ANALYTICA L THERAPlEUTIC S. BY C. HERIN G. " * * * * Some prescriptions Of rare and proved effects."-All's Well, I. iii., 227. VOLUME I. BOERICKE & TAFEL, NEW YORK, 145 GRAND ST. PHILADELPHIA, 635 ARCH ST. GENERAL AGENTS FOR'GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY TURNER & CO., LONDON, 77 FLEET ST., E.C. 1 875. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by CONSTANTINE HERING, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Author's Mark. PRESS OF HERING, POPE & CO., PHILADELPHIA. TO HIS OLD FRIEND DR. JACOB J EANES, THE TRUE HAHNEMANNIAN, THE FATHER OF MANY NE-W IDEAS, THE FAITHFUL PROVER, WHO FREELY BESTOWED ON ALL, THE FRUIT OF HIS RESEARCHES, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED, WITH LASTING ESTEEM AND FRIENDSHIP. CONSTANTINE HERING. CONTENTS. PAGE. INTRODUCTION,.. 11 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK,. 23 THE ARRANGEMENT,... 2 THE FORTY-EIGHT CHAPTERS. I. Mind and Disposition,....... 29 II. Sensorium,........ 29 III. Headache and Affections of the inner Head,... 29 IV. External Head,...... 29 V. Sight and Eyes,...... 30 VI. Hearing and Ears,...... 31 VII. Smell and Nose,....... 31 VIII. Face,........ 32 IX. Lower Part of Face,........ 32 X. Teeth and Gums,....... 32 XI. Taste, Talk, Tongue,....... 32 XII. Inner Mouth,....... 33 XIII. Palate and Throat,...... 33 XIV. Desire for Food and Drink,..... 33 XV. Before-During-After Eating and Drinking,. 33 XVI. Gastric Symptoms,...... 33 XVII. Epigastric Region,...... 34 XVIII. Hypochondriac Regions,..... 34 XIX. Abdomen,....... 34 XX. Rectum and Anus,...... 34 XXI. Urinary Organs,....... 35 XXII. Male Functions and Organs,.... 35 XXIII. Female Organs,....... 35 XXIV. Pregnancy and Parturition,..... 36 XXV. Larynx,........ 37 XXVI. Respiration,....... 37 XXVII. Coughs,.. 37 XXVIII. Inner Chest and Lungs,.... 37 XXIX. Heart and Circulation,...... 38 XXX. Outer Chest,....... 38 XXXI. Neck and Back,....... 38 XXXII. Upper Limbs,...... 39 XXXIII. Lower Limbs,....... 39 XXXIV. All the Limbs,...... 39 XXXV. Rest-Position-Motion,..... 39 XXXVI. Nerves,....... 41 5 6 CONTENTS. PAGE. XXXVII. Sleep, 41 XXXVIII. Times of the Day,..... 42 XXXIX. Relations to Warmth, Air and Water; Wind and Weather; Seasons,....... 42 XL. Fever,......... 43 XLI. Changes According to Time,... 43 XLII. Relations to Space-Changes According to Space,.. 44 XLIII. Sensations classified,.... 44 I.-Increased, Exaggerated Activity,... 45 2.-Fixed, i. e., Without Motion,..... 45 3.-Steady Motion,....... 46 4.-Motion in Relation to the Dimensions of the Body,. 46 5.-Sensation, with a Pulsating, Wavering, Oscillating Motion,. 46 6.-Sensation as if the Integrity of the Tissues was Disturbed. Destructive Action,...... 47 7.-Sensation of Decreased Activity,.... 47 Index to Chapter Forty-three-Sensations,... 48 Conditions and Concomitants of Pain,... 50 XLIV. Tissues,........ 51 XLV. Passive Motions and Touch,... 52 XLVI. Skin,........ 52 XLVII. Stages of Life,...... 52 XLVIII. Relationship with other Drugs, 52 OUR NOMENCLATURE,... 53 ABRIDGEMENT OF NAMES,...... 56 LIMITATION,...... 56 LIST OF NAMES AND THEIR ABRIDGEMENTS,... 57 NOTES TO THE LIST OF NAMES,..... 65 NOSODES,......... 66 REMARKS,........ 67 ABBREVIATIONS,........ 67 MARKS AND SIGNS,....... 67 CONCLUSION,......... 68 CHAPTER I. MIND AND DISPOSITION, 69 Hahnemann's Organon,...... 69 BODILY SYMPTOMS CONNECTED WITH THE MIND,.. 70 i. Ailments from Emotions and Exertions of the Mind. Happy Surprise,....... 71 Complaints after Laughing, 71 Fright and Fear,....... 72 Shock of Injury,....... 76 Ailments owing to Fear,...... 82 After Anxiety,........ 82 Homesickness, Nostalgia,...... 84 Love Pangs,......... 85 Jealousy,......... 86 Grief and Sorrow,........ 86 Better in Company and Better when Alone,... 87 The Talk of others increases the Sufferings,.... 90 After Mortification,....... 90 Vexation,......... 92 CONTENTS. 7 PAO E. Anger,......... 95 After Emotions and Excitement,..... 97 Symptoms appear when Thinking of them,. 99 Better when Thinking of Ailments,..... 100 Better when Thinking about something else,... 100 Complaints after Talking, Speaking, Conversing,... 101 Headache from Exertions of Mind or Intellectual Work,.. 102 Other Complaints after Mental Exertion, Over-study, Meditating, etc. 104 Ailings from Overexertion of Mind and Body,... 108 II. Mental Concomitants of Bodily Symptoms. HEAD,.......... 110 According to Locality,....... 110 According to Sensations,....... 111 With Headache in general,...... 112 Headache, with Anxiousness,...... 113 Headache, with Ill Humor,...... 114 Headache, with Restlessness,...... 115 Headache, with Diminished Intellectual Power,... 115 Headache, with Deranged Mind,...... 116 Rush of Blood to the Head,.... 117 Sensation of Fullness,.. 117 OUTER HEAD,........ 118 Movements,......... 119 Positions,........ 119 Cold, Heat, Sweat,........ 119 Bones of the Skull,....... 120 Scalp,.......... 120 The whole Outer Head,....... 121 SIGHT,..... 121 Perverted Vision,....... 123 EYES,.......... 124 Appearance,........ 125 Pains,..... 126 Tears,......... 126 Weeping,......... 126 Better after Weeping,....... 127 Red Eyes and Opthalmia, with Derangement of Mind,.. 127 HEARING,........ 128 Noise Unbearable,....... 129 Subjective Noises,..... 130 Diminished Sense of Hearing,...... 130 Earache,........ 131 Outer Ear,......... 131 NOSE,.......... 131 Outer Nose,......... 132 FACE,....... 133 Features, Countenance,....... 133 Face Motions,........ 134 FACE EXTERNAL,...... 135 Sweat,......... 136 Redness,......... 137 Paleness,......... 138 8 CONTENTS. P.AGE. Swelling,......... 140 Skin,....... 140 JAWS,.......... 140 LIPS,.......... 140 TEET,.......... 141 TASTE,......... 142 TALKING,.... 142 TONGUE,......... 143 MOUTH,.......... 143 ROOF OF MOUTH AND PALATE,..... 144 THROAT,........ 144 THIRST,... 146 HUNGER,....... 146 Diminished Appetite,...... 147 DESIRES AND AVERSIONS,....... 147 Before, While, and After Eating and Drinking,... 148 Mental States after Eating,...... 149 GASTRIC SYMPTOMS,.... 153 Anxiousness, Anxiety, Anguish, with Nausea and Vomituritio,. 153 Vomiting and Anxiety,....... 156 STOMACH SYMPTOMS WITH ANXIETY,.... 157 Anxiety in Scrobiculum,...... 158 HYPOCHONDRIAC REGIONS,...... 159 Prsecordial Anxiety,..... 160 ABDOMINAL COMPLAINTS, WITH ANXIETY AND CONCOMITANTS,......... 160 Colic, with Anxiety,....... 162 Colic, with other Mental Concomitants,.... 163 Other Abdominal Sensations, with Mental Concomitants,.. 165 Flatulency,........ 165 Abdominal Diseased States,...... 165 LOINS........ 166 EMISSION OF WIND,........ 166 LOOSENESS FOLLOWING EMOTION AND EXERTION,. 166 Looseness of Bowels, with Mental Concomitants,... 167 COSTIVENESS AND CONSTIPATION, WITH MENTAL SYMPTOMS, 169 Mental Complaints Before, During and After Stool,... 170 Tenesmus and Involuntary Stool,..... 171 RECTUM,......... 172 Anus,......... 172 UROPOETIC ORGANS,.. 172 Complaints Before, During and After Urination,... 173 SEXUAL DESIRE,........ 173 Emissions,. 174 FEMALE INNER SEXUAL ORGANS,..... 175 Catamenia too Copious, Menorrhagia,.... 177 Dysmenorrhcea,........ 178 Amenorrhcea,........ 178 Catamenia, with Anxiety, Anguish and Apprehension, Before, During and After,....... 179 Catamenia, with Mental Concomitants,. 179 Leucorrheea,........ 182 CONTENTS. 9 PAGE. Outer Parts,......... 182 Mind Symptoms during Pregnancy,..... 182 During Parturition,. 185 Childbed,........ 186 Nursing,......... 186 LARYNX AND WINDPIPE,...... 187 Voice,.......... 187 Laughing,........ 189 Sighing,........ 191 Moaning and Groaning,... 192 Weeping, Whining,....... 194 Crying and Screaming,....... 198 IN AND EXHALATION,...... 199 Short Breathing,. 199 Slow, Labored, Panting Breathing,..... 200 Deep Inhalation,...... 200 Impeded Breathing, with Anxiety and other Concomitants,.. 201 Threatening Suffocation,...... 204 COUGH AND MENTAL CONCOMITANTS,.... 205 PECTORAL ANXIETY,....... 208 Pain in Chest, with Anxiety,'... 209 Other Sensations in Chest, with Anxiety,.... 210 Sensations in Chest, with other Mental Symptoms,... 211 ANGUISH IN HEART,....... 213 Heartache, with Mental Symptoms,..... 215 Other Sensations about the Heart,..... 217 Palpitation, with Mental Symptoms,..... 218 Palpitation, with other Bodily Symptoms and Mental Concomitants, 219 Palpitation from Emotions,.. 222 Palpitation after Mental Exertions,..... 223 Rush of Blood to the Heart,...... 223 Orgasm,......... 224 Pulse and Mental States,....... 224 OUTER CHEST,........ 226 NECK AND BACK,...... 227 UPPER LIMBS,........ 228 LOWER LIMBS,.... 231 ALL THE LIMBS,. 233 MOVEMENTS,......... 235 POSITIONS,......... 237 SOMNAMBULISM, CLAIRVOYANCE,..... 239 Ecstasy; Lightness,...... 239 Excitable, Agitated,....... 240 Contradictions,....... 241 RESTLESSNESS,...... 242 TREMBLING,...... 244 Starting from Fright,....... 246 CONVULSIONS; EPILEPTIC AND OTHER SPASMS,.. 247 MIND AND BODY WEAK, FEEBLE AND RELAXED,.. 249 Weakness, with other Mental Concomitants,... 251 Weakness and Anxiety,.. 252 Weakness and Ill Humor,...... 253 10 CONTENTS. PAGE. SLEEP,....... 257 Sleepiness,....... 257 Before Sleep,. 259 Exaltation and Delirium before Sleep,.... 261 Sleeplessness, with Exaltation,...... 262 Sleeplessness, with anxiety,..... 263 Slumber,......... 265 Sleep and Anxiety,...... 267 Other Mental Complaints at Night,.... 270 On Awakening or being Woke,..... 273 When Awaking in the Morning,...... 277 After Loss of Sleep,....... 279 After Sleep,..... 280 TIMES OF DAY,........ 281 Morning,........ 281 Forenoon,........ 284 Noon,......... 285 All Day,......... 286 Afternoon,......... 287 Evening,. 291 WARMTH,......... 298 SEASONS,......... 302 CHILL, HEAT, SWEAT,. 303 Feelings,...... 303 Anxiety,......... 306 Other unpleasant Feelings,...... 313 Feelings and Conations,....... 314 Actions,......... 316 Desires,......... 317 Aversions,........ 317 Exaltations,... ~.. 317 Restlessness,........ 318 Intellect,......... 321 Reproductions,........ 323 PERIODICITIES, ATTACKS OR SPELLS,.... 324 Worse during the Phases of the Moon,.... 325 SIDES,.......... 325 Peculiar Sensations, with Mental Symptoms,... 327 Oversensitiveness to Pain,. 328 TISSUES,......... 330 TOUCH,........ 331 Passive Motions,...... 332 SKIN,.......... 333 TEMPERAMENTS AND CONSTITUTIONS,.... 334 Children,......... 336 Women and Old People,... 343 OTHER DRUGS,........ 344 INTRODUCTION. The following'work has been the result of an endeavor to collect and unite in one book the facts developed by our school from our provings, through practice. This has been done without excluding, through arbitrary notions, any useful remarks from trustworthy observers. The scatterings of our books and journals, together with a great deal that has hitherto remained unpublished, has here been condensed into the smallest compass, in such an order and form, as to facilitate as much as possible, the selection of the remedy for a given case. The intention being, to enable the practitioner to review the whole subject at a glance, as it were, and with rapidity find the curative medicine, even in apparently difficult cases. The arrangement as well as the style of printing, has the one object especially in view, viz.: to make it as easy as possible for the eye, and through the eye, for the mind to find what is looked for. A somewhat similar work were those monographs of some of our medicines, which have been published during the last few years, at first as an appendix to our journals, then as a separate volume. The attempt was there made, to collect under each drug all that had become known about its effects; arranging it in such manner as to bring it before the eyes of the reader in a comparable form, thus enabling every thinking reader, to make a satisfactory abstract for personal use. Such readers can easily compare the manner in which each drug acts upon, and influences each organ and part of the body, both as regards the nature, kind, and degree of such action. They can compare the peculiar sensations or kinds of affection; may follow up the different functions of our organism in their various connections; 11 12 INTRODUCTION. may find all the modalities of the various symptoms, or changes observed in them, as brought about by or related to, external influences, or by the connection of different functions; finally the concomitants, and the groups, as they appear together: yet during the whole, with a constant view to the general character of the drug. Of course this cannot be done without a proper physiological and pathological training; never can be done without real study — i. e., with great exertion of the mind. Hence, there are some who prefer to have it done for them; some who prefer the " mummed to the crumbed," while others prefer to do the chewing themselves. Although, as before remarked, the present work bears some similarity to the Materia Medica, yet the mental process is of different character; for while the Materia Medica requires a constant synthesis in the mind of the reader, a constant action of the mind aiming at that which is general in the numerous single observations as recorded in the symptoms; the therapeutical work requires a constant analysis. The main object being, to render in every case such assistance to the practitioner, that the selection of a proper remedy may be facilitated, this work necessarily becomes a Digest, containing the most essential results of our provings, and at the same time the results of our practice. Thus has been collected, not only that which was observed as appearing, but also that disappearing after the use of a' drug. Clinical reports coming from reliable parties, must be received as bona fide; and we must likewise assume that the drug is (with more or less certainty) the cause of what followed its administration. Our Materia Medica has already been used by many, who have not shunned labor in their work of healing the sick. Another score of years will enable us to separate the wheat from the tares. Being well aware that these two kind of symptoms, viz.: those produced and those cured, are essentially different, we still have, after long and matured consideration, decided to give both without marks of distinction. The marking of such different origin, should always be done with the utmost care in the monograph of the Materia Medica; it should there be considered as a matter of the INTRODUCTION. 13 highest importance, never to mix indiscriminately, symptoms reported as cured (not having been observed on the healthy), with the symptoms produced by the drug. Hahnemann's warning must never be forgotten, see Chronic Diseases, Vol. 2, second edition, note to Alumina. Hahnemann was right, when he advised us not to be ruled by former cures, but always by the symptoms produced. If we should ever have a complete collection of all our important proved medicines printed, with all their symptoms arranged comparably, then our therapeutic advice may be given with differential marks. Until then, it is no doubt much better to have every searcher for similarity led by the degree markings, according to the plan of BiJnninghausen. Perplexity instead of lucidness would be developed through the combination of the differential and degree marks. Every one following the advice hereafter given, under the heading "How to use this work", will be enabled to decide on the remedy, in most cases, and, in the shortest time; such choice being mostly governed, by the symptoms. coming from the provings. Thus much for the class of symptoms employed in this work. Next let us look at the arrangement. The headings throughout are either: organs, or, parts of the body, general symptoms, altered functions, sensations, leading modalities, groups of symptoms, or names of diseases. One or more such prominent statement,. will be found in every individual case of sickness, for which the work may be consulted. In each such division, the eye of the reader will fall on a list of names of medicines, at the margin. This arrangement is an entirely new one and affords great relief to the eyes, as the motion from above downwards is accomplished with less fatigue and with more certainty, than the necessary repetition of the linear motion, required in the common arrangement. Such marginal lists are collections of the names of all drugs, known to deserve remembrance with regard to what is given in the heading. Distinguishing marks are placed to the remedies, indicative of their value or importance in relation to the subject embraced in the heading. Under the heading of an organ, or, part of the body, the principal medicines affecting the part or organ, are mentioned in the mar 14 INTRODUCTION. ginal list, being there marked according to their importance. This has been done, principally according to B5nninghausen, and without the least intention of favoring a revival of the old erroneous notion of " specifics for organs." Since Dioscorides, this doctrine has, from time to time, been intruded on the profession, only to be again discarded as untenable. Some few. years ago it again appeared among us as a monstrosity, called Organopathy. In this department there are many additions not easily found in the common repertories, for instance, Ear-lobe, Throat pit, Ccecal region, Os coccygis, Thumb and several others. Such localities are in some cases very significant, and frequently may decide the choice. Under the head of General Symptoms, i. e. such according to which, alone, it would be impossible to base a correct prescription, there will be found at the margin of the page a list of medicines with the marks indicative of their grades of value. In the text adjoining, the different shades of variation will be given according to the uniform rule: that all similar sensation and feelings must be placed near each other; provers as well as patients, may have used different words in endeavoring to express the same sensation. After this we have the connections, then the modalities and concomitants, of such a symptom or altered function. The different modalities also have their pages, where in a condensed review all can be found that our school knows in relation to each. Not only is a list of remedies given at the margin, but also an analysis on the page. For instance, of all drugs in which warmth or heat has been observed to aggravate or ameliorate-the text will specify, as clearly as possible, the function affected; or, the sensation is given in particular. Thus, we find, burning pain in ulcers, ameliorated by heat under Arsen., but aggravated under Secale, etc. For the majority of beginners, those headings formed by the nlames of "diseases," or such pathological names as are used to designate groups of symptoms which have been frequently observed in combination, will be found of the greatest importance. The most common of such names have always been preferred, and have been used in the most comprehensive manner, being employed only for the purpose of arranging under them what has been reported in our literature, as individual experience in such or such INTRODUCTION. 15 "disease." In some instances remedies have been mentioned, from which we have no clinical record, the similarity which they bear to certain " diseases," as established by our provings, rendering them however, worthy of notice, thus we have mentioned, Fluor. ac. in Typhoid fevers, Tabacum in Angina Pectoris, etc. Here it may be well to say a few words in explanation. It is by no means a disregard of pathology when iHahnemann advises, always to give the remedy according to the symptoms in each case, and not according to the names of diseases. Still, nothing was more abhorrent to the old schools! They called it an attempt to destroy all medical science; consequently a majority of the converts to homoeopathy have been over-anxious to appear as real scientific men, and were more or less governed by the old error, "that diseases could be cured by specifics." These pathological names of diseases are mere abstracts. Hahnemann, according to the strict method which he rigorously followed during his life, wanted us to look to the reality; to the real sick individual; to take an image of all the symptoms and compare such a picture of the one reality with the other, that is, with the real symptoms of a drug. All the homeeopathic practitioners who go by names (Bsehr, Kafka, and many others), repeatedly complain of their want of success, and in dangerous cases they frequently feel their "absolute necessity" of falling back into the crudities, barbarisms and follies of the old school, viz., massive doses, the knife, caustics, ice, etc., etc. All who follow Hahnemann's advice are much more successful, though, of course, never pretending, as slander says, to be "infallible." The collections of remedies under the head of names of diseases have been made with the view of aiding individualization. Where the practitioner finds the symptoms of his case do not exactly correspond with any here given, he ought to go farther and select the exact counterpart, in case such can be found, even though it never had been given in the disease (according to name) before. Our lists of remedies given under the head of the name of a disease have thus increased each year; where fifty years ago we had two or three, we now have, perhaps, ten or twenty times as many. B13nninghausen's works, especially his repertory, have been made free use of throughout, because he was the only practitioner who 16 INTRODUCTION. entered all his corroborations and all successfully cured symptoms in his case books; and that, too, during more than two scores of years. He states in the preface, that use was made of the symptoms from provings, and the symptoms cured-" what is offered in the Materia Medica Pura" and "the results of practice after care-. ful examination" have to be "made use of together," to "afford the means of judging of the value of each symptom, completing the imperfect ones among them, and filling up the numerous vacancies, which the practitioner at every moment meets with." Binninghausen's Repertory has been made, as it were, the basis of this Analytical Therapeutics, and all that could possibly be of any use has been given, especially in the margins, but none without additions. Many of the additions or alterations were made by Bunninghausen himself, in the copy used by him in his practice. Dr. Dunham, during his stay with Binninghausen, was allowed to copy the author's own marks, corroborations and additions, which had been made from his practice, during more than ten years. Dr. Dunham with his well known liberality left his copy long enough in Philadelphia to be compared and carefully copied. The English translation by Stapf has many errors in the names, and was reprinted here with all of them. The errors in the language were partly corrected by Okie, and many more by Hempel; Laurie's translation was made from the French, of Roth, in Paris, and though somewhat better in the arrangement, was not free from errors, and had besides many omissions. Bbnninghausen's pathological mistakes, as for instance the confounding of pale blood and bright blood, quick pulse and frequent pulse, etc., have been corrected; and a great many of his unnecessary repetitions avoided by the new arrangement. It was a great mistake, of Boinninghausen, to separate the conditions, as if every one of them could have a general applicability. He mentions a case in his preface, where there was an aggravation after shaving; this is one of the combined and of course most important "conditions" observed by Adams, a prover of Carbo animalis, a hypermesthesia of the nerves of the skin on the cheeks, around the mouth, and on the chin. This aggravation had led a friend of Bbnninghausen's to give Carb. an. to a consumptive patient INTRODUCTION. 17 with "the most decided and lasting effect," for a disagreeable smoothness of the teeth, worse every time he shaved. But this does not give us the right to generalize it into "worse after shaving." Both of these diferent symptoms are within the sphere of the socalled fifth pair of nerves, or trigeminus. In several cases where the same aggravation was a leading symptom, this limitation seemed to be corroborated. It is worthy of notice, that it is not stated whether the prover was shaving himself, or was being shaved by a barber. The position of the head in the latter case, or the standing position in the former, might also have some influence. In Bbnninghausen's repertory we find a paragraph, "getting worse in the dark." Here the cause may be either mental, as from fear; or, the eyes may want light. According to the repertory, it is impossible to say with which of the ten drugs named, (to which we now have ten more according to Dunham's copy), it is the one, or the other, or both.'With "getting better in the dark" the inquiry as to cause, becomes still more important, seventy-three drugs are mentioned, mostly such as affect the eyes. To illustrate this, we will compare the Pathogenetic Cyclopcedia, London, 1850, pp. 42. We find among the mental symptoms as "aggravated by the dark": Berber., fear, things appear too large; Lycop., frightened when a door will not open; Rhus tox., suicidal tendency in the twilight; Valer., fear of being injured by others; to these we may add: Phosphor., depression in the dark; and from Jahr's Mental Diseases translated by Galloway, 1857, Cale. acet., afraid of darkness; Carb. veg., delirium worse in the dark; Pulsat., dread of darkness; Stramon., sorrowfulness in the dark. All these remedies, except the Rhus tox., have also aggravation of eye symptoms in the dark. It would be an assumption, not at all allowable, to generalize this modality, by supposing that Rhus tox. must also have the eye symptoms aggravated in the dark The modalities are not convertible from one part or function to another in every case, though in many they may correspond. This fact may be illustrated by the Stramon., which has a very remarkable desire for bright light, and symptoms of mind and body better in the light; yet it has just the reverse with the eye symptoms, which are worse from either natural, or artificial light. 2 18 INTRODUCTION. In Boinninghausen's repertory we find entire lists of remedies, under what to him appeared to be convertible terms; this is altogether wrong. Symptoms will not bear such turning; they are not like stockings, to be turned inside out, for easy-adjustment. Not every symptom "better in the dark," gets "worse in the light;" nor is every one" worse in the light," " better in the dark." This use of lists of remedies, under apparently opposite conditions, must be misleading. True, most symptoms depending on bright light, abate in the dark, but this widely differs from a real amelioration in the dark; as the one may be very striking without the other existing. This will appear plainly, if we consult Berridge's repertory, we there find one hundred and fifty-seven drugs with "aggravation from light;" ninety-two from natural light, fifteen only from artificial light, and fifty from either. According to the same excellent repertory, only seven of the one hundred and fifty-seven have "amelioration in the dark." Of thirty-one drugs having symptoms "worse in the dark,"' only five have symptoms "better in the light." While making use of Boinninghausen's most valuable work, we have endeavored as far as possible, to rectify such reversed lists, according to the Materia Medica; but until access to his case books can be had, a complete revision will be almost impossible. The greatest stress is laid, in the following work, on the entire abolishment of the alphabetical arrangement, for in fact nothing in the whole book has been arranged alphabetically, except the names of the drugs, and even there we trust it will be abandoned by the next generation. All our, many, repertories have suffered under this most miserable of all "orders," taking up our time and wasting it by increasing the difficulties. It is true that Hahnemann added to his first collection (his "Fragmenta" of 1805), an index where every word could be found; but it was altogether out of proportion, and could only have been a help in this very first beginning. The text, in large type spaciously printed, filled 268 pages; the index in small type, condensedly printed, filled 469 pages. The number of em's, according to the printers measure, in the first part, was 203,680, while in the second- part, we find 597,506;. thus we find it requires nearly three times as much space. A repertory, INTRODUCTION. 19 according to this plan at the present time, would require as many folios as the Acta Sanctorum (still unfinished) with its fifty-seven volumes..As soon as Hahnemann (1811) made it a rule to arrange each drug according to the adopted schema, this great step forward to the necessity of adopting the same order in the repertory. Most of the various works:of this kind have partially done so.. Some adopted even a loose rule; they arranged arbitrarily, according to notions, as far as they could without difficulty, but with the first obstacle they fell back on the alphabet as their sheetanchor. The different words used by the provers to indicate what was frequently the same, or at least a very similar symptom, separated such observations, and placed them remote from each other, to the greatest torment of the reader;: or if different expressions were arbitrarily bundled together, we had to select as it were from heaps, that which is wanted; while frequently the only result is more confusion, and we are finally left like one lost in the woods. We should always find words of similar import placed near together. The British Cypher Repertory adopted to a certain extent this arrangement by similars. Roth, in his translation of Binninghausen, avoided the alphabetical disorder as far as he could, but it was never done consistently or thoroughly. The cumbersome alphabetical order can only be abolished by following a natural arrangement, one which every reader can learn as readily as an alphabet; as necessary to the thorough understanding of this work, as the alphabet or a dictionary to the study of the Hebrew, Greek,: or any oriental language. It would be of immense advantage if we could agree upon and adopt a uniform arrangement in all our books. Hahnemann's arrangement is for us a kind of alphabet. Following this order, all the symptoms of each medicine in his Materia Medica were arranged, partially according to the parts of the human body, and partially arbitrarily. It was framed, after Hahnemann had collected symptoms for twenty years; with each new volume of his Materia Medica, and with each new edition from 1811 to 1839, he endeavored to improve it. Much has been said against it, but the whole opposition supposed abstracts and theories to be realities, not understanding the 20 INTRODUCTION, strict induction method of Hahnemann, a method through which all natural sciences have made their progress; they could not coumprehend the absolute necessity of taking hold of the closest observation of the single phenomena, individual symptoms, both as related to the prover, as well as to the sick. In such a new field of research, where, unavoidably, every observer is surrounded by uncertainties, nothing could be gained by theorizing or soaring into the clouds of opinions. The facts had first to be collected, one by one, and. then arranged in some way, that they might be applied again and again, until the probabilities increased, and a scientific certainty was within reach. Every one who tried to follow Hahnemann's advice, had the satisfaction of seeing the sick getting well; but, the opposition, instead of walking in this plain common-sense way, did but cry, science! Science was in danger! Of course, old mouldy doctrines were; but we are working for a new science. To be sure, old time honored yet worthless rules and superstitions had to be abandoned; this they would not do. There was not one among them, who had even the most remote idea of what real science is! They were like the man who ploughed his field and sowed crumbs of bread, expecting a harvest of fresh baked loaves. They could not see, that, as in all other natural sciences, so to, we had, first, to collect observations; then make the application of such facts; then compare results; then sift and sort them;: and finally bring them in order, that we might arrive at a standard deserving the name of science. This is the way to winnow, and is the only way! Our half-homceopaths, Anti-Hahnemannians, over-anxious to be considered scientific men, raised a terrible hue and "cry about such "heaps of symptoms," "orderless complexes," "manufactured for mechanical use." They invented all kinds of nick-names, yet they could not prevent the growth and further development of our Materia Medica, and the return to Hahnemnann's way and arrangement. All this bustling noise is over, but most of our practitioners have ever since remained dependent only on the extracts, thus impeding progress. After Bo'nninghausen had with great success published a kind of short repertory, our industrious Jahr followed in the newly opened way. Binninghausen had rather arbitrarily notl only left INTRODUCTION. 21 out some of the later provings, but even slandered them, from 1835 to 1846, by frequently comparing them with Fickel's counterfeit proving of Osmium. Yet afterwards adding one by one, as his time allowed him to enter their symptoms into his book. In 1846 he had added some formerly omitted, viz., Borax, Wahle's Kreosote, and later Fluor. ac., Merc. subl. and Apis; while he still would not acknowledge the master proving of Berberis, and many others of much greater importance, than several which he had carefully given a place to throughout his repertory. Jahr followed his smaller work with a larger one. IIe carried out the most unwise idea of mending Hahnemann's arrangement by cutting off a portion from the end of each remedy, and placing it at the beginning. Thus commencing each medicine with the hodge podge, of so-called generalities. (See C. Hg's Materia Medica, Vol. I., Introduction, pp. vIII., Ix.) When this large work of Jahr was translated here, Hahnemann's order was restored. The same has likewise been followed in Lippe's Text-Book. Hahnemann's arrangement is also the basis of the following work. All the modalities, conditions and concomitants have been placed next to the function they belong to. IIahnemann in his later editions finally placed the mental symptoms first; thus he adopted as a rule, first inner symptoms, then outer ones. This order we have now uniformly preserved throughout the whole work; functions of each organ are placed first, then the bodily symptoms. According to the same rule the symptoms of the whole body have been classified, as will be fully explained in the introduction to the arrangement. Objections have been made, that too much is given. This may be the case for some. In the composition of a symphony like Beethoven's, there is much more given than can be understood by all, yet that does not detract from the merits of the work, but rather reflects against the intelligence of the reader. Yet our pages are not so restricted as the score to a symphony. Every beginner may learn from the most crowded pages some valuable fact; let him but rest his eyes and mind on the most distinguished remedies; after becoming acquainted with these, a farther survey will be quite readily made, till the whole will be at his command. 22 INTRODUCTION. Objections have also been made, that, what is given: is not enough. Here at once the pleading will be "Guilty." ~ Yet by extenuation we will say, every possible exertion has been made to get at least the most essential.. During the last forty years, by preference, work has been bestowed on the Materia Medica. Much has been placed in the drug monographs; what was arranged could be used, but what yet remained in an unarranged condition, could not be at present made useful. If the arduous labor bestowed for years upon this work should render efficient aid to all who are earnestly trying to heal the sick, if it should enable them to select in most cases, entrusted to their care, the' proper drug, the author will be richly repaid for all his exertions. Yet, at the same time, he hopes that it will gradually lead some beginners into the right way of the true Hahnemannian school: always to individualize. May it be one of the fruits of this work, that the detrimental and most unscientific alphabetical order shall be more and more abandoned, as it renders our researches not only very difficult, but also. impedes and hinders all true study, all real progress.' May it help to introduce, gradually, a uniform arrangement; may it lead to uniform terminology, especially with regard to the names of our drugs, and a uniform adoption of abridgements. As no one in such matters can presume to dictate, the majority must'and will decide. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK. RULE I. Examine as many cases as possible: according to Hahnemann's advice, Organon, Paragraph 83, etc., that is:a Let the patients or friends tell their own story, without interrupting them. b Write it down in separate symptoms. c Complete it by questions and observations with regard to every function. d Never ask a question which must be answered Yes or No. Consider yourself a tyro if you do it! e Inquire with regard to every single symptom, about place, time, kind of sensation, modalities, and connections. This done, Hahnemann says, the most important has been accomplished. RULE II. Arrange the symptoms according to their importance. The beginner should do this in writing; the more practiced by underlining or extracting; the sufficiently experienced and skillful may do it in his mind, as we do in mental calculations. Certain symptoms of a case may appear to have great importance, according to the opinion of the sufferer; this, however, should not be regarded in all cases. The physiological rank, according to the organs affected or the functions altered, is more worthy of consideration. It is very often in contradiction with the patient's view. The pathological and therapeutical rank-order are of the greatest importance, but the last, we may say, is above all. Every doctor is asked: What is the matter? Can it be cured? How long will it take? He is therefore under the necessity on this account, if for no other, to make not only a diagnosis, but also a prognosis. Easy as both are in most cases, just that uncer23 24 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK. tamn are they in many others. The most learned are compelled to acknowledge the utter impossibility of arriving at a certainty.* Of these doubts and uncertainties we are freed, through the doctrines given us by Hahnemann. And as regards the greater or lesser importance of the single symptoms, the tables have turned; what is of the highest importance in diagnosing, holds but a minor position in a diagnosis of the drug. Here we decide in all cases by symptoms, which in pathology are scarcely mentioned, nearly always being considered of not the slightest. importance. Hence the Anti-Hahnemannians call them useless, or even foolishly term them "moonshine." We have to bring the symptoms of the sick into an entirely new and generally different order. We must look -for such distinguishing symptoms as mark this individual case from other cases of the same "disease" by name. Having thus searched out, we must then arrange them according to their importance, that we may look for a drug characterized by the same symptoms. If possible, we ought to find a drug having the symptoms of the case in the same order of rank.t The diagnostic symptoms, pathologically speaking, are very seldom symptoms diagnosticating between similar drugs; the symptoms less diagnostic, pathologically, being those which give the shades of difference between the many remedies having a general resemblance to the disease in question. We have only to add, as a rule for arranging the symptoms of the sick, that cetiological peculiarities have always a very high rank with us, even so far, that in most cases the last medicine employed, allopathically or homeopathically, forms the main indication for the next choice. In all chronic and lingering cases, the symptoms appearing last, even though they may appear insignificant, are always the most important in regard to the selection of a drug; the oldest are the least important; all symptoms between have to be arranged according to the order of their appearance. Only such patients remain well and are really cured, who have been rid of their symptoms in the reverse order of their development. * See Pamphlet against Organopathy, pp. 10, 11. Note by Raue. t See Stapf's Archives, 1832, Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 92. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK. 25 In all zymotic diseases we have, as in other epidemics, to sum up all the symptoms of as many cases as we can examine properly, and concentrate their symptoms into one *image, from which to select that remedy really "specific" to the zymosis. Further, we have in all zymotic diseases, or contagious epidemics, an additional rule to bear in mind, viz., take the most characteristic symptoms at the invasion, at the height of the disease, and lastly during the decline of the disease; that is, during the recovery. These three points have to be "covered" by the characteristics of the drug. We may find in this way a preventive, "prophylactic," or a medicine, which, if it cannot prevent altogether, will make all cases lighter and more readily curable. According to this rule, Sulphur was found to correspond better than any other medicine to Asiatic Cholera of 1849, and Carbo vegetabilis to Yellow Fever of 1855. After deciding upon the leading symptoms of a case, three of which at least we ought to have (Lectures in Allentown, 1835), we can refer to such pages or chapters in this work as are devoted to them; there the concomitant conditions may be examined into, and the closest similarity with one or another drug may be confirmed. Next to this the pages, or chapter, with the pathological names nearest to the case, may be consulted. Very often the practitioner may find that he has omitted some questions, the answer to which he must, if possible, obtain, in order that he may complete his image of the sick. The greater the number of drugs which are to be found under the same heading, the more ought the beginner to be convinced that he cannot select the medicine looked for out of so many by the similarity of such a symptom as is named in the heading. Not even if several peculiarities are known which, however, happen to have been produced by nearly all the drugs proven. For instance, vertigo does not indicate any medicine, even if it comes on while walking in the open air or with a tendency to fall, or with nausea and vomiting. In all important cases the monographs should be consulted, and last though not least the "Materia Medica." THE ARRANGEMENT. HAHNEMANN published his order of arrangement first in his Materia Medica in 1811; improved it in 1822, and again in 1830. He observed the same in his. Chronic Diseases as the main rule, but not without making several modifications, especially in the second edition of the anti-psoric remedies; the fifth part of which, published in 1839, is the last we have from him. The same order has been observed as the main rule in the following work, making only such modifications as were necessary to render it consistent and uniform throughout. Such consistency in the whole, followed also in all the parts, enables the mind to find the way through the thickets of endless varying symptoms. Only the comprehension of general principles, ruling through the whole in every part, can make it possible to become well versed in and able to set one's self right anywhere. Since, Hahnemann, in his second, 1835, edition of the Chronic Diseases, adopted what iartlaub had already done in 1826, viz., to place the symptoms of the mind (and mood) before the head symptoms. Commencing with the mind, he adopted as a general principle, inner symptoms first, outer afterwards. He followed the same rule with the head, commencing with the inner symptoms,the sensorial-the aches and pains, giving the symptoms of the outer head afterwards. But he could not find the time to carry out this order with all the other parts of the body, senses, etc. In this present work this has been done throughout; the functional symptoms always first, the organic afterwards. With regard to the functions the order has been kept as strictly as possible, giving all symptoms with an increase of action first, next morbid alterations and last decrease or lessening of the functions. 26 THE ARRANGEMENT.. 27 From the very first, Hahnemann, according to his inductive philosophy and. the strict method he always observed, commenced with and followed: them by the whole. The parts of the body, the organs and their functions, he arranged mainly from above downwards, commencing thus.with the head and ending with the lower limbs; while observing this as the main rule, he, however, made another subdivision, and after the head and the senses, he went from the mouth down through all the organs, sustaining the individual, the nutritive organs; then the organs keeping up the species-sexual organs. After this, he began a second series from above downwards, viz., respiration, circulation and motion, organs of connection with the outer world; from the larynx to the lungs and heart;. from the outer chest, neck and back, to the upper limbs, lower limbs and all the limbs. Thus far we follow Hahnemann; from here on the method of arrangement which lHahnemann inaugurated has been still farther developed; thus we have next the symptoms of the limbs and of the whole body. The influence of motion, rest, and of different positions. The next chapter contains all symptoms depending on the action of the nerves: over-excitement, convulsions, weakness, lameness., Sleep, the great restorer of the nerve force, is placed in the next part, where will also be found the symptoms before, during and pfter sleep. In this chapter the symptoms occurring during the night have been inserted. In the next chapter the symptoms are put which appear at the various times of the day. All symptoms relating to heat and cold, in doors and out of doors, are placed in the next chapter, together with the influences of wind and weather. A new chapter contains all symptoms of chills, fever and sweat; what has been observed with regard to intermittent fever and other periodical diseases. This leads to a review of all periodical symptoms and then the relation to time and space naturally follows. A general idea of the different kinds of sensations is next given, because peculiar sensations indicate the effects upon particular tissues; the next chapter is taken up-even before Itausmann-with what we. know. in relation to tissues as regards their treatment. As the skin, according to the rule from within outwards, is the 28 THE ARRANGEMENT. last of the organs, the influence of touch and pressure is here inserted; also the effect of all other passive motions, concussions and hurts; a review of our surgical treatment is added in'the same chapter. Skin and eruptions would be the last, were it not for an important class of observations to be added in a chapter containing the result of observations with regard to age, sex, constitution, and so-called temperament. The chemical action of drugs —the antidotes; the relation to other drugs; the rules by which to be guided to the best order in which drugs should follow each other, conclude the work. After having considered all this, the reader will find no difficulty in comprehending our arrangement, keeping in mind the main rules: I. Inner symptoms and functions first, outer and organic changes afterwards. HI. First increased functional activity, then altered, then decreased. III. First the parts, then the whole body. IV. First the upper parts, then the lower. V. All modalities placed to the related function. In a few instances some deviations from the main rules have been made, just as was done by Hahnemann (Arzml I., pp. 8, 9, 3d edition) in case of symptoms which might be looked for in connection or combination with others, or where they form a kind of transition. Symptoms are arranged according to the organ or part of the body in which they appear, not where they originate; for instance, motions or positions of the head are placed to the outer head, not to the neck, the muscles of which cause the'position or motion. The use of the book, particularly the first chapter, will accomplish the rest. According to the principles and rules laid down in the foregoing, the symptoms, their groups, and the names of diseases, have been arranged and divided in forty-eight parts. Each part will have at the beginning a key to the special order if necessary, and an index at the end if it is considered an advantage to the reader. THE ARRANGEMENT. 29 THE FORTY-EIGHT CHAPTERS. I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. A collection and arrangement of all the symptoms observed by our school. as regards the mind and the disposition, was made nearly a score of years ago by DR. C. G. RAUE, who, being now engaged with his forthcoming Psychology, cannot complete it at present, by adding all the later observations. Dr. E. W. Berridge says, p. xiii. in the Preface to his Complete Repertory, Diseases of the Eyes, 1873: "The volume on the Head (second edition), including the mental group, is being prepared," and will, we hope, soon appear. In the meantime, the place may be filled by an entirely new collection of all the mind symptoms, appearing under certain conditions or as concomitants with bodily symptoms. Practitioners will find this chapter of great use, and at the same time it will make every student familiar with the plan of the arrangement. II. SENSORIUM. Oversensitiveness and irritability of the brain and senses, noises, apparent motions or movements; other unpainful sensations. Vertigo with all its concomitants and conditions. Dullness, heaviness, cloudiness, apathetic state, unconsciousness. Fainting spells. Asphyxia. III. HEADACHE AND AFFECTIONS OF THE INNER HEAD. According to locality, intensity and periodicity-kinds of sensation according to the arrangement adopted in part 43. Conditions and concomitants of headache. Affections of inner tissues, cold and heat, inflammation and other organic changes in brain diseases. IV. EXTERNAL HEAD. Sensations according to locality. Cold, heat, sweat. Skull, bones, periosteum. Movements and positions of head and concomitants. Scalp, hair, eruptions. 80 THE ARRANGEMENT. V. SIGHT AND EYES. Perception increased, as morbid desire for light; also shunning light and symptoms caused by light. Perverted-in regard to light, colors, size, form, etc. Decreased-from dimness to' blindness. Symptoms after using the eyes. Modalities in' general. Eyeball, consisting of nervous apparatus, viz., optic nerve, retina, together with the vitreous body and lens. Vascular apparatus and fluids, together with the choroid and iris. Fibrous part, viz., sclerotica, together with thel-cornea. Next to the main function, viz., sight, we have that of nutrition — this may be either increased, congestion to inflammation, perverted, as in hypertrophy and malformation, or decreased, as in atrophy br destructive ulceration..We then have the supporting parts surrounding the eye, viz., bones, muscles and fat. Their united function being motion and position; this may be either increased, perverted or decreased. In close proximity to the supporting parts we: have the lubricating apparatus, consisting of the lachrymal glands and ducts, together with the mucous membrane and conjunctiva.. The united function is to sustain the proper relation of moisture and temperature between the inner and outer parts; this.may also be increased, perverted or decreased. External protectors: Lids with the meibomian glands, lashes and eyebrows. Symptoms caused by touch or pressure; hurts and lesions; other symptoms around the eyes. Appearances or expressions of the Eyes have been placed to the Face, Chapter 8. THE ARRANGEMENT. 31 VI. HEARING AND EARS. HEARING.-Increased sense of hearing-as acute sensitiveness to sounds, etc. Perverted —subjective noises, etc. Decreased-dullness to deafness. INNER EAR.-Unpainful sensations-numbness to itching. Earache; kind of pain with regard to space and time. Connections, conditions and concomitants. Otitis. Tympanitis. Concomitants. Cerumen. Otorrhcea. Eustachian tube. Polypi, fungi, etc. Caries. Ulcers, etc. EXTERNAL EAR.-Meatus and orifice. Concha, tragus and anti-tragus; helix and anti-helix; dorsum. The whole ear; auricle, earlobe. Around the ear —in front, behind, above, below. Parotids. Review of the conditions and concomitants. VII. SMELL AND NOSE. SMELL.-Increased sense of smell; dislike to particular odors; aggravation from certain odors. Perverted sense of smell. Decreased, lost. INNER NOSE.-Unpainful sensations-from want of feeling to itching; painful sensations. Bones of the nose. Epistaxis-conditions and concomitants. Sensation of dryness; dryness. NASAL SPEECH AND SOUNDS FROM THE NOSE WHEN BREATHING. Sneezing-conditions and concomitants. Coryza dry, fluent, obstruction-conditions and concomitants. Soreness, eruptions, ulcerations, scabs. Ozcena. Polypus. Choanfe. OUTER NOSE. —Pains; locality; root, wings, angles, tip. 82 THE ARRANGEMENT. Motions of the alae. Coldness, heat, sweat. Color-pale, red, blue, etc. Itching eruptions-cancer. Around the nose. Recapitulation of localities\ and modalities. VIII. FACE. EXPRESSION OF EYES AND COUNTENANCE.-Unpainful sensations. Faceache, conditions and concomitants. Muscular conditions. Expression and appearance; complexion. Cold, hot, pale, red, blue, etc.; sweat. Puffed, swollen, itching; eruptions, ulcers, etc. ARTICULATION OF THE JAws.-Lockjaw; cracking, relaxation, luxation. IX. LOWER PART OF FACE. LOWER JAW.-Sensations, pains, bones. OUTER MOUTH. —Lips, upper; lower; angles of the mouth; around the mouth. Pains, motions, warmth, color, eruption. CHIN. SUBMAXILLARY GLANDS. X. TEETH AND GUMS. TEETH.-Incisors, canines, bicuspids, molars; upper, lower; carious teeth. SENSATIONS AND PAINS.-Toothache; appearance and conditions of the teeth. DENTITION.-First, second; wisdom teeth. GuMs. —Sensations, pains, color, bleeding, scurvy, ulcers, fistula, conditions and concomitants. XI. TASTE, TALK, TONGUE. TASTE.-Sense of taste increased, perverted, decreased. TALK.-Mobility of the tongue increased, perverted, decreased. ToNGUE.-Sensations, pains, organic changes, furred, eruptions. Ranula, sublingual glands. THE ARRANGEMENT. 33 XII. INNER MOUTH. SENSATIONS, pains, dryness, humidity. SALIVA; mucus. ODOR, perceived by the sick, or only by others. COLOR; eruptions, etc. Conditions and concomitants. XIII. PALATE AND THROAT. HARD PALATE, soft palate, velum palate; uvula; tonsils; fauces; pharynx. SWALLOWING. Condition and concomitants. EsorPHAGus.-Sensations and pains. Inflammation, ulcerations, and other diseased states. XIV. DESIRE FOR FOOD AND DRINK. APPETITE.-Increased; canine hunger. Dainty; capricious, etc. Perverted; decreased; lost. Conditions and concomitants. THIRST.-Increased; changed or perverted; decreased. Conditions and concomitants. DESIRES, or longing for peculiar things. DISLIKES, or aversion to peculiar things. XV. BEFORE-DURING-AFTER EATING AND DRINKING. PECULIAR THINGS agree or ameliorate, disagree or aggravate. Complaints caused by them. Comparative tables with former. Index to both. SYMPTOMS appearing shortly before eating or drinking; during the act, or sooner or later after it. XVI. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. HICCoUGH. ERUCTATIONS, or belching; heartburn; waterbrash; regurgitation, or gulping up. LoATHING -nausea, gagging, vomituritio, vomiting. Conditions and ameliorations, aggravations and concomitants. 3 34 THE ARRANGEMENT. XVII. EPIGASTRIC REGION. SENSATIONS in scrobiculum and in region of stomach; pains, swellings, etc. INFLAMMATIONS and other organic diseases. External symptoms and appearance of infra-xiphoid regions. XVIII. HYPOCHONDRIAC REGIONS. SYMPTOMS of the diaphragm. REGION OF LIVER.-Sensations, pains, diseases. REGION OF SPLEEN.-Sensations, pains, diseases. BOTH HYPoCHONDRIA.-Sensations, pains, diseases. EXTERNAL SYMPTOMs.-Appearance; itching; eruptions. XIX. ABDOMEN. UMBILICAL and lumbar regions. HYPOGASTRIC and inguinal regions. SENSATIONS AND PAINS. COLDNESS, heat, inflammation, and other conditions. NOISES, flatulence, distention, swelling, glandular swelling, dropsy, tumors. OUTER WALL; muscular motions, itching, eruptions. LOINS; groins, hernia, boils. XX. RECTUM AND ANUS. EMISSIONS OF WIND. ST00LS-too loose, and corresponding states. STOOLS-color, odor, substance. STOOLS-looseness and costiveness in alternation. STOOLS-constipation. Complaints before, during and after stool. RECTuM.-Urging, tenesmus, pains, dysentery, involuntary discharges. Prolapsus of the rectum; hsemorrhoids. ANus. Perinmeum. Connected anal and urinary symptoms. THE ARRANGEMENT. 35 XXI. URINARY ORGANS. KIDNEYS AND URETERS.-Sensations, pains, diseases. BLADDER.-Sensations, pains, diseases. URETHRA.-Compare sexual parts. DESIRE TO URINATE; urging. DISCHARGE OF URINE; copious, frequent, scanty, seldom. Stream according to form. Passage free, interrupted; by drops; involuntary. RETENTION OF URINE.-No secretion of urine. Complaints before, during and after urination. Urine according to quality; sediment. Diabetes mellitus. Hlematuria. Albuminuria. GRAVEL.-Calculi in the kidneys; ureters; bladder. XXII. MALE FUNCTIONS AND ORGANS. SEXUAL DESIRE —conditions and concomitants. Sexual power-erections, impotence. CoITIoN.-Seminal emissions; before, during and after coition. Complaints after sexual excess; after masturbation. Involuntary seminal emissions. TEsTICLES.-Spermatic cords. Prostate glands and discharge of prostatic fluid. PENIs. —Glans; prepuce. ScROTuM.-Sensations, cold, heat, sweat; dropsy; eruptions. All the male genitals. Diseases, principally of the genital parts: Orchitis; hydrocele; chronic swelling; prostatitis; strictures; blennorrhcea; gonorrhcea; sycosis; syphilis; chancre; buboes. Bone diseases. Mercurial diseases. XXIII. FEMALE ORGANS. Increased desire; nymphomania; inability; sterility; complaints during or after coition. OVARIES, uterus; sensations, position. 36 THE ARRANGEMENT. CATAMENIA sooner than four weeks, at irregular times; later than four weeks; increased, suppressed, too profuse, altered, decreased, scanty, protracted, longer than half a week, too short, less than three days; symptoms appearing instead of the menses. Complaints before, at the beginning, during and after menses. Menses appear too early in life; delay of the first catamenia; sufferings with the development; menses continue too late in life; too early cessation. Symptoms with the climaxis. UTERINE IIEMORRHAGES; metrorrhagia. See Menorrhagia or Parturition. CHARACTER OF CATAMENIA. —Bright red, light color, clotted, brown, dark; acrid, offensive smelling, viscid, membranous. LEucoRRH(aA.-Watery, milky, rmucous, viscid, thick, purulent, mild, itching, acrid, burning; yellow, red, bloody, brown, green; offensive smelling. Complaints before, during and after leucorrhcea. Conditions and concomitants. VAGINA.-Labia minora, labia majora, clitoris. GENITALS PROPER.-Pubes, mons veneris, outer parts, around the organs. XXIV. PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION. COMPLAINTS AFTER CONCEPTION AND DURING PREGNANCY.-The first term, middle term and last month. Abortion.-Moles. LABOR PAINS.-Forerunners; pains too severe; spasmodic; ineffectual; too weak; cessation of pains; afterbirth; afterpains. COMPLAINTS IN CHILDBED. Lochia-abundant, bloody, putrid, cessation of them. COMPLAINTS WHILE NURSING. The milk is increased, running, bad, decreased, suppressed. MAMME. —Sore nipples, tumors, abscesses, scars, scirrhosities and cancer. Infants at the breast. THE ARRANGEMENT. 37 XXV. LARYNX. Voice.-Hoarseness; aphonia; complaints from singing; weakness of voice. Complaints from talking; loud reading. Catarrh.-Sensations, pains; roughness. Collection of mucus; hemming and hawking; hacking cough. THROATPIT, or supra sternal region; sensitiveness to touch. LARYNGITIS.-Laryngismus stridulus; aedema glottidis; spasm of the glottis; croup; paralysis of vocal cords. Ulcers: catarrhal, diphtheritic, tubercular, variolar, typhoid, syphilitic and carcinomatous; tuberculosis, perichondritis, stenosis; new growths; papilloma; polypi; cancers. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIAL.TUBES.-Sensations, pains, secretions, inflammation. Thyroid Gland.-Supraclavicular region and external throat. XXVI. RESPIRATION. Rythm and character. Conditions and concomitants. Also the constriction and spasms interfering with breathing. NOTE.-The different respiratory actions with their connections have been placed in the following chapters: Weeping, to that of the mind, 1, or eyes, 5. Sneezing and blowing the nose, 7. Speaking to the tongue, 11. Gurgling to the throat, 13. Hiccough to gastrics, 16. Hemming, reading loud, public speaking and singing to the larynx, 25. Laughing, sighing and sobbing to this chapter, 26. Coughing to the next, 27; and gaping to sleep, 37. XXVII. COUGH. Location of exciting cause to cough; character of cough. Conditions and concomitants. Complaints before, during and after cough. Diseases in which the cough is the most prominent symptom. XXVIII. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. Upper part, lower part, right, left, front and back portions. Painless sensations-tightness; constriction; spasms. See Chapt. 26. Painful sensations, as drawing, tearing, stitching. Cold, warmth, heat; congestion; throbbing, beating; cedema; suppuration; pleuritis. 38 THE ARRANGEMENT. Inflammation; hydrothorax; pneumonia; pneumothorax; atelectasis. Emphysema; compression; induration; collapse. Empyema; gangrene. Hemorrhage; tuberculisation; cancer; melanic deposit. XXIX. HEART AND CIRCULATION. Sensations and pains in the region of the heart. Congestion. PALPITATION OF HEART.-Basedow's disease. Perverted action; cardiac tremor. Angina pectoris; endocarditis; myocarditis; fatty degeneration; hypertrophy; dilatation; atrophy; pericarditis; hydropericardium; pneumopericardium; cardiac asthma; valvular changes; aneurism. PuLsE. —Increase; alteration; cessation. Endarteritis; atheroma. XXX.- OUTER CHEST. Pit of throat. See Larynx, Chapter 25. CLAVICLES.-Sternum; ensiform or xiphoid cartilage. SENSATIONS, pains; cold, heat; eruptions. Mammae. See Chapter 24. XXXI. NECK AND BACK. Supraclavicular region and thyroid gland. See Chapt. 25. Position of head. See Chapt. 4. NAPE OF NECK, back of the neck; ligamentum nuchse. Sensations, pains; stiffness; complaints on turning the neck. GLANDS OF THE NECK AND SIDES OF THROAT. Scapulhe. See Arms, Chapt. 32. REGION BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS. BACK. —Region of kidneys. See Chapt. 21. LoINS.-Lumbar regions. Comp. Chapt. 19. SAcRUM.-Small of back; sacral region. OS COCCYGIS. SPINAL DISEASES.-Tabes dorsalis; curvatures. THE ARRANGEMENT. 39 XXXII. UPPER LIMBS. Scapula, shoulders, shoulder-joint; axilla. UPPER ARM.-Elbow-joint, point of elbow, bend of elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, back of hand; metacarpal region; palm of hand, thumbs, joints, fingers; between the fingers, the tips, nails. THE WHOLE ARM.-Bones of upper limbs and arm-joints. Worse retracting shoulders, better bending them backwards. Worse moving Arms; worse working with the hands, sewing, knitting, etc. ERUPTIONS. —Tetters; warts. XXXIII. LOWER LIMBS. HIP-JOINTS, buttocks, nates. Comp. lumbar region. THIaHS.-Front, back, inner side, outer side. KNEE-JOINTS.-Patella, hollow of the knee. LEGs.-Tibia, fibula, calves. TENDO ACHILLIS.-Heel, ankle, joint of foot, dorsum of the foot, instep, foot soles. TOES.-Big toe, toe-joints, balls of toes, toe tips, toe nails; corns. THE BoNES.-The joints; the whole of lower limbs. XXXIV. ALL THE LIMBS. Upper and lower; arms and legs; hands and feet. Comparison. Sensation of lightness; stretching, bending and stretching. Twisting, etc. See Chapt. 36. Pains compared. Rheumatic and gouty pains. Contortion.-Limbs drawn crooked. Joints.-Stiffness; lameness; paralysis. Coldness.-Upper, lower; hands and feet; heat; sweat. Parched state of palms of hands and soles of feet. Itchings. Eruptions. Comp. Chapt. 47. XXXV. REST-POSITION-MOTION. REST. —While at rest, complaints appear or are aggravated, lessened or disappear. Inclination to lie down. 40 THE ARRANGEMENT. On lying down; after assuming the lying posture; while in a lying posture; while lying in bed. See Chapt. 37. Worse or better from certain positions while lying, as head high or low, body horizontal, bent or crooked; on back, sides, painful and unpainful; on the belly. Position in sleep. See Chapt. 37. Right or left. See Chapt. 42. Worse or better lying on a hard place. Comp. Chapt. 45. Worse from an uncomfortable position in lying; from leaning on or toward one side or backwards, etc.; from crossing the legs; letting the legs hang down; from holding the part bent; while couching, kneeling, etc. Inclination to sit down. On-after-while assuming the sitting posture. Position as upright, erect, bent, stooped. On rising from a seat; after, etc. When rising from lying to sitting;, on rising from bed; after rising from bed. From stretching out a limb; from stretching and bending. While standing, bending backwards, forwards, stooping a long while, doubling up the body; continued flexion. MoTIoNs.-Bending forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, right, left, sideways. Stretching the limb, drawing it towards the body, then retraction of the affected limb. Worse while taking off the boots. From lifting the arm; the affected limbs; raising a limb; from overlifting. While bending or turning a part; the affected part. From changing position, turning around, or when turning in bed. WALKING.-On starting to walk; while walking; when walking quickly; walking on level ground; from stepping sideways. From running, dancing, leaping. Ascending.-A height; from mounting a horse; going up stairs. From descending; going down stairs. MoTIoN.-Desire to move; on beginning to move; during motion; from continued motion; after moving; from motion of the affected part; from a false movement; from exertion of the body; from fatigue. THE ARRANGEMENT. 41 Taking hold of things; turning at a lathe; playing instruments and other handiwork. See Upper Limbs. XXXVI. NERVES. Comfortable feeling; sensation of vigor; bodily irritability too great; excitement; mobility too great; bodily restlessness; sensation of inward trembling; sensation of anxiousness in the body. HYPOCHONDRIA AND HYSTERIA. TREMBLING-Startings, jerkings, spasms, chorea, epilepsy, tetanus, catalepsy. Attacks of indisposition, malaise, nervous weakness, sensation of fatigue, lassitude of body, weakness, difficulty in supporting the body, tendency to fall. Paralytic weakness.-Want of bodily irritability; single parts "go to sleep;" motion difficult; immobility of affected parts; lameness; paralysis. XXXVII. SLEEP. SLEEPINESS.-In the morning, forenoon, during the day, afternoon, evening. Gaping; desire for sleep and other concomitants. Drowsiness, with inability to fall asleep. SLEEPLESSNESS.-Before or after midnight; complaints causing it. Complaints from sleeplessness; loss of sleep; night watching; complaints from night revelling. SLEEP.-Anxious, restless; sound, deep, sonorous; too long in the morning; somnolency; coma; coma vigil. POSITION IN SLEEP.-Head bent forward, turned sideways, bent backwards; low. Hands above head, under the head, on the abdomen, lying on the back, on one side, on the belly, legs stretched, drawn up, one flexed, the other extended, crossed knees, spread apart, bent. Sitting posture. CONCOMITANTS.-Complaints before falling asleep; on falling asleep; during the first sleep; during sleep. Better while slumbering; while half asleep; during sleep; after sleep. 42 THE ARRANGEMENT. Falling asleep late; inability to get asleep; to get asleep again after being awakened; complaints preventing sleep; frequent waking during the night. Sleep too short; awaking too early; too long; awaking too late. Refreshing and unrefreshing sleep; worn after sleep; after a long sleep; after a siesta; complaints on awakening. DREAMS. XXXVIII. TIMES OF THE DAY. Night. See Chapt. 37. TABLE OF THE HOURS OF THE NIGHT. MORNING.-Towards it; after sunrise; morning hours; forenoon. NooN. All day. Table of the hours of the day. AFTERNOON.-After sunset; in the evening twilight. EvENING.-Before midnight; after midnight. Aggravations; remissions and comparisons. XXXIX. RELATIONS TO WARMTH, AIR AND WATER; WIND AND WEATHER; SEASONS. WARMTH.-Better or worse from it; from heat in the sun; sunburn; sunstroke. From getting warm, overheated, near the fire, the warm stove. Burns, see Lesions, Chapt. 45. From being covered, wrapped up warmly; getting warm in bed; in featherbeds. Warm air; getting warm in the open air, in a warm room. AIR.-Open air, out doors; walking in the open air; inclination, aversion to it. Indoors, in a room, in a room full of people; in arched places, cellarrooms; damp air, evening air. WIND.-From uncovering; after undressing the whole body or part of it; the head. Walking in the wind; against the wind; from a draught. N.B.-North wind or polar wind in Rio Janeiro the south wind or cold wind; south wind or tropic wind in Brazil the north wind or warm wind. East wind in Europe the land wind; here the sea wind, or damp wind. West wind in Europe the sea wind; here the land wind or dry wind. THE ABRANGEMENT. 43 WATER.-From water and washing; wetting the affected part; wet dressing. Getting wet through; while sweating; getting head wet; feet. Aversion to washing; worse or better from washing; from washing the face; bathing face. Complaints from bathinog; in cold water; in the sea. CoLD.- Disposition to catch cold; after exposure to cold, of the head, of the feet. In the cold; going into cold air; in cold air; cold or dry air; getting cold, chilled through single parts; taking hold of cold things. Frostbitten parts, see Lesions, Chapt. 45. CHANGE OF TEMPERATURE; of weather. Weather calm, clear; dry; windy; before or during a thunderstorm; in snowy air; in foggy weather; cloudy; damp; wet. SEASONS.-In the spring; in the summer; in autumn; in winter. XL. FEVER. COLD SENSATIONS.-Coldness, crawl, shiver, shudder. Chill and rigor comparably arranged; sweat same way. HEAT.-Sweat relieving; checked sweat; dry skin. COLD SWEAT, or sweat in stages compared. Combinations and successions. CONDITIONS AND CONCOMITANTS.-Before, with and after the fever stages. REMITTENT.-Intermittent from quotidian to quartan; postponing; anticipating. Typhoid; nervous; putrid. Comatose and sweating sickness. Yellow fever. Plague, etc. XLI. CHANGES ACCORDING TO TIME. In attacks periodically; in groups. Intermitting in severity. Appearing quickly and vanishing quickly. Appearing quickly and decreasing slowly. Increasing slowly and. decreasing quickly. ~~~VIVVVVIL~ UIVI~I W-UII UVIVVVNI~ZD 44 THE ARRANGEMENT. Increasing slowly and decreasing slowly. Alternating same hours or days. Different groups of symptoms. Interstitial.-Interrupted spells; returning again; new symptoms arising when earlier ones cease. Every day at the same hour. Every day about the same time; earlier, (Hydrog.); later, (Oxyg.). Every other day. Every week. Septimani. Every two weeks. Every four weeks. Every two or three months. Every new moon; increase; full; decrease. Every year at the same time, same day, same season. XLII. RELATIONS TO SPACE-CHANGES ACCORDING TO SPACE. MovING.-From in out; from out in.'From up down, descending; from down up, ascending. From right to left; from left to right. From front to back; from back to front; oblique. Changing place, by shifting about. Metastasis. STANDING.-Inner organs, internal parts. Outer. organs, external parts. Anterior body. Posterior body. On the right side; left side; one sided. Upper right and lower left. Upper left and lower right. Upper half; upper body; lower half, lower body. PECULIAR PARTS OR PLACES.-Angles or corners of eyes, nose, mouth, etc.; points or tips of ears, nose, etc.; crossings of tubular organs; angles of tubular organs. XLIII. SENSATIONS CLASSIFIED. Explanation of the arrangement into seven classes.-The different expression in each class.-Index.-Conditions and concomitants. That all the different sensations may be brought into a comprehensible order, the general rule for functions may be applied; as all abnormal sensations are the result of some one or more functions developed, either into greater activity, or depressed and rendered less active, or perverted, that is to say, changed from the normal action, not only in quantity and quality, but also in kind. THE ARRANGEMENT. 45 The morbid increase or exaggeration of functional activity, forms our first class; its opposite decreased functional activity, the seventh (our last) class. The large number of sensations remaining between these two extremes we again subdivide, separating all such as are fixed as regards place, i. e., without motion, second class, from those which are apparently moving. Again, from among those sensations which convey to the mind some more or less clear idea of motion, we separate all such in which the perception is as of a destructive action, or in other words, sensations as if the integrity of the tissues would be, or had been imperiously affected; these form the sixth class. The remaining sensations apparently moving, are subdivided into three classes: a, steady motions third class; /, such as have a relation to space, i. e., have motion inward, outward, upward, or downward fourth class; r, such as have a relation to time, i. e., where distinct repetitions, either pulsating, wavering or oscillating, are perceived, these form the fifth class. The subjoined schema will give a clear idea of the classes: A f Increased, exaggerated activity. 1 a (Fixed, i. e. without motion. 2 a. Steady motion. 3 B b bMoving -P. Steady motion in relation to space. 4 y. Pulsating, wavering, oscillating motions. 5 Destructive action, as if the integrity of the tissues was disturbed. 6 C [Decreased activity. 7 1.-INCREASED, EXAGGERATED ACTIVITY. Comfortable feeling; feeling of ease. Feeling of lightness; sense of being lifted up, floating, flying. Mobility too great; pliant; flexibility. Dexterity; inclined to dance. Nervous excitement; fidgety; beside himself. Irritability too great; susceptibility; sensitiveness. Cannot bear the pressure of clothing; aching all over. 2.-FIXED, i. e., WITHOUT MOTION. Sensation as of a foreign body, like dust, in inner parts; spiderwebs (cobwebs); as from a hair, a thread, a loose piece of skin, of a lid, of a valve, a lump, a ball, a plug, a wedge. 46 THE ARRANGEMENT. Sensation of obstruction, fullness, bloatedness, swelling, tightness, pressure, like a band as from an iron clamp, a load, (inner or outer parts), as if inner parts were grown together; roughness. Sensation as if becoming larger, of being larger; becoming smaller, being smaller; of emptiness, hollowness, as if parts became dilated, expanded; as if covered with fur. Other illusions of feeling. 3.-STEADY MOTION. Sensation as of wind blowing; blowing upon a part; sensation like cold or hot streams; running in limbs, like a mouse; sensation as of something living; sensation like a spring; sensation of being lifted up, of rising up. Tension; tenseness. Pecking, picking; pinching; nipping, clawing; squeezing, grasping; griping, cramping pain, cramp-like. Twitching, jerking, starting. Urging, forcing, thronging. Straining, like tenesmus. Bearing down; forcing; labor-like. Drawing, dragging, tugging, as if pulled (by the hair, etc.). Cutting, lancinating, chopping. Tearing, rending. Stitching, shooting. 4.-MOTION IN RELATION TO THE DIMENSIONS OF THE BODY. In, out; pressure; boring; stitching; tearing; torn out. Out, in; pressure; contracting. Pressing together; twisting; contracting; screwing; pinching. Pressing asunder; expansive; bursting; thronging; rending. Upward, downward, as of something drawn down; moving crossways. Real motions changing in space. See Chapt. 42. Affection of inner or outer organs. See Chapt. 44. 0. —SENSATIONS WITH A PULSATING, WAVERING, OSCILLATING MOTION. Quivering, trembling, shaking, crepitating, crackling, cracking, buzzing, humming, whirring, droning, vibrating, turning, twisting, writhing, wringing, whirling, rolling. Pulsating, beating, knocking, hammering, blows, shocks. THE ARRANGEMENT. 47 Bubbling, gurgling, fluctuation, undulating, wave-like; water striking against, etc.; motion; moving up and down. Penetrating, boring, digging, rooting. Titillation, formication, creeping, crawling, tickling, tingling, as if " asleep." Itching, prickling, pungenit feeling, gnawing, scraping, scratching. 6.-SENSATIONS AS IF THE INTEGRITY OF THE TISSUES WAS DISTURBED. DESTRUCTIVE ACTION. Sensation as from lying on a hard place; from a painful pressure; suggillation; contusion; from, a concussion; as if broken; as from spraining; as if torn; as of rending, torn asunder. Pain as if ulcerated; from subcutaneous ulceration; from internal festering; as if sore, raw, chapped; as of skin peeling off, smarting. Gnawing, corrosive, corroding; burning; as from being burned; as from a hot iron running through. 7.-SENSATIONS OF DECREASED ACTIVITY. Debility, weakness, lassitude, fatigue. Laxness of body or joints (not of bowels); difficulty in supporting the body; weakness, as if lame; sensation in parts, as if paralyzed; inclination to lie down; aversion to exertion or work; motion more difficult; stiffness of limbs; inflexibility of body; immobility; sensation as if parts were grown together. As if too heavy in parts or whole body; unwieldiness of the body. Pains dull, obtuse, paralytic, benumbing. Sensation of emptiness, hollowness. Sensation as if being drawn downwards; as of falling down in inner parts; as if inner parts were falling out. Numbness, (as if "asleep"). See also Tingling. Torpid feeling; insensibility; unpainfulness; sensation as if wooden: as if covered with fur. Sensation of dryness. Sensation of softness of hard parts. Uncomfortable feeling, or sensation of discomfort; sensation of illness. Sensation of exhaustion; of fainting. 48 THE ARRANGEMENT. INDEX TO CHAPTER FORTY-THREE-SENSATIONS. a, above or upper part of page; b, below; c, centre. Class 1 is on p. 45 b; Class 2, pp. 45 b, and 46 a; Class 3, p. 46 a, c; Class 4, p. 46 c, b; Class 5, pp. 46 b, and 47 a; Class 6, p. 47 c; Class 7, p. 47 b. Aching all over,. I b Crawling,. 5 a Aching in parts. See pressure. Creeping,... 5 a Activity, 1 b Crepitating,.... 5 b Asleep, as if (tingling),. 5 a Crossways,.. 4 b " " (numb),.. 7 b Cutting,.... 3 c Asunder, pressing,.. 4 b Dancing, inclined to,.1 b Aversion to exertion or work,. 7 b Debility,.. 7 b Ball, as from a, 2 b Destructive action, 6 a Band around, like a,.. 2 a Dexterity,. 1 b Bearing down, 3 c Difficult motion, 7 b Beating,. 5 b Difficulty in supporting body,. 7 b Becoming larger, as if,. 2 a Digging,. 5 a Becoming smaller, as if,. 2 a Discomfort, sensation of,.7 b Benumbing pains,.. 7 b Disturbed, as if parts became,. 2 a Beside himself, 1 b Downward motion, 4 b Bloatedness,.. 2 a Drawing,... 3 c Blowing upon a part,.3 c Drawn down, as if,.. 4 b Blows,...,.. 5 b Drawn downward, sensation,. 7 b Boring-in, out,. 4b Droning,. 5 b Boring, penetrating,.5 a Dryness, sensation of, 7 b Broken, as if,.... 6 c Dull pains,. 7 b Bubbling, 5 a Dust in inner parts,.. 2 b Burned, as from being, 6 c Easy feeling,.. 1 b Burning, 6 c Emptiness, sensation of, 2 a Bursting, 4 b Emptiness, hollow,. 7 b Buzzing,... 5 b Exaggerated activity, I b Cannot bear pressure of clothing, 1 b Exertion, aversion to,. b Chapped, as if,. 6 c Excitement, nervous, 1 b Chapping,...3 c Exhaustion,... 7b Clamp; as from an iron,.. 2 a Expanding, as if,... 2 a Clawing,..... 3 c Expansive, pressing,... 4 b Clothing pressure, cannot bear it, 1 b Fainting, sensation of,.7 b Cobweb, as from a, 2 b Falling down in inner parts, 7 b Cold streams, 3 c Falling out, as if inner parts,. 7 b Comfortable, 1 b Fatigue, 7 b Concussion, from a,.6 c Feeling comfortable,.1 b Contracting, 4 b Feeling of ease,. b Contusion,. 6 c Feelings, illusions of,. 2 a Corroding, corrosive,. 6 c Feelings of lightness, 1 b Covered with tar, as if,. 2 a, 7 b Festering, internal, as from, 6 c Cracking,.... 5 b Fidgety,. I b Crackling,.... 5b Fixed sensations,... 2 b Cramping, cramp-like,.. 3 c Flexibility,. I... 1 b THE ARRANGEMENT. 49 Floating,..... b Lying, on a hard place, as from, 6 c Fluctuation,.... 5 a Mobility too great,... 1 b Flying,..... 1 b Motion in relation to dimensions Forcing,.3 c of the body, 4 b Foreign body, 2 b Motion, up and down,.. 5 a Formication,.5 a Motion more difficult,.. 7 b Fullness, sensation of,.. 2 a Mouse, running like it,.. 3 c Fur, as if covered with,. 2 a, 7 b Nervous excitement,... 1 b Gnawing,.. 5 a, 6 c Nipping,.3 c Grasping,. 3 c Numbness,. 7b Griping, 3 c Obstruction, sensation of,.. 2 a Grown together, as if,.. 2 a Obtuse pain,.... 7 b " " parts, as if,. 7 b Oscillating,..... 5 b Gurgling,. 5 a Out-in, 4 b Hair, as from a,. 2 b Paralytic pains,. 7 b Hair, as if pulled by,... 3 c Paralysed sensation in parts,. 7 b Hammering,... 5 b Parts as if grown together,. 7 b Hard place, as from lying on a, 6 c Pecking,.3 c Heavy, as if too, parts or whole, 7 b Peeling off, as of skin,.. 6 c Hollowness, sensation of,.. 2 a, 7 b Penetrating, boring,... 5 a Hot iron running through, as if a, 6 c Picking,.3 c Hot streams,.... 3 c Piece of skin, loose, as if,.. 2 b Humming,. 5b Pinching (steady pinch),.. 3 c Illness, sensation of,... 7 b Pinching together,... 4 b Illusions of feeling,... 2 a Pliant,...... 1 b Immobility,.... 7 b Plug, as from a,.... 2 b Inclination to lie down,.. 7 b Pressing asunder,... 4 b Inclined to dance,... 1 b Pressing together,... 4 b Increased activity,... 1 b Pressure,... 2 a Inflexibility of body,... 7 b Pressure in out or out in,.. 4 b In or out,..... 4 b Pressure of clothing unbearable, 1 b Inner parts, as if grown together, 2 a, 7 b Pressure, as if from a painful,. 6 c Insensibility,.... 7 b Prickling,..... 5 a Integrity disturbed,... 6 a Pulled, as if,. 3 c Iron clamp, as from a,.. 2 a Pulsating,..... 5 b Irritability too great,... 1 b Pulsations,..... 5a Itching.... 5a Pungent feeling,.... 5 a Jerking, 3 c Quivering,. 5 b Knocking, 5 b Raw, as if,. 6 c Labor-like,. 3 c Rending, 3 c Lancinating,.... 3 c Rending asunder,... 4 b, 6 c Large, as if being,... 2 a Rising up, sensation of,.. 3 c Larger, as if becoming,.. 2 a Rolling,. 5 b Lassitude, 7 b Rooting, 5 a Laxness, 7 b Roughness,. 2a Lid, as of a,. 2 b Running in limbs like a mouse, 3 c Lifted up, sensation, flying,. 1 b Scraping,... 5 a Lifted up, rising,. 3 c Scratching,. 5 a Lie down, inclination to,.. 7 b Screwing together,... 4 b Light feeling,.... 1 b Sense of being lifted up,.. 1 b Living, as of something,.. 3 c Sensitiveness,. 1 b Load, from a,.2 a Shaking motion, 5 b Lump, as from a,. 2 b Shocks,.. 5 b 4 50 THE ARRANGEMENT. Shooting,... 3 c Tingling,... 5 a Smarting..6 c Titillation,.. 5 a Smaller, as if being,. 2 a Torn out,.. 4b " as if becoming,.. 2a " asunder,.... 6 c Softness of hard parts, 7 b Torpid feeling,... 7 b Something living, as of, 3 c Trembling motion,. 5 b Sore, as if, 6 c Tugging, 3 c Spraining, as from,. 6 c Turning,. 5 b Spider-web, as from,. 2 b Twisting together,.. 4 b Spring, like a,... 3 c Twisting,.. 5 b Squeezing,... 3 c Twitching..3 c Starting,. 3 c Ulcerated, as if,. 6 c Stiffness of limbs,. 7 b Ulceration, as from subcutaneous, 6 c Stitching,.. 3 c Uncomfort, 7b " in, out,.. 4 b Undulating,.. 5 a Straining,. 3 c Unpainfulness,.. 7 b Streams, cold or hot,. 3 c Upward motion.. 4b Subcutaneous ulceration, as from, 6 c Urging,... 3 c Suggillation,... 6 c Unwieldiness of body, 7 b Supporting body, difficult,. 7 b Valve, as from a,. 2 b Susceptibility,... b Vibrating,.. 5 b Swollen,..2 a Water, striking against, 5 a Tearing,.. 3 c Wave-like,.. 5 a " in, out,.. 4 b Wavering,.. 5 b Tenesmus, like,.. 3 c Weakness,..7 b Tenseness,. 3 c " as if lame,. 7 b Tension,. 3 c Wedge, as from a,. 2 b Thronging,. 3 c Whirling, whirring,. 5 b " asunder,. 4b Wind blowing, as of,. 3 c Thread, as from a,. 2 b Wooden, sensation as if, 7 b Tickling,. 5 a Work, aversion to,. 7 b Tightness,.. 2 a Wringing, writhing,. 5 b CONDITIONS AND CONCOMITANTS OF PAIN. Oppression; restlessness; anxiety; fear; want of confidence; fretfulness; mental depression; discontent; quarreling, scolding, swearing; weeping, moaning, sighing; over sensitiveness; driven to despair; hopeless; delirium; madness, rage; sensitive to touch; great debility. PAINS, alternating with chill, with pain in heart, with mental and bodily symptoms, Disturbed circulation; fainting; formication; coldness; rigor; wants to be covered; heat, sweat; nausea; thirst; weakness; drowsiness; convulsive shocks; trembling; dyspncea; difficult breathing; unconsciousness. Has to lie down, keep quiet; driven out of bed; immobility; numbness; swellings. THE ARRANGEMENT. 51 XLIV. TISSUES. In treating of the tissues, we will give as an introduction what is known about that form of matter to which all tissues are ultimately reducible, and from which it might be said all are more or less remotely created, viz.: first, the gaseous state. This part will comprise the exhalations and odors emanating from the various organs. Next to the gaseous state, the fluids will be considered; and first among these, those with floating cells, viz.: lymph and blood. Then the fluid secretions and excretions-wasted or worn out elements of the body. The vessels for the conveyance of the tissue-forming fluids will be next in order. Then the tissues proper, of which the first to be spoken of will be the serous membranes, as the regulators of circulation. The glands will come next; these have, however, in many instances been treated of under their specific names, at the appropriate place with the parts of the body. Thus here only a resume of sensations and conditions of general applicability will be found. The mucous membranes will close this, the first series of the tissues, i. e., those tending to the nourishment and protection of life. The second series comprises the motory apparatus: 1, bones, cartilages and joints; 2, muscles; 3, tendons; 4, ligaments; 5, fascia, adding 6, cellular tissues; after which 7, skin, following in the separate chapters 45 and 46. After the morbid affections of each tissue treated in this chapter, the diseases consisting in the affection of such tissues will be treated of. The following table gives the chapters in which here, as elsewhere, these constitutional affections may be looked for: In other chapters of the work. In chapter 44. Number. 1. Brain, spinal marrow, 2, 3 and 31 2. Nerves, 36 3. Muscles, 35 8 4. Blood, lymph, 29 2 5. Vessels, 29 3 6. Serous membranes, 4 7. Bones, cartilages, 7 8. Joints, 7 9. Glands, - 5 10. Mucous membranes, 6 11. Cellular tissues, 9 12. Skin, 45 and 46 10 52 THE ARRANGEMENT. XLV. PASSIVE MOTIONS AND TOUCH. Passive motions up or down, sideways, forwards or backwards, of a part or the whole body; riding in carriage, cars, on horseback, on board of ship. Pressure, touch, complaints from; the part of the body being acted on is passive, therefore this rubric is incorporated with this chapter. Mechanical injuries; wounds in general; comprising the whole homceopathic surgery. XLVI. SKIN. First sensations unpainful, then painful; next the temperature, and then the contractibility, humidity and elasticity; then eruptive states, tumors, ulcers, etc., and finally warts, corns, followed by the appendages of the skin, viz., nails and hair. XLVII. STAGES OF LIFE. Stages of life. Constitutions, diathesis, dyscrasias. XLVIII. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER DRUGS. Antidotes.-1. To the effects of massive doses. 2. To the effects of molecular doses. 3. To the lasting effects, changes of constitution, superinduced by the drug; chronic effects; dyscrasia. 4. To the sudden acute attacks of disease to which the chronic poisoned are predisposed. After the antidotes are mentioned the drugs to which each individual drug is an antidote. Drugs following well.