graduates in Law, as above.......................... 6 Honorary Graduates, and others, as above............. 159 1113 Presumed to be living........................ 2721 ROLL OF ALUMNI WHO SERVED IN THE ARMIY OR NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES, 1861-1865. 1826. 1839. Thomas Swords, Jr., John Jacob Astor, Jr., Brig.-General U. S. A. Colonel U. S. Vols., and Volunteer A. D. C. on staff of Maj.-General McClellan, Nov., 1861-July, 1862. Iaesigned July, 1862. Brevet Brig.1828. General U.S. Vols., 1866, for meritorious services on the Peninsula. Thomas T. Devan, Hospital Chaplain U. S. A., 1862. 1841. 1833. *Robert Le Roy, Jr., Captain U.S. Vols., A.A.G. on staff of Gen. McCook. Died of chronic *Philip Kearny, Jr., diarrhcea, March 5, 1865. Brig.-General U. S. Vols., May 17, 1861; Major-General, July 4, 1862. Killed at the battle of Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. 1842. Edward Elmer Potter, 1834. Captain U.S. Vols. and C. S. on staff of Get. J. G. Foster, Dec., 1861; Brig.-General, Chief of Staff to Robert S. Swords, Gen. Foster, Jan., 1863; Brevet Lieut.-Colonel 13th N. Jersey Vols. Major-General, June, 1865. Resigned, July, 1865. 1838. 1847. *Thomas Colden Cooper, Captain U. S. Vols. Killed at the John Moneypenny, Jr., battle of the "Wilderness," 1864. Surgeon 123d N.Y.S. Vols. 130 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1848 -1855. 1848. 1852. Cornelius Low King, John H. Pell. 1st Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, Eugene Thorn, M~ay, 1861; Captain 30th U. S. Corporal 71st Regt. N. Y. S M., Infantry; Brevet Major andLieut.- April 20, 186-Iay, 1861N 2d LieuColonel U.S.A., for the battles of tenaA t May, 1861-JUy, 30 18; 1 - tenant, May, 1861-July 30, 1861; the Ps... 1st Lieutenant, May28, 1862-July, sylvania. " Still in service. 1862; Captain, July, 1862-Sep. 2, 1862. Eustace Trenor, 18499 Surgeon N. Y. S. Vols. *John Trenor, Jr., Churchill John Cambreling, Asst.-Surgeon 2d N. Y. Vol. Cavalry; Asst.-Surgeon U. S. V., March 11, Private 7th egt. N.Y.S.M., April, 1863; Surgeon, Oct., 1863-Dec., 1861;ieutenan 5th N.Y. S Vols 1863. Died at sea, July 7, 1867. Captain, Sept., 1861; Major -- Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., 1862. Resigned 1862, in consequence of sickness contracted in the field. 1854. * William Morrow Knox, 1 Asst. -Surgeon 78th Penn. Vols. Died April 28, 1862, from fracture of Edward Kirkland, the skull. Sergeant 71st Regt. N. Y. S. M., John Shrady, Jr., April 20, 1861-July 30, 1861; Acting Asst. -Surgeon U. S. A., May Sergeant-Major, May 28, 18624, 1862; Surgeon 2d East Tenept. Sept. 2, 1862, June, 1863-Aug., Inf., Oct. 18, 1862. Mustered out 1863. Oct. 8, 1864. Elias J. Marsh, Asst.-Surg. U. S. A., 1861-; Medical Director U. S. V. 1850.Q *Orlando H. Morris, Major 66th N. Y. Vols., 1861; Colonel. Killed in battle, 1864. Matthew 5M. Blunt, *James Cortlandt Parker, Major U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 4th N. Y. Battery, 1861June 4, 1862. Died of typhoid fever at Bottom's Bridge, Va., June 4, 1862. 185)1. Stewart L..Woodford, Lieut.-Colonel 127th N. Y. Vols., Edward S. Hoffman Aug., 1862; Chief of Staff, Dept. of the South, Feb., 1865; Colonel Surgeon 9Cth N. Y. S. Vols. L(;l U. S. C. T., Feb., 18t6; *A. Henryv Thurston, Bvt. Brig.-General U. S. V. 1865; Surgeon 12th Itegt. N.Y S. M.,April, and assigned to duty as Brig.1861; Brigade Surgeon U.S. Vols., GenerL. Resignedin1866. Sept., 1861; Medical Director U. S. Vols. Died in 1865, while in service. 1855. William G. Ward, Lieut.-Colonel 12th Regt. N Y. S. M., April 21, 1861-July, 1861; James R. Hosmer, Colonel, May, 1862. Taken pris- Private 8th Md. Vols., Aug., 1862; oner at Harper's Ferry, Va., bept. Capt. and A. Q. M. on Maj.-Gen. 15, 18622. Sheridan's Staff, May-Dec., 1864. 1856-1859.] ROLL. 131 July, 1861; Lieut.-Colonel, Dec. 6, 1856, 1862: Colonel, June 16,1863; Brig.General U.S. Vols., Sept. 17, 1863; ~Bvt. Major-General, Oct. 2, 1864; Edwin S. Babcock, Major-General, April 6, 1865. ReCaptain 2d N. J. Vols., April, 1861- signed Feb. 1, 1866. July, 1861; Lieut.-Colonel 27th N. Carey J. Vols, 1861-62; Captain Oth Regt. U.S. Colored Troops, 1862- Captain 61st N.Y.Vols., Aug.,1861; May, 1865. Resigned May, 1865. Iajor, 1861; Lieut..Colonel. illed at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., Charles A. Bacon, May 31, 1862. In service U. S. San. Comm., May- *Theodore Parkman Color-Bearer 45th Mass. Vols., Sept. Charles N. Clark, 26, 1862-Dec. 16, 1862. Killed at - Regt. Iowa Vols. the battle of Whitehall, N. C., Dec. 16, 1862. Whittingham Cox, Private 7th Regt. N.Y:S. M., May, William Renwick Smedberg, 1862; 2d Lieutenant 14th U. 6. 1st Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, Infantry; 1stLieutenant. Stillin May 14, 1861; Captain, Oct. 25, service. 1 6l; Bvt. Major U.S.A., July 2, 1863; Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel May 5, Robert Livingston Cutting. 1864. 16. till in service. William R. Hyslop, Captain 32d N. Y. Vols. Charles C. suyda, 1 85 8. 1st Lieutenant 5th N. Y. Cavalry, Oct. 31, 1861-March 6, 1862; Cap- *Phili esier tain and A.A.G., March 6, 1862- esier Lydig, Aug. 20, 1862; Lieut.-Colonel and Volunteer A D. C. to Gen. Parke, A A.G. 4th Army Corps, Aug. 20, Jan. 8, 1862; Capt. U.S. V. and A. 1862-Aug. 10, 1863, and A. A. G. D. C. to Gen Burnside, April, Cavalry Corps, " Army of the l'o- 1862; Major and Adj.-General 9th tomac," Sept. 16, 1863-Jan. 8, Army Corps; Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel 1864;.Lieut.-Colonel 3d N. J. Cav- and olonel U. S. V. Resigned airy, Jan. 16, 1864-Nov. 15, 1864. April 24, 1865. Resigned Nov. 15, 1864, on ac- Gilbert T. Totten, count of illness. Asst. Surgeon 32d N.Y.S.V. W~illiam Gracie Ulshoeffer, John Ward, Jr., Private 7th Regt. N Y. S..I., April Captain U.S. V. 19, 1861-June, 1861; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 36th N. Y. Vols., June 1861- Dec. 4, 1861; Captaiu, Dec. 4, 1861-Sept. 10, 1862; Cap- 1859 tain and A. A. A.G. Deven's Brigade, 3d Div. 6th Army Corps, Sept. 10, 1862-Oct., 1862; Captain William Jay, JTr., and A. D. C. to Brig.-General Brevet Lieut.-Colonel U.S.V. John Newton, Oct., 1862-July 15, *Stephen Richard Reynols, 1863. Mustered out July 15, 2d Lieutenant 99th N.Y.S.V., Dec. v1863. 16, 1861; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, Oct. 1, 1862; Captain U.S V. and A.A.G. on Staff of C57.;General Wistar, June 23, 1863. 571 8 5 76 Mortally wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864, Henry Eugene Davies, Jr., and died July 30, 1864. Captain 5th N. Y. Vols., April 20, J. Augustus Slipper, 1861; Major 2d N. Y. Cavalry, Major U.S.V. 132 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1860-1861. 18 6 0 *Frederick A. Tracy, 2d Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, Oct. 26, 1861; 1st Lieutenant, Robert P. Barry, Sep. 16, 1862. Died of typhoid Captain 16th U. S. Infantry. fever, June 3, 1863. Clarence Stewart Brown, Mlajor U.S. 1V. Edgar M. Cullen, 1861. 2d Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, larch 24), 1862; 1st Lieutenant, James Benkard, Jr., Sept. 20), 1863; Colonel 96th N. Y. Private 7th Regt. N.Y. S M. April S. V. Dec. 24, 1862-April 6, 1865. Private 7th Cegta N.Y.SM., Apr 21, 1861; Captain U.S.V., on staff Charles De Ruyter, of Gen. King, 1861. Resigned Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S.M., April, 1864. 1861-July, 1861, May, 1862-Aug. 1862. William Alexander Boyd, 1862John Hven Emerson. Private 71st Regt. N.Y. S. l., April 20, 1861; Lieutenant and Adjutant George R. Fearing, 62d N.Y.S.V. Resigned 1862. Volunteer A. D. C. on Staff of Gen. Edward Haight, Jr., Burnside, Nov. 22, 1861; Captain Burnside, Nov. 22, 1861; Captain. Lieutenant 16th U.S. Infantry; CapU. S. V. and Additional A. D.C. eutenant th U. ntry; apAl4, 1e Resigned Feb.- 1, ftain and A. D. C. on staff of Gen. April 4, 1862. Resigned Feb. ], 1864. Brevet Major U. S. V., Pope, 1862. March 13, 1865. Charles Coolidge Haight, Edmund Abdy Hurry, Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S. 5M., May, Captain's Clerk to Commander 1862; Lieutenant and Adjutant Homer G. Blake, U.S.N., June, 31st N. Y. S. V., 1863; Captain 1863-Nov., 1864. 39th N.Y.S.V. Resigned 1864. *John William Jenks, William Richards Hillyer, 1st Lieutenant, Serrell's Engineer Private 2d N. Jers M., April 25, Regt. Died in 1861, of disease 1861; 1st Lieuteniant 7th N. Jers. contracted in camp. V., Oct. 2, 1861; Captain July 21, 1862. Discharged for disability *Augustaus F. King, resulting from exposure, Sept. 15, Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S.M., April 1861. 21, 1861-July, 1861. Died Aug. 11, 1862, of typhoid fever. Edward Mitchell, Relief Agent U. S. Sanitary ComGeorge Mason Miller, mission, 1862-1864. Private'7th Regt. N.Y.S.M., May, 1862; Captain U.S.V. and A. A. *Richard Cornelius Ray, G. on Staff of Gen. Meagher, July, Lieutenant U. S. V., and A.D. C. on 1862. Resigned Dec., 1862. Staff of General Schuyler Hamilton, 1862. Died Feb. 5, 1863, of Richard Lewis Morris, Jr., sickness contracted by exposure. Private 7th Regt. N. Y. S.M., April, 21, 1861 ~ 1st Lieutenant 18th U. *William, Alexander Rice, S. Infantry, - 1861; Captain; Private 9th Regt. N.Y.S.M., April Brevet Major U. S. A. Still in 21, 1861; Lieutenant, 1862. Reservice. signed 1862. Died Oct. 9, 1866, *Robert Troup Pell, William Henry Russell, Jr., Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S.M., May, Lieutenant U. S. V., and A. D. C. to 1862-July 1t62. Died April 18, Gen. Viele; Captain, and A.D.C. 1868. to Gen. Hooker. Resigned 1864. Eugene Hall Pomeroy, John Ayscough Tucker, Private 7th Reat. N.Y.S.M., April, Private 7th Regt. N.Y. S.IM., April, 1861-July, 1861, May 1862-Aug., 1861-July, 1861; May, 1862-Aug., 1862, May, 1863-July, 1863. 1862. 1861-1864.] ROLL. 133 Samuel Baldwin Ward, Acting Medical Cadet U. S. V., 1863. Sept. 12, 1862; Acting Asst.-Surgeon, July 18, 1864; Asst.-Surgeon, April 20, 1865. Mustered Daniel Frederick Boardman, out Oct. 7, 1865. Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S.M. Edward Walter West, Clifford Faitoute Eagle, Private 7th Regt.N.Y.S.M., April 19, Private 22d Regt. N.Y.S.M., May1861; 2d Lieut. 4th R. I. Inf., Oct. Sept., 1862; 1st Lieut. 1st U.S. 30, 1861; A.D.C. to Brig.-Gen. Colored Troops, June, 1863, and Casey, Nov. 1, 1861; 1st Lieut. Capt., May, 1864. Resigned, 4th R. I. Inf., Nov. 8, 1861; ap- April, 1864. pointed Capt. 2d R. I. Inf., Jan. 1, 1863, and declined; A.D.C. to Emile Henry Lacombe, Gen. Hooker, April 28, 1863, and Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S. M., May, to Gen. Heintzleman, May 30, 1862-Aug., 1862; May, 1863-July, and Judge Adv. Dept. of Wash- 1863. ington, April; Lt.-Col. 33d N. J. V., Aug. 31, 1863, and declined Le Grand Lockwood, Jr., Private 14th Inf. U. S. A, Aug. Private 22d N.Y.S.M. 29, 1863, and Sergeant; 2d Lieut. James Allen Macdonald. 1st Artillery U. S. A., Oct. 3, 1863. Resigned, April 8, 1864. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, Private 7th Regt. N.Y S.M., May, 1862-Aug., 1862; May, 1863-July, o8620 1863. 8James Brinckerhoff Pell, Private 7th Regt. N.Y. S.M., May, *John Lawrence Churchill, 1862-Aug., 1862. Private 7th Regt. N.Y. S.M., May,illia Barnewll Schererhorn, 1862-Aug., 1862; May, 1863-July, 1863; Lieut. U. S. A. Died at Pivte 7th egt. N.Y.S.M., May, Jackson, Miss., Oct. 14, 1868. 1862-Aug., 1862; May, 1863-July, Walter Cutting, Captain U.S.V., June, 1862; Major, Charles William Terrett, Dec., 1863; A. D. C. on Gen. Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S.M., May, Augur's staff. 1862-Aug., 1862; May, 1863-July, Charles Dudley Fuller, 1863. Private 22d Regt. N.Y.S.M. Egbert Ward. George Wolfe Gillespie, In U. S. service as Civil Engineer for three years. 1 64. Laurence Yvonnet Hopkins. 18 64. William Henry Jackson, Private 7th Regt. N.Y. SI M., May, William Gardiner Appleton, 1863-July, 1863. Private 22d Regt. N.Y. S. M. *Henry Howard Marvin, *Henry Floy, In the U. S. Engineer Corps, with Private 71st Regt. N.Y.S.M., April, the rank of Lieut.-Colonel, Aug, 30, 1861-July 30, 1861. Died July 1862-Aug., 1863. Died at Louis- 17, 1866. ville, Aug. 25, 1863, of typhoid fever. Alfred Perry McClellan. Cornelius Berrian Mitchell. Albert Edward Valentine, John Fulton Berrian Mitchell, Private 7th Regt. N.Y.S. M. Captain 2d N. Y. Cavalry. Marinus Willett, Jr., Foster Thayer, Private 71st Regt. N.Y. S.M., April, U. S. Navy. 20, 1861-July 30, 1861. 134 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865. George Webster Peck, 1865. Private 22d Regt. N.Y. S.M., JuneSept. 1863. John Moore Hefifernan, nRoderick Burt Seymour, Private 22d Regt. N.Y. S.M., June, Private 22d Regt. N.Y.S. M., June- 1863-Sept., 1863; -- Regt. N.J. Sept., 1863. V., June, 1864-Sept., 1864. *Julian James, Lenox Smith, Lieutenant U.S. V., and A.D. C. on Private 71st Regt. N Y.S.M., April, staff of Major-General Warren. 20, 1861-July 30, 1861. Died. Francis French Wilson, Private 22d Regt. N. Y. S. M., Jlne, William Neilson M6Vickar, 1863-Sept., 1863; -- Regt N.J. Private 22d N.Y.S. M. Vols., June 1864-Sept., 1864. INDEX OF OFFICERS. PAGE PAGE Abeel, John N................... 13 Bridgham, Samuel W........................ 17 Adrain, Robert.................. 21, 24 Brown, D. Tilden............................ 32 Agnew, Cornelius R................ 17, 31, 32, 39 Brown, James L............................. 40 Alexander, William................... 9 Buel, Samuel..................1............. 11 Allen, George F................. 16 Buchanan, Walter C......................... 28 Anderson, C. Van Allen.................. 32 Buck, Gurdon............................17, 36 Anderson, Henry J................. 16, 24, 35, 37 Bumstead, Freeman J............... 30, 31, 32, 39 Anthon, Charles.................... 22, 23, 25, 27 Cadefsa, Mariano V. De La..............24 Anthon, George C.................. 13 Campbell, James............................ 15 Anthon, George C.................. 17 Canterbury, Archbishop of.................. 7, 8 Antill, Edward.............................. 9 Carle, Joannes.............................. 8 Apthorpe, Charles W.................. 9 Caswell, John H............................ 40 Astor, John J., Jr.......................... 16, 18 Catlin, Lynde............................... 14 Auchmuty, Samuel................. 8, 9 Chambers, John............................ 8, 9 Bailey, Richard.................27, 28 Chandler, Charles F....................... 33, 38 Ball, A. Brayton.... 32, 41 Chandler, William H......................... 40 Bancker, Abraham.................. 11 Charlton,John.......................... 13 Banks, James L................. 18, 36 Chauncey, Henry, Jr......................... 18 Banyar, Goldsborough................ 10 Cheesman, John C.......................... 17 Barclay, Henry......................... 8 Church, William H.......................... 32 Bard, Samuel.......................... 12, 22, 29 Clark, Alonzo.......................... 30, 38 Bard, William............................. 15 Clarkson, David....~........................ 9 Barnard, Frederick A. P.........16, 17, 21, 35, 37 Clarkson, Matthew........................... 10 Beach, Abraham.................. 12, 20 Clinton, James.............................. 10 Beadle, Edward L.................. 16, 18, 35, 36 Clossy, Samuel........................ 22, 26, 27 Beck, John B.................... 15 Cochran, John............................11, 12 Beekman, Henry............................ 8 Cochran, William......................... 22, 27 Beekman, James W................ 17, 36 Conant, David S........................ 32 Bell, Christopher M....................... 31, 41 Conger, Abraham B........................ 26 Benson, Egbert............................ 13 Conkling, Frederick A.....................18, 36 Berrian, William.................. 15 Cooper, Myles....................... 8, 20, 21, 26 Berteau, Felix G.................. 22 Cosine, John................................ 13 Betts, Beverley R................. 27, 39 Crane, John J........................... 18, 36 Betts, William........... 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 35, 36 Creighton, William.......................... 15 Bidwell, Marshall S................. 33 Crosby, Ebenezer..................12, 28 Bisset, John........................ 24 Crosby, John P............................17, 36 Blatchford, Richard M................ 17, 36 Cruger, Henry.............................. 8 Blatchford, Samuel................. 16, 35 Cruger, John............................... 8, 9 Blossom, Thomas M................. 40 Cruger, John, Jr............................. 8 Boag, Edward T............................. 41 Cruger, John H...................10 Bogert, Cornelius J................. 13 Curtis, John G............................... 41 Bowden, John................... 21 Cushing, Matthew........................... 27 Boyd, Samuel..15................... 15 Cutting, Leonard...................26 Bradford, Alexander W..............16, 33 Cuyler, Henry............................... 9 Bradish, Luther.................. 17 Dalton, Edward B........................... 32 Briddon, Charles K......................... 32 Dalton, John C., Jr........................30,38 136 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. PAGE PAGE Daly, Charles P......................... 33 Harpur, Robert................ 10, 12, 20, 22 Da Ponte, Lorenzo.................. 24 Harris, William........................ 13, 20, 21 Davies, Charles................... 22, 25, 37 Haynes, Joseph........... 19 Day, Edward C. H............. 40 Henderson, William.................. 14 Day, W. De Forest........... 41 Henschel, Charles......................... 18, 36 Delafield, Edward.............. 17, 28, 29, 36, 37 Hobart, John H.............................. 13 Delafield, Francis............... 32, 41 Hobart, William H......................... 16 Delafield, Joseph............... 17, 36 Hoffman, Anthony................. 10 Delafield, Lewis L............... 17 Hoffman, Ogden................ 15 De Lancey, James, Jr....................... 9 Hoffman, Wickham....................... 18 De Lancey, Oliver.......................... 9 Holland, Edward....................... 8 Delano, Franklin H.................. 17 Hone, Philip....................... 14 Delaplaine, Joseph........................ 11, 12 Horsmanden, Daniel....................... 8 Demarest, Theodore F. C................. 26 Hosack, David............................... 30 Denham, Thomas..................... 38 Hosack, NathanielP....................... 17 De Peyster, Abraham........................ 8 How, Thomas Y............................. 14 Detmold, William.................... 30, 38 Hows, John W. S......................... 24 De Witt, Thomas..................16, 35 Humphrey, Cornelius........................ 10 Dix, Morgan.................... 16, 35 Hutton, Mancius S................... 16, 35 Dodge, William E., Jr...................... 17 Inglis, Charles......................... 10 Dole, George I. L................ 11 Irving, John T.................,.... 14 Dongan, John C.............. 11 Jacobi, Abraham..................... 31, 39 Draper, William H................ 31, 32, 39 Jarvis, Samuel F.......................... 14 Drisler, Henry..................... 23, 25, 26, 37 Jay John............ 11 Duane, James............. 9, 11, 19 Jay, John C........................... 16, 35 Duer, John.............................. 14 Jay, Peter A............. 14, 19 Duer, William A.......................... 15, 21 Jesup, Morris K..................... 17 Duffie, Cornelius R......................... 27, 39 Johnson, Samuel.........8........ 8, 20 Dunk, Earl of Halifax.................. 7 Johnson, William............. 26 Dunscomb, Edward................ 13 Johnson, William......,.............. 14, 20 Dwight, Theodore W...................... 32, 37 Johnson, William S............. 12, 21 Egleston, Thomas, Jr...................... 33, 38 Johnson, Woolsey............. 41 Ellet, William H.......................... 24, 26 Jones, Edward................... 16 Elliot, Ellsworth...................... 18, 36 Jones, Edward R.......... 15 Elliott, GeorgeT............................ 31 Jones, John.............. 28 Eno, Henry C.............. 31 Jones, Thomas.9, 11, 12 Ernenputsch, William....................... 23 Jones, William A............................ 27 Evarts, William M................ 33 Joy, Charles A......................... 24, 33, 37 Everson, Duane S........................... 26 Joy, Douglas A.............................. 40 Evertson, Nicholas.......................... 13 Julien, Alexis A.............................. 40 Ferguson, John............................. 15 Kemble, Gouverneur...................... 17 Fish, Hamilton................ 15, 16, 17, 19, 35 Kemp, John...........................22, 23, 26 Fish, Nicholas........................ 14, 19, 20 Kempe, John T............................ 8 Fisher, George H............................ 16 Kempe, William. 8 Folke, Albert......................... 40 Kennedy, Archibald.................. 8, 9 Foresti, E. Felix............................. 24 Kennedy, John T. 41 Foster, Jacob P. G........................... 17 Kennedy, Rbert L 17 Gano, John..................... 11, 12 Kent, James.............................. 14, 23 Garrison, Herman......................... 11 Kerr, Nathan............................... 11 Gillespie, George H............... 18, 36 King, Charles.......................... 15, 16, 21 Gilman, Chandler R......................... 30 King, Rufus........... 13 Griscom, John............................ 24 Kissam, Benjamin........................ 12, 29 Gross, John D............... 11, 12, 21, 23 Kissam, Richard S 30 Hackley, Charles, W............... 24, 25 Knox, John............................... 15, 19 Haight, Benjamin I............... 15, 35 Kunze, Johann C..................;11, 12, 13, 23 Hamersley, William.................28, 29 Laight, Edward W.... 14, 19 Hamilton, Alexander...................... 11 Lambert, Edward W.................... 31 tHaring, John......................... 10 Lamoroux, Wendell..... 26 Harison, Richard............... 12, 19 Lawrence, Eugene........................26, 33 Harison, WilliamH.......H............. 15 Lawrence, John........................... 11, 12 1871.1 INDEX OF OFFICERS. 137 PAGE PAGE Lawrence, John L................. 15, 20 Morris, Roger............................... 10 Lawrence, Thomas................ 10 Mott, Valentine.................. 28 L'Hommedieu, Ezra..................... 11 Moyes, Hediry........................23, 28 Leslie, Alexander....................... 27 Murray, John R.................. 14 Lewis, Morgan................... 11, 12 Murray, Joseph.............................. I,ieber, Francis................. 25,33, 37 Murray, Washington..18 Linsly, Jared................ 18, 36 Nairne, Charles M......................25, 33, 37 Lispenard, Leonard................ 9, 11, 12, 20 Nash, Stephen P................... 16, 35 Little, James L........................32,40 Newberry, John S.... 34, 38 Livingston, Brockholst........10, 12, 19, 20 Newton, Henry.............40 Livingston, Cambridge.....................18, 36 Nicoll, Benjamin..........9......... 9 Livingston, Edward........................ 13 Nicoll, Samuel............................13 28 Livingston, Gilbert............. 11 Noyes, William C............................. 33 Livingston, James..................... 9, 11 Ogden, Benjamin...18 Livingston, John.......................... 9 Ogden, David B....................14, 19 Livingston, John H................ 11, 19 Ogden, Gouverneur M..................16, 20, 35 Livingston, Philip.........................13 Ogden, Thomas L......................... 14 Livingston, Walter................ 10, 12 Ogilby, John D.......................27 Livingston, Watts C................ 31 Ogilvie, John............................... 10 Livingston, William................ 9 Olyphant, G. Talbot....................... 18, 36 Livingston, William C..3..............2 Onderdonk, Benjamin T.................... 14 Lloyd, John................ 11 Ordronaux, John..........................32, 37 Lockwood, Ebenezer...............11 Osborn, John C..........28, 29 Lodge, Abraham...................... 9 Ostensacken, Robert.... 17 Loiseau, Jules E.............. 34, 40 O'Sullivan, John L.....26 Lord, Daniel D.............. 18, 36 Otis, Fessenden N.....................32, 40 Ludlow, Edward G................ 17, 36 Parker, Willard........28, 31, 38 Ludlow, Gabriel.... 9 Parrott, RobertP................................... 17 Ludlow, Thomas W................ 15 Peck, William G................. 22, 24, 25, 33, 37 McClintock, J. Emory.............. 26 Pell, Philip, Jr.............................. 10 McCrea, John............................... 11 Philipse, Frederick........................ 8 McCulloh, Richard S...............24, 25 Pistor, William........................ 41 McEnight, Charles...............11, 12, 27, 28 Post, Wright........................14, 27, 28 McKnight, John............... 13 Potter, Horatio.................16, 35 McLane, James...............30, 32, 39 Potter, Howard.............................17 McVickar, John................21, 25 Potter, William B......................40 McVickar, William A............... 26, 39 Pratt, Benjamin.............................8 Marcellin, Villette De............... 22 Prime, Temple..........................17 Markoe, Thomas M............... 28, 38 Provoost, John.............................. 9 Marston, Nathaniel................... 9 Provoost, Samuel 1119 Martin, Josiah............... 8 Pyne, Percy R... 17 Mason, Erskine................. 31 Quackenbos, John D.................26, 40 Mason, John............................... 11 Radcliff, Jacob..............................13 Mason, John L.............. 15 Rattoone, Elijah D...........................22 Mason, John...........................13, 21 Ravenhill, Lefroy. 27.. 2 Matthews, James M...................... 15 Ray, Robert.....16, 35 Maunsell, John............... 10 Reade, Joseph............................ 9 Merriam, Augustus C................26, 39 Remsen, Robert G...................18, 36 Metcalfe, John T..........30, 39 Renwick, James...................... 14, 24 Middleton, Peter................ 10, 28 Renwick, James N....................17 Miller, Samuel..............13 Richard, Paul................. 8 Mitchill, Samuel L.. 23, 30 Ritzema, Joannes............................ 8 Moore, Benjamin................ 13, 20, 21 Robinson, Beverley.......................... 9 Moore, Clement C............... 14, 20 Robinson, Beverley.....1419 Moore, Lambert................20 Robinson, Joseph.......................... 9 Moore, Nathaniel F............... 15, 21, 22, 26 Rodgers, John..............................11 Moore, William..........13, 19 Rogers, John R. B..................28 Morris, GerardW............... 16 Romaine, Thomas........................11 Morris, Gouverneur......................... 13 Romayne, Nicholas.............11, 12, 28, 31 Morris, Lewis................. 10 Romeyn, John B..........................13, 20 138 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. PAGE PAGE Rood, Ogden N....................... 25, 34, 38 Van Amringe, John H..............22, 26, 34, 38 Ruggles, Samuel B................ 15, 35 Van Brunt, Rutgers.................10 Russell, Ebenezer........................... 11 Vanderbilt, John..................11 Rutherfurd, John.................11, 12 Vanderpoel, Aaron J.........................33 Rutherfurd, Lewis Mf.................. 16, 17, 35 Van Wagenen, Gerrit G..................15, 20 Sabine, Thomas T.................. 31, 32, 41 Vardill. John.............................22, 26 St. John, Samuel.................29, 38 Varick, Richard................. 11, 19 Sands, Henry B.....................27, 31, 32, 39 Vermilye, Robert G.......................23, 26 Schaeffer, Frederick C...................... 23 Verplanck, Gulian C.................14 Schaeffer, George C.......................... 26 Verplanck, Philip........................... 8 Schermerhorn, William C............. 16, 35 Verplanck, Samuel..................10 Schmidt, Henry I........................ 23, 37 Verren, Antoine...................22 Schweitzer, Paul....................... 40 Vinton, Francis L........................33, 38 Scott, ILewis A............................... 12 Visscher, MaItthew...........................11 Seguin, Edward C..............32, 41 Wainwright, Jonathan h..................14, 16 Seixas, Gershoom.......................... 11, 12 Walton, Jacob................................10 Short, Charles..................25, 39 Walton, William............................. 8 Smith, A. Hermance........................ 32 Walton, William............................10 Smith, Caleb................................ 11 Ward, George C................... 17 Smith, Floyd............................ 17, 36 WVard, Samuel...............................15 Smith, Gouverneur f....................... 30 Ward, Samuel B...................31 Smith, James............................... 28 Watts, John...............................8, 13 Smith, Joseph Ti............................ 29 Watts, John..................................14 Smith, William P................29, 31 Watts, Robert............................... 27 Snodgrass, William D........................ 15 Weeks, Stephen R........................27, 39 Spring, Gardiner......................15, 19, 35 Wells, John.................................14 Stengel, Frederick....................... 34, 40 Wells, Thomas L...................15 Stevens, Alexandler H..................... 28 Weston, Sullivan H.......................18, 36 Stevens, Edward............................ 28 Weygand, John A.......................... 8 Stringham, James S...................... 24, 28 Wharton, Charles H.......................13, 21 Strong, George T...................... 16, 17, 35 Wheelock, George G...................... 32, 40 Strong, Pascal N........................... 14 White, Henry............................... 10 Swan, Otis D................................ 17 Wilkes, Charles............................. 14 Swift, Foster................................ 32 Williams, John.....................11 Swords, Charles R........................ 16, 35 Williams, William R...................... 15 Tappan, Christopher........................ 10 Wilson, James..................... 11 Tellkampf, John L.......................... 23 Wilson, Peter..............................22 Tennent, John V. B......................... 28 Winthrop, Benjamin R.................. 18, 36 Tetard, John P.............................. 22 Wisner, Henry.............................. 10 Thomas, T. Gailliard.......................30, 38 Wolcott, Oliver....................13 Tillary, James....................... 13 Woodruff, Hunlock........................ 11 Torrey, John..............16, 17, 18, 30, 35, 36, 38 Wright, George W.................. 18...., 36 Townsend, James................... 10 Wynkoop, Gerardus H............... 41 Treadwvell, Daniel.................21, 26 Yates, Christopher........................10 Treat, Malachi............................ 11, 12 Yates, Christopher P...................... 11 Troup, Robert............................... 13 Yates, Peter V............................ 11 Tuckerman, Lucius.......................... 17 Zabriskie, {Martin................. 16 Turner, Samuel H......................... 24 INDEX OF GRADUATES. ih indicates Honorary Graduates and Graduates of other Colleges who have been admitted to the same degree. I indicates Graduates in Law, except those who have their places in the Catalogue as Graduates in Arts. m indicates Graduates in Medicine, except those who have their places in the Catalogue as Graduates in Arts. m. e. indicates Graduates in Minin.g Engineerisng, except those who have their places in the Catalogue as Graduates in Arts. Abbott, Alden, Anderson, Applegate, 1846 R. S. Carden. 1789 Roger. h. 1791 Peter. 1866 Lewis. om. 1869 Amos W. m. 1857 Joseph. h. 1796 Alexander. m. 1810 Andrew. Appleton Abeel,Aldis 1816 Abel T. 1864 William G. 1794 David G. m. 1837 Charles. 1818 Henry J. Ar 1822 George. 1826 Charles E. Arcularius, 1842 Gustavus. h. Aldrich, 1845 James. 1868 Philip E. m. 1853 Cornelius V. A. Abrahams, 1863 James H. 1859 Edward I. Arden, 1774 Isaac. 1863 Wendell A. m. 1844 John B. Alexander, 1865 Andrew.. Armitage, 1Adlams, 1852 Stephen. h. 1865 Calvin. m. 1827 Jasper. h. 1864 David W. 1867 Joseph H. 1849 William E. 1840 John W. h. 1870 Walden P. Armstrong, 1845 John K. Allaire, Anclerton, 1864 Richard. 1. 1864 John 1. 1805 Peter. 1869 Charles A. 1869 Hal. 1870 Edward K. I. Arnold, Adee, AAndress, 1864 William P. 1. 1870 George A. 1. Alen, 1864 Theophilus H. m. 1868 John W. S. 1823, Christopher. 1870 LeinuelH., Jr. 1. Adler, 1823 Horatio. Andrews, 1868 Isaac. 1829 George F. 1762 Samuel. 7. Aspinwall, 1870 Felix. 1833 Stephen D. 1862 George P. m. 1809 Thomas S. 1834 William HA. 1863 James B.. Astor Adrain, 1860 Thomas H. m. 1869 William H. I. Astor, 1818 Robert. h. 1866 John J. 1. Annan, 1839 John J., Jr. ~~~Agnew, Almon.Annnanl 1849 William. Agnew, Almon, 1788 Robert. h. Atki 1810 John. 1863 William B. m. A lns 1849 Cornelius R. 1867 Thomas R. Ano.m tnO n, 1868 Osmin W. 1. Aiken, Alverson, 181 JoHnry Atkinson, 1869 George H. m. 1867 Theodore F. m. 1815 Charles. 1803 George 1. 0 ims, iimerican 1823 Ecdward. 1808 William. AimsAmerican, 1838 Frederic. 1869 Clinton. m. 1850 John M. G. 1864 Samson. m. 1839 Charles E. Atwater, 1839 George C. Aitken,Ames, 183951 Johnr (. 1866 Edward S. 1. 1868 Frederick H. M. 1842 Hector C. Anthon, Atwill, Akerly, Ammerman, 1832 Henry T. 1862 Edward R. 1804 Samuel. 1812 Albert. 1838 Edward. Atwood, Al Burtis, Amory, Antill, 1774t Thomas. 1844 Clement W. 1775 William. 1762 Edward. 1870 J. Freeman. m. 140 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Aub, Balch 1833 James, Jr. Beebee, 1870 Theodore. 1. 1860 Galnsha B. m 1. 1861 Thomas.1802 Alexander M. 1870 Lewis. m. Barrows Auchlmuty, 1870 Arthur A. m. Beekman, 1767 Samuel. h. Balcom Ar 1766 Gerard. 1774 Robert N. 1862 Henry P. ih. Barry, 1792 Gerard. 1775 Richard. 1804 Edmund D. h. 1834 James W. 1775 Samuel. Baldwin, 1820 Edmund D., Jr. 1864 Gerard. 1831 Eli. h. 1860 Robert P. 1864 John N. Auld, 1856 Albert H. B tltt 1865 Henry R. 1835 Jedediah B. 1860 Daniel P. 1. Bartlett, 1860 George V. N. 1. 1833 John S. Beers, Austin, 1866 Silas C. m. 1869 Willard. 1865 George L. m. 1865 Harvey N. m. 1867 Charles H. 1. B to 1866 David P. am. 1867 John W. m. Belden, 1867 Truman H. 1. 1770 Thomas. h. 1846 G. MIortimer. Averil,869 Ball, 1864 Philip H. m. 1867 Herbert C. m. 1814 John H. Bartow, Belknap, Avery, 1863 Alonzo B. mn. 1806 John V. 1869 Robert L. 1767 Ephraim. sh. 1867 Oglevie D. a. 1862 Robert E. 1876 EpWaime. h. B llea1864 Reginald H. Bell, 1866 Edward W. m. Balleray, 1869 Evelyn. 1843 Samuel P. 1868 William A. m. 1869 George H. m. Bassett, 1865 ChristopherN. m. ]~aS( B sncrot1866 Marshall P. Aycrigg, Bancroft, 1786 John. 1867 James, Jr. 1. 1824 Benjamin. 1840 Charles. 1862 George P. m. 1867 Walton P. A~~~yerBangs, Baxter, 1869 George WV. mt. B~axyer, 11870 Edward W. 1. 1866 James M. m. 1862 Charles W. 1. 1858 Wyllys P. ~~~Ayers, Banks, ~1868 George S. m. e. Bellows, Ayers, Banks, C 1864 Henry S. 1. 1870 Daniel S., Jr. m. 1842 William G. Bay, 1864 Hen Aymar, 1860 George B. m. 1797 Tailliam. m. Bereville, Ay 5T 1798) Thomas. 1868 Emile. 1. 1843 Benjamin N. BJarbour, 1803 John. Ayres, 1865 James E. m. Bayard, Benj amin, 1856 William W. arclay, 1760 Samuel. 1859 Thomas J. Babcock, 1766 James. 1776 Samuel. 1860 Richard G. Babcock, x1772 Thomas. ayley, 1862 Joseillia H. 1774 Lucas. h. 1796 David. Bayley,1868 Joseph R. m. 1849 Edward C. 1867 Frederick S. m. 1802 Joseph. m. 1856 Edwin S. 1867 Henry A. AV. 1828 William. Benkard, 1862 Francis. 1861 James, Jr. 1868 Henry D. Barculoo, Beach, 1861 John P. m. 1870 Samuel B. h. 1795 George. 1789 Abraham. h. 1849 Norman A. Bennem, Backus, Bard, 1857 Alfred B. h. 1852 John. 1827 J. Trumbull. 1768 Samuel. h. 1867 Willis J. m. 1838 Mancer IM. 1797 William. Beadel Bennett, Bacon Barkereade 1860 William C. mn. Bacon, Barker, 1841 Daniel H. 1854 George W. 1824 Robert. 1865 Henry, Jr. Benson, 1856 Charles A. 1827 Thomas H. B 1765 Egbert. 1859 Richard S. 1860 Phanet C.. eard, 1801 Robert, Jr. 1867 Wilbur R. 1. Barnard 1866 George NM. m. 1807 Egbert, Jr. Badger, 1845 Daniel D. h. Beardsley, Bergh, 1861 George. m. 1870 Augustus P. m. e. 1761 John. h. 1866 Edwin W. 1. 1861 William. a. Barnes, Beasley; Bernheimer, Bailey, 1821 William B. 1815 Frederick. h. 1867 Jacques A. 1802 Joseph. am. 1813 William. Barnet, Beck, Berrian, 1829 Theodore A. 1771 Ichabod B. 1813 John B. 1808 William. 1869 Charles H. m. Barnum, 1863 Fanning C. T. 1809 Samuel. 1868 William P. 1815 James W. Ba~inbridge, 1804 John W. 1870 Richard. 1789 John T. 1865 Edmund B. I. Bedell, 1798 Joseph. Barrett, 1811 Gregory T. 1798 William. ~Bakerr, 1798 William. h. Baker, 1870 Isaac B. Bedelle, Bethue, 1827 Jacob S. Bethune, 1827 William S. Barron, 1865 George A. 1. 1837 John. 1862 Cyrus E. m. 1861 John C. me. B 1864 George W.. Bedford, Betts, 1867 James, Jr. Barrow, 1851 Henry I. 1820 William. 1870 George A., Jr., 1. 1804 William. sns. 1855 Gunning S., Jr. 1846 Beverley R. 1871.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 141 1861 WilliamFrederick H.. Bleecker, Boorman, Brennan, 1869 Charles W. I. 1791 Anthony. 1860 Robert H. 1862 George M. m. 1791 William. 1862 John W. m. Bevan, 1805 Leonard A. BorroSamuel. m. Brewster, 1820 John B. 1793 Samuel. m. 1870 John A. rn. 1865 Edward. m. Bosley, 1867 Edward P. 1. Bevins, Bliss, 1868 George H. m. Brickell, 1865 George A. 1. 1868 William W.. Boss 1774t John. Bibb, Blois, 1864 John B.m. Bridgham, 1805 Tames. 1867 Eugene S. I. Bostwick, 1809 Edward N. Bloomer, 1867 Samuel B. h. Briggs, Bloomer, 1860 Samuel W. i. Bidwell, 1758 Joshua. Boucher, 1868 Benjamin M. s. 1856 Marshall S., Jr. Bloomfield, 171 Jonathan. h. Brinkerhof, Bloomfield, Brinckerhoff, Bigelow, 186i Smith. L Bowden, 1798 George. 1865 Timothy. m. Blosom,1772 John. Brockway, 1870 John M.m. Bl oms 1813 James J. Brockway, ~Billings, 1866 Thomas M 1840 Samuel. 1861 A. Norton. in. 1867 Charles M. m. Blundell, 1842 JaesJ.. Broderick, 1869 Hector S. m. 1861 William. m. 1863 John C. 1. Bininger, Blunt Bowdoin, Brodhead,,1869 Jacob. B unt, 1830 James. 1864 Henry, 1. Binney, 1850 Matthew M. Bowib 64 enry, Binney, Bowlba wromle 1867 William J. L. Boardman, 1862 iliam romley, Binns, 1857 William S. 1861 Miles S. 1. 1863 Wa1863 Daniel F. Bowne,Bronk 1863 William C. 1803 JohnBronk, gBodman, 1803 John. 1807 John L. Binnse, 1863 Iewis H. m. Boyd,Bronson 1866 Louis E.1 P r-n 1787 Samuel. Bronson, ogoardus, 1797 Robert. 1846 Arthur. 186sBirckhead, 1815 Archibald R. 1806 George. 1848 Theodoru B. 1864 William H. m. 1860 John C. m. 1813 William. 1. ~Bird, Bogart,~ 1823 Willis~m ~H. ~ 1863 Willett. 1. Bird, Bogart, 1832 William L 1869 Edward B. m. 1843 John S. m. 1790 David S. 1861 William A. Brooks, B1863 Joseph. m. ogert, Boyle, 1814 James. Bishop, 1773 Cornelius. 1838 Isaac h. 1867 John F. I. 1869 Henry M. m. 1801 Samuel. saac. 1869 Lawton S. m. 1869 James L 1 1832 Horatio. Boyse, 1870 Eugene W. m. Bissett, 1846 Edward C. 1840 Gerard S. Broome, 1846 Henry A. 1865 Henry F. m. 1852 Charles L. Bracken, 1791 William T. Black, 1856 William P. 1866 Thomas. I. Brouwer, Blac, 1861 Ryekmian D. m. 1862 George A. 1. 1865 Sylvester S. m. Bradford, 1807 John H. 1865 Edward G. im. 1861 Alexander W. h 1842 Abrahal S. 1868 John F.m. Bo S, Backwe186F30ohn B. 1865 Theodore W. m. Brower, Blackwell, Brade 1792 Cornelius. 1770 Robert. h. Boise,le 1793 John. 1804 William D 1870 Eugeno P. m. 1870 George P. m. 1798 Jacob V. 1846 William B. h. Brad, 1857 Morgan L. S. Bolmer, Brady, 1867 John L.. Bla4ke, 1863 William B. 1809 John. Brown, 1847 Cornelius D. 1868 James.B 1869 James A. m Bolton, 1868 James M. 1758 Daniel I. h. Blakely, 1801 Thomas. Brainerd, 1758 Smuel. h. Blakely, 1831 James. Brai1808 Lionel. 1856 John. h. 1833 Jaeson. 1866 Clarence. 1811 John. 1847 John H. 1839 Allen H. Blanch, 182 Henry C. Brand, 1839 James C. R. 1829 Thomas E. 1870 William. m. 1846 Elias G. Bond, 1849 Charles H. Blanchard, 1862 Daniel W. I Brashear, 1851 Stewart H. 1867 James A. mi. 1868 Thomas S. ma. 1861 Basil B. 5 1852 James L. 1869 Henry H. 1. 1852 Samuel G. h. Blatchford, Bonnett, Braton,186 Abbott. B1837 Samuel 18innett,. 1859 John C. 1867 Samuel A. 1818 DanieL 1861 Samuel N. m. 1860 Clarence S. 1863 Melville. Blauvelt, Bonney, Breck, 1864 Richard B. m. 1801 Abraham L. 1868 Calvin F. m. 1869 Charles. h. 1868 Francis G. in. e. 142 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. ~Browne, Bunner, 1855 Edward. 1854 Cullen L. Browne, Bunner, 1856 Henry J. 1861 Charles. m. 1758 Isaac. h. 1798 Rudolph. 1860 J. Lorrillard. 1866 Nathan R. 1864 Waiston I. Buress1867 Frank. m. Brownell Camp, 1819T homas 1866 George 0. m. 1804 Elisha. Cartter, Brownimas C. g, Burnap,Campbell, 1869 William H. m. 1859 Edward 1862 Sidney R. m. 1795 John. h. Carvill, 1864 Thomas B. Burnett 1811 John. 1832 George, Jr. 1 oBur1neb, 1816 John D. Brownson, 1869 Edward W. m. 1844 Robert B. Case, 1865 Edward S. Burnham 1847 Henry P. 1868 Albertson. 1. 18. Burnham, 1850 Malcohn. 1869 Charles H. m. Bruce, 1865 Douglas W. 1863 William.. ase 1797 Archibald. Burr 1865 Archibald 51 Casey, 1866 James Ml. 1862, JohnT.1865 John B. cv. 1834 William B. 1866 James M. 1862 John T. 1865 Thomas C. 1864 Francis P. m. Bruckman, Burrell, 1868 Benjamini H.Caswell 1869 Frederick. 05. e. 1807 William E. 1861 William H. 1Bruen, Burrill, Canfield, 1865 John H. 1812 Matthias, J. 1824 Aleander. 18242 Robert B. Catlin, 1813 George-W. 1839 John E., Jr. CannOn, 1828 George. 1861 Herman W. 1. ~1861 Herman W. B. 1urrou o hs 1817 John M. 1828 Charles T. h. Brush, 1833 Charlges. h. C1870 Charles K.. Chalmers, 1827 Henry N. Cardwell 1861 Matthew. m, 1867 Francis V. m. Burt, am uel 186 1870 Alfred D. I 1864 J. Otis. m. 1870 Samuel, Jr. 1. 1863 George. 1. Bryant, 1868 George N. 1. Carew, 1865 Andrew B. 1. 1837 William C. h. Burtis, 1861 Edmund S. m. Chambers, 1812 John A. Bryar, 1867 Charles. Carey, 1853 Talbot W. h. 1804 George. 1839 Arthur. Chandler, 1834 Edward. Burtsell, 1839 John, Jr. 1758 Thomas B. h. By 1870 Peter V. 1. 1861 George H. 1774 William. ~Brvy(e,180 Peter Y. I.1862 John E. m. 1862 Thomas K. m. 1861 William McQ. m. Butler, 1865 George. m. 1868 William J. m. 1863 Thomas T. 1828 Jonas. Carit, Chanler, Butterworth. 1864 Adolphe. x 1847 John W. Bryson, 1864 John F. Carte, hapin, 1866 William G. in. 1864 William IHI. 1867 Charles A, m. 1864 Samuel F. m. Buck, Byron, Carleton, Chapman, 1867 Albert H. im. 1850 George G. 181 George W. m. 1864 Albert T.. 1861 George W. m, 1864 Albert T. i. Buckley, Cadle Carley, 1869 Curtis. m. 1843 Thomas C. T. 18609 Jmes F. m. 1867 Charles C. 7n. 1813 Richard F. 1864 Eldred A. m. 1869 Sherman H. m. Bucknall, Cady, Carll, 1870 Timothy P. 1. 1864 George J. m. 1868 Philander K h. 1870 Lewis B. Chase, 1819 Philander. h. Bucknor, Cairns Carmalt, 1860 Seth L. m. 1840 Charles B. 1839 Frederick A. 1861 William H. m. 1862 Leslie. Budlong, Calderwood, Carmichael. Chauncey, 1868 Morris M. L. 1870 Harvey S. m. 1839 William M. h. 1831 Peter S. Buel, Caldwell, Carpenter, Chester, 1862 Samuel. h. 1859 Elisha S. 1848 Horate X. 1868 Albert H. m. e. B8ugbee, 1870 Towson. 1863 Wesley M. m. Cheves, 1866 Lafayette.m. Calhoun, Carrington, 1824 Langdon. h. Bulkley, 1825 John C h. 1860 Charles. a. Chetwood, 1869 Lucius D. m. Callender, 1860 Bradbury C.. Bull, 1868 John A. m 1823 John. Chichester, 1864 Charles S. Caloosdian, 1869 Craft C. m, 1841 Edward L. 1869 Richard. 1862 Garabed. n. Carson, Child, Bump, Cambreling, 1868 James P. m. e. 1810 Francis. 1860 Orlo M. m. 1849 Churchill J. Carter, Bunker, Cammann, 1829 James A. 1843 William E. 1825 George P. 1850 Galen A. John F. 1871.1 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 143 Chisholm, Clinton, Colden, Cooper, 1838 Walter. h. 1786 De Witt. 1766 Richard N. 1768 Myles. h.,1793 George, Jr. 1769 Caleb. Chittenden, 1797 George W. Colemlan, 1805 Joab G. 1837 Nathaniel W. 1868 George. 1. 1868 Henry W. m. 1824 James F. h. 1868 Newton H. 1. 1838 dward. h. 1868 Simeon B., Jr. 1. Clock 1845 Edward. 1870 Henry A., Jr. 1. 1865 Gasheree D. W.l. 1805 Benjamin UT. 1858 enry. 1864 J. Ackerman. 1860 Robert. en. Chorlton, Close, Collet,1864 George C. 1. 1870 John., 1811 Ebeneze, 1867 James E. m. 1811 Ebeneer 1837 J. Wallace. Christie, Clossy, Copland, 1799 John. Coss ollins 1807 George R, 1863 George A. m. 1768 Samuel. h 1868 Arthur D. 1. 1809 Edward. 1870 Stacy B., J ar 1. Chrystie, Clowes, Collord, Copp, 1806 John. 1808 Timothy 1771 John. 1828 Thomas W. 1841 George W. 1831 James, Jr. Clyde, Corbet, 1832 John. 1867 James D. m. 1870 Le 1865 Lewis.. 1870 Le Baron B.. 1865 Lewis.. 1. 18Ch9rch, Coank P. Colton, Cornell, 1859 Fank P. 1861 F. Munson. m. orne, 1868 Elilhu. 1. 1868 Walter E. 1839 George J. 1868 John A. m. e. Cochran, 1850 John F. D. 1870 Stewart. st. 1788 James. 1851 William T. Chnrchill, 1788 William. 8. i866 William S. m. 1858 Stephen B. M. 1862 John l. 1791 Walter L. Conant 1866 John T. 1. Claflin, 1865 Thomas, Jr. 1, 1862 Abel B. m. Cornwall, Clafin, Cock, 1869 Duane. 1. 1862 Nathaniel E., Jr. 1869 Nelson H. m. 1775 William. Congdon, 1864 Henry B. Clark, 1805 ThoWili as. 1854 Henry M. COrSOn, 1824 William A. h. 180 1862 Charles E. 1866 Adam C. m. 1834 Orange. h. Cockcroft, Conger 1837 John A-V. 1834 James M. 1840 James F. 1834 Jilliam. 1831 Abraham B. 1865 Adrian V. 1. 1841 John H. 1837 Samuel. 1834 Johnowi, 1842 Benjamin F.1847 Wilhelmus B. orwn 1850 James S. Cocks, 1868 Theodore H. 1868 William A. nm. 1852 Henry W. 1794 William. Connery, 1853 William I. Cory, 1856 CharWle N. Coddington, 1864 Thomas B. 1. 1866 David 4I. m. 1863 Paris G. 1. 1868 Henry K. l. Connor, Coryell, 1865 DeLucte S. m, Codman, 1870 John C., Jr. I. 1859 Thomas D. B. 7t. 1866 Thomas E. m. 1816 Richard. 1870 Leartus. m. 1867 Philo W. m. Cottenet 1867 Philo WB.. Cod ~wisl Conolly, 1845 Francis S. 1870 Staats V. D. m, 1798 David. 1862 John T. 1. Clarke, 1810 George. CnvrCottman, laConover, 1869 Thomas D. 1. 1762 Richard. h. Coe, 1862 William. m C 1771 Clement C. 1869 Charles G. 1. 1865 Charles A.m. Coudert, 1817 James P. F. C 1870 William E. 1. 1850 Frederick R. 1823 Edward M. Coffey, 1 illiam A. 1847 William S. Conrey. Coursen, 1863 Charles F. Coffin 1809 Gerrit. 1868 George H. m. e. Clarkson 9 Constable, Covell, Clar 1 on, 1795 John h. 1774t David. 1868 Edmund L. 1833 James. 1860 Charles H. m. 1860 Howard. Coffman, Convers, Covert, 1860 Walter L. 1869 John R. m. 1866 Ebenezer B. 1. 1811 John. 1863 Freeman. Coggeshall, Conway, Cowan, Clayton, 1867 Edwin W. I. 1866 William A. n.. 1866 John. m. 1870 John H.. Coggswell, Cowart, Clement, 1863 Andrew K. 1. 1848 Ralpl L 1869 Robert E. I. 1856 Edward C. 1848 Ralph L. 1856 Eohn, 1851 Charles A. Cowdrey, Clermesha, 1867 Henry. 1867 Theodore P. 1 1821 Peter A. 1866 John W.. Coit, Cooke, 1867 Frank H. I. Clinch, 1820 Joseph H. 1857 Samuel. h. Cowell, 1867 Edward S. I. 1834 Thomas W. h. 1861 Nathaniel B. 1. 1869 George H. I. 144 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Cowles, Cullen, Darby, Demaray, 1863 Edward.. 1860 Edgar M. 1864 Henry A. m 1848 Lyman D. Cowman, Culver, Davidson, Demarest, 1868 Edward D. 1. 1868 Charles. t. 1864 Edmund D. 1804 Cornelius T. ~C~ox~, Cunming, D1834 William. 33 Richard. 11 Fraavies, 1863 Samuel. m. 18533 Ricihard. 1851 Francis 1H. h. 1864 Theodore F. C. 18a6 W ehittinghan. Cumming, 1857 Henry E., Jr. De Mille 1863 Samnuel R. h. 1866 Juliln T. 1862 James Ri. m. 1866 Julian T. 1848 Richard M. Craft, Cummings, Davis, De Motte, 1821 William D. 1868 Byron. m. 1798 George. 1866 John J. m. ~~~~1821 William D... 1814 Cornelius. Craig, Cunningham, 1853 Thomas F. h. Denman, 1868 Samuel P. m. 1841 Frederick. 1863 Rezin P. m. 1862 William i. I. 1868 SamCurrier l P.. 1864 Albert A. sn. Crandall, Currier, 1868 Henry S. I. Dennis, 1865 Thomas V.,m. 1864 George W. m. 1869 Gustavus P. m. 1834 William. Crane1865 Thoma s V. son, 1866 Laban. m. 1Crane, William A. DnDawson, 1866 Albert. 1824 William A. 1822 George W. e nison, 1855 Benjamin L. 1866 Benjamin T. m. 1867 John A. 1858 Lewis A. 1824 Edward C. 1862 John H. De Peyster, 1870 Frederic C. m. 1863 Walter De F. m. 1763 Abraham. Craven, 1870 John G. nz. 1865 James G. &1 1774t James. 1829 Alfred AV. Cushing, 1870 Henry C. 180 John Jilliam. Crawford, 1764 Matthew. h Dayton, 1812 James F. 1865 Ten Broeck. 1. Cushlan, 1817 Matthias O. 1815 Robert G. L. 1867 Samuel O. 1. Cush1868 Charles W.. 1816 Frederic, Jr. 1867 Samuel H.. 1850 Archibald F. 1833 Pierre C. 1870 Gilbert H. I. 1859 William F. Deady, 1841 Richard V. Creelman, Cuthbert, 1868 John A. 1. 1862 Frederic J. 1. 1869 Thomas N. Deall. De Iuyter, Creighton, Cutler, 1774t Samuel. 1851 John, Jr. 1770 Jamu S 1860 Charles. 1835 Benjamin C. 5. Dean 1812 William. Dean, 1812 William. 1864 Henry S. 1853 George W. Des Brsa Cre minx, Cutter 1855 William. 1867 Charles H. m. 1866 Patrick W. 1861 George R.m. 1861 Henry M. nm. Dessar, 1861 George R. m. Dessar, Croes, Cutting, De Blois, 1870 Leo C. I 1811 John. hl Leonard. h L1861 Louis G. ma. Devan, 1758 Leonard. D v Crolius, 1793 William. Decker, 1828 Thomas T. 1803 Thomas. 1856 Robert L. Jr. 1793 Cornelius. Devendorf, Crook, Cuyler, 1869 James A. I 1776 Jaes. 1849 Gog1762 Henry. De Joven 1849 George A.. 1763 Barent. De Koven, Devlin 1864 Abel. I. 1851 James. ~Cromwellr, Cuzs er, 1864 Henry J. m. ~~Cropperuer, 9Delafield, 1870 Francis C. I. 18Croppr 1864 A. Thomas. m. 1802 John. Dewey, Crosby, Da Costa, 1830 Jo762, Jr. Crosbys 1855 Charles. 1865 Lewis. 187 P~h X | D 1 1855 Lewis. 1863 George C. m. 1802 John P. 1856 Maturin L. 1827 John P. Dakin, 1863 Francis. De n 1827 William H. 1860 Edward S. Z. 1866 Augustus F. 1771 Henry. 1840 Edward N. 1870 Albert I. 1806 John P. 1867 William B. 1 Dalyf, 1854 Francis A. Croucher, 1860 Charles P. 5. elaney 1Croucher, 860 Charles P. h 1867 John O. F. m. De Witt, 1863 Albert E. oDaa, Delaplaine, 1867 George G., Jr. Crowell 1857 John W. s 1833 ohn F., Jr. De Wolfe, 1870 Charles E. I. 1834 aac C. 1865 Clarence E. in. 1796 Henry, 1870 Nathaniel P. m. 1860 Juan B. P. s. Dey, 1819 Henry N. De iy, 1823 Lewis. Danlier, Delle, 1818 Richard V. 1859 Gouverneur. 1864 Henry A. s. 1807 Alire R. m. 1865 Richard. m. 1871.1 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 145 Dibble, Douglas, Dunham, Eccles, 1793 Ebenezer. h. 1811 George. 1847 Carroll. 1788 John. Dibblee, 1866 Charles H. I. Dunn, Ecclesine, 1841 Thomas B. Douglass, 1867 N. Gano. I. 1870 Thomas C. E. 1870 George H. Eckerson, 1837 Stephen. ckerscom, Dickie, 1838 Richard H. 1774 Edsc ard 1864 John E. 1. 1861 John A.. 1774 Edward. 1870 Hugh T. 1863 illiam P. 1806 William E. Eddy, 1827 Edward. 1862 William. m. Dickinson, Downinge, Dupignac, 1870 Herbert. 1851 Legih Rl. 1829 Benjamin S. 1869 Fran J.. Ed ar, Dickson, 1804 William. icks1870 George G. 1. Iows, Duryee, 1829 William. 1862 Henry A. 1795 Philip. 1836 Newbold. Dillon, Drake 1812 Richard, Jr Edgerton, 1829 Robert J. 1868 John L. am. 1835 Romaine. 1804 Jeremiah I. 1864 Francis D. A. 1824 Benjamin. Dusenbury, Edwards, Disbrow, 1D845 John. 1866 Henry.. 1850 1862 Rem L. pa. 1854 Elias G. Jr. 1850 Edwin W. 1865 Andrew J. m. Dustan, 1867 Jonathan, Jr. m. 1867 Stephen l.. Draper, 1822 Peter F. 1869 John. a. 1845 George B. Ehnin, Disosway, 181 William H. Dutton, 18E John.ger, 1810 Israel D. Drisler 1860 Van Buren. 1847 John W. 1819 Gabriel P. Y isel, 1820 Cornelius R. 1839 Henry, Jr. Duvall, 1850 William. h. 1858 Daiel S. 1831 William E. Dix, 1869 Henry, Jr. Elberg, 1848 Morgan. 1867 Frederick W. a. 1849 Baldwin. Duane, 1835 Evert A. 1789 James C. 1867 George. Elderkin, 18ixon,am.. Du Bois, Dwight, 1863 John. m. 1854 Hiram R. 1. 1870 William P. 1. 1827 Henry A. 1816 Maurice W. Eliot 1828 Cornelius, Jr. 1860 Theodore WV. h. Doane, 1860 Eugene. 1861 James McL. B. 1. 1863 Samuel. h. 1833 George W. h. 1861 Cornelius J. 1. Ellet 1867 William C.. 1864 Matthew B. Dyckman ll e 1867 Francis, Jr. m. 1810 Jacob. 1824 William. H. Dod, 1869 John J. 1. 1811 Jacobus. Elliot 1859 Willitam A.. Dudley, Dykers, 1795 Bernard. Dodd, 1861 Henry. 1819 Peter. 1845 George T., Jr. 1866 RMarcus.?m. 1864 Dwight.. Eacer Elliott, Dodge, Duer, 1793 George I. 1825 Stephen. h. 1807 flenry S. 1812 Alexander. 1840 Stephen. st. 1832 Henry S. 1824 William. Eagle, 1834 William. 1837 John. h. 1863 Clifford F. 1853 Joseph S., Jr. 1859 John NV. 1870 George W. I. 1865 Alvan..N. 1862 James G. K. Earl, Ellsworth 1868 Frederick 19 W a 1868 Franklin W.. 1. ~1868 IHenry N. ~m. D1864 Washington W. 1. 18068 Henry N.. Duffie, Earle, Elmendorf, 1870 John H. /. 1809 Cornelius R. Elmendorf, D'Olier, 1841 Cornelius H. 1865 Franka. 1823 Edmund B. 1 1865 Frank 0. m. 1845 John J. 1766 Richard. Duffield, astburnJohn, Donzovan, 1841 William W. 1864 Jeremiah.. 1870 William J. m. 1816 James W. 1854 Leicester K. 1817 Manton. 1860 William S. 1. Dooley, Duffy, 1827 Edward B. 1863 Richard WV. 1. 1866 John W. m. 1865 Hugh.. 1867 William S. s. 1869 Patrick G. L Eastman, 1868 Henry 0. m. Doolrittle, Duggan, 1862 Barnard D.m.Embury, 1860 Fran.. 1809 Thomas. Easton, 1828 Edmund. Doten, Duke, 1862 Robert T. B. 1. 1853 Daniel, Jr. 1870 Charles A. 1. 1867 Morton W. m. 1855 Philip A. 1802 William. h. 1866 William O. 1. Doty, Dunbar, Eaton, 1867 Clarence U. 1. 1773 Jabez. m. 1828 Asa. h. Emerson DoughtY, 1869ISnm 1T heodre A.3. 1853 William, Jr. 1768 Char es. Duncan, 1860 John H. 1770 John. 1843 John M. h. Ebbets, 1869 George O. 1. 1869 Francis E. m. 1843 William C. 1842 William H. 1869 Nathaniel B. m. 146 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Emmet, Fanshaw, Fish, Foster, 1810 Robert. 1832 Daniel G. F. 1827 Hamilton. 1803 Isaac. sm. 1824 Thomas A. k. 1831. P. Stuyvesant 1841 Herman T. E. 1839 Richard S. Farnsworth, 1867 Nicholas. 1844 Jacob P. G. 1867 Bache McE. sn. 1860 Philo J. in. 1869 Hamilton, Jr. 1862 Frank P. rn. 1866 Addison H. sn. Emmett, Farrand, Fisher, 1867 Antoine L. 1869 Charles. 1. 1863 David O. mn. 1794 John E. 1868 Frederic De P. 1869 hEmo rys,. l. Farrar, 1796 Philip. 1868 George E. a. 1848 George C. 1821 George H. 1869 Seth B. sn. 1831 Robert. 1863 William R. 1870 Chiarles A.Rm. Farrell, 1870 William R. 1. Emnott, 1867 Thomas R. 1. 1870 William R. t Emqott5, 1864 Edward. in. 1867 William H. Foule, 1833 James. h.,187 William H. Fo ike D. 1841 James, Jr. arr gO, e 1823 John B. 1853 William G.' 1869 William D. Enfield, 1821 Thaddrrow, Fowler, 1870 Charles. m. FFowler, 1865 Levi. m. Fitch, 1806 Gilbert O..En~, Fash1863 Samuel A. m. 1810 Theodosius O. ]En shsn Faslb, 1864 Luther P. in. 1838 Isaac V. 1868 David C. m. 1836 George W. 1867 James N. m. 1839 James W. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Engs, Fanerwsa1863 De Witt C. m. Engs, Fayerweather, Fitzsimons, 1865 Jonathan 0., Jr. 1863 George M. m. 1758 Samuel. h. 1865 Henry E. L 1867 Horace W. 1. 1870 J. Henry, Jr. l. Eno, Fawcett, Flaacke, 1870 Robert L. 1. 1864 Henry C. m. 1867 Edgar. 1870 George W. I. Fox, Erskine, Fearing, Flagg, 1864 Joseph G. it. 1853 Henry D. h. 1860 George R. 1863 Jared B. h. Francis, Evangeles, Featherston- 1863 Edwin B. in. 1808 Henry M. 1836 Cl1hristodoulos L. haugh, Fleming, 1809 John W. baugh, Fleming, 1852 John W., Jr. Evans, 1870 James D. m. 1791 Pierre E. 1852 JohnS W. Jr. 1864 Lemuel E.. Fehr, 1805 James. Frankel 1870 Edwin. se. 1869 Julius. so. 1803 JAmles.xFran ke l, 1870 Ecdwin. m. 1869 Julius. 71. 1809 Alexander. 1868 Edward. m. Eveleth, Fellows, Fletcher, Franklin, 1866 Edward S. in. 1869 Louis. 1. 1860 William B. m.min H. 1852 William B. 5. Everett, Ferguson Floy, 1862 Gustvus S. m. 186-4 D. Darwin. m. 1795 John. E1823 John T. 1827 Michael, Jr. Fraser, 1830 Benjamin T. 1864 Henry. 1811 David H. 1870 George M. h. 1863 George W. Floyd, 1862 Edward C. I. Everson, 1867 Charles W. m. 1809 Alfred. Frauenstein, 1864 Duane S. Ferris, Fogg, 1868 Gustav. n.:Ewer, 1811 Charles G. 1861 Benjamin F. n. 1867 Ferdinand C. h. 1816 Isaac. 1861 Benjamin F. m. Frazer, Fen1867 FerdinFnd C. h. F dFonda, 1868 Samuel H. in. 1866 James A. m. 1837 Henry P. Freeke, Forbes, 1811 Richard. 1Fasch, Fetter, 1794 John. Freeland, 1795 John J. 1835 Manuel. h. 1827 John J1. ~Fairbaik, 1867 David F. so. 1869 Francis. 1. 1865 Henry E. I 1869 John B. 1. Fettretch, Ford, Freeman, Fai x, 1864 Joseph. I. 1844 Edward E. h. 1790 Jonathan. Fairfasx,.. 1860 Edward I. no. 1849 George L. 1861 Albert. in. Field, Forman, 1868 Wilberforce. 1. 3Fairlie, 1859 Cortlandt De P. 1866 Daniel 1869 Alozo. 1818 Frederick. 1862 Henry 1.. French, 1863 Jacob T. m. Forrest, 1860 John W. h. Fairweather, 1864 rchelansH. 1820 William. h. 1869 Charles L. m. 1865 Daniel H. im. 1865 Willia H. m. 1840 William, Jr. Falls, Files, Forrester, Froeligh, 1845 William A. 1870 Charles O. sn. 1818 Peter. 1799 Peter D. Fanning, Fine, 1862 Peter Frost, 1772 Edmund. h.. 1805 James L. Forsyth, 1846 William J. 1870 William, Jr. 1809 John. 1821 William. 1869 Louis W. 1. 1871.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 147 Frothingham, Gerard, Goddard, Green, 1866 Edward. m. 1811 James W. 1861 Josial H. m 1809 Henry. 1843 James W., Jr. 1864 William N. 1824 Timothy R. E'ryo~ Goelet 1842 Frederick. Gerry, Goele, Greene, 1842Fullers1857 Elbridge T. 1828 Robert. J1865 Richard H. 1. Fuller, 1860 Robert, Jr. 1866 Jay L. en. 1861 Winfield S. m. Gesner, Goldey, 1869 George G. 1. 1862 Charles 1. 1859 John F. 1870 Joseph W. 1. 1863 William H. 1. 1866 Charles A. L. 1. 1865 Horace S. Im. etty, Goodall, Greenleaf, 1867 Edward T. ms. 1866 Moses D. 1810 Joseph. ~~~~Funk,~~ Gibbs,1863 Frank W. 180 Joseph. 1860 Joseph, Jr. Funk, Gibbs, Goodhart, 1865 John R., Jr. In. 1817 Seymour P. 1841 Oliver oo art, 1865 John., Jr. e.n ~~Furman,~ Gibert1868 Michael E. 1. Greenwood, Fur1801 John, ibert Goodwin, 1853 Isaac J., Jr. 1801 John. 1821 William N. 1864 John H- m. 1824 James T. 1866 Ralph S. m. 1860 Edward L. Gaine, Gibson, Goold, 1 865 Richard B., Jr. 1. 1774t John. 1860 Otis W. m. 1793 Charles D. Galbraith, 1s68 Charles D. T. m. Gordon, 1856 Watego ry,. 1861 Franklin B. m. Giddings, 1854 William R. h. 1864 Archibald McI.m. Gale, 1868 Theodore. m. Gosman, 1866 James R. m. 1863 Edward D. 1. Gifford, 1801 John. Ga8lla~gher, 1809 James N. 1806 Jonathan B. 1831 John B. Gignoux, 1807 Robert 186 James.. Gallatin, 1865 John F. m. Gottsberger, Griffin 1841 Albert. h. Gihon, 1841 C. H. h. 1823 Edmund D. 1843 Albert, Jr. 1861 John, Jr. Gouinlock 1837 George. h. 1863 Frederick, 1. Giles, 1865 William C. m. Griffing, Ganse, 1764 Samuel. h. Gouverneur, 1841 Thomas S. 1839 Harvey B. Gilfillan, 1817 Samuel L. Grifiths Gardiner, 1862 William J. m. 1821 Frederic P. 1868 William E. m. 1863 John L.. Gilford 1823 Adolphus N. Gardner 1, Gove, Grigg, Gardner, 1793 Samuel, Jr. 1867 H 1817 John. 1835 James A. M. 1824 Jacob T. Harry. m. Gn l 1863 Eugene T.. 1828 George. Gracie Grinnell, 1869 Asa B. h. 1835 Thomas B. 1762 John. 1804 William. 1859 Irving. Garr, (ilhooly, 1815 Archibald, Jr. 1796 Andrew S. 1868 Andrew J. 1818 Robert. Griswold, Garrish, 1870 William E. 1865 Charles K. 1775 Joseph. 1866 John P., Jr. m. Gillespie, Graham, Gross,'Garrison, 1834 William M. 1770 Jonathan. 1789 John D. h. 1Garrmso, C1862 George W 1772 John A. 1864 Jacob A. I. 1810 Jaimes C. 1790 George. 1870 Charles I. Gillet, 1790 John. Grover, -GCastoln, 1868 Elmslie M. 1794 Levi P. 1866 George W. m. G~asto0n 1798 Charles. 1835 William. h. Gillett, 1804 John T. B. Gruening, Gp8eer, ~1869 Omer T. m. 1836 John. 1867 Emile. cm. 1862 George J. h. Gillette, 1865 Edmund B. 1. Grunhut, 1868 George J., Jr. m. e. 1863 Walter R. m. 1867 Giraud. 1870 Bernhard. m. 1869 William M. 1869 William M. Gilman, Grange, Guion, Geissenhainer, 1865 Charles M. I. 1861 James. m. 1826 John M. 1858 Jacob A. 1867 Burns. rm 1860 Thomas T. h. Gelston, 1867 Zeeb, Jr. m, Grant, Gunn, 1833 John M. Gilnack, 17860 Harry A. 1805 Alexander. 1867 Frederick. ma. 1828 Alexander N. 1834 Don Thomas. h. Glentworth, 1Grves, 1830 Lewis C. 1835 Benigno. 1767 George. hk 1825 Nathaniel M. Gurlitz, George, Glover, Gray,870 Augusus T.. 1762 William C. 1822 John M. 1866 James J. 1. Iackley, 1865 Charles F. m. 1867 William E. 1. 1867 Henry. m. 1842 Charles. h. 148 COLU1MBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Hadden, Hamlin, Harvey, Hendricks, 1860 Walter J. in. 1865 George S. I. 1834 Robert J. 7h. 1856 Francis. Haoan, Handerson, Hasbrouck, 1858 Haren on. 1867 Martin. m. 1867 Henry E. m. 1834 Abraham B.. Hennion, Llgermrtn, ]H annz a, 1862 Solomon E. sn. 1864 Andrew J. 1. Hagerman, H19anna, 1863 Frank G.. enop, 1804 H r 1759 William. 1863 John C. m. enop 1804 Henry B. 1868 George B. m. e. Haslett 1861 Sidney S. 1. Haigh, Hanners, 1867 A. Henry, 1865 Thomas. s. 1849 Henry De C. 1800 John. Haight, Hansen Hatch, 1849 John V. 1Haight, n an1862 Charles H. I. 1863 Richard 1A. 1811 Benjamin. 1869 George H. l. 1868 Frederick P. sm. 1828 Benjamin I. Hardenbrook, atfield, Hepburn, 1861 Charles1824 John.C. 1805 Richard, Jr. 1861 Edward, Jr 1824 John K 1868 Neil J m. 1862 Louis l. 1849 William A. Hathaway, Herrick 1864 David Lou m.Herrick, 185 da.64 David HL. a. Hardenburgh, 1867 Henry B. 1. 1869 Edward G. 1. Hardenburgh 1869 George A. m. 1854 Carleton M. 1870 Ogden. so. e. 1789 James R. h. 1857 James B. Haine, Hardie, Havemeyer, Herriman, 1823 William F. 1869 William1787 James. h. 1849 William H. Haines Hare, aven, Herring, 1857 George G. A1870 George H s 1843 George E. h. 1857 Georg. 1795 Thomas, Ha Harison, Haven, Hershey. Ha7 Gorle, MI?, 74ricnXd 1862 Jonatllan. m. 1764 Richard. 1862 Andrew 11. on. 1836 Benjamin. h. 1802 Francis L. Hawes, 1867 William. I. 1853 Albert W. 1804 Richard N. 1821 William P. Hall, 1811 William H., Jr. 1866 George E. cc. Hervey, 1811 James. h. 1842 William H. 1868 Daniel E. l. 1833 Charles. 1846 William B. aw esworth, 1861 Charles H. h. 1850 Thom 1860 William. t. 1863 Charles E. s. Harlin 1842 Abram S. 1863 andall C. Hrlin, Hawks, 1845 Charles. h. 1865 Isaac H. 1. 1862 William H. m. 1832 Francis L. h. Heyer, 1867 John D. sn. Harmer, Hawley, 1814 William H. 1867 William F. 1. 1870 Lovell.. 1864 Thomas H. 1868 George F. 1815 William S. 1870 LWilliam E. *. Harmon Z1819 Edward P. 1870 Willim.. armon, Haws, 1823 Henry A. Halleck, 1855 Edward 0. 1827 John H. H. Heyliger, 1837 Fitz-Greene. h. Harper, Hayes, 1774 Nicholas. Hallock, 184852 Joseph W., Jr. 1869 Russel T.. eyw rd, 1869 Edwcard J. 1852 JohnHV. Hazelius, 1827 William C. Halsey, 1762 Robpuer h. 1824 Ernest L. h. 1829 James. 179 reeic. 1762 Robert h. 1830 Nicholas C. 1823 Abraham Nederic.. Harral Heard, 1834 Henry. 1837 Anthony. 186 Frederic F.. 1832 James, Jr. 1839 Abraham. h. Hibbard, 1868 Joseph B. Harriman, 1835 William. 1861 Jerome. rm. 1870 Frederick R. 1. 1835 Orlando, Jr. Heasley, Hickok, Halstead, HIarrin tonl 1869 George WV. 1869 George B. sn. 1800 SBmuel. BX s 1800 Samuel. 1867 Daniel D.. Heato, Hicks, Ham, EIarris, 1793 Robert, Jr. 1793 John B. m. 1868 Albert E. so. 1823 John A. 1770 Richard. Hedge, 1860 Joseph L. m. Hamilton, 1800 SlmueL 1869 Thomas, Jr. I. Higb 1774t Alexander. 1811 Josiam D Higbee, 1770t Alesalder 1822 Josilh D. Heffernan, 1842 Edward Y. h. 1804 Alexander. 1864 Fankobert W. 1865 John M. 1862 Fraoke V. Hildreth, 1805 James A. 1866 Orrin F.m. Hso.em n, 1809 John C. 8r ae.1866 Samuel. Lm.l, 1869 John H. L 1861 Theodore E. m. 1866 Samnel.. 1862 WVilliam A. 0. 1870 Allan McL. m. Harson, Hiendell, Hill, Hamersley, 1825 Jacob. 1791 William, Jr. 1807 John H. 1819 Andrew. ar H nderson gst V. 1826 John W. H Irt, I- Indorson, 1835 Andrew S. 1811 William H. 1823 William D. Hillman, 1865 James H. 1870 George H. 1. 1867 Henry. In. 1832 Alexander C. 1871.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 149 Hillyer, 1864 John C. m. Hubbard, Hyatt, 1836 Giles M. 1866 Tecumseh K. m. 1762 Bela. h. 1862 Stephen B. h. 1861 William R. Holt, 1770 William. 1822 Edwin. 1860 Fordyce Tf. h. Hyde, Hilton, 1864 Henry. 1. 1834 WilliHam H. 1814 Benjamin. 1869 George C. 1. 1 1863 Edwin F. 1. 1846 William H. 1866 Stephen. in. Hinkle, Hone, 1867 ErasmusD., Jr.n. 1867 Clarence M. 1865 Thornton M. 1. 1815 John, Jr. Huffman Hyer, 181 Henry. Charles B. sn. Hinton, 1831 John P. 181869 Walter E. 1852 George H. 1838 John. Hughes, 1846 John G. Hitchcock, 1838 Philip, Jr. 1869 Thomas W. h. Hyslop, 1842 Julius S. Hooker, Hughson, 1813 Robert. 1861 Henry M. m. 1866 William A. 1839 Frederick. 1856 William R. 1869 Urban G. m. Hooper, Hooperh Humes, Inderwick,'oag, 1864 John C. m. 1808 James. 1865 William H. e. 1869 William B. 1864 Hmilton,08 James. 1824 William H. n. 1866 Edward R. 45. 1867 William H. 1836 John H. Hopkins, Hunn, Inglis, Hodges, 1860 Laban G. 1810 Peter F. 1767 Charles. h. 1850 J. Sebastian B. 1862 George. n. Hunt, 1795 James. 1869 William HM. sn. 1862 Laurence Y. 1773 Isaac. h. 1821 William. Hodgkins, 1867 Archibald. 1. 1794 Montgoery. Ingraham, 1862 David m. m. Hopkinson, 1866 Joseph S. sn. 1817 Daniel P. tHodges, ~8 Laban G. 1818 Joseph. h. 1870 69 Brainerd m. 1844 Joseph.. Hoes 1870JD. Sebasiane.. 1869 George L. 1. 1864 William M. I. Hoppin,. t 1870 Arthur. 1869 Pierre V. B. I. 1860 Courtland. m. Hunter, 1870 Arthu 1864 William 1864 Thomas. h. Ireland, Hoffman, 186 William W., Jr.. 1866 James B. In. 1816 John, Jr. 1760 Anthony. l Huntington 1830 George, Jr. 1809 David M. oron, onside 1812 Lindley M. 1861 Elisha, Jr. 1834 Benjan S. Ironside, 1812 Ogden. 1862 Lewis S. mn. 1865 Sa. h. 1815 William. 1832 Nicholas W. 1862 Numon N. mi. Irvin m 1836 Edward. 1867 Charles H. m. Hurdsfield, Ir in 1837 Charles F. h. 118794 P. etiner. m. 1840 Charles FJr. h. Hosack, 1869 John. m.T. 1846 Charles B. 1792 Alexander. Hurlbut, 1821 Pierre M. 1851 Edward S. 1823 James. 1821 Washington. 7. 1862 Burrall. 1826 Nathaniel P. 1863 Henry A., Jr. 1824 Pierre P. 1865 George. 1. TTamer Hurry,1Sg0 Edmund A. 1826 Gabriel F. 1865 George.. Hosmer, Hurry, 1829 John T., Jr. Hogan, 1855 James R. 1860 Edusnd A. 1837 Theodore. h. 1811 William. 1864 George W. m. Hurst, 1845 George. 1863 Edward K. m. 1788 Will 1848 Leslie. 1867 Edward J. ic. Houghton, 1788 William. 1865 Cortlndt.. H1olahan, 1859 George H. h. Huse, 1869 Roland D. m. e. Holahanc 1866 Edward C. 1866 Edw1ard C.. saacs, 183 Francs J. 1. Howe, Hustace, 1867 Isaac S. 1. Holden, 1870 Walter. I. 1859 E. Treadwell. Iselin 1861 Edgar. obe. Howes, Huston 1869 William. 1866 Daniel J. 1. 1861 Reuben W., Jr. 1864 Hiram L. Isherwood, 1870 Henry V. Howland, Hutchings, 1817 Benjamin. Holland, 1863 Robert S. h. 1860 Robert C. I. Ives 1761 Henry. 1868 William. I. 1868 Joseph B. mi. Hows Hutchinson, 1824 Levi S. 7h. Hollick, 182 John A. 1863 James. m. Izard, 1867 George F. m. Hoyt, 1866 es (a. dn. 17 eny. Hoyt, 1866 James C. si. Hollingsworth, 1828 Henry S. 1867 Stephen J. si. Jackson, 1844 Samuel. 1840 Lydig M. utton, 1761 WVilliam. h. TT I~leS, 1864 Harlow M. 1823 Iancies r. 1809 Samuel. 8Holmes, 1866 William A. 1. 1865 Richard G. 1814 Allen. 1807 Philip S1l. 1853 Abram S. 1857 Philip W. 18oxe, Hu.yler,1 1857 Oliver P. 1863 Stephen F. 1839 Nathaniel B. 1800 John. 1859 Charles A. 150 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. 1862 William H. 1851 Henry B. Kaufman, Ketcham, 1864 Frederick W. 1853 William A. 1865 David P. m. 1862 Eldridge M. m. 1864 Charles H. 1864 William P. L. 1866 Abner. It. 1863 Woolsey. m. Kearny,Ketchum 1866bner. ~ 1865 Andrew. h. earecum, Jacob, 1865 Parley H. m. 1809 Ravaud. 1862 Edgar, Jr. 1. 1866 Ephraim A. I. 1866 Joseph. m. 1833 Philip, Jr. 1867 John J. m. 1867 George B. 1866 John W. 1. 1869 William Q. h. Jaffray, 1867 Samuel. nt. K ator 1793 Andrew. h. 1868 HerschelV. Jr.m. Kettell, 1842 Robert, Jr. 1867 John. m. 1860 Herbert. James, Johnston, Keese, ~JaleS~, 1846 William I. 1798 William B. IKeyser, 1862 William L m. 18865 GeorgeWilliam. 1. 1865 Julian. Jonstone 1823 illiam L. 1865 George. ohs1865 Richad D 1ones 1862 Sidmon T. 1. 1865 Robert B. 1. 1865 Richard D. m. 1820 James. = Janeway, Jones, K Kidder, 1794 Jacob J.178Jh.c 1846 Edwin Al. 1868 Frederick. nm. 1794 Jacob J. 1768 John. h. 1848 Levi M. 1864 Edward G. m. 1790 Samuel, Jr. 1852 Ansel N. Kilburne 1867 Thomas L. m. 1791 Cave. 1868 John, *Janvrin, 1795 Nicholas. 1868 Edwin A. m. a18nvrJn, 1796 David S. Kelley, ing, 1864 Joseph E. m. 1798 Philip L. 1865 Edgar K. m. * Jarvis1802 James. 1772 John. cJarvis, 1803 Edward R. Kelly, 1794 Cyrus. 1837 Benjamin H. 1815 John Q. 1826 Robert. 1821 Elisha S. Jaques, 1819 Charles. 1870 Edmlond. 1822 Theodore F. J~CI110S~ 1819 George. 1831 Charles R. 1805 Robert. 1822 Henry P. Kemble, 1834 William G. Jau ne, 1827 Joshua. 1803 Gouverneur. 1848 Cornelius L. 1830 Edward. 1803 Peter. 1860 Augustus F. 1862 John A. m. 1832 Philip L. 1813 William. 1867 John A. Jauncey, 1835 Joshua E. 1818 Richard F. Kingman 1774 John. 1836 William A. 1841 William, Jr. 1'774 John. 1840 Alfred G. 1868 Warren. mn. 1870 Eugene. m..Jay 1845 George A. ingsland, 1764) John.1845 Samuel T. Kemeys, Kingsland, 1764 John. 1847 Arthur X. 1803 Edward. 1856 Ambrose C., Jr. 1794 Peter A. 1850 Walter R. T. 1856 George L. 1827 John C. 1858 Henry L. Kemp, K sley, 1836 John. 1859 Lot. i.. 1802 James. h ngs ey, 1859 William, Jr. 1860 Edward R. 1865 George P. 1. 1863 Peter A. 1865 Frederick R. Kemper, 1865 John C., Jr. m. 1865 Luther M. 1. 1809 Jackson. nn Jenkins, 1869 Henry M. 1849 Lewis A. 1870 Hugh S. m. J)enki:ns, 1869 Shipley. T 1804 Edward. h. 1870 Charles D. I. Kenan, Kinney, 1833 John J. 1870 Clarence D. 1. 1868 Thomas H. m. 1858 Henry C. Jenks, Jordan, Kennedy,64 illiam. 1852 Richard P. h. 1867 Henry I.. 1840 Robert L. 181 ar 1860 John W. 16Dai.. 1810 Charles J. Joslyn, 1860 David. m. Joslyni 1861,John T. m. 1815 Leonard W. Jerome, 1867 Charles S. 1. 1866 Samuel L.m. 1826 Francis M. 1870 William R. 1. 1. 1847 William I. h. Joy, 1869 Henry 1866 Leonard NV., Jr. Jessup, 1866 Henry D. W. m. Kenny, 1867 George G. 1869 Andrew J. m. Jud h, 1863 Peter D. m. Kipp, Jewett, 1814 Henry R. sent, 1861 Charles J. m. 1841 Jacob B. Judson, 1797 James. h. Kirby, 1862 Dan L. m. 1864 Charles N.. K rfoo 1860 Isaac H.. 1868 Charles T. m. Kerfoo, 1860 aoniram B. 1.. 1868 Adoniram B.. 180 John B. h. Kirkland, Johnson. h. Jump, Kerin, 1854 Edward. 1761 William S. h. Jump,1775t Edward. 1866 Charles P. h. 1772 Uzal. m. 1866 Robert P. m. 177 Edward. 1788 Robert C. h. Kermit Kissam, 1789 Samuel W. h. Junkin,1 Thomas. 1769 Samuel. m. 1792 John B. 1850 David X. h. 1775t Benjamin. 1793 John I..Kernan, 1776 Peter. 1819 William L. Kalish, 1868 John V. 1. 1805 Benjamin. m. 1820 Samuel R. 1870 Samuel. I. T o 1812 Benjamin R. 1824 George W. Kernochan, 1838 Benjamin T. 1831 Bradish. KIane, 1842 William S. 1854 George C. 1832 William T. 1832 John J. C. 1853 John A. 1864 Jonas B. 1834 Samuel E. 1816 John G. 1863 Francis E. 1. 1865 Daniel W. m. 1848 Henry W. 1868 Walter L. 1. 1865 Joseph F. 1. 1867 William A. m. 1871.]1 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 151 I(ittredge, Lamson, Ledyard, Lindsay, 1863 Charles S. m. 1773 Joseph. h. 1830 Henry. 1866 Walter. m ~K~ilots, Lane, Lee, Lindsley, 1848 George A 1847 John S. 1823 Chauncey. h 1870 Stuart. m. e. Langdon, 1833 Francis. Linn Knappon~, 1835 Charles C. 1867 Eustis F. m. 1856 David B. 1789 William h. 1870 John A. m. e. 1 B 1856 1 B. Kneeland, an861 Beiijimin F. F Linsly, 1860 Daniel A. m. 1863 William. vn. 1769 Ebenezer. h. La 1864 Arthur. 1. 1864 William B.?n. 1830 John T. Latterman, 1865 John L.m. 1869 Janmes C. nm. Knevels, 1868 A. 1866 Charles E. i,. Lispenard, 3nevDelays, I Larocque, 1869 Henry T. 1761 Anthony. 1853 Delaney W. 1761 Ath 1838 Jeremiah. Lefferts 1762 Leonard. Knevils, 1849 Joseph. 1794 Leffert. Little, 1781 John. Larzelere, 1802 Leffert.1860 James L. en. 1791 Isaac. Jacob. h. 1805 Thomas. 1870 Albert H. m. 1846 John L. Knight, Lathrop, 1870 George M. M,. Livingston, 1855 Walter. 1862 William G. Legar6, 1760 Philip. 1840 Hugh S. 71. 1765 Robert R. Knowles, Latour, 1840 Hugh S.. 1775 John W. 1864 Henry A. en. 1869 Isaac P n Leggat, 1786 George. K3yno-, Laughlin, 1863 William S. 1788 Peter S. Knlox, Laug-blin, 1788 Peter S. 1771 Thomas. 1865 James F 1. Leggett, 1796 Edward P 1838 John M. LaW, 1837 1799 Jai.m. 184138 Jamesohn. aw, 1837 illiam H. 1800 Robert S. 1849 Williaom H. 1797 Samuel A h. Le Moyne 1804 James D 1860 Charles McL. 1. rAd hJ 1811 Peter V. B. 1862 Charles T. I. Lawrance, 1850 Adolphe Jr. 1822 Anson. 1862 Chames S. m 1840 Edward H. Lenox, 1822 Carroll. 1870 James. 