IIO1hEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE SEXUAL SYSTEM, BEING A COMPLETE REPERTORY OF ALL THE SYMPTOMS OCCURRING IN THE SEXUAL SYSTEMS OF THE MALE AND FEMALE. Adapted to the Use of Physicians and Laymen. TRANSLATED, ARRANGED AND EDITED, WITH ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMHNTS, BY F. HUMPHREYS, M. D. WM. RADDE, 322 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. C. L. RADEMACHER, 229 ARCH ST. PHILA. 1850. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the Northern District of New-York. H. H. Curtiss, Printer, Devereux Block, Utica, N. Y. PREFACE. This small work is offered to the Public in the hope that it may prove serviceable in extending a knowledge of Homceopathy. In this spirited age, when every thing is adjudged by the criterion of its utility, the spread of this science nust depend not so much upon the respectability or scientific standing of its practitioners, as upon their success in vanquishing disease at the bedside of the patient. Aa argument, exhibiting with clearness and force the scientific foundation of the principle of Similia Similibus Curantur, is very satisfactory. Yet the prompt cure of an inveterate range of sufferings by the unnoticed action of the Homoeopathic pellets is infinitely more convincing. Hence, every work which tends to elucidate even a portion of our Materia Medica, and thus give precision to the enquiries of the practitioner, will most substantially promote the advancement of the cause. In this work may be found, arranged under their appropriate chapters and sections, all the symptoms relating to the sexual systems of the male and female, so that the practitioner can be at no loss to find promptly, the appropriate medicament for any required morbid condition. In the A2 it PREFACE. absence of any complete Repertory of Homceopathyin the English language, the supply of even the small chasm relating to this subject will be readily appreciated. To that increasingly large class of persons, who are in the daily habit of prescribing for the numerous trifling ailments occurring in their own persons, this volume may be particularly valuable. Especially so, as these affections, when occurring in the sexual sphere, trifling and easily remedied at the commencement,are apt from their nature, to be neglected, and not until they have grown to be an evil of most formi: dable character, is their existence made known to a physician, and his advice sought. Even then, the delicacy of the subject frequently prevents that full and minute inquiry which is often necessary in order to make an intelligent prescription. We have endeavored to translate and arrange with accuracy, as well as to gather from every legitimate source within our reach, every symptom relating to this subject, and to present them in such a form that they may be consulted with the greatest facility by the practitioner. We cheerfully acknowledge our indebtedness to the New York Homoeopathic Physicians' Society for the symptoms of the Rhus radicans, and to our Philadelphia colleagues for many valuable symptoms of other remedies. UTICA, October 1850. F. HUMPHREYS, M. D. INTRODUCTION. As it is expected that this small volume will not only be employed by inexperienced Homempathic Physicians, but also by laymen and ladies, who may desire to prescribe for themselves, without the formality of calling at all times upon their physician, it seems to be imperatively necessary to premise a few introductory remarks upon the SELECTION of the remedy, its QUANTITY, FORM, and the REPETITION of the dose. In the CHOICE of the remedy, we should endeavor to fix in the mind the precise nature and character of the symptoms occurring in the patient; and if they are numerous or important it may be well even, to commit them to paper. Then seek in the proper chapter and section for the precise symptoms which occur in the patient; and that medicine, having the symptoms most perfectly similar to those of the patient, will be the appropriate remedy, and will, in most cases, entirely remove the affection. Should it, however, occur that an entire cure is not effected, but only an amelioration or change of symptoms, some having entirely disappeared, and others remaining or changed in their character we should then carefully look over the appropriate sections again, and choose a remedy corresponding to the yet remaining sufferings. And this procedure may be repeated until health is restored. For instance, should the patient complain of burning, and stitches in the urethra, and discharge of mucus from it, we must select from the chapter on the A3 Vi INTRODUCTION. Urethra, the medicine which would produce all the above mentioned symptoms. After its use, should the burning and stiches only be removed, and the discharge of mucus still continue, another remedy should be selected, corresponding to the particular mucus discharge. It may sometimes occur in the selection of a remedy, that several medicines seem to be equally suitable, and the choice from hence, becomes difficult. This will occur the more rarely in proportion as the comparison of the disease and the medicine is the more carefully instituted. Should it, however, occur, we should give preference to that remedy whose symptoms are printed in italics, as being in general the most reliable. Next to the selection of the remedy, the SIZE of the dose is by no means indifferent. Although in the practice of Homceopathy we may make use of crude or unattenuated medicines, yet it is never advisable to do so, as, in most cases, by such means, we only the more slowly reach the desired end. If the medicine has been improperly chosen, and used in such doses, it very frequently occasions a serious degeneration of the disease, which constantly increases with its farther use, filling the patient with anguish, and soon destroying his confidence in the method of treatment. But even if the medicine is properly selected, it frequently occasions an aggravation of the symptoms from its primary action, which, however will disappear after a certain time and give place to a substantial amelioration of the complaint. But the larger the dose of medicine given the more is this point of time prolonged, and under the impression that we have made a wrong selection, we are liable, unnecessarily, to change the medicine for another, when only the too great dose of the medicine has been in fault. It is thus easily perceived that the attenuations are the most proper in order to exhibit the kind action of a properly selected remedy in the shortest possible time, and how appropri INTRODUCTION. vii ately their employment is connected with the Homceopathic principle. It is also clear that the more a medicine' is attenuated up to a certain point, not only will its kind action be promoted, but the danger of injury from an improper selection will be obviated. The 30th potency is the highest usually employed. Many tnedicines should only be employed in this attenuation, especially those which act a long time upon the system. Among these may be mentioned, not only all those of the mineral kingdom, but many from the vegetable, as for instance, Lycopodium, Dulcamara, Rhus Toxicodendron, Conium, Thuja. The effect, however, of other vegetable medicines is of much shorter duration, and hence we may use them in lower attenuations, without the fear of thus retarding their prompt salutary action. But as the power of no vegetable medicine is destroyed by carrying it up to the 30th attenuation, it is perfectly admissable to use them all at this potency. In case of absolute necessity, we may employ lower preparations of even mineral medicines, only we should be careful not to employ them too low, as for instance, the 1st and 2nd triturition. And always with the use of such preparations, we should carefully wait for and observe the effect; in chronic diseases, two or three days not unfrequently intervening before the good action will be manifested, while in acute affections, 24 hours will be sufficient to determine the point. The FORM in which the medicine is administered likewise demands some consideration. Lower trituritions should only be employed in case of necessity: for instance, when the higher are not at hand, and when after being perfectly sure that we have made the right selection of the remedy, the higher preparations are not sufficient. Of the tri ifii INTRODUCTION turitions we can place as much as will lay on the blade of a penknife into a glass half filled with pure water. The solution should be carefully and intimately mixed, and a teaspoonful will form the usual dose. If we are only in possession of the tinctures or dilutions we may employ thenr in the manner indicated above, one or two drops mixed in a wine-glass of water, of which a teaspoonful will form the usual dose. The best and most common form of Homoeopathic Medicines, however, are the well known pellets which have been moistened with the dilutions. They may be used dry by placing 4 or 6 of them upon the tongue and permitting them there to dissolve, or by mixing 10 or 12 in a wine-glass full of water and using the fluid in teaspoonful doses. Finally, with reference to the REPETITION of the dose, the same remark may be applied as to the size. It is not the amount of medicine given at once, nor the repetition of the dose, that produces the cure, but the right selection of the remedy and permitting it to act undisturbed, a sufficient length of time. The best settled rule is, never to repeat the dose so long as a good action continues. Even with the most painful affections of the sexual organs, as for instance, an inflammation of the parts, we should not be deterred from waiting carefully the effect of the medicine for several hours. The action of our most transient remedies extends over a period of 12 to 24 hours, during which, if the amelioration continues, we shall, with greater certainty, accelerate the cure by waiting, than by a frequent repetition of the same medicine. In the majority of cases we may wait an interval of 12 or 24 hours before repeating the medicine. If we exprience a favorable result we may, in accute cases, continue to repeat the medicine at these intervals, while, if we have perceived no amelioration or change for the better, INTRODUCTION. iX we should at once select another remedy. In diseases of long standing it is advisable, as soon as we have marked a favorable action, to permit that action to go on undisturbed, even by a repetition of the remedy, for several days, as we shall thus gain a more rapid and lasting improvement than by disturbing it with new and repeated doses of the medicine. On the contrary, it is rarely needful to wait longer than two days for an improvement after taking a drug; there is no improvement by that time, the selection is wrong and the medicine must be replaced by another. In cases of painful Menstruation, cramps in the Uterus, &c., when the suffering is extreme and demands prompt relief, we may administer a dose, either of a few pellets or a spoonful of a solution, as before mentioned, every 15 or 20 minutes until relief is obtained, when the medicine should be discontinued. What has been written above as to the dose and repetition does not apply to Camphor. Where it is necessary to use this remedy, as for instance, in poisoning with Cantharides, by blister plasters or otherwise, and the genital organs become affected, Camphor is the best remedy. It may be employed in doses of 4 to 10 drops of strong Camphor spirits, and repeated at intervals of a half hour or hour according to circumstances. Such is the evanescent' action of this remedy that it may be used in these repeated and material doses without the danger of any serious consequence. CHAPTER I. SYMPTOMS COMMON TO BOTH SEXES, Aching and Drawing. Spasmodic retraction of the sexual parts, accompanied with aching over the ospubis, evening in bed-EUPHRAS. Aching and retraction of the sexual parts —THUY. Drawing and tension in the groins-THUY. Burning Bleat and Warmth. Increased warmth of the sexual parts-MAGNES. kOL. AUS. Heat of the sexual parts, with coldness of the thigh bones-MAGNES. POL AUSTER. Heat and itching of the sexual parts, and inclination for coition-DULCAM. Burning of the sexual parts-CANTH. Buzzing or Vibratory Sensation. A buzzing or vibratory sensation in the sexual parts and testicles-SULPH. Coldness. Coldness of the sexual parts with warmth of the remaining parts of the body, continuing three day, ~-CAtNAB. 12 HOMCEOPATHIC TREATMENT Color of the Sking changed. Blue color of the body, especially of the sexual parts, — OPIUM. Eruptions. Terrible eruption (moist) of the sexual parts-RHus, Moist eruption upon the sexual parts-PHos. ACID. Itching eruption upon the sexual parts —SILI. Suppurating knots upon the perineum-THUY. Gangrene. Sudden appearance of gangrene upon the male sexual parts —ARSEN. Mortification of the penis-LAUROCErtA. Itching and Crawling. Crawling, slight not disagreeable, in the sexual parts, -ACON. Itching round about the sexual parts and on the penis, evening after lying down, which goes off by scratching, -JIGNAT. Itching of the sexual parts —CANTH. Itching and heat of the sexual parts, and inclination for coition-DULCAM. Crawling and itching of the parts covered by hair, and on the inner side of the thighs-THUY. Sensibility Increased. Increased sensibility of the sexual parts-CocCUL, Stitches. Fine stitches about on the sexual parts-PULS, OF SEXUAL DISEASES. 13 Stitches in the groins; stitches in the perineumTHUY. When she walks, stitches in the sexual parts-THuY. Stitches in the region of the pubes-THuY. Swelling. Swelling of the inguinal glands —THY. Inflammatory swelling of the sexual parts, even to mortification, with intense pains —ARsEN. Swveat. Sweat of the sexual parts at night-BELLAD. Increased sweat of the sexual and neighboring parts while walking —MERC SOL. Increased sweat of the male sexual parts, again and again-THUY. Weakness, Feeling of. Feeling of weakness in the sexual parts; the penis hangs down relaxed; entire want of erections-AcID. MUR. Feeling of weakness in the entire sexual parts, and aching drawing pains in the testicles and spermatic cord-MANGAN. ACET. CHAPTER II. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. SYMPTOMS OF THE URETHRA. Aching, Pressing Pains. Aching pain in the mouth of the urethra, with shuddering at other times than when urinating-Nux voM. Sharp pressure, as with a cutting or sticking instrument, at the beginning of the urethra, the bladder, and neck of the bladder, the perineum, the rectum and anus, as though cutting flatulence were pressing through all these parts, insupportable with every step, and suddenly going off when quiet-Nux VOM. Pressure as from water, especially in the fore part of the urethra, at other times than when urinating-CANNAB. Tensive, aching pains in the mouth of the urethra, besides when urinating-CoccUL. Aching pains in the urethra-LOBEL INF. Aching pains in the urethra-BRYON. Biting, Biting Pains. Biting pains in the fore part of the urethra, besides when urinating-MARUM. Biting pains in the urethra, before and after urinating — COPAIV. 16 URETHRA. Biting pains in the urethra, besides when urinatingCANNAB. Biting pains in the urethra-ARsEN. Burning, Burning Pains. Burning pains in the urethra-CAUST. Burning and itching in the urethra, before and after urinating-CoPAIV. Burning in the mouth of the urethra, before, during,and after urination-CAPS. Burning in the urethra-BRYON.-CoN.-THuY. Burning, itching and soreness of the sexual parts, with violent libidinous feelings. Morning in bed, erections with numbness of the parts.-AMBR. Continued burning at the mouth of the urethra, with a sensation of soreness at the border of the prepuce, both especially painful from the friction of the linenCHIN. Burning in the fore part of the urethra, especially during urination, he has every minute inclination to urinate and copious discharges-STANN. Burning sensation in the urethra, especially in the glans, beside when urinating-VIOL. TRIC. Burning in and upon the fore part of the urethra, besides when urinating-SULPH. A sort of burning in the midst of the urethra, besides when urinating-STAPI. Burning deep back in the urethra, only when not urinating, while sitting-STAPH. Burning in the urethra and glans during the discharge,of semen in coition-MAGNES ARTIFICIAL. URETHRA. 17 Burning pains of the urethra upon contact of the limbs-MERC. SOL. Burning in the urethra after urgent urinary tenesmus, TART. EMET. A very peculiar burning irritation, more like tickling yet in no wise voluptuous, but highly burdensome sensation, which is relieved by nothing, beginning in the region of the rectum and drawing through the urethra into the glans, where the tickling is most marked, (con. tinuing, without interruption, for 6 or 7 days,) and is to him the most troublesome symptom-TART. EMET. Burning in the urethra only when not urinating, and with it urinary tenesmus-SABAD. Burning in the urethra and constant urinary tenesmus, which, after discharging a few drops of urine, is yet farther increased-SABAD. Some burning pains in the fore part of the urethra, also when not urinating, which urges to almost constant urination, even when there is no longer urine presentCANNAB. Burning after urination-ARG. NITR. Burning during urination and feeling of swelling in the urethra; the last of the urine does not pass off freely-ARG. NITR. Complicated Burning. Corrosive burning and stitches in the urethra, on the corona glandis, and in the external parts of the prepuce -CANNAB. Crawling, biting and burning in the meatus urinari* us, when not urinating —STAPH. 18 URETHRA, Burning, piercing stitch in the vicinity of the meatus urinarius, when not urinating-THUY. Pain from an itching, burning and stitches together, in the fore part of the urethra, when not urinatingBRYON, Burning, stitching pain in the opening of the urethra, on the glans-CUPR. Burning stitch in the urethra, with urging to urinate - SPIGEL. Burning tearing in the fore part of the urethra-CoFF. Cutting burning in the urethra-MILLEPED. Contraction, Sensation of. Feeling as if the urethra was too close and unable to extend itself; the urine passes off without any forceSTRAMON. Sensation during urination, as if the urethra was too contracted-BRYON. The urine, which is copious, flows off slowly as if the urethra was contracted-ARNIC. Urine passes slowly off, as if the bladder had no strength to impel it-AcID. MUR. Contraction of the urethra, thin stream of urinePULSAT. Urine passes off in the morning in quantity, but slowly, (contraction of urethra?) with tenesmus-MERC. ACET. Diminished strength of the bladder; the urine passes off in a feeble stream-CHAM. Unusually weak stream of urine-MERC. SOL. Urine passes off in a weak stream and slowly, and requires to be frequently voided-CHIN. Very thin stream of urine-SULrH. URETHRA. 19 Urine passes off in a very thin stream, as from contraction of the urethra-CAMPHOR. Urine passes off in a thin stream-SAMBUC. Urging to urinate, with slight discharge of watery urine in a thin stream, dropping away slowly at last-STAPHYS. The stream of urine passes off very thin and only from much pressing, the urethra is as if swelledLEDUM. Stream of urine scattered-CANNAB. (Double stream of urine)-RHus. Constrictive Pain. Pain in the urethra, as if it was constricted back of the glans, associated with fruitless urinary tenesmus, as if the bladder was empty-VERAT. Constrictive pain in the fore part of the urethra extending backwards, when not urinating, in the morning, when reflecting-Nux. voM. Spasmodic constrictive pain, from the rectum extending through the penis to the glans and through the testicles: evening-CAIN. Crawling, Crawling Pains, Crawling in the urethra besides when urinatingACID PHOS. Stitching crawling pain in the urethra, and discharge of some moisture-MEZER. A moving, crawling in the isthmus of the urethra; morning in bed-PETROSELIN. First crawling, then aching in the urethra, in the region of Cowper's glands; morning in bed, remitting while standing or sitting —PETROSELIN. B 20 URETHRA. Crawling, tickling and itching in the urethra, and in the anus, with burning in the glans-CHIN. Sensation in the urethra, as if there was some thing in it moving, especially evenings-THUY. Feeling in the urethra constantly as if he must urinate-SULPH. Cutting, Cutting Pain. Cutting pain in the urethra, besides when urinating — CAPSIC. Cutting in the urethra before and after urinationCANTHAR. While ejaculating the urine (especially the last drops) cutting back in the urethra, extending into the anusARGENT. NITR. Cutting and burning in the urethra after urination, with discharge of thin mucus —NATR. MUR. Cutting in the midst of the urethra, besides when urinating-MAG. ACET. Cutting in the urethra before and during stoolSULPH. Drawing cutting pain, in the urethra while walking -THUY. Drawing, Drawing Pain. Drawing and tearing in the fore part of the urethra, when not urinating-BRYON. Drawing in the urethra extending back to the anusAcrD PHOS. Drawing in the urethra-AsARUM. Drawing and tearing through the entire urethra, from the perineum out-MEZER. URETHRA. 