STATISTICS OF THE CONDITION IND PRODUCTS CERITAIN BRAN CHES OF AG UITURLI, IANIJFAUTUB ES, &t, IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, FOR THE YEAR 1848-499 COMPILED PROM THE OFFICIAL RETURNS OF THE YEAR 1849, BY THE SEORETARY OF STAT1]o LANSING: MUNGER & PATTISON, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. Z1850 z _ _......-i STATISTICS OF THE CONDITION IND PRODUCTS, OP CERTAIN BRANCHES of AGRIULTLURE, MANUFACTURES, &C, IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, FOR THE YEAR 1848-49. COMPILED FROM THE OFFICIAL RETURNS OF THE YEAR 1849, BY THE Secretary of State. LANSING: tUNGER & PATTISON, PRINTERS TO THE STATZ. 1850. STATE OF MICHIGAN. No. 4. LEGISLATURE, 1850. Statistical Report of the Secretary of State. OFFICE OF TIIE SECRE:TAR OF STATE,) Lansing, January 7, 1850. To the ilonorable the Senate and IHouse of Reijreseventatives o' the,Sate of _Michigan. The "Act to provide for Statistical Information," approvcd April 3d, 1848, provides that the assessors of each Township in the State, at the time of making out the assessment roll in each year, shall ascertain and set down in Blank Tables, prepared and distributed for that purpose by the Secretary of State, the condition and products of certain branches of Industry, Agriculture and Manufactures, enumerated in the first section of the act; which tables are to be returned by the assessors, to the clerks of their respective counties, on or before the third Monday of May thereafter. Each County Clerk is required to make a condensed statement of the annual returns so made to him by the assessors of his county, record the same in 3 book to be kept in his office for that purpose, and transmit a copy to the Secretary of State, on or before the first Monday of July in each year. It is made the duty of the Secretary of State, to report to the Legislature, at the commencement of each Session, a condensed statement of the returns made to him by the County Clerks. As the act above mentioned, did not take effect until sixty days after its passage, at which time, the valuation of property for the year 1848 had been completed by the township assessors, no action could be had under it so as to procure returns for the year 1847-48 In the month of March last, I prepared, printed and distributed to the County Clerks, the necessary Blank forms, as required; togeth - 4 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [Josxi er with copies of the law, and such instructions for the officers required to act under it, as were deemed necessary and useful. The folloiwing pages, constituting the first annual statistical report from this department, embrace the returns made by the County Clerks during the year 1849, from the statements of the assessors for that.year, and relate solely to the condition of things for the year ending on the. second Monday of April last. The whole number of orgranized townships in the State, during, that time was four hundred and eighty; from four hundred and sixty of which, returns, more or less complete, were made by their assessors: the several townships failing to report are named under their respective Counties. The returns, so far as made, undoubtedly present correct statcments of the several interests comprehended under the General Hieads of "Land," "Live Stock" "Agricultural Products," "Saw MBills" and "Flouring 1Mills;" it is probable however, that the reluctance of proprietors to answer inquiries respecting the business and capital invested in Mills, render the returns relative to the amount of capital invested in Saw Miills and Flouring Mills somewhat defective; it is certain that in some instances the amount of capital stated is entirely disproportionate to the manufactures reported, and the character and probable cost of the machinery and fixtures requisite for the business. In some instances, assessors or owners have evidently excluded from the account, the cost of Mill and machinery, reporting only the amount of capital invested in the purchase of materials. In all other respects, the returns referred to are supposed to be correct, It should be noted in this connection, that in the returns received, "Flouring" and "Grist" mills were in general, reported together without discrimination; they are accordingly, both included under the head of "Flouring mills" in the following tables. The returns under the head of "Aiantfactories," exhibit a very meagre and incomplete view of the great manufacturing interests of the State; being defective in the case of almost every county. The want of experience on the part of assessors, the difficulty of reporting every variety of information under general heads, and the indisposition of persons concerned, to bestow the time and attention to their replies, necessary to give full details, are probably the causes of this result. In many Counties the assessors appear to have sup Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN-. 5 posed that the Law contemplated under this head a return of pers onhs e-ngaged in every variety of mechanical pursuit, and a statement of their business; while in the same Counties, others returned statistics of Manufactorics proper only, However satisfactory or desirable a full statement of the Mechanical industry of the State would prove, it was clearly not the object of the Law; nor were the partial and incomplete returns of it made by assessors, sufficient to afford any useful or reliable data. They have consequently been disregnarded in the compilation of i:~is report. Another cause of the comparatively incomplete view of the manufacturing interest herewith presented, was the failure to procure returns from the City of l)etrlit, the seat of by far the largest Manufacturing interest inl the State The act under which the returns were made, require the facts to bhe collected bythe Township assessors while making assessments fbr "Township purposes." The assessors of the City of Detroit make the assessment under the charter of that City, at an earlier period in the year than that appointed for the ordinary township assessment, for which reason no returns whatever were received from that City. It is suggested that an amendment be made obviating this difficulty, Owing to the fact last stated, the report is also incomplete in the "'value of Merchandize imported for sale;" it is thought, howeve, r, to be nearly correct in that particular as to the remainder of the State, as far as reported. The Statistics of the mining oplerations of the Lower Peninsula, as stated in Abstract seven, (7,) were collected from the official returns of the assessessors; but owingc to the want of perfect Township o)rganization in the Uipper Peninsula, and the remote and scattered situation of the mines worked, it was found impossible to procure returns fiom that District, under the provisions of the act. Under these circumstances I addressed a letter to the Hon. John WV. Allen, U. S. Mineral Agent on Lake Superior, soliciting such information respecting the mines and minerals of his district as he miight have in his power to communicate. I have the pleasure to acknovwledge my obligations to that gentleman and his Assistant, S. V. R. Trowbridge Esq., for the very interesting and reliable information respecting the great mining district of the North, to be found in the following pages. I have prepared and subjoined a comparative Table, beiinig the 56 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JoINTD.. No.4. statListical returns made with the U. S. census of 1840, compared with the returns of assessors made in 1849, so far as they relate to the same subjects of inquiry. All which is respectfully submitted. GEO. W. PECK, Secretary of State. STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. ALLEGAN COUNTY. This County has fourteen organized townships, front all which returns were received. Acres of improved land,, - - 2,054 cc sowed to wheat, 2,835 Bushels of wheat raised, - - - 30,878 "' all other grains, - - - 79,542 Horses, - - - - - 427 Neat cattle, 3,050 Swine, 2,233 Sheep, -. 6,058 Pounds of Wool, 15,972 " Sugar made, - - - - 80,656 Value of merchandize imported for sale, - - $35,980 SAW MILLS, (four steam and twenty-two water,) - 26 Feet of lumber sawed, 5,811,000 Capital invested, ~ $36,700 Men employed, - - - - 92 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) seven runs of stone, - 3 Barrels of Flour made, 2,000 Capital invested, - - - $11,000 Men employed, (one not stated,) - - - 3 MANUFACTORIES; Four Tanneries, three water, one horse power, employing twenty-four hands; Capital $14,400; value of Leather made, $14,600. 