1. Lawrence, 1818 James. 1828 Mortimer. Koch, 197 Abraham R Lent, 1869 John H. 1803 John L. 1865 Joseph. 1. 1812 Augustine N. 1795 Adolph C. Lloyd, Korff, 1812 Philip K. Leonard, 1765 Henry. 1818 William B. 1818 John H. 1869 John H. m. 1820 Alexanon S. 1867 Henry D. Kortright, 1823 Jonathian. 1868 Charles H.m. Lockwood, 182 N. G o 23eineur. 1822 N. Gouverneur. 1841 Joseph E. Le Roy, 1840 Levi A. Kunze, 1842 Richard 1t., Jr. 1848 John, Jr. 1797 Henry. 1843 William B., Jr. 1863 Le Grand, Jr. 1797 Henry. 1864 William A. 27. 1844 Charles WV. Leslie, 1864 William A. n. Labagh, 1 847 Isaac. 1867 John T. 1. Aba h m, B. 1856 Thomas T. 1762 Alexander 1868 Charles E. m. 1827 Abrahm B. 1861 Walter B. Lester, Loder. 1862 George A. 1863 Elias.. 1846 Jeemiah. Labau, 1864 Joseph B. 1846 Jeemiah. 1844 N. Bergasse. 1866 Samuel, Jr.. Lever, Logan, 1859 James P. 1870 Samuel S.. 1767 William. 1765 Jeremiah. Lewis, Lor1839 Daniel, ) 1793 Edward IV. 1810 Horatio G. 1839 David P. 1802 Henry. Learned,1843 Edward Z. 1867 Daniel, Jr. 1825 William E. 1865 John B. m. 1848 Theodore F. 1868 Theodore A. I. 1836 Edward H. 1854 John V. 1870 Franklin B. 1853 Edward W. Leavenworth, 1861 Thompson B. o r. 1862 Wmilliam. 1848 Edard. 1865 Mordecal. S. Lordly, 1868 Charles. m. r. 1867 Hobart. 1868 James E. H. n. Lake, Leavitt, Lighthipe, Lossing, 1836 James P. 1845 John W. 1863 Lewis H. 1869 Benson J. h. 1860 William W..n. Lambert, Lincoln, Loughridge, 1863 Thomas R. h. Le Conte, 1861 Abraham, h. 1870 Samuel. m. ampson1797 William. Lindley, Lounsbery, 1867 William 1. 1869 Newton A. 1867 William. 1. 1803 John. 1869 Newton A. m. 1861 Seth S. m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~88Tedre A. l 152 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Loutrel, 1836 Geore H. MeDonough, Mackie, 1838 Alfred M. 1869 John T. I. 1794 Jacob O. Lyon, 1812 Peter, Jr. Low, 1835 Charles H. McDougall, MKinnon 1812 Cornelius F. 1860 Samuel K. 1869 John C. m. 1821 Isaac. 1863 Irving W. m. 1800 John. 1865 Willia~m G. McElligott, 1870 Seth.Lyttleton, McKnight, 1180e.y leton, 1865 Henry R. 1798 Washington. Lowerre, 1864Wila Lm1808 John. 1817 William. Lytton, McEwen, 1846 Charles S. 1819 Henry J. 1804 William L. 1868 Daniel, Jr. ma. McLane, Lowerree, Mabie, McFarlan, 1864 James W. m. 1865 Thomas W., Jr.m. 1869 Hamilton W. 1. 1827 Charles. lcLaren Lowndes, McBurney, McFarland, 1847 John J. 1822 William. h. 1870 Charles, Jr. m. 1867 William C. m. McLean, 1860 Francis. 1. M1860 FranCS.. McAllaster, 1844 Charles G. h. Lowther, 1865 John G.. McFarlane, 1863 Thomas M., Jr. 1774t Tristrim. i~ic~llister 1861 Carrington. m. 1869 Malcolm. m. McAllister, Luck, 1854 Cutler C. McGahagan, McLeod, 1868 John T. sm. 1860 Matthew H. 75. 1804 Thomas. 1818 Alexnder B 1869 H. t. 1818 Alexander B. Luckock, 1869 William H. I. McGay, 1826 John N. 1836 Benjamin. h. McCahill, 1868 Robert J. m. McLoughlin, Ludlow, 1867 Edwin. I. McGill, 1869 Thomas J. m. 1758 Carey. h. McCall, 1866 Alexander T. 1. McMahon, 1787 John C. 186 Joseph V.. McGlade, 1869 Dennis, Jr., 1. 1793 Henry W McCartee, 1870 Thomas A., Jr. 1. McManus 1811 Thomas W. 1808 Robert. 1869 Henry. m. ~1817 Edmund. MccGown, 1827 Alfred. McCartin, 1843 Henry P. McMartin, Ludlum, 1863 Henry E. m. McGraw, 1868 Archibald, m. e. 1847 William S. McCart y, 1863 Theodore A. m. McMaster, 1851 Nicholas F. 1853 Thomas. m1851 Nicholas F. 1857 Pierre. McGregor, 1870 Robert B. i. Lummis, 1868 James J. m. 1810 John. McMullen 1859 William. Macauley, McGuirk, 1837 John, Jr. Lupp, 1855 John Ml. h. 1869 John. m. McMurdy, 1824 William H. McClellan, McIlvaine, 1867 John H. 1. Lupton, 1864 Alfred P. 1856 Alexis E. McMurray, 1788 rand4t Schuyler. McClintock, McIntyre, 1852 William. h. 1789 William. 1859 J. Emory. 1835 Joseph. McNamee, 1791 Lancaster. McCoskry, Mack, 1866 Theodore H. Luquer, 1837 Samuel A. h. 1807 Daniel. 1867 James. 1852 Lea. McCreer 1867 John A. I. McNary, 1858 Nicholas, Jr. McCreery, 1868 James L. 1. Mackaness, 1851 John G. Lusby, 1799 Thomas T. Macneven, 1868 Robert L. m. Mccue9 1845 Alexander. McKay, 1806 William J. h. ILush, 1864 Willi-m M. m. 1831 James J. 1770 Stephen. 1806cullen, James. 1868 George S.. McNulty, Lydig, 1868 John H.. 1861 Albert, Jr. 1815 Philip Mi. MlcCullough, McKean, Macomb, 1858 Philip MI., Jr. 1845 John W. h. 1762 Robert. h. 1802 John W. 1860 David. 1866 Alfred J. I. McKee, 1802 Robert. Lyell, McCune, 1860 James G. m. 1866 Edward. m. 1822 Thomas. h. 1843 William. McKelvie, McQuesten, Lym, McDonald, McKelvie, McQuesten, Lyman, 1810 John M. 1866 William H. m. 1863 Rockwood. 1840 Dwight E. 1821 Daniel. h. McRae, 1861 Henry M. m. 1852 Archibald B. 1870 William F. 1. Lynch, Macdonald,~ 1825 John. 1870 William F. 5. Lynch, Macdonald, 1775t Thomas G. 1863 James A. McKesson, McSweeny, 1799 James. 1868 John A. 1758 John. h. 1864 Daniel E. m. 1871.1 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 153 ~McVe a gh, Marshall, 1866 John C. m. 1868 Henry J. im. M egh, Marshall, X1868 Edward S. 1869 Abram J. 1. 1864 Franklin. 1. 1773 John. hi. 1868 John A.r m. aMc icka r, 1858 Charles H., Jr. Milligan, E8 i Acha. 1861 Edward G. m. Meade,ilbert. 1802 Archibald. 1868 FredericArchiba D. m. 1860 William C. I. 1794 Gilbert. 1802 James. 1868 Frederick D. R.m Milnor 1804 John. Meeker, 1809 Henry. Marston, 1821 Stephen H. 1826 William H. 1812 Edward. 1760 John 1833 Samuel B. Meeks, Mills, 1836 Henry. Martin, 1856 Joseph. 1863 Lucius. m. 1846 William A. 1857 William 11. 1864 Horatio W. I. 1865 William N. 1861 B. Ellis. m. Meier, Maeller, 1862 Benjamin N. h. 1795 John II. Millspaugh M 1862 William H. >/r 1 1 11861 Theodore. m. 1790 Henry. h. 1863 William M. Meikleham, Magie1867 Theodore W. m. 1864 William. Minard, 1863DMa vide, J1869 Justin. m. 1825 Isaac T. 1863 David, Jr. m. 1870 George. nt. Menzie, Magn es, Martin,1866 George L. R. m. Miner, 1849 Charles A. 1865 Randolpe, B. Mercer, 1849 Ebenezer B. Ma1ind, Marvin1859 Alexander G. h. Minor, 1828 Austin M rvin, 1862 Frederick W. m. 1864 Israel, Jr. 1.,1828 Austin L. S. 1854 Henry C. Merriam 1865 John C. m. 1862 Henry H. Merriam, Major, 1863 Dan, Jr. 1805 Clement. h. Minton, 1870 Frederic R. m. 1854 James S. 1845 Charles A. 1866 Henry, Jr. 1. 1866 Augustus C. MlomMason, Minturn, 17SMalcolmul 1789 John M. Merrill, 1817 William. 179~4 Samuel 1B. 1815 John L. 1863 George V. R. m. 1826 Thomas R. Maltby, 1837 Erskine. h. 1868 Payson, 1. 1844 William B. 1869 Charles A. 1. 1840 John. Merry1856 Robert B., Jr. 1857 Erskine'.t erry, Mallison, 1870 Robert. m. 1826 Thomas H., Jr. Mitchell, 1858 D. Ledyard. Massett, Mesier, 1813 Tho0 as C. Malloy, 1857 W. Carey. 1789 Matthew. 1820 John F. J1866 Edward W. ~1789 Peter. 1820 William. 1866 Edwardn W. 9ivlasterton, en r1825 Edward E. Man, 1793 Henry. Messenger, 1847 Clarence G. 1866 Frederick H. I. 1837 William J. 1860 Thomas H. 1847 Timothy G. erickn H.s1861 Edward Manierre, h~atson, MVetcalf, 1862 Cornelius B. Man9ierre, 1. 1869 George. I. 1865 William L. 1. 1833 James W. 1862 John F. B. 1869 George. 1. 1850 Kendrick. h. 1863 William A. Manley, Matthews, 1865 Alfred. m. 1799 James R. 1758 David. h. eyer,1866 Hubbard W. nm. 1804 Edward. 1860 David. m. 1840 Thomas C. 1868 William, Jr. 1808 James R. Maury, Middleton, Mitchill, Mann, 1857 Mytton. 1768 Peter. h. 1788 Samuel L. h. 1839 Joseph R. 1865 James F. 1868 Ormond T. 1. 1852 Samuel L.., Jr. Marbury, Maverick, Miesse, Moffat, 1865 Francis F., Jr. I. 1762 William B. N. 1868 Morris H. m. 1838 William B. 16Francis F., Jr.. awyl1868 Edward S. m. e. ~Marci~h, Mawbey, Milbank, 1868 Edard S.. 1826 Joshua S. 1865 Charles F. I. 1864 Luther A. 1 Moffatt, 1837 Charles D. Mayer, Millard, 1862 Bruce. I. Marcy, 1799 Philip F. 1865 James S. z. Moffet, 1860 Thomas K. m. 1864 Isidor. Milledoler 1843 Robert K. oarkhia s n 1865 Theodore F. H. 1. M Milon Markham, 1793 Philip. Moloney, 1870 William. n. Maynard, 1820 Philip E. 1869 Augustus A. m Marrin, 1859 GeorgeW. Miller, Moncrieff, 1869 Foster J. m. 1858 William J. 1795 Silvanus. 17741 Edward C. Marselis, Maxwell, 1806 Cornelius. Moneypenny, 1807 Peter T. 1807 William H. 1830 Benjamin F. Marsh, a 14Lvgt S/1808 Hugh. 1832 Frederick W. 1847 John, Jr. 1824 Elias J. M1855 Charles E. Monroe, 1830 James. h. 1794 Henry. m. 1855 David B. 1773 Harry. h. 1854 Elias J. 1822 Edward N. 1860 George M. M 1864 Joseph A. 1. 1835 Charles D. 1863 Carleton W. 1. onson, 1869 Francis E. 1. 1866 Isaac N. m. 1863 Martin A. m. 1840 Alonzo C. 154 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Montell,1810 John L. Murtha, Nicholson, 1870 John B. 1824 Hamilton. 1869 Eugene B. m. 1792 James W. Morgan, 1827 Henry J. Muzzy, 1796 Samuel. 1831 James M. Moses, 1808 Frederick. Nicholl 1843 William R. 1841 Israel. Nash, 1793 John. 1854 Charles E. 1868 Max. 1. 1846 Frederick. 1857 William F. h. 1868 John 21. Nicoll, 1864 John B. Mott 1766 Edard. 1865 Lawrence O. m. 1806 Valentine. m5. Natlan, 1774 Henry. 1869 James A. 1. 1864 William F. 1827 Jonathan. 1774 Samuel. so. 1870 John V. sn. 1861 Gratz. 1775t Augustus. Moore, 1834 Rihr Na ro 1776 Matthias. Mv~oore, 1834 Richard E., Jr, Nazro, 1830 Henry. 1768 Benjamin. 1852 Charles De G. 1863 Hiram IH. 1862 Augustus W. 1. 1774t Daniel. Mowatt, l1863 John D. in. 1775'- Thomas L. lNeal, 1866 Edward H. 1794 Richard C. h. 1816 John E. 1810 Ava. 1866 Henry D. in. 1798 Clement C. Mr 1 868 Williae G. e. 1798 Samuel. owe, Nealis, 1802 Nathaniel F. 1856 Mandevillo. 1862 William T. sn. Nitchie, 1806 David. d,01 Joha. 1806 Samuel vid. Mudgett, Neefus, 1801 John. 1810 Benjamin. 1869 William P. I. 1854 Peter J. Nolan, 1842 Clement. ie 1868 John. m. 1844 William T. Mudie, Neill, 1868 John 1847 John W. 1860 Archibald F. 7n. 1767 Hugh. h. Norsworthy, 1856 Richard C. J. Muhlenber 1828 George B. 1826 John B. 1859 James F. Muhlenberg, 1861 Richard H. m.. 1834 William A. h. Neilson, North, 1866 John. 7m. Mur 1817 John, Jr. 1861 Alfred. min. 1867 Thomas M. 1. IU1r 1847 John. 1868 William F. 1. 1867 David H. nm. IMorison, 1 Nelson, Northrop, 1870 Robert S. Muir 1son, 1804 Joseph. 1864 George J. on. 1772 James si. 1841 Edward D. Morrell,a 1841 Samuel.h. Northrup, 1810 Robert. m. Mulchahey, 1869 Henry L. I. 1867 Daniel W. l. 1866 James. h. 1869 Jaines R. rn. Miorrelle,,-. Norton 1849 DanieL Mullany, Nesmith, 1792 John L. 1866 Frank A. 1860 Robert D. 1793 Robert B. 3Iorrill, 1828 John A. Muller, Nettleton, Norwood, 1869 Jesse L. 1. 1822 Adrian H. 1869 Asbel G. m. 1862 Edward M. sm. Morris, Mulligan, Nettre, Nott, 1768 Governeur. 1791 John W. 1869 Lionel R. m. e. 1857 Henry P. 17751 Jacob. 1835 William. 1813 Nicholas, Jr. Nevius, Noyes, 1818 Gerard W. Muluny, 1837 George L. 1861 James H. sm. 1826 Henry. 1864 Charles H. 1. 1865 MeWalter B. h. 1826 Richard L u Newby, 1848 Lewis. Munn1, 1863 Thomas B. Nutten 1852 James. 1821 William H. 1863 Wilbur F. m. 1854 Orlando H. l Newell, 1858 Charles D. h. 1iurdock, 1860 William S. 1. lNutter, 1860 Augustus N. 1861 Seth HM. 1. 1867 David R. 1. 1860 Richard L. 1867 George W. m. Newcomb, 1861 Robert. 1. 1870 Albert J. m. 1840 Obadiah, Jr. Oakes, 1863 Stuyvesant F. Murfee 1864 George W. m. 1864 George B. n. 1868 Benljamin W. h. Murade, 1868 Fordham. I 1867 John H. n. Newland, Oaksmith, 1868 Henry L. I. Murphy, 1868 David J. 1. 1867 Sidney. 1. 1870 SamuelH. m. P;\ > A 1830 Henry C. Newschafer, Oberndorfer, Morrison, 1854 Henry C., Jr. 1864 William H. I. 1870 Isidor P. 1795 John. 1855 George J. 1869 James E. I. 1867 Philip. 1. Newton, O'Blenis, Morse, Murray, 1842 George L. 1818 John. 1860Baorsnett s. 1799 Alexander. 1869 Henry. m. Odell 1863 Sherman. m. 1813 Thomas C. Nichols, 1811 Jackson. Mortimer, 1863 James. 1818 Samuel. h. ODowd, 1866 Nicholas. 1. 1825 Walter. 1841 John H. 1869 George F. 1. 1831 Gideon S. 1852 Charles. 1883 Ewrien. Morton, Mursick,1839 Edwin A. O'Dwyer,,Mursick, 1845 Samuel B. R. er, 1810 George W. 1860 George A. sm. 1852 Washington R. 1866 Joseph. m. 1871.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 155 Ogden, Osgood, Parmele, Pemberton, 1758 Isaac. 1809 Walter F. 1762 Ebenezer. h. 1849 John P. 1758 Josiah. h. ParmlPendergast, 1772 Nicholas. Osterhoudt, Parly, Pendergast, 1776 Peter. 1864 Howard. 1842 Wheelock H. 1863 Patrick. m. 1791 Charles L. Pendleton, 1791 Thomas L. Ostrander, Parsons, Pendleton, 1793 Abraham. 1804 Ezekiel. m. 1869 George H.. e. 1805 Edmund H. 1796 Gouverneur. 1848 Peter W. 1813 Nathaniel G. 1798 William. 1855 George A. Passmore, 1814 James M. 1801 Lewis M. 1866 John W. m. 1861 Joseph C. h. 1802 Isaac. PePeneveyre, 1817 Meredith. O'Sullivan, Paterson, 1825 Henri L. P. r. Fh. 1821 Samuel. 1831 John L. 1812 Matthew C. Pennell 1823 George B. 1822 Alexander H.ll, 1823 John D. Otey, 1852 George C. 1824 Waddington. 1833 James H. Patterson, 1828 John M. 1865 Charles G. 1. Penny, 1829 Richard H. Otis, 1869 Charles E. I. 1827 Samuel, Jr. 1829 Samuel. 1861 Frank A. 1829 Thomas W. atton Percy, 1830 Charles H. Oudenaarde, 1868 Robert H. 1. 1862 George. 1. 1833 Gouverneur. 1775t Marinus. Paudin Perkins, 1837 David B. h. 1775t Peter 1845 David B., Jr. 1824 James t. h 1824 Henry. 1849 Aaron. I Outerbridge, 1842 William J. 1860 William S. C. m. 1860 Thomas L. 1868 Aggeus. m. 1862 Charles W... Pauliso, erry, 1864 HeuryE.. Oven, 1870 John C. I. 1855 William A. 1867 Cadwalader E. 1869 John. 1870 Samuel E. 1. 1869 David B.. Payne, 1870 Walter. Overton, 1870 Henry W.. Peshine, Ogilby, 1865 Martin L. Peabody, 1825 William. 1829 John D. Owen, 1868 Duane L. Peters, 1865 William S. R. 1. 1861 William H. I. 1869 Charles A., Jr. 1761 Samuel A. h. 1863 George H. 1870 George L. 1793 Valentine H. O 11ivie, 1867 Henry E. m. Pearsall, 1826 Hewlett. 1767 John. h. Packwood, 1861 Andre T.. Peyton, 1774 George. c w Ane.. 1793 William. h. 1857 Richard T. 1861 Robert W. 1. 1867 James F. a. 1802 William. Page, Pearsee, Phelps, Olmsted, 1864 Benjamin M. m. 1793 Jonathan, Jr. 1863 Charles 0. 1. Olmsted, 1863 George D. l. 1862 George H. m. Palache, Pease, 1863 William W. 1. Olssen, 1835 Alexander. 1862 Edmund M. m. 1864 Henry D. 1. 1846 William W. Palmer, Peck, Philip, 1867 William H. m. 1841 William L. 1819 John. h. Olwell, 1869 Courtlandt, Jr. 1. 1846 Edward. 1843 John C. 1865 James A. I. nt 1865 George W. Philipse, Olyphant, a 1774 George. Peet, 1773 Frederick. 1842 Robert. aris, 1868 George J. 1. 1773 Nathaniel. 1862 David B. Paris, Phillips, O'Mullen, 1791 Daniel. Peirce, 1hillips, 1862 W llia1870 Henry T. m. 1808 John W. 180962 William. Parish, 1826 William W. h. 1841 John H. Peixotto, 1864 James L. m. 1849 Henry, Jr. 1866 Edwin. a. ~1771 Benjam~in. m~. 1816 Daniel L. M. 1868 Howard W. m. 1771 Benjamin. Amc. 1867 Daniel C., Jr. m. 1805 Henry U. 1868 Julius L. as. 1809 Benjamin T. Pell Phinney, 1827 Henry, Jr. Parker, 1770 Philip. 1842 James H. 1845 Henry. 1793 James. 1806 Ferris. 1847 Benjamin A. 1854 James C., Jr. e 1864 Henry t. 1848 William C. 1795 Alexander. O'Neil, 1866 Willard, Jr. O'Neil1866 Wiard, Jr 1852 John H. 1795 Sidney. 1862 John, Jr.. 1869 Richard J. 1858 Benjamin. 1795 Thomas. 1860 Robert T. 1859 Stephen VW. Orchard, Parkhurst, 1862 Edward M. 1868 Charles B.m. 1862 Richard V. Phyfe, 1862 William B.. 1868 Charles. 1863 James B. 1825 William. Osborn, Parkman, 1863 John. 1, 1827 Laughton. 1857 Theodore. 1869 Water. Pierce, 1853Osborne, WilliamJ..P ar tinks, 1861 William B. m. ~~Osborne, Parks,. ~Pelletier, 1863 Charles L. am. 1853 William J. 1851 Martin P. h. 1870 Paul.. 1869 George P. 156 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Pierrepont, 18X Henry A. V. Pultz, Ravenhill, 1867 Henry E., Jr. 1827 Minturn. 1868 Monroe T. m. 1845 Lefroy. Pierson, 1828 Joel B. mpelly, Pierson, 1840 Jotham. Pumpelly, Ravenscroft, 1869 Stephen. m. 1862 Gerardus. 1863 Josiah C. 1. 1823 John S. h. n*Piff rd 1865 Charles A. 1. Piffard, 1867 Edward R. Po. underson, Ray, 1864 Henry G. n. P t1758 Ebenezer. h. 1766 John. A Potter, 1758 Cyrus. h. 1813 Robert. Pinckney, 1840 Ellis, Jr. 1817 Richard. 1860 Howard. m. 1842 Edward F. Lunne5t, 1852 Robert, Jr. Pinder, 1863 William R. 1. 1831 John. 1861 Richard C. indelr, 1866 William B. 1833 John H. h. Poula n Purdy, Raymond, ousengry, 1805 Abraham. 1816 Samuel G. Pingry, 1870 James MA. 1. 1811 George B. 1859 William L. 1868 James O. m. Powell 1861 Alfred E. M. in. Joseph H. m. Powelli 1869 Caleb. 1. 1869 Joseph H. m. Pinneo, 1864 Stephen C. m. 1869 Samuel A., Jr. Raynold 1865 Joseph 0. m. Power, 1869 William. o s Powers, 1868 Thomas B. 1. Pirnie, 1870 Frederic. m. Purney, Rea 1839 John, Jr. Prall 1865 John A. m. 1868 Robert. n. 1839 Peter B. Prll, 1868 Robert M. m. 1844 Peter M. 1866 William C. 1. Purroy, ~Pistor,~ Pra~ttt 1831 John B. Reade, Pistor, Pratt, 1850 Frederick L. 1758 Joseph. 1869 William. m. e. 1867 William H. B. m5. Pyne, Reber, Pitner, Prendergast, 1823 Smith. 1862 Nathaniel B. in. 1869 Thomas J. m. 1868 John J. m. Quackenbs, Redfield, QPuackenbrens, i Pitschke, Prentice, 1800 Nicholas J. 1831 Richard W. 1870 William F. 1. 1833 David. h. 1803 George C. Redmond ~~Planck, Prentiss1839 George W. Redmond, PlauckPrentiss, 1843 George P. 1857 Goold H. 1870 Milton G. m. 1870 Robert. m. 1868 John D. Reed, Platt, Prescott, Quackinbush, 1822 John. h. 1868 Charles S. m. e. 1840 William H. h. 1806 David. 1832 Stephen, Jr. Plvmp ton, Price, 1836 Daniel AtcL. Reid, 1861 Henry S. m. 1799 Stephen. Quin, 1845 Aaron B. 1804 William 11,. 1827 James M. 1868 Henry H. 1. Poinsett, 1847 Joseph H. h. 1870 Robert A. in. 1869 John J. m. 1825 Joel R.. 1-865 James L. Puintard, Remsen, Polk, Priest, 1853 Charles T. h. 1775 Jacobus. 1838 Leonidas. h. 1802 Henry B. Rabe 1789 John. 1869 William A.I mD. Prme, 1795 Robert. o1869 William H6.. Prime, 1869 Rudolph F. 1. 1803 William. Pollen, 1856 G. Wendell. 1807 Simeon. 1849 George C. 1861 Temple. I. aandall, 1867 Ira. m. 1865 Frederick, Jr. 1774t Paul. 1867 Phcenix. I. 1835 George Q. Prince, Randol, Renwick, 1854 Charles S. 1866 L. Bradford. I. 1867 Albert R. m. 1807 James. 1854 George Q., Jr. Prius 1809 Robert J. 1860 Eugene H. Randolph, 1833 Henry B. 1860 Oren D. m. 1860 Peter.. 1867 Hector C. F. 1833 William R. Pon~d, Pro al, 1869 John C. mI. e. 1836 James, Jr. 16 GogD 1822 Alexris P. h. Rankin,1839 Edward S. 1863 George D. Rankin, Poole, Prou dfit, 1841 John. epetto, 1860 James H. m. 1792 Alexsnder. Raney. Reuwee Poore, Provoost, 1865 Henry F. I. 1864 Albert A. I. 1866 Charles T. m. 1758 Samuel. Rapelj e Reynolds, Porter, Pruyn, 1774 John. 1835 James N. h. 1862 George. m. 1863 1Henry V. S. m. 1791 George. 1843 Charles. Post aenry V. S. m. 1811 Charles. 1859 Stephen R. Post, Pyr ahP y1861 Charles H. m. 1792 Jotham, Jr. Pryer, Rathbone, 1862 Jasper G. m. 1808 Edward. 1862 William C. m. 1800 Thomas W. 1870 William H. T. m. 1810 Waldron B. 180 Waldron B. Pryor, Rattoone, Rhind, 1821 Edwin. 1864 Alfred. m. 1796 William. 1827 Charles, Jr. 1871.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 157 1870 Roderick. R.. Roosev 1798 William. 1815 James J. Jr. 1868 Wallace E. m. 1804 Philip. Robie, 1819 James H. 1808 William C. Jr. 1861 John W. m. 1826 William. aie. 1811 John R. 1859 William T. 1815 Frederic W. Robins, 1842 Van Ness. 1861 Thomas T. 1834 hilip. 1860 Edward P. 1847 Frederic W. Root Sachs, 1849 Charles E. Robinson,, 187George Julius. 1841 George 1M. Rice, 1773 Beverley. 1864 Russell H. Sackett, 186 1826 Beverley, Jr. 1868 Henry A. 1. 1818 Clarence D. 1861 William A. 1862 John A. m. 1823 Grenville A. 1864 Charles B. 1863 Robert E. 1823 Grenville A. 1865 Thomas. 1..OSS Sackman, Richards, 1866 Edard. 1. 1795 William. 1858 A. G. 186 Georged W. m. 1795 William. m. 1866 Washington. I. 1858 Robert K. 1867 John W. a. 1804 David M. Saltonstall, 1864 James. I. 1808 Henry H. 1796 Winthrop. 1866 Jarrett T. R. oche, 1843 John H. 1867 Joseph S. I. 1870 Spencer S. 1865 Arthur B. Sampson, 1868 William H., Jr. m. 1867 Zabdiel S. 1. Richmond, Rockwell, 1870 Francis E. m. 1832 Thomas A. 1860 Fenton.. RothSamson, 1862 William H., Jr. m. lth, 1860 Charles M. m. Ricord, 1868 Frank W. m. 1845 Charles. m. 1868 Philippe. s. 1869 Charles H. 1. Saol Eborn, Rouse, 1867 Eugene B. m. Ridout, Rodenstein, 1866 Samuel F. Sander 1866 William G. m. 1867 John. Sanders, 1866 William as m. 1867 John W. as. Routh, 1868 George N., Jr. Rigby,q Rodman, 1849 Saumarez D. 1870 Erastus P. m. 1861 Charles D. m. 1842 Washington. 1850 Erskine. n. Rowaln, Sanderson, Riggs, 1868 Charles S. m. 1822 Stephen N. h. 1867 Charles R. as. 1847 Joseph K. Ro 0bucl, 1869 Leavitt. an. 1869 Benjamin C. m. oeuc Rowe, Riker, 1772 Peter. 1870 David A. Sands, Riker, Rogers, Rowland, 1795 Henry. 1799 Samuel, Jr. Rogers, Rowland ewis. 1826 Daniel P. 1803, Henry F. 1852 John. h. 1815 Robert C. 1835 John H. 1804 Samuel. 1825 Ferdinand. 1807 George P. Rudd, 1827 Edwin. Riley, 1812 John S. 1861 Erastus B. 1827 Robert M. 1858 Henry C. 1817 Edward N. 1850 Joseph. 1817 Samuel D. Rugg, 1860 Walter S. 1. Ring, 1819 George J. 1862 George S. m. 1863 Philip J. 1842 Zebedee, Jr. 1820 Archibald G. 1868 Norton J. m. Ripley, 1827 Henry. Sandford, 1841 Jones. 1832 Henry. 1870 Joseph S. m. 1848 Columbus B. 1847 James F. 1863 George W. L. R~itter,;1853 Charles. h. Ri~tterg1867 Albert S. m. Rumsey, Sanford, 1869 Theodore. 1. 1868 Thomas. 1. 1819 James S. 1823 Nathan. h. Ritzema, 1868 William C. am. 1864 Elliot, I. Ritzema, 1869 Orville F. m. usmore, 1758 Rudolph. 8o F 1864 Merwin. 1. Sanger, 1868bGeorge. 180 SiRo maine, 1870 John D. m. 1864 Adolph L. 1. tRivesi 1806 Samuel B. 1868 George L. 1838 Benjamin, Jr. Russel, Sargent, Ro ert, 1840 Worthington. 1814 Theophilus. 1865 Eli D. m. o1762 Daiel.r 1832 William C. 1864 Charles S. m. 1854 Jean. h. Russell, Satterlee, Roberta, Inomeyl ng 1861 Henry E. 1. 1863 Walter. RoRo eyn, 1861 William H., Jr. 1842 Oliver E. 1774t Nicholas. 1864 Allen S. m. 8tterthwaite 1867 Nathan S. mt. 1795 John B.we 1869 Charles. I. 1816 James. Rutgers, 1860 James S Robertson 1858 James W. 1766 Henry. 1867 Thomas E. as. 1812 Jacob A. Roof, Ruttkay, Sause, 1813 Alexander H. 1862 Frank. Mn. 1865 Louis. 1. 1S65 Peter, J. 1. 1816 John J. 1864 Stephen W. am. R 1823 Andrew K. Ryan, Savage, 1823 Noel..loolney, - 1831 James. hs. 1824 Alexander. 1866 William H. 1. 1862 Jamnes E. /. 1823 John I. 1825 Anthony L. 1825 Kennethony L. m. Roorbach, Ryerson, Sawyer, 1869 Charles F. h. 1806 Frederic. 1860 John G. m. 1867 Lorenzo S. B. 1. 158 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Sayre, Scoonover, 1865 Roderick B. Simmons, 1774 James. h. 1869 Jefferson. mi. 1864 Charles E. m. Sayres, Scoresby, Shapter, Simpson, 1808 Gilbert'H. 1864 William F. m. 1840 Peter, Jr. 1841 Robert G. 1854 William J. Scott, Sharp, 1860 Samuel F. 1. Scott, Sharp, 1864 William V. 1. Scales, 1798 William. h. 1868 John. sm. Simson 17TC omal,S " S 1850 Winfield. h. son 1867 Thomas S. i7. 1854 I. Jackson. h. Sharswood, 1800 Sampson. Schack, 1869 Francis Mi. m 1856 Geore. h.n, Schack, ~ 70.1869 Xenophon C.. George. Simon 1869 Albert P. 77i. e. Scovill, Shaw, 1870 Kaufnman. Z. Schlaeffer, 1761 James. h. 1774t Jacob. Sinclair, 18s30 Frederic C.~1862 Samuel F. C. 1869 Alexander G. sn. 1830 Freeric C. h7. Scoville, 1863 Abner O. m. 1842 George C. h. 1863 Amos Jr. e. 1861 Frederick. 1. 1863 Amos S., Jr. m. Skeene Schaffer, Scudder, Shea, 1772 Andrew. 1864 John Le G... 1862 Henry J. h. 1831 James. h,. Skelding, 1837 Charles E. 1866 Thomas. se. Schauffler, Seabury, Shedden, Skidmore, 186 Edwrd. n. 1761 Samuel. h. 1823 Samuel. h. 1865 Smuel S.. 1849 John ). Schenck, 1856 William J. Sheldon, Skinner 1801 Henry. Seaman, 1868 Charles S. 5n. 1867 Eugoec C. I. 1860 John C. 1. 1867 Euene C. 1. 1864 John P., Jr. im, 1774 Ben jamin. 869 Geore P.. 1870 Orrin. I. 1866 Henry J. i. 1804 Robert. 1825 William. h. 1821 John C. 1805 Edward. 1867 Charles C. S d 17 n. 1851 George A. S epr 1793 John S. 1864 illi A.. 1856 William F. 1810 John. 1806 Cornelius. Searing, 1869 Frank N. Slipper, 1824 Daniel C. 1870 Roben. h. 1825 John J. 1868 Edward W. 1. 1870 Robert N. 1857 James H. 1827 John. Searle Shepherd, 1859 J. Auustus. 1833 Bruce. 1771 John. 1842 John H. 7 Sloan, 1840 William C. 1866 Dayton WFT. i. Sherman, 1868 Arthur. 1861 HBrry A. Sears, 1803 Alpheus. Sloane, 1863 urWilliam B. 1857 Charles E, 1868 George H. n. 1868 William J. H. 1870 Frecderick A. in. e. 1862 Henry T. i. 1868 Thonas P.. Slocnm, Schieffelin, Seaver, Sherwood, 1864 Williaml 1. 1801 Henry H. 1869 Horace N., Jr. 1834 William. 7h. 1869 Charles E. in. 1801 Henry L. 8r1849 Ezra K. 1870 Villiam B. I. 1855 George R. 1 Shippey, Slosson, Schmidt; 1796 Josiah, Jr. 1828 Barzillai. 1859 Oscar. Secor, hoem er 1833 Edwarutd. 18 Schneeberger, 1869 WillimH.. 1864 Thomas B.. Slover, 1867 Henry. Sdgwick, 1866 Murray C. 5. 1826 Abraham A., Jr. Schoonmaker, 1829 Theodore, Jr. Shrady, Small, 1799 Jacob. eed, 1821 George. 1869 Frederick I. l. Scliooover, 1860 Grin H. i. John, Jr. Schoonover, 1863 Jacob. I. Smalley, 1867 Warren. n. Segeuin, 1864 Wtilliam. I. 1866 William E. Schroeder, 1864 Edward C. in. Shreve, Smedberg, 1849 John F., Jr. Segour, 1773 Thomas. 1833 John G. Schureman, 1860 Benjamin A. i. 1865 Octavius B. m. ames R. 1816 John. h. Seney, Sickles, 1857 William R. Sch~Uyler 1815 Robert. 1792 Jacob. 1869 John A. 8chuyler, Senger, 1804 John J. - Smedes, 1765 Arent. Senge r, Sidell, 1850 John E. C. 1863 Euoene. I. 1867 William A. I. 1812 John A. Smith 1869 ~William DB. n. Seymour, Sill, 1774t Horatio. Scofield, 1826 Daniel 1861 Thonas H. 1786 Samuel. 1803 Samuel. n. 1836 Charles M. 1 1792 Smuel. 1868 Walter K. m. 1850 George F. Silliman, 1793 Gilbert. 1870 George S., Jr. 1860 Elbricde G. in. 1860 Charles A. 1793 Thomas R. 1871.1 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 159 1798 Andrew. h. Spencer, Stephenson, 1847 Archibald rI. 1804 Thomas D. 1865 Jay S. m. 1805 John T. 1823 Ambrose. h. 1849 James. h. 1866 IJicliard H. 7. 1806 John A. 1833 Robert. 1865 Albert L. W. m. 18213 Joghnlrs J. 1847 John C. h. Sterling, 1823 Charles J. 1862 Charles A. 1867 John W. 1 1862 John B. 1. 1825 John F. 1869 Horatio N., Jr. c. Sternberg, Storrs, 1825 Wressel S. Spensley, 1860 1866 Samul J. 1832 Eransmus P. 1869 Calvert. 1. 1841 Augustus L. Stetson Stoskoff, 1841 William L. Sprague, 1 1869 Louis. ec. 1843 Matson 5I1. 1828 Willia B. h. 1869 Fra L.. Stoughton, 1851 William H. 1869 ra.icis L. 1. 1853 St. Clair. Spring, Stevens, 1810 James. 1853 Reginald H. 1858 Samuel. It. St, 1855 Joseph F. S. 176 John. Stout, 1856 Richard S. h. Sproat, 1774 Edward. 1864 Gorge.. 1861 Normand. m. 1869 Louis D. nt. 1803 John C. 1864 Jorgne. t. 1862 John C h. 1808 Janiss. 1868 StephEn V. W.. 1863 Andrew J. n. Squires, 1810 Francis. 1868 Stepher, V. 1863 Joseph G.. 1860 Theodore M. 1. 1810 Richard. Streeter, 1864 H. Lyl. M. 1842 John B. 1869 Solomon T. I. 1865 Charles C. E.. 1821 Garles E. 1852 Richarid F. Stricklin, 1865 Elijah H. cc. 1821 Peter. 1864 Frederick W. 186 Daid L. 1865 Jamles T. 7. 18211864 Frederick. 1865 Daid L. 1865 James W. in. Staley, Stevenson, Stringhalm, 1865 Lenox. 1818 William. 1793 JLames S. 1866 David A cc. 1811 John B. 1866 George P. Stallknecht, 18 G.. 1794 Johs B. 1866 Nathaniel F. I. 1869 Frederic. icc. e. Steward, Strong, 1866 Samuel St. J. e. ard, 1810 Pascal N. 1866 William W. 1. Stanford, 1868 John, Jr. 1816 Thomas 1I. 1867 Alonzo )e L. n. 1842 David R. Stewart, 1825 Oliver S. 1867 Charles E. 1. 1838 George T. 1867 Charles H. I. Stanley, 1804 Clliam les. 1840 Peter R. 1867 Freling H. 1. 1870 Francis A. i. 1853 Samuel P. h. 1867 Isaac b I. 1860 William H. N. h. 1868 Fr.ak S. 1. 1865 Alexander. m. 1854 Benjcmim. 1868 Frtnlk S. I. Staansbury, 186 a n.. 1868 Henry T. m n. 1868 William M. if. e. 1799 Arthur J. 1869 Darvin A. cc. 1868 HStryker, 1869 Edward B. 186 Davi, J.yk 1869 Henry H. in. e. Stanton, Stiger 1804 Peter. i. 1869 John C. h. 1845 Stephen K..r1809 James. 1870 Deming B. 1856 Alexancler M. 1867 William E. 1809 Juart es. 1865 Garrett S. 1. Stuart, Snively, 1865 Henry B. Jr.. Stile 1773 John. 71. 1866 Whitmer. m. 1774t James. 1808 William. Snodgrass, Staples, Stillwell, 1864 Sidney H., Jr. I. 1830 William B. 1 1862 Franklin. nc. 1832 John E. Starkweather, Stilwell, 1856 Alfred. h. Snowv, 1869 Ralph E. in. 1862 Thomas H. t 1866 Joseph. fn. 1861 Norman IJ. i. Starr, 1864 William R. c. Study, Snowden, 1869 Charles S. lit. 1. 1866 Janres \. lit. 1838 William E. 183Solomon, E. Stebbins, Stimson, Studley, Solomony, Seebbins1856 Russell J. 1868 Danuiel M. m. 1860 William H. mn. 1864 Jacob P. I. 1860 Dwight, D.. Stitt, Sturges, Southack, Steddiford, 1867 John H.. 1861 Freeric D. m. 1860 John W., Jr. 1786 Peter. St. John, 1864 AFrthur B. 1867 Frederick W. 1. Souther, Stedman, 1828 Samuel S. 1869 Henry C. 1869 Charles E. 1. 1869 Ernest G. 1. 1848 Thomas P. 1870 Frank D. 1870 Samuel B- m. Southgate, teele, Stockholm, Stuyvesant, 1845 Horatio. h. 1830 William. 1807 Dirc B. 1863 RuPeter G. 1807 Dirck B. 1863 Rutherfurd. Southworth, Steer,1816 Suel L Stoddard, Suckley, 1866 Richmond J. m. 1864 Freman. in. 1819 John L. Spear, Steers, Stokes 1820 Rutsen. 1863 James. l. Sto kes, 1838 Charles. 1869 Charles, Jr. c. Suffern, 1868 Asa A. I. Stephens, 1856 Thomas, Jr. 1822 John L. Stone, S Speir, 1865 George. I. 1830 William M. A. Sugg, 1863 Archibald W. I. 1866 Stephen D., Jr. 1843 Daniel. It. 1867 Josiah P. in. 160 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. S zrs, ~ Talllmadge, 1867 Frank. 1 Totten, S u m m e r s, T ail l m a c l g e, 1868 Charles H. m. 1 Gilbe T. 1860 George F. in. 1845 Frederick S. 1869 DCavid. im. 1858 Gilbert T. Sutherland, Talmnan, 1870 Robert E. j1. Tourtelotte, 1836 Jacob. h. 1811 John N. Thoms, 1863 Jacob F. in. 1814 George F. 1860 William F. nm. Townsend, 1856 Chydamrles. Tappa, -Thomson, 1759 Epenetud, 1856 Crhanrles. 1807 Peter V. C. 1803 Samuel W. 1810 Jacob. 1860 Abrales. 1834 Henry P. It. 1818 Andrew. h. 1812 Peter S. Tay1861 Charles lor 1842 David, Jr. 1820 John R. Swain, 1,r T or, 1843 John. 1832 Frederick. 5wam i, 1792 George. 1846 James. 1832 Russell N. 1868 James P., Jr. 1792 William. 1866 William J. 1841 John J. 1870 George MI. in. 1793 Willett Jr. in. 1847 Israel L. Sw17a)6 C rles.w Thorn, 1870 Clayton W. in. Swan, 1831 E ~dwin M{. 1852 Eugene. 1844 Edward H. 1837 Thomas H. 7. 1852 William E. Tracy, 1848 Otis D. 1861 George L. 1870 William K., Jr. 1. 1860 Frederick A. 1861 Norman L. 1861 Henry A C 1863 Lewis A. sn. 1868 Benjamin R. in. 1868 Robert W. in. LThrall, 1868 Roger S. n. Swarts, Teakle, 1861 S. Chipman. h. 1869 Charles A. I. 1864Frderick. 1. 1842 Elisha WT Thrman, 1869 Charles E. 1. ~~1864 Frederick.~1835 John H. J Trafford, Swartwout, 7195 Jllles B. 1864 William. in. 1867 Charles HI. 1. 1812 JohlT. en, Thurston, Travers, Swasey,1834 Anthonec, 1851 A. Henry. 1838 William R. 1869 Erastus P. n. 1834 Anthony. Tbb T Sween Terhllne 1Tibbals, Travis, 1870 Richard H. ii. e. -1840 Owen. 1870 Tibbitts, 1850 Edward F. Sweezey, Terrett, 1853 Washington I. Treadwell, 1865 John. 1863 Charles W. 1758 Daniel.. Sw1865 John 1. Terrill Tichenor, 1761 Agur. ih. Swift, Terrill, 1801 Gabriel. 1862 John I.n. 1867 Thomas, Jr. in. Tremain, 1862 JSw ords, Te, Tiebout, 1867 Henry E. 1. 1821 John, Jr. 1826 Thomas, Jr. 1850 William H. Trenaman 1827 Theodore A. 1865 David D.. Tillary, 1869 Thomas. in. 1829 Charles R. Thatcher, 1800 Matthew. Trenor, 1834 Robert S. 1802 James. Trenor, 185 Thomas F. 1852 Eustace. Sylvester, 1866 Ralph P. sc. Tillinghast, 1852 John, Jr. 1786 Francis. Thayer 1806 John L. 1859 Thomas F. Sym, 1862 Foster. Tillou, Trevett, 1842 John. 1863 Stephen H., Jr. 1869 Edward. 1835 Russell 1868 Horace H. Syme, Thibou, Timpson, Tripler, 1864 William R. 1, 1828 Lewis. 1856 John W. 1860 Charles 5. h. 1828 Lewis. 18608 Thomas H. hn. Taber, Thomas Titus, 1863 James A. 1. 1800 Charles F 1823 James H. Trippe, 1800 Charles F. 1854 John C. Taft, 1832 Philip A5V. Todd, 1866 Charles P. I. 1835 Ludlow. 1844 Andrew S. h. Troup, 1837 David P. 1864 John R. sn. 1766 John. Taggard, 1870 Nathaniel P. S. 1. 1869 Chiarles A. m. 1766 John, Jr. 1835 William H. Thomasson 1869 William S. in. 1774 Robert. 1845 John 1865 John J. I. Tomes, Tryon, Taggart, 1831 Francis, Jr. 1774 William. h. 1860 Charles J.,n. Thompson, Tom kins, 1862 Amazias W. nm. Tailer, 1793 Thomas. Tucker, Taller, 1804 John R. 1795 Daniel D. Tucker 1852 Henry A. 1821 Junius. 1769 Robert. n. 1857 James T. 1832 Jonathan, Jr. Tooker, 1822 Thomas W. 1833 Abraham G., Jr. 1859 Gabriel M. 1829 Robert. 1Ta~lbot, 1836 William. m 1837 John I. 1857 William R. 1841 William. h. oppan, 1852 Richard H. 1866 Augustus. 1854 Gardiner. 1861 Robert N. 1. 1861 John A. 1866 Richmond. 1856 David G., Jr. m 1863 Robert S. 1863 Thomas. min. Torrey, Tuckerman Talcott, 1864 Edward W. m. 1868 Samuel W. m. 1832 Frederick L. 1866 Frederick. 1. 1869 Edward. n. 1863 Ernest L. 1871.1 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 161 Turk, 1863 Fank R. Van Nest, Varick, 1796 William. 1866 Iartin. 1867 James V. D. m. 1799 Abraham, Jr. 1799 John V. Turnbull, Van Buskirk, Van Nostrand, 1807 Theodore V. V. 1809 William. 1865 Seymour. 1813 John. 1861 Stephen H. 19L rc Turner, Van Cleef, Van Pelt, Vaughan, 1821 Williamn. 1837 George S. 1799 Peter I. 1860 Jls. 1855 Herert B. Van Cortlanclt, Van R enssel dder 1861 Joseph M. Van Rensselaer 1861 Maus R. in. 1867 Henry C. in. 1758 Philips. 1847 Francis. Ver Meule 1867 John. H. 1. 1807 James. 1867 Philip L.. Ver Meulen, 1864 Augustus. m. 1860 Edmund C. sic. Turrill, Vanderbilt, Van Riper, Vermilye, 1869 Edgar A. 1. 1837 John, Jr. 1856 William T. 1831 Robert G 1866 Cornelius. n,. 1831 Robert G. Tuska, Vanderhoof, 1870 William H. sis. 1869 Wacldear J. I. 1864 Frederick D. m. Van Santvoord, Vermilyea, Tuttle, Vanderpoel, 1865 Abraham. 1858 Isaac D. t. 1857 DalLiel S. 1862 John A. Van Schaack, Verplanck, 1866 Henry C. 1867 Aaron E. Samuel. 1868 William IV. m. e. Augustus 1767 Peter. 1758 Samuel. 1787 Henry C. 1768 Gulian. Tweedle, Vanderpool, 1788 Daniel C. 18Tw65 James B.m. Vanderpool, Van Siclen, 1791 William B. 1867 James. m. 1801 Gulian C. Tyler, Vanderveer, 16GereV.t 1819 Samuel. 1767 John. h.. 1816 Adrian. Van Slyck, 1832 William S. 1859 Soamuel. 7., 1796 Adrian C. Verren, 1868 John B. m. Van Der Veer, Tyng, 1866 James D.. Van Tnyl, 1829 Antoine. h. 1846 Alexander G. Vandervoort, 1844 Otto w. E. Vethake, 1862 Charles R. 1828 John L. Van Valken- 1808 Henry. 1863 Morris A. 1. Vincent, Udall, 1Van Deursen, burgh,1854 Marvin n. 1870 David C. m. 1870 Thomas S. m. 1772 Richard. m. Vandewater, Van Voast, Vinton, 7Ulsoeffer, 1814 Ferdinand. 1861 Garret W. V. i. 1856 William G. Va X s room Upfold, Van Duzer, Van Voorhis, 183Gorge.. 1853 Archibald S. 1841 Robert D. 1808 Peter D., Jr. 1831 George. Vi. D1865 Elias W. I. Wackerhagen, Ure, 1761 Henry. Van Vorst, 1869 George. lm. Ustick, Van Giee 1843 Cornelius, Jr. Waddell, 1794Thoa1866 Henry C. m. Van Vranken, 1821 John H. 1794 Thomas. 1866 Henry C. na 1837 Samuel A. h. 1831 Lloyd S. Vail, 1869 John. Vage nen, Waddington, 1869 IWilliamL H. 1s. 1802 Hubert. 1860 George. Valentine, Van Hook, 1821 Gerrit G. Wadsworth, 1864 Albert F. 1797 Isaac A. 1826 Gerrit H., Jr. 1863 Samuel D. in. 1870 Samuel H. 1. Van Horne, 1828 WilliamH. agstaff 1858 Hubert. Wagstaff, Vallejo, 1791 Frederic. 1861 William lM. 1822 Alfred 18a64 Piston.. 1793 Cornelius A. 1870 Theodore F. m. e. 1866 Alfred Jr. 1. Van Alst, Van Houten, Van Wagner, Wainwright, 1865 Isaac.. 1867 Nicholas B. m. 1866 Frederick J. m. 1845 Henry P. Van Kleeck, Van Winkle, 1858 Francis C. 1Van 8 Roert. ah WA inkle, 1867 William A. I. fic. Van Aemringe, 1828 Robert B. 1848 Isaac. Wal6 dge, 1815 Henry H. 1859 Robert B., Jr. 1865 Edward H. Walbridge, 1860 John H. 1863 Frederick B. 1865 Isaac. 1863 Henry B. h. Van Arsdale, Van Lennep, Van Wyck, Walker, 1868 William H. m. e. 1868 David. m. e. 1795 Pierre C. 1802 Richard L. in. Vaan Boskerek, Van Mte 1807 Philip G. 1850 Evan T. 1864 Richard T. Van Mater, 1845 Pierre r. 1859 William D. 1870 Thomas B. 1. 1808 Daniel. 1867 Richard C. M. 1862 John S. 1. Van Buren, Van Ness, 1869 Philip V. R. 1. 1863 George E. 1. 1807 Cornelius. 1789 John P. Vardill, 1866 Henry F. m. 1829 John D. 1797 William P. 1766 John. 1868 Jerome. nm. 162 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. Wallace, Watkins. Westcott, Whittingh am, 1827 Joseph C. 1788 John W. h. 1865 Nelson S. m. 1827 William R. h. Waller, 1815 James S. Westerlo, Whvbrvw, 1870 Elwyn.. e. Watson, 179 Rensselae. 1870 Charles T. as. 1804 James T. Westervelt, Tight, Wallis, 1852 John L. 1863 Ellsworth. 1865 Hamilton. I. P~atts, 1861 Charles TM.?a. 1865 Hamilton. I. Watts, WVestfall, 1864 Thomas. is. Walsh, 1760 Robet. 1863 Lewis. m. Wildey, 1798 James. 1796 John. Weston,1860 Pierre W. 1801 Samuel A. 1803 Robert, Jr. 1861 Sullivan H. c. Wilkes 1822 John. h5. 1804 John, Jr. 1828 Alexander R. 1805 Robert I. 1821 George. 1839 Jatmles WTT. 1808 Henry. 1758 Timothy. h 122 Hamilton. 1864 Julius S. 1. 1808 John, Jr. 1795 Timothy F. as. Wilkins 1810 Charles. 1798 Robert G.. 1760 I Walter, s11 George J. 1848 Benjamin C. 1760 Isac. 1799 Arthur M. 1831 Robert, Jr. 1849 Prosper Al., Jr. Willard 1865 William H. h. 1861 Robert, Jr.. 163 Edmnd.. 1869 Charles E. Walton, 1864 Latlrop P. so. Wheeler, Willett, 1777t William. Webb 1861 aillies L. min. 1819 Marinus, Jr. 1828 William. 1863 De WTitt. m. 1862 Joases 3. 1822 Edwardcl l. 1861 Louis P. 1865 Jo. 1856 Elbert I. ~I,Webbe, 1868 6Ioses I). m. e. 1864 Carinus, Jr. W186z4sdr 1870 WVillian N. 1870 Francis A. o. Williams, 1864 Isiclor. Webster, Wheelock, 1822 WTilliams R. ~andell ~1824 Daniel. I. 1833 James A. 165 Tonsenl.. 1849 Horace. h. 1864 George G. m. 1850 Timothy D. I. W1865 To sed.. 1865 Almar P. 1. Whiley, 1851 John. hi. Ward, W~eed 1828 Richlrd, Jr. 1856 Howell L., Jr. 1800 John Y. Weed, 1844 Charles WV. 1860 Augustus P. si. 18731 Samuel, Jr. 1836 Harvey A. 1867 Channing u. h. 1836 Henlry, Jr. 1868 John W.. Whipple, 1867 William H. 1. 1838 Heisry H. Weeks, 1869 Ezekiel WV. I. 1868 Stephen W. 1838WFrancis M. e, 9 Mrso. 1851 Charles H. 1822 Alled A. Whitaker, Wllianson, 1851 William G. 1856 James. 4t Jon. 1807 Chales A. 1858 John, Jr. 1861 JaDes R. m. 4 willis. 1861 Edwin F. i. 1864 Robert K. 1. Whitall, l 1861 Isaac J. 1867 Francis H. 1. 1862 Francis. 1861 Prescott H.. 1869 Edwarl I. 1866 Samuel. in. 1862 William H., Jr. 1861 Samuel B. Weis an, White, 1864 William S. m. 1861 Edwarcd M. m. 16Frc I s. 1791 Nathan. W1illarth, 1862 Richardc H. n. 186 Frncis H. m. 1848 Joseph. 1868 Frank.. 1863 Josiah 0. 1. W ellman, 1849 John J.. *. 1864 Frederick A. I. 1861 John P P. n. Wilmerding 1865 Willard P. 1S51 lerritt H. 1862 Henry K I. 1868 Lucius K. 1867 Edmumld A. 1. Wells, 1866 Henry S. mn. 1868 Leslie D. s,. 1819 Tlo s L. 1870 Henry S. I. Wilson, W arner, 1865 Jamles L. Whitehlead, 1800 George. 1705 Effingham. 1867 George, Jr. ii. 1800 Peter. 1795 Effingham. 1867 Georte, Jr. si. 1864 J. Elict. m. 1818 Abraham D. 1867 Eli. Yo. 1870 albert W. 1. 1867 Eli.?n. W1S0 letrI i hitehouse 1822 Samuel F. Warren, endel, 1821 Henry J. 1825 Peter. 1860 Joel A. m. 1855 John G. 185921 Henry J. 1825 William. 1864 William. P. sI. Wentxoth 1859 Henry B. 1826 Harris. WentworthB, 1860 William. 1835 William H. Warth, 1863 Walter H. n. 1861 FreW erick C. 183645 Bird. 7. 1868 John W. i.F. 1845 Bird. h. l6~ John W. z. Wessels, Whiting, 1860 Philip L. 1. Washburn, 1869 Frank W. 1. 1861 Benjamin F. m. 1866 Charles. s. W1864 WVilliam L. I. 1s62 Merritt H. m. 1S566 Charles. m. ~ Wesson, 186 Henlry A. 1863 Benjamin. m. WCaterman, 186570 HowCard. H. 1865 Francis F. 18t58 erny. 5. Whitlok,1 1866 James W. in. ~185 Henawry. h. Wshilos 1869 WVilliam. I. W1v6est, 1837 Samuel H. 1870 John P. m. Waters, 1844 Charles E.. itney, 1836 George G. 1861 Edward. Wh ne Winans, 1865 George D. 5. 1869 Charles W. 1. 1861 Albert B. 1840 James IV. 1871.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 163 Winchell, Witherbee, Woodruff, Wyckoff, 1865 Alvord E. m. 1867 Silas O. m. 1860 Lewis B. 7. 1840 Vran Brunt. Windsor Withers, 1861 Charles H.. 1862 Albert. 1. 1 8 13r L lyd Wthers, 1863 Lockwooc D. F. n.Wynkoop, 1834 Lloyd. 1865 Russell. m. Woods 1819 Richardo ~Winslow, ~Wi;tter, 1791 Jalmes. 1866 Gerardus WV. m. 1761 Edward. h. 1867 William C. 1. 1. Yale, 1857 William B. Woodward, 1862 Leroy Al. 1864 Miron, Jr. 1. W itthaus, 1793 lias B. ates 1867 John. m. 1 67 Rudolph A., Jr. Work, 1787 John Y. Winston, Wohlfarth, 1867 James H. Yost, 1863 Gustavus S. m. 1866 Augustus. m. Worster, 1866 Geore L. m. 1866 Joseph S. m. Wolfe, t 1863 Willard P. Youle, Winter, 1868 Theodore F. m. Worth, 1793 Joseph. sn. 1801 Gabriel. 1829 Fanning S. 1827 William. 29 Fapnning 1827 YWinterton,. 1851 J. Walter. W otherspoon, 1865 John F. h. WVinterton, 1868 John B. 1. 1837 Alexander S. 1866 Charles. nm. 1772 William. mn. 1870 Dennistoun. Wright, 1866 William H. m. Winthrop, W~oo1870 James H. 1.. 1868 Johll F. nl. 1812 Egerton L. oodfordi, 1851 David A.Youngs, 1827 Grenville T. 1854 Stewart L. 1864 Samuel P. 1.6 Graham. 1860 Egerton L. Woodhull, 1866 JGel W. 1n. 1864 Buchanan. 1 91 Jesse, Jr. 166 Joel.. Zabriskie, 1866 Benjamin R.,Jr. 1. 1869 Thenford1869 illiam B. em 1828 Martin R. 18Wiss66 an, Beodill, Tnord 1835 Christian, Jr. Wiss1 nan, Woodill, Wyatt, 1854 Jerenliahl L. 1866 John F. 1866 Alfred II. m. 1809 William E. 1869 Samiuel MI. se. CATALO GUE OF THE GOVERNORS, TRUSTEES, AND OFFICERS, AND OF THE ALUMNI AND OTHER GRADUATES, OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE (ORIGINALLY KING'S COLLEGE), IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, F'ROM 1754 TO 1876. PRINTED FOR THE COLLEGE. 1876. Macgowan & Slippor, Printers, 30 Beekman Street, N. Y. C O NTE NT S. PAGE. Explanatory Notice.................................................... 5 Governors of King's College............................................. 7 Regents of the University, as Trustees of Columbia College...............10 Trustees of Columbia College........................................... 11 Trustees of the Medical Department..................................... 17 Chairmen....................................................... 19 Clerks....................................................... 20 Treasurers of the College.......................... 20 Presidents of the College...20 Provost...21 Faculty of Arts.............................................. 21 Tutors....... f 26 Lecturers............................................................... 27 Librarians........................................................... 27 Chaplain...........................................'... 27 Head Masters of the Grammar School.......................... 27 Faculty of Medicine..... 28 Lecturers in the Medical Department............................... 32 Faculty of Law.......................................... 33 Lecturers in the Law Department.................................... 34 Faculty of the School of Mines......................................... 34 Senatus Academicus, 1876.................. -.......... 37 Graduates in Arts............................................... 47 Graduates in Medicine.............................................. 99 Graduates in Law............................... 121 Graduates of School of Mines....................... 147 Honorary Graduates, etc................................................. 151 Enumeration........................... 168 Index of Officers........................................ 169 Index of Graduates................................................. 175 ABBREVIA.TIONS. ACT. Actuary. ED. Editor. ARCH. Architect. ENG. Engineer. ART. Artist. F. Farmer. Au. Author. M. Merchant. B. Banker. PuB. Publisher. BR. Broker. PR. Printer. CREM. Chemist. REV. Reverend. C. L. Counsellor at Law. T. Teacher. A star (*) prefixed to a name denotes that the individual is deceased. In every case in which the year of the decease is known, it is indicated at the right. EXPLANATORY NOTICE. THE present catalogue of the Alumni and other graduates of Columbia College is the eighth which has been published since the re-organization of the College under its present title in 1787. The earlier of these publications were not issued periodically. With the fifth, published in 186.5, there was commenced a series designed to be continued triennially. (One triennium, 1870-73, has been, however, allowed to pass without the issuing of a catalogue.) In this, also, the attempt was for the first time made to indicate the professions or occupations of the graduates, and to present a record of the honors, of whatever kind, which have been conferred upon them. Such an attempt, in the absence of any written record regularly kept at the College or elsewhere of matters of this nature, could not but be, to a certain extent, unsuccessful; and accordingly in the issuing of the catalogue of 1865 no credit was claimed for that publication on the score of perfection or completeness. The publication Was avowedly made, in the form adopted, quite as -much in the hope of eliciting, by means of the interest it might excite, additional information in regard to the personal history of the graduates, as of giving a permanent form to the information already obtained. This hope has not been wholly disappointed. A number of the Alumni of the College have kindly contributed important additions to the knowledge which had been previously gathered in regard to members of many of the earlier classes: and in consequence of this valuable assistance, the present edition of the catalogue, though still imperfect, will be found to exhibit a sensible improvement on those which have gone before. Copies of this catalogue will be sent, as in 1865, in 1868 and in 1871, to all the living Alumni whose residences are known. Those who may not receive it may be assured that the omission is owing only to want of information as to their. proper addresses. They will be promptly supplied, on application, by post or otherwise, to the President, at the College. 5 6 EXPLANATORY NOTICE. Notwithstanding the considerable success which has attended the efforts made to supply the deficiencies of former publications, the imperfections which will doubtless be detected in the present one can hardly fail to be numerous. This prefatory note cannot, therefore, be better concluded than by once more repeating the request earnestly made on former occasions, of every graduate into whose hands the catalogue should fall, that he would communicate to the President, or to Professor Van Amringe, at the College, any information which may serve to improve it in future editions; completing first his own record, should he find it deficient, and adding any important facts within his knowledge, which the catalogue does not contain, in regard to any other graduate or graduates. COLUMBIA COLLEGE, July 4, 1876. GOVERNORS OF KIN G'S COLLEGE, NEW YORK, AS APPOINTED BY ROYAL CHARTER, OCTOBER 31, A. D. 1754. THE most Reverend Father in God, THOMAS, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.; and the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the tinie being, ex officio. The Right Honorable DUNK, Earl of Halifax, First Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations; and the First Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations for the time being, ex officio. The Governor of the Province, ex officio. The eldest Councillor of the Province, ex officio. The Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the Province, ex officio. The Secretary of the Province, ex officio. The Attorney-General of the Province, ex officio. The Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province, ex officio. The Treasurer of the Province, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New York, ex officio. The Rector of Trinity Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Church in the City of New York, ex officio. The Minister of the French Church in the City of New York, ex offcio. The Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation in the City of New York, ex officio. The President of the College, ex officio. 7 8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [The names of those who, at various times, attended meetings of the Governors, by virtue of their office as above are: JOHN CHAMBERS, Second Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. WILLIAM KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. ABRAHAM DE PEYSTER, Treasurer of the Province. EDWARD HOLLAND, Mayor of the City of New York. HENRY BARCLAY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JOANNES RITZEMA, Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New York. JOHN ALBERT WEYGAND, Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Church, New York. JOANNES CARLE, Minister of the French Church, New York. SAMUEL JOHNSON, President of the College. JOHN CRUGER, JR., Mayor of the City of New York. DANIEL HORSMANDEN, Third Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. JOHN TABOR KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. BENJAMIN PRATT, Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. MYLES COOPER, President of the College. SAMUEL AUCHMUTY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JOHN CRUGER, Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province. The Archbishop of Canterbury (by proxy).] ARCHIBALD KENNEDY............................... Declined to qualify. Deceased JOSEPH MURRAY................Between July, 1756, and May, 1757 Removed from the Province JOSIAH MARTIN................. Between March, 1761, and Oct., 1764 Deceased PAUL RICHARD......................Between July, 1756, and March, 1759 Retired HENRY CRUGER...................................Subsequently to 1780 Deceased WILLIAM WALTON..................... Between May, 1768, and March, 1770 Retired JOHN WATTS..............................,.......Subsequently to 1780 Resigned HENRY BEEKMAN............................. 1 770 Resigned PHILIP VERPLANCK............................................. 1770 Retired FREDERICK PHILIPSE................................. Subsequently to 1780 Deceased JOSEPH ROBINSON..................Between May, 1755, and March, 1759 Retired JOHN CRUGER..........................S............ Subsequently to 1770 Retired OLIVER DE LANCEY................................. Subsequently to 1780 GOVERNORS OF KING'S COLLEGE. 9 Deceased JAMES LIVINGSTON.....................6.......................... 1763 Deceased BENJAMIN NICOLL..................... Between Feb., 1760, and April 1763 WILLIAM LIVINGSTON.......................... Declined to qualify Retired JOSEPH READE............................. Subsequently to 1770 Retired NATHANIEL MARSTON.................... Subsequently to 1780 Deceased JOSEPH HAYNES'................ Between March, 1758, and Jan., 1762 Retired JOHN LIVINGSTON................................ Subsequently to 1780 Deceased ABRAHAM LODGE.................. Between June, 1760, and Jan., 1762 Retired DAVID CLARSON...................................Subsequently to 1780 Retired LEONARD LISPENARD....................Subsequently to 1780 Retired JAMES DE LANcEY, JR................ Subsequently to 1780 Appointed subsequently, by virtue of the power vested in the Governors by the Charter: Appointed Resigned 1759 SAMUEL AUCHMUTY...... Having become Rector of Trinity Church, 1764 Resigned 1759 GABRIEL LUDLOW.................. 1770 1761 EDWARD ANTILL......................Did not qualify or serve Deceased 1762 JOHN CHAMBERS................... Between Nov., 1762, and Oct., 1764 Retired 1762 HENRY CUYLER............................Subsequently to 1770 Retired 1762 JAMES DUANE............................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1762 WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Earl of Stirling.........Subsequently to 1776 Retired 1763 CHARLES WARD APTHORPE..................... Subsequently to 1780 Resigned 1764 BEVERLEY ROBINSON........................................... 1770 Deceased 1764 JOHN PROVOOST..........Between Aug., 1767, and March 1770 Retired 1764 THOMAS JONES.................. Sub.......... Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1764 ARCHIBALD KENNEDY.........................Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1770 ROGER MORRIS..............S............u... b....Subsequently to 1780 Deceased 1770 JOHN OGILVIE, S. T. D.................................... 1774 Retired 1770 SAMUEL VERPLANCK............Subsequently to 1780 I 4 10 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Retired 1770 GOLDSBOROUGH BANYAR.......................Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1770 WILLIAM WALTON............................ Subsequently to 1780 Retired CHARLES INGLIS, S. T. D....................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired HENRY WHITE................................ Subsequently to 1780 Retired PETER MIDDLETON, M.D.......................Subsequently to 1780 Retired JACOB WALTON................................Subsequently to 1780 Retired JOHN HARRIS CRUGER..................Subsequently to 1780 Retired JO-N MAUNSELL.............................. Subsequently to 1780 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, To whom the Government of the College, under the name of COLUMBIA COLLEGE, was committed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed May 1, A. D. 1784: The Governor of the State for the time being, ex officio. The Lieutenant-Governor " The President of the Senate " " The Speaker of the House of Assembly for the time being, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New York " The Mayor of the City of Albany " The Attorney-General " The President and Professors of the College " The Secretary of State " BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, MATTHEW CLARKSON, ROBERT HARPUR, RUTGERS VAN BRUNT, WALTER LIVINGSTON, JAMES TOWNSEND, CHRISTOPHER YATES. THOMAS LAWRENCE, ANTHONY HOEFFMAN, HENRY WISNER, CORNELIUS HUMPHREY, JOHN HARING, LEWIS MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER TAPPAN, PHILIP PELL, JR., JAMES CLINTON, CHRISTOPHER P. YATES, EZRA L'HOMMEDIEU, JAMES LIVINGSTON, CALEB SMITH, TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 11 ABRAHAM BANCKER, JOHN WILLIAMS, JOHN C. DONGAN, JOHN M'CREA. And the following, added to the above-named by an Act of the Legislature, passed November 26, 1784: JOHN JAY, LL. D., CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D., SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D., THOMAS JONES, M. D., JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D., MALACHI TREAT, M. D., JOHN ROGERS, S. T. D., NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D., JOHN MASON, S. T. D., PETER W. YATES, JOHN GANO, MATTHEW VISSCHER, JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T D, HUNLOCK WOODRUFF, M. D. JOHANN CHRISTOFF KUNZE, S. T. D., GEORGE I. L. DOLE, JOSEPH DELAPLAINE, JOHN VANDERBILT, GERSHOM SEIXAS, THOMAS ROMAINE. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, LL. D., SAMUEL BUEL, JOHN LAWRENCE, GILBERT LIVINGSTON, JOHN RUTHERFURD, NATHAN KERR, MORGAN LEWIS, EBENEZER LOCKWOOD, LEONARD LISPENARD. JOHN LLOYD, JOHN COCHRAN, M. D., HERMAN GARRISON, EBENEZER RUSSELL. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The following, appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, April 13, 1787, reviving the original charter with amendments: Resigned JAMES DUANE..................................1............ 1795 Resigned SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D............ 180 Retired JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D....................................... 1810 Resigned RICHARD VARICK........................ 1816 Deceased ALEXANDER HAMILTON, LL. D................................. 1804 Resigned JOHN MASON, S. T. D......................................... 1788 Retired JAMES WILSON.............................. 1788 12 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Retired JOHN GANO*................... 1788 Deceased BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D......................... 1823 Resigned ROBERT HARPUR.......................................... 1795 Resigned JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D................................... 1787 Resigned JOHANN CHRISTOFF KUNZE, S. T. D................................. 1792 Deceased WALTER LIVINGSTON.1797 Deceased LEWIS A. SCOTT.......1.......................................... 1798 Declined JOSEPH DELAPLAINE........................................ 1787 Deceased LEONARD LISPENARD.................. 179( Retired ABRAHAM BEACH, S. T. D.............................. 1813 Deceased JOHN LAWRENCE..................................................... 1810 Retired JOHN RUTHERFURD........................................... 1787 Resigned MORGAN LEWIS.............................. 1804 Resigned JOHN COCHRAN, M. D.......................... 1794 Resigned GERSHOM SEIXAS................................... 1815 Resigned CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D................................... 1787 Deceased THOMAS JONES, M. D..1........................ 1798 Deceased MALACHI TREAT, M. D..........................1..........95. Resigned SAMUEL BARD, M. D......................................... 1804 Resigned NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D................1................ 1793 Deceased BENJAMIN KISSAM, M. D...................................... 1803 Deceased EBENEZER CROSBY, M. D............................. 1788 And the following; subsequently chosen by virtue of the Act of April 13, 1787, empowering the Trustees then created to fill vacancies: Appointed Resigned 1788 WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D.................... 1800 Deceased 1788 RICHARD HARISON, LL. D................................. 1829 * This name does not appear in the list of Trustees after March 15, 1788. t This name does not appear on the list of Trustees after May 20, 1787. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 13 Resigned 1789 JOHN WATTS..................................... 1816 Deceased 1790 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D. D 1824 Retired 1793 EDWARD LIVINGSTON........................... - 1806 Resigned 1793 JOHN MCKNIGHT, TS. T. D..................... 1795 Deceased 1794 JOHN COSINE.................................................... 1798 Resigned 1795 CORNELIUS I. BOGERT............................ 1823 Resigned 1795 JOHN M. MASON, S. T. D........................................ 1821 Deceased 1795 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D..................................... 1796 Deceased 1795 EDWARD DUNSCOMB......... 1814 Resigned 1796 GEORGE C. ANTHON, M. D... 1815 Resigned 1797 PHILIP LIVINGSTON......................................... 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN C11ARLTON, M. D.................1....................8... 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN N. ABEEL, S. T. D..................................... 1812 Deceased 1799 JAMES TILLARY, M. D.................... 1818 Resigned 1801 CHARLES H. WHARTON, S. T. D................................ 1801 Deceased 1801 JOHN H. HOBART, S. T. D........................... 1830 Resigned 1802 BENJAMIN MOORE, S. T. D......................... 1813 Resigned 1804 EGBERT BENSON, LL. D......................... 1815 Deceased 1804 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D.............. 1807 Deceased 1805 GOUVERNEUR MORRIS.................................. 1816 Resigned 1805 JACOB RADCLIFFE............ 1817 Retired 1806 SAMUEL MILLER, S. T. D...................................... 1813 Resigned 1806 RUFUS KING, LL. D.................... 1824 Deceased 1807 NICHOLAS EVERTSON.................................... 1807 Retired 1808 OLIVER WOLCOTT................ 1816 Deceased 1809 JOHN B. ROMEYN, S. T. D.......................... 1825 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D..................................... 1829 Resigned 1811 ROBERT TROUP, LL. D........................... 1817 14 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1812 PETER A. JAY............................................. 1817 Resigned 1813 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL. D.................................... 1857 Resigned 1813 CHARLES WILKES........1824 Deceased 1815 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL. D............ 1849 Resigned 1815 WILLIAM JOHNSON, LL. D............................... 1842 Deceased 1815 JOHN WELLS......................................... 1823 Retired 1816 THOMAS Y. How, S. T. D.......................................1818 Resigned 1816 WILLIAM HENDERSON.......................................... 1823 Resigned 1816 EDWARD W. LAIGHT........................................ 1851 Resigned 1816 JOHN R. MURRAY............................................ 1835 Resigned 1816 WRIGHT POST, M. D........................................ 1828 -: *Resigned 1817 BEVERLEY ROBINSON..................................... 1854 Deceased 1817 THOMAS L. OGDEN.......................................... 1844 Resigned 181'7 NICHOLAS FISH................................... 1833 Retired 1817 JAMES RENWICK................................................ 1820 Retired 1818 SAMUEL F. JARVIS, S. T. D...................................... 1820 Deceased 1818 JOHN T. IRVING............................................... 1838 Deceased 1820 DAVID S. JONES, LL. D................................... 1848 Resigned 1821 GULIAN C. VERPLANCK......................................... 1826 Deceased 1822 PASCAL N. STRONG................................................ 1825 Resigned 1823 JAMES KENT, LL. D................... 1823 Deceased 1823 PETER A. JAY, LL. D. 184-3 Resigned 1823 JOHN DUER.............................................. 1830 Resigned 1824 BENJAMIN T. ONDERDONK, S. T. D............................... 1853 Deceased 1824 LYNDE CATLIN.............................................. 1833 Resigned 1825 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T D.......................... 1830 Deceased 1824 PHILIP HONE................................................ 1851 Deceased 1824 JOHN WATTS, M. D....................... 1831 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 15 Appointed Resigned 1825 CHARLES KING............................ 1838 Resigned 1825 JAMES M. MATTHEWS, S. T. D............... 1830 Resigned 1826 SAMUEL BOYD.............................................. 1835 Resigned 1828 WILLIAM CREIGHTON, S. T. D...... 1840 Deceased 1830 GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D.... 1873 Deceased 1830 JAMES CAMPBELL.................................. 1848 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM D. SNODGRASS, S. T. D.............................. 1833 Deceased 1830 JOHN L. LAWRENCE............................................ 1849 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM A. DUER, LL. D.................................... 1842 Deceased 1830 JOHN FERGUSON........................................... 1832 Resigned 1831 EDWARD R. JONES............................................. 1838 Deceased 1832 WILLIAM BERRIAN, S. T. D.....................862...... 18 Deceased 1833 OGDEN HOFFMAN............................................... 1856 Resigned 1833 THOMAS W. LUDLOW................................... 1836 Deceased 1834 SAMUEL WARD................................. 1838 1836 SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D..................................... Deceased 1836 JOHN KNOX, S. T. D..................................... 1858 Resigned 1837 THOMAS L. WELLS......................... 1859 Resigned 1838 WILLIAM R. WILLIAMS, S. T. D.................................. 1848 Deceased 1838 WILLIAM H. HARISON........................................... 1860 Deceased 1838 JOHN B. BECK, M. D............................................ 1851 Resigned 1840 HAMILTON FISH............................................ 1849 Deceased 1840 WILLIAM BARD.............................................. 1853 1842 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D............................... Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D................................. 1851 1843 BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D., LL. D.... Deceased 1845 GERRIT G. VAN WAGENEN......................... 1858 Resigned 1848 JOHN L. MASON....................... 1853 16 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1848 WILLIAM H. HOBART, M. D................. 1855 Deceased 1849 EDWARD JONES...................................... 1869 1849 ROBERT RAY.................................... 1849 GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN.................................... Deceased 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D.... 1867 1851 HAMILTON FISH, LL. D...................................... Deceased 1851 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D....................... 1875 Resigned 1851 GERARD W. MORRIS......................................... 1855 Resigned 1851 GEORGE H. FISHER, S. T. D.................... 1855 Deceased 1853 GEORGE T. STRONG..... 1875 Deceased 1853 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T. D., J. C. D............. 1854 1853 EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D................ Deceased 1854 GEORGE F. ALLEN........................................... 1863 1854 HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D., D. C. L................ Deceased 1855 ALEXANDER W. BRADFORD, LL. D........................... 1867 1855 MANCIUS S. HUTTON, S. T. D............................. Resigned 1856 MARTIN ZABRISKIE.........................~...... 1869 Deceased 1856 JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D.................. 1873 Retired 1858 THOMAS DE WITT, S. T. D....... 1874 1858 LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD.................................... Resigned 1859 JOHN JACOB ASTOR, Jr......................................... 1869 1859 JOHN C. JAY, M. D.................................. 1860 WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN......................... 1862 MORGAN DIX, S. T. D........................................... 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D., L. H. D........... 1867 SAMUEL BLATCHFORD, LL. D.................................. 1868 STEPHEN P. NASH............................................. 1870 CHARLES R. SWORDS........................................ i872 ANTHONY HALSEY............................................... TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 17 Appointed 1873 JOSEPH W. HARPER, Jr..... 1874 CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D......................... 1874 EVERT A. DUYCKINCK............................... 1875 JAMES W. BEEIMAN............................................ 1876 AARON ERNEST VANDERPOEL.......................... 1876 CHARLES A. SILLIMAN........................... TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 1860. Deceased JOHN C. CHEESMAN, M. D.......................................... 1862 EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M D.................................... Retired JOSEPH DELAFIELD..... - 1871 Deceased FLOYD SMITH..............874 Deceased RICHARD M[. BLATCHFORD......................................... 1871 Deceased EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D.................................. 1875 JOHN P. CROSBY.................. GURDON BUCK, M. D..................... Deceased LUJTHER BRADISH............. 1863 JAMES W. BEEKMAN.. DANIEL D. LORD......................... BENJAMIN R. WINTHROP.......................................... EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D................................... Resigned WICKHAM HOFFMAN..................8............................... 1867 Resigned ISAAC WOOD, M. D.................1868 Retired GEORGE W. WRIGHT... 1872 FREDERICK A. CONKLING.......................................... Retired CHARLES HENSCHEL, M. D. 1872 Resigned WASHINGTON MURRAY................. 1868 18 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Resigned HENRY CHAUNCEY, Jr........................... 1869 SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T. D................................. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D..................... Resigned JOHN JACOB ASTOR, Jr...................................... 1863 Deceased GEORGE TALBOT OLYPRANT........................... 1873 Deceased JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D.......................... 1873 SINCGE APPOIlNTED. Resigned 1863 BENJAMIN OGDEN,. D....................................... 1867 1863 CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON.................................... l164 JARED LINSLY, M. D.............................. 1867 JOHN J. CRANE, M. D................................ 1869 ELLSWORTH ELLIOT, M. D................... 1869 ROBERT G. REMSEN........................................... 1869 JAMES L. BANKS, M. D.......................................... Retired 1869 GEORkGE D. H. GILLESPIE................. 1874 1872 EDWARD PARKER, M. D............. 1872 EDWARD H. LUDLOW....... 1872 EDWARD DELAFIELD, Jr................................. Retired 1872 CHARLES C. GOODHUE........................... 1874 1873 JOHN G. ADAMS, M. D.................................. 1874 JOHN SHERWOOD............................................... 1875 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D., L. H. D. 1875 SAIUEL T. HUBBARD, M. D................................ 1876 ALFRED S. PURDY, M. D., President Alumni Association, ex officio.. 1876 ALONZO CLARK, President of the School, ex officio................. 1876 THOMAS F. COCK, M. D......................................... CHAIRMEN. 19 CHAIRMEN OF' THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS UNDER TH.E ROYAI CHIARTE.R. The Governor of the Province, or person next in rank, or Senior Governor. OF TIlE BOARD) OF REGENTS,, 1784-1787. The Chancellor of the University, or Vice-Chancellor, or Senior Regent. OF THtE BOARD OF TRUSTE11ES. Appointed Resigned 1787 JAMES DUANE................................ 1795 Resigned 1795 SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D........................... 1801 Resigned 1801 JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D........................ 1810 Resigned 1810 RICHARD VARICK............................. 1816 Deceased 1816 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D....................... 1823 Resigned 1823 RICHARD HARISON, LL. D............................ 1823 Deceased 1823 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D....................................... 1824 Resigned 1824 NICHOLAS FISH...................... 1832 Deceased 1832 PETER A. JAY, LL. D........ 1843 Deceased 1843 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL. D..................1................ 1849 Resigned 1849 EDWARD W. LAIGHT........................... 1850 Resigned 1850 BEVERLEY ROBINSON................................... 1854 Resigned 1854 JOHN KNOX, S. T. D....................................... 1854 Resigned 1858 GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D........................... 1859 1859 HAMILTON FISH, LL. D..................... 20 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. CLERKS OF TE BROARD OF G OV RNORS. LAMBERT MOORE. OF THE BOARD OF RrEGENTS, 1784-1787. ROBERT HARPUR. OF THE BOARD O-F TRUSTEES. Appointed Resigned 1787 ROBERT HARPUR........................... 1795 Resigned 1795 ABRAHAM BEACH, S. T. D. 1811 Resigned 181t WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D...................................... 1811 Resigned 1811 JoHN B. ROMEYN, S. T. D..................... 1815 Resigned 1815 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL. D...................... 1850 Resigned 1850 WVILLIAM BETTS, LL. D..................................... 1874 1874 ANTHONY HALSEY.................................. TREASURERS OF THE COLLEGE. Resigned 1775 LEONARD LISPENARD...................................... 1784 Deceased 1784 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D...................... 1823 Resigned 1823 NICHOLAS FISH.................................................. 823 Resigned 1824 WILLIAM JOHNSON, LL. D...................................... 1833 Deceased 1833 JOHN L. LAWRENCE.............................................. 1849 Deceased 1849 GERRIT G. VAN WAGENEN...................................... 1858 1858 GOUVERNEUR AM. OGDEN......................................... PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER. Resigned 1754 SAMUEL JOHNSON, S. T. D...................................1763 Retired 1763 MYLES COOPER, LL. D....................................... 1775 Resigned 1775 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M. (pro tempore, in the absence of the President)................................... 