WAR P'A R T M ENT TEC H N ICAL,M ANUAL THE SUPPLEMENTARY JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY iO O OSTRICTED on to person is en itfled o fey y iossiedMtled. SUCh nj0tter etr sted tothseIuofl- whoseofficiO duties knowledge 0r~po ose indivi AR Is entrusted only to th orposesio. see als At38-- ch kno 1aowldge o oi~l g s S 5S 7EMB. Ik' Nov A 721 Top 01" Z Qsý W f 16 _Y, INS "Ay 0, ON 0SQ, I Ong, 110,costs MY AM SNAM "A 00-1 woo low yq AS W J '4 INS ~r;r `~-' ~' t~. ~.~:. ~''~,i na A N UA; t W'AR DE PA T R T M E N T T E CH N I CA L TM 30-481 -.. -- _ ___ 'i THE SUPPLEMENTARY JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY WAR DEPARTMENT S 5 SEP TEMBER 1945 RESTRICTED. DISSEMINATION OF RESTRICTED MATTER. No person is entitled solely by virtue of his grade or position to knowledge or possession of classified matter. Such matter is entrusted only to those individuals whose official duties require such knowledge or possession. (See also paragraph 23b, AR 380-5, 15 March 1944.)..~--~~-~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,--- -." i.~...-..~ - United States Government Printig Office fasktngton: 1945 WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 5 September 1945 TM 30-481, The Supplementary Japanese-English Dictionary, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [AG 300.7 (17 Aug 45)1 BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: OFFICIAL: G. C. MARSHALL EDWARD F. WITSELL Chief of Staff Major General Acting The Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: AAF (2); AGF (2); XSF (2); T of Opn (Except ETO & MTO) (2); Def Comd (Except Carribbean Def Comd) (2); Arm & Sv Bd (1); S Div ASF (1); Tech Sv (2); SvC (Except ETO, MTO & Atlanta Oversea) (2); PE (Except ETO, MTO & Atlanta Oversea) (2); Gen & Sp Sv Sch (2); A (Except ETO & MTO) (2); Three (3) copies to each of the following in Pacific Ocean Area, India-Burma & China T of Opn, only: T/O & E 1-1S; 1-10-1; 1-12; 1-27; 1-37; 1-47; 1-50-1S; 1-67; 1-112; 1-117; 1-127; 1-137; 1-157S; 1-167; 1-267, 1-277,1-287; 1-297; 1-312; 1-400-1S; 1-417; 1-420-1; 1-457T; 1-4698; 1-627; 1-637; 1-747S; 1-752; 1-757; 1-759; 1-760-1; 1-787S; 1-952; 1-1062S; 2-10; 2-11; 2-22; 2-25; 2-77T; 3-25; 3-2668; 4-10-1; 4-37; 4-68; 4-87; 4-111; 4-152; 4-260-1; 5-15; 5-21; 5-47: 5-55; 5-57; 5-59; 5-72; 6-10-1; 6-20-1; 6-25; 6-35; 6-45; 6-55; 6-65; 6-75; 6-85T; 6-95; 6-110; 6-160; 6-200; 6-225; 7-1; 7-11; 7-14; 7-15; 7-21; 7-25; 7-31; 7-35; 7-51; 7-55; 7-85; 8-15; 8-21; 8-28; 9-17; 9-65; 9-179; 10-67; 10-237; 11-7; 11-15; 11-25; 11-37; 11-39; 11-57; 11-65; 11-76; 11-85S; 11-87; 11-94; 11-147S; 11-155T; 11-400, Sig AW Orgn-(A), (H); 11-500; Sig Sv Orgn-(DA', (EE), (FA), (SA), (SH), (IG), (IS), 11-537S; 11-6578; 11-667S; 11-677S8; 11-687S; 11-697S; 18-25; 19-35; 19-55; 19-237; 44-10-1; 44-12; 44-15; 44-25; 44-75; 44-115; 44-125; 44-135; 44-1478; 55-110-1. Refer to FM 21-6 for explanation of distribution formula. Gift PREFACE (1956) t?-" '" "This dictionary of 43,000 terms is supplementary to the following six standard Japanese-English dictionaries with which it forms a complete set of seven: TECHNICAL ORDER OF BATTLE 2 KENKYUSHA'S SENERAL KATO'S MEDICAL 4 OZAKI'S SEA TERMS 9 CRESWELL'S MILITARY 6 ~t ~2; t ~ f.~;~~ ~~ iii ~X ~.~r. ~.~. I 8 iiii r~:ff'.sss~ .-.-, s~;~t;:~.~;:~ ~z.s~ t::~x ~r~~~ 4 ~" t~ ~;~t~ ~~-";t: " ' JL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 A Technical Manual now in final editorial stage - about 100,000 terms. A Technical Manual now in final editorial stage - about 4,000 terms. Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1942 - about 57,000 terms. Kato, T., Neues Medizinisches Worterbuch der Japanisch-,Lateinisch-, Deutschen und Englischen Sprache, Military Intelligence Service, 1944 - about 13,000 terms. Ozaki, C., Japanese-English Dictionary of Sea Terms, University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1943 - about 10,000 terms. Creswell, H.T., A Dictionary of Military Terms (English-Japanese; Japanese-English) University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1943 - about 21,000 terms. A A 44 M* iti~,f& A4 A*t to1 3t& 7a A491 jIft A FXi lJt thi~ t' Wki L \A Rt A ~tC~b its ~ f(iE ~Rh~rc A- I; SAh~$ ~t i~t Jtt L LbhL 3EBh 3$3) jtBo A Afghanistan,Afrioa A ArgentinaAsia A Subhead 36 A- Second-class,second-grads,sub-.AA Caw,roars of laughter AA EE GEE AEG,Allgemeine Elektrizitaets-Gesellachaft AAHERU SA-A Akher Sala,pro-Wafdist 0airo newspaper AARIYA-GO Aryan language AARU EE SHII RAC,Royal Automobile Club ABA Float on fishing line or net ABARABONE Rib ABARE Rudeness,violence ABAREDASU To become turbulent,make an uproar ABAREKOMU To burst in,force onels way in ABAREKURUU To run amuck ABAREMAWARU To rage about ABAREMOGAKU To struggle and kick ABAREMONO Turbulent fellow ABATAMEN Pitted face ABAU To cover,shelter,protect ABI Bath,dip ABIKI Hauling in fishing net ABUKU Foam,scum ABUKU ZENI Unearned money,gambling winnings ABUMIGUWA Hoe,field hoe ABUMI ITA Plank footbridge ABUMI TSURI Stirrup strap ABUMIZURE Stirrup sore ABUMIZURI Horse's flanks ABUNAI YOWATARI Precarious life ABUNAKU SURU To compromise,expose to danger ABUNASAS6 NA Dangerous-looking,unsafelooking ABUNAS6 NA Dangerous-looking,unsafelooking ABURA-AGE Food fried in oil ABURABI Light of oil lamp ABURADANE Oleaginous seeds ABURADE Greasy hand,oily hand ABURADERI Hot humid cloudy weather ABURAEGU Oil paint,oil colors ABURAEJUTSU Painting in oils ABURAESHI Painter in oils ABURA GA NORU To put on flesh,warm up to, get interested in ABURAGE Food fried in oil ABURA-IRE Oil jug,cruet ABURA-IRI Fried food ABURAJ6 Oiliness ABURA KARADA Obese or chubby person ABURA KASU Bean-oil cake ABURAKE Oiliness ABURA MUSHI Kill-joy,shopper who doesn't buy ABURA NO NOTTA TOSHIGORO Prime of life ABURA 0 SHIBORU To make every effort, scold ABURA 0 TORU To scold ABURA 0 URU To loiter ABURARUI Oil products ABURARY6 Oil-bearing,seeds etc. ABURASASHI Oiler ABURA SHIKKUI Putty ABURATE Greasy hand,oily hand ABURATTE Greasy hand,oily hand ABURA-URI Oil merchant,sluggard,bungler ABURAZARA Oil-lamp dish,oil saucer ABURI Broiling,roasting,toasting ABURIDASHI INKI Invisible ink ABURIHOSU To dry at a fire ABURIKAWAKASU To dry over a fire ABURIKOGASU To singe,scorchchar ABURIKOROSU To burn alive,burn at the stake ABUSAN Absinthe ACHI Hollow,depression ACHI That,the other,over there,he ADA Amiability,beauty,charm,coquetry ADA-ADASHII Frivolous, vain, false, insincere ADABANA Sterile flower,fruitless flower ADABITO Fickle character,other people ADADANOMI Insane desire,vain request ADAGAESHI Revenge ADAGOKORO Fickle heart ADAGOTO Idle or frivolous words ADAGUCHI Idle or frivolous words AlEN JBYSsa IMotk ADAKERU To be frivolous,inconstant,noisy, to frisk about 010 4 ADAMONO Charmer It# ADAMONO Fragile thing,ephemeral thing 0tM ADANA Bad reputation,notoriety jtttii ADA 0 KAESU To revenge an injury *A ADAOROSOKA Trifle #JKRL= ADAOROSOKA NI Indifferently,without eagerness,slightingly WXl ADASHIGOTO Idle talk,chatter,gossip AtX ADAYA Arrow that misses mark,spent arrow +X41 ADAZAKURA Cherry tree with ephemeral blossoms ADORINARIN Adrenalin,epinephrine RA541 AEMBIKI Galvanized Kl*1A 0 AENAI SAIGO Sad end,pitiful death Ak& AENAKU Sadly N 4 AENH6 Zinc plating Vl AEN ITA Zinc plate 9k"3-- AEN JIGANE Zinc ingots R X AENKAI Lump zinc 0 % AENK6 Zinc ore 000WO AENK6 TEPPAN Galvanized steel plates got AENSHITSU Zinc-bearing AENSH6 Zinc trade AEN TEPPAN Galvanized iron sheets AENTO TEPPAN Galvanized iron sheets AENZAIKUNIN Zinc worker S AETE Willingly,gladly S3 AETE...IU I dare say tt AETE...YURUSANU I cannot permit it AEZU Instantly P;T t AFU Obsequiousness,fawning,flattery fP*t AFU SURU To cringe,fawn upon 4ah AFURE Overflow, inundation, overfullness EAL ~ AFURESASU To swamp, encumber,overcrowd;A 70 AFURU To flap,slam in the wind AFUTA Aphtha,in medicine 0 AFUTASHIN Hoof-and-mouth disease (30 AFUY6 Opium poppy *314ALR 1 AGAKI NO TORERU YOYO Elbowroom AGAKU To struggle, paw AGANAU To make up a deficit,redeem - t -AGARI Just after i4 AGARIBA Dressing room of a bathhouse -1I 4 AGARIBANA Entrance I- VI AGARIHANA Entrance I 'i AGARIMONO Food,food offerings,harvest 110 AGARIMONO Refuse,waste ~' uJ 8 AGARI RESSHA Uptrain AGARI UMA Bucking horse - Aik -AGARU Emphatic verbal suffix SAGE Elevation,lift,uptake I AGE Risein the market AGE Unloading at 1) r AGE SURU To unload AGE ABURA Oil for frying AGFASHI Raising the foot,trip,stumble AGEBASEN Wharfage AGEBORI Embossment,relief AGECHI Port of unloading AGEDO Vertical sliding door AGEGOSHI Palanquin AGE-ITA Floor board trap door + AGEKIN Amount of money raised ' AGEK6 Port of discharge AGEKU End,conclusion,result #H AGEMOCHI Fried rice cake 4g)h h AGEMOCHIIRU To appoint,promote 4 4~ AGENIKI Cargo winch tff> AGERU To fry AGESEN Ships unloading AGESHO Place of unloading 3it~ AGES6BA Bull market 1%# AGESOKO False bottom,raised bottom lii AGETSUCHI Mound of earth,hillock AGETSURAU To discuss,debate,argue - AGEZOKO False bottom,raised bottom A-GIN Bank of Asia 4 I& AGITOU To breathe at surface of water, stammer,lisp -4 AGO Confession to police AGUMU To sit cross-legged 48 AGUNERU To be weary,be sick of AGURA Seat,bench,stool, scaffolding S AGURABANA Turned-up nose,pug nose AGUREMAN Agrdment,approval of emissary AHA Aha,ha ha f AHAKU Argentina and Brazil pIi4N' AHEN CHUDOKU Opium poisoning N &PtX/4 AHEN GIGOKU JIKEN Opium scandal Pfq#-*J14 AHEN J3Y68HA Opium addict AHZ? 2 F4, AHIENI6 Opium treacle plaster F41* AMEN K6YAK(J Opium ointment:r AHENKKTTSU Opium den A 4 AHEMK6 Opiomania, opiomaniac Pa ýVx AlIEN SENS6 Opium War Fol ý 4 AHENSHU Opium wine m NIv- r, AHEN Y6EKI Laudanum Pq Kif, AHENZAI Opiate t) AHIRIJKAI Duck-raiser Mi K AI{6RASHI 'I KOTO Moax,humbug Al Mist,in meteorology 19Al Yes,agreed Al- To'gether~each other,reciprocally,,sharing, *o ~ AIAIGASA Large umbrella felfin AIAOGITASHI Please.toui4) AIAOGU To ask for,.polite *5 ~ AIARAS(tJ To quarrel,dispute AIAU To conform vith,agree AIBAN Companion on guard duty! AIBASHIN Love of horses AIBIN' Sympathy,pity,compassion S AIBO SURU To yearn for AIBUTSU Favorite.,pet AICH6 Adoration S" AICI{6 STJRI To cherish the memory of PlII AIDAMONO Food eaten between meals ~t~- AIDANSHIN Esprit de corps S AID6 SURU To grieve, lament *8U AIFUDA Check~duplicate,pawn ticket ~I ~ AIGANSHA Admirer,lover,fancier AIG6 SIJRU To wail *EI AIGOSON Protected villages ' AIGOJ SURU To show affection for FI*9 AIGUMI Company, society., gropuping 18ý * AIGtTSURI Panacea '8. AIHAGURERU To miss meeting someone 8.I AIHAN Coauthorship rights tea AIHAN Contrariety, opposition, contrast to ra_ t AIHAN SURU To oppose -o AIHEKI Infatuation, penchant,partiality 48;,,; AIHITOSHI SURU To amount to,be equal to U!iII Al-I Contrast,opposition it ~AI-IRENIJ Exclusive, opposed, incompatible "A " AI-IRERU To agree "it AIJAKU SURU To mourn S AIJIRUSHI Mark, c he ck, landmark., s ign zP AIJ6 0 KOMETE Affectionately I AIJ6 0 MOY63U To feel sad -' AIJ6 0" SOSORU To make one f eel sad AAIJU Favorite.,pet AIJUTSU Compassion, sympathy, succor " 6.AIKAN Check *0AIKAN Interdependence tik AIKAN Sadness and joy 11,18 AIKATA Accompaniment " AIKI SURU To belch AIK6 Love for one's school AIK6 Narrow defile~path or passage,hovel AIK6 'Penchant,taste * AIK6 SURU To fondle AIKOKU FUJINKAI Ladies Patriotic Association AIKOKtJGURUI Chauvinism *5~4~ AIK6SAIKI SURU To become 'entangled EA AIKOSHA Egoist *~- AIKOSHIN Egoism AIK6SHIN Love for one's school AIKOTONARU To be different AIKUCHI Verbal consistency_,gocod company, things In harmony ta t, AIKUMU To co-opnerate-cnsp~wire wt~ez accompany,agree AIMIN Love for the people AIMIN Pity,sympathyý K ". AIMIN No j6 Philanthropy #s4L AII400HI KABU Jointly-owned shares Sp" AIMOTOMERU -To purchase ti'tt * 0 (a,-tPe~4 31 rib "4*.3.. AJIYAJIN NO AJI YA AIMOY6SU To hold a meeting AIMIJKAI NI Face to face AIMUKATTE Face to face,,faring each other AIMTJSUBI *Lovers' knot AIMUSUBU. To combine with AINADANOMI Vain hope AINAKU Blindly,rashly~immediately AINARABERIJ To put in a row AT.NARABU To stand abreast AINARANDE Side by side L; AINARITASHI Please AINARU To become,be.,do AINEGAITASHI Please AINO Ainu AINOTE Refrain, joint, seam.,burden AION Note of sorrow AIRANDO JIYOKOKtJ Irish Free State AIREN Compassion,pity, sympathy.AIRIN Love of neighbor AIRO Bottleneck AIRO Iron~in laundering AIRO True color or condition,form,shape AIROEN Bottleneck AIROK6 Entrance to defile AISAKARAU To oppose one another AISATSTJNIN Bearer of note.,mediator AISATSUNIN Introducer,visitor AISEI Whine,moan, sad cry, AISEKI Sorrow AISENKA Miser~nunismatist AISESSURU To touch AISETSIJ Contact AISETSU NA Sorrowful,pathetic, doleful AISHI Beloved child AISHIN Loving heart AISHINZURIJ To trust each other AISHIO Midtide AISHIRAU To entertain, receive,welcome, serve, adorn AISHITAGAU To follow.,obey AISHITASHII Intimate, famili'ar AISHITASHIMU To be intimate with AISH6 Accordant element AISH6 Nickname,,pet name AISHOGURUI Bibliomania. AISHOHEKI Bibliomania AISHOKA.Bocklover AISH6 NO WARUI Uncongenial,incompatible AIS6 Affection AISUMU To finish AITACHINAI Brutal,impolite, AITAI Mutual consent.,direct dealing AITAIGAI, Direct purchase AITAIJI SURU To confront each other AITAI KENKA Private quarrel AITAMAWARITASHI,Please AITAN SURU To grieve.,lament i AITASHIN Altruism tAAITEKATA BENGOSHI Opposing counsel AITERU To be empty AI TO IU To say yes.,consent AIT6KA Elegy,funeral song AITOMO NI Together AITOMONAU To accompany [AAITOMONAU JIJ6 Concurrent circumstances AIT6SHA Mourner AIT6SHIN Party spirit AITSO Grief,affliction AITSUGU To succeed or follow one another AITSIJIDE After, successively AJISON-SHIBY6 Addison's disease,,adrenal cortical insufficiency AJIWAtI To expe 'rience,,try.,feel 0 AJIYAJIN NO Asia for the Asiatics AJIYA AJIYA-KYOKU alBE AJIYA-KYOKU Asiatic Affairs Bureau S AJO SURU To flatter r A-KA Afghanistan currency SAKA Copper AKA Radical 155 AKA- Evidently,perfectly,absolutely B4 AKA-AKA Very clearly if t. AKABAMU To redden,blush kt AKABIKARI SURU To shine with dirt 1*1 lk AKABIMBO NO Destitute - AKAB6 Redcap,porter S AKABOSHI Red Star,a newspaper V;i6 AKA BUD6SHU Red wine < - ( AKACHAKURERU To become reddish l AKADAMA Red billiard ball S AKADAMA Red spherical lantern S AKADAMA Storm signal Ir4~# AKAERIJ6 Bus conductress fJL4 AKAGARERU To redden and wither 9, AKAGIRE Chapping of skin A, + AKAGO Infant S AKAHADA Abrasion,scratch A - nit AKAHARA Dysentery S AKA HON Red book,in diplomacy S AKAHON-YA Seller of cheap books S AKAI Clear,evident S AKAI Loyal,sincere,graciousbeautiful AKA IJNU Reddish-brown dog AKAJI Deficit AKAJIMI NO Sweaty and grimy Si' 4 AKAJI O DASU To show a deficit AKAKE Red hair S AKAKKE Red hair A 8 AKAMERU To redden something AKAMICHI Limbers,in shipbuilding 1 4 AKAMIWATARU To be completely red AKAMON Tokyo Imperial University A AKAMONHA Tokyo Imperial University graduate. ~f"t AKAMON SHUSSHIN Tokyo Imperial University graduate AI AKAMUKE Raw spot or gall on skin ko AKANEBATAKE Madder ground AKA NIKIBI Red pimple S AKA NIKU Lean flesh AKANISHI Whelk,miser T " P~f AKA NO GOHAN Rice boiled with red beans I)- AKA NO TANIN Perfect stianger AKANUKE Cleanliness,clarity,brilliance S AKANUKERU To be cleanly dressed,be experienced AKAOTOSHI Cloth for wiping off grime A I AKARAKA Crimson Sj Y AKARAMERU To make red SII AKARI Proof,evidence,innocence A 9I AKARI ANA Eyelet ~ AKARI MADO Dormer window,skylight,high lantern 1 4 AKARUI Innocent,pure ' AKARUKU Brightly "/ ' 7 ' AKARUMI Publicity,public 'A1 t AKARUMU To grow light eo U AKASHI Light,lamp,testimony,disclosure e u K AKASHIBITO Witness 4AKA SHIO Red stream,red tide 4 3 AKASU To open,illuminate,explain,guess, prove Si4 AKASU To satisfy,pamper,glut AKAT6 Brown sugar AKATd Red candle,a flare AKATSUKI Occasion AKATSUKI Old clothes AKA USO Gross or shameless lie hA 4 AKAZAN Debit balance A4iV+ft AKAZAT6 Brown sugar T ~ AKAZUMI Red ink stick eF0 AKE Arrival of New Year's sq AKE Dawn, daybreak BId ~ AKEGURE Commencement of dawn "4tta ~v AKEHANARERU To dawn rbiWE AKEHANASHI MUY6 Close the doors *95 AKEHANASU To open,keep open 8AP0 AKEHARAI Lodger's exit 'e-i AKEHARAU To vacate,open,empty,open up 'A8 t t 4 AKEHATERU To dawn t1f s4 AKEHIROGERU To throw open e AKEKURE Throughout the day,constantly rsikt t AKEPPANASU To open,keep open uA 4 AKESARU To dawn,finish,come to an end eB AKESARU To quit a place r9Ii AKESUKE Lack of discretion,indiscreet man, frankly 3 OA 1 (< r$14ý ý 4* 4 sB ~-~ onA M~ 'A A, 4AX( 4.1 + A4 'A~ ') 4 AAft -4 4 44 T _- 'Y tic ýr A, sdt r g4U 4 U4 ~ 4) 4 (444 4 ng 3 ag A ei ' %g b 4~y - uu i ial Grit 80s0 s 4-:$? #,tA ~j ~AP rdt AKU JoKEN AKEYUEKU To dawn,pass slowly,of time AKEYUKU To open up, expand or develop a country AKI End of life,harvest AKI Free time,leisure AKI Satiety AKIBARE Clpar autumn weather AKIBASHO Empty place AKIBITO Seller AKI FUKAKU Late in autumn AKI-IE Empty house AKIJIKAN Free hours AKI-KAN Empty can AKIKIZU Open wound AKIKO Fall silkworm AKIMA Interstice,interval AKIMAKI Fall sowing AKIMEKURA, Blind man with open eyes, ignoramus,illiterate person AKIMONO Articles temporarily unused AKIMONO Merchandise AKINAI DAI Counter AKINAIDAKA Commercial profits,turnover of business AKINAI HETA Inexperience in trade AKINAI J5ZU Shrewdness in trade AKINAIMUKI Suitable for selling AKINAI NAKAMA Fellow trader,the trade AKINAIYA Shop,store AKINDO Merchant AKINDO NO MOTONE Merchant's rock-bottom price AKINDO NO SORANE Merchant's initial asking price AKIRAKA Distinction,evidence AKIRAME Tranquillity,freedom from care, clear idea,of situation AKIRAMERU To clarify AKIRE Astonishment AKIREHATERU To be dumbfounded AKIREKAERU To be dumbfounded AKISU Empty nest,unoccupied house AKITARANU Insatiable,discontented AKITARU To be satisfied AKKA Evil destiny,evil consequences AKKA SURU To turn for the worse AKAHEI Counterfeit bank note AIOAI SURU To crush AKKAIKI Crusher AKKAKU Importunate visitor AKKAKU NA Abstemious AKKAN Ill-feeling AKKAN SURU To compress AKKANKA Baneful influence AKKE Sunstroke,heatstroke AKKEBY6 Sunstroke,heatstroke AKKEIAN Crimp,forced labor agency AKKETSU Tainted blood AKKIN Ill-gotten money AKKINFU Compress AKKON Falsification,adulteration AKO Russian Far Eastern Fishing Association AKOGARE Absent-mindedness AKOGAREARUKU To stroll abstractedly AKOGARERU To be absent-minded,be preoccupied AKORINORU Antiseptic ointment type AKU To be satisfied with AKUAKU With bursts of laughter AKUAKUSHII Sinister-looking AKUBA Vicious horse,worn-out horse AKUBI Radical 076 AKUBY6 Malignant,incurable or infectious disease AKUCHI Tainted blood AKUDOKU Heavily AKUEKIBYh Weak constitution AKUFO Storm,destructive wind AKUGARE Trance AKUGEKI Violent attack AKUGEN Evil words AKUHA Handle AKUREN Deterioration,degeneration AKU-I KEIKAKU Sinister project AKU-I NI TORU To take one the wrong way AKU-INNEN Evil affinity AKU-I SHUTOKUSHA One in bad faith AKUJI SURU To grasp,capture,hold fast AKUJITSU Unlucky day AKUJO Rugged terrain,dangerbus spot AKU J6KEN Bad conditions AKUJu ikr AKUJ ' Fierce predatory animal 4A4] AKUJUNXAN Vicious circle 1i"s) AKUKEIK6 Evil tendency SAKUMAKA SURtJ To bedevil 4 t Ritt AKUMI 0 OWASU To tarnish a reputation, defame SAKUMEI 0 S0SOGU To recover a good name <) k 6 AKUNAKI Insatiable FAR AKUN6 Ichor,a thin discharge I% AKUON Immense obligatibn l0A APREI Plague,malignant malady,epidemic AkIURNAMIN Atabrine AKURY6 SURU To receive AKUSAI Craft,cleverness,cunning j AKUSAKU Machination %Mdi AKUSEIBY6 Malignant malady th-FilRIASFAKUSEI TSOKA BbCH6 Vicious inflation t, AKUSEN Corruption Ai14 AKUSENDEN Pernicious propaganda AtK AKUSETSU Unfortunate rumor,unfavorable report 14- AKUSHA Encampment,tent Mem AKUSHO Rugged terrain,dangerous spot Q+ AKUSHdNEN Depraved youth 40) AKUSHU NO Repulsive & I1 JA 4t, AKUSHOSEI SH6KA Nidorous dyspepsia T IFURY6 GA AKUS8 Malignant form of syphilis max0 AKUSOKU Diligently i* AKUSUI Impure water A4 4$ AKUSUIRO Sewer, drain 1A*Mt1r AKUTOKU SHIMBUN Jingoistic press B4- AKUZOKU Evil habits, depraved morals aAt.AA1 A-KYISEIBY6 Subacute disease 4S AMA-ATO Traces of rain l AMABISASHI Baves aI AMAB6 Pilot's hat,sou'wester S AMABUTA Brim of hat or cap,flap it k AMACHA Amateur *ia LAMADAREOCHI Eavesdrip A it AMADARI Eaves drippings A * AMAFU Linen AA AMAGABENI Sunset redness AAi AMAGAIT6 Raincoat *L AMAGI Waterproof cape AMAGINU Waterproof cape A#L$L AMAGOROMO Fisherman's costume AR AMAGU Raincoats,umbrellas,etc. - AMAIJIN Ameisin,a medicine *:$A AMAJIMERI Dampness from rain A4+t4 AMAJITAKU Preparation for rain A44 AMAJITARI Eaves drippings 9k 4 AMAKA Flax plant 0 r;9 AMAKAMMURI Radical 173 it$ #*k AMAKARA SEMBEI Wafer type ASIL AMAEAZE Rainy wind #ik AMAKE Sweetness,sweet flavor )t 1 AMAK6 Amagasaki Steel Co. Ito AMAKUCHI Flattery,sweet tooth itat:4(L3 AMAKUCHI NI NORU To be taken in by flattery 5k* AMAME Fisherwoman,woman diver A4L -0' AMAMIZUDAME Cistern, cesspool,drunkard AMU a A AMAMOY6 NO TSUKI Moon which presages rain its- AMANA Sweetened edible plants o AMANAU To establish good relations SAMANAU To taste with pleasure,be satisfied,do willingly A$ AMANEKI Universal 004,. AMANIYU Linseed oil Al ' AMAOSAB Repair of leak -A AMAOTOME Fisherwoman,woman diver t- AMA-PAN Bun i AMASEI Made of flax or of linen AMASHIDARI Water which falls from gutters AKb*9 AMASH6ZOKU Preparation for rain AMASSAE Besides,moreover,in addition ~~ - AMATARUI Too sweet mawkish,very slowlazy *LI- AMATATABI Frequentdy,repeatedly AMAT3RASU 6MIKAMI Sun-goddess AMATSUBU Raindrop AMATSUSAE Besides,moreover,in addition AMA-UKE Reservoir for rain water AMAYAKASU To pamper,spoil AMAYOKE Protection from rain ihdfisl AMAYO NO HOSHI Rarity, stars on a rainy night g AMAYOSOI -Preparation for rain S AMAZAWARI Confinement because of rain S AMAZORA Rainy sky 1 AMBA Riding horse,saddle horse C AMBU Caress,oonsolation,pacifioation, tranquillity AND)IMN SAMBU Narrcw pass,defile 0 to AMBU Saddle t_ AMBUN Proportion JZ ',AMBUN Text of a proposal ýt a&t AMBUN HAIT6 Proportional division 4$4?jit AMBUN WARIATE Pro rata allotment is - AMBUN WARIMAE Proportional allotment SAME Sk,dwvelling of the gods,heaven SAMEAGARI After rain S '4v'( AME ARARE NO GOTOKU Like rain and hail,in great numbers - AMýEBA 9EKIRI Amoebic dysentery 1kWt 1 AMEGACHI NA Rainy,moi8t t'sL3C AMEI ZENS6 Continuous uproar,racket, hubbub S AME KAMMURI Radical 173 a) 4A AME MOY6 Threat of rain 1441:h*# AME NI KIRIGIRISU Inextricable involvement -4" AMERIKA GASSHOKOKU United States of America IAit; AMIAGEGUTSU Laced boots kA-PLw AMIAGE KYAHAN Laced leggings B AMIAU To interlace,intertwine t AMIBA Place for drying nets P4tjIP AMIDA KUJI Lot casting AV*r AMIDANA Net rack or shelf _40, AMIEDA Osier stalk,basket-maker's rod, wattle kiA AMIEDAZAIKU Basketwork, wattlework "" W m AMIGASHIRA Radical 122,variants n AMIHIKI Trawling,trawler net drawing I0 AMIHIKIBUNE Trawler AMI HIMO Braid A6e AMI ISHI Stones attached to fishing net Wit, AMI ITO Knitting yarn,embroidery thread, worsted Aflt AMI ITO Threads for netmaking ý_Aý AMIKATA Knitting,knitting pattern AMtyt AMIKIRIKI Net cutter 095 AMIME Meshes of a net AM@ AMIMEGATA Retiform,reticulate 40" tA AMIMONO GY6SHA Knitter tIV8 AMIMONOZAIKU Knitwear, knitting, knitwork imn AMI NO ME Meshes of net W1. AMIRY6 Net fishery,fishing with net I.mski AMISO Hemp string for net OWlb AMISUKI Netmaking,netting,netter #RAW AMISUKfBARI Netting needle AM AMI-UCHI Net fisher at 4 AMMAI NA Obscure,stupid ml i AMMAKI Massaging machine V it, AMMEI Darkness,obscurity,gloom t$ AMMIN National security,or tranquility 64ILK ) FP AMMOKU NO AIDA Unwittingly SP AMMON Examinatlon,cross-examination AMMONAARU Ammonal,an explosIve a AM6 Dumb and blind person S AMPAKU Frolic,mischief - AMPAN Bean-jam bun,round-faced person 4 c a AMPERA-BUKURO Mat-rush sack *k AMPI Saddle flap f ANA-AKE Perforation,perforator, spendthrift,peculation,embezzlement AA ANABATA Edge of a ditch,graveyard t 1 5 ANADARAKE Full of holes sf ANAFUSAGI Filling up a hole,filling a vacancy t: ANAGURACHIN Cellar storage charge W <75 ANAGURU To dig,inquire & ~ ANAI Guidance,direction 'l Z ANA KAMMTURI Radical 116 dLaB ANAMEDO Eyelet for laces atf 4 AN-AN Unconsciously ANANIKU Unfortunately A4 L ANASAGASHI Critic who overlooks nothing ANASUE Tips of toes,posterity l A ANATA That side,on the other side 1&hPE ANATA KONATA Here and there,on this side and that 4i!J ANA-UME Re-establishing a fortune 43LJ4 ANA-UME Stopgap,filling a hole hAJg ANAZURI Fishing in river-bed holes,rock fishing e%,UM ANCHB Dark thoughts,secret tendency e%' Q ANCHO In the dark gt ONaS ANCHU HIYAKU Leap in the dark 19 k ANDARA Trivialities S ANDARA 0 TSUKUSU To talk nonsense St AND6 Oil lamp in a paper frame BQi AND6 Postern,back way atO6 AND6KEN Safe-conduct papers,carte blanche 444 e8ft a ajti gityg 0 ~ ag ~ t4, V4 g 4 qFdi ~t 4 4aP t;L lej-J dkO I 45A 46 41 $gefi E ea p( ftt, ~ s~14 44 5 4~ sJ~i ANDON ANDON Night firing box ANDON Strip lights,in aviation ANDON Stupidity A-NETSU Subfebrile,in medicine A-NETSU Subtropical,in geography ANGAI NA Unexpected ANGAN Hidden rock ANGAYAKU Safe gas shells ANGINA Angina, quinsy ANG6 Accidental coincidence ANI In fact,no doubt,probably AN-I Consolation,solace AN-I Freedom from worry,peace of mind AN-I NA Complacent,serene,confident AN-IBUTSU Comfort,balm,solace AN-IBUTSUTEKI Consoling,comforting ANIDESHI Older companion in apprenticeship ANIKI My elder brother ANIOT6TO Brothers ANJIDASU To discover,devise,invent ANJIGAO Anxious look ANJIGOTO Cause of worry ANJIKURASU To live in anxiety ANJIMEGURASU To reflect on,meditate over, weigh carefully ANJIN Pilot,Will Adams ANJIRU To hold I ANJIWABIRU To be uneasy about ANJ6 Saddle,in meteorology ANJ6 NO Mounted ANJOKU Saddle padding,saddlecloth ANJU SURU To be free from care ANKA Black-market price ANKA Low price ANKA SURU To ~darken ANKAHI Gift to the family ANKAKE Arrowroot condiment ANKAN In the dark ANKAN Leisure,idleness,indolence ANKEI Intrigue ANKEN Examination,inquiry ANKEN SURU To investigate ANKI NO Late rising ANK6 Culvert ANK6 Peace,tranquility ANK6 Security,tranquility,prosperity, welfare ANK6CH6 Saddler noncommissioned officer ANKOKU IRO Pitch-black color ANKOKU JIDAI The Dark Ages ANKON Hidden resentment,secret hate ANKORO Bean-jam dumpling ANKOROMOCHI Red-bean jam dumpling ANK6SOTSU Saddler,saddle maker ANNAI True state of an affair,reality ANNAI DAI Information desk ANNAISHO Guidebook, manual ANNAI SUZU Call bell ANNAKA Sodium benzoate caffeine ANNANJISHI Annamese newspapers ANNE Day's low,in stock prices ANN6 Wallet,saddlebag ANO HITO He,she AN 0 SHIMESU To be pleased ANO Y6 NA Such,like that ANRAKU ISU Rocking chair ANRO Underground road,covered way ANR6GIN Low wages ANRYO Calm reflection ANRYC Undercurrent ANSAN Mental calculation ANSATSU SURU To examine ANSAPSU MISUI Attempted assassination ANSEKI SURU To point out position on skeleton map ANSHA SURU To point out position on skeleton map ANSHI Paper for a rough copy ANSHIN Personal freedom from worry ANSHITEKI Allusive,suggestive,insinuative ANSHITSU Cell, room ANSHO Text,wording,editing,manuscript ANSH6 Saddle sore ANSH6 Sunken reef ANS6 Stabilizing apparatus ANS6BA Black-market price ANTA You ANTRI Pacification ANT5 Dark lantern ANTh Pight in the dark,night attack, secret war ARAKERU OVg ANTOKKI Clinoid process,in anatomy 4 ANYAKU Secret schemes SANY6 Cultivation,nurture ANY6 Peaceful convalescence,devoted care ANZA Saddle seat ANZA SURU To sit,sit cross-legged e ANZAN Mental calculation W L L ANZANSHI Person of no importance ANZEN NI In obscurity,gloomily, disquietingly Vtw ANZEN BEN Safety valve R btItP ANZEN CHITAI Safety zone,t 3 - ANZEN DAI ICHI Safety first kIt- I% ANZEN KINKO Safe for valuables 1FV+A ANZEN K6RO Safe fairway,in navigation IV W ANZEN YOYU Margin of safety i1, ANZURU NI To my thinking SAO Crudity,immaturity,inexperience AO Radical 174 SAOAO Blue,green A l AQARASHI Spring wind A 1 t AOBAMU To become green S AO CHA Green tea,green tea color S3- AODAMA Emerald,green gem *u AO END6 Green peas P AOGIMIRU To look up to,respect lip AOGITATEMATSURU To ask for AR Z ' AOGITATERU To fan continuously and forcefully,excite S AOGURO Bluish black,deep blue,dusky pallor S AO HON Blue book,in diplomacy Ak AOI BUD6 Green grapes SAO IRO Blue,green t AOJIROI Pale,sallow,livid f AOKUSAI Unripe,inexperienced S AOKUSAI MONO Young pedant A. AOMAME Early visitor o AOMI Green vegetables in soup A k -t AOMIDATSU To become green,bud Arkjl1 AOMIGAKARU Tinged with blue * 7 ' AOMI-IZURU To become green,bud SAOMIWATARU To be in full leaf AOMOCHI Rice cake type AOMONODONYA Vegetable wholesaler It4144 AOMONO ICHIBA Vegetable market A t AOMU To become green,bud,grow pale 1p I);5 AOMUKERU To place on back,turn face up AIX;i AORITATERU To excite,fan *A;;5 AORU To flap,slam in the wind AORU To spur on a horse AOSAGI Light bay-colored fur or coat S AOSEN Bronze coin i AO SHIDAN Spanish Blue Division A ( AO SHOSEI Inexperienced student; AO-UMEZUKE Pickled green plums 4 AQYAMA Mountain covered with vegetation S AOZUMU To grow greenish APPAKUSHA Oppressor gf APPAKUTAI Compress, bandage v APPAKUTEKI Oppressive,heavy SARA- Coarse,rav,rough,brutal, inexperienced ARA-ASOBI Horseplay t ARABIRU To be violent,become angry SitgARABIYA GOMU Gum arabic,acacia A ARABONE Skull,dry bones,hard work 1tiff ARABONEORI Very tiring occupation SARAEBISU Unsubmissive natives At ARAGAMI Fierce god ARAGAU To dispute,oppose,resist ARAGIMO Unconquerable courage ARAHA New sword blade ~Q(4J* ARAHITOGAMI Incarnate god,the Bnperor ARAIDARAI Washbasin,AtJ$ ARAI FUNTAN Washed powdered coal;tA0 ARAINAGASU To wash off,overboard,or away st;k ARAI OKE Washbucket ALj- i ARAIOTOSU To wash away,wash thoroughly;it 1 ARAISARU To wash away,a bridge etc. ARA-ISHI Unhewn stone 3*A- ARA-ISONAMI Billows,breakers At 3 ARAITE Washer,laundress ARAIYU Flushing oil sAtU ARAIZARASHI Washing and sun-drying, washed-out 0 ARAKANNA Jack plane AL ARAKAWA Husk IL 09 ARAKENAI Rough,boisterous,rowdy " u0 ARAKERU To commit violence,be turbulent OKti ARAKERU To separate,scatter,stir up ARAKI 6 ARAKI Wood with bark 'on,unsquared tree #5 ARAKO Coarse flour,meal S( Yt ~ARAKUREMONO Rough man S( ' ARAKURERU To act brutally or grossly, become rowdy ARA MAA Dear me 3 ARAMAHOSHII Desirable f ARAMAKI Sowing at random or on rough soil j ARAMAKI Straw wrapping for presents,fish wrapped in straw,dried fish j9 th ARAME ND Y6 In rags *tr4v ARAMONO New article 1k *ARANUKA Bran VU ARAO Intrepid man 1- 7I ARAPPOI Uneven,scattered,sparse " W6 ARARAGERU To make harsh,roughen ARAREGAMA Rough pot S 4 ARARE MO NAI Unexpected,unlooked-for $Us ARARFZAKE Poor quality sake -kb*ARASHI Ravage,devastation it 0- ARASHIMAWARU To overrun JARASHI MOY6 Storm threat * -ARASHITE Ravager S ARASOIAU To quarrel ARASOIGOTO Dispute ARASOITE Quarreller,competitor 4M ARASOIZUKI Combative spirit,difficult person S1. ARAS6TE Contentiously ARATA New rice field S ARATAME Correction,modification, improvement,reform C Y 6 ARATAMERU To renew,reform Al 1 A ARATAME TSUTSU Examine arms,a command -t 4 ARATANARU New,fresh l ARATOGI Rough grinding r3 ARA-UMANORI Roughrider S WA ARAWASHI Wild eagle,army plane ARAWATA Raw cotton 09 FI & ARAZAREBA Unless,if not,except A ARAZUKUROI Crude repair,patching * ARE Ravage,havoc,devastation AREBA Ruined spot AREBIYORI Stormy time 4 *5 i1 AREGIRI That is all,no more,the end ~S I AREH6DAI Letting everything go to ruin tt1 AREKURUU To rage Xjia AREMAWARU To rush about,tear around ARERUGI Allergy 15i ARESA Well,there *tw ARETA Fallow land,uncultivated rice field th ARETA Waste,ruined,rough Rs AREWATARU To become increasingly devastated AREYA Deserted house AREYUKU To continue in a ruined condition ARIAI What one has on hand S ARIAWASERU To have on hand ARIDOKORO Location of an object A 41 ARIFURERU To be common,be familiar A#A ARIGAC Looking as if one.possessed it ARIGE As if S ARIHATERU To last to the end ARIKIRI To the limit ARINAGARA In spite of S ARINI HIKAECHB Stock book ARINI SHIRABE Inventory,stock taking ARINOTOWATARI Perineum,pelvic region ARI SHIDAI As soon as there is A.-9 ARISHINA Stock,goods in warehouse ) ARIS6 MO NAI Improbable ARISUGATA State,condition, circumstances ARITASHI It is desired that 1 ARITE WA As for I ARITSUKERU To acquire a residence,find a match for ARI-URU To be possible,may be 4 ' -r ARIYA Oh,ah,oh my ARIY6 Present state,true representation ARONZON Alonsoa,an herb ARUBAJIRU Albasil,a medicine ~' '- ~ r~ ARUBEKI OSORE I fear that there may be ARUD6ZE Aldose,an aldehyde sugar ARUHEI Taffy ARUHI Once,one day 2R6 ARUJIBURU To act like a master ARU KAGIRI All there is,to the limit of what there is ARUKIDASU To begin to walk ARUKIMAWARU To take a stroll,traverse, cover ground ARUKITSUKUSU To travel throughout,walk all over ) A E L A5 4 4 4 Sttk 4 t %v?~ % A 9, 4 4.4th ý vFj xL A it" a;-f* 4%;E' k, Aif i~tr & 4 4 ~t ACia ri~ f tr# 9~ #Ed 9 iRt ~ itR m Arl* jtB 1A~ A~i ~ ts, ti?a9k ~i $83 it AI ~sp -S z At t ~ -4 zt #Af ~f j$Mf c r fA j~As 6 pz; t~ P$T t 5 $4f ~R Mf ~d #(-fF 3 f-fif& t~4 a FTCA Ra s Ras a ~i ASHIGANE ARUKIZOME First steps ARUK6RU CHUDOKU Alcoholism,delirium tremens ARUK6RU CHODOKUSHA Alcoholic,the person ARUMONOGAO Pronrietor's look,well-to-do air ARU NI SEYO Though,even if ARUTOGIN Artogin,a medicine ARUZEROIDE Arseloid,a medicine A-RYU Second-rate man,inheritor,successor ASA Radical _OO ASA- Shallow,light ASA-AKE Dawn,red morning sky ASA-ASA Each morning ASA-ASAI Low,shallow,superficial,mediocre ASABATAKE Hemp field ASABUKURO Hemp sacks ASADE Early departure ASADE Hemp cloth ASAGAKE Early departure ASAGAO Person's face on awakening ASAGAOGATA Funnel-shaped ASAGARA Peeled hemp stalk ASAGATA Morning,forenoon ASAGE Breakfast ASAI Base,contemptible ASAI Recent ASAJIE NO HITO Stupid person ASA KAMMURI Radical 200 ASAKARANU Deep,close,intimate ASAKEBURI Morning smoke ASAKOKI Ripple or hackle for deseeding flax, etc. ASA KUZU Hards,hurdshemp waste ASAMASHII Disconcerting,astonishing ASAMASHII Paltry,fragile ASAMI Lightness of tone or shade ASAMI Shoal,shallow water ASAMI NI KOI Easy gain ASAMU To slight,scorn ASANA ASANA Each morning ASANABE Frying pan,roaster,casserole ASANA YONA Every morning and evening ASA NO HA Hemp leaf coat of arms ASA NO MI Hemp seeds ASA NO YORU Small hours of the morning ASA NUNO Hemp cloth,linen ASA-OKI Early riser ASAPPARA Morning hunger ASARAKA Lightly ASARIARUKU To prowl around for prey, maraud ASA SAKU Hemp.rope ASA SHIMO Morning or white frost ASASUZU Morning freshness ASATACHI Morning departure ASA-UKIBORI Bas-relief ASA URA Hemp lining ASAZARA Plate,flat dish ASEAWA Lather,of horses ASEDAMA Drops of perspiration ASEDARAKE Sweaty ASEFUKI Sweat cloth ASEGUMU To be wet with perspiration ASEI Fawning,flattery,adulation ASEISHA Sycophant ASEJIMI Sweat stain ASE KEMURI Fumes from heavy perspiration ASEMIDORO Dripping with sweat ASE MIZU Sweat ASE NUGUI Sweat towel ABE O KAKU To sweat ASE O TORU To induce perspiration ASERI Haste ASE TENUGUI Sweat towel ASEYOKE Sweatband ASHA Dumb person,mute ASHL Firmness,tenacity ASHIABURI Foot warmer ASHIATO Footprint,spoor ASHIBARE Swelling of feet or legs ASHIBIKI -Call prayed when saluting colors ASHIBIKI Person who limps ASHIBUE Reed pipe ASHIBUMI Beginning ASHIBUMI Pawing the ground ASHIBUMIKI Machine with pedals ASHIDA DE Unarmed ASHIDAO Cord of clogs ASHIDOME KIN Compensation for detention ASHIFUKI Foot towel ASHIGANE Shackles on feet ASHIGASE 7 2I Al RA X A x4k i44-J, I 5LAbA X+Wl ufk jtAAA*6 Z f~*t;a4J AM46 4'C ASHIGASS Shackle ASHIGATAMe Pile driver,hardening of feet by walking ASHIGE Stamping the ground, bucking ASHI HARA Reed field ASHI HEN Radical 157 ASHIHIBIKI Tramp, the sound ASHII Bad, vicious, unlucky, harmful., tiring ASHIKAKE About,approximately ASHIKAKE Springboard, pedal, footboard ASHIKAKE, AGARI Kneeing the bar.,.in calisthenics ASHIKAKEBIJTON Coverlet ASHI WEASEetters.,chains.,shackles ASHI-KASHI Fetters.,chains,,shackles ASHIKIRU To cut off the feet.,remove the kneecap -ASHIKO That place.,there ASHIKOSHI Legs and loins~lower part of body ASHIKU Badly ASHIKUBI Ankle ASHIKUBI NO MUKtTMI Swelling of the ankle ASHIKUSE Trip.,in wrestling ASHIMATOI Obstacle_,impediment ASHIMOTO Actual situation ASHIMOTO Approach to one's house ASHIMOTSTJRE Obstacle.,hindrance, impediment ASHINABE Caldron with legs ASHINAE Cripple.,paralytic, clubfoot ASHINAHASHI Training for foot races ASHI NO HIKAGAMI The back of the knee ASHI NO K5 Instep ASHI NO URA Sole of the foot ASHI NtJGUI Foot towel ASHI6I Footcloth,foot cover ASHI OXIBUTON Cushion, hassock ASHIOSHI Pushing with feet ASHIRAI Arrangement,garnishing ASHIRAU To entertain.,receive,,welcome., serve., adorn ASHISHIRO Scaffolding ASHITEGARAMI Obstacle,annoyance, etters ASHITEMATOI Obstacle, impediment ASHITORI Pace ASHITORI Seizure of foot ASHI TSUIDE While on foot ASHIURA Sole of foot ASHIWA Anklet ASHIWA Furniture caster ASHIWA Shackle ASHI YUBI Toe ASHIZAMA Badly,outrageously, abusively ASHIZASHI Shoemaker's ruler ASHIZOROE Keeping step A-SH6SAN GASU Laughing gas A-SIIEJ Subspecies,variety ASOBASU To let lie idle ASOBI AITE Playmate, ASOBIBA Playground,pleasure house ASOBIBI Holiday ASOBtBITO Entertainer, player~musician ASOBI D6GU Plaything ASOBIDOKI Recess ASOBIGATAKI Partner.,in game ASOBI HAMBUN Half in play ASOBI KIN Idle money..unproductive money,.-.floating money ASOBIKURASU To while away time,loaf ASOBIKY6ZURU To make merry ASOBIMAWARU To go about in search of ASSHUKU Cut~in allotment etc. ASS6 StJRU To transmit under pressure 4A 6-~ 174 T it~h A64 *,9~e 14 L,, t lit S j' 45 4. -I: ATEZUIRYo ASSOKU Stoppage of respiration ASUKO That place,there ASTJKOERA That plac6.,there ASUKORA That place, there ASUPARAGIN Asparagin~a chemical compound ATAE Gift..alms ATAESARU To give to someone who promptly disappears ATAETE Giver ATAI Salary,wage~money payment ATAI SURU To cost,merit ATAJIKENAI Avaricious.,miserly, stingy ATAJIKENASHI Miser ATAKATAKI 'Enemy seeking vengeance ATAKERU To be boisterous~turbulent, annoying ATAKERTJ To romp about ATAMA C~raniun, hair, person, guide, thought ATAMA-ARAI Shampoo ATAMA HIMO Headband ATAMAJIRAMI Head louse ATAMA KARA From the start,positively ATAMA KIN Money paid on account ATAMAKU'DASHI Insulting mockery ATAMANAMI Per head ATAMA NO HACHI Cranium, brainpan ATAMA6I Headdress ATAMA WARI DE Per head ATAMA WAZA Brain work A-TAN Brown coal ATARAMONO Priceless object ATARASHIGARtJ To think regretfully of, deplore ATARASHII Improved,. renewed ATARASHII HAYARI New fashion ATARASHII KISERtJ Worthless thing ATARASHIMIJ To deplore~regret ATARASHISA Regret, disappointment ATARAYO Regrettable night ATARI Good harvest ATARI Thereabouts,,someone like... ATARIAI Conflict ATARIATARI Here and there ATARIBACHI Earthenware mortar ATARIBAN Winning number ATARIBURUMAI Feast cele 'brating a success ATARIGAKI Throwing things about in ill humor ATARIGI Wooden pestle ATARI KINJO Vicinity ATARIMABAYUI Resplendent ATARIMAE Share,allotment ATARIMONO Thing that turned out right ATARIMONO Unwholesome food ATARISAWARI Effect, influence.,relation ATARU To compare,try~gue:~s ATARU To influence, reverberate, have repercus sions ATATAKA NA Warm, af fable ATATTE MIRU To sound out~probe,try ATAU To be suitable for -ATAU To be able to,be capable of ATAWAZARU Cannot ATCIIAKU Subsidence, compressing, constraint, coercion ATCHI There.he.she, it.they ATE Address ATE Shield, buckler, pad ATEBITO Noble~high personage ATECHIGAI Contrary to expectation ATESAKI Address,addressed to ATESOKONAU To miss the mark.,guess wrong ATEYAKA Charm, beauty, elegance,nobility ATEZUIRY6 Guesswork, conjecture A ni Mjk 0 IVA OF A 441* UP t 4kiL t 41L12 AL t kisi 4 AL~1 IL 1 ATOExample.,precedentreputat ion ATO Heritage, succession ATO Bcar, ruins, relics ATOATO Futurejfuture events ATOBARAI Putting in order,after a ceremony, ATOBISARI Contraction~narrowing, recoil, falling back ATOBUNE Next boat ATO FUMI Letter follows ATO FUN! Next boat ATOGAERI Beteat.,return~somersault ATOGAI Bowman.,first oarsman ATOGIYOME Purification of house after removal of corpse ATOHAKANAI Disappearance without trace ATOHIKI Insatiabil'ity~addiction to bad habit s ATOHIKI Interminable ATOHIKU To pull back~evade work,trail, long for ATOJISARI Contraction,,narrowing, recoil., falling back ATOKATA MO MAI Groundless,,unfounded ATOKUCHI Further remarks ATOKUCHI Measures taken afterward ATOMAWARI Final tour of Inspection ATO NO'MATSURI After death the doctor ATO NO MATBURI Late arrival.,action taken too late AOOI Late arrival ATO-OSAI! Rear,bringing Up the rear ATO-OSHI Instigation, excitation ATOSAKI Upside down.,in reverse order ATOSAKI MIZU Blindly~without thinking ATOSHIAN Afterthought ATOSHIMATSU Liquidationsettlement ATOSHIhAXAMI Unknown destination ATOSHUDAN Measure conceived later ATOSUBOMARI Diminution ATOTSUGI Heir, substitute ATOYAKtJ Succession, successor ATOYURE Aftershocks,in earthquakes ATOZONAR Rear guard ATOZUSARI Shrinking, contraction, recoil., falling back ATSU- Heat ATSU- Thickness ATSUBAI Hot ashes ATBUBOMARI Diminution ATBUBUSA. Heavy fringe ATSUD6KI Steam roller ATSURN Rolling ATSUENK6 Rolled steel ATSUGAMI ITA Cardboard ATSUGIRE Chunk, hunk ATSUKAI Arbitration.,mediation,. conciliatiQn ATSUXAI Collapsing ATSUKAIDATE Manner of handling ATSUKAININ Agent_,administrator, negotiator ATSUKAIT13 Agent,administrator.,negotiator ATSUKAU To intervene.,mediate ATSUKAWA Impudence, thick skin ATSUKAWAZURA Insolent face ATSUXE Heat discomfort,,heat fever ATSUKaGY6 Heavy industries ATBUMARR Fall in,a command ATSUMARIZEI Horde,rnob ATSUMENOKOSU To leave uncollected ATSURATMONO Goods ordered.,order ATSUTA JINGO Atsuta Shrine~where the AWASI Rallyt a command AWASUGUSURI Pharmaceutical compound 4.g iAt -itxit BAIAU AWASEMONO Condi~ments for rice AWASEMONO Coupl6,pair.,mixture.,medley AWASERU To adjust equipment AWASERU To mix,unite AWASE SHIPI Command of more than one unit or ship AWASETETSU Soldered iron AYA Savor,elegance,distinction~difference AYA NI Strangely AYAI)ORU To manipulate marionettes AYAMATSU To damage AYAMATTA False AYAMERU To doubt.,suspect,,be astonished AYAMERU ýTo expose to danger,,wound AYANAI Unornamented,,plain AYANASU To art-ange elegantly.,adorn AYAIIASU To handle cleverly AYAORI NUNO Twilled cloth AYASHIBI Arson,,incendiarism,,will-o'-thewisp AYATS1JRU To manipulate.,puill strings., lead about AYAUI Painful,hard,resistant AYIJMI Compromise AYUMI Poler's walk~on boat AYUMIAI Compromise AYTJMI 15111Steppingstones AYUMI ITA Plank used as footbridge AYtJMI S5BA Current price AZAMUKU To surpass,triunph over,,deceive AZORISOMIN Azelitimin,a medicine AZTJKARI Deposit,act of depositing AZtJKARI Trustee..guardian AZIJKARIDAKA Amount deposited AZUKARIDOKORO Baggage room.,cloakroom., depositary AZUKARI MASHI Surplu~s AZUKARI NUSHI Depositar"Y, consignee., warehou seman AZUKARISHIRU To be concerned with AZtTKARI SH6MX Warehouse receipt~warrant AZIJKARI SH6SHO Deposit receipt AZTJXEAI Blocked deposit AZUKEAI Carrying over,,continuation.,on stock exchange AZUKEI KAXJ6 Blocked deposit account AZU MAI KY(6TEI Blocked deposits agreement AZUXEAI ZANDAKA Balance on deposit AZUKEAWASE Blocked deposit AZUKEAWASE SHIY6GAKU Expenditures against blocked deposits AZUXE-JRERU To deposit AZUKE JIRI Credit balance AZUKEI SH6KE Warehouse receipts AZUKI Indian bean,,red bean AZUKI MESICE Rice and bean dish AZUKI MOCHI Rice cake with bean sauce AZUMA YUS6 Azuma shipping organization B, BA-All Saddle BAASU Berth,,of a wharf BABEN Lash,horse whip BABITTO Babbitt BAB6 Horse stall BACHIBACHI SHITA- Large and clear BADACHI Stockbroker's proxy -B-AHITSU KY6SHINKAI Horse show BAHITSU MEIBO Studbook BAHITSU Y65E1 Horse breeding BAIAU To scramble for IL S'Ito -P BAIBAI AITE 9 $ W4 ' It F *a I It'~ *TA tyti $ W i;t 4f St a3 I * us *r w k * w * ~ $M 1 ~fitt L.3 it laxI ~ firt F ts I k Sk at 4 *4 P% St $X1 83 *e 4 A i* A ~ It'f ft 0-t 1,~ ~i r1 & 7 ~ VA BAIBAI AITE Parties to a sale BAIBAI CHIKA -Present value of land BAIBAICH6 Journal,in bookkeeping BAIBAIGAKI Bill of sale BAIBAIGY6 Trade, commerce BAIBAIH6 Commercial laws,law of barter BAIBAI J6KEN Terms of sale BAIBAI KEIYAKU J65 Provisions of sale, contract BAIBAI KEIYAKUSHO T6HON Contract note BAIBAININ Merchant,general broker BAIBAI SAGAKU Balance between purchases and sales BAIBAISHO Bill of sale BAIBAI SH&KEN Sale warrant BAIBAI SHiKEN DAIKIN Stock bills TORITATE KAWASE BAIBAI SH6SHO Bill of sale BAIBAI S6GAKU Turnover,proceeds of sale BAIBAI YOYAKU Promise to sell BAIBOKU Lumber BAIBUTSU Articles for sale BAIBUTSU Medium,means,agent BAIDO Slave BA-IDO Horse latitudes BAIDOKUGAKU Syphilology BAIDOKU HASSHIN Syphilitic eruptions BAIDOKUJ5 Syphiloid BAIDOKUKA-I Syphilographer BAIDOKUKIN Syphilis germ BAIDOXU KY6iFUSH6 Syphilophobia BAIDOKU NO JIKKENTEKI Experimental SESSHU innoculation with syphilis BAIDO SEIDO HAISHI Abolitionism SHUGI BA-IGAKU Veterinary art BAIGAKU YBR6 HOKEN Double endowment insurance BAIHIN CHINRETSU Merchandise display BAIHO SURU To help,cooperate with BAIHON Book for sale BAIJI SURU To wait on,attend upon BAIJO Assistance,intervention,agency BAIJbT6 Yaws,guinea yaws,frambesia BAIJU Attendants,suite BA-IJUTSU Veterinary surgery,farriery BAIKAIMONO Agency,medium BAIKAININ Matchmaker,go-between BAIKAI SAIB6 Auxiliary cell BAIKAISHA Mediator,intermediator,agency, middleman BAIKANSHA Visitor,guest BAIKEN Bill of sale BAIKENJ6 Agreement of sale BAIKI Odor of soot,carbonized hydrogen BAIKIN Sum which has doubled BAIKIN BAIY6 Germ culture BAIK6 Accompaniment,attendance upon BAIK5 Coal mine BAIK5 Sale of ore BAIK6 Treachery towards a friend BAIK6 SURU To buy up ore BAIKOKUDO Traitor BAIKOKU KIN Money earned by betraying one's country BAIKYAKU DAIKIN Selling price BAIKYAKU KIN Selling price BAIKYAKU SHINTAKU Trust for sale BAININ Seller BAIORIN S5SHU Violinist BAIRAN Weathering BAIRETSUSHA Persons of rank proceeding to be decorated BAIRI Profit from a sale BAIRIN Afforestation BAIR& Vexation, teasing BAIRY6 Double amount BAIRYd Retinue on hunt BAISEKI Associate judge BAISEKI HANJI Associate judge BAISEKISHA Associate representatives BAISHAKUNIN Go-between,matchmaker BAISHIN Jury,exsmination by a jury,jury duty BAISHINCHd Jury foreman BAISHINKAN Jury, juror BAISHINKA1 SEKi Jury box BAISHCIN SA~IBAN Trial by jury BAISHITSU Medium,ffluid surrounding, bodies BAISHITSU Mugginess BAISH6 Roasting #tivtf s tit t1 4 i IJIx *9'.4x * ~ LA& $ i J~ I % f 1 6 OF Sf lit 'E i* t A,4C 44 E F IR e aA k T tA aP ~ %t;t 1k, +tfti ~ 4~& ft i' P a4,'I,xZ L fe i 4E ~ *r ~ 1I-Y4 BAKxGEKISNA BAISH&BUTSU Indemnity BAISHGAKUJ Amount of indemnity BAISH6 GIMU Obligation to indemnify BAISH6 KIN SHIHARAI Liquidation of an indemnity BAISHOKU Care, training,nurture BAISHOKUSHA Table companion,guest BAISH6RO Roasting furnace BAISHOAN Purchase plan BAISHO DEKINU Incorruptible,unbribable BAISHO DEKIRU Corruptible,bribable BAISHOHI SHASAIKEN Purchase money bond Y BAISHO KAKAKU Purchase value BAISHO UNDO Effort to buy off or buy up BAISURU To wait on BAITORU To seizetake by force,snatch BAI-UKI Rainy season,rain BAIYAKUSH6 Pharmacist, druggist BAIYAIKUTEN Drugstore BAIYAKU ZEI Tax on patent medicines BAIY& EKI Culture fluid,culture solution BAIY&KA Grower, cultivator BAIYBSHO Nursery,plantation,farm,bed BAIYU Petroleum products BAIZ6 SURU To double BAIZUI Attendants, suite BAJOKU Scoffing,mockery BAJ6 NO Z6 Equestrian statue BAJ& SHIAI Joust BAJ5 YOBITAI Cavalry reserve unit BAJI Horseman's carbine,carbine BAJUTSUSHI Master of horsemanship BAKAGERU To act like a fool BAKA INGIN Excessive or foolish kindness BAKA KAH6 Fool's luck BAKAMONO Idiot,fool BAKANEN Stupid thought BAKASE Doctor who has bought his title BAKA SH6JIKI Excessive honesty, simplicity,credulity BAKA TAR6 Big imbecile BAKAZU Number of places,numerous places BAKE Transformation,disguise,mask,fraud, deception BAKEIH6 Horse hitching methods BAKEIJZ Horse lines,hitching places BAKEJI Ghost word BAKEMONO YASHIKI Haunted house BAKKA Outbreak of fire,explosion BAKKA Punishment,penalty BAKAKEUBY6 Ergotism BAKKArUKIN Ergot-of-rye fungus,ergot BAKKAKUSO Ergotine BAKKAN Penal clause BAKKAN Percussion cap BAKKEN Disciplinary powers,punitive power BAKKEN SURU To investigate a crime BAKKI Duration of punishment BAKKIN ASOBI Game of forjfeits BAKKYO SURU To weed out BAKO Livery stable BAK6 Cultivation with horses BAKU Moscow BAKU TO Hastily BAKUBAKU Abundantly,luxuriantly BAKUBAKU Loosely BAKUBAKU Silently, solitarily, lugubriously,inconsolably BAKUB6 Beard of wheat BAKUB6 Detonator BAKUBOKU Drizzle BAKUCHAKU SURU To bind BAKUCHI Furiously BAKUCHIJIRU Unappetizing food BAKUCHIN SURU To blow up and sink BAKUCHIN GENSATSU Money sunk with a ship BAKUDANBAKO Bomb casing,bomb chest BAKUDAN JIKEN Bombing outrage BAKIJDAN KENCHoKA Bomb rack BAKUDAN 65H11 Splinter-proof traverse BAKXJDANS6 Bomb bay BAKUEN Smoke from explosion BAKUEN Withdrawal to a distance BAKUFU Concussion of shellbomb,ete. BAKUFU Strong wind BAKUPFU Detonating powder BAKtJ A Malt BAKEJGEKI NA Friendly, intimate BAKUGEKI NO MAJIWARI Intimacy,intimate friendship BAKUGEKISHA Assailant, coontroversialist, disputant 4 - BAKJUGEKISHI 10 r 17 BAKUGEKISHI Bombardier Ki4IfB BAKUGEKI SONGAI HOKEN Bomb insurance ]MYt BAKUGEKI ZAIRYB Disproof,contrary testimony f BAKUGI Criticism,refutation 4f BAKUGI Gambling BAKUGYAKU Intimacy xtfEfq BAKUHATSUDAN Bomb,explosive shell (QPxwlt* BAKUHAYOKE Air raid shelter At BAKUHB Demolition charge '4ýa BAKUMEI SHING6 Fog signal BAKUNd Nose bag BAKU NY5 Radical 199 U BAKURAI Explosive mine BAKURAI Depth charge iAblt BAKURAI KYBI T6SHA Pattern of depth charges dropped to prevent approach of submarines BAKURO Exposure,disclosure BAKURO SEISAKU Disclosure policy,in military strategy BAKURYB Staff BAKURYUSHU Sty,on eye 44 BAKUSAI SURU To blow to bits AIK BAKUSAN Decrepitation BAKVSHI Death due to bombing fti BAKUSHI Scorn,contempt 44 BAKUSHO Airing of books S BAKUSH6 SURU To bomb BAKUSHO NO TAN Useless yearning for the past BAKUS6 Wounds from bombs or grenades 5 BAKUTARU Wide *AJiZ BAKUTEN SEKICHI Life in the open air BAKUZATSU Jumble,disorder BAKUZEN TO Widelyextensively,vaguely Aýt P BAKYAKU Horse's legs Aft BAKY5 Rein,bridle,leading rein t. BAMBA Draft horse ftt BAMBAGU Draft horse harness $ BAMBA HENSEI Horse-drawn $L3 tR h BAMBA HENSEI SHICHMHEI Horse-drawn (*9 4'1 BUTAI transport unit BAMBAN Alternatively,in turn S BAMBAN ICHI If,by any chance *>4 BAMBANZAI Hurrah Q;C BAMB6 Great desire,wish if 5 BAMBO NI ITARU To be out of season or out of fashion BAMBUTSU Everything,all beings,the creation A16L BAMEI FUDA Horse's name card,44 a BAMEISAIBO Register of horses BAMEN Horse's face.3 ~ BAMEN YOROI Defensive armor for horse's face S BAMME Squares,checkers aC B BAMMEN, Dial of instrument,surface of chessboard *2$R:6 BAMMIN SEIJI Government by the whole people Xa BAMMOKU Eyes of the nation BAMMOTSU Creation,nature, 4 BAM6 Horsehair. BAMPEI Guard, sentinel X-4 BAMP6 All laws 0f BAMPO Evening breeze tft -BAMU To be tinted,appear,stand out i BAN Bangkok 9 BAN Edition Pf BAN Format,size 65 BAN Ten thousand gf BAN Counter for plays or songs BAN- Gross,careless,of poor quality BtP_@ BAN-Al Evening mist *4 BAN-AKtU All vices 4Pir L #t= BANARETA Experienced $5tt(1i BANCHISEN Savage warfare eaet8B BANCH6 Evening tide BANCHi Head of guard corps BANDAI Substitute watchman BANDO Alumina,aluminum oxide BANDO Native servant,barbarian 1-+ BANDO Savage country,land of aborigines ~t$ BAN-El Draught Spl/iO J BANE-JRI FUTON Spring mattress $faf4-f ')4& BANESHIKAKE NO ITA Sprinpoard Stf~]rf 1 BANESHIKAKE NO J&MAE Snap lock BANGEN SUtRU To reduce gradually 38 BANGI Council 4tR BAFNG6 Count off,a command BANG6 Eternity j4 pJL+*A * y - 4044 *~~tt~ Ste*A o +A fRW~ Atty A S W~t -* ~ 4 TC *2 ~ WA o44L MP Reas ar& ý 9-0 4- At,, dff~t~ @AJss~~tt] -540f. t A ~A 4s6s03 A~Pb fi ~dpL A4,0 - $6,gE R i"4yp A3" t 1 $dW manlaREcT,~xf AMF)r 45 siQ kQ1 $b Ct BANSAKU BANG6 MATSUDAI For all eternity BANGU Harness BANGU KbSOTSU Harness maker BANGUN Vast armies BANGU SAI All Fools' Day BANGUSH6 Harness gall BAN-ICHI By any chance BAN-INU Watchdog BAN-ITSU By any chance BANJAKU Solidity,firmness,immovability BANJAKU NORI Strong glue with a bran base BANJIN Watchman BANJU Wishes for long life BANJO Draft animal BANKA - All sorts of flowers BANKA Flowers of late autumn BANKA Many changes BANKA Many houses BANKA SURU To barbarize BANKAGA Myriorama BANKAI SURU To remedy,restore BANKAKU Innumerable customers or guests BANKAN Hesitation,perplexity BANKARA NI NARU To Bohemianize BANKEI Sunset BANKETSU Aluminous shale BANKETSU Number lacking BANKI Late return,return at night BANKI Wildness,impetuosity,booribhness BANKIN Great sum of money BANKIN Ponderous,weighty. BANKO Many houses,all houses BANK6 Diverse thoughts,host of thoughts BANK5 Myriad voices,the popular voice BANK5 ISSEI Unanimity BANKOKU Barbaric country BANKOKU Evening,nightfall,night BANKOKU FUKEUHON-ISEI International Bimetallic System BANKOKU GI-IN KAIGI International Parliamentary Conference BANKOKU HAKURANKAI World's Fair BANNOKU HEIWA KAIGI International peace conference BANKOKU HY6JUNJI Universal time BANKOKU KAIGI International congress BANKOKU K5H6 International law BANKOKU KY6TSO NO International BANKOKU RENG5 HAGAKI Universal postcard BANKOKU RoDoSHA KYoKAI International Workers' Association BANKOKU SEMPAKU SHING6 International Ship Signal Code BANKOKUSHI World history BANKOKU SHING5H6 International Signal Code BANKOKU SHUGI Internationalism BANKOKU YUBIN HAGAKI International postcard BANKOKU YUBIN KAWASE International money order BANKOKU YUBIN RENG6 International Postal Union BANKON Tangled roots,inextricable troubles BANKON SAKUSETSU Tangled and knotted Sroots,Gordian knot,confused affairs BANKU Innumerable hardships BANKURUWASE Putting out of order, disarranging BANKURAWASE KQHO Dark horse,in politics BANKYO SURU To crouch,lurk,lie in wait BANKYd Region inhabited by savages BANKYc SURU To save from disaster,rescue BANNAA Banner BANNAN 0 HAISHITE At all costs BANNEN Many years BANNB NO HITO Complete man BANNdYAKU Cure-a1,panacea BAN-ON Accompaniment BANRAI Evening,nightfall BANRAI Heavy thunder,great rumbling BANRAI Voices of all things,all voices BANRI D6F1J Universal peace BANRI NO CH&JT Great Wall of China BANRUI All species or beings BANRYOKU Brute force BANRYOKU Myriad of green leaves,universal Sverdure BANSA Endless varieties BANSA Trace links BANSAKU All plans or schemes BANSAKU 11 Aft t A 1-t ~ 2ýA-f b OttW firk VI 7t 85e R Ag Ai 43 3; 4 $44 rs 4 g t ti 6.37 1# -'3 B i ps q B A PJA Ag ), - asg ji4 t gft96u $ 4i4 f 4 i4 7 KG s ~BSi k3gPY I k44D 3 47 d itft j~P ~& 190 4i 21 V,'.'3 1- ~ BANSAKU Dragrope BANSANKAI Dinner party BANSANSHITSU Banquet room BANSEI Wild nature or disposition BANSEI FUTHEN Immutable BANSEN Vast number,infinite variety.BANSEN Wire gauge BANSEN SURU To wind round,meander BANSETSU Last years,old age BANSHA Hearse,funeral car BANSHI Elegy,elegiac poem BANSHI Turning, evolution BANSHINBYb Pantheon BANSH5 Cayenne pepper BANSH6 Harness gall BANSHOKU Evening meal BANSHOKU Secondary role,duty taken lightly BANSHOKU NO ARASOI Trivial disputes BANSHU Count of cloth BANSHU Various kinds BANS6 Late frosts BANSbBU Accompaniment BANTAI Many forms,all manners BANTE Count,grist BANTE DKE Mop bucket BAN-UN Success which comes late BAN-YA Rudimentary civilization BAN-Yo Infinite variety,all forms BAN-YuSHINKo Pantheism BANYUSHU Kumiss,intoxicating milk drink BANZEN Absolute perfection,all virtues BANZEN 0 KISURU To make doubly sure BANZOKU Barbarian rebels BANZOKU Savage customs BAPPAN Last seat BARA Loading in bulk BARA Scattering,things scattered BARA Thorn BARA Thorny trees or bushes,brambles BARAGAMI Loose sheets of paper BARA K5SEI Essence of roses BARA K5SUI Rose water BARAKU Sling for embarking horses BARAN Horse stall BARANI Bulk cargo,cargo in bulk BARA SEN Barbed wire BARASU Ballast,gravel BARAZUKE In bulk BARAZUMI SURU To load in bulk BARAZUMI NI SURU To stow in bulk BAREI Age of a horse BAREN Fringe BARERU To run aground,be wrecked,be disclosed,come to light BARETSU SEN Horse lines,hitching places BARITSUKU To strut about BARUJIKO Vallgiko,a drug BARUTAARU Bartal,a drug BARY6 Fodder storehouse,riding academy office BARY5 Stable manager,riding master BARY6 Horse's mane BARY6 BUMPAI, Distribution of forage BARY5DAI Indemnity for requisitioned forage BARYO1U Horse endurance BASAKERU To be disordered BASAN Horse breeding BASARAFU Extravagant habits,ill-regulated manners BASATARU Waving BASATSUKU To dry out for lack of moisture BASEI Horse administration BASEKI Horses' tracks BASEMB5 Bar closing entrance to horse box BASEN Horse boat.BASEN Horsecloth,saddlecloth BASHABAKO Seat box or boot of a carriage BASHADAI Carriage or cab fare BASHAGAISHA Livery company BASHAKEU Hiring of horses BASHAMICHI Driveway,carriage drive BASHA NAYA Carriage shed,coach house BASHA 0 KAKERU To drive a carriage BASHA RYOK& Carriage trip BASHA TETSUD6 Horsecar line,horse tramway BASHA UMA Carriage horse,narrew-minded person BASHI Pack horse leader BASHITSU Quality of horses BASHITSU KAIRY6 Improvement in breed of horses 3 Jif!.F9ft, V 9 07j~ Ii b Ali;t di: t A - 1, 4 1 Of A, M 9E V '514% is v '04t '7r Sabl t;S AM ) ti 17. '7 7 Sft~~ct a *E4 S -t I,. l it a 3lt p tit tY (itr e;iEO 0 MUiAf itril #tA t rB LH ORj N Mt~ iS P AI ~6 p BA ~"t~3 T %- %-t )Kot BEIZOKJ BASHO KAZU Number of places BASHO-UZUME Filled-in place BASHOWARI Assignment of place BAS5 Harness BAS6 Horse's manger BASOTSU Groom,caretaker of horses BASSARI At one swoop,at one time BASSEKI Punishment BASSEN SURU To select BASSHIJUTSU Tooth extraction BASSH5 SURU To go everywhere BASSHUTSU Choice BASSOKU Penal regulations BASS6SHA Explosives carrier BATA Infantry BATA TO With a thud BATACHI Unlicensed broker,stock market speculator BATAI Horse's body,chest and barrel BATAI BYdRIGAKU Pathology of horses BATAI KAIBOJUTSU Vivisection of horses BATAKUSA Bustlingly BATARI Thud BATEIDAI Running board of vehicle, footboard BATEISHd Wound from horse's kick BAT6 Horse's head BAT6 Stirrup BATO KOTSU Stirrup bone in ear,stapes BATdYU Paper raincoat BATSUBOKURY6 Felled trees,fall,fell BATSUBOKUSHA Woodcutter,logger BATSUBY5 SHUKK6 SURU To weigh anchor and depart BATSUDATSU SURU To remove BATSUJO SURU To extract BATSURO Old age,last days of year,end of life BATSURY6 SURU To seize BATSUZAN NO Extraordinary BATSUZOKU Family of noble origin,clan, clique BATTEKI J6SHIN Re6ommendation BATTEN SURU To turn round,improve BATT5 SURU To stumble and fall BATT6TAI Band with drawn sabers BA-UNSHA Horsecar BA-UTE Disorder,confusion,stage fright BA-UTE GA SURU To be abashed BAZU Horse's hoof,artificial tortoise shell BEI America,the Americas BEIAKYOKU Amerasiatic Bureau BEIBAKU Rice-and wheat BEIDEN Rice field BEIEIKEI British-American faction BEIEISO America,England,and Soviet Union BEIEN Rice and salt,bread and butter, sustenance BEIEN NO SHI Means of living BEIFUN Rice flour BEIHA American leaf tobacco BEIHAN Cooked rice BEIHI America and the Philippines BEIHI American guerrillas BEIKOKUFi Americanism BEIKOKUJIN American citizen BEIKOKUTKA SURU To Americanize BEIKOKU NAMARI American accent BEIKOKU NENDO Fiscal rice year BEIKOKURYD Americanism BEIKOKUSH6 Rice dealer,rice trade BEIKOKU TAIKYO Exodus from America BEIKOKU TORIHIKIJO Rice exchange,rice market BEIMEN Rice-flour noodles BEINb Payment of taxes in rice BEIPO America and Portugal BEIRYd American possessions BEIRY6 Rice BEIRYC Rice grain,insignificant thing BEISEN Rice steamer BEISHI America and China BEISHU American countries,the Americas BEISHu SEIJI BoEKI I-INKAI Ihter-American Committee on Political Defense BEISHU ZAISEI KEIZAI Inter-American I-INKAI Economic Mission BEISO America and Soviet Union BEITiKAI Rice control association BEI-TON Short ton,net ton BEIZOKU Rice and millet BEKI KAMMURI 12 -b BEKI KAMMURI Radical 014 meP BEKKO Branch house, separate family %1 r $ BEK1YO TEATE Alimony,maintenance 4 -BEKU Shall,Pust,should f c BEMBEN TO Protrudingly,idly l - ' - BEMBEN DARARI Listlessly tit A 4 BEMMEISHA Vindicator f @ t BEMMEISHO Written plea t$ BEMM6 First step,primer BEMM6 Refutation?fa BEMMON Private door,service entrance BEMPA Refutation 4fBEMPAI Clapping hands in prayer 1i0;tr BBEMPEI Favorite,protege Vt BEMPEKI Flattery,servility,dishonesty I BEMP6 Practical system,methodmeans ita BEMPUKU Informal dress,dishabille it BEN Convenience,handiness,facilities SBEN ' Valve SBEN-AN Comfort,ease,security BENCHI Favorable terrain,suitable spot BENCHI Ventilator tt ' BENCHI SURU To flog criminals FL BENCHIKU Putting to flight with whip tl BENCHO Whipworm,an intestinal parasite *feTl BENDA Whipping,flogging,caning ~ifA BENDB Convenient road,short cut I1C4 BEN-EN Energetically,with all one's might *f BEN-EN Valvulitis t ff BEN-ETSU Joyous rapture 4 f BENGA SURU To clap with pleasure,be glad 9 - BEN GA TATSU To have a ready tongue tf S r BEN GA YOI To be a good speaker fiti BENGIJ6 For convenience' sake ICEit10 BENGI KY6YO ARITASHI Please arrange A L facilities or accommodate it BENGI SHUGI Opportunism,expediency $1fk BENGO IRAININ Client 40itp BENGONIN Counsel for the defense wi 4 BENGOSHA Advocate,counsel joti-k BENGOSHIGY5 Legal profession,the bar 419 t BENGOSHI SEKI Legal profession,the bar tiEtt BENI CH6CHIN Red lantern A+b BENIE Engravings colored deep red BENI IRO Red,vermilion 1t.& ' BEN-IKA SURU To turn into guerrilla troops,to wear plain clothes.Itl ~ BEN-ITAI Partisans,guerillas,muftis BENIYA Plywood board BENTIYA ITA Plywood board BENJI Administrator, agent,manager, principal S BENJI SURU To transact business L, BENJIRU To distinguish BENJISHO Office BENJ6 Whiplash BENJB SURU To go on board,be aboard BENKA SURU To conventionalize BENKAISHA Apologist,pleader,vindicator hBENKAN Crownimperial ceremonial tiara BENKEI Large bamboo tube holding kitchen utensils BENZEI Straw twist containing smoked fish )tl BENKEI Punishment by whipping 47 BENEEI Valve-shaped BENMIN Indemnity t BENKYOKU Diligence S BENNb Discharge of liabilities BENRI Administration,management -44-k 4 BENRI SURU To transact,manage It4. 10, BENRIHIN Notions da11 1 BENRIJ6 For convenience' sake BENRI KIS}HI Resident minister j44 4 BENRI SHUGI Opportunism, expediency S(fl4t4 BENRI TAISHI Resident ambassador aeij 8 BENR6 SURU To work with diligence (fLPIP BENROMBU Debating club ajtyppf BENRON CHKBHO Case list,in law )tTgiy BENRONKA Debater BENRON KINSHI Suspension of debate p tagigC. BENRON SAfIAI Reopening of debate bgtag P~BENRONSHO Detailed statement of arguments *Uv'.et BENRON SHOKETSU Closure of debate Qt$Aj BENRON ZOgKK Continuation of debate ( n BENRYOKU Industry,diligence k~44 BENRYD Diadem mQy ~ BENSAI Clever,intelligent tFdit BENSAI ENKI Extension of payment time If g t BENSAI JUT6 Earmarking of funds Pa a BENSAI KIJITSU Maturity date 0 ~ BENSAKU Whiplash BENSEI Verbal justification a 7~ SiE t 3 th 1 *4i SL S~ B 41 4 Q$t-' 5 (qj[ $i & 51 t OlNrQ 3,it e SQ$ v1 ( 811 Sig Sifif Ub ( Sif, s$t~jij tg 4 4 e 4 xl ~ 4l9 ~ Xi l < k4 5b - 5' sil S sllJ 511tP ~ gysz r xs pj, Fi a f-t ft BIEKI BENSEI SURU To correct by whipping BENSEKI SURU To explain BENSETSU. Explanation BENSHA Orator BENSHOKURYOKU Ability to distinguish. colors BENB0 SURU To discriminate BENSO SURU To solve BENTATSU Reprimand BENT6DAI Price of lunch BENT6DOKI Lunch hour BENT6MOCHI One who carries his lunch BENZA Valve seat BENZURU To.controvert BEPPASHIN Separatism BEPPIN Choice object BEPP6B SURU. To report separately BEPPUKU Stepbrother,stepsister BEPPY5 Separate chart BERIBERI Tearing to pieces BERO Tongue BERURIN-SEI Prussian blue BESSAI Special ability BESBAKU Another plan,different stratagem BESSEKI SURU To leave home BESSHI Special messenger BESSHI HAITATSU Express delivery BESSHI YBZU Annexed sketch BESSHO Separate place,another place BESSHU Another's hand,different hand BESSHU Different kind BESSKUDAN Other means,special measures BESSB SURU To send separately BESS6GURASHI Staying in the country BETA ASHI Flat foot BETCH6 Markings of horse BETO KABI Downy mildew BETON Concrete BETSU Radical 004 -BETSU By BETSUB6 Separate room,another room BETSUBUTSU Different thing BETSUDAN NO Special,exceptional BETSUD6 Special operations BETSUDdTAI Detached force,flying column BETSUEI Special camp,separate camp BETSUGI Special reason,different motive BETSUGB Other title or name,special number BETSUGY6 Another occupation,different profession BETSUGY6 Villa,country house BETSUJI Another moment,hour of separation BETSUJO Contempt,diadain BETSUJO SURU To despise,overlook BETSUJO SURU To exclude BETSUJ6 Different form,special manner BETSUJ6 Supplementary letter BETSUJ6 Other articles,special clauses, unusual matter BETSUMEI Separate orders,special order BETSUMY6 Alias BETSURUI Tears at separation BETSUY6 Annexed sketch BETSUYU Separate ownership BETSUYU ZAISAN Separate estate BETSUZA Another room,diiferent room BETSUZEN Suddenly,in the wink of an eye BETTAI Another body,different condition BETTAI Different unitseparate unit BETTE Another hand,different group, special company BETTEN SURU To transmit separately BETTO Another road,different path BETTO NO. Special,separate BI Burma BIAKU Beauty and ugliness BIBI Briskly BIBISHIKU Beautifully BIB6 Obscurity,vagueness BIBb Patchwork BIBU Tail BIBU FUR&TO Tail float BIBUT Taillight BIBUTSU Atom,wisp,trifle BICHABICHA Dabbing, splashing BICEG Nasal septum BID6 Nasal passages BID6DA MO SHINAI Impregnableimmovable, unchanging BIBI Light shadow BIEKI Nasal mucus BIEN 13 9ii BIEN Still farther 44-A BIERU HONK5 Bill of lading original 1A R i BIFU Flattery #Ot BIFUNTANXI Coal pulverizer BIGAN Beautiful face or appearance BIGEN Pretty or flattering words e BIGETSU Crescent moon BIGO Pretty or flattering words 1tbSt BIGO SURU To whisper BIGU Complete provisioning or supplying BIGU Readiness,preparation BIHON' Beautiful book S BIHOSAKU Makeshift,temporizing plan BIIDORO Glass BIIRU-BAKO Beer case S BIIRU TON-YA Brewer t9 BI-ISHIKI Feeling for beauty BIJINGA Picture of a beautiful woman BIJ6 Nasal polypus BIJU Longevity BIJUTSUGAKU Study of the arts,esthetics BIJUTSUGAN Artistic eye BIJUTSU HAKAI Vandalism Ai BIJUTSUJB From the artistic point of view BIJUTSUKAI Artistic circles 4 BIJIJTSU KANTEISHA Art expert,connoisseur A7t BIJUTSU K&KOGAKtU Archaeology of art r BIJUJTSU NO KAI Art gathering t BIJUTSUSHI History of fine arts *woow BIJUTSU SHIK6 Artistic taste *41CA A BIJUTSU S6SHINGU Jewelry oi4ý BIJUTSUZUKI Dilettantism,love of the fine arts t BIKA Rhinology 4- BIKAKU Horse's good points BIKAKU Nose band BIKAN Nose ring of ox BIKKO Inequality BIKKOHIKU To limp,stagger,hobble Yt 51< BIKKO 0 HIKU To limp vvjf BIKKURIGAO Face showing fright or surprise BIKKURI GY6TEN Astonishment,stupefaction SBIK6 Nasal cavity _#BIK6 Nose and mouth IAX-& BIK6 Slight scent *4t.2 BIK6 NA Handsome *rz A BIKiBY6GAKU Rhinology At1vt BIK6 CHOCHIKU Famine-relief fund Vi1trA BIK6 KEIKAKU Supplementary plan BIKIKYB Rhinoscope BIK66I Respirator BIKORU Unit of weight,60 kg SBIKb SENJoYAKU Nasal abstergent BIK6SHU Rhinoscleroma BIKOTSU Fibtula BIKO Breeze,light wind t BIKU TO Wincingly BIKURISAKURI Toddlingly BIKY6 Feeble echo BIKYB Instrument for examining the nose BIKY6 Nostril 1ti BIMAI Obscurity BIMBEN Eloquence S S BIMBEN SURU To exert oneself BIMB5DERA Neglected Buddhist temple BIMB6 KUJI Bad luck BIMB6MONO Unfortunates BIMB6SH5 Miserly nature S. BIMB6 SHOSEI Indigent student BIMB6 YURUGI Tremor 17~~&4f BIMB5 YUSTJRI Tremor BIMEI Glimmer,gleam BIMIHK Gastronomy BIMI KUCHI Pleasant taste BIM6 Eyebrows BIM6 Nasal hairvibrissa BIMOKU Face,eyes and egebrows BIMOKU Honor,reputation BIMPATSU Hair rd BIN Fukien BIN Transportation BIN ARI SHIDAI When transportation Is available BINDB Rapid action BINETSU Slight fever BINETSU Slight heat BINGO Quick wit,understanding Kf 5 BINJAKKA SURU To pauperize f BIINJ"KEN Travelling warrant V BINJ5SHA Passenger BIIKA SURU To pauperize 665892 0- 45 - 2 Iftlt k 44j irft i g i S U9r. t ~ itr'-,A4 ýi( (F i) -, ( 10AjL k ift* ift Jý )7 & t;t ~MAO ftk4 1044K 1wR fl iT I", BINKAI Promptness,quickness BINKEI Wisdom,quick understanding BINNARU Sharp BIN NO TSUG5 Accomodations on ship or plane BINREN NA Compassionate,pitiful BINRO Convenient road BINRY6 Sympathy BINSEKI SURU To pity BINSEN Available ship BINS6 Consignment BINSOKU SURU To commiserate BINTATSU Wisdont,keen understanding BINZEN NA Compassionate BION Faint sound BIONKA SURU To nasalize BIONKI Microphone BION-YOKU Tepid bath BIRA Tag,paper money BIRAN Violent wind,tempest BIRANZAI Blister gas BIRASHARA Gaudily,flashily BIRATSUKU To flutter in the wind BIRITSUKU To make a tearing sound BIR6 My humble efforts BIROKU Downfall,misfortune,distressing state BIROKU Headstall or curb for unruly horses BIROKU Stag BIRU Building BIRUMA-DAI Embassy in Burma BIRY6 Particle,molecule,fragment BIRY6 Undercharged mine BIRYOKOTSU Coccyx BISAIGA Miniature BISAI NA GOSA Negligible error BISAI SAKIN Thin margin BISANSEI Diffusibility BISEN End of the nose BISEN Fineness, smallness,imperceptibility BISEN Line of the eyebrows BISEN Preparedness for war BISENT6 Halberd BISETSU Fine snow BISETSU White brows BISHI Agreeable appearance BISHI Choice thread BISHI Humble opinion,humble desire BI-SHIKI Vickers type BISHOKU Ornament,embellishment,finery BISHOKU Pleasing color,handsome face BISHOKU Light touch BISHOKU HEKI Gastronomy,epicurism BISHOKUH& Gastronomy BISHOKUKA Epicure BISHU Magnificent jewel BISHJ Anal fold BISHO Slight odor BISO Glanders,in medicine BIS5 Anal tuft BIS6 Pleasing physiognomy BISOBY5 Glanders,in medicine BISO BY6KIN Glanders microbe BISOKU Nasal breathing,state of health, disposition BISOKU Slow speed BIS5 Infinitesimal BISUI Nap;snooze BISUI Nasal mucus BISUI Water stored for an emergency BISUMUCHIN Bismutin BITA More BITABITA Sticky BITAI Splendid figure BITAKERU To be spoiled,take advantage of BITAN Tail end BITAN SURU To be spread out BITATTSURA Flat face BITEI End,results BITERIN Vitellin,a protein BIT6 Slight rise in prices BI-U Drizzle BI-U Tail feather BI-UN Adversity, calamity,misfortune BI-UN Light cloud BIWA H55HI Lute player BIWAKU Coaxing,wheedling,cajoling BIY6JUTSU Beauty culture BIZUI Accompaniment BO Bolivia B6 Cotton spinning company t{ I$t Ph 1* s FMA PhA 1 F*n *44# Ph AI. At sit k.R1 Ph 9E M* h 4-# F* Ph9k Ph ~ Ph ~ (W s Ph tti A M Ph & h 44 ',j(. Ph z Lr 0~~ A sit BOAI 14 BOAI Evening haze B6AI Lack of affection B6AKU Cruelty,ferocity,brutality BOBA Horse,the male BdBEN Unseemly speech,haphazard words B6BI JIMP5 Defensive disposition of troops B6BI JINKEI Defensive disposition of troops B6BIKI Drawing a line through,writing off B6BI KICHI Defense base B6BITAI Defense force B6BO Plan,design,project BoBo NA Ignorant, stupid B6B6 NA Vast,extensive B6BB NA Very busy,overworked BOBUN FUKUMEN Mosquito head net B6BUNZAI Mosquito repellant B6CHI Certain place B6CHIGIRI Cudgel,stick B6CHIKU Chinese firecracker or petard BOCH5 Register,account book,memorandum BOCH6 Tomb,tombstone,gravestone BbCH6 Counterintelligence,sntiespionage B6CHd Sign,indication,symptom B6CH6 Sudden flood,inundation,overflowing BBCH6 Tidal wave,violent tide current B6CHGKEN Admission ticket B6CH6 KIPPU Admission ticket BBCH6K6 Floodgate,tide gate B6CHdRY5 Admission fee B5CHbSEI Expansibility BbCH6SHA Audience BOCHU Gravestone,stele B6CHU Insecticide,pest control B6CHO Interior of a room B5CHUZAI Worm medicine B6CHOZUKI MOTOCH5 Boston ledger BdDACHI Sudden rise in stocks,standing bolt upright I BODACHI NI NARU To rear,of a horse B6DAIEY5 Megalomania,conceit B5DAKATOBI Pole vaulting B&DAN False report,invented story,gossip B&DAN-I Bulletproof clothing B5DANKB Bulletproof steel B6DANSHITSU Antibcmb shelter B6DANT6 Antibomb helmet B5DATSU Brutal despoiling,robbery,seizure BODDOKA Vodka BODb Maternity B6DO Violent anger,indignation B5D6 Rash action,blind impulse B5D6GY6KAI Spinning association BODOKU Antigas B6DOKU-I Gas-protection cloth B5DOKUTI Gas cape B5DOKURO Antigas filter BODON SURU To prevent clouding up B 6DZAI Sedition B6EIFU Authenticator B6EKI Prevention of infectious disease BoEKI ASSENJO Trade Development Agency B5EKI BUTAI Sanitation force B6EKI EIDAN Trade Development Association B6EKIFi Monsoon B6EKI FUKYd Trade depression B5EKIGAI SHIHARAI Invisible import KANJ5 B&EKIGAI SHJSHI Invisible exports and imports BoEKIGAI SHEuSHI KANJo Invisible balance SAGAKU of trade BBdEKGAI SHiSHI Invisible items KBMOKU BNEKIGAI UKETORI Invisible exports KANJB BdEKI GINEd Commercial bank B6EKIHIN Merchandise B6EKIHYd Immunization register BBEKIJIRI Balance of trade BOEKIJ6 KAWASE Commercial draft B&EKIKAN Health official B5EKI KdIKAI Commercial association B6EKI KYOSUI Water purification B6EKI KYiSUIBU Water purification unit BbEKI NEMP5 Annual report of foreign trade BoEKXI NO CHoJIRI Balance of trade B6EKI NO GYAKUSH0 Unfavorable balance of trade Aggt ~ V7 ~ I t Phg Z 0ti j 4 Ph444 ~ tP ftget # d4i 1 4Pr;4JI Ph ~ IEt.At a Ph * FAt 7 Pth *44H t 4 P Pih ~;t Ph ~ Ph iEAF A r 44 O 5 P h; 4*4 5 * li ~ BoIN GAIEAKU B6EKI SEISAKU Commercial policy B6EKISHO Quarantine station B6EKISH -Trader BbEKI TAI Sanitation unit B6EKI T6G6KAI Trade Co-ordinating Society B6EKI TdKEI Trade returns B6EKI T6SEIKAI Trade Control Board BbEXI TSUKA Trade coin BOEN Evening shade BUEN Slander and hatred B6EN NA Vague and distant B6EN SURU To look into the distance B6FU Charm,amulet B5FU Suddenly acquired riches B5FUBUTSU Aseptic B6FOGEN Storm limits BUFO MAKU Windscreen B6FU RY6H6 Antiseptic treatment BoFUTSU SURU To parry B&OFUGAN Storm center B FOUHY6 Storm signal BUFOUTAI Storm area B6FUYAKU Antiseptic BbGAI Injury,harm B6GAI Jamming,interference,in radio BbGAI Premeditated injury B5GAI Protection against damage B5GAI Unexpected,unhoped for B6GAISHA Disturber,obstructer B6GAI SHUDAN Obstructive measures B6GAITEKI Obstructive BdGAI UND 6 Obstructionism B6GAKU Extra amount BbGANKYG Glasses for protection B6GEKI Violent attack B5GEN Interference,putting in a remark B5GEN Interruption,obstruction of a meeting B5GEN Slander,calumny BdGEN SURU To dwindle away B5GETSU Full moon B5GI Absurd reasoning,unreasonable argument B5GI Slander BOGII KYAKUSHA Bogie-type passenger car BOGII SHIKI Bogie type BOGO Mother tongue B6GO Falsehood B6GO Interference,putting in a remark B5GO SURU To be confused B6GODAN HOMBU Warden's group headquarters B6GO KANSHISHO Warden's lookout post B5GU Defensive arms B5GUMI Comrade,pal,accomplice BbGUMI Setting type B6GYAKU Treason,revolt,rebellion B6GYAKUKA Terrorist BoGYAKU SEIJI Tyrannical government BbGYAKUSHA Despot BbGYOBUTSU Barricade,protection BbGYO CHI-IKI Defense zone B6GYO HENSEI Defense organization B6GYO KAMPAN Defensive deck B6GYO KdJI Fortifications,defences B6GYO SEKK6 Defensive patrol B5GYO SEN Defense line B5GYOSEN Defensive war B6GYO SENT6 Defensive operations B5GYOSHA Defender,protector BdGYO SHITAI Defense detachment BdHAKIU Mixture,confusion BOHAN Birthmark,mole B6HAN Conspiracy B6HAN Division, separation BdHAN SURU To offend wittingly BdHATSU Accidental discharge BdHATSU Outburst, outbreak BdHEI SURU To hide,conceal BoHEN Catastrophe,cataclysmic change BOHI Borneo and the Philippines BdHIKI Drawing a line through,writing off BOHIMEI Epitaph,inscription BdHIN Prevention of poverty BbHd Headcover BOHYB Compilation of tables BdHYi Bystander's criticism BdHYd False rumor B6HY6 Notice post B5HYoKA Shallow critic,criticaster B6IN B6SHOKU SURU To eat and drink intemperately B IN GAIRAKU Erudite citation BO-INKA SURU 15 lfiýf 4, fr *tx V,~ 6. It A L K I f A. 4a E -t f 6 * 4 EW ii r L g 4 Af:fl it rt ^fýT A ft A4 N 6 F~31thlf 1* I (M A Mt--: AIt St:( I S0l -g ( $+it,a P6ti K Ai MA ~ 47i Tti Off % & 4AL G ~ ri5 f;I dl it g ~ # 64 $A iA& Prj ti(t C k34 P #3M1 Wf R h 6 fn 6 sLnoa 5 3 pit ~c Sktb5 6t it BO-INKA SURU To vocalize BBINKA Heavy drinker B6I 0 FURUU To tyrannize B6ITSU Flight,escape B6ITSU Overflow,inundation BBJI Deceased child B6JI Public notice,notification B6JIN Spectator,bystander B6JIN Violent person BBJIN SURU To be consumed Bb JIRAI Stick mine B6 JISEKI Bar magnet B6 JISHAKU Bar magnet BOJ5 Maternal love BbJ6 Lack of heart,insensibility BLJ - _Stick-shaPed BoJo Io Stick sulphur B6JOKU SURU To run away and hide B6J5 ZATETSU Capped washer BOJO Dam,female parent B6JU Interception,monitoring B6JUN Protective shield B6JUTAI Radio interception unit BbJU TANNINKAN Radio intercepting ship B6JJUTSU Cudgel play BoKA Antimosquito BdKADAN Fire prevention brigade B6KAFU Fire cloth BdKA GOMU KAN Fire hose B6KAHEKI Fire wall BOKAI Pearl oyster,mother-of-pearl BdKAI Dissolution,defeat BoKAJU Firebreak B6KAKU Disorderly person BoKAKU Hallucination Bo&KAKU Political refugee,fugitive BoKAN Braving the cold BoKAN Observation from afar,watchful waiting B5KAN NA Lawless,turbulent BoKAN SURU To witness BdKAN FUKU Winter clothes BbKANSHA Spectator BoKASEIBUTSU Fireproofing material B5KA SEN Fire-arresting line BEKASEN Fire hydrant B6KA S6CHI Fire fighting apparatus BdKATAI HAKEN Fire fighting section BUSHO BoKATA KAICHu DENTo Flashlight BdKATEI Fire lookout towers B6KA TEMMAKU Mosquitoproof tent B6KATO Fire door BOKATSU Tombstone,tomb B6KATSU Non-skid B5KATSU SURU To be used up BOKATSUKU To grow warm B6KA ZAIRY6 Fireproof materials BOKEI Type mold B5KEI Bypath B6KEI HIZOKU Heir-in-tail S5ZOKUNIN BOKE IRO Faded color B6KEISHIN Collateral family BoKEI SONZOKU Heir collateral S6ZOKUNIN B6KEI S6ZUKU ZEI Collateral inheritance tax BIKEN issection,autopsy BoKEN Watchful waiting B5KENDAN Adventure stories BbKENKA Adventurer BoKEN KIGYd Hazardous undertaking BdKEN NO KIF5 Spirit of adventure B5KENSHIN Adventurous spirit BoKENTAI Suicide squad BGKEN TAISHAKL Bottomry loan,respondentia B6KEN TAISHAKU KEIYAKU Bottomry contract BGKEN TAISHAKU SHdSHO Respondentia bond BdKEN TEITd Unsafe mortgage BdKESHI Crossing out,striking off BOKETSU Grave,tomb B6KETSU SURU To be deficient B&KI Scandal BdKI Spindles BoKI Spinning machine,spinning frame BdKI SURU To escape BoKI SURU To rise up in large numbers BOKIBOKI Crack, crash BOKICH6 Account book BoKIN Near,adjoining BoKIN SURU To prohibit,repress ~*g,~RJ Vi&i 6 &L K 7~C iM wi e 4 +49 8 #$ qiS~ W4~ ith; k -W1( e R2 qit0t1 r + );K4 7~ I 8 14A* dfft TJJ 4t9 aM ~I& eg t II ~ 4 ~;t gc t31 ~PS AR t mP 6 i1s 3 1 A il 4 Kt Sitd r 024 je~ $srJE 1 %I) 4 P;I2r 4Ltt tr0 ), tf~ 5 u I~ l I~ ~ ~IL j~~ BoMANKAN BdKINZAI Antiphlogistic,in medicine BOKI YBSHI Bookkeeping machine INSATSUKI BOEKAN Tree trunk BOKKAN Wooden bar,peich BOKKEI Penal tattooing,branding BOKKI SURU To happen suddenly BOKKO SURU To die,perish BOKKOKU Bulgaria BOKKY6 NO Simple,honest,rough,brusque BdKO NI Hazily BdKO NO Extensive BdK6 Army air defense school B6K6 Bar steel BdKo6BU Vesicle region BdK6EN Inflammation of the bladder BMKO HYdGA Foolhardiness BiK6J6 Cystic,cystold,vesical BoK5 KAKUDAI Cystectasia,dilation of bladder B6KOKU Said country BOKOKUGO Mother tongue B6KOKUTEKI Subversive BdK5 NAIKENKI Cystoscope BdK& SEKKAIH& Cystotomy BiKb SEKKAIJUTSU Cystotomy BdK5 SENTSO Colic of the bladder BoKoSHA Rioter,violator,assaulter BOKU Mexico BOKUBOKU NO Flabby,soft BOKUBOKU NO Handsome,refined BOKUCHI Inkstand BOKUCHI Pasture,prairie,meadow BOKUCHIGY6 Cattle breeding BOKUCHIKEN Right of pasturage BOKUCHIKUJ6 Pasture,meadow,stock farm BOKUCHIKUKEN Pasturage,herbage BoKuGo Air raid shelter BOKUGYUJ6 Cattle pasture BOKUHEN Wood scraps BOKUHI Servants BOKUHITSU Lead pencil BOKUJIN Shepherd,drover BOKUJITSU Simplicity,candor,honesty BOKUJ6 Pasture,meadow,stock farm BOKUJ6 Shepherd's crook BOKUJU Liquid ink B6KG MIHARISHO Antiaircraft lookout station BOKUN_ Instruction,counsel,education BOKUNo Ink sac of certain cephalopods BOKU NY6 Radical 066 BOKU NY6 Radical 066,variant BOKUSEKI Writing BOKUSEKIKAN Stocks and stones BOKUSHA Blockhouse BOKUSHI Web finger BOKUSHI Web toe BOKUSHIDAN Pastorate B&KO SHISETSU Air raid installations BOKUSHISHOKU Ministry,in religion BOKUSHITSU Simplicity,candor,honesty BoKOSHITSU Air raid shelter BOKUSO Naivete,simplicity,candor BOKUS6CHI Pasture,meadow BOKUSOKU Webfoot BOKUSOTEKI Naive BOKUSURU To divine BOKUSURU, To govern,shepherd BoKuTAI Antiaircraft unit BOKUTAN Charcoal BOKUTO Mexico City BOKUYdCHI Pastoral land BOKUYdJ6 Pasturage for sheep BOKUYdSHA Cattle breeder BOKIYdSHA Sheep raiser,shepherd BOKO ZANCHITO Blackout light BdKYAKU Ruffian,violent man BdKYAKU SURU To forget B&KYO Thoughtless action,rash act BdKYO SURU To be used up BdKY6 Anticommunist BdKYi Homesickness BdKY5FO Violent gale B5KYd KYdTEI Anti-Comintern pact Bd KY&SEIKI Bar-straightening machine BoKYC Defense supply B5KYO Urgency B6KYU NO Indigent BOMAI Vagueness,obscurity B5MAN BUREI Insolence and coarseness B6MANKAN Bully,insolent fellow BOMBUN 16 A - BOMBUN Sanskrit B61MEI SURU To assume an alias t4i-gq B6MEI SEIFU Government in exile B6MEISHA Political exile,refugee.ti BbMETSU Annihilation,destruction,ruin JlaRj B6MIN SEIJI Mob rule BOMMAE Before the feast of lanterns i B6MOKU Blind person,ignorant person W AX BOMON Thumbprint nA. BOMPI Baseness,vulgarity L BOMPITSU Poor handwriting 14 B 6MU Defense.N- \ B5MU KAIGI Council of national defense B6INASU Technical operator Mt BONCHI Low intelligence Ak* BON-E Tray landscape i B6NE Fancy price IAq BONEN Evening of life -tA BNEN Year of someone's death k%**' B6NEN ENKAI New Year's Eve banquet ~$- BbNENKAI New Year's party a$ B oNETSU Insulation,fireproofing BONGAKU Sanskrit literature,Buddhist literature I# BONGI Ordinary ability AL BONOU Stupidity,foolishness *r4&6 B6 NI FUTRU To sacrifice,waste,lose,spoil S B6.NI FUTTE At the coat of IIr BdNIN Conversion,usurpation,in law St-I B6NINSHA Usurper 90 BONJI Sanskrit alphabet 1t~0 BONKAI Buddhist world Mit BONKEI Mediocre plan A-1 BONK6 Mediocre worker,average skill A,* BONKURA Badly constructed storehouse, idler BONNETTO Cowl BON ODORI Dance during festival for dead ' BONRETSU Baseness, inferiority,vulgarity *-a 0 BONSAISHI Dwarf tree grower XL0 BONSAKU Mediocre plan BONSHO Sanskrit books R BONSHU Man of mediocre qualifications, poor hand /LA. BONTAR6 Fool,numbskull it* BONTEN Sanskrit classics Xtklu BONTENGOKU Banishment,kingdom of Brahma 4-),W ra.6BONTENGOKU NI NARU To*be banished Sift BONT6 Pagoda s BONZAN Tray landscape CL B66 Deceased king SM B66 Violence 4#A. BWOKU Adjoining house,outhouse,auxiliary buildings WA B6ON Heat-resistant A*ftA B6b NO SHO-I Act of violence *,-I B60SHI Pole-pushing game 13 1 A BOPPO TO In flames Jkl? B6RAI Violent clap of thunder g tA BBRAIGU Antimine apparatus,paravanes P 1At14 B6RAIGU FUZOKU YUSSEN Transport ship bAA&e equipped with antimine apparatus &U B6RAN Uprising,insurrection SBOREI Oyster,oyster shell medicine AAt B6iREI NA Violent,unruly WJs B6REN Trade association AIRC BRETSU Violence,rage,fury +tkr 1 BBRI NI In the press of business *4I41, B6RTYA Profiteer S4e 3 BORO SURU To dry,air,sun,reveal ~iB BOR6 Waves,surge 4 )BOROBUNME Old ship S HF I B6R6IN Lookout,watcher NJtW BORQ AI Rag buyer,debauchee tI4 5 BOROKERU To be torn,fall in rags Sahf BORO KU0O Refuse,trash,trifle il8t ~t BORO KUZU Rags $Fil B&iRON Baseless opinion BOROYA Rag dealer u~oe- B6RYAKU Booby trap Usk BB6RYAKU Fifth column Ecff~ BBRYO Planplot ErJ & B&RY6 SURU To forget iSLn B BdRYOKUDAN Gang of ruffians 14rH B6SA Crossbar iB3$ BB~SAI Barrier,barricade If fA8 BOSAIGAKU Amount to be raised &AS* BOSAI HIKI-U' E Syndicate bankers jC$ QGINKlDAI~ ~4#4k BOSAI J3iENi Terms of a loan *f4*R* BOSAI EAKAKU Issue price V *,A BOBAI SEISAKU Loan policy S BOSAKUO SURU To hesitate,be perplexed '4 A it &k~ 3tLft L A- ' c 4A: 9461 A,& 94f, ~tiugR Phc~~ -A Ph- 1 * t 0&4 -Lt * d)i rl~ Oit f t3 ~$f~PY 4L 4k JKA& ~kY# Ji r aJjke ~4P ~ (f L4- LI 4)&& 3; Pti 6 ld~ @4rJ I P l t: bt-r 9f d4 & W3 ~1 4 4 t; SA bie d 4k4 3 $t c P 8i i - sbtit. #jbt 3 3kL c zlkl l 8Ca4d Z Wid@ ~~ )w AK ft *I*,t BoSUISHITSU B6SAKU Plan,project B6SANI Buddhist priest B6 SAT6 Loaf sugar BOSATSU Account books,registers B6SATSU Antifriction, frictionproof B6SATSU Overload of work B6SATSD CHAKUSHU Attempted assassinatioii B6SATSUNIN Murderer B6SATSUZAI Premeditated assassination B6SEI Desire,aspiration B6SEI Rust prevention B6SEI SURU To repress BOSEISHI Spermatocyte BOSEKI Record book BBSEKIGY6 Spinning industry BBSEN M6BU Antisubmarine net section B6SEN M6TEI Net tender,antisubmarine net BOSETSU Evening snow B6SETSU S5CHI Snow shed,snow fence BOSHA Copy,tracing B6SHA Blockhouse B6SHA Deceased person B6SHA Defender BbSHA Excessive purgation of bowels B6SHA Obstruction B6SHA' Spinning wheel B6SHA Violent shooting L BOSHABOSHA Splash BOSHI Thumb B&SHI Air Defense Command B6SHI Clever plotter B6SHI Spinning B6SHI Visibility BOSHIBU Thenar region of thumb BBSHIDAI Hatrack BBSHIKAKE Hatrack BOSHIKIYU Thenar region of thumb BOSHIMEN Thumb surface B6SHIN Interference,jamming,of radio B65HIN Precipitation,impetuous dash BBSHIN NO EKI War of 1868 BOSHI TOMO Mother and child,B6SHITSU Sudden illness B6SHITSU Disappearance,destruction,loss, privation B5SHITSU SURU To lose B6SHITSU Forgetfulness,loss of memory B&SHITSU SURU To forget BdSHITSU Jealousy B6SHITSU SURU To dislike B6SHITSU NO Dampproof B6SHITSUZAI Waterproofing materials BOSHO Records,registers,account books B6SHO Certain place,somewhere B6SHO Protection against heat B6SH5 Authorization B6SH5 Barrier,barricade B6SAt False testimony,perjury B5SH6 Obstruction,repression,impediment B6SH6 Strategist B6SH6 SURU To assume a false name B6SH6 SURU To be deficient B5SH6 SURU To praise indiscriminately B6SHO B6HAN Forged document and seal B6SHOKUKI Spinning and weaving machinery 'B6SHOKU NO NEN Hankering for more, insatiableness B6SHONIN Forger,one guilty of forgery BOSHU Guardian of a tomb BOSHU End of autumn BiSIHU Defence B6SHU Intemperance,heavy drinking B6SHU Ringleader,leader of rebellion B&SHU Forgetfulness of sorrow BOSHD FUKYOKA Nonforfeiture condition J6KEN B6SHUTSU Swelling,inflation,distension B6S0 Vexatious suit,in law B S Thatch B6SON SURU To dwindle away BjSOTSU NI Suddenly BOSSEI Death BOSSEKI Confiscation,loss of civic rights,civic degradation BOSSHI SURU To die 80SSHO KAQO Wastepaper basket BOSSHO YiJBIN Dead letter BOSSU Boss B6SUIB6 Tarpaulin BbSUI HORO Tarpaulin BMSUI KAXUHEKI Watertight bulkhead BBSUISHITSU Watertightness AOSURU 17 I Pik sJaM jo t FAAA A 71:RVA AA M A 1M 7 -i ~ 1 ~ 4 5 F4 ~ it 7 F ( IL.#IT bj2R #7 P~t B6SURU To become full,as the moon BOSUTON RISOKU Boston interest BOTAI Home unit BOTAI DENSEN Hereditary transmission BOTAN-ANANUIKI Buttonhole sewing machine BOTANDOMEGUTSU Button shoes BOTAN-KAKE Button hook BbTARU Extensive,boundless BOTCHAN SODACHI Rearing as favorite son BOTEBOTE Bombastically B6TEI Guard ship B6TEI SURU To listen to no purpose B6TEITAI Guard ship unit BOTEN Evening sky B6TETSU Decrepitude,second childhood BOT6 Close of winter BBTO Feebly,obscurely,timidly BNTO Plan,project,stratagem BBTOBI Pole vault B&TBJUTSU Stated in the caption B6TOKU Disappearance BOTON Flight B6TON SURU To assemble in masses BOTSU Bulgaria BOTSUB6 SURU To die BOTSUBUNGY&KAN Blockhead,numskull BOTSUDEKI SURU To be drowned BOTSUFUKEI Lack of grace BOTSUJFORYU Vulgarity BOTSUGI Bulgaria and Greece BOTSUHATSU Explosion B6TSUI SURU To crumble away BOTSU-IGI Lack of sense BOTSUJIHI Uneducated person BOTSUJIKAN Uneducated person BOTSUJO SURU To change color,flush angrily BOTSUJ5 Lack of heart,cruelty BOTSUKANSHIN Indifference BOTSUMEI SURU To die BOTSUMETSU Destruction,ruin BOTSUNYU SURU To confiscate BOTSURIGAI Disinterestedness BOTSURINUSU CHODOKU Botulism BOTSURISb Lack of ideals BOTSURIS6TEKI Unidealistic BOTSURY5 Loss,disappearance,draining BOTSUY5 Failure to put to use BiU Protection against rain BO-U Evening shower BbUCHI Cudgeling Bo6TFU Rainodat BOYABOYA Flickeringly,lukewarmly BOYAKERU To be hazy,be dim BOYAKERU To soften by immersion,become cloudy BOYAKU To murmur,grumble,complain B6Y6 Misuse Bo-Yi Animal courage BoYO Forgetting of one's griefs B6YU Plan, scheme B6ZATSU HASSEI Heterogenesis B6ZEN Largely,extensively B6ZETSU Disappearance B6ZETSU SURU To become extinct B6ZETSU SURU To be deficient B6ZOKU Family of high repute B6ZU Buddhist priest,shaven head B6ZU ATAMA Tonsure,shaven head BBZU MUGI Beardless barley B6ZURU To forget BBZU YAMA Bare mountain B6ZUYOMI Singsong reading BU Counter for nespapers,magazines,etc. BU Ministry,in China BU Portugal BU Radical 071 BU Unit of cloth measure,3.79 mm BU Unit of linear measure,3.03 mm BU Unit of square measure,3.3057 square meters BU Vichy -BU Department BUAI Discount BUAI SURU To cherish,comfort BUAIKOMI NEDAN Cost plus price BUAISAN Calculation of percentage BUAI UKEQI Percentage contract BUAN SURU To quiet,soothe,pacify BUATSU Thickness BUBARU To SAevaggerbe soldierlike BUBUl BENSAI Partial payment 4f 4 n j' a I Ii 4 ~ t 7)s 4;t t Iti 4 *2 Sr3~t ~ aTth 4 i 414 #tt fC4 4 < (1 #4;IU & ~T4 s ~ $f 9 ~C~t-s h~j9 3 *7 ' ~1; is 01 39 -48 ~4 tiei 7 it Ak h 39 "21 a q i O 4ij rj Stki~-; iF )Zt 8Py Pf (44 ld 4t4 ` #lrs 4t4 %p o ~5L 4,4 a Spyc_ aCt 4 ~ g4g1 gJgtot; a-$ gr ~C gt;g o Rt;% A:d~~ tigP Afir #(rio4 g -;(L04j( t P -t~ li 73 BUEKAKERU BUBUN DBIN Mobilization by echelon BUBUN K6GEKI Partial attack BUBUN SEIK6 Partial success BUCHI Drumstick BUCHIAKERU To explain or state frankly, empty or open by beating BUCHIATERU To hit with something thrown BUCHICHIGAERU To cross two things,lay crosswise BUCHIDASU To confess,expel by a blow BUCHIGE Pinto BUCHIHANASU To fire a gun or cannon BUCHIHANASU To let fly at an animal,etc. BUCHIKAKERU To throw on or over BUCHIKOROSU To pawn BUCHIMAKASU To conquer by returning to the charge BUCHINUKU To knock a hole in BUCHISHIMERU To strike and kill,seize and bind BUCHITAORERU To fall down in a heap BUCHIT6RU To pass through BUCHIT6SU To pass something through,to make a habit of 'BUCHIYABURfT To break by striking,conquer BUCH6 Director BUCH6 Minister of State,in China BUCH5H6MONO Bungler,clumsy person BUDAN Military tales BUDAN SEIJI Military government BUDAN SENSEI Military autocracy BUDAN SHUGI Militarism BUD6BASAMI Grape shears BUDBCHI Winegrowing area or plot BUD&DANA Vine trellis BUD6 EKI Unfermented or new wine BUD6 IRO Dark purple BUDbJB Clustered BUD6J6KIN Staphilococcus BUD5J5SEN Racemose gland,acinus BUD5 KABU Vine plant,vine stock BUD6MAKU Uvea,in anatomy BUD6MAKUEN Uveitis,inflammation of uvea BUDOMARI Yield,in a chemical process BUD6SHUSH5 Vintner BUD6ZONO Vineyard BUEI SURU To guard BUFUGA Inelegance,lack of taste,want of distinction BUGA3 Outside the department BUGEN Injury,insult,derision BUGEN Social position,wealth BUGI Military arts BUGUKO Armory ' BUGYO Kind treatment BUHEN Military matters BUHIN Parts BU-I Consolation BU-I Insult, outrage BU-I Lifebelt BU-IKU Military training BUJI Leisure,lack of work BUJI Scornful words BUJIN Absence of human beings BUJINKYB Uninhabited place BUJI TBCHAKU Safe arrival BUJUN SURU To govern,control BUJUNTAN Fushun coal BUJUTSU SURU To pity,sympathize with BUKAI Conference,association BUKAI Subsidiary,branch establishment BUKAN Attache BUKAN Military yearbook BUKAN CHIKtJ Wuhan area BUKANSHITSU Attache's office BUKE HYAKKAJ& Precepts of Tokugawa Ieyasu BUKE JIDAI Age of feudalism BUIKI DANYAKU Arms and ammunition BUKI HAKUDATSU Disarmament BUKI KEITAI. Carrying arms L BUKI KEITAI KINSHI Prohibition of armsbearing BUtKIKO. Arsenal,magazine BUI NO SEINd Power of arms BUKISHd Arms trade BUKI TAIYOHo Lend-Lease Law BUKKA B&RAKU Slump in prices BUKKAHYd Price list BUKKAI Buddhist circles BUMKAI Material world BUKKA KXISEI Price administration BUKKAKERU To throw on or over ft A A) 4w A 0) it PAtN 410 11 JM %i #'J 4vC itB 4p A 411;a -* 9 I- 4 r -ft-A f 6 4L 4~Ic Ra0 13 4 -;$ t4AL 3C4 i ~jCe ~4ba (a ~i jC4 ~~~ JCIBJJ 34 ga~cct ~ 4- Mak R3,; ~. L- i: f.af sr L~ de h ~q3,t Cf a = jl~ ay wf 4 Zl-St ~L a dins:ailt a o' tlt gaa- a -F)e f~ MBr- ~ 3CiGML a-abt T6 a ~4it a 8 'CMA Cf6-Ptjg 3g4 3 t S s;r BUKKAEYOKU 18 BUKKAKYORJ Price bureau BUIKCKA NO T6SEI Upward trend in prices BUKKANTAI Materiel guard unit BUKKA 0 URU To attain Buddhahood or Nirvana BUKKA SHISO Price index BUKKA SHOSAN Distribution of goods BUKKA SHUSANCHI Distributing center BUKKA T6SEI Price control BUKKATSURON -Animism BUKEENHI Cost of supplies BUKMENH6 Laws of reality BUKKEN KETYAKU Real contract BUIKKEN SH6KEN Certificate of real rights BU1KI Sorrow,period of mourning BUKK6 Buddhist image sculptor BUKKOMU To throw or plunge something into BUKKOROSU To beat to death BUKKOTSU Bones of Buddha BUKKOWASU To spoil,mar BUKJ CHOSA I-IN Merit inquiry board BUKUAKE Termination of mourning BUKYOKU Group,grouping,quarter BUKYOKUSEI Departmental system BUKY9. Eternity,infinity BUMASUKE Bungler BUMBAI SHIKKAN Mosquito-borne disease BUMBEN SAY6 Delivery,parturition BUMBU HYAKKAN Civil and military officers BUMBUKU Good fortune BUMBUN According to each person BUMEN Aspect,phase,quarter,field BUMMEI Literary fame BUMMEIKOKU Civilized country BUMMEI NO FUKK5 Renaissance BUMMEISHI History of civilization BUMMON SURU To inquire into,ask 'BUMPAIGAKU Share BUMPAIJO Place of distribution BUMPAI JdK6 Distribution clause BUMPAISHA Distributer,divider BUMPASHIN Sectarian spirit BUMPET SURU To distribute troops BUMPEKI Separating wall BUMPIBUTSU Secretion BUMPI EKI Secretion BUMPI KAN Secretory vessel,secernent BUMPI KATA Excessive secretion BUMPI KIKAN Secretory organ BUMPIRYOKU Secretive power BUMI SAIB5 Secreting cell BUMPI SAY6 Secretion,the action BUMPISEI Secretory BUMPISEN Secreting gland BUMPITSU Land registration by lots, division of a plot BUMPITSUGY6 Literary profession BUMPITSUKA Writer,literary man BUMPIYAKU Secretive drug,secernent BUMPS SURU To fall to pieces BUMP6GAKU Grammar BUMP6TEKI Grammatical BUN Radical 067 BUNAI Sphere of responsibility - BUNAI Within the service BUNCHI Distribution BUNCHIHA Civilian party BUNCH6 Java sparrow,rice field sparrow BUNCH5KA Documents examination section BUNCHO SURU To allot troops BUNDAN Degree,gradation BUNDAN Literary chat BUNDAN SURU To sever BUNDANNIN Writer,man of letters BUNDAN NO CHOJI Popular writer BUNDAN NO GYjSHd Master writer BUNDENHO Divided circuit BUNDO Graduations on a scale BUNDO Personal obligations,natural obligations BUNDd Literature,literary career BUNDORI GUNKAN Captured warship BUNDORIHIN Booty,loot,plunder, spoils of war BUNEN Carelessness,inattention, distraction BUNGA Civil authorities BUNGA Literary taste,elegance of style BUNGAI NO Unexpected,unusual BUNGAKAI- Literary society BUNGAKKAI Literary world BUNGAKU JIGY6 Literary enterprise BUNKYO FUKYiI tait 1 F BUNGAKU NAKAMA Literary company or coterie ft BUNGAKUSHI Bachelor of arts,master of arts S4 BUNGEIDAN Literary talk z 4 ' BUNGEI FUKK6 Renaissance,revival of learning iSA4t BUNGEI HAKAI SHUGI Literary vandalism BUNGEIKAI Literary society BUNGO Division and union,transformation, modification 5z-A A BUNGUBAKO Writing desk s BUNGY6 Comprehension SB BUNGY5 Segregation _a;Y_ BUN-IKI Limit,boundary Pf BUJN-IN Branch hospital,garrison branch hospital R BUNJI Civil government 4;0/ BUNJIHA Civilian party or faction /41 BUNJ6 Cession,transfer I if BUNJ6 Confusion,disorder Sff11tn BUNJoCHI Building lots IT B BUNJ6 SAKI Distributor 7-t BUNJU SURU To own a share E BUNKA Allotment of duties BUNKA Civilization,enlightenment,style BUNKA Distribution of fire 44th{J BUNKA FUKKKAI Cultural Restoration Society nA45c BUNKA GAKK5 Specialist school -4kVfrZ BUNKA GAKUCHb Dean of a college f BUNKAI Confusion ra BUNKAI Literary world -acio I BUNKAI DANTEI Analytical judgment /I)- BUNKAIRON Analysis /ý)A_ BUNKAI SEN Boundary line j4f * t BUNKA JIGY5BU Cultural Activities Department CA ýfit BUNKA JUTAKU Modern residence s BUNKAKAI Sectional meeting 4ftA BUNKAKOKU Cultured or civilized nation S BUNKAKU Separation,removal SIf.BUNKAKU SEN Line of demarcation Th9$ 41 BUNKA KYBS6 Intercollegiate boat rabe 41e4 BUNKA MURA Modern village n 5' BUNKAN Administrative division,;)- BUNKAN Vice-consulate I A1MA - BUNKAN NIN-YoREI Civil service regulations tI1f BUNKAN SHUNIN Branch head S 9tKZ BUNKAN TdY6 SHIKEN Civil service examination ~f$f At M BUNKA RENRAKU KY&GIKAI Cultural Relations Society -i1 BUNKASEI Departmental system #- L BUNKA SEIDO 1 Single subject system R4t.it BUNKA SHINK5KAI -Cultural Relations Society 4 BUNKASH6 Cultural decoration BUNKA SHUGI Culturism 4 69 BUNKATEKI Modern,cultured, civilized hl$Z ~ BUNKATSUBARAI Installment payments JIt-'lA BUNKATSU CHOMON Split order BUNKATSU MEISAI Pattern painting,naval camouflage ir BUNKATSU NAKAMA Cosharers,copartners BUNKATSTISEI Separability f1N BUNKATSU SEN Line of separation,parting Lj BUNKATSUSHIGATAI Indivisible W BUNKEN Seeing and hearing,personal observation 49f R BUNKENGAKU Philology,bibliography BUNKENHEI Detached troops BUMIENHo Detached work or fortification BA P'&,3ETK IHIOIEITAI Artillery detachment ffil(P BUNKEN KANTAI Detached squadron fI P& BUNKENTAI Detachment,contingent BUNKETSU Partingseparation n3~A~ BUNKITEN Fork, crossroads, junction BUNKd Area bank BUNK&' Avarice,meanness,parsimony ~~ BUNKS Branch factory -nt BUNKO Naval Academy Annex at Iwakuni BUNK6BA Branch factory BUNK&J6 Branch factory or workshop 6~it9I BUNK6KI Spectroscope W BUNK6 SHUNIN Branch factory chief ~B Xt BUNKOTSU SHIKI Ceremony of distribution of funeral qshes r BUNKYAKU Mosquito foot,thin legs M BUNKYB Literary instruction BUNKY6 FUKYU Spreading of education BUNKYr-kYOKU 19 x BU KYKYOXKU Formosa Bureau of Education Xkt 0 BUNMY NO FU Fountainhead of culture 'S',k4It y5 BUNNAGERU To throw with all one's force -ýj4 titfI BUiNNIN SUIT6 KANRI Detachment finance officer 4-Lt:, r BUN NI bJITE According to one's means C BUN NYB Radical 067' fr BUNRETSU SHIKI March past,defile I BUNRI Grain in wood BUNRI Minute amount,little bit -ýP A, BUNRIHA Seceders,separatists j4-I; A BUNRI HAKKAN Perspiration at crisis of disease 3Jldf BUNRI KAISHAKU Grammatical interpretation 9 BUNRIKI Critical period BUNRIKI Separator 1 UNRIRON Separatism 3ýPlrr BUNRISEI Separability S BUNRISHA Secessionist SL L`' BUNRISHIGATAI Indivisible,inseparable & BUNRI SHUGI Separatism, Qecessionism 91 AA BUNRI SIUGISHA Secessionist a BUNR5 Division of labor t L BUNRUI HIKIDASHI Filing cabinet -a BUNRUIHY5 Classified table or list BUNRYAKU Abbreviation of phrase or passage % BUNRY 6 Proportion,degree /ý ~h BUNRY6J5 Perceptibly,appreciably, quantitatively 4- BUNRYO Branch,sect,shunt BUNRYU River branch t 5 BUNSAI SURU To load in portions,apportion and load,,I - 5 BUNSAN SURU To disperse BUNSANKAI Farewell meeting ij O A.J$ BUNSAN SERU SH5TAI Platoon in open formation S BUNSEI ZENRAKU Anticlimax m iW1 BUNSEKI HANDAN Analytic judgment S BUNSEKIH6 Analytic method S BUNSEKIJO Laboratory S BUNSENK6 Typesetter BUNSHI Branch,ramnification BBUNSHI Double socket BUNSHI Elements,malcontents,agitators ft BUNSHI SURU To break down,statistics etc. '4- f, BUNSHINSHO Branch clinic %f BUNSHIREN The literati It--t BUNSHITSU Agency,branch office /21-M BUNSHO Branch internment camp A-Uh BUNSHb Sentry group,squad scouts "BUNSH6 Subdepot 9-F BUNSHOBAKO Correspondence box SBUNSHO GIZ5ZAI Forgery of documents I 99tI BUNSH5GO Literary or written language 4 BUNSH6 HAIBITEN Assigned position BUNSH6H5 Phraseology 1, BUNSHOKA Secretariat S BUNSH6KA Prose writer,essayist rBUNSHO KACHb Chief of archives and documents section BUNSHOKU Division of functions or duties Xl e BUNSHO SH6MEI Documentation 1114 BUNSO Excuse,explanation,plea,apology 7f BUNS6 Sketch,rough draft,outline -- BUNS6 SURU To distribute -NR BUNSON Partial loss,in marine insurance &4 BUNSON FUTANHO Partial loss without average insurance -4Sz BUNSO SHISO Fractional index ~frP&$: BUNTAIGOTO NI By squads,planes BUNTA~fII Divisional jiinior officer,navy a ~'A BUNTAN JdK5 Contribution clause BUNTEI Style,phraseologF BUNTOKU Civic virtue BUNTON Establishment,of garrisons etc. a4t(*c BUNTONTAI Detached garrison unit At~ BUN-YAKU Written contract ~-~~ BUN -IY Great writer a; ig BUN -Y SHA Sharercopartner BUNZAI Literaryg materials,theme5s ii BUNZOKU Attached to,assigned to 4rJ BUPPANASU To hurl at %b& * t BUPPIMBARAI ZEI Levy in kind 8b4lb 4 '% BUPPIMBARAI JIDAI Rent in kind t3Fvaf BUPPIN HOKEN Property insurance 1 BUPPIN MOKUROKU List of articles 100" BUPPIN OKIBA Stores dump h% a. BUPPIN SHIHARAI Payment in kind IV woo1# BUPPIN SHINTAKUBU Safety deposit department -t0 5410# 4xA 6FR F. 4 ilt x it 9J it:~ 5 -43 Ajo;iA?1f jý t $' "A itt ( 4## g ZAiJ l ~ ~rft 4 14 ~;itt tJ s~t "efILV sp 1 4 ffic 05 t jt Y J jf~i ~3 1t Otg JitW a it~ ic S 191 ~ 4jfi ~ MI2r BUSUI BUPPIN SHUKEN Certificate of merchandise BUPPIN ZEI Merchandise tax BURACHWCHIN Lantern swung at end of long handle BURAI Lack of integrity,dissoluteness, knavery BURAIKAN Vagabond,good-for-nothing, rogue BURAJIKARUJI Bradycardia,slow heart action BURAKU Tribe,district inhabited by pariahs BURAKUKAI Village association BURARISAGARU To hang,be suspended BURATSUKI Oscillatory movement,balancing BURATSUKI Stroll,gadabout BUREI Division order BUREI SEMMAN Height of impudence BUREISHA Rude person BURETSU Bravery,intrepidity BURI Partial administration -BURI Condition,portion,after BURI DAIRININ Special or deputy agent BURIKI D6GU Tin utensils BUR5 Gratitude for a service BURd Contempt,ridicule BUROKANON Brocanon,a medicine BURYOKU GAIK6 Saber-rattling diplomacy BURYOKU KANSH5 Armed inbtervention BURYOKU NI UTTAERU To appeal to arms BURYOKUTEKI DAN-ATSU Military pressure, coup d'etat BUSAIKU Rough job,clumsiness BUSATA Indifference,neglecting to write BUSHI Disdain BUSHI KAIKYU Military caste BUSHIN Soldier,officer,military service BUSHI NO KAGAMI Mirror of knighthood BUSHO Disposition BUSH6 Commander of a group BUSHOHY5 Disposition ohart,for a unit BUSHU SURU To scrape together BUS6 CHORITSU Armed neutrality BUS5 D6MEI Armed alliance BUS6GAKARI Armorer BUS6HEI Armed soldier BUSb KEIWA Armed peace BUS6 JID5SHA Armored car BUS5 KAIJO Disarmament BUS6 KYbS5 Armament race BUSd KY6S6 Practice alarm,sham alarm BUS6 NO HEIWA Armed peace BUS5 0 MEIZURU To call to arms BUSb 0 TOKU To disarm BUSb RESSHA Armored train BUS6SEN Armed merchant ship BUSSANCHI Place of production BUSSAN TORIHIKIJO Commodities exchange BUSSAN TORIHIKI SEISANJO Produce clearing house BUSSEI Materiality,nature of matter, quality of a substance BUSSHARI Ashes of the Buddha BUSSHI Buddhist image sculptor BUSSHI D6IN Mobilization of materials BUSSHIN Buddhist and Shinto gods BUSSHIN RY6MEN YORI Materially and spiritually BUSSHIN TOMO Materially and spiritually BUSSHI SHOSHOBU Supply collecting department BUSSHITSUJ Materially, from material point of view BUSSHITSUKA SURU To materialize BUSSHITSU KAGAKU Physical sciences BUSSHITSUKAI Material world ~ BUSSHITSURON Materialistic doctrine BUSSHITSURYOKU Material force BUSSHITSU SETSU Materialistic theory BUSSHITSU SHUGI Materialism BUSSHITSUTEKI BUMMEI Materialistic civilization BUSSHITSUTEKI JIYO Physical liberty BUSSHITSUTEKI KAIRAKO Creature comforts BUSSHITSUTEKI SONGAl Property damage BUSSHITSUTEKI SONZAr Materiality BUSSHITSUYOKU Desire for material gain BUSSHOKU External appearance,description, color of objects BUSSHU Owner,possessor BUSSb Buddhist burial BUSU Aconite poison BUSUI Comfort,consolation BUSUE! 