8 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINs Two Sash Factories, water power, employing fourteen hands; Capital $2,800; value of Sash made, $5,000. Two Iron Furnaces or Foundries, employing two hands; Capital $1,000; value of Castings, $300. One Pail Factory, water power, employs three men; Capital $1,000; value of articles made $1,500. One Chair Factory, water power, employs four hands; Capital $1,000; value of Chairs made $1,500. One Clothing works, water power, employing two hands; Capital $1,200; value of work done $600. One Distillery, steam and water power, employs two hands; Capital $1,500; value of manufactured articles $1,000. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN.'s BARRY COUNTY. This County has fifteen organized Towunshlps, from all wuhich returns were made. Acres of improved Land, 16.. 1,375 " sowed to wheat. ~. 5,700{Bushels of Wheat raised,... 60,963 "e all other grains,... 97,439 Horses,.. 464 *Neat Cattle,... 3,396 Swine,... 2,222 Sheep,... 6,500 Pounds of Wool,.... 14,569 " Sugar made,... 58,168 Value of merchandize imported for sale,..$5,050 SAw MILLS, ( ater,)... 1 Feet of Lumber sawed,... 233,000 Capital invested, (four not stated, ).. $5,200 Men employed, (four not stated).. 10 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) two runs of stone,. 1 Barrels of Flour made,... 150 Capital invested,.. $3,000 Men employed,.. MANUFACTORIES: One Tannery, particulars not stated. 10 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT BERRIEN COUNTY. This County has sixteen organized Townships, fourteen of which reported-the assessors from the Townships of Bertrand and New Buffalo not making returns. Acres of improved Land,... 19,746~ " sowed to Wheat,.. 5,611~ Bushels of Wheat raised, 41,514k " all other grains,... 187,664 Iorses,..... 1,477 Neat Cattle, 4,418 Swine,... 5,605 Sheep,... 6,889 Pounds of Wool,.... 16,816 Sugar manufactured,.. 32,000k Value of merchandize imported for sale,.. $294,449 SAW MILLS, (one steam, twenty-eight water,). 29 Feet of lumber sawed,... 4,917,000 Capital invested, (one not stated,) $24,400 Men employed,.... 63 FILOU-RING MILLS, (water,) thirteen runs of stone, 4 Barrels of Flour manufactured,.. 12,500 Capital invested,.. $29,000 AMen employed,.... 10 MAIANUFCTORIES: Ninety-one men employed in manufactures, kinds not specified. Capital invested, $13,225; value of articles, $44,800. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 11 BRANCH COUNTY. This County has sixteen organized Townships, from all which retlrns were made. Acres of improved land,.. 46,279 " sowed to Wheat,... 16,455 Bushels of Wheat raised,... 124,779 all other grains,... 327,747 Horses,..... 1,531 Neat Cattle,... 7,159 Swine,..... 6,330 Sheep,..... 16,517 Pounds of Wool,.... 38,831 " Sugar made,... 134,010 Value of Merchandize imported for sale,.. $147,800 SAW MILLS, (three steam and tweny-three water,) 26 Feet of lumber sawed, (one not stated,).. 4,747,000 Capital invested, (two not stated,).; $30,400 Men employed, (three not stated,).. 41 FLOURING MILLS, (two steam and three water,) 16 runs of stone, 5 Barrels of Flour made,... 18,900 Capital invested,... $52,000 AMen employed,.... 15 MANUFACTORIES: One Iron Furnace, water power, employing thirtv-six men; Capital $16,800; value of articles made, $31,300. One Carding and Woolen works, water power, particulars not stated. One Distillery, steam power, employing five men; Capital $1,700; value of articles manufiactured, $2,800. BMINES WORKED: One, Bog Iron, 1450 tons raised; value $725; Capital invested, $1,800. 12 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT CALHOUN COUNTY. This county has twenty organized Townships, from all which reteur}s were mebacde. Acres of improved Land,.... 96,399 " sowed to Wheat,... 37,03t Bushels of Wheat raised,... 3 0,478 " all other grains,.. 524,476 Horses,....,993 Neat Cattle,.... 11,865 Swine,.... 9,189 Sheep,..... 37,246 Pounds of Wool,.... 98,005 " Sugar made,... 30,860 Value of merchandize imported for sale,.... 425,300 SAW MILLS, (two steam and twenty-eig(ht water,) 39 Feet of lumber sawed,... 4,159,000 Capital invested,.... 832,000 Men employed,.... 49 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) forty-four runs of stone, 15 Barrels of Flour made,... 76,300 Capital invested,.... 131,200 Men employed,.... 37 MANUFACTORIES: Two Woolen Factories, water power, employing thirty-seven men; Capital $30,500; value of manufactured articles, $33,900. Five Iron Furnaces, two steam and three water, employing fortytwo men; Capital invested, $26,000; value of castings and ploughs manufactured $39,500. One Oil and Candle Factory, using steam power, employing 3 men; Capital $3,000; value of articles manufactured $3,500. One Lath and Sash Factory, water power, employing two men; Capital $1000; value of articles manufactured, $1,500. One Tannery, water power, employing three men; Capital $1000; value of manufactures, $1,500. MINEs WonKED: One, of Bog Iron, 468,000 pounds raised, value at the mine, l1 7. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 13 CASS COUNTY. This County has fifleen organized Townships, from all which returns were made. Acres of improved Land... 59,197 " sowed to Wheat... 17,960 Bushels of wheat raised.. 147,637 " all other grains, 554,959 Horses, 2, 579 Neat Cattle, 6, 785 Swine,.... 8,014 Sheep,..... 16,355 Pounds of wool,.... 43,859 " Sugar made,... 68,209 Value of merchandize imported for sale,.. $50,300 SAW MILLS, (water,)... 26 Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 2,521,000 Capital invested, (nine not stated,).. $9,500 Men employed, (four not stated,)... 34 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) nine runs of stone,. 4 Barrels of Flour made, (one not stated,). 6,940 Capital invested, (two not stated,).. $3,800 Mien employed, (two not stated,)... 3 MIANUFACTORIES: One Tannery, employing four men; Capital $1.200; value of Leather made, $1,000. One Carding and Woolen works, employing five men; Capital $1,000; value of articles made, $1,200. One Wacgon Shop, horse power, employing six hands; Capital $500; value of articles manufactured, $1,800. One Iron Furnace, horse power, employing six men; Capital $900; value of castings, $4;000. One Distillery, steam power, employing two men; Capital $200; value of manufactures, $600. MBIuNES WORKED: One, Bog Iron; 28,000 lbs. raised; value $10,50. 14 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT CHIPPEWA COUNTY. Chippewa County proper comprises but one township, that of Saut de Ste Marie, to which, only, these returns refer. Acres of improved Land,... 219 Bushels of Wheat raised, (" all other grains,... 1,375 Horses,..... 58 Neat Cattle,... 138 Swine,..... 25 One Saw Mill, (water power,) Capital $2,000. Men employed,.. 7 Feet of Lumber sawed,... 400,000 Pounds of Sugar manufactured,. 3,500 Value of merchandize imported for sale,.. $36,000 MANUFACTORIES: None reported. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 15 CLINTON COUNTY. Contains sixteen organized townships, from all which returns were made. Acres of improved Land,... 14,733~ " sowed to Wheat,. ~ 56,207 Bushels of Wheat raised,. 61,123: {" all other grains,.. 86,278 Horses,. 436 Neat Cattle,.. 3,712 Swine,..... 2,723 Sheep,. 4,8 78 Pounds of Woo],.. 13,134 Sugar made, 85,731 Value of merchandize imported for sale,.. $18,245 SAW MILLS, (water,).. 7 Feet of lumber sawed,. 710,000 Capital invested, (one not stated,).. $9,700 Men employed,.. 21 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) four runs of stone,.2 Barrels of Flour made, (one not stated,).. 315 Capital invested,... $9,000 Men employed,.. 4 MANUFACTORIES: None reported. 16 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT EATON COUNTY. This County has sixteen oryanized townships, from all which returns were made. Acres of improved Land,.. 16,657k " sowed to Wheat,.. 4,845Bushels of Wheat raised,. 60,027.$ " all other grains,.. 113,758 Horses,... 606 Neat Cattle,... 4,638 Swine, ~.. 2,921 Sheep, 8,066 Pounds of Wool,.. 24,967k s" Sugar made,... 156,188 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $44,200 SAW MILLS, (water,)... 15 Feet of Lumber sawed, (one not stated,). 2,659,000 Capital invested, (three not stated,).$9,550 Men employed,.. 31 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) nine runs of stone,. 4 Barrels of Flour -made, ~. 3,800 Capital invested, (one not stated,).. $8,300 Men employed,... 9 MANUFACTORIES: Asheries, Furnaces, Carding works, &c., not stated particularly, employing thirty men; Capital 84,100; value of articles manufactured, $14,886. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 17 GENESEE COUNTY. This County contains sixteen organized townships, from all but two of which, (M3ontrose and Vienna,) returns were made. Acres of improved Land,.. 31,603 sowed to Wheat,.. 18,8172 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 126,319, (" all other grains,.. 149,347 Horses,.. 