1776 FACULTY OF ARTS. 21 PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE IUNDDE.R TIHE NEW CHfARTER. Appointed Resigned 1787 VWILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D..................... 1800 Resigned 1801 CHARLES H. WHARTON, S. T. D. 1801 Resigned 1801 BENJAMIN MOORE, S. T. D..1...........811 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D......................... 1829 Resigned 1829 WILLIAM ALEXANDER DUER, LL. D....................... 1842 Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D.............................. 1849 Resigned 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D..1.......................... 1864 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D. PROVOST. Resigned 1811 JOHN M. MASON, S. T. D.... 1816 FACULTY OF ARTS. President JOHNSON was at first sole Instructor. PROFESSORS OF Al4TH-EMA TICS AND NAYTURATL PHI LOSOPHY. Deceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A. M. 1760 Transferred 1861 ROBERT HARPUR, A............................................... 1765 Deceased 1799 JOHN KEMP, LL. D...... 1812 Transferred 1813 ROBERT ADRAIN, LL. D.. 1820 PRO-EESSORS OF MIO-RAT PHILOSOPYf. Promotec 1762 MYLES COOPER, A. M...........1.................... 1763 Resigned 1787 JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D...................................795 In 1795, Logic was added to the Department. Retired 1795 JOHN MCKNIGHET, S. T. D......................., 1799 in 1799, Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres were added. 22 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Deceased 1801 JOHN BOWDEN, S. T. D..................... 1817 Transferred 1817 JOHN MCVICKAR, S. T. D.............................. 1857 In 1818, Intellectual Philosophy and Political Economy were added. PROFESSORS OF fTIATHFiIATICS. Resigned 1765 ROBERT HARPUR, A. M...................... 1767 Transferred 1786 JOHN KEMP, LL. D........................................ 1799 Transferred 1857 CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D....................................... 1859 Promoted 1857 WILLIAM G. PECK, A. M. (Adjunct).. 1859 Promoted 1863 J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M. (Adjunct).1873 1873 J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M.............................. PROFESSORS OF NATUR AL PHILOSOPHY. Retired 1765 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D........................ 1776 In 1785, Astronomy was added to the Department. Resigned 1785 SAMUEL BARD, M. D.................................. 1786 PROFESSOR OF NAT'URAL LAW. Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M.......................... 1776 In 1775, History and Languages were added to the Department. PROFESSOBS OF THfE.FRENCZH LA NGUA G.E. Deceased 1784 JOHN P. TETARD................................................ 1787 Retired 179) VILLETTE DE MARCELLIN................................ 1799 In 1828, the Department was revived under the style of the Department of the French Language and Literature. Resigned 1828 ANTOINE VERREN, A. M............... 1839 Retired 1839 FELIX G. BERTEAU, LL. B................................... 1856 This Professorship was abolished in 1866. PROFESSORS OF THE GREEK AND LA[TI'N LANGU.AGES. Resigned 1784 WILLIAM COCHRAN, A. M............................... 1789 Resigned 1789 PETER WILSON, A. M........ 1792 FACULTY OF ARTS. 23 Appointed Resigned 1792 ELIJAH D. RATTOONE, S. T. D................................. 1797 In 1794, Grecian and Roman Antiquities were added to the Department. Resigned 1797 PETER WILSON, LL. D................................... 1820 Promoted 1817 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, A. M. (Adjunct).................. 1820 Resigned 1820 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D....................... 1835 Promoted 1820 CHARLES ANTHON, A. B. (Adjunct)........... 1830 Transferred 1830 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. (Jay). 1857 Resigned 1837 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. M. (Adjunct).................. 843 Promoted 1845 HENRY DRISLER, JR., A. XM. (Adjunct)................. 1857 PROFESSOR OF' RHETORIC AND LOGIC. Resigned 1784 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M...................................... 1787 PROFESSORS OF THJ O.RIENTtL LAGUI.AGES. Resigned 1784 JOHANN C KUNZE, S. T. D............................... 187 Retired 1792 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D....... 1799 PROFESSORS OF THRWE G-ERiIMAY LANG UAG-E. Resigned 1784 JOHN DANIEL GIioss, S. T. D........................ 1795 In 1830, the Department was revived, under the style of the Department of the German Language and Literature. Deceased 1830 FREDERICK C. SCHAEFFER, S. T. D....................... 1831 Resigned 1832 WILLIAM ERNENPUTSCH............................. 1832 Resigned 1843 JOHN LOUIS TELLKAMPF, J. U. D. (Gebhard)............ 1847 1847 HENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D. (Gebhard)................ PROFESSORS OF GEOGRAPHY. Resigned 1784 JOHN D. GROSS, S. T. D.................................... 1795 Transferred 1795 JOHN KEMP, LL. D...................................... 1799 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY. Resigned 1785 HENRY MOYES, LL. D.........1................. 1786 24 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSOR OF NATURAL BHISTORY, CHEBMIISTRY, AGRIC',LTU-RE, AND THILE OTHIER ARTS D-EP.ENDI.NG TH-ER.EON. Appointed Retired 1792 SAMUEL, L. MITCHILL, M. D., LL. D............................. 1801 PROFESSORS OF LAW. Resigned 1793 JAMES KENT, A. M......................................................... 1798 Deceased 1823 JAMES KENT, LL. D....1847...................... 1847 Resigned 1848 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D.................1......................... 1854 PROFWESSOR O-F RH.ETEORC AND B.ELL-ES-L-ETTBRES. Retired 1795 JOEN BISSET, A. M..................................... 1799 PROFiESSORS oPF CHxEMIIST18RY. Transferr d 1802 JAMES S. STRINGHAM, M. D................................ 1810 Retired 1813 JOHN GRISCoM.. 1820 1857 CHARLES A. Joy, Ph. D........... PROFWSSO.RS OF MATLHE.'l_4MATItCS AND ASTRONOMY. Resigned 182(0 ROBERT ADRAIN, LL. D........................................ 1825 Deceased 1825 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D. Resigned, 1843. Emeritus, 1866.. 1875 Transferred 1843 CHARLES W. HACKLEY, S. T. D............................. 1857 1861 WILLIAM GuY PECK, LL. D.................................... In 1865, Mechanics was added to the Department. PROF.E7SSORS OF NATURAL AND -E~XP.ERIMf1ENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND C H.EI"IT STR Y. Deceased 1820 JAMES RENWICK, LL. D. Emeritus, 1853.................. 1863 Transferred 1854 RICHARD S. MCCULLOH.............................. 1857 PRBOF.ESSORS O.F] THE ITA.IA.N LANGUA GE AND LITE-RATURE. Deceased 1826 LORENZO DA PONTE.................................. 1837 Resigned 1839 E. FELIX FORESTI, LL.B.................................... 1856 PRO ZiESSOR OOF TH E HEBREW LANG UA GE AND.LITERIA.TUR.E. Deceased 1830 SAMUEL H. TURNER, S. T. D...................... 1861 FACULTY OF ARTS. 25 PRO FESSOR OF TIB SPANVISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Appointed Deceased 1830 MARIANO VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA, LL. B...................... 1860 PROFESSOR OF iLEJiEXJNTAR Y CHRIISTR Y. Retired 1832 WILLIAM H. ELLET, M. D.............. 1833 PROFLESSOR OF E-LOC'UTION. Retired 1844 JOHN W. S. Hows........................................... 1857 _P.ROOE0tSSOR OF TfHE EVIDENCES OF N'ATURAL AND REVEALED REL1 GION. Deceased 1857 JOHN MCVICKAR, S. T. D. Emeritus, 1864........................ 1868 JAY PROFESSORS OF THEI GRtEEK LANGUAGE AND _LITERATURE. Deceased 1857 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D........................ 1867 1867 HENRY DRISLER, LL. D......................................... PROFESSORS OF THE -LAT'IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Transferred 1857 HENRY DRISLER, LL. D.. 1867 1868 CHARLES SHORT, LL. D..................................... PROFESSOR OF AS1'RONOoMY. Deceased 1857 CHARLES W. HACKLEY, S. T. D................................. 1861 PROFESSORS OF MECHANICS AND PHIYSICS. Expelled, 1857 RICHARD S. MCCULLOH, A. M........................... 1863 1863 OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M...................................... In 1865, Mechanics was transferred to the Department of Mathemattcs and Astronomy. PROFESSORS OFi HTISTORY AND PO-LITICAL SCIENCE. Transferred 1857 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D.......................1................. 165 In 1876, this Professorship was succeeded by one entitled the Professorship of History, Political Science, and International Law. 1976 JOHN W. BURGESS, A. M.......................... *Expelled October 15, 1863, for having abandoned his post and joined the Rebels. 26 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSOR OF MIORA1L AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPBY AND L T-ERATURE. Appointed 1857 CHARLES MURRAY NAIRNE, L. H. D....................... History and Political Economy were added in 1865. PROFESSOR O-F -HIGHER MATITH'1EMATICS. Emeritus 1859 CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D. 1865 PROFESSO R OF P ITRE.ATBrHEXMATrICS. Transferred 1859 WILLIAM GUY PECrK, LL. D........1861 TUTORS. Resigned 1755 WILLIAM JOHNSON, A. M.................................1755 Resigned 1756 LEONARD CUTTING................................ 1763 Deceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A. M............................. 1760 Retired 1762 MYLES COOPER, A. M. 1763 Retired 1765 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D..................................... 1776 Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M.......................................... 1776 Promoted 1785 JOHN KEMP...................1786 Retired 1831 ABRAHAM B. CONGER, A. B............................... 1833 Retired 1831 JOHN L. O'SULLIVAN, A. B................... 1833 Promoted 1835 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. M................................. 1837 Promoted 1843 HENRY DRISLER, Jr., A. I.................................... 1845 Resigned 1859 J. EMORY MCCLINTOCK, A. B....................... 1860 Promoted 1860 J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M.. 1863 Resigned 1864 DUANE S. EVERSON, A. M........................... 1868 Resigned 1865 EUGENE LAWRENCE, A. M. 1868 1868 AUGUSTUS C. MERRIAM, A. M.......... Retired 1868 WENDELL LAMOR.OUX, A. M............................ 1869 Resigned 1869 THEODORE F. C. DEMAREST, A. M........................... 1870 1870 JOHN D. QUACKENBOS, A. M., M. D... FACULTY OF ARTS. 2 7 Appointed Resigned 1873 LEONARD WALDO, B. S., (assistant).............................. 1875 1875 WILLIAM H. INGERSOLL, A. M., LL. B., (assistant)....... 1875 MAGNUS C. IHLSENG, E. M., (assistant)........................... ILECTURiERS. Promoted 1830 WILLIAM IH. ELLET, M. D. (Elementary Ch'emistry). 1832 Retired 1869 WILLIAM A. MCVICEAR, S. T. D. (Evidences of Religion)...... 1871 LIBRARIANS. The duties of Librarian were discharged by one of the Professors until 1837. Resigned 1837 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D.................................. 1839 Resigned 1839 GEORGE C. SCHAErFER, A. M., M. D............................ 1847 Deceased 1847 LEFROY RAVENHILL, A. M., M. D............... 1851 1849 STEPHEN R. WEEKS (Assistant). Resigned 1851 WILLIAM ALFRED JONES, A. M............................ 1865 1865 BEVERLEY R. BETTS, A. M. CH-APLA IN. The President discharged the duties of this office till 1857. 1857 CORNELIUS R. DUFFIE, S. T. D......................... lHEAD MLASTERS OF TH lE RA MIAR SCHOOL. Retired 1763 MATTHEW CUSHING, A. M...................................... Retired ALEXANDER LESLIE, A........ Retired 1781 WILLIAM COCHRAN, A. M..................................... Resigned 1829 JOHN D. OGILBY, A. B.................. 1830 Retired 1830 CRHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. (Rector)............................. 1864 28 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. FACULTY OF MEDICINE.* PxROFESSORS OF ANATOM~Y. Appointed Retired 1767 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D..... 1776 Deceased 1785 CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D........ v17923 Transferred 1792 RICHARD BAILEY, Mi. D......................................... 1793 Retired 1793 WRIG[IT POST, M. D................................ 18t3 Deceased 1860 ROBERT WATTS, M. D............. 1867 1867 HENRY B. SANDS, M. D...................................... 1871 THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D. (adjunct)..................... PRO.F-ESSOR OF PATZHOLOGY ANJD P.HYSIOLOGY. Retired 1767 PETER MIDDLETON, M. D........................................ 17'76 PBR:OF-VSSORS OF SURGKE GRY. Retired 1767 JOHN JONES, M. D.......................................... 1776 Deceased 1785 CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D........................7............ 1792 Transferred 1792 WRIGHT POST, M. D............................................ 1790 Deceased 1793 RICHARD BAILEY, M. D......................................... 18ll Retired 1811 VALENTINE MOTT, M.D........................................ 113 Deceased 1860 ALEXANDER H. STEVENS, M. D., LL. D. (Emeritus)............. 1869 Transferred 1860 WILLARD PARKER, M. D............................... 1870 Promoted 1860 THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D. (adjunct)............................ 1870 1870 THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D...................................... PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY AND.MATERIA MSEDICA. Retired 1767 JAMES SMITH, M. D........................................... 1770 Retired 1770 PETER MIDDLETON, M. D............................ 1776 * There was no Faculty of Medicine from 1813 to 1860. In this latter year it was revived by the adoption of the College of Physicians and Surgeons as the Medical Department of the College. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 29 PROFESSORS OF TI:HE TIHEORY ANID PRACTICE OF MEDICIN.E. Appointed Retired 1767 SAMUEL BARD, M. D............................... 1776 Transferred 1795 WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, M. D...................................... 1808 PRO.FESSORS OF iMID WIPER Y. Deceased 1767 JOHN V. B. TENNENT, M. D..................... 1770 Retired 1770 SAMUEL BARD, M. D............................... 1776 Deceased 1785 EBENEZER CROSBY, M. D............................... 1788 Resigned 1792 JOHN R. B. ROGERS, MI. D.................................. 1808 Retired 1808 WALTER C. BUCHANAN, M. D................................. 1813 Deceased 1860 EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D. (Emeritus)........................... 1875 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY. Resigned 1784 SAMUEL BARD, M. D................................. 1785 Resigned 1785 HENRY MOYES, LL. D........................................... 1786 Resigned 1786 SAMUEL BARD, M. D.................... 1787 Resigned 1792 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D..................................... 1794 Resigned 1810 JAMES S. STRINGHAM........................................ 1813 Deceased 1860 JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D. (Emeritus)........................... 1873 1860 SAMUEL ST. JOHN, M. D.................................... Medical Jurisprudence was added to the Department in 1870. 1872 CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D., M. D., LL. D. (Adjunct)......... -PROFESSORS OF THE XNST-ITUTES OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1785 BENJAMIN KISSAM, M. D........................ 1792 Transferred 1792 WILLIAM IIAMERSLEY, M. D.......... 1795 Retired 1808 JOHN C. OSBORN, M. D......................................... 1813 PROFESSORS OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1785 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, NM. D................. 1787 Resigned 1792 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D.................................... 1794 30 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1794 EDWARD STEVENS, M. D...................................... 1795 Retired 1808 WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, M. D. 1813 DEAN OF:THE MEDICAL FACULTY. Resigned 1792 SAMUEL BARD, M. D........... 1804 Deceased 1860 EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D. (President)........................ 1875 1875 ALONZO CLARK, M. D. (President)............................... PROFESSORS OF MAITERIA MEDICA. Deceased 1792 WILLIAM P. SMITH, M. D............................. 1795 Resigned 1796 DAVID HOSACK, M. D., LL. D.................................... 1811 Retired 1811 JOHN C. OSBORN, M. D............................ 1813 Deceased 1860 JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D. 1866 In 1860 Clinical Medicine belonged to the Department. PRO-FESSORS OF BOTANY. Resigned 1792 RICHARD S. KinSAM, M. D.................................. 1793 Resigned 1793 SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, M. D., LL. D......................... 1795 Resigned 1795 DAVID HOBACK, M. D., LL. D................... 1811 Deceased 1860 JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D. (Emeritus).................... 873 PROFESSORS OF OBSTETRICS, DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AND M-EDICAL JeURISPR UDENCE. Deceased 1860 CHANDLER R. GILMAN, M. D.......................... 1865 Promoted 1863 T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, M. D. (Adjunct).......................... 1865 1865 T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, M. D....... In 1868 Medical Jurisprudence was assigned to another Department. 1872 JAMES W. MCLANE, M. D. (Adjunct).......................... PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND PRACTICAL MEDICGINE. 1860 ALONZO CLARK, M. D., LL. D.. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 31 PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOILOGY AND ]IIICROSCOPIC AVNATOfY. Appointed 1860 JOHN C. DALTON, Jr., M. D...................................... In 1870 the title of this chair was changed to that of "Physiology and Hygiene." PROFESSOR OF _LCLIlTARY SURGERY AND HYGIENE. Emeritus 1862 WILLIA.M DETMOLD, M. D................................. 1865 In 1866 the title of this chair was changed to that of "Clinical and Military Surgery." PROFESSOR OF CLINICAIL 1IEBDICINE. Emeritus 1866 JOHN T. METCALFE, M. D................................... 1874 CLINICAL PROFESSORS OF VENEREAL DISEASES. Retired 1867 FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD, n. D.................................. 1872 1872 FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M. D. PROFEESSORS OF.MAT-ERIA MZEDICA, THERAPEUTIICS, AND M-EDICAL JU:RISPR UD-ENCE. Transferred 1868 JAMES W. MCLANE, M.D. ID.... 1872 In 1870 Medical Jurisprudence was assigned to another Department. 1873 EDWARD CURTIS, M. D....................................... CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF DISEASES -OF THHE EYE AND -EAR. 1869 CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, N.ID........... CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF TsHE SKINIV. 1869 WILLIAM H. DRAPER, N. D..................................... CLINICAI; PRO:FESSOR OF THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 1869 ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D...................................... PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL SURGERY. 1870 WILLARD PARKER, M. D. CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF THE MIND AND NER VOUS S YSTEM. 1874 EDWARD C. SEGUIN, M. D....................................... 32 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. DE.MONSTRATORS OF AVNA-TOM1 Y. Appointed Retired 1860 HENRY B. SANDS, M. D........................................ 1867 1867 SAMUEL B. WARD, M. D.......................................... 1868 1868 ERSKINE MASON, M. D..................................... 1870 1870 THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D....................................... 1871 1871 JoHN G. CURTIS, M. D........................................... 1875 1875 CHARLES MCBURNEY, M. D.................................... CURATORS OF THEf M USEUMf. 1860 HENRY B. SANDS, M. D.............................. 1867 1867 SAMUEL B. WARD, M. D............................... 1869 1869 HENRY C. ENO, M. D........... 1870 1870 CHRISTOPHER M. BELL, M. D.................................. 1872 1872 GEORGE B. FOWLER, M. D...................................... LECTURERS. 1791 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D.................................... 1792 1794 WILLIAM P. SMITH, M. D....................................... 1795 1860 WATTS C. LIVINGSTON, M. D.......................... 1860 1860 FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD, M. D...... 1861 1860 GEORGE T. ELLIOTT, M. D................................. 1861 1860 EDWARD W. LAMBERT, M. D........................... 1861 1860 DAVID S. CONANT, M. D............................. 1861 1860 CHARLES K. BRIDDON, M. D....................................... 1861 1860 A. HERMANCE SMITH, M. D.................................... 1862 1860 FOSTER SWnrT, M. D................................... 1863 1861 WILLIAM C. LIVINGSTON, M. D................. 1863 1861 WILLIAM H. CHnURCH, M. D....................................... 1862 1861 C. VAN ALLEN ANDERSON, M. D................................ 1862 1866 HENRY B. SANDS, M. D. (Adjunct)........................ 1867 1866 FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD, M. D................. 1867 FACULTY OF LAW. 33 Appointed Retired 1867 JAMES W. MCLANE, M. D........................... 1868 1867 D. TILDEN BROWN, M. D............................... 1868 1867 CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D.............................. 1869 1867 FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M. D...................................... 1873 1867 WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M. D............. 1870 1868 JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D....................................... 1868 EDWARD B. DALTON, M. D...................................... 1870 1868 FRANCIS DELAFIELD, M. D................................ 1875 1868 GEORGE G. WHEELOCK, M. D................................. 1869 EDWARD C. SEGUIN, M. D................................. 1878 1870 A. BRAYTON BALL, M. D........................................ 1870 THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D. (Adjunct)............................ 1872 1870 WOOLSEY JOHNSON, M.................................. 1871 1871 EDWARD CURTIS, M. D...................... 1873 1873 ROBERT F. WEIR, M D. D............................... 1873 JOHN G. CURTIS, M. D,.............. 1875 1875 FRANK E. BECKWITH, M. D............................. 1875 MATTHEW D. MANN, M. D................................. FACULTY OF LAW. PROFESSORS OF MIUNICIPAAL LAW. 1858 THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D................................ The office of " Warden of the Law School" was added to this chair in 1864. 1874 GEORGE CHASE, LL. B. (assistant).............................. PROF.ESSOR OF MEDICAL JURISPR UDENCE. 1860 JOHN ORDRONAUX, LL. B., M. D................................. PROFESSOR OF PO-LITICAL SCIE-NCE. Deceased 1860 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D............................. 1872 The title of this chair was changed, in 1865, to that of " Constitutional History and Public Law," which chair, in 1876, was succeeded by one entitled the chair of' History, Political Science, and International Law." 34 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed 1876 JoHN W. BURGESS, A. M..................................... PROFESSOR OF TUHE E:TH.ICS OF TJU.RISPRUDENCE. 1860 CHARLES MURRAY NAIRNE, L. H. D.............................. LECTURERRS. Retired 1860 MARSHALL S. BIDWELL, LL. D................................... 1872 1860 ALEXANDER W. BRADFORD, LL. D................. 1867 1860 CHARLES P. DALY, LL. D........................................ 1875 1860 WILLIAM M. EVARTS, LL. D............................... 1868 1860 WILLIAM CURTIS NOYES, LL. D.................................. 1864 1863 EUGENE LAWRENCE............................................. 1865 1863 AARON J. VANDERPOEL............................. 1866 1872 GEORGE H. YEAMAN............................................. 1872 E. MULFORD................................ 1873 1873 CHARLES F. MACLEAN.......................................... 1874 1875 JOHN W. BURGESS.............................................. 1876 FACULTY OF TIHE SCHOOL OF MINES. P.ROFESSOR O' OMMINERALOG Y A XI)INDITALL U G RGY. 1864 THOMAS EGLESTON, Jr., A. M., E. M............................. PRO.FESSOR OF MINING ENGINEEI.RING. 1864 FRANCIS L. VINTON, E. M...................................... In 1870, the title of this chair was changed to that of " Civil and Mining Engineering." PROFrESSOR OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED CEUMJSTRY. 1864 CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph.D................................... PROFESSOR OF GENEBRAL CHeMZXISTRY. 1865 CHARLES A. Joy, Ph.D....................................... FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 35 PRO ESSOR OF MJECHANICS AND THEI~IR APPLICATIONS. Appointed 1865 WILLIAM G. PECK, LL. D........................ PROFESSOR OPF MATHIEMATICS. 1865 J. HOWARD' VAN AMRINGE, A. M............ PROPFESSOR OF PHYSICS. 1865 OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M..................................... PRO-FESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND PAL:EONTOLOGY. 1866 JOHN S. NEWBERRY, M. D, LL. D. INSTR UCTORS IN GERMAN. Retired 1869 HENRY COHN, A. B........ 1870 1870 FREDERICK STENGEL........................................ INSTR UCTORS IN FERENCH. 1869 GEORGES LEROUX.............................................. 1870 1870 JULES E. LOISEAIJ.............................................. ASSISTANTS. 1864 JULIUS MAIER, Ph. D.................... 1865 1864 WILLIAM A. POTTER.......................... 1865 1864 ALBERT H. CHESTER.................... 1869 1864 HENRY B. CORNWALL................1....................... 1866 1865 MIILOS KROLIKOWSKI, C. E.................................. 1866 1865 ALEXIS A. JULIEN, A. M............... 1865 EDWARD W. ROOT, A. B.................................... 1868 1866 FRITZ RINTELEN................................................ 1867 1866 JOSEPH J. CASEY, A. B.;......................................... 1867 1866 PAUL SCHWEITZER..............1........ 1... 1872 1866 EDWARD E. C. H. DAY............ 1869 1866 JULES MABRi............................................... 1869 36 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Retired 1867 ALBERT FOLKSE, C. E........................................ 1871 1867 GEORGE B. HANNA, A. B........................ 1868 1868 HENRY B. CORNWALL, A. M., E. M........... 1870 1868 WILLIAM H. CHANDLER........................................ 1871 1868 GEORGE S. BAXTER, A. M., E. M 1........................ 1869 1868 JOHN H. CASWELL, A. B.................................... 1871 1869 FREDERICK PRIME, Jr., A. M............................. 1870 1869 ALONZO C. CAMPBELL, E. M................ 1870 1869 WILLIAM B. POTTER, A. M., E. M...................... 1871 1870 THOMAS M. BLOSSOM, A. M., E. M................. 1872 1870 HENRY NEWTON, A. B., E. M......................... 1875 1870 DOUGLAS A. Joy........................................... 1871 1871 ELWYN WALLER, A. M., E. M., Ph. D........................... 1871 PIERRE DE P. RICKETTS, E. M.............................. 1871 WILLIAM PISTOR, E. M...................................... 1871 EDWARD J. HALLOCK, A. M................................... 1872 HENRY C. BOLTON, A. M., Ph. D..................... 1873 CHARLES A. COLTON, E. M...................................... 1873 LEONARD WALDO, B. S........ 1875 1873 JOHN KROM REES, A. M., E. 1M............................ 1873 WILLIAM H. INGERSOLL, A. M., LL. B., E. M.................... 1874 JOHN I. CASWELL, A. B......................................... 1874 GRACIE S. ROBERTS, E. M.................................... 1875 JAMES S. C. WELLS, Ph. B......................... 1875 MALVERN W. ILES, Ph. B..................................... 1875 I. C. RUSSELL................................................... SENATIUS ACADEMICUS, 1876. TR USTEES. NAMES. RESIDENCES. HAMILTON FISH, LL. D., CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD..251 East 17th' Street. SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D.....U.................. Union Square. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D.......................... 122 East 30th Street. BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D., LL. D...........56 West 26th Street. ROBERT RAY..........3...........................363 West 28th Street. GOUVERNEUR M. oGDEN, TREASURER........9 West 10th Street. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D.........................Poughkeepsie. MANCIUS S. HUTTON, S. T. D...................... 47 East 9th Street. HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D., D. C. L.......38 East 22d Street. LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD.........................175 Second Avenue. JOHN C. JAY, M. D................................. 24 West 48th Street. WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN. 49 West 23d Street. MORGAN DIX, S. T. D........................... 27 West 25th Street. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S.T.D., LL.D., L.H.D., Columbia College. SAMUEL BLATCHFORD, LL. D....................12 West. 22d Street. STEPHEN P. NASH............................... 11 West 19th Street. CHARLES R. SWORDS..................1.........156 Broadway. ANTHONY HALSEY, CLERK........................ 291 Broadway. JOSEPH W. HARPER............................ 331 Pearl Street. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D.....................244 Madison Avenue. EVERT A. DUYCKINCK............................20 Clinton Place. JAMES W. BEEKMAN................5 East 34th Street. AARON E. VANDERPOEL...................... 114 East 16th Street. CHARLES A. SILLIMAN...........................Troy, N. Y. 37 38 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M. D....................... 49 East 23d Street. JOHN P. CROSBY...................................31 West 17th Street. GURDON BUCK, M. D.......................1..... 21 Tenth Street. JAMES W. BEEKMAN.............................5 East 34th Street. DANIEL D. LORD............45 West 19th Street. BENJAMIN R. WINTHROP........................134 Second Avenue. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D...............Poughkeepsie. FREDERICK A. CONKLING......................27 East 10th Street. SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T. D....................3 East 45th Street. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D..........................122 East 30th Street. CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON................44 West 22d Street. JARED LINSLY, M. D................ 22 Lafayette Place. JOHN J. CRANE, M. D................... 31 West 21st Street. ROBERT G. REMSEN............. 5 Wall Street. ELLSWORTH ELIOT, M. D........48 West 36th Street. JAMES L. BANKS, M. D....................57 Fifth Avenue. EDWARD; DELAFIELD...........................46 East 44th Street. WILLARD PARKER, M. D..................41 East 12th Street. JOHN G. ADAMS, M. D.............................12 Fifth Avenue. JOHN SHERWOOD.................... 18 West 32d Street. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S.T.D., LL.D., L.H.D., College Green. SAMUEL T. HUBBARD, M. D......................27 West 9th Street. ALFRED A. PURDY, M. D.......................... 15 West 43d Street. THOMAS F. COCK, M. D............................ 233 Madison Avenue. SENATUS ACADEMICUS-1870. 39 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT. NAMES. RESIDENCES. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S.T. D., LL. D., L. H. D., Columbia College. President. ALONZO CLARK, M. D...........................23 East 21st Street. President of the Medical Department, and Professor of Pathology and Practical Medicine. HENRY DRISLER, LL. D......................... 48 West 46th Street. Jay Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. HENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D.......................126 West 43d Street. Gebhard Professor of the German Language and Literature. CHARLES A. JOY, Ph. D..........................117 East 70th Street. Professor of Chemistry. CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D....................... Fishkill Landing. Emeritus Professor of Higher Mathematics. WILLIAM G. PECK, LL. D......................... Greenwich, Conn. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, in the Faculty of Arts, and of Mechanics and their applications, in the Faculty of Mines. CHARLES M. NAIRNE, L. H. D....................163 West 34th Street. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy and Literature. THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D............. 8 Great Jones Street. Professor of Municipal Law, and Warden of the Law School. JOHN ORDRONAUX, LL: B., M. D.............8 Great Jones Street. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M..............,165 West 46th Street. Professor of Mathematics in the Faculty of Arts and in the School of Mines, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. WILLARD PARKER, M. D..........................37 East 12th Street. Professor of Clinical Surgery. 40 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. NAMES. RESIDENCES. JOHN C. DALTON, M. D...........................41 West 28th Street. Professor of Physiology and Hygiene. SAMUEL ST. JOHN, M. D...........................Ashland House. Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence. THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D.....................4 East 17th Street. Professor of Surgery. WILLIAM DETMOLD, M. D...................103 Ninth Street. Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Military Surgery. OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M............................ 341 East 15th Street. Professor of Mechanics and Physics. T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, M. D.....................86 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. THOMAS EGLESTON, JR., A. M., E. M............. 10 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy. FRANCIS L. VINTON, E. M.........................806 Broadway. Professor of Mining Engineering. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D....5.........5....1 East 54th Street. Professor of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, Dean of the Faculty of Mines, and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence, School of Medicine. JOHN S. NEWBERRY, M. D., LL. D............... Columbia College. Professor of Geology and Palheontology. JOHN T. METCALFE, M. D........................18 West 30th Street. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Medicine. HENRY B. SANDS, M. D...............35 West 33d Street. Professor of Anatomy. CHARLES SHORT, LL. D................... 2.....24 West 60th Street. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. JOHN W. BURGESS, A. M...........................Columbia College. Professor of History, Political Science, and International Law. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. 41 NAMES. RESIDENCES. JAMES W. McLANE, M., D......................... 51 West 38th Street. Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D.................... 19 East 39th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M. D.....................4 East 37th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin. ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D......................... 110 West 34th Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children. THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D...................46 West 23d Street. Adjunct Professor of Anatomy. EDWARD CURTIS, M. D.27.....7.... 27 Washington Place. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M. D.....................108 West 34th Street. Clinical Professor of Venereal Diseases. EDWARD C. SEGUIN, M. D....................... 17 East 21st Street. Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. CORNELIUS R. DUFFIE, S. T. D.................. 233-Lexington Ave. Chaplain. BEVERLEY R. BETTS, A. M...................122 East 30th Street. Librarian. STEPHEN R. WEEKS............................Columbia College. Assistant Librarian. AUGUSTUS C. MERRIAM, A. M.................... Columbia College. Tutor in Greek and Latin. JOHN D. QUACKENBOS, A. B..................... 331 West 28th Street. Tutor in Rhetoric and History. 42 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. NAIES. RESIDENCES. FREDERIC STENGEL..............................122 Waverley Place. Instructor in German. JULES E. LOISEAU.........................23 East 33d Street. Instructor in French. ALEXIS A. JULIEN, A. M..........................Columbia College. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. JOHN HENRY CASWELL, A. M..........3.........70 Fifth Avenue. Assistant in Mineralogy. I. C. RUSSELL................................... Plainfield, N. J. Assistant in Geology. ELWYN WALLER, A. M., E. M., Ph. D.............33 West 15th Street. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. FREDERICK A. CAIRNS, A. M....................40 Grove Street. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. WILLIAM PISTOR, E. M........................... 413 West 21st Street. Assistant in Drawing. PIERRE DEPEYSTER RICKETTS, E. M............50 West 50th Street. Assistant in Assaying. HENRY CARRINGTON BOLTON, A. M., Ph. D..... 49 West 51st Street. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. CHARLES ADAMS COLTON, E. M.................. 748 Fifth Street. Assistant in Mineralogy. EDWARD JOHN HALLOCK, A. M.................. 115 East 56th Street. Assistant in General Chemistry. JOHN KROM REES, A. M., E. M.....................303 East 17th Street. Assistant in Mathematics. WILLIAM HALSEY INGERSOLL, A.M.,LL. B., E. M. 105 East 21st Street. Assistant in the Astronomical Observatory. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. 43 NAMES.,RESIDENCES. GRACIE S. ROBERTS, E. M....................... 88 Union Av.,Brooklyn. Assistant in Civil and Mining Engineering. MAGNUS C. IHLSENG, E. M................... Columbia College. Assistant in Physics. JAMES S. C. WELLS, Ph. B...................Hackensack, N. J. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. MALVERN W. ILES, Ph. B............Columbia College. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. GEORGE H. YEAMAN, A. M.'.389 East 15th Street. Lecturer on Constitutional Law. FRANCIS DELAFIELD, M. D......................12 East 32d Street. Adjunct Lecturer on Pathology and Practical Medicine. JOHN G. CURTIS, M. D......................... 35 West 33d Street. Adjunct Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene. GEORGE M. LEFFERTS, M. D...................333 West 22d Street. Clinical Lecturer on Laryngoscopy and Diseases of the Throat. CHARLES McBURNEY, M. D.................. 4.....46 East 30th Street. Demonstrator of Anatomy. CHARLES KELSEY, M. D.................... 23d St., cor. 4th Ave. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. JAMES L. LITTLE, M............... 266 West 42d Street. Lecturer on Operative Surgery and Surgical Dressing. GEORGE G. WHEELOCK, M. D.................. 11 West 37th Street. Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis. A. BRAYTON BALL, M. D.................. 38 West 36th Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Kidneys. ROBERT F. WEIR, M. D...........................19 East 32d Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. 44 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. NAMES. RESIDENCES. FRANK E. BECKWITH, M. D.............Lexington Ave. cor. 51st Street. Lecturer on Diseases of Children. MATTHEW D. MANN, M. D..................... 8 West 45th Street. Lecturer on the Microscope as an Aid to Diagnosis. CLINICAL ASSISTANTS IN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D. Lucius D. BULKLEY, M. D. JOHN T. KENNEDY, M. D. THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, AM. D. HENRY F. WALKER, M. D. THOMAS A. MCBRIDE, M. D. CHARLES S. WARD, M. D. FRANK P. KINNICUTT, M. D. ROBERT W. TAYLOR, M. D. ISAAC ADLER, M. D. W. DE FOREST DAY, M. D. SAMUEL B. ST. JOHN, M. D. WOOLSEY JOHNSON, M. D. ROBERT F. WEIR, M. D. OREN D. POMEROY, M. D. DAVID WEBSTER, M. D. A. BRAYTON BALL, M. D. W. H. VERMILYE, M. D. ALBERT H. BUCK, M. D. GEORGE G. WHEELOCK, M. D. STEPHEN R. WEEKS...............................Columbia College. Janitor and Assistant Librarian. PETER V. LE ROY.............................Columbia College. Curator of the Herbarium. GEORGE B. FOWLER, M. D........................143 West 45th Street. Curator of Museum, School of Medicine. JOHN F. MEYER.........................Columbia College. Librarian and Registrar, School of Mines. CHARLES A. CUSHMAN..........................419 West 19th Street. Secretary to the President. EDWARD T. BOAG...............................23d St., cor 3d Ave. Clerk of School of Medicine. CLINICAL ASSISTANTS IN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. 45 FELIX CURTIS........ 8 Great Jones Street. Janitor School of Law. CHARLES RICHTER............................. Columbia College. Janitor School of Mines. ANDREW LOUGHLIN...........................23d Street and 4th Ave. Janitor School of Medicine. BENNO KUNKE......................... Columbia College. Engineer, School of Mines. i. GRADUATES IN ARTS. 17 58. 1e*Philip Livingston, A. M., Trustee 1797-1806. *John Marston, A. M. *Joshua Bloomeim, (Rev.), A. *Robert Watts, A. M. M., S. T. D. 1790. ae..1790 *Isaac Wilkins, (Rev.), A. M., *Isaac Ogden, (C. L.), Judge S. T. D. 1811, Memb. of Supr. Ct. Canada. the Gen. Assemb. of N. Y. *Samuel Provoost, (Rev.), A. 1772-75. aet. 89. *1830 M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. 6 1786, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, Trustee 17871801 and Chairman of the Board 1795-1801, Bishop *IHenry Holland, (C. L.), A. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1787-1815..,815 M., Mast. in Chancery N. Y. *Joseph Reade, (C. L.), Mas- *Anthony Lispenard. aet. 64.*1806 ter in Chanc. N. J. *Henry Van Dyck, (Rev.), *Rudolph Ritzema, Lt.-Col. A. M. aet. 60. *1804 H. B. MI. Army. 3 *Philip Van Cortlandt, A. M., 1762. Lt.-Col. 4th Regt. N. Y. Vols. 1776, Lt.-Gov. N. Y. *Edward Antill, A. M. *Edward Antill, A. M. *Samuel Verplanck, A. I. 1enry Cuyle, A. M. 1'763, Gov. King's Coil. *William Cornelius George, 1770. Gov.King'sCoand Yale 1762. 1770. *John Grinnell. *Alexander Leslie, (T.), A. M., Master Gram. Sch. 1759. King's Coll. *Leonard Lispenard, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, *Epenetus Townsend, (Rev.), Univ. N. Y.. 1784-87, Trustee 1787-90. *1790 A. M. -*1779 *William Benjamin Nicoll *William Hanna, (Rev.), A. Maverick. M. 1765 and Yale 1768. *Daniel Robert, (C. L.), H. 2 1B. M. Atty.-Gen. for St. Christopher's. 1763. *Samuel Bayard, A. fM. *Anthony Hoffman, A. M., *Barent Cuyler, A. M. Regent Univ. N.Y. S. 1784- *Abraham De Peyster, A. M. 87. 2 47 48 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1764-1767. 1 64. 1775-77, 1779-81, Memb. 1764. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1777, *Richard Harison, (C. L.), Chanc. N. Y. 1777-1801, DJ Hanson, (CCL. OL.), U. S. Secy. For. Aff.1781A. M., D. C. L. Univ. OxfA.ord, D. to Fed. Constit. 83, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. ford, Del. to Fed. Constit. 1784-87, Del. to Fed. ConConv. 1787, -U. S. Dist. 8stit. Conv. 1787, U. S. MinAtty. N. Y., Recorder N. ister Plen. to France Y. C., Trustee 1788-1829Plen to Fance and Chairman of the aet 66 *1813 Board 1823. *18 *Henry Lloyd, A. M. 1769. Board 1823. *1829 net. 82. *1825 *John Jay, (C. L.), A. M., *Arent Scuyler. LL. D. Harv. 1790 and 5 Brown 1794, Del. to Cong. 1774, 1775, Memb. Prov. 1766. Conv. N. Y. 1776, Ch.-Just. N. Y. 1777, Prest. National * Congr. 1778, Min. Plenipo. *James Barclay, A. M. to Spain 1779, U. S. Peace *RGeard Nicholls Colden, Commr. 1781-83, U. S. Sec. Surv. of Customs N. V. For. Aff. 1784, Del. tooms, N. Y. D1O77 *Richard D'Olier. Cong. 1784, Regent Univ. Edward Nicoll, A. M. N. Y. S. 1784-90, Del. to *JowardyNiAoll A. 1. Fed. Constit. Cony. 1787, John Ray, A.. 173. Del. to N. Y. Constit. Conv. *Henry Rutgers, Capt. U. S. 1788, Ch.-Just. U. S. 1789- A. 1776, Memb. Assemb. 94, U. S. Envoy Ex. to N. Y., Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1802-26.,et. 85. *1830 Gt. Britain 1794, Governor *John Troup A. M. set. 85.*1838 *N.. 1795180 1 aset. 84. *1829 *John Troup, Jr., A. M. 2 John Vardill, (Rev.), A. M., Tutor, Prof. Nat. Law 1765. H-list. and Lang. 1773-76. *John Watts, A. M., Memb. *Egbert Benson, (C. L.), A. Assemb. N. M. 1788-89 and M., LL. D. Union 1779 and Speaker of the same 1791Harv. 1808 and Dart. 1811, Memb. Prov. Cony. N. V. 2-3, Judge Westchester Miemb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. 1776, Del. to Continent. Co. N. Y., Recorder N. Y. Congr. 1784-88 Regent ity. *179 Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1802, Repr. in Congr. 1789-92, 16'7. 1813, Trustee 1804-14, I 6 Atty. Gen. N. Y., Judge Sup. Ct. N. Y., Ch.-Judge *William Laight, A. M. U. S. Circuit Ct. N. Y. *1833 *Peter Van Schaack, 1768, *Richard Grant. (C. L.), A. M. 1773, LL. D. *Robert R. Livingston, (C. 1826, Commr. for revising L.), A. M. and N. Jers., Colonial Statutes N. Y. Recorder N. Y. C. 1773, 1773. *1832 Del to Continent. Congr. 2 1768-1774.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 49 1768. 1771. *CharleIs Doughty, A. M., I *Ichabod Best Barnet, A. M. M. B. 1772. |*Clement Cooke Clarke, A.M. *James Ludlow, A. M. A *John Copp, (T.), A. M., 1st *Benjamin Moore, (Rev.), A. Lt. 1st Reg. N. Vols. M., S. T. D. 1789, President 1776. pro tern. 1775-76, Prof. *Heny DeWint, A. M. Rhet. and Logic 1784-87, *Thomas Knox. Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1787le, A. M. -1802, President 1801-11, * Trustee 1802-13, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1801-16. *1816 1772. *Gouverneur Morris, (C. L.), A. M., Memb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. 1775, Del. to Con- *Thomas Barclay, Maj. H. B. tinent. Congr. 1777, Asst. M. Army 1777, Speaker AsSutpt. -Finance 1781-85, sembly Nova Scotia, Adj. Del. to Fed. Constit. Conv. Gen. Nova Scotia, British 1787, U. S. Min. to France, ommr. under Jay's 1792-94, U. S. Sen. 1800-03, Treaty " and under Treaty Trustee 1805-16, Canal of Ghent. *1830 Commissioner of N. Y. *John Bowden, (Rev;), A.M., ~1810-15. aet.65. ~S. T. D. 1796, Prof. Mor. 1810-1.5. aet. 65. *1816 *John Stevens, (Eng.) A. M. *83 Phil. Bell. Lett. and Logic *Gulian Verplanck, Speaker 1801-17. *1817 I-louse Assemb., N. Y., Re- John King. gent Univ. N. Y. S. 1790- Nicholas Ogden. 1800. *Peter Roebuck, A. N. 6 *Andrew Skeene. 1769. 6 *Caleb Cooper, A. M. 1771. 1773. *Cornelius Bogert, Lt. N. Y. 1770. Ind. Forces 1776. *James Creighton, A. M. -'*Frederick Philipse, Capt. *John Doughty, (Rev.) *John Doughty, (Rev.) -Dragoons, British Army. *17,8 *Jonathan Graham, and Yale *NathanielPhilpse. 1770. *Beverley Robinson, Lt.-Col. *Richard Harris, A. M. H. B. M. Army. *1816 *William Hubbard, A. M. *Thomas Shreve, (Rev.) net. 64. *1816 *Stephen Lush, A. M., N. Y. Sen. 1801-2. 1774 *John Rutgers Marshall,, (Rev.), A. M. *Philip Pell, A. M., Regent *Isaac Abrahams. Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87. *Robert Nicholls Auchmuty. *1813 8 *William Chandler. *1784 50 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1774-1776. *Edward Dunscomb, Maj. U. *Matthias Nicholl, (M.) *1827 S. Rev. Army, Trustee *Peter Ogden. 1795-1814, Sheriff N. Y. C. *Marinus Willett. 1810-11. *1814 6 *Nicholas Heyliger. *John Jauncey. On the 6th of April, 1776, the *IIenry Nicoll. College buildings were taken for *George Ogilvie, (Rev.) *1797 military purposes. The College did *John Rapelje. not fully resume its functions till *Benjamin Seaman. the close of the war; and no degrees *Edward Stevens, M. D. else- were conferred till 1786. The folwhere, Prof. Pract. of Med. lowing candidates had been admit1794-5. ted, but did not complete their *Robert Troup (C. L.), LL. course on account of the disturbed D. elsewhere, Maj. U. S. A., state of public affairs: Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. N. Y., Trustee 1811-17. aet. 75. *1832 IN 12 *Thomas Atwood. *John Brickell. *William Amory. *avid Clalkson *Richard Auchmuty, Surgeon *James DePyalltr. H. B. M. Army. *1782 *James De Peyster. *Salj. Gen. 52d egt.. B. *Alexander Hamilton, A. M. M. Army, Gov. of Isle of 1788 and Harv. 1792, LL D. Dart. 1790 and N. Jers. Thanet 1802, Brig. Gen. Comming. British Forces at 1791 and Harv. 1792 and Capture of Montevideo, Rutgers 1792, Capt. U. S. 1806, Maj. Gen. Comg. A. 1776, Lt.-Col. staff of at Madras, Lt.-Gen. in Washington 1777, Memb. command a captre of Congr. 1782, Regent Univ. Java, Gen. Commanding N. Y. 5. 1784-87, N. Y. the Forces in Irelanld in Leg. 1786, Del. to U. S. 1822. aet.64.~ 1822 Constit. Conven. 1787, *W~illiam Cock, A. M. 1'790. Secy. Treasury U. S. 1789*Joseph Griswold. *John William Livingston, 179M, Trustee 1787, 1804. set. 47. *1804 Lt. "N. Y. Independ. *Tristrim Lowther. Forces " 1776. *Schuyler Lupton. *Jacobus Remsen. *Edward Cornwallis Moncrieff. 7 *Daniel Moore. *Paul Randall. 1776. *Nicholas Romeyn. *Jacob Shaw. *Samuel Bayard. *Horatio Smith. *James Devereux. *James Stiles. *Peter Kissam. *John Whitaker. 1775-1789.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 51 Iv 1775.t 1787. *Edward Kerin. *Samuel Boyd, (C. L.), *Benjamin Kissam, M. D. Trustee 1826-35. elsewhere, Prof. Instit. of *Nicholas Fonda. Med. 1785-92, Trustee *John C. Ludlow, (C. L.), A. 1787-1803. aet.44. *1803 M. 1793. *Thomas Groesbeck Lynch. *Henry Cruger Van Schaack. *Thomas Lambert Moore, *John W. Yates, (B.) (Rev.), A. M. 1790. *1799 5 *Jacob Morris. *Augustus Nicoll. 1788. *Marinus Oudenaarde. *Peter Oudenaarde. *James Cochran, (C. L.), A. M., Repr. in Congr. 1797IN 177 7.t 99, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1796-1820. *1848 *James Delaney Walton, Ad- *John Eccles, (F.) miral H. B. M. Navy. *1834 *William Hurst, 1789. *William Walton. *1806 *Peter Schuyler Livingston, and Yale and N. Jers. 1788 17 86 and Harv. 1790, A. M. *1807 *Brandt Schuyler Lupton, *John Bassett, and Yale 1786, (Rev.) *1790 (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. *Daniel Crommelin VerWill 1804. *1824 planck, (C. L.), A. M. 1788, Judge Dutchess Co. N. Y. *De Witt Clinton, (C. L.), A. M., LL. D. 1826 and Ohio 6 Univ. 1825, N. Y. Assemb. 1 1 9 1797, N. Y. Sen. 1798- 178 9 1802, 1805-1811, Memb. Constit. Conv. N. Y. 1801, *John T. Bainbridge. U. S. Sen. 1802-4, Mayor *James Chatham Duane, (C. N. Y. C. 1803-7, 1809-10, L.) 1811-15, Regent Univ. N. *Henry Izard. Y. S. 1808-25, Lt.-Gov. N. *William Lupton, Jr. Y. 1811-13, N. Y. Canal *John Mitchell Mason, (Rev.), Commr. 1816-24, Gov. N. A —M. N. Jers. 1794, S. T. Y. 1817-21, 1825-28. set.59.*1828 D. Univ. Penn. 1804, Trus*Abraham Hun, A. M. tee 1795-1821, Provost *George Livingston. 1811-16, Prest. Dickin. *Philip H. Livingston, A. M. Coll. Penn. 1821-24 aet. 60. *1829 *Samuel Smith, Jr., A. M. *Matthew Mesier. *Peter Steddiford, (Rev.), A. *Peter Mesier, (C. L.) M. *1826 *John Remsen, (C. L.) *Francis Sylvester, (C. L.), *John P. Van Ness, A. M. A. M. 1845, Repr. in Congr. 8 9 52 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1790-1793. *Thomas Ludlow Ogden, (C. L.), Trustee 1817-44. *1844 *David Shuyler Bogart, and *Daniel Paris, (C. L.), N. Y. *David Schuyler Bogart, and Sen. 1810-13. Sen. 1810-13. N. Jers. 1791, (Rev.) *1839 *George Rapelje, (C. L.) *Marmaduke Earle, (Rev.)3. *Frederic Van Horne, (Rev.), *Jonathan Freeman, (Rev.), A. M. 1795. A. M. 1800 and N. Jers. *William Beekman Vei'1809. *1822 planck. *George Graham, U. S. Asst. *Nathan H. White, (C. L.), Secy. State 1801-25. A. M. 1795. *John Graham. *Jesse Woodhull, Jr. *Frederick Halsey. *James Woods, (C. L.), A. *Samuel Jones, Jr., 1793 and M. 1804. Yale 1790, (C. L.), LL. D. 21 1826 and Union 1841, 1792. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1812-14, Recorder N. Y. C. 1823, Chancellor N. Y. *Gerard Beekman. S. 1826-28, Ch.-Just. Sup. *Cornelius Brower. Ct. N. Y. 1828-47 and Jus- *Alexander Hosack, M. D. tice of same 1847-49. aet. 83. *1853 1797. 7 *John B. Johnson, (Rev.) *1803 *James Witter Nicholson. 17 v91l. *John L. Norton. *Jotham Post, Jr., A. M., M. *Peter Anderson, A. M. 1795, D. 1793. M. D. 1795. *Alexander Proudfit, (Rev.), *Anthony Bleecker, (C. L.), A. M. Union 1792, S. T. D. A. M. 1797, Examiner in Middleb. Coll. 1811 and Chancery. *1827 Williams 1812. aet. 75. *1844 *William Bleecker, (C. L.) *Jacob Sickles. *William Temple Broome, A. *Samuel Smith. rM. 1797L. Cochran. *George Taylor, (M.) *Walter L. Cochran.William Taylor (.) *Pierre Edward Fleming, A. 12 M. 1797. 117 9 *William Hendell, Jr., (Rev.), 1 a93. S. T. D. 1828. *Cave Jones, (Rev.), A. M., *John'Brower. S. T. D. elsewhere. aet. 59. *1829 *George Clinton, Jr., (C. L.), *Isaac Knevils. Repr. in Congr. *John Knevils. *William Cutting, (C. L.), *Lancaster Lupton. Sheriff N. Y. C. 1807-8. *John W. Mulligan, (C. L.), *Cornelius Decker, Jr., (M.) A. M. 1834, Surrogate N. *George I. Eacker, (C. L.), Y. C. 1810, Clerk N. Y. Co. A. M. 1797. 1813-15, U. S. Consul at *Samuel Gilford, Jr., (M.) Athens, Greece, 1848. *1864 *Charles D. Goold, (M.), A. *Charles L. Ogden, (M.) M. 1797. 1793-1795.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 53 Robert Heaton, Jr., A. M. *John Forbes, Libr. N. Y. 1797, U. S. A. Soc. Lib. 1794-1824, *John I. Johnson. Commr. for improving and *Edward W. Laight, (C. L.), laying out city of N. Y. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1816, 1808-1824. *1824 Trustee 1816-51 and Chair- *Levi P. Graham, (C. L.) man 1849-50. *Montgomery Hunt. aet. 60. *1837 *Henry William Ludlow, (F.) *Jacob J. Janeway, (Rev.), *Henry Masterson, (C. L.) A. M., S. T. D. elsewhere, *Philip Milledoler, (Rev.), A. Prof. Rutg. Coll. *1858 M. 1797, S. T. D. Univ. *Peter Augustus Jay, (C. L.), Penn., Prof. Theol. and A. M. and Yale 1798, LL. Prest. Rutg. Coll. 1825-35. *1852 D. 1835 and Harv. 1831, *John Nicholl, A. M. 1797. Trustee 1812-17 and 1823*Robert B. Norton, (C. L.) 43 and Chairman 1832, *Abraham Ogden, (M.) Memb. N. Y. Assemb. *James Parker, (M.), Memb. 1816, Recorder N. Y. C. N. J. Leg., Boundary 1819-20, Memb. N. Y. Commr. N. J. 1807, 1827, Constit. Conv., Prest. -N. 1833, Pres. Elector N. J. Y. Hist. Soc. *1843 1824, U. S. Collector Perth. *Cyrus King, (C. L.), Repr. Amboy N. J. 1829-33, in Congr. Repr. in Congr. 1833-37, *Leffert Lefferts, Jr., (C. L.), Memb. of the Constit. Con. Judge Ct. Com. Pleas N. J. 1844. aet. 92.1868 IKings Co. N. Y. *Jonathan Pearsee, Jr., (C. *Jacob Ogden Mackie, (M.) L.) *Samuel B. Malcolm, (C. L.) *Valentine H. Peters, (M.) *Gilbert Milligan, M. D. *John S. Schermerhorn, (L.) elsewhere. *Gilbert Smith, M. D. else- *John B. Stringham, M. D. where. elsewhere. *Thomas R. Smith, (l.) *Peter G. Stuyvesant, (C. L.), *James S. Stringham, A. N. Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. *1847 1797, M. D. Univ. Edinb. *Thomas Ustick, (C. L.) 1799, Prof. Chem. 1802- 15 13, Prof. Med. Juris. Coll. Phys. and Suig. N. Y. 1795. 1813-17. *1817 *Thomas Thompson. *Cornelius Augustus Van *George Barcuoo, (Rev.), S. iHorne, (M.) T. D. Rutg. Coll. 1834. *Elias Brevoort Woodward, *Philip Duryee, (Rev.), S. T. (C. L.), Judge N. Y. Ter- D. Rutg. Coll. 1834. *1850 ritory. *Bernard Elliot. *6 *John J. Faesch. 94*John Ferguson, (C. L.), May1794. or N. Y. C. 181a, U. S. Naval Off. N. Y., Trustee *XVilliam Cocks. 1830-32. *1832 *John E. Fisher, (M.) *Thomas Herring, (M.), A. M. 54 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1795-1797. *James Inglis, (Rev.), S. T. D. Coill. N. Jers. 1811. *1820 4*Nicholas Jones, (Rev.):'Adolph C. Lent, A. M., M. *David Barclay. D., 1798. *HIenry Cruger, Jr.,John Blair Linn, (Rev.), A. *Philip Fisher. MI., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. *1804 *Andrew S. Garr, (C. L.) *1859 *Silvanus Miller, (C. L.), N. *David S. Jones, (C. L.) LL. Y. Assemb., Surrogate N. D. Alleg. Coll. Penn., CorY. C. 1801-7, 1811-21, Ex. poration Counsel N. Y. C. aminer in Chanc. *1861 1813-16, Trustee 1820-48, *John H. Meier, (Rev.), A. Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. Mi. 1804. aet. 32. *1806 P. E. Ch. 1822-48, Judge *John Morrison. Queens Co. N. Y. 1840-1. *1848 3Alexander Phoenix, (Rev.) *Edward P. Livingston, (C. aet.86. *1863 L.), N. Y. Sen. 1809-12, Sidney Phnix. ( aet. 24. *1804 Lt.-Gov. N. Y. 1831-33, *Thomas Phcpnix, (C. L.), Regent Univ. N. Y. S. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. *Samuel Nicholson. *Robert Remsen. *Gouverneur Ogden. *John Brodhead Romeyn, *William Rattoone. (Rev.), A. M. Union 1797, *Josiah Shippey, Jr., (M.) S. T. D. N. Jers. 1809, *Charles Taylor, (M.) Trustee 1809-25 and Clerk *William Turk, M. D. else1.811-15, Trustee Coll. N. where, U. S. N. Jers. 1809-25. *1825 *Lawrence Van Buskirk. *William Ross, (C. L.), * Adrian C. Van Slyck. Speaker N. Y. Assemb. *John Watts. *Henry Sands, (C. L.), A. M. 15 *Benjamin Seaman, C. L.) *James Bowdoine Temple, 17 97. Capt. HI. B. M. Army. *Daniel D. Tompkins, (C. *William Bard, (Br.), Trustee L.), N. Y. Assemb. 1701, 1840-53. *1853 Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. *Robert Boyd, (C. L.) 1801, Repr. in Congr. *Archibald Bruce, M. D. Ed1805-7, Just. Supr. Ct. N. inburg, Prof. Mineralogy Y. 1804, Gov. N. Y. 1807- in New York City. 17, V.7Pres. U. S. 1817- George W. Clinton, Repr. in 25, Prest. Constit. Con. N. Congr. Y. 1821. *1825 *Henry C. Kunze. *Pierre C. Van Wyck, (C. *Abraham R. Lawrence, (M.), L.), Dist. Atty. N. Y. C., U. S. Naval Off. N. Y. Rec. N. Y. C. *William Le Conte. *Effingham Warner, (Rev.) *Isaac A. Van Hook, (Rev.), *Rensselaer Westerlo, C. L.) A. M. 1803. 26 *William P. Van Ness, (C. L.), Judge U. S. Circuit Ct. S. Dist. N. Y. t Known subsequently as James Bowdoine. 9 1798-1801.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 55 1 7 98. Y*James R. Manley, A. M., M. D. 1803, Prest. N. Y. S. Med. Soc. 1825-26. aet. 69. *1851 *Joseph Bainbridge. Alexander Murray. *Thomas Bay. *Philip F. Mayer, (Rev.), S. *George Brinckerhoff, (C.L.), T. D. 1837. A. M.:SStephen Price. *Jacob V. Brower, A. M., M. *Samuel Riker, Jr., (C. L.) D. 1802. et. 32. *1811 *Rudolph Bunner, (C. L.),. *Jacob Schoonmaker, (Rev.), Repr. in Congr. A. M., S. T. D. Dickin. Coll. *David Codwise, (C. L.), LL. Penn. 1831. aet. 75. *1852 D. Lafay. Cll. Penn. 1855, *Arthur J. Stansbury, (C. L.) Mast. in Chanc. *1864 *Peter I. Van Pelt, (Rev.), A. *George Davis, A. M. M. 1803. *Charles Graham, (C. L.) *Abraham Varick, Jr., (C. L.) *John T. Irving, (C.L.), Trus- *John Vredenburgh Varick, tee 1818-38, Judge Supr. (Mr.) Ct. N. Y. *Arthur M. WValter, A. M. *Philip L. Wight. *William B. Keese, (C. L.) *Washington McKnight, 180 (Rev.), A. M. 1804. *Clement C. Moore, A. M., LL. D. 1829, Trustee 1813 *John J. De Peyster. -57 and Clerk 1815-50, *Samuel Halstead, (M.] Prof. Hebrew and Greek *Philip HIamilton. Lit. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. Samuel Harris, (C. L.) E. Ch. N. Y. 1821-50, and John Henry. Prof. Emeritus 1850-63. *163 John Huyler, A. M. *Samuel Mloore, M. D. else- *Robert Swift Livingston (C. where. L.) 18i67 William Ogden, (M.) John McKinnon, A. M. William Rhinelander, (M.), *Nicholas J. Quackenbos, M. A. M. 1804. D. 1802, A. M. *1847 Lewis Sands. Thomas W. Rathbone. James WValsh. *Sampson Simson, (C. L.) 18 *Charles Floyd Thomas. *Matthew Tillary, M. D. else~1799. ~ where. *John Y. Ward. *John Christie, (Rev.) *George Wilson, (C.L.), A.M. *Peter Ditmarse Froeligh, *Peter Wilson, (C. L.), A. M. *1896 (Rev.) aet. 45. *1827 16 *Lewis LeConte. 1801. *James Livingston. *James Lynch, (C. L.), Just. Mar. Ct. N. Y. C. *John Anthon, (C.L.), LL.D. *Thomas Thornton Macka- 1861. *863 ness, A. M. *Robert Benson, Jr., (M.) *1872 56 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1801-1803. *Abraham L. Blauvelt. Greek and Lat. Lang. 1817 *Samue] Bogert. -20 and Prof. 1820-35, *Thomas Bolton, (C.L.),Mast. Librarian 1837-9, Presiin Chanc. dent 1842-9, Trustee 1842 *John Furman. -51. aet. 90. *1872 *John Gosman, (Rev.), S. T. *Archibald MeViekar, (C.L.) D. elsewhere. *1865 *James MeViekar, (M.) *1836 *John Nitechie, (C. L.), Col. *Isaac Ogden, (M.) U. S. A. 1814. *1838 *William Ogilvie. *Lewis Morris Ogden. *Henry Bate Priest. *Henry Schenck. *Billopp B. Seaman. *Henry H. Schieffelin, (M.) *James Tillary, M. D. elseaet. 83. *1865 where. *Gabriel Tichenor. *Gulian'Crommelin Ver- t Van agenen. 20 planeck, A. M. 1821, LL. D. 20 1835 and Amh. 1834 and 1 803 Hob. 1835, N. Y. Assemb. 1820, Prof. Ev. Christian. George H. Atkinson. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. John Bay. 1821-24, Repr. in Congr. John Bowne. 1825-33, N. Y. Sen., Trus- *Thomas Crolius. tee 1821-6, Regent Univ. *Augustus Fleming. N. Y. S. 1826-70, Pres. *Edward R. Jones, (M.), TrusCommr. Emigr. N. Y. 1846 tee 1831-38. -70. aet. 84. *1870 *Gouverneur Kemble, (M.), *Samuel Armstrong Walsh, Repr. in Congr., Memb., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Sug. N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. N. Y. 1811. 1846. aet. 90. *1875 *Gabriel Winter, (C. L.) 186.2 *Peter Kemble. 15 Edward Kemeys. 1802. - *John L. Lawrence, (C. L.), N. Y. Assemb. 1816-17, *Alexander M. Beebe. Memb. Constit. Conv. N.Y. *John Playel- Crosby, and 1821, N. Y. Sen. 1848-50, Yale 1802 and N. Jers. Trustee 1830-49, Treasurer 1802. *1806 1833-49, Compt. N. Y. C. *1S49 *John Delafield, (M.) *John Le Conte, M. D. else*William Gardner. where. *George W. Gosman. *George C. Quackenbos, M.D. *Francis L. Harison, (C. L.) elsewhere. *18b8 *James Jones. *William Remsen, (C. L.) *Henry Laight, (C. L.) *Henry F.. Rogers, (M.) *Leffert Lefferts, (C. L.), *Alpheus Sherman, (C. L.), Judge Kings Co. N. Y. N. Y. Assemb. 1826-29, *Robert Macomb, (C. L.), A. N. Y. Sen. 1830-34. *1866 M1I. *John Cox Stevens. *John W. Macomb. Samuel WV. Thomson. *Nathaniel F. Moore, A. M., *Robert WTatts. L.L. D. 1825, Adj. Prof. 18 1804-1806.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 57 *John R. Thompson, (Rev.), 1804. A.M. *James Talcott Watson, and *Samuel Akerly, A. M. Yale 1804 and N. Jers. *John W. Barnum. 1804. *William D. Blackwell, (C. *John Watts, Jr., M. D. EdL.) inburgh 1809, Prof. Praet. *George Bryar. of Physic Rutg. Coll. N. Elisha Camp, (C. L.), Capt. J., Pres. Coll. Phys. and U. S. V. 1812, Assist. U. S. Surg. N. Y. 1826-31, TrusDist. Atty. N. Dist. N. Y. tee 1824-31. *1831 *Cornelius T. Demarest, (Rev.), 31 A. M. 1813. 1805. *Jeremiah I. Drake, A. M. *William Edgar. Peter Allaire, (M.) *William Gracie and N. Jers. ibby. 1804. *James Bibby. *Leonard A. Bleecker. *John T. B. Graham. *William Cock. *Henry B. Hagerman. WBenjamin U. *Alexander Hamilton, Col. N. *Benjamin U. Coles. Ylexancler IUa.lton, Col.uN. at*Joab G. Cooper, (Rev.), A. Y. M. 1812, U. S. Consul at M. Havana, U. S. Boundary James L. Fine. Commr. *1875 *James Fleming. *Richard Nl. Harison. Riehard N. Hais*on. *Alexander Gunn, (Rev.), A. James D. Livingston. -M. and N. Jers. 1805, S. T. *William L. Lytton, A. M., D. Allegh. Coll. Penn. *18,9 ThoMas. 1Me9a0hagn, 1 *Richard Hatfield, Jr. JThomas McGkahaganr(Rv, 180M5. James A. Hamilton, (C. L.), *John McVickar, (Rev.), A.M LL. D. Hamilton, U. S. 1818, S. T. D. 1825, Prof. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Moral and Int. Phil. Rhet- Jaques, A. M. oric, Belle-Lett. and Pol. Thomas Lefferts. Econ..817-57, Prof. Ev. NEaon.a1n-5, Priof. 17Ev. I*Henry Ustick Onderdonk, 4at.nd Revm eigt.u 18647-6 (Rev.), A. M., M. D. 1810, 64 and Emeritus 1864-68. 8at. *8. 11868 S. T. D.' 1827, Bishop P. *Edward Manley. E. Ch. Penn. 1827-45. *1858 *John Mitchell. *Edmund H. Pendleton, (C. *Joseph Nelson, A. M. 1808, L.), Judge Dutchess Co. LL. D. Rutg. Coll. 1825, N. Y., Repr; in Congr. Prof. Languages Rutger's 1831-33. Coll. aet. 47. *1830 Abraham Purdy, A. M. 1810. *lvVilliam M. Price. *Edward Seaman. *Philip Rhinelander. John T. Smith. *Samuel Rogers. 1869 *Robert I. Watts. *David M. Ross, A. M. 19 *Robert Seaman. 1806. *John I. Sickles, A. M. *Thomas D. Smith. *John V. Bartow, (Rev.), A. *Charles Stewart. M. 58 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1806-1808. *George Boyd, (Rev.), S. T. Daniel Mack. D. elsewhere. *1850 *Peter T. Marselis, (C. L.) *John Chrystie. *WVilliam H. Maxwell, (C. *John Peter De Wint. aet.84. 1870 L.), A. M. 1827. *William Elsworth Duns- *Simeon Remsen. *1815 comb, (C. L.) aet.85. 1874 *James Renwick, A. M., LL. *Gilbert O. Fowler, (C. L.) D. 1829, Instructor in Nat. *Jonathan B. Gosman, and Exper. Phil. and Chem. (Rev.) 1813, Trustee 1817-20, *James McCullen. Prof. Nat. and Exper. Phil. *Robert B. Anmeas McLeod and Chem. 1820-53, and (Rev.) Prof. Emeritus 1853-63. *1863 *Cornelius Miller, (C. L.) *George Paxton Rogers. *1870 *David Moore, (Rev.), S. T. Dirck B. Stockholm. D. elsewhere. *18,5 Peter V. C. Tappan. *Samuel W. Moore, M. D. Cornelius Van Buren. 1810. aet. 68. *1864 *James Van Cortlandt. *Ferris Pell, (C. L.) Theodore V. W. Varick, A. *David Quackinbush, M. D. M. elsewhere. *Philip G. Van Wyck. aet. 84. *1870 *Samuel B. Romaine, (C. L.), *Charles A. Williamson. N. Y. Assemb. 1816-19, 21 1819-22 and Speaker 1822. 1808 *Frederic Roorbach, (C. L.) *Cornelius Schermerhorn, (C. L.) *William Atkinson, (M.) *Philip Schuyler, U. S. Con- *XVilliam Berrian, (Rev.), S. sul at Liverpool, N. Y. T. D. 1828, Rector TrinAssemb. *1865 ity Parish N. Y. C. 1830John A. Smith, (C. L.) 62, Trustee 1832-62. 11862 *John L. Tillinghast, (C. L.) *Lionel Brown. 20 *Timothy Clowes, LL. D.. elsewhere. aet. 60. *1847 180 7. *Henry M. Francis, A. M., M. D. elsewhere. *Egbert Benson, Jr.; 866 *James Inderwick, M. D. elseJohn L. Bronk, (C. L.), Ju ige where, U. S. N. Greene Co. N. Y. *Robert McCartee, (Rev.), *John H. Brouwer. A. M., S. T. D. 1831. *1865 *William E. Burrell, M. D. *John McKnight, (Rev.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. *Hugh Maxwell, (C. L.), A. Y. 1811. M. 1816, Dist. Atty. N. Y. *George R. Copland. aet.17. *1808 C. 1819-29, U. S. Collector Henry S. Dodge, A. M. Port of N. Y. aet. 86. *1873 Robert Gosman. Frederick Muzzy, (C. L.) John H. Hill, (Rev.), A. M. John W. Phillips, (T.) 1845, S. T. D. elsewhere, *Edward Post, M. D. EdinLL. D. 1868, Missionary in burgh. Greece. William C. Rhinelander. Philip M. Holmes. *Henry Howard Ross, (C. L.), 1808-1809.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 59 A. M. Univ. Vt. 1813, *Gerrit Conrey. Repr. in Congr. 1825-27, *Edward Copland, Mayor Memb. and Prest. N. Y. Brooklyn. aet. 63. *1859 Electoral Coll. 1848, Judge *Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, Essex Co. N. Y. 1847-48. (Rev.), A. M. 1813. *1827 raet. 72. 1862 Thomas Duggan. *Gilbert H. Sayres, (Rev.,) S.(C. L.), A. M., T. D., 1863. aet. 88. *John Fine? (C. L.), A. MI., *James Alexander Stevens. LL. D. Hamilt. Coll. 1850, aet.84. *1873 Treas'r St. Lawrence Co. *William Stuart, (M.) N. Y. 1821-33 and Judge *Daniel Van Mater. 1824-39, 1844-47, Repr. in *Henry Vethake, A. M., LL. Cong. 1839-41, N. Y. Sen. D. 1836, Instr. in Math. 1848-50. aet. 74. *1867 and Geog. 1813, Prof. Math. *Alexander Fleming. aet. 77. *1867 and Nat. Phil. Rutg. Coll. Alfred C. Floyd. 1813-1 817 and in Coll. N. *John Wakefield Francis, A. Jers. 1817-21 and in Dick- M inson Coll. 1821-29 and in Surg. N. Y. 1809, LL. D. Unliv. N. Y. C. - 1832-35, 1860 and Trin. Coll. 1850, Prest. Washington Coil. PProf. Obstet. and Med. JuVa. 1835-36, Prof. AMaths. risp. Rut. Med. Coll. N. Y., Univ. Penn. 1836-54, and Prof. Mat. Med. Coill. Phys. Provost and Prof. lMorlal and Surg. N. Y. 1813-16 and Int. Phil. Univ. Penn. and Prof. Obstet. 1820-26, 1854-59. *1866 Trustee Coll. Phys. and *Peter D. Vroom, Jr., (C. L.), Surg. 1814-26, Prest. N. Y. A.M. 1812, TLL.D. 1s837 and Acad. Med. 1848. aet. 72. *1861 N. Jers. 1850, N. Jers. Legis. 1826-29, Gov. and *James N. Gifford, (M.) aet.81. *1873 Chancellor N. Jers. 1829- Henry Green. 36, Repr. in Congr. 1838- John C. Hamilton (C. L.) R40 iembprN.Cngr.. State David Murray Hoffman, (C. Constit. Conven. 1844, U. L.) LL.D. 1860 and Union L.) LL.D. 1860 and Union CS. Envoy Ex. and MmUIin. 1840, Judge Supr. Ct. N.Y. Plen. to Prussia, 1853-57. aet. 82. *1873 *Ravaud Kearny, (Rev.)A.M. *Henry Watts. *Jackson Kemper, (Rev.), S. *John Watts, Jr. T. D. 1829, LL. D. else22 where, Missy. Bishop P. E. Ch. of the North West 1809. 1835-54, Bishop Wisconsin 1854-70. aet. 81. *1870 *Thomas S. Aspinwall. *Henry McVickar, (M.) *Samuel Berrian. *1818 *Benjamin Tredwell Onder*Edward N. Bibby, M.D. donk, (Rev.), A. M. 1816, elsewhere. S.T.D. 1826, Trustee 1824John Brady, (Rev.), A. M. 53, Prof. Eccles. Pol. Gen. *lJohn Cadle, A. M., AM. D. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N.Y. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1826, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. 1822, Surg. U. S. Navy. Y. 1830-61. *1861 60 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1809-1911. *Walter F. Osgood, A. M. *Richard Stevens, 1M. D. else*Robert J. Renwick. where. *1828 James Stryker, (C. L.), A. M. *James Stoughton, (C. L.), 1813, Judge Buffalo, N. Y. A. M. *1819 William Turnbull. *Pascal N. Strong (Rev.), *William Edward Wyatt, A. M. N. Jers. 1818, S. T. (Rev.), A. M. 1816, S. T. D. D. elsewhere, Trustee elsewhere. 27 1822-25. *1825 *Jacob Townsend, (C. L.) 1810. *Charles Watts, (C. L.), Judge Dist. Ct. New Orleans. *1850 *John Agnew. 29 *Andrew Anderson, TI. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1811. 1813. *Francis Child, A. N. 1816. *David A. Clarkson, (I.) *Gregory T. Bedell, (Rev.), *George Codwise. A. M. 1816, S. T. D. else*William De Peyster. where. *1834 *Israel D. Disosway (F.) John Brown, (Rev.), A. M. *Jacob Dyckman, A. XM., M.D. 1815, S. T. D. elsewhere. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. John Campbell. 1813. Ebenezer Close, A. M. 1815. *iRobert Emmet, (C. L.), Just. * John Covert, Jr., (Rev.) Supreme Ct. N. Y. C. *1873 *George Douglass. *Theodosius 0. Fowler. Jacobus Dyckman, (C. L.) *James C. Garrison, A. M. *Charles G. Ferris, A. M. 1816, M. D. elsewhere, U. 1816, Repr. in Congr. S. Navy. 1834-36, 1841-3.,Joseph Greenleaf, (C. L.) *1871 *David H. Fraser, A. M. *Peter F. Hunn, (C. L.) 1815, M. D. Coll. Phys. *Charles J. Kipp. and Surg. N. Y. 1818. *1818 *Horatio G. Lewis. Richard Freeke, (C. L.) *John McLain McDonald, (C. *James Watson Gerard, (C. L.) *1863 L.), A. M. 1816, LL. D. *John McGregor, (T.) 1863. aet8. *C. 1874 *Benjamin Moore, (M.) *Benjamin Haight, A. M. *George W. Morton, (C. L.), 181Q. U. S. Commissioner N.Y.C. *William H. Harison, (C. L.), *John L. Morton (F.) *1871 Trustee 1838-1860. *l860 *Ava Neal, (Rev.), A. 1. *1839 *William Henry Hart, (Rev.), *Waldron B. Post, (M.) *1874 A. M. 1828. *John Slidell, (C. L.), U. S. William Hogan, Repr. in Dist. Atty. for La. 1829-33, Congr. U. S. Min. to Mexico 1845 *Peter V. B. Livingston, U. and to Central America S. Min. to Cent. America. 1853, Repr. in Congr. and Thomas William Ludlow, U. S. Sen..,*1871 Trustee 1833-6. *Francis B. Stevens. *1811 Jackson Odell, (F.) 1811-1813.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 61 *George B. Purdy, M. D. *Cornelius F. Low, (C. L.) *1849 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. *Peter Mackie, Jr. Y. 1816. aet. 70. *1865 *Edward McVickar. *1866 Charles Rapelje, A. M. 1820. *John W. B. 3Murray, A. M., *John R. Rhinelander, M. D. M. D. elsewhere. Fs Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. *Matthew Charles Paterson, Y. 1824, Prof. Anat. Coll. (C. L.), A. M. 1819, Dist. Phys. and Surg. 1834-9 Atty. N. Y. C. and Trustee of same 1840- *Jacob A. Robertson, (M.), 48. aet. 66. *1867 A. M. 1818. *John B. Stevenson, 1816, *John Smyth Rogers, and A. M. 1816, M. D. Coll. Harv. 1827, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816. aet. 63.