Am S / k' GREEK TABLES FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS. ALPHEUS CROSBY, PROFESSOIC OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURB IN DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. _ — E==-=Z- == —S = i ------- Vos exemplaria Graeca Nocturna versate mnanu, versate diurna. HORaCE. STEREOTYPE EDITIOM. BOSTON: CROSBY AND NICHOLS, 117 WASHINGTON STREET. 1864. - "The LANGUAGE OF THE GREEKS was truly like themselves, it was conformable to their transcendent and universal Genius. ** * * THE GREEK TONGUE, from its propriety and universality, is made for all that is great, and all that is bcanutful, in every Subject, and under every Form of writing."- Harris's Hermes, Bk. II. Ch. 5. " Greek, -the shrine of the genius of the old world; as universal as our race, as individual as ourselves; of infinite flexibility, of indefatigable strength, with the complication and the distinctness of nature herself; to which nothing was vulgar, from which nothing was excluded; speaking to the ear like Italian, speaking to the mind like English; with words like pictures, with words like the gossamer film of the summer; at once the variety and picturesqueness of Homer, the gloom and the intensity of IEschylus; not compressed to the closest by Thucydides, not fathomed to the bottom by Plato, not sounding with all its thunders, nor lit up with all its ardors even under the Promethean toolih of Demosthenes " Coleridge's Study of the Greek Classic' Poets, Geal. Introd. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by ALPHEUS CROSBY, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Distiict of New Hampshire PREFACE TO THE TABLES. THE following tables have been prepared as part of a Greek Gram. mar. They are likewise published separately, for the greater convenience and economy in their use. The advantages of a tabular arrangement are too obvious to require remark; nor is it less obvious, that tables are consulted and compared with greater ease when printed together, than when scattered throughout a volume. The principles upon which the Tables of Paradigms have been constructed, are the following: — I. To avoid needless repetition. There is a certain ellipsis in grammatical tables, as well as in discourse, which relieves not only the material instruments of the mind, but the mind itself, and which assists alike the understanding and the memory. When the student has learned that, in the neuter gender, the nominative, accusative, and vocative are always the same, why, in each neuter paradigm that he studies, must his eye and mind be taxed with the examination of nine forms instead of three? why, in his daily exercises in declension, must his tongue triple its labor, and more than triple the weariness of the teacher's earl With the ellipses in the following tables, the paradigms of neuter nouns contain only eight forms, instead of the twelve which are usually, and the fifteen which are sometimes, given; and the paradigms of participles and of adjectives similarly declined contain only twenty-two forms, instead of the usual thirty-six or forty-five. See ~I 4. II. To give the forms just as they appear upon the Greek page, that is, without abbreviation and without hyphens. A dissected and abbreviated mode of printing the paradigms exposes the young student to mistake, and familiarizes the eye, and of course the mind, with fragments, instead of complete forms. If these fragments were separated upon analytical principles, the evil would be less; but they are usually cut off just where convenience in printing may direct, so that they contain, sometimes a part of the affix, sometimes the whole affix, and sometimes the affix with a part of the root. Hyphens are useful Viii PREFACE TO THIE TABLEE. in the analysis of forms, but a table of paradigms seems not to be the most appropriate place for them. In the following tables, the affixes are given by themselves, and the paradigms are so arranged in columns, that the eye of the student will usually separate, at a glance, the root from the affix. III. To represent the language according to its actual use, and not according to the theories or fancies of the Alexandrine and Byzantine grammarians. Hence, for example, 1. The first perfect active imperative, which has no existence in pure writers, has been discarded. 2. F'or the imaginary imperative forms UTaU90, Tit&eT, 6Sl06D iElYr.vr&t, have been substituted the actual forms ii'iri, Tl&et, Slhov, 3. Together with analogical but rare forms, have been given the usual forms, which in many grammars are noticed only as exceptions or dialectic peculiarities. Thus, fovIEvTcoaarc and iov1JevrOttoY, JovEUivaoeLS and flov)zaoestxS, EiBflovlRExevv ev and!flEfovoXEv'XsYe (~ 34); [ovsEviua&oaar and %ovevre'U&eov, povAesveDrxjuuv and [ov4evY-sv (~ 35); Eiglsv and Eri&ovv (~ 50); s and a0oa, 0FeTat and'~UraT (~ 55). 4. The second future active and mzddle, which, except as a euphonic form of the first future, is purely imaginary, has been wholly rejected. IV. To distinguish between regular and irregular usage. What student, from the common paradigms, does not receive the impression, sometimes never corrected, that the second perfect and pluperfect, the second aorist and future, and the third future belong as regularly to the Greek verb, as the first tenses bearing the same name; when, in point of fact, the Attic dialect, even including poetic usage, presents only about fifty verbs which have the second perfect and pluperfect, eighty-five, which have the second aorist active; fifty, which have the second aorist and future passive; and forty, which have the second aorist middle? The gleanings of all the other dialects will not double the-se numbers. Carmichael, who has given us most fully the statistics of the Greek verb, and whose labors deserve all praise, has gathered, from all the dialects, a list of only eighty-eight verbs which have the second perfect, one hundred and forty-five which have the second aorist active, eighty-four which have the second aorist passive, and fifty-eight which have the second aorist middle. And, of his PREFACE TO THE TABLESo ix catalogue of nearly eight hundred verbs, embracing the most common verbs of the language, only fifty-five have the third future, and, in the Attic dialect, only twenty-eight. To some there may appear to be an impiety in attacking the venererable shade of 1rtrrco, but alas! it is little more than a shade, and, with all my early and long cherished attachment to it, I am forced, after examination, to exclaim, in the language of Electra, and to ask why, age which professes such devotion to truth, a, and to ask why, in an age which professes such devotion to truth, a false representation of an irregular verb should be still set forth as the paradigm of regular conjugation, and made the Procrustes' bed to which all other verbs must be stretched or pruned. The actual future of tvtrro is not rVCow, but rv7rr[law, the perfect passive is both ETUv/pat and TEVU'Tuyatl, the aorists are in part dialectic or poetic, the first and second perfect and pluperfect active are not found in classic Greek, if, indeed, found at all, and the second future active and middle are the mere figments of grammatical fancy. And yet all the regular verbs in the language must be gravely pronounced. defective, because they do not conform to this imaginary model. In the following tables, the example of Kiihner has been followed, in selecting jov).,rc as the paradigm of regular conjugation. This verb is strictly regular, it glides smoothly over the tongue, is not liable to be mispronounced, and presents, to the eye, the prefixes, root, and affixes, with entire distinctness throughout. This is followed by shorter paradigms, in part merely synoptical, which exhibit the different classes of verbs, with their varieties of formation. From the common paradigms, what student would hesitate, in writing Greek, to employ the form in -ysr9ov, little suspecting that it is only a variety of the first person dual, so exceedingly rare, that the learned Elmsley (perhaps too hastily) pronounced it a mere invention of the Alexandrine grammarians? The teacher who meets with it in his recitation-room may almost call his class, as the crier called the Roman people upon the celebration of the secular games,' to gaze upon that which they had never seen before, and would never see again." In the secondary tenses of the indicative, and in the optative, this form does not occur at all; and, in the remaining tenses, there have been found only five examples, two of which are quoted by Atheneus from a word-hunter (3rouaxo o xg~ag), whose affectation he is ridiculing, while the three classical examples are all poetic, oc X PREFACE TO THE TABLES. rurring, one in Homer (I1. W. 485), and the other two in Sophocles (El. 950 and Phil. 1079). And yet, in the single paradigm of tszTnr, as I learned it in my boyhood, this " needless Alexandrine, " Which, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along," occurs no fewer than twenty-six times, that is, almost nine times as often as in the whole range of the Greek classics. With respect to the manner in which these tables should be used so much depends upon the age and attainments of the student, that no directions could be given which might not require to be greatly modified in particular cases. I would, however, recommend, 1. That the paradigms should not be learned en masse, but gradually, in connection with the study of the principles and rules of the grammar, and with other exercises. 2. That some of the paradigms should rather be used for reference, than formally committed to memory. It will be seen at once, that some of them have been inserted merely for the sake of exhibiting differences of accent, or individual peculiarities. 3. That, in learning and consulting the paradigms, the student should constantly compare them with each other, with the tables of terminations, and with the rules of the grammar. 4. That the humble volume should not be dismissed from service, till the paradigms are impressed upon the tablets of the memory as legibly as upon the printed page, - till they have become so familiar to the student, that whenever he has occasion to repeat them, "6 the words,' in the expressive language of Milton, " like so many nimble and airy servitors, shall trip about him at command, and in wellordered files, as he would wish, fall aptly into their own places." In the present edition, the Tables of Inflection have been enlarged by the addition of the Dialectic Forms, the Analysis of the Affixes, the Changes in the Root of the Verb, &c. Tables of Ligatures, of Derivation, of Pronominal Correlatives, of the Rules of Syntax, and of Forms of Analysis and Parsing, have also been added. Some references have been made to sections in the Grammar. A. C. HANOVER, Sept. 1, 1846. *** The volume of Tables contains pp i, ii, vii - xii, 9- 84. CONTENTS. TABLES. I. TABLES OF ORTHOGRAPHY AND ORTHOEP Y. Page. Paga A. ALPuABEr,.D. 9 C. VocA E ears, I I B. LIGATURES e o. 10 II. TABLES OF ETYMOLOGY. Introductory Remarks,. 12 Syncopated, -ceJ~rn, &M'e, A. TABLEs OF DECLENSION. C. Liquid-Mute, r. Affixes of the Three Declen- x;vw, OL'g;,,yfya, 4pwae, sions,.... 1 1 17 n. Analysis of the Affixes,. 13 D. Pure. m. Nouns of Declension I. a. Masculine and Feminine, A. Masculine, raziacs, aver;,,,;, ie'; T, o;, d;,;'Aq~esd'inc, G*9;, wag;, Y&va s, rO~e;G~) 0 D. e14 isxV, 05 erieX5 e L8 B. Feminine, sxctz, ve ai, a;4wS, "wxe&;, 7yooca,,ebae, pyC'R, 14 r lnealcs;,'HelxaXin;9 19 Dialectic Forms,. o 14. Neuter, s7Xo;,/ aiouv, Tyi Iv. Nouns of Declension II. 0,... l 9 A. Masculine and Feminine, Dialectic Forms,. e 19 AY0odS ~1u&o;, i5e,,6o5), Ph, 15 vi. Irregular and Dialectic DeB. Neuter, oa9ov,:rreoPv, o.0 clension, Z's;, O1;)o;vU rx0V;, etov, rbCsov, Va; yewy, e 15 v(45;, ag;, Ne;v, oarios, lor, u,, Dialectic Forms,. 