1,244 Neat Cattle,... 6,803 Swine,. 4,261 Sheep,... 1,393 Pounds of Wool,... 38,724 " Sugar made,.. 101,312 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $125,705 31 SAW MILLS, (water,).25 Feet of Lumber sawed,. 6,725,000 Capital invested, (one not stated,). $53,000 Men employed,... 89 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) twenty-three runs of stone, 10 Barrels of Flour made,.. 16,591 Capital invested,.. $43,600 Men employed,.'.. 19 MANUFACTORIES: In the township of Flint, Saleratus, Pearls, Wooden Ware, &c., twenty-threemen employed; Capital $4,650; value of articles manufactured, $15,500. In other towns, One Oil Mill, using water power, employs two men; Capital $700; value of manufactured article, $400. Carding and Woolen Cloth Factory, water power, employing ten men; Capital invested, $3,000. One Iron Furnace, horse power, employing two men; Capital $500; value of articles manufactured, $800. 3 18 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT HILLSDALE COUNTY. This County contains sixteen organized townships, from two of which, (Moscow and Wright,) no returns were made. Acres of improved Land,.. 56,644 " sowed to Wheat,.. 18,798 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 178,643 " all other grains,.. 405,626 Horses,... 1,540 Neat Cattle,.. 7,684 Swine,.... 5,481 Sheep,.. 24,326 Pounds of Wool,... 55,382 "' Sugar made,. 116,421 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $160,707 SAW MILLS, (five steam twenty-six water,) 31 Feet of Lumber sawed, (one not stated,). 4,732, 886 Capital invested, (two not stated,). $33,700 Men employed,.. 59 FLOURING MILLS, (five water, one steam,) fifteen runs of stone, 6 Barrels of Flour made, (one not stated,). 21,500 Capital invested,.. $62,000 Men employed,... 23 MANUFACTORIES: Rake Factory, employing three men; Capital $450; value of manufactured articles, $600. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS -OF MICHIGAN. l1 INGHAM COUNTY. This County contains sixteen organized townshi/ps, from all which returns twere made. Acres of improved Land,. 25,63t1 " sowed to Wheat, 8,640( Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 82,994 all other grains,.. 116,517 Horses,.. 65!1 Neat Cattle,... 5,211 Swine,.. 396 Sheep,... 9,641 Pounds of Wool,.. 24,538 Sugar made,.. 101,097 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $19,279i SAW MILLS, (four steam, eleven water,). 15 Feet of Lumnber sawed,.. 2,125,800 Capital invested, (four not stated,). $20,00(t Men employed,.. 2 FLOURING MILLS, (one steam, three water,) six runs of stone, 4 Barrels of Flour made, (one not stated,) 4,900 Capital invested,. $19,50( Men employed,.. 9 MIANUFACTORIES: One Potash, Capital $250; employing one man: value of manufactured article,- $800. 20 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOIN'T IONIA COUNTY. This county contains seventeen organized townships, from all but one of which, (Ionia,) returns were made. Acres of improved Land,.. 23,236 " sowed to Wheat,.. 8,302 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 94,504 " all other grains,. 129,476 Horses,.. 648 Neat Cattle,.. 4,756 Swine,... 3,6650 Sheep,.. 7,524 Pounds of Wool,... 19,891 " Sugar made,.. 101,889 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $39,980 SAW MILLs, (water,).. 20 Feet of Lumber sawed, (one not stated,). 8,400,000 Capital invested, (two not stated,) $24,100 Mien employed,.. 106 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) seven runs of stone, 4 Barrels of Flour made, (two not stated,) 2,100 Capital invested, (one not stated,) $. 13,500 Men employed,.. 8 MANUFACTORIES: One Clothing works, water power, employing four men; Capital $2,500; value of articles manufactured, $1,600. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 21 JACKSON COUNTY. This County contains seventeen townships, fronz all of which retullns were made. Acres of improved Land, 119,124 73 " sowed to Wheat,. 47,832 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 540,280 " other grains,.. 512,770 Horses,... 2,963 Neat Cattle,... 13,739 Swine,.... 9,348 Sheep,... 45,428 Pounds of Wool,. 128,180 " Sugar made,.. 629 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. 8355,26;5 SAW MILLs, (two steam, nineteen water,) I21 Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 2,060,000 Capital invested, (three not stated,). $13,600 AMen employed, (one not stated,).. 30 FLOURING MILLS, (two steam, eleven water,) 31 runs of stone, 13 Barrels of Flour made, (two not stated,). 24,100 Capital invested, ". *64,500 Men employed, c".. 33 MANUFACTORIES: Town of Jackson, Two Iron Furnaces, two Carding and Wool dressing, and various other other branches of manufacturing, principally in the vicinity of Jackson, employ 138 men; Capital 848,700; value of articles manufactured, $79,900. 1ff other towns, Carding machines and Distilleries employ fifteen men, Capital $3,400; value of articles manufactured, $5,100. MINEs: Coal, in the town of Pulaski, 300,000 lbs. raised; value $180. Aims STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JoINT KALAMAZOO COUNTY. T'his County contains sixteen townships,from all but two of which, (Alamo and WakEeshma,) returns were made. Acres of improved Land,.. 64,415 sowed to Wheat,. 20,065 Bushels of Wheat raised,. 222,839 other grains,. 465,228 iHorses,.. 2,337 Neat Cattle,.. 6,863,Swine,..5,483 lleep,... 31,966 Pounds of Wool,.. 94,830 " Sugar made,.. 45,105 Value of merchandize imported for sale, -. 186,319 SAW MILLS, (one steam, twenty-six water,). 27 Feet of Lumber sawed, (two not stated,). 3,795,000 Capital invested, (four not stated,). $1,100 Men employed, (two not stated,).. 52 FLOURING MILLS, (two steam, eleven water,) 29 runs of stone, 13 Barrels of Flour made, (one not stated,). 45,682 Capital invested,... 76'S00 Mpein employed,.. 34 MAhNUFACTORIES: Two Woolen Works, water power, one employing ten men, and $5,000 Capital; value of manufacture $6,500; the other Capital not stated, employing five men; value of articles, $5,000. Two Machine shops, Capital $8,000; value of articles manufactuird $7,000; power used, steam. M1INES WORKED: Town of Kalamazoo, 600 tons of iron ore raised, value $9,000! Capital invested $10,000. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 23 KENT COUNTY. This County has twenty organised townships, from all which returns were received. Acres of improved Land,.. 25,2271 " sowed to Wheat,. 9,064 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 92,533 " other grains,.. 162,957 Horses, -.. 663 Neat Cattle,.. 6,089 Swine,.... 3,576 Sheep,... 6,724 Pounds of Wool,... 16,675 s' Sugar made,.. 84,425 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $186,370 SAW MILLS, (water, ). 32 Feet of Lumber sawed, (one not stated,). 11,411,500 Capital invested, (ten not stated,). $18,700 Men employed,... 73 FLOURING MILLS, (water,) thirteen run of stone, 8 Barrels of Flour made, (two not stated,) 16,650 Capital invested, " C. $34,600'Men employed, " ". 11 MIAUNUFACTORIES: Two Tanneries, water power, employing twelve men; Capital $14,500; value of Leather made, $15,000. Two Foundries, water power, employing fifteen men; Capital 812,500; value of Castings, $14,000. One Woolen Works, water power, employing five men; Capital $2,500; one employing three men; Capital $2,000. One Ashery, employing two men; Capital $1,000; value of saleratus made, $1,500. One Pail Factory, employing six men; Capital $500; value of Pails made, $1,000. MhINES WORKED: Gypsum, (plaster of Paris,) at Grand Rapids; 1,000,000 lbs. raised; value $5,000; Capital $1,500. 24 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT LAPEER COUNTY. This County has ten organized townships, from nine of which returns are made-Mayfield not reporting. Acres of improved Land,.. 29,560k " sowed to Wheat,.. 8,7081 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 109,692 " other grains,.. 155,207 Horses, (includes Neat Cattle in town of Almont,). 655 Neat Cattle,... 4,529 Swine, (except town of Dryden,). 2,192 Sheep,.. 11,309 Pounds of Wool,... 30,318 " Sugar made,.. 65,170 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $31,300 SAW MILLS, (two steam, fifteen water,). 17 Feet of Lumber sawed, (one not stated,) 3,270,000 Capital invested, " ". $16,000 Men employed, " ". 35 FLOURING MILLS, (one steam, seven water,) fifteen run of stone, 8 *Barrel of Flour made, (two not stated,). 3,500 Capital invested,.. $22,000 Men employed,.. 10 MANUFACTORIES: Almont, one Starch Factory, steam power, employing twelve men, Capital $8,000; value of Starch made, $5,000. In this township 34,735 bushels of Potatoes were raised mainly for the supply of this Factory. Two Tanneries, employing two men; Capital $500; value of Leather made, $1,900, One Ashery, value of Potash, $900. *5000 "Bushels of Grain" ground in town of Almont. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 25 LENAWEE COUNTY. This County has twenty organized townships, from all wvhich retu',ns were made, exc ting the towns of Seneca and Ogden. Acres of improved Land,. 104,8771 " sowed to wheat,. 28,281 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 295,462 other grains,.. 509,967 Horses, 3,944 Neat Cattle,... 12,861 Swine,.... 8,098 Sheep,., 52,003 Pounds of Wool,. 150,702 Sugar made,. - 87,223 Value of merchandize imported for sale, $507,521 SAW MILLS, (nine steam, thirty-nine water,) 48 Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 10,01'6,000 Capital invested,.. $43,500 Men employed,... 15 FLOURING MILLS, (three steam, fourteen water,) 54 runs of stone, 17 Barrels of Flour made, (one not stated,). 54,175 Capital invested, $162,700 Men employed, (six not stated,).. 34 MANUFACTORIES: Adrian —one Foundry, employing six men; Hats and Caps, employing four men; three Boot and Shoe; employing thirty-five men; one edge tools, employing two men; three cabinet, employing eight men; three Brick kilns, employing twentythree men, and various others; Capital, (aggregate;,) $5,200; value of manufactured articles, $29,400. Tecumseh-three Furnaces, two Tanneries, five Carriage shops, one Ashery, one Woolen factory, one Hub factory, and others, employing in all 105 men; Capital (aggregate,) $43,510; value of manufactured articles, $76,436. Town of Madison —one Tannery, steam; one Ashery; one Cabinet ware, and others, employing twenty-three men; Capital $9,650; value of manufactured articles, $36,100. Other Towns-two Carding and Woolen Mills, employing six men, and various others, employing six men; Capital $420; value of products, $2,040. 4 26 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT LIVINGSTON COUNTY. This County contains sixteen organized townships. Returns made frorom all. Acres of improved Land,.. 69,762 " sowed to wheat,. 26,988 Bushels of wheat raised,.. 268,789 " other grains,. 252,756 Horses,.... 1,811 Neat Cattle,.. 9,669 Swine,... 6,365 Sheep,.. 25,621 Pounds of wool,. 66,366 " sugar made,. 16,987 Value of Merchandize imported for sale,. $64,686 SAW MILLS, (2 steam, 22 iwater,) 24 Feet of lumber sawed,.. 2,699,000 Capital invested, (2 not stated,). $15300 Men employed, (3 not stated,). 34 1LOURIiNG AIILLS, (10 water, 1 s & w.) 26 runs of stone, 11 B-bls. of flour made,.. 33, 875 Capital invested. 62.50 0 AMen employed,. 24 hANUFACTORIES: Two woolen and carding mills, using' water power, cmploying five men, capital $3000, value of manufactured articles, $1,000. One Distillery-employing two men-capital, $1,200, —value of' nmanlafil ttured article, $1,000. Deoc. No. 4. ] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 27 MACOMB COUNTY. This County has fourteen orgauized townships, from all which (excert Richmond, ) returns were made. Acres of improved Land,. 55,450 " sowed to Wheat,.. 11,391 Bushels of Wheat raised,. 175,694 " other Grains,.. 359,526 Horses,... 2,569 Neat Cattle,.. 8,374 Swine,... 4,773 Sheep,... 27,569 Pounds of Wool,.. 72,616 " Sugar made,.. 41,457 Value of Merchandize imported for sale,. $206,148 SAW MILLS, (7 steam, 22 water,). 29 Feet of Lumber sawed, (2 not stated,). 2,800,000 Capital invested, (4 not stated,). /i34,250 Men employed, (9 not stated,). 59 FLOURING MILLS, (1 steam, 10 water,) 27 runs of stone, 11 Barrels of Flour made,.. 31,700 Capital invested, (1 not stated,).. $46,500 Mlen employed, (6 not stated,). 11 MATrNUFATORIES: In township of Clinton, one Glass Furnace, employving fifty men; capital, $50,000; value of Glass manufactured,,50,000; one Stave Factory, using steam power, employs twentyfour men; capital, $40,000; value of articles manufactured 4,53,000. One Foundry, using steam power, employing four men; capital $200; value of castings, $3,000. One Tannery-steam power used, employing live men; capital $3,500; value of manufactured articles, $3,000. One Shoe and Harness establishment, employing seven men; capital $2,000; value of articles, $5,000. One Ashery, employing three men; capital $3,000; value of Pots and Pearl ashes manufactured, $3000. One Boot and Shoe-employs five men; capital $500; value of articles manufactured, $1,000. 28 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JoiNr Two Tin Shops, employing five men; capital $3,500; articles made, $4,300. One Cabinet Shop-employs six men; capital, $2,500; articlesmanufactured, $4,000. Other Towns-Two Carding and Wool Dressing establishments, (water power,) capital, $3,200; men employed, five; value of articles manufactured, $650. Town of Lenox —1,770 worth of Barrels made. " Washington-Two Furnaces, one Carriage Factory, one Tin Shop; employ fourteen men; capital $5,700; articles manufactured, 11,500. Doec. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 29 MACKINAW COUNTY. This County has three organized touships, f om each qf wlich returns were made. Acres of improved Land, 844 Bushels of Wheat raised, " other Grains, (by Whites,) 1,299 " Potatoes ( " ). 25,000' Corn raised by Indians, for sale, 4,000 Barrels of Fish shipped from the District,. 15,000 Value of the same,.. 75,000 Pounds of Sugar, (42,100 lbs. made by Indians,) 56,250 Value of Merchandize imported for sale, $59,800 Horses,.. 87 Neat Cattle,.. 162 Swine,. 32 Sheep,.. 8 One Saw Mill —(water,) employs twenty men. Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 1,000,000 Capital inves:ed,.. $10,000:Sixmen employed in Coopering; capital invested, $600 Value of Barrels made,.. $700 30 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINr MONROE COUNTY. This County hasfourteen townships, from all of which returns wvere made. Acres of improved Land,.. 41,499 " sowed to Wheat,.. 10,728 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 98,962 " other grains,.. 206,071 Horses,... 2,592 Neat Cattle,... 9,250 Swine,.... 6,043 Sheep,... 18,781 Pounds of Wool,... 53,053 " Sugar made,.. 17,257 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $178,335 SAW MILLS, (five steam, twenty-five water,) 30 Feet of Lumber sawed, (two not stated,). 3,607.000 Capital invested,.. $33,100 Men employed,... 71 FLOURING MILLS, (1 steam, unfinished, 5 water,) 14 runs of stone, 6 Barrels of Flour made,. 7,300 Capital invested, (two not stated,). $32,600 Men employed, (one not stated,).. 14 MANUFACTORIES: Monroe City —two Iron Foundries, using steam power, employing nineteen men; Capital $4,000; articles manufactured, $19,000. One Sash and door factory, employs five men; Capital $1,500; value of sash,7&c., $2,400. Three Boots and Shoes, twenty-one men; Capital $1,000; value of articles, $4,300. Raisinville-One Paper Mill, using steam and water power, seven hands employed; Capital $3,500; paper made, $12,000. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 31 OAKLAND COUNTY. This County has twenty-five organized townships, from all wdich returns were made. Acres of improved Land,. 170,308 " sowed to Wheat, 49,812 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 557,537 " other Grains,.. 770,080 Horses,.. 5,358 Neat Cattle,.. 18,912 Swine,... 12,556 Sheep,.. 82,141 Pounds of Wool,.. 218,536 " Sugar made,.. 43,045 Value of Merchandize imported for sale,. $367,914 Saw MILLS —(two steam, forty-six water,). 48 Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 6,087,371 Men employed,. 64 FLOURING MILLs,-(water) sixty-five runs of stone,. 26 Bbls. of Flour made,.. 97,520 Capital invested,. 8112,900 Men employed,. 65 MANTFACTORIES: Report too vague to be of use, 32 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT OTTAWA COUNTY. This County has nine organized townships, from semen of which returns weere made — orton and Georgetown not reporting. Acres of improved Land,. 1,230~ C sowed to Wheat,.. 2711 Bushels of Wheat raised,. 3,412 " other grains,.. 8,863 Horses, 56 Neat Cattle,.. 839 Swine,... 360 Sheep,.. 120 Pounds of Wool,.. 295 Sugar made,.. 13,566 Value of merchandize imported for sale,. $21,000 SAW MILLS, (one steam, three steam and water,) 4 Feet of Lumber sawed,. 2,680,000 Capital invested,.. $13,700 Men employed,... 32 MANUFACTORIES: One Leather, using water power, employing one hand; Capital and articles manufactured not reported. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGA.N 33 SAGINAW COUNTY. This Ccunty has seven organized townships, but three of which,.Yort/. ampton, Saginaw and Tittabawassee made returns. Acres of improved Land,.. 1,930 "4 sowed to Wheat,. 426 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 5,633 " other Grains,. 19,022 Horses,. 250 Neat Cattle,.. 996 Swine,.. 845 Sheep,.. ~ 752 Pounds of Wool,... 2,050'" Sugar made,.. 8,653 Value of Merchandize imported for sale,. $27,300 SAW MILLS, (three steam, five water,). 8 Feet of Lumber sawed,. 