*1868. 1821 and Bowd. 1825, *John N. Tallman, A.M. 1815. Prof. Chem. and Nat. Sci. George J. Watts. Trinity, Prof. Mat. Med. 24 N. Y. Coll. of Pharmacy. net. 57. *1851 *John A. Sidell, (C. L.) 1812. *John SwartPout. *Peter S. Townsend, A. M. Albert Ammerman, (Rev.) 1816, M. D. Coill. Phys. *Matthias Bruen, Jr., (Rev.), and Surg. N. Y. 1816. net. 54. *1849 A. M. *Egerton L. Winthrop, M. D. John A. Burtis. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. *William Creighton, (Rev.), Y. 1817. *1834 S. T. D. 1830, elected 23 Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. and declined, Prest. Gen. 18 ]3. Conven. P. E. Ch. U. S., Trustee 1828-40. *1865 *Henry Anthon, (Rev.), A. *James F. De Peyster, Capt. f., S. T. D., 1832. 1861 U. S. A. 1814. aet. 0. *1874. *William Bailey. *Alexander Duer, (C. L.) *1819 *John Brodhead Beck, A. M. *Richard Duryee, Jr., (M.) 1818 and Union 1816 and *Lindley Murray Hoffman, N. Jers. 1818, M. D. Coll. (M. ) *1861 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817, *Ogden Hoffman, (C. L.), Prof. Mat. Med. Coll. Phys. Midshipman U. S. N. 1814, and Surg. 1826-51, Trustee Memb. N. Y. Assemb. -1838-51. 1861 1826-28, Repr. in Congr., *James J. Bowden, (Rev.) Dist. Atty. N. Y. C., Atty.- *William Boyd. Gen. N. Y., Trustee 1833- *George W. Bruen, (M.), A. 56. *1856 M. *Benjamin R. Kissam, M. D. *Richard F. Cadle, (Rev.), A. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. M. Y. 181 9. Thomas L. Davies. *Augustine N. Lawrence, (B.) *Robert Hyslop, (M.) *Philip K. Lawrence, A. M. William Kemble, (M.) 1818. *Thomas C. Mitchell, A. M. 62 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1813-1816. *Nicholas Morris, Jr., A. M. *William S. Heyer, (Rev.), Thomas C. Murray, A. M. A. M. 8118. *John Hone, Jr., (M.) 1829 *Nathaniel Greene Pendle- *William Ironside. ton, Repr. in Congr. *1861 *John Q. Jones, (C. L.) Robert Ray, (C. L.), A. M. *Leonard William Kip, (C. 1817, Trustee 1849-. L.), A. M. 1820. aet. 67. *1863 *Alexander H. Robertson, A. *Philip Mesier Lydig, (M.) aet. 77. *1872 M. *John L. Mason, (C. L.), A. *Hugh Smith, (Rev.), A. M., M., Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y., S. T. D. 1838. *1849 Trustee 1848-53. *John Varick. t1*Francis Morton. *Frederic William Rhinelander, (M.) 1814et. *James John Roosevelt, Jr., (C. L.), N. Y. Assemb. John H. Ball. 1835, 1840, Repr. in Congr. *James Brooks, (M.) aet. 74. *1868 1841-43, Judge Supr. Ct. *Cornelius Davis. N. Y. aet. 79. *1875 *William H. Heyer. *Robert Charles Sands, (Au.), Benjamin Hilton. A. M. *1832 *Allen Jackson, A. M. 18241. *Robert Seney, (Rev.), A. M. Henry R. Judah. 1828. *James Murison Pendleton, *Henry Hamlin Van AmA. M. 1819, M. D. Coll. ringe, (Rev.), A. M. aet. 66. *1862 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *James S. Watkins, M. D. 1818. aet. 33. *1832 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Theophilus Russel. 1817. *1817 George F. Talman, (C. L.), 19 Corporation Counsel N. Y. C. 1838-9. 1816. *Ferdinand Vandewater. 11 Abel T. Anderson, (C. L.), 1815. U A. M. *1862 1815~d. *John D. Campbell, (C. L.), A. M. 1820. *1862 *Charles Anthon, LL. D. *Richard Codman, (M.) *1847 1831, Adj.-Prof. Greek and Frederic De Peyster, Jr., (C. Latin Lang. 1820-30, Jay L.), A. M., LL. D. 1867, Prof. Greek and Latin Milit. Secy. to Gov. ClinLang. 1830-57 and Rect. ton 1825-8, Master in Gram. School 1830-64, Jay Chancery for 17 years, Prof. Greek Lang. and Lit. Prest. N. Y. Historical So1857-67. aet. 70. *1867 ciety. *James W. Berrian. *Maurice William Dwight, *Archibald R. Bogardus. (Rev.), A. M. 1820, S. T. *Robert G. L. De Peyster, D. elsewhere. *1860 (M.) *1873 *James Wallis Eastburn, *Archibald Gracie, Jr., (M.) *1865 (Rev.), A. M. aet. 22. *1819 1816-1818.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 63 *Isaac Ferris, (Rev.), A. M., *John Grigg, (Rev.), A. M. S. T. D. Union 1833, LL. aet 72. *1868 D. 1853, Chancell. Univ. DaielPhniIngah (C N. Y. C. 1852a-0, andv L.), LL.D. 1860, Just. Supr. N. Y. C. 1852-70, and.. Y. Emeritus Chancellor 1870Emeitus Chancellor 1870- *Benjamin Isherwood, A. M., 3et. 74. *1873 M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. John Ireland, Jr., (F.) N Y. Psn *John Edgar Mowatt, (M.) William Lowerre, (C. L.), A. *Daniel Levi Medora PeixM. otto, A. M. 1823, M. D. Edmund Ludlow. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. *Villiam Minturn. Y. 1819, Prof. Theory and *John Neilson, Jr., A. M., M. Pract. Med. Willoughby D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Med. Coll. aet. 43. *1843 Y. 1821. *1857 *Samuel G. Raymond, (C. *Meredith Ogden, (M.) L.), A. M., Memb. N. Y. Richard Ray, A. M.839 Asse-mb. -*1850 *Edward N. Rogers, A. M. John J. Robertson, (Rev.), *Samuel D. Rogers, (M.) *1850 S. T. D. elsewhere. 18 *James Romeyn, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1838, elected Prof. 1818. of Rhet. Rutg. Coil. and declined. *Henry James Anderson, A. *John M. Smith, (Rev.), A.M., M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Prof. in Wesl. Univ. Conn. *1832 Surg. N. Y. 1824, LL. D. *SamuelL. Steer, (F.), Speaker 1850, Prof. of Math. and Lower House of Louisiana. Astr. 1825-43, Emeritus *Thomas M. Strong, (Rev.), 1866-75, Trustee 1851-75. A. M. 1820, 5. T. D. else- aot.77. *1875 where. *861 *Daniel Bonnett. aet. 74. *1871 *Adrian Vanderveer, A. M., *Richard Varick Dey, (Rev.), M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. A. M. and Yale 1823. *1837 N. Y. 1818. *1857 *Frederick Fairlie, (C. L.) 17 *Peter Forrester, A.M. Rutg., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1822. *1837 Robert Gracie, and Harv. 1818, (M.), A. M. and Yale *John M. Cannon, (C. L.) *1835 1825. James P. F. Clarke, (Rev.) *Henry Hone, IM.), N. Y. *Matthias O. Dayton, (C. L.) Assemb. 1834. *18 6 *Manton Eastburn, (Rev.), A. *Richard F. Kemble, (C. L.) M., S. T. D. 1835, Bishop William Beach Lawrence, P. E. Ch. Mass. 1842-72. et. 7. *1872 (C. L.), A. M. 1823, and *Isaac Fisher, (Rev.), A. M. *1839 Yale 1826, LL. D. Brown *Seymour P. Funk, (Rev.),'Univ. 1869, U. S. Charge A. M. 1821. *1828 d' Aff. London 1827-29, *Samuel L. Gouverneur, U. S. Lt.-Governor of R. I., TrusPostmr. N. Y. C. 1821-25, tee Coill. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Assemb. 1825. *1865 1837-55. 64 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1818-1820. James Lenox, A. M. and N. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Jers. 1821, LL. D. 1875, N. Y. 1823. *1836 Trustee N. J. 1823-57. *Samuel Verplanck, (C. L.), *John H. Lloyd. A. M. *Alexander B. McLeod. Thomas L. Wells, (C. L.), *Gerard W. Morris, (C. L.), Trustee 1837-59. Trustee 1851-5. *1865 *Marinus Willett, Jr., M. D. *John O'Blenis. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *George D. Post, (C. L.) *1869 1823, Trustee Coll. Phys. *Clarence D. Sackett, (C. L.) and Surg. 1827-40. *1840 *William Staley, A. M. *Richard Wynkoop, (Rev.), *Abraham D. Wilson, A. M., A. M. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 19 N. Y. 1821. 18 - 1 1820. 1819. William Betts, (C. L.), A. M., LL. D. 1850, Trustee 1842and Clerk 1850-74, Prof. of *Henry N. Cruger, (C. L.), A. Law 1848-54. M. 1823. *John B. Bleecker, (M.) *1831 *Gabriel Poillon Disosway, *Joseph H. Coit, (Rev.), S. T. (M.), A. M. and Wesl. 1833, D. 1855. *1866 Member N. Y. Assembly Cornelius Ryerrs Disosway, 1849. aet. 70. *1868 (C. L.), A. M. Wesl. 1838. *Peter Dykers, M. D. Coll. *James Johnstone, (C. L.) *1854 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823. *1845 *Samuel Roosevelt Johnson, *Andrew Hamersley, M. D. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848, Prof. System. Divin1823, Fellow Coll. Phys. ity and Dogmatic Theol. and Surg. Gen. Theolog. Sem. P. E. *Edward P-. Heyer, (M.) Ch., Emeritus 1869-73. *1873 *Walter E. Hyer, (M.) *1845 Ienry Lawrence, (M) *William Lupton Johnson, *Philip Edward Milledoler, (Rev.), A. MI., S. T. D. Al- (Rev.), M. D. Coll. Phys. legheny Coll. Penn. aet. 70. *187 and Surg. N. Y. 1824, A. *Charles Jones. *1854 M. Rutg. 1827, N. Y. AsGeorge Jones. semb. 1832. *1850 *HIenry James Lowerre, (C. John' F. Mitchell, (C. L.), L.), A. M. *1830 A. M. *George J. Rogers, (M.) William Mitchell, (C. L.), A. *James H. Roosevelt, (C. L.), M., LL. D. 1863, Master in A. M. *1863 Chancery N. Y. 1840-43, *James S. Rumsey, M.D. Coll. Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. State Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1850-58. 1824. aet. 73. *1872 Archibald G. Rogers, (C. L.) Richard L. Schieffelin, (C. L.), *Rutsen Suckley, (C. L.) aet. 75. *1875 A. M. *John R. Townsend, (C. L.) *1846 *John L. Suckley, A.M. 1823, 13 1821-1822.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 65 18 21. ~ *Henry John Whitehouse, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1865 and Oxford Univ. *William B. Barnes, (B.) Eng. 1867, LL. D. Cabr. *Peter A. Cowdrey, (C. L.), Univ. Eng. 1867, Bishop P. A. M.A N. Y.. Assemb. Univ. Eng. 1867, Bishop P. A. IM., N. hY. Assemb. E. Ch. Ill. 1851-74 aet.71. *1874 1836. *1852 George Wilkes, M. D. Coll. William D. Craft, (C. L.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824 William D. Craft, (C. L.) 30 *George HI. Fisher, (Rev.), S. T. D. elsewhere, Trustee 1822. 1851-55. aet. 69. *1872 *William,Forsyth. *1851 *William N Gibert, (C. L.) George Abeel, (M.) *Frederic Philipse Gouver- *George W. Dawson, (M.) neur,C. L.) aet. 71. *1874 *Peter F. Dustan, (C. L.) *William P. Hawes, (C. L.), *John M. Glover, A.M. Yale A. M. 1825, M. D. Coill. Phys. and *WilliamInglis, (C.L.), Judge Surg. N. Y. 1826. *1832 Ct. Common Pleas N. Y. *Josiah Dwight Harris, A. 1839-44. *1863 M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and *Pierre Munroe Irving, (C.L), *:876 Surg. N. Y. 1826, Asst. *Thomas Kermit. Surg. U. S. A. 1833. *1833 *Elisha S. King, (C. L.), A. *Edwin Holt, 1826. M. 1826. Henry Philip Jones, (C. L.) *Isaac Low, A. M. *Theodore F. King, M. D. *Stephen H. Meeker, (Rev.), Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. A. M. aet. 77. *1876 1827. aet. 63. *1868 William Henry Munn, (C.L.), Nicholas Gouverneur KortA. M. right, (C. L.) aet. 69. *1874 Samuel Ogden, (M.) *Anson Livingston, (C. L.) Edwin Post, (M.) *Carroll Livingston, (M.) *1867 *Henry A. V. Post, (C. L.) Edward N. Mead, (Rev.), A. George Shrady. M 1833, S. T. D. 1861, *John C. Slack, (T.) Secy. Trustees Gen. Theo. *Charles E. Stagg, (M.) Sem. *Peter Stagg, (C. L.) Adrian II. Miiller, (M.), Prest. *Junius Thompson, A. M Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. C. 1825, M. D. Coll Phys. and *Alexander -I. Paterson, (M.) Surg. N. Y. 1825. aet.31. *1831 Alfred' C. Post7 M. D. Coll. *John Tiebout, Jr, A. 3., Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1827, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. LL. D. Univ. N. Y. City N. Y. 1825. 1872, Prof. Ophthal. Anat. *William Turner, A.M., M.D. and Surg. Castleton Med. elsewhere. *1858 Coll., Prof. Surg. Univ. *Gerrit G. Van Wagenen, (C. N. Y. C., Prest. N. Y. Acad. L.), Trustee 1845-58, and Med. 1868. Treasurer 1849-58. *1s88 *John Lloyd Stephens, (C. *John H. Waddell, A. M. L.), A. M. 1827, U. S. tKnown subsequently as Frederic Philipse. Special Embassador to 66 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1822-1824. Central America 1839, Del. Mancius Smedes Hutton, to N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. (Rev.), S. T. D. 1841, 1846. *1852 Trustee 1855-. *Thomas William Tucker, (C. *William L. Keese, (Rev.), L.), A. M. 1826, Memb. N. A. M. Y. Assemb. *1854 *Jonathan Lawrence, (C.L.) *1833 Alfred Wagstaff, M. D. Coll. *William A. Lawrence, (M.) Phys. and Surgeons N. Y. *Adam David Logan, (C. L.) 1826. aet. *186 *Alfred Augustus Weeks, (C. *George B. Ogden, (B.) L.), A. M. 1826. *1847 John D. Ogden, MI. D. elseEdwamiltond M. Willett, (. L.), 185 Smith Pyne, (Rev.), S. T. D. EdA M. Willett, (C. L.), elsewhere. aet. 73. *1875 *Andrew K. Robertson. William R. Williams, (Rev.), *Noel Robertson, (Rev.), A. A. M. 1835, S. T. D. 1837, *Noel Robertson, (Rev.), A. Trustee 1838-48. T*Samuel. Wilson, (C. L.) *Grenville A. Sackett, (C. L.) Samel F. Wilson, ( L) 870 *Charles J. Smith, (C. L.) 23 aet. 73. *1876 James H. Titus, (M.), A. M., 1823. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 29 *Christopher Allen. Horatio Allen, (Eng.) *Edward Anthon, (C. L.) *1830 1824. William H. Boyd, A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Benjamin Aycrigg, (Eng.), N. Y. 1826. A.M. 1839, Chief Engineer Edward M. Clarke, (C. L.) Penn. Lewis Cruger, (C. L.) *Robert Barker. "Edmund B. Elmendorf, (C *Alexander M. Burrill, (C.L.) L.) aet. 62. *1869 *John T. Ferguson, A. M., M. * Edward C. Cay, (M. *William A. Curtis, (Rev.), A. M. 1838. 1s *John Brain Foulke, A. M A minDrake A M*18 *Benjamin Drake, A. M., M. and Yale 1827. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg..Adolphus N. Gouverneur, N.Y. 1828, Prest. N.Y. Co. *E(C. L) ledt Soc. aet. 66. *1871 *Edmund Dorr Griffin, (Rev.), William Duer, (C. L.), Repr. A. M. *1830 in Congr. 1849-51, U. S. *William Frederick Have- Con meyer, (M.), Mayor N.Y. C. Consul at Valparaiso. eyer (aet. 71. 1871 *William H. Ellet, M.D. else*William D. Henderson, (C. where, Lect. on Element. L.), A. M. Chem. 1830-32, Prof. Ele*Henry Augustus HIeyer, (M.) ment. Chem. 1832-33, Prof. *John A. Hicks, (Rev.), A. Chem. Mineral. and Geol. M. 1830, S. T. D. Univ.Vt. S. C. Coll. 1835-48. *1859 1847. *1869 *James T. Gibert, A. M., M. *James Hosack. D. elsewhere. *1868 1824-1826.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 67 *Jacob Townsend Gilford, M. John McKeon, (C. L.), A. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1831, N. Y. Assemb. 1831, Geneva. aet. 64. *1869 Repr. in Congr. 1835-37, *Timothy R. Green, (C. L.), 1841-43, Dist. Atty. N. Y. A. M. 1834. *1840 C. 1845-51, U. S. Dist. Atty. *John K. Hardenbrook, A.M., N. Y. 1853. M. D. elsewhere. *Isaac T. Minard, (C. L.), *Dayton Hobart, (C. L.), A. Surrogate Otsego Co. N. Y. M. *1870 Edward E. Mitchell, (MI.) *William Henry Hobart, A. *Walter Nichols. aet. 21. *1825 M, M. D. Coll. Phys. and *William Peshine. Surg. N. Y. 1829, Trustee William Phyfe. 1848-55. *18,7 *Anthony Lispenard RobertPierre Paris Irving, (Rev.) son, (C. L.), Asst. Vice*George W. Johnson, (F.) *1856 Chancellor N. Y. S. 1846*William Henry Lupp, (C. 48, Surrogate N. Y. C. 1848, L.), A. M. *1874 Justice Superior Ct. N. Y. *Elias'Joseph Marsh, A. M., 1860-65 and Ch.-Just. of M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. same 1865-68, Memb. ConN. Y. 1828, Prest. N. J. stit. Conven. N. Y. 1867. Med. Soc. aet. 45. *1850 *Ferdinand Sands (M.) at. 60. *1868 Hamilton Morton A. M. 1834 Ferdinand Sands, (M.) Hamilton Morton, A M. 1834, John J. Schermerhorn, (M.) M. D. Rutg. Med. Coll. N. John Fletcher Smith. Ogden, (.) *Wessell S. Smith, (C. L.), *Waddington Ogden, (M.). Y. Assemb. 18 *Henry Perkins, A. M., M. D. NOliver S. Strong, (.) aet. 68. *1874 elsewhere. *Peter Wilson, (C. L.) *Alexander Robertson, A. M., *Peterilliam Wilson, M(C.. Col. IM. D. elsewhere. Daniel C. Schermerhorn. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829. aet. 66. *1872 23 21 1825. 1826. *George P. Cammann, M. D. elsewhere aet. 59. *1863 Charles E. Anderson, (Br.), *James A. M. Gardner, A. M., Secy. U. S. Legation Paris M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1836-39 and Charge d'Aff. N. Y. 1829. 1837. *Nathaniel Marius Graves, *William A. Clarke, M. D. (M.) elsewhere. RobertWilliamHarris,(Rev.), John Marshall Guion, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1849. S. T. D. 1865. *Jacob Harsen, Jr., A. M. John W. Hamersley, (C. L.), 1829, M. D. Coll. Phys. and A. M. Surg. N. Y. 1829, Prest. Nathaniel Pendleton Hosack, North. Dispens. N. Y. aet. 5. *1863 and Harv. 1826, (M.) *William E. Laight. *1859 *Gabriel F. Irving. Alexander S. Leonard, (Rev.), *Robert Kelly, Jr., Regent A. M. 1847, S. T. D. 1859. Univ. N. Y. S. 1856-57. 68 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1826-1827. Francis AM. Kip, (Rev.), S. T. William HenryCrosby, (C.L.), D. 1857. Prof. Greek and Latin Lang. *John Neil McLeod, (Rev.), Rutg. Coill. 1841-9, Acting A. M. 1833, S. T. D. else- Prof. Lat. Lang. and Lit. where. net 68. *. 874 185 9-60. *Joshua S. Marsh. Henry Augustus Du Bois, *Thomas H. Merry, Jr. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *William Henry Milnor, M.D. N. Y. 1830, LL. D. Yale Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1864, Memb. Conn. Acad. 1832. aet. Go. *1862 Arts and Sciences, Memb. *Thomas R. Minturn, (M.) *1871 Geolog. Soc. France. *Henry Morris, (C. L.) aet. 54. *1854 Edward Dunscomb, (M.) Richard Lewis Morris, IM. D. *Edward Bristed Eastburn. *s180 Coil. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Hamilton Fish, (C. L.), A. M., 1830, Health Commr. N. Y. LL. D. 1850 and Harv. C. 1848-52 and Health Off. Trustee 18401852-54.n 1 1852-54. Norsworthy.and Chn.Board 1859-,Repr. John B. Norsworthy. in Congr. 1843-5, Lt.-Gov. Hewlett R. Peters, (Rev.), S. N. Y. 1847-9, Gov. N. Y. T. D. elsewhere. 1849-51, U. S. Sen. 1851*Daniel Phenix Riker, (C. 7, Secy. State U. S. 1869-, L.) aet 1..1868 Memb. Joint High Comrnn. *Beverley Robinson, Jr., (C. to arrange "Treaty of L.) aet. 69. *1876 Washington" with Great William H. Roosevelt. Britin 1871. Britq in 18 71. *Daniel Seymour. Abraham A. Slover, Jr., A. I. *18.7 Thomas Swords, Jr., 1831, John Murray Forbes, (Rev.), Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. A. M., S. T. D. 1847, Tutor Trin. Coll. 1830, Dean rrit ubert anagenen, Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. *Harris Wilson, (C. L.) *1874 1869. 25 *John Henry Hobart Haws, (C. L.), Repr. in Congr. 1851-3. *1858 X1827'. *William C. Heyward, 1830, (F.) *1863 Jonathan Trumbull Backus, John Clarkson Jay, M. D. (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Union Coill. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. 1831, Trustee 1859-. Jacob Sperry Baker, (M.) Joshua Jones, (C. L.) William Sperry Baker, M. D. *Abraham Beakley Labagh, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. (F.) 1831. *Alfred Ludlow. *1831 Thomas Hazard Barker, (B.), *Charles McFarlan, N. J. Sen. U. S. Consul at Antwerp 1846. *1873 1836. Heniy J. Morton, (Rev.), *Henry Neilson Brush. *1873 A. M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. John P. Crosby, (C. L.), Trust. 1844, Trustee Univ. Penn. Med. Dept. 1860-. *Jonathan Nathan, (C. L.), 1827-1829.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 69 Master in Chanc. N. Y. Hobart 1870, Trustee 1843 1840-5. *1683 -, Prof. Past. Theol. and Henry Onderdonk, Jr., (T.), Pulp. Eloq. Gen. Theol. A. M. 1833. Sem. P. E. Ch., Asst. MinLaughton Osborn, (Au.) ister Trinity Parish N. Y. *Samuel Penny, Jr, (Rev.) *1853 C. 1847-, elected Bishop *Minturn Post, M. D. Univ. P. E. Clh. Mass. 1872 and Penn. 183'2. aet.61. *1869 declined. *James M. Quin, 1830, M. Henry S. Hoyt. D. Rutg. Med. Coill. N. Y., *Mortimer Livingston, (M.) *3957 A. M. 1833. t. 63. *1868 *Austin L. S. Main, M. D. Charles Rhind, Jr., (M.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. *Henry Rogers, Jr., (C. L.) *1840 1832. set. 58. *1867 *Edwin Sands. *1858 *John A. Morrill, (C. L.) *Robert Mott, (C. L.) *1833 George B. Neill. John Schermerhorn, (Br.) *John M. Ogden *1836 *Theodore A. Swords, (C.L.) Joel B. Post, (M.) aet. 33. *1841 *Barzillai Slosson,(C.L.),Dist. Joseph C. Wallace, (F.) Atty Ontario Co. N. Y. *,8X4 William Winter, (C. L.) Samuel Sidney St. John, (T.), *Grenville Temple Winthrop, A. M. 1834. and Harv. 1] 827 and Bowd. Lewis Thibou, (Rev.) 1827, (C. L.), A. M., Memb. John Ledyard Vandervoort, Mass. Leg. 1840. *1852 A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and 36 Surg. N. Y. 1832. Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, 1828. (Rev.), A.M. and Trin., S. T. D. Trin. 1847, Instr. *William Bayley, (Art.) *j937 1830-1. *Edmund D. Barry, Jr. *WilliamWheelerVanWage*Jonas Butler, (C. L.) *11s8 nen, (C. L.), A. M. 1834. *George Catlin, (C. L.), Dist. Alexander Robertson Walsh, Atty. Richmond Co. N. Y. (M.) Thomas W. Chrystie, (Rev.) William Walton, (Rev.), Thomas T. Devan, (Rev.), A. M. 1836, S. T. D. 1852, A. M., M. D. Coil. Phys. Inst. in Hebrew Gen. Theol. and Surg. N. Y. 1831, Mis- Sem. P. E. Ch., and Prof. sionary in China 1848, Hebrew and Greek Lang. Chaplain U. S. A. 1862. 1869. aet. 59. *1869 Cornelius Dubois, Jr., (M.) *Richard Whiley, Jr., (C.L.) Edmund Embury, (Rev.), A. Martin Ryerson Zabriskie,t M. 1833. (C. L.), Trustee 1856-69, George Gilford. 1871-2. 29 Robert Goelet. *Alexander N. Gunn, A. M. 1829. Rutg. 1832, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833. *George Featherstone Allen, Benjamin I. Haight, (Rev.), (Eng.), Trustee 1854-63. *1868 A. M., S. T. D. 1846, LL.D. tKnown, since 1864, as Martin Zborowski. 70 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1829-1831. *Theodore A. Bailey, (M.) Robert L. Cutting, (Br,) Thomas E. Blanch, (C. L.), John Delafield, Jr., (C. L), Dist. Atty. Rockland Co. A. M. 1837. N. Y. Hugh T. Diekie, (C. L.), *James Augustus Carter, M. Judge Sup. Ct. Ill. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. *Benjamin T. Ferguson, (C. Y. 1832. L.) *1836 Alfred W. Craven, (Eng.), Ch. Lewis C. Gunn, (Ed.) Eng. Croton. Aq. Dept. N. *Nicholas C. Heyward. *1852 Y. C. *George Ireland, Jr., (C. L.) *Robert James Dillon,(C.L.), Edwaret. 1. *1873 *Edward Jones, M.D. Coll. Counsel to Corp. N. C. C. Phys. and Surg. 1834, Trus1853-6. aet. 63. *18712 tee 184-69. at.. 1869 *Benjarmin S. Downing, M.D. *John Taylor Kneeland, M.D. Coll.Phys. and Sirg. N.Y. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1832. aet. 24. *1834 1833. William Edgar. *JWilliames Heywdgard, M. D. else- Henry Ledyard, (C.L.), Secy. wJames Here. d, M. D. else- U. S. Legation at Paris when e. Irig J. C.L)1839-42, and Charge d'Aff. John T. Irving, Jr., (C. L.) 1842-44, Mayor Detroit, Samuel Ogden, (C. L.) Mich. 1855, Mich. Sen. Samuel Ogden, (C. L.) Thomas W. Ogden, (Br.) 1857. *John D. Ogilby, A.M. 1833, Benjamin Franklin Miller, Mast. Col. Coll. Gram. Sch. (C. L.) *1837 1829-30, Prof. Lang. Rutg. HenMayor Brooklyn,. Y., Cell. 1832-40, Prof. Eccles. M r on. Y Hist. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. Repr. in Congr. 1843-45, Memb. N. Y. Constit. ConE. Ch. 1841-51. 1851 ayen. 1846, 1867, U. S. Min. *Peter Augustus Schermer- at the Hague, N. Y. Sen. horn, A. M. 1833. *1845 Henry Nicoll, (C. L.), LL.D. *Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., (C. 1870, Repr. in Congr., L;.), U. S. Dist. A8tty. N.Y., Memb. N. Y. Constit. ConTrustee Cell. Phys. and ven. 1846. Surg. N. Y. 1842-59. y 154 Sulg. N. Y. 18L42-5 9. * 1858 ~~*Charles H Ogden, (M.) aet. 62. *1874 TrSwords, (Me.), N.Y17. William Steele, (M.), M. D. Assemb., Trustee 18M.Do70-l. Coll Phys. and Surg. N.Y. *Robert Tucker, Ml. D. Coll. 1833 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. William D. Waddington, (C. 1832. *1846 T John D. Van Buren, (C. L.), L.) John DY. VAssemb. (C. L.),:*George William Wright, N.Y. Assemb. *Fanning S. Worth, (T.), A. (C. L *173 M. 1835. 20 1830. 1831. James Bolton, A. M. 1835, *John B. Boggs. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. James Bowdoin, (C. L.) N. Y. 1836. 1831-1832.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 71 *Peter Schermerhorn Chaun- Samuel Ward, Jr., (Br.), A. cey, (Rev.), A.M. 1836, S. M. 1835. T. D. Trin. Coll. 1848, *Robert Watts, Jr., A. M., Trustee Trin. Coll. *1866 M D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *James Chrystie, Jr. N.Y. 1835, Prof. Anat. and Abraham B. Conger, A. M., Physiol. Coll. Phys. and Tutor 1831-3, No Y. Sen., Surg. 1843-48, Prof. Anat. Prest. N. Y. S. Agricult. 1848-67. *1867 Soc., Memb. N. Y. S. 24 Constit. Conv. 1867. 1832. William E.Eigenb rodt, (Rev.), A. M. 1835, S. T. D. 1855, Prof. Past. Theol. Gen. Hery T. Anthony, (.) Theol. Sm. P. Ch. Walter T. Avery, (M.) P Horatio Bogert, (C. L.), A. *Robert Emory, (Rev.), A.M., MI. 1836. S. T. D. 1846, Prof. Ane. William L. Boyd, (M.), A.M. Lang. Dickin. Coll. 1834-9, George Carvill, Jr., (M.) and Prest. Dickin. 1842-8. *1848 *John Chrystie, (M.) *1856 *Petrus Stuyvesant Fish, A. *Henry S. Dodge, (C. L.), M. *1834 A. M. *1851 *John B. Gallagher, (Rev.) *1849 *Daniel G. F. Fanshaw. *1803 *John P. hnone. James Heard, Jr., (M.), A.M. Bradish Johnson, (AI ) 1836. Charles R. King, M.D. Univ. *Alexander C. Hillman,(Rev.) *1875 Penn. 1834. *Nicholas W. Hoffman, (M.) *1843 *James Joseph Macneven. *1832 Aaron Jarvis, A. M., M. D. James McCready Morgan. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Gideon S. Nichols, (F.) 1835. aet. 45. *1859 John L. O'Sullivan, A. M., *William Templeton Johnson, Tutor 1821-3, U S. Min. (C. L.), A. M. *1869 Portugal, Regent Univ. N. Philip Livingston Jones, M. Y. S 1846-55. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. John Punnett, A. M., M. D. N. Y. 1835. elsewhere. *John J. C. Kane, (C. L.) *1854.*John B. Purroy, (C. L.), A. Frederick W. Miller, (Rev.) M., Consul for Venezuela Stephen Reed, Jr., (C. L.), N. Y. *1859 A. M. *Richard W. Redfield, A. M. *Thomas A. Richmond, (C. 1838. *1846 L.), A. M. *1859 Edwin M. Taylor, (Eng.), William Channing Russel, C.) State Eng. Virginia L.), A., M.LL.D. 1875, Prof. Francis Tomes, Jr., (Br.) Antioch Coll. Ohio, Prof. Robert G. Vermilye, (Rev.), Cornell Univ. N. Y. 1867-, A. M. 1836, S. T. D. 1851, Vice-Prest. Cornell and Tutor 1835-7, Ad. Prof. ULniv. Greek and Lat- Lang. 1837 Henry J. Ruggles, (C. L.) -43, Prof. Christ. Theol. in Erasmus P. Smith, (C. L.) Theol. Inst. Conn. John E. Stillwell, M. D. Coll. *Lloyd Saxbury Waddell. *183. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1836. 72 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1832-1834. Frederick L. Talcott, (M.) *187 *John G. Smedberg, (F.) aet.57 *1873 *Philip W. Thomas, (C. L.) *Robert Spencer, (C. L.) *Jonathan Thompson, Jr., Abraham Gardiner Thomp(M.), A. M. 1836. aet.59.*1872 son, Jr., A. M., M. D. Coll. Frederick Townsend, (C. L.) Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1837, *Russell N. Townsend, (C. N. Y. Assemb. 1845 and L.) *1837 1857. William S. Verplanck. James A. Williams, (Rev.), 28 A. M., S. T. D. 1863. 24 1833. 1834. *Stephen D. Allen, M. D. elsewhere. *1840 William M. Allen, (C. L.), *James Barrow, Jr., (C. L.) *1868 A. M. *John S. Bartlett, Jr., (Ed.) James William Beekman, (C. *Jackson Bolton, M. D. else- L.), A. M. 1838, N. Y. where. James Constable, (C. L.) Assemb. 1848, N. Y. Senate *Richard Cox, (Rev.), A. M. 1849-51TrusteeMed. Dept. John F. Delaplaine, Jr., (C. 1860-, Trustee 1875-. L.)h, AtFt. D aich at MadriCd Edward Bryar, (F.), A. M. L.), Attac e ata rMdrid 1852 and at Vienna, Secy. 1838. 1852, and at Vienna, Secy. William Bryan Casey, M. D. U. S. Legation Vienna elsewhere. 1869-. James Michael Cockcroft, *Pierre Cortlandt DePeyster, (M.) (M.) *1854 William Cockcroft, M. D. *John M. Gelston. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Charles Hall, (M.), A. M. 1838. 1838. ~~~~1838. *John Conger, A. M., M. D. John Jay Jenkins, (C. L.) Coil. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Philip Kearny, Jr., Major UT. S. A. 1847, Brig.-Gen. *Isaac C. Delaplaine,(C. L.), U. S. V. 1861, and Maj.- A. M., Repr. in Congr. Gen. 1862. aet.47. *1862 aet48. *1866 *Francis P. Lee, (Rev.), A. *William Demarest, (Rev.), M. *1847 A. M. *1874 *Samuel Bard McVickar. *1837 William Dennis, (Rev.) *James W. Metcalf, M. D. *William Dodge, (C. L.), A. elsewhere. *1856 M., N. Y. Assemb. *1858 Gouverneur Morris Ogden, *William Mitchell Gillespie, (C. L.), Trustee 1849-, and (Eng.), A. M., LL. D. 1859, -Treasurer 1858-. and Univ. Nashville 1857,'Henry B. Renwick, (Eng.), Prof. Civ. Eng. Union Coll. Examr. U. S. Pat. Off. 1845-68. aet. 52. *1868 William Rhinelander Renwick, John S. Heard, A. M., M. D. (M.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Bruce Schermerhorn. *1862 1837. *Edward Slosson, (C. L.) *1871 Henry Heyward, A. M. 1838. 1834-1836.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 73 Benjamin S. Huntington, William H. Taggard, (C. L.) (Rev.), A. M. 1839. Ludlow Thomas, (Br.) William Henry Hyde, (M.) *John Richard Thurman, *SamuelEvanJohnson,(C.L.), Repr. in Congr. 1849-51. *1854 A. M., Judge Kings Co. *Russell Trevett, (Rev.), A. N. Y. M., S. T. D. 1855, and Coll. William Gracie King. St. James 1857, Prof. Anc. Alexander Major, (M.) Lang. St. James, Md. and Richard E. Mount, Jr., (C. L.), St. Anne's, Md. *1865 A. M. William HI. Wilson, (T.), A. M. *Philip Rhinelander. Christian Zabriskie, Jr., (M) 24 Robert S. Swords, (C. L.), Lt.-Col. N. J. Vols. Anthony Ten Broeck,(Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1867, Rec- 1836. tor Burlington Coll. Lloyd Windsor, (Rev.), A. M. 24 *Newbold Edgar. Christodoulos L. M. EvangeI 835. les, (T.) 1 8 3 5. *GeorgeWilliam Fash,(Rev.), A. M. 1840 *Jedediah Blakeney Auld, (C. John Graham, (C. L.) L.), A. M. aet. 1. *1866 *Giles Mumford Hillyer, (C. Romaine Dillon, (C. L.), Secy. L.) A. M. *1871 U. S. Legation Brazil. John Henry Hobart, (Rev.), Evert A. Duyckinck, (Au.), S. T. D. 1856. A. M., Trustee 1874-. Edward Hoffman, (C. L.) Benigno Gener, (C. L.) John Jay, (C.L.), A.M., U. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, S. Min. Plen. to Austria (C. L.) 1869-75. Andrew Stelle Hamersley, William Alfred Jones, (Au)., (C. L.), A. M. 1839. A. M., Librarian 1851-65. Orlando Harriman, Jr., (Rev.), *Edward Huger Laight, (M.) *1853 A. M. James Phillips Lake. William Heard, (M.) George Harrison Lynch, (C. *Joshua E. Jones. 1839 L.) *Charles C. Lee. *Henry McVickar, (Rev.) JohnW. C. Leveridge,(C. L.), Daniel McLarenQuackinbush, A. M. 1839. (Rev.) - Charles Harrison Lyon, (M.), James Renwick, Jr., (Arch.), A. M. A.M. *Joseph McIntyre. Charles Maison Seymour, Charles D. Mead, (C. L.), (Rev.), A. M. A. M. 1839. William Thompson. William Mulligan, A. M. *Henry Ward, Jr., A. M. *Alexander Palache, (M.) *George Gilfert Waters, (C. George Quartus Pomeroy, L.), A. M. aet. 56. *1875 (C. L.) *Harvey Augustus Weed, (C. John H. Riker, (C. L.) L.), A. M. *1872 74 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1836-1839. *James Willis Wilson, (C.L.), *Samuel H. Whitlock, (C. L.) *1856 A. M. aet. 53. *1868 *Alexander Somerville Wo21 therspoon, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1841, Asst. 1837. Surg. U. S. A. 1843-54. *1854 23 *Charles Aldis, (Rev.), A. M. *1857 1888. Samuel Blatchford, (C. L.), L.L. D. 1867, Judge U. S. Circ. Ct. N. Y. 1867-, Trus- *Frederic Anthon, (C. L.) *1868 tee 1867-. Edward Anthony, (M.) Nathaniel W. Chittenden, (C. Mancer M. Backus, (M.), A. L.), A. M. M. Geneva 1841. John William Clark, (Rev.) *Thomas Colden Cooper, Samuel Cockeroft. Capt. U. S. V. 1864 *J. Wallace Collet, A. M. Richard H. Douglass. 1841. *Isaac V. Fowler, (C. L.), A. *Stephen Douglass, (Rev.), M. 1842, U. S. Postm. N. A. P1. *1857 Y. C. aet. 52. *1869 *Henry P. Fessenden, (C. L.) *1867 John Hone, (C. L.) Anthony Halsey, (B.), A. M., *Philip HIone, Jr. *1870 Trustee 1872-, and Clerk of Benjamin T. Kissam, (C. L.), Board 1874-. A.. 1851. *Benjamin Holmes Jarvis, John Mason Knox, (C. L.), (C. L.) A. M. William Henry Leggett, (T.) *Jeremiah Larocque, (C. L.) ~~~~~~~John Mcli~~~~~~~~ullen, Jr., (T.), A. Ract.46. *1868 John McMullen., Jr., (T.), A. Alfred Mersan Loutrel,(Rev.) M. *William Brinckerhoff Moffat, *Charles D. March. A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and *William J. Masterton, (M.) Surg. N. Y. 1842. *George L. Nevius, (M.) aet. 55. *1873 *Benjamin Romaine, Jr., (C. *Charles Edward Shea, (C. L.) *1841 L.), A. M. *William Edward Snowden, Jesse Ames Spencer, (Rev.), (Rev.) A. M. and Trin. 1854, S. T. *Charles Spear, (Br.) *I871 D. 1852, Prof. Lat. and *George Templeton Strong, Orient Lang. Burlington (C. L.), Trustee 1853-75, Coll. 1850-51, Prof. Greek Treas. U. S. San. Comm. *1575 Lang. and Lit. Coll. City William R. Travers, (Br.) of N. Y. 1869-. *Henry Hall Ward, (B.), *David Provost Thomas, (C. A. M. aet. 52. *1872 L.) *Francis Marion Ward, A.M. *1847 John Ireland Tucker, (Rev.), 20 S. T. D. 1858. *George Stayley Van Cleef, 1839. (Rev.) John Vanderbilt, Jr., (C. L.), N. Y. Sen., Judge Kings Charles Edward Anthon, A. Co. N. Y. M. 1853, LL.D. Univ. City 1839-1840.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 75 N. Y. 1866, Prof. Hist. and *John Pirnie, Jr., (C. L.), Belle Lettr. N. Y. Free A. M. Acad. 1852, Prof. Coll. *Peter B. Pirnie, A. M. City of N. Y. George Warner Quackenbos, George Christian Anthon, (T.), A. M. (T.), Prof. Greek Univ. N. Edward Sabine Renwick, Y. C. (M.), A. M. John Jacob Astor, Jr.,Trustee James William Walsh (M.)25 1859-69, Col. U. S. Vols. 1861-2 and Bvt. Brig.-Gen. 1866. Allen H. Brown, (Rev.) 1840. *James C. Roosevelt Brown. *1864 John Ebenezer Burrill, Jr., (C. L.), A.M., 1843, Muemb. Charles Bancroft, (Rev.), A. N.Y.S. Constit. Cony. 1867. M., S. T. D. 1861. Frederick Augustus Cairns, muel Bowden, (Rev.), A. M. (Chem.); A.MAl. 1873. ~t(Chem.)r ), A. MI. 187 873., Gerard Smith Boyse. *Arthur Carey, (Rev.), A.M. *864 Charles Blow Bucknor, (C. John Carey, Jr., (Eng.), A.M. L.) A. M. *George James Cornell, (C.L.), Campbell. A.M., Memb. N.Y. Assmony Post Campbell. A.M., Memb. N.Y. Assemb. *James Farley Clark, (C.L.), Henry Drisler, Jr., A. M., A. M. LL.D. 1864, Tutor 1843-4.5, *Edward Nicoll Crosby. *1865 Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat. William Forrest, Jr., (Rev.), Lang. 1845-57, Prof. Lat. A. M. Lang. and Lit. 1857-67, James George Graham, (C. Acting President 1867, L.), A. M., N. Y. Assemb. Jay-Prof. Greek Lang. and Ogden Hoffman, Jr., (C. L.), Lit. 1867-. LL. B. Harv. 1842, Judge Richard Stockton Emmet, (C. U. S. Dist. Ct. California. L.) *Lydig Monson Hoyt. James Walker Fowler,(C.L.), fredet. 48. 1868 ~~A. M. ~~~Alfred George Jones, (C. GanseA. M. A. L.), A. M., LL. B. Harv. Harvey D. Ganse, (Rev.), A. 142. et. 4. *16 M. 1844, S.T.D. elsewhere. Roert Lnox Kennedy, A. Nathaniel Blossom Hoxie, M. (C. L.), A. M. Edward Henry Lawrance, Frederick Hughson, (C. L.) (F.) Charles Ingersoll, (C.L.), LL. Benjamin Chase Leveridge, B. Harv. 1841. (C. L.), A. M. 1844. Daniel DeForest Lord, (C.L.), Levi Arnold Lockwood, (C. Trustee Med. Dep. 1860-. L.), A. M. Joseph Rich Mann, (Rev.), Dwight Edwards Lyman, A. M. 1844, S.T.D. N. Jers. (Rev.) 1862. John Mitchell Mason, (C.L.), Edwin Augustus Nicholls, A. M. (Rev.) Thomas C. Meyer, (Eng.) 76 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1840-1842. Alonzo Castle Monson, (C.L.), Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, A.M., A.M., Judge Sup. Ct. Cali- M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. fornia. N. Y. 1845, L.L D. 1873, Obadiah Newcomb, Jr. Prof. Chem. and Phys. Free William Nicoll. Acad. N. Y. 1848-63, Prof. George W. Pell, A. M. 1852. Chem. Harv. 1863-, Memb. Jotham Post, M. D. Coll. U. S. San. Com., Memb. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1845. Nat. Acad. Science. Ellis Potter, Jr., (C. L.) Thomas Strong Griffing, Worthington Romaine, (C. Lieut. U. S. V. 1846-8. L.), A. M. Jacob Boerum Jewett, (C.L.) William Colford Schermer- *William Kemble, Jr., A.M. *1845 horn, (C.L.),A.M., Trustee *James Hall Mason Knox, 1860-. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. *Peter Shapter, Jr., A. M. 1861. Peter Remsen Strong, (C.L.), Joseph Effingham Lawrence, A. M. (Ed.) Owen Sweeny, A. M., M. D. *Robert Le Roy, Jr., (Br.), Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. Capt. U. S. V. aet. 41. *1865 1845. John IHodgson Mortimer, Van Brunt Wyckoff, A. M. (M.) 1844, M.D. Coll. Phys. and *Israel Moses, A. M., M. D. Surg. N. Y. 1845. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Joseph Webb Winans, (C.L.) 1845. *1871 A. M. 32 Edward Delavan Nelson, (M.), A.M. ~18410 1.John Harris Parish, (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1844. William Lewis Peck, (Rev.), *Daniel Henry Beadel. A. M. 1857. *Edward Lewis Chichester, John Rankin, Jr., (C. L.) M. D. elsewhere. Jones Rogers. John Hicks Clark. George Metcalfe Root,(Eng.), George Washington Collord, A. M. (T.), A. M. Robert G. Simpson, (C. L.) *Frederick Cunningham, (C. Augustus Lyons Smith, (F.) L.) William Lyons Smith, (F.) *Richard Varick De Peyster, John Joseph Townsend, (C. (B.) aet. 64. *1874 L.),A. M. Thomas Bloodgood Dibblee, *Robert Dorlon Van Voorhis. (C. L.), A. M. 31 Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Univ. N.Y. C. 1865, Chaplain 1842. 1857-. WilliamWardDuffield, (Eng.) James Emott, Jr., (C. L.), Hector Craig Ames, Attache Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. U. S. Leg. Madrid. *Herman Ten Eyck Foster, *William Gould Banks, (C. (F.) aet. 47. *1869 L.), A. M. 1842-1844.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 77 *Abraham Smith Brouwer, 1843 (C. L.) Benjamin Franklin Clark, (F.) *Benjamin Nibbs Aymar, (M.) William Henry Ebbets, (C. SamuelP. Bell, (C. L.) L.).*Thomas C. T. Buckley, (C. Frederick Frye, (C. L.), A. L.), A. M. *1873 M. *William Edgar Bunker, (M.) ~William Henry Harison, Jr., aet. 52 *1874 (Rev.), A. M.31 *John White Dana, M. D. Abram Stevens Hewitt, (M.), Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. A. M., Secy. and Direct. 1846. Cooper Union, N. Y. C., U.ncan, S. Commr. to Univ. Exposi- (Rev.), A. M., S. T.D. 1857. *1864 tion, Paris, 1867, Repr. in Benjamin H. Franklin, (M.) Congr. 1.875-. *Albert Gallatin, Jr., (C. L.), A. M. aet. 35 *1859 Julius Sleight Hitchcock, (M.) James atson Gerar, Jr.,1859 TRobert Jnffry, Jr., (M.)'(C. L.), A. M., N.GY. Sen. William Seymour Kernochan, *William Beach Lawrence, (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1844. Jr., (C. L.), A. M. 1845. *1870 *Richard Montgomery Law- Edward Zechariah Lewis, rene, Jr., (M.) Livingston KBip Miller, (C. L.), William McCune, (F.) A. M. 1846. Henry Post McGowan, (C.L.) Clement Moore, (C. L.), A. M. *Robert K. Moffet. *George Lucas Newton, (C. William R. Morgan, (B.) L.), A. M. John Christian Philip, M. D. Robert Morrison Olyphant, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. (M.). 1847. Wheelock Hendee Parmly, George Payn Quackenbos, (Rev.), A. M. (T.), A. M., LL. D. Wesl. William J. Paulding. Univ. Conn. 1868. James Hunter Phiinney. Charles Reynolds, (Rev.), A. Edward Elmer Potter, Brig - M., S. T. D. elsewhere. Gen. U. S. Vols. John Henry Ross, M. D. Coll. *Zebedee Ring, Jr., (C. L.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. Oliver Everett Roberts, (M.), Matson Meier Smith, (Rev.), A. M. A. M., S. T. D. 1863. Washington Rodman, (Rev.) John B. Stevens, (C. L.) *Silas WVeir Roosevelt, (C. *John ThomsonM. D. Coll. L.) ~ aet. 47. *1870 Phys. and Surg. N. Y.1847. David Reid Stanford, (M.) dee. 31. *1871 John Baker Stevens, (C. L.) Cornelius Van Vorst, Jr., *William Pinckney Stewart, (C. L.) 23 (C. L.), A. M. 1848. *1870 1844. *John Sym. *1845 Elisha William Teakle. Clement W. Al Burtis, (F.) David Thomson, Jr., (M.), *John Babcock Arden, M. D. A. M. Coll. Phys and Surg. N. Y. 30 1848. *1851 78 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1844-1846. Robert Bayard Campbell, George A. Jones, (C. L.) (C. L.) Samuel Thomas Jones, (C. Jacob Post Giraud Foster,(C. L.), Just. Sup. Ct. N. Y. L.) John Wheeler Leavitt, Jr. Samuel Hollingsworth,(Rev.), Alexander McCue, (C. L.) A. M., S. T. D. 1868. Charles Armand Minton. *Nicholas Bergasse Labau, *Samuel B. Romaine Nichols. (C. L.), N. Y. Sen. 1867- *David B. Ogden, Jr. *1865 69, N. Y. Assemb. 1869-71. Henry Onderdonk, Prof. aet. 53. *1874 Chem. St. Timothy's Hall, Charles William Lawrence. Md. Edward McGee, (Rev.) William Bowne Minturn, M.D. *Lefroy Ravenhill,A.M. 1849, Coll. Phys and Surg. N. Y. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1848. ys an urg. N. Y. 1849, Librarian 1847William Taylor Moore.n B. Reide 26. 1851 *Peter Martin Pirnie. Aaron B. Reid, (M.) Edward HenrySwan, (C.L.), Stephen K. Stanton. LL. B. Harv. 1847. *John A. Taggard. *1865 Otto William Erasmus Van Frederick Samuel Tallmadge, Tuyl, M. D. Coll. Phys. and (C. L.), A. M. 1849. Surg. N. Y. 1847. Pierre Marston Van Wyck. *CharlesWhipple Whiley, M. Henry P. Wainwright. 1845 D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848. *1874 14 1846. 81 ~45. R. S. Carden Abbott, A. M. *1854. 1 845. *G. Mortimer Belden, (F.), A. M. 1850. *1873. *John Knickerbocker Adams. Beverley Robinson Betts, James Anderson. (Rev.), A. M., Librarian *Francis S. Cottenet. *1848 1865-. John Drake, (C. L.), A. M. Edward C. Bogert, (M.) 1851. *Henry A. Bogert, (C. L.), A. George Barnard Draper, M. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Arthur Bronson, Jr. 1868. Elias G. Brown, (C. L.), A. *George T. Elliot, Jr., A. M. M. 1849, M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. William J. Frost, (Rev.), A. 1861, Prof. Obstet. Diseases M., S. T. D. elsewhere. Wom. and Childr. Bellev. William B. Harison, (C. L.) Med. Coll. N. Y. C. aet.44. *1871 Charles B. Hoffman, (B.) John James Elmendorf, *William H. Hudson. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1866, *John G. IHyer, (C. L.) *1868. Instr. in Maths. 1848, Prof. *William M. Johnston, (M.) Phil. and Belles-Lettres Ra- John Grenville Kane, (C. L.), cine Coll. 1868. A. M. William Alexander Falls,(B.) Edwin M. Kellogg, M.D. elseGeorge Irving. where. 1846-1848.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 79 John L. Lefferts, IC. L.) Isaac Lawrence, (C. L.), A, Jeremiah Loder, C. L.), A. M. M., LL. B. Yale 1848. William Simmons Ludlum, Charles Scott McKnight. (Rev.), A. M., M. D. 1862. William Augustus McVickar, John James McLaren, (B.) (Rev.), A. M. 1850, S. T. Clarence Green Mitchell, (C. D. 1870, Lect. on Ev. of L.), A. M. Religion. *Timothy G. Mitchell, A. M., *Frederick Nash, A.M., M.D. Prof. Burl. Coll. N. Jers. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1849-57. *1857. 1850. 18t. 34. *1861. John Moneypenny, Jr., M. D WilliamWhittingham Olssen, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. (Rev.), A. M. 1850, S. T. D. 1850, Surg. 123d N. Y. S. 18'76, Prof. Greek and Vols. Heb. Langs St. Stephen's John Wells Moore, (Rev.), Coll. N. Y. 1871-. A. M. 1860. Edward M. Peck, (Rev.), A. John Neilson, (M.) M. and Trinity Coll. 1852. *Benjamin Augustus OnderJames Thompson, (C. L.), A. donk. M. Frederic W. Rhinelander, Alexander G. Tyng. (M.) 24 Joseph Kanick Riggs, (B.) James Francis Ruggles, (C. 1847. Archibald M. Stone, (Rev.) Israel Leander Townsend, *Cornelius Duffle Blake, (C. (Rev.), A. M. and Trin. L.), A. M. Coll. John H. Bolton, (M.) *Robert Travis, Jr., (Rev.), Henry Pearsall Campbell, A. M. *1866. (M.), A. M. - Francis Van Rensselaer, (F.) John Winthrop Chanler, (C. Tompkins Westervelt, (C. L.) L.), A. M. 1873, N. Y. 28 Assemb. 1858-9, Repr. in Congr. William Samuel Coffey, (Rev.), 1848. A.M. Wilhelmus Bogart Conger, (M.) Theodorus Bailey Bronson, Carroll Dunham, M. D. Coll. (C. L.), A. M. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Horace W. Carpenter, (C. L.) 1850. Ralph L. Cook, (M.) John Whetten Ehninger, Lyman Denison Demaray, (Art.) (M.) Robert Holden, (Rev.), A.M., Richard Mead De Mille, (C. Prof. Burlington Coll. N. L.), A. M. Jers. 1849-51. Morgan Dix, (Rev.), A. M,. *Arthur M. Jones. *1850. S. T. D. 1862, Rector Trin*John Stearns Lane. (M.), A. ity Parish N. Y. 1862-, M. Trustee 1862-. 80 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1848-1849. George Clinton Farrar, (M.), Norman Adams Beach, Tutor A. M. Coll. City N. Y. Joseph Wesley Harper, Jr., Charles Hinckley Brown. (Pub.), A. M., Trustee Churchill John Cambreleng, 1873-. (C. L.), Major U. S. V. P. Leslie Irving, (C. L.) *Baldwin Dix, (C. L.) *Henry Whitlock Johnson, George Lloyd Freeman, M.D. (C. L.) *1863. elsewhere. Levi M. Kellogg. Henry DeCosta Hanners. Cornelius Low King, Capt. William AbelHardenbrook, and Bvt.-Maj. and Lt.-Col. (T.) U. S. A. ~~*John Vernon Henry, (MA.), George Morford Klots, (M.) A.ohn ernon Henry, (M.), Edward Leavenworth. H enry Herriman. William Henry Herriman. T h e o d o r e Frelinghuysen Th Lewis, (M.), A. M. Lewis Ashhurst Kemper, John Lockwi ood Jr., (T.) (Rev.), B. D. elsewhere, S. *Lewis Morris, Jr. nTerp..1868, Prof. Bibl. Peter Wilson Ostrander, (C. Interp.NashotaTheol.Sem. ~L.),'~ A. M. P. E. Ch. Wis. William Cruger Pell, (C. L.) *William Morrow Inox,A.M. Columbus B. Rogers, (C. L.) 1855, M. D. Coll. Phys. and *Thomas P. St. John. Surg. N. Y. 1854, Asst. Otis Dwight Swan, (B.), Surg. U. S. V. *1862 LL. B. Harv. 1850. Joseph Larocque, (C. L.) Isaac Van Winkle, (C. L.), David Porter Lord, (M.) (A. M.) Charles A. Magnes, Jr. Benjamin Clark Wetmore, *Ebenezer Bowman Miner, (C. L.) M. D. elsewhere. *1869 *Joseph Moss White, (M.) Daniel Morrelle, (Rev.), (T.), 25 A. M. 1855. Aaron Ogden, (C. L.), A. M. Henry Parish, Jr., (M.) John Prince Pemberton, M. 1849. D. 1864. *George C. Pollen. set. 39. *1867. Cornelius Rea Agnew, M. D. Charles E. Rhinelander. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Saumarez Dobree Routh, (M.) 1852, Memb. U. S. San. John -Frederick Schroeder, Com. 1860-67, Prof. Dis- Jr., (Rev.) eases of the Eye and Ear Ezra Kellogg Sherwood. 1869-, Trustee 1874-. John Shrady, Jr., A. M. 1858, *William EdmondArmitage, M. D. 1861, Surg. U. S. V. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1862-64. 1866, Asst. Bishop P. E. John Drake Skidmore, (C. Ch. Wis. 1867-70, and Bis- L.), A. M. hop 1870-73. *1873 *Prosper Montgomery WetWilliam Astor. more, Jr., (M.) *Edward Courtlandt Babcock, John Jay White, (C. L.) (Rev.) *1857. 32 1850-1851.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 81 1850. 1 851. John Martin Gabriel Aims, *John H. Anthon, (C. L.), A. M.D. elsewhere. M., N. Y. Assemb., Asst. Mathew M. Blunt, Major U. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C., Prof. S. A. Med. Jurisp. N. Y. Coll. George G. Byron, (M.) Med. aet. 42. *1874 Malcolm Campbell, (C. L.) Henry M. Bedford, M. D. Galen Augustus Carter, (Br.) elsewhere. James Starr Clark, (Rev.), StewartH. Brown, (B.) A. M., S. T. D. 1872. Charles Arms Cook, (Br.), Frederic R. Coudert, (C. L.) A. M. John Ferris Delaplaine Cor- *William T. Cornell. nell, (Rev.) John De Rnyter, Jr., (M.) Archibald Falconer Cushman, James De Koven, (Rev.), S. (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1852. T. D. elsewhere, Prest. RaEdwin Wakeman Edwards, cine Coll. WVis., Elected (M.) Bishop P. E. Ch. Ill. Thomas Ludlow Harison, Legh R. Dickinson, (Rev.), (F.) A. M. John Sebastian Bach Hodges, William H. Draper, A. M., SIM. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Racine Coll. Wis. N. Y. 1855, Asst. to Prof. Walter R. T. Jones, (M.) R Surgery, Prof. Diseases of *Adolphe Le Moyne, Jr., (B.) the Skin 1869-. aet.. *1874 Edward S. Hoffman, M. D. Frederick L. Purroy. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Erskine M. Rodman, (Rev.), 1855, Surgeon U. S. V. A. M. Henry B. Johnson. Joseph Sands, (Arch.) Nicholas F. Ludlum, (Rev.) George Franklin Seymour, John G. McNary, (T.) (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. George A. Seaman. Racine Coll. Wis., Elec. William R. Smith. Bishop Ill. P. E. Ch., Prof. a. M *A. Henry Thurston, A. M., Eccles. Hist. -Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. h. N. Y. M. D. elsewhere, Surgeon Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. U. S.V. V.865 Charles Augustus Silliman, 1 (M.), A.M, LL. B. 1860, (M.),A. M, LL B. sso, Charles H. Ward, (B.), A. M.184 Trustee 1876-. John Esten Cooke Smedes, William G. Ward, (B.), Col. (Rev.), A. M. U. S. V. William Hazard Terry. Merritt H. Wellman, (Rev.), He~2 1 - 21 1.,A 82 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1852-1853. 1852 1856, Surg. U. S. V. 186365, Bvt. Lt.-Col. U. S. V. *1867 Richard H. Tucker, (C. L.) 27 *John Bennem, Jr., (Rev.) *1853 R *Charles Ludlow Bogert, (Arch.), A. M. *1874 *James Livingston Brown, M. 1853. D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1856, A. M. 1868. *1874 *Cornelius Van Alen AnderHenry W. Clark, (C. L.), A. son, A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. M. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. *1862 *John Wakefield Francis, Jr., William Irving Clark, (M.) M. D. elsewhere. *1855 George Washington Dean, John W. Harper, (Pub.), A. (Rev.), A. M. 1861, Instr. M. 1854, Prof. Gr. and Lat. George H. Hinton, A. M. Lang. Racine Coll. Wis. *John Augustine Hows, Joseph Smith Dodge,Jr.,A.M., (Art.), A. M. *1874 M. D. Coll. Phys and Surg. Ansel N. Kellog, (Ed.) N. Y. 1856, Instr. 1854, Lea Luquer, (Rev.), A. M. Prof. Dental Coll. N. Y. C. *Archibald Bleecker McDon- *DanielEmbury, Jr., (M.), A. aid, Jr., (Arch.), A. M. *1866 M. aet. 34. *1869 Samuel L. Mitchill, Jr., (M.), *William Emerson, Jr., (C. A. M. L.), A. M., LL. B. Harv. James Morris, (C. L.), LL. B. 1856. *1864 Harv. 1854. William George Farrington, *Charles De Gray Mount, A. (Rev.), A. M.. Secy. TrusM'. *1878 tees Gen. Theol. Sem. P. Washington R. Nichols, (C. E. Ch. 1868-. L.) Isaac J. Greenwood, Jr., Charles O'Dowd. (Chem.), A. M. 1857. John H. Pell, (C. L.), A. M., Albert Ward Hale, (Eng.), U. S. V. A. M. 1862, E. M. 1872. George C. Pennell, (Rev.), Abraham S. Jackson, (C. L.), A.,M. A. M. *Robert Ray, Jr., A. M., M. William Allen Johnson, D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. (Rev.), A. M. 1857. Y. 1856. aet. 28. *1860 John A. Kernochan, (M.) James Renwick Smedberg. *Delancy W. Knevels, (M.), (Eng.), A. M.M. M. et. 38. *187 Richard F. Stevens. *Edward William Laight, Jr., Henry A. Tailer, (C. L.), A. (M.) aet. 33. *1867 M. Thomas McCarty, (C. L.), Eugene Thorn, Capt. U. S. V. A. M. William E. Thorn, (C. L.) William J. Osborne, (C. L.) Eustace Trenor, A. M., M. D. *St. Clair Smith, (C. L.) *1869 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Washington Irving Tibbitts. *1853 1856, Surg. N. Y. S. Vols. *Archibald Somerville Van*John Trenor, Jr., A.M., M.D. Duzer, (C. L.), A. M. et. 36. *1870 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 19 1854-1855.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 83 1854. Cardiner Thompson, (B.) John Condit Trippe,(M.) Marvin R. Vincent, (Rev.), *George Washington Bacon, A. M., S. T. D. Union 1868, (Rev.), (T.), A. M., LL. B. Prof. Lat. Troy Univ. 1862, M. D. 1865. *1874 StewartL. Woodford,(C. L.), Cullen L. Carter, (F.) A.M. 1866 and Yale 1866 H-Ienry M. Congdon, (Arch.) and Trin. 1869, LL.D. Trin. *Charles B. Cromwell, (C.L.) 1870, Trustee Cornell Univ. *Francis A. De Wint, (C. L.), 1870, Asst. Atty. U. S. A. M. 1860. *1866 South. Dist. N. Y. 1861, Elias G. Drake, Jr., (C. L.), Col. and Brev. Brig.-Gen. A. M. UT. S. Vols., Lieut.-Gov. N. Leicester K. Ely, (B.) Y. 1867-9, Prest. N. Y. Carleton Moses Herrick, (C. Electoral Coll. 1872, Repr. L.), A. M., LL.B. 1860. in Congr. 1874. Edward Kirkland, (Br.), U. S. Jeremiah L. Zabriskie, (C.L.) Vol. 29 George C. Kissam, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. John V. Lewis, (Rev.), A. M. Cutler C. McAllister, (C. L.), 1855. A. M. Elias J. Marsh, M. D. Coll. Gunning S. Bedford, Jr., (C. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1858, L.), A.M., LL. B. Harv. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1861-, 1859, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Med. Direct. U. S. V. Y. C., City Judge N. Y. C. *Henry C. Marvin, (C. L.), 1869. A. M. *1865 Edward Cammann, (C. L.), A. James S. Merriam, (C. L.) M. *Charles Edwards Morgan, Benjamin L. Curtis, (M.), A. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. - M. N. Y. 1857. *1867 Charles Da Costa, (C. L.), *Orlando H. Morris, (C. L.), A. M. Col. U. S. Vols. *1864 William Dean, (C. L.), A. M. Henry C. Murphy, Jr.,(C. L.), Lewis L. Delafield, (C. L.), A. M. 1860. A. M. Peter J. Neefus, (F.) *Philip A. Embury, (M.), A. *James Cortlandt Parker, Jr., M. (C. L.), A. M., Lieut. U. S. Edward O. Harmon, (M.) Vols. *1865 James R. Hosmer, (C. L.), Charles S. Pomeroy, (Rev.), Capt. U. S. V. A. M. Walter Knight, M. D. else*George V. Pomeroy, Jr., where. (M.), A. M. *1867 Charles E. Miller, A. M. William J. Sayres, (C. L.), David Burgess Miller, A. M., A. M. 1862. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Reginald Heber Smith, (C.L.), N. Y. 1858. A. M., LL. B. 1866. Gcorge J. Murphy, A. M. Benjamin Strong, (F.) 1860. 84 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1855-1856. George Augustus Ostrander, Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr., A. M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and (M.), A. M. 1861. Surg. N. Y. 1858. George L. Kiigsland, (M.), William A. Perry, (Eng.), A. M. 1861. Leonard William Kip, Jr., George R. Schieffelin, (C. L.), (Rev.), A. M. Oscar Smedberg, (C.L.),A.M. Peter I. Labagh, (C. L.), A. Herbert B. Turner, (C. L.), M. A. M. Thomas Townsend Lawrence, John G. Wendel. (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1862. 19 David B. Lee. I-Iemot F. Lee. *1864 1856. Alexis Emerson McIlvaine, 1856. Joseph Meeks, (C. L.), A. M., William Warren Ayres, (M.), LL. B. HIarv. 1858. A. M. Robert B. Minturn, Jr., (M.) Edwin S. Babcock, (C. L.), Richard C. Moore, Jr. A. M., Lieut.-Col. UI. S. V. Mandeville Mower, A. M. Charles A. Bacon, A. M. 1863, M. D. elsewhere. M. D. elsewhere. JamesG. Osborne, (C. L.), Albert H. Baldwin, (Art.), A. M. G. Wendell Prime, (Rev.) *Eastburn Benjamin, (Rev.), William Jones Seabury, A. M. aet. 38. *1874 (Rev.), A. M. Marshall Spring Bidwell, Jr. William F. Shepard, (C. L.) A. M. 1868. Alexander M. Stanton, (Br.), William Pell Bogert, (F.) A. M. Abbot Brown, (Rev.), A. M. Russel Stebbins, Jr., (M.) 1863. *Thomas Suffern, Jr. *18.5 Henry J. Cammann, (M.), Charles C. Suydam, (Br.), A. M. 1863. A. M., Lt.-Col. U. S. V. Charles N. Clark, (B.), A. M., David G. Thompson, Jr.,(Br.), U. S. V. A. M. 1860. Edward C. Clement, A. M. 1860. John W. Timpson, (C. L.), Whittingham Cox, A.M.1860, Lt. 4th U. S. Inf. William Gracie Ulshoeffer, Robert Livingston Cutting, (C. L.), Capt. U. S. V. / Jr., (Br.), A. M., LL. B. *William T. Van Riper, (C. Harv. 1859. L.), A. M. Maturin L. Delafield, (M.), *John Francis Walton, (C. A. M. L.), A. M. Walter Gregory. James Weeks, (M.) Francis Hendricks, (AM.), A. *Elbert M. Willett, (C. L.), M. 1861. A. M *William R. Hyslop, (C. L.), Howell L. Williams, Jr., A. M., Capt. U. S. V. 45 aet. 31. *1868 (M.) M. 1857-1858.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 85 Daniel S. Tuttle, (Rev.), A.M., S. T. D. 1867, Bishop P. E. Ch. Montana 1867-. William S. Boardman, (Rev.), William B. Winslow, A. M. A.M. 27 *Morgan L. S. Brower, A. M. *1864 Richard S. Dana, A. M. 1858. Henry Eugene Davies, Jr., (C. L.), A. M., Maj.-Gen. U. S. V., Pub. Admin.N. N *Wyllys Pomeroy Baxter, U.S. V., Pub. Admin. N. Y. c. (C. L.), A. M. aet. 33. *1872 Samuel W. Francis, A. M., *Henry Woodward Cooper, ~M. D. elsewhere. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. *1872 Elbridge Thomas Gerry, (C. Stephen B. M. Cornell, A. M. L.), A. M., Memb. N. Y. S. Lewis A Curtis. Constit. Conv. 1867. Daniel Sickles Duvall, (C.L.), LL. B. 1860. George G. Haven, (Br.), A. M. James B. Herrick, A. M. Jacob A. Geissenhainer, (C. Philip W. Holmes, (C. L.), L.), A. M. A. M. -Harmon Hendricks, A. M. Henry L. Jones, (Rev.), A. M. Oliver Phelps Jackson, A. Henry C. Kinney, (Rev.), A. M. William Hamett Martin, A.M., Nicholas Luquer, Jr. M. D. 1861.':Philip Mesier Lydig, Jr., Erskine Mason, A. M., M. D. (C. L.), LL. B. 1861, Major 1860, Asst. Demn. Anat. and Bvt. Lt.-Col. and Col. 1861-66, Dem. Anat. 1866. U. S. V. aet. 31. *1868 *W. Carey Massett, A. M., *D. Ledyard Mallison. Lt.-Col. U. S. V. aet. 23. *1862 James R. Manley, A. M. Mytton Maury, (Rev.), (T.), Charles H. Marshall, Jr., (M.), A. M., S. T. D. Univ. N. A. M. Y. C. 18 76. William J. Marrin, A.M. 1S864. Pierre McCart A *Benjamin Pell. *1862 BPierre McCartv A. M. A. G. Richards. *Henry B. Notit. *1859 Robert K. Richards. Richard T. Packwood, A. M. Heny C. Riley, (Rev.) *Theodore Parkman,(Chem.), James W. Romeyn, A. M. A. M., Ph. D. Univ. G)ttin- Thomas F. Thatcher. gen 1860, U. S. V. aet. 27. *1862 *Gilbert T. Totten, A. M., M. Goold H. Redmond, (Br.) D. 1861, Asst. Surg. N. Y. Charles E. Sears, (C. L.), A.M. V. aet. 33. *1872 James H. Slipper, A. M1. Hubert Van Wagenen. William Renwick Smedberg, *Francis C. Wainwright, A. M., Capt. and Bvt.-Maj. (Rev.), A. M. *1874 and Lt.-Col. U. S. A. John Ward, Jr., LL. B. 1860, Edgar Pinckney Smith, A.M. A. M. -1864, M. D. Univ. N. *James T. Tailer, (M.), A. M. *1876 Y. C. 1864, Capt. U. S. V. William R. Talbot, A. M. 25 86 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1859-1860. 1859. William T. Sabine, (Rev.), A.M. Oscar E. Schmidt, A. M. Edward H. Anderson, (C. L.), Joseph Augustus Slipper, A. M., N. Y. Assemab. 1866. (Pr.), A. M., Col. U. S. V. Richard Smith Bacon, (T.), Thomas F. Trenor, A. M., A. M., LL. B. 1862, M. D. M. D. elsewhere. 1865. Gabriel Mead Tooker, (C. L.), Thomas J. Benjamin, A. M. A. I., LL. B. 1861. John Crosby Brown, (B.), Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, A. i. Jr., (Rev.), A. M., LL. B. Edward F. Browning, (M.), 1862. A. M. William David Walker, Elisha S. Caldwell, (C. L.), (Rev.), A. M. 1863. A. M. Edward N. Whitehouse, A. Frank Pharcellus Church, M., U. S. N. (Ed)rneur Cruger, A. M. Henry Bruen Whitehouse, FGouverne l Cruger, A. M. (M.), A. M., LL. B. elseWilliam Floyd Cushman, where. 33 A. M., M. D. 1862. John William Duer, (C. L.), 1860. LL. B. 1861. Cortlandt De Peyster Field, Robert P. Barry, 1865, Capt. (M.), A. M. U. S. A. John Frederic Gesner, A. MI. *Richard G. Benjamin, A. M. *1864 Irving Grinnell, 1862, A. I. *Clarence Stewart Brown, 1862. (B.), A. M., Major U. S. V. *E. Treadwell Hustace. *~s1859. aet. 3. *1876 E Wi llam Jay, Jr., (C. L.),5 J. Lorillard Canmann, A. M. Willilam J ay, J r., (C. L.), aet. 28. *1868 A. M., LL. B. 1867, Bvt. Howard Clarkson. Lt.-Col. U. S. V. Walter Livingston Clarkson, Charles A. Jackson. Jr., (C. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1863. L.), A. M. Edgar M. Cullen, (C.L.), A.M., James Pierre Lacombe, A. M. Col. U. S. V., Lt. 1st U. S. William Lummis, (B.), A. M. Inf. J. Emory McClintock, (Act.), Charles De Ruyter, (M.), A. A. M., Tutor 1859-60. M., LL. B. 1862, U. S. V. George William Maynard, Eugene Du Bois. A. M. 1868, Prof. Metall. John Haven Emerson, A. M., Polyt. Inst. Troy N. Y. M. b. 1865. 1867. George R. Fearing, (B.), Capt. James Frederic Moore, A. M., and Bvt. Major TU. S. V. M. D. elsewhere. Robert Goelet, Jr., (C. L.), Stephen Whitney Phoenix, A. M., LL. B. 1862. A. M., LL. B. 1863. Joseph Greenleaf, Jr., (Rev.), William Lewis Raymond (C. A. M. L.), A. M., U. S. Consul, Edward L. Greenwood, (C.L.) Leeds, Eng., 1864-68. Laban Gardner Hopkins, (C. *Stephen Richard Reynolds, L.), A. M., LL. B. 1862, A. M., Capt. U. S. V. aet. 26. *184, LL. M. 1864. [1860-1861. GRADUATES IN ARTS. 87 Edmund Abdy Hurry, (C. L.), William Fitzhugh WhiteA. M., ILL. B. 1862, U. S. N. house, (C. L.), A.M., LL. B. *John William Jenks, Lieut. elsewhere. U. S. V. *1861 Pierre Washington Wildey, Edward Renshaw Jones, (Br.) (C. L.), A. M. and Yale Herbert Kettell, A. M. 1865, LL. B. 1863. *Augustus F. King, U. S. V. Egerton L. Winthrop, A. M. 40 aet. 23. *1862 David Lydig, A. M. Samuel Kuypers Lyon, A. M., M. D. 1866. 1861. Thomas H. Messenger, (M.), A. M. James Benkard, Jr., A. M., George Mason Miller, (Br.), Capt. U. S. V. A. M., LL. B. 1862, Capt. William Alexander Boyd, U. S. V. (C. L.), A. M., Lieut. U.S.V. Augustus Newbold Morris, George Herbert Carey,(C.L.), A. M., LL. B. 1864. A. M., LL. B. 1863. Richard Lewis Morris, Jr., A. William Halsted Caswell, M. 1866, Capt. and Bvt.(M.), A. M. Major U. S. A. Henry Dudley, A. M. Robert Dillon Nesmith, A. John Gihon, Jr., (M.), A. M. M., M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. Langdon Greenwood, (C. L.), 1862. A. M. Thomas Ludlow Ogden, (C. Charles Coolidge IHaight, L.), A. M., LL. B. 1862. (Arch.), A. M., Capt. U. S. *Robert Troup Pell, (C. L.), V. A. M., LL. B. 1863, U. S. V. Ecward Haight, Jr., A. M., aet. 27. *1868 Capt. U. S. A. Eugene Hall Pomeroy, (C.L.), William Richards Hillyer, LL. B. 1862; U. S. V. (M.), A. M., Capt. U. S. V. Edward P. Robins. Elisha Horton, Jr., (C. L.), James S. Satterthwaite, A. M. A. M. *John W. Southack, Jr., A.M., Rueben Wing Howes, Jr., M.D. Bellevue Med. Coll.N. (Rev.), A. M. Y. 1865, Asst. Dem. Anat. Walter Bowne Lawrence Bell. Med. Coll. aet. 30. *1869 (Br.), A. M. Abraham Suydam, (Eng.), Albert M/N.lty, Jr., (C..), M. A. M., LL. B. 1864, U. S. V. *Frederick A. Tracy, Lieut. Edward Mitchell, (C. L.), A. Tracy, iut. A. M., LL. B. 1865. U. S. A. aet. 23. *1863 Gratz Nathan, (C. L.), A. M., John Howard Van Amringe, Asst. Corporation Atty. N. A. M., Tutor 1860-63, Adj. Y. C. Prof. Maths. 1863-73, and Frank Alleyne Otis, (C. L.), Prof. 1873-, Lect. Maths. A. M., LL. B. 1864. School of Mines 1864-65, *Richard Cornelius Ray, and Prof. 1865-. Lieut. U. S. V. *1863 George Waddington, (C. L.), *William Alexander Rice, LL, B. 1862. (C. L.), A.M., U. S.V. aet. 24. *1866 88 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 1861-1862.] *Erastus Barnes Rudd, (C.L.), 1862. A. M., LL. B. 1863. aetB. 30. *172 William Henry Russell, Jr., A. M., Capt. U. S. V. Edward Robert Atwill, Thomas Taunton Sabine, A. (Rev.), A. M. M.. M. D. 1864, Asst. Dem. *Francis Babcock, (Br.), A. Anat. 1866-70 and Dem. M. aet. 24. *1866 1870, Adj. Lectr. Anat. 1870 *Robert Erskine Bartow, A. and Adj. Prof. 1871-. M. *1867 *Hdeny Augustus Schermer- ~William HIarbert Benjamin, horn, (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. (F.), A M. 1867. aet. 29. *1869 Henry Carrington Bolton, Thomas Henry Sill, (Rev.),. A. M. where, Asst. in Anal. Chem Sch. of Mines 1872-. George Lansing Taylor, John Thomas Burr. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Robert Bage Canfield, (C. L.) Syracuse Univ. N. Y. 1876. Leslie Chase, (Br.) Henry A. Coit Taylor, (M.), *John Lawrence Churchill, A. M. A. M., Lieut. U. S. A. *1868 John Ayscough Tucker, (M), *Charles Ernest Congdon. A. M., U. S. V. aet. 21. A. M., U. S. Vathaniel Elsworth CornStephen Hague Turnbull, wall, Jr., (T.), (Rev.), A. M. (C. L.), A. M. and Harv. 1868. Joseph Mason Turner, (Rev.), John Halsey Curtis, A. M. A. M. Walter Cutting, (M.), Maj. *William Mansfield VanWag- U. S. V. enen, (Rev.), A.. aet. 24. *1866 Henry Ammi Dows, (Rev.), A..Al 1869. Luis Puertas Walton, A. M., M. D. 18'70. James Gore King Duer; (B.) Peter Forrester, (M.) Isaac Johnson Ward, (C. L.), Peter ForrDulley ller, (M.) A. M. Charles Dudley Fuller, A.M., U. S. V. Samuel Baldwin Ward, A.M., *George Wolfe Gillespie, M. D. Georgetown Med. (Eng.), A. M. aet. 28. *1870 Coll., Asst. Surg. U. S. V., Louis Haight, A. M. Curator Coll. Museum William Augustus Ogden 1868-69, Prof. Anat. Wo- Hegeman, (C. L.), LL. B. man's Med. Coll. N. Y. C. 1864, LL. M. 1865, A. M. 1869-76, Prof. Surgery Al- Burran Hoffman, (C. L.), bany Med. School 1876-. LL. B. 1864, LL. M. 1865, Edward Walter West, (C. L.), A. M. LL. B. Univ. N. Y. C. 1861, Lawrence Yvonnet Hopkins, A. M., Col. U. S. V. A. M., U. S. V. Frlederick Cope Whitehouse, *William Henry Jackson,A.M. aet. 28. *1872 (Rev.), A. M. Charles Sigourney Knox, Albert Beach Whitney, A.M, A. M., Act. Prof. Mor. and M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1863. Int. Phil. 1869-70. 36 William Elliott Laight, (C. L.) 1862-1863.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 89 William Gerard Lathrop, Jr., William Brevoort Bolmer, (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1864, (Rev.), LL. B. 1865, A. M. A. M. 1868. George Anderson LaWrence, Melville Brown, (M.) (M.), A. M. Thomas Tileston Pryce, A.M. *William Henry Martin, (M.) Charles Frederick Clarke, at. 31. *172 A. M., M. D. 1866. *Henry Howard Marvin, U. *Freeman Clarkson; (C. L.), S. Eng. 1862-3. B 186365 A. M. Cornelius Berrian Mitchell, William Peshine Douglass. (M.), A. M., TTU. S. V. Clifford Faitoute Eagle, (Br.), John Fulton Berrian Mitch- M., Lieut. U. S. A. e A. M., Lieut. U. S. A. el, (M.), A.M., Capt. U. George Wilson Ferguson, Charles Walton Ogden, (Rev.), A. M. LL. B 1864A.M William Redwood Fisher, LL B. 1864, A.M. AI., M. D. 1867. *David Burr Olyphant. *1864 A. M., M. D. 1867. *Edward Mensard Pell. *1863 Randall Cook'Iall, (Rev.), *Richard Varick Pell, M. D. A. M., Inst. in Hlebrew Bellevue Med. Coll., A. M. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. aet. 23. *1866 1869-71, and Prof. H-Iebr. *Gerardus Post, (C.L.), LL. B. and Greek 1871-. 1864. aet. 22. -1864 Richard Mentor Henry, (C. Russell Harper Root, (C.L.) L.), A. M. LL B. 1864. Charles Ames Spencer, (T.), Stephen Ferris Holmes,(Rev.), A.M. A.M. Foster Thayer, M.D. Bellevue Henry Augustus Hurlbut, Jr., Med. Coll. N.Y. 1866, A. M. (Br.), A. M. 1866, U. S. N. *Peter Augustus Jay, (Rev.), Charles Rockland Tyng, (M.), A. M. aet. 35. *1867 A. M. Emile Henry Lacombe, (C. *John A. Vanderpoel, (C.L.), L.), LL. B. 1865. LL. B. 1865, A. M. aet.24 *1866 William Scott Leggat, (M/.) *Francis Willis, (M.), A. M. Lewis Henry Lighthipe, aet.. *1870 (Rev.), A. M. William Henry Willis, Jr., Le Grand Lockwoo, Jr., (C. L.), A. M. (Br.) Leroy Milton Yale, M. D. Thomas Morwood McLean, Bellevue'Med. Coill., A. M. Jr. 44 James Allen Macdonald, A. 1863M.,T.,S. V.. ockwood McQuesten, (Rev.), A. M. James Herman Aldrich, (M.), William Matthews Martin, A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. 1865, A. M. Fanning Cobham Tucker Dan. Marvin, Jr., (Rev.), M. Beck. IM., Asst. Prof. Grk. and William Cornell Binns, A. M., Lat. Lang. Racine Coll. Daniel Frederick Boardman,. Vis. 1868. (C. L.), LL. B. 1866. William Anderson Mitchell. 90 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1863-1864. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M. Thomas Baird Browning, (C. D. 1867. L.), LL. B. 1866, A. M. *James Murray, (Rev.), A. M. *1872 Charles Stedman Bull, A. M., Hiram Hunt Nazro, A. M. M. D. 1868. Thomas Aellamy Newby, John Frederick Butterworth, (Rev.), A. M. (Rev.), A. M. George Henry Owen, (C. L.), William Henry Butterworth, A. M. (C.L.), LL.B. 1866, A. M. *James Brinckerhoff Pell. Jonathan Ackerman Coles, aet. 28. *1870 A.M., M. D. 1868. George Decatur Pond. Robert Emmet Robinson, (C. Henry Bedinger Cornwall, L.), LL. B. 1865. (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1869, Philip Justice Sands. Asst. in Mineral. and MeHenry Yates Satterlee, (Rev.) tall. Sch. of Mines 1869-73, Walter Satterlee, (Art.) Prof. Anal. Chem. and William Barnewall Schermer- Mining Princeton Coll. horn. 1873-. Rutherfurd Stuyvesant. Edmund Dewees Davidson, *Charles William Terrett, A. A. M. M. *1872 Theodore Frelinghuysen CorStephen Howard Thayer, Jr., nell Demarest, (C. L.), A. (C. L.), LL. B. 1865, A. M. M., LL. B., 1858, Tutor Robert Schuyler Tucker, A. 1869-70. M. Matthew Brinckerhoff Du Frank Roe Van Buren, A. M. Bois, A. M., M. D. 1868. Frederick Brinsmade Van Duane Shuler Everson, (T.), Kleeck, (Rev.), A. M. A. M., Tutor 1864-68. Egbert Ward. *Henry Floy, LL. B. 1866. Sylvester Ward. aet. 23. 166 Sylvester Ward. esterv*William Newton Goddard, Ellsworth WTesteWvelt. A. oI. aet. 28. *1873 Willard Parker Wooster, Thomas Hays Harmer, (Eng.), A. M., M. D. 1867. A. M. 50 Hiram Lyman Huston, A. M. Frederick Wendell Jackson, 1864. (Br.) Charles Henry Kaufman. Jonas Butler Kissam, (Br.) John Magnus Adams, (Eng.), Joseph Bayley Lawrence, (C. A. M., E. M. 1867. L.), LL. B. 1866, A. M. *David Wylie Alexander, (C. Isidor Mayer. L.), LL. B. 1866, A. M. aet. 30 *1872 Alfred Perry McClellan. William Gardiner Appleton. William Meikleham, 1868, A. Reginald Heber Bartow. M. 1871. Gerard Beekman, (C. L.), A. John Brainard Morgan,(Rev.), M., LL. B. 1867. A. M. John Neilson Beekman, A.M., William Franklin Mott, (C. M. D. 1868. L.), LL.B. 1873. Walston Hill Browne, (Br.), Howard Osterhoudt, (C. L.), A. M. LL. B. 1866, A. M. 1864-1866.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 91 Henry I-Iills Parker, (C. L.), William Neilson McVickar, LL. B. 1866, A. M. (Rev.), A. M., U. S. V. Charles Burroughs Rice, 1865, Randolph Brant Martine, (C. (C.L.), A.M., LL.B. 1867. L.), A. M. Frederick William:Stevens, James Fontaine Maury, A. (C. L.), A. M. M. *Arthur Pemberton Sturges. George Webster Peck, A. M., aet. 24. *1866 T. S. V. Albert Edward Valentine, A. James Lyman Price, A. M., M., M. D. elsewhere. LL. B. 1868 Isidor Walz, (Chem.), Ph. D. Frederick Prime, Jr.,,sst Heidelberg 186'7. in Assaying Sch. of Mines hMarinus VWillett, Jr., (X.) 38 1869-70, Prof. Metall. Lafay. Coll. 1870-, Asst. Geol. 1865. of Penni. 1874-. Arthur Bernard Ross, A. M. Roderick Burt Seymour, A. Henry Beadel, Jr., 1869, (C. M., U. S. V. L.), LL. B. 1870. Lenox Smith, A. M., E. M. Henry Rutgers Beekman, (C. 1868, U. S. V. L.), LL. B. 1867, A. M. *John Edwin Swezey, (C.L.), Edward Stelle Brownson, LL. B. 1867, A. Alv. *1873 (Eng.), A.M., E. M. 1869. Seymour Van Nostrand, A.M. Douglas William Burnham, Abraham Van Santvoord, A. l. (C.L.), LL. B. 1867, A. M. Archibald Murray Campbell, Edward Henry Van Winkle, A. M., M. D. 1873. A. M. Thomas Cooper Campbell, (C. Isaac Van Winkle, (Rev.), L.), A. M., N. Y. Assenrb. A. M. Prof. Maths. and 1875-6. Nat. Phil. St. Stephen's Coll. John Henry Caswell, Asst. Annandale 1869-71. in Mineral. 1870-. William Bogert Walker, Jonathan Odell Fowler, Jr., (Rev.), A. M. A. M. Willard Parker Ward,(Eng.), Charles King Gracie, (Eng.), A. M. 1871. A. M., E. M. 1868. James Lee Wells, A. lM. James Hooker Hamersley, (C. John Visscher Wheeler, A. L.), LL.B. 1867, A. M. M. John Moore Heffernan, (Rev.), Francis FrenckWilson, (T.), A.. U. S.V., A: M. 35 *Julian James, A. M., Lient. U. S. V. aet. 26. *1870 Frederic Rhinelander Jones, (M.), A. M. 1866. George Goelet Kip, (C. L.), LL. B. 1867, A. M. Marshall Pepoon Bell,f(C.L.), William Gilman Low, (C.L.), LL. B. 1868. LL. B. 1867, A. M. Louis Edward Binsse. Henry Richard McElligott, (M.), A. M. t Known subsequently as Marshall Bell. 92 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1866-1867. Thomas Monahan Blossom, John Fritz Wissmann, (M.), (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1869. A. M. 1876. Clarence Brainerd. Graham Youngs. (M.) 32 James Manning Bruce, A. M. *Nathan Robins Carter. *1866 18 6 7 Julien Tappan Davies, (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1868. Augustus Floyd Delafield. Joseph Halsey Anderson, Moses Downs Getty. A. I. Edward'Clark Houghton, James Baker, Jr., (C. L.), A. (Rev.), A. M. M. WVilliam Augustus Hooker, Henry Anthony Waldburg (Eng.), A. M., E. M. 1869. Barclay, (C.L.) Daniel Lord, Jr., (C. L.), Walton Peckham Bell, (C.L.), LL. B. 1868, A. M. LL. B. 1869, A. M. Theodore Holmes McNamee. Samuel Appleton Blatchford, *Edward W~ard Malloy. *1872 (C. L.), A. M. Augustus Chapman Merriam, Jacques Arnold Bernheimer, A. M., Tutor 1869-..A. M. Frank Ames Mullany. Charles Henry Burtis, (C. L.), Edward Holland Nicoll, (C. LL. B. 1869, A. M. L.), LL. B. 1868, A. I. Henry Cohn, (T.),'A. M. Willard Parker, Jr., M. D. Theodore Hedges Conger, 1870. 1870. William Bleecker, Potter, John Alexandler Denniston, (Eng.), E. M. 1869, Prof. Jr., (Rev.), A. M. Mining and Metall. Wash. George Gosman Dewitt, Jr., Univ. Miss. (C. L.), LL. B. 1 S69, A. M. William Edwin Smalley, (C. George Duyckinck, A. M. L.), LL. B. 1868. Edgar Fawcett, (Au.), A. M. George Putnam Smith, (C. Nicholas Fish, (C. L.), LL. B. L.), LL. B. 1868. Harv. 1869, A. M. 1871. Antoine Lentilhon Foster. Stephen Dover Stephens, Jr., Girand Graham. (C.Ln A. M., LL. B. 1iaud Graham. (C.L.), A.ssemb., LL. B. 1868, Clarence Melville Hyde, (C. N * A 1-L.), LL. B. 1869, A. M. Horace Stetson, (C. L.), LL. William Halsey Ingersoll,(C. B. 1869. L.), LL. B. 1869, A. M. Augustus Talbot. George Barent Johnson, A.M. Richmond Talbot. John Alsop King. William Jameson Thomson, *Hobart Lewis. aet. 23. *1870 (Rev.) I-Ienry Demarest Lloyd, A.M. Henry Crosswell Tuttle, (C. James McNamee, (C. L.), L.), LL. B. 1868. A. ]M. Cadwalader Evans Ogden, (C. L.), LL. B. 1869. James Moore Wayne, A. M. Henry Evelyn Pierrepont,Jr., 1871, E. M. elsewhere. A.' M. Henry Augustus Whiting, Hector Craig Fitz Randolph, (Eng.), A.M., E. M. 1869. A. M. 1867-1869.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 93 Julius Sachs, (T.), A. M. 1871. George Lockhart Rives, (C. Henry Schneeberger, A. M. L.), B. A. Trin. Coll. Camb. Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel, Eng. 1872, A. M. 1872, (C. L.), LL. B. 1869, A. M., LL. B. 1873. Trustee 1876-. George Nicholas Sanders, Jr., Rudolph August Witthaus, (C. L.), LL. B. 1870, A. M. Jr., A. M., M. D. Univ. N. Arthur Sloan, (Rev.), A. M. Y. C. 1875, Assoc. Prof. William James Milligan Chem. and Physiol. Univ. Sloane, A. M. N. Y C. 1876-. John Steward, Jr. James Henry Work, (C. L.), James Prescott Swain, Jr., LL. B. 1869, A. M. (M.), A. M. 1 Horace Holden Thayer, (M.) 1868. aStephen Whittingham Wil1868O. liams, A. M. Lucius Kellogg Wilmerding, Isaac Adler. (M.), A. M. John William Schmidt Ar- 27 nold, A. M., M. D. Univ. N. Y. C., Prof. Univ. Med. 1869. Coll. Henry Denison Babcock, Charles Augustus Adams, (M.), A. M. (re.), A.M. William Preston Beck. (Rev.), A.M. James Michael Brady, (C.L.), HalWillard Bartl(F.)ett, (C. L.), LL. B. 1870, A. M. LL. B. Univ. City N. Y. Benjamin Howell Campbell, 1868. (T.),A. M. Evelyn Bartow, (Rev.), A. M. W alter Ewing Colton Robert Lenox Belknap, and Frederic De Peyster Foster, Coll. N. J. 1869, A. M. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1872. Jacob Bininger, A.M. Talmadge Woodward Foster, Thomas Newby Cuthbert, (C. I(Ca. L.),~ A. M. L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. Andrew Jackson Gilhooly, William Bayard Cutting, (C. (C. L.), LL. B. 1870, A. M. L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. Elmslie Morven Gillett, (C. Henry Drisler, Jr., (M.), A.M. L.) A.M. Joseph Bayley Halsey, A. M. William Alexander Duer, (C. Joseph Bayley Halsey,. A.L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. John Archibald Macdonald. L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. EdwJohn Archbald Schermerhorn Mead Hamilton Fish, Jr., (C. L.), Edward Schermerhorn Mead, 182. A. M., LL. R. 1873, N. Y. William Mitchell, Jr., (C.L.), Assemb. 1874, 1876. A. M., LL.William Dudley Foulke, (C. A.M., LL.B. 1871. L' B. 1871 A M. John McLean Nash, (C. L.), L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. LL.nB.c1870 Na. M. William Montague Geer, (C. Duane Livingston PeabodyB. 1870, L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. Duane Livingston Peabody, Edward John Hallock, (C. L.), LL. B. 1870, A. M. Edward John allock, John Duncan Quackenbos, A. (Chem.), A. M., Asst. in JonM., M. D. 1871, TutorA bsrChem. M. -. 1871 Ttor *George Webster Heasly. 94 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1869-1871. William Berrian Hooper, *George Hicks Dibblee. *1873 (Rev.), A. M. William Fanning, Jr., (C.L.), Robert Henry Hunt. aet. 21. *187, LL. B. William Iselin, (M.) Thomas Charles Edward EcHenry Madison Jones, (C. L.), clesine, (C. L.), A. M., LL. LL. B. 1873. B. 1871. Shipley Jones, (Br.), A. M. Charles Meredith Garth. John Henry Livingston, (C. William Erwin Gilhooly, (C. L.), LL. B. 1871. L.), LL. B. 1873. David B. Ogden, (C. L.), LL. Henry Waterman Holden, A. B. 1871. M. *John Oven, (Rev.), A. M. *J875 Arthur Ingraham, A. M. Charles' Augustus Peabody, Edmond Kelly, B. A. St. Jr., (C. L.), LL. B. 1871, A. John's Coll. Camb. Eng. MI., N. Y. Assemb. 1876. 1876. George Plato Pierce. Franklin Butler Lord. Samuel Augustus Purdy, Jr., Seth Low, (M.) (C. L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. John Bartow Montell. William Macnevin Purdy, Robert Stratton Morison, A. (C. L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. M. Horace \ Nelson Seaver, Jr., Isidor Pierce Oberndorfer, A. (T.) M., M. D. 1874. Frank Norsworthy Shepard, Walter Ogden. (C. L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. George Livingston Peabody, John Adams Smedberg. M. D. 1873, A. M. Edward Bayard Smith, Spencer Summerfield Roche, (Rev.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. (Rev.), A. M. *David Stewart, Jr.'1874 David Alvah Rowe, (T.) Henry Cady Sturges, A. M. George Starr Scofield, Jr., (C. Edward Tillou, (C. L.), LL. L.), LL. B. 1872, A. M. B. 1871, A. M. 1874. Edward Francis Weeks, (C. Robert Norsworthy Shepard, L.), LL. B. 1871, A. M. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1876. Thenford Woodhull, (C. L.), Deming Beadle Smith. LL. B. 1871, A. MI. Frank Dodge Sturges, (C.L.), 36 LL. B. 1872, A. M. William Naylor Webbe, 18 70. (Rev.), A. M. Dennistoun Wood, (C. L.), LL.'B. 1872, A. M. Felix Adler, Prof. Cornell 30 Univ. Walden Pell Anderson, (Arch.) 18 Isaac Baker Barrett, A. M. Richard Berrian, A. M. Towson Caldwell, A. M. Robert Barbour, A. M. Lewis Buffett Carll, A. M. Valentine Alexander Blacque. John Cropper, (C. L.), A. M., William Haliburton BridgLL. B. 1872. ham. [1871-1872. GRADUATES IN ARTS. 95 Frederic Bronson, (C. L.), Sidney Gillespie Ashmore, A. LL. B. 1873. M., Tutor in Greek and Clarence Rapelje Conger, (C. Lat. Lehigh Univ. Penn. L.), LL. B., 1873, A. M. 1873-. William Henry Conover. Frederick Augustus Brown, Robert Fulton Cutting, A. M. (B.), A. M. 18'75. Robert Clarence Dorsett, Denning Duer, Jr. (M.),A. M. Moses Henry Epstein. Stuyvesant Fiesh, (B.t A. M. Clarence Cushing Edgerton, Stuyvesant FIish, (B.),. (C, A..M. Frank Goddard Haughwout, (C. L.) LL.B 1874, A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. 1875. Haliburton Fales, (C. L.), Jacob Herrick Henry, (C. L.), LL. B. 1874, A. M. LL. B. 18'73, A. M. Edward Fermor Hall, (Br.), Joseph Hooper, (Rev.), A.M. Francis Hustace, A. M., M. Robert Ray Hamilton, (C.L.), D. 1874. LL. B. 1874, A. M. Richard Busteed Kelly, (C. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., A.M,, L.), LL. B. 1873, A. M. E. M. 1876. Henry Day Loder, (C. L.), William Henry Haldane, (C. LL. B. 1873, A. M. L.), LL. B. 1874, A. M. James Brander Matthews, (C. William Edgar Keyes, (C.L.), L.) LL. B. 1873, A. M. LL. B. 1874, A. M. James Otis Morse, Jr., A. M. Charles Henry Knox, (C. L.), Chester Clark Munroe. LL. B. 1874, A. M. Benjamin Franklin Romaine, John Holme Maghee, A. M., Jr., (C. L.), LL. B,. 1872. C. E. 1876. John Watts Russell, (C. L.), Frederick Panet Marshall, LL. B. 1871, A. M. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1876. William Henry Sage, (C. L.), Edmund McCaffil. LL. B. 1874, A. M. Valentine Mott. Henry Mason Smyth, (Rev.) Ludlow Ogden, (C.-L.), LL.B. Oscar Solomon Straus, (C. 1874, A. M. L.), LL. B. 1873, A. M. Richard Ogden, A. M. Robert Swan, Jr., A. M., M. James Lawrence Onderdonk, D. 1874. -(C. L.), LL. B. 1874, A. M. Obadiah Valentine, A. M. *Augustus Coe Pirsson, (C. Joseph Fenelon Vermilye, (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A.M. aet.24.*1875 L.), A. M., LL. B. 1875. John Krom Rees, A. M., E. iM. Robert Waller, Jr., A. M. 1875, Math. School George Whitefield Ward. of Mines 1873-.'Augustus Ward Whiton. *Ed ward Lazarus Rosenfeld. 1873 aet. 24. *1875 Charles Lancaster Short, George Francis Work, A. M. (Rev.), A. M 31 John Ruggles Strong, (C. L.), A. M., LL. B 1875. 1872-. Edmund Grindle Rawson Trimble, A. M. *Robert Arnold, (C. L.), LL. Arthur Delano Weeks, (C.L.), B. 1875, A M. aet.23. *1,875 LL. B. 1874, A. M. 96 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1872-1875. Robert Henry Wilkinson, 1874. (Rev.), A. M. Henry Duncan Wood, (Br.) Henry Edgar Woodward, Spencer. Aldrich, (C. L.), LL. (C. L.), LL. B. 1874, A. M. B. 1876. 29 Walter Scott Allerton. Charles Ramsey Buckley. George Forrest Butterworth, 18782 (C. L.), LL. B. 1876. Timothy Matlack Cheesman. Robert Clifford Cornell, (C. Jos6 Aymar, A. M. L.), LL. B. 1876. Ira Leo Bamberger, (C. L.), Frank Drisler, (T.) LL. B. 1875. John Hone Foster. Emilio Ysidoro Del Pino, Pierre Pascal Harrower. (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A. M. Selden T. Scranton Henry, Otis Field, 1874, (T.) (C. L.), LL. B. 1876. William Seton Gordon. Frederic William Hinrichs, Frederick Remsen Hutton, (C. L.), LL. B. 1875. A. M., E. M. 1876, C. E. Jay Humphreys. 1876. William Warner Johnson, Percy Hamilton McMahon, (Pub.) (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A. M. George Kennedy. Henry Rutgers Marshall, George Christian Kobbe, (Arch.), A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. 1876. Cassimir DeRham Moore, Albert Jared Loder, (C. L.), (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A. M. LL. B. 1876. Alexander Bethmann Si- Alfred Mayer. monds, (C.L.), LL. B. 1875. Edward Sumner Rapallo, Alonzo Wybrants Smith, (C. L.), LL. B. 1876. (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1876. Sylvanus Albert Reed. Gilbert MacMaster Speir, Jr., Benjamin Aymar Sands, (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. 1876. Louis St. Amant, A. M. Henry Townsend Scudder. Silas Moore Stilwell, Jr., Frank Dunlap Shaw. (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A. M. Frank Storrs, (C. L.), LL. B. Lefferts Strebeigh, (C. L.), 1876. LL. B. 1875, A. M. Thomas Dewitt Thompson. Sutherland Tenney, (C. L ), 24 LL. B. 1875, A. M. David Thomson, (C. L.), LL. 1875. B. 1875, A. M. Daniel Babbit Vermilye, William James Adams. (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A. M. William Babcock. James Montaudevert Water- Thomas Cumming Bach. bury, Jr., (M.), A. M. Homer Kirtland Flanagan Bache McEvers Whitlock, Blake. (C. L.), LL. B. 1875, A. M. Harry Innes Bodley, Jr. George Norman Williamson. John Aaron Browning. 21 William Edward Conroy. 1875-1876.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 97 Henry Churchill De Mille. Wilmot Johnson, Jr. Howard Gallup. Townsend Jones, Jr. Evan Philip George, Jr. Edwin Clark Kent. Alister Greene. Robert Armstrong Livingston. Randolph Hurry. Theodore Frelinghuysen LoWilliam Duncan McKim. zier. Thomas Samuel Ormiston. Benjamin Franklin Mayer. Edward Willard Price. Cornelius Wortendyke MorJohn Henry Purdy. row. Edward Delavan Perry. Frederick Oakes. Samuel Cady Root. Edward Washington Page. George Sherman. Edward Pratt. Edward Lyman Short. Louis Christian Raegener. Chalmers Wood. Egbert Guernsey Rankin. 21 James Armstrong Renwick. 1 8 7 6. ~ Nathaniel Pendleton Schenck. 18 6 7 6Eugene Seligman. George Washington SeligHarold Arrowsmith. man. Richard Theodore Bang. Isaac Newton Seligman. Henry Whitney Bates. Du Bois Smith. David Calman. Irvin Auchincloss Sprague. Herman Drisler. William Cleveland Thayer. Philip Henry Dugro. Montgomery Hunt Throop, Jr. Richard Theodore Ely. Robert Townsend. Aymar Embury. William Edward Verplanck. Jaspar Tillerous Goodwin. William Francis Augustus Gaspar Griswold. Von Sachs. John Edmund Hindon Hyde. Leighton Williams. Louis Oliver Ivey. 37 *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 1769. 1793. *Samuel Kissam. *Samuel Borrowe, Trustee *Robert Tucker. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 2 1820-28. *John Bowne Hicks. *Willett Taylor, Jr. *Joseph Youle. *Benjamin Onderdonk. et. 21..1772 *Michael Sebring. 4 2 1 7 c,-794. 17 7 2. *David G. Abeel. *Peter Irving. *John Augustus Graham, *Henry Mead. A. B. Yale 1768 and A. M. 3 Yale. *Uzal Johnson. 9:"James Muirson. 1 *Richard Udall, Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *William Morey Ross. 1807-11. *Timothy Fletcher Wetmore. *William Winterton. 2 5 1773. 1796. *Alexander Anderson. aet. 95. *1870 Jabez Doty. Winthrop Saltonstall, A. B. Yale 1793. *1802 1774. 2 *Samuel Nicoll, Prof. Pract. of Med. and of Chem. 1792-94. *William Bay. 100 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1802-1860. 1802. 1810. *Joseph Bailey, Trustee Coll. Robert Morrell. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1820 -37. Richard L. Walker. 1860. 1803. Thomas Henry Allen. Birchard Galusha Balch. George Burr Banks. Isaac Foster. Phanet Coe Barker. Samuel Scofield. William Comstock Bennett, 2 A. B. Yale 1858, Surg. 5th Conn. Vols. 1804. John Caruthers Bogardus, Asst. Surg. 102d N. Y. S. Vols. William Barrow. Vols. EzekielOstrander. Samuel White Briggs, Asst. Ezekiel Ostrander. Daniel D. Walters. Surg. U. S. N.,et. 26. *1861 3 Orlo Myron Bump. Charles Carrington. Seth Lyman Chase. 1805. Robert Cooper. *Charles Henry Covell, A. A. *Thomas Cock, Prof. Anat. Surg. U. S. N. aet. 26. *1861 and Physiol. Rutg. Coll. N. Juan Bautista Ponce DeLeon. Jers., V.-Prest. Coll. Phys. Frank Wadsworth Doolittle, and Surg. N. Y. 1827-55 Surg. 5th N. Y. S. Vols. and Prest. 1855-58. 87. *186 Philo Judson Farnsworth, *Benjamin Kissam. aet. 2 1833 M. D. Univ. Verm. 2 William Baldwin Fletcher. Edward Irving Ford, A. B. 1806. elsewhere. Otis Willard Gibson. Walter James Hadden. *Valentine Mott, LL.D. else- Joseph Lawrence Iicks, Surg. where, Prof. Surg. 1811-13, 1st N. Y. S. Vols. Prof. Surg. Coll. Phys. and Courtlavd Hoppin, A.B. elseSurg. N.Y. 1813-26 and in where. Rutg. Med. Coll. N.Y.1826- David Kennedy. 30, Prof. Surg. and Relative Daniel Avery Langworthy. Anat. Univ. N. Y. C. 1830- William Whipple Leavitt, 65, Prest. N.Y. Acad. Med. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. aet. 79. *1865 James Lawrence Little. 1807. Q Orrin Porter McDonald. 1 8 07' t.James Gifford McKee, A. A., Surg. U. S. A. Alire R. Delisle. Thomas Knowlton Marcy. 1860-1861.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 101 Erskine Mason, A. B. 1857, William Badger, A. A. Surg. Asst. Dem. Anat. 1861-66, U. S. A. and Dem. Anat. 1866-70. John Conner Barron, Asst. David Matthews, Surg. 143d Surg. 69th N. Y. S. V. N. Y. S. Vols. *Thomas Barrow. aet. 23. *1861 Barnet Wisner Morse, Asst. John Philip Benkard. Surg. 27th N. Y. S. V. William Alexander Betts. Archibald Finn Mudie, Asst. William Blundell. Surg. U. S. V. Ryckman D. Bogert, Asst. George Andrew Mursick, Surg. 6th N. Y. Art. Asst. Surg. U. S. V. Basil Brown Brashear. William Sheldon Clark Per- Samuel Nelson Brayton, Asst. kins. Surg. U. S. N. Howard Pinckney, A.M. else- Asahel Norton Brockway, where, Surg. U. S. V. A. B. Iamil. Coll. 1857, Oren Day Pomeroy. A. A. Surg. U. S. V. James Henry Pooley, Jr., William McQueen Bryce, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Asst. Surg. 144th N.Y.S.V. Peter Prius Peter~ Prius Edmund Shackelford Carew. John George Ryerson, A. M. George William Carleton, George William Carleton, Celsewhere. MaseSamsoA. B. William's 1858. Charles Mase Samson. Orin Henry Seeds. William Henry Carmalt. Benjamin Avery Segur. Charles Carter, Surg. U.S.A. Elbridge Gilbert Seymour, Matthew Chalmers, A. B. Asst. Surg. 94th N.Y. S. V. Yale 1858 and A.M. Yale, Dwight Delavan Stebbins, Asst. Surg. U. S. N. A. B. elsewhere. John Francis Hamlin ChipGeorge Miller Sternberg,Asst. man. Surg. U. S. A. F. Munson Coan. William Harrison Studley, George Rogers Cutter, Surg. A. M. elsewhere. 127th N. Y. V. George Edwin Summers, A.B. Henry Munson Dean, Asst. N. Jers. 1857, A. M. N. Surg. U. S. V. Jers. Louis George De Alois. Charles James Taggart. Daniel McComb Devendorf. William Faulds Thors. John Abbott Douglass, Jr., Julius Vaughan. A. B. Bovdoin Coll. 1854, Edmund Carlyle Ver Meulen, Surg 11th Mass. V. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Albert litfax. Joel Addington Warren. Albert Fairfax. Joel Addington Waren Benjamin Franklin Fogg. Augustus Purdy Williams, Surg. Ust. S V. W Winfield Scott Fuller, Surg. S78th N. Y. S. V. Franklin Benjamin Galbraith. Josiah H. Goddard. 18 D 61. James Grange. Thomas E. Hamilton. George Badger, A. A. Surg. Jerome Hibbard. U. S. A. Henry W. Hitchcock. 102 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1861-1862. Edgar Holden, A.B. N. Jers. Gilbert T. Totten, A. B. 1858. 1859, Asst. Surg. UT. S. N. Garrett W. Veeder Van John Thomas Kennedy, A.A. Voast, A.B. Union 1857 and Surg. U. S. A. A.M. Union, A. A. Surg. U. Charles John Kipp, Surg. U. S. A. S. V. Maus Rosa Vedder. Thompson Bailey Lewis. Edwin Fletcher Ward. Seth StephenLounsbery, Surg. Robert Watts, Jr., Surg. 133d N. Y. S. V. N. Y. S. V. Henry Munson Lyman, A. B. William Lamont Wheeler, William's 1858, A. A. Surg. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. U. S. A. John Phillips Payson White, Carrington McFarlane, Surg. A. B. elsewhere, Surg. 10th 115th N. Y. S. V. N. Y. S. V. Edward Gardner Marshall, Charles M. Wight, Asst. Asst. Surg. 124th N. Y. Surg. 26th N. Y. S. V. S. V. Benjamin Franklin Wilson. B. Ellis Martin, Asst. Surg. 70 5th N. Y. S. V. William Hammett Martin, 1 C. A. B. 1857 and A.M. 1860. Theodore Millspaugh. Richard H. Moore. George Pierce Andrews. Alfred North, A. B. Brown Cyrus Ebenezer Baker. Univ. 1858. George Page Bassett. James H. Noyes. William Whitfield Bowlby, Andrew T. Pearsall. Surg. 3d N. J. Cav. William B. Pierce. George Marsden Brennan..*Henry Sylvanus Plympton, John Weston Brennan. M. D. Harv. 1860. *183 Sidney Rogers Burnap, Surg. Alfred Edgar Martindale N. Y. S. V. Purdy. Garabed Caloosdian. Charles H. Reynolds. John Ely Carey. Charles Douglas Rigby. Thomas Knowlton Chandler. John Wilson Robie. *Abel Blood Conant, Surg. John Shrady, Jr., A. B. 1849 3d Kent. V., Lect. on and A. M. 1852, Surg. U. Physiol. Univ. Vermont. aet. 28 *1864 S. V. 1862-4. | William Conover, A. B. N. Heber Smith, Asst. Surg. U. Jers. 1859. S. N. *Henry White Cooke. aet. 26. *1863 Normand Smith, A. B. Yale James Russell Cumming, 1858. Asst. Surg. 12th Conn. V. Norman Leslie Snow. William Floyd Cushman, A. Frederick Dennis Sturges, A. B. 1859. A. Surg. U. S. A. i Rem Lefferts Disbrow. Charles Henry Suydam, Asst. Barnard Douglass Eastman. Surg. 27th N. J. V. William Eddy. Norman Leslie Swan, A. B. Henry Marlyn Field, A. B. elsewhere. Harv. 1859. 1862-1863.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 103 Frank Pierce Foster, A. A. Franklin Staples. Surg. U S. A. Thomas Hunt Stilwell. Gustavus Scott Franklin. John L. Swift. William James Gilfillan. Amazias Walter Tryon, Asst. William Henry Harlin. Surg. 1ooth N. Y. V. Solomon E. Hasbrouck. Edwin Morrison Ward, A. B. Jonathan Havens. N. Jers. 1859. Andrew H. Hershey. Richard Halsted Ward, A. B. George Hopkins, A. A. Surg. William's 1858, A.A. Surg. U.S.A. U.S.A. Lewis Slocomb Horton. James H. Wheeler. Numon N. Horton, Surg. 47th Merrit H. Wilson. U. S. Col. Inf. 59 William Malcolm James. John Andrew Jaume. 1 3. Dan Lee Jewett, Asst. Surg. 20th Conn. V. 2William Bruce Almon. Eldridge Monroe Johnson. Wendell Abraham Anderson JToseph Dodson Lomax. | ~Wendell Abraham Anderson, Joseph1Dod Son L Lo. Surg. 3d Maryland Vol. Inf. Ludlm, Alonzo Brayton Ball, A. B. A. B. 1847 and A.M. 1850. Frederick Wentworth Mer- John Ste1ling Bird. cer. Joseph Bird, A. B. N. Jers. William Thomas Nealis, A. 18o B. St. Joseph's Coll. Ohio Lewis Henry Bodmnan. 1858, and A. M. St. Jp- Wesley M. Carpenter. seph's, Surg. 69th N. Y. George Augustus Christie S. V. M. D. Royal Coll. Surg. Edward Monroe Norwood, Edinburgh 1864. Surg. 4th E. Tenn. V. Edward Cowles. *George Herschel Olmsted, Albert E. Croucher. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. *1863 Rezin Pollard Davis. mWilliam Browne Orchard. Walter De Forest Day, A. B. Edmund Morris Pease. T~William's 1859, San. Supt. George Porter. N.. C. William Chardavoyne Pryer. Francis Delafield, A. B. Yale Nathaniel B. Reber. 1860. Jasper Godsvenor Reynolds. Samuel Demarest, Jr. John A. Robinson, Asst. Surg. 38th N. Y. S. V. *George Clinton Dewey, A.B. William's 1860 and A. M. William H. Rockwell, Jr. Will Frank H. Roof. aet. 23. *184 John Elderkin, A.B.Yale 1852 George Schuyler Rugg, Asst. and A. M. Yale, Asst. Surg. Surg. N. Y. S. V., Surg.-in- 10th U. S. Col. Inf. Chief 2d and 3d Brigades George M. Engs, A. B Yale Art. Reserves, Army of the 1860. Potomac. David Osburn Farrand. Henry Thatcher Sears. Jacob T. Field, A. B. elseSamuel Francis Shaw. where. 104 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. r1863-1864. Samuel A. Fitch, A. B. else- Burr Schermerhorn, Asst where, Asst. Surg. N. Y. S. Surg. 108th N. Y. Vols. V. Abner Orimel Shaw, Surg. De Witt C. Fowler. 20th Maine V. Walter Roberts Gillette, A.B. Amos Shaw, Jr., Asst. Surg. Mad. Univ. 1861. 41st N. Y. S. V. Frank West Goodall. Andrew Jackson Smith. Wait Robbins Griswold, A.B. Joseph George Smith. Yale 1844. Thomas Thompson, Asst. Charles Everett Hall, A. B. Surg. N. Y. S. V. N. Jers. 1860. Jacob Francis Tourtelotte. Frank Granger Hasbrouck. Lewis Arnold Tracy. John Cornelius Hasbrouck. Samuel D. Wadsworth, A. B. David Webb Hodgkins, A. A. elsewhere. Surg. U. S. A. De Witt WVebb. Edward Kelly Hogan, Asst. Walter Henry Wentworth. Surg. U. S. V., Bvt. Maj. Lewis Westfall. U. S. V. 1865. Benjamin Wilson. James Hutchinson. Gustavus S. Winston. Woolsey Johnson, A. B. N. *Lockwood DeForest WoodJers. 1860 and A. M. N. ruff, A.'B. Free Acad. N. Jers. 1863. Y. C. *1876 Charles S. Kittredge. 62 William Lee, Lect. on Physical and Micr.Anat. National Med. Coll. Washington, D. 8 64. C. Elias Lester, Med. Director U. S. V. Samson American. Irving Whitall Lyon, M. D. Theophilus H. Andress. Univ.Vt., Dem.Anat. Berk- George W. Baker, A. B. shire Med. Coll. 1862, A. A. Union 1861 and A. M. Surg. U. S. A. Union, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Henry Emmet McCartin. Philip Hale Barton, A. A. Theodore A. McGraw. Surg. U. S. N. David Magie, Jr., A. B. N. William Hunter Birckhead. Jer. 1859. John Bedell Boss. George Van Rensselaer Mer- Richard B. Brown, A. B.Yale rill, Surg. 6th U. S. Col. Inf. 1860, Asst. Surg. U. S. V., Martin Alexander Miller. BvF. Major U. S. V. 1865. Lucius Mills, A. B. elsewhere. George J. Bucknall, A. B. Sherman Morse. elsewhere. *John D. Nicoll, *1863 J. Otis Burt, A. B. Harv. 1858, Wilbur Fisk Nutten. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Patrick Pendergast, Asst. Adolphe Carit. Surg. 107th N. Y. S. V. Francis P. Casey. Charles Leander Pierce. Samuel Fletcher Chapin. Peter Van Schaack Pruyn, A. Albert T. Chapman. B. elsewhere, Asst. Surg. George W. Currier. N. Y. S. V. Thomas A. Cuzner. 1864.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 105 *Henry A. Danker, Asst.Surg. Henry Eagle Ogden, A. B. U. S. N. *1864 Union 1862. Henry A. Darby. Benjamin Maltby Page. Albert Austin Davis. John Prince Pemberton, A. Charles De Cockerille. B. 1849 and A. M. 1852. *Henry J. Devlin. aet.25 *1864 James L. Phillips. Dwight Dudley. Henry G. Piffard, A. B. Univ. George H. Dunbar. N. Y. C. 1862, Prof. Univ. Francis D. Edgerton, M. D. Med. Dept. N. Y. C. elsewhere, A. B. Wesleyan Stephen C. Powell. Univ. 1861. *Alfred Pryor. *1865 Henry Clay Eno, A. B. Yale Charles S. Robert. 1860. Stephen W. Roof. D. Darwin Everett. Allen S. Russell, Surg.-inEdward Farrell. Chief 3d Brig. Hardin's Archelaus G. Field, M. D). Div. 22d Army Corps. Sterling Med. Coll. Ohio I Thomas Taunton Sabine, A. 1854. B. 1861 and A. M. 1863, Luther P. Fitch, A. B. Beloit Adj. Prof. Anat. Coll. and A. M. Beloit, Asst. John P. Schenck, Jr. Surg. 47th U. S. Col. Inf. William F. Scoresby. John H. Furman. George W. Stout. Archibald McI. Gregory, A. Edward Constant Seguin, A. Surg. U. S. N. i Asst. Surg. U. S. V. David L. Laight. Charles E. Simmons. John C.' Holmes. Henry Lyle Smith. John C. Hooper. Montross L. Smith. William Warner Hoppin, Jr., *William R. Stilwell. *1864 A. B. Brown Univ. and A. Freman Stoddard. M. Brown, LL. B. 1869. Edward W. Thompson, Asst. George W. Hosmer. Surg. U. S. A. Edgar G. Janeway, A. B. Rut- William Thurman. gers 1860 and A. M. Rutg. Elbert P. Tibbals. Joseph Edward Janvrin, Asst. John R. Todd. Surg. 15th N. H. Vols. Platon Vallejo. William H. Kinney. Augustus Van Courtlandt. Henry M. Knowles. Frederick D. Vanderhoof, William Baldwin Linsly, A. Asst. Surg. 51st N. Y. Vet. A. Surg. U. S. A. Vols. William A. Lockwood. William P. Warren. William M. McKay. Lathrop P. Weaver. James W. McLane, A. B.Yale George G. Wheelock, A. B. 1861. Harv. 1860. Daniel E. McSweeny, A. B. J. Elias Whitehead, A. B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. Rutgers 1844 and A. M. 1861 and A. M. St. F. X., Rutg. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Thomas Wight. George J. Northrup, Asst. William S. Willis, Surg. 1st Surg. U. S. V. N. J. Cav. 80 George B. Oakes. 106 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1865-1866. 1865 i Edward D. Griffin. Thomas Haigh, A. A. Surg. Andrew Anderson. u. S. A. 1864. Calvin Anderson. William Henry Hoag. Harvey Napoleon Austin. Stephen E. De Witt Hoorn*George Washington Bacon, beck. A. B. 1854, A. M. 1857, David Post Jackson. LL. B. 1862. *1874 John Clarkson Jay, Jr. Richard Smith Bacon, A. B. Parley H. Johnson. 1859, A. M. 1862, LL. B. Edgar K. Kelley. 1862. Daniel W. Kissam. James E. Barbour. James F. Laughlin. George Lewis Beers, A. B. John B. Learned. Yale 1860 and A. M. Yale. John Lawrence Lee. Christopher M. Bell. Thomas W. Lowerree, Jr. Timothy Bigelow. John Gilman McAllaster, Henry Edward Bissett, A. A. A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Surg. U. S. A. John C. Minor. Edward Bleecker. Alfred Mitchell, A. M. elseSylvester S. Bogert. where. Theodore Dwight Bradford, Lawrence 0. Morgan. A. B. elsewhere. Martin Luther Overton. John Boyd Campbell. Joseph Otis Pinneo. Dexter Selwyn Clark, A. B. John A. Purney. Beloit Coll. 1860, Asst. Eli D. Sargent. Surg. 25th Ill. Vols. 1863-4 Peter Laurence Schenck, A. and Surg. 1864. B. elsewhere. Lucian Dean Clark. Tennis Schenck, A. B. elseCharles A. Conover. where. Thomas Vaughn Crandall, A. Octavius Barrell Shreve, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. B elsewhere. Clarence E. De Wolfe. Elijah Herman Smith James A. De Wolfe, A. B. James Welch Smith. Brown Univ. and A.M. D Albert Leroy W. Stephenson. Brown. William George Stevenson. Richard Dey. Alexander Stewart, A. B. Andrew J. Disbrow. elsewhere. Alvan Dodge. Jay Stephen Stone. Frank 0. Earle. David L. Stricklin. Daniel HI. Fairweather. James Buckley Tweedle. Levi Farrow. Nelson S. Westcott. Edwin B. Flagg, A. M. else- Alvord E. Winchell, A. M. where. elsewhere. Horace S. Fuller, A. M. else- Russell Withers. where. George Powell Wright. Charles F. George. 68 John Francis Gignoux, A. M. elsewhere. William Chalk Gouinlock. John R. Greenleaf, Jr. Lewis Applegate. 1866.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 107 David Penfield'Austin. Edwin Hutchinson, A. M. Edward Woodbridge Avery. elsewhere, Ph. B. Yale. James McMillan Ayer, A. B. 1860. elsewhere. James C. Hutchinson. Silas Cook Baldwin. Stephen Hyde. George Miller Beard, A. B. Richard Douglas James. Yale 1862 and A. M. Yale. Joseph Johnson. William Graham Bryson. Henry De Witt Joy. Lafayette Bugbee. Robert P. Jump, and elseGeorge Owen Burgess. where. George Cary. Samuel Lisle Kennedy. Charles Frederick Clarke, A. James Suydam Knox, A. M. B. 1863 and A. M. 1866. elsewhere. Thomas Edwards Clark. Mortimer Lampson. John Wordsworth Clemesha. Archibald Lawson. William S. Combs, A.M. else- Charles E. Lee. where. Thomas Le Guen.' William Augustine Conway. Algernon Sidney Leonard. Adam C. Corson. Walter Lindsay. David Magie Cory. Samuel Kuypers Lyon, A..B John Cowan 1860, A. M. 1863. Patrick W. Cremin. William Henry McKelvie. Benjamin Frederick Dawson. Edward Macomb, A. M. elseLaban Dennis. where. John J. De Motte. Isaac Newton Mead. Marcus Dodd. John Calvin Mead. John William Dooley. George Le Roy Menzie. Henry Dusenbury. Hubbard Winslow Mitchell. Edward Smith Eveleth. William Morton. James Anderson Exton. John Moore. Daniel McLean Forman. George Washington NewAddison Howard Foster. comb. David R. Francis. Henry D. Nicoll, A. B. elseEdward Frothingham. where. John Pool Garrish, Jr. Joseph O'Dwyer. Ralph Schuyler Goodwin. John Wright Ostrander. Jay Levins Greene. Edwin Phillips. James Romeyn Gregory. Charles Talbot Poore. George Wheelock Grover. Francisco Repetto. Orrin Franklin Harris. William G. Ridout. Samuel Harris. Charles Roth. George Elias Hawes, A. B. Samuel Fowler Rouse. elsewhere. Dayton Wykoff Searle. Tecumseh K. Holmes. Thomas Skelding. Edward R. Hun, A. B. else- David Augustine Smith. where. Samuel St. John Smith. Joseph Slater Hunt. Whitmer Snively. James B. Hunter. Richmond Joseph Southworth. Edward Carroll Huse. Richard Henry Stone. 108 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1866-1867. Joseph Stubbs. John O'Fallon Delany. James Madison Study. Laban Dennis. Ralph Partridge Thatcher. Charles M. Des Brisay. Walter Ure. Stephen M. Disbrow. James D. Van Der Veer. Francis Du Bois, Jr., A. B. Henry Clay Van Gieson. elsewhere. Cornelius Van Riper. Morton W. Easton, A. B. Frederick Judd Van Wagner. Yale 1863. Henry Freeman Walker,A.M. Jonathan Edwards, Jr., A. B. elsewhere. Yale 1863. Charles Washburn. Frederick W. Elberg, A. M. Peter Wheeler. elsewhere. Samuel Whitall. Henry Simmons White, LL. William S. ly, A. B. elseB. 1870. whee. James Wright Wilson. Bache McEvers Emmet. Joseph Sands Winston. Charles W. Ferguson. Augustus Wohlfarth. David F. Fetter. Alfred H. Woodill. James N. Fitch, A. B. elseJoel Williston Wright. where. Gerardus Willis Wynkoop. Edward T. Fuller. George Ludlow Yost. Burns Gilman. Charles Young, A. M. else- Zeeb Gilman, Jr. where. Frederick Gilnack. William Henry Young. Harry Gove. 107 Henry Gray. 1i Q ~ 7e Emile Gruening. 186O D ~. Martin Hagan. John D. Hall, A. B. elseThomas R. Almon. where. Theodore F. Alverson. Henry E. Handerson, A. M. John W. Baldwin. elsewhere. Oglevie D. Ball. Daniel De W. Harrington. Frederick S. Barclay. Audley Haslett, A. lM~. elseWillis J. Beach. where. Herbert C. Belden. Henry Henderson, A. M. elseCharles M. Billings, A. M. where. elsewhere. Edward J. Hogan. James A. Blanchard. George F. Hollick. Francis V. Brush. Charles H. Horton. Albert H. Buck, A. B. Yale Erasmus Darwin Hudson, Jr., 1864. A. B. elsewhere. Charles C. Buckley. Stephen J. Hutchinson. Charles A. Carle. Thomas L. Janeway, A. M. Frank Carter. elsewhere. Philo W. Clark. Samuel Johnson. James D. Clyde. Henry I. Jordan, A. B. elseJames E. Cooper. where..Frederick S. Creelman. John J. Keator. Samuel Decker. John J. Ketchum. 1867-1868.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 109 William A. Kissam. William A. M. Wainwright, Eustis F. Langdon, A. B. A. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Eli Warner. William M. Lyttleton. George Wells, Jr. William C. McFarland. John Winslow, and Bellevue Theodore Dwight Martin. Med. Coll. N. Y. C. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, A. Silas O. Witherbee. B. 1863. WVillard Parker Worster, A. David H. Muir. B. 1863, A. M. 1866. George W. Murdock. 95 John H. Murfee. Henry E. Owen, A. B. Yale 1868. 1864. William H. Palmer, A. B. elsewhere. Frederick Mixer Aitken. James F. Peyton. Philip Edward Arcularius, Edward R. Post, A. M. else- A. M. elsewhere. where. William Augustus Avery. John Neilson Beekman, A. B. William H. B. Pratt, A. B. 1864, A. M. 1867. Yale 1864. Joseph Ritner Benjamin, A. Albert R. Randol. M. elsewhere. Ira Remsen. John Ferguson Black, A. B. Nathan S. Roberts. elsewhere. George W. Robinson, A. M. Thomas Sheldon Bond, A. M. elsewhere. and M. D. elsewhere. John W. Robinson. Calvin F. Bonney. Charles F. Rodenstein, A. M. George Henry Bosley, and elsewhere. elsewhere. Albert S. Rogers. Benjamin Mills Briggs, M. S. Eugene B. Sanborn. elsewhere. Charles R. Sanderson, and Charles StAdman Bull, A. B. Cleveland Med. Coll. 1864, A. M. 1867. John Anthon Callender. Thomas Edward SatterThomas Edward Satter- William Jessup Chandler. thwaite, UYale 1864. Henry Waldburg Coleman. Thomas Sidney Scales, A. B. Jonathan Ackerman Coles, elsewhere. A. B. 1864, A. M. 1867. Warren Schoonover, A. B. William Albert Corwin. elsewhere. Samuel Pierce Craig. Alonzo De Loos Smith. Charles Culver. Josiah P. Sugg. Byron Cummings. Thomas Terrill, Jr. Henry Nehemiah Dodge. Henry C. Turner. Matthew Brinckerhoff Du James Vanderpool, A. B. else- Bois, A. B. 1864, A. M. where. 1867. Nicholas Berdan Von Houten. John Luther Duryee, A. M. James Van Derveer Van elsewhere. Nest. Henry O. Ely, A. B. elseRichard C. Van Wyck. where. 110 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1868. David Combs English. John Abner Mead, A. M. George Emory Foster, A. M. elsewhere. elsewhere. Morris Henry Miesse. Edward Frankel. Henry James Miller. Gustav Frauenstein. John Nolan. Samuel Horace Frazer. Aggeus Outerbridge. Charles D. T. Gibson, A. B. Aggeus Outerbridge. eCharles Dew. T.GibsonA.B. Julius L. Parke, A. M. elseelsewhere. Theodore Giddings.where. James Glynn Gregory, A. B. Charles B. Parkhurst. elsewhere. Howard Whited Phillips. William Edward Griffiths. James Oakley Pingry. Albert E. Ham, A. B. else- John Joseph Prendergast, where. A. M. elsewhere. Frederick Fanning Harral, Monroe T. Pultz. A. M. elsewhere. Robert Morgan Rea. George Fuller Hawley. Philippe Ricord. Frederick Porteous Henry. Frank Warren Rockwell, A. Neil Jamieson Hepburn, A. B. elsewhere. M. elsewhere. Charles S. Rodman. Joseph Bassette. Holland, A. William Chambers Rogers. M. elsewhere. William H-. Ross, Jr. Charles Taylor Jewett. Wallace Edgar Sabin. Morton Jerome Sands. Herschel Vespasian Johnson, Edward William Schauffler. Jr. Jr. Walter Keeler Scofield. Adoniram Brown Judson, A. John Sharp, A. B. elsewhere. M. and.M. D, elsewhere. Charles Stuart Sheldon, A. M. John Marshall Kellogg. and M. D. elsewhere. Warren Kemble. Thomas HI. Kenan. George Henry Sherman. Frederick Kidder. Daniel MacMartin Stimson, Edwin A. Kilbourne. A.M. elsewhere. Charles Laight. Stephen Van Wickle Stout. A. J. Lanterman., Henry Tunstall Strong, A. B. Charles Henry Leonard, A.B. elsewhere. Benjamin Ralph Swan. elsewhere. Robert William Taylor. Charles Edward Lockwood, Charles Henry Thompson. A. B. elsewhere. Samuel William Torrey, A. James E. M. Lordly. B. elsewhere. John Tarleton Luck. Roger Sherman Tracy. Robert Louis Lusby. Thomas Hall Tripler. David Valentine Lynch. John Bennett Tyler,'A. B. Frederick Dey Marshall. elsewhere. Frederick D. R. Marshall. Jerome Walker. James Joseph McCarty. Leslie Dodd Ward. Daniel McEwan, Jr. John William Warth, Jr., A. Robert James McGay. M. elsewhere. John Hector McKay. Francis Henry Weismann. 1868-1869.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 111 Frank Wilmarth, A. M. else- Alonzo Freeman. where. Charles Lindol French. T h e o d o re Frelinghuysen Omer Tousey Gillett, A. B. Wolfe. elsewhere. John Frank Young. / William Joseph Haine. 101 George Adelbert Hathaway. Russel Thayer Hayes, and 18 6 9. elsewhere. George Benedict Hickok, A. M. elsewhere. Amos Wilson Abbott. Amos Wilson Abbott. Augustus Villery Hill, A. B. George Henry Aiken. elsewhere. Clinton Atkinson. Charles Howell Bailey, and *1Urban Gillespie Hitchcock, Charles Howell Bailey, and A. B. elsewhere. A. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. George Henry Balleray. William Mulligan Hodges. George Wilson Bell. Charles Barnes Huffman. Henry M. Bishop. John Hurdsfield. James Augustus Blake, A. B. Andrew Jackson Jessup. and M. D. elsewhere. John Henry Korff. Hector Seager Bowen. Isadore Perrin Latour, A. B. Edward Bennett Bronson, A. elsewhere. B. elsewhere. John Howard Lever. Lawton Stickney Brooks. Newton Adams Lindley. Lucius Duncan Bulkley, A. James Cook Linsly, A. M. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Richard Winthrop Bull. Justin Martin. Edward Worthington Bur- Forster Jonas Maynard. nett. Joseph Williams McCall, and Craft Coast Carroll. elsewhere. William Hanford Cartter, a~John Camelsewhere. John McDougall. Charles Hoag Case. John cur. Curtis Chapmane. Thomas Joseph McLoughlin. aurtms FrancisChapman. Malcolm McLean. James Francis Chapman. Sherman Hartwcell Chapman, Henry McManus, A. M. elseA. B. elsewhere. Nelson HIenry Clafin. Augustus Aloysius Moloney. John Ralph Coffman, and Jesse Lee Morrill. elsewhere. Eugene Bernard Murtha, A. elsewhere. ~ ~~M. elsewhere. Gustavus Pierrepont Davis, M. elsewhere. A. B. elsewhere. James Robert Nelson. Ashel Griswold Nettleton. Francis E. Doughty, and Stephen Pierson. elsewhere. John Edwards. Thomas Jefferson Pitner, B. Nathaniel Bright Emerson, S. elsewhere. A. M. elsewhere. William Mecklenburgh Polk. Julius Fehr. Joseph Henry Raymond, A. Ira William Fletcher. B. elsewhere. Seth Burnham Foster. John Joseph Reid. 112 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1869-1870. Benjamin Clapp Riggs, A. B. William Brand. elsewhere. Eugene W. Brooks. Orville Forrest Rogers. James Y. Bryce. Leavitt Sanderson. Harvey S. Calderwood. William Darwin Schuyler. Stewart Church. Jefferson Scoonover. Staats V. D. Clark. Xenophon Christmas Scott, Leartus Connor, A. M. elseA. M. and M. D. elsewhere. where. Alexander Grant Sinclair. Frederic C.' -Curtis, A. M. Charles Elihu Slocum. elsewhere. Horatio Nelson Spencer, Jr. John G. Curtis, A. M. elseA. B. elsewhere. where. Louis D. Sproat. Nathaniel Pendleton DanRalph Edward Starkweather, dridge, A. B. Kenyon Coll. A. M. elsewhere. Ohio 1866. Charles Sackett Starr, A. B. Henry C. Day. elsewhere. William J. Duffield. Darwin Adelbert'Stewart. Herbert M. Eddy, A. M. and Charles Stokes, Jr. M. D. elsewhere. Louis Stoskopf, A. M. else- Charles Enfield. where. Edwin Evans. Erastus Perry Swasey. James D. Featherstonhaugh, David Thompson. Jr., A. B. elsewhere. Charles Alonzo Todd. Charles O. Files, A. B. elseWilliam Sheridan Todd, A. where. M. elsewhere. Charles A. Foster. Edward Torrey. Bernhard Grunhut, A. B. elseThomas Trenaman. where. William Henry Vail, A. M. George M. Haines. elsewhere. William E. Hall. John Van Harlengen. Allan McLane Hamilton. George Wackerhagen. D. Brainerd Hunt, A. M. elseCharles Edwards Willard. where. William Bull Wright. Walter Judson, A. M. elseSamuel Monell Zabriskie. where. 92 Eugene Kingman. 18 70. Hugh S. Kinmonth. George M. Lefferts, A. M. J. Freeman Atwood. elsewhere. Daniel S. Ayers, Jr. Albert H. Little. Lewis Balch. Samuel O. Loughridge, and Arthur A. Barrows, A. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. William Markham. John A. Bevan. George Martin. John M. Bigelow, A. M. else- Frederic R. Marvin. where. Robert Mason. Eugene P. Boise, A. B. and Charles McBurney, Jr., A. M M. D. elsewhere. elsewhere. George P. Bradley. John V. Morgan. 1870-1871.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 113 Samuel H. Morris. Herbert Cutler Bullard, A. Albert J. Murdock. M. elsewhere. Willard Parker, Jr., A. B. Archibald Campbell. 1866. Charles Walter Chamberlain, Henry,T. Pierce, A. B. else- A. B. elsewhere. where. Edward Baron Chandler. Milton G. Planck, A. B. else- Clement Cleveland, A. M. where. elsewhere. Frederic Powers. Henry Cochran. Robert Prentiss. Fetterman Wine Conn. Robert A. Quin. Joseph Felix Corrigan, A. M. William H. T. Reynolds,A.M. elsewhere. elsewhere. Henry M. Cox, A. B. elseJoseph S. Ripley. where. Francis E. Ross, and else- Horatio Nelson Crane, and where. M. D. elsewhere. John D. Rushmore. Ernest Watson Cushing, A. Francis F. Sanders, A. B. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Bennett Franklin Davenport, Francis A. Stanley. A. M. elsewhere. Samuel B. St. John, A. M. James Henry Davenport, A. elsewhere. B. elsewhere. George M. Swain. William Burr Dunning, A. Robert E. Thompson. B. elsewhere. Clayton W. Townsend. Henry Thurloe Elliot. David Clark Van Deursen. esehe ~William H. Vermilyc. Enlestace Whipple Fisher, A. M. elsewhere. Luis Puertas Walton, A. B. Charles Fores. 1861, A. M. 1864. George Bingham Fowler. George H. Whaley. John James Frederick. Francis A. Wheeler. Thomas Rushmore French. Charles T Whybrow. Edwin Alonzo Goodridge, A. Charles T. Whybrow. M. elsewhere. John P. Wilson. M. elsewhere. 69 John Frederic Schiller Gray. John Price Harley. 1871. Theodore Romeyne Hornblower. Caleb Huntington Atwater. Jacob Frank HQwe. William Vestus Balch. George Huntington. Frank Edwin Beckwith, and Francis Linsly Ives. M. D. elsewhere..Alert Clark Benedict. Charles Jewett, A. M. elseAlbert Clar enedctwhere. George Duckworth Bleything. where. James Peter Boyd, Jr., A. B. Champion Hiram Judson. elsewhere. Frank Parker Kinnicutt, A. Richard C. Brandeis, A. B. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Hugo Kuenstler. Walter Abram Brooks. Daniel Lewis, A. B. elseFrederic Samuel Buckingham. where. 114 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871-1872. Edward Lewis Chichester James Luther Terry, A. B. Macwithey. elsewhere. Philip James Maguire. Edward Livingston Trudeau. Matthew Darbyshire Mann, George Alexander Van A. B. elsewhere. Wagenen, A. B. elsewhere. Joseph Wilkins Marsee. William Barry Wallace. Edward Elias Mather, A. B. Edward Turnbull Ward. elsewhere. William Hilton Warn, A. B. Thomas Alexander McBride, elsewhere. A. B. elsewhere. E. Jansen Westfall, A. B. Robert Emmet McCauley. elsewhere. Arthur H. McFarland, A. B. Charles Boaz Whitfield. elsewhere. Richard Dewees Wilcox. Simon Peter Wise. Archibald Mercer, A. B. else85 where. Cyrus Strong Merrill. Francis Johnston Metcalfe. Albert Judson Minor. 1872. William SethMitchell, A. M. elsewhere. Daniel Simmons Adams. Henry Moeller. Lemuel Bolton Bangs. Henry Smith Noble, A. 13. George Warner Bartow. elsewhere. Guy Carleton Bayley. Edwin De Witt Nooney. James William Belvin. John Francis Oaks. Edward Sherburne Blanchard. Jackson Brainard Pellet. Peter Anthony Edward John Edwin Pope, A. B. else- Boetzkes. where. Thomas Neylor Bradfield, John Duncan Quackenbos, A. D. D. S. elsewhere. B. 1668, A. Mi'. 1871. William Gunton Budington. William Rankin, Jr., A. B. William Tillinghast Bull, William Rankin, Jr., A. B. elsewhere. A. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. William Busse. John Orlando Roe, and M. D. Norman Call, A. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. HIenry Caminero, A. B. elseClarence Satterlee. where. William John Scott. Pantaleon Candidus. Marsh Shaw. Thomas Augustus Carson. Charles Simpson, A. B. else- Henry Skelton Carter, A. B. where. elsewhere. Henry Melville Smith. Harvey Henderson Chase. James Wesley Smith. Dennis Church, Jr. George Monroe Steele, B. S. Franklin Chase Clark, A. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Alexander Strong. Frederick Halsey Conger. Augustus Walter Suiter. Richard Bonnet Coutant. Henry Storer Swan. Charles Livingstone Dey. Mahlon Edwin Swartz. Gabriel Rafael Diaz. William Clark Telford. Charles Russell Doane. 1872-18'73.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 115 Coert Diu Bois, A. M. else- John Henry Seabury. where. I Wellington Brown Searls. William Willis Durden. George Law Sinclair. Barnard Ellis. Andrew Bartholomew Somers. John Edwin Ensell. Marcus Frederic Squier. Mathias Figueira. Samuel Dillingcourt Stillwell. Martin Joseph Fleming, A. M. Samuel Swift, Ph. B. elseelsewhere. where. George Clarence Gage. Thomas Jackson Thompson, James A. Gladstone. A. B. elsewhere. William Guden. John Ross Thomson. George Weeks Hale, A. B. Cornelius Gilman Trow, A. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Henry Prentiss Harvey, and Charles Prentice Uhle. elsewhere. John Stagg Webb. James Joseph Healy. Henry Bentley Webster, Jr. Joseph Solomon Heine, Jr. Carl Heinrich Achilles Joseph Julius Henna. Weider. Edward Karck Henschell. Nicholas Williamson, A. B. Charles Hitchcock, Ph. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Robert Bruce Wilson. Wyatt Hollingsworth, and Enoch Day Woodbridge, A. elsewhere. B. elsewhere. Allan Clark Hutton, A B. 77 elsewhere. Samuel Beach Jones. William Rollo Kinmonth. 18 7 3. John Deare Kline, A. M. elsewhere. Egbert Tilton Andrews. Louis Griffin Knox. Frederick William Bennett. Henry August Kornemann. Hermann Berendt. John Stanislaus Martin, A. M. Edward John Bermingham. elsewhere. Gerrit Franklin Blauvelt. Martin Sims Matheny. Charles Erskine Brayton. Alfred Walter Maynard. James Albert Breakell. William Patrick Meagher. Charles Henry Brockway. John Arthur Montgomery. Joseph Scribner Burns, A. M. William Oliver Moore. elsewhere. Joseph Varnum Mott. Charles Williamn Burton. David Hutchinson Mount, A. William Morris Butler, A. B. M. elsewhere. elsewhere. Denis Dowling M/fulcahy. Maurice Thomas Calnek. Thomas Joseph Naughton, A. William Murdock Cameron. M. elsewhere. Archibald Murray Campbell, Alfred Emanuel Regens- A. B. 1865, and A. M. 1868. burger. Harrie P. Chace. Joel Henry Rieger. Frederic Wilcox Chapin, A. Charles Diedrich Van Ro- B. elsewhere. mondt. Frederick E. Clark. 116 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1873. Apollos Comstock, A. B. else- Edmund Van Wyck. where Hamilton Berrien Walker. Joseph Peter Couse, and M. William Charles Walser D elsewhere. Theodore Benjamin Wettling. Ernest Cleveland Coxe, A. B. Marshall Whiting, A. M. elseelsewhere. where. James Edwin Crisfield. James Manning Winslow. John Beverly Crowell, B. S. Joseph Coddington Young, Jr. elsewhere. Charles Benjamin Cutter. William Frederick Mitten- Charles Romeyn Dake. dorf. Nathaniel Babcock Darling. Jesse Sims Montgomery, A. Silas Augustus Davenport. B. elsewhere. Henry Ganett Voorhees De Charles Hampton Moore, A. Hart. B. elsewhere. Henry Nelson Drake. Henry Christian MUller. Elmer Bertly Eddy. Franklin Avery Munson. Arthur Mead Edwards. Angel Joseph Navarro, B. M. Richmond Bullock Elliott, A. elsewhere. M. elsewhere. Robert Fanning Noyes. Edwin Field. Wallace K. Oakes, A. B. else- Frederic Forchheimer, A. B. where. elsewhere. Matthew Charles O'Connor, George Cornell Freeborn. A. B. elsewhere. Richard Watson Fry, and M. James Francis O'Reilly. D. elsewhere. George Livingston Peabody, Vivian Pendleton Gaines, and A. B. 1870, A. M. 1873. M. D. elsewhere. John Edward Perry. Frank Gow. David Phillips. Edward Vaughan Granger. Andrew Martin Pierce. Richardson Gray. Enrique Carlos Rafael. John Ford Hager. William H. Raymenton. Philander A. Harris. Joseph Redfearn, Jr. George Hart. Charles Augustus Ring, M. James Augustus Hart. D. elsewhere. Thomas Francis Healy. Charles Clark Rublee. William Henry Hodgman. Charles Frederick Schmidt. George Payne HolmAn, Jr. Edwin Jenkins Howe. James Chester Shafter. Edwi Jenkins owe Jarry Lucaste Sharims. Henry. Hughes, B. S. elseHarry Lucas Sims. Sidney Isaac Small, M. D. Josepre.ill Hunt. Joseph Hill Hunt. elsewhere. James Polk Jackson, and Daniel H. Smith. Thomas Henry Smith. M. D. elsewhere. Thomas Henry Smith. William David Spencer. John Wesley Jackson, and Robert Staehlin. M. D. elsewhere. Vung Piau Suvoong. Charles Kelsey, A. B. elseCharles Turner Torrey, A. B. where. elsewhere. Charles Augustus Kinch, A. John Meeker Townsend. B. elsewhere. N OTE. On page 117, there should be added after the name of Albert Merritt (class of 1873, School of Medicine) the following: William Frederick Mitten- Charles Augustus Ring, M. D. dorf. Charles Clark Rublee. Jesse Sims Montgomery, A.B. Charles Frederick Schmidt. Charles Hampton Moore, James Chester Shafter. A. B. Harry Lucas Sims. Henry Christian Miller. Sidney Isaac Small, M. D. Franklin Avery Munson. Daniel H. Smith. Angel Joseph Navarro, B. M. Thomas Henry Smith. Robert Fanning Noyes. William David Spencer. Wallace K. Oakes, A. B. Robert Staehlin. Matthew Charles O'Connor, Vung Piau Suvoong. A. B. Charles Turner Torrey, A. B. James Francis O'Reilly. John Meeker Townsend. George Livingston Peabody, Edmund Van Wyck. A. B. 1870, A. M. 1873. Hamilton Berrien Walker. John Edward Perry. William Charles Walser. David Phillips. Theodore BenjaminWettling. Andrew Martin Pierce. Marshall Whiting, A. M. Enrique Carlos Rafael. James Manning Winslow. William H. Raymenton. Joseph Coddington Young, Joseph Redfearn, Jr. Jr. 1873-1874.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 117 Julius Koch. Edward Mitchell Harding. Langdon Rives Longworth, Henry Newton Heineman, B. A. B. elsewhere. S. elsewhere. Maitland Lorenzo Mallory. J. S. Van Rensselaer Hoff, A. James Irving Marcley. B. elsewhere. Francis Martin, and M. D. Charles Alonzo Holbrook. elsewhere. William Bird Hull. Edward Harvey Maynard. Leonard Huntress, Jr., A. B. Thomas McCosker. elsewhere. Ansil Smith McIntire. Albert Merritt. 99 Albert Merritt. ~Francis Hustace, A. B. 1871, A. M. 1874. Nicholas Conover Jobs. s18 74 Weldon W. Jones. Charles Montgomery Kellogg. Robert Abbe, A. B. elsewhere. Theodore F. Kerr, A. B. Frank Anderson, A. B. else- elsewhere. where. David Francis King. Lehman P. Ashmead, Jr., A. Charles Huntoon Knight. B. elsewhere. Charles Henry Langdon. James Pervine Atwood. Walter Elliot Lauderdale, Jr. Walter Clinton Bannard. John Willard Lee, A. B. Joseph W. Battershall. elsewhere. Edward Perry Bowles. James N. Lewis. Charles Washington Bray. William May. Henry Gaylord Buckingham. Burnett C. McIntyre. William Ebenezer Bullard, George Reuken Metcalf. and M. D. elsewhere. Lewis Miller, A. B. elsewhere. Felix A. Campuzano. Charles Frederic Win. Myers. George Fdu ancis Carey. Alexander Frederic Newman. sad Casa. dowen. Isidor Pierce Oberndorfer, A. Newton Freeman Curtis, A. B. 1871, A. M. 1874. ~B. elsewhere. Charles O. Olmstead. Alfred S. Dana. Frederic Samuel Osborn. Loomis LeGrand Danforth. George Washington Papen. George A Davie. George William Rachel. James Joseph Delaney. Frank L. Radcliffe. Richard G. P. Dieffenbach. Barna E. Radeker. Edward Talbot Ely, A. B. John Augustus-Ray. elsewhere. Samuel D. Rhodes. George Abraham Evans. Arthur Hopkins Rice. Porter Farley, A. B. else- Clinton Josiah Ricker, where. Robert Henry Saunders. Joseph Fewsmith, Jr., A. B. Thomas Rutherford Savage. elsewhere. John C. Shaw. Thomas Joseph Ingoldsby Edwin Daniel Simpson. Ford. Charles Peck Smith. Arthur Mott Haight. Charles Livingston Squire. Junius Merwin Hall. G. Adolphus F. Steinfiihrer. 118 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1874-1875. Gustave Mozart Stoeckel, A. David Bryson Delavan, A. B. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Douglas Rudd Sutherland. George Morris Dillow, A. B. Robert Swan, A. B. 1871, A. elsewhere. M. 1874. Francis Duffy, and M. D. James Russell Taber. elsewhere Cantine Hasbrouck Ten Eyck. Joseph D'Vore. Henry Mariane Thorne. George Michael Edebohls, A. Daniel Mountfort Tolford. B. elsewhere. Thomas M. Trego, A. M. else- Richard Biddle Faulkner. where. Chauncey Mitchell Field, A. Cornelius Van'Keuren. B. elsewhere. William Wirt Wendover. Crawford Ellsworth Fritts. John Blake White. Jacob Fuchs. Joseph Wiener. Eugene French Gage. Cornelius Williams. John Frederick Golding. Frederic Newton Winans. Frank Sargent Grant. Henry Worthington. Edward Gray, A. B. elseAbraham Philip Zemansky. where. 84 G. Harrison Gray. Frank Bertangue Green. 18 7 5. Nelson Henryv Griffin. Thomas Herbert Allen, B. M. Chester Webb Harvey. ~elsewhere. Ernesto Maximilian HegeJoseph Longworth Anderson.. wisch. JosephLongworth Andersonway. Samuel Hendrickson. Morgan Wilcox Ayres. Benjamin Leggett Holt, A. B. Daniel Edmund Barry. elsewhere. Burnham Roswell Benner, Erastus Eugene Holt, and M. Albert Osborn Bogert. D. elsewhere. Alfred Victor Brailly. Harmon George Howe, and George Edwin Brown. M. D. elsewhere. Stephen Smith Burt. Walter Lowne Hunt. Gonzalo Edward Buxton. Nathaniel Gerhard HutGeorge Edward Carpenter, chison. A. B. elsewhere. Edward Joseph Ill, James Harmer Casey. Henry Louis Irish. Alonzo Gidley Chadsey. Walter Addison Jayne. James Chasey. Charles Garret Johnston. Frank Avery Coates, A. B. Lionel Benedict Joseph. elsewhere. William Thaddeus Keeler. John Joseph Cochran. John Calvin Kendall, A. B. Edmund DeWitt Converse, elsewhere. and M. D. elsewhere. George Luther Kent, Heman Dunbar Copley. John Beach Knapp. Michael Aloysius Cremin, A. Amos Knight, and M. D. M. elsewhere. elsewhere. George Henry Cummings, A. Henry Krollpfeiffer. B. elsewhere. Monroe Budd Long. 1875-1876.] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 119 Howard Williams Longyear. William Augustus Valentine, Charles Robert Knight A. M. elsewhere. Lordly. Fernando Forrester Walker. William Joseph P. Mackey. Newell Perry Warner. Albert Warner Mallalieu. John Erastus Weaver. Luther Orrin Martin. William Seward Webb. William Platt McLaury, A. William Henry Welch, A. B. M. elsewhere. elsewhere. John DeWitt Nelson. Frederick Weygandt. John Henry Nesbitt. William John Whelan, and Harris Burnett Osborne, M. D. elsewhere. and M. D. elsewhere. Thomas Hastings Wight. George Alexander Oviatt, A. Edward Payson Williams. B. elsewhere. James Little Wilson, A. B. Arthur Richards Paine, A. elsewhere. M. elsewhere. Halsey Lathrop Wood, A. M. Edward Lasell Partridge. elsewhere. Edward Henry Peaslee, A. John E. Woodruff, A. B. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. John Condit Pennington, A. 108 M. elsewhere. Jeremiah Phelan. 1876 William Henry Powell. John Warren Rice. J. Alfred Andrews. Harry Edward Richards, A. Frank A. Beck. B. elsewhere. Russell F. Benson, Jr. Jacob Irving Roe. William B. Berry, A.B. elseJohn Alexander Rogers. where. Charles Buckley Roof. Arthur S. Bird, A. B. elsePhilip Marcellus Ryan. where. George Schlereth. Frederick W. Bissett. Arthur Raymond Simmons, John H. Blanks M D elseA. B. elsewhere. where. Edward Beardsley Skellen- Alonzo Blauvelt, B. S. elseger. where. Henry George Small. Thomas B. Bloomfield. Edward Pythian Smith. Algernon T. Bristow, A. B. George Atherton Spalding, elsewhere. A. B. elsewhere. Augustus F. Biichler. Gottleib Stein. Francis D. Buck, Ph. D. elseJohn Edwin Stillwell. where. Cleveland Stuart Stillwell. John Burnett. Charles Edwin Swasey. Henry M. Burns. George Brooks Swasey. Stephen E. Churchill. John Higgins Swasey. David B. Clark. James Symington, Jr. Frank P. Clark. Frederick Coolidge Talcott. Alexander S. Clarke. Stanley Davis Terry. H. Ashland Clay. Edgar Rudolphus Troxell. Seth D. Close. 120 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. John Joseph Crane, A. B. Frank Parsons. elsewhere. Myron R. C. Peck, B. S. elseFranz Dastler. where. David H. Davison, B. S. else- Clarence C. Perry. where. Edmund L. Pettengill, A. B. Le Grand N. Denslow. elsewhere. Benjamin F. Dexter. Eugene Philippe. James M. Donnelly. George B. Pratt. George W. Duryee. William Radloff. Ellsworth S. Ellis. Robert G. Remsen, A.B. elseEtienne Evetsky. where. Edward B. Foote, Jr. William Rhame. Alfred Friedman. Thomas-P. Ryan. Alonzo M. Garcelon. William Rynne, A. B. elseHenry B. Garner. where. Frederic P. Griswold. Albert H. Smith. William A. Hamilton, A. B. E. Fayette Smith, A. M. elseelsewhere. where. Joseph B. Harrison, M. D. George De Forest Smith. elsewhere. Jared K. Smith. Joseph Healy, M.D. elsewhere. Charles F. Stillman, B.S. elseRichard L. Hoelger. where. Adams C. Hoffman. Phillip Taylor. George S. Knickerbocker, A. Franklin Townsend, Jr., B.S. B. elsewhere. elsewhere. Newell E. Landon. Lawrence D. Trowbridge. William P. Langworthy. George E. Twiss. Charles Ward Lewis. Lachlan Tyler. D. Stanley Lyons. Spencer Van Dalsen. Frederick A. Lyons, A.B. else- S. 0. Vanderpoel, Jr., A. B. where. elsewhere. Michael A. MacDonald. Jacob A. Van Houten. Alfred Masters. Edward F. Walker. Abraham Mayer. J. Augustus Walther, B. S. Clarence C. Miles. elsewhere. Theodore D. Mills, A. B. else- David B. Ward, A. B. elsewhere. where. Lewis B. Minor. Louis Weigert. William D. Morgan, A.B. else- Clarke, A. West, B. S. elsewhere. where. Frank A. Morrill. William E. Wheelock, A. B. John J. M. Neville. elsewhere. Russell H. Nevins. Claude Wilson, A. B. elseHenry S. Oppenheimer. where. Isaac Oppenheimer, A. B. and Howard E. Wilson. B. S. elsewhere. D. Sidney Woodworth. De Loyd Otis. William G. Wright. William L. Paddock, A. B. 93 elsewhere. GRADUATES IN LAW. LL. B. 1860. Fenton Rockwell. Walter Seabury Sands, A. B. Daniel Pratt Baldwin, A. B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Mad. TUniv. 1856, XLL. D. John Cornell Schenck. Mad. Univ. 18562 aLLd a- Charles Augustus Silliman, A. bash Coll. Ind. 1872, Judge B. 1850, A.M. 1853, Trus25th Dist. Indiana 1870-. tee Col. Coll. George Van Nest Baldwin, A. S amuel Farland Simpson. M. Rutg. Coll. Theodore Murray Squires. Robert Henry Boorman. John Ward, Jr., A. B. 1858, Bradbury Chandler Chetwood, A. M. 1864, M. D. Univ. A. B. Burlingt. Coll. N. Y. C. 1864. *Henry Woodward Cooper, A. Philip Lee Wilson, Lieut. U. B. 1858, A. M. 1861. 1872 S.V. Edward Salstonstall Dakin, A. 27 B. Ham. Coll. 1861. *Van Buren Dutton. aet. 31. *186 Daniel Sickles Duvall, A. B. Smith Bloomfield, A. M. Free 1858. Acad. N. Y. C. *William Sprague Ely. *1862 Miles Standish Bromley. Harry Allen Grant, A.B. Ham. Herman Washington Bruen. Coll. 1858, A.M. Hamil. and Nathaniel Barto Cooke, A. B. Yale 1861. Yale 1859. Carleton Moses Herrick, A.B. Cornelius Jay Du Bois, Capt. 1854, A. M. 1857. U. S. V. Robert Chadwick Hutchings, John William Duer,A.B.1859. A. B. Coll. N. Jers., N. Y. Jas. McLaren Breed Dwight, Assemb. 1861-3, Surrogate A. B. Yale 1846 and A. M. N. Y. C. 1870. Yale. William Henry Ingersoll. Sidney Stewart Henop. *Isaac Henry Kirby, A. B. Benjamin Franklin Lee, Jr., Univ. N. Y. C. *1862 AB. Will. 1858. Charles McLean Knox, Major *Philip Mesier Lydig, Jr., A. U. S. V. B. 1858. aet. 31. *1868 Francis Lewis Lowndes. Robert Morris, Yale 1858. *William Creighton Meade, Seth Miller Murdock, A. B. A. M. St. James Coill. 1857, Harv. 1858 and A.M. Harv. U. S. V. t23. *1863 William Henry Owen, A. M. William Stevens Newell. Bowd., Capt. U. S. V. Julius Harris Ranney, A. B. Robert Willets Pearsall. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Temple Prime. 122 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1861-186,3. Henry Everett Russell, A. B. Stephen Burdett Hyatt, A.B. N. Jers. 1859 and A. M. N. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Jers. Sidmon Thorne Keese, A. B. Frederick Scoville, A.B. Univ. Yale 1860. N. Y. C., Lieut. U. S. V. Edgar Ketchum, Jr., A. B. Gabriel Mead Tooker, A. B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. 1859, A. M. 1862. George Mason Miller, A. B. Robert Noxon Toppan, A. B. 1860, A. M. 1863. Harv. 1858 and A.M. Harv. Bruce Moffatt. *Prescott Hall Ward. aet. 29. *1870 Augustus White Nicoll, A. B. James Raymond Weeks, A.B. Univ. N. Y. C. Lafayette Coll. Thomas Ludlow Ogden, A. B. Charles HIornblower Wood- 1860, A. M. 1863. ruff, A. B. Yale 1858. William O'Mullen. 22 John O'Neil, Jr. George Percy. 1862. Eugene Hall Pomeroy, A. B. 1860. *George Washington Bacon, James Edward Ryan. A. B. 1854, A. M. 1857, M. John Bailey Storm, LL. M. D. 1865. *1874 1864. Richard Smith Bacon, A. B. Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, A. 1859, A. M. 1862, M. D. B. 1859, A. M. 1862. 1865. George Waddington, A. B. Charles Wesley Bangs. 1860. George Alexander Black, A.B. John Simpson Walker. Faree Acad. N. Y. C. Henry Kirke White, B. S. Daniel Webster Bond. Free Acad. N. Y. C. *Edward Carrington, Jr.,A.B. Albert Wyckoff, Lieut. U. Yale 1859, Lieut. U. S. V. *1865 S. V. 34 John Townsend Conolly, Lt. U. S. V. William Miller Denman, A.B. 1863. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Frederic James De Peyster, A. B. Free Acad. N. Y. C., James Bruen Andrews, A. B. LL. M. 1864. - Yale 1861. Charles De Ruyter, A. B. 1860, John Campbell Broderick. A. M. 1863. Willett Bronson, A. B. WilRobert Thomas Brown Easton, liam's 1861. A. B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. William Campbell. Edward Clarence Fraser. George Herbert Carey, A. B. Robert Goelet, Jr., A. B. 1860, 1861, A. M. 1864. A. M. 1863. George Chalmers, A. B. Yale Charles Henry Hatch, A. B. 1861. Yale 1859. Paris Garner Clark, Jr. Laban Gardner Hopkins, A. Walter Livingston Clarkson, B. 1860, A. M. 1863. A. B. 1860, A. M. 1863. Edmund Abdy Hurry, A. B. Andrew Kirkpatrick Cogs1860, A. M. 1863. well, A. B. Rutgers. 1863-1864.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 123 Richard William Ely, A. B. Josiah Otis Ward. Univ. N. Y. C. Edmund Wetmore, A. B. William Henry Fuller, A. B. Harv. 1860. Yale 1861. Pierre Washington Wildey, Edward Douglas Gale. A. B. 1860, A. M. 1863. Frederick Gallatin, A. B. 41 Univ. N. Y. C. John Lyon Gardiner. Eugene Terry Gardner.8 64. Francis Joseph Holahan, A. B. St.fJohn's. Edwin Francis Hyde, A. B. Richard Amstrong. Free Acad, N. Y. C. William Philip Arnold. Peter Duncan Kenny. Henry Sandford Bellows. Francis Edward Kernochan, Henry Brodhead, A. B. Yale A. B. Yale 1861. 1859. Carleton White Miller. Eldred Absalom Carley, A.B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Thomas Bernard Connery, *Robert Troup Pell, A. B. A.B. St. John's. 1860, A. M. 1863. aet. 27. 1868. George Campbell Cooper, Charles Osborne Phelps. A. B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. George Dwight Phelps, Jr., Abel Crook, A. B. William's A. B. Yale 1860. 1862, LL. M. 1864. William Walter Phelps, A.B. Hiram Robert Dixon. Yale 1860. Jeremiah Donovan. Stephen Whitney Phoenix, A. John Esler Eckerson. B. 1859, A. M. 1862. Washington White Ellsworth. William Rounds Potter. Lemuel Edward Evans. Josiah Collins Pumpelly, A.B. Joseph Fettretch. Rutger's. Jacob Alfred Gross, LL. M. *Erastus Barnes Rudd, A. B. 1865. 1861, A. M. 1864. aet. 30. *1872 Frank Harris, A. B. Christian George Washington Sand- Bros. Mri., LL. M. 1865. ford. Winm. Augustus Ogden HegeEugene Schuyler, Ph. D. Yale man, A. B. 1862, A. M. 1861. 1865, LL. M. 1865. Jacob Shrady, A. B. Univ. N. Andrew Josephus Hennion. Y. C. William Myers Hoes, A. B. Archibald Walker Spier, William's 4861. A. B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Burrall Hoffman, A. B. 1862, James Steers, A.B. Free Acad. A. M. 1865, LL.M. 1865. N. Y. C. Henry Holt, A. B. Yale 1862. James Ayers Taber. Harlow Mather Hoyt, A. B. Ernest Tuckerman. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Morris Ashhurst Tyng, Hamilton Bailey Humes. (Rev.), A. B. Will. 1861,' Charles Nichols Judson, A. B. Prof. Bibl. Lit. Gambier Yale 1862. Theol. Sem. 1870. William Platt Ketcham, A.B. George Edmondson Walker. Yale 1862. 124 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1864-1865. Arthur Malachi Lee, A. B. Frederick Swarts, LL. M. Free Acad. N. Y. C. 1865. Albert McNulty, Jr., A. B. William Robert Syme, A. B. 1861, A. M. 1864. Univ. N. Y. C. Franklin McVeagh, A.B.Yale Richard Terheun Van Bos1862. kerck, A. B. Free Acad. Joseph Augustus Marsh. N. Y. C. Luther Ainsworth Milbank. Julius Sylvester Walsh, A. B. Horatio Woodhull Mills. St. Joseph's. Israel Minor, Jr., A. B. Yale Frederick Augustus Ward, 1862. A. B. Yale 1862.. Augustus Newbold Morris, Robert Kelley Weeks, A. B. A. B. 1860, A. M. 1863. Yale 1862. Charles Hoskins Mundy. William Leggett Whiting. William Henry Newschafer, Miron Winslow, Jr. A.B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Buchanan Winthrop, A. B. Charles Walton Ogden, A. Yale 1862. B. 1862, A. M. 1865. Samuel Purdy Wright. Frank Alleyne Otis, A. B. 1861, A. M. 1864. Henry Delafield Phelps, A. B. 1865. Trin. Coll. *Gerardus Post, A. B. 1862. Edmund Bragdon Barnum. aet. 22. *1864 William Nelson Bedelle. Albert Alfred Reuwee. James Richards, A. B. N. George A lvin Bevins. Jers. 1858, LL. M. 1865. V NJers. 1858, LL. W1865. William Brevoort Bolmer, A. Van Ness Roosevelt. Russell Harper Root, A. B. Andrew Benton Chalmers. 1862. Andrew Benton Chalmers. Merwin Rushmore. *Freeman Clarkson, A. B. 1863, A. M. 1866. Elliot Sanford, A. B. Amh. 1863, A. M. 1866. Gasheree De Witt Clock. 1861. Thomas Cochran, Jr., A. B. Adolph Lewis Sanger, A. B. Univ. N. Y. C. Free Acad. N. Y. C., LL. Lewis Osborn Corbet. M. 1865. Adrian Voorhees Cortelyou, John Le Grand Schaffer. A. B. Yale. William Arnet Seaman. Ten Broeck Crawford. Thomas Buckman Shoemaker. James Geddes Day. William Shrady. HughbDuffy. William Vanderbilt Simpson. William Henry. Field, A. B. William Edwin Slocum, B. S. Union Coll. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Henry Edward Fitzsimons, Jacob Philip Solomon. A. B. St. Francis Xavier Frederick William Stevens, Coll. A. B. Yale 1858. Henry Rankin Freeland, A. John Stout: B. N. Jers. Sidney Harrison Stuart, Jr., Charles Miles Gilman, A. B. B. S. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Yale. 1865-1866.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 125 Edmund Banks Graham. Thomas Robinson, M. D. elseRichard Henry Greene, A. B. where. Yale. Louis Ruttkay, A. B. Union. Richard Booth Greenwood, Peter John Sause. Jr. Charles Carroll Smith. Isaac Hollister Hall, A. B. Gerrit Smith Stanton. Hamilt. Coll. Henry Brewster Stanton, Jr. George Scovill Hamlin, A. B. George Washington Stephens, Yale. A. B. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Thornton Mills Hinkle, A. B. David Dean Terry, A. B. Yale. Free Acad. N. Y. C. George Hoffman, A. B. Yale. Stephen Howard Thayer, A. Samuel Huntington, A. B. B. 1863, A. M. 1866. Yale. John Julius Thomasson. Cortlandt Irving. Isaac Van Alst. Luther Manard Jones, A. B. Singleton Van Buren. Yale. *John A. Vanderpoel, A. B. Joseph Frederick Kernochan, 1862, A. M. 1865. aet. 24. *1866 A. B. Yale. Elias Williams Van Voorhis, George Keyser. Jr. Robert Blair Keyser, A. B. Hamilton Wallis, A. B. Yale. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Townsend Wandell, A. B. George Pliny Kingsley. Free Acad. N. Y. C. Joseph Koch, A. B. Free Almar Preston Webster. Acad. N. Y. C. Charles Howland Wesson, Emile Henry Lacombe, A. B. Yale. 1863. 66 Mordecai Lewis. Francis Ferdinand Marbury, 18 6 6. Jr..illiam Matthews Martin A. *David Wylie Alexander, A. WllmatetB.l, B 1863, A. M. 1866. B. 186Willi3 A. M. 1866. aet. 30. *1872 B. 1863 sats, A. M.16. John Johnson Allen, A. B. William Lewis Matson, A. B. Ive.~ ~Univ. Vermont. Yale. Charles Frederick Mawbey Edward Sandford Atwater, CalsFee wy. A. B. N. Jers. Theodore Florence Henry Edwin Bergh, Jr. Mayer. "Fiederick Henry Betts, A. B. James Slade Millard, A. B. Yale. Yale. Daniel FrederSck Boardman, Edward Mitchell, A. B. 1861, A. B. 1863. A. M. 1864. Thomas Bracken, A. M. St. William Stewart Ross Ogilby. John's Coll. James Augustus Olwell, A. Thomas Baird Browning, A. M. St. John's Coll. B. 1864, A. M. 1867. Charles Godfrey Patterson. William Henry Butterworth, Charles Alfred Post. A. B. 1864, A. M. 1867. Henry Foster Ranney. Ebenezer Buckingham ConRobert Emmet Robinson, A. vers, A. M. Yale. B. 1863. John Thomas Cornell. 126 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1866-1867. Albert Crane, A. B. Tuft's Charles Phelps Taft, A. B. Coll. Yale 1864 and A. M. Yale, Charles Henry Douglas, A. B. J. U. D. Heidelberg 1867. Beloit Coll. Frederick Thompson. William Oliver Embury. Alfred Wagstaff, Jr. *Henry Floy, A. B. 1864. Benjamin Robert Winthrop, aet. 23. *1866 Jr. 48 Lewis C. Goebel, A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Charles Auguste Lambert Goldey. 186. Joseph Bayley Lawrence, A. B. 1864, A. M. 1867. Wilbur Russell Bacon, A. B. James John Gray. Yale. Daniel Judson Holden, A. B. Charles Henry Baldwin. Yale. Truman Hamilton Baldwin, William Allen Hoyt. A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Ephraim Arnold Jacob, A. B. Gerard Beekman, A. 1864, Coll. City N. Y. A. M. 1867. John Watts Kearny. Henry Rutgers Beekman, A. Samuel Lawrence, Jr. B. 1865, A. M. 1868. Alfred James McCullough. James Bell, Jr. Alexander Taggart McGill, William Johnson Binney, A. B. N. Jers. A. B. Amherst. Henry Major, Jr., A. B. Eugene Samuel Blois. Georgetown Coll. Edward Payson Brewster, A. Frederick Halsey Man, A. B. B. N. Jers. Coll. City N. Y. John Edward Brooks, A. B. Nicholas Murray, A. B. Wil- Yale. liam's. John Lovett Brower, A. M. Howard Osterhoudt, A. B. Coll. City N. Y. 1864, A. M. 1867. Edward Sears Clinch, B. S. Henry Hills Parker, A. B. Coll. City N. Y. 1864, A. M. 1867. Edwin Walter Coggeshall. William Chauncey Prall. Theodore Pease Cook. L. Bradford Prince. Frank Hull Cowdrey. Jarrett Thomas Richards. Samuel Oakley Crawford. Edward Ross Robinson. William Bedlow Crosby, A. William Henry Rooney. B. Coll. City N. Y. Washington Sackmann. N. Gaho Dunn. Henry J. Schenck. Clarence Uriah Embury. Murray Colgate Shoemaker, Thomas Rawdon Fisher. A. B. Yale. William Hubbell Fisher, Nathaniel Ferdinand Smith. A. B. Hamilt. Coll. Reginald Heber Smith, A. B. Horace Webster Fowler, A. 1854, A. M. 1857. B. Yale. William Washington Smith. William Edgar Glover. Edward Fay Stilwell. James Sandford Greves, Samuel John Storrs, A. B. A. B. Hamilt. Coll. Amherst. William Fearing Hall. 1867-1868.] GRADUATES IN LAW.- 127 James Hooker Hamersley, A. Freling H. Smith, A. B. B. 1865, A. MA. 1868. Union. Henry Bailey Hathaway. Isaac Spencer Smith. William Herring. John William Sterling, A. B. Archibald Hopkins, A. B. Yale. William's. William Edwin Stiger. Isaac Samuel Isaacs, A. B. John Hervey Stitt, A. B. Coll. Univ. N. Y. C. City N. Y. William Jay, Jr., A. B. 1859, Frederick Wilmot Sturges. A. M. 1862. *JohnEdwin Swezey, A. B. Charles Swift Joslyn, and 1865, A. M. 1868. *1873 LL. B. Yale. Frank Thompson, A. B. George Goelet Kip, A. B. Union. 1865, A. M. 1868. Charles Harmer Trafford. William Lampson, A.B. Yale. Henry Edwin Tremain, A. B. John Thomas Lockman. Coll. City N. Y. William Gilman Low, A. B. John Hamilton Turner, A. M. 1865, A. M. 1868. Coill. City N. Y. Edwin McCahill, A. B. Augustus Gifford Vanderpoel. Georget. Coll. D. C. Philip Livingston Van RensJohn Alfred Mack. selaer, A. M..N Jers. John Hobart McMurdy. Abraham Van Santvoord, A. Thomas Martin Moore. B. 1865, A. M. 1866. Philip Murphy. George West Van Siclen, M. Daniel Weir Northrup. S. Coll. City N. Y. Edmund Augustus WaOrd. David Robinson Nutter, A.B. Edmund Augustus Ward. Davl rtmouth. N utter, a. B. Francis HI. Weeks, A. B. WilDartmouth..a, Sidney Oaksmith.liamis. SiDanie Parish, Jr. James Keappoch Hamilton Daniel Parish, Jr. Willcox, A. B. Univ. N. Charles Burroughs Rice, A. i Y. C. B. 1864, A. M. 1867.. C. Phenix Remsen. William Henry Williams, Phcpnix Remsen. A. B. Brown Univ. Joseph Swift Richards, M.S. S. illiam Clitus Witter A. B. Norwich Univ. Vt. Zabdiel Sidney Sampson, ale. A. B. Amherst. Lorenzo S. B. Sawyer, Ham- 1868. ilto. 1868. *Henry Augustus Schermerhorn,? A. B. 1861, A. M. Osmin W. Atkins, A. B. 1864. aet. 29. *1869 Wesleyan Univ. William Andrew Senger. Marshall Bell, A. B. 1866. Morris Woodruff Seymour. Emile Beneville, A. B. Coll. Charles Christmas Shelton. City N. Y. and A. M. Coll. Eugene Carroll Skinner. C. N.Y. Charles Edward Smith, William Warwick Bliss, Renss. Polytech. Inst. N.Y. A. B. Brown Univ. Charles Henry Smith, Jr., Morris Mumford Budlong, B. S. Coll. City N. Y. A. B. Yale. 128 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1868-1869. George Noyes Burt, A. B. Henry Lewis Morris. Union Coll. MIax Moses. Albertson Case, A. B. Harv. David Judson Newland, A. Univ. B. Middleb. Coll. Newton Henry Chittenden. Edward Holland Nicoll, A.B. Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, 1866, A. M. 1869. Jr., A. B. Yale. William Greenly Nicoll, A. Elihu Church. B. Yale. George Clinton. William Franklin North. Henry Kiersted Coddington, Robert Hunter Patton. M. S. Coll. City N. Y. George Jones Peet, A. B. Edmund Coffin, Jr., A. B. Kenyon Coll. Yale. James Lyman Price, A. B. Arthur Douglas Collins. 1865, A. M. 1868. Edward Donaldson Cowman, Thomas Bond Raynolds. A. B. Hobart Coil. IHenry Hutchinson Reid. Julien Tappan Davies, A. B. Thomas Rogers, A. B. Union 1866. Coil. Henry Sprong Davis, A. B. Henry Andrew Root. Hobart Coill. Edward Whelan Searing. Thomas Parish Sherman. Charles Willoughby Dayton. William Edwin Smalley, A. John Ambrose Deady, A. B. B. 1866 A. M. 1869. Amherst Coil. Frank Sherman Smith. Theodore F. C. Demarest, oA. Br 164, A. CM. D est. George Putnam Smith, A. B. A. B. 1864, A. M. 1867. 1866. Frederick Nevins Dodge, A. B. Yale. Asa Adams Spear, A. B. Amherst Coll. Franklin Woodward Earl. Wilberforce Freeman, A. B. Stephen Dover Stephens, Jr., Wilberforce Freeman, A. B. A. B. 1866Y A. M. 1869. Coll. New Jersey. Michael Emanuel Goodhart. Henry Croswell Tuttle, A. B. Michael Emanuel Goodha'rt. 1869. Daniel Edward Hervey. Samuel Hempstead ValenWilliam Monefeldt Howland, tine, A. B. Amherst Coll. A. B. Harv. and A. I. Thomas Sedgwick Van ValHarv. kenburgh, A. B. Yale. Walter Langdon Kane. John Waring Weed. John Vincent Kernan, A. B. John Brandagee Wood, A. Seton Hall Coill. B. Yale. James King Lawrence, A. B. 60 Brown Univ. Theodore Akerly Lord, A. B. 1869. Yale. 1869. James A. McCreery, A. B. Mt. St. Mary's Coil. William Henry Andrews. George Souter McKay. James Knox Averill. Payson Merrill, A. B. Yale. Walton Peckam Bell, A. B. Ormond Tucker Middleton. 1867, A. M. 1870. Fordham Morris, A. B. Trin. Charles Wyllys Betts, A. B. Coll. Yale. 1869.