-Complementary drugs. Drugs disagreeing; inimical. The arrangement of drugs in this chapter is according to their natural relationship. OUR NOMENCLATURE. Hahnemann, after his first work on Materia Medica (1807), has changed the names of some of his drugs; in this as in all other things, showing a willingness to correct and improve. For the chemicals he adopted, with but few exceptions, the most common and best known names, such as were preferred by the chemistry of his time. He never could agree fully with the ruling doctrine of Lavoisier, and considered it his duty to enter a protest. Chronic Diseases, 1839, Vol. 5, Silic., p. 240. The frequent alterations proposed by the French and English chemists, he did not and could not adopt; after new names came in fashion, he named the newly proved in conformity with the older terminology. In the first edition of his Chronic Diseases (1828, Vol. 2, p. 275), it had escaped his notice, that the scriba named the medicine next to the Magnesia carbonica, Murias magnesiae; in the second edition (1838, Vol. 4, p. 178), this" was corrected and called Magnesia muriatica. The plants he named according to Linnaeus, or the botanical works of his time, rarely deviating from the rule. In 1807 he had Helleborus niger as XMelampodium, a name it had in the older drug shops, in order to distinguish it from the Veratrum album, treated in the same work. Melampodium was the name given by the Greek to the plant which Linnaeus had called Helleborus niger. But with the Greek Helleborus signified another plant now called Veratrum. The frequent mistakes made by physicians and apothecaries, particularly as they did not, like Hahnemann, collect those roots themselves, induced him to adopt the older name. In 1817 in his Materia Medica, he dropped this distinction, because the same name had been used elsewhere for an altogether different herb. 53 54 OUR NOMENCLATURE. Most medical plants then' in the pharmacopoeia had a name used in the shops and the pharmacies; some for ages past. Linnmeus, introducing his generic and specific names, applied some of the most common to signify a genus, and many others he added as names of a species. Hahnemrann already in his first work adopted either the name of the genus, f. i.: Aconitum, Arnica, etc.; or of the species: Belladonna, Camphora, etc., or for very good reasons preferred the name which the drug had in the shops, Copaiva, Ipecacuanha, Opium, etc. Some homceopathicians thought it better to give in all cases the preference to the old shop names, and in some of the books of our school, names like Napellus, Cynapium, Lappa, Sphondylium, Lupulus, etc., made their appearance. The majority disapproving of them, they have disappeared from our later works. With the new provings in later times, the last botanical name was generally preferred. When in 1835 and 1836 the first attempt was made to translate homceopathic Materia Medica from the German into the English language, Jahr's Manual was chosen and published in 1838 at Allentown, Pa. The nomenclature of the U. S. Dispensary was therein adopted. The chemical substances under their latest chemical name; plants under their latest botanical; animals according to their latest zoologica]. But this was unanimously disapproved of by the increasing number of new converts. The majority of these, the Americans who learned German in order to use the literature of our school, and the many Germans who were spreading homeopathy, all preferred the customary nomenclature of the German school. In this they were perfectly right. The chemical and botanical nomenclature has, since 1835, changed so frequently, that our alphabetical lists in the repertories would have had to undergo great alterations with almost every new edition. To establish as much uniformity as can be gained, the American Institute nominated a committee and received their report. This nomenclature, adopted by the Institute at their twenty-second annual meeting, Boston, 1869, has been followed with but few deviations, which will be explained and justified, for no one has a right to decide arbitrarily. Still there is a great confusion in our books. There is no better guide in coming out of it than to admit the princi OUR NOMENCLATURE. 55 ples and rules of a master-mind like that of James D. Dana, who in his Mineralogy, 1868, cleared the way through a horrible heap of names. Never was a problem more satisfactorily solved than his; bringing light and order out of the confused mass of names in the muieralogical works prior to that time. We can use many of his wise decisions, and do well to adopt the following: Page xxx., Dana says: "In order then that the acquired uniformity may be attained, changes should be made in existing names only when it can be done without great inconvenience." "Science should not only have a system of nomenclature, but should also stand by it." " Names which are part of general literature must remain unaltered." "The law of priority has the same claiin to recognition as in other natural sciences." "In some cases it may be set aside;":"ignorance or carelessness should not be allowed to give perpetuity to its blunders under any law of priority." Relative to the law of priority with us we may remark, first: We may alter a name to avoid mistakes by confounding it with others, f. i.: Carburetum sulphuris instead of the older Alcohol suiphuris. Second. It should not be used to keep bad names alive. Third. When the name was put forth without a proving, it may be changed. Fourth. If the original prover prefers to introduce a better name, it may be done. In some points it may be excusable to differ with Dana, viz., in reference to the rule given by him, page xxxii.: "In the transfer of Greek words into Latin or English, the 1K becomes C." This would then have to be done also with the names from the Arabic and other languages. The rule should be, all name words taken into, our language from the Romans, or Latin authors, we write as we have taken them, even if the original was the Greek; but what has been taken from the Greek direct, as Kreosot, or from the Arabic, as Kali, or from the German, as Kobalt, should retain the K. As we only give a name to secure identity, we follow Dana in another of his rules, and adopt the most correct popular name by preference, rather than the latest chemical or botanical, as the latter is frequently either unknown, or liable to change. 56 OUR NOMENCLATURE. ABRIDGEMENT OF NAMES. According to the main rule of this whole work-to enable the eye to bring to the mind with "rapidity, certainty and ease" what is given in print-the abridgement of names had to be made different from any other similar work. The rule will be to make the abridgements, in general, two syllables in length. The exception to this rule is where abridgements of two syllables through slight clerical or typographical errors may be mistaken one for another, three syllables may be given, or the name may be given in full. Errors have been very frequent in such single syllable abDreviations, as Ang., Arg.; Arg., Am.; Bell., Hell.; Bar., Bor.; Bor., Bov.; and many others. Again some abridgements are ambiguous, as Crot. may be either Crotalus or Croton tiglion; Cocc. for Coccionella or Coccus cacti. The cases in which even two syllables are not sufficient are such as the following: Anac., Anag.; Asaf., Asar.; Cinnam., Cinnab., etc., and oucht to be distinguished by a third syllable, at least in the margin list or in some other way. LIMITATION. Drugs of which we possess neither provings nor sufficient clinical observations, have been omitted. Hahnemann's valuable observations relative to the effects and uses of the magnet, as well as what others have collected in regard to galvanism and electricity as remedial agents, have been set aside for a separate department, in which these, together with the use of sunlight, blue light, heat, cold, air and water, may be treated. The many medicinal springs, their analyses, provings and uses, together with the sea water, also require a separate work. The reception of many drugs from the animal kingdom as well as a number of nosodes (morbid productions) will no doubt meet with opposition, like unto that against the Sepia in 1820, and later the Lachesis; yet in spite of all the objections offered, these same drugs are becoming daily more useful. LIST OF NAMES AND THEIR ABRIDGEMENTS. 57 LIST OF NAMES AND THEIR ABRIDGEMENTS. Such as only have been mentioned are not marked; I means somewhat proved; II more proved; I used; I used often; Il very often; III polychrests. ACAL. Acalypha indica. I I ANGUST. Angustura, s. Galipea. I I ACET. AC. Aceticumn acidum. ANIS. Pimpinella anisum. ACHILLEA. See Millefol. ANIS. STELL. See Illicium. I ACON. LYC. Aconitum lycoctonum. ANTEN. Antennaria margarita. I I ACON. Aconitum Stoerkianum. ANTH. NOB. Anthemis nobilis. I I ACT. RAC. Actsea racemosa vulgo Ci- I ANTHRAC. Anthracinum; anthraxin; micifuga; radix.* one of the nosodes. I IACT. SPIC. Actsea spicata. ANTHRAKOK. Anthrakokali; a mix. I ADAM. Adamas, the diamond. ture. I AESC. GLAB. Aesculus glabra. ANT. TOX. Antiaris toxicaria. I I AESC. HIPP. Aesculus hippocastanum. I l ANT. CRUD. Antimoniuri crudum. AETH. SULPH. Aether sulphuricum. II ANT. TART. Antimonium tartaricum. I I AETHUS. Aethusa cy.napium. ANTIRRH. LIN. Antirhinum linaria. II AGAR. Agaricus muscarius. I APH. CHEN. Aphis chenopodii glauc. I I AGN. CAST. Agnus castus. I I I APIS. Virus apis mellifiese. I AILANTH. Ailanthus glandulosa. II AP. MELL. Apium tinctura. I I ALCOHOL. Alcohol. I AP. GRAV. Apium graveolens. ALC. SULPH. See Carb. sulph. I APOC. ANDR. Apocynum androssemiI ALET. FAR. Aletris farinosa. foliumn. ALL. CEP. See Cepa. I APOC. CAN. Apocynum cannabinum. I I ALL. SAT. Allium sativum. AQUIL. Aquilegia vulgaris. ALN. RUB. Alnus rubra. I ARAL. RAC. Aralia racemosa. 11 ALES. Alce soccotrina. ARANEA. See Diadema. ALTH. OFF. Althaea officinalis. ARAN. SCIN. Aranea scinencia. II AL. P. s. Aluminse and potassse sul- I ARCT. LAP. Arctium lappa. phas; common alum. 11 ARGENT. Argentum, the metal. II ALUM. Alumina, the oxide; also the 11 ARG. NITR. Argentum nitricum. metal. I ARIST. CLEM. Aristolochia clematitis. AMAN. See Agar. musc. I ARIST. MIL. Aristolochia milhomens. I I AMBRA. Ambra grisea; one of the ARIST. VIRG. Aristolochia virginica; nosodes. s. Serpentaria. II AMM. GuTM. Ammoniacum gummi; I ARMOR. Cochlearia armoracea. Dorema A. II ARNIC. Arnica montana; radix. I AMM. BENZ. Ammonium benzoicum. I I I ARSEN. Arsenicum album, the oxide. I AMM. BROM. Ammonium bromIatum. ARS. Bis. See Realgar. II AMM. CARB. Ammonium carbonicum. ARS. CIT. See Auripigm. AMM. JoD. Ammonium jodidum. I I ARS. HYDR. Arsenicum hyarogenisaII AMM. MUR. Ammonium muriaticum; tum. chloridum. Sal ammoniac. I I ARS. JOD. Arsenicum jodatum. AMM. PHOSPH. Ammonium phosphor- I I ARS. MET. Arsenicum, the metal. icum. ARS. RUBR. See Realgar. AMP. QUIN. Ampelopsis quinquefolia. ARS. TRISULPH. See Auripigm. I AMPH. VER. Amphisbaena vermicu- ART. VULG. Artemisia vulgaris. laris, Mure. ARUM IT. Arum italicum. AMIYGD. Amygdala amara. I ARUM MAC. Arum maculatum. 11 ANAC. Anacardium occidentale. I ARUM TRIPE. Arum triphyllum. I ANAGAL. Anagallis arvensis. I I ARUND. MAUR. Arundo mauritanica. ANEM. Anemone nemorosa. II ASAF. Ferula asafoetida. I I ANANTH. Anantherumn muricatum. ASAR. CAN. Asarum canadense. 58 OUR NOMENCLATURE. I I ASAR. EUP. Asarum europmeum. I I BUF. CIN. Bufo cinereus; s. vulgaris. I ASKAL. Askalabotes levis. I BUF. SAH. Bufo sahytiensis. Mure. ASCL. INC. Asclepias incarnata. Buxus. Buxus communis. I I AscL. SYR. Asclepias syriaca. II CACTUS. Cactus grandiflorus. I ASCL. TUB. Asclepias tuberosa. CADMIUM. See Kadmium. I I AsIM. TR. Asimina triloba. I I CAHINC. Chiococca racemosa. ASSAC. See Hura brasiliensis. CAJUP. Melaleuca cajuputi. I I ASTAC. FLUV. Astacus fluviatilis. I I CALAB. Calabar; Physostigma veneI I ASPAR. Asparagus officinalis. nosum. AsP. OD. Asperula odorata. I ICALAD. Caladium seguinum or DiefI AST. RUB. Asterias rubens. fenbachia seguinum. I ATHAM. ORES. Athamanta oreoseli- CALAM. Acorus calamus. num. I I CALC. AC. Calcarea acetica. ATR. OLID. Atriplex olida. I CALC. ARS. Calcarea arsenica. II ATROP. Atropinum. I CALC. CARB. Calcarea carbonica. ATROP. SULPH. Atropinum sulphuri- I CALC. CAUST. Calcarea caustica, calcum. cium oxide. AURIP. Auripigmentum; arsenicum I CALC. FLUOR. Calcarea fluorica. trisulphuratum. CALG. MUR. Calcarea muriatica, chloII AURUM. Aurum, the metal. rata. AUR. MUR. Aurum muriaticum. I ICALC. JOD. Calcarea jodata. II BADIAG. Badiaga; Spongia fluviati- CALC. HYPOPH. Calcarea hypophoslis. phorica. II BAPTIS. Baptisia tinctoria. III CALC. OSTR. Calcarea ostrearum.* I I BARB. OV. Cyprinus barbus, the roe. I I CALC. PHOSPH. M. Calcarea phosBAR. CREN. Barosma crenata. phorica mixta. II BAR. AC. Baryta acetica. II CALC. PHOSPH. B. Calcarea phosphorII BARYT. Baryta carbonica and acetica. ica basica. I BAR. MUR. Baryta muriatica. CALC. SIL. See Wollastonit. Tabashir. BALS. COP. See Copaifera. CALC. SULPH. See Hepar s. c. BALS. PER. See Peruvianurn. I CALC. SULPH. Calcarea sulphurica; III BELLAD. Atropa belladonna; radix. Gypsum. BELL. BACC. Belladonnae baccse. I CALEND. Calendula officinalis; flores. I BELL. PER. Bellis perennis. I CALTH. PAL. Caltha pulustris. I I BENZ. AC. Benzoicum acidum; Flores 11 CAMPHOR. Camphora officinarum. Benzoes. CAMPH. BROM. Camphorae bromidum. BENZ. OF AMM. See Amm. benz. CANCER. See Astacus. I I BERBER. Berberis vulgaris. I CANN. ANG. Canna angustifolia; Mure. I I BIsM. NITR. Bismuthum subnitricum. CANCHAL. See Chironia. I BLATT. AM. Blatta americana; Mure. I I CANN. IND. Cannabis indica; HashI IBOL. LAR. Boletus laricis; Polyporus. ish. Mure and Philal. Prover's BOL. PIN. Boletus pini; Pinicola. Society. BOL. SAT. Boletus satanas. II CANN. SAT. Cannabis sativa. II BORAX. Borax; Natrun boracicum. NI CANTHAR. Cantharides; Meloe vesiBOUNAFA. Ferula glauca. catoria; Lytta. NI BOVIST. Lycoperdum Bovista. II CAPSIC. Capsicum annuum; the berBRANC. URS. See Heracleum. ries. BROM. OF LITH. See Lithium. 19 CARB. AN. Carbo animalis; corium BROM. OF POT. See Kali brom. taurinum ustum. 1I BROMUM. Bromum,. Il CARB. VEG. Carbo vegetabilis. See * BRUC. ANT. See Nux vom. cortex. I I CARB. AC. Carbolicum acidum. il BRYON. Bryonia alba. I I CARB. SULPHI. Carburetum sulphuris; BUCHU. See Barosma crenata. s. Alcohol sulphuris. LIST OF NAMES AND THEIR ABRIDGEMENTS. 59 I CARD. BEN. Carduus benedictus; I I CIST. CAN. Cistus canadensis, s. HeliCnicus. anthemum. I CARD. MAR. Carduus marianus; Sily- CITR. AC. Citrinum acidum. bum M. CITR. MED. Citrus medica. I CASCAR. Cascarilla; Croton eluteria. I I CLEMAT. Clematis erecta. CAST. VESC. Castanea vesca. COBALT. See Kobaltum. I CASTOR. Castoreum muscovitum; I I COCA. Erythroxylon coca. Sibiricum. I CoccIoN. Coccionella septempuncI I CAST. EQU. Castor equorum, the re- tata. siduum of the thumbnail of horses. II COCCUL. Cocculus indicus, MeniI CAULOPH. CaulophyllumI thalictroi- spermum. des. I I Cocc. CACT. Coccus cacti, Cochineal. III CAUSTIC. Causticum Hahnemanni.* COCHLEARIA. See Armoracia. CEANOTH. Ceanothus americanus. I CODEIN. Codeinum. CEDRON. Cedron; Simaba. II COFFEA. Coffea arabica. II CEPA. Allium. cepa. COFF. TOST. Coffea tosta. CER. VIRG. C6rasus virginica. I I COLCHIC. Colchicum autumnale. CERIUM. Cerium oxydum. I COLLIN. Collinsonia canadensis. CER. OXAL. Cerium oxalicum. II1 CoLOc. Cucumis colocynthis I CERV. BRAS. Cervus brasiliensis; I Coroc. Comocladia dentata. (skin) Mure. CONDUR. Condurango. III CHAMOM. Matricaria chamomilla; II CONIUM. Conium maculatum. flores. CONVOLV. Convolvulus arvensis. III CHELID. Chelidonium majus. I CoN. DUART. Convolvulus duartinus; CHEL. GLAB. Chelone glabra. Mure. I CIEN. ANT. Chenopodium anthelmin- I COPAIV. Balsamnum Copaivum from ticum. Copaifera multijuga. CHEN. GLAUC. See Aphis. I I CORALL. Corallia rubra. I CHIM. MAC. Chimaphila maculata. COR. SAT. Coriandrum sativum. I I CHIM. UMB. Chimaphila umbellata. I CORN. CIRC. Cornus circinata. CHINA. See Cinch. off. I CORN. FLOR. Cornus florida. I CIININ. Chininum purum. I CORN. SER. Cornus sericea. I I CHIN. SULPH. Chininum sulphuricum. CORYD. F. Corydalis formosa. CHIN. ARS. Chininum arsenicosum. I I COTYL. Cotyledon umbilicus. CHIOC. See Cahinca. CREOSOT. See Kreosot. CHIR. CHIL. Chironia chilensis; Can- I CROCUS. Crocus sativus. chalagua. I CROTAL. Crotalus horridus. I CHLORAL. Chloral hydratum. I I CROT. CAS. Crotalus cascavella; Mure. I CHLOROF. Chloroformium. CROT. ELEUT. See Cascarilla. I CHLORUM. Chlorum. I I CROT. TIGL. Croton tiglium. I CHROM. AC. Chromicum acidum. I I CUBEB. Cubeba officinalis. I I CICUT. Cicuta virosa. II CUPRUM. Cuprum, the metal. I I CIMEX. Cimex lectularius. I CUPR. AC. Cuprum aceticum. CIMICIFUGA. See Acttea racemosa. I I CUPR. ARS. Cuprum arsenicosum. II CINA. Cina, Artemisia judaica; s. CUPR. SULPH. Cuprum sulphuricum. Vahliana. CURCAS. See Jatropha. II CINCH. OFF. Cinchona officinalis or II CYCLAM. Cyclamen europaeum. Peruvian bark.* CYNAP. See Aethusa. I I CINCH. SULPH. Cinchofiinum sul- CYNOGLOS. Cynoglossum officinale. phuricum. I CYPRIPED. Cypripedium pubescens. I I CINNAB. Cinnabaris, Merc. bisulphu- CYTIS. Cytisus laburnum. retum rubrum. DAPHNE. See Mezereum. CINNAM. Cinnamomum zeylanicum. I I DAPHN. IND. Daphne indica. 60 OUR NOMENCLATURE. I DAT. ARB. Datura arborea. II FEL VULP. Fel vulpis. DAUC. CAR. Daucus carota. 11 FERRUM. Ferrum, the metal. I DELPH. AMAZ. Delphinus amazoni- II FERR. AC Ferrum.aceticum. cus; (skin) Mure. FERR. BROM. Ferrum bromicum. II DIAD. Diadema, Aranea d. Epeira. FERR. CARB. Ferrum carbonicum. I DICT. ALB. Dictamnus albus. FERR. MUR. Ferrum muriaticum; F DIEFENBACHIA. See Caladium. chloratum, F. sesquichloridum. II DIGIT. Digitalis purpurea. I FERR. IOD. Ferrum iodatum. I I DIosc. VILL. Dioscorea villosa. I I FERR. LACT. Ferrum lacticuin. DIPS. SYLV. Dipsacus sylvestris. FERR. MAG. Ferrum magneticum. I I DiRC. PAL. Dirca palustris. I FERR. PHOSPH. Ferrum phosphoricu.l, I DOLICH. Dolichos pruriens. FERR. SULPH. Ferrum sulphuricum. I I DORYPH. Doryphora decemlineata. FILIX MAS. Aspidium Filix-mas. DRACONT. See Pothos. I I FLUOR. AC. Fluoricum acidum. I I DROSER. Drosera rotundifolia. I IFORMICA. Formica rufa. DRYOB. See Camphora. II FORM. sPIR. Formicarum spiritus. ii DULCAM. Solanum Dulcamara. I FORM. AC. Formicicum acidum. I ELAIS GUIN. Elais guiniensis; (fruit) FRAG. VESC. Fragaria vesca. Mure. FRAS. CAR. Frasera carolinensis. I I ELAPS COR. Elaps corallinus; Mure. FusC. VESIC. Fuscus vesiculosa. ELAT. Momordica Elaterium. GADUS. Gadus morrhua (Vertebra). EPIG. REP. Epigsea repens. GALIPEA. See Angustura. EQuIs. Equisetum hyemale. GALIUM. Galium aparine. I ERECTHIT. Erecthitis hieracifolia. GALL. AC. Gallicum acidum. ERGOT. See Secale cornutum. I I GAMBOG. Gambogia. Gummi gutti. ERIGER. Erigeron canadense. Ii GELSEM. Gelsemium sempervirens: ERV. ERVIL. Ervum Ervilia. s. nitidum. I ERYNG. AQU. Eryngium aquaticum. GEN. TINCT. Genista tinctoria. ERYTHOX. See Coca. GENT. CRUC. Gentiana cruciata. ESERINE. See Calabar. I GENT. LUT. Gentiana lutea. Euc. GLOB. Eucalyptus globulus. GERAN. MAC. Geranium maculatum. EUGENIA. See Jambos. GILL. TRIF. Gillenia trifoliata. EUPAT. AROM. Eupatorium aromati- I GINSENG. Panax quinquefolium. cum. [ U GLONOINUM. Nitro-glycerinum. I I EUPAT. PERF. Eupatorium perfolia- I GNAPH. POL. Gnaphalium polycetum. phalum. I I EUPAT. PURP. Eupatorium purpureum. I Goss. HERB. Gossypium herbaceum. EUPH. AM. Euphorbia amygdaloides. I GRAN. CORT. Granatorum cortex; EUPH. coR. Euphorbia coronata. Punica granatorum. EUPH. HYP. Euphorbia hypericifolia. II GRAPHIT. Graphites. EUPH. VILL. Euphorbia villosa; s. I I GRATIOLA. Gratiola officinalis. Sylvestris. GUACO. Mikania guaco. EUPHORB. Euphorbium officinarum. I GUAN. AUSTR. Guano australis; Mure. EUPION. Eupion. II GUAIAC.- Guaiacum officinale. I I EUPHRAS. Euphrasia officinalis. I I GUAREA. Guarsea trichloides. EUSPONGIA. See Spongia. GUMMI GUTT. See Gambogia. ERIOD. Eriodendrum anfractuosum. I IGYMNOCL. Gymnocladus canadensis. I ERYNG. AQU. Eryngium aquaticum. II HAMAM. Hamamelis virginica. I ERVON. ATROP. Evonymus atropur- I I HEIMATOX. Hsematoxylum campepureus. chianum. I EVON. nRn. Evonymus europseus. I HED. PUL. Hedeoma pulegioides. FAGOPYR. Fagopyrum esculentum. I HED. ILD. Hedysarum ildefonsiaFEL TAUR. Fel tauri. num; Mure. LIST OF NAMES AND THEIR ABRIDGEMENTS. 61 HELIANTH. Helianthus annuus. KALI AC. Kali aceticum. HEKLA. Siliceous ashes of the last II KALI BICHER. Kali bichromicum. years. Dr. Holcombe. II KALI BROM. Kali bromium. HELIOTROP. Heliotropium peruvia- 11 KALI CARB. Kali carbonicum. num. KALI CHLOR. Kali chloricum. HELL. F(ET. Helleborus fcetidus. I KALI CYAN. Kali cyanicum. I IHELLEB. Helleborus niger. KALI HYPER. Kali hypermanganiII HELON. DIOIC. Helonias dioica. cum. III HEPAR S. C. Hepar sulphuris calca- I I KALI HYDR. Kali hydriodicum. reum, Hahnemanni. I KALI MUR. Kali muriaticum, Kali I HEPAR S. K. Hepar sulphuris kalicum. chloratum; Schiissler. I HEPAT. TRIL. Hepatica triloba. KALI NITR. See Nitrum. I HERAC. SPHOND. Heracleum sphon- I KALI PHOSPH. Kali phosphoricum; dylium. Schtissler. I I HIPPOM. Hippomanes.* I KALI SULPH. Kali sulphuricum; II HUM. LUP. Humulus lupulus. Schiissler. II HURA BRAS. Hura brasiliensis; As- I I KALMIA. Kalmia latifolia. sacu, Mure. KAMEELA. See Rottlera. I I HYDRAST. Hydrastis canadensis. I KAOLIN. Kaolinite, Dana. I HYDR. AC. Hydrocyanicum acidum. I KINo. Kino; from the shops, either HYDROC. Hydrocotyle asiatica. African or East Indian. HYL. ARA. Hyla arborea. I I KOBALT. Kobaltum, the metal. HYDROPH. Hydrophobinum; one of Kousso. Hagenia Abyssinica. the nosodes. KRAMERIA. See Ratanhia. 11 HYOSC. Hyoscyamus niger. II KREOSOT. Kreosotum ReichenII HYPER. Hypericum perforatum. bachii. * I IACEA. Viola tricolor. I I LAC CANIN. Lac caninum; Swan. I I IBER. AM. Iberis amara. LAC. OVILL. Lac ovillum; Jenichen. II IGNAT. Ignatia amara. I LAC VACC. Lac vaccinum defloratum; ILEX. Ilex quinquefolium. Swan. I ILL. AN. Illicium anisatum, Franz LACERT. Lacerta viridis. and Mure. II LACHES. Trigonocephalus Lachesis. I IINDIGO. Indigo. I I LACHNANTH. Lachnanthes tinctoria. INUL. DYS. Inula dysenterica. LACT. AC. Acidum lacticum. INUL. HELEN. Inula Helenium. LACTUC. SAT. Lacctuca sativa. IODUM. Iodium. I I LACTUC. VIR. Lactucca virosa. IPEC. Cepha6lis Ipecacuanha. I LAMIUM. Lamium album. IRIDIUM.'Iridium, the metal. LAP. ALB. Lapis albus; Grauvogl's II IRIS VERS. Iris versicolor, the root. great medicine. I IRIS FET. Iris feetidisima, the root. I I LAUROC. Laurocerasus; Prunus L. II JACAR. Jacaranda caroba, Bignonia LAVA. See Hecla. caroba; Mure. I I LEDUM. Ledum palustre. JALAP. Convolvulus jalapa. LEONTODON. See Taraxacum. JAMBOS. Eugenia Jambos, the seed.* I I LEPID. BON. Lepidium bonariense; I JAN. MAN. Janipha manihot; Mure. Mure. I I JATROPH. Jatropha curcas, the seed. I LEPTAND. Leptandra Virginica. I JUGL. CIN. Juglans cinerea. I I LIL. TIGR. Lilium tigrinum. I I JUGL. REG. Juglans regia. II LITHIUM CARB. Lithium carbonicum. JUNC. EFF. Juncus effusus. LITH. BROM. Lithium bromicum. JUNC. PIL. Juncus pilosus. LITH. MUR. Lithium muriaticum. KADMIUm. Kadmium, the metal. I LOBEL. CARD. Lobelia cardinalis. KADM. SULPH. Kadmium sulphuri- I I LOBEL. COER. Lobelia coerulea, vulga cum. syphilitica. 62 OUR NOMENCLATURE. II I JOBEL. INFL. Lobelia inflata. MERC. SUBLIM. Mercurius sublimatus, LOBEL. LONG. Lobelia longiflora. corrosivus. LOLr JM. Lolium temulentum. MERC. SULPHURET. See Cinnabaris. LYCOPERDON. See Bovista. MERC. SULPH. NIG. 1Ethiop. mineralis. LYCOPERSICUM. See Solanum. MERC. SULPH. See Turpeth. 11 LYcoP. Lycopodium clavatum. MERCUR. VIVUS. See Mercurius. I I LYC. VIRG. Lycopus Virginicus. 1 MEZER. Mezereum; Daphne M. MACROTIS. See Actea. I I MILLEF. Millefolium; Achillea M. 11 MAGN. CARB. Magnesia carbonica. I MITCH. REP. Mitchella repens. II MAGN. MUR. Magnesia muriatica. I MIMos. HUM. Mimosa humilis; Mure. I MAGN. PHOSPH. Magnesia phosphor- MOLYBD. C.. Molybdemnicun aciduin. ica; Schuissler. MOMORD. BALS. Momordica balII MAGN. SULPH. Magnesia sulphurica. samnina. MAGNOL. GLAUC. Magnolia glauca. MONARD. PUNCT. Monarda punctata. MAJORAN. Majorana hortensis. MONOTROP. Monotropa uniflora. MALVA ROT. Malva rotundifolia. MORPH. Morphine. I MANCIN. Hippomane mancinella; MORPH. AC. Morphiurn aceticum. Drs. Bute and Mure. MORPH. MUR. Morphium muriaticum. MANGAN. OX. Manganum binoxydum. MORPH. SULPH. Morphium sulphuriI I MANGAN. ACET. Manganum aceticum. CUem. MANGAN. CARB. Manganum carboni- MoscHus. M. moschiferus. cum. MUREX P. Murex purpurea. I MAR. VER. Teucrium Marum veruml. MUR. AC. Muriaticum acidum. MATICO. Piper angustifolium. I MURURE. Murure leite; Mure. MEDORRHOIN. One of the nosodes. I MYGALE. Lasiodora Cubana. MELALEUCA. See Cajuput. I I MYR. CERIF. Myrica cerifera. I MELAST. ACK. Melastoma ackermani; I MYRIST. SEB. Myristica sebifera; Mure. Mure. MELC. SALE. Honey triturated in salt, MYROXYLON. See Peru balsam. a very effectual preparation of Dr. I MYRTUS. Myrtus communis. Jeanes. I NABAL. ALB. Nabalus albus; PrenanMELILOT. Melilotus vulgaris. thes serpentaria. MELOE MAJ. Meloe majalis. I NAJA TR. Naja tripudians. I MENISP. CAN. Menispermum cana- NAPELLUS. See Aconitum. dense. INARC. AC. Narcotinum aceticum. MENTH. PIP. Mentha piperita. NATR. BORAC. See Borax. II MENYANTH. Menyanthes trifoliata. 11 NATR. CARB. Natrum carbonicum. I I MEPHIT. Mephitis putorius. 11 NATR. MUR. Natrum muriaticum. I I MERC. PERENN. Mercurialis perennis. I NATR. NITR. Natrum nitricum. MERC. SOL. See Mercurius. I NATR. PHOSPH. Natrum phosphoriI1 MERCUR. Mercurius, the metal. cum; Schiissler. MERC. AC. Mercurius aceticus. II NATR. SULPH. Natrum sulphuricum. I MERC. CYAN. Mercurius cyanatus. NECROS. CUSPID. See Momordica balMERC. DULC. Mercurius dulcis, calo- samina. mel. I I NICCOL. Niccolum, the metal. MERC. IOD. FLAV. Mercurius iodatus I NICC. CARB. Niccolum carbonicum. flavus, protiodide. NIcc. SULPH. Niccolum sulphuricum. MERC. IOD. RUB. Mercurius iodatus NICOT. Nicotinum. ruber, biniodide. I NITR. SP. D. Spiritus nitri dulcis. MERC. PRAEC. ALB. Mercurius proecipi- 11 NITR. AC. Nitri acidum. tatus albus. NITRO-GLYCERIN. See Glonoirf. MERC. SOL. H. Mercurius solubilis I I NITRO MURIATIC ACIDUM. Hahnemanni. 11 NITRUM. Kali nitricum. LIST OF NAMES AND THEIR ABRIDGEMENTS. 63 I NUPHAR. Nuphar luteum. II PHYTOL. DEC. Phytolacca decandra. Nux JUGLANDIS. See Juglans. PIN. SYLV. Pinus sylvestris. II Nux MOSCH. Myristica Nux moschata. I I PIPER NIGR. Piper nigrum. II Nux voM. Strychnos Nux vomica, I I PLANT. MAJ. Plantago major, P1. seed. latifolia. I Nuc. voM. CORT. Nucis vomicse cor- I I! PLATIN. Platinum, the metal. tex.* I I PLECTRANTH. Plectranthus fruticosa; NYMPH. OD. Nymphoea odorata. Patchoutli. NYMPH. LUT. Nymphsea lutea. PLUMB. LITT. Plumbago littoralis; OCIM. C. Ocimum canum; Mure. Mure. (ENANTH. CR. CEnanthe crocata. PLUMBUM. Plumbum, the metal. (ENOTH. B. CEnothera biennis. PLUMB. JOD. Plumbum jodatum. II OLEAND. Nerium Oleander. II PLUMB. AC. Plumbum aceticum. I OL. ANIM. Oleum animale Dippelii. I I PODOPH. Podophyllum peltatum. I OL. JEC. Oleum jecoris aselli. POLYPORUS OFFICIN. See Boletus. I ONISC. Oniscus asellus. POLYP. PINICULA. See Boletus. ONON. SPIN. Ononis spinosa. I POLYG. PUNC. Polygonum punctatum. 11 OPIUM. Papaver somniferum. I POP. TREM. Populus tremuloides. OPoPON. Pastinaca Opoponax. I POTH. F(ET. Pothos fcetidus; SymploI ORIGAN. Origanum vulgare. carpus fcetidus. OROBANCH. Orobanche Virginiana. PRUN. PAD. Prunus padus. ORPIMENT. See Auripigment. II PRUN. SPIN. Prunus spinosa. II OSTR. VIRG. Ostrya Virginica. II PSORIN. Psorinum; C. Hg. One of I I OSMIUM. Osmium, the metal. the nosodes. I I Ox. AC. Oxalicum acidum. I I PTEL. TRIF. Ptelea trifoliata. II OXYGEN. Oxygenum. PULM. VULP. The fox lung in trituraI OZON. Ozon. tion.* I PIEON. OFF. Pseonia officinalis. III PULSAT. Pulsatilla; Anemone praI I PALLAD. Palladium, the metal. tensis. I PAN. BRAS. Panacea brasiliensis; I I PULSAT. NUT. Pulsatilla nutalliana. Mure. PYROLA. See Chimaphila. PANAX. See Ginseng. QUASSIA. Picrsena excelsa. PAREIR. Pareira brava; Cissampe- RANA. See Bufo. los. I I RAN. BULB. Ranunculus bulbosus. I I PARIS. Paris quadrifolia. I RAN. SCEL. Ranunculus sceleratus. PATCHOULI. See Plectranthus. I I RAPHAN. Raphanus sestivus niger. I I PAULL. PINN. Paullinia pinnata; I RATANH. Ratanhia, Krameria triMure. andra. PAULL. SORB. Paullinia sorbilis; REALG. Realgar, arsenicum bisulGuarana. phuretum. I I PEDIC. Pediculus capitis; Mure. RESIN. ITU. Resina itu; Mure. I PERUV. BALS. Peruvianum balsamum. 1I RHEIUM. Rheum palmatum, rhabarI I PETIV. TETR. Petiveria tetrandra; barum. Mure. RHoDIUM. Rhodium, the metal. 1I PETROL. Petroleum. I RHODOD. Rhododendron chrysanPETROSEL. Petroselinum, Apium petr. thum. PHELLAND. Phellandrium aquaticum. RHUS GLAB. Rhus glabra. II PHOSPHOR. Phosphorus, the common I I RHUS RAD. Rhus radicans. transparent variety. I III RHUS TOX. Rhus toxicodendron. II PHOSPH. AC. Phosphoricum acidum. I I RHUS VEN. Rhus venenata or Vernix. PHOSPH. RUBER. Phosphorus ruber, RICIN. Ricinus communis. the amorphous variety. I IROBIN. Robinia pseudacacca. PHYSOSTIGMA. See Calabar. IROTTLER. Rottlera tinctoria. 64 OUR NOMENCLATURE. RUBIA. Rubia tinctorum. I SPIGEL. Spigelia anthelmia. II I RUMEX. Rumex crispus. SPIG. MARYL. Spigelia Marylandica. II IRUTA. Ruta graveolens. SPIGGUR. Spiggurus martini; a bristle II SABAD. Veratrum sabadilla. of Hystrix subspinosus; Mure. I SABINA. Juniperus Sabina. SRIRIT. NITRI DULC. See Nitri sp. d. I I SACCH. OFF. Saccharum officinale. II SPONGIA. Spongia marina tosta; EuSALIX. Salix alba. spongia. II SAMBUC. Sambucus nigra; flor. SPONGIA PALUSTRIS. See Badiaga. I SAMB. CORT. Samb. nigr. cortex. II SQUILLA. Squilla maritima; Scilla. SAMB. EBUL. Sambucus ebulus. I STACHYS BETONICA. II SANGUIN. Sanguinaria canadensis. 11 STANNUM. Stannum, the metal. SANTAL. OL. Santali oleum. I STAPIIIS. Delphinium Staphisagria. I SANTON. Santonium. STERCUL. ACUM. Sterculia acuminata. I I SAPO DOMEST. The pure soda soap. STIBIUM. See Antimonium. I I SARRACEN. Sarracenia purpurea. II STICTA PULM. Sticta pulmonaria. II SARSAP. Sarsaparilla; Smilax offici- I STILLING. SYLV. Stillingia sylvatica. nalis. I STRAMON. Datura Stramonium. SASSAFRAS. Sass. officinalis. I I STRONTIAN. Strontia carbonica. SCILLA. See Squilla. STRYCHNIA. Strychninum. SCOLOPEND. Scolopendrum morsitaus. SUCCIN. AC. Succinicum acidum. SCROF. NOD. Scrofularia nodosa. 11 SULPHUR. Sulphursublimatum; HahSCUT. LAT. Scutellaria lateriflor. nemann. I SEC. CORN. Secale cornutum; Ergot; I SULPH. AC. Sulphuricum acidum. one of the nosodes. SULPH. rETH. tAther sulphuricus. I SEDINHA. Sedinha; Mure. SULPH. PRAEC. Lac sulphuris. SEDUM ACR. Sedum acre. II SUMBUL. A root from Asia; also I SELEN. Selenium. called Jatamansi. SEMP. TECT. Sempervivum tectorum. I I SYMPHYT. Symphytum officinale. I SENEC. AUR. Senecio aureus. SYPHILIN. One of the nosodes. I I SENEG. Polygala Senega. I TABAC. Tabacum; Nicotiana T. SENNA. Cassia Senna. TABASHEER.* II SEPIA. The poison of the Mediter- I TANAC. Tanacetum vulgare. ranean cuttle fish. II TARAX. Leontodon Taraxacum. SERICUM. The silk from the common I I TARANTUL. Tarantula hispanica. silk worm. I TART. AC. Tartaricum acidum. SERPENTARIA. See Aristolochia. TART. EMET. See Ant. tart. II SILIC. Silicea, oxyde of Silicium. I TAX. BACC. Taxus baccata. I I SIL. AQU. Aqua Silicata. I TELLUR. Tellurium, the metal. SILPH. LACIN. Silphium laciniatum. I I TEREBINTH. Terebinthinae oleum. I I SINAP. ALB. SinApis alba. THALLIUM, the metal. I SINAP. NIGR. SinApis nigra. TEUCRIUM. See Marum verum. I SMARAGDUS. The emerald. THLASPI. Thlaspi bursi pastoris. I SOLANUM ARREBENTA. Mure. I THEA. Thea Chinensis. I SOL. TUB. EGROT. Solanum tuberosum I THERID. Theridion curassavicum. vegrotans; Mure; one of the no- I I THROMBID. Thrombidium muscae dosodes. mesticse. SOLAN. LYCOP. Solanum lycopersicum. 11 THUYA. Thuya occidentalis. SOL. MAM. Solanum mammosum. I I TILIA. Tilia Europaea. I I SOL. NIGR. Solanum nigrum. I I TINCT. ACRIS. Tinctura acris sine I SOL. OLER. Solanum oleraceum; Mure. kali, Hahnemanni. SOLIDAG. V. Solidago virga-aurea. I TONGO. Dipterix odorata. SPART. SCOP. Spartium scoparium; I TRADESC. DIUR. Tradescantia diuCytisus S. retica; Mure. NOTES TO THE LIST OF NAMES. 65 TRIFOL. PRAT. Trifolium pratense. VESPA. Crabro. TRILL. PEND. Trillium pendulum. VIBURN. OPUL. Viburnum opulus. TRIOST. PERF. Triosteum perfoliatum. VIBURN. PR. Viburnum prunifolium. I I TURPETHUM. Mercurius sulphuricus. I VINCA MIN. Vinca minor. TUSSIL. FAR. Tussilago farfara. I I VIOL. oD. Viola odorata. TUSSID. PET. Tussilago petasites. I VIOL. TRIC. Viola tricolor; Jacea. ULM. CAMP. Ulmus campestris. VIP. TORV. Vipera torva or redi. ULM. FLAVA. Ulmus flava. VITEX. See Agnus castus. UPAS TIEUTE. An arrow poison. I VIsCUM ALBUM. I I URAN. NITR. Uranium nitricum. I VULPIS HEPAR. Tincture of the liver URT. DIOCC. Urtica dioica. of the European fox.* I I URT. UR. Urtica urens. WoLLAST. Wollastonite; tabular spar.* I USTIL. Ustilago maidis. I I XANTH. FRAX. Xanthoxylum fraxiUvA URSA. Arctostaphylos Uva ursi. neum. VACCININUM. One of the nosodes. I XIPHOS. Xiphosuree sanguis; Limulus. II VALERIAN. Valeriana officinalis. II ZINCUM. Zincum, the metal. VARIOLINUM. One of the nosodes. ZINC. AC. Zincum aceticum. II VERATR. Veratrum album. I ZINC. OX. Zincum oxydatum. I I VER. VIR. Veratrum viride. ZINC. PHOSPH. Zincum phosphoricum. I I VERBASC. Verbascum thapsus. ZINC. VAL. Zincum valerianicum. VERBENA. Verbena officinalis. I ZINGIBER. Zingiber officinale. VERB HAST. Verbena hastata. ZIZIA AUR. Zizia aurea; Smyrnium VERON. BECC. Beccabunge. aureum. NOTES TO THE LIST OF NAMES. Actea racemosa.-There are seven reasons for rejecting the name Cimicifuga: 1. It was agenus split off from Actsa during the time when the fashion of dividing old genera prevailed. There is no necessity for, nor the least advantage in such a new genus. Who, but a hair-splitter, would care about a few capsules standing singly or not? The whole appearance of the plant is like Actaea spicata. Darwinism will soOn do away with such new genera. 2. It is a very badly made name; all new composites in the Latin are against the genius of this language. 3. It is nearly always pronounced by gardeners, by the apothecary boys and eclectic such a way as to shock a scholar, viz.: Cimicifiga. 4. The only right pronunciation being Cimicifugd, which sounds horribly to every musical ear. 5. The name is a falsehood, as bed-bugs do not run at sight of the root, and have not been driven out of a single bedstead by it. The Persian powder does it. 6. We have a right to give our medicines a moreproper name when botanists have adopted a bad one. Hence we say Lobelia coerulea instead of Syphilitica, another lie, and Rhus veqrenata instead of the mistaken Vernix, etc. 7. It was known by the good old name before, was proved by Helbig and applied by Riickert long before it was taken here out of the dirty shops of the eclectics. Calcarea ostrearum Hahnemanni is not a carbonate of lime like some rocks or what chemists could prepare, but an animalized preparation of nature; besides that 5 66 OUR NOMENCLATURE. it contains traces of phosphate of lime, and what else we do not know. The similarity of Hahnemann's proving of Calcarea acetica with it depends altogether on his preparation; he dissolved oyster-shells in vinegar. Carbo vegetabilis.-Dr. Caspari, the first prover, used the wood of the Fagus sylvatica; Hahnemann preferred the Betula alba. Where the symptoms differ, the Carbofagi is marked by an f. Causticum.-Hahnemann's preparations are neither Potassce hydras, nor Caustic potash, nor Kali oxidum, nor Calcarea caustica, but something which the chemists do not yet know, but we do. We know how to prepare it and what to cure with it. Cinchona officinalis.-It is unworthy of men of science to give the Peruvian bark a name synonymous with that of a country which had nothing at all to do with it, and synonymous with that of porcelain. Such errors should never be perpetuated, Hippomanes.-This old famous Aphrodisiacum of the Greek authors is taken from the colt, a meconium deposit out of the amniotic fluid, and contains Calcarea oxalica. Jambos instead of Eugenia iambos is a rather arbitrary change, but it is made by the first and only prover, and he has his good reasons and wishes to be pardoned. Kreosot.-To "improve" it into Kreass. shows ignorance of the rules of the Greek language. See H. Gross, Comp. Mat. Med., Calcarea and Kreosot. compared. Nucis vomicce cortex.-Since it has been decided beyond all doubts, by scientific men in Great Britain, fully able to judge, that the so-called "Angustura falsa" or "spuria" is the bark of the strychnos nux vomica tree, we should never use any name but the right one. The name Brucea antidysenterica is still worse; it was given by an ignorant druggist. In B6nninghausen's Repertory several symptoms have to be stricken out which do not belong to the real Angustura. Pulmo vulpis.-An old and famous remedy, mentioned already by Paulus Aegineta and Avicenna. It was first recommended in our school in 1847, by Dr. J. F. Hermann, and mentioned and used by Grauvogl (Part I., p. 170). Tabasheer.-Silicea calami indici, the silicious deposit in the knots of the bamboo, obtained by the favor of Mahenda 1il Sircdr, M.D., in Calcutta. Vulpis hepar.-See Pulmo vulpis. Wollastonite.-Crystals of tabular spar from Willsborough, N. Y., forming the sides of a large vein of garnet, traversing gneis, a natural combination of calcarea and silica. Has been triturated, proved and used since 1851 by C. Hg., and especially by Dr. Neidhard. NOSODES Is the general term given to the alcoholic extracts of morbid productions, foolishly called isopathic remedies. The most useful and fully proved are Hydrophobinum and Psorirnum. To these nosodes belong the Ustilago maidis, the Secale cornutum, the fungus of potatoes, the ambra of the pot-fish, the Anthracin, the Vaccinin, Variolin and Medrorrhoin, etc. The sneering remarks of Trinks and others in 1826 against Sepia, and the ignorant opposition to Lachesis have sunken into oblivion during the succeeding score of years. All the condemning remarks against the Hydrophobinum and Psorinum will meet the same fate. We can afford to wait. REMARKS-ABBREVIATIONS-MARKS AND SIGNS. 67 REMARKS. Some remarks about the translation of certain words from the German Materia Medica. East wind in the midst of Europe means a dry land wind, not like our East but more like our West wind. West wind in Europe is the moist wind like our East. Therefore we use but "dry" or " damp" wind. In Rio Janeiro or New Holland, the same reversion has to take place with regard to the North and South wind of this hemisphere. Hence it is given as " cold" or " warm" wind. Bread in Germany means rye bread. Bread and butter means sandwiches. The German " Suppe" is not soup, but means all dishes taken with the spoon. " Gurken" does not mean pickles, but either the raw cucumber or such as have undergone the vinous fermentation. " Branntwein" is not our brandy, but means whisky. With regard to names for the parts of body, different functions and the expressions for the numerous feelings and sensations, great care has been taken to avoict the palpable errors of some of the former translators. We may expect a comparative glossary of all these words from Dr. Korndoerfer, which would be a great help to our school, as it would aid us in using for all the different feelings, as well as for the phenomena, the word nearest adapted. ABBREVIATIONS. Authors are only quoted when a distinction from others seems to be required. H., means Hahnemann; B., B6nninghausen; B.R., Bonninghausen's Repertory. Quotations have been given, but exceptionally. Many cases used have never been printed before; but to all additions sent in by letter during the publication of this work, the name of the observer will be added. Model cures have the name, if known; N.N., means Nomen Nescio. Names of drugs are abridged throughout by the same rules given in the introduction, but sometimes, in the text, may have been shortened to save space; of course only when the margin list makes a mistake impossible, for instance Crot. in the text can only mean Crotalus if this is contained in the list and not Oroton tiglion if this is not in the list. MARKS AND SIGNS. In the margin lists the four degrees of Binninghausen have been distinguished by the following marks: I Observed on the healthy. I I Observed often and repeatedly. I Applied successfully with the sick. II Applied very often and repeatedly. In most margin lists the I has been omitted and appears only when it seems necessary to make a distinction from others of less value. 68 OUR NOMENCLATURE. Sometimes intermediate or higher degrees are signified by I I or I 1. Observing practitioners will often have opportunity to make additional marks of distinction, with a red or blue pencil, to the margin lists. Other abbreviations and signs added to some of the margin lists are always explained at the head. The margin lists ought to contain the names of all the medicines mentioned in the text; if some have been overlooked, they may be added with the pencil. Not all the names given in the margin lists are contained in the text. Sometimes nothing more than the name is known. In all such cases diagnostic observations are very desirable. r. and 1., right and left side, refers to what was mentioned before or relates to the medicine following, thus it stands between the symptom and the medicine. r. to 1. or 1. to r. signifies the symptoms observed on the healthy going from r. to 1. or vice versa. If an * is added, it signifies that the symptoms went from one side to the other with the sick and is supposed to have been cured by the named medicine. C.C.C., conditions, connections and concomitants. The initials of the words in the headings are sometimes given in the text instead of the whole word. - stands for the beginning of last paragraph, distinguished by black type. > lessened or ameliorated by what follows. < increased or aggravated by what follows. a.m.m. indicates: and many more. S. See or compare. CONCLUSION. All those who complain of it bei~ng too much for them, all who say "no man's brain is large enough to hold it," we refer to the pamphlet " The Last Events of 1867," Boericke, Philadelphia, pp. 20, 21, where a glance is given at the astrcnomer's, chemist's, botanist's and zoologist's overwhelming riches and the advice: " Look to the brain of a Dana or a Leidy, containing not only this, but a great deal more besides." If we never learn to unite all of these symptoms, we never can arrive uy careful induction at characteristics, which is the true Hahnemannian way. CHAPTER I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. According to the reasons given in the schedule of the arrangement, only such symptoms of the mind can be given in this edition of Analytic Therapeutics, as have been observed in connection with bodily symptoms. Every real follower of Hahnemann ought to know what he said in his Organon, from the first to the fifth editions, about the importance of the mind symptoms, and it is given here as an introduction, being translated by Dr. Conrad Wesselheft. Let us all hear our great master! HAHNEMANN'S ORGANON, FIFTH AND LAST EDITION. 88. If, in his voluntary statements, the patient neglects to mention certain parts, or functions of the body, or his state of mind, the physician should request him to recall his observations concerning those parts, functions; or his mental and sensorial condition; but the inquiry should be pursued without putting leading questions, so that the respondent may be obliged to make special unbiased statements. N. B. The physician should ask for example: What is your frame of mind, your moods or your power of memory. 208. Next to this the physician should not overlook the patient's state of mind and temperament (Gemuethszustand), to notice if it inclines to prevent the cure; or, whether it might be necessary to direct, to favor or to modify his mental condition. 211. This is true to such an extent, that the state of the patients mind and temperament (Gemuethszustand) is often of most decisive importance in the homceopathic* selection of a remedy, since it is a sign possessing a distinct peculiarity, that should least of all escape the accurate observation of the physician. 212. This change of the condition of mind and disposition-the chief ingredient of all diseases-has been especially regarded by the Creator of all healing powers; for there is not a single potent medicinal substance in the world, that does not possess the power of altering perceptibly the mental state and mood of a healthy person trying the drug; indeed, each drug affects the mind in a different manner. 0 213. Hence the cure would be unnatural, that is, unhomceopathic, unless we noted also the symptomatic changes of mind and temperament, occurring in every case even of acute disease, and unless there is selected from our remedies a morbific potency, which, next to the similitude of its other symptoms to those of the disease, is also capable of producing, by itself, a similar state of mind or disposition. N. B. Thus Aconitum Napellus will rarely or never produce a rapid or permanent cure in a patient of calm and complacent disposition, as little as Nux vomica will affect a mild phlegmatic, or Pulsatilla a happy, cheerful but obstinate temperament; or as little as Ignatia proves efficacious in an unchangeable state of mind, inclined neither to fright or to grief. * It should be noticed that Hahnemann calls the selection of a remedy " homoeopathic"; denoting that the method involves the principle, though the remedy may not. C. w. 69 70 MIND AND DISPOSITION. 253. The condition of the mind and general behaviour of the patient are to be counted among the most certain and intelligible signs (not visible to every one) of a slight beginning of improvement or of aggravation in all diseases, especially the acute ones. The signs of incipient improvement, however slight, are: an increased sensation of comfort; greater tranquillity and freedom of mind, and heightened courage-the patient experiences, as it were, a return of naturalness. The signs of aggravation, however slight, are the opposite of the foregoing: an embarrassed, helpless state of mind and disposition, where the behaviour, attitude and actions of the patient appeal to our sympathy-a condition readily seen and appreciated by a careful observer, but not to be described in so many words. BODILY SYMPTOMS CONNECTED WITH THE MIND. I. Ailments from Emotions and from Exertions of the Mind. Happy surprise. Complaints after laughing. Fright and fear. Shock of injury. Ailments the result of fear. Anxiety. Local anxiety. Homesickness. Love pangs. Jealousy. Grief and sorrow. Better in company or better when alone. Will not be looked at, dislikes to be spoken to. Worse from friendly persuasion, from talking of others. Mortification. Vexation. Anger. Emotions in general. Worse when thinking about his condition. Better when thinking about something else. Complaints after speaking. Complaints from thinking or meditating. Ailings from over-exertion of mind and body. II. Mental Concomitants of bodily Syzptoms. Head, eyes, ears, etc. BODILY SYMPTOMS CONNECTED WITH THE MIND. I. Ailments from Emotions and Exertions of the Mind. HAPPY SURPRISE. ~reubige Ueberracfunmg. I Aeon. Excessive joy: IAcon., Caustic., II Coffea, Crocus, Cyclam., Aloes. 1, Coffea. Natr. carb., I Opium, IPulsat. I I Cinch. off. Startled or struck by it: trembling, crying, weeping, sobbing I Coca. Crocus. or fainting away, even apparent death; particularly children and I Cyclam. women: Coffea. I Gelsem. Hyose. Stunned by it, laughing and crying: Hyosc.; talkative, with [Kali carb. sudden changing of "the subject: Laches. Mercur. Merry madness, with headache, blindness or pale face: Crocus. at. cbpium. Fainting: Acon., Coffea. I Pulsat. Headache after mental exhilaration: Coca, Coffea; glowing red I Scutellar. cheeks: Mercur.; following such or other excitement: Scutellar. After it mouth was suddenly filled with bright blood: Cinchon. Gagging or vomituritio: Kali carb.; diarrhoea:'Aeon., Gelsem. Metritis: Coffea. Weeping, coughing, trembling: Acon., Mercur. Chilly, as of chills running over him: I I Gelsem.; shivering, flitting sensation: Acon., I Kali carb. Unusually excited by joyous news towards evening: Aloes. NOTE.-If Nitrite of amyl, which has a sweet fruit-like odor, be inhaled, exactly the same condition results as from sudden emotions, so that one can, by diffusing a little of its vapor through a room, flush every cheek with crimson and quicken every pulse. Hence Roth recommends it as homceopathic to the effects of emotions. (British Quarterly.) COMPLAINTS AFTER LAUGHING. Mind. Easily depressed: Formica. Sadness: Phosphor.; as if her body were borne upon wings: Thuya. Headache: Ars. met., Crocus, Iris vers., Phosphor., Tongo, Zincum, Zingib.; throbbing: Lycop.; beating in the head, most after sitting long: Phosphor.; deep shooting, right side: Tongo. 71 72 MIND AND DISPOSITION. II Acon. Head internally hot, confused and heavy: Therid. I August. I Argent. Tearing in right side of occiput: Zincum. I Arsen. Eyes. Obscuration of sight, dilatation of pupils: Crocus. (I Aurum. * Bellad. Shedding tears: Formica; weeping: Lycop. Borax. yo Ear. Drawing stitch from stomach into the ear: Mangan. Bryon. I I Carb. veg. Face. Heat and redness of cheeks: Veratr. II Cinch, off. Paleness: Crocus; stiff jaws: Formica; jerking stitches from I Conium. lower jaw to region above the temple: Mangan. Crocus. Cuprum. Toothache in upper molar, afternoon: Tongo. Droser. Abdomen. Stitches around the ribs in the left side: Aeon.; Formica. Hepar. right side of abdomen like a fine jerking: Kali carb.; digging I I Kali carb. and rooting around the navel, also when exhaling: Coloc. I sauroc. Pain in belly: Conium; digging, rooting colic: Coloc.; sore Lyop Mangan. pain, also with coughing: Arsen. I Mezer. Aching pressure in the region of the hernia: Sepia. I aur. ac. Stitches in mamma: Lauroc. I Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Chest. Slime in windpipe and cough: Argent. Nux mosch. Asthma: Arsen., Aurum, Cuprum. II Phosphor. Dyspncea: lArsen., Aurum, Cuprum, I I Laches., Lycop., Platin. I Plumbum. Plumbum. Sepia. Cough: I Argent., Arsen., Bryon., Cinch. off., Cuprum, Drosera,! Stannum, Veratr. I Laches., Kali carb., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., IPhosphor., IStannum, I Zincum. Zincum. Pressing, like from a piece of wood, in left side of chest: Plumbum; stitch: Mezer.; pressing: Platin.; pain: Lauroc., Lycop., Mezer., Mur. ac., Plumbum, I I Stannum. Limbs. Hot hands: Veratr.; weakness of muscles of arms and hands: Carb. veg. Relaxation: Cale. ostr., Conium; great debility, prostration, collapse, Crocus. Does not sleep: Veratr. Worse in open air: Nux mosch. Stitches in the ulcer: Hevpar s. c. FRIGHT AND FEAR. Fright. Every little surprise frightens him; trembling and glowing red cheeks: Mercur. With fear and anxiety. See margin list. With vexation: I lAcon., IBellad., I I Calc. ostr., I Coccul., IlI Cuprum, I Gelsem., I lIgnat., I I Natr. carb., INux vom., I Opium, I I Petrol., IPhosphor., IPlatin., IPulsat., ISambuc., ISepia, I ISulphur, IZincum. For other emotions following, see their respective pages. Terror: Gelsem., Nux vom., Opium, Silic., Verat. FRIGHT AND FEAR. 73 II Acon. After sudden noises, as if thunder-struck, unconscious, conI Anac. II Apis. vulsions, twitching around mouth; hot, red face, feces pass inII Arnie. voluntarily: Opium; incessant screaming after a heavy thunderII Arsen. I I Aurun. clap: Gelsem.; often cries without a cause: Rhus tox. II Beryon. After fright: Soon Opium, later Aecon.; fear remaining: I Calc. ostr. Mercur., Natr. mur., Bellad., I Verat.; fear: I Opium, Sambuc.; fear Carbustic. and anger: Aeon.; fear and anxiety: Lycop.; sorrow: Ignat. II Chamom. Long remaining anxiousness: Bellad., Laches., Mercur., I Cicuta. Coccul. Sambuc., Silic. Coffea. - and weakness, cannot sleep from frightful visions, night II Cuprum. II Gelseuprum. full of complaints, wants to go out doors, far away: Mercur. II Glonoint - timidity and nightly complaints: Mercur. I Graphit. I Hepar. — and loss of reason, frightful visions, wants to run away, I Hyosa. rush of blood to head, headache rising from the neck up, widened II Ignat. I Laches. pupils: Bellad. I Lauroc. Mind. Insanity: Bellad., Laches., Mercur., Platin., Stramon. I I Mercur. Raving madness: Bellad., Stramon.; loss of reason, talks confusedly 1TMur. ac. Natr. earb. as if insane, pain going through the neck up into the head, 11 Natr. mur. widened pupils, red burning hot face, or pale and moist, nose dry, I Nux mosch. I Nux vom. neck and throat sore to the touch, fears things he sees: Bellad.; I Opiumr. talking, preaching, telling stories, greatest sensitiveness of throat Petrol. II Phosph. or other parts to the touch even of light clothing: Laches.; often 11 Platin. cries out without a cause: Rhus tox.; maniacal notions, starting l! Pulsat. I Rhus tox. in sleep, laughing in sleep, convulsions in sleep, spasmodic cough: IISecambuc. fHyose.; insanity with laughable jests: Bellad.; loss of reason, II Secale. I Sepia. things appear smaller, sadness in the evening or haughtiness, I Spongia. things appear larger: Platin.; delirium with fearful visions: I Stannum. Bellad., Sambuc.; delusions of the imagination: Bellad.; imagines!i Stramon. I Sulphur. people find fault with her: Rhus tox. II Veratr. Indifference or contempt of others; fear of the near approach I Verbase. 1 I Zincum. of death, very sad; mostly in the evening: Platin. Melancholy: Stramon. Horror, full of apprehensions, lamed: Natr. mur. Fearful imaginations, particularly at night; cannot bear the warmth of bed; wants to run away, travel; quarrels with family; complaints about others: Mercur. Despair of eternal salvation of soul: Stramon.; crying, howling and getting beside himself: Coffea. Children weep, move arms and hands about: Sambuc.; very much dejected and lachrymose, particularly in the evening: Platin.; pride and contempt of others: Platin.; discontent, complains of everything, the whole world: Mercur. Disposition to quarrel: Mercur.; to escape in the night: Bellad., Mercur., Hyos. Sensorium. Over-sensitiveness of the organs of the senses: Coffea. Unconsciousness: Opium; stupor: Bellad.; stupor with internal heat: Opium. Fainting: Aeon., Coffea; apparent death, neither pulse nor breathing perceptible, after a pain in heart from fright with grief: Laches. 74 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Head. Rush of blood to the head: Opium, later: Acon., still later: Bellad.; beating in temple if head is in a low position: I Rhus tox.; heat in it: Bellad.; heat with stupor: Opium; hot with twitching about the mouth: Opium; pain in the forehead: Opium; heavy feeling: Rhus tox. Pain passes into the head through the nape of the neck: Bellad.; stitches in the left side of head: Cicuta. Eyes. Objects around him appear smaller: Platin. Eyes dim, shunning the light: Rhus tox. Cannot see, twitches and starts: Opium, Glonoin.; loss of sight, relaxed, sinking together, deadly pale: Glonoin.; enlarged pupils: Bellad.; and darkening of sight: Opium; squinting and rolling of the eyes: Hyosc. Nose. Dryness of the nose: Bellad.; fluent coryza: JMercur. Face. Red: Platin.; and burning: Bellad., Opium; glowing red cheeks: Mereur. After trouble a glowing heat rises in the right cheek; it swells and turns bluish red for two hours, followed by restlessness and shaking chill: Mercur. Red, turns deadly pale in sitting up: Aeon.; red in bed, getting up instantly pale: Veratr. Bluish, bloated with snoring: Opium; with wheezing: Sambue. Changing pale and red, rising headache, loses sight, sinking, relaxed, twitching, fingers or toes spread out: Glonoin.; twitching around the mouth: Glonoin., Opium; foam at the mouth: Hyose. Mouth. Offensive breath and saliva: Mere. When swallowing danger of choking, cramp in the throat: Bellad. Stomach. Aversion to food: Platin. No thirst: Pulsat. Weak digestion and continual hunger: Mercur. Complaints from eating fat food: Pulsat; sour eructations, vomiting: Opium. Stitches in pit of stomach: Rhus tox.; - after it suffocating sensation: Sambuc.; and gastric complaints: Acon. Abdomen. Heaviness in abdomen with long-lasting anxiety: Mercur. Stitches from abdomen up to the chest: Chamom.; motions in bowels: Rhus tox. Diarrhcea: Opium, Gelsem., Veratr.; returning with every new fear: Aeon.; returning at twilight: Pulsat.; often at night, painless, much wind: Ignat.; with tenesmus: Mercur.; outer coldness, inner heat without thirst: Pulsat.; involuntary escape of stool: Opium; after it very cold: Rhus tox.; with icy coldness of the body: Veratr.; retention of stool: Bellad. Urine. Frequent and great discharge: Sambuc. Involuntary escape of urine and stool: Hyosc. Retention: Bellad., Opium. Sexual Organs. Metritis: Opium; catamenia too soon and too copious: Platin.; too late and too weak: Pulsat.; to prevent suppression: Aeon. Amenorrhoea: Aeon., Lycop.; displacement of uterus: Opium. During pregnancy diarrhoea: Opium; hemorrhage: Secale. Threatened abortion: Aeon., Gelsem., Opium. FRIGHT AND FEAR. 75 Suppression of labor pains: Opium; of lochia: Ignat., Opium. Chorea returning in child-bed: Stramon.; spasms: Secale. Chest. Pain in the larynx when touched: Bellad. Wheezing breathing: Sambue. Takes his breath away and fills him with great fear: Opium. Suffocation with anxiety: Opium; after vomiting coughing: Sambuc.; with violent pains in stomach and scrobiculum: Aeon. Convulsive choking spells in the night, with crying and grasping about: Sambue.; struggle for breath, points to pit of stomach; after Opium: Acon.; suffocation after vomiting or some coughing, bluish puffed-up face, anxious trembling and whining, gasping, heat without thirst: Sambue. Bluish face in morning: Opium; ice-cold chest: Veratr.; loses breath with even a little cough: Sambue. Dry spasmodic cough: Bellad.; in the night: Hyosc. Whooping cough: Aeon., Ignat., Stramon. Coughs when lying down, with stitches in pit of stomach: Rhus tox.; ebullitions of blood with trembling of limbs: Sambue. Trembling of the heart, palpitation: Neux mosch., violent and anxious: Bellad., most in the evening and when sitting: Pulsat. Back and Limbs. Stiff: Ignat.; children move arms and hands about and weep: Sambue.; stitching in the elbow-joint, later on a place rubbed open on the foot: Phosphor.; knocking of knees: Cinnab., Mercur. Spreading the fingers: Glonoin.; swelling of the feet in evening: Pulsat. Trembling and twitching of the limbs: Opium. Tearing pain at night: Mercur. Aching in arms and legs, the limbs very languid; sleepy: Gale. phosph. Limbs become numb and torpid: Opium. Heaviness and lameness of the limbs: Bellad.; lameness of left arm and foot, disappearing over night: Stramon.; worse when the body is at rest: Pulsat. Twitchings. With anxiety: Veratr.; loss of consciousness: Opium; wild thrashing about with hands and feet: fHyosc.; coldness: Opium, Veratr., around the mouth: Opium; starting, with stiff back: Ignat.; chorea: Stramnon. Convulsions: Bellad., Hyose., Ignat., Opium, I I Stramon., Sulphur; with a loud scream: Opium;- and head hot: Opium, then Bellad.; red face: Opium, Bellad.; pale face: Ignat.; twitchings in face: Opium; froth on mouth: Hyosc.; involuntary stools:' Veratr.; trembling: Opium; laughing in sleep: Iyose.; coldness: Veratr., Opium; copious sweat: Opium, Bellad. Convulsions of children, with starts: Opium; in sleep: Ilgnat. Tonic spasms, the whole body stiff: Opium; epileptic attacks: Cuprum, Hyosc., Stramon., ISulphur. Trembling: I Coffea., Glonoin., Ignat., Mercur., Opium; - and difficult breathing: Glonoin., Ignat., Opium; after slight exertions: Mercur. Debility. Weakness: Coffea, Mercur., Opium; after slight exertions: Mercur.; with cold'sweat: Opium; fainting: Opium; lasting very long: Laches. Sleep. Prevented by fearful visions: Mercur.; goes to sleep late in the evening, and is restless during the night: Pulsat.; stupor-like somnolence with 76 MIND AND DISPOSITION. snoring: Opium; coma vigil., Hyosc.; snoring: Opium; wheezing: Sambue.; laughing: Hyose.; starting: Hyosc.; worse at night, anxiety and other complaints: Mercur.; worse in the evening: Bellad., Pulsat. Warmth. Worse in bed: Mercur.; in a warm room: Pulsat.; better in open air': Pulsat. Chill. Chilly hands and feet: Rhus tox.; chilliness, as if having been drenched with cold water: Mercur.; external coldness of body, and inner heat: Pulsat.; alternating attacks of chill, heat and sweat, for 24 hours: Lycop.; heat without thirst: Sambuc., Pulsat.; inflammatory fever: Aeon. Pains. Unbearable, as if driving to distraction: Coffea. An ulcer on the hand appeared after Lachesis, was aggravated by fright and cured by Silic. Genteel, timid and lachrymose disposition: Pulsat. If a sudden fright interrupts the good effects of other medicines: Laches. MODEL CURES. A little girl was accidentally wounded by a pistol. Her mother suffered mental shock, paleness and faintness, especially on attempting to sit up; great concern for the result. Relieved after a dose of Acon.6.-J. C. MORGAN. A young lady had seen the residence of her lover struck by lightning. At the approach of another thunderstorm, she was greatly distressed, with apprehensive feeling. After a dose of Gelsem.lm she forgot all about it and disregarded the storm.-J. C. MORGAN. After fright-heavy feeling in the forehead. A week later she told her mother not to look at her; seems to be distrustful, and does not want to see anyone. She came running in from the street, and said people were looking at her. She sat quietly and alone; her eyes were dim, and she shunned the light. Since this time, the symptoms have returned three times, lasting six weeks each time. This time it has lasted eight weeks, the symptoms just as before, but without the complaints of the eyes. She often cries without cause-imagines people are finding fault with her because she is earning nothing-acts in a childish manner. At the same time heaviness of the head, when the head is in a low position; beating in the temple on which she is lying. After taking cold, diarrhcea. For the past week, coughed when lying down, with stitches in the pit of the stomach; chilly hands and feet; frequent motion in the bowels. Rhus tOX.-HIARTLAUB. SHOCK OF INJURY. According to Dr. J. C. Morgan, J. H. M. M., v. V., p. 73 and p. 102, and later communications. It strictly belongs to chapter 45, but is placed here next to mental shocks on account of its great usefulness in this connection. Additions by C. Hg., marked *. Mind. Injury followed by one fixed and anxious idea of impending death or other dire misfortune: Aeon. Anxiety as from conscious danger of death: Capsic. SHOOK OF INJURY. 77 I Acet. ac.* Anguish: Nux vom.; with great distress and oppression, I Alcohol. despairs of life: Veratr.; anxious manner: Cinch. of.; after I Amm. carb. fright: Opium, afterwards, Aconit.; after sudden, unexpected seI Arnica. Ii Arsen. vere injury: Camphor. I Calam. Fear of injury: Gelsem.; afraid of the surgeon: Coffea; of II Camphor. II Capsic. being hurt by persons walking towards him: I Arnica.* II Carb. veg. Overpowering fear, with fatigue: Gelsem. * Chamome II Cinch. off. Terror: Veratr.; memory of horror: Gelsem. I Chlorof. 0 After over-excitement, want of food, exposure: Alcohol. II Coffea. I Cuprum. After crushing losses of dearest friends: I Nitr. ac.* I Digit. Following depressing emotions: Alcohol. II Gelsem. I Hepar s. c. Intolerance of impressions and of oppositions: Aeon.; - of all Ii Ipecac. manipulations, they cause great agitation, which interferes with I Laches.. treatment: Coffea, - and mental urgency: Chamnom. II MIercur. I Natr. mur. Not to be pacified: Aeon. I Nitr. ac.* Rather quiet when left alone: Coffea. I I Nux mosch. I Nux vom. Great forgetfulness: Strontian. I Opiom. Weeping over his bad luck: Pulsat.; preoccupied with lamenI Phosphor, I Pulsat. tations: Chamom.; delirium, will dress himself to go home: II Staphis. Cuprum; unconscious muttering of anxious sort: Gelsem. I Strontian. Nervous anxiety, mingled with stupefaction of mind: I Sulphur. Camphor.; increasing stupor: Laches.; hardly yielding to any IO Veratr. stimuli: Carb. veg. Sensorium. Excessively keen senses: Aeon.; great sensibility, mental and physical: Coffea. Feels nervous, as if he would fly: Veratr. Vertigo: Hepar s. c., Nux vom.; giddiness: Tabac.; giddiness and blindness: Laches.; with sickness at the stomach, vanishing of sense: Sulphur. Unconsciousness: Arnica, Chlorof., Opium; stupefied and cold: Camphor.; apoplectic dreaminess: Nux mosch. Faintness: Sulphur; from slight causes: Nux vom.; from a little pain, is preceded by vertigo: Hepar s. c.; on rising: Aeon. Syncope immediately after great hemorrhage: I I Calam.; long lasting syncope: Hydr. ae. Headache after fainting: Hepar s. c. Head. Chronic effects after an injury of the head, such as headache, relieved by sweating: Natr. mur. Paralysis of brain, with symptoms of collapse: Cuprum. Eyes. Bright colors appear before the vision: Strontian.; optical illusions: Digit. Loss of vision and hearing: Carb. veg. Pupils dilated: Hydr. ac., Ipecac.; inactive: Digit. Eyes fixed unequally: Opium: eyelids paralyzed: Hydr. ae.; dark areola around: Laches.; sunken, with dark margins: Sulphur. Ears. Worse on going to bed, with ringing and roaring in the ears: Natr. mur.; want of hearing: Carb. veg. 78 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Nose. Nose, ears and forehead very cold: Laches. Face. Distorted features: Hydr. ac.; wretched expression: Sulphur; motionless features: Chlorof.; pallor: Arnica, Opium, Ipecac.; pale and sick, pale and languid: Gelsem.; pale and weak: Amm. caust.; livid: Opium; lividly. pale: Camphor.; bluish paleness: Digit. Bluish face: Sulphur; very pale or ghastly: Cinch. of.; pale, livid, deathlike: Veratr.; hippocratic: Arsen., Carb. veg.; cadaverous: Phosphor. Lips. Bluish: Camphor.; livid: Opium. Talk. Indisposed to talk: Pulsat.; aggravated by it, and by touch: Chamom.; speechlessness: Veratr. Mouth. Sticky: Pulsat. Thirst: Aeon., Veratr.; for little water, and often: larsen.; cold water: II Veratr.; for acids: Sec. corn.; with collapse: Natr. mur.; no thirst: Pulsat. Appetite. With such as possess a good deal of natural force, and habitually abuse their digestive organs by food or drink: Nux voom.; if addicted to the use of liquor: Alcohol. Gastrics. Hiccough: Hydr. ac., *Nux mosch., Yeratr. Sickness at stomach: Cuprum,; nausea: Ipecac., Pulsat.; constant deathly nausea: Tabac.; loathing of food: Pulsat. Vomiting: Ipecac., Veratr.; copious, easy, gushing: Phosphor.; especially on moving, better after moving: Tabac. Vomits drink instantly after swallowing: Arsen.; as soon as it gets warm in the stomach: Phosphor.; vomiting is a good sign after Arnica. Stomach. Deathly feeling behind ensiform cartilage: Cuprum. In gunshot concussion of the stomach after the failure of whiskey: Amnm. caust. Abdomen. Colic: Ipecac.; colic after cutting a stone out; a fatal symptom, according to George McClellan, was cured in a few minutes by IStaphis.* Struck by a spent ball in the epigastrium: Amm. caust. Abdomen feels cold: Veratr.; flatulence: Nu.x vom. Stool. Tendency to diarrhoea: Camphor., Gelsem. Diarrhcea: Ipecac., Nux mosch., Veratr.; very watery, even involuntary: Sec. corn.; colliquative, cadaverous odor: Carb. veg.; visceral hemorrhage: Veratr. Urine. Shuddering all over with desire to urinate: Hyper.; retention: Hyper.; suppression: Sec. corn. Sexuals. Emissions next night, very weakening: I Acet. ac.* Larynx. Hollow hoarse voice: Sec. corn. Breathing. Rapid breathing, every breath being a loud moan: Opium. Moaning: Sec. corn.; groaning: Chamom.; sighing: Cuprum; incessant sighing:. Laches. Respirations few and sighing: Camphor.; involuntary deep inspirations: Hepar s. c.; heavy anxious breathing: Sec. corn. Rale, the throat emitting the sound of the letter k in inspiration (tubular breathing): Opium (one dose high). SHOCK OF INJURY. 79 Rattling: Carb. veg.; and slow: Nux mosch.; and moaning: Hydr. ac.; respirations almost stopped, so few and feeble: Chlorof.; feeble: Amm. caust. Rolling from one side to the other, at intervals, trying to get a good breath: Cupr'um.; exhaled air is cool: I I CGarb. veg.* Suffocating feeling in the air passages: Ipecac. Oppression from pit of stomach to chest: Nux vom. " Felt the wind knocked out of him:" Amm. caust. Chest. Anguish, and pressure on it: Hydr. ac. In gun-shot wound of lung: Amm. caust. Heart. Sensation as if the blood flowed warm from it: Cinch. off. Palpitation awaking: Mercur.; internal congestion: Aeon. Blood feels like cold water in the vessel: Veratr.; stagnant circulation: Carb. veg. Sinking feeling at the heart as if dying: Mercur. Pulse. Slow and small: Digit., See. corn.; - and weak: Arnica, Mercur.; - and feeble and irregular: Tabac. Intermitting: Natr. mur.; by regular intermission every other beat, apparently slow: IDigit.* Pulse feeble; Camphor.; as if dying: Chlorof. - thready: Arsen.; and frequent: Cuprunm; and tense: Aeon. Dying away: Laches.; almost imperceptible: Capsic.; weak, slow, scarcely perceptible: Veratr.; failing: Cinch. off. Frequent and scarcely perceptible: CGarb. veg.; nearly extinct: Hydr. ac. Back. Aching: Gelsem. - chilly especially externally: Capsic. Injuries of the vertebral region:.Hyper. Limbs. Numbness and tingling: Veratr. - feel weak and bruised: Hepar s. c.; aching: Gelsem. - cold: Sulphur; feet: Acon.; - livid: Chlorof. Cold hands and feet, which are dripping with cold sweat: Ipec. Deadness of fingers and toes: Sec. corn. Motion. The least exertion causes great weakness and sleepiness: Nux mosch. Worse by moving or rising: Arnica. Dreads motion or uncovering; uneasy: Nux vom. Position. Wants the head low: Arnica; lying with body and limbs doubled up: Laches. Rest. Better by lying still: Arnica. Having led a sedentary life, wants rest and to be covered: Nzux vom. Nerves. Nervous agitation: Cinch. off.; very irritable: Hepar s. c. Restlessness: Arsen.; active and obstinate: Aeon. Trembling: Strontian., Veratr.; readily excited to it: Hepar s. c.; especially on moving: Sulphur; from slight exertions: Mercur.; on awaking: Mercur. Cramps: Nux vom.; convulsions: Opium. Apparently lifeless state, with occasional convulsive movements, followed by greenish vomiting: Phosphor. Weariness: Sulphur; feeling of great weakness: Camphor., Veratr. 80 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Wants to lie down: Amm. caust.; and inertia: Pulsat.; debility: Strontian. Faintness, with sweat: Digit. Great relaxation: Tabac; with vertigo, fainting: I IAcet. ac.* Inertia from over exertion: Alcohol. Sense of great fatigue, with angry despondency: Nux vom.; exhaustion: Gelsem. After continued or repeated hemorrhage, prostration: Cinch. off Prostration: Ipecac., I I Sec. corn. Sometimes a limp prostration, preceded by spasmodic symptoms: Cuprum. Great prostration after a gunshot wound of the lungs: Amm. caust. Collapse. Tendency to collapse, as in cholera: Arsen.; threatened collapse, with intermitting pulse and great thirst: Natr. mur.; impending death by it: Opium (one dose high); from progress of inflammatory lesion: Opium (repeated lower doses). Sleep. Yawning: Veratr.; rapid yawning: Laches. Disposed to doze: Sulphur; drowsiness: Gelsem.; constant sleepiness: I I Nux mosch., Arnica, Opium. Could not get asleep, wide awake: Coffea. Sleepless so long as any noise or light continues at night: Coffea. Jerking of limbs when beginning to sleep: Sulphur. On awaking from a doze, trembling as if frightened, with palpitation: Mercur.; dreams of horrible things, as robbers, fire, murder, etc.: Natr. mur. After loss of sleep: Nux vom. Warmth. Wants to be covered up warmly: Arnica; and rest: Nux vom. Wants to be uncovered, but the skin is clammy and cold: Sec. corn. Skin cool and sensitive to exposure: Nux mosch. Dreads uncovering: Nux vom.; cannot bear a breath of cool air: Arsen. Desires to keep warm: Strontian.; wants external heat: Arsen. Pain better from hot application: Chamom. Cannot bear the heat: Sec. corn.; cannot bear a warm room: Pulsat. Sluggish manner, as in cold weather, is often seen in persons who have been exposed: Capsic. "Ragged philosophers " who have been much exposed: Sulphur. Chill. Internal shivering from below upwards: Ilepar s. c. Chilliness: Ipecac.; when uncovered: Acon.; increased by drinking: Veratr. General coldness: Hydr. ac.; cold and stupefied: Camphor.; whole body cold, except the head and face: Arnica; most in hands and feet: I I Veratr.; especially the legs: Tabac. Whole surface cold and clammy: Camphor., Capsic., Opium. Dry heat after much bruising or sprains: I Acet. ac.* Can scarcely perspire: Cinch. off. Sweat: Mercur.; cold: Carb. veg., NAux vom., Tabac.; most in the face: Veratr. Cold, sticky sweat: Pulsat. All over forehead and limbs; sweats when being cold: Chamom. Semi-lateral (r. s.) affections: Strontian. SHOCK OF INJURY. 81 Pains. "Unstrung" by the pain: Chamom. Extreme pain, with delirium: Veratr. They overcome every thought of civility: Chaimom. - especially during aggravation make chilly, but cannot bear a warm room: Pulsat.; rheumatic: Strontian.; aching, shifting or constant: Pulsat.; burning and as if torn: Chamom.; burning internally: Capsic. Tissues. Hremorrhage: Arnica; of bright blood: Ipec., Phosphor.; of dark blood: Cinch. off., Nux vom. Sequelhe of hemorrhage: Strontian.; emaciation: Strontian. When nervous tissues are mainly concerned: Hyosc.; tissues of organic life: Amm. caust. Injuries of the tissues of animal life generally, of the feet, the hands, etc.: Hyper. In grave cases, with internal congestions; if in the head, stupor; if in the cheek, stitching pains; if in the abdomen, great tenderness, etc.: Aeon. Wherever localized, there is a marked general uneasiness and apparent discontent, amounting often to restlessness of a distressing kind; usually thirsty, if conscious; like symptoms to those of Acon., but in bilious constitutions: Veratr. vir. Touch. Fear of: Arnica; worse from: Chamom.; could not bear to have the broken limb handled: Coffea. Concussion and bruising: Arnica. To prevent bad effects following surgical operations: Aeon.; cuts by the knife: Staphis.* Marked, punctured or torn wounds, lacerations of skin: Hyper. If moved in bed or seat, a very small motion seems to him immensely large: I Coffea.* Skin. Pale: Amm. caust.; moist, cold: Chamom.; dry, pinched, cold, livid: Arsen.; shrivelled, livid: Laches. Better as soon as an itching begins: I I Strontian.* Slovenly people craving spirituous liquors: Sulplhur. After allopathic drugging: Nux vom. Liqu. amon., U. S. Ph., has been useful when taken in drop doses. *Spir. nitr. dulc. might be given according to Hahnemann's direction, how to apply it in typhoid fevers. See Chapt. 40. According to Dr. J. C. Morgan, the same indications may be used in other forms of collapse, i. e.: in the so-called pernicious or malignant intermittent, congestive chills; the symptoms before or after death bear a great likeness. Hence the indications for Lachesis are taken from such a case, and the Cuprum arseniosum, to be relied on in such cases, according to Dr. Eggert of Indianapolis, might also be given in bad cases of "shock." Acet. ac. is antidote par excellence to all anesthetic vapors; a finger dipped in vinegar rubbed within the lips.-J. C. M. Ipec. after it if remaining pale and sick, no vomiting but still nauseated and weak. Model cures, by J. C. M. See end of this Division, page 109. 6 .82 MIND AND DISPOSITION. AILMENTS OWING TO FEAR. Acone. "See after a fright." Aurum. Continuing fearfulness in the evening: Aeon. or Pulsat. CaI Bellc. ostr. In the night or the morning: Bellad. Carb. veg. Fear of being alone: Arsen. Gls~eono. Fear of people: Pulsat. Hydroph. Sees dead bodies: Arsen.; imagines thieves to be in the I Lyeop. house: Natr. mur. II Lycop. Natr. mur. Diarrhcea from fear: Gelsem.; cold and trembling: Veratr. x Opium. Inner heat, outer cold: Pulsat. Platin. Body hot, limbs cold: Pulsat. Pulsat. Rhus tox. Head hot: Opium. Suiphur. Spasmodic complaints, laughing in sleep, wants to run away: II Veratr,,Iyosc. After fear and great anxiety: I Silie. Fear, grief and great sadness in children after punishment; if brought to bed too soon get convulsions in sleep: ilgnat.; in case the back is stiff, with twitching and starting and Opium did not help: Ilgnat. Suffering from fear of hydrophobia after the bite of a dog, mad or not, or without ever having been bitten: Hydroph. Fear of apoplexy, see Chapter 2. AFTER ANXIETY. Anxiety is a frequent concomitant symptom. Causticum has it with all bodily sufferings. Chapter 28, Chest, and 29, Heart, will contain most, next to them Chapter 27, Sleep, and 40, Fevers. The margin list is analyzed by giving the local observations first, and afterwards the few instances in which other symptoms follow after anxiety. Anxiety apparently originating in the head: Apis, I I Cicuta, II Lauroe., Magn. carb., Natr. earb., Phosphor., Psorin., Sarsap., I I Thuya. In chest, heart and prmecordia: I Aecon., larsen., (also abdominal,) Cale. ostr., Lycop., Pulsat., Veratr.; from chest to head: Aeon. Pectoral and cardiac: MNitr. ac., Platin., (also abdominal,) Plumbum, Zincum. Pectoral and proecordial: Arnica, Cale. ac., Colchic., Crot. tigl., Gran. cort., (and abdominal,) Hydr. ac., Ignat., Lauroc., Natr. mur., Nux vom., Phosphor., Sulphur, (and abdominal.) Cardiac, prmecordial and abdominal: Cuprum. Pectoral and abdominal: Alum., Ar. mac., Arsen., Platin., Gran. cort., and others mentioned above. Cardiac and abdominal: Arsen., Cuprum, Platin. Prvecordial and abdominal: Gran. cort. Pectoral: Amm. gum., Capsic., Carb. an., Chelid., Cop. bals., Ferrum, Ginseng, Jodium, Kali carb., Mercur., Mezer., Nitrum, Oleand., Opium, Phosph. ae., Pimpin., Pothos., Prun. spin. AFTER ANXIETY. 83 II Aeon. Cardiac: Ambra., Ant. tart., I IAurum., I IBellad., Bromum, Alum. I I Calc. ostr., Camphor., Canthar., Castor., Caustic., Crocus., I Arnic. Cuprum, Evon., -Hcematox., Magn. mur., Mferc. peren., Platin., II Arsen. II Aurum. Spigel., Stramon., Viol. tric. I Bellad. Praecordial: Anac., Bovist., Cannab., Cicut., Cinch. off., I Bryon. I Cale. ostr. Conium, Digit., Droser., Helleb., Hydr. ac., Lactuc., Pulsat., I I Caustic. Stannum, Stramon, Thea., Thuya; left side only: Phosphor.! Chamom. cicuta. Abdominal: Amm. mur., Bryon., Calend., Carb. veg., IICofeuea. I Chamom., I Cuqrum, IEuphorb., Moschus, Mur. ac., Rhus tox., ii Cuprum. Scilla, Sulph. ac. I Digit. Rising up in throat: Arum mac.; with heat: Iyper.; in Hydroph. sI Hyosc. chest: Arum mac.; from the stomach: Cale. ac.; from the hypoI Ignathes. chondria: Droser.; from region of heart: Arsen., Bellad., Crocus.; Lauroc. Cpu.!1 Lycop. IMercur. First in head, then in whole body: Sarsap. I Natr. marb. Originating in upper part of chest: Arsen., Arum mac. Natr. our.' - Nux, veom.. As if in the blood: Mercur., Sepia. I Opium. Mind. Against her will she has to call for somebody: Petrol. Phosphor. Thuya. Phosph ac. a Anxiety, with screaming: Calc. ostr., Chin. sulph., Coccul., I Platin. Psorin. -IlIyose., I Lycop., Ran. scel.; with moaning: I Acon., Alum., Ant. I aplhan. tart., Arsen., I Chamom., Paris, Phosphor., Rheum. II Rhus tox. Followed by weeping: Acon., Amm. muwr., Carb. veg. Sambue. Sarsap. Fears the dark, desires to look into light: Cale. ostr. 11 Sepia. Sensorium. A confusedness before the eyes: Psorin. Staunum. II Stramon. Fainting, interrupts cardiac anxiety: Arsen. {I Sulphur. Frequently falls into syncope: Arsen. Thuya. I IVeratr. Head. Aches: lEther, tthus., Arnic., Zinc.; hot: Phosphor. Face. Hot: Carb. veg., Mercur.; red: Sepia. Sweat: Arsen., Coccul., Mur. ac., Natr. carb.; cold sweat: Arsen., Mur. ac., on forehead: Aeon., Nux vom. Abdomen. Nausea: Arnic.; followed by bellyache: JEthus., Arnic.; bursting pain: Amm. mur.; has to double up: Bar. mur. Chest. Warmth; blood seems to boil: Anac. Pulsating in different spots: Alum.; beating: Conium, Phosphor. Palpitation of heart: I I Nitr. ac.; spasmodic quick pulse: Cuprum. Limbs. Hands tremble: Psorin.; feet heavy: Nitr. ac. Position. Has to lie down in the afternoon: Phosph. ac.; has to sit up: Crocus.; it drives him from the seat: Ant. tart., Silic. Nerves. Anguish of conscience causes restlessness: I I Amm. carb., Arnic., I Arsen., I Coffea., Cyclam., I I Graphit., Mercur., ISulphur, I I Veratr. Trembling: lArsen., Aurum, Carb. veg., I Chamom., Coffea, GCap hit., Laches., Lam. alb., Lycop., Magn. carb., Natr. carb., Phosphor., Platin., IPulsat., Rhus tox., Sepia; most in feet: Sarsap. Sleep. Prevents falling asleep: Kali hydr., Lauroc., Natr. carb., Rhus tox.; before midnight: Arsen.; after midnight turning and tossing about: Arsen. 84 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Driving out of bed: larsen., Bryon., Carb. veg., Caustic., I Chamomr, Cinch. off., Chin. sulph., I Graphit., IlHepar s. c., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac. Driving him about: Aeon., IAurum., Conium., Lamium., Silic., Staphis., I Tabac. Fever. Flushes of heat: Cale. ostr.; heat and sweat: Natr. mur.; sweat breaking out: Arsen., Bellad., I Caustic., Chamom., Graphit., Magn. carb., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Nitrum, I I Nux vorn., Phosphor., Rhus tox., Staphis. MODEL CURE. Feels the greatest anguish in the head with a whirling before the eyes every day, from 5 A. M. until 5 P. M., since two years. He walks up and down the room, wringing his hands, and moaning continually, "Oh, such anguish! Oh, such anguish!" Only when he takes his meals he ceases moaning. His appetite is good: Psorinum. —WM. GRoss. HOMESICKNESS, NOSTALGIA. >eimroeS. Silent ill humor: Nitr. ac., IPhosph. ac.; indifference to everything: Bellad. Complains of everything: Mercur. Whimsical and sensitive: Capsic. Longing: Mercur.; after his friends: Ignat.; sighing and moaning: lfelleb. Sorrowful feeling, as if left alone: Carb. an.; loneliness: Magn. mur.; anxiousness: Mercur.; anxious lowness of spirits: Nitr. ac. Inconsolable: I Carb. an.; cheerful faces increase his woe: Helleb. Whining, sorrowful, as if alone: Magn. mour. Lachrymose: Phosph. ac.; frequent weeping: Capsic., Magn. mur.; melancholy: Aurum; inward grief: Ignat.; thoughtless stammering: Ignat.; quiet: Sepia; reserved: Ilelleb.; depressed: Nitr. ac. Headache, as if bursting when moving: Capsic. Redness of cheeks: I Capsic. Long lasting after-taste from that which has been vomited: Phosph. ac. Heat in fauces: I Capsic. Hunger, with weak digestion: Mercur.; want of appetite: Phosph. ac. Thirst and chilliness: Capsic.; insipid, watery taste of all food: Ignat. After eating, burning in stomach: Capsic.; with emaciation: Phosph. ac.; pain in upper part of belly: Aurum. Diarrhoea: Phosph. ac.; with tenesmus: Capsic., Mercur. Disposed to take a deep breath: Capsic.; weak chest, unable to talk: Phosph. ac. Short, hacking morning cough, lasting for thirty minutes: Capsic., Drosera. Violent cough in evening and night: Capsic. Frequent palpitation of heart: Nitr. ac.; violent palpitation: Aurutn. LOVE PANGS. 85 I Aurum. Crawls over the back: Phosph. ac. I Bellad. mI Capsic. Pain in limbs at night: Mercur. * Caursib. an. Wants to run away, inquietude, wants to travel: Mercur. a Caustic. II Clemat. Weak and trembling after slight exertion: Mercur.; averse Eup. purp. I Helleb. to moving: Capsic. Hyosc. Somnolency, constant inclination to sleep: Phosph. ac. II Ignat.:I Mr~agn. mZur. Fear in the night: IMercur.; sleepiness: Capsic., Mercur. II Mercur. I Nitr. ae. Warmth of bed aggravating: Mercur.; profuse morning II Phosph. ac. sweats: IPhosph. ac. Sach. sach. Feels as if alone in the morning: Carb. an.; evening and I Silie. I Staphis. night coughs: Capsic. Chilliness, with heat of face, and thirst: Capsic.; hectic fever: Capsic. Evening fever, without thirst: Phosph. ac. Night sweats: IMercur.; sweats in the morning: Phosph. ac. Phlegmatic constitution: Capsic. Desires to travel, as everything is disagreeable to him; Spigg. Mart.; plans about travelling: Elaps.; longing to travel early in March: Laches.; irresistible propensity to wander from home: Elater.; desire to flee: Hyosc.; to run away: Mercur.; feels homesick when at home with her family: Eup. purp.; apprehension, sad, homesick, weeps: Magn. mur. LOVE PANGS. 2iebeBnot). 1. Unhappy love. j. Jealousy. b. Both. Apis. j. Unhappy love, disposed to weep, desires to take his life; Ant. crud. 1. I I A crum. 1. despair, sudden anger; quarrelsome, or melancholy, with longing Calc. phos.b for death; alternately joyful and sorrowful; congestion of blood I I Caustic. 1. to the head, sparks before the eyes, rushing in the ears; putrid * Coffea. 1. odor from the mouth, excessive hunger and thirst; congestion of Helleb. 1. II Hyosc. b. blood to the chest, and anxious beating of the heart: Aurum. II Ignat. b. With jealousy, vehemence and confused talking, quarrelsome: II Laches. b. Hyosc. II Nux vom.b. I Phos. ac. b. Indignation about undeserved mortification, pushing things Sepia. 1. away from him: Staphis. II Staphis, b. Stramon. j. With jealous, suspicious despair, weary of life: Laches. With silent grief, one cheek red: Ignat. Not inclined to talk, hectic, red cheeks, sleepiness, morning sweats, emaciation: Phosph. ac.; pain in heart, fainting, apparent death: Laches. Complaints of girls for grief about faithless lovers: Arsen., Cale. phosph. Hyosc., Ignat. 86 MIND AND DISPOSITION. JEALOUSY. itferfucdt. I Apis. Quarrelsome, eager, vehement, with delirious, incoherent Camphor. II Hyosc. speech, rage, mania: Hyosc. I Ignat. With anger, desire to kill; torments others; running about; I Laches. Nux vom. worse in day-time, mostly women: Apis. II Phousph. ac With mistrust, suspicion, worse towards evening: Laches. I Pulsat. Staphis. With excessive nervousness, spasmodic attacks, hectic fever, sleeplessness: Hyosc.; jealous thoughts rise in his mind: Camphor.; during pregnancy: Laches. MODEL CURE. A very irritable lady, suffering under the most violent and threatening nervous symptoms, even spasms; had hectic fever, sleepless nights, and her mind was nearly deranged; disturbed by unfounded jealousy. After one dose of fHyosc., 30 cent., she soon was well and remained so.-E. STAFF. GRIEF AND SORROW. gram unb summer. Alum. Mind. Mental derangement: Arsen., Bellad. Amm. mur. I Arsen. Sad, indifferent; aversion to everything; full of fears: Ignat. I IAurum. Grief with fear at night, disposition to quarrel, complaining II Bellad. Cale. ostr. of his relations and surroundings: Mercur. Calc. phos. EWith apprehensions for the future: Staphis. Capsic. II Carb. an. Absorbed in his own thoughts, silent ill-humor; indifference; I Causomc. aversion to speaking; absent minded and dullness of mind: Ipec. I Coccull. Grief and sorrow with shame; suppressed internal vexation, I Colohic. which continues: Ignat. Conlium. Sensorium. Vertigo: Ignat.; in evening: Phosph. ac. I I Cyclam. I Graphit. Head. Headache: Ignat.; mornings: Phosph. ac. H1elleb. Benumbing pain in forehead: Lact. vir.; rising up through I Hyosc. 1l Ignat. the neck in the head: Bellad.; heat on top of head: Cale. ostr., Kapec. Phosphor., Sulphur; with pressure: Hyper. Kad. sulph. Kali carb. Nose. Coryza: Laches.; running, acrid: Mercur. I Laches. Throat. Contraction: Lact. vir. Lact. vir, ur Iycop. Abdomen. Long-lasting after-taste, food often thrown up: Natr. mur. Phosph. ac.; pressing pain in. stomach: Ignat.; after every meal: Nitrum. Phosph. ac.; emptiness in scrobiculum: Ignat.; rolling rumbling I I Nux vom. Opium. in abdomen: Phosph. ac. Phosphor. Stool. Looseness: I Coloc., I Gelsem., Phosph. ac.; involunI Phosph. ac. Platin. tary: Opium; with tenesmus: Mercur. II Pulsat. t. IRSexual Parts. Weakening pollutions: Phosph. ac.; amenII Rhus tox. II Sepia. orrhcea: Ignat. II Staphis. In pregnancy, chorea: Ignat., Stramon.; labor pains mostly in Stramon. I Veratr. back: Caustic. BETTER IN COMPANY AND BETTER. WHEN ALONE. 87 Fainting during parturition: Ignat. Chest. Whooping-cough: Phosphor.; weakness of chest causes inability to speak long: Phosph. ac. Palpitation from sadness: Nux mosch. Back. Crawling: Phosph. ac. Spasms. Attacks like epilepsy: Opium, Phosph. ac.; fits: I Ignat. Sleep. Prevented by seeing frightful faces: Mercur. Sleepiness in the day-time: Phosph. ac., Staphis. Fever. Without thirst, evenings: Phosph. ac. Tissues. Emaciation: Phosph. ac. After suppressed mental sufferings; seems to be weighed down; broods over imaginary trouble: Ilgnat. Chronic complaints after long-lasting grief or sorrow: Caustic., Laches., Lycop. After weeping, nose bleeds: Nitr. ac.; throat contracted: Lact. vir.; cough, with children: Arnica, Asar., Chamom.; moving arms and hands about: Sambuc. BETTER IN COMPANY AND BETTER WHEN ALONE. According to B. R., each may be reversed, better in company to be the same as worse when alone; better when alone the same as worse in company; the first might be identified with desire to be in company; the second with longing to be alone; the first with dislike to solitude, the second with love of it, and the latter turned into dislike of society. The marks outside of margin list refer to the first, the marks inside to the last. In the text each modality is given separate. Better in Company. The sad and depressed state: Bovist.; sad, solitary feeling: Kali carb.; is happy among people, likes company: Cale. ac., Mezer. Better from conversation: Eupat. perf. Desire to be in company: Arsen., Conium., Caustic., Elaps., Lycop., Mezer., Sepia. Dislike to Solitude. Did not want to be alone; great melancholy: Stramon.; will not remain alone: Ran. bulb.; dare not remain a moment alone: Sepia; likes to have one beside him constantly: Droser.; dreads being alone: Conium; afraid to be left alone: Lycop.; frightened to be left alone: Kali carb.; cannot bear to be left alone: Arsen., Bismuth., Cale. ostr. Complaints when alone. Has no rest: Mezer. Anxiousness: Droser, Phosphor., Zincum. Fear of ghosts in the evening: Ran. bulb., Pulsat. With fear if people approach: Conium. Fearful: Arsen., Conium, Droser., Kali carb., Lycop., Ran. bulb. Feels forlorn in the morning: Carb. an. Apprehensions: Bryon.; hypochondriac: Arsen.; irritable: Phosphor. Care and sorrow: Hepar.; weeping: Conium., Natr. mtour. Sadness: Kali. carb. Room seems gloomy, desolate: Valer. Excited, full of imaginations: Arsen. 