4,945,000 Capital invested,. $80,000 Men employed,. 88 FLOURING MILLS, water, (custom,). 2 Capital invested,.. $900 Men employed, (one not stated,).. 1 One Tannery —using horse power; employing five hands; capital, $2,000. 34 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. This County has thirteen organized townships, from all of which returns were made. Acres of improved Land,. 20,824 " sowed to Wheat,. ~ 7,918 Bushels of Wheat raised,. 84,490 " other grains,. 84,621 Horses,. 552 Neat Cattle,... 4,275 Swine, 2.,663 Sheep,... 7,030 Pounds of Wool,.. 18,843 " Sugar made,. 52,548 Value of Merchandize imported for sale,. $41,900 SAW MILLS, (water,). 7 Feet of lumber sawed, (one not stated,). 480,000 Capital invested,. 4,000 Men employed, (one not stated,) 2. 2 FLOURIrNG MILLS, (water,) seven runs of stone, 3 Barrels of Flour made, 1. 3,500 Capital invested, $26,000 MANUFACTORIES: Three Furnaces, employing seven men; Capital $2,000. Two Asheries, one Potash, one Saleratus. Two Woolen works, one employs four hands; Capital 81,200. Report too vague. Doo. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 35 ST. CLAIR COUNTY. This County has seventeen organized township., from all which returns Dwere made. Acres of improved Land,. 17,394~ " sowed to Wheat,.. 1,956 Bushels of wheat raised,. 34,471 " other Grains, 114,925 Horses,.. 1,048 Neat Cattle..5,188 Swine,. 2,606 Sheep, 7,57 Pounds of Wool,.. 0,906 " Sugar made,.. 39,164 Value of Merchandize imported,. $258,200 SAW AMILLS, (twenty-seven steam and twenty-eight water,) 55 Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 33,300,000 Capital invested, (eigrht not stated,) $. 168,600 Men employed, (four not stated,). 344 FLOUrTING MILLS, (1 steam and 3 water,) six runs of stone, 4 Bbls. of Flour made,.. 1,900 Capital invested,.. 24,200 Men employed,.. 11 MANUFACTORIEs: Six Tanneries, (four steam, two water,) hands employed, thirty-nine; capital $11,550; value of Leather made, $14800. One Furnace, (steam,) employs fifteen hands; capital $6,000; value of articles made, $12,500. One Wool Carding, &c., (steam power,) employ two hands; capital $500; value of products, $600. In township of Lexington, 3,000,000 shingles made. 36 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT ST. JOSEPH COUNTY. This County has sixteen organized townships,from all of which returns were made. Acres of improved Land,.. 84,255 " sowed to Wheat,.. 31,690 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 260,616 " other grains,.. 577,172 Horses,... 2,669 Neat Cattle,... 8,135 Swine,. 8,870 Sheep,... 20,933 Pounds of Wool,... 54,979 " Sugar made,.. 17,487 Value of merchandize imported for sale, $197,103 94 SAW MILLS, (water,). 18 Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 2,665.000 Capital invested,.. $19,750 Men employed, (one not stated,).. 37 FLOURING MILLS, (one steam, eleven water,) 33 runs of stone, 12 Barrels of Flour made,.. 51,050 Capital invested,.. $131,300 Men employed,.. 61 In the township of Florence, 962 acres of Peppermint; 7,856 lbs Peppermint oil made; value $11,775. In the township of White Pigeon, 1,000 lbs of Peppermint oil made; value $1,500. MANUFACTORIES: four Iron Furnaces, two water, two horse power, employingtwenty-four men, Capital $9,700; value of Castings, &c., $21,000. Five Woolen and Carding Works; water power, employing fifteen men; Capital $8,400; value of manufactures in three, $2,400. Three Distilleries, water power, employing fourteen men; Capital $19,400; value of manufactured article, $60,000. Two Breweries, employing four hands; Capital $1,300; value of manufactures, $2,200. One Ashery, employieg three hands; Capital $1,000. MINES WORKED: Constantine, Bog Iron ore, 300 tons raised, value $300. Doc. No. 4.[ STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 37 VAN BUREN COUNTY. This Counly has fourteen oryaniaed townships, from all of which returns were made. Acres of improved Land, 16,501 " sowed to Wheat,.. 6,0341 Bushels of Wheat raised,. 41,381 " other Grains,. 152,752 Horses,.. 657 Neat Cattle,.. 3,127 Swine,... 2,800 Sheep, 5,146 Pounds of Wool,... 16,667 Sugar made,.. 51,142 Value'of Merchandize imported for sale,. $65,140 SAW MILLS, (water).. 14 Feet of Lumber sawed,.. 2,455,700 Capital invested, (one not stated,). $17,070 Men employed, (one not stated,).. 31j FLOURING MILLS: (water,) three runs of stone, 1 Bbls. of Flour made,.. 1,000 Capital invested,.. 2,000 Men employed,. MANUFAOTORIES: One Tannery, water power, employing twelve hands; capital $18,000; value of Leather made, $35,q00. Two Carding and Wool Dressing-employ five hands; capital of one $2,500; value of articles made, $300. 38 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOISr WAYNE COUNTY. This' County has nineteen oryanized toumships, from tw o of whlic., (Sumpter and.Detroit,) returns were not made. Acres of improved Land,.. 60,254 " sowed to Wheat,.. 9,556 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 104,033 " other grains, 564,9278 Horses,... 4,523 Neat Cattle,... 11,565 Swine,. 8,864 Sheep,.. 30,691 P'ounds of Wool,... 84,567 Sugar made,.. 33,77 i Value of merchandize imported for sale,. 87,600 SAW MILLS, (twenty-one steam, twenty-one waterl,) 42 Feet of Lumber sawed,. 9,466,000 Capital invested, (one not stated,). $67, 100 Men employed,.. 160 FLOURuNG MILLS, (one steam, twelve watcr,) 31 runs of stone, 13 Barrels of Flour made,.. 34,130 Capital invested, one not stated,.'15 7,0000 -Men employed,.. 36 [iANUvFACTORIES: Two Wool Carding and dressing, employing eight men; Capital $4,060; value of articles manufactured, $775. One Pail Factory, steam power; Capital $5,000; value of articles made, $12,000. One ashery, two hands, value of potash, $635. Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 39 WASHTENAW COUNTY. This County has twenty organized townships, from all which returns were made. Acres of improved Land,.. 135,539 "r sowed to Wheat, 44,971 Bushels of Wheat raised,.. 463,615 " other Grains,.. 488,069 Horses,.. 4,917 Neat Cattle,. 16,080 Swine,. 10,446 Sheep,.. 72,373 Pounds of Wool,... 213,485 " Sugar made,. 30,448 Value of Merchandize imported for sale,. $416,077 SAW MILLS: (power not named].. 43 Feet of Lumber sawed,. 6,301,000 Capital invested, [one not stated,].. $37,100 Men employed,. 76 FLOURING MILLS: [powTer not reported,] 57 runs of stone, 18 Bbls. of Flour made,.. 140,400 Capital invested,. $153,900 Men employed, 100 MANUFACTORIES: At Ann Arbor, one Paper Mill, water power, employs fifty hands; capital $25,000; value of paper made $28,000. At Ypsilanti, one Distillery, two woolen works, and two Furnaces; employ twenty-six men; capital $155,000: value of articles made' $33,600. At Manchester, one Brewery, steam power, employs eleven men; capital, $2,600; value of manufactured article, $1,650. Three Woolen works, &c.; particulars not stated. Two Woolen works, employ twenty-five hands; capital, $5,500. ABSTRACT BY COUNTIES OF THE STATISTICAL RETURNS OF TIHE STATE OF MICHIGAN, FOR THE YEAR 1849. Abstract No. 1. LAND. C1 i__.,..__ COUNTlEg. aC~~t z?RE~MAfl KS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __I Aliegan 12.054 9,835 1Barry 16,375 5,700 i *3srrieni 19,746. 5,611&! llranch j 46,279' 16,455 Calhoun 96,399 37,036 C am s 59,197 17,960 1 Chiippewa 219''None. Clinton 14,733w 5,207 i Eaton 16,657i 4,845i Genesece 31,603 18,817.4 Hillsdale 56, 644 18,798 Inghanm 25,631 8,640 lonia 23,236 i 8,302 Jackson 119,12475-100! 47,832 Kalamazoo 64,415 20,065 Kent 25,227~, 9,064 TLapeer l 29,560s i 8,708~i Lenawee 104,877i 28,281 Livingston 69,762 26,988 Mackinac 844 0 i'iNone. -Macomb 55,450 11,391 Monroe 41,499 10,728 Oakland 170,308 49,812 (ttawa 1,230A 271; and 387 a. chop'd. Saglnaw 1,930 426 Shiawassee 20,824 7,918 St. Clair 17,394k 1,956 St, Joseph 84,255 31,690 Van Buren 16,501k 6,034ji Washtonaw 135,539 44,971 Wayne 60,254 9,556 Total, 1,437,459 465,900~! 44 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT Abstract 2o. 2. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. GRAIN. WOOL. SUGAR.,COUNTIES. Q - 5 REMARKS. 03 97, 43on c,,1 Allegan, 30,878 79,542 15,972 80,656 Branch, 124,779 327,747 38,831 134,010 Calhoun, 370,478 524,476 98,005 30,860 Cass, 147,637 554,959 43,859 68,209 Chippewa, * 1,375 1 3,500'None. Clinton, 61,123 86,278 1.3,134 85,731 Eaton, 60,027k 113,758 24,967j; 156,188 Genesee, 126.319i 149,347 38,724 101,312 Hillsdale, 178,643 405,626 55,382 116,421 Ingham, 82,994 116,517 24,538 101,097 Ionia, 94,504 129,476 19,891 101,889 Jackson, 540,280 512,770 128,180 629 Kalamazoo, 222,839 465,228 94,830 45,105 Kent, 92,533 162,957 16,675 84,425 Lapeer, 109,692 155,207 30,318 65,170 Lenawee, 295,462 509,967 150,702 87,223 Livingston, 268,789 252,756 66,366 16 987 Mackinac,' 1,299 * 56,250 INon.. Macomb, 175,694 359,526 72,616 41,457 Monroe, 98,962 206,071 53,053 17,257 Oakland, 557,537 770,080 218,536 43,045 Ottawa, 3,412 8,863 295 13,566 Saginaw, 5,633 19,022 2,050 8,653 Shiawassee, 84,490 84,621 18,843 52,548 St. Clair, 34,471 114,925 20,906 39,164 St. Joseph, 260,616 577,172 54,979 17,487 Van Buren, 41,381 152,752 16,667 51,142 "Washtenaw, 463,615 488,069 213,485 30,448 Wayne, 104,033 564,278 84,567 33, 71 Total,. 