0 15 roXs;,'Ohvovav, Ici.rteOXXo;, 20 v. Nouns of Declension III. vIa. Adjectives of Two TerminaA. Mute, tions. 1. Labial, yv,,, xi',~, 16 A. Of Declension II., lalrog, 2. Palatal, ao;, a, 5'6, e1 iyadi'sc;,.e 21 X&y,,;g. 16 B. Of Declension III., "Pii,, 8. Lingual. SVXae'i~ ~;Jiu, ra; 4,;, tsj,a. Masculine and Femi-,... 21 nine, zarS;, sroS;,`aYag, vni. Adjectives of Three TermiaejCs, X.s;, 16 nations.,3. Neuter, ao-4ea, 0;g, A. Of Declensions II. and I., aie, xEa;, USa;, O 16 PiI oa, -.. 22 B. Liquid, Contracted, Xevo'o;s, ajxoo;, 2~ xssi,, Xipe)Yv, i;, 3gn', ef B. Of Declensions III. and I.,,ge,,; e) 17 a;fh, a;s, Xae;lhi, vL;5,. 23 Xii CONTENTS. Page. Page. C. Of the Three Declensions, Lx. Active Voice of plouvsx,. 42 iyas,5 ~sri5i,.r.. 23 x. Middle and Passive Voices of Homeric Forms of sror5;, 24 PovXEVa,. o0 44 ~rfPoao..... e e24 xI. (A.) Mute Verbs. Ix. Numerals, ~.5, ors;s, Udo, /Cz6 i. Labial, 1. /tgw, o 47 lPG, r~e75, oiom.e~5,. o 24 2. Xers,, o 48 x. Participles, tlovxv6yw, eTIPeoa, ii. Palatal, roea,. 49 Foivzs, XrsXv,.. 25 iii. Lingual, 1. as6,,. 50 /e;ae, fCYEs)e eAgs5;, iea'4,r 2. XebiC4)s'. 51 oe0s, s;.. 26 xII. (B.) Liquid Verbs. xi. Substantive Pronouns. 1.?yyiXXs,.. 52 A. Personal, siy,, a, ov,. 27 2. bal,... 54 B. Reflexive, iecavwor, rs0cv- Iu. (C.) Double Consonant Verbs. Tro, ali-et, e * o 28 1. aAba. or au yG ew, 55 C. Reciprocal, &XX4aXv,. 28 2. xMsxqtts, sXey6./c., 55 D. Indefinite, TYva,.. 28 xv. (D.) Pure Verbs. x. Adjective Pronouns. i. Contract, A. Definite. 1. q-eI, o, 0 56 Article o, Iterative abir$;, 2.;pXia., o 58 Relative o';, Demonstrative S. nxAow, O. 60 M', Possessive,. 29 ii. Verbs in -pc, Demonstrative oar'so, aaeeo- 1. e'6re7,. o. 62 To",.. 30o 2. eroai~:, o o 63 B. Indefinite. S. q-,ia, o,. 64 Simple IndefiniteA is, Inter- 4.;hwpur,. o. 66 rogative.rI;, Relative Indef- 5. hEevvzt, o e. 68 inite strr;, 0 0. S0 6. 0,/n, e. ~ 69 B. TABLE OF NUMIERAuLS. i4, 7. 70 I, Adjectives. 9.,i,. 72 1. Cardinal, 2. Ordinal,. S1 iii. Second Aorists, S. Temporal, 4. Multiple, 1. i',,.. O 73 5. Proportional,. 0 2 2. rievy,.. 73 II. Adverbs,.. 32 S. yv,. 73 III. Substantives,... S2 4., vv... 73 C. TABLES OF CONJUGATION. xv. (E.) Preteritive Verbs, 1. eh,.. 74 r. The Tenses Classified,.. SS 2. Nhoiea and Nez,. 74 xi. The Modes Classified, 33 S. n,,.. 74 III. Formation of the Tenses, 33 4. xad, tC, e o. 75 Iv. Affixes of the Active Voice, 34 Xsj/Cp,. e 75 v. Affixes of the Passive Voice, 36 xvi. Changes in the Root,. 76 v. Analysis of the Affixes,. D8 vii. Dialectic Forms,.. 39 vIn. Active Voice of fGovxAV' I. Table of Derivation,. o 77 Translated,.. 0 nI. PronominalCorrelatives,. 78 III. PRINCIPAL RULES OF SYNTAX, 80 IV. FORMS OF ANALYSIS AND PARSING, A. OF WORDS,., O 82 C. OF METRES,. 84 B. OF SENTENCES, 84 GREEK TABLES. I. ORTHOGRAPHY AND ORTHOEjPY. I i1. A. THE ALPHABET. [~~ 10-12, 17-22.1 Forms. Roman Numera Order Large. Small. Letters, Name. Power. I.,4 a a'5~qaca Alpha 1 II. B fB, 6 b B/i'c Beta 2 III. Ir, r g, n.Furuca Gamma 3 Iv. 4 s d iATma Delta 4 V. E 8 e'E rpio.v Epsilon 5 VI. Z, z Zrcza Zeta 7 VII. t:I ) e'Itrog Eta 8 vIII. O ", 0 th O0;loc Theta 9 IX. I b i'Iora Iota 10 x. K e c Kirfllra Kappa 20 xI. A a I A4flcSa Lambda 30 xII. M, m Mi Mu 40 xIII. N v n vv Nu 50 xIV.,' x Xi 60 xv. O 0 o O" ptsrov Omicron 70 XVI. IH 7r, p ni Pi 80 XVII. P q, p r PC Rho 100 xvIII. a, s a ZlPy ca Sigma 200 XIX. T T, 7 t TaV' Tau 300 xx. T v y rT qArl.v Upsilon 400 xxI. q S q, ph Phi 500 XXII. X X ch x Chi 600 xxnlI vi J p V PS, Psi 700 xxIV. a co a Oq # iya Omega 800 F, F.,, ~ f / Bao Vau 6 SPM;. q xK6na Koppa 90 sh la4 Sampi 900 10 TABLES. [[ 2, o 2. B. LIGATURES. 1~10o. 2.] dao at 4gP #Ev a to 0-' au Cav L ov 3S YY e2. e~' *yv Po aj ~ at G ~c ~)dS~ % rat 1Et ra TyV 3 E V TO 1w i/V ) r o xat M Ail ~c~zr j~CJ8VV R ~~~~AXl Vito n 3.1 ORTHOGRAPHY AND ORTHOEPY. 11 I 3. C. VOCAL ELEMENTS. I. VOWELS, SIMIPLE AND COMPOUND. [~s 24-26.] Class I. II. Ill. IV. v A O E U I Orders. Sounds. Sounds. Sounds. Sounds. S uln&d Simple Vowels. Short, 1. o E v t Long, 2. co 7) Diphthongs in L. Proper, 3. a- I r c dmproper, 4. c o lo Vt Diphthongs in. Proper,. v ov v Improper, 6. ov ov c v II. CONSONANTS. [~~ 49-51.1 A. Consonants associated in Classes and Orders. Class I. Class II. Class III. Orders. Labials. Palatals. Linguals. 1. Smooth Mutes, y x 2. Middle Mutes, /3 3. Rough Mutes, q? X 0 4. Nasals, / y v 5. Double Consonants, v B. Additional Semivowels. CONSONANTS (SECOND ARRANGEMENT). Smooth, 71 s, T. (Mutes, Middle,%, v, y. Sirgle Consonants, Rough, p, x, # Semivowels, { Liquidsi, As l v, V, r nasal e Sibilant, a. Double Consonants, Vl, 1 k. III. BREATHINGS. [~ 13.1 Rough Breathing, or Aspirate (C). Smooth or Soft Breathing ('). 12 TABLES. [~1 4. II ETYMOLOGY. 4T 4o REMARKS. I. To avoid needless repetition, alike burdensome to teacher and pupil, and to accustom the student early to the application of rule, the tables of paradigms have been constructed with the following ellipses, which will be at once supplied from general rules. 1. In the paradigms of DECLENSlON, the Voc. sing. is omitted whenever it has the same form with the Nom., and the following cases are omitted throughout (see ~ 80); a.) The Voc. plur., because it is always the same with the Nomn. /.) The Dat. dual, because it is always the same with the Gen. y.) The dcc. and Voc. dual, because they are always the same with the Nom. 6.) and Voc. neut., in all the numbers, because they are always the same with the Nom., 2. In the paradigms of ADJECTIVES, and of words similarly inflected, the JVeuter is omitted in the Gen. and Dat. of all the numbers, and in the JVNom. dual; because in these cases it never differs from the Masculine (~ 130. C). 3. In the paradigms of CONJUGATION, the lst Pers. dual is omitted throughout, as having the same form with the 1st Pers. plur., and the 3d Pers. dual is omitted whenever it has the same form with the 2d Pers. dual, that is, in the primary tenses of the Indicative, and in the Subjunctive (~ 212. 2). For the form in -Ee9ov, whose empty shade has been so multiplied by grammarians, and forced to stand, for idle show, in the rank and file of numbers and persons, see ~ 212. N. 4. The compound forms of the PERFECT PASSIVE SUBJUNCTIVE and OPTATIVE are omitted, as belonging rather to Syntax than to inflection ~ 234, 637). II. The regular formation of the tenses is exhibited in the table (I 28), which may be thus read; *" The tense is formed fiom the root by affixing," or, "by prefixing - and affixing - (or, in the nude fbrm, -)." In the application of this table, the forms of the root must be distinguished, if it has mole than a single form (~ 254). III. In the table of translation (IT 33), the form of the verb must, of course, be adapted to the number and person of the pronoun; thus, I am planning, thou art planning, he is planning, &c. For the MIDDLE VOICE, change the forms of "~plan" into the corresponding forms of " deliberate "; and, for the PASSIVE VOICE, into the corresponding forms of " be planned." IV. The Dialectic Forms, for the sake of distinction, are uniformly printed in smaller type. In connection with these forms, the abbrevia tions iEol. and LE. denote iEolic; Alex., Alexandrine; Att., fttic, Bcoot. and B., Bceotic; Comm., Common; Dor. and D., Doric; Ep. and E, Epic; Hel., Hellenistic; Ion. and I., Ionic; Lter. and It., Iterative; 0., Old; Poet. and P., Poetic. V. A star (*) in the tables denotes that an affix or a form is wanting. Parentheses are sometimes used to inclose unusual, doubtful, peculiar, or supplementary forms. In ~11 29, 30, the z and 9- of the tense-signs, as dropped in the second tenses (~ 199. II.), are separated by a hyphen from the rest of the affix. 91 51 6.] DECLENSION. 1, A. TABLES OF DECLENSION. ~1 5; I. AFFIXES OF THE THREE DECLENSIONS. Dec. I. Dec. II. Dec. IIl. Mase. Fern. M. F. Neut. M. F. Neut Sing. Norm. ogs, J a, sI os' Gen. ov z,Sg, cS ov Dat. qa,,0 ) r Acc. "v),V ov v, a Voc. a, 8 l O s Plur. Nora. at o |C i | S Gen. WV w W Dat. e atg ot Acc. ag ovS a a Voc. at 0 a | & Dual Norn. a et e. Gen. aev Ot - Otv Dat. a' oM o t Ace. 0) Voc. co 8 f1 6. II. ANALYSIS OF THE AFFIxES. [The figures in the last column denote the declensions.1 Connecting Vowels. Flexible Enjiil a Dec. I. Dec. II. Dec. III. Sing. Nom.,x (q) o * s. Fern. 1, *. Net ia.,,,. Gen. a (s) o I (o09) o. 2and MIasc. 1, o. Dat. a(i1) o l. Ace. a () o *. Neut. 3, u. Voc. acc (l) o(E) * Plur. Nom. a o * IS. 1 and 2, s Neut. oc. Gen. a o * WY. Dat. a o * (aL). 3, o1 f I and 2, ig. Ace. a o * (v)';. Neur a. Dial Norn. a o E. Gen. a lo LY 3, OYe 2 14 TABLES. - FIRST DECLENSION. L[1 7, 8. 91 7. ii. NOUNS OF THE FIRST DECLENSION. A. MASCULINE. 4, steward. 4o sailor. J son of Atreus. o, Mercury., north wind. S. N. Taputa s Yuat l -urj 4E64'EAze-dJ Et( EoQu G. Totpiov vailrov X reTdO o v'Eegtdsov,'E~uoo flopc D. Tayla a T r~t'reQe6 l CEdLqEu,'Eo/lA foge A. {ixauiav Vveir''ArYOt 4E16Y''Eou iv,'Eep v f oU QdOOv V. Tcpuihi VCaVILX QAlgelS yi, CE1 jE flogao P. N.,atat vaUOrae QtrqSat'Eepdciat,'EQpal o, Gobryas. G.TaItO~ ))' U VA UViTTWV LLsV CEpE U C) Epsv N. rc6Q dSx D.,eqiplat' vYi;arcafT 34rqe StIx S M Eaug~t c E,'aE~ ou G. Fw6qvov.V A. -roepila va5 i!4riE165g'Eqttd&,'EBpsg Feo6Q6v' sT _ t z _ X e D. orw6qusc D. N. IOzCCUh VCAUea ATQFdX CE"EX AEQ C D.FC 6Q6ir G. xealaty osa a VcaithV T21 ldetv cEyatvcEql E Av V. rW6qJ'd B. Firsm. 1, shadow~., door. c, tongue. j, honor. c, mina. S. N. O xa' yva lwa 7Zl n Fv"dUa, lVu G. XLtO Ovq yoo aa TlU?7 (vaI, WCY D. ouxt'Lt 6ag yoauaflu,tqa~ y/VaL, t 1u A. tUXIU *VCyifg 17A (6UU T1O7Y1 c(x g, P1V0cr P. N. axla 9veat ycA;aac TlUced tuvca, JAV G. axlo'v &veQav yl)7aOuCv TlP Cl/OV pvawv, plV0oV aD. uxea7X V9ig yloaaatg Ttpa tl vWXda:, lpvar A..:Dm W o ato u, v D. N. axosua 69s42 710)oga IUTt/JZL )vc, 19 I. 8l. DIAuTrc.FORMkS. aS. c j, Ion. W;L 1a tei, 3i;.- IA. (Ton. nv, sri (masc.); va. )7s, Dor. a 5 ra;,'A-resiME,', Old, - er~oru, pcwrv,'iD. 7 (Dor. a, v.u~av-, ~ -qv., Ion.. X, gen. V. oc, Ion. n - -apl;n. a, Ion. n. Ep. xn9:In, xvWodn. a, Poet..D Al-,5n Ap. Rh. Dor. rPp, J/x','Ya. 11, Dor. c vD'AreslUa, MCwaXsse Gl. ev Old, ao *'Ares;doa, Boesgoo. Old, Z* v V'oo pal xA. Ion. ew,.-'Are;&wo, Boei. P. G. Zv, Old, U''ArT5'v zvov. Dor. a ~'A're~icXa'Eepca. Ion. i~v''AEw'~,~vo Svevi. ie JIon.. 7S- ox:i, &n'e. Dor. v,.'Aes~,~b:v,.9vear. s PDor. ris qeas;, yx'o-~a;. D. a:, Old, aeo ~ vpuaMIa', W c 1vost Ep. 973(Y) ~ Al',,-'.sy. Ion. r~,, s * ~eo-,,rigr~ST D. 11 (Ion. -rate'N, &. A. A g, Ion. s:C; (masc.); ~s~a&rsTao Dor. qt vazr rip,9 Dor. D s * o Meo4s, v pas8. Ep. stp(v) s i&Q (v). ZEoL as; -a; rsvis. ~f 9, 10.] SECOND DECLENSION. 15 ~T 9. Iv. NOUNS OF THE SECOND DECLENSION A. fMASCUN AEND F ImmIN. o, word. o,people. ~, way. o, mind. o, temple. S. N. Adyo'o; (ioS 030 VooS, vovq vco5,o YVcE G. Iyov w jnuov o, oav voov, vov Voi, ca A t ~>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y Y ZCt a I A. Iyo' ooo v 6OO9 V VOZ Yo(Xvvo ut6, Yvw v. oy0 (,7?ue 0o38 Vo68 VOV P. N..yot 7lut, P3ot V0oa0, Yo6 Voota, vrO G. Aoywv 17pooV v vtowvoo v vo'v voY, o VEW A.. o'yov; (3iuov; oovsg vo'ov, voivs vioSov, vuco D. N.'ayo 4 (lc V(O'1 VW,) v ro, VE1 G. a0yiotLv (Upow o o vQOOvL, vootvY yvioiV, VyY B. NEUTER. t, fig. TO-, wing. zo, part. zo, bone. iT, chamnber, S. N.,XOV KIEQOV o.o. oOV OdTOV, V,,.VY o f r o, p o,, y, D. rO dos- a'IT~20V, O7lOUV OlUTOV, OVTOV AV rE D. oK0VX 7ruZE( /IOQvIt 0CTEEC) OUTO) UYEWEf) i,..,I 3,, ~,.. (av'xOs nITEQO Ao"Q1X OJauce OaTuO t Ye G. avxov TEQOV UOQLWV OUIEw,9 OUTWoV aeVpyEaw Dfqoeboig O(JT8Otg OUTOLg ~vAYvE1Y G. rJXOV rrTEQO1TV fIOQIOOIV zcf01O8V0 OI001V Oe'Wy& ~ 1 0. DIAT eCrIC FoRMs S. N. as, Laconic, oe e creXsse, ~ 70.4. S. D, Bceot. V. a* U, qrV Vpcuc. G. ou, Ep. ao * rowo Xoyolo. P. N. o, Boeot.' xaXv,' OgClnei. Dor. w o rz xo'yW. (G. WY, Ion. 6*v ~osyaoS&v, rue~B'v.) (Ion. a * B rrrso, Keoafsm.) D. oqs, Old) osI rosoo Xoyosoo. Ep. Oas(v) - obea'voasY. Boeot. vs * rs &AxxvS zeoe~YJvg, w (contracted from aou), Ep. wo A. ovS, Dor. w;, o; * r; XS Y&5, Q'S; aSTrazo. XvAo7;,'zoe5avo;. D, q Old, o:'Ic-Sso7 Up' 01C6o. Zol. OJ; ioestos qrs'orX6;, Ep. aop(v). - gvyt4U.!