21 A weak drawing and aching back of the fossa navicularis-PETROSELIN. Drawing and afterwards aching in the fossa navicularis-PETROSELIN. Inflammation and Swelling. Inflammation of the mouth of the urethra-MERC. SOL. Swelling of the fore part of the urethra, with ulceration between the prepuce and glans; it is red and hot to the touch, and on contact as well as during walking, very painful; at the same time a benumbing pain in the forehead, and rough itchy erruption on the hands, especially at the insertion of the thumb, more on the upper side, and very itching at night-MERC. SOL. The mouth of the urethra appears red and inflamedHEPAR SULFT. Redness and inflammation of the mouth of the ure. thra-SULPH. The mouth of the urethra is open, swelled and inflamed, with throbbing pains in the urethra-BALS. COPAIV. Inflammatory irritation on the mouth of the urethra -KALI BICHRM. The glands of the meatus urinarius are much swelled, puffed and of dark red color-ACID NITR. The urethra is inflamed and painful in its entire length, with discharge as in gonorrhcea, continuing from 14 to 21 days, (from injecting the powdered leaves)SABIN. The urethra is as if inflamed, and on feeling is painful in its entire length, with tensive pains during the ereetions-CANNAB. B2 22 URETHRA. Urethra swelled, feels hard and knotty; inflammation, yiolent pains in it with increased discharge, priapismus, dysuria, bloody urination and fever-ARG. NITR. During urination he must press very much, and the stream flows very thin yet without pain; at the same time the urethra is as if swelled-LEDUM. Swelling of the urethra-RHus. Itching. Itching in the fore part of the urethra-IGNAT. Itching in the fore part of the urethra, in the region of the glans, when not urinating-ARNIC. Itching in the fore part of the urethra-MERc. soL. Itching on the meatus urinarius-SAMBUC. Thrilling, almost painful sensation on the left side of the glans penis, extending into the urethra, so severe as to occasion starting, ending in a sensation of tickling and itching-ACID BENZ. Agreeable itching in the meatus urinarius and at the border of the prepuce-CANNAB. Stinging itching in the fore part of the urethraCOCCUL. Itching in the midst of the urethra-SULPH. Itching in the urethra-KALI. CHLOR. Pain, Simple. Pain in the urethra, succeeding erections and during coughing-CANNAB. The urethra is as if inflamed, and on feeling it, painful in its entire length; and during erections a tensive pain -CANNAB. Painful sensibility in the urethra, especially during URETHRA. erections, and also remarked while sitting and on rising-CHIN. Pain in the urethra, especially in the forenoonCAPSIC. The urethra is painful on feeling it-CAPSIC. Pains in the urethra as at the commencement of a gonorrhcea-SvULH. Pinching, Tensive Pain. Pinching pain in the urethra besides when urinating -VERAT. Tensive pains in the urethra during urinationARGENT. NITR. Scratching Pain. Pain, a scraping scratching, and scratching tearing, in the midst of the urethra, (evening when lying in bed) -IGNAT. Soreness. Soreness of the meatus urinarius-BALS. coPAIV. Feeling of soreness, aching, in the fore part of the urethra, when not urinating-MAR. Pain, a sore drawing, under the penis extending to the glans, which excites to urination-CICUT. VIR. Feeling of internal soreness in the urethra, continuing also after urination-ARG. NITR. Painful soreness in the point of the urethra-ACID NITR. Upon pressing the urethra, pain as if it was soreNAT. MUR. B3 24 URETHRA. Sore itching sensation in the urethra, increased by pressure-MEZER. Painful soreness of the urethra upon contact, partly of itself and in part during urination-MEZER. Stitching, Stinging Pains. Stitches, painful, at the end of the urethra-ACID PHOS. Stinging in the fore part of the urethra when not urinating-AcID PHOS. Stitches in the fore part of the urethra when not urinating-ACID PHOS. Stinging as with a needle in the fore part of the urethra, when not urinating-CAPSIC. Stitches in the fore part of the urethra-SULPH. Fine stinging pain in the mouth of the urethra, when not urinating-MANGAN. ACET. Stitch in the fore part of the urethra, ending in a tearing soon after dinner-IGNAT. Stinging in the mouth of the urethra and somewhat farther back-SCILL. Continued stinging pain in the back part of the urethra the entire forenoon-TART. EMET. Stitches along the urethra when not urinatingCANNAB. Some stitches from back forwards in the urethra,when pot urinating-THUY. Slow stitch commencing at the bulb of the urethra and extending to its mouth while walking-BELLAD. Stitches back through the urethra, and biting pain during urination, with gonorrhcea-MERC. SOL. Stitches in the urethra-ARNIC. URETHRA. 25 Stiches in the urethra after frequent erectionsCANNAB. Stitches in the urethra, extending to the abdomen towards evening-MERC. SOL. Stitching pain in the urethra-CoccuL. Stitching pain in the urethra while pressing at stool -SCILL. Dull stinging (at times) in the urethra-MERc. SOL. Dull stitches in the urethra back of the glans, when not urinating, especially during movement-BELLAD. Dull stitch, moving very painful in the back part of the urethra, when passing off noiseless flatulence while sitting-MANGAN. ACET. Strong stitches in the meatus urinarius, when not urinating-CAPSIC. Vehement stitches back in the urethra, while walking -IGNAT. Violent stitch in the urethra extending to its mouth — CON. Drawing stinging in the urethra, when not urinating -MERC. SOL. Twitching cutting stinging in the urethra, besides when urinating —THU. While standing a twitching stitch in the back part of the urethra-CANNAB, Tearing stitches in the fore part of the urethra-THuYItching, tickling stitches in the fore part of the urethra i- CANNAB. Stinging and drawing in the fossa navicularus, which, after urination, changes into a cutting biting-PETROSELIN. 26 UErETHRA. Transient stitches from the urethra with bleeding from it-ARG. NITR. Corrosive stinging and burning in the urethra, on the corona glandis and in the external portion of the prepuce —CANNAB. Rending or Tearing Pain. Slight rending pain in the fore part of the urethraTART. EMET. Rending and drawing in the fore part of the urethra, besides when urinating-BRYON. Rending and drawing through the entire urethra fronm the perineum —MEzER. Rending as if in the fibres of the urethra, also in a zigzag form-CANNAB. Rending in the urethra and in the rectum, when not urinating-RUTA. Rending pain in the urethra when not urinatingNux VOM. Pain like rending, deep in the urethra, often afternoons-ARSEN. Dull stitching rending in the urethra-AUR. Scratching rending pain in the midst of the urethra, (evening while sitting)-IGNAT. Pain, a scratching tearing and scraping scratching, in the midst of the urethra, evening while lying in bedIGNAT. Rending and stinging in the urethra, when not urinating —SLPH. Throbbing. Throbbing pain in the urethra, besides when urinating, URETHRA. 27 with which the meatus urinarius is open, swelled and inflamed-BALS. COPAIV. In the urethra more a throbbing than a stitchingMERC. SOL. Throbbing in the urethra, which has a resemblance to stitches-MERC. SOL. Throbbing in the region of the bulb of the urethra -CHIN. Twitching, Plucking Pain. Twitching pain in the urethra-THuY. Twitching in the urethra, as during the ejaculation of semen-PETROL. DISCHARGE FROM THE URETHRA. A sort of yellowish discharge from the urethraAGN. CAST. Secondary gonorrhoea with deficient erections and indifference-AGN. CAST. Yellowish gonorrhaea, which colors the linen yellow -CANTH. When the gonorrhoeal discharge occurs it is accom. panied by a pressing-CANTH. The most urgent attacks of recent inflammatory gon. orrhcea are often cured in their commencement byCANTH. Increased discharge from the affected part, (for instance, from the urethra in cronic gonorrhoea)-CANTKR. '8 DISCHARGE FROM The mouth of the urethra is glued up with moisture which becomes visible upon pressure-CANNAB. Painless flow of slime from the urethra, (a sort of gonorrhcea?)-CANNAB. Watery, slimy discharge from the urethra-CANNAB. Cutting and burning after urination, with discharge of' thin mucus, which is transparent, and leaves stiff spots on the linen-NAT. MUR. A yellowish matter flows out of the urethra-Acnx NITR. Some moisture is discharged from the urethraMERC. SOL. Gonorrhoea, greenish, painless and flowing especially at night-MERc. SOL. Discharge of moisture from the urethra, and stitching crawling pains within it-MEZER. Discharge of bloody slime from the urethra —AcID XITR. Flow of slime from the urethra-PETROL. Secretion of a milky moisture in the urethra-PETROSELIN. The mouth of the urethra is glued up with mucus -PETROSELIN. Yellowish discharge from the urethra-PETROSELIN. Varnish.like discharge from the urethra-PETROSELIN. Gonorrhcea of the color and consistence of semen, with burning pains, especially soon after urinatingPULSAT. During gonorrhea, (already existing,) drops of blood from the urethra-PULSAT. A suppressed gonorrhcea was again brought to disCharge, and a swelling of the testicle and inflammation THE URETHRA. 29 of the eyes, arising in consequence of the suppression, was cured by-PULSAT. Discharge of bad smelling moisture from the urethra, (gonorrhcea?)-PPULSAT. Slight burning in the entire course of the urethra, increased gonorrhceal discharge. Burning during urination, painful tensive erections,chordee-ARGENT. NITR. Dripping of slime from the urethra —ARGENT. NITR. Watery copious discharge from the urethra-THuY. Discharge of mucus from the urethra-Nux. V.* Discharge of watery mucus from the urethra during movement-MEZER. (Gonorrhoea,) mucus discharge from the urethra after a chill-FERR. Gonorrhcea-CAsIc. —CHELID. (?)-MERCUR. Secondary gonorrhcea-NAT. MUR. Gonorrhcca, first thin then thick; at last biting pain during urination and stitch extending back through the urethra-MERC. SOL. Gonorrhcea, after the subsiding of the urgent inflammatory symptoms, one of the most distinguished remedies is-COCHLEAREA AMORACEA. Gonorrhcea, greenish, painless and flowing copiously at night-MEic. SOL. Discharge of white, acid, muddy matter with mucus, attended with severe uninary tenesmus-SAs AP.f Discharge of mattery substance from the urethraBALS. COPAIV. (Discharge of mucus from the urethra, gonorrhcea)CAPSIC. f Perhaps only appropriate for Haemorrhoidal subjects. Apparently connected with gonorrhea from the presence of stone. 30 SYMPTOMS OF (Discharge of mattery fluid from the urethra of a child with biting pains for many days)-IPICAC. (Mattery gonorrhoea continuing 14 or 21 days; the urethra is therewith inflamed and painful in its entire length. From an injection of powdered leaves of the tree)-SABIN. (The gonorrhloel discharge becomes yellow and thick) -CAPSIC. (From the urethra which was not inflamed, a drop of yellowish mucus pressed out before urination-Tus, SILLAG. PETASIT.*) SYMPTOMS OF THE GLANS. Aching. Constant aching and prickling in the glans especially in the morning and evening-CAPSIC. Biting. Biting on the glans-Nux VOM. Burning. Burning pain in the glans soon followed by urinary tenesmus-STANN. Burning in the glans and tickling crawling and aching in the urethra and anus-CHIN. Burning about the glans in the evening, then small vesicles appear upon the inner surface of the prepuce, * A very imperfectly proved, but lately highly recommended remedy against gonorrhea. THE GLANS. 31 which break into minute ulcers, (soon healing of them. selves-MERC SOL. Burning Complicated. Itching burning at the back part of the glans-Nux VOM. Itching burning with feeling of soreness in the glans. THUY. Burning sore pain of the glans and condylomati, felt continuously and much increased upon handling the parts-SABIN. Stitches, numerous, burning, in the glans —THY. Burning prickling itching, on the corona glandis which somewhat remits after rubbing the part, but soon returns again with increased violence, evening-CINNAB. Burning stitches, in the glans-STANN. Burning cutting in the glans, with an outward pressing pain in both groins-ACID PHos. Coldness. Icy coldness of the glans and prepuce —SULH. Crawling. Crawling about the glans, all day-SPIG. Crawling and ticklingin the glans; the semen appears to pass off unconsciously-MAGNET POL. AUSTR. Contraction and Constrictive Pain. Constrictive pain back of the glans-PULSAT. Wild, sensitive pain, in the left groin, which suddenly leads through the urethra into the glans, and there re 32 SYMPTOMS OF mains for a long time, a compressive, contractive violent internal pain-ASAR. Spasmodic pain in the glans-IGNAT. Drawing. Tearing drawing at the corona glandis with secretion of much yellowish smear, and inflammatory redness of the prepuce-MEZER. Excresences, Growths, Condylomati. Small elevations on the glans-THuY. Soft painless knots on the glans-BELLAD. Some smooth red excresences with crawling sensation back on the glans under the prepuce, continuing 10 days — THUY. On the corona glandis 10 or 12 small flesh colored exeresences which after some days begin to diminish, during which they secrete a stinking moisture and bleed upon contact-ACID NITR. Moist soft excresences in the sulsus back of the glans, and one even on the crown which both itch from the friction of the linen-STAPHYS. Heaviness, feeling of. Feeling of heaviness in the glans, especially during urination-ACID PHOS. Itching. Itching in the glans-MEZER. Itching in the glans —(Ledum,) SULPH. Itching on the glans in the morning-Nux VOM. Biting itching on the glans —IGWAT. —Nux Vol. THE GLANS. 33 Itching on the glans which urges to rubbing, evening in bed-CHIN. Voluptuous itching, on the point of the glans, which urges to scratching, continuing for some hours, (morning.)-CoFF. Voluptuous itching on the point of the glans, which urges scratching, while standing-IPICAC. Voluptuous itching, on the point of the glans, which urges to rubbing, while walking in the open airANGUST. Voluptuous itching on the point of the glans, which urges to rubbing for many hours-SPoNG. MAR. Voluptuous itching on the corona glandis-MANGAN ACET. Voluptuous tickling itching, on the fore part of the glans, which excites scratching-MERC SOL. Tickling itching, on the point of the glans, which urges to rubbing-CALC. ACET. Biting itching under the prepuce on the glans —PULSAT. Corrosive itching on the glans, morning and eveningNux VOM. Itching and crawling on the corona glandis, which excites scratching-NAT. MUR. Painful itching in the sulsus back of the glans; matter is there secreted of a loathsome sweetish smell-CINNAB. Frequent itching on the glans-AcID NITR. Itchings Pricklilg. Prickling itching on the glans-THUY. Prickling itching on the side of the glands-ARSENIC. 34 SYMPTOMS OF Itching prickling in the glans when pressed-MERc. SOL. Violent prickling itching in the glans, morning-SABIN. Fine itching prickling on the glans-ACID PHOS. Fine itching stinging like gnat strings on the glansCAPSIC. Itching in the sulcus behind the corona glandisACID BENZ. Voluptuous prickling stinging like needles on the glans which pains after being scratched, while sitting -EUPHRAS. Many fine itching stitches, on the point of the glans -HELLEB. Itching stitch in the glans continuing some minutes. -1)ROZER. Redness, Inflammation and Swelling. Dark redness of the glans-SABIN. The glans is dark red, as dark red as the prepuce itself-CANNAB. Some redness and moisture back of the corona glan. dis, and itching under the prepuce and at the fraenum -CANNAB. The glands is red and inflamed, with itching and tension-MAGNET POL. AUS. Inflammation of the glans and swelling of the penis CAPS.-LED. Swelling of the glans and penis; a kind of insensible (?) erection-CANNAB. Swelling of the glans and prepuce, with a very moist eruption of the scrotum-RHus. THE GLANS. 35 Swelling of the glans with simple pain on handling it, at the same time biting in the urethra during and after urination, morning after rising —RH.s. The glans of the penis is blue-red, swelled and broken into cracks-ARSEN. Swelling of the glans and prepuce-MERC. SOL. Swelling of one half of the glans-SPIGEL. Spots and Dryness. Red spots on the glans-THuY. The epithelium of the glans is scattered over with smallish bright red spots, brighter than the glats itself -CANNAB. Small red spots on the glans-CANNAB. Red itching spot on the glans-ARNIC. Red place like a small blossom on the crown of the glands and at the inner portion of the prepuce, without sensation-MAG. POL. AUS. The glans is full of red petechial grains, which itchBRYON. Upon the glans, many brown painful lentil sized spots-ACID NIRT. After the epithelum of the upper part of the glans has been very dry and of whitish appearance, much yellowish, smear collects back of the glans; at the same time inflammation of the prepuce and excoriations which remain afterward-MEZER. Stitches, Stiching Pain. Dull tormenting stitches in the glans-SCILL. Sensation like needle stitches in the glans-STANK. 36 SYMPTOMS OF Single fleeting stitches on the point of the glansTHUY. Stinging and itching on the glans-THUY. Many needle stitches on the point of the glansEUPHRAS. Needle stitches on the point of the glans; each one is followed immediately by a stitch over the umbilicus towards the precordia-AURUM. Fine stitches through the glans-ARsENIC. Fine stinging on the point of the penis-ACID PHOS. Some fine prickling stitches in the penis at the point of the glans-MEzER. Single stitches, on the point of the glans, besides when urinating especially when the part is compressed THUY. Violent stinging in the point of the glans, morningANTIM. CRtTD. Violent stitches in the glans beside the urethra, which Is cdntniiually associated with an urging to urinate; the urine only passes off by drops and then the stitches are at times more violent and at times wholly disappear, but the urging to urinate continues until the stitching entirely passes off-THUY. Drawing painful stitches, from the body out through the glans-SPoNG. MAR. Tearing stitches in the glans-CINNAB. Tearing painful stitches in the fore part of the glans, which draws through the entire penis back into the anus, and at times extends into the groins-MERC. SOL. Titilation. Agreeable tickling on the glans, then discharge of a colorless mucus like prostatic fluid-PULS. THE GLANS. 37 Fleeting itching tickling in the point of the glansCOLOC. Tickling itching sensation between the prepuce and glans-THUT. Itching tickling in the fore part of the glans something like a flee bite —BELLAD. Twitching, Twitching Pain. Twitching pain between the glans and prepuce, while walking —CHIN. Stiching twitching sensation extending from the seminal vescicles to the glans, at times-MANGAN. ACET. Tearing. Tearing and jerking pains in the glans — MEZER. Stitching tearing on the glans when it is necessary to urinate —AuR-M. Ulceration. There appears on the crown of the glans a somewhat deep ulcer with elevated, lead colored, very sensative margins —ACID MITR. There appears yet many minute superficial ulcers on the crown of the glans, which appear clean but secrete a strong smelling matter —AciD NITR. The borders of the minute ulcers on the glans and inner surface of the prepuce are quite flat and not inflamed —ACID NITR. Maturation between the glans and prepuce, with swelling of the fore part of the urethra; it is red and hot to the touch, and painful upon contact and walking -MERC. SOL. C 38 SYMPTOMS or Ulceration of the glans and prepuce, with cheesy, lardaceous ground, and hard borders-MERC. SOL. Numerous small red vesicles at the end of the glans, beneath the prepuce, which break into ulceration at 14 days, and discharge a yellowish, white, strong smelling matter, which colors the linen. Later, the larger ulcerations bleed and excite a pain on feeling them, which affects the entire body; they were round, their borders elevated, and like raw flesh, and the ground laid over with a cheesy covering —~MERc. SOL, Ulcer, tolerably flat, dirty, burning pain, surrounded by a red circle on the corona glandis; after some days stitches therein-THUY. Erosion on the glans, which becomes moist and maturates-THUY. Vesicles. Vesicles on the front and side of the glans; they sink deeper and extend on all sides; many small white vesicles which also break but soon again disappearMERC. SOL. Small vesicles in the mouth of the urethra on the inner surface, and at the borders of the prepuce, which soon break, maturate and form chancre-like ulcersACID NITR. Increased Secretion from the Glans. Increased secretion of smegma back of the corona glandis —Nx voM. Moisture and secretion like gonorrhcea of the glans, back of the corona glandis-CANnAB. Some moisture and redness back of the glans, and THi GLANS. 39 itching under the prepuce and at the fraenum-CANNAB, Moisture on the corona beneath the prepuce-STA-. PHYS. Exudation of matter of loathsome sweetish smell in the sulsus back of the glans, with itching pain of the same-CINNAB. Moisture of the glans-TiiUY. Gonorrhcea of the glans —IERnC. SOL.-MEZER. — LYCOP.-THUY. After the upper surface of the glans has appeared very dry and whitish, there collects back of the corona, much yellowish smegma which overlays the lower part of the glans; at the same time dark red inflammation without swelling of the inner surface of the prepuce, left side, with violent itching and evening soreness. The second day the moisture becomes fluid and fills up the depression back of the corona, accompanied by tearing drawing of the same. After three days this condition disappears without a trace, yet there appears later here and there excoriations of the inner prepuce, right side, and collec. tion of whitish smegma, with tearing in the glans — MEZER. SYMPTOMS OF THE PREPUCE AND FRAENUM. Burning. Continuous burning in the entire prepuce and glans for 4 days; after the application of cold water it appears chafed-CANNAB. Burning about the glans, evening; vesicles appear upon the inner surface of the prepuce which break into ulcers, (soon healing of themselves)-MEac. SOL. c2 40 SYMPTOMS OF THE Burning and corrosive prickling in the external parts of the prepuce and in the urethra, and at the corona of the glans-CANNAB. Itching prickling burning, at the edge of the prepuce -BRYON. Biting burning under the prepuce-MAGNES. Coldness. Prepuce and glans are icy cold-SULPH. Condylomati. (Compare Excresences.) Condylomati-ACID NITR. Severe stitches in the condylomati of the sexual parts -THUY. (Stinging in the condylomati even while sitting, yet more severe while walking; on handling them painful soreness and burning) —EPHRAS. Burning painful soreness of the condylomati-SABIs. Titillation on the condylomati, on the glans and prepuce, which moisten and discharge, especially during the increase of the moon-THUY. Itching sensation in the condylomati-EUPHRAS. Severe bleeding from the condylomati —THuY. Condylomati and sycotic gonorrhoea-ACID NITR.THUY. Excresences. Glazed red excresences on the inferior parts of the prepuce-THUY. (Warts here and there on the prepuce which bleed upon contact)-CINNAB. PREPUCE AND FRZeNUM. 