88 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Aeon. Dull mind: Phosph. ac. Alum. I Ambra. II Always the same idea in his mind: Arsen., Kali carb., Amm. mur. I Zincum. Ant. crud. Argent. I Cold face, hands and feet: Cale. ostr. Alrnica. I II Arsen. Love of Solitude. Prefers being alone, retired into a Aur. sulph. I corner: I I Coca., II Elaps., IHipponz.; ruminating his thoughts: Bellad. I1 Laches.; rather silent, than to speak: Menyanth.; without speakI Bismuth. ing: Ant. crud. I Bryon. Wishes to pore over his thoughts in solitude: Magn. mnur. Bufo. sat. II II Calc. ac. Wishes to be alone, quiet and at ease: Nux vom.; to lie with ii Calc. ostr. Carban. closed eyes: Sepia; everything displeases her: Hepar s. c. II Caustic. Fond of solitude: Carb. an.; likes it best: Cinch. off.; Cicut. I Cinch. off. I and great discouragement: Gratiol.; and silence from sadness: Coca. I Rhus tox. II Conium. II Cuprum. II Desire for: Aeon., Bellad., IDigit., Panac., Rhus rad.; Cyclam. I to sit alone: Jambos.; if interrupted, he gets angry: Graphit.; Digit. I 1! Droser. retiring in a corner: I IElaps.; wants quiet: Bellad.; with I uElaperfs fearfulness and trembling: Niccol.; with dislike to people: I I lluor ac. I ILycop. Graphit. I Gratiol. I I Longing for it: Alum., Aurum sulph., I I Bellad., Carb. an., I Hepar. c. I Cuprum, I I Digit., Gratiol., Jambos., Ledum, Lycop., Magn. Hippom. I mur., Rhus tox., Sulphur. gnHyocat. I Passion for it, and shyness: I Coca. Jambos. Seeks it: Aurum; darkness and silence: Nux vom.; full of I I Kali carb. II Laches. II apprehension: Natr. carb.; buried in deep thought, reflects Ledum. I about his future state: Cyclam.; plunged in deep meditation: II Lycop. II Magn. carb. II Conium; avoids the sight of people: Cuprum. agenyanth. murI Complaints with the love of Solitude. Sadness: ii Mezer. Buzfo sat., Carb. an., Ignat., Rhus tox.; and depression: Alum., Natr. carb. II I Natr. mur. I Aurum; unhappiness: Alum.; full of fears most every evening Niccol. I in bed: Kali carb.; fearful and trembling: Niccol.; with appreNux vom, II Panac. I hension: Conium, Cyclam., Kali carb., Natr. carb. 11 Phosphor. I Shyness: II Coca; ill humor: Gratiol.; morose: Cuprum, II Phosph. ac. Ledum; everything displeases her: IHepar s. c.; irritable: I Platin. I Plumbum. I Nux vom.; gets angry when interrupted: Graphit.; thinks her I Pulsat. death is near: Cuprum; wishes death: Ledum; reflects about II Ran, bulb. Rhus rad. his future state: Cyclam.; full of schemes: Natr. carb.; much Rhus tox. 11 discouraged: Gratiol.; reserved: Carb. an.; buried in deep I Sepia. II II Silic. thought: Cyclam.; pores over his thoughts: Magn. mur.; IStramonu. I ruminating: Laches.; plunged in deep meditation: Conium. II Stramon. II I Sulphur. II Head as if drunk, with bursting pain in forehead: Ant. II Valer. I Zincum. crud. In darkness and silence: Nux vom.; lies with closed eyes: Sepia. Quiet, every noise disagreeable: Bellad.; disturbed by it: Carb. an.; by noise of many people: Petrol. BETTER IN COMPANY AND BETTER WHEN ALONE. 89 Without speaking: Antim.; rather silent, does not want to talk: Magn. mur., Menyanth., Rhus tox. Trembling: Niccol. Dislike to Society. Abhorring the foolishness of men: Cicut. With bursts of sarcasm: Rhus rad. Unsocial humor: Magn. mur. Keeps aloof from others: Bufo sat. Dislike to people: Lycop., Selen., Stannum. Avoids people: Natr. carb. Shuns the sight of people: Cuprum; the noise of many: Petrol.; to hear talking fatigues, hands and feet turn cold: Aurum. Presence of others is disagreeable, visitors loathsome: Bellad. Shuns all conversation: Carb. an.; all men: Cicut. Would like to be in a deep cave, seeing no one: Elaps. Aversion to company: Cinnab., Clemzat., Ledum, Natr. carb., Pulsat., Rhus tox.; dreads society when pregnant: Laches. Worse when other persons are present: Stramon. Fear of approaching people: Cuprum; and anxiety when others come near him: Lycop.; afraid they might touch him: Arnica. When persons are coming in the room, fear of being hurt: Arnica; his cough gets worse: Phosphor.; whooping-cough worse among strangers: Ambra, Baryt.; when in company anxious: Bellad., Lycop., IPetrol., Platin.; unwilling to converse: Argent. In a room with many people, headache; pressure over the whole head: Magn. carb. Worse among strangers: Ambra., Baryt., Conium, Lycop., Petrol., Sepia, Stramron. We may mention a morbid disinclination to leave the bed, lectrophilie (~ettfucdt): Mere. sel., Psorinum, and shunning of the bed, lectrophobie (ettf5enu): Cannab., Caustic., Ljcop., Natr. carb. Will not be looked at, especially children, they want to be alone, and get out of humor: IAnt. crud., I larsen., I Chamom., Cina. If any one looks at him he must weep: Natr. mur. Dislike to be spoken to. Ill humor: larsen., Chamom., Gelsem., Natr. mur., Natr. sulph., Nux vom., Rhus tox.; weeping: Natr. mur., Staphis.; coughing: Arsen. Ill humor, worse from friendly persuasion, or soothing words: I Bellad., Cale. ostr., I Cale. phosph., GCinch. off., I Ignat., I Kali. earb., lIercur.; iNatr. mur., I Nitr. ac., Nux vorn., I I Platin., ISepia., I Silic. Weeping: Bellad., Cale. ostr., Cinch. off., Ignat., Kali carb. Natr. tmur., Nitr. ac., Platin., Staphis. Admonitions cause weeping: I I Bellad., Calc., Ignat., IKali carb., Nitr. ac., Platin. 90 MIND AND DISPOSITION. THE TALK OF OTHERS INCREASES THE SUFFERINGS. Aluml. Seems unbearable: Arsen. Amm. carb, II Arsen. Even the talk of persons dear to him affects his nerves, gets Colnium. morose and impatient: Zincum; cannot bear to be interrupted: Magn.mur. Mezer.; gets vexed: Rhus tox.; and vehement: Mangan. Mangan. His pains get worse: Arsen., Magn. mtour., Zincun. Mezer. Buried in thought: 01. anim. Nux vom. Oleand. Vexed ill humor: Mangan.; wrath: Mangan.; fatigued: Rhus tox. Amm. cearb. Silic. Staphis. MODEL CURE. 1I Veratr. Zincum. A child, 3 years old, apparently well, waked often from sleep with a scream, and continued to cry: the more they try by persuasion to quiet it, the worse it gets: Cale. ostr. did not help much; after Cale. phosph., the spells ceased altogether. —LIPPE. AFTER MORTIFICATION. Szrtdndung. Acon. Fearfulness: Ignat.; fear and restlessness: Coloc.; disposition.Arnsa. to cry and weep: Coloc.; sad, bursting into tears: Pulsat. I1 Aurum. Does not like to talk: Ignat.; indifference: Ignat. I Bellad. I Bryon. Thinks with pleasure of drowning: Pulsat.; anxious; weary 1 Carb. tan. of life; sad and gloomy: Pulsat. Caustic. Melancholy; prefers to be alone: Ignat. * Chamom. Throws things down or pushes them away: Staphis.; dissatisfied Crocus. I Coloc. with everything: Pulsat.; aversion to all around him: Ignat. u1 Ignat. Very easily frightened: Pulsat.; bewildered: Nux vom.; easily Ipec. enraged: Pulsat. I Lycop.,I Mlercur. Derangement of the mind: Arsen., Bellad.; continual babbling 11 Natr. mur. of stupid phrases: Anac.; talking incoherently: Nux vom.; everyI Nux vom. I Opium. thing he attempts he does wrong: Nux vom. I Phosph ac. Weak memory: Ignat. II Pallad. I Platin. Heaviness of head: Ignat., Nux vom.; headache: Coloc. I Pulsateneg. Losing hair on one side: Ignat. * Seneg. I Sepia. Sees through a fog: Ignat.; vacant gaze; sits quietly: Ignat. II Staphis. Hard hearing: Ignat. $tramon. 1 I Sulphur. Frequent profuse nosebleed: Pulsat. Veratr. Face distorted: Ignat.; pale face and sunken eyes: Coloc.; earthy pale and sunken: Ignat.; pale with pointed nose or red with irritation: Pulsat., Nux vom.; earthy, dark ring around the eyes: Pulsat. Bitter sapid taste in mouth: Pulsat.; no desire to eat or drink: Ignat.; dislikes meat or bread: Pulsat.; appetite soon satisfied: Ignat. Nausea with pain in stomach: Pulsat. Bitter, slimy vomiting: Pulsat. AFTER MORTIFICATION. 91 Pain in stomach: Nux vom.; in left hypochondrium, worse from pressure: Ignat. Cutting in bowels: Pulsat.; violent pains in abdomen; squeezing pain, better from outward pressure; cramp in bowels; cramp-colic relieved by extreme pressure; distention of the abdomen: I Coloc. Diarrhcea and vomiting every time food is taken: Coloc. Diarrhoea with pain in the bowels: Coloc. Hard scanty stool: Pulsat.; increased stool and urine: Ignat. Voice low, trembling: Ignat.; labored breathing: Pulsat. Stitches in side when coughing, with frothy bloody expectoration: Pulsat. Pain in small of back: Nux vom.; in the hips extending from the region of the kidneys down to the upper part of the thigh: Coloe. Cramp in calves: I Coloc.; heavy legs: Pulsat. Limbs bruised; swelling on upper part of foot: Pulsat. Staggering walk: Ignat.; cannot sit up: Nux vom. General weakness: Ignat.; spasms, convulsions: Opium. Later sleep and restlessness: Ignat.; sleeplessness: I Coloc.; starts in sleep: Ignat.; anxious dreams: Pulsat. Cold feet, most in evening: Ignat.; bilious fever: I Coloc. After wounded pride, not getting the praise of others she expected: Pallad. After trying to speak in company, anxious heart beating: Platin. Embarrassment: I Cale. ostr., ISulphur. Abashment: I I Coloc., Ilgnat., I Opium, I I Phosph. ac., I I Platin., Sepia, I Staphis., i Sulphur. From Reproaches: I I Coloc., Crocus., Ilgnat., I Opium, I Phosph. ac.,!Staphis. MODEL CURES. Melancholy after deep mortification; heaviness of the head; very great weakness of the memory; forgets everything except dreams; hardness of hearing; sees everything as if through a fog; sits quietly, with a vacant gaze, always thinking of the mortification endured, and knowing nothing of what passes around him; prefers to be alone; thinking of the mortification endured prevents him from going to sleep as early as usual; restless sleep, starts during sleep, much dreaming; pain in the left hypochondria increased by pressure and continuous walk. Loses his hair. Face colorless, hollow; voice low, trembling with distortion of the muscles of the face; does not like to talk; no desire to eat or drink; appetite is very soon satisfied. Always feels cold, especially in the evening. Very weak; staggering walk; walks carefully. Increased stool and urine: Ignat.-ATTOMYR. After mortification sad, gloomy and weary of life. Often pain in the forehead, earthy face, dark rings around the eyes; bitter sapid taste in the mouth; dislikes meat and bread; nausea, with pain in stomach; occasional bitter slimy vomiting; frequent profuse nosebleed; stitches in the side when coughing, with frothy bloody expectoration. Palpitation of the heart; labored breathing, hard scanty stools; frequent cutting pain in the bowels; heaviness of the legs; limbs feel bruised; swelling on the upper part of foot; anxious dreams; thinks of drowning with great pleasure; is sad; bursts into tears; dissatisfied with everything; easily enraged; reticent; very easily frightened; anxious; weary of life: Pulsat.-ATTOMYR. 92 MIND AND DISPOSITION. VEXATION. Werger. Aoeon. Ailments after Vexation. Even the slightest brings on II Alum. ailments or aggravate: Arsen., Bellad., Cistus., Kali carb., Mezer., Ant. tart. Apis. Natr. mur., Petrol., Phosph. ac., Ihus tox., Sulphur. I Aurumsen. Easily vexed, and the slightest vexation hurts her very much: II Aurum. EU Bellad. Phosphor. I Bryosn. She feels slightest vexation through the whole body: Caustic., Calc. ostr. Cale. plos. NUX vom. Castnab Long-lasting complaints following vexation: Alum., Lycop., Caustic. Petrol.; great sufferings: Sepia. II Chamnorm. e Cinch. off. Serious ailments: INatr. mur.; violent and dangerous: II Cistus. Chamom., Pulsat. II Coceul. I Coffea. After Vexation. Remaining anxiety: Lycop., Sepia; about Colchic. the future: Staphis.; full of fear and restlessness: Chamom.; 1! Coloc. Crocus. in the night: Arsen.; with anguish of conscience: Veratr. Cuylam. Disposition to whine: Bryon.; wheezing and coughing: Natr. Hyosc. mur.; crying about anticipated results: Staphis. EU Ignat. Feeling of shame, silent chagrin, sorrowful thoughts: Ignat.; Kali carb. fear of being alone, fear of death: Arsen. Laches. II Lycop. Cannot forget losses or injuries: Ignat. Magn. carb. Ill humor about anything which has happened: Staphis. Magn. mur. Mercur. Stubborn peevishness: Nux vom. Mezer.Natr ca Vexation with Indignation: Coloc., Ipee., Nux vom., Natr. carb. I Natr. mur. I I Platin., Staphis.; throws away whatever he happens to hold in fux mosch. his hands: Staphis.:1 Nux vom. Oleander. Disposition to quarrel: N]ux vom. I Opium. h II Petrol. With wrath, passion and heat: Chamom. I Phosphor. Beside himself: Nux vom., Phosphor.; and hot: Phosphor. I I Phosph. ac. EI Platin. Very easily frightened: Nux vom. I Pulsat. Uses the wrong word: Laches. Ran. bulb. Rhuan. tobulb. Is depressed, cannot work: Gale. phosph. Secamuc. Completely absorbed in his own thoughts: Ignat. Selen. Derangement of the mind: Veratr. I Sepia. Sanguine sensitiveness: Chamom.; over-sensitiveness of senses: Stannum. Nux vom.; very much excited: Aeon. Stramon. Congestion of blood to the head: Aeon., Hyosc.; fears apoSulphur. plexy: Sepia. Thuya. II Veratr. Vertigo: Ignat., Cale. ostr.; in attacks: Nux vom. I1 Zincum. Head. Headache: Castor.,.Lycop., I I Magn. carb., Petrol., I I Phosphor., Ran. bulb.; dull: Kali carb.; violent: Magn. carb., Mezer.; sudden: Ran. bulb.; after a slight vexation: Ignat., Mezer., Petrol., Ran. bulb.; the very slightest: Phosphor.; in forehead: Petrol.; in occiput: Cannab., Ran. bulb.; pressing on a small point: Ignat.; feels every step: Natr. mur.; twinging with heaviness: Magn. carb.; increasing from 1 P. M. till evening: Magn. carb.; after: VEXATION. 93 Mezer.; heat in head: Bryon.; attacks of heat and throbbing in the head: Cyclam.; with red face, one cheek: Chamom.; loss of appetite: Natr. mur. Scalp. Sensitive to slightest touch: Mezer.; loss of hair: Staphis. Eyes. Black before them: Sepia; pupils contracted: Coccul. Full of tears: Petrol.; weeping all night: Natr. mur. Nose. Hemorrhage: Arsen.; stopped up by cold: Staphis. Face. Hot: Chamom.; with cold hands: Phosphor.; cold, hippocratic: Veratr.; dark blue: Veratr.; cold sweat: Veratr.; pale: Arsen.; yellow: Kali carb. Taste of bile: Chamom.; bitter: Petrol.; with thirst: Bryon. Throat. Pressure and constriction in pit of throat; worse when swallowing: Staphis. Appetite. Lost: Petrol., Phosph.; after whining: Coceul.; with headache: Natr. mur. Thirst: Bryon.; insatiable: Chamom.; little at a time: Arsen. Eating. Worse before dinner: Phosphor.; after drinking, cough or vomiting: Arsen.; getting sick from eating or drinking soon after the vexation: II Chamom. Belching: Bryon.; and sickness: Petrol.; bitter: Bryon.; and vomiting: Chamom., Veratr. Nausea: Chamom., Ignat.; with hot face: Phosphor.; gagging: Kali carb., and coughing: Natr. mur.; unsuccessful urging: Natr. tour.; vomiting: Aeon., Chamom., Ignat., Veratr.; of bitter water: Bryon. Scrobiculum. Sensitive: Veratr.; empty feeling: Ignat.; sudden rush to: Lycop.; greatest anxiety: ILycop.; pain with suffocating spells: lAcon. Stomach. Pressing pains: Chamom., Ignat., Phosphor.; as from a stone: Aeon.; pains with fear: Arsen. Hypochondria,. Pain in liver: Bryon. Bowels. Cramps: Ignat.; belly-ache: Sulphur; with diarrhoea: Chamom. Stools. Several thin stools: Petrol.; looseness: Aloes, Cale. phosph., Chamom., I Coloc.; only in the morning or forenoon: Bryon.; next morning with agony: Petrol.; after a little walk with agitation: Petrol.; dysentery: Sulphur; costiveness: Bryon., Nux vom., Staphis.; burning in anus: Natr. mur. Womb. Cramps: Ignat.; catamenia too copious: Nux vom.; after it lumps of blood pass off: Rhus tox.; catamenia suppressed: Aeon., Coloc., Pulsat., Staphis. Amenorrhcea: Aeon., etc. In the fifth month of pregnancy, at night copious hemorrhage from vagina with lumps of coagulated blood, dull headache, yellow face, but no abortion: Kali carb.; checked lochia: Aeon., Coloc. Chest. Faint speech: Staphis.; shortness of breath: Aeon., Chamom.; want of breath and choking spells: Arsen.; suffocating from pain in pit of stomach: Aeon.; a contracted sensation: Arsen.; cramps: Chamorn.; after midnight with palpitation of the heart: Veratr. Cough: Aeon., Arsen., I Chamom., Cinch. off., Ignat., IlNatr. mur., Nux vom., Sepia, Staphis., Veratr. 94 MIND AND DISPOSITION. After vexation with fright: Ignat.; after fright with vexation: Acon. With grief: Ignat.; with indignation: Staphis. If children "get mad:" Ant. tart., Chamom. With gagging and wheezing: Natr. mur. With stitches in chest: Bryon.; in left upper part: Natr. mur. Heart. Palpitation: Chamom., Nux vom., Phosphor., Veratr. From the slightest movement: Staphis.; with anxiety:' Aeon.; palpitation and trembling; weakness: Lycop.; orgasm: Petrol. Pulse altered; Aeon., Chamom., Coloe., Ignat., Natr. mur., Petrol., Sepia, Staphis. Back. Pains in small of back: Nux vom.; chilliness: Nux vom. Upper Limbs. Burning in arms: Natr. mur. Cold hands and hot face: Phosphor. Legs. Her knees give way, falter: Caustic. Legs get as heavy as lead: Lycop., Natr. mur., Nux vom. Trembling: Ran. bulb. Limbs. Pain when in motion: Bryon. Bruised feeling: Aeon.; lame and bruised feeling: Veratr. Nerves. Great irritation of the whole nervous system: Nzux vom.; trembling: Aeon., Ban. bulb., Lycop.; twitching of limbs: Ignat.; all over: Magn. carb.; through the whole body: Petrol. Spasms: Bellad., Cuprum., Ignat.; violent spasms, wants to run up the wall: Bellad.; convulsions: Bellad., Ignat.; epilepsy: Ignat. A short, easy walk fatigues much: Petrol.; can hardly walk: Cale. phosph. Disposition to lie down: Niux vom. Getting as if lame: Cale. phosph., Sepia. Cannot work: Calc. phosph.; gets very weak: Natr. mur. Great weakness: lArsen., Lycop.; very infirm all forenoon: Lycop.; with fainting and coldness: Veratr. Sleep. At bed time "blood still in motion:" Petrol.; sleep improves; heaviness: Magn. earb. Sleepless: Chamom., and restless: Aeon., Arsen.; restless sleep: Petrol.; wakeful all night: Staphis.;' sleepy during the day: Nux vom., Staphis. Day. Every morning: Petrol.; worse morning than evening: Nux vom. Next morning, trembling through the whole body: Petrol. Forenoon: Ran. bulb.; infirm, trembling, weak: Lycop.; all day: Carb. veg. Sensation of heaviness from 1 P.M., increasing till bed time: Magn. carb. Worse in the evening and morning: Bryon. Warmth. Aversion to fresh air: Nux vom.; desire for warmth: Arsen. Chill: Aeon., Arsen., Bryon., Mercur., INux vom. Coldness: Arsen.; chilliness in back: Nux vom. Cold or chilly all over: Bryon. Heat: I Aeon., I Chamom., IN1ux vom., I Petrol., I ISepia, IStapphis., Phosphor.; beside himself: Phosph. ac. Attacks of heat and throbbing in head: Cyclam. Febrile motions, with bitter taste and thirst: Bryon. ANGER. 95 Hot, dry skin, with thirst: Aeon. Sweat. I Aeon., I I Bryon., I Chamom., I Lycop., IPetrol., I ISepia, I Staphis.; constant: Stacphis.; cold: Veratr. Sensations. Inward suffering, agony; tears always filling her eyes: Petrol.; feeling going through the whole body: Caustic.; burning pains in different parts: Arsen. Hemorrhages: Kali carb.; slightest touch hurts the head: Mezer.; after misuse of mercury: Staphis. After ill behavior of others: Coccul., I I Colchic., IStaphis. When disturbed at his work: Pulsat. From contradictions: lArsen., IIlAurum, IIgnat., IILycop., I I Nux vom., I I Oleand. From the slightest contradiction the blood rushes in his face: Ignat. After offences: Coloc., II Mercur., Natr. mur., I Nux vom., I Staphis. MODEL CURE. Especially after mental agitation of a vexatious character, to which she is very subject (in deficiencies of the valves), a trembling and fluttering of the heart, distressingly painful in the heart and as far as between the shoulders; it extends upwards also into the head, where it is felt as an equally painful throbbing; at the same time air, on inspiration, seems so cold that it is felt unpleasantly cold, even in the lungs: Lith. carb.-N. N. ANGER. Born. Much inclined to anger: Bryon., Phosphor., Zincum; long, lasting ailments from it: Agaric., Zincum; with mortification: Staphis.; vexation: Chamom., Platin., Staphis.; indignation: Coloc., Staphis.; with wrath and vehemence: Aeon., Arsen., Aurum, Bryon., I Chamom., Gratiol., Ignat., Lycop., Nux vom.,.Veratr. Throws things away indignantly, or pushes them away on the table: Staphis. Loss of reason, alternately laughing or crying: Platin. Excessive irritation of mind: Arnica; vertigo: Arnica. Head. Congestion: Arnica; with unconsciousness or delirium: Bellad., ache: Mezer., Petrol., Platin.; headache, heat, red face and thirst: Bryon.; hot sweats: Chamom. Face. Burning heat: Chamom.; redness: Bryon. Taste. Bitter, as is also the belching: Arnica. Mouth. Putrid breath: Arnica. Thirst: Bryon., Nux vom. Belching bitter: Arnica; vomiting: Coloc.; bile in the morning: Nux vom.; colic: Chamom.; looseness: Aeon., Chamom.; diarrhoea and vomiting: Coloc. 96 MIND AND DISPOSITION. II Aeon. Stool. Involuntary passage of it and the urine: Arnica. Agaria. Womb. Amenorrhcea: Chamom.; strangulated prolapsus: Ant. tart. Acon.; gastric symptoms in pregnancy: Bryon.; puerperal conApis. vulsions: Chamom., checked lochia: Coloc. Arnica. II Arsen. Chest. If the motions of the chest are vehement or laboriI Aurum, I Bellad. o0US: Rhus tox., Staphis. 11 Bryon. Agony of death; violent, laborious breathing: Rhus tox. l! Chamom. Coccul. Little children lose their breath, or breathe as if the throat I Coffea. was filled with phlegm: IAnt. tart. I I Ferrum. Cough. Children get angry, and have violent spells of epar Hyos. c. coughing: Ant. tart., Arnica, Asar., Chamom. Xgnat. After screaming or crying, blood spitting: Arnica. I Lycopac Heart. Convulsive beating: Arnica. Mezer. Circulation disturbed: Acon., II Chamom., Coloc., Ignat., I Natr. mur. Nitr ae. Natr. mtur., IPetrol., I Sepia., Staphis. II Nux vom. Back. Bruised feeling, and in the limbs at every motion: I I Oleander. Opium. Arnica. I Petrol. Nerves. Trembling after quarrels: Nitr. ac.; lameness: II Phosph. ae. I IPlatin. Sepia. Pulsat. Cramps: Chamom. i Staphis. Sleep. Drowsy in the evening: Pulsat.; by day sleepy, Strontian. by night sleepless, painfulness of whole body: Staphis. Thuya. Time of day. Morning: Nux vom.; evening: Bryon., II Veratr. II Zincum. Pulsat. Fever. Inner chill, without thirst: Pulsat.; with red cheeks and thirst: Bryon.; alternating chills and heat, thirst and vomiting: Nux vom.; coldness of lower parts, heat of the upper parts of the body: Arnica. MODEL CURE. Vexation and wrath, followed by fear of being brought before court, because, as she imagines, persons accuse her of having done something wrong. Frightened look on her face. She imagines her neighbors are pursuing her; the devil is lying in wait for her; will come up to her through the floor of the room; sleeps restlessly during the day; hot during the night, with only an hour or two of sleep, disturbed by anxious dreams. She imagines she is falling into a deep abyss. She is pursued, and tries to escape by running as fast as she can. Weakness-the feet feel as if bruised. Lachrymose-she dislikes any one who tries to dissuade her from her idea. Heat in head and face. Cheeks earthy pale, and dark red hollow face. Vertigo. Unable to walk. The body suffers alternately moderate heat and cold. Late, tardy evacuation. Urine with brickdust like sediment: Zinc. ox.-SCHMID. AFTER. EMOTIONS AND EXCITEMENT. 97 AFTER EMOTIONS AND EXCITEMENT. The marks inside of margin-list signify the degree in which heart, pulse and circulation are affected. * Anac. M- Mind. Anxiety after hearing of cruelties: Cale. ostr.; Alcohol. I Aluhm. sad stories: Cicut. Als. P. S. Sad and desponding after bad news: Pulsat.; much disI Amm. mur. I Ant. tart. pleased, does not want to say a word, wants to be left alone: I ApEisa. Cale. phosph. I Arnica. I I Arsen. Vanishing of thought, unconsciousness: Nux mosch.; beside I Aurum. himself; sweat breaks out all over him: Gale. phosph. I Baryt. Head. Rush of blood to the head with a spasmodic conI Bellad. I Benz. ac. traction between the shoulder-blades: Phosphor.; from the I Bryon. least little thing so much hurt that it is followed by much pain Cale. ars. I Calc. ostr. I in forehead, temples and below the chin: Hura; after a touchII Cale. phosph. ing farewell a gradually increasing headache, tension in brain: I Capsic. I Carb. an. Natr. mur.; nervous headache: Benz. ae., Eryngium, Gelsem., Carb. veg. Kreosot., Natr. mur., Scut. lat. I Caustic. ] Chamom. II Ears. Trembling in them after hearing sad news: Sabin. I Cicut. Nose. The slightest agitation is followed by a red nose: I Cinch. off. I Cistus. Vin. min. I Coccul. Face. Red from the slightest emotion or excitement: I Coffea. ItI Phosphor. Toothache during pregnancy: Cale. ostr. I Colchic. II Coloc. I Stomach. Vomiting and gagging: Kali earb.; anxious II Conium. I feeling in scrobiculum: Phosphor. I Crocus. I Cuprum. I I From the least unpleasant emotion a nervous irritation of EIICyclam. the digestive organs, expansion of stomach and abdomen: -Eryngium. I Fierrum. Nux mosech.; weak digestion: IBryon., I Chamom., I I Cinch. off., II Gelsem. I Coloc., INux vom., I I Phosph. ac., I I Staphis. I Hep.. c. Moving to diarrhcea: I Gelsem. II HIgnatyosc. Milk scanty with nurses: Caustic. ii Ignat. I I lpec. Chest. Asthma: Cuprum. II Kali bichr. II Kali carb. I Whooping-cough attack: Laches., Lob. infl., Spongia; all II Kreosot. kinds of cough increase: Spongia; orgasm: Laches.; palpita-! Laches. I I Lauroc. tion and short breath: Sepia; after the least emotion violent I Ledum. Lithium. palpitation: Phosphor.; after excitement: Al. p. s. I Lycop. Whole Body. Contraction between shoulder-blades: I Magn. carb. I Magn. mur. Phosphor. Mauncih. Looking at an offensive object it goes to her limbs, runs I Mar. ver. I I I Mercur. through the whole body, and she is nearly beside herself: I Natr. mur I Nux vom.; limbs asleep: Cale. phosph. I Natr. mur. I II Nitr. ac. I After every emotion her whole body trembles: Psorin.; II Nux vom. * internal trembling: Zincunm. II Oleander. Every event makes a violent impression, with a wave-like II Pallad. trembling in the nerves and sensation of fainting: Natr. carb. I Petrol. I Sleep. Sad news makes very sleepy: Ignat. I Phosphor. I II Phosph. ac. I Fever. Exciting news cause flitting chilliness: Gelsem.; 7 98 MIND AND DISPOSITION. I Platin. I unpleasant news followed by chilliness: Sulphur; chill aggraPodoph. II Psorin. vated: I I Calc. ostr., I Cicut.,I Ignat., IMar. ver.; after unpleasRa Pulsat. 1 ant news beside himself, cannot think, sweat breaks out all over I Ran. bulb. I I Rhus tox. him: Cale. phosph. 1 I Sambin. Affected when thinking about unpleasant things: Cale. ostr.; I i Sambuc. II Scut. lat. anxiousness: Phosphor.; weeps when thinking of old troubles: I See. corn. I Se.olern. Lycop., Nlatr. mur.; suffocative oppression of the chest when I Selen. I Senlega. thinking of adverse things: Hura. I Sepia. I II Silic. Thinking of past troubles accelerates his pulse and takes I Spongia. his breath away: Sepia. I Stannum. II Staphis. I Vivid fancy in evening; the mere thought of disagreeable U Stramona. things causes shuddering: Phosphor. Strontian. II Sulphur. Looking at an offensive object affects him: NAux vom.; everyI VeraITa. I thing that happens causes trembling: Natr. carb. I Veratr. Inc I Verbase. After hearing bad news: I IApis., II Calc. ostr., I I Calc. fine. min. IIZincumn. phosph., Cinnab., Cinch. off., ICI uprrum, Formica, I Gelsem., Ilgnat., I I Kali carb., Laches., Phosphor., I I Pulsat., Stramon., ISulphur. Affected by sad stories, hearing horrible things, cruelties, etc.: I Calc. ostr., I I Cicut., Coccul., I I Gelsem., I Ignat., aLaches., IMar. ver., Natr. carb., Nux vomn., UZincum. Much affected by misfortunes, their own or those of others: Coloc. After the slightest annoyance an indifferent, gloomy state of mind: fKali bichr. The slightest depressing emotion hurts much: Calc. phosph. Slight emotion followed by great ailments: Cale. ars., Cistus, Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Psorin., Zincum. Even the slightest thing hurts her affections: Hura. A touching farewell leaves a headache: Ncatr. mur. Least unpleasant emotion affects stomach: Nux mosch. After the least emotion palpitation: Phosphor.; trembling: Zincum. Sentimental people: Arsen., IAnt. tart., Cale. ostr., Canthar., Cinch. off., Coffea, Conium, I Guprum, I lgnat., Laches., Lycop., Nux vom., IPhosphor., Platin., Sabad., I I Staphis. Less sensitive to disagreeable things: Cale. carb. MODEL CURE. Pressing, stupefying pain in forehead, particularly after mental exertion and emotions. Towards evening restless, anxious and fidgety. Sleep disturbed by dreams; twitching of the whole body; sits up in bed with anxious gestures; weeps, cries out mournfully and wants to run away. Next morning does not remember what occurred: Bellad.-BIcKING. SYMPTOMS APPEAR WHEN THINKING OF THEM. 99 SYMPTOMS APPEAR WHEN THINKING OF THEM. 3eim SDranbenten. I Agar. Anxiety, liable to be brought on by thoughts: I Gale. ostr. I I Alum. Argent. Comprehends easily wheni not trying to think, but the harder I Arnica. he tries to comprehend, the more confused he gets: Oleand. Arsenic. Ars. hydr. Vertigo, as if the bed turned: Plumbum. Ars. met. When thinking of it, rushing in head is increased: Ox. ac. Asarum. Aurum. Thinking of his ailments aggravates them; headache, hicI Baryt. cough, bellyache, palpitation of heart: I Ox. ac. Bryon. Headache: Ant. crud., Cale. phosph., Camphor., I Coniumrn, Calc. ars. II Calc. ostr. Helleb., HEydrast., Ox. ac., Sabad.; with heat in forehead: Cale. I Caic. phos. phosph.; burning above the left eyebrow, worse in the forenoon Cinch. off. Ars. met. I Conium. As if something had gotten into the eye: Gale. phosph. Crocus. I Droser. Earache as long as he thinks of it: Crocus. Graphit. Heat in forehead: Cale. phosph.; in face: Staphis. Hura. Thinking of it increases onesided heat of face: Spongia. I I Hydarast. Saliva runs together if thinking about the sensation in her Magn.carb. throat: Laches.; if thinking about eating: Sepia. Moschus. Distress on seeing any one eat: Sedinha. Natr. mur. Desire for food passing off on seeing it: Crot. case. II Nitr. ac. I Oleander. Cannot smell nor see the food: larsen. 1i Oxal. ac. When thinking of food, nausea: ISarsap. ~ Plumbum. I Ran. bulb. Aversion to all food if he sees it: Silic., Squilla. II Sabad. Seeing the food, the appetite is gone: Sulphur. Sarsap. I Sepia. Thinking of the meals the appetite comes: Cale. phosph. II Spongel. Disgust and nausea at the mere thought of eating: Arsen. I I Spongia. i Staphis. Nausea and disgust when thinking of the taste of the mediI T'rhuya. cine: Bol. sat.; when seeing the tincture: Thuya. Greatest disgust and nausea if he only hears them talking' about eating: Cinch. off.; disgust when thinking of meat: Graphit.; or what he has eaten: Argent., Graphit., Sarsap. Nausea: Argent., Cale. phosph., Droser., I I Graphit., Laches., Mosch., Sarsap., ISepia.; of all and everything: Magn. sulph.; with good taste: Graphit., Sepia.; with emptiness of stomach: Sepia.; with drowsiness all day: Cinch. off. Vomituritio when thinking of water: Ars. hydr. Hiccough, bellyache and looseness: Ox. ac. Painful urination renewed or aggravated: Bellad. Prostatic juice: Natr. mur. See male parts. Chest. Thinking of his cough brings it on: Baryt., Ox. ac. Sometimes very strong beats of the heart, it makes him anxious; most at noon; belching relieves it: I I Baryt. Single strong beats after an omission, after thinking of his heart a beat omits: Ox. ac. (A strong man who had it for years.) When thinking about his disease he feels his heart beating: Al. p. s. 100 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Limbs. Pain in arms; in the knee: Ox. ac. Cramp in calves: Staphis., Spongia. Sensations. Burning: Bryon.; "inch-long" pains, especially in the arms and the hollow of the left knee: I I Ox. ac. Oversensitive to pain, when thinking of it, he seems to feel it: I I Aurum. The local symptoms which are aggravated by thinking of them, are relieved by the fresh air: Ilydrast. BETTER WHILE THINKING OF AILMENTS. I Ars. hydr. II Camphor. When thinking about it, his apprehensions disappear: I: Hlebuta. Hydroph.; better from thinking of the pain: Camphor. Hydroph. Feeling of looseness of the brain, early in the morning, disI Magn. carb. I Prun. spin. appearing when thinking of the pain intensely: Cicut. Headache, as if the brain were compressed from the top: Camphor. Sensation of constriction in the brain, especially in the cerebellum; the pain ceases when he thinks of it: Camphor. Pressive raw pain in sinciput, goes off immediately on directing his attention to it: Prun. spin. Headache gets better from thinking of it: Camphor., Cicut. Pain in the right shoulder, as if sprained; gets better when thinking of it: lMagn. carb. Headache on walking, as if the brain were loose and shaky when walking; disappears when thinking of it: Cicut. Better not thinking about it; every moment he lays the head on another place, violent headache; if he tries to forget it, and forces himself to lie quiet with eyes closed, it ceases: Ielleb. BETTER WHEN THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. Attacks of vertigo, with staggering gait and dimness of vision: Agar. Headache and earache: Thuya; noises in the ear: Crocus. Pressing headache from outward to inward, with stupefaction and heaviness of the head; worse on moving the head, from exertion; better in the open air and from distraction of the mind: Helleb. Symptoms disappear when busily occupied: Sepia. Digging pain in the left side of the forehead when unoccupied: Cinch. off.; pain better for a while when diverted: Stramon. Better from occupying himself. Turning on a lathe: Sepia. Writing: I I.Ferrum, INatrum. Reading: I Ferrum, INatr. carb. COMPLAINTS AFTER TALKING, SPEAKING, CONVERSING. 101 COMPLAINTS AFTER TALKING, SPEAKING, CONVERSING. Aconite. Anxiety and nausea: Alum.; vanishing of thought: Nux I Ambra. mosch.; omitswords: Chamon.; confused: Aurum. IIAmm. carb. Vertigo: Chamom.; after a long talk: Thuya; dullness in Arsen. II Aurum. occiput, disappearing when shutting the eyes: Kali carb.; dullCale. ostr. ness from the least conversation: Silic., Staphis. Canthar. Heaviness in head: Ignat.; rush of blood: I Coffea; tremCinchon. bling in head: Ambra.; headache: I I Acon., Ignat.; anterior: Coffea. Natr. tomur., Silic.; pressing from forehead to vertex: Thuya; in Perrum. I ]Fluor. ac. temple and both sides of vertex: Mezer.; upper part: Jodium, I Graphit. Mezer., Petiver., Spigel.; in left side, deep in, pressing and pushII Ignat. Jodium. ing: Fluor. ac.; right side: Ignat., Thuya; occiput: Spigel.; Kali carb. sore headache increases, so that it confuses the mind: Aurum. Magnl. mur. Mangan. Shooting: Natr. rnur.; in left parietal bone: Canthar.; cannot I Mezer.. II Natr. ur. talk on account of violent shooting: Thuya. Nux jugl. As if bursting: Ignat.; beating: Aurum; hammering: Niux mosch. Nux vom. Sulphur; sore: Cinch. of. Petiver. Hot head and cold hands: Phosph. ac. Phosph. ac. Pulsat. Face hot: Sepia; and disposition to bite teeth together: I Rhus tox. Fluor. ac.; a pressing jar in the face: I I Silic. Sarsap, Sepia. Teeth aching after their roots had been extracted: Fluor. ac.; I Sili. I Spigel. tearing in left jaw: Canthar.; after dinner, irritation: Cannab.; II Sulphur. and trembling shake in stomach: Magn. mur. I ]Thuya. I Pressing under the ribs: Natr. mur. Inhalations difficult and slow: Ferrum; palpitation of heart: Pulsat. Back. Drawing up to head: Natr. mur. Hands. Cold: Phosph. ac.; hot: Graphit. Hands and feet cold: Amm. carb. Lower limbs trembling: Ambra. Irritation after much talking, trembling through the whole body, coldness, sleep, headache: Ambra., Droser. Affected: Cale. ostr.; irritated: Ambra., Natr. tmur.; exhausted: Cannab.; fatigued: Amtm. carb., Sulphur. Lassitude from conversation: Silic.; general weakness: Ferrum. Chill, with flushed and red face: Arsen. Heat after interesting conversation: Sepia. Sweat: Sulphur; all over: Graphit. All his ailments increase: I I Coccul.; all his pains: Arnica, Sulphur. Internal soreness; better after conversing: Eup. perf. If it is the sound of the voice. See hearing, chapter 6. The exertion of the organs. See tongue, chapter 2; larynx, chapter 25. 102 MIND AND DISPOSITION. HEADACHE FROM EXERTIONS OF MIND OR INTELLECTUAL WORK. Outside of margin, the marks signify great exertion, overstudy; inside of margin, t, thinking; r, reading; w, writing. I Agar. It. In cases where every exertion of the memory is I Agn. cast. Ir. followed by headache, the temporary touch with a I Amibra. I Amin. carb. lit, Ir. small magnet may overcome the trouble; overtaxed II Anac. I it. Angust. It, ir. school girls are mostly relieved by Calc. phosph.; if Apis. Ir. reading and writing, and all exertion causes headI Argent. It, Ir. I I Arg. nitr. Iw. ache: Cale. ostr., Lycop., Natr. mur., Silic. Arnica. It, Ir. From the least exertions: 01. an., Silic., Tereb.; Ii Asar. lit. I Aurum. It, I Ir, I 1w. from the slightest, while lying down: Nux vom. Berber. Berbera.,w From every acute effort at investigation: Anac. Borax. Ir, Iw. Branca. Ir. Continual attention: Psorin., Sabad.; only with Bryon. It. close attention to an orator: Ignat.; with excitement I Cale. ac. It, Ir. Cale. ars. Ir.* and fatigue: Codeine. aI Calc. ostr. II,,,w * Calc. phostrph. If the pain does not allow any mental work: I Cale. p~hosph. r Cannab. 1w. Natr. carb. Carb. an. Iw. Carb. veg. Ir. In the brain, as if beaten: Anac., Aurum, Ginch. suiphhebrin Carb. sulph. I. off.; as if sore: Cinch. off., Daph. ind. Caustic. r w. I IChamom. It. In the inner head: Cina; on a small spot: I I Cina It, I Ir. Colchic. I Cinch. off. It. Cinnab. It, ir. Forehead: Coffea, I IDigit., Anae., I IArniea, I I Coccul. It, Ir. Manein., Mezer., 01. an., Pulsat., Rhus rad., I Silic., I I Codeine. I Coffea. It, Ir. Tereb.; pressing: Arniea. I Colchic. I t. Pressure like a load: Digit.; increasing to stuI Coniun. I ir. I Cuprum. ir. pidity: Coccul., Petrol.; want of thinking powers as I Daph. ind. it. I Digit. li t. soon as beginning: Asar., Mezer.; after the slightest Droser. 1w. exertion: 01. an.; heavy pressure: Arnica. Eryng. Ir, 1w. I Gent. cruc. It. Pressure in arcus ciliaris: Ran. bulb.; and eyes: I Gent. lut. Iw. I Gent. ct. Iw. I.Lactue.; tension: Sulphur; drawing over eyes: Gale. Gran. cort. It, Ir. II Graphit. ostr. Gratiol. Ir. From root of nose to forehead: Natr. mur.; presI Helleb. It. I Hippom. sure, worse while walking: Arnica; throbbing, betI Hydrast. ter while walking: Pulsat. I Ignat. I It Ir, I 1w. I Iris vers. In forehead and temples, contractive pressure: I Kali carb Iw. Digit.; as if beaten: Phosph. ac. I Ladhes. Lact. vir. It. Forehead, temples and occiput: Anae.; right side I I Lycop. Ir, 11Iw. I IMagn. carb. and occiput: Gale. ostr. I Magni. carb. Mancin. It, 1w. Temples: Anac., Digit., Gent. erue., Helleb., Mere. jod. Ir. i i Mezer. it, Ir. Mezer., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Nux vom., IPsorin.; I Morph. ao. Ir. pressure' Helleb.; as from a nail: Anac.; and tension: I Natr. carb. It. II Natr. mur. I ir, Ilt, Ilw. Sulphur; from one temple to the other: Manein.; tenNatr. sulph. Ir. I Nitr. ac. I.sion in brain: Sulphur; stitches most in right temple I Nuitrx vo. It. outward: Lyop.; one-sided pressure: Ignat. 11 Nux vom lit.l outward: TLycoF.; one-sided pressure: Ignat. HEADACHE FROM EXERTIQNS OF MIND OR INTELLECTUAL WORK. 103 I Oleander. It. Vertex: Carb. veg., Gent. cruc., Natr. mur., I 01. anin. I It. II Ox. ac. Nux vorn., Pimpin., Ran bulb., I I Sepia; pressing: I Paris. It, Ir. Lycqp.; and throbbing: Nux vom.; as if beaten: II Petrol. II Phosphor. It. Phosph. ac.; as of a foreign body under the skull: I Phosph. ac. It, Ir. Gonium. I Pimpin. Ir. Prun. spin.* Occiput: Anac., Calc. ac., Carb. an., Nitr. ac., I Psorin. It. IPulsat. t. Rhus rad.; pressing. in the depth of cerebellum: Ran bulb. 1w. Colchic.; drawing, bending backwards: Cinch. off. Rhodod. Iw. I Rhs rad. It, Iw. In forehead, occiput and temples, changing about, Rhus tox. Iw. better from external pressure: Cale. ostr. I Sabad. I it. I Scuttel. Congestion of head by intellectual labor: Psorin.; Sealen. it. when talking: Coffea. I Sepia. I Silic. It, Ir, H1w. Heat in head, with cold hands: Phosph. ac.; heat Spiggur. Iw. and sweat: Kali carb., Phosph. ac., Ran. bulb. Tabac. Ir. External pain from writing and reading increased Terebinth. It. Vinca. Iw. by pressure of spectacles: Lycop. Pressing: Anac., I I Arnica, Cale. ac., Chamom., I I Coccul., Coffea, Colchic., Digit., Helleb., Ignat., Lactuc., Lycop., Magn. carb., Mezer., Nux vom., 01. an., Paris, Sepia, Silie., Sulphur, Tereb.; like a heavy load: Digit.; urging in whole head: Arg. nitr.; as if pressing from in out: Kali carb.; asunder: Nux vom.; bursting: Arg. nitr., Nux vom. Tension. Forehead: Sulphur; as if a bladder was stretched from one temple to the other: Mancin.; tension in the brain, with pressure in temples: Sulphur; tension pains: Sabad.; crampy pressure: I IPhosph. ac. Drawing: Borax, Cale. ac., Cina, Coffea; drawing together above the temples: Agn. cast.; tearing and pressing: I I Anac., Ran bulb.; from glabella to forehead: Natr. mur. Stitches in temples from within outward: Lycop., Silie., Sulphur. Jerks: Digit.; throbbing: Agar., Pulsat.; throbbing towards the head: Psorin.; beating in arteries: Agar.; in vertex: Nux vom. Hammering, after an animated conversation: Sulphur; congestion: Agar., Nux vom., orgasm: Cannab.; heat: Berber.; fullness: Psorin. Sore. As if beaten: Aurum; as if crusted: Ignat.; in the whole brain: Cinch. off., renewed weeks after: Daph. ind.; making stupid: CGinnab.; sensation in the brain, as if beaten: Anac., IAurum; as if the whole head were bruised: Cinch. off.; as if mnashed: Ignat. Better from mental exertion: aching in head changes places and lessens after exertion of mind: Cale. ostr. Better from thinking; headache undefined: Atom. carb., Gale. phosph., ulgnat., Morph. aec., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Paris, Phosphor., ISabad. Pressing in one-half of head: Ignat., Tereb. ol., changing place: Gale. ostr. Headache is relieved during mental occupation, but worse after it: Arsen. Head symptoms disappear: Gale. ac. Headache relieved by conversation: Eup. perf. Continued meditation lessens the headache: Psorin. 104 MIND AND DISPOSITION. In anterior parts: in temples, tension lessened by intellectual labor; by thinking: Cale. ac., Sabad. Headache, posterior, intellectual labor: Calc. ac. Pressing, tearing headache, which does not interfere with mental labor: Squilla. MODEL CURE. After overstudy, feeling at times of a foreign body under the skull, in vertex: better during reading; worse after reading; worse on going to sleep, or from excitement, or thinking of the pain; better by touch; the relief during reading seemed to rise from the mind being diverted from the pain. Conium 3" (Jen.). One dose cured.-BERRIDGE. OTHER COMPLAINTS AFTER MENTAL EXERTION, OVER-STUDY, MEDITATING, ETC. lac (eiftecantftrengungen. II Agar. Anxiety arising from thoughts: Cale. ostr.; after meditating: Aloeum. Phosphor.; after over-working the mind, attacks of anxiety which I I Ambra. cannot be suppressed or overcome with the best will: Cuprum. Amm. carb. Amm. gum. After exertion of mind, hasty: Ignat.' I Anac. After over-study talkative mania, speaks in choice phrases, I Angust. Argent. jumping from one subject to another: ILaches.30; uses exalted I I Arsen. language, corrects herself by substituting another word: Laches.2m. Aspar. Want of ideas: Asar. Aster. Indifference: Natr. mur. I Aurum. I Baryt. After thinking, forgetful: Amm. carb. * Bellad, I Bellac. Forgetfulness when reading: Viol. od. I Bryon. Absent-minded when studying: Baryt. carb.; when reading: I Calad. II Cale. ostr. Agn. cast., Phosph. ac., Laches., Nux mosch. I Cinnab. Indisposed to mental labor: Amm. gum., Cinnab., Colchic., I Coccutl. I Colchic. Opium, Ran. scel., Selen. * Conium.:~P~m i Fatigued in head: Coccul.; head empty: Lycop. II Cuprum.r I Euphorb. Difficulty of thinking and disinclination to mental exertion: I Evon. euLr. Sigel. I Fluor ac. I Formica. Cannot enjoy reading or conversation: Nux vom. II Glonoin. I Glraphit. Vanishing of ideas: Canthar., Caustic., Chamnom., Evon., Gratiol. Hepar s. c., Mezer., Nitr. ac., Ran. bulb., Staphis. I Hepar. I I Hysc. When reading thoughts vanish: Nux mosch. 1I Ignat. While reading sinks into absence of mind: INux mosch. I Jodium. I Kali carb. Mental work makes weak-minded: Magn. carb. Kali chlor. Confused thought: Oleand. II Laehes. I Lauroc. Thinking affects the head: Coccul. II Lycop. Inability to think and to perform any mental labor; the head II agn eels stupeied i he tries to exert himsel: Natr. carb. I xagn. mur. feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself: Natr. carb. OTHER COMPLAINTS AFTER MENTAL EXERTION, ETC. 105 I Mangan. Headache in the forehead; every mental exertion causes him IIMenyanorph. a to become quite stupid: Petrol. I aorph. ac. II Natr. carb. In good humor but cannot work mentally: Arnica. II Natr. mur. I Nux mosch. Dullness in head makes thinking difficult: Bryon. I Oluaxndo. Mental work fatigues: Aurumr; particularly in morning: II Opium. Berber. II Paris. I Petrol. Lassitude, thinking and speaking are hard work: Rhus tox. Phosphor. When trying to recollect, excitement, convulsions and disII Platin. II Plumbum. turbed feeling in the upper part of the brain: Aster.; vanishing I: Psorin. of thoughts: Nitr. ac. IPulsat. I Ran, bulb. Rushing noise in the head from reading: Carb. veg. I Ran. scel. I Rheum. In the morning happy, clear and decided; after nine o'clock I Rhodod. dull and unable to think: Sulphur. Rhus tox. I Sabad. Dazed feeling, made worse by thinking: Sulphur; from I I Selen. II Sepia. writing: Arg. nitr.; dazed and sleepy from reading: Angust. II Silie. Mental work makes dull and stupid: Coccul., Natr. mtur., I Spigel. I Stannum. Magn. carb. II Staphis. Stramon. Vertigo from thinking: Agar., Gran. cort.; from reading: * Sulphur. Branc. urs., Cuprum, Gran. cort., Gratiol., Phosph. ac.; vertigo I Tarax. Tereb. and nausea: Arnica; from writing: Kali carb., Rhodod. I Veratr Attacks of vertigo and disturbed memory from writing: I Verbasc. Argent. I I Vinc. min. I Viola od. Vertigo from thinking while walking in the open air: Agar.; I I Xiphos. dizziness towards evening in the open air, aggravated by thinking: I Zincum. Zinc. cyan. Silie. Vertigo after mental occupation, with dull pressure on the temples: Natr. carb. Giddiness and internal soreness of head, senses vanish: Cuprum. Mental work causes congestion to the head: Nux vom. Fulness of the head: Psorin. Dullness and heaviness from mental exertion: Natr. mur.; from reading: Pimpin.; from writing: Gent. lut. Fainting after thinking or writing: Calad. Crawling in the head: Thuya. Eyes. Darkness before the eyes when reading and thinking: Menyanth. Dull pain in the eyes when reading or from mental occupation: Cina. Pressing pain over the right eyes: Bromum, Ran. bulb. All symptoms appear after reading and writing. See Eyes, Chapter 5. Ears. Roaring noises in ears from mental exertion: Coniurm; from writing: Sepia. Throbbing when stooping to write: Rheum, Zincum. Nose. Stopped up when reading aloud: Mar. ver., Verbase. Face. Sudden paleness from reading: Graphit. Heat in the face: Agar., Arlm. carb. Thinking causes heat in the face in the evening: Xiphos. 106 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Pain in lower jaw when reading: Ifydroph. Teeth. Sore, ache: Nux vom.; when reading: Ignat. Quiet aching increases to a steady cutting: Bellad.; or digging, rooting pain: IYux vom.; in hot climate: I I Natr. carb. Saliva. Tinged with blood: Nitr. ac. Throat. As if torn: Caustic.; after dinner, up into the ear and nose: Conium. Nausea: Asar.; eructation: BHepar; general nausea: Aurum; nausea and dizziness from reading: Arnica. After much mental occupation, sitting; costiveness: Aloes. Weak digestion: Arnica, I I Cale. ostr., II Coccul., ILaches., I INux vom., IPulsat., ISuliphur, I I Veratr. After over-taxed mental powers gastric symptoms, nervous irritation of bowels: Nux mosch. Gastric Symptoms. Pressing in the stomach: Anac. Sharp pressing pain in the rectum after meals and after stool; tearing, stinging, constricting pain as from blind hemorrhoids: Nux vom.; pressing sore pain as from hemorrhoids: Ignat. Soreness in the hemorrhoids increased by walking and thinking: Caustic. Constricting pain in the forepart of the urethra running back: Nux vom. Urging to urinate, passes a few drops: Kali carb. Emission of prostatic tuid when thinking of lascivious things, without excitement of sexual organs or an erection: Natr. tour. Urging pain in the genitals when sitting bent over and reading: Bellad. Voice. Reading aloud. See Larynx. Breathing. Anxious breathing when thinking: Phosphor. Deep breathing when writing: Fluor. ac. Dyspncea from writing: Aspar.; dyspncea relieved by writing or reading: Ferr. ac. Whooping-cough worse from reading: Cina; from mental exertion: Arnica, Ignat., Nux vom. Cough worse from thinking and reading: Nux vom. Pressing pain in the chest when writing: Magn. sulph., Ran. bulb.; stinging pain when reading: Euphorb.; when writing: Carb. an., Spigel.; throbbing pain when thinking: Phosphor.; when writing: Magn. sulph. Heart. Palpitation from mental exertion: Ignat., Natr. carb.; as soon as he turns his attention to one thing his heart palpitates: Natr. carb.; when writing: Natr. carb. Pulse feeble, not much more frequent but unequal: Cupr. ac. Coldness at the heart from mental exertion: Natr. mur. Pressing out of the chest when writing: Asar. Drawing pain in the back when reading: Natr. carb. Backache while sitting: Chamom., Conium. When stooping, with throbbing in ears: Rheum. Feet often cold; skin moist, not warmer than usual: Cupr. ae. OTHER COMPLAINTS AFTER MENTAL EXERTION, ETC. 107 Excited, crampy, restless sensation in the upper part of the brain similar to that felt in the limbs after severe muscular exertion: Ast. rub. Cannot fix his attention or think, with crawling in the hands and head: Thuya; impelled to think, but it makes her body weak, trembling, cold and moist: Aurum. Trembling of the whole body, especially of the hands, with nausea and weakness of the knees: Borax, Vine. min. Great restlessness in the evening from mental occupation, reading: Natr. carb. Feels tired and weak from reading: Aurum. Easily fatigued from mental work: Alum., Aurum, Laches., Pulsat., Thuya; especially from reading and writing: Colchic. Nervous weakness, fatigued from thinking, reading and writing: I I Arnica, IBellad., I Calc. ac., I I Coccul., I Ignat., I ULaches., I Lycop., I lIVatr. carb., I INatr. mur., I Psorin., I Pulsat., I Sabad., ISepia, I I Silic., ISulphur. Mental and bodily exhaustion from long continued activity or night watching: Cupr. ac. Fainting after mental exertion, thinking and writing: Calad. Drowsiness, when thinking: Natr. sulph.; when reading: Natr. mur.; when writing: Natr. sulph. The least exertion of mind causes somnolency: NYux mosch. Goes to sleep while thinking, after eating: Natr. sulph. Goes to sleep while reading: Angust., Ignat., Natr. mur., Platin., Prun. spin., Ruta, Sepia. Goes to sleep while writing: Phosph. ac. Is worse on going to sleep: Conium. Noises in ear worse when lying in bed, and when waking in the night: Conium. Cannot get to sleep until late: Chlorum, Kali carb. Sleep restless, unrefreshing, confused worrying dreams: Cupr. ac. Coldness: Aurum; chill when writing: Zincum. Heat: Phosphor.; while reading: Oleand. Heat, as if hot water were poured over her: Phosphor. Sweat in the morning in bed when thinking: Zinc. cyan. Sweat from every mental exertion, reading, writing, etc.: Kali carb. Disagreeable feeling from exerting the mind: Colchic. Jerking pains when writing: Natr. mtur. Studying aggravates his pains: Formica. Evening; noises in ear: Conium, Sepia. Thinking and speaking are difficult towards evening: Ignat. During mental prostration (geiftige X5~bpannung), heart and circulation of blood affected: I I Acon., Asar., IBellad., Bismuth., I I Cicut., I Cinch. off., Digit., Magn. carb., I I Natr. mur., IPetrol., I I Phosphor., I I Spongia, Stannum, I I Stramon. Intellectual labor fatigues him: Pulsat. All headwork affects him: Aurum, Lycop., Pulsat., Silic. Head overfatigued from mental labor: IITNux vom., IPulsat. Complaints arising when reading or writing: Aurum, Fluor. ac.; from writing: Calc. ostr. 108 MIND AND DISPOSITION. All mental exertion aggravates or causes ailments: Cale. ostr., Nux vom. Ailments after continual mental labor: NYux vom. Affected by scientific labors: Graphit. Better after exertion of mind, (see Headache) B. R.: I I Crocus, I Ferrum, INatr. carb. Longlasting wakefulness: Laches. AILINGS FROM OVEREXERTION OF MIND AND BODY. In the comparative table, the numbers added indicate the degrees of importance given by B. in his R. * Signify such as have been altered. The first, after emotions; the second, after exertions of intellect; the third, exertions of the body. Arnica. 114 Very sensitive to all moral or physical exertions: Arsen. 2 4 Asar. 12 1 Staphis. Aurum. 3 2 2 Mental excitement and perturbations followed by puerBellad. 340 Bryon. 3 04 peral convulsions: Act. rac. Cale. ostr. 343 Anxiety, fright or fear: ILycop. Carb.veg. 114 Cinch. off. 1 2 3 Combined emotions, fright, hearing horrible things, morChamom. 31 0 tification increase all complaints: Laches. Coccul. 333 Coffea. 312 Anxious night-watching, care, trouble, scanty milk: Colehie. 131 CaUstie. Coloc. 4 0 0 II Cuprum. 343 After longlasting, mental trouble, milk thin: Laches. Hyosc. 400 Watching at the sick bed of a dear friend; losing sleep Ignat. 441 * Lathes.* 3 43 for a week or longer; cannot sleep at all: Sulphur. Lycop. 344 Lercur. 3024 After suffering losses or shocks, used up, heart broken. Natr. carb. 1 22 without sleep; in cramps, etc.: I Opium. Natr. mur. 3 4 3 II Nitr. ac. 4 3 2 Great care; loss of sleep: Hydroph. Nux mosch. 212 Moral emotions with rapid movements, prolonged walks, Nux vom. 4 42 Oleander. 2 3 overexertion: Laches. Phosphori. 32 Anxiety, overexertion, straining muscles and getting Phosphor. 312n Platin. 321 wet when in a sweat, after his house was burnt out: Palsat. 421 Rhus lox. I I Rhus tox. 2 0 4 ox. Sabad. 031 After most violent emotions of mind, with great mental Sepia. 4 2 and bodily exertions and loss of sleep: I Cuprum. Silie. 143 Stannum. 111 Staphis. 441 MODEL CURES. Stramon. 4 3 0 Sulphura. 23 4 After continued loss of sleep, night after night, longVeratr. 3 1 3 Zincum. 213 lasting anxiety, overexertions of mind and body, from nursing the sick; great anguish of mind from the loss of his dearest friend: I INitr. aC.-HAYNEL. A state of mental and bodily exhaustion after overexertion of the mind, pulse feeble, somewhat frequent, unequal; skin moist, feet generally cold; attacks of unconquerable anxiety; the head giddy and internally painful, feels as if he would lose his senses, sleep full of dreams, restless, unrefreshing: CUpr. ae.-SCIMID. MODEL CURES. 109 MODEL CURES. SHOCK OF INJURY. A soldier, while carrying a wounded comrade, was struck by a spent bullet in the epigastrium-became pale and weak, " felt the wind knocked out of him;" laid down. A drop of Liquor ammon. in water relieved at once. In another case, it helped in shock from gunshot wound of the lung, with great prostration: Amm. caust. Arnica, alternately with Opium, both in 1st dec. in water, frequently repeated,. relieved shock and concussion in a case of fractured skull in a boy. The fractured edge after some time became indistinguishable (the hat having prevented any scalp wound). The symptoms were, loss of consciousness, sleepiness, pallor; vomiting, after beginning with the medicines. A young man fell and broke his thigh; was lividly pale, cold, stupefied: Camphor.6, speedily followed by relief: Caustic. A boy of five years was run over-thigh broken. Could not bear to have it handled; could not get to sleep; wide awake. Relieved by Coffea'2.-J. C. MORGAN. JEALOUSY. A farmer's woman who had by jealousy become a raving maniac, and was to be transferred to an insane asylum, got well from one drop of the same remedy, bodily and mentally.-E. STAPF. See Model Cure, page 86. A young girl was made seriously ill from jealousy and grief about a faithless lover. She suffered with fever most in the hours after midnight; high redness of the face, with constant delirium and desire to run away; she complained all the time of a throbbing toothache. One dose of Hiyosc. cured the toothache and delirium, and a second week after restored her completely.-B(ENNINGHAUSEN. AFTER EMOTIONS AND EXCITEMENT. From disappointed ambition, bewildered, talks incoherently; does everything he attempts to do, wrong; complains of heaviness of the head, pain in the stomach and small of back; feels weak and cannot sit up; face now pale with sharp pointed nose, then red, with irritated pulse: Nux vom.-G. HARTLAUB. OTHER COMPLAINTS AFTER MENTAL EXERTION. A woman aged 34, nervous temperament after extreme mental exertion, suffered since eighteen months from marked irritation of the intestinal canal; distension of the stomach and abdomen, worse after dinner and from the slightest mental excitement: N'ux mosch.-HAHNEMANN. After over-study clicking noise in left vertex, on walking and during stool; also in occiput on walking, especially in evening, when tired: Conium3m (Jen.). One dose cured.-E. W. BERRIDGE. A girl, after excessive study, uses exalted language; exceedingly particular about the language she uses, often correcting herself after using a word and substituting another of very similar meaning; talks about being under the influence of a superior power. Laches.2m.-E. W. BERRIDGE. BODILY SYMPTOMS CONNECTED WITH THE MIND. II. Mental Concomitants of Bodily Symptoms. HEAD. The stupefying headaches have been placed to Chapter 2. The mental concomitants have not been separated and are given altogether in Chapter 2. Dreams are placed with Sleop, Chapter 37. Delirium mostly to Fevers, Chapter 40. ACCORDING TO LOCALITY. Forehead. Liveliness: Phosph. ac.; serenity the first twelve hours: Caustic.; contracting, benumbing pain, with ill humor, alternately, with freedom of all complaints, with comfortableness, and excited imagination: Hyosc. Gloomy feeling, and heaviness in occiput: Ptel. trif. Absorbed, sullen mood: 01. an.; hypochondric: Arg. nitr.; heat, melancholy: Stramon. Depression of spirits: Naja tr.; low spirits: Ran. bulb., Rhus rad.; increasing sadness, only in daytime: Mercur.; anxiety: Alum., Caustic., Nitrum; after precordial anxiety: Platin.; anxiety, and heat: Lauroc.; fear of going mad: Ambra; as if madness would ensue: Aeon. Impatience: Platin., Zincum. Morose. Over the right eye: Ran. bulb.; and upper part of head, in the evening: Mercur.; as if the bone would burst: Niccol.; with vertigo, later in occiput: Chin. sulph.; with sneezing, and running of nose: Clemat.; heat in upper body: Platin.; increasing from 5 P.M.; pressure relieves: Anac. Vexatious ill humor; heaviness: Aethus.; heaviness, like a stone; whining about trifles: Bellad.; like a weight; incapable of thinking: Bovist.; with a painful quivering: Bovist.; nausea: Stannum; sleepiness: Calc. ostr. Fretful; never gets her work done: Bryon.; peevish temper; irritable about others: Mar. ver.; moaning and distress; can neither lie nor sit: Coffea. Inclination to work: Aloes; desires to hurry his business: Ptel. trif.; irresistible inclination to commit suicide: Mercur. Shooting over left eye, extorting cries: Sepia. Sitting alone; would not speak: Ant. crud.; disinclined to converse: Rhus tox.; to think: Bromum. Aching all day hinders mental exertion: Amm. gum. Diminished intellectual power; difficult comprehension: Arg. nitr., Cale. ac., Cale. ostr., Ignat., Mezer., lVatr. mur. 110 ACCORDING TO SENSATIONS. 111 Inner warmth, stupidity: Alum.; on trying to think: Mezer.; thinking difficult: Zincumn, I I Ignat.; left: Lauroc.; impossible: Mezer., Opium. Exalted imagination: Hyosc.; delirium: Chin. sulph.; delirious, with sneezing: Mezer.; as if losing his reason: Aeon., Ambra, HEamam. Forgetful: Gale. ac.; using wrong words: Lil. tigr.; awkwardness: Bryon. Loss of consciousness after outward pressure: Prun. spin.; after a blow on the crown: Natr. mur.; when reading: Tarax. Forehead and Temples. Dull ache, with liveliness: Phosph. ac. Anxiety and sweat: Nitrum; after a shock, loud cry: Stannum. Irritable temper: Lil. tigr.; depression of spirits: Naja tr. Confuse with obtuse senses: Crot. tigl. Mind exalted: Anac.; lively: Phosph. ac.; discouraged: Agar.; fear: Agar.; of return of pain': Rhus tox.; anxiety: Chelid., Nitrum; anxious, urging to shout: Mercur.; ill humor: Bovist.; morose: Coloc.; singing: Alum.; crying: Kali carb.; restless: Ran. bulb.; forgets the word on the tongue: Mezer.; difficult comprehension, weak mind: Stannum; difficult to collect thoughts: Mezer.; stupor, within inner head: Lycop. Temples and Sides. Sharpshooting, with apprehensions: Fluor. ac. Sides. Uneasiness: Arg. nitr.; fearfulness: Cicut.; pusillanimity: Agar.; ill. humor: Magn. mur.; morose: Niccol.; screams: Cuprum, Magn. mur. Difficult thinking: Ignat.; thoughts stand still: Cannab.; half-sided, with forgetfulness: Capsic. Vertex. After abatement of pain, exhilarated: Formica. Sadness and apprehension: Cuprum, Sulphur. Anxiety and heat in head: Hyperic., Strontian.; precordial anxiety and trembling: Sepia; worse from pressing on top: Benz. ac.; after talkativeness: Ambra. Fear: Apis; despair: Agar.; ill humor: Mereur.; peevish, whining: Zincum; morose: Mercur., Niccol.; unwilling to talk: Phosph. ac. Despair, almost amounting to rage: Agar. Loss of memory: Moschus; slow thinking: Cann. sat. Occiput. Exaltation: Anac.; excitability: Sabin.; depression: Rhus rad. Anxiousness: Bovist., Caustic., Nitrum; as if danger would approach: Fluor. ac.; with vexatiousness: Kali carb.; ill humor: Amm. mur.; gloomy feeling: Ptel. trif.; moroseness: Chin. sulph.; bitter complaint: Phytol.; has to cry: Cann. ind.; screaming: Petrol. Cannot comprehend, weak mind: Cale. ostr.; uses wrong names: Diosc.; delirium: Ver. vir. ACCORDING TO SENSATIONS. Sensitive brain and fright: Laches. Heavy head and anxious tossing about: Mangan.; and painful confusion: Cale. ostr.; and excited talking: Ambra; excitement: Narc. ac.; ill humor: Sarsap.; on top of head, anxiousness: Sambuc.; like a stone, fretful and 112 MIND AND DISPOSITION. moaning: Bellad.; difficult thinking: Bovist.; stupidity, worse, stooping: Lauroc. Dullness and difficult comprehension; pressing; morose: Acon.; and restlessnenss: Ruta. As if brain were a lump, with excitement and restlessness: Cinch. off. Constriction, like a tape tightly drawn, with ill humor: Platin.; as if too tightly braced, with slowness of ideas: Carb. veg.; with stupidity: Cuprum; as if a membrane was stretched over the brain, with weak memory: Helleb.; internal tension; thoughts stand still: Lycop.; as if bound, slow thinking: Carb. veg.; as if tied up and cannot get rid of one idea: Carb. veg.; as if screwed together and anxious; afternoon; oppression and ill humor: Magn. carb. Pressure and ill humor: Platin., Silic., and obstinacy: Aeon.; unable to work mentally: Phosphor., unwilling: Anac.; anxiety: I IArsen.; whining, moroseness: Bellad.; peevish; Ignat.; impatient: Mancin.; ill humor: Silie. Congestion and difficult comprehension: Nitr. ac. Tension, with stupidity: Ambra. Drawing; and excited mind: Phosphor.; and as if senses would leave: Agar. Tearing, shooting and ill humor: Tongo; as if losing reason: Magn. carb.; difficult comprehension and rage: Arsen. Sensation like lightening, with apprehension: Fluor. ac.; shooting, ill humor and vexation: I Iilic.; out of humor in the evening: Magn. carb.; throbbing, using wrong words: Chamom. Bursting, with loud whining: Phosphor. Pulsating stitches; weak minded: Stannum. Inner heat, excitement: Arg. nitr.; gaiety: Therid.; anxiety: Carb. veg., Lauroc., Magn. carb., Phosphor., Ruta., Silic., and fear: Strontian.; morose: Lauroc., Platin.; melancholic: Stramon.; ill humor: Gale. phosph.; restlessness: Canthar.; difficult thinking: Digit.; diminished intellect: Stannum; laziness: Cale. phosph., Lauroc. Pulsations painless, with fear of dying in sleep: Nux mosch.; throbbing and heat after vexation: Cyclam.; using wrong words: Chamom.; beating, with frightening illusions: Pulsat.; pounding, cannot read nor write: Clemat. Boring, forcing to cry: Sepia. Lacerating, with indignant discomfort: Opium. Weak feeling with sadness: Hyperic.; lameness of brain, cannot comprehend: Cale. ostr.; brain numb as if dead, and unable to work: Thuya. Emptiness, with anxious feeling: Natr. mur. Dullness and depression: Codein.; inability to think: Gelsem.; with great anxiety: Chin. sulph. WITH HEADACHE IN GENERAL. Serenity: Phosphor.; merriness: Aeon., Crocus; happiness: Crocus; exhileration: Coca; foolish laughing: Sabad.; better humor: Amm. carb. HEADACHE WITH ANXIOUSNESS. 113 Discomfort: Gina, Paris, Ruta; brain as if contracted: Gratiol.; forenoon: Serpent. Unbearable: Sarsap.; does not know: Cuprum. Sad, weeping: Petiv.; melancholic, after dinner: Arsen.; sat on the same place without talking: Conium, Hippom. Sadness: Arsen., Conium, Crotal.; low spirited: Selen.; fear of death: Laches.; depressed, melancholy: I I Crotal.; ill humored and peevish: Silic.; evenings: Magn. carb.; lachrymose: Sepia; fear of losing reason: Magn. carb.; weak memory: Kreosot.; dull and confused: Ailanth.; vertigo: Conium; violent ache: Conium; shooting: Silic.; when walking in the evening: I I Therid.; with chilliness: Helleb. HEADACHE WITH ANXIOUSNESS. Acon. Pressing in forehead, with fear of losing his reason: Ambra; Aethusa. with mania: Arsen.; followed by mania: Arsen. Alum. Ambra. Elastic pressure on top of head: I I Benz. ac. Ant, crud. Ant. tart. Precordial anxiousness with pressing in forehead, heat, red I Arnica. face, and violent thirst till evening: Platin.; as if the top of head Ars. sulph. Arsen. would burst, with heat and drowsiness: Strontian. Bellad. Heaviness in occiput: Ant. tart. Benz. ac. Bovist. With the headache, after a few minutes: Glonoin. CaCalc. ostr. Pulsating in head on waking from sleep: Carb. veg. Carb. an. Carb. veg. Precordial anxiety with red face and bitter mouth: Bellad. Caustic. Throbbing, shooting with nausea or belching and red face: I Gelsem. Laches. Graphit. With nausea following the headache in afternoon: Nitr. ac. * Hyperic. After nausea in the morning or during the afternoon: Cale. * Laches. Laurochs. ostr.; weakness while eating: Ran. bulb., in the chest, better in Magn. carb. the evening: Zincum; from chest to head: Aeon.; with restlessNatr. earb. Natr. mur. ness, followed by head and bellyache: Aethus.; worse from movNitr. ac. ing and stooping: Rheum; with fear of the slightest touch or Nitrum. Nux mosch. motion: Hyperic. I I Nux vom. Precordial anxiety after the headache with trembling, folOx. ac. Phosphor. lowed by nosebleed: Sepia; weakness: Ran. bulb.; driving out Platin. of bed. heat in head: Carb; an.; when awaking before the fever: I Ran. bulb. Rhus tox.; chill, outward or inward: Arnica. Rheum. I I Rhus tox. With heat in forehead and cold limbs: Ars. su4ph. Ruta. With heat in head and throbbing on vertex: Hyperic. Selen. Senega. Heat in head after getting angry: Bryon.; after vexation: Sepia. Cyclam. Stannum. Stramon. Heat as if sweat would break out: Platin. Sulphutrontia. Sweat, vertigo, staggering: Nitrum. Vip. red. Sweat all over, trembling in every limb, slow pulse: Chin. Zincum. suph. sulph. 8 114 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Anxious sweat: Ant. crud.; anxious sweat walking in open air: Ant. crud.; every day at the same hour: Platin. Afraid to go to sleep, has a painless pulsation in head: Nux mosch. Headache driving to despair: Agar. Inclined to suicide: Apis, Ant. crud., Cinch. of., Nux vom., Rhus tox. HEADACHE WITH ILL HUMOR. Acon. Very much vexed with dullness: Cale. phosph. Aethas. II Amm. carb. Discouraged: Agar.; and peevish, morose, afternoon: Bovist.; Amm. mur. evening: Platin.; forenoon: Amm. carb. Anac. Bellad. Dissatisfied with herself: Panac. Bovist. Boviyo. With bad humor, she must sing or hum all day: Natr. mur. Cahlc. phos. Whining moroseness: Bellad.; sleepy whining mood: Chin.sulph. Conium. Lachnanth. DuCyclam Everything disagreeable, loss of appetite, drowsy: Spongia. Dulcam. Graphit. Incapable of thinking continuously, with a weight in head: I Hippom. Bovist. Ignat. Kali carb. As if water in the head, wakes her up morose: Platin. ahnaneoot. As if lacerated, everything whirling around: Opium. Lauroc. Tearing pain on coming in room: Tongo. Magn. mur. Mangan. Tearing in head and teeth, with heat and sleeplessness and great NMaercur. weakness: Kreosot. Natr. mur. * Niccol. Occiput and then the sides of head, screwed in: Amm. mur. Opium, Panac. Heat in head and face: Cale. phosph. Platin. Tearing upwards in left side of the face: Tongo. II Phosphor. Silie. Stomachache all day: Amm. carb. Stannum. Every morning with loss of appetite and nausea: Stannum. Thuya. Nausea and vomiting: Cyclam.; and heaviness of all the Vip. tor. Zincum. limbs: Silic. On awaking in the morning and after getting up: Phosphor. Drowsy: Spongia; and gaping: Chin. sulph. General sweat in large drops, mostly in face: Platin. Irritable: Bryon., Mar. ver., Stramon.; fretful: Bovist., Calc. ac., Spongia; trifles bring him into anger: Hydroph.; getting angry: Arsen., Dulcam.; too harsh with his children: lydroph.; impatient: Hydroph., Mancin., Pallad., Platin. Inclination to sing: Natr. mur.; to laugh: Sabad.; to weep, with chill: Bellad., Pulsat.; weeping bitterly: Hydroph. Shedding tears: Coloc., Ferr. magn., Kreosot., Phosphor., Platin., Ran. bulb., Sepia. Whining: Bellad.; groaning: Laches., Silic.; sobbing: I IStramon.; crying: Cuprqum, Phosphor., Sepia, Stannum, Terb. ol., Tongo; for help: Silic. Complaining'and scolding: Veratr.; hasty speech: Laches.; hurries when writing: Ptel. trif. HEADACHE, ETC. 115 Aversion to talk: Ox. ace.; dislike: Agar., Cale. ac., Conium, Thuya; and to sit alone: Ant. crud. Not inclined to mental occupation and other work: I I Alum., Cale. phosph., Cinnab., Dulcam., Lact. vir,, Ox. ac., Phosph. ac.; head and face hot: Cale. phosph. Excited state: Ambra, Chin. sulph., Cinch. of., Coffea, Crocus, Narc. ac., Natr. mur., I I Phosphor., Phosph. ac., BRuta, Viol. od.; thoughts clearer after the headache: Aster.; after sleep in the evening headache, but the mind self-possesed and clear: Gelsem. MODEL CURE. Irritable, vexed, always quiet, sad, thoughts turned to himself, no ambition to work; heaviness, heat and pain in the head in the morning; backache; spasmodic eructation, thin slimy stool with cutting in the abdomen; pale and emaciated; heavy night and morning sweats: Petrol. —KNORRE. HEADACHE WITH RESTLESSNESS. 11 Anac. With fear; hurried: Laches.; fearfulness: Kali hydr.; despair; II Arsen. Bryon. glistening eyes, red cheeks, yellow face: Vip. red. Calad. Restlessness, followed by intolerable headache: Chamom.; Canthar. Chamom. pressure: Calad.; constrictive sensation: Gent. cruc.; as if brain Cinch. off. were packed together: Cinch. off. II Daph. ind. Gent. cruc. Tearing in the whole head, with rigor every third day: Anac. Kadim. sul. Bursting, tosses about for hours, binding head firmly relieved: iI Kali hydr. I Laches. Silic. I Lycop. Nervous headache: Daph. ind. Morph. ac,. Nux mosch. Congestive headache: Ignat. Ran bulb. Heat of head: Canthar. II Ruta. Silie. Followed by headache and vomiting: Laches.; and pain in Vip. red. belly: Morph. ac.; belly and knees: Arsen. Icy coldness of body, nosebleed, constriction in throat, thirst, nausea and vomiting: Kadm. sulph. Pressing headache: Petrol.; heat three successive evenings: I I Ruta. As if she had to throw hands and feet about, with fainty feeling: Lycop. HEADACHE WITH DIMINISHED INTELLECTUAL POWER. Almost deprived of thought; pressing asunder: Prun. spin. During the chill: Cimex. Weakness; head pains when he thinks: Phosphor. Difficult performance of intellectual operations: Cale. caust. Difficult comprehension: Chin. sulph., Silic., IPhosphor. 116 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Acotr. Thinking difficult: Bovist., Hcemat., Lauroc., Mezer., Agar. P h. Ambra. IPhosphor. Baptis. Difficult flow of ideas; better in the air: Menyanth. Bovist. Thinking difficult, pressing pain, spreads from left forehead Cale. ars. al. ars. all over: Lauroc..Calc. caust. Carb. veg. Complete incapacity for mental work: Ptel. trif. Chin. sulph Incapacity to all business: Cale. ars. Cimex. coccul. As if losing their senses: Agar., Magn. carb., Moschus. Cuprumotyled. Unable to speak: Sarsap. Heemat. As if stupefied, with humming: Rhus tox. Henleb. HyosC. Confusion, stupid 4 to 8 P.M., every day: Helleb. Kreosot. Confusion: Carb. sulph., Cotyl., Ambra, Stramon. Laches. Lauro. A "wild" feeling: Baptis. Lycop. Vanishing of thought: Lauroc., Prun. spin. Magn. earb Menyanth. Dull minded: Carb. veg., Kali carb., Hyosc., Laches., Lycop., M ses..Natr. carb., Nux mosch. Natr. carb. Loss of intellect: I I Aeon., Ambra, Coccul., Magn. carb. Nux mosch. Thoughts and memory left him, could not recollect, with Opium. giddy headache of the whole head: Rhus tox. Phousphoin. Loss of consciousness: Sarsap. Ptelea. Face red, and sweating: Glonoin. Rhus tox. Sarsap. Insensibility: Carb. veg., Chin. sulph., Crotal., Cyclam., Silic. Kreosot., II Mangan., Mezer., Nitr. ac., Rhus tox., Sarsap., Silic., Stramon. Veratr. Stannum, Sulphur. Loss of consciousness followed by drowsiness and headache: Nux mosch. Forgetfulness: Amm. carb., Capsic., I Caustic., I I Mezer.,.Moschus; weak memory: Viol. od. Loss of reason: IKali carb., Rhus tox. Weak memory all day, and heat of the forehead: Kreosot. Uses wrong words: I Caustic., I I Nux mosch.; difficult talking: Thuya. MODEL CURE. A woman otherwise well and strong, had fluent coryza for three weeks. followed by dull pain in the forehead, with forgetfulness, loss of memory, and lising the wrong words: Caustic. 30 cent. One dose. No return. —GOULLON. HEADACHE WITH DERANGED MIND. Distraction of mind: Helleb. Delusions of fancy: Amphisbcena; with open eyes: Crotal. Delirious before headache: Stramon.; with flow of saliva: Veratr. Low murmuring from 4 P.M., all night on three successive days: Ilepar s. c. Mental derangement: Stramon.; insane, beside herself: Zinc. val.; brings him in a furious rage: Jodiumn; followed by mania: Arsen.; furor: Veratr.; during the intervals of mania: Cuprum; after the mania: Aeon. RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD-SENSATION OF FULNESS. 117 RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. II Aeon. Low-spirited, with throbbing of carotids: Arg. nitr. I Agar, Argent. Anxiousness: I Acon., I Carb. veg., Lauroc., I Magn. carb., I Arg. ntiftr. IPhosphor., IPulsat., Sulphur; with quick circulation: Indig.; Aur. mur. I Carb. veg. anxiety: Acon., Cyclam. I Cyclamc. Waking from sleep with crawling: Carb. veg.; driving out Fluor. ac. II Glonoin. of bed: Pulsat. Gratiol. II Lycop. Disinclined to mental work: Nux vom.; shunning it: Agar. Indig. Dull mind: Kali carb.; obtuseness of senses: Hyosc.; diffiKali carb, I Laurop. cult comprehension: Nitr. ac.; stupefaction: Lauroc.; it takes I lagn. carb. time to think where he was: Fluor. ac. Nitr, ac. Nux moscll. Heavy stupefaction: Arg. nitr.; confused stupor with heat: I I Nux vomsphor. Psorin.; unconscious with delirium: Hyosc., Nux mosch., Aur. mur., II Pulsat. Vip. torv. Stramon. Unnatural flow of ideas: Pulsat.; and of arguments in conII Sulphur. versation: Argent. Ver. vir. Vip. tory. Wakes from sleep with a crazy-like chaos of ideas: Psorin. Insanity: Ver. vir.; mania: Stramon.; rage, furor: Glonoin. Did not know where he was and what had happened: Psorin. Cannot recollect herself: Nitr. ac. Sinking unconscious into a chair: Glonoin.; incapable to express himself properly and to talk connectedly: Arg. nitr. Inability to find the right words: Arg. nitr. SENSATION OF FULNESS. Fulness of Head. Not well disposed: Niccol.; loss of power of thought: Arg. nitr.; deficiency of clearness: Borax. At night with heat and great excitement, during the day a difficulty to attend to mental work: Arg. nitr. Acute mania: Kali brom. Heat in Head. Very joyous, sings: Therid. Anxious: Magn. carb., Phosphor., Silic. Anxious, rising up into head: Canthar. With cold feet: I I Sulphur; with cramp in chest, abdominal anxiety, restless, hot hands: Nitr. ac. Pectoral anxiety: Carb. veg. Cardiac anxiety, drives out of bed at night and out of room: Thuya. Anxiousness in the evening; has to rise, which relieves: Carb. an. Could not remain in bed: Carb. veg. Anxiousness and bodily restlessness: Ruta; and sweat on forehead: Phosphor. The heat wakens, anxiety follows, fears apoplexy: Arnica. Anxiety, red-hot face and drowsiness: Strontian. 118 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Fever heat of body with anxiety: Stramon. Anxiousness and great exhaustion: Chin. sulph. Anguish disappearing in open air, followed by gaping: Veratr. Ill humored and lazy: Lauroc. Unwilling to talk, cold feet: Laches. Uneasiness: Phosphor. Beating of pulse in head, restlessness, cannot fall asleep: Arsen. Restless, changing places: Canthar. Loss of power of thought: Arg. nitr. Difficult thinking: Digit. Increased warmth with dullness: Phelland. Burning in the head with stupidity: Helleb. Only inner sensation of heat with stupidity: Lauroc. The forehead warm and somewhat dull and stupid: Alum.; deranged: 0pium. Forgetfulness: Digit., Sulphur. In brain-affections children are cross and irritable, or indifferent and dull: Cuprum. With hydrocephalus bellowing in the delirium: Cuprum. Phrenitis with inclination to suicide: Act. rac. Brain affection with moaning, groaning: Laches. OUTER HEAD. Forehead. As if skin too tight; anxiousness: Phosphor.; tension and inability to fix his thoughts: Colchic. Painful crawling, somewhat stupid: Lauroc. Rubbing with the hand, because there is a dullness; sadness: Plumbum. Forehead cold, with anxious heat: Pulsat.; warmth and ill humor: Ant. crud.; and anxiety; rising from abdomen into the head: Lauroc.; outer and inner warmth, with cerebral anxiety: Lauroc.; heat and disinclination to think: Nitrumn; anxious melancholy: Stramon.; spreading from forehead over the whole body, with restlessness: Aeon., Opium; anxious, sweat cold and stupid: Coccul.; anxious and fierce: Aeon.; falling down: Helleb.; lying senseless, with groaning: Bryon.; warm sweat, with anxiety: Aeon., Arsen., Clemat.. Phosphor., Pulsat., Nux vom.; covered with sweat; knows no one: Stramon.; deranged Arsen.; delirium: Arsen.,Bellad.; mania: Arser., Cuprum. Wrinkled forehead; morose: Mangan. Furuncle after mania: Stramon. MOVEMENTS-POSITIONS-COLD, HEAT, SWEAT. 119 MOVEMENTS. Convulsions, with illusions of mind: Hyosc.; with vanishing of vision: Stramon. Head is thrown involuntarily from side to side after walking, with great. anguish: Caustic. Head is turned involuntarily from right to left (repeatedly), with dizziness and anxiety; disappears in open air: Caustic. Spasmodic drawing only sidewise, with cries: Stramon. Turning head left or right, with excessive restlessness: Colchic. Tottering sideways; mania: Bellad. Trembling, and extravagant, as if drunk: Tabac.; with mania: Gale. ostr. Sudden jerks backwards, repeatedly, with anxiety: Alum. Frequently lifting up the head; senseless: Stramon. MODEL CURE. Unwonted restlessness; piercing, fixed look; quick jerking motions of the head; glances now here, now there. Wants to leave the room; sees frightful apparitions, which come to take him away, chickens without feathers on them, a herd of large crabs, which are driven through the gate into the city. Epileptic convulsions: Hyosc.-THORER. POSITIONS. Has to lay the head forward on the table, with a trembling anxiousness: Nux vom.; as if pressed down: Chamom. As if it was pressed down, with loss of recognition: Cicut. Inclination to let it hang down, with sadness and weeping: Veratr. Unwilling to bend backwards, when exerting mind: Ginseng. When bending it forward to the chest, imagines to have a goitre: Zincum. On moving the'head, does not know where she is: Cale. ostr. Sudden stupefaction: CGarb. an.; loss of senses: Natr. mur., Rhus tox. COLD, HEAT, SWEAT. Icy cold and great anxiousness, fears uncovering: Mangan. Cold chills, weak-minded: Ambra. Chilliness after a merry state: Biura. Hot, confused, joyous: Therid.; and anxious: Carb. veg., I ILauroc., IMagn. carb., IPhosphor., I I Sulphur; and ill humored: Acon., Aethus., Cale. phosph.; indisposed to think: Nitrum; morose: Lauroc., Platin.; does not speak: Aethus., Mephit.; restless mind: Canthar., Phosphor. Difficult thinking, compression: Argent., Digit., Natr. carb., Stannum. Stupor: Lycop., Stannum; deprived of reason: Stannum; delirium: Cuprum, Phosph. ac. 120 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Raving mad: Bellad.; desire to hurry business: Ptelea; forgetful: Digit. Loss of memory: Arg. nitr. Anxiety: Silic.; and red face: Strontian.; flushes and nausea: Natr. mur. Warmth worse on, eating warm things: Magn. carb.; during catamenia: Kali hydr. Red hot hands; better when standing: Phosphor.; laziness: Gale. phosph., Lauroc.; 11 P. M.: Ruta; while walking, lasts till going to bed: Strontian.; at night in bed, better getting up: Carb. an. Sweat of head and anxiousness: Arsen., Borax, Carb. veg., Mur. ac., Nux vom., Phosphor., Sepia. With restlessness of mind: Phosphor.; illusions: Sepia. Mania: Arsen.; dullness in head, aching in eyes, sore to the touch; sweat of face: Borax; fulness in belly as if bursting: Mur. ac. Inclined to take a deep inhalation with stitches in the intercostal muscles: Borax. General fever heat: Sepia; when walking in the open air, with hard, quick pulse: Borax. Arms falling down as if lame: Mur. ac. BONES OF THE SKULL. As if broken when lying down, took away his "mind to live:" Aurum. Aching in left temporal bone over the concha deep in, worse when pressed or on touching the hair: Agar. Pain with stupefaction: Conium; with dimness of intellect: Conium, Nux mosch.; as if getting mad: Acon. SCALP. Painful sensitiveness with anxiousness, even his cap hurts: Nitr. ac.; with tension on: vertex: Apis. Stretched sensation with absence of mind: Nux mosch. Tightness as if from a skin over scalp, unable to think, weak memory: Helleb. As if tied too fast, slow flow of ideas: Carb. veg.; anxiety: Phosphor. Shooting on top, as if bruised, and morose: Niccol. Pains with difficult speaking: Thuya. Soreness of single spots with inability to do mental work: Phosphor. As if struck on left side on a small spot, and stupid: Lauroc. Numbness, morose: Platin. As if worms crawled on vertex; sadness: Cuprum. Formication and stupefaction: Cuprum. Itching and excited as from spirituous liquor: Codein.; impatience: Sulphur; morose: Clemat. THE WHOLE OUTER HEAD-SIGHT. 121 Scratching with great impatience: Natr. mu?: Erysipelas and delirium: Stramon. As if hair stood on end after fright: Mur. ac.; with a chill and anxiousness: Carb. veg., Pulsat. THE WHOLE OUTER HEAD. As if blown up; crazy feeling: Spongia. As if enlarged, depression: Mephit. As if puffed up, very hot and restless, tossing about: Amim. carb. Swollen; mania: Opium. SIGHT, Oxyopia. The room and all things appear bright; more friendly, with merriness; happy, as if new born: Canthar.; all things in the street are bright: Carb. an.; increased power of sight, but cannot think rationally: Colchic. Desire for Light. Wants more light in the room, more candles to be lighted, with melancholy; mania: Stramon. Desire for light with the delirious state: Gale. ostr.; light and company: Stramon. Better from daylight shining through the window; anxiety as if shut up in a cellar: Natr. mur. Melancholy, mania with longing to look in the sun and in the fire: Bellad. Fear: Berber., Cale. ostr., Caustic., Lycop., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Valer. Worse in the Dark. Sorrowfulness, sadness: Stramon.; depression: Phosphor.; melancholy: Stramon.; anxiety: Natr. mur.; from the slightest darkness; it suffocates her; three or four candles have to be lighted: Aethus.; things appear too large: Berber.; prevents falling asleep: Cale. ostr. Is afraid: Cale. ostr., Caustic.; when a door will not open: Lycop.; afraid of pictures: Lycop. Dread: Lycop., Pulsat.; in twilight: Cale. ostr.; as if he would kill himself: Rhus tox.; as if some one would do him injury: Valer. Timid, full of fear: Graphit.; full of fright: CGarb. an.; delirium: CGarb. veg.; sees horrible figures if the room is dark: Carb. veg. After closing Eyes. Rush of ideas: Spongia; exalted imagination: Ledum; fear: Caustic. Fear of suffocating, not when closing eyes, all night: Carb. an. Anxiousness: Cale. ostr.; in dropsy of chest: CGarb. veg. Illusions, things appear too thick or too thin, like the pulse: Camnphor. All objects appear as in a fever, with sadness: Digit. Before falling asleep illusions, images, inclination to make verses: Natr. mur. A bright dream after drowsiness: Stannum. 122 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Visions: Bellad.; sees persons and events; neither fearful nor anxious: larsen., I Gale. osr., Sambue.; phantasms: IApis, Bellad., Bryon., I Cale. ostr., Ledum, Opium, ISambuc., ISpongia; disappear: Kali carb. During the night when awake fantastic images appear, which disappear when opening the eyes: Sepia; horrible faces: Aether., Arg. nitr., Cale. ostr., Caustic., Cinch. off., Sulphur; different images: Graphit.; delirium: I I Bellad., I Cace. ostr., I Camphor., I I Bryon., I I Graphit., I Ledum, I Sulphur. Horrid visions in typhoid fever: I Cale. ostr.; when lying awake sleepless and shutting the eyes spirits or animals appear in bright light coming nearer.and nearer slowly from a distance; when opening the eyes all disappear: Thuya; afraid to shut the eyes that she might never awake: Aether. As if he had lost his mind: Opium; senses leave him: Camphor.; thoughts vanish: Therid. Unconscious: Stramon.; stupefied: Aeon.; keeps eyes shut, with ill humor: Thuya. Shunning Light. Sensitive to light, fretful, discontented, complains about everything: Arsen. Worse in bright light, fretful: Arnica; it puts him quite beside himself: Colchic. Shunning light; quiet, retired state: II Conium; with thirst and mania: B~yose. Melancholy, unwilling to talk, weakness with exaltation now and then; thirst and costiveness: Hyose. Frightful jumping out of bed, imagining there is too much light in the room: Ambra.,On opening Eyes. Visions: Aeon.; objects appear: Stramon.; ill humor: Ignat.; sees a sea of fire: Spigel. Better with closed Eyes. In darkness and solitude: N1ux vom.; wishes to be alone, lying with closed eyes: Sepia; inclined to close his eyes, listlessness: Rhus rad. Feels best with eyes closed: Zincum; difficult comprehension: Kali carb. Want of recollection: Kali carb.; headache lessens when closing eyes: Aeon., Cale. ostr. Closing eyes involuntarily, burning pain, anxiety as if he never would be able to open them: Spigel. MODEL CURE. Fear and mistrust of everyone, great anxiety by day and night, no rest in any place, seeks to fly. Her only pleasure is to look into the sun or the fire. She fled into a forest, built a large fire and remained there four or five days without nourishment. Seeks to be alone, flees society; when alone she cuts up queer antics, screws her mouth in all directions, throws money out of the window. Taciturn; after repeated questioning, she screams her answers loudly and angrily: Bellad.-SoNNENBURG. PERVERTED VISION. 123 PERVERTED VISION. Flickering; giddy and anxious; afraid to touch people he meets: Aeon.; sprightliness and excitement: Aeon.; after weeping and hiccoughing: Conium.' Sparks with anxiety: Coca; with restlessness and confusion: Opium; with fiery and black spots; rage: Stramon. Different appearance of all things; sadness: Digit. Things appear too large, lifts the legs higher up in walking: Agar. Things around her get more narrow and smaller, with anxiety: Carb. veg. Everything appears smaller; apprehensive, morose humor: Platin. Sees muscse volantes, frets at not being able to catch them: Stramon.; fluids, in mania: Canthar.; clouds and rocks: Magn. mur.; ciphers, gets stupid: Phosph. ac.; animals creeping about; mania-potu: Arsen.; imaginary objects, as if stupefied: Nux yvom.; horrible images at night: Silic.; with cardiacal anxiety; despair and suicidal mania: Calc. ostr. Hallucinations, with talkativeness: Eup. purp.; with mania: Stramon. Blurred vision, with depression of spirits: Lil. tigr.; with fearfulness and apprehensions: Lil. tigr.; and great indifference: Stannum. Confusion before eyes, with anxiousness: Lycop.; with agony: Psorin. While Reading, feels as if somebody hurried him: Magn. mur. Exaltation: Coffea, Phosph. ac.; anxiousness: Magn.. mur.; distracted attention: Aeon.; want of attention: Alum.; loses himself: Angust., Coffea.; distracted: Laches.; difficult comprehension: Fluor. ac.; vanishing of thoughts: Nux mosch.; forgetfulness: Cale. ac. When Writing. Disturbed attention: Aeon.; dullness of mind: Nux mosch.; absence of thought: Rhus tox.; confounds right and left sides: Fluor. ac. Compare Exertion of Mind. Exertion. Nausea and anxiousness: Sepia. Looking to one point; absentmindedness: Bovist. Working steadily, one idea remains: Can. sat. Cannot see sharply with all exertion; anxiousness: Carb. an. Can see, but not comprehend what he sees: Helleb. Less shortsightedness and an unusual well feeling: Plumbum. Impaired sight, with diminished intellectual power: Cyclam., Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Thuya; vanishing of sight: Caustic., and of hearing: Stramon., and dizzy; with wide open eyes she has to exert herself to know things around her; loud complaints about it: Arg. nitr.; weaksighted and fretful, dull brooding: Carb. an. Vanishing of sight from drunkenness: Nux vom.; difficult thinking: Aeon.; absence of mind: Zincunm. Dimsightedness and stupidity: Stramon., and indifference: Stannum; depression: Petrol.; using wrong words: Lil. tigr. Impaired vision, and sadness: Digit.; dejected: Petrol.; stupefied: Arsen., Cyclam., Nitr. ae., Phosphor., Thuya; imperfect sight, with an alternate state of mind, absence and activity: Alum. A veil before the eyes, with loss of thought and weak memory: Stramon. 