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 129 James Lord Bishop, A. B. Henry Whitman Kennedy. Amherst Coil. Henry Thomas Lee, A. B. Henry Herrick Bond. Lafayette Coll. Charles Henry Burtis, A. B. Hamilton Wright Mabie, 1867, A. M. 1870. A. B. William's Coll. Charles Goodrich Coe, A. B. William Hector McAllister. Yale. John Thomas McDonough. Duane Conant, A. B. Hamilt. Dennis McMahon, Jr., A. B. Coll. Manhattan Coll. Thomas Duncan Cottman, Charles Anson Maltby. A. B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. George Manierre, A. B. Yale. Robert Emmett Cowart. Francis Elston Marsh, A. B. George Hubert Cowell, A. B. Coll. N. Jers. Yale. Abram John Miller. James Ambrose Deering, James Appleton Morgan, A. A. B. Manhattan Coll. B. Racine Coll. George Gosman De Witt, A. James Edward Morrison, B. 1867, A. M. 1870. A. B. Coll. City N. Y. John J. Du Bois, A. B. Yale: William Pitt Mudgett, A. B. Patrick Gavan Duffy. Bowdoine Coll. Frank J. Dupignac. George Francis Murray, George Ozro Emerson, A. B. A. B. Georgetown Coll. Rochester Univ. Henry Loomis Nelson, A. B. Charles Emmett. William's Coll. John Barnard Fairbank, A. Cadwalader Evans Ogden, B. Amherst Coll. A. B. 1867. Louis Fellows, A. B. Coll. Courtlandt Palmer, Jr. City N. Y. Richard Wayne Parker, A. Francis Forbes, A. B. Roches- B. Coll. N. Jers. ter Univ. Charles Ewing Patterson. Louis William Frost. Walter Pell. George Griswold Greene. Caleb Purdy. Edward Graham Haight. Rudolph Frederick Rabe. George Henry Hansen. Theodore Ritter. Thomas Hedge, Jr., A; B. Charles Roberts, A. B. Coll. Yale. City N. Y. John Homer Hildreth. Charles Hall Rockwell. Pierre Van Buren Hoes. Francis Markoe Scott, A. B. George Chandler Holt, A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Yale. William Henry Secor. William Warner Hoppin, Jr., George Preston Sheldon, A. B. Brown and A M. A. B. Yale. Brown, M. D. 1864. Frederick Isaac Small, A. B. Clarence Melville Hyde, A. Yale. B. 1867, A. M. 1870. Charles Edward Souther, William Halsey Ingersoll, A. A. B. Harvard Univ. B. 1867, A. M. 1870, E. M. Calvert Spensley. 1875. Ernest Gordon Stedman, George Landon Ingraham. A. B. Yale. 130 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1869-1870. Francis Lynde Stetson, A. Henry Abel Chittenden, Jr., B. William's Coll. A. B. Yale. Horace Stetson, A. B. 1866. John Chorlton. Solomon Thayer Streeter, Edgar Bradford Clark. A. B. Amherst Coll. John Henry Clayton. Charles Avery Tracy, A. B. Stacy B. Collins, Jr. Coll. City N. Y. Le Baron Bradford Colt, Edgar Abel Turrill, A. B. A.B. Yale. Yale. John Christopher Connor, Jr. Waldemar Jonas Tuska. William Edgar Conover. Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel, Gilbert Holmes Crawford, A. B. 1867, A. M. 1870, A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Trustee Col. Coll. Charles Edward Crowell. Philip Van Rensselaer Van Albert Delafield, B. S. Coll. Wyck. City N. Y. Frank Ward Wessels. Leo Charles Dessar. Charles Warren West, A. B. Francis Charles Devlin, A. B. William's Coll. Wil iam's Coll. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. Georlge Peabody Wetmore, George Gillespie Dickson, Ezekiel WeA. B. eny. Coll. Webster Whipple, William Palmer Dixon, A. B. A. B. Dartmouth Coll. Yale James Henry Work, A. B. James Henry Work, A. MB John Holmes Prentiss Dodge. W1867, A. Ml. 1870. Charles Arthur Doten. Edward Wilson.l Wlight, |'George Williams Ellis, A. B. Edward Marshall Wright, Middlebury Coll. A. B. Yale. 81 George Washington Flaacke. William Riley Foster, J. D. 1 8 7 0. Heidelberg. J. Henry Fowler, Jr. George Augustus Adee. Robert Ludlow Fowler. Edoward Kappu Anderton. Andrew Gilhooly, A. B. 1868, Lemuel Hastings Arnold, Jr. Theodore Aub. Joseph Warren Greene, A. B. George Augustus Baker, Jr., Yale. A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Augustus Fraugott Gurlitz. Henry Beadel, Jr., A. B. Lovell Hall, A. B. Yale. 1869.' Frederick Robert Halsey, Edward Wells Bell, A.B. A. B. Harv. Univ. Yale. GeorgeI Henry Hart. James Michael Brady, A. B. Walter Howe, B. S. Coll. 1868, A. M. 1871. City N. Y. Alfred Douglas Brush. William Reed J e r o m e, Peter Vincent Burtsell. A. B. Hamilt. Coll. Charles Kinsey Cannon, A. B. Charles Dunn Jones. Yale. Clarence Delafolie Jones. Samuel Cardwell, Jr. Samuel Kalish. Timothy Pitkin Chapman, James Knox, A. M. Coll. City A. B. Yale. N. Y. 1870-1871.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 131 Samuel Spahr Laws. James William Beekman, Jr. Thomas Alphonso McGlade, Henry Bischoff, Jr. Jr. Silliman Blagden, A. B. Yale. Robert Bach McMaster, B.S. Alden Chester. Coll. City N. Y. William Henry Clark, A. B. William Fleming McRae. Coll. City N. Y. John McLean Nash, A. B. Thomas Newby Cuthbert, A. 1868, A. M. 1871. B. 1869, A. M. 1872. John Calvin Paulison, A. B. William Bayard Cutting, A. Coll. N. Jers. B. 1869, A. M. 1872. Henry Wilson Payne, A. B. Adolf Czaki, Dr. Jur. HeidelYale. berg. Duane Livingston Peabody, Edward Ritzema De Grove, A. B. 1868, A. M. 1871. A. B. Yale. Paul Pelletier, A. M. St. Samuel Gardner Derrickson. Louis. Harrison Downes, A. B. Yale. Samuel Edmund Perry. William Alexander Duer, A. William Franklin Pitschke, B. 1869, A. M. 1872. B. S. Coll. City N. Y Thomas Charles Edward James M. Poulsen, A. B. Ecclesine, A. B. 1870. Coll. N. Jers. Charles Howard Edwards. Arthur Rickards Robertson. William Fanning, Jr., A. B. Roderick Robertson. 1870. George Nicholas Sanders, Jr., Charles Henry Farnam, A. B. A B. 1868, A. M. 1871. Yale. Kaufman Simon. Orri n Skinner. William Whitman Farnam, Orrin Skinner. William Brown Slocum. A. B Yale, Dr. Jur. HeidelNathaniel Phillips Smith berg. Thomas, A. B. Yale. Edwin Bancroft Foote, A. M. William Knapp Thorn, Jr. Yam Dudley lke, A. Thomas Birdsall Van Bos- William Dudley Foulke, A. kerck. B. 1869, A. M. 1872. Albert Warren Wells. George Washington Galinger. Henry Simmons White, M.D. Anthony Ambrose Griffin. 1866. William King Hall, A. B. James Henry Wood, A. B. Yale. Yale. Frank Denham Harmon. 71 Monmouth Gedney Hart. Edward Banker Hilton. John Henry Hobart. Francis Huesmann. Henry Green Atwater, A. B. James Hurst. Harv. Univ. Frederick Guion Ireland, A. George Augustus Baker, Jr., B. Harv. Univ. A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Alphonse Anselm Jacobi, A. George Baker. B. and B. S. Coll. City James Baker, Jr. N. Y. Joseph Disbrow Baker. William Henry Kelly, B. S. Thomas Glover Barry. Coll. City N. Y. 132 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1871. John Pierre Kirby. Talcott Huntington Russell, William Whitehead Ladd, Jr. A. B. Yale. George Cowles Lay, Jr., A. Rudolph Sampter. B. Coll. City N. Y. Charles Miller Schieffelin. John Brooks Leavitt, A. B. James Cary Sheffield. A. B. Kenyon Coll. Coll. City N. Y. William Henry Lawrence Lee, Charles William Shelton. A. B. Yale. Frank Norsworthy Shepard, John Henry Livingston, A. B. A.B. 1869, A. M. 1872. 1869. HiramWatson Sibley, Ph. D. Nathaniel Alexander McBride, Heidelberg. A. B. Coll. N. J. William Thomas Simms. lWilliam Bond Skidmore. Bernard Edward MecCafferty. William Bond Skidmore. Charles W. Sloane, A. B. St. M. Milmo McGowan, A. B. Francis Xavier's. elsewhere. Edward Bayard Smith, A. B. Frank Malocsay. 1869, A. M. 1872. Martin Sander Meyer. Elliot Smith. Charles Philip Miller. Williams Stebbins Smith. Theodore Frelinghuysen Mil- John Henry Staats. ler, A. B. Coll. City N.Y. William Strauss. William Mitchell, Jr., A. B. William Lincoln Swan A. B. 1868, A. M. 1871. Coll. N. J. Charles Jacob Nehrbas, B. S. Alfred Taylor, B. S. Univ. Coil. City N. Y. Lewisberg, Penn. David B. Ogden, A. B. 1869. Albert Dana Tenney, A. B. Philip Joseph O'Hanlon, A. Vermont Univ. M. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. M. Mt. St. Mary's Co l. Edward Tillou, A. B. 1869. William Satterlee Packer,. heodosius Stevens Tyng, A. Theodosius Stevens Tyng, A. ~~M. Yale. ~B. Kenyon Coll. Charle.,A.Bs ugustus Peaboy, M. Bedell Vail, A. B. RutJr., A. B. 1869, A. M. 1872. B e l Elmer Poulsen, A. B. Wash. gers McCall Varnum, A. and Jefferson Coil. Pen. James McCall Varnum, A. and Jefferson Coll. Penn. B. Yale. James Prendergast. Irving Ward. Samuel Augustus Purdy, Jr., Edward rancis Weeks, A. A. B. 1869 A. M. 1872. Edward Francis Weeks, A. A. B. 1869, A. M. 1872. William McNevin Purdy, A. V~iB. 1869, A. M. 1872.u, ACharles Tylden Westcott, A. B. Washington Coll, Del. Henry Warren Raymond, A. Edward Payson Wilder,A. B. Yale.ale. Henry Remsen. Frank Reynolds, A: B. Wes- Howard Payson Wilds, A. B. leyan Univ. Conn. Coll. City N. Y. Pedro Philip Riotte. Walter Brune Wines. David Solis Ritterband, A. Henry Wood. B. Coll. City N. Y. Thenford Woodhull, A. B. Platt Rogers. 1869, A. M. 1872. James Alexander Ross. Gustav Zimmermann. John Watts Russell. 99 1872.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 133 James Horn Gilbert, A. B. Yale. Julius Levi Goldenberg. James Randall Adams. Julius Goldman. Charles Beatty Alexander, A. Charles William Gould, A. B. B. Coll. N. J. Yale. Frederic Allis, A. B. Yale. John James Graham. Henry John Appel, Jr. Frederick Grasmuck. Christian Henry Betjeman. Thomas Greenwood, A. B. Stephen James Bidlack. Yale. Robert Forsyth Bixby, A. B. Samuel Bernard Hamburger. Trin. Coill. Solomon Hanford. Silliman Blagden, A. B. Yale. William James Harding. Arthur Crossley Bradley, A. Alfred Augustus Houghton. B. Amherst Coill. Edmund Huerstel. William Reynolds Brown, A. Frederick Hutchings. B. Amherst Coll. John Henry Inness, B. S. Coll. George W. Bryan, A. B. Wes- City N.Y. leyan Univ. Kentucky. Edward Jacobs. George Allen B1ffum, A. B. Thomas Allen Jobs, A. B. Brown Univ. R. I. Coll. N. J. Charles Henry Bullis, A. B. Yale. Adrian Hoffman Joline, A. B. Le Grand Sterling Burton, A. Coil. N. J. B. Racine Coill. Wis. Luther Laflin Kellogg, A. B. Morris Byrne. Rutger's Coll. Patrick Sarsfield Cassidy. Andrew Wesley Kent. A. B. Abraham Kling. Edward Henry Clark, A.B. John Mason Knox, Jr., A. B. Harv. Univ. Coll. City N. Y Lewis Brainerd Clark, A. B. SamCsol. City N. Le. Sampson Simson Leo. Hamilton Coil. N. Y. Francis Ellington Loop, A. B. George Ansel Clement, Jr. William's Coll. Mass. Hugo Ernest Constant. David Thomas Lynch. Willie Horace Corbin. Thomas Mcoafferty. Arthur Power Crane, A. B. Richard McCloud. Yale. Samuel St. John McCutchen, John Cropper, A. B. 1870, A. A. B. Yale. M. 18'73. James Niall McKane. Robert Weeks DeForest, A. Nathaniel Marsh. B. Yale. Benjamin Thomas Marten. Edwin Albert Dobbins. Heyward Glover Meeker. Elbridge Gerry Duvall, Jr. Charles Meyer. Robert Duncan Elder. Frank Halsey Mills, A. B. Charles Henry Ellsworth. Coll. N. J. Charles Crook Emott, A. B. John Howard Montgomery, Harv. Univ. A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Henry Fisher. Arthur Mutrphy. Frederick DePeyster Foster, William Nelson Noble, A. B. A. B. 1868, A. M. 1871. Amherst Coll. 134 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1872-1873. John Notman. 1873 William O'Donohue. William Claybourne Owens. Howland Delano Perrine. Alphonse Henry Alker, B. S. John Hoyt Perry, A. B. Yale. Col. City N. Y. Wheeler Whitman Phillips. Henry Chandler Andrews, A. Franklin Porter, A. B. Yale. B. Harv. Univ. Edwin Augustus Pratt. Henry Clinton Backus, A. B. Anderson Price. Harv. Univ. Robert Livingston Read, A. Gilbert Henry Badeau. B. Yale. Franklin Bartlett, A. B. Harv. James Denoon Reymert, Jr. Univ. Charles Dallas Ridgway, A. Walter Rogers Beach, A. B. B. Coll. N. J. Yale. Benjamin Franklin Romaine, Winfield Scott Bird. Jr., A. B. 1871. Arthur Blackwell Moses Sahlein. James Armstrong Blanchard, George Starr Scofield, Jr., A. A. B. Ripon Coll. Wis. B. 1870, A. M. 1874. John Gordon Blanding, A B. Winfield Scott. Yale. Sanford Sidney Smith, A. B. Edward Chadwick BoardHarv. Univ. man, A. B. Harv. Univ. Edward Leavitt Spencer, A. James Harvey Bradish, A. B.. B. Yale. Ripon Coll. Wis. Samuel Veith Speyer. Albert Porter Bradstreet, A. Charles Morton Stafford. B. Yale. Andrew Musgrave Stirling. Frederic Bronson, A. B. 1871. Frank Dodge Sturges, A. B. William Mansfield Bruce. 1870. Byron Winfield Buell, A. B. Charles Schermerhorn Suy- Harv. Univ. dam. Joseph Arthur Burr, Jr., A: Charles Singleton Sweet, A. B. Yale. B. Univ. of Chicago. John Adriance Bush. George Henry Thompson. Vanderbilt Lothian Buxton, Thomas Joseph Tilney, A. B. Jr. Yale. Ricardo et Casanova. Henry Peter Titus. William Richards Castle. Eliphalet Williams Tyler, A. Edward Willmott ChamberB. Amherst Coll. lain. Robert Anderson Van Wyck. Frederick Sidney Chase, A. Leopold Wallach. B. Yale. Manchester Ward Weld. George Chase, A. B. Yale. Ira Benjamin Wheeler. William Edwards Clarke. Thomas Randolph White, B. Jones Cochrane. S. Coll. City N. Y. Clarence Rapalje Conger, A. Franke ShermanWilliams, A. B. 1871, A. M. 1874. B. Yale. John Francis Connelly. Dennistoun Wood, A. B. Cornelius Elting Cuddeback, 1870, A. M. 1873. 102 A. B. Yale. 1873.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 135 John Elliott Curran, A. B. Louis Halleck Hurst. Yale. George Ingraham, A. B. Edward Provost De Mott, A. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. B. Amherst Coll. William M. Ivins. Edward Hazard Dixon, A. B. Anson Blake Jackson, A. B. Univ. N. Y. C. Hobart Coll. N. Y. Edward Mundy Dixon. Harry Madison Jones, A. B. John Henry Dorrity, A. M. 1869. St. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. De Lancey Astor Kane. Rufus Charles Duff. Samuel Nicholson Kane. James Earle. John Haskell Keep. Eugene Newton Eliot. Richard Busteed Kelly, A. B. Thomas Charlock Ennever. 1871, A. M. 1874. Julius Morton Ferguson. Robert Kelly, A. B. Yale. Joseph Fischer, A.B. Rutger's Cornelius Eugene Kene. Coll. Luther Martin Kennett, Jr., Hamilton Fish, Jr., A B. A. B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1869, A. M. 1872. Walter F. Kilpatrick. William Platt Fitch. Joseph KIling. James Peers Foster. Joseph Lambrecht. Samuel Fowler. J. Scott Laughton. Julius Joseph Frank, A. B. Francis Lawton, Jr., A. B. and B. S. Coll. City N. Y. Brown Univ. R. I. Meyer M. Friend. Newberry Davenport Lawton. Robert Monroe Funkhouser, William Kendel Leicht. Jr., A. B. Dartmouth Coill. Solomon Livingston, A. B. N. H. Coll. City N. Y. Philip John Geib. Henry Day Loder, A.B. 1871, William Erwin Gilhooly, A. A. M. 1874. B. 1870. Charles E. Lydecker, B., S. Alexander Graham. Coill. City N. Y. Gordon Grant. Donald McLean. Lewis James Grant. Merritt Gilbert McIKinney. David Weild Harkness. James Brander Matthews, Theodore E. Hancock, A. B. A. B. 1871, A. M. 1874. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. Edward Willis Mead. Charles Nathan Harris, A. B. William Millard. elsewhere. Benjamin Latham Miller, A. Ashton Harvey. B. elsewhere. Charles Lansing Haskell. George Alfred Miller. William Hays. John Hunter Miller, A. B. Edmund James Healy, A. M. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. St. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. William Franklin Mott, Jr., Jacob Herrick Henry, A. B. A. B. 1864. 1871, A. M. 1874. John Reed Nicholson, A.B. Henry Morris Heymann. Yale. Richard Cecil Higgins, A. B. Henry Patrick O'Niel, A. M. Coll. N. J. Coll. City N. Y. Max Clinton Huebner. Edward Alonzo Page. 136 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1873-1874. Frederick Aycrigg Pell, A. B. Charles Kingsbury WestCoil. N. J. brook, A. B. Coil. N. J. Lewis Henry Platt, A. B. Charles Whipple Whiley, Jr. Coll. N. J. Judson Boardman Wilds, A. John Proffatt, A. B. Lond. B. Harv. Univ. Univ. Charles Albert Wiley. Louis Radde. Edwin Bleecker Williamson, Sands Fish Randall, A. B. A. B. Rutgers Coll. Yale. John Schenck Williamson, A. Henry Alonzo Raweliffe. B. Harv. Univ. Melville Henry Regensburger. William Keene Williamson. George Lockhart Rives,- A. Henry Scudder Wood, A. B. B. 1868 and Camb. Univ. Trinity Coll. Eng., A. M. 1872. George Zabriskie. Andrew W. Rose, Jr. 139 John David Rossett. Arthur Ryerson, A. B. Yale, 1874. LL.B. Univ. Chicago. Edward Heartt Schell, A: B. Jacob Abarbanell, A. B. and Yale. B. S. Coill. City N. Y. Joseph Schwartz. George Birch Abbott, A. B. True Mlortimer Seaver. William's Coil. Mass. Eugene H. Sheldon, A. B. William Clark Albro. Middlebury Coil. N. H. John Wallingford Andrews, Charles Stephen Simpkins. A. B. Yale. John Woodruff Simpson, A. Alfred John Baker. B. Amherst Coll. John Joseph Balleray. Abraham Stern, B. S. Coll. Sheppard Banks, A. B. Coil. City N. Y. City N. Y. Campbell Steward. Joseph Bartlett Barry, A. M. William Adams Walker Mad. Univ. N. Y. Stewart, A. B. Coll. N. J. Clifford Allan Herrischoff William Rhinelander Stewart. Bartlett, LL.B. Univ. N. Henry Shelby Stokes, LL.B. Y. C. Cumberland Univ. Penn. Charles Frederick Bauerdorf. Oscar Solomon Straus, A. B. John Rogers Beam, A. B. 1871, A. M. 1874. Brown Univ. R. I. William Syms. Edward Bement. Edward Thorn. George Alden Benton, A. B. George McCarthy Troutman. Cornell Univ. N. Y. William Boyd Tullis. Tunis G. Bergen, Jr., A. M. William Turk. Rutger's Coll., Ph.D. Univ. Charles Unangst, A. B. Ham- Heidelberg. ilton Coill. N. Y. Fi anklin Bien. Merit Melbourne Van Wert. Ernest William Bischoff. Arthur Dudley Vinton. Herrmann Bolte. Joseph M. Wallach. Frank Howard Bosworth. James Bradish Wells, A. B. John Bennett Bottum. Harv. Univ. John Brice, Jr. 1874.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 137 Charles Theodore Arminius Wheeler De Forest Edwards, Briegleb. A. B. Coill. City N. Y. Max Brill. Nathaniel Ellis. James Brisbane. Ephraim Elias Ephraims. Edwin Henry Brown. William Henry Eustis, A. B. Edward Warner Cady, A. B. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. Yale. William Everett, Jr. John Graig Cameron. Haliburton Fales, A. B. 1872, Clarence Campbell, A. B. A. M. 1875. Yale. Thomas Powell Fowler. Nelson Garrison Carman, Jr., Benjamin Franklin, A. B. A. B. Yale. Hobart Coill. N. Y. Alexander Thompson Car- John Van Emburgh Frederpenter.icks. George Washington Carr, A. Henry French, A. B. HamilB. Brown Univ. ton Coill. N. Y. Isaac Carrillo, LL.D. Univ. Alexander Jones Gibson, A. Havana, Cuba. B. St. Stephen's Coill. N.Y. John Lucien Coxe Caruana, Samuel Augustine Gleavy, A. B. Seton Hall, N. J. A. M. St. John's Coill. N. Y. Edward Benedict Cobb, A. John Sebastian Graber. B. Yale. Joseph William Greenwood. Louis Cohen. Henry Clay Griffin. Fred. Harmon Comstock, A. William C. Gulliver, A. B. B. Coll. City N. Y. Yale. Harry Wilton Cragin, A. B. Charles Hafey. Yale. William Henry Haldane, A. George Ticknor Curtis, Jr., B. 1872, A. M. 1875. A. B. Harv. Univ. Frank Lorenzo Hall, A. B. Edwin Burr Curtiss. Yale. Francis Barrett Daniels, A.B. Robert Ray Hamilton, A. B. Harv. Univ. 1872, A. M. 1875. James Edward De Laney. John Smith Hansen. Edward Collins Devyr. Edward Frederick Hassey. Henry Clinton De Witt. John Handy Henshaw, A. B. Pomeroy Dickinson. Amherst Coll. John Franklin Herrlich. James J. Doherty, A. B. St. John Franklin Helrlich. Caleb Marriott Hillman. John's Coll. N. Y. Jaohnes Henry Donaldson. Loranus EatQn Hitchcock, A. B. Amherst Coll. John Harnpden Dougherty, Irving Hoagland, B. S. and A. B. Coll. City N. Y. Ph. B. Cornell Univ. N.Y. Benjamin Douglas, Jr., A. B. Leicester Pratt Holme. Lafayette Coll. N. Y. George Edward P. Howard George Washington Drew, Samuel Allen Hull. A. B. Yale. Peter Hulme, A. B. Harv. Charles Tappan Dunwell. Univ. Clarence Cushing Edgerton, Charles Oliver Iselin. A. B. 1872, A. M. 1875. Charles Donohue Jacot. 138 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1874. Edward Johnson. Jr., A. B. Trin. Coll. Henry Smith Johnson, A. B. Conn. Harv. Univ. Thomas Newbold, A. B. James Dana Jones, A. B. Cambridge Univ. Eng. Yale. Joseph Emanuel Newburger. Abner Kalisch. Edward Nicoll, B. S. CorWilliam Edgar Keyes, A. B. nell Univ. N. Y. 1872, A. M. 1875. Rodolph Crocheron Oakley, Charles Francis Kingsley, A. A. B. Rutger's Coll. B. Middlebury Coll. Vt. Francis Ludlow Ogden. Herbert Evelyn Kinney, A. Ludlow Odgen, A. B. 1872, B. Yale. A. M. 1875. George Henry Kracht, A. B. James Lawrence Onderdonk, Manhattan Coill. N. Y. A. B. 1872, A. M. 1875. William James Lacey. Charles Wright Page. Timothy Edwin Leary. Herbert Claiborne Pell. John Hodge Leupp, A. B. Thomas Alexander Phelan. Rutger's Coll. Waldorf Henry Phillips. John Daniel Lewis. Hugh Reilly. Nathan Lewis. Albert Reynaud, A. B. Seton Clarence Lexow, Ph.D. Univ. Hall, N. J. Jena. John Tredwell Richards, A. John Lindley. B. Coll. N. J. Leopold Lithauer, Jr. Henry Augustus Riley, Jr., Frederick Morton Littlefield, A. B. Yale. IA. B. Yale. A. B. Yalew. Abram Heaton Robertson, Benno Loewy. A B. Yale. HAddison J. Lyon, A. B.' l. enry Scott Rokenbaugh, A. City N. Y. B. Rutger's Coll. John Joseph McArdle. John Ellis Roosevelt. Henry Goelet McVickar. William Raphael Rose. Abram Bell Malcomson, Jr. Griffith Thomas Rowe. Henry Ferdinand Mander. Charles Howland Russell, A. Reuben M. Manley, Dr. Jur. B. Harv. Univ. Univ. Heidelberg. Henry Sacchi. Howard Mansfield, A.B. Yale. Edward Stanley Sackett, A. Reuben Maplesden, Jr. B. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. Henry B. Mason, A. B. Yale. William Henry Sage, A. B. Douglas Merritt. 1871, A. M. 1874. John A. Miller, Jr., B. S. David Salomon, B. S. Coll. Rutger's Coll. City N. Y. John Ernest Miller. Richard Morris Saltus. Francis Lewis Minton. William C. Sanborn. James Moncrief More. Adam Emil Schatz. Theodore Miles Morgan. Francis Schell, A. B. Yale. William Patrick Mulry, A. John Egmont Schermerhorn, M. St. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. B. S. Coll. City N. Y. Arthur Murphy, Jr. John Henry Scholl. Ambrose Spencer Murray, David Kohler Schuster. 1874-1875.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 139 Leo Schwab. 1875 Garrett Putnam Serviss, B. S. Cornell Univ. N. Y. John Henry Shepherd, A. B. Frederic William Adee, A. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. B. Yale. John Thomas Sherman. Louis Adler, B. S. Coll. City Charles Sherwood, A. B. N. Y. Yale. Joseph Augustus Adlington, John Lewis Shirley.. A.B. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. Samuel Slesinger.' Frederic K. Agate. William Lamartine Snyder. Henry Seely Akin, A. B. William Henry Spangler, Jr. Ripon Univ. Wis. James David Spear. Robert Percy Alden. Louis J. Stich. William Dunois Allen. Adolphus Henry Stoiber, A. *Robert Arnold, A. B. 1872, B. Coil. City N. Y. A. M. 1875. aet. 28. *1875 John Hall Stoutenburgh. Joseph Aspinall. William Whitewright Stuart. William Waldorf Astor. Theodore Sutro, A. B. Harv. Addison Atwater, A. B. Coil.. Univ. N. J. Charles John Taylor. Meyer Auerbach. Whitfield Terriberry. Albert Bach,' A. B. Coll. ity Eugene Treadwell, A. B. N. Y. Harv. Univ. Frederic Harrison Baldwin, Isaac Untermeyer. A. B. Yale. Peter Labagh Van der Veer, Ira Leo Bamberger, A. B. A. M. Rutger's Coll. 1873. John Everitt Van Nostrand. Everett Darius Barlow. Edward Emerson Waters, William Wade Beebe, A. B. A. B. Harv. Univ. Yale. Arthur Delano Weeks, A. B. WTilliam Constantine Beech1872, A. M. 1875. er, A. B. Yale. Samuel William Weiss, A. B. Joseph Francis Beglan. Yale. Hal. Bell, A. B. Hamilton David Johnson Halsted Will- Coll. N. Y. cox, A. B. Yale. James F. Chamberlain BlackHubert Williams. hurst. Joseph Caesar Wolff. William Henry Blain, A. B. George Meech Wood. William's Coll. Mass. William Platt'Wood, A. B. Albert Barnes Boardman, A. Yale. B. Yale. Amos Edward Woodruff. Henry Conrad Botty. Henry Edgar Woodward, A. Henry Hopper Bowman. B. 1872, A. M. 1875. Charles Bradshaw. James Lawrence Wo6dward, Charles Bried. A. B. Coill. City N. Y. Jacob G.- Brinkerhoff. Bernard Zwinge. Francis M. Brown. 184 Charles Henry Brownell, A. B. Amherst Coll. 140 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1875. William Webb Browning, A. William E. Sandford Fales, B. Yale. E. M. 1873. Augustus Buckingham. Frederick Getman Fincke, A. John Frederic Bullwinkel. B. Harvard Univ. George Collinson Burgwin, James Seely Fitch. A. B. Trinity Coll. Conn. William Francis Foley. Francis George Caldwell. William Henry Forman. William Thomas Carlisle. Clarence Marion Foster, A. Frank Paul Casilear. B. Dartmouth Coll. N. Y. John Franklin Chase, A. B. George HIenry'Fountain. Yale. John Frankenheimer, Ph. B. Horace Russell Chase, A. B. Cornell Univ. N. Y. Trinity Coll. Conn. Walter Smith Fredenburgh. James Oliver Clark, A. B. Theodore Henry Friend. Coll. City N. Y. John Bradbury Frothingham. John Storer Cobb, A. B. William Henry Gibson. King's Coll. Eng. James Knox Glenn, Jr., John Barriclo Conover, A. B. A. B. Univ. N. Y. C. Coll. N. J. Charles Thomas Goadby. Edward Boies Cowles. Leo Goldmark. Francis Ramsdell Culbert. De Bruce Goodell, Jr. Solomon WoodwardCunning- Joseph Wadsworth Gott, A. ham, A. B. Amherst Coll. B. Yale. Charles D'Autremont, Jr. Henry Grasse. Charles Casset Davis, A. B. Isidor Grayhead. Wesleyan Univ. Ohio. Samuel Greenbaum, A. B. Edward Augustus Day, A. B. Coll. City N. Y. William's Coll. Mass. John Cowan Gulick, B. S. James Day, Bonn. Univ. Coll. City N. Y. Germany. John Francis Gulliver. Robt. Alex. Baynard Dayton, William Henry Haeselbarth. A. B. Harv. Univ. George Natt Hale, A. B. Emilio Del Pino, A. B. 1873, Hobart Coll. N. Y. A. M. 1876. Andrew Steele Hamersley, Jr. Charles Clerc Deming, A. B. Henry Clay Harding, IMV. S. Yale. Coll. City N. Y. Paul Desvernine. Frank Goddard Haughwout, Robert Dickey, A. B. Harv. A. B. 18'71. Univ. Henry Whiting Hayden. Frederic George Dbw, A. B. George Robins Haydock. Bowdoin Coll. Maine. Daniel Peixotto Hays. Henry Membry Western George Conklin Hendrickson. Eastman. Charles Clarke Hendrick, A. Henry J. Eickhoff. B. Rochester Univ. N. Y. Solomon Alexis Emanuel. Mitchell Hershfield. Charles Frederick Estwick. Jacques Henry Herts. Charles P. Fagnani, A. B. and Fred. William Hinrichs, A. B. S. Coll. City N. Y. B. 1874. 1875.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 141 Moses Montague Hobart, A. Patrick McCabe, A. M. Seton B. Amherst Coll. Hall, N. J. William B. Hornblower, A. Henry Macdona. B. Coll. N. J. George Matsell MacKellar. Frederick Howard. Percy Hamilton McMahon, Thomas Burr Hoxsey. A. B. 1873, A. M. 1876. Joseph Crofoot Hubbard, A. William Justin Mann. B. Yale. Adrian Vanderveer Martense, James C. Hueston. A. B. Rutger's Coll. Loton Sandford Hunt. Walter Henry Martin. George Adrian Iselin, B. S. Henry Metzinger. Cornell Univ. N. Y. Patrick Joseph Mogan. Dudley Lamartine James. Casimir De Rham Moore, A. Edwin Augustus Johnson. B. 1873, A. M. 1876. Henry Edward Jones, A. B. Jose Gregorio Morales, A.M. Cambridge Univ. Eng. Univ. Havana, Cuba. Millard Richmond Jones. John Andrew Moran. John Innes Kane, A. B. Cam- Stanley Mortimer. bridge Univ. Eng. Thomas Skillman Payntar John Kean, Jr. Mount. Frank Keck, B. S. Coll. City Edward Alonzo Muir. Edwardl Kent, Jr. Luke Mulvany, A. B. Seton John Hill Kitchen. Hall N. J. Joseph Kohler. James B. Murray. Solomon Kohn, B. S. Col. Wilhelmus Mynderse, A. B. Solomon Kohn, B. S. Coll. William's Coll. Mass. City N. Y. George Baldwin Newell. Isaac Ku~gelman. Morgan Joseph O'Brien, A. Thomas Richard Lane, A. B. B. St. John's Coil. N. Y. Manhattan Coll. N. Y. -Stephen James O'Hare, A. B. Charles Percy Latting, A. B. St. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. Yale. William Creighton Ostrander. Frederick Richard Lee. Charles Harrison Otis, A. B. Henry Leipziger, A. B. and Harv. Univ. B. S. Coll. City N. Y. William Henry Paar. Eugene Howard Lewis, A. B. Appleton Downer Palmer, Yale. Adolphus Diederich Pape. Richard James Lewis. James William Perry. Charles King Lexow, A. B. *Augustus Coe Pirsson, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1872, A. M. 187.5. aet. 24. *1875. George Francis Lincoln, A. Willard Stanley Pladwell. B. Yale. William Prall, Ph.D. Univ. Bloomfield Littell, A. B: Rut- Heidelberg. ger's Coll. Tarrant Putnam. Mortimer Livingston. Stuart Fitz Randolph. Henry Loewenthal, A. B. David Henry Regensburger. Coll. City N. Y. John Reynolds, A. B. Harv. Robert Joshua Lounsbury. Univ. 142 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1875-1876. Lucian Haywood Richardson, John Patrick Sweeney, A. B. A. B. Dartmouth Coll. St. John's Coil. N. Y. N. I. Everett Mayhew Swift, A. B. Henry Pendleton Rogers. Yale. De Leonard Rugg. Charles Nicoll Talbot. Charles Burnham Sanders, Sutherland Tenney, A. B. A. B. Harv. Univ. 1873, A. M. 1876. Frederick Louis William Thomas Thacher, A. B. Yale. Schaffner. David Thomson, A. B. 1873, Herman William Schmitz. A. M. 1876. Cornelius Suydam Scott, A.B. Robert Fingland Tilney, A. Coll. N. J. B. Yale. Thomas L. Seabrook, Ph.B. Leopold Turk. Peddie Inst. N. J. William Gilbert Valentine. Horace Secor, Jr. Daniel Babbitt Vermilye, A. John Ekin Shaw, A. B. Yale. B. 1873, A. M. 1876. Harry Higgins Shrope. Joseph Fenelon Vermilye, A. Alexander Bethmann Si- B. 1871, A. M. 1874. monds, A. B. 1873. Henry Walter Webb, E. M. Angel Jacob S. Simpson. Samuel Nelson White, A. B. James Henderson Skidmore, Yale. Jr. Bache McEvers Whitlock, A. John Benjamin Skinner, A. B. B. 1873, A. M. 1876. elsewhere. Elliot Williams. Alexis Cutler Smith. Francis Henry Wilson, A. M. Arthur Cosslett Smith, A. B. Yale. Hobart Coll. N..Y William Robert Wilson. James Wessell Smith, A. B. Francis Jesse Worcester, A. Yale. B. Harv. Univ. Oliver Drake Smith. 210 Jacob Fonseca Da Silva Solis. 1876. Henry Kittredge Spaulding, A. B. Harv. Univ. Gilbert Macmaster Speir, Jr., John Joseph Adams. A. B. 18173, A. M. 1876. Philip Henry Adee, A. B. Henry Lynde Sprague, B. S. Yale. Cornell Univ. N. Y. Shoge Takato Agee. Oliver Lloyd Steele. Spencer Aldrich, Adrich, A. B. 1874. Seth Thayer Stewart, A. B. Jonathan Cowles Andrus. Yale. Nathan LaFayette Bachman, Silas Moore Stilwell, Jr., A. A. B. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. B. 1873, A. M. 18'76. ~ Walter John Bagshaw. Frederick Augustus Baker. Lefferts Strebeigh, A.B. 1873, o Ci N George McCague Baker, A. William Stoothoff. B. Col. City N. Y. James Harris Balston, B. S. John Ruggles Strong, A. B. Univ. N. Y. C. 1872, A. M. 1875. Pearce Barnes, A. B. Yale. James Francis Swanton, A. Harry Crane Beach, A. B. M. St. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. Coll. N. J. 1876.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 143 Perry Belmont, A. B. Harv. Frank Crowell, A. B. Univ. Univ. N. Y. C. Eugene Michel Berard. William Truesdell Day, A. B. Edward J. Bermudez, A. M., William's Coll. Mass. St. John's Coll. N. Y. Edward Gibbons Delaney. Franklin Ball Bernard. Wymberley De Renne. Arthur Berry. Edward Devoe. William James Courtnald George Lewis Dickerman, A. Berry. B. Yale. John Wales Bissell. Edward N. Dickerson, Jr., A. Charles Smith Bloomfield. B. Trinity Coll. Conn. Richard Johnson Bolles. Maurice Dillon. Oliver E. Branch, A. B. Horace Keating Doherty, A. Harv. Univ. B. St. John's Coll. N. Y. John Elmendorf Brandegee, Sylvester Spelman Downer. A. B. Trinity Coll. Conn. James Coleman Drayton, A. John Ernst Brodsky. B. Coll. N. J. Isidore Brooks. Walton Clarke Dupignac. George Selah Brown, A. B. William Wells Durkee. Yale. Walter Doumaux Edmonds, Edward Martin Burghard. A. B. William's College, James Franklin Burrill. Mass. Richard Busteed, Jr. Robert Emmet. George Forrest Butterworth, Thomas G. Evans, A. B. Yale. A. B. Harold Faye. Joseph Byrnes, A. B. Seton Isaac Fromme, A. B. Coll. Hall, N. J. City N.Y. Franklin G. Campbell, A. B. Edward Inglis Frost. Coll. N. J. Perry James Fuller, A. B. Joseph Frank Carlin, A. B. Rutger's Coll. St. John's Coll. N. Y. Albert Gallup, A. B. Brown Horace Hatch Chittenden, A. Univ. R. I. B. Yale. Edward Collingwood Garrett, Salter Storrs Clark, A. B. Jr. Yale. Marcus Ames Garrison. Louis Baker Cleveland. Joseph George Gay. Delphin McLeod Cobb. Edward Winslow Geer, A. B. Adolph Cohen, B. S. Coll. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. City N. Y Walter Clarke Gilson. Samuel Pomeroy Colt. Jacob Conrad Goebel. Frank Bliss Colton. Henry Francis G6ken. Le Grand Colton. Joseph Goldbacher, B. S. Coll. Joseph I. Connaughton. City N. Y. William Wright Conway. Nathaniel Edwards Gouldy. Valentine Cook, Jr. Hugh John Grant. Ashley Wilson Cooper. Ulysses Simpson Grant, A. B. Robert Clifford Cornell, A. Harv. Univ. B. 1874. Samuel Lane Gross, A. B. William Nelson Cromwell. Bowdoin Coll. Me. 144 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Thomas'William Grover, A. John Richard Manley, A. B. B. Yale. Rutger's Coll. N. J. Charles William Hassler, A. Valentine Marsh, A. B. Yale. M. Columbian Coll. D. C. Frederic Panet Marshall, A. Edward Sargent Hatch. B. 1872, A. M. 1875. Selden T. Scranton Henry, A. Isaac Parker Martin, Jr. B. 1874. Charles Leslie Mead. John W. Herbert, Jr., B. S. Augustus H. Merritt. ~ (R.) Schuyler Merritt, A. B. Yale. Harry M. Hiester. Joseph M. Mestre, LL. D. William Hillhouse. Univ. Havana, Cuba. Morris Joseph Hirsch. Lamartine Miller. Oscar Pomeroy Howe. Grayson Mills, A B. Kenyon Lester Samuel Hubbard, Jr. Coll. O. Charles Edward Humphrey, Isaac Newton Mills, A. B. A. B. Yale. Amherst Coll. Josiah Augustus Hyland, A. Charles William Minor, A. B. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. B. Yale. Augustus Jay, A. B. HIarv. Augustin Monroe. Univ. Edward Joseph Mulvany, A. Edward Rodolph Johnes, A. M. St. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. B. Yale. George TWelwood Murray. William Henry Johnson. John Hoffman Murray. George Howard Jones. De Lancey Nicoll, A. B. Coll. George Washington Keeler. N. J. Michael Joseph Kelly, A. B. Lewis Morris Norwood. St. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. Henry Nosser. James Kent, Jr. Lucien Oudin. James Madison Kerr. Frederick Sheldon Parker, A. George Christian Kobbe; A. B. Yale. B. 1874. Joseph Parker, Jr., A. B. Coll. Samuel Kreizer. N. J. Samson Lachman, A. B. Coll. William Parkifi. City N. Y. William Henry Parsons. George Edwin Lawrence. David Paton, A. B. Coll. N. William Le Compte. J. John Lefferts, Jr. Edward Townsend Payne. Henry Masterton Leverich. Henry- Silas Payson, A. B. Albert Jared Loder, A. B. Yale. 1874. John Wesley Peckett, Jr., A. Joseph Edwin Lord, A. B. B. Coll N. J. Yale. James Coffin Perkins, A. B. Michael Francis McGoldrick. Univ. California. William Henry McKee, A. B. William Joseph Philbin. Univ. Michigan. William Augustus PierreWilliam H. McKeon. pont. James McNulty. Robert Leonard Pihlman, Henry Hubbell Man, A. B. Stockholm Coll., Sweden. Coll. City N. Y. Edward Peet Price. 1876.] GRADUATES IN LAW. 145 Harrington Putnam. Frederick Joseph Stone, A. Edward Sumner Rapallo, A. B Harv. Univ. B. 1874. Frank Storrs, A. B. 1874. Bernard Reilly, Jr., A. B. St. Joseph Walworth Sutphen, John's Coll. N. Y. A. B. Rutger's Coll. George Richards, A. B. Yale. Merton Gay Swart, A. B. Rosell Lewellyn Richardson. Coill. City N. Y. James Adam Robson, A. B. Edward Martin Talbot. Yale. Abram Alfred Tappen. Charles B. Rockwood. Matthew Hueston Thoms, George Francis Roesch. A. B. Yale. Leopold Gottlieb Rosenblatt. Henry Neville Tifft, B. S. William Rothschild. Coll. City N. Y. Charles Augustus Runk, A. John Newhouse Tonnele. B. Rutger's Coill. Charles De Kay Townsend. Edward Russ, Jr. James M1ulford Townsend, Louis Johnes Ryerson, A. B. Jr., A. B. Yale. Rutger's Coill. George Waite Tubbs. Peter Ryle. John Langdon Tupper, A. B. Abraham Salomon, B. S. Coll. William's Coll. Mass. City N. Y. John Reyndlds Tyler. Benjamin Aymar Sands, A. Russell Jarvis Uhl. B. 1874. Winm. James Underwood, Jr., Edward Shaffer Savage. B. S. Coill. City N. Y. Herbert Valentine. Whipple Owen Sayles, A. B. Henry Van Kleeck, A. B. and Yale. B. S. Coil. City N. Y. Simon Cleophis Scheeline, A. Philip Van Volkenburgh, Jr. B. Univ. California. Henry Vincent. Edgar Samler Schieffelin. Russell Walden, A. B. Yale. Delavah C. Scoville, A. M. De Lancey G. Walker, A. B. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. Coll. N. J. Robert Senfter. James Montfort Ward. Ferdinand Shack, A. B., B. S. James Talman Waters, Jr., Coil. City N. Y. A. B. Univ. West Va. Robert Norsworthy Shepard, James Waters, A. M. Union A. B. 1870, A. M. 1873. Univ. Tenn. Thomas T. Sherman, A. B. Henry De Forest Weeks, A. Yale. B. Yale. Charles Hurd Sherwood. George Requa Westerfield. Adolph Simis, Jr. Charles Whitlock, Jr. Howard Augustus Smith. Thomas Parmelee Wickes, A. Perry Hiram Smith, Jr., A. B. Yale. B. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. Frederick Stanton Wicks, A. Wybrants Alonzo Smith, A. B. Yale. B. 1873, A. M. 1876. Frederick Beasley WilliamWilliam Dunham Snow. son, A. B. Coll. N. J. Frank Sperry. George Norman Williamson, William Reed Spooner. A. B. 1873. 146 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Hugh Reginald Willson. Philemon Woodruff, A. B. John Seymour Wood, A. B. Coll. N. J. Yale. William Charles Wotton. Joseph Simeon Wood, A. M. William Edward Wyatt. Coll. City N. Y. Horace G. Yates. 219 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. E. M.; C. E.; Ph. B. e.. 1867. 1868. John Magnus Adams, A. B. William Henry Van Arsdale, 1864, A. M. 1867, E. M. A. M. elsewhere, E. M. Samuel Willard Bridgham, Augustus Porter Barnard, E. E. M. 1868. M. 1870, Engineer-inFrancis Gordon Brown, E. M. Charge of the Lighthouse 1868. at New Haven Harbor. Edward Stelle Brownson, A. George Strong Baxter, A. B. B. 1865, A. M. 1868, E. M. elsewhere, E. M., Division 1869. Engineer on the Fourth John Adams Church, E. M. Avenue Improvement. 1868. James Pettigrew Carson, E. Henry Bedinger Cornwall, M. A. B. 1864, A. M. 1867, E. Albert Huntington Chester, M. 1869, Professor of E. M., Childs Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Agricultural Chemistry, Mineralogy College of Hamilton College, N. Y. New Jersey, Princeton, N. George Hampton Coursen, E. J. M., C. E. 1875. Edward Everett Giddings, E. George Jarvis Geer, Jr., E. M. 1872. M. Charles King Gracie, A. B. George Byron Hanna, A. B. 1865, A. M. 1868, E. M. elsewhere, E. M., Chemist 1868. Geological Survey of North Albert Ward Hale, A. B. Carolina, Melter U. S. As1853, A. M. 1862, E. M. say Office, Charlotte, N. C. 1872. Archibald MacMartin, A. M. Thomas Hayes Harmer, A. Coll. N. J., E. M. B. 1864, A. M. 1867, E. M. Edward Stewart Moffat, A. 1872. M. Coll. N. J., E. M. David Van Lennep, E. M. George Howland Parsons, E. 1868. M. 1869. Frederic Milton Petit, E. M. William Pistor, E. M. 1872. 1869, Assistant in DrawWilliam Wey Tuttle, E. M. ing, School of Mines, Co1868. lumbia College. 13 Charles Slason Platt, E. M. 148 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1868-1871. Kenneth Robertson, E. M. William Bleecker Potter, A. Albert P. Shack, E. M. 1869. B. 1866, E. M., Professor Frederick Augustus Scher- of Mining and Metallurgy merhorn, E. M. 1870.- Washington University, Lenox Smith, A. B. 1865, A. St. Louis, Mo. M. 1868, E. M. John Cooper Randolph, A. William Allen Smith, E. M. M. Coll. N. J., E. M. Frederic Stallknecht, E. M. 11 1869. Moses Dillon Wheeler, A. B. 1 87 0. elsewhere, E. M. Ogden Haight, E. M. WVilliam Halsey Ingersoll, 1869. A. B. 186 7, A. M. 1870, LL. B. 1869, E. M. 1875, Assistant in Astronom. *Thomas Monahan Blossom, Observ. A. B. 1866, A. M. 1869, E. M., Geologist and John Augustus Knapp, A. M. Metallurgist Baldwin Ex- elsewhere, E. M. pedition. 1871. Frederick Bruckman, E. M. Stuart Lindsley, E. M. Alonzo Clarence Campbell, edwarrot, E.M. E. M. Edward Moore Parrot, E. M. William Augustus Hooker, A. B. 1866, A. M. 1869, E. Richard Henry Terhune, E. M. M., Superintendent Cleve-.and.ronwarka, Oh o. Theodore Francis Van ~Vagland Ironworks, Ohio.nen E. M Roland Duer Irving, A. M. enen, E. M. elsewhere, E.M., Professor Elwyn Waller, A.. Harv. of Geology, Mining and Univ. 1867 and A. M. etallurgy inthe Uni-1870, E. M. Ph. PD. 1875, Instructor in Analytical versity of Wisconsin, As- Instructor in Analytical Chemistry School of sistant State Geologist of Miest S Coll eof Wisconsin. Mines Columbia College. Wisconsin. Walter Proctor Jenney, E. M. 1871, in charge of the 1871. Black Hills Expedition. 1. Henry Smith Monroe, E. M. (formerly Smith), Assist- William E. S. Fales, E. M. ant Geologist and Mining 1873, LL. B. 1875. Engineer to the Govern- S. Anthony Goldschmidt, A. ment of Yezo, Japan. B. Coll. City N. Y. 1868, Lionel Robert Nettre, E. M. Ph. D. Emory Coll. Ceorgia Henry Newton, A. B. else- 1875, E. M. where, E. M., Assistant in John Gordon, Jr., E. M. Geology School of Mines Pierre De Peyster Ricketts, Columbia College, Geolo- E. M., Ph. D. 1876, Assistgist with Black Hills Ex- ant in Assaying School of pedition. Mines Columbia College. 1871-1875.] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 149 George Washington Riggs, 1874. Ph. B., Chemist Washington University St. Louis, Mo. William de Liesseline BeneGracie Sayre Roberts, E. M., diet, E. M. Assistant in Civil and John Gedcney Mott Cameron, Mining Engineering E.M., C' E. School of Mines Columbia Samuel Morris Lillie, E. M. College. George Murray, E. M. Richard Spotswood Robert- Eben Erskine Olcott, E. M., son, Jr., E. M. Assistant Superintendent 7 of Pennsylvania Lead Works. Benjamin Franklin Rees, E. M. 1875. 18 7 2. PFrancis Bell Forsyth Rhodes, E, M. Frederick Harrison Williams, Peter Townsend Austen, Ph. E. M. B. IS73. *Frank B. Jenney, E. M., Superintendent Orinoco Exploring Co. 18 7 Frederick H. McDowell, E. [M. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., A. B. Thomas O'Connor Sloane, 1872, A. M. 187, E. I. 1872, A. M. 1875, E. M. A. B. elsewhere, E. M, Magnus C. Ihlseng, C. E., E. Chemist New York Gas M., Assistant in Physics Light Co. Columbia College. Arthur F. Wendt, E. M., C. Malvern Wells Iles, Ph. B., E. 1875.- Assistant in Analytical Chemistry School of Mines. Charles Edward Jackson, C. E. I 8 1 Q3. eDouglas A. Joy, E. M. Robert Schuyler Lamson, C. E. Frederick A. Canfield, A. M. HI-arry Wenman Leavens, E. elsewhere, E. M. MI. Charles Adams Colton, E. M., Arthur Macy, Ph. B. Assistant in Mineralogy William Skaats Noyes, E. M. School of Mines Columbia Franklin Pool, E. M. College. Bayard Taylor Putnam, E. M. Henry Augustus Mott, Jr., 1876. Ph. B., E. M., Ph. D. 1876. John Krom Rees, A. B. 1872, H-Ienry Walter Webb, E. M., A. M. 1875, E. M., AssistLL. B. 1875. ant in Mathematics School John Townsend Williams, of Mines 1873-6, Adj. Prof. Ph. B., E. M. Maths. Wash. Univ. Miss. 5 1876-. 15o COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1875-1876. Charles M. Rolker, E. M. Edmund Hyatt Garrison, E. Samuel Howland Russell, E. M., C. E. M. Lollis Benton Gratacap, Ph.B. James Simpson Chester Wells, Francis Newberry Holbrook, Ph. B., Assistant in Ana- E. M., C. E. lytical Chemistry School Walter Lowrie Hoyt, E. M., of Mines. C. E. Edwin Atwater Wetmore, E. Frederick Furneaux Hunt, E. M. M., C. E. Albert Allen Wright, A. M., Frederick Remsen Hutton, A. Ph. B. B. 1873, A. M. 1876, E. 3M., John Henry Tucker, Ph. B. C. E. 18 Charles King, Ph. B. Nathaniel Wright Lord, E.M. Edward Gurley Love, A. B. a18 7 s oelsewhere, Ph. B. John HIolme Maghee, A. B. 1872, A. M. 1875, C. E. Thomas Septimus Austin, E. William Colman Ross, E. M., M. C. E. Frederick Everett Bruen, E. Albert Francis Schneider, E. M., C. E. M., C. E. Francis Sanderson Craven, C. George Cyrus Tilden, C. E. E. Augustus Clark Walbridge, Herbert Carrington Foote, C. E. M., C. E. E. James Robert WVardlaw, C. E. 19 HONORARY GRADUATES, AND GRADUATES OF OTHER COLLEGES WHO HAVE BEEN ADMITTED IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE TO THE SAME DEGREE. 1758. C58. yrus Punderson, Yale 1755, A.M. and Yale. *1789 *Daniel Isaac Brown, (C.L.), *Ebenezer Punderson, Yale N. Jers. 1753, A. M. and N. 1755 A. M. and Yale. Jers., Proth*onotarv Bergen *Daniel Treadwell, Harv. Co. N. J. 1776, Major I-I. B. 1754, A. M. and Harv., FelM. Army 1780. low and Prof. Math. and *Samuel Brown,Yale 1749, A. Nat. Phil. 175 7-60. *1760 M. and Yale. *17s *Timothy Wetmore, (T.), A.. *Isaac Browne, (Rev.), Yale M. 14 11729, A. M. and Yale. *1786 *Thomas Bradbury Chandler, (Rev.), Yale 1745, A. M1. 17 i1. and Yale and Oxford 1753, S. T. D. 1767 and Oxford *John Beardsley, (Rev.), A. 1766. *1790 B., A. M. 1768. *Leonard Cutting, (Rev.), *William Jackson, A. M. and Cambridge, A. M., Tutor Yale 1763 and N. Jers. 1756-63. aet. 69 *1794 1771 and Univ. Utrecht. *1s *S a in u e 1 Fayerweather, *William Samuel Johnson, (Rev.), HIarv. 1743, A. M. Yale 1744, A. M. and Yale and Yale 1753 and Oxford and Harv. 1747, J.C.D. Ox. 1756 and Cambridge. *1781 1766, LL. D. Yale 1788, *Carey Ludlow, (C. L.), A.M., Del. to Col. Congr. 1765, Mast. in Chane. N. Y. 1776, Judge Supr. Ct. Conn. 1772, Surrogate N. Y. C. 1782. Del. to Congr. 1774, Memb. *John McKesson, N. Jers. Council Conn. 1780, Repr. 1753, (C. L.), A. M. and N. in Congr. 1784-7, Memb. Jers. U.S. Constit. Conven. 1787, David Matthews, N. Jers. President 1787-1800, U.S. 1754, (C. L.), A. M., Alder- Sen. 1788. *1819 man N. Y. C. 1776. *Samuel Andrew Peters, Josiah Ogden, A. B. and N. (Rev.), Yale 1757, A.M. and Jers. 1756. Yale, LL. D. elsewhere. *1826 1.32 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1761-1768. *Samuel Seabury, (Rev.), 1765. Yale 1748, A. M. and Yale, S. T. D. Ox. 1777, Bishop e P. E. Ch. Conn. 1784-96. *1796 Jeremiah Leaming, (Rev.), *James Scoville, (Rev.), Yale Yale 1745, A. MI. and Yale, 1757, A. M. and Yale. *1803 S. T. D. 1789. *1804 *Agur Treadwell, (Rev.), A. B. and Yale 1760, A. M. Yale. *1763 *Edward Winslow, (Rev.), Harv. 1736, A. M. and Harv. 1736, A. M. and *Samuel Auchmuty, (Rev.), Harv. *1784 A. B. Harv. 1745 and A.M. 8 IIHarv. 1746, S. T. D. and Oxford 1776. *1777 *Ephraim Avery, (Rev.), 17 62. 1 Yale 1761, A. A.I. *1776 *George Glentworth, M. D. Edinb., A. M. *Samuel Andrews, (Rev.), *Charles Inglis, (Rev.), A.M., Yale 1759, A. M. *1818 S. T. D. elsewhere, Bishop *Richard Clarke, (Rev.), A.B. Nov. Scot.,Governor King's and Yale 1762, A. M. 1766 Coll. aet. 8 *1816 and Yale. *1824 *Hugh Neill, A. I. *Robert iHarpur, Glasgow, A. *John Ogilvie, (Rev.), Yale M., Prof. MPath. and Nate 1748, A. M. and Yale, S. T. Phil. 1761-7, Regent Univ. D. 1770 and Aberd., Gov. N. Y. S. and Clerk of Board King's Coll. 1770-4. *1774 1784-7, Trustee and Clerk *John Tyler, (Rev.), A. B., of Board 1787-95, Secy. St. A. M. 1769. *1823 N. Y. 7 *Bela Hubbard, (Rev.), Yale 1758, A. M. and Yale, S. T. D. Yale 1804. *1812 1 68. *Robert McKean, (Rev.), Phila. Coll., A. M. *Samuel Bard, M. D. and.*Ebeneer Par*neleYa * e1758,Edinb. 1765, LL. D. N. Jers. A. M. and Yale. *1802 1815,Prof.Theor.and Pract. 6 Med. 1767-76 and of Midw. 1770-6, Prof.Chem. 1784-5, 1786-7, Dean Med. Fac. 1 6 4 1792-1804. *1821 *Samuel Clossy, M. D. and Trin. Coll. Dub.,Prof. Anat. *Matthew Cushing, Harv. 1767-76. 1739, A. M. and Harv., Li- *Myles Cooper, (Rev.), Oxbrarian Harv. ford, LL. D. and Ox., Prof. *Samuel Giles, A. B., Instr. in Mor. Phil. 1762-3, PresiMaths. King's Coll. dent 1763-75. *1785 2 *John Jones, M. D. and 1768-1788.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 153 Rheims, Prof. Surg. 176776. *1791 *Peter Middleton, M. D. and *Luke Babcock Yale 1755 St. And., Prof. Path. and AM and Y *1 Physiol. 1776-76 and Mat. Med. and Chein. 1770-6, *George Panton, (Rev.), AbGovernor King's Coll erd, A. M. *James Sayre, (Rev.), Phila. Coll., A. M. aet. 53. *1798 ~'7t9. *William Tryon, LL. D.,Gov17 69. ernor of the Province of New York. *1788 *Ebenezer Kneeland, (Rev.), 4 Yale 1761, A. M. *1777 1787. 1770. *James Hardie, A. B., A. M. *Thomas Barton, (Rev.),A.M. 1790. *Robert Blackwell, (Rev.), A. B. and N. Jers. 1768, 1788. A. M. N. Jers., S. T. D. N. Jers. and Univ. Penn. 1788. 2 *Robert Annan, (Rev.),A. M. *William Cochran, (Rev.), Trin. Coll. Dub., A. M., Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. 1784-9. *Jonathan Boucher, (Rev.), *Robert Charles Johnson, A. M. Yale 1783, A.M. and Yale. *1806 1 772. *Samuel Latham Mitchill, M. D. Univ. Edinb. 1786, A. M., LL. D. elsewhere, *Edmund Fanning,Yale 1757, Memb. N.Y. Assemb. 1790A. M. and Yale and Harv. 2 and 1797-9, Prof. Bot. 1764, J. C. D. Oxford 1774, 1792-5 and Prof. Nat. Hist. LL. D. Yale 1803 and Dart. Chem. and Agricult. 17921803, Surveyor Genl. Prov. 1801, Repr. in Congr. 1801N. Y. 1776, Lt.-Gov. Nov. 3 and 1810-12, U. S. Sen. Scot.,Gov. Prince Edw. Isl. *1818 1804-10, elected Prof. Chem. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 11778. N. Y. 1807 and declined, Prof. Nat. Hist. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1808-20 *Isaac Hunt, Phila., A. M. and Prof. Bot. and Mat. *Joseph Lamson, (Rev.), Med. 1820-6, Vice-Prest. Yale 1741, A. M. and Yale. *,773 Rutg.Med. Coll. N.Y.1826*Harry Monroe, (Rev.), A. M. 30. *1831 *John Stuart, (Rev.), A. M. *John W. Watkins, A. M. 4 5 154 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1789-1802. 1789. 1795. *Roger Alden, Yale 1773, A. John Campbell, A. NM. JM. and Yale. 1836 *John Coffin, Dart. 1791,A.M. *Abraham Beach, (Rev.), and Dart. and N. Jers. Yale 1757, S. T. D., Trus- 1795 and Yale 1798. *1852 tee 1787-1813 and Clerk 2 1795-1811. *1828 *John Daniel Gross, (Rev.), S. T. D., Regent Univ.N.Y. 1797. S. 1784-7, Trustee 1787-92, Prof. Germ. Lang. and Geogr. 1784-95, and Prof. *Jamfes Kent, Yale 1781 and Mor. Phil. 1787-95. A. M. Yale, LL. D. and *Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, Harv. 1810 and Dart. 1819, (Rev.),A.M. N. Jers. 1770, N. Y. Leg. 1790-94 and S. T. D., Prest. Rutg. Coil. *1790 1796, Prof. Law 1793-98'ISamuel William Johnson, and 1823-47, Mast. in Yale 1779, A. 3M1. and Yale. 1816 Chanc. N. Y. C. 1793, Re*William Linn, (Rev.), N. corder N. Y. C. 1797, Judge Jers. 1772, S.T. D., Regent Sup. Ct. N. Y. 1798-1814 Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1808. -1808 and Ch. Just. N. Y. 18046 14, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1800-17, Chanc.N.Y. 1814179t0. 23, Trustee 1823. aet.85. *1847 1 7 9 0. *Samuel Andrew Law, Yale 1792, A. AM. and Yale and *Henry Maeller, (Rev.),A. i. N. Jers. 1797. 1845 *James Proudfit, (Rev.),A.I. 2 2 1793. 1798. *Ebenezer Dibble, (Rev.), William Best, (Rev.), A. AlI. Yale 1734, S. T. D. *1799 William Scott, (Rev.), A. AM. *Andrew Jaffray, (Rev.), S. Andrew Smith, A. AM. T. D. Robert G. Wetmore, (Rev.), *William Ogilvie, LL. D., A. M. 4 Prof. HIuman'Univ. Aberd. 3 1794. William Duke, (Rev.), A. M. *Richard Channing Moore, *James Kemp, (Rev.), S. T. (Rev.), A.M., S. T. D.Dart. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Mary1805, Bishop P. E. Ch. Va. land 1814-27. 1814-41. aet. 79. *1841 2 1804-1819.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 155 1804. 1815. *Ednund D. Barry, (Rev.), *Frecleric Beasley, (Rev.), N. A. M. Jers. 1797 and A. M. N. Edward Jenkins, (Rev.), S.T. Jers., S. T. D. and Univ. D. and Brown Univ. 1803. Penn. 1815, Tutor N. Jers. Jacob Larzelere, (Rev.), A.M. 1798-1800, Provost Univ. *Peter Stryker, (Rev.),A.M. *1847 Penn. 1815. *1845 4 1805. 1816. *John Schureman, (Rev.), Clement Meriam, (Rev.), A. Rutg. Coll. 1795 and A. M. Rutg. and N. Jers. 1801, S. T. D., Prof. Eccles. Hist. and Past. Theol. in Theol. 1806. Sem. N. Brunsw. N. J. 1818 *William James MIacneven, M. D. and Univ. Vienna 18 18. 1873, Prof. Mat. Med. Rutg. Med. Coll. N; Y. *1841 *Robert Adrain, LL. D., Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Rutg. 1810-13, Prof. Math and Nat. Phil. 1813-25, Prof. 18 09. Math. Univ. Penn. 1827-34. *1843 *Joseph Hopkinson, Univ. Abraham Bronson, (Rev.), A. Penn. 1786, LL. D. and N. * M. Jers. 1818 and Harv. 1831, Repr. in Congr., Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. Penn. *1842 Samuel Nichols, (Rev.), Yale 1811' 1811, A. M. Ancldrew Thomson, (Rev.), *John Croes, (Rev.), A. M. S. T. D. N. Jers. 1797,'S. T. D., 4 Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Jers. 1815-32. *1832 1819. James Hall, (Rev.), S. T. D. *William Harris, (Rev.), Harv. 1786 and A. M. *Thomas Church Brownell, Harv., S. T. D. and Harv. (Rev.), Union 1804, S.T. D. 1811, President 1811-29, and Union 1819, LL. D. Trustee 1811-29 and Clerk elsewhere, Bishop P. E. Ch..1811. *1829 Conn. 1819-65, Prest. Trin. 3 Coll. 1824-31. *1865 156 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1819-1823. *Philander Chase, (Rev.), 1823. Dart. 1796, S. T. D., Prest. Keny. Theol. Sem. 1825-31, Prest. Keny. Coill., Bishop John Carroll, A. M. P. E. Ch. Ohio- 1819-31 Abraham N. Halsey, A. M. and Bishop Illinois 1833- -Chauncey Lee, (Rev.), Yale 52, Prest. Jubilee Coll. 1784 and A. M. Yale, S. T. aet. 76. *1852 D. John Philip, (Rev.), S. T. D. *Edward Livingston, N. Jers. and N. Jers. 1820. *Edward Livingston, N. Jers. and N. Jers. 1820. 11781 and A. M. N. Jers., 3 LL. D. and Transyl. 1824 1820. and Harv. 1834, Trustee 1793-1806, Repr. in Congr. 1794-1801 and 1823-9, U. William Forrest, A. M. S. Dist.-Attv. N.Y. 1801-3, Mayor N. Y. C. 1801-3, 1821. Secy. St. U. S. 1831-3, U. S. Min. to France 1833-5. s1836 *Thaddens Fiske, (Rev.), 4lJohn Stark Ravenscroft, Thardveus 1 l5en (Rev.), (Rev.), S. T. D. Bishop P. Harv. 1785 and A. M E. Ch N Car. 1823-30 E. Ch. N. Car. 1823-30. *1850 larit., S. T. D. *1855 *Nathan Sandford, LL. D., U. *Washington Irving, A.., S. ist.-Atty. N. Y. 1803L.D. 1829 andarv. 1832, 16, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. J. C. D. Ox. 1831, Memb. of several learned Socie- same, N Y. Sen., U. S. ties, Regent Univ. N. Y. ties, Regent Univ. N. Y. Sen. 1816-22 and 1825-31, S. 1835-42, Secy. TU. S. Memb. N. Y. Constit. ConSieg. Lonl., U. S. Myin. to ven. 1821, Chancell. N. Y. Spain, 1842-46. aet. 76. *1859 1823-25. *3 Daniel McDonald, (Rev.), *John Savage, Union 1799, S. T. D. 3.. LL. D. and Union 1829, Ch. Justice Sup. Ct. N. Y. 1822. *Samuel Seabury, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1837, Prof. *William Lowndes, LL. D., Bibl. Learn. and Interp. Repr. in Congress, U. S. Script. Gen. Theol. Sem. Sen. P. E. Ch. aet. 72. *1872 *Thomas Lyell, (Rev.), A. M. *Ambrose Spencer, Harv. Brown 1803, S. T. D. *1848 1783, LL. D. and Univ. *Alexis P. Proal, (Rev.), A. Penn. 1819 and Harv. 1821, M. Memb. N.Y. Assemb. 1793John Reed, (Rev.), Union 5, N. Y. Sen. 1795-1802, 1805 and A. M. Union, S. Atty.-Gen. N. Y. 1802-4, T. D. Regent Univ. N.Y. S. 1805*Stephen N. Rowan, (Rev.), 17, Judge Sup. Ct. N. Y. Union 1804 and A. M. 1804-19 and Ch.-Just. of Union, S. T. D. *1835 the same 1819-23, Repr. in John Walsh, A. M. Congr. *1848 6 9 1824-1827.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 157 18 24.' TU. s. Sen. 1832-43 and 1845-50, Secy. St. U. S. 1844-45. *1850 *Langdon Cheves, LL. D., *Stephen Elliot, Yale 1791, Repr. in Congr. and Speak- LL. D. and Yale 1819 and er, Supr. Judge S. Car., Harv. 1822, Memb. S. C. Prest. U. S. Bank, Ch. Leg., Prof. Nat. Hist. and Commr. U. S. under Treaty Bot. S. C. Med. Coill. *1830 of Ghent. *1857 Henri L. P. F. Peneveyre, William A. Clark, (Rev.), (Rev.), S. T. D. A. M. *Joel Roberts Poinsett, LL. *James Fenimore Cooper, D., Repr. in Congr. 1821A. M. *1851 27, U. S; Min. to Mex. 1828 *Thomas Addis Emmet, Trin. -30, Secy War U. S. 1837 Coll. Dub., LL. D., Atty.- -41. 1851 Gen. N. Y. *18s3 William Shelton, A. M. *Ernest L e w i s Hazelius, (Rev.), S. T. D. and Union 1824. *1853 *Levi Silliman Ives, (Rev.), 1826. Hamilton Coll., A. M., S. T. D. 1831, Bishop P. E. *William W i r t Phillips, Ch. N. Car. 1831-53. t. 70. *1867 (Rev), Union, T *James Kirke Paulding, A. M., NaT. Off. N. Y., Secy. D., Trustee N. Jers. Coll., Prest. Board For. Miss. U. S. Navy 1837-41. *1860 *Daniel Webster, Dart. 1801 Presbyt. Ch. *1865 and A. M. Dart. and Harv. 1804, LL. D. and N. Jers. 1818 and Dart. 1824 and 1827. Harv. 1824, Memb. of several learned Soc., Repr. in Cong. 1813-17 and 1823- *Jasper Adams, (Rev.), 25, Memb. Mass. Constit. Brown 1815 and A. M. Conven. 1820, U. S. Sen. Brown and Yale 1819, S. 1826-41 and 1845-50, Secy. T. D., Tutor Brown 1818St. UT. S. 1841-43 and 1850- 19, Prof. Math. and Nat. 52. *1852 Phil. Brown 1819-24, 8 Prest. Geneva Coill. 1827, Prest. Charleston S. C. Coll. and Prof. Mor. Phil., 1I X 825 Prof. Eth. Milit. Acad. U. S. *1841 *John Caldwell Calhoun, William Rollinson WhittingYale 1804, LL. D. and ham, (Rev.), A. M., S. T. Hamilt. 1821 and Yale D. 1837, Prof. in Gen. 1822, Memb. S. C. Leg., Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Repr. in Congr. 1811-17, Y., Bishop P. E. Ch. Secy. War U. S. 1817-24, Maryland 1840-. Vice,Prest. U. S. 1825-32, 2 158 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1828-1833. 18 28. James Shea, A. M. * George Upfold, (Rev.), Union 1814, M. D. Coll. *Asa Eaton, (Rev.), Harv. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816, 1803 and A. M. Harv. and S. T. D., LL. D. elsewhere, Brown 1818, S. T. D. *1868 Bishop P. E. Ch. Ind. *Charles Taylor Catlin, Yale 1849. aet. 76. *1872 1822, A. M. and Yale. 4 aet. 67. *1870 William B u e 11 Sprague, (Rev.), Yale 1815 and A. M. Yale 1819, S. T. D. and 1832 Harv. 1848. 3 - *Francis L ister Hawks, (Rev.), Univ. N. Car. 1815, 1829. A. M. Yale 1818, S. T. D., LL. D. elsewhere. *1866 *Antoine Verren, (Rev.), A. M., Prof. French Lang. and Lit. 1828-39. *1874 1833. 1830. *Charles Burroughs, (Rev.), Harv. 1806 and A. M. *James Marsh, (Rev.), Dart. Harv. and Dart. 1811, S. T. 1817 and A. M. Dart., S. T. D. *1851 D. and Amh. 1833, Tutor *George Washington Doane. Dart. 1818-20, Prof. Lang. (Rev.), Union 1818, S. T. Hamp. Syd., Coll., Prest. D. and Trin. 1833, LL. D. and Prof. Mor. Phil. and elsewhere, Prof Rhet. and Met. Univ. Vt. *1842 Orat. Trin. Coll. 1824-28, *Frederic Christian Schaef- Prest. Burlington Coll. N. fer, (Rev.), A. M. N. Jers. J., Bishop P. E. Ch. N. 1818, S. T. D., Prof. Germ. Jers. 1832-59. *1859 Lang. and Lit. 1830-3 1 *1831 *James Emott, A. M. Union William D. Snodgrass,(Rev.), 1800, LL. D. *1850 Wash. Coll. Penn., A. M. *James Hervey Otey, (Rev.), N. Jers. 1822, S. T. D. S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. *William Murray Stone, Tenn. 1834-63. *1863 (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. John H. Pinder, (Rev.), S. T. E. Ch. Md. 1830-38. *1838 D., Principal of Codring4 ton Coll. Isl. Barbad. *David Prentice, Yale 1812, A. M. and Yale, LL. D. 1831. Union 1839, Prof. Greek and Latin. Lang. Genev. *Eli Baldwin, (Rev.), S. T. D. *1889 Coll. *1857 *James Ryan, A. M. 6 1834-1837.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 159 Prof. Chem. and Min. and 1834. Med. Juris. Dart. 182735, President Genev. Coll. Orange Clark, (Rev.), A. M. aet. 66. *1863 Thomas Winthrop C o i t, Benjamin Luckock, (Rev.), (Rev.), Yale 1821 and A. A. M. M. Yale 1831, S. T. D., *Jacob Sutherland, Yale LL. D. Trin. 1853, Prest. 1807, LL. D., Judge Sup. Trans. Univ., Prof. Eccl. Ct. N. Y. *1845 Hist. Trin. Coll. Don Thomas Gener, LL. D., Prest. Cortes of Spain. Robert J. Harvey, A. M. Q 8I~ William Augustus Muhlenberg, Univ. Penn. 1814, (Rev.), S. T. D., Rector John Bethune, (Rev.), S.T.D. St. Paul's Coill. N. Y. and William Cullen Bryant, A. M. Founder St. Luke's IHospi- and Will. 1819, LL. D. tal N. Y. C. Union 1853. William Sherwood, (Rev.), *John Duer, LL. D., Memb. A. AI. N. Y. Constit. Conven. 6 1821, Trustee 1823-30, Just. 1835. Supr. Ct. N. Y. C. 1849-57 and Ch.-Just. same 18578. *1858 *Benjamin Cl ar k Cutler, *George Griffin, Yale 1797, (Rev.), Brown 1822 and LL. D. *1860 A. M. Brown, S. T. D. *1863 *Fitz-Greene Halleck, A. M. *186 Manuel Fetter, A. B., A. M. *Charles Fenno Hoffman, A. 1842, Prof. Greek Lang. M. and Lit. Univ. N. Caro- Theodore Irving, (Rev.), A. lina. M., LL. D. Union 1851, *William Gaston, N. Jers. Prof. Belles-Lettr. Geneva 1796 and A. M. N. iJers., Coll. 1837. LL. D. and Univ. Penn. Samuel Allen McCoskry, 1819 and Harv. 1826 and (Rev.), Dickin. Coll. 1823 Univ. N. Y. C. 1834 and and A. M. Dickinson, S. T. N. Jers. 1835, N. Car. D., D. C. L. Univ. Oxf., Sen., Judge Sup. Ct. N. Bishop P. E. Ch. Mich. Car., Repr. in Congr. *1844 1836-. James Neilson Reynolds, A. *Erskine Mason, (Rev.), DickM. ins. Coll. Penn. 1823 and 4 -A. M. Dickin., S. T. D. *David B. Ogden, LL. D., 1836~o v. Trustee 1815-49 and Chn. of Board 1843-49. *1849 *Benjamin U a 1 e (Rev.), *Thomas House Taylor, Bowd. 1818 and A. M. (Rev.), S. T. D. *1867 Bowd. and Dart. 1827, M. *Samuel A. Van Vranken, D. Dart. 1827, S. T. D., (Rev.), S. T. D. 12 160 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1838-1842. 18388 *William Hickling Prescott, Harv. 1814 and A.M. Harv., LL. D. and Univ. N. Car. *Isaac Boyle, (Rev.), Harv. 1841 and Harv. 1843, J. C. 1813 and A. M. Harv., S. D. Oxford 1850, Memb. of T. D. and Trin. 1838. *1850 many learned societies. *1859 Walter Chisholm, A. M. *Leonidas Polk, (Rev.), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1829, S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Ark 1841. 1838-41, and Bishop of Louisiana 1841-64. aet. 8. *1864 *Albert Gallatin, Univ. 3 Genev. Switz. 1779, LL. D., Memb. Penn. Constit. Conv. 1789, Memb. Penn. 1839. Leg. 1790-2, Repr. in Congr. 1795-1801, Secy. Wmi. M. Carmichael, (Rev.), Treas. U. S. 1801-13, U. S. S. T. D. Commr. at Ghent 1814, U. *Abrah HT a A M S. Min. to France 1815-23, U. S. Env. Ex. to Gr. Bri2 tain 1826-7, Prest. Council Univ. N. Y. C. 1830, Prest. N. Y. Hist. Society 1843-9. *1849 1840. C. H. Gottsberger, A. M. *Samuel Nelson, LL. D., Just. John Watson Adams, (Rev.), Sup. Ct. U. S. aet. 81. *1873 S. T. D. William M. Thompson, A. M. *Stephen Elliott, (Rev.), 4 Harv. 1824 and A. M. Harv., S. T. D., and Trin. 1840, Bishop P. E. Ch. 1842. Georgia 1841-66. *1866 Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck, Gustavus Abeel, (Rev.), Yale 1810 and A. M. Yale Union 1823 and A. M. 1819, LL. D. and Union Union, S. T. D. 1841, Repr. in Congr., *James J. Bowden, A. B. Prest. Rutg. Coll. *Charles W. Hackley, (Rev.), William Hawkesworth, A.M., U.. Mil. Acad. 1829, A.M., Prof. Lang. S. Car. Coll. S. T. D. elsewhere, A. A. 1840. Prof. Maths. U. S. Mil. *Hugh Swinton Legar6, (C. Acad. 1829-31, 1832-33, L.), S. C. Coll. 1814, LL. D., Prof. Maths. Univ. N. Y. C. Memb. S. C. Leg. 1824-30, 1833-39, Prest. Jeff. Coll. Atty.-Gen. S. C. 1830-2, Miss. 1839, Prof. Math. and Charge d'Aff. U. S. at Brus- Astr. 1843-57, Prof. Astr. sels 1832-36, Repr. in 1857-61. *1861 Congr. 1836-38, Atty.-Gen. *Edward Y. Higbee, (Rev.), U. S. 1841-43. *1834 A. M., S. T. D. 1843. aet. 70. *1871 1842-1848.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 161 George C. Schaeffer, A. M., *Bird Wilson, (Rev.), S. T. M. D. elsewhere, Librarian D. elsewhere, LL. D., Prof. 1839-47, Professor Chem. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Cl. 6 Georget. Coll. Kent. John H. Shepherd, A. M. 1846 6 846. 1843. AWilliam Bayard Blackwell, A. M. Ezra A. Huntington, (Rev.), John M. Duncan, (Rev.), S. Union 1833, S. T. D. T. D. 2 George E. Hare, (Rev.), Union 1826, S. T. D. 1847. Daniel Stone, A. M., Prof. Anc. Lang. West. Univ. W i am Ingraham Kip, Penn. 1843. 3 (Rev.), Yale 1831 and A.M. Yale and Trin. 1846, S. T. 1 Q44A AD., Bishop P. E. Ch. Cali1844. forn. 1853-. Joseph Henry Price, (Rev.), Edward E. Ford,'(Rev.), S. Brown 1825 and A. M. T. D. Brown, S. T. D. Joseph W. Ingraham, A. M. *John Canfield Spencer, Charles G. McLean, (Rev.), Union 1806, LL. D. and S. T. D. Union 1849, Mast. in Chanc. *Ambrose Seymour Todd, 1811, Dist. Atty. West. (Rev.), A. M. Yale 1824, S. Dist. N.Y., Repr. in Congr. T.D. *1861 1817-19, Memb. N. Y. AsCharles E. West, A. M. Princ. semb. 1819-24 and Speaker Rutg. Female Instit. N. Y. of the same 1820, N. Y. C. 1844. 5 Sen. 1824-26, Secy. St. N. Y. 1839-41, Secy. War U. 1845. s. 1841-43, Secy. Treas. U. S. 1843-44, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1840-44. s1855 *Daniel Dewey Barnard, 3 Will. 1818, LL. D. and Geneva and Brown 1853, 1848. Repr. in Congr., U. S. Min. at Brussels. *1861 *Francis Vinton, (Rev.), U. Edward Cooper, A. MA. S. Mil. Acad. 1830, A. B. Charles Hewitt, A. Mil. BrownUniv. 1833, S. T. D., John W. McCullough, (Rev.), D. C. LI Will. and Mary's $. T. D. Coll. 1869, elected Bishop Horatio Southgate, (Rev.), P. E. Ch. Indiana 1847 and Bowd. 1832S.TD and A. M. declined, Prof. Eccl. Pol. Bowd., S. T. D. and Trin. and aw Gen. Theol. Sm. Coill. 1846, Bishop P. E. Ch. P E Ch. N. Y 1869-72. Constantinople 1844-50. aet. 63. *1872 162 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1849-1853. 1849. *Martin P. Parks, (Rev.), S. T. D. John Williams, (Rev.), S. T. George Alexander Crook, A. D. and Union 1847, LL. D. M. Hobart 1870, Prest. Trin. James Stephenson, (Rev.), Coll. 1848-53, Asst. Bishop A. M. P. E. Ch. Conn. 1851-65 Horace Webster, U. S. Mil. and Bishop 1865-. Acad. 1818, A. M. N. Jers. Octavius Winslow, (Rev.), S. 1824, LL. D. and Keny. T. D. Coll. 1842, M. D. Univ. 4 Penn. 1850, Asst. Prof. Math. U. S.' MiT. Acad. 1852. 1818-25, Prof. Math. Geneva Coll. 1825-48, Prest. Stephen Alexander, Union Coll. City N. Y. 1848-69. 1824 and A. M. Union, 3 LL. D., Prof. Math. and Astr. N. Jers. 1850. - Samuel Gilman Brown, (Rev.), Dart. 1831 and A. M. Dart., S. T. D., Prof. Rhet. and *William Drisler, A. M. *1870 Polit. Lit. Dart. 1840-63 David X. Junkin, (Rev.), S. and Prof. Int. Phil. and T. D., Prof. Belles Lettr. Pol Econ. 1863-66 and and Eng. Lit. Lafay. Coll. Prest. 1866-68, Prest. Ham. 1837-42, Prest. Wash. Coll. Coll. 1868-. Va. William B. Franklin, U. S. John Barrett Kerfoot, (Rev.), Mil. Acad. 1843, A. M., S. T. D. and Trin. Coll. Prof. Nat. Phil. Free Acad. 1865, LL. D. Univ. Camb. N. Y. C., Maj.-Gen. U. S. V. Eng. 1867, Rector St. * Richard Pulling Jenks, James Coil. Md., Prest. Harv. 1830, A. M..t. 67. *1872 Trin. Coll. 1864-65, Bishop William McMurray, (Rev.), P. E. Ch. Pittsburg 1865-. A. M. Trin. 1846, S. T. D. *Kendrick Metcalf, (Rev.), John Rowland, (Rev.), A. M. Dart. 1829, S. T. D., Prof. Jonn Lee Watson, (Rev.), Greek and Lat. Lang. and Harv. 1815 and A. M. Lit. Hobart. *1872 Harv., S. T. D. *Winfield Scott, A. M. N. 7 Jers. 1814, LL. D. and 1853. Harv. 1861, Maj.-Gen. and Bvt.- Lt.-Gen. U. S. A.aet. 80. *1866 Timothy D. Williams, A. M. Talbot W. Chambers, (Rev.), 6 S. T. D. *Thomas Frederick Davis, 1x1851. (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. 1 8 5 1. E. Ch. S. C. 1853-71. aet. 68. *1871 Henry D. Erskine, (Rev.), A. *Francis H. Cuming, (Rev.), M. elsewhere, S. T. D., S. T. D. Dean of Ripon, Eng. 1853-1857.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 163 Charles Todd Quintard, 1856. (Rev.), M. D. elsewhere, A. M., S. T. D. 1866, LL. D. Camb. Univ. Eng. 186LL D John Blakely, (Rev.),S. T. D. Prof. in Medical College, George Sharswood, LL. D., Memphis, Tenn., Bishop P. Ch.-Judge Dist. Ct. Penn., E. Ch. Tenn. 1865-. Prof. Instit. of Law Univ. Charles Rogers, (Rev.), LL. Penn., Judge Sup. Ct. D., Fellow Scottish Soc. of Penn. 1867-. Antiquarians, Prof. Eng. Richard Somers Smith, U.S. Lang. and Lit. Univ.-Penn. Mil. Acad. 1834, A. M., Samuel Pratt Strong, (Rev.), Prof. Maths. Eng. and S. T. D. Drawing Brooklyn Polyt. 6 Inst. 1855-59, Director Cooper Union N. Y. C. 1859-61, Major U. S. A. 18 54. 1861-63, Prest. Girard Coll. Penn. 1863-. Alfred Stubbs, (Rev.), Yale William R. Gordon, (Rev.), 1835 and A. M. Yale, S. T. D. Jean Romer, A. M., LL. D. 4 elsewhere, Prof. French Lang. and Lit. Free Acad. N.Y. C. J. Jackson Scott, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1857. Henry Philip Tappan, (Rev.), 1Union 825, S. T. D. Union Joseph Alden, (Rev.), Union P184, LL. D., Prof. Mor. 1829 and A. M. Union and and Int. Phil. Univ. N.Y.C. 1832-38 and Channt.i. C. N. Jers. 1832 and Will. 51832-38, Chancell. Univ. 1837, S. T. D. Union 1839, Mich. 1850-63, Cor. Memb. LL. D., Tutor Coll. N. Jers. Inst. of France 1856. Inst. of France 1856. 1830-32, Prof. Rhet. Polit. Econ. and Hist. Will. 1835-52, Prof. Metaph. and Mor. Phil. Lafay. Coill., 1855. Prest. Jeff. Coill. Penn. Alfred Baury Beach, (Rev.), Trin. Coll. 1841 and A. M. John M. Macauley, (Rev.), Trin., S. T. D. S. T. D. Samuel Cooke, (Rev.), A. M. Joseph Few Smith,f (Rev.), Yale 1847, S. T. D. and Yale 1840 and A. M. Yale, Univ. N. Y. C. 1857. S. T. D., Prof. Sac. Lit. William Ferdinand Morgan, Aub. Theol. Sem..2 e m(Rev.), Union 1837 and A. M. Union and Trin., S. T. D. and Trin. 1849. t Known subsequently as Joseph Fewsmith. 4 164 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. r1858-1861. 1858. 1859, Tutor Hamilt. 184246, Prof. Law Hist. Civ. Pol. and Pol. Econ. Hamilt. Charles D. ~Mor~ris, ~A. AB/I. 1846-58, Prof. Munic. Law and Oxford. 1858-, and Warden Law Samuel Spring, (Rev.), A. B. Sch. 1864-, Memb. N. Y. and A. M. Yale 1821, S. T. Constit. Conv. 1867, D. Commr. Appeals N. Y. Henry Waterman, (Rev.), State. Brown 1831, S. T. ID. *John W. French, (Rev.), *Isaac Dyckman Vermilye, Trin. Coll. 1832 and A. M. (Rev.), A. M. Trin., S. T. D., Prof. Ethics ~4 -U. S. Mil. Acad. *Thomas Tompkins Guion, 1859. (Rev.), Trin. 1840, S. T. D. aet. 45. *1862 Fordyce Mitchell Hubbard, Thomas De Boice Coryell, (Rev.), Will. 1828 and A. IUniv. Wis., A. Ml. M. Will., S. T. D. and *-William Armstrong Dod, Trin. 1860, Tutor Will. (Rev.), N. Jers. 1838 and 1831-2, Prof. Lat. Lang. A. M. N. Jers., S. T. D., Univ. N. Car. Tutor N. Jers. 1840-1, *Matthew Hall McAllister, Lect. on Architect. and the LL. D., Judge U. S. Dist. Fine Arts Coll. N. Jers.,*172 Ct. Cal. *1865 George H. H-Joughton, (Rev.), William H.N. Stewart,(Rev.), S. T. D., Instr. in Hebr. Trin. Coll. Dub., A. M., Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. LL. D. Lafayette 1868. N. Y. Charles S. Tripler, M. D. Coll. *Lot Jones, (Rev.), Bowd. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1821 and A. M. Bowd., S. *1865 1827, A. M., Asst. Surg. T. D. U. S. A. 1830-38 and Surg. Alexander G. Mercer, (Rev.), 1838-, Maj. and Bvt. Col. Coll. N. J. 1837 and A. M. U. S. A. Coll. N. J., S. T. D,Prof. *Lewis Bartholomew WoodMent. and Mor. Phil. Univ. ruff, Yale 1830 and A. M. Penn. Yale, LL. D. Judge Supr. Samuel Tyler, LL. D. Ct. N. Y. C., Judge U. S. 6 Circ. Ct. 1870-5. *1875 9 1860. 1861. Charles P. Daly, LL. D., *Alexander Warfield BradJust. Ct. Com. Pleas N.Y. ford, Union 1832 and A. M. C., Memb. N. Y. S. Constit. Union, LL. D. and Union Cony. 1867. 1852, Corporation Atty. Theodore W. Dwight, Hamil- N. Y. C. 1843, Surrogate ton Coll. and A. M. Hamilt., N. Y. C. 1848-58, TrusLL. D. and Rutg. Coll. tee 1855-67. aet. 52. *1867 1861-1865.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 165 Charles H. Hall, (Rev.), Yale Samuel Eliot, Harv. 1839 and 1862, S. T. D. and Hobart A. IM. Harv. and Trin. 1857, 1862. LL.D., Prof. Hist. and *Abraham Lincoln, LL. D. Polit. Sci. Trin., elected and Coll. N. J. 1864, Presi- Prof. Anc. and Mod. Lit. dent of the United States 1857 and declined, Presi1861-65. *1865 dent Trin. Coll. 1860-4. *Joseph C. Passmore, (Rev.), Jared B. Flagg, (Rev.), S. S. T. D., Prof. Rhet. Int. T. D. Phil. and Pol. Econ. St. Robert S. Howland, (Rev.), James Coll. Md. and Racine S. T. D. Coll. Wis. *1866 Thomas Ricker Lambert, S. Chipman Thrall, (Rev.), (Rev.), A. M. Brown 1845 S. T. D. and Trin. 1852, S. T. D. Sullivan H. Weston, (Rev.), Henry B. Walbridge, (Rev.), S. T. D,, Trustee Med. S. T. D. Dept. 1860-. 6 l6 1864. 1862. Henry Stephens Cutler, Mus. D. HIenry P. Balcom, A.; M. Supt. Joseph G. Fox, C. E. elsePub. Sch. Middlet., Conn. where, A. M., Prof. Math. Samuel Buel, (Rev.), Will. Cooper Inst. N. Y. C. 1833 and A. M. Will., S. T. Thomas Hnter, A. M. D., Tutor Ken., Prof. Sys- Thomas H tem. Divin. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1871-. 1865. George Jarvis Geer, (Rev.), Trin. 1842 and A. M. Trin., Samuel Ely, (Rev.), S. T. D. S. T. D. and Union 1862. Richard Graham Hutton, Benjamin Nicholas Martin,.), A. M. (Rev.), Yale 1837 and *Andrew Johnson, LL. D., A. M. Yale, S. T. D., Prof. Vice-President of the Phil. and Hist. Univ. N. Y. United States 1865 and ~~~~~C. ~~President 1865-69. Henry Joel Scudder, Trin. McWalter B.Noyes, (Rev.), 1846, A. M. and Trin., Repr. A. M. in Congr. Samuel S. Shedden, (Rev.), John Cotton Smith, (Rev.), S. T. D. Bowd., 1847 and A. D.. James Tuttle Smith, (Rev.), Bowd., S.. D. A. M., Hosp. Chapl. U. S. A. 1862-65.'William H. Walter, Mus. D. 18 6 3. George D. Waters, (Rev.), S. T. D. Samuel Hanson Cox, (Rev.), John Freeman Young, (Rev.), Univ. N. Y. C., A. M. Trin. S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch.'1852, S. T. D. Florida 1867-. 9 166 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1866-1871. 1866. 1869. *Abner Jackson, (Rev.), Charles Breck, (Rev.), S. T. Trin. Coll. 1837 and A. M. D. Trin., S. T. D. Trin. 1858, Theodore Augustus Eaton, LL. D;, Tutor Trin. 1837- (Rev.), S. T. D. 38, and Libr. 1837-49, Adj. Asa Bird Gardner, (Rev.), Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. Dart. 18-, A.M. and DartTrin. 1838-40, Lect. in mouth, L. L. B. elsewhere, Chem. and Nat. Sci. Trin. Prof. Law U. S. Mil. Acad. 1840-51 and Prof. Ethics 1874-. and Metaphys. 1840-58, Thomas Williams Humes, Prest. and Prof. Ev. Christ. (Rev.), S.T. D., Prest. Univ. Hobart Coill., Prest. Trin.. East Tenn. Coll. 1867-74. aet. 63. *1874 William Quintard Ketchum, Charles P. Kirkland, LL. D., (Rev.), S. T. D. Judge Sup. Court N. Y. Benson J. Lossing, A. M. James Mulchahey, (Rev.), John Carpenter Smith,(Rev.), Trin. 1842 and A. M. Trin., S. T. D. S. T. D. 7 1867. 