}j erols y'lg.o Ep. ki - avobczYoS%'Iio'%. D. Gr. On, EP. o0,, Ywo-oi;1, )Wfi40111 16 TABLES. [~T 11 1 I1 1 v. V. NoNs OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. A. MUTE. 1, LABIAL. 2. PALATAL. o, vulture. ~, vein. o, raven. 6, r, goat. ij, phalanx. i, hair S. N. yiT cpbP xOXrn 0i' q'XYny UvLt G. yi~rzdq ~Z~~dS xd,o4.o~ cdyi qYSya7yo4 TIxdz G. y D10'q (Fpfspto zo',sXog a yi g p9Iayyo zzQo; D. y7 ncv qX v X ol oSo6 cciywv quaxtyy, v e QtXb D. Yvl/J& qX dl/J& 50 L Il 9Ifx?(X)~ OqLg& A. 7yuocs7 IplE/aS xodiQfxo a: 74. pa77UCiaas TMe(ia( D. N. y71TEi VfElg;OXi Cr5X~ (11r7 qcxya7a TQl X6 0. 7U7C0&V (p(620LV 550 Q0550V xlyoV pcdyow r ( G a(no^v ~Al~ov zoqazxoty a~?olV gfCxagdoLv Zgq~t o 3. LINGUAL. c. Mlasculine and Feminine. 6, { child. 6,foot. 6, sovereign. sj, grace. i, key. 0. 71(11604. 7P010604. 50 X(XQL 104. )d G. ~rlxltd~ ~o~de'vazToq jXtLrTro; iAfed;]~ D. r7llall robl' arXt (Xtr,Ql l A. 710a6(A noSo 051(155165 fjX~LT(X %I, XOO('tXXQf' 5f9gX 5, E1 P.. 71ot;~a 71065,, (XVOa55E ZXdqtQ*4 zd strsl, x~EL, G. nntlSv roiev oxsr xwov zxrltoov x3,ctSxv D. Tlitftu mO'te',' Vgt xZl A. n(5(6a04 71S064. C'(axxz1554 XZ'4Lr, a xA.tSaq, xA5ig D. N.:10(r6 (PS06'6vaer 7xy r X G. r710xto 71o060v V(X5Tx0ov X;QVOht'v ( X671oTV 3. INeuter. Ch, body.';, light. z,o liver. z gr, horn. z2, ear D g. o)tav t { r,, gqa~ ~iqa ot S, N. N7&a7 (P. r,xT., x*4g 014. nG. o.003/00,3(p0 9 1o71 0rrtro(v 70 qUa( XEQaoV xqW7 0)'r D. ooXaTa& qooolt saot s, o1 D. N. N ru.ao7n1 q9oW,: UP UrrXTr 5X5,r,0 XqXa,, XsEqa O7te Go t, c, r,, >, JoG. a oY qo0lro0Y r1tO vlV X~qatroLV, aTgOoCoVqvX XIE )' OY 12 13.J THIRD DEULENSION. 17 IT 1. B. LIQUI. o, harbour. o, deity. r, nose. o, beast. o, orator. h, hana S N. X)IIT, co l t.voV 6rWQ Xo D. XL,~gvL itt,/Owb Or,4'oAo O1ivogQ eLQ& A. XAtpiv,, ilYoyv 0,,o, Y Qb e rooe ZE1eo V. 0a(,tIOV V O?,oe P. N. At1dveo jamuovg Orveo O qtg ezo eoo Xz,oo A. lttuivtg jaclLoras etva~e oo Oa io qTo Xguq ) N. lpuivps SaUuov8s gLVS ~oQs QnyovQ XEL'vG. ILttevoLv a({LOvYOLVY gl'OioV iO gOV t Zqnotv XZEQOV Syncopated., father. o, man. n, mother. o, {i, dog. o, {, lamb. S. N. nwt vrie P7)rljTX X al v ((x~y vO') G. 7tTiO, rac rTo(q o ~W')Og, X,,(4,qO p(IulJQO xSruoq U'vogd D. W71ITiJ JI, rT71 a (I'et, (X. I,' l plTO vw'l (YQv A. tarEiqa UtVEiQc ('(Y la p?7rELqa x vOa' ovWC P. N. PcEE~ aEdQe, -'g,.OS( vT1rTio xVC,,~ X;r,,Y~ G. rivTeIv a,iqt, Vl', WI'WV p1nTEtI(V XUV''WV (XI'p0V D. 7(OeTQCe( ClJS9xUL U171(It3U XVU(Jb (X(1V(XUb A. 7P7IEg(Xc tXO'v(X5, uYS(v(XS MAiEQ(7S VVJ't t'(Xvcg D. N. CcT)osE a',Q% &'CoEs [,v Q~E zdy8 x P1's G. auIqeo ltv'vieol;,',gO7V prTEIqOtV XVY(oY caeYOlV IT [3. C. LIQUID-3MUT E. 0, lion ~, tooth. o, giant. r, wife. o, Xenophon, S. N. I OS0v 0iS9 lgYi up ZFr v vo(POqv G. AEOVTOo o(V1Tvrog 717/lyVTOg JXP(XQTO1,,oVToq D. Fl EOvuT OOIT6 - VtY(XVTt 8(XtUT (FX'OCP() V T I A. XOVTOa OCTdvOa lytz(7,Ta (x(L(XUtL, voctvLT V. liov lytjv P. N. iEOVT5, O(OVTF,' YiYt(?'T*4 J(7/ClXQT4E?1, OpUS. G. ed TCtwv O( o0l5t0 V /1y7X1y'TWv nL(Y0MTTWV S. N.'O7oog D. XF'0(U(b Ow)uft V'y(1; (u al (X'S) (it G.'Oxro tro; A. )diovsg OO'dvztrtx 7tyovJax odPOQTuaX D.'Onouui D. N.;0ovS gSs 71ve C T A.'OnoS'bYaO G. AeovroLY O3%dvTotv gYuYTOlv YaOudO'qolY 2" s8 TABLES. [[ 14 1 4. D. Purm. a. Masculine and Feminine. o, jackal. o, hero. o, weevil. O, C, sheep., fish, S. N. i~ ~,om ar. oi ~zo& G. 9oog 1,QWO4 rlJo oo; LXKv0o V. DP., N'.6s l (On S xl6 Oai6 L tVX6 x2 D. rnAi ~,OCOa uii ol i Y "l t. G. *WoLv iW3 ctcY H L0Y OtOV ltVOLY G, knight. v, 7, oX. iv, old woman. r, ship. S. N. z 4 fi ovQ YCOaSV vOU G. [6 10n6o fono v yQ0Uog oVag,, iN. hELr, 76t y. ON t we m e. D. =,sizi ( ovo& y,,, Uo, vovu, G. l7rTicoL floot yoatV V&oga D. lN 7tfl7 ioV,6 yITQ- Y/ v F. D. ruEi, 7Uf61 IEOX5, TEOXE QIEs, TyQVljrE A. N 1ngV lnlXa';0~ V(Xa G. TrE% VOLY UOVO vEO P. N. -715FE', 2117%6 oe, Xs TlQ4 G. 7ruuv (71 ) IIoX(02) 7Ql?7x WV, TtCOV D. 17Tuut 7IE 1 FU A. 77nCLY, 7EOJilY 71XU,7OE1~d TQlr, TgQ1? 7 D. N 767i%66 710, 7Oin gl TOJlg7C, TQol7lvg D. 7twuxv 0 16v L4oA8a, TQL8QOa. way/~(x) ar/&lg vodstx~, nCuielt cytrimjes, TS01tl~ D. N;Iz vn is, vn ~L Tg lWSEa, TQl?7g || 14, 15.] THIRD DECLENSION. 19;7, echo. I;, shame. o, Socrates. S. N. (rx aIMJ d'(X T G..;&so, kOV' aotIoO, aOUS zwxoSarTj0, 2))XCQcT04g G.''ij o alc'i, aot a;7 o~at,.Yaxo(tovc A. IjXoi,;CXoU; &xa, alg z2'& oClSocr eaQJ, QxXet V. iZo al0oo xa T E o, Pircaeus. o, Hercules. S N. HLQCLatE;V'HIax2Io t, JI I/axla G. Jhetaccdwg, HEQxcnxccS CLQUX~XI' Ireaxx1ovg D. f ELQXLs QCi, Hl(QLst Q6Cx 11i0 ~ CI S IQ, iU. I Qn, C'X'aIda A. nRveuxZE, m~lgfx L' CIAOraxiE'Ea 7vaxsiii, Cr Ot V. fEiVOstCI clAosoixae s, CII' XElS (i lQx)AEg) 3. Neuter. To, wall TO, town. 10, honor. S N. T7o of u G. TEiZEO1, tslXoV ar, rs C o, EQ0 D Z. IE0I, 4EIX5E 7 g(UEt auiErS y 7a'~Q@ P N. te iEa, cdE'ToEc;X, a'ore ys1aa, 7g qa D. EiE t y~usa D. N'.;slXss, se I T'iXfTl c rgrE, ygy, G. tE;CgOLv TZLX0'otv "aoisov 7eUo0tV, pEgCv [IT 15. DIALECTIC FORMS. S. G. aro;, Ion. So;., Xeso;S, s~eso;. P. N. C;, Old Att. ns ~ /,xSe. eo;, Ion. au;' eavU;, S qaz vw;. Ep. ts; - A/erxs;. S;S, Ep. ~os ~ t3zo'x-jho;. Ion.'a.s;. *ao-s;. Ion. and Dor. ~o0. -aoXzxao;. gsi, Ion. and Dor. iES e rO'IiS. So;, Ion. and Dor. o;S.'reXloa. aa, Poet. &. yeAd, Ke~'c. rAo;, Ion. and Dor. o; K* reao;. Ion. sa ~ 9yesat qgesas. Dor.,ros. O~i''ors. G. WY, Ion. ~.v; grta,,, &Y~f~6~. os;, Dor. and Eol. -;, o7;.- xo;,, ~vY, Ep.,-' to-Xn'4syv.:). s, Ep.;"; [I Co7. swvY, Ion. and Dor.;,vY. srod;o6v. Ion. ~,., McaaJL; D. e,(v), Old, sc,(Y).~ Xgl~,,. u, Ion. T' 0roxr, r wYC4si. Poet. ~o,(,) ~ ".,b, Ion.. ~s-rT, aXoAXT. La(,Y)' sr- ~,v. A. s, Poet. a' sbeis, Z'Xato. s (s), Ep. p.(Y) -OX7PlY. oa, Ion. o''Io0u,, A4nroiy. Ion.,t,(y) ~'rax~a. Dor. WY. "Hlew, Aalrw"v. A. ~0s5, Ep.- arAtc6s a, Ep.,i - /aorxUo. Ion. L; fi. Arcx'9i,. Ion. c.* Gzo',xMi. Comm. ~? AaCs;. 7g. Dor. i. 3aroxA. u;, Ion. and Dor.;s *~ vroXae. V. St, MEol., * ZoXc,,. D.,. o, Ep. oiA;. vro7a;j~.' Z,,gi;;o 20 TABLES. N[j 16 T1 1 6. VI. IRREGULAR AND DIALECTIC DECLENSION. A, Jupiter. A, (Edipus., Ghls S. N. ZsC,; ZCfv (Dor.) Od;'ovs rous G. A,0', ZvYO'5, ZCZYO S OMroS; O'rJOi U Ov zri~O. -tI, -e S, rIOx D. a,', Z4v;, ZaY; O;; ~ro~,) [(poet.): [D.-,-qA. -,:, FXoX A. A16, ZivY, ZZia Oyarose, Oi;xov [-C-, V. -n, -a r1xous V. Zas O~;rovu [(Ep. and Lyr.) l'xoP Attic. o, son. Homeric. Doric. 4, ship. Ionic. S. N. vl5; vio5 Vcyv (Ya5) Vn 6; (YriVS) G. t;oii, Uvh0i vsUP, VX0Sc v;~0; vai5 vei;, vei. A. Viso; vio, V1c Vir so;V (Vv r, iCe, PGCY V. vi P. N. V:'s4 riS uWC;, V~5, V~ P115 fl; 115 A. vsio;, vim; o vio;, vic Vi viice; vc;ag,Lv S, Y$Ci; [Vc9VP Attic.,0, spear. Homeric. Homeric.,0,'avc. S. N. e oev ssre uT;b G. vor Vro; verA s;, es i; soXV; rl; aso; (avgoe o YEEXVS D. rrci7 ~ o- ~ (p. etxr Hd.) oc, -v4xr; s.AxS, G. oerwi,,'~s-., (erMxs lies.oe D. ieWrcrs PO~eCbl) WO~g~~ S H3iOJIERIC PIRADIGMS. G. vJ' 0S'a vOaBo 51 ssaoAio,,`o'aio7 (Yw aoAgV TheOg1.), Yro'1os P. vN. i;rs, is 7;v s i,; (saXrs; H adt.), rVs.; g AGi. isr-ioes, spear. Hoo m ecH mr. rerc ae. S. N.'Ohvaaes;,'O Oveee; HIceOsXoa G. Ovuseo;,'Oevhosh,'Oeat. s,'OLvem;5 flOesoc aqv,.olo0 HcaeosxXags D.;''Orvar i;'O(s`h' Ilc. eOX,, X d. D.,7 ato IO se. A.'Okaoight, I'city O. b OS H)0 s'-oxMs H eo Xuic v. 1O~vr EP'OS ve' H;s-tse X s, flas-e O'x ~1 17.] ADJECTIVES. 2 1 IT 7. VII. ADJECTIVES OF TWO TERMINATIONS. A. OF THE SECOND DECLELNSION. o, c (unjust) T, a, 0 (unfading) To S. N.'hI.og'L&XOV.Cyi"oo, osC,!,o)S v.woO&V, v/ oQW) G. o;a, ov "Yzlxov,.Yrjoo, D.'v Wa w, z i ) A. IoC yr ageaov,.y4Qch2, ofyAcQo V. Ix'Lx8 P. N. "Oixot (SXa'fi aeOLy, ccylQ0 cfQa, alyow G. otxwv Ccc (XcO V, XyrQcov D. dOXrotg a yzw'gol', aY"z A. a'l jovS va yTUovg,,XyvpQ D. N. Xt.xr coya o.... fr qo,,.7 * J. D. X6 XO w;/? "IOXolv, ccg 7 i20 B. OF TIE THIRD DECLMESION. _, c (male) zT o,' (pleasing) zT o,' (two-footed),o S N. vXQY "Ev E I7,O Eq 1Xie 61nlovg 617Iovv G. vX,?EFO, oX g iatrUoX D. ('0.YLq Epe7 VXQU! 1'eo,, A.. oQ4p'o, U)X(ALr o,, ( 1x Jv (6l1ro((X, irovy V. ('OlES vv1xuQt 1TnoU P. N. o ~,I.,v a c v q aaqdP, 6nOa ([oolo,O, oYa -V v(XFq1XEs UQYUXe g o SVt o S EV SU oT G. VE'vcv E((XtI,,IV (tIOv (ctV D. 3tzQgsFc Ylu o1a A. dxgEsvaS vg EidLtat S'tnouCS D. N. ('ovE eV',Otlx L2onE G. ca'ggvowv E/gayzolY 6lrdfOwLV o,; (evident) zT, 7 (greater) zo S. N. aaqpnS oaqEoS ME -l UtOv G. uaxqpog, aqpoviS,AtWoI o~ A. oupeaqY, aaq,;p teldova, elCcos V. uaxge, a~ doY P. N. OctX9)ES, UItgS aaC6CPia, ua t/J114051g, /lJttOVg tUtEiLOvC, yE6U: D. u sE't, Et' o Ftuu(i A. U1qPaS, aapELs pESOvag, pUnOvg D. N. aqs's, aaq ~si;oY~ G. oa9iSolv, acqtOLV PL84 FVOtV 22 TABLES. [T 18 b ~J 80. ViI. ADJECTIVES OF THREE TERMINATIONS. A. OF THE SECOND AND FIRST DECLENSIONS. o (friendly);j z o (wise)'t o S. N. Plltog tpLA qldtoV ooqc&g UoOc coO, G. cptilov f tllrax OocpoV aoopi D. txi6ho qa d l a f o o A. cpltov qt'laiiv oopv aoorqv V. cf11~e aocfi P. N. TPi)to6 (P9iXL cp l o lCa l cpol aoqcpa'I roo$ G. ~pt9Lov qt+iiY aocpoY (Jocp9Y( D. pltdoilS pt.LIottL oooiOi aoocfatg A. plAovUg c(pltiiS aopoog oocpas D. N. tiXho C F9IAa aaoop oo9ta G. (ptliOLY (tpL)tLavY Ocpo;Y oocpu't Contracted. o (golden)l TO.. N. l XJos I, XiUovg XoQVao, zXQova XQv~ z7 zo~, qvUov9 G. zXqvoovo, Xuvaou Xv udg, Xev4;q D. xIvuou), Xqvu' XZvaC, Xqvoa? A. XcvoEovr, XqvUov XqvEXYv, XQU(qvV f, P. M D. 9vUEotS, yXUvoLS XqveailT, XvoT a UL A. XqvaEovS, XqvaoUg XzqvUaS, XUvoa; D. N. xQvas, XQVff XUqlvogT, XQVUaO G. Xivodosl, XqvooV, Xgvac'aOv, X:vaa;v' (double) 4,0 S. N. )lMoS0, 17,nloi; 68MIod,,lrrdl &nloov, L&nmovs G &Ur7oov, L21lov 6xt0dtfSl, a7xrl4 A &l)rUovj, bldo v 6Ladoiyv, tnL71kv P. N Ltrdoot, (L7TrOl &tToat, 6tnTa aLItoC (LAa G. N.lAoov, L;td tcr lArcov, =;Acv 0. &7rXZtO; Sc, Aol; SLwtO(XI~, 6mwo7r; A. 6Inoous, jLnxas D. N JrLAo', 3l7rd hOV (tnlo'l, Sl7rAd G. &iIXo'Lv, &7rGOTY 6tn)1c'tV, YtndaSv 9 19, 20.1 ADJECTIVESo 23 ~1 9. B. OiF Tr THIRD AND FIRST DECLENSIONS. C (black) i ro o (all) T OT S. N. uiaSg i po (uEXlvaO alra I q r rau 7WP G. pim^os UEiA"6Yq 7Uvz0p 1aun A. ilavoca navza 7UrXV P. N. pixangv tAaML6 tiata rd ~oevreg 7aa nrdvuva G.!'Aovwv atvv ~7rvZCWo nalCC D. ECact pYL 6LEdiIvaXL 7a~& 7tEW Wat~ A. pdiavug p esloeibi'u7 naEoi 2 D. N. ud/savs tuERx"vu oravYrte 7rda G. pIUEfrotv eG aiY6vatv Y 7rTOlY d7lWUUL o (agreeable) Ce T, o (sweet) { TO D. 1aqisvno S Zoqba~s {~dos Otxlto iS D. Xa8evtug X tsLSu, Z'ni, v SE6;SEios A. Xoaeqvxo g xvioeUcv QUV4 I5EZaV P. N. X(qI'svTISX 7taQEJe WtZ XaOCISVTOe 16es~, i13ezI 1j(EaOl;6SW G. aal~ Vtav V S D. XVatea6 XZxlaOla 4Sga6 41~late A. XcXu6~vza' xaqdo ags 496ga, {Oais 4j&ta~ D. N. -N. CMX qevzl ZaqtEdau dSs' E G. XofxLEPdvzoLv Xq(aQlaL'EOLY Ido latv IT 29. C. OF THE THREE DECLENSIONS. O (great) E Co (much) ToI S. N. oyZs gasyAa ta n6o8vs ioArj 1aEx G.,us-yiJov CyEYOB TroEE oDE L oNAIO D,Usyc~ss,usYdXxq HoL2c ioX)AS, A t4 y 0!Y usgYd, v o ) v Y oRAtv V. LEystd' (many) P. N. sysaot uyyar uEai 70Ao?1 V' rosll o os I' G. syeow v,Usycoxv 7rocda v 7nolAlv D. 1iay?