20 F I *BUSUKI Dislike,repugnance At ' BUSURU To careas,pat,stroke 01A BUTA ABURA Lard S BUTABUTA Plumply, chubbily &f BUTAI Unit,military BUTAIGAO Make up,in theatrics SBUTAIGZI Stage drama S BUTAI GI06 Stagecraft sF1'1 BUTAI GY5SHIN SURU To march in columns BUTAI KEIKO Dress rehearsal S BUTAI KdKA Stage effect BUTAIMEN Scenery,stage effects r BUTAI 1IKI Stage direction BUTAI URA Greenroom,backstage BUTAKAI Swineherd A BUTARUI Swine species 0 BUTCHIME Trap, snare i$*. BUTCHIMERU To beat,thrash,drub,kill # BUTO Gnat,midge Is 0 V BUT6GAKU Dance music AW4 BUTJO6 Dance hall -60# BUT6KAI Ball,dance At~t BUTOKU Military virtue K4$1Z BUTOKUDEN Building for military contests s * BUTEKYOKU Dance music *ofo BUTB6SHITSU Dance hall 1Ji BUJTSUBATSU Punishment inflicted by Buddha s- -' BUTSUBUTSU On all sides,scatteringly BUTSUD6 Allotment of materials. S4 BUTSUD6GAI Outside the regular allotment S BUTSUD6 WARIATE Allotment of materials SBUTSUGAI Outside the material world iAA BUTSUGU Buddhist ceremonial objects 4*K BUTSUGU Buddhist offerings It* BUTSUGU Instrument,utensil "AwftC BUTSUHOKEN Insurance on merchandise ~4 BUTSUJI Buddhist temple #l BUTSUJI Things N4oft BUTSU JITAI Thing in itself ft.t 4X BUTSUJ6 HOSH6 Real security ( A BUTSUKURU To murmur,toss about,struggle 4 BUTSUMEI Name of anything 3Ad BUTSUMETSU Unlucky days 04Ar BUTSUN6 Payment in kind ~44.'e BUTSUREKI Year of Buddha,Thai calendar "4O I -, BUTSURI RY6H6 Physiotherapy a BUTSURUI Fettersa, chains, entanglements 9t- BUTSURY6 Material "9f(4C f BUTTAIKA SURU To objectify BUTTAIRON Somatology 41 ~49 BUTTAKURU To seize,snatch away ft1li BUTTEIKARY6 Price index table A BUTTEKI JIYU Physical freedom S t BUTTEKI lKEN Physical hazards At IS' BUTTEKI SRAKAIRYOKU Physical social force 0-114r BUTTEKI SHIZAI Material resources ItitSA& BUTTEKI SH6KO Material evidence BUTTO Sparklingly,cracklingly i- ft BUTT63U To pass something through, make a thing a habit & 4i-4 BUTTSUBUSU To smash,knock to pieces n F1'P4A' BUTTSUKARU To negotiate,treat with,strike against, clash i K ut BUTTSUKE Shock,blow,impact SBUTTSUZUKE Succession R kA BU-UN CH6KY( Everlasting success in war tt r BUY6 SURD To foster,support g pBUY5DAN Dancing troupe &g BUY5GEKI Dance drama MBUYbJIN Imprudence,negligence,danger, insecurity 3t( aBUYUDAN Hero tales BUZAMA Eccentricity a 6th BUZATSU Disorder,confusion dC 14 BUZOKU Category,underling,sphere of responsibility Qf # t BUZUKI Command group 34& ~ 3BYAXXO White silver fox BYAKKO White tiger Oidb BYAKURAI White leprosy B&r#b BYAXURI White mucous faeces bGt BYAKUZ6 White elephant I4 ~fBY A Lingering or chronic disease BY6BA Sick horse l 7a BY6BAI SUTRU To be exhausted by sickness S BY6B6 Immensity BYiB6 Mistake,wrong T AA BY6BU IWA Cliff,,precipice A *BYOCHIKU Diseased or sick animals SA FA*) BY6CHIKU KAXURISH6 Sick-cattle compound,.A& BY6CH6 Symptom n4t BY6CH6BQAKU Symptomatology Ai * 4LA AE ARL A3 a1 ui r A 3t ' & A $ Ai ~ AA t 4ffet AR! 4-4 AW A&K,~A Lea$ Is Rall#t AQ 3tljC4p.ReM 1, 18 r(sl ~ R a, s;d AA f~~g3~~ SA ip,51 A ifn ~t i Aaft t 11# 3 s bS 414 f&)0b O A / r~Li# dfir iii iCg4 p; a 3 ~asy 3zi; F7 44 1 4S4c 3 I ffia B'iGO BY6DAN Altar of ancestor worship BY6DO Site of ancestral tombs BY0D65A SURU To equalize BY6DOKU SEMPUKUKI Germ incubation period BY6DOKUSO Vaccine BY6DOKU TEN-I Metastasis BYbD5 NO KENRI Equal rights BY6DIRON Doctrine of equality BY6D6 RONSHA Leveler BY0D6 TAIGO Equal treatment BY6EI Shade BY6EIH6 Shading BY6GA Confinement to bed by illness BYBGAI Lesion BY6GEN BISEITAI Pathogenic microbe BY6OENKIN Pathogenic bacteria BY6HAI Chronic disability BY5HAI SURU To visit tomb of high personage BY6HEI Invalid soldier BY6IN BUN-IN Hospital annex BY6IN DASSO Hospital gangrene BY6INGAKU Etiology,in medicine BYBIN RESSHA Ambulance train BY6IN SEIDO Hospitalization system BY6INZUME IGAKUSEI Interne BY6JI Short space of time,second BY6JI Sick child BY6JIKEI Stop watch BYJ56 Anchor-shaped BYBKANEROKU Sick man's journal BYBKIDOKEI Stop watch -BYEXoIGAOHI NO Sickly BYaKI HIKIKOMORI TODOKE Sick report BYdKI KAIFUKU Return to health BY6KI NO CH6K6 Symptom of disease BY6bKI Nb KEIKA Progress of a disease BY6KI NO SAIHATSU Relapse,in illness *EYoKI NO TON-YA Person afflicted with several diseases BY6KI NO Z6SHIN Development of a disease BY6KO Death from disease BY6MEIBETSU TEKI6YAKU Specific remedy BY6NAN Anxiety caused by illness BY6NIN UMPANSHA Ambulance BY6N6 Diseased brain BY6Nd Suffering due to sickness BY6REKIHY6 Medical case sheet BY2RI Cause of disease BYoRIGAKUTEKI Pathological biology SEIBUTSUGAKU BYbRI KEINYD Study of pathogenesis BY5R6 Exhaustion from disease BY6RUI Illness,exhaustion BY6SAKO Chain well on ship BY6SAKU Anchor chain,hawser BY6SEI NO CHIKAN Abatement of disease BY6SEN Traced design,tracing BY6SHA Patient,sick person BY6SHA Shinto ancestral shrine BY&SHAFU NO Descriptive BY6SHI. Contempt BY6SHI Shinto ancestral shrine BY6SHI SURU To die of illness BY6SHIN Second hand on watch BY6SHISHA One who dies of illness BY6SHITSU Nature of a disease BY6SHO Mausoleum BY5SHb Anchorage BY8SHA Sickness and wounds BY6SHO Symptome,case of illness BY6SH6HEI Sick and wounded soldiers BY6SH6 JIKKEN Clinic BY6SH6 NIEKI Medical journal,sickbed report BY6SHU Boat used to place pontoon anchors BY6SOKU Diseased feet BY6SOKU Speed per second BY6SUI Weakness from disease BY6SU SHITEI Fixed interval of time BY6TAI Pathologic condition,morbidity BY6TAI KAIB5 Patholbgical anatomy BY6TEI Anchorage BY6TEI Anchoring BY6TEKI SO-IN Morbid predisposition BYBZEN NI Immeneely,boundlessly BY6ZOKU Descendants,posterity BY6ZU Mapping BYUB6 Error BYIGEN False word or statement BYOGI Falsity,deceit BYDGO Absurdity,error,mistake if* 19 t r ~1C1 IF N It A *i9 * SA AAk f Ak I A ~ APl t 45- f A5~ i':t AFcf~ * i-w Ac~ ~ A ~~ "4 ~a.4~T Ais 4 Va BYUJI 21 BYDJI Mistaken letter or character BYOJOKU Error and insult BYOKEI Erroneous deqgn wrong policy, poorly conceived plan BYUMET Error and illusion BYOROBIN Soviet office for assisting foreigners BYUSAKU Erroneous plan BYISAI False count,defective calculation BYUSHIN Superstition BY0S6 False idea BYOTEN Exact point of error,particular mistake BYOT6 False response C CHABUNE River boat,pleasure boat CHABURUI Tea sieve CHADAI Teacup coaster CHADASHI Teapot CHAGAMA Teakettle CHAGARA Tea grounds CHAGY6 Tea trade CHAHIKI Wild oat,drake,flaver CHAH6JI Tea firing CHAH6JININ Tea firer CHA-IRI Tea roasting CHAJAWAN Teacup CHAKA Tea flower,tea made with flowers CHAKAGO Harvesting basket CHAKASHI Raillery,mockery,banter CHAKASSHOKU Light brown CHAKASU Tea grounds CHAKATSUYAKU Trinitrotoluene CHAKI Tea utensil,tea service CHAKIBAKO Tea-service box CHAKICHAKI Snip dnip,bang bang CHAKIN IMO Preparation of sweet potatoes and sugar CHAKKA Freight arriving CHAKKA Ignition,catching fire CHAKKAK5 Unloading port CHAKKAN Landing on deck CHAKKAZAI Ignition charge CHAKKIN Money arriving CHAKK5 SURU To begin operations CHAKK6 NEDAN Landed terms CHAKKY6 Arriving in Tokyo CHAKU Counter for suits,armor,trousers CHAKU Radical 162 CHAKU Arriving at or in CHAKUBAN Arriving in Bangkok CHAKUBd Wearing a hat CHAKUCHI Destination CHAKUCHI SURU To reach the ground CKAKUDAI Arriving in Formosa CHAKUEI Arriving at the barracks CHAKUEN Arriving in Peking CKAKUFU Arriving in the capital CHAKUFU SURU To tie up at a wharf CHAKUFU KEN-EKI Quarantine inspection at the wharf CHAKUGAN Arriving at coast,disembarkation CHAKUHOKU Arriving in Taihoku CHAKUHY6 Icing conditions CHAKUHYtY Sign,mark CHAKU-I SJRU To notice,pay attention to CHAKUJIN Arriving at army camD CHAKUNAN SoZOKUHo Primogeniture CHAKUNAN SjZOKUKEN Right of primogeniture CHAKUNEI Arriving in Nanking CHAKUNI ANNAI Notification of arrival of goods CHAKUNIBARAI Payment on arrival CHAKUNI WATASHI Delivery on arrival CHAKU NO SU Number of arrivals CHAKtRAKU Conclusion CHAKURIKUCHI Landing field CHAKURIKUJO Landing field,runway CHAKURIKU SEYO Make your landing CHAKUSEKIJUN Order of seating CHAKUSEKIKEN Right to sit,seat,membership CHAPKUSEKISHA Seated person,sitter CHAKUSEN Ships arriving CHAKUSEN ANNAI Schedule of ship arrivals CHAKUSHIN Blood relatives CHAKUSHIN Message arriving,incoming mes sage CHAKUSHIN DEMPo Telegram arriving, incbming telegram CHIBUSU YOBo SESSBU A4A CHAKUSHINKYOKU Telegram receiving office 3) Y CHAKUSHOMEI Name of station receiving message CHAKUSHU CHOSHIHAN Premeditated brime interrupted during commission *4-k CHAKUSHU KIN Retainer,retaining fee, deposit SCHAKUSHU MISUIHAN Premeditated crime failing of accomplishment A-- CHAKUSHUSHA Starter,the person A CHAKEUJS6 Clothing,attire,dressing 4 CKAKUS6 Principal house,legitimate line ( CHAKOSUI'SURU To land on the water k46 CHAKUSURU To arrive,reach,remain,stop A* CHAKUSURU To touch,be attached to,be infatuated with S-t 6 CHAKUSURU To wear CHAKUTAI Arriving in FoMOSA A 2 CHAKUTAN Coal arriving A6Z CHAKUTEN Point of arrival * III CHAKUT6 Arrival,arriving -A A C{AKUY6HIN Wearing apparel Ak CHAKUYU Arriving in Chungking A-, CHAMEK6 Wag,buffoon,joker CHANCHARA OKASHII Absurd,ridiculous, beneath contempt CHANIWA Gardens of tea pavilions S CHARA Excess,exaggeration CHARACHARA Pitter-patter,verbosely 7{ tT CHARAKASU To make fun of S CHARAKERU To talk wildly,exaggerate absurdly Al -, CHARANCHARAN In a piercing tone,with a 4 I squeak a sI CHARIBANASHI Joke,funny story I ~ ~CHARIGATARI Humorous account 1_4r CHARI SHIBAI Farce CHARO Furnace for roasting tea leaves CHARUMERA Trumpet,musette,hunting horn g i CHASEIR6 Basket used to steam tea leaves CHASEKI Tea pavilion Af CHASHI Teashop $A-- CHASHIBU Tea incrustations in pot *A CHASH6 KUMIAI Tea merchants' guild 3 CHASOBA Coarse buckwheat vermicelli wet with tea CHATEN Teashop 47 CHATO Quickly,in a flash e-~ CHATTO Quickly,in a flash C3 CHA-USU Tea mortar Al4%-i CHAWAKAI Tea party (sk CHAWAKASHI Teakettle $2ef CHAZASHIKI Tea-ceremony room 4A CHI Chile CHI Czechoslovakia CHI Radical 143 - CHI Subhead 08 a~ CHIAI Fool,dunce,stupid person AMI CHIAN Fool,dunce,stupid person Z/e CHIAN Peaceful government Adi4F CHIAN B6GAI Disturbance of the public peace,sedition i64? $0 - CHIAN B6GAIZAI Criminal attempt against public peace 'Jtl CHIAN HANJI Justice of the peace 1k- A4J4iA CHIAN IJIHAN Peace-preservation corps -;i~t-iJ CHIAN J5REI Public peace ordinances i4ýV4- CHIAN KEISATSU Peace police jLCI CHIAN SAIBANSHO Court of conciliation A AT CHIAN SAKU Peace-maintenance measures ~a ~-fCHIASE Bloody sweat IfE CHIAZA Red spots on skin,angioma 'r#3 CHIBEN Flogging 3 r t4 6s CHIBICHIBI KURAU To eat often but sparingly s *it CHIRICHIBI NOMU To sipbib,tipple Scrr CHIBUN Physiography,physical geography jitt 6 CHIBUN SURU To fall into disorder from neglect ~P4 CHIBURUI Irregular beating of pulse JARM CHIBURUI Shaking blood from instrument M CHIBUSAEN Mammitis 14ksf&i- CHIBUSU DOKUSO Typhotoxine fkr4" CHIBUSU NO YOB6 CHUSHA Typhoid ~*ft~ik- vaccination ~Rtitfr1 CHIBUSU SEIEKIKAN During the typhoid epidemic 4kt 4fit CHIBUSU-SEI KETSUEKI Typhemia ta r AENSHITSU $,kt j&CHIBUSU-SEI UWAGOTO Typhomania,a delirium jry*,f CHIBUSU YOBB6 SESSHU Antityphoid 44inoculation CHIBUSU-YU ZOKMURYu 22 TAA4110r CHIBUSU-Y6 ZOKURYU Typhotuberculosis t0KEyKAKU It*. CHIBUTSU Landmark iA CHIBY6 Treatment of disease CHICHIHAKU Late arrival CHICHI Radical 088 fX o CHICHI Understanding L/ U CHICHIDAMESHI Lactometer A,0 CHICHI HAHA Father and mother 4 1 CHICHIKO Powdered milk CHICHIKU SURU To pursue on horseback *A A CHICHIKU6AI MONO Milksop,spoiled child 3 ý t CHICHINASHIGO Child whose father is dead L4$A CHICHINOMIGO Suckling child CHICHI OYA Father CHICHIRO Cricket,the insect 0CHICHIRO MUSHI Cricket,the insect S9 CHICHISHIBORI Milking,milker,milkmaid CHICHIUE My father CHICHTYA Dairyman,dairy,milkman 4tC1 CHICH Relaxation and tension tt? CHICH0 In the pond Sok CHICH0 Hesitation,lying to,of a ship Pi CHICHO SURU To be in doubt,restless 91T CHIDA Cudgeling,bastinado CHIDAI Ground rent,price of land CHIDANKA Storyteller *Lý A,31CHI lE CHI 0 ARAU To quarrel with. relatives CHID6 Progress,rapid progress CHID6 Retarded action CHIDOME Stanching of blood - CHIDOMEKI Tourniquet S CHIDOMESHITSU Stypticity CHIDONKA SURU To slow down + CHIDORI ASHI Tottering steps +t k CHIDORIGAKE Crossbelt,cross-stitch CHIDORIGATA Zigzag CHIEBA Wisdom tooth V CHIEBUKURO Brain,brain trust A 2CHIEBUKURO Precious book for consultation CHIEKI Sector 4;t CHIEKIKEN Easement,in law S CHIEKIKENSHA Servitude holder CHIEKURABE Witticism CHIE NETSU First sigrrs of intelligence in infant CHIEN KOGITTE Stalecheck CHIE NO ITA Tangram,a toy CHIEN RISOKO Delayed interest CHIESHA Man of resources CHIFO Land breeze jet& CHIFUKU Frontage CHIFUSU Typhus,typhus fever SCHIFUSU SESSHU EKI Typhoid inoculation CRIFUSU-T6 KONG6 SESSHU Typhoid group S EKI inoculation CHIGAI Change,difference CHIGAI Outside of local administration Ot CHIOAN Bigotry,obstinacy I& * CHIGATA Blood type CHIGAU To come apart,become dislocated or uncoupled CHIGE Pack frame S CHIGEN Proverb,maxim,sentence 3 ' t CHIGIREGUMO Scattered clouds CHIGIRI Association,alliance,union 3 - CHIGIRIGUSA Chrysanthemum 4OS0 CHIGIRU To separate,pick,choose 0041 CHIGO Baby,nursling tt 4 CHIGUSA Variety,diversity + I CHIGUSA IRO Pale green as~t ~ i CHIGYO Pondfish fZ91=- CHIGY6DAKA Pension amount,stipend *t'4j FR, CHIGY6 KASHI Pension grant,enfeoffment *or91t CRIGY6 SEIDO Feudal system (4jc a CHIGY6TORI Pensioner CHIRAD6 Undulations of the ground CHIHAN Lake shore CHIHATSU Tonsure i~ft'I CHIHATSU HONN6 Deferred instinct c~ ib CHIKEIMEN Horizontal plane 9t-{~ CHIHEISEN Horizon,skyline,the level ~A -bt CHIREISEN IJ6 Above average,outstanding bf& CHIHEN Lake shore &6j CHIRI Crust of the earth +- F- CHIHIRO NO UMI Fathomless sea i6 j CHIH6' Treatment,method of treatment Str I & CHIH6 SURU To slacken,relax 't AVnii CHR16 BUNKENSEI Decentralization so4 ~CHIHoBY6 Endemic or regional disease %''>JPEt CHIH6 BYMIN Regional hospital * 1' $tA it~it V~ i~ts sR ~9 dF stf15 br Ati: jA i 6 it tb -i ~R ) *its it4 S> - )t~ ' 1 rP; 8t 3 I xo ' CtC) ~~t~ i; Afr~ t At4 *J~ * M~ x~s gy p,ra 3 `3ag AtitFcE_ ~itaxi- t;R ~tlt CzC sft CHIJoKEN CHIH6CH6 Local government,prefectural office CHIHb6 CH6KAN Local governor or authorities CHIR6 CH6KAN KAIGI Governors' conference CHIH6FU Local wind,provincialism CHI0 5 FUZOKU Local custom,particular custom CHIH6 GIKAI Local council CHIH6 GINK6 Local bank CHIH6HIKA Local expenditures section CHIHbI Local doctor CHIH6 JICHI Local autonomy CHIH6 JICHITAI Municipality CHIHRJIN Local resident,provincial person CHIH6KA Local administration section CHIH51KAN Local authorities CHIH6 KANCHB Local government CHIH6KAN KAIGI Governors' conference CHIH6 KANKEN Local authorities CHIH6 KANSHO Local customs CHIH6 KEISATSU Local police CHIH6 KY6GIKAICHR Local administrative council head CHIH6 KYdSHINKAI Local competitive exhibition CHIH6MU Local affairs CHIH6 NAMARI Provincial accent CHIH5NIN Local residents,civilians CHIRO 0 SHIMERU To take a stand,gain a footing CHIHO 0 SUSUMERU To gain ground CHIH5SAI Local debt,local bonds CHIH6 SEIDO System of local government CHI-HO-SHA Archives classifiers CHIH6SHI Topography CHIH6 SHIJ6 Local market CHIH6SHIN Regionalism,sectionalism CHIH6 SH6GY5 Country trade,local trade CHIH6 SH6KEN Local government securities CHIH5 SHUGI Regionalism,sectionalism CHIH6 S6G6 Provincial synod CHIHbTEKI Provincial,local CHIH6TEKI SHIKISAI Local color CHIRo TJN-YUBU District transport department CHIH WAKE Territorial division CHIHb6 ZEI Local taxes CHI-I Foolish,idiotic CHIICHAI Little CHI-IKI Limits of terrain,region CHI-IMIBI Inauspicious day CHI-IN, Friend, acquaintance CHI-IN Postponement,adjournment,delay CHIISAI Fine,minute CHIISAI Narrow,unextended,stunted,skimpy CHIISAI KOE Low voice CHIJI Arrangement of words,sentence construction CHIJI Thousands of,in pieces,in bits CHIJIKAMARU To be abashed,recoil,shorten, shrink CHIJI KAMBo Formosa Governor's Office CHIJIKAMU To beabashed,become less bold, recoil,shrink CHIJIKAMU To shrink,crouch,sqeeze up, cringe CHIJI KANTEI Governor's residence CHIJIKERU To be frizzled,be wavy,be curly CHIJIKOMARU To be abashed,become less bold,recoil CHIJIKOMARU To shrink,crouch,squeeze up CHIJIKOMASU To abash CHIJIKOMASU To diminish,contract CHIJIMASU To abash CHIJIMASU To diminish,contract CHIJIMI Contraction, shrinking CHIJIMI ASHI Crooked legs CHIJIMIGAMI Curly hair CHIJIMIKOMU To hide out of fear,be afraid to go out CHIJIN Earth god CHIJIN-YO Wisdom,benevolence, and valor CHIJIRAKASU To frizzle,curl CHIJIRE Crimping,frizzling,curling CHIJIREGAMI Frizzled or curled hair CHIJIRERU To be frizzled,be wavy,be curly CHIJ6 BUTAI Ground force CHIJ6 ENG6 SHING6 Ground signal flares CHIJ6FU Surface wind CHIJI6 Intellect,emotion,and volition CHIJKEN Superficies right,servitude CHIJrKEN NO 23 itiL)0 CHIJKIEN NO Superficiary ~p 4lfA CHIJ6 KENSHA Superficiary (jp.L4#t j1CHIJ5KEN SHOYOSHA Superficiary fpt CHIJ& SENRETSU BUTAI Ground line of battle unit CIIIJUKU Late maturity CHIJUN Intercalation CHIJUTSU Cleverly conceived project CHIJUTSU Principles of government, statecraft CHIJUTSU Surgical operation,medical treatment CHIKA Vicinity,proximity CHIKA Management of house t CHIKA SURU To intellectualize CHIKABI Near-by fire 10 T CHIKA BOCHI Cemetery A ftt CHIKABORE Thoughtless infatuation ItT J' V CHIKA BOSHO Cemetery 4T is- CHIKADd Underground passage,subwas It f, CHIKAI Area S CHIKAI Comprehension,perception CHIKAI Intimate CHIKAI Myopic a1 A# CHIKAIRYOKU Perceptive power g CHIKA KAISAKU Underground excavation t T CHIKAK Culvert t CHIKA KbJI Understructure 0 CHIKAKU Corner of-plot of ground,corner plot CHIKAKU Lag Fo CHIKAKUBUTSU Perceptible object CHIKAKU DASSHITSU Anesthesia 3oe1 CHIKAKU HANDAN Empiric judgment S CHIKAKU HEND6RON Diastrophism pdg CHIKAKU IJ5 Paresthesia,abnormal excitement p ei CHIKAKU KABIN Hyperesthesia -c gkL ~ CHIKAKU KEITAIGAKU Geomorphology go CHIKAKU MAHI Loss of sensation,anesthesia ti j CHIKAKUTRYOKU Perceptibility,sensibility, consciousness joiA CHIKAKU SEISHIN Perception oItG #Bk CHIKAKU SHIGATAI Imperceptible ý4Q f + CHIKAKU SHINKEI Sensory nerve 3t A CHIKAKU SSSHITSU Stupefaction,anesthesia CHIKAMASARI Something that looks better on close inspection CHIKAME Myopia,myopic person CHIKAME Narrowness of judgment CHIKAMESHB Myopia,nearsightedness CHIKAN Tardiness,delay,procrastination la P CHIKAN BUTAI Delaying force ST1 0 CHIKA NO T6 Underground party 5VifI CHIKANZAI Laxative CHIKAOTORI Something that looks worse on close inspection S CHIKARA Dynamic power,mechanical force CHIKARA Radical 019 CHIKARA Violence,brutality CHIKARADANOMI Appeal for help 7) CHIKARAGANE Buckle, j CHIKARAGE Hair of chest or arm j CHIKARAGE Hairs forming point of brush CHIKARAGI Prop,wooden support _))aCHIKARAKOBU Ardor,zeal )4t CHIKARAMOCHI Reinforcement, support P;ku CHIKARAOKOSHI Favor,protection,patronage 7ýM116 CHIKARAZUKERU To fortify,encourage, enliven 7) CHIKARAZUKU Capacity,skill CHIKASA Nearness,proximity At L L4r 4 CHIKASHII AIDAGARA Intimacy,friendly relations CHIKASHITSU Basement,cellar lt4iL CHIKA SHiSEI Reassessment of land CHIKA SBKO Underground storeroom st9yF-b g CHIKA SOSHIKI Underground organization 2g 7 CHIKASUI Subterranean water T a CHIKA TABI Work tabi,a footgear type 'ttilt ~CHIKA T6KI Rise in price of land st~rggsy CHIKAWARI Land tax rate (h CHIKAYORASERU To permit to approach,allow greater liberty il4, 41 CHIKAZUKIYASUI HAMABE Beach easily s:gb accessible,h'A CHIKEI Contract CHIKEI Isthmus fIWJ74 UHIKEI SURU To stumble '2qG UCHIKEIGAKU Topography i CHIKEI HANDAN ISizing up of the terrain s&tj, CHIKEIKA Topographic Section J4Air 4 lisfl ~14if JW~ 1 #MPijci 99-;- j 91~tI X 9tt4- c Jt9 ~ $45 &I1 9tZiUt~ 33(rl &F ~ R $k R Wt ~ 57r ) ~nFi I t044 i~i~ iCb~iUM,,01 d- 049 4.rit 3iAR MtE&c ~a ~rz ~ 7*1 3i 3148 r'fil $4bfg Q tP CHIKUSA CHIKEI SEKK5 Terrain scout CHIKEI SOKURY6 Topographical survey CHIKEI SOKUZU Topographical map CHIKEI TEISATSU Reconnaissance of terrain CHIKEMMEN Area inscribed in title deed CHIKEN Eimphyteusis,grant of right to land,in law CHIKEN MOKEN Title insurance CHIKI ' Quality of a piece of ground CHIKEEN House dog CHIKKEN Keeping dogs,raising dogs CHIKEEN ZEI Dog tax CHIKKURI Lightly,a little CHIKO Old acquaintances CHIK6 Delicacy,subtlety,exquisite workmanship CHIK6 Ditch,trench CHIK6 Underground chamber,casemate,cave CHIK6 Wisdom,skill CHIK6 GdISSETSU Pragmatism CHIKOKU Announcement CHIKOKU Earth's crust CHIKOKU Czechoslovakia CHIKOKU HEITENKA Country governed in peace CHIKOKUJUTSU Politics,statecraft CHIKOKUSAKU Statecraft,statesmanship CHIKOKUS0 Number of times late CHIKOKUTEN Tardifiess marks CHIKOKU TODOKE Tardiness report CHIKON Mark,target CHIK6SEI Delayed persistency CHIKOTSU Stone CHIKOTSU SEN Pubic ligaments,pectineal line CHIKU Plot of ground,district CHIKUAN Unskilled or quack doctor CHIKUBA Stilts CHIKUBOKU Bamboos and trees CHIKUBOKU SURTU To rear domestic animals CHIKUCHI SURU To pursue,chase CHIKUDARI Diarrhea tinged with blou, evacuation of blood CHIKUDENCHI Storage battery CHIKUDO Slavery CHIKUD6 AccumulatioA CHIKUDO HANTAIRON Abolitionism CHIKUEI Construction of shelters, barracks,etc. CHIKUEN Bamboo veranda CHIKUGOYAKU Literal translation CHIKUGYU Cattle CHIKUHO SURU To pursue and captire CHIKUH6 Entrenchment,construction of fortified works CHIKU-ICHI Completely,in detail,one by one CHIKU-ICHI GIMMI Minute examination, dissection CHIKUI-ICHI SHISHI Minute account CHIKU-ICHI TNKI Detailed specification CHIKU-ICHI T6ROKU Detailed specification CHIKUJI Every letter,letter by letter, word by word CHIKUJIGY6 Livestock enterprise CHIKUJI HAIRETSU Seriation,serial arrangement CHIKUJI SHUGEKI Attack in echelons CHIKUJI SHUPPAN Serial publication CHIKUJITSU Day by day CHIKUJI UND6 Successive movement CHIKUJI YAKU Literal translation CHIKUJ6 Bamboo cane CHIKUJJ Construction site CHIKUJ6GAKU Science of fortification CHIKUJb JINCHI Fortified position CHIKUKAN Bamboo pipe CHIKUKAN Bamboo pole,vertical bamboo stalk CHIKU K6BEI Sector relief troops CHIKUNEN Fixed resolve CHIKUNICHI Day by day CHIKUN6 Collection of pus in cavity CHIKUN&SH6 Sinusitis CHIKUOKBU Edifice,house CHIKUREN Bamboo blind CHIKUR6 Bamboo basket CHIKURUI Fort, entrenchment MCEIKURUI JINCHI Entrenched camp or position CHIKURYOKU Animal power CHIKUSA Variety,diversity ITI~ T? RA At A it SA ~$ & At;wt~ fi #t f 16 t 17 t i~3 et Stt Jt < a I k JggEXISLA sg (d ~8 id ags ~a W Xo % w4 ft & At9;% f~ 2(b ~ 5algU T f4t ~r rrct 3ag ~t rgy Z1~1Kh i9t $0 f ii C t hj CHIKUSAI 24 CHIKUSAI Smelling of fresh blood or meat, CHIKUSAKU Bamboo fence or stockade CHIKUSAKU Bamboo-fiber cord CHIKUSANGY6 Stock raising CHIKUSANKA Stockbreeder QHIKUSANKA Stockbreeding Section CHIKUSHKI Bamboo mat CHIKUSEKI Removal,expulsion CHIKUSEKIKI Storage vessel CHIKUSEN Bamboo lance,sharpened bamboo CHIKUSEN Pursuit of enemy,war of pursuit.CHIKUSETSU SURU To build,construct, establish CHIKUSHA Barn CHIKUJSHI Bamboo branch,popular song CHIKUSHI Fixed resolve CHIKtSH6 SURU To build a wall CHIKUSHU SURU To collect,gather CHIKUSHU KAISHINJ6 Livestock breed improvement station CHIKUSHUTSU SURU To expel CHIKUSO Base of a construction CHIKUSO Diarrhea tinged with blood CHIKUS6 Bamboo spear CHIKUS6 SEKKI Peasant riot CHIKUSURU To store up,save,accumulate CHIKUTAI Area unit CHIKUTAI Elevation CHIKUTAIDb Embanked road CHIKUTEIJUTSU Landscape gardening CHIKUT6 Fencing stick CHIKUT6 Pile driver CHIKUT6 BOKUSETSU Trash CHIKUYb Bamboo leaves CHIKUYB SURU To rear,breed CHIKU YOBITAI Sector defense units CHIKUZAI SHUGI Thriftiness CHIKUZAN Artificial hill in garden CHIKUZEN SURU To grow a beard CHIKUZOKU SURU To store rice or millet CHIKY 6 Insanity CHIKY6 Sector boundary,boundary CHIKY6 Understanding CHIKY6 TETSUD Isthmian Railroad, Thailand CHIMABURE.Bloodiness CHIMACHIMA Cozily,snugly,compactly CHIMAMIRE Bloodiness CHIMAN Slowness,laziness,negligence CHIMAYOI Mental derangement CHIMBA Lameness,cripple,lame person CHIMBA Oda pair,unmatched thing CHIMBA Horse for hire CHIMBIKI Spinning cotton by the piece CHIMBOKU Rare tree CHIMBOKU KIS6 Strange flora CHIMBOTSU SURU To overstay one's leave CHIMBOTSUSEN Sunken vessel CHIME Inflamed eye CHIMEI Knowledge of one's destiny CHIMEI Reputation,fame CHIMEI Sacrificing self for a cause CHIMEI BANG6HYB Numbered places list CHIMEI DOKUBUTSU Casualty agent CHIMEIFU Geographical supplement CHIMEISHA Martyr CHIMEISHI Celebrated man CHIMEISHO Vital part of body CHIMEISH6 Mortal wound,death blow CHIMEITEKI Deadly,fatal CHIMEN Surface of ground,terrain CHIMICHI Veins and arteries CHIMMARI Cozily,snugly,compactly CHIMMOKU KY6TEI Tacit agreement CHIMMOKU NO YOBEN Silence is eloquent CHIMMURUI Height of the ridiculous CHIIMYBDAN Funny or fantastic tale CHIMB Stupid person CR1 MO NAMIDA MO NAI Coldblooded CHIMONGAKU Physical geography CHIMOTO Chives CHIMPEI Suppression,pacification CHIMPEN Old book or manuscript CHIMPITSU Caisson for pier of bridge CHIMPU Day laborer CHIMPU Fluctuation,good and bad CHIMPUKU Pacification,suppression CHIMPUN KAMPUN Jargon,gibberish CHIN TO ' Steadilysedately,composedly CHINAMAGUJSAI Bloody,murderous,cruel CHINAMI Bond,connection,relation,cause, origin CORSSI JAI' 9 CHIN-ATSUKI Press for extracting juices 11itI CHIN-ATSUSHA Subjugator,conqueror %4LY CHINAYA Kimono-sleeve cord CHINCHAKU Deposit,sediment S CHINCHI Sunken;tlkI CHINCHI ICHI Underwater location CHINCH6 appiness s*A CHINDAI MUSHI bedbug CHINDAN Interesting story CHINDEI Mud,mire,sand CHINDEKI Drowning,addiction CHINDEKI SURU To be drowned CHINDEMBAI Precipitant, ti, CHINDEMBUTSU Sediment CHINDENCHI Precipitation or settling reservoir 04 CHINDOKU Poison of secretary bird 1i CHIN-EKI Work for wages CHINGARININ Tenant farmer,tenant,lessee SI t CHINGARIRYa Rent CHINGASHI Leasing,hiring out CHINGASHI KACHIKU Livestock leased to farmer "A44 CHINQASHININ Lessor A 5 CHINGEN SURU To tell,state,communicate CHINGIN Humming; f CHINGIN SURU To groan,complain,be worried 1* CHINGINHY6 Salary list,sliding scale tiTI CHINGIN NESAGE Reduction in wages,cut in fare 4 CHINGIN TESSOKU The iron law of wages "4j 1K CHINGINTORI Salaried person J 4 5 CHINGO SURU To guard,protect IAtt ' CHINGYO SURU To resist,keep off 14 0CHINHO Store for rent In's CHIN-I Rarity,curiosity,marvel S1' M ý CHINJI SURU To make a statement It-t CHINJ6 Head of bed,on bed,bedside 01 CHINJ6 StRU To state,relate f*JA t CHINJ6oRY Detailed memorial or petition 01 ý CHINJU SURU To guard,protect 11141 CHINJU Rare utensil,rare article 14 1 A CHINJUFU Naval district 1 A I )-1CHINJUFU JINJICHa Naval district chief of personnel CHINJUFU KIKANCH6 Naval district chief engineer a4 Jk1L$& CHINJUFU SHUKACHR Naval district chief finance officer $.l-a&A CHINJUFU SHUKEICH6 Naval district chief of supply rik AL4 CHINJUTSUSHA Reporter MAA CHINJUTSJSHO Written statement T CHINKA Decline,subsidence ~ CHINKA Jettisoning S CHINKA Lagan,goods temporarily sunk r% CHINKA Rare fruit CHINKAN Sunken war vessel S CHINKA UKKETSU Hypostasis,blood congestion aa CHINKEI Antispasmodic measure CHINKEI Scepter rfA b CHINKEI SURU To explain,elucidate UIbAL CHINKEIYAKU Antispasmodic medicine AC4i CHINKI Presence of mind,fortitude f CHINKI Rare plants CHINKI Rarity S CHINKI Tincture CHINK5 Calmness,self-control S CHINKO Deposit,sediment,precipitate (4 CHINK6 Incense,aloeswood J(t t h CHINKOKU SURU To state,tell 2 CHINNYU Immersion sa;ta CHIR NO IKE Pool of blood kuni4 c HI RNO KATAMARI Blood clot 5r 4, RI NO KE Trace of blood ~p6>an, CHI NO KI NO &I Hotheaded 4 ~ CHIN-OKU House for rent seeigCR1 NO MICHI Veins and arteries,blood vessels O;j~a CHI NO NAMIDA Bitter tears CRI NO RI Advantage df position 4nA CHINORI Blood clots t;sit CHIN6 SOKUTEI Intelligence test ia4)J CHIN-WZAI Antiemetic remedy t( CHINRAKU Depression,hollow Mtfl-f CHINRETSU GARASU-SHITSU Showcase FPjfJ p CHINRETSU TODANA Showcase;tA CHINRIN Flowing,leakage,waste,ruin $ CHIINRITSU Salary scale WtXs 'CEINSATSU Poisoning f.CHEINRSHI Demand pi jp"-t A V* "~nW 3 * 44 ~S$ gt '1Kt * ~4 5 3 A C * tf~ 'C tt Yi~ rit~3li ~ 4- to -~~;.; A Sft $ts. r #fl At44 rtyi I As it.A 9t #9 Wi iAP ti(*4 i( 1 t4 biff.s CHINSEIZAI 25 CHINSEIZAI Sedative medicine CHINSEKI Deposit,sediment CHINSEN Shipwreck,sunken vesbol CHINSEN Wages,salary,pay CHINSEN HY5JIKI Taximeter CHINSEN ICHI Location of shipwrecks CHINSETSU Placing in water,usually of mines CHINSETSU Strange news,unf6unded rumor CHINSETSU SURU To relate,state an opinion,arrange CHINSETSU SUIRAI Submarine mine CHINSHA SURU To explain,define CHINSHAJ6 Letter of apology CHINSHAKUCHI Leasdd land CHINSHAKU KIGEN Rental period,lease CHINSHAKUNIN Lessee,leaseholder CHINSHAKURY& Rental price CHINSHI Heavy weight used as sinker CHINSHIQOTONIN Jobber CHINSHI MOKK6 SURU To be deep in thought CHINSIHI TAJI SURU To meditate long CHINSHO SHUMI Bibliophilism CHINSUI Lull,slack time CHINSUI Profound depression CHINSUI Sinking,submersion CHINSUI Sinking weight CHINSUI SURU To be drunk,be addicted to, be absorbed in CHINTAIBUTSU Leased object CHINTAININ Lessor CHINTAIRY6 Lease rental CHINTAISHAKU Renting,leasing CHINTAI SH6SHO Lease certificate CHINTAKU,Limping, lameness CHINTEI KIRAI Ground mine CHINTEISHA Pacifier,queller CHINT6 Calm or composed condition CHINTOKU SURU To be addicted to CHINTSU EKI Liquid anodyne or sedative CHINTSUZAI Anodyne CHIN-UtE SHIGOTO Piecework CHIN-YAKU Hack translation CHINZAI. Railway tie,support CHINZEN Food delicacies,dainties CHINZEN TO SHITE Putting out one's head CHINZUMI Prepayment CHINZURU To excuse,vindicate CHINZURU To state,set forth CHIOCHI Landslide,cave-in CHI 0 HAKU To spit blood CHI 0 HAKU OMOI Sensation of excruciating pain 3HI 0 MIGAKU To cultivate wisdom, sharpen the intellect CHIRABARA Scattering, dispersion CHIRACHIRA Little by little,irregularly, vaguely,confusedly CHIRAMEKU To float,balance,tremble, vacillate CHIRASHI Scattering,dispersion,disorder CHIRASZIt GOMOKU Rice,fish,and vegetable dish CHIRASHI KiKOKU Handbill,advertisement CHIRASHI MOY6 Scattered patterns CHIREKI Geography and history CHIREKISHU Asphalt odor CHIRI Bit,particle,trace CHIRI Disorderconfusion CHIRI Convenient location CHIRI Products of soil CHIRI Strategic advantage,advantage of position CHIRI Dispersionscattering CHIRI Fish prepared with lemon juice CHIRI BAKARI Insignificant thing, nothing but dust CHIRiBAME Inlaid work,engraving,setting CHIRIBAMEKATA Setting, of jewels CHIRIBAMU To be covered with dust CHIRIBOKORI Dust raised by wind CHIRICHIRI Wilted with emotion or fright CHIRICHIRI Wrihkled CHIRIGIWA Moment of dispersion CHIRI HITOSUJI -Trail of dust,trifle CHIRI JISSA Inspection of ground CHIRIKA Formosa Geography Section CHIRIKAKARU To begin to flee in all directions CHIRIKATA Dispersion,scattering CHIRIKAU To flee in all directions, intermingle A4t 1 - AL4 3 gPbf a Al *44 u4 Ak:t 97 (CZ l-i E -ti 7 it - go,, 1 -4 $4 oa se ( *1' -, ~ ME ' 0f3 J1E ~ a 7 1& A #& 44 jB -E L Acir 1Ct6 ~d 4,t.# 1 #els ~a FoAik B #oLi J 8~on ~ 4L~0 6 MWpR ao t;e;d fs t. b E~i43 ~ J ftk~ tWC U ~Qi,cA Adp r A1tH t9pr rR d~L 4n: AAjF Jt ~ I Vo'" CHITSUJO CHIRIMAMIRE NO Dusty CHIRINOKORU To be left over after dispersion CHIRISKRU To be all scattered CHIRISHO Geography book CEIRITATASU To raise dust CHIRITSU SURU To'erect,found, establish CHIRTYOKE FUKU Light overcoat CHIRO Open flreplace CHIROCHIRO Flickeringly CHIRORI Flickeringly CHIRU To lose beauty or freshness CHIRY6 Land rent CHIRY6 SURU To know,be aware of, understand CHIRY5GAKU Therapeutics CHIRY&HI Doctor's fee CHIRY6HIN Medical supply CHIRYIH6 Remedy,cure,treatment CHIRYOKU Productive power of land CHIRYBSHIGATAI Incurable CHIRYU Delay CHIRYUHEI Straggler,absentee CHISAI Little,small CHISAN Landed property,land CHISANSHA Late comer CHISAN TODOKE Written excuse for tardiness CHISEI Growing on land CHISEI Strategic advantages CHISEIGAKJ Geopolitics CHISEISHO National Land Administration, China CHISEKIBO Register of cadastres or land surveys CHISEKIZU Cadastre,map of land surveys CHISHA Scanning area by searchlight CHISHI Cause of death CHISHIGO Hour of death CHISHIKI Friend,acquaintance CHISHIKININ Intellectual person CHISHIKI SHUGI Intellectualism CHISHIN Center or core of earth CHISHIN SURU To risk one's life CHISHIN NETSU Heat of earth's core CHISHINTEKI Geocentric CHISHIRY6 Fatal dose CHISHITSU CH6SA Borings in mining CHISHITSUJ6 From geological point of view CHISHITSU KEIT6 Geological formation CHISHO Locality,plot of land,lct,place CHISH5 Clever general CHISHb Natural barrier,as river etc CHISH5 Real property action,in law CHISHO KAOKU SHAKURY6 Allotment for land and buildings CHISHO Bashfulness,diffidence CHISO Nanking Perilla,a plant CHISB Feast,entertainment CHIS6 Swift running,race CHIR6 Topography CHISO IJ6 Land tax transfer CHISO WARI Land rate,tax rate CHISSO HIRY6 Nitrogen fertilizer,HISSOKUSEI NO Asphyxiating,suffocating, lung-irritant CHISSOKUSEI BUTSURY6 Asphyxiating substances CHISSOKtSEI GASU Asphyxiating gas CHISSOKUZAI Asphyxiant,lung irritant CHISUISAKU Plan of river improvement CHISUJI Blood vesselsarteriesveins CHITABI Thousand times,frequently CHITAI Form of government CHITAI NAKU3 Without delay,immediately CHITAN Land mine detector CHITANQ Titanium CHITAN GENK6 Titanium ore CHITANK6 Titanium ore CHITCHANA Dainty, tiny CHITHI Bottom of pond CHITEI Declsionfixing CHITHI Subsoil CRITEISUI Subter~ranean waters CHITEKI N6RYOKIJU Mental faculties CRITEN SURU To stumble and fall CRIT6 ~Reservoir dike or embanlonent CRITOKtJ Acquired information CRITORtJ Knowledge and virtue CHITOTSU SURU To make an inroad CHITSUJO Vertical communication during combat,front to rear ORITBUJO BINRAN 26 t## I AL.da$ A, ol 19 41 -I10, -I~t 44 gtltilki) ~ 9A JT S+ ~tI1!") it lztrf I I~~ go "of!) AAA ff (Ia - i* 10a - Wffl ~fySj o CHITSUJO BINRAN Overturning of order CHITSUJO HAKAI Disorganization CHITSUZEN Systematically,in order CHITSUZUKI Consanguinity,blood relationship CHI-UMI Sanies,bloody pus CHI-UMISEI NO Sanious CHI-UN Movement by land as contrasted to sea CHI WAKI NIKU OD6RU Thrilling CHIYAHOYA Making much of CHIYAKU Remedy,medicine CHIYAKUNIN Local official CHIYO Long life,endless duration CHIYU KEMBI Wisdom and valor CHIYCUTEKI Healing,.curative CHIZAI Procedure in criminal cases CHIZU SEISAKUGAKU Cartographic science CHIZU SEISAKUH6 Cartography,map making CH6 Counter for bean curd CH6 Counter for precinct divisions CH6 Denmark CHB One sen,on rice market CHB6 Slice or block of bean curd CH6 Unit of linear measure,109.09 meters CHb6 Counter for baskets,candles,forks, guns,knives,razors, samisen, sissors, vehicles,sticks of ink CH6 Counter for railway ties CHB Counter for musical instruments,bows, lanterns CHB Kalgan CHC Precinct,neighborhood, district,block of buildings CHB Unit of square measure,0.9917 hectares CHR Counter for doses of powders Cgo Spy CH6 Radical 168 CH6 Radical 192. CHR Territorial administration in Hokkaido,Karafuto,Kwantung CH6 Twenty sheets of paper CHB6- Conscript CH6- Super,ultra CHRAI Balance of accounts CH6AN SURU To hesitate CH6 ATONI Atonic bowel,ileus CH5BA Taunt,jeer CH6BAJO Paddock CHRBAKAN Riding master CH6BA KANKU Horse requisition district CH6BAN KANSETSU Ginglymus,hinged joint CH6BAN KANSETSUJB NO Ginglymoid CH6BASAKU Longe,training halter CH6BASAKU ENSHO Exercise with halter or longe CH6BASH6 Remount depot,in cavalry CH6BASH5 NO UMA Remount,new horse CH6BASHU Horse trainer,horsemaht CH6BATSU SURU To promote over others CH6BATSUH6 Disciplinary or repressive laws CH6BATSU I-IN Disciplinary committee CH6BATSUKEN Disciplinary or punitive power CH6BEN Long whip CHB6BEN Purchase CH6BEN SURU To supply CH6BEN BAFUKU Beyond the reach of the law CH6BENHI Supplies expense CH6BETSU SURU To be separated by death CHOBICROBI At frequent intervals CHOBI GINK6 Central Reserve Bank of Nanking CHOBIKEN Central Reserve Bank notes CHOBIKENKI Plane carrying Central Reserve notes CH6BISEI Comet CHOBISUKE Dwarf,short man,runt CH6B0 Morning and evening CH6B6 SURU To command a view of CHOBOCROBO Drop by drop CHOBOCHOBO NO Dotted,spotted,speckled CHoBO HEISA Closing of accounts CH6BOJB NO FUSAI Book debt CHBE0KA Conscription Section CHbBO KAKAKU Book value CHRBO KENSA Auditing of accounts CHRBO KESSAN Closing of accounts CHOBOKU Stored lumber CHOBOKU Recruiting district la it 44 R dd 1 "r ~ AS: A 9rnt 5 -t V/4 K Ali0 k1M d A A IAl -1 5 IS t~fb *&1;.A t ~ 4'9 #1 sidf 5 F &if 05 ' ~ MpA ~i ~frK3 3 f9( C A-t[ - pfC# 3 L tb$[i ~ BSAMj Z re it rk 191 5 10it 5 ha 83t;d34F4 it41% at Af jb~i MAJi Z MA ~S b15 * CHAGAKU CHRBON Cause, origin,ringleader CHOBU Rashness,vehemence,stubbornness CH6BU Capping,head part,top,summit,CH6BU Gibe,scoff CH6BU Unit of area,2.45 acres CH6BU SURU To dance CH6BUTSU Riffraff,worthless people CH6BUTSURIGAKU Metaphysics CH6BY6 Chronic disease CHRCHI Correction,chastisement CH6CHI Secret information,espionage CH6CHI SURU To spy out,learn from espionage CH6CHI SURU To be informed CH6 CHIBUSTU-SEI NO Typhoidal CHB CHIFUSU Typhoid,typhoid fever CH6 CHIFUSU YOB6 SESSHU Typhoid inoculation CH6CHIKAN- House of correction,reformatory CH6CHIKI Sound detector CHOCHIKU GINK6 Savings bank CHOCHIKU KIN Savings CHOCHIKUT SAIKEN Savings bond CHOCHIKUSHIN Thriftiness CHOCHIKU YOKIN Savings deposit CH6CHR Augury,presage CH6CH6 Governor of a cho,Formosa etc. CHdCH6 Provincial commissioner,China CH6CH6 With a rattle,clank,or clatter CH6CH6 SURU To assemble,collect CH6CHOKU Morning watch CH6CHOKU Revision,re-examination CHRCHOKU SURU To revise,readjust CHbCHRSHII Talkative,noisy CH6CHGBYb Helminthiasis CHb6CHUGAKU Helminthology CHb6CHU TENKOKU Straining after effect CH6CHUYAKU Worm medicine,anthelmintic CH6DA Long serpent CHODAI Remarkableness,greatness,vastness CH6DAI Development,expansion,growth CH6DAI Length and breadth CH6DAI Enlargement,extension,expansion CH6DAI Kalgan Diplomatic Office CH6DAI Please be good enough to CH6BDAI NA Important,grave CHRDAI NA Long CH6DAISOKU Deep sigh CH6DAN Anguish CH6DAN Elongated cannon shell CH6DAN Long conversation CHb6DAN Clear hearing CH6DAN SURU To listen to,hear CHBDATSU Flight,escape CHRDATSU Predominance,excellence CH6DATSU Standing aloof from CHRDATSU KAISHA Provisioning company CHb6DATSUSHA Purveyor of supplies CH6DEN Long telegram CHBDEN Tidewater rice field CHb6DO Audibility CH6DO Long measure CH5DO Tension,,egree of tension CH6DO Tuning,adjustment CH6D5 Long distance CH6D6 SURU To incite,goad,stir up CH6DOKYOKU Bureau of supplies, commissariat CH6DOKYOKAN Superdreadnaught CH6EI Special favor,protection CHbEKIAGARI ~ Ex-convict CHREKIBA Convict prison CH6EKIJO Convict prison CRBEKIJ6 Convict prison CH6EN Length CHREN Severe blame CHRETSUGAKU Excess,surplus CH6ETSU SHAGEKI Firing over friendly troops CH6ETSU TETSUGAKG Transcendentalism CHRFU Pasting on,affixing CHRFUKU SURU To be composed,be calm CH6FUKU SURU To duplicate CHRFUKU SURD To subdue,quell C6FUOKU FURIKAE Double transfer CHRFUKGGO Pleonasm CH6FUKU 'R OKEN Double insurance CHBFONSEKI Guano CH6GAI Not on the register CH6GAIMONO Vagabond CH6GAKU Learning by listening CH6GAKU Stethoscopy CHoGAISEU 27 Il -Z ~ 1~4 IJIA A0 0, &1-7,A 7f, A,ý ~i 7 'r+ ~~4ttt6 CSO Ait lei ft V- 1 dif~ f~ 10 A~;~ 'rrtO.7 ~~~ vat ýk S F# 'ai t z S;Xi1 I ~U2F ~ AEPf I 7 9 -RA4 i tlret a sn & 4 pr ER rr~ ~I ~i jt3 ~ fit;E taiM r~ p E4 1 SR CH6GANSHU Intestinal cancer CHbGATA NO Butterfly-shaped CH6GEI Huge whale CHOGEN Marked reduction,conspicuous decrease CH6GEN Words of condolence CH6GENKAKU Acoustic hallucination CHEGI Specialty CH6GI SURU To jeer at, ridicule CHOGIN Central Reserve Bank of Nanking CHRGO Long conversation CH6GO Sneer,jibe CH6GO Tautology CH6G6 Signature,in music CH6G6BUTSU Mixture CH6G6GAKI Medical prescription CHRG6GAMI Medical prescription CH6G6 SUIYAKU Mixture,draught CH6G6YAKU Mixture,druggist's preparation CH5GU DAI Rack for unloading small boats CH5GUN Excellence,superiority CH6GUN Flock of birds CHOGY6 Work begun CH6GYOH6 Angling CH5GYOSHI Angler CH6GYOSHU Angler CH6HAN Breakfast CH6HAN Engraving CH6HAN Recidivism CH6HANSHI Engraver CH6HATSU Raising men for army CHBHATSU SURU To challenge CH6HATSU SURU To supply,contribute CHaEATSU KYuY6 Feeding by requisi'tion CH6HATSUTAI Foraging party CH6HATSU ZOKU Taiping rebels CHOHEI Paper money,banknotes CH6HEI Engagement,employment CH6HEI Exhaustion,decay CH6HEI SURD To get troops in readiness CH6HEI CHOSEN Drawing lots for conscription CH6REI HIKI Evasion of conscriptio C11HEI HOKEN Conscription insurance CH6HEIKY6 Conscription list CI{5HEI-IN Contingent of conscripts CH6HEIKU SHIREIBU District conscription headquarters CHK6HEI SERARERU To be summoned to court CH5 HEISOKU Intestinal obstruction CH6HEI TEKIREISHA Person of conscription age CH6IHEI YIYO Postponement of enlistment CHOHEN Great change CH6 HERUNIYA Abdominal hernia CH6HI Government office's expenditures CH6HI Ricochet CHdHI SURU To reprimand,censure CH6HO Assistant chief CH6HO SURU To supplement,compensate CH6H6 Precious thing,treasure CH6H5 SURU To spy and send on information CH6H6HI Secret intelligence funds CHoHoKA Intelligence Section CH5H5 KIKAN Intelligence agent CH6HBM6 Spy net,spy ring CH6HON Cause,origin CH6RBSHA Intelligence personnel CH6HY6 Augury,presage CH6HY6 Evidence,testimony,circumstantial proof CH6HYd Grounds for a judgment in law CHbI High rank,important post CHRI Investment,siege CHRI Official or court dress CHRI KIN Condolence money CHbIKU SURU To support,train CHbIN BASHO Place for the seal CH6INKOKU Signatory power CH6ITSU Excellence,superiority CHbITSU Overflow CH6ITSU SURU To excelbe distinguished CH6JA Chief of tribe CHbJAKU Morning and evening CHRJAKU NA Long CHRJI Keen or long ears,person quick at catching the import of a conversation CHRJI Long time CH6JIKAN Longrfor hours,for long time CH6JIKAN Reform school,penitentiary CHWJINICHI Long period CH6JI NI WATARU Long-standing AS 1 T TR '~ a 04U k A OA a 1~k '(4 ~ A9 A A 11 if t ti kto ST hi~a R5 ot sit eit ~~sS.R ia 1?Ji P TA?.M rah ~ $1 J, n v. 1 Stn Mi*A4 L -eft B A l I r~ Abt 3z; 4k i ifa-t 3 r~it AF;;t f prtte i 0 CHOKIN CH6JIRU To be addicted,be given to CH6JIRU To excel,be well-versed CH6JIRU To grow CH6JITSU Long days,long summer days CH6JITSU Morning sun CH6JIZUE Crutch CHbJ6 Effective defense,stout old castle CH6J6 Excellence CHR56 Piling,stackingheaping CH6J6 Repeatedly,again and again CH6J6 TORIHIKI Over-the-counter transaction CH6JU SURU To receive,radio CH6J3 Compliance,prompt obedience,assent CH6JU MO FUtK5 Not caring even to hear about something CH6JUN Taming CHBJUijTENTEKI Ultra important CHOJUTSUKA Author CHOJUTSUSHO Work of an author CHOKA Flagon,small jug CH6KA Capital crime,heinous crime CH6KA Severe punishment CHRKA Overhead CH6KA Suspension,letting hang down CH6KA Harmony and peace,accord CH56KA SURU To harmonize,adjust suitably CH65KA SURU To jump down CH65KA SURU To leap over,pass,surpass CHRKA SURU To lower,let down CH6KAGAKU Surplus,excess CH5KA HOKEN Overinsurance CH6KAI Harmony,reconciliation CH6KAI Organization of town households, Formosa CHdKAI Precinct or neighborhood council, Formosa CH6KAI Town or district assembly CHRKAI SURU To open wide,spread out CH6KAI BATSU Disciplinary punishment CHRKAI.BOHEN Instability of things human CH6KAIHb Disciplinary law CH65KAIJ R House of correction,reformatory CH65KAIKEN Disciplinary power CH6KAI MENSHOKU Disciplinary removal of official CH6KAIREI Disciplinary regulations CH6KAISEI Deliquescence CHoXAISHO Penitentiary,reformatory CH6KA KIKEN Abnormal risk CH6KAKU DASSHITSU Acoustic anesthesia CH6KAKU KABIN Acoustic hyperesthesia CH6KAN Bird's-eye view C i6KAN Bridge span CH6KAN Governor CH65KAN Gymnastic rings CHiKAN Sense of hearing CH6KAN Transcendence CH6KAN HAIKEI Bird's-eye perspective CH6KAN HARETSU Ruptured enterocele, rupture of intestinal tract CH6KAN SEKKAI Enterotomy CH6KAN SEKKAIKI Enterotome CH6KAN SETSUJO Enterectomy CH6KANSHA Official offices and residences CH6KA RITOKU ZEI Excess profits tax CHoKA TEIRAKU NISSu Days of demurrage CH6KEI Long neck CH6KEI Well-conceived plan CH6 KEKKAKU Intestinal tuberculosis CHXrKEN Minute hand CHRKEN Scathing reproach,severe blame CH6KEN Special favor,partiality,kindness CHRKEN Verification, CHRKEN SURU To levy CH6KEN BUNRAN High treasonesedition CHRKESSEKI SEISEI Enterolithiasis CH6KI Hearing organ CHRKI Miasma CHRKI Swelling,distension CH6KI SURU To revile,abuse CHRKI SURU To start up CHOKIBUNE Boat,small fast river boat CHOKICHOKI Clip-clip,snip-snip CH6KIKA SURE To lengthen time,protract CHRKI KASHITSUKE Long-term loan CHRKI KAWASE TEGATA Long exchange CHRKI K6D6 BUTAI Protracted operations force CHR6KI KSAI Long-term government loan CHOKIMBAKO Savings box CHOKIN Straight,bolt upright 1O'K I N 28?A 0 pJfi L FAtr R5If' j ~&;1* -r $T1;T PJ$ ~f rtij4 fh PITit i~,.ft -' ' th Ai -k ntfq + *ii AM a t Sfi, Sttkr I$iq t: 6 T 617 d tanlit~ Pi Ati PY (fTh r * SIt A J SX i~t t 3%441 b~~ ~C5 Z f3 aIm - -, - I fa #Vtol~ CHMKIN Adjacent, contiguous CH6KIN Supplying of money CH6KIN Tensor muscle,in anatomy CHOKIN AZUKARININ Savings depositor "CHOKIN AZUKARISHO Savings deposit office CHOKIN GINK6 Savings bank CHOKIN KANRIKYOKU Savings Administration Bureau CHOKIN KAYOICHB Passbook CHOKINKYOKU Savings bureau CHOKIN TSUCHB Passbook CHOKIRI Shortly,quickly,exactly CH5KISAI Long-term securities CH5KI SAIKEN Long-term bond CH6KISEICH0 Helminth,intestinal worm CH6KISEICHOBY6 Helminthiasis CHoKI SHASAI Long-term loan CHoKI SHIN-YO KASHI Long-term credit CHoKISHO Long-term prisoner CH6KI TEGATA Long-term bill CH6KI TORIHIKI Long-term transaction CHOKKAI Barb,malicious witticism CHOKKAI Meddling CHOKKAIH6 Literalism CHOKEKAKU Right angle CHOKKATSU J6KAN Direct superior CHOKKEI INZOKU Affinity in direct line CHOKKEI ANKEI Relationship in direct line CHOKKEISHIN Relative in direct line CHOKKETSU HATSUD6KI Direct-drive engine CHOKKIN Being immediately next to CHOKKIN SAIBANSHO Next higher court CHOKKIRI Briefly,exactly,in wink of eye CHOKK6 Straight direction CHOKK6 Through train CHOKK6KI Direct plane CHOKK6SHIN Direct march CHOKKURA Quickly,readily CHOKKY6 Direct co-operation,tactical support CHOEKY6KI Direct-co-operation plane CHOKKY6 K&KgiTAI Tactical air unit for ground support CHOKKYORI Distance as crow flies CHOKO Warehouse,granary CHOK6 Stored ore CH6KO Drying up,withering,fading CH6KO Overalls CHdK6 Flares CHiK6 Reddening of the face CH6iK Tide gate CHoK5 Yangtse River,long river CHOKOCHOKO TOBU To flutter,flit CCHK6DAN Parachute flare CH6K6DO Very high altitude CH6K6GAKU CHOJUITSUSHA Symptomatologist CHIK65HAN Erythema CH6K6KI Gag,muzzle CHIKOKKATEKI Supernational CH5KOKKY6 SEUGI Cosmopolitanism CH6KOKUBUTSU Carving,sculpture, engraving,statue CHIKOKUGA Vignette CHiKON Eternal regret,implaca'le hate CH6KON Grief,sorrow,trouble CH&K6SHO Lecture room,auditorium CH6K6TEKI Symptomatic CH6KBT6DAN Parachute flare' CH6KOTSUKIN Iliac muscle CHoK5 ZUI-I Admission free CHQKU Long pursuit of enemy CHiKU Tallness,tall body CHiKU SURU To take warning CHOKUBUNTAN Watch assignment or sector CHOKUCH6 SEKKAIJUTSD Rectotomy CHOKtIDAN Direct hit CHOKUDATSU SUTRU To communicate directly CHOKUDB Direct motion or action CHOKUD6 Direct route,straight road CHOKUEI Direct protection,convoy ships and planes CHOKUEIKI Standing air patrol,direct escort planes CHOKtTEI KITAI Escort plane unit CHOKUENTAI Direct cover unit CHOKUGEKIDAN Direct bomb hit CHOKUGENTEKI Frank,categorical CHOKUGO Plain speaking CHOKUGO H6DOKU SHIKI Ceremony of reading the Imperial Rescript CHOKSHATSU BAKUDAN Instantaneous bomb Lhi A A, 1-tt I i *1 i A 4:4A &t ~ JfR A44A N & 1PA~ &4t Au C &x " Jth 0 gag ilkn~~ At ý 3Asi & g TA ~ d t A ~ d &:A 1- s Wf $ Sd ir 5 ~ l,A ~s~s gjg ~ d ~8t ~ Lf 1 5 ** 9 a Bt 40 3 I4t Ct@ t Le1 $~S1( diPi u-n> 9nP) dP ~ b4Ti~tn Bi1 611$ Sbi~ CHONIKU CHOKUHITSU Outspoken or blunt writing CHOKUJITSU Straightforwardness,franknaess CHOKUJ6 Directly aboveI CHOKUJ6 Impulse,honest heart CHOKUJ6 KEIK5 Straightforward or impulsive action CH6KUN Education,formation,training CHOKUNIN Official appointed by Emperor CHOKUNIN GI-IN Peers named by Emperor CHOKUNINKAN Official appointed by Emperor CHOKUNYU Direct penetration or entry CHOKU6 MAISHIN Fearless advance CHOKUREI Direct control CHOKUREI Imperial edict CHOKUREIAN Draft of an Imperial decree CHOKUREI BUTAI Forces under direct control of Emperor CHOKURO Direct route CHOKURY6 Direct flow CHOKUSAI Direct judgment CHOKUSEN HIK6 Straight flight CHOKUSETSU Direct contact,immediacy CHOKUSETSU FUSA Direct blockade CHOKUSETSP GEN-IN Immediate cause CHOKUSETSUH6 Direct demonstration CHOKUSETSU KANKEI Direct relations or connections CHOKUSETSU KAWASE Direct exchange,in finance CHOKUSETSU KAWASE TEGATA Direct draft,in finance CHOKUSETSU SOKEN Right of direct action CHOKUSETSUTAI Unit under direct command CHOKUSETSU TAKUS6HIN Direct consignment CHOKUSETSU ZEI Direct tax,national tax CHOKUSHA Exact copy,close reprodietion CHOKUSHAH6 Direct-firing gun CHOKUSHA H6KA Plunging fire,direct shellfire CHOKUSHATEKI Point-blank,orthogonal CHOKUSH6 Direct argument CHOKUS6 SURU To send directly CHOKUSOTSU Under direct command CHOKUSOTSU BUTAI Force under direct command CHOKUTATSU SURU To deliver directly CHOKUTATSU SHIKETSUH6 Stopping venous bleeding of extremity CHOKUTEI Emperor's decision CHOKUTEIKI Straightedge CHOKUTB Saber with straight blade CHOKUTSUBIN Through traffic CHOKUTSU RESSHA Through train CHOKUWATASHI- Immediate delivery CHOKUYU Allegory,comparison,simile CHOKUYU Direct export CHOKUYU H6DOKU SHIKI Rite of reading Imperial message CHOKUYUNYUHIN Directly imported article CHOKUZEN Marching forward or straight ahead CHOKUZOKU Direct dependence CHOKUZOKU TAICH6 Superior in chain of command CH6KYO Earshot CH5KYb Training or breaking in of horse CH6KY0 Request,requisition CH6KYU SURU To call up,call in, call out CH6KYC SURU To requisition,demand CH6MAKUEN Peritonitis CHBMAN Ascites,dropsy of peritoneum CH&MAN SURU To loaf,put on airs CHbMAN-IN NO Overcrowded CH6ME Precinct division number CHKMEI Transparence, 1impidity CH6MIHIN Seasoning CH6MIN SURU To sympathize with the people CH6MIRY6 Condiments,seasoning CH6MO Luxuriant growth CH6MOKU SURU To glare at CH6MON Crown of head CHbMONSHI Messenger of condolence CH6NAI Interior oI town,quarter CH6i5AI In the quarter or neighborhood CHBNAI What is entered in register CHBNAI KISEICHO Intestinal parasites CHONCHON Clapping of hands CHMNEN Accumulated years,advanced age CHMNEN Long years,long life CHBNEN SURU To age,gather years CH6NICH IGETSU Long time CHONIKU Brawn,meat of wild boar CHONIN 29 CH6NIN Grave responsibility CHWNIN High office At A FA CHWNINGEN Superman itI- t1 6 CHO NI TSUKERU To get under way Wf 6 ~CH0N5 SURU To collect,levy 4 IA/ t CHONTO With clapping of hands lkx 1z CH-NYU SURU To jump into 4ý At CH6OMPU Macron,long vowel mark,dash,in telegraphy CH6ON SHUSH6 Main listening post ltA 4 CH6ON ZENSHINSH5 Forward listening post S CHOPPIRI Little,lightly,slightly CH6RAI Since morning CHWAN Bird's egg CHoRAN EKI Liquefied eggs A#P CH16RAITUN Powdered eggs CH6RANGAKU Oology CHbREMBA Maneuvering or reviewing field 4C it CHdRI Director in chief,head official -t z CH6RI SURU To arrange,adjust 14ifA; CH5RIH6 Cookery,cooking A YA CHBRININ Cook CH5RITEKI Occult,supernatural,miraculous CHBRO Long distance A, CHbR6 Billows,waves,suell )RA/ACH6R6 Engraving,carving 15 ACHBR6 Gondola of balloon CH5R5 Tidal wave 4J -t4 CHOROCHORO In a jiffy,secretly,on the sly CHdROEN Tidal marsh salt CH6RiKAI Consistory,tribunal of elders CHOROKKA Heedlessness `5 7' CHOROKKA MONO Heedless person - C40R6 KY6KAI Presbyterian Church CHoRON Enterology S9 CHORORI In a jiffy,for a while,secretly, on the slyr q 7 CHORORI Trickling,babbling,purling *M@L6 CH6RO YUDEN Instability of life A.&ac CHdRUI SHIY5 Aviculture Rojt, CHoRY6 SURU To frolic %h ~ CHORY6HIN Dry stores 1'I CHORYU Reservoir CH6RYO Affection,favor L CH6RYUO Long stream,wide river 3 ~ CH6RYU Tidal current JI CHdRYODAN Long explosive shell t44 CIoSABU Investigation or Inquiry Dept. r8 I CH6SADAN Inspecting group,observation party CH6SAI Cooking vegetables U Y CH6SA I-IN Investigating committee CH6SA I-IN Member of investigating committee CH6SA I-INKAI Investigating committee U Ik#$ CHABA JIKg Matter for investigation CHoSAKA Investigation Section CH6SAKKAKU Acoustic or auditory illusion CH6SAKU Climbing rope in gymnasium 40* CHOSAKUBUTSU Literary production *,CHOSAKUXA Author 44 A CHOSAKEUKEN Copyright,author's rights *$t%41 CHOSAKUKENSHA Copyright holder CHOSAKUKEN SHINGAI Copyright violation RP - ~CHOSAKUKEN SHOYU Copyrighted,ownership of copyright CH6SAN Visit to palace 1v CH6SAN BOSHI Tricking,imposture,duping CH6SAN RISHI Nobodies,any Tom,Dick,or Harry CH6SASHA Investigators,inspectors SCHBSASHITSIJ Investigation office CH6SATAI Investigation group CH6SEI Conscript ground crew CH6SEI Derisive cries,hoots CH6SEI Noise of tide CH6SEI Fashion,tendencies CHZSEI Power or force of tide CH8SEI Limpidity,purity, serenity CH6SEI Superiority,distinction CH6SEI Town administration CH6SEI FUGB Operator's signal CHBSEIRAN Adjustment group CH6SEI HBS6 Testing,tuning,or setting broadcast CH6SEIKI Governor,regulator, controller CHOSEIN I Seminal vesicle *t44 CH6BSEIRY6 Adjustment charge t- CH6SEIYAKU Guard or corrective in a drug At-t 6 CHOSEKI SURU To accumulate,store up CH5SEKI Accumulation, collection Y# CH6SEN Catgut 65892 0 - 45 - 3 CHOTAI A CH6SEN Intestinal gland CH5'4N Re-election To fjý CH6SEN Skyline,crest or ridge line *4 r., CH6SEN AZAMI Artichoke *A.fA%-,)j CH6SEN DOKURITSU D6MEI Korean Independence Alliance if 04t CH6SEN GINK6 Bank of Korea *)A * W CH6SEN GIYUGUN Korean Volunteer Army 40ý 0 CH6SENJ6 Written challenge 4 041( CH6SEN SEIBATSU Invasion of K6rea tJ#f CH5SEN SHUGI Chauvinism 4&rt CH6SENTEKI Aggressive ~t CH6SETSUSHA Moderator I-t1e CH6SEZOKUTEKI Unworldly -& CH6SHL H Elder,superior,virtuous man M4; CH6SHA Favorite,persona grata A*- CH6SHA Government quarters - CH6SHA Pulley wheel 4"If4 CH6SHAGUN Spy group $I";149 CH6SHAH6 Spy report -k444 CH6SHATEI Long range 4itj- CH6SHI Amble,ambling pace 0-f CH5HI Character,humor,disposition CH6SHI Tone,inflexion of voice,cadence A- CH6SHI Middle finger i 7- b CH6SHI SURU To spy,reconnoiter CH6SHIBUE Pitchpipe WJ[ *1 CH6SHIHAZURE Discord,false note 93J*(. CR6 SHIKY6 Bishop of Kalgan 4 CH6SHIN Elevation above others # CHB6SHIN Tallness,high stature -aT40 HAi CH6SHI S6ZOKUKEN Primogeniture 0P 4 t CH6SHIZENCHI Supernatural enlightenment 44 N'k CH56SHIZENRYOKU Supernatural power r CHbSHIZUKU To keep in unison,catch the spirit of,continue,pursue S CHBSHO Letter of condolence d C CH6bSH6 Damages,reparation ti CH6SH6 Emblem,ensign -1 CH6SH6 High recompense,great praise CR CHSH16 Invitation, convocation,call dt CH6SH6 Token,symbol,sign,proof i CH6SH6 Tide rip,agitation of ocean waters At CH6SHOKU Breakfast tR04lA k CHBSHO NEDAN Upset price t0jA,* CH6SH6 SHOBUN Damages judgment AtL CH6SHU Listening,hearing A#*t CH6SHU Swelling,tumor,boil k* CH65HU Collectionassembling,levy, recruitment ed,40A CH6SHUGAKU Amount of taxes collected dfgit$t ' CH6SH1 HAKENSHO Recruiting and despatch office 40,141F& CH6SHU HOKEN Assessment insurance *rAlW CH6SH9KA Assessment and collection section 4cd CH6SHUN Long spring 4*AA CH6SHUONIN Tax collector It~t CHdSHUSHA Listener ~40 CH0SHVH6 Listening post grl OCHoSHuTEI Folding boat,faltboat Oal CH6SHUTSU Execellence,superiority %utf 4 CH6SHUTSU SURU To leap out Mal ' CH6SKUTSU SURU To send outsupply AjRM4fl CH63SH0 YOYO Deferment of military service FT CHOS6 Storage tank -5 CH686 Bird's nest Wit CHoSo Kalgan Consulate General -4c CHR63 Long lance 4 J CH6S5 Onset of tide "A91n6CH654DOKI Acceleration of tide eI -k CHZSONCH6 Town and village mayors eJMUL CH6SON JOYAKtU Mayor's assistant er44 g CH6S0NSEI Municipal system -rr CHR680 Distance,number of blocks CHOSUI Pond,pool,basin CH6SUI Emaciation,wasting away,decay Af CHOSUIJO Reservoir,tank c 1 CHOSUIS6 Reservoir,tank? a CH6SURU To corroborate t w CH6SURU To demand,impose,make pay CHSURIJ To summon,call,convoke *1o- 8 CH68URU To verify,prove,demonstrate CRbSURU To listen,hear /r CR680 SHIRABE Collation CHB6TAI Arm sling t-4a ~CH6TAI SURU To jump aside CH6TAKU Elaboration,elaborate carving S CHB6TAKU SURU To excel 410A CHOTAMBA Coal storage place AC,5A CHETAMPA Ultra-short wave "Al CHOTAN Coal supply,coal on hand CHoTATSU Sfo-o 30 "AsJ it f "SdT t P4 i+ ti TAi 1& - & &ISIE Alt A<4 AR 1 3tli~ 4; ~t ~tsSdi ~ (Pki 84 At A A P Jz- f' 6 P4 T AtSie t44 All da k tp -it 01t t '4 ~ 4 R i& * 4, ~, ~ Lii & arZ y Ip 6 it e sA. M4) ad FP all.~P Si CHB6TATSU SHoKB Procurement officer CH6TEI SURU To revise,audit,adjust CH6TEIGAKU Revised amount CH6TEIKA Council,in Formosa CH5TEIXK Low altitude CH6TEI UNDB Reconciliatory moves CHBTEN Dash CH6TEN SEICH6 Highest growth, CH6TO Long journey CHbTb Challenge,provocation CH6T6 Ear trumpet CH6T5 Long head,elongated skull CH6T6 Long saber CHdTb Sorrow,grief,condolence CH&T6HATEKI Transcending parties CH6TOJI Bookbinding,bookbinder CH6WA BUNKATSU Harmonious division or partition CH6YAXU Translation of a translation CH5YAKU Preparation of medicaments CH6YAKU SURU To prepare a prescription CH6YAKUBA Town hall,town office CH6Y6 'Chrysanthemum festival CH6Y6 Nourishing and educating CH5Y6 Rising sun CH6Y6 SURU To commandeer,charter CH6Y6REI 3ommandeering order,law for expropriation CH6YdSAI Superfortress CHUY6SEN Commandeered or chartered vessel CHOYU Oil storage,stored oil CHOYUJ5 Oil storage depot CHOYUSHO Oil storage site CHOZAI Stored materials,accumulated wealth CHbZAIJ6 Pharmacy,dispensary CH6ZAIROKU Prescription register CH6ZAISHI Druggist CH6ZAN Double trench,double moat CH6ZEN Incomparably,pre-eminently CH&ZEN NAIKAKUJ Superparty cabinet CHbZEN SHUGI Political independence, policy of isolation CHbZETSU Prattle,chatter,babble OHOZ6 Marked increase CHOZ6 Storage,stocking,preservation CHOZU SURU To think over,reflect upon CHOZ6BUTSU Provisions,stores CHBZb DAIRISEKI Statuary marble CH6ZOKU Unworldliness,simplicity CHOZON Keeping in store CHE6ZUMENIKU CHUDOKU Botulism CH5ZURU To apply oneself CH6ZURU To examine,inspect,arrange, prepare ChEZURU To spy,spy on,try to detect CHE China CHO Nota bene,n.b.,note CHO Radical 003 CHO Residing in,stationed at,accredited to -CHO During,while,in the act of,now CHUAI Kindness CHUBA Center team-horse CHUBAI Arbitrage,mediation CHUBAN Order number CHOBARA Displeasure,vexation CHUB5 SURU To be stationed as defense units CHUBrREN Chinese Trade Association CHUBU Palsy CHOBUTSU Cast article CHOBYU Forethought,careful consideration CHEOBY SUfiU To wrap round,wind round CHOCHI SURU To assemble CHOCH6 Evisceration,disembowelment CHOCHI SURU To mourn,bewailCHUCHU Sadly,anxiously CHODAN Central section of a railroad CHODAN Inloading CRODAN SOtRU To discontinue,interrupt, suspend,cut in two CHODO Degree of torsion,twisting,torque CHODOKUSEI Toxic gas CEUDOKUZAI Toxic compound CHOEl Residing in England CHOETSU Residing in French Indo-China CHOFU Ship's cook CHEFUCH6 Steward CHOFUIKU Amidships CHUFUKU Mesogastrium CHUFUN Indignation 4A,1 S4, 4, j ep RC~ g j 4 6 4, 4, 4, 4" 4, * 4, ~ 4, ~ 4,A a A t #~Pit J ~4 -fr -3 M~ft 0145, ~ utP fpA 14,~ T 9P tP ~i~ sit33 ET ~ 1 p h 4,[ 4, 4, ~ 49 M 9tP a 34o T 3P7 T $&P 6 \ ## lA-t ##k t 9 g -~ 9 - \P SL t 9 t it tP s-a~ Ip ~76 #,#FU) 9 Bd3 5 b fg PLJht cp8rtjp; tP403 B~~tt tie AAR * rd~j~B~t~~ 4,!d1 ~. CHiiAN SH-NIN CHiFUN Loyalty CHuFUTSU China and France CHUFUTSU Residing in France CHuGA China and Russia CHUGA BUNKA KY6KAI 3Sino-Bussian Cultural Association CHUGAI ZAIMUKAN Financial agent abroad CHUGAKTJSEI Middle-school student CHUGATAKI Medium bomber CHUGIDATE Manifestation of loyalty CHUGEN Central plain,North China CHOGIN Central bank CHUGOKU Southern part of Henxsiu CHuGOKU BoEKI China Trade CHuGOKU BoEEKI RENGaKAI China Trade Association CHUGOKU DENKI KAISHA China Electric Co. CHUGOKU KOKUMINT6 Kuomintang,Chinese Nationalist Party CHiGOKU MEIUN China's Destiny,book by Chiang Kai-Shek CHUHA Medium damage,partial damage CHUHATY -Mesoderm,mesoblast,in anatomy J*HUHAKU Forearm CHOHAKUGEKIH6 Medium trench mortar CHOHAN Half,middle,halfway CHUHAN Ubelessness,ill adaptation CHUHEI Garrisoned soldier CHOHEIKEN Right to station troops CHUHIN Article of medium quality CHUHb Chinese broadcasts CERuOKUSHI North and Central China CHOI Nota bene,n.b.,note CHUI SURU To subjugate CHUIBUKAI Wide-awake,mindful,cautious CHOI JIK5 Matters to be attended to CHOI JIMBUTSU Person under police surveillance CHU IJb Above the average CHU IKA Below the average CHUIN China and India CHOI NI ATAI SUBESHI It is worth watching CHOINR KYU China-India air transportation CHOJA Faithfulness and unfaithfulness CHUJIEN Tympanitis,inflammation of the middle ear CHOJIN Cook CHUJIN Loyalty as shown by actions CHOJIN Ordinary person,middle-class person CHOJO Tail spade CHUJ6 Heart,sentiments CHOKA China CHUKA Neutralization,moderation CHUKA SURU To appease,pacify CHUKA Torrential rain,downpour CHiUKA SURU To have a severe diarrhea CHOKA DENKI K5GY5 China Electric Industries Co. CHOKAHI Mesbocarp CHOKAI Central body CHUKAI Ingot CHOKAI Keeping in the heart,cherishing CHUKAI Mediation,intervention CHUKAI SURU To bear in mind,remember CHOKAIBUTSU Medium,in pharmacy CHUKAIKOKU Mediatory power CHUKAISHA Intermediary,mediator CHOKAISHO Agency CHOKAI ZENKAI Plenary session of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang CRUKAJIN Nanking Chinese CHRKAKI China Airways plane CHUKAAKdK China Airways CHuKA MINKOKU Republic of China, CHOKAMPAN Middle deck,main deck CHOKAN Advice,reproof CHUKAN Faithfulness,fidelity CHOKAN BAKUKI Day bomber CHUKAN BdEKI ITtermediate trade CHOKANGITAN Loyal spirit CHOKANHA Neutrals,independents CRUKA.NJ6 Intermediate station CHUKAJI HEIKI Interim prosperity CHOKA.N KICHI Intermediate base CHKANMKOKU Buffer state CHOKAN KONKYOCHI Intermediate base CHUKAN SENTi6KI pay fighter CHEfKANSH] Intermediate depot CHOWAN SHWINf Broker,middleman CHUKAN 505HO 31 4) #l& W 1~ 4,y 4, ~ 4, iG*-: 6fS 4,g s t, i 4, rA 4, ~ Pty 94,: 49, ~P.i o + rA 4, ~ 4, AfI 4, sk t 4,t t 4, ( s ~x; P9; ~S - pit ~ 1 AE ~ ji gr t ~a~ gb'P P1 t ~f~ 61A 4 4tt ~ 4% I 3A ~e -i ~ %~ P 4 Age F ~e - eCkk 'P Aie -~ ~P Afe ~ F 9 AgLyt?- 5 e ~ A R t S4,0tg CHROKAN 0 SOSH5 Incidental issue,internal lawsuit CHUKAN T2ISHAJB Intermediate station CHUKANT6 Varioloid,mild smallpox CHUKA SHUKUSEI Chinese Association for REKKA I-INmAI Boycotting Japanese Goods CHOKEI Respectful loyalty CHrKEI B5EKI Intermediary commeuce CHUKEIKYOKU Intermediary postoffice CHOKEI NAIKAKU Interim cabinet CHOKI Middle part of the month CHOKI Used equipment CHOKI Lettering,on maps etc. CHOKI SURU To note down CHuKISHoBU Central Meteorological Department CHUK5 Loyalty and obedience CHUK5 Medium attack plane CHOK5 Middle of the way,golden mean CHUKOHIN Used or secondhand articles CHRKdHIN Steel casting CHGK5KAI Ingot steel CHOK6KI Medium attack plane CHOKOKU China CHOKONHI War memorial CHiEio RYoKo Bank of China and the Bank of Communications CHUKOSHI Medieval history CHUKU Barrel of horse CHUKU Hollow,cavity CHOKUN Loyalty CHUKYAKU Footnotes CHOKYO Void,hollow,cavity,hole CHOKY6 Residing in Hungary CHOKY6 GUN Chinese Communist Army CHUKY6T6 China Communist Party CHuKYu GUN Loyal Relief Army CHUM6 Spider-web net or reticule CHUOMON CHIGAI GA ARU Not as ordered CHRMONCH6 Order book CHOMON HIKAECH5 Order book CHUMONHIN Articles on order CHUMONJ5 Order,requistion CHOMON NAGARE Canceled order CHUMON NO FUKUS5 Congedtion of orders CHOMONO Articles of medium quality CHOMON 0 TASHIKAMERU To confirm an order CHUMON SAKI Orderer,the receiver of an order CHOMONSHO Order,requisition CHOMONTORI Canvasser,salesman CHUMON TSUKIKOMI KAKARI Order clerk CHOMON Y6SHI Order blank CKHM6SH6 Hemeralonia.dav blindness CHuNAMBEI Central and South America CHENANSHI Central and South China CHONEXNI Middle age CHUNENSHA Middle-aged person CHUNETSU Internal body heat CHuNICHI China and Japan CHUNYU EKI Injection,the liquid CHUNYU KAN Central runnerof steel foundry CH06 Central government,headquarters CH06 BASH6 Central remount depot CH06BUNDAN Metropolitan literary circles CH06 BUNKO Central library CHuo CHOBI GINKo Central Reserve Bank of Nanking CH06 FUR6TO Central float CH06GUN Central military headquarters, authorities CHRd KANCHR Central authorities CHUR KEISATSU Central police CHR6KEN Central authority CHuo KENKYOIN Academia Sinica CHR0 KIKAN Central body CHRB KINKO Central depository CHEi KEINXOKYOKU Central Vault Bureau CHuo KoMU-IN CHGKAI Commission for 1-INKAI Disciplining Officials, China Huo KotiN KONSHI Central Air Transport Co. CHU OYOKU Central office CHUb KY6RYOKUKAI Central Cooperative Association CHR0 KY6TEI Joint board,navy CHR6 MAKU Mediastinum,in anatomy CHOON Medium temperature CHRb SEIJI I-INKAI Central Political Council CHuo SEIJI KAIGI Kuomintang Central Political Council ~P AAL P &~t=i $ + Ai~tt( 4, A ~9 ft~j M~~~Irt 4P, $4, 4,4 4,i 4,$ 4, ~ S5_f 249 9 Es-@ (4, 4, aZ~k 4,y 4, 10Lttt (,QAg N Jz lF @ ftWE ~ 4, t{AK$ - $4' t t 4,tt6" At 1A. 4,t ft 4, iA4~i5 4, 'c 4, cf 4,3 J~~ l frt t X j a f ~ 4 4, "-t I:d -4,' 1 & ~n~P a ~t,~ (1P 4 ~ It ra)$ <J *;t I~ t~r9 CHuSHI SASUIZU CHRo SEN Central Line,Tokyo to Nagoya CH06SHA Central News Agency CHUb06 SHIJ6 Central mart,emporium CH06 SHIKK6 I-INKAI Kuomintang Central Executive Committee CHU6 SHONEN GAKK6 Central Preparatory Military School CHU6 SHOKEN Centralization of power CHR6 SH0KEN SEIDO Centralized administration CH06 TEISHAJ6 Central station CHuoTo Center Party CHU6 T5KATSU KIKAN Central Control Board CHOREIBY5 Soldiers' graves CHOREIT6 Soldiers' memorial monument CHOREN Intermediate trainer plane CHORIN Forest of medium growth CHORITSU Intermediary,go-between,agency CHORITSUCHI Neutral territory CHORITSU FUREN Strict neutrality CHORITSU GI-IN Independent member CHURITSUHA Neutral party. CHURITSU IRAN Violation of neutrality CHURITSUKEN Rights of neutrals CHURITSUK6 Neutral port CHURITSU KOKKI Neutral flag CHORITSUKOKU Neutral country CHORITSUSENKA Neutral goods CHORITSU SENSH6 Navicert 0(uRO Residing in Russia CHORY6 Column and beam,support,prop CHURYU Stay,sojourn CHURYU KAIKYO 'Middle classes CHORYU SHAEI Quarters for brief stay CHORYU SHAKAI Middle classes CHOSA H6JUTSUCHR Gunnery commander CHUSAI Major-domo,steward CHOSAI ININ KEIYAKUSHO Arbitration bojnd CHUSAIKEN Right of arbitrage CHUSAI NI FUSU To submit to arbitration CHOSAININ Intermediary,mediator CHUSAI SAIBANSHO Court of arbitration CHUSAI SAITEISHO Adjudication,award CHOSAISHA SAITEI Arbitration award CHUSAJI Dessert spoon CHUSA KiKAICHe Navigating commander,navy CHUSAKU Stratagem,plan CHUSAN Calculation,estimate CHUSAN Moderate means or fortune CHUSANKAI Luncheon party CHuSA SAMB6 Field officer attached to staff duties CHOSA SUIRAICHb6 Torpedo commander CHUSATSU SURU To put enemy to death,slay, murder CHUSEI BOIN Mixed or neutral vowel CHUSEIKI Middle ages CHUSEI NO KIFO Medievalism CHUSEITEKI Medieval CHUSEKI Formerly,before,in the past CHUSEN Loyal courage in battle CHOSEN GUN Army that is in Szechwan CHUSENKI Lottery wheel CHUSEN SHRKAN Redemption by drawing lots CHOSETSU Toggle CRHUSKA EKI Injection,the liquid CHOSHAKUSHO Annotated edition CHRSHAKUZUKI Annotated CHUSHASHIN Hypodermic needle CHUSHI Middle finger CHOSHI Residing in China CROSHI SURU To stop for the night,stay briefly C CHuSHI HoGYo KUMIAI Central China Pablishing Guild CHRSHI K6UN Central China Marine Transportation Co. CHOSHIN Sentiment,feeling CHOSHIN SURU To center around CHOSHINGURA Story of the Forty-seven Ronin CHRSHIN JIKU Central axis CHUSHIN KAKU Central angle CHRSHIN NETSU Central heat CHOSHINSEI Centrality,centricity CHOSHIN SEN KAKUHEKI Center line bulkhead,of ship CHRSHIN TEN-I Offsetting,throwing off center CHOSHIN YORI IKUBUN Little to the left of HIDARI E KATAMUKI center CHOSHI SASHIZU Stop order Ciffmii TRIHMAU KAMBU 32 4a'sta CHUSHI TEIHAKUK AMBU Central China Anchorage Beadquarters ~P5 CHUSHI YUSEI Central China Postal System CHU01O 0 Heatstroke + CHRSR6 Lieutenant general,vice-admiral CHUSH56 Medium and small 7 CCHUSHR Midnightduring the night C9( CH0SH6 Paralysis VP14 CHOSHB6 Radio interference CHUSHOKU Attention,careful observation $C CHUoSHOKU Noon meal h*tai CHUSH6SEI Abstractness 4**sf CHUSH6SHO Bell foundry Bg i C 0CHUSHU SURU To adhere to,persist in iLkr CHOSHUTSU Discharge,effusion,overflow MA1tfl CHUSHUTSU SURU To withdraw,as armies a CHuSO0 Residing in the Soviet Union SCRH0ISO0 China and the Soviet Union SCRHUS56 Between decks,'tween decks JAXL-Y, CHOSOKU SUU To stay for a short time,AP! CHUS6IUN Middle strata clouds CHUISSEKI Expulsion,ejection,removal ig CHRS0 Central administration,Chungking 4'c-k CHUSUI SURU To decline tK -A CHOaUIIB Douche e'g 44 CCHOW KIKAIN Nucleuscadre V4 9W'3 CH0US0 SAKUSEN Pivotal operation Ei'9 CHOTAI SURU To stay,sojourn N(1r-k CHOTAICH6 Company commander tNWktllJ CHOTAI JORETSU Column of companies p# Str CHOTAI KIKAN Company headquarters 4*g CHUTAKU Choice Z* CRHUTAN Loyalty CO CRHUTEI Interior courtyard,the parade SGCHROTEI Loyalty,fidelity and chastity P40, CHUTEI Medium flying boat 4t *t 6 CHOTEI SURU To fix V* CHUTEKI Medium grenade thrower 001# CRHTEEMKA SHIKI Cast iron cylinder type rtk* 6 CHuTEN SURU To destroy 344A& CHUTETSUHo Iron founding AAt r CHUTETSUSHO Iron foundry 4jkA CHOT6 Theft iktV 6 CHOT6 SURU To attack in battle 44 $iz CHOT6 SURU To be crowded together +4 *!ik CHUT5 GAKK5 Middle school q7 * 9 CHOT6RIN.Medium-quality goods X 44.-#P CHOTON BUTAI Army of occupation Stt CHUTSUMEN Dismissal vP + CHOWA Mitigationmoderation $-1*4- 00 CHUYA HEIBUNJI Equinox S AiA t CHUYA KENGY6 Working day and night #:$4tE40CHUYA SHOSHIN DEMPB Day letter 1Akit CHUYdKIN Vermiform or lumbrical muscle 4*AI A CHOY6 OKURIJ5 Skeleton invoice --A CHOY6 SHUGI Principle of the middle way, eclecticism Ar& CHUY6SUIEN Appendicitis +46 CHRYU Intermediate oil it CHOYU Lubrication;t CCHIYU Vegetable wax At-OKL CHOYU MUS6 Peerless loyalty and bravery MkO + CHUZAICHO During residence MMA4R CHOZAI-IN Resident officials ULS-1 CHOZAIKOKU Country of residence tJtZ4k * CHOZAI K6SHI Minister resident at + r CHUZENKAI Plenary session of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang 61i ~ CHOZ5GO Coined word M#4-it CHOZ6 K HEI Metallic coin 44 kZA J CHOZ6KI Casting machine D * DA Is,areetc. *t DA Quartermaster bit8 DA-AN Packsaddle 3,F~ DABA 51U11 To fall from a horse 4S DABA SURU To revile,vilify,asperse DABAGU Packsaddle trappings *t$j-4M DABA SHICoHoEI Pack-horse troops ga.zk( DABISHO Crematory tr $ ~CI~B DABOKUSH6 Bruise, contusion.dAiA DABOZO Dowel,peg,tenon,quoin 1: DABUDABU Buoyantly,bubblingly 4d4c DABtN Pack-horse load DABUTSUKU To be loose,float DABUTSUKU To be glutted,be too plentiful iTOk DABY6 Tack,rivet -DACHI Growth,development Az * V-444 4KM ~ZAt ffit;e -A h th 4v it A kA AM Im44 ot -k-d +la AAA* *AdrI )A~& iti f ~aWltidkt f <'Y~ti A,kj A4 i&R AE - jj sc ~1Y.bt get C k rkihg i Atlq ~ ktes a -)eFL AtiWl hldf ~6 h ><M A # It,9 t r i AMt ls 1 kl x k4; 7t 3 kR s 9tdL It k9# ~ pr It~J9L-$ 94t9 M JcM 8tESt DAIGAKU-IN GAKUSEI DACHb6 SHI-IKUJ6 Ostrich farm DADARA ASOBI Extravagant pleasures DADARA DAIJIN Spendthrift,pleasure seeker DADARU To be peevish,provoking DAEKI BUMPITSU KATA Excessive salivation DAEKISEI NO Salivary DAFU Idle fellow,lazy scamp DAGU Packas4ddle trappings DAGURA Packsaddle DARAI Hunchbacked person DAHO Capture or seizure DAROKEN Right of capture DAHO MENJ6 Letter of marque DAHO SAIBANSHO Prize court,in naval law DAHOSEN Prize,captured ship DAHOSEN KAIK5IN Prize crew DAHO SENSHA Captor of ship DAHOZO Dovel,peg,tenon DAI Counter for tables,vehicles,machines, etc. DAI Formosa DAI Weather observatory DAI Dairen DAI Radical 037 DAI Counter for generations,lives DAI Plate,manufacturer's name plate DA-I Tiller position -DAI Diplomatic office DAIAKI Great wickedness,black deed DAIAN Counterproposal DAIBARAI Payment for another DAIBENGY6 Business agency DAIBEN RY6JI Consular agent DAIBENTEN Agency DAIBUTSU BENSAI Dation in payment,legal term DAIBUTSU ISAN Substitutional legacy DAICHI SURU To substitute for DAICHI SEKAI Earth,world DAICH6 Length and breadth DAICHB Spring tide.DAICHB SURU To collect taxes for another authority DAICH6EN Colitis DAICHUOSH6 Large,medium, small DAIDAI Seville orange,bitter orange DAIDAI Successive dynasties,age after age DAIDAITEKI HIYAKU Great leap,very rapid.progress DAIDAI YOYO From generation to generation DAIDAIZU Vinegar from bitter oranges DAID6 High moral principles,natural law, providence DAIDB DANKETSU Merger,union DAID6GEI Street performance DAIDbGEININ Street performer DAID6 ICHINEN Manchukuo era year one', 1932 DAIDOKOROFU Kitchenmaid DAIDOKORY6 Food allowance DAIDOKO YAKU Kitchen steward DAIDOKU Dangerous poison DAID6MYAKUEN Aoritis DAID6MYAKUKTEI Aortic system DAID5MYAKU KOBU Aneurysm of the aorta DAID6 SHb6I General similarity DAID6 TANSH6 KABUSHIKI Ta-t'ung Coal KAISHA Depot Co. DAID6TEN Street shop DAIDb USU1 Large wooden mortar DAIHI Imperial General Headquarters DAIEIDAN Great, determination,decision DAIRN SURU To lecture in place of someone DAIEliKO Great Salt Lake DAIENSHR Grand maneuvers DAI1PU Godfather DAIF'UDA Leading card in game DAIFUG6 Multimillionaire DAIFIUU Battalior. adjutant DAIFUKU Rice cake stuffed with bean paste DAIpU'KUCHB Ledger DAIFUKU CHRJA Very happy and well-to-do person DAIFUKUMOCHI Rice cake stuffed with beap paste DAIGA Extreme elegance,delicate art DAIGAI Considerable damage DAIGAKUB- College cap DAIGAKUO BU-IN University staff DAIGAKU ICBIRAN University catalog DAIGAXU-IN Graduate abhool DAIGAKU-IN GAKUSEI Graduate student D INIPPON SEIJIKAI DAIGAKU KUAJI. 33 DAIGAKU KANJI University proctor kj DAIGAKU KEN' Notes of high denomination A* DAIGAKURIN Buddhist university ýJf ý5t DAIGAKUSEI College student 7k_1V t DAI GAKUSHUTSU College graduate 7k *JC DAIGARAN Cathedral DAIGASA Ceremonial umbrella S DAIGAWARI Change of reign or dynasty or family headship DAIGAWARI Change of theme or subject DAIGEN Pleading for another DAIGEN Theme of a speech DAIGENNIN Attorney 7k TAIf DAIGESUI Main sewer i-'QA DAIGI Popular representation,discussions in legislature i-vf DAJGI-IN House of Representatives DAIGTEKAI Representative assembly DAIGIKOKU State governed representatively KA-4VI DAIGISEI Representative system'? A Aft DAIGI SEITAI Representative government i- R,:A-li0 DAIGISHI KoHOSHA Candidate for legislature 8 t tW DAIGlISHlI SENKYO Legislative elections ý&_)M ]DAIGOKO Great Lakes $ -P DAI GO RETSU BUTAI Fifth columnists DAIGYAKU Revolt,insurrection A -i t DAIGYAKUJ JIKEN Lese-majeste ea DAIGYAKU MtUD Heinous treason At~ DAIHAKURANKAI Grand fair DAIHANJ5 Great prosperity All 4 DAIHAN YbSHI Foolscap i-tý 4 DAIHARAI Money payment A,# DAIHATSU Large motorboat SDAIHATSUD6KISEN Large motorboat DAIHI Great mercy and compassion DAIHIN Substitute goods t DAIHIN SHIHARAI Payment in kind DAIHITSUNIN Amanuensis DAIHON-EI BAKURY6 Imperial Headquarters Staff DAIHY6BU Representative agency DAIHY5BUTSU Model DAIHY6 HIMAN Big and burly DAIHY6KEN Right of representation DAIHYdKI Substitute flag DAI-I Meaning of title or symbol DAI-I Substitution, subrogation DAI-I BENSAI Payment by subrogation DAI ICHI AN First choice DAI ICHI GEN-IN Ultimate or prime cause DAI ICHI GIMU Primary obligation DAI ICHIJI First SDAI ICHIJI 6SH VTAISEN First World War DAI ICHIJI SAIMUSHA Parties primarily liable S DAI ICHI KACHo Chief of First Section DAI ICHI KENRI Primary right DAI ICHI KOKUMINHEI First National Army DAI IbHIRYO Fi~'st rank or class,best, foremost DAI ICHI WAKUSEI Principal planets DAI ICHI YOBI KIN General reserve fund 4 A DAI ICHI YOSEN KABU Prior preference stock DAI ID6 Sweeping change DAI IKKI Primary,primary stage 4 DAI-IN SURU To affix seal DAI IPPO Debut,initiative DAI-ISHA Deputy,substitute DAI-I SH6SHO Act of subrogation or substitution DAI ISSEN First battle DAI ISSHIN First priority,in communications DAI ISSHIN SAIBANSHO Court of first instance DAI ITA Bedplate DAI ITT6 First class DAIJI Capital letter,large character DAIJI Preface,prefatory motto DAI...JI Ordinal indication DAIJIGARU ~1to cherish,make much of JAIJI NA TOKU-I Beat customer DAIJIN RAIDEN Dispatch from the minister DAIJINSHOKU Minister's portfolio, ministership DAIJINUSHI Large landowner DAIJISHIN Great earthquake DAIJITSU KYUKA Postponed holiday DAIJ6BU Courageous manmanly fellow DAIJ6BU Good health AL;r ~DAIJ6TEKI NI MIRU To take a wide view DAIJUN Heavy cruiser e f DAIJUSH6 Grand cordon Ii DAIKABUNUSHI Large shareholder DAIKAGEKI Grand opera DAIKA Imperial General Headquarters, Navy DAIKAI Mass meeting DAIKAIKAKU Great reforms or improvements Al _T DAZKANCH6 Neap tide k tia DAIKANZOKU SHUGI Greater China Principle K DAIKASSAI Enthusiastic applause DAIKATSU Virulent reproaches DAIKEIKI Large plane A 4AIKEN K6RO Great circle route DAIKENSf luMagna Carta Vr ~DAIKI Dedication 4iitt DAIKIBO KIGY6 Large-scale enterprise t DAIKIBO K6GEKI Attack in force DAIKICHI Favorable auspices DAIKICHINICHI Lucky or propitious day "" DAIKIEN Great animation,heated discussion R DAIKIN HIKIKAE Collect on delivery SDAIKIN HIKIKAEBARAI Collect on delivery & 4i1' DAIKIN HIKIKAE KOZUTSUMI Collect-onYUBIN delivery post ' DAIKIN HIKIKAE NEDAN Collect-on-delivery price f -( q DAIKIN HIKITATE Collection of bills 4-ý l44 3 DAIKIN SHIHARAI Document against payment HIKIKAESH6 PIýd& DAIKIN SHIHARAI HOSH6 Del credere V - TESOURY5 commission,in mercantile law 4i 41 DAIKIN TORITATE KAWASE Sales bill of exchange DAIKIRAI Abhorrence,loathing dts DAIK6 SURU To appoint in place of 4 7 DAIK6 SURU To substitute for as DAIK6BUTSU Delight,thing one is very fond of -AK DAIK6ZUI Deluge,cataclysm 'x DAIKUGY6 Carpentry kt DAIKY5 Great misfortune,evil omen S DAIKY6JI Paper hanger,tapestry worker Lit Ot DAIKYdKAN Groans kA 0ý- DAIKYoKOKU Grand Canyon k9 DAIKYUJ6 Archery ground KR DAIMA Hemp 7kr DAIMAI Large amount DAIMEI Epigraph,title k4 DAIMEI Imperial Command or mandate, 4Imperial Headquarters order DAIMOJI Capital letter DAIMOKU Theme,subject,title DAIMUSHA Representative,procurator, proctor 9 DAIMYbGAI I Extravagant buying S DAIMY6GEI Dilletante accomplishments t- DAIMYoGO Generous person k7 A DAIMY6 GY6GI Informality k 9A e DAIMYdNICHI Auspicious day ýk"W&i DAINAN KONSU Great Southern Company to 9 DAINASHI Futile,useless QI:-I#t k DAI NI CHoSHu SURU To collect taxes for another authority - DAI NI DOKKAI Second reading of bill,in legislature 1-- DAI NI GI Secondary meaning DAI NI GIMU Minor obligation 6-6 DAI NI HAIBI Number 2 state of readiness DAI NIJI Second DAI NIJI KANSEN Secondary infection; l DAI NIJI SAIMUSHA Parties secondarily liable DAI NIJI SEIfIN Reprocessed goods, by-products 4- 4. DAI NIJu BAKUGEKITAI Twentieth Bomber Command qAI NI KENRI Secondary right DAI NI KI Second period,secondary stage, secondary a Q DAI NI KOKUMINIEI Second National Army +J DAININ Agent with power ofrattorney u ~ DAININ Official delegation iB~ ~t DAINIPPON BUKKY6KAI Great Japan Buddhist KdAKYOKU Association Asia Development Bureau 4,0 *A-VAr DAINIPPON KBA DWMEI Great Japan Asia ]- Development League *k 7 t- DAINIPPON SEIJIKAI Imperial Japanese Political Association it Olf i4~t j1[ All K41 -$a '1'3 9ff4 r Rt#ff s K44 ~ Atle k $4 A kg i *3* iE sRM s fule ~ kg 1 A~Jt ) ~ I0i 41 r h Eft at Ptit? K Jtit ~ %f 3 ~~ ~a EMLif rP~ def t -k k* -CkAftg DAINIPPON TEIKOKU 111 34 DAINIPPON TEIKOKU Japanese Empire DAI NI SAIBANSHO Court of appeal DAI NI SENSEN Second front DAI NI SHIN Appeal or retrial DAIN6 Payment by proxy DAIN6 Wealthy farmer DAIN5SEI Farming on large scale DAIN6SEI System of large landholding DAIQKU Large building,mansion DAIOKU Substitute office or building DAI5MATSU Powdered rhubarb,a medicine DAIONSEI At the top of one's voice DAIRI Interim office or official DAIRIBU Mail-order department DAIRIGY6 Commission agency DAIRI HAXT2N Deputation DAIRI HAMBAI 'Sale by agent DAIRI HANJI Deputy judge DAIRIH6 Charge d'affaire's allowance DAIRI ININJ6 Letter of attorney DAIRIKAN Acting official DAIRIKEN Right of representation DAIRIKI OTOKO Man of herculean strength DAIRI 0 SASERU To appoint a proxy DAIRI RYBJI Acting consul DAIRISEKI MOYBSHI Marbled paper. DAIRISHA Deputy DAIRISH6 Commission merchant DAIRI SH5NIN Business agent DAIRI SH5TEN Commercial agency,concern DAIRI S6TATSU Service by substitution DAIRI TOFUYAKU Contract by mandate DAIROKKAN Sixth sense DAI ROKU RETSU Civic complacency,sixth column DAIRY6 Cost,price,rent DAIRYB K6SOKU Numerous restrictions DAIRYU Large or coarse grain DAIRYOK5 Great vogue DAISAGI Great white heron,large egret DAISAI Grand festival,great fete DAISAN CHUSAISHA Umpire DAISANGOKUJ Third power,third country DAI SAN HAIBI Number 3 state of readiness DAI SAN-ISHA Third,a third person DAI SAN KAIKYU Bourgeoisie DAI SAN KI Tertiary stage of a disease DAr SAN KOKUSAI R6D6 Third International KUMIAI DAI SAN SHIN Third trial or hearing or instance DAI SAN SHIN SAIBANSHo Court of third instance DAI SAN T6HON Triplicate DAISEN Substitute ship DAISHA Flatcar DAISHARIN Working feverishly at a common task,all one's might DAISHI Poem on stated subject DAISHI Short preface DAI SHI KAIKYU Fourth class,proletariat DAISHIKYO Most urgent DAISHIN Examination by doctor's assistant DAISHIN-IN HANJI Supreme court judge DAISHIN-IN SHOKICHB Chief cletk of supreme court DAISHIPPAI Complete failure DAISHO SURU To draw up a document for another DAISH6 Brigadier general,US Army, commodore,British Navy DAISHb Great victory DAISH6BEN Urine and feces DAISH6JI Matters of great or little importance DAISH6 KIN Compensation DAISH6 K6SAI Public loan issued to pay an indemnity DAISHOKU Atonement for sins of others DAISH NELDAN Wide price spread DAISHONIN Notary public DAISHbRI Decisive victory DAISED Main battalion strength DAISHO SIRU To pay through a third party DAIS3UKEI Fleet paymaster DAIS6GEN Prairie, steppe DAISOHB Ta Ch'u Pao,a Hankow paper DAIS6J5 Buddhist high priest,archbishop, primate DAISMEI Haste,prematnre action DAISMT6 President of China DAISO Large number DAKo UNDO SDAISUKI Very fond of DAISURU To entitle DAITAI Substitute +t DAITAI Substitution of fungible objects, in law Fig DAITAIBU 'Femoral region,thigh P3 DAITAIBUTSU Fungible objects,in law 5 DAITAIKU Area under battalion commander's * jurisdiction S'i DAITAISEI Fungibility,in law 73iHAa DAITAI SHIKUMI Rough plan - DAITAN Alternate deed r DAITAN Substitute coal At DAITEI Large flying boat tig DAITEISHAKU Large scale lQDAIT6 Grand headquarters tk DAITb Imperial throne,Imperial line 'Kt& DAIT6A Greater East Asia 'K LAEkE DAIT6A DAIJIN Minister for Greater East Asia Affairs N6 DAIT6A KY6EIKEN Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere t i DAIToASEN Greater East Asia War Ap DAIToASHo Greater East Asia Ministry t- DAITOKAI Large city A DAITOKO Great virtue t DAITOKOJIN Happy man,rich man DAITOKU Great virtue S DAITOKUJIN Happy or rich man I DAITBRY65FU Presidency St DAIT6RY&KI Presidential plane A, I DAIWAKUSEI Large planets - A DAIYA-SHd Diamond merchant Re M DAIY6HIN Substitute goods S DAIY6KI Substitute plane hM3 DAIYdKIN Larger psoas muscle t s DAIY6SHOKU Substitute food I DAIYoYAKU Substitute medicine k DAIYUKAKUCHIKU Large-horned cattle kI DAIYUKI Heavy snowfall - f DAIZAKOTSU Large ischium -AAlB DAIZENTEI Major premise DAIZU KASU Soy bean waste,bean cake 4T4- DAJI SURU To type JiE k DAJ6 NO Serpentine JKV DAJU Beast of burden $W DAKA Amount,quantity $ ~ DAKAKU Empty shell case k DAKAN Hose,tubing DAKAN Your honorable letter ~J4tAJi DAKAN GINK6 Bank of issue SLAE313 DAKAN GINKaKEN Convertible bank note a f) 14 DAKAN GINKo SHIHEI Contertible bank note it DAKAN JU1BI Reserve for conversion ai DAKANKEN Conveftible note f ZZi4if i DAKANKEN HAKK6 Bank of issue 5 GINK6 4 4 DAKAN SEIDO Conversion system,convertible currency system sT t DAKAN SHIHEI Convertible paper money QUit DAKAN TAMPOHIN Convertible security S DAKETSU Compromise,settlement,agreement DAKI Holding in arms,incubation tA7 t DAKIAI Embrace,interlocking g t -, DAKIAU To aot in unison 491 t DAKIDE Armful,girth 48 9 _t,.DAKIKOMU To embrace,hug,clasp 4ti -f t DAKIOROSU To take or set someone down t " DAKI TAMAGO Sitting of eggs WLr DAKKA Transformation,adaptation $sI DAKEAI SURU To recapture DAKKAN Dismissal from official post sti DAKKAN Omission,slip ff4i DAKKEN Deprivation of rights BR0n DAKEEN SURU To lay aside one's sword RR~ti~ DAU6 Completion of rough draft at t 6 DAKKOKU SURU To flee one's country DAKKON Ecstasy,rapture st@ ~DAKKU Omission of phrase clR@ 1DAKKUSH6 Analgesia Sp- DAKEYAKU Withdrawal,quitting, casting off 13 - DAKKYO Shunning,avoiding, secession, desertion, flight 4TEA DAKO Beating of drum it Lg DAK6DOKU Snakebite poisoning T-it&~# DAKOJ6 Drumstick Pfri DAK6KEI NO Sinuous -S i DAKo-KI Pile driver -AkiA DAKMKISEN Pile-driver boata;i r DAKOKU SURU To thresh grain PZf% DAKON Snakeroot 1# Z L DAKO UNDs Serpentine movement AI 19L~ ASL A~ t-1 $8 li -d b 4$ MA as x l f~ o e 4 D~ L ~ti '97 gRI L-~ s84 (a abta-t a $k 4i Ilib si 1a~5 tbtA I$ra~t 83~ @D - s(L tWtA tcr~ ' d44L 6 IB - &Blt pg> lc ~.tJc? 18Jg a Is3 0 1|9&, Ilbts fA t ~~~ g5@ f P SfM 4 1 31Sr h~81tag ~-~ It# ~t t54& k Wa -t s -A* 14 it A; DAKU 35 DAKU Norway DAKUASHI Full gallop, canter DAUDAKU SURU To assentagree DAKUDO Degree of impurity DAKUGEN Word of consent,promiseagreement DAXUON Voiced sound DAIKUSBI Corrupt ageevil times DAKUSEI, Impurity and purity,degree of limpidity DAKUSEI Raucous voice DAKUTEN Voicing or nigori mark DAKUYAKTJ Contract, agreement DAKY6 Conference,negotiation DAKY6 SHUGI Principle of compromise DAMAKASU To deceive,trick,cheat DAMAKURAKASU To deceive,trick,cheat DAMARIKIRU To be completely silent DAMARI MONO Taciturn person DAMARI MUSHI Taciturn person DAMARIYA Taciturn person DAMARU Resin,rosin,damar DAMASHI Deceit,fraud,hoax DAMASHIKOMU To seduce,inveigle,trap DAMASHITORU To fleece,swindle,oheat DAMASHI-UCHI Surprise assault,murder by surprise DAMBETSU Division into lots,field lots DAMB& S6CHI Heating plant,heater,radiator DAMBUN SURU To subdivide,break down IDAMMEN Section DAMMETSU Destruction, extermination DA MO Only,at least,even DAMPAN JIKEN Subject of negotiations DAMPATSUJ6 Bobbed-haired girl DAMPEISEN Barge DAMPEN Shell splinter DAMPENB6SHI Splinter-proof DAMPI BAISH6 KIN Boxer Indemnity DAMPI NO RAN Boxer Rebellion DAMPIRASEN Barge DAMPO Warm wind DAMPUKIU Elastic recovery DAN Counter for acts or scenes DAN Counter for rows,horizontal lines, sections,etc. DAN Matter,affair,event,subject,occasion DAN Row,horizontal line or section DAN Dog tick DAN Regiment,in Chinese Army DAN-AI Spring fog,spring mist DAN-ATSU SEISAKU Oppressive measures DANCHIGAI Difference in grade,etc. DAN CHIKU Corps area DANCH6 Leader of the party,group commander DANDAN Globularly,spherically DANDANZEN Definitely,decisively DANDARA Degrees,steps DAN-EN End,denouement DAN-EN Family harmony DAN-EN Rotundity,completeness DANGAI ZEPPEKI Precipitous cliff DANGAN Steep rock,precipice DANGAN HAKKI Discharge of a projectile DANGANH6 Projectile magazine DANGAN RESSHA Bullet-express train DANGAN SH6YAKU Ammunition DANGAN UHI Shower of bullets DANGAN ZEPPEKI Escarpment,steep rock DANGOBANA Bulbous nose DANGB KIN Bribe to-litigant to make him give up award DANGOKIU Criminal investigation, trial, sentence DANI Horse pack,horseload DANI So much as,at least DAN-I Warm clothing DAN-I H6SHOKU Comfortable circumstances, warm clothing and plenty of food DAN-IN Member of the group DANIRUI Mite,itch mite DANJIKI RY&H6 Fasting treatment DANJIKI SH'IGYb Practice of fasting, austerities DANJITSUKERU To speak forcibly,order/f dqmand a yes or no DANJOBETSU Separation of the sexes DANJ6DAI Imperial Police Department DANJO DoKEN Equality of the sexes DANJO DoKEN SHUGI Feminism DANJO KY6GAKU Coeducation DANJORY6SEIGUYU Androgyny V 7X 0Ir -&- $ 544 itE Ilri y e 5 11 slt k l4l7 f ~rl~~9~t A4Jrl l4rrM3 3r5 RQt a Stt i EBa t ~ d 3tt g3 Srt ~a W14ria ~ WWWtrt b 1Et4 SPMM 7~~ dtt ~h. 883tR& i~~Sta`4 Akr7, DASAI SURU DANKA Below the brigade DANKAKUe Clever speaker,interesting story teller DANKAKU Interlocutor,acquaintaice DANKEI SURU To determine a punishment DANKEISHIN Agnation, relationship through male line DANKEN Rapid decision,fixed views DANKETSU SURU To decide,fix DANKIN Absolute prohibition DANK5 Boys' school DANK6 Severance of diplomatic relations DANKdKOKU* Countries with severed relations DANKON Bullet hole,shell hole DANKON Heartbreak,deep sorrow DANKY6 Broken bridge DANKYU Terrace DANNANSEI Ability td overcome misfortune DANNEN SURU To make up one's mind DANNIKU Abstaining from meat DANN6 Cartridge bag DANNYC Weaning DAN-ON Moderate warmth DANREISHI Orderly,runner DANRETSU Amminition train DANRETSU Laceration,tearing to pieces DANRY5 Coiled dragon DANRYOKUSEI Elasticity, springiness DANRYOKU SOSHIKI Elastic construction DANSETSU Cutting off DANSHA Allusion DANSHA SURU To fire a gun DANSHAKU FUJIN Baroness DANSHI Superfine paper DANSHI SUHU To flick off with the fingers DANSHIKY5 Moment,instant DANSHOKU Fasting DANSHOKU Warm meal DANSHU Bomb type DANSHU Decapitation DANSHO Agglomeration,cluster DANSHU SURU To heap together,pack into a ball DANSON JOHI Predominance of man over woman DANSU SHITEISHA Number of rounds stipulated DANTAI Pile of projectiles DANTAI HOKEN Group life insurance DANTAI J6SHAKEN Group railroad ticket DANTAI KEIYAKU Collective contract DANTAI KEIZAI Group economy DANTAI KIPPU Group railroad ticket DANTAI KdSHoKEN Collective bargaining DANTAI RYOKEN Group passport DANTAI SEISHIN Esprit de corps DANTAISHIN Esprit de corps DANTAI ZAISAN Group property DANTEI Fatigue man DANTEKI Opponent in discussion DANT5BA Decapitation site DANMA Warmth,mild temperature DANWA FUN6SH6 Aphasia DANWA FUZUI Speech defect,dyslalia DANWAKA Conversationalist,raconteur DANWATAI Conversational style DANYAKU K&FUJO Ammunition-distributing point DANYAKU ZENSHINRO Ammunition route DANZA SURU To sit in a circle DANZEN Absolutely,decidedly DANZETSUCHI Ground much intersected DANZURU To cut,separate,interrupt DANZURU To decide,judge DAPPAN Desertion of the clan DAPPI Slough of reptile,molt DAPP6 Evasion of the law DARA Pack mule DARADARAKYU Slow start and quick finish, suddenly 9 DARADARA ORI Gentle slope,easy descent DARAI RAMA Dalai Lmaa DARAKU SHOSEI Depraved student DARASHI Curb,control, order,discipline DAREGIMI Heaviness, 1anguor,dullness DAR6 Pilothouse DARUI Slack,relaxed,dull,listless DARUI Snakes,Ophidia DARUMABUNE Barge,U-bottomed boat DASAI Crumbling DASAI SURU To load a horse .~t br;'-O ~T4i t SLA f LiAt S it U V L -(.ýk i,* At A it 4T t f &A I- S It 4 47tjjj 5 -t W-r t 'itit %41 1 1iiZi~ 5 At I 4S t nit;t 3 8- t 3 8it 6 if a S 1CR At 3 MBXL ~ se ~c rt fa3 $ 41 4Ay f 3 AJ 4 -,l i t:1$ 'ag DAISU KIGU 36 36 DASAI KIGU Pack saddle tools DASAI SHIKI TESSHO Pack-type pontoon DASAKUSHA Hack writer,poor workman DASASU To put out,draw out DASEI Inertia DASEI SURU To beat into shape DASEl IPPEN Wholeheartedly DASEN Spiral DASHI Expedi ent,means,instrument DASHI Mask,veil DASHIAI Joint contribution DASHIGITANAI Stingy, DASHI-IRE Debit and credit DASHIJIRU Soup DASHIN SURU To sound out DASHINUKE Stealing a march on,the unexpected DASHIOKURERU Late in giving or sending DASHITSUKUJSU To spend all your money DASHU SHITE Easily,without effort DAS6 SURU To creep like a serpent,meander DAS5 SURUT To send by pack horse DASOKU Superfluity,redundance DASSEN Desertion from a vessel DASSENSHA Deserter from a ship DASSHI Abdication, resignation DASSHI Taking off footgear DASSHIN Desertion,flight DASSHITSU Moisture removal DASSHIYAKU Reducing medicine DASSHO Religious dissent or secession DASSUI Prolapse,in medicine -DASU Commencing,becoming, throwing out DASUI SURT To break,destroy DASURU To spit on DATAI SURU To be lazy,careless DATE Vanity -DATE Basis,conditionmanner DAT5 GTUKOKT SHUGI Down with militarism DATSD SURU To open communication,cut through,a road,etc.,open for traffic DATSUAN Removal of saddle DATSUEIHEI Deserter from the army DATSUEISHA Deserter DATSUGA SURU To unhook,unhitch,uncouple DATSUGO Omission of a word DATSU-I Easy,simple DATSU-I SURU To leave behind,forget DATSU-ISHO Dressing room DATSU-ITSU SURU To get away,deviate DATSUJIN SURU To retire into seclusion DATSUMEN SURU To take flight,run away DATSUMbKI Depilator DATSUMBZAI Depilatory DATSURA SURU To unscrew DATSURAKU SURU To drop out of,omit DATSURAKU MAKU Decidua DATSURI Desertionpflight DATSURI Explcitation DATSURO Secret passage DATSUROKU Forfeiture,confiscation, discontinuance DATSURYAKU SURU To seize by force, capture DATSURY6 SUTRU To seize by force,capture DATSUJRYOY6 For the elimination of sulphu DATSUZEISHA Tax dodger DATSUZEN Eminently,in highest degree DATSUZOKU Unconventionality, unworldliness DATTAI KANKOTSU Plagiarism DATTAISHA Separatist,dissenter, secessionist DATTO Hare freed from snare,running hare DATT6 Desertion,flight DATTh SURE To desert one's political party DATT& sURT To lay aside one's sword DATTOSON Japanese light midget car,Dats DATTOTSU SUET To disengage and thrust DAY6 Wound caused by a blow DAYU SURU To trifle,idle,loaf DE Then,thereupon,things being as they are, also, therefore DEAI Disposition,disposal,of drafts etc. DEAI Meeting, gathering DXAI Mixtureblending,fusion DEAIGASHIRA Chance meeting of strangers DEASHI Start,departure DEAU To attend a meeting DEAU To suit,matchgo with,agree DEBA Beginning DEBA Moment of leaving ~t: 5k 9 * 4 SE & L? ~ "5 jl9 A A 1Ad ~to NAK AN AK rti0 Ii: ~'5 -44 * ~rI to 7 t 7) -t: ~-ti fl J -R;4L ~ S ~T &t x 9 A 9 ~ 4* sB ~ iP th ~P;aR i~tt 4 f f~li~tri ~ 1yt A1,~ i tb3Rh a ht: I a P C5d M $4 k 4 # t 44tt,ý,f DEMPAN SURT DEBANA Beginning, start, outset DEBANA First flow DEBARI Bulges DEBA SAWAGI Bloody brawl DEBESO Umbilical hernia DEBUNE Outgoing vessel DECHIGAI Missing a visitor DEDAIA Branch store DEDOKO Issue,outlet,way out DEDOKO Place one has gone to DEDOKO Source,authority, origin,habitat DEGACHI Person who likes to go out DEARA Dust,dregs,residue DEGIRAI Staying home,reluctanoe to go out DEGUCHI Employment,job,position DEGUCHI Exit,leak,outlet DEHA Beginning DEHA Moment of leaving DERHAIRI Access DEHAJIME Beginning,start DEHANA Start,getting under way DEHANA 0 KUJIKU To crush at the outset DEHARAI Departure ot everyone,paying all out DEH6DAI Unforeseen chance,chance,random DEIDOSHO Odor of slime or mud DEIGAN Marshy bank DEIK6 Liniment,unguent DEIK6 Mudhole DE-IRI Debits and credits DE-IRI Dissension,friction,complications DE-IRI Excess and deficiency DE-IRI Lawsuit,action DE-IRISHI Lawyer DE-IRI SH6NIN Regular merchant DEIRO Muddy road DEIRY6H6 Mud-bath treatment DEIRYU Muddy stream or current DEISHB Marsh DEISUI Muddy water DEISUIKAN Drunkard,sot DEISUISHA Drunkard DEITANK6 Peat bog,peatery DEITAN K6FU Peat worker DEITAN K6SHU Peatery owner DEKATA Means of getting out of a difficulty DEKATA Theater usher DEKI Growth,formationeducation DEKIAI Ready-made DEKIAI Thing done without intermediary DEKIAKI Autumn of good harvests 1A DEKIBARAI CHINGIN Price wages DEKIBOSHI Riches rapidly acquired DEKIBOTBU SURU To drown DEKIBUTSU Highly-gifted person DEKIDAKA Day's business DEKIHAJIME First make,beginning DEKIMONO Highly gifted person DEKINE Best quotation obtainable,price negotiated DEKIRU To be out of DEKIRU To excel in DEKIRU To pay in full,pay someone off, be all out DEKIRU KAGIRI As...as possible DEKI SHIDAI When completed DEKISHU SURU To be addicted to drink DEKISUI SURU To be drowned DEKIWAIKU SURU To be cheated or seduced DEHIASU To meet unexpectedly,chance upon DEKOBOKO Concavity and convexity DEKODEKO Abundantly DEKOMAHIKOMA Unevenness of terrain or surface DEKU Imbecile,blockhead DEMA Demagoguery,spreading sensational rumors DEMADO Dormer window DEMA H8S6 Agitation broadcasts DEMA SENDER False propaganda DEMAWARI Appearance or arrival on the market,availability of goods D.MAWARU To go round about,roam,tour DEMISE Branch shop DEMMAAKU Denmark DEMMASEN Barge DEMMETSU Sudden disappearance DEMODORI Returning without having reached destination DEMO SHINSHI Snob DEMPAX SURU To circulate,be noised abroad DEMPASRA.37 ti* lvm 1*C4 i 14 4:I tip i4t A M (3 1*4- ik 14 4x 14 '0-0 a t4-I k ~c~J 14 it9 ~ 1f - WA:L~f 4PX -14 ~#t* DEMPASHA Propagator DEMPATA Fields under cultivation DEMPO Rice land,farm land DEMP6 HAITATSUNIN Telegram messenger DEMP6RAN Telegraphic news,press dispatches DEMP6 RYAKUG6 Telegraphic address DEMP6RY5 KAYOICH6 Telegram pass book DEMP6SHI Telegram delivery blank DEMP6 TSUZURI Dispatch file DEMP6 YBSBHI Telegram form DEMPU Riceland tax DEMPU SURU To circulatePublish DEMPO Vitiligo,leucoderma,a white macula DEMPUNSEI Starchiness DEMPY6SHIKI KOGITTE Voucher check DEMUKAU To go towards,repair to DEN Lightning DEN Telegram DEN-ATSU Voltage DENCHI SATSUDAN Bureau of Land JIMUKYOKU.Registry DENCHU Cultivated fields DENDAI Message number DENDAI Radio station DENDATSU Message transmission DENDEN Sound of drum or guitar DENDEN Telephone and telegraph DEND6 GAKK6 Mission school DEN-El Motion pictures DEN-El North China Moving Picture Co., an abbreviation DEN-EN. Riceland,farm land DENGEKI Blitzkrieg DENGEKI Manifesto,declaration,appeal DENGEKISEN Blitzkrieg DENGEN Electric powerhouse DENGO Communication,information DENGU NETSU Dengue fever DENGY6 Electric industry DENJI Electromagnet DENJI Rice field DENJI ARITASHI Please advise by wire DENJ&NIII Courtier DENJU SURU To deliver,hand over DENKA Inherited property DENKA Rustic song DENKAKU Upper stories of palace DENKAN Electric blasting cap DENKI Records DENKIBUTSU Biographical writings DENKI CHIRY6 Electrotherapy DENKI CHIRY6 ISHI Electrotherapist DENKI K6SHU Electrician,army DENKI OBI Galvanic belt DENKI RAIKAN Electric blasting cap DENKI RY6JI Electrotherapy DENKI SAKUSHA Novelist DENKI SHIKEI Electrocution DENKIS6 Electric battery DENK6 Electrician DENK6CHI Noncomnissioned officer electrician DENK6KEI.Zigzag. DENK6 SEKKA Dizzying speed DENRAI Importation DENRAI Thunder and lightning DENRAN Examination in turn DENRAN FUSETSUSEN Cable layer DENRANSEN Cable ship DENREI Transmission of an order DENREI BUTAI Messenger squad DENREIHEI Liaison agent,messenger DENREI KIHEI Mounted liaison agent DENREISAKU Radio operation order DENREISEN Messenger boat DENREITEI Dispatch boat DENRIN Electric bell DENRIN Telegraphic instructions DENRIS6KAN Ionosphere DENRYAKU Cable address DENRYB Hunting DENSAKU Rice-field cultivation DENSAN Produce of rice fields,rice DENSATSUSHA Electrocutioner DENSEI Verbal message DENSEI Telegraph administration DENSEl SURU To request by telegraph DEIISEISHI Telegraph Administration Bureau DENSEKI Area,extent of land DENSEMBY5 Infectious disease DENSEMBY6SEI Epidemicity 1) ll 4 $, L le~ I VS$ P f141*1 # 4* it ree Vt T Vs*It-itf)L Aký% Aitidtt 1L4 4 & 14s1 ~ 14 1 1K4 4 14 14t 1t4 i '~& x4 1 4: 4:rsir1iI i I r4i~ tt DESAEARI DENSEN BY6DOKU, Virus of contagious disease DENSEN BYBGAKU Epidemiology DENSEN KEIT6 Trace of an epidemic DENSENRYOKU Contagiousness DENSEN SASERU To carry infection DENSENSO Source of infection DENSETSU Rumor,report DENSHA Copy,transcript DENSHA Farm,country house DENSHAJIN Farmer,rustic DENSHA TEIRYOJO Streetcar stop DENSHI Electrocution DENSHIMBASHIRA* Telegraph pole DENSHIN Transmission of letter or communication DENSHIN FUTSO Telegraphic service interruption DENSHINHAN Telegraphist detachment LNSHIN-IN Signal operator DENSHINKA Naval Communications Section DENSHIN KACHo Chief of Telecraphic Section DENSHIN KAISEN Telegraph circuit DENSHINKAN Telegraph operator DENSHIN KAWASE SH65HO Telegraphic money order DENSHINKI Telegraph instrument DENSHIN KUZURE Garbled transmission DENSHIN KYbD6 DAITAI Telegraphic training battalion DENSHINKYOKU Telegraph office DENSHIN RAISHINSHI Telegraph blank DENSHIN RYAKUG65 Telegraphic address DENSHINRY5 Telegraph charge DENSHINSHO Communications office DENSHIN SHOKISEI Telegraphic student secretary DENSHIN TORIATSUKAIJO Secondary telegraph office DENSHIN Y5SHI Telegraph form DENSH6 Telegraphic inquiry DENSH6 Transmission,succession DENSH6 SURU To learn from rumors or indirectly DENSH5SHA Successor,heir DENSHOSHI Courier DENSHU SURU To inherit,sucqeed to DENSHuKA Training Department DENSHURY6 Tuition fee DENSHOSEI Student DENSHUSHO Institute,training school DENSHUTEKI KYOGI Conventional fiction DENSO Land tax DENS6 Electric battery DENSo Communication through agent DENSo SURU To transmit,forward DENSo Sending a telegram DENSo SURU To telegraph or wire a thing, send by wire DENSB SHASHIN Phototelegraphy DENSUISEN Electrically driven vessel DENSURU To wire DENTAKU Country house,country property DENTAMA Electric light bulb DENTAN Land deed DENTAN Propaganda,propaganda leaflet DENTAN MIKATA SHINIBETSU Radar-monitored KUIKI area DENTATSUSHA Messenger, transmitter DENTEI Communication through agent DENT6BU Electric lighting department DENT6 KGEKI Blitzkrieg DENWABIN Telephone service DENWA FUTS9 Telephone service break DENWA KAN Speaking tube 'DEWA KANYI Telephone subscription DENWA KANYGi M6SHIKOMI Telephone subscription application DENWA NO CH6SEICHO Now tuning telephone DENWARY5 Telephone charge DENWA RYaRITSU Telephone rates DENWA SHIY6RYj Telephone subscription charge DENWA SOKUTATSUBIN Telephone dispatch DENWA TSDSHINGAKARI KASHI Telephone noncommissioned officer DENYA Cultivated: fields,fallow fields DENYA bDAN KY6S6 Steeplechase DEREDERE Slow,languorous,sensual,indolent DEBAKARI Appearing in great numbers, exodus,the season DESAKARU 38 2 ~s St f it~~ 3 9 M)M lt3 f4W) -t~?-~2 ah~t4tfi -; 4f7M5R bdt1 1~ pr141 OZ-i Pn ~gy ( 96 z N~ gi 11fft _ Agg& El,I~~.~ P34 Ift ~ ~t3i 6;Z'e sfa ff1 PhbGltc 9jhSi~ifpfb Bkjg % ~ 423ipf 4 ~ Mi@$ JL( 5 -tg 5!51 2 t4 $ 3~ DESAKARU To be at its best DESAKI Agent,foreign representative DESAKI KIKAN Foreign agent or agency DESANTO BUTAI Paratroops DESHABARU To interrupt,speak in ignorance,disturb DESHIAARU Deciare,O.001 hectare DESHIGOTO Work done away from home DESHI HoBAI Schoolfellow,coapprentice DESHI-IRI' Beginning apprenticeship DESHIO Flood tide,rising tide,fortune DESHOKU Outside work DESOROI Going out in company,full gathering DESSHI Dyeing teeth black,teeth dyed' black DESSO Grinding,milling,molding DESSURU To dye black DESUGIMONO Busybody,intruder, DESUGIRU To meddle,interfere,speak in ignorance DETACHI Beginning,debut,departure DETACHI Manner, appearance DETARAME Suddenly,without preparation DETATSU To start out,go out,begin DETCHI KOZ5 Boy,apprentice DETCHIRU To knead DETSUZ5 SURU To mold,shape,model DEY5 Means of getting out of difficulty or of getting along,conduct,behavoir DEYU Hot spring DEZAKARI Appearing in great numbers, exodus,the season DEZOME Firemen's New Year's revlew,going out for the first time DEZOME SHIKI New Year's parade of firemen DEZU IRAZU Happy medium,golden mean DEZU IRAZU Without exit or entrance D-MEI Division orders DO Saturday DO Turkey Dd Hokkaido D5 Why,how DoAGE SURU To carry a person about in triumph D6ATSU Dynamic pressure DOBA Gambling place DOBA SURU To blow up,abuse,revile DOBAKU Gambling DoBAN CHiKOKUSHI Copper engraver, chalcographer D6BAN-E Copper engraving DoBANGA Copper engraving DoBANSHI Copper engraver DoBO NO Uterine,born to same mother DOBOKUSHI Civil engineer DOBOKUSHI Profound contempt DiBU Body of a plane DOBUDOBU With gurgling sound DoiBUN Same composition,same quantity DOBUN TO With a splash DoBUN DEMPb Multiple-address telegram DQBUN TSOCH6 Identic notes DIBURRUI Shiver,tremble DoBUTSU AIGOKAI Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals DdBUTSU PENKIJUTSU Mesmerism D6BUTSU DoKA Animalization DdBUTSU GYAKUJTAI B6SHIKAI Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals DoBUTSU HONEGUMI Animal skeleton DiBUTSU JIKI Hypnotism D6BUTSUKAI Animal kingdom D6BUTST KEITAIRON' Zoomorphism D6BUTSU REIHAI Totemism D6BUTSU RINNE Animal metempsychosis D6BUTSUSEI Animal nature D6BUTSUSEIKA SURU To animalize DoBUTSU SHINKY6 Zootheism D6BUTSUSHITSU Animal matter DoBUTSUSHITSU NO Animal DoBUTSUSHITSUKA SURU To animalize DiBUTSUSHI Animal dealer DiBUTSUSHOKU Animal food DOCHAKU NO Native,indigenous DOCHAKUJIN Native DOCHI Where,what place,either,neither, which -DOCHI Mutual,reciprocal, together D6CHI ' Same locality DQPHIKURUU To flirt with,dally with 44' fu -r 9 4t' i3 44 s] 754 a~g 3 ~i -" 4 4i At;t 43~k'J b) 4tgSi 4 s i 5] ~2 ]3 4tic' ~Yl S IV*4 it* of if~ DoJAKU L DOCHIRA NIMO KUMI SHIVAI To maintain neutrality DOCHB Distension,inflation DOCH6 Furious tone DbCH6 Drumhead D6CHb Hokkaido Government Office D6CH5 Radio resonance,tuning D6CH6 Unison,harmony D6CH6 Same town,same district,same ward DBCH6 SURU To line up with,fall in line D6CH6KAN Provincial governor,in Korea D6CHU During the journey D6CHU Journey,route DODAI TO SHITE Basically,fundamentally DODAMBA Scaffold,block,critical moment DODEN Sound of object on verge of toppling over DODO Importunately,annoyingly, persistently DOEKI Slavefy,servitude D6EKI Relay,stage on a journey DdEN NO Coextensive DOFU Domestic cloth DOFU Local customs or habits DOFO Violent wind D5F0 Enclosure,as in a letter D5FUBO NO Consanguineous D&FUKU Confederate,accomplice DOFUN SURU To be angrily excited DOGAI Countless,measureless D6GAKU NO Of the same school DdGATA SHAK6KI Barrel-type projector searchlight DOGEKI SURU To be angrily excited DOGEN Dialect D6GEN Identical origin D6GEN DANTEI Tautology DbGETSU Same month DbGIGO Equivalent word DbGI HAITAI Moral decadence D6GI HIKETSU Rejection of a motion DOGIMAGI In a flutter,hurry-scurry DOGIMO Courage DBGIRI Cutting the body in two D6GI SEISAI Moral sanction D6GISHIN Moral sense D6GI SH5METSU Abandonment of a motion DbGI TETSUGAKU Moral philosophy DOGITSUI Rough,hard,severe,strong DOG5 Local magnate or landowner D6GO Same word D6G5 Name of public hall DbGUSHI Tool or furnfiture maker DBGY5KAI Trade association D6GY5 SHAKAI Professional or trade circles DbGY6SHA WARIBIKI Trade discount D5HA Same sect or school DOHAI Comrade,colleague,those fellows DoHAN Same company,same class D&HAN SURU To accompany,go with DO HEN Radical 032 DoHEN Changeless state D6HEN Copper pieces DOHI Servants DoHITSU Same pen or handwriting or brush, works by same writer or painter DOH6 Catapult DOH5 Complete collapse D6Hb KAN EI Brotherhood,fraternity D6H6K& Same direction D6HiSHIN Esprit de corps D6IHY6 Copper monument or tombstone D6HY5HI Milestone,guide-stone DO-I Earth bank,embankment DbI Similarity and difference D6IN Copper seal D6IN Direction,guidance DBIN Efficient cause,motive,reason D6INHY6 Mobilization table DBIN 0 TOKE To demobilize DiIN SASHIDOME Immobilization DbINSHO Induction center D6IN-Y6 SHAEI Mobilization cantonment DBI SAIKEN Assented bonds D6ISSHI SURU To identify with,assimilate to DOITSU Which,which fellow,that fellow DOITSUKA SURU To Germanize DOITSU SHUGI Germanism DbJA Hermit,pilgrim,guide DWJAKU Astonishment t DoJI 39 14, S3 0 84 ~1 #A1 )4 ) In, *,i% $t7T 7, A A wto - z&L 9 g( st;it4~ Vaf Eg L Y3 46r ~ k3itf3 - r' ( Nam-~W~ DBJI Same matter,identical things DWJI Track,road,way,path DbJI JUSHIN Simultaneous reception of messages DbJIKAN Same hour,same time DOJIN Earth god DWJIN Impartial kindness DWJIN Same man D6JIN Taoist,hermit DbJIRU To agree with,share opinion of DWJB Fencing school DbJ6 On the road to DWJ6 SURU To ride as observer DOJ6 HIGE Thin mustache DWJ6 HIGY5 Sympathetic strike D J6KbSEKI-UN. Alto-cumulus.D6JSEKI Observer's seat DdJ6SHA Observer,in airplane DdJa SHoK5 Aerial observer D6JORY6 Running load D6JUTSU Same plan or device D6JUTSU Taoist magic DOKA Stupidity D6KA Accord,harmony of feelings D6KA How is.... DoKA Paulownia flower DoKA Samd value,equivalence,parity,par DoKA DAIJUSHo Grand Cordon of the Paulownia D6KAI SURU To open escape route D6KAJI Coppersmith DMKAN Copper boiler D KAN Having sane mean temperature irr winter D6KAN Same 6ffice,same official DOKARI TO Suddenly,heavily,with a plop DdKA SEN Fuse DoKA SEN Spark that sets off a war DoKASH6 Order of the Paulownia DoKE Same family DdKEI Congratulation DMKEI Title deed. DoKEISHIKI Same form DoKE KY5GEN Farce DOKEN Earthwork DoKEN Same view,same opinion DoKENJIN Native of same prefecture D6KIKAN Classmates,graduates in same year DOKIN Throbbing, thrilling DoKIN Same employment or office DOKIRI Throbbing, thrilling D&KISEI Classmate DOKITSUKU To throb,thrill,palpitate DOKKA Summary reading,skimming DOKKA SURU To become solitary DOKKA SURU To empoison DOKKAI Reading of bill in legislature DOKKETSUSH6 Toxemia DOKKM Sailing alone or under own power DOKKM Arbitrary act DOKK6 SURU To act arbitrarily,go alone DOKKM DOKURISTU Independent action DOKKOI ABUNAI Look out,it's dangerous DOIKU Graving or dry dock,hauling slip DOKKI SHOGAKARI Dock charges DOKO Far from it,not a question of DOK6 Agrarian uprising,local uprising DOK6 Cellarcrypt DOK6 Furious growling,roaring DOK6 Hole in the ground DOK6 Labor'er DOKo Upprr Salween River D~K& Accompanying,going same way D&K& Said bank DiKB Activities,movements D K Coppersmith D6Kii Same age DoKb Same tastes or desires D6K6 Trend D6KOKUJIN Person from same locality DOKORO Far from it,not a question of D0K6SHA Traveling companion D~KOTSU Radius,in anatormy D6K[OTSUJ D~MYAKU Radial artery D&KOTSU J~iMYAKUJ Radial vein D~KOTSUK~IN Radial muscle DBKOTSU SHINKEI Radial nerve DOKU Germany DOKU To make way forwithdraw.5tep aside DOKUA GINfKo German-Asiatic Bank DOKUAX!J NO Viciousevil,depraved, virulent,.venomous c-# A f A A A 74 31j3 Ri N i jbfi S 5F ` %2;r A ~F1ris RQ 1Q2 ~ SA Z 3L:,M itR u?b A ~ % g RfF ~ ~f 3Mik ~ 300 11 & WiF S Wht R 111 DOKUTEI DOKUATARI Poisoning DOKUBA Poison fang DOKUB6 Prison cell,cellular prison DOKUBOKUSHi Canoe,dugout canoe DOKUBOTSU Germany and Bulgaria DOKUCHO Venomous insects,vermin DOKUDACHI SURU To abstain from food likely to disagree DOKUDAI Embassy in Germany DOKUDAN Initiative,military DOKUDANRON Dogmatism, theory DOKUDAN SETSU Dogma,dogmatism DOKUDOKUSHII Injurious,disagreeable DOKUEKI Venom,poison DOKUEN Poisonous or toxic smoke DOKUFU Bachelor,ordinary man DOKU-GASU-DAN Poison gas shell DOKU-GASU-SEN Poison gas warfare DOKU-GASU-YOKE Gas mask DOKUGEN Malicious utterance DOKUGEN Monologue,soliloquy DOKUGO German language,soliloquy DOKUGYO Poisonous fish DOKUHA Thorough reading,reading through DOKUHAI Poisoned cup DOKUHITSU Mordant or biting pen DOKUHO Matchlessness,imcomparableness DOKUHO Solitary walk DOKUH5 Soldiers' Rescript DOKUHON Reader,reading book DOKU-IMI Abstinence from suspected food DOKUJIN Poisoned saber,criminal weapon or instrument DOKUJU Poison tree DOKUJU Reading,reading and recitation DOKUKABURE Contact poisoning DOKUKAI Reading of bill in legislature DOKUKIN Microbe, toadstool,mushroom DOKUKYAKU. One foot DOKUMI Tasting for poison content,tasting DOKURAKU SURU To amuse oneself DOKURITSUJIN Persona sui juris DOKURITSU KANNEN Concept of independence DOKURITSU KASHISH6 Independent sentry group DOKURITSU KIHEI Independent cavalry DOKURITSU SENGEN Declaration of independence DOKURITSU SHAGEKI Independent fire,fire at will DOKJRITSU SHWJUN SEN Independent line of sight DOKURITSU ZAISAN Independent wealth DOKUJRO NO MAI Dance of death DOKURYO Independent mixed brigade DOKURYOKU 0 MOTTE On one's own authority, without aid DOKUSAI Independent decision DOKUSAIKAN Dictator DOKUSAIKEN Dictatorship, autocracy DOKUSAI SEITAI Dictatorship DOKUSAI SHUKCENSHA Dictator,autocrat, sovereign DOKUSATSU JIKEN Poison plot DOKUSEI Sacrilege DOKUSEI SUeU To awaken by oneself DOKUSEN SURU To be one's own master,to act as one pleases DOKUSENJ6 Domain within which one is DOKUSHARAN Correspondence columns DOKUSHI Poison fangs of snalke DOKUSHIN Reading the heart or mind DOKUSHITSU Poisonous or injurious property DOKEJSHOKAI Reading public DOKUSHU Evil desigm,criminal hand DOKUSHO Noxious odor DOKabSHSHA Self-taught person DOKUSO Germany and the Soviet Union DOKUS6 Poisonous snake or insect bite DOKUS6RYOKEJ Originality DOKU~S&TEKI Original DOKUSUI Poisoned water,DOKUTAN German spy DOKUTEI Germany and Denmark DOKUTBI German Reich 04, 19)) A*Y tAt C A t - I iL & f CSAh fl5t? 1 i)." J;it kqýJ~. *1i 0g) e~~j 10 Al 64 t A it A Irl, jU* -M.k23 ]I3at(@ ~l fr33# 1 MAu jyj0 t8 Q j33bJR M[S QP jt R3a ~n S(j ritk f t C L $(:-f4; &ag ~%ov -~ DOKUTOKU 40 DOKUTOKU Peculiarity,distinction, characteristic DIUTSUSHIKI K6CHIKUBUTSU Dugout-type works DOUYAKUGAKU Toxicology DOKtYU Peouliarity,speciality, characteristic DOXUZAI Dangerous remedy DOKUZARA SHUGI Extremism,going to the bitter end DOKUZETSUKA Venom-tongued person D6KYO SURU To live with others DdKYb Terror DKtYOKU Same pole DCKYO SHINZOKU Relatives living in same house D6KYU S.me rank DOMBURAIKObO Drifting at the mercy of the waves D&MEI HIGY6 HOXKEN Strike insurance D6MEIKAI League,pact DiMEIKOKU Allies,the Allies D6MEI TORIRIKI KYOZET8U Boycott D&MEI ZEK6B Boycott D6 MIGI Ditto marks,same as above DOMMETSU SURU To take by force,seize, annex,kidnap DOMO Stamering, stammerer -DOMO Plural suffix DOMOKU SURU To glare at D6MOKUHYB Moving target D6MON Cave entrance D&MON Same school DoMORI Temple guardian D6MYAKUGAKU Arteriology D6MYAKU HASAMI Artery forceps D6MYAKUKEI Arterial system D6MYA-KU KEKKA Artarialization DoMYAKU KETSUrNo Aneurysm D6MYAKE K6iKA Arteriosclerosis,hardening of the arteries DoMYAKU KOKETSU Arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries D6MYAKURON ArterioloRgy DoMYAKURYu HARBTSU Rupture of aneurysm DbMYAKU SEKKAIJUTSU Arteriotomy D6MYAKU SHUSHUKU Arterial systole D6MC6 Same surname DWMY(JI Dried rice DON ' Overcast DdNAI In the body,of a plane DONAKA Trunk,waist,torso DONCHI Intelligence and stupidity DONCHb NA Clumsy,dull,sluggish DONDO SURU To take in and send out, swallow and throw up DONDON In great quantities DONDON Noisily DN-EN Childhood, adolescence DONGE Imbecilic look DONGOROSU Canvas D6NICHI Same day DiNIN Companion,person of same mind DONJIMAI Last, end,rear DONJIN SURU To swallow up enttrely DONKAKU Hypesthesia,blunted sensibility DONKAN NA Impervious DONKOTSU Blockhead, simpleton DON5 Sandbag D6NA Effort,conation,will DONi JINCHI Sand-bagged position DON-ON Dull sound DONRAN Greed, covetousness DONSAN Heartburn,pyrosis DONSHI Dull or weak vision DONSHOKU Pale color DONSHOKUSHb Bulimia,in medicine DONTARb Pool,idiot DONTEN Overcast,cloudy DONTO BURU To take in and send out, swallow and throw up DONTSU Dull pain DONWAN Inaptitudestupidity,lack of energy DON-Y6 Green leaves,tender shoots D6NYO Daughter,little girl,lass DON-YORI Wanly, colorlesslygdully DdNYU SURU T9 introduce,import DONZEI Cupidityavarice, encroachment DONZEI SURT To devour,annex DONZOKO NEDAN Best conceivable price, rock-bottom price 14 ~li 1it #:M t it LW r2t~1t' XAt P~jt~~ff Nt) IL:a C: It 3 ~~j-fr %?