1870. *Samuel Brazer Babcock, Samuel B. Bostwick, (Rev.), *Samuel Brazer Babcock, (Rev.), S. T. D. *1873 William Croswell. George Marlow Everhart, William Croswell Doane, (Rev.), S. T. D. and HIenry (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. Coll. Va. 1852 Prest. E. Ch. Albany 1868-. Huntsville Cll. Ala 1852Ferdinand Cartwright Ewer, Huntsville Col. Ala. 185257, Rector Kemper Hall (Rev.), larv. 1848 and A. Wis. Rt K p a M. Harv. 1868, S. T. D. Peter IHasbrouck, Rutgers Channing Moore Williams, C l A Rg (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. E. Ch. China 1866-. 188 1871. 1868. GeorgE B Andrews, (Rev.), Philander Kinney Cady, S. T. D. (Rev.), S. T. D. Edmund De Schweinitz, Benjamin Wistar Morris, (Rev.), S. T. D. (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. John HIabersham Elliott, E. Ch. Oregon and Wash- (Rev.), S. T. D. ington 1868-. James Isbell Helms, (Rev.), Charles Franklin Robertson, S. T. D. (Rev.), Yale 1859, S. T. D., Pelham Williams, (Rev.), S. Bishop P. E. Ch. Missouri T. D. 1868-. 3 5 1872-1876.] HONORARY GRADUATES. 167 1872. 1874. John Graeff Barton, LL. D., E. Edwards Beardsley, Prof. Eng. Lang. and Lit. (Rev.), LL. D. Coll. City N. Y. Joseph H. Clinch, (Rev.), S. Howard Crosby, (Rev.), S. T. T. D., Chaplain Pub. Instit. D. elsewhere, LL. D., Chan- Boston, Mass. cellor Univ. City N. Y. Jacob Cooper, (Rev.), D. C. John Watts De Peyster, A. L. elsewhere, S. T. D., M. Prof. Greek Lang. and Lit. Edward David Hearn, A. M. Rutgers Coll. N. J. William Bell White Howe, Robert N. Merritt, (Rev.), S. (Rev.), S. T. D., Bishop P. T. D. E. Ch. South Carolina. Clarkson Nott Porter, LL. D., Charles O'Connor, LL. D. Repr. in Congr. Isaac Lewis Peet, LL. D., 5 Prin. Instit. Deaf and Dumb N. Y. C. 1875. Eliphalet Nott Porter, (Rev.), S. T. D. Prest. Union Coll. S. T. D.,.Prest. Union Col William Spencer Child, N.Y. 8 (Rev.), S. T. D. William Kirtland Douglas, 1873. (Rev.), S. T. D., Princ. "Bishop Green Training John Gottlieb Auer, (Rev.), School," Jackson, Miss. S. T. D., Missionary Bishop William Porcher Du Bose, Cape Palmas, Afr. (Rev.), S. T. D., Chaplain George Beckett, (Rev.), S. T. Univ. of the South, Tenn. D. John Nicholas Galleher, Aaron Bernstein, (Rev.), A. (Rev.), S. T. D. M., Miss. to the Jews, William Andrew Snively, Bucharest. (Rev.), S. T. D. William Henry Chandler, A. Thomas Edward Vermilye, M., Prof. Chem. Lehigh (Rev.), S. T. D. Univ. Penn. 6 Henry Augustus Homes, LL. 1 76. D., State Libr. N. Y. 18 6. William Reed Huntington, (Rev.), S. T. D. John Marshall Kellogg, A. M. Frederic Stengel, A. M., Julius Hawley Seelye, LL. Instr. in Germ. School of D., Prof. Ment. and Mor. Mines Col. Coill. Phil. Amherst Coll., Repr. James Stephenson, (Rev.), S. in Congr., Prest. Amherst T. D. Coll. 8 2 EN UMERATION. Graduates in Arts........................ 2242 Graduates in Medicine...................... 1437 Graduates in Law................... 1546 Graduates of the Mining School................ 115 Honorary Graduates, etc............................. 366 Total......... 5706 Deduct names repeated......200 5506 KNOWN TO BE DECEASED. Graduates in Arts............. 1094 Graduates in Medicine............................... 41 Graduates in Law............................ 20 Graduates of School of Mlines......................... 2 Honorary Graduates, etc................. 180 T otal..................................... 1337 Deduct names repeated.. 15 1322 Presumed to be living...................... 4184 INDEX OF OFFICERS. PAGE PAGE Abeel, John N.............................13 Boyd, Samuel.......................... 1..15 Adams, John G..........................18, 38 Bradford, Alexander W...................16, 34 Adler, Isaac................4..... 4.... 44 Bradish, Luther........................... 17 Adrain, Robert........................21, 24 Briddon, Charles K................32 Agnew, Cornelius R............17, 31, 33, 37, 41 Bridgham, Samuel W.................... 17 Alexander, William................... -.. 9 Brown, D. Tilden.....................33 Allen, George F........................ 16 Brown, James L......................40 Anderson, C. Van Allen........32........32 Buel, Samuel.............................11 Anderson, Henry J..................16, 24 Buchanan, Walter C.......................29 Anthon; Charles......................23, 25, 27 Buck, Albert H............................44 Anthon, George C.......................13 Buck, Gurdon.....................17, 38 Anthon, George C........................... 17 Bulkley, Lucius D...................44 Antill, Edward................... 9 Bumstead, Freeman J...........31, 32 Apthorpe, Charles W........................ 9 Burgess, John W...................25, 34, 40 Astor, John J., Jr........................16, 18 Cadefia, Mariano V. De La.................25 Auchmuty, Samuel.....................8, 9 Cairns, Frederick A....................... 42 Bailey, Richard..........................28 Campbell, Alonzo C....... -... 36 Ball, A. Brayton......................33, 44 Campbell, James........................... 15 Bancker, Abraham...............'.... 11 Canterbury, Archbishop of...........7, 8 Banks, James L........................18, 38 Carle, Joannes........................... 8 Banyar, Goldsborough..................10 Casey, Joseph J....................... 35 Barclay, Henry....................... 8 Caswell, John H................... 36, 42 Bard, Samuel..............12, 22, 29, 30 Catlin, Lynde...................14 Bard, William............................15 Chambers, John......................8, 9 Barnard, Frederick A. P...16, 18, 21, 37, 38, 39 Chandler, Charles F..................29, 34, 40 Baxter, George S.................. S36 Chandler, William 11...........36 Beach, Abraham...................... 12, 20 Charlton, John...................... 13 Beadle; Edward L................16, 17, 37, 38 Chase, George........................33 Beck, John B.......................15 Chauncey, Henry, Jr.......................18 Beckwith, Frank E...................... 33, 44 Cheesman, John C.................17 Beekman, Henry......................... 8 Chester, Albert H.......................35 leekman, James W.................17, 37, 38 Church, William H.......... 32 Bell, Christopher M............. 32 Clark, Alonzo.....................8, 30, 38 Benson, Egbert....................... 13 Clarkson, David.............:.... 9 Berrian, William...................15, Clarkson, Matthew....................10 Berteau, Felix G.........2...............22 Clinton, James.............................10 Betts, Beverley R..................... 27, 41 Clossy, Samuel.........:..............22, 26, 28 Betts, William...........15, 18, 20, 24, 37, 38 Cochran, John......................... 11, 12 Bidwell, Marshall S................. 34 Cochran, William.................. 22, 27 Bisset, John.............2...........4 Cock, Thomas F.....................18, 38 Blatchford, RichardM....................17 Cohn, Henry.........I......35 Blatchford, Samuel....................16, 37 Colton, Charles A.................36, 42 Blossom, ThomasM..................... 36 Conant, David S.................32 Boag, Edward T............................ 44 Conger, Abraham B..............26 Bogert, Cornelius I..........................13 Conkling, Frederick A.................17, 38 Bolton, Henry C........................36, 42 Cooper, Myles....................8, 20, 21, 26 Bowden, John............................22 Cornwall, Henry B................35, 36 170 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. PAGE PAGE Cosine, John.............................13 Evertson, Nicholas...,....... 13 Crane, John J................... 1.......18, 38 Ferguson, John..................... 15 Creighton, William...................... 15 Fish, Hamilton....................15, 16, 19, 37 Crosby, Ebenezer.....................12, 29 Fish, Nicholas..................14, 19, 20 Crosby, John P...............17, 88 Fisher, George i..16 Cruger, Henry......................... 8 Folke, Albert........................36 Cruger, John..............................8 Foresti, E. Felix...........................24 Cruger, John, Jr........................... 8 Foster, Jacob P. G................... 1..... 17 Cruger, John H................. 10 Fowler, George B.........................32, 44 Curtis, Edward.......................31, 33, 41 Gano, John..........................1, 12 Curtis, Felix...............................45 Garrison, Herman.............. 11 Curtis, John G..........................32, 33' Gillespie. George H....................... 18 Cushing, Matthew........,............. 7 Gilman, ChandlerR..................30 Cushman, Charles A.............. 44 Goodhue Charles C. 18 Cutting, Leonard...........................26 Griscom, John........................24 Cuyler, Henry............................. 9 Gross, John D....................11,12, 21, 23 Dalton, Edward B......................... 33 Hackley, Charles W...................24. 25 Dalton, John C., Jr.................. 31, 40 Haight, Benjamin I....... 15, 37 Daly, Charles P...........................34 Hallock, Edward J.....................36, 42 Da Ponte, Lorenzo........ H..... Ialsey, Anthony.................16, 20, 37 Davies, Charles......................22, 26, 39 Hamersley, William.....................29 Day, Edward C. H......... 35 Hamilton, Alexander........................11 Day, W. DeForest..4......... 4 Hanna, George B.........................36 Delafield, Edward.....17, 29, 30 Haring, John..............................10 Delafeld, Edward, Jr...............18, 38 Harison, Richard.......................12, 19 Delafield, Francis.......................33, 43 Harison, William H..............15 Delafield, Joseph......................17 Harper, Joseph W., Jr.................17, 37 Delafield, Lewis L........................17 HIarpur, Robert..10, 12, 20, 22 De Lancey, James, Jr................... 9 Harris, William....................13, 20, 21 De Lancey, Oliver.......................... 8 HIaynes, Joseph.......................... 9 Delano, Franklin H.................. 1.....17 Henderson, William..............14 Delaplaine, Joseph......................11, 12 Henschel, Charles......................... 17 Demarest, Theodore F. C.................. 28 Hobart, John H............................13 Denham, Thomas.........................38 Hobart, William H.......................16 De Peyster, Abraham............ 8 Hoffman, Anthony....................10 Detmold, William......................31, 40 Hoffman, Ogden...................... 15 De Witt, Thomas....................... 16 Hoffman, Wickham........................ 17 Dix, Morgan.......................... 16, 37 Holland, Edward........................... 8 Dodge, William E., Jr...................... 17 Hone, Philip.............................14 Dole, George I. L...............11 Horsmanden, Daniel.............8......... 8 Dongan, John C.......................... 11 Hosack, David............................. 30 Draper, William H..................31, 3., 41 Hosack, Nathaniel P......................17 Drisler, Henry..2., 25, 26, 39 How, Thomas Y........................... 14 Duane, James.......................9, 11, 19 Hows. John W. S.......................25 Duer, John............................... 14' Hubbard, SamuelT....................18, 38 Duer, William A.......................15, 21 Humphrey, Cornelius...................... 10 Duffie, Cornelius R......................27, 41 Hutton, Mancius S.................... 16, 37 Dunk, Earl of Halifax..................... 7 Ihlseng, Magnus C.......................27, 43 Dunscomb, Edward.....................13 Iles, Malvern W....................... 36, 43 Duyckinck, Evert A................. 1....l7, 837 Ingersoll, William H.................27, 36, 42 Dwight, Theodore W............... 33, 39 Inglis, Charles.......I...10.. Egleston, Thomas, Jr.................34, 40 Irving, John T........................... 14 Ellet, William H.....................25, 27 Jacobi, Abraham.......................31, 41 Elliot, Ellsworth........................8, 38 Jarvis, Samuel F......................... 14 Elliott, George T.. 32 Jay,John..................................11 Eno, Henry C...........................32 Jay, John C..........................16, 37 Ernenputsch, William.................... 23 Jay, Peter A........................14, 19 Evarts, William M.......................... 34 Jesup, MorrisK......................... 17 Everson, Duane S........................26 Johnson, Samuel......................... 8, 20 1876.] INDEX OF OFFICERS. 171 PAGE PAGE Johnson, William.....................2.... 26 Livingston, William...................... 9 Johnson, William.....................14, 20 Livingston, William C.........8........ 32 Johnson, William S...................12, 21 Lloyd, John................ 11 Johnson, Woolsey.................... 833, 44 Lockwood, Ebenezer......................11 Jones, David S............................14 Lodge, Abraham.................... 9 Jones, Edward........................... 16 Loiseau, Jules E.........................35, 42 Jones, Edward R................ 15 Lord, DanielD.........1...............17, 38 Jones, John.................. 2.. 8 Loughlin, Andrew.......................45 Jones, Thomas.......................9, 11, 12 Ludlow, Edward G......................17, 38 Jones, WilliamA..........................27 Ludlow, Edward H.....1......... 8 Joy, Charles A........................24, 84, 39 Ludlow, Gabriel.................... 9 Joy, Douglas A......................... 36 Ludlow, Thomas W........................15 Julien, Alexis A..................... 35, 42 Mabrii, Jules................35 Kelsey, Charles.......................43 McBride, Thomas A..................44 Kemble, Gouverneur................. 17....17 McBurney, Charles..............32, 43 Kemp, John.........21, 22,23, 26 McClintock, J. Emory.................26 Kempe, John T............................ 8 McCrea, John..........................11 Kempe, William........................ 8 McCulloh, Richard S.. 24, 25 Kennedy, Archibald.....................8, 9 McKnight, Charles...............11, 12, 28 Kennedy, John T.........................44 McKnight, John.........................13, 21 Kennedy, Robert L....................... 17 McLane, James W............... 30, 31, 33, 41 Kent, James...................... 14, 24 MacLean, Charles F...F..................34 Kerr, Nathan.................11 McVickar, John.........................22, 25 King, Charles.......................15, 16, 21 McVickar, William A..................... 27 King, Rufus...............................13 Maier, Julius............................. 35 Kinnicutt, Frank P.......................44 Mann, Matthew D................33, 44 Kissam, Benjamin......................12, 29 Marcellin, Villette De.......................22 Kissam, Richard S..................... 30 Markoe, Thomas M.....................28, 40 Knox, John.......................... 15, 19 Marston, Nathaniel....................... 9 Krolikowski, Milos........................35 Martin, Josiah........................... 8 Kunke, Benno............................45'Mason, Erskine............................32 Kunze, Johann C...................11,12, 13, 23 Mason, John.............................11 Laight, Edward W....................14, 19 Mason, JohnL...........................15 Lambert, Edward W..................... 32 Mason, John M......................13, 21 Lamoroux, Wendell...................... 26 Matthews, James M........................15 Lawrence, Eugene................26, 34 Maunsell, John................. 10 Lawrence, John.....................11, 12 Merriam, Augustus C................. 26, 41 Lawrence, John L....................15, 20 Metcalfe, John T.......................31, 40 Lawrence, Thomas....................... 10 Meyer, John F..............................44 Lefferts, George M...................... 43 Middleton, Peter...................10, 28 L'Hommedieu, Ezra.................. 10... 10 Miller, Samuel....................13 Leroux, Georges........................... 35 Mitchill, Samuel L......................24, 30 Leroy, Peter V............................ 44 Moore, Benjamin....................13, 20, 21 Leslie. Alexander.....................27 Moore, Clement C.................14, 20 Lewis, Morgan..........................11, 12 Moore, Lambert............................20 Lieber, Francis............................25, 33 Moore, NathanielF..........15, 21, 23, 27 Linsly, Jared.........................18, 38 Moore, William.......................13, 19 Lispenard, Leonard................9, 11, 12, 20 Morris, Gerard W..................... 16 Little, James L......................33, 43, 44 Morris, Gouverneur........................13 Livingston, Brockholst...........10, 12, 19, 20 Morris, Lewis............................. 10 Livingston, Cambridge............... 18, 38 Morris, Roger......................... 9 Livingston, Edward......................13 Mott, Valentine...........................28 Livingston, Gilbert..............'....... 11 Moyes, Henry...........................23, 29 Livingston, James....................9, 10 Mulford, E...............................34 Livingston, John......................... 9 Murray, JohnR........................14 Livingston, John H......................11, 19 Murray, Joseph............................. 8 Livingston, Philip.......................... 13 Murray, Washington.................... 17 Livingston, Waiter.......................10, 12 Nairne, Charles M..................2.6, 34, 39 Livingston, Watts C............3...........32 Nash, Stephen P..16, 37 172 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. PAGE PAGE Newberry, John S.................... 35, 40 Romeyn, John B.....................13, 20 Newton, Henry............................. 36 Rood, Ogden N................... 25, 35, 40 Nicoll, Benjamin....'.......9 Root, Edward W........................... 35 Nicoll, Samuel.......................... 13, 29 Ruggles, Samuel B.................... 15, 87 Noyes, William C........1......... 1..... 34 Russell, Ebenezer........................ 11 Ogden, Benjamin....................... 18 Russell, I. C............................ 36, 42 Ogden, David B........14............ 14, 19 Rutherfurd, John................... 11, 12 Ogden, Gouverneur M............... 16, 20, 37 Rutherfurd, LewisM................. 16, 37 Ogden, Thomas L....................... 14.Sabine, Thomas T..............28, 32, 33, 41 Ogilby, John D......................... 27 St. John. Samuel........................ 29, 38 Ogilvie, John...................... 9 Sands, Henry B.................2 8, 32, 40 Olyphant, G. Talbot....................... 18 Satterthwaite, Thomas E.................. 44 Onderdonk, Benjamin T.................... 14 Schaeffer, Frederick C................... 2. 83 Ordronaux, John...................... 33, 39 Schaeffer, George C..................... 27 Osborn, John C........................2 9, 30 Schermerhorn, William C.............16, 37 O'Sullivan, John L.................. 26 Schmidt, Henry I..................... 23, 39 Otis, Fessenden N................. 31, 33, 41 Schweitzer, Paul......................... 35 Parker, Willard................ 18, 28, 31, 38 Scott, Lewis A......................... 12 Parrott, Robert P................. 17..... 17 Seguin, Edward C................... 31, 33, 41 Peck, William G............. 22, 24, 26, 35, 39 Seixas, Gershom.........1............. 11, 12 Pell, Philip, Jr............................. 10 Sherwood, John........................18, 38 Philipse, Frederick:................ 8 Short, Charles..........................25, 40 Pistor, William...........6..........., 42 Silliman, Charles A..................... 17, 37 Pomeroy, Oren D.............44 Smith, A. Hermance.................. 32 Post, Wright............................ 14, 28 Smith, Caleb........................... 10 Potter, Horatio....................... 16, 87 Smith, Floyd........................... 17 Potter, Howard.......................... 17 Smith Gouverneur M...................... 30 Potter, William A............8......... 35 Smith, James....................... 2....... 8 Potter, William B........................... 36 Smith, Joseph M.......................... 30 Pratt, Benjamin.......................... 8 Smith, William P....................... 30 Prime, Frederick, Jr.........8....... 36 Snodgrass, William D.................... 15 Prime, Temple................... 17 Spring, Gardiner.......................... 15, 19 Provoost, John........................... 9 Stengel, Frederick..................... 35,. 42 Provoost, Samuel...................11, 19 Stevens, Alexander H..................... 28 Purdy, AlfredS....................18, 38 Stevens, Edward.......................... 30 Pyne, Percy R............................. 17 St. John, Samuel.............9....... 29, 40 Quackenbos, John D..................... 26, 41 St. John, Samuel B......................... 44 Radcliffe, Jacob............................ 13 Stringham, James S................... 4, 29 Rattoone, Elijah D......................... 23 Strong, George T......................... 16 Ravenhill, Lefroy........................ 27 Strong, Pascal N....................... 14 Ray, Robert............................16, 37 Swan, Otis D........ 7........ Reade, Joseph........................ 9 Swift, Foster............................. 32 Rees, John K............. ~......... 36, 42 Swords, Charles R....................... 16, 37 Remsen, Robert G...................18, 38 Tappan, Christopher..................... 10 Renwick, James......................... 14, 24 Taylor, Robert W........................ 44 Renwick, James N......1.......7...... 17 Tellkampf, John L................... 23 Richard, Paul............................. 8 Tennent, John V. B.................... 9 Richter, Charles........................ 45 Tetard, John P............................ 22 Ricketts, Pierre De P................... 36, 42 Thomas, T. Gailliard................30, 40 Rintelen, Fritz................ 35 Tillary, James............................ 13 Ritzema, Joannes.......................... 8 Torrey, John.......................16, 18, 30 Roberts, Gracie S...................... 36, 43 Townsend, James..................... 10 Robinson, Beverley....................... 9 Treadwell, Daniel.................. 21, 26 Robinson, Beverley..................... 14, 19 Treat, Malachi................1.........11, 12 Robinson, Joseph................... 8 Troup, Robert.............................. 13 Rogers, John.......................... 11 Tucierman, Lucius...................... 17 Rogers, John R. B.................... 29 Turner, Samuel H.......................... 24 Romaine, Thomas.......................... 11 Van Amringe, John H..........22, 26, 35, 39 Romayne, Nicholas................ 11, 12, 29, 32 Van Brunt, Rutgers...................... 10 1876.] INDEX OF OFFICERS. 173 PAGE PAGE Vanderbilt, John.................. i.. Webster, David..........................44 Vanderpoel, Aaron E....................17, 37 Weeks, Stephen R.................... 27, 41, 44 Vanderpoel, Aaron J............ 3....... 34 Weir, Robert F.........:............. 33, 43, 44 Van Wagenen, Gerrit G..................15, 20 Wells, James S. C..................36, 43 Vardill, John..................... 22, 26 Wells, John....1............................ 1 Varick, Richard........................11, 19 Wells, Thomas L....................... 15 Vermilye, Robert G.....................23, 26 Weston, Sullivan H.............18, 38 Vermilye, W. H......... 44 Weygand, John A..................... 8 Verplanck, Gulian C.............. 14 Wharton, Charles H......................13, 21 Verplanck, Philip...................... 8 Wheelock, George G.................... 33, 44 Verplanck, Samuel....................... 9 White, Henry............................10 Verren, Antoine....................... 22 Wilkes, Charles..........................14 Vinton, Francis L.......................34, 40 Williams, John...........................11 Visscher, Matthew...................... 11 Williams, William R................. 15.. 15 Wainwright, Jonathan M...............14, 16 Wilson, James...................... 11 Waldo, Leonard.........2....... 27, 36 Wilson, Peter.........2.................22, 23 Walker, Henry F.......................... 44 Winthrop, Benjamin R.................17, 38 Waller, Elwyn..................... 36, 42 Wisner, Henry..........................10 Walton, Jacob.......................... 10 Wolcott, Oliver......................... 13 Walton, William........................ 8 Wood, Isaac.............................. 17 Walton, William...........................10 Woodruff, Hunlock.......................11 Ward, Charles S...........................44 Wright, George W........... 11 Ward, George C..............1.............. Wynkoop, Gerardus H................... 41 Ward, Samuel............................15 Yates, Christopher...............10 Ward, Samuel B........................ 32 Yates, Christopher P................ 10 Watts, John...........................8, 13 Yates, Peter W..................i......... 11 Watts, John........................... 14 Yeaman, George H.......................4, 43 Watts, Robert............................28 Zabriskie, Martin......................... 16 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- INDEX OF GRADUATES. h indicates Hononary Graduates and Graduates of other Colleges who have been admitted to the same degree. I indicates Graduates in Law. m indicates Graduates in Medicine. m. e. indicates Graduates of the School of Mines. Abarbanell, Agnew, 1823 Horatio. Anderton, 1874 Jacob. 1. 1810 John. 1833 Stephen D. 1570 Edward K. 1. 1849 CorneliusIR.tephen D. Abb1849 CorneliusR. 183 William M. Andress, 14AbRber. 1860 Thomas H. m. 1 1874 Robert. m. Aiken, 1866 John J I. 1864 Theophilus H.m. 1869 George H. in. 1875 William D. 1. Abbott, 1875 Morias H. m. Andrews, 1846 R. S' arden. Aims, 1762 Samuel. h. 1869 Amos W. m. 1850 John M. G. Allerton, 1862 George P. m. 1873 George B. 1. 1874 Walter S. 1863 James B. 1. Aitken, 1869 William H. 1. Abeel, 1868 Frederick M. m. Allis, 18~71 eorge B. h. 1794 David G. m. ke 1872 Frederick. 1. 183 Egbert T. m. 1822 George. Akerly, 183 Henry C.. 1842 Gustavus. h.. 1804 Samuel. Almon, 1874 John W.. 1876 J. Alfred. m. Abrahams, Akin 1863 William B. m. 4 sa 1867 Thomas R.m.Andrus 1774 Isaac 1875 Henry S. 1. Thomas Andus Adams, Albro, Alverson, I'1876 Jonathan C. 1. 1827 Jasper. h. 1874 William C. 1. 1867 Theodore F. m. Annan, 1840 John W. h. Al B American 1788 Robert. h. 1845 John K. A Buris, American, 1864 J6hn M. 1844 Clement W. 1864 Samson. m. Anthon, 1869 Charles A. Alden' Ames 1801 John. 1872 Daniel S. m. Alden 1813 Henry. 1872 James R. I. 1789 Roger. h. 1842 ector C. 1815 Charles. 1875 William J. 1857 Joseph. 7. Ammerman, 1823 Edward. 1876 John J. 1. 1875 Robert P. 1. 1812 Albert 1837 Frederic. AA a A,ldis 1839 Charles E. LAee,) LALor, m, 1839 George C. 1870 George A. 1. 1837 Charles. Amory, 1851 John H. 1875 Frederick W.. Aldrich 1775 William. 1876 Philip H. I. Aldrich, Anthony, Adl1863 James H. Anerson, 1832 Henry T. Adler, 1874 Spencer. 1791 Peter. 1838 Edward. 1868 Isaac. 1796 Alexander. m. 1870 Felix. Alexander, 1810 Andrew. Antill, 1875 Louis. 1. 1852 Stephen. h. 1816 Abel T. 1762 Edward. Adlington, 1864 David W. 1818 Henry J. Anway, Adlington, 1812 Charles B. 1. 1826 Charles E. Anwy, 1875 Joseph A. 1. Alkr 1845 James. 1875 Joseph D. m. Alker, 1853 Corneliu's V. A. Adrain, 1873 Alphonse H. 1. 1859 Edward H. Appel, 1818 Robert. h. Allair* 1863 Wendell A. qn. 1872 Henry J., Jr. 1. A.alllaee, 1865 Andrew. m. Agate, 1805 Peter. 1865 Calvin. m. Applegate, 1875 Frederick K. 1. 1869 Hal. 1867 Joseph H. 1866 Lewis. m. Agee, Allen 1870 Walden P. 1874 Frank. m. Appleton, 1876 Shoge T. 1823 Christopher. 1875 Joseph L. m. 1864 William G. 176 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Arcularius, Austin, Baker, Barker, 1868 Philip E. m. 1865 Harvey N. m. 1827 Jacob S. 1824 Robert. 1866 David P. m. 1827 William S. 1827 Thomas H. Arden, Thomas S. m. e. 1862 Cyrus E. m. 1860 Phanet C. m. 1844 John B. 1864 George W. mn. Averill, 1867 James, Jr. Iarlow, Armitage, 1869 James K. t. 1870 George A., Jr. 1. 1875 Everett D. i. 1849 William E. Avery, 1871 James, Jr. 1. Barnard, Amstrong, 1767 Ephraim. h. 1871 Joseph D. 1. 1845 Daniel D h. 1864 Richard. 1. 1832 Walter T. 1876 Frederic.. 1868 Augustus P. m. e. Aknol, ~ 1866 Edward W.m. 1876 George Mck. 1. 1874 Walter C. mn. Arnold, 1868 William A.m. 1864 William P. I. Balch, Barnes, 1868 John W. S. Ayerigg, 1860 Galusha B. m. 1821 William B. 1870 Lemuel H., Jr. I. 1824 Benjamin. 1870 Lewis. m. 1876 Pearce. 1. 1872 Robert. 1871 William V. m. Barnet Arrowsmith, Ayer Blcom,71 Ichabod B. 1876 Harold. 1866 James M. m. alcom, 1771 Ichabod B. 1862 Henry P. h. Barnum, Ashmead, Ayers, Baldwin 1804 John W. 1874 Lehman P. m. 1870 Daniel S., Jr. m. 1865 Edmund B. 1. 1831 Eli. h. Ashmore, Aymar, 1856 Albert H. Barrett, 1872 Sidney G. 1860 Daniel P. Isaac B. 1843 BenjamiD N. 1860 George V. N. 1870 Isaac B. Aspinall, 1873 Josd. 1866 Silas C. tn. Barron, 1875 Joseph. 1. * A es1867 Charles H. 1. 1861 John C. m. 1867 John W. m. Aspinwall, 1856 William W. 1867 Truman H. 1. Barrow, 1809 Thomas S. 1875 Morgan W. m. 1804 William m. Astor, all 1833 James, Jr. Astor, Babcock, 1814 John H. 1861 Thomas. m. 1839 John J., Jr. 1774 Lucas. h. 1863 Alonzo B. m. 1849 William. 1849 Edward C. 1867 Oglevie D. m. Barrows, 1875 William W. 1. 1856 Edwin S. 1870 Arthur A. m. Atkin~s, 31862 Francis. Balleray, B rry 1869 George H. m,.1868 Osmin W.,I. 1870 Samuel B. h. 1874 John J. 1. 1804 Edmund D. h. Atkinson, 1875 William. 1820 Edmund D., Jr. 1803 George H. Bach, B lston, 1860 Robert P. tl 9lnS~n) n l + 1860 Robert P. 1803 George H. GBach, alstmon,1871 Thomas G. I. 1808 William. 1875 Albert. 1. 1876 James H. I. 1874 Joseph B. 1. 1869 Clinton. m. 1875 Thomas C. Bamberge, 1875 Daniel E. m. Atwater, Bachman 1873 Ira L. Bartlett, 1866 Edward S. 1. a a, 1833 John S. 1871 Caleb H. m. 1876 Nathan L. 1. Bancroft, 1869 Willard. 1871 Henry G. 1. 1840 Charles. 1873 Franklin 1, 1874 Addison. 1. Backus, Bang, 1874 Clifford A. H. 1. Atwill, 1827 J. Trumbull. Bang, Atwill, 1838 Mancer M. 1876 Richard T. Barton, 1862 Edward R. 1872 Henry C. I. Bangs, 1770 Thomas. h. Atwood. Ban, 1864 Philip H. m. Atwood, Bacon, ~s62 Charles W. I. 1862 Charles W. I 72 John G. h. 1774t Thomas. 1854 George W. 1872 Lemuel B. m. 1870 J. Freeman. m. 1856 Charles A. Bartow, 1874 James P. rn. 1859 Richard S. Banks, 1806 John V. Aub 1 1867 Wilbur R. 1. 1842 William G. 1862 Robert E. U180 Theodore. o. 1860 George B. m. 1864 Reginald H. 1870 Theodore. 1. Badeau, 1874 Sheppard. I. 1869 Evelyn. Atsuchrnuty, 1873 Gilbert H. 1. Barour, 1872 George W. m. Auchmuty, Barbour, 1767 Samuel. h. Badger, 1865 Jamies E. m Bassett, 1774 Robert N. 1861 George. m. 1871 Robert. 1786 John. 1775 Richard. 1861 William. in. 1862 George P. m. 1775 Samuel. Barclay, Bagshaw, 1766 James. Bates, Auer, 1876 Walter J. 1., 1772 Thomas. 1876 Henry W. 1873 John h. Bailey, 1867 Frederick S. m. Battershall, Auerbacch, 1802 Joseph m. 1867 Henry A. W. 1874 Joseph W. m. 1875 Meyer. 1. 1813 William. Auld 1 1829 Theodore A. Barculoo, Bauerdorf, Auld, 1869 Charles H. mi. 1795 George. 1874 Charles F. 1. 1835 Jedediah B. Bainbridge, Bard, Baxter, Austen, 1789 John T. 1768 Samuel. h. 1858 Wyllys P. 1872 Peter T. m. e. 1798 Joseph. 1797 William. 1868 George S. m. e. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 177 Bay, Beers, Bergh, Binnse, 1797 William m,. 1865 George L. m. 1866 Edwin W. 1. 1866 Louis E. 1798 Thomas. 1803 John. Beglan, Bermingham, Birckhead, 1875 Joseph F. 1. 1873 Edward J. m. 1864 William H. mn. Bayard, 1760 Samuel. Belden, Bermudez, Bird, 1776 Samuel. 1846 G. Mortimer. 1876 Edward J. 1. 1843 John S. m. 1867 Herbert C. m. 1863 Joseph. m. Bayley, Bernard, 1873 Winfield S. 1. 1802 Joseph. m. Belknap, 1876 Franklin B. I. 1876 Arthur 5. m. 1828 William. 1869 Robert L. 1872 Guy C. m. Bernheimer, Bischoff, Bell, 1867 Jacques A. 1871 Henry, Jr. 1. Beach, 1843 Samuel P. 1874 Ernest W. 1. 1789 Abraham h 1865 ChristopherM. m. Bernstein, 1849 Norman h. 1866 Marshall P. 1873 Aaron. h. Bishop, 849 Norman. 1867 James, Jr. 1. 1857 Alfred B.h. 167 JamesJr. 1869 Henry M. m. 186WilsJ1867 Walton P. Berrian, 1869 James L. 1. 186 Willis J. m. 1873 Walter R. 1. 1869 George W. m. 1808 William. 1876 Harry C. I. 1870 Edward W. 1. 1809 Samuel. Bissell, 1875 Hal. I. 1815 James W. 1876 John W. 1. Beadel, Bellows, 1870 Richard. 1841 Daniel H. 1864 Henry S. 1. Be lry, Bissett, 1865 Henry, Jr. -Bellont, 1876 William B. m. 1875 Frederick W. 1876 Frederick W. m Beam, 1876 Perry. 1. 1876 Arthur. 1. 1874 John R. 1. 1876 William J. 1. Bixby, Belvst, 1872 Robert F. 1. ~Bear'd, 1872 James W. m. Best, ~~~Beard, ~~~1798 William. h.r 1866 George M. n. Bement Black, Beeardsley, 1874 Edward. 1. Bethune, 1862 George A. 1. eards9cy, ~1837 John. 1865 Edward G. m. 1761 John. Ih. Benedict, 1868 John F. m. 1874 E. Edwards. A. 1871 Albert C. m. Betjean, 1873 Arthur. I. GBeastly, 1874 William deL. m.e. 18:2 Christian H. 1. Blackhurst, 1815 Frederick. h. Beneville, Betts, 875 James F. C. 1. 1868 Emile. 1. 1820 William. Beck, 1868 Emile. I. 1846 Beverley R. Blackwell, 1813 John B. Benjamil, 1861 William A. m. 1770 Robert. h. 1863 Fanning C. T. 1856 Eastburn. 1866 Frederick H. 1. 1804 William D. 1868 William P.,1859 Thomas J. 1869 Charles W. 1. 1846 William B. h. 1876 Frank A. m. 1860 Richard G. Bevan, Blacque, 1862 William H. Bevan, Beckett, 1868 Joseph R. m. 1870 John A. m. 1871 Valentine A. 1873 George. lb. Benkard, Bevins, Blagden, Beckwith, 1861 James, Jr. 1865 George A. 1. 1871 Silliman. 1. 1871 Frank E. m. 1861 John P. m. Bibby, 1872 Homer K. F. Bedell, Bennem, 1805 James. Blain, 1811 Gregory T. 1852 John. 1809 Edward N. 1875 William H. 1. Bedelle, Benner, Bidlack, Blake, 1865 George A. 1. 1875 Burnham R. m. 1872 Stephen J. 1. 1847 Cornelius D. Bedford, Bennett, Bidwell, 1869 James A. m. 1851 Henry M. 1860 William C. m. 1856 Marshall S., Jr. Blakely, 1855 Gunning S., Jr. 1873 Frederick W. m. Bien, 1856 John. h. Beebe, Benson, 1874 Franklin. 1. Blanch, 1875 William W. 1. 1765 Egbert. Bigelov, 1829 Thomas E. 1801 Robert, Jr. Bieo Beebee,; 1807 Egbert, Jr. 1865 Timothy. m. Blanchard, 1802 Alexander M. 1876 Russell F. W. m. 1870 John M. m. 1867 James A. m. Beecher, Benton, Billings, 1872 Edward S. m. 1875 William C. 1. 1874 George A. 1. 1867 Charles M. m. Beekman, B6rard, Bininger, Bland.Ig, 1873 John G. 1. 1766 Gerard. 1876 Eugene M. 1. 1869 Jacob. Blanks, 1792 Gerard. Blanks, 1834 James W. Berendt, Binney, 1876 John H. mr. 1864 Gerard. 1873 Hermann. m. 1867 William J. BlatChforld 1864 John N. Blatchford, 1865 Henry R. Bergen, Binns, 1837 Samuel. 1871 James W., Jr, 1. 1874 Tunis G., Jr. I. 1863 William C. 1867 Samuel A. 178 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Blauvelt, Bolmer, Boyd, Brewster, 1801 Abraham L. 1863 William B. 1787 Samuel. 1867 Edward P. 1. 1872 Gerritt F. m. Bolte, 1797 Robert. 1876 Alonzo. M. Bolte, 1806 George. Brice, 1874 Hermann. 1. 1813 William. 1874 John, Jr. 1. Bleecker, Bolton, 1823 William H. 1791 Anthony. Blton,1832 William L. Brickell, 1791 William. 1801 Thomas. 1861 William A 1805 Leonard A. 1831 James. 1871 James P., Jr. m. 1874t John. 1820 John B. 1833 Jackson. Bridghanm, 1865 Edward. m. 1847 John H. Boyle, 1867 Samuel W., Jr. ~Bleything, 1862 Henry C. 1838 Isaac. h. m. e. 1871 George D. m. Bond, Boyse, 1871 William H. 1862 Daniel W. 1. Bried, Bliss, 1868 Thomas S. m. 1840 Gerard S. Bried, 1868 William W. i. 1869 Henry H. 1. Bracken 1875 Charles. 1. Blois, Bonnett, 1866 Thomas. 1. Briegleb, 1867 Eugene S. 1. 1818 Daniel. 1874 Charles T A. I. Bloomer, Bonney, 1861 Alexander W.. h. 1758 Joshua. 1868 Calvin F. m. 1865 Theodore W. rm. 1860 Samuel W. m. ~~~~~~~Bloomfield, Bradfield1868 Benjamin M. m. Bloomfield, Boorman, Bradfield, Brill, 1861 Smith. 1. Boorm an, Brill, 1876 Thomas B. m. 1860 Robert H. 1872 Thomas N. m. 1874 Max. 1. 1876 Charles S. I1. iBorrowe, Bradish, Brinckerhoff, Blossom, 1793 Samuel. m. 1873 James H. 1. 1798 George. 1866 Thomas M. Blundell, Bosley, Bradley, Brinkerloff, 1861 William. m. 1868 George H. rn. 1870 George P. m. 1875 Jacob G. 1. 1872 Arthur C. 1. Brisbane, Blunt, Boss, Brad&haw, 1874 James. 1. 1850 Matthew M. 1864 John B. m. I. B Jistow, BB1875 Charles. 1. Bristow, Boardman, Bostwick, Bradstreet, 1876 Algernon T. m. 1857 William S. 1867 Samuel B. Ih. BrockwA y, 1863 Daniel F. 1873 Albert P. 1. B kAy 1373 Edward C. I. Bosworth, Brady, 18613 Charles H. m. 1875 Albert B.. 1874 Frank.. 1809 John.. m. Bodley, Bottum, 1868 James M. Broderick, 185 Harry I., Jr. Bottum, 1863 John C. 1. 1875 Harry I., Jr. 1874 John B. 1. Brailly, Brodhead, Bodman, Botty, 1875 A'lfred V. m. 1864, 1863 Lewis H. m. Botty, 1864 Henry. i. o1863 Lews H. m. 1875 Henry C. 1. Brainerd, Brodsky, Boetzkes, 1866 Clarence. 1876 John E.. 1872 Peter A. E. m. Boucher, 1876 John E. 1. Bogardus, 1771 Jonathan. h. Branch, Bromley, 1876 OliverE. I. 1861 Miles S. 1. 1815 Archibald R. Bowden, Brand, Bronk, 1860 John C. m. 1772 John. rand, Bronk Bogart, 1813 James J. 1870 William. m. 1807 John L. 1790 David S. 1840 Samuel. Brandegee, Bronson 1842 James J. h. B Boge~t, 1869 Hector 5. m. 1876 John E. 1. 1809 Abraham. it. B ogert,. 1846 Arthur. 1773 ornelius. Bowdoin, Brandeis, 1848 Theodorus B. 1801 Samuel. 1871 Richard C. m. 1863 Willett. 1. 1832 Horatio. 1830 James. 1869 Edward B. m. 1846 Edward C. Brashe tr, 187169 Frederic. 1846 Henry A. IBowdoine, 1861 Basil B. m. Frederic. 1852 Charles L. 1795 James. h. Brooks, 1856 William P. Brayton, 1814 James. 1861 Ryckman D. m. Bowlby, 1861 Samuel N. m. 1867 John F. I. 1865 Sylvester S. m. 1862 William W.. 1873 Charles E. m. 1869 Lawton S. m. 1875 Albert O. m. r. 1870 Eugene W. nm. 1871 Walter A. m. Boggs, EBowles, Bray, 1870 WaterA. n. B183ggJoh B. 1874 Edward P. 1874 Charles W. m. 1876 Isidore. I. 1810 John B. 1874 Edward P. Breakell, Broome, Breakell, Broome, Boise, Bowman, 1873 James A. 2n. 1791 William T. 1870 Eugene P. m. 1875 Henry H. 1. Brennan, Brouwer, Bolles, Bowne, 1862 George M. m. 1807 John H. 1876 Richard J. 1. 1803 John. 1862 John W. m. 1842 Abraham S. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 179 Brower, Bryce, Burghard, Byron, 1792 Cornelius. 1861 William McQ. m. 1876 Edward M. 1. 1850 George G. 1793 John. 1863 Thomas T. 1798 Jacob V. 1870 James Y. m. Burgwin, Cadle, 1857 Morgan L. S. 1875 George C. 1. 1809 John. 1867 John L. I. Bryson, 1813 Richard F. 1866 William G. m. Burnap, 1B758raown, 1.1. 1862 Sidney R. n. acy, 1758 DanielI. h. Biichler, 1868 Philander K. h. 1758 Samuel. h. 1876 Augustus F. m. Burnett, 1874 Edward W. 1. 1808 Lionel. B 1869 Edward W. m. Cirns, 1811 John. Cir 18 n.ains, 1839 Allen H. 1867 Albert H. rn. 1839 Frederick A. 1839 James C. R. 1839 James C. R. 1876 Francis D. m. Burnham, 1849 Charles H. 1865 Douglas. Calderwood, 1851 Stewart H Buckingh am, 1870 Harvey S. m. 1852 James L. 1871 Frederick S. m. Burns, I d 1 1 1852 Samuel G. h. 1874 Henry G. m. 187.3 Joseph S. m. alwell, 1856 Abbott. 1875 Augustus, I. 1876 Henry M. in. 1859 Elisha S. 1859 John C. 1870 Towson. 1860 Clarence S. Buckley, Burr, 1875 Francis G. 1. 1863 Melville. 1813 Thomas C. T. 1862 John T. Calhoun 1864 Richard B. Im. 1867 Charles C. m. 1873 Joseph A., Jr. 1. 5 John C. h. 1867 Francis G. m. e. 1874 Charles R. 1825 John C. h. 1872 Frederick A. 1872 William R. 1. Bucknall, Burrell, Call 1874 Edwin H. 1. 1864 George J. m. 1807 William E. 1872 Norman. m. 1875 Francis M. 1. I Burrill, Callender, 1875 George E. m. Bucknor, 1824 Alexander M. 1868 John A. m. 1876 George S. I. 1840 Charles B. 1839 John E., Jr. Br'Ow ne,.1876 James iE. I. Calman, 1758 Isaac. h. Buington, Burrogh 1876 David. 18658 Isac. A.' 1872 William G. m. Buroehs 1864 Walston H. 1872 Wiiam. m. 1833 Charles. h. Calnek, Brownell, Budlong, Burt, 1873 Maurice T. m. 1868 Morris M. B MarceT 1819 Thomas Ch. 1864 J. Otis. m. Caloosclian, 1875 Charles H. I. Buell, 1868 George N. I. 1862 Garabed. m. 1873 Byron W. I. 1875 Stephen S. Browning, Cambreling 1859 Edward F. Buel, Burtis, 1849 Churchill J. 1864 Thomas B. 1362 Samuel. h. 1812 John A. ~1875 John A. 1867 Charles H. Cameron, 1875 JohnWilliam W. 1 Buum, 1873 William M. m. 1872 George A. i. Burton, 1874 John G. 1. Browa son, 1Bigbee1872 Le Grand S. 1. 1874 John G. M. mn. e. Bugbee, 1873 Charles W. m. 1865 Edward S. 1866 Lafayette. 1873 Charles W. n. Caminero, BLafayette. m. urtsell, 1872 Henry. m. Bruce, Bulkley,. 1870 Peter V. I. Camani, 1797 Archibald. 1869 Lucius D. n. Cam 1 mann,25 George P. 1866 James M. Bush, 1825 George P. 1873 William M. I. Bull, 1873 John A. Z. 1855 Edward. 1864 Charles S. 1856 Henry J. Bruckman, 1869 Richard W. n. Busse, 1860 J. Lorrillard. 1869 Frederick. m. e. 1872 William T. m. 1872 William. 2n. Camp, Bruen, Bullard, Busteed, 1804 Elisha. 1871 Herbert C. n 1876 Richard, Jr. 1. ampbell 1812 Matthias, Jr. 1874 William E. m. B tl195 J h 1813 George W. Butler, 1795 John. l. 1861 Herman W.I. Bullis, 1828 Jonas. 1811 John. 1876 Frederick E.m.e. 1872 Charles H. 1. 1873 William M. m. 1816 John D. 1844 Robert B. Brush, Bullwinkel, Butterworth, 1847 Henry P. 1827 Henry N. 1875 John F. 1. 1864 John F. 1850 Malcolm. 1867 Francis V. m. 1864 William H. 1863 William. 1. 1870 Alfred D. 1. Buip, 1874 George F. 1865 Archibald M. 1860 Orlo M. m. 1865 John B. m. ~Bryan, ~Buxton, 1865 Thomas C. 1872 George W. I. Bunker, 1873 Vanderbilt L. I. 1868 Benjamin H. 1843 William E. 1875 Gonzalo E. m. 1869 Alonzo C. m. e. B1yant, 1871 Archibald. m. 1837 William C. h. Bunner, Byrne, 1874 Clarence. I..l Bry1ar, 1798 Rudolph. 1872 Morris. 1. 1876 Franklin G. 1. 1804 George. Burgess, Byrnes, Campuzano, 1834 Edward. 1866 George O. m. 1876 Joseph. 1. 1874 Felix A. mn. 180 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Candidus, Carter, Chapin, Churchill, 1872 Pantaleon. m. 1829 James A. 1864 Samuel F. m. 1862 John L. 1850 Galen A. 1873 Frederick W. m. 1876 Stephen E. m. Canfield, 1854 Cullen L. 1862 Robert B. 1861 Charles. m. Chapman, Claflin, 1873 Frederick A. me. 1866 Nathan R. 1864 Albert T. m. 1869 Nelson H. m. 1867 Frank. in. 1869 Curtis. an. Cannon, 1872 Henry S. m. 1869 James F. n. Clark, 1817 John M1. 1869 Sherman H. m. 1824 William A. h. 18170 Charles K 1. Cartter, 1870 Timothy P. 1. 1834 Orange. h. 1869 William H.. rn. 1831 John W. CaCldwelle K. C lChase, 1840 James F. 180 Samuel, Jr.. Carvill 1819 Philander. h. 1841 John H. 1832 George, Jr. 1860 Seth L. m. 1842 Benjamin F. Carew, 1862 Leslie. 1850 James S. 1861 Edmund S. mn. Caruana, 1872 Harvey H. in. 1852 Henry W. 1874 John L. C. 1. 1873 Frederick S. 1. 1853 William I. Ca.8re7y, n... -1873 George. 1. 1856 Charles N. Ca9 saldue 1815 John F. 1. 1863 Paris G. 1. 18C39 Arthur.'asau 1875 Horace R. 1. 1865 Dexter S. m. 1839 John, Jr. 1874 Eduardo. m. 1865 Lucius D. in. 1861 George H. Chasey, 1866 Thomas E. in. 1862 John E. z. C'tsanova, 1875 James. m. 1867 Philo W. tn. 1865 George. m. 1873 Ricardo. 1. 1810 Edgar B. 1. 1874 George F. m. Chauncey, 1870 Staats V. D. m. C tCase, 18 rS. 1871 William II. 1. Carit1872, 1831 Peter S. 1868 Albertson. Peter. 1812 James S. h. 1861 Adolphe. m. 1869 Charles H. m. h 182 Edward H. 1. Cheesmnan, 1872 Lewis B. 1. Carle, Casey, 1874 Timothy M. 1812 Franklin C. n. 1867 Charles A. 1834 William B. Cel. 1873 Frederick E. Trn. 186C. 1834 William B., Chester, 1875 James 0. 1. Carleton, 1864 Francis P. in. 1868 Albert H. it. e. 1876 David B. rn. 1875 James H. m. 1871 Alden. 1. 1876 Frank P. n. 1861 George W. m. Casilear, Cheves, 1816 Alexander S. in. Carley, 1875 Frank P. 1. 1824 1864 Eldred A. m. Clarke, Cassidy, Chetwood, Catrlin, 1872 Patrick S. 1. 1860 Bradbury C. 1. 1762 Richard. h. 1876 Joseph F1. 21. t711 Clement C. Castle, Chichester, 1811 Jamles P. F. Carlisle, 1873 William R. 1. 1841 Edward L. 1823 Edward M. 1t875 William T. 1. 1826 William F. A. Caswell, Child, 1863 Charles F. Ca 9rl, 1861 William H. 1810 Francis. 1873 William E. I. 1870 Lewis B. 1865 John H. 1815 William S. h. Carmalt, Catlin, Chipman, Dlarksoavid. 1861 William H. m. 1828 George. 1861 John F. H. m. 1810 David A. Carman~, 1828 Charles T h. 1860 Howard. ar 12 Ch s Chisholm, 1860 Walter L. 1874 Nelson G., Jr. 1. Chace, 1838 Walter. ih. 1868 Freeman. Carmichael, 1873 Harrie P. n. Chittenden, Clay, 1839 William M. A. Chadsey, 1837 Nathaniel W. 1876 H. Ashland. m. Carpenter, 1875 Alonzo G. m. 1868 Newton H. 1. 1848 Horace W. Chalmers 1868 Simeon B., Jr. i. Clayton, C1848 Horace W. alamers, 1870 Hlenry A., Jr. 1. 1870 John H. t. 1863 Wesley M. m. 1861 Matthew. m. 1876 Horace H. 1. 1874 Alexander T. 1. 1863 George. i. Clement, 1815 George E. m. 1865 Andrew B. I. Chorlton, 1856 Edward C. Carr, Chamberlain, 1870 John. 1. 1872 George A., Jr. I. 1874 George W. 1. 1871 Charles W. m. Christie, Clemnesha, Ca rillo, 1873 Edward W. 1. 1799 John. 1866 John W. mn. 1814 Isaac. Chambers, 1863 George A. m. Cleveland, Carrington, 1853 Talbot W. h. Chrystie, 1871 Clement. m. 1860 Charles. m. Chandler1806 John. 1876 Louis B. 1. 1860 Charles.. anler 1828 Thomas W. 1862 Edward. 1. 1758 Thomas B. h. 1831 James, Jr. Clinch, CaCroll 177114 William. 1832 John. 1867 Edward S. I. Carroll, 1862 Thomas K. m. 1874 Joseph H. th. 1823 John. h. h186 William J. m. Church, 1869 Craft C. m. 1871 Edward B. m. 1859 Frank P. Clinton, 1873 William H. h 1868 Elihu. 1. 1786 De Witt. C8Jarsons P, m, e Chanler, 1867 John A. m. e. 1793 George, Jr. 1868 James P. Vt. e. C anler, 1810 Stewart. mV. 1797 George W. 1872 Thomas A. m. 1847 John W. 1872 Dennis, Jr. in. 1868 George. 1. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 181 Clock, Cohen, Conrey, Cortelyou, 1865 Gasheree D.W. 1. 1874 Louis. I. 1809 Gerrit. 1865 Adrian V. 1. 1876 Adolph. I. Close, Conroy, Corwin, 1811 Ebenezer. Cohn, 1875 William E. 1868 William A. m. 1876 Seth D. n. 1867 Henry. CClosuy oit, Constable, Cory, 18Clossya. 1820S Joseph H. i833 James. 1866 David M. m. 8 Smuel. h. 134 Thomas W.. Constant, Coryell, Clowes, Colden, 1872 Hugo E. I. 1859 Thomas D. B. h. 1808 Timothy. 1766 Richard N. Clyde, Coleman, 1866 Ebenezer B.. 1845 Francis S. 1867 James D. m. 1868 Henry W. m. Converse, Cottman, Coan, Coles, 1875 Edmund DeW.m. 1869 Thomas D. 1. 1861 T. Munson. n. 1805 Benjamin U. Conway, 1864 J. Ackerman. o8wayCoudert, Co'ates, 1866'Wolliam A. i. 1850 Frederick R. 1875 Frank A. rn. Collet, 1876 William W. 1. 1837 J. Wallace. Cook, Coursen, 1874 Edward B. I. Collins, 1841 Ralph L. 1868 George H. qn. e. 1875 John S. I. 1868 Arthur D. 1. 1851 Charles A. 1876 Delphin McL. I. 1870 Stacy B., Jr. I. 1867 Theodore P. I. Couse, Cochran, Collord, 1876 Valentine, Jr. 1. 1873 Joseph P. mo. Cochrawollorke 1788 James. 1841 George W. Cooke Coutant, 1788 William. h. 1857 Samuel. h. 1872 Richard B. flm. 1791 Walter I. Colt, 1861 Nathaniel B. l. 1865 Thomas, Jr. I. 1870 Le Baron B.. Cooper, Conell. 1871 lIenry. m. 1876 Samuel P.. Coope1860 CharleH. m. 1875 John J. m. Clton, 160 Cales.. l'Cochrane, Conert, Cochrane, 1868 Walter E. 1805 Joab G. 1873 Jones. I. 1873 Charles A. m. e. 1824 James F. h. 1811 John. 1876 Frank B. I. 1888 Thomas C. Cock, 1876 Le Grand. 1. 1845 Edward. A. Cowan, 1775 William. C lb 1858 Henry W. 1866 John. m. 1805 Thomas. m. oln s 1860 Robert. n. 1805 William. 1866 William S. m. 1864 George C. i. Cowart, 1867 James E. mn. 1869 Robert E. 1. Cockeroft, Comstock, 1874 Jacob. h. 1834 James M. 1878 Apollos. n. 1876 Ashley W. in. Cowdrey, 1834 William. 1874 Frederick H. I. 1821 Peter A. 1837 Samuel. Copland, 1867 Frank H. 1. Conant, 1807 George R. Cocks, 1862 Abel B. in. 1809 Edward. Cowell, 1794 William. 1869 Duane. 1. 1869 George H. I. Copley, Coddington, Congdon, 1875 Henry D. m. Cowen, 1868 Henry K. I. 1854 Henry M. Copp 1874 Isaac B. m. 1862 Charles E. C opp, Cowles Codman, Conger, 171 John. Cowles, 1816 Richard. Coonger, t 1863 Edward. in. 1831 Abraham B. C'uorbet, 1875 Edward B. 1. Codwise, 1834 John. 1865 Lewis O. 1. 1198 David. 1847 Wilhelmus B. Cowman,l 1810 George. 1868 Theodore H. Corbin,1868 Edward D. 1. 1871 Clarence R. 1872 Willie H. I. Cox Coe, 1872 Frederick H. m. 1869 Charles G. I. Cornell, 1833 Richard. Connelly, 1839 George J. 1856 Whittingham. Coffey, 1873 John F. 1. 1850 John F. D. 1863 Samuel H. h. 1847 William S. Con-nor 1851 William T. 1871 Henry M. m. Coffinlla n8Connor, lS8 Stephen B. M. Crft, Coffin 1870 John C., Jr. i. 1866 John T. 1. Craft, 1795 John. h. 1870 Leartus. m. 1874 Robert C. 1821 Isaac F.. 1868 Edmund L. Conolly, Cornwall,1821 William D. Coffman, 1862 John T. 1. 1862 Nathaniel E., Jr. Cragin, 1869 John R. m. Conover 1864 Henry B. 1874 Harry W. I. Coggeshall, 1862 William. m. Corrigan, Craig, 1867 Edwin W. 1. 1865 Charles A. m. 1871 Joseph F. m. 1868 Samuel P. 7n. Coggswell, 1871 William H. Corson, Crandall, 1863 Andrew K. 1. 1875 John B. I. 1866 Adam C. mn. 1865 Thomas V. nm. 182 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Crane, Culver, Dakin, Deady, 1866 Albert. 1. 1868 Charles. mn. 186) Edward S. 1. 1868 John A. 1. 1871 Horatio N. m. 1872 Arthur P. I. Cuming, Daly, Deall, 1876 John J. m. 1851 Francis H. h. 1860 Charles P. h. 1774t Samuel. Dean, Crary, Cumming, Dana, D18a Ge orge W. 1824 Edward C. 1862 James R. m. 1843 John W. 1855 William. 1857 Richard S. 1861 Henry M. m. Craven, Cummings, 1874 Alfred S. m. 18s' Alfred W. 1868 Byron. m. De Blois, 1876 Francis S. m. e. 1875 George H. m. Dandridge, 1881 Louis G. m. 1870 Nathaniel P. m. Decker, Cr a w ford, Cunning ham D anforth, 1793 Cornelius. 1865 Ten Broeck. I. 1841 Frederick. 1874 Loomis Le G. qn. 1867 Samuel. m. 1867 Samuel 0. 1. 1875 Solomon W. 1. 1870 Gilbert H. 1. Daniels, Deering, Curran, 1874 Francis B. 1. 1869 James A. I. Creelman, 1878 John E.. Danker, De Foet, 1867 Frederick S.. Danker, De Forest, Currier, 1864 Henry A. mn. 1872 Robert W. 1. 1770 James. 1864 George W. Darby, De Hart, 1812 William. Curtis, 1864 Henry A. m. 1873 Henry G. V. in. Cremin, 1824 William A. Darling, De Grove, 1866 Patrick W. m. 1855 Benjamin L. 1878 Nathaniel B. mn 1871 Edward R. 1. 1858 Lewis A. 1875 Michael A. m 1862 John H. Dastler, De Koven, Crisfield, 1870 Frederic C. m. 1876 Franz. m. 1851 James. 1873 James E. m. 1870 John Gutemot, Delafild 1874 George T., Jr. 6. D'Autremont, Delafield, Croes, 1875 Charles, Jr. 1. 1802 John. 1811 John. h. Curtiss, 1830 John, Jr. 1874 Edwin B. 1. Davenport, 1855 Lewis. Crolius, 1871 Bennett F. m. 1856 Maturin L. 1803 Thomas. Cushing, 1871 James H. m. 1863 Francis. m. 1764 Matthew. h. 1873 Silas A. m. 1866 Augustus F. Cromwell, 1871 Ernest W. m. David1870 Albert. I. 1854 Charles B. Davidson, 1876 Wilm. 6. Cushman, 1864 Edmund D. Delaney, 1850 Archibald F. 1867 John O. F. mn. Crook, 1859 William F. Davie, 1874 James E. 6. 1849 George A. h. 1874 George A. m. 1874 James J. mn. 1864 Abel. 1. Cuthbert, 87 Edward. 1. 1869 Thomas N. Davies, Cropper, 1813 Thomas L. Delaplaine, 1870 John. Cutler, 1857 Henry E., Jr. 1833 John F., Jr. 1835 Benjamin C. h. 1866 Julien T. 1834 Isaac C. Crosby, 1864 Henry S. h. Davis, Delavan, 1802 John P. 1864 Henry S. A. Davis, Delavan, 18127 John P. Cutter, 1798 George. 1875 David B. m. 1827 William H. 1861 George R. m. 1814 Cornelius, 1840 Edward N. 1873 Charles B. m. 1853 Thomas F. h. n 1867 William B. I. 1863 Rezin P. m. 1860 Juan B. P. m. 1872 Howard. /i. Cutting, 1864 Albert A. m. Delile Croucher, 1758 Leonard. h. 1868 Henry S. lile, re1793 WTilliam. 1869 Gustavus P. m. 1807 Alire R. m. 1863 Albert E. m. 1830 Robert L. 1875 Charles C. 1. Del Pino, Crowell, 1856 Robert L., Jr. Davison, 1873 Emilio Y. 180o halel 1862 Walter. 1870 Charles E. S. 1869 William B. 1876 David H. m. Demaray, 1813 John B. m. 1871 Robert F. DaWson,1848 Lyman D. 1876Cru 6 Cuyler, 1822 George W. Demarest, 1 HCrugery Jr. 1762 Henry. 1866 Benjamin T. m. 1804 Cornelius T. 1796 Henry, Jr. 1763 Barent. Day, 1834 William. 1819 Henry N..ay, 21863 Samuel. m. 1828 Lewis. Cuzner, 1863 WalterDe F. m. 1864 Theodore F. C. 1859 Gouverneur. 1864 A. Thomas. m. 1865 James G. 1. 1870 Henry C. m. De Mille, C uddeback, Czaki, 1875 Edward A. 1. 1848 Richard M. 1873 Cornelius E. I. 1871 Adolf. I. 1875 James. 1. 1875 Henry C. Culbert, Da Costa, 18D6 William T. I. eming, 1875 Francis R. 1. 1855 Charles. Dayton, 1875 Charles C. I. Cullen, Dake, 18 MattCharles. De Mott, 1860 Edgar M. 1873 Charles R. m. 1&875 Robert A. B. 1. 1873 Edward P. I. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 183 De Motte, De Witt, Dobbins, Downes, 1866 John J. rn. 1867 George G., Jr. 1872 Edwin A. 1. 1871 Harrison. I. 18174 Henry C. I. Denman, Dod, Do fning, 1862 William M.. De Wolfe, 1859 William A. h. 1829 Benjamin S. 1865 Clarence E. m. Dennis, 1865 James A.m. Dodd, Dows, 1834 William., 1866 Marcus. nm. 1862 Henry A. 1866 Laban. m. exte,Drke Denniston, 18q76 Benjamin F. m. Dodge, Drake, 1867 John Dey, 1807 Henry S. 1804 Jeremiah I. 1867 John A. Dey, 1832 Henry S. 1824 Benjamin. DT~~~enslow, 1 Richard V. 1834 William. 1845 EJohn. Denslow, 1865 Richard. m. 1853 Joseph S., Jr. as 1876 Le Grand N. m. 1872 Charles L. m. 1865 Alvan. m. 1873 Henry N. m. De Peyster, Diaz, 1868 Frederick N. I. Draper, 1868 Henry N. m. Draper, 1763 Abraham. 1872 Gabriel R.. 1860 John H. m. 1845 George B. 1774t James. DJn11851 William H. 1800 John J. Dibble, Doherty, Drayton, 1810 William. 1793 Ebenezer. h.ames J. 876 James C 18152 James F.4 James J.. 186 James. 1812 James F. Dibblee, 1876 Horace K. 1. 1815 Robert G. L. Y Drew, 1816 Frederic, Jr. 1841 Thomas B. G g W 1833 Pierre C. 1870 George H. D'Olier, 1874 George W. 1. 1841 Rederichard V. Dickerman, 1766 Richard. Drisler, 1872 John W. h. 1876 George L. 1. Donaldson. 1839 Henry, Jr. 1850 William. h. De Renne, Dickerson, 1874 James H. I. 1869 Henry, Jr. 1876 Wymberley. I. 1876 Edward N., Jr. I. Donnelly, 18764 Frank. Derrickson, Dickey, 1876 James M. m. D 1871 Samuel G. 1875 Robert.. Donovan, 1789 James C. Donovan, ms James C. De Ruyter, Dickie, 1861 Jeremiah. I. Du Bois, 1851 John, Jr. 1830 Hugh T. Dooley, 1827 Henry A. 1860 Charles. Dickinson, 1866 John W.m. 1828 Cornelius, Jr. Des Brisay, 1851 Legh R. Doolitt le 1860 Eugene. 1867 Charles M. m. 1874 Pomeroy. 1. le, 1861 Cornelius. De Schweinitz. Dickson, 1860 Frank W. m. 1864 Matthew B. 1867 Francis, Jr. m. 1871 Edmund. h. 1870 George G. 1. DOrrity, 1869 John J. I. Dessar, Dieffenbach, 1873 John H. 1. 1872 Coert. m. 1870 Leo C. 1. 1874 Richard G. P. m. Dorsett, Du Bose, 1Desvernine, Dillon, 1872 Robert C. 1875 William P. h. 1875 Paul. I. 1829 Robert J. Doten, Dudley, 18385 Romaine. 1870 Charles A. 1. 1861 Henry. Devan, 1876 Maurice. I. Doty, 1864 Dwight. m. 1828 Thomas T. Dillow, 1773 Jabez. m. Duer, Devendorf, 1875 George M. m. 1812 Alexander. 1861 David McC. m. Dougherty, 1824 William. 181 David McC. m. Disbrow, 1874 John H. 1. 1837 John. h. Devereux, 1862 Rem L. m. Dought 1859 John W. 1776 James. 1865 Andrew J. M. y, 1872 James G. K. 1867 Stephen M. m. 1768 Charles. 1869 William A. Devlin, Disosway, 1770 John. 1871 Denning, Jr. 1864 Henry J. m. Disosway, 189 Francis E. m. 18'0 Francis C. 1. 1810 Israel D. D Duff, 1819 Gabriel P. Dougls, 1873 Rufus C. I. Devoe, 1820 Cornelius R. 1811 George. 1876 Edward. 1. D 1866 Charles H. I. Dufie, Diorxe, lss tran i1874 Benjamin. Jr. I. 1809 Cornelius R. D'Vore, 1848 Morgan. 1875 William K. h. 1841 Cornelius R. 1875 Joseph. m. 1849 Baldwin. Douglass, Duffield, Devyr, Dixon, 1837 Stephen. 1841 William W. 1874 Edward C. 1. 1854 Hiram R. 1. 1838 Richard H. 1870 William J. m. 1870 William P. 1 1861 John A. rn. Dewey, 1873 Edward H. 1. 1863 William P. D uffy, 1863 George C. m. 1873 Edward M. I. Dow, 1865 Hugh. I. 1809 Patrick G.l. De Wint, Doane, 1875 Frederick G. 1. 1875 Francis. m. 1771 Henry..18833 George W. h. 1806 John P. 1867 William (h. Downe, Duggan, 1854 Francis A. 1872 Charles R. m. 1876i Sylvester S. 1. 1809 Thomas. 184 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Dugro, Earl, Elderkin, Enfield, 1876 Philip H. 1868 Franklin W. 1. 1863 John. m. 1870 Charles. m. Duke, Earle, Eliot, English, 1802 William. h. 1790 Marmaduke. 1863 Samuel. h. 1868 David C. m. 1865 Frank O. m. 1873 Eugene N. 1. Dunbar, 1873 James. I. Engs, 1864 George H.. Eet, William 1863 George M. m. Eastburn, 1824 William H. Duncan, 1816 James W. Ennever, 1843 John M. h. 1817 Manton. Elliot, 1873 Thomas C. 1. 1843 William C. 1827 Edward B. 1795 Bernard. Dunham, Eastman, 1845 George T., Jr. Eno, 1847 Carroll. 1 BEastmana 1871 Henry T. nz. 1864 Henry C. in. 1847 Carroll. 1862 Barnard D. mn. Dunn, 1875 Henry M. W. I. Elliott,nsell, 1867 N. Gano. I. Easton, 1825 Stephen. Ih. 1872 John E. m. E]aston, 1810 Stephen. h. Dunning, 1862 Robert T. B. 1. 1871 John H. A. Ephraiins, 1871 William B. m. 1867 Morton W. m. 1873 Richmond B. m. 1874 Ephraim E. 1. Dunscomb, Eaton, Ellis, Epstein, 1774 Edward. 1828 Asa. h. 1870 George W. 1. 1871 Moses H. 1806 William E. 1869 Theodore A. h. 1872 Barnard. m. 1827 Edward. 1874 Nathaniel. I. Erskine, Dunwvell, 18Qf2 l Ebbets, 1876 Ellsworth S. mn. 1853 Henry D. h. Du 7nwell, 1842 William H. 1874 Charles T. 1. Ellsworth, Estwick, Dupignac, 1788 John. 1884 WashingtonW.. 1875 Charles F. 1. 18 9 Frank J. 1. 1872 Charles H. 1. Eustis, 1876 Walton C. 1. Ecclesine, Elmendorf, 1874 William H.. Drde, W1870 Thomas C. E. lendorf, Durden, 1823 Edmund B. Evangeles, 1872 William W. m. Eckerson, 1845 John J 1836 Christodoulos L. 1864 John E. I. Ely M. Durkee, ly, 1876 William W. I. Eddy, 1854 Leicester K. Evans, 1862 William. m. 1860 William S. 1. 1864 Lemuel E.. Duryee, 1870 Herbert M. m. 1863 Richard W. I. 1870 Edwin. lz. 1795 Philip. 1873 Elmer B. m. 1867 William S. m. 1874 George A. nm. 1812 Richard, Jr. 1868 Henry O. m. 1876 Thomas G. 1. 1868 John L. m. Edebohls, 1874 Edward T. m. 1876 George W. nm. 1875 George M. m. 1876 Richard T. Eveleth, Dusenbery, Edgar, Emanuel, 1866 Edward S. in. 1866 Henry. m. 1804 William. 1875 Solomon A., 1. Everett, 1829 William. E ry, 1864 D. Darwin. m. Dustall, 1836 Newbold. Embulr 1874 William, Jr. S. 1822 Peter F. 1828 Edmund. Edgerton, 1853 Daniel, Jr. Everhart, Dutton, 1864 Francis D. m. 1855 Philip A. 1870 George M. h. 1860 Van Buren. 1. 1872 Clarence C. 1866 William O. 1. 1867 Clarence U. I. Everson, Duvall, Edmonds, 1876 Aymar. 1864 Duane S. 1858 Daniel S. 1876 Walter D. I. E 1872 Elbridge G., Jr., Emerson, Evetsky, 18 *ElbreG.,Jr.. Edwards, 1853 William, Jr. 1876 Etienne. m. Duyckinck, 1850 Edwin W. 1860 John 11. 1835 Evert A. 1867 Jonathan, Jr. mn. 1869 George O. i. Ewer, 1867 George. 1869 John. m. 1869 Nathaniel B. m. 1867 Ferdinand C. h. 1871 Charles H. 1. Dwight, Arthur. Emmet, Exton, 1816 Maurice.W. 1874 Wheeler DeF. 1. 1810 Robert. 1866 James A. in. 1860 Theodore W. h. E n 1824 Tqhomas A. h. 1861 James McL. B. 6. Ehninger, 1839 Richard S. Faesch, Dyckman, 1847 John W. 1867 Bache McE. mn. 1795 John J. yckliman, 1810 Jacob. Eickhoff, Emmett, Fagnani, 1811 Jacobus. 1875 Henry J. I. 1869 Charles. 1. 1875 Charles P. 1. Dykers, Eigenbrodt, 1876 Robert. 1. airbank 1819 Peter. 1831 William E. Emory, 1869 John B. 6. Eacker, Elberg, 1831 Robert. Fairfax, 1793 George I. 1867 Frederick W. n. Emott, 1861 Albert. m. Eagle5 Elder, 1833 James. h. Eagle, Elder, 1841 James, Jr. Fairlie, 1863 Clifford F. 1872 Robert D. 1. 1872 Charles C. 1. 1818 Frederick. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 185 Fairweather, Ferris, Flagg, Foulke, 1865 Daniel H. mn. 1811 Charles G. 1863 Jared B. h. 1823 John B. 1816 Isaac. 1865 Edwin B. m. 1869 William D. 1F7ales, Fleming, Fountain 1871 William E.S. m.e. Fessenden, 1872 IHaliburton. 1837 Henry P. 1791 Pierre E. 1875 Oeorge H. 1. 1803 Augustus. Falls, Fetter, 1805 James. Fowler, Fetter, 1809 Alexander. 1845 William A. 1835 Manuel. h. 1872 Martin J. 1806 Gilbert 0. 1867 David F. m. 1810 Theodosius O. Fanning, F letcher, 1838 Isaac V. 1.,72 Edmund. h. Fettretch, 1860 William B. m. 1839 James W. 1863 De Witt C. m. 1810 William, Jr. 1864 Joseph. 1. 1869 Ira W. m. 1865 Jonathan. m. Fanshaw, Fewsmith, Floy, i 1867 Horace W. 1. 1832 Daniel G. C. 1855 Joseph. h. 1827 Michael, Jr 180 Rob Henryt L.. 1874 Joseph, Jr. m. 1864 enry. 7180 Robertg L. 1. 1871 George B. m. Farley, Fil Floyd, 1873 Samuel 1. 1874 Porter. m. 1809 Alfred. 1874 Thomas P. 1. 1859 Cortlandt IDe P. Farnam, 1862 Henry M. m. Fogg, Fox, 1871 Charles H. 1. 1863 Jacob T. m. 1861 Benjamin F. m. 1864 Joseph G. h. 1871 William W. I. 1864 Archelaus G. m. 1865 William H. 1. FoleyFrancis, Farnsworth, 1873 Edwin. m. 1875 William F. 1. 1808 Henry M. 1860 Philo J. mn. 1875 Chauncey M. m. Fonda, 1809 John W. 1852 John W., Jr. Farrand, Figueira, 1787 Nicholas. 1857 Samuel W. 1863 David O. m. ~1872 Mathias. m., 7 Edwin B. Frank, 1871 Edwin B. 1. Farrar, Files, 1876 Edward B., Jr. m. 1873 Julius J. 1. 1848 George C. 1870 Charles O. m. 1876 Herbert C. m. e. Frankel Farrell, Fincke Forbes, 1868 Edward. m. 1864 Edward. in. 1794 John. 1875 Frederick G. 1. 1827 John M. Frankenheimer Farrington, 1869 Francis. 1. 1875 John 1. 1953 William G. Fine, 1871 Charles. m. ]F~ arrow, 1805 James L. Forcheime Fanklin, 1Fa65row 1809 John. orde imer,1843 Benjamin H. 1865 Levi. m. 1873 Frederic. m. 1852 William B. h. Fash, Fische, Ford, 18fi2 Gustavus S. m 1873 Joseph. 1. 18441874 Benjamin. 1. 1836 George W. 1844 Edward E. A. Fish, 1860 Edward I. m. Fraser, Faulkneri, 1827 Hamilton. 1874 Thomas J. I. m. 1811 David H. 1831 P. Stuyvesant. FOrll n, 1862 Edward C. I. Faye, 1867 Nicholas. 186 DFormaniel, 1862 Edward C. m.1. 18~ Haol1869 Hamilton, Jr. 18766 D aniel. m. Frauenstein, 1876 Harold. I. 1871 Stuyvesant. 1875 William H. 1. 1868 Gustav. m. Fayerweather, Fisher, Forrest, Frazer, 1758 Samuel. It. 794 John E. 1820 William. h. IFawcett, 1796 Philip. 1840 William, Jr. 1867 Edgar. 1817 Isaac. Forrester, Fredenburgh, 1821 George H. 1818 Peter. 1875 Walter S. 1. Fearing, 1863 Williom R. 1862 Peter.edC i; 1860 George R. 1863 Willam R. 1 eFrederick, 1867 William H. I. Forsyth, 1873 John J. m. Featherston- 1871 Eustace W. m. 1821 William. Fredericks, haugh, 1872 Henry.. Foster 18 cks,4 John. 1870 James D. m. iske, 1803 Isaac. m. 1821 Thaddeus. h. 1841 Herman T. E. Freeborn, Fehr, 1844 Jacob P. G. 1873 George C. m. 1869 Julius. m. Fitch, 1862 Frank P. in. 1863 Samuel A. i. 1866 Addison H. m. Freeke, Fellows, 1864 Luther P. m. 1867 Antoine L. 1811 Richard. 1869 Louis. 1. 1867 James N. m. 1868 Frederic De P. 1873 William P. 1. 1868 George E. m. Freelancd, Ferguson, 1875 James S. i. 1868 Talmadge W. 1865 Henry E. 1. 1795 John. 1869 Seth B.m. Feem 1823 John T. Fitzsimons, 1870 Charles A.. Freem 18:0 Benjamin T. 1865 Henry E. 1. 187(1 William R. 1. 1790 Jonathan. 1863 George W. 1873 James P. 1. 1849 George L. 1867 Charles W.. Flaacke, 1874 John H. 1868 Wilberforce. 1. 1873 Julius M. 1. 1870 George W. 1. 1875 Clarence M. 1. 1869 Alonzo. m. 186 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. French, Gallatin, Getty, Glentworth, 1860 John W. h. 1841 Albert. hr. 1866 Moses D. 1767 George. h. 1869 Charles L. m. 1843 Albert, J. 1871 Thomas R. m. 1863 Frederick 1. Gibbs, Glover, 1874 Henry. 1. 1841 Oliver W. 1822 John M. Galleher, 1867 William E. I. Friedman, 1875 John N.h. Gibert, 1876 Alfred. Im. 182 William N. Goadby, Frieallup, 1824 James T. 1875 Charles T. 1. FE11endg, s875 Howard. Gb 1873 Meyer M. 1. 1876 Albert. 1. Gibson, Goddard, 1875 Theodore H. I. 1860 Otis W.?n. 1861 Josial H. m. Ganse, 1868 Charles D. T. m. 1864 William N. Fritts, 1839 Harvey D. 1874 Alexander J. 1. 1875 Crawford E.m l. GarGelon, 1875 William H. 1. Goebel, Froeligh, 1876 Alonzo M. m. Gicddings, 6 ken 1799 Peter D. Gardine, 1867 Edward E. m, e. Gken,,trD.diner, 1868 Theodore. m. 1876 Henry F. I. Fromme, 1863 John L. 1. Giff'ord, Goldbacher, 1876 Isaac. I. Gardner, 1809 James N. 1876 Joseph. I. Frost, 1835 James A. M. 14aFrost, m 1863 Eugene T. 1. Gignoux, Goelet 1846 William J. 1869 Asa B. I. 1865 John F. m. 1828 Robert. 1869 Louis W. 1. 1860 Robert, Jr. 1876 Edward I. 1. Garner, Gihon, Frothingham, 1876 Henry B. m. 1861 John, Jr. Goldenberg, 1866 Edward. m. Garr, Gilbert,2 Julius. 1875 John B. I. 1796 Andrew S 1872 James H. I. Goldey, Fry, Garrett, Giles, 1866 Charles A. L. 1. 1873 Richard W. m. 1876 Edward C., Jr. 1. 176T Samuel. It, Golding, Frye, Garrish, Gilfillan, 1875 John F.m. 1842 Frederick. 1866 John P., Jr. m. 1862 William J. Goldman, Fuchs, Garrison, Gilford, 1872 Julius. 1. 1875 Jacob m. 1810 James C. 1793 Samuel. Jr. Goldmark, 1870 Charles IM. 1824 Jacob T. 1875 Leo. 1. Fuller, 1876 Edmund H. m. e. 1828 George Goldscmi 1861 Winfield S. n. 1876 Marcus A. 1. 1835 Thomas B. hmidt, 1862 Charles D. 1871 S. Anthony. m. e. 1863 William H. I. Gaston, Gilhooly, 1865 Horace S. m. 1835 William h. 1868 Andrew J. Goodall, 1867 Edward T. m. 2 1870 William E. 1863 Frank W. m. 1876 Perry J. 1. Geer, 1862 George J. h. Gillespie, Goodell, Funk, 1868 GeorgeJ,Jr., m.e. 1834 William M. 1875 De Bruce, Jr. 1. 1817 Seymour P. 1869 William M. 1862 George W. Goodhart Funkhouser, 1876 Edward W.. Gillet, 1868 Michael E. 1. 1873 Robert M. 1. Geib, 1868 Elmslie M. Goodridge, Furman, 1873 Philip J.. Gillett, 1871 Edwin A. m. 1801 John. Geissenhainer, 1869 Omer T. m. Goodwin 1864 John H. m. 1858 Jacob A. Gillette, 1866 Ralph S. m. Gage, Gelston, 1863 Walter R. m. 1876 Jasper T. 1872 George C. m. 1833 John M. GilmanGoold 1875 Eugene F. m. Gener, 1865 Charles M. I. 1793 Charles D. Gai1me, 1834 Don Thomas. h. 1867 Burns. m. Gordo 1774t John. 1835 Benigno. 1867 Zeeb, Jr. m. 1854 William R. t. Gaines, George, Gilnack, 1871 John, Jr. m. e. 1873 Vivian P. m. 1762 William C. 1867 Frederick. m. 1873 William S. Galbraith, 1875 Evan P., Jr. Gilson, Gosman, 1861 Franklin B. m. e, 1876 Walter C. I. 1801 John. Gerard, 1802 George W. Gale, 1811 James W. Gladstone, 1806 Jonathan B. 1863 Edward D. 1. 1843 James W., Jr. 1872 James A. m. 1807 Robert. Galinger, Gerry, Gleavy, Gott, 1871 George W. 1. 1857 Elbridge T. 1874 Samuel A. I. 1875 Joseph W.. - Gallagher, Gesner, Glenn, Gottsberger, 1831 John B. 1859 John F. 1875 James K., Jr. 1. 1841 C. H. h. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 187 Gouinlock, Grayhead, Guden, 1867 William F. I. 1870 Lovell. 1. 1865 William C. m. 1875 Isidor. 1. 1872 William. in. 1870 William E. mn. Gould, Gr een, ^ Guion, 1871 William K. 1. Giouldn, Y1872 Edward F. 1872 Charles W. 1. 1809 Henry. 1826 John M. 1874 Frank L. 1. 1824 Timothy R. 1860 Thomas T. h. 1874 Junius M. mn. GoNlaldy, 1875 Frank B. m. Gulick, Halleck, 1876 Nathaniel E. 1. Greenbaum, 1875 John C. I. 137 Fitz-Greene. h. Gouverneur, 1875 Samuel. 1. Gulliver, 1817 Samuel L. Greene, 1874 William C. 1. allock, 1821 Frederic P. 1869 Edward J. 1823 Adolphus P. 1865 Richard H. 1. 1875 John F. 1. 1869 Edward J. 1866 Jay L m. Gunn Halse Gove, 1869 George G. I. Gunn, Halsey, 1867 Harry. m. 1870 Joseph W. 1. 1805 Alexander. 1790 Frederick. 1875 Alister. 1828 Alexander N. 1823 Abraham N. h. Gow, af1830 Lewis C. 1837 Anthony. v87 Fank. Greenleaf, G rlt. 1889 Abraham. h. 1810 Joseph. Gumlitz,. 1868 Joseph B. Graber, 1860 Joseph. Jr. 1870 Augustus T. I. 1870 Frederick II. I. 1874 John S. 1. 1865 John R., Jr. m. Hackley,Hastead, Gracie, Greenwood, 1842 Charles W. h. 1800 Samuel: 1804 William. 1853 Isaac J, Jr. Hadden, am, 1815 Archibald, Jr. 1860 Edward L.m 1818 Robert. 1861 Langdon. 1860 Walter J. nz. 1868 Albert E. rn. 1865 Charles K. 1865 RichardB., Jr. 1. Haeselbarth, Hamburger, 187-2 Thomas. 1. Graham, 1874 Joseph W. I. 1875 William H. I. 1872 Samuel B. I. 1770 Jonathan. Gregor y, amilton, 1772 John A. m., Hamilton, 1790 George. 1856 Walter. 1874 Charles. I. 1774t Alexander. 1790 John. 1864Archibald McI.m. Hagan 1800 Philip. 1794 Levi P. 1866 James R.m. 1804 Alexander. 1798 Charles. 1868 James G. m. 1867 Martin. m. 1805 James A. 1804 John T. B. rees, Hagar, 1809 John C. 1836 John. eves, 1861 Thomas E. m.. 1840 James G. 1867 James S.. 1873 John F. m. 1870 Allan McL. m. 1865 Edmund B. 1. Griffin, Hagerman, 1872 Robert R. 1867 Girand1 2 3Edund D. Geriffin, 1872 Schuyler, Jr. 1872 John J.. 1823 Edmund D. 1804 Henry B. 1872 Schyler, Jr. 1873 Alexander. 1. 1837 George. h. -Iaigh, 1871 Anthony A. 1. 1865 Thomas. m. Hamersley, Grang-e, 1874 Henry C1.. 1819 Andrew. 1861 James. m. 1875 NelsonH. m. Ha1ght,826 John W. Griffin g, 1811 Benjamin. 1835 Andrew S. ~~~Grangnff~~er, 14To S 1828 Benjam I. 1865 James iiH. 1Granger, m 1841 Thomas 5. m1861 Charles C. 1875 Andrew S., Jr. I. 1873 Edward V. m Griffiths, 1861 Edward, Jr. Grant, 1868 William E. i. 1862 Louis. Hamlin, 5Grant, 186 William E. mn. 1864 David L. m. 1865 George S. I. 1765 Richard. Grigg, 1869 Edward G. 1. 1860 Gordonr A.. 181 John. 1870 Ogden. m. e. Hancock, 1873 GordLewis J. I. 1874 Arthur M. m. 1873 Theodore E. I. 1875 Frank S. G. rinnell, Haine, Handerson, 1876 Hugh J. I. 1762 John. 1869 William J. m. 1867 Henry E. m. 1876 Ulysses S. i. 1859 Irving. Grasimuck Griswold, Haines, Hanford, 1 e ri Jswoldseph. 1870 George M. in. 1872 Solomon. I. 1872 Frederick. i. 5 Joseph 1875 Gaspar. Haldane, Hanna, Grasse, 1876 Frederic P. m. 1872 William H., 1759 William. 1875 Henry. i. Gross, Hale, 1868 George B. m. e. Gratacap, 1789 John D. h. 1836 Benjamin. h. Hanners, 1876 Louis B. m. e. 1864 Jacob A. 1. 1853 Albert W. 1849 Henry De C. Grlaves, 1876 Samuel L. 1 1872 George W. I. Hansen, 1825 Nathaniel- M. Grover, 181869 George H. I. 1866 George W. n. Hall, 1874 John S. I. Gray, 1866 G~eorge mTI m. Hall, Gray, 1876 Thomas W. 1. 1811 James. h. 1866 James J. I. 1833 Charles. Hardenbrook, 1867 Henry. m. Gruening, 1861 Charles H. h. 1824 John K. 1871 John F. S. m. 1867 Emile. m. 1863 Charles E. m. 1849 William A. 1873 Richardson. Grunhut, 1863 Randall C. 1875 Edward. m. Gru1865 Isaac H. 1.. 1875 G. Harrison. m. 1870 Bernhard. m. 1867 John D. m. 1789 James R. h. 188 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Hardie, Harvey, Healy, I-enshaw, 1787 James. h. 1834 Robert J. 7h. 1872 James J. mn. 1874 John I-i. 1. 1872 Henry P. m. 1873 Edmund J. 1. iepbur n, H~ardcin, 1873 Ashton. I. 1873 Thomas F. m. 1872 William J. 1. 1875 Chester W. m. 1876 Joseph. m. 1868 Neil J.?n. 1874 Edward Mm,. m Hasbrouck, IIearc, Herbert, 1834 Abraham B. It. 1832 James, Jr. 1876 John W., Jr. 1. Hare, 1862 Solomon E. m. 1834 John S. Herrick 1843 George E. h. 1863 Frank G. m. 1835 William. 1863 John C. in. 1854 Carleton M. Harison, 1870 Peter. h. earn, 1857 James B. 1764 Richard. Haskell, 1872 Edward D. h. Herimnan, 1802 Francis L. 1873 Charles L. I. Heasley, 1849 William II. 1804 Richard N. 1869 George W. 1811 William IH., Jr. Haslett, 869 George W. Herring, 1842 William I-. 1867 Audley. a. Heaton, 1795 Thomas. 1846 William B. 1H93 Robert, Jr. e 1850 Thomas L. Hassey, 3 Robert, Jr. Herrlich, Harkness, 1874 Edward F. 1. Hedge, 1874 John F. 1. 1873 David W.. HIasslelr 1869 Thomas, Jr. 1. IIershey, Harley, 1876 Charles W. 1. Heffernan, 1862 Andrew II. mn. 1871 John P. m. Hatch, 1865 John M. 1867 William. 1. Hlarlin, 1862 Charles H. 1. Hegeman, Hershfield, Had862 William 1. m. 1876 Edward S. 1. 1862 William A. 0. 1875 Mitchell. 1. Harmer, Hatfield, HIegewisch, Herts, 1864 Thomas H. 1805 Richard, Jr. 1875 Ernesto M. m. 1875 Jacques I. 1. Ha1*rmon, Hathaway, Heine, Hervey, 1855 Edward 0. 1867 Henry B. 1. 1872 Joseph S., Jr. m. 1868 Daniel E. I. 1871 Frank D. 1. 69 George Heineman, Hewitt Harper, I8auFghwo ut, 1874 Henry N. m. 1842 Abram S. 1871 Frank G. hem,1845 Charles. h. 1848 Joseph W., Jr. Helms, 1852 John W. Havemeyer, 1871 James I. h. Heyer, Harpur, 1823 William F. Hendell, 1814 William H. 1762 Robert. h. 1Hav en, lq William, Jr.1815 William S. 176r2 Ro b rt.h. aven, 1791 William, Jr. 1819 Edward P. Harral, 1857 George G. Henderson, 1823 Henry A. 1868 Frederick F.. h-Iavens, 1823 William D. Heyliger, Harriman, 1862 Jonathan. m. 1867 Henry. n. 1774 Nicholas. 1835 Orlando, Jr. Hawes, Hendrick, Heymann, Harrington, 1821 William P. 1875 Charles 0. 1. 1873 Henry M. 1. 1867 Daniel DeW. m. 1866 George E. m. Hendricks, Heyward, Harris, Hawkesworth, 1856 Francis. 1827 William C. 1770 Richard. 1860 William. h. 1858 Harmon. 1829 James. 1800 Samuel. 1880 Nicholas C. 1811 William. Hawks, Hendrickson, 1834 Henry. 1822 Josiah D. 1832 Francis L. h. 1875 George C. 1. 1825 Robert W. 1875 Samuel. m. Hibbard, 1864 Frank. 1.'Hawley, 1861 Jerome. mn. 1866 Orrin F. m. 1868 George F. m. Henna, 1866 Samuel. m. 1872 Joseph J. m. Hickok 1873 Charles N. 1. Haws, 1869 George B. n. 1873 Philander A. m. 1827 John H. H. Hennion, 1869 George B. m.Hicks Harrison, Hayden, 1864 Andrew J.. 193 John B. m. 1876 Joseph B. m. 1875 Henry W. I. Henop, 1823 John A. Harrower, Haydock, 1861 Sidney S. 1. 1860 Joseph L. m. Harrower, Haydock, Hiester, 1874 Pierre P. 1875 George R. Henry, 1876 Harry M. I. Harsen, Hayes, 1800 John. i 1825 Jacob. 1869 Russel T. m. 1819 John V. Higbee, HartT flays,1863 Richard M. 1842 Edward Y. it. Hart,-Iays, 1868 Frederick P. m. 1811 William H. 1873 William. 1. 1871 Jacob H. Higgins, 1870 George H. I. 1875 Daniel P. I. 1874 Selden T. S. 1873 Richard C. 1. 