41 Red excrescence on the inner surface of the prepuce like a fig wart-THUY. Eruptions and Spots. Itching pimples on the prepuce-ARNIC. Fine red eruption upon the external, and chaps and rhagades upon the inner surface of the swelled prepuce -MERC. SOL. Erosion upon the inner surface of the prepuce, which moistens and discharges —THUY. Red spots upon the inner surface of the prepuce beside the frwenum-RHUs. A greyish elevated spot upon the external surface of the prepuce, which darkens, becomes covered with scurf, itches and burns-THUY. Red spots upon the prepuce-THUY. Itching. Itching of the prepuce, ameliorated by rubbing, but soon returning-AcoN. Itching on the prepuce and moist spots on its inner surface-ACID NITR. Voluptuous itching, urging to scratch the part, at the border of the prepuce, which place, after being scratched or pressed, is painful-EUPHRAS. Voluptuous itching on and within the prepuce of the penis, which urges to scratch the part-MERc. SOL. Painful itching on the inner surface of the prepuce after waking about midnight-MAGNET POL. ARCT. Unusual itching at the border of the prepuce and at the orifice of the urethra-CANNAB. Disagreeable itching on the right side of the prepuce, c3 42 SYMPIOMS OF THE at the border, more internally, and unusual during and after rubbing the part-CANNAB. Itching under the prepuce and at the fraenum, with some redness and moisture back of the corona glandis CANNAB. Itching swelling and redness of the scrotum and prepuce-RHus RAD. Biting Itching. Biting itching on the inner surface of the prepuce, especially towards evening-Nux vovM. Biting itching upon the inner surface of the prepuce -M AGNES. Biting itching on the inner half of the prepuce, with desire to rub the part at night, in bed-MAGNET POL. ARCT. Itching biting pain at the inner and upper part of the prepuce-PULSAT. Biting itching pain on the inner surface of the prepuce-IGNAT. Prickling Itching. Prickling itching sensation under the prepucePULSAT. Fine prickling itching in the prepuce while sitting and lying, but not while walking-PULsAT. Prickling itching on the inner half of the prepuceRHUS. Prickling itching on the inner surface of the prepuce -CAMPH. Prickling itching pain at the border of the prepuce -CHAMOM. Prickling itching at the fraenum —MERc. SOL. PREPUCE AND FRJENUM. 43 Pain, Uncomplicated. Painfulness of the prepuce; it cannot be drawn back -SABtN. Pains at the fraenum, coming on at intervals-SABIN. Redness, Inflammation and Swelling. The entire prepuce is dark red, hot and inflamedCANNA B. Inflammation of the prepuce with burning painsMERC. SOL. Prepuce is thickened and red-SULPH. Swelling of the prepuce-THUY.-VIOLA TRICOL. Swelling on the fore part of the prepuce where minute ulcerations are seated, yet without considerable inflammatory redness, and which forms a slight phimosis; while drawing the prepuce back over the glans, exciting tensive pains-ACID NITR. Redness and swelling of the prepuce; it appears sore with itching pains-CINNAB. (Dark red inflammation of the left side of the inner prepuce, without swelling, and with violent itching and feeling of soreness in the evening; at the same time accumulation of much yellowish smegma back of the corona glandis, which becomes fluid the second day attended with tearing drawings. After three days this condition disappears entirely, yet there is exhibited later here and there excoriations of the right side of the inner prepuce, and collections of whitish smegma with tearing in the glans) —MEZER. Itching, swelling and redness of the scrotum and prepuce-RHus RAD. Swelling of the prepuce, and on its inner surface 44 STMPTOMS OF THE inflammatory redness and painful sensibility-MERC. SOL. Swelling of the prepuce with burning, biting and red. ness, and upon the inner surface chaps and rhagades, and externally a fine red eruption —MER. SOL. Violent swelling of the prepuce like a bladder, as if it was puffed up with water or air-MERc. SOL, Swelling of the prepuce immediately at its connection with the glans-RHUs. Swelling of the prepuce and glans, and copious moist eruption of the scrotum-RHUs. Swelling of the prepuce-THvY. The freenum of the prepuce is swelled and too tense -SABIN. Swelling of the froenum and prepuce, especially at their connection-CANNAB. Swelling of the right and lower side of the prepuce -CANNAB. Retraction. The prepuce is drawn back behind the glans-Nux VOM. The prepuce is drawn back and the glans remains uncovered as during impotence-IGNAT. The prepuce is retracted back of the glans, accompanied with an unusual sensibility of the uncovered glans-BELL. The prepuce is drawn back over the glans, and no longer covers it, or only the slighest portion-MAGNES. ARTIFI. The prepuce draws itself back of the glans and remains slightly constricting the part; as often as it is PREPUCE AND FRRENUM. 45 drawn forwards, at the next impulse it returns again back of the glans-CoLoc. The prepuce retracts back of the glans, occasioning a feeling of chafing dryness when the glans come in contact with the clothing in walking-NAT. MUR. Soreness) and Rhagades. The prepuce (which is inflamed and swelled,) has lost the epithelium internally and is covered with small ulcers which excite a very penetrating loathsome ichor making spots on the linen like bloody matter-ACID NITR. Rhagades and fissures upon the inner surface of the prepuce, but on the external surface a fine red eruption with swelling of the prepuce-MERc. SOL. Soreness, of the border of the prepuce, especially towards evening - Nux Vol. Soreness and ulcerative pain associated with itching at the borders of the pre}puce-IGNAT. Soreness at the border of the prepuce-CHAMOM. The border of the prepuce is sore-CANNAB. Soreness of the prepuce-VERAT. Sore pain as from distention at the extremity of the prepuce-IGNAT. Smarting in the prepuce-LOBEL. INF. Sensation of soreness at the extremity of the prepuce, and continued burning at the orifice of the urethra both especially painful from the contact of the clothingCHIN. Smarting in the freenum praeputi-AcID BENZ. Pain at the border of the prepuce as if it was chafed and sore-ACID MUR. 46 SYMPTOMS OF THE Rhagades at the border and on the inner surface of the prepuce-CANNAB. Stinging, Stitches, Stinging Pains. Stitches in the prepuce-MANGAN. ACET. Stitches, sensitive, in the inner portion of the prepuce THUY. Stinging, at times itching, in the prepuce-ANGUST. Stinging pain in the extremity of the prepuceCOCCUL. Short stitches in the prepuce-ACID NITR. Corrosive stinging and burning in the external part of the prepuce, in the urethra, and at the corona glandis -CANNAB. Stinging pains in the prepuce when it is drawn back -HEPAR SULPH. Stitch in the region of the frenum —HEPAR SULPH. Fine needle stinging at the fruenum of the glans, which on contact is increased, and becomes a stinging and tensive pain; externally there is nothing to be seen-CHIN. Titillation and Crawling. Tickling itching sensation between the prepuce and glans-THUY. Titillation on the prepuce which requires rubbing — TARAX. Itching titillation on the prepuce and glands-CALC. ACET. Itching and biting titillation on the prepuce, alterna. ting with transient stinging in the anus —THY. Violent crawling on the prepuce which he must rubCaoc. PREPUCE AND FRMENUM. 47 Itching crawling back of the glans at the fraenumACID PHOS. Crawling at the freenum of the glans and at the scr6tum-MERC. SOL. Rending, Rending Pain. A kind of rending pain in the left side of the prepuce and in the left testicle, evening in bed-CHIN. Twitching Pain. Twitching pain between the glans and prepuce, while walking-CHIN. Ulceration. Burning about the glans, evening; then vesicles appear upon the inner surface of the prepuce which break into small ulcerations, (soon healing of themselves)MIERC. SOL. Ulcers arise externally on the prepuce which appear like chancres-HEPAR SULP.-ACID NITR. Chancre-like ulcerations on the prepuce, at first covered with mstterat the point, but then involving a tolerably circumscribed basin, and afterwards becoming overlaid with the lardacious covering of the chancres —ARG. NITR. Burning of the inflamed and swelled prepuce, which internally has lost the epithelium and is covered with small ulcers, which excite a penetrating, loathsome smelling ichor spoting the linen like bloody matterACID NITR. Ulceratioun and Chancres. In the ulcerations on the prepuce, violent stinging pains, which become worse in the evening, towards eight 48 SYMPTOMS OF o'clock, and then continue in the night, and hinder sleep, towards morning about 3 o'clock the pains become aggravated by frequent erections-ACID NITR. Small pustules on the inner surface of the prepuce, which are depressed in the centre, become moist and maturate, only painful upon contact-THUY. Vesicles. Crawling beside the frmenum under the glans, where there arise small vesicles which become moist, and itch -ACID PHOS. Vesicles beside the fraenum which only itch upon handling them-ACID Po1S. SYMPTOMS OF THE PENIS. Aching. Dull aching pains in the penis —RHU RAD. Burning. Itching burning in the body of the penis and scrotum -SPONG. MAR. Burning in the penis and in the region of the seminal v esicule —MAGNES. ARTIFIC. BoringBoring Tensive Pain. Boring tensive pain extending from the right testicle to the midst of the penis-ACID NITR. THE PENIS. 49 Cutting. Cutting in the penis, which appears to draw to the bladder, without impeding the urine-ENvoNYM. SDrawxing Contractive Pain. Slight pains over the symphysis pubes,and from thence along the urethra which continually become more violent, contracting and cutting. At times the pain goes from without inward; pressure upon the glans diminishes it somewhat-CANTH. Repealed sensible drawings in the anterior portion of the penis without distinguishi'ng wthether it is more in the urethra or in thegltans itseyf —iD. Pain, drawing, throbbing, stitching, at intervals in the penis towards the point —SABAD. In the morning and afterwards also at other times of the day, repeated drawing pains at the side of the root of the renis which extends back into the sacrum and to the left testicle, so that the latter some time after pains him, as if sore when handling it-MARUrM. Eruptions. Eruption of small reddish pimples on the under and lower part of the penis and upon the front side of the scrotum, attended with sensation of heat; the hair also of the organs falls off in part-ACID PHrs. Miliary eruption on the back of the penis,with stinging and itching-RHUS RAD. Flaccidity. Flaccidity (dryness) of the penis, continuing one quarter of an hour-MERc. SOL. O00 SYMPTOMS OF Inflammation and Swelling.* Inflammation of the penis, (post mortem examination revealed ulceration of the bladder, the urethra and kidneys)-~'ANTHAR. Swelling of the penis with inflammation of the glans -CUPR. Swelling and inflammation of the fore part of the penis, with burning and fine stinging pains which waken one out of sleep at night; cold water increases the pain, warm diminishes it-MERC. ACET. The penis is swelled-CINNAB. The entire penis is somewhat swelled without particular erection -CANNAB. Swelling of the penis continuing for many minutes without amorous excitement either by thought, words or handling-ACID PHOS. Swelling of the penis; the urethra is as if swelled he must press much when he would urinate, and the urine flows with a very thin stream, yet without pain — LEDUM. The penis is bloated, swelled up, a sort of false erection as in syphilis-RHus RAD. Itching. Fine itching at the penis-ANT. CRUD. Itching externally on the penis, and at the fraenum of the glans-HEPAR SULPH. Itching of the skin of the penis and of the testicles -TINCT. ACR. Itching on the penis, most at the glans-CON. 9 powppaM also swelling of th. glapn and propuce. THE PENIS. 51 Crawling itching, lower side, back on the external skin of the penis-ACID PHOS. Corrosive itching on the penis near the scrotum, with desire to scratch-ARsENIC. Jerking, Jerking Pain. Jerking in the penis —CINNAB. Jerking pains in the penis as if a nerve were sudden. ly and painfully jerked-THUY. Very painful jerking in the penis, extending backward -AURUM. Jerking prickling sensation, from the region of the seminal vesicles extending to the glans, at intervals-MANGAN. ACET. Single prickling jerk on the back of the penis at the lower part-MEZER. Retraction, The penis draws itself together so that it becomes very small (after urinating)-IGNAT. Spasmodic retraction of the sexual parts, with pressure over the pubes, evening in bed — UPuRgAS. Raking Pain. Pain which is raking, tearing pressing, chafing, coming on at intervals, in the root of the penis, especially while walking, which disappears when standing with the loins supported —IGNAT. Stinging, Stitches, Stinging in the penis-SULrH. Stitches in the penis with desire to urinate-THUY. 52 SYMPTOMS OF Stitches, dull aching, from the glans extending backwards through the entire penis-SABIN. Stitches, itching, dull, almost aching, at times also pinching in the penis and other parts of the body-SABAD. Tearing stitching pain, at times draws from from the glans back through the penis and in the groins-MERc. SOL. Stitches in the penis running from the abdomen, and colic with frequent thin stools-PULSAT. Itching stitch in the penis from the rootforward, and in the right testicle-SPIGEL. Burning stitch in the penis and in the right testicleSPIGEL. Burning stitch in the penis extending to the testicles -THUY. Violent burning stitch in the back part of the penis, right side-ACID MUR. Drawing stitch from the left loins extending into the penis-Di osE R. Prickling stitches externally on the glans-AsAFOET. Soreness. The entire penis is painful as if sore and burned, while walking, (it must be bound up in the erect position)-CANNAB. Tearing, Tearing or Rending Pains. Tearing through the penis, besides when urinatingCON. Tearing pain in the penis and in the anus, evening and morning-ACID PHOS. THE PENIS. 53 Spasmodic rending pain passing from the scrotum into the penis and exciting itching in the ulcerations-MERc. SOL. Tearing at intervals at the root and in the middle of the penis, at times with an undulating pain in the abdomen over the penis, on the light side-MEZER. Pain in the penis as if many bundles of fibres were torn or drawn back-MAGNET POL. AUS. Thrust. Pain as from a penetrating thrust, beside the penis in the right side, when quiet or during movement-CANNAB. SPERMATIC CORD.* Aching. Aching and tension in the spermatic cord and testicles-SULPH. Aching in the spermatic cord, while the testicles hang relaxed-SILIC. Cutting Pains. The crampy cutting pains in the abdomen shoot through the abdominal ring (as if a henia would protrude,) extending along the spermatic cord and into the testicles-ARSENIC, * Compare the symptoms excited in the groins by.Jrsen., Ballad., Cannab., China., Magnet pol. austr., Mere. sol., Puls., Spong., Straphyt.,Sulph., Valer. 54 SPERMATIC CORD. Dragging Down. Evening in bed, a drawing down in the right hypo. chondria towards the abdominal ring in the spermatic cord, not painful but with a sensation as if the spermatic cord was compressed; the following morning after breakfast it returns again at short intervals while sitting, without flatulence being present; during stool it is not remarked, at 5 in the afternoon it is again renewed after eating a little-MARUvM. Drawing, Drawing Pain. Drawing in the spermatic cord at intervals-MERC. SOL. Drawing in the spermatic cord during urinationBELLAD. Drawing and drawing tensive pains, going from the abdomen through the spermatic cord into the testicles, which hang very low-PULSAT. Drawing and stitches in the spermatic cord and testi. cles-THUY. Drawing pains in the spermatic cord during urination -CANTHAR. Frequent drawingfrom the testicles upward along the course of the spermatic cord-ZINC. Slow, fine, painful drawing in the spermatic cordMAGNET POL. AUS. Pressive drawing pain in the spermatic cord and testicles, as if they were drawn outward, and feeling of weakness in the entire sexual parts-MANGAN. ACET. Drawing pain in the spermatic cord, and a crampy pain in the testicles, during urination and sometime afterwards-CAPSIC. SPERMATIC CORD. 66 Drawing alternating with twitching in the left sper. matic cord, with a feeling of shuddering in the neigh. boring parts of the testicles and thighs-ANGUST. (Sensation of fulness in both spermatic cords)-ACID FLOUR* Jerking. Slight jerking in the spermatic cord, which requires one to bend backwards-TUSSILAG. PETACIT. Rending. Rending in the spermatic cord-MAGNET POL. AUS. Rending extending upwards in the left spermatic cord, repeated several times before going to sleep, evenings in bed-BELLAD. Stitches. Great stitches somewhat dull, driving out of the tes. tides into the spermatic cord-SPONG. MAR. Violent drawing burning stitches from the abdominal ring of the right side as if in the spermatic cord extending to the right testicle, (which, however, is not painful to the touch,) while sitting, standing and moving, yet most violent when stooping-STAPHYS. Stitches arise during coughing, which course from the abdomen along the spermatic cord through the abdomi. nal ring-VERAT. Pressive burning stitches through the scrotum and spermatic eord, from below upward-THurY. D 56 SPERMATIC CORD. Stitching pains above the pubes and in the course of the spermatic cord-POD. PELT. Swelling. Spermatic cord is swelled and painful-SPONG. MAR. The right spermatic cord is swelled and drawn down with! tensive pain-PULsAT. Swelling, and on handling, painfulness of the spermatic cord and testicles, especially of the epididymis -CHIN. Tension, Tensive Pain. Tensive pain in the spermatic cord and contraction of the scrotum, with a sensation of contraction in it, while standing-CANNAB. Pain in the spermatic cord, in the morning when the testicles hang down, as if they were severely plucked or extended; also painful on handling the part-MAGNET POL. AUS. Twitching or Jerking. Slight twitches in the spermatic cord, morning, but in the afternoon stitches at the abdominal ring-PLUMB. Twitching in the spermatic cord-MAGNET POL. AUS. Twitching alternating with drawing in the left, with feeling of shuddering in the neighboring parts of the scrotum and thighs-ANGUST. TISTICLES. 57 SYMPTOMS OF THE TESTICLES. Aching or Pressive Pains. Aching in the testicles-IGNAT. Aching sensation in the testicles, a plucking in them while standing-CANNAB. Aching and tension in the testicles and spermatic cord -SULFH. Pressivepain in the testicles, at mid-day-CAUST. Pressive pain in the testicles while moving and sitting, as if they had been contused-TTHY. Pressive pain in the right testicle, more painful upon contact-BISMUTH. Pressive pain in the left testicle, which, while walking as well as after every contact and rubbing, becomes more violent-STAPHYS. Pressive pain in the testicles as if they had been contused, while moving and sitting, and increased while walking-THUY. Pressive pain in both testicles, more violent while handling them, and on walking-ACID PHOS. Compressive aching pains in the testicles-SCILLA. Contusion, Pain as from. Contusive pain in the testicles-NATR. CARB.-RHOD. Pain as after a contusion in the left testicle-ARGENT. Pain as from a contusion in the right testicle-DIGIT. Slight contusive pain, which intermits and then returns, in the left testicle, towards evening-SABAD. Simple pain in the testicles like that which remains after a contusion-ACON. D2 8 rTES.TICLEZ Violent pain in both testicles as if they had been crushed, especially on contact-CoccUL. Sensation of contusion in both testicles-ACID OXALIC. Cramping Pain. Cramping rain in the testicles,and drawing pains in the spermatic cord, during urination and some time after. wards- CAPSIC. Pain, crawling, contusive, rooting, in the right testicle.-SPrONG. MAR. Cramping sensation deep in the abdomen, which ex. tends down into the testicles as if they had received a strong pressure-MARUM. Crawling and Itching. The testicles are retracted with a sensation as of crawling-EuHR As. Itching in the right testicle-MERC. SOL. Itching on the testicles and on the skill of the penisTINCT. ACR. Contractive and Constrictive Pains. Constrictive pain in the testicles —Nux VOM.PLUMB. Contractive pain in the testicles —MERc. ACET. Spasmodic constrictive pain through the testicles and urethra-CHIN. (Constrictive feeling in the testicles)-CAMPS. Cutting Pains. Cutting and sharp drawing in the testicles-MAGKXT POL. AUr TESTICLES. 