*.s rl s 4 A it Y; R Al j $4 Vtl E S )AER i;t )h#(10 B in4~ *;t& t lt-~H fi DOSEI NO KAN DONZUMARI E YUKU To go all out,go the limit D60NCH65 Consonance D60N IKEI Homonymy,having same sound but different meaning DOPPO Matchless excellence,walking alone DOPP6 German law DOPP5 Reading method DORA Well,come,an interjection DoRAKU Amateur,hobby DoRAKU Secondary occupations DORA NEKO Stray cat DoREI Precedent,same example DOREI BAIBAI Slave trade DOREI HAISHI Abolition of slavery DOREI HAISHI RONSHA Abolitionist DOREI J5TAI Slavery,bondage DOREIKA SURU To enslave DOREI KAIHB6 Emancipation of slaves DOREI KAIH6 RONSHA Emancipationist DOREI KONJ6 Servility,mercenary sentiments DOREI SH6NIN Slave trader DORE KURAI How much,how long,how far DORETSU NA Stbpid,foolish,incapable D6RI 0 AKIRAMERU To grasp the truth clearly DOR6 Dungeon DdROGAKARI Road surveyor or inspector D5ROHYb Guidepost DORO IRO Dirt-colored,mud-colored DOROKERU To become muddy DoRO K6CHIKUTAI Road-construction unit DOROKONE Working up of mortar DORO MIZU Degrading occupation DORON Sudden disappearance,absconding, eloping D6RON Same opinions DoRO RYAKUZU Road map D&RO SAGY6TAI Road-building troops DOROSEN Mud boat,mud sledge D6R6SHA Fellow worker D&ROSHIKI Area set aside for a road DOROTAMARI Mudpuddle DORO-UKESEN Mud scow DORO UMI Sea of mud DORU GIN Mexican dollarsilver dollar DORUI Rampart D6RUIBUTSU Similar thing DORU-KA HIKI-UKE Dollar acceptance DORU SoBA Dollar exchange rate DORY6 Turkish territory DORY6 Weight,measure,extent,ability DbRY6 Colleague D&RY6 Movement,amount of movement DORY6K& KENTEI Inspection of weights and measures DORY5K6 KENTEI-IN, Inspector of weights and measures DORYOKU MOKUHYb Ultimate goal DORYU Angry torrent DOSA Earth and sand,debris DOSADOSA Sound of heavy bodies falling DOSAI Obtuse mind DOSAI NA Ignorant,stupid,foolish DOSA KOTOBA Dialect,patois D6SAKU Same work,same make,work done jointly DOSAN Local product,souvenir DOSAN Violent blow,thud,bump DOSAN TO Suddenly,heavily,noisily D6SAN Agreement DBSAN Born in the same place DOSANFU Locally produced textiles DjSAN GfNK6 Credit mobilier,bank lending on pledge of personal porperty D6SAN SASHIOSAE Distraint or distress,in law DBSAI SHICHI Pledge of personalty,in law DBSAN SHICHI KEIYAKU Contract pledging personalty,in law D6SATSU Careful examination DOSATTO Suddenly,heavily,noisily DOSEI Stupiditydullness DBSEI: Flexibilitgj du ctilitg D6SEI Made of copper DiSEI Same manufacture D6SEI Same voice D6BSEI Same world,same generation D6SEI D6MEI Same family and personal names DOSEI NO IAN Rings of Saturn m# X nrp)J9 ) - YnPF9A -44 J R n*~ NV %r~~ i X no~ -)tt A rn.4 4 ~ - t -, P{AI ' B;h~ )#-t 7j nAjp s WA ~F n89 ~I tar ( - q )inrA s t~ & P3 ~t~ )1 $t, ` Q 9 ~ i Y n a 'L'f '- 9 1 s r-i 51J16 - ~t DOSEKI 41 D5BEKI Same seats,saite meeting,sitting together D6SEKI NO UE With...present D63EN Copper coin DOSHA Earth and sand,debris DOSHA Powder said to prevent rigor mortis DOSHA Ground fire D63BA Ammonium chloride D6SHA Guide D6SHA Hermit,pilgrim,guide D5SHA House,building DSIHA Same company D6SHA Same house D6SHA-IN Copartner D5SHI Constantly,continually D6SHI Movement or rest,condition D6SHI Pupil of the eye D5SHI Taoist priest,moralist,sorcerer -D6SHI Mutual,reciprocal,together D6SHI IKUSA Civil war D5SHIKA SURU To verbalize D6SHIKAI Association in defense of common interests DOSHIN Local deity DOSHIN Thud,violent blow D6BSHIN Center of motion DbSHIN Childlike heart D6SHISHA Persons with common interests DOSH6 Local tradesman D53HB Copper seal,copper medal D6SH6 Road ballast D5SHOKU Colleague,fellow worker,same profession DbSHOKU JINSHU Race of same color D6SHOKUSHA Colleague,fellow worker D5SH6TEN Same hearth DOSHU Crossbowman D6SHU Rower,oarsman,oar D6SHO Priests,clergy D6SHJ Same religion,same church D5SHU Venality,corruption D5SHO SURU To be in the same boat DBSHUKU Same lodginghouse,lodging together D5bSHUKUJIN Fellow lodger,household D6SHUMI BSame taste or interests D6SHUMI Same odor and taste D6SHOMI Same party,same clique D6SHU RY6H5 Homeopathy,homeopathic medicine DOSO Turkey and the Soviet Union D650 Same ancestor D6S6 Classmates,schoolmates D]6SKAI Alumni association,student club D6SdKAI KAIHd Alumni bulletin DOSOKU Clogs,footwear,muddy feet D6SOKU Conduct, condition,state D6SON Same village D6SO YORI IZU To be descended from same ancestor DOSSARI Abundance,plenty,power DOSSHIRI Massive,substantial,weighty DOSU- Darkdeep,of colors D6SUI Water supply D5SUIJTN K KAIBU Level grade crossing D6SUIK6 Conduit D6SUIKYO Water-supply main,conduit D6TAI Body of child D6TAI Intendant of circuit DbTAI Same military unit DBTAIGoSHA Personnel of corresponding grade DOTAN Violent blow,thud,bump DOTCHI Where,what place, either,neither, whi ch DOTE Toothless gums 'DOTBI Embankment DBTEI Distance between two places,length, route D6TEI Virgin D TEKI JINgK Dynamic population DMTEKI SBAKAIGAKU Dynamic sociology D6TES Same point,same mark DOTEI'PARA Fat man,pack-horse driver DbTETSU SURU To carry out,acoomplish DOT& Tumult,agitation DO TO Abundantly,sufficiently DO TO Striking violently,falling heavily D6T6 Said island D6T6 Temple and tower,pagoda D6TKA SURUM To equalize D6TOKUH8 Moral law iiltitil -)L -t I.to Iift VR l r14 At 9 ihi 11 ) #1 5 +; E 1t.@ 8 1 t @0Q# w fnigi45 Zs$ rr3 j t5 B E-ENNANKOTSU D6TOKUKA Edifioationmoralization D6TOKUKAN Moral sense D6TOKUKUN Moral precepts D6TOKU RITSU Moral law D6TOKU RONSHA Moralist DBTOKU TAIHAI Demoralization,moral decadence D6TOKUTEKI KIKEN Moral hazard,in fire insurance DbTOKUYA Moralizer DOTSUNUKE Absent-minded person DOTTO In crowds,with an uproar DO-UNSHA Dirt-carrying vehicle,dump truck DoWASHU Book of fables DoYA Same night DbYAKU Same employment or occupation DoYARA Probably, likely DOY6 Dog days D6Y5 Behavior,conduct DbY5 Children,young folks DoY6 Conduct,manners D6Y5 Popular song DdY6 Similarity,same manner,identity DOY6BAKI Summer house cleaning DOY6BOSHI Sunning during dog days DoYWOO Synonymous expression DOY6 KYOKA Summer vacation DOYOMU To resound DOY6 YASUMI Summer vacation DoYU Tung oil DoYU SURU To amuse oneself with others D6YU SURU To encourage,incite,lead on D6ZA Sitting together,shared occupancy D6ZEI Companions D6ZEN Clearly,asimply,directly D6ZEN Similarly,likewise,no better than DUZO K6ZO In one way or another D6ZOKU Priests and laymen DOZ6YABURI Breaking into warehouse D6ZURU To agree with E E Counter for folds of garments E Estonia,Ecuador E Fodder,food,bait,decoy E Subhead 34 E - Subhead 43,formerly WE -E Layer,stratum, thickness,time or occasion E...ATE For...in care of EAWASE Picture-puzzle game' EBAMU To eat,said of birds EBIASHI Clubfoot EBIJAKO Shrimpsmall fry EBIRA Open quiver EBISUGAMI Loose leaf in book EBISUGAO Smiling face EBISUMEKU To act like a savage EBI TSUKUDANI Preserved lobster stew EBIZAKO Shrimp,small fry EBON Picture bookillustrated book EBOSHI Shinto priest's headdress,crest of bird EBURI Axe handle EDA Arm of a river EDA Branch of a family EDA Counter for bows and flowers EDA Sect EDABAIA Flowering branch EDABARAI Pruning of trees ED~AGAWA Branch river,tributary EDAHA Subdivision of a sect or party EDAMAME Soy beans cooked on stems EDAMICHI Detour,digression, offshoot EDaA NY6 Radical 065 EDAORI Breaking of a branch EDAOTORI Junior branch of a family EDART Barrel with handles EDASUKASHII Pruning of trees EDAWAKARE Separation of branches EDAWAKARE Formation of new line of relationship EDAZASHI Arrangement of branches on tree EDAZTKA Support,prop,strutbrace EDO KCISHITSUl Edo era spirit EO SBHUMI Edo era flavor EE-BII-ShI JENi Alphabetical order E-.ENNA1NXOTBU Epiglottis t: it SL OVA iA. * PAjti, L&LSO tI~t5 - EETERU-KY- 42 - Al EETERU-KY6 Etheromania,addiction to ether - 44 EETERU KY6SHA Ether addict - % EETERU MASII Etherism,etherization - 0ý EETERU MASUIR6 Etherism, etherization - r*ett EETERU NI KANZESHIMERU To etherize - oALth EETERU NO J6HATSUKI Ether vapors - EETERU-SEI NO Etherlike - A EETERU SEISEI Etherification - 0Asr EETERU SEISEIKI Etherificator - tM EETERU TO KETSUG6 SASERU To etherize,be h; combined with ether # EFU Label on article for sale $W4H EFUROKU Illustrated supplement 4A4 EGACHI Ostentation 4%&- ~I EGATAI MENJ6 Authorization difficult to get s- E GA TSUKU To succeed,be fortunate S EGO Correlation S EGOEGO Chubbiness 7 EGOTEKI Correlative,reciprocal S EGU Paints EGUT Acrid,pungent EGURI Hollowing out,grooving j i EGURU Y6 NI ITAI Knifelike pain EHACHI Doctrine EHEE Hey,yah SEl Battalion in Chinese army S El England,Great Britain SEI- Medical,medical branch,navy -T EIA England and Argentina EIBEI England and America A# EIBEISODO England,America,the Soviet Union,and Turkey I4# EIBEN NA Eloquent,fluent 4*4AtX EIBINDO Sensitiveness K EIBUN English text -*ýK EIBUNGAKU English literature AJM EIBUNRAN English column in newspaper EICHIKU Construction i EICHJ Interior of barracks A EIDAI Long period,eternity,perpetuity iKA*e EIDAI SHAKUCHIKEN Perpetual leasehold %Xe EIDAN Development organization Eg EIDAN Managing board,managing commission 4ea EIDAN Wise decision EIDATSU Prosperity,advancement,promotion $3J EIDO England and Turkey 1 ~ EIEI Defense,guarding I- EIEI Fully,completely Ait Idt EIEI NA Sagacious,far-seeing *,k L- & EIEI TO SHITA Perpetual /AZL EIFO Distinguished manners,virtues 5ý EIFUN Grave a*4f* EIFUTSU KAIKY6 English Channel 45# EIGA Extravagance,luxury 004et EIGA HAIKYUSHO Film-distributing office o4tL EIGAH5 Film-censorship law t1A* EIGAISHA Persons living off post *4et EIGAKAI Filmdom s$&1*f EIGA SATSUEIKI Motion-picture camera aIr` EIGASHA Motion-picture company S EIGO Defense,guarding ~4rt-~ EIGOKA SURU To Anglicize EIGY5 -Great achievement t A1~t EIGY5 CHUSHI HOKEN Use and occupancy insurance 1)49 EIGY5 FURI Business methods it* EIGY6HI Operating expenses EIGY5H6 Business law 410PA EIGY6 JIKAN, Business or office hours 4C-t LI EIGY6 KAISHA Operating company ~1t*-8 EIGYl KAMOKU Line of business *t7l# FIGCRKEN Good will,right of trade A-L~ EIGYb NENDO Business year ~ EIGY6 SHIHON Working capital %f4~ EIGY6 SHIKIN Working capital - EIGYb SHISAN Stock in trade EIGY6 SHUMOKU Items of business B EIGY6TEKI SHiK6I Objective commercial act SEIGY6 YbCHI KANJ6 Business premises account 9-~c t EIGYi Y6HIN ISSAI Stock in trade 4J EIGY6 WARI -Business rate gtz ( EIGY& ZET Business tax z&eG EIHAI Distribution of motion pictures 8Ie&$ EIHATSU Reflection 4 Aiq EIHEI Medical soldier *A- 0 - EIHEI KIMMU Guard duty M4E*r-4t EIHEI KBTAI Changing guard A* AIOF EIHEISHO Guardhouse AAi EIH6 Sharp spear crcEI-I Great power -% fp 44 f i -rt Uic -RA A- K #IW-4 - g~j y,~t SAt 4AA * *TjM ~ Ti, FAj ig #A -f, 4t &A Ws ir@Af< d/LA ~f 4i 91J ~X Jr 1P/I1 t 5; 44tt& EFiR;ei4-# 460 i~ +33 EISON EI-I Talent,distinction,capability,power EI-IN England and India EI-IN SURU To cover,conceal EI-ITSU SURU To overflow EIJITSU Long days EIJU SURU To escort,guard EIJU FUKKAN Garrison adjutant EIJU SHIREIBU Garrison headquarters EIKAK6 HARETSU SHAGEKI High-bursting fire EIKA SHURYODAN Hand grendade with time fuse EIKA TERYODAN Hand grenade with time fuse EIEEN Prosperity and fame,glory,celebrity EIKETSU Tomb,grave EIKI Courage,dash,remarkable intelligence,clevernes EIK6 Affection,love EIK5 Eternity EIK6KI Towing aircraft EIKOKKA SURU To Anglicize EI6 TEKK6DAN Armor-piercing tracer shell EIKýIU HDAI Fixed battery EIKYC K5SAI Permanent loan,irredeemable loan EIKYORYOKU Permanent effect EIKYOTEKI SH6HIN Perpetual inventory TANAOROSHIKY6 EIMA SURU To polish EIMAN High tide,zenith of glory EIMAN Loading a ship to the gunwales EININ Higher post E-IN K5MON NO Perineo-anal EI PII AP,Associated Press El PII TSUSHINSHA AP,Associated Press EIRAKU Long or eternal pleasure EIRI HOKEN Insurance on profits EIRINKYOKU Forestry bureau EIRI SHUGI Commercialism EIRY6 British territory EISAI Acumen, sagacity EISAKU Construction EISEI Rank EISEI Special duty....,medical,in navy commissions EISEIBU Ministry of Health,China EISEI-BYbIN Sanitarium-hospital EISEIGAKARI Health officer EISEIGAKUSHA Sanitarian EISEIHEI* Nonrated man,medical EISEI HEICHd Leading seaman,medical EISEI HEIS6 Petty officer,medical EISEI HEIS6CH& Warrant officer,medical, navy EISEIH6 Hygiene,hygienics EISEI-IN Sanitarium EISEIKA Medical section EISEI KAIRY6 Sanitation EISEIKAN Health officer EISEI KIKAN Department of health EISEI KIMMU Army medical service EISEI K6GAKU Sanitary engineering EISEI MUKYi Eternity EISEIRI Health officer EISEI SHIKENJO Hygienic laboratory EISEISHO National Health Administration, China EISEITAI Medical unit EISEITAI SHARY& CHUTAI Ambulance company EISEI ZAIRY6 Medical supplies EISEKI British citizenship EISEKI Traces,marks EISEKI KAJIN Chinese with British citizenship EISEN Sharpened point EISEN Towboat,tug,tugboat EISEN SURU To tow EISENRYi Towage charge EISENTAT Tugboat fleet EISHA Full cars EISHA Shelter constructed in front-line positions EISHA SURU To suffer from diarrhoea EISHI Brave soldiers,formidable troops EISHI British newspaper EISHI Zeal,enthusiasm EISHIN SURU To dash forward,advance eagerly EISHO GUN Defense station group EISHOTAI Defense station unit EISHUDAN Hand grenade with time -fuse EISb6 KINKO Detention in the guard house EISON Posterity EISOTSU 43 EISOTSU Picked troops li EISOTSU Soldier of the guard EITAI Long period,eternity, perpetuity YIF$ EITAI KIFU Mortmain,alienation in mortmain k t EITAI SHAKUCHI Fee simple K212 EITAI SHAKUCHIKEN Fee simple ~ f EITAI SHOYOKEN Perpetual ownership 3 EITAKU Polish,luster S. EITAKU Tomb,eternal abiding place S EITEIKOKU. British Empire EITEKI HIK5KITAI Target-towing plane unit S EITEN Honors,mark of distinction EI-TON Long ton,gross ton A-i EIWA English-Japanese S'_ \I L EI YATTO With difficulty Ai,W EIYo NA Petpetual,everlasting V EIY5BBUN Nutritive element,a nutriment EIYSBUTSU Nutritious food,nutriments ETYoKA Food value ff EIYo KAN Alimentary canal EIYo-KAN Transporting and hoisting ring EIYo KENKYuSHO Dietetic laboratory EIYo KETSUBo SHIKKAN Nutritional deficiency disease EIYo RITSU Caloric percentage EIYo SAIBo Nutritial cell i EIYO SHIHARAI Payment for honor's sake EIY5 SHINKEI Trophic nerve EIY5 SHITCH6SH6 Malnutrition S EIYZAI Eutrophic,a nutritional drug EIYO NA Brave,courageous it4t f EIYUKA SURU To idolize,make a hero of AVi EIYU SUHAI Hero-worship EIZENGAKARI Official architect EIZENHI Building and repair expense EIZ6 Construction EIZoBUSTU HAKAI Sabotage EIZ5 MA.TU Television screen EIZONSEI Perpetuity EIZONSHA Perpetuator EIZ6 SOHAI Image worship EKI Sauce,liquid,juice,sap "EKIATSU Hydraulic pressure EKIATSUKAI F.O.B. EKIBA Post horse,stage of journey EKIBAGAKARI Postrider EKIBASHA Stagecoach EKIBEN Station lunch EKI BUMPITSU Secretion EKICHAKU Arrival at the station tt 4- EKIDEN KYoS6 Relay race "'\Y)J- 11 EKIDOME KONIMOTSU Parcel,etc.,to be called for ' 1 EKIEKI TO SHITA Beautiful,shining, graceful ' z [ i EKIEKI TO SHITA Sorrowful,sad EKIGAKU Art of divination EKIGEN Profitable words S,; EKIHEN InstabilLty EKI-IN Station employee "EKIJI Post town - 4 4 EKIKA HASSHA Discharge of liquid fire EKIKI Miasma,contagion EKIKIATSU Hydropneumatic pressure ' -it EKI 0 SHIBORU To juice,tap a tree "EKIREI Liquid-cooled * EKIREI Starting bell EKIRY5KI Medicine glass '11 t EKISAIKAI Relief association EKISHA Gainer,useful friend S EKISHI Employment,work,service,servant '~ EKISHU Type of service "" EKIS& Cistern,reservoir SEKISU KoSEN X ray. EKITAI Liquid T EKITEI Highway inn f e EKI WATASHI Ex station,in commerce - EKI WATASHI BAIBAI Sale at station '- EKIY6 From generation to generation EKIY5 Many-leaved i'c EKIZAI Liquid medicine S6 ~ EKKAN SURU To escape from prison S' EKKAN SURU To see,inspect fil EKKEN SURU To see,inspect Lt rjs EKKEN 0 TOU To reprove for exceeding au thori ty ~ EKKI Joy,delight,gladness "-^ /, - EKKISU-GATA JUJI St.Andrew's cross -.L.ItM EKKISU K5SEN NO JIKKEN Radioscopy "- A ^ EKKISU K6SEN NOZOKI Fluoroscope - ^<1 EKEISU-SENGAKU Roentgenology ENDOKUSHO - W T EKKISU-SENJUTSU Roentgenism;jlT h EKKY6 SURU To cross the border, trespass Ati EKKYo JIKEN Border violation,border incident 4( EKOHIIKI NO NAI Impartial,unprejudiced, V fair W.51 EMAD5 Ex-voto gallery 4Ui A L EMAHOSHII Desirable ^.. EMA ISHA Doctor without patients -. EMBA Long ride on horse MAY EMBA Shaft horse ",LJ EMBA Insults,.l? c EMBA SURU To hate and insult ý^# EMBAKU Long-range bomber EMBAN Sinuous slithering motion ]M[ J-L EMBARUTO SANGOKU Three Baltic States A- I EMBA SANGOKU Three Baltic States jf EMBA SHOKUKU Baltic States I EMBETSU Great distance away,long separation EMBI Forked or swallow tail SEMBI Round tail. EMBo Slander,calumny W^ EMBOKU Shafts of vehicle [< EMBOTSU SURU To be destroyed by water EMECHIN Enmetine,an emetic ,[% EMMACH6 Defaulter book,black book W EMMAKU KITAI Smoke screen plane unit li EMMAN Diffusion,extension,expansion ^W^ EMMAN JISHOKU Voluntary resignation rj] ~ EMMAN MUKEKKA Nice but worthless H'3t EMMAN SETSU Perfectionism EMMAZURA Fear-inspiring face EMMEI SURU To revolt against destiny, curse one's fate " EMMEI SURU To sacrifice one's life,aie 0. EMMEI SOKUSAI Long life and good health ~L EMMEIYAKU Elixir of life ~@ EMMEN SURU To hide one's face * EMMETSU Destruction,extinction ^. EMMIN Smoker of opium W EMMUSHO Salt administration office SR l EMMUSHO TOKUBEN Salt administration commissioner I. % E MO By any means,in any way "4ý1 EMPA Spray,foam V*fA M EMPAN SURU To be wearied kjf, EMPAN SURU To rebel from resentment k ft EMPATSU Delayed departure AtJ4^ EMPATSU BAKUDAN Delayed action bomb AA EMPEI Hiding face with sleeves EMPEIBUTSU Cover, shelter EMPEN Rim ^ EMPI Hides preserved in salt (J EMPI Shovel AI EMPIKI Ties of blood,blood relation ^y1ý EMPITSUBASAMI Pencil case h i EMPITSU KINYU Pencil additions S1 EMPITSU NO KI Virginian red cedar it EMPo Distant country V r EMP6 Satiety Wi EMP5 S5SA Remote control t & EMPU Hot wind,sirocco $T EMPUKU Crossing mats for wire entanglements 4i1K a EMPUKU SURU To lie in ambush A EMUSHIRO Colored mat., EN Peking 4 -EN Inflammation - 119' EN-AI Fog,misthaze ff EN-AN Feasting and freedom from care JE ENCHAKU Delay in arriving S A ENCHAKUSEN Overdue ship Si ^eJ ENCHAKUSEN NO KIKEN Overdue risk J^5 ENCHI Distant land or region ENCHI Garden pond ^ ENCHI Opium poppy fields '_ ENCHI SURU To be delayed,lag ST ENCH5 Round head,dome tf ENCH5 SURU To gaze into the distance T 2 ENCHoZAN Knoll i ENCHUKEI Columnar,cylindrical ~I43f ENCHOTAT Cylinder S_ ENDAI Rostrum,speaker's platform, ENDAN Smoke bomb *U/- ENDEKI SURU To be drowned Wi ENDO Furious anger j8 END6 Roundabout road,long way t END6KOTSU Pisiform bone,in anatomy f- ENDOKU Smoke poisoning 3-^ ENDOKUSEN Lead colic,painter's colic 5-J- ENDOKUSH5 Saturnism,lead colic,metal colic ENDo MAME. 44 9I1 AL 7AT *12 o@dt -r k M941A, 4 " L *, P4 Al ll RAt*th j47 ffs jRiC A;9 R ia MO ia~tt jypjgM (Bf gt ]kfafcIS (A" tQ' #i#~1 ~ ~4R)F -?9X & J$ 1~ Wrt kd 1991 4t~ 73 -sif t END6 MAME Pea END6 NO KUNIGUNI Provinces through which road passes END6ZOKU Garden pea,pisum EN-EKIH6 Deduction, syllogism EN-EKIRON Apriorism EN-EN Graciously, exquisitely, charmingly EN-EN TO SHITA Blazing,flaming ENGAE Yen exchange ENGAN B6BI Coastal defense ENGAN BbBIKAN Coast guard cutter ENGAN B6EKI Coastwise trade ENGAN B6GYO Coastal defense ENGAN CHIH6 Seaboard ENGAN K&KAI Coastal trade,coastal navigation ENGAN KoKAISEN Coasting vessel,coaster ENGAN KiK6 Coastal navigation ENGAN KdKbSEN Coasting vessel ENGANRYu Littoral current ENGAN SEN Coastline ENGEIJTJTSU Horticulture ENGEIKAN Entertainment hall ENGEI SHOKUBUTSU Garden plant ENGEKI Surprise attack ENGEN Distant origin,remote source ENGETSU Full moon ENGICHIN Luck money ENGIDANA Family altar,for good luck ENGIJ6 Circus,amphitheater, arena ENGI NO WARUI Unlucky,inauspicious, ill-omened ENGI NO WARUI TORI Bird of ill omen ENGI NO YOI Lucky,auspicious ENGO Gallant remarks ENGO Play on words ENGO H6KA Covering barrage ENGOKAI Relief association ENGOKU Unjust imprisonment ENGO SENT6KI Escort fighter plane ENGO SHAGEKI Covering fire ENGOTAI Covering force ENGUMI SH6SHO Marriage contract ENGUN Reinforcements ENGYO Salted fish ENGYb Coin blank,blank EN-IN Delay EN-IN Help, support EN-IN Origin, source,cause ENJA HIIKI Nepotism ENJAKU Common people,swallows and sparrows,small birds ENJI Superfluous word ENJIN Man of distant country,man of old ENJITSU Warm day,sunshine ENJITSU SURU To be delayed,deferred ENJ6 Long-distance riding, ENJo. Scorching heat' ENJ6MYAKUNAI Intravenous ENJUN Target ENJUTSU Statement,exposition ENKA Immediate vicinity of house ENKA Under side of eaves ENKA Kitchen fire ENKA Riverbank ENKA Smoke and mist,scenery ENKA Yen currency ENMA DANTAI Aid China Society ENKA' HYbJI KAKAKUE Stipulated yen price ENKAI Distant seas,deep sea ENKAI Lump lead ERNAI Sea around island or peninsula EKKAI BbEKI 'Coastal trade ENKAIHI Entertainment expense ENKAI KgGY6 Coastal trade INKAI KBROSEN- Coaster or coasting vessel ENKAI d MOY6SU To give a banquet ENKAISEN Coasting vessel ENKAISHO Maritime Provinces ENKAJUTSU Pyrotechnics ENKAKU KANSEI Remote control ENKAKU KANSEI S6CHI Remote control equipment ENKAKUSHI Historical record ENKAN Boiler flue,furnace flue,chimney ENKAN Drought ENKANGAMA Tubular boiler ENKANGOY Salted dried fish ENKANK6 Plumber ERNA SHISHO bifficulty in swallowing, dysphagia ENKATSU SURU To facilitate Aicc 'fs gcgg AVLI 6C t4 k 13 19 4A % itI tv A 4-;ttly a - 30tj' (8t~ t s IjJM M* rn - $Lia iigda 4 JtI9g ~ Ati;$ Ak4 Lte ~ ite f4 bh t 3 ILA ~ L IJ Art$ ia L st(4b L e Is c t 1 jt AFt 3C ia~t b " 3P JL *ML 01S b;tJ1 f8t eas Ilc ENSEIKA ENKATSU BURU To facilitate ENKATSUKA SURU To harmonize ENKATSUYU Lubricating oil ENKEI Background,perspective ENEEI Stretching of neck IENmEI Unjust punishment ENKEI GEIJb Amphitheater ENtK'IH Laws of perspective ENKEI HoDAI Round redoubt ENKEN Edge of a roof ENKEN NI Proudly,haughtily,high,lofty, soaring,hovering ENKEN NI With a zigzag or undulating motion ENKEN SURU To see in the distance ENKETS J Envelopment, enirclement, strangulation ENKETSU SURU To win over ENKI Chimney,smoke flue ENKI Machine gun in covered emplacement ENKI SURU To break out fiercely,of fire ENKI SURU To disoard,reject ENKIDAN Time bomb ENKIN Contribution to charity ENKIN Perspective ENKISEI Student who repeats a year ENKI SB6CHI SHINKAfl Delayed-action fuse ENKO Friend,acquaintance ENK5 Coastal navigation ENK56 Extension ENK6 Long journey ENK6 Opium treacle E=Kb Remote country district,dibtant suburbs ENK6 ARU Cyclostomatous,in zoology ENK6 SURU To delay sailing ENK6 SURU To extend the route of a ship ENKO EMBIKI Tendency to favor friends ENK6 ITA Tongue-and-groove flooring ENKOKU. Cirque,circular valley ENKOKU Distant cduntries ENKOKU Extension of time EIKON Enmity, antipathy,grudge,rancor ENKON CHITKU Salt fields ENKYO Tranquil life ENKY6 Banquet,feast ENKYB Distant frontiers,distant land ENKY6 Yenching University ENKY6 DAIGAKU Yenching University ENKYORI BAKUGEKI *Long-z'ange bomber ENKYORI SENT6KI Long-range fighter plane ENKYORI SHATEI Long range,in gunnery ENMYORT TAIPU Teletype ENKYORI TEISATSUKII Loneg-range reconnaissance plane ENKYU Assistance,aid ENKYU Personal enemy ENNAI In the park or gard*i ENNEN Many years ago ENN6 Postponement of tax or other payments EtdN6 Utricle ENNY6 Radical 054 EN-O Disdain EN-6 False aceusation,detraction ENOGO Swelling of glands,groin,or armpit ENOGUZARA Palette EN 0 HARU To give a dinner or banquet EN 0 KIRU To sever relations ENRAI NO SHINA Imported article ENREI Prolongation of life ENREN Exercises,maneuvers ENRI SURU To be separated,become estranged,retire ENRO Aid to Russia ENRO Along the road ENRUI Distant relatives ENRY6 sURT To spread,extend ENRYOBUKAI Overly ceremonious or hesitant ENRYOGACHI NO Modest, shamefaced, exces - sively reserved ENRYOKU Aid, assistance ENRY0 Deportation,forced transportation ENRYU Intense desire ENRYU Sojourn ENSAKI Edge of veranda ENSAKtU Round hole ENSAN Hydrochloric acid ENSATSU BUR To surprise and kill ENSEI Assistance,reinforcements ENSEI Great heat,caloric power ENSEI Opium administration ENSEIKA Pessimist lAA it A - N 4 S Str St r M It! ~ 4e3 J ~t~42i + ~~T~f t~J~it* S~g~t S~~495 kt.~,~ ENSEIKAN. 45 ENSEIKAN Pessimistic view* ENSEI KONDANKAI Opium conference ENSEKI Bamboo mat,seat,festival room ENSEKI Distant relative ENSEMBAI Salt monopoly ENSEN Line running alongside,along a line ENSEN Long-range fighter plane ENSEN Long war ENSEN Wire laying ENSENGUMI Wire-laying team ENSHA Lecturer ENSHA Salt cart ENSHI Creosote ENSHI Lecturer ENSHI Profound thought or idea ENSHICHO Cochineal insect ENSHIKI Vast knowledge ENSHIN Depths,profundity,secret,mystery ENSHIN Distant relative ENSHIN Extension,prolongation ENSHITSU Smoking compartment ENSHO Distant place ENSH6 Aid to Chiang Kai-Shek,aid to China ENSH6 SURU To praise,eulogize ENSH6 SURU To spread,extend,as a fire ENSHbCHU Still burning,now burning ENSH6GURA Powder magazine ENSHOKU Distaste for certain food ENSH6 NETSU Inflammatory fever ENSH6 ROTO Chungking supply route ENSH6SEI RYOMACHISU Inflammatory rheumatism ENSHU SURU To capture by surprise ENSHO Inveterate antipathy ENSHU Transmission,succession,heritage ENSHU SURU To attack unawares ENSHUDAN Practice shell ENSHOJB Area for maneuvers ENSHU K6GUN Military march ENSHUKU Gracefulness ENSHUKU SURU To expand and contract ENSHU RYOK6 Training journey ENSHO SH6SHU Maneuver levy ENSHu YAEI Training camp ENSHO ZAIRY6 Military training materials ENSO Aid to the Soviet Union ENSO Salt and vinegar ENS6 Foppishness, coxcombry ENS5 Remote control ENSB Round window ENSO BAKUMEIKI Chlorine detonating gas ENS6KI Instrument operated by remote control ENSOKU Satiation,full satisfaction ENSOKU Obstruction,barrier ENSOKU SURU To dan up ENSOKU Rest,repose ENSOKU SURU To rest,repose ENSOKUKAI Excursion EN0KU SEN Plumb line ENSOKUSHA Excursionist,hiker ENSON Remote posterity ENSON Remote village ENSUI Remote frontiers ENSUI Spray, spindrift ENTAI Charming air,comely appearanice ENTAI Delay,barrier,obstruction ENTAI Reinforcement troops ENTAI Revetment ENTAIG6 Shelter trench,cover trench ENTAI HIBU Interest rate on overdue or unpaid balance ENTAI KIN Arrears ENTAI RISHI Overdue interest ENTAI RISOED Overdue interest ENTAI IKXEWATASHI Backward delivery,inf securities exchanges ENTAI Y6CYr Stale demand ENTAKU Deportation, transportation ENTABIJ Salt marsh ENTAKU KAIGI Round-table conference ENTAKU 0 KAKOMU To sit at a round table ENTAN Edge ENTATSU SURT To tell,atate ENTATSU SURU To transmit over a long distance ENTATSUSEI Ability to transmit oyer a long distance ENTEI Long-range reconnaissance plane IENTEKI Detested enemy ENTEN NA Smoothly rolling,orotund ENTEN SURU To revolve,rotate EZUKU ENTO Long road,circuitous route ENTO Route ENTo Far East ENT6 Remote island,deportation k t 'Z ENTOTSUB KI Chimney-sweeper,a brush tr Aýffl ENTOTSU S6JININ Chimney sweep 1 ENUGO Swelling of glands,groin,or armpit SIEN-UN Heat clouds kjtr EN-UN Mist and cloud,fog At EN-UTSU Melancholy,depression 48 EN-YAKU Smoking drugs ' ' 6 4 ENYARASA Yo heave ho 4 X EN-YB Hot summer days,sun i ~f EN-Y cGYOGYo SHoREI Deep-sea fishery encouragement it EN-Y6 KoKAI Ocean navigation,long cruise AL EN-YB K6KAI SENCH6 Captain on overseas voya3e 45ij EN-Y6 K6RO Trans-ocean route A/fL EN-YB K6ROSEN Ocean-going vessel t At EN-Y6 K6SEN Ocean liner:r i EN-Y6 UNS6GY6 Overseas shipping st EN-YU Cause,origin,motive EN-YU Garden,park Agpp EN-YU NO SAKUGO Error in the motive ENZA Complicity in a crime S ENZA SURU To sit and converse If S ENZA SURU To sit in a circle ENZAN Banishment gh IP? ENZAN NI FUSURU To print S ENZEI Salt tax,gabelle 4 KENZEN Charmingly rE Lt ENZEN TO SHITE Suddenly,unexpectedly Stt ~ ENZETSUH6 Elocution, oratory Sftw ENZETSU 0 KOKOROMIRU To deliver a speech ENZETSUSHI Orator s)ai ENZETSUTAI Oratorical style ii ENZOKU Distant relative S EPPUKU SURU To submit with joy i'a ERABITORU To pick out I' I- ERAGARI SHUGI Chauvinsim ( ERAHIDOI Breath-taking,immense,astounding it ERAMONO Important matter 1t4 ERAMONO Important person 04 ERIAKI Collar opening 4t L- ERIDASHININ Sorter ERIDOME Garment with closed collar 4 Alt ERIDORU To choose,pick out 1 9 5 ERIGURERU To fail to select fit ERIGURI Sorted chestnuts 11IA ERIKIRAI Likes and dislikes,sympathy and antipathy ie ERIKONOMI Careful choice t ERINOKE Choice ERITORI Choice,selection ER6SOKU Painted cqndles IA ih l ESE SHINJINSHA Hypocrite ESHI Necrosis ESHOKU Food one is fond of ~ti ESOSEI Gangrenous SESSARA OSSARA With a great effort I LNESSEI SURU To overstep,go beyond S ESSHB SURU To overstep,go beyond S ESSO Presumptuousness - AA ESU BII BAKUGEKIKI Soviet SB bomber + ESOI-JI Roman S ok ESUJ6 S-shaped Wf44kp V ESU-J6BU CHOKUCH6 Sigmoid flexure t A A* ESU-J6BU CHOKUCH6EN Sigmoiditis S ESU-KEI S-shaped S ETA Japanese outcasts,pariahs ETAI Aspect,shape,uature ETE Aptitude,specialty 1f - ETEKICHI Clever fellow,able man lrtIt ETOKI Graphic explanation ETSU Annam,French Indo-China W k ETSU Canton eagr ETSUBEYt Sunstroke,heat prostration 165b ETSUOOKU Escape from prison acc E~1SUJITSU SURD To investigate the facts &4F6 ', ETSUKE Decorations on metals,porcelain, etc. Irfi 4 L ETSUKI SHURYODAN Stick hand grenade 3014 4 79 ETSUKI TERYoDAN Stick hand grenade 4B ft ETSUNENGO After the close of the old year '126 ETSURAKU SURU To be pleased,be delighted t'tIV ETSURANRY6 Admission fee kif1t ETSURANSHITSU Reading room kN It 1 ETSUREI SURU To overstep propriety EIh RYAMI Intermittent fever # it ) EY6 NO Like a picture,picturesque 141- EZUKU To accept food,grow tame 65892 0- 45 - 4 ~ ~ S3 ~cL v x yt )a~ Yi ~~ S-~9 4 lj 4;f;6$ ~~b~~ it1 Ikd plt\S t? t~ ii&A A 9o ~ 3 tB )ft1 9 '2) 3~;FA~J 31rt IIf~ %fIS~~ EZUKU 4f EZUKU To try to vomit,feel like vomiting F FU Hawaii FU Ordinary quality FU Prussia FU Philadelphia FU Subhead 32 FU Two FU- To go to,start for F5 Counter for letters and packets FUANKO Insecurity FUANSHIN Uneasiness, apprehension,care FUTANZU House,room FUATSUKAI Icy reception FUBAN SHINGbSHO Panel signaling post FUBARAI HOKEN Insurance policy payable in installments FUBARAI KAI-IRE Installment purchase FUBARAI KOGITTE Protested check FUBASAMI Letter case FUBATSU Firmness,immovability, impregnability FUBEI Going to America FUBENGI Inconvenience,inopportuneness FUBENZETSU Slow of speech,ineloquent FUBI Lack of preparation FUBI SURU To shadow,trail FUBI SURU To sweep over,overwhelm FJBIKYOKU Supply and ordnance bureau FUBIN Pity,sympathy,compassion FUBIN Unsuitableness,insufficiency FUBISHA Shadower FUB6 Windproof FUBOKU Driftwood FUBOKU Rotting tree,rotting wood FUBUEKIDAORE Toppling over in snowstorm FUBUMMEI Unclearness,obscurity,ambiguity FUBUMPAI NO Indivisible FUBUNH5 Common law FUBUNTAN J&K5 Nonassessable clause FUBUNWARI TSOJ& KABU Undivided ordinary share of stock FUBUTSU Scenery,beauties of nature FUBY5 Cold in the head FUBY6D6 J YAKU Unequal treaties FUCHI Incurability FUCHI SURU To attach,assign FOCHI Beauty FUCHI ISHI Curbstone,lip of a well FU CHIJI Governor of urban prefecture FUCHI KIN Allowance,alimony FUCHIKUSEKI HAITo Noncumulative dividend FUfHIMAI Rice rations FUCHIN Fluctuation,change,uncertainty FUCHIN Lighterage charges FOCHIRIN Ornamental plantation FUCH& Course of events,progresscof ideas FUCH6 Disagreement FUCH6 Urban prefectural office FOCHB Musical air,noise of wind FOCHB Satire,lampoon FOCHb Style,fashion,tendency FUCH6 FUDA Price tag FUCH6 NEDAN Marked price FUCHO Administrative offices FUCHOGI Disloyalty,disobedienice,treason FUDA Pack-horse load FUDAITAIBUTSU Noninterchangeable goods FUDAKAN NO Inconvertible FUDAN Constancy, stability, continuance, endlessness FUDANGI Ordinary clothes FUDAN ISHA House doctor FUDARYOKU Carrying capacity of pack animal FUDASHO Ticket office FUDE BUSRH Negligence in writing,poor correspondent FUDEFUKI Brush or pen wiper FUDE GA KARUI To write well FUDE-IRE Brush case FUDEKAKE Brush case or rack FUDEMAME Profuse or skillful writer FUDESAKI Pen,power of an author's pen FUDETATE Brush stand,pen stand FUDETORI Copyist,secretary FUDE TSUTKURI. Radical 129 FUDEYUI Brushmaker ~ *') 92i; 1; ~ A5; 9s d ~;r nW a $1 1 1C ~ AYYL A ~ 4 I4 -jt ~ -4 2,4 4 )tPA ~;r ghrFC A?&S 4A ~te a ih 7~ if ~ 4 =i ts;5 yg's s% 5 FUHAKU FUDEZUKURI Radical 129 FUD6 Inert FUD6 Nonconductibility FUD6 Tenacity, indomitability FUD6 Womanhood FUD5 Women and children FUDO Local customs,manners FUD6 DdMEI Sit-down strike FUDb HOKEN Nonconcurrent insurance FUDbJI HOKEN SH6KEN Nonconcurrent policy, in insurance FUD5 JINK6 Floating population FUD6 JURY6 Dead load FUDdKAKU Inequality of rank FUDOKI Climate,topography, FUD6 KbSAI Floating debt FUDOKU Rheumatism,chronic abscess FUD5 MOKUHYQ Immutable goal FUD6 NO KANASHIBARI Bribe to secure silence FUDORON Topography FUJD SAIMU Floating liabilities FUDbSAN BAIBAI Real-estate agent GYbSHA FUD5SAN GINKb Mortgage bank,credit foncier FUD6SANJICHI Mortgage of real property FUDdSAN JICHIKEN Mortgagee's rights against mortgaged real property FUD6SAN JICHIKENSHA Mortgagee of real property FUD6SANJ6 NO UTTAE. Real property registration law FUD5SAN KANRININ Land steward,in law FUDbSAN RENG5 Real-estate syndicate FUD6SAN SENYU ZEI Occupancy te, FUD6SAN SOSH6 Real action,in law FUD6 SHIHON Frozen capital FUDbSHIN Apathy FUDOTEKI Climatic FUD6T6 Inequality PUE Radical 214 FUEFUKI Flute player FUEl Pitching of camp FUEIKY SEI Impermanence FUEKATA Flutist FUEKI Useless,unprofitahble FUEN Going to Peking FUEN Lack of affinity,divorce FUEN SURU To aid FUENGI NO Unlucky,ill-omened FUE 0 KIRU To cut the throat FUETE Lack of taste FUETSUNENSHU Unhibernating silkworm eggs FUEEYAUEE ToSEN Fairway lightship FuFU BEKKYO Separation of man and wife FUFU BESSAN Separate maintenance for man and wife FUFUKU Disobedience,objection, disagreement FUFUTSU Prussia and France FUFUTSU SENSo Franco-Prussian War FUFU YAKUSOKU Engagement,plighting of troth FUGAI State,appearance,condition FUGAKU Smattering, sciolism FUGAN Not included FUGEN False accusation,lie FUGEN Silence,speechlessness FOGEN Fantastic reports,wild rumors 'FGEN Sarcasm,insinuation,satire,irony FUGEBKI Discouragement, depression FUGI Bringing up for discussion FUGI Disloyalty,dishonesty FUGIRI Unceremoniousness FUGO SURU To protect FUG6 Combination,of safe etc. 1~UG6 Disagreement FUGi Unbalanced in accounting FUGO Satiie,irony FUG6KAKUHIN Rejected goods FUGU Deformity,sterility FUGU Unexpected event,contingency, eventuality FUGUAI *Disabled and unfit,out of order FUGYO Poor catch FUGYo Elevatiox FUGY5 In public and private FUGY GI Debauchery, immorality FURHAI NO Invincible FUHAISEI Invincibility FUHAKU Pitilessness,insensibility, frivolity 4 A W 7 ýX 4A Jý AA 4 4 TR~ 7; f,j - 7,MM r14E rfpf Ali 00 pZ;t 5j ~ kiS~ j ~ Sp 4 -6 & 4-L4 7,~i 1~~d 7,Q 2 rn~ 7,:IFA JPL FUHAKU 47 FURAKU Shallowness, superficiality FUHAN Generality,universality FUHAN Sail swelling in the wind EUHANJ6 Lack of prosperity FUAN SHINGB Panelscanvas-covered boards for signaling aircraft from ground FUHATSU Dud,bomb which does not explode FOEATSU Energetic utterance,rising*of wind FUHEI BUNSHI Malcontents,disaffected elements FUHEIGAO Discontented look,an injured air FUHEIKA Grumbler,malcontent FUHEITAN Unevenness FUHEIT6 Malcontents FUHEN No change FUHEN KIKAN Peremptory term FUHI Bending in the wind FUHI SURU To dominate,crush,sweep over FUHIKI-UKE NO TEGATA Dishonored bill FUHI NI SURU To yield,submit,bow to FUHITSUY6 Uselessness,inutility FUHO SURU To insure FUHO BUPPIN Inventory of insured goods FUHO KAMOTSU Insured goods FUR KUMIAI Illegal partnership FUHO 0 TSYKERU To insure FUH6 RYUCHI Detainer FUH6 SHOBUN Illegal measures FURd SHUKAI Unlawful assembly FUHYb Attached list,accompanying list, appendix FUHY6 Wind and ice FUHY6 BANNIN Buoy inspector FUI Sarcasm,ironic meaning FU-I TO Suddenly,unexpectedly FUIFUI KY5DAN Islam FU-IKU SURU To cause to grow FU-IN Personnel of embassy or consulate FU-IN SURU To affix a seal FUIN HAKI Breaking of seal FUIRARIYA-BY6 Filariasis,in medicine FU-ITCHI Dissidence,incompatibility, disunity,notconformity FU-I-UCHI Surprise attack,ambush,unexpected visit FUJI Filial devotion FUJI Incurability EUJI Suddennessuntimeliness FUJI NO Out of orderirregular,unusual FUJI Allusion,insinuation EUJI Sealed statement of opinion FuJIBUKURO Envelope of a letter FUJICHAKU Forced landing EUJICHAKU Unexpected arrival FUJICHAKUKI Plane forced down EUJICHAKURIKU Eorced landing on land FUJICHAKUSUI Forced landing at sea EUJIG6RI Basket of wistaria branches FUJIGOROMO Mourning clothes FUJIJd Emergency lanriding field EUJIKI Plane forced down FUJI KICRI Emergency landing field FUJIKKb Nonperformance FUJIKo Untimeliness EUJI K5CHAKU Eorced landing FUJI KOSHU Summoning by alarm,alarm bell FUJIN H6MU Women's home EUJIN-I Gynecologist FUJIN JOSHeU Coadjutress FUJIN KACHd SEIDO Matriarchy EUJINK~AI Women's society EUJI TENKO Check roll call in army FUJITSUCHU NMI Shortlysoon FUJIZAIKU Rattan products FUJ6 Abundance, richness, ferti ity EUJd SURU To surface,come to the surface EiJJ6 Landscape,aspect,sentinents,proiects FJ6 Windward,weatherside FUJ BARAI Lus tration,purifiction EUJdBA SH&KREN Unlisted securities EU JdJU Eailure EUJ6JIJBI Day of ill success E'UJd'KA SUED To desecrate EUJO KtIN Relief allowance' EUJOTAI: Women 's corps,in Chl~na EU~tJ6ZAI Shameful wealth,filthy lucre EUJOI Nonresidence FUJO Dependence,subordination FUJU SURU To follow,attend,accomPany FUJUJUN Insubordination,disobedience FUJUKU Immaturity, inexperience, ignorance V-1- T )A A fiq RT J 4 Pi6 i JMt ARA;T 9~4 #tI R ý4 1. A jý 5 ~I ~a# ~ 44 Th 7,? 46) 4 4 Y {)t-,tI t IA- tJ ) 4F nJ %4F shidiit M~c ~ 9 f$rhs1 ps prht ~i;~f;r; ~ FcM - RU$oi[;f; tt;204 )I SIr $tS ~ ROgMzMb r k acB Iq JAf 1-014#, el Iz Al i liz (i* FUKASU FUJUKURENKb Unskilled laborer FUJUN Ordinary lubricating oil FUJUN SURU To follow,agree with FUJUZEN Incomplete FUKA Inclination,hanging down FUKA Responsibility FUKA Trifle FUKA Wind and fire FUKA Change of.customs,improvement FUKA SUEU To reform,change for the better FUKABUNKAISEI Indivisibility FUKABUNRISEI Indivisibility FUKABUN SAIKEN Indivisible credit or claim FUKABUN SAIKENSHA Indivisible creditor FUKABUN SAIMU Indivisible obligation FUKABUNSEI Indivisibility FUKABUNTAI Indivisible entity FUKABYUKEN Papal infallibility FUKACHI Mysticism,the unknowable FUKACHIRON Agnosticism FUKA FUTAI Super tare,in commerce FUKAGAKU Additional sum FUKAGAKU Amount imposed FUKAGEN Indisposition,tastelessness FUKAHI Unavoidable FUKAHI Undeniable FUKA HOKEN Extr& insurance FUKA HOKENRY5 Additional premium FUKAI Decay FUKAI Illness,sickness FUKAI Prefectural assembly FUKAI Indirect censure. FUKAI Taste,refinement,refined mind FUKAIKATSU Sadness,dejection FUKAI NAKA Intimate relations FUKAINYU Nonintervention,noninvolvement FUKA-IRI Entanglement,confusion, involvement, excess FUKAISHUI Impenitence FUKAKAIRON Agnosticism FUKA KEICH5 Frivolity FUKAKETSU Indispensable,imperative FUKAKI Bad atmospheric conditions FUKA KIKAN Extension of time FU AM6 Impracticability FUKAK6 trresistibility FUKAKMAN Impracticable project FUKAK6R`YOKU Force majeure FUKA KRYOKU NO JIKd Accident beyond control,force majeure FUKAK6RYOKU SHdMEISRO Letter of force majeure FUKAKM Suburb FUKAKU SURU To capture,take captivb FUKAKUGO Improvidence,negligence FUKAKUJI Uncertain character or letter FUKAKU NO NAMIDA Spontaneous tears FUKAKUTHIT KIGEN Indefinite period or term FUKAKUTEI SHINY6J5 Letter of revocable credit FUKAMA Intimate relations EUKAM Going to Hankow FUKAN Inaudible,signal strength zero,dead zone FUKAN Inconvertibility FUKAN No sensitivity,in radio EUKAN Physiognomy FUKAN Stamped envelope FUKAN HAGAKI Letter card FUKANKI Flag Indicating clear road EUKANKI Sealing machine FUKAN MEIREI Sealed orders FUKAN6JI Impossibility t FUKANd KIKETSDHd Reductio ad absurdum EUKA NO Y6 Half-asleep FUKANSHI NO Nondrying FUKAN SHIHIE Inconvertible paper money FUKAMSH6 Nonintervention, liss8ez-faire FUKANSOKU Nonobservation EUK;ANT~EKI Inconvertible F~UKAREIJ&j Tax decree -FUKARY 6BUTSU Imponderables EUKASHI Inscru table, invi sible EUKASHIG~IRYOKU Magic,theurgy FOK;ASHI: IMO Steamned potatoes EUKASHI K6~SEN Invisible ray FJUKASEINKEN Inviolability of territory FUKASHIN K;Y6TEI Nonaggression pact FUKASHINSEI Inviolability,sacredness FUKASHOKU SHUZOKU Untouchables,of India FUKASU To stay up late at night FUKA TEITo Arkk k W qf -I4t-- kf 0attTE I;IZ=~Aj Al #;,r- CIA ~:I~~ ilk, k 9-T f it~,jf *ff. 4%At TA f 4 6 M IL 6AL VP " Y 6 vIIt L~I~1~ ~ ~ ~ O~tt V, P, A 6 ax iE - ax ~t~s!Zx~~ ~~ 47)Ia 3;~ 5 v 3~ '(1f: 6t~~ ~ ~~;t ~~3 s J1 atL itf FUKA TEIT6 Collateral security FUXATSU MOKUHY6 Nonliving or material target FUKAYABU Dense brush, jungle FUKAZEIGAKU Assessment FUKAZUME Nails cut to the quick FUKEI Absurdity, thoughtlessness, groundles sness FUKEI Genealogical table FUKEI Heresy FUKEIKAN Blagsphemer,disrespectful fellow FUKEISHIN Sacrilege FUKEIZAI Lese majesty FUKEIZAIKA Spendthrift FUKEIZOKU NO Discontinuous FUMKEIZOKU CHIEKIKEN Discontinuous servitude,in law FUKEN Indiscretion,folly FUKEN Prefectures FUKEN Women's rights FUKEN CHIJI Governors of prefectures FUKENCH6 Prefectural offices. FUKEND5 Prefectural road PUKENGO Instability, inconsistency FUKEN GY6SEI Prefectural administration FUKEN I-IN Prefectural committee FUKENKAI Prefectural assemblies FUKENREI Prefectural ordinance or law FUKENSAI Prefectural debt FUKEN SANJIKAI Prefectural council FUKENSEIDO Prefectural system FUKENSHIKI Ignorance FUKENSHIKI Indecency, shabbiness FUKENSOKU Unrestraint,nonrestriction FUKENSON Vani try, immode sty FUKEN ZEI Prefectural tax FUKENZEN Error, weakness FUKERU To be cooked in steam FUKERU To be drawing to an end FUKERU To crumble with age FU KETE YUKU To get late.FUKETSU SANSHU Silkworm eggs stored in cool cave FUKETTEI Indecision, inconcluSiveness FUKI Puff or gust of wind,wind,blast FUKI Buoy FUKI Honest,not to be deceived FUKI Irregularity,not standard FUKI Ordinary gasoline FUKI Treason, sedition, insurrection FUKI NO Departed,unreturning,gone forever FUKI NO Fortuitous,unexpected, accidental, casual FUKI Climate,customs,cold in the head, flatulence FUKIAGARU To rise,spurt,gush, spout FUKIAGE Price rise FUKI BINRAN Demoralization FJKICHIGIRU To blow away,push off, sheer off FUKIDAN Irregular ammunition FUKIDASHI Di s charging, emptying FUKIDE Skin eruption FUXI EIHEI Camp guard FUKIGAKARI Censor of public morals FUKIGATARI Boasting,exaggeration FUKIHANASU To fire a projectile FUKIHANATSU To fire a projectile FUKIHARASU To clear the sky FUKIHARAU. To blow away FUKI IJI Maintenance of discipline FUKIKAESU To breathe again,revive FUKIKAESU To recast metal objects,to recoin money \ FUKIKAESU To turn over,capsize FUKIKAE Sudden rain,asked price, speckling FUKIKAWARU To blow from another direction FUJKIK6 Not calling at a port FUKI KdGEKI Surprise attack,irregular attack FUI KHH& Irregular procedure of attack FUKIKOMU FtJAN Blower FUKIKOSU To blow over FUIIMAKURU To blow a wind instrument FUKIMAKURU To blow hard,be blown away FUKIMAWASU To blow about,turn by blowing FUKIMAYOU To blow with all its might FUKIMISO Aromatic bean paste FUEIMODOSIU To blow back FUKIMONO0 Wind instruments FUKI ANASU To blow off the course o 6 ~ a, ~ Ir k c - vzý &f AI~SAll l#f L! ip 1aAt if5- AR P,t 41 1A, 40 I ' O1 L. AA I~Ai r J~~2t~!i.#c t 5 s~ 5~i I~ ~e ~t~f *J ~i~~ 4a~~ a 41fl I?4g 0s ~l.49t bf~t ~Qi R:~ r4i~ i~440& 4Ir &fr AL~ 4,~ 4'1~ 13&Il Mi%4A~I I;tQ PUKUGA J FUKINAOSU To recoin money FUKINARA U To make public,bl6w into and cause to resonate FUXN-Y6 Unimportance FUKIOKOSU To blow,blow up,as a wind etc. FDKIRI Unsealing,premiere FUKIRY6 Ugliness, deformity FOI U SASSHIN Disciplinary reform FUKISHIKIRU To blow hard FUKISO Nonprosecution FUKISOKUSEI Irregularity FUKITATSU To boast,begin to blow FUKITOBU To blow away FUKIT5SU To blow continually FUKKA Return cargo PUMKA SURU To slake lime FUKKAKE Sudden rain,asked price,speckling FUKKAKU,Expanding, enlarging FUKEKA Adjutant major,aide-de-camp, adjutant FUKKATSUBUN Restored amount FUKKATSUHI Restoration funds FUKKE SURU To demobilize FUEKO Return to primitive customs FUKK6 Abdominal cavity FuKK6 Dawn attack.FU K6 Happiness FUKK6 Reconstruction FUKK5 DdMYAKU Collateral artery FUKKHI Reconstruction funds FUKK6 I-INKAI Rehabilitation commission PUKO M IZEN Before the restoration FUKK KbSAI Government reconstruction bonds FUKKO RONSHA Reactionary. FUKKM SASHIZUSHO Return order FUXK6SEI KAIY6 Serpiginous ulcer FUKK SHIKI KENCHIKU Renaissance architecture FUM&SHIN KANJA Person with a skin disease FUKKo UNCHIN Inward freight charges FUXKY 6 Daybreak, dawn FUMY dK6GEKI Dawn attack' FUKY MZEN Before dawn FUKKYU Reprisal FUKKYUSHA Restorer FUKO Vainiglory, exaggeration,pompous talk FUKO Witch,witch's incantation FUKO SURU To go to Shanghai FUK6 High-grade ore FUK? Tax in kind FUK6 SURU To disapprove,veto FUK6 Wind direction FUKoHAN Offense of omission FUKH 6 Casehardening FUKoHY5 Unannounced FUMKI Failure to meet an obligation FUK JA Undutiful child FUKgKAI ' Not open to the public FUKOEJU KYo-EI National prosperity and defense FUKOKUSAKU Plan for enriching the country FUKOKUZAI Libel FUK6TEI Surface vessels FuKOTSU External appearance,character FUKU Counter for doses,whiffs,etc. FUKU Counter for maps,paintings,etc. FUKUBA Spare horse FUKUB GY0 Auxiliary defenses FUKUBOKUKIN Splenius,a muscle FUKUBUKU TO Happily FKUBY6 Sheet anchor FUKUCHIN Vaccine FUKUCH1 Executive officer,navy FUKUCH6 Vice -chief FUKUCHOKU T6CHOKU Junior watch list FUKUCHO Abdomen,heart, entrails FUKUCHO In the abdomen,heart,or mind FUKUDAIRININ Subdepu ty FUKUDAIT bRY Vice-president FUKUIDAMU To be in disorder,have dishevelled hair FUKUDANCH6 Executive officer of a group FUKUDENKAI Charitable society FUKDOSHI KI KgCHIrIUTSU Earthworks FUKUEKI Military service pUEKICHE During period of military service FUUeag KI Period of military service FUEUFUu Happily, fortunately FUIUGAJ6 Overlapping, imbricati on 9 FUKUGEKI SURU 49 tltt fty-r & 414#V1 ii * 444 ' L3 AR 5 $JAKZW 9Ai7. 4/3 'I ^ M1 1-z ofJ 1t ^& b f *3 1Jt -fX2f *-j ^- i ^i r ^-^ ^> ^ FUKUGEKI SURU To harass,press closely upon FUKUG5GO Compound word FUKUG6TAI Composite body FUKUGUN SURU To be defeated FUKUHAKU Close pursuit FUKUHEKI Bulkhead FUKUHI Thought of slander FUKUHo'DAI Secondary battery,in military science FUKUHON-I Double standard FUKUHON-ISEI Bimetallism FUKUI-IN Subcommittee FUKUJI Obedience, submission FUKUJIN God of fortune FUKUJOKU SURU To hide,conceal oneself FUKUJU MURY6 Endless happiness and longevity FUKUJOTEKI Obedient FErUKAMBU Adjutants' staff or office PUKUKEIYAKU Subcontract FUKUKEIYAKUSHA Subcontractor FUKUKI Accessory organ FUKUKI SURU To return FUKUKICHI Secondary base FUKU KIG6 Conventional signs and symbols FUKUK6GAN-EN Epididymi tis FUKUKOKYU Abdominal respiration FUKUKR6YOKU Secondary effects FUKUMAKU HARETSU Rupture of peritoneum FUKUMARU To be contained in FUKUMAZU Exclusive of FUKUMEISHO Report,findings FUKUMEN G6T6 Masked burglar FUKUMEN H6DAI Masked battery FUKUMEN K6HOSHA Dark horse FUKUMEN NO MUSHA Masked warrior,anonym FUKUMEN ZUKIN Muffler,mask,hood FUKUMERU To feed,nurse FUKUMETSU SURU To destroy,crush FUKUMI NO UE Bearing this in mind FUKUIMO Mourning FUKUMOKU Splints FUKUMU To contain,enclose,have in one's mouth FUKUMU To remember,keep in one's heart FUKUMU JIKAN Business hours FUKUMU KITEI Public service regulations, standing orders FUKUMU MADE For your information FUKUMU NENGEN Tenure of office FUKUNI Return freight FUKURAKA NA Corpulent FUKURAKU Happiness FUKURANI Cooking by slow boiling FUKUREBANA Fat nose FUKUREGAO Swollen face FUKUREZURA Swollen or sullen face FUKURIH6 Compound interest method, anatocism FUKURIHY6 Compound interest table FUKURIKI Beneficence FUKURO, Counter for bags FUKURO Homeward course FUKUR6 Owl,screech owl 'FUKUROHARI Paper bag making FUKUROJI Enclave FUKUROJI Sackcloth,sacking FUKURO KOSHIKI Taylor's bag filter FUKUROKU Happiness and wealth FUKUROKUJU Happiness and long life FUKUROMACHI Blind alley,impasse FUKURO SEN Blind track,sidetrack,siding FUKURO TATAKI Mauling,drubbing FUKURYoGAKU Dosology FUKURY6JI Vice-consul FUKUSAI Heaven and earth FUKUSAIMUSHA Person secondarily liable IPUKUSAMBUTSU By-produ c t FUKUSEIBUTSU Duplicate FUKUSEN Intrigue,ambush,underplot PUKUSEN Re-election FUKUSEN Twisted pair line FUKUSEN SURU To capsize' PUKUSEN SURU To renew a battle PUKUSENCH6 First mate,first officer PFEKUSENHg Re-election laws PUKUSENKYO Plural voting FUKUSETSU Reiteration PUKUSHABUTSU Reproduction,copy PUKUSHACH5 Vice-president,of a company PUKUSHAGAMI Carbon paper 4;k A.1 -$1*4; *& E ' 4A 41L AUlA 4k Wf $4 W40 itA~4T +k K 411 a MtL f tito #i~t ~&l~ 11 o47 *AtIt tJS^ "$A' 14 4 ^11 ^ 14 ^ 4$ 4$# lftJifrA 'F ~ 'FLX 4tV^^W 4 S40 4JL^t^ 8']^X ^^ ~ ti 4ttx ^^>t 4X-6 ~'J0 ^ ^J ^^ ^t * *b M *'J-^ I iik'i ý -t * *C FUMEICHU FUKUSHAG6 Sheltered trench FUKUSHAKI Duplicator,mimeograph FUKUSHAK6 Radiant light FUKUSHASHI Carbon paper FUKUSHA SHISEI Prone position,in marksmanship FUKUSHIHAININ Assistant manager FUKUSHIJI Welfare affairs FUKUSHIKI bouble entry FUKUSHIKI Uniform,regulation dress FUKUSHIKI BOKI Double-entry bookkeeping FUKUSHIN SURU To resume communications FUKUSHIN H61N Court of appeals,in Formosa FUKUSHITSU Stomach ailment FUKUSHo Happiness,bliss FUKUSH6 Vice-minister FUKUSH6 SURU To repeat FUKUSHOKU Color of clothes FUKUSHOKU Secondary rations FUKUSHOKUBUTSU Side dishes FUKUSHONIN Countersigner FUKUSHoSHU H6AN Reconscription bill FUKUSHUHITSU Associate editor FUKUSHU KdD5 Reprisals FUKUSHU NO NEN Desire of revenge FUKUSHUSEN War of reprisals,return match FUKUSHUSHA Avenger FUKUSHUSHIN Retaliatory spirit FUKUSHUTEKI Vindictive FUKUS5 Congestion FUKUS5 Copilot FUKUS5CHI Auxiliary apparatus,dual controls FUKUS 6&JJ Dual control FUKUS6JU S3CHI Dual controls FUKUS5 KANWA Relief of congestion FUKUSON Plurality FUKUS6RI Vice-president FUKUS6SAI Vice-president FUKUS5SHo Clothes merchant,clothier FUKUS6T6 Vice-president FUKUSUI Ascites,dropsy of the peritoneum FUKUSUIKI Condenser of water FUKUSURU To bend down FUKU6URU To indemnify,restore FUKUSU To-HY Plural vote FUKUTAZUNA Bridle rein FUKUTEGATA Duplicate bill of exchange FUKUTEIT6 Collateral security FUKUTEKI Hidden enemy,traitor,snake in the grass FUKUT5DORI Vice-president FUKUT6oAN Vice-resident general FUKUTOKU SURU To shelter,conceal FUKUT6RAKU Halter FUKU-UN Good fortune,luck FUKUWASHA Ventriloquist FUKUYAKU Retranslation FUKUYAKURY6 Medicinal dose FUKUY6 Dosage,determination of dose FUKUY6 HIK6KI Biplane FUKUY& KEIRY6 Dosimetry,measurement of doses FUKUYOKU SURU To incubate FUKUZAKKA SURU To get complicated FUKUZATSU KAIKI Complex and strange FUKUZATSU SAKKAKU. Complex illusion FUKUZ6 Intestines,entrails FUKUZ5RI Straw sandals FUKYO Vanity. FUKYo Displeasure,disgrace PUEKY6 Riches and power FUKY6DAN Mission FUKY6I Unintimidated,not threatened FUKY6 JIDAI Depression period FUKYOKA.Not permitted,not granted FUKYSKI Displeasure FUKY5KO NO Unsound,unstable FUKYoSHA Propagandist,missionary FUKY6SHI Propagandi s t, mi s sonary FUKYD Sleepless,wakeful PUKYU NA Permanent FUKYOBAN Popular edition FUMAE Stamping, trampling FUMAEDOKORO Basis,point of departure, fulcrum,footing FUMAN Going to Manchukuo FUMAN SURU To spread,increase,multiply FUMBAKU Barley meal FUMBARI Straddle,stride FUMBARIKIRENAI To be unable to hold out FUMEICHU Miss,failure to hit the mark * Ait WUL *I It At A NO, -Y 41 LI tr Q9 C1 $0 ~f % I 1Ia A A ~ fuVI I AU# ~l;1~ All r.) Al+1 'A' 5k 0 1 I 9t ~ 3 9 3LE A -1f L:4j -.A I ASA. 4*-A- i A t Jt~ f FUMEICHiiDAN 50 FUMEICHUDAN Miss,shot that misses target FUMBTSUSEI Indestructibility FUMI SURU To write FUMIDO Point of departure,stepping place FUMIGI Stool,pedal,treadle of a lathe FUMIHADAKARU To stand astraddle FUMIHARU To stand firmly with legs apart FUMIHAZUSHI Bird trap,stumbling FUMIKAWA Footstrap, leggings FUMIKIRIBAN Railway crossing watohman FUMIKIRIDAI Springboard,line of departure FUMIKIRI ITA Take-off plank FUMIMATAGARU To be astride,sit astride on FUMIN Idlers,sluggards FUMIN FUKYO Day and night without rest, never resting 1UMTNtYKU To tread on something sharp on FUMISASHI Letter file PUMISHIDAKU To trample to pieces FUMISOKONAU To make a misstep FUMITAKEBU To stamp with rage FUMITAOSU To trample with feet,walk or FUMITODOMERU To interrupt advancing march,make a stand FUMITODOMERU To stop,check,interrupt FUMITSUKEBU -Ball of the foot FUMIZURA 0 TSUKENAOSU To retread FUMIZURI ISHI Doorstone FUMMATSU Flour,meal,powder FUJMMON Anger,wrath FUMMU Vaporizing FUIUXI SHINA Unsuitable articles FUN Finland FUN FloueFUN Unit of weight,0.375 grams FUNA-ASHI Ballast,draught or speed of ship,ship's bottom FUNABARA Ship's interior or bottom FUNABARA Ship's tonnage FUNADAME Boat basin on a canal,canal bay FUNADANA Poler's walk around sides of a boat FUNADONYA Ship broker,shipping agent FUNAGAKU Ship's musicians FUNAGAWA WATASHI NEDAN Prfce free alongside sbir, FUNAGI Wood used for building boats\ FUNAGU ISSHIKI Ship's fittings FUNAGURA Boathouse,dock FUNAGUSH6 Ship chandler FUNAHIKI MICHI Towing path FUNAHIKIRY6 Towage FUNIA-IADA Raft of boats FUNA-IRIBA Ship entrance FUKA-ITABEI Fence made of old boat planks FUMfAJIRUSHI Ship's flag FUTNAKAZARI Flag arrangement on boats FUNAMACHI Waiting for a ship FtNAMACHICHU Waiting for a boat FUNAMADOI Deviation of boat caused by wind or current FUNIAMAWASHI Shipment of goods by boat FUNAMOCHI Shipowner FTUNAMORI Ship watchman FUNAN Disaster caused by windstorm FTNlANI SH6iKEN Cash agafnst delivery of HIKIKAEBARAI bill of lading PUNANI SH6SH0 Bill of lading FUNANI ZEI Floating rate FUNANORIGY6 Seafaring life FUNANORI GY6SHA Seafaring man FUNA.NORI TOSEI Seafaring life FUNANUSUBITO Boat thief FUNASUGATA Ship's hull FUNATODOME Anchorage FJNA-UE WATASHI FO.OB.,free on board FUNAWATASHI Shipment by boat FUNAWATASHI CHIN Ferriage,ferry charge FUNAWATASHI NEDAN Price on board ship FPtNAYAMAI Seasickness FUNAYOBAI Hailing a ship FU1AYOSbI Sailing preparations,fitting out a ship FUNAZIJMI ANNAI Shipping advice,shipping note FUIAZUMIGAKARI Shipping clerk F'UNAZUMI KIY6 Shipping expenses FUNAZUMI HiKOKU Shipping note FUIAZUMI H6KOKU Cash against documents HIKIKAEBARAI FUNAZUMI JDRY6 Shipping weight FUNAZUMgIK Port of loading FURANIU-REI KANADA-JIN FUNAZUMI MENJ5 Shipping permit FUNAZUMI NIMOTSU Cargo A K "Ho FUNAZUMININ Shipper -A,`4 - k )FUNAZUMI OKURIJ6 Shipping invoice *#A-#fRPFUNAZUMI RIKUAGE KIKAN Lay days,for ships; FUNAZUMI SASHIZUSHO Shipping order 4" FUNAZUMI SH 6KE Bill of lading 44414-Ai kv FUNAZUMI SHORUI Shipping documents A FUNAZUMI SH6SHO " Bill of lading +4 fk FUNJAZUMI TESURY5 Shipping commission ~ FIUNAZUMI TETSUZUKI Shipping procedpre kn'.J1A* FUNAZUMI TORIATSUKAININ Shipping agent ka FUNAZUMI TSUCHISHO Shipping note or advice Si FUNAZUMI ZEI Loading dues FUNEGIRAI Aversion to boat trips,person disliking boat trips kt-J FUNE IMN Radical 137 Alý FUNEI Going to Nanking FUN-EN Resentment,bad humor of 1 FUN-EN SURU To emit smoke 1 FtFUNENKETSUTAX Noncoking coal "L'A F'FUNE NO KURIYA Ship's galley ukt Y FUN-ENYAKU Burst of smoke,in barrage S FUNBY0OSI Sailing preparations,fitting out of ship gt FUNGIRU To do deliberately and resolutely If;r4 FUNGURAKAESU To.overturn,upfet FUNGURUMA Manure cart S FUN-I Fury,resentment,indignation S FUNICHI Going to Japan - FUN-ICHI Soon P FUNIN Appointment to government post FUN-IN Instant,short interval FUNIN SURU To undertake,be entrusted with P4ft FUNINCHI Post,place of appointment Vit FUNI1KAKEN Veto power t14Af FUNIN RYOHI Travel expense to new post u0At 4 FUN-ITSU SURU To flow out,pour forth S4 f FUNKA SURU To ignite t FUNKI Anger,wrath 4 FUNKI Upheaval of ground by frost t FUNKI Animation,excitement,incitation S FUNKI General uprising,ýA FUNKb Complication,entanglement,jumble FUNKr Discord,internal dissension 4 rFUNK6B NA Energetic,zealous ý FUNKON Anger and resentment FUNNEN To burst into flame,to flare 011L FUNNYU Powdered milk %I1Jt 4 FUN5 SURU To pay taxes 0 FUNORI Gluten-and-seaweed cake ft1A-0 FUN6SHA Defaulter SFUN6SHU Collapsible boat,rubber boat fA Rt11D FUN6B YAKU-IN Impossible consideration i-? FUNRAI SURU To be sent to the wrong place FUNRETSU Enthusiasm,energy FUNRY& Finnish territory t) FUNRYOKU Energy,enthusiasm i FUNSATSU Death by fire 44 FUNSHA Burst of fire,jet s4Ro F'UNSHAK6 Injection valve FUNSHIN Crater lip t FUNSHIN Indignation FUNSHIN Jet propulsion vQ s FUNSHINH5. Rocket gun FvIPUNSHITSUBUTSU Lost article S FUNSHITSU KAMOTSU Lost goods hRP FUNSHITSU NUSHI Owner of lost object FUNSH6 Destruction by fire FUNSHUKU Sneeze S FUNSOKU Speed per minute id /' FUNSUI IDO Artesian well p~S FUNSUISEN Fountain qut FUNTEI Sneezing,sneeze Arbi FO~UNT6 Confused fighting 8tg S FPUNTBTETBI SEISHIN Fighting spirit v0 st FUN-YU Oil-gusher well sg FUN-YO Valor,daring *1 4A9 FUNYUBUTSU Enclosure in a letter FUNZATSU NA Confused,mixed,tangled At 4 FUNZUMARI Constipation 4~1 FU6 No response,inconformity ~4R14 FU6 EgI-IN Men unavailable for service 7Fll Fil0N BUNSHO Seditious documents FUORUGENIN Forgenin,a medicine -4 FEIRAI NABE Frying pan - FURAISU Cutter FURAMBEJIA Frambesia,yaws S FURAN SMBA Franc market r Al ~4. FURANSU-IA SURU To Gallicize PMUJWSU-EI KANADA-JIN French Canadians AIR f Alft S M K ýFAA 1 4& 1k9It Olt I 49 St UA WAA 4- C f &4AF6t t$fk { 4' ~p'9r Lc ~ fjv 4A +4 WIA T SbcL 8 P 1 L 4* rI '& U ~*- Lf*$Mq $-* kX~* Sk r x;tk0 40 44a4c4 ar -s4 Id4-ay9 4~4 **&a. FURASU 51 FURASU To publicize,put in touch,come in contact FUREGAKI Proclamation FUREGOE Announcement by crier, proclamation,street cry FOREI Wind bell FUREJ6 Proclamation FUREN Going to Dairen FUREN Tax asessment and collection FURENS6 SURU To send at intervals FURENZOKU Discontinuance,interruption FURENZOKU SEN Weather front FUREURI Peddling,peddler FURI Counter for swords FURI Movement FURI Peddling FURI Undeserved profit,unearned gain FURI Advantages of the wind FURIATE Allotment FURIATE Draft,drawing of draft,etc. FURIATERU To allot,assign FURIATERU To draw upon,in finance FURIDASHICHI Place of issue FURIDASHIGUSURI Infusion FURIDASHI HIZUKE Date of issue FURIDASHIKYOKU Office of issue FURIDASHININ Drawer,remitter, issuer FURIDASHI TEGATA Bill of exchange, deposit certificate FURIFUBUKU To rain or snow during a storm FURIFURI Teeteringly,waveringly FURIHARAU To shake off dust or snow FURIHODOKU To detach by shaking FURI-IDERU To begin to rain FURIKAE CHOKIN Postal-transfer savings FURIKAE CHOKIN K5ZA Postal-transfer account FURIKAE DEMPY5 Postal-transfer slip FURIKAE KANJ6 TORIHIKI Postal-transfer account transaction FURIKAE KINYU Cross entry,in accounting FURIK6 HOOKEN SHKEN Cancelled policy FURIK6SHA Defaulter FURIKURASU To pass a rainy or snowy day FURIKUTSU Absurdity,unreasonableness FURIMAKI Scattering,distribution FURIN Injustice,rudeness,dishonesty, incest FURI NO KANKEI Inseparable connection FURIOKOSU To arouse by shaking FURISHIKU To fall covering ground,as rain or snow FURITARANU To have an insufficient fall of rain FURITSUKERU To despise,treat badly,ignore FURITSUMORU To pile up snow,etc. FURITSUNORU To rain harder and harder FURIWAKERU To divide,distribute FUROBA Bathroom FUROBAN Bath attendant FUROGAMA Bath heater FUROKKOTSU Floating ribs FUROSEN Bathhouse fee FUR& SHOTOKU Unearned income FUROYA Bathhouse FUREBURUSHII Very old,trite,banal, hackneyed FURUCHI Old bloodvitiated blood FURUDORI Radical 172 FURUGANEKAI Junkman FURUGIYA Old-clothes shop F'ERUGOTO Old story FURUHOGIU Old paperswastepaper FURUIDASU To begin to tremble FtJRUOI ITA Sieve plate FURUIOKORU To rouse oneself FURUITSTJKU To begin trembling FURUITSUKU To be impassionedbe attached to FURUITSUKU To take relentless hold of FtJRUKOTO Old oral traditions FURUMUSHIA Veteran FUTRU NO NEDIAN Secondhand price -RFtRUSU To ageforget,use.upcease using FURUTETSU Scrap iron FURUTORI Radical 172 FURYO HIKIWATASHI Delivery of prisoner FURYO JoH&K36KU Prisoner's intelligence bureau FURYO K6KAI J6YAKU Prisoner exchange treaty FTRYO K6KANSEN Prisoner exchange ship kE iA 4 * -16, I ft ~ W-it-aka 4AW 144 o 4 - T k 1*4 l A wft P4 Pcii g PARt& JF ija 44 ~ $A4 A' AP4 ' ~ a4 i jIt ~a 4 ><f a IC 4AM me -~ f A 0-z4 Ic s- AM IC iL At A; r ~k* - ICs.a IC ~-ke k4 -ICC~ ~ tif;~ 41:~ ~ Rj * FUSHABA FURYO KUNRENSHO Prisoner of war training camp FURYO KYOY6HI Expense of maintaining prisoners FURYOSHI Sudden death FURYO SHUYdJO Prisoner of war concentration camp FURYU SUIRAI Floating mine FUSA NI In great quantity FUSAGARI Obstruction,blocking up FUSAGARU Y6 NA KIMOCHI Choking sensation FUSAI Coloring,painting,illuminating FUSAI CH6KAGAKU Deficit FUSAIGAKU Liabilities,indebtedness FOSA IRAN Blockade-running FUSAI ICHIRANKY6 Statement of debit accounts FUSAIKAKEN Veto power FUSAI NO ZANKIN Arrears FUSAI6HA Debtor FUSAI SH&KAN KIKIN Sinking fund FUSAI SH6KEN Due bill FUSAI SH6KYAKU JUMBI KIN Sinking fund, amortization fund FUSA KANTAI Blockade fleet FUSAKI Destination FUSAKU-I Inaction,abstention,omission FUSA KUIIKI Blockade zone FUSA KU-IKI SHUTSUNYUSEN Blockade-runner FUSA MAAKU Blocked mark FUSANKA Nonparticipation FUSANSHA Absentee FUSAN TODOKE Notice of absence FUSARI TO Abundantly, luxuriantly FUSARU To lie,be laid down FUSA SEISAKU Blockade policy FUSA SEN Blockade line FUijSASEN Blockading ship FUSA SENSHUTSUNYU Blockade-running FUSATSU SURU To examine,inspect carefully FUSAYAKA Abundantly,in great quantity FUSA YOKIN Frozen funds FUSEI Ephemeral world FUSEI Nature,qualification, personification FUSEIBUNH6 Unwritten right FUSEIBUN RITSU Unwritten law FUSEI CIIRYd Malpractice,in medicine FUSEICH5 tack of rhythm FUSEIHIN Fraudulent article FUSEI JIKEN Graft,scandal FUSEIKAKU Inaccuracy,dishonesty, corruption FUSEIKI GUN Guerrilla army FUSEIKIHEI Guerrilla FUSEIKIN Scalene muscles FUSEI K6I Unfair practices,malpractice FUSEI K6JI Fraudulent work FUSEI KY653 Unfair competiton FUSEI MASU Fraudulent weights and measures FUSeI RY6Hd Improper medical treatment FUSEISAN Unfruitfulness,unproductiveness FUSEISANTEKI JIGY6 Unproductive enterprise FUSEISANTEKI R5D5 Unproductive labor' FUSEISANTEKI SHIHON Unproductive capital FUSEI SHUDAN Dishonest means FUSEIT Il legality,injustice FUSEKI Laying the groundwork FUSEKN Wastefulnes s, extravagance FUSEN Lighter, barge FUSEN Superficiality,lack of profundity FUSENP Riches,prosperity,profusion FUSENDAMA Toy balloon FUSEN J6YAKU Peace pact FUSHENKYO Floating dock FUSESS 6 Unchas tenes s, infideli ty FUSETSU SURU To follow closely FUSETSU BUTAi Mine-layiqg force FUSETBUKAN Mine layer FUSETSU KANSENI Mine layer FUSETSU KANTHI Mine laeer FUSETS1JK~EI Construction ri~ghts FUSETSUMENm Mine field,mined area FUJSETSUMB Mine -laying net FUSETSU SENSUIKAN Mine-1laying submarine FUSETSUTAI Mine-layer division FUSETSUTEI Mine layer FUSETSU TEITAI Mine-layer division FUSHA Annex, secondary building FUSHABA Millwindmill FUSHAGOYA 52 4~~'f FOSHAiGOYA Windmill shed 1*FUSHI Counter for sections of bamboo FUSHI Gangrene.mortification.necrosis P USHI SURU To oVerlook,command, dominate {kI FUSHIBA Leaves blown down by wind FUSHIBONE Bones of the joints FIJSHIBUTI Satire ~ Ji FUSHIKK6 Nonperformance.,inexecu~tion ~ ft FUSHIK5 Nonenforcement FUSHIKURU To get angry,be offended * ~ FUSHLIMAROBIJ Fall and roll about FUSHIMBA. Building site FUSHIN NO tUnassailed,,seoure from attack ~4 ~~ FUSHIN SURU To make no progress S FU.SHIN StTRt To seal,fasten -#'- FUSHINGOYA Building shed ~*2 FUSHIN J6-YAKU Nonagression pact;K~ FUSHIIUNIN AN~ Nonconfidence vote ~~AA FtrSHINNIN KETSUGI Ali Nonconfidence vote FUSHINRYAKU NO Nonagressive FUSHINSEI Impiety,profanation $ f#I FUSHIN SHINGINTK6 Fu tien New. Banking 4L It ACorporation + - FUSHINTAN Fubsin coal SFUSHINT6 Impermeabilityjimpenetrability FUSHIOKI Lying or standing position FUTSHIOKITASHI Keep secret FUSHITEI Indefinitejlack of assignable limit FUSHITEKI Sarcastic AK~I FUSHITSU Buoyancy chamber *~* ~i USHIZUKURI Radical 026 FUSH& False evidence T A FUSH6 Fool,,ignorant person fou FUSH6 Unknown "T * FUSH6 Unpleasantness,,indisposition FiJSH6 _Character,style.,quality. FUSfo-B-)oSHA Casualty ~t1PUSE-oBYoSHA TEATE Treatment of casualties FUSH 6HE I Wounded soldier PU~ tSHMLI tJMPANSHA Military ambulance ~ ~ ~ FUSH6HIBUTSU Unconsumable goods FUSH6JI S candal,ill1 omen ~~--!4~ FUSH6 JIKEN Unfortunate incident, f A 1 0, FUSHffKABY 6 Dyspepsia A-4 FUSHOKU Assistance,help.,aid.ft. FUSHOKU Loss of appetite,,anorexia 4 -t F~USHOKU SURU To be abundant,increase 1'USHOKURY6 Ration comumntation 4**~' U,9HOKU SAY6 Corrosion FUSHOIUZAI Corrosive agent FUSH6 KY6B4AI Mock auction FUSH68HA Wounded person.- -9J9 FUSH63HA UMPANSHA Ambulance A #4 14 FUSH6 WATAKUSHI WA I.,humble FUSHtI Edema,dropsy,blisterFUSHU Bargejligbter FUSHU Captive 134 FUSHiJ S1RU To levy- taxes,collect FUSIIUTSU SURU To rise to the surface FUS6 Flighty,capricious.,unreliable F056 Wind and frost..tribulation,,privation T +f~t4 FUS6 HOKEN SH6KXN Incontestible policy 4 1 FUSOKU Ordinary range finding. 7 F 41 FUSOKU Unexpected~startling f X- fil FUSOKUBUN Shortage,lack,need FUSOKUGAILT Shortage,deficit FUSOKUHIN Shortages FUSOKEJIAI Feeling of Insufficiency TkLkhA FUSOKOKU KIN HANKETSU Deficiency judgment L'T X1 i USOKU NO OXURINI Short delivery r FUTA TO Sound of striking objects FUTAGOKORO Perplexity,,dilemma,,fickleness FUTAI Float~floating body~flotseam FUTAIHAN Accessory offense ~43 ~*4 FUTAIHIXI JURY6 Net weight 144~* FUTAI HIY6 Incidental expenses 1Y1TAA: fm #N. f t -i! m t T x f( T5 x 7 T 3 + f 4 Li Itz T Ij FUT8ii GAKUMUT3KoyU FUTAI JIJ6 Attendant circumstances MUAI JJIKEN Side issue FUTAI J6KK Collateral condition FU.TAI KiSO Incidental appeal FDTAINIJKI Net.,in weighing FUTAI SAIMU Secondary'obligation FUTAI SEIKYiJ Attendant claim FUTAI SHISO Incidental suit FUTAI SH6SHO Collateral bond FUTAI 505116 Ancillary actionvin law -FUTAITEN Unremitting..unchanging FUTAIT6 Jo6YAKU UJnequal treaty FUTAI TOMO Gross,in weighing FUTAJI NO Digraphic FUTAXATA Both people FUTAXOTO Two words FUTAKU JIK6 Terms of reference FUTAMATA HASHI Fork end FUTAMATA MICHI Cross roads FUTAMPO Nonguarantee FUTANARABI Two rows,two columns FUTANGAKU Amount of liability FUTAN NO KINK6 0 SHISSURU To upset the equilibrium~in taxation etc. FUTANRYOKU Ability to pay FUTANZUKI ISAI~ Legacy subject to a charge. FUTANZUKI Z6YO Gift subject to a charge FUTARIZUTSU Two by two FUTATSTJ Nonarrival FUTEIFU Squall,,var 'iable wind FUTEIFOTAI Zone of variable winds FUTEIKEI Indeterminate f'orm FUTEI KEISAII Open account FUTEIKI' Irregular period,indefinite time FUTEI KIKAN Indefinite period FUTEIKIKEI Indeterminate sentence FUTEIKI KISEN Tramp steamer FUTEIKI Kd6KAI Irregular service.,tramp ship service FUTEIKI K6RO Tramp ship route FUTEIK6 Nonre~sistance FUTET MONDAI Open question FUTEIMYAKU Irregular pulse FUTEIRY6 Indeterminate quantity FUTEIRYU Nonuniform flow FUTEI SAIMU Contingent liabilities FUTEI SEKININ Jd-K6 Contingent liability clause FUTHI SHIM~ Irregular market FUTEISH6 NO Indefinite,,general FUTEKI MOKUHY(6 Cloth target stretched on two stakes FUTEKININSHA Incompetents FUTEK5 Inadaptation, inapplicability FTEKIY6 Inapplication,ina-daptation FUTEMAWAIRI Late FUTEM4AWARI Narrow circumstances,straits FUTEN Annexing, appending FUT6BO Nonregistration FUT6DO Unfrozen ground FUT6G6 Sign of inequality FUT6 KASHITSUKE Improper loans FUT67KETSUS6 Unfrozen strata of ground FUTdK?5 Ice-free port FUTOKOROAI -Financial state FUTOKORO GUAI Financial position.,bucketshopping FUTOKUTEX Indefinite,,unspecified FUTONHI Quilting,bedclothes FUT6 NINSOKU Longshoreman FUTSU BUTSUD6 Ordinary allotment FUTSUDOKU France and Germany FUTSU FUTAI Customary tare.,in commerce FUTSU GAKUMUKYOKU School affairs Pureau OAT ýINI 4t-0 ~w-!A3N-I AL # M, 4i ~ 4 ^ If t *Ff tit T Mitnl - ft1-II lfl - )Fsit FUTSU GINKi 53 FUtSO GINK5 Ordinary bank FUTSOGO Plain language FUTSUGOTSO French scholar FUTSU HARAIKOKI HOKEN Regular insurance FUTSUH6 Common law FUTSU-IN French Indo-China FUTSUJI Plain language FUTSO KABU Common share FUTSO KAI-IN Ordinary member FUTSU KASHO Break,washout PUTSO KICHI Emergency landing field FUTSU KIHATSUYU Ordinary gasoline FUTSOK5 Ordinary steel FUTSU KOGITTE Open check FUTSUKOKU KAIH6 I-INKAI French Committee of National Liberation FUTSU KYOK6 Ordinary express FUTSO RESSHA Local train FUTSU RINJI SEIFU Provisional Government of France FUTSU RYOCHIKEN General lien FUTSO SEIMEI HOKEN Ordinary life policy FUTSU SEKININ HOKEN General liability insurance FUTSU SENTETSU Ordinary pig iron FUTSO SUKO Free warehouse FUTSO TAIS5 Gymnastics FUTSO TEISHA Regular stop,on railroad FUTSUY6 Uselessness,obsoleteness FUTSUYU SURU To bubble up FUTSO ZEIRITSU General tariff FUTT6 NETSU Boiling temperature FUTT6SAN Effervescent powder FUTT6SEN Boiling spring FUTT5SUI Effervescent drink FU-UN Uncertainty,insecurity FOUNJI Adventurer,soldier of fortune FOUYOKE Storm shelter FUWA TO Lightly FUWAG6 Discord FUWATARI KOGITTE Dishonored check FUWATARI TEGATA Dishonored bill FUWATASHI TEGATA Past-due bills FUYO SURU To deliver,hand over FUYO SURU To distribute,apportion FUY6 Dependence,vassalage, subordination FUY6 Hurricane, storm FUY6 Lack of necessity FUY6 NA Useless,unnecessary FUY6BUTSU Useless articles FUY6HIN Useless articles FUY6KOKU Subject state,dependency FUYOKU Content with little,uncovetous FUY6 SHIKIN Maintenance fund,for support of designated beneficiary FUY5 SHORUI Discarded documents FUYU Anointing,oil for unction FUYU Leisure,unemployment FUYG Possession of wealth FUYO Waft,floating matter FUYUGAMAE Winter preparations FUYUGI Winter clothing FUYU JIN-AI Floating dust FUYUKI Winter trees,evergreens FUYU SH6GAIBUTSU Floating obstacles FUYOZU. Nontransferable,noncirculating FUZA SURU To sit with legs crossed FUZAI Coexistence FUZAI Typhoon disaster FUZAI JINUSHI Absentee landlord FUZAI MEISHQ Alibi FUZAISHA Absentee FUZEMBU Metatarsal,metatarsus FUZEN Metatarsus FUZEN Exposure to the wind FUZEN CHIFUSU Abortive typhus FUZEN KIKAN Rudimentary organs FUZOKU Appendix, supplement,dependence FUZ0KUBUTSU Accessories FUZ0KUCHI Attached land FUZOKUHIN Accessories FUZOKUHI Rider to a bill FUZOKUE HGRITSU Adjective law,rider FUZOKUHYo Attached list FUZOKU JIGY6 Side line,in business FUZOKU JIKEN Incident FUZOKU KAOKU Annex FUZOKU KY6TEI Supplementary agreement FUZOKUSEN Tender,a ship FUZOKUSHA Annex or outbuilding FUZOKU SHORUI Accompanying documents FUZOROEBAYASHI Irregular forest } ýA4 v?4j3 fwl TiM ý rJ* 4% Att.M IA Ma 4 #i Al IVR. U 1HT itHt ^ j ^J ^tl ^y 7^ - 9n A,^j A. 3 ^h i p ^ 'V t FUZU Attached maps FUZUIH5 Rider to a bill FUZUI HoKI Adjective law,rider to a bill FUZUI RIKEN Equitable estate FUZUISHA Trailer,streetcar trailer,etc. FUZUTOME Neglect of duty G GA Russia GAA Croaking sound GAAZE Gauze GABAN Drawing board GABISHA Trail wheel,on gun GABUGABU With gulps or large mouthfuls GACHATSUKU To be in discord,clatter, resound GACHIGACHI Gnawingly GACH5 Elegance GACH6 KUBI Long neck GADAI Rack GAD5 Principles of painting GAG6 Painter's pseudonym GA GOTOSHI Tending,to GAGYO SURU To drive a carriage,control GAHEKI Buttress,counterfort GAH5 Gatling gun GAI Street GAIAN Plan in question GAIAN Rough draft,proposal GAIATSU External pressure GAIBIKo Nostrils GAIB6 Cover cap GAIB6GYO Exterior defense GAIBU Scorn,scorn of foreigner GAIBU KIKEN External hazard,in insurance GAIBU KoYU Machine oil GAIBUN Appearance,exterior GAIBUN SURU To obtain a rough idea of GAIBU RINTAI Tire GAIBUTSU Something else GAIBUTSU This article,thing in question GAIBUTSUKA SURU To externalize GAIBUYU Engine oil GAICHI Foreign country GAICHI Said area,said place GAICHIKU Said area GAICH6 External symptoms GAICH5 Head of a local district,Formosa GAICH6D5EN Otitis externa GAIDAN Street talk,rumor GAIDEN Message in question GAID6 Street,avenue GAID5 SURU To be agitated GAIEN Exterior circle,external circumference GAIGEN Sides of ship,outside of vessel GAIHAKU KAH6 Off-post quarters allowance GAIHAKUSEI Living out system GAIHAKUSH6 Off-post lodging permit GAIHAN Cover GAIHAN Deviation,difformity GAIHEN SURU To obtain by fraud GAIHI Topcoat GAIHI SURU To be terrified,distressed GAIHIN Article in question GAIH5 Foreign countries GAIH6 Foreign laws GAIH6 General report GAIHY5 General criticism GAI-I Contour,periphery,surroundings GAI-I Foreigners,barbarians GAI-I General position,approximate position GAI-I Overalls,shirt,dress GAI-IN External cause GAI-IN Relation by marriage GAIJI Matter in question GAIJIBU Foreign Affairs Department, Formosa GAIJIKEN Said affair GAIJIN Said person GAIJIN Street dust GAIJIN KEISATSU Police concerned with aliens GAIJIN SHAKAI Foreign community GAIJIN TOCHIH5 Alien land law GAIJIN TOCHI SHOYU Alien land ownership GAIJIN TaROKUHo Alien registration act GAIJ6 Appearance GAIJj GURU 54 4r A914 # Its Itk bf 0 a At A If tt I 9U l$% fftL# it ~ A1 F 1 -Att it IKti + It It (k J~ Ft it ( It ~ i it ~ Z it 91tii?P it it~ rY~ ~it it ~?~i it ~jl~ it r~ 1ft~ it %~ it t~J 3 7it9,%-,A An, fF CYN 3pf I 1" GAIJ6 SURU To be agitated GAIJ5SHITSU Foreign situation room GAIJU Residence abroad GAIJO Savage beasts GAIJUSHA Nonresident GAIKA Accretion GAIKA Foreign currency GAIKAISEHA Aforementioned company GAIKAITEKI Exterior,physical,objective GAIEAKU Foreigner,foreign guest GA IKAKU.SAXIJSEN Marginal operation AIKAN Closed coffin GA-I KANJA Bed patient GAIKASAI Foreign currency bonds GAIKATSUGO General term GAIKEI Estimated total GAIKEI Rough draft,sketch GAIKEI NO External,cursory GAIKEIJ6 According to appearance GAIKEIKA SURU To objectify GATIKEI KDEI Formalism GAIKEMPYd Prospectus,general summary. GAIKEN Another matter,different case GAIKEN Point in question,this case GAIKEN General view,rough view GAIKEN SURU To review,run over GAIKENJ6 Apparently GAIKI Summary, epitome GAIKIN JTUNSA Patrolman GAIKINSHA Person on outside duty, canvasser GAIK6 Outer harbor GAIK6 Road, street, crossroad GAIK6BU Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China I GAIK6 BUCH6 Foreign Minister,China GAIK6 BUNSHO Diplomatic document GAIK6BU S6CH6 Minister of Foreign Affairs,China GAIXBCH6 Chief of diplomatic department GAIK6 CH6SAKAI Diplomatic Advisory Council GAIK6 DAMPAN Diplomatic negotiations GAIK6 DENSHINRY6 Diplomatic telegraph expense QAgIK FUSHIN Unsuccessful diplomacy GAIK6HO Diplomatio clerk GAIK6 HIKI Diplomatic law GAIK6 H6SHIN- Foreign policy GAIK6 JIMMIN I-IN People's Commissary for Foreign Affairs GAIK6 JIMUKAN Diplomatic agent GAIKbJ6 Diplomatically GAIK6JUTSU Diploimacy GAIK6KAI Diplomatic circles GAIKQKANHO Attache,student diplomat GAIK6 KANKEI Foreign relations GAIK6KAIN KIMMU Diplomatic service GAIKKAAN SHIKE Diplomatic service examination GAIK6 KIKAN Diplomatic channels GAIKOKUDANE Foreign seed or race GAIKOKU DEMP6 Foreign telegram GAIKOKU DENDB Foreign missionary work GAIKOKU DENSHIN KAWASE International telegraphic money order GAIKOKUFU Foreign fashion GAIKOKUGIRAI Xenophobia,hatred of foreigners GAIKOKUHIN Foreign goods GAIKODHM6 SEISAN J6K6 Foreign adjustment clause in marine insurance GAIKOKUKA SURD To foreignize GAIKOKU KAWASE Foreign exchange GAIKOKU KAWASE S6BA Foreign exchange rate GAIKgOU KAWASE S6BAKYb Foreign exchange table GAIKOKU KAWASE TEGATA Foreign bill of exchange GAIKOKU K6RO Foreign route GAIKgOU K6SHI Minister of a foreign country GAIKOEU K6SHIKAN Foreign legation GAIKOKUKUSAI Exotic GAIKOKUMAI Foreign rice GAIKOKU RYOGAKUSEI Student sent abroad GAIKOKU HYUSHUTSU Foreign drainof specie GAIKgOg SAI Foreign loan GAIKOKUSAII Foreign product GAIKOKUSEI Foreign manufacture GAIKOTKUSEN Foreign ship GAIKOKU HIHON Foreign capital itI ~ it it6 'i ~ fA 9i Y ikt A~ Z~iqj f ~ A 'i 4.~~ fif i'1jP) it I It ~ Ar ~ 'it ~ it i~~ it- ~- ~i B~ it )- '~ 4ki $(4 iT i~lj,3 it i';rBJ it ~i~ it ~y~3 BA Blr it f]3 $. Spitt,w P, GAISAN SuRYo GAIKOKU SHIJ6 Foreign market GAIKOEU SHISHIN Foreign envoy GAIKOKU SHEKAN Foreign firm GAIKOKU SHUMI Exoticism,taste for the foreign GAIKOKU SHOMI Smacking of the exotic GAIKOKU SUHAI Exoticism GAIKOKU TAISHl Ambassador from a foreign country GAIKOKU TAISHIKAN Embassy of a foreign nation GAIKOKU YOBIN KAWASE International postal money order GAIKOKUYUKI YUZEI Foreign postage GAIK6 MONDAI Diplomatic question GAIK6 OBOEGAKI Diplomatic memorandum, protocol GAIK6 RY6JIKAN Diplomats and consuls GAIK6 SAKU Foreign policy,stroke of diplomacy GAIK6 SEISAKU Foreign policy GAIK6 SHISETSU SH6HI Diplomatic establishment general expensesGAIKb SHORUI Diplomatic documents GAIKB SHUDAN Diplomatic measures GAIK6 S5CHB Chief of Foreign Department GAIKOSSHU Exostosis,tumgr on the bone GAIK6TEKI JIREI Diplomatic language 'GAIK6TEKI SHUWAN Diplomatic ability GAIKo TETSUZUKI Diplomatic formalities GAIK6TSO Person versed in diplomacy GAIK6 YUKIZUMARI Diplomatic impasse GAIK6 YON6 Diplomatic pouch GAIKU Quarter of town,square GAIMAI KANRIREI Foreign rice control ordinance GAIMAISHB Foreign rice dealer GAIMEN BY6SHA External description GAIMENJ6 Externally,outwardly GAIMEINKA SURU To objectify GAIMEN KISON KAHEI Defaced coins GAIM6 Outer Mongolia GAIM6KO Outer Mongolia GAIMOKU General plan GAIMUBU Foreign Affairs Department, Formosa GAIMU DAIJIN Minister for Foreign S Affairs GAIMU JIKAN Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs GAIMU SANYOKAN Parliamentary Councillor of Foreign Affairs GAIMU SEIMU JIKAN Parliamentary ViceMinister of Foreign Affairs GAIMUSH6 Ministry of Foreign Affairs GAIMUSH6 JUNSA Foreign Office policeman GAIMUSH6 JUNSA BUCH6 Foreign Office Police Chief GAIMUSH6 KEIBU Foreign Office Police Inspector GAIMUSH6 KEISHI Foreign Office Police Superintendent GAIMU SHOKISEI Foreign affairs student secretary GAIMUSHb SANJIKAN Counselor of Ministry of Foreign Affairs GAIMUSHB TSUYAKUKAN Interpreter to Ministry of Foreign Affairs GAIMUZOKU Foreign Office clerk GAINAN Foi-eign troubles,foreign war GAIRA Screw stopper GAIRAI Outside origin GAIRAIBUTSU Foreign article,extraneous matter GAIRAI GEN-IN Extrinsic cause GAIRAI KANJA Outpatient GAIRAISHA Alien,colonist GAIRAI SHINSHO Incoming correspondence GAIRAKO SURU To rejoice,be joyful GAIRIN KISEN Paddle steamer GAIRINSEN Paddle steamer GAIRINZAN Rim of crater GAIRYAKU SHIKIRI Pro forma invoice GAISAGY& Overtime GAISAI Glower,angry look GAISAI Limit,bound,end GAISAI Outer canthus GAISAIKAI Purification GAISANDAKA Rough estimate GAISANGAXU Rough estimate GAISANISHO Written rough estimate GAISAN SURYO Approximate quantity ' 3 IflA -1R ~ 4 54 9AA Ad ~40 4 ~ 4 ~ 4 #i (4, 4it 40 t 4 Ifi41 5 ~I;4t4 b 4 D-R P V7 S r Jg lttb 14 -h II V t5*11.r IA 9 eR~t s 1)?Ei t ~ A r~lf h Q - tV r/F 3it ~~ 4f O ~tib ~p~ t a * Iaff t*3 M' GAISEI55 GAISEI Foreign administration GAXSEI -General performance GAISEI Practically finished GAISEI SURU To be almost finished,be almost ready GAISEN Street fighting GAISEN War abroad GAISEN Wire telegraph GAISEND6 Triumphal road GAISEN GUN Returned troops GAISEN GY65RETSU Triumphal parade GAISEN KAMPEISHIKI Triumphal review GAISEN MON Triumphal arch aAISENSHA Triuniphal car GAISEN SHIKI Triumphal celebration GAISETSU Rumor,gossip GAISHI Foreign newspaper GAISHI History not written under government sponsorship GAISHI Town,street GAISHI SURU To glare at GAISHI G6BEN Foreign-Chinese joint-. nimanagement Company GAISHIKYOKU Foreign Capital Bureau GAISHIN News from abroad GAISHIN Relation by marriage GAISHIN Visiting patient at home GAISHIN KACH5 Foreign Cable Chief GAISHI RYUNYU Inflow of foreign capital GAISHI YUNYU Importation of foreign capital GAISHIZAI Said materials GAISHO Imported book GAISHO Said place GAISH6 Town and village government, Formosa GAISH6 Vast extent GAISH6 Wound, trauma GAISH6HEI Outlying sentry GAISH6YAKU Traumatic medicine GAISHUTSUBI Leave day GAISHUTSU JIKAN Leave time GA.IS6 Foreign Minister GAIS6GUSURI Cough medicine GAISOKU Lateral aspect GAISOKU Rough measure GAISURU To deplore,lament GAITAI SURU To steal,run off with GAITAN Outskirts,edge,border GAITAN SURU To investigate,inquire into GAITANRO Coke oven GAITEI Outer bottom GAITEI Rough estimate GAITEI SURU To settle the main outlines GAITEI UNCHIN Lump sum freight charges 6AIT6 Appoximate estimate GAIT5 One concerned,the one in question GAITC SURU To correspond with,be applicable to,come under GAIT6 ENSEITAI Street discussion meeting GAITdH6 Subcaliber gun GAIT5SHITSU Cloakroom GAIT6 S6BA Approximate price GAITSU Scholar,man of learning GATWAKU. Frame GANWAN Outer bay GATYAKU Outline,summary,rough sketch GAIYAKU Round numbers GAIY5GUSURI Medicine for external use GAIY6 MIZUGUSURI Lotion GAIYG Imported oil GAIZEN TO SHITE Indignantly,regretfully GAIZETSU Complete surprise GAIZU Sketch,delineation, outline GAJ6 Picturesqueness GAJ Tile-shaped GAJU1N Graciousness,amiability GAJ1JN Tranquility -GAXARI Lasting,requiring GAKEGIWA Precipice edge,brink GAKEI Congratulations,rejoicing GAKEI Hoax,fraud GAKEIKI Boom,in business GAKEMI6HI Cliff road GAXEN Prejudice,biased view GAKENOBORI Cliff scaling GAKETSU Refinement,agreeablene s GAKI Earthenware GAKI SURU To lie down and get up GAKKAI-IN Academician GAKKA JIKANJIY6 Schedule of studies QAK.EI System,school ii 5I *U ~ Q ~ * ak *112~2- litlp W, 0 K i 1 it *Q ~ TD 1), T ft )it -1 A- 114 V, WK it JT - 4 U91 *5 $949 1M ~ *A I 17M *i5 *5 % *'! ~ *t5 -, 9" ~-~r t(3E~ t79C f i 4!tf @ ~r Sil~is4 ~J_~ Y! 'ri 3 M $R# i~ %~ $tN15 ~b~~R $F 0rB1 o~I t4 fB ~ S~itt E tad(p. M r_ R (i3 7 r y! LL j 4p 0I t 4i 451P W5 sl~~~ Rls 5; f M~s. ~k~~ t *. 131 GAKUSHA SHAKAX GAKKEN Key of musical instrument GAXKI School rules GAKKIDAI Music stand GAKKIGATA Instrumentalist GAKKI SHIKEN Term examination GAKK5 FUKUMU School service GAKK6 HOMBU School headquarters GAKK-I School physician GAKK6 JIDAI School days GAKK6 SEISEKI School record GAKK6 SdD5 Student revolt GAKKU School district GAKKURI With sudden relaxation or fall GAKKURI OCHI Sudden fall,marked inferiority GAK5 Frame GAKU Hupeh GAKUBEN Conductor's baton GAKUBUCH5 Dean GAKUCH6 Intonation,pitchtune GAKUD6MYAKU Maxillary artery GAKUFU School customs,school or method of study GAKUGAKU NO Plain-spoken,frank and assured GAKUGEIBU Department.,of art and science GAKUGEIRAN Magazine page GAKUGO Technical or scientific term GAKUHEICH5 Leading bandsman GAKU-I JUYO Conferment of degrees GAKU-I JUYO SHIKI Conferment of degrees GAKU-I MENJ6 College diploma GAKU-IREI Laws relative to degrees GAKU-I SEIDO System of degrees GAKU-I SHIKEN Examination for a degree GAKU-I SH6G6 Scholastic degree GAKUJIKA Educational Affairs Section GAKUJUTSUGO Technical term GAKUJUTSUKA Scientist, scholar GAKUJUTSU KENKYUKAI Learned society GAKEUJUTSU K EN Scientific lecture GAKUJUTSU SHIKEN Written examination GAKUJUTSUTEKI Scientific GAKUMEN Surface,face,face value GAKUMEN HAKK& Issue at par GAKUMEN IJ6 Above par GAKUMEN IKA Below par GAKUMEN KAKAKU Par value GAKUMEN MITEI KABU Stock without par value GAKUMEN ZoKA Raised check KOGITTE GAKUMONJO Study room,school GAKUMONJo From a scientific view point GAKUMUBU Board of education GAKUMU BUCH6 Educational department director GAKUMU I-IN School board GAKUMUKA School Affairs Section,in Formosa GAKUMUKA School, board GAKUMUKU School district GAKUNEN SHIKEN Final examination GAKUNIN Musician GAKUREI JID6 Children of school age GAKUREKI Academic record GAKUREKI School archives GAURENKYU Trismus,lockjaw GAKtRI With sudden relaxation or fall GAKURITEKI NKYU Theoretical study GAKURYOKU SHMMEISHO Certificate of scholastic ability GAKURYOKU YOTS Excellench in scholarship GAKURYO School of thought GAKUSEI Educational system GAKUSEI Music student GAKUSEI Officer trainee GAKUSEIB& School cap GAKUIEI FUKU School uniforn GAKUSEIGAI Students' quarter GAKUSEI GORO Student vagabond GAKUSEI HAMPU Introduction of educational pystem GAKUSEI KAIKAKUAN Educational reform proposal GAKUSEIKAN Overseer of students GAKUSEI SHCCHI Invitations to students,to come to Japan GAKUSEITAI Student unit GAKUSEITAI HOMBU Student unit headquarters GAKUSHA SHAKAI Academic groups or circles O1AKUSHA S19MI 56 gAll Alp AIfv Al A-' if V rr gift A k GAKUSHA. SHOMI Pedantry GAKIJSHATEKI HENIEX Scholarly prejudice GAXLISHI Musicisan GA.KUSIII-INSH6 Imperial Academy Prize GAEIJSHIKAI Alumni association GAKUSEUN Advancement of study GAKUSHI SHAEAI Leariwd society GAKISHOKU H6FU Wealth of erudition GAKUS6 Musical performance GAKUAICH6 Band leader GAXXJTAI-IN Bandsman GAXUT6 Headmaster.,principal of a school GAKUT6 Student in charge of a class GAXUTOKU Acquisition of learning GA.KUYOKI Alumni association GAMAN Devotion.,self -abnegation., unselfishness GAMAII Strength of character,firmness GAMAN Vanity, conceit, self-sufficiency GAMBARI Insistence~stubborness,, perseverance GAMBARIYA Headstrong person GAKBIRU Gambier.,gambir,,a resin-yielding root. GA?4B6 SUR1t To wish,ask for~petition for GAMBEJTSU Headstrong man~stubborn man GAKEN Pictu~re, scene,landscape GAMMEIFURBI Bigotry,obstinaoy,,impenitence GAI'MEIREN Diehards GAMMEN Contents of a petition GAMMEN KAKTJ Facial angle GAMM6 Obstinate ignorance GAMPEKI SHIY6RY6 Wharf rent,9 quayage GAMPON Beginning.,origin,,cause GAMPON Trading capital.,resources GIAN Coast GANCHU Eyes,color of eyes GANCHO Sight..vision..field of vision GANCHU Within view.,in the eyes of GA.NDARE Radical 027 GANDATE Vow.,promise to-deity GANDON Gross ignorance.,obstinacy GAN-.Eff Rock salt' GAN-ENK5 Salt mine GANGAN Majestically and imposingly GARGAR NO Steep and craggy GANGARA Empty food cans GANGI Degree, gradation GAI~GI SURU To counterfeit,forge GANGIGURUMA Pulley GANGI YAStJRI Contradiction, incompatible things GANGIZATORI Slow understanding QANGU Stupidity.,obstinacy GANAkXUMAKUEN 3clerotitis,,in medicine GANJIN Petitioner., supplicant GANJ5 Bravery, fortitu~de.,intrepidity GANJ6 Top of cliff.,top of bank GANJ6 NO Roccy,,cragged CANJO NO Superciliary.,above the eyes GANJ6 KOTSU Petrosum~hard part of the temporal bone GANJ6TOEU Petrou~s sinu~s,,in medicine GANKA Couniterfeit money QA1NKA Lower part of jaw~throat GAM~K Part under eyes GANKA Vision GANKA BYUIN Ophthalmico hospital GANKA I-bIN Opthalmological or eye clinic GAN)KA KAIB6GAXU' Ophthalmograpbyj, anatomy of eyes'I GAIIK KOTSU Orbital arch of eye GA16K Discernment, insight 0AM 6 Patienoe~endurance of insults GANK?5 NA Shsineless.,unabashed GANK6 JUTAI Half column GA1IXYMHU Observer,,gun pointer GA M DEN Qphthalmitis,in medicine R iz All t; 'U S1 V 144 ~ fJti~ 4a GABU ItIKAN GANEYU KAKCH?5 Staphyloma.,in medicine GANKMU NAISO Retina GANK!(U SEKKAIJTUTSU Ophthalmotomy GAIIKYU SHtJJUTSU Ophthalmotomyeye operation GAKKYU SOKURYdKI Ophthsalmometer GANNARABI Flight formation of wild geese GANNI ASABUKUO Gunny sacks GANNIN Applicant,,petitioner, candidate GANRI GMKIGAKU Amount with interest GANRI KIN Principal and interest GANR6 BHIHEI Toy paper money GARRUI SURU To be on the point of tears GANREY5 Nod of the head GANRY6 Weight, capacity,,,quantity, content GANRY5H6 Treatment of eyes GANSEI Pupil of the eye GANSEI Stubbornness,coercive foroe,in physics GANSEI NO Carcinomatous..cancerous GANSEI KAIY6 Carcinomatous ulcer GANSHQ Forged or spurious writing GANSXOJUTSU Forgery,pseudography 0ANBHOSHA Forger GANSHO Y53HI Application blank GANSBUTSU Request GANSO Ancestor GANS6 Cutaneou-s eruption on legs GANSUT H6SHU Hydatid cyst GANTAI Rocky mass GANTEI Back of thd eye GAMTI Rocky 'bottom GANTEK Stubborn enemy GANTO SURU To swallow and spit out GAWT6ZAI Medicine with sugar base GAIWO S1XRU To include GANZEN Presence GANZdHIN Counterfeit, forgery GANZ6 KAIEI Counterfeit money GANZ6 KOGITTE Forged check GANZ CSHA Counterfeiter, forger GANZ6 SHIHEI Counterfeit paper money GAORU To give in~admit being wrong GAPPEI-SHUGISHA Fusionist.,coalitionist GARARI TO Frankly.,openly.,freely GARAStI-HIN Glassware GARASU HOKEI Glass insurance GARASU ITA Pane of glass,window glass,, plate glass GARASU-KA STJRU To vitrify GARASU SH5JI Glazed sliding door GARASII-TAIEN Hyalitis.,inflammation of the eyeGARASU-.Y6 EKI Vitreous humor GARATSUKU To be excited~be flurried GARATSUKEJ To make a sharp sound GARISHIN Egoism.,self-seeking GARITEKI Self-interested, selfish '-GARU Appear to be,pretend to be,seem GASAT3U Rudeness,bru~squeness GASATSUKAN Crude or Impolite person GASEI Diligence, industry,,assiduit-y GASEIMONO Diligent person GASEN Line~stroke GASETSU Construction GASHI Painter,artist GASSAIBUKURO Travelling bag GASSAN Total,addition GASSANDAKA Sum total GASSHIKI All,,everything ^GASSHiW Irv P" Agreement --underst9Andn GAASU KEIRY6KI Gas meter GASU KESSEI Gas gangrene antitoxic serum GASU-KI Gas appliance GASU KIKAN Gas machine GEMPoAN GASU-KI SUETSUKE KoFU 57 -, 4 9 /7ijt i ~ d' 3 74 C 7~ A *i4A 9r 44 Ar# 9%4eis 4c~d;f(4~ 7, r AI I 9.' %? 7f0 t 7~5 4t5 $ loo A 3tsf-i? 2 AL#ra 31 ADMQ. Fj Trb p 4- t~ a a Pf tit igs GASU-KI SUETSUKE KoFU Gas fitter GASU-K6 Gas jet,gas burner a GASU REIKYAKUKI Gas condenser ri 1 GASU-RO Gas furnace GASURU To surpass,excel,dominate GASU-SHITSU Gaseousness GASU ZENKAI Full throttle -GATA Plurality suffix -GATAKI Difficult GA TAME In order to GATARIPISHARI With a bang or a jolt GATCHIRI Firmly,strongly,tightly GATCHIRI With a sharp blow,with a clang GATEKI Picturesque, scenic le GATEN NO YUKU MADE, Till one thoroughly x understands GAT6 SURU To collapse from hunger GATSU HEN Radical 078 GATTARIOCHI Great inferiority -GATTE Being GAWA -Sides,authorities,parties GAWAZOI Along a river GEBA Dismount GEBAN Guard being relieved GEBAN EIHEI Soldier of guard being relieved GEBATSU Rafts i GEBISUKE Vulgar or contemptible man L1 GEDAN Second row,of table etc. 1Kl GEDOKUZAI Antidote A AGEHIN Inferior article,vulgar person GEIBUN Arts and literature GEIETSU Welcome,reception GEIGEKI SURU To meet an attack w GEIGb SHUGI Opportunism,currying favor 4 GEI-IN Intemperance GEI-INKA Drinker, toper GEIJUTSU ALKaKAI.Art lovers' society GEIJUTSUHA Art school or coterie L GEIJqTSURIN Work of art GEIJUTSUJ6 From artistic point of view GEIJUTSU SHUMI Artistic taste GEIJUTSUZUKI Dilettantism,love of art GEIMEI Professional name of artist GEINASHIZARU Man of no accomplishments GEIN6 Spermaceti,a whale product GEIRIN Artistic circles GEIR6 Spermaceti,a whale product GEISEN SURU To go out and fight GEISETSU SURU To go out and meet GEIS6 Welcoming and seeing off GEIS5 SURU To intercept GEJ6 Dismount At GEKAGAKU Surgerythe study 1V I GEKA H6TAI Surgical dressing i GEKA I-IN Surgery hospital GEKA ISHA Surgeon GEKA ISHI Surgeon o71 GEKA-IY6 PINSETTO Surgeon's forceps frtsfl GEKA JOSHU Surgeon's assistant GEKAJUTSU Surgery,the art GEKA KIKAI Surgical instrument F1 K GEKAN- Volume two a GEKAN5 Surgical kit GEKA RY6JI Surgical treatment I GEKASHITSU Surgery,operating room GEKA SHUJUTSU Surgical operation e GEKA SHUJUITSUSHITSU Operating room GEKATEKI CHIRY6 Surgical treatment GEKAY6 KIGU Surgical instruments M GEKAY6 SHdT6 Scalpelsurgeon's knife tI GEKI SURU To get off a plane AgE GEKIATSU SURU To crush GEKICH6 Strong tide GEKIDA SURU To strike,beat A8f8 GEKIDAN Heated argument,dramatic colloquy # T GEKID6 Theatrics,drassatic art 17 GEKID6SHA Agitator JB? GEKIFUN SURU To become excited,angry GEKIrHATSU SURU To discharge violently or EQ if large quantities gL GEKIHATSU 56CHI Firing mechanism,fuse JR GEKIJ6 NYlJi6KN Theater ticket GEKIKA Lacuna,gap 4jd GEKIKA SURU To become severe,grow violent iat GEKIKAI SH6WA Greenroom gossip $ OEKINETSTJ High heat,high fever,great yggry excitement GEKIRAKU.Great drop in quotations or ~k GEKIREISHA Encourager. - Q'EVIRIN Stroking scales the wrong way GEMIR6 Head sea GEKIRYOKU Impulsive force GEKISAI SURU To rout,crush,annihilate GEKISATSU SURU To kill GEKISEI Piercing cry,sharp voice GEKISEIBY6 Acute illness GEKISEI KORERA Malignant cholera GEKISEKI NA Calm,still,silent GEKISHI Mortal blow with slender blade GEKISH6 Stimulating encouragement GEKISHO SURU To crash,strike violently against,acatter,defeat GEKISHUO Raid,attaci GEKIS Internal strife,domestic row GEKITEKI JIKEN Dramatic event GEKIT6 Bitter fight GEKIT6 Sudden rise,of prices GEKITOTSU Shock,blow,attack GEKITSUI SURU To shoot down GEKITSUITAI Interception unit GEKIYAKU Job entailing much work GEKIZETSU Barbarous speech,jargon, gibberish GEKKEIEN Laurel garden GE KEI SHIS6 Poet laureate GEKKEN DGU Fencing equipment GEKKEN D6J6 Fencing hall GEKKEE IKO Fencing jacket and trousers GEBEENJ6 Fencing school,fencing hall (GEKENKA Fencing master GEEKYUBI Payday GEEBYBBUKURO Pay envelope GEKKYU SHIHARAIBO Pay roll GEK6 SURU To land in an airplane GEMBA BAIBAI Spot delivery,spot sale GEMBAGAKARI Field staff GEMBA-IN Foreman GEMBA KANTOKU Foreman GEMBAN Master plate,negative GEMBARAI Cash payment GEMBATSU Original punishment GEMBATSU SAUGI Rigid discipline GEMBA WATASHI Spot delivery GEMBA WATASHI NEDAN Spot price,loco price GEMB6 SURU To reducecurtail,contract GEMBOGAKARI Ledger clerk GEMBOKU Rough timber GEMBUN Korean syllabary GEMBUN Spoken and written languages qEMBUTSU Original of somethaing GEMBUTSU Real objects,real being,the real thing GEMBUTSU BAIBAI Spot trading GEMBUTSU K6FU Delivery of actual article GEMBUTSU NAKAGAININ Stockbroker GEMBUTSU SHIJ6 Spot market GEMBUTSU S6BA Spot quotations GEMBUTSU TEIKY5 Tender,in law GEMBUTSU TONYA Spot broker GEMBUTSU TORIHIKI Spot trading GEMBUTSUYA Stock dealer GEMEN Face,outward appearance,surface GEMIN Lower classescommon people GEMMA Raw hemp GEMMA NO Refined,processed GEMMAI Rice in stock,rice on hand GEMMAI SOPPU Extract of whole rice GEMMEI Dizziness,vertigo,dazzlement GEM1EI Publication declaration,proclamation GEMMEI NA Famous,illustrious GEMMITSU NA Open and secret GEMM6 SURU To decrease GEMM6HI Depreciation expense GEMMOKU Dazzlement,dizziness,vertigo GEMMOKU Mysterious silence GEMMON Cargo door,gun port,gangway GEMMON Korean syllabary GEMMU Illusion,dreammirage GEMMU Present or pending business,present duties GEMMY6 Very skilful GEMPAN First edition GEMPEI Available soldiers,actual effectives GEMPI Empressqueen GEMPI Raw hides GEMPIN Brand-new goods,sample GEMPINkA SURU To convert raw materials into goods GEMPIN KYUYO Allowance in kind GEMPITSU Abbreviation,summary GEMPOAN Salary-reduction proposal GEMPON 58 Al w x /is t Iz^ P^^, likm fl 1ý-t? A, ^^?^ "t4 A 0 1042 If 4 t 4 AAL lI^^/T it 6^^r a- -I* ý6 go C7 I A -r -.0^ ft 41 - GEMPON Beglnning,source,origin GEMPON Trading capital GEMPU Stub,counterfoil,block,talon GEMFY6 Original table GEMPY6 Stub,counterfoil,block,talon GEN Decrease,cut,diminution,shortening GEN Radical 095 GENCHI Actual site GENCHI There GENCHIH6 Zoning regulation GENCHI HOGO Defence of local vested interests GENCHIJIN Natives GENCHI KAHEI Local currency GENCHI KAK6 Local manufacture GENCHI K6WA Lecture on the spot GENCHISEN Local boats GENCHI SHISHI Demonstration on actual grounds GENCHI TAKIKAN Other local offices GENCHo Auditory hallucination GENCHOCHI Original station GENDAIJIN Modern individual GENDAI 6KASHA Modernist GENDAISHI Contemporary history GENDAI SHICH Spirit of the times GENDAI SHIS5 Modernism GENDAI SkUGI Modern. sm GENDANKAI Present stage GEND6 Dark road,mysterious passage GEND5 Illusion of movement GENDo Speech and behavior GENDO KEISAN Limit calculation GEND6SHA Instigator GEN-ElI SH&METSU Disillusion GEN-EKIHo Soldier's pay for active service GEN-EKIKAN Commissioned vessel GEN-EKIKYU Soldier's pay for active service GEN-EKI MANKI Expiration of active service GEN-EKI MEIBO Active list GEN-EKI 0 SARU To retire from active service GEN-EN Distance from origin GENETSUZAI Febrifuge GENGAI Outer,beyond the side,outboard GENGAI NO Unbounded,excessive GENGAKU Depreciation GENGAKUHEKI Pedantry, ostentatiousness, formalism GENGAKUTAI String band,orchestra GENGAKUTEKI Bookish,pedantic GENGETSUKI Turkish crescent,Turkish flag GENGI Opinion,discussion,debate GENGO Original language,original word, mother tongue GENGO Proverb,proverbial expression GENG6 Name of an era GENGO D6DAN Unspeakable,abominable GENGO FUMEI Lalopathy,indistinct speech GENGO FUN5 Laloplegia,loss of power of speech GENGO FUZUI Aphasia,loss of power of speech GENGO GAKUSHA Philologist GENGO SAKUGOSH6 Paraphasia,a speech - malady GENGYAKU Slowing of pace or gait GENGY6 Actual work,job GENGY5IN Worker, employee GEN-I Beginning and end,cause and effect GEN-I Great power,stern dignity,great influence GEN-I Original rank,original position GENIN Servant GEN-IN Personnel present,effective personnel GEN-IN Reduction of personnel GEN-IN FUMEI Cause unknown GEN-IN FUMEI NO K8NETSU Cryptogenic hyperpyrexia,high fever of obscure origin GEN-INHY5 Attendance list GEN-IN KEKKA Cause and effect GEN-INRYOKU Causality GEN-IN TORISHIRABE Investigation of cause GENJI Now,nowadays,in our time GENJI Objectification,display,revelation GENJIKI Teletype machine GENJIRU To display,appear I 5 ~t 4ý lif T ^tiA IQ, A t ~7 ~ ICA4 'F;! gTE k- I f7 w W ii' 6i ^M WM^ltm 1 J~A:41 gtT A Mill *,nti A4ý. W: n 4 -fpm fqt A itb mtftlwtts it~k GENKIN-URI GENJISHI Paper written with invisible ink GENJISHI Telegraphic tape GENJITSUHA Realist school GENJITSUH5 Positive law GENJITSUKAI Real world GENJITSUSEI Reality GENJITSU SETSU Actuality theory GENJITSU SHUGI Realism GENJITSU SHtGISHA Materialist GENJ6 DAHA Destruction of status quo GENJo FUZAI SHoMEI Alibi GENJo IJI Maintenance of status quo GENJ6 KAIFUKU Restoration to original state,in law GENJ6 KAIFUKU UTTAE Suit or claim for complete restitution GENJ6 MOKUGEKISHA Eyewitness GENJo SHISATSU Inspection of the scene GENJ5 SHISHUSHA Death defiers GENJo WATASHI Spot delivery GENJ5 WATASHI NEDAN Loco price GENJ6 WATASHI OKURIJo Loco invoice GENJU Actual residence GENJOKA SURU To make strict,implement, put teeth into GENJUMIN Natives,aborigines GENKA Actualization of an idea GENKA Vanity,ephemeral splendor GENKA BAIBAI Spot sale GENKA HAMBAI Discount sale GENKA HAMBAI Sale at cost GENKAI Limit,of field of fire GENKAI Margin GENKAI Strict warning GENKAI GAINEN Concept of limitation GENKA IKA Below cost GENKAI KoY6 Marginal utility GENKAI SEISANHI Marginal cost of production.GENKAI SH6HISHA Marginal consumer GENKA KEIJ6 Capitalization GENKA KEISAN Cost accounting GINKAKU Hallucination GENKAKU Strict rules,rigorous terms GENKAKUKA Austere person,puritan GENKAKUTEKI- Hallucinatory GENKAN 'Original office held GENRAN Present officials GENKAN Severe cold,frost GENKA SHoKYAKUHo Depreciation method GENKA SHoKYAKU KANJ6 Depreciation account GENKA SHoKYAKU Depreciation fund TSUMITATE KIN GENKEI Diminution,reduction, softening GENKEI Mitigation of punishment GENKEI Original state GENKEI Present plan GENKEI Present state GENKEI Severe punishment GENKEI J6Jd Attenuating circumstances GENKEI KAN6 Commutability GENKEN Severe reprimand GENKI Original foundation GENKI KAIFUKU Revival of spirits GENKIMBARAI Cash payment, ready cash GENKIMBARAI NEDAN Cash price GENKIMBARAI WARIBIKI Cash discount GENKIMBO Cashbook GENKIN Principal,in finance GENKIN BAIBAI Cash transaction GENKINCH& Cashbook GENKIN FUSAI Cash liabilities GENKIN FUSOKU Short cash GENKINGAKARI Cashier GENKIN KANJo Cash account GENKIN KYAKU Customer who pays cash GENKIN KYOYO Cash allowance GENKIN MAEWATASHI Advance of cash GENKIN NEDAN Cash price GENKIN SHIWAKECH6 Cash journal GENKIN SHBGI Cash payment policy GENKIN SHUGI Mercenary principles, venality GENKIN SUIT6BO Cashbook GENKIN SUIToCH6 Cashbook GENKIN TEGATA Cash order GENKIN TEMOTO ARIDAKA Cash on hand GENKIN TORIHIKI Cash transaction GENKIN TORITATE Collection of cash GENKTN TORITATE YUBIN C.O.D. post, collect-on-delivery post GENKIN T6ROKUKI Cash register GENKIN-URI Cash sale GENKIN URIMONO 59 GENZEN rl f i It -~~~ r~ 2 c1 Ti 3Rgi ft I it ris j4 $f ib 4~ 3tt rAtr"11%. M, 4 & A-) t7, -* ~A4n' k0. iE it~j iLi~ 7CAs Iv GENKIN URIMONO Merchandise on spot GENKIN-URI NEDAN Cash price GENKIN YUS6TEN Specie point GENKI 68EI High spirits,unusual vigor GENKI SOS6 Dejection GENK6 Actual act GENK6 Ore,crude ore GENK6 SURU To dim a light GENK&CHU In the act GENK6DAI Copyholder GENK6 HANNIN Criminal caught in the act GENK5 H6RITSU Existing laws,laws in force GENRK H6TEN Law codes in force GENK5 ITCHI Consistency GENK6 JoYAKU Existing treaties GENK6 KAREI Current coins GENK5 KITEI Standing rules GENKOKU Severity,cruelty GENKOKU DAIRININ Plaintiff's attorney GENKOKU KAISHA Plaintiff company GENKOKUEKAN Public prosecutor GENK5RY6 Payment for copy GENK6 SEIDO Present system GENK6 SEIKATSU Hack writer's existence GENK5SHI Copy paper GENK6T6 Thief caught in the act GENKOTSU Blow with fist GENK5 Y6SHI Writing pad,copy paper GENKU Sentence,phrase GENKUN Merit,important service rendered GENKUNSHA Fathers of the constitution GENKYAKU Decrease,diminution,reduction GENKYO Source,authority, original documents GENKY6 Reverie,state of reverie GENKY5 Zoroastrianism GENKY6 SURU To make writing appear,as in secret writing GENKYOKU Limitation,localization, restriction GN1KYO Olfactory hallucination GENNAI Prescribed,within the limit GENNI Spot goods,spot cargo GENNIN SURU To acknowledge GENNIN SURU To witness GENNINCHI Present post GENNIN GAIMU DAIJIN Present Minister of Foreign Affairs GENNINSHA Present holder of post GENNINSHA Witness GENNINSHO Acknowledgement,writ GENNIN SH5MEISHO Killed or wounded certificate GENNI SHIJ6 Spot market GEN 0 MATAZU It goes without saying GEN-OTOSHI Business done after closing of stock exchange GENRAKU SURU To reduce,curtail,decrease GENRAN SURU To examine closely GENREI Extreme severity,excessive rigor GENREI Strict orders GENRITSU Severe law,strict discipline, severe penalty GENRO SURU To be disclosed,be revealed GENR6IN Council of elder statesmen GENRbIN GICHZ President of the Senate GENRbIN GI-IN Senator GMNR6 KABU Senior member,position of 9lder statesman GENRON JIYU Freedom of speech GENRONKA Publicist GENRONKAI The press GENRON KIKAN Organ of expression GENRONSEN Discussion GENR6 SEIJI Government directed by elder statesmen GENRY6 Consideration GENRY6 Decrease, cut GENRY6NAN Difficulty of securing materials GENRY6TAN Raw coal,unwashed coal GENSAN Decrease in production GENSAN Limited production GENSANCHI Place of origin GENSANCHI FUMEI Doubtful origin GENSANCHI SH6MEISHO Certificate of origin GENSATSU Cash GENSEI Solemn oath GENSEI CHORITSU Strict neutrality GENSEIFU Present government GENSEIH6 Bioplasma GENSEI NANK6 Cantharidal ointment I4t~'k GENSEISHIN Worldliness Alt t GENSEI SHUGI Secularism itrti j3 GENSEI SHUGIKA SURU To secularize tl GENSEISO Cantharadin 11 vs GENSEKI Legal domicile GENSEKI Severe reprimand t f GENSEKICHI Domicile 4 GENSEN Rigorous selection S GENSEN KAZEI Taxation at the source te GENSESHIN Worldliness Att GENSE SHUGI Secularism tt GENSETSU First assertion. GENSHA Distinguished person S GENSHI Beginning,origin SGENSHI Capital,principal ~ GENSHI Marking on the actual spot k GENSHI Optical hallucination S GENSHI Word,expression t GENSHI NO Visible S GENSHI SURU To reduce investment 19t GENSHI JIDAI Original rent,natural rent rsid GENSHIKI Idea % GENSHIN My parents,honorific % GENSHIN Strict parents a GENSHIRIN Virgin forest S GENSHIR6 Robbery,banditry SGENSHITSU SEIKEI Protoplast A GENSHO Torrid heat,dog days A*, GENSH5 Phenomenon,external world, appearance WE GENSHOKKAI Present post and rank GENSHOKU Original occupation [ GENSH5SEI Phenomenality ir'4 GENSHOZOKU Original attachment GENSHU Chief,leader,emperor,king GENSHO Reduction in receipts GENSHUKIU SKUGI Rigorism GENSO Ancestor,ancestral;r,,1 GENSO Essence GERS6 Association of ideas,idea arising at sight of thing SGENS6 Exportation of specie SGENS6 Present equipment "bit GENS STURU To send actual cash S GENSOAN Plan for tax reduction 4 GENS6DAKA Amount of specie exported,t4 GENSbIN Present staff a 1ý GENS6KA Illusionist,dreamer t GENS6KAI Dreamland S GENSOKU Standard speed At *41C GENSOKU HASSHAKAN Side torpedo tube 4t A GENSOKUH6 General principles tifj; GENSOKU H6KA Broadside fire A01t GENSOKU KYBTEI Basic agreement t GENSOKU UND6 Retarded motion -114 GENSON Present life,actual existence 3A t ) GENSON SURU To survive,remain ifk.41 GENSONSHA Living person, survimror GENSB SHUGI Illusionism S GENS6YAKU Decrelse of powder charge GENTAI Original situation GENTAI Present condition,actual situation GENTAN Ungraded coal,run-of-the-mine coal GENTEIGAI Special size c1 4 X GENTEIHAN Limited edition 0 GENTEIHIN Sized materials 7ý GENTEI N6RYOKU Limited ability F GENTEI SH5NIN Limited recognition, qualified acceptance r GENTEI SHUPPAN Limited publication GENTEI S6ZOKU Qualified inheritance GENTEN Reference point,point of departure GENTB Dead of winter,severe winter t GENT Edge or top of a field GENT6 Mitigation,reduction,lowering GENT6 Projection of images,magic lantern GENTBBAN Magic lantern slide GENToKAI Magic lantern lecture GENI Gravity,solemn air,majesty GENP6 Now in use,now needed r GENY GO Living language GEN'YU Cause,origin,motive,beginning GENYI Circulation of cash GEITYU On hand,now in possession GENZAI As of a certain date GENZAI Raw materials GENZAIHIN MOKUROKEU Stock book GENZAI JIN-IN Present or available personnel 'R- ' OGENZAI KAI-IN Members present C GENZEI UNDB Agitation for lower taxes GENZEN Tricklingly QENZEN NA 60 U!"; GENZEN NA Clear,manifest 45! GENZEN NA Fine,well ordered,splendid?A GENZ6 Origination,production AM GENZ6 Phenomenon,external world, appearance A A* GENZ6BSHA Originator,author A GENZU Original dcrawing,outline, original map GENZURU To ditplay,appear GEPPUBARAI Monthly installment payments AWA -' GEPPU HAMBAIH6 Monthly installment plan f 7 f' C7 GERAGERA By fits and starts TM GERAN Following row,section,etc. S GERATSUKU To cluck,cackle r' C7 GERA-ZURI Galley proof sheet GERIRA-SEN Guerrilla warfare S GERYAKU SURU To omit last part GESAKU Bad plan,ill-conceived plan T4 GESAKU Inferior product,poor work, baseness,mediocrity AKII GESAKUBON Novel,book of short stories GESEN Humbleness,vulgarity,baseness GESHA TEISHAJ6 Alighting station GESHATEN Alighting point Fu GESHIN Secret desire,hidden intention _f WA GESHUXININ Lodger rGESHEKURY= Board charge _F4- GES{UKUYA Boardinghouse T3, GESOKU Caretaker of footgear rGESOKUBAN Caretaker of footgear GESSAN Monthly production A4 GESSHAKU Monthly rent A t, GESSHOKU Color of'the moon IT _?