&orS IEy o arLS -toio~ ro)A A. UsydAov' ynYOoA; So 710ao; 7iroAls D. N. zaayoi3,u'SY Ix G. ausyc'lov ~sydatv 24 TABLES. - NUMERALS. [I 20, 21, Homeric Forms of,ro~X:;. S. N. woXre, ovX's voXXoS Wroxxn sroxv, wovX, WoXX0,s G. 9roAiosO xxoAA D. (~roXs7. Esch.) ro.xx'roax., A. %roAu, rouvxrs %roAXXo s5roXa v, wrovxiv P. N. wOXE;X, rOXE~ eroj XOAxa (wa;e sch.)TAoUd G. sroxbcw roAAwv groXat.xewx, gAwyv D.,1 -foi,, -oo:l'oXX. oAo-i, -.o7g zoXXzi A. roXisae, xroXas %roXAkov roxa.s S. O (mild) T O P. o0 aE zM. (one) F. N. N. (no one) F. N'. ], none. N. i Q 0 0 g 7pui y o 0 ag0 0 osi 7 P.fX~1, 71MeMa6 G. 7r a pQc' oi &jice o7ve -iav CO 7o 2U6tC A. 7ryce0 0 Y aswv 71 h G. EY /FLLa ts Opt 0V()YOi g O VISEwtoY D. SW' u t a' O V8~6 EvI dro& iaS V OVI ICa A. E a pUiY OV E'YOC ov'&Plav ou16i61pa Ep.orIon. Ep. ate. Ion Late. Ion. D. Te lO S, is, o UQs o T Q (Tch N Es 4,asr, av5~vw s;ze 0 ov 3m 1, i as A. zTq t4 TEUaO(XQo(, odz~aeaqc0 A Po. e.vIon. r Ovas, Dor. rfnv an dpOV F. 4irso, M. F. N., two. a &. F.Dat., bo. and ~D. N. A. Uo O in late prose, 4ri ~. G. D. ho'lv, S6V~-tv (Att.) P. D. val (rare) "pLPOlY Ep. Ep. Ion. D. &107ks, _07o-, BUoISoI,. &oov'g, -aCs M. F. (three) N. M. F. (four) P. N. roet7 T ge I 7c6cra94,sI TS(TT1YQ5 7E8'l a(vadEtOt 7Ol G. StVI 6 Y lTE(U4COtV, TETTIXQ(OV D. T Q I (b TIaduquLt, TETTZtvaQ A. TQ 67 TE1zUCJcQxXS, r6TrtxcxS Poet. Ion. reobse~s; Dor. rs"Tee; and rivfloeggX D. gre~ooj aRol. and Ep. cnalVes;, &c.; Dat., Ep. and in late prose, rivresae, amxOonly tot1Ut01ouy aOvnonovob ioiat4od5 50Dnolto 5a2X14?11o 5?Dnomtb4) 5~o4Jot.No 5xnoDaoq1y Soztntu 5o9otnon;oob 5ozaom4b d oAI oV' S tV -'ooV omnlna p nbII ~.5odaz ~fiYoaom o Dno tqoc6 qoDao10tdz'X( Aoz fflz 0louly'tzo LodLy qtmoootxd6 tx otCdolx - I- 5D iN7 Ion- 5I: -' ~' M.Daou~ily)7 502rDt1u1y 5ttoaot;oc 5oizntoit1L * etomy;sooaou0y m7y taodmrob;O{;o6t r aniomsvc6 y) (uovs uon?) o 5nx7Drtolaynonandn t 5nldonor(2,tolfd * dO~tt~t oD(YtL LOaoxog#l v1oiawd'gootoo%'N a MozAMlill'az ltOY)?ilz VO71il'ItOtnoidllz 53y10iI7'51140(l1yl'd t o; o oao'aonoJ o r ~loauyog/'([ AX.0 Mill (nX UD aO;U th t r1140(tyft'11,40 r j,tt.;ooaoyaog. o:,oa %aog/,f li'Don~yR nov a~~no~3mB' d Sdon3ynog' lo~nolnsnog',n(y t s oAI!aoV ~a['sa'IaI3IJ1tJ'X ~~ L 9ZE~ s~~~'Sa9IpT.twuf lbzz d 26 TABLES. 22. 5. Aorist I. Active. 6. Acrist Passive. O (having raised) T O5 o (having appeared) { z, S. N. gQ aQmXff aecy FpCO5i qPavuc~ 9pW)yV G. d'ro apqaig aa, Poardr ariVuEla Y6 A. tu' ar-r I' ao' ~,aUd'ta cPaPe-aSo A. c'a' a P q paV Vya~ qsaar'aSV A. xvrav UQ vG qvsa D. N. arvuE &Qaxa qaav"s qavtsxa5 G. ud,'row afoai s ta o t qsxtUo p lauaLv 7. Perfect Active. 8. Perfect Active Contracted. 5 (knowing) TO' (standing)',O G. &OIO~' 5 la!; av l ~or E UTT ca D. Esozars dcavlso UwIazorC &owUsaT s D. N. OESSO' v s as Y1A01T8E acT &Y7W CYO a a,P G. E t50w6v S'ugWIC'V aavovol fa vruo aov 7. erfect Active 8. Perfect Active Contracted. (havknoing given) { TO 6 (having entered) S. 1. Eos ~ia EI&uSo'v W-1w0 ~ac( SaCd1 G. E( OTOs (lOV~fll E(hJVTO4 ES@as A. ~dSa o 0vOW 6VTca 6aa v G. %6-0ov v SoUwY ~oUI v EUIw aevY D. ~liOVUL (IvtcUex L ~(17UJ(U6 ~(17;@VIx~ A. Mi/S0Te5 sdoticnig ~UZWIlC chiuc(7i; D. N. E60QTs ElOSvlE E3i2T8@T E ~(1TRi G El0VTOlV E8VUIaLv 6lUT;oLY Odu;ucv 9. From Verbs in -cpu (havinggiven)' O' o(having entered) T rO S. N. Sovs dovga 6 Sov 60V s S aH SV G. UpYTOg VOVWV SUYTOg UVng D. 6d0'VT doua? JvvL6 U v u A. d ovCa 6Ovvuv MM a Sv P. N. NVTES 6OV~rXu JOYI0C SVYI~~ SdVr Gum YIoT G. 60'MOV SovuruO SVVUJYO hVuOcv D. Mou.i 6o ougfs Gort 6aual; A. 6d0'rl c OegCS 60YIccS VUU0ig D. N. Jovvi 4OV'c717 SVVYT avaiX ~1 23.] PRONOUINS, 27 11 23. XI. SUBSTANTIVE PRONOUNS. [To those forms which are used as enclitic, the sign t is affixed. The initials affixed to dialectic forms denote, E...Eolic, B. Bceotic, D. Doric, E. Epic, I. Ionic, O. Old, P. Poetic.] A. PERSONAL. lst P. I. 2d P. thou. 3d P. his, her. S. N.? yV * G. luoV, toVit UoVt 0vt D. -ol, a to0t aOlt oD A. aEt va oq P. N. volP aUEc G. vrjv.(y5v uepci( 4. Cfiplv c Wte.^l AD. f)P C(!a; D. N. vx W' U(P Homeric Forms. + A.,t;, e't st a';, D. N. n G. s SY, lAZt c~swo, ost V60t SYtd, JtW', 16'SY D.,zj;,z gi;,c (), o, ()t, (PtY or- t, D.;'[ D. W D. Ft?) (E., or?) D. G.;'V, sw~;t D. F at.,;,4 D. P. G. oVeefP D., &p/ie Al. e/./io Al. A.'va; D.,,Ie; ( ").. Oeslt, ~fvt D., s' A. S. N"D. D,,,e D. 44 D., Qe Bl. D. N.u D.'A. 7~) yVt D~ S, F, vpF D. PD p. N. ~~LCSt~ I., qZ1 D ~~5 I., WAES D Neut. a Mt, I. G.'aEcJunv D., Vc)iw~Y. uiwv ^. D. N a.clY D.,,?4Xcr sa(Y) v'P';, 7S D~, 0c-0;N?BF A. YZ;~ D. V~, e up DO A~ D., o sp~ o. S. N. Y'ys B. 28 TABLES. [~ 23 B. REFLEXIVE. 1st P. M. (of mysef) F. 2d P. M. (of thyself) F. S. G. 4pavrovo Clvsw aovo, uavroi uwvr~I, aavrrT; D. sawuv lav TS r oeTavrz, oawvz aeJ avI, tavtiS IA. sa v i eviV PEsauoY' r, VIOY UVTEi' usav1v, aTvzr D. t&V aTotV hg stTUaac O pUth I(X eUYOC g aIP r VTait A. rlsw aProv' ss ag VIxag tpgs aVTzov's ViuS arfSg 3d P. M.,-of himself. F., of herself. N., of itself, S. G. EaUTOV, aeVXTOV EUaViw, aVcTi D. I aevot, aVTc T') Mavl, avT A. uv uIOY, aiVTOV LUVTV, aVicYv FaVTO, UVT P. G. EavbIe r v,.ev'T E~;avu-, a. -Y, D. Eaviovt, aVTcrao7 EavUa7g, ai VT A.,avutov';, a-ov' VV ag WM",, avrC New Ionic. S. G. eSeaJV therUS osw1Vfo; M v. l sfo D. ~,twr. C~ Ur S c A. i F.wVQi S, suchoa oe. O.Y ~V S. G. Isvro; fwwvr;s P. k)uvrZs Y tkwrZY D.'S w wr&; eeunrt sfwwro sisos ewwrmz A. gIIwrY IslUwPr iskUrS isu'roUS i w vee u wVle o 3d P. S. G. av'raU'rw, -cf;, D. -y,.g, A..oy, -z, _o P. G. aazvrwyi, D. -og, ~-ai, A. -w5, -zS;, -#, Dor. C. RE3CIPROCAL. M. (of one another) F. N. M. N. F. P. G. axA~rxcov o4lAAxwv D. A. OfA'aw o r D. ailn'oLS OArA8aegS G. "Wn'Aotv qCaACIIlus A. osAirlovs ocAla7Ases oAlrrl As P. G. &xx4o'xvw Dor. Oxxacxwv Dor. D. G. CAxxw'xo;' Ep. D. o&hXXolr,, -r0,; &XX4Xa4o.:, _esa A. &xa` Xov;, MXX s &XXdax Dor. D. INDEFIIE,. MI. F. N., such a one. M. S. N. o, Tq, Mm t hc P. ob 5EIYVE G. TOV, TE5 TEhvog Tv r E'WPOv A. 76V, TrlV, T O' YO6 rov; ae vI ~ 24.1 PRONOUNS. 29 IT 24. XII. ADJECTIVE PRONOUNS. A. DEFNITE. Article. Iterative. A. (the) F. N. M. (very, same, self) F. N. S. N..a iN Oo tO 10;,d oVr ahO' G.o V5 Tg CAVTOV aUVT P. N o Cdu avi VTn A.'toV p tV avtOY avrxTV G.'t1o;'ta; aw ro' a P. N. oD a'', I D. -ro D. iaS celwio I. ae D.iL G. zora Mocv VITtolV aU aTKs v S. N. G'~ D.'' "D., -,n 1. G. o7Li E.,,r WD. SraSS D. orvrojo E., -~0V aIbMMs D., -~1S I. D. ra D. UbvrsV I. a,.;T- D., -V I. A. qra D. &a6rv D.,.s, I. P.N. ~o; E.D. dra' E. D. G. ras O., ravD. obiswv I. a bcav O., c D.,.Awis D. ro7oi 0. r,7si 0O., -rsa, abrosa 0., -6 I. LabrS, -u, os', I. A. Tw'j, To's D. [Qp'5I. av~;ov; I. abir'gS IL Relative. Demonstrative. Possessive. M. (who) F. N. M. (this) F. N. S.N. 0; 0 o' j't E 1 P. S. aLS G. Oi' TOass Tds& P. CptE'TO; D. o S. 7Yvoi-tro Ep. P. N. oCi eA'T "ii olS~ etASs':tXSE 2 P. S. cOC G. 3v ZV cThS~ to VS P. sy~tEoS D. o0S 71(5 zo TCd t salo(s D. uoot'tseo5 Ep. A. ovp nv TOvWSs T uoS D.N. g'u z'Ss 2 3 P. S. uo Poet. G. WV aeV S Fo;C&Y 8TrSs P. vaqslqo~ Dialectic and Paragogic Forms. S. uN. O O. ", D. ui'rs; 1I P. P.'s-i;,'ceo; 0., G. oas, g5ov E. i's E., oJs D.'rutsooaf'a,'ssg'; D., aseysoe, D., D. &c. O~tzIC~r:~O5 2E. A.''y, D. 2 P. S.q s D. E. P. D. s, ~; s E. 3'osTh O.,'rosros, P.'u;oe 0., V'oaS'E arso7so~s E. 3 P. S. iso E. D. P. sieo 0. 3*lci n arggcFrs 30 TABLES. - PRONOUNS. [ 24 Demonstrative. M. (this) F. N. M. (so much) F. N. S. N. oo aVTO 1V IOVTO TOUOVToq TO0VT1 ToOVTO, TOU(OVYo G. TOVIOV TaVod, oo00VTOoV TooorU1l D. IorTW TaOrT zoaOUVot zo a(arT A. ToirovU craflzV TOOV'ov zoUadV1Yv P. N. io & OVT(CX TlayO TO1TOUO aOUaV1ca6 ToauTCva G. toVIotY zoV@Y ZoooVzTyV ZOaOT0rY G. -roiuiwv 10o)2 cwy 1rogTv"V 10601 1( Paragogic Declension. Mixed Paragogic Forms. 8.. TOVrsOg TaVIlq-ou'eowso1 " OU L OeUtQY, r$~ O D. rovrov rs ~ra'rVs Adv. g rwsO, TO9Ve, sr, g G. TOVCOWY TUV'T011V TOUOV'lrY ToOraVTolY B. INDEFINUFI. Smple Indefinite. Interrogative. Relative Indefinite. Di. F. (any, some) N. M. F. (who ) N. M. (whoever) F. oV 3. N. oko av1 l ro 1 OTcL4 S rlzl 0 G. -LOw TOUl racO.,ra V OVyoroS 0Vf, 0 &c.) s rog D. F. (any, some) S M.rL1 F. (wh )t 0 M (whoer) VF.t qL AG. N., c, noa soi o p1,o~ o I I. BN. s TOU, 1iVOS IOV10, OLV5 V aL1LV$S cezs'a5 Cli It, Coztyf Co G. 1L55S' [0z11 11V5s (J5'1WtYV, O1C05 V A. lY., @Va ovacU' (XL WVSlv D.N. 1ltrd' 1lYV s arc s's G. Vtlvo V' TV1505V Olt16VOY oVlt'1ntOl'v Homeric Declension of T'-, r, and o's = r os.. N. T)rts T ) s L ri' oes n'1 G. rt, tvs T r0,'rs'U oTVso TIrVT D. erto, [ U'TTOrV rr, oir s, OT) D. lt'1om A. rMVos TV osss D N.c C/ C 1T 25.j NUMERALS. 31 ~1 25o B. TABLE OF NUMERALS. I. ADJECTIVES. 1. Cardinal. 2. Ordinal. Interrog. roao; how many? vro~oso; which in order? oi, Indef. roaoi, a certain number. one of how many? Rel. Ind. exoer$o, how many soever. ro'a$os;, whichsoever in order. Dimin. Ouiyol, few. $JXyorro0;, one of few. Augment. aroX;o, many. sroX;aoo.ros, one of many, or, Demonst. r~c0:, so many. one following many. Relat. gaol, as many. 1 da ~C, ylcO,'Y, one. ~qfio~,,-oY, frst. 2 t' S6o, bJo, two. desVetqoS,-i,-ov, second. 3 jr' es-, QlOa, three. TeIrog~,-qov,, third. 4 Ii' caacaq~, FdTawgq, four. azaqCou, fourth. 5 d' 7rEVE, five. aEr Trog, fifth. 6' $t, six.'xo;, sixth. 7 i nsexg, seven. fdo8uop, seventh. 8,' xscw, eight. 0"Voo~, eighth. 9 0t'?vs'a, nine. 3VcXo4, gvS'Mo~o, nineth. 10 c' ~gaxO, ten. 6 1arzos, tenth. 11 taOf s'EeX, eleven. V&iaToa., eleventho, eet 12 l5' 6C0&xOC, twelve. j& Exiaoq, twelfth. 13 ytr' l lQ(gata( X, &xaerqe tgoxcr dgt 14 t1' zueaoaaecrxallxo UEaa L(ax5sdszof 15 Lt' rrseYX6atex a 7VTEzaltxaE os 16 re ixxalExo. EXXm6aco 17 t,' fzaixalrex a ETzaxactda(Exo S 18 Ot' omx@xtoaMxaE omxxXa6~aXoaVo 19 lt' E&Ytaal&xa &vyat1xac 0zog 20 st' S6Xout(V) W6OUTOg 60 X' xov 870' E otdxoXmoT E,1odl8oq mo0 90? oYovxovra oZotvevsCoaoT 10 gp bxaTd) oxoauTod 200 at' S~tXOgatot,.Cc,-a tsoa toaTozd 300 t' T-lcfflxJas ot Tfxoatoa0Tg 32 TABLES. — NUMERALS. [i 25 400 v1 TETQJeXOLYtobL TEtol tOOTOJ, 500 p' E7rVTAXoLoo GTlxoocXOtOUlO 600 it' exoaltO OOOULOa UooTO 700 it' ~agraxoutob iEn O(tOUTOg 800 co' OXT:cOUlOOb gaOXTxaUc toaUog 900 " EYgVIXCgatLOL YVOmgaXO wtozdg 1,000,a XLALoL,.a,-a XlvaOUTO 2,000,f &Ualtitot &o-0ot2.ia 0 10,000 /b &VQlOtaCXl,-t vgQLoo(dOg 20,000,I 8atUVIgLtO& bt19VQ1OcTO's 100,000 Qg h6X"ctU(VQlOS 6ExaxloU9 VQLOUT0 3. Temporal. 4. Multiple. inter. o 7aago; on what day 1. (airE1qso, on the same day.) 76t1roq, Z7riovs, simple, single. 2. vseevsa7oq, on the second day. &ldovis, double. 3. TQgTa7o~, oh the third day. zrQtovg, triple. 4. TEsaoxQcIo;, on the fourth day TFegrQrXO~V, quadrtuple. 5. rr.ZqLnL7oq, on the fifth day. amrr~a7noi', quintuple. 6. xxrca7o;, on the sixth day. S2tanjovf~, sextuple. 7. fljotia7o, on the seventh day. brTzanloVq, septuple. 8. oyioiaos, on the eighth day. ozXaZorsq, octuple. 5. Proportional. II. ADVERBS. III. SUBSTANB TIVES. Inter. wo~arXor~ows; how many %oer&oad; how many sroorns, quantity, fold? times a number. Dim. JOX1yicxsr, few times. o$a'rvs, fewness. Augm. eoxAxoreo~t, manyfold. %'o;X1mxs, many times. 1. ('laos, equal.) raira, once. yovag, monad. 2. 7wrla'cyeO, twofold. 6E1, twice. &6v'c, duad. 3. 2eL7ocdatoo, threefold. rql', thrice. ntLa, triad. 4. szainlcaaog xE Tagxls,f our times. TEsgaq, ze'xeamgx 5. 7revtra1radatog rrZaX1G 7r~YIZa 6. lsr'lalro'loa ElcocLq 7. rahdOafo..o eTXXl 8. OXTU7Ea'a(log OXtIXl goco 9. E.vec7ldadatoqg &vECxS, EYrXdvx F 6Codq 10. &exal7)aLog 6EXxaxlS EsXuc 20. EhXouaTlxCatog!goO'xaextg Eoxag 100. 8xoaIOvercudaeoqg ExaiovTrctg EX"(TOYTOG 1,000. ZXLtAodroslOg XItL.LtLg XtlO 10,000.'VQl10o7lr(od g'uzoelax pvotros ~ 26, 27, 28.1 CONJUGATION. 33 C. TABLES OF CONJUGATION ~ 26. I. THE TENSES CLASSIFIED. I. PRIMARY. II. SECONDARY. Time. 1. Present. 2. Future. a Past. Relations. I Definite. PRESENT. IMPERFECT. yqcepq), * 67QaCpov, I am writing. I shall be writing. I wtas writing. 