59 Drawing, Drawing Pains. Drawing pain in the testicles —CHIN. —COCCUL. — VERAT. Drawing pain in the testicles and in the groins — MERC. SOL. Sharp drawing and a cutting in the testicles-MAGNET POL. AUS. Drawing and drawing tensive pains pass out from the abdomen along the spermatic cord into the testicles, which hang very 1ow-PULSAT. Pressive drawing in the testicles, yet more drawing than pressing-MERC. SOL. After rooting and drawing in the testicles, pollutions -AMMON. CARB. Frequent drawing from the testicles upward along the spermatic cord-ZINC. Drawing and stinging in the testicles and spermatic cord-THUY. Continued and tolerably violent drawing in the left testicle —CoLoc. Drawing in the right testicle-TussIL. PETAS. Violent drawing in the testicles-PHosPH. Drawing prickling pain in the testicles, most when sitting and stooping —ZINC. Pressing drawing rending in the right testicle, as if it was forcibly compressed —STAPH. Pressive drawing and feeling of weakness in the testicles and spermatic cord, as if they were drawn outward; sensation of weakness in the entire sexual parts, conlinuing for two hours —MANGAN. ACET. Cutting drawing in the left testicle-RHus. Wringing drawing pain in the testicles —IrICAC. D3 00 TESTICLES. Stitches and drawing occasionally through the left testicle to the abdominal ring and spermatic cord-AcID FLUOR. Heat and Coldness. Warmth in the testicles and sexual parts-ACID SULPH. Heat in the testicles-Nux VOM. Sensation of coldness in the testicles, afternoon and evening for fourteen days-MERc. SOL. Tensive glowing pain in the right testicle, while sitting-VALER. Jerking and Twitching. Rending wringing jerking in the testicles, which are swelled-MAGNET POL. AUS. Painful twitching in the right testicle, more violent when quiet-TRIFOL.-MANGAN. Painful twitching and drawing upwards of the testi. cles-COLoc. Jerking sensation in the left testicle-LYcoP. Jerking in the testicles and spermatic cord-ACID OXALIC. Pain, Simple. Pretty severe pain and heaviness in both testicles, shooting along the spermatic cord; worse on the right side, during walking in the evening-ACID OXALIC. Simple pain in the testicles, also upon contactSPONG. MAR. Painful sensibility in the testicles while handling them with rending in the spermatic cord-ACID NITR. Pain'in the testicles-NATR. TESTICLES. 61 Sensitive pain in the testicles upon contact, particularly in the epididymis-RHODODEND. Pain in the testicles and spermatic cord, more in the latter and worse on the right side, after walking outACID OXALIC. Rending, Rending Pains. Rending pains in the testicles-PULsAT. A kind of rending pain in the left testicle and in the left side of the prepuce, evening in bed-CHIN. Spasmodic rending pain which commences between the testicles then penetrates into the penis, and excites considerable itching in the ulcerations-MERC. SOL. Rending in the testicles, the eyes, the extremities, in the chest and in the abdomen-TART. EMET. Burning rending in the left testicle, and burning in the prostate gland, with frequent erections-AcID PHOS. Rending and pinching pains in the testicles, in the evening-CON. Relaxed, low hanging Testicles. The testicles hang low with drawing tensive pains, which pass out of the abdomen along the spermatic cord into the testicles-PULSAT. Relaxed testicles and feeling of weakness, in the morning in bed, as if he had had a discharge of semen, which however was not the case-ARNIc. Retraction. Spasmodic retraction of the testicles in the nightMAGNET POL. AUS. 62 TESTICLES. The testicle are retracted with crawling-EUPHRAS. Both testicles are retracted, yet the right one more so-TRIFOL. Retracted, swelled testicles-RHODODEN. The right testicle is retracted and swelled, with swelling of the spermatic cord-PULsAT. Pain passing upward in the testicles and spermatic cord-CLEMAT. Strangling or Choking Pain. In the testicles and spermatic cord a strangling (or choking) pain, from which, the testicles become very sensitive to contact, mostly excited by an erection which is without cause-AMMON. CARB. Strangling pain in the right testicle-MAGNET. POL. Aus. Contractive strangling sensation in the testicles, evening after lying down in bed-IGNAT. Soreness. The coverings of the left testicle are painful when feeling of it, as if sore, arising from a pain going from the root of the penis down into the testicle-MARUM. Stitches, Stinging, Stinging Pains. Stitches in the testicles-Nux voM. Some stitches in the testicles, while sitting-BRYON. Stitches in the right testicle-CANTH. Severe stitches, somewhat dull, which lead out of the testicles into the spermatic cord-SPONG. MAR. Fine stitohes in the left testicle —TaRAX. TESTICLES. 63 Violent stitches in the retracted testicles-BELLAD. Repeated stitches in the left testicle-THUY. Sharp stitches in the left testicle while crossing the thighs —IPICAC. Stinging pains in one of the testicles-CoccUL. Jerking stitch in the left testicle-SPIGEL. Jerking stitch in the right testicle and in the penis, from back extending forward-SPIGEL. Burning stitch in the right testicle and in the penis -SPIGEL. Violent burning drawing stinging,from the abdominal ring of the right side, as if in the spermatic cord, down into the right testicle, which however is not painful on feeling of it; violent when sitting, standing and walking, yet most so when stooping-STAPHYS. Burning stinging in the right testicle-TARAX. Swelling. Pressive painful swelling, in the testicles and spermatic cord-SPONG. MAR. Swelled, painful testicles-ZINC. Swelling and inflammation of the testicles, from which the pain passes upward along the spermatic cordACID NITR. The right testicle is retracted and swelled, the spermatic cord swelled with tensive pain, while the left testicle hangs very low-PULSAT. Before the flatulence passes off, the swelled testicle is very sensitive, but not painful-MERc. SOL. Swelling of the testicle, which is painful on feeling of it, especially the epididimus, and the spermatic cordCHIN. 64 TESTICLES. Painless swelling of the left testicle which has once been previously swelled-MEZER. Swelling of the lower portion of the right testicle, with pressivepain only on contact and rubbing, which for several evenings begins to increase about six o'clock, and dis. appears again towards eleven —AURUM. Swelling of the testicles; the epididymis formerly much swelled but now almost entirely normal, begins anew to swell with great violence -BARYTA ACET. Swelling of both testicles —CLEMAT. Swelling alternately of the one or the other testicles, and painfulness during contact-OL. ANIMAL. Severe swelling of the testicles-PLUMB. Swelling of the epididymis and simple pain of it during movement and contact-MAGNES. Swelling of the testicles and tearing wringing jerking in them-MAGNET POL. AUS. The right testicle is enlarged and hard-ARGENT. NITE. Swelling of the testicles-ARSEN. Swelling and induration of the testicle and prostate gland-IoD. Testicles and spermatic cord are painful and swelled, with discharge of prostatic fluid-PULSAT. Vibrating, Quivering. Slow wavering motion in the testicles the entire day; at times a fine vibrating sensation from the thighs extending into the testicles, then the wavering comes on afresh and is increased-SULPrH BYDROCELB. 65 A fine vibrating or buzzing sensation in the testicles and sexual parts-SULPH. Weight. Troublesome feeling of weight in the genitals-LoBEL. INF. HYDROCELE. The best medicines which clinical experience has sanctioned for the cure of this affection are-GRAPH.-PULSAT.RHODOD.-SILIC.-SULPH. Graphites is appropriate for persons subject to eruptions of the skin, erysipelatous affections, habitual constipation, and for dropsical swelling of the prepuce and scrotum, as well as for hydrocele proper. Pulsatilla for persons of versatile character, blue eyes, light hair, and when the dropsical swelling of the scrotum is of bluish white color. Rhododendron is appropriate for children as well as adults, and especially where the hydrocele affects the left side. It has proved curative in many instances. Silicia is recommended for hydrocele in scrofulous subjects. Sulphur is occasionally required to eradicate the psoric diathesis of most persons subject to this affection. We can not, of course, recommend the operation for the radical cure of hydrocele, as it is invariably followed by the destruction (functionally) of the organ.-[Ed. 66 SCROTUM. SYMPTOMS OF THE SCROTUM. Coldness. Feeling of coldness and shivering in the scrotum, and upper part of the thighs, with drawing and jerking in the left spermatic cord-ANGUST. Coldness of the scrotum, in the morning on waking -CAPSIC. Coldness of the scrotum and impotence in the maleCAPSIC. Contraction. Contraction of the scrotum, with a constrictive sensation in it, and tensive pains in the spermatic cord, while standing —CANNAB. Spasmodic retraction of the sexual parts, with pressure over the pubes, evening in bed —EuPHRAs. Ready contraction of the scrotum, especially while walk. ing or standing-RHoDoD. Shrinking together of the scrotum-ZINC. Crawling. Crawling and itching in the scrotum; the part which has been rubbed burns-THuY. Itching crawling in the scrotum, which requires rubbing, evening in bed-CHIN. Crawling in the scrotum, and at the fraenum of the glans-MERC. SOL. Crawling in the scrotum as from ants, which after scratching passes over into a burning and painful soreness —ACID PHOS. SCROTUM. 67 Cutting Pain. Itching cutting pain at the septum of the scrotumTINCT. ACR. Pain as from a knife cutting through the midst of the scrotum, between the testicles, extending up to the root of the penis, frequently returning after short pausesCON. Cutting, pressing drawing pain, on the right side of the scrotum, as if it was pinched up from one sideT RIFOL. Eruptions, Knots. (Painless knots on the scrotum) —ARNIC. Moist pimples on the scrotum-THUY. Eruption, very moist, of the scrotum, and swelling of the prepuce and glans —RHus. Eruption of small red pimples, upon the fore side of the scrotum, and the lower back portion of the penis, with sensation of heat in them; the hair also on the sexual parts comes off in places-AcID PHOS. Vesicles on the scrotum —RHUS RAD. Inflammation. Inflammation of the scrotum-RHUS RAD. Scrotum inflamed and irritated by walking-RHUS RAD. Itching. Itching of the scrotum-ANGUST.-AUR..-CHA M.COCCUL.-MAGNET POL. AUs. -Nvx voM. Itching on the left side of the scrotum, eveningT-HUY. CLSF^ ~ SCROTUM. Frequent itching of the scrotum, especially morning and evening-PULSAT. Itching of the scrotum with great desire to scratch it -NITR. ACTD. Violent itching of the scrotum-ACID NITR.-AMMON. CARB.-BARYTA.-KALI CARB. Itching beside the scrotum, above on the thighs, the place becoming moist —CAB. VEG. Itching and moisture of the scrotum-PETROL. Itching and increased sweat of the scrotum-RHoDOD. Itching and prickling of the left side of the scrotum, at night on going to bed, and in the morning on washing the part; relieved by washing —Rus RAD. Itching, swelling and redness of the scrotum and prepuce-RuHrs RAD. Itching of the scrotum-RHUS RAD. Itching, Burning. Burning itching of the scrotum-CoccUL. Itching, burning of the scrotum and the body of the penis, frequent-SPONG. MAR. Prickling Itching. Prickling itching at the scrotum.-CHIN.-VIOLA TRICOL. Prickling itching of the scrotum, as from innumerable fleas, especially when at rest —IGNAT. Relaxation. The scrotum hangs down very low —CHIN. Relaxation of the scrotum, deficient erection and absence of sexual desire the first two days; but after for SCROTUtlL 89 ty-eight hours, more violent erections than usual — CAMPH. Rending Pain. (Rending pain in the left side of the scrotum) —SLPH. Pain, Simple. Pain in the right epigastrium and in the neighboring lumbar region, from which at times it extends through the abdomen to the other side, into the groin and down to the right side of the scrotum like a nephritic colic; the urine however remaining natural-ARSEN. Soreness. Soreness of the scrotum-ZINC. Soreness between the thighs and sexual partsMERC. SOL. Detween the scrotum and thighs a red, moist, burning, biting spot which is denuded of the cuticle —BARYTA. ACET. Redness, soreness and moisture of the scrotum and neighboring parts; itching and moist eruptions on the scrotum and perineum-PETROL. —SILIC. —SULPH. Soreness and Rawness. Soreness of the scrotum-AcID. PHOS.-NATR CARB. Soreness of the scrotum, during the slightest contact of the clothing-COFF. Erosion and soreness, as if fretted by woollen garments, so that he must frequently change his position while sitting, and also while lying in bed, many days together-PLATIN. 70 SCROTUM. Feeling of soreness on the left side of the scrotum, when sitting cross legged-ZINC. Stitches. Violent stitches in the scrotum-MERc. SOL, Single stitches in the scrotum-ARsENIC. Fine stinging in the left side of the scrotum-TRIFOL' Pressive stitch upon the right side of the scrotumMEZER. Slow itching stinging of the scrotum-ACID rHOS. Pressive burning stinging through the scrotum, from below upwards —THUY. Continued burning stinging of the scrotum and at the symphysis pubis-TRIFOL. Sweat. Sweating of the scrotum-IGNAT.-IRHODOD.-SILIC. -THUY. Sweating of one half of the scrotum-THUY. (Profuse sweating of the scrotum)-BARYTA ACET. Swelling. Swelling of the scrotum-CANTH.-MEZER. Swelling of the scrotum (after an injury)-SAMBUrC. Scrotum swelled on the right side-PULSAT. Swelling of the scrotum in the evening-IGNAT. Swelling redness and itching of the scrotum and prepuce-RHUS RAD. Watery swelling of the prepuce and scrotum — GRAPH. SEXUAL DESIRE. 71 Throbbing and Trembling, Painless throbbing in the scrotum-STArPHY. Quivering in the scrotum-SPIGEL. SEXUAL DESIRE. Excitement of Sexual Desire. Excited sexual desire-ANT CRUD.-CANNAB. —CROC. — MOSCH.-OPIUM. Increasesd sexual desire-CHIN-RUTA. —-IOD.-LED -PHOS.-RHUS.-SEP. —STRAN.-MAGNES. POL. AUS. Increased sexual ability-SULPH. Great excitement of the sexual desire, without dis. charge of semen, with dry heat of the body-COFF. Unbounded sexual desire, with impotence-NATR. MURIAT. Unbounded sexual desire-CoNIUM.-GRAPH.-SILIC. Great laciviousness and violent excitement of the sex. ual desire-LACHES.-PALSAT. Excessive lewdness-OPIUM. Indescent laciviousness-STRAIM. Talkative laciviousness-BELL. Priapismus-CANTH. Irresistable desire for discharge of semen after three o'clock in the morning-RHus. Amorous paroxysm from the least excitement, or from only the slightest contact with the female, especially in the morning in bed —Nux voM. Amorous ecstacy, erections continuing 24 hours, libidinous dreams, and nightly seminal discharge —OPIM. Amorous paroxysms-ACONIT. 72 SEXUAL DESIRE. Excessive trembling of the whole body during amorous caresses-CAPSIC. Morning after waking, the highest degree of voluptuous excitement in the internal sexual organs, at first with stronger and at last weaker erections, which continues one hour and a half and then changes into a burning pain, which last by degrees abates after a seminal discharge-SULPHr Great desire for coition with difficult seminal dis. charge —ZINC. Involuntary excitement of the sexual organs and desire for seminal discharge, in the morning after rising from bed-Nux VOM. Excitement of sexual desire from a burning itching at the neck of the bladder-IGNAT. Excitement of sexual desire, notwithstanding the usu. al afternoon's depression.-COLOC. Remarkably increased sexual desire continuing through many days-CoLOC. Increased sexual desire with erections-CoLOC. Excitement of the sexual parts, and erections, without lewd fancies-HYos. Excitement of the sexual parts, yet without pollutions, with lascivious dreams- HYos. Excitement of the sexual parts and desire for coition -CoccUL. After waking from a sleep full of lascivious dreams, inclination to seminal discharge, and an inguinal hernea will protrude, accompanied with painful sorenessMAGN ES. Excessive erections with irrepressible desire for coition and for seminal discharge-MAG. POL. AUS. SEXUAL DESIRE. 73 (Greatly increased sexual desire suddenly alternating with relaxation) —AoN. Much increased sexual desire, (succeeding a long period of relaxation)-AURuM. Greatly increased sexual desire like a sort of priapismus-NATR. CARB. Importunate sexual desire —TnY. Urging to coition, and heat and itching of the sexual parts-DULCAM. Increased sexual desire and continued erections, (in a feeble old man)-ARNIC. Active sexual ability in a decrepid old man-MoscH. Excitement of the sexual parts and desire for coition, morning on waking-PULsAT. Irresistible, unbounded desire for coition-SABIN. Great inclination to coition and great appetiteCINNAB. Great disposition to coition, the sexual parts are much excited, but it is followed only by an extreme dry heat of the body, without seminal discharge-CoFF. Strong sexual desire, without excitement of the fancy, and without erections-TRIFOL. Sexual desire increased during the action of-FLOUR. ACID. Almost irresistable attacks of libidinous desire, more in the case of old than young men-ACID FLOUR. Strong sexual passion with violent erections all night, and desirefor coition-ACID FLUOR. Erections with desire and voluptuousness-ACID FLUOR. Sexual passion increased with erections at night during sleep-ACID FLOUR. E 74 ERECTIONS. Highly excessive enjoyment and pleasure during coition, which was not the case before taking the med.-AcID FLUOR. Great increase of sexual desire during the night and morning, with voluptuous dreams every night for three nights —AID OXALIC. Excessive sexual desire-ACID OXALIC. Excitement of the sexual function, repeatedly-ACID OXALIC. Increased and excessive sexual desire arising as in most instances from congestion of the vena porta system, finds one of its most brilliant remedies in —ALOEs. Erections. Frequent erections-CoLoC. Long continued erections in the morning after wakiirg, not without sexual desire-PULSAT. Frequent erections with discharge of prostatic fluid -PTLSAT. Erections-VERAT. Continued violent erections, with twitching of the scrotum-KALI CHLOR. Erections of the penis, morning in bed-CHAM. Erections of the penis for some minutes-IGNAT. Erections of the penis always when going to stoolIGNAT. Erection of the penis after the mid-day siesta-Nux VOM. Erections many mornings in succession-Nux VOM. Imperfect erections with tension in the pubic region, arising, as it seemed to him, from much flatulenceMERC. SOL. ERECTIONS. 75 Impotence and want of erections; insufficient, short. continuing erections-CON. MAC. Excessive erections and pollutions —MAGNET POL. AUS. -KAL. CHLOR. Vigorous erections, evenings in bed-CINNAB. Erections, violent and continuous-LED. (Frequent erections by day)-MEZER. Erections without sensual desire-EUrHOR. Erections of the penis by day, almost without any occasion-FERR. Violent erections, and desire for coition in the morning on rising-AUR. Unbounded erections with ungovernable desire for coition and seminal discharge-MAGNET POL. AUS. Violent erections in the morning while rising, only quieted by cold water-CAPsIC. Erections in the forenoon, afternoon and evening, and also in the morning in bed, without amorous thoughts-CAPSIC. Frequent erections of the penis; succeeding a stinging in the urethra-CANNAB. Frequent erections by day, only while sitting, not when walking-CANNAB. During coughing, erections-CANNAB. Frequent and continued erections after dinnerHyos. H YOS. Immoderate erections-OPIUM. Erections and pollutions in the night-AUR. Frequent erections-CHIN. Frequent erections accompanied with burning tearing in the left testicle and burning in the prostate glandPHOS. ACID. E2 76 ERECTIONS. Erections both by day and night-PULsAT. Very vigorous and frequent erections by day and night-SABIN. Erections at night, without lascivious dreamsSTANN. Unquiet night sleep from erections and dreamsPHOS. ACID. Erections for many hours, in the morning during a half slumber-THuY. Erections while urinating —STAPH. Violent erections with frequent desire to urinate, tow wards morning-RHus. Frequent erections without internal physical sexual desire, yet accompanied with amorous thoughts-SPIGEL. Irresistable erections, and amorous dreams, without pollutions-CoLoc. Erections without seminal discharge, with amorous dreams-LED.-MERC. SOL.-STANN. Erections, frequent, continued, without lascivious thoughts, in the morning in bed-MAGNES. Continued vigorous erections, with desire for coition and without amorous thoughts, after waking-ARNIC. Constant erections, without amorous thoughts or dreams, in the morning on waking and while lying on the back-PLATIN. Tardy and imperfect erections, with too early seminal discharge, and long-continued, pleasurable feelingSELEN. Nightly erections without seminal discharge-AUR. Continued nightly erections,without seminal discharge or amorous dreams PLAT. PAINFUL ERECTIONS. 17 Erections with lively anxious dreams, without pollutions-ACID MUR. Erections in the morning without pollutions-ARsEN. At night increased erections of the penis, with unquiet sleep, and during the day itching in the inguinal canal -TUSSILAG. PETASIT. Erections on lying down, without any cause and afterwards, pain in the testicles and spermatic cord-AcID OXALIC. First erections again at the 11th day, of long duration and quite healthy character-ACID FLUOR. Erections during sleep at night, without amorous dreams or feelings-RHus RAD. Painful Erections.