_t GBESSORI Emaciated F *A GESUID6 Underground sewer SGESUI K6FU Sewerman GESUISH6 Ptosis,sagging of stomach or liver F GETABAKIKI Float-type plane f A014 GETABAKO Shelves for clogs iTA, tt'A GETAGETA By fits and starts GETAI Negligence,carelessness,laziness 3 GETSU Monday A V GETSUBETSU Month by month A *0)4- GETSUBETSU NO SA Entire difference AlA GETSUGAKU Monthly amount A *Akz. t GETSUMATSUBARAI Month-end payment AL #1 GETSUORI End of the month A d GETSUREI Monthly GETSUROKU Monthly record GETSUYO Over a month A GETT5 Beginning of month rTAL GEYA Outhouse,addition to house #-* GEYAKU Laxative,antidote 4A GEZAN Descent from mountain 4 GI Greece p GI- Pseudo-,pseud-41 Instrument *1tehu GIAN TEISHUTSUKEN Initiative right f&tM4 * GIAN TSOKA UNDCSHA Lobbyist ~ GIBAKUDAN Dummy bomb GIBATSU Just punishment A0 GIBU Derision,mockery I GIBUN Ritual 44 4- GIBUNRO Ramification 4 ]1 GIBUNTEN Switch point,junction A GICHI False position S GICHIGICHI SURU To creak GICH6 Chief of technical headquarters 1tkcq1! GICHB DAIRI Speaker pro tem rkA GICH6 SEKI Speaker's chair 4r- GICHBSHOKU Chairmanship,presidency GIENKIN Contribution GIENSHA Contributor GIFU Gathering,crowd GIGAKU Science contrary to current ideAs i GIGAN SEIZ6SHA Ocularist,maker of artificial eyes 4~~*IA GIGEI GAKKB Polytechnic school GIGEIKA Art branch 4~A~f~- GIGEI KUMIAI Art association GIGEN Wittticism,jokeraillery S~t' GIGOCHINAI Awkward,rude,crude 'n-' GIGOTSUfAI Awkward,rude,crude GIGU Fear,apprehension GIGUN Volunteer corns AM GIGYAKU Jest,fun,pranks 44 fq GIHAN False signature,false seal 4MJ GIHAN Trial of a hypothetical case AAK* GIHANSHA Plagiarist 4As GIHEI Deceit 4**ý*T4 GIHIKbJ6 Dummy airfield *j IL A 1 T LA I. f;ý it A t 'At f ~A rit Ctis ILI dd ~ 4ittAL e At~ - IQ ~t~f~ rt ANt il tam4e h oO RtM Q -~ ~Ft B' g1$e9tr t 6A c43a(ci 2~~ It C~j B E ~~ca (S;RtO E (kRZO 1;69k ~d J4Q4C I e AS~fflft fk$6F- a pa-F4 fad# tR.S-;g 5-5fu bp GIN-AN GIRIKiKI Dummy plane GIH6 Anthill GIHON Army technical headquarters GI-I False position GI-IN Forged seal GI-INH6 Parliamentary law GI-IN NO SHOKKEN Deliberative functions GI-IN SEIDO Parliamentary system GI-IN SEIJI Parliamesntary government GIJI Doubtful point,suspicious circumstance GIJI Doubt,suspicion GIJI Ideogram,ideograph GIJI Similar charactersdoubtful letters GIJI 3puriousness,falsity GIJI Resemblance,similarity GIJI NO Suspected,doubtful GIJI NO False,spurious GIJI B6GAI SHUJGI Obstructionism in parliament GIJIH6 Lexigraphy, ideography GIJI KANJA Case of suspected illness GIJIKEI Pseudomorphism GIJI KORERA False cholera GIJINE6 Personification,prosopopoeia GTJI NITTEI Agenda GIJINRON Anthropomorphism GIJIROKU Minutes,proceedings GIJI SHINK6GAKARI Steering committee GIJISHITSU Assembly hall GIJISH6 Suspected illness GIJ6HEI SHIKIKAN Commanding officer of honor guard GIJUKU School GIJUTSU-IN Technical expert GIJUTSU K6HOSEI 'Technical officer candidate GIJUTSUSHITSU Studio GIJUTSUTEKI ZUN& R6D1SHA Skilled brainworker GIKA Counterfeit money GIKAI HEIKAI Closing of legislature GIKAI KAIKAI Opening of legislature GIKAI KAIKICHU During the session of the legislature GIKAI KAISAN Dissolution of legislature GIKAIKI. Legislature session GIKAI SEIJI Parliamentary government GIKAI TEIKAI Prorogation of a legislature GIKAI T5RONKA Parlianientarian GIKEI Stratagem, fraud GIKEN Subject of debate GIKEN Technical research laboratory GIKETSUKEN Right of voting GIKETSUKEN HOYU SHINTAKU Voting trust KAISHA SO.eNI certificate GIKETSUKEN HOYU SHINTAKU Voting trust KAISHA SH6MEI certificate GIKETSUKEN KIGY6 G6D6 Voting trust GIKETSU KIKAN Legislative organ GIKETSU TEISO Quorum GIKI Distrust,suspicioup dislike GIK6 Skill,artisan,skilled worker GIK6T6SHb Pseudo-Kwangtung Province GIK6T6SH6 RINJI SH6KAI PseudoKwangtung Provisional Assembly GIKUGIKU Zigzag,jerkily GIKY6SBIN Chivalry GIMAN Fraud,deceit GIMBEIKA Parity of silver GIM-BIRA Silver window-sticker GIMEI Pseudonym GIMME Monetary value of silver bullion GIMMEN Finished leather surface GIMMISHA Investigator GIMMI YAKI] Examiner GIMON DAIMEISHI Interrogative pronoun GIMONHB Interrogation GIMONHY6S Question mark GIMON XEIYBSHI Interrogative adjective GIMPA Silvery waves,reflection of moon on waves GIMUGAKEJ All of one's duties GIMU KEIEKI Obligatory military service GIMtT KgYTSD Common obligation,community of obligations GIMU NENREI Draft age GIMURON Deontology GIMUSHA Responsible person GIMUSHIN Sense of duty GIMUTEKI Compulsory GIN-AN Saddle incrusted with silver GINDAI 61 GINDAI Block of silVer to be sculptured MAO GINGA Name of plate,Milky Way GINGIN Barking,yelping GIN HON-I Silver standard GINJI Silvered sharacters or letters GINJ6 Silver bullion GINKA HON-I Silver standard GINKA HON-ISEI Silver standard MAO 1Al GINKAI S5BA Silver quotation GINKEI Silver salmon GINKEN Silver note GIMKI Silver utensils Ou 4ilt GINK6 BOKI Bank bookkeeping Mf RT- GINK6 CHOKIN Bank deposit IVAE GINK6DAN Banking syndicate M! fl - -GIMNK EIGY6 HoKOKU Bank business report W I tet J1 GINK6 EIGY6 JIKAN Banking hours AliT4if 4t GINK6 FURIDASHI TEGATA Bank paper Ali t GINK6GY6 Banking jju g GINK6 HASAN Bank failure Ul 9 GINK6 HIBU Bank's daily interest rate S GINK6 HIKI-UKE Banker's acceptance GINK6 HIKI-UIKE TEGATA Banker's 'acceptance GINKBIN Bank clerk e4tl GINK6 JIMU Banking 4 a ~GINK6 JUMBI KIN Bank reserves GINKMKA Banker GINK6 KABU Bank stock $A~j t' GINK6 KAI S6BA Bank buying market ~ GINK6 KAKUNIN SJ{IN-Y6J. Irrevocable letter of credit GINK6 KAWASE Bank draft GINK6 KAYOICH6 Bankbook GINKoKEN Bank note GINK[CEN HAKK6 SEIDO Bank note issuing system S GINK6 KENSAKAN Bank examiner SGINK6 KENSAREI Bank call ~ai GINK6KYOKU Bank inspection bureau Ij4t; GINK6 KYDJITSU Bank holiday GINK6 NENRI Annual interest of bank ~f1* (GINK6 RIRITSU Bank rate of interest GINK6 RISHI Bank interest,bank rate GINK6B RUIJI KAISHA Semi-banking corporation V 14 t'GINK6 SANCHAKUBARAI Bank demand t K i A, GINK6 SHIHAININ Bank manager M GINK5 SHIHEI Bank note tj GINK6 SHIN-YbJ6 Bank letter of credit Wit *#ýfi GINK6 SHUKAISHO Banker's club S GINKb S6SAI Bank president GIN5K TEGATA Bank bill 15R ~1 GINK6 TORIHIKI Bank account Mti Al GINK6 UNYb SHIKIN Banking capital Wai;3I GINK6 WARIBIKI Bank discount tii1 GINK6 YOKIN Bank deposits AM f5 GINRIN BUTAI Bicycle unit vlr GINSAKU Silver article akou GINSEIHIN Silverware Mt GIN SEN Silver braid GINSEN Silver cash,small change GINSHOKU Silver lace GIN SUZU Little silver bell GIN TANHON-ISEI Silver monometallism GINTEN Silver point,in international finance GINTO Silver plating,silvering GIPUSU Plaster of Paris S GIRAGIRA Brilliantly, glitteringly, dazzlingly GIRAKEJ Amusement,diversion d(o GIRATSUKU To shine,sparkle,glitter GIRET Ceremony,rite GIREISHO Ritual book OIRI Adoptive,in-law GIRI Sense,meaning "GIRIGIRI Finally,ultimately "L Y GIRIGIRI Severely,violently 9 T 9 GIRIGIRI With gnashing of teeth "I ~M GIRIGIRIGOE Piercing voice SS GIRI KE24BUTSU Sight-seeing from sense of duty r OGIRl XY6DAI Brother-in-law AJ!ArA GQRI NIflJ6 Justice and charity Q f GIRISHA-KA SURT To Hellenize GIRISHA SHUGI Hellenism GIRITSU Dispensation of justice GIRIZUKIAI Polite relations,formal relations GIRO Fork in the road,digression,side road GIR6 Jest,amusement 665892 0 - 45 - 5 ý4 7if All -f A t t' A- to 4), T 'A Aki 013 A A J k s~l 4 -4a7 -i~z*.f?L:it s~ ~r 4Ak fii I -z aa 4 ~Jt ~i;t;r ijAT f &4- 7 MtE ~ ~~a ~4 IG GOBAKU GIR6 SURU To play Vith,mock,make sport of GIROGIRO With brilliance,sparklingly GIRONKA Controversialist GIROTSUKU To shine,glittet,sparkle GIRUDO SHAXAI-SHUGI Guild socialism GIRY6 SH6MEISHO Certificate of competence GISAKUBUTSU Forgery,spurious work GISAKGHIN Spurious article GISAKUSHA Counterfeiter,plagiarist GISEI Apprentice technicisan GISEI Disguised voice GISEI Imitation,reproduction GISEIFU Pretender government GISEISHA Victim GISEITEKI SEISHIN Self-sacrificing spirit?ISETSU Lie,false rumor GISHA Upright person GISHI Actionscarried on as deception GISHI Death for a righteous cause, martyrdom GISHICH5 Chief engineer GISHIDAI Tooth plate GISHIGISHI In great quantity,chock-full GISHIGISHI With grinding and creaking GISHIJUTSU Dental prosthesis GISHIN Hypocrisy GISHINJA Hypocrite GISH6 SURU To assume an alias GISHOH65 Forgery GISHOSHA Forger,pseudographer GISH6ZAI Crime of perjury GISHU Assistant engineer GISHU Agglutination GISHO Feint,false attack GISH0 Swarming GISHU Y6SEIJO Artificer training station GIS6 Questionable,doubtful,similar to GIS56M6 Camouflage net GISUGISU Stiffly,primly,haughtily GISUIRON Fallacy,sophism GITAI Imitation, imitated body GITAIN6 Mimesis,imititation,mimicry GITE Assistant civil engineer GITEI Artisan,mechanic GITEI Extent of the discussion GITEIKAN Councilor GITEISHA Negotiator GITEISHO Protocol,preliminary memorandum GITEN Rules of etiquette GITO Loyalists GITON SURU To make a sham retreat GTYAKO Free translation GIYO False friend GIYUGUN Volunteer army GIYU H'Kd Patriotic service GIYU KANTAI Volunteer fleet GIYD SENT6TAI Volunteer combat unit GIYOTAI Volunteer unit GIZENKA Hypocrite GIZ6 FUNANI SHMKEN Forged bill of lading GIZ6 GINK6 SHIHEI Counterfeit bank note' GIZ6 KAHEI Counterfeit money GIZ6 KAN-IN K6SHIZAI Offence of forging official seal GIZ6 SHIHEI Counterfeit note GIZ6 SH6SHO Forged bond GO- Appellative prefix designating second Emperor of same name GO- Honorific prefix G6 Counter for bowls,vases,baskets, containers,etc. Gb Mountain stopping place G6 One of ten degrees of sail tension G0 One of ten points of altitude on slope of mountain G0 Unit of capacity,0.1803 liters 0b Unit of capacity,4.23 liters,China Gb Unit of square measure,0.3305 square meters G6 Australia G6 Most 06 Appellative,name,designation of foreign ship,automobile,airplane,etc. 06 Unit of weight,3.75 milligrams G6A CHICHOKAI Australian-AsiaticMediterranean GOAKAI Asia Protection Association G6AKU Wick-edness,brutality,viciousness GOAN-I 0 KOU Set your mind at rest GOANSHIN 0 KOU Don't worry,set your mind at rest GOBAKU Dud 4 GOBAKU SURU 62 ift 4 ^ 1. --6) ýA~ H IW 5- ^ t no ~,,nJ sfitdW4 Io *1w It* 10 AWL-\ MixIW;1 it **K7 ILAF t 14 : GOBAKU SURU To bomb by mistake G6BANGAI Wooden trench covers GOBIJI Final letter - GOB68EI Pentacle,five-pointed star GOBUGOBU Evenness,equality GOBU ITA Half-inch board O0BUN Error in hearing,misunderstanding GOBUN Five parts GOBUSATA Neglect in writing or calling GOBU WARIBIKI Five percent discount GOBY5 Mistake,error GoBY6 Incurable disease GOBYU DATSUR6 KONO Errors and omissions KAGIRI NI ARAZU excepted GOBYO DATSURo SHoNIN Errors and omissions HOKEN SH&KEN policy GOCHAGOCHA Confusion,disorder G&CHAKU Conglutination G6CHIN SURU To blow up and sink GOCHISo Feast,entertainment G6CHOSHA Joint authors GODAN Conversation GODAN Misjudgment GODAN Last act of play GODAN Last course of meal GODAN That which follows G6DATSUBUTSU Loot G6DATSU KIN Plundered money G6DATSUSHA Plunderer GODEN Erroneous translation G6DO Vociferations, clamor G6Do SURU To assemble,act jointly G6D6 BUTAI Combined force G6D6 HIK5 GUN Combined Air Fleet G6D5 IREISAI Joint service for the dead GoD6 JIGY6 Joint undertaking G6D6 KANTAI Combined fleet GOD6KEI NO ITARI NARI You are to be heartily congratulated GODOKU Misreading G6D6 SAKUSEN Joint operation G6D6 TSUSHINe United Press G6Do TSOSHINSHO Combined signal station GOEI SURU To escort G6EI Bravery,chivalry,distinction GOEIBIN Available convoy GOEI JUNSA Police escort GOEIKA NI Convoyed by GOEIKAN Escort ship GOEI KANTAI Escort ship unit GOETSU D6SHG Friends and foes in the same boat GOF0 Dialect,way of talking GOFO JUU Seasonable weather,timeliness, normalcy GOFUKUDANA Dry goods store GOFUKUGY6 Dry goods business GOFUKURUI Dry goods GOFUKU TONYA Dry goods wholesaler GOFUKU TONYA Wholesale dry goods store GOFUKUZASHI Unit of measure,2.5 shaku, used by drapers GO FUN Chinese five-cent coin GOGAKU RENSHO SH&Kd Language officer GOGAN Embankment, dike G6GAN Audacity,arrogance,boasting G6GANKY6 Colored spectacles GOGATSU SEKKU Boys' Festival,Flag Festival GSGEKI Joint attack GOGI SURU To amuse oneself,frolic GSGI Fitness,harmony, conformity GOGIGAKU Semantics,semasiology GGI SAIBAN Collegial judgment,GSGI SAIBANSHO Collegiate court G0GISEI Representative system GoGI SOSHIKI Collegiate system,of courts G6GITAI Consultative body GOGO JONIJI Midnight 0000GGO REIJI Noon GO-GO-SAN HIRITSU Five-five-three ratio G6GUN Home guards GOGYAKU RIJUN Paradox GOHAIRYO KOU Please attend to GOHAN Companion, company,party,group G5HAN Plywood GOHAN MUSHIKI Rice steamer GOHATSU Misfire GOHATSU SURU To wire by mistake G6HEI SURU To join forces GOHEI KATSUGI Superstitious person GOHEKI Idiom ot litL a Alp A * 'A A 41 +T NA VL'4 - -AA t4.. ",. "+,.,t m ^H^,5 -4P. ~^ +lmmm.t,pI,+, *t*A 0 F GOKUAEU GOHEN Five sides G5HI Australia and the Philippines GOH6 Back,rear GOH6 Grammar,syntax G6HO Strutting G6H6KA SURU To legalize G6H6 KAHEI Legal tender GOH6 KIMMU Duty in the rear G6HOKU BUTAI Unit north of Australia G6HON Books bound together GH6oTEKI Legal G6HOTEKI K6I Lawful action GoHoTEKI SEIFU Legitimate government GOHY6 Misrepresentation GOHYo Vocabulary,word list GO-I Error,mistake GO-I Position of words G6I Siege GO-ICHID6 You,honorific GO-I HENKAN Inversion of words GoI KUMIAI Association, syndicate Go-I MUK6 Invalidity of agreement G6IN NI Forcibly, tenaciously G6IN SURU To pull hard,in wrestling GoI SEN Line of investment GO-I TENKAN Inversion of words GO-I TENTo Inversion of words G6ITSU Remarkable character,t'ranscendant nature G6ITSU K6SAI Unified public debt GOJI Speech,language G6JIN Questioning by torture GOJIPPO Fifty paces G6J6HARI Stubborn person GOJOKAI Fraternal society G6JoMONO Stubborn person GoJu SURU To combine,form a coalition GOJUBAKU Your having been bombed GOJOON Japanese syllabary of fifty signs GOJUONZU A,i,u,e,o arrangement of syllabary GOJUTSU Misstatement,fabrication GoKA Rage,fiery anger,fury GoKA Rich family GOKAIJI Your reply GoKAKUHIN Inspected goods GO KAKU KEN Chinese fifty-cent note G6KAKUSHA Qualified person,one who passes examination G5KAKUTEN Passing mark GOKAR Severe cold,frost GoKAN Signal can GGKAN Signal ship GOKANSOKU Faulty observation G6KANZAI Rape,criminal assault GoKASEN Luxury liner GOKASHIHIN Imperial gift GOKASHI KIN Imperial donation GOKE Odd article,unmatched article GOKEI Linguistic branch,stock,group,or subfamily GOKEI Mistake in calculation,defective plan GOKEI J6YAKU Reciprocity treaty GOKEI SHUGI Reciprocity G6KEI UCHIWAKE Itemized total GOKEI ZEIRITSU Reciprocal tariff GOKEN Erroneous views GoKEN Vigor,strength,virility GOKENSATSU NO T6RI As you conjectured GOKEN UND6 Proconstitutional movement GOKI Error in writing GOKI Later period GoKI Air in trough,in meteorology G6KI Courage,bravery GoKI Haughtiness,pride G6KI Marking or signalling flag GoKI Valiant,courageous GoKI NO Wealthy,prosperous,powerful GOKIGEN URUWASHIKU In excellent spirits G6KINK6 Alloy steel GOKKAN Extreme cold GOKKEI Capital punishment GOK6 Five ports of Yokohama,Kobe, Nagasaki,Nilgata,Hakodate GOK5DEN Your kind wire GOKOKU DoSHIKAI Society for the Defense of the Country GOKONDEN Your kind wire GfKOTSU Daring,strenth,vigor G6KOTSUKAN Daredevil GOKUAKU Attocious,fiendish 4,5,of oit t t J-.:A.= 3 L i 4Mit 9 AM A cL 6 ~ tX 3MLAiM S4P f 5 3HaPl. 4MAt$ ~1 3~1~~1~ 3 SApT 3"di ~ Ss(O~,L f &#9 B r rr gia I-hC da rf~;t af e A# i ~t ~ ~ oqi ~ a P g In B~~ 1*p~ij, 4e~ GOKUAKUIIN 63 GOKUAKUNIN Thoroughgoing scoundrel GOKUD5 Wickedness, debauchery, crime GOKUTD6 MONO Prodigal,debauchee GOKUGOKU Extremely GOKIUHIN Superior article GOKUHIRI NI In strictest secrecy GOKU-I Chief point,gist,essence GOKU.-I Prison clothes GOKUJdHIN Article of highest quality GOKUJb TOBIKIRI Extra superfine quality GOKUMON DAI Gallows GOLKUMON KUBI Head exhibited at prison gate GOKUN TO In one swallow GOKUNAI Closely guarded secret GOKURAKU Bliss,perfect happiness GOKURAKUKYb Paradise GOKURAXJU TOMBO Youth in his parents' care GOKURY6 Very good,best GOKURY6 Votive offering GOKUSEI Best manufactufe GOKUSHA NETSU Prison fever GOKUSH6 SURU To make extremely small GOKUSHO Offerings office GOKUSOTSU Jailer GOKUSUI Sacred water GOKUTEI Prison guard GOKUZUI Superior quality G6KY& Crash,loud report,clatter G6KY6 Howl,wild cry G6KY6 Knightly heroism,ardor,bravery GoKKYb NA Strong,powerful,tyrannical GOKYU Five domestic animals,cow,sheep, swine,fowl,dog GOMA Adulation,sycophancy,flattery GOMA ABURA Sesame oil,gingili oil GOMAKASHI MONO Fraud,faker,impostor GOMAKASHI SH5NIN, Cheat,swindler GOMA KASU Sesame seed waste GOMA MISO Sesame and bean paste dish GOMANZU Map,l to 50000 GOMA SHIO Graying,pepper and salt color GOMASHIO ATAMA Gray hair GOMASURI Sycophant G6MATSU MO Not in the least GOMAYU Sesame oil GOMBEN Radical 149 G6ME Ordinal counter for stations on mountainside GOMEI Folding fan GOMEI Misnomer G6MEI Unlimited partnership GOMI Five tastes of acridity,hotness, sourness,sweetnesssaltiness GOMIDAME Rubbish box,pile of rubbish GOMI GAIT6 Dust coat GOMI-IRE Rubbish receptacle GOMI SUTEBA Refuse heap,dumping ground GOMITORI Dustpan GOMIYOKE Dust coat G6M6 Ferocity,cruelty,severity G6M5 Steadfast,determined G6M6 Eair,straw GOMOKU Pile of rubbish,sweepings,scraps G6MON DbGU Torture instruments G6MONKI Torture instrument G5MONSHA Torturer GOMONSH6 Imperial crest GOMU-BIKI GAIT6 Mackintosh GOMU-BITKI KAPPA Mackintosh GOMU B6TO Rubber boat GOMU EKI Sap rubber GOMU-GAWA Patent leather GOMU HAN Rubber stam p GOMU-IN Rubber stamp GOMU KAN Rubber tube GOMU RYOKA SURU To vulcanize GOMU TABI Rubber-soled bifurcated footgear GOMY&DAI Agent,deputy GON Saigon GON Word GONPAN Troubledistress GONIN STRU To fail to identify GONINGUMI Group of five persons GONINMIO Your approvalauthorization GO NI OKERU Subsequent,after GONSU Company,in China GONYU False entry,in bookkeeping GORAIJI Your instructions GORAIJI NO GOTOKI In accordance with your instructions 9P 9% a)l slii b' L C9~~ p1tu"3 A1 ~ & l Pt ~ -3 hUL stI ~MiQ,N. h a wR~ GO SHAKU SANZUN-AGARI OTOKO GORAIJI NO SHUSHI NI YORI In accordance with your instructions GORAIJI NO T6RI According to your instructions GORAISH6 NO KEN Matter about which you inquired GORAKU Amusement,pastime,entertainment GORAKUHI Entertainment money GORAKUJ6 Place of amusement GORAKU KIKAN Recreation facilities GORAKUSHITSU Recreation room, entertainment hall GORAN Sight,inspection GbREI DENTATSUSHb Conveyer of commands GbREI HASSHA Firing upon command GdREI H6KA Firing upon command GOREKIDAI- Successive Imperial generations GORI Chub,a fish G5RIH5 Rational method G5RIKIHANGAKARI Officer in charge of crimes of violence GO RIN Half sen G6RIN Trifle,the least,small amount G5RI SETSU Rationalism G5RI SHUGI Rationalism G5RITEKI Rational,reasonable G6RITSUSEI Legality,licitness GOROGORO Death rattle GORO-ISHI Pebbles GORORI TO With a tumble GOROTSUKU To rumble,roar,roll noisily GORY6 Imperial hunt GORY6 Imperial property GOHY5. Perception GORYbCHI Crown land GORY6CHI AINARITASHI Please understand GORYoHIN Article for Imperial use GORYo KISHA Imperial train GORY5KYOKU Bureau of Impetial Estates GORY6 MAKIBA Imperial ranches GORY6RIN Crown forest GORY6 ZAISAN Crown property GaRYUTEN Confluence GOSA HAN-I...NOTTO Error within... nautical miles GOSAH5 0 KOU Please investigate and report GOSAI Five colors,white,black,red,yellow, blue GdSAKU Collaboration,joint operations G6SAKUBUTSU Collective work G6SAKU KINKO Co-operative Treasury,in China GaSAKUSHA *ollaborator,coauthor GOSANKAI Luncheon party GOSANK6 MADE For your information GOSANSEIJ6 Upon your approval GOSARY6 Amount of error GOSATA Orders, communication,notice GOSEI Five planets,Mercury,Jupiter,Mars, Venus,Saturn GOSEI Voice G6SEI Greatly,extremely,extraordinarily G6SEI Prosperity Z6SEI Rarityunusualness G6SEI Pride,haughtiness,arrogance G6SEI Signal flare GaSEI Sound of thunder,rumble,crack G5SEIBU Synthetics department G6SEIBUN Component part G6SEIBUTSU Synthetic product G6SEIGO Compound.word G6SEI HASAN Involuntary bankruptcy G&SEIKA Signal flare G&SEI KENJO Signal flare pistol,Very pistol G&SEIKIN Alloy GiSEI N6RITSU Combined efficiency G5SEIRYOKUJ Resultant force GOSEN GI-IN Member elected by mutual vote GOSEN SHIKAKU Eligibility for co-optation GO SENSOKU Fifth battle speed GOSEN TKHY6 Mutual vote,co-optation G6SETSU Trenchl installations GOSHAKU Explanation of meaning of words, commentary GO SHAKU False interpretation, misunderstanding GOSHAKUNEN KOU Rest easy,don't worry GO SHAKU SANZUN-AGARI Man five feet three OTOKO inches tall GO SHAMU SANZUN-AGARI Man of promise OTOKO 4- * 73 II L liiti ~li fk4 4tWE JAe $44 94 7 At 7 it if 6 l&itK6 PA 4' 1*4 n 73~ 4t ( 73 H (4' lr g; rB EE ~ a~ 4* 73 # ~* 49?~ 9' t flIJ b I t 4Jti < sAC ja rl4 4 3 a 0143 9 AdE %%R GSHI 64 G6SHI Agreement,accord G6SHI Syndactylism,in anatomy GOSHIGOSHI With friction,with rubbing GOSHIJI. Your instructions GOSHIJ6 Trading place G63HI KAISHA Limited partnership GOSHIKI Five colors,white,black,red, yellowblue GOSHIKKI Five-colored flag of the Nanking Government GOSHIMPU Amulet GOSHIN-EI HUAN SURU To enshrine the Imperial portrait GOSHINJUTSU - Art of self-defense GOSHINT6 - Sword for self-ptotection GOSHIW6 BUKI Self-defense weapon GOSHINiY KENJU Revolver for selfprotection GOSHITSU Error,fault,mistake GOSHO Error in copying GOSH 6 Atoll GOSH6 Misnomer GOSH6 Safe-conduct,pass,passport GOSH6 Signal light GOSHbCHI NO TBRI As you know GOSH6 IMO Potato GOSHOKKI Five-colored flag of the Nanking puppet government GOSHOKU Five colors,white,black,red, yellow, blue GOSHOKU Noon meal GBSHOKU Gluttony,intemperance in eating GOSHOKU TEISEIHY6 Errata table G6SHb TAIKA Powerful business houses G6SHU Intemperance,habitual drunkenness G6SHU SURU To combine,act together G6SHUHEI Australian troops GB6SHU JICHIRY6 Commonwealth of Australia GOSHS KY GI Pentathlon G6SHUN Wise,brave,heroic GOS6 SURU To send to wrong address GOS BASHA Prison van,patrol wagon 00000SGOSO Rustling sound G0S6 JID6SHA Prison motor van GOSQ-KAN Escort vessel GOS6 KANTAI Convoy escort unit GOSOKU SURU To measure incorrectly GOSSEN Convoy,escort ship GOS5 SENDAN Convoy GOSSHA Person in charge of convoy 00S1 Number of words GOSURU To fix a time,promise,wait G6SURU To call,n'ame,declare GOTABUNREN Those *ho follow the crowd GO TADACHI NI Directly after G6TAI KEIZAI Bloc economy GOTANI Gruel GOTATSUKASU To throw into confusion GOTCHA NI In disorder,in confusion GOTEGOTE Abundantlyfully GOTEHAI Your arrangements,dispositions, preparations G6TEI Bottom of moat GbTEKI. Powerful enemy GOTEN Lexicon GOTOGOTO Gurgling of water G5T6 HANZAI Armed robbery GOTOKI KOTO Thing like... GOTOKI MO Like,asjust like GOTOKI MQNO Thing like... GOTOKI WA Like,as GOTOKU Perception GOTOKO In order to OOTOKU SURU To do likedo as GOTOKU K6D6 SURU To act like... GOTOKU NARI To be like... GOTOtU OMOU To think like... GOTOKU YUE For the above reasons GO TO S To put after GOTSUG6 Your convenience, opportunity GOTSUG6 SHUGI Opportunism GOTSUGOTSU Harshly,gratingly GOTSUGOTSU Stiffly,laboriously GOTSUI Hard,stiffrough,angular GOTSUN TO With a blow GOTTANI Hodgepodge GOTTORI Suddenly,all at once GOU Heavy rain GO-UN Five planets,Mercury,Jupiter,Mars, Venu.s,Saturn G6WATSUKU To be stiff G6YAKU Gunpowder A.a1t 76 613 a u~fp 41 m ~ o~f M$3 *)p 9 1 Wr$3t *1 $3 15P aJ~ t 55P BJ6 A. ( '9 SIR A, X.- - 14A 4 <j A "isit Ac 1t ft,c- ( W AS ft jiS$ At - 14il lab;5 A?-r 73t~ RI~ ~~ A,c * 1 (3(3 73~ A jkx I j' 19 t 5 ~Q A t A i t 7 i~i WO 5 ~ Sr? 1 9f0 t GUMBU GOY5 ARU Quinquefoliate GOYO SURU To use in common WOYbBAKO Box for all kinds of tools GOY6CHI Imperial estate GOY6CHI Property held in common GOY6GAKARI Court official GOY6GAKARI Liaison officer GOY6 HAJIME Resumption of business after New Year's GOYB KAZARI Cinquefoil GOY6KIKI Traveling salesman GOY6 KIN Government funds GOYB KISHA Journalist in government Aay G6YOKU MONO Skinflint,niggardly pereon GOYBMEI Valued order GOY6MESHI Official convocation GOY6 OSAME Last government business day GOY6SEN Government ves4el GOY6SHI Government organ,official journal GOY6 SHIMBUN Government newspaper GOYQ SH1NIN Purveyor GOY6TEI Detached palace GOY6T6 Government party, Ministerialists GOYD Amusement,pleasure GOY5 Possession in common G6ZAI Plywood GBZEN TO Thunderously,noisily GOZEN KAIGI Council in Imperial presence GOZEN REIJI Midnight GOZOKU Linguistic family,family of languages G6ZOKU Powerful family,noble descent GUZ0KU Rich relatives,wealthy people GU Counter for kits,sets,suits,etc. GU- First person depreciatory prefix Go Sharp cry,squeal GU- Even,of numbers GUAI State of health GUBI Complete arrangement or equipment GUBI Good match GUBIRI With one swallow GUBU-IN Retinue,suite GUBUKAN Escort vessel. GUCHAGUCHA Like pulp GUCHAKU SURU To meet unexpectedly GUCHIPPOI Constantly complaining GUCHIPPOI HITO Grumbler GUCHU Good luck,fortuitous coincidence, fluke GUDAGUDA Unconciously,unfeelingly GUDENGUDEN Helplessly,until unconscious GUDOGUDO Grumblingly,complainingly GUDOGUDO Loafing GUDOTSUKU To grumble,complain GUDOTSUKU To loaf GUGEN Concrete realization, embodiment GUG6 SURU To meet unexpectedly GUGOU Snoring GUGI SURU To meet unexpectedly GUHATSU Sudden explosion,accidental firing of gun GUHATSU GEN-IN Occasional causes GJHATSU ISAN Contingent remainder GUHATSUJI Accident,occurrence,fortuity GUEHATSU JIKEN Accident,incident GUHATSU JIK6 HOKEN Contingency insurance GUHATSU NENKIN Contingent annuity GOHATSUSEI Eventuality GUHATSUSEI HANZAI Occasional crime, nonrecidivistic crime GUHB SURU To meet unexpectedly GUIN Accidental cause GURINOMI Great swallow GUJIGUJI Slowly, lazily,leisurely GIJITSU Even-numbered days aUJb Detailed report GUKEN SURU To meet unexpectedly GUK6 My opinion (UMBA B6EKTSHO Veterinary quarantine station GUMBAI Distribution of troops or supplies GUMBAJI Military laborer's number GUMBATSU SHUSSHIN Military clique GUMBI HAISHI Disarmament GUMBI' KAKUGCH Armament expansion GUMBI KAKUCH6 NETSU Armament fever GUMBINSEN Available army ship GUMBI SEIGEN Armament limitation GUMBI SHEU=SH6 Armament reduction GUMB6 Defense measures GUMBU Militaristathe military S-GUMI 65 -GUMI Company,partnership SGUMMAI Army rice 0 GUMhMIN Army and the people K Oa t GUMMIN SHUSSEN,Uprising of nation in self-defense T GUMMUKYOKU Army Affairs Bureau S GUMON Foolish question E GUMPAI Distribution of troops or supplies VACK146 GUMPAI KUMIAI Military Supplies Distribution Association GUMPI County expenditures a GUMPI Flying in a flock GUMPO Law for protection of military secrets GUMP6 Swarm of bees rfGUMPU Military laborer V* GUMPYB Military scrip,military yen WS t- GMFPY6DATE YOKIN Military scrip deposits Vlk ý* GUMPY6 KACHI HEXIK New fapi or Chinese SHIKIN money,equal in value S SHINH6HEI to the military scrip IT GUN County GUN Flock,swarm,herd,pack PI_ GUNCH6b County administrator W74' GUNCHU In army,in casmp,during war 1 GUNJCHU In the crowd vtl GUNDAN Discussion of military matters V0IWA GUNDAN KIHEI Corps cavalry i)-&9 GUNDAN SHIREIBU Corps headquarters,of the Allies S GUNDEN Army telegram S GUN-EI Guard officer S GUN-EKI War q1Z GUNGAKKA Bandmaster GUNGAKUCH6 Bandmaster O GUNGAKUHEI Army musician TA GUNGAKUHEI Nonrated man,musician,navy -k-k GUNGAKU HEICH6 Leading seaman,musician itA GUNGAKU HEIS6 Petty officer,musician Wbt Vif GUNGAKU HEIS6CH6 Warrant officer, musician,navy GUNGAKUKA Bandmaster,in navy commissions GUNGAKUKA Musicians branch,bandmaster branch,navy GUNGAKKA TOKUMU Special duty..., musician,in riavy commissions GUNGAKUKA TOKUMU SHIXAN Special duty ~ t ~officer,musician,navy GUNGAKUSHI Strategist,master of military science GUNGAKUSHUJ Bandsman GUNGAKUJTAI Navy band GUNGAWA Military authorities,the military GIUNHAI KUMIAI Military Distribution Syndicate 8 GUN HAIMYT KUMIAI Military Supplies Distribution Association GUN-I Medical corps,in navy commissions GUN-I Service jabket GUN-ICH6 Medical officer,navy ' GUN-I CHUSA Commander,medical corps,navy SIIE GUN-IKA Medical corps GUNEJKA Study of military medicine GUN--IKAN Medical officer SGUN.-IKA SHIKAN Medical section officer GUN-IKO Military serge uniform GUN-ISH6 Medical field officer W*V U I GUNJIBATSU SHIEK6 Execution of military punishment %t ~GUNJI BIDAN Inspiring war story i9WA GUNJI CH;ZlIH6 Code of military law W # *40 GUIJI CHoHoKYOKU Military Intelligence Bureau GUNJ EIIGA Army film GUNJIHAFI Military offence GUNJIHI War expenditure GUNJI I-INCH6 Chairman of the Military Affairs Cammission CRt1 GUNJI I-IfKAI Military Affairs Commission GUNJIJ6 From a military standpoint 6'i GUNJI KIKAN Military agency lt GUNJI K6D6 Acts of warfare $F6AL GUIIJI KOMON Military advisor T MRb - GUNJI KONXYOCHI Military base GUNJIKY6 Military base gr c GUNJI KYdKAX Military instructor M GUNJI XY6REN Military drill V$S.AZ GUNJI XYUQOH6 Military Aid Law "h+- 1 GUNJINI-AGARI Ex-soldier f GUNJIND(SHI Among troops f M5la#. GUNJIN ENGO DANTAI Soldiers Relief Asebciation WAA 7 LPr TAit$t m VA41* VA4 At V4Th;r v Afl~ rf * tý Pj it 9FAit v0t 4 If Vk '4 ~ rT V r 4 %#Aeit s$ W A AAA WAEtiAo (AT l~Z '~' 9 rfA4 rf I 9 IAfk Iflt rr U T ~ VP l g, r 1 1 et aJ &5 t (`,r C ' W F / If L 'F9 4r c GUNREIRIEU GUNJINFU Military manner GUNJIN IZOKU FUJORY6 Allowance to family of deceased soldier GUNJIN IZOKU KISH6 Bereaved relatives' badge GUNJIN NAKAMA Military circles or cliqles GUNJIN SHAKAW Military circles GUNJIN 5HBI KISH6 Wounded soldier's badge GUNJI SAIBAN Court-martial GUNJI SAIBANKEN Military juriadiction GUNJI SAIBANSHO Court-martial,the court itself GUNJI SHIH6 Military justice GUNJI SHISETSU Military establishment GUNJI 5HIS6 Military ideas GUNJI TANTEI Military spy GUNJITSU Military expert GUNJI TSiSHIN-IN War correspondent GUNJI YUBIN War mail GUNJI YUS6 Military transport GUNJ6 Military situation GUNJU Military use,needs of the army GUNJU Crowd,multitude GUNJU Herd of animals GUNJU Living in a group GUNJUBU Naval Stores Department GUNJU DBIN Munitions mobilization GUNJU HEIRY6 Army provisions GUNJUHIN SHUSEKIJO Munitions dump GUNJUHIN UMPANSEN Storeship GUNJUHIN YUS5SEN Munitions ship GUNJU KEIKI Munitions boom GUNJUKYOKU Munitions Bureau GUNJUMAI Army rice GUNJU RbRAKUJ Demagogism GUNJO SHINRI Mob psychology GUNJUSH6 Minister of Munitions GUNJUSH6 Ministry of Munitions GUNJUTSU Military art GUNKA Military freight GUN KAIDd Military coastal highway GUNKA MEN Army cotton GUNKAMMIN Army,officialdom,and people GUNKAN Military and government officials GUINKAN Military inspector GUNKAN GAKK6 Military academy,in China GUNKANGAWA Military authorities GUNKANKU Army district GUNKANMIN Army,officialdom,and people GUNKAN RASHA Navy serge GUNKEI Army faction GUNKEN SEIDO County and prefectural system GUNKI Military annals GUNKI Morale,military spirit GUNKI SURU To rise up,revolt GUNKI GOEIHEI Color party GUNKI JUYO SHIKI Presentation of the colors GUN KIKAN Military establishment GUNKI KEIREI BUNRETSU Trooping the colors GUNKI R6El Betrayal of military secrets GUNKI SHINJU SHIKI Presentation of the colors GUNKO Service trousers GUNKO War drum GUNK6 Naval base GUNKOKU Military power GUNK6 SHIREIKAN Port admiral GUNKU Distribution of troops GUNi0 Military district GUNKYU Carrier pigeon GUN6B Army requisition,army deliveries GUN NO KADODE NI On one's departure to the front GUNNYARI Flabbily,l imply GUNRAKU Many villages GUNREI Army order GUJNREI County regulation GUNREI Military etiquette GUNHEIBO Book of orders GUNREIBU Naval General Staff GUNREI BUCHb Chief of Naval General Staff GUNREI BUJICH6 Assistant Chief of Naval General Staff GUNREICH6 Chief of Naval General Staff GUNREI FIUKHEAN Secretary to Chief of Navy General Staff * GUNREI JICH6 Vice-chief of Naval General Staff GUNREIRIKU Army regulations by command of Emperor GOUIREI SOCHO 66 GUNREI SbCH6 Chief of Naval Geneil. Staff GUNRI County administrative official GUNRITSU County institution,county maintenance 9F31 l 4t GUNRITSU CHUGAKK6 County secondary school itVA GUNRITSU KAIGI Court-martial GGUNEYO Prisoner of war S GUNRYd Army ptovisions 4 GUNRY6 Military supplies S.GUNRYOKU Military forces V It GUNSAI County debt K~ GUNSEI Constellation -WL ýGUNSEI Group living VA36 GUNSEI NO Military and political V0(0 GUNSEIBU Ministry of War,China GUNSEI CH65SAKAI Military administration inspection committee f GUNSEI KIMBU Military Administration Headquarters GUNSEI 0 SHIKU To place under military administration GUNSEISHITSU Gregariousness GUNSEN Warship GUNSHI Soldier,strategist,tactician GUNSHIKAN Cartel ship GUNSHIN Army morale GUNSH6 SURU To fly in a flock GUN SHOKI County secretary S GUNSHU SHINRI Mass psychology GUNS6 Military dress and accouterments GUNS6 Military funeral I GUNSON Rural areas GUNSURU To camp f PA11j GUNTAI EISEI Military hygiene V t GUNTAI IGAKU Military medical science IfFP34 f GUNTAI KEIRTBU Army Intendance Department GUNTAI KIG5 Army conventional signs %rI$4#r GUNTAI KINKIBU Military chest,funds for army TiAP GUNTAI KUBUN Distribution of troops jtS+ GUNTAI KYUY6BU Army Provisions Department JPICf' GUNTAI SHUG6JO Troop assembly point *g i GUNTAI YUS6KI Troop transport plane 'Rx GUNTAN Military coal T~ GUNTEI Army reconnaissance T Ai GUN TETTAI Evacuating an army -! GUNTb Band of robbers A i GUN TSUSHIN SAKUMEI Army signal operation order V 4 A * GUNY6 DEMP56SHI Military telegraph form GUNY1 HATO Carrier pigeon A GUNY5HIN Military stores W 9 k GUNYKEN Military dog V44E GUNY65KI Military airplane W /t, GUNY6 KIN War funds fA hýI 44 GUNY6 K6KUKI Military aircraft 'fA " GUNYi6 PAN Army biscuits i MWu GUNY5 RYOKEN Military traveling pass mk GUNY6 RYOSHA Inn appointed by the military VA GUYUNYSEN Army transport V Ai1 #t4 GUNY5 YUBINJO Military post office * )gj40 GUNY5 YUS&KI Military transport plane fa GUNYU Barracks companion,buddy fG tGUNZEI Contribution of war,military tax U. s GURAKASU To falsify,disarrange,deceive.L &J- GURAKASU To postpone job indefinitely GURAMU Grumman,a plane GURAMU-,BAKARI Medicine scales ST GURAMU SEISHOKU Gram's method of staining bacteria Lj 9 9GURARI Suddenly ( 9S'( GURATSUKU To be dizzy,shake,fluctuate ( 'A GUREHAMA Topsy-turvy,backwards,contrary to the expected c r 4 y fGURIGIURI Turning,whirling 1 (' r >i GURIGURI BbZU Person tonsured like bonze ( 1 3 GURIHAMA Topsy-turvy,backwards,contrary to the expected GURITAMIN Glutaminean organic compound i 'i G OUROKU SURU To record in detail i jt. e 6 GURURI TO TONDE lRU Circling around - L -GURUSHII Painful,disagreeable c,GUSA TO Loudly,stridently GUSARI Loudly,stridently S GUSHB GAINEN Concrete concept j GUSH6 MEIJI Concrete term - GUSH63EI Concreteness GUTAGUTA Indecisively,leisurely,gently GUTAIAN Definite plan,concrete proposal GUTAISAKU Concrete plan P*t'lq~ GUTAITEKI SEIAIN Concrete plan GYOGY% TORISHIMARI KISOKU j.. 41 GUTARI Indecisively,le surely,gently j. ý < GUTATSUKU To be soft,lack strength GUTEI Cloven-Jhoof T4A GUTEIBAN Board with protruding. nails GUTETSU Angle iron GUTTAPERUKA Gutta-percha GUTTARI Completely,entirely GUWATEKI Allegorical AOF GUYU Allegory GUZENSEI Contingency 1~1W1' * GiZ&KA SURU To idolize GOZMKY Idolatry GUZU Slowness,sluggishness GUZUTSUKU To grumbledawdle GYAKKEI TAIKEI Inverted wedge formation GYAKK6 Perverse conduct GYAKK6TEKI Retrogressive "GYAKKY6 NO SHIREN School of adversity GYAKU- Contrary,opposed,reve se b GYAKU SURU To joke,sport with:5 GYAKt SURU To oppress,injure,treat with cruelty )t A GYAKUB6 Plan for revolt GYAKUCHO Unfavorable course of business iGYAKEDAI Paradox GYAKEUD Backward movement,retrogression GYAKUDOME Blocking return GYAKU HAITb Irish dividend GYAKUHAN Treason,rebellion,mutiny GYAEIU H5S9 Counterbroadcast GYAKU-I Tyranny,cruelty i~'9 GYAKUJI NI In reverse order GYAKUMEI Disobedience to order iZ GYAKUMEI Name of traitor GYAKUMODORU To turn back GYAKUMY6 Name of traitor GYAKURO Choppy sea,head sea GYAKU SAGYb Counterapproaches GYAKUSAI Cruel sacrifice SGYAKUSAN Rolled-back price GYAKUSAN SURU To reckon backwards GYAKUSEN Adverse mortality selection,in insurance GYAKUSEN Resumption of combat GYAKUSHI Overuse,bad treatment,overwork Vt GYAKUSHI SURU To treat ill,u.se cruelty GYAKU SHOYuKEN Adverse possession GYAKUSHu Counter-attack SGYAKUSHU Extortion iA * GYAKUS3 SURU To send back K GYAKUSUI Countercurrent -W, GYAKUTAN Counterradar S GYAKUT- 0 TORU To catch off guard S GYAKUTB Rebel band,rebel party 'ti GYAKUT6 Reversal SGYAKU-UCHI Discount,reduction 0i GYAKU UND6 Backward movement VGYAKUZAYA Backwardation,in London Stock Exchange GYATTO Ouch S GYATTO Wailing,crying,gaping,etc. GYO- Imperial honorific GY6 Column GY6 Counter for columns GYOBA Fishery,fishing ground GYOBA Fish shed GYOBEN Driver's whip R GYOBIKEI Fish-tail shape S GY5BO SURU To long,yearn,idolize QYoBO Desire GYOBb Fixed gaze GYOCHAKU Adhesion GYSCHAKU BAKURAI Adhesive mine,antitank G YOCHb NUSUBITO Poacher GY&DATSU Thorough knowledge GYODO Direction followed by fish GYODO Concrete,beton, cement GYOEI Emperor's portrait GYOEN Fish and salt,sea products GYOEN Imperial garden GYOFUKU Fish's belly GYOGEKI Torpbdo attack GYOGYOBA Fishing ground GYOGYOHO Fishing law GYOGYOJO Fishing ground '~ ~ GYOGY6 KAISHA Fishery company m L GYOGYKEIN Fishery right / GYOGY5 KINSHI Prohibition of fishing GYOGYB KUMIAI Fishery guild ( GYOGGYbSHII Loud,noisy, clamorous GYOGY6 TORISHIMARI KISOKU Fishing regulations GYoGYo TO" SHITA 67 A^ W^ iE ^~N W~47 JL AX I n ' H^I ^. ^ ^~-^ ~i- i^ z jf^U. ^M * fv Wtj^( ' *^ ^ 1t ^1. i*^ ^l~J~ '^ ^fe^i fh GY6GY6 TO SHITA Proud,grand, lofty GYO HEN Radical 195 GYOHI Ichthyosis GY6JA SEIKATSU Ascetic life GY6JI Rites and ceremonies GYOJIN Fisherman GYOJo Fish-shaped GY6J6 Memorabilia GY6JO FUSEI Misconduct,misbehavior GY6J6 H6SEI Good behavior GY6J6SHO Memoirs,biography,autobiography GYOJUTSU Horsemanship GYo-KAI Clot, coagulum, congelation GYOKAN Advancing in file GYiKAN Space between lines GYoKAN KINYD Interlineation GY6KETSUBUN Coagulum GYOKETSUH6 Blood coagulation GY KETSURYOKU Coagulative force GY6KETSUSEI Coagulability,condensability GYOKI Fishing season GYOKK6 Gem worker, jeweler GYOKK5JUTSU Jeweler's art GYOKK6JUTSU SEIHIN Gems GYOKK6SHOKU Jeweler's profession GYOK5 Fish glue,isinglass,a fish product GYOK5 Fishing port GYoKOBUTSU Coagulum GYo-KOTEN Freezing point GY5KOTSU Radius,in anatomy GYOKUJI Emperor's seal,privy seal GYOMI Fish taste GYOMIN Fishermen,fisherfolk GYOM6 Fish net,basket GY6MU SHIKK6SHA Manager,managing director GY6MU SHIKK6 SHA-IN Managing partner GY6MU TANT6IN Manager,active partner GY-MU TANT5 SHA-IN Active partner GY6NARABI Arrangment in lines or columns GYoNEN Age,age at death GYoNIMBEN Radical 060 GYORAI Torpedo GYORAIKA Torpedo section GYORAITEI Torpedo boat GYORAI TORI-IREGUCHI Torpedo hatch GYORI Profits from fishing GYORINSATSU Ledger of land tax assessment GYORINSEN Ichthyosis,a disease GYOROGYORO Glaringly GYOR6 HAN Fishing section GYOR6H5 Fishing, fishery GYOR6KA Fishery course GYORORI TO Glaringly GYOR6 SAIMO Fishing and seaweed gathering GYORY6 Fishing GYORY6 Weir for fishing GYORY6IN Deep-sea fisherman GYORYo KANSATSU Fishing licence GY6SEI Executive power GY6SEIBATSU Administrative penalty GY6SEIBU Administration, the management GYdSEIFU Seat of administration GY6SEI FUKU-INCH6 Vice-president of Executive Yuan GY6SEIGAKU Politic@l science GY6SEIHI Administrative expenses GY6SEIH6 Administrative law GYgSEI HUIN China administrative court GY5SEI-IN Executive Yuan,China GY6SEI INCH6 President of Executive Yuan GY6SEI INKAI Executive Yuan GY6SEI JIMU Administrative affairs GY6SEIKA Under the administration of GY&SEIKAN Administrator GYoSEI KANCH6 Administrative office GY5SEI KANRI Administrative official GY8SEI KANTOKU Administrative control GYoSEI KANTOKUKEN Right of administrative control GY SEIKEI Planetary system GY5SEIKEN Administrative power GYoSEI KIKAN NO KEITh Chain of admini s trati on GYoSEI KUKAKU Administrative district GYoSEI SAIBAN Administrative tribunal GYSSEI SAIBAN CHoKAN President of Court of Adminstrative Litigation GY5SEI SAIBAN KANKATSU Administrative competence GY5SEI SAIBAINEN Administrative j urisdiction GY5SEI SAIBANSHO Court of administrative litigation 4;A ^t tI rf)K (,t,t (1g(.^' $; a*t4.400 ^f ^pft ^ ^* ^i~ 4 -^- ^t^ 4 ^ ^^ ^-- ^-^9 '-.4, HACHIHACHI KANTAI GY6SEI SANJIKAI Executive council GY6SEI SEIRI Administrative readjustment GY5SEISHA Administrator GY6SEI SHOBUN Administrative disposition or order GY6SEI SOSHIKI Administrative organization GY6SEI SOSH6 Administrative litigation GY6SEITEKI SHUWAN Administrative ability GY6SHA Business firms,commercial men GY6SHA Technician GYOSHA DAI Driver's seat GYOSHI Fish fat GY6SHI SURU To think profoundly GYOSHOKU JIMMIN Fish-eating people GY6SH6NIN Peddler GYOSHU Fishing boat GY6SHU Rower GYOS6 Fish and seaweeds GY6SO Superiority,pre-eminence GY6S5 Linage,number of lines GY6SUBARAI Linage,payment by the line GY5TAI Agglomeration,a solid GY6TAN SURU To be amazed GY6TEKI Rounded drop,globule GY6TEN SURU To be surprised,amazed GY6 TO SURU To make a profession of GYOToYU Fish oil for lamps GYOTTO. With amazement or shock GYO-UNSHA Fish van or car GYUGANKO Bull's eye lantern GYUGANT6 Bull's eye lantern GYGI Veterinary,for cattle GYOIN SURU To drink immoderately GYUJI SURU To take the lead,direct GYOKAKU Horns of an ox GYUKAKU Leather from ox or cow. GYUKOTSU Ox bones GYUNYOURI Milk seller GYUR6 Tallow candle GYUTEIYU Neat's foot oil GYUT6 Bullfight, tauromachy GYUT6 Oxhead GYOT6 SESSHUH6 Vaccination GY5ZETSU Ox tongue GYUZOKU Bovine family H HA Branch of stream,division of genealogical tree HA Counter for sects,schools,etc. HA Poland HA Wave,billow, swell,agitation HA Jaw of pincers or jack HA Radical 211 HA Tine of fork HA Counter for bundles or bunches HA Harbin HA Subhead 03 HA-ATARI Sensations fn the teeth HA-ATO Tooth mark HAATO-GATA NO Heart-shaped HABA Radical 050 HABABIRO Unusual breadth,width HABA HEN Radical, 050 HABAKAR1AWASHII Timorous, frightened, awesome, terrible HABAKARU To broaden,expand,propagate HABAKI Sword guard HABAKIGASA Skin eruption on leg HABAKUDAN Fragmentation bomb HABARU To spread out HABATTAI Cumbrous,bulky,unbridled, unreserved HABETSU Formation of new school or sect HABIKORI Excessive growth or extension HABIKORI Presumption HABIKORU To be arrogant,domineer HABUKI Flight,soaring HA-BURASHI Toothbrush HABUTAE HADA Fine smooth skin HACHI Brainpan, cranium HACHIBARAI Putting wasps to flight HACHIBU Eight tenths,for the most part HACHIBUD5RI Largely,in a great measure HACHIBUN Eight tenths,for the most part PACHID5 Eight circuits of Japan HACHIGASHIRA Radical 012 HACHIHACHI KANTAI Squadron of eight cruisers and eight battleships I RACHIBEN 68 )\j HACHIHEN Eight sides qk* HACHI HOKORI Airs of a fussy person I40- HACHI-I Eighth class of court rank '\041M 1 HACHIJIKAN RBD6 Eight-hour labor '\8#u4i HACHIJIKANSEI Eight-hour day )\-ttbA HACHIJI MIRI K KAKUH6 Antiaircraft cannon,,8cm,navy A*i4t HACHIMAXI SHUGI Policy of positive action H ACHIMEN NO Octahedral S HACHIMITSUZUI Mead '\' HACHININGEI Versatile person, ventriloquist \ HACHIRIHAN Sweet potatoes stewed and roasted Y\4, HACHIRO GUN Eighth Route Army,\vsb HACHISHI KANTAI Squadron of eight cruisers and four battleships RAU, HADA Winnowing of grain VLL HADAGE Down,small hairs #10) HADAKA NO Stripped,bare,dismantled a- it HADAKA IKKAN Stark-naked 4#k HADAKA IKUSA Battling alone and unreinforced Mi 5vb HADAKARU To develop,gain influence 41, L HADAKA SH6MI Net weight SA_ tt HADAKERU To scrape off &AxVAPi HADANKAI Breaking point AI1A* HADANUGI SUGATA Informal or shirt-sleeves attire AALtA' HADANUGU To apply one's entire strength AtAUC HADANUGU To strip to the waist K0t HADA OBI Loincloth VLc;K % bADASAMUI Cold to the touch WL f 1ADASE Bare skin,bare back,unsaddled horse t HADASHI Flight barefooted.VL JIADATSUtKE Saddle pad,cloth protecting horse's flanks S1 ADEYAKA Magnificence,elegance aq L' ' HAEBAESHII Brilliant,magnificent,showy a HAEDOKUS3 Venus's-flytrap,a plant S HAEHARAI Flyflap A- HAEIZU To begin to sprout 40,4 HAEKUSHA Worthless fighter *to)+ HAE NO KO Fly larva,fly maggot ýL -F 6 HAESAGARU To sprout or grow downwards 1t4T HAEUCHI Flyswatter tn ttA HAEYOKE AMI Fly netting,4ki- f HAFD SURU To open ACtLIZ HAFU MADO Gable window H AFURU To beat one's wings AfaM HAFURtI Rags;4R*- f. HAGAE SURU To molt,lose the feathers I*-iT a HAGAE SURU To shed the leaves Jt9 k3 HAGAI Thick foliage I5 HAGAKURE Concealment in foliage S HAGUA. Caldron with rim i4 t HAGAMU To gnash one's teeth eA R HAGAN SURU To play with,amuse oneself with SdH L HAGASHI Stripping, skinning,dispossession t* L19 AGASHITORI 'Stripping, skinning, dispossession S HAGAYUI Resentful *e 4 c# HAGAYUI HODO Despairingly,desperately HAGE Barrenness H6 HAEGAGARU To grow bald in front A( of HAGEKI Crevice,fissure jl1.E HAGEYAMA Bald mountain 4 'A'4t HAGIAWASU To put pieces together,join AY + HAGIKO Patchwork AN %R'AfM HAGLTORIGAMI Writing pad M" 29$1*& HAGITORI GAYBSHII Sketch pad 1 ' I 4t HAGITORI KOYOMI Pad calendar HAGO Crushing debts,bird snare HAGOKEJITM To cover,sit over,bring up, foster itc, a HAGURAKASU To separate,lead astray,steer off the subject c HBAHA Radical 080 -~9 HAHAGO Mother,honorific sR4tb HAHAI SURU To be defeated 36 IAHAWIEI Handle Af HAHIEI SURU To send troops dr l HAHBII Partialityprejudice S HA HEN Radical 211 HAI Counter for vessels containing liquid BAI- Anti A 4r, A-I Rags,tatters AI v < HAIARUKU To shuffle along,drag along Wt HAIATO Track or trail left by crawling E RAIATSU Back pressure *.IF *Ad8 oe*3 lk 4*1 -44#t z' 04 f~ 44vil c AL I elq s~~* A) ulkl 4#A -gm-ý 6 44- 4K 44-*-t 6 VV se& me4ffit 40A *9vA,-;t &j$'~i-V~ At A Ri4* Il A, I0 Kf QZktJ dVA ~h?LL B~~ E a4 a izrAt ~fi sz4( ~r AC 9t;bl AL 8J4 b tt~t HAl-I HAIBA Cast horse,castoff horse HAIBATSU Anticlannishness HAIBITEN Station HAIB6 Defeat,rout,ruin,destruction HAIBB SURU To desert HAIBOKU SHUGI Defeatism HAIBOTSU Death in defeat HAIBUN Announcement of defeat' HAIBUN Ash content HAIBUTSU Fetish HAIBUTSU SURU To worship,in Buddhism HAIBUTSU KY6TO Fetishist HAIBUTSU RTY6 Utilization of waste products HAIBY5 NO DAI SAN KI Third stage of tuberculosis HAICHI Abolition and setting up HAICHI Removal and appointment HAICHI Decline,decay HAICHIHYB Table of distribution HAICHIN SURU To arrange,set in order HAICH6 Lungs and intestines HAICHUTSU Deposition and expulsion, dismissal HAIDAI SURU To receive with respect HAIDEI SHABAN Mudguard HAIDEMBAN, Distributor,in electricity HAIDEMBAN Switchboard HAIDEMBANSHU Switchboard operator HAIDEN SEN Electric power line HAIDOKI Bulldozer,earthremover HAIDOKU Exclusion of Germans, anti -Germanism HAIDOKU NETSU Germanophobia HAIDOKUSAN Antidote HAIDOME ISHI Hearth,hearthstone HAIDOSHA Excavator HAIEI SHIS6 Anglophobia HAIEITEKI Anti-English, anti-British HAIETSU SURU To read respectfullyscan HAIFU Assessment,apportionment HAIFU Corrupt manners or morals,depravity HAIFUKU SURU To bow respectfully,worship HAIFUKU SURU To defer to,submit to HAIFU SAKI Recipient HAIFUTSU SHIS5 Francophobia,Gallophobia HAIFU YOSAN Allotted budget HAIFUZUMI Allotted,distributed, completed HAIGAI Craze for the foreign,xenomania HAIGAISHIN Xenophobia,hate of the foreign HAIGAI SHIS5 Antiforeign spirit HAIGAI SHUGI Chauvinism HAIGAI UND6 Antiforeign movement IAIGAKU Appropriation HAIGAMAI Rice with embryo buds HAI GA TSUITA Flyblown RAIGEKI Criticism, censure HAIGEKI SURU To repulse,repel,drive back HAIG6 Trade mark HAIGOCHI Hinterland HAIGUOKEN Conjugal rights HAIGUN SURU To become an army in rout HAIGUN SURU To draw up,deploy,marshal HAIGUSHA Married couple,spouse HAIGY6 TODOKE Report of cessation of.business HAIHAKU With respect RAIRAN Breach of faith or agreement HAIHAN Opposition, contradiction JAIHAN Treachery,disloyalty HAIHAN SURT To break a promise,betray; disobey HAIHAN SURU To discontinue,supersede,as a publication HAIHANZAI Treason HAIHEI SURU To dispose forces HAIBEI-IN Disabled soldiers' home HAIHEIKI Unservie~able weapons HAIHEN Change in diaposition,of troops etc. HAIHI Revocation,annulment,abolition HAIHIN Discarded or scrapped goods, salvage HAIHIN MISHIN Scrapped machinery HAIH6 Abrogation of a law HAIH6 News of reverses,news of a defeat HAIH6 Unlawfulness,illegality HAIHON SURU To be defeated and flee HAl-I Deposition,dethronement HAl-I Kind consideration RAl-I Lungs and stomach HAl-I Threadbare clothea,ragstatters HRAlI-I SURT 6 69 Wit~ *Irf bi x IW RU5) W64114 68*d 9) HAI-I STIRU To transgres's,violate,break BAI-.I AINARITASHI' Please arrange for HAI-IN Cause of a defeat HAI-INKA Personnel assignment section HAl-IRE Ashpan, ashpit HAI-IRU To crawl in.,creep in HAl-I SH 71K'I Pneumogastric nerve,vagus.HAIJO Abolition~disinheritance HAIJ6WA Cotyloid cavity,bone socket HAIJTJTSU StTRU To be routed HAIKA Calamity.,misfortune HAIKA. Demonetized coin,,demonetization HAIXA Dilapidated house HAIKA D6M'EI Boycotters'league HAIKAI Destruction.,collapse.,demollition HAIKAI Systematic destruction HAIKAN Abolition of an office HAIK.AN Lungs and liver' HAIKCAN Ships lost,ships defeated HAIKAN Water pipe HAIKAN DAN Visiting party HAI KANJA Consumptive HAXKAKRY6 Admission fee HAIKATSURYMKI Spirometer,,pneumatoneter HAIKEI Perspective HAJXEIGA Scene painting HPLIKEIH6 Perspective,laws of perspective HAIKI MAKU Drop curtain HAIME Abolition of wearing swords HAIKEN Respectful perusal HAIIKETSU Vitiation of the blood.HAIKETSUBY5 Septicemia.,blood poisoning HAIKETSUBY6-YAKtJ Antiscorbuti c HAIKESUSEI NO Septicemic HAIKI Scrapped plane.,obsolete plane HAIKI SURU To abandon,discard~neglect HAIKI SURU To be damaged HAIKI SURU To damage,destroy HAIKIIBUTSU Rubbish, scrap.,slag HAT-KIN Worship of money HAIKIN NETSU Gold fever,money madness HAIKIN SHUGI- Mammonism HAIK5 Ashpit, HAIK6 Back-to-back position.,backward direction, enmity HAIK6 Decline and revival HAIK6 Walking backwards HAIKON High commissioner HAIKY0 Abandonment HAIKYOKA SURT To deteriorate HAIXYOKU Defeat HAIKYIJ Decomposition..putrefaction HAIKYMiGAKARI Distributor HAIKYOMAI Rationed rice HAIKYOSEI Ration system HAIKYUSEN Supply ship HAIKYUSHO Distribution center HAIKYD T6SEI Rationing HAIMATOU To entwine.,coil round HAIMATSUWARU To entwine,coil round HAIMBI Breaking an obligation or agreement, treachery HAIMETSU STJRU To suffer a crushing defeat HA-IN Halting rhythm HAINAI In rear areas,in the rear HAINICHIH5 Anti-Japanese law HAINICHI NETSIJ Anti-Japanese feeling HAINICHI tTND6 Anti-Japanese movement HAIN6 IREGIJMIHIN Knapsack load HAIN6-KI. Drainage tube for pu~s HAINY6 StIRU To urinate HAflNY6 KOIXNAN Dysuria H-AIRYOKU Lung power HAIIRYU Exile,,banishment HAISAII Rout~disorderly retreat HAISAN SUET To remove acid 04 99 pr- Ai 6z*O Vk -CM nQtW t ý kl) I] 47 H-AI1To HEIKIN JUNBI KIN HAISATSTJ Paper money no longer valid HAISATSU T SUET To perceive,,realize,,know HAISEI Abandoned well HAISEKI Defeat,rout HAISEKI Ruins HAISEKI UND6 Expulsion agitation HAISEN Abandoned railroad line HAISEN SURT To lay track HAISEN-EN Pneumonia of the apex HAISEN KATARU Apical pulmonary catearrh HAISEN SHtTGI Defeatism HAISETSUKAN Excretory canal HAISETSUKI Snowplow HAISETSTJ SAY6 Excretory function HAISETSIJSHA Snowplow HAISETSIJZAI -Evacuant,in pharmacy HAISHA Conquered person HAISHA Distribution of freight cars HA-ISHA Ruined house HAISHA SUET To respectfully thank HAISHAKIJOHI Land borrowed from government HAISHAKEJ KIN Borrowed money HAISHI Pendulum HAISHI Relaxing, slackening,decline HAISHI Trade mark -HAISHI Waste paper,shreds of paper HAISHI KAN6SEI Revocability HAISHIN Beating or pushing one's way HAISHIN SURT To worship,Xn Shinto HAI SHINJUN Pulmonary infiltration HAISHIN SHING6 Backing signal HAISHITEKI YAKKAN Cancellation clause HAISHITST Tuberculosis, consumption HAISRITSU SURU To disappear,be lost HAISHITSU FIJGU Permanent disablement HAISHITST HOKEN Disability insurance HAISHITSIJSHA Cripple HAISH6 SUET To repeat from memory HAISHOKU Suppression of an office HAISH6 TIND6 Antiprostitution movement HAISHtJTSU Exhaust,deflation~expulsion HAISHIJTSU KAN Drainpipe HAISTI KAN Drainpipe HAISTI KAN Water pipe HAISUIK6 Drainage canal HAISUI K6JI Drainage works HAISTIKYO Gutter HAISUI NO JIN 0 SHIKEJ To burn your bridges behind you HAISTI POMPT Drainage pump HAISUIRO0 Drainage ditch HAISUIRY6 Displacement.,by ship etc. HAISUI SAGY6 Drainage works HAISTI TONSIJ Tons displacement HAISURT To cast off,abolish. HAITAI Degradation, retrogradation HAITAI SUET To wear at girdle HAITAI KIKI Abortive or degenerate organ HAITAI SAY6 Embryogeny HAITAI SAY6 KENKYUISHA Embryologist HAITAKEN Exclusive right HAITAKU Exile.,banishmemt HA ITAMI Toothache,odontalgia HAITAN Coal distribution HAITA SHtJGI Exolusionism HAITATST CHIGAI Misdelivery HAITATSTFT Del~iveryman~distributor,, carrier HAITATSU FUN6 SHINSHO Dead letter HAITATSU FUN6 YOBIN Dead letters H-AIT6 BUBUN Dividend HAITo-BUN Portion, share HAIT6GAKU Amount of dividend HAIT6 HEIKIN JIJMBI KIN Dividend equalization fund HAIT KAN-ii 70 Aluku's Wye 'MA-E *jP-Ty'v 1 3 Sit Aiff-i I M 1) t V 4 6 4 N U5 -f 7; *J t j k41Q V St d 3 S Ot* 44 HAITb KAIY0 Participation in the dividend HAIT6KI Date of dividend payment HAITB KIN Stock dividend HAITT KINGAKU Amount of dividend HAIT6 KINKEN Dividend coupon HAITOKUBY6 Moral perversion HAITOKU KbI Foul deed HAITb OCHI Dividend off,ex dividend,in finance HAITORI Fly trap,flycatcher HAITORIGAMI Flypaper HAITORIGUSA Lopseed HAITORIKI Flycatcher HAITORIKO Fly powder HAIT6 RITSU Dividend rate HAITORIYAKU Fly poison HAIT6 SEIGEN Limitation of dividends HAIT6SHA Sharer,in law HAIT6ZUKI Dividend on,cum dividend,in finance HAIY6 Lung abscess HAIY6HIN Wearing apparel HATY6SHA Wearer of a decoration HAIYU Lubrication,distribution of oil HAIZAI Prescription, combination, disposition HAIZAIGAKU Science of doses,posology HAIZAMBUTSU Remains HAIZA4HEI Straggler HAIZA? TEKKAN Remnant of defeated enemy fleet HAIZ6 Idolatry HAIZOKU SURU To detail,attach,be assigned "HAIZOKU SHUSEKI Chief umpire attached SHIMPANKAN to.... HAJIKAESU To cause to rebound HAJIKAKASU To humiliateembarrass HAJIKAKU To be put to shame,lose face HAJIKE Fissure,crack HAJIKE Spring,recoil HAJIKIKAERU To spring back,rebound HAJIME KIRAMEKI Brilliant beginning unsustained HAJIME TEAWASE First deal,first sale HAJO Putting away,setting aside HAJ6 Wave top,on the waves HAJ6 K6GEKI SURU To attack in waves HAJ6TEKI NI In waves HAJUJN Wavy clouds HAJURYQKU Retentive power HAKABU Inactive stock,in finance HAKABY 6 Hebephrenia,in medicine HAKADORI Speed,progress,rate of accomplishment HAKAHORI Gravedigger HAKAI BUTAI Demolition force. HAKAI KAN ' Bangalore torpedo HAKAIRYOKU Destructive power HAKAISHA Destroyer,devastator HAKAI SHiBbTAI Wrecking crew HAKAI SHOBUN SURU To dispose of by demolition HAKAI SHUGI Destructionism HAKAITEKI Destructive HAKAITEKI SHIS6 Destructive ideas HAKAIT6 Bangalore torpedo HAKAIT6 Burglary HAKAJIRUSHI Tombstone,grave marker HAKAMICHI Cemetery road HAKAMORI Cemetery caretaker HAKARIJAKU Measure HAEARIKIRENU Immeasurable,-unfathomable HAKARIKIRU To level off th"e top of anything being measured HAKARIKOMU To add to the measure HAKARIZAO Ba:anca beam HAKASU Tartar on teeth HAKAZE Breeze from flapping birds' wings HAKAZE Rustling of leaves HAXEI NO Corrugated HAEEKATA Flow of water,turnover of goods HAKENCHO On the way MAKEN DAIHY6 Delegate HAKEN KISHA Correspondent HAKENNIN Personnel dispatched HAKENSHO Branch police station, dispatching station HAKENTAI Detached unit HAKIHARAU To sweep,dust,brush away HAKIKAKERU To begin to sweep,sweep upon HAKIKOKt To spit into HAKIMODOSU To vomit,reject I# V R 3111 l1oll 4 W -sit' I 9AJ6 ITS4 i4 6 if$ It I-O MA - it AS fiii T'i E7t' VIA OTi~it s L0A 1 6E 8 18 69 Attt 6fi s4; 4;SLi igfc 4 ' 3& ( f t h 2'" Eifr 41 SJtIsiM7 t:L ~fti HAKo RY*iDAN HAKIMONO Vomit HAKIMONOSH6 Footwear dealer HAKINARERU To get used to wearing footwear HAKIOROSU To sweep down HAKITZMERU To sweep up HAKITATERU To raise dust in sweeping HAKITATERU To remove hatched silkworms from cards HAKIZOME First wearing of shoes HAKKADAN.Flare HAKKAN Anchorage commander HAKKAN Departure from a ship HAKKAN Deprivation HAXKAN SURU To be degraded,dismissed HAKKAN SURU To dispatch a message HAKKA SHING6 Flashlight signal HRAKKAYUT Peppermint oil KAKKEI Dog salmon KAKKEI White lineage HAMKEI ROJIN.White Russian HAKKEN SURU To be discovered,be revealed, appear HAKKEN SURU To send on a mission,dispatch HAKKI Aura,in medicine HAKKI Suggestion,original idea, commencement,pronotion HAKKI SURU To cause,arouse HAKKI SURU To set up an organization etc. HAKKIN SURU To come close to,press close to HAKK6 Dusk attack RAKK6BI Date of issue HAKK6BU Issue Department,Bank of England HAKK6BUTSU Publication,magazine,issue HAKK6BY6 Xanthelasma,xantnopathy HAKKgCHI Home port,port of departure HAKK6DAKA Circulation,amount issued HAKK6DAKA GENDO Authorized issue,issue limit HAKK6DAN Issue syndicate HAKK6 GINK6 Bank of issue HAKK6 ICHI-U Eight corners under one roof HAKK6 KAJ6 Overissue,in finance HAK6 KAKAKU Issue price HACKKG KATA Overissue,in finance HAKK6 KINSHI Prohibition of publication HAKKOKU Brazil HAKKOKU Leaving the country HAKK6NIN Publisher HAKK6SEI Luminosity HAKK6SHO Publishing office HAKKOSHU Milk leg,a disease HAMK6 TEISHI Suspension of publication HAKK6 TBJITSU Date of issue HAKK6 TSUSHIN Light signalling HAKK6 YORYOKU Authorized but unissued HAKKU Nearly,eight out of nine HAKKUBU Nearly all,eight or nine out of ten HAKKUBUD6RI In all probability HAKKUTSUBUTSU Something found,a find HAKKUTSUHIN Something found,a find HAKKYO SURU To remove,dispel,clear away HAKKYB SURU To threaten,menace,intimidate HAKKY6 BAKUGEKI Terror raid HAKEYU SURU To issue HAKKYUSHA Low-salaried person HAKO Counter for boxfuls HAK6 Breach HAKB Gleam from waves HAK& SURU 5 o be lame,limp HAK6 BAKIUDAN Armor-piercing bomb HAK6 BAKURAI Armor-piercing mine HAK6 BAKURAI Magnetic antitank mine HAROBIDASU To carry out HAKOBISARU To carry away HAKOBITE Porter HAKOBI 1O NARERI Arrangements have been made EAKOBUNE Houseboat HAKODOI Roof gutter HAKOGAKI, Affidavit,note of authentication HAKOGAMAE Radical 022 HAKOGATA JID6SHA Coupe,type of automobile HAKOGURUMA Cart for the condemned,tumbril HAK6 HON-ISEI Limping standard HAEK6 JUDAN Armor-piercing bullet HAKOMONO - Goods in boxes HAKON Traces left by waves HAK6 RYUDAN Armor-piercing shell HAKU 71 fir (0 + ^ 97 ^ 6^t 6 5 41 Ji l 97ZE *^.A^ * ^ ^^M - tj f 41 HAKU Anchoring, anchorage HAKU Belgium HAKU White spot blaze, on a trail HAKU Berlin,Brazil HAKU Hail,ih meteorology HAKUAI JIGY5 Charitable works HAKUAIKA Philanthropist HAKUAI -SHUGI Philanthropism HAKUAKAN White House HAKUBA White Horse,a brand of sake HAKUBO K6GEKI Dusk attack HAKUBUN KY6KI Vast learning and good memory HAKUBUTSU Exhibited articles HAKUBUTSUKAI World of nature HAKUCHI Anchorage,anchorage area HAKUCHI Waste,fallow,or unoccupied land HAKUCHI BbEITAI Anchorage defense unit HAKUCHI HIKI-UKE Acceptance in blank HAKUCHI KAWASE TEGATA Blank bill HAKUDATSU SURU To seize,take by force HAKUDEMPU Vitiligo,a skin disease HAKUD5MYAKU Brachial artery HAKUEN White smoke HAKUFUN White powder,rice powder HAKUGAI HOKEN Hail insurance HAKUGEKI Dispute,quarrel HAKUGEKI SURU To strike HAKUGI Small token of gratitude HAKUGI SURU To play for money HAKUGIN Silver HAKUGYOKU Unpolished gem,rough diamond HAKUHA Whitecaps HAKUHAKU Evidently, clearly,very white HAKUHAN White rice HAKUHEKI White wall HAKUHEN Chip, flake HAKUHI Parings,flayed skin HAKUHI Thin skin HAKUH5 Pittance,low salary HAKU-I Being without office HAKU-I SURU To be degraded in rank HAKUJI White characters on colored background HAKUJIN G6SH0 SEISAKU White-Australia policy HAKUJINSHU White race HAKUJITSU Day,full day,daytime HAKUJUJIKAI White Cross Society HAKUKAN Anchorage commander HAKUMAI White rice HAKUMAIBY6 Beriberi HAKUMAISH6 Rice dealer HAKUM6 White wool,white hair of animals HAKUMU Thin mist HAKUNETSUKA SURU To become incandescent HAKUNETSU RONSEN Heated controversy HAKUNETSU JONS5 Heated controversy HAKUNETSUSEN Hot fighting -HAKU NO UE After stopping...nights HAKURAIHIN Foreign goods HAKURI TABAI Small profits and quick returrns HAKURO Clear dew HAKUR5 Billows, foaming waves,breakers HAKUROKU Scant pay,modest salary HAKU-ROSHIYA-JIN White Russians HAKURYOKU SURU To bring pressure to bear HAKUSA Scurvy,mouth cankers HAKUSAI Chinese cabbage HAKUSAI Incapacity,lack of intelligence HAKUSATSU SURU To kill,beat to death HAKUSEI HYHON Stuffed specimen HAKUSEKI JINSHU White race HAKUSEN White fan HAKUSHAKURY6 Shire, county HAKUSHI ININJ6 Blank power of attorney *HAKUSHI J5TAI Clean slate HAKUSHINKEI Brachial nerve HAKUSHI SENJUTSU Theory of tactics HAKUSHI SHUGI Clean slate policy HAKUSHO White paper, in diplomacy HAKUSH6HYG White tag for the wounded HAKUSHOKU JINSHU White race HAKUSHOKU TORY6 White paint HAKUSHOKU WASERIN White vaseline HAKUSOKU Pressure,press HAKUSURU To play,bet,rlsk,venture HAKUTAI Ligature,in surgery HAKUTAIJUTSU Ligature making,in surgery HAKUTAKU Rap,light blow,knock HAKUT5 White head of hair flt 0& 9 `6 1 6 & T *M $A f kt * L t V ILk 14 -^ K f -,I RK - A I + aU Vk 4 4-f - AD 4 -Cx $& ^# E ^ 1% #RI^+Rfj\^^ ^t Ktt ^t ^tsX^Hft ^t PEi^ Jf X HAMPo HAKUT6 White light HAKUTo White sugar HAKUT6 SURU To fight,contend,struggle HAKUTSU Wide experience,vast knowledge HAKU-UCHI Hammering into metal strips HAKU-UMBO White mica HAKUY5 Ship's,for use on ship HAKUY5 Thin leaf,foil HAKUZATSU Disorder, confusion,mixture HAKUZEI Low taxes HAKUZEI Thinness and fragility HAKUZEN Simply, frankly, unambitiously HAKUZEN Unprepared or badly prepared food HAKUZ5 Order of the White Elephant HAKUZOKU Frivolity and vulgarity HAKY6 Sound of waves HAMAGURIBA Blades of varied length,blunt blade HAMAKIGATA Cigar-shaped HAMAKI-IRE Cigar case HAMAKI PAIPU Cigar holder HAMAMERISU-Yo Hamamelis leaves HAMARI Arrangement,assembling,adaptation HAMARI Conception,unrelenting fascination HAMARI Lack of foresight resulting in entrapment HAMATE Beach,shore,seashore HAMBA Spotted or piebald horse HAMBAI BUCH6 Sales manager,circulation manager HAMBAI DAIRININ Sales agent HAMBAI DOKUSEN Seller's monopoly HAMBAIGAKARI Salesman HAMBAI ITAKUNIN Consignor,shipper HAMBAI JUTAKUSHA Consignee HAMBAIJUTSU Salesmanship HAMBAIKA Sales section HAMBAI KACHo Sales manager HAMBAI KAKAKU Selling price HAMBAIKEN Commission to buy or sell HAMBAI KUMIAI Sales guild HAMBAI MOTO Selling agency HAMBAI MOTOCH6 Sales ledger HAMBAININ Seller HAMBAI SEISAKU Salesmanship HAMBAISEN Sales war HAMBAITEN Store HAMBATSU NAIKAKU Clan cabinet HAMBATSU SEIFU Clan. government HAMBEI NO Pan-American HAMBEI KAIGI Pan-American Conference HAMBEIKAN Anti-American feeling HAMBIRAKE NO Semicivilized HAMBIRAKI Half-open,partly open HAMBUNMOCHI Dutch treat HAMEAWASU To join,overlap,hem in,dovetail HAMENAOSU To adjust anew,put back in place HAMETE Defrauder,cheat,hoaxer HAMIGAKIKO Tooth powder HAMIGAKI Y6JI Toothbrush HAMMAI Half sheet HAMMAI Rice for family consumption HAMMEN Profile,one side,reverse,contrary HAMMEN EIZ6 Silhouette HAMMEN GAZ6 Profile picture HAMMENKAN One-sided view HAMMENZ6 Profile, silhouette HAMMETSU NO Half-ruined HAMMITSU Complication, embroilment HAMMITSU Perfect competency HAMMO Half mourning HAMMOKUZo NO Half-wooden,half-timbered HAMMON SURU To ask,interrogate, investigate HAMMU Laborious work HAMMUGEN KID6 Half-track HAMMUGEN KID6 JID5SHA Half-track truck HAMONO Leafy plants HAMPA Intermediate wave HAMPAKU Spots,specks HAMPAKU SURU To bind,pinion HAMPAKU SURU To refute HAMPAMONO Simpleton,odd one of set HAMPAN Floating,drifting on water HAMPAN In spots,variegatedly HAMPATSU Graying hair HAMPEN Half a piece,halfpenny HAMPI Guile or innocence HAMPO Half a step HAMP6 Criminal offence HAMPU 72 HAMIPU Peddler HAMPU Sailcloth, canvas L HAIMPD Skin disease type *46 4 HAMPUSEN Sailboat HAMPYAKU Totality,in general 11-3HAMMUKI Influence,flattery HAN Edition HAN Osaka HANA Radical 209 tv, HANA-ASHIRAI Sniffling,snivelling Z HANABI SEIZ6JUTSU Pyrotechnics tK HANABI SENK6 Person of meteoric rise and fall HANABISHIS6 California poppy HANACHIDORI Captive bird deliberately freed HANADAI Festival car,float b *2 HANADARE Nasal discharge Ila HANADATSU To open,blossom S AS-9 HANAFUSAGARI Nasal obstruction,sniffles 4U 1HANAGAKI Flower hedge,Vindbreak hedge HANAGAME Flower vase 4 & HANAGATA HIXKoA Famous aviator,ace k HANAGATA KABU Fancy stocks Mi~4 HANAGATA SKENSHU Star player HANAGATA SH&KEN Active securities HANAGAWA Noseband of bridle HANAGI Wooden nose ring for bulls HANAGURUMA lower-decked car * r HANA HEN Radical 209 t HANAHISHIGE Snub-nosed person j&Jt. HAN-Al SHUGI Philanthropism HANAKASA Nasal ulcer ýLANAKAZARI Nose ring HANA KAZURA Garland of flowers HANAKI Blunt,dull HANAKI Toothless HANAKIKI Keen sense of smell HANA MAJIROGI Nose crinkle betraying feelings HANAME Flower bud HANAMEKU To prosper,flourish,live well AIB~$3L~ HAN-AMERIKA SHUGI Pan-Americanism HANAMI Flowers and fruits HANAMICHI Nose shape,profile of nose HANAMITSU Nectar HANAMOTO SHIAN Shortsighted view HAN-.AN Counter proposal 6 t HANA 0 MOTARASERU To save someone's face 00 I*tt HANAOZ1RE Clog strap sore HANARE Annex,detached room Bit HANARE Distance,difference,separation %*I*\.' HANAREGITANAI Niggardly,greedy 10fl,~ HANAREGOMA Colt at liberty,impulsive person S HANARESARU To separate for good *AI HANASAKI FUMBETSU Limited judgment 4 *a R HANASAKI SHIAN Shallow idea HANASAKU To bloom,flourish HANASASHI Flower vase SL HANASHI Toothless person,toothlessness - -HANASHI Without finishing,discontinuing HANASHICHOI Telephone now in use it V HANASHIKUCHI Import of cbnversation 2a HANASHIKUJCHI Way of broaching topic c HANASHIROMU To be disconcerted,turn pale HANASHIRU Nasal mucus HANASHITE Talker,narrator 4 1 t5 R HANASHITE MIRU To ask 46 HANASHIZUMI SURu To finish talking HANA TABA Bouquet of flowers.1 t HANA TABAKO Snuff HANATAKA Pride,boasting HANATARE Nose secretion,running nose **4t~ ii,1~ tC HANATAREgOZ6 Ur chin HANATATE Flower vase HANA-URI MUSUME Flower girl ~ H.NHAYAK4ASA Splendor,magnificence HANAYARI First attack of an army HANA YASAI Cauliflower HANAZOME Inconstancy, changeableness HANAZUMARI Nasal impedimbnt,sniffles ~ 6 HANCHI SURU To discriminate,determine I HANCHI SURU To know,become known,assume HANCHb C ountere spionage HANCHW lasticity, ricochet fit 4HANOEo Labor section chief MAI& HAJCHo Leader of squad or group HANDAI Tub for hqlding fish HANDAK 'Half nigori,P sounds A NDAKRYOKU Discernment kAit- + HAND6 BUNSHI Reactionary plements ~21n ) &t4 7 1 fýA A +?,04- P At A#%2 i rK A ilk +K1A 1Sf )3 bf 's2 0 ~ Alt ý M %C 4t it ~ -4- ýl 7)l V3A *O U Fiv AL& $ 0) (RfA 7)8t M6t bC t 3- 5~ Okt t~~ $ g5$ ~1 80#& ~t 5 t?e fif fc ~t 1I 5;toc a lB;ft IEgsD 1 )R ~tg f r L lgac HANKAI HAND6RA Reactionary party HANDOITSU SHUGI Pan-Germanism IAiDOKE Incomplete melting HANDUKE NO Seriocomic HANDoKIN Antagonist or counteracting muscle HANDOKURITSU Semi-independence HAND6 NAIKAEU Reactionary cibinet HAND6RYOKU Reaction HAND6 SEIJI Reactionary government HAND6SHIN Reactionary spirit HAND6 SHISB Reactionary thought HAND6TEKI Reactive,reflex,reactionary HANE Radical 124 HANEAGARU To leap up,start to one's feet in astonishment HANEDASHI Newcomer,springing out HANEGAKU To pluck feathers HAN-El Anti-British HAN-EI Pan-British HAN-El NA Prosperous,busy,thriving HANEKURIKAERU To curl back,as a broiled fish HANEMAWARI Caper, gambol,entrechat, wantonnegs KHAN-EN SURU To climb HAN-EN SURU To crawl,wriggle along HANENOKE Rejection,elimination.HANENOKU To spring aside HANETSUKE Refusal,rebuff HANEZUMUROI Preparations HANEZUMI Charcoal which crackles while burning HANGAN Face in profile,half face HANGEKI SURU To counterattack HANGEN Reply,word of repartee HANGENCHOKU Watch and watch,maritime HANGEN HANGI Seriocomic HANGENH6 Broadside fire HANGEN J6RIKU Half watch ashore HANGEN T5CHOKU Watch and watch,maritime HANGEPP6 Fortnightly bulletin HANGEPPU Handkerchief HANGETSUJ& NANKOTSU Semilunar cartilage HANGETSUKEI Crescent-shaped HANGETSUKI Crescent flag HANGI Judgment settling a discussion HANGO SURU To accompany as a guard HANGOH6 Irony,involving one's opponent in contradiction HANGYAKUSHA Traitor, rebel HANGYAKUSHIN Treasonable spirit HANGYAKUTEKI Treacherous, rebellious, traitorous HANGYAKUZAI Breach of loyalty,crime of treason HANGY5 Half column,half line HANHIRET SURU To be,in inverse proportion HAN1iY6 SURU To float,drift,rock in water HAN-I Plan of treachery HAN-I SURU To transport HAN ICHIZEN Bowl of rice HAN-IGAI Beyond the scope or sphere HANIKAMI Bashfu lness, coyne s s HAN-IN Members of a squad HAN-INAI Within the scope or sphere HANJI Decision, judgment,explanation, interpretation HANJI Increase,growth HANJI SURU To divide,separate,distinguish HA~NJICH6 Chief judge HANJIDb Half-track HANJIKYrSEI Semipersistent HANJISEKI Judgment seat,the bench HANJISHITSU Judge's private room HANJISHOKUl Judgeship HANJ6 Antipathy HANJ6 Assault by scaling walls.HANJ Circumstances of a misdemeanor HANJb Half a quire of paper HANJ6 Impertinencedisrespect HANJ6 Rebellion, treason HANJ6 General order of things HANJ6 NO Ordinary, common UAN J NO0 Vexatious,involved HB.NJi StIRtI To winnow HANOJOKCU SEIJI Bureaucratic government HANQKA Severi ty HANKA Whirlpool,eddy HANKAGEKIHA Anti-Bolshevists,anti-.Maximalists HANKAI Half -destroyed 0AWA Eitii ~ Jf 3C I 7t4;i 6 ~ 44 t 6# A K 1, Wt&t S Ali 00 *),1 1 atZ~i$ - PI4I1 ~A X!RAz ~ (i4i- 3 htill ). LB 6 ~-. r0,;f x 0E8 ~C 6 F~ ~'- l~fl HANKAI 73 HANKAI Half-fused HANKAIJIN Semibarbarous people HAINKAIKOKU Semicivilized country HANKAKE Half,small quantity HANKAKUTMEI UND5 Counterrevolutionary movement HANKAN Busy or not HANKAN Complexity and simplicity HANLANCH6 Counterespionage HANKANSUI Brackish water HANKATSU - Extreme thirst,dipsosis HANKATSU NA Noisy HANKATSUTAN Half-brown coal HANKEI SURU To tie,tether,secure,moor HANKEN Examination,inquiry HANKEN Steep pass HANKENH5 Copyright law HANKENJI T6Y6 SHIEr Judicial service examination HAMEEN SHINGAI Copyright infringement HANKEN SHOYi All rights reserved HANKEN SHOYUSHA Copyright holder HANKEN TbROKU Copyright registration HANKEi YUZURIWATASHI Transfer of copyright HANKETSU NA Coiled-up,difficult,intricate HANKETSUBUN Judicial decision HANKETSUREI Judicial precedent HANKETSUREISHO Volume of law reports, docket HANKETSUSHO Written judgment HANKETSU SHUBUN Formal adjudication HANKI SURU To reject,discard HANKI HAITW Semiannual dividend HANKI KESSAN Semiannual statement HANKO Seal,stamp HANKO SURU To look back,figuratively HANK6 Counteroffensive HANK6 Distribution,division,issuance HANK6 Mess tin HANK6 SURU To turn round,look round HANK6GEKI Counteroffensive HANKOKU Engraving, HANK6EEN Fighting on opposite courses HANK6SHIKI Semirigid HANK6SHIN Rebellious spirit HANKOTAI KIKAIYU Semi-solid lubricating oil HANK6TEKI Rebelliops HANKOTSURYO Rice basket. HANKUMORI Half overcast HANKU NITE In mid-air HAINKUTSU Complication, intricacy HANKYO Reaction HANKYO SURU To transport HANKY6 Anticommunism,anticommunistic HANKYOKU NO Curved,bent, crooked,winding HANKYOKU NO Twisted,winding,gnarled HANKY6RYOKU Anticollaborationist HANNAGAGUTSU Wellington boots HANNEN Annoyance,worry,perplexity HANNETStT Oppressive heat,crowded HANNICHI Anti-Japanese HANNICHI Half a day HAINNICHI UND6 Anti-Japanese movement HANNIE NO Half-cooked HANNIGORI Half nigori,P sounds HANNIN Half a day's work HANNIN Signer, guarantor HANNM 7 Anxiety",wdi4stress HANN1 SURU To pay half the amount due HAI YiJ SURU To purchase HANO-b Nrausea HAN-6 Treachery, treason HANOT-DAI Hanoi anbassy Office HA NO ITAMI Toothache HANRAKU Am sementdiversiondissipation HANQRAN Confu si on,medley, di sorder HANRANrSHA Rebel HARETSU Rank,position,precedence HANRI Half a ri,l.97 kl HANRI R Semicircle, crescent,half -moon HA.NRO Halfway HANRO Ramtp HAIRO Slope,ascent,hilly road HArRO SHUGI Pan-Slavism HANRYO Anxiety,careful reflection HANIRY Half the amount HANRYD SURU To stopcheck,aarrest HANSA Examination, Inquiry, inspec Ction HANSAIGATA Half-size paper HANSA S31SO Investigation unit,in China HANTEN NrrITE HANSEI Feudal government HANSEI Partly cloudy 5 sr#i HANSEIFU SHIMBUN Antiadministration newspaper Ja HANSEKI Evidences of treason or rebellion A HANSEN Antiwar HANSEN Cargo boat,lighter,launch HANSEN Half a sen HANSEN SURU To migrate a HANSEN BIRA Antiwar pamphlets.kft a HANSEN D5MEI Antiwar League SiH ANSHAHEI SURU To partially cover S HANSHA K6SEN Reflected rays HANSHA RITSU Reflexibility ýFJft Al HANSHA SAY6 Reflection fl HC RANSHA SHING6KI Heliograph.a 4 HANSHATEKI Reflecting,reflective i4~3L i HANSHA UND6 Countermovement 4 HANSHI Half-dead f it HANSHIN Half-doubting t HANSHIN Kobe-0saka district SHANSHIN Traitor,rebellious retainer v HANSHINZ6 Bust statue t HANSHO Abundance,plenty,luxuriance Jth HANSHO Scene of a crime S FHANSH6 Half-alive PH HANSH6 Half-burned,partly burned 4 $j HANSH6 DOROBB Tall man S HANSHOKUJ Sinecure a d HANSHOKU NO Spotted,variegated H)53 RANSHOKU SURU To eat with others qL H ANSHOKUKI Breeding season ALýFf HANSHOKURYOKU Procreative power #+ f4 ' HANSH6TAI Subsection,military AAMI HANSH6TEKI General,universal,generic A44#+ HANSHU SURU To sow C -4I HANSHUHA Half cycle 4*t: >_ HANSHUTSUINYU Carrying goods in and out,r Pt HANS6 Partly equipped 4J HANS6 SURUD To transport HANS6H5 Navigation by sail,sailing #A, HANS6KI Half-track 0 0Ak i- HANS6KI JID6SHA Half-track T &*s* Gt HANSoKI KEN-INSHA Half-track r HANS6KISHA Half-track ~ $ HANSOKU Abundance,prosperity HANSOKU Half speed jei.HANSOKUSHA Offender '4 2 HANSMNIN Referee or arbitrator,in commerce ftY't HANS6 SEN Carrier circuit 104 HANS6SEN Sailing ship SHANS5 SHIKI Portable type HANSUI Launching a boat from a ship HANSUI SAGY6 BUTAI Launching crew S HANSUISHA Water cart T HANSUJIKUGAWA Anti-Axis Powers f HANSD KAISEN Re-election of half the members HANSUKE Partial assistance HANSURI Typography,typographer,printer HARTA Confusion,trouble HANTA NA Many,numerous,busy, great S HANTAI D6SAKU Counteroperation HANTAIGAWA Opposing side,the opposition, reverse side HANTAIGAWA Per contrain accounting M r B HANTAIGAWA KINYUD5RI Per contra,in accounting;A& ' HANTAIHEIY KAIGI Pan-Pacific Conference HANTAI KANJA Opposite account,contraaccount ~IkV1t HANTAI K6Dj Countermovement HANTAIMEN Reverse,opposite side 'I ~ E HANTAI MBSHIKOMI Counteroffer Bt~V HPALNTAI SAY6 Counteraction ~7k~g HANITAISHA Opponent b HANTAI SH6SHO Counterdeed,contradictory evidence A-!i~ ~K HANTAI SHGI Oppositionism HANTAIT6~ Opposition party HANTAIT6 SHUEYb Opposition leader A-t~t~ HATAI UND6) Opposition mowement HANTAI YjYki Qounterclaim HARTAI ZEND Antiperistaltic movement HANTAN Vexation,perplexityworry P Q HANTEIGACHI Victory on a decision,in boxing iHATE SAgKENSHA Judgment creditor S2 HANTEI SAIMUSHA Judgment debtor SRANTEN Tavern HANTER RITE In mid-air HANTo 74 HANTM Ascent HANT6 Korea,the Peninsula HANT6 Party,band,company HANT Rival parties,conspirators 4kii / HANTB SURU To throw down,overturn HS ANTO HAMPA Half measures 4 - HANTWJIN Korean person H ANTOKEISHIKI Counterclockwise THANT-KZ Belly clearance of a tank,armored car,etc. H ANT6MIN Peninsula residents - {E1 HAN-TONCHIN HOKEN Free tontine insurance -t HANT6 oKOKU Peninsular kingdom Ott HANUKE Toothlessness HAN-UTSU Melancholy,sadness,gloom S9 HANWAKARI Imperfect understanding - HANWAKE Equal division of gains HAN-YAGY6 Half-night operation S HAN-YA K6TAI Midnight shift S HAN-.YAKU SURU To break a promise HAN-YO Distribution,allotment HAN-Y& General use -#4 6 HANY6 SURU To unload partly *31t HANYU SURU To transport oil X-M *-tAu HAN-YUDAYA SHUGI Anti-Semitism +fJ HANZAI Half-dose of medicine HANZAI Plank,beam,board W1+* HANZAI CHAKUSHU Attempted crime #i HANZAICHI Venue,scene of crime IV ft HANZAI GAKUSHA Criminologist * HANZAI KENGISHA Suspected criminal 4V-39 HANZAI K6bI Criminal act l3,e HANZAININ Criminal 3ý HANZAISHA Criminal 1i )t U HANZAISHA HIKIWATASHI Extradition )ti4 HANZAI YOB5 Prevention of crime Au HANZENTAI SHUGI Antitotalitarianism Stz HANZEN TO SHITA Wide,extensive S HANZETSU SURU To calumniate,slander g HANZBCHIZAI Emergency law covering public officials,China HANZOKU Insurgent,rebel, traitor ARNZOKUKOKU Tributary country 9 HANZOKUTEKI Tributary 6 HANZURU To decide,solve,divipe HAON Radio interference HAPPA Eight times eight HAPPAN Departure,sailing " " _A-tA HAPP5 IJIN SHUGI Policy of pleasing everyone + 7 HAPP6 JIPP5 On all sides HARABAU To lie flat,crawl,sprawl HARADATASHII Furiously angry,aggravating } HARAFUKURE Abdominal dropsy or swelling a HARAFUKURE Rich person 4'k ~HARA GA HARU To be bloated ZU HARAIDASHININ Accomodation drawer 44z HARAIDASU To expel,drive or sweep out 441 ~~ HARAI FUSOKUJ Arrears in payments 44~) HARAIKIRU To exhaust a bank account, settle an account HRAMIKOMI Paid-up capital Sui& 'i * ARAIKOMIDAKA Amount of a payment f4; ia- A 4 EHARAIKOMI EIKI SH-EN Extended policy A 4L$'& t HARAIKOMIGAKU S6T6 HOKEN Paid-up valueof life insurance S HARAIKOMI KABU KIN Invested or paid-in capital 44~4 HARAIKOMI KIN Subscription, assessment W44Ii f-a HARAIKOMI SAIKOKU Call for payment on unpaid stock subscription S HARAIKOMI SHIRON Paid-up capital si HARAIKOMI SHIHON KIN Paid-up capital 4t~~i~ HARAIKOMIZUKI HOKEN Assessable insurance HARAIKOMIZUKI SHZKEN Assessable securities HARAIKOMIZUMI Paid up 4ARAIKOMIZUMI HOKEN Paid-up policy a HARAISAGEHIII Articles sold by government, surplus goods HARA. ITAMI Colic,stomach-ache F~a HA.RA ITAMI Unexpected outlay ~ HARAI TEGATA Bill ~due or payable 4 t' HARAIWATASHIGUCHI Paying teller 441 4 ~ ARA IWATASHIKE OKU Pay office 441' 4~L U HARAIWATASHININ Pager 4 t'4~ R ARA IWATASHISH6 b Certiricate of delivery tjr~J HAR.A SUJIf Abdominal muscles or ligaments ' HARBARESHII Bright,clear,elegant,gay 3a, V HAREBOTTAI Swollen 99 * A - HARFGACHI Clearing,tending to clear HASHIRA Htv HARE KOBU Tumor,swelling,bump ea- t& HARE MOY6 Indications of clearing I6&4 F HARENCHIKAN Rogue,knave G 4G HARENCHIZAI Infamous crime af H ARETSUDAMA Explosive bullet or projectile Pf HARETSU NANKOTSU Arytenoid cartilage HARE YAMAI Illness from serous discharge HARI Clearing of land for tillage HARI Counter for curtains,lanterns,bows &)}- 4 HARIAGERU To shout,raise one's voice 1) KiR t 1ARIAINUKE Disappointment HARIBA Haliva,a medicine toL9i HARIDASHIEN Balcony 9k t &XA HARIDASHI-UKE Bracket F&" tI HARIDERU To jut out 4L, HARIFUDA MUYB Post no bills 11tk tni HARIGANEKIRI Wire cutter WitLi V HARIGANE SEIZb Wire drawing $ i HARIGANE SEIZbSHA Wiredrawer ~ 4' HARIGANE TOJI KIKAI Stapler 4 HARIGANEZAIKU Wirework 4iS U HARIGANEZASHI Wire gauge VIA HARIGANEZUNA Metallic cable,wire rope W+ HARIGI Prop,stanchion,shoring HARIJ6 Needle-shaped S HARIKA Vitrification T HARIKA SURU To vitrify f 19 HARIKI Glassware S HARIK6 Glass blower $ HARIKOMI Gluing,pasting H ARIKOMI Zeal,surveillance $S HARIMICHI Road newly opened P HARIMONOYA Fuller S HARINOKORU Still to be pasted A(A / HARINUKU To make out of papier-mache 11f HARISEN Cablebracing wire A't HARISHITSU Vitreous 3A.91 HARISUGIPU To become too taut or strained fSt IiHARITAIEN Hyalitis,an eye disease ) -HARITAMASHII Fearlessness &', d HARITSUME Strain,extreme tension 34' & HARITSUMERU To be tense,frozen over "HARI YUMI Drawn bow 62fL HARO SURU To be disclosed HARUKU Hulk,of ship HARUMAKI Spring sowing a 954B- HASAI B6RYAKU Sabotage and subversive activities 6ýU fBASAIHEN Splinter $I4 HASAIKI Crusher,disintegrator HASAMIBAKO Mumps,parotitis HASAMIGANE Washer,rondelle,shim J HASAMI KAMISORI TOGI Knife grinder i HASANH& Bankruptcy law 6#f~# HASAN SAIMU KAIJO Discharge in bankruptcy J HASAN SEISANSHO Statement of liquidation vt HASAN SENKOKU Bankruptcy adjudication ýOA 4 HASANSHA Bankrupt person 8 HASAN SHINSEI Bankruptcy petition 4Ah HASAN TETSUZUKI Bankruptcy procedure 0A4 Ut HASAN YOSEN SHIHARAI Preferential payment in bankruptcy 60 m HRASAN ZAIDAN Bankrupt estate - HASECHIGAU To pass rapidly on the way HASEI 'Sound of waves AtIb HASEKAERU To return quickly HASEN Small change T H ASESANZUTRU To come running up HASETSUt Secondary,brahch or divergent theory h4~44j ( HASETStKU To come running up grq ~ HASHA Lame person,cripple 14 HASHI Intermediary,liaison,link IHASHIBAKO Chopstick case 4iL HASHIBASHI Extremtties,this side and that HASHIBASHIRA Pier of bridge 9bii~fHASHIIBUNE Small ':raft for lightering HIASHICHIN Bridge toll HASHIDATE Chopstick holder HASHI FUSRIN Bridge building or repair HASHIGIOGATA Echelon formation ~-gg HASHI ICHIIZ~N Pair of chopsticks HASHIK;AKE Construction of a bridge HASHIKAKE Intermediarymediator HASHIXECHIN Lighterage charge ~ k HASHIXEFU 'Lighter coolie HA-- HASHJEGUN TAIKET Small-boat formation S HASHIIERU To lighter,transport by lighter R4 ASHIKE WATASHI Ex lighter HASHIRA Counter for spirits or ashes of the dead\ 75 HASHIRIDASU ( t L -kA 7 t i4t L f: 4J 4144 lAt L It k iA W W* ~:4 -ON X *N S * A ~i ~ 51 I Z V& tCit16-rt ItX t - ^^a)E ^^^ 5' ^^ ^^ ^te^ ^^*W ^^ % 1*fA it tit HASHIRIDASU To start out,begin to run HASHIRIGUSA Erysipelas HASHIRI-I Artesian well,spring HASHIRIMAWARU To run busily about HASHIRISARU To run away HASHIRITOBASU To have a ricksha or taxi rush around HASHITA SHIGOTO Manual labor,menial work HASHITA SHIGOTO Odd jobs HASHITA YAKUNIN Petty official HASHITA ZENI Small change HASHoIF KESSEI Tetanus antitoxin serum HASH5FUYAKU Antitetanic drug HASHU Handle HASHUKI Sowing season HASHUTSUFU Visiting nurse HASHUTSU-IN Canvas sdr HASHUTSUJO Branch office.HASHUTSU KANGOFU Visiting nurse HASHUTSUSHO Branch office,police box *HASONDAKA Breakage amount HASON KASHO Damaged part,breach HASON MIKOSHIDAKA Breakage HASSEIHIN Newly-produced goods HASSEIH6 Vocalization HASSEI KATSUDd SHASHINKI Sound-film machine HASSEIKI Generator HASSEIKI Loud-speaker HASSEN Ship's sailing,sailing from port HASSHABA Departure platform HASSHABUTSU Projectile HASSHAGAKARI Starter,at a station etc. HASSHA HATSUENT6 Smoke projector HASSHA JIKAN Time for departure of train HASSHAJo Departure platform HASSHA KAN Torpedo tube HASSHAKI Firing apparatus HASSHAKY5 Firing frame HASSHA SHING6 Train starting signal HASSHI Resolve,determination HASSHIMBI Date of dispatch HASSHIMBO Outgoing-letter record HASSHIN Earthquake shock HASSHIN Oscillation HASSHIN -Outgoing wire HASSHIN SURU To send a message HASSHIN SURU To set out,launch aircraft HASSHINCHI Place of despatch HASSHIN CHIBUSU Eruptive typhus HASSHINKI Oscillator,in radio HASSHINKYOKU Office of origin HASSHINNIN Addresser HASSHIN SHING6 Transmitting signal HASSHO Originating office,sending station HASSHO Place of departure HASSHO SURU To rust HASSHo SURU To issue certificates HASSHOMEI Sending station name HASS6 EKI Forwarding station HASS6GAKARI Forwarding clerk HASSOKU SURU To start,issue from HASS5RO Route HASS6RO SHITEI Routing HASS SAKI Dispatch point HASS6ZUMI SURU To finish sending HASU Obliquity,slant HATA Weaving,loom HATABA Cloth works,weaving district HATABARI Breadth,width HATABARI Influence,influential person HATACHI Ground under cultivation HATAFURI SHING6 Wigwagging, semaphore signalling HATAKE MICHI Country road,crossroad HATAKEMONO Vegetables,cereals HATAKIKOMU To slap down,as in wrestling HATAKU House in ruins or badly damaged HATAMATA In addition to this,furthermore HATAMEKU To thunder,roar HATAN SURU To be astonished,startled HATAORIGY6 Weaving industry HATAORI KIKAI Loom HATAORI K6J6 Textile.mill HATAORI MUSHI Grasshopper HATARAKASERU To bring into play,use,or exercise HATARAKASERU To set to work,employ workers HATARAKIT6SU To work without respite HATARAKIZuKARE Fatigue HATASAKU Harvest,farm or garden produce 4 ~ #0 A: m 1* SE 7 w Rt K w 4RA ( 10 S W 4 ^1 6 ^ *;/t it ^*/ to4 S $q S @11 4 ^^ 9 -A -W^ >^^^<x ^08 ^~iJf ^*^y# ^ia4kW ^^^(1 ^ss 5 ^* ^ ^~^ ^hf %^^ 5 ^^t^-^ ^^ ^t^ 14 ^^A S "HATTO HATASASHI Flag-bearer HATAYA,Flag merchant HATAYA Weaving establishment,weaver HATCHAKKAN Flight deck HATCHAEKIBU Taking-off-and-landing Devices Section HATCHAKUBU Hospital Admission and Discharge Department HATCHAKU JIKANHY 5 Timetable HATCHAKU KAMOTSU Abstract of goods TEKIY6SH6 received and forwarded HATCHI Point of departure HATCHOKKEI NO Straight-eight-engined HATCHO SURU To issue an order HATCHUSHA One who places an order HATEI Flaw,blemish,rent HATO Pier,breakwater HATo Undulations HATo Waves,billows,high seas "HATOBA KENSETSU K6SAI Dock construction bond HATOBA NINSOKU Stevedore HATSU Counter for shots or rounds HATSU Leaving from,departing from HATSU Sending HATSUBAI BUSU Circulation,of books etc. HATSUBAKUGEKI First bombing raid HATSUB6K6 Blister plaster HATSUBY6ZEN Before the illness HATSUDAI Posing a problem,giving out a subject HATSUDENSHA Searchlight power unit HATSUDENSHA Sender of a message HATSUDO Outburst of anger HATSUD6RYOKU Motive power HATSUDoSEI HANZAI Active crime,crime of commission HATSUD6TUEI Motorboat HATSUD6TEKI Actively HATSUD6TEN Starting point HATSUD56T Working cylinder HATSUEI Departure from the barracks HATSUEKI Shipping station HATSUEN SH6SAN Fuming nitric acid HATSUENSHU Smoke grenade HATSUENT6 Smoke projector HATSUGASHIRA Radical 105 HATSUGEN Origin,source or spring,cause HATSUGENNIN Spokesman HATSUGENSHA Proposer,speaker HATSUGISHA Proposer,mover HATSUGO Speech,statement HATSUGOSO Number of words sent HATSUGUN Dispatch of troops HATSUGY5SHA Promoter HATSUHEI Dispatch of troops HATSU-IKUBY6 Developmental disease HATSU-IKU JIDAI Period of development HATSU-IKUSHI Life history HATSUJIN Point of departure,beginning, setting forth HATSUJO SURU To remove,dispel,clear away HATSUJU Sending and receiving HATSUJUO Firing,fusillade,rifleshot HATSUJUKI Sending and receiving set HATSUKAI First meeting HATSUKAOAWASE First meeting HATSUKAZUKI Twenty-day-old moon HATSUMEIHIN Invention HATSUMEISHA Inventor HATSUMIMI NO New,strange HATSUMON Questioning,inquiry HATSUMON SURU To drive away care HATSUOMPU Pronunciation sign HATSUONDAN Sound shell HATSUON JISHO Pronouncing dictionary HATSURAIKAN TSUZURI Sent-received message file HATSURAN HANSEI Restoration of order and tranquillity HATSUREI SURU To order HATSUREIBI Day of originating orders HATSURU To cut with a hatchet,hew,chip, split HATSU-UN Stroke of luck HATSUWA SURU To open a conversation HATTAN Origin,beginning HATTEI Departure,start,setting out. HATTEI AIZUSHA Starter of boats "HATTENTEKI Developmental,growing, expansive HATTO Departure,start,setting out a HATro SURU 76 ~ff s 'HATT6 SURU To arrive,as report eta Ek AYABASHIRI Rapid running S9s EAYADAYORI Rapid means of communication WH AYAGAERI Early or speedy return WrY AGAKE Rushing 1 1AYAGARE Rapid dessication,early withering VI HAYAKAGO Expresa palanquin p -/ R-AYAXI NI OYONDME Ahead of time,speedily Zita HAYAMIMIREN Insiders SS HAYAMIMI SUJI Insiders iV 0 O HAYARIBY6 Epidemic A') L HAYARIGI Spunk,courage,spirit,mettle rtj9 H AYARI KAZE Influenza;t 9 ) 8 HAYARIME Epidemic ophthalmia r 1 4 * HAYARIMONO Fad A4 HAYARI YAMAI Epidemic HAYASAME Sudden or heavy shower LJ HAYASUGIRU To be too fast 9A L HAYAWATASHI Early delivery S HAYAZUJ Medicinal vinegar made of, rice or millet jr-f HAYAZUKI Thoughtless infatuation, passing craze &415 HAYo SURU To winnow,fan,excite 01,1 HAYUI Brilliant,full of,rich in, prosperous 4a&1 HAZAI SURU To become bankrupt t HAZAKAI Between seasons,of crops HAZE Clasp $Aue7I ltjv HAZUKASHIGATTE IKENAI To be too shy A'L 1 HAZUKASHISA Embarrassmen t, shame S HAZUSU To dislocate a joint &. EIE Prow,bow,of ship HE Subhead 06 ttAK HEBI BYZIN Hospital for snake bite treatment ifeV MIEBO ISHA Quack doctor if4A HEBO YAKUNIIN Petty official 48it-tF6 REBURAI-KA SUIRU To Hebraize - 4#V HEEGU JoYAKU Hague Convention H EEI Men below rank of noncommissioned officers H EI Type C steamship,500 tons and below. HEIBA Pair of horses S HEIBAIN Face,flat part,plate YO, HEIBAN Flat-plate,in printing ikE EXEIBI-IN Military preparations personnel S HEIBU Wasteland,steppe,heath H EIBY6 Invalid soldier gEEICHI Peace,tranquillity 43 HEICHIN SURU To suppress,quell,pacify 9 EICH6S Harmony HEICHB Lance corporal *AlI-4- A HEICH6 NI FUKUSURU To return to normalcy -e-Pg* HEIDAI KAISHA Flatcar S HEIDEN Money sent by wire HEIDEN My wire *A e HEIEI KANSHU Barracks warden A' HEIEN Wide,extensive A CI H 6 EIEN SURU To conceal,cover,hide S HEIFUKU Recovery of health A- 4t;b HEIFUKU SURU To subjugate,subdue it" HEIGAKK6 Naval Academy A HEIGEKI Weapons of war At HEIGI Military skill 44 A- V HEIGCZAI Concurrent offenses -A-A HEIGU Military equipment,soldier's accouterments q ** HEIHAKURYb Shinto offe.ing 44t& HEIHATSUSH6 Complication,in illness -k Ci tHEIBEN Troop disturbance HfEIHI Armed guerrillas -c;tia HEIHO Auxiliary troops SA-tA XEEIHKA Strategist,tactician -'ik5 HEIHLKXI Square -P-hit HEIHKON Square root j f HEEIH MAIRU Square mile f4if HEIHON Ordnance Administration Headquarters ie 3h EI-I RA Level,easy,smoothsimple '(ta HEIT ICA Popularization gtn ' l er-IN SURU To conceal,cover,hide?4I1FiJ% HEI-II SHIIl Closing of the Diet 4Szt HEIJI War - tM1 HEIJI FDSA Peacetime blockade S HEIJI EBENE3I Peace footing B ~E~JI.-~IN Military personanel *ý- HEIJIKA Military Affairs Section 4r HEIJIKAN Recruiting officer 1tS' U-A W EIJI KOKTJAIH8 Peacetime international law H1EIRYOKU TEN-YE A V4yj- tPHEIJI KbSEI KACH6 Head of the Military Welfare Section IH, HEIJIKU Military affairs district 1FF I HEIJI TEI-IN Peacetime personnel A-4 R HEIJI TOKU-IN Peacetime personnel a* I HBEIJI YOSAN Peace budget PBA14S HEIJ6 SHIKI Closing ceremony i4*tO HEIJ6 UNDB Peace movement HEIJ5Y5 For normal use e HEIJUN Fairness,impartiality,justice,par S HEIJUNTEN Level point A HEIJUTSU Military tactics,art of war A* HEIKA Line,in navy commissions r41Xr HEIKA IJ6 Above par '-4 01AF HEIKA IKA Below par FA+ le HEIKAI SHIKI Closing ceremony -T-tg - HEIKA KAIKIN Lifting gold embargo at par *V-tV HEIKA KAWASE Exchange at par *4 to Fil HEIKA KIRISAGE Devaluation ASA HEIKAKU Number of troops s arL HEIKA.MBU Inspector General's Departmeht M410 HEIKAN Bar-shaped handle:$:kV HEMEAN Military inspector -A$f** HEIKA TOKUMU Special duty...,deck,in navy commissions A# 44*-z. HEIKA TOKUMU SHIKAN Special duty officer, deck HEIKI Favorable occasion for making war, military genius Ap HEIKI Martial spirit t HEIKI Military chronicles - HEIKI Military flag 4 10C HEIKI SURU To write down together A4L a_% A HEIKI BUNSHi Detached ordnance depot A 2i 4JiA HEIKI GYSEI 'Ordnance Administration A (:*44i HEIKI GYdSEI HOMBU Ordne;tce Administration Headquarters f a-6R HEIKI-IN Armorer,navy 4k;A-T KEIKIK6 Armorer -Lzf HEIKI K61SHU Ordnance worker *ý f4i3P f HEIKIN BUKKA HY6JUN Multiple standard _T V{4A HEIKINCHI Mean value R -JýUA HEIKIN FUTAI Average tare,in commerce #4-,T, P HEIKIN HOKENRY6 Level premium V$sAL- HEIKIN IJ6 Above average 1-,59 T)T HEIKIN IKA Below average f-W HEIKINJI Mean time S HEIKIN JUMYB Life expectancy _TýF4k HEIKIN KIKEN Average risk,in fire insurance *Pil4A HEIKINNE Average price *0-4K) HEIKINSO Mean number 0PJk P HEIKIN TAIY6JI Mean solar time S HEIKINTEN Average mark,mean point H EIKIN ZAIKA Average inventory l44 i HEIKI SHAKKAN Ordnance loan 04Z1At HEIKI SHISH5 Branch arsenal,ordnance depot A HEIKO Military storehouse PAPf 6 HEIKO SURU To close a door P& HEIK6 Lockout,wholesale dismissal of workers J-44 HEIK 6 Wide,extensive 4-4tA-f6 HEIKb SURU To consider fully PIAUIb HEIKi SURU To defeat,be beaten,be cut off 144ii-16b HEIEB STURU To do simultaneously 4,0K HEIK6 SURU To sail together AHEIKI6B6 Parallel bars t-*A; HEIK6 FUKA Balanced load *tZ44A2 HEIK6 JIREI Impartiality,fairness, justice -e-4'it HEIKd J6GI Parallel ruler tr/S-@ HEI16 KANKKOU Sense of equilibrium - 4j! EEII&RYOKU Parallel forces -4-ik HEIK6 SEN Parallel lines *F~# HEIE SHIKIN Stabilization fund 4#Lz EEIK&5H6 Arsenal,ordnance plant HEIKYO Rejection,abandonment, condemnation -e-J-$ttiAi HEIMEN 16K& Volplane,gliding in a plane S.HEIMEN PlORI Horizontal range -e ai 6j HEIMIEKA SURU To democratize,popularize ~fSP~ & HEIMIN KAIXYC Democracy?-sa HEIMINTEKI Democratic -AM HEINAN Calamity caused by war -e-fr{ HEIEEN SAKET Normal crop HEINETSU Normal temperature of the body f j dit HEIN6 YDBIN Sealed pouch mail tr?. HEINIY6 Anuresis,retention of urine Atl9r*J~ HEI"RFTSU J iR~EjTSU Double column - ~ 3 HEIRITSU Military law or regulations 4 f HEIEITSU SURU To join hands with *A HEIRO Open-hearth furnace 01: HEIRY6 Weighing beam Ah-t "R HEIIYOXU TEN-Y6 Troop redistribution JumIwRY - aIsil 77.4i 1 +0%~ -f4~ N- IS" KA. As ~ "I@ i ## V, AlP + t PA Y 4'. Et~ -P, tf ~P, da qr,$ s itfi 8 (4 RI 'FA irif~ ~tf at PsFa f a Vtt;sAr 160 MA HK EIRY6 SHISU Weighted index HEISA Desert, sandy plain LL EISAKU IJ6 Above-average crop AF HEISAtKU IKA Below-average crop ' f HEISA To figure in connection with i HEISA SHUGI Isolationism HEISEI Army's combat strength,military forces,military spirit HEISEI Monetary system HEISEI Ordnance administration H EISEI-IN Administrative Court,China }EISEKI Equal amount HEISEKI SURU To condemn,reject,spurn H EISEKIBO Muster roll HEISEN Peace and war,peace or war HEISEN Warship HEISENK6 Evenly-sorted ore S HEISETSU SURU To establish HEISHA Our humble company lik HEISHA EIKYU HoDAI Permanent battery for direct fire SHEISHI SURU To grant HEISHIKI Military system HEISHIN Advancing abreast or together HEISHIN Calmness, composure,impartiality HEISHO Closing down report,station closing KEISHO Written summons HEISH6 Enclosure,barrier,palisade HEISH6 Shelter, cover, obstruction HREISH6 SURU To close down,interrupt, conclude HEISHU China money types HEIS6 Armament HEISb Military dress HEIS6 Petty officer - HEISbCH6 Warrant officer,navy 7 HEISb6 JISSHISEN Armed ships # ' KEISOKU SURU To shrink,dwindle HEISOKUSEN Blockade ship Z.1I HEISOKU SHING6 Block signal H EISOKUTAI Blockading squadron HEISOTSU Nonrated men,navy HEISUI Usual level of river S HEITAIAGARI Ex-soldier HEITAKU My humble dwelling HEITAMBU Commissariatsupply department ' HEITAMBU-IN Commissary personnel HEITAN Logistics S HEITAN BOCHI Line of communications cemetery HEITANCHI Supply point apart from line 9 IGAI NO of communications HOKYUTEN intermediate base ýjj I HEITAN EISEITAI Mobile treatment section tt*ý 4 f ID6 CHIRY6HAN of line of communications medical unit H EITANKAN Line of communcations chief S HEITAN KAS6JO Line of communications crematory At HEITAN SHUCHI Line of communications main base HIEITEI Chapping of skin HEITEI My humble residence HEITEN My humble shop 041 HEITEN JIKOKU Closing time KEIT6 Abuse,evil effect,vice,disadvantage HKEIT6 Equality,equabilityevenness C HEIT6 SURU To arrange in a row facing forward HEIT6 SURU To falldrop dead r o HEIT6HIN Average quality goods HEIT6 8gKA Continuous loading HEI-U Moderate rain HEIWA Colloquial or simple language HEIWA Military annals or topics '1~b~j HEIWA J6~YAKDI Peace treaty H$~a IEIWA KIIE2BI Armistice Day 3aR HEIWA S5ANGC(6 Peacetime industry k HEIWA SHUGISBA Pacifist HEIYAKU Mild medicine,anodyne HEIYAKU Misfortune cau~sed by war H E]Y b For military use HEIYOREI Enlisted primary trainee,C HEIZOKU Evil custom,corrupt practice HEEgI Inclinatian,hebitr vulgaritg, perversity,mani&,peculiarity ~r~IGCtOKU Jade E ITRTJA Perveraity,depravity HETIJI Errorsophism,defect,wrong, inju sti ce HECIJq Top of.a wallupon a wall 665892 0 - 45 - 6 &i ~ LA, 4- t J4f fee *,rV7T'4 wit RE.+.4,tL 41 fla 184 4kk f-7 9 T ~ -At'; ff 4L ~k iAi 0it#c 1%At ~ 9L 1 ~4;t4t St 1RS, ~e ~ R191 SigA t Sj 4 pt;tji*1 r HBESANSHO HEIKAI Blue sea HEKIK6 Wall thickness HEKIKYO SURU To live in a remote place HEXIMEI Official summons or appointment HEKIRAKU Remote village HEKIRITSU Standing upright like a wall HEKISHOKU Blue,azure,green KEKITAN Split deed HEKIZAIKg Outport,isolated port BEKOTARE Cowardice, coward BEMBEN Repayment,restitution HEMB6 Transfiguration HEMBOKUOFU Wind veering to north HEMB5 56SHIREI Commander in chief of frontier defenses HEMMAN Widespread diGfusion HEMMAN SURU To cheatdefraud HEMMUTEKI Unilateral HEMPA NA Lame,crippled HEMPAI Perishing of supplies HEMPEISOKU Flat foot HEMPEKI NA Small,cramped,oonfined HEMPEKI NA Vicious,prejudiced,partial HEMPI Divergence,deviation,difference HEMPY6 Undervaluation,low estimation HEN Answer H EN Organization HEN-ATSUKIYU Transformer oil HENCHI Borderland,wild region HENCH6 Preponderance, lopsidedness HENDAN SHAGEKI Deflection fire. HENDEN ARITASHI Please wire back HENDENZUKI Reply paid HENDO SURU To return HEN-EKI Change,mutation,variation HENGAI Beyond the frontier HENGAI Change,modification,rescinding, annulling,retraction HENGEN JIZAI NO Ever-changing, kaleidoscopic HENGEN SEIHATSU Broadsidein naval gunnery HENGb Composition HENGO Obscure place,cormer HENGUN Communist army,frontier troops HEN-I Prejudioe,bias,favoritift HEN-I Wonder,prodgy, oddity HEN-I SURU To inoline,be on a slant HENJI Unusual event,calamity HENJ6 Change,metamorphosis HENJ6 Hurdle HENJUTSU Compilation HfEIA Goods sent in return HENKAI Change HEEXAI Supervision or guarding of frontiers HENKAKU Modification of a rule, inconformity HENKAN Answer to a letter HENK;EI SURU To lean towards,be prone to HENKEI MO NASHI Not a trace HENKI Fraud, swindle, imposture HE1EI SURU To deflect,deviate HnMKO Stubbornnessbigotry HEN6 SURU To tend,incline toward HENK6iBAN Deflection plate,in radar HENKOKUBY6 Melanosisa HENKU Border area HENKU EPassing reference,casual allusion HENKYAUHINW Goods sent in return HENKYO Changing range HEKKY6i NA Small,confined, cramped HENYOn Stubbornness, tenacity brNKYrSaeA Monomaniac HENm MATSU Awaiting a reply HENTIAMPO Wind veering to south HENII6 CHINKI Tincture of camphorHENN64~ K;Il Balance to be returned HENN6YCU Carmphor oil HEIINYO SHIKCEN Entrance examination HENR~MAN-UNn Fracto-nimbusa clouds HENJREI Restitu tion,retumrf HENmRKI~SHA Pilgrim, itinerant HEN~RUI: Frontier fort HENSAI KIGEN Repayment period HENSAMBU Editorial Department HENSAMBUTSU Compilation EMNSAlIGAKARI Editorial staff HENSANSHA Compiler HEISANSHO Editorial office HENSEIFu 78 A L HENSEIFU Wind veering to west IM HENSEI SHUSEI Denatured alcohol, methylated spirits 4 f HENSEKI- UN Fracto-cumulus clouds HENSEN NA Narrow,petty,limited S1 93 HENSEN SURU To rally and renew the battle HENSETSUKAN Renegade,apostate HENSETSUSHA Renegade,apostate JENSHA Returning freight cars HENSHI Change of purpose HENSHI Egoism,selfishness,obstinacy HENSHI History,annals,archives HENSHI Slip of paper HENSHIN Pettiness HENSHIN Prejudice,bias HENSHIN Return,sending back lvs p_ HENSHINKYO Eccentricity i I I HENSHINRY6 Return postage Q- ibA HENSHINRY6 ZENNB Reply prepaid 0i tilg t KENSHINRY6 ZENN6 DEMP6 Reply-prepaid j telegram S HENSHINTEKI Eccentric 14+1f40 A HENSHýTSUSEI SEISHINBY6 Degenerative insWnity ýtt_ HENSHITSUSHA Degenerate person 'aXi HENSH6 Accidental injury ii HENSH 6 Recompense,remuneration J HENSH6 NA Small,confined, cramped ( 4r i HENSHOKU CH6iK T6DAN Parachute flare bombs S HENSHOKUDAN Varicolored flare shells,star shells HENSHU Proofreader,in weather unit k1 HENSHUBU Editorial Department A " it HENSHU BU-IN Editorial staff or staff member L BENSHJCH5 Managing editor AA" HENSHOIN Editorial staff member 0 4 HENSHU JICH6 Associate editor j HENSHO KAIGI Editorial conference 1 4 HENSHUI KIJI SHUNIN News editor R, taL HENSHU KOMON Advisory editor JA R A$ HENSHUKYOKU Editorial office Jl,"4 HENSHUNIN Editor A0Itf _ TiENfSHU SEIRI SHUNIN Make up editor U * _# ENSHUSHA Swindler 4,Agj J HENSHU SHIMEKIRI Going to press JA 10f HENSHU SHUKAN Chief editor RthJik HENSHO 565AI Editorial staff superintendent t EENSHUTSU Deviation,moving 'aside HENSO Make up,composition H4 ENNS6H Two-way communication S HENSOKU Partiality,bias fi47 HENSOKU SURU To change speed 4 HK HENSOKUBUTSU Wattling,wickerwork "I-i4o HENSOKU TETSUZUKI Irregular procedure It 014z HENSOKU T6KA Irregular jettison "AIt 1$ 1 HENSOKTU URAGAKI Irregular endorsement 0-442 HENSON Reduction,degradation 0-4 4 HENSON SURU To disparage,condemn i f HENSdUN Fracto-stratus clouds )ýfA1,XVHENSUI SAGY6 B~UTAI Pontoon bridge construction unit 441 H ENTAI Formation 4t4 V HENTAI BAKUGEKI Bombing in formation 44AJ HENTAI HASSHA Firing in formation A4fA"ýt HENTAI HIK6 Formation flying kCi- 0 HENTAI K5K6 SURU To proceed in formation, sail in formation ( RENTAI KUSHI To egtack in formation, aircraft ' It~~kL RENTAI SHIKhY Abnormal market tiP'itc RENTAI SHuGEKI Attack in formation;SfPdrh RENTAI SOKURYOKU Formation speed k-,4f7 RENTAITEKI Abnormal 44fJfp HENTAIT6 Air formation guide lights ite% ~ HENTAN Edge,tip,border,limit _ HENT j 'Varioloid,mild form of smallpox HENTSO Penetration,permeation HEN-YAKU Breaking of contract or promise h$- HEN-YB Transformation,metamorphosis MC HENZAN Compilation WRf~ikjt4-fENZ6 FUTNANI SHaKEN Altered bill of lading 1E#i # HENZ6 KAHEI Counterfeit coin 1-,1 - HENZ6 KOGITTE Forged check,raised check Hg KENZOKg Knave, impostor "i3tA HENZ6SHA Forger HEPAT6ZE Hepatose,a medicine HERA Camouflage leaves M HERIKUTISUYA Quibbler -MW t~~ Lt e2`Ll s aii Sft ~te s6 t 1E ~~h -Q;f 4~ & d) ~i-i 9F~4 -4t -Q ~R(i; fjJ sA F0t 9)ijt~ 4 gLVE k il~3 $SW z I )~ir ~F HIDORU HERUNIA SEKKAIJUTSU Herniot9my MiESHIAN Hessian,a coarse hemp HESHIAU To diminish each other reciprocally HESHIKOMJ To insert by force,squeeze into HESHITSUKIERU To press,compress HESHITSUKERU To Drevent from speaking HETSURAIMONO Flatterer, sycophant HI Fund,expense HI Philadelphia HI Philippine peso HI Philippines HI Radical 081 HI One HI Subhead 44 HI Bark' HI Peru HI Radical 021 HI Radical 072 HI Radical 086 HI Radical 175 HI Uncontrolled commodities HI- Negative prefix HI- Passive prefix HI- Flight,flight branch,navy -HI Special duty...,flight,in navy commissions HIANSHITEKI Unsuggestive HIBAI D6MEI Boycott HIBAI SHUNIN Hireling,a mercenary HIBAKU SURU To be bombed HIBAKU HOSHU Revetment HIBAN JUNSA Policeman off duty HIBARA Flanks of horse HIBASAMI Fire tongs HIBASHIRA Column of fire HIBIGUSURI Hand lotion HIBI YAKI Crackle,crackle ware,cracklin RIB6 Armor-piercing cap,of a shell HIB DAN Armor piercing shell HIBOJIN KAISHA Unincorporated company HIBOKU Servants HIB6SHA Slanderer HIBU SURU To condemn,despise HIBUN Excess,impropriety,unsuitability HIBUN Percentage, amount HIBURUI Daily attack of fever HIBUS6 Demilitarization HIBUS6 CHITAI Demilitarized zone HIBUS6 SH6SEN Unarmed merchant vessel HIBUTA 0 KIRU To open fire HIBY6 Absence of disease HIBYb Avoidance of disease HIBY6 Skin disease HIBY6 GENKIN Nonpathogenic bacteria HIBYU Mistake,error,fault HICH6 Calf of the leg HICH6 Leading seaman,flight HICH6 SHAGEKI Shooting bird on the wing HICHU Airfield'company HIDAI Airfield battalion HIDAI Embassy in the Philippines HIDAN Air brigade HIDAN Avoiding of projectiles HIDAN Bandit group,guerrilla band HIDAN Decision,judgment HIDAN SURU To be bombed or shelled HIDANCHI Terrain not struck by projectiles HIDANKI Planes receiving hits HIDARIGAWA TSUKP Keep to the left HIDARI GYORAISEN Torpedo attack on port side HIDARI H&SEN Artillery engagement on port side HIDARI IKARI Port anchor HIDARIMUKI Decline,weakening HIDARIMUKI Inclination or direction left HIDARI 5E16 Port beam HIDARI SEMP6 Vanguard or scouting line to port HIDARI SENTO Fighting on port side HIDARUSA Hunger HIDATE Based on pesos or piasters HIDEN SURU To avoid lightning HIDERI TSUZ1KI Long draught HIDO Rich soil HIDb Affliction,grief BID6 Flying,flight HIDORI Date HI DORU Piaster HIDORU To expose to firegrill,dry up * t Sj r It l A rim lk if %o - rA T A: ~ a ý' k It it Lý n 10 49, i'1e 5t 8 8 A A o I 3 44 - Ali 1A; AI Fef O t x1 * J a$ ~i~I ff 1~ Fa4~:ii~ tff i ~d~~ )fXMf #i.