124 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Mist before the eyes and loss of consciousness: Canthar. Obscure vision, dark before the eyes, with anxiety: Bellad., Staphis.; heat in face and tears in eyes: Arg. nitr.; with ill humor: Sepia; dull mind: Arsen., Carb. veg.; merry madness: Crocus. Black before Eyes, uses wrong words, difficulty of fixing the attention: Li. tigr.; with difficult comprehension: Mercur.; unconscious: Crotal., Gratiol.; for a moment: O1. an.; senses vanishing: Crocus; with confusion of ideas: Natr. carb.; fretfulness, anger: Sepia; stupid: Zincum; excited, fears apoplexy: Sepia; anxiety: Bellad.; anxious ideas from times past, everything appears as if it was something else, loses all desire to live: Staphis.; extremely irritable, his motions are so quick that he finally has to stop and all turns black before his eyes: Stramon. Blindness, loss of sight, suddenly after dinner, with anxious sweat: Cale. ostr.; dull minded: Aethus., Arsen., Stramon.; mental derangement: Chamom.; delirious: Bellad.; rage: Stramon. MODEL CURE. Throbbing pain in the brain, dimness of vision, as if he looked through a sieve; frightful visions appear to him when in the dark, or when closing his eyes; he strikes at them and holds the cross up to them: Pulsat.-SZTAROVCSZKY. EYES. Pupils. Easily movable; howling or crying for trifles: Bellad.; anxiety when in bed: Chamom. Contracted; irritability, fretfulness, ill humor; vexed about trifles, confused, cannot finish anything, lazy, awkward, fribbling: Coccul.; mania: Stramon.; loss of consciousness: Morph. ac. I Act. rac. Dilated Pupils. Brightness; no sleep: Secal.; merry: I Bellad. Bromum. Crocus; tendency to laugh and sing: Crocus. II Crocus. Stronger memory: Bellad. I Hyosc. I I Ipecac. Melancholy, when reminded of having done wrong: Stramon. II Morpschs. Inclination to climb: Stramon.; crying and moaning: Bromnum. 1I Nux vom. Restlessness: Nux vom.; with stammering weakness: Bellad.: I Secale. I! Stramon. feels miserable: Ipecac. Whining, ill humor: Bellad.; delirium: Hyosc.; with nausea: Act. rac.; small quick pulse: Bellad.; vivid delirium: Stramon.; mania, rage: Bellad., Stramon.; mental derangement: Stramon.; hallucinations: Hyosc.; imagines to be three in typhus fever: Moschus; stupor: Morph. ac., Stannum; unconscious: IBellad. Pupils Immovable, ill humor: Chamom.; unconscious and moving hands and feet: Stramon. Difficult dilation and difficult contraction: Chamom. APPEARANCE. 125 APPEARANCE. Lively and bolder talk: Aeon.; vivid mind: Opium; delirium: Stramon.; brightness, delirium: Hyosc.; fierce: Aeon.; exalted: Opium; glistening, with uneasiness; despair: Vip. red.; sparkling, delirious, with walking: Stramon.; with raving: Colchic.; deranged: Acon., Bellad., Colchic., Hyosc., Stramon.; raging; violent mania: Opium; takes no notice: Stramon.; brilliant, with raging delirium: Ailanth.; dazzling in delirium: Stramon.; raving mania: Stramon.; glaring, with mania: Crocus, Opium, Stramon. Unsteady; anxious with mental restlessness: I I Aloes. Eyes shine; unconsciousness: Stramon. Unsteady and melancholic; hates women: Pulsat.; and delirious: Stramon.; and wild with laughing; mania: Veratr.; wild look and raving: Bellad.; mania: Cuprum, Hyosc., Stramon., Veratr., Vip. tory. Eyes rolling, unconscious: Stramon.; stupor: Stramon. Eyes wide open; confused talk: Arsen.; talking delirious: Opium, I IStramon., I Veratr.; talkative mania: Bellad., Opium, Stramon. Fixed. After a fit of scolding: Moschus; with insensibility: Aethus.; with absence of understanding: Arsen.; on the ground, absorbed in contemplation: Stramion. With dilated immovable pupils, senseless: Stramon. On objects with quickly following erroneous ideas: Cuprum. Staring at one point with dull mind, stupidity: Bellad. With anxiety: Arnica; with anguish: Helleb. With fretfulness: Chamom.; with violent temper: Moschus. With great excitability: Alum., Cinch. off. With uncommon liveliness: Cinch. off.; with watery eyes, does not recognize persons: Opium; with difficult comprehension: Cicut.; with standing still of ideas: Cannab.; with maniacal illusions: Hyosc.; sparkling, with absorption in his fantasies: Stramon.; with delirium: Chamom., Coffea, Coloc., Veratr.; with deranged mind: Bellad., Stramon.; and a sharp, pungent look with maniacal symptoms: Hyosc., Stramon.; with rage and spitting: Bellad.; shunning drinks: Bellad.; with mania: Beliad., Stramon.; with thoughtlessness: Helleb., Hyosc.; with unconsciousness: Stramon. Contracted pupils, pulse and skin normal, deranged mind: Bellad. Eyes dim, glassy, broken, full of water; dull mind; anxious breathing: Opium; dull brain: Hyosc. Eyes sunken, with entire loss of self-confidence: Sepia. MODEL CURE. A man set. 26, a musician, of sanguine temperament, became deranged after the death of his brother, who died in his arms. Scolding, spitting, pushing, tearing clothes, breaking chairs, boring holes into the walls with his fingers. Changes his position from sitting to standing, talks nonsense, imagines at times to be God, at others the devil. Singing. Pupils contracted, eyes listless and sunken, sleepless, no appetite, does not answer when spoken to, avoids people's looks: Stramon.-SzTAROVCSZKY. 126 MIND AND DISPOSITION. PAINS. Aching in eyes and over the forehead, unable to exert mind: Amm. gum., Pulsat.; after exerting mind: Lact. vir.; as if too large, with a stupid feeling: Phosph. ac. Tearing pains with difficult comprehension: Natr. carb.; shooting over left eye extorting cries: Sepia; like lightening; apprehension of some evil: Fluor. ac. Drawing backwards with anxiety: Bovist.; drawing over right eye with mental exertion: Cale. ostr.; hammering over left eye, as if going out of his mind: Hamam. Boring from out in over left eye: Magn. sulph.; with stupidity in the whole head, heat and great anxiety: Nitr. ac. Burning pain and weeping mood: Nux mosch.; sick headache with fretfulness: Stannum; violent pain in the eyeballs and nervous excitement: Daph. ind.; delirium: Plumbum; pain with confusion: Carb. veg., Phosph. ac.; stupefaction: Stannum; with forgetfulness: Guar. trochl. TEARS. Torrents of tears if their personal sufferings are spoken of: Sepia; after a running from the eyes her disposition to torment her family is gone: Fluor. ac. Unwilling streams of tears with nightly attacks of agony: Amm. carb.; tears force their way between the lashes, with spasmodically closed lids: Spongia; pressing weight closes eyes and forces tears out: Platin.; tears stand in her eyes but cannot weep, with sadness: Ars. met.; with anxiousness, and hot face: Arg. nitr.; and involuntary weeping, with sadness: Veratr.; burning, with lachrymose mood: Nux mosch. WEEPING. I I Aeon. She laughs over trifles until she has tears in her eyes, which II Antctart. become red: Natr. mur. I Bellad. Shedding of tears following attacks of convulsive laughing: I Borax. I Canthar. Formic. I I Chamom. Weeping even over joyous things: Platin. I Crocus. I Cuprum. Nervous unrest, tears start to her eyes: Apis. II Hepar s. c. Weeps when spoken to: Staphis. I Laches. I Mar. ver. Much weeping from an idea that she is deserted by all her I Nitr. ac. friends; most intense melancholy with fits of uncontrollable;1 Stannum. I Veratr. weeping: Kali brom. Homesickness with weeping: Magn. mur. Weeping, inconsolable mood: Spongia. Tears in eyes and sadness: Veratr. Sad and weeping: Natr. mur. Lachrymose, sad: Natr. sulph. BETTER AFTER WEEPING-RED EYES, ETC. 127 When thinking of old forgotten troubles the tears start to her eyes: Natr. mur. Weeping bitterly, as if she could not think nor live any more Thuya. Tears with anxiety, fear and foreboding: Arg. nitr. Weeping with anxiety: Cuprum. With almost all her sufferings there are sure to be tears and cries: Pulsat. Children fretful: Graphit.; with coryza tears rush: Cepa; unconsciousness, shedding tears: Stramon. BETTER AFTER WEEPING. I Anac. Anxiousness: Digit., Gracphit., Tabac. I Graphit. Fear: Digit.; apprehension: Graphit., Tabac. I Ignat. Sadness: Digit.; melancholy: Phosphor.; discontentedness: I Lycop. Nitr. ae. Nitr. ae. I IPhosphor. Fretfulness: Platin.; horrible appearance of the world: Tarax. Phosphor.; hysterical weeping without cause: Viola od., Rhus tox. RED EYES AND OPHTHALMIA WITH DERANGEMENT OF MIND. * ACon. Eyes injected, pupils enlarged with mania: Stramon.; uses Argent. II Arnica. wrong words: Nux mosch.; blood-vessels of conjunctiva distended II Arsen. with delirium: Stramon. I Bellad. II Calc. ostr. Suffused and sparkling with delirium: Colchic., IStramon.; I Cinch, off. mania: IStramon. Colchie. II Cuprunt. Red sclerotica, aversion to conversation: Argent.; after atII Lahes. I mereur. tempts to study; sparkling eyes; mania: Opium; and a wild I Nux mosch. look; mania: Cuprum. II Nux vom. II Opium. Eyes protruding and inflamed; mania: Opium; with uncon-' Phosphor. sciousness: Nux mosch. Plumbum. II Pulsat. Burning hot or dry, with stupor: Opium. 1I* Sielpiia. Inflamed with attacks of mania, ending with sweat: Guprum; II Silic. I Stramon. particularly the left eye, with mania: Stramon. I I Sulphur. Purulent conjunctivitis with longing for death: Aeon. Swelling of eyes with delirium: Plumbum. Swelling, redness or itching of the lower lid with erysipelas under the eye; with frightfulness in the night: Laches. Movements. Eyes in constant motion, anxious restlessness with mania: Bellad. Eyes move upwards and sideways, with silly merriment: Acon. Lids. Heavy; unable to study: Formic. Closed when walking, like a somnambulist, with anxiety: Alum.; spasmodically closed with stupor: Aeon. 128 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Dropping of lids, does not know where he is going: Nux mosch. Lameness, cannot open them; with difficult comprehension: Nitrum. Itching of lids, fright from starting: Laches.; and nervous exaltation: Hura. Swollen with delirium: Plumbum. Sunken with anguish: Vip. tory. Dark around eyes, with indifference or ill humor: Stannum. Blue circles; takes no notice: Stramnon.; with derangements of mind: Anac., I I Arsen., I I Cinch. off., Coccul., Cuprum, Graphit., Hepar s. c., Ignat., I I Nux vom., Laches., Lycop., Mercur., Phosphor., Phosph. ac., Rhus tox., Secal., Sepia, Staphis., I'lSulphur, Veratr. Brows corrugated in delirium with typhus: Helleb.; in mania: Stramon. HEARING. II Aeon. Music unbearable. Makes sorrowful: Natr. sulph. I Ambra. I I Anaa. Oversensitiveness of hearing; the slightest tone rings in his Ant. crud. ear; wakes with rush of blood to head; hair standing on end; I Bryon. I Cale. ostr. anxiousness and shuddering; formication from the slightest I Carb. an. motion in bed: Carb. veg. Caustic. *Chamom. When merry: Crocus. II Coffea. The sound of a church bell is doleful: Ant. crud. II Coca. I Digit. Doleful when hearing music: Aeon. II Graphit. - makes her quite sad: Acon., Digit. I Ignat. I I Kali carb. - makes her melancholic: Acon., Natr. sulph. LyKreosot. Piano-playing causes anxiety in chest: Natr. carb. Mangan. Cannot bear it in head: Phosphor.; much affected by it: Mercur. II Natr. carb. Sepia. II Natr. slph. Timid forebodings: Digit.; apprehensions: Digit.; bad hull Nux vom. I Phosphor. mor:.Mangan. II Phosph. ac. Cannot bear music: Chamom., Natr. carb., Nux vom., Phosphor., I Pulsat. I Sabin. Sabin. II Sepia. Everything, even music is unbearable: Mercur. I I Stannum. Seeks solitude, darkness and silence: Nux vom. II Staphis. Hates music; peevish, irritable: Caustic. I Thuya. I Viola od. Mind much agitated, even music causes trembling: Natr. II Zincum. carb. carb. Nervousness so great that music becomes quite unbearable, it goes through bone and marrow: Sabin. The sound of church bells moves to tears: Ant. crud. Music makes her- weep: Graphit., Kreosot., Thuya. Music, even of a lively kind disposes her to weep: Natr. sulph. Tender and soft mood; music moves him to tears: Nux vorn. Makes her sleepy, and shut the eyes; a clairvoyant dream: Stannum. NOISE UNBEARABLE. 129 NOISE UNBEARABLE. 33 Acon. With anxiety: Aurum, Capsic., I I Caustic., Natr. carb., Pulsat., I Alum. Alu.. S. Silic.; anxiety when among the noise of many people: Petrol. I Amm. carb. Fear with every noise in the street, full of apprehension: II Anae. * August. Caustic. Ant. crud. Full of care: Aurum, Baryt.; irritable and faint-hearted: I Arnica. Arsen. Cinch. off. I Aurum. Fretful: Arsen.; and morose, peevish: Kali carb.; ill huI Baryt. I Bellad. mored: Bellad., Phosphor. II Bryon. Peevish, irritable: Ptel. trif.; cross, all things disagree: I Calad. Phosphor.; displeased with everything, nothing is right: Arsen.; * Cale. ostr. I Cannab. angry after contradiction: Coccul. I Capsic.' Enraged, angry: Ipec.; cannot bear talking of people: I Carb. an. Carb. veg. Conitum, Mar. ver., Zincum; vexed: Rhus tox.; and angry: Card. mar. Mangan. II Caustic. * Chamom. Cannot bear to hear a person walking in the room, with exCicutch off. treme moroseness and nausea: Sanguin. I! Cinch. off. Coccul. With every word spoken fright and a shooting in the head: II Coffea. Cicut. I Colehic. I Conium. Suspicious, as if his life was conspired against: Al. p. s. raphital, Unreasonable lamentations, bitter complaints: Ignat.; weepHelleb. ing: Aether., Kreosot. Hura. I Ignat. Crying and weeping with the slightest noise: Laches. I I pec. Melancholy, a little noise startles much: Stramon. I Jodium. I I Kali carb. Reserved mania: Conium; men are offensive: Phosphor. Kreosot. Starting. See Hearing, Chapter 6. Ladhes. I Lycop. With difficult hearing and a dreamy, dull state of mind: II Magn. carb. Zincum. _Iancin* II Mangan. Difficult comprehension: Capsic.; illusions at night: Carb. vey. IM oschus. Stupefaction: Laches. I Mercur. Narc. -mur.! Natr. carb. MODEL CURES. I Nitr. ac. II Nux vom. Nervous, sensitive to the least noise, hysterical mood; voice Petrol, ko tremulous; fears she is going to die, general chlorotic appearI Phosph. ae. ance; amenorrhoea for five months; constipation; scanty, freI Pltumbum. quent and dark urine; face and legs edematous: Xanthox. Ptel. trif. A girl ret. 19. Over-sensitiveness to noise and music, pains in I Pulsat. II Sabad. head and ears worse from mental-exertion, difficult hearing, sensi11 Sanguin. tiveness of the meatus and tympanum; offensive mucous disI Sepia. II Silic. charge, buzzing, sensation as if a membrane was stretched before I Stannum. the tympanum; cold feet, tickling cough with dryness in larynx Stramon. and hoarseness after singing; comedones with itching and burntabachx. ing in the face; desire for sour things: Calc. ostr.2m; later other I Zincum. medicine completed this master cure. —RENTscH. 9 130 MIND AND DISPOSITION. SUBJECTIVE NOISES. Hypochondric mood, anxiety: Pulsat. As if some one approached his bed: Carb. veg. Singing: Chin. sulph.; humming: I I Coca; like music: Pulsat. Fretful impatience with a wavering noise (3uwwern): Platin.; wants to be alone: Coni um, and at rest: Bellad.; hates company: Bellad., Phosphor.; starting, frightened: Millefol., when falling asleep: Sulphur; frightened, starting from claps and cracks (uxinalen): Rhus tox.; difficult comprehension with buzzing: Arsen.; head confused with a rolling noise: Zinc. cyan.; dull, stupid with buzzing: Laches. Illusions with buzzing and humming: Magn. mur.; imagines he hears some one walking behind him: Crot. case., Bromum. As if some one were under the bed: Bellad.; with a rattling noise: Canthar.; over his bed: Calc. ostr. Delirium with singing: Stramon.; looking about where the whistling and singing comes from: Elaps.; hears voices from the corners of the room: Arsen.; hears somebody talk: Elaps.; strange voice, follows it and tilts against the door: Crot. case. Mania, anguish and anxious sweat, with noises as of large church-bells: Arsen. Stupor, with buzzing: Psorin. Distraction of mind and loss of memory: Camphor. DIMINISHED SENSE OF HEARING. Hears everything, but it makes no impression: Helleb. Does not hear clearly, and makes mistakes in speaking: Bovist. Imperfect hearing and activity, alternating with absence of mind: Alum. Hearing vanishes; stupefaction: Stramon. Difficult hearing, and a dull, dreamy state: Zincunm. Deafness, with a dull headache, and with great anxiety, trembling and sweating: Chin. sulph.; anxiety in abdomen: Aloes; with stupefaction: Arnica, Carb. an., Crotal., Kreosot., 01. an., Stramon. Pain; ill humor: Niux vom. Ear symptoms. Anxiety: sensitiveness to noise: Silic., Pulsat.; musical noise; fear of apoplexy: great noise in the ear, with distraction and loss of memory: Cannab.; mental exertion: Conium; waking: Sepia, Zincumrn. Want of memory: Moschus. Insanity; sensitiveness only after loud screaming: half conscious: Arsen.; hypochondric humor; confusion of mind: Agn. cast., Baptis., Carb. an. As if drunk: Magn. carb. Does not answer when he is asked: Magn. carb. EARACHE-OUTER EAR-NOSE. 131 EARACHE. Boring, so violent has to scream: Baryt. Stitches, with weeping and weakness: Silic.; loud lamenting: Sepia; crying out: Nux vom. Large stitches, shooting, fretful and vexed about trifles: Chamom. Stitches with excitement: Stramon.; delirium: Stramon. Pains with anxiety in chest: Kali carb.; with abdominal anxiety: Aloes, Glonoin.; anguish: Bellad.; agony all night: Mercur.; ill humor: Chamom.; confusion: Hyosc.; as if it would set him crazy: Psorin. Every time he laughs, a violent drawing, shooting pain from the stomach to the membrana tympani: Mangan. When laughing, cold air out of the left ear: Millefol. After hearing bad news, trembling in ear: Sabad. OUTER EAR. Heat with anxiety and rigor: Arsen. Hot ear-lobes, peevish and lachrymose: Alum. Tearing and shooting in the right mastoid process, she has to cry out: Canthar.; below the right ear shooting, has to cry out: Baryt. With- fright, violent tearing, in the left ear, runs into the cheek: Sulph. ac. A pressure over the concha deep in the brain, with complete faint-heartedness: Agar. Tension in the region of ears, with dullness and stupidity: Asar. NOSE. Smell. Much affected by disagreeable odors: Aeon.; by odor of flowers: Graphit., Lycop.; by light and smell: Colchic.; sounds and odors: Aeon. Tobacco smoke and soot is unbearable: Bellad. Strong odors put him quite beside himself: Colehic. Illusions when awaking, he smells the burning sponge and sulphur, he dreamt of: Anac. Nosebleed after weeping: Nitr. ac.; after aching and dullness in the head: Carb. an.; after cardiac anxiousness and trembling: Sepia; after mental exertions: Nux vom. Ill humor: Coffea; with anxiousness and melancholic mood relieved by nosebleed: Kali chlor. With oversensibility or with anxiety: Crocus; preventing sleep: Bellad.; restlessness: Arsen.; with fear of dying, cannot attempt any business: Crocus; ill humor: Coffea, Kali chlor.; followed by weeping: Nitrum; disinclination to work: Niux vom.; vexatiousness: I I Arsen. Excitement, passion: Arsen.; restlessness: Kadm. sulph. 132 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Answers questions as if frightened: Bellad. Sopor: Bellad.; stupid feeling: Carb. an., Conium. Coryza. Sneezing, frequent irritation and fear because it hurts much in the throat: Phosphor.; and stupidity: Graphit.; -dullness, as if coryza would follow: Stannum; with violent pain in forehead and delirium: Mezer. As if coryza would come on, ill humor: Sabin.; cold, chilliness: Hepar s. e. Ill humor, dull and empty feeling, head like a lantern: Arsen. Running catarrh with lachrymose humor: Spigel. Weeping over his deserted position, nose runs: Lith. carb. Unbearable stoppage: Psorin.; obstruction with anxiety: Zinc. ox.; can only breathe with open mouth, with anxiousness: Amm. carb. Children are very cross with the sniffles: Chamom. Coryza; is easily agitated: Arsen.; disposition to weep: Spigel.; melancholy: Cepa; with cough, which makes the children cry: Cina. MODEL CURES. Sad and gloomy for ten days, the following ten days excited. During the first quiet, sad and anxious; picks his fingers; lies in bed most of the time; does not like to answer questions; passes urine often during the'night. Confused feeling in the head, often sits lost in thought. He eats and drinks, has only one stool in three days. Weak memory. Timid-cannot be persuaded to work. Sleeps very restlessly. The ten days following: very much excited, passionate, domineering, quarrelsome, scolds a great deal. Likes to wear his best clothes. Makes useless purchases, cares very little for the things, wastes or ruins them. Does not want to work-goes to play; quarrels with every one-will not bear contradiction; all the time picks his nose, which bleeds easily: Conium. —ELWERT. Hypochondria. Tired of life, inclination to commit suicide, sleeplessness, hysteria, spasmodic twitching, troublesome cough, with stitches in the chest, worse in the evening and at night; coryza with sneezing and watery discharge, also yellow and offensive. Leucorrhcea; retarded and suppressed menses: Zizia.-MARCY. OUTER NOSE. Illusion, her nose appears to her transparent: Bellad. Dull pain in bones with stupefaction: Arnica; over the root of nose, dull gloomy sensation: Spongia. Phlegm in choanae, torments himself and others with hawking: Psorin. Picks his nose all the time, it bleeds easily: Conium. With itching of nose, stronger memory: Bellad. Boring in nose, sitting quiet and silent: Nitr. ac. Itching in the nostrils; water dropping out of them, with cold feet and great impatience: Sulphur. Red nose with the slightest agitation: Vinca. FACEACHE-FEATURES, COUNTENANCE. 133 Anxious heat with sweat below the nose: Nux vom.; around it: Ignat. Delirium and excoriated nose in scarlet fever: Phytol. FACEACHE. Faceache. Drawing ache in the forehead; hypochondric mood: Arg. nitr. Pressing pain under the right eye, at night, with anxiety, driving her out of bed: Arsen. Tearing, rending in one side of face, with ill humor: Tongo.; tension and stitches in the face and front of neck, with anxiety: Nitrum. Faceache: Stannunz; with anxiety, driving out of bed: Magn. mur.; confusion: Mur. ac.; mental exertion: Carb. veg., Graphit. Bones. Pains; frightful anxiety,,driving him out of bed; malar bones burning, tearing: M1agn. carb. Pain in the jaws after the mania: Aeon. Confusion: Carb. veg., Mur. ac.; drawing in bones; contractive pressive pain: Zincum. FEATURES, COUNTENANCE. ~efict)aiige, Stiene. Smiling: in delirium; imagines not to be at home: Veratr.;, involuntarily when talking: Aurum; constantly with a pleasant weakness, as if pining away: Lauroc.; in a stupid state: Bellad. Looks disturbed and pale after erysipelas: Morph. ac.; in mental derangement, while she is trying to hide it: Thuya; with staring, red face and mental derangement: Hyperic. Painful expression, with sighing, indifference, derangement from unlucky love: /Hyosc. Sad, and depressed with anxiety: I Cuprum. Anxious and restless: Aeon.; unsteady look, with great restlessness: Aloes; unable to talk: Laehes.; full of complaints of weakness, apparently well: Colchic. Anxious expression after the opening of an abscess, with an irritable pulse: Psorin. Shows his anger after the most trifling causes, in face and motions: Fluor. ae.; very serious, without any depression: Rumex. Morose face; fretful: Phelland.; vexed: Zineum. He looks into vacant space with dissatisfaction and vexation: Mezer. Discontent is plainly visible on his face before he is aware of it himself:.Kali earb. Dissatisfied with himself; gloomy expressions: Caustie. Discontented and morose expression, people ask him what ails him: Phosph. ae. 134 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Wakes up with morose expression: Ignat. Dissatisfied face; in the forenoon: Magn. carb. Dissatisfied and serious expression, does not care to talk during the heat in the head; better towards noon: Aeth. cyn. Sour, disturbed look; morose: Zincum.; morose face; out of humor: Kali oarb. Sour face; discontented: Caustic. Wildness of countenance, stupid: Stramon. Drunken appearance, sat alone, would not speak: Ant. crud. Drunken look, unconscious: Stramon. Frightful visions take possession of his fancy, and fright and fear are depicted on his countenance: Stramon. Countenance expresses the greatest horror, with dyspncea: Gelsem. Starting in sleep, whining, painfully sad expression, stamps with her feet, hands and feet white and cold: Ignat. Terrified look: Pulsat. The face expresses fright and stupidity: Aeon. Singular countenance, uses wrong words: Nux mosch. Amazed; without consciousness: Camphor. Appearance as if engaged in deep thought and whining: Nitrum. Features confused, weeping and laughing: Natr. carb.; delirium: Secal. Consternation with loss of mental faculties: Laches.; staring, with absence of mind: Zincum; stupor: Laches.; apathy, indifference: Cinchon. Unconcern, peevishness, talks in monosyllables, stupid expression, hastiness: Mere. sulph. nigr. Stupid expression, unconcerned: Cale. phosph.; staring expression with stupefaction: Cicut.; stupid air: Aster.; singularly stupid expression: Opium, Secal. MODEL CURE. An old lady lay in bed free from any inflammatory symptoms, to all appearances in good health. Anxious expression. Complains of lassitude, nausea and great prostration: Colchic.-HADEN. Talking nonsense in her sleep at four o'clock in the morning; disturbed look, stares at people; head hot, carotids. throbbing; flushed and bloated face; eyes fixed, pupils dilated; frequent pulse; hair moist, the rest of the body burning hot; great anxiety; singing, followed by weeping and loud screaming, with gasping for breath; beating headache, especially in the vertex; tearing stitches in the brain; crawling in hands and feet, as if they were numb; great thirst, white-coated tongue: Hyper.-G. F. MULLER. FACE MOTIONS. Inclination to contract and corrugate the eyebrows: Therid. Wrinkled forehead, with vexation: Mangan. FACE. 135 After too great merriness feeling as if he must move the muscles of his face; indifference and impatience: Lycop. Muscles of face constantly twitch; mania: Stramon. Twitches in the face and limbs, with derangement: Bellad. Disposition to make grimaces, and push out the tongue: Bellad. Ridiculous grimaces; raving: Helleb.; laughable faces; mania: Hyose. Distorted features, as if discontented: Arsen. Weeping and sobbing, with distorted face: Alcohol. Strange distortion of the face; melancholy: Stramon. Distorted, stretched features, wide open staring eyes, red cheeks, no thirst: Squilla; delirium: Moschus; with madness: Opium. Foams with anger, and fills the house with cursing and swearing: Alcohol. Face distorted and pale with rage: Veratr. Face distorted with mania: Veratr.; stupor: Aeon. Loss of all mental functions, with distorted face: Laches. MODEL CURE. Talks almost continually about fanciful things or such as have really occurred, of faithless love, of her teacher and school days; laughs, sings, dances, weeps, makes grimaces, and gesticulates with her hands. Clings obstinately to her ideas, without, however, growing angry about it. Face distorted, eyes fixed, no desire to eat or drink, things offered her are hastily dispatched: Platin.M. MULLER. FACE. Cold face and hands with drops of sweat: Opium. Face, hands-and feet cold, with dislike of solitude: Cale. ostr. Face cold and pale, also hands, flying heat, with fear and anxiety: Pulsat. With insensibility: Aethusa. Now cold, now hot; sweat, with ill humor and dislike to talk: Borax. Hot cheeks. Heat in one cheek, inward heat, irritability, talkativeness: Hot cheeks; growing inconsolable: Nux vom. Drawing in the umbilical region from both sides, sometimes ascending to the epigastrium, nausea, with attacks of anxiousness and hot cheeks: Hepar. Flying heat, flushes of heat. With anxiety, anxiousness: Chamom., Droser., Sepia; anxiety, dullness of thinking, red face: Aeon.; cold hands: Chamom.; sweating hands: Cale. ostr.; cool sweat in palms: Chamom. Flying heat of face, with irresolution, nothing right: Chamom.; flushes of heat and ill humor: Platin.; lassitude, no ambition to work, irritable, frequent flushes of heat to the face: Lycop.; heat rises in face, absorbed in thought: Bryon.; flying heat, especially when busily engaged (also when sitting), or when walking fast he gets very hot in the face, with stinging as of needles: Oleand.; blood mounts to face with his tendency to hurry: Ignat. 136 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Heat in face, with merriness: Veratr.; with hypochondric mood: Hippom., Lycop., Nux mosch.; with anxiousness: IAcon., I IArg. nitr., Bellad., Caustic., Copaiv.; dry heat: Aeon.; steadily increasing heat: Carb. veg.; with apprehension: Mercur.; and black before the eyes: Arg. nitr.; cold hands and feet: Grajhit.; sweating hands: Mercur.; thirst and bitter taste after anger: Chamom. Anguish: Carb. veg., Cuprum, Graphit. With fearfulness: Veratr.; faint-heartedness: Nux vomr.; morose: Calc. phosph., Sarsap.; ill humor: Asar., Kreosot., Sarsap.; irritable: Stannumn; cross: Sarsap.; fretful: Phosphor.; much vexed after slight causes: Phosphor.; with cold hands and palpitation: Phosphor.; complaining and weeping: Nux Vom., Sepia; groaning: Chamorn.; desire to hurry his business: Ptelea. She does not accomplish anything; heat in the face: Stannum. After suppressed foot-sweat when he sees an open window or a sharp instrument, his face flushes and a sweat breaks out over him, he can scarcely resist the inclination to take his life: Mere. sol. Heat with anxiety, disinclination to work: Sarsap., Stannum; to mental work: Nitrum; shunning labor: Agar. With excitement, irritation and cold feet, after chill and thirst: Magn. carb. Heat in face without thirst, but a restless mind; restlessness: Amm. mur.; before catamenia: Lycop. Indisposition to think; hot forehead: Nitrum. Thinking power leaves him: Arg. nitr., Bryon. Worse from thinking: Spongia, Xiphos.; after lively conversation: Fluor. ac.; mental work: Agar.; mental exertion: Ammto. carb. Stupidity in the head, with coryza: Ruta. Mania: Veratr.; with a cold body: Stramon. With aggravation of all mental symptoms: Hippom. Cheeks hot and red, with attacks of anxiety: Pulsat.; fearful: Veratr.; with loud lamentations: Nux vom.; inconsolable: Nux vom. Face hot and red, with constant laughing: Veratr.; bright mood, excited: Aloes; careless humor, indifference: Veratr. Anxiousness: Strontian; and dry skin: Aeon.; and sweat: Spongia; and delirium: Stramon. Glowing face from rush of blood, constant unconsciousness with derangement: Opium. SWEAT. On forehead with heat in head: Carb. veg.; and in scrobiculum: Bellad. Warm, with hot and red cheeks, and attacks of anxiety: Pulsat. Cold: Iberis; and open fontanels: Cale. phosph., Mercur.; anxiousness: Mur. ac.; and trembling: Arsen. Anxiety: larsen., Cale. phosph., Gicut., Mereur., Mur. ac., Natr. earb., Phosphor. Driving out of bed: Carb. veg. REDNESS. 137 IArsen. Anguish in attacks, several a day: Natr. earb. Borellad. Colicky tension in the hypochondria: Arsen.; followed by I Calc. ostr. a loose stool: Mercur. I Cale. phos. I Carb. an. - - restlessness: Phosphor. I Carb. veg. - - pulmonary anxiety: Carb. veg. I Cicuta. I Iberis. --- it attacks the heart as if he would faint: Cicut. I laIgn. e-arb. - frightened feeling: Iberis; qfter a fright in a dream: I 1Miercur. Mur. ac. Bellad. I Natr. carb. --- trembling: Arsen.; of hands: Cicut.; and sweat of Phosphor. I Platin. hands: Gale. ostr.; in palms: Gale. phosph. u1 Pulsot. - - - and sweat between the feet or on the feet: Arsen. - ill humor: Borax, Platin. - weeping disposition: Carb. an. - inability to think: Cale. phosph. In attacks: Cale. phosph.; without pain: Natr. carb. Sweat in large drops: Platin. REDNESS. Of Cheeks and silly merriness: Aeon.; serenity: Argent. Like after hearing bad news: Coccul.; anxiety: Hepar s. c.; anxious heat: Nux vom. Melancholy: Stramon.; uneasy to despair: Vip. red. Vexed about every trifle: Pulsat.; obstinacy: Aeon. As if drunken: Pulsat.; talkativeness: Argent. After surprise, such as fright, that she is beside herself, and cannot be quieted: Mercur.; stupid when awakening: Anac.; distorted, stretched features, open, staring eyes: Squilla; delirium: Stramon.; talking with open eyes: Chamom.; and with circumscribed redness: Lachnanth.; one cheek red, the other pale; cold sweat on hands and feet; mind very miserable: Ipecac. Flushed Face, with an anxiety rising up from the abdomen in the head: Lauroe.; anxious trembling: Pulsat.; a hasty disposition: Ignat.; delirium: Stramon.; weak minded: Ignat.; insensibility, stupid: Stramon. Indifferent: Veratr. Sad and peevish: Spigel.; sad and full of fear: Stramon., Veratr. Anxious: Spongia; and flying heat: Aeon.; likes hot water, evenings: Sepia; rising up with stitches in heart: Plumbum; cardiac anguish: Bellad.; uneasy to despair: Vip. red. Fearful: Veratr.; from fright: Opiwum. Shy, embarrassed: Carb. veg. From slight contradiction: Ignat. Inclined to be angry: Bryon.; fretful: Spigel. Morose lamenting mood: I I Aeon.; loud screaming: I I Opium. The infant gets red around the eyes when whining: Borax. From slight emotions: Nitrate of amyl, Phosphor.; from animated conversa 138 MIND AND DISPOSITION. tion: Sepia; from excitement in the night: Aloes; with restlessness: Laches.; beside himself: Crocus; dull in head as if drunken: Caustic.; delirium and illusions with open eyes: Crotal.; with talking: Opium; with laughing Veratr.; face bloated: Doryph.; puffed: Opium. Red in Mania: I I Bellad., I Cicut., IHyosc., I I Opium, I UStramon., I Veratr.; sadness, thinking about death: Stramon.; anxiety, faint heart, despair: Veratr.; violent: Opium; strikes at his attendants, tears his clothes, scolding, cursing: Hyosc.; lamenting, crying: Veratr. Jumping out of bed, laughing, dancing, jumping, clapping hands, drinking wine all night: Cicut. Great vivacity: Opium; restlessness, conversing with spirits all night; fear of bad animals, black dogs: Stramon.; raving: Bellad.; confused memory: Stramon.; unconscious: Glonoin., Stramon.; senseless: Stramon.; eyes glaring: Opium, Stramon.; looks wild: Hyosc.; staring: Stramon.; weeping: Stramon. Face glowing red: Veratr.; hot: Hyosc.; swollen: Stramon. Stuttering and lisping before a few words come out: Stramon. Thirst very great: Stramon.; will neither eat nor drink: Hyosc., Veratr.; after frequent drunkenness: Hyosc. Abdomen puffed: Stramon.; sexual desire excited: Stramon. Breathing quick and difficult: Hyosc. Cold feet: Veratr. Runs about in his room all night: Hyosc.; restless sleep, with strange images: Stramon.; no sleep: Veratr. With erysipelas: Stramon. Blue, red, after a slight surprise: Mercur.; if she attempts to speak before people: Carb. veg.; talkative mania: Stramon.; swollen lips, face and head: Opium. Bluish face in madness, with snoring: Opium; weeping: Sambuc.; bloated: Sambuc.; with loss of senses: Morphin.; dark blue with screaming: Veratr. Brown and blue after vexation: Staphis. Yellow, and restless to despair: Vip. red.; and gloomy humor, forenoon: Arg. nitr.; sickly sallow complexion, bloated, with mental alienation, keeping the bed unreasonably: Aloes.; complexion livid; disposition sad, irritable: Kreosot. PALENESS. Easy quiet, mind clear, expecting death, praying for the saving of her soul: Arnie. Happy mind and excessive joy: Crocus. Discomfort: Magn. carb., Sulphur; depression: I I Chin. sulph.; irritable and sad: Kreosot. Infant whining much, crying in sleep: Borax. Child screams, putting fists in its mouth: _rpecac. PALENESS. 139 Crying and running about: Veratr. Anxious and running about: Lamium; with fear of death: Magn. sulph.; anxious: Kali carb., Mangan., Nux vom., I I Pulsat., Spongia. - with nausea after pain in stomach passed off: Kali carb.; - and restlessness: Mangan.; - after dinner, has to lay down: Nux vom. Anguish and cold: Pulsat.; or puffed: Carb. veg. Fear: Veratr.; of death: Moschus; of ghosts: Pulsat. Indifference: Crotal., Helleb., Stannum. Fretful: Veratr.; ill humor: Amm. earb., Stannum; and drowsiness: Lycop.; and fallen away: Mezer. Singing: Bellad.; screaming: Ipecac., Veratr.; violent scolding: Moschus. Aversion to talk: Ox. ac.; to work: Arsen. Overcome from seeing the wounded in the hospital: Gelsem. Starting in sleep: Lycop.; mentally and bodily "used up:" Amnm. carb. Difficult comprehension: Cinch. off.; derangement of onanists: Hyosc. Dull, obtuse mind: Stannum. Illusions: Hyosc.; delirium: Bellad. Mania: Crocus, Mercur., Stannum, Veratr.; singing, whistling, neither eating nor drinking: Bellad.; indifferent; desire to run away and drown herself: Helleb.; talks about religious matters, thinks he has been poisoned: Hyosc.; vanishing of thought: Therid. Pallor and anxiety: Spongia. Pallid, miserable and indifferent: Crotal., Mezer.; discomfort, miserable and sad: Natr. mur.; discolored with general discomfort: Magn. carb.; emaciated with mania: Mercur.; with ill humor: Mezer. Earthy pale and anxious: Magn. sulph., Pulsat. - fear of death: Magn. sulph. dislikes all kind of exertion: Arsen. - deranged: Hyosc., Pulsat. Hippocratic Face with anxiety: Arsen.; with indifference: Cinch. off. MODEL CURE. After vexation, mental depression; she is in constant dread, with palpitation of the heart, is afraid of every body, considers every one her enemy, despairs of every thing-cries easily-trusts no one. At the same time pale earthy complexion, with dim, desponding look. No appetite, much thirst, limbs feel as if asleep, is weary, weak, cannot sleep at night on account of fear and dread. Pulsat. —TH. RUCKERT. 140 MIND AND DISPOSITION. SWELLING. Sensation of fulness, excited and disinclined to converse: Ox. ac. Puffed up; fear: Carb. veg.; and anxious mania: Bellad. Swollen and red from surprise: Mercur.; with anxiety in head: Apis. Swollen face and arm, raving about dogs: Bellad. Face and head with madness: Opium. With erysipelas: Stramon.; after it struck in: Ouprum, Stramon. SKIN. Crawling in cheek after fright, shocks: Sulph. ac.; as from insects over face: Crot. tigl. An itching pimple above the arcus ciliaris, with coryza and' moroseness: Clemat. JAWS. Tearing, aching, with difficult comprehension: Natr. carb. Spasmodic drawing, wakening about midnight, with anxiety: Sepia. Trismus and stupor: Aeon.; and rage: Stramon. Lower jaw hangs down, with loss of consciousness: Stramon. Mouth open and looks upwards; gets hot and lachrymose: Carb. an. Distortion and mania: Opium; does not want to open it: Ignat. Twitching around: Glonoin., Opium. Moves it backwards and forwards; mania: Stramon. Froth. See Lips. LIPS. Tingling sensation and difficult comprehension: Natr. carb. Water touching them enrages him, in delirium: Stramon. Covered with froth in mania: Stramon.; froth before the mouth, foaming, with unconsciousness: Bellad.; foaming with madness: Camphor.; ropy saliva hanging down, with mania: Bellad.; corners of mouth covered with foam, in rage: Stramon. Dry with sadness: Rhus tox.; with vivid delirium: Stramon. Licks them, with moaning and groaning: Pulsat. Dry and sticky with hypochondric morose mood: Arg. nitr. Red brown streaks in mania: Opium. Blue with passionateness: Moschus; in mania: Hyose. Reddish, blue and swelled; semi-consciousness: Stramon.; in madness: Opium. Swollen in mania: Opium. Chin, as if it was growing larger: Glonoin. TEETH. 141 TEETH. Toothache. After vexation, following or increasing: IAeon., I Chcamom., Rhus tox., IStaphis. After emotions: Aeon.; if others talk to him: Arsen., Bryon.; after getting angry: Chamom., Nux vom. After mental exertion: Bellad., Ignat.; meditation: I I Ignat., INux vom.; mental labor: Bellad., Ilgnat., N2Vux vom.; reading: Ignat.; disenabling to all work, especially thinking: Clemat. With Anxiety: IAcon., I IBellad., I Clemat., I Coffea, I Hyosc., I Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur, Veratr.; and restlessness: Mangan.; - as if he would die: Oleand.; - and nervous attacks with boring in a tooth: Natr. mur.; - and sweat: Clemat.; - driving to despair: I Clemat., I Nux vom.; to frenzy: Arsen. Fear it might return prevents sleep: Rhus tox. With mental restlessness: Mangan.; with fretfulness and aversions: Mezer.; sets to running about: Nux mosch.; despairing: Nux vom. With howling and crying: Ipecac.; whining: Magn. carb.; disposed to weeping: Chamom., Coffea, Hyperic., Sepia; weeping: Aeon., Coffea, Hyose., Sulphur, Therid., Veratr.; complaining, reproachful: Nux vom. With great irritation: Alum., Magn. carb.; as if distracted, screwing the brain together: Mezer.; is beside himself: Aeon., I Coffea. With starting when falling asleep, jerks in the teeth: Mercur. With getting angry: Arsen.; in such a rage that she strikes her head with her fists; shortly before catamenia: Arsen. Aversion to everything: Magn. carb., Mezer.; reproachful temper: Nux vom.; ill humor: Chamom., Mere. jod. rubr., IMezer. With prostration of mental powers: Hyose. After toothache irritated state of mind: Chamom., I I Lycop.; cannot sleep: Sepia; fainting: Cinch. off., IPulsat., Veratr. Sensations; feel soft and spongy with fear to bite 6n them, they might fall out: Nitr. ae.; - inclines to bite them together: Phytol.; - drives to grind them: Caustic. Biting in the tumbler, in the spoon, with brain affection of children: Cuprum; attempt to bite things or persons in mania: Bellad., all around: Cuprum; biting in delirium or mental derangement: IBellad., liStramon., I I Cuprum, Secal., I Veratr.; tearing with teeth: IStramon. Clapping with lower jaw against the upper in melancholy: Mercur.; biting at night in sleep so hard that pain wakens: Mercur.; biting firmly together, in melancholy: Veratr. Chattering of Teeth with difficult comprehension: Capsic.; with loss of senses: Camphor.; with shaking chills and anxiety: Capsic. Grinding Teeth and angry thoughts when awaking: Kali carb.; with froth at the mouth in mania: Bellad.; raising hands above the head: Stramonr Scrapes her gums while senseless: Bellad. During dentition sleepless with mental irritation: Chamom., Coca, Coffea. Non-appearance of teeth with children and very fretful: Cale. phosph. 142 MIND AND DISPOSITION. TASTE. Sweet, expectoration of blood with anxiety: Arsen. Sour, in the night with restlessness driving out of bed: Magn. mur. Harsh, with heat in precordial region and great anxiety: Ars. sulph. Sweetish bitter, with gloomy humor: Arg. nitr. Bitter, with anxiety: Amnm. mur.; cardiacal: Bellad.; sadness after a slight vexation: Amm. mtour. Sad, eyes filled with tears: Petrol.; after getting angry, with heat in face and anxiety: Chamom.; with moroseness and dullness: Sulphur. Bad taste in the morning and ill humor: Mere. jod. rubr.; metallic, herby, slimy, with humor:.Nux vom. Flabby, watery, with quiet, silent melancholy: Ignat.; insipid, with sadness: Cuprum. Slimy, with confusion of mind: Coce. cact.; ill humor: lNux vom. Loss of taste, smell and feeling, not of sight or hearing, with mind affection: Opium. TALKING. Excessive loquacity and exaltation of spirits: Cann. ind.; continual babbling and unconscious: Stramon.; prattling with stupor: Stramon.; incessant talking and rage: Stramon. Talks very fast: Bellad.; tendency to hurry: Ignat., Mercur., Phosphor.; hasty and irritable: Hepar; and restless: Aeon.; bold, and bright eyes: Aeon.; hurried and hoarse, with a weak voice: Laches.; hasty drinking: Hepar s. c. Makes a noise with her tongue in delirium: Bellad. Could not move the tongue right, with anxiety: Caustic.; too heavy, fails on some words, while intellect is lessened: Colechic.; cannot put it out; in an indifferent state: Bellad. Stammers unconnected words: Stramon.; after falling down unconscious: Helleb.; with forgetfulness: Secal. Difficult speech with anxiety: Caustic.; speaks little, single disconnected words in a higher pitch: Stramon. Inability to speak, knows what he wants to say, but cannot find the right word; if he is told the word, he can say it correctly: Dulcam. Impeded speech and anguish: Ignat.; dyspncea and great lassitude, after anxiety: Bellad. Faint speech from weakness of larynx, otherwise lively: Staphis. When speaking, anxiety: Alum., Ambra, Platin, Stramon.; - absent, loses the train of ideas: Amm. carb.; forgets the word: Colchie.; thoughts leave him: Mezer.; talking affects him: Cale. ostr.; thinking and speaking are hard work or even repugnant: Rhus tox.; does not like to talk; or talks too fast: Bellad. TONGUE-MOUTH. 143 Inability to Speak, words die on her lips when she gets cross about reproaches: Crocus.; - in a rage: Stramon.; in a stupefied state: Aeon. Speechlessness, with anxiety: Ignat.; sadness: Petiv. tetr.; with throbbing in chest and an indescribable bad feeling: Mancin.; unconscious: Amygd., Mercur.; absentminded with maniacal gestures: Arsen.; cannot even write his thoughts: Arsen. MODEL CURE. Great restlessness, confused memory. Red face and staring eyes. Sadness, weeping, thoughts of dying. Stammering, gets the words out with great difficulty. Cold feet, restless sleep with wrong visions. Fear of wild animals and black dogs: Stramon.-BETHMANN. TONGUE. Sticks it out a long way in delirium: Bellad. Numbness of it, with thoughtlessness: Sepia. Crawling, ascending from throat to the tongue and lips, stiffening the tongue, with an attack of great anxiety: Natr. mur. Dryness of tip of tongue and lips without thirst, with anxious sweat: Nzux vom. Apparently livelier, but the tongue drier and increased thirst: Clemat. Tongue dry and very red, vivid delirium: Stramon.; with raving: Bellad. Sensation of dryness of the moist tongue, with anxiousness: Mangan.; with fevers: INatr. mur. Tongue moist, no thirst, indifference; typhoid fever: Arsen. - - and white, red borders with uneasiness to despair: Vip. tory. Whitish furred tongue; morose: Uran. nitr.; idiotic state: Opium. Coated tongue, with anxiety and forgetfulness: Guar. trichi.; with confusion: Coce. cact.; delirium: Stramon. MOUTH. Cramp-like pain and fear wakens: Sepia. Child sticks fists into its mouth and screams violently: Ipecac. Sensation of dryness, but tongue moist; irritable mood: Bellad. Dry; after violent scolding: Moschus.; with rage: Stramon. - with costiveness and difficult comprehension: Chin. sulph. - and thirsty, with anxiety and restlessness: Canthar. He imagines in his derangement that his breath is offensive: Hyosc. Froth about the mouth, with semi-consciousness: Stramon.; unconscious: Bellad.; with maniacal rage: Camphor. Saliva runs, when thinking about her throat: Laches. 144 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Sticky and slimy, with very bad humor: Platin. Full of rattling phlegm, when intending to scream in mania: Stramon. Full of Saliva; mouth dry, anxious heat, drink repugnant: Nux vom. Flow of saliva; sweating all night, in delirium: Veratr.; unconsciousness: Morphin., and stupor: Veratr. Has to spit all day long, with prickling stitches under the tongue, and fear of hydrophobia: Hydroph. Much spitting, with vexation: Gale. ostr., Kali carb. Spitting and biting in delirium: Hyose.; with madness: IBellad. Spitting at others in mania: IBellad., Cannab., Cuprum; with insanity: Mercur., Veratr. Spits continually without ejecting any saliva: Stramon. Ejects copious, frothy saliva in attacks of rage: Canthar. Saliva discolored with blood, after mental labor: Nitr. ac. Spitting blood, with screaming and weeping from the slightest noise: Laches. ROOF OF MOUTH AND PALATE. Stinging until he drinks, after fever heat, with anxiety: Stramon. Dryness in roof of mouth without thirst, with anxious heat: Nux vom. Heat, with homesickness: Capsic. A sensation in the fauces and upper throat forces to hawk, is almost intolerable; obstinately refuses to gargle, insisting it did not relieve; annoy their families exceedingly; some emaciate from the constant efforts, get hectic fever and die: I I Lycop., I Mar. ver., IPsorin., Sabad.; if bending the head back relieves: Lycop.; if imagining horrible inner diseases: Sabad. Mucus in throat; fears he will suffocate if closing his eyes; lessens when opening eyes and sitting up; keeps him awake all night: Carb. an. THROAT. Dryness, with uneasiness and horrible anxiety: Rhus tox.; with flashes of heat and anxiety: Sepia.; with disagreeable, anxious heat: Sulphur; with scraping and ill humor: Platin. - sore and painful, with thirst, stupid slumber, dull after waking: Anac. - of fauces and pharynx with difficult comprehension: Chin. sulph. Tensive pain, with anxiousness: Pulsat. Sensations; stitches producing a cough; after mental excitement: Cistus. Severe pain with sneezing, fears something will tear out: Phosphor. A tearing sensation, not when swallowing, but from exertion of mind: Caustic. Burning with stupor: Stramon., and a tickling in larynx and anxious constriction: Mezer. Sore sensation with anxiety, most at night: Zincumn; pain with anxiety: THROAT. 145 Kali carb.; in attacks: Spongia; pain with anxious expression: Arsen.; with hopelessness and despair: Apis; pain when swallowing, with very ill humor and sour sweat at night: Thuya. Sensations upwards; oppressed breathing from stomach up; anxious, restless, like from a bad conscience, or as if something was going to happen: Ignat. Great distension of abdomen, felt in the throat, with dyspnoea and anxiety: Magn. tour. Crampy sensation rising from chest into throat; wakes with anxiety: Veratr. Rush of blood from throat to head, with difficult comprehension: Fluor. ac. Burning and soreness rising from pit of stomach up, behind the sternum to roof of mouth, with great restlessness: Mangan. Easily startled, and each time a hot sensation rises up in her throat, with apprehensions and anxiety: I I Hyper. Throbbing in chest is felt in throat, with heat in face and restlessness: Amm. mur.; jerks from stomach up into the throat, with anxiety: Pulsat. Sensation as if a semi-liquid fluid would rise from the throat to the palate, with fear of fainting: Spigel. Sensations downward; pain from occiput down in the throat, with difficult comprehension: Arg. nitr. Unbearable, painful pressure and throbbing in right temple, going down into throat, with very ill humor: Bovist. A burning down the swallow, with mental alienation, keeping the bed unreasonably (lectrophilie): Alum. p. s. Burning from throat down into stomach, with trembling anxiety: Evphorb. Constriction in throat and chest, as when about to weep, and moody and sensitive after the meal as long as digesting: Iodum. - violent, caused by inclination to weep from grief: Lact. vir. - with great anxiety: Sarsap.; in chest, and anxious feeling in throat, has to take a deep breath: Cannab. Spasmodic - of muscles, with a tormenting anxiety: Tereb. - with headache, nausea and restlessness: Kadm. sulph. - cannot swallow a drop without great anxiety: Canthar. - hydrophobia with furor uterinus: Gratiol. - visible outside with overhasty speech: Laches. Dysphagia. Clawing with the hands at the throat, anxiety, relieved after something hot: Arsen. Impediment in swallowing, stitches in throat, anxiety: Nitrum. After eating cannot swallow, with anxiety: Mere. subl. Swallowing difficult and painful, particularly fluids, with stupor, unconsciousness: Stramon.; pain in throat when swallowing or inability to swallow, in rage: Stramon. As if swollen in throat, chest constricted and great anxiety: Glonoin.; oppressive feeling and out of humor: Iodium.; swelling of throat and windpipe, pressure causes anxiety: Natr. sulph.; sensation as of a plug in the throat, also felt when not swallowing; as if raw, with burning pain and anxiety, as if 10 146 MIND AND DISPOSITION. the throat would close: Natr. mur.; like a plug and sore, wakes at night, same fear: I I Natr. mur.; in diphtheria remarkable nervous phenomena: Phytol. After bursting of abscess in quincy, there remains anxiety in the face: Psorin. THIRST. The marks on the margin signify the degree of intensity. Aeon. Great serenity, with a flushed, red face: Clemat.; bright mind, I I Ailathem. fever heat and sweat: Opium.; exalted state: Opium.; waking II Arsen. with sorrowful ideas about midnight: Platin.; uneasiness, to deBellad. Capsie. spair: Vip. red.; sadness: Cuprum, Sulphur; and restless tossI Chin. sulph ing about: Arsen. I Clemat. Crotal. Anxiousness: Chin. sulph.; anxiety: Bellad., Cuprum, inHepar s.. creasing with heat: Platin., and difficult breathing: Thuya; * Hepar s. c. 1'ux vom. anxious heat: Nix vom., with the dying: Crotal.; and morosePlatinum ness: Capsic.; irritability: Acon. I I Podoph. Suffocating, has to scream: Arsen.; lamentation and moaning, 1* Stramon. wringing of hands day and night, much thirst, with but little apSulphur. petite, although she swallows food hastily: Sulphur. erhuya. Hastiness, speaks hastily: Ilepar s. c.; with great agitation, * Vip. reda. spasms: Anath. mur. As if drunken: Stramon.; difficult comprehension, coldness: Capsic.; during delirium: Ailanth., Stramon.; with burning heat, talking from 4 P.M. all night: Hepar s. c.; loquacity during the fever: Podoph.; mania: Stramon.; after erysipelas: Stramon. Semi-conscious, unconscious, stupor: Stramon., a.m.m.; comes when getting conscious: Aeon., Ver. vir.; with a stupid feeling in the head, is intense, but after drinking once, it is gone: Rluta. Thirstless and peevish: Pulsat.; anxious heat without thirst: Cinchon.; frightened in sleep, burning heat, very little thirst: Lycolp. HUNGER. Appetite comes with the thought of food: Cale. phosph. Wants to eat all the time, when thinking of food his mouth waters: Sepia. Good appetite, but eating distresses, with moroseness: Uran. nitr. Hungry after eating: Aloes. Desire greater than the demand; eats and drinks too much: Arsen. Increased appetite, with great depression: Chin. sulph.; with weariness of life: Nitr. ac.; with imbecility: Secal.; with sensitiveness and vexation: Cale. phosph. Hungry for want of something to do: Aloes. Hunger with contemptuous, haughty humor, greedy, hurried eating: Platin. DIMINISHED APPETITE-DESIRES AND AVERSIONS. 147 Anxiety if he does not eat every three or four hours; cannot eat much at a time: Iodum. Sharp appetite, but the least thing disagrees and upsets his spirits, cannot endure it: Mercur. k hungry and empty feeling wakes him in the morning, with restlessness: Natr. mur. Swallows food and drink hastily, mania: Bellad. Unnatural hunger, flares up easily: Crot. tigl.; with apathy and idiocy: Veratr.; with emptiness and anxiety: Nitr. ac.; and thirst with fever, restlessness, moaning and groaning: Podoph. DIMINISHED APPETITE. I Indisposed for food, little appetite, diminished appetite. I I No appetite, want of it, no desire, loss of it. I Complete want, total loss. II Refuses food and drink. II Arg. nitr. Very much elated: Coca; when eating taste good, with inI Arsen. I Bellad. difference of mind: Mercwur.; with discomfort and ill humor: II Borax. Valer.; with great sadness: Clemat., Cuprum, Sulphur; in the II Carb. veg. I Clemat. evening: Platin.; with melancholy: Ignat.; discomfort, low II Coccul. spirits: Valer.; mental depression: Droser., Ignat., Kali bichr., I Coca. II crocus. Lil. tigr., Platin., Valer.; with anxiety: Arsen., Veratr.; anxiousII Drosera. ness: Carb. veg.; with fearful apprehension: Lil. tigr.; out of II Hyosc. IIIgnat. humor: Spongia; with fretfulness: Coccul., Phosphor., Pulsat., I Kali bichr.: Kali chlor. Spongia; morose: Pulsat.; after weeping about the least thing II Lepid. vexing her: Coccul.; with a weeping mood: Platin.;. everything I I Lop. tigr. is disagreeable: Spongia; nursing children refuse the breast, I Mercur. weep, start from sleep, and grow pale and wilted: Baryt.; with I Opium. lamentations and thirst: IlSulphur; is anxious and concerned: I Platin. I Phosphor. Droser.; anxiety and nausea: Veratr.; swallows hastily, moanII Phosph. ac. II Pulsat. ing: Sulphur; thinks he ought to die by hunger: Kali chlor.; II Spongia. silent: Ignat.; with relaxed mind: Lepid.; confusion: Carb. veg.; I Stramnon, II Sulphur. with idiocy: Opium; childish derangement: Viol. od., Phosph. 21: Valera. ac.; with delirium: Bellad.; when persuaded to take something II Veratr. II Viola od. she becomes furious: Arsen.; drinks, with attacks of mania: Crocus, Hyosc.; with mania: Stramon., Veratr. DESIRES AND AVERSIONS. Desire for acidulated drinks; delirium: Stramon.; longing for acids; mania: Ignat. Thirst for beer, with anxious heat: Nux vom. Aversion to bread, with depression of spirits: I I Lil. tigr. Aversion to coffee, nausea when thinking of it, with fearfulness and apprehension: Lil. tigr. 148 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Aversion to food, with weeping mood: Platin. Want of appetite, vexed, everything is disgusting: Spongia. Aversion to food and drink; stupor: Coccul. Disgust for all nourishment except beer, with hypochondria: Mercur. Aversion to food, with depression of spirits, disposed to weep: Lil. tigr. By being made to eat, becomes furiously angry: Arsen. Aversion to fluids, they pass down with difficulty: Bellad.; semi-conscious or spasmodic symptoms: Stramon. When drink is forced upon her, she becomes furious: Bellad. BEFORE, WHILE, AND AFTER EATING. AND DRINKING. Better while Eating or while Drinking. While eating the anxiety of mind disappears::Aurum; and tearfulness: Sulphur. Anxiety relieved by drinking cold water: Aeon.; only when he takes his meals he ceases to moan about his anguish: Psorin. Better after Eating. Sensation of fulness and tension is followed by brightness and mental and bodily activity after eating: Ant. crud. After dinner anxiousness better: Sulphur. After supper headache and stomachache are relieved, with better humor: Amm. carb. After meals better humor: Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Kali biechr. Nausea better, but hot face and despair: Aeon. Better after eating in the evening; inability to think: Silic. Delirium better after eating: Bellad. Worse before Eating. Before eating, anguish: Mezer. Before breakfast, out of humor: Natr. phosph. Before breakfast, dull headache: Conium. Before dinner, vexed, fretful: Phosphor. While Eating. When beginning to eat, toothache and headache, is overcome: Euphorb. Anxiousness while eating: I I Sepia, and after: Carb. veg., Sepia. While eating supper, anxioushess: Magn. carb. Anxious mood after a meal in the morning: Conium. Hastily swallowing her meals under lamentations: Sulphur. During dinner fretful: Mar. ver. During breakfast weak mind; absent-minded: Guaiac.; after it ill humor: Conium. Cold feet; itching in nostrils makes him very impatient; everything molests him: Sulphur. Drunken feeling during and after a meal: Gratiol. While eating warm food anxious: Magn. carb. During breakfast mental relaxation: Guaiac. MENTAL STATES AFTER EATING. 149 After Eating a little too much. Anxiety and restlessness: Phosphor. Vexation, headache and gastric symptoms: Cinch. off. Such ill humor that he can hardly stand it: Mercur. It is difficult to persuade her to eat something; after it she gets conscientious scruples: Ignat. Peculiar kind of hypochondria kept up by slight errors of diet: I INatr. carb. After Breakfast. Anxiety rising upward from the abdomen: Ignat. Ebullition from abdomen up the back, with heat and anxiety: Lauroc. Anxious heat over the whole body: Phosphor. Trembling, want of confidence: Arg. nitr. Ill humor and drowsiness: Calad. Ill disposed: Conium; with pressure in stomach: Natr. carb. Inclination to write is gone: Spiggur. Suddenly after lunch, 1.30 P.M., loses memory and power of thought: Gale. suiph. After Supper. Unusual vivacity: Colchic.; followed by drowsiness: Bellad. Excessive gaiety: Bellad. Indisposition: Petrol.; trembling anxiety: Caustic. Burning pain in the epigastrium, with anxiety: Nux vom. Pressing pain in the loins towards the spine, causing anxiety: Nux vorm.; after drinking, great ill humor, with pressure in epigastrium, liver and spleen: Natr. carb. Weeping and vexation, will not listen to anything: Arnic. Unconquerable drowsiness, with stretching and impatience: Nitr. ac. Shocks of vertigo, as if senses would leave: Sepia. Very irritable humor, disgusted with everything, would like to run away: Mezer. MENTAL STATES AFTER EATING. b. after breakfast; d. after dinner; s. after supper. If only after one of the three meals, an * is added. In all others the meal has not been specially mentioned. Aeon. Cheerfulness: Carb. veg. Agar, d,* i I Aloes. Not sleepy, but indifferent and repelling: Aloes. Ambra. Very cheerful, inclined to singing and dancing, talking Amm. carb. Amm. mur. and laughing: Mezer. Anaeorua. a. After dinner drowsy, with gaping, which disappears as Ant. crud. d. Arg. nitr. b.d. soon as he begins work: Natr. carb. Arnie. S. Trembling of the head and hands; very merry as if Arsen. d. Asaf. drunken: Tabac. Be~llad~.*1 Hysterical laughter after meals: Pulsat. Borax. II Bovist. d. After dinner thirsty, chilly; in evening burning face, Bryon. with cold feet and mental excitement: Magn. carb. Calad. b.*. Cale. ostr. d.* Sadness: Anac., Arsen., Ii Cinnab., Hyose., Nux vom., 150 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Cannab. 01. anim., I I Pulsat.; soon disappearing: Caustic.; with Canthar. d. headache: Arsen. Capsic. Carb. an. d.* Melancholic: Arsen., Pulsat.; low spirits: Canthar.; Carb. veg. d. Caustic. s.* dispirited: Nux vom., 01. anim. Chamom. d. Hypochondriacal humor: IAnac., I I Canthar., I Cinch. cinch. off off., Moschus, INatr. carb., INux vom.; three hours after Cinllab. dinner: Zincum. Colchic. S.* Conium. b. Indifference. Mental relaxation, sits by himself withCyclam. D, out speaking, no inclination for mental or physical occupaFerrum. d.* tion: Aloes. Graphit. Gratiol. Anxiety. In region of scrobiculum: Cinch of. Hyosc. d. After dinner precordial anxiety: Arg. nitr. Ignat. b. da Iodum. Anxious sensation in abdomen, with distension: Rlhus Kalf carb. t Kali hydr. d.* Laches. Anxious pressing in abdomen, with distension: Phosphor. -Ls~aroc. b.c I agn rb. d. Fulness and anxiety in chest; sour eructations; thin I I Magn. mur. d. stools: Capsic. I I Mar. ver. d.* Iercur. Anxiety with constriction in chest after dinner: Phelland., Mere. subl. Phosphor. Mezer. S. Millef. d.* Anxiety in chest: Carb. an.; rapid pulse with anxiety 1I Natr. carb. b. d.s. and dyspncea: Natr. mur.; anxiety with painless uneasiNatr. mur. d. Nitr. ac. s. ness in back: Carb. an.; after dinner anxiety as if he was I I Nux vom. d. S. threatened by a sad event: Hyosc. 01. anim. d.* Petrol. s. Fear and apprehension: Canthar., Laches., Magn. mur. Phelland. d.* I Phosphor. b.d. After dinner sudden blindness with anxious sweat and Phosph. ac. d. nausea: Cale. ostr.; sudden attack of paleness, nausea, I I Plumbum. d.* Pulsat. anxiety, trembling and weakness: N2ux vom. Ratanh. d.* Fulness and discomfort with anxiety: Phosph. ac. II Rhus tox. d. Sepia. s.* Fulness, anxiety, tearing pain in back, going into abdoSilic. d.* men: hamom. Spiggur. b.* Tabac. d. After dinner palpitation with anxiety: Silic. Tilia. d.* Sensation of dysphagia after eating, great fear of suffoTilia. d. Turpethum. d. eating with it: Mere. subl. ratr. nitr. After dinner increased warmth with anxiousness, as if Ver. vir. sweat would break out: Phosphor. Viol. trie. II Zincum. d.*I After eating, hot face, sadness and despair: Acon. Anxiety: Ambra, Asaf., Carb. veg., Hyosc., Kali carb., Laches., Magn. mur., NTatr. carb., Nitr. ac., Nux vom., Phelland., Thuya, Veratr., Viol. trio. Indifference in the evening: Aloes. Fainthearted, anxious with palpitation: Thuya. After dinner discouraged: Tabac. Dissatisfied with his position, despairs of success; after dinner: Tzurpeth. Ill humor: Ambra, Bovist., Carb. veg., Chamom., Iodum, Kali carb., Natr. earb., Pulsat., Turpeth. Very bad humor, and sticky and slimy in the mouth: Platin. MENTAL STATES AFTER EATING. 151 Burning in stomach with heaviness and ill humor soon after eating: Graphit. After dinner a great feeling of roughness on the chest, with a pressure in pit of stomach which makes him ill humored: Natr. carb. Morose, ill humor: Carb. veg., Kali carb., Natr. carb., Pulsat., Thuya, Turpeth. Distress after eating, with good appetite; dispirited; morose: Uran. nitr. After eating dinner morose: Chanmom. After breakfast morose thoughts: Coniuzm. After dinner out of humor: Carb. veg., Phosphor. All the time during digesti)n out of humor: Iodum. After eating anxiety and apprehension; Laches.; irritable: Mar. ver. Hypochondria, the least thing affects him: Nux vorn. During and after dinner ill humor; cannot bear to hear others talk: Mar. ver. In the morning fretful: Coniutm. Ill humored after dinner: Cyclam.; and supper: Natr. carb.; with good appetite, distension and fulness; better in open air: Borax. Pressing in stomach, as from a stone; ill humor: Bryon. Fulness in head, ill humor after it: Kali hydr. Anything that crosses him after dinner makes him violent and irascible: Millef. Anxious and tearful after dinner: Magn. mur. Lachrymose: Arnie., lodum, Magn. mur., Pulsat. After dinner whining: Magn. carb. Red-hot spots on cheeks, throat, and front part of neck, with lamentations and despair: Nux vom. After dinner and supper drawing toothache, changing from upper to lower molar, and from there to the front, with lamentations, self-reproach and despair: Nux vom. Violent stitch under left ribs at dinner, screams: Ratanh. Taciturn and indifferent, as if hurt: Aloes. No desire to work, inactivity; after dinner: Agar.; drowsiness and inactivity: Anac. Disgust of everything: Bovist Distension, heaviness, no desire to work: Digit.; lassitude, goes to sleep over his work: Ignat.; drowsy and monosyllabic: Amm. mur. Disinclined to talk, quiet manner: Plumbum. Aversion to move: Zincum; sluggishness: Chelid.; and inclination to lie down: Ant. crud.; drowsiness: Zincum; yawning and stretching: Magn. carb. Disagreeable taste and restlessness: Petrol.; after dinner and in the evening great anxiety and heat in the face: Amm. mur.; and mental inquietude: Veratr.; hypochondric depression, weakness: Anac. Repulsive, sluggish humor: Alum. After dinner difficult comprehension: Phosphor.; weak and languid, even reading and writing affect him: Cannab. Incapacity for intellectual operation: Graphit. After dinner drowsiness and disinclination to mental work: Ferrum; in 152 MIND AND DISPOSITION. clination to lie down, unable to think: Natr. mur.; languid and drowsy, falls asleep while standing and talking: Magn. carb. After mental work tearing, stinging pain in rectum as of hemorrhoids: Nux vom.; mental dullness, absence of thought: Rhus tox. While walking after dinner absent-minded: Rhus tox. After dinner dull and drowsy: Cannab. Vertigo and dullness, better in open air: Magn. mur. Dullness, vertigo, dark before the eyes, better in open air: Mercur. After dinner stupefaction: Tilia; congestion in head with stupor: Aeon., Ver. vir. Many unpleasent ideas: Conium; could not hold fast one idea: Jalap. Stomach puffed up after the meals; mania: Veratr. Moral and more nervous disturbance in attacks, particularly after dinner: Arg. nitr.; weak mind: Tabac. During Digestion. Constricting sensation in throat and chest as when about to weep, moody and sensitive: lodum. Eating particular Food. Ill humor, fulness in head after eating apples with mutton: Borax. After eating salad in the evening she awoke after midnight with nausea, rising up, diarrhoea and soreness in anus: Phelland. Ill humor, disagreeable feeling in abdomen after salt herring: Fluor. ac. After soup heat in abdomen with anxiety and sweat on stomach and chest: 01. anirn. Beer soup caused heat and anxiety: Ferrum. After Drinking. One swallow of cold water lessened spasmodic attack of anxiety with lameness of tongue: Caustic. Believes to be double and that other men were in bed with him; he does not believe that the drink gets into the stomach, that the stomach has gone on a journey, or that some one else was ini there who drinks it for him: Anac. Dullness in head after drinking: Conium; does not recognize his relations: Iyosc. Violent headache, which almost deprives him of the power of thinking during the chill, worse when he drinks: Cimex. Drink is swallowed hastily; unconsciousness: Stramon. After milk, irritated: Sulph. ac. After Stimulants. Anxiety, from acids: Sulphur. Melancholy from the long use of wine: Cuscuta Epithymun. After wine or coffee very forgetful, confused: Millef. After drinking beer, stupefied: Coloc. After spiritual drinks, loquacious: Therid. Delirium tremens of drunkards: ILaches. From coffee anxiety: Chamom., Ignat., I Nux vom.; out of humor: Cale. phosph. Better humor after coffee: Kreosot. After smoking anxiety: Sepia. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS-ANXIOUSNESS, ANXIETY, ANGUISH, ETC. 153 GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Hiccough from anger, if contradicted: Stramon.; with dullness and drowsiness: Graphit. When thinking of it: Ox. ac.; - before catamenia, mania: Sepia; - after catamenia: Alum.;- uninterrupted, threatening to suffocate; melancholy, worse in rest: Stramon.; desperate, furious grimaces: Sepia. With vomiting of bile, palpitation, anxiety, quick, weak pulse, lassitude and failing of vital powers: Colub. Eructations. Spasmodic, irritable and vexed: Petrol. Relieve confused mind: Sanguin. Relieve anxiousness with violent cramp in stomach, constriction and anxiety caused by lying on the right side: Kali carb. Timorousness ceases after frequent belching: Veratr. After the wind has passed up or down, cheerful disposition: Carb. sulph. After futile attempts empty eructation without relief: Mangan. Would like to belch with anxious pressure on chest, but cannot: Spigel. Empty eructations with apprehension: Crot. tigl.; with anxious sweat and burning: Mezer.; with distension after mental exertion: IHepar s. c. Eructations with ill humor: Agn. cast.; with anxiety: Aeon., Thuya; and drowsiness: Bovist. - bitter. With anxiety and fear: Amm. mur.; and palpitation: Phosphor.; with sadness: Amm. mur., Cupruzm; with fear: Veratr. - sour. With hilarious good humor: Gale. sulph.; with nausea and anxiety: Carb. an.; gulping up of food, after a great uneasiness in the pit of stomach: Kali carb. Great constriction and anxiety in the chest with warm rising from the epigastrium to the throatpit: Platin. Waterbrash with cough, anxiety and fear of fainting: Spigel. ANXIOUSNESS, ANXIETY, ANGUISH, WITH NAUSEA AND VOMITURITIO. As if she would faint: Nitr. ac.; dark before the eyes: CGarb. veg. When straining the eyes: Sepia. With fever and chilliness; hot ear: Arsen. Heat in left cheek and toothache: Oleand. During conversation: Alum.; as if water was running together in the mouth; as if she had to belch; alternately ravenous hunger in attacks: Nitr. ac. Loss of appetite, white tongue: Carb. veg. With desire to vomit: Cyclam., Laches., Veratr. Vomituritio: Bar. mur., Crotal., Pulsat., Tabac. Nausea in scrobiculum with anxiety: Cannab.; Pulsat.; with fearfulness: Gratiol. Diarrhcea twice after midnight, with pressure and tenesmus in anus, afterwards soreness: Phelland. 154 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Aeton. With urging to stool: Mercur. I Alum. Frequent urination and toothache: Oleand. Amm. mur. Before menses, thick black blood: Mangan. Arnie. II Arsen. Takes a deep breath at intervals: Squilla; followed by dry Bar. mur. cough: Nux veoe. I Bellal. Anxiety across the chest: Arnie.; on the whole chest: Laches.; II Cale. ostr. Cannab. in the heart: Plumbum; with palpitation: Baryt. Carb. veg. She cannot sit still, with sweat: Graphit. Caustic. I Crotal. Better when walking about: Tarax. II Cyclam. With darkness before the eyes; has to lie down toward evenI'Digit. I I Graphit. ing: Carb. veg. Gratiol. With great lassitude and trembling feeling in the whole body: Kali carb. Platin. Laches. Ledum. Nausea with anxiety and trembling: Nitr. ac. I Maugar. With yawning, eructation and heat: Kali carb.; with drowsiII Nitr. ac. ness: Ledum. I Oleanderux vom. Attacks coming at night: Cyclam.; awaking about midnight I Oleander. c Phelland. with sweat: Bellad.; followed by diarrhcea and tenesmus: Patn.,,~ /Phelland.; with deep breathing: Squilla; vomiting, fainting and I Pulsat. diarrhwea: Nitr. ac. * Rhus tox. Sabad. In the morning before breakfast: Cale. ostr.; with palpitation: I Sepia. Baryt.; better in the open air: Rhus tox. Spongia. Squilla. In the afternoon with headache: Cale. ostr., Nitr. ac. I Tarax. When coming into the house after a walk; while speaking: Veratr. Alum. Preceded by heat coming from below and rising up; the nausea goes dowLward: Bellad. Sweat: Bellad., Cale. ostr., Graphit. In attacks with great depression of mind: Digit.; with faintiness, bulimia and waterbrash: Nitr. ac. The anxiety follows the nausea: Nux vom. Nausea and other Mental Symptoms, with uneasiness and sleeplessness: Secal. Squeamishness, with mental excitement: Ambra; with uneasiness: Asar. Sad thoughts: Aeon.; sick feeling with sadness: Amm. mur., Arsen., Digit., Petrol., Veratr. Depression of spirits: Lil. tigr.; in attacks with melancholy: Sepia; naa. sea with melancholy: Veratr.; disagreeable dejection: Codein.; low spirits: Mephit. Apprehension of some impending evil, nausea when thinking of it: Lit. tigr.; as if going to die: Digit., Laehes., Oleand. Nausea; apprehensiveness: Tabac. Anxiety. See separate margin list above. Despairing thoughts: Aeon.; after vexation, with weeping all night: Natr. mur.; and lassitude: Strontian; with vexation: Canthar., Phosphor. ANXIOUSNESS, ANXIETY, ANGUISH, ETC. 155 Tired of life: Pulsat.; fear of death: Tabac.; fearfulness: Lil. tigr. Dullness and ill humor: Magn. carb.; and headache: Stannum. Extreme moroseness, with nausea, cannot bear to hear a person walk in the room: Sanguin.; with irritability: Kali bichr.; nausea, with hot face and fretfulness: Phosphor. Depression of spirits and disposition to weep, with nausea and pain in the hack, aversion tofood: Lil. tigr.; after nausea, weeping: Tabac. With thoughts of suicide: Clemat.; nausea in scrobiculum and inclined to self-destruction: Pulsat.; - getting awake in the morning; could drive her to suicide: Lil. tigr.; afterward: Sepia. With dullness and indifference: Asar. With mental restlessness: Cale. ostr., Helleb., Mangan.; sweat, restlessness: GVcaphit. Aversion to food, with mental and physical depression: Lepid. With a pale face and mental and physical depression: Amm. carb. With derangement: Arg. nitr., Opium; incapability after heavy labor: Coca. With delirium: Stramon.; vertigo and raving: Chelid. In afternoon with thoughtlessness: Cale. ostr. Stupid and sleepy feeling: Corn. cire.; loss of senses: Paeonia; after nausealoss of consciousness: Sarsap. Vanishing of thoughts, with paleness and sickness at the stomach on closing the eyes: Therid.; with stupidity: Thuya, Veratr. Nausea in abdomen and using wrong words: Chamom. Nausea with every mental emotion: Kali carb. Brought on by thinking of it: Droser., Lil. tigr. Aggravated when thinking of it: Laches. The mere thought of food causes nausea: Argent., Arsen., China, Graphit., Magn. sulph., Moschus. Loathing or nausea when thinking of the food eaten: Sarsap. Aversion of meat when thinking of it: Graphit. Nausea worse from reading: Arnic.; brought on by mental exertion: Aurumn; and trembling: Borax. MODEL CURE. Anxiety, burning in stomach and contraction in abdomen; fear drives out of bed; walks about moaning; anxiousness in evening twilight, with palpitation and heat; dullness in head; puffed face, red and flushed; pulse 80 and rather weak; gnawing in the epigastrium, with waterbrash; urging to urinate, scanty urine: Arsen.-NEUMANN. 156 MIND AND DISPOSITION. VOMITING AND ANXIETY. 1I Ant. After vomiting, anxiety worse: Arnie. I I Arg. nitr. After anxiety vomiting: Sanguin., Thuya. Arsen. Fear of death: Arsen.; and despair: Ars. hydr.; fearfulArs. hydr. ness: Cupr. sulph. Asar. can. Bar. mur. Has to leave the bed: Silic.; restlessness: Cale. ostr., Thuya. Bismuth. Delirium: Secal.; rage: Cuprum. Calc. ostr. I I Cuprum. Forgetfulness during the fever: Laches. Cupr. sulph. Vertigo: Nux vom.; with the headache: Laches.; heaviness I Dulcam. Guar. off. in head: Sulphur; screwing the head together: Arg. nitr. I Hefleb. Pain in eyes and coated tongue: Guar. trich. Laches. Lycop. Vomiting of food and bile at night: Lycop. Nitrac. Irritation of stomach: Arg. nitr.; in scrobiculum: Digit. NUX vom. Sanguin. Lump in pit of stomach: Arg. nitr. Secale. 1 I Senega. Bellyache, cramps in the bowels: Turpeth. Silic. Urging to stool: Sulphur; diarrhcea: Ant. crud., Turpeth. Sulphur. pabac. Oppression of chest: Guar. trich. Turpeth. Has to cough and drink: Nitr. ae.; dry cough: Silic. T'huya. Vip. toryv. Glassy phlegm, drawing out in threads: Arg. nitr. Chest painful: Guar. trich. Anxiety in the heart: Lycop. Weakness in arms: Sulphur. Trembling: Sulphur, and weakness: Arg. nitr. At midnight awaking: Arg. nitr., at night: Nitr. ae. Chill and sweat: Digit.; external heat, with crawls of chilliness: Digit. Heat: Dulcan.; sweat: Silic., Sulphur. At 5 and 6 P. M. for several days: Digit. In the evening: Sulphur. Vomiting and other Mental Symptoms; after it unable to work: Zincum; ill humor and headache: Cyclam.; neuralgia, with boring pain, causing him to cry out: Sepia. - day and night with fearful screams: Arsen. - with whining about shooting in ear: Silic. Before - hasty and restless with headache: Laches.; derangement of mind and delirium: Secal.; want of mind: Asar. With - she chokes herself; in madness: Bellad.; delirium: Vip. red.; and stupor: Aethus., Doryph.; and collapse: Podoph.; loss of consciousness: Laches., Natr. mur. After - stupid and dull in occiput: Cannab. Vomiting blood with desire for death: Phytol.; depressed and stupid: Ox. ae. From anger vomiting and diarrhoea: Coloc. Inclination to Vomit, Gagging, Retching. Anxiety at three in the morning, heat with nausea: Arsen.; retching, nausea and anxiety: Bar. mur. Worse after supper, hypochondria: Nux vom. Inclination to vomit, with melancholy: Veratr. STOMACH SYMPTOMS WITH ANXIETY. 157 Gagging, ineffectual efforts, delirium, semi-consciousness: Stramon. Inclination to vomit, with stupor: Stramon. Retching aggravates all symptoms except dullness in head, which is relieved: Asar. As soon as he commences to think, nausea follows; he is obliged to give it up, as he finds he is very stupid: Asar. Nausea with vomiting from every mental exertion: Natr. mur. Anxiety and other Mental Symptoms, relieved after Vomiting. After vomiting of bile mental quietude: Hyosc.; hopeful: Aeon.; less apprehensive and less anxious: Tabac.; less anguish: Helleb. Before the vomiting spell less mental strength; after it, better: Asar. Improved after vomiting; rush of ideas; want of mind; loss of senses: Tabac. STOMACH SYMPTOMS WITH ANXIETY. Ant. crud. Driving to despair, to suicide by drowning: Ant. crud.; restArg. nitr. lessness with pain: Kobalt.; and uneasiness, fidgety: Osmium; Aurip. disagreeable sensation: Graphit., Helleb.; anxiousness, as if from Baryt. the stomach: Gale. ostr.; restlessness: Glonoin.; as if having al. ostr. committed a murder: I I Canthar.; around the region of stomI Canthar. ach: Pulsat.; disagreeable sensation: Graphit.; oppression: Chr.momeg. Bar. mur.; pressure: Phytol., Sulphur; violent, with retching, Chamom. Cinch, off. has to double up: Bar. mur.; dull pressure in morning after Ginseng. Glonoin. an anxious night: Aurip.; as if filled up to bursting: Arg. nitr.; as if overloaded: Cinch. off.; great fulness: Canthar.; and Helleb. heat: Thuya; drawing together from both sides with increased Jatropha. warmth: Zincum; violent heat, then sweat: Kali carb.; cramp I I Kali carb. Kobalt. at night: Kali carb.; with the stool: Kali carb.; screwing toNirx vom. gether, with difficult breathing: Guaiac.; with agony of death: OpiuM. Opium; grasping, snatching: Petrol. Osmium. Petrol. Burning in pylorus and cardiacal anxiety: Ran. bulb.; burnPhytol. ing in stomach; driving out of bed: Arsen.; with coldness of I Phosphor. Ran. bllb. body: Jatroph.; hot rising into chest, and sweat on forehead: Rhodod. Phosphor; burning, with convulsions, crawls, cold limbs: I Sulphur. Sulph. ac. Phosphor. Thuya. Pains: Baryt., Cale. ostr., Carb. veg., Chamom., Graphit., Zincum. Mercur. Stomach and other Mental Symptoms. Stinging and cramps, with mental agitation: Ananth. mur.; faint sensation in stomach, with fear of losing her reason: Kali sulph. Distress, wakes up moaning, screaming, crazy, crying: Arsen. Weak digestion, with mania, alternately with melancholy: Digit.; affection of stomach, with despair, depression and faintheartedness: Laches.; uneasiness, with ill humor: Mangan. 158 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Stomachache and ill humor: Amm. carb.; after eating a little too much: Mercur.; pressure with fretfulness: Phosphor.; ill humor: Bryon., Conium; gloomy: Coloc.; and unconscious: Cale. ostr.; pain with crying: Phytol.; whining: Ox. ac.; gnawing, with frequent sighing: Eupat. purp.; burning; sudden frightening: Sulph. ac.; with dullness in head: Sullph. ac.; with lectrophilie: Al. p.s.; stupor: Stramon. Sensitive to touch; delirium: Stramon. Distension; delirium: Veratr. Distension after the least mental emotion: Nux mosch.; pains aggravated: Ananth.; pressure after mental exertion: Anac. Feels as if the soul was in the stomach; unable to think: Aeon. ANXIETY IN SCROBICULUM. I Aeon. Unbearable: Arsen.; with children: Cale. phosph.; anguish: I Argentr. Hydr. ac.; suicidal inclination to drown herself: Silic.; anxiety I Arsen. if people come near her: Lycop.; apprehensions: Mezer., Rhus II Calc. ostr. tox.; when thinking of unpleasant things: Phosphor.; from vexaI Cann. sat. tion: I I Lycop.; unpleasant sensations: Graphit.; empty feeling: I Carb. an. I Carb. veg. Ignat.; feels very ill: Arg. nitr. I Chamom. Pains: Cale. ostr., Carb veg., Chamom., Cicut., Crotal., Ferr, * Chelid. I Cicut. fmur., Mercur.; scraping: Rhus tox. I Cinchio. Whining and lamenting: Arsen.; screaming, with sweat: I Coninm. Chamom.; sighing and sadness: Ignat. II Cprotma. Pressure: Argent., Carb. veg., Natr. mtour., Sambuc.; deep in: II Cuprum. I Ferrum. Sambue.; with palpitation: Sulphur. Glonoin Ferr. mr Jerks: Cale. ostr.; throbbing: Aeon.; palpitation: Cale. I Graphit. phosph., Ferrum, Thuya; spasmodic: Chelid. I Guaiac. I Hydr. ac. Appearing suddenly: Mercur.; rising upwards: Arsen.; into I Lactue. the head: Thuya; as from swinging: Lycop. (Borax); sudden I Lycop. drawing together, interfering with breathing: Sulph. ac. I 1 Mercur. Sensation as if too narrow: Cicut.; deep in:.Rhodod.; imI Mezer. II INatr. mur. peded breathing, with inhalation like asthma: Ferrum; stopping I Niuxtruvom. breath: Carb. an.; difficult breathing: Guaiac., I IStramon.; I Phosphor. anxious breathing: Chelid.; as if screwed together: Arsen.; I Pulsat. I Rhodod. anxious pressure, wishes he could belch: Spigel. I Rhus tox. After the meals: Cinch. off.; with a drawing pain from kid1 Sepia. I1 Silic. neys down to the glands in the groin: Cannab.; scraping in reI iStann1m. gion of heart: Rhus tox. * Stramon. I I Sulphur. When lying down, better after pressure: Stannum. I Sambulp. ac. With trembling followed by nosebleed: Sepia. I rTPhuya. Desire to go out doors to cool himself: Cieut.; after attack of fever, painful swelling: Arg. nitr.; dry heat of body: Stramon. Sweat in scrobiculumn: Nitrum; hands sweat; face gets hot: Mercur.; cold sweat: Stramon. HYPOCHONDRIAC REGIONS. 159 Scrobiculum, with other Mental Symptoms. Beating in scrobiculum, with concern about the future: Ant. tart. Throbbing in pit of stomach, morose: Aeon.; and stupid in head: Magn. mur. Pressing, with irritability: Natr. carb. Tickling sensation causes him to laugh at serious subjects: Anac. Burning, cramp-like pain, driving to despair; would like to commit suicide by drowning: Ant. crud. Tenderness to touch, with lectrophilie: Al. p. s. Pains excite much: Millef.; drive to madness: Canthar. Sweat after waking from a frightful dream: Bellad. Cannot think; seat of mental functions seems to be in the scrobiculum: Aeon. After a fright pain with distress: Aeon. Vexation is felt in pit of stomach, followed by heaviness in the legs: Lycop. HYPOCHONDRIAC REGIONS. Region of Liver. Disorder, with hypochondriac mood: Podoph. Pressure under the short ribs on right side and disinclined to work, sad: Zincum; from same region proceeds an inclination to laugh: Conium. Stitches from the least motion, has to scream aloud: Nitr. ac.; the same with burning or biting: Zincum; liver diseases, with mania: Mercur. Region of Spleen. Anxiety, with pressing and drawing: Rhus tox.; with accumulation of wind: Sulphur. Compare Lycop. A fixed idea of having something alive in her abdomen; she hears a deep voice in the region of the spleen, and a fine one on the right side between the ovary and the liver; feels a creeping sensation as of something moving: Thuya. MODEL CURES. Moaning, groaning and restlessness during the fever; ravenous hunger with thirst during the fever, white tongue, heat in the abdomen, especially in the region of the liver, liver indurated; asthmatic cough: Podoph. —Y. WILLIAMSON. Great depression of spirits; unhappy state of mind, always associated with "pain about and under (not below) the short ribs in the back, on the left side, and extending outward nearly to the left side; this embraces the posterior aspect of region of spleen:" Lob. coerul.- J. JEANES. 160 MIND AND DISPOSITION. PR'ECORDIAL ANXIETY. Aeon. As if death were near: Rhus tox.; as if he ought not to live: Arg. nitr. I Arsen. Phosph. ac.; dragging, with great grief: Naja trip.; after dinner: CBellad. Arg. nitr.; with nausea: Nitr. ac.; collection of wind: Coffea, Cina. Cinch. off.; rising upwards: Droser., Rhus tox.; tension and Cinchoff. drawing together: Digit.; tension across, oppression: Staphis.; Coffea. tension, like colic: Arsen.; and beating: Conium; around the Conium. heart: Aeon.; alternately with a throbbing pain:'Hydr. ac.; Digit. pressure while standing: Phosph. ac.; several attacks during the Droser. day: Nitr. ac.; painful: Kali carb.; sleeplessness after midnight Laches. (from 2 to 7 A. M.), with colicky distension under the ribs, causLauroc. Lycop. ing anxiety and sensation of heat over the whole body without Waja trip, sweat, except above the nose; no thirst; desire to uncover: Opium. Coffea; with heat and headache with heat: Aurip.; if people Phosphor. c.come too near her she feels an anxiety in the prmecordia: Lycop. Platin. Constriction in the hypochondriac regions, very much excited, Pulsat. Rhus tox. as if an accident would happen: Iura. Staphis. Spasm of the diaphragm after vexation: Staphis. Stramon. Sulphur. Anxiety and pains, with feeling as if the diaphragm cut off I Thuya. the chest from the abdomen: Arsen.; diaphragmitis, with nymphomania: Stramon. ABDOMINAL COMPLAINTS WITH ANXIETY AND OTHER CONCOMITANTS. Head. Headache: Arnie.; following: Aeth. cyn.; in head and in hands: Nitr. ac., worse in head: Mayn. carb. Earache: Aloes, Glonoin. Nose. Stopped up: Bellad. Face. Hot: Bellad.; when eating warm dishes: Magn. carb. Abdomen. Hollow: Chamom.; heat: Bellad.; unpleasant warmth: Bovist.; here and there pressing wind: Nux vom.; accumulation of wind: Cicut.; dull pressure deep in, with fever: Caustic.; painful pressure waking at night: Mezer.; does not know what to do with himself: Mezer.; a heavy load in region of navel: Opium; on going out of doors after eating, agony, better after belching: Mezer.; tension and pressure, several hours after dinner: Sulphur; violent tearing: IAvsen.; as if the chest was cut off from the abdomen: Arsen.; as if contracted, cannot work, stay anywhere; has to run about: Moschus; cramp-like contraction in abdomen and great anxiety, thoughts of self-destruction: Aurum; gurgling with anxiety: Nux vom.; pulsation in different places of abdomen with anxiety: Alum.; pulsation with anxiety, feeling as of cramp: Lycop.; soreness with anxiety: Euphorb.; painful to the touch: Caustic., Plumbum; anxious feeling, causing him to bend double and change his position: lArsen.; ABDOMINAL COMPLAINTS WITH ANXIETY AND CONCOMITANTS. 