* Priapismus-CANTH. Increased sexual desire with painful erectionsSENEGA. Painful erection after waking out of an amorous dream, without pollution-THuY. Painful erections, the urethra is as if tense, no voluptuous excitement-ARG. NITR. During erections tensive pain; the urethra is as if inflamed and painful in its whole length when handling it-CANNAB. Long continued erection with tensive pain, afterwards discharge of watery slimy fluid without any smell, and with diminished erections-MUR. ACID. Violent, also spasmodic (disagreeable) erections, and * Compare Pain in the Urethra. w3 78 SEMINAL DISCHARGE. violent rending in the lower part of the facial muscles, coming on after midnight, continuing many hoursACID NITR. Nightly painful erections-THuY. Painful erection after a pollution-SABAD. Seminal Discharge.* Nocturnal seminal emissions-BAR. MUR.-CAPSIC.CHAM.- CHIN.- COCCUL.- COFF. — COLOC. — FERR.LED.-MAGNES.-MAGNET POL. AUS.-MERC. SOL.-NUX MOSCH.-PULSAT.-RHUS.-SAMB.-THUY. A seminal emission almost every night-ARGEN. Seminal emission every other night-TARAX. Pollutions two nights in succession, with much talk. ing in sleep-MAGNET POL. AUS. Seminal emission three nights in succession, without succeeding weakness-AURUM. Two seminal emissions in one night-BELL. Three seminal emissions in a night-CICUT. Several pollutions in the night, with amorous dreams -ARNIC.-KALI CHLOR. Several pollutions the first night-SULPH. Two nights in succession, pollutions during an unquiet sleep, which is full of dreams-ANGUST. Seminal discharge during an unquiet sleep full of dreams-FERR. * With reference to the dose and repetition in this frequently recurring affection, we have found it most advantageous to give but a single dose of the carefully selected remedy, in the highest potence, after each seminal emission. Then patiently await its action, and only on the recurrence of a new attack, either repeat the dose, or choose a remedy more in harmony with the then existing phase of symptoms. SEMINAL DISCHARGE. 79 Nightly seminal emission and unquiet sleep.-CANN. Frequent waking out of sleep and seminal discharge — ARNIC. Towards morning a seminal discharge, during a sleep full of dreams-CYCLAM. Pollutions and erections at night —AURM. Vigorous pollution (in a young man who had rarely or never had them)-IGNAT. Pollution at night, (in a subject affected with hemiplegy,) who had not had such an occurrence in years -MAGNET POL. AUS. During the siesta and while sitting, seminal discharge, in a man 76 years old, who for 20 years had not experienced the like-SULPH. Semen appears to pass off unconsciously, during a crawling and titillation of the glans-MAGNET POL. AUS. The semen passes off during an amorous dalliance, (by day)-ARNIC. Too frequent pollutions-PHosPH. Several times in the night, sensation as if a pollution would come on, yet there came nothing; in the morning a tenacious moisture at the mouth of the urethraDIGIT. He awakes in the morning with a sensation as if a seminal discharge would come on, with slight erection of the penis, then a watery, slimy moisture, entirely without smell, passes off, succeeded by a long continued erection of the penis, with tensive pain-MUR. ACID. Seminal emission with amorous dreams-ACID PHOS. -AURUM.- CHIN.- COLOC.- OLEAND.- SAMB.-SPIG. -STAPH.-VIOL. TRICOL. 80 SEMINAL DISCHARGE, Nocturnal seminal discharge with amorous dreamsARSEN.-BISMUTH.-NUX VOM. —OPIUM. Copious pollutions, also with lascivious dreams — ARGENT. NITR. Pollutions at night without amorous dreams-ARGENT. Discharge of semen during sleep without erections — TRYOSTEUM PERFOL. Too frequent pollutions —CARB. VEG. Very slight, frequent pollutions, succeeded by great weakness-CHIN. A pollution during a very unusual, amorous dream, in the morning shortly before waking-SPIGEL. Seminal discharge five nights in succession, always with amorous dreams-STAPH. Seminal discharge not so quick and early as usual, but free and without any bad after-feeling-AcID FLUOR. Two seminal discharges at night, during a voluptuous yet unremembered dream —CALC. ACET. Seminal discharge at night without amorous dreams -ANAC.-ARGENT.-BELL. BISMUTH.-GUAJ.-RUTA. -VERBASC. Seminal discharge without amorous dreams-CICUT. -MERC. SOL.-STANN. Two seminal discharges in one night, without amor, ous dreams-CALC. ACET. Nocturnal seminal discharge, without amorous dreams, with, and succeeded by, a long continued erectionARSEN. Seminal discharge with amorous dreams, and without erections-SPIGEL.-STANN. Seminal discharge with amorous dreams, and without erections, while lying on the back-CoLoc. SEMINAL DISCHARGE. 81 Nocturnal seminal discharge, with relaxed penisBELL. Nocturnal pollution without erection, from which he awakes with ainxiety-MAGNET POL. AUS. In the morning during an amorous dream, seminal discharge of slight quantity and with relaxed penis;afterwards painful erection of the penis and extraordinary lassitude and weariness; but when going out in the open air a feeling of lightness-SABAD. Nocturnal seminal discharge, without erections, afterwards relaxation of the lower extremities-Nvx VOM. Nocturnal seminal discharge, followed by coldness of the feet, which does not pass off by exercise-Nux VOM. Two pollutions in one night during a dream which is not amorous, and the day following an insupportable heaviness with lassitude of the limbs-PULSAT. From a nocturnal pollution, so faint that he can scarcely drag his feet-LED. Pollution during a deep dreamful sleep; after waking he is yet quite giddy, and he sees only as through a cloud-STRAM. After a pollution, very violent excitement of sexual desire, accompanied with a crawling sensation over the whole body, as from excessive lechery-MEZER. Very vigorous seminal discharge, succeeded by constipation for many days-THUY. Nocturnal seminal discharge, (very rare,) with a tensive pain at the mouth of the urethra as if it was too narrow-THUY. Excessive pollutions-CON. MAC. 82 PROSTATIC FLUID. Seminal discharge during the siesta, succeeded by a burning pain at the mouth of the urethra, during urination -MERC. SOL. Pollution with a burning pain in the urethra —SULPH. Burning in the glans during the discharge of semen in coition-MAGNES. Nocturnal pollutions of watery or bloody semen Discharge of bloody semen or only blood. Blood is thrown off instead of the semen-CANTH. Nocturnal pollutions of bloody and watery semenLED. Seminal discharge at night mixed with blood-MERC. SOL. Violent amorous desire for seminal dischargeSTANN. Nocturnal seminal emissions-RHUS. RAD. Discharge of Prostatic Fluid. Prostatic fluid presses out of the relaxed penisAURUM.-BELL.-EUPHOR. Prostatic.fluid presses out of the mouth of the urethra -SPIGEL. Discharge of prostatic fluid during stool and after urination-ANMAARD. Flow of prostatic fluid in lengthened threads in the morning on waking-THUY. Prostatic fluid passes off slowly after a difficult stool NITR. ACID. Discharge of prostatic fluid while pressing at stoolCON.-SILIC. Flow of prostatic fluid, before urination-PsoRIN. SEMINAL EMISSIONS. 83 Flow of prostatic fluid, during urination-NATR. CARB. Flow of prostatic fluid, after urination-SEPIA. While pressing at stool flow of much slime (prostatic fluid,) from the urethra. Amorous dreams even in the mid-day sleep, with discharge of prostatic fluid; after waking the sexual parts are very subject to discharge of semen-MAGNES. Painless discharge of clear transparent mucus from the urethra, (prostatic fluid?) without erections-CANNAB. Discharge of prostatic fluid, during sleep, and at stool -SELEN. Flow of a colorless mucus, like prostatic fluid, alter a previous agreeable titillation of the glans-PULsAT. Symptoms during and after Seminal Emissions. Continuous erection after a nocturnal pollution, unaccompanied by amorous dream —ARsEN. Long continued erections with tensive pain, succeeding a discharge of watery slimy fluid from the penis, with slight rigidity-ACID MUR. Very violent excitement of sexual desire, with a crawling sensation over the whole body at from excessive lechery, after a pollution-MEZER. Tensive pain in the mouth of the urethra as if it was too narrow, during a nocturnal pollution-THUY. Burning pain in the mouth of the urethra while urinating, after a pollution-MERC. SOL. Burning pain in the urethra during pollution-SULPH. 84 SEXUAL DESIRE. After a deep sleep full of dreams, in which he also has a pollution, he is quite giddy and sees objects only as through a cloud-STRAM. Constipation for many days, succeeding a vigorous nocturnal pollution-THUY. Relaxation of the lower extremities, after a nocturnal pollution without erection-Nux voM. Insupportable heaviness and lassitude of the limbs, after having had two pollutions the night previousPULSAT. Lassitude and heaviness of both arms as if he had lead in them, after a nocturnal pollution-STAPH. (Weakness so that he can scarcely drag his feet, after a nocturnal pollution)-LED. Continued coldness of the feet, not relieved by movement, after a nocturnal pollution-Nux VOM. Coldness, over and over, in the morning after rising, but yet not faint, after a nocturnal pollution-MERC. SOL. Excitement of Sexual Desire, with Impotence. Amorous lascivious fancies, and sudden excitement of sexual desire, with weakness of the sexual parts and impotence, and externally a disagreeable bodily heatIGNAT. Irresistable desire for seminal emission with relaxed penis-IGNAT. Amorousness with impotence-IGNAT. Sexual desire, but during the act impotence comes on and the penis becomes relaxed-Nux voM. Impotence: coition with proper sensations and erection, IMPOTENCE. 85 yet at the highest point of indulgence, the enjoyment suddenly disappears, the semen is not ejected and the penis sinks and again becomes relaxed-MAGNET POL AUS. Increased sexual desire; slight occasions excite immediately violent and continued erections, with which however there is an aversion to coition-SABIN. Violent excitement of sexual desire-MosCH. The sexual desire is much excited, but sterility is engendered-CANNAB. Deficient Sexual Desire; Impotence. Deficient erections-MAGNES. Weakness of the sexual parts and deficient sexual desire the first two days-CAMPH. Male impotence —CAMPH. Impotence and deficient erections; insufficient, short continuing erections —CoN. MACUL. Impotence and relaxed sexual desire-AcID MUR. Deficiency of sexual desire and erections, and relaxation of the scrotum, the first two days; but after 48 hours far more violent erections than usual-CAMPH. Deficient or increased sexual desire, with painful nocturnal erections-NITR ACID. Impotence of many years standing-LYcoP. Entire impotence-CoLoc. Male impotence, with feeling of weakness in the hips -IGNAT. Entire want of sexual desire —INAT.-CoLoC. Deficient (or excessive) sexual desire-KALI. CARB.LYcoP. Diminished sexual desire, it is almost entirely wanting 86 IMPOTENCE. the first few days; then (secondary action,) it is increased and he can scarcely avoid amorous thoughts; yet the penis remains relaxed —SABAD. Very depressed sexual desire with chilliness and indifferent state of mind-KALI. CHLOR. Greatly diminished sexual desire-MAR. Entire absence of sexual desire, continuing over three months-PSORIN. Sexual desire becomes remarkably less-CoLoc. The previously frequent pollutions now appear seldom and there is great quietness of the sexual system-TusSILAG. PETASIT. Indifference towards the other (female) sex-THuY. Want of sexual desire with shrinking up of the genitals-ARG. NITR. Inability to complete the act of coition-THUY. Insensibility to sexual emotion, which amounts even to loathing when amorous dalliance is attempted-SABAD. Sexual desire is very much suppressed-HELLEB. Impotence with lasciviousness-SELEN. The penis hangs relaxed; entire want of erections and feeling of weakness in the sexual parts-MUR. ACID. Entire impotence; the prepuce which usually covered the glans now remains drawn back behind it, notwithstanding the mind is not without sexual inclinationCOLOC. Greatly diminished sexual desire; no inclination to erections-MAR. Diminished sexual desire-ACON.-BARYT. ACET.MAGNES. Aversion to coition-CANNAB. IMPOTENCE. 87 Male inability, even with amorous fancies-SULPH. Inability in the male and coldness of the scrotumCArsIc. Entire inability to copulate-STRAM. Relaxed sexual parts, and retraction of the prepuce back of the glans at night-Cocc. Want of sexual desire, aversion to coition-MAGNES. Relaxation of the penis and diminished desire for coition-MAGNET POL. ARCT. Diminished desire for coition and flaccidity of the sexual parts-MAGNET POL. ArCT. Moderate sexual desire, he has control over it-MAGNET POL. ARCT. Indifference while thinking of the peculiarities of both sexes; he can excite no amorous libidinous thoughts: the sexual desire in fancy is as if lost, (secondary action?) BELLAD. Sexual passion more easily controlled-ACID FLUOR. Diminution of sexual desire the 6th, 7th and following days-ACID FLUOR. Diminished sexual desire-RHUS RAD. 88 SEXUAL EXCESS. SEXUAL EXCESS. One of the most efficient remedies for the weakness caused by excessive venery is CHINA. It is always appropriate for affections caused by loss of humours, and is especially so in this case, if coition be followed by: Great general weakness and trembling, tendency to perspiration when moving or sleeping; or if there is, over excitability of the entire nervous system. Nux VOM. is more appropriate if the patient is addicted to the use of stimulants, or if there be great lassitude andfatigue especially in the morning; excitability of the nervous system; excessive sensibility and dread of the open air; repugnance to exertion, and painful weakness of the legs and thighs. Should the cause however have exercised its influence for a long time, and the results have become in some degree cronic, the use of these remedies may not be sufficient, and others may be required, among which may be especially noticed: CALC.-PHOS. ACID.-STAPH.-SILIC. -SULPH. CALC. may be exhibited if coition is followed by great lassitude and trembling of the legs, and confusion. of the head. PHos. ACID, —If there be, general physical and nervous weakness, disposition to perspiration by day, or burning sensation in the body; or if masturbation should have inducedfrequent and exhausting pollutions. STAPHYS.-If coition is followed by asthmatic sufferings or difficult breathing, hypochondriacal humour, or mental anguish on account of the excess. It is also ap. propriate if there is pain as from fatigue and excessive SEXUAL EXCESS. 89 lassitude, especially during movement, mitigated by lying down; or if weakness of sight, hovering of black points or sparks before the sight, indicate a threatened amarausis. SILICIA-If there is lassitude and trembling of the limbs especially in the merning, general inertia and nervous debility; or if coition is followed by pain in the limbs as from fatigue, or sensation of paralysis on one side of the head. Useful hints may also be found by consulting the section SYMPTOMS AFTER SEMINAL EMISSION AND COITION. The evil consequences of MASTURBATION usually require Nux VoM., to be followed by SULPH. and then CALC., provided also, that PHos. ACID and STAPH. should not be indicated or prove insufficient. The best medicines to eradicate an inclination to this vice are SULPH. and CALC. administered at somewhat long intervals. ALOES may prove equally efficacious. CHIN.-Cocc.-MERC-PP HOS. and others have also been recommended. ED. CHAPTER III. FEMALE SEXUAL SYSTEM. SYMPTOMS OF INTERNAL SEXUAL ORGANS. Bearing Down; Labor Pains; Abortion. Violent urging and dragging towards the external genital organs, as if every thing would fall out; worse when sitting bent over, and When walking, and better while standing or reclining-BELLAD. (Distension of the abdomen and pressing, as if every thing would be dragged down to the genital organs; then, retraction of the abdomen and discharge of white slime from the vagina)-BELLAD. Pressing and dragging to the sexual parts and the anus, alternating with painful contraction of the anusBELLAD. Dragging to the sexual parts and retraction of the abdomen, while walking in the open air-Nux VOM. Dragging as to the sexual parts, in the morning in bed-Nux VOM. When at the stool the pressing acts more upon the womb than upon the rectum-Nux VOM. Painful downward pressing, from the abdomen into the genitals, as during the menstrual flow, at tiies accompaF 92 INTERNAL nied with tenesmus; from the genitals it then draws upwards through the parts over both hips and into the loins, when it aches for a long time-PLATIN. Pressing towards the sexual parts, constrictive pain in the hypochondria and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, with tendency to the recurrence of the so-called worm symptoms-COCCUL. Dragging and pressing towards the uterus and the anus-IPIC. Pain, drawing and pressing, towards the womb, with inclination to vomit every morning-PULSAT. Pain in the loins extending to the region of the ute. rus-SABIN. Constricting cramp in the uterus and lower abdomen, like a clutching and clawing, with profuse flow of blood in coagulated masses-Nux VOM. Contractive pain in the region of the uterus-SABIN. Pressing in the lower abdomen as to the menstrual flow, worse when pressing upon the part-STANN. Weariness when mounting stairs, and cutting in the abdomen, as if the menstrual flow would come on, evening-SULPH. Pinching and inquietude of the abdomen, as if the menses would come on; the abdomen is at the same time distended-BRYON. Urging in the genital parts as if the menses would appear-MUR. ACID. Sensation as if the menses would come on, with pain in the abdomen and pressing towards the sexual organsCROC. Abdominal pains, as if the menses would appearSANG. CANAD. SEXUAL ORGANS. 93 Abdominal pain the whole night like the menstrual — SANG. CANAD. Painful pressing towards the sexual organs-GRAPH. At times a dragging towards the sexual parts while standing-GRAPH. A kind of pressing in the lower abdomen with sensation of sinking in it, as before the appearance of the mensesPLATIN. Bearing down in the uterus which oppresses the respiration with cutting in the abdomen, as if every thing would fall out; she must cross the thighs as if to prevent the protrusion of the vagina; yet there appears only a flow of yellowish leucorrhoea-SEPIA. Drawing and dragging towards the sexual parts; a feeling as if the monthly flow would appear-MoscH. Dragging towards the sexual parts, periodical contraction over the navel, burning heat in the whole body, feeling of dryness and scraping in the mouth and throat, stinging headache, wavering before the eyes, soreness over the whole body, sleepless, unquiet, with tossing about and unusual peevishness; in the evening at nine, as she retired to rest the bed was so insupportable that she must uncover herself; the attack continued one hour -MoscH. Labor-like, dragging and cutting pains in the lower portion of the abdomen, in the region of the uterus, in paroxysms of 4 or 5 minutes duration-AsA. Oft repeated pains like those of labor, in the lower abomen, as if the menses would appear-CIN. Violent labor pains deep in the abdomen, as if the menses would immediately come on-RHTTs. F2 94 INTEBRNAL Urging towards the uterus, like labor pains, with ver ry frequent desire to urinate-CHAMOM. Strong labor-like pains in the uterus, and tearing pains in the vessels of the thighs, with frequent discharge of coagulated blood-CHAMOM. Labor-like pains, swelling in the pit of the stomach with pain as if the heart would be pressed out, accom. panied with swelled abdomen and general anasarca, during a suppression of the menses-CHAMOM.* Drawing towards the uterus like that of labor, while standing-RHUs. Violent pressing cramping together of the uterus, like labor pains, followed by a mattery, corrosive,whitish flow -IGNAT. Contractive pains in the left side of the uterus like labor pains, which oblige one to sit bent over-PULSAT. An indiscribable sensation in the vertebra of the loins; it seems as if they were pressed from behind for. ward, (like feeble labor pains)-SABIN. Pain like irregular labor pains, painfulness of the whole body, so that she can not turn in bed, watery diarrhoea, fever and frightful startings which hinder sleep - PULSAT. Causes uterine hemorrhage-SANG. CANAD. Abortion on account of too violent action upon the uterus-SANG. CANAD. Pains like those of labor in the lower abdomen, as if the menses would appear, morning-FERRUM. Pains like those of labor in the lower abdomen, as if the mensus would appear-AURUM. * Suppressiop of the menses is not here the primary action. SEXUAL ORGANS. 95 Pains in the loins like labor pains, while walkingACON. Terrible pains in the uterus, similating labor, which requires one to retract the abdomen with anxious but almost fruitless urging to stool-OPIUM. Abnormal labor pains, either too weak or too violent, require for their regulation - CHAM.- COFF.- Nux MOSCH. NUX VOM.-OPIUM.-PULSAT.-SECAL. CORN. -ACON.-BELL.-CALC. Labor pains too violent, driving the patient to despair-CoFF.-ACON. False labor rains, with constant inclination to urinate and to stoo —BELLAD.-CHAMOM.-NUX MOSCH.-NUX VOM.-PULSAT. Sudden suppression of pains through fright or other cause, as anger, etc., with congestion to the head, red face, or a soperose condition-OPIUM. Tardiness or weakness of the pains, depending upon inactivity of the uterus-PULsAT. Deficient labor pains, in weak cachectic females, or those who have lost much blood —SECAL. CORN. * After pains attended with heats and flatulencyPOD. PELT. After pains with strong bearing down-POD. PELT. Too long or too violent after pains-ARNIC.-CHAM. -COF.- CALCAR.-NUX VOM.-PULSAT. F3 96 UTERUS. UTERUS. Cancer of the Uterus. Cancerous induration of the uterus —AUR.-BELLAD. -M AGNES. MUR.-SECAL.-SEPIA.- STAPHYS.- CHIN. -IOD.-PLAT.-(KREOS. —MURE. —THUY.) Cancerous ulceration of the uterus-ARS.-BELLAD. STAPH.-SECAL.