1871 Monmouth D. 1h 1873 Georgenmouth.. Hazelius, Henschell, Hildreth, 1873 James A. m. 1824 Ernest L. h. 1872 Edward K. m. 1869 John H. I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 84Sle..1873 Ricards 1. l. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 189 Hill, 1846 Charles B. Hopkinson, Huebner, 1851 Edward S. 1807 John H. 1862 Burrall. 1818 Joseph. h. 1873 Max C. 1. 1869 Augustus V. m. 1865 George. 1. IHoppin, Huerstel, Hillhouse, 1876 Adams C. m. 1860 Courtland. m. 1872 Edmund. 1. 1876 William. 1. Hogan, 1864 William W., Jr. Huesmann, Hillman, 181 William. m, 1863 Edward K. m. 1869 WilliamW., Jr. 1. 1871 Francis. 1. 1832 Alexander a. 186t Edwar'. 1874 Caleb. 1. 1867 Edward J. m. Iornblower, Hueston, Hill8yer, Holahan, 1871 Theodore R. m. 1875 James C. 1. 1836 Giles M. 1836 Francis J. I. 1875 William B.. Huffman, 1836 Giles M. 1861 William R. Holbrook, Horton, 1869 Charles B. rn. Hilton, 1874 Charles A m. 1861 Elisha, Jr. Hughes, 1814 Benjamin.! 1876 Francis N. m. e 1862 Lewis S. m. 1814Eda B.enjamin. 1862 Numon N. m. 73 Henry. M. 1871 Edward B.. 1 RHolde rt, 1867 Charles H. m. Hughson, Hinkle, 1847 Robert. 1839 Frederick. 1865 Thornton M.. 1866 Daniel J.. osack, Hu. ~1870aien W. 1 1792 Alexander. 1 Wl B Hinrichs, 1870 Henry W. 1823 James. 1874 William B. m. 1874 Frederic W. Holland, 1826 Nathaniel P. 1874 Samuel A. 1. Hinton, 1761 Henry. HosmerHulme, 1852 George H. 1868 Joseph B. m. 1855 James R. 1874 Peter. 1. Hirsch, Hollick, 1864 George W. m. Humes, 1876 Morris J. I. 1867 George F. m. Houghton, 1864 Hamilton B. 1. Hitchcock, Hollingsworth, 1859 George H. h. 1869 Thomas W. h. 1842 Julius. 1844 Samuel. 1866 Edward C. Humphrey, 1842 Julius S. 1872 Wyatt. m. 1872 Alfred A.. 1876 Cha E. I. 18612 H enry Wt. 1876 Charles E. 1. 1869 Urban G. m. Holman, Howard, Humhreys, 1872 Charles. m. 1873 George P., Jr. m. 1874 George E. P.. H h 1874 Loranus E... 1874 Jay. Holme, 1s73 Frederick. I. 1o86 William H. m 1874 Leicester P. I. Howe, Hun, 1865 William H. m. 1786 Abraham. Holmes, 1870 Walter 1. 1786 Abraham. 1871 Jacob F. n. 1866 Edward R. in. aglan,1807 Philip M. 1872 William B. W. h. unn, 1874 Irving. 1. 1857 Philip W. 1873 Edwin J. m. unn, Hobart, 1863 Stephen F. 1875 Harmon G. mn. 1810 Peter F. 1864 John C. m. 1876 Oscar P. I. Hunt, 1824 Dayton. 1866 Tecumseh'K. m. Hunt. 1824 William H. Howes, 1773 Isaac. h. 1836 John H. Holt, 1861 Reuben W., Jr. 1794 Montgomery. 1871 John H. 1. 1822 Edwin. Ho land, 1866 Joseph S. m. 1875 Moses M. 1. 1864 Henry. 1. HoWlan 1869 Robert H. 1869 George C. 1. 1863 Robert S. h. 1870 D. Brainerd. m. Hodges, 1875 Erastus E. m. 1868 William M. 1. 1873 Joseph H. in. 1850 J. Sebastian B. Ho 1875 Loton S. I. 1869 William M. m. Homes, 1875 Walter L. m. Hodgkins, 1873 Henry A. h. 1852 John A. 1876 Frederick F.m.e. 1862 David W. m. Hone, Hoyt, Hunter, 1815 John, Jr. 1828 Henry S. 1864 Thomas. h. |sHodtgman, 1818 Henry. 1840 Lydig M. 1866 James B. m. 1873 William H. m. 1831 John P. 1864 Harlow M. 1. Hoes, 1838 John. 1866 William A. I. Huntington, ~Hoes,~ ~ 1838 Philip, Jr. 1876 Walter L. m. e. 1834 Benjamin S. 1864 William M. 1., 1834 Benjamin S. 1869 Pierre V. B. I. Hooker, Hoxie, 1846 Ezra A. A. $oelger, 1866 William A. 1839 Nathaniel B. 1865 Samuel. I. H ff~~lg~er~~, 1871 George. m. 1876 Richard L. m. Hooper, Hoxsey, 1873 William R. h. Hoff 1864 John C. im. 1875 Thomas B. I. 1859 William B. Hubbard Huntress, 1874 J. S. Van R. in. I1871 Joseph. ar 1874 Leonard, Jr., n. Hoffman, Hoornbeck, i 1762 Bela. it. Hoffman, Hoornbeck, 1770 William. Hurdsfield, 1760 Anthony. 1865 Stephen E. D. 1860 Fordyce M. h. 1869 John. m. 1809 David M. W. m. 1875 Joseph C.. Hurlbu, 1812 Lindley M. 1876 Lester, Sr. 1. Hurlbut, 1812 Ogden. H pkinsudson 1863 Henry A., Jr. 1832 Nicholas W. 1860 Laban G. Hudson, 1836 Edward. 186- George.. 1846 William H. Hurry, 1837 Charles F. It. 1862 Laurence Y. 1867 Erasmus D., Jr. 1860 Edmund A. 1840 Ogden, Jr. 1867 Archibald. 1. m. 1875 Randolph. 190 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. 1772 Uzal. m. Hurst, ingraham, Jacobi, 1788 Robert C. h 1788 Robert C. h. 1788 William. 1817 Daniel P. 1871 Alphonse A. 1. 1789 Samuel W. hi. 1871 James. 1. 1844 Joseph W. it. Jacot, 1792 John B. 1873 Louis H. I. 1869 George L. 1. 1793 John I. 1870 Arthur. 1874 Charles D. 1. 1819 William L. Huse, 1873 George. 0. Jaffray, 1820 Samuel R. 1866 Edward C. Inness, 1793 Andrew. h. 1824 George W. Hustace, 18~ John H.. 1842 Robert, Jr. 1831 Bradish. Hustace, 1872 John H. I. 1832 William T. 1859 E. Treadwell. Ireland. James, 1834 Samuel E. 1871 Franlcis. 1862 William M.. m. 1848 Henry W. 1816 John, Jr. 1865 Julian. 1851 Henry B. IHuston, 1830 George, Jr. 1865 Richard D.m. 1853 William A. 1871 Frederick G. 1. 1875 Dudley L. 1862 Eldridge M. nm. 1864 Hiram L. I * Ddy.. 1863 Woolsey. m..Irish, Janeway, 1865 Andrew. h. Hutchings, 1875 Henry L. m. 1794 Jacob J. 1865 Parley H. m. 1860 Robert C. 1. Irons 1864 Edward G. 186 Joseph. m. 1872 Frederick. I. Ironsidle, 1864 Thomas L. m. 1867 George B. 1815 William. 1867 Samuel. m. Hutchinson., Janvrin. 1868 Herschel V., Jr. 1863 James. m. Irvinfg, 1864 Joseph E.m. m. 1866 Edward m. 1794 Peter. m. 1.874 Edward. 1. 1866 James C. m. 1898 John T. Jarvis, 1874 Henry S. 1. 1867 Stephen J. m. 1821 Pierre M. 1837 Benjamin H. 1874 William W. Hutchison, 1821 Washington. h. 1875 Edwin A. 1. 1824 Pierre P. Jaques, 1876 William H. I. 1875 Nathaniel G. m. 1826 Gabriel F. 1805 Robert. 1876 Wilmot, Jr. Hut+oni 1829 John T., Jr. Jaume 1837 Theodore. h. Johnston, 1823 Mancius S. 1845 George. 1862 John A. m. 1846 William M. 1865 Richard G. h. 1848 Leslie. 1875 Charles G. m. 1872 Allen C. m. 1865 Cortlandt. I. vauncey, 1873 Frederick R. 1869 Roland D. m. e. 1774 John. Johnstone, Huyler, Isaacs, Jay, 1820 James. 1800 John. 186 Isaac S1764 John. Joline,.H1867yIsaact~ S..1794 Peter A. Hyatt, 18-27 John C. 1872 Adrian H. I. 1862 Stephen B. ht. Isein, 1836 John. 1869 William. 1859 William, Jr. Jones, Hyvde, 1874 Charles O. 1. 1863 Peter A. 1768 John. h. 1834 William H. 1875 George A. 1. 1865 John C., Jr. m. 1890 Samuel, Jr. 1863 Edwin F.. 1876 Augustus. ve 1866 Stephen. m. Isherwood, 1791 Cave. 1867 Clarence M. 1817yneJ1795 Nicholas. 186 Clarence H. 1817 Benjamin. Jayne, 1796 David S. 1876 John E. H. 1875 Walter A. m. 1798 Philip L. Hyer, Ives, Jenkins, 1802 James. 1819 Walter E. 1824 Levi S. h.. 1803 Edward R. 1846 John G. 1871 Francis L. m. 1804 Edward. John J. 1815 John Q. y1833 John J. 1819 Charles. Hyland, 186 Lois vey, Jenks, 1819 George. 1876 Josiah A. 1. 1852 Richard P. 7. 1822 Henry P. Hyslop, Ivins, 1860 John W. 180 EdwJoshua. 1813 Robert. 1873 William M. 1. Jenney, 1832 Philip L. 3 R,1835 Phua E. 1856 William R. Izard, 1869 Walter P. m. e. 1835 Joshua E. Ihlseng, 1798 Henry. 1872 Frank B. m.e. 1840 Alfred G. 1875 Magnus C. 7. e. J Hk n Jerome, 1845 George A. 1875 Magnus C. m.e. Jackson, 1870 William R. i. 1845 Samuel T. Iles, 1761 William. h. Jessup, 1847 Arthur M. 1875 Malvern W. m. e. 1809 Samuel. Jessup,1850 Walter R. T. 1814 Allen. 1869 Andrew J. m. 1858 Henry L. Ill, - 1853 Abram S. Jewett, 1859 Lot. th. 1875 Edward J. m. 1857 Oliver P. 1860 Edward R. I1859 Charles A. 1841 Jacob B. 1865 Frederick R. Inderwick. 1862 William H. 1862 Dan L. m. 1865 Luther M. 1. 1808 James. 1864 Frederick W. 1868 Charles T. m. 1869 Henry M. Ingersoll, 1865 David P. m. 1871 Charles. m. 1869 Shipley. Ingersoll, 1866 Abner. It. Jobs, 1870 Charles D. 1. 1839 Charles. 1873 Anson B. 0.. 70 Clarence D. 1. 1860 William H. 1. 1873 James, P.. m. 1872 Samuel B. m. 1867 William H. 1873 John W 1874 Nicholas C.. 1874 James D. 1. Inglis, 1875 Charles E. m. e. Johnes, 1874 Weldon W. m. 1767 Charles. h. Jacob, 1876 Edward R. 1. 1875 Henry E. 1. 1875 Millard L. 1. 1795 James. 1866 Ephraim A. 1. Johnson, 1876 George H. 1. 1821 William. 1875 Charles G. m. 1761 William S. h. 1876 Townsend, Jr. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 191 1872 Luther S. 1. 1867 George G. Jordan, 1874 Charles M. m. hKerr, d 1867 Henry I.ares. 1874 Theodore F. M. Kipp, Joseph, Kelly, 1876 James M. 1. 1861 Charles J. m. 1826 Robert. Ketcham, 1875 Lionel B. m. 1870 Edmond. Joslyn, 1871 Richard B. 1864 William P.L. 1860 Isaac H. 1. s 1871 William H. 1. Ketchum 1871 John P. 1. 1867 Charles S. I. 1873 Robert L. TJoy, 1876 Michael J. 1. 1862 Edgar, Jr. 1. Kirkland, < CJor~~~y,~ ~1867 John J. m. 1854 Edward. 1866 Henry. D. W. m. Kelsey, 1869 William Q. h. 1866 Charles P. h. 1875 Douglas A. mi. e. 1873 Charles. m. Kelloggissam, Judah, Kemble, 1876 John M. h. Kissam, 1814 H y H.emble, 1803 Gourner. 1769 Samuel. m. 1814 Henry R. 1808 GouverneUr. IKettell, 1715t Benjamin. ~~Ju'son, 1803 Peter. 1860 Herbert. 1i76 Peter. Jd1864 Charles N.. 1813 - William. 1805 Benjamin. m. 18684 Ch arles NB.. 1818 Richard F. Keyes, 1812 Benjamin R. 1870 Walntera. m. 1841 William, Jr. 1872 William E. 1838 Benjamin T. 1870 Walter. m. 1868 Warren. m. 1854 George C. 1871 Champion H. m. KKeme ys Keyser, 1864 Jonas B. Jump, 1803 Edward. 1865 George. I. 1862 Daniel W. m. 1866 Robert P mEdward. 1865 Robert B. 1. 1864 William A. m. 1866 Robert P. m. Junkin, Kemp, Kidder, Kitchen, 1850 David X. h. 1802 James. h. 1868 Frederick. m. 1875 John H. 1. Kalisch, Kemper, Kilbourne, Kittredge, Kalisch, 1809 Jackson. 1868 Edwin A. 1863 Charles S. m. 1874 Abner. 1. 1849 Louis A. 1868 Edwin ge Kalish, Kenan, Kilpatrick, Kline, Kalish, | Kenan, K1873 Walter F. 1. 1872 John D. m. 1870 Samuel. 1. 1868 Thom as H.F.. 1872 John D. m. Kane, Kendall, Kinch, Kling, Kane, I l v e nua l,1873 Charles A. m. 1872 Abraham. 1. 1832 John J. C. 1875 John C. m. 1873 Joseph. 1. 1846 John G. Kene King, 1868 Walter L. 1o. Ken eJhM ts, 1873 De Lancey A. I. 1873 Cornelius E.i. 1772 John. 1878 Samuel Nc. 1. 1794 Cyrus. 1848 George M. 1873 Samuel N.. KXennedy, 1821 Elisha S. Knapp, 1875 John 1. 1. 1840 Robert L. 1822 T'heodore F. Kaufman, 1860 David. m. 1831 Charles R. 1870 John A. m. e. 1864 Charles H. 1861 John T. m. 1834 William G. 1875 John B. m. 1866 Samuel L. m. 1848 Cornelius L. neeland Kean, 1869 Henry W. 1. 1860 Augustus F. 1875 John, Jr. 1. 1874 George. 1867 John A. 1769 Ebenezer. h. 1874 David F. m. 1830 John T. KIearny, Kennett, 1876- Charles. m. e. 1809 Ravaud. 1873 Luther M. 1. Knevels, 1833 Philip, Jr. Kenny Kingman, 1853 Delancy W. 1866 John W.. enny, 1870 Eugene. m. e 1863 Peter D.. gn. nevl s, Keator, Kingsland, 1781 John. 1867 John J. m. en, 1856 Ambrose C., Jr. 1791 Isaac. 1797 James. h. 1856 George L. nickerbocker Keck, 1872 Andrew W.. Knickerbocker, 1875 Frank. I. 1875 Edward, Jr. I. Kingsley, 1867 George S. m. 1875 George L. m. 1865 George P. 1. nif ht. Keeler, 1876 Edwin C. 1874 Char es F.. Knight, ~1875 William T.-m. 1876 James, Jr. I. 1855 Walter. 18756 George W. m. 1Kinmonth, 1874 Charles H. m. 1876 George W. 1. Kerfoot, 1870 Hugh S. 1875 Amos. m. Keep, 1850 John B. h. 1872 William R. n. owles, Ke18s3 JohK H.. Ierin, Kinney, 1864 Henry M. m. Keese, 17s5t Edward. 1858 Henry C. Knox, 1798 William B. 1864 William H. m. 1823 William L. K184 Herbert E. i. 1771 Thomas. 1862 Sidmon T. 1. 1821 Thomas. Kinnicutt 1838 John M. K~innic-tt7, 1841 James H. M. Kelley, Kernan,. 1871 Frank P. m. 1849 William M. 1865 Edgar K. m. 1868 John V. 1. 1860 Charles McL. 1. K1ip, 1862 Charles S. KelloSgg, Kernochan, 1810 Charles J. 1866 James S. m. 1846 Edwin M. 1842 William S. 1815 Leonard W. 1870 James 1. 1848 Levi M. 1853 John A. 1826 Francis MI. 1872 Louis G. m. 1852 Ansel N. 1863 Francis E. 1. 1847 WilliamI. h. 1872 Charles H. 1868 John M. m. 1865 Joseph F. 1. 1866 Leonard W., -Jr. 1872, John M., Jr. 1. 192 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Kobbe, Lamson, Lay, Lennox, 1874 George C. 1773 Joseph. h. 1871 George C., Jr. 1. 1818 James. Koch, Lane, Leaming, Lent, 1865 Joseph. 1. 1847 John S. 1765 Jeremiah. 1795 Adolph C. 1873 Julius. mn. 1875 Thomas R. 1. Learned, Leo, Kohler, Landon, 1865 John B. m. 1872 Sampson S. 1. 1875 Joseph. I. 1876 Newell E. m. Leary,Leonard, Kohn, Langdon, 1874 Timothy E. 1. 1825 Alexander S. 1875 Solomon. I. 1867 Eustis F. m. Leavens, 1866 Algernon S. m. ~Korif, 1874 Charles H. m. 1868 Charles H. m. 1875 Harry W. m. e. 1869 John H. m. Langworthy, Le Roy, Kortright, 1860 Daniel A. m. Leupp, 1841 Robert, Jr. 182Nor. rigourne. 1876 William P. m. 1874 John H. 1. Lel. 1822 N. Gouverneur. Leslie Kracht, Lanterman, Leavenworth, 1762 Alexander. 184 George.. 1868 A. J.. 1848 Edward. Lester, T184 George H. Z* Larocque, Leavitt 1863 Elias. mn. Kreizer, 1838 Jeremiah. 1876 Samuel. 1. 1849 Joseph. 1845 John W. Lever, 1860 William W. m. 1869 John H. m. Krollpfeiffer, Larzelere, 1871 John B. I. Leverich 1875 Henry. m. 1804 Jacob. h. Le Compte, 876 Henry M. ich, Kuenstler, Lathrop, 1876 William. L. 1871 Hugo. m. 1862 William G. Leveridge, K gelman, Latour,.Le Conte, 1835 John W. C. ugelman, Latz~our, 1797 William. 1840 Benjamin C. 1875 Isaac. 1. 1869 Isaac P. m. 1799 Lewis. Kunze, Latting, 180a John. Lewis, 1797 Henry. 1875 Charles P. 1. 1810 Horatio G. Ledyard, 1843 Edward Z. Labagh, Lauderdale, 1830 Henry. 1848 Theodore F. 1827 Abraham B. 1874 WaterE., Jr. m. Lee,1861 Thompson B. m. 1856 Peter I. Laughlin, Lee, 1861 Thompson B. m. 1856 Peter I. Laughlin, 1823 Chauncey. h. 1865 Mordecai. 1. Labau, 1865 James F. m. 1833 Francis P. 1867 Hobart. Lauhton 1835 Charles C. 1871 Daniel. m. 1844 N. Bergasse. Laughton, 1856 avid B. 1874 John D.. 1873 J. Scott. I. 1856 Hermon F. 1874 Nathan. 1. 1861 Benjamin F. 1. 1874 James N. m. 1874 William J. 1. Law, 863 William. n. 1875 Eugene H. 1. Lachman, 1797 Samuel A. h. 1864 Arthur Mli.. 1875 Richard J. 1. 1876 Samson. 1. Lawrance 1865 John L.m. 186 Charles W. m. 11866 Charles E. m, Lexow, 1840 Edward H. 1869 H enry T. 1. Lacombe, Lawrence871 William H. L. 1. 1874 Clarence. 1. 1859 James P. Lawrence, 1874 John W. m. 1875 Charles K. 1. 1863 Emile H. 1797 Abraham R. 1874 Frederick R. 1. 1803 John L. Lighthie, Ladd, 1812 Augustine N. Lefferts, 1863 Lewis H. 1871 William W.,Jr. 1. 1812 Philip K. 1794 Leffert. 1818 William B. 1802 Leffert. Lilienthal, Laight, 1820 Henry. 1805 Thomas. 1870 John L. m. e. 1767 William. 1823 Jonathan. 1846 John L. 1793 Edward W. 1823 William A. 1870 George M. m. illie, 1802 Henry. 1841 Joseph E. 1876 John, Jr. 1. 1874 Samuel M. m. e. 1825 William E. 1842 Richard M., Jr 1836 Edward H. 1843 William B., Jr. Legare",- Lincoln, 1853 Edward W. 1844 Charles W. 1840 Hugh S. h. 1861 Abraham. h. 1862 William E. 1847 Isaac. 1875 George F. 1. 1856 Thomas T. Leggat, 1861 Walter B. 1863 William S. Lindley, Lake, 1862 George A. 1869 Newton A. m. 1836 James P. 1864 Joseph B. Leggett, 1874 John. 1. 1836 James P. 1866 Samuel, Jr. 1. 1837 William H. 1868 James K. 1. Lindsay, Lambert, 1876 George E. i. Leicht, 1866 Walter. m. 1863 Thomas R. h. Iaws, 1873 William K.. Lindsley, Lambrecht, 1870 Samuel S. 1. Leipziger, 1870 Stuart. m. e. 1873 Joseph. 1. Lawton, 1875 Henry. I. Linn, Lampson, 1873 Francis, Jr. 1. Le Moyne, 1789 William. h. 1867 William. 1. 1873 Neuberry D. 1. 1850 Adolph, Jr. 1795 John B. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 193 Linsly, Loop Lupp, McCafferty, 1864 William B. m. 1872 Francis E. 1. 1824 William H. 1871 Bernard E. 1. 1869 James C. m. Lord, Lupton, 1872 Thomas. 1. Lispenard, 1839 DanielD. 1774t Schuyler. McCaffil, 1761 Anthony. 1849 David P. 1788 Brandt S. 1872 Edmund. 1762 Leonard. 1867 Daniel. Jr. 1789 William. 1868 Theodore A. 1. 1791 Lancaster. McCahill, Lithauer, 1870 Franklin B. 1867 Edwin. 1. 1874 Leopold, Jr. 1. 1876 Joseph E. 1. Luquer, Littell, 1876 NathanielW.m.e. 1852 Lea. McCall, 185 BLttelloo eld I. Lordly, 1858 Nicholas, Jr. 1869 Joseph W. m. 1875 Bloomfield. I. Lordly, ~Little, ~ 1868 James E. M. m. Lusby, McCartee, Little, 1875 Charles R. K. m. 1868 Robert L. m. 1808 Robert. 1860 James L. sing, Lush, McCartin, 1870 Albert H. m. Littlefield 1869 Benson J. h. 1770 Stephen. 1863 Henry E. m. 1874 Frederick M. 1. Loughridge, Lydecker, McCarty, 1870 Samuel O. m. 1873 Charles E. 1. 1853 Thomas. Livingston, 1857 Pierre. 1760 Philip. Lounsbery, Lydig, 1868 James J. rn. 1765 Robert R. 1861 Seth S. m. 1815 Philip M. 1775 John W. 1858 hilip M., Jr. Macauley, 1786 George. 1860 David. 1855 John M. h. 1786 Philip H. 1875 Robert J.. el, cCauley, 1788 Peter S. Lyell,McCauley 1796 Edward P. Loutrel, 1822 Thomas. h. 1871 Robert E. m. 1799 James. 1838 Alfred M. 1800 Robert S. 1838 Alfred M. Lym n, McClellan, 1804 James D. Love, 1840 Dwight E. 1864 Alfred P. 1811 Peter V. B. 1876 Edward G. m. e. 1861 Henry M. m. 1822 Anson. Lynch, McClintock, 1823 Edwardroll. 17h. Thoma G. 1859 J. Emory. 1823 Ewrdm.. 1812 Cornelius F. 1799 James. Cloud, 1828 Mortimer. Me~loud 1869 John Hr. 1821 Isaac. 1836 George H. 1873 Solomon. I. 1865 William G. 1868 David V. m. 1872 Richard. I. 1875 Mortimer.. 1870 Seth. 1872 David T. I. McCasker, 1876 Robert A. Lowerre, Lyon, 1873 Thomas. mu Lloyd, 1817 William. 1835 Charles. McCskry, 1819 Henry J. 1835 Caesr J. McC'Skry, 1765 Henry. 1860 Samuel K. 1818 John H. Lowerree, 1863 Irving W.. 1837 Samuel A.. 1867 Henry D. 1874 Addison J. 1. McCreery, 1865 Thomas W., Jr. McCreery, Lockwood, m. Lyons, 1868 James A. 1. 1840 Levi A. Lowndes, 1876 D. Stanley. m. MIcCue, 1848 Joh:n, Jr1William. o des, 1876 Frederick A. m. 5 Alexander. 18683 Le Grand, Jr. 1822 William. h. 1845 Alexander. 1864 William A. m. 1860 Francis. 1. Lyttleton, McCullen, 1867 John T. I. L1864 William Mes. 1868 Charles E. m. Lowther, 1806 James. 1774~ Tristrim. Lytton, McCoullough, LoderL 1801 William L. I Lozier, 1845 John W. h. 1846 Jeremiah., abie, 1866 Alfred J. 1. 1871 Henry D. 1876 Teodore. 1869 B amilton W. 1. McCune 1874 Albert J. T~1u 7 La uc, McArdle, 1843 William. Loewenthal, 1868 John T. m. 1874 John J. 1. McCutchen 1875 Henry. Z. Luckock, McBurney, ~. 1872 Samuel St. J. 1. Loewy, 1876 Benjamin. I. 1870 Charles, Jr. m. Macdona, 1874 Benno. 1. Ludlow, McAllaster, 1875 Henry. 1. Logan, 1758 Carey. h. 1823 Adam D. 1768 James.1865 John G. m.ald, 1787 John C. McAllister 1810 John M. Lorm~ax, 1793 Henry W. McAlliter, 1821S Daniel. h. 1862 Joseph D. m. 1811 Thomas W. 1854 Cutler C. 1852 Archibald B. 1817 Edmund. 1860 Matthew H. h. 1860 Orrin P. m. Long, 1827 Alfred. 1869 William H. 1. Macdonald 1875 Monroe B. m. Ludlum, McBride, 1863 James A. Longyear, 1847 William S. 1871 Thomas A. m. 1868 John A. 1875 Howard W. m. 1851 Nicholas F. 1871 Nathaniel A. 1. 1876 Michael A. m. Longworth, Lummis, McCabe, McDonough, 1873 LandonR. m. 1859 William. 1875 Patrick. 1. 1869 John T. 1. 194 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. McDougall, McKee, McMurray, Malocsay, 1869 John C. m. 1860 James G. m. 1852 William. h. 1871 Frank. 1. McDowell 1876 William H. 1. McNamee, Mallory, 1872 FrederickH. m.e. McKIellar, 1866 Theodore H. 1873 Maitland L. m. McElligott, 1875 George M. 1. 1867 James. Mallalieu, 1865 Henry R. McKelvie, McNary, 1875 Albert W. m. McEwen, 1866 William H. m. 1851 John G. Mallison,'1868 Daniel, Jr. m. M Kim, Macneven, 1858 D. Ledyard. Frn,1875 William D. 1806 William J. h. Malloy, 1827, M Keon 1831 James J. 1827 Charles. lMcKeon, M s1866 Edward W. 1815 John. McNulty, McFarland, 1876 William H. 1. 1861 Albert, Jr. Maltby, 1867 William C. m. IcKesson 1876 James. I. 1869 Charles A. 1. 1871 Artnur H. m. M 17187158 John. h. Macomb, Man, McFarlane, 1802 John W. 1866 Frederick H. 1861 Carrington. m. MIackey, 1802 Robert. 1876 Henry H. 1. McGahagan, 1875 William J. P.m. 1866 Edward.?m. Mander, 1804 Thomas. Mackie, McQuesten, 1874 Henry F. 1. MCGay, 1794 Jacob 0. 1863 Rockwood. Manierre, 1868 Rbert J.. 1812 Peter, Jr. McRae, 1869 George. 1. 1868 Robert J. m. cKinney, 0 William.. McGill, 1873 Merritt GF. 1. Manley, 1866 Alexander T. I. M i McSweeney, 1799 James R. M8c 0. 1 C nnon, 1864 Daniel.:. m. 1804 Edward. McGlade, 1800 John. McVeagh, 1808 James R. 1870 Thomas A., Jr. 1. acigt, MLc eag, L1874 Reuben M. I. 1870 Thomas A., Jr.. MlcKnight, 1864 Franklin. 1. 1876 John R. 1. McGoldrick, 198 Washington. cVicka 1876 Michael F. Joh. cVickar, Mann 1846 Charles S. 1802 Archibald. 1839 Joseph R. PMlcGowan, 1802 James. 1871 Matthew D.?n 18Xl M. ilm. 1. MlIcLa~ne) 1804 JoHne 1875 William J. I. 1871 M. Milmo. 1. McLane, 1804 John. McGown, 1846 James W. m. 1809 Henry. 1ML46 James Wn m, 1812 Edward. g Mansfield, 1843 Henry P. cLaren, 1833 Samuel B. 1847 John J. 1836 Henry. 184 oward.. McGraw,. M Laury, 1846 William A. Maplesden, 1868 Theodore A. m. cLaur, 1865 William N.en, M TcGregoor, e 1875 William P. m. 1874 Henry G. 1. 1874 Reuben, Jr. 1. 1810 John. cLean, Iacwithey, Marbury, Mc rk1810John 1844 Charles G. i. 1871 Edward L. C. m. 1865 Francis F., Jr. 1. 1844 Charles G.Ah. M1869uJon.rn 1863 Thomas M., Jr. Macy, March, 1869 John. mn. 1869 Malcolm. m. 1875 Arthur. m. e. 1826 Joshua S. Mcllvaine, 1873 Donald.. IMaeller, 1837 Charles D. 1856 Alexis E. McLeod, 1790 Henry. h. Marcley, McIntire, 1806 Robert B. A. Mahee, 183 James I. m. 1818 Alexander B. M ame, 1873 Ansil S. m. 1826 John N. 1872 John H. Marcy, McIntyre, McLoughlin, Magie, 1860 Thomas K. m. 1835 Joseph. 1869 Thomas J. m. 1863 David, Jr. m. Markham, 1874 Burnett C. m. 1870 William. m. Mack, McMahon, Magnes, Marrin, 1807 Daniel. 1869 Dennis, Jr. 1. 1849 Charles A. William J. 1867 John A. 1. 1871 Percy H. 1858 William J. 1 JMc ohane, A McManns, Ma181 Philip J. m. Marsee, 18 John 181Pii. J.. 1869 HenryJoeph W. m. 1872 James N. 1. 8 Main, Marselis, M cMckaes M Martin, Mi1828 Austin L. S. Mackaness, 1868 Archibald. m. e. 1807 Peter T. 1799 Thomas C. McMaster, Major, 1799 Thomas C. McMaster, 1834 Alexander. Marsh, McKay, 1870 Robert B. 1. 1866 Henry, Jr. 1. 1824 Elias J. 1864 William M. m. McMullen, Malcolm 1830 James. h. 1868 George S. 1. alolm 1854 Elias J. 1868 John H. m. 1837 John, Jr. 1794 Samuel B. 1864 Joseph A. 1. 1869 Francis E. 1. McKean, McMurdy, Malcomson, 1869 Franciel.. 1762 Robert. h. 1867 John H. I. 1874 Abram B., Jr. I. 1876 Valentine. 1. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 195 Marshall, Mawbey, Mesier 1876 Theodore D. m. Mesier ~ 1876 Grayson. I. 1770 John R. 1865 Charles F. 1. 1789 Matthew. 1876 Isaac N. 1. 1773 John, A. 1789 Peter. 1858 Charles H., Jr, May, Millspauh, 1861 Edward G. qm. 1874 William. m. essenger, 1861 Theodore. m. 1868 Frederick D. m. 1860 Thomas H. 1868 FrederickD. Rim. Mlayer, Minard 1872 Frederick P. 1799 Philip F. Mestre,5 I T 18783 Henry R. 1864 Isidor. 1876 Joseph M. 1. 1825 Isaac T. Marston1865 Theodore F. H. 1. M f, Miner, Ma~rston, 1876 Abraham. m. 1760 John. 1876 Benjamin F. 1833 James W. 1849 Ebenezer B. 1850 Kendrick. h. Minor, Marten, Maynard, 1874 George R. m. ino, M180 Benjamin T. i. 1859 George W. eta1864 Israel, Jr. 1., 1869 FosterJ. m. Metcalfe, 1865 John C. m. Martense, 1872 Alfred W. m. 1871 Francis J. m. 1871 Albert J. m. 18"5 Adrian V. 1. 1873 Edward H. m. Metinger 1876 Lewis W. m. Metzinger, 1876 Charles W. 1. Martino Maxwell, 1875 Henry.. Minton, Martn,1807 William H. MeyeMinton, 1857 William H. 1808 Hugh. y 1845 Charles A. 1861 B. Ellis. mn. 1840 Thomas C. 1874 Francis L. I. 1862 Benjamin N. h. Mead, 1871 Martin S. I. 1862 William H. 1794 Henry. m, 1872 Charles. 1. Minturn, 1863 William M. 1822 Edward N. 1874 Alfred. 1817 William. 1867 Theodore W. m. 1835 Charles D. 1826 s homas R. 1869 Justin. Mn. 1866 Isaac N. m. Middletol1 1844 William B. 1870 George. m. 1866 John C, m. 1768 Peter. h. 1859 Robert B., Jr. 1872 John S. m. 1868 Edward S. 1868 Ormond T. I. 1873 Francis. m. 1868 John A. M Mitchell. 1875 Walter H. Z. 1873 Edward W. 1. 1Msse,804 John. 1875 Luther O. m. 1876 Charles L. I. 1868 Morris H. ft. 1813 Thomas C. 1876 Isaac P., Jr.. Meade, Milbank, 1820 John F. Martine, 1860 William C. I. 1864 Luther A.. 1826 Edward E. 1865 Randolph B. Meagher, Miles, 1847 Clarence G. 16Ra ndiol B M ahr.iles 1847 Timothy G. Marvin, 1872 William P. m. 1876 Clarence C. m. 1861 Edward 1861 Edward. 1854 Henry C. Meeker, Millard, 1862 John elius. B. 1863 Dan, Jr. 1821 Stephen H. 1865 James S.. 1863 William A. 1870 Frederic R.. 1872 Heyward G. 1. 1873 William. I. 1865 Alfred. m. Mason, Meeks, Milledoler, 1866 Hubbard W. m. ~~~Y1856 Joseph. 1868 William, Jr. 1789 John M. 1856 Joseph. 1793 Philip. 181 William S. m. 1815 John L. 18eier,20 Philip E..1815 John L. Meier, Mitchill 1837 Erskine. h. 1795 John H. Miller, 18Samuel L. h. 1840 John M. Miller, 1788 Samuel L. h. 1857 Erskine. Meikleham, 1795 Silvanus. 1852 Samuel L., Jr. 1870 Robert. m.ilam 1806 Cornelius. 1874 Henry B. 1. 1830 Benjamin F. Mittendorf, Menzie, 1832 Frederick W. 1873 William F. m. 1eorge, LR.m 1842 Livingston K. Mass WCaey. 1866 George L. R. m. 1855 Charles E.r, 1857 W. Carey. Mercer, 1855 David B. Moeller, Masters, 1859 Alexander. A. 1860 George M. 181 Henry, m. Masters, Frederick W. m. 1863 Carleton W. M.ogan, 1876 Alfred. m. 1862 1rederichib. m. 1863 Martin A. m. 1875 Patrick J. I. 1837 William J. 1805 Clement. h. 1811 Theodore F.. a, 1854 James S. 1878 George A. I., 1888 William B. Miather, 1866 Augustus C. 1873 John H. i. 1868 Edward S. n. e. 1871 Edward E. m. 1874 John E. l. Moffatt, 18 Edward E. m. Merrill, 1874 John A. 1. Matson, 1863 George V. R. m. 1874 Lewis. m. 1862 Bruce. I. 1895 William L. 1868 Payson.. 1876 Lamartine. I. Mofet, Matthews. 1871 Cyrus S. m. Milligan, 1843 Bobert K. 1758 David. A. Merritt, 194 Willbert.y, 1860 David. m. 1873 Albert. m. ilnor M uy1874 Donglas. I. i r186 WlA 1. Maury,.1874 Robert N. A. 1826 William H. 1869 Augustus A. m. 1857 Mytton. 1876 Augustus H. I. llMoncrieff, 1865 James F. 1876 Schuyler. ills 1774t Edward C. 1863 Lucius. m. oneypeny, Maverick, Merry, 1864 Horatio W. oneypely, 1762 William B. N. 1826 Thomas H., Jr. 1872 Frank H. 1. 1847 John, Jr. 196 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Monroe, Morris, Muirson, Muzzy, 17738 Harrv. h. 1768 Governeur. 1772 James. m. 1808 Frederick. 1869 Henry S. m. e. 1775t Jacob. 1876 Augustin. 1. 1813 Nicholas,Jr. Mulchahey, Myers, 1818 Gerard W. 1866 James. h. 1874 Charles F. W. m. Monson, 1826 Henry. 1840 Alonzo C. 1826 Richard L. Mulcahy, Mynderse, 18M5 James. 1872 Denis D. m. 1875 Wilhelmus. 1. Montgomery, 85 Or an. /Iullany, Nash, 1874 Jesse S. n. 1858 Charles D. h. Montell, 1860 Augustus N. 1866 Frank A. 1846 Frederick. Montell, 1860 Richard L. 1868 John M. 1870 John B. 1861 Robert. 1. Mullen, 1863 Stuyvesant F. 185 Samuel.. Nathan, Montgomery, 1868 Benjamin W. h. 1827 Jonathan. 1872 John H. 1. 1868 Fordham. 1. Muller, 1861 Gratz. 1872 John A. m. 1868 Henry L. 1. 1822 Adrian H. Naugllton, 1870 Samuel H.m. 1873 Henry C. m. Moore, Morrs.n1872 Thomas J. m. 1768 Benjamin. orrison, Mulligan, N 1774t Daniel. 1795 John. 1791 John W. Navarro, 1775t Thomas L. 1869 James E. 1. 1835 William. 1873 Angel J. m. 1794 Richard C. h. 1798 Clement C. Morrow, Mulry, Nazro, 1798 Samuel. 1876 Cornelius W. 1874 William P. I. 1863 Hiram H. 1802 Nathaniel F. 1806 David. Morse, Mulvany, Neal, 1806 Samuel W. 1860 Barnett W. m. 1875 Luke. I. 1810 Ava. 1810 Benjamin. 1863 Sherman. m. 1876 Edward J. 1. 1842 Clement. 1871 James O., Jr. Nealis, 1844 William T. 184 John W. Mortimer, Mundy, 1862 William T. nm. 185647 John W. M ortim r, 1864 Charles H. 1. 1859 James F. 1841 John H. Neef us, 1861 Richard H. m. 1875 Stanley. L. Munn, 1854 Peter J. 1866 John. n. on, 1821 William H. Nehrbas, 1867 Thomas M. 1. Morton ehrbas, 1872 William O. m. 1810 George W. Munroe, 1871 Charles J. 1. 1873 Casimir De B. 1810 John L. 1871 Chester C. 1873 Charles H. m. 1815 Francis. Munson Neill, 1824 Hamilton. Un176.7 Hugh. h. Morales, 1827 Henry J. 1873 Franklin A. n. 1828 George B. 1875 Jose G. 1. Moses, Murdock, Neilson, 1841 Israel. 1861 Seth M. 1. 1817 John, Jr. Moran, 1868 Max. 1. 1867 George W. m. 1847 John. 1875 John A. 1. t 1870 Albert J. am. Mott Nelson, Morgan, 1806 Valentine. m. Murfee, 1804 Joseph. 1831 James M. 1884 William F. 1867 John H. m. 1841 Edward D. 1843 Williames. 1872 Joseph V.m. 1841 Samuel. h. 1854 Charles E. 1872 Valentine. Murphy, 1869 Henry L. 1. 1857 William F.. 1873 HenryA., Jr. m.e. 1830 Henry C. 1869 James R. m. 1864 John B. Mount, 1854 Henry C., Jr. 1875 John De W. m. 1865 Lawrence O. m. 1834 Richard E., Jr. 1855 George J. Nesbitt, 1869 James A. 1. 1852 Charles De G. 1867 Philip. 1. 1870 John V. m. 1872 David DH.. 1872 Arthur. 1. 1875 John H. m. 1874 Theodore M. 1. 1875 Thomas S. P. I. 1874 Arthur, Jr. I. Nesmith, 1876 William D.. owatt, Murray, 1860 Robert D. More, 1816 John E. 1799 Alexander. Nettleton, 1874 James M. I. M 1812 John W. B. 1869 Asbel G. Bm. Mower, 1813 Thomas C. Morison, 1856 Mandeville. 1863 James. Nettre, 1870 Robert S. Mudgett, 1866 Nicholas. 1. 1869 Lionel R. m. e. 1870 Robert S. Mudgett, 1869 George F. 0. Morrell, 1869 William P. 1. 1874 Ambrose S., Jr. I. Neville, 1810 Robert. onm. ud1874 George. m. e. 1876 John J. M. m. 1810 Robert. m. Mudie, 1875 James B. 1. Morrelle, 1860 Archibald F. m. 1876 George W.. Nevins, 1849 Danil. Muhlen 1876 John H. 0. 1876 Russell H. m. 1849 Daniel. Muhlenberg,.us MursickNevius Morrill, 1834 William A. i. UrNev 1828 John A. Muir, 1860 George A. m. 1837 George L. 1869 Jesse L. 1. 1867 David H. m. Murtha, Newbold, 1876 Frank A.m. 1875 Edward A. I. 1869 Eugene B. m. 1874 Thomas. I. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 197 Newburger, Norton, 1817 Meredith. Orchard, 1874 Joseph E. I. 1792 John L. 1823 George B. 1862 William B. m. Newby, 1193 Robert B. 1823 John D. Ormiston, 1863 Thomas B. Norwood, 1824 Waddington. 1815 Thomas S. Newell, 186 Edward M. m. 1829 Richard H. O'Reilly, 1876 Lewis M.. 1829 Samuel. James. 1860 William S. 1829 S am. 1815 George B. 1. Nosser,29 Thomas. 1876 Hery. 1. 1830 Charles H. Osborn Newcomrb 1876 Eenry. I. 1832 Governeur M. 1840 Obadiah, Jr. Notman, 1874 Frederick S. qn. 1840 Obadiai, Jr. NT~otman, 1837 David B. h. 1821 Laughton, 1864 George W. m. 1872 John. I. 1845 David B., Jr. 184 Frederick. 1849 Aaron. 1860 Thomas L. Newland, Nott, 1862 Charles. 1853 William J. 1868 David J. 1. 1857 Henry P. 186m. 1875 Harris B. m. Newschafer, Noyes, 1867 Cadwalader E. Osgood, 1864 William H. 1. 1861 James H. m. 1869 David B. 1809 Walter F. ~Newtf~on 1865 McWalter B. h. 1810 Walter. Newton, 1873 Robert F. m. 1872 Dudlow. Osterhoudt, 1842 George L. 1875 William S. m. e. 1872 Richard. 1864 HIoward. 1869 Henry. m.e. 18714 Francis L. 1. Nutten, Ostrander, \ Nichols, 1868 Wilbur F. m. Ogilby, Ostrn04 Eekiel. m. 1818 Samuel. h. 1829 John D. 1848 Peter W. 1825 Walter. Nutter, 1865 William S. R. I. 1855 George A. 1831 Gideon S. 1867 David R. 1. gilvie, 1866 John W. 1839 Edwin A. Ogilvie, 1845 Samuel B. R. Oakes, 1767 John. h. 1815 William C. I. 1852 Washington R. 1864 George B. m. 1774 George. Sullivan, Nicholson, 1878 Wallace K. m. 1193 William. h. Sullivan, Nicholson, 1876 Frederick. 1802 William. 1881 John L. 1192 James W. Otey, 1796 Samuel. Oakley, O'Hanlon, H 1873 John R. 1. 1874 Rudolph C. 1. 1811 Philip J.. 1833 James H. Nicholl, Oaks, O'Hara, Otis, 1193 John. 1871 John F. M. 1875 Stephen J. 1. 1861 Frank A. 1875 Charles H. Nicoll, Oaksmith, Olcott, 1876 DeLoyd. m. 1766 Edward. 1867 Sidney. I. 1874 Eben E. m. e. Oudenaarde 17114 Henry. Oberndorfer, Olmstead, 1775f Marinus. 1114 Samuel. m. 1775t Augustus. 1870 Isidor P. 1874 Charles O. rn. 1775t Peter. 1830 HenryMatthias. O'Blenis, O udin, 1862 Augustus W.. 1818 John. 1862 George H. n. 1876 Lucien. 1. 1863 John D. mt. O'Brien 1866 Edward H. i Olssen, Outerbridge, 1866 Henry D. m. 1875 Morgan J.. 1846 William W. 1868 Aggeus. m. 1868 William G. 1. O'Connor, 1874 De ward. I. 1873 Matthew C. rm. l mel, Oven, 186De 1812 Charles. At. 1865 James A. 1. 1869 John. Nitchie, Odell, Olyphant, Overton, 1801 John. 1872 Jackson. 1842 Robert M. 1865 Martin L. m. Noble, 1862 David B. Oviatt 1871 Henry S. m. O'Donohue, O'Mullen, 1875 George A. m. 1872 William N. 1. 1872 William. I. 1862 William. 1. Nolan1, O'Dowd, Owen Nolan, IO'Dowd, Onderdonk, 1861 William H. 1. 1868 John. m. 1852 Charles. 1771 Benjamin. 1863 George H. Nooney, O'Dwyer, 1805 Henry U. 1867 Henry E. m. 1871 Edwin De W. m 1866 Joseph. mn. 1827 Henry, Jr. Owens, Norsworthy, Ogden,:1845 Henry. 1872 William C. 1. 1847 Benjamin A. 1826 John B. 1758 Isaac. 1872 James L. Paar, 01, 2Nolas.,r~th, 1758 Josiah. h. 1875 William H. 1. North, 177'2 Nicholas. O'Neil, 1861 Alfred. m. 1776 Peter. 1862 John, Jr., I. Packer, 1868 William F. 1. 1791 Charles L. 1871 William S. 1. 1191 Thomas L. O'Niel, Northrop, 1193 Abraham. 1873 Henry P. I. Paddock, 1864 George J. m. 1796 Governeur. Oppenheimer, 1876 William L. m. 1798 William. Oppenheimer, Pa wood, Northrup, 1802 Lewis M. 1876 Isaac. m.ackwood, 1867 Daniel W. 1. 1802 Isaac. 1876 Henry. m. 1857 Richard T. 198 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Page, Paton, Pelletier, Philippe, 1864 Benjamin M. m. 1876 David. 1. 1870 Paul. 1. 1876 Eugene. m. 1873 Edward A. 1. 1874 Charles W. 1. Patterson, Pemberton, Philipse, 1876 Edward W. 1865 Charles G. 1. 1849 John P. 1773 Frederick. 1869 Charles E.. 1enderast773 Nathan iel. 1875 Arthur R. Pn. Patton, 1863 Patrick. m. Phillips 1861 Robert H. 1. h 1861 Robert H. I. Pendleton, 1808 John W. 1835 Alexander. Paulding, 1805 Edmund H. 1826 William W. Ii. 1824 James K. h. 1813 Nathaniel G. 1864 James L. m. Palmer, 1812 William J. 1814 James NI. 1866 Edwin. nm. 1.867 William H. n. Paulison, Pneveyre 186872 Wheeler W. I 1869 Courtlandt, Jr. 1. 187 l W. 1 1875 Appleton D. I. 1870 John C. I. 1825 Henri L. P. F. It. 1873 David. nz. Panton, Payne, Pennell, 1874 Waldorf H. 1. 1774 Gaeorge. 1870 Henry W. I. 1852 George C. Phinnley, Pperge * 1876 Edward T. 1. Pennington, 1842 James H. Pape, Payson, 1875 John C. m. Phoenix, 1875 Adolphus D. I. 1876 Henry S. I. Penny, 1795 Alexander. Papen, Peabody, 1827 Samuel, Jr. 1795 Thomas. 1874 George W. mn. 1795 Thomas. 1874 George W. rn. 1868 Duane L. Percy, 1859 Stephen W. Paris, 1869 Charles A., Jr. 1862 George.. Paris, 1870 George L. 1862 George. 1. Phyfe, 1791 Daniel. Pearsall, Perkins, 1825 William. Parish, 1861 Andrew T. nz. 1824 Henry. Pierce, 1841 John H. 1861 Robert W. I. 1860 William S. C. 9n. 1861 William B. mn. 1849 Henry, Jr. 18'76 James.. 1863 Charles L. in. 1867 Daniel C., Jr. mn. Pyearsee, 1869 George P. 1871 Julius L. 9n. 1793 Jonathan, Jr. 1er8y, 1873 Andrew M. in. 1855 William A. Parker, Pease, 1870 Samuel E. I. Pierrepont, 1793 James. 1862 Edmund M. n. 1872 John H. I. 1867 Henry E., Jr. 1854 James C., Jr. 1873 John E. 9nT. 1876 William A. I. 1864 Henry H. Peaslee, 1875 Edward D. 1866 Willard, Jr. 1875 Edward H. rn. 1875 James W. I. 1869 ERichard WI.. LPeckett, 1876 Clarence C. rn. 1869 Stephen. iz. 1876 Frederic S. 1. Piffard 1876 John W., Jr. 1. Perrine, Piffard, Parkhurst, Pe 1872 Howland D. 1. 1864 Henry G. 99. 1868 Charles B. m. Peck, Pihlman, 1841 William L. Peshinee, Pihla Ln, Parkin, 1846 Edward Nl. 1825 William. 1876 Robert.. 1876 William.. 865 George W. Pinckney, 186Wilam. 1876 Myrod R. C. m. Peters, 1860 Howard.. Parkman, ee 1761 Samuel A. h. Theodoreete. 1793 Valentine H. Pinder, 1857 Theodore. 1868 George J. 1. 1826 Hewlett R. 1833 John H. h. Pnarks, 1872 Isaac L. h. 1851 Martin P. h. Peirce, Pettingill, Pingry, Par1851 Martine. e, 187cenr 1876 Edmund L. m. 1868 James O. 9q. Parmele, 1870 Henry T. P t 1762 Ebenezer. h. Peixotto Petit, Pinneo, P72armly, 1816 Daniel L. M. 1867 Frederic M. rn. e. 1865 Joseph O. 9?T. 1842 Wheelock I. PellPeyton, Pirnie, Pell, 1867 James F. mn. 1839 John, Jr. Parrot, 1770 Philip. 1839 Peter B. 1870 Edward M. m. e. 1806 Ferris. Phelail, 1844 Peter M. 1840 George W. 1874 Thomas A. Pi. n, Ptarsons, 1841 William C. 1875 Jeremiah. m. 1861 George H. im. e. 1852 John H. 1872 Augustus C. 1876 Frank. m. 1858 Benjamin. Phelps, 1876 William H. 1. 1860 Robert T. 1863 Charles O. 1. Pistor, 1862 Edward M. 1863 George D. 1. 1868 William. 9Th. e. Partridge, 1862 Richard V. 1863 William W. Pitner 1875 Edward L. n. 1863 James B. 1864 Henry D. I. 1863 John. 1. 1869 Thomas J.'r. Passmore, 1869 Walter. 1. Philbin, 1T 1861 Joseph C. h. 1873 Frederic A. 1. 1876 William A. Pitschke, Paterson, 1874 Herbert C. 1. Philip,am F. 1. 1812 Matthew C. Pellet, 1819 John. h. Pladerell, 1822 Alexander H. 1871 Jackson B. m. 1843 John C. 1875 Willard S. 1. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 199 Planck, Prall, Purdy, 1871 William, Jr. m. 1870 Milton G. m. 1866 William C. 1. 1805 Abraham. Plattn, ~ 1875 William. 1. 1811 George B. Rann 1861 Alfred E. M. m. 1868 Charles S. rn. e. Pratt, 1869 Caleb. 1. 1860 Julius H. 1. 1873 Lewis H. 1. 1867 William H. B.m. 1869 Samuel A., Jr. 1865 Henry P. I. 1872 Edwin A. 1. 1869 William M. Rapallo, Plymplton, 1376 Edward. 1875 John H. 1 Edwd S 1861 Henry S. m. 1876 George B. m. urne4 war Poinsett, Prendergast, Purney, Rapeije, 1865 John A. m. 1774 John. 1825 Joel R. h. 1868 John J. m. ~Polk, ~1871 James. 1. Purroy, 1811 Char 1831 Leonidas. Ih. Prentice, 1831 John B. 18831 Leonidas. m. 1833 Davice, lb. 1850 Frederick L. Rathbone, 1839 William M. in. 1833 David. h. Pollen, ]Prentiss, Putnam, 1800 Thomas W. 1875 Tarrant. I. Rattoone, 1849 George C. 1870 Robert. m. 1875 Bayard T.. e. 1796 William. Pomeroy, Prescott, 1876 Harrington. 1. Ravenhill, 1835 George Q. 1840 William H. h. Pyne, 1845 Lefroy 1854 Charles S. 1823 Smith 1854 George Q., Jr. Price, 182 Smith.Ravenscroft, 1869 Eugene H. 1799 Stephen. Quackenbos, 1823 John S. It. 1860 Oren D. mi. 1849 William M. 1800 Nicholas J. Pond, 1847 Joseph H. I. 1808 George C. Rawcliffe, 1865 James L. 1839 George W. 187 Henry A. 1. 1863 George D. 1872 Anderson. 1. 1843 George P. Pool, 1875 Edward W. 1868 John D. Ray, 18Po Edward P. D. 1875 Franklin. m. e. 1 Edward P. 1 1766 John.,Priest Quackinbush, 1813 Robert. Pooley, Priest, 1806 David. 1817 Richard. 1860 James H. in. 1802 Henry B. 1836 Daniel McL. 1852 Robert. Jr. Poolre Prime, Quin, 1861 Richard C. 1866 Charles T. m. 1856 G. Wendell. 1827 James M. 1861 Temple. 1. 1870 Robert A. m. Raymenton, Pope, 1865 Frederick, Jr. Quintard, 1873 William H. m. 1871 John iEi. m. Prince, 1853 Charles T. hi. Raymond, Porter, 1866 L. Bradford.. Rabe, 1816 Samuel G. 1862 George. m. Prius, 1869 Rudolph F. 1. 1859 William L. 1872 Franklin. 1860 Peter. m. 1869 Joseph 1. m. Rachel, 1871 Henry W. 1. Post, Proal, 1874 George W. m. Raynolds, 1792 Jotham, Jr. 1822 Alexis P.. Radcliffe, 1868 Thomas B. 1808 Edward. Proffatt, o Radcliffe, 1868 Thomas B. 1. 1808 Edward. Proffatt 1810 Waldron B. P r 3 ofatn, 11874 Frank L. mn. R 1810 WaldronGeorge D. R, 1818 George D. 1873 John. I. 1Radde, 1868 Robert M. m. 1821 Edwin. Proudfit, 1873 Louis. 1. Reade, 1821 Henry A. V. 1822 Alfred C. 1790 James h. Radeker 158 Joseph. 1827 Minturn. 1792 Alexander. Radeker, 58 Joseph. 1828 Joel B. I Provoost 1874 Barna E. m. 1872 Robert L. 1. 1862 Gerardus. 15 el 18615 CharlesA. A. I- |Pruyn, 1876 William. m. 1862 Nathaniel B. nm. 1867 Edward R.. 1863 Henry V. S.. Raegener, Redfearn, Potter, Pryer, 1876 Louis C. 1873 Joseph, Jr. in. 1810 Ellis,. Jr. 1862 William C. m. Rafael, Redfield, 1842 Edward F. 1873 Enrique C. m. 1831 Richard W. 1863 William R. 1. Pryor, 1866 William B. 1864 Alfred. m. Randall, Redmond, 1872 Eliphalet F. h. 1774t Paul. 1857 Goold H. 1874 Clarkson N.h. Pultz, 1873 Sands F. 1. Poulsen, 1868 Monroe T. m. Randol, eed, John. h. 1870 James M. 1. Pumpelly, 1867 Albert R. m. 1832 Stephen, Jr. 1871 Elmer. I. 1868 Josiah C. 1. 1874 Sylvanus A. Randolph, Powell, Punderson, 1867 Hector C. F. Rees, 1864 Stephen C. m. 1758 Ebenezer. h. 1869 John C. m. e. 1872 John K., 1875 William H. m. 1758 Cyrus. A. 1875 Stuart F. 1. I 1874 Benjamin F.m.e. Powers, Punnett, Rankin, Regensburger, 1870 Frederic. m. 1831 John., 1841 John. 1872 Alfred E. mn. 200 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. 1873 Melville H. I. Richards 1867 Nathan S. m. 1853 Charles. h. 1875 David H. 1. 1869 Charles. 1. 1867 Albert S. m. 1858 A. G. 1871 Gracie S. m. e. 1868 Thomas. 1. Reid, 1858 Robert K. 1868 William C. m. 1864 James. 1. 189 Orville F. in. 1845 Aaron B. 1866 Jarrett T.. brton, 1869 Orville.. 1868 Henry H. 1. 1867 Joseph S. 1. 1812 Jacob A. 1871 Platt. 1. 1869 John J. m. 4 John T. 1813 Alexander H. 1875 Henry P. 1. Reilly, 1875 Harry E. John. 8165 John A. mn. Reilly, 1876 George. 1. 1823 Andrew K. 1874 Hugh.. George. 1. 1823 Noel. Rokenbaugh, 1876 Bernard, Jr. 1. Richardlson, 1825 Anthonyder. 874 Henry S. I. 1825 Anthony L. Remsen, 1875 Lucian H. I. 1868 Kenneth. m. e. oler, 1775 Jacobus. 1876 Rosell L. I. 1869 Charles F. h. 1875 Charles M. qn. e. 1789 John. Richmond, 1870 Arthur R. 1. Romaine, 1895 Robert. 1832 Thomas A. 1870 Roderick. 1. e 1803 William. 1832 Thomas A. 1871 Richard S. m. e. 1806 Samuel B. 1807 Simeon. Ricker, 1874 Abram H. 1. 1838 Benjamin, Jr. 1867 Ira. m. 1840 Worthington. 1867 Phcenix. 1. 1874 Clinton J. m. Robie, 1871 Benjamin F., Jr. 1871 Henry. 1. Ricketts, 1861 John W. m. Romer 18w76 Robert G. m. 1871 Pierre De P. m.e. Robins, 1854 Jean. h. Renwvick, Ricord, 1860 Edward P. Romeyn, 1807 James. 1809 Robert J. 1868Robinson, 1774t Nicholas. 1833 Henry B. Ridgway, 1773 Beverley. 1795 John B. 1833 William R. 1872 Charles D. 1. 1826 Beverley, Jr.James. 1836 James. Jr. 1862 John A. m. 1858 James W. 1839 Edward S. Ridout, 1863 Robert E. Romondt 1876 James A. 1866 William G. m. 1865 Thomas. I 1866 Edward R. 1. 1872 Charles D. V. m. Repetto, Rieger, 1867 George W. m. Roof, 1866 Francisco. m. 1872 Joel H. n. 1867 John W. m. 1862 Frank. m. Reuwee, Rigby, Robson, 1864 Stephen W. m. 1864 Albert A. 1. 1861 Charles D. m. 1876 James A. I. 1875 Charles B. m. Reymert, Riggs, Roche, Rooney, 1872 James D. 1. 1847 Joseph K. 1870 Spencer S. 1866 William H. I. ~Reynat~, 1869 Benjamin C. m. RockwellRoorbach 1871 George W. qn. e. 1874 Albert. i. 1860 Fenton. 1. 1806 Frederic. Reynolds, Riker, 1862 William H.,Jr.m. ROO velt Reynolds, 1799 Samuel, Jr. 1868 Frank W. m. 1835 James N. h. 1826. Daniel P. ~ 1869 Charles H. 1. 1815 James J., Jr. 1843 Charles. 1835 Johnl H. ockwood, 1819 James H. 1859 Stephen R. Rockwood, 1826 William tl. 1861 Charles H. m. Riley, 1876 Charles B. 1. 1842 Silas W. 1862 Jasper G. m. 1858 Henry C. 1864 Van Ness. 1. 1870 William H.T. m. 1874 Henry A., Jr. 1. odenstein, 1874 John E. 1. 1871 Frank. 1. Rino 1867 John W. m. 1875 John. 1. Ring, Root, 1842 Zebedee, Jr. Rodm n,1841 Geo rget, M. Rhame, 1873 Charles A. m. 1842 Washington. 1864 Russell H. 1876 William. i. Rot1850 Erskine. m. 1868 Henry A. 1. R186 William. I. iotte, 1868 Charles S. m. 1875 Samuel C. Rhind, 1871 Pedro P. 1. Roe, 182'7 Charles, Jr. Ripley, 1871 John O. m. Rh-inelander, 1870 Joseph S. in. 1875 Jacob I. m. 1873 AndrewW., Jr. 1. Rhinelander,1874 William R-7. 1798 William. Ritter, Roebu1k, 1804 Philip. 1869 Theodore. I. 1772 Peter. Rosenblatt, 1808 William C., Jr. 1876 Leopold G. I. 1811 John R. Ritterband, Roesch, 1815 Frederic W. 1871 David S. 1. 1876 George F. i. Rosenfeld, 1834 Philip. R 1872 Edward L. 1847 Frederic W. Ritzema, Rogers, 1849 Charles E. 1758 Rudolph. 1803 Henry F. ROSS, ~~~~~~Rhodl~~es 1804 Samuel. 1795 William. Rhodes, Rives, 1807 George P. 1795 William M. qn. 1874 Samuel D. m. i868 George L. 1812 John S. 1804 David M. 1874 Francis B.F.9n.e. 1817 Edward N. 1808 Henry 1H. Robert, 1817 Samuel D. 1843 John H. Rice, 1762 Daniel. 1819 George J. 1865 Arthur B. 1861 William A. 1864 Charles S. m. 1820 Archibald G. 1868William H., 1864 Charles B. 1827 Henry. 1870 Francis E. m. 1874 Arthur H. m. Roberts, 1841 Jones. 1871 James A. 1. 1875 John W. m. 1842 Oliver E. 1848 Columbus B. 1876 William C. m. e. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 201 Rossett, Ryle, Sanford, Schermerhorn, 1873 John D. I. 1876 Peter. 1. 1823 Nathan. h. 1793 John S. Roth, m Rynne, 1864 Elliot. 1. 1806 Cornelius. 1845 Ch 1876 William. m. Sangel, 1825 John J. Rothschild, Sabin, 1864 Adolph L. 1. 1827 John. Rothschild S n, Sa, 1829 Peter A. 1876 Willm1868 Wallace E. m. argent, 1833 Bruce. Rouse, S abine, 1865 Eli D. m. 1840 William C. Rouse Sabine, vi lim. 1861 Harry A. 1866 Samuel~ F. m. 1858 William T. Satterlee, 1863 Burr. m. 1861 Thomas T. 1863 Henry Y. 1863 William B. Routh, 1863 Walter. 1868 Frederick A.m.e. 1849 Saumarez D. Sacchi, 1871 Clarence. m. 1874 John E. I. 1874 Henry. 1. Satterthwaite, Schiefelin, Rowan, Sachs, 1860 James s. 1822 Stephen N. h. 187 Julius. 1860 James S. 1801 Henry H. 1822o Stephen N. h. 1867 Julius. 1867 Thomas E. m. 1819 Richard L. 1870 IDavid A. Sackett, Saunders, 1855 George R. 1874 Griffith T. i. 1818 Clarence D. 1874 Robert H. m. 1871 Char S. 1. 1823 Grenville A. 186 Edgr S..:Rowland, 1874 Edward S. I. Saue, 1852 John. h. Sckman, 185 Peter J.. Schlereth, I Sackman, 1875 George. m. Rublee, 1866 Washington. 1. Savage, Schmidt 1873 Charles C. m. Sage, 1823 John. h. ~~~Rudd, ~ ~ William1874 Thomas R. m. Rudd, 1871 William iH. 1876 Edward S. 1873 Charles F. m. 1861 Erastus B. Sahlein, Sawyer, Schmitz, Rugg, 1872 Moses. I. 1867 Lorenzo S. B. 1. 1875 Herman W. I. 1862 George S. aloon 1875 De Leonard 1. Sayles, Schneider, 1874 David. 1. 1876 Whipple 0. 1. 1876 Albert F. m. e. Ruggles, 1876 Abraham. I. 1832 EHenry. Saltus, Schneeberger, 1874 Richard M. 1. 1774 James.. 1867 Henry. Saltonstall, Scholl 1819 James S. 1808 Gilbert H. 1796 Winthrop. 1854 William J. 1874 John H. 1. 1876 C harls A..Sampson, Scales, Schoomaker, 1876 Charles A. 1. Schoomaker, 1867 Zabdiel S. 1. 1867 Thomas S. n. 1799 Jacob. 1864 Merwin. I. Sampler, Schack, Schoonover, 1870 John D. m. 1811 Rudolph. 1. 1869 Albert P. in. e. 1867 Warren. n. Russ, Samson, Schaeffer, Schroede, 1876 Edward, Jr. 1. 1860 Charles M. m. 1830 Frederic C... 1849 John F., Jr. Russel, Sanborn, 1842 George C. h. 1814 Theophilus. 1867 Eugene B. m. Schaffer, 1816 John., 1832 William C. 1874 Wilim C. 1. 1865 John Le G. h. Russell, Sanders, Schaffner,David K.. 1861 Henry E. 1. 1868 George N., Jr. 1875 Frederick L.W.I. 1861 William H., Jr. 1870 Erastus P. m. Schhler 1864 Allen S. mn. 1875 Charles B. 1. Schatz, 1764 Arent. 1871 Allen S. m. 1764 Arehn. 1871 John W. Sanderson, 1874 Adam E. 1. 1806 Philip. 1874 Charles H. 1. 1867 Charles R. n. Schiuffier, 1869 Euiene. i 1869 William D. m. ~Rutgers, 1869 Leavitt. m. 1868 Edward W. m. Rutgers,S l Scheelinewab, 1766 Henry. Sands, Scheeline,84 Le. I. RI~ut~tkay, 11795 Henry. 1876 Simon C. 1. 1874 Leo. 1. R uttkay,. 1 o Lewis. Schell, Schwartz, 1865 Louis. 1. 1815 Robert C. 1873 Joseph. 1. 1825 Ferdinand. 1873 Edward H. 1. Ryan, 1827 Edwin. 1874 Francis. 1. Schofield, 1831 James. hI. 1827 Robert M. c 1803 Samuel. m. 1862 James E. 1. 1850 Joseph. Schenck, 1868 Walter K. m. 1875 Philip M. m. 1860 Walter S. 1. 1801 Henry. 1870 George S., Jr. 1876 Thomas P. m. 1863 Philip J. 1860 John C. 1. Ryerson,1, 1868 Norton J. m. 1864 John P., Jr. mn. Scoonover, 1874 Benjamin A. 1865 Peter L.. 1869 Jefferson. m. 1860 John G. m. 1865 Tennis. m. 1873 Arthur. 1. Sandford, 1866 Henry J. I. Scoresby 1876 Louis J. 1. 1863 George W. 1. 1876 Nathaniel P. 1864 William F. m. 202 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Scott, Seligman, Sherman, 81 Charles. n. 1798 William. h. 1876 Eugene. 1803 Alpheus. 1874 Edwin D. rn. 1850 Winfield. h. 1876 George W. 1868 George 1D. in. 1875 Angel J. S.. 1854 J. Jackson. h. 1868 Thomas P.. 1869 Francis M. 1. Seney, 1874 Charles. 1. Simson, 1869 Xenophon C. n. 1815 Robert. 1875 George. 1871 William J. m. 1876 Thomas I. 1800 Sampson. 1872 Winfield. I. Senftner, Simon, 1875 Cornelius S. 1. 1876 Robert. 1. Sherwood, 1870 Kaufman. 1. Scovill, Senge, 1834 William. n. enger, 1849 Ezra K. Sinclair, 1761 James. h. 1867 William A. 1. 1876 Charles 11, 1. 1869 Alexander G. m. Scoville, Serviss, S7hippey, 1872 George L. in. Scoville, ~ Servigss,~ $* ~* Shippey, Skeene, 1861 Frederick. I. 1874 Garrett P.. 1796 Josiah, Jr, Skeene 1876 LPelavan C. I. Seymo11,,hly1772 Andrew. Seymour, Shirley, Skelding, Scudder, 1826 Daniel.Skelding, 1862 Henry J. AI. 1836 Charles M. 871866 Thomas., 1874 Henry T. 1850 George. Shoemaker, 1860 Elbridge G.. 1864 Thomas B.. Skellenger, Seabrook, 1865 Roderick B. 1866 Murray C. 1. 1875 Edward B. m. 1867 Morris W. 1. Seabury, Shack, Short, 1875 Thomas L. I. Sh k Short, Skidmore, Seabury, Shack, 1872 Charles L. 1849 John D. 1761 Samuel. h. 1868 Albert P.'m. e. 1875 Edward. 1. 1871 William B. I. 1823 Samuel. h. 1876 Ferdinand. 1. 1875 James iH., Jr. I. 1856 William J. Schater, Shrady, Skinner, 1872 John H. in. 1821 George. 1873 James C. Ill. 1849 John, Jr. 1867 Eugene C. 1. Seaman, 1863 Jacob.. 1870 Orin. 1. 1774 Benjamin. aptel, 1864 William. 1. 1875 John B. I. 1795 Benjamin. 1840 Peter, Jr.ree, Slac 1802 Billopp B. Shreve, Slack, 1804 Robert. Sharp, 177.3 Thomas. 1821 John C. 1805 Edward. 1868 John. Im. 1865 Octavius B. m. Slesin 1851 George A. SSlhrogmel 1864 William A. 1. Sharswood, rope 1874 Samuel. 1. 1856 George. lb. 1875 Harry H. 1. Slicell, Searing, 1 1868 Edward W. 1. Shaw, Sibley, 1810 John. 1871 Haram W.. Searle, 1862 Samuel F. Fm. Sickles, 185p James 1866 John. 1866 Abner W in, 1792 Jacob. 1859 J. Augustus. 1866 Dayton W. n. 1863 Amos S., Jr. In. 1804 John J. 1871 Marsh. In. Slo Searls, 1874 Frank D. Sidell, oan, 1872 Wellington B-in. 1874 John C.1812 John A. 1875 John E. I. Sloane Sears, Sill, 1857 Charles E. Shea, 1861 Thomas H. 1868 William J. M. 1862 Henry T. in. 1831 James. 1871 Charles W.. 1837 Charles E. Silliman, 1872 Thomas O' Seaver, idd 850 Charles A. Slocum 1869 Horace N., Jr. hedden, Slocum 1873 True M. 1. 1865 Samuel S. h. Simis, 1864 William E. 1. Sebring, Sheffield, 1876 Adolph, Jr. 1. 1869 Charles E. m. i~~~~Shebfilng, Dell,. 1870 William B. 1. 1771 Michael. on. 1871 James C. I. Simpkins, Sl iaon m Secor, Sheldon, 183 Charles. 1828 Barzillai. 1869 William H. I. 1868 Charles S. m. Simmons, 1833 Edward. 1875 Horace, Jr. 1. 1869 George P. I. 1864 Charles E. In. Sedgwick, *1873 Eugene H. 1. 1875 Arthur R. n. Slover, Sedgwick, l s1826 Abraham A., Jr. 1829 Theodore, Jr. Shelton, Simms, 1826 Abraham A., Jr. 1825 William. It. 1871 William T. I. Small, Seeds, 1867 Charles C. I. 1869 Frederick I. 1. 1860 Orin H. m. 1871 Charles W. 1. Simonds, 1873 Sidney I. in. DSeely, Shep ard,.1873 Alexander B. 1875 Henry G. in. Seelye, Shepard, 1876 Julius H. h,. 1856 William F. Sims, Smalley, Segnin, 1869 Frank N. 1873 Harry L. i. 1866 William E. 1864 Edward C.Robert N. Simpson, Smedberg, Sa 64 egu ar, C. n~. Shepherd, 1841 Robert G. 1833 John G. Segur, 1842 John H. h. 1860 Samuel F. 1. 1852 James R. 1860 Benjamin A. in. 1874 John H. 1. 1864 William V. 1. 1855 Oscar. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 203 1857 William R. Snively, 1875 Henry L. I. Steers, 1869 John A. 1866' 1876 Irvin. 1863 James. 1866 Whitrrer. m. 1863 James. l. Smedes, 1875 William A.h. SPring, Stein, 1850 John E. C. Snodgrass, 1858 Samuel. h. 1875 Gottleib. in. 1830 William D. h. Sproat,. Steinfihrer, 1774t Horatio. Snow, 1874 G. Ad'lph's F. in. 1786 Samuel. 1861 Norman L. mz. Squier, Stengel, 1792 Samuel. 1876 William D. 1. 1872 Marcus F. m. 1793 Gilbert. Snowden 1873 Frederic. 1. 1793 Thomas R. Snowden, Stephens, 1798 Andrew. h. 1838 William E. 1874 Charles L. m. ens, 1804 Thomas D: 1822 John L. 1805 John T. Snyder, Squires, 1865 George. 1. 1806 John A. 1874 William S. 1. 1860 Theodore M. 1. 1866 Stephen D., Jr. 1813 John M. Solis, Saats, Stephenson, 1823 Charles J. 1875 Jacob F. Da S. 1. 1871 John H. 1. 1849 James. h. 1825 John F. 1865 Albert L. W. m. 1825 Wesssel S. SolOmon, Stafford, 1873 James. /f. 1832 Erasmus P. 1864 Jacob P. 1. 1872 Charles M. 1. Sterling, 1841 Augustus L. 1841 William L. Somers, Stagg, 1867 John W. 1. 1843 Matson M. 1872 Andrew B. m. 1821 Charles E. Stern 1851 William R. Southack, 1821 Peter. 1853 St. Clair. 1873 Abraham. 1. 1854 Reginald H. 1860 John W., Jr. Staley, Sternberg, 18556 Richrd S.. Souther, 1818 William.0 George M. n. 1861 NormandS. A. 1869 Charles E. I. Stallknecht, 1861 Normand. t. 1862 John C. h. Southgate, 1868 Frederick. irn. Stetson, 1863 Joseph G. n. 1845 Horatio. h. St. Amant,1866 Horace. 18653 Joseph Goai.. in. 13Louis.ant, 1869 Francis L. 1. 1864 H. Lyle. n. Southwortll, 183 Louis. 1864 Montrose. m. 1866 Richmond J. m. Staehlin, Stevens 1865 Charles CL. in. 1861768 John. 1865 Elijah H. in. Spalding, 1873 Robert. in. 1774 Edward. 1865 James WT.. 1875 George A. n. Stanfod, 1803 John C. 1865 Lenox. Spangler, 1842 David R. 1810 Francis B. 1874 William H., Jr./. Stanley, 1842 John B. 1866 George P. 1842 John B. 1866 Nathaniel F. 1. Spaulding, 1870 Francis A. n. 1843 John B. 1866 Samuel St. J. in. 1875 Henry in. I. Stansbury, 1852 Richard F. 1866 William W. i. 1864 Frederick W. 1867 Alonzo De L. n. Spear, ur 1864 Frederick W.. 1867 Charles E. I. 1838 Charles. Stanton 1867 Charles H. I. 1868 Asa A. I. 1845 Stephen K. Stevenson, 1867 Freling H. 1. 1874 James D. 1. 1856 Alexander M. 1811 John B. 1868 Frank S. L. Speir, 1865 H B, 1868 William A. in. e. 18f65 Henry B., Jr. 1. Steward, 1863 Archibald W.l. Steward, 1869 Edward B. 1873 Gilbert M., Jr. Staples, 1868 John, Jr. 1869 John C. h. 1890 IDeming B. Sp encer,1862 Franklin. m. 1873 Campbell. 1. 18170 Dem~ing B. Spencer, 1871 William S. 1. 1823 Ambrose. ht. Starkweather, Stewart, 1871 James WE.. 1833 Robert. 1869 Ralph E. in. 1804 Charles. 1871 Heryes M. i. 1847. Johnsse A. Star, 1842 William P. 1871 Henry M. nz. 1837S Jsohn C. r, 1860 William H. N. A 1872 Sanford 5.I. 1862 Charles A. 1869 Charles S. in. 1865 Alexander. in. 1813 Wybrants A. 1869 Horatio N.,Jr.m Stebbins, 1869 Darwin A. in. 1873 Daniel H. in..ebins, 1873 Thomas 1.. 1873 Williamrd D. I S. 1869 David, Jr. 1874 CharlesP.P m, 1873 William D. in. 1856 Russel 1873 William A. W. i. 1874 Charles P. in. e1860 Dwight D. in. 1873 William R. W. 1875 Edward P.. Spensley, 1873 William R. I. 1875 Alexis C. 1. 1869 Calvert. I. Steddiford, 1875 Seth T. I. 1875 Arthur C. 1. 1875 James W. 1. 1786 Peter. Stich 1875 James W ID. Sperry, 1875 Oliver D. I. 1876 Frank. Stedman, 1874 Louis J. 1. 1876 Albert H. mn. 1869 Ernest G. I.;iger 1876 E. Fayette. n. Speyer, Stiger, 1876 George De F. in. 1872 Samuel V. I. Steele, 1867 William E. I. 1876 Jared K. in. 1830 William. 1876 Howard A. I. Spooner, 1871 George M. Stiles, 1876 Perry H. I. 1876 William R. 1. 1875 Oliver L. 1. 1774t James. Smyth, Sprague, Steer, Stillman, 1871 Henry M. 1828 William B. h. 1816 Samuel L. 1876 Charles F. in. 204 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Stillwell, Streeter, Suroong, Taber, 1832 John E. 1869 Solomon T. I. 1873 Vung P. m. 1863 James A. 1. 1875 John E. m. 1874 James R. m. 1875 Cleveland S. rn. Stricklin, Suydam, 4 Ja 1865 David L. m. 1856 Charles C. Taft, Sthilwell, Sm. roo1860 Abraham. 1866 Charles P. 1. 1861 Thomas H. m. Strilghan, 1861 Charles H. m. 1864 William R. mn. 1793 James S. 1872 Charles S. 1. aggard, 1866 Samuel J. 1. 1794 John B. 1835 William H. 1872 Samuel D. rn. Swain, 1845 John A. 1873 Silas M., Jr. Strong, 1868 James P., Jr. Stimson, 1810 Pascal N. 180 Geore TaggarlsJt, 1816 Thomas M. 1860 Charles J. n 1868 Daniel M. m. 1825 Oliver S. Swan, Tailer, Stirling, 1838 George T. 1844 Edward H. 1852 Henry A. 1840 Peter R. 1848 Otis D. 1872 Andrew M. 1. 1853 Samuel P. h. 1861 Norman L. qn. 1857 James T. Stitt, 1854 Benjamin. 1868 Benjamin R. A. Talbot, 1867 John H. 1 1868 Henry T. m. 1871 Henry S. m. 1857 William n. 1871 Alexander. rn. 1871 Robert. Jr. 1866 Augustus. St. John 1872 John R. 1871 William L. 1. 1866 Richmond. 1828 Samuel S. Stryker, Swanton, 1875 Charles N. 1848 Thomas P. 1804 Peter. h. 1875 James P. 1. 876 Edward. 1. 1870 Samuel B. m. 1809 James. Swart, Talott Stockholm, 1807h 1 iSirckell n B. Stuart, 1876 Merton G. 1. 1832 Frederick L. 1807 Dirdk B. 1 7 Swats, 1875 Frederick C. rn. Stoddard, 1808 William. 1:r 1 1864 Freman. m. 1864 Sidney H., Jr. 1. 1864 Frederick.. Tallmadge, 1874 William W. 1. Swartwout, 1845 Frederick S. 1874 Gustav M. m. Stubbs,12 John. Stoiber, 1856 Alfred. b. Swartz, 1811 John N. 1874 Adoiphus H. I 1866 Joseph. m. 1871 Mahlon E. m. 1814 George F. 1874 Adolphus H. I. Stokes, Study, Swasey, Tappan, Sto1869 Charles, Jr. m. 1866 James M. m. 1869 Erastus P. rn. 1807 Peter V. C.,1869 Charles, Jr. m. 61875 Charles E. m. 1854 Henry P. it. 1876 Henry S. 1. Studley, 1875 George B.. Tappel, Stone, 1860 William H. m. 1875 John H. m.6 Abram A. 1830 William M. h. Sweeney, 1843 Daniel.. Sturges 185 John P.. Tylor, 1847 Archibald M. 1861 Frederick D. m. 1792 G 1865 Jay S. m. 1864 Arthur P. Sweeni, 1792 Geolge. 1866 Richard H. m. 186 Frederick W.. 18409 Willett, Jr. n. 1876 Frederick J. 1. 1869 Henry C. 1796 Charles. Stoothoff', 1870 Frank D. Sweet, 1831 Edwin M.,Stoothoff,1831 Edwin M. 1875 William. 1. Stuyvesant, Charles S. 183 Thomas H. L. 1794 Peter G. Sweezey, 1861 George L. Storm, 1863 Rutherfurd. 1865 John E. 1868 obert. C. 1862 John B. 1. 1868 Robert W. m. 1862 John B. I. Suckley, Swift, 1871 Alfred. 1. 1874 Charles J. 1. StorrS, 1819 John L. 1862 John I. m. 1876 Phillip. In. 1866 Samuel J. I. 1820 Rutsen. 1872 Samnel. m. 1874 Frank.uffen, 1875 Everett M. 1. Teakle, Stoskoff, 1856 Thomas, Jr. Swords, 1842 Elisha W. 1869 Louis. m. Sugg, 1826 Thomas, Jr. Telford, 1827'Ihodore A. Stoutenburgh, 1867 Josiah P. m. 1829 Charles R. 1871 William C. nz. 1874 John H. Suiter, 1834 Robert S. Temple, Stoughton, 1871 Augustus W. Wn. Sylvester, 1795 James B. 1810 James. Summers, 1786 Francis. Ten Broeek, Stout, 1860 George F. m. Sym, 1834 Anthony. 1864 George W. m. Sutherland, 1842 John. Ten Eyck, 1868 StephenV.W. m. 1836 Jacob. h. Syme, 1874 Cantine H. nm. Straus, 1874 Douglas 1. m. 1864 William R. 1. Tenney, 1871 Oscar S. Sutphen, Symington, 1871 Albert D. 1. 1871 William. I. 1876 Joseph W. 1. 1875 James, Jr. m. - 1876 Phillip. m. Strebeigh, Sutro, Syms, Terhune, 1873 Lefterts. 1874 Theodore. 1. 1873 William. 1. 1870 Richard H. m. e. 1876.] INDEX OF GRADUATES. 205 Terrett, 1870 William K.,Jr. I. Torrey, Troutman, 1863 Charles W. 1868 Samuel W. m. 1873 George McC. 1. 3errhiberry, Thorne, 1869 Edward. m. Terriberry, 1874 Henry ME M 1873 Charles T. m. Trow, 1874 Whitfield. 1. TtHenry. ten 1872 Cornelius G. m. Terrill, Thrall, Totten, Terll 1861 S. Chipman. h. 1858 Gilbert T. Trowbridge, 1867 Thomas, Jr. m. Throop, Tourtelotte1876 Lawrence D. m. TerrWilliam H. 1876 Montg'm'ry H.,Jr 1863 Jacob F. m. Troxell, Try1850 William H. 17.jr 1875 Edgar R. m. 1865 David D. I. Thurman, Townsend, Trudeau, 1871 James L. m. 1835 John R. 1759 Epenetus. 1871 Edward L. m. 1875 Stanley D. m. 1864 William. m. 1810 Jacob. Thacher, Thurston, 1812 Peter S. Tryon, Thacher, Thurston, 1820 John R. 1774, 1875 Thomas. 1. 1851 A. Henry. 1832 Frederick. 1862 Amazia W.. 1862 Amazias W. m. 1832 Russell N. Thatcher, Tibbals, 1849 John J. Tucker, 1858 Thomas F. 1864 Elbert P. m. 1847 Israel L. 1866 Ralph P. m. 1870 Clayton W. m. 1769 Robert. m. Tibbitts, 1878 John M. m. 1822 Thomas W. Thayer, 1853 Washington I. 1876 Charles De K. 1. 1829 Robert. 1862 Foster, 1876 Franklin, Jr. mn. 1837 John I. 1863 Stephen H., Jr. Tichenor, 1876 James M. I. 1852 Richard H. 1868 Horace H. 1801 Gabriel. 1876 Robert. 1861 John A. 1876 William C. 1863 Robert S. Thibou, Tiebout, Tracy, 1875 John H. m. e. 182ou8 Lewis1821 John, Jr. 1860 Frederick A. 1828 Lewis. 1863 Lewis A. m, Tubbs, Tifft, 1868 Roger S. m. 1876 George W. 1. 1800CThomas, E1876 Henry N. I. 1869 Charles A. I. Tucke1ma, 1800 Charles F. 1869 Charles E. 1832 Philip W. Tilden, 1863 Ernest L. 1835 Ludlow. 1876 George C. m. e. Trafford, 1837 David P. Tillary, 1867 Charles H. I. Tullis, 1870 Nathaniel P.S. 1. Tillary, 1873 William B. 1. 1800 Matthew, T ravers, Thomasson, 1802 James. 1838 William R. Tupper, 1865 John J. I. Tillinghast, Travis, 1876 John L. I. Thompson, 1806 John L. 1847 Robert, Jr. Turk, 1793 Thomas. Tillou, 1850 Edward F. 1796 William. 1804 John R. Treadwell 1873 William. 1. 1821 Junius. 1869 Edward. Treadwell, 18753 Wieopold. I. 1833 Abraham G., Jr.Tilney, 1761 Agurnie. h. Turnbull, 1838 Jonathan, Jr. i1761 Agur. h. Turnbll, 1836 William. 1872 Thomas J. 1. 1874 Eugene. 1. 1809 William. 1841 William M. h. 1875 Robert F. I. 1861 Stephen H. 184 ardinerlliam. Trego, 1856 DavidineG., Jr. Timpson, 1874 Thomas M. m. Turner 1863 Dav. Jr. 1856 John W. Tremain, 1821 William. 1864 Edward W. m. Titus, 1867 Henry E. I. 1855 Herbert B. 1866 Frederick. I. 1823 James H. 1861 Joseph M. 1868 18h. 72 Henry P. I. Trenaman, 1867 Henry C. m. 1868 Charles H. M. 1869 Th Jh 1869 David. m. odd, T ril 1869 David. m. Todd, 1869 Thomas. m. 1867 John H. 6. 1870 Robert E. m. 1844 Andrew S. h. Trenor, Turrill, 1872 George H. I. 1864 John R. m. 1852 Eustace. 1869 Edgar A. 6. 1872 Thomas J. m. 1869 Charles A. m. 1852 John, Jr. Tuska 1874 Thomas De WS.m. 1850 Thomas F. 1869 William S. M. ~1869 Waldemar J. I. Thoms, Tolford, Trevett, Ttt 1860 William F. M. 1874 Daniel M. m. 1835 Russell. 1857 Daniel S. 1876 Matthew H. 1. 1857 Daniel S. Thomsont Tomes, Trimble, 1866 Henry C. 1803 SamuelW. 1831 Francis, Jr. 1872 Edmund G. R. 1867 William W. m. e. 1818 Andrew. h. Tompkins, Tripler, Tweedle, 1842 David, Jr. 1795 Daniel D. 1860 Charles S. h. 1865 James B. m. 1843 John. 1846 James. Tonnel6, 1868 Thomas H. m. Twiss, 1866 William J. 1876 John N... Trippe, 1876 George. M. 1872 John R. nm.yler, 1873 David. Tooker,1854 John C. Tyler, 1859 Gabriel M. Troup, 1767 John. h. Thorn, 1766 John. 1859 Samuel. h. 1852 Eugene. Toppan, 1766 John, Jr. 1868 John B. m. 1852 William E. 1861 Robert N. I. 1774 Robert. 1872 Eliphalet W. I. 206 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. 1876 Lachlan. m. 1807 James. Van Nostrand 1872 Robert A. 1. 1876 John R. I. 1863 Augustus. m. 1865 Seymour 1873 Edmund. m. Tyng, Van Dalsen, 1874 John E. 1. Vardill, 1846 Alexander G. 1876 Spencer. m. Van Pelt, 1766 John. 1862 Charles R. 1863 Morris A. 1. Vanderbilt, 1799 Peter I. Varick, 1871 Theodosius S. 3. 1887 John, Jr. Van Rensselaer 1799 Abraham, Jr. 1799 John V. Udall, Vanderhoof, 1847 Francis. 1807 Theodore V. W. 1772 Richard. m. 1864 Frederick D. m. 1867 Philip L. I. 1813 John. Uhl, Vanderpoel, Van Riper, Varnum, 1876 Russell J. I. 1862 John A. 1856 William T. 1871 James McC. 1. 1867 Aaron E. 1866 Cornelius. m. Uhle, 1867 Augustus G. 1. Van Santvoord, aughan, 1872 Charles P. m. 1876 S. O., Jr. m. 1865 Abraham. 1860 Julius. m. Ulshoeffer, Vanderpool, Van Schaack, Vedder, 1856 William G. 1867 James. m. 1767 Peter aus Unangst, Vanderveer, 1787 Henry C. Ver Meulen, 1873 Charles. I. 1816 Adrian Van Siclen 1860 Edmund C. m. Underwood, Van Der Veer, 1867 George W. I. Vermilye, 1876 William J., Jr. 1. 1866 James D. m. Van Slyk, 1831 Robert G. V an 1ye,. 1870 William H.. m. Untermeyer, 1874 Peter L. 1. 1796 Adrian C. 1871 Joseph F. 1874 Isaac. I. Vandervoort, Van Tuyl, 1873 Daniel B. Upfold, 1828 John L. 1844 Otto W. E. h. 1831 George. h. Van Deursen, Van Valken- Vermilyea, Ure, 1870 David C. m. burgh, 858 saac 1866 Walter. m. burgh, Verplanck, Ustick, Vandewater, 1870 Thomas S. m. 1794 Thomas. 1814 Ferdinand. Van Voast, 1768 Gulian. Vail, Van Duzer, 1861 Garret WV.V. m. 1788 Daniel C. 1869 William H. m. 1853 Archibald S. Van Volken- 1801 Gulian C. 1871 M. Bedell. 1. Van Dyck, burgh, 1819 Samuel. Valentine, 1761 Henry. 1876 Philip, Jr. 1. 1876 William E. 1864 Albert E. Van Giesen, Van Voorhis Verren, 1870 amue.. 1866 Henry C. m. 1841 Robert D. 1829 Antoine. h. 1871 obadiah. 1875 William G. 1. Van Harlengen, 1865 Elias W. 1. Vetlake, 1875 William A.. 1869 John. m. Vian Vorst, 1808 Henry. Vallejo, Van Hook, 1843 Cornelius, Jr. Vincent, 1864 Platon. m. 1797 Isaac A. van V1anken, 1854 Marvin R. Van Alst, Van Horne~ 1837 Samuel A. h. 1876 Henry. 3. Van Aist, Van Horne, T Vinton, 1865 Isaac. 1. 1791 Frederic. Van Wagenen, 1848 Francis. h. 1793 Cornelius A. Van Amringe, 1793 Cornelius A. 1802 Hubert. 1873 Arthur D. 1. 1815 Henry H.'Van Houten, 1821 Gerrit G. Von Sachs, 1815 Henry H. Von Sachs, 1860 John H. 1867 Nicholas B. m. 1826 Gerrit H.. Jr. 1828 William W. 1876 William F. A. Van Arsdale, 1858 Hbert. Vroom 1868 William H. m. e. Van Peuren, 1861 William 10 e D, Jr. Vn1868 B killiam H.. e 1874 Cornelius. m. 1870 Theodore F. m.e. 1808 Peter D., Jr. Van BosVkerk, Van Kiecek 1871 George A. m. Wackerhagen, 1864 Richard T. I. Van leek, Van KWagner, 1869 George. m. 1870 Thomas B. 1. 1828 Robert B. 1866 Frederick J. 19addell 1859 Robert B., Jr. 1866 Frederick J. m addell, Van Buren, 1863 Frederick B. Van Wert, 1821 John H. 1807 Cornelius. 1876 Henry. i. 1873 Merit M. 1. 1831 Lloyd S. 1829 John D. Van Lennep, W addington, 1863 Frank R. Van Winkle, 1865 Singleton. I. 1867 David m. e. 1848 Isaac. 1860 George. 1866 Martin. Van Mater, 1865 Edward H. Wadsworth, Van Buskirk, 1808 Daniel. 1865 Isaac. 1863 SamuelD. m. 1796 Lawrence. Van Ness, Van Wyck, Wagstaff, Van Cleef, 1789 John P. 1795 Pierre C. 1822 Alfred. 1837 George S. 1797 William P. 1807 Philip G. 1866 Alfred, Jr. 1. Van Cortlandt, Van Nest, 1845 RPierre M. m. Wainwright, 1758 Philip. 1867 James V. D. m. 1869 Philip V. R. I. 1845 Henry P. 187-6.] INDEX OF GRADUATES.:20'7 1858 Francis C. 1861 EdwinF. m. Webbe, Westerlo, 1867 William A.M. m. 1861 Isaac J. 1870 William N. 1795 Rensselaer. Walbridge, 1861 Samuel B. Webster, Westervlt, 1861 Samuel B. Webster, 1863 Ienry B. h. 1861 Edward M. n. 1824 Daniel. h. 1863 Ellsw.orth. 1876 Augustus C. m.e. 1862 Richard H. m. 1863 Josiah 0. 1 1849 Horace. h. Westfall, Walden, 1864 Frederick A. 1. 1865 Almar P. 1. 1863 Lewis. m. 1876 Russell.. 1865 Willard P.. 1872 Henry B., Jr. m. 1871 E. Jansen. m. Walker, 1867 Edmund A. 1. Weed, Weston, 1868 Leslie ID. m. 1836 Harvey A. 1861 Sullivan H. h. 1802 Richard L. m. 1871 Irving. 1868 John W. 1. Wetmore,'1850 Evan T. 1871 Edward T. m. 1859 William D. 1871 George W.,Weeks, 1758 Timothy. h. 1862 John S. 1. 18.76 David B. m. 1822 Alfred A. 1795 Timothy F. m. 1863 George E. 1. 1876 James M. 1. 1856 James. 1798 Robert G. h. 1865 William B. 1848 Benjamin C. 1866 Henry F. m. Wardlaw, 1861 James R. 1. 184 B. 1864 Rebert K.. 1849 Prosper M., Jr. 1868 Jerome. m. 1876 James R. m. e. 1864 R isert H. 1 1863 Edmund. 1. 1867 Francis H. l. 1873 Hamilton B.. W86arn9 Edward F. 1869 George P. 1. 1875 Fernando F. m. 1875 Edwin A. m. e. 1876 Edward F. m. 1871 William H. m. 1872 Arthur D. 1876 De Lancey G. /. Warner, 1876 Henry De F. 1. Wettling, W allace, 1795 Effingham. Weider, 1878 Theodore B. m. W82. Jallaceh 1867 Eli. m. 1872 Carl H. A.m. 7 eyganet, 1827 Joseph C. 1875 Newell P. m. 185 Frederick. m. 1871 William B. m.Waren, WVeigert, Whaley, Wallach, 1860 Joel A. mn 1876 Louis. m. 18q0 George H. m. 1872 Leopold. 1. 1864 William P.. Weisman, Wheeler, 1873 Jo~seph M. 1. VW arth, 1868 Francis H. m. 1861 WilliamL. m. Waller 1868 John W. m. eis, 1862 James H. m. 1870 Elwyn. m. e. Weishbss, 1865 John V. W1871 Robert, Jr. Washburn, 1874 Samuel W. 1. 1866 Peter. m. 1866 Charles. mn. 1868 Moses D. m. e. Wallis Waterbury, W 1870 Francis A.m. 1865 Hamilton. 1. 1873 James M., Jr. 187 Wlliam H.. 1872 Ira B. ck Walser, - Waterman, 1872 Manchester W.. 1864 George G. n. 1873 William C. m. 1858 Henry. h. Wellman, 1876 William E. m. Walsh, Waters, 1851 Merritt H. Whelan, 1798 James. 1836 George G. Wells, 1875 William J. n. 1801 Samuel A. 1865 George D.. 18h ile l J 1812 John. h.. 1874 Edward E. 1. 1819 Thomas L. Whiley, 1828 Alexande R 1876 James T., Jr. I. 1865 James L. 1828 Richard, Jr. 1839 James W. 1876 James. 1. 1867 George, Jr. m. 1844 Charles W. 1864 Julius S. I. WX atkins, 1870 Albert W. 1. 1873 Charles W.,Jr. 1. 1873 James B. 1. Walter, 1788 John W. h. 1875 James. m. eWhippe, Walter 1875 James S. C. m. e. 1 1815 James S... W d,1869 Ezekiel W. 1. 1799 Arthur M. Weatson, endel, * l 1865 William H. h. 855 John G. Whitaker, 1804 James T. dt, X 17741 John. Walters,.1852 John L.entital 1804 Daniel D. m. Watts, 1872 Arthur F. m. e. 1866 Samuel. Walther, 1760 Robert. Wendover, 1866 Sa l. m. 187r6 J. Augustus. 1766 John. 1874 William W. m. White, Waltuon, s..1796 John. Wentworth, 1791 N athan. W alton, Jr. 1863 WaRobter H. m. 1848 Joseph M. r1777 James De L. 1804 John, Jr. 1849 John J. 1777t William. 1805 Robert I. Wessels, 1861 John P. P. m. 1828 William. 1808 Henry. 1869 Frank W.. 1. 1862 Henry K. 1. 1861 Louis P. 1808 John, Jr. Wesson 1866 Henry S. m. 1810 Charles. esso 1870 Henry S 1. Walz, 1811 George J. 1865 Charles H. 1. 1872 Thomas R. 1. 1864 Isidor. 1831 Robert, Jr. West 1874 John B. in. 1861 Robert, Jr. m. 1844 Charles E. h. 1875 Samuel N.. Wanlell, Wayne, 1861 Edward W. Whitehead, 1865 Townsend. 1. 1866 James M. 1869 Charles W. 1. 1864 J. Elias. m. VWard, CWeaver, 1 A. m. hitehouse, 1800 John Y. 1864 P Westbrook 1800 John Y. 1864 Lathrop P. m.. 1821 Henry J. 1831 Samuel, Jr. 1875 John E. m. 1873 Charles K. 1. 1859 Edward N. 1836 Henry, Jr. TWestcott, 1859 Henry B. 1838 Henry H. Webb, 1865 Nelson S. n. 180 William F. 1838 Francis M. 1863 De Witt. m. 1871 Charles T. 1. 1861 Frederick C. 1851 Charles H. 1872 John S. on. 1851 William G. 1873 Henry W.. Westerfield, Whtfield, 1858 John, Jr. 1875 William S.. 1876 George R. 1. 1871 Charles B. in. 208 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1876. Whiting, 1871 Pelham. h. 1827 William. Worcester, 1864 William L. 1. 1872 Frank S. 1. Winterton, 1875 Francis J.. 1873 John T m. e. 1866 Henry A. 1874 Cornelius.. 1772 William. m. Work, 1870 Howard. m. 1874 Frederick H.m.e. Winthrop, 1867 James H. 1873 Marshall. zm. 1874 Hubert. I. 1812 Egerton L. 1871 George F. Whitlock, 1875 Edward P. m. 1827 Grenville T. Worster, 18387 Samuel H. 1875 Elliot. I. 1860 Egerton L. 1873 Bache McE. 1876 Leighton. 1864 Buchanan. 1. 1863 Willard P. 1876 Charles, Jr. 1. Williamson, 1866 Benjamin R.,Jr.l. Worth, Whitney, 1807 Charles A. Wise, 1829 Fanning S. 1861 Albert B. 1872 Nicholas. m. 1871 Simon P. m. Worthington, Whiton, 1873 George N. Wissman, 1874 Henry. in. ~C~hit~on, 111873 Edwin B. 1. 1871 Augustus W. 1873 John S. I. 1866 John F. Wotherspoon, Whittingham, 1873 William K. 1. Witherbee, 1837 Alexander S. 1827 William R. h. 1876 Frederick B. 1. 1867 Silas 0. m. WCotton, Whyb0row, W illis, Withers, 1876 William C. 1. 1870 Charles T. mn. 1862 FrWilliam H.. 1865 Russell. m. W right, 1862 William H., Jr. Wickes, 1864 William S. m. Witter, 1799 David. 1876 Thomas P. 1. 1867on'1830 George W. 1876 Thomas P.. Willson, 186 William C. 1. 1851 David A. Wicks, 1876 Hugh R. 1. Witthaus, 1864 Samuel P. 1. 1876 Frederick S.. Wilmarth, 1867 Rudolph A., Jr. 1865 George P. m. Wiener, 1868 F'rank. ma. Wohlfarth, 1866 Joel w. m. 1869 Edward M. 1. 18W 4 Joseph. m. Wilmerding, 1866 Augustus. m. 1869 William B. m. Wight, 1868 Lucius K. W olfe, 1875 Albert A. m. e. 1861 Charles M. m. Wilson, 18o6 William G.fe, e 1864 Thomas. m. Wilson, 1838 Theodore F. m. Wyatt, 1875 Thomas H. in. 1800 Peter. Wolff, 1809 William E. Wilcox, 1818 Abraham D. 1874 Joseph C. 1. 1876 William E. 1. 1871 Richard D. m. 1822 Samuel F. Wood, Wyckoff, Wilder, 1825 Peter. 1851 J. Walter. 1840 Van Brunt. 1825 William. 1868 John B. 1. 1862 Albert. 1. 1871 Edward P. I. 1826 Harris. 1870 Dennistoun. ynkoop, Wildey, 1835 William H. 1870 James H.. Wynkoop, 1860 Pierre W. 1836 James W. 1871 Henry. 1. 1819 Richard. VWilds, 1845 Bird. I. 1872 Henry D. 1866 Gerardus W. m. ~Wilds, 1860 Philip L.. 1873 Henry 5. 1. Yale, 1871 Howard P. 1. 1861 Benjamin F. m. 1874 George. 1. 1873 Judson B I. 1862 Merritt H. m. 1874 William P. 1. 1862 Leroy M. VWiley, 18663-Benjamin. m. 1875 Chalmers. Yates, 1873 Charles A. I. 1865 Francis F. 1875 Halsey L.. 1787 John W. 1866 James W. m. 1876 John S. 1. 1876 Horace. 1. ~Wiilkes,: 1869 William. 1. 1876 Joseph S. 1821 George. 1870 John P.. Yost 1822 Hamilton. 1872 Robert B. m. Woodbridge, 1866 George L. m. Wilkins, 1875 Francis H. 1. 1872 Enoch D. m Youle, 1875 William H. 1.od 193 Joseph m 1760 Isaac. 1875 James L. m. WoOdfOl, 1793 Joseph. m. Wilkinson, 1876 Claude. n. 1854 Stewart L. Young, 1872 Robert H. 1876 Howard E. m. Woodhull, 1865 John F. h. Willard, Winans, 1791 Jesse, Jr. 1866 Charles. m. 1869 Charles E. m. 1840 James W. 1369 Thenford. 1866 William H. m. Wlllox, 1874 Frederick N. m. 1868 John F. m. v186 James K. H. 1 Winchelli Woodill, 1876 Joseph C., Jr. in. 1867 James K. H. 1. 1866 Alfred H. m. Youhgs, 1874 David. J. H. 1. 1865 Alvord E m. 1866 Alfred H. Yougs, Villett, Windsor, Woodruff, 1866 Graham. il1834 Loyd. 1860 Lewis B. h. Zabriskie, 1776 Marinus. 1834 Lloyd. 1861 Charles H. I. 1819 Marinus, Jr. Wines, 1863 Lockwood I. F. 1828 Martin R. 1819 Edwardinu, Jr. 1871 Walter B. F. 1835 Christian, Jr. 1822 Edward M. 1871 Walter B. 1. 1854 Jeremiah L. 1856 Elbert M. Winslow, 1874 Amos E. I. 1869 Samuel 1864 Marinus, Jr. 1761 Edward. A b. 1875 John E.. 1873 George. 1. 1761 Edward. is. 1876 Philemon. { 1873 George. 1. W illiams, 1857 William B. Woo s Zborowsky, 1822 William R. 1864 Miron, Jr. I. Woods, 1828 Martin. 1833 James A. 1867 John. m. 1791 James. 1828 Martin. 1850 Timothy D. A. 1873 James M. m. Woodward, Zemansky, 1851 John. h. Winston, 1793 Elias B. 1874 Abraham P. in. 1856 Howell L., Jr. 1863 Gustavus S. m. 1872 Henry E. Zimmermann, 1860 Augustus P. nL. 1866 Joseph S. Mn. 1874 James L. I. 1871 Gustav. 1. 1867 Channing M. inter, oodworth, Zwinge, 1867 William H [. 1. Winter, Wood yorth, Z8inge, 1868 Stephen W. 1801 Gabriel. 1876 D. Sidney. m. 1874 Bernard. 1. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 1754-1876.