161 II Aloes. disagreable warmth and weight in abdomen with anxiety: II Alumin. II Aomm. mur. Bovist.; sensation of flying inner heat: Opium; hot burning in I Agn. cast. abdomen: Cale. ostr. I Apis.' I Arsen. Belly. Colic, see separate margin list. I Asaf. Heaviness with anxiety: Mezer. I Aurum. I Bellad. Constant moving in the bowels: CGhamom.; with restlessness, I Borax. disagreeable warmth and heaviness alternating with cold feeling: I Bovist. I Bryon. Bovist.; with heaviness, as if the abdomen would burst, better I I Calend. from sleep: Amm. mur.; with pain in whole abdomen to os pubis, Calc. ostr. I Carb. veg. and tension: Carb. veg.; painful pressure and tension, wakes from I Caustic. II Chamom. sleep, borborygmus: Mezer. I Cicut. Stool. With pains after a fright, urging to stool: Platin. Colchic. Coloc. Better after wind and stool passes: Mur. ac.:I Crocus. prI'Urine. From continual ineffective urging to urinate: I Digit. Natr. mur. I Euphorboi. Breathing. With short breathing: Bryon.; bellyache with II Gran. cort. dyspncea, better from walking: Bryon.; takes his breath and I Igyto. drives him from place to place: Arsen.; difficult breathing and I Mezer. moaning: Arsen.; or pain in abdomen with it: Arsen. I 1oschus. II Mur. ac. Chest. Rumbling from chest down, when expiring, followed I Natr. mur. by palpitation: Aurum; spasmodic constriction: Nitrum; pain I Nitr. ac. I Nux vom. in chest and ear with deafness: Aloes. II Opium. I Platin. Heat. Heat in hands and head: Nitr. ac. IPlumbum. Limbs. Weakness in feet: Sulphur; cutting pain, has to I Rhus tox. IISquilla. walk bent: Coloc.; violent pain, restlessness and despair of reI Sulphur. covery: Arsen. I Sulph. ac. Terebinth. Motion. Trembling with tearing in abdomen: Arsen. Inward trembling with weak feeling in feet: Sulphur. Time. In the morning in bed: Sulph. ac.; sensation of hollowness in evening, attacks with anxiousness: Chamomn. Fever. With fever and thirst: Arsen.; stupefaction with inner heat: Opium. Directions. Pressing from in out: Angust.; wind in stomach, seems to urge upwards, causing anxiety: Nux vom.; anxiety rising upward: Ignat., Stramon.; falling sensation from the heart to the feet: Crocus; tearing sensation rising from right of umbilicus upward: Cale. phosph. MODEL CURE. During the latter portion of pregnancy: face pale, earthy, distorted, anxious; voice weak; burning, pinching, contracting pain in stomach and both sides of abdomen, with dyspnoea; drawing under the umbilicus; in attacks every half hour. Vomiting of mucus and bile with violent retching, burning in throat and oesophagus like fire, thirst without desire to drink. After the attack empty eructation, retching, dyspncea, great restlessness and sensitiveness of the abdomen, lively motion of the child: Arsen.-SCHELLING. 11 162 MIND AND DISPOSITION. COLIC WITH ANXIETY. Aethusal.. Anguish:'Arsen.; moaning: Sepia; despair: Arsen., Carb. Amm. carb. veg., Cepa, Cuprum, Phosphor.; as if he had to die: Arsen., Ant. crud., Ant. tart. Rhus tox.; agonizing tossing about: Chamom.; rolling on the II Arnica. ground in despair: Arsen., Cepa. iS Arsen. I Aurum. Unbearable, tormenting anxiety and restlessness, compelling I Bellad. him constantly to seek another position: Morph. ac. I Borax. I Bovist. Loud cries that some one should kill her, the pain is so inBryon. tense: Arsen.; oversensitiveness: Coccul. Capsic. Body. Dullness: Sulphur; afterwards stupid: Chamom.; I Carb. veg. Caustic. gagging: Sulphur.:* Cehpaom~. II Intolerable headache, following the anxiety: Chamon.; and I! Chamom. Chin. sulph. bellyache: Aethus. Cinch. off. Pain causes intense anxiety, the face is distorted, the eyes Coccul. I Colchic. sunken, and he screams out loud: Platin. E1 Coloc. Cuprum. Tensive feeling under the short ribs, worse at night: Hepar s. c. Cinch. off. Kali biehr, Kali chlor. Distension, causing anxiety: Lycop. Lycop. Does not know what to do on account of pain and anxiety, Mezer. Morphine. squirms like a worm, presses the abdomen furiously against Moschus. a bed post: Coloc. I Natr. mur. I Natr. sulph. Cutting: Natr. mur., Sepia; as if screwed together.: Spigel. II uxOpium. Contracting sensation in stomach: atr. mur. Paeonia.'Tearing in abdomen: Chamnom. Phosph. ac if intestines were held by strings which might tear: Coloc. Plumbum. Rhus tox. Sensitiveness of abdomen with terrible anxiety mostly in the Sepia. I Spigel. evening: Sepia. II Sulphur. Pain commences in right groin, with great tenderness of Terebinth, *i Veratr. abdomen, restlessness and misery: Natr. sulph. As the pains increase the abdomen becomes more distended and painfully sensitive to pressure: Veratr. Cold skin; burning in abdomen, especially during stool: Carb. veg.; fear that fieces will pass off involuntarily: Sepia; no stool: Coccul. A small spot over the right ovary is very sensitive: Arsen. Very lively motion of the child in the womb: Arsen. Breathing difficult: Al. p. s., Plumbum, Spigel.; takes breath away: Arsen. Slow, small, intermitting pulse: Carb. veg. Extreme weakness: Arsen.; great lassitude: Carb. veg. Sleeplessness: Arsen., Carb. veg.; starting in sleep, lies with one arm under the head: Coccul.; before midnight: Natr. mur.; at night: Sulphur. In attacks: Bellad., Coccul., Coloc.; icy coldness of the whole body, with indescribable anxiety, in half an hour followed by heat: Arsen. With children: Aurum, Calc. phosph., Chamom. COLIC WITH OTHER MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 163 COLIC WITH OTHER MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. Uneasiness, pain also in head and knees: Arsen. Homesickness: Bellad.; low spirits: Kreosot., Magn. mur., Sulphur; hypochondric mood: Millef., Rhus tox.; tension and pressure: Sulphur; desponding mood: Rhus tox.; tired of life: Aurum.; weary of life, during catamenia: Berber.; melancholy and tired of life: Nux vom. Dry humor: Ant. crud. Apprehensive feelings rise from the abdomen to the heart, with restlessness, inward trembling and confusion: Thuya; and faint-heartedness: Chamom. Discontent and tearfulness about inanimate things, with cutting in umbilical region: Capsic. Disagreeable sensation, with discontented humor:.Fluor. ac. Ill humor: Aloes, Capsic., Ferrum, Magn. mur., Tarax., Thuya. Obstinacy, with red, flushed cheeks; burning in umbilical region and pressing headache: Aeon.; sudden anger: Seneg.; irritability: Sulphur. Irritable and vexed, with cutting pain: Aloes, Petrol. Distressing sensation causing dyspncea; complaining: Arsen. Restlessness, weeping and despair, with tension and pressing pain in abdomen: Carb veg. Anguish and lamentation: Arsen., Plumbum, Sepia. As if she had to weep: Sulphur. Screaming,' with violent, cutting bellyache and boring pain in knees: Canthar. Loud screams about dull, shooting shocks: Clemat. Piercing screams, with pain in limbs: Cuprum. At night cramps in the abdominal muscles, which get very hard; pain causes to scream out aloud: Lycop. Loud screams, with bellyache: Ox. ac.; and weeping: Pedic. Screaming about bellyache, before the cough: Phosph. ac. Pain in stomach, crying out: Phytol. Cramp-like contraction, with longing for death: Aurum; violent pain, weary of life: Berber.; prepares for suicide: Plumbum. Cutting all day; indisposed: Ant. crud.; indisposed to walk in the open air, but it improves the cutting in belly: Aloes. Ill humor, vexation and shunning people, with bellyache: Aloes. Agitation: Veratr.; restlessness: Ant. tart., Bovist., Chainom., Kobalt., Sarsap.; with pain in the knees: Arsen. In umbilical region, with restlessness: Morph. ac.; - feeling of surprise: Alum.; - and as after a fright: Pceonia. In the morning, after coming into the cold, cramp in left side, with inconsolable mind: Rhus tox. Obtuseness of head: Cale. ostr.; dullness and vertigo in the beginning: Coloc.; confusion: Kali bichr.; pain in belly, cutting and stupefaction: Vip. tory. Unbearable pain, restlessness, mental confusion and fainting; swelling of abdomen, painful to touch, with delirium: Plumbum. 164 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Lead-colic combined with delirium tremens: Sulphur. With madness: Mercur.; pressure on abdomen in mania: Canthar.; bellyache in mania: Cuprum. Intellect and memory weakened: Plumbum; memory lost: Bellad.; incoherent answers: Plumbum. Vexation, mental activity not diminished: Asaf. After a fright stitches from abdomen into chest: Chamom. After vexation violent colic: II Coloc. Colic and dysentery after vexation: Sulphur. Throbbing and buzzing in the abdominal tumor worse after mental excitement: Laches.; abdominal pains made worse by reading: Carb. an., Sulphur; when thinking of it: Ox. ac. Bodily Symptoms. Dullness: Sulphur; headache following the anxiety: Stramon.; contraction in stomach: Natr. mur.; tenesmus in rectum: Magn. mur.; fearing involuntary stool: Sepia; diarrhcea, with insanity: Hyosc.; costive: Vip. red.; diuresis: Vip. red.; bearing down of sexual parts: Magn. mur.; breathing difficult: Spigel.; heat in chest: Bellad.; can hardly walk: Sulphur; trembling: Arsen. Morning early in bed: Aeon.; after coming in the room colic: Sulphur; after taking cold, spasmodic pain in abdomen: Rhus tox.; anxiety and warmth particularly in head, while eating warm food: Magn. carb.; pressing bellyache, with anxiety after eating and walking in open air: Mezer.; in the right side of abdomen spasms: Rhus tox.; neither touch nor pressure painful to abdomen; senseless: Stramon.; children, with fearfulness: Aurum. Dropsy, with fulness: Apis. Extract of a case published by S. HAHNEMANN, 1797. See Lesser Writings, translated by R. E. DUDGEON. A compositor, aet. 24, lean, of pale, earthy complexion, suffered for years after eating carrots, all sorts of cabbage, especially the white and sourcrout, every species of fruit, pears in particular: violent attacks of neuralgia; a certain movement was felt about the navel, then suddenly, always at the same place a pinching as if by pincers followed, with the most intolerable pain lasting half or a whole minute; each time it went away with borborygmus, extending to the coecal region. There occurred also a sensation of constriction above and below, preventing flatus from passing. Attacks of anxiety and pain increase from half to a whole hour, abdomen swelled and became painful to the touch. Along with all this: inclination to vomit, chest constricted, breathing shorter, more and more difficult, cold sweat, stupefaction and total exhaustion. Could not swallow a drop of liquid, much less any solid food. He lay many hours stupified, unconscious, with a swollen face and protruded eyes, without sleep. After wind passed up or down it went off. Ver. alb., four powders, each containing four grains of the powdered root, caused a dreadful aggravation, followed by a perfect cure. ABDOMINAL SENSATIONS-FLATULENCY-DISEASED STATES. 165 OTHER ABDOMINAL SENSATIONS, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. Startling stitch in left side of abdomen: Millef. Painful and penetrating stitch in right side of abdomen, darting like lightning towards the right side and startling her: 01. an. Abdomen tense; senseless: Stramon. Chest and right side of abdomen yellow; nervousness, twitches when approached by strangers: Thuya. In abdomen living animal, fixed idea: Thuya. Discontented, with unpleasant feeling in abdomen: Fluor. ac. Restlessness, with shuddering and heaviness in abdomen: Turpeth. Disagreeable warmth in abdomen alternately with coldness in whole body: restless mind: Bovist. FLATULENCY. Noises and Motions. Rumbling with uneasiness: Crocus; with anxious restlessness: Alum.; rumbling and anxiety: Borax.; and weeping, with lachrymose mood: Rhodod., Rhus tox. Stupor with muttering and loud rumbling in the bowels: Doryph. Anxiety with rumbling: Borax.; lachrymose humor and weeping: Rhus tox. As if something alive moved in abdomen, startled: Kali hydr. Rumbling in bowels with stupefaction: Morph. ac. Wind colic about midnight, with anxiety: Aurum; intestines feel as if tied in a knot, pressing pain: Cinch. off. With. anxiety and vexation: Cicut.; with bodily heat and anxiety in pit of stomach: Stramon. Flatulent distension with despondency: Aloes. Uneasiness: Calad.; with pressing pain and aversion to mental labor: Kali carb.; with dullness and heaviness in head: Graphit.; in delirium: Stramon.; with burning and stupor: Stramon.; with raving: Bellad. Flatulency with hypochondria: Nux mosch. Flatulent complaints with hypochondria, hysteria: Staphis. Restless, anxious, despondent: Mephit. With mental symptoms: Bellad., Carb. veg., Cinch. off., Coccul., Graphit., Lycop., Natr. carb., I I Nux vom., Phosphor., I I Pulsat., I I Sulphur, Veratr. ABDOMINAL DISEASED STATES. Abdominal complaints with maniacs: I Arsen., I I Bellad., Cale. ostr., Canthar., ICaustic., I Cinch. off., I Coccul., I Coloc., Cuprum, I Hyosc., IIgnat., Laches., I Lycop., I Mercur., I I Nux vom., I Phosphor., I I Pulsat., I Stramon., I Sulphur. Abdominal complaints; shunning labor: Ant. crud., Laches. 166 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Chronic gastric illness with ill humor: Psorin. Ill humor from relaxed intestines: Ferrum. Melancholia abdominalis: Bellad., Nux vom. Plethora abdominalis: Stramon. Abdominal sufferings with hypochondriacs: Nux vom. Gastric complaints after overtaxing the mind: Nux mosch. Irritable, vexatious humor with lassitude and abdominal complaints: Terebinth. Asthenia of abdominal functions with insanity: Aloes. Dropsy, with fulness and anxiety: Apis;' - stupor and dullness of mind; Eup. purp. Emaciation and dropsy with abdominal complaints: Chin. sulph. Inflammation of bowels shortly before death, anxiety and twitching: Plumbum. Chronic abdominal diseases with ill humor in high degree, during climacteric years: Psorin. LOINS. Pressing pain worse in rest and from cough; has to scream: Nitrum. Digging, pressing, shooting pain in left loin, from in out, towards the ribs, with anxiety: Asaf. Pinching in hypogastrium towards the loins, causing anxious sweat: Sulph. ac. Burning pain in right loin (region of liver?) on a place as large as a hand, which makes him very ill humored, sad and unable to think and to work: Nitr. ac. With pain in loins; uneasy, to despair: Vip. red. Swelling with delirium: Plumbum; uneasiness, like urging to stool: Baryt. EMISSION OF WIND. Anxiety as a concomitant to flatus: Urot. tigl., according to the Cypher Repertory. Fear that the stool might pass with the wind: Aloes. Difficult emission of loud flatus with short anxious breathing: Mezer. Anxious pressure in the chest relieved by passage of wind: Sopigel. LOOSENESS FOLLOWING EMOTION AND EXERTION. After sudden joy: I Coffea, I Opium; exalted imagination: Arg. nitr.; after fright: Gelsem.; with internal heat and external coldness: Pulsat.; particularly if better in the open air and throbbing of heart in connection with it: Pulsat. After suddenly hearing bad news, or from fear even in a dream: I Gelsem. Slight vexation proves very hurtful; bitter taste, loss of appetite, lassitude, LOOSENESS OF BOWELS, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 167 eructations, restless sleep, trembling in the morning, diarrhoea, sadness, eyes fill with tears: Petrol. After being much vexed, with indignation: I Coloc.; with grief: Cale. phosph.; after chagrin: Aloes, Chamom.; getting angry: Aeon., Chainom., Sacch. off.; worse when alone: Stramon. After depressing emotions: Coloc., Gelsem., Phosph. ac.; mental or moral excitement of soldiers: I Gelsern. After all mental emotions: Thuya; mental exertions: ANux vom.; thinking of it: Ox. ac. MODEL CURE. Miss —, set. 48, nervous temperament. Troubled for six years with diarrhcea, which occurred only in the morning and hurried her out of bed. She had a severe attack when I saw her, aggravated by a suppressed perspiration. Gave Sulphur9~. No apparent relief in several weeks. From the fact that, if she composed three lines even, in the afternoon, she would wake uep the next morning with diarrhcea, showing the preponderating influence of mental labor, I gave Nux vom.lm. The diarrhoea disappeared and congestive headaches, to which she was formerly subject, reappeared. They in their turn went away without any other medicine. The patient remained unusually well for three months, when an undue amount of mental work brought it on again, but it as readily yielded to the remedy.-E. A. FARRINGTON. LOOSENESS OF BOWELS, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. Pleasurable Feelings. After loose stools cheerful and happy: Natr. sulph.; exhilaration: Ox. ac.; tendency to laugh: Nux. mosch.; diarrhcea and cholera, with ecstacy: IJatroph.; looseness with sentimental mood: Ant. crud. Painful Feelings. Looseness, with homesickness: Capsic.; with over-sensitiveness: I I Coffea, Colchic., I Nux vom., Phosphor.; with sadness: Crotal.; despondency, melancholy: Chelid., Gambog., Hepar s. c., Kali bichr., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac., Pulsat., Sulphur, Veratr.; with diarrhoea, much depressed: Apis; indifferent, melancholy, avoids society: Crotal.; with a thin, slimy stool, cutting pain, irritable and vexed: Petrol. Unpleasant Feelings. Diarrhaea in the morning after rising and after breakfast some bellyache; the greatest care and apprehension about his business: IAmb'ra; bloody stools, followed by anxiety and dyspncea: Kali carb.; with anxiety in the pit of stomach: Mezer.; with anxiety: Aeon., Canthar., Carb. veg., Magn. carb., Secal., Thuya, concerning the illness: Nitr. ac.; fear of death: Aeon., Arsen., Raphan., Secal.; in cholera: Cuprum; with nausea and thirst: Crotal.; cold, anxious sweat in the face: Mercur.; feeling like diarrhcea with anguish: Agn. cast.; anguish: Arsen., Canphor., Roaphan., Veratr. Neutral Feelings. Looseness, with seriousness: Alum.; apathly: Opium, Phosoph. ac.; indifference: Phosph. ac., Rhodod.; in cholera: CZurumL; fietfuilness with debility: Kali phosph.; changeable mood: Alum. 168 MIND AND DISPOSITION. I Aethus. Irritability, ill humor, with white bloodstreaked stool: Aloes. Amm. mur. Gale. ostr.; screams, will be carried: CGarb. veg. II Ant. crud. zi- fitful mood: Nux vom.; nothing pleases her: Coceul. I Bellad. I Bryon. - obstinacy: Silic.; - willfulness: Cale. ostr.; with a child: I Calec. ostr. Pulsat. Canthar. Clhamom. Rejects things when offered: Chamom., Cina; with anger: Cina. Aloes. II Colchic. Aloes. Coloc. Indignation: Coloe., IStaphis. Dulcam. Hepar. Distrustful mood: Ant. crud. Hydroph. After excitement and over-work: Coffea. Ipec. Kali bichr. Kali carb. MODEL CURE. Mur. ac. Natr. carb. A little girl, set. 4, had diarrhoea for a week. Stools greenish11 aNux h yelow, thin, with mucus, tenesmus after stool; passages more N!Wux vom. in the morning and forenoon. Phosphor. Continual thirst, but no appetite. Very fretful, calling for Pulsat. things and refusing them when offered. Fever at night. Had Rheum. II Sile. taken Acon., Bellad., Chamom. and Pulsat. with no benefit. II Staphis. Aethus.lm, (F.), two doses, twenty-four hours apart, cured in Sulphur. I Sulphl. ac. two days.-C. R. NORTON. Conations. Loquacity: Laches., Stramon.; cholera with groans and moans: Cuprum. Crying: Bellad., Borax, Chamom., Cina, Gambog., Jalap., Ipec., Rheum, Valer.; sudden cries in cholera: Cuprum. Easily startled: Bellad., Borax, Kali carb.; desire to be quiet: Gelsem.; desire to be carried: Chamom.; desire to be naked: Hyosc. Aversions. To being alone: Arsen.; to being looked at: Ant. crud.; to being disturbed: Gelsem.; to mental and bodily exertion: Corn. circ., Hepar, Rhodod.; to light: Camphor.; to sound of scratching on cloth: Asar.; to noise: Kali carb., Nitr. ac., Nux vom.; to downward motion: Borax; to open air: Nux vom.; to washing: Sulphur; to being in bed after cholera: Cuprum. Exaltations. Excitability: Agar., Coffea, Phosphor.; things seem too large: Hyosc.; drunkenness: Gelsem. With cholera and after it restlessness: Cuprum. Diarrhcea; sluggish flow of ideas: Nux mosch.; derangement: Hyosc. Productions. Takes a long time to answer: Nux mosch.; imagines that another person is sick: Petrol.; carphologia: Hyosc., Opium; wandering of thought: Apis; delirium: Bellad., Bryon., Hyosc., Miur. ac., Opium, Phosph. ac., Stramon.; delirium in typhoid fever, with black diarrhoea: Ver. vir.; mental derangement with looseness: Hyosc.; vanishing of thought: Nitr. ac.; purging, vomiting and unconsciousness: Laches. COSTIVENESS AND CONSTIPATION, WITH MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 169 COSTIVENESS AND CONSTIPATION, WITH MENTAL SYMPTOMS. II Aloes. Sadness: Cuprum, Platin:; cardial anxiety: Opium. I Apis. Depression of spirits: Rhus rad.; after: Calc. phosph.; with I Bellad. copious, clear urine: Vip. red.; with chill and headache: Chin. II Borax. II Bryon. sulph.; eats nothing: Lycop. Calc. phosph. Melancholy: I Oleand.; frequent weeping, backache; after Chamom. II Chin. sulph. Pulsat.: I IAmbra; with dislike to talk, shunning light, thirst I IClemat. and intercurrent states of exaltation: Hyosc. Cuprum. Gnaphal. Hypochondria: Chamom., Mercur.,INux vom., Zinc. ox. Laches. Hysteria; mind symptoms improve as soon as she gets cosLil. tigr. tive: Psorin. II Lycop. II I ercur. Fear: Laches.; anxious and ill humored: Sulphur. e Nux vom. Anxiety, thinks she will not get well, afternoon: Nux vom. I Oleander. U Opium. Mental uneasiness to despair: Aloes, Vip. red. Psorlatin. Ill humor: Clemat.; about trifles: Chamom. Rhus. rad. Irritable temper: Gnaphal.; and nervousness: Apis, II Stramol. Opium; nervous and irritable: Sulphur; angry about himself: I I Sulphur. Aloes; lies in bed, indifferent to everything: Bryon. Vip. red. zinc. ox. Intolerable condition of mind: Aloes. Difficult comprehension: Chin. sulph.; inactive: Rhus rad.; absorbed in himself: Platin.; weakness of imaginative faculty: Chin. sulph. Dreads insanity, fears an internal disease from which she will not recover: Lil. tigr.; congestion to the head, red face, maniacal state: Bellad.; the same, with meteoristic abdomen: Opium; with dilated pupils, hallucinations and convulsions: HIyosc.; obstinate constipation in mania: Stramon. Forgetfulness: Platin.; slow recollection: Chin. sulph. Absent-minded, distracted: Platin.; stupor: Stramon. MODEL CURES. She has a fixed idea that there is a strange odor in the room, and asks to have it removed. Feels very unhappy, fearful and anxious; despairs of her salvation. Easily frightened, hides when persons come into the room. Does not recognize her son or her physician. Constipation, with congestion to the head and flushed face: Bellad.-ENGELHARDT. Griping in the umbilical region towards evening. Pressing and urging in the rectum, hard stool coming out in pieces; forgetful, absent-minded, sad and melancholy; fear of death; thinks he is better than his wife: Platin. He thinks he lives away from home, and invites people into his house. Will not brook opposition. Face flushed and hot, stupor which makes him forgetful, does not recognize his friends; anxiety; wildness, sleepy but cannot sleep. Constipation, with tympanitis; retention of urine, as if caused by the abdominal distension. When smoking forgets to draw. Very cheerful manner in spite of his drowsiness: Opium.-SCHUELER. 170 MIND AND DISPOSITION. MENTAL COMPLAINTS BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER STOOL. bef. before; dur. during; aft. after. Agar. Contented with himself and the world, serene and happy conII Aloem. templation of the future, aft.: Borax; cheerful, aft.: Natr. sulph.; I IAnt. crud, better humor, aft.: Aloes. I Arpis. Looseness relieves: Sanguin.; exhilaration: Ox. ac. Bellad. Sentimental mood: Ant. crud.; gloomy: Coloc.; homesick: I Borax. I Cale. ostr. Capsic. I Camphor. Depression, sadness, despondency, melancholy: Chelid., Chin. I Capsic. sulph., Gambog., Heepar s. c., Kali bichr., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac., I Carb. e IP. ulsat., Sulphur, Veratr. I Caustic. i Chamom. Anxiety, bef.: Ant. crud., Magn. mnur., Sabin.; with heat: Chelid. Chin. sulph Kali carb.; bef. and dur.: Arsen., Chamom., I I Mercur.; bef., with Cinch, off. trembling of whole body: Mercur.; dur.: Acon., Camphor., I Coffea. Colchic. Canthar., Magn. carb., Platin., Raphan., Secal., Sepia, Stramon., II Coloc. Sulphur, Tabac., Veratr., etc.; bef. and aft.: Borax, Cale. ostr., Corn. circ. Ferr. magn., Hcemat., Jatroph., Kali carb., Rhus tox.; dur. and II Crot. tigl. aft.: Carb. veg., Nitr. ac.; bef., dur. and aft.: Crot. tigl., Mercur.; Cuprum. t Ferr.magn. aft.: I I Caustic., Coloc., Nux vom.; with irritability: Nitr. ac. Guaimbog. Anguish: Arsen., Camphor., Raphan., Veratr.; bef., dur. and I I Gelsem. aft.: Mercur.; with oppression: Crot. tigl.; fear of death: Acon., Haemat. Hepar s. c. Arsen., Raphan., Secal. * Hyosc. With apprehension of apoplexy: Veratr. Jatroph. Kali biehr. Anxiousness and general uneasiness: Nitr. ac.; about his I I Kali carb. health: Nitr. ac. Laches. Magn. carb. - aft., with heat in face: Caustic.; as if diarrhoea would folagn. rmur. low: Platin., Sabin., Sepia; aft., with puffed up abdomen: I Mercur. Natr. calb. Caustic.; aft., with trembling sensation and involuntary motion: I Nitr. lpach. Carb. veg.; - aft. with trembling, bef. with tenesmus: Mercur. Nux mosch. Pectoral anxiety: Cale. ostr., Caustic. Ox. ae. Heat, bef.: Kali carb.; inclination to sweat, aft.: Caustic.; Petrol. general malaise and over-irritability: Nitr. ac. Phosphor. Phosph. ac. Seriousness: Alum.; indifference: Phosph. ac., Rhodod.; II Platin. apathy: Opium, Phosph. ac. I Pulsat. I Raphan. Ill humor, bef.: Aloes, I Cale. ostr.; aft.: Nitr. ac. Rhodod. Fitful mood: N2ux mosch.; changeable mood: Aluvm. I Rhus tox. Sabin. Great despondency: Calc. ostr. I t Secagi. Wilfulness: Cale. ostr.; obstinacy: Silic.; irascibility; Gruaiac.; Sepia. Sepia. anger: Aloes., stralnon. Peevish, low-spirited, lazy and dissatisfied, bef.: Borax.; fretII Sulphur. ful, bef.: Cale. ostr. I Tabac. i Veratr. Distrust: Ant. crud. Loquacity: Laches., Stramon.; tendency to laugh: Nux mosch. TENESMUS AND INVOLUNTARY STOOL. 171 On going to stool groans and grunts: Pulsat.; moaning, bef.: Pulsat.; and groaning: Sepia; crying: Bellad., IBorax, I Chamom., Cina, Rhus tox. Child cries bef. and is quiet aft.: Rhus tox. Obstinate weeping: Sulphur. Fear of being alone: Arsen. Desire to be quiet: Gelsem.; desire for things, which are rejected: Chamom., Cinch. off.; desire to be naked: IHyosc.; desire to be carried: I Chamom. Aversion to being disturbed: Gelsem. - and taciturnity: Ferr. magn. Aversion to mental exertion: Corn. cire., Hepar s. c., Rhodod.; to being looked at or touched: Ant. crud. Easily startled: Bellad., IBorax., Kali carb. Over-sensitiveness: Coffea, Colchic., Nux vom., Phosphor.; agitation: Arsen. Excessive irritability: Ferr. magn.; irritability, aft.: Nitr. ac. Excitability: Agar., I Coffea, Phosphor. Wandering of thoughts: Apis. Imagines that another person is sick: Petrol. Vanishing of thoughts: Nitr. ac. Stupefaction: Stramon., Tabac. Complaints after over-exertion of mind: Arsen. MODEL CURE. After over-study clicking noise in left vertex, on walking, and during stool; also in occiput on walking, especially in evening, when tired: Conium3m (Jen.). -E. W. BERRIDGE. TENESMUS AND INVOLUNTARY STOOL. Ineffectual urging, as if it would tear the abdomen asunder; hot hands with anxiety: Phosphor. With anxiety, cannot bear company: Ambra. An ineffectual urging, with pain, anxiety and flushed face: Caustic. Uneasiness, anxiety, with apprehension of evil: Caustic. Urging to stool with anxiety: Chamom. Ill humor: Magn. mur.; and disposition to scold: Kreosot. As if diarrhoea would set in: Crot. tigl. Feeling as if he must go to stool, loses consciousness: Spigel. Involuntary Stool. Pinching and cutting in the intestines, with groaning and anxiety that stool might pass involuntarily: Sepia. After fright, with icy coldness of the body: Veratr.; after nervous excitement: Gelsem.; with weak-mindedness: Ant. crud. Involuntary stool: Opium; with mania: Ant. crud., Cuprum; - and urine; in mania: HepaT s. c. 172 MIND AND DISPOSITION. RECTUM. Pressing, with depression of spirits: Lil. tigr. Cramp, with great anxiety; has to walk about: Calc. ostr. Cutting and shooting, with loss of energy: Graphit., Mercur., Natr. carb., Phosphor., Sepia. Heemorrhoids. Tenesmus, pains cause screaming: Ratanh.; irritability: Apis. The lumps or knots sore after thinking: Caustic. After mental exertion sore pressure: Ignat. Painful, with apprehension: Lil. tigr. Derangement of Mind. Mental ailments in connection with hmemorrhoidal discharges: Anac., Ant. crud., Arnie., Arsen., Bellad., Caustic., Cuprum, Hyosc., Ignat., Laches., Lycop., Nux vom., Phosphor., Sepia, Sulphur, Veratr. Coagulated blood with the f~eces; mania: Mercur. Bleeding from rectum, with hypochondric mood: IPsorin. Sphincter paralyzed after nervous excitement: Gelsem. ANUS. Pressure and shooting after mental exertion: N.ux vom. Violent pain, with anxiousness; warm flannel relieves: Phosphor. Burning, with piles: Ratanh.; after vexation: Natr. mur. Creeping and restlessness: Mar. ver. Itching in anus from worms, causing furor: Stramon. Moisture exsuding from - causes great vexation and ill humor: Zinc. cyan. Sensation of excoriation, after mental exertion: Ignat. Condylomata, great depression: Caustic. UROPOETIC ORGANS. Drawing pain from region of kidneys to inguinal glands, with anxiety in scrobiculum: Cannab. Anxiety with unsuccessful urging to urinate, without there being much urine in the bladder: Chamom. Apprehensive of danger without fear, with pain in bladder: Fluor. ac. Afraid of wetting the bed, with weak feeling in bladder and sexual organs: Alum. Retention of urine with a boy of eleven months, screams awfully, throws things away from him: Staphis. Weeping, groaning and wringing of hands with renal colic; vomiting: Ocimum. Talkative delirium, with violent pains in bladder: Bellad. Albuminuria with insanity: Phytol. COMPLAINTS BEF., DUR. AND AFT. URINATION —SEXUAL DESIRE. 173 Urine passed off unconsciously in mania: Cuprum. When busily occupied she has to stop and pass quickly a few drops of water: Kali carb. Urinary symptoms worse when thinking of them; painful urination: Helleb. When thinking of it a contracting pain running backward from the forepart of the urethra: Nux vom. Urine Copious. Cheerfulness after copious urination: Hyosc. Much thirst, much urine and great exhaustion: Chin. sulph. Great flow of clear urine; uneasy to despair: Vip. red. Frequent urination, always crying before; with sucklings: Borax. Profuse flow of burning urine, drunken feeling: Stramon. A large quantity of urine, passed all at once; clear like spring water, confused all night: Stramon. Water-like urine in quantities, vivid delirium: Stramon. Urine Scanty. Frequent desire to pass urine, but in small quantities, with apprehension of some impending evil: Lil. tigr. Urine pale and scanty with attacks of mental derangement: Crocus. Scanty and much reddened, with hallucinations: Bellad. Scanty and red colored, with idiocy: Oypium. Very little, but frequent discharges of milky urine, with unconsciousness and delirium in hydrocephalus: Apis. COMPLAINTS BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER URINATION. Everything looks brighter after urination: Jambos. Burning after urinating, causing ill humor and despondency: Alum. Anxiety and restlessness before urinating: Phosph. ac. Anxiety during urination: Chamom.; and pressure in the bladder, with scanty urine: Sepia. Great depression and anxiety before and after urination: Digit. Impatience before urinating: Sulphur. Before, during and after urination violent cutting pains in the urethra, has to bend double and scream: Canthar. Is kind of frightened when going to urinate: Alum. SEXUAL DESIRE. Increased. With sadness: Bellad.; hypochondric melancholy: Veratr. Hypochondria from denial of sexual intercourse, with single men: Coniunm. Sexual desire when suppressed is followed by great mental activity: Laches. With restlessness felt in the whole body, cannot sit still: Ant. crud. Thoughts run on sexual subjects, which torment him so that he fears insanity: Graphit. 174 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Continued erection without desire; no inclination for mental or physical work: Bufo. Mind dwells on sexual subjects: Conium, Staphis. Lascivious imagination without irritation of sexual organs: Ambra. Exalted sexual passion by intrusion of ideas: Aloes, Graphit. Voluptuous fancies day and night with erection: Digit. Lascivious thoughts when lying in bed, with erections: Silic. Intense sexual desire without an erection, followed by ill humor and dissatisfaction: Gale. ostr. Lascivious, voluptuous fancies and sexual excitement, with weakness and impotence: Ignat. Lascivious thoughts without erection: Calad., Sepia; in the night: Aurum. Sexual excitation during the night; delirium: Stramon..Nightly voluptuous fancies, pollutions: Opiuim. Lascivious dreams of disturbed coition, when awaking erection and voluptuous thoughts: Silic. Sexual irritation during mental derangement: Stramon. Extreme excitement of sexual parts with stupor: Stramon. Decreased. Impotence, with retracted foreskin, sexual desire not extinct: Coloc. Less sexual desire after lascivious fancies: Ant. crud. Decreased desire, less excitation of the fancy: Petrol. Suppression of sexual desire, low spirited, sad, anxious: Conium. Loss of sexual power with despondency: Spongia. Impotence, weak memory: Secal. After Coition. Inclination to work: Cale. phosph. Anxious and restless all day: Sepia. Erection, followed by weakness of mind, vertigo, despondency, and lassitude; in the evening depressed and easily frightened: Sepia. After exhausting coitions, weak memory: Secal. Indifference, low spirits and dullness of mind after onanism: Staphis. EMISSIONS. After pollution comfortable feeling, collected: Laches. Depression of spirits with spermatorrhcea, great debility: Ferr. brom. Pollutions followed by anxious heat: Petrol.; mental and bodily prostration; anxious and apprehensive: Carb. an. After nocturnal emission frightened by slight noises: Aloes. After painful emission out of humor, vexatious and dissatisfied: Natr. earb. Heaviness and ill humor after emission: Thuya. After night emission, loud moaning: Hippom. Emissions with amorous dreams, gloomy mood: lHamam. Dazed feeling in head after emission: Caustic. Difficulty of fixing the attention, using wrong words, with blur before the FEMALE INNER SEXUAL ORGANS. 175 eyes, after a restless night, made so by lascivious dreams and emissions towards morning: Iil. tigr. Male Parts; Prostata. Emission of juice from any emotion: Coniucm; from the slightest excitement, without an erection: Natr. mur. With every stool and after urinating, semen escapes, not only prostatic fluid; is hopelessly distressed: I!Selen. Drawing in testicles, with awkwardness; evenings: Agar. Digging pain in the right testicle when at rest, fear of the part being struck: Argent. Anxious, dull stitches in the glans penis: Squilla. Delirium with inflammation of the penis and scrotum: Plumbum. FEMALE INNER SEXUAL ORGANS. Nymphomania, see Chapt. 23; Hysteria, see Chapt. 36. After coition a feeling of great comfort, followed by irritability: Natr. mur. Everything appears to be very beautiful: Sulphur; fits of great joy, with bursts of laughter, in hysteralgia: Asaf. After excessive joy or ecstacy, metritis: Coffea. Mental exaltation or ecstacy, hysteralgia: Coffea. Weeps very easily about this or that thing; with almost all her sufferings there are sure to be tears and cries, she can hardly give her symptoms on account of weeping, with hysteralgia: Pulsat. Sadness: Coniuom; disposed to be sad and irritable; very sensitive to impressions, in uterine cancer: Kreosot.; with displaced uterus: Staphis. Depression of spirits in ovaritis: Aurum; in hysteralgia: II Crocus; changing, with gaiety: Sulphur; with ulcers of uterus: I ILycop.; and hypochondric mood in uterine cancer: Mur. purp. Dread of impending evil, with bearing down: Lil. tigr. Shrinking look when awaking, in metritis: Stramon. In hysteralgia extremely scrupulous about the least thing: Thuya; fear of going crazy: Cale. ostr.; anxiety, as if some misfortune were impending or some bad news were about to arrive: Ast. rub.; anxious, sad, apprehension of dying: Asaf.; melancholy, anguish, dread of death: Secal. Bearing down. Violent and on rectum, with vexed depression: Magn. mnur.; after anxious constriction painless pressure in lower portion: Platin.; irritability of temper, anxiety and dread of impending evil, with severe dragging down sensation in the whole sexual organs, with a feeling as though the whole internal parts were being pulled downward from the breasts and umbilical region through the vagina, and an uncontrollable desire to press the hands against the vulva to prevent the parts from escaping: Lil. tigr. Believes herself pregnant, looks forward to a speedy confinement, thinks she feels labor pains: Veratr. Hourglass Contraction. Constant moaning, which seems to afford relief: Bellad.; spiteful irritability: Chamom.; nervous: NSux vom. 176 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Metritis. After fright fear of it remains: Opium; anguish, fear of death; she is sure she will die: Arsen.; despondent: Nux vom. Displacement. Anguish, fear of death: Aeon. Anxiety during catamenia: Mercur. Malacie. Anguish, fear of death: Aeon., Arsen.; passive disposition: Secal. Uterine Symptoms are caused or aggravated by mental excitement, wounded pride and non-approval by others: Pallad. Full of suppressed grief, full of grief and sighing, brooding over imaginary troubles, with which she seems to be weighed down: Ignat. Indifferent to the affairs of life, even to those which used to interest her most, with ulcers of uterus: Phosph. ac. Mental listlessness, with affection of uterus: Nux mosch. Involuntary sighing, despondency in ovaritis: Ignat. Tearful, yielding, cries at everything, sad despondency, mild; in displacement: Pulsat. General unhappiness of temper, in hysteralgia: Rhus tox. In all sufferings a vein of ill humor, can hardly speak pleasantly, feels like scolding about everything, gives vent to her ill humor in spite of all restraint; in hysteralgia or displacement: Chamom. Headstrong, even unto quarrelling, during catamenia: Chamom. Quarrelsome in displacements: Aurum. Desire for things not to be had, or not wanted when offered, in hysteralgia: Bryon.; impatient, can hardly restrain herself to treat people civilly, in metritis: Chamom.; much irritability of temper, hysteralgia: Sabin., and weak: Graphit. Listless, apathetic; hysteralgia: Phosph. ac.; dissatisfied with herself when she has finished, with displacement of uterus: Sulphur. Loud laughing, at appearance of menses: IFyose.; quick to act: Coffea; wishes to do everything in a great hurry: Sulph. ac. Insupportable pain near the left groin towards ovary, with lectrophilie (keeping bed unreasonably): Alum. p. s. Desire to keep still: Bryon. Disposed to talk, metritis: Stramon. Wants to be naked, metritis: Hyose. Desires, rather than fears death: Bellad. Melancholy, constantly thinks of suicide, ovaritis: Aurum. Mind dwells on suicide: Aurum; wishes to drown herself, with cancer of uterus: Silie. Uterine Congestion. Mental agitation, especially society, or musical entertainments, or excited conversation, or motion, aggravate the pain in the right ovary: Pallad. Peculiar derangement of mind, nervous repetition of words, etc.: Amyl. nitr. Full of ideas: Coffea; strange, absurd fancies; bed full of creases; she is double, lying crosswise; metritis: Stramon.; furious delirium, metritis: Bellad.; typhoid state, delirium; metritis: Hyose. Feels as if she would lose her senses and die soon: Platin. Emotions aggravate pain in right ovarian region: Laches. CATAMENIA TOO COPIOUS, MENORRHAGIA. 177 Sensitive to mental impressions: Staphis.; with ovaritis when the mind has been dwelling too much on sensual subjects: Staphis.; after a fit of passion: Chamom. Moral disturbances in regular paroxysms every night, morning or noon, most after dinner, with ulceration: Arg. nitr. After the least excitement return of catamenia: Cale. ostr.; after fright:. Opium. Pressing pain in the genitals from sitting bent while reading: Bellad. During puberty, insane depression of the mind: Hippom. Great mental depression in climacteric years, with chronic uterine affections: Psorin. Climaxis. See Chapter 47. CATAMENIA TOO COPIOUS, MENORRHAGIA. Uncommon buoyancy of mind, fears nothing, is well satisfied with herself: Fluor. ac. Intolerable sadness: Natr. mur. Melancholy, looks on the dark side of things: Caustic. Menorrhagia. Alarmed, excited, sure she will die: Aeon. Sobbing, grief: Ignat. Disposed to laugh in open air: Nui mosch. Loquacious, strange, absurd ideas: Stramon. Silly laughing and foolish manners: Hyosc. Metrorrhagia. Frequent uterine bleeding, constant bearing down, great sadness: Hamam. Fear of death: Aeon.; despondency: Ignat. Great irascibility: Chamom. Loquacity, singing, praying and praise: Stramon. Much excitability: Aeon.; with great mental restlessness: Apis. Full of strange and absurd ideas: Stramon. Alternating with spells of insanity: Cascar. Short time seems to be very long: Arg. nitr. MODEL CURE. After metrorrhagia over-sensitive, exalted nervous state; hasty speech, accompanied by quick gestures; eyes fiery and glistening; pulse 110. Her movements were like those of a passionate person. If she could not talk, her friends had to relate stories continually in a quick way. At times she was in the opposite state, gave short answers and desired to be alone; she was then moody and feigned sleep. The nights became more and more anxious and restless; she could not describe how terrible they were: Sepia.-HAYNEL. 12 178 MIND AND DISPOSITION. DYSMENORRH(EA. Sadness: Amnm. carb.; terrible sadness: Natr. mur.; sad and silent, as if she would die: Mur. ac.; depression of spirits: Plumburnz Anxiety: Act. rac., Mercur.; anguish: Ignat. Despair: Coffea. Out of humor, even quarrelsome: Chamom.; irritable: Senec.; angry exclamations during sleep: Castor. Loquacity: Stramon. Devout, beseeching; earnest and ceaseless talking: Stramon. Moaning and lamenting: Coloc.; sobbing, sighing: Ignat. Hurried about everything: Sulph. ac. Does not wish to think: Senec. Almost raging: Hyosc. AMENORRH(EA. Sanguine temperament: Aeon. Depression, disposition to suicide: Aurum; looks on the dark side of everything: Caustic.; depression: Crocus, Podoph. Melancholy during the period of development: Helleb. Anguish with colic: Coloc. Despairs of her salvation: Veratr. Grief: Ignat.; after chagrin: Aeon., Coloc.; severe indignation: Staphis.; has a fit if angered: Chamom. Can hardly keep her temper: Chamom. Loud boisterous laughing at every menstrual effort: Hyose. Loquacious: Stramon. Tears, prayers and earnest supplications: Stramon. Likes society: StramQn. Very sensitive to mental impressions: Staphis. Fearfulness, fright: Aeon., Lycop., Stramon. Shrinking back: Stramon. Menses had not appeared for months; violent delirium: Cuprum. Suppressed catamenia with mental derangement: Pulsat.; with screams in mania: Cuprum. Climacteric years; insanity: Hippom. MODEL CURES. Suppressed menstruation with melancholy. Indifference to things she loved best. Sits alone and weeps, imagines things, especially that she might go crazy. On all parts crawling sensation as if gone to sleep, as if she had no feeling in epigastrium. Sleep unrefreshing and disturbed by dreams: Ignat. —GRoss. Mental dullness with pious fanatacism. No desire to work; anxious restlessness, sleeplessness, constipation and suppression of catamenia: Thuya. —W. WILLIAMSON. CATAMENIA, ETC. 179 CATAMENIA, WITH ANXIETYj ANGUISH AND APPREHENSION, BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER. Amm. carb. Great anxiety and depression, bef.: Stannum. Bellad. Carb. an. Anxiety, with squalmishness, bef.: Natr. mur. I Conium. Fearfulness, bet': Natr. mur., Garb. veg. Kali earb. Two days too late, with anxious and uncomfortable feeling: I lercur. I NitSUr..Anxiety one day before catamenia, or soon after coming on: Pallad. I Phosphor. Nitr. ac.; during: Mercur., Zincum. Pulsat. Feels sore in abdomen after, with fear and apprehension that I Stannum. something horrible will happen: Pallad. Sulphur. Apprehension, bef.: Sulphur. Thuya. Zuncum. Anxiety about trifles, bef.: Conium. Melancholy, bef.:.Yitr. ac., Silic., Stannum. Melancholy, with inclination to drown herself, dur.: Silic. Cardiac anxiety: Bellad., Thuya; with palpitation: Nitr. ac., Phosphor.; praecordial: Silic.; with trembling of all limbs:.Nitr. ac.; with backache, dur.: Graphit. Anxiety, with fainty sensation: Natr. mur.; anxious dreams: I I Kali carb. Heat, bef.: Amm. carb.; Carb. an.; dur.: Nitr. ac.; inner heat: Natr. mur. At night and early in bed: Kali carb. Forenoon: Amm. carb.; evening: Nitr. ac., Stannum. MODEL CURES. Irregular catamenia. Heat and congestion to head and face. Headache, proecordial weight and backache. Sleepless nights on account of great fear and anxious restlessness in the head. Despairs of her salvation, and seeks aid in constant prayers: Pulsat.-BETHMANN. Anxiety during catamenia, does not know what to do. Longs for death. Indifference, even to that which she loves best. Involuntary weeping, which relieves. Inclination to commit suicide from despair, in hysteria and hypochondria: Mere. sol.-JoussEL. CATAMENIA, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. Sadness. Sad and doleful one day before: Nitr. ac. - and melancholy, before: Lycop. Unconquerable sadness, during: Amm. carb. Pale face, with sadness and irritability, during: Magn. mur. Sadness, thoughts turned to -herself, there is no life in her, during: Mur. ac. Great sadness, during: Natr. mur., Nitr. ac. Dispirited, melancholy, after: Alum., Silic. 180 MIND AND DISPOSITION. 11 Acon. Ill humor. Sees dark side of everything, before: Caustic. Act. rac. II Alum. Cross, melancholic and desponding: Lycop. If Amm. carb. On occurrence ill humored, intolerant, quarrelsome: Stramon. I Apis. I I Arsen. After the first day out of humor: Magn. carb.; during: Amm. Aurum. carb., Berber., Caustic. I Bellad, I Berber. Ill humored and very tired, during: Caustic. I Cale. ostr. With profuse discharge: Platin. Carb. an. I I Castor. Heaviness of spirits, especially in morning, during: Sepia; in I Caustic. forenoon: Magn. carb. II Chamom. Coffea. Ill humor and restlessness, with toothache, after: Magn. carb. II Coloc. II Coicum. Weary of life: Berber. Crocus. Quietude: Amm. carb., Mur. ac. I I Cuprum. Ilupor. ac. In the beginning ill humored, disagreeable and quarrelsome: I Graphit. Chamom. Hamam. Helleb. Vexation. Before: Sepia. Hippom. During copious flow, with pressure in abdomen: Platin. II Hyosc. mu Ignat. During: Amm. carb., Zincum. II: Kali carb. Made worse by vexation, passes clots of blood after it has II Kreosot. I Lycop. stopped: Rhus tox. Ly. virMagn. Before she is very sensitive, throws herself on the bed and I Magn. carb. I Magn. mur. remains lying there all day: Sepia. I Mercnrg. Irritability. Some days before restless and irritable: I I Mur. ac. I IMur. ac. Kreosot. II Natr. mur. II Nitr. c. Very irritable day before: Magn. mur. I Nux mosch. Before, attack of despair: Sepia. I Pallad. I Phosphor. Irritable and weak-minded, does not like to answer questions: 11 Platin. Amm. carb. Plumbum. Podoph. Cross, everything irritates her, speaking is too much trouble, * Pulsat. I Rhus tox. during: Castor. Selen. Excitable, easily offended: Apis. Senec. 15 Sepia. Conations. During catamenia, loquacity; IStramon. I Silic. Before catamenia incessant loud laughing: 1Hyose. U Stannum. I Staphis. Weeping mood, before: Conium, before and the first day: 1 Stramon. Lycop., during: Arsen., Zincum. II Sulphur. I Sulph. ac. After catamenia whining: Stramon.; and hiccough: Alum. TI huya. Groaning and complaining: Arsen. I Veratr. II zillcum. During convulsions and piercing shrieks: Cuprum. Before catamenia, irresistable, almost maniacal desire for ardent spirits, has to get completely drunk, and feels afterwards distressed, wants to be brought to an insane asylum: I ISelen. After, groaning: Stramon.; during, starts up in the night: Zincum; second day of, disinclination to answer: Zincum; speaking is too much trouble: Cast. vese. During, keeps herself close: Mur. ac.; before, over-sensitive: Sepia; frightened by trifles: Cale. ostr. Exaltations. Very excitable, a day before: K!agn. mtur. CATAMENIA, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 181 The least excitement causes return of catamenia: Cale. ostr. A week before, restlessness: Kali cacrb. Restlessness and anxiety the day before: Sulphur. Moves from one side to the other, cannot bear to be uncovered; thick black blood; the night before: Mangan. The night before, at midnight, chill, followed by heat, especially in face with restlessness: Sepia; restless and full of care: Conium; menstrual colic and restlessness: Pulsat. Depression. Mental and bodily depression with despairing mood, after: Alum. Shortly before, vanishing of thought: Nux mosch. Stupid with lack of expression, during: Lye. virg. Could not collect her thoughts, during: Calc. ostr. Too late, with heaviness in abdomen and dullness: Graphit. Delirium. At the beginning of, delirious talk, with weeping as if going insane: Lycop.; copious flow with delirious talk: Hyosc. Delirious with rush of blood to the head: Apis. Insanity. Before menstrual flow, hiccough, mania: Sepia. Before, melancholy, sees everything in dark colors: Caustic. On the occurrence of catamenia, madness: Acon. Before, she kisses every one; with catamenia, mania: Veratr. During, insuperable melancholy: Amm. carb. Rage. Day before and during first day of their appearance, raving and weeping as if she were going mad: Lycop. Before catamenia, an attack of despair and wild behaviour, with sobbing; throws herself on the bed where she remains all day without eating: Sepia. Neuralgic pains in teeth and head during frenzy, beats her head with her fists, before: Arsen.; with appearance of it, mania: Aeon. MODEL CURES. With each return of the menses wildness and foolishness changing to mania. Talking, laughing, weeping, scolding, hiding herself, or attacks of rage in which she spits at people and tears her clothes. Pulse slow but accelerated during an attack. Abdomen hard and distended. Passes urine involuntarily: Bellad.KIESSELBACH. Destroys what falls in her hands; talks in a vehement, commanding tone; spits at the nurse, lifts up her clothes, and kisses hotly all who come near her. She does things wrongly and talks disconnectedly. Tongue whitish; sleeplessness. Catamenia scanty, pale and watery: Phosphor. —SCHMIDT. A young lady had since three months on awaking nausea, vomituritio and constricting sensation in the throat; dullness in the head, sometimes sensation as of a piece of ice lying on the vertex. Frequent chilliness, can scarcely get warm, feet, hands and nose icy cold. Catamenia irregular, generally every three weeks. Early on the day on which menses appear diarrhoea, nausea, chilliness, four to six watery evacuations with burning pain in rectum. Irritability; sensitive, gets angry at trifles, or weeps about little things: Veratr.-J. C. M. 182 MIND AND DISPOSITION. LEUCORRH(EA. Low spirited women who sigh a great deal: Ignat. Full of fears: Aeon.; changeable mood: Cinch. of; with irritability: Aeon. Talks much: Laches.; does not wish to talk nor to hear others: Amm. carb. Dislike to music: Carb. veg. Worse from noise and bright light: Bellad. Caused by fright: Pulsat. With loss of memory: Anac. OUTER PARTS. Tearing in vulva, at intervals so violent that she would like to scream: Baryt. Anguish, melancholy in the week previous to catamenia; ceasing as soon as monthly flow begins, with prolapse of vagina: Stannum. Strangulation of prolapse of vagina after much menstrual distress: Aeon.; thinks she cannot get well, will die: Aeon.; great anguish: Arsen.; wakens in distress: Laches. Constriction of vagina; inclined to brood over her troubles; full of grief: Ignat.; with mild, yielding disposition: Pulsat.; impatient, cannot answer civilly: Chamzom. Induration of Vagina. Moved to tears telling her symptoms: Pulsat. Vaginal Growths. Inclination to self-destruction, thinks about it even if not intending it: Aeon.; symptoms of mind or of body appear alternately: Platin.; very tearful, weeps at everything, joyful or sorrowful: Pulsat.; feels as if she could not exist any longer: Thuya. MIND SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Feelings. Thoughtless gaiety: Arnie. Happy, imagines to be possessed of beautiful things: Sulphur. Sadness: Bellad., Laches.; looks at the dark side of everything: Aurum; melancholy: Bellad.; better from sighing: Laches.; wishes to hide herself: Bellad.; fear of the future: Anac.; thinks she will lose her reason: Nux vom.; fears to be poisoned, betrayed, injured: Iyosc.; fear of death, excessive dread of it, she is sure she will die: Arsen.; after a fright, diarrhoea in pregnancy: Opium; after fright, haemorrhage during pregnancy: Secal. Periodical attacks of anguish, inquietude, tossing, inability to lie in bed: Arsen.; weakness during pregnancy of four months, paroxysm of indefinable terror: Nux mosch.; predicts the day she is to die, in pregnancy or childbed: Aeon.; fear and presentiment of approaching death: Aeon. Full of grief: Ignat.; past events trouble her: Platin. MIND SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 183 I IAcon. Feelings and Conations. Great frivolity and mischievI I Act. rae. AnLac. ousness: Arnic.; excessive mischievousness; obstinacy: Cale. ostr. 3 Apis. After vexation, hiemorrhage of clotted blood, during pregArg. nitr. I Arnica. nancy: Kali carb. IArsena. Strange temper, laughs at serious matters and is grave over II Aurrul. laughable occurrences: Anac.; sadness, with tears, alternating Borax. with gaiety and laughter: Phosphor. Bryon. Inclined to quarrel: Bellad.; reproachful and overbearing: I Cale. ostr. Lyeop.; will not be comforted: Ignat.; constantly worrying, fretI Chamom. ting and crying about her real or imagined illness: Sepia, Staphis. Cina. 1I Cinch. of. Has no confidence in herself, thinks ~others have none in her, II Coccul. makes her unhappy: Aurum; fears people will think her insane: Colmium. crocus. Cale. ostr.; suspicious: Laches.; contempt for others: Platin.; I Cyprip. erroneous, haughty notions: Veratr.; proud: Lacles.; jealousy Digit. II Gelsem. during pregnancy: Laches. Glonoin. Goss. herb. Conations. Excessive loquacity, with sudden change of Hyosc. subjects: Laches.; talks or prays earnestly and constantly: I I Kali carb. Stramon.; weeps and prays: Aurum; weeps even at answers and I Laches. questions: Pulsat.; sighs and sobs: Ignat.; complains much, but of Lycop. I Magn. carb. nothing in particular: Moschus; screams, curses, scolds: Anac.; I I oscusrb. wishes to strike and bite: Bellad.; bustling disposition the day Natr. carb. Natr. ntur. before confinement: Apis; sluggish flow of ideas: Nux moseh.; * Nux mosch. desires to wander about the house: Veratr. II Nux voin. I Opiumn. Wishes for solitude: Ignat.; thinks not to be fit to live, inI Phosphor. clined to suicide: Aurum; wishes to run away: Hyosc.; worse II Phosph. ac. II Platin. in solitude: Stramon.; disposed to be taciturn: Veratr.; takes I Pulsat. Secale. time to answer: NYux mosch. Sepia. Very sensitive to mental impressions: Staphis.; uneasy about Silic. I Staphis. her own health: Sepia, Staphis.; distress with inquietude: II Stramol. Bellad.; estranged from society, individually, even, her husband Sulphur. iI Sulph. ac. and family: Anac., Conium, Natr. carb., Natr. mur. I lTabact. Productions. Estranged from others and society: Anae.; II Veratr. I Zincunm. thinks she is not at home, this is continually in her mind: Opium. Full of strange, ridiculous ideas: Stramon.; occupied with pins, counts them, hunts for them, etc.: Silie.; talks about rats and mice: Cale. ostr.; thinks and talks about murder, incendiarism: Cale. ostr.; thinks herself a demon: Anac.; inclined to jump out of a window, or from a height: Aurum; frightful visions: Bellad.; thinks all persons are demons: Platin.; unfortunate, harassed by enemies: Cinch. off.; wild look, stunned appearance: Bellad. Loss of consciousness from rush of blood to the head: Glonoin.; loss of mental power: Nux vom.; loss of memory: Anac.; dull mind, inability to think: Anac.; cannot read or calculate, loses the connection of ideas: IYix vom. Toothache in Pregnancy. Sensitive to mental impressions: Staphis., excitement: Cale. ostr., Gelsem.; unbearable: Chamoin.; insupportable, has to walk: Mllagn. carb.; unbearable, driven to frenzy: Arsen.; impatience: Chainmom.; irritable temper: Chamom. 184 MIND AND DISPOSITION. With Gastric Complaints. Great distress: Goss. herb.; dread of light and noise: Bellad.; dread of downward motion: Borax; fear that something untoward will happen: Acon.; fear of being in crowds or busy places: Aeon.; fear of death: Acon.; full of suppressed grief as it were: Ignat.; as if she could lie down anywhere and die: Kali carb.; great irascibility, can hardly return a civil answer: Chamom.; worse after being angry: Bryon.; cross and peevish: Cina; impelled to do things hurriedly: Sulph. ac.; very uneasy and restless: Arsen.; time seems to pass slowly: Arg. nitr.; hears voices of absent persons: Chamom. Diarrhcea. Decided indifference to external influences or surroundings: Phosph. ac.; despondency: Digit.; quarrelsome, obstreperous: Chamom.; apt to be quarrelsome if disturbed: Nux vom.; irritable, morose and sullen: Nux vom.; great loquacity: Stramon.; tearful disposition: Pulsat.; cannot do anything deliberately, feels hurried, as if impelled to do everything hastily: Sulph. ac.; sluggish flow of ideas: Nux mosch.; darkness and solitude: Stramon.; beclouded condition of mind: Caustic.; cannot read or study satisfactorily: Tabac.; constipation; sighing, full of grief: Ignat.; after a fright: Opium. Fissure of Anus. Agony: Arsen. Haemorrhoids. Very sensitive: Cinch. off. Mild, gentle women, easily controlled: Pulsat.; can hardly control herself, gives short answers; can hardly endure her sufferings; irritable and spiteful: Chamom. Urination. Tenesmus, with agony: Canthar.; with pain in back previously, wild screams: Lycop. Pain, especially in Lumbar and Pelvic Regions. Feels disagreeable and unhappy: Chamom.; distressed and unhappy: Acon.; fear of approaching evil: Aeon.; spiteful irritability: Chamom.; will cannot command muscular movements: Gelsem.; excitement and sleeplessness: Coffea; regards pains unbearable: Chamom.; headache, pain unbearable: Ignat.; given to sighing: Ignat.; headache, stupor: Gelsem.; as if she would "go distracted:" Coffea. Chorea. Excessively happy, tender or in a rage: Crocus; after care: Stramon.; after long suppressed grief: Ignat.; from a fright: Cale. ostr.; with strange, inconsistent fancies: Stramon.; rather stupid: Bellad. Varicose Veins. Mild disposition, easily moved to tears: Pulsat. Threatening Abortion. After fright: Opium; fear remains: Aeon.; mild, tearful yielding: Pulsat.; spiteful irritability, "snappish" when speaking: Chanmom.; talks, prays, implores, sings, constantly uttering something: Stramon.; weeping; sadness: Lycop.; sighing, sobbing; suppressed grief: Ignat.; unconsciousness: Aeon. Paroxysm of terror (in pregnancy of four months): N2x mosch. MODEL CURE. In the eighth month of pregnancy dark, suspicious and reserved manner, disturbed look on her face, sleepless. Looks for her bed in the yard, hides in a corner, to escape from a little gray man, who wants to pull out her leg: Pulsat. -— BETHMANN. DURING PARTURITION. 185 DURING PARTURITION. Labor Pains. With sadness: Ignat.; very sad, with forebodings: INatr. mur.; fears she will not be delivered, but die; that something will go wrong: Aeon.; distressed: Gelsem., Ipec., Secal.; a disagreeable sensation strikes through her, arresting all her thoughts; something might occur: Asar.; anguish with tremor: Natr. carb.; make her desperate, would like to jump out of the window, dash herself down: Aurum; most in back, after grief: Caustic.; spiteful, fretful, peevish, cross, cannot return a civil answer: Chamom.; deep sighs, with sadness: Ignat.; weeping, lamenting, in constant motion: Lycop.; shrieks out sharply, pains distressing, can hardly bear them, wishes to get away from them: Chamom.; distress, moaning; restless with each pain: Aeon.; insupportable: Act. rae., Coffea; parturient women shrink back from fright: Stramon.; fear or fright suppressing them: Opium; drive her distracted: Arnic. Os Uteri\ rigid. Moaning:.Acon., Bellad.; discouraged: Aeon.; fears will not do well: Aeon.; pains too severe to be endured, laments, calls for assistance: Chamom. Fainting. After sadness and gloom: Laches.; after a fright: Aeon., Coffea; after grief: Ignat.; after spiteful irritability: Chamom.; dreading society and company: Laches. Puerperal Convulsions. Preceded by mental excitement and perturbation: Act. rac.; anxiety, fear of death: Aeon.; mild and tearful: Pulsat.; irritable disposition: Nux vom.; impatience and disposition to anger, excited by anger, spiteful irritability: Chamom.; cries with fearful visions: Bellad.; looks frightened, shrinks back from first objects seen after opening eyes; cries, laughter, singing: Stramon.; screams: Caustic. After Pains. Distressing, unbearable; wishes to get away from herself, irritable, ill natured: Chamom.; distressing and acutely felt: Act. rac., Coffea; sighing, sadness, despondency: Ignat.; irritable: Nux vom.; mild and tearful: Pulsat. Uterus slow in returning to its natural size, dreads insanity: Lil. tigr. Retained Placenta. Anguish and distress: Canthar.; and moaning: Bellad.; mild, yielding disposition; inclined to weep about her pains: Pulsat. Lochia. Fearfulness, afraid something unfortunate will occur: Acon.; irritable and impatient: Chamom; suppression from anger: Coloc.; thinks she is drugged or poisoned: Hyosc.; suppressed fear with sighing and sobbing: [Ignat.; by fright: Opium; full of strange and absurd, strongly marked ideas: Stramon. Lochial discharge continues too long, is profuse and excoriating; dreads insanity: Lil. tigr. Pendulous Abdomen. Everything seems strange and horrible to her: Platin. MODEL CURE. Convulsions after a fright when a little girl, return after each confinement: &c. corn.-HELBIG. 186 IIND AND DISPOSITION. CHILDBED, NOTE.-Puerperal Mania, compare Chapt. 24. Mind. Immoderate laughing: Apis. After confinement anxiety: Cuprum. Eighth day, quickly following erroneous ideas: Cuprum. Anxious before convulsions after confinement: Cuprum. Anxiety about future and domestic affairs: Bryon. Predicts the day she is to die: Aeon. Mind and Body. Over-excitement and over-sensitiveness of all the senses, especially after use of chamomile tea; effects of sudden joy: Coffea. Constipation, with itching; dreads insanity: Lil. tigr. Diarrhcea; takes a long time to answer a simple question: Nux mosch. Painful hmemorrhoids, dreads insanity: Lil. tigr. Painful smarting in the urethra after passing urine, dreads insanity: Lil. iigr. In the night spasmodic pain in the chest, coming up from the small of the back into the region of the stomach and chest, causing dyspnoa and anxiety: Lycop. Pain in back and hips, dreads insanity: Lil. tigr. After Childbed. Melancholy: Bellad. Does not want to go anywhere, not even to church (a young woman), since her confinement: Angelica officinalis. Want of food; leucorrhoea; religious mania; imagines herself eternally damned; sees the devil coming to take her; world on fire during nights; fear, with occasional outbursts of rage; paroxysms of weeping, followed by lucid momemts, but with forgetfulness; cannot follow the course of conversation: Pulsat., 3d dec., did much to relieve.-RocKwITH. NURSING. Milk abundant, with derangement of mind: Stramon. Milk abnormal, breasts knotted; discouraged, anxious: Aeon.; cross, irritable, not easily satisfied: Cina. Milk blue; disconsolate and sad on awaking: Laches. Milk thin; dissatisfied, unhappy; long-standing mental trouble: Laches. Milk scanty; very sad and depressed, says she will die, despairing sadness: Agn. cast.; after anxious n'ight-watching: Caustic.; great apathy: Phosph. ac.; mild and tearful: I UPulsat.; anxiety and despondency after each trouble: Caustic.; insulting, cross, uncivil: Chamom.; mental derangement, thoughts of suicide: Rhus tox. Breasts tender, nipples inflamed: suffering unbearable, fretful, cross: Chanmorm.; fear, anxiety, restlessness, mastitis: Aeon.; dull, stupid feeling: Bellad. Cancer of Mammae. Becomes furious about the pain: Chamom. Agonizing pain: Calc. ox. Climacteric Period, see Chapters., 24 and 47. LARYNX AND WINDPIPE-VOICE. 187 LARYNX AND WINDPIPE. Choking from contraction of glottis while weeping; from anxiety: Lact. vir. Constriction of glottis and furor uterinus: Gratiol. Spasm of the glottis, with agony: Amm. carb., Ipec. Suddenly something runs from the neck to the larynx and interrupts breathing completely; it wakens at night (spasm of the glottis): Laches. Constriction in the region of the larynx, as from persimmons, going from side to side, and extending to the articulations of the jaw: Mercur. Pressure of swelling of throat on windpipe causes anxiety: Natr. sulph. Touch of throat causes anxiety: I ILaches.; in mania: Canthar. Larynx much affected, voice weak and hoarse; anxiety and the greatest irritability; lepar s. c.; tickling in larynx,. as from dryness, and burning in throat, with anxious constriction; raises but little mucus: Mezer. Croup, with anxiety: Spongia, and all other croup medicines. Heat and dryness in windpipe, with irritability: Petrol. Inclination to burst into tears, with choking in the throatpit: Cotyl. VOICE. Voice louder and speech bolder: Angust.; with bold speech and bright eyes, cold sweat on the forehead and imperceptible pulse: Acon. Speaks little and says single, disconnected words with difficulty in a higher pitch: Stramon. Cannot modulate the voice, it is higher and finer, sometimes a mere sound, and he cannot utter a distinct word; anxiety: Stramon. High squeaking voice, with rage: Stramon. Hoarse and anxious in the evening: Graphit.; with crying and lamenting: Bromum; with stupor in the morning: Stramon.; and very weak: Laches.; with anxiety and irritability: Hepar s. c. Speaks only in a low voice, is sad and dispirited: 01. anim.; very soft voice after dinner, with sadness and ill humor: 01. anitn.; with derangement: Phosph. ac., Viol. od. Voice weak: Staphis.; scarcely audible, refuses to talk: Veratr.; tremulous, with whining: OCuprum. Inability to speak loud, very much affected: Amygd. Loss of voice, with hypochondriacs: Sulphur; with anxiety: S&ramon.; during the night hoarse, during the day -, with anxious sweat: Carb. an.; in the morning, after crying, with fear: Hepar s. c., Lepid.; with confusing thoughts: Cannab.; with weeping: Mercur.; crying: Stramnon. Now and then his voice fails, or he cannot find the words: Cannab. Talking. Hastily: Aeon., Mercur., Phosph. ac.; excited: Ambra. When talking, anxiety: Ambra; nausea: Alum.; - and palpitation when in society: Platin.; - and torment, with pain in back: Cannab. Speaks hesitatingly and slowly, or hastily and anxiously: Arsen. 188 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Affected by talking: Amm. carb., Cale. ostr., Kali carb., Sulphur, Lauroc.; makes restless: Borax; fatigued, weary: Jaecr.; exhausted: Stannum. Talking is difficult, dragging and low from immobility of tongue and lips: Carb. an. Great heat from 10 P.M. until midnight, with short breathing; she wanted to cough but could not, and talking was very difficult; great restlessness, screamed on account of pains in the hands, feet, abdomen and back; she stamped her feet and would not allow herself to be touched: Aeon. Talks slowly because recollection is slow: Thuya. Talking makes confused: Aurum; unconscious: Kali carb., Nux mosch. Aeon. Singing. Inclination to sing: Bellad., I I Crocus, Natr. lgar. Bellad. carb., Natr. mur., Platin., Stramon., and laugh: Crocus, Stratmon. Cannab. Cheerfulness, with inclination to sing: Carb. sulph. Carb.sulph. Capsic. Feels an irresistable desire to sing, with excessive hilarity for ~C~occul. a while, thereupon absent-minded and indisposed to do any kind Cuprum. of work: Spongia. Hyperic. Sings involuntarily: Lycop.; a single note creates the desire: Lycop. Crocus. Mar. ver. Natr. carb. Almost irresistible desire: Mar. ver.; amounting to mania: Natr. mur. CoCCul. Opium. Pholsphor. With insanity: Bellad., Cuprum, Hyosc., Stramon., Veratr. Platin. In mania or derangement of mind, singing, incoherent speech, Spongia. Stramon. laughing, crying, screaming, inspired talking, and moaning: Taacb. Stramon. Therid. Veratr. Happy, very joyous and merry: Aeon., CGprum, Natr. mur., Spongia, Therid., Veratr. Obscene things: Stramton.; love songs: Hlyosc.; love-sick songs: Opium. Alternating with weeping: SSramon., a.m.m. Senseless talk followed by singing, then fearful screaming and gasping for air: Hyper. Sings, although the head is internally hot: Therid. In fever, during the hot stage and the sweat: I IBellad.l, I Stramon.I, I Veratr. I; during the heat alone: Ifar. ver., I Sarsap.; the sweat alone: I Crocus, I Kali carb., I I Spongia. In delirium: Bellad., Cannab., Coccul., Cuprum, fHyosc., Stramon., Veratr.; in typhoid delirium, with whistling or laughing: Stramon. All day long: Tabac.; most towards evening and at night: Veratr.; in sleep: Bellad., Crocus, Phosph. ac. Warbling: Aeon., Bellad., Capsic., Coccul.; in an undertone: Natr. carb.; merry: Phosphor., Therid., Veratr. MODEL CURE. A soldier had measles, exposed in camp; now had bronchitis from exposure, etc.; became delirious; got up from his bed and would put on his clothes to go home; violent talking; kept every body else awake all night; only during the night a good deal of expectoration and debility. Cupr. ac.3 was given and the paroxysm did not return.-J. C. MORGAN. LAUGHING. 189 LAUGHING. On p. 71 as the expression of an emotion, with symptoms following it, here, either as a function of the respiratory organs and its mental connections, or as a concomitant with other symptoms. I Acon. l! Much inclined to: Cuprum, Graphit., Mere. per., NYatr. mur., II ALum. Amm. carb. Tarax. IIArnae"~. Inclined to smile and jest: Stramon.; frequent laughter: II Anac. Asaf. Bellad.; constantly inclined to cheerful, -; disposed to -, with Cale. ostr. gay humor: Mere. per.; without a cause: Tabac.; without sion: Arnic. Coniutm. Bursts out in loud laughter: Asaf., Bellad., Stramon. I Croculs. Immoderate laughing at every trifle: Amtm. carb., Carb. veg., II Cuprum. Eleis. Graphit., Zincum. Graphit. Laughs at everything: Hyosc., Lycop., Sabad.; with gaiety: ] ura. I Hyosc. Lepid., Verbase.; with constant flow of ideas: Nux mosch.; with Kali iehr. mocking humor: Pedic. Lathes. Involuntary, loud, uncontrollable laughter: Bellad., Crocus. Lepid. Full of fun and laughter: Cuprum; laughs a great deal, Lycop. MlIere. per. incessantly, improperly: Crocus. II Natr. mur. Laughing and singing: Bellad.; could not be made to utter a opium. word: Crocus. Pedie. Petiv. Disposition to laughing, joking and singing: Petiv.; dancing: II Phosphor. Tabac.; foolish tricks: Cicut., Opium. II Platin. P1lsat. At serious stories: Arg. nitr.; at the saddest things: Platin.; Sabad. with sadness, spasmodic symptoms: Phosphor. Sepia. II Stramon. Great hilarity about the saddest things and sadness and weepvTabac. ing about ridiculous things: Platin. I Veratr. Involuntary laughing or crying, without the corresponding lVerbase. mood: Sepia. Zincum. Zinc. ox. Against her wish, while she is sad: Phosphor.; very easily Zinc. sulph. made to laugh, yet is not lively: Natr. mur. Aversion to laughing: Ambra. Now serious, now inclined to laughter: Nux mosch. Inclination to weeping and laughing at the same time: Lycop. Disposed to laughing and whining: Pulsat. Weeping alternating with laughing: Aeon., Aurum, Capsic., Conrium, Sepia. Rapid alternation of laughing, weeping and singing: Stramon. Laughing alternating with whining: Veratr.; loud laughing alternating with weeping: I I Stramon. Now starts up impatiently and grinds teeth, now laughs merrily and sings: Crocus. 8 Loud laughing alternating with vexation or moaning and crying: Stramon. Morose humor, followed by desire to laugh loud; very great ill humor, followed by loud laughing: Stramon. After loud laughing a wild passion: Stramon. Laughs to himself about cheerful ideas, with difficult thinking: Sabad. 190 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Laughs quietly to himself: Laches. A kind of mock laughter; Stranion. Even when alone, with gaiety: Eleis; when anyone looks at her: Lycop.; about her singing: Crocus. With derangement of mind, or with mania: Bellad., Cicut., Crotal., Hyose., Opium, Stramon., Veratr.; spasmodic laughter, with mania: Cuprum; in a rage: Stramon. With dilated pupils: Crocus. Face hot and very red: Cicut., Veratr. Laughing during the time she could not speak: Stramon. Hysterical laughter after meals: P2ulsat. From tickling in pit of stomach: Anac.; in throat: Stramon.; from an irritation in stomach or the right hypochondrium: Conium. Diaphragmitis, with delirium: Stramon. Incessant, loud laughter, before catamenia: Ifyosc.; with nymphomania: Stramon. Immoderate laughter, in childbed: Apis. Grasping with hands in air; with spasm of chest: Stramon. Spasmodic Laughing. Now spasmodic laughter, now weeping: Alum. In evening in bed, alternating with weeping: I IAlum.; with spasmodic affections: Bellad.; with the greatest exhaustion, lying down immovable: Calc. ostr.; from the stomach: Conium; in mania: Cuprum; and weeping, with other spasmodic affections: I I Phosphor., Zinc. ox. Weakness of muscles of arms and hands: Carb. veg. With debility and dilatation of pupils: Crocus. With great prostration: Conium, Crocus. Laughing in sleep: Alum., Caustic., Crocus, ILycop., Sepia, Silic.; very loud: June. eff., Kreosot., Lijcop.; in a dream: Kreosot., Sulphur; in the night: Stramon., Veratr. At night, and weeping during the day: Stramon.; at 8 A.M., with gaiety: -Hura; laughing in forenoon, in the evening grief: Graphit. Without a cause all day: Tabac. Remarkable laughter in the evening: Cuprum, Natr. mur. In the open air: Nux mosch. Chilliness in the head and limbs after laughing: Hura. In typhus delirium, with singing, whistling: Stramon. Delirium, with alternate laughing and whining: Acon.; pointing to masked people: Opium; before falling asleep: Sulphur; smiling face: Veratr. As if tickled: Stramon.; irresistible, with a tickling all over: Zinc. sulph.; after tickling in pit of stomach: Anac. As ADDITIONS TO PAGE 72. Tears come into her eyes: Natr. mur. She looked as if she had been weeping: Natr. mur. As if cold air passed out of left ear: Millef. In hypochondriac region sensation: Kali carb., Natr. mur., Platin.; in abdominal region: lArsen., Conihmn. Hoarseness: Calc. fluor. After a hard laugh spasmodic affection of chest: larsen. Stinging under the ribs, left side, with loud laughter, with inhalation on right side: Plumbusm. When laughing dull pressure, like from a piece of wood: Plumbum. SIGHING. 191 SIGHING. I Acon. Mind. Relieves oppression of chest: Hydroph.; relieves ActL. rac melancholy during pregnancy: leaches. Aethus. Alum. Has to take from time to time a deep, sighing breath, which II Amm. carb. II Ant. crud. relieves: Ant. crud. Arg. nitr. Constant sighing, with sadness; prostration: Natr. carb. I Arnica, II Arsen. Quiet sadness and inner grief: Ignat.; lowness of spirits I Bellad-. with sighing: Cotyl. Borax, Bryon. Cannot speak aloud, much depressed: Sulphur, and groanI Cal. phosph. ing from low spirits: Chamom.; with anxiety: Plumbum, Digit.; II Capsic. anxious breathing: Aeon.; cardial anxiety: Colchic.; fear of * Chamom. Cinch. off. ldeath: IRhus tox. * Coccul. Sighing deep and loud about imagined cares: Sepia. Colchic. Feels grieved, troubled with it: Act. rac. Conium. Disposed to weep, with melancholic depression: Natr. carb., Cotyl. Digit. Sassaf.; sighing, profoundly depressed, cannot speak loud: Elais guin. Sulphr. I IEuphorb. Sulphur. Evon. eur. From ill humor: Chamom.; worse when consoled: Cinch. off. Gran. cort. With restlessness, drives from place to place: Tabac..Graphit. Helleb. Involuntarily, with moaning and groaning: I I Helleb.; withi1 Hydr. ac. out pains: Alum., Graphit., I Nuc. v. c.; without cause: Bellad., I Hydroph. Nux vom.; with apathy: Ignat., I Ipec., I Stramon.; unconI Ignat. * Ipec. sciousness: I Coccul., I Ipec., I Stramon.; stupefaction: Helleb., gI Lahes. Ipec., Plumbum, I Stramon. Magn. carb. 1illef. Chest and Breathing.. Long sighing breathing: Opium; MINatr. carb. gives often a deep sigh: Silic.; has to take a deep inhalation, Nux vom. chest is too full, too narrow: Pceon. off. II Opium c. Sighing, groaning, grasping the throat with his hands: Poeon. off. Stramon. Plumbum. From fulness in chest: Ant. crud. I Pulsat. Ran. scel. From congestion of blood to lungs: Acon. I Rhus tox, Sassaf. As if chest was too narrow: Conium; fulness, anxiety and Sarsap. constriction of chest: Arg. nitr. I Secale. Sepia. With pain in chest: Conium. II Silic. Melancholy, with oppression: Sassaf.; with pressure on I Stramon. Sulphur. chest, in fever: Laches. IIThuyab. Anxious, difficult breathing: IAcon.; dyspncea: Elais guin. Vip. red. Sighing breathing with in and exhalation: Bryon., Ignat., Veratr. Verar Ipec.; with slow exhalation: Borax. Desire to take a long breath, followed by sighing expiration, which relieves for a moment the oppression: Cinch. off. Other Functions. With heartache: Hydroph. With gnawing in stomach: Eup. purp. After eating, during the afternoon: Ant. crud.; after dinner with precordial anxiety; feeling of being very ill: Arg. nitr. 192 MIND AND DISPOSITION. With anxiety in epigastrium: I Digit. After convulsions: Plumbum. With whining and fainting of new-born children: Millef. With prostration, constant sighing and sadness: Natr. carb.; with restlessness, driving about: I Tabac. In sleep: Bellad., and after awakening: Pulsat., and murmuring: Camphor., and moaning in restless sleep: Opium. During anxious night-sweats: Bryon. Sighing and groaning in fever, with heat as well as sweat according to B.: I IAcon.l, IArsen. 1, IBryon.11, IChamom., I Coccul., IIgnat.I, Ilpec.l, I I Nux vor. I, IRhus tox.I I, I Sepial. Heat alone: IArnic., I IBellad., I Coffea, I IPulsat. I I Thuya. Sweat alone: Baryt., I Cinch. off., I Cuprum, I Phosphor., I IStramon., I Veratr. And sobbing: Secal.; with moans: Mur. ac.; involuntary moaning and groaning: Helleb.; weeping: Tabac. Deeply: Cac. phosph., Silic., and repeatedly: Opium. Frequent sighing: Ilura, Ran. scel., Stramon. Involuntary sighing: Cale. phosph., Helleb. Great weakness, no pain; is compelled to sigh: Graphit. MODEL CURES. After unhappy love, quiet, dreamy, no ambition to work, little desire to eat; sighs heavily as if visited by a great misfortune; at last becomes taciturn, takes no interest and refuses to eat or drink. Lies on the sofa'with a painful expression on his face, sighing deeply. Nothing makes an impression on him, he scarcely says yes or no, looks drowsy and wears a sad smile on his face: HTyosc. —BETHMANN. A young man, otherwise healthy, had for several months spells of sighing, deep breathing, about six deep inhalations at intervals of five minutes: Ant. crud.-W. W. TAFFTS. MOANING AND GROANING. With anxious restlessness: Ant. tart.; anxiousness and spasmodic laughter: Alum.; with anxiety and cramp in stomach at night: Kali carb. With fear and hurry: Laches. And tossing about in despair, with bellyache and headache: Chamom.'With ill humor: Chamom.; feels miserable: Sarsap.; without a cause: Nux vom. Inconsolable; full of reproaches: Nux vom.; and beside himself: Veratr. Violent weeping: Alum.; grunting: Helleb.; crying: Eup. purp.; and whimpering in epilepsy: Coccul. Alternating with laughing: Stramon.; with jumping and dancing: Bellad. Headache and crying for help: Silic.; whining from peevishness: Zincum. MOANING AND GROANING. 193 Aeon. Eyes half open: Phosph. ac. Alum. Amm. carb. Face pale, body cool, child: Ipec.; — with crying and runAnt, tart. ning about: Veratr. BeIlad. Bryon. Heat of face: Chamom. I Calad. Red hot cheeks: Nux vom.; hot sweat on forehead: Chamom. Carb. veg. Chamom. Child will have a passage: Pulsat. Ci.With every exhalation moaning: Bellad. Cina. Coccul. Constant moaning, with occasional shrieks, pacified only. when holding chest pressed close to mother's breast: Stramon.; Cuprum. Eup. perf. grasping throat with hands: Stramon. G raphit. With desire to take a long breath: Carb. veg. Helleb. Involuntary: Alum., I IHelleb.; during the heat in face: Ignat. Xpen. Chamom.; with the pains: Sarsap.; without any cause: Bellad. Kali carb. Inclination to it when fatigued: Graphit. Magn. carb. With spasms: Cuprum, Stramon.; jerks in hands: Phosph. ac.; Mercur. tossing with arms and legs: Stramon.; restless motions, with brain Mur. ac. Natr. carb. affections of children: Stramon. Nitr. ac. In sleep: Bellad., Ignat., Sepia; in first sleep: Alum.; in Phosph. ac. sleep during the day: Cina; with whining: Chamom.; with Pulsat. Sarsap. whimpering: Mercur., Nitr. ac., I I Nux vom.; with lamentations Sepia. and restless, tossing about: Stramon. Silic. Stannum. In morning: Bellad. * Stramon. In cold stage of fever: Eup. perf.; cold hands: Mercur. Veratr. Zincum. In fever: Aeon.; crying and running about: Veratr.;. with fever heat: Pulsat.; face pale, with crying and howling: Ipec.; in fever, delirium, red cheeks: Chamom.; red hot cheeks: Nux vom.; hot face: Chamom. At night lying unconscious, with cold sweat followed by weakness: Bryon.; early when getting awake: Amnm. carb. With the pains: Sarsap., a.m.m. When child is being carried: Pulsat. Sobbing: Magn. phosph.; and weeping: Nux vom.; is overcome by hearing of cruelties: Caustic. Sobbing on wakening: Cina, Secal.; getting awake with - and weeping in the night: Carb. an. After weeping, when alone, before an attack: Conium. With weeping and twitching in hands and feet: Thuya. And great dejection, with exhaustion: Lob. infi. With ill humor: Agn. cast. Sobs from anger, after irritation: Stramon.; with whining, after menses: Stramon. From vexation and irritability: Sepia. From listening to trials of others: Caustic. And screaming, with hallucinations: Stramon. With headache: Stramon. Attacks at night: See. corn. 13 194 MIND AND DISPOSITION. WEEPING, WHINING. I Aeon. Weeps often: Cuprum; much disposed to it: I I Lycop., Natr. Ammlu mur. carb., Ruta; involuntarily: I I Natr. mur., Platin., Rhus tox., Veratr.; with an old woman: Stramon.; attacks she can scarcely Ant. crud. Argent. suppress: Sepia; bursting into tears against her will: Alum.; Arnica. even in the presence of strangers in the street: Carb. veg.; irreII Arsen. I Aurum. sistible propensity to it: Aurum; without a cause: I IBellad., Baryt. Graphit., Kreosot.; Lycop., Staphis., Sulphur, Viol. od., Zincum; Beflad. 1I Borax. causeless flow of tears: Camphor.; for nothing: Staphis.; does II Bryon. ICa. ostrn. not know why: Kali earb., Rhus tox. I Camphor. Abundant tears: Crotal.; must weep profusely: Hepar s. c. Canthar. p apsicr. Cannot cease weeping: Garb. an. I ICarb. an. About trifles: Gale. ostr., Caustic., Coccul., Petrol., and inconsolaII Carb. veg. I Caustic. ble: Stramon.; children weep at the least cause: lNitr. ac.; the slight1 Chamomut. est word makes her weep: Silic.; is set to weeping for a long Cieut. Cina. time by the smallest trifles; the sight of everything surrounding II Cofca. him moves to tears: Ant. crud.; even joyous, laughable things: Conumin. Platin.; if any one but looked at him: Natr. mour.; when spoken Crotal, Cuprumotal. to kindly, after gentle reproaches: Platin.; when the least word Digit. is said to him: Staphis.; when any one does the slightest thing Dulcam. Graplhit. contrary to him: N1ux vom.; when improper things are refused Helleb. him: Ignat.; at slight disagreeable things: Sulphur; when disHepar s. c. Hura. turbed in his work, 4 P.M.: Pulsat. Ignat. Child cries when touched: Cina. Kali carb. Kreosot. Weeps when telling her symptoms: Pulsat. Magn. mr. While singing: Hlura. Mercur. Great inclination to weep, with excitability: Natr. mur.; with Nat ur. uneasiness: Alum.; spirits much affected: Amygd. am.; piteous 1itr. ac. whining: Opium; with home-sickness: Magn. mur.; receiving II Nux vom. Opium. thanks easily moved: Lycop., Platin.; overcome by hearing of Pet. tetr. cruelties: Caustic. I Petrol. Phelland. From sad thoughts: Alum., Carb. veg., Cina, Phelland., Platin.; I I Phosphor. in the evening: Kali carb. Phosph. ac. I Platin. Looks at the dark side of everything:'Alum. II Pulsatumbum. Sadness, can scarcely be quieted: Sepia. Rheum. Violent weeping, thinking of death; very sad: Stramon. Ii Rhus tox. Ruta. Depression: I I Rhus tox.; melancholy: I I Phosphor., Pulsat., Sabina. Stannum. I Sepia. Silic. Child is restless and anxious, wants this and that: Kali carb. Spongia. Anxiety ending with tears: Kali carb.; Lycop. Staphis. Stramon. Great anxiety, impelled to weep: Natr. mur. abacSulph. With anxiety and trembling: Carb. veg.; with apprehension: I I Veratr. Alum.; frequent fits: Graphit.; apprehensions several afternoons: I Viol. od. Tabac. Loud lamenting, with apprehension; despair and bitter complaining: Aeon. WEEPING, WHINING. 195 As if she must die; inconsolable on being talked to, or sitting sadly in solitude: Platin.; inconsolability, bursts out in loud weeping: I I Nux vom.; inconsolable, anxious, heartache: Spongia. Weeps about her weakness of thought: Stramon. With despair: Lycop.; anxiety and sorrowfulness: Sulph. ac. Sorrowful weeping, changes into impatient, violent howling: Bellad. When thinking of evils long past: Natr. tmur. With fearfulness, as from grief and sorrow: Amm. mur. From grief and woe: Kreosot., Staphis., I I Veratr. Tears, with ennui: Hura. Tired of life: Aurum, Carb. veg., Lauroc., Ledum, Platin., Spongia.; discouraged: Baryt. Aloud, with vexation: Sabin.; crossness: Staphis., Sul7phur. Discontented and very much given to weeping: Ruta. Is annoyed at it herself: Platin. With moodiness: Pulsat.; on account of indignation: Arsen., Sepia. Weeps aloud on mildly refusing her anything she wishes: on speaking much to her in mild words; on giving advice or doing anything else she does not wish: Ignat. When in the least opposed: Nux vom. From anger: Bellad.; cross and impetuous children: Thea. With irritable humor: Cale. ostr.; and irritable temper: Canthar.; for vexation over pain: Opium; with impatience: Aeon.; aloud; peevishness: Sabin. On being reproved: Cale. ostr., Platin.; if one only attempts to speak to her: Staphis. On surmising to be pitied: Natr. mur. Imagines to have lost the' affection of others: Aurum. After scolding or reproaching, howling and weeping aloud: Nux vom.; when alone: Conium; about the thoughts which crowd upon her when alone: Natr. mur. Cares for no one, does not want to listen to anything: Staphis. And praying at night: Stramon.; and longing for death: IAurum.; would like to die on the spot: Spongia; creeps into a corner: Camphor.; with dislike to work: Natr. mur. With restlessness: Chamom.; anxious restlessness, driving from place to place: Carb. veg. After hallucinations: Dulcam.; tearful fantasies: Aeon., Dulcam., Lycop. Head. After mental emotions, with a feeling of lightness in the head: Kreosot.; headache with weeping: Coloc., Ferr. magn., Kreosot., Phosphor., Platin., Ran. bulb., Sepia; pressing pain in the top of the head: Zincum. Involuntary weeping, hanging the head: Veratr. Eyes. Weeping after affecting poetry, with pain in the eyes; Laches.; weeping mood, with burning of eyes, running of tears:' 11Nux mosch. Staring, pupils dilated: Stramon.; red: Borax; sensation of dryness:.Natr. mur.; itching after weeping: Sepia. 196 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Ears. The sound of churchbells moves to tears: Ant. crud. From hearing music: Graphit., Kreosot., Nux vom. Nose. With nosebleed: Nitr. ac. Face. Hides her face and weeps aloud: Staphis. Tearful expression: Phosph. ac.; Stomach. Loss of appetite after weeping: I I Coccul.; after dinner: Magn. mur. Causes pain in cardiac region: Spongia. Abdomen. Over inanimate objects not about living beings, with burning in abdomen: Capsic. With rumbling: Rhus tox. Catamenia. Before and first day, with raving: Lycop.; after, with hiccough and whining: Alum.; whining and sobbing after menses: Stramon. Chest. Inclined to weep, with pain in forehead and constriction of the throat: Laches. Tremulous voice, in mania: Cuprum. Whining and quick breathing: Cuprum; breathing labored and short: Ant. crud. With oppression of chest: Hura; constriction: Tabac. After coughing: Arnic.; children, during nocturnal cough: Sulphur; weeping mood and screaming with the cough: Osmium. Nervous Conditions. Great bodily restlessness: Sulphur. Children with neuralgia: II Chamom.; anxious tossing about in bed: Camphor. With trembling and anxious sweat: Arsen.; with trembling, sighing and prostration: Natr. carb. With hysterics: I Viol. od. Spasmodic: Bellad., Ignat., Laches., Natr. mur.; tendency to start: Hura. With anxiety, in chorea: I Cuprum. Sleep. Weeping in sleep: I Caustic., I I Kali carb., I I Natr. mur., IPulsat.; aloud: Rhus tox.; Thuya. Anxiety: Nux vom.; weeping, incessant; throws herself anxiously about in bed: Camphor. And growling: Lycop.; and howling: Chamom. With moaning and groaning: I I Alum.; moaning and howling: Silic. Wakens: Cina; before midnight: Alum.; towards morning: Kali hydr. With nightly cough and great restlessness: Sulphur. On awaking from sleep: Bellad.; a long time on awaking in the morning: Pulsat.; with sadness when awaking: Carb. an. In the morning in bed, with ill humor: Pulsat.; after a night of anxiety: Spongia; on awaking from a dream, could not stop his tears for fifteen minutes or more, in the morning: Phosphor.; with sadness and involuntary tears, in the morning: Petiv.; with inconsolable grief: Phosphor.; with vexation: Kreosot. Time. Weeping in the morning: Pulsat., Kreosot., Magn. sulph.; morning and evening: Sulphur; in forenoon: Sarsap. Anxious for the future, worse every day at 6 P.M., with sadness, weeping WEEPING, WHINING. 