-MUREX. PURP. Pain in the Uterus. Cutting pain in the mouth of the uterus —PULSAT. On contact of the mouth of the uterus during coition, an aching pain, succeeded by a pressing-MERC. SOL. Uterine pain referred to the small of the back, brought on by mental anxiety, six days after parturition, with melancholy, dispair and distrust of Providence — RHUS RAD. *Escape of flatus from the vagina, with dilatation of the os uteri —SANG. CAN. Prolapsus of the Uterus.* In general the best medicines for this affection are* In the treatment of this disease it is rarely or never advisable to resort to any of the fashionable instruments, " supporters," " pessaries," &c., so much in vogue for the cure of this complaint. All such contrivances are but miserable apologies fo r a more rational method of treatment, and are only to be tolerated in t hose few, rare, hopeless cases, where a HomBeopathic treatment cannot be made available. In most instances the properly selected medicine, administered at intervals of ]2, 24, or 48 hours, will afford prompt and substantial relief. A rational habit of living and avoiding the predisposing causes of this affection, together with the occasional use of the properly selected remedy,will, in due time: restore the integrity of the parts. ED. UTERUS. 97 AURUM.-BELLAD.-COLC.-NUX VOM.-SEPIA.-STANN. -SECAL. CORN.-KREOS. MERC.-PODOP. PELT. Particular indications for their employment are: BELLAD. for prolapsus or bearing down, with sensation as if every thing would fall out; worse when sitting bent over, and when walking, or standing, better when lying down or reclining. CALCAR. is often appropriate for females who are subject to leucorrheea, or who have too early and toofrequent catamenia. Nux VOM., for dragging down in the sexual parts, even in the morning in bed, and when walking in the open air; and in persons subject to constipation or hemorrhoids. SEPIA. is often efficient for delicate, sensitive females, subject to catarrh or leucorrhcea with either too profuse or too scanty catamenia, and when there is a sensation of sinking and goneness at the pit of the stomach, orfor bearing down, which oppresses the respiration. PODOP. PELT. is recommended by Dr. Jeans for *symptoms of prolapsus uteri; continuing for several weeks after parturition, with rumbling of flatus in the region of the ascending colon. Also, for symptoms of prolapsus uteri; with pain in the sacrum, flatulence, unfrequent muco-gelatinous stools. Consult also the section on Bearing Down, Labor Pains. ED. Swelling of the Neck of the Uterus. Swelling of the neck of the uterus —CANTH.-KREOS? 98 ABORTION. ABORTION.* Disposition to Abortion. Disposition to abortion, in plethoric females whose menses come on too frequent, and are too profuse, and who are subject to congestions to the head-CALCAR. - SABIN. In chlorotic females-FERRUM. In hysterical females with too profuse catameniaLYcoP. In weak nervous females, who are subject to frequent catarrhs, and have leucorrhcea, and whose menses are too weak or too frequent-SEPIA. In weak nervous females, with too frequent menstruation, and who are subject to eruptions of the skin or to hemorrhoids-SULPH. Precursers of Abortion. Precursers of abortion, when occasioned by mechan. ical injury, as a shock, fall, contusion, &c.-ARNIc. When the precursers consist in violent pains in the abdomen with sensation as if every thing was pressed towards the external organs, with or without flow of blood-BELLAD. The same appearances when accompanied with constipation or congestion of blood to the head-Nux voM. -BRYON. * To destroy a predisposition to abortion, the appropriate medicine may be taken in doses of a few pellets at intervals of three or four days, for some weeks previous to, and during the period when such an attack may be expected. This method has often succeeded even when repeated miscarriages have occasioned the worst apprehensions, and will be adequate, in our judgment, in all cases. ED. ABORTION. 9 Precursers of abortion consisting of violent cutting pains in the abdomen, with frequent urging to urinate and to stool, with discharge of coagulated blood from the vagina, with chill and even convulsions- CHAMOM. Precursers of abortion consisting in alternately clonic and tonic spasms, with loss of consciousness and discharge of blood, especially during the convulsionsHYOS. When the same appearances occur without loss of consciousness-IPICAC.-CINA. Abortion.-ASAR.-FERRUM. Abortion (in the eighth mouth) accompanied with frightful convulsions-CANNAB. Premature birth, uterine hemorrhage —SBIn. Precursers of abortion, consisting of pressing and drawing towards the sexual parts, flow of blood from the vagina, sinking of the abdomen, frequent urging to urinate or to stool, with inclination to vomit or vomiting, fever, especially when occurring at the third month -SABIN. Precursors of abortion in weak cachectic persons, with disposition to passive hemorrhages, and with deficiency of vital action in the womb-SECAL. CORN. 100 OVARIES. OVARIES. Inflammation of the Ovaries. BELLAD-LACHES.-MERC. SOL. AIso-CANTH.-AMBR.?-CHIN.?-STAPH, ED, Induration of the Ovaries. LACHES-.PLAT. MERC. Dropsy of the Ovaries. MERC. SOL. -ARS. Also-IOD. ED. Pain in the Ovaries. Single, deeply penetrating stitches, which clearly re. late to the ovaries, as from a needle either in the left or right groin-COLoc. *Pains in the regions of the ovaria, especially the right POD. PEL. * Numb aching pain in the region of the left ovarium, with heat running down the left thigh, in the third month of pregnancy-POD. PEL. VAGINA. 101 VAGINA. Burning, Burning Pain. Burning corrosive pain in the vagina-CHAN. Burning and sensation of soreness at the entrance of the vagina —HYs. Burning and biting in the vagina while walking and sitting —TiHY. Burning (stinging?) pain in the vagina and upper portion of the labia-PULSAT. Pain, Simple. Painfulness of the vagina during coition-FERaR. Spasmodic Pain. Spasmodic pain in the vagina and the female sexual parts-STAPH. Prolapsus. Prolapsus of the vagina only during pregnaneynot at other times-FERR. Extensive prolapsus of the vagina-MERC. SOL. Smarting Pain. Smarting and burning in the vagina, while watking and sitting-THUY. Smarting in the vagina-GRAPH. Soreness. Pain in the vagina as if sore, soon after contaet,ii the evening —RHus. 102 VAGINA. Soreness of the vagina, in the evening, two evenings in succession-RHUs. Feeling of soreness and burning at the entrance of the vagina-HYos. Stinging Stitches. Severe stitch deep in the vagina, extending backwards -SABIN. Stitches in the vagina not increased by contactRHUs. Stinging and pressing in the vagina-CoN, Stinging in the vagina extending to the uterus-PHos. Every three or four minutes a stitch in the vaginaSEPIA. Swelling. Internal swelling of the vagina, similar to prolapsus, with burning pain, which renders external contact intolerable-Nux VOm. Internal inflammatory swelling of the vagina, as if it was raw and sore-MERC. SOL. Ulceration. Ulceration in the vagina, which is even with the skin, and coated with a yellowish matter, with burning itching pain-NITR. ACID. SEXUAL PARTS. 103 EXTERNAL SEXUAL PARTS.* Burning. Heat and burning in the female sexual parts, with many fine stitches-MAGNET POL. AUS. Burning, (stinging?) pain in the labia and vaginaPULSAT. Burning in the female sexual parts, with violent sex. ua] desire-Nux VOM. Burning in the sexual parts and urging to urinate, after having urinated-RUTA. Contracting, Spasmodic and Cramp Pains. Pains like contraction and pressing in the sexual parts, while sitting-THUY. Spasmodic pain in the female sexual parts, and vagina -STAPH. Cramping pain extending from the female sexual parts into the lower abdomen-THUY. Cramping pain in the sexual parts and in the perineum, while rising from a seat-THUY. Crawling. Slight, no; disagreeable crawling in the sexual parts -ACON. Voluptuous crawling (and titillation) in the sexual parts, and at the same time a similar but weaker sensation in the abdomen, with anxious oppression and palpitation of the heart, then painless, not disagreeable, * As many of the following symptoms are not exclusively limited to the External Parts, but external more or less to the Internal Organs, we should compare them with the symptoms under the head of Internal Sexual Organs. 104 EXTERNAL pressure in the sexual parts, with tension and stitches in the sinciput-PLAT. Cutting. Cutting between the labia during urination-CANNAB. Erosion. Erosion, raw, as if excoriated, close to the sexual parts on the left side-PLAT. Eruptions, Knots, Vesicles. Tettery eruption upon the labia majora-DULCAM. Corrosive itching eruption upon the female sexual parts-Nux voM. Small knots on the labia-MERC. SOL. Pimples on the labia-MERc. SOL. Pimples on the right labia before the monthly period -VERAT. Vesicles back on the inside of the labia majora, which occasion a smarting sensation, and on contact, pain as if sore-STAPH. A dark, hard pustule arises upon the swelled labiaBRYON. A small knot at the margin of the labia, with stinging and burning pain-CALCAR. Excoriation. Pain as if sore and smarting, in the sexual partsTHUY. Pain as if sore and smarting, especially during urination-THUy. SEXUAL PARTS. 105 Pain and soreness (excoriation) of the vulva-KALI BICHROM. Excoriation: red sore spots like ulcerations, with itching during leucorrhcea-CARB. VEG. Excoriated patches on the vulva and perineum-SULPH. Itching. Itching of the mons veneris-EUPAT PERFOL. Prickling at the mons veneris and outer side of the labia and in the inguina-RHUS RAD. Itching in the sexual parts while walking-THUY. Fine stinging itching on the female sexual partsSTAPH. Itching on the sexual parts and leucorrhcea-SABIN. Violent itching in the vagina and sexual partsSULPI. Itching of long standing, on the labia, shortly before the monthly period —MERc. soL. Itching of the sexual parts-NAT. MUR.-SEPIA.SILIC. Itching of the sexual parts, especially in the evening, or while walking, with soreness-ACID NITE. Itching of the external parts, or internally with stinging-CALC. Itching of the sexual parts and in the anus-CARB. VEG. Violent itching in the external genital parts and in the vagina-CONIUM, Pain. Painful sensitiveness and continuous pressure at the mons veneris, and internally in the sexual parts, with 106 EXTERNAL almost constant internal chilliness, while the person is also cold externally, except the face-PLAT. Painful drawing from the breast down through the abdomen into both groins, and then into the genitalsPLAT. Painful sensibility of the female sexual parts; when seated there is an aching sensation-STAPH. Great sensibility and tenderness of the genital parts -VERAT. Pressing and Pressure. Pinching in the abdomen, then in the groins a bearing down alternately with pressure in the sexual organs and increased congestion of blood; at the second day of menstruation when no pain appeared to be present, and the menses as yet flowed only scantily-PLAT. Painless, not disagreeable, pressing down in the sexual parts, after previous voluptuous crawling in themPLAT. Painful sensitiveness and continued pressure internally in the sexual parts, and at the mons veneris, with constant internal chilliness and external coldness except the face-PLAT. Pressure in the sexual parts, causing frequent urination-MERC. SOL. Pain like pressure and drawing together, in the sexual parts, while sitting-THUY. Stitches and Stinging. Stinging in the sexual parts, if she walks far —THY. Violent stitch in the sexual parts, as in the internal organs, with every step-BELL. Stitches in the labia-CoN. SEXUAL PARTS. 107 Sharp stinging, at intervals, from the genitals extend. ing into the right epigastrium, as if a knife was pressed with sudden, more penetrating and sharper thrusts in that direction-CROC..Many fine stitches, heat and burning in the female sexual parts-MAGNET POL. AUS. Stitches in the sexual parts externally, extending upward toward the navel-SEPIA. Smarting. Smarting and itching in the sexual parts, most in the urethra, while urinating and for some time afterwards -THUY. Smarting in the female genital parts, also beside when urinating —STAPH. Swelling. Internal swelling of the inner half of the labiaMERC. SOL. Swelling of the vulva, with milky leucorrhoeaPULSAT. Swelling of both labia, which, while walking and on contact only, have burning pain —THY. Swelling of the left labia majora, upon which a dark hard pustule appears like a small knot, without pain or sensation-BRYON. Swelling and soreness of the labia with itchingAMBR. Swelling of the external genital organs —KALI. BICHROM. Swelling and moist itching eruption of the internal labia-SEPIA. 108 VAGINA AND Swelling of one side of the vagina and labia, withi burning pain-NITR. ACID. * Swelling of the labia during pregnancy-POD. tPELT, Ulceration. (Whitish ulceration upon the internal surface of the labia majora, which at first pains as if sore and aches while handling it,then itching; of long standing)-TAuy. Also-GRAPH.-HEPAR.-PHOS.-SILIC.-THUY. Weakness, Feeling of. Feeling of weakness in the sexual parts-SULPH. DISCHARGE FROM THE VAGINA AND FEMALE URETHRA. Leucorrhmea. Leucorrhoea, principally-ACID NITR.-KALI CARB.LAM. ALB.-LYCOP.-NATR. MUR.-PHOS.-SEPIA. Leucorrhoea of long standing —IGNAT. Discharge of whitish slime from the vagina, succeeding a previous bearing down in the sexual parts, and distension of the abdomen-BELLAD. Yellowish thick leucorrhcea with pain and weakness of the loins, and dull pressing pains in the abdomenKALI BICHROM. Leucorrhoea from one menstrual period to the other, which is mild and leaves behind greenish yellow spots on the linen-THUY. Whites; thick slimy flesh-colored discharge from te1 vagina-NITR. ACID. FEMALE URETHRA. 109 Milky or transparent leucorrhcea without sensationSULPH. ACID. Leucorrhcea in the evening, which disappears at night -A rION. CARB. Watery and burning leucorrhoea —A-AMMON. CARB, Painless leucorrhcea of brownish slime, after every urination —AniMON. MlUR. Leucorrhcea and colic-BELL. Pressing, like bearing down in the sexual patts, with distension ot the abdomen; after the bearing down the abdomen contracts and a whitish slifle flows from the vagina-BELLAD. Flow of mucus from the female urethra-THUY. Flow of mucus from the urethra and vagina —MEZER. Leucorrhoea like the white of eggs, also obstinate and of long standing —MIEZER. Leucorrhoea —CoccuL, Leucorrhcea after the menstrual flow continuing some days —PNos. ACID. (Leucorrhcee, very profuise) —SULPH. (Leucorrhocfa)-HYPERICUM. The Hypericum followed by Sulphur is one of the most important remedies in this affection. ED. (While standing the leucorrhcea passes off in drops with discharge of flatulence) —ARSEN. Discharge of mucus and blood from the vagina, with pains like those of labor —SABIN. Increased flow of mucus from the vagina-GUAJAC. (Increase of the leucorrhcea)-BRYON. Mild leucorrhcea-MERC. SOL. Painless leucorrhcea of thick mucus, milky color, especially remarked when lying down-Puos. G 110 VAGINA AND Milky leucorrhcea with swelling of the parts —PuLsAT. Palish yellow leucorrhoea of loathsome sweetish smell -MERC. SOL. Leucorrhoea with itching of the parts-ARGILL. Leucorrhcea with corrosive smarting, making all the parts in contact sore and raw.-ARSEN. Leucorrhcea before the menstrualflow-CALCAR. Milky leucorrhcea passing off at intervals, and especial. ly during urination-COLoc. Burning itching leucorrhcea-CALCAR. Leucorrhoea only in the morning when rising, none through the day-CARB. VEG. Very profuse leucorrhcea-GRAPH. A very old leucorrhcea disappears entirely, under the action of — OD. So called hysterical cramps of the uterus and abdomen, which at times even extend to the thighs and are succeeded by leucorrhcea-MAGNES. MUR. Very profuse leucorrhcea-NATR. MUR. Watery leucorrhea —SEP. Leucorrhea with itching in the vagina-SEP. Thick slimy leucorrhcea with pinching in the epigastrium-ZINC. Painless discharge of yellow mucus from the vagina -Nux VOM. Copious, tenacious, yellowish leucorrhcea-ACON. Discharge of thready portions of mucus, accompanied with such colic pains passing about in the abdomen, as are usual during the menstrual flow; before the menses -FERR. FEMALE URETHRA 111 Discharge of masses of mucus and matter as large as hazlenuts, from the vagina —MERc. SOL. Purulent leucorrhcea-MEEC. SOL. Discharge of foul smelling mucus from the sexual parts-Nux voM. Habitual leucorrhoea of thick consistence, yellowish, mattery, stinking, and every fourteen days painful discharge of bad smelling blood like water in which flesh has been washed, which permanently disappeared after taking the medicine, and the menses came on regularly, (curative action)- SABIN. Leucorrhcea, which during its discharge excites a pressing in the vagina-CINNAB. Copious milky discharge from the vagina, occasionally itching-SABIN. Leucorrhcea, especially in the evening from eight to ten o'clock, not discharged in drops; appears greenish, and occasions a smarting in the fore part of the sexual organs, so that, especially in the evening and at night, she must continually scratch the parts, which is followed by violent burning-MERc. SOL. Yellow corrosive vaginal leucorrhcea-CHAM. Discharge of acrid, corrosive, watery leucorrhoea from the vagina, after dinner-CHAM. Leucorrhcea from the vagina of transparent mucus, with smartiJg, for ten days-STANN. A leucorrhwea which has previously been painless, becomes now painful, as if the parts were excoriatedFERR. Leucorrhcea of white acrid mucus, which occasions burning-CoNIUv. G2 112 MENSTRUATION, Leacorrhcea with burning pains - PLSAT. Leucorrhcea, thin, acrid -PULSAT. Leucorrhcea like milky water, which (at the commencement,) corrodes and excoriates-FERR. Corrosive leucorrhea-MIERC. SOL. A mattery, corrosive leucorrhcea comes on after a violent spasmodic pressing (bearing down) in the uterusIGNAT. Increase of the leucorrhcea with eructations of bad smelling matter-CALC. Leucorrhaeal discharge of thick transparent mucusPOD. PELT. M ENSTRUA T ION. Diminished, too Tardy and Suppressed Mrenstruation. Menses diminished, too scant; in general-Bov.CROTON. - GRAPH. — OKALI. C.- LACH.~ — MAGN. S.ONATR. MUR.-Nux VOM.- PETROL.*PHOS. — SEPIA.THUY.-*BAPRYT. CARB. —CARB. VEG. —SILIC. Menses retarded, too late; in general-AMM. C.BELL.-BOV.-CA RB. A NIM. —* CAUST.-CHEL.-CCONIUM. *DULC.-HEPAR. S. —*loD- MAGN. MITR.-MAGN. S. — NATR. C.-NATR. MUR.-NITR. ACID.-NUX. MOS.-PHOS. *SEPIA.-SIL.-STRONT.-SULPH. —SULPH. ACID. Menses suppressed; in general-~ACoN.-~AGN.-~ARs. o-BELL. - RRY. —CALC.-CHAM — CHIN.- COCC.*CoN.-"DULC.-FERR.-*GRAPH..-HYOS.-~KALI. C.oLYc.-*MIERC.c.-oMOSCH. *NAT. MUR. — NITR. ACID.*PUL8AT.-*SEPIA..- SILIC.-OSULPH. MENSTRUATION. 118 Menses continue only by day, and when walking, at night little or no discharge-PULSAT. The usually regular menses are much diminished, come on at intervals and unusually, either stronger or weaker-SABAD. Diminution and delay of the monthly period-THuY. Diminished quantity at the monthly period-DULCAM. Menses are delayed many days, even to twenty-five -DULCAM. Menses delayed beyond the proper period of returnGRAPH. Menses three days too late-SEP. The menses appear later —CICUT. Monthly period some days too late-HYos.-IGNAT. Retension of the menses, with coldness of the body, chilliness and trembling of the feet-IGNAT. Retention of the menses for three months beyond the usual time-SULPH. The menses which had been long suppressed, appear again at the new moon, (curative action)-VERAT. The menses which had been many years suppressed, appear again, (curative action) -VERAT. The menses which had disappeared for four years, appear again, (curative action)-STRAM. Suppression of the menses with nausia and inclination to vomit without vomiting, and with full appetite -PULSAT. Suppression of the menses for a long time by fright -LYCOP. Suppressed menstruation-SEPIA. Appearance of the menses which had been suppressed GS 114 MENSTRUATION. for one year, with cutting in the abdomen, and borbo. rigmy, at the time of the new moon, (curative action)STAPH. The menses, wanting for many months, again return at the time of the full moon, (curative action) —PHos. ACID. The expected menses come on after twenty hours and increase during the next twenty-four hours, to some thing over their usual amount, (they had been previously too weak,) up to the normal standard, without any unusual symptoms, (curative action)-MAGNET POL. ARCT. *Retarded menstruation —PoD. PELT. *Suppression of the menses in young Females, with bearing down in the hypogastric and sacral regions, with pain from motion which is relieved by lying down -POD. PELT. Amenorrhea —SANG. CAN. Irregular Menstruation. The menses do not appear for six weeks, and then come on again at the time of the full moon-Nux VOM. The menses come on six days too soon, continue less time and are slighter than usual-Nux \RoM. Menses four days too soon, and in diminished quantity-Nux VOM. The menses appear one day later than usual, and are far more profuse, and flow one day longer than usual; three or four days before the period should set in, there is a painful bearing down, as if the menses would come on-SABAD. MENSTRUATION. 115 The regularly flowing menses are diminished, come on at intervals and irregularly, either stronger or weaker'-SABAD. A discharge of a few drops of blood from the vagina appears fifteen days before the proper time —SEPIA. (The menses continue flowing only during the day, at night there is little or nothing)-PULSAT. Irregularity of the menses —SuLFH. Increase and retarding of the menses, even until the twenty-second, thirty-sixth and forty-eighth daysBELL. oScanty irregular menstruation, with leucorrhoea du. ring the intervals-CoccUL. ~Very irregular menstruation-RUTA. Increased, too Early, and too Long Continued Menstruation; IIenorrhaaitt. Menses too profuse; in general-*Aco. —*ARs.