~i r47~l A~~ ~ HI-EIGYo SHAUYU 79 HI-EIGYZ SHUNYU Nonoperating income EIEIKA]N Towed warship HIEISEN Towed ship HIEKQMU To be chilled through HIENSEN Lead-covered wire HIERI Choice of a date,fixing a day HIETSU SURU To jump over,leap across HIFt BIHAKUZAI Cold cream HIMFUBYZ Skin disease HIFUBYoSEI BAIKIN Dermatophyte HIFUBY6 SEMMON GAKUSHA Dermatologist' HIFUBY6 SEMON-I Dermatologist HIFUEA-I Dermatologist HIFII KANS6SVI5 Xeroderma HIFUKU Sheathing of a ship's bottom HIFUKU DENSEN Insulated wire HIFUKU KASHIKAN Quartermaster noncommissioned -officer HIFUKURY6 Clothing allowance HIFJKU SEN Insulated wire HIFU NO KAWAKI Dryness of skin HIFU RANSHOKU Cyanosis,a disease HIFU SHUSHUKUKIN Platysma,platysma muscle 1IGA Enemy and friend HIGAI Damage by bandits HIGAICHI Damaged area HIGAIDAKA Amount of damage HIGAIGAKU Amount of the damages HIGAI JIKO Accidents causing damage HIGAISHA Injured party,victim HIGAI TEIDO, Extent of damage or injury HIGAIZENSEI Improbability HIGAKE CHOKIN Daily savings HIGAKU Amount of expenditures HIGAMERU To distort,pervert,warp HIGAMI KONJ5 Jaundiced mind HIGAN Far bank of a' river HIGAN Spring and fall equinoxes HIGARIGANE Day-to-day-money loans HIGASHI Lending by the day HIGASHIGUCHI Eastern entrance HIGASHI HONGANJI Higashi Honganji sect of Buddhism HIGASHI SUID6 Eastern channel HIGASHTYOSERI Coursing eastwards HIGA TAISEI Situation,opposing strength on both sides HIGEKITEKI Tragic HIGESORIYd SEKKEN Shaving soap HIG5H6 Illegal HIGOSHA Protector HIGOTAE Fireproof HIGUN Irregulars,rebels HIGUNKOKU SHUGI Antimilitarism HIGYb Menial work,low trade HIGY6 KIKIN Strike funds HIGY6SHA Striker HIGYdYABURI Strikebreaker HIHAKKEN SURU To be discovered,be detached HIHAKU NA Rough,coarse,shabby,thin HIHAKU SURU To take shelter HIHAKU SURU To take shelter,as a ship HIHAKUCHI Emergency protective anchorage HIHAKU GIS5 BASHO Camouflaged protective anchorage HIHANSHA Critic HIHANTEKI Critically HI HEN Radical 072 HI HEN Radical 086 HIHOBUTSU KAKUTEI Interest policy HOKEN HIHOJITAI Unit to be supplied HIHOKEMBUTSU Insurable property HIHOKEN KEN-EKI Insurable interest HIHOKENSHA Insured person HIHYdgA Critic HIHY6SH6SHA Those who are recommended HIHYFTEEI Critical HI-I Breach,violation,infraction HI-J Spleen and stomach,stomach HI-IFEJSHA Abandonee,in marine insurance HIIKTKYAKU Suppol ter,patron HIIKI SUJI Supporter HI-IN Aid,protection,favor,kindress HI-INSH Unimpressiveness HI-IRE SURU To fire up,blow in, a furnace HIITE WA And so,furthermore HIJAKU Feebleness,weakness HIJIKAKE ISU Armchair HIJIKAKE MADO Bow window!IJINDMETI Inhuman, inhumane RIJ6 Bandit sttuation eIHKIKABURU SHIJ6 Lack of feeling,soullessness SHIJ6 Rich,fertile,productive ft + HIJQ-BASHIGO Fire escape 4 HIJ6 061W 6 Emergency signal gun HIJ5HI Unusual expenses,emergenoy fund AJ~s'o- HIJ6 H6CHIKI Alarm signal 4ýe-F HIJ6JIKA In the emergency 4JF * c HIJ6 JUMBI KIN Emergency fund I $ i HIJ6 KANSEI Extraordinary control, emergency control ' HIJ6 KEIHd Alarm,urgent warning % HIJ6 KEIKAI Extraordinary security measures,precautions,or protection HIJ6KOKUNIN Apellee,respondent,in law - HIJ56MON Emergency exit S HIJ6SHA Assignee S HIJ6 SHING6 Distress signal ' HIJ6 SH5SHU Emergency summons lK~'1~'#- HIJ6 TEISHA Emergency stop,on railroad 44 HIJ5TONIN Transferee 1B4 HIJUNSHO Ratification HIJUNZUMI Ratified ik- HIKACHUSHA Subcutaneous injection: TI HIKA CHUSHAKI Hypodermic needle ~4 HIKAEBASHIRA Prop or shore 4p ý HIKAECH6 Stub,of check book etc. I At TIKAEGUI Prop,pile I i, HIKAIH6 Not to be released -4iA: HIKAIH6T To be released 0ASW TIAAIHMSHA Those not to be relqased 4tA4; X10 HIKAII16SHA Those to be released -41k kaW HIKAIH6TEKI Not encouraging ba -A HIKAIZ6' Opposition to reforms S HIKAKUJ Cost,outlay,expenses Th*4- HIKAKUH6 Comparative method 1t4r'O HIKAKU KENKYOH6 Comparative method 1- HIK4KUSH6 Tanner,dealer in hides ytI8I HIKAKUTEKI Comparative ki46a HIKAMBUHA Opposition,dissenting group HIKAN Intestinal scrofulotuberculosis )t HIKANCHI Winter resort AF-t' HIKANCHI TAIZAIKYAKU Winter residents 4,01t-1 HIKANKINSHA Person in confinement or detention t', itM. f HIKAN NI TAPZU To be pessimistic l ' HIKANRONSHA Pessimist $Ey HIKANTEKI Pessimistic r r HIKARERU To be led,dragged,arrested, influenced HIKARI Name of a train klSt HIKARI KIKAN Hikari Agency T tu HIKA SHUKKETSU Hypodermal bleeding, )k f HIKATEI Fire escape Ikf T IT I HIKA ZASH6 Contusion 4F eAý j HIKEISHIKITEKI Nonformal,informal, formless,unu sual, f HIKEN Spiritual or mental weariness S HIKEN SURU To dislike,regard with aversion # 5 HIKEN-INSHA Trailer ý / HIKETSUKEN Veto power H BIKI Counter for cloth and animasls HIKI Radical 103 HIlKI Unit of cloth measure,21.224 meters SHIKI Aversion,evasion HIKI Airplane HIK Winnowing fan K - ' HIKIAGEMIN Evacuees f; rif HIKIAGE SAGYE Refloatation operations SHIKIAGESHA Evacuee HIKIAI Connection,implication,involvement c~i ri ' HIKIAXERU To open,pull open '?'1 HIJKIATERU To mortgage,pledge,assign 5 HIKIATE SAKI Consignee "jI $ I 9 HIKIATESEN Assigned vessel t1 'a I HIKIAU To negotiate with,pull in opposite directions I HIKIBUNE Tugboat 5 HIKI BUNSHO Libel SHIKICHIGAERU To replace,dislocate, dislocate a joint 4A HIKICHIN Towage,cost of towing 91 L HBIKIDAOSHI Pulling down 9 S?'t HIKIFUNERY6 Towage 51 4, HIKIGAMO Seasonal migrant worker 51 ~ HIKIGUSURI Medicine applied with a brush ZIlEI HIKIHAGI Highwayman 3 HIKIHARU To spread,unfold,pull open 1 HIKIHASHI Drawbridge; HIKIHIMO Pull cord,trip cord S HIKIKABURU To put or wear on the back or Ihead KrKAB 80 lato-sl SI A-:: HIKIKAAE NI In exchange for 41&4* HIIKAE JUMBI KIN Reserve for exchange 514a$ EIKIXAESH6 Receiptcheck 410 9 HIIKA ARI Involvementanare,,connection *1 4- HIKIKAKARU To be caught,be trapped,be tricked 5 41 6 HIKIKJIAKHRU To hang,catch,trapcheat, drinksspit at 3 04* HIKIKAKU To scratchscrape 5If 1b HIKIKARAGERU To tuck up S ($ RIKIKATSUGU To carry on the head or shoulders HIKIKO Flour R HIKI KdK6 Mingled feeling of joy and sorrow SjiHE HIKIKOMI KYAKU Retractable undercarriage 5114 HIKIKUDAKU To smash 1# HIKI UKURU To fasten,bind HIKIKUMU To be in a clinch,in wrestling 4AAK HIKIMAKURAGI Sawed tie 4t4 HIKIMONOHIN Lathe work 415-L HIKIMONOZAIKU Lathe work 4t A1ELLr HIKIMONOZAIKUSHO Turnery 5149 4 1k HIKfINASHI IEDAN Net price HIKINAWA Drag rope T HIKI NITE By air 10 HIKINOKERU To rejectreservedrag away HIKI NOKORI Reznainder,balance # HIKINZOKU KoBUTSU Nonmetallic mineral 4-4-X I HIKfINZOKU K6TAXU Nonmetallic luster HIKIOI Debt,obligation,indenture HIKIOTOSHI Overturning to ISHA Slanderer SIiL HIKISHIRIZOKU To retreat.withdraw..eave $ EHTISOERU To catch one(cold)after another 691 HIKITORI Taking delivery 4114 HIKITSUKE Tetanus 141 IKITSUKUROU To repairsadjust 11 *:*t HIKI-UMEBARAI Payment by acceptance 11 *:4V- HIKI-tKE GINK6 Accepting bank -k -07 A HIKI-UKE KAN5 BAKU- Acceptable explosives HATSUMONO certified for transportation 51*k-A HIK -UDE KYOZETSU Nonacceptance 5I1ktsMS HIKI-UKE XYOZETSU SH6S!0 Protest for nonacceptance $l &k. HIKI-JKMNIN Guarantor $I 4 tIA& HIKI-UKE SHIN-Y6J6 Acceptance credit memo 11*44- HIKI-UKE SH6KAI Acceptance house lkt+ HIKI-UKETE Guarantor iI #4- HIKI-UKE TEGATA Accepted bill 5 AIt -+,V t HIKI-UKE TEGATA KINYUBO Acceptance book O HIKI-UKEZUMI Accepted,used of offer to sell goods J1IKIMARI Sawing HIKIWARIZAI Lumber I AL-8 HIKIWATASHIBI Delivery date I lit U-A HIKIWATASHININ- Deliverer $*( 46A HIKIWATASHI YOYO Backwardation., postponement of delivery of shares i 1 A 4M6I Wk HIKIWATASHT YUYOKIN Backwardation premium 51AL 4j- HIKIWATASHIZUMI Delivered 4I *. ' HIKJYAMERU To relax $At - HiITYAMU To stop playing an instrument %t HIKIYURUMU To relax,slackenbecome soft tt&*4 HIKIZAI KOJ6 sawmill *4 HIKIZURE Collar gall A HIEKAGAMI Inner bend of the knee 51 -ilt HIEKKAUERU To clasp or embrace II' HIKKAKARI Barbcatchhookolue 51 t. HIKIARAGERU To tie up,tuck up $i. k HIKIMCHM Notebook. it( HIXKIRY6 Copying fee HIIKOMI Retraction,in medicine HIKKMU T shoe ino~tept'lad atray, HIIK6RY6 Copying fee HIK Flares HIO. Fli ght,flight branch,navy 6 HIK6 SR Tomoe,fastsfly,rush along $&4i HIK SURU To walk lame EMBIFI Air mail 4 HILO CEZIK BUTAI Air sector unit HIK6 CHINJI Air accident R40_ HIK6CH6 Flight officer,senior aviator, air operations officer ~4t HIKCH0 While flying,en route in the air 44t BE HIK5DAN Air corps 4R4;f3A HIK6 FUTEKI Unsuitable for flying,flying conditions unsuitable 49;, HIK6GEKI SURU To be attacked jk =6 IKB GUNDAN SHIREIBU Air Corps Headquarters HIK6HEI Air crewair crewmanarmy IItz- HIK6 HEICH6 Leading sesman,flight 4k4Aa RIK6 HEIDAN Flight group,army R HIK& HEIS6 Petty officer,flight HK H6 HXI3S6QH6 Warrant officer,flight,navy jit*, HIKH5ENTAI Formation of aircraft fAKv ) HIK6 ENTAI NO HEIMENZU Formation of *fljEsc aircraft in a horizontal plane 4A$e HIK6 HENTAI NO SOKUMENZU Formation of AJd) E aircraft in a vertical plane 44ý E3fv HIK6 HIYORI Good flying weather 44jI A HIK6 HOKEN Air insurance 04_Az HIKaNYd Unofficial announcement IFT- 14 Kilo IMN Matter of misdemeanor tt 1 HIKoIN Flight personnel It*$1 1Klo JIKKEMBU Flight Experimental Section 4 T_ 1it 6K6 JIN-IN Air force personnel R4igid HIK6J6HAN Airfield control squad t 44AR( HIK6J6 K6HOCHI Proposed airfield site A 4j4 04- HIK6J5 YUD6RO Taxi strip ORtf4* HIKdKA Flight section a 444 HIK65KA Science of flying LA +VL HIKLKAI SURU To fleeon water ja M$ I HIK6 KAIMEN Prohibited areain navigation R4'TA HIK6 KAMPAN Flight deck 44M HIK6KAN Air inspectorate 30 IV) HIXKýAN NO Nondiplomatic ftTt HIK6 KAN6 Flight possible,available for flight A4t HIK6KANSHA Exchangees &4&90 HIKdKANSHA Those not to be exchanged fl IIIR4 HIK6KAZUKI Operations maintenance officer,air group 34i V A HIK6 KEIKAI Air alert 4:4tEE HIKZ6-N Flying range A*444,CAt HIKUKENNIN Pupil,ward RI4UiI%*R HIK6KI BOKAN Aircraft carrier Alto-* HIK=KIBU Aircraft Department f4t tt HIK5 KICHI Air base fAf HI]KKI GUN Plane group t4!*041 HIKdKIKANSOKU Craft spottingof artillery fire 4W j* HK6KI KUNREN Flight training A* HIK6KIKY6 Aeromaniac HIKXKI KYuNANSEN Airplane rescue ship.4 A t! HIK6KI NO ZANGAI Wrecked plane Rff " HIK6KI 0 SHUY6 SURU To accommodate planes ~4:T**A HIK6KI SHASHUTSU To catapult a plane,as from a ship W4fAF& HIKdKITAI Airplane unit Afti * RA HIK6KI UMPANKAN Airplane transport ship R41- 4 HIK6KTY6 For use in or by planes 4j 4f4 4 4k. HIKMI Y6SHU To take aboard or accommodate an airplane 0 9t HIKOKIATEKI Unpatriotic *I4tZbW- HIK6 K6RO Air lane x 9 HIKOKU Philippines 4(W l, HIKOKU BENGONIN Codhsel for the defense *i-.IC # H116 IUCHIKU SENTAI Air pursuit regiment HIKOKU DAIRININ Defendant's representative a- U HIKOIvUJIHAN Crime ~4$~* IKOKU JIKEN Criminal case HIKOUMIN Antipat iot,antinational ~ HilNSURUo To be greatly startled i~AJDF HIK6 ENTElAir regimentaarmy ~4jt 5 HIl6 RY5DAN Air brigade,aix' unit o 'P U KIJCHU TAHKEI of air regiment and above k4zkV r H H116 SENTAI JIKAN Second in colmand,air Hjegiment PUTA4IM4'M =11NOT6i 8CHOTAI Air fighter company IkO -*-, H6ISH Junior flight officer It-O HIkS=HO Air depot R4it. HIK8SHU Aircraft raid IXg SIIiDAN 81 At ýrr HIK6 SHiDAN Composite wing,4% = HX6SONIN Appellee,respondent f HIK6TAI Flying unit,navy jC HIKo TEISATSU Air reconnaissance gf KH IEoTEI TEITAI Hull of seaplane hfg HIK TEKI Flying conditions suitable G14i - HIKg6 TOKUMU Special duty...,flight,in navy commissions _:i t rE HIK5 TOKUKU SHIKAN Special duty officer, flight Vj$ HIK6 Y6SAI Flying fortress q4j#f H=6 YUBIN Air mail ýt64 BHIKUEMERU To lower,humiliate V4`041 +: HIKMIAI GINK65 TEGATARUI Out of town ffF ý,10tems,in banking AIX' HIKUZU Remnants,dregs,marc,sweepings B HIK(YAKU NA Lame (f HIKYAKU SURU To be footsore #-) HIKYO SURU To avoid,shun,escape from 6 HIKYO SURU To fly away,fly off HIKY6 Lack of interest or charm 4A H%6 IK B46CHUTEKI Unco-operative Al1i1 HIKYOJO Nonresident MiU L HIKYaKASEI Docility Jd HIKYOKU SURU To twist the truth HIKYdYUKYOKU Have-not nations # HIKY63HA Coward AtN-r HIKYbI TEIKAI Nontariff company HIKYU Fierce soldier,wild beast HIKYU NO Self-sacrificing S HIKYC SURU To cry,weep HIMAKU Coat,involucre,ependyma A HIMAKUT Tunicacovering membrane S-- HIMASHI AME Tritolum ricini 4 HIMASHIYU Castor oil HIMBA Mare VV t - HINBETSU GENKA KEISAN Simple cost account HIMB6 Appearance,aspect HIMBY6 Illness due to poverty HIMEN Face of a monument tpY HIMENSHA Exempted person HIMEOKU To keep secret,conceal *t43ý HIMITSU GAIK6 Secret diplomacy - o HIMITSUHI Secret expenses,t ibt HIMITSU KOKKA KEISATSU Gestapo 44Tý HIMITSU R6EI Leakage of a secret " +1 HIMITSUSEI Secrecy,security,ý fAF HIMITSU SHORUI Confidential papers S HIMI YAGURA Fire tower 0 HIMIEI Name of the article 1R HIMMIN GAKK6 Charity school &# HIMMIN KYUJO Poor relief #C HIMMIN KYUJOH6 Poor laws &k HIMMIN KYUJO ZEI Tax for poor relief K-ti HIMMIN SEIKATSU Life of poverty rq3i HIMMOKU Item,goods,list of articles 1 1 HIMMOKU BAIBAI Sale by description S HIMMOKUMEI List of articles JYZ HIM6 Hides and fura ` HIMOCHI Resistance to fire Sf8 HIMOSASU To remain tied or lknotted HIMOTOKU To unbind,read;bloom HIMPAN Intimacy,pressure of business t HIMPANKA SURU To make frequent,speed up HIMPIN Brightly,splendidly j HIMPINKA SURU To make frequent,speed up S HIMPUKU SURU To submit to,obey,respect HIMPUN Confusion,pellmell M HIMPY6gKAI Exhibition )K-t HIMURO SETSUBI Refrigerator S HIN Yokohama SHINAMI Daily occupations A - HIZNAMI NI Each day 17_f & HINAMMIN Refugees HINAI~ Evasion of trouble HINAN Weariness,exhaustion HINAII NA Troublesome,tedious HINAIK6 Port of shelter SHINA NO SBnmU Doll festival HINANSHA' Accuser,critic HINANSHA Refugee HINANSHO Place of refuge U HINASHI KASHI Loan payable in daily instalments 8Y b $ HINASHI KIN Money payable in daily instalments $t BHINCHI Infertile area rAof HINDAI Appraisal of value of article HINERIKOROSU To choke to death 4 i BHIERU To get old or stale Z9 HIK2ETSU Splenic feveranthrax o HINICHI Date eo r). HfIRHINI Day by day,* it: t, 7' ft]I 4j4 4 A& SI 4 Ut) yctJ E3 4 A A 9 ia ýY, * Ti- p $$~t 9F B (4 isi IP17 1 (t; u)go e l 9R g (~fl a A1 3f4 @g Ir ~ >f- 4 3fjY 8 $Lf - '8,h 6 ~Q0 d f E~fdQ }~tt ae) i~1 ~ @ 4 ~~.6 Slqft a ~~r,ul,weJ y - LtC 7 ~.Wto'jlt) kif]A *f a hrfeP1 F Lt# tto -ýqyoj t HKREI SEN KIN-I JURACHI Eighteen-carat HINIKU Skin and flesh,deep suffering HININKEN Veto power HININSHA Repudiator HINJI Frequently HINJI Hard times,poverty HINJIN Pauper HINKA Poor family,humble abode HINKAKU Guest,visitor HINKAN Dire poverty,misery HINKI SURU To abandon,throw away,reject HINKIWAMEARU To be in dire poverty HINK5 H6SE[SH6 Good conduct prize HINKOKU Poor country HINKONSHA Poor people HINK6 SH6MEISHO Character certificate HINKb6TEN Conduct marks HINKYU NA Urgent,pressing HINNEN Every year,year after year HIINOMARU Roundel,the Sun Flag HINORAMIN Plasmoquin,plasmochin HINRAI SURU To occur frequently HINRITSU NA Frequent HINRd NA Poor and lowly,indigent HI*RU Poverty,destitution HINSIA Poor person HINSHI Impoverished nobleman HINSHII NO Edentate HINSHITSU TAN-I NEDAN Per quality unit price HINSHITSU UKEAI Quality guaranteed HINSHITSU YUT6 Superior quality HINSKUBETSU By classes of goods HINSEHUTSU NO Occurring frequently HINS& Criticism HINSON Poor village HINSUI -Decay caused by poverty HINSURU To become poor HINTEKK6 Poor-quality iron ore HINTBETSU Grading HINT6H6 Order of merit method HIIiNYKA Urology HINYi6KI Urinary organs HfINYKIBYB Urinary disease HIOKORI Daily attack of fever BKOKU Row of houses,house after house HIPPAKU SURU To be hard up,lack,be destitute, HIPPAKU SURU To get severe HIPPAKUKA SURU To become stringent, become.pressing HIPPARI Pull,haul,traction HIPPUHIPPU Common people,rank and file HIRA-ASHI Flatfoot, splayfoot HIRABA Flat ground,level surface HIRABARI Lancet HIRABI Radical 073 HIRAGI-IN Ordinary member of the Diet HIRAI Lately,recently,of late years HIRAI Lightning arrester HIRAI SURU To hit a mine HIRAI NO HASSHAK6 Cable for exploding mines HIRAI SERARERU To be called upon for aid HIRAJI NI Excessively,inordinatply HIRA KAMMURI Radical 014 HIRAKE Civilization HIRAKI Differential prices HIRAKIBARI Lancet HIRAMU To be or become flat,prostrate oneself HIRAN SURU To fly confusedly HIRANO Flat country,plain HIRANOMI Flat chisel HIRAOSHI Overwhelming pressure,crushing flat HIRARO Open-hearth furnace KERATAIBUNE Boat of long flat type HIRATEUCHI Slap HIRAYADATE NO One-storied HIRAZAMURAI Officer not from War College HIRAZOEOBUNE Scow,barge HIRAZUME Continual service HIRAZUMI MIJY6 Not to be laid flat HIREI Exampleprecedent,ratio HIREI HAIBUN Quota allotment HIREI JUMBIHB Proportional reserves method HIREI KEISAN Proportion calculation HIREIKI Proportional dividers HIREI RY6KYAKUKI Proportional dividers HIREISA Proportional difference HIREI SEN Proportional line ".LKV~jl SHM~~f 82 jtmx. HIREI SHAXJ Proportional scale tLtJ HIREI SHIKI Proportion rti7 HIREITEKI Proportionate,proportional _t '94f HIREI TEMPO HOKEN Average policy,in fire insurance M*JJ44ifa HIREI TEMPO J6KEN Pro rata average condition Yit MJJA 4 HIREI TEMPO J6K5 Average clause,in fire insurance HIREKI Stone thrown HIREMP& Unfederated, SHIREI Flying enlisted trainee S HIRETSUKAIN Mean man HIRI NA Rustic,countrified vo9' HIRIHIRI ITAi Smarting,burning *H. HIRIKI Lack of strength or of influence HIRIMI Winnow,fan HIRIN Company,presence HIRIN Miserliness,niggardliness HIRIS6 Want of ideal ' HIRITSUKU To feel sharp pain,suffer keenly HIRO Fireplace in. the floor HIR6 Diligenceindustry,effort HIR6 NA Vugart, c ommon,humble HIRODAN Stairstep HIROHABAMONO Broadcloth HIROHABA UNfO. Broadcloth S HIROHABA ORI Fabric of double width HIROHABA TAMMONO Broadcloth 7 HIROI DE On foot 27 HIROITAMERU To gather up tAi HIROITORU To pick up HIROJ6 Letter of introduction I t HIR5 KAIFUKUJ6 Fatigue recovery pills Ofq to 1 RIR6 KOMPAI Exhaustion SHIROMI Spacious location SHIR6SEI FUMINSH6 Insomnia of exhaustion HIROSHIKI Spacious room HIRUDOKI Noon,middle of the day HIRUTGO Afternoon,in the afternoon HIRUI Confusion of species,monster, uniqueness IIRUI Precedent,example HIRUI Tears of sadness -HIRUI Weariness,exhaustion H-IRU KAJI Daytime fire HIRUMU To become numb or paralyzed HIRYOKU Diligence,effort,industry di 9 HIRYOKU Man power HIRYOKU Weakness 3i. ~ HIRYO Drift current HIRYU Red dragon signal SHIRYOTSUO Noncirculation of money tll HISAGOGATA Gourd-shaped HISAI Damage caused by bandits HISAI Sudden calamity HISAKU Secret plan,strategem f4i A HISASHIbSAENIN Distrainee HISASHIYA Penthouse,shed HISEI Retirement from the world HISEI Self-depreciation it tL 1 HTSEIBANKAJ Philippine aboriginal circles * A,*1' HISEIFU NO Non-government "HISEIJITEKI Unpolitical 4ý41ýM, HISEII E ITEI Uziplastic IýAff HISEISAMBUTSU Not to be cleared,in banking 1 1A M HISEISANTEKI Unproductive btro HISEKI Gravestone monument ýErpo HISEKI Great service or merit b HISEKI SURtT To condemn,reject HISEII Electionhaving been elected HISEm OUZSN Waterfall irs 7 HISEK SURU To avoid a submarine,escape -~t~ HISENSURU To refuse battle ~~- P RISEN BUTAI Noncombatant unit; I HISEIROI~SIIA Pacifist 3~ ~ ~a HISIR4Y6 Unoccupied i HISENT6KOKU Non-belligerent state HISETSU Hock of horse Wi Bt7 HISHAKAITEKI: Anti social 4~~q, HISHI: Flying division HISHI Slander HISHI Stray arrow W 3 ISHI SURU To look doicn on,despise ~paL )HISHIKAXUSHI Strict guarding of a secret sh j'It HISHIK6SEI Nondirective x-HR $ ISHIMEISHA Nominee,candidate HISHIN Anxiety,trouble,solicitude HISHIN Humble position,low rank HISHIN Lancet 1 HISHBIN Urgent message,express letter a A ftbP'r9 h i4h 43-A Al -t t 1$!- gt 7 "7r, k ELC 4J -~ Mt~i~ok ~ ~i;Q ## 7 4~3 ee d~ 'r-A~ 7) t~~G/ iSai - t~ ttikwl?pasrtrjl HITEXI SAKKAI HISHINMIN Defendant at court of inquiry KISHINRYAKIU JoYAKU Nonagression pact HISHINRYAKU SHUJGI Nonaggression principle HISHINSHITEKI Ungentlemanly HISHINTAKtSHA Trustee HISHINTEN Confidential,personal HISHI TAISHb Cross reference HISHITSU SURU To spend uselessly HISHO Anonymous letter HISHO SURU To leasvedesert a place HSH6 Comparison HISHo Consumption, exhaustion HISH6 Grief,distress,affliction HISH5 Ridicule,derision HISHoBYUTSU SHAGEKI Flying-target shooting HISHOCHI Summer resort HISHOCH6 Chief private secretary HISHWJI Time consumed or elapsed,time wasted HISHWJI KAISHA Nontrading company HISHOKACH6 Chief secretary HISHOKAN Confidential or private secretary HISHOKU Dismissal,resignation HISHOKEKYO Half pay HISHOKYAKU Summer resident HTSH6SEIKOKU Invited country,visiting delegate,invited power HISH6ZAI Embezzlement HISHU Bandit chief HISHU Diligence, industi-y,eeffort HISHU Shovelman HISHU Bandit attacks HISHO Sad autumn HISHi SURU To conspireye,ombine HISHO SURU To suffer an attack HISHUTSU SUTRU To dismiss,sweep away,clean up HISb6 Condition,appearance HIS6 Petty officer pilot HIS6 Secret consignment HIS6 NA Robust HIS6 SURU 'To run rapidly,scud,fly HIS6CH6 Flight warrant officer,navy HISMKINNIN Remittee HISOMU To frown,wrinkle up,grieve HISOYAKA Secretly,furtively,poorly, meagerly HISSAKU SURU To correct,erase HISSARAU To carry off,snatch,sweep away HISSET BUSSHI Necessities HISSEKI HANDAN Graphology,handwriting analysis HISSHI CerBain death HISSH6 FUHAI Certain victory and no defeat HISSHU Necessityindispensability HISSUI Inevitable decline HISSUIRO KOKUJI Secret notice to mariners HISSO Jo-EN Indispensable condition HISSURU To be certain of HISUI Decay,decline,deterioration HISUISENSHA Nominee HISURU To strikehit,criticize HISUTAMIN Histamlne,a medicine HISUTERII-TEKI NI Hysterically HITABURU Sincerely,intentlyurgently HITAI Embassy in the Philippines HITAI Good and bad luck,fortune HITAI SURU To retreat,evade,drive off, withdraw HITAMICHI Earnestly, entirely,heartily HITASHI Steeping,immersion,cooked vegetables HITCHAKU StRU To be sure to arrive HITCHIN SURU To sink certainly HITCHIN NO KBGEKI Suicide attack against shipping HITEI Flight,duration of flight HITEI Flying boat HITEI Indetermination HITEIGO Negative HITEIKI Indefinite period of time HITEI MEIDAI Negative proposition HITEI SETSU Negation HITEITEKI Negative HITEITEKI HANDAN Negative decision HITEKI SURU To avoid action,avoid the enemy HITEsIGAWA Friendly side HITEKI SANKAI Scattering to avoid the enemy & 6 AA ye, A Ri~t,k 11 AMA ItAT A144.Kt -A 1 -A A -,k, Ah A~it A 4(' A reAg ~ i -L A~4 yg -R hint6 hg z -y ~ 4pBi hgy " c5 i iPtc f r 7 jlT he t s 7) toE g Le, haff Zr\L$ Af# h ~~t 5 kl ) h ~IQP L hAR (7i~ -M.4b -- hA ~ -1 - - L A M -Y HITEN SURU 83 HITEN SURUTi To read,peruse HITETSU NO Nonferrous HITETSU KINZOKU Nonferrous metals HITO Radical 009 HITO Leaping over or across HIT6 Affliction,compassion,regret HIT6 Dark red peach blossoms HIT5 High waves HIT6 Philippine Islands HIT6 SURU To flee,decamp,abscond HITOAMI One haul,one draft,one fell swoop HITOATE One stroke HITOBERASHI Reduction of personnel HITOBOSHI Lighting,igniting.,lighter HIT5 CH0b GINK5 Philippine Central Bank HITOD4CHI Crowd of spectators HITODANE Man power,labor,human race HITODAYASHI SURU To desolate,depopulate HITODE 0 KARIZU NI Without assistance HITOFUNE One boat,one shipful,half HITOGATAKI Enemy,vengeance HITOGIKI Hearsay HITOGOTO Everybody HITOGOTO Rumor,hearsay HITORADA Human skin,lukevarmness HIT6HATEKI Nonpartisan HITO-I Unit position HITO-IKI Human respiration HITO-IKI SURU To rest for a moment HIT6JIN Filipino HITOJITSU Hostage HITOKE One kick XITOKIRI Decapitation,executioner HITOKIRI B6CH6 Sword,a facetious word HIT6 KbZAN KY5GIKAI Philippine Mining Conference HITOKU Effectiveness HITOKU SURU To conceal,keep secret HITOKU SURU To run away and hide,retire HITOKU ICHI Concealed position HITOKUMEI Secret name HITOKUMI One pair,set,team,Latch,or parcel HITOKURI Personnel arrangements BITOMASARI Superiority over others HITOMATOMARI Lump sum HITOMEKU To look distinguished and self-assured HITOMI Whole body HITOMUKI Single direction or purpose HITOMUKI With all one's might,steadfastly HITONAKASE Annoyance to others HITONARERU To be or become used to society HITONIKUI Disagreeable,odious HITO NO WA National unity,united action HITONUI One stitch HITO-ODATE Incitement,prompting HITO-OME Bashfulness,embarrassment HITO-ONI Monster,cruel man HITO-OTO Sound of footsteps HITORIMAE Amount for one person HITORI MEGANE Burning glass HITOSAMA People,others HITOSASHI YUBI Index finger HIT6SEI Uncontrolled,commodities etc. HITOSHINAMI Same rank,equality,likewise HTTOSHIO NO Lightly salted HITOSHISA Equality,similarity HITOSUSURI One sip HITOTACHI Men HITO TATAN Heavy expenditure HITOTE One hand,monopoly,one set HITOTE HAMBAI Monopolymonopolization HITOTSUBAN Peal of a fire bell HITOTSTJBU One grainone drop HITOTSUHAPBA Same width HITOTSUKI NI At a stroke,with a thrust HITOTSUYA Solitary house,same house HIITSUZUKI One stringrun,or series HITOTSUZRI One syllable HITOTSUZUTSU One by one,apiece HITO-UKE Popularity,public reception HITOWANA Trap,mantrap, snare HITOWARAI Laughingstock HITOYAMA One loadone pile,a speculation HITOZUKI Sociability,popularity HITOZURERU To be knowing,be cunning,be used t'o world HITSU Counter for lots of land in registration ItA V, * A *- INih -A31?A $;~ ^A ult /V17 k)VER (J$- A' 13 Ek 1) VE& 6 6 ctj1 ~ I 4l 0 ~ Iwt 9 ~ I81?~~r a $I~ri MXC s85 t tf)Eqe f~igEm$; B f ' Q i~ Wr b tif$6 a -3it -HO HITSUBATSU Inevitable punishment HITSUBOKUSH6 Stationery store HITSUDOKU NO That must be read KITSUGO- Slip of the pen HITSUGU SURU To match or suit each other, get married HITSUJI Radical 123 HITSUJIGAWA Sheepskin HITSUJI HEN Radical 123 EITSUJI INU Sheep dog EITSUJoKEN Necessary condition HITSUJU Necessity,essentialrequisite HITSUJU BUSSHI Necessities HITSUKI Ignition,lighting,kindling HITSUKOI Strong,marked,stubborn,vexing HITSUMEI Pen name HITSUNYd Urinary HITSURAI Inevitable arrival HITSUY6 ARAZU Unnecessary HITSUY6BUTSU Necessity HITSUY6HI Necessary expenditure HITSUY6HIN Necessity HITSUY6J5 From the point of view of necessity HITSUY6 Jd6KEN Requiremeift HITSUY6 NI 6JI Whenever necessary HITStY6 NO SAI When necessary,in time of necessity HITSUY6SEI Necessity HITSUY6 TO MITOMU To deem necessary HITSUZENSEI Inevitability HITSUZENTEI Inevitable HITTEI Certainly,surely HITT6 SHIKEN Written examination HITT6 S6MU Chairman, secretary-general HITT6 S6MU Dean of political party HITTSUKAMU To seize,hold on to HITTSUKU To stick to,adhere to HI-U Downpour HI-URAGAKININ Indorsee HIWA IRO Yellowish-green HIWARERU To crack on drying HIWARI KANJ5 Payment by the day HIYA Crematory furnace HTYA NA Vulgar,common,humble HIYAKASU To chill,cool,soak,deceive HIYAKKOI Cold,cool HTYAKU Trap,striving for an advantage HIYAKUTEKI Rapid,by leaps and bounds HIYO Criticism,praise and censure HIY6 Private or secret business HIYo SURU To jump up or out, soar HIY'5CHIN Daily wages HIYOKURYSHHA Internees HIYOKURYOSHA Noninternees,those not to be interned HIY6 MEISAISHO Bill of costs HIYOMEKI Fontanelle,in anatomy HIYOMI Calendar HIYOMI NO TORI Radical 164 HIY6 NIMPU Day laborer HIYB OBOEGAKI Statement of expenses HIYORIMI SHUGI Ornortunism HIYoSAI Flying Fortress HIY86HA Employee HIY6TORI Day laborer HTYOWAI Feeble,fragile,delicate HIYU Tallow from the tallow tree HIY3 Mournfulness HIYIGITEKI K M Unfriendly act HIYUTEI Figurative,allegorical HIYUZU Fuse HIZA Elbow rest HIZAGASHIRA Kneecap,bend of the Ionee HIZAZARA Kneecap HIZEN Angrily,in a passion HIZEN Arrow HIZ6 Treasuring, treasured thing HIZ6BIJTSU Treasure IZ6BY6 KAN~TJA Splenetic HIZ~GAgtT Splenopathy HIZOKUJ Country customs HIZORU To wilt under the heat,be sulky HfIZ6 SHUCH6 Spleen enlargement HIZ6YOSHIA Donee HIZUKE HENK6 SEN International Date Line HIZUKE 6NATSUKI Date stamp,dating perforator HO Portugal HO Subhead 05 -HO Assistant 4 1o 84 Ho Association of ten men each representing a unit of ten families, in Formosa SH6 Japan, our country SHo Legal tender C H5 Radical 022 4 f* H&AN SURU To enshrine; 1"1 HOAN JoREI Peace regulations 1,*. HOANKA Peace Preservation Section 4-V'. HOAN KEISATSU Peace preservation police ~ H6ANK5 Vault for Imperial portraits .. H6BA Loose horse Wo f 6 HdBAKU SURU To tie up,fasten together it f HoBAKU SURU To visit Moscow aYV H6BAKUGEKI Shelling and bombing ".41 HOBI NA Supplementary '2 HOBI SURU To supplement,perfect HOB6 Arrest of a Pugitive criminal i t- 6 HOB6 SURU To run away,abscond,desert S HB6 Point of sword or spear SoM HOBO CHOKAN Almost in the middle R$.k HOBO DoY5 Almost alike *0 H6BUN News,intelligence,report $< H6BUN Report HOBUNE Sailboat - HBUN TAIPISUTO Typist for Japanese typewriter "9-- HoBUN TAIPURAITAA Japanese typewriter Yl HdBUTSU Local or regional produce S HBUTSU Projectile 0 4 A HdBUTSUSENJ6 Parabolic *^*<I H6BUTSUSENTAI Paraboloid S H6BYO SURU To drop anchor u H6CHAKU Lashing 4 t6 H6CHI SURU To leave out Oft H6CHIKAN Dispatch boat SHCHIKI Alarm X H6CHIN Gun mount Q-A- H6CH5 Gun captain S H56C1 Tribunal,court of justice "1 " 6 H6CH5 SURU To keep carefully,treasure AT K HWCHSNIN Cook * 0 it 6 HOCH6 0 AWASERU To act in concert S HCHO Square pillar S HDAI Hosei University f*T1A HoDAI BUNTAI Gun division,navy 0b + i H6DAIBUZUKI Battery section officer, shipboard;61 H6DAIEY6 Battery telescope. H6DAN Plentiful food and clothing ^y H6DAN Square document SN H6DANSHI Shrapnel shell fl- HODATERU To move,disturb xttr Ho9DEN DENKYU Argon,neon,meroury-vapor lamps S' HODO Thing 1 HDO0 Badlands il, HODOBASHIRU To gush out,spurt,splash M$AOp H6SDBU Intelligence or Information Department xlffiSl 1 H6D6 HANCH6 Chief of the intelligence group.# 6 HODOKERU To be dispelled,clear up Al-f% HODOEERU To give up,yield *94Ai H6D6SHA Informant OtL HOE Roar,howl,bark 4* * HOEI Defense T HOEKI SURU To supplement,make good, * invigorate -t H6EKI Legal interest A+ H5EN Flower garden ft H iEN Revenge ' i H-FU Blanket slip At 5 HoFU SURU To carry,hold in the arms HOFUKU Creeping,of steel etc. S H6FUKU Great blessings,good fortune 'L H6FUKU Respectful reply HSFUKU Satiety H1 4 13 HOPUKU SEEKS Crawling patrol W. HSFUKU SHUDAN Retaliatory measures W ^ HEoPUEU ZEIRITSU Retaliatory tariff S^ H6jFUN Scent,fragrance 5* H5FUTSU SURU To spurt out,bubble,boil ~ M H6FUTSU SURU To visit France S HGAKI Prescription,formula,recipe r- H6GAKU Artillery, gunnery HrGAKUBU Law Department H5GAKU HAKASE Doctor of Laws H6GAKU KY6KAI Jurispnudence Society H6GAKUTSHA Jurist,lawyer ilL H6GAKUSHI Bachelor of Laws SH6GAKU TSURON Outline of law HoJIN SETTEI NINKASH6 ". HOGAN SURU To repair,make complete 09J fL H6GAN56 Gun-port,gun embrasure: t SI H6GANNAGE Shot-put ý. t HOGEIGY5 Whaling industry *ikpg H6GEIMON Welcome arch ?^ HOGEISEN Whaler ^'. H6GEN Sources or origins of law St H6GENGAKU Dialectology ~ 1 H6GENTEKI Dialectal *t H6GI Report to parliament t HOGO Patronage, tutelage ^1 H6GO Protection of Imperial portraits i t5 HSG6 SURU To meet,encounter,receive 13 11HOGO AZUKARI Safety deposit 1tPi HOGOBAN Protective armor plate th Ji & 1HOGO B5EKI SHUGI Protectionism 41 - H6G6BUTSU Compound S HOGOGAMI Wastepaper i $- 11HOGO I-IN Protective committee 4ti4A HOGO JUN-YoKAN Protected cruiser i;i HOGOKEN Guardianship ^sl^ HOGO KIN Subsidy,subvention,bounty S 11 HOGO SEISAKU Protective policy y-4-, H6G0SHI Ligature 1 111f HOGO S5CHI Safeguard i($A. HOGO ZEIRITSU Protective tariff 7" H6GU Corner AiT H6GU SURU To meet,encounter,receive X > t HOGU-IRE Wastepaper basket S. HOGUYA Ragman S" b HoHAKU Stopover itfR H6HATSU Gush,eruption,volley ff1-5 H6HATSU SURU To fire a gun 16 HMHEI Chinese currency,fapi H MHHEI Shinto offerings 1 6 H1HEI Square ; A 5 H6HEI DANYAKUSHA Caisson,artillery ammunition wagon,8~<P HOHEI HMTAI Infantry cannon unit .J H16HEI.JURETSU Artillery train -A- HOHEIKA Infantry arm 044 HOHEIKEN Fractional currency 2A 16RA" HSHEI K6SH5 TEIRI Chief superintendent of arsenal t 116. H 1HEI SHICH5 Artillery train., 1. 1HOHEI S6TEN Infantry drill regulations 4I'Tl HOHEI TAIKi KoD6 Infantry antiaircraft maneuvers, 11A 6 H 1HEI YUSOTSU Artillery transport soldier S^^i H61EKI NA Arbitrary,unruly,intemperate 1 HOHI Help,support S H6HI Information expenses HSBHI Scent,fragrance WL Ho-HI Tegument,covering to_ 5 1HHI SURuY To screen,harborcountenance A t 5 HOHITSU SURU To assist in the writing of a* 3 Ho-HO SURU To guarantee,warrant v 6 H6HO0 SURU To make good,supply t ' H6H5 Cannon shot,discharge of a firearm 14 H6H5 Rankly,with whistling, pellmell i",#6 HOT SURU To maintain,preserve *' 1 HSI Kind intentions tik H6IBAN Director,in gunnery A A 1 H61 CHIKY5 Zone in state of siege fl1 H1I GUN Besieging army 82IJ H6I JUMBI Preparations for enveloping AA H6IKI Extent of law's validity A A HO-IKUJ6 Nursery 4V- HO-IKUTAI Convalescent unit S1 H6IN Tribunal,court of justice S'1? 6 HIN SHUKUEI Crew quarters,underground gun crew S-4 H6I RASHIMBAN Azimuth compass S~J H5ISH1A Besieger 4^- H1I SHUTEN Cardinal points S H5ITSU Superabundance,overflow @.T HoJI SURU To serve,hold an office ft i 11 HSJI SURU To state,announce 1Si HOJIGU Grip,supporter,block '- HOJIKI Holder ^1 H1JIMMAI Rice for the Japanese S^ H6JIN Visit,call 9zz? HOJIN DAIGAKU Fujen Catholic University, Peking A~I HSJIN DANTAI Body corporate 7 H6JINK6 Mines'run by Japanese; -S'WT H6JIN SETSURITSU NINKASH5 Certificate of incorporation W H6JIN SETTEI Incorporation?AA<-4"JW HSJIN SETTEI NINKASH6 Certificate of r incorporation of-k,* A ~ 4A M PI. Arat 014M Ar I Ael Ift t ~40 If, * C! 7 4O 6114t fi4R~1h P fl4;~tV~pIT 't~24ia, Le~lb~I "t F 3j[ HoJIN SHOTOKU 85 HWJIN SHOTOKU Corporation income HWIN SOSHIKI Corporate organization HWJIN ZEI Corporation tax H6JISHA Holder R6JI SHIMBUN Japanese newspaper HOJO Promotion,appointment HOJ Field H6J6 Letter conveying special news HO0JO BUTAI Auxiliary force ROJO FUR6TO Auxiliary float HOJO GUNKAN Auxiliary warship ROJO-IN Assistant ROJO JIMAID Subtitle HOJO JfMlAMNJ Auxiliary cruiser HOJ6JUTSD Art of tying up prisoners HOJO KAHEI Auxiliary ccin HOJO KANTAI Auxiliary fleet HOJO KANTEI Auxiliary vessels HOJO KIKAN Auxiliary boiler HOJO KIKAN Donkey engine HOJO oK6KK6 Auxiliary airport HOJO KRO7 Subsidized steamship line H5JOSHA Supporter,abettor HOJO TA]YA Spare tire ROJO TSOSHINKEI Auxiliary communications system or net H5JU Rifles and cannon HWJ BAKUlGEKI Bombardment,strafing,and bombizg HOJuBU Replenishment Department,personnel HOJU CHUTAI Depot company HOJU DAITAI Depot battalion HOJU KIN Supplementary allowance of money Hb6JUN NA Abundant H6JUN SURU To follow,obey,conform to H6JUTSU Magic,sorcery H6JUTSUCH6 Chief gunnery officer oJLJUTSUKA Gunnery Section HbJITSU KYoKAN Gunnery instructor H6JUTSU TAICH6 Gunnery officer OJU YdIN Replacement personnel HOKA In addition to HdKA Japanese currency H KA Law course,law department H6KA SURU To let go,discard Hl{KABURI SHUGI Ostrich policy,policy of noninterference or closing one's ears H6KA DAIGAKU Law college H6KAGO After school H6KAI SURU To hold,bear,entertain, cherish,embrace HoKAIBUTSU Debris H6KA JIKAN School recess H6KAKU Good harvest HOKAKU GUNIKAN Captured warship HOKAKUHIN Captured article,prize HOKAKUKAN Captured warship HOKAKUM& Net tending HOKAKUM6TEI Net-laying ship HOKAKUSEN Captured ship HOKAKUTSHA Captor HOKAKU SHINKEN Inquiry into a capture or prize HOKAKU SHINKENSHO Prize court HOKAKUTAI Prize crew HOKAKUYU Leather oil HiKAKY6 Pyromania HMKA MAKI Barrage fire,curtain fire HOKAMBUTSU Article in custody HMKAN Mirror,pattern,example HIKAN SURU To be included in,be implied HOKANCHO Now in custody HOKAN KIN Money in custody or on deposit HOKAI1nIN Custodian HOKA1IRY6 Storage fee HOKAJSHA Custodian H6KA.NTAI Gunboat division HOKAN TUIKAN SUED To transfer the custody of HOKANZUKI FUNANI SHEKEN Custody bill of lading H6KASEI Law student H6KA SOSHIKEIEN Phlegmon,inflammation of connective tissue H6KATSU HOKElI SH6rEN Blanket policy H6KATSU KASAI HOgEN Block policy,in fire insurance H6KATSD KYOKA Comprehensive permit HdKATSU SHMEININ General successor HfKATSUTEKI Comprehensive,inclusive H MEI Block,of explosives HM I Warning, caution it 4A~4A~ r~d Viý f- I it L..p il? 10 Pik 61 tor f I1f Pik 1*6 jf4v ap K I fftt t~.1kt314,At, 44 f Pit\ I I F ilk 61b~- ~z f'le# 1 141i 4 f 'nr AL a?a pa $A ~ ~r Pa~ t$ 4 ~ 4k Af I irk iM4 T 10~-4 t ~~P "I1 Pfsit a la g< )rxt?1PAib Y 744j9 Ip IM PJastR - tfJ it r_ Z itrff P Y ~~iagykbifll5 1R4if c-t t e 1XPS;?1 ~r@ ps ~d" 44lil n 3xif 5~ ~ 56; ~ MAtDI; f i;08 tc ~5k-kcA - 4rz# Je0 1~Ar, 4i 1 Lw b H0DWUDOMP HdKEIJIN Square formation HOKEISEN Whaler,whaleboat HOKEMBUTSD Insured property HKEXNBUTSU Votive offerings HOKEMMA Insurance crook H6KEN Dihtaste,satiety,,weariness H6KEN Feudal system HOKEN CHIZU Insurance map HOKEN DAICH6 Insuranjc e register HOKEN DAIRIG6 Insurance agency HOEN EISEI CH6SAKAI National Hygiene Investigation Board HOKEN FUKUSHAE6 Duplicate insurance policy HOKENGY6 Insurance business,underwriting HOKEN GY6SHA Insurer,underwriter HOKEN-I Health doctor HOAEN IGAKU Preventive medicine HMKEW JIDAI Feudal times HOKEN JIKO Risks,in insurance HOKEN J6TAI Sanitary condition HOKENKA Health Department HOKEN KAISHA Insurance compuany HOKEN KAISHA FUTAN SONiGAI Insurance damage HOKEN KAKAKU Insurance value HOKEN KAKEKIN Insurance premium HOKEN KAKUSH6 JOK5 Insurance warranty HOKEN KA;N-YININ Insurance salesman HOKEN KEIYAKU Insurance contract HOKEN KETYAKSHA Insurer,policyholder HOKEN KEIYAKESHA Insurer,,underwriter HOKEN KEIYAKU YUK6 KIKAN Duration of policy HOKEN KIKAN Insurance period HOKEN KIN Insurance money HOKEN KINGAKU Insured smqurit HOKENKIN SEIKYO Claim for insurance HOKEKIWN UKETORININ Beneficiary HOKEN KDRABU Insurance club HOKEN KY6S36YAKU Tonic HOKEN M6ZSHIKOMIHY6 Application list,in insurance HOKEN M6SHIKOMISHO Insurance application HOKEN NAKADACHININ Insurance broker HOKEN RITSU Insurance rate HOKENRY6 Insurance premium HOKENRY6 HARAIMODOSHI Return premium, surrender value HOKENRY6HY6 Premium tariff HOKEN SAGISHA Insurance crook HOIENPSEISANNIN Insurance adjuster HOKENSHA Dedicator HOKEN SHIHARAI YAKUSOKU Premium mote TEGATA HOKEN SH6DAKUJ6 Covering note,in insurance HOLEN SH6EN Insurance policy HOKEN SHE o KAKAKU Policy value HOKEN SHKEN SHOJININ Policyholder HOKEN SHOKUMOTSU Healthful fobd HOKEN SR6SHO Insurance policy H6KEN SHEGI Feudalism HOKEN SUCGAKUTREKI Actuarial HdKNTEKI Feudal HOKIEN T6KEIGAKARI Actuary HOKEN TKEI GISHI Actuary HOKEN TSUCH5 Insurance passbook HOKENTSUKI NO Guaranteed HOKE YAKXAN Policy clause,conditions HOKENZUKI SH&MEISH6 Freight insurance binder HOKETSD Tonic,invigorator HOKKgTSU Enriching the blood H8KETSD Shoot, sprout,beginning HOKETSD BOSHt] Supplementary enrolment of students HO&EZTSUHAN Replacement group HOKFTSUSHA Substitute, spare HOKI Auxiliary machinery HOKI NO Helpful,co-operative H6KI SUED To effervesce,sparkle,foszn H6KI SUED To release a prisoner H6KIN Wages, salary HOKKAID6CH6 Hokkaido Government Office HOKgININ - Promoter HOKK~INI KABD Promoters' shares HOKKININKAI Promoters' meeting HOHK6 N~orth suburbs HOKKb SURU To go north HOKKO SURU To sail north HOKKUDOME Hook and eye /\iJNZU') Y rZ ait ~, i li ELA(P J04 XTh; Z&T 7 6 It ~3 Lg j ii -; bA l9f - 4 P--L - 6 sl~s 46s - e64lft KtR 3419; 3t;P~33$:$ $6t;P-HtP aid jz PA t t;B-SFR 3$t;h 3rpf MUt;W 31;%F" 3 'Af 3t;e# PL 4t~lVJ3 - HOKO 84 HOKO Radical 062 OKO Radical 110 HOKB Pao-chia system of family groups, in China "Hg-K6 Blockad% HdK6 Gunnery school HdK6 NA Arbitrary unruly HKOBUO Ordnance Department HOKO HEN Radical 110 HOKOKU. Portugal H6KOKU GIKAI Patriotic league HdKOKUKI Friendly aircraft,our plane HoKOXEIK=U Message casing H6KOU SAIKrEN Patriotic bonds H6KOKUSHA Reporter H6KOKUSHIN Patriotism HIdKOKU Y6SHI Gist of a report,salient facts Hd-KNIN KONJ6 Mercenary spirit HdB6NIN KUCHI-IRESHO Emnployment office HOKORU To be proud of,boast of RoKoSEI NO Directional H6K(SEI Spirit of dandelion HOKg6 SEIDO Pao-chia system of family groups,in China HOKOZtrURI Radical 079 HOKU Radical 025 HOKU Taihoku HOKUA North Africa HOKUA KAIUJ North Asia Marine Transportation Company HOKUA SEIKEIN North Africa Administration HOKUBU FUTSU-IN Japanese Language NIHONGO Propagation Society FUKYUKAI of Northern French Indo-Chia HOKUBU SHOKEN All the northern counties HOKUDAI Peking Diplomatic Office HOKUDAN Northern section of the railroad HOKUFU North wind HOKUGAN North shore HOKUGb North Australia HO KUEN Incline toward the north HOKUKEN Dispatch to the north HOKUMTE BUTAI Northern Expeditionary Force HOKUMXN KANTAI Northern Expeditionary Fleet HOKUKYO Northing,northward direction or route HOKUMAN North Manchuria HOKUMAWARI Going around the north of HOKUMEN Northern Burma, HOXLIMEN SURJ To face nortth,serve.,be loyal to HOKU6JILN North European pepple HOKURYU SURU To flow northward HOKUSEIFU Northwest wind HOKUSEIGAN Northwest coast HOKUSEIH6 To the northwest HOKUSEN Northern Korea HOKUSHI BUTAT North China Force HOKUSHIEN North China coast HOKUSHI JISHTN North-pointing needle HOKUSHIN SUIRU To advance north HOKUSHfIN JIHEN Boxer Tlprising HOKU6S Peking Consulate General HOKUS6 SURU To send north HOKUTEN SURU To turn north HOKUT5 NO KAZE Northeast wind HOKUTO SHICHISEI Dipper,the Great Bear HOKUWAN North bay HOgKUY UMOGY6 North Seas Fishing Co. HOKUYb KANTAI North Sea Squadron HOKUY6 KEIBI North seas guard HKYAHKU SURE To abandon,discard,reject H6KYO S3R1 To abandon,discard,reject H6EYb Boundaries,frontier HOKYO Grant,supplementary allowance H6dYK SURU To search for.incuire into ROKYuBU Replacement Department,air depot HOK!~u BUTAI Replenishment force HCOKYUHIN Supplies HOKYiEA Supply or Logistics Section B!rYUKAN Supply ship HOHYOKI Replacement planesupply plane HOKYU KICHI Supply base HOKJU KOJb Replacement shop HKYOD KY5RYOKU Replenishment power HOKYONAN Supply difficulties HOKYD NIMMO Supply duty or function 5 RONKAKUTEKI 'c HOKYU NO TAME For purpose of supply? Y lHOIKYU NO UE After refueling or taking on supplies HOKYORY6 Amount of supplies I llf HoKYu SEIKATSUSHA DoMRI Salaried Men's Union Mtif' RHOKYiSEN Supply ship HOKYUSHA Refueling truck,supply truck 4 W40 HOKY0 SHIHARAIBO Pay roll 1ýIr'G HOKYUSHO Supply depot It; ' HOKYOTAI Replenishment unit #At 1 HOKYUTEN Supply point SA(1f HOKY-GY6 For supply I Itit# HOMACHI SHIGOTO Side job TiAT; HOMAN SURU To be completely full,be superabundant HOMBAMONO Genuine article i, ALv HOMBARAI Spot payment 10 )f HOMERAYASU To praise,applaud 1O 4 10 1HOMEI SURU To preserve one's life,live X) tJAl L HOMEKIRENAI Beyond praise 3 11641 HdM B6BI BUTAI Area defense force,navy S H6MEN KANTAI Area fleet ~-b( HOMENIKUI To praise at length t~1f'~V 4 HOMEOSHIMI SURU To be chary of one's.praise 1-1P HOMETATERU To extol,sing one's praises HOMIKA Nux vomica,strychnine 6HoMIN Japanese residents 1-1 T HOMITSU SURU To shut uD.close f3 t THOMMATSU 0 TENTo SURU To put the cart before the horse HOMMEI Rapid execution of orders 61 HOMON Phoenix pattern f H6MONSHA Visitor SH6MONSHI Boarding officer 39t H6MON-Y6 MEISHI Calling card i HoMOTSU KERA Treasure house S HOMPIN These goods HOMPB Japan,this country,our country HOMPO GINK5 Japanese banks HOMPU This office,consulate general,etc. 164 H6MU Legal,in navy commissions 7kf H6MUBU Judiciary Affairs Department YR) H6MUCH6 Legal officer H6MUKA Legal branch * H6MUKAN Judiciary HoMJKYOKKU Judicial Affairs Bureau S H6MURISARU To put aside an annoying task HON Counter for cartridgessticks of explosive HON Counter for long objects,movie reels, etc. HON-AN Principal claim in a lawsuit HON-AN This proposal HONCHI This place,here HONCHO This morning 2*A A- HONCHMRAI Since this morning 411)ý HONCHAMON This order 9-ITT HONCHU SUTRU To rush in,pour into,deluge HONE Body of text HONEBARU To be bony,be captious and trying HONEDAKA Crudeness grossness HONE HEN Radical 1BB HONEKOSOGI Knife for scraping bones Ho6NE IWAI Harvest festival $l t b HONENUKE SURU To soften q HONENUKI NO Spineless j ~ HONEORICHIN Gift for service done HONEORI SHIGOTO Tough job 1 HONEPPOI Bony,very thin,stubborn, qu ar rel some HON GAU Principal capital in finance HONGETSTCHa3 Du ring this month HO1QGETSUTG Current issue 43Ylt& RHONGOKUBAN Home edition i 7 HONGYAgtI SURU To revolt HONHI Actual expenses 4-B HOgIJ Today Mi a HoNICHI Visiting Japan jr1K HONIN Appointment,nomination ~IRh HONIN Guarantor 7P-f HON-IN This employee HON-I1NKAI Full or plenary committee 4tZ14A-4 HONIN SHUGI Laissez-faire or let-alone rinciple; cC HONJIHEN This incident *4 1+ HONJIKEN This affair HONJITSUCHU During this day 4 HONKAKUKA SURU To become its real self E6F3 HOMNAKUTEKI Regular,basic,fundamental, essential, thoroughgoing 44W A. e;14 o3rR,7z ~J 7S a $43 *b;i 7 s 4Cf O * i3k p4~f9j P~R ~ t * ~~~ * 44; 7AR 5 ~b2f ~t 3j,-l V-;~9 ~;/ HONKAN 87 HONKAN This- ship HONKAN T6SAI This ship's cargo HONKASEI Regular student HONKA SEIKYIN Regular teacher HQNE1ENCHIKU Permanent building HONKEN JISSHI IRAI- Since we put this into effect HONK6 This clause,original clause or paragraph HONK6 This mine HONKOGITTE Original check HONKOKUBUTSU Reprint HONKOKUNIN Reprinter HONKOKUSHO Reprint HONKOKU TAIKYO Expatriation HONKONSU This company, China HONNEMMATSU End of the current year HONNEN BUN Allotment for current year HONNENDO This fiscal year,April-March HONNENDONAI Within the current fiscal year HONNENKI This fiscal year,April-March HONNENNAI Within the current year HONNICHI Today HONNICHIZUKI As of today HONNIMMU This duty,original duty HONN6 SHUGI Instinctivism HONN6TEKI Instinctively HON NO UE NO CHISHIKI Book knowledge H&N6 Cyst Ho-NiBUTSU Offering HON-OKU Main building H6N6SHA Offerer HONOSHIRAMU To whiten faintly,dawn H6 NO TEISHOKU Conflict of laws HONP5 This law,original law HONPU This government,original government HONRAI From now on HONREI This order,this regulation HONRUI Main parapet,home base HONRY6 Ten-day treatment for malaria HONSAIKEN Definitive bonds HONSAKUSEN These operations or campaigns HONSEKICHI Permanent domicile HONSEN HIKITORI NEDAN Price ex ship HONSENJ6 NEDAN F.O.B.,free on board HONSENT ' This battle HONSEN WATASHI Free on board ship HONSHI I,we HONSHI Original division HONSHI Purpose,object,intention HONSHITSUTEKI Intrirsic HONSHO This place,post,or station, original post etc. HONSH6 Main outpost HONSH6 This depot,main depot HONSH6 The ministry HONSHOKU Myself,I,this official HONSHORI Permanent repairs HONS6-KA Active person HONSOKU General rule,main principle HONTAN Swift current,torrent HONTEI This boat 1HONTEN This point HONTEN SHIHAININ General manager HONTb This island,main island HONT6JIN Formosin Chinese HONT6JIN Main island people HON-UN Overcast HONUNO Canvas,sailcloth HON-YA Tonight HON-YAEt CHIGAI Mistranslation HON-YAXIJKA Translation Section HON-rAKUKA Translator HON-YAKU KACH6 Translation section chief HON-YAKUKAN Secretary-translator HON-YAKUSHA Translator HON-YAKUSHO Translation,version HONZAN SURU To escape,flee,hide HONZEN Innate,basic,essential HONZUKI Lover of books,biblidbhile H6BCH6 Vatican,Papacy HO-ONKI Sound detector H6 0 TSUTSUMU To stick your head in the sand HOPPb BUTAI Northern Force,navy HOPP6 GUN Northern Area Army HOPPdHA Northerners,in China H6RAIMAI Horai rice,Penglai high-quality rice HORARUDAN Huruldan,People's Assembly of the Outer.Mongolian Government HdREI Standing order;t rip. he 1 g" 4Ag Ib r ~ Altfh if; V 914 LI A It;,p;a 4R I/ 1R, 1tM U iR 9gg s54 ~ g i;2~ -P -F53 iQ? g 3- ~:;ggt '$ S14$8F A44'.t ki IP f ~t f /4i JZ1 t L 1ki ff 1 P ~48i4v# 1 itlfREL ~t4 ir -; li4 % M19~ftItf HOSHAKU HOSHoSHO H6REI SURU To cool,be cooled H6REI SHOSEI TCodification HoREI ZENSJO Statute books,law collection HOREKOMU To fall in love H&RETSU H5SHA Gun in action HORIATERU To strike oil etc,. H6RIBANASU To leave things lying about H6RIGAKUSHA Jurist H6RIJ6 From the legal standpoint H&RIKA Pineapple fruit HORI MIZU Ditchwater HORIMONOSHI Tattooer HURINAGERU To throw H6RIRON Legal argument HORITARANU To dig insufficiently deep HQRITE Digger,sinker,miner H5RITSUAN Bill,draft of proposed law H6RITSU GAKK6. Law school H6RITSUGAKU Jurisprudence HdRITSUGO Legal term HoRITSU IRAN Violation or breach of the law H5RITSU JIMUSHO Law office HORITSUJ5 From the legal standpoint, de jure HbRITSUKA Lawyer H6RITSUKA SURU To legalize,make into law H6RITSU KANTEI JIMU Office practice H6RITSU K6I Legal act HdRITSU KOMON Legal adviser H6RITSUSHO Law book H5RITSU TETSUGAKU Philosophy of law H5RITSUTSU Legal expert HORONASHI BASHA Open carriage H6RONKA Controversialist H5R6SHA Tramp HoRo TEKKI Enamelled ironware HoRoZAIKU Enamelwork H6RUI HEIBI Fortress armament HORUMON Hormone H6RYAKUSEN General's battle HORYO HIKIWATASHI Delivery of prisoners HORYO J5H&KYOKU Prisoners Intelligence Bureau HORYO K6KAN JYYqPU Agreement for exchange of prisoners H6RYOKU Fire-power,gun-power HORYO SHUY6SHO Prisoners' internment camp HORYU HAIT6 Passed dividend HORYU JKEN Reservation HORYU NASHI Without reservations HORYOZUKI With reservations HOSA Blockade H6SAI Fortification,entrenchment,works HOSAI Salary paid HOSA KAIJO Raising of a blockade HOSAKAN Adviser,assistant HOSAKU Mooring line HOSANSUI Boracic acid solution HOSATSUH Replacement of bank notes HOSA YAKU Assistant official HOSEI Brilliant reputation H6SEI Head of 10-family unit in Formosa H6SET SURU To prosper,abound HdSEIKYOKU CHdKAN Director of Bureau of Legislation HOSEIKYOKU SANJIKAN Councilor of Bureau of Legislation HOSEISHI History of law HOSEISHb Good-conduct prize HOSEKIRUI Jewelry HOSEKISHO Jeweller HOSEN Auxiliary line HOSEN SURU To fight on foot HOSEN Japanese ship HOSEN Shinto food offering HOSEN SURU To transfer a sacred object HOSENHO Infantry,tanks,and artillery HOSENHiHI Infantry, tanks,artillery, and planes HOSEN KINSHO Actinomycosis HOSEN KYORI Gun range HOSEN SAGYO Line maintenance operations HOSENSHATAI Tank destroyer unit HOSENSHO Line maintenance station HOSHA Pardon,acquittal HbSHA Radioactivity HOSHA SURU To fire,discharge H6-SHA-CHI Archives classifiers H6SHAJ6KINSH5 Actinomycosis H65SHAKU Square foot,square shaku HOSHAKUCHU Out on bail HOSHAKU HOSH5SHO, Bail bond HOSHAKU NEGAI 88 aff, HOSHAKU NEGAI Bail application $A HOSHAKUNIN Bondsman,obligor under bond S HSSHAN5 Radioactivity e H5SHA SMKO Gun warehouse ^f H65SI Cyst, in anatomy;7 H6SHI Magician 494 HoSHI Reward -TF" HOSHIGATA Dry beach 71 HOSHIGATA. Radial type (F.4-L HOSHIGATAI Difficult to preserve or protect ftl H6SHI JIGY6 Public welfare work HO-SHIKI Hotchkiss,a gun - HO-SHIKI Whitehead,a torpedo SJ HOSHI NATSUME Dried jujube i 41f HS6HI NEDAN Sacrifice price te*&WU H5SHIN MAKIAGE TEMPA Gun-elevating gear <~It H6SHITAI Volunteer unit W H6SHITSU Gun compartment A-' H6SHITSU SURU To lose 0 HOSHI UME Prune,dried plum S H6SH Armorer S H5SH Cannon dppot 6 H5SH6 Indulgence,license S HSH5 Japanese firms HOSH6AN Compensation bill HOSHdJ5 Letter of guarantee IVA0f HOSH5 Jo-YAKU Security pact A 0 1HOSH6 JUMBI Security reserve S10 HOSH5 JUMBI HAKK6 Issue against securities,secured issue W0 5HOSH5 JUMBI KIN Guarantee fund %~ H6SH5 JURY6SHA Prize winner 1 H6SH5 JUYO Prize-giving 5 HOSH KABU Guaranteed stock J1~ HOSHEEI Footpath - HOSHo KEIYAKU Contract of suretyship #WAX HoSHo KEIYAKU Bond of indemnity 6 H6SH KIN Compensation, consideration money St 5 HOSHOKU SURU To appoint to a post S HSHOKU Being in office HSSHOKUGUCHI Post,position, situation H6SHOKU SAKI Place of employment j4 HOSHo SAIKEN Guaranteed bond S 01HOSH16 SAIMU Suretyship 11 HOSH35 SEKININ Responsibility of surety:0*68 HOSH1SEN Sentry boat 6p 5HOSH5 SENRY6 Guarantee occupation f,a l HOSHSZUKI Guaranteed - HOSHU Capturer 15 HSSHU Gun type H6SH0 Vengeance,reprisals SHS6HO SURU To release,discharge from custody -M0H10 HO HGAKK6 Continuation school, supplementary school 1 HSaHUHAN Gunnery section HOSHUKA Supplementary course 00 HOSH KY6IKU Supplementary education SR"t H56HO NJKIN Compensatory duties 101 HOSHUSEI Trainee ^^ ^ HOSHUTEKI SEISHIN Conservative spirit Ail HOSHUT5 Conservative Party,S HOSHUT5IN Tory,Conservative ' i'4 HOSHUT6 SHIMPOHA Tory Reform Committee tS HOSHUTSU SURU To distribute,subsidies etc. 5 S H6SHUTSU SURU To beam,a broadcast Stt 5 H6SHUTSU SPRU To gush, spout, spirt S^ 11 H5SHUTSU SURU To sprout,bud,begin 41 J9 HOSHUY6 For reserve "W1 6 H11SHO ZENGEN Diminishing returns ' 1 H5H80 ZENZ5 Increasing returns it HOS 58 SURU To run away 1 H6SO Visiting the Soviet/Union. t1 H6S5 Gun packing 11 H5S5 Porthole $A4B H5S5 BANGUMI Radio program ^S? H. 515 BUCH5 Broadcasting manager ~(TShl H555 CHSSHUKI Broadcast receiver M % HOS50 DSRO Paved road 5 & 1 H6S56 EIGA Television movies 3; L 1 H5S5 ENZETSU Radio speech &l' 1 H5586 GEKI Radio drama ^.s1 H5S5 GISHI Broadcasting engineer ^^11 H6SoHI Packing charge "^t~5 HoSSKAI Legal world,legal circles ^M^ HOSOKI Rattrap Sx 10 HOS6 K6JI Paving construction S 0 HOSOKU01 SURU To contact,pick up,intercept, seize fjs HOSOKU SURU To hold the target,get the range,in gunnery A^tc 5 -S~ ^#tyt 5 ^F^t 5 5, S ^^ ^^ ' t ^ ^FI *w^% S~f ^Vgz M##t s -^^.* ^^' -^^ ^* '/ Mi - '^^ t ^* ^~ - *^^*)~ ^^^/t ^Xtd S / HroY SURU HOSOKU SURU To pick up a broadcast H6SOKU NI At the gun position HOSOKUBUTSU Supplement HOSOKU GEKIHA SURU To get the range on and blow up H6SOKU HANCH6 Squad leader of battery crew HOSOKU SEMMETSU SURU To.seize and annihilate 1 H6S5 MUSEN DENWA * Broadcast radio telephony HOSON SURU To preserve,conserve,keep H665SHA Broadcaster H6S6SHITSU Broadcasting studio H656 T6CH6SHA Radio. poacher HOSOYAKU Rat poison H6S5 Y5SHI Wrapping paper HOS6 ZAIRY5 Paving materials HOSSATEKI Spasmodic HOSSHIN CHIFUSU Eruptive typhus HOSSHINSHA Convert,new believer HOSSOKU SURU To start,get under way HOSU To appoint HS6UI Cooking H5SUIH5 Drainage HSSUI KAN Drainpipe H6SUIMON Floodgate HS5UIRO Drain H6TAI Artillery corps HoTAI SURU To wait upon,serve H6TAIH5 Bandaging H6TAIJO First-aid station HSTAIN6 Medical haversack H6TAIZUTSUMI Roll of bandage H5TAKU Abundance,richness,plenty HOTAN Bunker coal,stored coal H6TAN Foam, froth HOTARUBI Phosphorescent light HOTEI SURU To patch H6TEI Gunboat HoTEI BAISHIN Statutory. jury trial H5TEI BANTE Legal count,unit of measure HoTEI CHIKA Assessed value of land HoTEI DAIRININ Legal representative HoTEIGAI DE Ex curia,in law HoTEI HEIKA Par of exchange,mint tie, mint par H6TEIJITSU Legal day HSTEI JUMBI KIN Legal reserve fund HoTEl KAHEI Legal tender H6TEI KAKAKU Legal price H6TEI RIRITSU Legal rate of interest H6TEI RISOKU Legal interest HoTEI SAITEI JUMBIGAKU Legal minimum reserve HoTEI SOKUDO Legal speed limit Ho-TEI S6ZOKUNIN Heir at law H6TEISU Quorum HoTEITAI Small gunboat division HSTEI TAIKA Legal consideration H6TEI TSUMITATE KIN Legal reserve HUTEI Y0YO KIKAN Days of grace H6TEI ZAISANSEI Legal property system HSTEI ZEIRITSU Statutory tariff H6TEMFPY Feng-p'iao,Mukden currency HOTEN SURU To fill up,supply,replace, supplement HOTEN SURU To help,assist HOTEN SURU To mend,patch,remedy HOTEN SURU To transfer custody of H6TEN HENSAN Codification of laws H6TEN SHUSEI Codification of laws HOTERU G!S1SHA Hotel man HOT5 SURU To escape,abscond,desert H5TO Way, road,path,means H5T5 Gun turret,conning tower HST6 Smallpox HGT6BUN Reply to the throne HOTOGI HEN Radical 121 HoTGH6 Turret gun H6T5KAN Turret ship EST5SHIN Party spirit HOTSUDO Rage,passion HOTSURESASU To fray,loosen HO-URA Reverse side of a sail H6WA SURU To saturate,be saturated HoYAKUBUN Japanese translation H1YAKUSH1 Collection of Japanese translations HOYO Field ordnance depot automobile parts HOYS SURU To replace HYO SBURV To be included,allow, excuse HOY-I@N 89 AIM~a j~- b Vri i, gbw 19* -r 4*14" 441* ~ 5-4 (,' t' A M lpy A;As a) Elijf vafýs~~ &OýEK iito t 7 SýFm~ -3R;r\ -tr 3t HOY5HIN Supplementary articles H63YJ6 Fowl yard HOYdKI Supplementary plane I6Y6RYOKU Capacity, tolerance Hc3YO SURU Td include,contain HOYUBVTSU Tenement,in law HOYCCII Landholdings HOYUGAKU Amount possessedretained,or maintained HOYORY6 Amount held or kept on hand ROYUSHA Possessor HOZAI Tonic,restorative HOZEIHIN Goods in 'bond HOZEI KAMOTSU Bonded goods HOZZI S KO Bonded storehouse or warehouse HOZEI SMKO AZUJKARI SH6-KEJ Bonded warehouse warrant HOZEI ST60 RXUCHI In bond HOZEI SoKO SH6KEN Bonded warehouse warrantHOZEI S6KO TSUKAN onded manufacturing TETSUZIKI warehouse entry H5ZEN SURU To take to the Emperor HOZU SURU To preserveconserve IOZO ANA Mortise HOZOKI NO Continuous HOZONHI Preservation expense HOZONH& Preservation,preservation method HOZON K6JI Maintenance works HOZONSHA Preserver HOZON TE-IRE Maintenance repairs,cleaning HOZON UND6 Conservation movement H6Z6YABURI Treasure house breaker HOZUNA Halyard HZtZURU To die,pass away HYAKKA All kinds of 'goods HYAKKAI Many times,repeatedly YKKB~AZENSHOTEK[ Encyclopedic HYAKKEN All rights HYAYLKOKU All kinds of cereals HYAKUBAN Hundredth,number one hundred HYAKUBUNHI Percentage HYAKIJBUN HIREI Percentage HYAKUBUN RITST Percentage HYAKUBUNSAN Percentage HYAKtDAI Forever,in after ages HYAKUGAI Every disadvantage HYAKt ICHI Large number of,101 HYAKJMAMBAMME One millionth HYAKUMAMBEN One million times HYAKUREN Thorough tempering HYAKUSEI Posterity, eternity HYAKUSEN HYAKUJBAI Defeat upon defeat HYAKUSHIKI JOBAKUGEKIKI Type 100 heavy bomber HYAKUSH6 SHIGOTO Farming HYAKUSHUYA Farmhouse HMIAKUSUJU Well over a hundred HYd Counter for bags, HY6 Unit of capacity 72.1.56ý liters HYd-BY6 NO UImi t less,t oundless HY6CHAKUBUTSU Driftage,,wreckage HY6CHI Military objective HYbCHU Proof of loyglty HY6CHU Signpost HY6HiOKAN Between mileposts HYoDo SURU To liberate,as a balance HY6ETSU Critical examination HfY6GAI SHMKEN I-IN Committee on unlisted securities HY6GI-IN Municipal oouncilors,in Formosa HY6~iGI -INKQAI Board meeting, council, conference IY 6GIKA I C onferen ce HY&GUt7SHI Paper hanger I{Y6HAKUJ SURU To lie off the coast, dr ift BH~(6AK EKI Bleaching solution HYZ~HAKUFJNIP Bleaching powder HY6HAHtJ JINSHU N omadic race HY6HAKtJZAI Bleachinig agent HY6HAN Target HYdRI K6KA Skin effect HYdHONI BAIBAI Sale by sample HYdRHON CHIlrRITSUJO Spec~imen room HY&HBY& Drift ice HY61I Outer garment HYbI SURU To declare one's views HYiSJI Designated time HY6JI,Marker, sign IY&JTI SURU To stipulate EfJ'I FETAI Written tarepin commerce IAINUKI 6HY6JI KAKAKU Stipulated price E HY6JIKI Indicator HY6JITb Marker light HY6J6 Surface of the ice a HYdJ6KAN Councilor IYsT HY6J6SHO Supreme court.-ft 120 % H BY6J6 TEITETSUJ Ice shoes for horses HY6JUN BAIBAI Sale on standard IT HY6JUNDo-RI Standard HY6JUN HENSA Standard deviation IS H HY&UN J5TAI Normal state HY6JIN X6SEI Standard star 4-4tkr HYoJJN NE DAN Standard price 10r, HY6JN SEI:DO Standard accuracy 4~-f ~HY6iJUN SEIKATSUHI Standard'cost of living k. HY6JUN TAIKI Standard atmosphere HY6JUN UNCHIN TAN-I Standard freight unit A<rf~* 3HY6-KA SURU To freeze,turn to ice ~i~ HY&KABTTSU Article to be appraised r HY6KAGAKU Appraisement value HYoKAI'I Thaw S HY6KAI SURU To drift or float about OT HY6KASHA Assessor /-T1-Al HY6KEITEKI Typical *,got;5 HY&K5N SURU To appear,beccme known J JIHYOKBTSUKEN Vote HY6KI Marking flag HYSKI FUTAI Written tarein commerce HYdKI KAKAKU List price,declared value S- C HYOKORI Accidentally,unexpectedlyby chance 6 HY6MENKA BURT To cone to the surface HY6MO Mourning HY6MOKUT Chartlist HY65MOKU Signal,landmark, sign HY5N5TSTJRI Icebag suspender -4t4`) HYdRdGAKARI Commissary officer S HY6RYAKU SURT To plunder,pillage HYSRYd SURU To weigh 4f!I-_T_ HY6RY6 HEIKIN Weighted average JTHY6RYUOBUTSU Flotsam HY6RYUGI Driftwood HY6RYOJIN Castaway JT 1 HYHRYO KAMOTST Flotsam UHYRYUSEN Derelict HY5SAKUSAN Glacial acetic acid HY6SEN Drifting ship HY6SETSU Discussiton,,debate,deliberation HY6SHI Guidance mark HY6SHI Label / HY6SHI SURU To express,declare,indicate L% L HY5SHIGATASHI Difficult to express or show kt HY6SHIT6 Pilot lamp &4-4 HY6SHI URA Inside of cover k:9 HY6SHO Superscription HY6SH6 Classical 1st tone in Chinese HY6SH6 Proof,evidence i HY6SH6 SURU To encourage publicly HY6SH6J6 Letter of commendation 8 HY&53H SHIKI Ceremony of awarding honors y '-i-; HY&SHUTST SURT To exhibit,display HYSSU Number of v~tes HYSSUI Ice water k HY6TANGATA Gourd-shaped HY5TEI Iceboat 6 HY5TEI SURU To appraise,estimate HYOTEI MEISA4KI Data computer $A HY6TEIKI Plotting device itP 1Z HY&TEI RY6RITST Scheduled rating 44b;;2 al TEISHA Observed firing 1Y TEKIKA.N Target ship ~S~~ HY6TBI;I MAKU Target screen b~~ ~~jtrs HYTEKI: 0 EIKi BURT To tow a target -JrJs HY~TEKI SENV Target line ~7e Hsk fY 6TKKITAI Target unit HYOiTO R ock candy,crystallized sugar s~1] HY6TO SDUE To drift to land; HY~jTOTST To collide with a drifting object H Y6YZS SURtJ To drift,float about S Y6Y6 SURT To wave,sway in the wind LtHYO~ZEN TO SHITA Abruptly, suddenly ~).5\ I Five I Subhead 01 I -Italy I Subhead 25,older WI IAINUMI Swordplay IAMAKU 90 fA1 IF At 1 ~I S - It S-4 A -19 -ii8 7 ~F tFC Pf B$at 0~i e s P tA c L' ~~ %i I 14~ -ý o -t ~i(j, s~~;- 3tf j a IAMAAKU Earmairk IAMBUTSU Solace IAN -Counterproposal IANFU Prostitute IANJO Recreation center IANKAI Entertainment IAN KY5S6 Consolation race IATSUKAI Medical treatment IATSURYOKU Force IATSUTEKI Coercive IBA Rifle range,archery range IBAN Barbarians,savages IBARAGAKI Thorn hedge IBARA SEN Barbed wire IBARA YABU Thicket,clump or bush of briar IBARI Arrogance,haughtiness IBARIKUSATTE Self-conceitedly,presuming too much IBARIMAWARU To walk around proudly IBARI YABU Thicket IBI Exhaustion IBI SURU To languish,pine away IBIKIKAKI Snorer IBIRU To half-cook,scald,bakb in ashes IBITSU NI Obliquely,awry,askew IB6 Dignity,majestic appearance IB6 SURU To forget IBOKU Rare or strange tree IBO KY6DAI Half brother IBOME Wart IBO NO Y6 NA Verruciform IBORU Td be irritated or inflamed IBO SHIMAI Half sister IBU Gastric region IBU SURU To coax,flatter IBUKI Breath IBURI Annoyances IBURI Cruelty,lack of pity IBURIBI Smoky fire IBUSHA, Consoler,pacifier IBUSHI NIKU Smoked meat IBUTSU Clothing,furniture and utensils IBUTSU Singular thing,different thing IBY6 Strange malady,strange disease ICHAKU SURU To depend upon,trust in ICHI Radical 001 ICHI Medical treatment ICHIBAI Double ICHIBAMME First ICHIBAMUKI N6EN Market farming KEIEI' ICHIBANDORI First cockcrow ICEIBANGAKE First in the race ICHIBAN J6T6 Finest,first-class ICHIBANNORI Protagonist ICHIBAN SH6BU One-round contest ICHIBAN TEIT6 First mortgage ICHIBAN UE Topmost ICHIBAN YARI First attack of an army ICHIBA UNY6 Open-market operation ICHIBETSU Time since last meeting ICHIB6 SURU To take in at a glance ICHIBU One tenth,one hundredth ICHIBUBUTN NO S6KA Part-delivery ICHIBU HANKETSU Partial judgmnent ICHIBU HrKI-UKE Partial acceptance ICHIBU HOKEI Partial insurance ICHIBU J6TO Partial transfer or assignment ICHIBU KURADASHI Partial delivery of merchandise ICHIBUN Tenth part ICHIBUIN SUTERU To lose face brazenly, renounce obligations ICHIBU -SHUEXKgOKU Partially independent country ICHIBU SHUKKO Partial delivery of merchandise ICHIBUTSU One thing ICHIBUTSU1YK Monomania ICHIBU Y6SEN Partial charter party ICHIBU ZENSON Total loss of part ICHIDAI One dynasty,one reign ICHIDAI BUNGEN Upstart millionaire ICHIDAI KAZOKU Life peer ICHIDAI NARIKIN Upstart millionaire ICHIDAI SHINJ6 Fortune honorably gained ICEIDAN More,still more ICHIDAN Some progress ICHI DANGAN Bullet ICHIDANKA SURU To unify ICHIDAN NO CHUI JBAIKA To take double 0 SURU precautions - *94 - {J - 7 -;ISz -,iI P J c f~ 74 P-L ~' - o. -- Q -i~t x - if i =A -~-it s -P d - 4-ae Fl ICHIMON YAKKU ICHIDANRAKU Conclusion,end of a paragraph or section *ICHIDOKI Single hour ICHtDOKU SANTAN Deep impression on first readin ICHIEII edical man lst class ICHIEISb Medical warrant officer 1st class CHI FUHY5 Position-marker,buoy CHIGAKU Bandsman lst class ICHIGAKUS3 Band warrant officer 1st class ICHIGANKY6 Monocle ICHIGANSHI Monocular vision ICHIGEN First interview ICHIGEN Single source,unique principle ICHIGENKA SURU To unite,unify ICHIGENTEKI Unified ICHIGENTEKI NI In a word ICHIGI An art ICHIGI Basis,valid reason,ground ICHIGI Consultation,deliberation ICHIGI One affair,one matter ICHIG& Number one ICHIG6 Wisp,trifle,very little ICHIGOBATAKE Strawberry bed ICHIGO CHIGAEZU Word for word ICHI GOSA Error in position ICHI IEIHd One square... ICHIHI MO HAYAKI 0 Y6SU Requires immediate action ICHI H&KOKUI Position report ICHI-I Unit position,digit position ICHI-I Wholeheartedly ICHI-IN Chamber,deliberative assembly ICHI-I SENSHIN Wholeheartedly ICHIJI One hour ICHIJI One letter,one character,one word ICHIJI Primary ICHIJI CHOSHI Temporary interruption, delay ICHIJI FUSHIKI Illiterate person ICHIJI HARAIKOMI Lump-sum payment ICHI JIKAN For an hour,an hour ICHI JIKAN TAIKI To wait an hour ICHIJI KANWA Palliati've ICHIJI KARI-IRE KIN Floating debt, unfunded debt ICHIJIKY5 Monomania ICHIJIN Squall,a gust ICHIJIN Vanguard of an army ICHJIRUSHII MICHI Clear method ICHIJI RY6Y6 One thing with two appearances ICHIJI SHINOGI Temporary expedient ICHIJI SUEOKI NENKIN Deferred annuity ICHIJI TEISHI Provisional suspension or stay,in law ICHIJITEKI Temporary,provisional, transitory ICHIJI YOSAN Variable budget ICHIJ5 One articje,paragraph,or clause ICHIJUKU Fig,fig tree ICHIJUN Period of ten days ICHIJUN Series ICHIKOKU First National Army ICHIKUCHI One group ICHIMATSU SURU To brush,smear,anoint, erase,expunge ICHIMEI One order or command ICHIMEN NI All over ICHIMENSHIKI One meeting,chance encounter TCHIMI Same party,same side ICHIMI SURU To form a party ICHIMI D6SHIN Concord,same tastes and same feelings ICHIMI NO GANYAKU Pills of one ingredient ICHIMI TOT6 Conspirators ICHIMb One hair,straw,or trifle ICHIMOKU One degree ICHIMOKU NO One-eyed ICHIMOKU SURU To run through,glance at ICHIMOKU JUGGY6 Ten lines at a glance, reading skill ICHIMOKU SEMBON Observation point affording good view ICHIMON One letter,one character ICHIMON FUTSI Illiterate or ignorant person ICHI IMdONJI One letter,character,or word ICHIMON MEISHI Celebrated men of a family ICHIMON NAI Penniless ICHIMON YAKKO Rascally fellow - S & -A -t a & -9 t E3 tE AL - 1)'s~ UZ - *1 -.t- 41B - A( - -, - 1 '4 - lo t gA 1 i - Ai qa u - I - -N.II -Tq: - gs ~ L: -:rC'L -)q ICIM3o SAKU 91 ICHIM6 SAKU One harvest per year ICHIMYAKU Having something in common ICHIMY6 Another name,synonym,alias ICHINEN Moment,brief interval ICHINENJU Whole year,during whole year ICHINEINKAN For one year ICHINEN SHIGANHEI One-year volunteer ICHI NI First or second place,rarely, little ICHINICHIGURASHI Living from hand to mouth ICHINICHIKAN For one day ICHINICHI KdTEI One day's march ICHINICHI MO HAYAKU As soon as possible ICHINICHI MO NAGAKU -As long as possible ICHINICHI NI TSURI Per day ICHINICHI OKI Every other day,on alternate days ICHINICHI OKORI Recurring or quotidian ague ICHINICBI SENSHI Contribution of a day's earnings,a slogan ICHINICHI TEMA One day's work ICHhIN To have the entire responsibility ICHININ ATARI Per person ICHININ ICHININ NI Person by person,one by one ICHININ NITE Individually,all alone ICHININT6 Per person ICHININ T5SKEN Man of rare worth ICHINOMINYA Chief provincial Shinto shrine ICHI NO MIYA Eldest son of an emperor ICHI6 For the moment,provisionally ICHI6 Superficially,for mere conscience' sake ICHI6 S&DAN NO UE After consultation ICHId TORISHIRABERU To make a preliminary examination ICHI6 UCHIAWASERU To make previous arrangements ICHIRAMBARAI Payment at sight ICHIRAN Political troubles,insurrection, riot ICHIRAN SHIDAI At sight ICHIRAN TEGATA Bill payable at sight, demand paper ICHIRASU To scatter with shots ICHIREN BANG6 Serial number ICHIREN TAKUSHd Sharing fate with another ICHIRI One gain or advantage ICHIRI ICHIGAI One gain and one loss ICHIRINSHA Wheelbarrow ICHIRINSHAHIKI Wheelbarrow pusher or uller ICHI RITSU NI Following onfe rule ICHIRO HEIAN- Bon voyage ICHIROKU SH6iKAI Loan company,pawnshop ICHIRU NO NOZOMI One ray of hope ICHIRY6- One or two ICHIRY6JITSUCHG Within a day or two ICHIRY6 MIMAN KAMOTSU Less-than-carload lot ICHIRY6NEN One or two years ICHIRYI One grain ICHIRYU Style,method, system,a school ICHIRYU TEGATA Prime bills ICHISHIKI CHUK6 Type 1 medium attack plane ICHISHIKI CHJK6GEKIKI Type 1 medium attack plane ICHISHIKI R IKUJ6 K6GEKIKI Type 1 land attack plane ICHI SHINRO SOKURYOKU Position,courseand speed ICHI SBBA Market price ICHITOTSU Sudden breakthrough ICHI-U One roof,gable roof ICHIWARIGEN Ten percent reduction ICHIYA DAIJIN Overnight millionaire ICHIYAGASHI Lent for one night ICHIYA KXNGY6 Sudden prosperity ICHIYA KOJIKI Person burned out of his house ICHIYA SHIRAGA Hair turned white overnight ICHIYAZUKE Something hastily prepared ICHIYOKU Monoplane ICH6 Condolences ICH6 Head doctor ICH6 SUR To be piled up,be repeated ICH6BY6 Gastroenteric disorder ICH8 BYIN Hospital for stomach and intestinal disorders ItS-N get 5 R bt 44" RI #t 3 4~.i* fir, y: i ):k4 3 ~s~~ 34% *,' MC C 39 t ~ 3^% h3~Qf ~4I~i ~i & a AgTh j '3g7 - 'ikl 1g? gf;g (?st r AT ~J - )$~34 (q ( $ kAl ) Ai&RA t9" IFUKU ITCHAKU ICH5EN Appendicitis,gastroenteritis ICHoYAKU Medicine for stomach and bovels ICHU In the stomach ICHU SURU To transfer ICHU SAKI Destination IDAKIAU To embrace one another IDAKITSUKU To embrace,hug,clasp IDAKU To sit on,brood over,hatch IDAN Strange story IDATSU,Negligence,omission,mistake IDE-IREMONO Customer, client,practice IDE-IREMONO Purveyor,dealer,tradesman IDE-IRI Going in and out IDE-IRI Outlay and receipts IDEMBY5 Hereditary disease IDEN BAIDOKU Inherited syphilis IDENH6 Law of heredity IDENSEI NO Hereditary IDENSEIBAIDOKI Inheritable syphilis IDESHIO Rising tide IDETATSU To appear,be revealed IDETATSU To be attired in,don,put on ID6 Difference and resemblance ID6 CH60NKI Mobile sound detector ID6 KEIKAI Mobile guard TDOKU Hereditary disease,hereditary vickedness ID6 KUNREN Training maneuvers IDOMI Load,burden IDOMI Provocation,seduction IDOMIARASOU To quarrel,fight IDOMIAU To dare or defy each other JDOMIGOTO Challenge,game of chance IDOMITATAKAU To fight or wage war on each other IDOMU To carry on one's shoulder IDOMU To choose,select,pick out IDOMU To derive,draw,cull,gather ID6MYAKEU Gastric artery IDO NAGASHI Outflow pipes of well ID6 gEYU Emergency transfer ID6 POMPU Portable pump,shifting pump ID6ROKU Transfer records ID6 SENGI Skill in a war of movement ID6SHIKI CHIJ6,MUSEN Portable ground TSUSHINJO signal wireless station ID6 SHING6TB Portable signal light ID6 SHITCH6 - Locomotor ataxia ID6 SH6KAI Mobile patrol,roving patrol ID6 SHKUTiTb Mobile antiaircraft searchlight ID6 S6CHI Shifter ID6 S6SHA SURU To strafe IDbTEKI Mobile,portable ID6 TSUH6 Transfer list IE No IEAKE Vacating a house IEARUJI Head of the house IEATO Former site of a house IEATO Posterity,heirloom IEDEBITO Runaway person IEDOKORO Abode,residence,address IEGOTO Affairs of the house IEGOTO Each family or house IEGOTO Word from home, IEKANERU To be incurable IEKARI Renting of a house IEKISEN Peptic glands IEMOCHI Condition or management of house IEMOCHI Owner of house IEMOTO One's house,head office IEN Beyond IENAKI Homeless IENAMI NI House by house I-EN DENmSRY6 Extra-distance telegraph charge IE 56D6 Family feud IETSU Delight,joy IETSUGI Heir IETSUKASA Steward, maj or -domo IETSUKI NO Family,hereditary IETSUZUKI Family connection,kinship IFU Frightterror IFU SURU To surrender,insured interests etc. IFD DbDb Majesticallywith impressive air IFIEDI Dignity and beneficence IFUKU Disguise,unusual clothing IFUKU 3ubjugation,intimidation,tyranny IF'UEU NO Posthumous IFUKU ITCHAKU One complete outfit or suit IMMUYS, 92 IFUURYBa Clothing allowance - A ItFUKtXSH6 Clothing merchant fc" IFUKUYA Clothing merchant W5(X Ct*IFU KY6DAI SHIMAI Half brothers and sisters IFU NO HIKI-IKE Acceptance of abandonment in insurance IFUSHA Abandoner,in marine insurance IFU SHIMAI Half sisters IGAI Exception,exterior IGAI Unexpected nature,sudddnness IGAI NO K6HO Dark horse IGAKI Fence around tomb or temple IGAKKAI Medical circles '~ 4 ~IGAKUBU JOSHU Medical college assistant t IGAKU HAKASE Doctor of Medicine IGAKU HAKUSHI Doctor of Medicine SIGAKUSEI Medical student IGAKU SEMMON GAKK6 Medical college IGAKUSHI Bachelor of Medicine IGAMERU To bend,curve,fold IGAMI Bend,crookedness,distortion IGAMI Insolence,impertinence IGAMI KONJ6 Bad character,evil nature IGAMU To be bent,be curved,be folded It IGAMU To be depraved,be perverted IGAMU To stumbl6,deviate,swerve IGAN Request IGAN MENSHOKU Release of official at his request IGARAPPOI Feeling choky,sour,tart,pungent IGASA Hat made of rushes IGEN Misstatement,falsehood IGI Different opinion or meaning IGI M6SHITATE Declaration of protest IGIRISU-BYd Rickets IGIRISU-GO English language IGIRISU-JIN Englishman,Britisher IGO Italian language 'r IG6 Class one,of submarines IGb Grade or rank category IGO K6bCH6B Italianism it IGON Will,one's dying wish IG6 SENSUIKAN Class one submarine IGY6 Different formiheteromorphism IGY6 Traditional family occupation IHAKASE Doctor of Medicine IHAN SURU To transport,change,convey IHANSEN Ship which has violated a rule IHANSHA Offender I'd IHARAU To strip an area of game with bow and arrow (stt IHAZUSU To miss the target,in archery MIN IHEI Wooden fence,enclosure it1 IHEKI Enclosure ýVT0) IHEKI NO Crippled,lame OW1 IHEKI D6MYAKU Gastroepiploic artery *04 Ez IHEKI D6MYAKUEN Gastroepiploitis ~t 4 IHEN SURU To change,become modified 3 IHEN SURU To change one's views S I-HERUNIA Gastric hernia IC IHIN Strange things or articles SIHO Uneven gait,of horses t IH6 Different direction *X9 IH6 General or miscellaneous report i4t 12 IH6 SURU To break'the law 4A IRHbJIN Alien,foreigner ýj (10- IHK3 Different direction S IHB K6I Illegal act ION Copy of different edition i-ip IoH-SEI Illegality IH8%HA Lawbreaker #Jl~Ai~ IHb SHOBUN Illegal measures II Noise of insects 4 I-I SURU To hesitate,vacillate S4 t I-I TARU Reverential,respectful I eAt IIAKASU To confeas,reveal,explain S'aT IIAKASU To spend the night talking S; IIARAWASHIKATA Style of expression, diction SCL IIAZAMUKU To mislead with one's words T;.p4 IICHIGAERU To say in another way IICHIGIRU To agree on,promise each other IID.iRI Just as one says II El SHII Danish East Asiatic Co. $i#9 IIGAKARI Connection with what was said "*ka'~$ IIGATAI KESHIKI Indescribable scenery 0IIKOI Last will and testament IIGURU Eagle V L I IIHANASU To leave without waiting tL' f IIAIANATSU To leave without waiting & VIfY IIHARASU To speak out and relieve feelings I t\~~ Li fl-t t &Aat L 0#1 -lp E6 L-9~ IF i~t 4 -= i 144 (l'Ab 4 1 -3 $K ~ Rith Li ~ qj ~ ~ik ~ LIitt Tit *tI 4 jP v J1t 2 4 $ rrfr k $ rifE i-W-$ I[f ff ~ 5 s100J4 gao Ir~C,vpb79r b 3`\ 91 - 2 L ptB 2 ' c T rriff Z D $A L ~ T-V (1F ~ Ito fbt$ J~ IJI IIHAZUST To omit to say IIHIRAKU To defend or justify oneself IIHRODOKL To explain,clarify IIKABUSERU To impute or charge to someone IIEKAEREBA In other words IIKAERU To disavow a statement,recant IIKAKUJSU To disguise.one's true thoughts IIKATAMERU To confirm,sanction,ratify IIKATSU To win in a discussion IIKIWAMERU To decide,regulate,determine IIKIWAMERU To exhaust a subject IIKOMU To ask for,propose IIKORASU To reprimand,reprove,reproach IIKURASU To be talking all the time IIKURUMERU To argue into consent,dupe IIKUSASU To disparage,speak ill of IIMAE Pretext,excuse IIMAGERU To mislead,twist the truth IIMAGIRASU To explain away,cover up by talking ITMAKERU To lose in a discussion IIMIDARU To interrupt the conversation IIMUKAU To speak against,qppose,refute IINADAMERU To console,calm,soothe IINAGASU To publish,spread abroad,speak thoughtlessly IINAGUSAMERU To console,calm,soothe IINARAI Stuttering,learning to talk IINARAU To learn to speak,practice speaking IINARAWASU To become proverbial IINARAWASU To get another used to saying IINARERU To be used to saying IINARJ Manner of saying,expression IINARI SAMB6 Keeping one's word IINASU To gloss over IINASU To name,call,say IINAZUKE SURU To become engaged I-INCH6 Chairman I-INCH6 Head physician IINIKUMU To calumniate,speak ill of I-INKAI BUNKAI Subcommission IINOBASU To be verbose,speak at length IINOBASU To put off with excuses IINOGARERU To talk oneself out of a difficulty IINOKERU To dissuade,slide over,in conversation IINOKORU To remain to be said IINOKOSHI Instructions,omission, I-INSEI Committee system I-IN SEIDO Committee or commission system I-INSHITSU Committee room I-IN SODAI Committee representative IIOKU To make recommendations IIOTOSU To speak ill of,run down, disparage IIOWASERU To impute to,charge with IIPPANASU To speak or leave word without waiting for an answer IISAMASU To dissuade,throw cold water on IISAMATAGERU To embarrass,bring up or mention obstacles IISHIROU To quarrel,dispute IISHIZUMERU To calm,persuade to be calmer IISOMERU To begin speaking IITAOSU To convince,best in discussion IITARANU To say less than one should IITOKU To explain,defend,justify IITORU To say,express in words IITSUBUSU To confute IITSUGERU To say,report,notify IITSUGU To transmit verbally IITSUKAWASU To send word IITSUKERU To denounce,inform on IITSUMAZUKU To stumble in one's speech IITSUMERU To embarrass,nonplus IITSUTAE Verbal message IITSUZUKERU To continue speaking IITSUZuKERU To finish someone's words for him ZIWAKERT To explain clearly and in detail ITWASURERU To forget to say ITYA No IIYABJ3RU To reduce to silence,refute IIYORU To approach someone to speak to him IIZAMA Way of speaking,phraseology IIZUSHI Rice,fish,and egg dish IJAKU Delicate,weak IJI Arrogant language,boasting IJI Great verities,moralizing maxims ~!~ P,- 410 RAI ~44 ft i --F Oft R kV 1fA~ Mjc-;ý L7) J'QFav 3~f~S ~ }~t2~~ ~1~-t~~ $ Lj"41~ 4Zi L'~A( 40 161 93 IJI Reminiscences,memories IJI Work incomplete due to death IJI Another time,later IJI Different character,another letter IJI Different order,heterogeneity,of numbers IJI Great deed IJI Ideogram IJI Medical treatment IJI Order,successive rank IJI Orphan,foundling IJI Strange or unusual thing,mishap IJI SURU To hold one's position IJI SURU To successfully pass through a crisis IJIGATA Shape of hiragana symbol I IJIHI Maintenance expenses IJI-IJI SURU To be cross,be irritated IJI INKAI Board of supporters IJI KAI-IN Supporting member IJIKARIMATA Walking astraddle IJIKE Stuntedness IJIKE KONJ6 Narrow spirit,narrowness IJIKERU To fail to develop normally IJIN Barbarian,foreigner,stranger IJIN Extraordinary or eccentric person IJINKAN Dwelling for foreigners IJIN R6D6SHA Foreign laborers IJIRIMAWASU To handle,twiddle IJIRU To molest,tease,worry IJI SAKU Maintenance measure IJISHA Supporter IJI SHIKIN Maintenance fund IJITSU Another day,some day IJb6 Different clauses IJ6 Legacy IJ6 Letter of consolation IJb6 Testament,will IJoSBUTSU Environment,surrounding objects IJ6CHI Terrain.enclosing or hemming in IJ6KAI Environment,surroundings IJ6MEN Surface enclosed or hemmed in IJ6 0 MITOMEZU No apparent change IJ6 SEN Surrounding line,border IJ6TAI Zone IJ6TEKI Abnormal IJU Strange animal IJ SURU To yield to fear,withdraw in fear IJUCHI Colony,settlement IJUO J5bSHAKEN Immigration ticket IJO KAIKONCHI Agricultural colony IJU KAISHA Emigration society IJS KANITOKU Emigration commissioner IJUN Accord,agreement, conformity IJUN SUIRU To be based on,conform to IJU TORIATSUKAINIIN Emigration director or agent TKA Below in rank IKA Together with IKA How lEA Pleasure, tranquility,harmony MEA Doctor,physician INA SURU To bequeath IKABAKARI How much,to what degree IKADABASHI Raft bridge IKADANAGASHI Rafting,floating of timber IKADASHI Raftsman TEXA D6ofY6 And so forth,etc. IKAGA 0 TASHIKAM To ascertain how IKIAGASALMA How,what IECAGA4 TORIHAARAU How shall it be managed IXCAGAWASHI I Doub tful1, dark,qu es t ionabl1e IKAI Medical world ITAI SURt To appease,calm IEAI SURU To explain,comment on IEAIY6 Gastric ulcer IA JIG6 Continued in next issue LAKMESRI Tinker,itinerant potmender IEAEEYA Tinker ITAKI BamIoo kitchen basket IKAKUSHA Intimidator IKAEU SHAGEKI Intimidating fire ITAEU SHUDAN Intimidatdry measures IKAKU SHUGI Big-stick policy IKAKUTEKI Threatening IKA.N Rank and office IMAN Stomach and liver IEAK NA Simple,clear,concise IEAN SURU To changealter,vary lMAN SURU To regret,feel remorse IKANARU Whatever, however ilk3 It i 0 1 ( P( T a L3 fijL ~L) LIL4 7 E9 kiý( itif b v 4~' Iti k t I ý - 5 n ~- -j~3~' L It -A 7 I1 ia 0ik 5j gs ~no iX L L' 41it 4 "=jt rlj $lgc;rB IKIMAKU IKAN-EN Gastrohepatitis IKA NI YORU Depends on... IKANNAGARA While it is regrettable IKANNAKI Y6 So that there will be no hitch IKANNAKU Carefully,,thoroughly EANR SEMBAN Regrettable IKAN TO NAREBA Because,for the reason that IMAN TO SURU To regret,feel remorse IKARASERU To agitate,anger,irritate, move,employ force IKARIBA Anchorage IKARIGAKI Anchor hold,holding ground IKARIGAO Angry countenance IKARIGATA Shoulders hunched in anger IKARIGOE Angry voice IKA RYAKU Remainder omitted,et cetera IKASAMASITI Impostor IKASHII Extreme,excessive,intolerable IKASHII Great,magnificent, severe,grave IKATA Mold,cast,matrix,metal character mold IKATSUGAMASHII Impolite,gross,crude IKE- Gives pejorative sense IKEBATA, Edge of a pond 1EEBI Fire conserved under ashes IKEBUNE Immersed fish box IKEDONO Cottage on edge of pond IKEDORU To take alive,despoil IKEHAGI Flaying alive IKEI Breach of police regulations IKEI Gnawing at stomach,pangs of hunger IKEI Different form,heteromorphism IKEI Monstrosity,aberration in structure IKEIREN Stomach cramps or spasms IKEIZAI 8URU To violate police regulations IKEIZAIKEI Police penalty of minor degree IKEIZAI SAIBANSHO Police court IKEIZAISHA Offender,contravener IKEMORI Dish of raw meat or fish IKEN Violation of the constitution IKENDATE Expression of an opinion IKEN ITCHI SURU To be unanimous IKEN NO S6I Difference of opinion lEN 0 YUSURU To be of the opinion IKERUJ To cover with earth or ashes, bury,plant IKERU SHIKABANE Living corpse IEKTSU Blood transfusion IKI Going,passage,course,departure IKI Life,vigor,animation IKI Abandonment,relinquishing IKI Inclination, tendency,animation IKI SURU To forget,to cast away IKIAI Meeting, encounter IKIAI KY6DAI Uterine brothers and sisters IKIATARI Dead end of street IKIAU To meet,meet each other IKIBARU To be obstinate,insist,persist IKICHIGAU To be at variance,quarrel IKICHIGAU To pass without seeing each other IKICHISUI tBloodsucker, leech, vampire IKICHO Within the limits of IKIDAORE Dying on a journey IKIDAORE One who dies on a journey IKIDAWASHI I Panting, short-winded TIKID6I Short+-winded IKIDOKORO Destination ILIDOMARI Impasse, culde-sac,dead end TE~IDjRASHI I Irritat ed,angry IEID6RI Anger, energy,ardor IEID6tRU To take the trouble to TEIGAI Exterior,outside the area IKIGAKARI Circumstances IKIGAKE On the outward journey ITIGAO Animated visage IKIGE Living hair,one's own hair TEIGOMI Resolution,diligence LEIGUTSO Life's sufferings IKIHAJI Lifelong shame TISJI Inflexible spirit ITIJIST Predatoriness,preying on other animals ITIEAERI Going and returning IKIEANJ6 Active account IKIKI Going and coming IKIMAKI Anger leaving one breathless IKIMAKI Display of forces or energies IEIMAKU To put forth all one's energies, steel oneself M892 0 - 45 - 7 IKIMITAMA 94 S( TI ( 6 9 '7 -"iA - 2 -T -o ^1 -0 i $ tT^ ^f < ^M < ^t - ^^AQL ^1 T 4T^ -*1 IKIMITAMA Spirit of a living person IKINAI Within the area IKINARI Regular development of things IKI NI TASSURU To reach the limit,attain the level of IKINOBIRU To live too long IKINOKORI Survival,survivor IKINUKE Escape,place of escape IKIOI Condition,state,trend IKIOI SH6KETSU Extremely violent,rampant IKIRU To be damp, smell musty,be warm and oppressive IKIIU To be full of life IKIRU To cut in two with an arrow IKISAKI Destination,whereabouts,address IKISEI Breath and vital force IKISEKI Panting,breathlessness,with effort IKISHITAI Abandoned dead IKISUGI Excess,exaggeration,impertinence, Sboasting IKISUGIRU To brag,try to put something over,go too far IKITAERU To breathe one's last IKITAI Abandoned corpse IKITATSU Succeed,make progress IKITODOKU To be thorough,careful, considerate,and scrupulous IKITSUKU To attain,arrive at,be exhausted IKITSUKU To be ruined,lose one's fortune, die IKI-UME Burying alive IKIWAKARERU To separate forever IKIWATARU To'extend, spread, prevail, pervade IKIZASHI Respiration IKIZUE Rest,pause,halt IKIZUKU To breathe deeply,sigh IKIZUMARI Deadlock,stalemate,extremity IKIZUMARI Suffocation IKIZUMU To breathe deeply in making an effort,endure IKIZUMU To.r6ach an impasse,stop short in speaking,be cramped for room IKKA One load,one bundle IKKA SURU, To be in accord,agree IKKA SURU To pass IEKAGETSUYO Over a month IKKAH6 Monometallic system,monometallism IKKAI One lump,clod,or nugget IKKAIBUN One portion IKKAKU One stroke,in writing characters IKKAKU SURU To astonish,alarm,startle IEKKAKuKE Chinese ten-cent note IKKAN SURU To persevere to the end IKKAN BANG6 *Consecutive numbers,serial numbers IKKAN YUS5 Through shipment IKKASHA fASHIKIRIZUMI Carload lot IKKASHAZUMI Carload lot IKKASHO One place,one spot IKKATSU SURU To disconcert IKKATSU RENKO SURU To call collectively IKKEI One dynasty IKKEN Point in question IEKEN Rapid interview IKKEN KIROKU Related documents IKKEN SHORUI Related documents IKKI Curiosity,marvel,prodigy IKKI Machinist 1st class,fireman 1st class,navy IKKI One machine gun,etc. IKKI NI At a breath,at a stretch IKKIKAN Strange spectacle IKKIKU One handful,one scoop,of water etc. IKKIKU NO NAMIDA One teardrop IKKIS6 Machinist petty officer 1st class, navy IKKI-UCHI Single combat IKKO Consideration,attention IKK5 Engineer slat class IKK5 One item lot,share,etc. IKK5 One mouth,person,mouthful,or saber IKK5 One sea voyage IKK6KA SEIDO Monometallic system,monometallism IKKOKU One country or nation,the whole country IKKOKU Stubbornness,irascibilitya moment IKKOKU MONO Stubborn character,irascible person IKK636 Engineer petty officer 1st class, navy IMPEl KASHI, IKEYO Flight f t = IKKYO SURU To live a tranquil,retired life ---VAt IKEYO GEKIMETSU SURU To destroy at one stroke S- - IKKYO ICHID6 Each movement 3- --- IKKYO ICHIRAI Alternative -- - IKKYO ICHIRAI One departure and one arrival ^ ^ t- IKEKY 0 KISSURU To be surprised,wonder at S ' IK6 Glory,dignity,prestige IK5 Intimidation,threats M IK6 SURU To lay siege to 44ff6 IK5 SURU To transfer,move r IK5 SURU To transfer to . [ IKSDO Different altitude A71 t t IK6 DoKYOKU Uniformity of method and action 0 i] IK5 D5ON Unanimous accord,unanimity IKOKU Different country IKOKU Italy 9 \ I IKOKUSEN Foreign ship P #P 5- IKOKU YUSEN K6SHI Lloyd-Triestino Steamship Line 10 IKOMU To shoot,fire,or hurl into IKUBU What part or section,some part or section S IKUBY5 How many seconds,odd seconds IKUCHIYO Forever,for eternity Sf IKUCH5 SURU To grow up,mature ^ IKUE Accumulation,pile,heap - ( ' IKUHISASHII Of long duration i4 IKUJI Any time ^ IKUJI Spirit,endurance,strength,courage, character A ei IKUKAI " How many times <t|^ IKUN Grade of award A/ IKUNIMBUN Allotment for how many men ^ IKUSABA Battlefield 4T (i IKU TOKORO Destination 91 IKUToRI How many species or kinds 'Lt IKUTSU SURU To be weighed down, crushed S IKUTSUKI How many months,what month IKUYO How many generations IKUYO How many nights tS IKUY5 SURU To bring up,raise,nourish ~ IKYAKU Terror,dread,fear &Rt t6i IKY5TOKA SURU To paganize,^, IKYU Degree of nobility or rank ~ IKYU Medical pannier i 5 IMADASHI Not yet SL U IMADASHII Raw unripe,short of. * IMADEKI Recent manufacture "X IMAFi Present fashion S IMAGATA Just a moment ago,in just a moment - IMA ICHI5 Once again "IMA-IMA Immediately,now,in an instant, /4 IMA-IMASHIGARU To be bored or annoyed by S'5 L u IMAMEKASHII Fashionable y < IMAMEKU To modernize oneself,follow latest fashion "z5 b' IMASHIGATA Just a moment ago _ C (-- IMA SUGU NI This very instant H, IMBAI Illicit trade ^. ^ IMBAJ6 Horse-watering-place P1^ 4 IMBANSHI Seal engraver 'lWf IMBATSU SURU To select,pick or pluck out ~t IMEI Disobedience of an order ^ IMEI False or assumed name - T IMEI SURU To instruct,command,order,-. l- ) IMEI NI YORI By order Su 1. IMI Curious taste,strange flavor* - , IMIAI Meaning,import,nuance ^ IMIN Barbarians,foreigners SR^ f IMIN JIMUSHO Colonial office 4 R.'' IMINKAN Immigration officer S IMINKYOKU Emigration or immigration bureau %RI - IMIN TORIATSUKAININ Immigration agent f^* IMME1 India and Burma ."? ^i IMMITSU NIKUHAKU SURU * To urge secretly li IMO Smallpox marks 4t IM5 Majesty,authority,influence,power Sf IMOGASA Smallpox T^ IMOJIRU Yam soup Yt'I IMOKIRI KIKAI Potato-cutting machine S IMOMUSHI Caterpillar IMONOSHI Caster,founder 4 IM6TO MUSUME Younger daughter f I] IMPAN Seal in printing.F IMPEl KASHI Hidden defect IMPEI SHUGI 95 1Ak IMPEl SHUGI Secrecy,secretism kl IMPI Secret,secret thing I411 IMPU Talisman,good luck charm pkl IMPUKUI SURU To hide,conceal one's self IMPUKUSHO Shelter,refuge It TIMU To deprive or limit oneself,abstain from f r IMU EISEI Sanitation f IMUKYOKU Bureau of Medicine IMUSHITSU Dispensary IN India IN Negative,in electricity IN Yin,the female,negative,dark,and evil principle -IN Leader,officer,in China INA- Rice INABUNE Rice boat Bl INAKAKA SURU To rusticate '-Wf INAKA MACHI Provincial town S INAKAMONO Article made in country districts S INAKA SUMAI Rural life INAKUSA Rice-paddy weeds p IN-AN Obscurity LVI I At INARERU To get used to living in a place qLf*_tk INCHIJ6 Warrant to arrest - f INDENTO SURU To buy for one's eaccount VA$ 4 INDO-KY6TO Hindu IND5RU Indole iPtAt INDO-SHINA K6GY6 KAISHA French Indo-China Mining Co. (pt XVjA INDO-SHINA SANGY6 KAISHA French IndoChina Industrial Products Co. INE KABU Rice stubble 3 INE MOMI Unhulled rice INEN Keepsake,souvenir,bequest IN-EN Connection,affinity,relations 0t1 IN-EN Origin,source,cause WIk IN-EN Secret assistance 4r 0f* INE NO KABU Rice stubble INERU To go to bed,go to sleep INFURE Inflation S INFURE KEIKI Inflation boom - tkJ INFURE KEIK6 Inflation tendency pr- INGA Silhouette INGAISHA Lobbyist U9 INGA RITSU Law of causality k INGASHI ZENSHI Uncut printing paper IINGIN Friendly relations,civility INGO Rhyme INGO Secret word,cover name fPitK INHIJIN Indians and Filipinos W ININ BAIBAI Sale on commission IA*j-*i ININ KIGY6 RENGb Blind pool $1 3-&-k ININ T6CHI Mandatory administration %7e, P ININ T6JICHI Mandated territory P1 ININ TbJIKOKU Mandated country %4~t'd ININ TdJIRY6 Mandated territory 4 1s1$J ININ TbJISEI Mandate system rA bL IN-IN TO SHITA Secret, cloudy,obscure, gloomy S IN-IN TO SHITE Secretly,obscurely IN-ION Negative ion ftt IN-ITSU Seclusion,retirement jkA INJA Smoker Al V INJI Language,speech p* INJI Seal,imprint of seal 4e1 INJI Secret,secret matter IP IK INJI DENSHINKI Teletype INJO Hiding place,refuge INJO Secret assistance F INJ6 SURU To multiply 6 INJOKU SURU To hide,conceal one's self INJUN Approvalsanction,consent INKA Relation by marriage IN-XA Indian currency INKAI Yuan fp4SIIL IqIAJ SH6MEI Certificate of seal impression CZibK f'INKANSUI Canteen water fPI INKAN TODOKE Registration of a seal SiA IIMATEN Flash point 'L~J'I* IINKA ZEI License tax P INKA ZEI Stamp duty INtEI Secret designintrigue INtEI Shade,shadow INKEN SENK6 Running partially submerged INKENT6 Flashing light INRT Hypochondria,melancholy INKIN Boil,furuncle fptA INKINE Crotch ringworm,jock itch INKO French Indo-China Mining Co. -r ci) 840 tP Ji P i p~iit 4 7PK 514%9 MSi f1 F A d) t& 67K 571 rt~t *. i 9 d) '2 ~P (tA ii c o>93 cAL 4;r h ~P-We ~ P4L ~ ~P&i # B tPFl x 41U L Phlcft:4 31~rf 514# tt3 fp 0i $ ~i PA ~ API ~gr sP~i 7( ofiff -tlB ~s;A 9~ ~ 3 o6 9ta;4S SI )r SI INYoSHo INK6BU Throat,larynx INK5 J6MYAKU Jugular vein INK6 KINSH6 Quinsy INKOKUSHI Seal engraver INK5 NO CHI Place of strategic importance INK5SEN Pharyngeal gland INK5TSO Angina of throat INKUTSU Vice den,vice quarter INNAI Within the parliamentary chamber INNAI S5RI Parliamentary leader IN NY5 Radical 054 IN6 Pocket I NO BYoKI Stomach disease INOCHIDAI Ransom for one's life INOCHIGAE Thing worth sacrificing life for I NO FU Stomach I NO GEK6 Pylorus,lower orifice of stomach IN-O GOZOKU Indo-European family of languages I NO ICHIBAN Very first I NO J65K6 Cardia,upper orifice of stomach INOKO Radical 152 INOKO HEN Radical 152 INORIAGERU To pray,request INORIKOROSU To pray for someone's death INRAI Thundering INRITSU Rhythm,measure,cadence INR6ZUKE Pickled cucumbers INRY5 NA Shady,cool INRY5SUI Drinking water INSAI SURU To grant,bear,accept, acknowledge INSAN Anxiety,pity INSAN French Indo-China Industrial Products Co. INSATSUBUTSU ZAICHU Printed matter only INSATSUK6 Printer INSEKI Rubefaction,in medicine INSEN National railway line INSEN Tugboat INSEN SURU To draw lines INSEN SURU To hide,conceal one's self INSHA H5DAI Masked battery INSHI Heir,successor INSHI India and China INSHI Indo-China INSHI,Secret INSHI KUYU India-China air transport INSHIN Relative by marriage,distant relative INSHI ZEI Stamp duty INSHO Hiding place,refuge INSHO Works consulted or quoted INSH65 Proof,documentationevidence INSH6 Reference INSHoBUN Citation INSH6HY6 Reference mark INSH6KI Record of impressions INSHOKUSH6 Bulimia,morbid hunger INSHOKUY6 KIGU Tableware INSH5 SHIJI Reference letter INSHUKYh Dipsomania INSUI Drinking water INSUIJ6 Watering place INSUIK6 Canal supplying water INSUI K6JI Water catchment INTAI ' Retirement,resignation INTEN Cloudy sky INTOKUSHO Hiding place INTOKU TSUMITATE KIN Hidden reserves INTOKUZAI Crime of receiving stolen goods INTiBYB Pharyngoscope INTI MAKU Soft palate INTSO Intourist,the Soviet Union tourist bureau INU Radical 094 INUAWASE Dogfight INJUBONE Thankless task,dog's bones INUGAWA Skin of dog INUGOROSHI Person of shady looks INUKAI Raiser of dogs INUKUI Dogfight INU NO RENRAKURO Communication by dogs INUZUNA Leash IN-Yb Voice and appearance IIIST6BUN Extract,citation INY6 DEMP6 Wire referred to INY6 KYUSUIJ6 Personnel watering place INY6 RY6SEI Hermaphroditism INYI6SH Incontinence of urine IN-YoSUIi 96 0A *1 IN-YoSUI Drinking water ýIA16 IN-YoTEN Quotation marks At 5 IN-YU SURU To solicit,persuade,coax,lure INYU SJINKXOKUSHO Entrance declaration INZEI Stamp duties INZ6 SURU To hide, conceal I-POMPU Stomach pump IPPA Branch of river IPPAN HbRYAKU General plan IPPAN ITCHI Universal consent or approval IPPAN KAXEI General account IPPAN SEIK6IAN Xanthochromia,a disease SIPPAN SEMPAKU Ordinary merchant shipping _-lt IPPAN T6HY6 Referendum SIPPAN TORIHIKI General business IPPEN One side,neighborhood S IPPEN SURU To be prejudiced,partial S IPPENGIRI Only one time,just once L IPPI Seaman 1st class,flight -V & IPPIKI One animal,one head -E IPPIKI One piece of cloth,2 tan or 64 feet long -- IPPIN IPPU Poverty and riches - IPPIS6 Petty officer 1st class,flight - IPPO Area of six square feet -; IPP6 Rule,regulation IPPON Individually,independently - IPPOINBASHIRA One mast -- 3 IPPONDACHI Isolation,solitude - 7 IPPONDATE Single-handed -- IPPON YARI Decision by a single blow IPPONZURI Suspension by a single cord or rope S IPP6TEKI NI Unilaterally, independently IPPU Chinese one-cent coin IPPU Grant of money IPPUN One minute IPPURY U Eccentricity,extravagance IRAERU To answer IRARIDOI Cruel,barbarous,pitiless S IRAIIHIN Things requested IRAIH6 Request wire IRAI KOSU To make a request IRAININ Client S IRAI NO KEN Matter requested SIRA-IRASHII Irritable,sullen,surly IRAN Rail,handrail S IRAN TO SURU To be about to enter IRARAKASU To anger,irritate,exasperate a-16 IRATERU To irritate,excite,nettle IRATSU To get angry,to be irritated IRATSUKU To be in a bad humor,be excited, be impatient ~s IRAU To play with,amuse oneself with IRAZARU Unnecessary,needless IRE Roasting or parching slightly -IRE Receptacle,case IREBOKURO Tattooing 15 IRECRIGAER% To substitute one thing for another y error IREGAMI False hair IREGOMI Gathering of people IREGOMI Melange of several things IREI Disobedience of orders #1 IREI Example contrary to custom AIREI Indispositionbad health. IREISAI Memorial service V 1-- 9 --,, IREISHO Order S IREKOMERU To put in,boxjack together IREKOMU To put or cram into S IREKOZAKE Salmon with its eggs IREKUMIHIN Contents of vallet,etc. eIRENE Offer,tenderbid IRERU To be excited,be irritated or in bad humor IREBTSU Power,forceinfluence,majesty {'J IR]TSU Precedence,order of rank X')A di IRIAGE KIN Sum spent lavishly IRIBITARU To soakbe immersed in h ~bi IRIDAKA Total revenues or income X IRIGASHIRA Radical 011 )ko14As IRIKAKE NI NARU To be suspended,be postponed AkfY)CA4.') IRIKAWARI TACRIKAWARI In rapid succession;~24 IRI1O Rice flour roasted or parched h) l IRIUIMI Complication, confusion, intrigues ) pLt IRIMAJIRI Jumble,melee SIRISHIO Ebb tide,ebb,reflux IRITATSU To enter,visit frequently IRO Radical 139 IRO Signs,of Unrest etc. P IRO DoKI Arriving at same goal by different routes $7 V -~ & K 40 o 3 K _-~Ir t~3,s 4L9a i~ 18 ~tk 19 O & ~t -r]gP f 5 ~ s5ti ~ $fE4 47II (.E1~ 5 t~p- 5 ~ -4%~ s EQ,.r4 &W9s0 ' a4 ~t2~ 56Sf8 56 3 f 293 ~ Ptg 6E3gy 1'3rI ISElo IROE Colored drawing IROGAWA Dyed or painted leather IROGINU Dyed silk cloth IROKO Dandruff,ptyriasis IR6 NAKI SAMA Appears to be going without a hitch IR oNAKU Thoroughly,vithout a slip IRONINA Different,varied,various IRONINAKU Uncontested,no objection IRO NO SHIKIBETSU Color vision IRONUKII Discoloration IROSOU To increase in varieties or kinds, multiply IROZAMERU To become serious or sober IROZAMERU To lose brilliance,fade,pale IRU Radical 011 IRUI Classification IRY6 Clothing and food IRY6 Italian territory IRY6N6 Medical pouch IRY6SH6 Victualing depot IRYUHIN Things left behind ISAGIYOSHI TO SEZU To disdain ISAI Inherited ability ISAI Transfer,of cargo etc. ISAIBUN Detailed text ISAI FUMEI Details unknown ISAI FUMI Letter follows ISAI K6KUBIN Details by air mail ISAI K5SHIN Details follow in later message ISAI 0 HANATSU To be conspicuous,stand out ISAI YOH6 Details by mail,letter follows ISAKAU To quarrel ISAKUJ Bad harvest ISAKU Stratagem ISAMITATSU To be stirred,be animated, sparkle ISAN ARASQI Quarrel over an inheritance ISAIN Compilation,arrangement ISAN Something wrong, a miscalculation ISAN KANRISHA Administrator of an estate ISAN KARZAI HIKI-UKESH5 Probate bond ISAN KANZAIJ6 Letters of administration ISANKASH6SH6 Gastric hypoacidity ISANKATASH6 Gastric hyperacidity ISAN 0 NERAU HITO Legacy hunter ISASAKE WAZA Insignificant affair ISAYOU To hesitate,doubt,delay ISE DAIJINGU Ise shrine ISEI Assumed name,different name ISEI Medical student ISEI Will,volitional faculty ISE JINGO Ise shrine ISEKI Books on medicine ISEKI Sluice,damirrigation dam ISE NO TAIBY6 Ise shrine ISETSU SURU To transfer and set up equipment ISHI Radical 112 ISHI Disobedience of orders ISHI Italy and China ISI Sentiments, lueas,views ISHI SURU To treat contemptuously I-3HI Izvestia,a newspaper ISHIBASHISHIKI Cautiously ISHIGATAME Paving with stone,ballasting ISHI HEN Radical 112 ISHIJI Stony terrain ISHIJIKI Paving,pavement ISHIMURO Cave in a rock ISHIfI Transfer of case to superior court ISHIN Tyranny,intimidation ISHINAKU Unintentionally ISHIN-EN Eccentric circles ISHI NO JTYO Freedom of the will ISHIRAMASU To put enemy to flight with hail of arrows ISHITSU Error,blunder,loss ISRITSU Heterogeneity ISHITSU Strange disease ISHI-USU BAPT6 Person of unbending severity ISHI-USUGEI Doubtful competency ISHIWARA-Hb Ishiwara iron extraction process ISHIWATASHI Asbestos sheets ISHIZAKA Stone steps up a hill ISHb6 Details,circumstances ISHo Enclosure,barrier,defense ISHo Plan,designinventionconception WA3;ýX?f 3F bA PC4 Stiff I S-OXEN 97 I-BE KEI Bight of encl osure I3ROKU NO MICHI Means of livelihood 13110 Circle~encirclement 13110 StRU To acouisulate,compile ISmi K6BI Hybridization~crosabreeding ISROXCBYZ5 Atrophy,,lingering illness IZHUXYZ6 Different religion IS11UTSUNYO Exports and imports 'ISHTJTSU SHIKOKUSH0 Clearance declaration IS6 Barber's itch 136 Idea,opinion.,views 136 Strange appearance ISOBATA Shore, seashore ISOBTIRI Surf,breakers ISOGASHfIGARU To pretend to be busy.,fuss around ISOGAWASHII Busy,pressing ISOJI Road along seashore ISOMA Seashore~edge of sea 130K STIRU To depend upon ISONAMI Wave,billow,breaker ISONDO Degree of dependence 1501111Seashore,beach ISSAI A misfortune ISSAI Ohe yearo ISSAXIJBAK Evening before last ISSATSU TASII6 Safety of great many through death of one 15511 Seaman 1st class.,maintenance ISSEI First generation Japanese in America 153111 Seaman 1st class.,maintenance 13511136 Petty officer 1st class, maintenance ISSHKI HEN Radical 36 ISSEKI NICII6 Killing two birds with one stone ISSEKI 36ZOKU Inheritance.,succession ISSEMBARI Thousand stitches on cotton charm girdle ISSENSOXIJ First battle speed ISSETSIJ Entirely, solely,positively 155111 Single glance 153111 Tradition,anecdotal accounts ISSHIKI Single color 155111K One person,one's life 155111111A.NLETSU Judgment passed with possibility of appeal ISSHfINJ6 NO Personal ISSHITSU 511111 To forget 133116 One victory 133110 FUZAI NO HITO Tramp.,vagabo'nd, wanderer ISSHOHAKM Staying together ISSHOKUGA Monochrome 155116 NI FUSU To laugh off 133110 0 TEISXJRU To take the liberty of writing someone IS1351 Seaman 1st class, supply ISSHUKUR~1U To pass the night,,lodge ISS11USUoIntendance peitty officer 1st class I S5HUTSU Superiority ISSHUTSU 511111 To exceed,surpass ISS11tTSU SURU To overwhelm 1556 Petty officer 1st class ISSOKU One breath 1350111 One instant 15501111 Swift, speedy 153011 One village.,the whole village j~~2_04ie side of question IT'AKXURI Sbhavingg., chips, cuttings 1TAK Trust company ITAKIJ Dwelling,,residence ITAKU Request relilance on ITADY G1=13 6Consignment bank ITAKU HIKI-M1XENf Trustee.,principal ITAKUHIN Oosigmnents',atrust. ITAX11 KXIEI Delegated momagement ITAXUNI Consigwmet goods *a)p All 7 A#-2 -- 7, ITToDATE ITAKU3HA Consignor, client ITAMASU To cause painisadden,,make suffer ITAMERU To curry,dress or tan leather ITAMERU To paste in layers ITAMISHO Sore or painful spot ITAMITSUZTJXU To continue painful ITA MOKKO Wooden dirt carrier ITAMIT To lament,be pained.,sympathize with,be lamentable ITAN Anxiety, concern-,dread ITANKA SURlY To make a heretic of ITA NO YANE Shingle roof ITARII-KA SURlY To Italianize ITARII KAWASEKYOIKU Italian Exchange Institute ITARU Radical 133 ITASHIOKTJ To do ITATSU To enter Into ITATSU To have a bearing on,relate to ITATSU To sit down and get upybe related to, enter ITATSUKAWASHII Annoying, tiring, laborious ITATSUKE Brads,small nails,tacks ITA URA Z6RI Sandals with wooden soles ITAWARI Fatigue,pity,care,,solicituide., illness ITAWARI Plank one sun thick ITAWASHII Busy, pressed ITAWASHII Compassionate.,painful,, distressing,'pitiful ITA YANE Wooden roof ITAZUKI Fatigue,pity.,care.,illness ITCHI Most,first and foremost ITCH6 133111 Tension and relaxation ITCHOYA Twenty-four hours.,a day and night ITEI Heart,,mind,in mind~at heart ITEI Odd appearance.,strange manners ITEN Difference ITEN ZEI Tax on transfer or moving ITERD To freeze,split through freezing ITO Radical 120 ITO- Dear..gracious,lovable ITODAMA Ball of thread ITODOSHII Growing ever larger.,steadily Increasing ITOGERU To remain to the end ITO HEN Radical 120 ITOHIKI Spinner,viscosity, stringiness ITOHIKU To string,be viscous or sticky ITOI Aversion,exhaustion,, satiation ITOI Weakness.,listlessness.,concern.,care ITOJ6KXIN Thread-shaped bacteria, Apirilla ITOKO D6SHI Cousins ITOKONI Vegetable soup ITOME Anxiety,worry, concern ITO NI IDETARU To have planned ITO-OSHII Exciting pity~dear~beloved ITO 51111 Line of thread,piece of cord ITOYA Thread merchant ITOYORIZAO Distaff ITSTJBA Stray horse,fugitive ITSTJBEN Eloquence.,f luency ITSUBUTSU Great man,,swift horse,,eagle ITSUDATSU SURlY To escape ITSUGOKU 511111 To escape from jail ITSUKI Living at the place ITSUJKI JIKUSHI Landowner living on his own estate ITSIJKUSHII Beautiful,,pretty.,fine., splendid~maj esti c ITSUMOOUMSA Beet 1__ b._1' ITTETSU Rut,the same track ITTE IJRISABAKININ Sole agent ITT6 SURlY To rule~govern ITT6DATE One-horse,,hitched to wagon If NK It 9-4 W~ I tot I -l4Mt - M l it -^ n -'4%rr't -^l? -^I - -^^.4 -^ ^ PK014 L7#l ITTo EISEIHEI 98 ITTo EISEIHEI Seaman ist class,medical ITT6 EISEI HEIS6 Petty officer 1st class medical ITT6 GIJUTSUHEI Seaman 1st class, technical ITTo GUN-I Medical Corps Captain,army ITTo GUN-ISEI Medical Corps Colonel, army ITT6 GUNRAKUHEI Seaman 1st class,musician ITT6 GUNRAKU HEIS6 Band petty officer 1st class ITT6HEI Private 1st class ITT6HEI Seaman 1st class ITT6 HEIS6 Petty officer Ist class, boatswain's mate ITT6 HIK6HEI Seaman 1st class,flight ITT6 HIK' HEISo Petty officer 1st class, flighc ITT6 JOI Veterinarian captain ITT6 JUISEI VQterinarian lieutenant colonel ITT& JUNYoKAN Heavy cruiser,first-class cruiser ITT6 JUNYoKAN SENTAI Heavy cruiser division ITTdKAN First rank of higher civil officials ITT6 KANGOCH6 Hospital sergeant major ITT6 KANJA Class 1 patient,bedridden patient ITT5 KEISHU Intendant sergeant major ITTOKI One hour,one moment,temporarily ITT6 KIKANHEI Seaman 1st class, engineering ITT6 KIKAN HEISo Petty officer 1st class, engineering ITT6 K6HEI Engineer 1st class ITT6 K6HEIS5 Engineer petty officer 1st class ITTo K6IN Worker 1st class ITT6 KoSAKUHEI Seaman 1st class, construction and repair ITT6 KoSAKU HEIS6 Petty officer 1st class,construction and repair ITTOKU ISSHUTSU Advantage and disadvantage ITTo SEIBIHEI. Seaman ist class, maintenance ITT6 SEIBI HEIS6 Petty officer 1st class, maintenance_ ITTo SENKYAKUYo Saloon deck KAMPAN ITT6SHITSTJ First-class cabin ITT6SHo First-class illness incurred while on duty ITT6SH6 First-class wound received in service ITToSH6 First prize ITT6 SHUKEI Intendant captain ITT6 SHUKEIHEI Seaman 1st class,supply ITT6 SHUKEI HEIS6 Petty officer 1st class,supply ITT6 SHUKEISEI Intendant colonel ITT6 SOTSU Private 1st class ITT6 SUIHEI Seaman 1st class ITT6 SUIHEIS6 Petty officer 1st class ITT6 UNTENSHI First mate ITT6 YAKUZAIKAN Pharmacist colonel IUBEKI NARI May be said to be IU GA MAMA As it is said IU NI OYOBAZU It goes without saying IWABA If one were to say IWABASHI Natural stone bridge IWAGAKI Stone wall IWAGAZKURE Shelter of a crag or rock IWA KADO Projections of a rock IWAKENAI Young,still a child IWAKU Radical 073 IWAKURA Rock warehouse IWAMA Defile,gorge IWAMAHOSHII Wanting to say IWAMURO Rock cave,grotto IWASE Rapids IWAYURU So-called IWAZU Without saying IYA More and more,still more,in addition IYAHASHI Extreme end,tip IYAHATE Last of all,in the last extremity IYA-ITOKO Second cousin IYAKUKIN J5K6 Penalty clause IYAKU RISHI Penal interest IYAKU SHOBUN *Distraint or distress,in law -JI gt ^11 7j^ ^T lkfA RA -b 1 I t *^^f& ^^gy S-i^T a)~^ ^ s&^^A ^ - ^-+ ^/rv^tti IYAMAAKU Earmark IYAOI Luxuriant vegetation IYASA No,certainly not IYASHISA Contemptibleness,baseness IYO SURU To join,become a member of IY6 Odd form,singular appearance IY6 SURU To transfer,as a flag IYU Consolation,appeasement IZARIBI Fire to attract fish IZEKI Dike,dam IZEN Gladly,joyfully IZENTARU Ever present IZoBUN Legal portion IZ6 GIMUSHA Person bound on legacy IZOKU Different stock or race IZOKU FUJORY6 Allowance to surviving family IZOKU KEKKON Exogamy IZOKU KoHAI Crossbreeding IZON Opinion,ideas,views IZON SURU To depend upon IZON SURU To exist,to be found IZONDO Degree of dependability IZONSEI Dependence IZUKATA Where IZUNA Sorcery, spell, enchantment IZURE NIMO SEY0O In any case IZURE NI SEYO In any case J VIM /I + lPi+ Ltax tM- I77 MA %0^ ^%ft ^^tT ^g /d^^ ^Mi gS^ ^ait^ER W^# ^ ^P^^ GT^1;^..L -1 ^^ ^;<o@ ^> BA ' @011( AMt SftT ^F$4 JA Well,then,in that case,if so JAB6 Evil design JACHI NEIBEN Craftiness and. adulation JAGYu Musk ox JAHEKI Vicious nature,perversity,evil leanings JA-I Perverse intention JAJABARU To persist,remain stubborn JAKAJAKA Bickeringly JAKAN Perversity JAKEI Evil design,nefarious plot JAKKA SURU To weaken,reduce JAKKI SHIKY6 Weak market JAKKI SUJI Short account JAKKI-URI Selling short JAKKU YoT6 Jackknife JAK8 Perverse act,misbehavior JAK6 Snake bite JAK6 Crawling, creeping' JAK6 SURU To walk in a zigzag JAK6 BUD6 Muscat grape JAK6 BUD6SHU Muscatel JAK6GYD Musk ox JAK6 HIK6 Weaving maneuvers,aerial JAKOTSU Reptile bone JAK6YU Musk oil JAKUFU Lead wind JAKUHEI Weak army, craven troops JAKUJAKU In the calm of solitude JAKUMAKU Solitude,calm JAKUON Weak sound JAKUR6 Youth and old age JAKUSHI Weak will JAKUSHITSU Weak character, temperament, or constitution JAKUSHITSU NA Weak,delicate JAKUSH6 Incapable general JAKUSH6KOKU Minor power JAKUTAI HOKEN Poor-risk life insurance JAKUYAKU SURU To be glad,be happy,rejoice JAKUZEN TO SHITE Calmly,solitarily JAMAMONO Nuisance,troublesome person JANKO Pockmarks JANKOZUWA Pock-marked face JANKU KUMIAI Junk shipping association JANOMEMAWASHI Turning stage of theatre JARIGURUMA Gravel cart JARI ISHI Gravel JARIJARI Sound of crushing stones JARI OKIBA Gravel yard JARISHIKI Ballasting of road JARON Wrong opinion,false argument JI From JI Radical 132 JI Radical 126 JI Thing, incident JI- Assistant,secondary,di-,vice-JI Ordinal number suffix -JI Buddhist temple -ii 99 I A 9491 jrtoc 44 Kit 9o L 7p ft 41 V1W IM*A 3ýtt J 15 jK ~t tt ~ Mg ) e~It f29 4jh a ta ~ 5 $it $~J ~tbi~P $ JF 2~~1 ~7 -: $ 5 7 elt)J$rej 931fp $ n it,J\ -JI Cloth JIAGE MICHI Causeway JIAI SETSU Egoism JIAISHIN Goodness of heart JIAISHIN Self-love JIAI SHUGI Selfishness,egoism JIATSU Self-repression,self-control JIBA NO Local,domestic JIBAKU Bond,alliance,engagement JIBAKU Suicide attack,self-destruction JIBAN Next turn,next round JIBANSEKI Foundation stone JIBETSU Separation,farewell JIBI-INK-KA Otorhinolaryngology JIBIKA Otorhinology JIBIKI GAKUMON Book learning JIBIKIMd Dragnet JIBIN Next accommodation,ship,plane,etc. JIBITA Bare ground JIB5 Desperation,despair JIBUKURU To be sullen,cross,or captious JICHAKUSHIN Traffic addressed to one's self JICHICH6 Autonomous town JICHI GY5SEI Self-governing administration JICHIKEN Autonomy JICHI KIKAN Organ of self-government JICHIN Scuttling JICBI SEIDO System of self-government JICHI SHOKUMINCHI Dominion,self-governing colony JICH6 Prudence,caution JICH6 Vice-director JICH6 Vice-minister,in China JICH6HA Conservative clique JICHOKU Next watch JICH6SHIN Self-esteem JIDAI Next generation JIDAI CHIGAI Difference between eras JIDAICH5 Rent roll JIDAI KOKUMIN Younger generation JIDAI NO FUG5 Synchronism JIDAI OTOKO Old man JIDAI SHICH6 Trend of public opinion JIDAN KIN Money paid out of court JIDEN Next telegramn,next wire JIDEN INSUI Looking after one's own interests JID6 Auditory canal JID5 AIGOKAI Child Welfare Society JID6 B6EKI Active commerce JID5 HAITATSUSHA Delivery automobile JID6 HEISOKU SHING5 Automatic block signal JID5H6 Automatic gun JID5H6 Self-propelled gun JID6H6 BUNTAI Automatic-gun squad JID5H6TAI Automatic-gun unit JID6JU Automatic rifle JID6 KAITEI Escalator JID5 KAKI Automatic weapon JID6KASHASHO Motor pool JIDb KATSUD5 Automatism,in physiology JIDd KEI-IKI Automatic mooring device JID6KI Automatic device JID6-KI Automatic telegraph instrument JID6 KIKAI