197 does good: Digit.; given to weeping in the evening: Cale. ostr.; with grief: Graphit.; terrified: Carb. an. All night, during the day laughing: Stramon. All day: Bryon., Lycop. For weeks: Alum., Mfezer. Goes in the open air to weep: Hura; worse in-doors, better out-doors: Platin. With heat and anxiety: Spongia; with pains: Nux vom.; distresses herself about a pain till she weeps: Opium. Weeping and Sobbing: Carb. an., Caustic., Conium, Natr. carb.; aloud: Nux vom., Stramon. Weeping and Howling, Crying or Wailing: Acon., Alum., Chamom., Cicut., Coffea, I Lycop., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Opium, Pulsat. And howling, with broken sentences: I IArsen.; with hiding in corners: Camphor.; first over the past, then over future ills: Lycop.; sees everything in a bad light: Natr. carb.; after scolding or reproaches: Nux vorn. Alternating with Laughing: Aurum, I Bellad., II Capsic., Lycop., Nlux vom., I I Platin., I Pulsat., Sepia, Stramon., Sulphur. Spasmodic laughter and weeping: Phosphor. Alternating with queer antics: Cuprum. With irritability aud laughing at trifles: I I Graphit. Children, who are now vexed, then laughing: I I Borax. Fearfulness: Graphit.; anxiousness: Digit.; irritability: Platin. Weeping relieves: I IAnac., Digit., Graphit., Ignat., ILycop., I IMercur., Nitr. ac., I I Phosphor., IPlatin., I I Tabac. Discontented with himself, dissolving into vehement weeping and relieved thereby: Nitr. ac.; deems the world terrible: Phosphor.; woful sadness: Tabac. Oppression of the chest: Anac. MODEL CURES. A simple catarrhal cough with a delicate little girl, a year and a half old, became spasmodic with twitches of the fingers, weeping and screaming, and dryness of the larynx: Osmium.-LIEDBECK. A woman, met. 36, with insanity, has lectrophilie, red burning face, anxiety, hopelessness, despair, continual moaning and screaming without a cause. Does not eat or drink, is sleepless. Brought on by sexual excitement: Veratr.SCHUELER. 198 MIND AND DISPOSITION. CRYING AND SCREAMING. I Acon. Whimpering: Arnic., Phosph. ac.; very loud: Aurum; Aurulm. with timidity: Ipec.; and bending head back: Rheum; head I Bellad. I Borax. and arms in motion: Hyosc.; with quick breathing: Cuprum, Balc. ostr. during sleep in the daytime: Anac.; third hour after midnight: I Canthar. lArsen., Bryon. Carb. an. Castor. Crying and whimpering: Aurum, I Chamom., I I Hyosc., I Ignat., I Caustic. Mercur., Nitr. ac., Nux vom., Veratr. I Chalnom, Cicut. Crying like a child: Cuprum; irresistible desire to cry out: Cinch6. off. Elaps; horrible cries, in mania: Stramon. Coccul. I Coffra. Crying, singing, laughing and speaking: Stramon.; screams, CrocusE. sings and moves hands; shrieks, attempts to escape, mental II Cuprum. Elaps. derangement: Stramon.; children run away, with a violent, fearful Hura. scream: Stramon. I Hyosc. Hyper. In attacks, with anxiety: Cuprum. I Iglnat. Lamentations and melancholy: Stramon. I Jalap. Kali carb. She imagines she sees a dead person, and cries: Hura. II Lycop. Loud shrieks, with an air of affright; body distorted: Mercur. Stramon. Nitr. ac. Nux vom. With high screeching, talked disconnectedly: Stramon. II Opium. Cries with bellyache, pain in limbs, headache, and after the I Phytol, Platin. slightest touch: Cuprum; cries with pain in stomach: Phytol. Pulsat. Screaming about growling in abdomen from living animals: Ran. scel. Rhus tox. Stramon. I Setneg. Shrill cries, with catamenia: Cuprum. Snilic. Shrieked violently during fits, voice hoarse: Stramon. II Stramon. Would like to scream, but could not on account of phlegm: I Veratr. Stramon. With spasms in the chest interrupting breathing, loud crying or whimpering: Stramon.; difficult breathing, with screams: Eyose. Screams after stinging pain in pit of stomach: Ouprum; had to cry loud, several violent stitches in region of heart: Rhus tox. Child screams day and night, whooping cough: Stramon. With spasms, periodical: I! Cuprum. Screaming and howling all night; uttering crowing screams, tossing about in bed; scream interrupts sleep: Stramon. Crying, with fever heat and sweat: I Bellad. II, 1 I I Chamom. I, I Cuprunmi, I I Lycop. I, I I Opiumll, I I Platin. I I, IStramon. I; with the heat alone: I IAcon., I Bryon., I Capsic., I I Coffea, I Ipec., I Pulsat., I Veratr.; with the sweat alone: I Arnie., I Cale. ostr.; I Camphor., I Phosphor., I I Rheum. Utters a sharp cry now and then, especially when shaken: Stramon. IN AND EXHALATION-SHORT BREATHING. 199 IN AND EXHALATION. During a sort of asthma, with precordial anxiety hindering inhalation:'errum. With every inhalation a stitch in heart, with anxiety: Plumbum. Pain in the epigastrium, worse when inhaling, with anxiety in the chest: Moschus; anxious constriction and oppression of chest, most when inhaling; anxious and trembling palpitation: I I Cale. ostr. Slow and very difficult inhalation; exhalation relieving: Staphis. Able to inspire but not to expire, with anguish; infants awaking at night with it: Sambuc.; quick palpitation, with anxiousness after exhalation: Aurum; sighing exhalation lessens anxiousness in chest: Cinch. off.; with every exhalation a moan: Bellad. NOTE.-Dogs when getting mad have a peculiar bark ending in a howl; the same was observed after dogs had been bitten by rattlesnakes. SHORT BREATHING. Short and anxious: Nux vom.; with trembling: Opium, and depression: Laches., and restlessness: Prun. spin. With great expansion of chest: Opium. Short and labored with sorrowful humor: Ant. crud.; with abdominal anxiousness in the morning: Bryon. In all positions: Arsen. In the evening until he can succeed in getting a long breath, which relieves: Stannum. With crawling and thirst: Capsic.; with fever heat, could not cough: Acon.; with burning heat and starting in sleep: Lycop.; anxiety with profuse sweat: Mangan. Breathing labored and short, sorrowful humor: Ant. crud. With painful distension of the abdomen, anxious breathing, has to loosen the clothes; eructation, rumbling, difficult passage of loud flatus and chilliness, with yawning: Mezer. Short breath, with anxiousness: Bellad. Quick Breathing. With anxiety: Seneg., Squilla. Attempting to exercise the mental faculties increases the depression and occasions rapid respiration with a feeling of great anxiety: Plant. maj. Rapid, audible breathing and palpitation, with anxiety and peevishness: Veratr. Respiration 140 in a minute, excitement: Stramon. On awakening has to sit up and breathe quickly, as if suffocating, with weeping: Sambue.; - and whining: Cuprum; - fretfulness: Veratr. Anxious, wave-like sensation coming up from the abdomen, causing quick breathing: Rhodod. 200 MIND AND DISPOSITION. SLOW, LABORED, PANTING BREATHING. Slow, with depressed spirits and slow pulse: Secal.; - cannot be urged to speak: Ignat.; laborious, with snoring, rattling and loss of senses: Morphin.; stertorous, - and dull-minded: Opium; snoring and blue face: Opium, and wheezing: Sambuc. Panting and anxious: Camphor., Plumbum; - dislike to business; irresolution; beside himself: Pulsat.; gasping and inconsolable: Pulsat. DEEP INHALATION. Inclined to take a long breath, with depression and sadness: Al. p. s. As if the thorax could not be expanded, with inward restlessness and palpitation: Aeon. With dullness in head and shuddering: Sepia; with anxiousness: Capsic. From restlessness; sighing exhalation which relieves: Cinch. off. A deep inhalation relieves shortness of breath and anxiety: Stannum; better from deep breathing, anxiety, with weight in breast: Rhus tox.; breathes with difficulty, sometimes very deeply: Rhus tox. With fearfulness and inner heat: Phosph. ac. After stitches in chest thinks it impossible to cough or take a deep breath: Psorin. Fearfulness, anxiety and pressure in the epigastrium, worse after deep inhalation Natr. mur. Breathing causes a pain in the liver, also worse from touch, with the greatest ill humor and white stools: Cale. ostr. With mania after fright and mortification: Opium. Deep, slow breathing and aversion to talk: Ignat. Constriction of chest and anxious feeling in throat; has to take a deep breath: Cannab. Better from deep inhalations: Cinch. off., Rhus tox., Sepia, IStannum. MODEL CURE. Since a great fright asthmatic attacks after mental emotions or lifting arms over head, every day during catamenia; at all times short breathing, has to take a deep breath, walking fast or going up stairs makes her breathing short; clothing oppressive over the pit of stomach. During the attack she has to lie down; begins with hiccoughing, draws chest together, cannot speak a word, cannot get a single good breath; respiration incredibly short, sometimes with a gasping sound, chest does not move, convulsive motions of the muscles; face red, puffed, covered with hot sweat; mesmeric application of the hand on the pit of stomach shortens the attack, great exhaustion remaining: Cuprum. —W. GROss. IMPEDED BREATHING WITH ANXIETY AND CONCOMITANTS. 201 IMPEDED BREATHING, WITH ANXIETY AND OTHER CONCOMITANTS. II Aecon. Mind. Sadness: Tabac.; melancholy all day: Lauroc.; Aethus. I Agar. apprehension: I I Tabac.; impatience: Cinch. off.; fretfulness: IIAloes. nSpongia; relieved by weeping: Tabac.; much disposed to Alum. Al. p. s. weep: Thuya; spasmodic crying: Thuya; obtuse mind: II Arm. carb. Opium; forgetfulness: Guarcea. Amm. gumnr. Headache: Arnic.; violent pressing together in occiput: II Anac. I I Arnica. Nitrum. II Arsen. Eyes. Fear of the slightest darkness, it suffocates her: I Ars. hydr. Asaf. Aether; involuntary shutting of eyes (spasmodically), tears Belladur. bursting out: Spongia; eyes broken, full of water: Opium. I Bellad. I I Borax. Nose. Stopped up, can only breathe with mouth open: I IBromum. Calc ostr. Amm. carb. II Cale. ostr. I Calc. phosph. Throat. Spasmodic constriction: Sarsap.; impeded swalI Carb. veg. Chelid. lowing: Nitrum; oppressed breathing as from stomach upI Cimexocu. ward into throat, anxiety, restlessness, bad conscience, or as I Crot. tigl. if something was going to happen: Ignat.; anxious soreness, Gelsprm. particularly at night: Zincum; attacks of anxiety: Spongia. Ginseng. Thirst. For water: Thuya. I Hepar s. c. Greatest aversion to fluids: Mercur. I Ignat. I Ipec. After eating, dysphagia: Mere. subl.; gagging: Laches. Jatroph, II Jodum. Scrobiculum. Anxiety: Ferrum, Stramon.; pressure: II Lact. vir. Natr. mur.; deep in: Rhodod., Sumbul; often repeated: I I Lauroc. Lycop. CGuaiac.; spasmodic throbbing: Chelid.; sudden drawing Mezercur. together: Sulph. ac.; swollen: Carb. an.; the same in region Mygale. of stomach: Guaiac. Natr. mour. Natrum. Hypochondria. Drawing and dull stitches along the I Nitr. ac. cartilages of the short ribs: Rhodod. t I Nux vom. O1. anitm. Abdomen. With pain in lower part of abdomen: Arnie. hellanium. Caused by incarcerated wind: Carb. veg. Phelland. Phosphor. Griping, as if the intestines were tied up in a knot: Spigel. Phosph. ac. Great distention of abdomen felt in the throat: Magn. mur. Platin. I I Plumbum. Difficult passage of loud flatus: Mezer.; emission of flatus Pulsatri. relieves: Spigel. Plulsat. Ran bulb. Cough. Violent, difficult expectoration: CGarb. an. I RhLus tox. Ruta. Chest. With insupportable sore feeling, causing spasI Seileg. modic fits of weeping and screaming, returning daily from 4 to II Spigel. 5 P.M.: Thuya; with pain in the chest: Guaraca. I Spongia. And restlessness, spasmodic sensation of fulness: Gelsem. stannum. Pressure: Sulphur; with fearfulness: Calc. phosph.; lightStramon. Sulphur. ness, with pressure and anxiety: Laches. Tabac. Heavy and full feeling, as if the chest could not be exThuya. IIVeratr. panded: Acon.; as from a weight on the chest: Aethus. 202 MIND AND DISPOSITION. With a feeling as if the chest expanded: Stannum; commotion of the chest: Arsen.; with constant nausea: Laches. With throbbing in the lower right chest: Phosphor.; with sensation of warmth in the chest: 01. anim. Palpitation: Aeon., Cannab. Oppression of breath and palpitation from anxiety: Platin.; when going up stairs: Nitr. ac. Attack in the night, as if she must die, audible beating of the heart, cold sweat and involuntary weeping: Amm. carb. With fear of death and losing consciousness, trembling of limbs: Platin. When taking a deep breath or holding it: Spigel. As if the chest was too narrow, anxious and trembling beat: Cale. ostr. Heart. With a drawing under left breast: Nux vom. Cannot stay in bed, sensation as if heart was being squeezed off, objects around her seem to grow narrower and smaller, horrible visions in the dark: Carb. veg. From pressure in the region of the heart: Bellad. With dull stitches and pressure, relieved by motion: Pulsat.; with a stitch when inhaling, and rush of blood to the face: Plumbum. Terrible anguish like death agony, great restlessness, ebullition, sensation as if suffocating: Thuya. With sudden weakness, nausea, pallor, spasmodic closure of the eyelids through which tears force their way, will has no power over the muscles: Spongia. Pulse. Accelerated, small and rapid: Indium suliph.; now slow, then fast: Rhus tox.; weak, scarcely perceptible: Cinch. off. Outer Chest. With external pressure on sternum, worse when sitting bent: Cinch. off.; sweat: Nlitr. ac., Cina. Neck. Pain as if drawn by the hair, extends to shoulders: Nitrum. Back. Sweat: tYitr. ac. Upper Limbs. Trembling of arms and hands: Opium. Motion, Rest and Position. Almost to suffocation when moving: Cable. ostr. The chest is pressed together all around when sitting, moving or standing, a very unpleasant anxious feeling: Menyanth. As if tightly laced, worse from walking: Ferrum; in the forenoon when standing: Nitrum. And constriction when walking a little too fast: Nitr. ae. As from fear when fatigued: Arsen. Tightness when standing, with sweat on the chest: Cina. A stitch between the shoulder-blades, worse while sitting: Kali carb. Constriction, with restlessness, better from exhaling, worse when sitting, better when walking: Staphis.; cannot get breath while sitting, fear: Aloes. Loses breath when climbing, gets anxious: Aloes, Arsen. Sleep. With inclination to take a deep breath and yawning: Lact. vir.; starts from sleep and calls for help: Hepar s. c. IMPEDED BREATHING WITH ANXIETY AND CONCOMITANTS. 203 Wakes at 12 o'clock, has to take frequent deep respirations: Ignat.; after midnight, with anxiety: Cale. ostr.; with suffocative feeling, cannot breathe through the nose, pain in the chest: Atom. carb.; with constriction, has to sit up: Lact. vir.; with coldness: Carb. an. Starts from sleep, with suffocative attack and trembling: Sambuc. When waking in the night or in the morning anxiety, constriction and sweat: Alum. Times of Day. Early in bed: Natr. carb.; in the morning: Carb. an., Pulsat.; 11 A.M. till 4 P.M.: Nitrum; 4 to 5 P.M. every day: Thuya; afternoon and evening: Sulphur; evening: I IArsen., Phosphor., Stannum; evening in bed: Borax; in the evening constriction, with restlessness: Arsen. Out-doors. Has to leave the room and go into the air: Lauroc. NOTE.-Anxiety and impeded breathing have no doubt been observed very often to drive out-doors, but it is neither mentioned in Materia Medica as appearing together, nor among the cures. This shows the importance of keeping all account of such cases, if any should be observed. Heat, Sweat. Constriction, with inward anxiety and heat: Anac. Attack of heat, with anxiety, as if the walls of the chest were pressed together: Mercur.; as if the chest was too narrow, with inward heat: Phosph. ac. With warm sweat on the forehead: Aeon. Gradually increasing until sweat breaks out all over body: N2ux vom. Sweat after lying down, which relieves: Sulphur. Tissues. In rheumatic fevers: Laches. Difficult Breathing. With anxiety: Aeon., lI Arsen., Iodium, Mygale, Opium, Plumbum, Rhus tox., I I Spongia, Stramon., and constriction in chest: Spigel.; with fulness of it: Crot. tigl.; wakes with feeling of a load on it: Phosphor.; difficult and short, overcome by feelings to tears: Ant. crud. Sensation of anxiousness in the chest: Bromum; around pit of stomach: Cuprum; with restlessness: Asaf., Prun. spin., Rhus tox.; with oppression and anguish: Arsen., Asaf., Graphit., Platin.; with anticipation of death: I I Lobel. infi.; with apprehensiveness: Rhus tox.; from a distressing sensation in belly, with complaining mood: Arsen.; with expression of the deepest terror: Gelsem.; with fear of death: Lobel. infl.; despair: Cuprum; great alarm: Spongia; uneasy mind: Rhus tox. With difficult comprehension: Phosphor.; dullness: Kalmia. Sluggishness of mind and body: Sepia; dyspncea, senses leave him: Camphor. Mania: Bellad., Mercur., Stramon.; in delirium: Hyose. With cold face and hands and drops ef sweat: Opium. With great thirst: Bellad., Cuprum, I I Thuya. Worse when sitting idle: Bellad.; when walking and speaking: Ferrum; with bellyache and anxiousness: Bryon.; after stools colored by blood: Kali earb. NoTE.-Oppression and constriction. See further on under "Chest." 204 MIND AND DISPOSITION. THREATENING SUFFOCATION. Anxiety. Takes the breath away: larsen., Lauroc., IPhosphor., 1?hus tox., Ruta; in the highest degree: I Veratr.; as if in danger of suffocating: Aeon.; Agar.; with a slow, difficult breathing, cannot inhale air enough, is afraid of suffocating: Mezer.; children with asthma: Sulphur, and chest as if too narrow, as if she could not get a breath: Rhus tox. Choking Sensation, with fear of death: Apis; as if every breath was his last: Oleand.; as if dying, breath interrupted: Ruta; with great restlessness: Gelsem.; distraction of mind: Camphor.; frequent spells in mania: Stramon.; - in throat and out of spirits: lodium; fretful and anxious: Spongia; with fright: Sambuc.; something warm rises in throat, shuts off the breath, remaining in windpipe: Cannab.; with anguish of heart: Thuya. After eating, with a sensation of dysphagia, fear of suffocating: Mere. subl.; from pain in pit of throat, with distress: Aeon.; with palpitation and flying heat: Cannab. Interrupted breathing from an unbearable anxiety, an annoying sensation in abdomen; complaining bitterly: Arsen.; has to bend double and constantly change his position: lArsen. Wakening from a slumber, in.which eyes and mouth had been open; could not get his breath, had to sit up, breathing then very rapid, with a whistling, as if he would suffocate, throwing about his hands, face and hands turned bluish and puffed up; body hot, without thirst; all such attacks without any cough: worst from 12 to 4 A.M., and when awake weeping before attack: Sambuc. Suffocating jerks waking every few minutes from sleep, in hydrothorax: ILact. vir.; starts, from below up as soon as he falls asleep, with cerebro-spinal meningitis, after a sun stroke in the nape of neck: UBellad. Gasping for air after a screaming spell: Hyper. After Emotions and Exertion. With sadness: Laches.; hypochondric mood: Lobel. infl., Sepia; fear of death, as if he could not take another breath: Apis. Dyspnoea after vexation: Arsen., Chamom., Cuprum; with icy coldness: Thuya. Children extremely obstinate, throw themselves angrily on the floor when in the least opposed, and cannot get their breath; Thuya. With downheartedness: Pulsat.; indolence: Pulsat.; mental inquietude: Ambra, Hepar, Prun. spin., Pulsat.; insanity: Hyosc., Mercur. Talking, reading or writing improves constriction of chest: Ferrum. When thinking, anxious breathing: Phosphor.; slow breathing during reflection: Rhus tox. Asthma caused by mental emotion: Cuprum, Sepia. Loses breath when thinkingof old evils: Sepia. MODEL CURE. Fears he will be impelled to destroy his life, with asthma, midnight till morning, has to leave the bed. Eight successive nights: Arsen.2m. One dose cured.-L. WHITING. COUGH AND MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 205 COUGH AND MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. Pleasurable Feelings. Contented and cheerful in the morning: Zincum. Cheerfulness: Carb. an., Cuprum,.Ferrum, Verbase.; gaiety: Carb. an., Cuprum, Ferrum, Verbasc. Painful Feelings. Gloominess: Bromum; sorrow: Ignat., Staphis.; sadness: Ferrum, Mezer., Natr. mur.; in the evening: Zincum. With whooping cough; oversensitiveness of all senses: Cuprum. Dejection: Anac., Baryt., Caustic., Sepia; depression: Bromum, Cuprum, Jodum; melancholy: Caustic., Cepa, Digit, Jodum; hopelessness: Arsen., Carb. veg., Stannumr, - of recovery: Acon., Bryon., Silie. It Acon. Anxiety, Anguish and the Like. Apprehensions: I I Anaca. Caustic., Hyosc., Kali earb. II Arnica. II Arsen. Before attack of whooping cough, anxious: Cuprum. Belladryt. Anxiohs sweat drives out of bed: Silic.; anxiety of pregnant Bryon. women: Conium; fear of fainting: Spigel. II Carb. veg. II Caustic. Full of care about household concerns: Pulsat.; concern about II Cina. his health: Sepia; about the future: Natr. mur. II Cinch, off. I Chamom. Dread of strangers: Baryt.; of men: Baryt., Ignat., Lycop., I Conium. Stannum.; of ghosts: Droser.; of death: Aeon., Anac., Arsen., II Cuprum. I I Digit. Bryon., Moschus, Nitr. ac., Pulsat., Squilla. I Droser. Pangs of conscience: Ferrum. II Ferrum. I Hepar s. c. Anguish in the chest: Phosphor.; in evenings: Carb. veg. I Hyosc. Whooping cough, with fear and terror: Spongia. I I Jodum. Premonition of death: Aeon. II Ipec. I Kali carb. Seems to be beside himself: Droser. 1 I Laches. Disposition to despise: Arsen., Ipec. II Lauroc. II Lycop. Despair: Arsen., Bryon., Carb. veg., Silic., Stannum.; of reI I Maagn. carb. I Magn. carb. covery: Aeon., Bryon., Silic. I Mercur. Grief: Ignat., Lycop., Phosph. ac.; weariness of life: Silic. I I MXezer. Mental Feelings. Earnestness: Ambra; seriousness, averM 1oschus. II I ur. ac. sion to laughing: Ambra; indifference: Cinch. off., Conium, Phosph. Natr. mur. II Nitr. ac. ac.; complete apathy: Cinch. off. I Nux vom. Feelings and Conations. Sensibility: Lycop.; gentleII Phosphor. I Pulsat. ness; yielding disposition: Pulsat.; irresolution, cowardice: I ISabad..Baryt.; captiousness: Staphis. II Sambuc. Despondency: Anac., Baryt., Caustic., Sepia; faint-heartedII Seneg. ness: Baryt., Silic.; fearfulness: Aeon., Cale. ostr., Kali carb., I Sepia. I Silic. Sambuc., at noise: Sabad. I ISpigeli. Timidity: Baryt., Chamom., Conium, Droser., Hyosc., Kali II Spongia. I Squilla. carb., Magn. mur., Mercur., Moschus, Phosphor., Pulsat., Sabad., II Stannum. II Stramon. Scilla, Silie.; of pregnant women: Conium; during a thunder I I Veratr. storm: Glonoin., Phosphor. With a dry cough and evening fever, he worries his family with his bad humor: IPsorin. Aversion to business; ill humor: Silic.; captiousness: Staphis. 206 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Moroseness: Bellad., Ipec., Kreosot., Nux vom., Sepia, Stannum, Verbasc.; in the evening: Zincum. Obstinacy (especially in children): Bellad., Calc. ostr., Droser., Mercur., Nitr. ac., Silic., I ISpongia. Irascibility: Anac., Baryt., Caustic., Ledurn, Nux vom., Phosphor. Fault-finding disposition: Arsen., Ipec. Quarrelsomeness: Arnic., Caustic., fyosc.; peevishness, with indignation: Staphis.; fretfulness: Bellad., Bryon., Carb. veg., Chamom., Kali carb., Kreosot., Nlatr. mur., Nitr. ac., Staphis., Sulphur, Veratr., Verbasc.; impatience: Dulcam., Ipec., Mercur., Sulph. ac. From being vexed: Ant. tart., Chamom., Asar. Irritated condition: Cinch. off., Hepar, Ipec., Kali carb., Lyeop.; irritability: Bryon., Cinch. off., Kali carb., Natr. mur., Nux vom., Phosphor., Seneg., Sulphur. Irritability under insults: Seneg.; resentment long after insult: Nitr. ac. Vehemence: Bryon., Carb. veg., Ledum, Nux vonm. If children get angry the coughing spell comes: Ant. tart. Hatred of men: Baryt., Ignat., Ledum, Lycop., Stannum. Joy at the misfortune of others: Arsen.; spitefulness: Aeon., Anac. Lack of moral feeling: Anac.; delight in mischief: Arsen. insatiability: Pulsat. Conations. Loquacity: Byosc., Stramon.; laughing: lyosc.; humming and singing: Spongia. Cough from weeping: Ant. tart., Arnie., Bellad., Chamom., Droser., LHepar, Lycop., Phosphor., Veratr. Whooping cough, commencing with crying and tears, and then the paroxysms come on: Arnic. Disposition to weep: Ant. tart., Arnie., Baryt., Bellad., Gale. ostr., Carb. an., Caustic., Chamom., Coniurm, Digit., Hepar, Ignat., Lycop., Magn. mur., Mezer., Natr. rnur., Osmium, Phosph. ac., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Spongia, Sulph. ac. Weeping: Arnie., Arsen., Bellad., Cina, Hepar, Lycop., Sambuc., Silic., Sulphur, Veratr. During nocturnal cough, weeping, with restlessness: Sulphur. Whooping cough with weeping: Spongia; whining: Arsen., Cina; complaining: Laches.; lamentations: Aeon., Arnie., Bromum. Crying out: Ant. tart., Arnic., Bellad., Chamom., Cinchon., Ipec., Osmium, Phosph. ac., Sambuc., Sepia, Veratr.; about bellyache before the cough begins: Phosph. ac. Cough, with weeping mood and screaming: Osmium. Yawning and screaming: Opium. Howling: Aeon., Arnic., Bellad., Bromum, Chamom., Ipec., Stannum. Striking about one: Stramon. Hastiness: Hepar s. c., Sulphur; of speech: Hepar. Disposition to escape: Hyosc. Will always be alone: Baryt., Ignat., Lycop., Stannum. Solicitude: Ignat., Staphis. Aversion to laughing: Ambra. MENTAL CAUSES AND CONDITIONS. 207 Introverted condition: Euphras., Ignat., Lycop., Mur. ac. Unwilling to be alone: Arsen., Droser., Mezer., Stramon., Verbasc. Cannot bear being spoken to: Natr. mur., Silic.; will not answer: Ambra, Arnic., Euphras., Phosph. ac., Veratr.; taciturnity: Ambra, Arnic., Euphras., Phosph. ac., Veratr. Indisposition to play: Baryt.; aversion to work: Ignat., Squilla. Keeping bed without necessity (lectrophilie): Al. p. s. Exaltations. Intolerance of music: Chamom., Phosph. ac. Excitability: Bryon., Cinch. off., Kali carb., Natr. mur., Nux vom., Phosphor., Seneg., Sulphur.; excitability under insults: Seneg.; excitement and anguish, with blood spitting: Aeon. Alternating states of mind: Carb. an., Cuprum, Digit., Ferrum, Ignat., Sabad., Sulph. ac., Verbase., Zincum; changeable before cough, merry and gloomy: Ferrum; alternating states of mind every other evening: Ferrum. Restlessness: Aeon., Arnie., Arsen., Bellad., Chamom., Dulcam., Laches., Lau'roc., Mercur., Nux vom., Rhus tox., Sabad., Sambue., Stramon., Sulphur, Sulph. ac.; with tossing in bed: Aeon., Chamom., Cina, Ferrum, Mercur.; with screaming and groaning: Bromum. Terror: Aeon., Cale. ostr., Kali carb., Sabad., Sambue.; at noise: Sabad. Full of projects: Cinch. off. Cough, with tough mucus, delirium: Veratr. Coughing phlegm up, with gagging and retching, in mania: Bellad. Delirious talk, memory stronger: Bellad. Claps her hands together above her head: Bellad.; and sings: Veratr. Insanity: Arnic., Bellad., Digit., Stramon., Veratr. Rage after insult: Seneg., Stramon. MENTAL CAUSES AND CONDITIONS. Hemorrhage of the lungs after excitement: Aeon., Opium. Emotions. Grief: Ignat.; indignation: Arnic., Ignat., Staphis.; after fright: Aeon., Ignat., Stramon. From anger: Aeon., Arsen., Bryon., Chamom., Cinch. off., Ignat., Nux vom., Sepia, Staphis., Veratr.; with fright: Aeon., Ignat. Cough from laughing: Argent., Bryon., Cinch. off., Cuprum, Droser, Kali carb., Mur. ac., N~itr. ac., Phosphor., Stannum, Zincum. Screaming, vexation and tossing about, with children: Arnie. Consoling words displease, and excite cough: Arsen. Mental excitement is followed by stitches in the throat, producing a cough: CGist. can. Emotions increase coughing: Laches.; thinking of his cough increases it: Baryt., iVux vom.; brings it on: Baryt., Ox. ac. Mental agitation increases the cough: Cist. can.; excitement: Digit. Cough increased by every excitement: I ISpongia. From reading and thinking: Nux vom. 208 MIND AND DISPOSITION. PECTORAL ANXIETY. Aeon., Agar., Aurum, Cale. ostr., Lauroc., I Lycop., M2ercur., I Mezer., I Natr. tmur., I Nux vom., Phosph. aec.,.Plumbum, I Sulphur. See pp. 83, 84. In left side of chest: Seneg.; with fulness: Mere. per.; with a throbbing in lower right side: Phosphor. Under the sternum: Anac., Mercur. Rising from chest to head: Aeon.; from abdomen to chest: Bryon. Without suffering any pain, it is as if he could not remain in the room, had to go in the open air, and be very active there: Anac. With vertigo, fainting and cold sweat: Ignat. With pain in left occiput and neck: Kali earb. With stoppage of nose: Cale. ostr. With nausea: Arnie. With pressure in left hypochondriac region and nausea in the chest: Rhus tox. With dyspncea: Arsen., Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Valer.; after eating: Carb. an.; with inhalation: Cale. ostr.; short breath: Bryon. With fulness of chest: Capsic.; has to take a deep breath: Mereur.; is worse after it: Natr. mur.; could not inhale deeply: Tabac.; feels as if suffocating: Kali earb. Heart trembles: Cale. ostr.; pulse more frequent: Pulsat. Worse from exercise, has to lie down: Ferrum; worse when resting: Seneg. Getting better in the evening: Zincumn, worse: Kali earb., Phosphor.; worse in the morning: Bryon., Carb. an., Pulsat.; after breakfast: Valer.; forenoon: 01. anitn.; with a cold chill: 01. anim.; anxiety in attacks: Platin. MODEL CURE. A young blooming woman became, as often before, a violent attack of acute rheumatism. She was left with valvular troubles already after previous attacks. After metastasis of swelling to different joints the pains now principally affect the right wrist and shoulder; the index finger is considerably swollen. Stiffness particularly in the neck. Moaning and complaining about the pains; hopeless and despairing; gets but little sleep, which is broken by whimpering. With the attacks there is oppression and dyspncea, with violent palpitation and inexpressible anxiety. Aeon. relieved, but the spells returned. Before going to sleep she had a crawling and stinging sensation in the side of the throat. Soon after olfaction of Laches.30 more quiet and improved. This was followed by an itching eruption on the left mammse. Later there came a pain as if all the tendons were contracted. Caustie. completed the cure; she had no return of rheumatism after 1835.-C. HG. A boy, set. 9, after scarlet fever, during desquamation, sudden agony, has to sit straight up, can hardly breathe, pulse thread-like, vomituritio, sweats with anxiety; abdomen and particularly under the short ribs swollen: Aeon. tinct., in water.-W. WILLIAMSON. CONSTRICTION AND OPPRESSION, WITH ANXIETY. 209 CONSTRICTION AND OPPRESSION, WITH ANXIETY. Aeon. Oppression, with anxiety: Aloes, Cimex, Jodum, Ox. ac., Aloes. Alum. Phosphor., Psorin.; beginning in right side of chest: Acon. Amm. gumm. Chest constricted, with anxiety: Alum., Aurum, Jatroph., Anac. Opium, Psorin., Sulphur, Veratr.; with a sensation as if the I I Arnica. Arsen. throat was swollen: Glonoin.; with agony: Ox. ac.; with bad Ars. hydr. humor: Cuprum. Ars. jod. Asaf. Oppression, with anxious breathing: Nitr. ac.; increasing Auruml. ot. to fear: Asaf.; with anxiety: Guarcea, Phelland., Phosph. ac., Cimex. Tabac.; anguish: Ars. jod., Jodum; with restlessness, bad conCrot. tigl. Cuprotum. science and apprehension: gnat. Ginseng. Anxious and heavy: Phosphor.; oppression like a stone: Glonoin. Guarvea. Al. p. s.; with forgetfulness and painful chest: Guarcea. Ignat. After dinner: Phosphor., one-half hour after: Phelland.; Jatroph. Jodum. and quick pulse: Natr. mur. ]IKancIl carb. I VWith headache and colic: Arnie.; with a warm rising from Lycop. Mercur. pit of stomach to pit of throat: Platin.; a warm rising toINitr.umac. wards the heart: Ant. tart.; from pit Qf stomach upwards: Nux vom. Ferrum. Opium. Ox.piu. Crampy contraction: Kali carb.; and fear of suffocation, Phelland. alternating with a cramp-like drawing in occiput and neck, has II Phosphor. Phosph. ac. to bend the head backwards, has to scream: Nitrum. Platsin. In the night, with spasms of the chest, rising up from the Spigel. small of the back into the region of the stomach and into chest I Sulphur. (in childbed): Lycop. Veratr. Short breath, worse while sitting: Cale. ostr. With fever heat: Arnie. With other Mental Concomitants. Constriction, with apprehension: Phelland., Phosph. ac. Oppression and apprehensiveness: Tabac. Chest as if screwed together, with great fear: Glonoin. Contraction of chest, with bad humor: Cuprum. Oppressive feeling in chest, out of humor: Sabin.; and restless: Ambra, Asaf., Psorin., Veratr.; driving from place to place: Staphis. Chest constricted, weeping: zHura, Tabac.; restlessness: Ambra. Constriction, with delirium: Bellad. Constriction, with forgetfulness: Guarcea. PAIN IN CHEST WITH ANXIETY. Painful anxiety of chest: Arnie., Hydr. ac., Lauroc., Morph. ac., Rhus tox.; which affects the whole body: Natr. carb.; pressure in pit of stomach: Natr. mur.; constriction there: Arsen. 14 210 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Pain in chest, has to scream: Kali carb.; with the greatest anxiety, in spells: IPsorin. Pressure on chest, with anxiety: Arnic., Cale. ostr., Capsic., Hyper., Sulphur. Pressure on right side of chest, causing anxiety: Aurum, Bellad.; near the ensiform cartilage and last true rib, with anxiety and oppression: Hyosc.; in the lower part of right chest, with anxiety and shortness of breath when going up stairs: Hyosc.; in left chest, in front: Seneg. Pressing drawing pain across lower portion of chest while sitting, causing anxiety: Cinch. off. Cutting pressure from within out in the chest, with anxiety: Angust. Pressure and constriction in chest felt all over, with anxiety: ISulphur. With earache and deafness: Aloes. OTHER SENSATIONS IN CHEST, WITH ANXIETY. Fulness: Lact. vir., Carb. veg.; heaviness: Arnic., Laches., Phosphor., Prun. spin.; as if compressed: Phosphor. Tension and dullness in the left side of chest, with little jerks, palpitation and anxiety: Cannab. Pressure and tension: Ledum; drawing pain: Arnic. Cutting constriction: Spigel.; in the evening: Stannum; with restlessness: Seneg. Cramp-like pain in the chest, with anxiety, wakens at night: Sepia. Fine stitches in side of chest; anguish: Aeon.; stinging, with vexation: Aeon. Stitches as from a knife, in front into left chest and into back, in the night with great restlessness and tossing about: Caustic.; stitches in left side: Phosphor.; under the arm to epigastrium: Caustic.; stitches in chest cause anxious breathing: Bryon. Throbbing in chest and epigastric region: Aeon., Conium, Ferr. ac., Phosphor.; pulsation in chest, in different places: Alum. Dull pulsations up the back, between the shoulder-blades, in rhythm with the heart-beats: Cale. ostr. Ebullition causing anxiety: Nux vom.; anxious heat: Bellad.; ascending to the mouth, with restlessness and sleeplessness: Nux vom. Blood seems to boil in his chest: Anac. Burning, with dullness in head, as if he did not know where he is: Chamom.; with melancholy, weeping mood: Hyper. Weakness in the chest: Stannum. Chest as if wider, with sharp anxiety and palpitation: Stannum. Emptiness, expansion: Guarcea. Heat in stomach and chest: Phosphor.; warm ebullition: Carb. veg., Nux vom.; ebullition, with anxious dreams, screaming: Pulsat.; from the epigastrium to throat-pit: Platin. SENSATIONS IN CHEST, WITH OTHER MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 211 SENSATIONS IN CHEST, WITH OTHER MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Apprehensive sensation: Glonoin. With pain in chest, hopeless, despairing: Ant. tart. Restlessness and melancholy, with pain in side: Kali bichr. Forgetfulness: Guarcea. A peculiarly agreeable feeling of cheerfulness, with fulness: Cinnab. Rush of blood to chest, congestion with every emotion, cramp-like contraction between the shoulder-blades: Phosphor. Pain over the whole anterior wall of the chest, with marked hyperaesthesia, relieved by heat; extending next day to infrascapular spaces; imagines what is effected with regard to any object, is done in the same way to herself: Amyl. nitr. Very disagreeable sensation of heat in chest, when walking out-doors: Rhus tox. Congestion with excitement: Asaf.; with foreboding: Anac.; oppression and fulness: Carb. veg.; very much oppressed and heavy, like a stone on the chest: sadness: Al. p. s. After dinner a feeling of great roughness on the chest, with a pressure in pit of stomach which makes him ill humored: Natr. earb. Heavy feeling and trembling after starting up from half-slumber: Strontian. Oppression and heaviness, with a feeling as if a voice within cried, "Woe! woe:" Thuya. Tightness of chest, peevish about everything: Chamom. Twisting or stitching pain as from a sharp instrument, in his chest, causing screams at night: JHura. Speechlessness, with throbbing in the chest and an indescribable bad feeling: Mancin. Restlessness and pulsation in the chest: Bellad. Dull stitches in the left side of chest and abdomen, causing screams: Chamnom., Ratanh. Inward trembling or shuddering in the chest, makes her irritable: Natr. sulph. Burning and soreness rising from pit of stomach behind the sternum to the roof of the mouth, with great restlessness: Mancin. Inward emptiness and cold sensation around the heart, with sadness: Graphit. Chest-affection, with melancholy and weak feeling in head: Hyper. Stitches in side of chest, morose: Aeon. With every breath stinging from the lowest rib on the right side to the point of the shoulder-blade, with complaining, weeping mood: Aeon. Stitches through the chest with moaning: Psorin.; through the side like knives, with loud moaning: Conium. Fleeting stitches in the right side of chest, causing him to scream: Baryt. Continued stitches in the left chest, causing screams, relieved by inhaling: Sulphur. 212 MIND AND DISPOSITION. A violent stitch in the right side of chest, causing him to scream out: Lauroc. Stitches in the side, outcries before or after, interrupting sleep: Cuprurm. With vexatious stitching in upper part of breast, loss of appetite and headache, feels every step in the head: Natr. mur. Sudden stitches and burning deep in the left side of the chest, frightening her: Baryt.; acute stitches in front of left chest, startling her: Graphit. Violent stitch under left ribs at dinner, has to scream: Ratanh. Startling stitches in the chest: Sulphur. Diseases. Catarrh, with melancholy: Cepa; weary of life: Phosphor.; ill humor: Merour.; despair: Psorin.; irritability: Lycop.; whimpering: Arsen.; confused mind: Arsen. Pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases, with great anxiety and restlessness, tossing about: Arsen.; delirium: Bellad.; with bellowing: Cuprum; with restlessness: Hyosc.; muttering, with loss of consciousness: Sulphur; with circumscribed redness of cheeks: Lachnanth.; greatest agony: Hyose.; after pneumonia, sort of stupor; piercing, shrill screaming "my baby:" Apis. Chronic laryngitis. Irritable, anxious, restless, loquacious: Arsen.; torpid, aversion to motion; indifferent, taciturn: Kali bichr. Diaphragmitis. Anxious impatience: Aeon.; anxious, with short breathing, loud complaining: Chamom. Chest symptoms, in mania: Veratr. Hydro-thorax. Calm: Turpeth.; slow comprehension, slow at answering questions: Helleb. Emphysema. Agonizing dyspnoea, could not lie in a recumbent position: Hepar. Tuberculosis. Every little emotion flushes the face: Ferrum; easily frightened: Kali carb.; easily affected, anxious despairing: Mere. subl., Stannuvn. Mental symptoms of bluest remorse: Natr. ars. Crossness, ill humor, desire to injure or kill: Arsen.; opposite condition: Digit. Chest complaints of children, with anxiety: Calc. phosph. MODEL CURES. A young'man has cramp-like pain in the chest; comes in stormy, cloudy weather, when walking fast, from warm, tight clothing, change of temperature, and violent laughing; has to stand still when walking against the wind. Oppression on the chest, anxiety, alternately cold and hot, raises white slimy mucus, which relieves; going into a warm room makes worse: Arsen.-W. GRoss. A lady, set. 49, stout and fleshy, had catarrh every winter, with violent coughing. After being in a draft, the cough was tormenting and dry; she had to sit straight up day and night, with horrible anxiety about a rattling in chest, with soreness as if raw on the chest; fears to suffocate. Sepia3 made an aggravation, great orgasm to the chest, sensation as if the throat was being laced; after a while expectoration commenced, and all her symptoms disappeared.-NITHAK. ANGUISH OF HEART. 213 ANGUISH OF HEART. II Aeon. Cardiac Anxiety. In the region of the heart and around Agar. Alum, it: Aurum, I IBellad., Cale. ostr., Canthar., Cina, Colchie., Ambra. Amm. carb. Coccul., Cuprum, Crocus, Oleand., Platin., Plumbum, Pulsat., and Anac. in precordi'e: Acon. Ant. tart. Arnica. From congestion, in mania: Ignat. 11 Arsen. Attacks of cardiac anxiety: Laches., Veratr. Ast. rub. I! Aurum. Stronger pulsations, with anxiety in attacks: Aeon., I INux I Belrad. vom., Veratr. Bromum. II Cactus. Omitting beats: Bellad. I Cale. ostr. Suddenly violent beating of heart, with disturbed rhythm; a Canthar. feeling of impending death, with terror and anxiety, slightest I Carb. veg. Castor. motion increases anxiety and palpitation: Digit. II Caustic. With a fixed pain, in endocarditis: Aurum. Chaior.. inao. As if the heart was squeezed off, beside himself with anxiety, Cinnab. whimpering and profuse sweating: Chamom.; anxious constricCoccul. Colchic. tion: Mere. per. Crocus. Stitches with inhalation; in hypertrophy: Plumbum. Crot. tigl, II Cuprum. Anxious sensation at the heart, murmur, throbbing, intermitDigit. ting pulse: Bellad., Digit., Glonoin. Evon. eur. Glonoin. Mind. Melancholy, longs for death: Aurum. Gran. cort. Graphit. Great alarm and agitation: Spongia. Haematox. As if something untoward was to happen: Menyanth. Hydr. ac. I Ignat. With irritability: Platin.; sadness: Lycop.; melancholy: Laches. TLaches. Caustic. Lauroc. I I Lycop. Suicidal disposition: I I Aurum, Plumbum, Pulsat., I 1Nuz Magenyanthmur. vom., Rhus tox.; by stabbing: Cale. ostr.; by drowning: Ignat. Merc.npe. AnM. Merc. per. Anxious dread of heart disease: Calc. ostr. Natr, tur, Nitr. ac.i With restlessness: Opium; while sitting, has to get up and I Nux vom. move around: Caustic.; driving from place to place: Aurum. Opium. Around the heart, with fretfulness: Platin. I Phosph r. As if she had done wrong: Coccul.; while walking in the open I Platin. air: Cina. 1 I Plumbum. I Plsourin. Religious melancholy, compunctions of conscience: Aurum. I Psorin. * Pulsat. Fearful visions, despairs of salvation, wants to stab himself: Rhus tox. Sepia. Cale. ostr. Silic. An inward oppression affecting the mind: Evon. eur.; as if I Spigel. 11 Spongia. she had done wrong: Cina. Stramon. Oppression about the heart worse after vexation: Lycop. Sulphuro II Thuya. Palpitation worse after emotions, in valvular disease: Phosphor. Veratr. 7 When thinking of it: Baryt., Ox. ac. Viol. od. Viol. trio. Head. With heat in the head, drives out of bed and room: Zincumn. Zinc. ox. Thuya; with headache and flushed face: Bellad. The attacks begin before the headache and increase with it until 10 P.M., several days at the same hour: Platin. 214 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Abdomen. Great thirst and internal heat in carditis: Carb. veg.; nausea: Plumbum, Spongia; in pit of throat: Plumbum; in epigastrium: Pulsat. Vomiting in the night of food and bile: Lycop. Catamenia. During catamenia: Bellad.; tempts him to sigh: Colchic.; necessitates a deep breath: Sepia; increases by taking or holding breath: Spigel. With anxious oppression: Nitr. ac.; stopping breathing: Ambra, Veratr.; with flying heat: Ambra. When lying down, undulating throbbing of heart: Viol. tric. With fear of dying, and constriction, with attacks of pain in the chest: Psorin.; driving from place to place: Aurum; restlessness: Arsen. With trembling: Aurum, Bellad.; trembling all over without anxious ideas: Oleand. With fear of fainting: Nitr.. ac.; a weak sinking sensation down through abdomen to feet: Crocus. After violent exercise: Lycop.; when lying on the left side: Phosph. ac. Night. Keeping her awake half the night, worse in the afternoon than morning: Rhus tox.; wakes at 4 or 5 A.M., feeling as if sweat would come, which is not the case; anxiety disappears after getting up: Alum. At night: Arsen., Cale. ostr., and in the morning: Ast. rub.; at noon and most in the evening: Bellad.; afternoon: Canthar., Rhus. tox.; evening: Bromum. With anxious thoughts, drives out of bed and room at night: Thuya. After midnight with violent palpitation and inclination to commit suicide: Nux vom. When walking in the open air: Cina; after exercise in the open air, with weakness and nausea: Spongia. Flying heat, with impeded breathing: A mbra; internal heat: Carb. veg. Copious sweat: Chamom., Plumbum; cold sweat: Phosph. ac. In attacks: Veratr. Diseases. Endocarditis. Fixed pain and great anxiety: Aurum; carditis, anguish, internal heat, great thirst: Carb. veg. Valvular diseases, anguish at night: Cale. ostr.; great alarm, agitation, anxiety: Spongia; easily frightened: Cactus. Hypertrophy; anguish about heart, cold sweat: Plumbum; stitches with inhalation, anxiety: Plumbum. Aneurism. Frightened when examined: Spigel. Heart disease with fear and terror: Spongia. MODEL CURES. Since a nervous attack five months ago, a kind of insanity with ecstasy and despair of salvation, his heart troubles him. Any exciting or elating thought causes palpitation more than emotions. Indescribable bad feeling about and below the heart, with soreness and pains, flying stitches all over: Badiag.JAMES B. BELL. In rheumatic endocarditis, valvular insufficiency, attacks of severe oppression and' pain in the region of the heart, all the symptoms are aggravated by lying with the head low, or inability to lie down at all: Spongia. —JAMEs B. BELL. HEARTACHE, WITH MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 215 HEARTACHE, WITH MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Acon. Kind of Sensations. Pressure in region of heart, with Act. rac. Ambra. anxiety: Rhus tox., with inhalation: Kali carb.;. and pressure Amm. carb. in scrobiculum, with inhalation: Ignat., Pceonia; takes breath Argent. away and makes anxious: Bellad.; anxious feeling, followed Ars.metn. by sadness: Lycop.; dull stitches, anxiousness, impedes breath, Aurum. better from walking: Pulsat. Badiaga. Constrictive feeling in region of heart, with anxiety; ceases Baryt. Bellad. after a strong beat of heart: Nitr. ac. Cale. ostr. Carb. veg. Painful contraction, like a jerk of the heart, with apprehenChamoln. sion: Argent. Crotal. Grasping sensation at heart, with restlessness: Rhus tox.; DaphGelsem. squeezing, with anxiety: Arnie., Cactus. Helleb. Fear of sudden death, with spasmodic pains in cardiac region: Hydroph. Lauroc. I Laches. Lycop. Urging sensation in the heart towards abdomen and region Millef. of the liver, with great anxiety at night: Act. spic. Naja trip. Stitches about the heart, with anxiety: Nitr. ac. Nitr. ac. Petrol. Severe stitches in region of heart synchronous with the pulse, Platin. Psorin. has to scream, worse when sitting: Rhus tox. Rhus tox. Anxiety, with stitches over the heart, fancies he talks wildly, II Spongia, *Thuyia. inclination to fall: Nitr. ac. With inhalation stitches in heart: Lauroc.; with anxiety, rising heat and red face: Plumbum; better from stooping: Valer.; with exhalation, shooting in heart: Ignat. Pulsating stitches in heart while sitting in the evening, has to scream: Rhus tox.; shooting pain in region of heart, has to scream: Capsic. Stitches through heart, as if they would kill him if repeated: Psorin.; horrible shooting in region of heart, with apprehension: Argent. Scraping sensation in the heart, with uneasiness: Rhus tox. Acute flying pains near the heart, with trembling and timidity: Daph. ind. Mental Concomitants-Feelings. With sadness: Crotal., Petrol., Spongia; sadness after pressure: Lycop.; melancholy: Crotal.; depression, ill humor, wants to be alone: Ars. met. Hypochondric mood: Lycop., Platin. With anxiety: Baryt., Carb. veg., Chamom., Cicut., Millef., Nitr. ac., Spongia. Anxiety, taking her breath away, pressure: Bellad.; causing pressure: PReon. off.; pressure, followed by sadness: Lycop.; inexpressible anxiety, with pressure: Rhus tox., Pulsat.; with stitches over the heart:.Nitr. ac. With spells of heat and sweat: Spongia. Apprehensive feelings rise from the abdomen to the heart, with restlessness, inward trembling and confusion: Thuya; apprehension: Aurum; withjerking and horrible shooting pains: Argent. Anxious and inconsolable: Spongia. 216 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Feelings, with Conations. Despondency: Chamom., Petrol.; thinks she will not recover: Cactus. Timidity and trembling, flying pains all over: Daph. ind. Actions. Sighing: Hfydroph.; weeping: Spongia; very much: Cactus. Has to scream loud, with stitches over the heart: Rhus tox.; screaming with pain, or complete loss of consciousness: Cactus. Conations. Palpitation, with depression of spirits, thoughts of suicide: Aur. mur.; would like to die on the spot: Spongia. Exaltations. After excitement heart aches: Cactus. Uneasiness, scraping in heart: Rhus tox.; restlessness: Amm. carb., Anac., Arsen., Bellad. Points to it, restlessness: Helleb.; anxiety and restlessness: Hydroph.; with grasping: Rhus tox. Fears it would kill if returning: Psorin. Intellect. Imagines she is delirious, with stitches: Nitr. ac. Great pain near heart and wandering of the mind, with swelling of the whole body: Naja trip. Pain intense all over left chest, down left arm, red face and unconsciousness: Act. rac. MODEL CURES. Heaviness and dullness in the head, particularly in the occiput; sensation of heat in the head; hands numb. The heaviness is worse from motion, better when sitting still. If her head is placed ever so high, she thinks it is too low; drowsiness in the afternoon every other day; starting on falling asleep; heat in the head and arms at night, with weakness in the epigastrium. Sleeps little, and the fulness and heaviness in the head and body are worse in the morning. Restlessness, driving from place to place. Symptoms change place; now more in the left arm, now in the foot, which is cold as ice. Every cold gives her a sore throat; swelling and stiffness, painful when swallowing and to the touch. Now and then a sudden stitch in the region of the heart, which makes her weak. Hemorrhoidal tumors, which she had once before in childbed, are very painful during stool; frequent urging. Menses too late and profuse, with throbbing headache. Bellad., Hepar, Sepia and Magn. mur. failed. Hepar caused a diarrhcea which lasted two weeks; when it stopped, the night attacks returned. Laches. cured.-W. WESSELI(EFT. Painter, ret. 43. Great anxiety of conscience; any crime he reads of he imagines to have committed once himself; worse at night, with palpitation of the heart; has to be kept by force in the room; great fear to be left alone; despairs of ever getting well; loss of appetite; whitish-coated tongue; flatulency; constipation: Arsen.', every evening one dose, for ten days. Much better. Eight more doses. Entirely well since one year.-STENS, JR. Sarah H., set. 66. Palpitation of heart originated in grief. Pain in left part of chest and in left arm; enlargement of heart: Digit.' restored her.-J. H. NANKIVELL. OTHER SENSATIONS, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 217 OTHER SENSATIONS IN HEART, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. Sorrowful feeling at the heart without cause, a voluptuous tremor in the body: Cale. ostr. Soreness about the heart: Gelsem. It presses on the heart, with anxiety and tearing in the sacral region: Rhus tox. Nervous excitement affecting the heart: Hura. Oppression of heart, heart feels pressed down, overwhelmed,with anxiety: Chamomn. A momentary but fearful stitch in the region of the heart, as if in the pleura; frequent spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the heart, worse when lying on the back; he has an idea that he will have a stroke of apoplexy, but which causes him no anxiety: Argent. Soft, low music causes tensive heart-cramps: Thuya. Constriction in region of heart, sensation of scraping in heart: Rhus tox.; with anxiety, relieved when a strong pulsation comes: Nitr. ac. Confused, the heart is dragged downward towards the left side: Thuya. Restlessness, with anxiety, grasps at the heart, dyspncea: Rhus tox. Squeamish feeling around the heart, sad ideas: Ambra. Attack in the evening, rising to the heart, nausea with anxiety, trembling, likes to bend forward and rest his head on the table: N1ux voen. Sensation of coldness around the heart after mental exertion: Natr. mur. Anxiety, with heat: Acon. Attack after midnight, crawling in hands and feet, rising to the heart, flushed face, burning and pressing in the epigastrium, rising to the throat, nausea and anxiety, mounts to the head, dullness and ringing in the ears: ~Nux vom. A weakness as if falling from heart down through abdomen, to the feet, anxious: Crocus; stupefaction and sense of falling: Cale. ostr. Sad and despondent, a sick and weak feeling at the heart: Petrol. Sinking at heart, melancholy thoughts: Ambra; sinking feeling is most distressing: Digit. Pulsating sensation in region of heart, with restlessness and anxiety. Carb. veg.; jerks in region of heart, with anxiety: Gale. ostr. Does not know where to turn: Amm. carb.; with melancholy: Caustic. Stitches, with anxiety, heat and flushed face: Plumbum. As if something rested on her heart: Thuya. Easily moved to laughing or crying: Cale. ostr. MODEL CURE. A French milliner had a jealous quarrel with her lover. With the words: "O, my heart!" putting both her hands to it, she fell down and was nearly twenty-four hours in an asphyctic state; no pulse could be felt, breathing was hardly perceptible; was laid out on her back. Laches.'0 was followed in a few minutes by a loud sighing, turning on her side, and recovery.-C. HG. 218 MIND AND DISPOSITION. PALPITATION, WITH MENTAL SYMPTOMS. a signifies anxiety. II Acon. a Cheerful, contented, confident, alternately with palpitaAesc. hipp. a Ager. a tion and anxious oppression: Spigel. Alum, a Palpitation from pleasant emotions, any exciting or Amm. carb. a elating thought: IBadiag. Amyl. nitr. Sadness: Natr. mur., Nux mosch.; dejection: Natr. mur., Anac. a Angust. a low spirits: Cactus. I Ant tart. a Depression of spirits, with frontal headache and spinal II Arsen. a Arnica. a pain: lVaja trip. Aspaf. a Apprehension: Aururn, Natr. mur.; fear of dying: Aspar. a Ast. rub. a Platin. I Aurum. a Oppression: Gelsem.; anxious oppression: Psorin. I Badiag. Palpitation after anxiety: Aeon.; during anxiety, or Baryt. a Bellad. a soon after: Nitr. ac.; as from anxious expectation: Moschus. 1I Borax. a Almost constant palpitation, with slight anxiety and Bovist. a Bromlum. a apprehension: Sarsap. Cal ayon. a Fear: Sarsap.; of apoplexy: Argent.; of everybody: II Calec. ostr. a Pulsat.; of being left alone: Arsen. Cale. phosph. a Nervousness in company, can scarcely talk: Platin. Camphor. a I Cannab. a Anxious fear of getting a heart trouble: Cale. ostr. II Carb. veg. a Despairs of ever getting well: Arsen. I Chamom. a After the loss of a relative; worse when speaking of his II Cinch. off. a I Coca. a loss: Gelsem. II Coccul. a Pangs of conscience, as if he had committed every crime Codein. Colchic. a he ever heard of: Arsen. Colocu. a Vexatious occurrences of long ago come back and torCrocus. a Cuprum. a ment him so he does not know what to do with himself; Cyclam. aa anxiety, palpitation and sweat: Sepia. II Digit. a I Ferrum. a After vexation, weak and trembling: Lycop.; weary of II Gelsem. a life: Nux vom. II Graphit. a e: N vom. Helleb. a Ill humored: Ant. tart.; vexed: Phosphor., and fretful: Hyosc. a Veratr.; suicidal inclination: Aurum, Nux vonm. Ipec. Better from diverting talk: Gelsem. I Kali carb. a I Laches. a Subdued manner: Gelsem. Lauroc. a Faint-hearted and anxious after meals: Thuya. I Lycop. a I MIagn. carb. a Peculiar anxiety and ill humor: Aspar. lMenyanth. a Very peevish at slightest cause: Phosphor.; quickMere. per. a Mere. sol. a spoken: Sepia. Mere. subl. a Mezer. a Weeping, coldness and weakness: Mezer. * Moschus. a With starting in the night: Bellad., Nitrum, Phosph. ae. I I Natr. carb. a I Natr. our. a Easily frightened: Mezer. I I Nitr. ac. a Violent palpitation on seeing a woman, has the greatest Nitrum. a Nux mosch. aversion to them: Pulsat. I I Nux vom. a Anxious restlessness: I I Aspar., Bovist., Cale. ostr., Crocus. BODILY SYMPTOMS, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 219 I Oleander. a Embarrassed: CGarb. veg. Opium. a Ox. ac. After Emotions or Exertions. Slightest emotion Petrol, a or thought causes forcible pulsation of the heart, with flutI Phosphor. a Phosph. ac. tering and vibrating: Badiag. I I Platin. a After the slightest mental emotion: Cale. ars., Nitr. ac., Plumbum. a Podoph. Phosphor., Podoph. II Pulsat. a The slightest thing vexes him, which causes palpitation Rhus tox. a and anxiety: Veratr. Ruta. a Heart beats violently after mental excitement: Al.p. s. Secale. a In the epigastrium, with anxiousness from the slightest Senega. a II Sepia. a cause:.Ferrum. I Silil. a On attempting to study or write, painful pulsations of II Spigel. a Spongia. a the heart: Codein. Staphis. a More after exertions than emotions: Badiag. I1 Sulphur. a Sulph. ac. a When thinking of it: Al. p. s., Ignat., Ox. ac. Terebinth. a ITerebnth. a Anxious palpitation when writing: Natr. carb.; after Valer. a talking: Pulsat. II Veratr. a: Viol. o. a MODEL CURE. I Viol. trio, a An elderly man with chronic asthma and proctalgia; Vip. tory. I Zincum. a sudden attacks of fluttering, disappearing as quickly as they Zinc. ox. a came: Al. p. s.30.-NEUMANN. PALPITATION OF HEART, WITH OTHER BODILY AND MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Sensorium. As if all the senses would leave him: Platin.; as if going to faint: Nitr. as. It mounts to the head, feels as if stupefied: Aeon. Head. With lassitude and stitches in the forehead: Platin.; frontal headache: Naja trip. Eyes. Sparks before eyes: Coca. Ears. Humming in ears: Coca. Face. Sad, discouraged look: Pulsat.; flushed: Gelsem.; with anxiety: Aeon.; pale: Pulsat. Tongue. Whitish-coated tongue: Arsen. Thirst. No thirst, no appetite: Pulsat. Eating. With great anxiety before dinner, has to lie down: Mezer.; after dinner with anxiousness: Silic. Bitter eructation: Phosphor. Gastrics. Nausea without inclination to vomit: Nitr. ae.; in the morning with empty stomach: Baryt.; can not remain up on account of great nausea: Phosphor.; vomiturio: Laches. Stomach. Pinching across stomach: Phosphor.; pressure in pit of stomach with painful constriction: Sulphur. 220 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Hypochondria. With anxiety, has to remove his clothing: Pulsat., Abdomen. Anxious palpitation, with rhythmic contractions of the abdomen: Caustic.; pulsations in different places: Alum. Flatulency, constipation: Arsen. Female Parts. Voluptuous crawling in the vagina and abdomen, with anxious oppression and palpitation: Platin. Catamenia. Soon after setting in, attacks of palpitation, heat, anxiety and trembling: Nitr. ac.; during palpitation and anxiety, lassitude, has to lie down: Phosphor. Breathing. With anxious, quick, audible breathing: Veratr. Great anxiety, with violent beats, breathing scarcely perceptible: Viol. od. Anxiety, with short breathing, no particular dread: Caustic.; anxiety, necessitating deep breathing, no particular influence on the mind: Sepia. Anxious shortness of breathing in the evening: Caustic. With anxiousness and quick breathing: Veratr. Terrible anxiety and restlessness, oppression of chest, with every breath she utters a sound as if it was her last: Cale. ostr. With great anxiety, oppressed breathing and lassitude, blood mounts to the face: Aeon. Palpitation, with anxious constriction: Spigel. When lying on the left side, anxious, quick palpitation, taking away her breath: Pulsat.; taking away his breath, with anxiety: Nitr. ac. Pressure on chest with anxiety, without a cough: Laches. Anxious, with slight stitches in left chest: Cannab. Great and inexpressible anxiety from dyspncea and weight on the chest, with acute rheumatism: Laches. Severe palpitation, with feeling as if a large box were inside: Amyl. nitr. Almost audible, pressing, constricting beats, with anxiety and spasmodic pains in the sternum and under the ribs,' worse when leaning forward: Digit. Palpitation, with cramp-like pains in belly, chest and hip-joint, after anxiety, which wakes at night: Sepia. Anxiety, with pulsations in different places in the chest and abdomen: Alum. Painful anxiety, weakness, with weak and intermitting pulse, numbness of fingers, palpitation and restless sleep: Tereb. Several strong pulsations, with increasing anxiety about 124 A.M.: Agar. Heart. Anxiety in the region of the heart, with quicker and stronger pulsations: Aeon. Stronger pulsations of heart, with anxious feeling: Cinch. off. Pulsations in chest, with anxious restlessness: Carb. veg. Strong pulsations moving the arms and hands, with anxiety: Graphit. Attacks of anxiety, causing palpitation and heat: Veratr. Soreness from pain in heart: Badiag.; soreness about it: Gelsem., Baryt. Fine dartings, palpitation and anxiety: Aeon. Indescribable bad feeling about and below the heart: Badiag. Fluttering of the heart after mental emotion: Lith. carb.; with great anxiety and trembling of the fingers and legs: Sepia. BODILY SYMPTOMS, WITH MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 221 Fluttering, with sad weeping: Natr. mur.; after rising, with anxious oppression: Spigel. Heart beats anxiously and tremblingly: Cale. ostr. Nervous fluttering of the heart, with anxiety: Cinnab. Single beats omit: Ox. ac.; with anxiety: Sepia; with timidity: Natr. mur. Pulsations interrupted, without bodily sickness; dejected: Natr. mur. Irregularity of the heart's action: Sanguin. Anxiety, trembling: Chamomr.; trembling, with anxious oppression: Spigel. Wave-like pulsations, with anxiety: Viol. trio. Back. Spinal pains: Naja trip. Hands. Trembling, with anxiety: Bovist.; numbness of fingers: Tereb. Feet. Anxiety, with weakness and trembling in the feet: Borax. Limbs. All the limbs tremble: Nitr. ac.; great anxiety, lassitude in all the limbs, with sleepiness: Aurum; limbs asleep: Pulsat. Motion. Palpitation varying in intensity, worse after slight motion, with lassitude and anxiety, as if he was going to faint: Nitr. ac. Anxious palpitation when taking a walk: Platin.; when stooping, or when writing: Natr. carb. From motion and going up stairs anxious restlessness: Aspar. Position. Peculiar palpitation when lying down: Viol. trio. When lying on the back, wakes at midnight with anxiety, has to sit straight up: Nitrum. Cannot lie on the left side on account of ebullition and violent pulsations, sensation of soreness in the heart and great anxiety: Baryt. Palpitation so violent in the evening, when lying on the left side, that the covers are moved, with anxiety; better when changing position: Graphit. From lying on the left side, with anxiety and dyspnoea: Pulsat. Weakness and Trembling. Trembling anxiety: Chamnom.; anxiety, with weakness: Aurugm; trembling and restlessness of the whole body: Bovist.; and anxiety: Phosphor. Weak, sinking feeling from the heart down through the abdomen to feet: Crocus. Great lassitude in all the limbs: Aeon.; lassitude and anxiety: Aurum; can scarcely walk across the room: Mezer.; tired and weak, can scarcely keep on the feet: Phosphor.; has to lie down before dinner: Mezer.; as if he would faint: Nitr. ac. Sleep. Cannot sleep on account of anxiety: Pulsat.; no sleep till the latter part of night: Gelsem. When turning in bed, anxious palpitation: Lycop. Violent, with extreme anxiety after midnight: Nux vom. At 3 A.M. irregular but violent audible palpitation, with anxiety: Arsen. Could not stay in bed, feeling as if she had done wrong, the palpitation cannot be felt with the hand: Nitr. ac. After waking from an anxious dream, anxiety and audible palpitation: Silic.; half-waking dream, as if spirits would grasp him, cannot move a limb, with sweat and anxiety: Silic. 222 MIND AND DISPOSITION. With anxiety, waking from sleep: Nitrum; after midnight: Nux vom. Daytime. In the morning when awaking, with anxiety: Phosphor.; after midnight: Spigel.; with sudden anxiety, forenoons: Natr. mur.; severe at noon before eating: Mezer.; in the evening very ill with the catamenia: Phosphor.; in the evening in bed: Gale. ostr.; evening and morning: Phosphor. Out-doors. When taking a walk: Platin.; after drowsiness, the veins in the hands enlarge: INux vom. Fever. Cold all over and cold sweat, with great anxiety, restlessness and backache: Gale. ostr. Fever heat, anxious in the night: Ignat.; with anxious palpitation: Petrol. Periodic. Great anguish, with severe periodic and frequent palpitation of the heart: Aese. hip. Has to throw the clothes off, with great anxiety: Pulsat. Without Anxiety. Almost without any: Ipec., Pulsat.; in the evening: Carb. an. Visible, but without anxiety: Thuya, Zincurnm. At all times of the day, without anxiety: Sulphur. Anxious palpitation, without anxious thoughts: Natr. mur. Trembling: Gale. ostr., Nux mosch. Fluttering. Sad and weeping; consolation aggravates, a fluttering of the heart follows: Natr. mur.; after emotion; Lith. carb.; and vibrating from slightest emotion: Badiag.; with trembling of fingers and legs: Sepia.; after rising: Spigel.; nervous: Cinnab.; trembling anxiety: Cale. ostr.; headache: Formic. MODEL CURES. Mr. F., a wealthy man, had now and then an omission of one beat, felt as "a stopping." Fearing a heart disease, and according to coroners' pathology, sudden death, he travelled to consult European celebrities. Only one confirmed his fears, but was wisely mistrusted. After an attack of cholera, cured by quinine, this omission appeared as soon as he was talking or thinking of it. After one dose of Ox. ac.30, given as an experiment, it happened never to return for years.-C. HG. PALPITATION FROM EMOTIONS. Aeon. The slightest mental excitement: Coccul., Nitr. ac.; the slightAur. mur. Badiag. est emotion of mind: Aur. mur., Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Podoph., Cale. ostr. Pulsat. Clhamnom. Coccul. Exaltation: Aeon., Coffea; after exciting talk: Thea. Coffea. Ignat. After sadness: Nux mosch.; grief and sorrow: Opium; after Nux mosh. long grieving: Phosph. ac. Nux vom. In the morning, after fear: Nux mosch., Veratr. Opium. Phosphor. Great vexation from slight cause: Phosphor. Phosph. ac. Vexation: Aeon., Chamom., Ignat., Nux vom. Podoph. Pulsat. After alarming events, causing fright: Opium. Veratr. Fright: Aeon., Coffea,.Nux mosch., Opium. PALPITATION-RUSII OF BLOOD TO THE HEART. 223 PALPITATION AFTER MENTAL EXERTIONS. Al. p. When thinking about his disease he feels the heart beating: II Badiag. Al. p. s. Baryta. I1 Ignat. Renewed by thinking of it: Baryt. II NatOx. carb. When thinking about the painless omission of single beats he I Thea. is subject to, the heart stops'for one beat: Ox. ac. As soon as he turns his attention to any one thing his heart palpitates: Natr. carb.; when thinking deeply: Ignat. RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEART. Congestion, Orgasm and Ebullition. Ebullition, with anxiety: Nitr. ac. Rush of blood to the heart, falls down unconscious: Glonoin. Oppresion, anxiety, quick circulation, congestion to the heart of short duration: Indig. Rapid circulation, cheerfulness, mental excitement, followed by lassitude and inability to work: Phosphor. The blood boils, with prickling, at the least contrariety: Elaps. Blood seems to boil in chest, anxiety: Anac. Ebullition, blood boils in arteries: Aurum. Great excitement in the blood: Sepia; restlessness, is beside himself: Phosph. ac.; does not know what to do with himself; as if he had done wrong, as if he had no power over his senses: Mercur. Agitated, as if he had been frightened: Mercur. Very much excited in the evening, with distended veins: Carb. veg. Great circulatory excitement: Acon. Ebullition in the evening, with oppression: Kali carb. MODEL CURES. After catamenia which came at the right time, symptoms of insanity. She believes herself married and pregnant, is tormented by remorse for imagined crimes; seeks constantly to escape and drown herself. Terrible anxiety from rush of blood to the head and heart. Is only quiet when lying undisturbed and brooding over her troubles which she rehearses in a doleful tone. If disturbed, she screams, strikes and tears things, crying all the while " I am neglecting my duty, breaking my oath!" Face pale and distorted: Ignat.-GRoss. Rheumatism had left the lumbar muscles and seized the heart (the second similar metastasis). Was awakened between 1 and 2 A.M. by a sense of suffocation, accompanied by violent, loud cough, great alarm, agitation, anxiety, and difficult respiration. The action of the heart was violent and rapid, each beat was accompanied by a loud blowing, as of a bellows: Spongia2' (J.).-P. P. WELLS. 224 MIND AND DISPOSITION. ORGASM. With Anxiety: Aloes, Amm. mur., Baryta, Bryon., Kali carb., Laches., Nitr. ac.; during the night: Amm. carb., JMercur. Restlessness of mind: Cale. ostr., Laches.; Sulphur; starts when going to sleep, from rush of blood: Sepia. From disagreeable hews or disagreeable fancies: Laches. Is nervous, faints: Bellad. With weariness of life: Platin., Spongia. With mental excitement: Graphit. Orgasm and other affections of blood, after vexation: IAcon., II Chamomn., I I Coloc., I Ignat., I IMercur., IPetrol., I ISepia, I IStaphis. Anxiety, with beating of all the pulses: Arg. nitr., Garb. veg. After emotions in general: IAcon., lApis, IAurum, IBellad., I IBryon., I I Calc. ostr., II Chamom., I Coffea, I Colchic., I Coloc., I Conium, I' Cuprum, I Illyosc., I Ignat., I Kali carb., ILaches., I Lycop., I Magn. carb., I I Mar. ver., INatr. mur., INitr. ac., INdux vom., I Opium, I Petrol., IPhosphor., IPhosph. ac., I Platin., I IPulsat., ISepia, IStaphis., I Stramon., I Thuya, I 1I Veratr. During relaxed state of mind, mental prostration; heart and circulation of blood affected: I I Aeon., Asar., IBellad., Bismuth., I I Cicut., I Cinch. off., Digit., Magn. carb., I INatr. mur., I Petrol., I I Phosphor., I I Spongia, Stannum, I I Stramon. From nervousness: II Ambra, IBellad., I Cale. ostr., II Ferrum, IMereur., I Nitrum, I Nitr. ac., I Phosphor., I I Phosph. ae., ISepia. MODEL CURE. Screaming "hold me, hold me, the storm whirls me deeper and deeper into the fire, I burn, I burn!" Clings nervously to her bed or friends. Appears like one stricken with fright or terror, not furious and raving. Sweat over the whole body; throat and face bloated; throbbing carotids; distended jugular veins; eyes injected; pulse very frequent, large, not hard: Bellad.-LINDNER. PULSE AND MENTAL STATES. Pulse unaltered, with warmth and anxiety in head: Lauroc.; with restlessness: Bellad.; 50 beats, with difficult comprehension: Cicut. Full. In delirium, talkative mania: Bellad., and irritable, with anxiety: Camphor., Rhus tox., and tense in delirium: Stramon., and strong: Cuprum; 80 beats, with senselessness: Stramon.; with heat, thirst and exhilaration: Opium, and hard; vivid delirium: Stramon., and quick: Bellad., Cuprum, and slow: Stramon. Quick, strong, in mania: Cuprum, Sulphur. Frequent. 90, pleasant warmth, but with a trembling, anxious feeling coming from the abdomen: Valer.; 12 beats increased, with reddened face and great serenity: Clemat.; increased 20 beats towards evening, with excitement: Mezer.; one-third more frequent, playful and mirthful: Ox. ac.; towards evening 20 beats more,with increased temperature of body, and sweat: Mezer. PULSE AND MENTAL STATES. 225 100, small and soft, violent delirium: Cuprum; 120, in delirium: Stramon.; rose to 134, in the height of delirium; able to express his feelings in writing: Coca. Very frequent, large but not hard, with mental derangement, attacks of anxiety: Bellad.; hard: Aeon., Coccul., Natr. snur., Opium, and soft, with maniacal illusions: Hyosc.; small and soft in rage: Stramon.; weak in melancholy and delirium: Stramon. Feeble and unequal, mental exhaustion: Cuprum; single beats intermitting, with stupor: Stramon. Quick. With wanton gaidty: Valer. With anxiety: Pulsat., Thuya; after dinner: Natr. mur.; when thinking of past ills: Sepia. Cold skin and unconnected answers: Crotal., Laches., and unconscious: Glonoin. And irritated, with mania: Stramon. With nervous perturbation: Ananth. mur. And small, with a strong memory: Bellad.; small and hard, deranged mind: Arsen. And full, with anxious derangement of mind: Bellad. And strong, with attacks of mania: Cuprulm. And small, hard; insensibility: I I Arsen., and small while raving: I I Bellad. And unequal, with quick, erroneous ideas: CupruIm. Tense. And more frequent: Ox. ac., and full in delirium: Stramon. Irritable. With hypochondric mood: Platin., Sepia; in mania: Arsen., Crotal., Cuprum. And full, with anxiety: Camphor., Rhus tox.; small and quick, with confused talk: Menyanth.; and quick, with mania: Stramon. Slow. With less liveliness: Opium. With great anxiety: Chin. sulph. In delirium: Hyose.; with stupefaction: Morph. ac.; mental derangement, unconsciousness, rage, or insensibility: Stramon. And weak, with melancholy: Helleb.; with unconsciousness: Plumbum. Now slow, now quick, with anxiety: Rhus tox. Hard. And small: Arsen.; and quick: Arsen., Bellad. Strong. With a wild look: Cuprum. Soft: Ouprum, Stramon.; and large: Bellad. Irregular. With insensibility: Sanguin. Small. And soft, with violent delirium: Cuprum; and weak, with uneasiness to despair: Ouprum. And quick, with confused talk; Menyanth. Hardly to be felt: Bellad., Conium, Pulsat., Veratr. Feeble, with despair: Vip. red.; and unequal: Cuprum; and restless: Jatroph.. Weak. With stupefaction: Iydr. ac.; and despair: Vip. red. And frequent: Stramon.; and slow, with melancholy: Helleb.; and intermitting, with anxiety: Tereb.; and changeable, with anxious restlessness: Arsen., Cuprum; hardly perceptible: Arnic., Crotal.; with anxious impatience: Cinch. of. 15 226 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Almost no pulse, becomes dumb: Stramon.; pulse could not be felt on right wrist, with rage: Stramon.; pulse not to be felt: Acon. Pulselessness and unconsciousness: Mercur., Stramon. MODEL CURES. A crippled girl who fell down suddenly with an attack of convulsions, was brought to bed and had a shaking chill. She sat up in bed in a semi-conscious state, refusing assistance, food or drink. Anxiety, with groaning and sighing all night long. Chides her father for taking part in the revolution; thinks she hears the drum which proclaims his execution. This is followed by silent brooding and occasional starts. Menses checked, the abdomen tense, face pale, arms cold, eyes fixed with contracted pupils. Pulse slow and almost imperceptible: Veratr.-WoosT. Imagines she has to die, even after confinement, with violent congestion to the chest and constriction as if she would suffocate; pulse intermitting: Acon. W. GRoss. OUTER CHEST. Pressure on the sternum, with busy, anxious manner, as if anticipating'a great pleasure: Aurum. Anxiety in the region of the sternum, without pain; gives him no rest in the house, has to go into the open air and be active: Anac. Anxiety under the sternum, has to breathe deeply: Mercur. Pressing pain in the middle of the sternum, with anxiety; afterwards stinging pain in the sternum: Coccul. Warm about breast and anxious: 01. anim. \ Several successive short stitches in sternum, has to scream: Canthar. Gnawing and heat in the walls of the chest, with itching and anxiety: Calc. phosph. Cannot sleep on account of restlessness, with pain in the chest, cannot touch it: Laches. Large painful blisters on the left side of the chest and back, which break with fever heat, sweat and anxiety: Caustic. Miliary itching eruption, with derangement of mind: Bellad. MODEL CURES. Unquiet look, lips bluish-red; weak memory; pangs of conscience about religion and the female sex. Violent palpitation when in the presence of a woman; abhors and hates the whole sex; has to go out of their way for fear of injuring them; he looks upon them as evil beings and is afraid; considers their presence injurious to his soul. Respiration short and difficult; painful pressure in the chest: Pulsat.-MALAISE. A girl, set. 24, of healthy constitution, catamenia regular, suffered from nervousness to such a degree that the approach of a stranger gave her sudden twitches; when spoken to she answered with tears and sobbing. The skin on the chest and right side of abdomen was deep yellow: Thuya.-HAYNEL. NECK AND BACK. 227 NECK AND BACK. Neck. Pressing pain in left side of neck, with exhilaration: Formic. Spasmodic contraction in the neck so violent she has to scream: Nitrum. Drawing pain in neck when reading, with ill humor and impatience: Natr. carb. With pain in the neck illusion as if the head were not a part of the body: Psorin.; tearing and tension in the left side of the neck, as if too short, has to scream when moving: Sulphur. Stiff neck, complains loudly when going to move it: Rhus tox.; with dullness in the head, the muscles seem too short: Cicut. Throbbing Carotids. With desire to run away: Glonoin.; shunning mental labor: Agar.; inability to find the right expression: Arg. nitr. Jugular veins overfilled, with mental derangement: Bellad. Neck or throat feels as if swollen, with great fear: Glonoin. Back. Continued stinging pressure under the shoulder-blade, excited and cheerful: Laches. Restlessness starting in the back: Sulphur. Wave-like sensation going up the back with heat and anxiety: Lauroc. Loud moaning about unbearable pain in the back: Ars. hydr. Pinching from belly to the lumbar region, with anxious sweat: Sulph. ac.; from loins to spine, with anxiety: 1Nux vom.; tearing from back into belly: Chamom. Pain in back, with disposition to weep: Lil. tigr. Dull pain in lumbar region; mood gloomy, depressed: Hamam. Throbbing pain in back from slight emotions: Baryt. Biting pain in the back causing him to start: Phelland. Symptoms in the back, with melancholy after unhappy love: Ignat. Great pain in the back, with anxiety; impeded speech improves: Cannab. Restlessness and anxiety, with pain in the back: Arsen.; without pain: Carb. an. Stitches in spine, while sitting, with sudden anxiety: Ruta. Stinging as from needles in the middle of the spine, can hardly keep from screaming, worse when walking in the open air, better when standing: Cale. ostr. Stitches in the lumbar vertebrse causing screams: Phosphor. Sacrum. Great pains in back and sacrum in the morning, with melancholy: Petrol.; loud complaining of pain in the back and loins: Arg. nitr. Vexation and ill humor, with drawing pains in back spreading through the whole pelvis, worse in the evening: Aloes. Lameness in lower part of back, could hardly walk, with religious mania after abuse of alcohol: Veratr. Lameness, with cramp-like drawing forward above the hips, with anxious forebodings: Coccul.; weakness in lower part of back, fears she will be unable to move: Agar. Heavy feeling in sacrum with anxiety: Rhus tox.; pain in sacrum with 228 MIND AND DISPOSITION. anxiety: Nitr. ac.; stitches which take away the breath, with anxious feeling around the pit of the stomach: Sulphur; repeated stitches and tearing in os coccygis which startle her: Canthar. Pinching pain in the sacrum with melancholy: Caustic.; ill humor: Aloes; restlessness: Laches.; vice-like, or as if beaten and crushed; sudden screams from the least motion: China. Unbearable pain in small of back: Psorin. Cold. Chilliness in the back after vexation: Nux vom. Cold creeps with anxiety: Natr. mur.; running down the back, vexatious, taciturn: Borax; shuddering, with anxiety: Natr. mur.; with starting in the night from noises: Carb. veg.; after heat in face with anxiety: Pulsat.; coldness in the night with restlessness: Natr. mur.; cold chills in back, most after going to bed with hot flushes towards morning, and depression of spirits: Lil. tigr. Sweat on back at night, followed by heat and uneasiness, which prevents her from going to sleep: Petrol.; sweat on back after 3 A.M., with anxious restlessness: I IRhus tox.; sweat, with rash on the back, with dullness of all the senses and anxiety: Stramon. UPPER LIMBS. Shoulder and other Joints. Pain causing screams; in the neck and shoulders when bending the head forward; she cannot raise her arms to the head: Graphit.; shoulder-joint as if torn out: Sepia; anxiety and sweat, with pain in the shoulder-blade: Cimex; pain as if beaten, in the shoulderjoint after vexation: Coloc.; in the left shoulder-blade, with stinging and tension, worse when turning head, has to weep and scream: Mereur.; stitches in the elbow-joint after a fright: Phosphor.; restlessness and anxiety in the articulations of the arm and hand: Cale. ostr. Motions. Could not keep the limbs quiet, especially the arms, had to stretch them, with anxiety: Natr. carb. Uneasiness in the arms with restlessness: Bellad.; restlessness with pain in the forearms, sensitive to the slightest touch: Colchic.; arm is drawn backward with anxiety: Alum. Lifts the arms above the head, with screaming: Stramon. Spinning and weaving motions with hands and arms, senseless: Stramon.; spasms in arms, with unconsciousness: Bellad. After vexation, twitches in arms and hands on falling asleep: Conium. Sensations. Violent tearing pain in wrist, elbow, axilla, shoulders and chest, with restlessness: Laches.; jerking, tearing in the right upper arm, now in one place then in another, with anxiety: Amm. mur. Stinging in the upper limbs after fright: Phosphor. Pain in right arm, wakens from sleep with whining: Cast. equ. Early in the morning felt as if going out of her mind, elevated, careless HANDS. 229 state, lasting five minutes, followed by a sensation as of blood trickling down the left arm, from the shoulder to the finger-joints: Cotyl. Tingling in right arm and hand, with difficult comprehension: Natr. carb. Crawling pain in the right arm, particularly in, the hand and tips of the fingers: Natr. carb. Crawling in the arms, with anxious fear and the like: Natr. mur. Chilliness running over the arms, with anxiety: Pulsat. As if arms were stretched, restlessness: Natr. carb. Weakness in the muscles of the arms and hands after excitability with laughter: Carb. veg. Anxiety, with restlessness in the arms, with cheerful mood, heaviness, has to move them constantly: Mur. ac.; anxiety, with heaviness and sensation, as if beaten in the forearms: Sabin.; arms fall asleep and feel as if dead, with anxiety: Natr. mtour.; ill humor, with lameness of the left arm: Bromum. Swelling of arms while raving: Bellad. HANDS. Sensations. Tearing, stinging and swelling of the left wrist, with weeping; beside himself: Sabin. Stitches in palms, with melancholy: Clemat. Crawling in hands, unable to think: Thuya. A kind of anxious feeling in the hand, has to take hold of things: Sulphur. Hastiness and awkwardness, with weak feeling: Chlorof. Motions. Grasping with the hands and screaming: Cale. phosph. Claps his hands together in mania: Stramon.; catches at bystanders with his hands, delirium: Stramon.; grasping with the hands toward the nose, ears and head, stupor: Stramon.; wrings the hands and throws them wildly about, with derangement of mind: Bellad.; endeavors to grasp imaginary visions in the air, on the clothes and bed: Pastinaca sativa. Hands constantly active, with derangement of mind,: Morph. ac. Delirium, with picking and motions of the hands as if they were in contact with real objects: Atrop. Constant motion of the hands to catch imaginary little bodies in the air: Bellad.; grasping about in the air, in delirium or unconsciousness; catching imaginary things, unconsciousness without fever; picking at her clothes or things near her; searching with hands on bed-covers, delirium: Stramon.; picking at flocks in delirium: Hyosc., Rhus tox.; stretched out his hands as if he would lay hold of something; senseless: Stramon.; moving hands as if keeping off what they fear: Stramon. After working with hands, anxious: Jodium. Trembling. With uneasiness of mind: Magn. carb.; anguish: Coffea; anxiousness: Amm. carb., Cicut., Platin., Pulsat.; with flushes of heat: Platin.; with sweat in the face: Cicut.; with apprehension and restlessness: Psorin.: with violent burst of anger about trifles: Sepia; with excitement and talkative 230 MIND AND DISPOSITION. ness: Argent.; after fright: Sambuc.; with inner restlessness and absentmindedness cannot write a letter: Magn. carb.; cannot hold the pen: Coffea; with wantonness, as if intoxicated, after meals: Tabac. Weakness. Lets every thing fall, light-minded, in young girls: Apis. So weak during the attack, she cannot raise a cup to her lips: Silic. Weakness of hands with irritability: Carb. veg. Cold. With anxiousness: Graphit., I I Pulsat.; with anxiety and flying heat: Pulsat.; dislikes to be alone: Cale. ostr.; afraid of ghosts: Pulsat.; with great peevishness: I I Nitr. ac.; vexed and fretful: Phosphor.; icy cold hands, with heat in the head when talking much: Phosph. ac.; starting in sleep, whining, with anxious expression: Ignat. Heat. Excitable; gets hot hands from talking: Graphit.; by day, with mental excitement: Sepia; congestion to the hands, with cheerful, clear mind: Phosphor.; careless humor: Veratr.; flying heat mostly in hands, as from fear after a fright: Cale. ostr.; with anxiety: Carb. veg., Phosphor.; with shuddering and tearful anxiety: Ignat.; with hypochondric mood: Nux mosch.; heat in right hand, with very ill humor: PaLlsat.; easily frightened: Veratr. Sweat. With anxiety: Chamom.,.Mercur.; cold sweat on hands, stupid: Coccul.; in palms of hands with inability to think: Cale. phosph.; with anxious heat: Lanzium; cool sweat in palms of hands, with anxiety and irresolution: Chamom. Outside of Hands. Redness from congestion, with great brightness of mind: Phosphor.; anxiety, with trembling and red spots, no heat: Pulsat.; distended veins on arms and hands, with lassitude and ill humor: Strontian; a scurf on the back of the hand which came over night brings him all out of humor: Psorin. FINGERS. Greater mobility in the fingers with brightness: Spigel. Grasping with fingers, in mania: Stramon.; twitching with the fingers and anxiety: Pulsat. Cannot hold the pen, anguish: Coffea. Stitches in the little finger running upwards, with anxiety and sadness: Caustic. Pains in the fingers with mental dullness: Moschus. Tingling in, point of fingers, especially the thumb, with difficult comprehension: Natr. carb. Crawling in points of fingers, in hands and arms, with great anxiety: Natr. mulr. Crawling in fingers causes anxiousness: Veratr. Drops of sweat hang on the points of the fingers, with anxiety: Sepia. Pains in sore finger, makes him frantic: Cepa. Tetters on fingers with weakmindedness: Ran. bulb. LOWER LIMBS. 231 LOWER LIMBS. Thighs. Cramp-like pain in the hip-joint, after anxiety, waking at night: Sepia; twitching of the muscles in inner thigh, with anxiety and faint feeling: Mangan.; periodical, nervous (spasmodic) drawing, from the hip to the knee, causing screams: Arg. nitr.; tearing stitches causing screams, in the left thigh when at rest: Sepia. Great weakness in the muscles of the thighs with anxiousness: Spigel. Motions of Lower Limbs. Raises the feet up high in walking, as in gressus gallinaceus, because all objects seem larger: Agar., E]uphorb.; anxiety, with spasmodic drawing in the right leg: Thuya; spasms in lower limbs, with or between attacks of mania: Ouprum; stamping of feet, with senselessness: Stramon., with restlessness: Dulcam., in rage: Veratr.; trembling of the legs after talking, has to go by herself to rest: Ambra; jerking of the legs with anxiety: IIepar s. c.; starts from sleep, with involuntary jerks of the left leg: Zincum. Sensations and Conditions. On seeing anything to vex her, feels it in the limbs: Nux vom. Restlessness in the legs when standing, with anxiety: Anac., when in a close room, with desire for air: Asterias. Lower limb gets asleep, feeling in the joint as if dead, most towards evening, with great anxiety: Natr. mur. Heaviness, as of lead in the legs after vexation: Lycop. Lassitude and fatigue of the lower extremities, with dazed feeling as if drunk: Arg. nitr. Weakness of lower limbs, as if unable to support the body, uses wrong words when speaking: Lil. tigr. Great weakness in the feet and joints after walking in open air, cannot do mental work: Borax. Feeling of anxiety and weakness in the right leg when walking: Sulphur. Weakness in the feet, with melancholy: Nitr. ac.; with vexation: Ant. crud.; after abdominal anxiety: Sulphur. Unable to stand on her feet, delirium: Stramon. Tired feeling in the thighs and knee-joints, ill humor, no inclination to think: Clemat. Heaviness of the legs, with ill humor: Gale. ostr. Pain in the legs, with sadness' Graphit., Nitr. ac. Stiffness of the legs: Ignat.; lameness: Chamom., with stupor: Stramon., with anxiety: Bellad. Immobility of left leg, unconsciousness: Nux mosch. Tearing in the bones, causing loud moaning: Nitr. ac. Jerks in the legs, waking from sleep: Magn. carb. Shuddering in the legs with inclination to laugh: Hura. Trembling of legs, with anxiety: Borax, Rhus tox., Sarsap. Knees. Knocking together of knees after a fright: Ginnab. Unsteadiness in the knees, compels to lie down after a fright, caused by sudden surprises: Mercur. 