*CALC. C.-*CHIN.-~IGNAT. — IPECAC.-~LYCOP. — MAGN. C.-MERC.-NAT. MIUR.- NITR. AC.-*PLAT.- SABIN.*SAMB.-*SECAL.-~SIL.-SPONG.-STRAM.-SULPH. AC. Menses too soon; in general-ACON.-*AMM. c.ARS.-*CALC.~-*CARB. VEG.-*CON.-*KALI. C.-*NAT. M.- Nux VOM. -*PHOS.-*PLAT.- *PULS.-*SABIN.*SEPIA.-*SIL.-SULPH. and many others. Menses too long continued, usually-CHIN.-CUPR. KREOS.-*NAT. MUR.-NAT. S.-NUX VOM.-OPHOS.*PLAT.O-PULS. -*SECAL.-SULPH. AC. The menses which had disappeared for one day, return again for some hours-Nux voM. It brings the menses again at the full lnoon-Nux VOM. 116 MENSTRUATION. Menorrhagia; renewing the menses fourteen days from the time of their disappearance-IPECAC. Increased menstruation, the blood passes off in large coagulated clots- STRAM. Discharge of blood from the uterus, (menstrual)RHUS. Brings on the menses which had been retained for eleven weeks-RHUS. The menses which were just at the time, came immediately upon the use of the steel bath, and doubly as copious as usual -FERR. Appearance of a discharge of blood from the uterus in the form of menses-SABIN. Blood and mucus are discharged from the uterus with pain like those of labor-SABIN. Three days after menstruation a violent menstrual flow appears anew, with severe labor-like pains. The blood was partly thin, flowing, and partly coagulated, at the same time diminished discharge of red urine with strangury and discharge of slimy fluid from the vagina -SABIN. The menses which had ceased to flow the day previous to taking the medicine come on at once, profusely -ACON. Six days after the menses, discharge of blood again -MERC. SOL. Menses at an unusual period-MANGAN. ACET. Discharge of coagulated dark blood through the vagina, after previous nausea in the pit of the stomach, (in an otherwise healthy female of twenty years, who had not menstruated for one year)-ARNIC. The menses which had some days ceased, come on MENSTRUATION. 117 the next day after the application of the Magnet, and continued to flow for ten days —MAGNET. The menses which had ceased flowing ten days, came on again the next day after the application of the Magnet, but continued only the usual time-MAGNET. The second day of the menses there was a return of the pressure very low in the genitals, (which usually come on only at the first appearance of them and was then very weak,) but now it came on with violence and the discharge was much increased-PLAT. The menses came on in the evening of the day in which the Plat. (half grain) had been given in the morning, and six days too soon; and instead (f continuing three days as usual, it now continued eight days, and occasioned during the day a drawing and very unusual pain in the abdomen-PLAT. The menses are immediately arrested when in full flow, after having continued only two and a half days, (curative action?)-SULPH. Menses four days too soon — BELL. The menses appear in a few hours, sometimes eight days too soon-BRYON. The menses appear fourteen days before their timeBRYON. The menses appear three weeks before their timeBRYON. Menses three days too soon, with cramp in the abdomen-Nux voM. Menses four days before the proper time-Nux VOM. Menses appear at the fourteenth day again-Nux VOM. 118 MENSTRUATION. The menses came on six days too soon and were very profuse —MOSCH. The menses which were expected, came on the first day within four hours after the touch of the south pole of the Magnet, and continued very bright colored and watery —MAGNET POL. AUS. The menses appear again at the fourteenth day —Hos, Menses one day too soon-LEDUM. Menses every fourteen days-LEDUM. The menses which usually came on every three weeks and were very moderate, this time appeared in fourteen days and were very profuse-PLAT. Menses seven days too soon, with distension of the abdomen, and cutting contractive pains in the bowels with every movement and respiration; at the same time a constriction of the rectum CoccUL. Menstruation eight days too soon, with distension of the abdomen, and a pain in the epigastric region, not only with every movement-every step is painful-but also in sitting, as if the lower parts suffered from the sharp pressure of a stone; from external contact the parts are pained, as if there was an internal ulcerationCoccUL. Too early menstruation-ARsEN. Menses too early with vertigo, nausea, feverishness and headache-KALI. BICHR. Menses too soon, at the new moon-MERC. ACET. Menses appear seven days too soon, (a rare alternate effect)-PuLsAT. The menses continue nine days and are very profuse -SABIN. During the menses the flow is very profuse, appears MENSTRUATION. 119 red and comes at intervals, and is especially profuse during movement, the mouth of the uterus is at the same time open-SABIN. Increase of the existing menses even to hemorrhage, the blood passes off in dark coagulated masses-CHIN. Too long continued menses-NAT. MUR. Too long and too profuse menses —SECAL. CORN. Menses more profuse and longer continued than usual-LAUROC. The menses which had flowed the usual time, contin. ue yet six days longer, yet only during movement, not when at rest; there are also cuttings in the abdomen with every flow of blood-MAGNET POL. AUS. The menses appear a week too soon, with discharge of black blood-SAcNG. CAN. The menses flow too profuse and are associated with pains in the abdomen-MERC. SOL. Delay of the menses until the thirty.second, thirtysixth and forty.eighth day, and then more copious than usual. (This delaying menstruation appears as a rarb alternate action of the Bell.)-BELL. The menses come on one day later than usual, are more profuse and continue one day beyond their usual time. Three or four days before their appearance there is a painful pressure or bearing down as if the menses would come on-SABAD. Profuse flow of the menses with loquacious delirium -HYos. Violent excitement to menstruation-CANNAB. More than usually profuse discharge of menstrual blood which smells sour-SULrPH. 120 IIENSTRUATION. The menses are somewhat more profuse and continue longer than usual, and were this time without pain, which is not common-BARYTA ACET. Catamenia profuse-RvHs RAD. Menses eight days too soon, and more copious than usual, but continued only five instead of six or seven days; the discharge thick and coagulated. The succeeding catamenia take place at the proper period — ACID BENZ. At the second day of the menses when usually there is no pain and the flow is quite sparing, there came on a pressure in the sexual parts and increased discharge of blood alternatiug with griping in the abdomen and bearing down in the groins-PLAT. fletrorrhagia,* Uterine hemorihage —ACON.-BELL.-BALS. COPAIV. -CHAM.-(COCCUL.)- FERR. — MERC. SOL.-MOSCH.SCILL. Also - BRYON. — CALC. — kCHIN.- CINNAM.*CRoc.-oHYOS.-*IPECAC.-oIOD. —Nux VOM. —PLAT. — ~PULS.- ORHUS. —*SECAL.-STRAM. ED. *Metrorrhagia of foul smelling blood; also, ~of bright red color, and in clots-BELLAD. Metiorrhagia of dark red blood, with pain the loins and headache-BRYON. Metrorrhagia even in aged persons; also with pains like those of labor, copious discharge of coagulated dark blood, and rending pains in the veins of the legs, also with previous pinching and griping in the uterus — CHAM. * Discharge of blood from the uterus at a period different from that of the menses. MINSTRUATION 121 Metrorrhagia; oafter the abuse of Chamomile; or with discharge of clots of dark blood; with cramp in the uterus, cutting in the abdomen and urging to urin. ate; oin weak feeble persons who have already lost much blood; or with attacks of fainting and convulsionsCHINA. Discharge of bloody water from the vagina-CALC. Hemorrhage from the slightest movement, or with discharge of dark, tenacious, black blood; discharge at time of the new and full moon; ohemorrhage after par. turition; or also in consequence of fright-CPR cus. Metrorrhagia, oespecially with violent excitement of the circulation, firey red face, and profuse discharge of either fluid or dark coagulated blood, with pains like those of labor in the abdomen and loins-FERRUM. Metrorrhagia of bright red blood, or also with con. vulsive movements-HYO.s. *Metrorrhagia oof bright red coagulated blood-IPEC. Violent hemorrhagefrom the vagina, also of long con* tinuance-IOD. Metrorrhagia, also with old females whose menses have long since disappeared-MERc. SOL. Discharge of thick, dark blood, with drawing in the groins: or OMetrorrhagia after parturition or abortionPLAT. Discharge of blood from the uterus in a pregnant female, at the time of the new moon; metrorrhagia with pains like those of labor, and discharge of coagulated clots-RHUS. Metrorrhagia, especially at the critical age; oor, with either suppressed, or profuse discharge of mixed coagu. lated blood-PULSAT. *Metrorrhagia; oin false conception; or oafter abor X22 MENSTRUATION. tion; or, after parturition, with distension of the uterus; or, with formication in the limbs and great prostration; Oor, with discharge of dark fluid blood, flowing especially during any violent movement-SECAL. Metrorrhagia with drawing in the abdomen, thighs and limbs; discharge of dark blood from the uterusSTRAM. Drawings from the loins extending to and affecting the uterus, and discharge of large coagulated clots of blood-CHAM. With violent pains in the uterus like those of labor, copious discharge of coagulated blood with rending pains in the veins of the legs-CRAM. Contracting cramp in the uterus and in the abdomen, like a griping and digging, with severe hemorrhage from the uterus in coagulated clots-Nux voM. Uterine hemorrahage resulting in death-CPoc. Uterine hemorrhage continuing as long as the prover (a girl aged ten years) used the seed-CINA. Hemorrhages from large doses-AsAFOET. Causes uterine hemorrhage —SANG. CAN. Uterine hemorrhage? —LBEL. INF. Abnormal Condition of the MIenstrual Flow. Copious discharge of coagulated blood with violent pains simulating labor, and with tearing pains in the veins of the legs-CHAM. Contracting cramp in the abdomen and in the uterus like a griping and digging, with profuse flow of coagulated blood from the uterus-Nux voM. The menses come on in the night without pain, but MENSTRUATION. 12S three or four times more profuse than usual; after rising she lost large clots of blood-SABIN. Discharge of the menses in coagulated clots —IGNAT. Discharge of clots of blood after the usual menses, occasioned by a slight vexation-RHus. During the menses the blood is thick ar-d dark and flows only at intervals, and only twice in the dayPULSAT. During the menses the flow is increased in quantity and passes off in dark c!ots —CHIN. The blood passes off (in increased menses) in large coagulated clots-STRAM. IDuring the menses the discharge is slight but dark and of offensive, bad smell-IGNAT. Offensive smelling uterine hemorrhage-BELL. Sourish smell f'the profusely flowing menstrual blood-SULPH. Uterine hemorrhage of saffron yellow color-CRoc. The discharge of the menses occasions a severe smart. ing pain in the sexual parts —RHus. The menses which came on every fourteen days with painful discharge of offensive smelling blood like flesh water, and a habitual leucorrhcea of thick consistency, yellowish and stinking, disappears forever and the menses appear regularly, (curative action) —SSABN. The first day, four hours after contact with the south pole of the Magnet, the expected menses came on, but the discharge was very bright colored and wateryMAGNET POL. AUS. The menses appear one day later than usual and less profuse, and the watery blood flows off with violent cuttings in the abdomen —FERR. 124 MENSTRUATION. Flow of watery blood from the female sexual partsTART. EMET. Watery menstruation-STRAM. Complaints Before the Appearance of the Menses. For headache before the menses; in general-ALUM.CALC.- CARB. VEG.- FERR. —HEP.-~LACH.-NAT. C.Nux MOS. —~SULPH. Cramp in the abdomen-CARB. VEG. —CHAM. —COCC. -KALI CARB NUX VOM.-OPULS. Pain in the loins - AMM. CARB.- CAUST.- HYos.MAGN. CARB.-NUX MOS. Leucorrhea —oBARYT. CARB.-CARB. VEG.-~CALC. — KREOS. —LACH.-OPHOS.-SEPIA. Chilliness-CALc.-KALI CARB.-LYCOP.-PULS. Almost continuous loud laughing before the appearance of the menses-HYOS. Before the menses come on, she kisses every one that comes to her-VERAT. Vertigo towards noon, and sweat at night, before the menses-VERAT Stitching headache and singing before the ears, before the appearance of the menses-FERR. Before the menses very frequent urging to urinate and with slight yet painless discharge; she can also resist the urging without pain-AMM. CARB. Dimness of sight, weariness, colic and loss of appetite, before the menses-BELL. MENSTRUATION. 125 Pale face, drawing and pinching in the abdomen, pressing in the rectum, and qualmishness and weakness at the precordia, two days before the menses-IGNAT. Burning in the sexual parts two days before the menses-CALCAR. Before the appearance of the menses heaviness of all the limbs; she was whining and disquieted, careful and anxious about every trifle —CoNuM. Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen like a stone, during the impending menses-PULSAT. Three or four days before the menses, which are one day later and more profuse than usual, painful bearing down-SABAD. Before the appearance of the menses labor pains as in child bed in the uterus, with drawing in the loins and sacrum- Hos. Hysteric pains before the appearance of the mensesHYOs. Cuttings in the abdomen and drawings in the thighs, before the menses-CHAM. Pains around in the abdomen as usual during the menses, and discharge of stringy pieces of mucus from the uterus before the appearance of the menses-FERR. Palpitation of the heart before the menses, also tension in the neck which becomes thicker, and heat which mounts to the head-IOD. Before the menses much heat, great thirst and unquiet nights-KALI cARB. 12a MENSTRUATION. Dilirious talking with weeping the day previous to, and the first day after the appearance of the menses, as if she would become insane-LYcoP. Canine hunger, succeeded by stomach-ache, in the evening before the appearance of the menses-MAGNET. Melancholy, before the appearance of the menses-NAT. MUR. Violent pains in the abdomen attended with fainting, before the appearance of the menses-SEPIA. Troublesome itching on the labia a short time before the menses-MERC. SOL. Eruption of pimples on the right labia, before the menSes-VERAT. Bleeding of the nose before the menses-VERAT. Stitches in the side, excited by movement of the arms, by respiration and loud talking, and by which the arm becomes lame; before the menses and during the flowPULSAT. An indescribable anguish and melancholy, the week before the menses, which goes off with the menstrual flow-STANN. Gouty pains in the elbow joint, shortly before the menses. It seemed as if drawn towards the wrist; she could not hold any thing with the hand or move any of the fingers-SABIN. Lameness of the arm with stitchea in the side, before MENSTRUATION. 127 the appearance of the menses and during the flowPULSAT. Nausea and contractive pains in the stomach in the morning after rising, and through the day, with burning pains in the neck, which are excited after eating, attended with great sensibility of the scalp the day before the menses-SULPH. Burning in the throat like heartburn, immediately before the appearance of the menses —SLPH. Chilliness yawning and stretching, before the appearance of the menses-PULSAT. Symptoms at the Appearance of the MIenses. Peevishness, irritability, and even disposition to quarrel from caprice, during the outbreak of the mensesCHAM. Profuse sweat, headache and nausea at the outbreak of the menses- HYos Rending pain deep in the left ear, at the appearance of the menses —MERc. SOL. Catarrh and obstruction of the nose during the out. break of the menses —MAGNET. Symptoms During the Mlenstrual Flow. Headache during the menstrual ftow-ALUM.-CALC. -CARB. VEG.-*GRAPH. —IGNAT.-KALI CARB.-LYCOP. -*MAGN. CARB.-NAT. CARB.-NAT. MUR.-NUX VOM. -PHOS. —PULS.-SULPH.-VERAT. H 128 MENSTRUATION. Chilliness - AMM. CARB.- BERB.- KREOS.-*MAGN, CARB. - NAT. CARB.- NUX VOM. - PHOS. - *PuLS.SULPH.-ZINC. Cramp in the abdomen-OCoNIUM.-OGRAPH.-IGNAT. -LACH.-NUX VOM.- SEPIA.-*SULPH. Pain in the abdomen-ALuM.-*AMM. CARB.-GRAPH. -OIGNAT.-KALI CARB.- MAGN. CARB. NAT. MUR.*SULPH. Griping in the abdomen-*ALUM.-BAR. C.-CALC.NITR.-PHOS.-PLAT.-SASS. Cutting in the abdomen-*CARB. VEG.-*CAUST.KALI CARB.-MAGN. CARB.-~PHOS. Pain in the back-AMM. MUR.-*BERB. CARB. VEG. -*CAUST. GRAPH.-KALI CARB.-*PHOS.-SEPIA. Pain in the extremities *SEPIA.-VERAT. Pain in the loins-AMM. CARB.- *BERB.- CAUST.GRAPH.- IOD.- KALI CARB.- LACH.- LYCOP.MAGN. CARB.-NAT. CARB.- SULPH. Toothache-AMM. CARB.-BOV.-*CALC.- GRAPH.KALI CARB.-NAT. MUR.-PHOS.-SEPIA. Faintness-BERB.-CALC.-~GRAPH.-LYCOP.-NATR. MUR.-NuX VOM. Nausea-GRAPH.-KALI CARB.-LYCOP.-MAGN. CARB. -NAT. CARB.-NUX VOM.-PHOS.-PULS.-VERAT. Vomiting-OCA RB. VEG.-KALI CARB. —PHOS. Weakness -GRAPH.- IOD.-LYCOP.-MAGN. CARB.NITR. ACID.-NUX VOM.-SEPIA. Palpitation of the heart — OIGNAT. — NITR. ACID~ PHOS. Diarrhoea-ALUM.- CAUST.- KREOS.- MAGN. CARB. — oVERAT. Soreness of the parts-GRAPH.-KALI CARB.-*SILIC. KXSTRBATION. 129 Anguish of the heart, during the menses-BELL. Anxiety so that she knows not what to do with her. self during the menses —ME.C. SOL. Excessive loquacity during the menses-STRAM. Delirious loquacity with profuse discharge of menses -HYos. Headache, especially in the morning, with inclination to vomit, in the evening diminution of the headache du. ring the flow of the menses, (which had not come on in six weeks) —VERAT. Pain in the occiput, as from an abscess in the brain or a subcutaneous ulceration, when lying down it aches much worse than when standing, at the time of the menses-Nux VOM. Darkness before the eyes, worse when in the warm room, during the menses —PULsAT. The menses appear at the proper time but more free. ly than usual, with less pain and weakness in the sacrum, but with pain in the right side of the head and forehead, and a feeling as if the eyes would be pressed out of the head, worse on the right side, (seventh day) SANG. CANAD. Buzzing in the ears, pain in all the limbs and great thirst during the menses-VERAT. Great thirst during the menses —BeLL. Pain in the back during the menstrualfiow-CAUST. Extreme yellowness of the face during the mensesCAUTr. Nausea with chill and attacks of raintness during the menses-Nux VOM. H2 1 0 ME NSTRUATION. Inclination to vomit and pressure in the pit of the stomach, duriug the menses-CAPSIC. Nausea at night with reaching and rising of water like worm symptoms during the menstrual flow —PULsAT. Crawling upwards in the throat, evening after lying down, during the menses —Nux voM. Violent toothache day and night, especially during eating, somewhat relieved by warm cloths and by pressure, during the monthly flow —AMM. CARB. Pains in the stomach (heartache, cardialgia,) during the menses PULSAT. Pain in the abdomen during the too profuse menstruation-M ERC. SOL. An outward pressing pain in the side of the abdomen, during the menses-Nux voiM. Bearing down pain like a stone in the abdomen and sacrum, with which the lower limbs while sitting are liable to go to sleep, with empty fruitless urging to evacuation by stool —PULSAT. (Spasmodic and almost burning pains during the menses)-PULsAT. Cramps in the abdomen during the menses, which appear three days too soon-Nux voM. Fainting turns in the morning, also coming on after cramps in the abdomen, and followed by lassitude and chill on rising, during the menses-Nux voM. MENSTRUATION. 131 Distension of the abdomen and pain in the epigastri. um, not only during every movement but also during sitting, as if the inner parts received the sharp pressure of a stone; upon external contact the parts are painful, as from an internal ulceration, during the menses which are eight days too early-CoccUL. Cutting and contractive pains in the abdomen during every movement and respiration, with distension of the abdomen and contraction of the rectum during the menses which are seven days too early-CoccUL. Violent cuttings in the abdomen during the menses, which are too scanty and one day too late-FERR. Cuttings in the abdomen whenever the blood passes off, during the profuse menses —MAGNET POL. AUS. Drawing pains in the abdomen and limbs, during the too profuse discharge of the menses-STRAM. Drawing pains in the abdomen during the menses which are six days too early and continue five days longer than usual-PLAT. Griping in the abdomen; then bearing down in both groins alternating with pressure in the sexual parts, and increased discharge of blood; at the second day of the menses when usually there was no pain and the blood only flowed sparingly-PLAT. Severe pains like labor pains in the uterus, and rend. ing pains in the blood vessels of the thighs with copious discharge of coagulated blood-CHAM. Violent griping and labor-like pains during the menses, (which had come on anew after an interval of three days.) The blood was in part thin and fluid, and partly coagulated-SABIN. H3 132 MENSTRUATION. Griping, stinging cuttings from the pit of the stomach to the abdomen, also in the back and in the sides of the abdomen; she must sit bent over and bowed together on account of the pain, with loud sighing, complaining and weeping, and with loud eructatations, during the menses-ARSEN. Flow of urine and perspiration, during the mensesHYOS. The mouth of the uterus is open,the blood is not red, flows very profuse and at intervals, and is especially profuse on movement, during the menses-SABIN. Pressure very low in the genitals, during the menses -PLAT. A sort of stinging pains under the left breast, during the menses-CAUST. Stitches in the sides excited by movement of the arms, by respiration and laughing, by which the arm becomes lame, during and before the appearance of the menses-PULSAT. Pain in the side for two days, which disappears by sweating, during the menses-PULSAT. Stitches in the chest on breathing, during the menses -PULSAT. Crampy rending pains here and there in the back or in the arms, during the menses-BELL. Pains in the abdomen, urging and pressing like labor pains, anxious pains in the loins and back commencing MENSTRUATION. 