4,739,299k 8,179,767 1,645,756i 1,774,3681 Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 45 Alstract l.o. 3. LIVE STOCK. COUNTIES. REMARKS, 0 0 Allegan 4271 3,0501 2,2331 6,058] Barry 464 3,39 2,2224 6,500? Berrien 1,177 4,418 5,605 6,889 Branch 1,531 7,159 6,330 16,5 17 Calhoun 2,993 11,865 9,1891 37,246? Cass 2,579 6,785! 8,014 16,355' Chippewa 581 138! 25 * None. Clinton 4361 3,712? 2,723 4,878 Eaton 6061 4,6381 2,921 8,066! Genesee 1,244 6,803 4,261 18,393 Hillsdalo 1,540 7,684 5,481 24,326 Ingham 651 5,211 3,962 9,641 Ionia 6481 4,756, 3,650 7,524i Jackson 2,9631 13.7391 9,348 45,428 Kalamazoo 2,3371 6,8631 5,483 31,966 Kent 663 6,089 3,576 6,724 Lapeer 6551 4,529 2,192 11,309 incl'd'd with Lenawee 3,944 12,861 8,098 52,003 neat cattle.Livingston 1,811 9,669i 6,365 25,621 t'1 ofAlmont. MNackinac 87 162 32 8 Macomb 2,569 8 374 4,778 27,569 Monroe 2,592 9'250 6,043 18,781, Oakland 5,358 18,912 12,556 82,141 Ottawa 56 839 360 120 Sagln aw 250 996 845,752 Shiawassee 552 4,275 2,663 7 030 St. Clair 1,048 5,188 2,606 7,575 St. Joseph 2,669 8,135 8,870 20,933 Van Buren. 657 3,127 2,800 5,146 Washtenaw 4,917 16,080 10,446 72,373 Wayne 4,523 11,565 8,864 30,691 Ex, Detroit. 52,305t 210,268 152,541 610,563 4,6 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOI:' Abstract Xto. 4. FLOURING MILLS. COUNTIES. _ i o 1 0;3: |,.; j > REMARKS. c i Alle-an 3 w 2,0001 3 $11,100 Barry 1 2 w 150 2 3,0,)0 Berrien 4 13' w 12,5001 10 29, 000 Brarnch' r 161 4 w —1 s 18,900' 15 52,O00 Bralhoun -15 6 t4 1 w 76,300! 37 131 200'1 i for corn. Cass 4! 9 W 6,9401 3 3,800 Chippewa i None, Clinton 21 4 w 315 9,000 E' atol 4 9 w 3,800 9 8,300i G(enesee i0 231 w 16,591 19 43,6001 fillsdale 61 15!3 w-3 s & v 21,50 23 62,000 Ingham 4 6, 3 w-1 s 4,900 9 19 500 Ionia 4 1 W 2,100 8 13,50}0 Jackson 13 31 2 s-11 w 24,1001 33 64,500 Kalamazoo 1 13 29 45682 34 6,800 Kent 8 13 w 6,6501 34,600 Lapeer 8! 1'5 1 s-7 w 35001 10 22,0001 Lenawee 171 541 3 s —14lX 54,1751 34 162,7001 Livingston 11, 26 10w-is &w 33,8751 24 62,5001 Mackinlc'` *None. Macomb 11 27 10 w-1 si 31,700I 11 46,500i Monroe 6 14,5 w-1 s 7,3001 14 32,6001 Oakland 26 65' w 97,5209 65 112,900! Ottawa |None, Saginaw 2 2! w | *' 1 9001Custom, Shiawassee 3 7 w 1 13,5001 9 26,000 St. Clair 1 4 61 2 s-3 wv 1,9001 11 24,200 St. Joseph 12 33i 1 s-11 w 51,050' 61 131,300 Van Buren 1 31 w 1,0001 2 2,000 Washtenaw 18 57 140,4001100 153,900 *Not stated. Waynoe 13, 31 1 s-12 v 34,1301 36 157,000 Total 2.28 568 211 water 719,4781598 1,496,400 13 steam 4s&w I 18 notstated Doec. No. 4.1 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 47 Abstract Xo. 5. SAW MILLS. C... COUNT1IE. n Al egan w1.i W1'SE 5,sl811,00 $36, 001 120' Barry 11i wr 033,000 ), 00 1( Berrien 29 s — 7 w 4,917,000 24,4001 G3 34;I J,iing es liranlclh 6 3 -23 4,747900 0,40 400 411 Calhoulln 301 2! w 4,1519,000 95.00i 3 C hppewa Ij w 400,0001 2 00 C }intona; 110 0,00 0, 700 01 I,aton 1'v 2, 6 n9,0001 o550:I Gonesee 20 xv ( S705,0, 00 5w3,000'9 l aildadex.1 5 s —2 w 4,732,88361 3,700'.9 Xlngh~ani5,1 s —l w 2,125,8001 O,000! lonia' sr 8,00,0()0 ",10 1.i ai,1 9 t 2,060,0001 13,i;00 30 KalanIaz..o 27 I s-20; xw 3,795,000) 11,1)00 5'2 Kent I! 11,411,500 1 8,7 00 7i3 Lapee; l 7'2 s-15 w 3,270,000 110,000 Le;lnaee 418 9 s-39 wv 10,016,000 43,50 ii Livingstoln 1 2 s-22 w 2,699,000 15,300t 3 Mackinac 1 wv 1,000,000 10,000 20,IAacomnb 29 7 s —22 w 2,800,000 214,250 59 lMonroe 3t 6 s-24 w 3,607,000 33,100 71 Oakland 48 2 s-46 wvv 6,087,371 46.350 04 Ottawa 4 s &.v 2,680,000 13,700 32 Saginaw 8 3 s-5 w 4,945,00,000 0,000 88 1 Shiawassee 7 w 480,000 4,000 12 St. Clair 55 27 s-28 w 33,300,000 168.600 344!3,000,000 sh". St. Joseph 18 w 2,665,000 19,750 37 Van Buren 14 w 2,455,700 17,070 31~i Washtenaw 43 6,301,000 376,100 76 not saie,'. Wayne 42 22 s-O2 wr 9,466.000 67,100 160 730 582 water 157,179,257 939,470 1959 101 steam 4 s and w 43 not stated 48 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINr Abstract No. 6. MERCHANDIZE, COUNTIES. REMARKS. Allegan 35,980 Barr- 5,050 Berrien!294,449 Branch'147,800 Calhoun 425'300 Cass 50,300 Chippewa 36,000 Clinton 18,245 Eaton 44,200 Genesee 125,705 31-100 Hillsdale 160,707 Inlgham 19,279 lonia 39,980 Jackson 355,265 Kalamazoo 186,319 Kent 186,370 Lapeer 31,300 Lenawec 507,521 Livingston 64,686 Mackinac 59,800 Macomb 206,148 Monroe 178,335 Oakland 367,914 Ottawa 21,000 Saginaw 27,300 Shiawassee 41,900 St. Clair 258,200 St. Joseph 197,103 94-100 Van Buren 65,140 Washtenaw 416,077 Wayne 87,600 Exclusive of Detroit, Total $4,660, 974 25-100 'Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 49 Abstract No. 7. MINES WORKED-IN LOWER PENINSULA OF MICHIGAN. COUNTIES. |, I. s l I0 l X | i |REMARKS: Allegan Barr' Berrien Branch Iron ore, Bog. 1450 tons. 725 1,800 Calhoun Iron ore. Bog. 468,000 lbs. 117 Cass Iron ore, Bog. 28,000 lbs. 101 Chippewa Clinton Eaton Genesee Hillsdale Ingham Ionia Jackson Coal. 300,000 bu. 180 * None. Kalamazoo Iron. 600 tons. 9,000 10,000 Kent Plaster, 1,000,000 Ibs. 5,000 1,500 Lapeer Lenawee Livingston Mackinac Macomb Monroe Oakland Ottawa Saginaw Shiawassee St. Clair St. Joseph Iron, Bog. 300 tons. 300 * Not ret'd Vau Buren Washtenaw Wayne Total. - 3248 tons, p15,332i 913,3O0 .50 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [Jorn D. No. 4, Abstract iNo. 8. Mines worked in the Ufjper Peninsula of.Michigan, Oct. 1, 1849. Names of ('omp'y. Capital in- Knd Quantity raied. EARS. vested. eral. uantityaisd. "Pittsburg & Bos 120,000 00 Copper, ii, ln 1848 800 toiis. Net proceeds of shipment ton"-Cliff mine paid in. lmass anl shtipped arid sold of 1848, $170,000. I)iviIncorporated by St stamp ore. Value;270 0. 0 dend for that year $10 per of Michigan, 1848 aIn 1849, 803 tons share. shipped up to 1st 1849-Probable value of Sept.; expect to shipment, $300 010. Esship 130 tons more tiriated dividend for 1849, this year. $20 per share.'North America," $40,000 paidiCopper. in First shipm't Sept., This company has as yet. Incorporated by St. in. mnas and 1849, of 20 tolls declared no dividend.ot Michigan, 1848. stanmp ore. nmasses and barrel Company in prosperous ore, condition. 1.400 tons 10 per ct stalmp ore, on surface. "Minnesota Min- $40,000 paid Copper, in Fifty tons masset All raised since May, 1948. ing Company." in. mass and shipped. Mine bids fair to he the,Incorporated bv St. stanmp ore. 400 ions stamnp ore, riclhest in the country. No of Michigan, 1849. on surface. dividend. "North West" Mi-;50,C000 paid Copper, in Thirtytons shipp'dCornpany in prosperous ning Company. in. IIass and Sept., 1849 —fi s condition. Incorporated by St. barrel ore. shipmient of Michigan, 1849 "Copper Falls"Mi-INot rcport- Copper. Twenty tons mass- Works tersporarily sunning company. | ed. es shipped in'48,1 pendcd. Incorporated by St.1'49 of Michigan, 1848. "Ohio Trap Rock" Not report- Copper. 50 tons, coppPr intNo Dividend Sept 1, 1849. Min nr p, panv. ed. rock o. surface,l Mine not worked. Incorporated by St. Sept., 1849. LevI 11ss.NA, Agent. of Michigan, i849. "Pittsburgh & Isle Not report- Coppet,,Large quantity of McCullough, agent. WorkRoyal" Min. c om ed. inass & barrel ore ing at Isle Royale. ProsIncorporated byv Si on surface. perous. of Michigan, 1849. "'Ohio & Isle Roy- Not report- Copper. Not reported. Troubled with water in ale Mining coIn. ed. the mine; a new vein struck gives good encouragement. "'Laac La elle"Mi- Not report- None. Working drift 700 feet in a ning company. ed cliff. Incorporated by St. of M ichi lan, 1848. "Marquette Iron Not report- Iron. Just commenced operalCo'" 1 ed. tions. Iroin in large quantities on the Furface yielding 70 per cent. "Jackson Iron Co.' Not report- Iron. 50 tons blootn and Commenced last year. Incorporated by St. ed. bar iron shipped of Michigan, 1848. ill surmer of'49. MINERAL AGENCY OFFICE, } Saut de Ste Marie, Oct. 1, 1849. I hereby certify that the above Report has been made from the Books of the Mineral Agency Office and a. personal examination of the Mines. STEPHEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE, Ass't Agent US. & Mineral Lande. COMPARATIVE TABLE:i-,wing certain Statistical Returns made for the State of Michigan. with the census of 1840, compared with similar Returns of Assessors nzade 1849. 1840. 