232 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Trembling in the knees, with anxiousness: Hepar s. c. Trembling of one knee and foot, with eager expectation: Nux vom. Tired feeling in the knees, with mental activity: Mezer. Knees give way, with indifference and depression: Rhodod. Knees give way after the least vexation: Cawstic.; after a fit of rage: Glonoin.; in delirium: Stramon. Pain in knees, with restlessness: Arsen.; moaning: Canthar. Pain, as if beaten in left knee, with anxious heat: Conium. Terrible pain in knees, with moaning and whimpering: Canthar. A terribly disagreeable feeling of short duration in the knee: Ars. hydr. Boring pains in knees, with loud screaming: Canthar. A stitch in the knee when falling asleep: Mercur.; startling stitches: Sulphur. Legs and Calves. Restlessness in legs, with anxiety: Catc. phosph. Cramp-like feeling in the calves, with lassitude: Arg. nitr. Hardness of the calves, as if flattened, with unbearable pain, cramp-like feeling: Arsen. Painful stitch in the right leg when rising from kneeling posture, which frightens her: Carb. an. Lassitude and tired feeling in the legs, with hypochondric mood: Arg. nitr. Restlessness and anxiety at night, with coldness of legs and cold sweat on them: Thuya. Malignant ulcers, with marked indifference: Crotal. FEET. Sensations. Pain in the joints, with despair and thoughts of death: Aeon. Pinching, cutting pains in the feet, cause weeping: Hyosc. Itching, boring stitch in the dorsum of right foot, has to scream: Spigel. Pain, as if beaten in the outer side of the foot, has to scream, better from rubbing: Hepar s. c. After vexation, feels it in her feet: Nux vom. Has to look down when walking, to assure himself that the left foot which he turns in when walking, is not twisted: Psorin. Restlessness in the feet, with crawling and heat: Sulphur. Has to move the feet continually and walk about: Alum. Trembling of feet, and weeping from music: Thuya; with anxiousness first in head: Sarsap. Weak feeling in the feet, with trembling after anxiety in abdomen: Sulphur; lassitude, beside herself, with fear of death: Magn. sulph. Tired feeling in the feet at twilight, with quiet mood: Ignat. Languid feeling in the feet, not well humored: Zincum. Heaviness. With anxiety: Ignat., Nitr. ac.; with dejection: Graphit. When walking in open air, followed by ill humor when in doors: Ignat. ALL THE LIMBS. 233 Sadness: Cale. ostr., Graphit.; timidity: Spongica; irritability: Cale. ostr.; aversion to labor: Gale. ostr.; to mental labor: Clemat. Melancholic weeping mood, with heaviness: Clemat.; Cyclam. Cold feet, with mental excitement: Magn. carb.; with anxious trembling: Pulsat. Coldness. With anxiety: Cuprum, Graphit., Sulphur; impatience: Sulphur; with mental excitement: Magn. carb.; with anxious trembling: PuJlsat. With hot head and dislike to talk: Laches. Worse when alone: Cale. ostr.; in mania: Stramon.; sitting at the table, with itching of nostrils': Sulphur. And heat in head, forgets every moment what he was to do: Sulphur. Better warming the feet, became heated; stupefaction: Laches. Soles. A burning stitch at the inner border of the sole of the left foot, has to scream: Ratanh. Violent stitches in soles and palms of hands: Clemat. Burning in the soles, with anxiousness: Biepar s. c. Toes. Violent tearing in the right big toe, has to scream: Paris. Tearing and stitching in the left big toe, with vexation: Baryt. Toes ache, with mehtal dullness: Moschus. Stinging in the corns, has to scream: Sepia. ALL THE LIMBS. Pain. With exaltation of mind, "going to sleep:" Natr. mur.; tension: Angust.; sore aching, with excessively low spirits: Cotyl.; as if bruised after surprise: Mercur.; drawing, with anxiety about it: Rhus tox.; atnxiety causes sleeplessness: Bellad.; tearing, with anxiety: Arsen., Bellad.; in the points of the fingers and toes: Amm. mur.; anxious and restless: Canthar.; tired of life; Lycop.; disposition to weep: Phosphor.; as if beaten: Chamom.; with crying: Cuprurm; restless mind: Arsen., Rhus tox. Dullness and depression, with pain in limbs: I I Gelsem. When thinking of it: Ox. ac. Other Sensations. Fixed idea that the body and limbs are of glass, and will break easily: Thuya. Hands and feet feel as if loosened from the joints, which fills him with despair: Stramon. After being irritable, it goes to the limbs: Nux vom. Greater mobility with mental excitement: Cinch. of., Coffea, Stramon. Throws the limbs about at night as if anxious, lies like one bereft of senses, with cold sweat on the forehead: Bryon. Anxious feeling in the limbs, can find no rest: Sepia; restlessness with eructation: Cale. ostr. Restlessness, does not know what to do with himself: Bellad.; with twitching in the limbs: Cuprumn; unbearable restlessness in the evening: Caustic. 234 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Restlessness particularly in the bends of the elbows, can bear no covering: Asterias. Great restlessness and anxiety, driving from place to place, with trembling of the limbs: Lam. alb. Trembling. With anxiety: I IArsen., Aurum, Calc. ostr., I I Carb. veg., Caustic., I Chamom., I I Coffea, Crocus, Cuprum, Graphit., ILaches., Magn. carb., Mezer., Moschus, INatr. carb., Phosphor., I IPulsat., Rhus tox., Sarsap., Sepia; and restlessness: Lam. alb. With anxiety in the evening: Mezer.; in afternoon: Carb. veg. With vexation: Sepia; vehemence: Aurum, Sepia. Hands and feet tremble, out of sorts, sad and inclined to weep: Thuya. With disinclination to speak: Sulplhur; excitability:.Mar. ver., Nue. v. c., Petrol., Valer.; sudden out-cries: Bellad.; starting in sleep: Petrol.; mental dullness: Aurum; idiocy: Opium. Twitching and starting in sleep with anxious heat: Alum.; sobbing' Thuya; uneasiness: Cuprum; loss of consciousness: Stramon. Shaking of hands and feet, followed by anxiety: Kali carb. Striking about with hands and feet in mental derangement: Stramori. Strange movements with hands and feet in mania: Bellad., Stramon. Spasms with piercing screams: Cuprum. Cramp and stinging in the limbs with agitation: Ananth. Limbs go to sleep after excitement: Natr. mur. Heaviness. Of all the limbs, with great clearness of mind: Carb. veg.; and relaxation, indisposed to work, but not ill humored: Spigel.; pain in joints and muscles, with anxiety: Caustic.; with ill humor and headache in morning: Silic.; dejection: Graphit.; and thoughtlessness: Thuya. And occiput; trembling and anxious, forenoon: Caustic. Pains in the limbs, with anxiety: Magn. carb.; sadness: Graphit. Want of Strength. Sluggish, depressed: Sarsap.; lassitude in all the limbs, with ill humor: Aeon., Petrol.; after fits of weeping: Conium; with excitability: Laches.; with anxiety: Aeon. After waking from siesta, dissatisfied and angry: Clemat. Stretching with lassitude and drowsiness, vexatious and taciturn: Borax. Lassitude after rising, no inclination to work: Lact. vir. Lassitude in all the joints, which feel as if stretched, with anxiety: Mangan. Weakness in all the limbs, with aversion to all work, constant desire to rest: Arsen.; with toothache driving to despair and anxious sweat: Clemat.; with anxiousness: Aurum; dejection: Sabin. Limbs tired, anxious: Aeon.; exhausted, faint-hearted: Sabin. Lameness. With anxiety: Aloes; dejection, indifference, dispirited, as if a heavy burden weighed him down: Conium; with mania: Hyosc.; unconsciousness: Stramon.; after a fright: Stannum; irresolute: Bellad., Coccul. Cold, Heat, Sweat. Chilliness, with restlessness and anxiety: Lam. alb.; with mental derangement: Stramon.; with apprehension: Arsen., Sulphur. Coldness, with insensibility: Aethus.; stupor: Nux mosch. Cold hands and feet, with anguish: Graphit.; with anxiety in the evening: MOVEMENTS. 235 Graphit.; with mental depression, one cheek red, the other pale: Ipec.; from talking much and hearing conversation: Amm. carb.; does not like to be alone: Cale. ostr. When standing, cold sweat on the back of hands and feet, with apprehension: Lil. tigr. Burning of hands and soles, with anxiety: Copaiv. MOVEMENTS. Better from Mption. Trembling anxiety worse in rest: Pulsat. Ill humor and drowsiness, with lassitude, better from exercise: Cyclam.; has to move, even rocking the chair relieves: Angust., Carb. an. Better from Walking. While walking sensation as if carried on wings: Thuya. Cheerful, inclined to work, walks with greater ease, as if the muscles had more elasticity: Cicut. Dullness and heaviness in head, better from walking: Sulphur. Sadness and lassitude in the morning which leaves one while walking: Amph. ver.; forsaken mood: Rhus tox.; unsteadiness: Graphit. Worse while Walking. Desire to walk more than is good for her: Arsen. Sad: Sulphur; and gloomy: Sepia; and grave: Phosph. ac.; anxiousness: NUX vom. Fear of some one behind: Anae., Bromum; dejection: Conium, Therid.; depression: Acon.; low-spirited: Thuya; restless: Caustic., Mercur.; hypochondric: Petrol. Morose: Pulsat.; uneasy: Thuya. Whilst walking in street, suspicious about talk of people: Baryt.; afraid people suppose her to be crazy: Cale. ostr.; weeping: Carb. veg. When walking after dinner absence of thoughts: Rhus tox.; walks about absorbed in himself: Stramon. Mental dullness: Rhus tox.; stupefaction: Carb. an. When walking fast anxiety or fear: Staphis. Feeling as if drunk, obtuse intellect: Lil. tigr.; faint, giddy: Arnic. In walking she imagines she is walking backwards: Paull. pin. When walking fear of falling: Coca, Natr. mur.; faint and giddy: Arnic. When beginning to walk. painful concussion of the brain, with impatience: Platin. Pressing headache in right temple aggravated by walking: Helleb. Burning bellyache and cutting around navel, with ill humor: Capsic. Pain in hemorrhoidal tumors becomes unbearable from walking: Caustic. Anxiety in the afternoon, with heaviness; it is an exertion to walk: Carb. an. NOTE.-In open air see hereafter. 236 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Worse after Motion. Indolence, with dread of the slightest motion: Arsen.; shunning labor, no desire to move: Nux vom. Becomes more excited and passionate after motion: Sulphur. Anxiety and oppression from violent exercise in the evening: Ox. ac. Anxiety: Magn. carb., Niccol.; ill humor: Capsic., Sulphur; difficult comprehension: Arg. nitr. Motions, especially driving produces unconsciousness: Gratiol. Headache, anxiety and bad conscience: Rheuzm. Nausea, as if she had to belch, with anxiety: Nitr. ac. When moving, bellyache; a burning deep in and cutting around the navel, with ill humor: Capsic. Easily heated by exercise, irritable, inclined to anger: Caustic. Anxious heat and sweat from the slightest motion: Stannum; anxious from the least motion, as if sweat would break out: Niccol.; anxious, with sweat: Magn. carb. Rising. From the seat increases restlessness: Caustic.; from bed, anxiety, with shooting pains: Magn. carb. Stretching. Inclination to stretch, more eventempered: Cale. phosph. Cannot keep the limbs quiet, has to stretch them, particularly the arms, with anxiety and hasty restlessness: Natr. carb. Dull and stupid feeling, with an inclination to stretch and yawn frequently, with oppression in the chest and aversion to mental and physical labor: Plant. maj.; Sabin., see Model Cure, page 237. When lying stretched out on the sofa sadness: Hepar s. c. On Stooping. Worse from stooping, headache, anxiousness, bad conscience: Rheum; does not know where she is: Cale. ostr.; dullness in head: Valer. Inability to think, indifference: Natr. mur. Heaviness in head: Lauroc.; stitches in ear, irritability: Chamom.; burning bellyache, with ill humor: Capsic. Dazed feeling after rising from stooping: Lauroc. Great anxiety relieved by bending forward: Bar. mur. Upper body bent backwards, semi-conscious, in mania: Stramon.; without unconsciousness or loss of mental faculties: Kalmia. Worse after Exertion. More excited and passionate after exertion: Sulphur. After working, apprehension: Iodium. After exertion in open air gloomy, lachrymose humor: Kali carb.; pressure in the region below the heart, followed by sadness in-doors: Lycop. After slight exertion weary, irritable, dejected: Cale. ostr.; after overexertion complaining: Cuprum. After overlifting, vanishing of thoughts: Psorin.; after violent motion, forgetfulness: Mezer.; after overexertion, mental and bodily exhaustion: Cuprum. On going down stairs vertigo, as'if losing consciousness: Borax, Ferrum, Mere. per. POSITIONS. 237 Flying heat, especially when busily engaged (also when sitting) or when walking fast; he gets very hot in the face, with stinging as of needles: Oleand. When Working. Anxiousness: Graphit., lodium; had to stop work for anxiety: Aloes; during every occupation anxious: Anac.; irritable: Berber., Borax. Aversion to work or think, indifference, weak memory: Aster. Excited: Angust., Mur. ac., Oleand. After a short work oversensitive: Gale. ostr.; sees strange persons: Magn. sulph.; intrusion of ideas: Mur. ac.; thoughts of former events hover before him: Mur. ac.; distracted: Kura. MODEL CURE. A transitory tensive pain in the forehead, with a sensation as if the skin had grown fast, with tension in the eyes; redness of the skin around the aloe nasi, painful to the touch; dryness of the mouth and Esophagus, without thirst; collection of white frothy mucus, filling the corners of the mouth when talking; sensation of a body in the throat, which he tries to swallow but cannot, it offers no impediment to the swallowing of food; heart-burn and sour eructations, especially when sitting bent over, which likewise aggravates the other symptoms; amelioration from sitting erect, from moving and stretching the limbs, for which he has an involuntary desire; rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, especially in the evening, in a warm room; great tiredness and laziness, with a feeling of deep-seated inward trouble, which makes him melancholy and sad: Sabin.30.AEGIDI. POSITIONS. Standing. Better when standing, anxiety and heat in head: Phosphor.; anxiety and burning in belly: Gale. ostr.; anxiety and nausea: Tarax. While standing fear of some one behind: Anac.; anxious oppression in the epigastrium: Mar. ver.; great anxiety, as if he could not live, with a pressure in the hypochondria: Phosph. ac.; oppression and anxiety: Cina; anguish: Agn. cast.; ill humor: Tax. bacc. Standing he cannot bear: Chin. sulph.; has to deliberate long; when standing and thinking pain leaves him: Bryon. In erect posture, cessation of mental faculties: Rhus rad.; stands absorbed in thoughts: Bryon.; absent-minded: Guaiac. Dazed feeling, does not know where he is: Thuya; stupefaction, staggering: Valer. Unsteady: Nitrum. Mental dullness increases: Bryon., Guaiac.; stupid feeling: Bovist. Lassitude of mind and body: Spigel. Sitting. Better while sitting down: Crocus, lodium; anxiousness: Iodium; restlessness: Caustic. 238 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Better when sitting up, fixed idea: Phosph. ac. Has to sit straight up in agony: Aeon.; anxiousness, after talkativeness: Ambra. Inclination to sit down, with slow comprehension: China; with languor and indolence: 01. anim. Anxiousness, with flushes of heat when at work while sitting: I Graphit.; flying heat: Oleand. Cannot sit on account of anguish: Graphit., Silie. Anxiousness when sitting: Phosphor., Tarax. When sitting bent over anxiety, with fear of death: Rhus tox.; anxiety, with spasmodic pain in the rectum, has to get up and walk: Cale. ostr. Anxiousness in upper part of chest like from sedentary habits: Arsen. When sitting has to take hold of something not to fall; restlessness: Rhus tox. Whilst sitting at the table fear he should fall down insensible: Carb. an. Sexual excitement with restlessness, cannot sit long: Ant. crud. Restlessness when at work, has to get up and walk about: Arsen.; uneasiness: Taxus; ill humor: Cale. ostr. Dizziness, dullness and drowsiness: Pulsat.; dull feeling in head as if drunk; dizziness when getting up: Rhhus tox. Vertigo while sitting: Taxus; while sitting at the table stupefaction: Carb. an. When sitting up in bed senses leave him: -Natr. mur.; stares without thinking: Guaiae.; vertigo and sudden loss of consciousness: Silic.; unconsciousness: Taxus; when sitting and thinking, cannot recollect: Argent. From sitting bent after reading pressing pain in genitals: Bellad. Hypochondria from sedentary habits: Nux vom. Leaning. Disposition to lean against something; slow thinking, has to look at objects a long time before knowing them: Gymnoel. Kneeling. Kneels or stretches arms as if searching, confused mind: Stramon. Lying. Better when lying; dullness in head: Gratiol.; inability to work: Zincum. Inclination to lie down after dinner, with inability to think: Natr. mur. Lying on the left side causes anxiety: Baryt., Phosphor. Anxiety when lying down: Silic.; worse when lying on the side: Baryt., Kali earb., Phosphor., Pzulsat. When lying did not know what she was about: Bryon. Anxious pressure in the epigastrium when lying down: Stannum. Pains in the bones of the head when lying down, with depression: Aurum. After lying down, in evening, anxiety: Nux vom.; sadness: Stramon.; after stretching on the lounge sadness: Hepar s. c. When lying in bed roaring in ears, with impatience: Platin. Cannot get a comfortable position at night, which vexes to tears: Lycop. Dyspncea worse when idle or when lying down: Ferrum. SOMNAMBULISM, CLAIRVOYANCE. 239 Lectrophilie. Morbid inclination to keep in bed, with gastric symptoms; burning down cesophagus into stomach, tender to the touch in scrobiculum, pain in region of left ovary with lectrophilie, will not leave her bed: Al. p. s. Inexpressible feeling of an inward unbearable trouble, with which he is silent and keeps his bed: Mercur. Quiet but complete despair of ever getting well: Psorin. Lectrophobia. Shunning the bed, abhorring it while being very sick: Cannab., Caustic., Lycop., Mercur., Natr. carb. Great dread of going to bed: Cannab. NOTE.-Worse in bed, see "Night." II Alum. Worse from being Idle. Idlers become foolish: Cepa. I Baryt. - When sitting idle ill humor and drowsiness, has a disgust for Calc. ac. Cale. ostr. everything: Cale. ac., Calc. ostr. Cinch. off. When sitting idle dyspncea: Ferrum; when unoccupied I Conium. dizzy pain in left forehead: Cinch. off. II Crocus. II Fearo. Worse in Rest. Nostalgia, grief for lost friends, unI Ignat. happy love: Phosph. ac. I Lycop. I Magn. mur. Violent pressing pain in the region of the loins: Nitrum. I Natr. carb. Inclined to Rest. Suffering, weak, listless condition, inI Natr. mur. I Nux vom. clination to rest: Laches. I Petrol. Aversion to all occupation, wants to rest: Arsen. II Plumbum. II Sepia. Has to lie down, with anguish: Mezer., Phelland. II Silic. Feels comfortable when at rest in cool air: Ant. crud. II Tarax. II Veratr. When sitting still all anxiety disappears: Jodum. SOMNAMBULISM, CLAIRVOYANCE. See Margin List and compare Night Walking. I Aeon. Ecstasy. Sensation as if the soul had no connection with I Alum. the body: Anac. II Anac. Ecstasy, with pleasant warmth and lightness: Jatroph. I Ant. crud. Atrop. Desire to make no motions, with a feeling of serenity: Coca. i Bryon. Longing or languishing of mind and body with oversensitiveCicut. ness: Cinch. off.; serenity, with pleasant lassitude, smiling, conCyclam. tented face: Lauroc.; unusual serenity and vivacity after supper: Kali brom. Colchic.; the same for fifteen minutes, then followed by drowsiness: Laches. Moschus. Bellad. Natr. mhur. Lightness. Lightness, cheerfulness and mental activity I Nux mosch. II Opium. alternate with fullnes and tension after eating: Ant. crud. SII Phosphor. Clear mind and comfortable feeling: Carb. veg. Sol. nigr. Mental and bodily exhilaration, everything feels so light: Spigel. Alum. II Spongia. I Stannum. Great lightness of all motions, with cheerfulness: Cocc. cact., Stramon. II Sulphur. Gambog.; light and cheerful: Petrol.; merry: Thuya. Veratr. Great mobility of body in mania: Opium. 240 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Excitable, Agitated. Mental and physical exaltation: Alcohol, Alum. Excitement of body and mind: Aloes. Great agitation with nervous irritation: Ananth. Overexcitability, prepared for pleasant or unpleasant emotions, no bodily weakness: Arnic.; hypersensitive condition of nervous system, nerves are " on the stretch:" Cinch. off.; overexcitability of all senses, especially after using chamomile tea: Coffea. Great excitability and restlessness: Colchic. Nervous excitement; every impression on mind or body excites inward trembling: Hepar; with mental excitement trembling of the body: Petrol., Rhus tox. Great excitement, moves around so fast it gets dark before his eyes: Stramon. Mobility of limbs, howling and crying about trifles: Bellad. Walking is much easier, feeling as if her body was carried on wings: Thuya; walks fast; impulsive mind: Arg. nitr. Cannot think; acts without thought; keeps walking fast as if by instinct; feels hurried, does not know why; is forgetful; cannot decide for herself; must depend upon others: Lil. tigr. Involuntary hastiness in taking hold of things and walking: Sulphur; takes things hastily with trembling: Rhus tox. Hastiness in all his ways as if driven by inward fear, with lassitude: Viol. tric.; does every thing hastily, cannot do anything fast enough to satisfy himself: Aurum, Sulph. ac.; anxious restlessness and desire to accomplish much in which she fails; suffers from lassitude: Cale. ostr. Greater facility in performing motions, with cheerful humor: Coco. cact.; increased muscular mobility: Iodium; liveliness, with red face and glistening eyes in mania: Opium. Feeling of strength and cheerfulness: Opium, Platin., Sarsap. Increased physical strength, with inclination for bodily exercise: Zizia. Very courageous and strong, wants to fight everybody: Bovist. Feels an irrisistable desire to sing with excessive hilarity, for a while, thereupon absentminded and indisposed to do any kind of work: Spongia. Merriness, singing and dancing, making rhymes, telling love-tales, exploits of battle and hunting stories; increased physical strength: Agar. Great strength in mania: Bellad., Canthar., Hyosc., Stramon. Irresistible strength in his fury: Iyosc. Strongest muscular power, with senselessness: Stramon. Great cheerfulness and activity: Aloes. Mental and bodily activity increased: Bromum. Comfortable, easy feeling: Cocc. cact. Feels fresher and more active: Lauroc. Comfortable feeling, with increased cheerfulness: Valer. Comfortable body, merry mind: Aurum. Feeling refreshed in body, high humor: Lauroc. Alternating States. Vexation and ill humor alternating with cheerful SOMNAMBULISM, CLAIRVOYANCE. 241 ness, felt like a slight tremor in the joints: Cyclamn.; vexation and lassitude changing with cheerfulness and lightness of limbs: Natr. mur. Overactivity followed by anxiousness: Benz. ac.; lassitude, bodily fatigue, and getting better in rest: Cinnab. Bodily suffering and cheerful mind, alternating with the reverse: Platin. Contradictions. Feels strong but has no will: Calc. ac. Increased physical strength with aversion to mental labor: Colchic. Ill humor and anxious mind, coming it seems from the abdomen, but mental activity not impeded: Asaf. Vexatious all day, dissatisfied, apprehensive and yet not averse to mental activity: Caustic.; contemplative, taciturn, apprehensive yet desire to be active: Mur. ac.; vexatious, yet desire to work: Natr. ~arb.; anxious, vexed by every thing that comes in her mind, yet keeps at her work diligently: Phelland.; ill humor, with inclination to work: Sarsap. Cheerful and communicative in spite of disagreeable fullness: Laches. Would like to work, but has neither the proper attention nor the strength: Helleb. Bodily weakness, with mental activity: Thuya; the body emaciates in the same ratio as the mind increases: Digit. Feels well bodily, but ill-humored: Phosphor., Phosph. ac. Imagines to be sick: Cale. ostr., Nitr. ac., Stramon. MODEL CURE. Mrs. B., met. 29, a miner's wife with four children. At the time when menses ought to appear, violent congestions to the chest and neck; felt as if her head would burst and her heart be squeezed off; violent stitches, as if a knife was plunged into her chest and head; frequently unconsciousness and epileptic convulsions; was bled once a month, which made her so weak that she could scarcely attend to her household duties. After mental excitement, especially a short time before catamenia, slight vertigo, vanishing of thoughts and fainting, from which she recovered in a few moments, without, however, being fully conscious; the outer world had no existence for her; automatically she attended to her household duties, and on awaking from this condition, she had not the slightest recollection of what she had done. If forcibly aroused she had violent convulsions. At times she was in a clairvoyant state, and answered questions accurately on subjects entirely out of her sphere; on returning to consciousness she was perfectly ignorant of what she had said. Pulse small and weak; in the carotid a slight nun's murmur. Bellad. relieved the congestions, but did not change the main symptoms. General lassitude; tired feeling in her knees as from a long journey; great sleepiness, with dizziness as if drunk; does not know where she is; dreaminess, with closing of the eyes; weak memory; forgetfulness; absence of mind; gradual vanishing of thoughts when reading; does not carry out resolutions, but remains standing thoughtlessly on one spot; appears to herself as if chained to her surroundings: Nux mosch. In three months she was free from all symptoms.-LORBACHER. 16 242 MIND AND DISPOSITION. RESTLESSNESS. II Acon. Frequent change of Position: Arsen., Bellad., Canthar., I Agar. I Ambra. Chamop., Cuprum, eodium; from uneasiness: Rhus tox. I Amm. carb. Cannot sit still, must sway herself in all directions and I Anac. Apis. move all her limbs, internal uneasiness: Rhus tox.; cannot Arg. nitr. sit quiet, nor lie quietly in bed: Rhus tox.; every position Arnica. II Arsen. becomes annoying; fretful: I I Bismuth. Asaf. With anxiety: Arsen.; anxious weeping: Camphor.; apI Aurum. I Bellad. prehensions: Aurum, Helleb., Mere. subl.; ill humor: Bismuth.; I Bismuthryon. impatience: Aeon. Bryon. Calad. As if being hurried: Laches.; unsteadiness: Natr. carb.; II Calc. ostr. I Cale. phosph, gets up, lies down: Mancin.; ease nowhere: Mercur. I Cannab.. Weakness, has to lie down, but does not know where for Camphor. II Canthar. unsteadiness: Hydroph.; up and down, with anguish: Apis; Carb. an.. bending in all directions and complaining: Arsen. I Carb. veg. Caustic. Can find rest nowhere, changes his position in bed constantly, wants to get out of one bed into the other: Arsen.; I Chelid. uninterrupted restlessness, changes position constantly, does not Cicut. *I Cina. know what he wants: Aeon. I Cinch. off. Mental and bodily restlessness, takes up a book and throws Cinnab. Colchic. it down again, changes his seat continually; with anxiety durColoc. ing the chill, cannot find rest in any position: Lam. alb. Conium. Crocus. Tosses greatly, raises himself up in delirium: Chamom., Crotaum. Cina, Helleb., Stramon. Cuprum. Cyclam. Great restlessness in the legs in the evening, cannot keep Digit. them still: Calc. ostr.; cannot keep the limbs still with anxiety: Graphit. Natr. carb. I Helleb. Hellppoeb. Frequent change of Place: Arsen., Bellad., Canthar., I Hydroph. Crotal., a.m.m.; from anxiety: Arg. nitr., Bryon., Carb. veg.; II Hyose. I Ignat. with anguish: Arsen.; with despair: Cepa; with apprehenI Jodium. sion: Aurum; with inability to persevere: Asaf.; discoureali carb. I IKobalt. aged: Anac.; great depression, sets him to weep: Chelid.; I I Laches. uneasiness: Amm. carb. I Lam. alb. Lob. infl. Anxious feeling towards evening, cannot sit still, has to i I Lyag. carb. walk about: Nitr. ac.; cannot sit still long in one place: I Magn. mur. Bellad.; much walking: Thuya. I Mangan. Has to keep in constant motion, regrets that he cannot acMar. ver. complish anything: Aurum; with anxiety and dyspncea: II Mercur. I Mere. subl. Carb. veg. Mosch-us. Driven from place to place: Asaf. [ur, ac. II Natr. carb. Cannot work while sitting still, has to get up and walk I Natr. mur., about: Arsen. Niccol. i Nitr. ac. Incessant motion, unconsciousness: Stramon. 1II Nux vom. Restless, cannot stay long in one place: Mercur., Stannum. Opium. Petrol. Thinks she must move around: Calc. phosph. RESTLESSNESS. 243 1s Phosphor. Feels as if he had committed a great crime: ilercur. Phosph. ac. Tossing about in bed with great rage: Stramon. I P11umbum. Seeks one corner after another, finds rest no where: Agar. I Prun. spin. I Pulsat. Driving out of Bed. Compare Bryon., Carb. an., I Carb. Sambuc. veg., Chainom., Coniumn, I Craphit., ILycop., IMagn. carb., Sarsap. II Sepia. Magn. mur., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Niccol., Nitr. ac., Pulsct,, Spielic I Rhus tox., Sepia, Silic., Therid.; anguish driving from one Spigel. I Stannum. place to another, and at night out of bed; wants to go from I Staphis.. one bed to another, lies now here now there: Arsen. I Stramon. II S1uiphur. Desire to run away. Has to walk all the time: Aeon. Tabac. Therid. Would like to run from one place to another: Apis. Thtuya. He wants to run away, to leave: Arsen.; fear of imaginary Valerian. Veratr. things, wants to run away from them: IBellad. Ver. vir. Wishes to go out of the house at bed-time: Elaps; runs about in his room at night: Ifyosc.; wants to run out of the room; frightening illusions: Hfyosc.; running about, with mental derangement: Iodium. Runs from house to house: Moschus. NOTE. See Typhoid Fevers. Restlessness as a Concomitant. Anticipation of happiness: Valer. General nervous uneasy sensation: Cinnab. Does not know what to do with himself: Petrol. Excitability as after an insufficient narcotic, restless and weak: Mar. ver. Anxiety: Aeon., Arnie., Arsen., Lam. alb., Stannum; fear of death: Arsen. Sleeplessness and anxiety: Cupruim. Anxiety, feels like a criminal: Graphit. With anxious and sad dreams, restless sleep: Lob. infl. Anguish: Asaf., Bellad., Caustic., Carb. veg., Magn. mur., Nux vom., Opium, Phosphor. Bodily restlessness, with anxiousness: Arsen., Natr. carb., I IPhosph. ac., Platin.; apprehensiveness: Spigel.; ill humor: Natr. carb. Uneasiness of mind and body: Agar; uneasiness, apparent discontent amounting often to restlessness of a distressing kind: Aeon., Ver. vir. Restless ill humor, with no desire to work: Aloes. No rest and unsuccessful: Amm. carb.; displeased with everything: Graphit.; fretfulness: Natr. carb.; impatience: Sepia; has to move the limbs: Colchic.; screaming and running about: Veratr.; after eating: Petrol., Phosphor. Great anxiety, throws himself down in despair and gets up to walk about again, with colic: Cepa. A week before catamenia:' Kali earb.; a day before, with anxiety: Sulphur. And lassitude: Cyclam.; after lying down in evening with painful twitching of the limbs: Hepar; before midnight: Sarsap. In all the limbs like a crawling, with anxiety; only in the day time: Ambra. Weeping: Sulphur;. hastiness: Aurum; disinclined to work: Arnic.; fear of being left alone: Arsen. Mental and bodily restlessness, as if prevented from doing something that should be done: Arnic. 244 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Cannot contain himself: Calad.; does not know where to turn: Hydroph., Veratr.; as if tormented: MVangan.; fright: Sambuc.; delirium: Stramon. With heaviness in head, cannot speak in proper connection: Mere. subl.; unconsciousness: Stramon. Irritable and crying children: Arsen., Chamom.; tossing about also when awake: Cina. TREMBLING. See Hands, pages 229 and 230; Limbs, 233, 234 and 235. Ambra. After Emotions. Inwardly after the slightest emotion: Anac. I Arg. nitr. Zincurm; all over from every moral impression: Psorin.; longI I Aurum. lasting, like a chill: Zincumn. I Baryt. Very much affected by little surprises; trembles all over Bellad. Borax. and feels as if lame: Mercur. I Cale. ostr. Mind much agitated, every event (music) causes trembling: I Carb. veg. Ncatr. carb. II Caustic. In every limb after being frightened by a noise: Baryt.; Chamom. Cina. all over, after noise in the street: Caustic.; from a door openClemat. ing or a chair pushed: Hlura, Moschus; fright from a noise in I I Crocus. the street: Baryt. Daphm. Tremulousness, startled by noise: Tabac. Ferrum. Trembling of the limbs from vexation: Ran. bulb.; when I Graphit. I Hura. he cannot give vent to his rage: Aurum; when quarrelling: Iberis. Nitr. ac. lodium. Laches. Trembling from thinking deeply: Aurum, Borax. Lamium. Lycop. Feelings. Joyful feeling: Cyclam.; exuberant spirits, MlIagn. carb. overexcitement: Petrol. I I lercur. 1I ezer. Tremor in the nerves as when' anticipating happiness: Mloschlus. Aurum, Valer. II Natr. carb. I Niccol. After a kind of voluptuous trembling of the whole body, II Nitr. ac. dolefulness: Cale. ostr. I Nux mosch. Nux vom. Trembling, with weeping (nostalgia) and anxiety: Clemat.; Origanum. melancholy, sad weeping mood, with sighing and lassitude: II Petrol. Natr. carb.; sadness: Petrol.; low spirited: Natr. carb.; dePlatin. Phosphor. pressed: Phosph. ac. I Phosph. ac. Peculiar melancholy, especially in women, with subsultus I Psorin. II Pulsat. tendinum: Iodium. Ran. bulbs. With apprehensions: Arg. nitr., Aurum, Magn. carb., Rhus Sambuc. tox., Sepia; fearful forebodings: Psorin. I Separsap. With anxiety: lArsen., Ambra, Borax, Canthar., Carb. veg., Stannum. Caustic., I Coffea, Crocus, Graphit, Gr aphit m. alb., Magn. carb., Sulphur. Tabac. Mezer., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac., Nux mosch., Phosphor., Platin., Thuya. Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sarsap., Valer. i Valer, II Zincum. With fear: Magn. carb., Niccol.; of apoplexy: Thuya; of TREMBLING. 245 ghosts: Pulsat.; of murdering some one: Arsen.; anguish: Arsen., Canthar., Carb. veg., Coffea, Graphit., Lycop., Magn. carb., Natr. carb., Platin.; and fear of death: Pulsat. With ennui: Laches.; apathy: Arg. nitr. And timidity: Chamnomn.; fearfulness: Niccol.; irritability: Arg. nitr., Daph. ind., Natr. carb.; after ebullition of anger: Sepia; vehemence: Aurum, Sepia. With sighing: Natr. carb.; weeping: Carb. veg.; whining and complaints: Cina; sudden screams: Bellad. Fearfulness, desire to be alone: Niccol.; great desire for activity: Psorin. Feels as if frightened; an indefinable dread: Iber. am. With feverish restlessness and anxiety: Ruta. With excitability and hypochondriacal anxiety: Valer. With derangement: Arsen., Natr. carb.; delirium: Arsen.; fierceness: Petrol.; mania: Arsen. As if senses would leave: Platin.; lying insensible: Arsen., Opium; want of consideration: Petrol. Of Local Parts or whole Body. Inner: Crocus, Natr. carb., I I Petrol., I Thuya, I IZincurn; hands: Coffea, Platin., Psorin., Pulsat., Sepia; knees: Cinnab., Mercur., Psorin.; feet: Borax, Sarsap.; hands and feet, with sudden cries: Bellad. Limbs: Baryt., Lamiium, Nitr. ac., Mezer., Platin.; of the whole body: Arsen., Canthar., Crocus, Graphit., Laches., Mercur., Mezer., Natr. carb., Nux vom., Opium, Phosphor., Rhus tox., Therid. Head. In attacks: Laches.; pain in forehead and crown: Sepia; heaviness: Sulphur; followed by nosebleed: Sepia; cold sweat in face: Arsen.; pale face: Nux voym.; blue lips: Gina; cannot speak clearly: Thuya. Abdomen. With nausea rising from pit of stomach: Nuux vom.; vomiting: Sulphur. Soon after dinner: Nux vom.; after supper: Caustic.; nausea: Nitr. ac.; anxiety in scrobiculum: Sepia; tearing pain in bowels: Arsen.; urging to stool: Sulph. ac.; after stool: Carb. veg. Chest. Pain: Cina; ebullition of blood: Sambuc.; palpitation: Chanzom. Body. With pains in the limbs: Cina; waving sensation in nerves: Natr. carb.; weakness in arms: Anac., Arg. nitr., Gale. ostr., Sulphur; has to lie down: Nux vom.; as if tired out: Ferrum; as if a disease was threatening: I IPetrol.; involuntary motions: Carb. veg. Sleep. Better after going to bed: M3agn. carb.; wakened by dreams: Origan.; from 3 A.M., without sleep: Rhus tox. Time of Day. Morning, after rising: Arg. nitr.; all day: Magn. carb.; afternoon: Anac., Pulsat.; evening: Mezer., Sambuc., Sulphur; lasting from ten to twenty-seven days: Rhus tox. Out-doors. Continuing: Canthar. Sweat: Sulphur, Thuya. Sensations. During the pains: Daph. ind.; as from anxiousness, but without: Laches. 246 MIND AND DISPOSITION. STARTING FROM FRIGHT. IAether. Starts at a little noise: Ant. crud., Cannab., Sabad.; at the I Alum. least noise: Borax, Laches., 1Vatr. carb., Narcot.; at every noise: I Anmm. carb. I Ant. crud. Card. mar., Hura; at every near noise: Cale. ostr. I Arsen. Every little noise in the street he supposes to be an alarm of Atr op. I Baryt. fire: Baryt. II Borax. Oversensitiveness of hearing: Conium; hearing a scream: I Cale. ostr, Cannlab. Borax; from a crackling in the ear: lRhus tox. Card. mar. When a door is opened; at every word spoken: Cicut.; at Conium. the smallest thing falling: Alum.; at a distant shot: Borax. I Hyosc. Wakes from sleep: Nux vom.; sets him crying: Aether; I Ignat. with desire to weep: Hura; from a dream; delirium: Atrop. II Lahes. Worse in the mornings: Calc. ostr. II Mlagn. carb. After a fright: Hyosc., Ignat.; in affright, rage: Stramon.; I Mercur. I Natr. carb. in an unconscious state: Cicut., Stramon. I I Narc. mur. I Nuxvon MODEL CURE. I Rhus tox. MODEL CURE. I Sabad. I I Silic. A little girl had, after a great fright which almost proI Stramon. duced convulsions, copious diarrhoea, worse at night, painless Tabac. Therid. with much wind; emaciated, great nervousness: Ignat.-GRoss. Twitching. Excited about it: Al. p. s.; followed by senselessness: Cutprum; in sopor: Opium. With deranged mind: Indig.; delirium: Stramon. Subsultus Tendinum. In delirium: Iodium, Stramon.; jerking, gesticulating with the fingers, in delirium: Bellad.; muscles moving automatically in unconscious states: Stramon.; ludicrous gestures in mania: Stramon.; limbs contorted, in delirium: Hyosc.; convulsed, in derangement: Bellad.; all muscles convulsed, with insensibility: Stramon. Wringing hands, with lamentations: Sulphur; raising arms, with crying: Stramon. Spasms. After vexation: Cuprum; even after the slightest: Bellad.; after anger: Chamom.; after a fright: Stramon.; after emotional or moral disturbances: Kali brom.; after the least hurt: Hyper. With anxiety: I I Alum., IBellad., I I Caustic., Chamom., I Coccul., I I Cuprum, 1Hyosc., Ilgnat., Lycop., Natr. sulph., Veratr.; with ill humor and hysteria: Conium; with groaning and moaning: Cuprum; screaming; Opium; penetrating screams: Caprumn. In the hands and feet, can scarcely refrain from screaming: Secal. With mania and rage: Aethus., Canthar., Crocus, Mercur., Stramon.; with derangement: Stramon.; difficult comprehension: Arsen.; speechlessness: Cuprum; stupor: Stramon.; with great agitation and excessive thirst: Anath. Inflammation of bowels; anxiety and twitching: Plumbum. Spasms alternating with fainting: Acon.; after spasms he awakes with paralyzed limbs; he cannot spell his name: Thuya. CONVULSIONS; EPILEPTIC AND OTHER SPASMS. 247 With great weariness: Bellad.; spasmodic laughing: Calc. ostr.; hysterics, spasmodic motions and chill: Conium. Convulsive thrashing with right arm and foot, loud screaming: Opium. MODEL CURES. Spasmodic attack in the morning in bed, with heat; after rising, cold sensation in the arm, then a jerk, with violent twitching in the trunk and arms; anxiety: Caustic. Toward evening she suddenly fails to recognize her friends, screams out loud, laughs, weeps, talks disconnectedly, now as if in fright, then of her death; thinks she is surrounded by strange persons who insult her, seeks to fly. Twitching in the face and all the limbs, wrings her hands and throws them wildly about in the air: Bellad.-BIcKING. CONVULSIONS; EPILEPTIC AND OTHER SPASMS. With loss of consciousness; with consciousness * according to H. Gross. II Acon. 1 With or without Consciousness: Kali carb., Lycop., II Bellad. II Cale. ostr. Nux vom., Platin., Plumbum; losing it gradually: Bellad. II Camphor. After Fright or Fear. See page 75, adding: Cuprum, Canthar. II Caustic. Secal., Veratr.; starts at trifles and gets irritable: Bellad. Chanout. After Shock of Injury. With commotio medullke spina* Cina. lis: Opium. Il Coupccl. Homesickness, love-pangs, jealousy: Hyosc. I GloLoin. Grief: Hyosc., Ignat., Opium; child being punished: Ignat.; * Ielleb. vexation: Bellad., Ilgrnat., Nux vom., Sulphur; attacks return I I Hyose. after the slightest vexation: Cale. ostr. II Ignat. II IIpec. After getting angry: Chamom., Sulphur; the nursing mother: * Kali carb. Opium. II Laches. Lauroc. After emotions: Bellad., Gicut., Hyosc., Ignat., Secal. Magn. carb. After exertion of mind: Bellad.; of body by quick running: * Melxyanth. Sulphur. M* 1Moschus. With Feelings. Excessive cheerfulness: Hyosc. * Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Not sensitive to pain: Coccul.; overcome by sexual desire: II Nux mosch. I1 Nux vom. Laches.; smiling before attack: Bellad. II Opium. Sad: Cicut., Lycop.; melancholic: Psorin.; depressed: Lycop. ~ Phosphor. * Platin. Apprehensive about getting well again: Cacc. ostr.; fear of * Plumblum. falling: Lycop.; fear in his eyes: Zincum;; anxiety before Secale. Sepia. attack: Lauroc., with it: IBellad., Cale. ostr., Chamonm., Hyosc., II Silie.: Stannum. XSulphur, in scrobiculum: Coccul., in prrecordia: Bellad., with ll Stramon. breathing: Coccul.; indifference: Cicut. I I Sulphur. Feelings and Conations. Timid: Bellad.; irritable: Thuya. I Veratr. Nux vom., Zincunm; discontented: Nux vom.; wild, dark look: Valer.; wilful, obstinate: Cale. ostr.; sensitive mood: Zincum; malicious disposition: Cluprum. 248 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Actions. Spasmodic laughter: Stramon.; loud laughing: Zincum; screaming, laughing, singing, weeping: Bellad.; crying without being angry: Cuprum; whimpering: Laches. Sighing and moaning: Chamom. Screaming: I I Bellad., I I Cale. ostr., Canthar., I I Cicut., I Cuprum, I Hyosc., Ignat., Laches., Lauroc., Lycop., I INux vomr., Opium, Plumbum, Stramon., Zincurnm; sudden: Cuprum, Opium; loud, violent: Bellad., Cicut., Cuprum, Opium, Plumbum; piercing: Cuprumn; mournful: Bellad.; crying when approached: Ignat.; for help: Lauroc.; at the slightest noise: Cicut.; during catamenia: Cuprum; striking about with arms and legs in a rage: Canthar.; with cardiac anxiety: Lycop.; one foot goes up and down: Opium; in sleep: Zincum; with starting: Bellad. Hastiness in all motions, with fear: Arsen.; tries to escape: Bellad. Desires. Strays from one subject to another in conversation: Valer. Anxious restlessness: Cale. ostr., Zincum; wanders about: Bellad.; restless, desire to escape: Caustic.; restlessness and anxiety towards evening: Bellad.; looks around shyly, with anxiety: Zincum. Depression: Zincumn; lies as if dead after the convulsion: Cicut.; lassitude after convulsions: Ignat.; misunderstands questions: Valer.; difficult comprehension: CGprum; mental dullness: Cale. ostr. Idiotic condition before the attacks: Caustic. Productions. Delirium: Bellad., Ignat., Kali carb., Opium, Stramon.; before: Opium; after: Bellad.; bites himself, tears clothes: Bellad.; sees ugly people: Kali carb. With mania: Bellad.; in alternation, with mania: Stramon.; after it: Cuprum; with furor: Bellad., Canthar., Crocus, Hyosc., Stramon.; after furor, uterinus and hydrophobia: Gratiol. Mental derangement:'ale. ostr.; confused, absentminded: Laches. Reproductions.'Speechless: Bellad., Cale. ostr., Cuprum; stupor: Bellad., Cuprum, (Enanth.; weak memory: Bellad., Cuprum, Hyosc. Convulsions if forcibly aroused from half conscious state: Nux mosch.; frightened appearance: Stramon. Convulsions of facial muscles; stupefied: Acon.; loss of senses: Camphor. MODEL CURES. Called in consultation to a case of cerebro-spinal meningitis, I found the patient, a woman, set. 35, unconscious and in spasms. Her head was bent backwards, arms and limbs rigid; pulse very quick; breathing slow. A short time before she was taken ill, she had lost suddenly and in quick succession, two of her children. This mental shock producing almost a stunning effect, I considered as main indication, and proposed Opium200. She grew better at once and recovered in a short time.-C. G. RAUE. A man, ret. 30, insane on religion, had frequent attacks of epilepsy from childhood. Psorin.l, in water, improved the mental condition and epilepsy.TIETZE, SEN. MIND AND BODY WEAK, FEEBLE AND RELAXED. 249 MIND AND BODY WEAK, FEEBLE AND RELAXED. Agar. Agreeable sense of lassitude, with relaxation of muscles: I Anac. Gelsem. Anath. Arsen. Body and mind exhausted after ecstasy: Laches. Baryt. Mental activity is followed by mental and bodily relaxaII Bellad. Berber. tici: Clemat. Cinchlemat off. Mental and bodily prostration after overexertion of mind Coffea. and loss of sleep: I Cuprum. Colehic. Coniur. Mental infirmity, weak minded: Anac. Convolv. Bodily and mental infirmity: Natr. carb. I Cupruin. I Digit. Mentally and bodily indisposed: Opium; weak and dispirited: Oleand.; attacks of mental and bodily prostration, has II Hippom. to lie down: Mercur.; with drowsiness: Stramon. KJaniph Stupefied and weak, has to lie down: Opium. Kali care. I Laches. Aversion to move': Natr. carb.; getting tired soon, lazy: Lauroc. Lepid. Nux vom.; fatigued, morose, unable to work: Magn. sulph.; Lycop. weary, tired, relaxed, dislike to work: Laches. Magn. carb. Magn. sulph. Lassitude, no ambition to work, irritable, frequent flushes 1il Mercur. of heat to the face: Lycop.; after irritability: Cinnab. I Natr. carb. Natr. mur. Great languor and indisposition for either mental or physiNitrum. cal labor: Ptel. trif. Nux vom. Lassitude in the limbs, with indisposition to work: Amm. Oleander. Opium. carb.; indisposition for mental or physical labor: Lauroc. Phosphor.telea With sluggishness: Alum., Canthar., Chamom., Chelid., RhuUs tox. Cinch. off., Croeus, Laches., Lactuc., Nux vom., Staphis.; and II Senega. I Spongia. general lassitude: Seneg. Stannum. Tiredness throughout the whole body, cannot do mental Vip. tory. Xiphos. work: Spongia. Prostrated and indisposed to think: Nitrum. Great languor and weakness, with indisposition for mental labor: Colchic.; indisposed for any motion or mental occupation: Kali carb. Exhausted, speaking is difficult: Rhus tox.; lassitude, also when speaking: Digit. Weakness of body and mind; does not talk: Arsen. Irritable sadness: Natr. carb.; suicidal ideas: Ananth. Bodily C.C.C. Mental and bodily prostration, with great desire to eat: Natr. mur. After dinner indisposition to work, with mental dullness: Agar. After eating, hypochondriac depression, with mental and physical prostration: Anac. On waking in the morning mental and bodily prostration: Berber. Mental and physical prostration in the morning: Laches., Phosphor. After catamenia mental and physical prostration, with despondency: Alum. 250 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Contradictions. Lassitude, would like to rest all the time, with active mind: Lycop.; with cheerfulness: Lauroc. Great prostration, with inclinition to joke and laugh: Coniurm, Crocus. With foolish singing: Crocus; talks to himself: Hyosc. Weak, exhausted, excited, talks much: Ambra; with weakness of arms and hands: Carb. veg. Exhausted and talkative: Hyosc.; weakness, corporeal exhaustion and loquacity: Laches. Exhaustion, with tranquil thoughts of death: Zincum. Sudden relaxation of muscles with full consciousness: Helleb. Bodily weakness, with full mental power: Thuya; weakness especially in the knees, with mental activity: Cyclam.; general prostration as if not enough sleep, with mental activity: Veratr. No ambition; prostration, yet not ill-humored: Cocc. cact. Sluggishness, yet not fatigued by walking: Mur. ac. Mental dullness, indisposed for mental labor, but likes to do mechanical work: lodium. Ill humor, but disposition to work: Sarsap. Indisposed to work, but inclined to deep thinking: Natr. mur. Disposition for mental labor, with physical prostration: Cicut. Alternations. Lassitude alternating with activity: Aloes. Cheerfulness and feeling of great strength, alternating with despondency and weakness: The North Pole of the Magnet. Great weakness after good humor: Mercur.; weakness causes her to think deeply: Aurum. When the mind is cheerful the body suffers, and vice versa: Platin. With Irritability: Amnbra, Cale. ostr., Carb. veg., Caustic. Nervous irritability, with prostration of the whole system: Iris vers. Continual agitation, with tiredness and debility: Anath. Great prostration, with increased sensibility: Iodium. Weakness of body, irritable: Cale. ostr., Phosph. ac. Oversensitiveness, nervous excitability, with general weakness: Chin. sulph. Unusually irritable, next day weak and lazy: Cinnab.; fatigued and nervous feeling; Ilydroph. Sadness, with excitability: Hyosc. Bodily relaxation and fatigue, with mental excitability: Laches. Lassitude; the nerves are affected: Natr. carb. Every event makes a violent impression, faintness: Natr. carb. Hypersensitive condition of the nerves, music is unbearable, with prostration: Sabin. Mania alternating with melancholy, irresolution; weak digestion: Digit. In cases of great weakness of body and fainting, especially with pregnant and parturient women, we have made use of nutmeg and wine, applied to the epigastrium and palms of hands, with the best and quickest effect, also after parturition. -M. F. BLUFF. Old school. 1835. Weakness of mind, comp. symptoms 20-28; and pages 304 and 305, Materia MIedica, Vol. I. WEAKNESS, WITH OTHER MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 251 WEAKNESS, WITH OTHER MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. Amphisb. Weak and Sad. Tender sadness which disposes one to be Arsen. I Bovist. weak: Amphisb. Carb. an. Clemat. Great exhaustion, with sadness: Bovist.; weeping: Arsen. nCrotal. Prostration, with great melancholy: Clem at.; sadness, indifI Kali carb. ference, and disgust for everything: Ignat. Laehes. I Lauroc. Very tired after rising, with sadness; inclined to weep: I Mercur. Carb. an. I Natr. carb. I Natr. mur. All strength gone, inconsolable: Natr. mur.; sad, heavy spirPhosph. ac. ited: Natr. carb.; prostration of strength, and sadness: Laches.; Rhus tox. Secale. loses her strength, with sad, fearful thoughts: Rhus tox. II Sepia. ZiSncumi Grief and Gloom. Everything grieves: Mur. ac.; very weakening grief: Natr. mnur.; exhaustion, weariness of legs, and gloomy: Arg. nitr.; laziness; gloomy, dull: Nuc. v. c. Ambra. Depressed, dejected, dispirited. Body weak, mind I I Arg. nitr. depressed: Phosph. ac. Ars. met. Weak all over: Ars. met.; general languor: Myr. cerif.; nerCale. hyp. I cale. ostr. vous prostration: Cale. hyp.; powerlessness, loss of all strength: Camphor. Cn mphor. rSecal. Caustic. ec. Cinnab. Weariness and unhappiness: Cattstic.; weary and dispirited: Crotal, 11 Eriger. Lycop., and lazy: Camphor. II Hydroph. Lowness of spirits, with a feeling of great languor: Erig. Kali brom. I I Lob. iml. can. Lyrop. Desponding, ill-humored, melancholy, joyless, with weariness 1tyr. cerim. Natr. manur. in all the limbs: Sabin. I Phosph. ac. II Sabin. Sudden weakness, with melancholy: Crotal.; all strength I Secalen. gone, no hope: Natr. mur. Sulphur. With feeling of approaching death: Kali brom. Melancholy, sits quietly for days and weeps, with sexual weakness: Ambra; sudden weakness, with melancholy: Crotal. With apathy and trembling: Arg. nitr. Depressed and weak as after a severe illness: Cinnab.; with diarrhoea: Apis; weak, ill-humored, with qualmishness: Strontian. Depressed and weak in the afternoon: Sulphur; all day: Hydroph. Hypochondric mood: Arsen., Moschus, Nux mosch., Platin., Sepia. Exhausted, weak as if lamed, after a short walk: Conium. MODEL CURE. Feeling of weakness extending from forehead into nose; restlessness, mental depression; weeps a great deal, especially when alone; feels as light as if she could float or hover in the air; full of fear of getting crazy: Mancin. G. BUTE. 252 MIND AND DISPOSITION. I Acon. Weakness with Anxiety, Anguish, Fear or ApII Agn. cast. Alum. prehension. Great weakness, with anguish: Agn. cast.; I Amm. carb. loses all his strength, with anguish: Rhus tox. Angust. Ant. tart. Gloomy and apprehensive, with weakness: Crot. tigl. Arg. nitr. Weakness and apprehension: Arsen., Arg. nitr., Sepia; as Arsen. I Aurum. if near death: Aurunm. II Borax. I Cale. ostr. Very weak, imagining sickness: Arsen. Carb. an. Melancholy, fear of death, with great weakness: Ant. tart. Carb. veg. II Caustic. Extreme weakness, which the patient fears will carry him Chlil. sulph. off: Digit.; loss of strength, anxious, as if dying: Rhus tox. Cicut. Clemat. Constant thoughts of dying, with increasing prostration: Coloc. Digit. Thuya. Ginseng. Faint, with anxious hastiness: Viol. tric. II Gratiol. Ignat. Exhaustion; thinking of death: Zincwun. I Magn. ab. General weakness, with melancholy and anxiety: Clemat. I INatr. mur. Weariness and uneasiness: Amnbra, Anthrac., Calc. ostr., Nitr. ac. Viol. tric.; full of sad thoughts, anxious and fearful, with loss I Nitrum. Phosphor. of strength: Rhus tow. Platin. General exhaustion and despair: Arsen.; despondency: Ratanh. Anac. I I Rhus tox. sepia. Great prostration, with anxiety: Chin. sulph.; weakness, Silicy. with anxiety; while eating: Ran. bulb. Thuya. Veratr. Great weakness, with anxiety and trembling: Platin.; with Viol. tric. dread of work and walking bent over on account of colic: zinculn. Coloc.; fear, with weakness, as if lamed: Mur. ac. Sudden weakness, with anxiety, has to lie down: Caustic.; general weakness, with anxiety and heat: Carb. an.; fatigued and anxious: Gratiol.; weak and prostrated, with anxiety and sweat: Ratanh., on the head: Mur. ac. Anxious heat all over, with weakness, better in open air: Gratiol.; weak, depressed and anxious in the day-time, better in open air: Cale. ostr. Weakness, as if going to faint, with anxiety in the morning: Nitr. ac. Indifference, Apathy. Great debility with aversion to occupation and general indifference to his surroundings; relaxed and tired feeling: Rumex. Indifference, with relaxed condition, easily fatigued when walking: Fluor. ac. Indifferent mood, with sick feeling: Argent.; not well disposed, wanting action of body and mind: Bellad.; prostrated and indifferent: Merc. per. Melancholy, dread of men, indifference, with sudden weakness: Laches. Despondency, indifference, bordering on idiocy, with weakness: Mezer. Faint-heartedness: Caustic., Lycop., Oleand., Petrol.; no ambition, great prostration: Caustic.; weakness and fearfulness: Amm. carb. MODEL CURE. A lady, worn out with solicitude and care of a sick friend, had delirium followed by convulsions. After Laches.2m, the convulsions abated; she fell into a soft slumber, awoke conscious, and with the exception of feeling weak was quite comfortable.-FINcH. WEAKNESS, WITH OTHER MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 253 Anit. cr. Weak and Irritable, Ill-humored, Morose. WeakApis. Arsen. ness, with ill humor: Arsen., Apis, Natr. mur., Spongia; irriBaryt. tability: Chin. sulph.; with sluggishness and fatigue; dark, Bryon. Calad. gloomy mood: Nuc. v. c.; tiredness, with ill humor: Cale. Calc. caust. caust. Calc. phosph. Capsic. Lazy and morose: Petrol. Carb. -veg. Chin. sulph. Tired in the whole body, and morose: Spongia; with Cinnab. anger: Moschus, Natr. mur. I Conium. Cyclam. Great irritability from weakness; better from motion: Gratiol. Magn. our. am. Mercur. Fretfulness, with relaxed condition: Mur. ac.; greatest Moschlls. I MDur. ac. weakness: Natr. mur.; whole body fatigued: Spongia. Natr. earb. Body weak, mind depressed and irritable: Phosph. ac. Natr. mur. I Nitr. ac. Lassitude, talking vexes him: Nux mosch.; headache. Nux mosch. Chin. sulph., Cinnab. Nuc. v. c. Petrol. Irritable, vexatious humor, with lassitude and abdominal Phoslsph. ac. complaints: Terebinth. Sabin. c Spongia. Sick and weak in morning in bed, with ill humor: Conium. Terebinth.'huya. Weak and irritable in forenoon: Gratiol., Magn. mur. Conations. Weeping: Arsen.; weakness of hands, lets everything fall, while busy: Moschus; and hastiness: Viol. tric.; weakness, with listlessness: Crotal. Weakness, no ambition, indifference: Bellad., Cinnab., Gelsem., Bromiun. Weak, indifferent and uneasy in the morning: Magn. carb., general uneasiness, with nausea: Asar., with diarrhoea: Mercur. Uneasiness: Opium; after supper: Petrol. Intellect. Lassitude and great weariness; semi-conscious: Stramon.; weakness, loss of consciousness: Hydr. ac.; excessive want of strength: Opium. Bodily weakness; with its increase memory declines: Nitr. ac.; and giddy stupefaction: Zincum; prostration and stupor: Secal., Stramon. Torpor of the mental faculties, with physical languor: Menisp. can. Weariness, not disposed to think: Mere. per.; relaxation and difficult comprehension: Cinch. off. Prostration, cannot grasp an idea nor answer a question: Laches. Mental dullness, with prostration: Alum., Anac., Aurum, Digit.; head and body weak, with dullness: Ran. bulb. Weariness, inclined to sleep, does not feel like studying, cannot think; when writing thoughts vanish: Glonoin. Relaxed, weak and drowsy after dinner, mental dullness, cannot think: Magn. carb. Looks disturbed, with great weakness, which she tries to hide: Thuya. Weakened by tormenting ideas: Natr. mur.; loss of strength, with delirium: Stramon. Mania and delirium, with hallucinations, convulsions and great prostration after the attacks: Hyosc. 254 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Exertion of Intellect. Weak from thinking: Aurum; exhausted from talking and writing: Cannab.; mental work tires soon: Aloes, Thuya. Bodily exhaustion after mental overexertion: Cuprum. Weakness, with Mental and other Bodily Concomitants. Lazy and tired, with no appetite: Arg. nitr. Shuns labor, with drowsiness and loathing of food, even when hearing it mentioned: Cinch. off. Sluggishness after eating; everything, even writing and talking affect him: Cannab. Fatigue after eating, gets very tired from walking, with ill humor: Phosphor. Heaviness after eating, with fullness and no desire to work: Digit. After eating, indolent and disposed to lie down: Ant. crud. Indolent and drowsy after dinner: Zincurn; yawning and stretching: Magn. carb. Weariness after dinner, unable to do the usual work: Ignat. Indolence and dullness, with nausea: Asar. Anxiety, with prostration, nausea, distension, yawning and stretching: Bovist. Prostration, with weakness in the knees and irritability after unsatisfactory coition: Cale. ostr. Weary and ill-humored during catamenia: Caustic.; depressed: Sepia. Lassitude and drowsiness, cannot study: Gelsem. Weak and tired after rising, has to sit down to dress: Caustic. Discomfort, indisposition. Uneasiness, no ambition: Gratiol. General discomfort, without pain: Natr. carb.; feeling of general discomfort: Sabin.; feeling of great and indescribable discomfort: Amtm. carb. Bodily suffering from a wretched forsaken feeling: Clemat. General discomfort, with anguish: Asaf.; displeased with everything: Amrsen.; hypochondria: Zincurm; with absentmindedness: Magn. carb., Stannum. Greatest bodily discomfort, quiet, silent: Stannum; aversion to move: Zincum. Uncomfortable, no desire to work: Ruta. Indisposed to all mental and bodily occupation: lHyper. Great discomfort, with pale, discolored appearance: Jfiagn. carb., Sulphur. Discomfort and irritability: Opium. Nervous Weakness, Irritability. Very irritable, mind depressed, body weak: Phosph. ac. Nervous affection, with mental listlessness: Nux mosch. Talking, even that of persons dear to him, affects his nerves and makes him irritable and impatient: Zincum. Irritability, with ill humor and lassitude: Carb. veg.; it runs through the whole body, irritability: NVux vom. Ill humor and anxiety about every trifle, from nervous weakness: Silic. Sadness, feels as if he was ill: Digit. Fatigued. Unusual fatigue of body and mind: Coca; easily frightened, whining: Petrol.; vexed: Gratiol.; exhausted, and out of humor: Crotal.; WEAKNESS, WITH OTHER MENTAL CONCOMITANTS. 255 very tired feeling and ill humor during catamenia: Caustic.; weariness and grumbling: Cale. caust. Weariness after little exertion, with irritability: Cale. ostr., hypochondria: Moschus, hastiness: Sulph. ac. Fatigued from playing the piano: Angust., Natr. carb.; from thinking: Aurum, Chamom., Pulsat.; affected by mental work: Aurum, Laches., Pulsat. Indolence, Shunning Work, Incapacity. The ability and desire for work diminish: Plumbum. When returning from a walk, every step is an exertion; longs impatiently for rest and solitude: Conium. Great lassitude of mind and body, longs to be inactive and at rest: Spongia. No ambition, tires soon: Nux vom.; disinclined to bodily or mental occupation.: Cinch. off.; indisposed to work or walk: Zincum; does not want to move, shuns labor: Ignat.; feels lazy all day long: Sulphur. Lassitude and feeling as if beaten, mental dullness, in the forenoon: Laches. Joyless, dull and indisposed to manual or mental work: Droser. Idle, no inclination for mental or physical occupation: Mar. ver. Unable to work, with ill humor and mental dullness: Phosph. ac. As if lamed or beaten after anger, unable to work, can scarcely walk: Cale. phosph. Inability to think in the morning, with uncheerfulness and bodily inactivity: Gelsenm. Aversion to mental or bodily labor: Agar., Cyclam., Kali bichr., Mar. ver., Oleand.; too weak: Arsen., Opium. Indolent, no ambition to work or study: Laches.; disinclined to move or talk: Gratiol.; tired and lazy: Hura. Indolent, no inclination for mental work, in the morning: Ran. scel. Quiet and depressed, indolent and sad: Bromum. Indolent, no ambition, the slightest motion is too much: IPsorin. Sluggishness, in the afternoon, walking is an exertion: Silic. Shuns labor, with ill humor: Chin. sulph. Dullness, no desire to work, indolence; every forenoon: Psorin. Very much tired by headwork, feels exhausted: Aurum. Indisposed to work, indifferent and sad, fatigued: Laches.; irritable and lazy: Petrol. Indolence and ill humor, particularly with phlegmatic constitutions: Laches. Disinclined to exertion, depressed: Rumex; ill humor and inability to work, irritable impatience: Aloes; indolence, with lassitude and ill humor: Iodium; would rather rest, lazy and out of temper: Spongia; want of activity, indifference: Bellad.; indifferent and indolent: Argent.; irritable, moody and disinclined to work: Magn. mur. Heaviness. Of mind and body: Phosphor.; heavy body, inactive mind: Phosph. ac. Stupor, heaviness and sleepiness: Sanguin.; heavy feeling of body, with drunkenness: Stramon.; whole body heavy, cannot express his thoughts: Nyux mosch.; ill humor, after eating: Graphit. 256 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Stiffness. Stiffness of body, senses leave him: Camphor.; rigidity and insensibility: Nux mosch.; stiffness and difficult comprehension: Chin. sulph. From irritability, with children: Pulsat.; stiff body; limbs can be bent: Veratr. Loss of Control. Hypochondriac, despondent, with helplessness: Anac. No confidence to make voluntary motions: Angust. Restlessness and unsteadiness, does not know exactly what he wants, what he is to do or leave undone: Natr. carb. Muscles do not obey the will: Gelsem.; unable to act upon her limbs: Spongia; as if not obeying the will: Aster. Muscles refuse to obey the will when the attention is turned away: Helleb. Want of bodily feeling, with maniacal gestures: Ant. crud. Staggering, Tottering, Reeling. Staggering: Ant. crud., Borax; with anxiety: Nux mosch.; with fear of falling: Nux vom. Staggering walk, with'delirium: Stramon., Vip. torv.; tottering walk, thinking only on one idea, he suddenly comes to consciousness: Nux mosch.; tottering walk, with stupor: Stramon.; tottering walk, if not very attentive: Helleb.; reeling about, staggering; drunkenness: IStramon. Falling. Inclination to fall, with anguish: Nitr. ac. Vertigo when sitting, cannot rise for fear of falling: Kali carb. Falling in a fainting fit, with fear of death: Moschus; sudden falling, in mania: Stramon.; dazed and dull; falling: Psorin. Tendency to fall powerless, stupefaction: Alum.; falling down, talks wildly: Thuya; disposed to fall, thinks he talks wrong: lNitr. ac. From the chair, with insensibility: Nux mosch.; to the ground, senses leave him: Camphor.; after running about: Veratr. Lameness, Mental Conditions and Concomitants. As if lamed, after a fright: Stannum; apprehensive: Natr. mur.; after vexation: Sepia. Lamed on one side, after vexation: Staphis.; lamed feeling, with ill humor: Conium.; after every emotion: Cale. phosph. Paralysis, with listlessness: Nux mosch.; with fear of being damned: Conium. In occiput lame, cannot comprehend, weakminded: Cale. ostr.; as if paralyzed mentally and physically: Phosphor. Senses torpid, with great mental depression: Arnie.; semi-lateral paralysis, with mania: Hyosc.; inability to move, loss of consciousness: Amygd.; sad, motionless, speechless: Pet. tetr. A robust forest ranger, set. 50, fell down in a fit in which he retained consciousness, six months ago. Limbs give way, particularly the right; when sitting he can lean neither forward nor backward without losing his balance. The arms are weak, speech difficult, mind dull; disposed to weep; urine and feces pass involuntarily; occasional attacks of dyspncea. Arnic., Aloes, Nux vom. and counter-irritants were of no avail. After Secale in grain doses, three times daily, in three days the patient could retain his urine, and in sixteen days his health was fully restored.-A. H. Z., 52, 112. SLEEP-SLEEPINESS. 257 SLEEP. Gaping and Yawning. Frequent yawning without sleepiness, with cheerful mood: Chamom. Yawns and is low-spirited, with chilliness: Turpeth.; yawning and anxiety: Plumbum. Gaping, with hiccough and apprehensions: Crot. tigl.; and weariness after toothache, but could not fall asleep, fearing pain might return: Rhus tox. Yawning, with ill humor: Cinch. of., Gratiol., Zincurn; very sleepy, yawns all day, with ill humor: 01. anim.; yawning and stretching, morose, peevish: Selen. Children cry because they want to gape and cannot succeed: Lycop. Yawning, no desire to speak when others talk: Cinnab. Frequent yawning, with lassitude and aversion to mental occupation: Magn. mur. Yawning, with idleness: Cannab., Chinin.; no desire to work, with constant gaping: Mezer.; with sleepy weariness, while walking: Rhus tox. SLEEPINESS. Feelings. Exhilaration of all the faculties, followed by a strong desire to sleep: Ziz. aur.; with activity: EuAphras. Somnolency after the least excitement, and after the least exertion of mind: Nux mosch. After dinner much laziness and yawning, which disappears the moment he begins to work: Natr. carb. Music makes sleepy: Stannum. Many ideas keep him awake: Agar. Drowsy, but cannot sleep; talkative, but losing the thread: Laches. Painful. Dreary news makes him sleepy: Ignat.; cannot keep sleep off, with sadness: Platin., Plumbum. Feels sick all over, with sadness and sleepiness: 01. anim. Drowsy and sad, all day long: Paull. pin. Drowsiness, with hopeless despair: Ant. tart.; gloomy feeling: Cale. phosph. Sleepy and melancholic: Cepa; and depressed: Eup. purp. Sleepiness, with palpitation from apprehensions: Aurum; evening, early, with a peculiar anxiety as if he would be disturbed: Agar.; sleepy, with anxiety: Arsen., Aurum, Borax, Caustic., Ledum, Nux vomr., Rhus tox.; anxiety and nausea: Ledunm. Disturbed by anxiety and restless dreams: Arsen. Anxiety and drowsiness, with fever: Asaf.; heaviness all over: Magn. carb. Drowsy weariness, with anxiety; could fall asleep while walking, followed by colic and heat, with thirst: Rhus tox. Drowsy, with great anxiety, increasing till 11 P.M.: Borax. Wants to lie down, anxiety, restlessness and sadness: Rhus tox. 17 258 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Disposition to sleep, and uneasiness to despair:' Vip. tory.; sleepiness after grief: Phosph. ac. Indifferent Feelings: Aloes, Corn. circ., Digit.; quiet manner: CGarb. an.; listless, inclined to doze: Rhus rad. Indifferent and taciturn, with great drowsiness: Tilia. Feelings and Conations Combined. Drowsiness, with changeable mood: Nux mosch.; dispirited: Ant. tart., Ran. scel.; fretful: Canthar., Spongia; irritability: Ant. crud., Asar., Cale. ostr., Thuya; ill humor: Lycop., Sepia, Spongia; and tired, most in the feet: Aeon.; depression: Argent., EFup. purp. Irritable and sad: Calend.; no ambition: Mephit.; has to lie down, but cannot sleep: Borax; depression of mind, tired body in moving while getting up: Amm. gum. Feels unable to do his usual work, and contrary to his habits he falls asleep over it: Ignat. Lassitude, disinclination to work: Lauroc. Irritable, lazy, tearful and ill-humored: Canthar. Sluggishness, weak and indisposed to work: Magn. sulph.; with lassitude and weariness: Bryon. It is an effort to speak, cannot read, dullness, goes to sleep while sitting: Miercur.; taciturn, fretful, drags feet along: Borax. Ill humor: I I Asar., I Cale. ostr., I Carb. an., I I Carb. veg., I I Conium., I I Magn. mLur., I IPlatin., I ISpongia; and morose: Calend., Platin.; sleepy at 7 A.M.: Calad.; after the cheerful mood of the first days follows ill humor and drowsiness: Clemat. Morose and peevish: Selen.; everything is disagreeable: Spongia; dissatisfied with the world: Rhus rad. After supper, with stretching and impatience: Nitr. ac. Idlers become dull and heavy: Cepa. Actions. Drowsiness, with whining: C'anthar.; weeping: Platin. Ill-humored and sleepy, whining mood, with headache: Lachnanth. Sad and moody, sits by herself without speaking; drowsiness, weeps when spoken to: Platin. Drowsiness and complaining: Opium. Aversions. Sleepy and indisposed to all kind of work: Anac.; not disposed to work: Ran. scel.; disinclined to business: Triost. perf.; disinclined to intellectual occupation: Cinch. off. After eating, drowsy and averse to labor: Anac. Disposed to do nothing: Natr. mur.; will not open eyes or mouth: Ignat.; drowsy and monosyllabic: Aurum. Gets sleepy early in the evening, moody silence: Kali carb. Idleness: Cale. ostr., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Cinch. off., Clemat., Colchic., Crocus, Crotal., Magn. sulph., Nux mosch., Verbase. Exaltations. With mental restlessness: Hyose. Almost unconquerable desire to sleep, changing to restlessness: Arsen. From fright, with red face: Opium. BEFORE SLEEP. 259 Starting as if frightened, palpitation: Mercur. Production. Drowsy, but cannot sleep, with difficult comprehension: Sol. mam.; absentminded and drowsy: Sumbul. Mental dullness: Nuc. v. c.; want of thinking power: fHyose.; falls asleep as thinking becomes difficult: Mercur.; want of thought: Natr. mur.; sinking into absence of thought: Nux vom. Drowsiness when at work, does not know what he is reading: Bismuth. After dinner drowsy and dull, cannot do mental work: Ferrum. Unable and indisposed to do mental work, better when lying down and dozing; worse when getting up and moving about: Phosphor. Drowsiness and indisposition to mental labor: Coloc.; drowsy and weakminded: Chamom.; dullness: Nitrum, Nux mosch. Dullness and drowsiness in forenoon, getting worse after dinner: Carb. an.: Joyless and obtuse, sleepy, but cannot sleep: Chamom.; stupidity: Opium; sluggish and dull: Digit.; and weakness in head: Stannum; dreaminess and weakness of head: Squilla; drowsy and awake, as if dreaming: Bellad. Insensibility following drowsiness, with constant muttering: Ailanth. Muttering and smiling, with sleepiness: Atrop.; on falling asleep delirious: Spongia; alternately delirious and drowsy: Nux mosch. Reproduction. Sleepy and tired in the evening, forgetful: Formic. Drowsy and forgetful: Guarcea; sleepy, yet cannot sleep; distraction: Bellad.; drowsiness, as if sensation ceased: Arg. nitr., Stannum; inclination to fall asleep, with vanishing of thoughts: Nux mosch. Drowsy and stupid: Hyosc., Natr. mur., Nitrum, Nux mosch. Cannot read, cannot work, falls asleep while sitting: Mercur. BEFORE SLEEP. Sad. Cannot fall asleep until 2 A.M.; sadness: Cuprum; has to weep: Hydroph. Very sad after going to bed; thoughts of death, with weeping: Stramon. Anxiety. Until lying down in the evening, depression and anxiety: Graphit.; in bed, in the evening: Sepia;:has to open her night-dress: Baryt. Anxiety and restlessness: Phosphor.; cannot lie still: Amm. carb.; as if going to die: Phosphor. Fear of being disturbed: Agar.; anxiety, has to get up: Carb. an. Drowsiness, with anxiety, increasing until 11 P.M.: Bovist. After lying down and going to bed: larsen., Nux vom., I I Sulphur. Anxiety, with crowding of thoughts, has to get up: Pulsat.; anxiety, as if apoplexy would set in: Pulsat. Anxious and restless, painful starting of the legs, has to move them up and down for several hours, two succeeding evenings, 10 P.M.: Hepar s. c. Anxious feeling in the head, as if he would lose his reason: Natr. mur. Restlessness and anxiety, has to draw the limbs up and stretch them out again: Nux vom. 260 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Attack of fear, can scarcely lie still: Carb. veg. Anxiousness, followed by sweat after midnight: Nux vom. Before falling asleep, fearfulness: Calad.; before midnight: Sarsap.; early in bed: Natr. carb. Anxious thoughts which come and go, mistakes objects in the room, fears the dark: Cale. ostr. Anxious feeling as if his whole body had become monstrously large and heavy: Natr. carb. Oppressing orgasm frightens: Sepia. Anxiousness and palpitation: Gale. ostr.; stiffness and numbness of whole bodv, with anxiety: Silic. Anxiety on going to sleep: Cale. ostr., Hepar s. c., Lycop.; dreams, with increase of catamenia: Natr. mur. Starting, with illusion as if there was a light in the room, springs out of bed: Ambra; starts, like from a fright, feels it in her teeth: Mercur. Anxiety Preventing Sleep. Anxiety about trifles: Lauroc. Great anxiety after lying down, preventing sleep: Sulphur. Anxious, feels too warm in bed: Magn. carb.; heat preventing her from sleeping before midnight:' larsen. Tosses about, with anxious hot feeling: Bryon. Anxious hot feeling prevents sleep: Pulsat.; has to uncover often: Magn. carb. Cannot get to sleep before midnight on account of anxious heat: lArsen., Graphit.; has to uncover; when falling asleep vivid dreams: lVatr. mur. Fear: Mercur., Rhus tox.; fearfulness: Kali carb.; fearful when alone, most in evenings in bed: Kali carb. Fear, with shuddering and weeping: Carb. an. Anxiety and fearfulness, easily startled, from 4 P.M. until bed-time; objects appear larger when seen in half-light: Berber. Fears to lose her reason on account of tearing and stitching in heart: Magn. carb.; fears apoplexy: Coffea. Fear to go to sleep: Natr. mur.; painless pulsation in the head, with fear to go to sleep: Nux mosch. Fear of death; afraid to lie down: Laches. Could not fall asleep for fear the toothache might return: Rhus tox.; fears he will suffocate if closing the eyes: Carb. an. Starts at every trifle; is apprehensive of great trouble: Rhus tox. Before sleep difficult comprehension: Bol. sat. Before going to sleep gloomy: Thuya; ill-humored: Kali carb.; restlessness: Hura. Heat and restlessness, with pulsations in the head: Arsen.; tosses about in bed: Magn. mur.; before midnight: Sarsap. Restless before falling asleep; when getting awake restlessness returns: Phosphor. Great irritability in the evening, with unrefreshing sleep, broken by disagreeable dreams: Lil. tigr. EXALTATIONS AND DELIRIUM BEFORE SLEEP. 261 EXALTATIONS AND DELIRIUM BEFORE SLEEP. Agar. Cannot get to sleep, as tired as she is, on account of many Arg. nitr. ideas: Agar. Atrop. Goes to bed sleepy, but cannot sleep on account of thoughts: Bellad. Bryon. Fluor. ac. II Camp. hotr. In the evening, after lying down, involuntary recollections: Carb. an. Ignat.; thoughts of an absent friend: Plumbum. Caustic. Cinch. off. After lying down at night, unpleasant ideas: Caustic., coccul. Graphit., Kali carb. Pluor. ac., Gelsem. Is awaked when falling asleep by startling fancies: Cinch. off. Graphit. Could not fall asleep before midnight on account of a fixed Gratiol. Guaiac. idea: Graphit., Pulsat. Helar s. c. Thoughts of the day's work keep him awake: Coccul.; crowdIgnat. ing of thoughts prevents sleep: Silic. Kali carb. Ledum. Very much excited before going to sleep: Psorin. Lopar. ver, Excitability, cannot get to sleep: Gratiol.; excitement, as MIercur. after tea, does not sleep well: Hyper. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Mental excitement in the evening prevents sleep: Calc. ostr., Phosphor. Mar. ver.; Zincum. Phosph. ac. Plumbum. Falls asleep late on account of many ideas: Viol. od. Psorin. Cannot get to sleep, one idea gives place to another, each Pulsat. Sabad. lasting but a short time: Cinch. off.; thoughts cross each other Silic. and prevent sleep: Nux vom. Spigel. Rush of thoughts, keeps awake until midnight: HIepar s. c. Spongia. Profuse ideas make it difficult to fall asleep: Sulphur; before 11 S~ulphur. midnight: Cale. ostr., Spigel.; before midnight, full of various Viol. trio. zincum. ideas: Staphis. Thoughts are many and prevent sound sleep; gets up tired:: Cinch. of. Many thoughts of a disagreeable or pleasant kind prevent sleep: Sulphur. Sleepless from a rush of ideas: Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur. After lying down, lively imagination; a hundred fleeting forms pass before his eyes: Helleb.; falling asleep, exalted imaginations: Arg. nitr. Ludicrous visions in half slumber, loud laughing: Sulphur. Falls asleep late on account of many images of the fancy: Alum. When falling asleep and closing the eyes, visions and disposition to make verses, which appears ridiculous when awake: Natr. mur. Starts, cannot get to sleep, has visions when closing the eyes: Ledurm. Restless wakefulness, horrible visions, sees queer faces: Calc. ostr.; sees horrible faces: Carb. an.; horrible images keep awake: Mercur.; frightful visions: Lycop.; horrible visions of strange masks when closing the eyes: Sulphur; frightening visions: Atrop.; shutting eyes she screams, is delirious: Bryon. Delirious talk on falling asleep: Gelsem. Delirium: IBellad., IBryon., I I Calc. ostr., I Camphor., I Caustic., I Guaiac., I Ignat., I Mercur., I Phosphor., I Phosph. ac., I Sulphur; if he wants to fall asleep, horrible illusions disturb him: Cinch. of. 262 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Cannot fall asleep, so many ideas and plans take hold of him, one crowds the other: Cinch. off. Anxious ideas, mistakes one thing for another; fears the dark, desires bright light; better after passing wind: Cale. ostr. MODEL CURE. A hysterical lady was'often very much disturbed by frightening visions shortly before going to sleep. Counter-irritants and leeches had been prescribed without effect. For three weeks she attended no evening companies, ceased drinking coffee and tea, and gave up her cold baths with no better success. She took Atrop. Since that time she has been undisturbed.-C. CASPAR. SLEEPLESSNESS, WITH EXALTATION. I Agar. After mental exertion he cannot get to sleep until midAloes. Ambraloes. night: Kali carb. Arg. nitr. Inclination to study, with liveliness until after midnight: II Arsen. 7elsem. I Borax. I Bryol. Long awake in the evening and much disposed for mental I Calc. ostr. I Carb. an. labor: Therid.; sleepless; memory stronger: Opium. I Caustic. Continues mental work until late at night, with great ease: I Cinch. off. Clemat. Laches. I I Coca. Towards morning involuntary activity of mind which preI Coccul. I Coffea. vents sleep: Arsen. I I Colchle. Sleepless after midnight, thoughts keep him awake as Gelsem. sleepy as he is: Cinch. off II Hepar s. c. All night in a pleasurable state: Opium; with cheerfulHydroph. ness: Secal. I I lyocdi. Sleepless, with serenity: Secal. II Kali carb. Excited, merry, little sleep and vivid dreams: Clemat. I Laches. I Lauroc. Restless sleep, excited, cannot get to sleep before 2 o'clock: I I Lycop. Carb. az. Mercur. Myr. cerif. Keeps awake long and is lively in the evening: Laches. Nitrum. Contented, happy mood: Aloes. Nux voim. ii Opium. Exhilaration of the nervous system in the evening, with I Platin. sleeplessness: Myr. cerif. l Psorin. Sleepless, with good humor: Opium; after pleasant exciteI Pulsat. II Rhus tox. ment with inclination to work, wakeful and brisk feeling: I Sabad. Coca, Hydroph., Lauroc., Veratr. Secale. I Sepia. Excitement prevents sleep: Coffea. II Silic. Cannot sleep in the night, after talkativeness: Ambra. Sol, tub. egr. I Staphis. Nightly nervous excitement: Arg. nitr. I Sulphur. Sleeplessness from nervous excitation, with restlessness: wherid. Sulphur, Sumbul. I Veratr. No sleep, full of ideas: Coffea; sleepless from intrusion of I Viol. tric. ideas: Cale. ostr., Coloc., Lycop., Nitrum, Thuya. SLEEPLESSNESS, WITH EXALTATION. 263 Sleepless from a rush of ideas: Calc. ostr., Laches., Pulsat., Sepia, Sol. tub. cegr.; after midnight: Hepar s. c.; crowded thoughts: Bryon., Coca. Sleepless all night from unpleasant ideas, one after the other: Cinch. off. No sleep till midnight from constant intrusion of a melody or the like: Pulsat. From exaltation: Opium: ecstasy: Hyose. After waking in the night, rush of thoughts: Kali carb. Sleep prevented by one idea: Baryt., Coffea, Graphit., Platinr., Petrol. Cannot sleep; sees nothing but cyphers: Phosph. ac. Vexatious ideas preventing sleep: Sulphur. Sleepless all night from unpleasant ideas: Cinchon., Opium; tormenting ideas: Graphit.; inward uneasiness, could not fall asleep: Paris. Sleeplessness, with homesickness: Capsic.; sadness: Carb. an., Rhus tox., Sulphur. Insatiable thirst and tossing about: Arsen. Great melancholy, with restlessness: Act. rac. I Aeon. Sleeplessness, with Anxiety. About trifles: Lauroc.; A Act. rae. distressing: Kali hydr.; as if he had committed a crime: I Agar. Ambra. Thuya; anguish: Carb. an., Rhus tox., Sulphur; very restless I Arnia. and uncomfortable: Mercur.; drawing pains in all the limbs: I Baryt. Bellad.; trembling: Thuya; warm feeling: Arnie., Magn. I Bellad. I Bryon. mur.; heat, cannot fall asleep before midnight: I IArsen.; in I I Carb. an. the evening: Carb. an., Lauroc., Natr. carb.; at night, with I Carb. veg. II Caustic. constriction: Jatroph.; lasting an hour: Sulphur. i Chin slmom. Apprehensive and sleepless, pregnant women: Act. rac. I Chin. sulph. I Cinh. off. Sleepless in child-bed; as if she would die: Conium. I: Coecul. Cannot sleep half the night on account of apprehensions: I Coffea. I Conium. Graphit., Rhus tox. I Cuprum. Imagines he had something very important to do; keeps I Hepar. from sleep: Bellad. II Jatroph. Fear, Grief, Vexation. Fear of suffocating when closI Kali carb. ing the eyes: Carb. an. Kali hyda-. I LaWroc. Wakeful at night, with grief: Coca; vexatiousness: Calc. I I Magn. carb. ostr.; as if he had committed a crime: Thuya. Magn. mur. Mercur. Loss of mental energy, with sleeplessness: Corn. cir. mere. subi. Faint-hearted, no courage: Pulsat.; timorous: Rhus tox. I Natr. carb. I Natr. mur. Depressed and discouraged: Rhus rad.; despondent: N3ux I Nitr. ae. I I Plant. maj. vom.; ill-humored: Chamom.; irritable, peevish, fretful: Calc. Ran. seel. ostr.; complaining, whining and ill humor: Chamom., and Rhus tox. II Sepia. praying: Stramon. I I Silic. With crying and twisting about of sucklings: Senna. I Sulphur. I Thuya. Silent brooding; melancholy: Stramon. I Veratr. Sleep Disturbed by Restlessness: II Arsen., Bryon., Carb. an., Cinch. off., Grap hit., I I odium, Mlercur., Plant. maj., I IPulsat., I I Rhus tox., Sulphur; and whimpering: Arsen. Hypochondric restlessness and despondency: Graphit. 264 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Restlessness and heat: Carb. an.; tossing about in bed, with sadness and great thirst: Arsen. Restlessness and anxiety, has to get out of bed; crowding of thoughts: Bryon.; nightly restlessness, cannot stay in bed: Rhus tox.; goes from place to place; cannot sleep at night; seems like a crazy person: Iodium. Restlessness all night long: Mercur. Great mental anxiety, pacing backward and forward in the room; then throwing himself on the bed, and from one side to the other in the greatest mental agitation; sleep with the most horrible and frightful dreams, which awaken him: Plant. maj. Day and night furious, with cries: HIyosc.; sings and trills: Veratr. No sleep until 2 A.M.; delirium: Veratr. Imaginations: Ledum; great depression, with delusions, with persistent sleeplessness and dread of impending destruction of all near her: Kali, brom. Transient sleep in mania: Colchic.; sleepless in mania: Hyosc., Stramon. Sleepless day and night, with mania; Cuprum; and red face: Cicut. Puerperal mania, with complete sleeplessness: Ver. vir. Ridiculous dreams, with restlessness all night: Myg. las. Disagreeable dreams cause sudden wakefulness: Scut. lat. Sleeplessness, with weeping mood, ill humor and general lassitude: Chamom. Restless and fearful, cannot sleep, with cold legs: Thuya. Anxiety as if he had committed a crime, easily startled, trembling, cannot sleep: Thuya. Sleepless from exaltation, with heat: Lauroc., Veratr. Anxious sweat preventing sleep: Bryon. Sleepless before midnight, anxious heat: II Arsen., Kali carb., Pulsat., Veratr.; until after: Gelsem..; after midnight: Cinch. off., Colchic., Hepar; until 2 A.M.: CGarb. an.; from 1 A.M. to 3 A.M.: Hepar; from 3 A.M. until morning, with anxiety: Arsen., Rhus tox. General uneasiness in the night: Cyclam. Toothache is bearable during the day but drives to destruction in bed at night; better from keeping quiet: Clemat. Tossing about in bed all night, with dullness in head: Dulcam. MODEL CURES. Mania; he thinks he is lying in his sepulchre; confessing, praying, wants to be killed by slaying; laughs as if tickled; wants to be kissed; accuses his wife as faithless; scolding, beating in a rage, will not be taken hold of by his attendants, takes them fbr dogs, and barks at them; talking in the Jewish jargon, this he never did before; supposes his house to be surrounded by carts, Jews and geese, offending him, driving him into a rage; pale, eats nothing, does not sleep, while the muscles of his fhce are in a constant twitching motion. Case of long standing. Stramon.?, cured in a few days.-SCHELLHAMMER. Pressure at stomach, nausea, eructations, rumbling in abdomen, sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under the ribs, with various sounds; fluid fbod aggravates it, tight clothing or bandage around the abdomen relieves; sleeplessness; amelioration from lying quiet; during three weeks. GCprutl.-LEMBKE. SLUMBER. 265 SLUMBER. Conscious in sleep, hears everything, but cannot rouse himself: Opium. As if in slumber; is vexed at having to open his eyes to see or his lips to speak: Ignat. Slumber, with difficult comprehension: Stannum. Rattling breathing in slumber, starts in fright and looks wildly about: Bellad. Remembers forgotten things in slumber: Calad. Starts from half slumber, with anxiousness, sadness and oppression: Strontian. Half sleeping, half waking condition; she hears others talk of things which frighten her, although she knows she is dreaming; can rouse herself only with difficulty: Kali carb. Attack of anxiety in the night, as if she must die: Amm. carb. After vexation falls asleep, with twitching of arms and hands, and staring eyes: Conium. Tosses about anxiously; lies as if unconscious and groans: Bryon. Restless sleep disturbed by vivid dreams, which he cannot remember; after midnight half wakeful condition: Spigel. Half slumber, with strange ideas, as if the mind was active: Sabad.; sleep is made up of flighty dreams: Silic. Delirious talk, with anxiousness before midnight; with open eyes: Sulphur. Nightmare in half slumber, with great fear: Silie. At night heat and great excitement; during the day a difficulty to attend to mental work: Arg. nitr. Confused talk at night: Digit.; in the evening: Bellad. Flightiness. Dreaminess at night: Cahinc; flightiness: Therid.; nightly fancies: Laches. Disturbed sleep at night, tosses about, wakes up flighty, thinks he is in different places: Lycop. Flighty dreams: Graphit.; with stupor as in fever: Baryt. Half waking, half dreaming; finds himself in different places, everything appears real yet he knows he is in bed: Psorin. Happy ecstasies all night, elevated contemplation, memory stronger: Opium. Delirium especially at night, with ecstasy: Acon. Coma. Coma and melancholy: Plumbum; delirious: I Acon., I Ant. crud., I IArnic., UBryon., I Camphor., I I Coloc., IPulsat., ISecal.; stupid: Hyose. Stupefied slumber, with flightiness; is often on the water; when about to fall in, starts and awakes: Nitrum. After sound sleep, dreams which exert the mind: Alum. Eyes Shut. Imagines awful things during the night: Cale. osir. When closing the eyes, sees fanciful visions and faces: Arg. nitr. When lying awake at night with closed eyes, she sees ghosts and animals in a bright light approaching from afar and then slowly retreating: Thuya. Seeing spirits: Spigel., Thuya; in dreams: Hippom., Sarsap. 