Automatic machine JID6 KiKANKYOKU Automatic exchange station JID6 KY6IKUH6 Education of children JID6 KYBIKUSHA Pedagogue JID6 "KYJNYDSHIKI Self-filling fountain MANNENHITSU pen JIDb NIRINSHA Motorcycle JID6 6INKI Autostamper JID6RYOKU NO Automatic JIDB SANRINSHA Three-wheeled mctor vehicle JID6SHA HENSEI NO Motorized JIDbSHA J6Y6SHA Motorist JID6SHAKA SHITA Motorized JIDoSHA KoTAI Automobile relief force JID6SHAKYOKTU Motor Vehicles Bureau JIDbSHA 6 Auto magnate JID6SHA SENDEMJ Propaganda motoring JID6SHASH6 Motor pool JID6SHA ZEI Auto tax JID6 SHIKAKE Automatic mechanism JID6SHIKI DENWAKI Automatic telephone JID6SHIKI KENJO Automatic pistol JID6SHIKI SHWJO Automatic rifle ~ ~ diid 1E ~ 5 1 (f~~ t5 7 38 4%( 4 & 4 z' fij4 j 4' 414 4 I g ff E1 Et" kiJ 8 zi II t$9 QA. -Ftl 8 ~4 Sf i54 F4~F 4 Fi3 ~ S9 i~i a4p e0 Puf# 0 Ph tf 4i012 i 1 0 JIJI JIDd SORI Motor sledge JID6TAI Boy scouts,in China JID6 TENTETSUKI Automatic switch JID6 UND6 Automatic movement JIEIDAN Volunteer defense group JIEI HEIKI Weapons for self-defense JIEI HONN6 Protective instinct JIEI JIGY6 Independent enterprise JIEIJ5 From the standpoint of selfdefense JIEIKEN Right of self-defense JIEI K6SAKU KIKAI Automatic machine tools JIEI RITSU Law of self-preservation JIEI SAKU Policy of self-preservation JIEITAI Self-defence corps,in China JIEIYd For self-defense JIEIYo KIN Funds for self-support JItIY5 SH6GAIBUTSU Self-defense obstacle JIEKI Nutritive juice JIEKI RYUK6CHI District infected by epidemic JIEN One's own garden or fields JIFUKU Character matrix,in typography JIFUKU Clothing of the season JIFUKU-U Operculum of the ear JIFUTEKI Conceited,vain,presumptuous JIGA Self-portrait JIGA BOKKYAKU Forgetfulness of self JIGA CHUSHIN SHUGI Vanity,conceit,egoism6 JIGA HATTEN Self-development JIGA HOZON Self-preservation JIGAI HoKEN Extraterritoriality JIGA ISHIKI Self-consciousness JIGAKU Etymology,study of characters JIGAKU Learning by the ear JIGAKU Self-instruction JIGAMI One's own natural hair JIGANE OKURIJ6 Bullion invoice JIGA SHIJ6 SHUGI Egotism JIGA SHUCHb Assertion of one's rights JIGA SHUGI Egoism JIGEN BAKUDAN Time bomb JIGEN KIRAI Time mine JIGI Timidity,lack of self-confidence JIGID6RI Literally JIGO One's own words,soliloquy JIGO Self-defense JIG6 Appellation of a character JIGO ATSUKAI Publishing after the event JIGO D6CHAKU Self-contradiction,antilogy JIG5 FUBAN Panel for plane signaling JIGO HIZUKE KOGITTE Postdated check JIGOKUOCHI Damnation JIGO SH&DAKU Ex post facto approval JIGO 35I Contradiction between one's words and actions JIGUN One's own army JIGUZAKU Zigzag JIGYo One's work or acts JIGY6 FUKU Fatigues,work clothes JIGY6HI Working expenses JIGY6 HOKEN Business insurance JIGY6J6 Site of operations JIGY6 KbSAI Industrial bond f'IGY5 NENDO Business year JIGYb SHOKUBA Workshop JIHAKUSHA Person who confesses his crime JIHAN Demonstrations JIHATSU Next round or shot JIHATSUSEI Student supporting himself JIHATSUSHIN Initiative JIHATSU SHINKAN Time fuse JIHEI Automatic closure JIHEI BEN Connivent valvules,in anatomy JIHEMPI Emergency expenses JIHEN China Incident JIHENZEN Before the China Incident JIHI Self-abasement,humility JIHIBUKAI Beneficent,merciful JIHISEI Private student JIH6 Time signal JIHY6 Self-criticism JIHY6 RAN Editorial column JI-IGASHIRA Chief of Court Medical Bureau JI-IHO Assistant Court Physician JI-IKYOKU Bureau of Court Physicians JI-IRY6 Bureau of Court Physicians JI-I SAIKENSHA Secondary creditor JI-I UND6SHA Demonstrator JI-I YOK6 Demonstration JIJI Everything,all sorts of things JIJI Self-preservation JIJI EIGA 100 94 ta tz T' 8 tit El gi BJ A ir -r ed$Se VIE M ellf T rf 1$41#6 9d1 -C A8 0) MW H44 f6 ~j eJ$ Q BR5 -i2 $1:cif Egg)$i4 i 3;e R difflL 94fr_ 44 ~aW slig~l @-3c}1e Q R S41 -1-4 ftiMlC4 O25fibtf-$ itr S $14 ~i~ ift$ ~Ce (ilB A ~~;ge b"L en i JIJI EIGA Newsreel JIJI HY5RON Contemporary Review JIJIKUSAI Slovenly,dirty JIJI MONDAI Current question JIJIN Mercy,kindness,indulgence JIJI NI KIRAI To be ignorant of current events JIJIRI Border of piece of land JIJI SHASHIN News photo JIJI SHoROKU Summary of current affairs JIJISHU Autonomous region JIJI TAMPY6 Editorial notes JIJITSU Next day,following day JIJITSUDAN Explanation of a fact JIJITSU JII5 Factual material JIJITSUJ6 As a matter of fact JIJITSUJB NO De facto,actual JIJITSU MONDAI Question of fact JIJITSU MUKON NO Groundless,unfounded, false JIJITSUNAKI Unfounded. JIJITSU NO UMU Existence or non-existence of facts JIJITSU SH&MEI Establishment of fact JIJITSU SH6MEISHO Certificate of facts JIJITSU SH6SETSU True story,true novel JIJITSU S6I Difference in facts JIJITSU SUITEI Presumption of fact JIJITSUTEKI True,real JIJITSU TORISHIRABE SURU To examine the facts JIJO Author's preface JIZ6 NO Ear-shaped JIJODEN Autobiography JIJ6 JIBAKU SURU To fall into one's own trap JIJ6 NO YURUSU KA9IRI As far as circumstances permit JIJU Net weight JIJU BUKANCH6 Chief Aide-de-Camp to His Majesty JIJUCH6 Grand Chamberlain JIJUN Following 10 days,next 10 days JIJUN SUtRU To soak,dilute,irrigate JIJUSHOKU Board of Chamberlains JIJUSHOKU KANJI Senior Chamberlain JIKA Home use JIKA EIGY6 Business for one's own advantage JIKA HATSUTDENKI Generator for home use JIKAHY6 Current price list JIKAI Remorse,repentance JIKAI Self-discipline JIKAI SURU To explain on one's own behalf JIKAI SURU To watch oneself JIKA IJb Priceless,above market price JIKA IKA Cheapunder market price JIKAISEN Next fight,next match JIKAKU Space between letters JIKAKUSH6 Subjective symptoms JIKA MANZOKU Self-contentment,selfsatisfaction JIKAN One's own ship JIKAIN Resignation JIKAN Unctuousness,greasy state JIKAN Vice-minister JIKANGAI SHIGOTO Overtime work JIKANGAI TEATE Overtime pay JIKANGAI TORIATSUKAIRY6 Extra charge after hours JIKAN NO SEIGEN Time limit JIKARI Tenant famer JIKASEI Homemade JIKASHI Landowner JIKA SHUYB Self-improvement,aelfdiscipline JIKAYa For home use JIKA Y6SHU Sake for home use JIKEI Suicide JIKEI BYjIN Charity hospital JIKEIDAN-IN Vigilante JIIEItAI IhA DAIGAKU Charity hospital medical college JIKEN One's own opinion JIKESHI-GOMU Eraser JIKETSU Bleeding hemorrhoids JIKI Manner of speech,tone of voice JIlI Self-deception JIKl Self-recording JIlI BAIBAI Sale on the spot JIKIBARAI Cash payment JIKI GAISHI Porcelain insulator L6 fic41 A 1 1 A R TMg L Aklt 0 -: ( 1 VA i fý ig gIf 4 G ( G ( tQ O iggE 9R0i0F 3P 5i& Z8l0Sit) g)P4giR ~ $a@ I##iR i~BA~igfi% #8'r- 5 f LgiJAI 5 iPcFii $ ZA ~; $ ~; $ C]i 89 ti]i0~11 $ 182IR i ft c 8 X Q 9@fj E @j#f;lB 4SZ/i2 44; /Il XthitA JIMAN JIlI HAITATSU KU-ILKI Free delivery area, for telegrams JIKI 0 SHISSURU To lose the opportunity JIKI SAKUSEN Subsequent operations JIKISOJ6 Direct petition JIKITARISU Digitalis "Jill YUNYO B6EKI Direct import trade JIKI YUNYUHIN Direct imports JIKI YUNYOSH6 Direct importer JIKKANTEKI Realistic,suggestive JIKKEN BASAN KAITAIOU DAN Experimental Horse-Breeding Exploitation Association JIKENIHA Experimental school or group JIKKEN IGAKU Empiric medicine JIKKENJ6 Laboratory JIlKENKA Experimenter JIKEEN KAGAKU Empirical science JIKKEN KAITAKU DAN Experimental Development Association JIKKEN N6GAKU Experimental agriculture JIKKENSHA Eyewitness JIKKENSHA Tester JIKKENSHITSU Laboratory JIlKENTEKI Experimental JIKK6 FUN6 Impracticability JIKK6 I-IN Executive committee JIKK6J6 NO Practical JIlK6 KAN6 NO Feasible JIKKONSHA Close friend JIKK6SHA Executor JIKK6 YOSAN Working budget JIKKURI Seriously,maturely,thoroughly, closely JIKl Following clause or paragraph JIld Next voyage JIKl Sailing under own power JIKO BENGO Self-defence at a trial JIlO BENSEI Self-justification JIKO BOKEYAKU Forgetfulness of self,selfeffacement SJIKO B6SHI UND6 Safety-first movement JIKd CHUDAN Interruption of prescription, in law JIKO HATTATSU Self-develqpment, selfadvancement JIK-KAI Next voyage,next trip JIKO KAIB5 Self-analysis JIKO KESSEKI Unavoidable absence JIKO KETTEI Self-determination JIK6 KIKAN Period of prescription,in law JIKOKU Confession,admission JIKOKUD6RI Punctually JIKOKUMIN National of one's own country JIKOKUSEI Homemade,domestic JIld MIMAI Compliments of the season JIKb NO EmY5 Claim of prescription JIKOSHA Noneffective personnel JIKO TAIGAKU Leaving school unavoidably JIK6TEI Distance covered JIKb TEISHI Suspension of prescription, tolling of limitation,in law JIKO T5SUI Self-intoxication JIlO Y-RjY6 Self-capacity JIKU Penholder JIKU Private school, JiKUJIKU DERU To trickle,ooze,filter JIKUSEN Pivot ship,reference ship JIKU SEN Center line JIKUTAI Pivot union,pivot section JIXU YOKU Pivoting flank JIY6 HANN6 Stormy reaction JIKY6KI G6T6 Holdup man,armed robber JIKYdKI SETT6 Armed robbet) JIKYOKU One's own station JIKYOKU BINJ6 Riding the bandwagon JIKYOKUGARA In view of the situation JIKYOKUKA Under present conditions,under the circumstanceS JIKYOlU KEIKOKU Lesson learned from current situation JIgy_ Initigtive,independence,self-help JIIYu Second rank,following rank JIlYh JISOKU SAgiU gelf-suff icient policy JIKYU JISOKU SHUGI Self-sufficient policy SJIKYU KEIZAI SHUGI Autarchy,economic self-sufficiency JIKYKOKgU Self-supporting country JIKYORYOKU Endurance JIKY0SEIBYO Subacute ailment JIKYOSHA Immediate subordinate JIMAN Luxuriance,state of being overgrown JIMAN-YA 101 *R i a 4& FJ AA'# ~ k itjii.P s A ". *r4lAt K!W *?A 00ig. ) ETab i 0d A RAm a II, k 1 # A Ark AC u -. kjl wR'& 4A liv lk IM * KA,ýJ-M,~i JIMAN-YA Braggart JIMAWARIMAI Local rice JIMBUTSU BY6SHA Character portrayal JIMBUTSU GAKA Portrait painter JIMBUTSU GETTAN Character sketch JIMBUTSU SHIKEN Character test JIMBUTSU SHINY6 HOKEN Fidelity insurance JIMBUTSU Y5SEI Character building JIMEI Orders,instructions JIMEISHo Ringing in ears JIMENMOCHI Landowner JIMEN K6DEI Worship of literal interpretation JIMETSU SAKU Suicidal policy JIMETSUTEKI Suicidal JIMETSUTEKI KY6S6 Ruinous competition JIMETSUTEKI SEISAKU Suicidal policy JIMI H6FU Succulence JIMI H6J6 Fertility of the soil JIMIJIMI Seriously,profoundly,thoroughly JIMMEIBO Roster JIMMEICH6 Roll of names,register JIMMEI KANJ6 Personal account JIMMEI KANJ5 MOTOCH6 Personal ledger JIMMEI KYUJOSH5 Lifesaving medal JIMMEN Human face JIMMIN GIKAI People's Congress JIMMIN I-IMBU People's Commissariat JIMMIN I-IN People's Commissary JIMMIN SEIFT People's Government JIMMIN SENSEN Popular Front JIMMINT6 People's Party' JIMMIN T6HY6 Plebiscite JIMMI RAISAI Forever JIMMON Camp entrance JIMMON Question,inquiry JIMMON CH6SHO Interrogatory,in law JIMMONSHA Examiner JIMMONSHO Interrogation room JIMPU Beneficial wind JIMPU Gust of wind,violent wind,tempest JIMPi SEN Squall line JIMU Temple business JIMUBUN Service message JIMU DAIRI Business agent JIMIUHI Office expenses JIMUH6 Business report JIMUKA Businessman JIMUKA General Affairs Section JIMU NIKKI Day book used in business JIMUSHITSU Office, chancellery JIMUSHO SOSHIKI Office organization JIMU Sb6CHb Business manager JIMU S5CH5 Head of the General Affairs Section JIMU TANT6SHA Business manager JIMUTEKI Businesslike JIMU UCHIAWASE To discuss business JIMU Y5HIN Office supplies JINARI Subterranean rumbling JINARI Configuration of terrain JINCHI SURU To know well,understand JINCHI SURU To recognize,identify JINCHIH6 Position artillery JINCHI TETTAI Decampment JINCHi Middle of a crowd,in public JINCHU HIKKEI Field manual JINCHU MIMAI Gifts to soldiers JINCHO MIMAI Inquiry about man at the front JINCHU MIMAI Secret election fund JIND6 Footpath,sidewalk JIND6 Way of compassion JIND6GAKUHA Humanitarian school or group JIIfDORI YPGI Playing war JINDMTEKI Humane,humanitarian JIN-EICHI Camp,camp site JIN-EIGAKARI Quarternaster JIN-EIGU Barrack furniture JINEN Next year,following year JINENDO Next fiscal year JIN-EN D650 SETSU Simian descent theory JINGASAREN Rank and file JINGII Dinghy JINGI-IN Board of Shinto Affairs JINGISUKAN Genghis Khan,the year name JINGQ SHICH6 Great Shrine Office JINHO Personnel Department Replenishmenf Section JIN-I BUNoI Artificial classification JIN-IH5 Artificial law. JIN-IKA SURU To render artificial I A ~,k~m!M* AA A f A - - 7: A ~i 144A h~P 14 ~ A4R,<4 Iif+/ I ýCR mif14 "k-, lc,ý < 4 ci~~ h $~#fijhc A iJ44i4 A ~ hA hR ~3 xt 984 -r A h@ i~~ h78Ad Ii 1~ nA / NTll F~ ~C h3 A/7 E-&~ Ag*cij 3r, I# 7 ý/~i~~ JINRO JIN-IN BUKKEN Personnel and goods JIN-IN ID6 Personnel changes JIN-IN IJ6 NAI No casualties,no change in personnel JIN-IN KENSA Roll call JIN-IN KYoKYUSHO Personnel supply form JIN-IN SASSH6 BAKUDAN Antipersonnel bomb JIN-IN TENKO Roll call JIN-ITEKI KIKEN Moral hazard JIN-ITEKI SHIIKY6 Manipulated market JIN-ITEKI S&BA Manipulated market price JIN-ITEKI SoBA TaKI Rigged bull markpt JIN-I T&TA Artificial selection JINJAKYOKt Bureau of Shrines JINJIBU Personnel section JINJI CHbSAJO Private detective agency JINJI CH6TEIH6 Arbitration law for domestic or family affairs JINJI FUTAN Personal responsibility JINJI GY6SEI Personnel administration JINJI HIMITSU Confidential personnel records JINJIKA Personnel Section JINJI KACEo Chief of Personnel Section JINJIKYOKU Personnel Bureau JINJIRAN Personal column JINJI So6DANSHO Enquiry office JINJ6 CHAHANJI Every day occurrence JINJ6JI Normal child JINJ6 K6GUN Ordinary military march JINKA SURU To personalize,impersonate JIMKAISEN Garbage ship JINKAI SH6KYAKJUBA Incinerating dump JINKAI S6JININ Garbage man JINKAI SUTEBA Garbage dump JINAKUAKEN Personal rights JINKAKU KY6IKU Character education JINKAKU MONDAI Question of honor JINKAKUSEI Personality JINKAKUTEKI KANKA Moral influence JINK.AKU Y6SEI Character education JINKEI Human form JINKEI UND6 Battle maneuvers JfNKEMPU Rayon cloth JINKEN HAKEUDATSU Proscription of personal rights JINKENHI Personnel expenses JINKEN JURIN Encroachment on personal rights JINKEN MONDAI Question of personal rights JINKEN NO BY6D5 The equality of human rights JINKEN SENGEN Declaration of the rights of man JINK5 Attack on a position JINK& Manhole JINKB B6GYO K6JI Man-made fortifications JINK6 CHUMITSU NA Densely populated JINK6 D6TAI Population movement JINK6 EIY6 Artificial nourishment JINK6GAKUSHA Demographer JINK6HY5 Population tables JINK5 KAJ6 Overpopulation,congestion JINK6KASH6 Nephrosclerosis JINK5 KIHAKU Scattered or sparse population JINKiKZ Artificial light JINK6 KOKYIKI Pulmotor JINK6 NO SAITEKI MITSUDO Optimum density of population JINK6RON Population theory JINK6 SH5GAItBUTSU Artificial obstacles JINKP SH6METSU Extinction of population JINKbTEKI Artificial JINK6 TiKEI Census JINK6 Z6SHOKU RITSU Rate of population increase JINKYO Impotence,in medicine JINKY6 NA Tireless,indefatigable JIKNAI In ceanp,in the area JIN-O Sweepings,rubbish JIN O KARU To pitch a camp JI NO IRO Natural color JIN-ON Beneficence and pity JINORI Amble,natural gait of horse JINORI Horseback riding at moderate gait JINRAI FiU Violent thunderstorm JINRETSU Fleet formation JINRIKISHACHIN Jinrikisha fare JINRIKISHAFU Jinrikisha man JINRIKISHAHIKI Jinrikisha puller JINRO Sidewalk,pavement JINRON 102 I4* JINRON Nephrology/ S JINRY6 Human food Sk t f JINRYOKU 0 TA TO SURU Thank you for your S efforts 12i kJINSA Examination of a person JINSA Individual differences JINSA Personal error,personal equation S' JINSAI SURU To break to pieces JINSAKU Work done by human hands JINSEI Human voice,voice of the people 24 JINSEIGAKU Ethology 3-18 3, JINSEI KIROKU Human document k.1 P JINSEI NO FUHAI Corruption inherent in human nature i)FA JINSEI NO KADODE Threshold of life -4 iA JINSEI SHUGISHA Humanist k ý6JINSEKI Synthetic petroleum V i IJINSEMPU Sandstorm K*-" JINSHA KID6 Man-drawn tramway JINSHIN Occupation of a position JINSHIN NO Profound,deep JINSHIN HIHY6 Personal remark or criticism JINSHINKEN Personal rights T- JINSHIN SHATEKI Figure target practice ~L JINSH6 -Front,of a position b 615 JINSHo DAIMEISHI Personal pronoun -<.8 JINSHU JIMETSU Race suicide. S JINSHU KAIRY6GAKU Eugenics tS- JINSHU KAIRY6 RONSHA Eugenist "U041 JINSHU KENKYU Ethnography X JINSHU KENKY KA Ethnographer S. JINSHU KIGENGAKU Ethnogeny JINSHU SEISEIGAKU Ethnology M- JINSHUSEN Racial war A0 JINSHU SHINRIGAKU Ethnical psychology JINSHU TAGENRON Polygenism JINSHUTEKI HENKEN Racial prejudice k. f ^ JINSHUTEKI JISATSU Race suicide J,1 ~JINSHUTEKI KANJ6 Racial feeling JINSHUTEKI TAIHO Racial decay JINS6 Rapid running,papid race JINTAIBI Physical beauty JINTAI SOSHIKI Anatomy,human'organism JINTAI SOSHIKI Ligamentous tissue JINTAKU Dwellings JINTAN Headache pills JINTEI Human pyramid JINTEIH6 Human law,positive law <-i JINTEIKEN Human rights - JINTEKI Human 7^V JINTEKI KIKEN Personal hazard,moral hazard,in fire insurance.', JINTEKI SHIGEN Man power JINT6 Battle sword JINT6 Human head,number of persons k.. JINT6DAI Size of a man's he&d i.j JINTo RY6DATSU Head-hunting W '^ JINUSHIHA Landed interests JINUSHI KAIKYU Landed class S ~II JINUSHI SHAKAI Landowning class JINZAI Man-power resources i. JINZEI 'Poll tax JINZ6 GOMU Artificial rubber <. ~JINZ6 HIRY5 Artificial fertilizer JINZoHY5 Artificial ice - JINZ6 KENSHI Rayon thread ^^- JINZ6 KIN Imitation gold JINZ6 MYAKKAN Renal or emulgent arteries. iL 'JINZUSEKI Artificial stone / JINZ8 SEKIYUKA Synthet c Petroleum Section.- JINZo SEMENTO Portland cement k.. t JINZo SEN-IKA Synthetic Fiber Section YJ, JINZ6 SETSUJO Nephrectomy <i&K " JINZ6 SHINJU Artificial pearl Sm JINZ6TSU Nephralgia %- JINZ6 Z6GE Imitation.ivory - JIONIN Dionin,ethylmorphine hydrochlorlde A | WLt JION KANAZUKAI Orthography JIPPI Current expenses StN t JIPPI HAMBAI Saleat cost Sft % JIPPI H6SHO UKEOI Cost-plus contract Ix A- JIPPI SHIBEN Payment of expenses S *'t4 JIPPI SHINRY6JO Cost clinic yt3A JIPPI TEIKY6 Offered at cost JIRAIGEN Mine field JIRAIKA Land mine JIRAI TANCHIKI Land mine detector JIREI Order,command,instructions 04 JIREISHO Official letter of appointment JISSEN - JIREI UTSUSHI Copy of a written appointment JIRETSU Letter alignment S-JIRI Balance, in finance )' 10 JIRITEKI Self-seeking JIRO The furnace itself JIR6 Cerumen,earwax JIR6 Deafness JIRUKON Zircon,a mineral 'JIRYOKU One's own power iT 9 JISAGARI Sinking of ground lA JISAKAI Boundary,bounds L< JISAKI SUIMEN Water front JISAKUN6 H6AN Small-holdings bill f 2 JISANNIMBARAI Payable to bearer JISANNIMBARAI KOGITTE Check to bearer -k495 JISANNIMBARAI SHoKEN Bearer securities JISANNIMBARAI TEGATA Note to bearer JISATSU H6JO Aiding and abetting suicide g, JISATSU HoJOZAI Crime of abetting suicide J3^^M^ JISATSU MISUI Attempted suicide JISEI Death JISEI NO China,made of porcelain SJISEI NO Self-adjusting S7 JISEI NO Self-made JISEIHIN Article of one's own making -. JISEI NI MATSU To leave to one's discretion JISEI NO SHIMPO March of the times S] JISEIRYOKU Self-control JISEITEKI Introspective 'I- JISEKI HANJI Associate judge 2'f. JISEKI KENJI Associate procurator ^- ^ JISEKI SAMBo Staff officer second in rank JISEKI SHIKIKAN Second in command r, JISEN Next ship JISEN One's own ship g A JISETSU HAZURE Unseasonable S JISETSUMONO Goods in season S JISETSUMUKI Seasonable ' JISETSU ToRAI Arrival of propitious moment S JISHAKU SURU To decline or drop a title JISHIN HIYORI Earthquake weather JISHIN YAKKAN "Earthquake clause JISHITSU Ear ailment,otopathy 1 JISHITSU Nature of soil JISH6 Self-mutilation S 13JISHO BAIBAININ Real-estate agent S JISH5 BAMPEI Bell sentry JISHO HENSANSHA Compiler of a dictionary, lexicographer J- JISHO KAISHA Real-estate company S JISHOKU Autophagy JISHOKU Food,prey A4 JISHOKU CH6KYO Acceptance of resignation I 0 JISHOKU NINKA Acceptance of resignation JISHOKUSHA Resigner T)'4J^ JISHO SHOSENNIN Real-estate agent ý YISHU Owner of a piece of land JISHU Self-defense JI SHO Ji sect of Buddhism f il JISHO GAKKA Homework SI- rd JISHU JIYU Freedom and independence 0 @to JISHUKEN Autonomy SJISHUKOKU Independent nation S- JISHUKU Self-restraint SJISHUKU JIKAI Self-discipline 44 tl JISHUKU NEDAN Voluntarily controlled prices Si < JISHUTEKI GAIK6 Positive diplomacy ^ JIS Burial without religious ceremonies S< JIS6HS Self-propelled gun J JISOKU Speed per hour 6,t,^ JISOKU SURU To breedmultiply,increase 6A\j JISOKUKAN Magnetic ring ^ SJ'. JISOKU KEIZAI " Self-sufficient economy S ' JISONKA Self-respecting person IT ~JISSAI FWTrAI Real tare, in con netce '1fkjt JISSAI KY6IKU Vocational education S.A JISSAI 4ONDAI Practical question,t~-* JISSAI NoRITSU Commercial efficiency IT^.A .JISSAI SENU! Actual possession y,.trl JISSAI SHoHIDAKA Actual amount consumed i.lM JISSAI SHOTOKU Real income T.W JISSAI S6BA Actual rate SW JISSAITEKI Practical,businesslike f Tt-] 0 JISSAITEKI H6MEN Practical side rF. * JISSAITEKI SHo6NIN De facto recog-nition I A JISSEI Actual results A1 JISSEKI TON Measured ton,cubic ton 1A JISSEN Continuous line JISSETSUTAI 103 fPP JISSETSUTAI Actual troops P 7; JISSHA SURU To fire with ball cartridge or live shell 1' JISSHI Actual observation tCVtA JISSHIB6SU GEN Light mortality S JISSHI H6AN Plan of- enforcement t---rb JISSHI ISSH6 Almost certain death 'fý%Lr JISSHIJ6 From the standpoint of enforcing?tt JISSHI KEIKAKU Plan of enforcement, 1RBa JISSHI KIJITSU Time for carrying out, effective date Lpfm JISSHI KITEI Enforcement ordinince or rule 1 i JISSHIN BUNRUIH6 Decimal classification ) P` JISSHITSUBYb Constitutional ailment l JISSHITSUKA Materialization r JISSHITSUKA SURU To substantialize, substantiate IkP JISSHITSUTEKI Substantial g1(t' JISSHITSUTEKI HAIBOKU Moral defeat i JISSHITSUTEKI SHIMPO Substantial progress YJIB4M 1 JISSHITSUTEKI SH6RI Moral victory Tsi- * JISSHI YoRY6 General plan of action e JISSH6TEKI Positive TIM JISSHU JIKAN Exercise-period + 4-k JISSHU KY5GI Decathlon 1 1 JISSHUSEI Apprentice JISSHOY6 Practical r JISSB SURU To actually equip S JISS65KA Practical person 2J1 JISSOKU ICHI Position by observation JISSOKUSHA Surveyor JISUI Suicide by drowning JITA Others $fi JITA NO Near by,adjacent JITAI JiUDAI Situation serious JITAKO Character kite b JITAKUBARAI Payment at home of payee $'Z' ~JITAKU NAISHOKU Home occupation JITAKU RY6Y6 Home treatment 0JITAKU SHOKUGY5 Home industries S JITCHI ENSHO Practice JITCHI KEIKEN Practical experience S JITCHI KEMBUN Personal inspection T1~T JITCHI 6Ya Application S JITCHI SHIKEN Trial practice JITCHI T6SA Working survey JITCH6 Actual collection JITEI One's own boat JITEI Self-stopping g ~ JITEN Time,the hours of time i JITENSHA Runner-up JIT6 Ear trumpet JIT6 Second rank,second place,next JITOKUBUTSU Emolument,bonus,eventual profit JITSJBAICUDAN Live bomb JITSUBUTSU KEIHI Expenses in kind JITSUBUTSU K6KAN Barter V1h ~JITSUBUTSU TORIHIKI Transactions in kind JITSUDAN SKAGEKI Corruption,buying of votes 'I4LZ JITSUD6 SURU To be in effect JITBUEI Actual operation I JITSUEKI Active or effective service V1~14_ JITSUEKI TEINEN Seniority in active duty T4)ý JITSU FURYOKU Net buoyancy IT JITSUGAI Actual loss or damage TlfA-t JITSUGAKU SHUGISHA Realist 1r*JITSUGEI Practical or useful arts JITSUGEKI Real attack 3P X JITSUGI True meaning or import JITSUGY6BU Ministry of Industry, Agriculture,and Commerce,in China '41]j-I JITSUGYb CH6CHi Chief of Industrial Affairs,provincial 1AIIQ JITSUGY6 DANTAI Business corporation FT & JITSUGY6 D&SHIKAI Business Men's Party PfL K JITSUGYb GAKUMUKYOKU Vocational Educational Affairs Bureau c9L*4~M. JITSUGYC HOSHI GAKK6 Technical continuation school " x JITSUGY6 KYBIKU Industrial education w JITSUGY6 KYbIN Business school teachers JITSUGYa RONSHA Industrialist 7 JITSUTGY6 SEMMON GAKKb Technical college JITSUGY& SHISATSUDAN Industrial inspection party JITSUJI Fact,actual occurrence JITSUKABU SUJI Spot dealers JITSUKI Pounding earth before building JITSUMU GAKK6 Business college -It (Pg6 7t T (f V 0, IT e4 7 tj ýb q Atv 4 r3 Lt top R 40 AAt r4 Ei ~ Allit 4 A al 8IA 3 a 44? t $-a, c g t@ ' 1 41 ~ e7K4 i~ ~1 s3PR -La~ LJ~ t~S "A t~~ljpJ Ak qi qj it, JoBA KABU JITSUMUKA Businessman JITSUMUTXKI Practical JITSUMU YbIN Business staff JITSUREKIDAN Life story JITSURI JITSUEKI Utility JITSURI SHUGISHA Utilitarian JITSURITETI Utilitarian JITSUROKUMONO Historical novel JITSURYOKU FUSA Effective blockade JITSURYOKUKA Under the control of JITSURYOKU SHUGI Merit system JITSUY6HIN Utility articles JITSUY6 HON-I Commercial unit or standard JITSUY5J5 From a practical standpoint JITSUYb J6SH6 GENDO Service ceiling,of a plane JITSUY6 KUTSU Utility shoes JITSUYMUTKI Serviceable JITSUYB SHIN-AN Novel design,in patent law JITSUY6 SHUGISHA Pragmatist JITSUY6 TdBU War head,of torpedo JITS'UZAIKA SURU To substantialize, substantiate JITSUZAISEI Reality,actual nature JITTAIJ6 Materially,from the material standpoint JIYAKU Transliteration JTYO Over an hour JIYdBUTSU Nutriment JIY6KA Nutritive value JTYb KACHI Nutritive value JIY6SHA Private automobile J]YoYAKU Tonic JTYU AIKB KOKUMIN Freedom-loving nations JIYO B6EKIK6 Free port JTYU BBEKIRON Doctrine of free trade JIYU DOITSU KOKUMIN Free German National I-INKAI Committee JIYO EIGY5 Independent trade or business JIYU HoNIN SHUGI Laissez-faire policy JIYU IMIN Free immigrant JIYU JITAI Free zone JIY0 KAWASE Free exchange JIYUKEN Rights of liberty JTYU KIGYb Free enterprise JIYU K6DoKEN Carte blanche JIYU K6D6SH6 Letter of safe-conduct JIYUMIN Free people JIYU R6D6SHA Casual laborer JIYISEN Liberty ship J2YISHI Free city JIYU SHIMIN Free citizen JIYU SHIS-KA Freethinker JIYU SHUGISHA Liberal JIYG SHUTSUGYO Free fishery JIYUT6IN Liberal JIYUT5 K6HOSHA KY6KAI Liberal Candidate Association JIYJ TOSHI Free city JIZAI KANSETSU Diarthrosis JIZEMBAKO Charity box JIZEN JSKEN Precedent conditions JIZEN JUHANSHA Accessory before the fact JIZENKA Philanthropist JIZEN KEIKEN Personal experience JIZEN KIKIN Charity fund JIZEN K6I Charity JIZEN SHINSEIBUN Portion already applied for JIZOKU KIKAN Duration JIZOKURYOKU Tenacity JIZOKUSEI Durability JIZOKUSEN Holding action,in war JIZOKUTEKI Durable JIZU Following chart JIZUKAI Local use JIZUKAI JUY& Local demands or needs JIZUME Number of words in a line J6 City,Ch4nese J6 Counter for gold bars J6i Unit of cloth measure,3.79 meters Jb Unit ~of linear measure,3.0303 meters -Jb From the point of view of JoATSU High pressure JBATSU Normal pressure JoBA SURU To offer on the market JoBAD6 Riding road JoBA ENSHt Riding exercises JoBA GAKK5 Riding school J 6BAJUTSU Horsemanship J BA KABU Listed securities 9~r JEBA KURABU 104 $ JdBA KURABU Riding club S JBA KY5KAN Riding master i JOBAKYU Excused from horseback drill JOBAMBA Riding and draught horses fla JOBA SANKAI BUTAI Extended order,mounted.4,, JOBA SHKEN 'Listed securities t J6BA TEIDENSH6 Mounted relay post S J6BA Y6GU Harness,saddlery 14 JdBAZ6 Equestrian statue k JOBI KIN Reserve fund J6BIMAI Reserve rice A t J0BU KbZ6 Superstructure 01f J 6BUTA Keyhole drop,cover of a lock JOCHI Tax-exempt land J WHI I-Ilr Standing committee J6CHI I-'NKAI Standing committee JBCHo SRAU To regularly reside JOCHUGIKUKO Pyrethrum,insect powder JOCHUKO Insect powder J6DAI Shanghai Diplomatic Office SJ6DAN First column J6DAN Ordinary conversation At 3 J6DATSU SURU To seize by force JODO Waste,dirt JOD6 EKI Powder solvent JODOKU Decontamination JiPDO Sf0 Jodo sect of Buddhism J6EI Superior niedical man JOEKIBA Horse exempt from military service 16EN X Upper border J6F7KU Span across the top of a ditch etc JOGAI Exclusion J6GAI Outside the field JOGAIREI Exceptioneexclusion MAIM J6GAI SHiJ6KEN Outside securities J6GAKU Superior bandsman,navy 4 J GAKU CHIKUN6SHO Ozena in upper jaw TW J6GE ID6 Vertical movement TF -?k J GE O AGETE Altogether,in perfect unison J6GI Circumstances,truth and falsehood 1 J6GI SURU To excite suspicion J6GO Ordinary wordssimple language J6GOGATA Funnel-shaped JOGONSHA Adviser J6GY6 Usual occupation S J6HAKU NAMBU Soft part of the upper arm J6HANKI First half of the period J-REKI Inclination,propensity, bent J6HI Superior seaman,flight H J7kRIKoSgo Superior petty officer,flight J6HISEN Epidermic gland J6HIS6 Superior petty officer,flight J6H6BU Information or intelligence bureau 'E Z) JoHoDoRI As informed JoHoDoRI As ordered J6HBJO Intelligence center JoHW366 KEIHATSUHI Propaganda funds J6H aKYOKU Information bureau JOH6KYOKU Intelligence Bureau iAJ 6 H6b RENRAKU Intelligence contacts 'f~itii 3J6H6 SEIRI Collation of intelligence IM, J6H6TAI Radio interception unit $ JH6b Y6SHI Intelligence summary SR J6HY6 Above chart tl J5HY5 Mandarin Chinese 1st tone JO-I GAKK5 Women's'medical college * JO-I JOKUN Advancements and decorations -to J6IMBU Crew Department JaIN Crew JO-IN Extraman,surplus man _J7 JoIN GI-IN Member of Upper Rouse i'fth JBIN T6TA Weeding out of supernumeraries @jgs% J6IRON Antiforeigniism IB~'~d J61T6 Antiforeign party ~tjsi JB3JI Every day occurence,ordinary 'affair JBJI HAl-IN To make routine assignment of personnel J6JIHAN Non-political offence,misdemeanor JoJI Ko~o International law in peace time JOJINE6b Paring, scraping, burring 31o JJI TANAOROSHININ Normal stock inventory 1*44 JJB6 All articles or paragraphs,each arti cle JiJa SHAKIRY6 Extenuating circumstances 0 J6JUTSU NO Above-mentioned J3KA Surplus,excess Ja urplus merchandise uJ rsuspension -L Vt J6KA SURU To put a ship in dry dock I J6KA SURU To purify ft 17 'tug 1 5Z I VA 4k'riA1 -M;fff~~9it'Afff~~ff n"Rrti ~P3rjPI-J? Pj tRriI% -c cJat~ JOMEI J6KAI Regular meeting JdMAN Superior officer J6KAN GUNGAKUTAI Marine band J6KAX TEIK6B Mutiny J6KAN TEIK6SHA Mutineer JKAN TEIK6ZAI Mutiny J6KEI General rule JKiKE Regular accounts 1oKEI State,condition,circunstances, appearance J6KEIHI Intelligence development expense JOKEI SHINZOKU Relative on mother's side JOKEN Deprivation of a right J6KEN Above-mentioned point JOKEN KAKUCH6RON Feminism J ENKEM I Conditional stem JOKENRON Feminism JEKENZUKI BAIBAI Conditional sale J6KENZUKI BAIBAI KEIYAKU Conditional sales contract J6KENZUKI HIKI-UKE Qualified acceptance JKENZTJUKI T6SHIKI Conditional equality JdKENZUKI TSUMINI Conditional cargo JZKENZM-K YUZURIWATASBK Escrow agreement KEIYAKU J6KENZUKI Z6-YO Onerous gift J3KI First half of the year J6KI Superior machinist,navy 3JKI Written above J3KI SURU To board or ride on a plane J6KI EISEN Steam tug JoKIKAN Steam engine J3KIK6 Steam port JdKIS6 Superior machinist petty officer JOKO As formerly JOK6 Secondary or holding attack JOK6 SURU To give way,in navigation J6K6 Good,excellent J6Kb Important intelligence J6K6 Superior engineer,navy J6K6 SURU To sail upstream J6K6CHO Proceeding up the river J6K6DAI Railway platform J6K6J6 Station platform JOK6 KANTOKU Forewoman J6KOKUBU Department of Appeals,in Formosa JKOKgUJ6 Appeal JoKOKU KIKAN Time to appeal J6KOKU M6SHITATENIN Appellant J6KOKUNIN Appellant Jo-KKUSHIN Trial of court of revision. J6K6oKYAKU Passengers boarding and alighting JOKON Now,at present JOK6 RESSHA Slow train JdK6SHA Passengers getting on and off a train J6KOSHI Ancient history J6K656 Superior engineer petty officer JoK5 S6BA Rising market J6KU Rider on a treaty,additional clause J6KO- In the air above sector... J6KO CHOKUEITAI Combat air patrol JOKUNETSU Suffocating heat JOKUN NAISOKU Informal rules concerning decorations JOKUN SHIKAKUSHA Persons eligible for decoration JOKUSHIN SURU To incur shame,disgrace oneself JOKUSHO Suffocating heat J3IC TSUKA Passed over JoKYAKU Client,regular customer J6KYAKUGAKARI Passenger agent J6KyAKU INSO Number of passengers J6KYAKU SEMMU SHASH6 Passenger train conductor JOKY6 Insane woman J6KY6 Usual condition JOKYOKU SEN Interpolated contour line of short dashes J6KYb SH6KO Circumstantial evidence J6KYU KANCHb Superior authorities J6KYU KANRI Senior official J6-KY USAIBANSHO Superior court JoB-YSEI Upper-class student J6MAESEN Stem or gudgeon of a lock JoMAETSUKI TODANA Locker J6MAEYA Locksmith JOMAKU SHIKI Unveiling ceremony J6MEI. Usual span of life JOMEI KAI-IN 105 t A f 9 O)VK k t2 #8 t ~ r Rt Ifi - Fli Whit a.$S 8 ft~ # ge 9~tfrt% b $9p M-kAli i 8L4)af 1 ' j *jý * -,gn Wip 653 ~513 e589 JOMEI KAI-IN Lame duck JOMEN SURU To forgive,condone,excuse J6MU Fixed duty,regulated task J6MU Train or trolley service J6MU I-IN Standing committee J6MU-IN Train personnel JJMU TORISHIMARI YAKUJ Managing director J6MYAKU CHUSHA Venous injection J6MYAKU JUKETSU Venous congestion J6MYAKU KEIT6 Venous system J 6MYAKU SHUTCH6 Varicosity J6MYAKU UKKETSU Venous stasis J6NEDAN Fixed price J6NEN Sentiments J6NICHI Ordinary days JONIN Promotion,official appointment J6NIN I-IN Standing committee J6NIN ININJ6 Permanent power of attorney JONIN JIREI Appointment JONIN SHIKI Investiture,enthroning J6NIN SHOKI Permanent secretary JoN6 KIN Money paid to state treasury JbN6MAI Tax rice JORAN First column JORAN Top of a page or column JOREI Slow cooling JdREI KAKUGI Ordinary cabinet council J6RI Principle,justice,right J5RIKUBI Day of shore leave J6RIKUCHI Landing point J6RIKU CHITEN Landing point J6RIKUCHU On shore leave JORIKUDOME Deprivation of shore leave J6RIKU JIN-IN Men on shore leave JdRIKUJ6 Landing place J6RIKU KIBbCHI Where they want to land JoRIKU KINSHI Shore leave cancellation J6RIKJUK Port of disembarkation J6RIK KYOKA Shore leave pass JoRIKU SAKUSEN Landing operation JORIKUTAI Landing party JbRIKUY5 SHUTEI Landing craft J6RIKU ZEI Disembarkation tax,customs tax JdRITSU General law JORON SURU To argue,discuss JORYOKU Aid,assistance JORYOKUJU Evergreens JORYOKUSHA Supporter JORYUi HIKoKA Aviatrix J6RY0 KAIKY0 Upper classes J6RYi KEIKAITAI Upper Yangtse patrol unit J6RY0 SHAKAI Upper classes J6RYOSUI Distilled water JOSAI Upper cloud limit J5SAI SURU To load JOSAINAKI Shrewd,clever,tactful J6SE Superior seamati,maintenance J SEI Superior senman,maintenance J SEIHI romotion expenseJ6SEIKA Under the circumstances JOSEIKA SURU To feminize JOStI KIN Subsidy,bounty J6SEIKIN Elevator muscle JbSEIS6 Superior petty officer, maintenance JOSEITEKI Contributory J6SEKI Censure,blame J5SEKI Expulsion JOSEKI HANJI Senior judge J6SEKISHA Senior,doyen JOSEKI SHOKI Head clerk J6SEN Line JOSEN Washing,cleaning,purifying J6SENCHIN Boat fare JbSENCHU On board J6SEN JIN-IN Ship's passengers JdSEN KIPPU Passage ticket J SENSHA Passenger J6SENTEN Embarkation point J6SES& Superior ground petty officer JOSETSU Explanation J&SETSU I-IN Standing committee JOSHA SURU To pardonexcuse,condone J6SHA Impulsion upwardupward cast J6SHA Passenger J&SHA BUTAI Motorized unit J6SHACHIN Train fare J6SHA H&}EI Horse artillery J6SHAKEN HIKIKAESH6 Ticket exchange order JiSHAKIN Trochlea,in anatomy J6SHA KITEI Rules for passengers J6SHA MAIRU Journey mileage JoYAKU KAISEI +1*4tY JbSHASENIEN Railway and ship tickets J- TK*- J6SHA SUISHA Water wheel with buckets e JBSHI Affection - JOSHI GAKUSHOIN Peeresses' School 941 Fi JOSHI HOJO GUN WAC J6SHIKI Usual rule S J6SHIKI Wiping, cleaning SJ6SHIKITEKI Sensible c J5SHIN Improvement,perfecting J6SHINSHO Written report J6SHITSU Superior quality J6SH6 Apoplectic fit,vertigo,shock J5SH6 Classical 2d tone of Chinese, Mandarin 3d tone JOSHOKU Female occupations J5SHOKU Usual occupation or profession JdSHOKU SURU To wipe,rub clean J5SHU Superior intendance man,navy v J5SHO HANNIN Habitual criminal 4 T JSHO HYbJIT6 Airfield boundary lights ý 0% JOSHUKU Women's ward in a prison _t_ J5SHUS6 Superior petty officer,supply I6 J5SHJTEKI Habitually T ýý 'e- J6SHOTEKI HANZAI Habitual crime JOS6 Cleanup flS9 JOS6 SURU To run to the aid of JOS Shanghai Consulate General JbS6 Superior petty officer JBS6AN Draft of memorial to the throne JBS BUN Memorial to the throne J6S6 KAIKYU Upper classes J6SOKEN Right of appeal ~ JOS6KI Weeder J6S&K5 Upper cloud stratum oil J6SOKU General rule ft- J6iSOKUI Superabundance J6SONIN Appellant J6S6UN Upper stratum clouds JOSUI Superior seaman JOSURU To confer a rank JOSURU To remove,set aside,take off JOTAIHEI Discharged soldier SJOTAI YOBIHEI Discharged reservists J6TATSU Correctness,rectitude,uprightness J6TEI Usual rule ~B 9 JOTEI SURU To board,embark in a boat J5TO Setting out on a journey J J5T6 EISEIHEI Superior seaman,medical J6T6 EISEI HEIS6 Superior petty officer, medical J6T6 GAKUHEI Superior seaman,musician JoT5 GAKUHEIS5 Superior petty officer, musician Jo&T GIJUTSUHEI Superior seaman, technician Jr&TC J5T6 GIJUTSU HEISB Superior petty officer,technician J6T6 GUNGAKUKEI Superior seaman,musiciau J6T6 GUNGAKU HEISO Superior petty officer,musician J6T5 HEIS6 Superior petty officeý SAi J&T6 HIK5HEI Superior seaman,flight ~*Jj J56I HIK6 HEIS6 Superior petty officer, flight t% J6T5HIN Quality goods SI J6Tb KIKANMEI Superior seaman,engineering J,. At ý J5T& KIKAN HEISb Superior petty officer, engineering &Lý4: J6TO KINSHI ZAISAN Nontransferable goods or property Jtgi44 J6TO K6HEI Superior seaman,construction and repair ~I- L J&T6 KbHEIS6 Superior petty officer, construction and repair SL{Vk JbT6 KbSAKUHEI Superior seaman, construction and repair ~ii'gCffA JbT6 K6SAKU HEISb Superior petty officer, construction and repair J6TOKU-I Good customers $29 % J6TOKU-I Regular customer /&AL~kt J6TONIN ransferer Lf0i J6T6 SEIBIRHI Superior seaman,maintenance J (Z4l{ik J6Ta SEIBI HEIS& Superior petty officer, maintenance ~1 -~$t J6T6 SHUKEIHEI Superior seaman,sup ly Iz.1t4i J6TO SHUKEI HEIS6 Superior petty olficer, supply SJ6T6 SUIHEI Superior seaman k-k B JoT6 SUIHEIS6 Superior petty officer g*y U2 J6YAKU HIJUN Treaty ratifici.tion %V JE~ J6YAKU KAISEI Treaty revision NLV wt ý 7 A *too t A A aFl I-Al I)M T;8~ Ittli~~f tWAUX-if~3 1~ 4 ~ k~~S ~tt e~ra~ JoYAKU KANYTi 106 JoYAKU KANY5 Adherence to a treaty JoYAKU KITEI Treaty provi'sions J6YAKUK YOKU Treaty Bureau J6YAKU TEIKETSUKEN Treaty-making power rights JoYATOININ Regular employee JoYo-BI Civil day JoYO CHI-IKI Ceded territory JoYODAKA, Surplus JoYOGAKU Excess,surplus amount Jo&Y JID63HA Passenger auto JoYO KACHI Surplus value JoYO KACHI SETSU Theory of surplus value JdY6 KANJI Characters in common use J5YO KIN Surplus fund SJoYO KIN TSUMITATE HOKEN Endowment policy J&Yb KISOH6 Common scale of notation JoYOKU Upper wing JoY6SHA Ordinary automobile Jo&Y SHAFU Regular jinrikisha man JOZAIKAI Purgatory J6ZEKKOTSU Hyoid bone J6Z6DAKA Brew J6Z6 GIJUTSUKA Brewing Science Section J6Z6H6 Brewing,distillation J6ZOXU NO Expendable J6ZOKU NO Normal,customary J5ZOKU HOKYD Continuous supply J6Z6 SHIKENJO Brewing laboratory J6Z6SHO Brewery,distillery J5Z6SHU Malt liquor JbZU Above chart JO Radical 024 JO Radical 114 JUBAKU SURU To be bombed JOBAKU Heavy bomber JOBAKUGEKI SURU To strafe and bomb JýBAKUKI Heavy bomber JOBATSU Severe punishment JUBATSUSHA Men undergoing punishment JOBI War preparations JIJBOKU Trees, shrubs JOBUN Ten parts,division into ten parts JOBUN CHOI Full attention JOBUN NO WARIB7IKI Liberal discount JOBY6 KANJA Serious case of illness JOCH6 Depth of a column,of ships JOCH6 Road space JOCH6EKI Major penal servitude JUCH6KI Listening device JTUCHO SURU To take orders JUCHO ARASOI Cutthroat competition in taking orders JUCHOSHA One who receives or fills an order JUDAI JIKEN Serious affairJODAIKA SURU To aggravate JUDAI KATAI Gross negligence JUDAKUSHO Letter of agreement or acceptance JUDEN Wire received JUDEN SURU To receive a telegramJUDENSHA Receiver of a message JUD6 B6EKI Passive commerce JOD5KA Judo expert JUD6SEI Passivity JUD6SEI HANZAI Passive crime JOD6 SHIHAN Judo instructor JUD6TEKI Passive JUDOTEKI FUKiJJ Passive obedience JOUEI SUR To be full,abundant JOjEIS O Major penal servitude JUEKt SHOYOKEN Beneficial ownership JFUmKU SURt To repeat JOFUKCU JOYAKtJ Interlocking directorate JOFUKtJ goSHIN Multiple communications JOFUKU SAITEI KAWASE Agreed exchange involving more than two countries JOjGA Gun mount JUGEI: StRU To plant trees etc. JOGEKI RUfle fire,small-arms fire, strafing of a plane JOGEKI SURI5 To fire on,strafe JOGO Home front JOGORYO Fifteen-~centimeter howitzer JOGOS~EKISHA Fifteen-jewel watch JGU1'n~ FUIKYOSHI Army chaplain JOGUNSHA Campaignercamp follower JOGUN SHMNIN Canteen keeper,sutler JUGY6 JIKAN School hours JOGY JIKANf Working hours J JUKUJI tirk B go J ~ssz li i 10s ~ It kitK,L ~ ~ it) VI B ~4*it A ~4 1 ~xj AI t $41 phl V-A-f; ~ I'aM A 4 Wt0 k I!.3k MV k JUGY6 NISSO Number of school days JUGYoRY5 Instruction fee JOHANSHA Accessory to a crime JOHANSHA Felon JOHEI Rifleman,fusilier JOHEI Troops under one's command JUHEIBU Relief Department JUHIN Supplies,goods JOHIN Heavy goods JUHINHI Funds for expendable material JUHINKA Supplies Section JUHINKO Stores depot JUHIN SHIKO Branch stores depot JOHISH6 Fur merchant JUH5 SURU To receive a report JOHO Supplement,replacement JOIO Secondary law JUHOGEKI Attack with firearms JOH&KA Gunfire JUH6SHA Information addressee JU-I Legacy received JUI Blue woolen uniform JOI Important rank JOI Subordinate position JO ICHI NEN SHIKI Year 11 type,1936 model J5I GAKK5 Veterinary school JOIGAKU Veterinary science JUIGAKUSHI Veterinary college graduate JOIKA Veterinarian Section JOIN SHOSHU General mobilization,general "levy JUJIN Column,line ahead JUINKA Recruiting Section JOJINSEI Flexibility JOJ6 Accumulation,piling up JDJ6 Great height JUJUN Heavy cruiser UJU SH5KHY Voucher JUJUTSU Japanese art of self-defense JOKA Ad valorem,according to the price JOKA Cannon,lO cm JOKA Creation and certification of private rights on public land JOKA SURU To animalize,brutalize, dehumanize JUKA SURU To become heavy JOKAH6 Machine cannon JOKAKI Heavy weapon JOKAKU Animal horns JUKAN Tree trunk JUKAN Chief officials JUKANSHA Addressee of a letter JOKANTAI Heavy fleet JKASHITSJU Serious error or inattention JOKA ZEI Ad valorem duty JOKA ZEIRITSU Ad valorem tariff JOKEISH6 ILightly and severely wounded JUKEN BANGO Examinee's seat number JUKENKA Coaching class JUKEN KAMOKU Courses covered in examination JUKE mi Examination ordeal JUENNAN Examination ordeal JUKENRYd Examination fee JUKENSEI Student preparing for test JUKENSHA Examinee JUKEN SHIKAKU Examination qualifications JUKEN SHISHIN Examination guide JOKI Heavy machine gun JuKIKANSHA Heavy mobile observation car JOKIKO Armory JOKISHITSU Armory JUKKA Drill practicemanual training JUEKAI SURU To understand fully JUKKAIDAN Memoirs JUKKEN Careful examination JUtKKoBUTSU Artificial obstacles JOKO SURU To devulop,increase, expand JOKOGYO fleavy industries JOKON Henceforth JOKONSHA Bigamist JOKOTAI Muzzle rings JOKOTSU Animal bones JOKEJ Great calamity JUKUCHI Known ground JUKUCHb Private school principal JUKUETSU SURU To examine thoroughly JUKUGI Ripe talent JUKUGOSHO Glossary JUKUJI Compound word ___ fi J & I litt RAs 0 W 4 A A k 1W;i th A ~7 k $%j~~k #~e ~-T 4i ~74:- ~Q ~4d-,~i '~: ~ji *A +~i ~4t ba ~ JUKUKAN 107 JUKUKAN Experienced,skilful,expert JUTKUN SURU To receive training JUKURENK6 Skilled labor JUKUREN SHOKK6 Skilled labor JUKUSAT.SU SURU To examine carefully JUKUSEI Maturity JUKUSEI Private school student,pupil JUIKUSHIKI SURU To know thoroughly JUKUSHI SHUGI Waiting policy JTKUSOKU Private school rules JUKUSUISHA Sound sleeper JUKYZ Study,education JuXYO Vertical distance JUKYO SHITEI Specified residence,of enemy nationals JUKY6 SHUGI Confucianism JUKYuKA Supply and Demand Section JUKYUSHA Recipient JUMBI Reserve JUMBIHIN Reserve stock of goods JUMBI I-IN Arrangements committee JUMBI JIDAI Preparatory stage JUMBIKEN Central reserve notes JUMBI KIN Reserve fund JUMBI KIN GENGAKU HAITB Depletion dividend,dividend declared from reserves JUMBI KIN KY6KAI SEN Dead line,in banking JUMBI KY6IKU Coaching JUNBI SHIHEI Unissuei currency JUMBI SHIHON Reserve fund JUMBI SHIKIN Reserve fund JUMBI SHIOKU To make preparations JUMBI TAIKEI Preparatory formation of a unit JUMBI TETSUZUKI Preliminaries JUMEI Reception of an order JUMEI SURU To sacrifice one's life JUMEISHA Person under orders JUMMIN Docile people JUMMINT5 Democratic party JUMMON Question,interrogation JUMON Confucianism JUMOTSU Important object JUMPO Men captured on a patrol JUMPO Policeman,in China JUMP5 Ten-day report JUMPUKU Domesticated JUMPUKUIJ Obedience,submission JUMPUKU Tour of inspection JUN Net,income etc. JUNAMBI Good Friday JUNAN GEKI Passion play JUNANSEI Pliability JUNANSHITSU Flexibility JUNAN SHE Passion Week JUN BANGB Order number JUNCH6 Favorable tide JUNCHOKU Upright,honest,simple JUNCRO Loyalty,fidelity JUNCHU Within the ten-day period JUN CHUGAKK6 Junior high school JUNDO Purity JUND6 Pure copper,scylid copper JUN-El Circling,in aviation JUNENSAI Tenth anniversary JUN-ETSUSHI Inspector JUN FUD6SAN Chattel real JUN FUSAI Net liabilit'ies JUN GAIK6TEKI Quasi-diplomatic JUNGEKI SURU To attack one after another JUNGENG6 Original order number,source number JUNGYdDAN Traveling company JUN-I Imitation of a model JUN-I Order,rank JUN-I Warrant officer JONIBUN More than enough,ample,plentiful JUNIN Acceptance of post or mission JUNIN Important appointment JININ Inhabitant JUNINSHA Appointee JUNISHICH6 KAIY6 Duodenal ulcer JUN-ITSU MUSAN SEITo Pure Proletarian Party JUN-ITSU SEIKATSU Simple life JUNJI HAIRETSU Series,arrangement JUNJ6 Gentle, docile, tractable JUNJO FUD65 Out of order JUNJ6 SHUGI Sentimentalism JUNJdTEKI Sentimental,IlC ~ 11 it L 1 0 i~h1~t RA j l hot" i1 la 45$4 06?"2 3 -'7"v vt#* >~et & k~2 I4i P MAtTALIt f VB 2 *g + iagg 44 ~ $St Lf s 'I e1 "IiLf tj it ~ ~tb i~ i 1 p 4f2C 0 L~ i"1 ~iE >b3 1 (1h 4 -~ S ~~ ~tti I ~tA k1;~ i14s $ j4$6c 1 ii 7 S $64 3i ~ It iLA~ N I l~ JUN SON JUN J6YO KIN Net surplus JUNJO Docile,gentle,submissive JUNJU SURU To obey,comply with,submit JUNJUKU Accord,harmony JUNJUN Regularly,in a regular manner UNJUN Sincerely,frankly JUNJUN TO SHITE In regular order JUNKA SURU To naturalize,acclimatize JUNKA SURUJ To refine,sublimate,idealizes JUNKAI Converted cruiser JUNKAI FUKYbSHI Itinerant preacher JUNKAI HANJI Circuit judge JUN KAI-IN Associate member JUNKAI KU-IKI Beat JUNKAI SAIBANSHO Circuit court JUNKAI SHINRYbJO Traveling clinic JUNKAI SHIN-YbJ6 Circular letter of credit JUNKAI TEGATA Circular note JUNKAN Officer sent on inspection JUNKANKI Circulatory organs JUNKANKIBY6 Circulatory disease JUNKAN ROMP6 Arguing in a circle JUNKAN RONSH6 Arguing in a circle JUNKAN UNDb Cycle of operation JUNKATSU Lubrication JUNKATSU NA Smooth,lustrous,sleek JUNKATSUYU Lubricating oil JUNKEITAI Roving patrols JUN KESSH6 Semifinal JUN KID5 Standard-gauge line JUN KINCHISANSHA Quasi-incompetent JUN KINGINKAI, Commercial bar,bullion JUNKb Groove JUNK6 NA Filial,obedient,dutiful JUNKb SURU To cruise JUNKE SURU To go,walk,march,or run in order JUNKOKU Dying for one's native land JUN KOKUSAKU KAISHA Quasi-National Policy Company JUNK6SEN- Cruiser JUN KUND6 Assistant teacher JUN KY6IN Assistant teacher JUNNANSHA Victim,martyr JUNNICHI Ten-day period JUN NIEKI Loading in turn JUNN6SEI Adaptability JUN-OKURI Placing in order JUNrSHA Recipient JUNRAKAN Cruiser JUNRA KANSEN Patrol vessel JUNRAKI Patrol plane JUNRA Kd5KUKI Patrol plane JUNRASEN Patrol ship JUNRATAI Patrol party JUNRATEI Patrol boat JUNREKI Voyage,itinerary JUN RIEKI Net profit,clear profit JUN RIRONTEKI Speculative JUN RISHI Net interest JUNRY6 Pure veight,net weight JUNRY6 NA Gentle,docile,amiable JUNRY6HIN Genuine article JUNRYOKU Efforts JUNRY6SHU NO Full-blooded,in veterinary medicine JURY5 TONSI Dead weight JUNSA BUCH6 Police sergeant JUNSA GASSHUKUJO Police lodging house JUNSA HASHUTSUSHO Police box JUNSA KYbSHCJO Police school JUNSATSUSHI Administrative inspector JUNSATSU SH6K6 Officer on patrol JUNSATSUTAI Patrol party JUNSEI Essence,quintessence JUNSEI NA Clear,pellucid J1NSEI NO Regular,scheduled JUNSEI KAGAKU Pure science JUNSENJI Standard war time JUN SHA-IN Associate member JUN SHIKANSHITSU Warrant officer's mess JUNSHININ Patrolman,floorwalker JUN SHISAN Net assets JUNSH& Brigadier general JUNSHOKO NA Pure,clean,unspotted JUNSHOKUSHA One who dies at his post JUN SHOTOKU Net income * JUN SHUEKI Net profit JUN SHONYI Net income JUN SON Net loss ,* L RW m ~A4/ IOU 4 1,4 VIM* t ft aim A* t Mt-^ Are- t its ^^o 4t& ALW($ ~ 4tfE iln-^^^ ^.^ ^ y^FR xsi ^Kit ^e^, ^^t JUNSUI SHUZOKU 108 JUNSUI SHUZOKU Full blood JUNTAN. Pure coal JUNTATSU SURU To forward in regular order JUNTEI Development,progress JUNTEN Veering,of wind JUNT6 Appropriateness JUNTO Appropriate rank,suitable grade JUN T5BO TON Net registered tonnage JUN-TON KIRO Net-ton kilometer,a freight unit JUN TON-SO Net tonnage JUN URIAGEDAKA Net sales JUN Y6R6 HOKEN Pure endowment insurance JUNY6 SENKAN Battle cruiser JUNY6 SENSUIKAN Cruiser submarine JUNYO Accord, conformity JUN-YOKI Itinerary JUN-YUSHA Tourist J0o5D6 Pitching and rolling JUON Favors of. all sorts JUONKYOSHA Pensioner JUPPEIHIN Articles for the relief of soldiers or sailors at the front JUPPEI JIGY6 War relief work JUPPEI SHIKIN War relief fund JURAN Ordinate JORANJO Exhibition room,reading room JORANKEN Admission ticket JURANNIN Visitor,spectator JORAN SHAZETSU No admission JUREISHA Recipient of a salute,order,etc. JORETSU K5SHIN Defile JURIN Forest,grove,wood JURIN Society of Confucian scholars JORIN Trailing wheel JOR6 SURU To live and work JORY6 CHdKA Excess in weight,coins etc. JURY6 FUSOKU Short weight JURY6HIN Dead weight JURY6 SEKISAIRY6 Dead-weight capacity JURY6SHA Recipient JURYoSHO Receipt JORY6 TON Dead-weight tonnage JORY6 TON-SO Dead weight,tons of weight JURY6 ZEIRITSU Specific tariff JORYU Heavy howitzer JORYU BUTAI Heavy howitzer unit JUSAN Distribution of work JUSAN Manual training JUSAN Tannic acid V JUSAN GAKK6 Industrial school JUSANJ5 Employment office JOSAN MIRI KIKANJO Machine gun,13mm JOSATSUTAI Firing squad JOSEI FUYO Brutalization JOSEITEKI Brutal JUSEKI Heavy responsibility,bu-rden JUSEKI Heavy stones JOSEKI Traces,vestiges JOSEKI SURU To be stored in abundance JUSEN Heavy fighter plane JOSEN Rifle combat JOSEN Vertical or perpendicular lines JOSENT5KI Heavy fighter plane JOSHA Resident JOSHAH6 Raker JUSHI Brushwood JUSHI Confucianist,Confucian scholar JUSHI Animal fat JOSHI Column leader JUSHI K6TAKU Resinous luster JUSHIMBAKO Letter box JUSHIMBO Letter and telegram register JUSHIMBU Receiving mechanism JUSHIN Inward correspondence JU3HIN Receivin5,.reception,of wires,etc JUSHIN Pith JOSHIN Center of gravity JOSHIN Defense in depth JUSHIN ANTENA Receiving antenna JUSHIN CHOSEI Reception tuning JUSHIN CH6SEI HS5 Reception test broadcast JUSHIN H5CHI DEMP5 Telegram requiring acknowledgement of receipt JUSHINKAN Letter box JUSHINKI Receiver,in radio etc. JUSHINKOKU KOKUGO Language of country of destination JUSHIN KOCHUSEN. Receiving aerial JUSHINKYOKU Receiving station for messages G, ~ lA4^ 0141 ^ t^^th ^^t4 1b i i /1. 1i^X 14 4 1^ ^ 4 )jii It'm. $t^ f 1h P1 ch f ~,O ^ PLi,~- t z fl^: ~4 ~ 1 99 1 /1 4if 4 t Ai^^$2 4,~~#~ (4 I ^t 4W 1 t 4W/k 4W:V -^ir t. t^ & t919iX 4 m9)+ ^^@# t^^x} tWi^^j ^ f^^ ^ti^ ^^/7 4 ^* ^*^ lt i9 ^^ ^) tA ^ $1 - fX4 ^<^<t JUZESHA JUSHINNIMBARAI Collect telegram JUSHINNIN Addressee JOSHIN 6K6 Deep and wide JUSHINR6 Communications deafness,due to flight fatigue JUSHIN SbCHI Receiving set JOSHITSUB5 Great disappointment JUSH5 Distribution of prizes JUSHo SURU To receive a wound JOSHo Bullet wound JOSH6 Serious wound JOSHO FUMEI Address unknown JOSHO HENK6 TODOKE Change of address report JUSH5 JIMMEIHY6 Prize list JOSH6 PAN Biscuit JUSHOROKU Address book JOSHO SEIMEI Name and address JUSHO SEIMEIBO Address book JUSHOSHA Severely wounded person JOSHo SHUGI Mercantilism,mercantile _ system JuSo Bayonets,guns and spears JOS6 Gunshot wounds JOS0 Heavy bomber pilot JUSoJUTSU Bayonet exercises JOSOKU Obtruction,clogging,blocking JUSoSHA Recipient of a decoration JOSo TOTSUGEKI Bayonet charge JUSOTSU Sentinel,soldier of the guard JOSO Between ten and twenty JOTAI Delay,lateness JUTAI Machine-gun unit JOTAKU Residence,domicile JUTAKUBUTSU Thing in custody JUTAKUCHI Residential quarter JUTAKU HANJI Commissioned judge JOTAKUH6 Housing law JUTAKU KAIUN GYoSHA Government appointed shipping manager JUTAKU KU-IKI Residential section JOTAKU KUMIAIH6 Residence Construction Law JUTAKUNAN Housing shortage,housing crisis JOTAKURY5 Rent allowance JUTAKU SAIBANSHO Court of requisition JUTAKUSHA Consignee JUTEI Animal hoof JOTEKIDAN Heavy grenade JUTEKIDANT5 Heavy grenade discharger JOTEKI K5I Brutal action JOTENKA SURU To emphasize, stress JUTEN SHUGI Principle of industrial priority J UTENTEKI Important JUT5 Abundance,plenty JOTSO SURU To run longitudinally,pass vertically JUTSUEN SURU To state one's views,tell JUTSURYOKU Technical capacity JUWAI Acceptance of bribes JUWAKI Ear trumpet JUYAKU Important office JUYAKU Principal employees JUYAKUREN Directorate JOYO More than ten JOY6 Composure,presence of mind JOY6 BUSSAN Staple products JOY6 BUSSAN SHIJo Staple market JUY6 GENSH6 Decreased demand JUY6 KATA Excessive demand JUY5RYOKU Receptiveness JUYoSEI Receptiveness JUYoSEI Importance JUYoSHA Consumer JOYoSHI SURU To regard as important JUYo SH6HIN Staple commodity,staples JUYUS6 Crude oil tank JUY6TEKI Receptive JUY6 USU Poor demand JOYUJ Fuel oil JUYU NENRYoSEN Oil-burning ship JUYUSEN Fuel oil barge JUZAIHAN Perpetration of a crime JOZAI HANNIN Felon JOZAININ Felon JOZAI SAIBAN Trial for felony JUZEN NO GOTOKU As usual,as before JOZEN NO TORI As usual,as before JOZOKU KAISHA Subsidiary company JOZOKUKOKU Dependency JUZ6SHA Recipient of a gift KA 109 K 9 14 go Ta 4Q T 14l av%* A 4At!r AT-fl fli 4 4%J' I 44J1 ~ *kJtA 162$-t 8~Zr 2 35[ i CilP ~t ~ff ~ft $kcdf9 ~-(-4ff ~#EiAB 'cAf& tt~ $kF-s 94, 1CRT ~e E:~~ 1 ~t& #tW I (a( sT# 4%iitJ~ - 3jhjf /L4 L SA sr: ti KA Branch,corpscourse of study gKA Canada KA China KA Counter for days KA Counter for general objects KA Counter for loads carried by men KA Counter for seals,fruits,spherical objects,precious stones,etc. KA Counter for time and place KA Gun KA Subhead 14 KA Tuesday KA Counter for houses and professions KA - -er,-or,-ist,profession indicator -KA Change,transformation, -ize -KA Money, coin, currency -KA Section -KA Under,under the jurisdiction of KAA Cawing of crows KAACHAN Mamma KAAKI FUKU Khaki clothing KAARITTO Karitto powder,an explosive KA-ATSU SURU To add pressure,compress KABABAYASHI Birch plantation KABAI Duplication KABAKARI As much,so,so little,nothing but KABARAI Overpayment KABASHIRA Swarm of mosquitoes KABATSU Severe or excessive punishment KABEGAKI Wall inscription KABEKAKE Wall telephone KABENURI Plastering,plasterer KABE SHITAJI Lath KABI Fire to drive away mosquitoes KABI Nap,short sleep KABI SURU To be proud of KABI CHIKUJ6 Temporary fortification KABIN Molotov cocktail KABINSH6 Erethism,excessive irritability KAB6 Excessive desire KAB6 River embankment KAB 6 Wise plan KABOCHA ATAMA Blockhead KABOCHA MEN Pudding face,expressionless face KABOKU Flowering tree,flowers and trees KABU Counter for stumps,roots,and shrubs KABU Joint stock comapny KABU DEKIDAKA Stock dealings KABUKA Stock prices KABUKI Undressed timber KABU KIKX Brokerage agency KABUlKI MON Roofed gate KABU KIN KANJ6 Capital account KABUN Chinese text KABUN Flowery style KABUN Good reputation KABUNA Turnip KABUN SAIKEN Divisible claim KABUN SAIMU Divisible obligation KABUNSEI Divisibility KABUNUSHI HAIT6 KIN Dividend per share KABUNUSHI MEIBO List of shareholders KABUNUSHI MEIGI KAfKAE Closing of TEISHI transfer books KABUNUSEBI SoKAI Stockholders' meeting KABURI Shake or nod of the head KABURIGASA Large straw or rattan hat KABURI 0 FUTTE Nodding the head KABURU To bite,gnaw,cause suffering KABUSE Covering,lid;cover KABUSHIKI BAIBAI Stock trading KABUSHIKI BAIBAININ Stock trader KABUSHIKI BOSSHU Forfeiture of shares KABUSHIlI HABAIKOMI KIN Paid-up share capital KABUSHIKIKAI Stock market KABUSHIKI KiBO Public subscription KABUSHIKI KgKAN KAISHA Stock clearinghouse corporation KABUSHIKI MiSHIKOMIBO Stock subscription list KABUSHIKI MbSHIKOMININ Subscriber to stocks KABUSHIKI M&SHIKOMISHO Stock subscription form KAERIMIZU t KABUSHIKI MOTOCHB Stock ledger t KABUSHIKI NAKAGAIGY6 Stockbrokerage 1tWA KABUSHIKI NAKAGAININ Stockbroker t f KABUSHIKI SHIJ& Stock market $44i -5 F KABUSHIKI SHIKYd Stock market A4,fl KABUSHIKI SHOKAN DAIMUNIN Stock transfer agent KABUSHIKI SdBA Stock quotations i KABUSHIKI SMBA HYdJIKI Stock ticker j7 KABUSHIKI TACHIAI Stock call 4tM KABUSHIKI TORIHIKI Stock dealings J KABUSHIKI TORIHIKIJO Stock exchange kr4 S l KABUSHIKI TORIHIKININ Stockbroker -Z4T KABUSHIKI TORITSUGITEN Corporation transfer agent KABYD Mistake, error KACHI Click 11i KACHI HANDAN Estimation of value S KACHIHOKOTTA FU Triumphant air Wtj KACHI IRO Signs presaging success S KACHIKU BY5IN Veterinary hospital KACHIKU DOROBB Cattle rustler S KACHIKU HOKEN Livestock insurance rt/\ KACHIKU SH6NIN Cattle dealer!KH4AE) 1 KACHIKU UNS5 TSUCHISO Livestock ticket * T# KACHIN HOKEN House-rent insurance 11tlA-41 7 KACHI NI JBZURU To follow up an advantage l- FKACHINUKU To have continuous victories h KACH 6 Aggravation Ak KACH5 Good omen etfn KACH6 NO Audible 9-l- KACHb SEIDO Patriarchal system "o BJX4 KACH5 SEIJI Patriarchal government KACHU Central China KACHU Column of fire ý__j tKACHU Midstream,in the river KACHU Trestle KACHU DENKI TSUSHIN Central China KAISHA Communications Co. jT'11j KACH K6GYBSHA Central China Industrial Co. - KACHO KOSAI ZEND6 Central China social halls or opium dens KACHu MENKA ToSEIKAI Central China Cotton Control Association KADAI Exaggeration KADAI Freight body of a truck,baggage compartment t KADAISHI Overestimation $13 0 KADENHIN Proprietary articles hR KADEN NO H6MOTSU Fasiily heirloom KADEN NO MY6YAKU Proprietary medicine Ibi KADEN-UN Charged cloud Ailf4 KAD6 Operation,production,manufacture S KAD6 River channel,river course i KAD6 Riverside road 141) 4 KAD6 Vortex motion A 4) KADO ARU Angular I*JF); KADO ARU Formal,official rm- KAD6CHU In operation or production?I" IoI KADODE NO SAKAZUKI Stirrup cup, parting drink KADOGAMAE Gate 81, KADOGAMAE Radical 169 4 KADOKADO Each corner A iX KADOKADOSHII Serious, surly, intelligent, angular SKADOMAMORI Gatekeeper,doorman, porter A J3 KADOMEDATSU To look daggers J)7, KADOMISE Shop on the corner 0. KADONARABE Row of houses #fRB1R KADd RITSU Operating efficiency,capacity 4I/)tI KAD68EI Movability,mobility - Yk!oL KADO-SHIKI BOKI Bookkeeping by card system B? FI KADOWAKI Neighboring housesneighborhood A[ gKADOYA Corner house KAE Exchange,barter -34 KAEJI Homonymous Chinese characters KAEAN1N Converted money KAEMBIN Molotov cocktail,incendiary grenade;KAEN Flame and smoke KAEN Orchard,fruit garden KAElA Another name KAENDAN Flame shell ':)r9t4tB KAEN HASSHAKI Flame thrower w 9 ~KAE OTORI Disadvantageous exchange (Lbf KAERASU To send badk,restore KAERI ASHI NI Upon return &'j,& KAERIMIZU Water flowing backward 665892 0- 45 - 8 KAERITE 110 -I ) -ý KAERITE On the contrary 1R / KAXRU Radical 205 Ag KAERUGAERU Several timfes Je-f- KAERU NO KO Tadpole KL AESHI Revenge 19 KAESHIMSU To decline,refuse KAESHI-UCHI SURU To destroy the avenger L f KAESU To cultivate,till t KAESURU To exchange,make change KAEUMA Relay horse KAEWA Spare wheel KIAFBY6 Erotomania,nymphomania S KA.FUKA Burden,excessive load L-TU KT AFUKA Good and bad,right and wrong Fk7f 1- KAFU KIN Grant,subsidy,bounty TFA KAFUKU Hypogastrium KAFUKHU Width of stream A-gLO 4KAFtJXYU NAKARASHIMERU To render exact S KAFUN NETSU Hay fever 't73-4 KAFURI KOGITTE Overdrawn check KAGAI Outside the influence of KAGAI NO Extracurricular A* KAGAI JUGY6 Extracurricular activities KAGAISRA Assaulter,offender KAGAKU Value,cost,price KAGAKU BANN6 SHUGI Belief in omnipotence of science 4t KAGAKOU HIHAN Critique of science -6 K4GAKUKA SURU To make scientific T1 KAGAKU KANSETSU Submaxillary joint S KAGAPKU K6GYB T6SEIKAI Chemical Industry Control Association TMit KAGAKU KOTSU Submaxillary bone KAGA UKYOKU Chemicals Bureau KAGAKUKYOKU Science Bureau S KAGAKUSEN Chemical warfare KAGAKUSEN SHIZAI Materials for chemical warfare ST KAGAKU SHINKEI Submaxillary nerve tvi-t KAGAKU IHUGI Belief in omnipotence of science S KAGAKUTEKI Scientific Sf J KAGAKUTEKI SHAKAI-SHUGI Scientific socialism WA -KJ KAGAKUTEKI SHINRI Scientific truth T KAGAMI DAI Mirror stand KAGAMIDAI Sea trout KAGAMI ISHI Iridescent stone,smooth stone KAGAMISHI Mirror maker KAGAMITATE Mirror stand KAGAN River bank KAGAWA Chinese side,the Chinese S KAGEBBSHI Shadow,silhouette R KAGE-E Silhouette S KAGE FUJI Reflection of Fujiyama KAGEKI Gap,fissure,chasm,crack,crevice KAGEKIDAN Opera company KAGEKIHA Bolshevists,Reds,radicals, extremists X1 KAGEKIJ6 Opera house AiZai11 KAGEKI NA SHAKAI-SHUGISHA Radical.L a socialist *W KAGEKI SHI56 Bolshevism,revolutionary thoughts ( ji4 HKAGEKI SHIS6 TORISHIMARI Dangerous HaAN Thoughts Bill Kl KAGEKI SHUGI Bolshevism,radicaliam jI4& KAGEKI SHUGISHA Leftist,extremist & EAGEKI YAKUSHA Opera singer,singer in musical dramas M$ KAGEMICHI Shady road V KAGEMBEM Paper profits 'dS KAGEN Pretext,excuse,lie,hypothesis ~19 20KAGEN Source of a river RAf-;KAGE NINGY& Shadow picture,galanty show 4oti KAGEN JORYB Changeable weight f~F lf KAGENO Shady field &34i5 KAGEN ZENK6 Wise words and exemplary conduct %s-1t KAGI ICHIREN Bunch of keys 4r B;AGIKAI'I Key ring L! g~K AGIIOMU To breathe,inhale & i EAGIRI As long as,so far as,as much as I&9 ij 3 t KAGIRI NI ARAZU Is not included in.... KAGIRU To be fixed,be determined KAGIYAKU Smelling salts,smelling medicine KAGIZAO Boat hook KAGO Chinese language KAGOGATA Cage or basket type KPAGOKAKI Palanquin bearer if KAG6 SAKUSEN Chemical warfare S KAGO Cruel treatment 1 40W 14*Vft 4Tk 1J44 fl The T b Siiij 1W5 - 1F fA AA flA~ VM k FE 4 WW itif ~~ 1 P Fe l f f Riu:8f- T~I~?iJ~S~Cr 5 ait;;TB. *JRI$ kW Etif b BF t:J- lttf Biks a,) ~g i 0cll ~:49iflthr S~itA:Qt O 1 3 rj31J f5Bg KAIBUN KAGUN Canadian Army KAGUNTAI Chinese ArmyNanking Army KAGURAD6 Shinto dance stage KAGURASHI Shinto dance performer KAGUTEN Furniture store,upholsterer KAGUZUKI NO KASHIYA Furnished house KAGUZUKI NO MA Furnished rooms KAGYAKU Cruelty,mercilessness,severity KAGYAKU NO, Reversible KAGYO River fish KAHAKU Forearm KA.HAKU SURU To torture KAHAKUJCHI Temporary anchorage KAANI Second half,latter half KAHAN HENDENSHO Portable transformer substation KAHANNIN Cosignatory,signatory KAHANRAI For some time past,of late KAHANSHIKI Portable KAHATSq Temporary anchorage KAHEI Calm, tranquility KAHEI Chemical warfare troops KAHEI CHUZ6 Coinage,mintage KAHEI D6MEI Monetary union KAHEI GANZ6 Counterfeiting KAHEI GIZ5 Counterfeiting KAIEI GIZ6SHA Counterfeiter KAHEI HON-I Monetary standard KAHEI JdYAKU Monetary convention or treaty KAHEI RYUTSUDAKA Volume of coins in circulation KAHVI SEIDO Monetary system KAHEI TAN-I Monetary unit KAHEIZAI Chemical warfare supplies KAREN Spark,flash KAHEN NO Variable,adjustable KAHIN Distinquished guest KAHIN Handsome merchandise KAHO Fire insurance KAH6 Harsh law,tyrannical law KAH6 Method of issuing orders KAHODAN Artillery shells KAH& K6KABU Railroad intersection underpass KAHOKU North China KAHOKU DENDEN North China Telegraph and Telephone Co. KAHOKU DEN-El North China Moving Picture Co. KAHOKU DENGYd North China Electric Co. KAHOKU ENGY6 North China Salt Co. KAHOKU KIN-EN North China Narcotics KINDOKU I-INKAI Prohibition Commission KAHOKU NI OKERU North China Japanese NIHONJIN HANSEN Antiwar Organization DANTAI KAHOKU R6K6 KY6KAI North China Labor Welfare Association KAHOKU RY6 North China tael KAHOKU SEIMU I-INKAI North China Political Council KAHOKU SHARY6 North China Rolling Stock Co. KAH6SHA Lucky person KAHY6 Mandarin Chinese 2d tone KAHY5 Severe criticism KAI Counter for trips,times,rounds KAI Hoihow ' KAI Radical 154 KA-I Fanily physician KAIAGE SHEKA.N Redemption by purchase KAIAN Peace,security,quiet KAIAN SURU To revise a bill KAIAORI SHIEYb Rigged market KAIAORU HITO Bull,one who corners market KAIBA Breeding farm KAIBAI Shell lime KAIBATSU Deforestation KAIBB DAI Dissecting table KAIB6GAKUJg Anatomically speaking KAIBoHI Coast-defense expenses KAIBiKAN Coast-defense ship KAIB6SHA Dissector,prosector KAIB6SHITSU Dissecting room KAIB TAI Anatomy KAIB6TAI Coast-defense unit KAIB6TB Scalpel KAIBOTSU SURU To sink at sea KAIBbY SHITAI Cadaver for dissection KAIBUN Ash content KAIBUNE 111 KAIBUNE Feeding trough ftj KAIBUTSU Lump,clod,nugget,mass tMjhLAW KAIBYAKU IZEN Before creation i KAICHAKU Arrival al$, KAICHI Change of position Atilt KAICHI Cleared land MT$ KAICHIKUCHU Under reconstruction Si KAICHIKUHI Reconstruction expense I1 KAICHIKU K5JI Reconstruction works KAICHb Cynicism, irony,mockery,ridicule PW KAICH6 Spread,development,expansion KAICH6 Strange bird KAICH6 Tide 2-Lt KAICH6 SURU To chastise,punish,correct KAICH6 FUN Guano KAICH6H5 Report of navy spy BA~A KAICHoKIN Dilatator,in anatomy b'1A1 1 KAICH6 SHIKI nauguration ceremony t KAICHO Ascaris,a worm KAICHU At sea KAICHU Exposition, commentary KAICHUMONO GOY6JIN Beware of pickpockets KAICHU SAGY6 KINSHI Underwater operations prohibited KAICHD TECHb Pocket notebook KAICHO ToKA Light buoy i KAIDAI BUS6 Unparalleled in the whole country KAIDAISHA Bibliographer KAIDAN Agglomeration,of clods,lumps,etc., pack,of ice S KAIDAN SURU To open conversations KAIDANA Fodder rack,hayrack S KAIDAN K6D6 Amphttheater A/'ct L KAIDARUI Listless,tired KAIDASU To buy wholesale,buy up AW KAIDE Maple tree J IKAIDEN Answer by wire R- ~KAIDOKU NO Antitoxic,antidotal [a4,t KAIDOKURY6 Circulating library fee '0t KAIEKI Section of the sea,sea areas a FKAIEN Sea salt A A % KAIENKYOKU Opium Bureau -A KAIFU Whirlwind,cyclone nr, *-jxtj- KAIFUKU DEKINAI Irrevocable P09-t i KAIFUKUWJUTSU Laparotomy,in medicine,W49 KAIFUKURYOKU Recuperative power Rf A KAIGAIBAN Overseas edition F KAIGAI BBEKI Foreign trade 2 4Q KAIGAI DEMP6 Cablegram S KAIGAIHAN Overseas edition /MA't & KAIGAI HATTEN Overseas expansion F KAIGAI IJU Emigration Y' j HKAIGAI JITSUGY6 RENSHOSEI Overseas industrial student 49[- ~ ~KAIGAI K6GY6 KY6KAI Overseas Mining Association KAIGAI MAN-YO Foreign trayel,tour SKAIGAI RENRAKU UN-YU Overseas through traffic service KAIGAI RYOK6KEN Passport KAIGAI RYOSHUTSU Foreign drain,of specie etc S KAIGAI SHOK6 Foreign ports S KAIGAI SHOKOKU Foreign countries Rltf KAIGAI SHOKUMINCHI Overseas settlements A9t[jhd KAIGAI TOK6 Foreign voyage i KAIGATJTSU Pictorial art,I r. KAIGAKAN Picture gallery S KAIGAKE Gross weight 4 1 K KAIIGA MOJI Hieroglyphics - j$B KAIGAN BoBITAI Coast guard: ti KAIGAN CHIHb Seaside district )S BtJ KAIGATEKI Pictorial,graphic P1)'iY 1KAIGEN SHIREIKA.N Commander of martial law forces 19 4E KAIGI Clearing up a doubtexplanation KAIGI Presentation to a conference (lEK KAIGIHA Skeptic school - KAIGI JIK6 Agenda KAIGI MENJ6 Certificate of seamanship KAIGIROKU Minutes of a meeting 8 KAIGI RONSHA Skeptic KAIGI SETSU Skepticism KAIGISHA Skeptic KAIGISHIN Doubt,skepticism KAIGITEKI Skeptical,incredulous KAIGITb Congress Party,in India KAIGO Clear understanding KAIGO Conversation KAIGO Guard,watch KAIGO Repentance,reform i-aT; UML f7 V ý4f a O -k W 15 W6 4 4 {t4 C R i t 2 s; 9 ~t g )h(t t 5, i (-Pti 4 5 j9B P209 B 4 ~~ao)RS iZ B %iP Mii F i i 'iTit d,fUs~' 4i ~E BEs~\ I Af4, I KAIHA KAIGO SURU To protect,defend KAIG6 Change of designation or name KAIGO JITEN Nautical dictionary KAIGOSHA Penitent person KAIG5TEN Meeting toint,rendezvous point KAIGUMBU Ministry of the Navy,China KAIGUMBUNAI Naval circles KAIGUN BUKAN Naval attache KAIGUN BUKANFU Naval attache's office KAIGUN BUNK& Naval archives KAIGUN DAIGAKK6 Naval War College KAIGUN DAIJIN Minister of the Navy KAIGUN ENSHU Naval maneuvers KAIGUN GOY6TASHI Navy contractor KAIGUN GIINJIN Naval man KAIGUN GUNREIBU Naval General Staff KAIGUN GUNREICHb Chief of the Naval General Staff KAIGUN GUNREI JICH6 Vice-Chief of the, Naval General Staff KAIGUN HEIGAKKB Naval Academy KAIGUN HIRITSU Naval ratio KAIGUN H6GA Naval cannon mount KAIGUN HdJUTSF GAKKb Naval Gunnery School KAIGUN-I Naval surgeon KAIGUN JIKAN Vice-Minister of the Navy KAIGUN J6T6 HIK6HEI Superior seaman, flight KAIGUN J6Td HIKb HEIS5. Superior petty officer,flight KAIGUN J6T5 SEIBIHEI Superior seaman, maintenance KAIGUN J5T5 SBIBI HEIS6 Superior petty officer,maintenance KAIGUN KAKUSEI Purification of naval circles KAIGUN KANSEI HOMBU Naval Technical Department KAIGUN KENCHIKUKYOKU Navy Bureau of Construction KAIGUN KENSETSUBU Nav4l Construction and Service Department KAIGUNKI Navy plane KAIGUN KIKAN GAEK5 Naval engineering school KAIGUN KIKANKYOKU Naval Engineering Bureau KAIGUN KINEMBI Navy Day KAIGUN Kd6KU HOMBU Naval Air Headquarters KAIGUN KIKU SHBCHB Officer-in-charge naval air depot# KAIGUN KONKYOCHI Naval base KAIGUN KYOJITSU Naval holiday KAIGUN KYOJOSEN Naval salvage ship or rescue ship KAIGUN MEIBO Navy list KAIGUN RIKUSENTAI Naval landing force KAIGUN RY5HINSH5 Naval medical supply depot KAIGUN SAIBANSHO Admiralty Court KAIGUN SEIBI HEIS6CH& Warrant officer, maintenance,navy KAIGUN SEIGEN Naval limitation KAIGUN SHIKAN Navy officer KAIGUN SHISETSU HOMBU Naval Civil Engineering Headquarters KAIGUNSH6 Ministry of the Navy KAIGUN SHUKUSH5 Naval reduction KAIGUN SUIRAI GAKKB Naval Torpedo School KAIGUN SUIROBU Naval Hydrographic Office KAIGUN UN-YUBU Naval Transportation Department KAIGUN-Y& For navy use KAIGUN YiKB Naval station KAIGUN YONT6 SUIHEI Textbook for UN-YOJUTSU KYoKASHO navy recruits KAIGUN YOSAN Naval estimates KAIGUN Z&HEISH& Naval arsenal KAIGUN ZBSENKYOKtJ Navy Bureau of Ship Construction KAIGYAKKA Humorist, jester KAIGYAKUTEKI Humorous,witty KAIGYd Resolution, in medicine KAIGYB Square and semicursive character styles KAIGYBHI Initial cost of business KAIGY6 SHIKI Opening ceremony, inauguration KAIGYOSH6 Fish trade KAIGY6 TODOKE Report of opening of. business KAIHA Destruction,demolition,ruin KAIHA SURU 112 6 KAIHA SURU To give way, crumble,cave in KAIHAI Corruption,perversion KAIHAI Dilapidation,ruin ft KAIHAN Printing,publication, KAIHAN Seashore .t KAIHAN SURU To set sail,embark KAIHATSU Development Company KAIHATSU SURU To reorganize m KAIHATSU BUSSHI Trade goods fi KAIHATSUSHA Developer, exploiter . KAIHATSUTEKI Developmental KAIHEI ' Reform of abuses ~fA k KAIHEI DANCH6 Commandant of the Naval Barracks JI -k KAIHEI DANCH5 Commsander of a marine corps W KAIHEIKI Switch, in electricity " KAIHEKI Sea wall ^% KAI HEN Radical 154 KAIHEN SURU To reorganize S KAIHI SURU To open a door StV KAIHI MIN5SHA One who has not paid membership f4e KAIHIN-IN Seaside sanatorium n Of X KAIHI UND5 SURU To make evasive movements *~ KAIHO Marine insurance KAIHO Opening of a shop KAIH5 Puncture KAIH5 Square-character rules KAIH5 Strange report,doubtful report 0 1 KAIH6 SURU To inquire again,revisit P -,At KAIH5GATA SH-KOT6 Open type antiaircraft searchlight 1IA KAIH6NIN Nurse KAIH6TEKI Frank, KAIH5 TOSHI Open city KAIHY6 Sea ice SKAIHY6 Seal, sea leopard '- KAIHY5I KANRISHA Counting overseer,chief election inspector KAIHY5KI Opening of navigation when the ice melts -t- KAIHY6 TACHIAININ Counting witness, election scrutineer KAI-I, Grade,step,rank,degree KAI-I Mistake, error,fault Hs KAI-I NA Huge, immense S KAI-I SURU To raise a siege,break an encirclement KAI-I SURU To understand clearly KAI-IKI Sea areas n5i * KAI-IN Mohammedan-Hindu KAI-IN EKISAIKAI Seamen's Relief Association -- KAI-IN H5MU Sailors' home S KAI-IN KAKU-I All you members KAI-IN KURABU Seamen's Club ' KAI-IN SEIKATSU Seafaring life KAI-INSHA Boon companion o KAI-IN SHIMPANSHO Marine Court of Inquiry,Admiralty Court KAI-INSH5 Membership badge ) KAI-IN SHUKUHAKUSHO Sailors' home KAI-IN TODOKE Notice of change of seal.*gft KAI-IN Y8SEISHO Mariners Training School @K.x^ KAI-IRECH6 Purchase book xA>-u, KAI-IRE GENKA Purchase price KAI-IRE MOTOCH5 Purchase ledger @ x- t4 KAI-IRE TESORY6 Buying commission KAIJA Sea serpent Slt KAIJI Square characte KAIJI Step,grade,rank, degree ) ~ KAIJI Turn,succession, KAIJI SURU To express,propound j KAIJI SURU To reply {{ KAIJI KY6KAI Maritime Association KAIJIKYOKU Marine Bureau S KAIJIN Dirt,rubbish Sit&4 KAIJINKA SURU To reduce to ashes,^IIXA KAIJI SAIBAN KANTEININ Nautical assessor 1.'-ft KAIJI SHIMPANSHO Marine Court of Inquiry Md. KAIJI SHIS56 Maritime spirit P^ KAIJO Rank,degree,step,grade 'y KAIJ6 BSEKI Overseas trade ~ h KAIJ5 BOKAN Naval tender ~j^^^ KAIJ8 BUTAI Surface force _9A KAIJ5 DAIGAKU Floating university "L-It-?# KAIJ5 GOEI SoBUTAI Grand Surface Escort l Force --lI _ KAIJ5 GOEITAI Surface escort unit -h KAIJ5 GOEITAI S6SHIREIBU General X]f- Headquarters,Grand Surface Escort Unit ^J-T ML6 fI r'll t o Al* 49 *-61T ne pvm NIM -k-^r MA ^-j-^^^ f -^-j-- ^j-^ < ^-6i i ^ %14 ^$^ ^10) (iWi-^ *RM i^, ^10 t%m4 t^^49 M-t^.AL rt+^0 tt^^ 4t r t-i^ i&J,' KAIKo SURU KAIJ6 HIK6 Overseas flight KAIJ5 HIK5KI Seaplane KAIJoH6 Maritime law KAIJo-H6 Naval intelligence report KAIJ5 HOKAKU Capture at sea KAIJO J6KEN Condition subsequent KAIJ5 KIMMU Sea service,duty afloat KAIJ6 KIMMUH6 Sea pay KAIJ6 KIYAKU Terms of surrender KAIJ6 KYONANTAI Sea salvage unit K.AIJ6 RYUCHIKEN Maritime lien KAIJo SEIKATSU Seafaring life,life afloat,in maritime law KAIJo SHIKI Opening ceremony,inauguratiofn KAIJo TAISHAKU Maritime loan KAIJo TEISHINTAI Sea raiding unit KAIJ6 TORAKKU Sea truck,fast Diesel freighter KAIJo TSUTSUGA NAKU After a safe voyage KAIJo UNS5 Transportation by sea KAIJo YUS SHIREIBU Sea Transport Headquarters KAIJOHI Cost of winninig over enemy spies KAIJUN Coastal patrol KAIJUN-YoKAN Converted cruiser KAIKA Regret,remorse,compunction KAIKAI SURU To bear in mind,pay attention KAIKAI SURU To explain,elucidate KAIKAICHU During the session KAIKAI NO JI Opening address KAIKAI SHIKI Opening ceremony KAIKAKU Open angle KAIKAKUAN Reform bill KAIKAN 'Change,alteration KAIKAN Release of fundKAIKAN SURU To break a'seal,open a letter KAIKAN SURU To open an office KAIKAN DAI ICHI NI On the first page KAIKAN EN Customs yen KAIKANKAKU Open interval KAIKAN RY6 Customs tael,in China KAIKAN ZEI Customs duty KAIKAN ZEIRITSU Customs tariff KAIKATA NAKAGAI Buying broker KAIKATSU Vastness of the sea KAIKATSUCHI' Open land KAI KAWASE Exchange bought KAIKEI Seascape KAIKEIBO Account book KAIKEIBU Accounting Department KAIKEIGAKARI Accountant,treasurer KAIKEIH6 Financial law KAIKEI H6KOKU Financial report KAIKEIKA Accounts Section KAIKEI KACH6 Chief of Bureau of Accounts KAIKEI KENSA Audit KAIKEI KENSA-IN Auditor KAIKEI KENSA-INCHo Chief of Audit Bureau. KAIKEI 1ENSAKAN Public auditor KAIKEISHITSU Accounting house KAIKEI SHUNIN Chief treasurer KAIKENDAN Ihterview KAIKENSHA Interviewer KAIWETSU Breeding KAIKETSUBY6 KANJA Scorbutic patient KAIKETSUBYoYAKU Antiscorbutic medicine KAIKI Company regulations KAIKI Disposition to purchase KAIKI Session,length of session KAIKI Wonder,marvel KAIKICH5 Tropic tides KAIKI ENCH6 Prolongation of session KAIKIKI Totality KAIKIN Gold nugget KAIKIN SURU To return money,transmit money KAIKI NETSU Recurrent fever KAIKINKI Open season KAIKINSHA Regular attendant KAIKI RY6EY6 Mohammedanism and Christianity KAIKI SEN Tropics KAIKISHA Founder KAIKI SHINKEI Recurrent nerve KAIKIYOKU Sea air bathing KAIKO Sea truck KAIK5 Change, reform,betterment KAIK6 Return voyage KAIK6 SURU To expound,explain KAIK5 SURU To meet by chance KAIK5 SURU To open a mine KAIKo SURU 113 noX KAIKb SURU To reclaim waste land '41TT: Z KAIK6 SURU To walk sideways E- KAIKODAN Reminiscences f 'KAIKODANE Silkworm eggs KAI K6EKI Buying exchange rJJ KAIK5HAN Navigation group,crew delivering a ship R KAIK5 I-IN Officers bringing home a ship WR44it KAIK6 KEN-EKI Port quarantine KAIKOKU Report B KAIKOKU DANJI Citizen of an island country KAIKOKU JTUNREISHA Pilgrim KAIKOKJMIN Maritime nation S KAIKOKU SHUGI Navalism KAIKONCHI Reclaimed land,clearing r +* KAIKON JIGY5 Reclamation work r~tjyýh, KAIKON JOSEIHI Reclamation subsidy ra 041 KAIKOROKU Mbmoirs,reminiscences AfK KAIK6 SAKI Destination,of a ship KAIKOSHI Excess of buying [JktC KAIK6TAI Navigation unit 4 A " 1", KAIK6TAI SHIKIKAN Navigation commander V4 KAIKO TEATE Discharge allowance KAIKOTEKI Retrospective 6 t 3 KAIKU SURU To be wary KAIKUSEN Air and sea battle M Nt KAIKUTSU Digging,mining KAIKYO SURU To be cooped up,hemmed in KAIKY5 Border,frontier Chi KAIKY6 Drawbridge,swing bridge KAIKY6 DORU Straits dollar met -t6d KAIKYiKA SURU To Mohammedanize e IPZI KAIKY5 REMMEI Mohammedan Union a1E24 A KAIKYORI Open distance Kat it KAIKY5 SHOKUMINCHI Straits Settlements tS'_ ~ KAIKYMTO Mohammedan,Moslem 4i04` KAIXY6TOKA SURU To Mohammedanize ~F KAIKY0 Decomposition,putrefaction E19 ~ KAIKYUDAN Reminiscences %I -AA KAIKYU D5TOKU Class morality pkiwl KAIKYUSEI Class or caste spirit MK&$JPt KAIKYU SEIDO Caste or class system g4i g KAIKYUi SHAKAI Class system in society SKAIKYU SHINRI Class psychology M KAIKYUSH6 Insignia of rank NkFA,+ KAIKYCTEKI KANJ5 Class feeling 04__ KAIMAI Rice transported by boat r9flKAIMAKU GEKI Curtain raiser,play starting the performance - -KAIME Timeturn S KAIMEI Darkness and light S KAIMEI Explanation,illustrationsolution b6 $w KAIMEI HIR6 Announcement of change of name * KAINEN SURU To free,liberate,discharge i4 4A4fKAIMEN BdBI BUTAI Sea frontier defense force i4fV KAIMEN BoBITAI Sea frontier defense force KAIMENSHITSU Spongy matter,sponginess KAIMETSU To-al destruction V I KAIMETSU SURU To be reduced to ashes KAIMETSU ZENSON Total loss KAIM0 Obscuration KAIMOCHI Holdingsof securities etc. KAIMOCHI NO Overbought S KAIMODOSHIKEN Redemptive right S KAIMODOSHININ Redeemer KAIMOKU Utterlyentirely,at all KAIMt Naval affairs KAIMJU-IN Maritime Affairs Commission KAIMUKA Maritime Affairs Section KAIMUKYOKU Maritime Affairs Bureau KAIMUSHO Local Marine Bureau KA-IN Section staff KA-IIN Supernumerary personnel KAINAIN KYUJO Salvage i~i~kfc~ KAINAN KBYTJOSEN Salvage ship ~-I~jt~L~ KAINAN KyOS~AISHiO Lifesaving station KCAINAN SHING6 S.045.,distress signal ~KAINfSUZA Antipyretic drug,drug to reduce fever Zf~I~SKAININI Reinstatement in a position ~tt~ KAININIIJ~ Letter of recall KAINUSHI SHIHARAI El credere commission HOSHo TESuRYo in mercantile law KAINYU Intervention ~~6-4f KAINYU SURU To get jammed in ( KAIOKU To buy and store up ( KAIOKU To rear,take care of S KAIRAMBAN Circular letter S KAIRAN BUNKO Circulating library KAISR3 SURt @f4iL KAIREI KYAKU New Year's callers A14- KAIREISHA New Year's callers nr A KAIREN Mohammedan Union S KAIRETSU SURU To collapse and break apart,cave in KAIRIK6 Castor,castoreum KAIRIKUGUN KY6D6 SAKUSEN Joint army and ibf1 ~navy operations;4KAIRIKUGUN KY6TEI Army-navy agreement 4 -4 7 KAIRIKU KYdRYOKU Army-navy co-operation 04 KAIRIKU RENRAKU Water and rail connections q KAIRIKU RY6SEI NO Amphibious,of animals KAIRITSU Intervention 06 KAIROKU NO SAI Holocaust,conflagration #i14A KAIROTAI Sea lane unit S KAIRUIGAKU Conchology if7 KAIRYB SURU To understand,take note tf KA.IRYOKU SEN Death ray ýt kA KAIRYbSHU Select breed,WA KAIRYU Refluence,reflux Aý KAIRY0 BIN Bottle messenger,drift bottle kIN V KAIRYUZU Current chart Mo, KAISA Opening and closing,unlocking and locking A; KAISAGURU To search for something gropingly KAISAI Edible seaweed fj KAISAI Working of mines B&lt KAISAI KIKAN Session dTfS KAISAKU SURU To clear land frtae KAISAKU KANJ6SIO Fictitious account KAISAN Correction,revision )E4 KAISAN SURU To be routed and dispersed S KAISANGY6 Marine products industry gyg KAISAN HIRY5 Marine fertilizer g1 4: KAISATSUGAKARI Ticket collector aLo KAISATSUGUCHI Ticket gate KAISEI Change in organization KAISEI Growth in the sea KAISEI Recovery of strength Fel+k KAISEIAN Amending bill &a,1:1 KAISEIHAN Revised edition cyll KAISEKI Boundary stone e i KAISEKI SURU To return to one's native home Ip$r KAISEKIHB Analytic method,analytics ]- VtN KAISEKI RY6RI Regular dinner LR i KAISEN Alteration,change,reorganization N "It KAISEN Boundary KAISEN Day of fire,said of ammunition supply M A KAISEN Return voyage S KAISENCHIU Scab mite k KAISENJUTSU Naval tactics 0 / KAISEN KINEMBI Navy Day r. 2I 'o KAISEN NO RIYiu Casus belli P- KAISEN TOINYA Shipping agent KAISENZEN Before the war KAISETSU Strange rumor KAISETSUSHA Commentator S KAISHAH6 Corporation law -Vii KAISHAKUNIN Second,at harakiri KAISHAKUSHO Commentary C KAISHA SOSHIKI Company system P*9* KAISHI Establishment of a market place SKAISHI Instructions KAISHI Promontory M KAISHI Manifegtation,exposition,declaration VP + KAISHI SURU To explain,eluoidate a~lJ;~--j KAISHI S1IRU To open and show KAISHIBURU To be reluctant to buy B2SK gAISHI JIKOKU Starting time KAISHIN Advancement,progress,development K ISHIN Assembly before deployment KAISHIN Caution,vigilance K;AISHINP Consultation,ifl medicine KAISHIN I nnovation, reform KAI SHIN Pleasure,happifless, cheer KAISHINr Sea gods ~bi~9 KAISHIIN Sea quake CKAISJII SURU To pay attention,take care of KAISHIN SENRYAKEU Strategic deployment KAISHINSHA Convertreformed man,penitent C kt KAISHINTbIN Member of progressive party Rtr j KAISHISEI K6SHa6 Preliminary negotiations KAISHO Opening-up report,station opening f KAISH5 Merchant marine S KAISH B SURU To liquidate,dissolve, obliterate MA R413 OE M9-t 1- k zA t a zio~ a~x f 1 3 e3(s, AS O At 0,i40'), 6 ~1 fk~ 0 liA t is, w # foll~t ( t4 Qt h YK 4Qý4~ r*14,6 it rW1 Ifa~ A:~ 4~ KAISHo SURU 114 KAISH6 SURU To omit KAISHOKU Color of the sea KAISHOKU TEATE Dismissal allowance KAISHOKUYAKU Explosive, amaonium perchlorate etc. KAISHU Leader,chief KAISHO AssembIly,meeting KAISHO Restoration KAISHi SURU To dismantle and collect KAISHUSHA Convert,proselyte KAISHO TEGATA Retired bill KAISO Abscess,ulcer KAISO Tax on sea products KAISO SURU To alter,reorganize KAIS6 SURU To redecorate,re-equip KAIS6 SURU To send by sea KAIS6CHO In transit KAIS6GY6 Forwarding business KAISbGY6 Shipping business KAISOKONAU To miss the chance of buying KAISOKU BUTAI High-speed units KAISOKU KASHA Tip wagon KAISOKU SUIRAITEI High-speed torpedo boat KAISOKUTEI High-speed boats KAISON BAISHd Y6KYU Average claim,in marine insurance KAISON BENSHB KIN SEISAN Adjustment of claim, in marine insurance KAISON BUNTAN J6K6 Average clause,in marine insurance KAISON FUTAMPO Free of all average KAISON JoTK Average clause,in insurance KAISON KEIYAKU Average agreement,in insurance KAISON KEIYAKU SH6SHO Average bond,in insurance KAISON KY8TAKU KIN Deposit for average,in marine insurance KAISON 0 SEISAN SURU To adjust an average,in marine insurance KAISON SEISAN Average adjustment,in insurance KAISON SEISANCHI Place of adjustment,in marine insurance KAISON SEISANNIN Average adjuster in insurance KAISON SEIQANSHO Average statement in insurance KAIS5ROKU Recollections KAIS6SA Manipulation by purchase,off gold etc. KAISB6 8HIIKI Funeral rites KAIS6TEN Express company,forwarding agency KAIS6TEN Shipping agency KAISB TENSHU Forwarding agent KAIS5 TONYA Shipping agency KAISUGI JdKY6 Short market KAISUI SHISHI Sea cock KAISUIYOKUJ6 Bathing resort,beach KAISUIYOKU KYAKU Sea bather KAISUKEN SHIY6SHA Commuter KAISUSUMU To bull,speculate on a rise KAISUSUMU To proceed to buy KAITAI Laziness,idleness,negligence KAITAI SURU To disintegrate,break down, crumble down KAITAIZAI Dismantling materials KAITAKUCHI Clearing,land under cultivation KAITAKUDA.N Development association KAITAKU JIGY& Colonization work KAITAKUK;A Land Development Section KAITAKUSHA Pioneer, cultivator IKAITAKUSHI Commissioner of colonization KAITAN Strangeness, oddness KAITASU To buy more KAITATE Bull order KAITATSU SHIKETSUH6 Stopping arterial bleeding by pressure KAITE FUTAN Buyer's risk KAITEI Light fast boat,yacht KAITEI Primary, elementary KAITEI SURU To decide upon again KAITEIBAN Revised edition KAITEI DENRAMSEN Cable ship KAITEI DEINSEN FUSETSUSEN Cable ship KAITEI DENSHINMYOKU Cable station KAITEI JISHIN Submarine earthquake KAITEI KAZAN Submarine volcano KAITEI ZoHOBAN Revised and enlarged edition MI W:r16 )PI~ Irmo. VIAMO E3 $m( '3t 0).ljLJ rf1 I 130% TVA M- It ~$4.3A- A^'. I5it 3 fr. hi A $aY1 L PAj & ~e~~ 3t&a p' 60 YC~ Ef~ $Lk 6ti ~ 8i-~it a~ ET / KAJINSEI KAITEKI SURU To encounter the enemy KAITEMB6 Spinner KAITENDO Circular door KAITEN HANABI Fireworks wheel KAITEN HIR6 Announcement of opening of shop,AITEXH6 Swivel gun KAITEN ISU Swivel chair KAITEN KIKAI Turning gear KAITEN RITSU Turnover KAITENT6 Revolving light,flashing light KAITENYOKUZUKI HIK6KI Helicopter KAIT6 Lump sugar KAIT6 Pirates KAIT6 SURU To turn around KAIT6 ARITASHI Please reply KAIT6BURI Manner of answering KAT-TORA Sea truck,fast Diesel freighter KAITSUKAMU To grasp,try to grasp,feel around for KAITSUKE Feed a command KAITSUKERU To buy habitually KAITSUKERU To tame,domesticate KAITSO KUKAN Section opening to traffic KAITSURANERU To put in line,plade in a row,arrange in order KAI-UKE DAIKIN Purchase price KAI-UKENIN Purchaser KAIUMERU To buy in order to make up a shortage KAIUMERU To buy in securities KAI-UNGY5 Shipping trade KAI-UN GY5SHA Shipping agent KAI-UN HOJOCHI Auxiliary sea-transport base KAI-UN HQKOKU DAN Patriotic Maritime Transport Association KAI-UNKAI Shipping world KAI-UN KAMOTSU Sea-borne goods KAI-UNEYOKU Marine Transportation Bureau KAI-UN SHUCHI Secondary sea-transport base KAT-UN SdKYOKU Marine Transportation Bureau KAI-UTSUTSURU To divert the mind,dispel care KAIYA Speculator on a rise,bull KAIYAKU Revised KAIYAKU J5K6 Interpretation clause KATYARU To push away,thrust aside KAIY6 Forgiveness,pardon KAIY6 Itch,sores from an itch KAIY6GAKU Oceanography KAIYb JINCHISEN Naval warfare KAIY6KA Marine Section KAIYB KIKb Oceanic climate KATY6 KISH6 Weather on the high seas KATYd KISH6DAI Marine meteorological observatory KAIYd NO JIYO Freedom of the seas KAIYd SHOKUBUTSU Marine plant XAIYU Advice KAIYU Sea transport KAIZAI Penitence,repentance,remorse KAIZEN Before a stairway KAIZEN Ringworm KAIZENKAN Meliorism KAIZEN SAKUI Reform measure,remedy KAIZEN SHUGI Social reform,meliorism KAIZEMU HIGE Upturned moustache KAIZOK HATA Black flag,pirate flag KAIZOKU KiI Piracy KAIZOKUSEN Pirate ship KAIZOU To aid,assist,chaperon KAIZUSHITSU Chartroom KAJI Chinese character KAJIBAORI Cloak worn in case of fire KAJICHI Mortgaged house KAJIKA Domestic science KAJI KEIZAI Household economy KAJIK6 Smith,machine-part maker KAJI KgJb Blacksmith shop KAJI KOSHe Damage to rudder KAJIMMIN Chinese residents KAJIMMINKA Chinese residences KAJIMUKI For housekeeping KAJIN Chinese person KAJIN God of fire KAJIN Magician KAJIN Widow KAJIN RdMUSHA Chinese laborers KAJINSEI Exhaustibility KA.TT RATT RA, 4'Si154 TVA 1~t,~Jz TI Vlf~ i#if 9~if ~ -f I At K,9 'K 14 A- vl Th 0) Otw tP- &8 ' 41> Eir~ii 4V4W Ut1:- 1 -Vlo~i ~CMVs t3-\ ~i-I3 ~ JtfII- 1, rttl -r S~1 it fA k nULrLL In115 KAJIRIAU To bite or devour one another KAJI SEIRI Regulation of domestic affairs KAJISHI Chinese newspaper KAJI SH6ZOKU Fireman's uniform KAJITSU Excess,exaggeration KAJITSURAI For some days KAJITSUSEI Fruit essence KAJITSUSIIU Fruit wine KAJO SURU To add and subtract KAJB Shelf KAJ6 Upstream KAJIHAN Ordinary meals,commonplace thing KAJd SHIMON Whirl fingerprint KAJU Temporary residence KAJIJ TON-YA Wholesale receiver KAKAEKOMEJ To hold in arms,carry a load KAKAI Rivers and the sea KAAKU JKEIK6 KINKO Price stabilization agency KAKAKUIY6 Price list KAKAKU HYdKI YUBIN Value-declared post KAKAXU KY6TEI Priqe cartel KAKAKU SAEKI Price differential profit KAKAKUITEKI Sensible KAKAMPAN Lower deck KAKAN Tube,primer KAKAN CHAKEkA Hot-tube ignition KAKAIZ11U Bird's-eye view KAKAO-KI Cocoa tree KAKAO NO MI Cacao seed,cocoa bean KAKAO-SHI Oil of theobroma KAKARI Barb of a fishhook or feather KAKARI Suspension KAKARI-IN Clerk in charge',employee KAKARIKAN Officials in charge KAKARI KONJB Tendency to rely on others, lack of initiative KAKARIMONO Amaurosis,in medicine KAKARI NO HITO Clerk in charge KAKARI NO ISHI Attending physician KAKARI NO YAKUNIN Official in charge KAKATO KOSURE Heel sore KAKE Run,gallop KAKEAIBANASHI Duologue KAKEAININ Negotiator KAKEATSUMARU To run to the same place,run together KAKEAU To be equal to,counterbalance KAKEAU To run a race,run to challenge KAKEAWASE Multiplication KAKEAWASU To enter a tournament,throw one against another KAKEBA Broken clog support KAKE BAIBAI Sales on credit KAKEDASU To adapt to KAKEDASU To lock a door KAKEDASU To make a thing seem to weigh more than it really weighs KAKEGO Telescoped boxes or trays KAKEHAGI Invisible stitch KAKEHASHIRU To run,flee KAKEHEDATSU To estrange two persons KAKEKEDATSU To part,go away,become strangers KAKEI Chinese,agents etc. KAKEI D]Yescent, slope KAKEI Snail-shaped KAIKEI NO Undermentioned,following KAKEIZU Family tree KAKEKAMAE Constraint KAKEZANJ Ledger account KAKEKURABE Race KA.KEKURABERU To compare weights KAKEM6SEN Tapestry KAKEMOTSU To hold several offices KAKEMUIKAU To hasten toward an objective KAKESARU To run away KAKESHIRU Sauce KAKESH6BU SURU To bet,wager KAKETOBI Flying jump,leap,running jump KAKET6SU To run without stopping KAKETSU Provisional decision KAKEURICH6 Credit sales book KAKEURI DAIKIN Credit account KAKEJURI OKOTOWARI No credit,cash only KAKEURITEN Tally shop KAKEZURU To run about,bustle about KAKI Last half of the year KAKI Undermentioned,the following, written below KAKIBAI Oyster lime t$L ( Ilk1 t RApe Apes; Ir jr, T ttl 4 $UT Pli tfj 4 lký&, t f V itAt A:it TL $- 0q ~ $s3 f $#j 4Mg* 4 tf t,;IUa -- 4 $$,ThV -aat r 4bIJ A- ff, $/ ~L t~ $d r ~AgI&5y AsiY 7}( ~8 Ay 5 3 9s-4f s) 40ts- Blf~ 4g-yW ~;t6 5aE 9Agr3g R1 i$t4\ iP4 KAKKIKEI-KEN-IN HIKoEI KAKIDOKO Stretcher,dooly,litter KAKIHAGU To skin,husk,despoil, take away KAKIHAJIMERU To begin to write KAKIHASAMU To hold under the arm KAKIHIN HY6KAI Flower show KAKI-IREBI Red-letter day,banner day KAKI JIKAN Elapsed time KAKI JIKAN Summer time KAKIKAKERU To begin tg write KAKIKEZURU To scrape down,scratch off KAKIKIRU To write fully,write out KAKIKOMU To carry into KAKIKUMADE Rake KAKIKURASU To darken, obscure KAKIKURERU To be blinded, not to be able to see clearly KAKIKURERU To become dark KAKIKUZUSU To destroy entirely KAKIKUZUSU To write in cursive hand KAKI KYUGY5 Summer vacation KAKIMACHIGAI Error in writing or copying KAKIMAKU To turn back and roll up KAKIMESHI Rice boiled with oysters KAKIMORASU To forget to write,omit in writing KAKINARERU To be accustomed to write or draw KAKINOBASU To write at length,expand a. treatise etc KAKINOBORU To climb up KAKI NO T6RI As written below,a; follows KAKIOKU To write before departing KAKIOKURU To row or propel by oars KAKIOU To carry on the back KAKIOYOBU To write about,touch upon KAKISAGURU To try to find,ferret out, explore KAKI SAIBAI Floriculture KAKISAKU To tear out,rend,tear KAKISEN Oyster boat KAKISONZURU To make a mistake in writing KAKITASHI Postscript, supplement KAKITOBASU To skip a word in copying KAKITOME YOSU DENSHIN Postal-registered telegram KAKIT6SU To write all night etc. KAKITSUBUSU To waste paper in writing KAKITSUMERU To write without stopping, cover with writing KAKITSUMORU To accumulate,be piled up KAKITSURANERU To enumerate,list all KAKITSUTAERU To write for posterity KAKIWAKERU To write separating characters clearly KAKIYABURU To tear by scratching KAKIYAMU To stop writing KAKIYARU To send word KAKIYo Style,manner of writing,calligraphy KAKIYOSERU To send an article to a newspaper KAKKA Last summer KAKKA Various sections,every section KAKKAI All circles KAKKAI Each time KAXXAKU TO SHITA Majestic,grand,supreme, solid KAKKANH6 Objective method KA KANKA SURU To objectify XAKKAN SHUGI Objectivism KAKKANTEKI Objective KAKKANTEMI KNKAN KACHI Objective value KAKKEI Square,rectangular KAKKI Each term KAKK6 Each bank KAgKK Every port,various harbors KAKK6 Leather worker KAKK6 Steel bar,square KAIKO ENTAI Foxholes,rifle pits KAKKO FUBATSU NO Unyielding KAEKOGAI Outside the parentheses KAKKOGAKI Written in parentheses KAKKO GEKIHA Defeat in detail KAKKO KG0EKI Piecemeal attack KAKKOKU SHISHIII Foreign representatives KAKK&ME Each heading,each clause KAKKONAI In parentheses KAKKB NO WARUI Shapeless,poor form KAgKK6 NO YOI Shapely,well -proportioned KAKKU Every district KAKKUKI KEN-IN HIK6KI Glider-towing aircraft f -I bJfit- 7~ 0J10 T3M 7' tA Jolt *k 4-a o z 1W?1 AM Po1' IsI %FYI -r 111,4 -dolrAx 44z Po z fc~t a 5 c $~pl a $(JI Fde ~fgg J 1~Q r Ls' ~ R23 -RfdJkki -t iL o ao ~ 4*S; Aux. KAEXYo 116 KAKKY6 Activity KAKXYOKU Every bureau,various bureaus KAgKYO SHUGI Spirit of carrying on independently KAK56 Aid,assistance KAK6 Chinese laborers KAK6 Cobbler KAK6 Descent,decline,direction downward KAK6 Frame,structure,framework KAK6 North China Communications Co. KAK6 River lock KAK6 Scent of flowers KAK6 Tempered steel,forged steel KAX& NO Navigable KAK6 SURU To operate,mines etc. KAKb SURT To sail downstream KAK6CHI In operation KAM&GEN Crater basin KAK6GY6 Processing industries KAKoMEI Miner or sapper,military KAKi EEI Crater wall KAK6HI Processing expense KAK6HIN Finished article,manufactured goods KAKIHIN Pyrotechnic supplies KAK6HIN Things forged in a fire KAKOIWAKERU To isolate by separate enclosures KAK6KEN Manufacturing rights KAKdKO Crater lake KAK6Kb Estuary port KAKOKU Rouse and country,native land KAKOKU Rice KAKOKU River valley KAlXKYU Volcanic cone KAX6BSEN Mine warfare KAK6SEN Seaworthy vessel KAKX5HI Art paper,marble paper KAK6SHI Fire grate KAK6SHU Delta KAK6i SUIRO Navigable waterway KAKOTSU To complain of,grumble about KAKOTSUKA SURU To ossify KAK6WAN Estuary KAKU Bishop,in chess a yuan KAKU3 Chinese ten-cent piece KAKU Steel bar KAIKU Each,every KAXUAKU SURU To grasp,clutch,seize KALUBAKARI As much as,to such a point KArUnBA.KARI So,in such a manner KAXUBATTAGAO Square face KAKUBEN SURU To clear up,elucidate, discern KAKUBETSU S5RU To be separated,distant KAKUBIKI Character arrangement by total stroke count KAKUBU Staff services KAKUBUTSU CHICHI Observation of nature KAKUCHI Verification, ascertainment KAKUCHIKU J6RI Arena of competition KAKUCHO Eminence,clarity,distinction KAKUCH6 SURU To confirm KAKUCHEKIN Dilator muscle KAEUCHSEI Expanded production KAK'UCHU Inside an enclosure KAKUDAN All sections,steps,grades,stages, degrees KAKODANI Castles in the air KAKUDATSU SURU To carry off,ravish KAKUDO Reliability KAKtJEKI Glory,luster,brilliance KAKUEN Divorce KAKUEN NO Distant,remote KAXIEII8 TO SIIITA Blazing KAKUGAI Outside an enclosure KAKUGARI ATAMA Square-cropped head KAKDGEKI SURU To swell,seethe KAKUGSETU Every month KAKUG6 All numbers,all marks KAKUGUN All armies KAKUGUN All groups KAKUGtN Every county,various counties KAKUGUNK6 All naval ports KAKUGY6 Every other line,alternate lines KAIUHA K6BHZKAI Joint conference of all political parties KAKURAK Each clan,various clans KAKUHEI Each man,each soldier KAKUHEN Revolution,reform,transformation KAKUHI Tunica or enveloping membrane 4~A M.4 & 4 - U -; Rmi;b ( -6k* - tl -4-0 #rA 3A, 133 f 5 ~ -44 FA*Af t is-1u ~ FM r-r)5 T 04) 1 F4 it t ~tL g OP n -f4Wt ~ r4 l Gf f 3R**E $tg p~ 45) ~k l EL 40 > li ~att f&j#tSO rEr; ML ~F P-'f R-E c r$t KAKUSo KAKU =IKIKOMI SEN Aerial service wire KAKUEIN All articles, everything KAKUH6b All guns KAKUH5 Everywhere,every side,each side KAKUH56 Security,certainty KAKUHY6 Notebook,check-list KAKU-I Various ranks,all of you KAKU-ICHI Respectively KAKU-INAKU Frankly,without reserve KAKU-INSEKI Ministerial bench KAKUJI Each character,each digit KAKUJI Tenacity,holding fast KAKUJIN Guest,visitor KAKUJITSU Every day,daily KAKUJITSU HOSSA NO OKORI Tertian ague KAKUJITSU NETSU Tertian fever KAKUJITSUSEI Reliability,certainty XA J6 All places J6 Leather strap or thong KAKUJ6 SURU To disturb,be disordered KAKU J6GI Flat ruler KAKUJU SURU To veigh,compare weights KAKUJUMMATSU At end of each ten-day period KAKUJTUN Each ten-day period KAKUJUN SURU To adjust,level,equalize KAKUJUSEI Expansibility KAKUKAIJI Each time KAKEKAMIRANGETSU Every first half of the month ICAKEEANDAN All convoys KAKUKANSEN All ships KAKUKEI Each or every matter,the various items KAKO KBSAKUD6 Aerial-wire ropeway EAKU KOTSU Angular bone KAKU KYORI Angular distance KAKEMEI UN Revolutionary army KAKUMEIJI Man of revolutionary temperament KAKUMEIKA Revolutionary song KAKUMEIKA Revolutionist KAKUMEMKI Red flag KAKUMEI KINEMBI Anniversary of revolution KAKUMEI SENSB Revolutionary war KAKUMEITEKI Revolutionary,red KAKUMEIT5 Revolutionist party KAKU MO To such an extent KAKUM6 Nuclear net KAKUNAI Inside an enclosure KAKU NARI Like this KAIKU NI KIRU To cut square KAKIUNIN UNTEN Trial run KAKUN& Leather purse or pouch KAKUN6CHU While being taken into hangar ZAKU NO SETSU Fanciful view or opinion KAKJNMS6 Box KAKUNUT5 One-man midget submarine KAKUNYUB6 Churn dasher KAKUNYUKI Churn KAKURAN K6SAKU Subversive activities KAKUREFUSU To be hidden KAKURI BY6IN Isolation hospital KAKURI BY6SHA Isolation hospital or ward KAKURI BY6SHITSU Isolated ward KAKURI KANJA Isolated patient KAKUEY, Perception,comprehension KAKURY6 SURU To compareestimate,measure KAKUSEI SURU To examine and correct KAKUSEN Each ship KAKUSEN Sketch,outline KAKUSHA SURU To run aground on sand KAKUSHABETSU By companies,commercial. KAKIISEI All the newspapers KAKUSHI Protection,placing in shelter KAKUSHI Traveler's impressions KAKUSHIGAMAE Radical 023 KAKUSHIHAIKI Each quarter KAKUSHITSU Compartment KAKUSHITSU Sheathe KAKUSHITSU BENSEI Cornification KAKUSHITSUS6 Horny layer KAKUSHITSU SOSHIKI Corneous tissue KAKUSH6 Dividing wall KAKUSH6 Partition,watertight bulkhead, barrier,bar KAKUSHOKU Change of occupation,dismissal KAKUSHOKU Every color KAKUSHOfYOKOU All ministries and bureaus KAKUSHU Each state KAKUSHU Every week,weekly KAKUSHU Last fall,last autumn KAKUSHU SUTRU To gather into a heap KAKUS6 Bank,of cylinders,gun barrels etc. KAKUSODE JUNSA 117 A lKAKUSODE JUNSA Plainclothes policeman AA KAKUSdKY5 Angle binoculars -W KAKUSON Every village,all the villages T< t^ KAKUSURU To do like this S^ KAKUTATSU Certain delivery KAKUTEI All boats %_j KAKUTEIAN Final draft KAKUTEI BOSHU Absolute subscription ^t KAKUTEI FUSAI Direct liabilities tijiA KAKUTEI HANKETSU Final judgment 1^\5^ KAKUTEI HIKI-UKE Express acceptance %_L< KAKUTEI ININJo Irrevocable power of attorney 7" A- KAKUTEI J6TO Irrevocable assignment Al KAKUTEI KAKUNIN Irrevocable and confirmed lh^~ NIKAWASE TSuCXIJo letter of advice k- vp + KAKUTEI MoSHIKOMI Firm offer,firm bid A k & KAKUTEI 0OKURIJ6 Definite bills SAX f I KAKUTEI SAIBAN Final judgment A 9LT; KAKUTEI SHINTAKU Irrevocable trust tjt t KAKUTEI SHIN-YJ6o Irrevocable letter of credit A KAKU TETSU Angle iron ( ( KAKUTE WA If this is done,if this happens,if this is the case KAKUT6 All classes,of tickets etc. l ^ KAKUTOKUBUTSU Acquisition KAKUTSUKI Last month ^*f KAKUYA Alternate nights JQ^Q KAKUYAKU Definite promise or contract t.^j KAKUYASUHIN Bargain goods 1^ KAKUYOKU Concave battle formation,^ ^/ KAKUZEN TO SHITA Majestic,grand,imposing p P KAKYAKU. Leg re V KAKYAKUSEN Freight and passenger steamer I RKAKY0 Temporary residence f1 KAKY6 Chinese resident abroad: F KAKYo Country to which one has taken atrip S P KAKYo Home, one's native place VA KAKYo _Temporary bridge -n-4 KAKYo KoJI Bridging works AV t KAKY6 KYoIKU KY5SHINKAI Chinese SResidents Education Concordia Society " 07 KAKY6 KYIKAI Chinese Residents Association ^ it$ KAKY6 RENGoKAI Chinese Residents League f KAKYo SEINEN SENJI Chinese Residents 1.4 TOKUBETSU Young Men's Special FUKUMUTAI War Service Corps P KAKYU Additional pay KAKYU Increased supply K K l KAKYU CHAKKA Hot-bulb ignition f'0KSJ 6 KAKYUHIN Additional supply of goods 4SSk KAKYO JOYAKU Junior deputy TW E- KAKYU KANSHI Petty officials SKAKYOKI Supercharger TT,O KAKYU SAIBANSHO Lower court T KI KAKYUSEI Lower-class pupils T, ^ V KAKYU SHdK6 Junior officers '~ KAKYU TEATE Additional salary allowance % KAKYUTEN Point of sudden fire attack. KAMABOKOGATA Semicircular KAMACHI Cheekbone or malar bone KAMA KAN Boiler tube 'KT'T KAMA MAIKA SURU To bank boiler fires T1 KAMBA Public mount A,, KAMBA Sick horse. % KAMBAKU Carrier-borne bomber AWX KAMBAKU Shelling by warships ^t^Wi KAMBAKUGEKIKI Carrier-borne bomber f^ KAMBAN Deck ^ KAMBANKAKI Sign painter KAMBANYA Sign painter " KAMBASOTSU aVeterinary-hospital orderly - KAMBASU Sail,canvas SKAMBASU SURU To sail,be under canvas - KAMBASU DAI Stretcher m KAMBATSU Choice, selection S KAMBEN Consideration,deliberation S KAMBEN Crown,diadem ' KAMBEN DEKINAI Intolerable,unpardonable W. KAMBENH6. Simple method,expedient J'I KAMIBETSUH Differentiationdi scriminftion ^,/YT KAMBI CHINKA Sinking by the stern '~.KAMBIHIN Finished products Ar% KAMBIH6 Stern chaser P KAMB6 Frontier guard post M KAMB6 Prison cell Sit KAMBo Stratagem,conspiracy KAMB5CHB Chief secretary KAMBOKUS65 Shrubbery KAMOTSUSEN ^ J KAMBU K5HOSEI Military cadet 'I ^K KAMBU KUNREN GAKK6 Cadres training school in China T17$4I KAMBUNSHO HAKI Destruction of official documents KAMBUTSUYA Grocer ^, KAMBY5 Severe disease /\ KAMBY6NIN Nurse ^ KAME Radical 213 f^ KAMEI Name of flower 3 KAMEI Pseudonym, common name 4, KAMEI Registration,enrollment, subscription;i' KAMEISHA Participator ^^JS KAMEI UNS6TEN Participating carrier ^^) KAMEN Face of a coin KAMEN Guncotton 7 KAME NO K6 Tortoise shell KAMFUENAARU Camphenal KAMI Radical 190 t KAMIAWASU To engage or put into gear,mesh 91 KAMIAWASU To fight,bring about a fight or quarrel JiA. KAMI EJIPUTO UpperEgypt K. KAMIGAMAE Radical 190 U w KAMIGAMISHII Venerable,holy,majestic, solemn KAMIGAMMURI Radical 190 KAMIGASHIRA Radical 190 " - KAMIGOKORO Divine will 1J- KAMI HANGETSU First half of the month L KAMI ICHI DAN Second conjugatione.g.,miru KAMIKAESHI Rumination KAMI KAMMURI Radical 190 KAMIKAWA Imi.tation leather P KAMIKAZE BUTAI Suicide plane unit - KAMIKAZETAI Suicide plane unit J-L KAMIKI First half of the year i KAMIKIZU Bite of an animal or snake WA U, KAMIKUZU HIROI Ragpicker /A IP KAMIKUZUKAI Ragman, junkman -t )\, KAMIMAKI TABAKO-IRE Cigarette case L-Y- KAMI NI DAN Fourth conjugation,e.g.,oku rV KAMINKU Chinese area 7),a WAMI NO KAGO Divine protection 2,)1) KAMIOKURI DAI Delivery board, in printing KAMIOSAE Paperweight hU * KAMIOSAE Tympan in printing ^iv KAMI SHIBAI Illustrated story told on the street S KAMISHIMAH5 Kamishima iron-manufacturing process for converting poor ore IT - KAMISHIMO Above and below,upper and lower classes,superiors and inferiors,T ' KAMISH6 Paper trade,stationery business 1 4 KAMISUKIBA Paper mill KAMITACHI Paper knife,paper cutter Ai KAMIT6SHI Bill file,spike file flk M KAMMANKI Slack season -f KAMMANSA Range of an ebb and flow,tidal distance KAMME Unit of weight,8.27 pounds nk KAMMEI Ship name "AA KAMMEI Signal strength and readability KAMMEIDO Signal strength and readability +o KAMMEMP6 Biscuit?9 KAMMIN People of leisure tR, KAMMIN Treacherous people VM KAMMON Shimonoseki and Moji S KAMMOTSU Government property r^ KAMMU Official business f^ KAMMU Public service KAMMU Secretarial work KAMMU Ship"s duty,ship's mission SKAMMURI Radical at top of character T KAMMY5 Official title SKAMO Name of planeWildDuck S KAM5 Cross fire,fire net K KAMON Family crest Ak1J KAM6 NO ZENTAN Forward edge of fire net $ KAMOSHIKA Chamois Si KAMOTSU EKI Freight station ^ ~KAMOTSU HIKoKI Freight plane S KAMOTSU JID6SHA Motor truck ^ KAMOTSU KAKI-IRE SHoSHO Bottomry bond, respondentia bond S KAMOTSUKI Freight airplane S@ KAMOTSU KYGYUSEN Oil tankers o KAMOTSU NO FUKUS6 Congestion of freight S$ KAMOTSU OKIBA Freight yard W1J4 KAMOTSU RESSHA Freight train | KAMOTSUSEN Freighter KAMOTSUSHA 118 k94 kit i C U It~- 2, 9 ~ TML Ttkk lffk)t#Z YfR AO I A t sitf 3 pg (q $4 r B(tl t ~firhl, Qts le9 13e: u T[ 25 ~5 -~sy a; IM~~ f 1eIs ~g ~ A?