2. Indefinite. FUTURE. AORIST. * yQCJqo, ~YQa0sI, I write. I shall write. I wrote. 3. Complete. PERFECT. PLUPERFECT. have written. I shall have writteitten. I had written. o 27. II. THE MODES CLASSIFIED. I. DISTINCT. A. INTrLLECTIVE. I. Actual. 2. Contingent. a. Present. 3. Past INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. OPTATIVE. reo'PW, ygpo,,qotCee, am writing. I may write. 1 might write B. VOLITIVE. IMPERATIVE. Write. 1I. INCORPORATED. A. Substantive. B. Adjective. INFINITIVE. PARTICIPLE, To write. Writing. f 28Q. II. FORMATION OF THE TENSES. PREFIXES. TENSES. AFFIXES. Active. Middle. Passive. PRESENT, W), t I fem"I, JCAM Augm. IMPRsECTr, 0Y, I 04en, (C.n FUTURE, Vei &e(.eat S4fldO Aeugm. AORIST, eS 0au$7i S Augm. AOR. II., 09,' 0s1m, pp p Redpl. PERFECT, Xi z Redpl. PERF. II., a Augm. Redpl. PLUPERFECT, Xa l, Augm. Redpl. PLUPERF. 1., lis Redpl. FUT. PERF. ~'06 34 TABLES. [~t 29. 2 9. Iv. AFFIXES OF THE Present. Imperfect. Nude. Euphonic. Nude. Euphonic tnd. S. 1 #u tr v ov0 2 9 EE S 3 oCL(v), *(V) P 1 iUEv ou~, uSVv oYusv 2 Tr TS8 TE8 818 3 vt(v), aor(v) ovt(v).av ov D. 1 tsY OtsEv tisv otueV 2 0ro ETOv TOV'802 3 Iov nZoV rlv Evl: Subj. S. 1 a 2 WG 3 P. 1 ) O~V 2 ~,s D. 1 ioI4Uv 2 Iov 3 nzo, Opt. S. 1 Iv OIpt 2 bn OL0 3 Itq Ob P. 1 inJ8sV, LtSV otuEV 2 Inre, 1zs OlZs 3 ilaUv,a 7sv OLEC D. 1 mi^sE, l~SY OlV 2 In:ov, l7ov OLTOY 3 lTrJYv 1f'rV 0oiflnY Imp. S. 2 g, g, a 8 3 m0 mCO P. 2 rs8 ~ 3 Ctrnwv, twrv i'maTup, OVY7tw D. 2 Tov EOYv 3 oy, imV Inf. vat ELt Part. N. vYtr, Va,, V, OV, ovu, ov G. vZogS YvTuq ovIog, ojlno ~ 29 ] CONJUGATION. 3.5 ACTIVE VOICE. Future. Aorist. Perfect. f luperfect. Ind. S. 1 oow ac s- X —LY, X-n 2 oltg ag C-w XC-ELt 3 () ) (-Et P. 1 aO(UY-J OmlaUv X-fXfuV X-aLYEYV 2 GETS a(aC c-"TS C-E.loT 3.ovULt() (av u-aul(V -eotua), X-Ecs D. 1 aoouav atUv g-auv' X-EtEV 2 unov c iov X-arov X-ELvOV 3 uEIOY ooTnv x-ai5ov X-EITrv $ubj. S. 1 oN (x-w) 2 o (x-?) 3 P. 1 oUatv (X-oJ/~V) 2 UXJT6 (X-l-) 2 3 Gcou(v) (X-CouL-V) D.I opuE (X-CopiV) 2 u-loo (x- To) 3 onoh (M-ohov) Opt. S. 1 ootlb o aetM (1x-OLtL) 2 aog OatS, aeg, (X-otS) 3 Got oua, ue-(V) (X-O,) P. 1 UOIups utlpEY (x-oq9 2 GOMT~ T tT8 (uX-OLS) 3 uOLEY lv EV, uEUxv (x-oEv) D. 1 aOlLpv a(ftuEv (X-O1EVY) 2 UOLTOV aCLTOV (X-OtTOV) 3 ao ip' UeLT7V (X-OliT'V) Imp. S. 2 GOy (X-E) 3 oUzM (:-&E)J) P. 2 GUTS [nTV (X-Ete) 3 UcrTiapv, Wal- (X-6'Twa(XV, X-o'TWVY) D. 2 U5ToY (X-ETOV) 3 UUxI&JV ( X-TWTY) Inf. ltVL aat X-EVatl Part. N. aov, &c. oag, oaxa, GUY x-to, x-vU, X-dOr G. oorog 0aUzwo oadol C-doTg,,X-vag ,6 TABLES. [~fT 30 30. v. AFFIXES OF THE Pres. Imperf. Perf. Plup. Nude. Euph. Nude. Euph Ind, S. 1 pab oiat nvi opIqv juac 1tIv 2 at, at, El 0% o ov aalb ao 3 Tat ET1t TO ETO Tat TO P. 1 tE9o0 otu-a pafa E OtOa u eOa luEaa 2 o#9s EaU a ~ r os r9s 3 vrYa OaTC(6 YTO ovYO VIK6 vro D. 1 OtPsa sEta put&a s1Oa Putia cc Eoa 2 %OYv Et0oV rOV E000ov oGOv r00o, 3 0o Ea&OY o&lpv daOi 9v &aov OIv Subj. S. 1,,cua (pts'OS ~C) 2?1 (ydYo5?7s) 3 iat (uivos?7) P. 1,pEiO, (dYvot 4wv) 2, o o (pivot'?nr) 3 ~ o o (4bvot o) -v D. 1E (1t~vYo CtEY).2 I o o Cov STOV) 3 arO (lavw o IOY) Opt. 2S. oiu (P' vos S"v) 2 lO 00 (dvnO g t10o ) 3 vZO OtZO (u, 0o;, 4b ) P. ItE 016l5&a (U 06ot$ 3tip E) 2 lwas oltU& (PEvOt d671T ) 3 tvot OY1VO (uMv8 0 Etq(uYav) D. NI i cas ol,-9,o- (P oYv Eo~ltEV ) 2 tlao40v otlr9ov (,V- &?olVOY) 3 lau&qv 01i9iv ( P'vw Eld V ) Imp. S. 2 o, o ov Oro 3 criw E'aO)o UwcO P. 2 U& EGOS S 3 roriav, rcv Ei'Sawauoev, cri0o v oU&coravp, ariCe D. 2 a~ov sEoriv a9ov 3 a-&WV iaov q&eV Inf. ri0a& EaS&bx art Parte N. UitOv, -i,.-ov Oatvog, -j, -Ov jdvogg -.0, -o' G. puEvov -; O1dYOV, -71 pugvov, -8 ao~rtiODt. SlD7.'50,33 acOdt3,?1 D aop1oo O 50twlootdXt.qJ 43'#SDZ p-~ 50O4t3TrD 50ot30D N'lO m6@D9DSt " W!t4-9 9X@DX)D ~3GO3D.JU 4(01&-# d(OGDVD -:Ju rozi9& 4.DUD s20 Ismo e nlotoo!'C0 xLke2P g -S -dtul 4att2D7ODtl.* dAtt1&. 4(4DpD 4AtLD7OD I XL07IaORtLD-j 4 f't Rd U213 j7?Do nl9?27)OD.8,uw63v70t.D, dt3d78d{{t811113*4> 1tX440 90kl~3.0~ T oo 0,l2ODIt-. d3?3-,;Dttp3-. 014.ID 01A 0D o 08-D?0DU-a 93179 #31-L3,q 8aD1MD 8#DIOD Z O113l0Dtl-* IO1V0-3 20D 10VqOO T dl OloDtt-. a to.*- OUD o0oD Ioomv-. ao3-e o~Dn 0o?0D g RCJI7ODItt S2,991p. 070J D 010JoD G ~ ssDuLD'ln' ssucI 4'ilOVD 19'p!}0' p!S'do aoz-g ao Do &D (ito-g 1%3*th)D I d ask-# 3#aD& 3,1tO1qDtt99 tttlij 01t D) 9D3910 Cs AOVD3D' - o'&Da S tt4a039D lUIRD'tl'7;0orODtt-* t2Ok.- 4t)r70D MOD Te 8sacOIO. ah6AISSVJ aNV Th lGQIJ4 &s~alJODoI- / vOiL-YO=S3~~uOD U~ 42'1KOLUDMInr 0 I-Os lb Co w - C w cwa w w t Future and Aorist, Active and Middle. Future Perfect.! x Perfect and Pluperfect Active.''' ~ t'',' Aorist Passive. -&-' Future Passive. Present and Imperfect. Perfect and Pluperfect Passive. r_ _ _ _' o' O Present, Imperfect, and Future. C aPr RC RC a, aRC aC RC a Aorist Active and Middle. z Perfect Active. n Pluperfect Active. Aor., Perf., and Pluperf., Passive. * * * * * * * * * Pres. and Imperf. of Verbs in-A,. J - t e i s Cu t| SUBJUNCTIVE. ____ _ - - -I Middle of Verbs in -/s. Active of Verbs in -ic/. O -y y y -~ y y ~ ~ ~: Aorist Passive. Present and Future. w pi0 ___ _ _ _ _ O _ a Aorist Active and Middle.,o, C. C." C. C. Present and Future. Perfect Active. _ |' 8< Sc Sc a' Sc 5' Be |3 ~ IAorist Active and Middle. Aorist and Perfect Passive. |m 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ Present of Verbs in-az.,,.,. ~ Primary,. ~c *" *tO: ~''~. c', c,C:ci ci a Secondary. W _ *e ~ Sc~~~Z t tImperative. ~ - c,~Infinitive.. q. -o" Secondary. N v' -' _ 1 ccs Infinitive. ~n rc m Participle.'IC 1W ~-? sa SCI $32. vII. DIALECTIC FORMS (see ~~ 241 -253). SUBnJECTrvE. 3 Yvo, Dor. Y-. In o-'r, i'oo-. OBJEcTrvE. Singular. ova-, AEol. OoS*- x~Urm'o,, O`v, E Singular. I Ind. Pr.,, Old ui. xsgxn ovxt, aus, Ep. 0(o40, (txt ~o0 tJ2~dsh 1 ho/,M oiYazt, Ion. and Dor. svpai. ~o s,6/w. I t t D~~~~~~~~~~~Ior.;Y.i-. zmari,-. ao, Z, Ion. * oe~, Dor. rE0 o*a, Do. oo~,ns, Do nr 1o,oosn.'p sova'j) OV67 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/~, ]Ion. 0/~,, 6 t- zoo/st, s. ho,, Ep. sh, W&, o, 0Yc, cso. Dor. YE.00o ic, pr E0Y0. o*pal, Ion. u~,or * ~ooo /zci,,/,sco. D~~~~~~~~~py or. pez. ~,:~.ap-t,/ec. SW, A, Ep. daw - Ygmst'a, IrYS16. /zt Dora./. /zl/V. Fut. o, Dor. oZ. oo, rcsp/. nt, Ton. on'. orxso', o0oo Iter. O/oznivp. 5rxoxSo'dUnv, xv1non'Zo'gno. oao't, 2Elol. aia-,. P010,4. oo, Dor. ZZ * S.Xv ios4X; Ai 3ol. -n o*~ sc200. 2 7, Ion. sat, Subj. sa c. ~'Wor, 5irn;o. i, Ion.'Eoo. Ay.xS,,oo, d0 0,, Alex. n, 0a0,. *',OzaEO,?t6oy Hlel. 0-es* o5rhon, XO6xVnoza. Impf. Y, Iter. oxov. * X'ozoopi, ~oX. oy, Old Y e fao, iyceO. V. jV, Ion. so * a,,O~ea. Ion. a*- SI~r;2',;a, ~'a. Inf. aos, IEol.,. * cso'vahy, gv~'rnv. Ion. and Dor. Su*- i'rXsv, pa'V. noo, Mv, Ion. soy, Ion. and Dor. svY *,dYa,sV. Dor. and Ep. s Ep.p E* O.Ep Es,, * CxgOl. Aor. o, Dor. ~oz * ipxopwg,,'6g`oa. Ep. and Eol. ww,. t 0Z,/,9 t, Ion. ao ED no, Orlrn-o. Iter. oaano'* o,, c'r o,, o ozs,. no, D. Dor. aV *'r~;o.~v, [nen. -a Dor. a; r. Plup. sy, Ion. sC. * njo, ~rosi75~r. Dor. and ZEol. no - sbe5, s`yno. on, os, Ep. an,, o' fcxn s, F3,.'Sy~ ~~~, 4o p to 9'~t'xo Old Att. n. ~'ln, lrzmvon. Poet.'/z~b ~unyVn*' op zV, &AV.'/ga. otn,'o, Ion.'oa,'o. qpo4 nas, pog'o. Subj. W, Ep. atps.'ojz4s, ixao/. o7o, Ion. hip. *lio:, wros6l~y. Plural. Z, Ep. s/s, a,&c.; Wna C6,St~ JsVAo voa. asiv, &v Ep. a&in o eaacv ~Skaa. 1 PSea, Poet. ps5obda- Ayo0sco-Ox, so-spola. 2, Old 4on- Eocnoln, 3iaxolnoa. Dor. io. oev, 7Oy/v. S srns, wro, Ion. a Tom, s o.:asnln, onro. E;, Dor. s - a/~X7,,;, oeto;oEs;. MOv, Dor. Zo. vv'rov,,syZV. [any. aoon, ocro, Ion. innCsr, 6nro 3vVSoiTa..oCt;,,;, Dor,,. o* S, T-oXis/;, Xf. 6vo, Dor. and.Eol. sov, no. lchxot~s, TcOyta- ooro, Ion. gnro. ~ S Mouxnro, IX06nro. Ep. aSs oea';, Soa;. Ep. *pr, nVTr, VT, Ep. n,;,p lon, edOPT'i nroyran. 3 ts, Dor. TI r'94Ts, ( T1. Pt. Zo, Ion. hoyV & a, ~EV, soeT Z, Ep. &o&oro, Ep0t V lSoao. SOO Subj.., Ep. o o. 0, Z,'Ep. osi, v * oeom. Du. 3 oOco, Dor. oEp onoc i xrowa, h'xoi~io. p, ~ ~~u: 3 I ZOdly, Ion.'sov. a z -d, Xe'sodr2. Plural. d;, ao n, ZEoI. an;, n 4n,.o. Inf. ons, n, Ion. ~oolt. XZ~S;ons. 1 ~V, Dor. psE~5 EshsE;, lEMoLOEECf, ZEol. soona * s- on, fA0 ooon. Ep. cnonooJ * o'sioOn. Subj. wp/c, Ep. o0tah. * Ayseo;oy, Z4folM covaon, oso, Ep. ooona, &atoaoc, aaooo ~n o$ie soo'a Dor.;o'a,. ~ uofoc n. 2 Subj. nrs, Ep. rs — Elr. G. Or. o;, Ep. Zros - /j8sz0o;, XEY4n(o~rog. s7E$a, Ion. o-Ons, ~m~nyssndo, oXw'sao-0. 40 TABLES. [ 33 S 33. viii. THE ACTIVE VIIOICE OF TE Present. Imperfect. Ind. S. 1 I ) 2 Thou, You 3 He, She, It P. I We am planning, was planning 2 Ye, You or or 3 They plan. planned. D. 1 We two 2 You two 3 They two Subj. S. 1 1 2 Thou, You 3 He, She, It may p P. 1 We may plan, 2 Ye, You can pl, 3 They or D. 1 We two 2 You two 3 They two opt. S.II 2 Thou, You I e Se, might plan, P. 1 we should plan, 2 Ye, You U would plan, 3 They coulrln D. 1 W'e two orned 2 You two IPland 3 They tu'o Imp. S. 2 Do thou - 3 Let him P. 2 Do you be planning, 3Let them or plan. D. 2 Do you two 3 Let them two (To be planning, Infinitive, or To plan. Participle, Planning. ~33.] CONJUGATTON. 4J VERB Pov (~ 34) TRANSLATED. Future. Aorist. Perfect Pluperfect. haveplanned. had planned plannned, shallplan have planned, or had planned, have planned. hadplanned will plan. or plan. may plan, may have planned, can plan, can have planned, plan, or have planned. might plan, might have planned, should plan, should plan, should have planned, or would plan, would plan. would have planned, could plan, could have planned, plan, or have planned, plan, or have planned. To be about To plan, or To have planned. to plan. To have planned. Abot t pln(Having planned, Havn lne Abot o pan ~or Planning. avnplne 4* 4omDaaqyaoFI amaayaod # 4isDn(agod?A(OI UU It fnay4og.4LOU 2 z axao 4tmi~oa~qyao/ 8 102a1OD~~~~~lMt(10qao aaayao S dwl,tl~jOaayo# zmyo 00na~ynIwoyo 451ODaiyot o o s 10 nno ~?Oavoiaod alhoagyao#I~ I ~ ~~~~~4(~aI I* I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~k~If 8 ioDaO~gyaoe? ~ ayo ioagyayfod 5loD(Ltayaod aia70~j~axayao4 r d ~~~~~~~~v~IoiydId 5ii~~~~rn~~~~yaodao 1W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. t~~sgao# a~ng~.Se(aanyao l.vnayaod uma~xa3~poeli ldoaRaodo 4t()14ODa,7yao&'dr1;Daouftya%?, ~toowyaoe xj.OVDaayaod 4Osiolnynov I& D laRyaog.OX173.(L~aot;d 5XJ1oD(1y(Lo'51nD9,taog ol)Dasyaod toDnayaod so X IODaqyaof ^so oinsy o p z~xnyaod,tUl,?Dafedao',tdI;%O1Da3yaoe 5n~~l~ yuio~~9~~gI~ avDaayatog gi7~~(H yaoghig9~~~ ~~oxaDyaogao S5-V73DUpnoe'SVoDnyanos,sl&DatzOv U O0OA n I.a fo~oar~on0y' ~~Od~~~dO~~~a~~yaImg O4TO(a~yaogt~ oDtdoaayao% 8 aO~~~aya~% ~ D7O'a.03.0yaJ 4ttDOflny(o% * 40~6oS?~pog t'd dto) ogaD %ao# Oi41OD(L3Y(~~Od wOD"uy~r~OgI s',V DM,anaayao 9fJD1O~~~rL~aJ Dl~Ofl3yft%/ z;e~ mro/oayao% i axio1JntaynI S ~0~4?xo~ltPno, ~;'( ~m~tfo~a~~og 8 eoal3y odod e jo Iof I sqn Ol~t~o~a~yaog oitioaaOaoe 19-OD70.0a~poe a.&Do#nagynoetG* 4O~tDDa.?%ao dODf~l~~ ovoagyao~ 07D3D(13ynOe) 9~D3~L3~QO(}~ ~ 1JDD(nynog o a trODalafa%/ I l. J)'ayf% 13Pyto ~ ~ ~~~~~~,t~qtt yaetI -( * lrn'/oD~~yaod d~aimmma I yapu P!JAI arn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~~~~ 1~~~~~~~~p~~~~~d~~~~~~uI~ ~~. ~'~' S~IOA ~IISSVJ QNV ~flqIK Xa~qCo sozadaya3oeJe 5Od3dDfayaod 40,gsDaayfolsb sfooDmoa3yaoy 4tyfObI IfEX~a~~ ao~Dan ~ 4to~DxoDaf3yfaog'Oon ftnob3/'dxDDvD(L3ya% G~tv~o(Q-ga3yao~d', aDxwayao d2aqwofl~ynod/ aooonam a3ynod 2OaSoioDn3Yfaod;3poon3yano io0gnva3yaod owtv D rynod DttvoDaqyaod A~~~fl3~~~(flJ~~~~4 d.DD1Dn~ya1od 2g~a~yft%?3~1.