133 with titillation, violent eructations and stitching jerking pains in the teeth, during the menses-GRAPH. Lameness of the arm and stitches in the side during and before the menses-PULSAT. Pains in the abdomen, putrid taste in the mouth, rumbling of the bowels, great lassitude and sleepiness, during the menses-KALI CARB. Rending pains in the left arm and in the right thigh, after the siesta, during the menses-Nux voM. Violent itching over the whole body, during the menses-KALI CARB. Violent pains in the sacrum with fever, etc., supervening suppression of the menses and during their flow -LOBEL INF. Frequent diarrhcea during the menses-Bov. Acidity in the mouth and coated tongue during the menses-LYcoP. Faintishness (about two in the afternoon) and head. ache, as if the eyes would fall out of the head; she could not hold up the head, began to be chilly even to shivering, and an hour after had an internal burning heat and dry lips-Nux voM. Violent pains in the loins in the morning on rising; she was not able to move for some minutes; experienced during the menstrual flow-LYcoP. Violent trembling of the hands and feet as though she was convulsed and beside herself, during the menses-HyOS. Rank (lascivious?) odor from the body during the menses-STRAM. 134 MENSTRUATION. Nightly sweat on the chest, yawning and chills running over the back, dtring the citamenia-BELL. Violent continued rending pains in both sides of the head, or in the vertex, or in the neck, which are only slightly diminished at night, during the mensesMAGNET. Spasmodic contraction of the knee during the menses; she could not stretch out the leg-PHos. Rending pains in the vagina, during the mensesSILIC. Perspiration during the menstrual flow-HYos. Violent pains in the abdomen during the menses, with great heat, chill and a sort of epilepsy, in which she became rigid, with spasmodic drawing of the mouth to one side, tossing to and fro, without being able to speak, and with cold forehead and hands-SULPH. Spasmodic pains in the abdomen during the menses, as if the viscera were contracted into knots, she cannot lie or walk, but must sit upright-SULPH. Symptoms After the Menses. In general-PHos. ACID. Flow of bloody mucus from the vagina, after the menses-ARSEN.-CANTH.-ZINC. Chill, cuttings in the abdomen and diarrhcea soon after the menses-GRAPH. Coldness in the back in the evening, and waking after midnight with cramps and coldness in the stomach, which continues until noon, at the conclusion of the menses-KALI CARB. Sobbing and whimpering after the menses-STRAM. MENSTRUATION. 135 Erysipelas on the left cheek, immediately after the menses-STRAM. Leucorrhcea continuing for some days after the menses-ACID PHOS.-OL. TEREBINTH. Violent pains in the loins as if bruised, especially when stooping, during the menses-MAGNES. The head remains confused and heavy as from congestion, after the menstrual flow-NAT. MUR. Discharge of blood daily during the stool, with pains as from excoriation, after the menses-GRAPH. Great weakness, with*blue circles around the eyes, and anxiety, after the menstrual flow-PHos. Itching-externally of the nose for many days after the menses-SULPH. N. B. The SIGNS occasionally found in the preceding pages, are used in the same signification as in ordinary Homceopathic books, viz: The symptoms found in the ordinary text are the pure pathogenetic effects of the drug. Those inclosed in parenthesis () are such as have been added by the author. Those prefixed by the asterisk * are such as have been confirmed by cures. Those prefixed by the raised cypher~ are such as have been observed to disappear under the action of the drug, without having been observed as a pathogenetic effect. Those written in italics are such as have been repeatedly confirmed in practice, or are characteristic. GENERAL INDEX. Abortion,..................................................... 91, 98 " precursors of........................... 98 " predisposition to,......................................98 Aching in the sexual parts,....................................11 " " glans,......................................... 30 " " penis,........................................ 48 " " spermatic cord,.............53.' " testicles,.........................................57 " " urethra,...................15 After pains,........................................................95 Amarausis from masturbation,........................... 99 Amenorrhcea, see menstruation,..................... 112 Bearing down,.............................................. 91 Biting or smarting in the glans..................... 30 ". " prepuce and fraenum,............42 " " " urethra........................ 15 Biting itching of prepuce and fraenum,.......................42 Boring, sensation of, in the penis..................... 48 Burning in the sexual parts,.................11 " " female parts,...................... 103 " " glans,.............................................30 Burning, complicated, in the glans,...........................31 " " penis,...................................48. " t prepuce and freenum,... 39 " " scrotum,...................... 68 " " urethra,.................................16." " vagina,.................................101 Buzzing in the sexual parts,....................................11 Cancer of the uterus,.................................... 96 Catamenia, see menstruation..................................112 Chilliness before the menses................. 124 " during the menses,.................................28 138 GENERAL INDEX. Choice or selection of the medicine,.............................. Chancres of the prepuce and frsenum.........................47 " on the glans, see ulceration of,.....................37 Coldness of the sexual parts,...................................11 t" " prepuce and glans,..........................31 i " prepuce and freenum,.......................40 " " scrotum,................................ 66 " " testicles,.......................................60 Color of the skin, changed,........................12 Condylomati on the prepuce and freenum,..................40 ( g " plans,.31 " " glans,.......................................31 Contraction, sensation of, in the testicles,.....................58 in the urethra. 18 " in the urethra,........................................18 " " scrotum,................................. 66 Constrictive pain in the glans,...............................31 " t " female sexual parts,................100 f" " " penis,..................................49 I " " testicles,..............................58 " " " urethra,...............................9 Contusion, pain as from, in the testicles,....................57 Crawling in the female parts,.................103 " " glans,...........................................31." " prepuce and fraenum,.......................46 " " scrotum,................................. 68 " testicles,..........................56 " " urethra,................................. 19 Cramp in the abdomen before the menses,................124 "'. " during the menses,............... 0 Cramping pain in the testicles,................................58 Cutting in the female parts,............................... 104 " " penis,............................................49 " " spermatic cord..................................53 " " scrotum................................. 67 " " testicles,...........................................58 ~' " urethra,................................. 20 " " abdomen before the menses,................131 " " " during the menses................128 Deficient sexual desire.........................................85 Delaying menses, see menses too late,......................11 Diminished menses,............................................122 Discharge, seminal,................................................8 GENERAL INDEX. 139 Discharge of prostatic fluid,....................................82 " from the male urethra,............................... 27." " vagina and female urethra,...........108 Dose, size of,.........................................................6 Drawing in the glans,.................................. 3..82 " " penis,............................................49 " " spermatic cord,................................54 " " testicles.....................................59 " " urethra,..........................................20 Dragging down in the spermatic cord,....................... 64 Dropsy of the ovaries,..............................100 Emission, see seminal discharge,.............................. 8 Erections,....................................7.........4........... 4 " painful..............................................7 " deficientful,......................................7.......... 8 " deficient.'.......................... 78 Eruption on the penis,............................................49 " " prepuce and fraenum,.......................41 " " scrotum,............................. 67 " " sexual parts,...............................12." " female sexual parts,.......................104 Erosion of female parts,.........................104 Excess, sexual,................................................. 88 Excitement of sexual desire.....................................71 ". " with impotence,................84 Excoriation of female parts,.................... 1.... 04 Excresences on the glans,............................ 32 " " penis,........................................49 d" " prepuce and freenum....................40 " " scrotum,....................................67 External female sexual parts, symptoms of,...............103 Explanation of signs,............................................136 Form in which medicine should be administered,............ 7 Flacidity of the penis.............................................49 Fraenum, symptoms of,....................39 Gangrene of sexual parts,............................ 12 Glans, symptoms of,.......................30 Gonorrhcea,.........................................................27 Headache before the menses,..................................124 Heat of the sexual parts,.................................. 11 140 GENERAL INDEX. Heat of the testicles.............................................60 Heaviness, sensation of, in the glans,........................32 Hemorrhage from the uterus, metrorrhagia,................ 120 Hydrocele,.........................................................65 Impotence with increased sexual desire,.....................84 t " " deficient sexual desire,......................85 Inflammation of the glans......................................34 " " penis,......................................50 " " ovaries,......................... 100." " prepuce and fraenum,...................43 " " scrotum,....................... 67 " " urethra,.............................21 Increased or too profuse menses,..........................115 " secretion from the glans,...........................38 Induration of the ovaries,......................................100 Irregular menstruation,..................................... 114 Itching of the glans,.............................................32 " penis,...........................................50 " " prepuce and fraenum,.................. 41 " " sexual parts,....................................12 " " scrotum,...............................67 " " testicles,............................. 68 " in the urethra,............................22 " and burning of the scrotum.......................68 " ".." female parts,...................105." " prickling of the glans,...........................32 Jerking pains in the penis.............................. " in the spermatic cord,...................... 56 and twitching in the spermatic cord,..............56 " " " of the testicles,......................60 Knots on the female parts,..................... 104 " " scrotum,.............................................67 Labor, pains similating,............................ 91 Labor pains, deficient,...................................95." false,.....................95 " " irregular,.........................................95 s" suppressed'............................... 95 " " too violent,................... 95 Leucorrhoa,.......................................... 108 GENERAL INDEX. 141 Male sexual organs, symptoms of,............................... 15 Masturbation, treatment of,.....................................89 Menstruation diminished, too tardy and suppressed,......112 " increased, too soon and too long continued,.115 " irregular.......1............................ 14 Menorrhagia,...................................................1 15 Metrorrhagia,............................................ 120 Menstrual flow, abnormal condition of,......................122 Menses, symptoms before the appearance of...............124 " " at the appearance of,................. 127.. " during the flow,.........................127 "' " after the,.................................134 Ovaries, dropsy of the..........................................100 inflammation of,................................ 100 " induration of,..........................................100 " pain in the,......................................100 Pain in the back during the menses.........................128 " " " before the menses.........................128 Pain in the loins during the menses,.......................128 " " " before the menses,................8........ 8 Pain, simple, in the prepuce and freenum,.....................43 I." " female parts........................ 105 " " " scrotum,..................69." " testicles,................... 60 " " " urethra,................................. 22 " " " vagina....................................101 Painful erections,................................................. Paraphimosis, retraction of the prepuce....................44 Penis, symptoms of,.......................................... 48 Pinching pain in the urethra,...................................23 Prickling of the glans,..........................................33." prepuce and freenum...................... 42 " " scrotum,......................68 Prepuce, symptoms of,..........................................39 Pressing in the female parts,......................06 " " urethra,........................................ 15 Prolapsus of the uterus,.........................................96 " " vagina,......................................01 Prostatic fluid, discharge of,....................................82 Raking pains in the penis.......................................51 142 GENERAL IDEX. Rawness of the scrotum................................. 69 Redness of the glans,.............................................34 " " prepuce and frenum,..........................43 Rhagades on the prepuce and fraenum,................. 45 Relaxation of the scrotum,.........68 Relaxed, low hanging testicles,............................61 Rending pains in the penis,................52 )" " " prepuce and fraenum,................. 47 ". " spermatic cord,....... 55.. 65 " " scrotum,..................69 " " " testicles,..............................61 " " " urethra,..................................26 Repetition of the medicine,......................................8 Retraction of the penis,.........................61.." prepuce, paraphimosis,..................44 " " testicles,............................. 61 Scratching pain in the urethra,................................23 Scrotum, symptoms of.........................................66 Secretion from the glans increased,.................... 38 Seminal emissions,...............................................q8.." symptoms during,........................83 " " symptoms after...........................83 Sensibility increased, of sexual parts.........................12 Sexual desire increased,.......................................71..." excitement of, with impotence,.............84 " " deficient,.............................. 85 Sexual excess, treatment of,....................................88 Skin, color of, changed,..........................................12 Sexual parts, female symptoms occurring in,........ 103 Smarting in the female parts,............. 107 " " vagina,.......................................101 Soreness of the penis............................................52. " prepuce and freenum,.......................45 " " scrotum,..........................................69 " " testicles,.......................................62 " " urethra.......................................23 " " vagina..................................101 Spasmodic pain in the vagina,................................101 " " " female parts, external,...........103 Spermatic cord, symptoms of,..................................53 Spots on the glans,..........................3.............. 36 GENERAL INDEX. 143 Spots on the prepuce and fienum,.............................41 Stinging in the glans.............................................36 " " penis,.........................................51 prepuce and frainum,........................46 " " external female parts,.....................106 " testicles,..62 " urethra,..........................................24 " " vagina,...............102 Stitches in the external female parts,.................... 106 " glans,............................................ " " penis,.............................................51 " " prepuce and freenum,......................... 46." " sexual parts,......................12 " " scrotum,........................................70 " " spermatic cord,................................. 56 " " testicles,.........................................62 " " urethra,..........................................24 " " tagina,..............................102 Strangling pain in the testicles,...............................62 Suppressed menstruation.......................................12 Sweat of the sexual parts,........................................13 " " scrotum.....................................'......70 Swelling of the external female parts,.................. 107 " glans,...........................................34 " " penis,................................... 50 " prepuce and frenum,.........................43 " " neck of the uterus,................97 " " scrotum,................... 70 " " spermatic cord,...................... 56 " " sexual parts,.............. 13 " " testicles,.......................... 63 " " vagina,.......................... 102 Symptoms before the menses,.................................124 at the appearance of the menses,...............127 during the menses...............................157 " after the menses,................................134 Tearing pains in the glans,................................ 37 " " " penis,......................52 Tension in the spermatic cord,............................... 56 Testicles, symptoms of..............................57 144 GENERAL INDEX. Throbbing in the scrotum,.......................................1 " " urethra,............................... 26 Thrust in the penis,.............................................53 Titillation in the glans,.......................................... 36." " prepuce and frenum,........................46 Trembling in the scrotum,............................71 Twitching in the glans,........................................ 37 " of the prepuce,......................................47 " spermatic cord..............................56 " in the urethra,............................... 27 Ulceration of the external female parts,....................108..." glans,............................... 37." prepuce and fraenum,.......................47." " uterus, (cancerous)...........................96 " " vagina,............................... 102 Urethra (male) symptoms of,....................................15 " " discharge from,................................27 " (feiale) discharge from,............................108 Uterus, symptoms of,............................... 96 cancer of,........................................ 96 p ain in the,...............................................96 p rolapsus of the,........................................ 96 " swelling of the neck,.................................. 97 Vagina, symptoms of,.........................................101 Vesicles on the external female parts,......................104 glans,...........................................38 )" " prepuce and frsenum,.......................48 Vibratory sensation in the genitals,...........................11 Vibrating, sensation of, in testicles,...........................64 Weakness, sensation of, in the sexual parts,.........13, 108 W eight, sensation of, in the testicles,...................66