~e Ci3ir c (i0fs4 ~ ~efi;; ~J)9 KAMOTSUSHA Freight car KAMOTSU SHARY6 Freight vehicle KAMOTSU TORIATSUKAIJO Goods office. freight office KAMOTSU UN-YU Freight traffic KAMPA Cold wave KAMPAN Dried bread,army biscuit KAMPAN Government publication KAMPAN-IN Deck hand KAMPAN ISU Deck chair KAMPAN SENKYAIU Deck passenger KAMPAN SHIKAN Deck officer KAMPANSHITSU Deckhouse KAMPAN SUIFU Deck hand KAMPAN TOKEI Deck watch,ohronometer KAMPAN WATASHI Ex ship,delivery from ship KAMPAN WATASHI F.O.B.,free on board KAMPANZUMI Loaded on deck KAMPATSU Drought KAMPATSU - Proclamation KAMPEIJ6 Parade ground KAMPENT6 Sweet almonds KAMPI Dried hidds KAMPI JIPPI Actual government expense KAMPIN Government property,GI articles KAMPI RYUGAKUSEI Government student abroad KAMPISEI Government student KAMPO Clerk,official aide KAMPO SURU To saunter,walk about incognito KAMPB DEMP5 Government telegram KAMP6-I Herb doctor KAMP6 KOKUJI Official announcement KAMP-KYCOKU Official Gazette Bureau KAMPON Government publication KAMPON Printed book KAMPORIJIN Camporisin KAMP6 SHAGEKI Firing naval guns,target practice KAMP6 SHAGEKI Naral bombardment KAMPU Official seal KEAMPJ SURU To seal completely,bottle up KAMPU RENRAKUIJSEN Government Railways connecting.steamer KAMPFYi Cold wind KAMU JIKU Camshaft KAMYAKU River system KAN Anhwei KAN China,Han dynasty,Chinese language KAN Hankow KAN Clang KAN Counter for articles strung on rods KAN Counter for books,scrolls,reels of film KAN Counter for cans KAN Counter for cylinders KAN Kansu KAN Radical 099 KAN Khan,a title of sovereignty KAN Kiangsi HAN Kwantung KAN Paragraphsarticle KAN Prison,jail cage,enclosure KAN Radical 017 KAN Radical 051 KAN Ring HAN Signal strength,sensitivity, readability HAN Unit of weight,8.27 pounds KANABASAMI Shears for metal,snips, pincers KANABIKIO Indian hemp HANABIKIS6 Wild flax HANABISHAIU Metal dipper KANABUMI Syllabary writing HANABURUI Wire sieve KANADA JICHIRYC Dominion of Canada HANADO Iron door KANAE Radical 193 HANAE Radical 206 HANAGUSARI Metal chain KANAGUSHI Currycomb HANAI ANZEN Family well-being HANAIJO Whole family HANAI KGY65 Home industries HANA-IRO Metallic color HANAI WAG6 Domestic harmony HANAKAXI Iron rake HANKASU Scoria,slag,dross KAN-AEE Close of the cold season KANAKIRIBASAMI Metal cutter,ttniw It k ný it ~T 3 4ti TiA I, E)fi"ý I' AMIN HQ f) VKXT4 7@tE 1- ~ $A it i PU! fpb ift 4tPe TAI M fit # 4) b;51 laj i$ E t fSi~t~ t $5$e (OH ~f % ullI 3 I X0) T KANGo KANAKIRIGOE Shrill voice,scream,falsetto KANAMARI Metal bowl KANA MIHd Steel-manufacturing method direct from iron ore KANAMONOSIB Hardware dealer KANAMONOYA Hardware shop,ironmonger KANAN Family misfortune KANAN South China KAN-AN Prearranged plan,proposal RANARIfA Is it all right? KANARU To be all right KANASHIKI DAI Anvil block KANATOSHI Metal sieve KANATSUBO Metal pot KANAYAKI Hot-iron brand KANAZUE Iron cane KANAZUKURI Manufacturer of metal objects KANCHI Cold country or region KANCHI Dry land KANCHI Government rule KANCHI Procrastination,delay,slowness KANCHI SURU To confine,keep in custody KANCH6 Liver and bowels KANCHB Official spy or agent KANCHO On their toes KANCHb Skipper KANCHoFUi Officialism,red-tapism KANCH5 GEMBO Public records KANCH6HY6 Low-water mark KANCHdKI Enema syringe KANCH5 K6T Espionage activity KANCH6 SHOSHOKd ANNAI Guide to official service KANCH6ZAI Enema,clyster KANCHU Convulsions and paralysis KANDAI Hankow diplomatic office KANDAN Convoy KANDANNAKU Continuously,incessantly KANDATSU SURU To put on and take off KANDEN SURU To irrigate rice fields KANDO China KANDO Signal strength,sensitivity, readability KAND5 Government road KANDB Rod copper KAND5 SURU To guide,direct,persuade KANDORI Helmsman, steersman, coxswain KANDMRIN Gyroscope KAND6SEN Infiltration tactics KANE Brand on cattle KANE Carpenter's square,straight line KANE Unit of length,30.3 cm,a shaku KANEFUKI Smelter,metal refiner KANE KEN Radical 167 KAN-EI Shape of ship,silhouette KAN-EI Ship's quarters KAN-EI K6JO Government factory KAN-EI SHUGI Government-monopoly plan KANEJAKU Carpenter's square KANEJAKU Unit of Length,30.3 cm,a shaku KANEKA1I Borrowing money,borrower KANEKATA Metal mold KANEKIRI Tin cutting KANEKURI Financial arrangements KANEMI Assaying bullion,assayer KANEN Last year KAN-EN Government salt KAN-EN Procrastination KANE NO TSURU Money resource HANE TAGA Metal hoop KAN-ETSU Inspection KANGA SURU To be s~tarwing,cold,and hungry KANGAEAWASERU To judge from HANGAEOYOBU' To arrive at a certain point in thinking KANGAI Deception, inveigling, ensnaring HANlGAr Suffering and injury KANGAIK& Irrigation canal HANGAI KU-IKI Irrigation district HANGAITEI Outer bottom of ship HANGAKU Sincerity, frankness HANGAKUHI Wind instrument HANGEN Freeboard KANGEN SRUT To restate,reword,say in other words HANGIHU GYOEN Imperial Chrysanthemum Garden Party KANGIKU NO EN Chrysanthemum Garden Party HANGO Guardianship, confinement,custody KANG6 Dry ditch 80 7 hr h ~AR (0)$ N f - ~ ~LLfS4 -j1 1g ~ E31-B$4 MiWPA;B i44i MW $igtZU RAi-4;d 5 WN -t4#t 99 g9t UK if i if3y 6 3lr~S ~a~sif$io $eit iM ~t0a -97 s (8lt ~ iS3~ $t6t p TfMrA~ i 1t:TA, 4?)0g ~ KANGo SURU 119 KANG6 SURU To fit KANGO BU-IN Nursing staff,sickbay complement KANGOHEI Hospital corpsman t KANGOJUTSU Nursing KANGOKA Hospital corps KANGOSHU Sick-berth steward KANGO SOTSU Hospital orderly i+ KANGU SURU To be supplied completely KAN-GYO Canned beef KANHISHb Liver and spleen swellings KAMNH Naval gun,battery KAN-I Chinese-system doctor,herb doctor KAN-I Ship's position KAN-I ARU Spirited,horse etc. KANICHI The other day,recently f KAN-I HOJI Maintaing ship's position KAN-I HOKEN Post office insurance KAN-IKA SURU To simplify KAN-I KAGAKU Popular science KANIKAKU In some way,however it may be KAN-IKI Perfection KANI MOJI Horizontal writing U KAN-IN Ship's personnel,ship's complement a KAN-I SHOKUDd People's restaurant KAN-ITSU Leisure,ease KANJAKU Calm,quiet KANJA MEIBO Sick book KANJASEN Hospital ship KANJA SHUYoHEI Stretcher-bearer r KANJA SHUYBJO Casualty clearing station KANJA SHUY6TAI Stretcher-bearer unit KANJASU Number of patients KANJA YUSMKI Ambulance plane KANJA YUS6SHA Ambulance KANJI Discipline officer KANJI Flattery KANJI Official business KANJIN Chinese KANJIN Importance KANJIN Liver and kidneys,heart KANJIN Official person KANTIN Watchman KAJIRU To look at,view,observe contemplate KANJISHI Newspaper in Chinese characters KANJITSU Day of rest,lIeisure time KANJIZAI Open space,clear horizon, unobstructed view KANJO Quiet placeleisure,serenity KANJO NA Slow,leisurely KANJ6 Mace KANJ6 Patient's condition,diagnosis KANJ6 NO Carrier-borne,on deck,aboard KANJ5 BAKUGEKIKI Carrier-borne bomber KANJ6 HATCHAKU Carrier take-offs and landing H KANJ KHAYAMI Read reckoner KANJ5 IPPONDATE Single-entry bookkeeping KANJ5J1RI Balance of an account KAN J6 KAMOKU Items of an account KANJ6KI Carrier-borne plane KANJ PK6GEKIKI Carrier-borne attack plane KANJ6 NIHONDATE Double-entry bookkeeping KANJ6 SENTdKI Carrier-borne fighter plane KANJ& TEISATSUKI Carrier-borne reconnaissance plane KANJ6 T6SAIKI Carrier-borne plane KANJ6 UNTEN Loop service KANJU NO For government use KANJUKU Experience acquired by long practice KANJOEU SURU To be experienced,be versed in KANKA House where there is a patient KARNA Slow change PJ'IKA Slow fire KANKA Under the jurisdiction of lANKA SURU To convert into money,realize, liquidate KANKABU Dive-bomber unit a lANPKA FUNd SuISAN Worthless assets lANKA HdH6 Mode of realization,in finance KARKAI Dissuasion KAMIAI Generosity ahd frankness, openheartedness,candor X.ANKAI Official rank KANUAI Reprimand,warnin,advice reproof KANKA KAKKAN All your sub ordinate officers g KANA ANd SHISAN Available assets KANIAKU Coffin,bier ff) rmlig git 'jfi* ZA,Jlz 1' 0) q 4A A 1 F ft5 g ~ F] IT j4cjy T Oj 7.)e ft-ýt- $, WTI, d 54?M Q skQA E p cGo iFJlfs SRA00ea JqF Mi2Eo 4 UtRd - la la L3 rf 'k KAmNO EANKAKUCHI Distant place KANKA1U CHIDON Dysesthesia,impairment of the senses KAIIKAKU DASSHITSU Anaesthesia KANKEAN Sweat glands or ducts KANKATAI Home guard,in Chiha KANWAT6 Varioloid,a mild form of smallpox KANKATSU Craftiness,artfulness, trickery KANKATSU Generosity KANKATSU Intermittence KANKATSU NA Wide, spacious KANKATSUCHI Jurisdiction KANKATSU CHIGAI Incompetency,not having jurisdiction KANKE Sweet taste KANKEI Commutation of a penalty KANKEI Lenient punishment KANKEI Pithiness,terseness KANKEI Stalk, stem 'KANKEI NO Annular KANKEI IHoMEN Interested parties KANKEI ICHI Relative position KANKEIJ6 Because of,on account of,in view of KANKE I KAKBUTAI All forces connected with... KANKEI KAKU H&MEN All concerned KANKEIKAN Officials concerned KANKEININ Person concerned KANKEI SAlI Parties concerned KANKEI SEIFU Governments concerned KANKEISHA Companies concerned KANKEI SHORUI Related documents KANKEI TWJISHA Parties concerned KANKEN Precipice,danger KANKETSU Defect, shortage,deficiency,gap KANKETSU Happy ending,fortunate result KANKETSU Hole, cavity,pit KANKETSU Sweat and blood KANKETSU NA Avari cious,grasping,miserly KANKI Chill,a cold KANKI Gladnessjoy KANKIN BURT To convert money KANKINKEN Customs gold note KANKINSHA Internee KANKIWAMARU To feel strongly KANKO Government warehouse KANKO Kettledrum KANKd Carrier-based attack plane KANKd Exposure to light KANKd Reserve officer candidate KANK6 NO Habitual, customary KANKb NA Indecisive KANK6 SURU To risk,dare KANK6 SURT To stroll KANKodBTSU Publication,thing published KANK6GU Muzzle KANK6J6 Mercurous chloride troches KANKKA BAKUGoEKI Shallow dive-bombing KANK6 KIN Hush money KANKOKU SURU To engrave,print,publish KANIOKUAN Recommendation KANKOKU KEIGd Annexation of Korea KANKOKU K6FUKU GUN Korean Army of Restoration KANKdTAI Torpedo planes unit KANKOTSU Innominate bone KANKU Cold and pain,suffering from cold KANKYO Official sanction KANHYd KENCEHIN Bridge crew,complement KA.NKYOKU Authorities KANKyd 0 S6SHA SURU To sweep or strafe the bridge KANKYODO Degree of urgency,priority KANKYEHIN Articles supplied by the government KANKYJ JUNJO Order of precedence,sequence of priority KANNAI Inside a warship KANNAI KBSAKU Internal construction of a ship KANNAI SHdApI Look-out patrol aboard ship KANNAI SHUTCH6 Touring area under one's jurisdiction KANNAITEI Inner bottom KANNEN DagASAKU Slow-burning fuse KAWNICHI NbTSU Intermittent or malarial fever KAMmIKU Liver KANNIN Government official KANN5 Encouragement of agriculture KANNo SURU 120 X7 06 ( 10,0 rimm +Atý $OL C~~t fit iý di 4 L q AY Lltat 4 Iag 49a ~rb AIt OR Irv -i (iF f )( aa ictjt ta ~ rt t gl4t -t ( j:~L dC ~ 3 9 El~t c $tjlr ~ ISbWB Ihl 40La ~ bF 5 e iage t tdIt$ e ug4 Ag $X@1S s~t P~3$5 Af*a9 eth a ~ o4;iC 3~ 1g1rl AteC. IgRTPkP KANN6 SURU To restore,return KANN6HIN Materiel evacuated KAN NO KEISHA List of a ship KANNOKI Door-bar bolt KAMNN6KI Planes returned to hangar KANN6SEI Sympathy,in physiology KANN6TEKI Functional,in medicine KAN NO YAMAI Meningitis KAN NY6 Radical 017 KAIN- SURU To requite a favor KAN6GAKU Amount of overpayment KA NO GOTOKUT Seems as if KANBJI Possibility KAN OKE Y6ZAI Coffin lumber KAN6 KIN Deposit,cover KAN6 KISO Number of planes available KAN-ON Temperature,cold and heat KANON-H6 Cannon,gun KAN-6 NO GYOEN Imperial Cherry Party KAN6 SH EN Suppurative inflammation KANRAKUSO Casein KANRAN-YU Olive oil KANREI Official decree or order KANREI SURU To promote,foster,encourage KANREI HIZUKEBARAI At usance KANREINSEI Relationship KANRETSU SURU To form a ring,stand ina ring KANRI DAI IKKA Supervision Section One KANRIKA Supervision Section,Control Section KANRI KAISHA Proprietary company KANRI SENSHU Managing shipowner KANRISHA Administrator KANRI TENT6 Topsy-turvy,cart before the horse KANRITSU SURU To stand in a circle KANR& Hardship,distress,affliction KANRY5FU, Officialism,red-tapism KANRY6KA SURU To bureaucratize KANRYO Slow flow,gentle stream KANRYU SURU To circulate KANSA Careful research KANSAI Disastrous drought KANSAI Sugar beet KANSAI Western Japan KANSAI NO Carried aboard a warship, carrier-borne KANSAIKI Carrier-borne plane KANSAI SUIRAITEI Torpedo launch KANSAKA Auditing Section KANSAKYOKU Prosecutor's Office, in Formosa KANSAN Dispersion,scattering KANSAN Lysis,in medicine KANSAN RIISU Rate of exchange KANSEI Complete arrangement KANSEI Completion KANSEI Inspected or supervised manufacture KANSEI Trembling voice KANSEI Yell KANSEI HAGAKI Official postc&rd KANSEI HOMBU Naval Technical Bureau KANSEI KEIYAKU Executed contract KANSEKI Calm,solitude KANSEN Carrier-borne fighter plane KANSEN Fight to the bitter end KANSEN Height of battle KANSEN Naval ship KANSEN Pipe line KANSEN SURU To pierce,penetrate KANSEN BUTAI Warship force KANSEN D6RO Principal road KANSENKA Trunk Lines Section KANSENKAI Wide turn,in aeronautics KANSENKI Period of height of battle KANSENKYO Dry dock KANSENREI Ship order KANSENSEI Contagious KANSENTEI Ships and boats KANSEN TOKUXA Mercantile marine envoy KANSETSU ENGO Indirect cover escort protection KANSETSU FOSA Cruising blockade KANSETSU GEN-.IN Indirect cause KANSETSUHI Overhead,indirect cost KANSETSU KANSAN Compound conversion KANSETSU NO BYKlI Joint disease KANSEtSU SAITEI Circuitous determination, of exchange KANSETSUSEN KYOREN Attacking ship at close quarters #Yg 7;49 S5tt 5 (4 g jw,-f a 1a Ba gi s\ *~P~ 3g ~ #iibA BrW4 "S(ta,cba A~t; z I$43 h ~Ay 8 791 ~) JIBhy 83 a#7 Ar## ~ZS 4 aW ak b Akit t a 4tdtT3 ~F 4tift ~ A"t& M9 sl P gSet ~1~ bt Agees j9' ib Ag )i;k0 I4[ 90a- 4 ~tF~ 5o jfCgs ~%(11 ~9 fR ril -f Titd UIKB% $1PdL XEANTAI KANSETSU SONGAI HOKEN Consequential loss insurance KANSETSU YUSHUTSU SHAREI Indirect export, KIN bounty KANSHA Sugar cane KANSHAKU Office and rank,title KANSHAKU SURU To let pass,pass over, wink at KANSHAKU 0 OKOSU To lose one's temper, fly into a rage KANSHAMEN Gentle slope KANSHA NI TAEZU Thank you very much KANSHA SAI Thanksgiving Day KANSHI Exhorter KANSHI Forceps KANSHI SURU To see,observe KANSHI BUTAI Picket force KANSHIHAN Spotting party KANSHIISH6 Kwangsi Province KANSHIN Trouble,adversity,calamity KANSHINJI Matter of concern KANSHISHA Observer KANSHISHO Observation post KANSHITAI Picket unit KANSHITEI Picket boat KANSHITEITAI Picket boat division KANSHITSU Cabin of a varship KANSHITSU Cold,the illness KANSHITSU Humidity KANSHO Ship's signal station KANSH6 Coffin maker KANSH5 Convulsion,excessive nervousness or irritability,moody persbn KANSH6 Easy way,simplification KANSH6 Environment KANSHb Slow burning KANSH6 Total victory KANSHOBOSHI Dried sweet potatoes KANSH6KA SURU To officialize KAWSHOKU Government position KANSHOKU SURU To dress ship,with flags etc. KANSHU Administration and custody, administrator KANSHU Warship category KANSHUJ SURU To guard,have custody of KANSHU SURU To finish,complete,end KANSHUBI Fore and aft KANSHU CHINKA Sinking by the bow KAINSHUCHE Chief jailer KANSHUCEHRO Assistant jailer KANSHO KIGEMBARAI At usance,payment on due date KANSHUTSU SURU To creep out,steal forth KANSB Canton Consulate General KANS6 Return shipments KANS5 Segment KAN56 NO Parched,dried up KANS6 SURU To evacuate KANS6 BUSSHI Dried goods. KANS5HIV Goods returned KANS5JUTSU Physiognomy KANSOKA SURU To simplify KANSdKI Drier,desiccator KANS6KI -Dry season KANSOKU Ship's side KANSOKU SUTRU To bind,tie up,fasten together KANSOKUDO Low speed KANSOKU GOSA Observational error KANSOKU HIKBTAI Air observation unit KASOgKU JIDBSHA Observation automobile KANSOtKTKAN Observation vessel KANSOKUKI Reconnaissance plane KANSOKU KITAI Observation plane unit KANISOKEKY6 Periscope KANSOKUSBHO Observation post KANSON Damage from drought KANSbRAN Dried eggs KAN1SRYO f Dried foodstuffs KANS6 USHINIKtJ Dried beef KANmSZAI Desiccative KANmS Number of volumes KANSUI Boiler water KANBUI Flood,crest of a flood KANSUI Prosecutioncompletion KANSUI Shipboard torpedo boat KANSURU To separate by an interval of KANTAI Complete whole KANTAI Liberal treatment IANTAI Observation unit yR ý @6 Ovil hfBli ~ Sr $ ej N, box AD* 8lrir) ~1"2050 " 60i0 f 4 fJ 184 $ 8 4t 1i91 fk'L *b )# 1C C 4f 88 itfde rO 1-K as E Igy ~ MsA~tgt ~ 'eq) 40p0r 9F00t9l tm KANTAI JK12 ý121 KANTAI JK 0 Air above fleet KANTAIKI Fleet airplane KANTAI K6DQKA Ship Movements Division KANTAI SEOZOKU Assigned to...fleet KANTAI UND6 Fleet maneuver KAIITANFU Exclamatioji mark KANTANSHI Exclamation KANTARISU-YU Cantharis oil KANTEI Carrier-borne reconnaissance plane KAINTEI SURU To reconnoiter KANTHI SURU To subjugate and pacify KANTEIKAN Appraiser KAN TEIK6 Pipe resistance KANTEIIIN SMKO Appraiser's store KANTEIRY6 Survey fee,for damaged cargo etc. KANTEISAKUEBottom line,dipping line KAINTEI SAKUSEN Operation for pacification and subjugation gKANTEI SHTXI Boat review KANTEISHO Survey report,in shipping etc. KANTEI SOKUTEIGI Submarine log KANTEITAI Plane reconnaissance unit KANETEI Spotting KANTEMBEKI Weather observation and forecasting KANTEN End point KANTEN Observation point KANTETSU Bar iron KANTb Beacon light KANT6 Eastern Japan KANT6 Freezing, congealment KARNT6 SURU To fight bravely KANT6CH6 Kwantung Government General KANT6 CHEKAN Governor of Kwantung KANTb GUN Kwantung Army KANTO KINEMBI Anniversary of government service KANTOKUKA Supervision Section KANTOKUSHA Superintendent KANT6KYU Official ranks KANTONSH6 Kwangtung Province KAN TORITSUKEK6 Pipe fitter A.NTSa Response, inspiration, communication of feelings KANTSUI Accomplishment KANTSU JUS6 Penetrated bullet wound KANTSU RESSHA Corridor train KANWA Recital of one's experiences KAN-YAKU Chinese medicines KAN-YAKU Government contract KAN-YAKU Official translation KANYAK[J NIMPU Government-employed coolies KAN-YO Intervention, interference KAN-Y5 For making cans KAN-Y5 Lobe of the liver KAN-Y5 Replacement, substitution KAN-Y6 SURU To support,tend,maintain KANU-YQKA Spiritual Training Section KAN-YB NEJIMAWASHI Pipe wrench KAN-YOSHA Participant KANYU Sweet oil KAI-YU Audacity,intrepidity KAlN..Yi State-owned KANYuDAN SURU To enter temporarily into a convoy,corps.etc. KAN-Yu NYuZAI Emulsion of cod-liver oil KANYuSEI Penetrability KAINYSHA Subscriber,to telephone service etc. KANZAI Pipe KANZAI Warship construction materials KANZAININSH6 Receiver's bond KANQZAI SUJI Official quarters KANZEI CHESAKAI Tariff Advisory Council KANZEI JISEUKXE Tariff autonomy KANZEI JUTSUGO Customs nomenclature KANZEIKA.Customs Section KAIZEI KANTEININ Customs surveyor KANZEI SH6HEKI Customs barrier KANZEl URITEMOCHI NEDAN Duty-paid price KANZENKA SURU To become perfect KANZEN TSUKA Sound currency KA.NZETSU Ix terruption KArZETSU Tongue of a buckle KANZETSU 6SH6 Island traverse KANZU Misappropriation of public funds, corruption,taking of bribes KANZdBYB Liver disease KANZZ GOZOKU Sino-Tibetan or Indo-Chinese family of languages KANZKai Italian extract of licorice Ae TA '2 OZ R1r~ 7 ko A E 04& All Ig~J 44 tA I R i n 3 4nMJ ki t 1g ~ $}$ 4 lior ~i44i P a ~i ~t 9W~tt %f t ' 6a 3f: 4 S18 ill < 1;:Q st Ir1l# i~;?Pi4 B 1P4&c$ P 1Pf i ~ W#lepy Wr~ifa~l5ilbc 4 oz V41L;k* KARINSENS KANZOKU Subordinate officials KANZ6MATSU Powdered licorice KANZ6 SH6Y6 Liver tumor KANZUME SEISAKuT Cooping-up policy KANZJRU To feel the cold,be cold KAO Khao Bhap,Pictorial News KAOGAWARI Change of looks KAOKATACHI Face and-figure KAOKU ZEI Residence tax KAON Corrupt pronumciation,provincial accent KAO NO RINKAKe Contour of the face KAO 0 KITASt To turn towards KAO 0 TSUBUSU To cause to lose face KAOPAAPU Khao Bhap,Pictorial News KAORIN Cowling KAPPATSUKA SUERU To become active,increase in activitybecome brisk KAPPU Sezing of coolies or laborers KARA4IKI Vacancy, vacuum KARA-AOI Hol lyhock KARA AZAARU Kala aztar KARABORI Waterless canal,dry moat KARA DAIMY6 One in straitened circumstances despite appearances KARA EZUKI Nausea KARAFUNE Empty boat KARAFURI Overdrawing on letter of credit KARAFUTOCH6 Government of Sakialin KARAGE ITO Pack thread KARAGE NAWA Pack twine KARAGURUIMA apty cars KARA-I Dry well KARA IDO Dry well KARAKASA UImbrella.cloud banks KARAKETSU Pennilessness, mimplete emptiness KARAKIZAIKET Cabinetwork KARA KOGITTE Accommodation check KARAKE Peace and happiness KARAKUCHI ' Empty words,empty mouth KARAMI Intertwinement KARAMI Scoria,slag KARAMIAI Intertwinement,interlaoing KARAMI IKARI Fouled anchor stock KARAMIMI Earache, otalgia KARAMUGI Unhulled barley KARANISEN Ship with light cargo KARANI UNCHIN Dead freight KARA OSEJI Enpty compliments KARA TEGATA Fictitious bill or note KARA TORIHIKI Fictitious transaction KARA USO Barefaced lie KARAZAKE Vinegar KARAZUKI NO Unhulled KARAZUTSU Unloaded rifle KARAZUTSUMI nEmpty package KAREFU Parched grass or turf KAREI Giving of an order EKAREI NA Beautiful, splendid KAREI NA Fine,tastefulbeautiful KAREKUSABY6 Hay fever KAREN NA Cheap KAREN SUED To levyexact,impose taxes KARETSU Bitter,aorimonious,pungent KARIAGEKI Harvest time KARIARUKU To go around trying to borrow KARIBANE Stubble KARIBARAI KNl Temporary payment,money KARI HAKUCHI Temporary anchorage KARI OaeN Temporary insurancebinder KARI HOKENJ SHKPE Binder,in insurance KARl HliTAI: Field dressing KARI HTAIJO Field dressing station KARI JiKYO Temporary residence K;ARl JUSHO Temporary domicile KLARl JUY6 Speculative demand KAR IKABD Stubbl e KARl KABUKE~N Scrip KLARl K1AIGfY6 MENJilS Temporary permit to open business or practice KA.RI: KANURI Temporary management K;ARIKIATA ZANIDAKCA Debit balance KARl: KEIYAKE) Provisional contract KCARl KTSUGI Provisional decision KARl: KONKg(OCIi Temporary base KARI MEIREI Preliminary injunction KARI NINCHI Temporary appointment KARINSEN Steamship KARINSHA 122 KATA KATA )o*( KARINSHA Railway train,locomotive ASAt!= f KARIPPANASHI NI SURU To be easy-going about repaying 4 S KARIRY5 Amount to be loaned ^(wM, KARI RY6S3HSHO Interim receipt fA^ KARI SADAME Supposition,hypothesis V1AA, KARI SEIFU Provisional government oT-96&G KARI SIEKEN Soft soap Iiflf4& KARI SHIKIRI KAKAKU Provisional invoice price 011 KARISH5 Interim receipt,scrip ifAI KARI SHoKEN Temporary policy ivAf< KARI SHUTSUGOKU Provisional release from prison,' w KARITA Harvested rice field Y1VU4 KARI TAIHO Temporary arrest ýt KARI TAKU Temporary residence X-4A KARITATE NO New-mown I(m KARI ToKI Provisional registration 4 10 KARITORU To keep what one has borrowed " KARITSUGU To take over temporarily KARITTO Explosive,ammonium perchlorate base ^ - KARIYA Rented house ^ EKARlI YAKUS6 Provisional contract IF-tL KARI YAKUJo Provisional contract IFVA f-t? KARI YSSEN KEIYAKU Provisional or pro forma charter party 1i$ KARI YUNYU TETSUZUKI Prime entry Ir y KARI YUNYU TODOKE Sight bill KARKMIN Heavy responsibilities J o KAROSHIME Disdain,contempt K KAROYAKA NI Lightly,easily,with little respect I ti KARUGE NA Lightsome,not heavy "KARUMOCHIN Carmutin,a sedative #,4' KARUSHIYU Caraway oil Sy KARUTA-KAI Card-playing party %s KARU UKI Easy advance or execution s KARYo Bridge over a stream S^ KARY6 Overcharge JS KARY5 Overmeasure, overweight 0 KARY6 SURU To heal '60 -4 KARY6 SURU To treat the sick >I^ KARYU Current,course of a river W; KARYU Rivers and streams MA KARYU Grain, granule -T KARYU Lower Yangtze,downstream r eO KARYUBY6 Venereal disease 4I - KARYUKAI Frivolous society,gay quarters F KARYU KAIKYU Lower classes 8% KARYOKAN House of detention I KASA Sore,ulcer 40, KASABACHI Eczema capitis NJ AP KASADAKAI Bulky,voluminous,enormous "FT KASAI Bottom edge T KASAI Lower cloud limit KASAI Overloading S)P i KASAI HOKEN KENSA Surveying fire loss,,in insurance S KASAIKU Burnt out area KASAI KY6TEI RYoRITSU Fire insurance tariff rate KASAKE Signs of syphilitic infection 1 f * KASAKUMOCHI Owner of houses ^ KASANE Counter for sets of garments 4 t KASANERU To repeat,compound,double -o 1 KASANKI Adding machine:1 KASATSU Strict inspection InAl KASEI Temporary construction . KASEI NO Weak ", e -16 l- KASEIKASEI Vocality h KASEI KAYAKU Chemical powder "S, KASEKI Censure,reproof o--IU KASEKI Torment,torture,pangs,twinge 'X KASEf Firing line " "I KASEN NO Submergeable >i"It KASEKKA Rivers Section "I " li KASEN UNGA Canal IL2A t KASETSU SURU To erect temporarily WX to-J'yl KASETSU BUKKAGOYA Temporary structurehut W iSi KASETSU DENSHINSHO Temporary communications office S EASHAKU Renting of a house,rented house t a I KASHA RYOCHIRYS Demurrage ^ X KASHA WATASHI F.O0.B.,free on board,on rail EASAHI Asphyxiation S KASHI Material for chemical warfare *- KASHIAGE Loan 1 t KABHIDAORE HOKEN Bad-debt insurance, credit insurance t&^t KASHI HYdJI Credit memorandum 7-+,r KASHIKAN Petty officer,navy $ KASHI KANDANKEI Fahrenheit thermometer j1 KASHIKATA ZAISAN Positive property V Z^, KASHIKIRI ATSUKAI Carload consignment i 0T KASHIKIRI HIK-KI Chartered plane X KASHIKIRIZUMI Carload shipment SKASHIKODATE Wise or knowing look At KASHIKOMU To feel a respectful fear!A KASHIKOSA Imposing character,augustness b& KASHIMONO Things lent KASHIRA Radical at top of character ~H^ KASHIRABONE Head bones,cranium s^ KASHIRAHARI Zip or verve only at the start 5' KASHIRAJI Capital letter s^ KASHIRA KASA Eczema capitis ^ EKASHIRA YAKU Chief,superior f4 KASHIRY6 Rent,hire T-f-o KASHISHo 'Sentry group under non com t KASHI SHSMON Loan certificate,proof of debt T ^ KASHISOTSU Non commissioned officers and men KASHITSU Fire caused by carelessness ut' J KASHITSU SURU To reprove, reprimand M^ ' KASHITSUKE KIN Loan,advance 0.&wK KABHITSU SATSUJIN Involuntary homicide IY% KASHO Counter for places or plots of land ^1 KASH6 Boot sore J^ KASH5 Chinese merchant,Chinese firms "KASHo Grate o 4 KASH6 Intonation ^A^ KASHo Provisional nomenclature "KASH6 Too few,too little,very little 1? KASH5 SURU To call temporarily,be named for the time being Rif' KASHM6 Protective ointment for boot sore i,-'AA KASHo SEISAN Underproduction j KASH6 SUJI Chinese commercial circles (1 KASHU Currency category $o'I KASHD California A5-. KASHO NETSU Summer-autumn fever 4L~JtL KASHUTSUKA SURU To come into being A-7- ý KAS5 NI Too soon,too hastily i ti& KAS6 SURU To send too much if i 56 KASOBI SURU To equip temporarily,convert to VR "J& KAS6 GUNKAN Converted warship -;- KAS6 HARETSU Premature burst ik jVA4 KAS6 JUN-YoKAN Converted cruiser TM N- KASdKAI Lower classes A4i KASOKUDO Rate of acceleration KASOKU ToBAN Accelerator pedal "T! 4, KASoRYO Undercurrent TM',f, KAS5 SHAKAI Lower classes V1 KAS5 SHURYODAN Camouflaged hand grenade Tiw KAS6oUN Lower cloud stratum 4 T KASSA Brown sand KASSEISHOKU Blue-brown KASSHAJ6 KANSETSUMEN Trochlea,pulley-like structure 9!. KASSHA SHINKEI Trochlear nerve KASS6DAI Ramp,runway Jt* KASS6RO Taxi strip,runway KASS6SHA Landing wheels 5A KASSoTEI Hydroplane KASUGAMATSU Anhydrous sodium sulphite h KASUGE Iron grey horse 4TAK KASUI River water Trt KASUI SURU To droop,hang down TFAn KASUI JOKETSU Hypostasis,in medicine % 45 KASUKAGE Roan horse SKASUKARA SAGURADA Cascara sagrade - KASUKARA SAGURADA Fluid extract of RY-DO EIKSU cascara sagrade $ I>. KASUMETORU To take by violence,pillage M KASUMIGASEKI Japanese Foreign Office EKASUMIME Blurred vision?l'U KASUMIVATARU To be covered with fog ^ KASURE Thinning and breaking,scarcity .l KASURE KIZU Scratch,graze i- > KASURERU To get rubbed off,thin and break t. 7 KASURERU To graze,shave,scrape ^, KASURIDE Slight wound 4 5 KASURU To change 4t^ -KASURU Equivalent to ni naru or ni suru ".t7 -KASURU To be able Sl KATA Model ' KATA One of two,a half, a part SKATA Very pronounced penchant ^ KATA Purpose particle KATA-AITE 123,44 to KATA-AITE Partner or competitor KATA-ARASHI Fallow land,uncultivated rice field KATA-ASHI One foot,one leg,one-legged person Aa$i KATABIIKI Favoritism,partiality,prejudice KATADORU To incline towards i KATAGAWARI SURU To shift responsibility to another A KATAGEN Broadside,one side of a ship S KATAGISHI One of the banks of a stream A KATAHA One of two wings Yi KATAHAIKI One lunger,two-engine plane with one engine damaged 1ii KATAHATAGO Partial board,lodging for half a night,ýA KATA HEN Radical 070 A)m KATA HEN Radical 091 'A KATAHERA One side or face KATAHIKAGE Shade on one side AVi ý, KATAHIKU To show partiality for KATAHONE Rib which goes from the dorsal spine to the sternum KATA HONE Shoulder blade,scapula SKATAI HASAN Negligent bankruptcy KATAI KIN JdK6 Conventional penalty clause KATA ITA Die plate,template M AW, KATA ITA Prop,strut,wedge,chock,block KATA-ITO One string or strand or thread KATAKo6YAKU Compact plaster 1 KATAMARI Absolute confidence,unshakable faith I KATAMARI Hardening, congealing ýIfJC KATAMASHII Perverse,depraved r% EKATAME Hardening by forging and tempering 'KATAMEBUMI Record of a contract t KATAMEMURA One-eyed person &AJc0-k] KATAMENSATSU NO &BAN Broadside,hand bill )R KATAMOCHI Backing,support Ts KATAN Lower edge or margin 77 KATANA Radical 018 9W KATANE Boil,furuncle A W KATANEMJRI Half sleep KATAOCHI Concession,imbalance,partiality ) KATAOMOMIJI Exclusive penchant for # KATAOMOTE Single side or surface KATA-OTOSHI Destroying the equilibrium, partiality Y u1 KATAPPATSU One-engined KATAPPERA One side KATASAKUI To blossom in part KATASHI Manufacturer of molds KATASHIO Block of salt KATASOBA One edge,one side KATASODE One sleeve,an odd sleeve KATATSUBURI Snail 171.1KATATSUH6 Order-issuing method N 14 KATATSUKERU To carry on the shoulders KATATSURA One side of the face KATAWA Deformity,cripple KATAWA Odd or incomplete set $4 H KATAWAGURUMA Vehicle short one wheel S KATAWARA-ITAI Laughable,ridioulou s KATAWARA-ITAI Painful on one side, pitiable S14 KATAWAREBUNE Boat broken in two M b KATAYOK3J One wing 91 KATAYORI Inclination, turn,polarization A KATAYUKI Partiality,exclusive penchant for RM P KATAZUKI Settlement,solution,denouement $iti KATAZUMU To be spotty in one's information A~it KATAZUMU To lean toward,be partial,trend to S KATCHI Guile,craftiness K;ATE Gruelporridge R gKATEX OURIJ6 Provisional invoice I KATBI R6DaSHA Home factory workers ~C4 ~ KATEISO Estimated number KATEITERU Catheter KATE MESRI Rice cooked with something KAT2lI Firing emplacement KATETSU Central China Railways KATETSU China Iron Works KATO Transition KAT 6 Eastern side of a river 'J"'~- ' ~KATa STRMU To sweeten,add sugar S KATOKI Excessive'*passage of time KATORA Sea truck J IKATORI SENKO Antimosquito stick Ag T4 A i B{ Ul ff i43 AL I Alc 4 k )ýr tCi~y --k Sia jB fr P- IA~ B TS-15Z )ljjj (M )' I I Z )11 -F AlS~ -fJ UK A VIA& A. * 4I rý VzcA e )$ *~~f:t R AL i~ a9r~m4A, b s~~a ~ EL Fcf b cPsl~ rem jB O ) gyA 1 - KAWASE TEGATACHo KA TO SURU To approve of KATSUBUTSU Living Buddha KATSUBY5 Heat stroke,sunstroke,heat exhaustion KATSUDAN SURU To cut off,cut in two, amputate KATSUDATSU Magnanimity,broad-mindedness KATSUDO Width,breadth KATSUD6 SURU To slip KATSUD6 NO BUTAI Stage of operations KATSUGIKOMU, To carry in KATSUGIMAWARU To carry about KATSUGb Deep belief,idolization, admiration,lQnging KATSUGYO Live fish KATSUGY6 Livelihood,subsistence KATSU-IN SURU To be thirsty KATSUJO Annulment,abrogation,rescission KATSUKAJU Live load KATSUMEI Life,existence KATSUOBUSHI ICHIREN Skewer of smoked bonitos KATSUREKITEKI Dramatic KATSURETSU SURU To cut off, cut in two KATSURY6 Lubricants KATSURYOKUSO Tonic,vitamin KATSUYU Lubricant KATTE AGERU To buy for one KATTE TSUMBO Feigned deafness KATTOGUTTO Catgut KATTOKI Cry of victory KA-UN Mists and clouds KAWA Radical 047 KAWA Radical 107 KAWA-AGE Landing or unloading from a river KAWA-AGE River irrigation KAWA ARASHI Whirlwind over a river KAWABE Riverside KAWAGARI River fishing KAWAGISHI River bank KAWAGU Leather equipment KAWAGUJTSU Leather shoes KAWA HEN Radical 107 KAWA HEN Radical 177 KAWA-IRO Leather color,bluish green, bluish gray KAWAMUIAI Opposite bank of a river KAWANA River seaweed KAWANAGARE Descent of a river,river current KAWANAGARE Drowning in a river,drowned person KAWANAGARE Postponement of execution of contract KAWA NAKA Middle or bed of a river KAWA NAMI River waves,raftsman KAWANISHI Kawanishi Aircraft Co. KAWAOROSHI Descent of a river KAWAOROSHI Wind blowing on a river KAWARA Radical 098 KAWARAGE Dun-colored horse KAWARIGOE Feigned voice KAWARI KIN Purchase price KAWARIMONO Something out of the ordinary KAWARIYUKU To pass,elapse,keep changing KAWASE HEIJUN Par of exchange KAWASEI Leather manufacturing KAWASEJIRI Balance of trade or exchange KAWASEJ Draft,money order KAWASEKA Foreign Exchange Section KAWASE AIKAKU Price of exchange KAVASE KANRIRB Exchange control law KAWASE MAEGASHI Exchange loan KAWASE NAKABAININ Exchange jobber KAWASE RB4BAI Exchange dumping KAWASE SAITEI Agreed exchange ) KAWASE SAITEI S6BA Agreed rate of exchange KAWASE SAITEI TiKA Arbitrated par of exchange KAWASE SHIKIN Exchange funds KAWASE SHIN-Y6J6 Opened letter of credit KAWASESH& KAITORI SBBA Buying rate of exchange KAWASE SEOCHI Exchange clearing - KAWASE SHUCHO SEIDO Exchange clearing system KAWASE S6BA GAKJUSHA Foreign exchange student t KAWASE S5BA NO KIKEN Risk of exchange KAWASE TEGATACH6 Register of bills of exchange KAWASE TEGATA FURIMODOSHI 124 A-ii~fff KAWASE TEGATA FURIMODOSHI Rejection of a draft AN' /A KAWASE TEGATA RYOTSU Time limit of draft e KIKAN ) 'i KAWASE TEGATA SOE S511106 Bottomry or respondentia bond, in marine law A 1_1f5 KAWASE T6KA Par rate of exchange A 4i Ztql glKAWASE TORIKUMI SH6SHA Dealers in money exchange A, A -ýg KAWASE TSOCHISHO Order to accept draft A Wm41, KAWASE Y5SHI Money order form ))_ KAWASHITSU Leathery quality KAWASH6 Fellmonger,skin or fur merchant, furrier KAWASODACHI Skilful swimmer AX KAWA SOKO River bed KAWA TAKE River bamboo KAWA-USU NO Thin-skinned Irf KAWAYA Furrier,currier,currier's shop KAWAYA House on the edge of a river, Nl KAWA YODO Sluggish place in a stream " "KAWAYOKE Damming up a fiver,dam,dike KAWAZOI River bank wt KAYAKU Freight handling MAYAgm UN Chinese text SYAKUKAN Powder can SKAYAKUKO Powder magazine,powder dump MKUt g OKIBA Powder dump KAYAKU SHISH5 Branch powder magazine KAYAKUBH6 Powder magazine KAYAKU S K0 Powder magazine -KAYAPUTE-YU Oil of cajuput A KA-Y6DO-K6 Red mercuric iodide S KAYOI AKINAI Peddling KAYOIBITO Regular frequenter KAYOIBUNE Local steamer KAYOICH6 Passbook,chit book,delivery book KAYOIDOKORO Regularly visited place KAYOIGURUMA Regularly used vehicle KAYOIGURUEMA Vehicle making a regular run AAL KAYOIMICHI Passage KAYOISEN Sampan,shore boat - KAYOIZUME Habitual frequenting SKAYU Kerosene 1KAYUSHOKU Rice-gruel diet sAptAt KAZAGAKURE Sheltering from the wind S KAZAHOROSHI Skin eruption due to a cold K AZAI Punishment of a' crime W KAZAI MOXUROKU Inventory 4"th, KAZAI TEIGAKUBARAI HOKEN Furniture insurance KAZAJIRUSHI Weather vane KAZAKAGE Lee,leeward FJ ~ KAZAKIRI Flag on ship showing wind direction KAZANORI Wind direction watcher,wind direction watching KAZARIDANA Cabinet,a piece of furniture KAZAT6SHI Ventilation,airing,ventilator KAZAYOIKE Windscreen Ab KAZE Radical 182 KAZEIKI Cold,the illness KAZEI House tax KAZEI HY6KA RITSU Taxv rate yZErKEn, Right of taxation KAZEIN Casein KAZEINOGEN Caseinogen KAZE MOY6 Threatening winds,windy KAZEN Forwalrd edge of fire net SKAZEN Rocket A5La KAZENAGI Lull in the wind *t--Li14 KAZOEAGERU To count up,enumerate,total Iq L ( 1, KAZOETATERU To enumerate,count 33$i P KAZOKU KAIKAN Peer's Club TED P2KAZU Following chart $iI 4 KAZUKERU To recompense,impute to,advance as an excuse $g- g KAZUSASHI Counter r-f BE Counter for miscellaneous objects Ei gEK Kick g KE Radical 082 KBg Subhead 31 6t_5 IKEAGARU To feel congestion of blood in head KEAGARU To have apoplectic fit 3-fL EAGE Rise,in steps %g6t EKAGERU To kick into the air tMKEAMI Hair net tAOKEASHI Hairy foot A-17 -'i K:-- BADATTA Fluffy plushy tX'*, KEBORT ZOGAN Hair-lines inlaying M9 KEBURI Smoke t.ac tS ~ $11 9 i z15 btax z$Ott = *tif In.) t L 6ig ~i4.ik & cl t4 A ~i KEIGA HENSEI KEBUSA Floss silk,silk waste KECHI End,conclusion,expiratibn KECHIBI Will-o'-the-wisp,ignis fatuus KECHIEN Clarity,frankness,openness KECHIGAI Misunderstanding,mistake KECHIKECHI Stingily KECHIKUSAI Miserly,mean, atingy,tight KECHIMB6 Niggard, skinflint, tightwad KECHIMYAKU Blood vessel,blood ties KEDA I Laziness,negligence KEDASU To kick out,leave or put asice KEGAWA Radical 107 KEGAWARI Change in the color of skin KEGAWARI Molting,changing of skin KEGIRE Chafing of the skin KEGIYOI Virtuous,generous,pure-hearted KEGON SHU Kegon sect of Buddhism KEHAI Appearance,air,tone KEHANASHI Threshold,ungrooved doorsill KEHARAI Hair broom KEI Circuit,system KEI Continuing KEI Form KEI Keijo, Kyoto; Peking, Tokyo KEI Kwangsi KEI My dear...,friend, brother KEI Radical 013 KEI- Light,in weight KEIAI Benevolence,love KEIBA Hitched horse KEIBAKU Light bomber KEIBAKUDAN Light bomb KEIBAKUKI Light bomber KEIBEN Beating,flogging KEIBEN Light railroad,,arrow gauge KEIBEN BYMIN Cottage hospital KEIBEN DENSHINKI Portable transmitter KEIBEN RYOK6 KABAN Gladstone bag KEIBEN TETSUD6 Light railway,narrow gauge. KEIBIQHI Guard area,patrol area KEIBI CHIKU Duard sector,patrol area KEIBIFU. Guard district,navy KEIBIKA Defense Section KEIBI KANSEN Guard ship KEIBI SENTAI Guard squadron KEIBITEI Guard ships KEIB6 Form,aspect,appearance KEIB& Plan,scheme,stratagem,device,design KEIB6 Police protection KEIB& Warning KEIB6DAN Guard group KEIB KA Defense Section KEIB6KYOKU Defense Bureau KEIB6SHO Police defense office KEIB6TAI Guard unit KEIBUCH6 Chief police inspector KEIBUHO Assistant police inspector KEIBUNGAKU Light literature KEIBUTAI Naval guard force KEIBUTSU Intendance goods KEIBUTSU SHINTEI Premiums offered KEICHAKU SURU To carry,convey,take along KEICHIKU Keeping a stable KEICHIKU Tremor KEICHIKUBA Untrained and unshod army pony KEICH6RB Adoration,veneration KEICHB Condolence KEICH5 Listening respectfully KEICH6 Slack water KEICH6 Weight KEICH6EKI Minor penal servitude KEICH6JI Time of slack water KEICHOKEEI Torticollis,wryneck KEICHOKU Stiffness,rigidity,severity -KEI CHOKUSETSU BUTAI Unit under direct command of... KEICHU SURU To moor,tether KEID6GATA SH6KUT6 Searchlight, anti-aircraft drum type KEIEI Light efficient force KEIBIHI Operating expenses KEIBIKA Management Section KEIEI KAISRLA Operating company KEIEIS6 Light imprisonment KEIEITAI Security unit KEIENSHO BUTAI Naval guard district training force KEIFUtKOTSU Tibia and tarsus KEIFUKU Ha iness,good fortune KEIFUSETSUKA Light mine layer KEIGA Respectful congratulations KEIGA HBENSEI Horse drawn KEIGAI 125 KEIGAI Consternation,astonishment,fright n7 'iJ KEIGAMAE Radical 013 S KEIGASHIRA Radical 058 KEIGI Accountant KEIGIN Aluminum KEIGOKU Imprisonment KEIGY6 Light duty medical report ' KEIHAKU SURU To moor,anchor #14-0 h Y KEIHAKUGEKI H6ZA Light trench mortar emplacement KEIKAN Kyoto and Osaka % KEIHATSU SEKDEN Educational propaganda KEIIBEI Light troops _T * KEIHI CHINKI Tincture of cinnamon * At KEIHIDAORE Failure through heavy expenses KEIHIN Tokyo and Yokohama,,t KEIHISEI Spirit of cinnamon KEIHI YOSAN Estimated expense it KEIHO Security,protection g-aKEI-I Husk,glume,chaff,sheath KEI-I Mooring 1-W, KE I-I Respectful fear V044 KEI-IDO Co-ordinates KEI-IKI Boundary,frontier,limits KEI-ISAKU Mooring rope KEIJI Matter for congratulation KEIJI Succession IV A KEIJI SURU To carry KEIJI HIKOKUSEKI Prisoner's dock KEIJIH6 Carrying method KEIJI JUNSA Detective KEIJIKA Criminal Affairs Section ('j:KEIJITEKI Successive,consecutive, following KEIJ6 Aspect,state,circumstances KEIJ 6 Stylus-shaped; ~ KEIJ6 Trick riding '16L KEIJ6 SURU To ascend,bend upward '- - KEIJ6 SURU To inform 'i " KEIJB SURU To warn it KEIJ6II Overhead,indirect cost 1K,1 1 KEIJb ZTEKIN Stylohyoid muscle 6 jf KEIJU Weighing mt KEIJUH6 Adopted law KEIJUN Light cruiser KEIJUN SURU To patrol,go the rounds KEIJUTSU Continuation of another's work gEIKA Light of fireflies and glowworms KEIKA Light cargo V-KKEIKAI Emergency warning KEIKAI Fall and ruin,collapse S KEIKAI SURU To expose,clear,open up a mined area or route S KEIKAI BUSHO Antiaircraft warning stations S KEIKAI BUTAI Light forces KEIKAI BUTAI Screening force KEIKAI HAIBI Alert disposition,condition of readiness S KEIKAI HEIRYOKU Alerted strength, screening force strength KEIKAI JINCHI Security position T *N4t KEIKAIKAN Screening ship KEIKAI KANSEl Guard control 4 KEIKAI KANSEI Partial black out,alert KEIKAI KE:H6 Air raid warning f KEIKAI KMGIN Unit on march providing own protection eff ~ KEIKAIMAKU Protective screen vok0v KEIRAI SEN Line of guard,protecting line, screening line C8~7)1PA KE3IKAITAI Exploring unit,opening-up unit tiRAME KEIKAITAI Screening unitpatrol unit VfAlB KEIKAITEI Guard boat 9 #3 KEIKAI TEIHAKU Ready duty fi AE KEIKAI Y6RYb Guard summary KEIKAI ZENSHIN Unit in front providing its own protection r44f IKEIKAI ZOXK6 Rear unit providing its own ~protection 1 KEIKA JIKAI~ Elapsed time KEIKAKtJKA Planning Section ~t S n 19i KEIKAKUI KEIZAI Planned economy Bt$1~ KE~IK~AKUSHO Book of designs or plans S EIKAUg 3CH6 Chief of planning KEIKAKU TON-SU Estimated tonnage U KEIKAnII Financial management KEIKA NISSU Days passed &S"'L KEIKA NO GAIY3 Summary of progress f KEIKAJISEN BIJTAI - Naval guard district ship unit S KEIKA43TAI Light fleet 69892 O - 45 - 9 A i INV ($VT4 ' f1i i& 4 *M i t A1 Vf P,P91 t# vitin x < tmBa A- 7p a Aleffl "t14 T; 9843~r fT cfL~t rf U17 t IL AlV Set,t;kL f~ ziti ~s JF $ %t 2 9-t iTb.t ~e KEWISATSU JIKO KEIKI Five Provinces around Kyoto KEIKI Light machine gun KEIKI SURU To record KEIKIJU Light machine gun KEIKI JUNKAN Business cycle,trade cycle KEIKI JUNKAN SETSU Cycle theory,in economics KEIKIKANSHA Machine-drawn artillery light observation vehicle KEIKIN Contract deposit money KEIKINKO Minor confinement,simple impr i s onmen t KEIKINSHIN Open arrest KEIKINZOKU Light metals KEIKINZOKU KAISHA Light Metals Co. KEIKINZOKUKYOKUT Light Metals Bureau KEIKIZA Light machine gun emplacement KEIK6 BUKKEN Portable articles,baggage KEIKOGI Wadded clothes KEIK6GY6 Light industries KEIEK KOBUNE Portable boat KEIKUN Mud fever KEIK=Y Improvised bridge KEIKYIKI Klaxon horn KEIKYU KOSHU BUSHO Alarm station KEIKYU SHISEI On alert KEIXYU YOBIATSUMARI - Alarm call KEIMEI KUT6 Trickster KEIMOKUYM Landscape target KEIM6SHI SURU To enlighten someone KEIMUG6 Foghorn,on boats KEIMUKA Police Affairs Section EKIMUSHOCH6 Chief of Police Affairs, Provincial KEIMUSHOCH6 Prison warden KEINAI Inner defense KEINAI SaKANSEN All vessels in this communication zone KEINIKU Chicken meat KEI NO SHIK6 K5 YOY Suspended sentence, stay of execution KEINYD SURU To drive in a wedge KEION Favor,kindness,beneficence KEIRA Patrol,rounds,patrol officer KEIRANKI Incubator KEIREI Penal system KEIREKI SURU To travel,traverse KEIREKIDAN Travelogue KEIRENS6 Ecthyma KEIRENYAKU Antispasmodic KEIRI Accountant, treasurer KEIRI BUClio Intendance Depaztment Commander KEIRI CHBKAMBU Office of Chief of Intendance KEIRI CHRKAN Chief of Intendance KEIRI IRY4KA Intendance Bureau Clothing and Provision Section KEIRIKA Management Section KEIRITN Cinnamon tree grove KEIRIN Gong KEIRI SHIKAN Intendance officer KEIRI T6SEIKA Management Control Section KEIRYAKUIJ6 Strategically KEIRYM Shape and quantity KEIRY6 KAMOTSU Light cargo KEIRYQ CH5GU Mooring tackle KEIRYUCHU Moored KEIRYUGAE SURU To moor again KEISA Thorough examination, scrutiny, research KEISA SURE To manacle,handcuff KEISAI KINSHI KIJI NO Lifting of censorKAIKIN ship KEISAKU Scheme,plan,device,design KEISAMBAN Counter an instrument KEISAN Radical OO0 KEISANCEB Account book KEISAN HAYAMIHYK Ready reckoner KEI~SANQ H~iKOKU NO KENT~~ Audit,in accounting KEIESA1 JIKEN Legal case concerning accounts KEISAcI KA.IIEI Money of account KEISAN KAMMURI Radical 008 KEISAI SH&ZU4E Voucherin accounting KEISAN YAKUII Actuary KSEISANZASHI Slide rule KEIBSATBU Terri fi cati on MEISATSU BUCH6 Police chief KEISATSU JIKO Police case KEISATSUTKAN 126 kftv ipfgA Al..41;6Q As i VNA 4 t ft T ft 100 S49 4 (iLft c $rzJ "$ ~ ~bif ~? 4FBj4q ~ (E (L1 3.reS Mbt@ ~i fWat ~90 Scd78 Rc,4i16i PL wff 1 00.R fl ie#i9 vi 4-A * a-*ioa arE iF##1)( KEISATSEKAN Police officer KEISATSUSHO Police station KEISATSU SHOKATSU KU-IKI Police district KEISEIKYOKU Penal Administration Bureau KEISEKI RENGA Silica brick KEISEKISHO Expense account, KEISEN Idle tonnage,idle shipping KEISENCHI Basin,for ships KEISENGTU Moorings KEISENK6 Swinging boom KEISENSHA Light tank KEISENToKI Light fighter plane KEISHA Light vehicle,light carriage KEISHARYd Light vehicles KEISHI Cinnamon bark KEISHI Design KETSHI Funds,capital KEISHI Notice,notificationplacard KEISHI Police inspector KEISHI SURU To secure,fasten KEISHIN Kyoto and Kobe KEISHIN Respectfulness KEISHIN SURU To progress slowly KEISHINKI Seismic warning device, earthquake alarm KEISHI S KAN Chief of the Metropolitan Police KEISHITSU Bedroom KEISHITSU Nature,quality, shapp,property KEISHITSU GEN-YU Light crude oil KEISH6 Picturesque spot KEISH6 Sardonic rictus of a tetanus victim KEISH6 Slightly wounded KEISH6 SURU To acknowledge,understand KEISHOKU Shape and color,appearance KEISH6 SHASAI Assumed corporate bond KEISHU Boat fastened by moorings KEISHUCH6 Leading intendance man,navy KEISHUKU SURU To congratulate KEISHIUKtIAI Celebration meeting KEISHO SJAKA Authoress KEISHUTSU SURU To post or publish a notice KEIS6 SURU To transport by relays, tranship KEISMKSHA Light armored car KEISOKU SURU To measure,estimate KEISOKUENSEN Hand lead KEISCSHA Light armored car KEISO Number of officials KEITAY Decadehnce,destruction,ruin METAI Security unit KEITAI CGEKRAN6 Surgical pocket-case,of instruments KEITAI ONKY6 Portable siren KEIHdKI KEITAI SHASHEINKI Portable camera KEITAI SHING6TB Portable signal lamp or signal gun KEITAI TEMXAM] Portable tent KEITAITB Lantern KEITAI YAKTR6 Portable medicine chest KNITAIY6 NO Portable KEITAN Beginning, commencement,outset KEITEI Snare, trap,noose KEITTEKI Half-hearted enemy,half-hearted enmity KEITEKI Light grenade thrower KEITEKI DANT6 Light grenade thrower KEITETSU Light railway KEITb FUHY6 TICHI Location of light buoys KEIT6 HASSEI Phylogeny KEIT6 RIPPY6 Beacon light,lighted beacon KEITa SHINGd Hoisted lamp or signal UIYAXKJBU Plans Department KEIYAKU HOSH6 KIll Contract deposit money KEIYAKU KIANm Contract period KEIYAKIJMEN Face of the contract KEIYAKUZUMI Contract concluded KE]Y6SHI Adjective KEIYT Light motor oil KKIYU Whale oil KEIZAI Punishment,capital offence KEIZAI ANTEIKA Economic Stabilization Section KEIZAIBU Ministry of Economic Affairs, in China KEIZAI CH68A Economic survey KEIZAI FtSA Economic blockade KEIZAI HEIK6 KINKO Economic stabilization fund ifP ijt 1E A 9ti It's a~BJ 14, S1~ kRk5;t Be ~ 4fIý,~ 1-4 S WAM pal,it ax& i* ýa11 t UP lk g 5ý &41 ýffi t 6A IiKtri 4Rti t00 ýf T I I 4t *tafiff(w %ff Atj~f 1Qlikr Pf ~ It$ fo ## 41 19A 4ZB3 a EiZ@ du fi O~Pf TJ skkL]t AbfRR F diuie t bfOl Jt EA o ABo j- ~ 1rr s kb $ci?" Etit~ kiftig.$UT Zr tidJ3 ~ 896 ~l el11 irts KEPIPI KEIZAI HOANKA Economic Peace Preservation Section KEIZAIJ Economically, financially KEIZAIKA SURU To commercialize KEIZAIKAI Financial circles KEIZAIKEN Economic bloc KEIZAI KOKKA SHUGI Economic nationalism KEIZAIRAN Financial column,in a paper KEIZAI RENRAKU KAIGI Economic liaison conference KEIZAISEN Economic war KEIZAI SHISETSU Economic mission KEIZAI SHISETSUDAN Economic mission KEIZAITEKI DOKUTEN Monopoly,trust,pool, cartel KEIZAITEKI FUSA Economic boycott KEIZAITEKI KOKKA SHUGI Economic nationalism KEIZAITEKI SHINRYAKU Economic invasion KEIZEI Tax on contracts KEIZ6 Form,shape,condition KEIZ6 Phantom, image KEIZOKU Attachment KEIZOKU SURU To be tied up with duties KEIZOKU HOKENRY5 Renewal premium KEIZOKU KEIYAKUSIb Renewal receipt KEIZO0KU KIKAN Duration KEIZOKU TEIKI HOKEN Renewable insurance KEIZOKU TESURY6 Renewal commission KEKAKERU To spatter with mud KEKKA Owing to,as a result of KEEKAKUKrIN Tubercle bacillifs KEEKANDAN Blood brotherhood KEKIK OTSU Sphenoid bone KEMKI SURU To awaken by a kick KEKIN Short weight,shortage KEKK6 Blood red 6KEKK Lack of result KEZK6 Plane cancellation,suspension of air service KEKK6 SURU To lose way at sea KEK6 SURU To become intimate,establish friendly relations KEIMON HIRQKAI Wedding reception OKEKON HOKEN Insurance against spinsterhood KEKKON SHIKIN HOKEN Marriage endowment insurance KEKK6S0 R Hematin KEKUZU Down,fine hair KEMBA Dogs and horses KEMBEI Sending to America KEMBEN KISEICHU Stool examination for parasites KEDBETSU SURU -To s'ort out,discern, separate,discriminate KEMB6SH6 Amnesia KEMBU-IN Personnel assigned to more than one section EMBUNROKU Record of personal experiences KEMBUTSUNIN SEKI Gallery,grandstand KEMMA SURU To jostle,be crowded KEMMAKI Polisher KEM4MAKU Aponeurosis KEMMAKU Stern face,menacing air,angry air KEMMASHI Abrasive paper KEPMAZAI Abrasive KEMMEI Subject of an incident,item of business KENNEI NA Clear,plain,distinct KEMMINXYOKU Bureau of National Health KENMiKA Silks and Woolens Section KEMMON Interrogation, inquiry,inquest KENMON SURU To question,examine KLEJ4AKU SURU To take the pulse KEiMYAKU,4UTSU Sphygmography, recording pulse KEMi1.YAKUKEI Sphygmograph, sphygmometer KEMONO HEN Radical 094 K 3PAN Steep slope KEIMPATS1J SURU To send a messenger KEMPEI Annexation,amalgamation,union KEMPEI S&{OMBU Main military police headquarters KI4PEITAI Military police KFMPEITAN Power of attorney KEMPEIZUKU NO Dictatorial KEMPEKI Clonus of the shoulders KEMPEKI Thick wall,rampart IKEMPI Fatigue, tiredness, lassitude KN4PI Physical condition KEMPI Prefectural expense KEMPO SURU 127 1 C Avo t 6 A i dim f ' Wf! ^ MALR L #It A 4 *0)A I *W4 p -k 4 4t,^ iS^ LE ^9 -4 ^ 441 1*1 KEMPO SURU To appoint to an additional post KEMP5 Acromion,end of spine of scapula KEMPo Boxing,boxing rules KEMP5 Prefectural bulletin KEMP6 Saber point,sword point KEMP6 HAPPU Promulgation of constitution KEMP6 IHAN Unconstitutional KEMP6Jo Constitutionally KEMPY& Solid ice,thick ice,hard ice KEMUBASHIRA Column of smoke KMMUSHIRO Woolen mat, carpet, rug KEN Counter.for cases,incidents KEN Counter for houses KEN Hsien,county,in China KEN Keichow, KEN Unit of linear measure,1.8181 meters KEN Holding an office concurrently -KEN Complicated by,suffixed to diseases KEN-AN Pending question KENARUI Enviable KENCHI Extent or reaches of a prefecture KENCHI Steep ground,steep terrain KENCHI Thorough knowledge KENCHI Visual acquaintance, inquiry on spot KENCHI SURU To learn by inspection KENCHIJI Prefectural governor KENCHIKI Ground detector KENCHIKUBU Civil Engineering Section,navy KENCHIKUFO Architecture,style of construction KENCHIKUHAN Construction gang KENCHIKUKA Buildings and Construction ýection KENCHIKUKA HOKEN Builder's risk policy SH6KEN KENCHIKU SEN Alignment,line,in building KENCHIKU SHIKICHI Building lot KENCHIKUSHU Line layer for telegraph lines etc. KENCHIKU UKEOI Building contract KENCHIkU UKEOISHA Building contractor KENCHIKU ZAIRYo Building materials KENCH6 County administrator,China KENCHo Verification KENCHo SURU To hang, suspend KENCH5GU Suspension apparatus,for jettison tanks or bombs KENCHMKAN Tide-gauge pole KENDAN Chilled-steel shell KENDO Solidity,consistence tEND& Steep road KENDO JURAI Rally after a loss or defeat KENDOKU SURU To send to Germany KEN-El Prefectural management KEN-El SURU To carry an additional responsibility KEN-EKI Rights, interests,properties KEN-EKIHAN Quarantine section KEN-EKI NO GISEI Sacrifice of interests KEN-EKI NO Y0GO Protection of interests KEN-ETBU BUCHo Censor Department Chief KEN-ETSUKAN Censor examiner, inspector KEN-ETSUSEI Censorship system KEN-ETSUSHI Inspector KEN-ETSUZUMI Censored KENGA SURU To hang wire etc. KENGAI Outside a prefecture KENGAI Outside the field of fire KENGAI Outside the radius,out of a circle KENGAI Outside the reach of KENGAI Sending abroad on a mission KENGAKU Learning in several branches KENGAN Eye examinatiOh KENGEKI Sword fight KENGEN Origin of rights KENGEN Source of power or authority KENGEN Title,in law KENGEN Steep rock,crag KENGENGAI NO Unauthorized,unwarranted KENGEN MUHI Adamantine KENGETSU Crescent moon KENGI Convenience,expediency KEWGI Rights and duties KEWGISHA Suspect KENGISHO Proposal,memorial KENG5 Hardness KENGUN CHSKU Great push or drive KEMHIN Inspection of goods KEN-I Toning up the stomach KEN-I Weariness,disgust,satiety 441 v *11A ft4 -ý- 10 -# m M Al I A*llti^t ti ^# ^ Not^ "16 p0lk -6t ~4 ItrAs ^0C~e ~^7 ^^&WE ^o^ \S^^ ^^^s ^^ ^tT ^.T ^l t tfr ot t ^^ ^^ ~m itfte c^^^^1^le ^.' I 4k1 4k1 EENRO KEN-IJ6 Peptic tablet KEN-IN HIK6KI Towing aircraft KEN-INHI Tractor-drawn cannon KEN-IN JID6SHA Prime mover an army truck KEN-INKI Tractor KEN-INRY6 Towage dues,towage KEN-INSHA Tractor KEN-INZUMI Approved and sealed KEN-ISAN Digestive powder KEN-I SUJI Authoritative sources KENJI Affair,case,matter tENJI Microscopic examination KENJI SURU To manifest,express KENJI SURU To stand firm,maintain KENJIKYo Otoscope,ear speculum KENJIRU To offer,present,dedicate KENJI S6CH6 Public procurator-general KENJITSU SHAKEN Seasoned securities KENJo Humility KENJo Round form,round shape KENJO Sickle-shaped KENJo Sword-shaped KENJ6 FUKUBU Xiphoid appendage, xiphisternum KENJoHIN Offering,present KENJ5 HOKEN Key insurance,against loss or loss following breakage of lock KENJ6 NANKOTSU Ensiform of xiphoid cartilage KENJ6 TEPPEKI Impregnable place KENJo TOKKI Falciform process KENJ6 TOKKI Xiphoid or ensiform process KENKA Jurisdiction,under the authority of KENKA Suspension,hanging KENKA SURU To become authoritative KENKAGOSHI Provocative oy aggressive attitude KENKAI Boundary of prefecture KENKAKU Stout leather,strong leather KENKAKU NA Sure,certain,reliable,firm KENKAN Dispatched warship KENKAN Naval ship construction KENKAN Space between shoulders KENKAN Stoutly-built warship KENKATSU NA Noisy,turbulent KENKAZUKI Quarrelsome temper,quarreler KENKEI Sword-shaped KENKEN Inspection KENKEN Various matters,facts,details KENKIN Double service,additional duties KENKO SURU To shout,call loudly KENK6 Meritoriou.s deed,eminent services KENK6 NA - Firm, solid,inflexible KENK6 SURU To prohibit talking KENK=6BO Physical record KENK6 HOKEN Health insurance KENKo HOKENKA Health Insurance Section KENKo J TAI State of health,healthy condition KENKOKU SAI Empire Day KENKON ITTEKI SURU To stake all KENKSSH6 Bill of health KENKU County ward, in China KENKO Hanging in the air KENKY5 NA Steep and narrow,dangerous KENKYd NA Sturdy,powerful,strong KENKY6BAN Object slide in microscopy KENKYU Solidity and durability KENKYU D6INKA Research Mobilization Section KENKYUKAI Research society KENKYOSHITSU Laboratory, seminar room KENNAI Jnside the prefecture KENNAN iffliction,suffering,trial KENNAN Steep dangerous place KENNEN Anxiety,precaution, suspense KENNIN Probate,certification,in law KENNIN CHSSHO Document of certification KENNINKOKU Additional country to which one is accredited KENN5 KIN Contribution,donation KEN-ON Taking body temperature KENREN SURU To be related,be connected KENRIJICHI Pledge of right,in law KENRIJa NO De jure,by right KENRIN Avarice,miserliness KENRI NO S3SHITSU Lapse of a right: KENRI 0 KISON SEZU NI Without prejudice KENRISHA Claim holder,creditorclaimant KENR0 Revelation,bringing to light 4kf, (At 4Ab ~65 ASi oft + &8 it81 -* t~t -f t 14xx 14% t ojfff~ P 338 #@ 'a.4.3 q @8$ b daS s Af6rrYik Wal~y BP t~ 1S$p9 Cs "st Q jArt t3 rQ-6ki t '-g b~ 3ae tI '.aggg hAk cttj 5 sqt b~ ft.1 11 3 a ia'?Ei<>> (tqBfo Fie s I it q bjti4if aWfpc g2 #i#hWjl 3At 3 a 00t Pk~h Ri# A4f Ih) #f3 A-bf 1 LA "c B 42e8 a ) ZNJRo 128 KFNR6 Wearinessdisgust KENSAI Stronghold,well-defended place KENSA-IN Inspector,inspection bureau member KENSAEK Sword point,bayonet point 2IMSA. KISOKU_ Insutction reaulations KENSAKU BUCHo Plans Section Chief KENSAKUTAI Roundup unit KENSATSU Prosecution KENSATSU-IN Control Yuan,in China KENSATSUKAN Public prosecutor KENSATSU SHOKISEI Inspecting student secretary KENSATSUSHU Ticket examiner KENSAYA Bayonet sheath,oword scabbard KENSAZAI Inspected materials KENSAZUMI Examined KENSEI Diligenceenergy,industry KENSEI Fundamental organization KENSEI Tendinous nature KENSEI Uproar,clamor,noise KENSEI BUTAI Fundamental military force, cadre KENSEI CH6SA Prefectural census taking KENSEIKAI Constitutional Party KENSEIKOKU Constitutional state KENSEI MAKU Tendinous membrane KENSEI UND6 Diversion,feint KENSEKI SHOBUN Reprimand# KENSEN Sword point,bayonet point KENSETSU BUTAI Construction force KENSETSUTEKI Constructive' KENSHA Miser,skinflint,cruel man KENSHI- Cocoon paper I KENSHI Expression,revelation KENSHI Intelligent man KENSHI Investigation,autopsy,view KENSHI Official inspector,messenger sent to carry an order KENSHI Raw silk,silk thread KENSHIFU Silk yarn and silk cloth KENSHI KANTAI China Expeditionary Fleet KENSHIKI Common sense,sound sense KENSHIKIBARU To put on airs KENSHIKY6 Dentist's oral mirror KENSHIN Checking,verification KENSHIN Investigation,inquiry,inquest KENSHIN Piety,respect,devotion KENSHIN Weariness,disgust,satiety KENSHITSU Unyielding nature,resoluteness KENSHO Steep slope,escarpment,precipice KENSH6 SURU To examine a wound KENSHOKU Miserliness, stinginess KENSH6RYO Ganglion,tumor in tendon sheath KENSHU Fist KENSHUKU Retraction,drawing back KENSHUKUKI Retractor muscle KENSO Economy,thrift KENSO Sobriety and simplicity KENS6 Healtb,vigor KENSb Noise,tumult,din,uproar,racket KENS6 Noisy altercation KENS6 SURU To collect and classify KENSOJKU Sturdy foot KENSOKU SURU To examine,inspect KENSOKUKA Great walker, KENSO Length,number of ken IKENSO Number of houses KENSUI Ring spindle KENSUIHAN Water-examination squad KENSURU To affix,place,set,fix,attach KENSURU To inspectexamine KENTAI Scapular, scapular bandage KENTAI Sling for supporting horses in their stalls on a boat KENTAI Sound body,good health EEnTAI HOKEN Excellent risk life insurance KEENTAIKI Stage of lassitude KrENTAN CHII BII KIN Sputum examination for tubercle bacillus ICEITEI KBGUN Forced march KTENTEKI Drop,droplet,very small quantity KENTEKI HITSUMETSU Smashing the enemy on sight KENTEN Detailed investigation KENTEN Flaw,defect KENTEN KOSSETSU Sprain fracture KENT6 Dogfight KEN T SURU To fight stubbornly KENT BU Head and shoulders KENTT SCBA Nominal quotation t0*to0 -t liz, F& FA #t Pt t, kit 14 ~ 4t ~\ l U 140 g, 5,44 3' JtIL M, I- AX A t7 -y f 3g~t ' gitns k sga * 61 sf~t Pil ~ % aiJ f (~A ~ u 1T t AU;~~t~ KETSUEKI KETSUBo KENWA Humility and gentleness KE1YAKU Additional office K;EYAKU Danger,peril KMENYO Beginning,origin,creation,discovery KENY6JU Draft animal KEIYU Bravery,dauntless courage KEOYU Fellow student KEUYO Joint possession KENYU ZAISAN Prefectural property KENZAI Alive and well KENZAIHY6 Measurement list KENZAN Steep mountain,sheer mountain KENZAO Surveyor's pole KENZEN Noisily,tumultuously KENZEN ZAISEI Sound finance KEINZ6BUTSU Building,structure KENZM HOKEN SI{MEN Builder's risk policy KENZOEU Prefectural employees KENZ6SEXKA Cost of ship construction KEORI ITO Woolen thread for spinning KEORIMONO Woolen goods KEOSOROSHII Terribly powerful, irresistible KEOTORU To yield to,be inferior in power to KEPPAN Ecchymosis,livid spotpetechiae KEPPEKISHB Mysophobia,morbid dread of dirt KEPPEN Fragmnent,piece,missing piece KEPPUN Powdered blood plasma,blood meal KERIHAJIME Kickoff,opening kick KERI KIZU Injury from kick KESEI Made of wool KESHI Canceling,obliteration, erasure KESHI-IN Cancellation,postmark KESHIKIDATSU To appear,show signs,take on form KESHIKIDATSU To show by one's looks. KESHIKIDORU To put on airs,swagger KESHIKIZUKU To appear,show signs,take on form KESHIKIZUKU To show by one's looks KESHI TSUBU Poppy seed KESH6RY6 Pin money KESSAIKEN Deciding vote KESSAKU Fixed plan,settled design KESSAN KICH6 Closing entry KESSAN SHIWAKE Journal entries to close account KESSEI Formation KESSEI NA Pure,clear,honestundefiled KESSEI HANIN6 Seroreaction KESSEISEKI Concrete,beton KESSEKI SAIBAN Judgment by default,decree in absentia KESSEKISHOKU Blood red,color of blood KESSEMM6 Network KESSEN Connection,in wiring KESSEN ' Cotter,cotter pin,cotterel KESSEN DANKAI Decisive stage of the war KESSENKA At the decisive turn of the war KESSEN NO CHI Bloody battlefield XESSEN R6MU SUISHIN Decisive War Labor HOMBU Promotion Headquarters KESSEN TIHYb Decisive ballot KESSEZARU Indecisive KESSHIMMI Resolution KESSHIN SURU To become connected by marriage or adoption KESSHITAI Suicide unit KESSHI TAI-IN Suicide unit crew KESSHO Living in caves,troglodytism KESSHb Judicial decision,criminal sentence KESSHE Noncollection of taxes ESSHUI ESURU To bind together,collect, unite,assemble KESSb CHIfKI Tincture of valerian KESSONGAKU Amount of lossshortage KESS6SAN AEN Zinc valerate KESSUI Flood due to break in dike KIESSURU To tie-,knot, contractdraw, conclude KETCHAKU SURU To fasten on KETCHIN Blood sedimentation KETi USAI Outlandish XETSU Radical 006 KETSU Radical 076 KETSUAN SURU To decide a case,finish a draft KETSUATSU TEIKAZAI Depressant KETSUDOK17 Blood poisoning KETSUEKI XETSUB5 Anemia A( ~ ~tr~Cj Ulf 1~~F dnf Aigg blt 3F r uji 3hrm Wj /TjA A1S ALh 2f K L' *s U) j ~tJ3 61]J % 3ft-SUL 4~ 3 i$f;h Mf'it 5~l~ 4Z9c ss ~gL fE~f 1lf3E Ifi t1 ite s ifAt 3 p~a XrTO$;gttSctab Si KETSUEKI SUISHUBY 129 KETSUEKI SUISHUBYB Hypothyroidism,myxedema KETSUEN Shortage of salt KETSUGAN Shale KETSUGANYU Shale oil KETSUGEKI Opening, crack,crevice,fissure, split KETSUGEN Lack,need, insufficiency KETSUGIAN Resolution KETSUGI JIK6 Resolutions KETSUG5 Missing number KETSUGoHAN Divisible offense KETSURY6 Target sighting KETSU-ISH6 Abulia,loss of will power KETSUJ5 MONJL Cuneiform KETSUMAKUEN Conjunctivitis KETSUNYU SEMP6 Wedge tactics KETSUREI Freezing order KETSUREI Numbness, coldness,algidity KETSURI Useless,profitless KETSURY6 Quantity of blood KETSURYB GENSHO.Anemia,hyphemia KETSURY6 KIKI Plethysmograph KETSU-UN Dizziness,vert go,giddiness KETSUYAKU Conclusion of an agreement KETSUZETSU Rejection,breaking off, renunciation KETTARUI Tired,weary,languid KE4UTOI Gloomy,mopish, startling KEWATA Wool batting KEYASU To extinguish,efface,neutralize, counteract KEZURI Planing,thinnIng down KEZURI BAN Sharpening machine KEZJRI DAI Carpenter's planing bench KI Counter for airplanes,machines,or instruments KI Counter for horsemen KI Counter for piers,furnaces,storage tanks,heavy installations,guns,etc. KI Greece KI Hopei KI Itemization follows KI Organ, in physiology KI. Radical 016 KI Radical 049 KI Radical 075 KI Radical 201 KI Subhead 38 KI- Previously KI- Returning to KI- You,your KI- Engineering,engineering branch,navy -KI Special duty...,engineering,in navy commissions KIAGARI Apoplectic stroke KIAN Rough draft KIAN SERARETARU Already drawn up KIAN Y6SHI Plan form KIBA Radical 092 KIBA Returning to Madrid KIBAGU Pack:addlery KIBAHEI Cavalry soldiers KIBA HEN Radical 092 KIBAI Wood ashes KIBA JUNSA Mounted police KIBAKO Wooden box KIBAKU Priming KIBAKUT6 Detonator KIBAN Returning to Bangkok KIBANDA Yellowish,sallow color KIBAYAI Fiery,petulant,quick-tempered KIBEI Japanese-Americans who have returned to America after years in Japan KIBEN 0 RBSURU To quibble KIBERA Wood scraper KIBI Radical 202 KIBIN Return voyage KIBBTEKI YOS6 Wishful thinking KIBOTSU Returning to Bulgaria KIBU Your department,your office KIBUN Period KIBUNE Wooden ship KIBUNRO Branch line KIBUSHI Knot in wood KICHAXU NO UE Upon arrival KICHI Kirin X.ICHI Base KICHI There,your place,your country,your property,your position KICHI Unusual talent or intelligence KICHI BUKKEN Base supplies KICHI BUTAI Base force KIGYo KANYU SOSHIKI )ktA KICHI CHAKU Arrival at base ti;4 KICRI CHAKU Arrival at your plade t ý KICHI RAKEN Base detachment lltSQ KICHI HATSU Leaving a base )ItA KICHI-IN Base personnel KICHIJI Happy event,good omen KICHIJb Good omen Qarf 4 KICHIKA SURU To make into a base tBaP KICHIKAN Interbase t KICHI K6KU BUTAI Base air force,navy tit~ KICHIKU Your area, your sector lWt4A KICHI SAIKA Cargo at your place t 1 KICHI SETSUEIHAN Base pioneer section, navy S KICHI SHISETSU Base establishments it KICHITAI Base unit S KICHI TAISHIFU Your embassy office KICHb Plane captain' Ak KICH6 Chief engineer 4 KICH6 SURU To return to one's home country KICH6CHU On the way to one's home country KICHU SURU To note down KIDAIJIN Your Excellency,the Minister KIDO Returning to Turkey KID6 Maneuver,mobility KID6b BAKURAI Anti-railway mine KIDB BUTAI Task force Klc ID6 HIKBJ6 Operational air field KIDOI Wooden sluice KID6 J6REI Railway law KID6 KANTAI Mobile fleet KID& KESSENTAI Mobile assault unit SKIDE KIJUKI Gantry crane ATE4" 4 KIDOKU SURU Returning to Germany *V'*0 K ID6 KUSHi BUTAI Mobile air-attack unit KID6 NI NORU To get under way KID6RIN Trolley wheel KIDORU To square a tree trunk KID6 SAKUSEN Mobile operations KID6SEN Power-driven vessel tKID6SHA Steam locomotive KID5 SHARIN Drive-wheel A +ý K KID&TAI Task force KID6TEI Power boat KID6 YUS6TAI Mobile transportation unit KIEHATERU To be extinguished,disappear, die KIEI Returning to England KIEI Shape of a plane KIEI SURU To return to headquarters KIEN Returning to Peking KIESARU To vanish,die out KIFU Your embassy or government general office KIFUKU Gauge of railway fhJb KIFUKU Hunger, want 4 Z KIGAERU To change clothes t KIGAI HANKEI Danger radius Kj KIGAI MINKOKU National emergency V tiX KIGA K6SHIN Hunger march Ai ) 11 I KI GA KURUU To be crazy 11 % KIGAMAE Radical 084 SAA - KIGAMAERU To expect,be prepared for 7VV KIGATA Wooden pattern,boot tree 7tf KIGE Excelsior oC KIGEI Remarkable talents M)Lf-kA KIGEN ENCHo SHoDAKU Acceptance of delay 0_rAikFI-T, KIGEN KEIKA HOKEN Lapsed policy ý QWSHVKEN AJ AlLA KIGEN KEIKA TEGATA Overdue bill ( Q020 KIGEN NO GOTOKI As you state $ Ai*fS 1 KIGENSO TBSEI Rare Elements JI4UMIAI Control Association Be p~p KIGENTSUKI With a time limit $if KIGI Opportunity,chance leTri$ 4 KIGI NI TEnI SURT To be opportune,be in order #t\f KIGIRE Splinter,piece of wood tif KIGO Protection of the flag S3 ~KIG6 Courageous,brave 84i( KIGO Returning to Australia t. KI-GOMU Raw rubber KIGOSHI Wooden palanquin KIGOYA Woodshed KIGUSA Tree and grass,plants an KIGY6 G6D6 Cartel kit KIGY6HI Initial expense T KIGYMKA DSMEI Trust,cartel TG on KIGYCKA GZD5 Trust; AiB KIGY6 KANYO SOSHIKI Industrial partnership KIGYS KioSAI 130 KIGY5 K6SAI Industrial loan KIGY. KlUMIAI Syndicate S KIGY6 RENG6 Pool 4KIGY6 RITOKU Net profit ýt V1*0P KIGYo SEIBI HOMBU Enterprise Adjustment Headquarters 4iti*w KIGY3.SEIBIKA Enterprise Adjustment Section k*1r14 KIGY5 SHOTOKU Gross profit MLA14 t KIRAIFU Already distributed 5"H6 KIBAKU Returning to Berlin P 6 KIHAKU SURU To moor,tie up S KIHAIU SURU To stop at an anchorage, anchor temporarily 4$t'i KIHAXNSEN Motor sailboat KIIIATSU Your telegram 43Ft41t4+ KIHATSU JAISHIYU Volatile oil of mustard 0 UAc KIHATSUbHIYASUI Volatile 4*& PKIHATSUYU KIKAN Gasoline engine *# KIKEICHb Leading machinist,navy KIHEIJU Carbine 4+ KIHEIKA Cavalry arm. KIHEI SH8SA Cavalry major KI HEN Radical 075 0 KIHIN Curious thing,rare article;tt2 ~ KIHIROI Wood gatherer KIHISHA Shirker,service evader KIH5 You,your place 6 KIH6 SURU To return to one's home country - KIH6 BUD6SHU Sparkling wine KIHON ENSHO Basic training,preliminary drill. $2; j ~KIHON SANGY6 Key industries AA gKIHOSEN Auxiliary-powered sailing vessel * KIH6TAI Automatic gun or cannon unit KI-I Plane's position KI-ICHI Of one mind, KI-I-IN Your Exoellency,the Commissar *t KI-IKEN Your ideas 3 t - L KIIKII TO With shrill cries KI-IN Origin,cause W p KI-IN SURUJ Returning to India ptt 6 KI-IN SURU Returning to the institute S a KI-IN SURU To be attributable to SKI-IROGAKATTA Yellowish KI-IROI Yellow VL+ KIITE AGERU To go and inquire for someone KI-ITOSH6 Silk dealer % KIJAKURUI Clothes,complete suit of clothes KIJIMUH6 Your business report KIJ6 On the plane *A KIJ6 On the table * KIJ6 Tortoise-shaped ' KIJ6 SURU To get up steam KIJo DoSA BAKURAI Anti-railway mine vow KIJoMYAKU Azygous or unpaired vein W KIJOSEN Slant line,virgule KIJ6 SHASHU Air gunner *WU KIJO Machine gun KIJU NA Docile,gentle,effeminate KIJUN BUINTAI Base section,of a convoy etc. S KIJUNKAN Base ship of eonvoy,standard warship,class leader J KIJUN KANSHO Base radio station of a network,naval *j*4Jk KIJUN NEDAN Base price eC ~KIJUNSEN Guide ship Jk~kfVpor KIJUN TANAOROSHIHIIN Basic inventory IOUA ~ KIJUTNTEI Pivot boat SKIJUSHA Machine gun cart 448&4(b4 KIJOSbSHA Machine gun strafing MJtib KIJOTAI Machine gun unit KIJUTSU Deceitful plan,crafty scheme S KIJUTSU Horseback riding tiigJta KIJUTSUTEKI TEIGI Descriptive definition Ekt 75 KIXA SURU To naturalize WIt a7 KIKA SURU Returning to Hanoi K IKABU Tree stump KIKAGEIKI Comic opera,musical comedy KIKAGI Wooden hook,peg P KIKAI SURJ To return to Hoihow *AMti' gKIKAI ABURA Lubricating oil KIgAIBU Engine Room Department j KIKAI GAKUSHA Mechanical engineer aU gKIKAIHIN Machinery At9sML KIKAZKA Machine Section ~4 ttg KIEAIKA SURU To mechanize 4 t) APj KIKAIKA BUTAI Mechanized unit fKIKAIKYOUD Machinery Bureau T-AR: -KIKA IPPAN General forces under command of... & L W44" A*449 ARM Ago-VIA &.L ~ M144 A A Gf An Im )* -o: p411 Wim *A All I -~ -t~ ARP'ýk '41 If t AlfT 4" + tbRSI ai ~ A PON@14;wA m#f Ars f~t;I~B WE k 3p K - 5c Irk~1Z~ 33f 8 0%-t -6s Engh a B4 j ~;lfi ~i r;KS Belf Qrfs~t I44j XIKE KIKAISEN Machinery ship KIKAISHITSU Engine room,of ship etc. KIKAISHU Mechanic KIKAITEKI SAIGAI Mechanical accident KIKAI UCHIKOWASHI Sabotage of machinery KIKATYU Lubricating oil KIKAJIN Naturalized citizen KIAKI Carburetor KIKAKU-IN Planning Board KIKAKUKA: Planning Section KIKAKUKYOKU Planning Bureau KIKAKUSHO Planning Office KIKAN Flagpole,flagstaff KIKAN Nucleus,principal part KIKAN Sbldier clerk KIKAN You,your office KIKAN Your ship KIKAN.... Engineering,in navy commissions KIKAN SURU To return to one's office KIKAN BUTAI Cadre or nucleus unit KIKANCHI Chief engineer KIKANCH6 Engineering officer,shipboard etc. KIKAN CEHUSA Commander,engineering,navy KIKAN-EN Trachitis EIKANGAKARI Machinist KIKANGEN Your limit KIKAIHEI Nonrated man,engineering TKIKAN HEICH6 Leading seaman,engineering KIKAN IHEISb Petty officer,engineering KIKAN HEIS6CH6 Warrant officer, engineering,navy KIKAN HOKEN Boiler insurance KIKANJUSH6 Machine-gun Iirk "KIKANJUTAI Machine-gun squad KIKANJUT6 Machine-gun turret KIKANKA Engineering Section,navy KIKANKA t)hder your jurisdiction KIKAN K6SHU Ground crew,army air gIKAN NISSHI Engine room log KIKAN SAMB6 Staff officer,engineer KIKAN SEIBI GAKK5 Mechanized maintenance school KIKAN SEKKAI Tracheotomy KIKANSHAJ6 Roundhouse KIKANSHA KAMA Locomotive boiler KIKANSHAKO Roundhouse KIKANSHI Assistant engineering officer, navy KIKANSHI Organ or publication of an association etc. KIKANSHIEN Trachitis KIKANSHI KATARU Bronchial catarrh, bronchitis KIKANSHITSU Engine-room KIKAN SHZSA Engineer lieutenant commander KIKAN 36T6 RITSU Pro rata rate KIKAN TOKUMU... Special duty..., engineering,in navy commissions KIKAN TOKUMU SHIKAN Special duty officer, engineering KIKAN TO SURU To be the main part, ba'ckbone,or nucleus KIKASANERU To wear several layers of garments KIKATA Return KIKAYOU To visit one another often KIKAZUGAO. Absent-minded appearance KIKEI Curious shape,strange look KIKEI Plan,project,scheme KIXEI You KIKEIYAKU Already contracted for KIKEI~ Returning to one's prefecture KIKEN Your opinion KIKEN BUNSHO Dangerous literature KJXENDO Degree of danger KIfKENHI Charge for risk of loss KIKENHIN Inflammable goods,explosives,etc. KIKEN J6TAI Critical condition KIKENKAI Danger zone KIIENKOKU SEIFU Additional governments to which you are accredited KIKEN NARU NI TSUKI In view of the danger KIKEN NARU YUE Because it is dangerous KIKEN NO T6RI At your discretion KIKENSHA Releasor,absentee KIKEN SH6CHI SHITAKU I want to know your opinion KIKXN SUI-IKI Dangerous waters KIKEN TEATE Hazardous duty pay or allowance KIKI Apparatus,equipment,tools,,machinery bi ~ ol.1 f -h3 ot'l P41 r4l $V1 t 4 t M Atz riait I Ait~tt ~ 1; 0 # Prj 5';q 0)1 M, fig $ - fL, - 4 KIKI NA 131 KIKI NA Strange,extraordinary KIKI TO Gaily,joyously KIKIAYAMARU To bear poorly,mistake in hearing KIKICHIGAERU To hear poorly,fail to understand KIKIGAKU Knowledge acquired through hearing KIKIGAKUMON Knowledge acquired through hearing KIKIGOTO Thing heard,thing worthy of attention KIKIHANATSU To disregard what one hears KIKIHASAMU To overhear KIKIHAZUSU To fail to hear all KIKIHAZUSU To lose oppottunity of hearing KIKI-IRU To listen profitably KIKIKOMI Information,hearsay KIKIMAGAU To hear poorly,mis-hear KIKINARAUT To learn by' listening KIKINASU To believe to have heard, interpret as KIKINUKU. To hear all,listen attentively KIKIPPANASU To disregard what is said KIKISADAMERU To decide after hearing KIKISASU To leave before hearing all KIKISEMARU To come to a crisis KIKI SEPPAKU Crisis is immin tnt or crucial KIKISHINOBU To endure listening KIKISOERU To listen again,get new information KIKISUGOSU To disregard what one has heard 0 KIKISUGOSU To take too seriously what one has heard KIKISUTERU To disregard what one hears KIKITAGAERU To hear poorly,mis-hear KIKITORERU To be charmed by what one hears KIKITSUGU To listen closely KIKITSUGU To repeat what one has heard KIKIWARAU To laugh at what one hears KIKIWAZURAU To be troubled by what one hears KIKJYOBIKAKERU To hail and ask KIKIYOI Agreeable to hear KIKIZURAI Disagreeable to hear KIKIZUTE Hearsay,news,oral tradition KIKKA NO GOMONSH6 Imperial crest KIKKEI Good luck KIKKIN NO Pressing,urgent KIKK6GATA Hexagon,diamond-shaped,lozenge pattern KIKKYU Reverently,humbly KIKKYUC SURU To be reduced to the last extremity KIKO Returning to Shanghai KIKb Artifice,mechanism,skill,machination KIK6 Commencement,operation KIK6 Excellent workmanship KIK6 Famine,dearth KIKI Inclination, pinion,idea, tendency KIK 6 Machinist,navy KIK6 Mechanical work,weaving,weaver KIKB Organization,agency KIK6 Return KIKb Return to the soil or one's native country KIKB Setup KIK6 Submission,surrender KIKb Tortoise shell KIK6 Unhoped-for opportunity KIK6 Your school KIKn NO Armored,mechanized-armored KIKb SURU To navigate to,proceed to KIK& SURU To touch at a port KIKb BUTAI Mechanized and armored units KIK&GCHI Ground already under cultivation KIK6CEI Port of call KIK6GATA Tortoise-shell type KIKCREI Fortifications engineer KIKiKI Locomotive organs KIKiKI Mechanized cavalry KIK6KI SHbGAI Locomotor ataxia XIKOKU Desertion of one's country KIKOKU Greece KIKOKU Your country,honorific KIKOKU H6S6 Scheduled broadcast KIKOMU To put on extra clothing KIKON Basis,foundation,origin KIKON Returning to Kunming KIMPAKL A SURU S KIKONASU To dress oneself,dress with care t _4i f KIKONASU To wear out before buying new clothes 4* 1 KIKORU To cut wood 1K 0 KIK6 TEKIJUN Seasonable weather prevails Wk KIKOTSU Backbone,spine ýI KIKOTSU Extraordinary ardor hi KIKOTSU Skin and bones h PKIKEGI Wooden peg 4M IEJ KIRI Armorial bearings of Imperial House KIKU KIRI Chrysanthemum and paulownia qPP KIKUMON Interrogationexamination 4 KIKUN Marvelous exploit,great deed 1 KIKUtIIARAKU People say,it is said 5 KIKU NO SEKXIJ Feast of the Chrysanthemum 1* U 'L KIKURUWASHII Agitated,bewildered,scared KIKUSA Plants,trees and grass KIKUSABI Wooden wedge KIKUSHIN SURU To investigate,question T KIKUSH& Chrysanthemum crest 0)t 4 KIKUSHU SURU To scoop up in the hand KIKYAKU Nonsuit KIKYO Sitting position with legs extended KIKYD Sob,convulsive weeping S KIKYO SURU To abandon,discard SKIKYOKU Commercial crisis JcA KIKYOKU Extreme danger,financial crash after panicKIKYOKU Your bureau:j k J KIKYOKU 0 DAKAI SURU To break the deadlock KIKYORAI Return to rural life KIKYU Wish S KIKYU SURU To desire " KIKY STURU To beg,wish,desire SKIKYUHEI SH6SHU Recall of regulars from furloughs 5 KIKYO JXNCHI Location of captive balloon SKIKYO SOMB6 NO TOKI Crisis KIMAMORI Forester,orchard caretaker KIMAMORI, Fruit left on tree KIMAN TOKKEN Prescriptive right KIMARU To agree with,tally with KIMARU To be ruled or decided,be finished KIMATSU End of a period KIMATSU Yellow pine r KIMATSUBARAI BUBIEI Deferred rebate KIMATSU KANJ6 Quarterly trade account KIMBAKU Short-range bomber KIMBAKU SURU To fasten firmly KIMBARI Gold covering KIMBATSURIN Forest reserve KIMBEN Radical 050 KIMBIN Early accommodations B KIMBUCHI SHoKEI Gilt-edged securities KIMBUN Equal division KIMBY5 Mycosis SKIMEI CHbIN SURU To sign and seal oKfl4MEI KABUKXN Registered shares "KIMEISHIKI URAGAKI Special endorsement KIMEI URAGAKI Special endorsement KIMETSU SURU To destroy,be destroyed KIMI Yellow color,yellow n KIMIN Starving population SKIMITSU Airtight AT KIMITSURI Secret expenses,secret service expenses A KEIMITSU SINKEN Secret and personal S'k KIMIZU Bile owa# - KIMMITSUKA SIVRUA To become strict,make strict,make close KIMM& Golden hair,golden fleece 4ttP4 KIMMON Strictly guarded door $6fk IKIMMUEY6 Duty roster J Vi-f~1O KIMMU NXNSU KARB Longevity iay jfft 4 KI IMU 0 SEIGAN SURU To offer services #4i 'a KIPIMUREI Service regulations t4* I KIMMUROKU Service register I 4ri f KIMMU SHA-IN Acting partner 'P'(flP KIMMU SHOTOKU Earned income e 6- KIM6 Nap,of cloth -C2 KIM8 SURU To deceive,cheat KIMOY6 Lobe of the liver KIMPAKU Gold and silks,precious things, riches KIMPAKU Persecution,molestation iIK IIMPAKU Close pursuit i 1 KIMPAKU NA Urgentserious,impending, approaching W I KIMPAKU SURU To urge ' K XIMPAKKA SURU To grow serious #* WAIL "' k Ark At lot i9l ^ AA 1 -Al a, StT A f t^ a^ 11 ^^ 3 s? & we9 ia ^'fT 4^ ' 27 KIMPAKUZUKI NO 132 KIMPAKUZUKI NO Recognized,acknowledged, notorious KIMPEN Radical 050 KIMPIKA Luster of gold,glitter KIMPIRA.Extraordinary strength,strong glue KIMU Important matters,affairs of state KIMU Plane's task,plane's mission KIMURA Caprice,vagary. KIMUSAI Disagreeable,disgusting,repugnant KIMMU SAKI Place of employment KIMYAKU Recording of arterial pulsations KIN Friday KIN Unit of weight,600 grams,catty,1.32 lb. KINAGAI Slow,unhurried KINAKO MOCHI Rice dumpling powdered with bean flour KIN-AN Gilded saddle KINAOSU To change clothes KINARERU To be used to coming or going KINARI Simplicity KINA RYOD6 EKISU Fluid extract of cinchona KINASU To dress correctly KIN-ATSUKI Pressure balancer KIN B6CH6 Gold inflation KINCHAKU SURU To clasp KINCHAKUBUTSU Cargo soon to arrive KINCHO Recent publication KINCH6 Birds KINCHUDOKU Fungic poisoning KINDAN Gold brocade KINDAN Near miss KINDOKU Prohibition of narcotics KIN-EI Prosperity,joy,delight KINEN Age,era,epoch,era year KINEN, Famine year KINEN Hope KIN-EN Gold yex4 KIN-EN Prohibition of opium smoking KIN-EN KINDOKU Antinareotic KINEN SHUKUTEN Commemoration festival KIN-ETSU Joy,pleasure KINFUN Gold dust used by painters KIN FURAN Gold franc KINGA Congratulations KINGAKU Assiduous study KINGAKU JUNKAN SHIN-Y6J6 Revolving letter of oredit KINGAWADOKEI Gold watch KINGIN HON-I Metallic standard KINGIRE Piece of brocade KINGON Gravity, seriousness KINGYO Prohibition of fishing KINGY6 Admiration,high esteem KINGYOGU Prohibited fishing tackle KINGYOJ6 Fish preserve KINGYOKI Closed season for fishing KINGYOKU Gold and pearls,precious things KINGYOKU Splendor,magnificence KINGYOS6 Snapdragon KIN HOJISHA- Germ carriers KIN HOYOSHA Bacteria carrier KIN-I Standard,in coinage KINICHI Date specified,fixed date KINIINE Quinine KINIINE CHUDOKU Quinism KI NI J6ZURU To take advantage of the opportunity KININ Unusual man,eccentric person KIN-INKA Workers Section KININKOKU Country to which you are accredited KIN I5 Antimony pentasulphide KIN IRO Gold color KI NI TQZURU To seize the opportunity KIN-ITSU RYKIN Flat-rate tariff KINJI SURU To resemble closely KINJISAN Incompetence,interdiction,in law KINJITSUCH0 Within the next few days KINJ6 Gold bullion KINJo HEIKA His Majesty,the present Emperor KINJ5 TENN5 HEIKA His Majesty the Emperor,the present Emperor KINJOKA SURU To dehumanize KINJUN Gold reserves KINKA Forbidden fruit KINKA Neighboring house KINKA HON-I Gold standard KINEAI Neighborhood t1ifL4 ^^Q 8DS^Ju!* 9 >9 4^1 ^ *P1L iE ' / T^ *41 $14 WA 1 tit \Q_^ ^14 ^wm ^^^% w & ^07. ^WW W ^^j ^^ ^>^AD ^^ - ^Q U i^Q)Jt ^^?&?6 fi^U ^X^1 4^)?At ^^99?1^^ A ^R lt^ ie W^^ ^~^ ( W^^T ^^r ^-6 7) ^%-ty ^^^s ^^IX ^^* ^;^Tt A> ^xXAe ^0 itj&o 'L ^RTr ^ / ^-Utti^R i^^ ^114 fptr ' KINSHINSHA KINKAI Recently KINKAI HON-I Gold bullion standard KINKAI K&ROSEN - Coasting vessel KINKAKU Amount of money KINKAKU Muscular sensation KIN KAWASE HON-I Gold-exchange standard KINKEI Respect,reverence KINKEN Golden sword KINKENSAKU Investigation for germs KINKETSU Lack of money KINKI Gold utensil KINKI Metal box KINKO Present and the past,now and formerly KINK5 Diligence and merit KINK6 Meritorious services KINK5 Troy weight KINKOKEN Depository note KINKOKU Neighboring country KINKON Prohibited marriage KINKON SHINT6 Forbidden degrees of kinship KINKOSHITSU Vault KINKU Painful effort,zealous labor KINKUCHI NO Gilded or gold-tipped KINKYORI SHATEI Short range KINKYU Distress,sufferings,troubles KINKYUDO Degree of urgency KINKYU FUKUMU Alarm duties,urgent duties KINNEN Metals and fuel KINNEN BUCH6 Metals and fuel director KINNICHI Soon,within a few days KINNICHI WATASHI Near delivery KIN6 Performance,capacity KINOBASHI Amusement KIN6HEI Soldiers assigned to agriculture SKI NO JUKUSURU 0 MATSU To await the proper moment KIN6KIN Money already paid KIN-OKU Near-by buildings KINORI-USU Lack of enthusiasm KIN6 SEIBIHI Operational expense KIN6SHU Inflatable dinghy KIN6 TEISHI Cessation of function or activity KINRIN Gold ring KINRIN NO SHOCHI Emergency action KINRO Short road KINR6 HoSHI Labor service KINRIKA Labor Section KINRoKYOKU Labor Bureau KINRON Myology KINR6 SHOTOKU Earned incpme KINRo TAISHO Salaried masses KINRUI Metals KINRY6 Amount of gold,troy weight KINRY6 Par,equal weight KINRY6 Weight KINRY5KI Closed hunting season KINRYU Tophus,in medicine KINRYOTSU TEGATA Nonnegotiable bill KINSA Gold chain KINSA Gold dust KINSA DAIJIN Envoy extraordinary by Imperial order KINSAN Approximation,approximate calculation KINSEI Careful manufacture KINSEI Metallic sound KINSEI NO Gold,made of gold KINSEIHIN Contraband,prohibited goods KINSEIHIN Gold articles KINSEISHI Modern history KINSEKI Near relative KINSEN Battle at close range KINSEN Short-range fighter KINSEN Judicious choice KIN SEN Metal wire,gold wire or thread or stripe KINSEN Near the railway line KINSEN SURU To esteem,revere KINSEN ToROKUKI Cash register KINSETSU Urgency,grave importance KINSETSU KAIRO Adjoining circuit KINSHA SURU To fire short KINSHI Buckle,cramp,clamp KINSHI Function,duty KINSHI Gold and paper money KINSHI Golden Kite cigarettes KINSHIN Gold needle KINSHIN SURU To exercise prudence KINSHINSHA Near relative KINSHITSU 133 t: KtINSHIITSU Characteristics of the metal KINSH5 Collar insignia ýIT 440 KINSH6 NO Latter,last-named At L. KIINSH SURU To respectfully note #4 KIN SHiWKEZN Gold certificate,gold note KINSHOKU Gold ornamentation t KINSHU Bacteria type KINSHD Assembling,gathering SKINSHO Attendant,page E KINS6 Gold ornamentation S KINSOKU Obturation,sealing,closing Mit A KINSOKU KU-IKI Restricted areas fT V KINSO Weight,number of catties A) CA KINSUIJAKU Muscular weakness fZ 4 KINTAI SURU To surround,encircle 9 KINTEI Fixed decision SKINTEI Prohibition,interdict itlo KINTEI Short-range reconnaissance plane V0*9 KINTENSAI All rights reserved KINTETSU Prohibition of iron exports ti KINTO Short road 1WiAJ KINTON JUS6 Precipitous flighteveryone for himself i KINTSO Myalgia,sore muscles KINTSUI Hammer,of piano etc. S KINUJI Silk stuff S KINUKI Taking off clothes,clothes removed S KINU ORIMONO Silk cloth I KIN YAKKAN Gold clause ~ KIN-YAKU Exercise of an office, performance of duties t- KI NYB Radical 194 + KIN-Y6JI Urgent matter S KIN-YU Banking,circulation of money; KIN-YD Equal possession 9 KINYU AYAMARI Clerical error ý KIN-YO HIPPAKU Monetary stringency T,t IT KIN-YuKA Banking 3ection Et 9 A KIN-YU KACHo Director of Banking Section W*X *; KIN-Yu KAISHA Banking corporation igtSt KIN-YUi KIKAN Credit or banking institutions itWt KIN-Y9 KONNAN Pecuniary embarrassment t/NAiNL KINYiMORE Omission ý7t') iA& U KIN-Y0 NO MIT56SHI/- Money outlook 6t KITNYURb Omitted entry Ttf)14 KIN-YU SHIJ6 Money market k!9'TL KIN YUSIHUTSU KINSHI Gold embargo 1RS-4 KINYUZUMI Entered,recorded 1ý06 KINZETSU Absolute prohibition itlk KINZOKU Near relative,near relationship TAM KINZOKEUKA Metals Section T4 LTt KINZOKU K5SHU Metalworker t4*A~.L KINZOKU K6ZAN Metal mine GT4 9 KINZUKURI Gold article f F EKI 0 ERU To gain an opportunity filf KI 0 ISSURU To mis; an opportunity P1~3'T KI 0 KIKASU Use one's head or judgment 9Yg~ KI 0 MATSU To await an opportunity I KIOMO Dull wit,sadness,despondency SKIREKI Past history,of patient 4 KI 0 SHISSURV To miss an opportunity &rJ KI63SH Past illnesses $14 \ KI 0 USHINAU To miss an opportunity LAA At KI 0 YAMU To be troubled about tV)P KIPPUMEN Ticket permit t/ KIPPUSEI Ticket system,of rationing 41 KIRA Oily scum KIRA Returning to Rome SKIRAI Mine qi l PIRAI SURU To return,come back ' KIRAI BUTAI Mine-laying unit $4 KIRAIEN Mine barrier,barrage It s KIRAI FUSETSU SEN Mined-area boundary line SKIRAI FUSETSUSEN Mine-laying ship i3ACKIRAI FUSETSU SENSUIKAN Mine-laying submarine j KIRAIGUN Cluster of mines - 4~JfKIRAI 0 K6SOKU SURU To moor mines L IKIRAIRYI Accumulation of mines KIRAISEN Mining operation,mine warfare A~~7rj KIRAI SENSUIKAN Mine-laying submarine KIRAgIRASHII Clear,distinct, splendid, elegant KIRAKU Pleasure,rejoicing,anusement S KIRAKU NA Easygoing i ~ KIRAN Disorder,insurrection a-L- KIRAN NO UE After your perusal or inspection KIRARAKA Sparklingly,glitteringly KIRATSUKU To sparkle,to gleam S' 3 - KIRATTO Sparklingly t tt1 7) * 1k5 t7) Pt7) -t7)h x a t4 7 t{'7;q P18 tll ~pl t180 13 a t7)9 t' 9 44& t 7l4- k P1 *)MC i -,ý~ -1 i 7') 4y 177 9 2K /; t ý YI I ýT- T ý1 t 9 7) - t') ') t7l t4rj I P199 '& ji r- 'f tfil -t7Tw 8~9 t77 ') tfl~3 P19 cL ~ PD 4 8 9 t792 'I~ tllr i ~t947T 3 t7 1 ~r P t~ -t 3, t7/2 '!; ' 179 f 2-sS 4 tr/ 13 -tlt? I $24 KIROKUSHO KIRAWASHII Detestable,hateful KIRAYA-KI Quillai bark KIRE Counter for slices KIREBANARE Division,separation KIREFUDE Tipless brush KIREHASHI Fragment,end,bit,stub KIREI Previous order KIREI Usage,precedent,custom,rule KIREKOMU To be notched or indented,show a deficit KIREKOMU To break up and withdraw KIREKOMUIJ To make a deficit,cut into KIREN Returning to Dairen KIRENGA Wooden brick KIRETSU Checkered arrangement KIRI ABURA Tung oil KIRIAKERU To cut open KIRIBITO Influential person KIRIBOSHI IMO Dried potato strips KIRICHIJIMERU To shorten,reduce,trim KIRICHIRASU To cut and scatter KIRIDASU To cut out patterns,parts etc. KIRIFUSERU To cut down KIRIHA Sharpened edge of blade KIRIHAMERU To cut and insert,inlay KIRIHANARE Parting KIRIHANASU To cut,chop off,cut apart KIRIHANASU To set free,emancipate KIRIHANASU To ostracize,break connections with,cut off KIRIHASHI Fragment,end,bit, stub KIRIHOSHI IMO Dried potato strips KIRIKAECHIN Exchange commission KIRIKAEJI Transition period KIRIKAE KIN Exchahge commission KIRIKAESU To counterattack KIRIKAE TEGATA Renewal note KIRIKAKE Cut,incision,nick,notch KIRIKAKERU To begin to cut KIRIKAMI Cut hair XIRIKAMI Cut paper,half sheet KIRIKATA Cutting,manner of cutting KIRIKATA Mark made by cutting KIRIKIRI At lowest price,gratingly, violently KIRIKIRI Whirl of hair KIRIKOMAZAKU To chop into small pieces KIRIKOMI Raid,attack KIRIKOMI BUTAI Raiding unit KIRIKOMITAI Suicide assault unit KIRIK&RUI Entomostraca KIIKU SURU To return to the continent KIRIKUBI Decapitation,severed head KIRIKUDAKU To cut in small pieces KIRIKUI Stub,stump KIRIMIMI Cut ear KIRIMUNE Gable roof KIRINOZOKU To cut away,cut out KIRINUKICH6 Scrapbook KIRIO Bobtail,docked tail KIRISAGERU To cut down,reduce KIRISAKU To mangle,lacerate KIRISAME Drizzling rain,drizzle KIRISARU To cut off,pare KIRISUTERU To cut down,reduce KIRISUTO KPTAN SAI Christmas KIRISUTO-KYoKA SURU To Christianize KIRISUTO-HY5 YMCA Hall SEINEN KAIKAN KIRISUTO-Y 6 SHINJA Christian KIRITATE Steep slope,precipice KIRITATKRU To begin cutting KIRITATERU To disperse with sword blows KIRiTATSU To rise perpendicularly KIRITE Cutter,skillful cutter KIRITE Murderer,assassin KIRITSU To trim,cut,ppen a passage KIRITSUXE Attack with sharp weapon KIRIWAKERU To cut,carve,carve yp KIRIWARA Chaff,chopped straw KIRIYABURU To slash,pillage,Qut up KIRIYU Tung oil KIRTYU Tung oil KIRO Dangerous road KIRO Return route ~KIR6 Doceit and mockery KIRr Vegetable wax,tree wax KIRO ATARI Per kilometer KIROKU Crystalline green KIROKU Record of deaths in a family KIROKUGA 'News film KIROKUSHU Cartulary,register of charters KIRON 134 KIRON Main reason KIRON Paradox KIRU To become foggy,be overcast KIRtOKU Mechanical power KIRYU Fork in a river KIRYU Pennant 0 + KIRYT SHING6 Flag signaling KISA Fraud,deceit,cheating KISAI Genius,prodigy,wonderful talent KISAI Sagacity,shrewdness,acuteness, keenness KISAI Unforeseen misfortune KISAI Year of famine KISAIMORE Omission KISAXU Rare,uncommon,or striking strategy or maneuvers KIESAU Stratagem,olevpr plan KISAKU JU6 Full of resources KISEI Force,power,energy AA1KISEI Graduating class KISEI Influence,power 4U] KISEI Mechanism $*6ýl KISEI Memory,remembrance KISEI Regulation F - s o KISEI SURU To die,retire from public life At.,f o: KISEI SURU To regulate,adjust ft )+W, KISEI JIJITSU Fait accompli 4f ISKEIKA Machinery Administration Section KISEI SEIT6 Existing political parties *tY KISEKA RU To begin to wear " KI8EKAKERU To impute,attribute to,charge with KISEKI Marvelous exploit SKf ISEKI Mechanized patrol KISEKI Rare stone ' KISEKI SURU To return to one's first domicile 3Al1 KISEMBIN Via steamboat KISEMIONO Garment,covering KISEN Branch feeder line,in shipping KISEN Cavalry engagement KISEN Ships returning "K ISEI SURU To return to ship S KISEN SURU To return to Swatow V KISEN HATCHAKUSHO Wharf,landing place SKISEN 0 SEISURU To steal a march on, forestall,get ahead of KISEN SHIKI Ceremony of transferring ashes of the Buddha S KISEIITAI Your unit 1i KISENZUMI Shipment by steamer p KISETSU Spirit,mettle,virtue KISETSU Unusual opinion KISETSU Your views N1 KISETSUKA Construction Section tpfs ~ ICISETSUMUKI Seasonable KISAA Returning to the office of the company KISHA S tarveling KISHA Your carriage KISHA Your company t-ti KISHA SURU To abandon,discard Qz g KISHADAN Reporters,press representatives A I~ KISHA FUTS0 Railroad tie-up S KISHAXUSHI Wooden spoon &e eKISHI Beginning tf. KISHI SBatire, sarcasm, taunt, slander SKISHI Taboo word S KISHI You i e~~a), KISHI KAGIRI NO OMOI- You, as if on your CA(Mit tL1 TSTKEI TO SHITE own initiative KISHIKISHI Grinding,rubbing, chock-full, completely KI SHfl4EKL To grate,scrape KishIN Dislike,aversion KISHIN.Feeling of shame KISHIN Flag signal KISHRN Initiative,activity KISHIN Y Minister of high rank KISHIN( Your letter KISHIN SURU To open communications ~ KISHIREIBU Your headquarters KISHIRIAU To take offence,quarrel,rub against KISHIRIZU Xylose A, KISHITSTU Injury,damage,demolition ATKISHITSU Weaver's room "K1'HITSUBYM Organic disease KISHITSUTITI Organic,of diseases KISHO Origin, aource,beginning, cause KISHO Return to the police station KISHO Y our letter,honorific -T A6! 41A.tA d i4 ttA 1,6,t xroo Ot% t *R + 94 8&,k1 ~4 s tiWl 7 j (j B ~z~la Sa lip ril A A tta%* KITASHINA KAIHATSU KABUSHIKI KAISHA KISHO You,your station or post KISH6 Your depot KISH6 Your Excellency,Minister of State KISH6 Your office,your department,your ministry KISH6 SURU To taunt,mock,scoff at KISH6BU Weather bureau KISH6H6 Meteorological report KISH6 KANSOKUSHO Weather observation post KISHdKEI Bridle path KISHOKU Weaving KISH6MON Written pledge KISH6REI Flag order KISH6SHO Meteorological station KISH6TAI Weather unit KISHU Type of plane KISHO Already-completed study KISHU Curious custom,strange habit KISHU Peers and representatives KISHU Strange odor KISHO BUTAI Surprise attack force KISHUKAN Sea raider KISHBKU Return to one's lodgings KISH0 RYdIN Both houses of the Diet KISKUSEKI Raw tartar KIS6 ' Already sent KIS6 Gift,a present KIS6 Petty officer,fireman KIS6 Rare plant KIS6 Return of remains for burial KI56 Strange countenance KIS6 SURU To dispatch a plane KIS6 SURU To send,transmit KIS65FUSHO Text you sent KISO H6=U( Fictitious pay KISOI Rivalry,competition KISOIAI Competition,rivalry KIS6 KAIMEN Sea surface swept KISdKAN Air pipe KISOKU Binding,restriction,control KISOkXU Clubfoot KISOKU Disposition,health,spirits,weather KISOKU Facial expression,appearance KISOKU Foot,lower part,base KISOKIDATSU To be well-regulated or well-ordered KISOKUDATTA Systematic,regular KISO KUINREN Basic training KISOKU TADASHIKU Systematically KISO MASUI Basal anesthesia KISON Already damaged KISON Existing KISON Your village KISON SURU Te return to one's native village KISTOKU Your Excellency,the Governor General KISOTSU Cavalry man,trooper KISSA Craftiness,guile,cunning KISSEI Lucky star KISSHIN Happy message,good news KISSHIR6ZE Xylose KISSHOKU Eating KISS6 Good appearance,confident countenance KISSUISEN Load line KISO Basic unit,as 000 etc. KISO Number of planes KISUBI Odd days KISUJI Odd number KISUNICHI Odd-numbered days KISURU To bring about KISURU To p lan to do KITAGUCHI North mouth,of a river etc KITAI Body of plane KITAI Cavalry unit KITAI. Returning-to Formosa KITAI Your detachment or troops KITAI SURU To return to one's unit KITAISHI Your Excellency,the Ambassador KITAI-USU Slim hopes KITA KAIKISEN Tropic of cancer KITAKEJ Your honorable house KITAN Deceit,fraud KITAN Extraordinary courage KITAN Origin,starting point KITAN Fear,respect KITANZNA Frank,unreserved KITAN SURU To search,pry into KITANAMU To consider dirty KITANNAKI Frank KITASHI.A KAIBATSU North China DevelopKABUSHTKI KAISHA ment Joint-Stock Co. KITA SHINA SEITETSUJ 135 At 0, VP IKITA SHINA SEITETSU North China Iron Manufacturing Co. Sit -fpMPK KITASHINA TEUE~o.HAMBAI North China Iron 4 t It ii KABUSIKI KAISHA, Ore Sales Co. itA24TI KITA TAIBEIY6 North Pacific iti 14 KITA TAISEIY6 North Atlantic Aý4y KITEI Departure,start "#A X KITEI Returning vessels 4 'KITEI Way home,journey home S KITEID5RI According to the rules i fll KITEI NO KAKAK(U Stipulated cost 't 4J 9 s KITEI 0 JUN-Y6 SURU To apply the rules O KITEISHO Directory 4 KITEN Ability,readiness 4L KITEN Base point KITEN Your store,your company KITEN SURU To mark,score,keep register KITETSU Rut,beaten path,routine KITETSUGAN Iron and quinine tqblets KITO Forked road KITO Immediately,consecutively,suddenly, certainly A2 V KIT6 Origin,source,cause,beginning S KIT6B SURU To fall I ' KIT6 SURU To fight bravely KITE SURU To return to base KITOKU ISAN Vested legacy KITOKUKEN Vested rights or interests KITOKUKI Already acquired planes ff- XJ KITOKU RIKEN Vested interest KITOKU ZETSUB6 Desperately critical condition KITORIKIME As already agreed KIT6YU -Cylinder oil KITSUBIN Letter bearing good news KITSUBUSU To wear out clothes C7 KITSUJITSU Lucky day IL 00 KITSUKE NITE RASSB SURU To send in care of 4 ol U KITSUKERU To be accustomed to wearing KITSUMINOKORI Goods left over at the end of the period At 4 KITSUNAN SURU To embarrass,annoy V e4o KITBUNEBIYOGRI Capricious weather i lKITSUNEGARI Fox hunting KITSUNEN Lucky or auspicious year KITSUREI Auspicious custom KITSU-UN Good fortune,luck KITSUZEN Precipitous, steep,sheer S KITTE URISABAKIGUCHI Stamp window KI-U Crows returning to roost KI-U Prayer for rain KI-UN Movement,progress,new trend KZ-UTSBBY6 Melancholia KIWAGIWASHII Very clear KIWAKU Deceptionenticement KIWAKU Wooden frame KIWAMARI End,solution,order,limit KIWAME End,limit,result,solution KIWATA Wadding S KIWAYAKA NA Clear,distinct MIk ~ < KIWAZUKU To be clear,be obvious tip KIWAZURAI Anxiety,uneasiness Ct KIYAKU Already existent contract T i KI- Y6DO CHINKI Dilute tincture of iodine A *. KIYOGE Clean appearance i KIYO HIMEN Praise or censure,criticism KIYOKU Air bath KIYOKU Plane wing SKIYOMARU To purify oneself,be purified * PKIYU Your admonition &f~- KIYO BURT To be unduly worried VKIYO KINZOLOK& Rare metal ores d$l KIZA Mark of a sharp instrument,engraved line AcK gIZAGAKI Ripe persimmon J131R KIZAI Materiel, instruments KIZAIGAKARII Officer in charge of equipment 6l KZAI HOKENRYb Earned premium KIZAIKO Implement warehouse,materiel storehouse KIZAIKUJ Woodwork *1 ~ T KIZAMI B6 CH6 Chopping knife MI W $ KIZAMIGAI Scaled buying R l't1t-C KIZAMI TABAEfO Cut tob&cco,pipe tobacco d1) R KIZAMI-URI Scaled selling KI ZARA Wooden saucer 7B6 I KIZARA&HI Ripe persimmon KIZAWARI Affectation, offensiveness, disagreeableness SKIZEN Fixmness dauntlessness KIZENTARU Firm,resolute,dauntless Y~JFk N -1 1 U) ý ia it,P ~A4t g 5 f B'p 31,-IA T t EB1A sn t i nclA; KOANA KIZETSU Abjuration,renunciation,disowning KIZ5 Extraordinary appearance KIZB KABU Donated stock KIZOKU-IN GICHB President of the House of Peers KIZOKU-.IN GI-IN Members of the House of Peers KIZOKU-IN SHOKIKAN Secretary of the House of Peers KIZOKU-IN SHOKIRANCHo Chief Secretary of the House of Peers KIZON Damage KIZON NO Existing,present,on hand KIZON NO AZUKARI KIN Deposits on hand KIZON SETSUBI Equipment already on hand KIZU Plans KIZU Pure vinegar KIZUI Returning to Switzerland KIZUKARAZARU HAZU NASHI Cannot help but perceive KCIZUKE In care of KIZUKE GYOSEN Fishing boat with auxiliary motor KIZUKI Care,attention KIZUKI Unsized paper KIZUKI FUSHU Motor-driven barge KIZUKIGAMI Unsized paper KIZUKI NO MAMA As ideas come to mind KIZUMARU To breathe with difficulty,pant KIZUMARU To feel frightened before someone KIZUMONO NI SURU To damage KIZUMU To breathe with difficulty,pant KIZUMU To feel frightened before someone KIZURI Lath KO Colombia KO Counter for goods,luggage,hats, regiments,watches,solid objects K0 Counter for houses KO Limited liability company KO Nine KO Subhead 33 KO Radical 039 KO Shanghai KO- Dark,deep,of color KO- Deceas.ed, )ate KO- Small,thin,light KO- Somewhat, a little,rather KO- Subsidiary,of a company or a corporation KO- Young animal,small adult animal K6 Anus K6 Attack plane K6 Association of 10 households,in Formosa K6 Type A steamship,1250 tons plus Kb Counter for curved objects K6 High grade KB Radical 189 K6 Hongkong Kd Hungary K6 Issued K6 Ointment,fat,grease K6 Radical 089 K6 Radical 186 K6 Sikang K6 Steel K5 Radical 048 K6- Construction and repair branch,navy -Ka Special duty...,construction and repair,in navy commissions K6A A sia Developmentliterally, the Rising Asia K6A Namle of train KjA BUNKA DB4EI Asia Development Cultural League K5A DAI IIKU Former Tientsin Japanese K&A DAI SAN.KU Tientsin Legation Quarter KjA DoIAEI Asia Development League KoA GIYoSHI-IN Asia Development Administrative Bureau K6A H~(OKOKAI Asia. Development Patriotic Society KOAI Patronagefavor,protection K6AI Attachment tofondness for K6A-IN Asia Development Board SKA KOKUMIN UND5 Asia Development National People's Movement KOAN One saddle,a lone horseman K6AN Tranquillity,good health,peace KOANA Small hole,eye of needle KEAN KEISATSU 136 '<4 K6AN KEISATSU Peace police 4 s KdANMYOKU Bureau of Public Safety. WOERPMf K&A REMMEI Asia Development League?D01 r K6A RENSEISHO Asia Development Co-ordination Office S KASA Jute KI- KA SEISHMENKAI Asia Development Youth Movement "E j KoA SEKAIKAN KENKYuJO East Asia 9f T World-View Research Institute Wi-/j K6A SHIS UND6 Asia Development Propaganda Movement "$*P K6A So-HMBU General Headquarters of the Asia Development League k4-1 KATSU SHUDAN Highhanded measures S KATSUTAI High pressure zone l-S4 K6A UND6 Asia Development Movement XI K6A YOKUSANKAI Asia Development Aid Association 8.A KOBA Old horse J. IKOBACHI Bowl,basin.* KoBAI Ripening plum S K6AICH5 Chief purchasing agent k *' K6BAI DAIKIN TEIT5 Purchase-money mortgage S K6BAIHY5 Gradient post Ko~BAIKAN Purchasing officer S KBAI KUMIAI Purchasing association,a co-operative ~L l.- KoBAI NI FUSURU To put to public sale AN J} KoBAIRYOKU purchasing power S3-t KOBAKU SURU To bind up firmly S-bit Ko-BAKU TO SHITA Waste,desolate * KOBAN Dial Ko6BAN Alternate SKBAN Capstan 14AW K6BAN Steel engraving ^R KWBAN Steel plate K~ K6BAN Zinc sulphate,- KOBANA Floweret,little flower KOBANGATA Oval, KOBANG6 Copy number of registered publication 1, JP KOBANKIN Small ancient gold pieces x 1't KXoBA NUSHI TioTEI SEKININ Manufacturer's #iiig HOKEN public liability insurance y K6BARI Stay,prop ~H.N KKBASHIGAI Sea urchin - C KOBATA Small flag 'IS^ i KdBATSU SURU To seize,capture,take by storm XtAL KdBA WATASHI DE URU To sell ex factory ^- EKOBAYA Fair speed S KOAYAI Rapid,agile,nimble a t KoBEN Defense,pleadingargument S KBEN Eloquence,loquacity ~ 1iL KOBETSU KIROKU Individual record KOBETSU WARI House rate KOBI Subtle flattery S K6BI Hooknose SKdBI Muzzle p K5BIBU Muzzle,of an animal TXt K6BI HEBI Rattlesnake "'44f" KSBIN Diplomatic pouch, official mail 4klk K6BIN Later communication (.4 K6BIN Later ship,plane,or message,future opportunity 4,i KOBIRU Lunch taken in the forenoon,JA' KOBITOJIMA NO Lilliputian 9 ~ KdBO Aircraft carrier Jxn KB0O Great scheme,large plan ^' KB0 Public register 0 KSBO Stepmother t KB6 Destruction,devastation, KOB5KI Small broom ^t KOBOKU Sincerity 1 * KBOKU Fragrant tree,fragrant wood ~^ KoBOKU Lofty tree S KBOKU Withered tree. K6BON Incense tray , KSBOSAI Public loan WL t KBoSEN Offensive and defensive battle if-# 9 KOBOSHIKAXERU To pour onto,water,sprinkle.'U f KOBOSHITSUZUKERU To be always complaining -^ '( K6BO SHODAN Aircraft carrier task group tYP KSBU Buccal region'mouthmuzzle P KdBU Small hook,hooked part.1t3 KGBU SURU To despise, scorn "KOBUCHI Trap, snare R5 K6BUCHI Barren ground,, KOBUE Whistle ^As MX^ 94 T Alt 1 0 tt at *LuL x %,h AO A 9 EA I ~l^M -KgMF ^itj- ^ ^x8 ^7& ^;t A^#[ ^1y I ^P^y ^SAJt ^St TW^ M^^l TteB ^& ^ J -I ^5t ^/ll ^A tl ^ ^R A^t#(y ^^ttg( ^^%& ^y^^(/ ^%Ti^^t \^WT4;-^ w^u t^@ $Wi f^t 1 ^O7^0L S)th KoDo KICHINICHI KOBUKAI Thickly wooded KOBUKI Light snow K5BUKKA High prices KOBUKURO Sack,small bag K6BUKYOKU Municipal Council K6BUN Draft,original manuscript. KGBUNH6 Syntax KOBUNSHO Old manuscripts K5BUNS10 Official document KoBUNSROGAKU Diplomatics KoBUNTAI Official style KOBURO Small bathtub KOBUSHI Knot,knotted piece of wood K6BUSHO Military school K6BUTSU Publications K6BUTSU Tax,tribute KOBUTSUKA SURU To individuate KOCHA Old tea,tea of the preceding year K6CHAKKA SURU To agglutinate,bog down K6CHAKU Bogging down K6CHAKU Hooking,hitching on K6CHAKU BAKURAI Sticky bomb K6CHAKU KU-IKI Landing area KOCHI I,me,we,us KOCHI This place,this side,here KOCHI Water reservoir K6CHI Back area K5CHI Canal,drain,moat,ditch KoCHI Putting behind, keeping in rear K6CHI Rural district K6CHI Terrain opposite K5CHI SURU To hold back,keep in reserve K6 CHI-IKI Area A,occupied areas outside of China,Thai and Frehch Indo-China KaCHIKA Land Cultivation Section K6 CHIKU Area A,occupied areas outside of China,Thai and French Indo-China K6CHIKU SURU To construct KOCHIN Wages,salary KGCHI SEIRI Readjustment of rice fields KSCHISHI Air-sector command K6CHI SHINA Cochin China KSCH6 Construction chief,navy K6CH6 Enlargement, expansion,development KoCHo Government office K6CH6JI High tide K6CH6 JIMU TORIATSUKAI Acting principal K6CH6RYOKU Tensile strength KOCHU Commentaries of ancient auth6rs KOCHUGEN Halter K6DAI Canton Diplomatic Office KoDAI High pedestal K5DAI NA Fair,just,open KODAIKO Snare drum KODAISHI Ancient history KODAKA DANSHI Thick crinkled paper KODAKARA Small fortune,tidy sum K6DAKU Approval,endorsement KSDAKU Turbidity,muddiness KODAMA Small pearl KODAN Legend,old tale KoDAN G6T5 Storytelling burglar KoDIAN 0 AGERU To drop star shells,shoot off star shells,in aviation KoDAN SHAKAI-SHUGI Cathedral socialism KoDANSHI Storyteller KODARU Cask,keg K6DASEN Pile driver ship KMDATSU Confiscation KoDATSU Laying waste,devastation KDATSU Official notification K5DATSU SURU To seize,take by storm Ko6DEN Cultivated rice field K6DEN Government riceland K6DEN Later telegram KoDEN Rich rice fields K6DEN Untilled rice field KoDE2 SURU To wire later KoDENGAESHI Acknowledgement of present in kind KODO Native country KOD5 Old copper,old copper money KOD5 Reel drum K6D6 Coarse copper KGD5 Large mansion KSD5 Your family,honorific K5DS BUTAI Operations force KoD5 GAITEI General schedule of movements KoD6 HAMKEI Operational radius KODcKI Articles made of old copper K6DOKI Altimeter K6D5 KICHINICHI Lucky day KODOKU 137 Aftx *~AL ~"iiM P r tx),J ~T 4 B$i5g. gy 1 #Ag *4L Jfig )~J t.,c 51) AfZ. l LI1Tf z mkL $9k 9 t2i~1I* ~it1 RF gt 9 1[ L4$ rk i AF3 At iczr 90# - t f7 4 t tkrf e 4i08r &#P16J F io As-~ ft,tAt XdDOKU Reading K6DOKU, Study,practice K6DOKUBY- Mercurialism,mercurial poisoning K6DO KYOKUSEN Height curve KBD6 NO KAMgEIJ5 From standpoint of action or movement K6Db 0 TORU To make a move K6D6 0 YOTEI SURU To schedule a movement K6DO SAIFUN Strong bleaching powder KbD6SEI Made of steel and copper K6DB6SHA Agent K1DO TAKAKI USUGUMO High altitude clouds K6D6Y6 For operations KOD6Y6 SH6MdHIN Supplies used on operations K3D6 YOTEI Ship's schedule K6DBZU Operations map KOEBI Shrimp,prawn KOEFUTORU To fatten K&EI Field headquarters,provisional headquarters K6EI Renown,fame KbEIKA Engineering and Maintenance Section K6EIKY6 Good effect K6EI NAGAYA Block of houses erected by the authorities K6EKI Fatigue duty K6EKI BUSSHI Trading goods K6EKI EIDAIN Trade Board Ko6EI HbJIN Juridical person for the public good K6EKI JIGY6 Public utility K6EKIJO Trading post K6EKI KIKAN Organ of exchange K6EKISEN Trading ship K:E'I SHADAN Public utility association KOEN Lake salt KE-EN Ardor,great zeal K6EN Garden behind a house K6EN Gorgeous brilliance KUEN Suddenly,all at once KEEN Yellow smoke K6EN NA Distant,remote,far and wide K6EN SURU To blaze up K6EN SURT To sob convulsively K6EN SURU To support K6ENSHA Supporter,backer,sponsor KOERU To be fertile,be fat KOESUGIRU To surpass,excel KOETA TOCHI Fertile soil KOETORI Night-soil collector KOFU Coolie,workman KOFU Old capital KOFU SURU To betrayact contrary to K6FU Farmer,ploughman K6FU Fear,alarm,apprehension K6-FU Second husband K6FU Submission,surrender K6FU Fragrant breeze,pleasant breeze K&FO Prevailing winds Ko-FU River breeze K6FO Wind which brings clearing weather K6FUCHI Hilly ground K6FUJO Distributing point K6FU KIN Grantbounty,subsidy,payment KOFUKU Ampullain anatomy KdFUKU Recovery,return to prosperity, restoration K6FUKU School uniform KF1uJKU GUNM Kwang Pok A'rmy,Korean Volunteer Army KPFuEHIIK White flag,flag of truce KOFUN Stock, shares KOFUN YUGEN KONSU Limited joint-stock co K6FIJNZAI Stimulant KOGA Dried-up stream GMA Yellow River KOGAI Radical 154 KOGAI Small shellfish KOGAI Silkworm raising KIGAI Future difficulties KG~iAI Street KWGAI KAISS6 Gliding outside the premises K6GAI NI AHABKU Temporarily at anchor outside port KOGAKI Small hedge KZOGAK Small oyster KOGAKU Pedantry KOGAKU Study of antiquityolassics KaGAKU Study,lessons,exercises KOGUSHI * KOGAKUREREU To be hidden by trees IK6GAN Rear bank r K6GAN Riverbank SK6GAN Scirrhus,in medicine * F KOGANE Gold Ai K6GAN-EN Orchitis,inflammation of the testicles S K6GANRYD Inshore current A'.X KOGARASU Small crow S KOGAREJINU To pine to death KOGASHI. Roasted grains reduced to powder 'M KOGATA Small type KOGATA BdK6 Small-sized bar steel S KOGATAKI Light bomber Kr OGE Singe,a burn T K6GE High and low,superior and inferior,price fluctuation L04 KBGEKI Fissure,crevice,crack K6GEKI BUSH5 Attack stations AVIV 6GEKICXO Now attacking.x o; K6GEKI GEKIMETSU Attack and destroy;ýq#SS K6GEKI JIMP6 Offensive disposition of troops K6GEKI JINKEI Offensive disposition of troops K6GEKI JUMBI SAGEKRI Gun fire preparatory to attabk K GEKIKI Attack plane I4 K6GEl'KITAI Attack squadron,attack plane unit K6GEKI NO JOTEN Main point of attack K6G0EKI NO SAI Time of an attack SiAZ 0 Ki I GEKI 0 SAIKo SURU To resume offensive 'k YY K6GEKISEN Aggressive way aE (t KBGEKI SENT6 Offensive operations *t r K6GEKI SEYO You will attack,in aviation At4 g K6GEKI TANSHU Assault boat 9t$ K6GEN Slanddr,calumny,backbiting i. K6GEN Suburban field B)kj K6GEN Wildernessdesert,Ats KGEN SURU To reduce,lessen,diminish 4 fft KbGERY5 Condolatory present,money offering KOGETSUKI Frozen loan b1 KOGI Ancient ceremony,old rites KOGI Oar stroke M1 K&GI Artful lie,clever subterfuge rT A1i K6GI Close friendship,cordial relations, kindness S 4.t K6GI Glib tongue -L Ii K6GI Handicraft AAL lk K6GI Art of navigation pi(t K6GI- Air technician K GIKEI Ground technician,Army Air Force 03 * t KOGIRE Fragment,small piece,patch,rag J 'l KOGIRI NO, Cut up small P I 9 s K KOGIRI NAKABAININ Piece broker KOGITORU To uproot ', 1A KOGITSUNE Fox cub.1 A L KOGIWATASHI Rowing across jk KOG6 Dried-up ditch K6GO Ranks S K6GO SURU To overlap,be interwoven alternately o K6G6 Slogan, password K 6G6 SURU To temporize,follow another blindlyUgo with the' stream l OGO1ATSUERU To suffer from cold and hunger S KOGEOERU To freeze &L 1AGV O KEISANfSHO Statement of current account KOGOMIENU To bend KjZ OGORU To freeze,congeal r 1 ' ~K6Gi HII Venerable,august,sacred 'L: KO0GOTO NIQ From door to door ss~~rK GiU Rope, cordage, rigging s-~, gKWU Tools K6G1J Weapons of offense KOGUCHI Small lots or purchases '1& KOGUCHI BHORBI Accommodation insurance, petty insurance.j.'