1848. iuinels of Wheat raised - - - 2,157,108 4,739,2991 do all other Grains, - - 4,666,720 8,L79,767 P-unds of Wool, - - 15",375 1,645,756j do Maple Sugar Made, - - 1,329,784 1,774,368i Number of Horses, - - -*30,144 52,305 do Neat Cattle, - - - 185,190 219,268 do Swile, - 295,890 152,541 do Sheep, - 99,618 610,563 Su:w Mills, - - 491 730 Flouring and( Grist Mills, - - - 190 _228 Biarrels of Flour made, - - - - 2,880 719,478 Men employed ia Saw and Flouring Mills, i 1,114 2,557 Capital invested in Saw and Flouring Mills, [ $2,460,200 $2,435,870 tIncluding Mules. NoT,.-The Returns of Fc40. included those from every county in the Statel those ot 1;41, are exclusive of the City of Detroit, and 20 Townships, not reported. Report of S. V. R. Trowbridge, Assistant Agent United States Mineral Lands. OFFICE OF THE MINETRAL AGENCY, Saut Ste. Marie, Sept. 26, 1849. HeoN. GEo. W. PECK, Secretary of State: SIR:-Your communication requesting stat-isical and other information in relation to the copper and other minerals of Lake Superior, has been submitted to this office. The undersigned, assistant agent of the U. S. Mineral Lands, was directed by the Hon. John W. Allen, principal agent, to proceed to Lake Superior and examine the mines and all that part of the country containing mineral, in the region of Lake Superior. I beg leave respectfully to submit the following report. On the 29th of August, I left this place in the propeller Napoleon; the mouth of the Ontonagon was my first destination. As the steamer did not call, I proceeded to Lapointe, and returned on the 6th of September to Ontonagon; on Saturday, 8th of September, hired me a boat and started for Minesota mines. This mine is twelve miles by land, and twenty by water, from the Lake. The Ontonagon is a fine stream, and is navigable for any vessels to the Grand Rapids, eleven miles, and for boats twenty miles above. The Minesota mine is two miles from the river. Upon this location was discovered the ancient diggings which are now found to exist over a vast extent of the country, and which excite the curiosity and wonder of every one. Here are two immense bluffs of the trap rock range, half a mile distant, and running east and west. These bluffs are, in many pla ces, very precipituous, and attain an altitude of ten and eleven huindred feet above the level of the lake. 54 STATISTICGS OF MICHIGAN. [JOINT Upon the first bluff from the river are the improvements and mining operations of the company, under the management of Mr Knapp, a very excellent and energetic man. Upon the southern de clivity of the bluff the mining has commenced. Three paralle rows of ancient diggings extend for two or three miles through the forest, from twenty to fifty yards apart, easily discovered by the large indentations in the earth and rock, at some places like a cavity twewnty to thirty feet in breadth. On one of these pits a hemlock tree is standing, of immnense size, and the cavern extends some distan0ce tinder the tree, worked out of solid rock, into which I crept and found one of the ancient ha-mmers, a small bolder, with an indentation arouhd it to hold a withe or handle. At one point of the bluff, the rock had been woiorked out aned thrown -up in irnmense quantities. From every appearance, a very large amount of labor had been perfbrmed. It is easily seen that this mining has been carried onby burning and iroasting the rock, and beating off with their hamnrners. Copper is found in all these pits, by removing the earth and vegetahie mnatter. InD one pit, Mr. Knapp found a mass of pure copper weighinog six tons, and wortll 1,-, 800, th"e timber and tools under and around the m1^nass ten below the slrface. In that pit a shaft is now wor1king and hlere are the works. I -went down fifty feet. The vein or lode is rich and masses are constantly found. Another shaft, one hundred and fifty feet distanlt, is now working, thirtly-five feet deep. A drift to pass from one to another has been made. Fifty tons of masses lhave been forwlarded this season to market. The company has just commenced. Mr. Knapp has been there but eighteen or twenty months; he has now eighty men in all. In Cornish language, "the mine has a good show." I took some pains to examine veins. I found large masses in both shafts, and the whole drift filled with good stamp work. The country is but partially known; parties are constantly out discovering copper and findincg veins. A miner at Mr. Knapp's informed me that he had found a large mass some distance in the woods, upon government land, while passing through to see a friend. I came down the river on the 12th of September, and proceeded DoG. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 55 in an open boat to coast down the Eagle River to visit the Cliff and North American mines. The Cliff mine stands now at the head of all the copper mines in the world for prodacing the'pure metal. On Monday morning, September 17th, I was invited by Capt. Jennings, to visit and explore the whole interior operation of this rich mine. I was presented with a full miner's suit, and then doffing my own garb, with a large overdress and miner's cap, candle in hand, I started to descend ladders two hundred and sixty-five feet in the ovowels of the earth. Capt. Jennings, to whose kindness and hospitality I am much indebted, is an old miner, and has been employed from his early youth in the mines of Cornwall, and whose knowledge of mines has been obtained by years of practical experience. He was my guide and protector, and guaranteed most explicitly my safety. To go into the earth perpendicularly two hundred and sixty-five feet, was new to me, and from my natural timidity, I supposed that I never could be brought to encounter such an adventure. Capt. J. said, "Come along, come alonrg-'ll warrant you." IHe took my candle and placed around it some clay, and down the laddeer (made with iron rounlds) we went fortyT feet to another ladder, and another, and another, &c., until we had descended the two hundred and sixty-five feet, to the lowest level. The bolts are horizontai drif-s, five in number. In some are small rail tracks to move the ore each way to the principal shaft, where it is elevated by whi-nmls. A whim is a large wooden drum, made around an upri ght post; a horizontal shaft passes through the post; mules are harnessed to thel ends of the shaft; a large rope passes round the drum, connected thrlough pullies to the copper. The descent of the mine is not dangerous; but Still, to stranger it is attended with some risk. In passing along the fifth level, we passed a mass of copper one hundred and twenty-five feet in length, and varying from one to two and a half feet in thickness, and depth unknown. At one place, Capt. j. says, here are one hundred tons of pure copper in sight. On the second level, we passed another of the same description. We continually encountered miners, two and three in number, with their candles fastened against the immense rock wall by sticking on some clay; some cutting the great masses with cold chisels, (a long 66 STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. [JOIN chisel, eighteen inches or two feet in length by one and a half inches in breadth, with the finest steel edge,) one man holding the chisel, and two with heavy sledge-hammers alternately striking with great force the head of the chisel; others blasting and packing the stamp ore, which is copper mixed with rock, elevated to the surface, roasted or burned like lime-stone, and then passed through the stamping operation until completely pulverized, then washed and the copper barrelled for market. The stamping operation is simple. Upon an immense shaft, large pieces or teeth of iron project; the shaft is horizontal and has a revolving motion. The stamps are four square pieces of iron of five hundred pounds weight, fastened in vertical pieces of timber, one stamp to a piece at the bottom. Corresponding pieces of iron are in the vertical shafts; in the revolution of the large shaft, the stamps raise and fall with great force upon the copper and rock; water is freely conducted upon the ore before it slides under the stamp; it then runs swiftly down into vats or tables, where it is strained, and the copper, which is heavier, settles to the bottom. We passed the length of the different levels and saw all the miners. The levels or drifts are supported over head by immense timbers across the drifts, the ends of the timbers. securely fastened in the rock walls on each side, one end elevated, presenting the appearance of a shed-roof. The whole interior formation is rock. The visit and examination excited my constant wonder and curiosity. The miners appear very happy and contented. It would be difiScult to engage one to pursue any other business. This establishment appears like a world in miniature-farmers, carpenters, blacksmiths, teamsters, clerks, managers, and miners are all employed. Everything is conducted with systematic order. The larger bell rings at 6 A. M. A new chapel is about being erected. $500 have been paid by the miners, the foundation prepared, and the materials on the ground. A good moral and religious influence exists, and the population appear to be an excellent people; little or no intemperance or profanity prevails, and a constant observance of the Sabbath bids fair to make this a prosperous and happy place. They have two hundred men. The property owned here by the company, besides the mine, is Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF -MICHIGAN. 