266 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Night Walking. Gets up and walks, for a long time does not know where he is: Silic.; gets up in her dream, walks to the door as if intending to go out: Bryon.; walks about the room: Natr. mur. Flighty talk, with heat; children move around in bed with closed eyes, without speaking: Rheum. Gets out of bed from an anxious dream, thinking there is a fire, dresses, and talks out of the window; is frightened when told there is nothing going on: Sulphur. Gets up unconsciously: Bryon., Natr. mur., Petrol., Phosphor., Silic. Flightiness in sleep, gets out of bed: Silic. Gets up and walks from room to room, with closed eyes: Alum. Getting up in the night and walking up and down in deep thought: Bellad. Goes about furiously with closed eyes, breaks everything in the room, goes back to sleep and is unconscious of what happened after waking: Phosphor. Unbearable anxiety, springs out of bed and seeks to take his life, but is afraid of the open window or the knife: Cinch. off. Fearful anxiety, great inward woe as if the soul would separate from the body, at night: Thuya. Strikes her hands together above her head, in the night: Bellad.; and sings: Veratr. MODEL CURES. Nightly attacks of anxiety; afraid of the cholera, gets cramps in the calves from fear; nausea, heavy feeling in abdomen, rolling in umbilical region; another time thinks there are robbers in the house and wants to jump out of the window; often thinks the visions are real weary of life, looks at everything from the dark side. Symptoms last through the morning and get better during the day. The least noise disturbs sleep. Vertigo. Laches.-C. HG. A boy, met. 4, light complexioned, blue eyed, sandy haired. For more than two years was disturbed every night with the most horrid nightmares. The child would always awake once, and sometimes three or four times, nightly, with fearful fright, uttering sudden, startling and piercing cries, and vow there was some dreadful beast under his bed or in the room, and not until the gas was lit and the room thoroughly searched, would he be appeased so as to be induced to go to sleep again. Disposition of the boy is naturally good, but has been rendered nervous, peevish and fretful, in consequence of these sudden and repeated frights. Chamom.200, two doses, put to flight the above symptoms most effectually. VON TAGEN. Miss C., set. 20, during morning, headache, pain in lumbar region, arms, legs and left side of throat. After 3 P.m., chilly feeling in the lumbar region, extending up as far as between the shoulder-blades, cold hands and feet, fingernails blue, general coldness. After from one to three hours, fever, flushed face, suffused eyes, lachrymation, running at nose; constant thirst; desire for cold and acid drinks; hands and feet cold; loss of appetite; restless sleep with frightful dreams: Eup. purp.-VoN TAGEN. SLEEP AND ANXIETY. 267 SLEEP AND ANXIETY. II Alum. Anxiety all night: Nitr. ac., Sepia, Veratr. Al. P. s. lAnt. crud. Anxious heat in the evening from 5 to 6 and in the morning II Arsen. from 4 to 5: Sepia. II Ars. hydr. Au'rip. With suicidal inclination at 8 P. M. and 2 A. M.: Cinch. off. Aeutrum. In the evening, after lying down and after midnight: Arses.; Bellad. Calc. ostr. after going to bed, till near midnight: Veratr.; in the evening I Carl. an. | and night intense anxiety: Carb. an.; and apprehension: Carb. veg. I Caustic. Mercur. I Ch, mom. Cih. off. As if going to die, before but more after midnight: Rhus tox. Coccul. Before midnight, awakening from sleep with a start: Mereur. Conium. I Cuprum. Anxiety as if he had to die: Oleand., Rhus tox. I Cycltm. The greatest anxiety before midnight, thinks he will die: Digit. Dulcam. Ars. hydr.; anxiety and heat before midnight: Magn. mour. Ferruhm. Awakes with anxiety about midnight: Sepia. Graphit. Jatroph. About midnight gets half awake with anxious torturing restI Ignat. lessness, lasting until near morning: Mangan. I Kali carb. Laches. After Midnight: Alum., Ant. crud., lArsen., Cinch. off., Lathium. lDdlcam., Lycop., Mangan., IlNux vo7l., Rhus tox.; at 2 A.M.: Lycop. Cinch. off. Magn. carb. Inclined to self-destruction: Cinch. off., Nux vorm. Mangal. In half slumber great anxiety, with thoughts of death: Conium. II Mercur. Mere. subl. Anxiety and apprehension worse after midnight: Nux vom. Natr. carb. Anxiety and fear of the future: Dulcam. I lNatr. mur. I Nitr. ac. With wind colic: Aurum; pain in stomach till 1 o'clock: IuOleaxder Kali carb.; palpitation: Nux vom. Petrol. Increased anxiety after midnight: Aurip.; anxious heat, Phosphor. Pulsat. with inclination to uncover: Arsen. I Rhus tox. Wakes after midnight, with anxiety and nausea: Squilla. II Sepia. Slica. At 2 A.M. with mental inquietude, everything troubles his 11 Spongia. mind: Graphit.; wakes near 2 o'clock with cardiac anxiety, Squilla. I stramon. cannot go to sleep again: Kali carb. II Sulphur. Anxiety about 3 A.M.: Arsen., Rhus tox.; anxious palpitaVeratr. Zincum. tion: Arsen. Anxiety from 3 to 5 A.M.: Ant. crud.; anxious heat from 4 to 5 A.M. and' from 5 to 6 P.M.: Sepia. Nightly Anxiety, with other Mental Symptoms. Anxious and homesick: Mercur.; dejected: Carb. an. Anxiety, as if she had done wrong: Ferrum.; as if he had taken some one's life: Phosphor.; anxious heat, driving to distraction: Petrol. Anguish all night: Veratr., Zincum; anxious and restless: Lith. carb. Cannot sleep for anxiety and foreboding: Rhus tox. With weeping and indistinct talking: Caustic. Child is restless and anxious, cries much, reaches for this thing and that, without taking anything: Kali carb. 268 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Anxiety, starting and loud crying: Bellad. Anxious sleep in mania: Stramon. Anxiety and Bodily C.C. Head. Buzzing, with drawing motions in belly: Veratr.; heat: Nitr. ac.; congestion, with rising of hair: Carb. veg. Eyes. Rapid dilatation and contraction of pupils: Chamom. A pressing pain under the right eye drives her out of bed, with anxiety: Arsen. Oversensitiveness of hearing, the slightest noise reverberates in the ear: Carb. veg. In his sleep he thinks he hears some one approaching the bed, which awakes him, with anxiety: Carb. veg. Face. Neuralgia, with fearful anxiety, driving out of bed: Magn. carb. Anxiety, with spasmodic drawing in jaws: Sepia; heat in the left cheek with toothache: Oleand. Throat. Feeling of anxious soreness in the esophagus, particularly at night: Spongia; Zincum; gagging: Kali carb.; vomituritio: Cyclam., Oleand. Gastric. When lying on the right side, oppression and anxiety, has to sit up: Kali carb.; belching relieves: Kali carb. Stomach. Violent, constrictive pain going into the chest, with anxiety: Kali carb.; anxious pressure in the epigastrium: Sulphur. Abdomen. With incarcerated wind: Aurum, Sulphur; drawing motions in the abdomen: Veratr.; anxious, restless feeling in abdomen: Nitr. ac. Colic at night, with agony, anxiety and oppression: Al. p. s. Bladder. Anxious feeling from constant urging to urinate: Natr. mtour.; frequent urination: Oleand. Chest. Dyspncea: Kali carb. Dry cough, causing vomiting and anxious sweat, has to get up: Silic. Anxiety and constriction of chest: Jatroph. Spasmodic drawing in chest: Sepia; pain into chest from stomach: Kali carb. Ebullition, with fear of apoplexy, has to get up: Natr. carb. Anxiety, with ebullition: Mercur.; has to sit up: Carb. an. Precordial anxiety: Lycop.; palpitation, with anxiety at 3 A.M.: Arsen.; anxious palpitation, feels as if she had done wrong, cannot stay in bed: Nitr. ac. Wakes from an anxious dream, with palpitation and anxiety: Silic. Frightful dream, after which anxiety and inability to go to sleep: Caustic. Limbs. Stitches in axilla: Kali carb.; heat in hands: Nitr. ac. Positions. Anxiety when lying on the right side; has to sit up until the wind is belched up: Kali carb. Restless. Tossing about: Arsen., Ferrum, Mangan., Mere. subl., Phosphor.; children!: Sulphur; running about: Bellad. Spasms. Of limbs: Alum.; starting: Bellad.; when falling asleep: Alum.; trembling: Cale. ostr.; twitches and spasmodic drawing in thighs: Sepia. Wakes with anxious heat and spasmodic feeling in whole body: Sulphur. SLEEP AND ANXIETY. 269 Sleep. Great restlessness and anxiety at night: Phosphor.; cannot sleep: Caustic.; awakes with anxious restlessness: Nitr. ac. Anxiety, keeps awake two or three hours every night: Natr. mur. Half wakeful, anxious condition: Conium. Wakes frequently, as if from anxiety, and thinks it must be time to get up: Digit.; anxiousness in bed: Lauroc. Sitting up relieves faceache; pain in jaw, driving out of bed: Magn. carb. The toothache is relieved after getting out of bed, and returns when getting in again: Oleand. Attacks of anxiety, driving out of bed: Arsen., Graphit., Rhus tox. Great anxiety when in bed; none when out of it: Chamom. Anxiety, with fear of getting crazy: Cale. carb. Dreams. That she is on a sinking raft, awakes with anxious feeling: Alum.; restless sleep from many dreams, with anxiety: Laches. Nightmare, feels as if her body was constricted, wanted to call but could not, could not open the eyes or move a limb: Natr. mur. Anxious and flighty; is frightened in her dream, and wakes with anxiety and trembling: Cale. carb. Restless sleep, with anxious frightening dreams, from which it takes some time to recover: Chin. off. Sleep full of dreams; unrefreshing sleep after attack of anxiety: Ouprum. Cold and Heat. With chill about midnight: Sepia. Throws the covers off in sleep: Nux vom. After midnight anxious heat, with inclination to uncover: Arsen. Heat mounts to the face, with precordial anxiety: Nux vom. Heat in left cheek: Oleand. Cannot rest in one place on account of anxious heat: Mere. subl. Restless sleep, tossing about, hot and anxious, with twitching: Alum. Great anxiety, with general heat; spasmodic feeling: Sulphur. Anxious heat, worse in hands and feet: Ignat.; heat and itching: Petrol. Heat before sweat, with thirst; before midnight: Magn. mur.; short sweat: Kali carb. Attacks. Frequent attacks from 1 o'clock till morning: Kali carb. Night attacks, with restlessness: lArsen., I Chamom., Cyclam., lIgnat., Pulsat. Touch. Lies hard, as if on stones, has to turn continually: M1agn. carb. Skin. Feeling as if a hand was stroking her body, with formication when moving in bed: Carb. veg.; itching and heat: Petrol. MODEL CURE. Cardiac anxiety, fearfulness, frightful dreams; religious melancholy from pangs of conscience after a misdeed; weeping, praying; great lassitude, emaciation and sweat in the morning; painful menstruation: Aurum.-SEIDEL. 270 MIND AND DISPOSITION. OTHER MENTAL COMPLAINTS AT NIGHT. II Aloes. Excitability. Disturbing sleep: Lycop. Arsen. With heat and fullness in head: Arg. nitr.; and heat and Bellad. Ierber. redness of the face: Aloes; lasting till after midnight: Mar. II Cale. ostr. ver.; with restlessness: Carb sulph. I Carb, an. Carb. sulph. Exalted imagination: Arg. nitr., Therid.; and good humor: Cinnab. Opium. II Coca. I Coffea. Wakefill at night; crowding of thoughts: Cinnab., Coca, Graphit. Graphit.; great talkativeness, waking or sleeping: Arsen., Bellad. I Laches. Writes with facility in evening and all night: Laches. I Lauroc. IILycop. Merriness: Alum., Bellad., Caustic., Crocus, HIyosc., I Mezer. Kreosot., Lycop., Opium, Phosph. ac., Sepia, Silic., Stramon., I Mosehus. Opium. Sulphur., Veratr. I I Sepia. Cheerfulness in bed: Ilepar.; sings and trills quite gaily: Therid. II Zincum. Veratr. Sad. After midnight sad ideas: Rhus tox.; sad, then merry dreams: Mancin. Hypochondria: Alum., Cale. ostr., Laches., Magn. sulph., Arnic., Natr. rmur. Apprehension: Arnic., Calc. ostr., Dulcam., Laches., Rhus tox. Feels as if he was going out of his mind at night: Eup. perf. Fear. Crotal., Ipec., Phosphor., Rhus tox., Stannum. Fear of damnation: Pulsat.; of spectres: Carb. veg.; of thieves: Ignat.; of having been poisoned: Ars. met.; of cholera: Laches. Fearfulness. Timidity: Caustic., Rhus tox.; in bed: Kali carb.; ceases after belching: Stramon.; afraid of being alone: Tabac.; fears every motion of the head on account of unbearable pains: Bovist. After midnight, fear: Ignat.; timid at night: Caustic. Sorrow. Sad thoughts all night, and weeping all day: Caustic. Sleeps till 2 o'clock A.M.; inconsolable: Veratr. Full of care and trouble: Dulcam.; in the night, and apprehension about his disease: Ars. hydr.; despondent: Carb. an., Graphit. Ill Humor: Anac., Borax, Chamom., China, Lycop., Rhus tox., Sabad. Vexation: Castor., Graphit., Lycop., Rhus tox. Irritability: Lil. tigr., Spongia. After a slight vexation she weeps all night: NaLtr. mur. The slightest noise in the house vexes him: Cinnab. Complaining and scolding: Veratr. Singing in sleep: Crocus. Loud laughing after midnight: Silic. Weeping. In sleep (comp. p. 196): I Caustic., I I Carb. an., II Chamom., I Conium, I IKali carb., Lycop., I I Natr. mur., INux vom., IPulsat., Rhus tox., Thuya; incessant: Camphor.; tearfulness: Baryt. Nursing children refuse the breast, weep, start from sleep, and grow pale and wilted: Borax. OTHER MENTAL COMPLAINTS AT NIGHT. 271 Cannot get into a comfortable position, which makes him weep: Lycop. The cough causes weeping and restlessness: Sulphur. Weeps in sleep, and sobs when getting awake: Carb. an. Children weep and toss about in sleep: Kali carb. Weeps all night; laughs during the day: Stramon. Weeping in dreams: Carb. an., Natr. mur., I IPulsat., Silic.; weeping wakens: Ignat., Nux vom., Sulphur; three hours after midnight: larsen.,.Bryon. Moaning after falling asleep: Alum.; in sleep: Bellad. Whimpering: Apis, 1 I Arsen., Aurum, Chamom., Cinch. off., Ipec., Laches., Lycop., JMercur., Natr. mtour., Opium, Rheum, Veratr.; 3 P.M.: Bryon.; with motion of limbs: Hyosc. Low weeping: Phosphor.; loud: Phosph. ac. Growling: Lycop.; and howling: Chamom.; and praying: Stramon. Crying (comp. p. 198), moaning and groaning: I IAlum.; and howling: Silie. At 2 A.M. moaning on account of heat, wants to be more thinly covered: Ignat. Terrible anxiety, would like to scream out loud from inward woe: Thuya. Screams out loud at 3 A.M., in anxious dreams: Bryon. Starts often in sleep and screams out: Caustic. Nightly spasm of the abdominal muscles, with loud screaming: Lycop. Anxious screaming in sleep, with children: Borax. Screaming and tossing about in sleep: Borax. Tired of life at night: Ant. crud., Nux vom.; terrified at night: Ascar. Hastiness: Laches. Restlessness. Mental inquietude: Argent., Arsen., Digit., Graphit., 1odium, Kali earb., Laches., Mercur., Spongia, Sulphur. Before midnight mind and body restless: Sarsap.; restless, with anxious constriction in stomach: Natr. mur. Nervous motions in paroxysms every night: Arg. nitr. Restlessness, can lie on neither side: Staphis.; tosses from one side to the other: Spigel.; cannot get into a comfortable position: Carb. an. Throws herself anxiously about in bed: Camphor. Something prompts him to get out of bed: Rhus. tox. Restlessness driving out of bed, disposition to shoot himself: Ant. crud. Wants to go from one bed to another: Arsen. Gets in and out of bed, finds rest nowhere: Mercur. Cannot stay in bed: Aeon. Tosses about in bed, with a burning feeling and anxious dreams: Rhus tox. Starts from sleep, with an involuntary jerk of the left leg: Zincum; with trembling of the limbs: Petrol. Starts as if frightened, makes many motions and talks in sleep: Aeon. Restless tossing: Sulphur; of children, with crying: Kali earb. Dreams. Restless, with many dreams: Ambra, Cicut.; merry dreams: Digit. 272 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Troubled and confused dreams, with restless sleep: Menisp. can. Dreams full of danger and trouble, with unquiet sleep: Rumex. Smells sulphur and spunk; the illusion continues after awaking: Anac. Starts and screams; dreams he is quarreling with a beggar: Magn. carb. Unpleasant ideas at night: Cinch. off.; after midnight: Rhus tox. Cannot get rid of one idea at night: Aeon., Coffea, Graphit., Ignat., Petrol., Psorin.; intruding ideas: Aloes, Coloc., Graphit., Psorin. Delirium. Great restlessness and flighty talk: Digit. Delirium during sleep: Cactus; in evening: Valer.; in bed: Kali carb. Alternately sleeping and delirious for several hours: Nux mosch. On shutting the eyes: Cale. ostr.; after closing the eyes objects appear, which are now too thick now too thin, changing as rapidly as the pulse beats: Camphor. All kinds of images: Graphit.; when closing the eyes feels as if he had lost his reason: Opium. Fanciful images: Sepia, Spongia. With Talking. Flighty talk: Aurum, Bryon., Cannab.; restless sleep, with delirious talk: Phytol. When waking and sitting up in bed confused talk: Chamorm.; asks confused questions: Aurum. Delirium about his business; worse at night, after 3 A.M.: Bryon. Delirious and restless all night, with talk about his business: Mygal. Converses with spirits all night: Stramon.; delirium and fear of ghosts: Aeon.; fancies some one came in at the door: Conium; runs about searching for thieves: Arsen. After midnight more restless; raving in the morning: Bellad. Nocturnal delirium: Bellad.; violent: Plumbum; swearing and making a noise: Veratr. Delirium, with increase of pain: Dulcam.; pain makes delirious: Veratr. Intellect. Madness, rage: Bellad., Cicut., Digit., Phosph. ac., Veratr. Mania at night: Bellad., Stramon.; loss of senses: Bellad. Coma, weakminded: Plumbum. Snoring, loss of consciousness: Stramon. When falling in a slumber, absence of mind and stupidity: Stannum. Difficult comprehension at night: Arnie., Bol. sat., Cinch. off., I IPlatin., Staphis.; at 11 o'clock: Mercur. Got up confused after midnight: Stramon. Mental dullness at night: Kali carb., Ran. scel. Feeling of weakness and difficulty of connecting ideas at night: Mur. ac. Anxiety in epigastrium, mental confusion, stupid slumber: Stramon. MODEL CURE. An old lady had a vision every night since six weeks, in which man3 persons, all strangers, came into her room and to her bedside, causing her sucL fear that she had to leave the bed: Stramon.-BECKER. ON AWAKENING OR BEING WOKE. 273 ON AWAKENING OR BEING WOKE. NoTE. —Being woke by certain sensations or other symptoms ought to have been separated from getting awake and suffering the one or other complaint, but it has thus far not always been done. II Acon. Feelings. Gets wide awake before midnight and cannot Agar. II Alum. go to sleep again: Mur. ac. Amm. carb. Awakes with a pleasant face: Ignat.; with pleasant ideas: HI Arg. nitr. II Arnica. Nitr. ac. Arsen. hydrCannot get to sleep again after being woke by sweat at 4 II Aurum. A.M.: Petrol. t IBellad. Berber. On getting awake, gloomy: Nuc. v. c. II Borax. Awakes about midnight, with great thirst and sorrowful IIBryon. Calc. ostr. ideas: Platin. Cannab. Sad: Lepid.; wakes from dreams with sad ideas: Sulphur; Capsic. Carb. an. depressed: Cyclam.; low spirited: Kali carb.; out of spirits: Carb. Veg. Nitr. ac.; hypochondriac humor: Alum., Lycop.; after 2: Nrux Castor. II Caustic. vOmn. Wakes suddenly from anxious dreams, with gloomy thoughts: Platin. Chin. sulph. Apprehensive mood on getting awake: Ars. hydr. Cina. Cinch. off. Getting awake at 1 A.M. with gloomy, apprehensive Clemat. thoughts; Phosph. ac. Coccul. Fear and Fearfulness: Alum., Atom. carb., Bellad., Colchic. I Coccul., Conium, Hepar s. c., Ignat., Laches., Lycop., Magn. Conium. Cuprum. sulph., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Phosph. ac., Pulsat., Cyclam. ISilic., ISulphur, Zincurm. Digit. Dulcam. After waking, great fearfulness: Amm. carb.; fearful ideas Graphit. Conium; tormenting dreams, leaving a fear of death: Alum.; Guaiac. Hepar s. c. fear of damnation: Magn. sulph., Pulsat.; fear of spectres: II Ignat. Coccul.; of thieves: Ignat., Natr. mur.; as if somebody entered Janiph. his door: Conium; fear of thunder-storms: Hepar s. c., Laches., I Kali carb, Kali hydr. Natr. carb., Nitr. ac. * Laches. Getting awake at 2 A.M. with trembling and fear, which Lact. vir. Lepid. makes her start up in bed: Ratanh. I Lycop. Awakes at midnight with fear, thinks there are robbers in 1~Ialg. mur. MIagn. sulph. the room: Natr. mur. 1 I zMezer. Apprehension. As if something would happen: Lycop., Mnur. ac. NuX vo0em., Pulsat. yNatr. carb. On getting awake lassitude, irritability, anxious restlessness Ii Natr. mur. and apprehension of evil: Clemat. Nitr. ac. Nitrum. Anxiety. Awakes with anxiety: Agar., Alum., Arg. Nuc. v. c. nitr., Arsen., Carb. an., Caustic., Digit., Lycop., Natr. mur., Nux vom. II Opium. Nitr. ac., Nux vom., Phosph. ac., Pulsat., Sepia, Silic., Sol. nigr., Ox. ac. Zincum. Paris. II Petrol. Awakes at midnight: Arg. nitr.; after: Ignat., Lycop., Phelland. Phosph. ac.; at 2 A.M.: Natr. mur.; at 3 o'clock: Arsen., Silic.; Phosphor. Phosph. ac. with a chill: Sepia. 18 274 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Phytol. Awakes frequently: Agar., Digit., Nitr. ac., Zincurm; PII Platin. early: NLux vom.; as if it was time to get up: Digit. Plumbum. Psorin. Wakes frequently in the night, as if woke by fear: Lycop. Pulsat. Ratanl. Is woke by anxiety, which keeps her awake long: Conium. Rhus tox. Sleep is interrupted by anxiety and heat: Veratr. II Siambue. II Sepia. A strange feeling of heat in the head wakes him, and is Silie. followed by anxiety: Arnic. Sol. nigr. Spongia. Cramp-like pain in the mouth after being woke by anxiety: Stannum. Sepia. Sepia. Stramon. I ISulphur. Melancholy: Carb. an.; is bowed down with it: Alum.; eSuph. ac. continuing: Pulsat.; fear as from an evil conscience: Magn. II Veratr. Zineum. sulph.; as if he had committed a crime: Pulsat. Feels a heavy lump in scrobiculum, causing desire to vomit: Arg.' nitr. Incarcerated wind, better from walking up and down the room: Silic. Awakes at midnight, with an anxious feeling of a heavy lump in the stomach, causing nausea: Arg. nitr. Awakes with anxiety and nausea, coming from abdomen into stomach, followed by diarrhoea: Phelland. Awakes with nausea and inclination to vomit about midnight: Bellad. Is woke by painful pressure in abdomen: Mezer. Is woke in the night by great anxiety, and a cramp-like pain in the chest and abdomen: Sepia. Crampy sensation rising from chest into throat, wakes with anxiety: Veratr. Wakes with anxiety at 1 A.M., as if suffocating with stoppage of nose: Amm. carb.; anxious awakening after midnight, heavy breathing: Calc. ostr. When awaking, dyspncea and anxiety: Nitr. ac.; anxiety, oppression and sweat: Alum. Short breath, as if he would suffocate: Sambuc. Attack of anxiety on waking after midnight, cannot get her breath: Lycop. Anxiety and oppression of chest wake at midnight: Ignat. Starts up from sleep before midnight, cannot get his breath, calls anxiously for help: Hepar s. e. Is awakened several times in the night with constriction of chest and anxiety, has to sit straight up: Lact. vir. Starts up from sleep with anxiety, dyspncea and trembling: Sambuc. Infants awake at night with anguish; they are able to inhale but not to exhale: Sambuc. Suffocating jerks waken every few minutes from sleep in hydrothorax: ILact. vir.; starts, running from below up, as soon as he falls asleep; with cerebrospinal meningitis after a sunstroke in the nape of the neck: IBellad. Violent palpitation when lying on the back, awakens at midnight with anxiety, has to sit up: Nitrum. Is awakened towards 4 and 5 A.M. with cardiac anxiety, better when getting up: Alum. Restlessness; after sleeping a short time is awakened by anxiety, has to sit up; head drops from one side to the other: Caustic. ON AWAKENING OR BEING WOKE. 275 Awakens as if frightened; trembling and violent palpitation: Mangan., Mercur. Awakes with anxious trembling: Caustic., Sambuc.; anxious heat: Natr. tour., Nux vom., Sepia, Sulphur. Frequent starting from sleep, followed by anxious feeling and sweat: Clemat. After waking indifference to life and disgust for the business of the day: Phytol.; when awaking tired of life: Lycop., Natr. carb. Feelings and Conations. After getting awake, discontented with his lot: Plumbum; dissatisfied: Nuc. v. c.; no courage: Graphit., Pulsat. Bad humor: Cyclam., Janiph.; every night after midnight: Phosphor. Dispirited, irritable: Petrol.; angry thoughts: Kali carb. Peevish: Carb. an., Chamom., Sulph. ac.; irritable: Platin. Vexatious: Bellad., Carb. an., Castor., Caustic., Chamom., Petrol., Rhus tox., Sulph. ac.; and suspicious: Laches. Vexes herself about unpleasant events which have happened long ago: I ILycop. When disturbed in sleep, angry: Cuprum. Conations; Actions. Frequent waking, with moaning and groaning: Amm. carb.; pitiful weeping, moaning and sobbing, tossing about: Cina; very pettish: I I Bellad.; weeping a long while: Pulsat.; could not stop his tears for a long while: Phosphor. Weeping wakens: Cina; before midnight: Alum.; towards morning: Kali hydr. Awakes at 11 o'clock as if with a fright and weeps aloud: Mercur. Awakes with a feeling as if the limbs were being stretched and screams about headache: Rhus tox. Nightmare when lying on the back; awakes screaming: Guaiac.; awakes with screams: Hyosc. Awakes after midnight with attacks of anxiety and loud screaming, cannot stop it: Chin. sulph. Awakes about midnight with screaming and convulsions: Laches. Exaltations. Restlessness wakes from sleep: Amm. carb.; at 2 A.M. and drives out of bed: Magn. mur. Restlessness and feeling of hunger awake him: Natr. mur. Nightly cough and great restlessness: Sulphur. Restlessness on waking from sleep: Bellad.; a long time on awakening in the morning: Bellad.; with sadness when waking: Carb. an.; in the morning in bed, with ill humor: Pulsat.; after a night of anxiety: Spongia; on awaking from a dream could not stop his tears for fifteen minutes or more, in the morning: Phosphor. When awaking, fright: Spongia; about trifles: Laches.; waking as if from fright: Aurum; after a frightful dream the spectres haunt him for awhile: Sulphur; fear after sad dreams: Lepid., Pulsat.; with starting: Ox. ac.; with fright as if falling from a height or into the water: Digit.; dreams of robbers; wakes in affright and believes the dream true: Veratr. 276 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Intellect. Awakes from vivid dreams at 2 A.M. and cannot compose himself to sleep again: Mezer. After getting awake he cannot sleep again on account of thoughts: Kali carb. Gets awake at 1 A.M. and is kept awake by crowding of thoughts until four: Borax; gets awake at 2 A.M. and cannot sleep again on account of a rush of thoughts: Silic.; thinks he is in a strange place when getting awake: Paris; is confused, cannot recollect where she is nor what time it is: Platin.; thinks he is turned round in bed: Calcar. When awaking does not recognize persons present: Chamom.; difficult waking and difficult comprehension: Berber.; after waking deranged: Opium. When awaking cannot get rid of one idea: Acon., Bryon., Ignat., Platin., Psorin., Silic. Wakes up as if frightened and confused, does not know where he is: Pulsat. When roused from sleep difficulty of collecting thoughts: Coca. After dreams difficult comprehension: Arnie., Bellad., Capsic., Coccul., Cinchon., Silic. Waking visions: Aeon.; delirium: Aurum, Carb. veg., Colchic., Dulcam., Mercur., Natr. mur., Paris. After waking gets up suddenly and talks nonsense before she is aware of it: Ignat. Starting in sleep; after waking as if drunk and half crazy: Opium; rage: Bellad. Stupefaction: Chelid., Natr. carb., Phosphor. When awaking, weak memory: Stannum. After awaking, awkward: Stramon. MODEL CURES. Child six months old. Screaming; fever and hot head; all worse at night; starts in sleep as if frightened; pale in the evening; light green colored, slimy discharges from bowels, the light colored part appeared to be undigested milk; discharges more frequent during afternoon and evening. While talking with the mother, the child being asleep upon her arm, she bent forward to pick something from the floor, the child immediately threw up its hands. Upon questioning her, she said the child appeared to be afraid of falling, and she " didn't see how a child so young should know anything about falling." About a month previous the child's mouth had been sore, but had been cured as the mother supposed; Borax1" (F.), next morning the child was well.-H. N. MARTIN. An infant, nine months old, has been affected with a species of laryngismus, attacking it at longer or shorter intervals since its birth; the laryngeal spasms have now become quite frequent, appearing several times in the day and night; it awakes from sleep with sutfocation; is able to inspire but not to expire, becomes livid in the face, gasps in great anguish, and very slowly recovers its breath: Sambuc.2; the child never had an attack subsequently.-C. WESSELICEFT. WHEN AWAKING IN THE MORNING. 277 WHEN AWAKING IN THE MORNING. Waking Early in Bed. Gets awake early, is bright and cheerful and disposed for mental work: Aloes. Could not sleep after 3 A.M. for anxiety: Rhus tox., Veratr.; restlessness: Zincum. Palpitation, with anxiety: Phosphor. Anxious feeling in the abdomen: Sulph. ac. Anxiety, as if sweat would break out: Phosphor. Ill humor, pushes the pillows around, throws the covers off, does not want to see anyone: Arsen. Cutting bellyache, screams, tosses about and gets beside himself: Aeon. Disinclined to get up, irritable and tired: Thuya. Tired of life: Lycop.; confused, does not know whether he has slept: Carb. an.; absentminded: Natr. carb., Phosphor.; weak memory: Stannum. Pleasurable Feelings and Exaltations. Very lively: Nux mosch.; good humored: Hepar; cheerful: Clemat. All things appear new to him, even his friends, as though he had never seen them: Stramon. Greater flow of thoughts: Hura; disposition for mental labor: Aloes; brain is more excited: Aloes. Unpleasant Feelings. Is not refreshed by slumber: Bellad. Dullness in head, as if not slept enough, uncheerful: Kali carb.; dull, uncomfortable feeling: Phosphor. Few hours after waking lassitude and discomfort, would rather have slept: Sepia. Sadness: Alum., Carb. an., Phosphor., Sepia; melancholy: Ignat.; grief: Alum.; dejected: Arsen., Kali carb., Nitr. ac.; looks cross and gloomy, very sad, unhappy, distressed, as if weighed down by sorrow: Alum.; lazy, sleepy and depressed: Amn. gum.; unpleasant ideas: Sulphur. Feels extremely sad, unhappy and distressed in mind: Laches. Hypochondric mood: Alum., Lycop.; fear: Gelsem.; and starting: Ox. ae.; on awaking in the dark, anxiety: Natr. mur.; for a moment after waking he is full of fear: Nitr. ac.; afraid to leave the room after waking, that an accident might befall him: Psorin.; wakes with fear of death on account of imagined pains in sleep: Alum. On rising from bed apprehension: Arg. nitr., Nux vom. Melancholy and anxious on getting awake: Carb. an. When awaking in the morning from a deep sleep, anxious idea that she would now have to die: Lycop. Anxiety: Alum., Caustic., Cinch. off., Coccul., Graphit., Magn. carb.,.Mi:gn. mur.; and restlessness: Lycop.; apprehension: Rhus tox. Trembling anxiety: Carb. veg. Anxious imaginings: Cinch. of.; fear as from a bad conscience: Magn. sulph. Anxious, fearful and desponding after a dream: Pulsat. 278 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Irritable and anxious, as if something had happened in his dream to make him weep: Platin. Anxiety drives him out of bed: Anac., Chin. sulph. Anxiety and lassitude: Magn. carb. Awakes with a shrinking look, fear: Stramon. Weariness of life: Lycop., Natr. carb. Sense of entire indifference to life and disgust for the business of the day on waking early in the morning: Phytol. No ambition, as if no will; wavering: Natr. carb.; faint-hearted: Pulsat. Ill humor: Argent., Arsen., Bellad., Bryon., Conium, Janiph., Kali carb., Lycop., Mezer., Magn. mur., Natr. sulph., Nitr. ac., NVux vom., Petrol., Phosph. ac., Platin., Plumbumn, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Suly)h. ac., Thuya. Morose, disposed to bite: Bellad.; fretful: Bellad., Bovist., Carb. an., Kali carb., Sulphur; moody: Cyclam.; discontented: Plumbum, Pulsat.; dejected: Hepar; does not want to speak: Hepar; discontented look: Ignat.; irritable look: Magn. carb. Children wake with ill humor: Arsen., Kali carb., Laches., ILycop. After getting up in the morning, until breakfast, out of humor: Natr. sulph. Discontented and moody: Nuc. v. c.; dissatisfied with his destiny: Plumbum. Irritability: Canthar., Carb. an., Castor., Cyclam., Kali carb. Petrol., Sulph. ac. After getting out of bed irritable and apprehensive: Arg. nitr.; peevish: Bovist., Carb. an., Chlorof., Gambog.; impatient, throws things from him: Dulcam.; irritable, violent: Graphit., I ISulph. ac. Children or grown people are irritable when getting awake, scream, strike about them and do not wish to be spoken to: ILycop. C. G. Raue. Similar: Kali carb. Weeping: Amm. mur., Borax, Carb. an., Prun. spin., Pulsat. Ill-humored, Weeps when looked at: Ant. tart. After getting up from bed slow thinking: Stramon. Laziness: Hyper., Natr. mur.; and lassitude: Digit., Natr. carb. After rising in the morning moody, does not want to speak: Coccul., 1Hepar.; lazy and sleepy: Verbase. Joyless, taciturn, is averse to everything: Magn. mur. Cannot bear contradiction: Chamonm. As if drunk: Graphit. Rush of ideas; is scarcely conscious: Nux vorn. Difficult comprehension: Aesc. hipp., Arnic., Berber., Carb. an., Cannab., Capsic., I I Cinch. off., Ignat., Kali carb., Mercur., Nitrum, Platin., Pulsat., Rheum, Staphis., Silic., Sol. mam., Thuya. Dazed feeling: Arsen., Calcar.; dullness: Capsic.; cannot comprehend the least thing: Anac. Sees the vision of a burning house: Hepar. Illusion on first waking, sees persons who are not there: Sulphur. Delirium: Ambra, Dulcam., Helleb., Hepar, Natr. mur. Full of fancies: Conium. AFTER LOSS OF SLEEP. 279 After sleep rage, mania: Cicut. When awaking thinks it is much later: Aloes. After getting up from bed weak memory: Stramon.; want of memory, forgetful: Stannum.; vertigo or loss of thoughts: Stramon. Headache, which disappears when thinking of the pain: Cicut. Stupor: Chelid., Natr. carb. On sitting up in bed senses forsake her: Natr. mur. AFTER LOSS OF SLEEP. II Ambra. Sufferings from loss of sleep night after night; effects of II Cinch. off. long continued strain on the mind by nursing, requiring meniI Coccul. I Colchic. tal and bodily attention; consequences of grief for loss or * Cuprum. threatened loss of that which is most dear: Nitr. ac. I IIpec. Natr. mur. Sleeplessness from long continued nursing: Coccul., I Nitr. ac. Il Nux vom. ISulphur. Opium. The slightest loss of sleep tells on him: Coccul. II Phosph. ac. II PuRlsat. Feels very weak after passing a restless night, looks worn I Ruta. I Sabi. and sad: Natr. mur. I Selen. She is affected by getting up half an hour earlier than Sepia. I Sulphur. usual: Kreosot. ANECDOTE.-While waiting towards evening at the office of Dr. Hlbg, there came running in the wife of a neighbor, a cabinet-maker, who years ago had been a prover of the Nutx moschata. She wanted the doctor to go with her at once, for she said: "my husband fell down while working and lies on the floor in convulsions, the children screaming." She came near screaming herself, when she heard the doctor was out. But here is a doctor! said Mrs. Hlbg. Having become a foreigner in the fatherland, and knowing the personal hatred of Dr. Tr., who that same day had been seen walking intimately over the bridge with the Coroner, a Dr. S -r, a man so fond of persecuting others, that he had a Rabbi arraigned for murder, because a little boy died after circumcision, this and the possibility of the cabinet-maker dying in convulsions and thus getting me into trouble, kept me from going with the woman; but I put the following questions: —" What ailments has your husband been liable to?" "None, he was always well, never had a spasm in his life." "What has happened to-day, before he fell?" "Nothing at all!" "What did,he say, what were his last words?" Sobbing, she answered: "after hurrying from the supper table to his bench, he said I must finish this coffin to-day and I want to go to bed as soon as I can!" "He lost sleep last night," she said, "he had to keep the watch in a house of mourning." Immediately a dose of Coccul. was ordered. As soon as Dr. Hlbg came home, he hastened there, and found the man in bed asleep. His wife had with much difficulty poured the powder, dissolved in water, into his mouth. The convulsions ceased soon after; he became conscious, asked "what is the matter?" and went to bed. He was well next day and nearly a year after he had not had another fit. Compare Hahnemann's Materia Medica, Vol. I., p. 184, sympts. 440 and 454.-C. HG. 280 MIND AND DISPOSITION. AFTER SLEEP. NOTE.-Sleep, soon after the first dose of a well-chosen medicine often warrants the improvement of the sick.-Feeling refreshed by sleep, particularly the mind, is a sure sign of the beginning of healing. —lence, we ought never to forget asking the patient: "How do you feel when first wakening from sleep?" Or the mother: "How is the child when waking up by its own accord?" Being betterafter sleep is mostly an indication to leave the patient without any more medicine. In rare cases only it indicates the remedy. Better and worse after sleep. Both according to B. R., with some additions; the marks after the name signify aggravation after sleep; those before, amelioration; the cypher signifies that nothing has been observed. o Acon. I Better after Sleep. Heaviness in ab- I IIpec. O I Ambra. I domen as from a load, with anxiety: Amm. Kali carb. I I Amm. mur. I I1 IKreosot. I O Anac. I mur. Laches. I O Arnica. General aversion and irritability: Capsic. Lycop. II I Arsen. II ~ Magn. carb. I O Asaf. II Sudden blindness, with anxious sweat and I MIorph. ac. 0 O Bellad, I I Natr. carb. O O Borax. 11 bright light before the eyes: Cale. ostr. Natr. mur. II O Bovist. I Forgetfulness better after siesta: Gymnoc. o Nitr. ac. II I Bryon. I I i Nux ]nosch. I I I Calad. I Getting out of bed, suicidal inclination: I Nux vom. I I ICalc. ostr. II Ant. crud. 0 Oleander. I II Camphor. I 0 Opium. II II Capsic. 0 Worse after Sleep. Ill humor: Anac.,,, Phosphor. 0 o Carb. veg. I Bellad., Caustic., Chamom.; quiet manner: Phosph. ac. II O Caustic. II II Pulsat. I I Chamom. I Anac.; rage: Bellad.; irritability: Caustic. 0 Rheum. I O Cinha. I On rising from bed, morose: Caustic.; get- Ruta. I 1I Cinch. off. I ting up moody: ilepar; morose: Magn. mur., I Sabad. I I Coccul. Nitrac. I Sabina. 0 O Coffea. I Sambuc. I I Colchiec. O After rising from bed, anxiety: Magn. I Selen. II O Conium. I II Sepia. a II Cuprum. O carb. I Spigel. II O Digit. I Worse after Sleeping too long: Acon., O Spongia. O Euphras. I 0 Squilla. II O Ferrum., Anac., Arnic., Arsen., Camphor., Carb. veg., o Stannum. II I O Caustic., Chamom., Conium, Euphras., Ferrum, o Staphis. 0 Graphit. I I Stramon. II II Helleb. O Hepar, Kali carb., Laches., Lycop., Opium, O Sulphur. II O Hepar. Stramon., Sulphur; on being disturbed after a I Thuya I II Hyose. I 0 Veratr. I I Ignat. I long sleep, gets angry: Cuprum. * Anac. Worse after the Siesta. Mental depression and all II Borax. I Bryon. other symptoms: Bryon. Canthar. Irritability and vexation: South pole of Magnet; with anger I Carb. veg. II Caustic. and weak feeling in the feet: Clemat..Cinch. off. Weak, lazy, irritable and thirsty: Borax. I Clemat. Conium. Indifferent: Mur. ac.; and depressed, knees falter: Rhodod. I I Graphiit. Depressed in mind from a laming stiffness in all the limbs: I I Laches. Cinch. of. Mur. ac. I Nitr. ac. Irritability and vertigo: Clemat. I I Phosphor. Ill humor, easily exasperated: Caustic. I Pulsat. Rhodod. Dullness in head: Carb. veg.; unfit for mental work: I Stannlm. Graphit.; difficult comprehension: Stannum.; want of memory: II Staphis. I Sulphur. Conium. Better after siesta; inability to think: Gymnoc. During sleep in the day time, whining and crying: Anac., Canthar. TIMES OF DAY-MORNING. 281 TIMES OF DAY. NOTE.-The times of the day as a modality have the highest value among our characteristics, but like precious pearls, they call for many and very deep divings. As every symptom of the prover has to appear at a certain time of day, it is always very uncertain if this time has anything to do with it, in most cases it may be accidental; many coincidents and corroborations by practice have to be collected and compared, before we may suppose and then acknowledge that it is more than accidental, and finally regard it as characteristic. It should never be forgotten to observe what kind of symptoms appear at given times of the day. What we find in B. R., p. 299, is thus nearly useless. H. Gross' remissions are somewhat better than B.'s aggravations. (Comparative Materia Medica, Aurum and Platin.) The hours of sleep, breakfast and other meals, the whole, manner of living has generally more influence than the position of the sun. MORNING. Aloes. Pleasurable Feelings. Mind symptoms better: Gr-aphit.; 1I Alum, II Ambra. cheerfulness: Conium, Graphit., Hepar, Platin., Psorin., Spigel. Amlm. carb. A peculiar but agreeable sense of cheerfulness: Cinnab. Amm. mur. Amphis. Merriness: Bovist., Colchic.; moodiness: Hepar s. c.; everyAnagust. thing in nature wears a smiling aspect: Fluor. ac. Argent. Painful Feelings. Homesick; feels as if forsaken: Carb. Arsen. Aster. an.; dark mood: Sulph. ac. Berber. Sadness: Alum., Carb. an., Kreosot., I I Laches., Mancin., I Borax. I Bovist. Nitr. ac., Nuec. v. c., Petiv., Petrol., Phosphor., Platin. Bryon. Dejection: Cale. ostr., Petrol., Platin., Sepia, Sulphur. Calad. I Cale. ostr. Low-spirited: Kali carb.,Platin., Sepia; unhappy: Tarax. II Carb an. Heavy spirits and melancholy: Curb. an., Phosphor., Sepia. Carb. veg. Apprehension: Lycop., I Magn. sulph., Mur. ac., Nux voim., i Castor, Caustic. Pulsat. Cepa. Thinks he will lose his senses: 1Mercur. Chelid. II Chlorum. Fear of an epileptic attack: Alum. Cinch. off. Anxiety about a trifling indisposition: Coccul. Coccul. Full of care about domestic affairs: Pulsat. 1 Coniume. Anxiety: Caustic.; as if he had to expect something very I IConium.;i' Cotyl. important: Canthar.; as from an evil conscience: Magn. sulph.; Cyelam, Duclam. after a meal: Conium; in doors: Magn. mur.; with fainty I Flluor. ac. weakness every other morning: Nitr. ac.; better in the mornGaibog, Gelsem. ing: Carb. an., Castor., Rhus tox.; anguish: Alum., Nux vom., II Graphit. Pulsat., Veratr.; awe: Nux vom.; with nausea: Cale. ostr. Guaiac, Helleb. Sits brooding, fears not to be saved: Psorin. II Hepar s. c. Cannot think of his affairs without grieving: Pulsat. Hura. Ennui, is absorbed in himself: Natr. carb. Hydroph. Inconsolable grief: Phosphor.; better in morning: Graphit. Hyose. Ignat. Neutral Feelings. Indifference: Magn. mur.; and dullI Kali carb. Kalmia. ness: Manein. Ir Laches. Uninterested, quiet: Coccul., Hepar s. G., Petrol.; apathy: Lactuc. Cepa. 282 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Lauroc. Feelings and Conations. Out of humor: Amm. carb., Lycop. I Magn. mur. Cyclam., I I Kreosot., Magn. mur., Natr. sulph., Nitr. ac., Sabad., II Magn. suph. Sarsap., Thuya; and inclined to weep: I I Hippom., Sulphur. I Mancin. I Miallgan. Indisposed to business and talk: Tarax.; and feels as if Mercur. beaten: Hydroph.; until after breakfast: Natr. sulph. Mezer. Mur. ac. Children are ill-humored, and cry for things, which, after II Natr. carb. Ii Natr. sulph. getting, they petulantly throw away; worse early in the mornI INitr. ac. ing: Staphis. I Nitrum. I Nit... Discontented: Plumbum, Pulsat. I Nux vomn. Discouraged: Hippomn., Platin., Sepia, Sulphur; and lazy: Ox. ae, Pedic. Platin.; and inclined to weep: Sulphur. II Petiv. Does not wont to get up and dress: Rhus tox. I Petrol. I Phosphor. With gaping and belching: Mangan. Phospih. ac. Morose: I IAmim. mur., Conium, Hepar s. c., Hippom., I Platin. Phllmbum. Magn. tour., Mangan., Natr. sulph., Nlitr. ac., Phosphor., Sulphur, Prun. spin. Zincum. II Psorin. I Pulsat. Wrinkled forehead: Mangan., Zincum. - Rall. seel. Rhuais pud. Lachrymose: Hippom., Sulphur. I I Rhus tox. Disposed to criticize, utters reproaches: RJhus rad. Sabad. Sabin. Inclined to get angry: I IPetrol.; impatient: Dulcam.; Sarsap. disgusted: Magn. mur.; vexed: Petrol.; fretful: Amzm. carb., Silic. Amm. mur., Calad., Cale. ostr., Carb. an., Natr. sulph., Petrol., Spigela. Sepia, Staphis. Squilla. Does not wish to talk nor to be spoken to: Natr. sulph.; I Stapson. and is sleepy: Calad.; peevish: Amm. carb., Bovist., I Cale. ostr., I Sulphur. Canthar., Carb. an., Castor., I I Chlorum, Kali carb., Mangan., I Sulph. ac. Tarax. IPetrol., Sepia, Staphis., Sulph. ac., II Thuya; all things he I PThuya. takes in his hands he wants to throw from him: Staphis. Veratr. Zincum. Irritable and excitable: Cale. ostr., Canthar., Cinch. off., Conium, Kalmia, Natr. ccarb., Yatr. sulph., ENux vom., Spongia; and depressed after a little work: Cale. ostr. Very passionate and disposed to violent anger: Cale. ostr., Graphit., Gambog., I IPetrol., I I Psorin.; constant thoughts of dying: Psorin. Actions. Inclined to be active: Aloes; hastiness: Ignat. Inclination to laugh: Graphit., Hura; to weep: Atmn. carb., Borax; Carb. an., Hippom., Kreosot., II Petiv., Phosphor., Platin., Prun. spin., Pulsat., Spongia; also in the evening: Sulphur. Discontented: Pulsat.; groaning: Bellad.; inconsolable: Phosphor.; fears a misfortune and is very melancholy: 1Magn. sulph.; very much displeased, fretful and inclined to weep, morning and evening: Sulphur; slow in thinking: Nitrunm, Ox. ac. Aversions. Indisposed to think: Nitrum, Nux vom.; to work: Angust., Tarax.; to conversation: Tarax.; laziness: Amm. carb., Amin. mur., Canthar., Chelid., Coccul., Lactuc., I I Natr. carb., Nux vom., Platin., Ran. scel., Rhus tox., Squilla. Disgusted with all headwork: Ran. scel., Squilla. MORNING. 283 Says very little during a walk: Sabin.; not disposed to speak: Sabin.; does not want to speak nor be spoken to: Natr. sulph.; disinclined to answer: Magn. mur.; talks very little, shuts his eyes: Petrol., Silic., Thuya. Exaltations. Exalted imaginations: Conium; exalted spirits: Laches.; overactive, too busy, without strength: Hyosc. Disposition to work: Aloes. Oversensitive in the morning: Cale. ostr., Graphit. Early in the day sensitive, better in afternoon: Natr. sulph. Mental restlessness: Duleam., Hyosc. Depressions. Indisposition: Cepa; mental relaxation: Canthar.; mental and bodily relaxation: Laches., Phosphor. Sadness and lassitude, better from walking about: Amphis. Anxiety, weak and faint feeling: Arsen. After getting out of bed vertigo and loss of thoughts: Stramon. Intellect. Head confused when getting up: Pedic. Difficult comprehension: Aster., Berber., Carb. an., Lauroc., Mezer., Thuya; difficult thinking: Ox. ac. Uncheerfulness, inability to think, with dull headache: Gelsem. Early in the morning felt as if going out of her mind, elevated, careless state, lasting five minutes, followed by a sensation as of blood trickling down the left arm, from the shoulder to the finger-joints: Cotyl. Abstracted; ennui: Natr. carb. Deficiency of clearness in ideas: Borax. Mental dullness: Berber., Canthar., Carb. veg., Graphit., Phosphor.; and indifference: Manecin.; dull and gloomy: Sulph. ac. Hardly able to answer questions: Ox. ac.; unable to think: Anac., Gelsemn. Aversion to thinking, not to reading or memorizing: Nux vomr.; aversion to mental occupation: Ran. secel. Full of fantasies: Conium, Mercur. Delirious: Ambra, Bryon., Conium, Dulcam., Helleb., Hepar s. c., Mercur., Natr. carb. A momentary stitch in the region of the heart, as if in the pleura; frequent spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the heart, worse when lying on the back; he has an idea that he will have a stroke of apoplexy, which causes him no anxiety: Argent. Stares before him thoughtlessly: Guaiac. Absentminded: Guaiac., Natr. carb., Phosphor., Phosph. ac. Absence of thought if alone: Phosph. ac. Slow thinking: Stramon.; stupid: Graphit.; want of mind: Nux vorn.; awkward in talking: Ignat.; forgetful and dizzy: Silic. Revived memory: I IFluor. ac.; memory useless: I Anac. On Rising or After It. Anxiety, weariness and trembling: Arg. nitr. Uncomfortable: Ignat., Nitr. ac. Sadness and tired feeling: Carb. an.; peevish for an hour: Bovist.; and disposed to anger: Gambog.; dejected and irritable after the least exertion: Gale. ostr.; depressing stiffness in limbs: Cinch. off. 284 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Oppression, with trembling of heart: Spigel. Anxiety, with heat: Carb. an., Petrol.; irritable and apprehensive: Arg. nitr., ilagn. sulph.; fretful: Canthar., Magn. mur.; vexed: Nitr. ac.; morose: Canthar., Nitr. ac., Magn. mur.; fear lasting after a dream: Pulsat. Mind and body relaxed, weary: Amm. carb., Laches., Phosph. ac.; and indisposed to work: Lact. vir. Disposed to weep: Amm. carb.; throng of ideas: Nux vom.; stupidity: Magn. mur. FORENOON. Aethus. Pleasurable Feelings and Exaltation. Unusualwell Aloes. I1 Alhnm. feeling: Plumbum; good-humored, conversational: Caustic.; I I Amin. carb. cheerful and merry: Borax; cheerful and lively: Aethus.. II Amm. mur. II Anac. Natr. sulph.; gay, merry: Graphit., Phosphor.; lively and I Ant. crud. talkative: Caustic.; lively comprehension: Ox. ac. Apis. Argent. Disposition for work; hastiness: Aloes. Arg. nitr. Bright humor: Caustic., Colclic., Natr. mur., Phosphor., Baryt. Tinct. acr., Zincum; in a reconciling mood: Aloes. Bellad. B me m1m1 a. Voluptuous fancies: Hip pom. II Borax. Laughing: Graphit.; cheerful and happy: I I Clemat. Calad. 1 Cale. ostr. Unpleasant Feelings. Uncomfortable and dreary: I Cannab. Phelland., Phosphor. Carb. an. Gloomy: Arg. nitr.; and sad: Phelland., Sarsap. II Carb. veg. Sad: Amm. carb., Ant. crud., Cannab., Graphit.; and moChamom. rose: Phelland. Cinnab. I Clemat. Sad ideas and longing for death: Apis; dejected, with Colchic. apprehension and cold feeling: Amm. carb.; doleful and sorConium. I Graphit. rowful; the sound of bells makes him weep: Ant. crud.; deGratiol. jected: Amm. carb., Cannab.; and unhappy: Alum.; melanII Hippom. Hura. cholic: Thuya; hypochondric: II Anac., Hippom., Nux mosch. HydKai carboph Anxiety: Alum., Canthar., Natr. mur., Sarsap., Sulphur; Laches. anguish: Lycop. I Mag. Lycparb. Apprehensive and lachrymose: Niecol.; and feeling cold. MIagn. mur. Amm. Garb. [Mezer. Mur. ac. Anxiety and melancholy, vexed about trifles, no desire for I Natr. carb. mental occupation: Clemnat. II Natr. mur. I N~atr. sulph. Sick headache, with nausea and anxiety: Cale. ostr. 1INiccol. Anxiety, with contraction in the rectum: Calcar.; constricI I Nux mosch. tion of chest, with anxious breathing: Nitrum. Ox. ac. Cardiac anxiety: Bellad.; anxiety, with palpitation: Platin. Plumbum. Mezer.; sudden anxiety and palpitation: Natr. mur. Phelland. II Phosphor. Constrictive, tensive feeling all over, with anxiety: Baryt. Psorin. Anxiety and trembling sensation all over: Platin. Ran. bulb. Ran. seel. Inward fear and trembling: Lycop. NOON. 285 Rumex. Anxious heat: Calear. Sabad. It Sarsap. Disinclined for any work, with ennui: Alum.; indifference: Seneg. Alum., Sarsap. I Sepia. Serpent. Feelings and Conations. Discomfort: Serpent.; disSilie. gust: Sarsap. Sulphur. I Sulph. ae. Ill humor: Amm. carb., Argent., (excited in the afternoon) Tinet. aer. Caustic., Gratiol., Magn. carb.; and grumbling: Caustic.; nothThuya. Zincum. ing is good enough: Hipporm. Morose: IAmm. carb., Caustic., Colchic., Tinct. acr.; at 7 o'clock: Ccalad.; sometimes with headache: Amm. carb. Peevish: Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Carb. veg., I IPhosphor., Ran. bulb., Seneg.; weary and tired: Gratiol., Magn. mur. Fretfulness: Carb. an., Phosphor., Ran. bulb., Seneg.; and serious face, better at noon: Aethus.; with headache: Serpent.; heat in head: Aethus. Vexed: Caustic., Gratiol., Natr. carb., Phosphor.; vexing ideas: Ran. bulb.; after a vexation, prostration, palpitation and trembling: Lycop. Irritable: Cinnab.; better after dinner: Amm. mur.; and impetuous: I I Carb. veg.; disposed to quarrel: Ran. bulb.; vehement: Natr. carb.; and angry: Silic. Actions. Disposed to weep: Ant. crud.; with ill humor: Sarsap. Sighs a great deal; laughs at trifles, but in the evening is disposed to grieve and weep: Graphit. Desires. Depressed and joyless, wishes to be alone: Alum.; longing for death: Apis. Aversions. Introverted: Phosphor. Aversion to everything: Calad., Sarsap. Taciturn: Hippom., Natr. mur.; till noon: Aethus. Sluggish: Natr. mur.; with stretching: Magn. carb., Mur. ac.; and sleepiness: Magn. carb., I ISarsap.; dull and stupid: Laches., Psorin. No desire to work: Alum. Restlessness: Anac., Calad., Hydroph., Phosphor., Silic., oversensitiveness: Amm. mur.; as after vexation' Natr. carb. Intellect. Not inclined to think: Rumex; difficult comprehension: Arsen.; unable to think: Sepia; dullness is increased by serious thoughts: Sulphur; dull and weak in the head: Arsen.; when reading does not know what he reads: Bismuth.; dull and disinclined to work: Psorin.; dull and stupid: Sarsap.; fullness: Sulph. ac.; absent: Phosphor.,Silic.; forgetful: Calad.; awkward: Anac. NOON. Towards noon less moroseness and grief: Aethus.. Sadness: Zincum; anxiety and weakness, with headache: Chin. sulph.; cardiac anxiety: Bellad.; palpitation renewed by thinking of it, with anxiety: Baryt.; great anxiety With palpitation, has to lie down: Mezer. 286 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Low-spirited: Canthar.; low spirits at noon, in the evening hilarity: Zincum. Irritable: Amm. mur., Natr. mur., Jumex; fretful: Kali carb., Mlar. ver.; peevish and cross; every little thing worries him: Kali carb.; irritable, peevish and frightened: Zincum; oversensitive: Zincum; nervous excitement, impatience: Hura; restless mind: Hydroph. Lassitude; weary and drowsy; goes to sleep while talking or standing; inability to think: Magn. carb. Sluggish, disinclined to move: Aloes. It gives him too much trouble to think; stupid: Ars. met. Dull and weak headed: Arsen. Absentminded: Moschus; from 11 A.M. till 4 P.M.: Nitrum. Headache and stupefaction: Aethus.; stupefied: Zincum; stupid and weak in head: Arsen., Conium. ALL DAY. Cheerful: Anac., Magn. mur., Mur. ac.; gay and merry: Aurum, Caustic.: bright: Sarsap. Oversensitive: Carb. veg.; sad: Droser., Phelland., Sulphur. Anxious: Ant. crud., Bellad., Caustic., Lauroc., Mercur., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac., Phytol., Platin., Ruta, Sulph. ac., Zincum. Repeated attacks of anxiety: Chamom. Terrible anxiety in the head, confused vision, walks his room wringing his hands and lamenting, from 5 A.M. to 5 P.M.: Psorin. Cardiac anxiety in a light degree, with irritability: Platin. Anxiety; hasty and restless; cannot keep the limbs still, wants to stretch them: Natr. carb. Restlessness in all the limbs, a sort of crawling, with anxiousness: Ambra. Restlessness, with constriction of chest: Ambra. Restlessness: Ambra, Natr. carb., Sulphur; anguish: Magn. carb., Graphit., Mercur., Natr. carb., Pulsat., Stannum; dolefulness: Bovist.; grief: Staphis. Day and night inconsolable: Carb. an. Indifference: Anac., Digit., Mercur., Veratr. Music, of which he is fond, does not please him: Carb. veg. Timidity: Carb. an., Natr. mur., Verbasc.; melancholy and depressed, with anxious timidity: Natr. mur. Discontented: Arsen., Ledum; out of humor for days: Dulcam., Petrol., Sepia, Zincum; dejected: Ant. crud., Natr. mur.; low-spirited: Stannum; hypochondric: Agn. cast. Ill-humored: Ant. crud., Bismuth., Ipec., Magn. carb., Phelland., Pulsat., Sarsap., Sulph. ac., Viol. tric.; fretful: Anac., Calc. ac., Carb. veg., Caustic., Cyclam., Mercur., Natr. carb., Platin., BRuta, Stannum, Staphis., Sulphur, Verbasc.; morose: Mercur.; vexed: Carb. veg.; vexing ideas: Sulphur. AFTERNOON. 287 Irritable all day long, at war with himself, apprehensive and dissatisfied, not disposed for mental labor: Caustic.; impetuous: Nitr. ac. Pain in head so violent, has to weep aloud: Phosphor.; whining all day, better in the evening: Zincum; whining day after day: Natr. mur. Weeping all day: Bryon., Lycop.; for weeks: Alum., Mezer. Whining and lamenting on account of terrible pains in the knees: Canthar. Head is dull, as after turning round in a circle: Cale. ostr. Great dullness and depression, with pains in the limbs: Gelsem. Palpitation when sitting and fixing the attention on anything: Natr. carb. AFTERNOON. Feelings. Feels better in the afternoon: Amm. mur., Anac., Argent., Cannab., Magn. carb., Natr. sulph., Ox. ac., Phosphor., Plumbum. Better humor, more inclined to work: Anac. Mental depression in forenoon, cheerfulness in afternoon: Argent., Cannab., Magn. carb. More decided than in the forenoon, playful and mirthful: Ox. ac. More lively in the afternoon: Phosphor. Good humored: Anac., Sarsap.; cheerful: Argent., Cale. ac., I Cannab., Clemat., Lauroc., Magn. carb., 01. anim., Sarsap., I I Thuya. Cheerful and more interested: Lauroc.; greater mobility: 01. anim.; can work better: Aloes; very active, lost in his work: Plumbum; more inclined to work: Sarsap. Very cheerful towards evening, inclined to dance and sing: Natr. mur. Merry: Staphis.; exalted: Argent. Great liveliness and activity of mind, but cannot keep his thoughts fixed on one thing on account of an inward restless feeling, such as one fepls when having great expectations: Angust. Very bright and active: Ox. ac. Cheerful in forenoon, dull in afternoon: Natr. mur. Sadness: Aethus., Carb. an., Conlium, Digit., Ignat., 01. anim., Phosphor., Ruta, Zincum. Great melancholy: Phosphor.; in latter part of P.M. and evening: Cale. sulph.; out of spirits: Coniurm; vweary of life: Ruta; dejected: Cannab., Mangan., 01. anim.; weary and depressed: Sulphur; depression of spirits: Alum., Rhus rad. Weary, anxious and sad: Carb. an. Fearful, melancholy, does not know what ails her: Niccol. Hypochondric mood: Coccul., Graphit., Zincum. Apprehensions: Amm. carb., Carb. veg., Magn. carb., NXatr. carb., Nux vom., Tabac. Great apprehension and anxiety from noon to 3 P.M.: Aster.; at 5 P.M.: Nux vom.; fear of damnation: Carb. veg. Anxiety, with fear of the future, at 6 P.M.: Digit. 288 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Restlessness and anxiety, with feeling as if something was going to happen: Tabac.; anxiety as if going to die, with heat: Ruta. Anxious apprehension of an accident, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in: Grot. tigl. Anxiety: Gale. ostr., Carb. veg., Magn. carb., Magn. mur., I INatr. carb., I INitrum, Phelland., Phosphor., Pulsat., Tabac., Zincum. Fearfulness, no confidence in himself, hypochondric: Canthar. Every afternoon between five and six great anxiety, as if she had done a crime: Amm. carb. Restlessness and anxiety every afternoon, feels as if he had done a great crime, ends in weeping, even on the street: Carb. veg. Fearfulness and anxiety relieved by weeping: Tabac. Fearfulness, no ambition, with vice-like headache: Magn. carb. Anxiousness after nausea and headache in the forenoon: Gale. ostr. Anxiousness, with sick headache: Nitr. ac. Anxiety, with constant sighing: Tabac. Cardiac anxiety: Rhus tox.; precordial anxiety: Canthar. Anxiousness, with constriction of chest: Sulphur. Anxiety, with insupportable feeling of distress in the breast, increasing to tears and screams, daily from 4 to 5 P.M.: Thuya. Weakness and fearfulness, does not know what to do with herself: Amm. carb. Every afternoon restlessness and anxiety: Carb. veg.; runs hither and thither, tries to sleep but cannot: Lamiumn. Great worriment, has to lie down: Phosph. ac. Anxiety and trembling: Carb. veg.; of hands: Pulsat. Anxiety from twelve to three: Aster.; at four: Tabac.; four to five: Thuya; four to six: I I Carb. veg.; five: Nux vom.; six: Digit.; five to six: Amrm. carb. While walking heat in face, with anxiety: Strontian. Anxious and weak, with sweat on epigastrium: Nitrum. Constriction and oppression, with anxiousness: Sulphur. Anxiousness, with flushes of heat and sweat: Plumbum. Fear: Digit., Sulphur. Anguish: Amm. carb., Nux vom., Phosph. ac., Rhus tox. Indifferent Feelings. Tired of life: Mur. ac.; ennui; quiet manner: Plumbum; seeks company: Zincum; introverted, quiet mood: Helleb.; with a discomfort in the whole body, four afternoons in succession: Mangan. Afternoon clouded forehead: Zincum. Quiet mood: Anac., Mangan.; loss of the usual cheerfulness: Ignat.; no ambition: Gratiol. Indifference from three to six: Coniumn. Feelings- and Conations. Long deliberation after every question: Gratiol. Scrupulous conscientiousnesss and anxiety, which take away her peace of mind from 4 to 8 P.M.: ILyCOp. AFTERNOON. 289 Faint-hearted: Carb. an., Ran. bulb.; discouraged: Conium; fearful: Amm. carb. Ill humor: Aethus., Aloes, Alum., Anac., Bovist., Cannab., Conium, Ignat., 1odium, Mangan., Magn. carb., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Ox. ac., Plumbum, Sarsap.; from noon till evening: Iodium; after half-past one till evening: Alum.; afternoon and evening: Ox. ac. Ill humor and indifference every afternoon from three to six; feels as if a heavy guilt weighed him down: Conium. Morose: Aethus., Borax, Cannab., Magn. sulph., Mangan., Pulsat., Sarsap., Zincum; at 4 P.M.: Borax; four days in succession: I IMangan.; will not speak: Magn. sulph. Morose and quarrelsome until 4 p.M.: Hydroph. Irritable and quarrelsome from noon to 2 P.M.: Aster.; quarrelsome humor without getting angry: Dulcam. Criticises others: Dulcam. 4 P.M. crossness, bursts into tears: Pulsat. Very irritable, is disgusted with everything, inclined to quarrel and make an uproar: Alum. Hypochondric mood after irritability in the forenoon: Graphit. Irritability of temper: Colchic., Graphit.; with headache: Lil. tigr. Nervousness, especially afternoon and evening: Platin.; nervous and impatient about half-past one: Hura; very impatient: Nitr. ac. Fretful and indisposed after dullness all forenoon: Sarsap. Peevishness after dinner, abating towards evening: Natr. carb. Reproachful and peevish after 4 P.M., several days: Borax. Peevish, fretful and sullen: Alum., Borax, Bovist., Cannab., Canthar., Cinnab., I Colchic., Kali earb., Lauroc., Mangan., Mur. ac., I I Natr. carb., Sarsap., Zincum; with pressing headache in forehead: Kali carb.; painful quivering on a small spot: Bovist.; jerking and heaviness from 2 P.M., increasing till evening: Magn. carb.; after dinner: Natr. carb.; 1 P.M.: Alum.; 2 P.M.: Lauroc.; 4 P.M.: Borax; several days in succession: Borax, Mangan. Suspicious: Nux vom. After a vexation, headache increasing from I P.M., until it passes off in bed: Magn. carb. Actions. Impetuous: Caustic. Crossness and weeping at 4 P.M.: Pulsat. Oppression and sighing at 5 P.M.: Hura. Groaning and moaning: Cina. Morose, vexed with himself, scolds and abuses: Aloes. Desires. Pensive, anxious longing, weak and sentimental: Castor. Quiet thoughts of death, with weakness: Zincum. Aversions. Close and introverted: Helleb., Plumbum; fribbling, lazy: Borax; displeased with everything: Gratiol., Natr. mur., Zincum; disinclined to mental work: Nux vom. Heavy and drowsy, cannot accomplish anything that requires attention: Lepid. 19 290 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Out of humor, would rather not talk: Magn. sulph. Lassitude, weariness and aversion to labor, indisposed to talk: Sulphur. Indisposed to speak: Viol. tric. Disposed to do nothing: Natr. mour. Sluggish and weary, yawning: Chelid. It is hard for him to stick to his work: Aster. Disgust for work: Bufo. No ambition, dissatisfied with all kinds of work: Plumbum. Exaltations. Mental excitement: Aloes, Angust. Strange excitement of the fancy, loves to dwell on adventurous occurrences of his past life: Argent. Crowding of thoughts; waking dreams: Angust. Bright humor: Phosphor., Plumbum; from 3 o'clock till evening: Zincum; flow of ideas at 5 P.M.: Sol. tub. aegr.; exalted imagination from five to seven: Staphis. He does not know whether that which dwells in his imagination has really happened or whether it is the recollection of a dream: Staphis. Restlessness of mind: Angust., Carb. veg., Ilyosc., Ruta, Tabac. Restlessness driving from place to place: Staphis. Depression. Loss of liveliness: Ignat. Intellect. Difficult comprehension: Arg. nitr., Conium, Gratiol.; intellectual labor difficult: Rhus rad.; weak mind: Mur. ac.; can scarcely think: Sepia. Confused and absentminded, forgets things: Cepa. Cannot read, write or think: Silic. Dullness and inability to think: Sepia. Mental dullness: Anac., Graphit., Helleb., Lauroc., Natr. mur., Sepia, Silic.; does not want to speak: Viol. trio. Sudden loss of consciousness: 01. anim. Stupid from 11 A.M. to 6 P.M.: Arsen.; from 3 A.M. to 4 P.M.: Cale. ac.; stupid and absent from 3 to 7 P.M.: Natr. mur.; attacks of stupefaction: Zincum. Quick acting memory: Anac., Angust. Forgetfulness: Cepa; weak memory: Lauroc.; says words he does not want to say during a chill: Chamom.; forgets things or gets them mixed up: Cepa. Puttering, does not accomplish anything: Borax. Absentminded: Gratiol., Mangan., Plumbum. Slight emotions cause palpitation: Phosphor. Better in the Afternoon. The sensitiveness of the early day: Natr. sulph.; the disgust: Sarsap. EVENING. 291 EVENING. Better in the Evening. Anxiousness: Magn. carb., Sulph. ac., Zincum. Trembling anxiety and fear as if something would happen: Magn. carb. Pectoral anxiety; anxiety and tearfulness: Zincum. Ill humor of the day: Amm. carb., Bismuth., Cale. ac., Cale. ostr., Magn. earb., Niccol, Viol. tric. Taciturnity: Clemat.; weak mind and memory: Bufo. Better in the Evening than during the Day. Better after eating; Antm. carb.; more able to do mental labor than during the day: Cicut., Pulsat. During the day depressed mood, merry in evening: Sulphur; sadness of day gets better: Castor.; whining all day, better in the evening: Zincum. Pleasurable Feelings and Exaltations. Religious thoughts; hopefulness: Hyper. Mental excitement: Anac., Garb. veg., Cinch. off., Laches., Phosphor., Zincum. Excitement like that after tea: Hyper. Feeling as if the mind was brighter and more active: Valer.; more inclined to study: Cicut.; disposed to intellectual occupation: Pulsat.; and talkative, keeps awake longer: Therid. Good humor: Pulsat.; spirits best about 6 P.M.: Gale. sulph. Happy humor: IAloes; towards evening joyous, lively imagination: Cyclam.; bright humor: Chelid., Zincum. Writes with great ease and power without getting sleepy: Laches. Stimulated fancy; copious flow of ideas from 9 to 10 o'clock: Anac. Towards evening excited humor: Zincum. Feels unusually well and strong: Cina. Great cheerfulness and mental activity: Nue. v. c.; uncommon liveliness: Valer.; lively and talkative: Laches. Cheerfulness: Bismuth., Cistus, Clemat., Graphit., Laches., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Platin., Verbasc., Viol. tric., Zincum. Merriness: Alum., Aster., Bellad., Castor., Cuprum, Ferrum, Natr. mur., Phelland., Zincuin; great gaiety: Bufo, Pedic.; immoderately gay: Castor., Phelland. Feels gayer and stronger: Sarsap. In the evening merry; depressed by day: Sulphur. Gay, merry: Cale. ostr., Magn. carb. Exaltation: Cinch. off., M]ar. ver.; exalted imagination: Cyclam., Phosphor.; from nine to ten: Anac. Hot face after animated conversation: Fluor. ac. Care and Sorrow: Arsen., Digit., Graphit., Kali carb.; towards evening gloomy: Amm. carb.; sad: Murex; doleful: Ignat., Nitr. ac.; homesick: Hippom. In the dusk, sadness: Ignat.; same hour: Phosphor.; and confusion of ideas: I IMurex; later: Ant. crud., Baryt., Bovist., Ferrum, I IKali carb., Phosphor., Platin., Ran. seel., I I Sepia; after lying down: Stramon.; in bed: Arsen., Graphit., Sulphur. 292 MIND AND DISPOSITION. With apprehension: Arsen.; as if forsaken: Baryt.; life-weary: I IKali chlor., Ruta; fretful: Ant. crud.; melancholic: Ran. scel.; has to shed tears without cause: Kali carb.; prostration: Bovist., Laches. Melancholic: Arsen., Lycop., Nitr. ac., Ruta, Seneg.; woeful: Ignat.; lowspirited: Lycop., Ran. seel.; weeping: Platin.; depressed: Kreosot., Ran. scel., Rhus rad.; dejected: Alum., Carb. an., Graphit., Magn. carb., Kali carb., Ruta, I fSepia, Spigel., Sulphur; despairing: Ant. tart.; Kreosot. Such inner weakness, that he fears he will have to give up his practice, while riding in his carriage: Osmium. Hypochondric mood: Hydroph., Kreosot., Nux vom., Phosphor.; in bed: Pulsat. Apprehension. Afternoon, till evening: Natr. earb.; towards evening: Tabac.; at twilight: Rhus tox.; early: Carb. an. In evening: Alum., Anac., Baryt., Carb. an., Digit., Hepar, Hippom., Kali carb.; as if something would happen: Kali hydr., Magn. mur., Natr. mur., Nux vom., Pceon., Zincum; for an hour: Rhus tox.; after being cheerful during the day: Anac. As if something would happen: Alum., Tabac. As if forsaken: Baryt.; with ennui: Magn. mur.; as if going to die: Phosphor. As if lamed by a fright; dark foreboding, afraid something will happen: Natr. mur. Apprehension and inconsolable weeping: Veratr. In bed: Arsen., Graphit.; gloomy forebodings; fears his friends may have met with an accident: Arsen. MODEL CURES. Periodic melancholy with a woman, wet. 65. The attacks come only at dusk, before the lamps are lighted and in the night: Arsen.- HAYNEL. Towards evening-anxiety and apprehension about his family, which he left behind while going on a short journey; the anxiety increases until he becomes inconsolable: Petrol.-HAYNEL. A woman, ret. 50, became weakminnded, childish, and laughed without cause. She had two paralytic attacks, each at 8 o'clock in the morning. She lay quietly on her back with closed eyes. Delirious talk always worse in the evening. Wants to get away, throws things out of the window, laughs much. At 3 A.M. violent spasms, which return every half hour. Wants to scream but cannot; gurgling sound in the throat; foams at the mouth; opistholonos; strikes with one arm, with the other she only grasps; pale face, unconsciousness: Stramon.~0.-HARTLAUB. Very restless in the evening in bed; converses with spirits who approach his bed, lays hold of a sword and strikes about him to drive the fiend who is after him from the room. Red face, glistening eyes, great thirst, distended abdomen and great sexual excitement: Stramon.-TRINKS. EVENING. 293 Acon. Anxiousness. After brightness all day: Anac.; afternoon, II Ambra. till evening: Nitrum. Anac. II Arsen. Anxiousness, shuddering and awe as soon as the evening apI Bellad. Borax. proaches: I Cale. ostr. Calc. ostr. Towards evening: Borax, Natr. mur., Sepia; several days: I Carb. an. I Carb. veg, Tabac.; with dry heat in the face: Aeon.; in twilight: Cale. Caustic. ostr., Rhus tox.; at 6 P.M.: Digit.; from 7 to 8 P.M.: Droser.; Cinch. off. I I Digit. at 8 P.M.: Mur. ac.; increasing for several hours: Carb. veg. Droser. Most violent attacks: Mezer. Graphit, Guarvea. After lying down: Carb. veg., Graphit., 1Nux vorn.; in bed: Hepar s.c. c Magn. carb., Sulphur; at 11 P.M.: Borax, Ruta. Hyper. And dejection: Carb. an.; indifference and irresolution: Kali carb. Guarcea; pusillanimity: Ran. bulb.; weeping relieves: Digit.; Kall hydr. Lauroc. suicidal disposition: Hepar; does not know where to turn: Ledum. Lyeop. Veratr.; oversensitive: I IRan. bulb.; anxious ideas attack Magn. carb. him: Kali earb.; confusion of ideas: Guarcea. 1M1agn. mur. II Head. Feels as if drunk: Nux vom.; weakness: Natr. Mlulr. ac. mur.; heat: Carb. veg., II Ruta; sweat: Mur. ac. Natr, carb. Natr. mur. Disturbed sight: Natr. mur.; confusion before eyes: Lycop.; Nitr. ac. all things appear to get narrower and smaller: Carb. veg. Nitrum. Paeon. Face. Dry heat: Aeon., CGarb. veg., Graphit. 1 I Phosphor Tongue stiff, boring in a tooth: Natr. mur. Pulsat. Stomach. Graspingsensation: Petrol.; belching: Carb.veg. Ran. bulb. Ran. bulb. Abdomen. Painful expansion, has to open clothing: Ruta. Mezer.; fullness to bursting: Mur. ac. Sepia. I Stannum. Before menses: Nitr. ac. I I Sulphur. Breathing. Short and oppressed: Caustic., Nux vom.; Tabac. veratr. short, has to breathe quickly, until with one deep inhalation it passes off: Stannum; constriction of chest: Stannum; with restlessness: I I Arsen. Heart. As if it was squeezed: Cactus, Carb. veg.; rising up, followed by nausea and trembling: Nux vom.; beating in region of heart: Graphit.; palpitation, with short breath: I I Caustic.; with weeping and coldness: Mezer. Limbs. Tingling in arm, hand and points of fingers; rising up in throat: Natr. mnur.; arms fall down as if paralyzed: Mur. ac.; leg asleep, joints as if dead: Natr. mur. All the limbs prostrated, can hardly walk across the room: Mezer. Trembling of limbs and whole body: Mezer., Nux vom. Positions. Has to lay the head on the table: Nux vom.; cannot sit, has to walk about: Nitr. ac. Cannot lie on the left side; beating, which moves the bed-cover, turning over relieves: Graphit. Feverish restlessness: Ruta; prevents sleep: Carb. an., Lautroc., Natr. carb. Coldness of whole body: Mezer.; chilliness and shuddering, with gaping. Mezer.; at full moon: Sulphur. 294 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Dry heat: Hyper.; hot hands: Carb. veg.; sweat runs down the face: Mur. ac.; on forehead: Carb. veg. Arnica. Fear. The fearfulness of the afternoon lasts through the Bilyon, Cale. ostr. evening: Amm. carb. Carb. veg. Towards evening fear of becoming delirious: Bryon.; in twiII Caustic. light: Gale. ostr. Digit. Fear of the future, with sadness and weeping: Digit. Full of fear inspiring ideas: Caustic. Kali carb. Laches. And horrible visions drive out of bed: Carb. veg. MaI Lycop. As if a horrible face peered from every corner: Phosphor. I Phosphoer. Fear of horrible visions, which force themselves on her imII Phosphor. Phytol. agination: Lycop.; fear takes hold of him on trying to open a door in the dark, which opens with difficulty: Lycop. Ran, bulb. I Rhus tox. Fearfulness in the dark, afraid he may be hurt: Valer. II Sarsap. Valer. Afraid of staying by herself, fear of ghosts: Ran. bulb. Afraid of ghosts: Pulsat. Fear of losing reason, with excitement: Guarcea. Fearfulness and shuddering: Phosphor. Towards evening alarmed as if going to die: Phytol.; timid and fearful: Caustic., Phosphor., Valer.; terrified: Phosphor.; frightened and sensitive: Crocus, Laches.; fear of being harmed: Arnie., Valer.; fearful and starting: Mercur. Fear in bed: Cale. ostr., Kali carb., Magn. carb., Mercur. Anguish: Bellad., Carb. veg., Graphit., Hura, Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sulphur, Veratr.; anguish from 4 to 6 P.M.: Carb. veg.; and suicidal disposition: Hepar s. c.; better in evening: Amlm. carb., Magn. carb. Very uncomfortable: Sulphur; depressed: Graphit., I I Kreosot.; cast down about his broken health: Cale. ostr.; despair of ever getting well: Kreosot. Sad thoughts of the future rise up before him, feels quite forsaken: Baryt. Ill humor, with backache worse in the evening: Aloes. Inconsolable, lamenting and weeping: Veratr.; vexation and despair, doubts arise on subjects of the truth of which he is thoroughly convinced: Argent. Life weary: Aurum, Droser., Hepar, Kali chlor., Rhus tox., Ruta, Spigel.; ennui: Magn. mur.; quiet humor: Amm. mur.; introverted: Ignat.; tranquillity: Mancin.; indolence: Rhus rad.; indifference: I Aloes, I I Digit., Kali chlor., Lycop. Feelings and Conations. Irresolute: Baryt.; discouraged: Ran. bulb.; and morose: Sulphur, Sulph. ac.; timid: Ant. tart.; full of timorous ideas: Caustic.; vascillating mood: Crocus. A woman, ret. 28, became melancholy after suppressed itch; emaciated, pale earthy complexion, weakness of limbs. Flushes of heat and palpitation prevent sleep, sleep comes towards morning, would like to stay in bed until midday. Aversion to work, indifference, weeping; seeks solitude, despairs of recovery, she is irritable and forgetful: Psorin.-F. J. BRENFLECK, near Heidelberg. Hygea, v. 6, p. 131. EVENING. 295 Aloes. Ill humor. Better in the evening: Bismuth., Magn. carb., II Amm. mur. II Ant. crud. Sarsap., Zincum. I I Baryt. Towards evening: Kalmia, Bovist.; at sunset: Pulsat.; about I Bovist. II Cal. ostr. 7 o'clock: Magn. carb.; from 8 o'clock till falling asleep, with I Cinch. of. headache: Magn. carb.; in bed: Cinch. off., Kali carb., Rhus tox. II Conium. Fluor. ac. Morose: II Magn. carb.; and sad: Magn. mur.; and passionItndigot. ate: Psorin.; and easily offended: Pulsat.; and peevish: Zincum; I Kali carb. and taciturn: Zincum; everything worries him, every noise is Kalmia. * iagn. carl unpleasant: Kali carb. * Magn. mur. Discontented. Sees everything in the worst light: I 1Mur. ac. Ox. ac. Fluor. ac. I I Pulsat. Dissatisfied with the present: Hippom.; with everything, I Spigel. nothing suits him: Ignat.; everything is repugnant: Magn, I Sulphur. carb. Verbase. II Zincrm. Taciturn. Sleepy and uninterested: Conium; and morose, easily offended: Pulsat.; takes no interest, feels uneasy and does not know what he wants: Sulphur. Out of humor, with backache: Aloes. Irascibility, would like to fight: Niccol. Quarrelsome and vexatious: Silic. Irritable: Kalmia, Zincum; and sensitive: Cale. ostr. Irritable in the evening, with disagreeable dreams at night and unrefreshing sleep: Lil. tigr. Irritability of temper, with headache coming on when waking; increasing, very severe at noon, passing from forehead and temples to protuberance of occiput; dull, pressing, heavy, continuing through afternoon, evening and night: Lil. tigr. In the evening insane jealousy: Laches. Aloes. Fretful and Peevish. Better in evening: Magn. carb., Amm. carb. Ant. crud. Verbasc. Ant, tart. Towards evening peevish and discontented: Nux jugl.; after I Calc. ostr. Canthar. sunset cross, takes everything in bad part: Pulsat.; at 7 P. M.: Crocus. Kali carb. Magn. carb. I Magn. carb. Out of humor without a cause: Calcar.; easily vexed, cannot Magn. mur. brook opposition: Natr. mur. Natr. carb. Torturing irritability, making his own and others lives a Natr. mur. Nux jugl. misery: Psorin. I I Psorin. Ill-humored and irritable, with backache: Aloes; fretful; Pulsar. Silie. fatigued, especially the feet: Ant. crud. Sad and peevish: Ant. crud. Sleepy and irritable: Ctae. ostr. Towards evening out of sorts and irritable: Bovist.; vehement: Natr. mudr. Easily vexed, readily angered: Natr. mur.; impetuous, angry and impatient, cannot bear opposition: Niecol. Peevish, irascible and abusive: Amm. carb. Extremely irritable and angry, with general heat: Hipponm. 296 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Irritable, vexed and vehement: Psorin. Violent and hot-headed: Caine. Less and less cheerful, in the evening quite out of humor: Mur. ac. Feels best in the morning, is anxious and depressed in the evening: Carb; an. Cheerful mood in the morning, depressed in the evening: Graphit. Irritable and moody in the evening, cheerful through the day: Magn. mur. Actions. Laughter alternating with weeping: Aurum. Unusual inclination to laughter in the evening: Cuprum, Natr. mur. Great desire to laugh, cannot get done laughing over things which are not ludicrous: Iodium. Exuberant spirits, inclined to sing and whistle: Bellad. Talkative: Calc. ac., Laches., Sulphur, Viol. tric. Talking delirium from 4 P. M., all night: Hepar s. c. Wide awake and talkative: Laches. Amm. carb. Weeping. Tendency to weep: AAmm. carb., Cale. ostr., Amm. mur. Aurum. Graphit., Kali hydr., Natr. mur., Platin., Sulphur; and gloomiCalc. ostr. ness: Platin.; and sadness: Kali carb.; and grief: Graphit. Carb. an. Clemat. Imagined trouble makes her unhappy, runs about the room Digit. crying and screaming, or sits weeping in a corner, refusing to be Graphit. Kali carb. comforted: Veratr. Kali chlor. Sheds tears from a feeling of moral weakness: Clemat. Kali hydr. Lact. vir. Anxiousness, weeping mood, apprehension of evil: Kali hydr. Lyeop. Gloomy, almost inclined to weep: Amm. carb. Natr. our. Irritable and ill-humored in the morning, disposed to weep at Platin. tralnon night: Sulphur. Sulphur.. Violent fit of spasmodic weeping: Thuya. Thuya. Veratr. Laughing alternating with crying: Aurum. Disposed to weep; in the morning she laughs about trifles: Graphit. Scolding. Irritable, angry and scolding: Amm. carb. Screams from a tearing pain in right mastoid: Canthar.; from a shooting in ~gion of heart: Rhus tox.; pain on outside of foot: Hepar s. c. Desires and Aversions. Desire for solitude: Rhus tox. Anxiety, with desire to drown himself: Droser. In twilight anxiety, with inclination to commit suicide: Rhus tox. Terrible anxiety and despair, inclined to take his life: Hepar; aversion to talk: Ignat., Amm. mur. Sits wrapt in thought, averse to speaking: Amm. mur. Sadness, with aversion to conversation; confusion of ideas: Mur. purp.; does not answer: Pulsat.; indisposed to speak: Viol. trio. Disposed to criticise: Rhus rad. Indisposed for everything: Sulphur; sluggishness: Carb. veg., Magn. mur., Mur. ac., Pulsat., Ran. s8el.; not inclined to work: Spiggur. Lazy, drowsy and uninterested: Carb. veg. Forgetful, absentminded; melancholy; fear of dying, thinks himself above others; colicky pains in umbilical region, worse in the evening: Platin.HERMEL. EVENING. 297 Alum. Restlessness. Contented mood but restless, has to go I Amm. carb. Argent. from place to place; desire for company: Argent. alen. Restless during mental occupation; f. i., reading: Natr. carb. Carb. an. Mental inquietude in bed: Atom. carb.; has to change posiII Carb. veg. l I Caustic. tion constantly: Rhus tox.; cannot keep the legs still: Cale. ostr. Natr. ar. Unbearable restlessness in the' limbs: Caustic. Rhus tox. Terrified feeling, shudders and weeps: Carb. an.; spirits Ruta. Veratr. affected: Platin. Depressed and easily frightened: Sepia. Mental exhaustion: Turpeth. Intellect. Evening and night full of plans, projects and schemes: Cinch. off. Unpleasant ideas: Caustic. All sorts of ideas, mostly from the past, crowd upon her and prevent sleep: Sulphur. Waking dreams, gets confused and imagines himself away from home: Aeon. In the evening, in bed, vexing ideas: Sulphur; one fixed idea: Baryt., Phosph. ac.; fixed ideas of music: Ignat. When alone feeling as if he had to turn round and would then see an apparition: Bromum. Has no control over his thoughts: Natr. mur. Difficult comprehension at 6 o'clock: Capsic., Kali carb., Pulsat., Sepia; intellectual labor difficult: Rhus rad. Thinking and speaking are difficult towards evening: Ignat.; difficult thinking: Armor.; inability to think: Silic. Cannot study: Gymnocl. Thoughtlessness: Sepia; attacks of insensibility: Cale. ostr. Pressure in the forehead and temples as if on the surface of the brain, not interfering with thinking: Phosph. ac. Absentminded, buried in thought: Amm. mur. When riding out, inward mental weakness: Osmium. Want of mind: Carb. an., Lycop., Natr. mur. Easily affected: Platin. Mental dullness, inability to think: Amm. carb., Ignat., Natr. mur.; indifference: Digit.; head feels dull and stupid: Dulcam., Kali carb. Dullness when standing or walking, relieved by lying down: Gratiol. Dazed feeling in head, with irritability: Mercur. Stupefaction: Aeon., Coloc., Lycop.; in the evening, in the warm room, with chilliness: Pulsat. Vertigo, with insensibility: Thea; attacks of stupefaction: Zincum. Heaviness of spirits: Lycop. Forgetfulness: Millef.; weak memory: Ars. hydr., Bufo; imagination and memory weakened: Anac. Incoherent conversation: Bellad. 298 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Familiar places appear strange: Rhus rad. At 9 o'clock imagines she will have a goitre: Zincum. Delirium: Bryon., Laches., Lycop., Sulphur; insatiable thirst, with burning heat and delirium; talking from 4 P.M. all night: Hepar s. c. Mania: Mercur.; from 8 P.M. to 2 A.M.: Cinch. off.; rage: Crocus. Angry and quarrelsome: Niccol. Converses with spirits; strikes about him with a sword to drive the devil away: Stramon. Clumsiness: Agar.; does not succeed with any work: Mur. ac.; awkward in talking: Lycop. Mind symptoms get worse in the evening, with heat in the face: Hippom.; evening in bed: Borax. WARMTH. Sunlight. Lessens the imagination of being larger: Platin.; increases the restlessness: Kadrn. sulph.; the dullness in head: Nux vom.; (in the cold moonlight sentimental mood: Ant. crud.). Heat. Lessens the pain over the whole chest, with strange imaginations: Amyl. nitr. If he gets agreeably warm, everything appears brighter to him: Phosphor. With warmth of body the good humor increases: Mar. ver. Indifference to the heat and cold of the weather: Fluor. ac.; in mania: Mercur. Warmth. Of bed; makes mind easier: I Caustic., I IMagn. carb.; improves anxiety: Graphit. Warm cloths applied lessens violent pain in belly and anxiety: Phosphor. Desire for Open Air. Weakness with anxiety, relieved by breathing out-door air: Calcar. Restlessness in lower limbs when in a close room, desire for open air: Aster. Dull and irritable, desire to go into the open air: Anac. Anxious feeling in the region of the sternum, as if he could not stay in the room, desire for open air and activity: Anac. Has to leave the room and go into the air: Lauroc. Is impelled to seek the open air: Sulphur. Dizziness and dullness in the head at dinner, has to seek the open air: Magn. mur. Runs out of the house after a domestic quarrel: Mercur. Flies from the house into the open fields: Bellad. Wants to jump out of the window to get into the air: Kali hydr. Covering. Chilliness returns when uncovering, even during the hot stage: Arg. nitr. Cannot bear to be uncovered in spite of the heat: Cinch. off. Restlessness in the limbs, especially in the bends of the arms, cannot bear to be covered: Aster. WARMTH. 299 Toothache with anxiety, better when getting out of bed: Oleand. Anxiety in the evening, has to open her night dress: Baryt. Has to uncover herself in the night, but feels cold and cannot stand it: Magn. carb.; heat and chill, with inclination to uncover: Opium. Cannot bear uncovering during the sweat, from the agony of toothache: Clemat. Hot hands and feet, but cannot bear to have them uncovered: Ignat. Taking Cold. After a foot-bath anxiety and sleeplessness for hours: Natr. carb. After taking cold very irritable: Cale. ostr.; mania: Bellad. Better in Open Air: Aloes, Bryon., Cale. ostr., Coffea, Lauroc., Magn. mur., IPIatin., I IPulsat. Cheerful in the open air: Angust.; happy and laughing; ecstasy: Platin. Inability to persevere: Asaf.; unsteadiness: Graphit.; vexing ideas: Coffea. Anxiety lessens: Gratiol., Lauroc., Magn. mur., Rhus. tox. Better in sunshine: Platin.; and heat: Gratiol.; oppression: Lauroc.; being angry about himself: Aloes. Forsaken mood: Rhus tox.; ill humor: I Coffea; fretfulness: Aloes, Cale. ostr.; Platin., Pulsat., I IStannum. Lachrymose humor, gloominess: Platin. Inconsolability, howling: Coffea; moroseness: Gale. ostr., Stannum. Delusion of fancy, imagining to be too large: Platin. Inability to attend to a lecture: Cinnab., Graphit.; overirritability: Sabin.; difficult thinking: Menyanth.; dull and indisposed to work: Cinch. off., Sulphur; will not speak: Cale. ac.; anxious feeling in head: Lauroc. Better when Walking in the Open Air. Contented, cheerful: Angust., Fluor. ac. Feels better: I IAloes, Asar., I I Graphit., Ignat., Mar. ver., IPulsat., Rhus tox., Stannum. Ill humor, better from walking in the open air but no inclination to do so: Aloes. Drowsy and irritable, with headache; better when walking in open air: Asar. Irritability and discomfort after eating: Borax. Absence of mind: Graphit. Dullness in head as after having been drunk: Dulcam. When going into the open air everything appears ludicrous: Nux moseh. When walking in open air feels unusually well: Plumbum. On coming in the room after a walk cheerful: Phosph. ac. Vascillating mood: Asaf. Better Out-doors, Worse In-Doors. Anxiety worse in-doors: Bryon., Magn. tour. Has to leave the room, it appear; dreary, with anxiety: Valer. Heat and restlessness in-doors: Lycop.; and anxiety: Spongia. Melancholy, ill humor and anxiety, worse in-doors: Rhus tox. 800 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Irritability and indisposition to talk on coming into the house: Cale. ostr. Goes in the open air to weep: Hura; Kin-doors, >out-doors: Platin. Stupefaction >out-doors,