~ Dfl~Y~t~h0d na~yaod ~~~O~~~~~I~~~~~1~ o~~a~~y~ogb~~ lxiXol~twgyao O~~an~~g~~. ~ ~ oon0OD~Jyao I~ so (.Gaos Ti07'9avqfapo0 ~~OI1V~~~M1J~~OO ~~IY~EIH~~~~[U 50,dioDtngansyaofa 4yfao~ -puJ WfJDGADtt-tawyaofJ int4agyao% GUI st~ ~ ~ ~4ooDnocaqooa~ snta! yaod aitcwaagyaoe oz~~~oog~~~a~~aogl &~ ao l ~ ~ ~ -w q&q~Dtoaaedkdaq I ~~~~~~~~~~Ai 42O~D1ODtt#Q83YQOd il oi1oD ttqannayaod xv mam-po9'9Dtlqoqa~yao8?aOD70D2tLGayano 91qa3yaoe ltt{3pfxagp I OtayaItp4 A y% 011ODtt6'a,?yaoe/ 51qpJaayaoe 0oD0ftstayaoe e O oDookttayaoe 8 mm-6Lalgyaoe 311 avim-oaqao I S j~q LiO~~tt4Jft~~~y(Wd Dtt1gal~yaoge D~~~~DtCL~~~~~~~YI(WdfqE I I~~~~~~~~ao 1YlRDtt1Jftyatoe t~af *Ssui oa~mnA'SScj;stloy QL9cmaTioo,x FariavJ ge W s~!auvi 9 36.] DItUTE VERBS. 47 ~I 36. XIo (A.) MUTE VERBS. i. LABIAL..lo IFdpca, to write. ACTIVE VOICE. Present. Future. Aorist. Perfect. Ind. 7c;tw ycw oeio, - yapoe Subj. yq O'l ytqo Opt. 7yaoQ o y/tJotpi 7Q "att Imp. cqs~ yqty Q ov Inf. yqaCSv 7Qdc qJPLV y7cqJc. Wiva& Part. y;q'cpw'yv ypc' 7qaqxov 7~otpo 7Qaa 7qoJ Imperfect. Pluperfect. Ind. 6"aov I I md yQaq9OV q~7yQUpTlv MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Presento Future Mid. Aorist Mid. 3 Future. Ind. y7dqo(poput aqdoput ~yqiciyiv'y7qgotcmt Subj. yq'rOa6 Opt. e; poiQ nv, reaYwot/np' rq)atflnV aryeot~n iO Imp. yedcov 7qdU Wn Inf. 7qa' uiI y 7yQyJtEpahL y7qJOOtL 7Qt /)tWa6 Part. LgapolO~;dy6uropo yoyturog yyvc7 ysoa voq Imperfect. 2 Aor. Pass. 2 Fut. Pass. Ind. 9yOacoU? J 75'YQot. T Subj. yOa7epcv Opt. yaWxqiv 7ex(wopvk Imp. aexcO Inf. neQcpva. Part. y7~aEps y? pao/svOg PERFECT, Ind. Imp. Inf. PLUPERFECT, S. 1 P y'wY~?yeypya ~ EyQ(ye#aPlxp, 2 y7Eeaqcat,'yqwpo iyiy7qTo 3 ycqcra ego Part..yyxIo: P. 1 7yF4r s;qiO 7 v y#og E7qrdtWa9 2 d~aO y7yQ(XqOs y717qpO~ y~qs 3 sTqadvot 7sX oaaV, yeyaJq~VO6 3 ysye~OPov [yyo fv D.)e 2 t~pQOv y)y@OV q~Yov tE/y fX)2a &ov 3 ~2X2 E7apt2 48 TABLES. [1T 37 I 37. LABIAL. 2. Ae47&t, to leave. ACTIVE VOICE, Present, Imperfect. Future. 2 Perfect. 2 Pluperfect. Ind. id 7o I'ilsov letyJWVw 1,Zo7rta e)AeZoiElv Subj. AtE~ii Opt. 1)6lroLP&L.r$ioqr Imp. A Inf. E+ldrv it/istv Z2lotbEVa Part. Isatov seiwv Aeotdo~ AoRIST II Iad. Subj. Opt. Imp. Inf. I3. 1 "'A7tov l1 170 1t~rotlp le/&v 2'tirTeg~ Jlt7rr JlrSotg Ares 3 iWtnsE ACr kACrob tLrhE'o Part. P. 1 eai oae0 1iTW/63J.i2OL(IV oL7UYA 2 Wirata AEPtrr e.'Jwm AII S ov 3 iiTSrO lhacits liFrobs 1irsirEzs gnoroea 3'ELtrov 7lnooa& XL[TtOLcV l.rcoace, n'vr ltyO' D. 2 1A1s~2ov 1lir7rov l rotroyv ii7lsov A1ltro'Yo 3 iltTqy XV - 7 01oTlV Xlt7rETWV AMIOVUng MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Present. Future Mid. Perfect. Aorist Pass. Ind. i6l2tropaL sl~a~i01Uya As8EAitUIUlao& ElhAp iv Subj. sairwpuccs lst(P 1&co Opt. AELr oi1?,jv AstILol/IYv AStLcp 6sv Imp. Asi1ov; Ueqta 9slq~OrLzT Inf. slrtnE4asa seisy)EIaE r AAEl7c(P-a~ b ascpqva Part. Elftno'r Vog cstpEdVo~g WscttPIYOg AEsc(PEqg Imperfect. S Future. Pluperfect. Future Pass. Ind. 6EJdPU12V'ldyopYOc S'vsEU V 1E1b&?J,0PU& AORIST II. MIDDLE. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. Inf. S. 1 Elr?13m V rY. tcuol;llttiroi JIEJotElXaa 2 gbrov lirl )oo ktiov 3 lrETsro jIhzrolTdt jOlToo 7ItfL[ai#) Part. P. 1 EallTOU~a c; tt;ausE UOilUO5a9 lstnojVsroo 2 El t0a tE tain s glrolf az& I-its s0ao 3 xirOw'*o i7,rCZOVIorC tOl VTO A17o g U#aWOa(aV, ltea2oP' D. 2 AlWroiuov lU7rjaoov AlirotL9Oov twtF0aOov 3 I7rca&'nOY i0trolior0 V aL7[E'Uac if 38.] MUTE VERBS. 49 1 3~. ii. PALATAL. HIIadaoa or 7rdfoTw, to do. ACTIVE VOICE. Present. Future. Aorist. I Perfect. 2 Perfect Ind. TrQeca, irodxioml Orl 6w B7(Q".Oe Es2FXoXux gIrdnQuyo Subj. 7rQUocto, rQ0zzO 7(r o Opt. rQcuauOltu, 7rQTeIOql 7P1QcO1 cL6LL Imp. 7rqa;aU8 grQ:~ ffto, [vau [vff Inf. rQdaaelV, QcIrst'lV 7rQa t:lv arMIax 7wFfQAtx- rfQeye'8~ Part. a'uaacowv,;eas@v aQi$!Y cga V c 2U lov cx 7T2c,@ U Ec9aa0s Imperfect. 1 Pluperfect. 2 Pluprfect. E7QraaUaov, 6ra01o0v 7rE7rrQd;XEev'r1E7r0YEtV MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Present. Imperfect. Future Mid. Ind. rrcQcaaoal/, 7TQUTTO(Cat EQc2Ua9OUt.v, rEQaiToatPv navTOd,t,'t Subj. cz7oUaW'uaU, rtQeT P01uab Opt. 7tQex oot,'y, ec7terTOiLtYV,rvaOt o(iJuY Imp. zroea(a(ov, EQXdTTOV Inf. CodaCUFfaEoCCL, 7CQarTTzEaUa 7CoX$&Tha Part. nqauoa,usogvs, nqfxTodlEroS 7Mt7,Fu ETos Aorist Mid. Aorist Pass. Future Pass. S Future. Ind. Inr cal nUv 9d Q geqzo a, v a uXx1jaoiuot n errOdUolmw Subj. niua rQfl(t!x.~xk Opt. 7,eIQX1tfll, V nulO~l[X v q' srqX.nuoolrd' v Ta~r*cOtfl qV Imp. rStbxQ r71tQ cl,TL Inf. ordeixtc&actl nizp;jvar ~rt2d.O JXtf Part. qa vo: 7Oe4S.77rqYCCUs yo/ O qfapcIEVog~ PERFECT. PLUPERFECT. Ind. Imp. Inf. S. 1 0d~ZaFa' nIafrQCX E7rrsQdfEgtn' 23 Qdr axxzot teccaX/o P art. gT7EntXto P. 1 nE7tqryueOb 7sQoay. P ivo rt 7T7Ty,uOT 2 7r~JIBrdrX D o rr2,?Xg Fednq.,0S 3 7roencQCyyevoL YerxdwcrYa; tuvot [vIdo mrrerizo2a [Vaa' D 2 7LgIeaXoQ CneC;3XWo erear~XovnQ ~3 vFF g~QoLZv 9 g &rqd;tW, 50 TABLES. [1 39~ 1 39. iii. LINGUAL. 1. fHleto, to persuade. (2 Perfect, to trust; Middle and Passive, to believe, to obeyj.) ACTIVE VOICE. Present. Future. I Aorist. 2 Aorist. 1 Perfect. 2 Perfect. Ind. nsd'Eow EauIw ZEUaa E" 9'tYov rEuElnsca n~E;oOia Subj. nEltw n estaco aiT9o nFrrolo Opt. Indsoelp ndlaotlp JEaatltU iluotlq ault olo bi Imp. s2.0s rsETUov Tl 9 nstge'49a Inf. nrsEtOv rdaEULY Mv a sr7u m Oey trSUXI & nTOcE'Vm 7 ae Part. ta6iCov ndcov nE duaa tEdw'v Tx7rY t.CEX q fo57rOLOco Imperfect. 1 Pluperfect. 2 Pluperfect V'arov MGE71ElIEtv grl6nol'Etv MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Present. Future Mid. 2 Aor. Mid. Aorist Pass. Future Pass Ind. t6O0&oa& nadiUoolat Ert aO6?v dErtU&il9V 7reiLu'43'uoo ab Subj. Edto9wlabc 1 n0l. Oa. ne7tuac Opt. nelroilirY nVEtaoit'VY m19olOt'lv nlEtaOFVlY 7ela94 01otP'Y Imp. 7nrdov m o, n1'oea4vjT Inf. nsri#scaa 7rduI9C rtL&Ea.Iw L 7mIUnsta6 sTI.%ut iE&O(a Part. niElrOeusvog aCzgopEp0i'ILtt.FYOt tsVvo'g 7Lo lg nrLTU 0VYOg Imperfect. PERFECT. PLUPERFECT. ld,. Imp. Inf. S. 1 gdrarrTspCa 7t1raW.9xtdt u n 7rtlr a yrsrrsDnuo r tuvfeto 3 7Tnltlazal u asnElwO Part. iaiewTZO P. 1 217rEUlIa9tia aE7Ertrtu VOo a7CIfflTaLESI 2 7nLSe~u.s # gstE6fagE ~1tireato 3 rstliVO t nrEid'ffa(Or aaV, ES7rUIatPI'0& [ctyb EZEiz@@ [M W OW D. 2 ntel7ntuaLov InTrEl U&OV L7s'FrFIa Uo, V 3 rESaeadowv ga E7tadGi'7lv ~ 40.j MUTE VERB~S. 51 S 4o. 2. Koptluf, to bring. (Middle, to receive.) ACTIVE VOICE. Present. Future. Aorist. Perfect. Ind. xotd',w co0uauw edxo ot e,,uals Subj. xopd w iogulp c Opt. xo0tdot46t xopluaot#o xotaollqtt Imp. X0dU4S~ gOloa'ov Inf. xojISLY rIOpEltvY xolIcYaL t EXo LtxrVa Part. xopyltwY xcoolawvo xxoluo0au xexoolxa imperfect. Pluperfect. ~VXO~tOV EX0XO,.1DI MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Present. Future Mid. Aorist Mid. Aorist Pass. Ind. xotdopat0 xol00oouat exoItudY ExopluOiav Subj. zoiutlCo ao6 xotiiuouwaxt ropto'o Opt..osUColpn xOp(,oi0 p6IV xOaloUiUPV xOUpt4cJV& Imp. xopEdouv 0otLUMrL XOplt&n: Inf. xoytiEaOc e xolplaaO o.d xocPcrl&td ac xo0to,9'lcYa Part. xotttld Evos g xolptaotjvo; xoptut0a(lvo c xOltdaE&d Imperfect. Perfect. Pluperfect. Future Pass. Ind &~ XOpOtItV wX.dpttUoC{ &.XEXOdUrtV, XOtLW( 7?a0foh 1t Opt. xolita9nUaouy Imp. XEsXdtaol Inf. zMxotpla~a xoso l oeaeoa Part. sLEXOtUtU&vo otaOjyud7YPUV0;, ATTIC FUTURE. Ac/vs. MIDDLE. Ind. Info Ind. Inf. S. 1 XOUL Ioul, xoLtOVLUCl xolutta,90Oef 3 XOULE Part. xOtULETa Part. P. 1 xOpLOV/i$V xOUtl(,Y xOMCOVcp8~Ja Io/LoOV(e3A 2 xoECTurs xotOV4wa CxoLaLEL9 3 XOptLOVaL XO/ILOVV xooUlOVVTa D. 2 nqolE6o1Mu: scoplovy7or Os/lE70&' 52 TABLES. r1 4 1 E 41. X II. (B.) LIQUID VERBS. 1. 3AyyD i &,, to announce. ACTIVE VOICE. Present. Imperfect. 2 Aorist, Perfect. Pluperfect. lnd. c3WISd to E2.OY Subj. Uy?)A)zo?yawcX Opt. "YYEIAnll;tb o7YyvE'AoL P Imp.`7yysals c'yrO Inf. on yE?.eLv ccgyyIX/v 1Jy7e712F8 Part. y/yy;ilwrv c7yy7IvY?yylxwS FUTURE. Ind. Opt. nf. Part. S. 1 V??2. abe'2o0Lur, acxYYrsot K/EET aylv 2 c/yyerl. cyyao, ayy6oby, c~yysRovac 3 8SY~7E, O01.... 3 L72E'it'?yysloa4, yyy ytaob ~yyrl)ovv P. 1 tya)/)/iOV~Y U'vyAOI7E vY VYYE)OEiMYV cxyy/Tovv1o1 2 o4y7iExE "yya7iO7rte, a"yyE~oitra ouyyE rOVonS 3'7yyEAO6u'y"EO..7Ev D. 2 (yyEihzo4V U6Eoyy.e0otoV, Cayyo77E10To 3 oxyEloinY, OIyyr~lov;T AORIST I. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. S. 1?17yyllao ayyil6to XaYY.AIiXI oL 2 y77yElA,(X yy7i7"ib/f Cy'77lfAXS, (x7yy7altxS aIXyyaltoI, 3 7iEJ7lIS EXyy/t)6 7ayyil)ctL,'Xyy7E7 ELs ayyEsllt P. 1 yy/Eil6aCl,.Y Oy7.wIv.,y"Elocav MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Present. 2 Aor. Mid, 1 Aor. Pass, 2 Aor. Pass. 2 YYEAO OIYY'''o'YYE6AOI ~' yyy eA 3 fjyyeOrlA d)y/iCl OaYYyy AOcL~Y, (17c76laY ) SyrCLA')aa'v,2 O. 277yy7,olr.ovY O yyytoiv Fol lOTOY yf77Ebyydl'Y l1f. eyyEtlia Part. 1)yY E6 cecrcauottY G. UVaTo01x' MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Present. 2 Aor. Mid. 1 Aor. Pass. 2 Aor. Paso. Ind. o yyp'loqk yyeloguv ~1yyE Q &rn v 1YY6 Sub;. u'yyvjctaiuc & yyeicur cxyyor ye Opt. a qyei ~ U A tv EWyyPil'V Imp. oyyE2)ov. 07yylovi UyyEirlS b U syy X71 J 1nf. 4yg.hajtix I'y)t ayr. kv ~17713a ExYS jv~& Part. o67yyI0PYivo; iEYl oarevof yy ie- g.a ayy84ei 41.] LIQUID VERBS. 5,' Imperfect. I Future. 2 Future. Ind. 1yye)a~uv aYr io) a vaYLiw ~6' Opt. yJ&fluoi7lnv byyJAi7 uoi'v lidf. voolR t u yy~E' uTr? lhaotx Part. r;yyau;u y(Eo b IdV77; opuog' FUTURE MIDDLE. Ind. Opt., Inf. Part, S. I ayyEoLa ovet c iotonv yslse9 Oc O lS, 2 1oyyI,.y.A e'yy lo7 h 0yy0Ov1IvCEV 3 yyei')oit 7cfyy O'LO, yyeLoviugvov P. 1 &C/YE~oiUeIa cxyye~oe9 aa;yovPuEvov D. 2 3yyslEov j& yyeGVo ov 3 cxyysEoiucr9v AoRIST I. MIDDLE. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. S. 1 TyyeiacUqnv ayYdEL) m uo?I ayyEiwuIv P. 1 1yyt??~xyit a f sytioJysc aa c c yyslcaitcs9a 2 i7yyeDtuu&oE 7yy7il.rpi ayyei7cslaue tiyyhi.ao9e 3 7yy7elxvzo c7YXelrAJIX L ayyEiacarzo o7ry7 et euv lnd. Imp. Inf. S. I IEyyEydaJo I7yy7Es& c.yy.R..Y 2;iyyEA2yey,jyyelao oyysRao 3 lnyfeortct a yyaa w. Part. 77 yeAro P. B; i(e 11~ie ~ Prgrr'q P CNo 2 71 yelC.E.YYa PrYt.'/.rE 3 Xyye)it~VOt U'i 7l Et'iXW'*Ut ajy7UeiOtt'a Z;x yr'yrt D. 2 I47ElEAx& "Wyy toy 5 77YeY52f 3 47ElA wn U7y1A Sua 54 TABLES. L[T 42. [ 42. LIQUID. 2. oadvbo, to show. (2 Perf. and Middle, to appear.) ACTIVE VOICE. Present. Future, Aorist. 1 Perfect. 2 Perfect. Ind. pclvtco qcpvc3?Vcr 7rpaxyxa dEpnvca Subj. pxiv (pMvA) Opt. cpmavottu qpavo071, cpcavoilpv pvatlb Imp. qcptvs qp nvov Inf.'cl,'rav gaIEtv pyrYja Vvtnsrla Part. parviov qpavrv (pva n7L sr(pvwCO Imperfect. 2 Pluperfect. MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. Present. Imperfect. Future Mid. Aorist Mid. Ind. qahivotcea EParvdYOjv PYPvolaa6 EPvdripYnv Subj. Patvoptr. (jL Wco jumx, Opt. (pmtvot"lV aoevotv viPatlnv Imp. poairov Trvax Inf. c(XiawEUO VIEptL(v2aaL qao'acU& Part. catlO'RvO voy eV4o SptEYO p)YCVOg 1 Aor. Pass. 2 Aor. Pass. 1 Fut. Pass. 2 Fut. Pass. Ind. EpoiXOnv qc(-viv paYOCuaoyiC vpavaoua. Subj. poeavS&W J.v Opt. pcavTelbv QVEWiv e CPY4V UOiao v CajvaoUiOti v Imp., T&X pcmri2 Tnf. vY.Ova, Oavva& VlVmavtmho ab (aPIvvUraU Part. mvdaSEi cpa iS IpaUav&Oo6btevog (PaVFaCOIAEV09o PERFECT. PLUPERFECT. Ind. Imp. Inf. S. 1 7T;(XUCa(L& nEX~Yia9X,E QS(XCaL2Y 2 drqcpevoo ce T 7dpaovoo E 8pvoo 3 7rnqXcpTxvao rrp(oWY9 Part. S7U ETcpvto P. 1 7EPff6&LE C9 n7epar uzEvo~ ireFq,1ayEo ec 2 71[Y&E rp av E. (g uv8 7[EqV(XV@'WV 3 nfaotxaq8voi Slal n~qpf',,woaav, ~rcaalavot ~ao D. 2 npavoXYOV nSqarvov &nEqPa3'iOV 3 21q8(XYVWV ~E7I9CVY ~J 43.] DOUBLE CONSONANT VERBS. 55 ~[ 43. XIII. (C.) DOUBLE CONSONANT VERBS. 1. ~ or or avi'dvco, to increase. ACTIVE VOICE. Present. Future. Aorist. Perfect. Ind. av'(o0, (Xavot) oiVauo) ijV':Xnaa 2V'?px a Subj. avtco, a;7$vc c'v a a Opt. av~~otpl, aVclVOLtF av'l-jaotlt tXV$ L(c Imp. Cv`E, oa;'rV8 aVi'4aoV Inf. ctELY, aVLt VE L o eV$rEULV EXvv,1tOL JV7eUVOC Part. a't oJv, av:o v(A atvcuu am oguag ~1,nxwqr Imperfect. Pluperfect'JovO iVioOV. )V$XLY MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICEs. Present. Future Mid. Aorist Mid. Ind. aououa, a$,tvoct r atrxouirr X76 Via(uiV Opt. aCtolrPJV, avtxvwlui, avo l4v av$?lXa1v Imp. av'Jov, ao cvov aVJaCL Inf. ccfVeaaa, actva g a9ae eOauae uxV a aac a4( Part. a gepvos, E icrv6Yop av$uopuevosg avtiaupiYvos Imperfect. Perfect. Pluperfect. Aorist Pass. Future Pass. Ind. nv'art X~'uqjv $at cv aocvao8 at Subj av~o, Opt. ~vvirbp ajEoivIow rv, Imp. - Tnao av9?T6 InE. ijulv"Sar aa O&V C''at aUVejataotab Part. Xr 7v~ voS av$jfr g4 aCv9jlXUctaEoYvo ~ 44. 