57 worth $100,000.: Their location is three miles sqta-e; aggregate assessments of $110,000. Last year the dividend Was $10,00 per share, or- about one-half the whole assessment. This year they have shipped over eight hundred and. three tons copper, and expect to make one hundred and thirty tons more; which will be over $300,000 for 1849; expenses $100,000 out and net proceeds $200,000. I visited the North American Mines near by, managed by that energetic and persevering man, Judge J. Bacon. The outlay here has' not been as great, and the product not as much.'The stamping operation very recently put up, propelled by an admirable engine, works like a charm. The stamp ore at this mine is the richest on Lake Superior. The mode of separating the copper seems to be done with more- facility and rapidity than at any other. They have fourteen hundred tons ten per cent stamp ore on the surface. The whole appearance of the mine is very flattering. They have about eighty men, and have expended $50,000. The time will soon come when their assessments will cease. Orn Thursday, September 18, I left Eagle river in the Napoleon, to visit Isle Royal. We called at Ontonagon, and then proceeded over the Lake to Price's Bay, and around the Island to. Rock Harbor, where the Siskoweit, Ohio, and Isle Royal Mines are located. The Pittsburgh and Isle Royal Mine, under the management of Mr. MeCallough, is on the north side, of the- Island. The boat did not stop at this mine. I was credibly informed that the prospects of the Company are good, and that they will make a large shipment of copper in the Spring. We landed at the:Ohio and Isle Royal Mine. Here has been experienced difficulty from the flow.of water into the mine. Mr. Duncan informed me that they had opened a new vein some two miles distant, which appeared verylpromising. I saw rich ore from the vein. The present winter will determine:the character of this mine. The Siskoweit Company are prosecuting their mine with considerable force and with good prospects. We left Rock Harbor on Monday morning to cross over the Lake to Elgle:Harbor and arrived at evening. On Wednesday'morning, 8 b5~3 ~ 3'r~I-STATIST'ICS OF MICHIGAN. [JoNT I went out 4i miles to the Northl West Mine, under the management of Capt. Paul. Cap. P. is an Englishman and appears to understand his business. 1fe was anxious to have me go with him down the principal shaft -aid examine thoroughlv the mine. Two shafts have been:settled here, and a drift opened. I soon became satisfied thlat the North West was a rich mine. Wet followed the river 100 feet below the surface; masses of copper frequently appeared partly washed out of the -rock. In and about the vein is amygdaloid or the species where copper exists. It is undoubtedly a rich mine. The buildings and fixtures' of thf comcerin have been made in a workmanlike manner and their prosp:cts are excellent. it is all new and in a rude state. They are just preparing copper for market. The Cliff', North American, Minesota, and North West Mines now take the lead in producing copper. The Copper.Falls Company on the Lake, two miles from EagleI-Harbor; the Ohio T'i.ap Rock Company, twelve miles from the Ontonagon; the Ontonargon Company and Douglass HIoughton Company, are not prosecuting their works. The Lac La Bele Company, are still at work. They are encoura aed to believe they will strike the copper. Their work is a horizontal drift. and has been pushed seven hundred feet through the mountatn. I was not able to view the Iron Region, on Carp River, but - can may withi assurance, that no part of the Continent can equal Carp River in the richness or abundance of its Iron ore. The Marquette Company have commenced with energy. Their engine is put up; their trip hammer and whole apparatus will soon be in motion. They collect this rich ore on the surface, it-is inexhaustable. The Jackson Iron Company was the first to commence business at Carp River. Their vorks have-been some time inoperation, and their iron in bars and blooms has been passing down this summer. This Company is much encouraged; they expect to increase their force in the Spring. I regret:the length of this report. It seemed I couild not say legss. ERRATA. Page 33, after the word c, returns," in second line, read 1" Bridgeport, Hampton, Tayimouth and Tuscola not reporting." Page 46, in footing of third column, for " 211 water" read " 193 water," Page 53, in second line from bottom, for " precipituous read "precipitous." Doc. No. 4.] STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 59 One great drawback to the enterprise of the whole upper countryv is the portage at this place, where everything is unloaded, hauled ore mile and re-shipped, which is a serious obstacle to the commerce of the Upper Lakes. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. V. R. TRIOWBRIDGE, As'et AXENt U S. Ladx. STATE OF MICHIGAN. No. 9. LEGISLATURE, 1850. FIRST ANNUAL REPORT of the S-crctary of State, giving the number of Insane, Deaf, Dumb and Blind persons in the State. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE,! Lansing, January 7, 1850. To the Ion. the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of IMichigan: The "Joint Resolution relative to statistical information of the insane, deaf, dumb and blind," approved April 3, 1848, makes it the duty of the township assessors, when making out their assessment rolls, in each year, to ascertain and set down in tables prepared for that purpose, the names of all insane, deaf, dumb and blind persons in their respective townships, with information respecting the condition of each, with regard to health, habits and occupation; the pecuniary ability of the patients or persons liable for their support, with other particulars specified in the resolution. This statement is required to be deposited by the assessors, with the Supervisor of their township, on the first day of October, in each year, with the facts brought down to that date. It is made the duty of the supervisor of each township to deliver such statement to the county clerk of his county, to be by him laid before the board of supervisors of the county, at their annual meeting. The several boards of supervisors are required to condense the facts exhibited in the returns for their several counties, and transmit the same to the Secretary of State on or before the first day of November in each year, to be by him reported to the legislature at the commencement of the next session. JOINT The language of the resolution seems to require that the report from this office should contain a full statement of all the items of information, enumerated in the resolution, including the name, habits and pecuniary condition of patients and others, as received from the supervisors. Upon examination of the returns received, it was apprehended that such a statement, involving as it would the publication of the names, habits, character and condition of persons without their consent, might, in some instances, be justly regarded as an improper or unnecessary disclosure of the affairs of private life; I have therefore prepared abstracts of the returns received, omitting particulars which might be deemed improper for publication, but embracing, it is; believed, all the facts reported of practical importance. All which are herewith respectfully submitted as the first annual report of this department under the joint resolution above mentioned. GEO. yW. PECK, Secreta-y of State. Doc. No. 9. GENERAL.ABSTRA CT of the number of Insane,.Deaf, Dumb and Blind in the State of' Michigan, as resorted by the Boards of S'u iervisors, November, 1849. COIJUN'IIE-.- lPca. L~ul 51B lind IREMARKIS. Allegan. 1 Btarlyz' G I.t l'o. clerk reports "no rct'ns from sup'v'rs." Bernt 62 lrora:ch U 5 1 1'ncllldinl one vdihmb atso. CallIoun:-t 5 I 1Il:il one dlullflso. Can:: B.3 5 1 1!clllic.ti One ( 1111l) also. Chtpi:ewa No retirlls fom county clerk. c'li ll I No rclut I fl,nl couinty clerk.;,tcl 4 1.41 Gttiicsc tr, I I,.Hills;ie 1 1 Ic.;ia Ii lN'o rt'ns tnanie1 to co'ly clerk by supervis'rs..i:,1; S ll 4 2 71 licllulditlr (c,:e blinAl;l:k,. Nao rcltrs'A tlol county clerk. Kent 7 I l,,: e 2!"o reL'lns inace to co. clerk Ly supervisors. 13i i::