2. Perfect Passive of xczrtw, to bend, and zEy: Zro, to convict. Indicative. Imperative. S. 1 xFX uyr ra.qiljlytoctr2 Mtcx1Xuyar iaeFjlry;aL xaeulto -xl r:o 3 xdXavUirarzb EiliArYxrar 9EoSc,&tC. &e gAyxi9*6w,&c. P. 1 xexoAU#-~2 ~yriAFtr~a40EI Infinitive. 2 Hxa/tpqh9 AilNysYXe9 3 xEx~uErvo 1 dAEIEvo6 [ Edl [Eslul Participle. D. 2 xEOCum0Y OEvA41Eov scaLLs'vog y11E v1o 56 TABLES. [~ 4% ~ 45. xIv. (D.) PURE VERBS. i. CONTRACT 1. Tpazca, to honor. ACTIVE VOICE. PRESET INDo PRESENT SU.o P. 1 t&pCol,'TiplUP EtpUwo, TLtpUco 2 tqLovt', IL/po a LaNo4', TLIcaG P. I 0I OV, TL1 o /IS TL IIr SV, T/ISJ) 2 UtPqtdLse, UtlpUcr TV/p1C l, TL/XTS 3 S1/ICfOVUL, 1t/i&) V/ICWL, T LT/rE)J (t D. 2 nTI/IC VO), TzlI0p3Tov Tl/i(X TOV, TIPCITOS, IMPERFECT. PRESENT OT. S. I ETIOV, ETpwMV TCOlIA6, TI/Ipyt, T/Ipwv E 2 6yZ 5 iTfl TIIAc XOtg, Tl/IC, Tt/lIW 3 ~lha t1A oe, tETiIf2 V U TyO'i, TL/w, TL/rprn P. 1 E'TIaOELV, ET1/#tin, Tl/OlltV, TIO1pIEV, TIP/(OrpV D. 2 T/ IIlc'w T lStY, T/UP SSPf. S qur, qV,Ipav T i, dr, TtpQ't?~ V 3 TLa/IIrT), aTLI/dfW PRESENT PART. P. 2 TpIa/I S, UTorTS TtIoXWVa, tp/wV 3 Tl/,l0XT0aC(V, TIpcrawafXv TLIcOVUW, Tpc.)06 TIICOVIwV, Tt/LWVT&V T/IaOV, TI/i WV D. 2 TIP/ITOV, TI/ITOV G. TIl0oVTO~, TlIt/voT0G 3 tpaiTxcoV, T/l/Z(TV TI/oOV07f9, TtpICUt7f Future. Aorist. Perfect. Pluperfect. Slbj. Tlp;awo Imp. Tl da/oV IEnf. T/ITCISV TLIPj(U(& TETtJx6NVC& Part TI/I a(1( T#I/I! 7871 TST"/I W [ 45.] CONTRACT VERBS, 57 MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. PRESENT IND. PRESENT SUBJ. P. 1 TrplWOIatoCI, TUW( ( wCa, tll(W&pa 2 cT1,UUxU,9, vLE.aC(yao a tL ~LbLY& 2 ~pdUOY r, gcIUcYZ0o vci1Or, ZL(U~Sa D. 2 ztp ftovT, ZL/JXAJ>oY W9QdTiaov, Tc~uov IMPERFECT. PREs ENT OPT. S. 1 itpzlaouolvY, TLUyWiUJY TipclaoUlivp, TlIpU'dY.2 F cpov, &Tir oo, Tpa)o 3. I rctcpadla, iLrlua01O1 1lttao 0lO1, Ztoj/ aO 2 dtpoXsoE;, dtrUp(;a L/ i;OLIotabE, TtIpUlS9 3 dit/il O:OV, dL TLWtpr'o: tlIOXtOLVTO, rt/IpTO D. 2 dTI ILIoU&OV, & dot/ICUbO ov T1do(XOIUov, ztI/[poU.ov 3 dtpCcctagoOp', dTI/UAtOIpY TL ixxoiUtiP, TiuthaOv PRESENT IMP. PRESENT INF. 5. 2 TLfiIXOV, 11/40) Tluc4$'8'CiL, T/Ul.~J CCL 3 rTlUiaixoJ, ll OpauOo) P. 2 tfpEso&s., ZTLa5u &s 3 vTuaL(jaaaae, ZIXpdu&uoIXv, PRESENT PART. 2 TIl, IaxgIJ,.Tl~pcdaon TptCO/6eo;, T11/ D. 2 TL/LOI&JYOV, TL/,MICcr30?'Y TI/IXO0/fl V?, T/IC&)/CsIO' 3 TltIaIXId8U.o, TCItUY 0eov TIftoCdLEOvo, TL/o1tEVov Future Mid. Aorist Mid. Perfect. Aorist Pass. Ind. 2TIPIj0ol/oU b TUCt4p/I Tv/fplapL L., ITLj V Subj.'L/pcIw/I( TT Opt.,tipqlolttriv **iao'aultav *~ttvO- l*~v OP. 2 L/I?)U0I/TEp) TI/ 0 CIflO TI/ 3Imp. zi[naactL Ti~,lt4o /I]j 19 ARTO Inf. ULUP rrOCCaL,Tt?(ac, YOl3c TzsTltY{cfta TLpn[;vOCa Part. ZTtL/aCYOIE TO L tk al'O q rV TL10ztP,USVO TlU1OEfhi S Future. Pluperfect. Future Pasa Ind. TIZTtLJUo;/oa L tET8T/l?/C6 Ip l uIL/nfo/IrL Opt. LIitaloCIoI/Y Ii TlBcvoori' Lv Inf. Tm/Ip1 aw3Oac (1r 1 tTCXWUi & Part. Tmplf4aTOEYOI/ Th10/14S"Pe 58 TABLES. [~[ 46 ~ 46. CONTRACT. 2. DlittW, to love. ACTIVE VOICE. PRESENT IND. PRESENT Su&. S 3 (Pt111, pD cplt, AE, pIAt O. 1 ~tLgotE,, qdtoi/sv 9ptagwtLsv, (taf)8~s' D. 2 (PtUETOy,,L)o YIv (pt TlET (TOY, cti.o'Y IMPERFECT. PRESENT OPT. 8. 1 icpl)ov, Ecptlovv (pl.otll, cptloltyl, cDtjlvoV 2 qteS, g pi, l(e qtPiotg, pLtoT, LOl 3 l)EUAs, Eptl)b cftAq ot, ptlo~, mtlXoi1l P. 1 L~01o8~V, bFtLOtV8rV LPOtdoyFV, q(;Io7nEu', ct-2o1ir1: 2 EboLgEIE, ptPIE7tn PlxAEOtTE, q (IOl, qPllnOui6 3 Eq t)eov, Efc99oiv LIX80lsOV, 9PLtoLEv D. 2 EptlEsov, EJftivTOY lpIdoLZtO, 9lfolTOV, PTtLo)lTov 3 tLtedi v, elAzv ~ olt z, ptxonZv ox PRESENT IMPn. PRESENT INF. S. 2 cplXaF, qpils lxEtstL(v,9 PLtiV 3 QLtEhImT, (pt lXEtOT PalRESENT PART. P. 2 qliETS, qJLtSTs qlEwYo, (Pi wP 3 pLtasdeoaocv, pLEsl Tcowav v, lFiX'ovae, plilovOa JLUEhOvTW, tqiLO1Y~TPVY oQit'Yo, i 9tiorv D. 2 qVL.EsZov, 9ptaTOy G. ptZ6AovToq, cptloVVTzo 3 qlas(t vC, tZiAsiwcv plsooVUjai, cpltOVlUo Future, Aorist. Perfect. Pluperfect. Ind. i'o~ aw -lvloc ~ssl7 xa SE(P, El XEt Subj.;[ro Opt. tPlaotULp tLjUat4aue Imp. piAroov Inf. Jl.arLv cpbiag6 7PLliXVOa Part. gnInawv goltj aa; 78PnlqX; ~1 46.1 CONTRACT VERBS. 59 MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES PRESENT IND. PRESENT SUBIT. S. 1 ctpR o Lc, ColiovOFcat qtls;uol, dqgo)Oclta 2 mqt2zf, cpsl)fst,& Tptl, PtEir ftirAI, IfI,' 3 5} 2isao, q,~axZO v yPXIjrTOo, p;ttliabo 1P. 1 lAodyetoa, dpLAOVf9S qoOLto, t(Ptl/O 32 otaisaos, ptl)i.tueo tpt)doto9, cptliodo4a 3 9IAPtO5TOiC, qOtiOvi'&c tLX8WVTtl, qp,(lPVzTo IMPERFECT. PRESENT OPT. S. 1 qptl.sontP)', ct).oir (,ur pLAOitoUIV, IptIAOUlVP 2 (ljtEoU, tgqtou qptOLof, (Aoloto P. IElAqtEOS11tcc, pcotAOVlus6O qc&l oiiES9', olxo1,IP6,lc.E 2 AqptLkd sEs, &EpL)tl)~oi qtplOlt &s, qp)oalofs 3 Ati.ovzo, (lt).ovrZo pihFotYTo, lpIoYvTO D. 2 gwli~tJOoY, dEcltSdaoov et;docauov, qP;loaidov 3 qcA8te OiaYv, QJLte6iJalnv qLxsolaoiUrfv, qpLlosi&9Iv PRESENT IMPr PRESENT INFo S. 2 qdlov, pilov P qpla&.Ict.a, cpt)edsaOs 3 PLAEiEdSco, qD1E1aC9O P. 2 wpEga5, qltAOC)E7U 3 Mwlricucaa v, aiqElaYwavaov, PRESENT PART. ~qiwWUaso9w, plIIEdWo9v cplXQEUsvog, qotxovPvog D. 2 CIEwaJS ov, (pLAUTOov0Y cplSo,udV-), (qtlOVLvE' 3 pitWSd&9ov, (PtIla&cov etLotObbtvov, ptclovjE VoV Future Mid. Aorist Mid. Perfect. Aorist Pass. Ind. qrputiaopiLb vcpZotu#ipnv vsqi2tnuca kpd.'anyv Subj. q. lj craoucopa qDtxAq Opt. 9DAnolqulv qPLxnlixC6Lnv Opt. mPlb'37(TO~~Y mXipaal!~v clpW6tO V Imp. qclvaul ).sq a0o q(A9T6 Inf. 9plV aUaPbO cl'iaxoaJ C,UaaLt mrcLX( U ~,lc qt Ov, Part. gtul7/asYo8q tClijautEYvoo cp9t?d IVO qlpt9&d S Future. Pluperfect. Future Pass. Ind. ErcpLAvUojUoa tE Zld Vv 9,lOaVUA L Opt. 7rmptcl olnv (P I I pc OGli Inf. cEsq)ptiIaUYaOc t 9pAitLr&auEO Part., qec.a0s'toP q&kc oPd vog 60 TABLES. [TI 47. 11 47. CONTRACT. 3. z1Rio,& to manifest. ACTIVE VOICE. PRESENT IND, PRESENT SUJ. 3 d P 1 anpoooy, i4Lo p11sy, itus 2 Srlloezg, dr5loti5 8, A r lotg 3 jnXO'E6, 6n&06 bX1oa, ZbloD 3 &ovw, &/;.o i ~i:dfi, *litovc&s D. 2 9Soo'yov, tloiov 8&lOt;,ov, aiiovt IMPERFECT. PRESENT OPT. S. 1 E,7oov, ibjlovv 8rpo(ol'', 0 rlgoi, Jrqoir1 3 ei~wos, EJ~jaOJ YSlo'oo, Splo72, 3ipAt~o P. 1 ijolos, i6r oiu1v nAoX0,1 SAo7i, 5olus 2 ICdVrs T, Exlo-rLE 6qxootLE, 1A.o7TE, 6no0i2TS 3 P A~oo P, odnovv JnloLSoV, rlloeV D. 2 db6dO'szov, g),oTvov Y6*douloY, &rJoXtOov, Jivolnrov 3 iSyO~TYv, OJAovtlnvY SqlOOlTljV, JrjoiXoV, 67O11T,8VY PRESENT IMP. PRESENT INF..rjplodYT(w, rnxlovtvzov frYdor, 6ynlouv D. 2 &r100ov, Ji(1oViov G. d7qJotovTso, S:rioVVToq 3 NrohW, JiTo iSrlowv 6oourwqg, 6? oi 0VUn Future. Aorist. Perfect. Pluperfect Ind. aXn.o;rw 1WN2r)a a,itooxa &EE4.d~.AvE Subj. S&)i;a Opt. &fI.dacoly 60),.au;JUtP Imp. 71i;~rov Inf. jldahvct brSa tucAb $E0l(A)rJXva6 Part. 6 iaXw 0 aXjuag de3axwxwe 9 47f.eJ CONTRACT VERBS. 6J TMIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. PRESENT IND. PRESENT SUBJ. S]. 21 S4aiottxL, 61jXov6ott 67?Oc)tuaty, 6Wt7oLuoxS 2 671ox0, AoZ S7,'1 3 (r1tOIfoXL, b4R2OVIKWL tXo'liaCt, EYd1A@XTa P. 1 5t7odsu19a, &j7Aov;usu&o& SXocJ2us1th, S21@2Us~ 3 d uiort, 8brAo1VYzT (B7OXYa&vro, (lj)JAJVIO6 D. 2 S611Ao'suov, SroiovXaov SNloyru tov, bXA6ouov IMhPERFETr. PRESENT OrF. S. 1 Ei&aoS0lrqv, g.AolS/nvp OVOO./ol)V', flotlaV 2 EO.oXov, 1nXo1o V i.(2oteo, 8XAo-to 3 Exo)AoSzO, E471(ovvro 6I7ooto, (rj)lo.o P. 1 E1O7AooL4ESi, Id'Xo vlL 9 0 XeooI1ue9a, 6nxoitltsUtE 2 X6A7C1SE, *57Oi 28 &0 NAolu9sE, jlo(xu9e8 3 zojXuovTo, ES?1oiv1o 6SlotuO'ro, 6n)o' V1ro D. 2 71lXoE(cJov, sEii&joVzI79ov,121o0r0lu,0ov, sx7o7aUov 3 d~olE' r, iXl o V v Y JlxooiU4O5v, 6n1roiulo(nv PRESENT ImrP PRESENT INF. S. 2.ryAoov, S.so1Aov 60a, o1 o 8kov&c 3 XrjxoSa#U&r, 67l0ovogoh o P. 2 Srlo~aas, 6oju Ao Ys 3 JAo'ut0ltU cyav, XjAovh,(&Uav, PRESENT PART. S6 odI&uwc, 6n}7i0 Cv 6roOPYvoq, uOV7UEVOw D. 2 ena#0Yov, 6XAOiU,9OY 6711oopE1dv, SX7Ao V dVq 3 6Xoaq( #@wv, 67lvaSAov S AoO,UsYOYv SAO, & v0Ysv Futulre Mid. Aorist Mid. Perfect. Aorist Pass. Ind. 6Snuo6a0Xb ESr X0c(toJUUfV WE?WA yaO ICwb co';J9 V Subj. 8 wlu;teosa 0,~,oo0 Opt. OJVaoluotpv 65Iw.oaxlpucnv (~VtolS9pY Imp. Wr;coca S 1Sworao 6naw&nn Inf.?8iV;eaEa#0Y u?:rdaaa ~?JAhO &Ow9aoa S Yvc&oxra Part. jlfXwuo'dusvog 6co1awdtusoc & Ar,uYvo S&AwoEsig S Future. Pluperfect. Future Pass. Ind. eS7XAfio;(o,"uo, 1E1otACa,?f1 yOioot Opt. rS7wtAoiaui' S#tcootyvv Infi. Jse84lua9aD aU E9U&&EU Part. b8dq6ootPYo wJgV u2advo~ 62 TABLES. [ff 48. I[ 48. PURE VERBS. ii. VERBS IN -/. 1. c'I*r-clt, to place, to station. (2 Aor., Perf., Plup., and 3 Fut., to stand.) ACTIVE VOICE. PRESENT. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. S. I tUTJr;L TICOI ~cUIr lVY 2 Yalit)t UAl L a JTat 0l S,'kozss iazlijS icrzcxi S C.Ce P. 1 gaCuu ~TC LaiUbUEv, oTaoa aEYv 2 Y'rceie LUrTors baEnCJE, clr, baa'aa D. 2 i~aiovU' iz"Tzov UTAxlTOV, uoliTOV i'artTro 3n.LT'lT, bTlY l'Twr' Inf. nazxval, Part. WoTn9,-9aua,-acv G. —oVTOs,-ias. IMPERFECT. S. I c'lzrY P. taaGT eV D. 2 LT;U LTalCS LUTaTOY 3 YarX 1C6atv LUTU4Y AoRIsT II. Ind. Subj, Opt. Imp. Inf S T(J7?1V tUTCl) UTairnt' UT (GTO)' 2 ~'urI o,5 ura/l ux@1 (ofur ) 3'JTI oGTr otae UZnlX Part. P. 1 3'arVt'1o aaltts, NIoaTal~r *rg P 1EUT?(r V or{TWs ocVialnIv, UTaaT/IM o. 2 E&IJ1TE UTITS 9CTaXiT8, UTcT8 UT6T 3 ET'"aU v oUaU5rT oraoUTctnUv, orTiE oTnTwwVaa, arTVyTY D. 2;Ta1Tov oUTT ov raUTCTOV, CaTCaTOv oUT7Tov 3 luTrqT1Y alUTCOT1V, OTUIT27V 0T?jTWV Future. I Aorist. Perfect. Pluperfect. S Future. Ind. qariT aUTJULrCa E(jTlnxa EcUX"tEIy, ELZUTrlXEV FTrTrJw Subj. UToU&', co Opt. oTOlo Ltu oUTnoaL, b Earj3to 1Ui Imp. oUrao, Inf. uonicrssw omrla~ * T Part. uarqowUv a P ar unaaq frcain q 48 ] VERBS IN -hu. 63 PERFECT II. PLUPERF. II. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. Inf. S. 1 ic oIal4v * Iraval * 2 * ~aal~ 1 &S TOc t.L 3 * * Euruall CA10N' Part. P. 1'Ec(aXttvE 6,JWUv &c. EtdgIv ECza#~v 2 t'aurcc-uc E TaTca EaoaIoa gaaT 3 EGTailo aT&1cL &C. )T)IS, agolg a6OOuutxv D. 2 "aaTUTOY EUTaCrTOg Ea1TTOV 3 &aTdaGXC ealdrv MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. PRESENT. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. Inf.. 1I Wratt ~aT,,uA' [uttC ic'r n Ca 2 mlUTIcca LUaUT1 LUZ O LUTOCO, LlZa 3 LUOTZX&a azy1za6 ['zTrlXo odaLx'& Part. P. 1 TaXt'rsiO oUT% l EcC ot a lTu Ia LuTcas/Luog 2 ['araaus; 9az~&~ [uoata [ C' C? s 3'azavzaro, LUval t iaTraVTo au IduWoocav, zdixOrdwv D. 2 waVroaaov FT~ai&ov YUTaL&OV iUT'UUa OV 3 taratio YVrv uzxU'U-aWv IMPERFECT S. 1 LautllulY P. L6rcTSuaa D. 2'TLMaUO,'LaUTCz LThuOs yTae0OV 3 lcTrao rLUVYTO urtdcyh2nv Fut. Mid. airnuotau t. Aor. Mid. &aVoUdcnV. Perf. Eauua6ot, Pluperf. 6Eoz,9 nv. 3 Fut. Mid. Efljrio/ax. Aor. Pass. EodDipv. Fut. Pass. czaijaoiuox&. S 49. 2. THE SECOND AORIST 7t'CaaraOt, to buy. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. Inf. S. 1 ngrQ&y?) rEQitCOpL 7TfQl(m taUlV nimaUaOl 2 ErQlto 7eQ iq rQlOrto, 7e1rqo 3 IECilaTo 7rl'Lt'x RolTo 7rtloX'dco Part, P. 1 EQgLta2l to' 7tQl[g9ca rtLxalltLFea qtQLututvo 2 E urqLaOS & n 7TQlhaE nEolf'tU8 7Q bCXlCa&8 3 igrl(xvio niQloaWTL 7QfilXYVTO lQXLdL& foaxv, 1LOqtaott' D. 2 EgniCaaO r nquov rfQl0ov rQlta#ov nQlacyov 3 gE7r aQIdoa4v LrQablaJ'lV nQtua*ovWY 64 TABLES. [ii 50. ~ *O. VERBS IN -tU. 3. Ti1iat-, to put. ACTIVE VOICE. PRESENT. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. S. 1,labt TtaOW TL9EI1'v 2 Tlr- z~ Tr'a94~Ets TIStEL 3 T9tOa~ t&lf rtlE1 Tl Tt9o P. 1 Tzi EP9 Tt,19-iLPEv 1&Ett&1Ur V, TtL&/ EsV 2 zi[9Es Tt,91rfT T9b-ElT,, Tt&LO-9s TIS18 3 TtLEiCart, TtLO7 ut thIU1/flaUV, TLJElsvY TLt&iTCttYXV, TIOttat 1L. l8V1WV D. 2 Tl9tetov TtOYV Tt&,Lt?TOV, TL&28TOV TsorETY 3 TtLfEt1T1Y'v, TO-i,,1p,' tl&tiYjv Inf. Z1aYOL. Part. ~Oq,-s2a,-l & G.-YTo),- de.S IMPERFECTo S.1 lTInv, TrOUwivv P. b&1ET1U~v D. 2 grigi9i, gJtt~l~t glts 3 ~ieAr Eley, Fg (T69 ~1~ E9ZCtS rZ AoRIsT I. AORIST II. Ind. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. S. 1 ~'9jx. ci.9..Elrv 3 EX#jxs @ 9.4? S~ihbJ P. 1 dOexaFv ~O9susv Ousi Odutv,, Os7puv 2 9EixjaXis TETs E 9V EVts 9sEijTU, &Elt s& 3 Ux'O av uacacv abC t iaoav, Esv fsE OTNaVU,, D. 2 C'xetov E jrlov,b7T0ov, vqtlTOV #Tov 3'.99.T1V J7Evlv, OisT ElT7iV iDTcoV Aon. II. Inf. Os;M,., Part. zg,~ O,,' G. OaZO, gvt G. %VTOg *a Future. Perfect. Pluperfect. Ind. Uamw 2ls0x sas.6MlY Opt. oqa Lnf.' OaEL, jeuOexd,,at Part. Ojaoov,GeWo;V II 50.] VERBS IN -F-l. 65 MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. PRESENT. Ind. Subj. Opt. S 1 -isaEpet v:9cLS; c EI7tCsiflrV,, vtO[l) 2 ziswaat, ii von, ln.9oto 3 tl1~Ej TftO ab TISELOT0, T020:oto P 1 vTtoYE/Ia TlS,9a/L TLtEoPlea, T'Ln9ol4sPo 2 taZi~aa zTOi a&98 e t Erl68, leSOt.s9e 3 TelOYITaxL'nt gbS~ TEr I-SLO, ToiYZOto D. 2 T&9Eta'O TlO YuoV Tt'lstdOovY, Tri1o&aO9 oV 3 rnl da9V, rt@9olua4v Imp. Inf. IMPERFECT. S. 1 nih9~E2a2 ~ tL'&ES17CV %2 TlES~ O,'T:sov &T6Od,'Slolr 3,trOa~i, Part. &It&o10 P. 1 TIL,2SEYOE Etl&PEsg9'C 2 n1,sao9s &- 19 E( sa 3 TL,9EUOoaUa0v, TLtSi'YO WE9Y & El o -D. 2 TziO'hoov ElOwsa0ov 3 3l9t$o9wtV.Zt - 14EdaV A ORIST' I i MIDDLE..nd. Subj. Opt. Imp. Inf. S. 1 8i94v/1v 9~UCLwe.SYdlt vY (,O'i6inp) ~H eaa 2 C,0#ov la 097 o 9oiO 3'0Ero I&x*TuXt -co I o Part. P. 1 Oakt4S/1c ltauEO6 agr~&Ga IE9UeVOg 3'EOv'o OiiYvC-r o EYc O Ogt~'Om @Ega av, O ov D. 2 g'iE3uov &$aov &oy aLov &Eh4ov 3 3aOfv EaUi&Y aEuYz Fut. Mid. Aor. Pass. Fut. Pass. Perfect. PluperfecL Ind. 1Oj'uoa0u ET8r.v',' aol0t,O'n9 oIa aE9S &TES26IIlv Subj. TOW, Opt. *OUaotlvp Ufdtp-'Y TOol#0tinyv Imp. Te'rgl TE Wstao Inf. &UsaOE9ab Ts&vae TOs asa a'U s T aEtiJe&Ua Part. a'o'FYvog~ TEsOs TEOadsvoAEV0 TE9IEVPOg t2'~ 66 TABLES. [1 51 5 10. VERBS IN-tet. 4. Ji&lgt, to give. ACTIVE VOICE. PRESENT. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. B. I S16i0.t 6L(w; Lo(ObtY (6uLcjV,) 2 SSl& &,c, 61(01(og Nlov 3 61B6wu SmSc 3lq0 1 t (OlT&C P. 1 o0tPO~v &tmWfEeV 6It0(1yY, Lo &otEV 2 6doTSe &t96o(s 6Ol(O1ts, &lo06sE lhozTs 3 t&o(aal, ILSa&u 6aoirmn aa, 6(OsL8v (SLdo'Taaov, &L~o~aL iL66wvtwv D. 2 lAdozov acUTov &M(obiTo v, &L7oTzOV l~1o0ov 3 L8Olt4To V, tJLoilnv 6tjLOTV Inf. MLgoac. Part. &Movg,-ovaa,-ov Gv. -gvro;,-oJa'. IMPERFECT. I. I 31S&Sv, ~SSiovv P. ESISobsv D. 2 61'iow, Edi1ovg Eg61POts iEjioIov 3..i.o, didov Wd6ogacv d&,6dTv AORIST I. AORIST II. Ind. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. s. J1;'w.xa. &; Yo, (s N~,,v) 2 6w'oSC M S o q S JS 3'&ozx's ac 6otv OIo P. 1 ESoCXOUEV' O,'EoV P CoE~EV 6OteLYv, (OtEYv 2 dSazIXTs'OTe &s YoeJlTs, So0TE SOTE 3 w&xav 0ogaxv &U6o O6i.a0Cav, 60o7aY d4oCaav, D 2 F'oIov &rcov &olbov, BtoTOV J'OTov 3 &uO6jv Jot vY, oili v 6TCvY AOR. II. Inf. So~vat. Part. SoV5, SoV~O, Sv' G. Jgv'o's. hoV'~, Future. Perfect. Pluperfect. Ind. 6ci06) 6 cajxc E8Z(}SELy Opt. &cSUolpt Inf. tffELv WS*U&a'Y Part. U'caov awndwcx J 1 51.] VERBS IN 1-u. 67 MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICES. PRESENT. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. S. I (I'omaCG' 6(6cpwuL SLOtlyly 2 i1oaaLt slA 3lot)o l3orro, SiosV 3 Siozat (L65TaV (idoL(o 1i6oahoo P. 1 Ju0SO& &A 8aIW6 82 Et&i/olftcOa 2 b1iSocrse &UUae 9lLo(a.s t fofesi 3 6bYFosra t L8ZYID blb06YT0 bda~waav E). 2 6tiooatoY 6o&~aOuy 61oltaov o 610o69-ovy 3 8%oiulfr&v &%aoSwv Inf. 66Soo&ac. Part. MLomvrog. IMPERFECT. S3. 1 ESOJISOI7Y P. ESISOyEC D. 2 i'360,o,,3io0v EiiouO NioY9&o v AORIST II. MIDDLE. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. Int. S 1 ESOiwv (a(iau( fO1/?jY (OU9g0'&U 2'ov o 6olo0 6o V 3 9'oio Ucralt Momro 60a.oU Part. P. I EUolt&C-a &)oEI&OC 6o01(Ota OtIsvYOg 2 Fo u,9 - 6 6o70 (0OtUJ 60a96s 3 9OVTo,VacC 60o7Pio 6O&Cofwaa;v, SO6'uwv D. 2'ooa#ov aZu[ov o07ao9ov 6oaoov 3 Fiso6qv 6oio9v 6o0'uaov Fut. Mid. Aor. Pass. Fut. Pass. Perfect. Pluperfect, Ind. 6co(oLUX iE0&Oqpv,o9OjUootX MSo(ubL EiE 6oy~v Subj. So9C5 Opt. 3ooaolpy 6&oIebpv 6oO&qo1,Utv Imp d09flrL 6E(O0ro Inf. SaurOact&, o9Oivcaxt 6o0&aEacatL SWeoig&e Part. adcO,~EVog 6oOEig 0o Evog 6 Ops'EOg ',Tr/oD t?p d t1'ss o'nt 7oXp?.sse,.oV'att api jpadnfj ~'Io,1Cp,' jaoc't,p2.oV?g p'P!n'o~V o'o710 Vp'P!I'ln,,ttgfnoaxTf Qpolantxi??g o0olaatX p? [ AOjDnazt3xpV 3sannIxI3g} o,4nnxigq? G ~50oadlaXa7m *'Jea' moatxlL9:juI of"; Dfxf o fQ oI ~on4x7a g 4fDf4X,79Q 40I910RI4Xf3Q 0O4JDtfln/fl1 40 AD4,xp z ai3DD9 1, Q T 00 inf7Oona7tx3 1a1CDat x13;Donatx73p Z* DA4atX3Q 4 o?0otX7g Int1iaaxQ 3 llatiX? g. 0on.0avag olonacx uanxtxnJ voDnnaa3xpt ^tttloanxlgq olariaangxl3 1;norlanx3 I S dmq.4dO'fqnS pUI'Sa3IOA UAISSVc GMV ar1TULGIN ~.;13Qg, SlSI.0V'7?3g. an lnAj ntxs a' aaand ga'3 a3oo3D'3 aa? Q 77gI' 434ara?3aV3 to aonnpCt? a 8AXX?3g EZailam13 Rzil ioaaxa7I'koan415a a- 4770(1a47-3g ozttX7l Cag 1t7j ln2?3Q a &4DDXlomln X139 d110(4lCX32 Onl7Q4X1Q 71.04XZX13Q ~ IdiW o4x9 naCx t3t?73 I d azlnov D. 3 xxaD9j(v, C aiOi~,v ~ 0.o {eK>,cat, to lie down.:PRESENT or PERFECT. Ind. Subj. Opt. Imp. In~ S. 1 7etEiat x o),i Lt PE0OiF v lVdaa 0.2 rXEloai xzi Xot01 xT7ao 3 xE,7za;81jTr.l xieoLo EtdaaUw Part. P. 1 xEuty~Oa x;0u~O xPolt O, x/E&U EEvo 2 xt2J&E Xi enl X~~EUOLS.9E a El9Si8 3 xtva:awrot & xxo vo xdta9wawv, EXI D. 2 xEtCa&ov X'~a0oV, xioaEOov xEa7o9ov 3 XEoU9%lfY XE doOvY IMPERFECT or PLUPERFECT. S. I E1JU'lV P. xdEueao D. 2 ytElFao t.E 3 ~EXLZO E'XELlcO aE aFturo Future, xeduOuc4. 76 TABLES. - CHANGES IN TEE ROOT. L~ 61 E 61 XVI. CHANG-ES IN THIE ROOT A. EUPHONIC CHANGES. [~~ 259 - 264.] a. of a to s. 4. Metathesis. P b. of s and o to o. 5. To avoid Double Aspiratioa. 2. Cmntraction. 6. Omission or Addition of Consonant. S. Syncope. 7. From the Omission of the Digaurnam. B. EMPHATIC CHANGES. I. BY LFNGTHENING A SHORT VOWVEL. [~~ 266 - 270.] 1. a to 9. 4. s to Et. 7. o to O9o 2. a, to aj. 5. r to r. 8. s to u. S. Varicas Changes of a. 6. Y to st. 9. v to S. II. BY THE ADDITION OF CONSONANTS. [~~ 271- 282.] a. To Labial Roots. a. Prefixed to a Consonant G. To Other Roots. S Of /. Affixed to a Consonant. r. Prefised. y. Affixed to a Vowel. Af. Pefixed. LI. Prefixed to a. Uniting with a a. Without further change. y. PalatSal to form ov('K)). A. Vowel changed by preces2. Of C 4. Vowel lengthened. [sion, S. yy " 1 g. Metathesis.. Lingual " L. s. Consonant dropped. L. Labial " ~, a. 5. Of Iy, t, $, III. By INCREASING THE; NUMIBER OF SYLLABLES. [~~ 283 - 300.1 1. By Reduplication (~~ 283 - 286). a. Proper. a. In Verbs in -p.s b. Attic. /3. In Verbs in -oxzo c. Improper. y. In Other Verbs. 2. By Syllabic 4ffixes (~~ 287 - 299). a. and s. a. To Pure Roots. d. vu, To Palatal Roots. a. Without further change. d. To Palatal ioots. b Vv p. With the Insertion of v. To Lngual and Lqu M prolongede.. [Roots. (y. With i prolonged. C Is. g. Other Syllables. S. By Exchange of Letters (~ 300)., becoming i. C, ANOMALOUS CHANGESo [~ 301.] ~ 62.] DERIVATION. 77 D. TABLES OF FORMATION. ~[ 6. I. TABLE OF DERIVATION. A. NovUNs. [~~ 305-313.] L. FROIM TVERBS, donoting III. FRno OTHER NOUNS. 1. The Action; in -o;, -c, -n, -, 1. Patrials,' in.- (F. -Tr;S), -suJ -os (-ou), -os;, -o; (-so;), -o's, -,cn. (F. -Y). 2. The Effect or Object, in -/io. 2. Patronymics, in -4s5, -~nc, 3. The Doer, in -_'e;, -~-n, -,rwe -a0,n (F. -, -, -Ya'), -;n, (F. -er,, -~,g, -er5 -~r,) -, (F -0e. 3. Female Appellatives, in -Ys, -insY, 4. The Place, Instrument, &c., in -,:, -. ~ (. s ). -ieY ov, — edo, rs-e (. 4. Dimninutives, in -iov (-lhoo, -ce'ov, II. FROM ADJECTIVES, expressing ) - i; sv the Abstract, in 4-; (-Sa, -oaR), -n -I' -OMzYf, -VXXS, -UXoo, &C. I-ofn -z (-sac), -' c 5. Au!gmentatives, in -o, -Yoas, -a. -0~V ^, -05 (-So;), -a;. y -4. B. ADJECTIVES. [~~ 314-316.] I. FROM VERBS; in Yxor, -srit os, patrial; e0`C, -geo5, o-ne0, -49 _As -,epv, active; -s-rc, -iSo, -s.c, pas- -yXS, -oXX5, -si5, -;So.n, fulness or sivc; -lpaoo,.fitness; -aeo;, -s;, &c. quality. II. FROM NOUNS; in -is; (-alos, -ss;7, III. FROM ADJECTIVEs AND ADi -o10s, -Wos, -vJo;), belonging to; -Yzle, VERBS. islg,.oseo -.a;'os, relating to; -so0, 1. As from Nouns..-o;C, -en, material; osvO (&r), time 2. Strengthened Forms; Comn or prevalence; -7vo, -n.o;, -5cv-,' parative, Superlative. C. PRONOUNS. [~ 317.] D. VERBS. [~~ 318, 319.1 I. FROM NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES; II. FROM OTHER VERBS; in.e;', in -E'S, -sro, -co, to be or do; -o, -lGcv, -e.W, desiderative; -.~, -.xo,.-IYW, -uvw, to make;.;~o,.gsso, &c., frequentative, intensive, incep. imitative, active, &c.; -_J with penult tive, diminutive, &c. strengthened, active, &c. E. ADVERBS. [~~ 320 — 322.] I. OILIQUE CASES OF NOUNS AND II. DERIVATIVES SIGNIFYING ADJECTIVES. 1. Manner, in -Ct5, -n0ov, -JoY, -Zn; 1. Genitives, in -9sv, place whence; -acgn, - _l, -, -sE, -5. -so, place where; -no, &c. 2. Time when, in -sa, - se.. 2. Datives, in -oi,.-oi, -nor, -c.l, S. Place whither, in -as. place where; -V, -Ic, -a,, -i, waiy, 4. NuvTmber, in -axves. place where, time when; &c. III. PREPOSITIONS WITH THEIR CAES.I 3. Accusatives, especially Neut. IV DERIVATIVES FROM PREPOSISing. and Plur. of Adjec- TIONS, or PREPOITIONS WIT tives. OUT CAS. 7*. * 75 TABLES. 91 63 IT 63. II. PRONOmINAL [Obsolete Primitives are printed in capitals. Negative. Relative. Orders, I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Interrog. Indef. Objective. Subjective. Definite. Indefinite Positive, ef1 e r, d's,, / -,)'.r, ~5r ge,,II 0 tI-03)0v'~ 1; s e, O"O'' YIO~; Qaiy aO,,s; z,'OsIOg, S Age, Size, oJxoce;, oz:fscs;eo;, Js-zo;, c Compar., vrsregeo; s oIseq,;4 Superl., 6)~a~s 0 oero;t E Quantity, osr5owo; 0o rsag r ao~,g WhnQuality, ro7ro - eOOr, GeYsh, oso;, 7e'6;, Age, Size, isr'rfxos I o iroI, Ox X geMt / |Country, ioesai a o00o gac s;ss Day,' o',riozos 05Xo'r=r7o0 Whe re, ai'o~ 1~ v ~rod, u'v, s,,'ee,, Whithe r, oYss; esf tu g O` oTS goWvs, 2U... Wayorwry v, 0or,.ewv.'',eW Place where, ov I ov 3. ou~a~oVManner, er ~ 4, OO, re s0a;, 7, ar, tl,' Jo~r~e~,~ ~ obi f ~ op~ ~e~,;, egr Vahither, vrou vot, -g; a s, [7, oa 0, e. iay, or esr Wnb ovesi, ow ns Place where, os ss,r, g 4 xfrie~; spOsare72 oea~rlh {hn3~C~f of orss 3. Manner, Wsvoe;. 5 ss, &r, Pit6ZG,;s)s;Si,,rolslew 0Vr'Sw;' OSTSew, 09r V e&Sf DER~vA lrv pc Nows. 57ssrng, crsIVW, ~ r o) ei.Z;, oessre &rabes.r$;, ire; 4 0 V70 v'CiO, 07,W;, 40 6J5 1 Gaeneral, worsg o stoerz, 03~0f~, P'4'Z-0'r6' ~tr 0oFr$fg e x~iaa~vZ 0Uo~8~Iq' 427 a Specific, W xvrjxx 1 n1Z& o61tx V arious, qre7pof; i 7 iC qrseas~ Yqrcpgf 5. Numberworoia'xg i ouollcx6119 O0fZZI;' Jwoo-ax'xS DERVATIVE OUNs. woao'rrn; rro60oqr7 WnXjX0',rn oUaCC osvoid' 05 T$20fl$ I-r6e6-rog 11er6emO',rn oi~al ft59 6 O'OfS#~ ownelr)0e5, vO/&t ~6eJlJ; CEXXQAfOII &Ce ~j 63.] PRONOMINAL CORRELATIVES. 79 CORRELATIVES. Poetic and Dialectic Forms are not marked.] Definite or Demonstrative. Universal. XII. XII1. ~ itibtv, ~Of Like- Of Identi VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. ness. and ty, Diversi Simple. Emphatic. Deictic. Distributive. Collective. Equality. ty, &c. 0TO, o cure, V reo, oo, os ors TOe,' ab5 b, r ~S ~7', &xxee. ~ ~vvI eo, -Trse;. _[rvvO). S,,-~,fomo mi croeos, roosrso, roo'0045.'rsssire, -ruVewr0S.'rosio;5, Qrovrv5, rv, VTar 9, eto &x2oS.,rXj'xoe, -rXeio;,rOd;, 4xlooxres, 0 X I 6zszr8'sidSe, A sriasOso0. [Aeu. E 6da, fwraoda, hvoc's, JF u u, aeuvru "XVO' 01, 0S9 fXE O{Y,YOYxas67 61i, avso7-. Efq.Ly, a' 0, r,xaev, apeYQav:sd &xx,. 6870-is qravfccgu Po016 aesvss0 ) AuxrvX oa8. IXEsewo, s XfCOCQOB t;'e:, X pCZsA V ssC XXous E.4~Jg1, OL've4, SxvrC, ozea, CAvvOe''s ewBn)@dJ} gSos~reswer, M@O,~6'7ieWrgk a'g sX' i'PETcer aasasg e'rs or0oa@~se ~pSsb, oYavwr, waew ra',