$ij~ KOGtUCHI KINJGIN Petty cashbook X CI- SUIT~BO j\ a1 KOGUCHI T6ZA YOKIN Petty current deposit L~Z KG ZUJ6d Tool house " " K GN SIRU To mobilize troops 5 I4i& K6GUn SOKUDO Rate of march Sg KOlGURAKARI Confu s i on, entanglement S ' KOGURAKASU To confuse,entangle,mix up 1\~t d4 IKOGURERU To darkenbecome gloomy I~JS 9 GU3HI 3 kewer small, spit KoGUSHo 138 K66USH6 Perfumer -L KAGS U 56KO -Engineer equipment warehouse 411 KOGYO Dried fish lot K6GYQ Agriculture,farming ( K8GY6 Gigantic undertaking I K6GY6BA Circus,show place ItjGt K6GYBBUTSU Show,exhibition L Jt K6GYbCHI Manufacturing district it t! K6GY6CHI Mining area 3L - K6GYbCH6 Construction and repair officer, navy OU,ý Igt K6GY6DAN Theatrical company,circus M, K6GY6 DUIN Industrial mobilization 4Ai K6GY6 HIK6 Exhibition flight J ' K GY5HIN Manufactured goods s- to K6GY6HINKA Manufactured Goods Section Ml ký K6GY6 HOKEN Sport insurance Ii K5GYIN Industrial worker /F ( 3 K6GYCKA SURU To industrialize X Kf(GY.KAL Industrial circles SK-GY~ KANTOKUKYOKU Mining Bureau IG KCtDKEN Stage rights K6GY6KOKU Industrial nation S KGYi6-K6SOTSU Industrial college graduate 2lftxth KbGY6 KY6GIKAI Industrial conference KOGYO NO GOTOKU Like a fish out of water K5GY6 NUSHI Promoter of a show 4UP 0 K6GY6SHI.Showman & K6GYd SHOENHIKA Manufactured Foods Section KBGYoYY For industrial purposes K6GYU Plough ox K6HA Great waves KoHA High waves AXU KHRA STRU To defeat 4 KOHAI SURU To mortify,become useless S K HAI Attitude K - K HAI Halo K&HAI Negligence,carelessness t KdHAICHI Wasteland 2 K6HAIEN Salt for public distribution h*4ft E K6HAI KEISAIYT Huangp'ai light wood oil OV:A K6HAI KIHATSUYU Huangp'ai gasoline KRAKEUJ Navigation and anchoring 4o KHAEIU Vast expanse,vast stretch L K6HAEKU KINSHI Navigation and anchoring prohibited 6 f 13 K5HAKU'NISSHI Ship's log book klf KORAN Lone sailboat ia KORAN Premeditated crime K6 HAN Armor plate 9/fkK6HAN Deck of a ship S K6HAN Steel plate S K6HAN NO Effective K6HAN SURU To stir,agitate KIHANA Incense and flowers,offerings 'j Ko-HAN CH5SHO Minutes of public trial KOHANGIN Quarter of*a kin A "IC K HAN-I Broad scope K6HANKI Second half year K6HAINSEI Erythematous /1I KoHANTEI Court of justice K HANYA After midnight K5HATSU Red hair S K6 HATSU SURU To leave later <kAIi9 q K6HATSU SIJURU To publicize 4d r K6HATSU BUTAI Force setting out later KOKEI Mercenary soldier K6iEI Assailant 4- A, K6HEI Soldiers who have surrendered, surrendered army I K&KEIH6 SHISAN Equitable assets i KIBEIKI Air ordnance /k~~4A K6KEI 'IJUSHI Fair and disinterested, impartiality k C KgfEI SHISH6 Branch Engineer Depot dOg goK&EKI Biting habit,of a horse - & -l10 KOKEN Radical 039 tt 9) K&iEN SURU To change,alter ~fP 4BOENTAI Small flight formation KOHI Old monument or tombstone K6HI Canal lock gates K HI Official expenses KiHI Rear door {4Mig K6HI-HIKI Coffee mill AV F 4 ' KdHI 0 IRERTU To make coffee 4 1. K6HI-TSUGI. Coffeepot KOH5 Old law,ancient statute K&HO SURU To walk KoH6 Allowance for living e"penses AAl K5H5 Navigation law,navigat on method -tI*t K&LOCHI Proposed site AA iH6CH6 Navigating officer KiJi SURU f;s KiHiKA SURU To publicize qC y gK HIKAI Asia Development Patriotic Society L -ti-'if K6H7KEI SAMBAN Navigational computator j K6HOKU North of the Yangtze i i-?4 KdHO MEIBO. Roster of candidates 4ý j (A& K6H6 SAMB6CHB Rear echelon chief of staff AJA KoHOSEI Candidates, applicants i 44 K6H65 SHASHU Rear gunner 4A'JJ4- K6H5 SHUNINKAN Officer in charge of rear installations J_+144-.X K6H5b SHUNIN SAMB6 Staff officer in charge of rear installations *$21 KbHoYAKU Yellow-packaged medicine KOHYb NO Courageous,brave,fierce A KoHY6 Buoy at harbor entrance A IS KBHY DAN Aerial target bomb +1113 K6HY6TEKI Class A midget submarine 0kAj 9 KOI SURU To love,be infatuated with 44i KdI Enclosed area f+4f: KbI First-class,first-rate UiA1t 6 KMI SURU To strangle i4B# 9 KMI SURU To transfer,move A KO-IE Cottage,hut S KOIFUSU To let oneself fall on the ground Ko -IJo Ex gratia,as a favor KO-IN Warehouse laborer 4CA K61N Descendant,offspring,posterity KOIN Engineer personnel,particularly civilian S KBIN SURUT To abduct,seduce S KOINAYAMU To be lovesick 04 INq K5IND6 Solid drawn copper 0tl KOINKOYU Personnel salaries IVp# KO-INSHI Used stamps 0,Z t KdIN Y6SEISHO Artificers Training Section -0, * KEIN YoSEISHO Miners Training' Section 44L K6ITEKI Good will 4j4 7Z K6ITEKI CHURITSU Benevolent neutrality 50 KBITSU SURU To overflow 'it J9 KOTUKERU To ask for and receive,obtain 4Af V, K6I ZET Transaction tax 6 T KOJI Ancient Chinese character 64 KOJI Old Buddhist temple {i 9 1 KOJIAGERU To pry up,raise forcibly KOJIE Craft,cunning IkPt KOJIHANASU To detach forcibly,tear off ri# K6JIHI Cost of construction A XI6 -t K6JIKA SURU To intensify,step up '], ý t -f KOJIKARKE Modest beginning,small scale L KbJIN Artisan,workman,mechanic C~i3KbJIN Descent of a god from heaven ia K5JIN Dust raised by man or horse. t*J~ 9f K6JIN SURU To exhaust,consume,6quander 49AA&4i KOJIN GINK6 Merchant bank 4g AN KOJING6 Fox hole ýi (4Ik K6JIN MANJ6 Cloud of dust 40AI A KOJIN SHIKIBETSUH6 Method of identification KOJINTEKI SESSHOKU Personal contact 3YP` K6JIREI. Euphemism S KOJIRO Small castle 1 KOJITA Tumor on the tongue L*I K6JITAI Construction crew K6JITSU Long time KOJ6 Old castle,castle in ruins S KOJ6 Surface of a lake,on a lake Q K6JO Girls' high school 4ii KJO Order of march 440 K6&JO Tillage,agriculture,husbandry K6J On the river K6J6 Ruined castle K6J6 NO Colloidal K6J6 NO Primary,as in primary glandular insufficiency KiJ6BCH Factory town ~zi K6J6 HEISA Lockout of employees l K6JO J5Kg Dimin'.shing clause K&J KA Shops Section 1i BJ CKA SURU To industrialize Fs'-;e&; K6JigI Elevating mechanism K6JOKU Shame,disgrace,opprobrium gb K SEN Siege warfare K6J6SEIISHU Goiter,bronchocele KdJbSHO Verbal statement K6J6 TEISHUTSU Lockout in industry K6J6 WATASHI F.O.B. factory K6JU Advanced age KWJU Fragrant tree C KbJU Oral teaching S& M6JU SURU To buy,purchase K6JU Penetration,diffusion "KbJU SURU To follow B$11 z4- t T 41 A T it tlk War( E~fi-t 2 7;71 r - WI I 9FA Ull &I-A iA 4ýPOy ý 5 Atý It 94A@ 0 OL 4 a jm.)tK-jr.,-z '4t it 9 ia ý K RIL~ iAf +itl-t rt, B* & iRSB L Rf 91t;4St &r#E~ R 7S~AC\G 9-}\# a $(3004 0 ~ 900t$r x-i ri 0 11"At 3 X KXJiJI 139 KOJUJI Swastika KbJUKI Crane,derrick K6JUN Attack preparation K6JUN Aviation lubricating oil KbJUN Class A cruiser,heavy cruiser KbJU1 Filial piety,obedience K6BJUN-I Site of preparations to attack KJtWUNSL, Gunfire preparatory to attack K6 JUTfEfAIN Class A cruiser,heavy cruiser K6JUTSU Great kindnessliberal' favors K6JUTSU Speech,lecture K6JUTSU NO Mentioned below K6JUTSU OBOE Instructions to be memorized KOKA SURU To archaicize,superannuate K6KA Gallows K6KA High price KdKA Imperial dynasty KiKA Imperial influence K KA Service record K6KA Splendor,brilliancy KdKA JSURU To cruise past,cruise through KiKA SURU To gelatinize,become colloidal K&KA SURU To pass through,traverse KOKABU New shares K&A DENSHA Elevated interurban,elevated rapid transit KXKA GAKKI Artifioers school KoHKAKY6 Confidential personnel report K KAI Cunning,craftiness KQiAI Forthcoming session,future meeting KoKAI Mass of ore XKKAI, Red Sea KoKAI Rivers and seas KdKAI Steel ingot KiKAICH6 Navigating officer KiKAICHU En route KXKAI GAIKX Open diplomacy KoKAI HOSH65KEN Voyage policy K KAIHY6 Nautical tables KaKAI JIKgEMBU Navigation Experimental Department KoKAIJ6 Open letter,letters patent KEKAIJUTSU Art of navigation KdKAIKA Navigation Section KiKAIMEN Navigation rights KXKAI K6DEI Cement mortar KiKAI NENDO Bole,a clay K6KAI NISSHI Journal of a voyage,ship's logbook KKAIREEKI Nautical almanac K6KAI SAMB6 Staff navigator KoKAISEKI Cement stone KOKAISHA Subsidiary company XCKAISHI Assistant navigator KdKAI SHIKIKAN Navigating officer K6KAI SH6REI KIN Navigation subsidy KoKAIT6 Navigation lights,running lights KdKAIY6 Cement kiln KdKAIZU Navigation chart KoKAJITSU Public holiday,day of leave KIKAKU Comparison KiKAKU Industrial leather KXKAKU Pleasant visitor,good customer KdKAKU BUTAI Antiaircraft force,navy Ki6KAKUMb Antiaircraft gun,navy KOKAKUKA Small-stone fruit K KAMUTAI Antiaircraft unit,navy KUKAKY5 Viaduct,elevated bridge,overpass KXoAIMBOKU Invisible ink,sympathetic icik KOKAN L"onely feeling KJKAN Air fleet KiKA.N Diplomatic establishment KPKAN Lever KUKAN Sympathy KTKAINCHI Head of a diplomatic establishment K6KAN CHOGAKKg Hankow Middle School KKA.N-IN Diplomatic personnel KE6ANJIRI Exchange balance K6KANJ6 Good will,good feeling K6KAN J6EtN Bargaining point KPKAN KACHI Exchange value KIKAN KANJ6 Clearing account KdKAN KATA Interchange,method of exchange KCKAN KITTE Bill of exchange K6KAE SAYb Interchangeability K LANSEN Exchange ship KiKANSHA Exchangee KKiANZAI Exchange goods KiKATEKI Effective KiKAYAKU BAKUDAN Gelatine bomb KOKAZE Light wind,breeze KOKEI Arc-shaped $t; 4(A '4 ~ ~'it ~i 7fig UKF) - i 9% 1 Mrt i #@x RER 41036e $t3l ~ tigtf UL "jr;s RfT 4 E2E~c4 SiRK Gan ~$-0P iaRT l tQ(~#$ a $ 2JiJt ##f ~ MR hif $4EB ~X farfte) #3O-I$;&R f3 ib$L i@5A ~~i MqBR=s ~f ~ i SE 6a %k: E;LX fta A;f ;SSiL KOWNI Drum-shaped KOKE3 Solitudeisolation,loneliness KKEI Caliber bore,aperture KIEI Emperor's successor,heir apparent MKEZI Filial piety,deep respect KMEEI Fine view KMEI Path,lane KMEI Red salmon KidEI Warm benevolence,generosity MKEMI NAIKAKU Incoming cabinet KOKEI PARAFIN Paraffin KoKEIRI Hangman KIKEIZAI Public finance KEN BAKIUDATSU Disfranchisement, deprivation of civil rights KdKXN S6SHITSU Attainder KOKERA Scales of a fish KOKERU To fall,topple over KOKETSU Pox den,lair K6iKTSU Fruit of hard labor K KETSU Vacancy, absence KdMETSU NA Spotless,pure K0ETSUATSU High blood pressure KIKETSUATSUSH6 High blood pressure KOKI Old chronicles K6KI Aviation gas KKI Favorable time 1MI Following plane KKI Second term,last period KiKI Upheaval K6KI GAKK5 Machinist school KOIIMVKU To peelremove the surface KOKIN Old gold,obsolete coins,old coin KMigN HISH6 Misappropriation of public funds KOKKA SURU To blacken KOKKA SURU To ossify KOKKA BANN6 SHUGI Ultranationalism KOKKA DAIHY6 Chief of State KOKIA FUIKYS6AKU Plan to strengthen the country KOKKAGAKU Political science KOKKA HOAMBU Russian Secret Police,OGPU KOKKA HOKEN State insurance KOKKAI Darkness KOKKIAI National boundary KOKKAI SURU To censure,reprove,advise, warn KOKIA KEIRIN SAKU Statecraft KOKKA KIMITSU State secret KOKIAN Diaphysis,in anatomy KOKIA NO KYUMU Pressing need of the moment KOKEARON Theory of the state KOKKA SEIJI HOANiBU Russian Secret Police, OGPU KOKKA SHIKEN State examination KOKKA S3DoIN National mobilization KOKKATEKI National,atate OKOKEI Cruel punishment KOKEIGA ' Cartoon,caricature KOKEIGEKI Comedy KO MEIJITSU National holiday KOKKI BENREI Self-restraint and industry KOKKIN Bones and sinews,physique KOKKIN Oppressive laws KOKKIN Public service,official work KOKKO Granary KOKK6 DANZETSU Severance of diplomatic relations KOKKO FUSAI National debt KOKKOKA National Treasury Section KOEKO KIN National funds,public funds KO11O SAIKEN Treasury bonds KOKKO_YOKIN Treasury deposits KOKKYo Kuomintang-Communist KOKIY6 SEN Border patrol line KOKKYIj Blackball KgKO Incense pot K6K6 Anxiously K6K6 Industrial skill Kg61 Opening,mouth,orifice K6K6 Opening,stoma,pore of skin K6K6 Plaster 11a6 Red light K6iK Technological college KOKO BUTSUBUTSU Everything KiK6CHU During the cruise Kg6KDO High altitude K6K6GAI Hard palate 1K6K6GY6 Mining industry KdKBAN Armor aft Kd61J6 Air pills KOKO KINSHI 140 A40 A4 b 75; r tA AL 4L b! # 4Lf ".Lx: oi4l'l KdK6 KINSHI Navigation prohibited XKOK0KU Country which has risen~powerful country K67KOKU Patriotic service Kc-OKU Deep narrow valley Kd7KOKU Japanese Empire KdKOKU Phoenixes and pheasants Kd-K0KU Tributary state Kc-KOKU BANG6 Notification number Ko-KOKU?4IN Imperial Japanese People KdKOKU NO KOKOROZASHI Great ambition KOKONO Nine KOKONOKA Ninth day of month,nine days KOKORA. Here~around here KOKORO Radical 061 KOK61RO Arc furnace KOKOROBAB Actuating motive KOKOROBAE Arrangement, layout KOKOROBARASHI Diversion, relaxation KOKOROBA3HIRI Anxiety, excitement KOKORODAKUMI Plan, intention KOKORODAMASHII Spirit,soul KOKOROEOKU To have In mind KOKORO GA ENKETSU StLRU To be depressed KOKOROGARA Heart, temperament,disposition KOKOROGARA Results of one's acts KOKOROGIKI Wariness,prudence KOKOROGOKORO Diverse opinions~as each one pleases KOKOROICOARI Watchfulness, attention KOKOROMADOI Doubt, irresolution KOKOROMAYQI Error,hesitation KOKOROKIJIKAI Impatient,irascible KOKOROMUKE Bent,propensi ty KOKORONASHI Fancy, idea KOKORO-OCHI Mistake.,blunder KOKORO-OKASHII Ridiculous.,laughable KOKORO-OKI Anxiety,,conern.,reserve KOKOROSABISHII Lonely,melancholy KOKOROSAMUSHII Pitiable,,woeful KOKOROSAWAGI Anxiety',worry KOKOROSEKUt To be excited.,flurried KOKOROSEMAI Narrow-minded,mean,ungenerous KOKOROSHIRI Close mutual acquaintance,, intimate friend KOKOROSHIRI Knowledge of the heart K0XOR0TAGA.E Deranged mental state KOKOROTAGAE Misconoepti on, false notion KOKOROTORI Kindnesses,favors KOKORO-UI Sad~melancholy KOKORO-URESHII Delightfuil, charming KOKOROWARUI Badvwicked.,dis~greeable., detestable KOKOROYOSE Partiality,bias, tendency KOKOR0Y0WAI Timid,fainthearted KOKOROYURUMI Tendency to relax KOKOROYURUSU To trust,,confide in KOKOROZAMA Disposition,state of mind KOKOROZUKI Attractiveness, charm KOKOROZUJKI NO TEN Any points you think of KOKOROZUMORI Intention~design,idea KOKOROZUMORI Mental arithmetic.,estimate KOKOROZUYOI Strong of heart KOW56 Arc light KK6 TO SHITA Dazzling.,resplendent KaKa TO SHITA Frightened.,afraid KOKOTSU Skeleton, dried -up bones Ka~a YOKUSHI Jo7K6 Frustration clause K69 YOTEI Scheduled to saiLl K6CK ZAI Plaster KOU Amur River~the Hei-lung chiang KOKE? One hundred twenty board feet KOKUNIGovernment -operated KOKUH State management KOKUIKA Conversioni to state maonageiment IOKURI SHMM~ Governmen.t -operated. store. KOKUKENT15 SEIFU iKOKUEK Public servi4te ~ KOKUFU Chinese Nationalist Government KOKJUn official proclamation KOKUYU Paternalism * KOKUFtJN Flourlmeal ~4 ~ KOKUGAIHAN Crimes committed outside the country KOKUGAN ýBlack cancer KOKUGAN Pupil of the eye 0 R, EKOKUGEKI SURUJ To jostle Ov_ ý KOKuGOKA Japanese Language Section K PuGIn National Army KOKUGYAKU Brutality, inhuman treatment ~t~g. KOKUHAN Wooden printing blocks TI KOKMUHTSU Black hair KOKUHEI National currency.,Nankcing -a ~KMKU HEMKISd-KYOKU Aircraft Ordnance.]Bureau AI.3 KQ-KUHEIKYOKUCHd Chief of.Air Service 4>i KQ-KUHEI SH6SA Squadron leader,flight commander Ai-'_& 4k KMOHEI TAISA Flight colonel,group captain KOKUHEMBY6 Melanosis,melanism rZ91 Yl KdKU HIK6 High-altitude flight KOKUH6 Announcement~notice,report KOKUH6 Oppressive laws ~ KdKU HOKEN Aviation insurance Ai! 4P ko-Kii HOMBU Bureau of Aeronautics IN I~I KOKUHONSHA National Foundation Society I It KOKUI1Y6 Blackball S Kd-KfiHY6SHIKI Air beacon KOKU-I Mastery of one's feeling 4~~S K6-KU IGAKtJBU Flight Surgery Department,.Air Technical Depot KOKtJ-IN Seal impression in black ink S KOKUJI SURU To engrave characters SVC KOKUJIHAN High treason iit'&p f kuKi JIKKEMBU Aeronautical Testing Department KOKUJIKU Valley line,stream line "t ~KOKUJIN Excess.,overdoing A KOKUJIN HIIKI Negrophilism S KOKUJINSHU Black race RN- -,' 0 KOKUJI TAI'TEI Emissary,,political spy KOKUJ5 Abnegation S KdKU JUNKATSUYU Aviation lubrication oil A &- i91~Ko-KUKAI Aviation circles 4,w 4- 1~KdKOKAIGUN Air armada Mý11tfTrýPKa-U KA.NSHI RENTAI Air observation regiment *L':Zf*9 KdKU KANTAI Air fledt JWiýAR#ýMILK KUKI YUS 6SEN Aircraf t transport *U' 4$IP& 4,KcU KICHITAI Air base unit.,navy tff td h K6KU KIHATSTJY Aviation gasoline I A K6KU K6BEI Aviation mechanic.,navy A/';TZUtPt.KffU KUSHO BtITAI Air attack unit KdKUKYOKU Aviation Bureau KOKUMAKU. Dark curtain,,secret support KOKUMEI Country's fame KOKUMBI Country's name KOKUMEN Dark complexion,tanned face pr gMtIi& KOKUMIN B6GYO To6ROKU Civilian def ense registration ~M'~ KOKUMIN CHOCHIKUKYOKU National Savings Bureau ~ OKUMIN CHdY&URE Decree for conscription of civilian technicians t&- KOKMIN GIKAI National Assembly 0,AAP KOKUMIN GYIYOTAI Peoplea's Voluinteer Unitsq *~~* KOUMWIN TdROKU Civilian defence registration S KOKUNINTh 5EIFU Kuomintang Government In Chungking KOKUMIN UNDO 141 KoKYU SAMBO e S$ KOKUMIN UND6 National People's Movement <5^ KOKUMOTSUGURA Grain elevator, granary W KOKUMOTSU TONYA Grain wholesaler dl KOKUMU CH6KAN Secretary of State g [6 KOKUNM DAIJIN Minister of State,Secretary of State, minister without portfolio %& KOKUMU-IN Cabinet, in China ' KOKUMU JIKAN Undersecretary of State g W KOKUMUKY6HO Assistant to Secretary of State,in the Vatican B^ KOKUMUSH6 Department of State W. KOKUMU SoRI Prime Minister,China 29'l KOKUN Ancient maxim j^b KK&UN Merit,outstanding services 3Al KOKUNAIH6 Internal law 0 '9;4 KOKUNAI SH5HI Home. consumption 1 09AI0! KOKUNAI SHoHI ZEI Excise tax KOKUON Accent,brogue SSF KOKUON Japanese pronunciation of characters -- - KOKURAGARI Twilight S,'t KOKUREI National rite Bif KOKURITSU National laws IN 1 KOKURITSU GINK5 National bank -I KOKURITSU K6EN National park KOKUR5 Eminent statesman S- % K5KURO Air route 4tL5JWi KMKURO BUCH6 Air commander S~ KOKURYO Black Dragon signal i KOKURYU Grain KOKUSAGUII Kok-saghyz,small rubber plant KOKUSAIAN International security I ^ KOKUSAIBI National holiday i'XT KOKUSAI BUNKA SHINKcKAI Society for International Cultural Relations t fA ^ KOKUSAI CHUSAI SAIBANSHO International itT1 Court of Arbitration a fT&f 9 KOKUSAI DENSHIN JoYAKU International telegraphic convention. FAI KOKUSAI GAKUYOKAI International Students Association iSy KOKUSAI GUN Foreign Legion (NM*c4u0 KOKUSAI HEIWA ZAIDAN Endowment for International Peace 0T KOKUSAIKA International Section PF1e. f KOKUSAIKA SURU To internationalize @fiP KOKUSAI KAHEI KINYD KAIGI International 1-s9I Monetary Conference iapit KOKUSAI KAIGI International convention 0,.F'. KOKUSAIKAN NO International i^F4 KOKUSAI KESSAI GINK6 Bank for International Settlement S.l]j KOKUSAI KIGY5 REMMEI International cartel 1-^ KOKUSAIKYOKU National Debt Bureau (. KOKUSAI MANSAI KISSUISEN International load -# 10j SHoMEI line or freeboard certificate F- F14_t1 KOKUSAI REIJo Comity of nations I_!'4J*' KOKUSAI RESSHA International train, China-Manchukuo-Korea Fl KOKUSAI R6D5 JIMUKYOKU International f$ f Labor Office I-yTI KOKUSAI RoD6SHA D5MEI International 1.219 Workingmen's Association Sri4.. KOKUSAI SHIH6 Private international law I I S S KOKUSAI SHIH6 I-IN International Jurists Committee 1 M 7 OKUSAI SHIHo SAIBANSHO Permanent Court &TA of International Justice 0-3 R. KOKUSAI SHING6 International signal flags P.S. KOKUSAI SH&KEN International securities *i t' KOKUSAI SHAKEN National loan bond '-.Jt KOKUSAI TAIKAI World conference Ig - KOKUSAITEKI BUNGYS International division of labor 2 * KOKUSAITEKI FUNJ6 International complications -R.0 KOKUSAITEKI KSKEN International trusteeship W.-9 KOKUSAITEKI SHINZEN International comity iiftl KOKUSAl TSOSHISHa Rules and regulations for international radio communication t.i.d"1l KOKUSAI TSQSHINSHO International call book BlXi, KOKUSAI YOGI Comity of nations g..li KOKUSAI ZAIDAN International syndicate aXt~ KOKUSAKU KAISHA National Policy Company 4'it KSKO SAMBo Staff air officer * fS 5/"t" tOKUSAN SH6REIKAI Home industry encouragement association KOKUSEI Moaning,wailing SKOKUSBI Tyrannical government it$ t1 KOKUSEI SURU To subdue "65692 0.-45 -.10 I 1A4Y.* KdKU SEIBI GAKK6 Aviation Maintenance School UT E-a KOKUSEKI FUMEI Nationality unknown KOKUSEKI SoSHITSU Expatriation,loss of cetizenship S -Mt"14 KOKUSENKI HY&SHIKI National emblem A -ýt1 KdKU SENTAI Air flotilla, if numbered 21-28 3_t KMKO SENTAI Carrier division,if numbered 1-7 Th1iP KdKU SENTAI Seaplane tender division if numbered 11,12 S1-2 lyM K6KU SETSUEITAI Air construction unit, navy re--,^ KoKU SHAGEKIH6 Antiaircraft gun KOKUSHI Envoy df KOKUSHI Government funds WA l KOKUSHI HENSAN I-IN National History Compilation Committee S-9WA KoKU SHIKENJ6 Aviation Research Institute rA o K6KU SHINKEIBY5 Air neurosis + E4'. U K6Ku SHINKEISH6 Air neurosis.. KKKU SHIS Air-mindedness S1AT)1 K6KU SHIYoRY6 Mine lot lease charge lI-d KOKUSHO Beginnings of a country - ix KdKUSH6 Air depot Xf d. KOKUSHoGAN Amaurosis ' KKOU SHOKU-INKA Aviation Personnel Section JA Xf KOKUSHOKU JINSHU Black race S** " KOKUSHOKU KAYAKU Black gun -powder:.2,MT' KKO JSH6MEIT6 Aerial navigation flare Ik' 4 a KoKU SHUMU SAMB5 Staff officer for air KOKUSO Foundations of a country dM KOKUSO National tax 62 KOKUS6 National mourning 4'?.9 KoKu SoKAN Inspector General of Air K KOKUGUIBY6 Blackwater fever.71. KOKUSUI NETSU Blackwater fever - L K6KUSU-KA Coking I- K6KUSU-TEN Coking point.' KoKOTAI Air group 1J^f KKUTAI ZANRYUTAI Air group rear echelon @11t-I KOKUTEI ZEIRITSU General tariff,statutory tariff Ait KOKUTETSU National railways X-* KOKUT6 Black sugar - 1f Ko-KUT5 Aviation lights 8 KOKUTSU Extreme suffering ' KOKU-U Harvest rain ^t. KOKUYA Grain merchant ^^ KOKUYo Black poplar big KOKUYo Scorching heat of sun 1- KOKUYu State ownership A" KoKuYUBU Air Transport Department KOKUZEI Heavy taxes . KoKU ZEI Mining property tax W* --i KOKUZEI DAI IKKA National Tax Department Section One f; KOKUZo Weevil ^^ KOKUZOKU Nation, people KOKUZU Wood chips,shavings,stick,block rlpi KoKuZU Air navigation chart q*. KoKYAKU Good customer KoKYAKU Hind legs Ai 4 KoKYAKU TORITSUKE KANAGU Rear landing gear strut mount SKOK'Y6 Small supply 4 K6KYO Basis for judgment KoKYO Country residence A1 KiKY6 Mobile supporting units $ K6KY5 Pile bridge ~i^ KKYo Suspension bridge "I *1 K6KY5 Terror 1 ^(D, K6KY6DAN T6SHI Institutional investment I $. z 4 K 0KYO FUSENT6 Licensed lighterman L^ $ - i KoKY6 JIGY6 KAISHA Public corporation 2MtT^ K6KYO SHARIKI Licensed rickshaman *t T4 KOKYO SURU To decay,wither Jtt KoiKYu SURU To investigate W KKYD BAKUYAKUDAN High-explosive bomb.)'ir KoKYO FUKKAN Senior adjutant, P^ KoKYU HSIN China 's Supreme Court 1~ |' KSYO IKAN Senior medical officer MI KUKYOJITSU Legal holiday,6.~W&m4 KSKYO JOYAKU Senior deputy S~ KSKYO JUNyKAN Class A cruiser,heavy cruiser I. ) KSKYU KAI-IN Able-bodied seaman I4 KOKYOKI Pulmotor C4 It KOUORYOKU Inhaling capacity I A tff KMYU SAMBO Senior staff officer I flnwx-,-aw KOKYi SHUIJCHA NO SA 142 ofq5j K0KYU SEUKUCH6 NO SA Chest expansion o'ji gKOKYU SOKURAKU Gasping,short breath $44kk K MYU TAISH6 Colonel general *Pal KOMA Distance between trees I Ie ' PKOMA Small room,3 gKOMA- Smallthin ZK 6K14gA Jute s ~ KOMADO Pigeonhole,small window tt KOMAI Rice of the preceding year A*1 K5MAI Rice tribute,rice tax IfA ec KOOMA MUSUBI Square knot,reef knot A( KOMANUKU To fold one's arms,be idle S9 I l KOMARIHATERU To be greatly troubled A= KOMATA Name of element of certain characters $ ( 9 -KOMAZAKURI Print of horse's hoof KOMBAASHON RN ' Conversion loan Bi fKOMB6 Want, lack,poverty JEKOMBU Laminaria,an edible seaweed KKOME Radical 119 KOMIDAWARA Straw rice bag KOMEGURA Rice storehouse KOMEGURUMA Rice mill )ts KOMEHA American leaf tobacco I KOME HEN Radical 119 KOMEI Old name KbMET Further orders K -iMEI Love of glory,desire to gain fame ~ K6NEI Mutiny,insubordination S KOMEIDAN Star shell KOMEKO Rice flour K( OMEKU To behave like a child K6-MEI Mineral wool K6MHN Rear,back )ff1~ KOME NO HAN Boiled rice 1 SL KOMEOKU To enclose in,shut up in )Kd KOME SoBA Rice market )ýAft KOME S3D6 Rice riot KIMI Aroma,perfume K6MIN NO Civic KWMINGAKU Civics 4L684 K6MIN NIPP6 Newspaper in Kwangchow Bay KOMISHIO Rising tide S KOMI-URIHIN Lot goods KOMIYARU To defraud,deceive KOMIZO Draw valley,in topography,LAK4\ KOMIZU Small quantity of water ItA KOMMASHI Castor seeds `ý GA KOMMYNENi This year or next Ba EKOMMYoNICEI Today or tomorrow -Ae1 KOMMYNICHICHO In a day or two,within 48 hours KOMOJI Lower case or smaL1 letters KCMOKU Objective of attack KoMOKUHY6 Excellent target AAk 1 KoMOMM6 Net used to block passage KOMON Wicket,side door,garden gate op F K?4ON Detailed research or inquiry rkFK6MON Tunnel portal KOMONKAN Counselor KIMON NO BYZKI Rectal disease OKjMON ZAYAK Remorrhoidal medicine, suppositories KOMORI Grove,woods,thicoket KOMPAKU Distress KOMP6 Packaging,packing S KOMPONGI.-Fundamental matter KOMP6 ZAIRY6 Packing materials KMU Harbor affairs KWU Official duties KI6NIBU Harbor Affairs Section k KXMU BWUCHb Port master K&4UtCH6i 1ort authority KOMUGI DEMPUN Wheat starch KOMUGIXO Flour K6M U-IN Official,civil servant K&MtKAN Harbor master's craft Ka4MUXOKU Harbor Bureau ~Ij KhOMIJRA Small village KOMURA Thick woods KTINJRASAKI Deep purple KOMUSHI Small insect or worm KON Counter for bales etc. KON Kunming KON Radical 002 IONP Radical 138 T KON- This KONABE Small pot KONACHA. Tea powder KONAGARE Stream,brook KONAHIK Flour milling,flour mill KONAI Interior of the house aSNAI Compound RPI) SF1,ef-, \ Ak m ý v St 6., I N A C 7 -6 0 ItB A P~ilo" L14 ~Z iJ5A8i t:I 1~ APJ- #E 4'9 AjA8 j. IT l, ~3ts -1nA: c08f~# k - X/n;t:le ijf f '3 -fjt 4 gth -lt Z` h\;tti 3Uli 1S&B ia;at KONKI SHIGOTO K6NAI Inside the bore of a gun. KoNA3 In the mouth,inside of mouth K6NAI Within the harbor KONAIDA MADE Until recently K6NAI KElIAI BUTAI Harbor warning force KoNAI KEIKAITAI Harbor warning unit KoNAI SETSUBI Port facilities KONAMA-IKI Impudence KoNAN South of the Yangtze KONASU Small eggplant KONAYA Mill,miller KONA YUKI Powdery snow KONAZATb Powdered sugar KONAZUMI Charcoal powder or dust KONCHI Reclaimed land KONDAI Present world,present generation KONDANKAI Round-table conference KONDATEGAKI Menu KONDATEHY6 Menu KONDEN Congratulatory wire KONDO Hate KB6NE Day's high KONEKI Kneading machine KONEN Reflection,consideration,concern KON-EN Marriage KONENJIHEI Troops from a former draft class KoNETSU Red heat KONETSUCHI Currying of leather K6NET7SUSUIDoRY6 Light,heat, and water rates KONEZUTMI Mouse KoNEZUMI-IRO Dark grey KONFUAMIU KOU Please confirm KONGAMI Dark-blue paper KONGARAXASU 'To confuse KONGI Kindness KONG6 Diamond KONG6 Extreme hardness,very hard thing KONG6BUTSU Mixture,blend,ingredient KONG5BUTSUNAgKI Pure,unmixed KONG6GIR-I Diamond drill KONG6 HOKEN Joint retirement policy KONG6 I-INKAI Mixed committee KONG6 INRY6 Mixed drink,beverage KONG6KI Mixing machine ]ONG6 KINZOKU Metal alloys KONG6 EY6IKU Coeducation KONG6RIKI Herculean strength KONG6SHIN Unchangeable resolution KONGSHIU MJixed drinks,mixed spirits KONG6 TEIT5 Mixed collateral KONGY6DO Concrete KONHI Today K6NICHI Anti-Japanese K6NICHI Later K6 NICIHI BUNSHI Anti-Japanese elements KdNICHI UND6 Anti-Japanese movement K6NIN Replacement at a job,supersession KoNIN HATOBA Approved pier KgoNIN HOZEI 5KO Licensed warehouse, bonded warehouse K6NIN SHIHEI HAKK6DAKA Authorized note issue KONTINZU Small number of men 10 NI SURU To pulverize KON-ITSU Mixture into a whole KONIWA Small court,garden KONJI Dark-blue background on cloth KONJI Now,at present KONJIH6 Sure cure KONJIKID6 Golden Hall KONJIRU To mix,confuse KONJITSU Today KONJIYAKU Sure cure,eradicative KONJ6 Root-shaped KONJOIU Insult,mental suffering KONJ6WARU Wickedness,perverseness KONJO SURU To mix,blend,combine KONJURANGO-HI Condurango bark KONJURANGO RYIDb rPISU Condurango fluid extract KONKA Mixture,combination KONKA This summer KONEAI This meeting KONKAKI Dyer 1091AM Basic idea KONKAN Roots and trunk KO1MMTSUJIN Eurasians,half-castemestizo KONKI,Urgent request,entreaty KONKI GIKAI Present session of the Diet 101111 KURABE Endurance contest 10KMI SHIGOTO Drudgery,work of patience .KONKIZUYOI 143 Li.: 0 I-_ 9 T (7) L4 i1e AA 0 m 3* 4 f}-8ti T e 'Art aoft i rot ý 11s r~~ Q1~i$ kg i-q. -iil -1 (T) Jf 3t;?i ~ cft I ~s9 " 3-lE Jt ~ li t; 0;d B a KON'IZUtYOI Patient,perseverant, tenacious KON11 Past and present KONK6 This trip or voyage KONKi6BUTSU Mixture KONK10 66 Amalgamation process KONKON Sound of bell,objects struck, coughing,or yelping of fox KONKON TO Heartily,sincerely,seriously KONIORIITO SEIZi6KI Concrete mixer KONKYOCHI KITAI Base plane unit,navy KON1YOKU SURU To be reduced to extremities KONKYOYOKI SENDEN Well-grounded propaganda XONKY3J Urgent request KONKYUSHA Destitute people,the poor XONNANIKA SURU To become difficult KONNICHI NI ATARITE Nowadays K1N6 Agricultural college KoT6 Industry and agriculture K16N6 Tribute KONO DAN This matter,this affair KONOHA MUSHA Common run of soldiers KONO ISSEN This single battle K11N5 KIN Tribute money 0K NO KO Grandson K6NiKOKU Tributary nation KONO KERAI About this much KONO KURUSHIMI Hardships of life KONOMIGOKORO Fickle heart KONOMO KANOMO Here and there KONORI Sparrow hawk KONO SAKI Henceforth,in the future KONO SUNENRAI During the past few years KONO TSUGI Next time,another time KONRAI From now on KONRAKU Close touch KONRIN Forest of several kinds of trees KONRYU Crosscurrent KONSAI Now KONSAI Root vegetable KONSAI This year KONSAI Mixed cargo KONSAI SURU To load together KONSAKU Diversified agriculture KONSAN Mixed acid KONSEI Frankness,sincerity KONSEI Insistent request,supplication KONSEI Present time,this world KONSEI SHIDAN Mixed division KONSEKI Present and past KONSEKI Tonight KONSEN Telegraphic cross talk KONBETBU Kind treatment,civility K10NSHI Kindness,benevolence K0ONSHIN Friendship,intimacy KONSHIN Kindness,benevolence KONSHIN Radio interference KONSHIN Sincerity,earnestness KONSHOKU Mixed food,rice plus barley etc. KONSHOKUtYOKU Agricultural Development Bureau KONSHU Mixed breed KONSHUN This spring KONSORII Consolidated bombers,Liberators KONSU Company,firm,kung-ssu,Chinese KONSU Number of bales KONSUI J6TAI Coma KONSUI KABU 'Watered stock KONTAI Friendly welcome,kind treatment KONTAN Mixing of coal' KONT5 Confu sed conflict,free-for-all fight,di sorder KOIT6 Kindness, cordiality,gallantry KONT6 This winter IOKTOWAARU Warehousegodown, comptoir KONWA Telegraphic cross talk KCON-YA Black night ION-YA Reclaimed moorland KONQYAIUT Brandy,cognac 1ON -Y To use in combination with ION-YU Friendly adficefriendly warning IONQ-YU ~Intimlate friend KON-Y0 This evening K61YU Invasion,incursion KONZETSU Faint,syncope,in medicine 10O1zuRANGO-SHU Condurango wine KO Ancient times,since ancient times K6 0 ASERU To be in a hurry,be impatient 0O6 iE Concord 106 KONRAI From antiquity to the present 1601 Great benetitgreat kindness I g.Is ItWI f r ig ---, i4 AL4 AA ~f-' 4 -4 JýtL /k;2PLU t) A rk4* *1s AMA i:lf 4 ~~ xl?tf J(sr4 I 4sag;Sk3 ~ ~s444 A~ ~~- 04, 4 11' ~ '44 -U[ ~21 ~i j~e ~ ftksg Fnr ~ -J4?'ajg 55 -r4tl(s Jtg -$q 4095 mtFg 1714 KORUSEYA K50N High favor K60N Melodiousnessgood news K6ON Your great kindness,honorific K60N NA Ungrateful KO-ONI Little devil KO-ONNA Girl,young servant K60NS56 Stratum of constant temperature Kg6 0 S6SURU To work well,be efficient K6 OTSU HEI A,B,C,in enumeration KOPPI Bone fertilizer KOPURA Copra KORAE Patience,endurance KI6RAI Mine blasting powder K6RAI Visitation K6RAIKU Descent K1iRE1 Later order KORE K050 Especially this KORE NOMI This alone KORERA Cholera KORERA These KORERA SESSHU EKI Cholera inoculation KORERA YOB6 SESSHU EKI Cholera inoculation KORE YORI From now on,henceforth KORI Bale,telescope basket trunk KORI Reprimand K11RI Bale,telescope basket trunk K1RI Counter for bales K16RI Axiom K11RI Public interest K6RIBAKO Icebox,refrigerator KI6RIBUIRO Ice bag K6RIGANNA Ice cutter,ice shaver Ko6RIGURA Icehouse KiRIGUTStJU Skates K6RIKA.SI Usurious loan,usurer KbRIKASHIGYY6 Usury K1RI KIRIBA Icehouse K6RIN Halo K11RIN Rear wheel KORINGO Small apple K6RITSU Efficacy,efficiency KORITSUKA SURU To be isolated KORITSUKAN Feeling of helplessness K6RITSUKU To freeze to KORITSURIN Isolated clump of trees K6RIYA Ice dealer KiRIYAN Kaoliang,a millet Ki1RO Cupola furnace K11RO Furnace,for smelting K11RO Public road K16R6 Industry,diligence,zeal KOROBAKASU To roll,throw down,overturn 16RdBY? Rickets K6RO CHOKUJB Direct route 16RO0 FUBYa Fairway buoy KOROFUONYOMU Rosin KOROGAKI Small dried persimmons KOROGASHIOTOSU To roll something down KOROGEKOMU To tumble into KOROGEMAWARU To tumble around,bend over in laughter KOROGEOCHIRU To fall down,tumble down K1RO HENSA J6K5 Deviation clause KOROIDO GIN Colloidal silver KOROIDO GIN NANKB Crede's ointment KiROJU Trees planted along a road KB1RO AKUI Course angle Ka66 KIN Reward for meritorious services 161ROKU High salary 10WROM CHINKI Tincture of calumba 1OROMBO- ONiQ Calumba root KOROMO Radical l45 IOROMOBAIO Clothing box KPOROMO HEN Radical ll45 1611011~ Discussion B6RONAN Life's difficulties ICOROPOPKKURU Cave man KOROPPU-NUIOI Corkscrew 16116511 Meritorious individual IOROSHIAU To kill each other 1EOR0B;HIMO Just at that moment KOROSHINTO CHINKI Tincture of colocynth IOROSBINTO EKLISU Extract of colocynth l0ROSHI1~TT0-JI TSU3 Colocynth KOROSHITE Mur dererass asin KORU To cut wood 1011RU To pack,package KORUBEN Flask K0RUBETTO Corvette KORU13 Old entrenchments or ramparts KORUGU-NUKI Corkscrew KORUSEYA 0 Corsair fighter plane KXRYAKU 144 KbRYAKU Later plan A;to W K6RYAEU BUTAI Invasion unit,storm troops tw" KEfRYAEKU SAKUSEN Invasion operations 1XIbf K6RYAKUSEN Battle storming A itKORYZ Goods on hand S K6RYO Concern about the future K6YB 6 High bridge K6RY6 Kaoliang,a millet IIH oRY6 Knoll,embankment,crest,ridge of low hills S K6RY6 Pair of scales itt XKoRY6 Purchasing Department 1K6RY6 Second malaria treatment KdRYOKU Public power,authority Qij At K&RYOKU MIRASSEI KEIYAKU Executory contract SkiP KZRYOKUfJ SBIKKYAKU Invalidation " J1 S KORY&ITEN Cafe I KRYU Prosperity A KLKWRYU Public drainage ditch If i gKRYU SURU To detain,be detained,be held up t$ 9 I N KRYUKEI Punishment of detention its t9f1fU6RYUSHO. Person being held KOSA Staff air officer it KMSA Clever deception zft gK6SA Hard sand ýý It KbSA Inspection f)t gK6SA Yellow sand,yellow dust RX3 - K6SA CHOMON Matched order,cross order 0f KXSAI Eloquence,fluenoy K SAI Great intelligence,unusual talent SK5SAI High intelligencesuperior talent * rKSAI Second wife Alt KbSAI Year of drought ýF f K6SAIHI Enrtertainment expense ittiJ tN It K6SAI HIKI-tKE DAN Subscription syndicate lzl gAK6bSAIHb Etiquette,social code A WV K3SAIKAN Diplomat k)3tt$J KSAIKAAN SHIHO Diplomatic attache,:. 4 KESAIKOEU Friendly power,treaty nation Ze 0) K6SAI NO SUTAARIN Comrade Stalin I It KOSAI SHINIKUI Unsociable -41 t K6SAI ZEND6 Virtuous Movement for Extensive Salvation, an opium control society %J0 0K6SAIZUKI Sociability Kg6AKA Investigation Section f KoSAKU Investigation,speculation --ri ICSAKU Aotivities,undercover work or operations Xo K3SAKU Cunning scheme,orafty design Kr SAWU Mine chisel T-*t.5 KSAKU SURU To engineer,a plot,scheme,etc. I- i KSSAKUBU Construction yard,Engineering Department, navy sO K5SAKUCH5 Construction and repair officer,navy - z K SAKUHEI Artificer.fr4 KrSAKUHEI Nonrated.man,construction and repair x-T k KXSAKU HEICHI Leading seaman,construction and repair LWt- KXSAKU HEIS1 Petty officer,oonstruction and repair;Wr_ f K-SAKTJ HEIS1CHo Warrant officer, -conptruotion and repair,navy 5-K oSAKUHI Undercover activities fund o K'SAKU-IN Undercover operatoragent K SAXUJo Plantation KoSAKUKA Construction an4 repair branch, navy K6SAKUXA Engineering Section K6SATJ3 KAR Naval repair ship KOSAKUKEN Tenant right KOSAKUMAI Rent paid in rice KOSAKgUNIN Tenant farmer KOSAKUNb Tenant farming KOSAKURY6 Farm rent KBSAKUSEN Floating repair ship K6SAKUSHI Assistant construction and repair offioer,navy JIA4 KOSAKU SaGI Tenancy disputes rB1~ gK 6SAKUTAI Construction and repair unit, navy r Kb6SAKG TOKUMU... Special duty..., construction and repair,in navy commissions r-WtVI t K3SAKU TOKUMU SHIKAN Special duty officerconstruction and repair, navy,*#6 KJSAK YwXYa Ox f KOSAN Used aoid,old acid 63AV KSAN Probability -# 1RA 49 4't 3 & I - i # ilk ft A t RAlA iIg AL 04: 4.44 '4jiE 6 31)4~, ~3 / ttJI 49 3 rrs Et 3 )k r* gi-t & tag k E,q- $) I;eQ4 ~r~ R~ rg t gr igg 44s 5 'Q Aa ttMM /s s P a3to, /a) (4L ~ /C\ rr1 ~P& Ajrg$ 8 /k` AW I PL >44t $)( t rtl04k@ t ItlBg a & rPJ) k d )1 ni AI~ lita P3 ifc t tS 44Tn l fSAR ~C~ 3tlX Q a0i ~ff~')~9j9g/5 olsl 100)3 430th ffCd)9) #1M ~013 4 rel sj ~srr a I NMmt a It 9tq ~ KoSHAMEN KBSAN Surmise,guess,estimate K6SAN DAI IKA ' Mines Section One KOSANHEI Senior comrade,old-timer K6SANIN Inspect6r KWSANKI White flag KOSANSHA Doyen,dean KOSANSHA Experienced person,old-timer KOSAN SHK=YU Promotion by seniority K6SAN ZEI Mine-output tax K6SARO Crossroads K6SASHI Crossover K68A SHINKEI Decussate nerves KOSASU To have come,let come K6SATEN Crossing KOSATSU Small denomination paper money K6SATSUKI Reconnaissance plane KOSEGASA Ecthyma KOSEI SURU To look back at,reflect K5SEI Advanced maintenance trainee K6SEI Engineering administration K6SEI Made of steel KaSEI Red tape,obstructionism,negative attitude K6SEI Rigidity K6SEI Subsequent formation K6SEI SURU To correct,revise K6SEI B6GYO Aggressive or offensive defense K6SEIBY6 Zymotic disease K6SEI-IN Executive Yuan,in China K6SEIKA Harbor Administration Section K6SEIKA Mining Administration Section K6SEIKA Welfare Section KoSEI KACHI Director of Health Section, prefectural K6SEIKI Megaphone K6SEI NIPP6 Kiangsi Daily K6SEI RYUCHIKEN Equitable lien KBSEISEKI Good results,success KoSEISHo Ministry of Welfare K6SEI SRH6SHOZUKI SAIMU Debt under seal, speciality K6SEI EIT6 Equitable mortgage K6SEI TEN-ONKI Megaphone K6SEI TNION Certified copy K6SEKI Ship's track KaSEKIGAWA TAIKYoKOKU Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River K5SEKI IRAI SHORUI Distinguished service request documents K 6SKI MEIBO Merit record K6SEKI MEISAISHO Detailed statement of meritorious service K6SEKI RETSUJI Merit order of precedence KOSEKIRI Census officer K6SEKISEN Ore freighter KOSEKI SH6HON Birth certificate KOSEKI SH6HON Census transcript KOSEKI T6HON Copy of census register KOSEN Brook,stream KOSEN Carrier division,seaplane tender division,air flotilla K6SEN Publicly-owned boat KOSEN Sebaceous glands K6SEN Steel wire KbSEN Tribute ship K5SEN Vessel en route K63EN Vessel or boat in motion K6SEN Struggle,resistance,defensive combat K;6SEN SURU To resist K6SEN CHITAI Battle zone,war zone KOSENIRU Cochineal KBSEN KENKOKU Resistance and Reconstruction,a Chinese slogan KbSENKOKU Belligerent nations K6SENKU Fighting areas K6SEN 0 SASHIHIITE Less brokerage K6SENTEI Subchaser K6SENT5gI Interceptor fighter plane KbSETSU Intersection K;SETSU ICHIBA Public market KOSHA Stored vehicle K6SHA Armored vehicle KgSHA Cross fire K6SHA Offensive fire KgSHA Ore truck KgSHA.DAN Antiaircraft shell KOSHA HDAI Cross battery K6SHAH6 TAICH6 Antiaircraft'artillery commander K6SHA KIKANHO Antiaircraft machine, cannon SHAMMEN Declivity toSHAiSAI 145 KETAX SURU t AV Aire ffy 4 1T. ~is 'c 41A 'pt *0) ~voti* 'Alt K AIt 5 509 it: f sm ýElsom gra A. 0#111 4 as NAa ýý it*e4( of~~ ~4AU strA I4I*~iI a. lfl K4SEASAI Public bonds KOSHI Filtering,filter KOBHI Small division KOSHI Waste paper,scrap of paper KbSHI Artisan KdSHI Bird's beak K6SHI Company,firm,kung-ssu,Chinese KOSHI Consideration,reflection, deliberation K6SHI Cosmetic KaSHI Death in line of duty K5SHI Port city,port KISHI Publi-c announcement,publication K6SHI Public examination,official trial or test KOSHIGAMI Filter paper K6SHI HASSHA Official trial firing K6SHI-IN Examination Yuan,in China KOSHIKAKERU To be seated,sit on,take a temporary job KOSHIKAKE SHIGOTO Temporary job K6SHIKAN Legation K6SHIKAN ITTb SHOKIKAN First secretary of legation KbSHIKI BANSAN Official or formal dinner K6SHIKIXA SURU To formalize KOSHI MINO Straw raincoat KOSHIN Advance K6SHIN Astern K6SHIN Communications KbSHIN Feeling of opposition or revolt KBSHIN Kindness,benevolence K6SHIN Later message KdSHIN Official dispatch,government telegram K6SHIf Social conscience K6SHIN Tribute KtSHIN SURU To advance,to attack KSHINB SURU To bear,as a compass needle K68HIN SURU To cruise K6SHINCHO Now transmitting KOSHI NIKU Sirloin of beef KSHIN JIKAN Scheduled time for communication K6SHIBKEI Communication system K5SHIN KEIKYU Buccal ganglion K8SHINKOKU Backward nation KOSHIOSHI Instigation,support, instigator KOSHIRAEMONO Counterfeit KOSHIRITSU Public and private K6SHIRYO Chiao 4th brigade,in China K6SHI SHINA Cochin China KOSHI TANTAN Vigilant,ready to pounce on KOSHITSU Hovel KB6SHITSU Bombproof shelter KISHITSU Mine chamber K6SHITSU Public room K6SHITSU NO Hard KdSHITSUHI Imperial H6usehold expenses K6SHITSU TEMPAN Imperial Household Law K6SHITSU ZAISAN Imperial Estate K6SHI UNTEN Official trial KOSHIWA Small wrinkles,folds X6BSI YOU6 Official rehearsal KOSHIYU Hip bath,sitz bath K6BSHI ZEINRYOKU Official trial run at full speed KOSH5 SURU To call,term,name K16HO Kuang-hsu,Chinese era,1875-1907 65SHO Mine pit,mine 65SHO Public document K5110 Yellow book,a diplomatic document 65110 SURU To study k$SH6 Bite of a horse K65H6 Commercial college 165Hb Conferment of awards 16S511 Fabtory,mill,arsenal workshop K65Hb Industry and commerce 65H6 Main mast K65H6 Minister of Welfare K6SH6 Mizzen mast K6SH6 Official name K65H6 Rope burn 16SH6 Wounded in action KoSH6 NO Wounded, struck injured IbSH6CHU Negotiations pending 109516 FUTHYU Repair breakdown K6SHBGAI Public life K6SHdKA Inspection Section 1KSH6 KAKUMEN KAKAKU Nominal par Z53H6 KANTEININ Office lawyer A#',i'$7- KOSH5 KOGITTE Lame check,unendorsed or irregular K OSHOXKU Agriculture and weaving i K6SHOKU Farming and planting $I@ K6SHNEMH Broad front tA*4 K6bSSHIONIN YAKUBA Office of notary public ýiE.'1Jt K58H8 RIXEN Equitable interest KZ6 5H6fRY6 Notarial charges -t KSHBSHA Hard-bed car,hard-coach car 1441* 65H6 SHIHON Authorized capital AIt1It KOSH SHING6 Danger signal #CXP1?M*~ KOSHIZUKI FUNANI SH6KEN1 Foul bill of C lading A)N NO Wft KXSHUZUKI FUIINANI SH5KEN Conditional bill 4 of lading Oft KOSHO Convocation,assembling gT 0 K5HU First grade NiE a K6SHU SURU To turn towards %Kit K6SHU Attack 5 K15H0 Short training course e ikt 1K5SH10 DEMP6 TORIATSUKAI Public telegrams accepted e K6SHUHA High frequency vI K6SHUIN Students -I*65HB0KUKAI Short course,summer school,etc. 4 z1 K5HHUMKETSU Secondary hemorrhage,delayed hemorrhage ST HISmHUSAKU Halter,hempen collar I-S 165H0SEI Short course trainee Am O K6 SHU SHIK56 Kwangchow Bay Branch Bank JI` P H L K6 SHU SHZGAI HOKEN General liability policy ogt KOSHUTAI Alarm unit,jft V K6H50 TEISATSU Offensive reconnaisance 4I( e)B K6SHOWAN NIPP6 Kwangchow Bay Daily 10K5 Drying lt K650 Larynx K?150 Tax payable in kind,tribute K6S56 Armor,armor plating K61 6S5 Canton Consulate General AN 156 High altitudes a1P KS1 5 Sending by ship,ferrying 6K56 Thought TJ K165 Warrant officer,machinist t 6 6 KbS56 SURU To purchase and ship IifA-1 3 K156 SURU To run If A- K6506 SURU To send again K6S? 3 165 SURU To send back,send to the rear, evacuate i. 165 SURU To send later K6S 15 0-IN Appellate court KEfX 1650J6 Petition of appeal I flt I K6 SWJUIN Class A pilot Y I*A-#t X 16S5 JUNY6KAN Armored cruiser iti&t 6K5 KANJA Patients invalided to the rear jfZf$(tl 16563 1511 gs KANSOKUHAN High altitudes f meteorological observation party fjf ILtVI: i KS66 KISH6 KANOEKUJO Upper air sounding r4station tJ K650KU Harbor regulations T- K6SOKU Rate of march.5 B KS0OKU SURU To arrest.6t K5SOKU SURU To hook,grapple A-AsiA 16P0KSOU GYORAITEI Motor torpedo boat n.J B 16KSOtKU KIRAI Moored mine 1&&IA 10SO0KU SEMP6 Temporizing tactics 4WiNW K6SOKTJTAI Navigation aid unit A L V ISOK63UOTEI High-speed boat 4AA 16AKS5 NI NARU To be sent back to the rear JK it )7 KB6RYOKU Speedof ship #A LA41 1656 SAMBASHI Ferry pier i!"t I 6K56 SHISETSU Ferry installations Ir if SOTSU Artificer r3 gBK6S6TN Alto-stratus clouds -Ilt1t g05 Small number filc gKSUI Mineral water MIiAA KiSUI-I High-water mark KOSUKI Wooden hoe nzf t gKOSURIKEST To efface by rubbing,rub out #t~i~ts KOSURIKOMU To rub in Bi KOSURU To beat the drum,stimulate P '3 K$OSWARI House tax T) IKOSTZU Small bell 9 tP KOTABA1O Snuff 0@ KgOTAI Solid state AxF KbTAI Attack squadron 3if 1t B KOTAIIA SURU To take form,solidify P4 ~J KbTAISEI System of rotation Jt ~ri 16AISHA One who relieves another SKOTAKU Old house,former residence IL 6KTAN Rear point,end,or tip I I6YTAN Side of mouth I tLta g TAN SURT To withstand KoTATSU MBIREI 146 t2Qtt K6TATSU MEIREI Verbal orders cla* KOTATSU YAGURA Foot warmer frame _T 4 KMT Construction man KTEI Bottom of a mine pit K6TEI Effect X gT1I Maximum and minimum KTEIM Revision,correction KOTEIBUTSU Fixture K&TEI HYQKA Official valuation KoTEI KAKAKU Fixed price S KOTEI KASHIKATA Frozen credits KOlRI KIJO Fixed machine gun 1s1*ft~ KOTEIKYU Regular pay I+1k KTEI NAKAGAININ Official broker td1# IKOTEI SAIMU Fixed liabilities 1KOTEI SHIRON Fixed capital W KOTEI SHISAJN Fixed assets KOTEITEKI Affirmative S K TEI T KA Mint par of exchange OTEKI Small whistle KNTEKI Opposition KXTETSU Change,alteration K6TETSUBAN Steel engraving ' K bTETSUB6 Steel helmet XUPJi KTETSU DAIG6D6 Steel trust KN6TrSUKAN Steel-clad warship ItA9 K6T6 Absurdity,utter nonsense A4~F K61f Air crew of attack plane X67T Descent and ascent K6T6 Equality,identity K&TO Harbor light S KOT6 -High pagoda,high tower 0 KgT6 Pierhead,port A*tA4 K6T6 SURU To beat,knock IO0t - KXT6 BENRON Oral proceedings, in court t10041 KdT6GAXARI Special investigator )V ~ KOTOHAJIME Beginning,start XPi 6KT KA Advanced class,specialists a * 2t'g #f K6TMA DENSHINJUTSUSH6 High-grade I telegraphy award * KT6 KEIJI Secret service man J t: t KOTOKOTO Sound of rapping fir. KoTOKU Kwangte,present Manchukoan Era KV- OTOMAE NI Breforfehand KOTONARERU Different,distinct,opposite, erroneous S KOTONARU TEN Point of difference KOTO-OMOI Absent-mindedness K5 TO OTSU Former and latter,one and the other JU*Agy K6T6 0 TSUGU To accede to the throne j f KOTOSHIGEKI Very busy ON VfotI KT6 SHIKY6 Rising market rnf &am1 KNT6 SHIMON Oral examination *P I KOTOSHIRI Great knowledge,erudite person QVM# k K6T6 SHIKO Oral evidence KOTOTARU To fill the need,suffice 00 K6T6 THYE Viva-voce vote 4f &z KOTO TO NARERI It has been decided to t #- *-.h KOTO TO ZONZERARERU I understand thatb K6TOTSURA Interfering horse $1 KOTOYOSE Pretext IKOTOYOSERU To use as a pretext KOTO YTUE Because of 1 K6T6 YOMIN 'Idle rich *VPt 7 KOTOZUKERU To use as a pretext *tttf KOTSUBAMBU Pelvic region *AA KOTSUBAN }EI Pelvic wall # KaTSUBtBU Ministry of Communications,China KOTSUD5 Ossuarycharnel house KOTSUQ&I Skeleton n 1KROTSUAKU1 Osteologyn K6TSUIN Communications officer,Communib t China SA*e KETSU JXIO Traffic accident F KgTSO JTUNSA Traffic police KBTSUKA Transportation Section KOTSU KANSHI Bone forceps OTSUSKOTSU Croaking sound KOTSUMATSU Bone powder K TSOgMb Traffic system or network O BTSUOKE Keg for ashes of a dead person Sri~L~K g'I'SURO Line of cosmiunication KCOTSURONJ Osteology KOTSURYU Bone tumor KL ITSO SEIRI HAN Traffic-control squad K- SO SEN Line of communication r K6 1SU Srf-1EN-EISEN Combined ferry and tug K&ESUSHA Passenger vehicle KAW9 WgSU SHADAN SHAG'MI Interdict.ion fire a KOTSU YASJRI Xyster,raspatory,bone soraper tKOTSUYU Bone soup KU ~Q EKOTSUZAI Ribs KOTTAI Bone KOTTAN-MATSU Powdered animal charcoal fT K6BUN Passing oloud,moving cloud K o-TUN Water transport,marine transportation,4 b KO-URISH6 Retailer Al9 KO-URITEN Store,shop SI KO WA This 13M K 6WA Oral narration it 4 7 K6WA SURU To talk with,communicate by voice iII 4 KOWABARI Stiffness, as of neck or joint KOWAGE Feeling of fear,frightful appearance ~j# KoWA I-IN Peace delegate 91Ais KoWAKI Radio loud-speaker *t&CIO tV K6WAN KINSETSUBU Harbor Construction Division Jfep 6 KoWANKYOKU Harbor Bureau NO b KoWAN RYKIN Harbor fees t 5L KOWARASHII Dreadful,horrible,frightful A sm7 K WA SETSU Peace rumor 3CeE$ KoWA TEIGI Peace proposals $ KOYABATO Pigeon kept in a fixed loft ~fJ LIL KOYAGI Kid,young goat Kd-YAKU Industrial chemicals Ko6YAKU Oral translation K6 YAKU Public pledge 2JW L K YAKUTEKI SONGAI Public lesion jl K 0 Lust er,splendor A;: 0) gKbY6 NO Sea-going,ocean-going 00 70 K6YB SURU To raise,hoist g KoY& SURU To stimulate,encourage,boost, morale etc.;-) K6Y&RIN Harbor supplies ON KOYOKU Beating of wings AXC K6YOKU High-wing plane AN* KoYOKUKI High-wing monoplane w it I) KOY&NIN Employee /\ KOYORIAI Small gathering,select party ý2Z A Jkt&j K-Y6 SASH6 Official-business visa M10P K6YB SEMPAKU Ocean-going shipping Ao4r KoYbSEN Ocean-going vessel 'z Ht K6Y5SHI Government messenger OiO A* KfOYif BUTAI Original force,inherent force A1.15& KOYU HACRH6 Natural wave length MA)fW- KOYU KIEXN Inherent hazard goA XXV KOYU K-KI Intrinsic brilliancy KOYUMEI Proper name AJ\ KOYUMI Small bow,qt 0'Mi,3% KOYJRUMI SHIKY5 Weak market 99* t W KOYOSEI KAKIN Inherent vice,in maritime insurance99A KOYU SH5GY5 Commerce proper 1 KaZA High seat A*)H K6ZAI Frame,timber frame;U K6ZAI Hardwood mKbZAI Materials to construct a canal lock K6ZAI Steel stock,steel materials, processed steel 7 KbZAI AIHAN SURU To have both merits and demerits I\ KOZAKANA Small fish,small fry K6ZAN Chances,probability *t T3E K6ZAN K[EI KEIYAKU Avio contract in mining S0 K6ZANSHI Mine operator A KOZARU Small basket /)% KOZARU Small monkey ~ IKOZATO Radical 170 KOZATO HEN Radical 170,variant at left SKOZEI Tax on homes or households KbZEI Tax,tribute ~M~~ KOZETSU Isolation tStb K6ZETSU Dispute ~ia k KOZ6 SURI To fabricate,invent,forge,feigf KbZ6iBUTSU Construction materials 3F ~KZOKU Bandit,enemy,traitor K6ZOKU Endurance,in aeronautics PL C K ZOKU BUTAI Follow-up force ~i~f~BPK6ZOKUKANQ Following ship KRgZOKKI Following plane S KZOgKU K ORI Cruising radius ' kc~l ~ K6ZOKURYOKU Cruising power, cruising radius 010KOZOME Deep dye A~~Jt CKOZUXU Small desk KOZUMI Coal dustbroken charcoal KOZTMI Thick ink KU Subhead 28 KU Village,Formosa KUBAKU 147 mt 9 4e, 4ZA tag~ 00)P 094~.0i 0 r 0 15~ 04'* KUBAKTJ Aerial bombardment MUBARIBAN Deal or hand~at cards KEJBARICHIGAI Misdeal KUBARITE Distributor..allotter.,dealer KUBETSUTEKI Distinctive~differential KUBETSU. ZEI Differential duties KUBI Radical 185 =UIATE Necklet..neckpiec'e,neck ribbon KUBIHOSQI Thin-necked~pusillanimous KIJBI-IRE Basket for decapitated head KUBIKASHI Iron collar,irons~fetters KUBIKAZARISH6 Grand-collar of an order KIJBIKIRI Executioner's broadsword, decapitation KUBIKIRU To decapitate,,beheaci KUBIKIRU To dismiss,discharge K1JBIMAOARI Forced reduction of scale of livingý KIJBIMAGARI Stiffrreck, torticollis KUBIMAGARI Wryneck, wrynecked person KUBIN Available airplane KUBI NAWA Headrope KUBI NI NARU To be dismissed KUBI NO HARE Swelling of the neck KU13IOSAE Headrest MtJIREJINI Suicide by strangulation KUBIRINAWA Hangman's rope KUBIZUNA Leash.,rope attached to neck KUBIZURE Chafing or gall on neck KUBO Aircraft carrier KUOKU Quassia wood KUBOKU CHINKI Tincture of quassia KtJBOKU EKISU Quassia extract~ KUBOMARI Hollow, concavity,depression KUBOMARU To be hollow or concave KUBOMA.RU To sit on heels or hams,,squat MEJOMASU To hollow, indent, sink,depress KUBOME Sunken or deep-set eye KtIBOMERU To hollow,dent,sink,depress KUBOMETSUKERU To hollow.,dent, sink,depress K[UBOMIME Notch.,nick.,hollow Imprint KUBOSHO Hollow.,depression KUBUDo-RI Nine parts, almost, nearly., practically KUBU KURIN Ten to one,in nine cases out of ten.,in all probability KUBUI'THY6 Diacritic signs or marks KUBUN NASHI No difference KLJCHI Account KtJCHI Counter for bonds or shares KUCHI Counter for swords_.portions.,etc. KUCHI Radical 030 KLJCHI Decay,putrefaction,decomposition KUCHI Air-ground KUCHIAI Play on words,pun KUCHIARAI Coarse, foulmouthed KUCHIASOBI Humming.,as a tune KUCHIBIROI Bigmouthed.,talking a lot KUCHIDASSHA Talkativeness, loquacity KUCHIDOME KIN Blackmnail money,hush money KtJCHIDOME KIN KY6SHU Blaclanail,,extortion KUCHIFIJSAGI Imposing or buying silence KUCRIGANE Socket~cap.,of bottle, cover~of drum etc KUCHIGASHIKOI Careful of-one's words KUCHIGATAME Discretion,holding one's tongue KUCHIGATAMERU To hold one's tongue,keep one's word KUCHIGHNKA Dispute,quarrel KUCHIGOWAI Obstinate, tenacious, stubborn KUCHIGUSURI Hush money,squeeze -K-UCHIKAZIJ NO SUKUNAI Silent,,reticemt KUCKE1KOGOTO Murmur,growl.,grumble KUCHIKU BOKAN Destroyer temder KUCH1KU KANTEI Destroyer,,flotilla KtICHIKUKI Pursuit plane KUCHIKU RENTAI Combined destroyer group 04 0&* 0+1 *t 3 0 -t to 3 04410 -~ 04F, 3 0; -t~t t4 a) ORp 0k C, o PA OM1 OM' r~ Tb' *!I ýt')*ty 1-1 A If~ 5 a/ *yý*IM Itk i KuGUN SHONEMPEI KUCHIKUSA Foul breath,bad breath KUCHIKLJSA Rotted grass KUCHIKUSE Cant,,pet phrasQ.,platitude KUCHIKiQTAI Destroyer division KUCHINAGUSAMI Chatting for diversion KUCHINAMEZURI Licking the lips or chops KUCHINARASTJ To accustom to a food KUCHINARASU To accustom to saying KUCHINARERU To be in the habit-of saying KUCHINARERU To get accustomed to a food KUCHINAWA Rope put in mouth of horse KUCHINAWA Rotten rope KUCHI 0 KIRU To open up the conversation, break the ice KUCHI 0 KIWAMETE SUISEN To recommend SURU highly KUCHIOSHIXU OMOU To be sorry for,be regretful KUCHI 0 SOROERU To be agreed KOCHI RENRA.KU Air-ground liaison KUCHIRIK6 Speaking ability KUCHISAGAS.HI Looking for employment KUCHISAKI DAKE NO Insincere KUCHISOSOGU To rinse mouth,gargle KUCHISUBERI Language error_,slip of tongue KUCHISUSUGU To rinse mouth~gargle KUCHITATAKI Chatteridle talk, chatterbox KUCHITSUZUMI Click or smack of tongue..tut KIJCHIURUSAX Shrewish.,nagging, faultfinding, irritating KUCHIWAKI Sides of the mouth KUCHIZUKIJ To gain appetite KUCHIZUKU To get in habit of saying KUCHIZUKU To get used to eating something KUCHO BAKUDAN Aerial bomb KUCHU CH60NJO Sound-location post KOCHU C~dONSHO Aerial listening post KUCHU HIK5 Aviation.,aerial flight KUCHO K5TSU Air communication KOCHO RAKKA SHIDAN Paratroop division KUCHU SAKtJD6 Aerial cableways KGCHU SENTAI Air flotilla.,navy KGCHO TAIKI Waiting in the air KUCHUYAKtJ Worm medicine,santonin etc. KOCHU Y5SAI Flying Fortress KOCHU YUS6 KUBUN Air-transport sector KUCHOZAI Worm medicine.,santonin etc. KUI)AKE Break, fragment KUDAKEMAI Broken rice KODAN Blank projectile KUDARANAI MONO Mere trash KTUDARAZU Triflinginsignificant,absurd KUDARI Down train KUDARI SEAMEN Falling groun~d,declivity KUASARANAI Undesirable,disagreeable., unpleasant KUDASEN Tube stopper,tube plug KtJDASU To have loose bowels KUDO Kitchen chimney.,stove KUD6 Drive.,in mechanics KUDOKI Persuasion,solicitation KUDOKIOTOSU To persuade to comply KUEKI Sector,zone KUEKI SURU To employ KOEKI Section of the sky KUEN Lemon KUENSAN Citric acid KUENSAN KAFUEIN ANCHIPIRIN Antipyrime caffeine citrate KUENSAN TETSU AMMONYuMU Irom and ammouium citrate_ KU-GUIAKRU To bend~curve KIJGUN CHUSA Wing commander,,naval air KUGUN EIl-IN Air force personnel KUGUNi SENT6 JORETSU Air order of battle, KUGUN SHONEMPEI Air cadet KUGUN SH'SA 148 I f;$~ tSmh oka- -) IJ INA 9- Kf Via I[* (. i 5t ýg A 410 12 All 4i trel fil ^^ii ^ux^ 4 ~-rk ~w^ ^ ^^^95 t:Sb<^?^<"& $wc t:O1 ti^t- ^ ^R KXGUN SH8SA Squadron leader,navy air KUGUN TAI-I Flight lieutenant,navy air KUGUN TAISA Group captain,navy air KUGURI Entering by bending over rUGURI Low door KUGYSSEI Administration of a ward KDHATSU Discharge of a blank cartridge KUHENT5 Bitter almond KU-I District physician KUIAGE Loss of one's job KUIAKIRU To eat one's fill KUIDASU, To begin to eat KUIDOME SURU To check,stave off,resist KUIGONOMI Fastidiousness in food or eating KUIHAZUSU To lose one's livelihood KU I-IN Ward committee member,Formosa KUIKAJIRU To eat a bit of KUIKAJIRU To learn a little about everything EUIKAKERU To leave half-eaten KUIKI Section of the sky,air zone KU-IKIGAI Outside the area KUIKOROSU To kill and eat KUIMONO NI NARU To fall a victim to,be exploited by KUIMONO NI SURU To live on someone KUINOBASU To be sparing with provisions, prolong A meal KUINUKE Glutton KUINTUKIKI Pile drawer KUIRY6 Food, fare,board KUISASU To leave meal unfinished KUISHIMERU To bite hard on, clench the teeth KUITAMERU To eat against a period of hunger KUITARANU Insatiable,gluttonous KUITORU To bite off KUITSUME Distress caused by poverty KUITSUNAtU To make out,manage,get by,with available food KUITSUNAGU To tide over,bridge a gap KUIWAKERU To be particular about one's diet KUIWAKERU To have an eye for.KXJAKU Lonesomeness KUJIKI Sprain KUJIRA RY5SEN Whaler KUJO Abandoned castle KOUJ Air report,air intelligence KUJ6BEN Cat-o'-nine-tails KUJO Bittern KUJO Hardships,distress KUKAIRO Air-and-sea routes KUKAISEN Airships and ocean vessels, planes and ships KUKAKU SEIRI Adjustment of city lots KUKAN Empty box KUKAN Official residence temporarily vacant KUKAN BAKUTAI Carrier-borne bember unit KUKAN PUYUTAI Meteoroid KUKAA RESSHA Local train KUKA UNCHIN Dead freight,on empty cars KUKEIKI False prosperity KUKI Airplane KOKIB6 Air scoop KUKIDAMA Air bubble KUKI DENSEN Infection KUKI-IRI NO Pneumatic KUKI T5MEI Unusual visibility KUKKAI Excavation KUEEKAI SURU To dig" out,clear away KUKKAKU Expansion KUKKU Cluck,cackle, chuck KUK(yOKUBU Bend,turn,road curve KUKEYOKURO Winding road KUKKOKUTEN Curve K0KO Enpty storehouse KUK6 Dry moat or ditch KOK6 Dry river bed KUK5 Seaplane base KUKOKU Croatia KUK6 SEThEITAI Seaplane base construction unit KUKU Sentence by sentence,clause by clause EKUKURITSUKERU To settle,conclude KUMAGUMA Every nook and cranny KUMAKUMASHII Very tortuous,hidden,tucked away KUMAWAKU SSAKtT SURUT To search everywhere 4At 4ItA at I iffLfAfJ- 14-~ -; TAilO$ 'p qi V n- ) W T 42 - a 01 LAt VAXX 8 b4 of, t ~ ha^-L *^-r ' ti M^IT ^ L - ^" p - ^^ ] ( El'~' b1 * ^9t ^fc ~ >^$ ^ ~fL U '^ '&/f e Of^^lfcL ^^)<7)^0 ^^44( ^(.^^ ^1.1 -^-^$( ^*IM th K ^1^ t^ffi ^itt 0 ^8 *^tS ^-a0i ^AE KURANYWZu KUMI Counter for sets,suits etc. KUMIAI GINKS TEGATARUI City items,in banking KUMIAI HAIT5 Patronage dividend KUMIAI ROKEN Joint or partnership life insurance KUMIAI KAMEI R5D6 Organized labor KUMIAI KEISAN Joint account KUMIAI RbD6 Organized labor KUMIAI.TEIKAN Association's memorandum KUMICH.IGAERU To cross,put in form of a cross KUMIDOKO Framed floor KUMIGAKI Hedge of interwoven branches KUMIHAKARU To considor,take into account KUMIKAERU To recompose,redistribute KUMIKO Frame,in construction KUMIKO Strand of rope KUMINAWA Braided oord,sennit KUMITATE KAOKU Prefabricated house KUMITATE KbJo Assembly plant KUMITENJ5 Coffered ceiling KUMITSUGI Splice KUMIWAKERU To consider,appreciate KUMIWAKERU To pour separately after drawing KUMMIN DbCHI Limited monarchy KU MO NAKU Easily,without difficulty KUMO NO SUKIMA Break in the clouds KUMO NO TEIB6 Cloud bank KUMORASERU To cloud over,veil,obscure KUMOTSU DAI Altar for offerings KUMU Emptiness,nothingness KUN Constantinople,Istanbul KUNAI Imperial Household KUNAIJIKAN Vice-Minister of the Imperial Household KUNAISH5 GOKAIAGEHIN Article purchased by Imperial Household Department KUNAISH6 GOY6 Patronized by Imperial Household KUNAISH6 GOYbTASHI Purveyors to the Imperial Household KUNEKUNESHII Winding,perverse KUNERI Crookedness,tortuousness KUNETSUYAKU Febrifuge,antifebrile KUNGYO Smoked fish KUNIGAMAE Radical 031 KU NI HAIRY0 AIWAZURA- Please take WASHITASHI it to heart KUNIKU NO SAKU Seditious plan KU NI NARU To be anxious about KU NI NARU To come to naught KU NI SURU To take seriously KUN ITT5 First Order of Merit KUNJI Advice,counsel,instruction KUNJ6 Letter of commendation KUNJ6 Letter of instructions KUNJo SURU To thaw frozen ground by fire KUNKOKU Advice,instruction KUNKYB Instruction, education KUNKYU Orders of merit KUJ NIT5 KYOKUJITStJSH6 Second class Order of the Rising Sun KU NO KU NARU MONO Vanity of vanities KUNREN BUTAI Training force KUNRENDAN Training group KUNREN-IN Advanced trainee KUNRENKA Physical Training Section KUNRENSEI Advanced trainee KUNRO Incense burner KUNR5 Meritorious service,great deeds KUNROKU Instruction flight KUNSEKI Merit KUNSH NENKIN Detailed regulations re SHIKYU SAISOKU decoration annuities KUNSHU SEITAI Monarchy,monarchism KUNTATSU Instructions,notification KUIWA Instructions KOPAA-SHIKI NEPPURO Cooper hot stove KURABARAI Rummage sale,clearance of a warehouse KURAGARU To become dark,fail to understand KURAI SURU To correspond t,o KURAIKOMU To go to prison,eat one's way into KORAN Blank column KURANI SHoKEN Warrant,warehouse certificate KURANI SHOSHO Certificate of warehouse goods KURANYTi Warehousing KURECHIN-BYo 149 A-ý -4( b WA 1 13 t; MA A Br- tR x4i Tg-#40 kjgg 8p;8 ~ -y,fSi/ ay Is.,@i T-,agslift 4ER Ai~f 2 4K It; - ~Q E49 R$E IiE s#O: 9R$ It-p#t3 -~3` 3` CI) ' IXURECHIBN-BY6 Cretinism,hypothyroidism KUREEDE NANK5 Crede's ointment,a colloidal silver ointment EUREHATERU Night has fallen KUREISHIKI Air-cooled KUREMADOU To be bewildered KURESEI Made in Kure KURE SHIKI Kure type KUREYUKUJ To come to an and KUREZ6RU SEKKEN EKI Compound solution of cresol KUREZ6RU-SUI Cresol water -KURI Arrangements,plans KURIAWASERU To arrange time for,adjust one's business KURIBACHI Wooden bowl KURIDASHI Telescoping KURIIN TEGATA Clean bill KURI-ITO Reeling silk from co.coon KURIKAE SHIHARAI Payment made by appropriation from another fund KURIKAESHI HIBU Interest rate for deferred payment KURIKOSHI GYAKU HIBU BUAI Backwardation rate,discount for deferred delivery KURIKOSHI RIRITSU Interest rate for deferred payment KURIKOSHI ZANDAKA Balance carried over KURIKU,Air-and-land KURIKU KdTAI Combined carrier-and-land attack unit KURIMAWASHI Shifts,expedients, arrangements KURIMAWASU To arrange for,contrive KURITORU To scoop out,dig out KURIWAKU Reel KURIZUNA WATASHI Rope ferry XTRO Radical 203 KURO Air route KUR5 Useless labor KURO ABATA Black pockmnarks LKUROBAMU To become black UROM BIIRU Strong beer,black beer KUROBOKU Undressed timber KUROBUCHI Black spots KURODAMA Black pearl,black dot KUROGAKATTA Blackish KUROGINU Black garment,mourning garment KURO IRO Black color KUROKI Ebony KUROKI Log,undressed timber KUROMARU To become black KUROMU To become black KURoMU-SAN Chromic acid KURO NAMARI Lead,the metal KUROPPOI Blackish MUROROFUORUMU SATSUZAI Chloroform linament KUROROFUORUMU-SEI Spirits of chloroform KUROROFUORUMU-SUI Chloroform water KUROROFU0ROMU-YUJ Oil of chloroform KUR9RU AEN Zinc chloride KURoRU AMMONYUMU Ammonium chloride KUR&RU ECHIRT Chloroethane,ethyl chloride KURbRU KARUSiHUiMU Calcium chloride KUR6RU KARYOMU I'otassium chloride KUR6RU NATORYUMU Sodium chloride KURoRU-SAN KARYOMU Potassium chlorate KURbRU SEKKAI Chloride of lime KUROSHIRO Right and wrong,black and white KURO TAI Gilthead,a food fish KUR6TO SUJI Well-informed or professional circles KURO TSUCHI Black earth,burnt earth EURO URUSHI Black lacquer KUROYAKE Blackening by fire KUROZAT6 Brown sugar KXJROZOJItE Black dye IkUROZUMU To be blackish KURUI S6BA Wild prices EURUMA Radical 159 iTURUMABATO Pigeons kept in movable loft KURUMAGOYA. Shelter for vehicles KURTMA KEN Radical 159 KURUMA JIKU Axle KlRUTMAKI Windlass KURUMAZUKI NO Is Wheel chair KTURUMEKASU To cause to turn KURUMEKU To have a dizzy spell KURUJMEKU To turn KiitI'EI KuTzI ( \ t1 K gURUMETE IEBA In short KURUPU-SEI Croupous,u t KURUSHIMU To be in a quandary,be in distress S KURUWAKASU To put out of order,drive mad, thwart,affect 4Aii KURUWASU To put out of orderdrive mad, thwart,affect KEUSA Syphilis,congenital syphilis,ezema S KUSABA Blade of grass KR USABAAMI Grass shears S KUSABI Grass fire AL KUSABIDOME Wedging M- KUSABIGATA SEMP6 Wedge tactics AV- KUSABIKO Wedge 4t KUSACHI Meadow,pasture,flat grassy terrain S KUSADACRI Grassiness KU' SAGAXURE Hiding in the grass KUSAGARE Withering of grass KUSAGIRU To cut the grass,weed j KUSAHITOGATA Straw dummy 4# KUSAI Sky line TUSA KAGO Forage basket EUSA KAMMURI Radical 140 ' KUSAKARIGAMA Sickle,scythe KUSAKARIKI Lawn mower S KUSAKARI KIKAI Mower,mowing machine F KUSAMI GASU Sneezing gas KUSANAGI NO TSURUGI Sword,one of 3 Imperial Regalia KUSANUKI KUMADE Weed fork S KUSARAKASU To rot,putrefycorrode S KUSAWAKE 0 SURU To pioneer,blaze a trail KUSEI System of division into districts K0SEKI Air load KUSEN Submarine chaser KUSEN Empty boat,derelict ship!F gKUSENTAI Subchaser division 'TiJ KUSENTAI SHIREI Subchaser division headquarters SKUSENTEI Subchaser V4~AN F KUSENTEITAI Submarine chaser division S14 KUSENTOKU Special subchaser f 8KU SETSU Foolish opinion,idle notions P KUSHA Firing of blank cartridges K USHA Unoccupied house "OVIILX KUSHAMISEI GASU Sternutatory gas R KUSHAMIZAI Sternutator KUSHIGATA Comb-like,arched,semicircular S KUSHIGATA Skewer type,skewer-shaped KUSHIN Physical fatigue S KgSH[INCHUi During the air invasion S KUSHIN SHITE By hard labor,laboriously KUSHIZASHI Execution by impalement KUSHO Local control,immediate supervision,jurisdiction E 2 KUSHO SURU To administer,direct t KUSHB Air alarm " "KUSHOKU Vacant position,vacancy & tl; KUSHO 0 UKERU To be administered by,be under the jurisdiction of I- KUSHO Air raid Gas'i KUSHUO KANSEI Air-raid control 3BJ3 gKUSHU KEIH6 Air-raid signal itif eA4 KUSHO KEIHb 0 KAIJO SURU To sound the PF, ' all-clear % 9 KIUSHU KEITEKI Air-raid siren SI4 KUS5 SURU To send by air 9fA- KUS5DAI Ward representative,Formosa I - KU SSAKU SURU To cutexcavate EEc KUSSAKUBU Cut,excavation g KUSSAKUKI Digger, excavator, a,machine JE -- KUSSETSU JIZAI Flexible &-ifA- KUSSEZU NI In spite of,unflinchingly g KUSSRI Counting on the fingers A de" KUSSEI Fame,pre-eminence E CKUSSHIN Slouch, stoop,A;?10 ' KUSSHIN HOFUEU SURU To infiltrate &C9li KUSSHIN JIZAI Elasticity,flexibility JE h KUSSHINSEI Flexibility AE3 T z KUSSHITSU SURU To bend down,cringe,bow down 9 KUSUGURI Tickling,titillation Wqt KUSURIDAI~SU Medicine cabinet KUJSURI-IRE Medicine chest $Fb EKUSURI SASHI Medicine dropper %1V KUSUSHII Ill at ease KUSUSHII Strange,unusual,wonderful lKUTAI Sector unit 2t KUTEI Airborne landing force GI'KiiTEI Airborne raiding,as an adjective KiT-E-I BUTAI 150 ITA'f K KiiTEI BUTAI' Airborne raiding unit 'W l KOTEN SURU To race a motor "1"T ~KuJTEN StJRU To transfer by air 1*31 KUTORIHrK Fictitious transactions ý91 KUT63TBIN Thnctudtion mark 0. -t KUTSUDO Waste,debris 4O KUTYSUGAWA Shoe leather 4t - KTJTSU-fIXKI Liquid shoe polish )[~t"ýto UITSUJ0KEJTEIKI1 X6WA Humiliating peace Kt 4 UTSUJU SASERU To keep a persoia down KUTSUNtJGI Boot jack -d) KtJTSUSHITADOME Garters k'-t KUWAMKOU To bring in, show in,,drag into M -fp KUWAKE Choosing, sorting,division MUAKO Silkworm KUWA NAE Mulberry I x:UWASSHIA-BOXD Quassia tree -* XXWASSI{IA CRINKI Tincture of quassia -KUWASSHIA EKISU` Quassia extract ML KJASHLIMU To repent, regret, lament, condole with 4 KJ3YU %UMU To transport by air KiiYUHEI Airborne txoops S KUYtJK Aerial transport plane ~%A~ KUYU KICHI Air-and-transport base KUYURAKASU To smoke,burn r~m'A 'FP*.KiiYU TEISHIN BUTAI Airborne raiding unit 'tjkNOU& KuYU TEISHINTAI Airborne raiding unit '_r_ f )*N U=Z ZETSUGO NWO First and probably last,174 KUZUKA SURU To scrap KUZIJMONO Junk.,rubbish,scraps KUZURE Breakdown, collapse, slump KUZIJSHI Breakdown, destrvc ti-on KUZUSHI Simplification,,reduction IA KUZUSHIGAKI Cursive writing 4 ~N-~ KYAAKYAA Loudlyr,noisily KYAKKA Ballast P1 KYAKKA Nonsuit. KYAXXJ Counter for furniture with legs KY(AKU Leg,undercarriage',landing gear *P IL KY(AKUD6 Foot-path KYAKUBAN Gaiters S XYAKUXsHAKA Passenger and Freight Cars Section 4 K~ YAXII SESSON Damage to landing gear fi*A KYAKUSHABIN DE By passenger train KYAKtJSHITSU Beriberi KYAIKESHITSU Guest chamber,parlor, compartment, salon, cabin A~~KYAKIJ S6JU KAIKEIKI Undercarriage operation switch MA KYAKtJTAI SURU To retire,withdraw..recede AP44 KYAXIJZAI Bracing strut KY& Hungary EY& Radical 055 -M[K6-BAI SURU To bid at an auction S KY6BAI SURU To sell by force,force to buy KY6BAI KAISHI NEDAN Upset price KYZ5BAfl'TflIBidder ~u11 E YcBAI TESURI(6 Auction fee KYOBAN Bridge planks KY6ZBAN Sounding board A~r.f*V KY6B.ATSU Pride XY6BEN Arrangements KY65BEN Joint management KY6B6 Recklessness..wildness.,insanity K yo-B6 STIRU To be arrogant and wicked KY6CH6 Long and narrow 5~4& ~ KY5CHOKUSEI KEIREI' Tonic spasm HKYOCHO' In dock ~fl' KY6CHO In a mirror KY87DAI Bridge abutment~abutment pier general average *3 44A 1YrD-KAN Control shipglead ship,guide ship A (:-:If* KYoD6 KIEIX. Joint management A PItotI p ýtKycDc3 KEISA1 KANJ6 Pool.ed account. AAAAt A*-A Pal LJU 4i. St W~ a4 C2 il - tl I KY5D?5 KLEIN Common purse XY5D5 KUCHI~tKAN Destroyer flotilla,* lead ship K:Y6D6 MIGI Guide right KY5D5 NAGAYA Tenement house KY6D6 SAKtJSEN Concerted operations KY6DD6 SAI&K6CH6 Common opinion book.,police reputation register KY6D6 SEIMEI HOKEN Joint life insurance KY6-D6 SEIZON NENKIN Joint-and-survivor annuity KY6D5SEN Guide ship KY6D6 SENSEN United front KY6D5 SHAKUCHININ Joint tenant EY&D5 SHOYD Joint tenant KY6-D6 SHEJKEN Condominium KY&-D6 SHLTSSHI Joint account, joint interests KY6D5 S6ZOKTJIN Coheir KYo-D6TEI Guide boat XY6D6 TEISHIN HIK6TAI Advanced training raiding flying unit KY6D& UND6 Combined operations KY6-D6 NSWNIN HOKEN Common carrier's Insurance KY6D6 UN-YIJ Joint traffic, joint transportation HY6EIKAI Co-Prosperity Association KY6-EIKEN Co-Prosperity Sphere* KY61MI Infectious pleuropneumonia KYEN Stringer of bridge etc. KYOFU Great wealth,large fortune IKYOFU Unsubstantiality KY56FU Coward KY&5FU Madman., luna t ic. f ool KY 5-TJ Madwoman, lunatic KY6FIUKU Bridge width KY6N0USHIN Feeling of fear KY6FUSH6 Morbid fear~phobia KY6FUTSUBY6 Francophobia,Gallophobia 'KY6GA Bridge.KY6GA Caricature~comic picture XY5GA SURU To congratulate,,felicitate KY6GAI Outside of the boundaries KYWGAKUKA Instruction Section KY5GAKUKYOKU Instruction and 6uidance Bureau KYOGAN Distance off shore KY'oGAN Brazen face,im~pudemce,effrontery KY-GEI SBIYl Ceremony of offering to the ashes of the Buddha KYOGEKI Crack, crevice KYOGEKI Gap KYOGEKI SURU To make a surprise attack, attack an unguarded position KY6G1KI Powerful attack KY6GEN Sourcqp of supply KYdGI Discussion K:Y5GI-IN Contestants.,in athletics KY6GIKAI Conference, council KYOGO Lie~falsehood 3KY6GO Bewitching words KY6G6 Arrogance,pride KY6G6 Competition, conflict, concurrence KYdG5 Cryshout, call KY6G6 NA Firm~sound,strong KY6G6 SURU To ainalgamate.,combine KY6G6 SURU To roar,bellow,shout,cry out KYOGU Mad~ness,,craziness KY6HA Destruction by sheer powerKYQHAKU Emptiness~vacuity,vacancy KY65HAKU SURD To fear,be alarmed KY6IKU CH6CH6 Educational aff airs director,provincial MYIN Noize, sound~echo RC 4-; S1CA MA~ viv 0 A 4#4M a 4 $%If T Aet O4 k 4it t MAL 40,bt ffikL 0t 0 A a AA-t to 0 *)qi A-6 v OX,~~ "A"I-, iRM* Ii KYoIN SURU 151 MY6IN SURU To drink to excess KYbITEKI Wonderful, phenomenal, surprising KY6ITSU SURU To run away in fright KYBJA Strong individual KYWJAKU Cowardice and weakness KYWJI Assistant KYWJI Items of agreement KYWJI Spoiled child KYWJI SURU To carry,hold KY6JI SURU To point out,emphasize KYBJIN Arrogant person,conceited man XY5JIN Ruffian,rascal,scoundrel KYbJI1NSEI Tenacity, toughness KYOJ6 Serrated, saw-shaped KYBJO Mutual aid KYBJb Creed,dogma,doctrine tYWJ6 On a bridge IYbJ6 TSUKA Bridge passage X(OJU Huge animal KYOJO Push and pull KY6JO NA Arbitrary,headstrong KYbJU NI In the course of today KY6JO SURU To yield from fear,be cowed KY6JUKAI Faculty,faculty meeting KYOJUNIN THYiKEM Occupational franchise KY6JOTAIKY6 Bridge with 4- or 5-ton load limit KYBJUTSU Pity,compassion KYOKA Betrothal KYOKA Dwelling house KY6KA Beautiful flowers KYiKA Blossoms out of season KYdKA Buckwheat bloom KY&KA Mirror stand KYoKA Nape of the neck KY5KA Under a bridge HYoKA NA Lavish,extravagant KY6-KA SURU To formalize KY-KPA SURU To present flowers KYTKA SURU To strengthen,intensify, reinforce KY6KABOKU Reinforced wood,plywood KY6KAI Advice,counsel KYdKAI Heart,feelings KYdKAI SEN Boundary line KYOKA JURYSHRA Licensee XYoAKUXHADA NO Chivalrous KYOKANIN Licensor KY cARY5 Flower money KYOKASEI Permit system KYOKA SEIDO Permit system KYOKASH6 Permit,license KYoKATAI Rehabilitation unit,for deserters,military criminals,etc. KYOKAZUKI Permit attached BYOKEI Serrated,saw-shaped KYQKEN Microscopic examination KY5E1N NA Brave,courageous,warlike KYdKETSU NA Brave,valiant KYOKI Goods kept back to raise the price KYoKI Astonishment and joy KYiEl NA Bullish,of the market KY6KISH6 Aerophobia KY6KITSU SURU To press for,clamor for KY6KI ZAIRY6 Bullish factor KYOKKA Bureaus and sections KYOKKAMEI Bureau-and-section name KYOKKAN SAY6 Siphonage KYOKKETI Brightness of the rising sun KYOKKTEI Road curve EXOEKI Rising sun KYOKKIN Very near KYOXK& Bent hook KYOKO Vainglory, vanity KY6KO Arch of a bridge Xy iO Cry,shout,call KYKC6 Bridge beam KYKi6 Famine,dearth HY SK Fiord,long arm of the sea Ky6K&g Mirror maker KgyEH: Pope,Bishop of Rome KYKiK Slot IyNjKb GAIK6 Strong foreign policy HY6Ki HIK6 Exhibition flight KYOKOKU Whole country KYi~KOKU Hungary KYOKOKU ITCHI National unity,united front KYOfOKU KAIHEI SEIDO Universal conscription system KYdKZ6SH6 Catalepsy KYM6 TEISATSU Reconnaissance in force KY6K6 TSOKA Forced currency KYK6K TSUKA SURU To force a passage Atf +5-A fit Ex 4 AGjB MAI) i v E1i Pfic ~ E0e ~ 4) 4,&J1tJi1 tih 4 ER 9 941 Ix ~ W4eia ~ ~tik pta ~ Sit tA KYoM3 KYOKU Counter for songs or musical selections KYOKU Order of the Rising Sun KYOKO Empty space,airvoid,vacuum KYOKUBU Local KYOKUBU DENCHI Line battery,local battery KYOKUBU MASUI Local anaesthesia KYOKUBUTEKI Local KYOKUCHI Locality XYOKUCHI NO Local KYOKUCHISEN Local action,local operation KYOKUCHI SENT6KI 'Interceptor fighter KYOKUCHITEKI Local KYOKUCH6 Director of Bureau,Chief of Office KYOKUCH& JIMU TORIATSUKAI Director in charge KYOKUDAI KYOKUSH6 Maximum and minimum KYOKUDAIRY6 Maximum amount KYOKUDAISU Maximuxii number KYOKUD6 Winding road,crooked path KYOKUDORI Juggling, 1legerdemain KYOKUEN NA Farthest,most distant KYOKUF Polar winds KYOKUGAI CHORITSU SENGEN Declaration of neutrality KYOKUGEN SURU To diminish to the extreme KYOKUGEN SURUt To remonstrate earnestly KYOKUGENCHI Limiting value KYOKUGEN JUY6 KAKAKU Marginal demand price HYOKUGI Aerial acrobatics KYOKURI NO Very secret KyOKUHIN Extreme poverty,penury KYOKUHO Remote bay KYOKUHO Winding bay KYOKU-INZUKI DORU-KA Chopped dollar KYOKU ITSU First class Order of the Rising Sun KYOKUJIKU Crankshaft KYOKUJITSUSH6 Order of the Rising Sun KYOKUJITSUSH6 NI Second class Order of the Rising Sun KYOKUJ6 Superior quality KYOKUJ6 CHOT&HIN Fully good middling,in cottod market KYOKUJO SURU To cringe,to obey servilely KYOKUMEN DAKAI Breaking the deadlock KYOKUMEN TENKAN SAKU Plan for changing the situation KYOKUNAN South p9le,far south,southernmost point KYOKU NI Second class Order of the Rising Sun KYOKUNORI HIK6KA Stunt flyer KYOKURI Personnel of an office,bureau official KYOKUSA YOKU Extreme left flank KYOKUSEI Far west,westernmost point KYOKUSEI Pole star KYOKUSEN Barbed wire KYOKUSETSU False argunlent,perverted views KYOKUSHO Extremity,acme KYOKUSH6 Order of the Aising Sun KYOKUSHO MASUI Local anesthetic KYOKUSOKU SURU To crouch,be huddled up KYOKUSUI Winding stream KYOKUTAN Daybreak,dawn KYOKUT5 JIH6 Far Eastern Review KYOKU-U Extreme right KYOKU-U NA Crooked,winding,circuitous KYOKU-UTd Party of the extreme right KYOKU-U YOKU Extreme right flank HYIKYAKU Bridge pier KY6KYAKTJ NA Agile,active,fast,nimble KYdKYB Arched bridge KY6KYOCHI Source of supply KY6KYO FUSOKU Short supply K Y6KYGEN Source of supply KYdEgYU'OKOK The Have Nations KY6KYURYOKU Ability to supply KY6HYU SAKI Source of supply KYoKYii SAKl Those to whom issuance is made KY6KYiJSHO Supply depot Ky oMrAKUTEN Pleuri sy KYOMAN Bravadobosasting,arrogance,pride, insolence KYOMEISHI Verbal noun,gerund KY&4EN Mirror surface KYOMIN All the people KYOM6 Vain effort,lost labor,emptiness, reduction KY6M6 Barbarismbrutality X RT MON 152 t71 ZA fl tff1 ~i~~W 6 Ist~t fi ~IEb 1A -~r ý~ e -t.~ e it~ 1;~ef tA# fa tf4 Ilif7 ia afoat I A.1 5n i.%t~t on~ V h A- i ~U hA 8WST4 t# 4 f1% i~~* Aitia VDIA T) 9r0t836 P11*11 wt its tl M it 4479 d ~J t,~J~J~taft M ~*~ 4i) n;ca Si R I SJft~5 UEtg 3f I f fftJgijf 3 114 lt: ~~ JU UlWt 4R4 ~L~ 183 A2ljh) AA;Iglc be% KY MON Arch KYiMON ]5rawbridge KY 7MON Religion,sect KY"IKU I-INXAI Commission on Overseas Chinese Affairs,in China KY6MU SHUNIN Head of instruction.department in a school KY3NAI KUTSU Angina pectoris KYoNENKETSUTAN Superior coling coal KY5NETSU High heat,high fever EYWICHI Cooperation with Japan KYO NI IRU To contrive KYO NI IZURU To take a lipe of action, undertake something KYO NI J6ZURU To catch off guard KYONIN SURU To deny recognition KY6NIN Instructor KY6NIN-YU Apricot kernel oil KY6N6GAEK6 Village agricultural school, in China KY6? SURU To respond promptly EY6OMPU Accent mark KYBON Accord,concord XYZRAI Loud thunder Y6RAEKU SURU To knock down,at auction KY6RAKUNIN Highest bidder,successful bidder KYIRAN DOT6 Mountainous seas KY6REI Regulations,instructions,decretal KY6REN YU Training expediencies KYBREN SETSUEI Training construction HYMRXW SHAGEKI Firing drill XYORI SOKUTEI DF search radius KYORI SOKUTEI-IN Range crew,range setter, the man KYORI TOKEI Range clock,in artillery KY6ROMEN Bridge roadway KYOROTSUKU To wander about KYERYAKU Plunder,pillageseizure KY6RY8CHI Common domain KY6RYOKU BUTAI Joint force KY6RYOKU DAIJIN Minister of Co-operation KtYRYOKIHA Collaborationist party KY5RYOKUKA SURU To strengthen KYRYOKUSHA Co-operator KYOSA SURU To bracket,in artillery fire KY6SADAN Bracketing salvo KYOSAI Details KYOSAI Joint auspices KYOSAN Large property,great wealth KY SAN Help, assistance KY6SAN Mental calculation,plan KY6SAN GUN Communist Army TKYSAN HIGUN Partisans KYWBANKA SURU To communize EY6SANTB SENGEN Communist manifesto KY5SEI Ejaculation,yell, shriek KYBtEI Strong voice KY5SEI SURU To press for,clamor for,force upon KYdSEI BAIBAI Execution sale KYSEI CHUSAI Compulsory arbitration KYOSEI HOKEN Compulsory insurance KY6SEI KAIAGE Purchase by force KYBSEI KAISAN Compulsory liquidation,in lawKY 5EI.K6BAI Forced sale KYOSEI KWSAI Forced loan KY6SEI KY6BAI Compulsory sale by auction KYOs c Gigantic stone,megalith KYOSEN Removal of a gland KYqSETSU Bridge bay KY~5HA Pillbox KYESHAH6 (arriage gun KYOSHI Resistance,opposition KYOSHI NO Saw-toothed YOTSHI SURY To repel,ward off,stop KytSHI Forceps 15Y9H1 Trialtest,assay KYbSHI SURU To die insane KYbSHI SURl To instruct,guide KY6iSIKI SKIIfKOKYU Cheat deep-breathing EY6SHIN Cowardice, timidity KYBSHIN Pride,arrogance XBY2HIN RIKURYOKU Doing one's utmost YOSHEIN TANKAI Frankness,open-mindedness EIYOSHISETSU Large establishment KYoSHISHE Necrophobia,morbid Lear of death r(6EITSU SGURU To send out KYOSH6 CGlassical 3d tone in Chinese, Mandarin 4th tone KYOSH5 Fringing reef 1KYOSH5 Marsmus,atrophy MA a itT;5 A1 h 1 E31 3 LA 4A ft*-X4 if, -r IF SltA A Mfo-EtI %#+ ~ a~t r AA Az ILA 'Itt 4 44 A *V T 6 ~i4+ lj I 'r 6 V IA,-rb E ~t Cf@ (CtR ~C t95-l t0E@f t,*0 UK S 4bFC7d I *tt ~t IYUN BUTAI KY5SH6 Bridge roadway KYiSH6 Case for spectacles,microscope, etc. KY5SH6 Commercial competition KY&SH6 Winning smile KYOSHOKU Torch KY6SHOKU Banquet KY6SHOKUBY65 Sitiophobia,in medicine KYoSHOKU-IN Faculty,teaching staff KYOSH6b MAKINAMI Breakers on a reef or shoal KY6SH&4E& Narrow front KYB6HU Spirits,strong liquor KY6SHO Nostalgia,homesickness KY6SHU SURU To force the attack KYBSHJTAI J6RIKUYb SHUTEI Assault landing craft KY6SHUTSU To supply KY5SHUTSU SAKI Source KYOS5 SURU To hold a meeting KY6S5 Astonishment,amazement KY680KEI Communist-Soviet faction KYOSOKU SURU To restrain,curb KYBSOKURYOKU High speed KY3SON KY6EI Live and let live KYS5 NYUSATSU Competitive bid KY6S6YAKU Heavy charge of powder KY6SUI SURU To blow hard KY6SUID6 Narrow channel KY6SUIRO Narrow waterway KY6SUISH& Hydrothorax,in medicine KYOSURU To stage KY5SURU To fold the arms KY5SURU To treat to a dinner KYOTAI Huge body KYOTAI NA Mammoth, bulky,gigantic,massive KYOTAKU SURU To pretend KY6TAKU KIN Deposits KY6TAKU KIN HISH6 Embezzlement KYoTAKUKYOKU Deposit Bureau KYOTAN Sputum KY6TAN BUNSON Genjral average,in insurance KY6TEI NE Stipulated price KYbTEI RITSU Tariff rate,conference rate KYOTEISHO Agreement,document KYNTEI UNS5TEN Participating carrier KYOTEN Base KYOTEN Strong point KYOT6. Billow,enormous waves KY(T3 Bridge,bridgehead KY6 TO IU KY6 This very day KYOTaKEN Parallels of latitude KYOTOKYOTO Impatiently KY6T6SHIN Provincialism KY6TO SH6SHUZAI Sedition KY6TSO Together KY6TSU GAKKA Common branches KY6TSU NO HY6SHIKI Universal markings XY6TSU SEISANHI Joint cost of production Y56WA FUASHISUTO Tb Fascist Republican Party KY6WAKAI Concordia Society,in Manchukuo KY6WAKU SURU To be bewildered from fear KYBWA ON Consonant KYOYO False reputation KYOYO SURU To allow,grant KYOYO SURU To give,furnish KY6YO SURU To participate in KYY SURU To use,employ,consaume KBY6YU Moral teachings KY6YSHKA Joint ~owners KYOZA SURU To crouch,squat KYOZEN Suddenly KYbZEN Greatly excited KYOZETSU HI6SHO 0 Y6SEZU No protest KYOZOKU Celebrated bandit,great rebel KY ZOKU Bandit,brigand,rebel KYZZOKU Rustic customs KYU Nine KYOBAIG Dive bomber KYUBETSU SURlY To classify KYOBIN Pigeon express KYNBB Long-cherished Vish KYOBOKU Arc of packsaddle KYOBOKU Decayed tree,rotten wood KYOCHIJI Former governoZformer prefect KYUCHO NO SEKIJI Precedence at court KYODA SURU To dab,rap KYODAI -Kyushu Imperial University KYOEI SURU To stop operations MYUEN Smoking KYOEN BUTAI Reinforcement force MYGEN GUN 153 KY SUIXA" MA $A4t ý WA K&# Aft)" GVA AAt a S*Id a ta x ifM.r g1 i (giBt a th~rr OLt)$f It, c~t - EDfMlEt C (xsh Ej62 bttgP Rklbp sfiS CFP srz s ii[ ~t OLqa6a ~ rMtRP T 31 Cb~er I 9Std sSa,@&L 'N$ ~ 24fF s~F WE MW ~ 4t. P A.4 At- ~t~;rJr a.t d KYOEN GUN Reinforcements KYUFO SURU To blow out a blast furnace KYUGAIHIN Unclassified article KYOGAKU Amount granted KYOGAKU Piston KYUGAKUSHIKI KIKAN Reciprocating engine XYUGEKI NA Sudden,instantaneous,busy KYUGEN Source of supply KYOGEN SURU To diminish quickly KYOGIN Wages KYUG6 Mark 9 KYaG6 SURU To assemble,collect together KYUGO JIDBSHA Ambulance KYOGOKA Rescue and Aid Section KYUGOOSEN Rescue vessel,Red Cross ship KYUGY6 Non-duty,in medical reports KYMRAI Decay,rottenness KYUHAI Rapid distribution KYUHATSU NO Proleptic,in medicine KYOJEI Old currency KYUDEI Soldier on leave KYOHEI SURU To munition,supply with munitions KYUHEIKAN Munitions ship KYOKEISEN Munitions ship KYOHI Fabric of balloon etc. KYDHINSEN Supply ship KYOHO Quick step KYUKb6 Ancient laws,obsolete system KYUH6 Antiquated method KYUH6 Grade pay,salary class KYUH6 Old country KYUHMIEI Old Chinese money,fapi KYUHB NI SESSURU To receive an urgent report XYUIGUN Former Italian Army KYUJIKU-TIKE Ball bearing KYDJIN SURU To study deeply into,examine closely,search into KYIOJIN HZKOKU Help-wanted ad KYW.INSHA Companies wanting to employ people KYUJITSU Relief KYUJO Alms,charity,financial assistance KYOJO Hilltop,on a hill KYuJO HIHOKEMBUTSU Insurance salvage KYUJOSEN Lifeboat,rescue ship,balvage boat KYUJB SHIMON Arch fingerprint KYuJUTSU KIN Relief money YUiKA KANSETSU Ball-and-socket joint KYOKCAN Old patlepts KYUKAN Shout, cry, clamor LYEMAN BOKUSHU Conventialism KYOKETSU- Point to be cauterized with moxa KYUKETSUKI Bdellometer KYUKI Suction KYOKI Supply of air KYUKI Supply of steam KYOKINTORI Wage earner KYUK6 Bowmaker KYOK6 Prompt result,rapid efficacy KYUK6 NO 'Quick-setting KYUKO SURU To consider carefully,reflect KYOKMAIN Former Asia Development Board KYUK?5C1I Fallow land KYUK KA Aerial dive KYUKCKA BAKUGEKI Dive bombing KyuKo-KA BAKUGEKIKI Dive bomber KYIKOKKA Old national anthem YOKON an Poverty and miserg EYOKb SAKUJSEN Blitzkrieg KYOKU Poverty and misery KYU~I(O Former residence KYUYO Su dden,bu sinstantaneous KYOKYb One's native village KYOXY6DB SOKAI Old International Concessionin Shanghai KCYG KYOHI~ Sudden refusal XYOKYOKU SURU To determine,settle,decide KYUKYOKU GEN-LIN Ultimate cause KYOKYG First aid KyUKYU SURU To investigate thoroughly KYUKYUH6 First aid KYCiYiiSHIKIHg GUNfThI Type 99 army rec ons~fiisGEKK naissance assault plane KYKYU~lSHIKI 8~KEI Type 99 twin-engined light bomber KYKYU SHOCHI PFirst aid KYUMAI Rice for rations 5% KYOMEI Old fame,former fame ~ 1{ KYNMEI BUI Life-saving buoy 4tRe I KYOMEI D6I Life belt 44 f KYOMEI FUHY6 Life buoy Itf 1 KYJMEI IKADA Life raft 4k* KYUMEISAKUI Life line,shot line kCft KYUMIN Relief of the poor 0 KYUMIN Repose,tranquillity,quiescence It rel KYUMON Torture AAt 5 KYUMU SURU To take a rest from one's work fi1At;,KYUNAN FUTYB Rescue buoy,salvage buoy " *12%; KYONANSEN Salvage ship,rescue ship "it i KYUNAN SON Salvage loss S KYUNANTAI Salvage or rescue unit KYUNEN For many years,a long time fg KYaNENDO Last fiscal year -k A KYUNETSU Sudden heating A KYONYU Motor intake St t gKYO 0 Y6SURU To be urgent KYOREI Ancient ceremonial KYOREI Sudden cooling KYORI Cucumber KYORI One's native village KYORITSU Former rate KYORITSU Obsolete law,ancient system KYURB Last December,end of last year KYUR5 Pigeon basket + t't KYUROKO CHUKI Type 96 medium attack plane &Ua' KYU-ROSHA-JIN Former Russians KYURY6 Former territory KYORY&KAN Provisions ship Ma KYiRY5SEN Provision ship,storeship $W~ j KYUHORY5TORI Wage earner,salaried man VVIrM KYURYU YAH5 Overhead-shielded field gun, cupola-protected field gun V KYUSAKU Rotten rope,rusty wire - t KYUSEI Former sy#,tem KYJSEI Sudden death I a KYUSEI SURU To investigate,study &'ttJ KYUSEI HAIEN Acute pneumonia.gg1 A RA KYUSEI INTBEN Acute pharyngitis AART19 KYUSEI JINZ6EN Bright's disease lot KYUSEIT6 Old political party I ty 1, KYOSEKAI Old world Jfr KYUSEN ' Ball game #k KYUSEN Lifeboat -st KYJSETSU Rumor,tradition #.a 0 KYUSETSU NO Pressing,urgent A KYUSETSUM Emergency net A* KYUSHA Pigeon loft,dovecote A* KYUSHA Stable for horses I # KYiSHA Used car 4 ~t 3 a KYGSHA SURU To cease firing 4- gKYUSHAGEKI Brisk fire ~ 6 KYOSHAMEN Steep slope t KYUSHI Ancient history,old chronicles 1*W41 3 KYOSHI Gift from Imperial Family A- tUk KYOSHICHI DAITEI Type 97 large flying boat -t sý KYUSHICHISHIKI JUBAKU Type 97 heavy bomber KYUSHIFU Rest,pause,.I KYOSHI KANJB Dormant account R5 KYOSHIN Message carried by carrier pigeon Et KYUSHIN Moxa,acupuncture 3V KYISHIN Old and new *- _ 9KYUSHIN Steep "If'9 KYUSHINAI pld city limits A id gKYOSHIN SHAKAIT( Radical Socialist Party * KYUSHINT5 Radical party,left wing X4 *A KYOSHZ Carrier-pigeon post 5-1 K YUSH6 Old New Year's,Chinese New Year's YUSH6 Qui ck-burning KYIJSH6 Stable floor gs~' KYUSH AX;E Arrival of Chinese New Year's KYOSH6GATSU Old New Year's,Chinese New Year' s B KYiSHOGATSU AKE Chinese New Years' arrival S KYUSHOKUKYU Half pay ~j4'lts~ KYOSHb SHUGI Barter system CKYOSHIJ Adversary, enemyfoe JSt KYOSHO SURU To raid,attack suddenly *ItPPi KYUSHU BUTAI Fast attack force ~i~ J~tKYOSHUN Steep side slope 4~ ~Yti P YOSHUTAI Fast attack unit oiP~f: KYOSHU[TSU Removal by suodtion j KYUSHUTSU SURTo To rescue evacuate, liberate KY0US Sod,,turf &Lt*Ag KYOSOKU SENK6 Submarine crash dive b KYQSOKU SHUTSUDO JUMBI Urgent preparation,mobilization WKS gKY SUIKAN Water supply ship ^Xtp ^ I: ^bt1V pua AERK W, A AR mlA tI *HA~ pa9 it A *rf4 ai^ ^ ^\nmd ^-^^(t ^ KTYSUISEN 154 EKYUSUISEN Water tanker KYUTAI Former state or condition KYUTAKU Former home KYUTANRY6 Coal supply KYUTANYUSEN Combination collier and tanker KOTEI SURU To weep KYDTEI BNTO Lifeboat KYOTO Impasse,cul-de-sac KYUT6 Sudden rise in prices KYUTSUI Rapid pursuit KYOTSUI SURU To pursue to the end,censure severely KYOUN SURU To supply and ship KYDWA Old story,fairy tale KYUYAKU SEISHO Old Testament,Hebrew Bible KYYOY Last resort KYUOY Decayed leaves KYOYU SURU To absorb or suck in oil KYUYUOG Former Yugoslavia KYUYUKAN Oil supply ship,tanker,oiler KYOYURY6 Oil supply KYOYUSEN Oil tanker KYOYU SHISETSU Oil supply equipment KYOYUSHO Oil-refueling station KYOZEN Before the remains of the deceased M MA Madrid MA Magnesium MA Subhead 30 MA-AI Hemp sandals MA-AI Oppoiýunity, chance,leisure MA-ATSU Friction, clashing,dissention MABASHIRA Pillar,post MABIKI Thinning, thinning out MAB6 Mill,grinding mill MABU SURU To rub,polish,rear,govern MABY6SHI Favorable moment MACHIAWASERU To meet for a rendezvous MACHIBITO Townsmen,citizens MACHIFU City ways MACHIHAZURE City limits, suburbs MACHI-UKE JIKAN Radio-watch hours, listening-in hours MACHI-UKERU To stand listening on radio watch MACHI YAKUBA Town office MACHO Hemp MADAKI Dawn MADARE Radical 053 MADASHII Hasty,untimely,unripe,incomplete MAD5 Great distance,remoteness MADOGUCHI Window MADOKA NA Circular,round MADOKAZARI KANJ6 Window dressing, accounting MADOU To compensate,pay indemnity MAEBIKI Reserved articles MAEBIRO NI Beforehand MAEBISASHI Visor MAE HANAO Forestrap,of clogs etc. MAE HIZUKE Antedating MAEKAGAMI Leaning forward MAEMAE Well in advance MAETATE Plume MAE USHIRO Before and after,beginning and ending,in front and behind MAE YOKU Forwardti blade MAEZUME Front hoof of horse MAGAERU To jumble,mix up,Imitate MAGAI Entanglement,muddle, imitation MAGAI Mock, sham,fake MAGAIYASUI Easy to mistake MAGAMAGASHII Inauspicious,unpleasant, hateful MAGAMO Mallard,wild duck MAQANE Iron MAGARI NARI NI By hook or by crook MAGERU To be accommodating,oblige MAGIRAKASU To confuse,obscure, istract, divert MAGIRASU To confuse,obscure,distract, divert MAGIRAWASU To confuse,obscure,distract, divert MAGIRE Mistake,deception * MAGIREARUKU To go incognito,stroll about MAKI NOKX... MAGO Stableboy,packhorse driver " >".i MAGOTSUKI Perplexity,confusion MAGUNESHOMU-KA Magnesium Section MAHIGASHI Due east MAHIKI Significant wink * l6.*61 MAHISEI CHIH5SH6 Dementia paralytica, general paresis,general paraYysis of the insane fx MAI Counter for flat thin objects,paper, dishes,clothing etc. JI MA-I Linen clothes,hemp clothes MA-I White mourning clothes MAIBA Leaf tobacco MAIBITO Dancer MAIBY6 Each second,every second MAIDO Hinged door MAIFUN Each minute,every minute ST, MAIGASHI SURU To advance money,pay in advance MAIGUJI Every even-numbered hour 4A# MAIGUSUJI Every even-numbered hour 40. MAIJI Each hour,every hour,often,always *1 MAIJUN Every 10-day period 2^-; MAIKA SURU To bank a fire 91 10 MAIKA SURU To dim,darken "^9 MAIKAI Each meeting,every meeting 44 MAIKAI Every time yA MAIKAZE Whirlwind, tornado MAIKI Each period of time,every term "MAIKI Each season,every three months, quarterly -Ix MAIKISOJI Each odd-numbered hour ZV MAIKO Each article l* -1 l MAIKOTSU SURU 'To bury a body -,, MAIKURUU To rush about in frenzy t MAINAI SURU To bribe,cater to, 1 MAINAU To bribe S MAI6 Bound, leap -F MAISEKI Every evening ^S MAISEN Underground cable S MAISHI Quarterly aaY MAISHIN SURU To press on,advance -At MAISHU TSUMIDASHI Weekly shipments MAISO Number of sheets or flat objects MAIYA Each night,every night,nightly MAIYO Each night,every night,nightly f9 MAIYO Every evening,in the evening MAIYUBE Every evening At 1 MAIZoRY5 Amount of ore deposits MAJIKI YA Should we not,ought we not to i ' ( ti, MAJIKUNAU To deceive MAJIRAI Entanglement,intimacy MAJIRAU To mingle,associate with MAJIROGU To*wink,blink MAJo Hemp rope X MAKAGE Bay,chestnut color MAKAGE Eyeshade MAKARERU To be rolled up in,be entwined, be surrounded MAKARIM6SU To take one's leave - MAKARIMUKAU To leave for, go to MAKARU To go,come,take leave,visit,die Aw MAKEKACHI Defeat and victory,loss and gain MAKEKOSU To be defeated in everything,be consistently defeated RT MAKEKOSU To cause to lose in everything VJ TI MAKEN SURU To sharpen,grind At MAKENIGE Shameful defeat and flight itý MAKENOKU To retire after defeat MWs MAKENSHI Emery paper,t MAKETSUZUKERU To lose steadily V.4 MAKEZUM5 Loser in wrestling match SR r MAKEZU OTORAZU Neck and neck,evenly, equally SMAKZ Cirrus SMA Counter for reels or volumes S. MAKI Pasture,grazing land Jl" MIAGE Lifting by winding S MlILAMI Seine,net dragged along beach $ AKIGAMAE Radical 013 AKIGARI Beating for gameroundup - MAKI GEETORU Puttees S, AKI H5TAI Rolled bandage F MAKIJAKU Tape measure MAKIJAKU NEDAN Stock price on ticker I MAKIJITA Rapid and rhythmic speech ^&1 MAKIKAESU To unroll,roll in opposite direction MAKI KYAHAN Leggings,gaiters,puttees A- I MAKIMODOSU To unwind, unroll A MAKI NOKO Band saw MA-KINORI 155 A 1 41 t A Ir A to 4L -tv AA *lt it A Jit fx it * itz 10 $R lf A A Bs2d, 34 M-t ~ t f * A Ati E L t a AkA ALb!lf IA#$t IfA *ta X~~7 ARL4 t -4 U,)lfr MAKINORI Circling MAKIOKOSU To cause trouble,create a sensation MAKIOROSU To unroll,roll down,take a reefl in a sail MAKITA True north,due north MAKITORIGAMI Roll paper MAKTTORISHI Roll paper MAKITORU To roll up MAKIZURUME Rolled cuttlefish MAKKAN Last volume MAKK6 From the front,bltntness,frankaess MAKK6 True direction MAKK6 Last clause,conclusion,final clause,end MEAKUAKI Raising of curtain,beginning MAKUBARI Curtained enclosure MAKUTBARI Pitching of a tent MAKUBARU To distribute,allot MAKUBARU To pitch a tent,enclose with curtains MAKUGIRE Drop of curtain,end of scene MAKUGIRI Drop of curtain,end of scene MAKUGUSHI Tent peg,tent post MAKIRA-.ATE Pillow cover MAKURABUKUJRO Pillow cover MAKURAGAYA Small mosquito net MAKURA6I Pillow cover MAKURERU To turn up,tuck up,roll up MAKUSHIAGERU To tuck up,turn up,lift up, clothes etc. MAKUSHIKAKARU To fly at,pounce upon MAKUIJSHIKAKERU To pounce upon MAMA Steprelationship,foster. MAMA CHICHI Stepfather MAMAKO Hard grains,of flour MAMA KY5DAI Stepbrother,stepsister MAMBATSV Expiration of a punishment MAMBU Contempt,scorn,ridicule MAMBUN One 10,000th MAME Radical 151 MAME- Miniature, toy,midget MAMEDATSU To be sincere,act faithfully MAME HEN Radical 151 MAME HON Pocket-size book MAME KOZB Dwarfmidget. MAMEKYi Miniature bulb MAMEMAMESHII Faithful,honest MAMEN Pock-marked face MAME OTOKO Honest man,vigorous person MAME RAMPU Miniature lamp,night lamp MAKE RENTAN Briquettes MAME SENKAN Pocket battleship MAME TAIFu Minor typhoon MAMETAN Briquettes MAME TANKU Tankette MAMINAMI Due south MAMMAN TO SHITA Slow,dilatory MAMMAN TO SHITA Wide,aimless,obscure thoughtless MANM E Manohukuo and Mongolia MAM 6 Abrasion,wear and tear,friction, attrition MAMONO Real thing,not artificial MAMORIGATAKI Untenable MAMPAN All asorts MAMPAN Full sail,sails spread MAMPEN SURU To deceive,cheat,beguile MAMPUKU Full stomach,satiation MAMPUKU Innumerable blessings,in congratulations MAMUS1BI Tight knot MAN Man chukuoManchuria MANA Pomfretza fish MANATSU Midsummer MANCHI Lake full to overflowing MUAJICHI The whole ground or area MANCHOGIN Central Bank of Manchukuo, MANDAI Hsingking Diplomatic Office MAJIPDARAY65 Stramaonium leaves,lotus leaves MAN-El Abundance,full nes s MAN-El Manchukuo Moving Picture Co. MANEKIATSUMIERIJ To mobilize army,invite a group MANr-E SURU To extend MAN-ETSU Exultatianecstasy,great joy MAJIGIN Bank of Manchukuo MANGOKIDI SH Rice-refining machine MANHBI Manchukuo Aeronautical Co. MANIAI Expedient MAN-ICHI NO BAAI If by any chance a A At 51 g I$ ~ f L; j A # 'AV, J A!A AF 4.k -0 A 4+Aq i 119 k < A 4* PsMlt L ~ 5A 344 3 RIC ~ lfi I ff d VA2. A A 3-tk AW SI 5L lik Sit ~ AL A SA - 149t iA~ A fjl ~d ILm 5 5 sri$ a mEi % A I 3K t At3S MARU TABA MANIRA-SAKU Manila rope MANISHI Due west MAN-ITSU SURU To overflow,brim over MANJIRU To be proud of,boast MANJ5 NO Entire MANJ5 ITCHI Unanimously,with one accord MANKA Manchukuo and China MANKA Manchukuo Chemical Co. MANKAI Expiration of term of an association MANKAM6 Manchukuo,China, and Mongolia MANKAN Ebb and flow of sea,high and low tide MANKAN Manchukuo and Kwantung MANKANSHI Manchukuo,Kwantung,and China MANKEISHA Person who has served his term. of punishment MANKI Pride,vanity,self-conceit MANKIBIDATE Interest yield to maturity MANKIHEI Time-expired' soldier MANKI MIDASHI Index of maturity dates MANKISHA Time-expired ratings MANKI TEGATA Matured bill MANKO Full load,full bunkers MANK6 SURU To stroll,saunter MANKY6 Manchukuo Communists MAJNNEN KdHO Permanent candidate, ever-unsuccessful MANNENREKI Perpetual calendar MANNINKCI End of period of service MAN OKU Trillion,English billion MANOROI Slow, sluggish MA NO WARUI Inopportune,untimely MANROKU Uniformitf,equality MANRY6 Manchukuo Consulate MANRY6 Manchukuo territory MANSEI Luxuriance of vegetation MANSEIBY6 Chronie illness MANSEI KOKYUKI SHIKKAN Chronic respiratory disease MANSEKI Manchukuo Petroleum Co. MANSEKI Manchukuo Red Cross MANSEN Manchukuo and Korea MANSEN Whole boat,whole cargo,full ship MANSEN KISSUI Loaded draught MANSHIJIN Manchukuo Chinese MANSHOKU Complete decoration MANSHu HIKo KAISHA Manchukuo Aeronautical Co. MANSHU JIMUKYOIKU Manchurian Affairs Bureau MANSHUKEI Manchukuo faction MANSHU TETSUD6 J6YAKU Manchurian Railway -Agreement MANSHO TdBEND6 KAl- Manchukuo Tung Pien HATSU K6SHI Tao Development Co. MAN3O Manchuria and Soviet Union MANSUI Flood, inundation MANTAI Emnbassy in Hsinking MANTEN SURU To fill completely MANTETSU South Manchurian Railway Co. MANTO-SHI HA"N Manteau test MAiWUKAREQATAKI Hard to escape MANUKU To thin out,make less dense MAN-YA Whole moorland or plain MANZANT Marianas MANZEN Complete perfection or finishing MANZEN Many good deeds MANZOKU Manchus MAORAN Anchor rope,h4wser MARAKANIYAN Malacananofficial residence of Philippine President MARARIA-KA Malarial mosquito MARE NI MIRU Seldom seen rare MARIN Hemp string MAROBASU To rollrevolveturn MAROBU To roll,stumble,fsall MAR6DO Guest,visitor MARU BIN Bottle hand grenade MARtTBITORI Stou tnes s,obesity MARUDOSHRI Whole ear,complete year MA.RU J6GI Round ruler MARU KEGI: Round nail MARUMARU To roll oneself up,curl up MARUMUKI Stripping,peeling PMAtNI Vegetables,fish etc,,cooked whole MARU NOKO Circular saw MAR11 NOKOCIRI Trepan,trephine MARUSA Roundness,rotundity MAKU SAYA Husk,glume,chaffboll MARUSHIKI SENT KI Zero plane M4AR1 TABA Ball,of wool etc. MARUTAKIN 156 AjL Z~k jLKJM ALPa w Ab i t~L ~ )A f i I S tj I-1ýA X 4#i4 L kl 4 It dCB l~Af.ts'i ~ 1i0t. --flI MARUTAKIN Reinforcing logs MARUTA KOYA Log cabin,blockhpuse MARUZUKA Funeral mound MASAI Pulverization,grinding MASAME Straight grain of wood MASATSU ITA Scratch board,for red candle etc. MASERU To be precocious MASHI. Hemp fiber paper MASHICHIN Overtime pay,extra pay MASHIGAI Extra feqd,for animals MASHIKI Linen type MASHIMIZU Flood MASHIMIZU Spring water MASHINE Extended price MASHIN-YU Machine oil MASON Defacement MASON Reduction by friction,attrition MASON Sweatage,coin weight loss MASON SH6M6 Wear and tear MASSEI Future ages MASSH6 Directly above MASSH6 Twig,end of branch,end MASSH& SURU To erase,strike out MASU MAS,Italian torpedo boats MASU Radical 136 MASUIY6 EETERU Ether for anesthesia MASUIY6 KUROROFUORUMU Chloroform for anesthesia MASURA TAKEO Hero,warrior,soldier MATA Radical 029 MATAGATAKI Revenge on the avenger MATAGI Stride MATAGURA Crotch of legs MATA-URI Resale MATPAZUNO Antler MATCHI Y6ZAI Wood for matches MATEHE Manchukuoan soldier-agent MATEN Manchukuoan woman-agent MATEN-UN Overcast sky MATESHI Manchukuoan civilian-agent MATO Two-man submarine MATO Whetstone MAT6 Wharf MATOHE Manchukuoan soldier-deserter MATON Manchukuoan woman-deserter MATOSHI Manchukuoan civilian-deserter MATb WATASHI F.O.B.,the wharf MATSUBI Last day MATSUBUN Concluding paragraph MATSUCHI Arable land,fertile land MATSUGY6 Last column MATSU KAWA Pine bark MATSUKI Final stage,last period MATSUNICHI Last day MATSURINOO Pineapple MATSURU To offer,present MATSUYA ITSU SHIREZARU Before you know it' TOKORO MATSUYAMA Pine-covered mountain MATSUYANI Resin MATSUYANI K6K6 Resin plaster MATSUY6 Ages to come,posterity MATSUY6 End of epoch MATSUY5 Leaves on end of branches,details MATSUYU Anointpnent,rubbing with oil MATSUZA Last seat,lovest seat MATTAI Whole, complete,perfect,entire MAU To be dizzy,be giddy MA-UKE Taking seriously MA-URA night behind MAWARIAWASERU To come by chance,chance, befall MAWARIKIDO Turnstile MAYOKO NI Sideways,sidewise,abeam MAYO Hemp oil,flax oil MAZAMAZASHII Clear,evident, true,real, certain MAZEAWASERT To mix,mingle,blend MAZEKAESHI Confusion, trouble,hindrance ME Radical 109 ME Subhead 40O -~ME Ordinal suffix MEBATAKI Wink,blink MEBAYAI Sharp sighted,with lively glance MKBOSO Little eyes,little-eyed person MEBOTOKE Pupil of the eye MEBUE Gain in weight,in commerce MECHIGAI Mistake,misapprehension 1MECHIREN-SEI Methylene blue MECHIRUSURU0FUONAARU Methylaulphonal MEDARIGAO Downcast eyes,abashed look i t SIt I L 0A All a w.1 (1) L44 A-1 t 80 ~ BAf~ UEý s;4 i, t 8A tl Ei Igg o ME T V6 R i6tt RM t grt 23 f i Ali M Wi it V MEISAI SEISANSHO MEDASHI Budding MEDATASHII Conspicuous,brilliant MEDO Eye of a rneedle,hole MEDOME Nipping off buds -MEGARE Withering of buds MEGASHIRA Inner canthus or corner of eyelids MEGIRE Loss in weight MEGURU To center about,revolve around MEGURU MONDAI Question at issue MB1ANA GA TSUKU To materialize MEHASSUN Suitable distance for examining ME HEN Radical 109 MEHIKI HANAHIKI Signs made with eyes and nose MEI Clearness,readability MEI Counter for persons MEIBATSU Aristocratic lineage,good stock MEIBEN Clear speech MEIBIN Brightness MEIBUN Inscription MEIBUNGAKU Epigraphy,study of inscriptions MEIBYU Error,fallacy,mistake MEICHI Celebrated place,famous spot MEICH5 Register of names MEICHU NO Famous,notable MEICHUDAN Direct hit by shell MEICHUDANSU Number of direct hits MEICHOKAI Area of danger,shelled area MEICHU RITSU Percentage of hits MEIDAT Meiji University,Tokyo MEIDAKU Express consent MEIDAN Sound judgment,clear decision MEIDO brightness MEIGI Registry,of ships etc. MEIGIJ6 Nominal MEIGININ Nominal head,figurehead,dummy MEIGO Comprehension,perception,grasping MEIGO Illusion,mistake,error,false idea MEIGON Clear or lucid statement, declaration MEIGYOKU Fine gem MEIHAI Wooden name plate MEIHEN Famous masterpiece MEIH6 Clever method,famous law MEIH5 Friendly country,ally MEIHT Just law,clear explanation of rights MEIH5 KANKEI Friendly relations MtI-IN Name plate MEIJI Japanese era 1868-1912 MEIJI SUBU To explain,demonstrate,specify MEIJI JINGU SAI Meiji Shrine Festival MEIJITSU TOMO NI Both in name and reality MEIJ6, Description MEIJ6 Famous castle MEIJUK5HITSU Assembling recipients and dictating orders MEIKA Assignment,comnission MEIKAI Clear answer,exact solution MEIKAI World of illusion MEIKAN Deep impression MEIKAN List,catalogue MEIKEN Famous sword MEIKEN NA Sagacious,acute,discerning MEIKTSU Just decision MEIK6 Aberration,deviation MEIK6 Brilliance, splendor MEIKOKU Inscription, engraving MEIKUN Clear instruction,sharp warning MEIKYO Open drainage ditch MEIKYd Famous teaching,morals,ethics MEIMEN Dismissal order PEEIMb MASUI Light or minimal anesthesia, confusion anesthesia MEIMYAKU Pulse,existence,breath of lire MEION Whistling sound in radio interference MEI 0 UKERU To receive orders MEIREISAKtJ Operations order MEIREISHO Office of command MEIRISHIN Worldly spirit MEIRd Clearness,brilliance MEIRYd NA Clever,astute,able MEIRYd SURU To become clear MEIRYdJI Honorary consul MEIRYdJIKAN Honorary consulate MEISAI Acute intellect,brilliant MEISAI Clear judgment,just decision MEISAT Color camouflage MEISAI SEISANSHO Itemized account MKISAISBO 157 ep MEISAISHO Itemizationspecificatidns l MEISEKL Name register,register of vital statistics WE MEISHIKI Clear discernment r MEISH Clear proof 4 MEISHO NO SHIORI Guidebook MEISHU Honorable lord,enlightened ruler, wise monarch MEISHU Illustrious monarch S MEISURU To inscribe,engrave,impress upon Idl W NMEITKIE FUHY Whistling buoy MEITETSU KO5EI Rosemary spirit i5 ~MEITETSU K6YU Rosemary oil i~,* C ~MEIWAKU 0 KAKEZU NI Without prejudice MEIYAKU Expressed promise MEIYAKU Famous remedy,cure MEIYO GAKU-I Honorary degree I METYO KAl-IN Honorary member L &A MEIYO RY6JI Honorary consul ia MEIYO SHWSHIN Brevet ZP$%4f * MEIYO S6RY6JIKAN Honorary consulate general' MEIZU Maize,Indian corn MEKADO Corner of eyepiercing look 3 MEKADO NI TORU To pick on,find fault with ElmMEKAO Expression of face MEKrIN GAAZE Sterilized gauze MEKKINKI Sterilizer - MEKKIN ZERACHIN EKI Sterilized solution of gelatin @ 0 MEKUCHI Eyes and mouth 0 s t MEKURRAMASU To blind, deceive, impose upon Ei& MEKURAMU To become dizzy, become bewildered E3 8t4L M ERtJ To be blinded by @*A 3 MEMAGIRERU To be disturbed in vision ILA MEMMA Mare Afikt MEMMA EKISU Male fern extract b)%c ~ MEMMA KON Male fern root IG- MEMMOKU 0 TAMOTSU To save face E3i4 MEMORI BAN Dial MEMORItI Dial instrument MEMPUTJN Wheat flour L MEN Burma Q MEN Radical 176 MEN Wheat flour,vermicelli MENASHI Blind manvulgar person SMENCHI Land exempt from taxation ""MENDAI Embassy in Burma SMEN-EKI Immunity from disease Ak4* MEN-EKI CHIRY6' Immunity,immunization by medical means ffV_ MENGATA Impression of the face,mask C00 MENGATA Shape of the face,face WKi MENGIN Bank of Burma 01ta MENGYLIA Cotton Manufacturing Section 0A, MEN-I Cotton clothes 10*4 MENJITSUYU Cottonseed dil MENKAKU Facial angle W1Et*A MENKA NENDO Fiscal cotton-year X#. " MENKA SEMBUTSU Cotton futures M ENK5CHI Unbroken ground 6 ~ MENKOKU Burma *K~ MENKYOJb Licence,permit 9ýAjtv MENIYO JURY6SHA Licensee 3R41St f P MENKYOKEN HOKEN Insurance against loss of license t MENKYONIN Licensor A U4 MEN ORIMONO Cotton cloth 04t 3 MENREN SURU To extend in an unbroken line MEN QAKUCHI Cotton-growing area MEN SANSH~I Lint M Sb MEN SEIHIN Cotton goods ifUk MENSENJO Lavatory A.t~ MENSHA Medical gauze RAP MENSHA Pardon,remission of punishment MENSHI Burma and China MENTAI Embassy in Burma - MENTA -SHU Men thol MENT6KAI 'Cotton Control Association &~~t3MENPTSU 0 SHISSURU To lose faceMENWATA Absorbent cotton ~A~i* KMENZEI SE6KEN Nontaxable securities R MENZEI TBSHIBUTSU Nontaxable investments W MENZEI ZAISAN Nontaxable property S MENZE In the presence of MEOBOE Sign,sp-mbol,reference masrkt,guide 'mark a )i b MESHIATSUMWU To assemble,call together MESHI ICHIZEN Bowl of rice MESHIJ6 S-iimions, subpoena 81A 3 MESHIKAERU To change clothes 665892 0 - 45 - 11 BK~e 3p e#-tt 3 i t 3 1 V 9 3 tR 9 4tif ~h 4~~Za ~ 1I 3 b NA 1 ~ ML L ~iE 1a itta -u ' h 3 706th Tc3 W 90pJ A 4it~ E~i i fi-Je@i ~ Of? ~ iJAL - tP 3L 5 *~&i b3 ~~~i MIKAERI MESHIKAESU To recall,have returned MESHIKOMERU To assemble and detain MESHI WAN Rice bowl MESHIYOSERU To send for,call for,obtain MESO Small eel,small thing MESSHITSU Loss,destruction MESSON Loss and damage,damage MESU Surgeon's knife,scalpel METABORIN Metabolin METSUBOTSU Ruinextinction,destruction METSUJIN Ruin,extinction,destruction METSUMEI SURU To appear and disappear MEYAGI Female goat,nanny goat MEYAMI Ophthalmia,eye disease MEWASUI Pleasant or easy to see MEZASU To bud,sprout,grow MEZUtAI Glance,expression of glance MEZURASHIBITO Occasional visitor MI Subhead 41 MI Three MI- Not yet MIAWASE Interview,comparison MIAWASERU To postpone,withhold MIB5 NI FUSEGU To nip in the bud MIBUN SH5MEISHO Identification papers MICHAKU Not yet arrived,in transit MICHAKU KANJ5 Items in transit,in accounting MICHAKUSHU Projected MICHIBIRAKI Opening of road,road construction,guidance MICHIGAU To mistake for MICHRIMADOI Straying from way,hesitation MICHIMORI Road guard MICHI 0 KbZURU To make a way MICHISHIKI Land reserved for road MICHITARANU To feel something lacking, be dissatisfied MICHITARIRU To have enough MICHIWAKE NO ISHI Milestone MICHIWATARU To spread out,fill up, penetrate MIDARE-IRU To enter noisily MIDASHI FUDA Index card MIDASU To find,detect,hunt out MIDATE Outward appearance,display MID6 Church,chapel,temple -MIDORO Covered with MIEBARU To pretend,affect,display,make a show MIEWATARU To be visible at a distance MIGARA HIKITORU To take custody of a person MIGARUI Alert,quick,agile,unburdened MIGARU NITE Unencumbered MIGATTE Selfishness,personal convenience MIGI D Seame as above MIGIDONARI Neighbor on the right MIGI NARI HIDARI NARI NO Until you get a KAITo 0 UKURU MADE yes or no answer MIGIZOKU Unit attached to right flank MIHRAGURERU To miss seeing MIHAIFU Not yet distributed MIHAKKEN NO Undiscovered,unexplored MIHAEK5 NO Unpublishedinedited MIHANASHI Desertiori,relinquishment MIHANKETSU Pending sentence MIHARAI FUSAI Accrued liabilities MIHARAIKOMI SHIHON Unpaid capital MIHARI-IN LoQkout personnel MIHARISEN Lookout ship MIHARISHO Lookout post MIHATERU To see to the end,see through MIHATSU NO Premature MIHATTATSU NO Undeveloped,immature MIHATTEN NO Undeveloped,immature MIHAZUSU To overlook,let pass,miss seeingneglect MI HEN Radical 158 MIHIJUN NO Unratified MIHIKITORIBUN Portion not yet delivered MIHIRAKU To open one's eyes wide MIHKOKU NO Unreported MIHON BAIBAI Sale by sample MIHON IA}EI Coin for sample only MIHON ZAIC o Samples only KI-IRE3RU To look deeply or attentively MlIJIKAMERU To shorten,abridge MIJUKU TbJITSU Unripened berries MIKAD6 NO Unhmanufactured MIKADb BUSS3I Unmanufactured goods MIKAERI Collateral I iSt ý 9% tdc 9 1 1 9 it St on sg4 P I~,t i NJ * fij 0),t. IA 9 4LP 9Jtt O I # J *ff i *my o A-h) it 0) ': 16 4- N itol 389 t: ~ 4,f ALA 1o At * A-loff) K1 Y 4 4 it giv if 10 v 34 0 - 44 )34 4~- $+3~23 4 ~-Ijuv ~i~ 5J * A * f, r& U Q. daq ~ RelRt MIKAERI BUSSHI 158 MIKAERI BUSSHI Goods in exchange MIKAERIHIN Goods in exchange MIKAERI KASHI Collateral loan MIKAERI TAMPO SAIKEN Securities collateral loan MIKAIK6 NO Not in use,of boats MIKAIKONCHI Virgin soil MIKAISETSU NO Projected MIKAISETSU HEITAN Projected line-ofSHIREIBU communications headquarters MIKAME BAIBAI As-is sale MIK=A6 NO Unwrought,raw,crude MIKAXUSU To pretend not to see,see unnoticed MIKAN NO Unpublished MIKANSEI Incomplete,unfinished MIKANIEI SIHINTAKtJ Executory trust MIKEIKA HJOKENRY6 Unearned premium MIKEIKENSHA Inexperienced person MIKESSAN MOTOCH6B Open ledger MIKETTEI NO Undecided MIKICiSHRA Those who have not returned to Japan MfKIEI NO Not returned to barracks,tardy MIKLKAN NO Not yet returned,failure to return MIKIRENAI Unable to see all MIKIRI-URI Rummage sale MIKKA NETSU Malaria MIKKA TSUKI New mooncrescent MIKK6 Close connection,intimacy MIXKK Secret departure,secret patrol MIKK6 JUNSA Secret policeman MIKKUSUTO RIRA Mixed lira,varies from free to special lira MIKb Nonfulfillment,nonperformance MIK6 Uncultivated,of land MIKOMI TATAZU There is little hope MIKOMITSUKU To anticipate,predict MIKOMI.-USU Poor chance MIKONASU To lower,disparage,depreciate MIKOSHI Shinto festival palanquin MIKOSHI BAIBAI Selling short, MIKOSHI YUINYO Anticipatory importation MIK6BTEI NO Unrevised MIKOTO Imperial decree MIKUNREN NO Untrained MIMAGAU To mistake one thing for another MIMANE Imitation MIMAWARU To compare well with MIMASU To gain on inspection MIMB6 Popular sentiment MIMBdKO Civilian air raid defense MIMI Radical 128 MIMI AKA Earwvax MIMIATARASHII New,strange MIMIBUKURO Ear muffs,cap with ear muffs MIMIDATERU To listen attentively MIMID6I Hard of hearing,hackneyed MIMIFURUI Old,stale,timeworn,trite MIMIGURUSIII Unpleasant to hear MIMIHAYAI Quick of hearing MIMI REN Radical 128 MIMIJIKAI Easily distinguished by ear MIMIIKAUSHI Bobbed hair MIMI NI SURU To hear of MIMI6I Ear muffs on cap MIMI 0 KASU To pay attention,lend an ear MIMI RAPPA Ear trumpet MIMISATOI Quick of hearing,intelligent MIMItRUSAI Annoying to the ear,tiresome MIMIWA Earring MIMINYASUI Pleasant to hear,easy to understand MIMIZUXARA0 Myself MIMIZUTSU Ear trumpet MIMON NO New,unheard of MI4OTO ~FUM!I Unidentified MIMOTO BHlI-UEIrIN Guarantor MIMOTO HIOSH Personal reference MIMOTO IOSE5 KAISHA Surety company MIMOTO SHIMEISHO Identity papers MIMPO Customs of the people MINAGASHI Forgetting what one sees, discretion MINAGIRASU To inundate,overrun, cover MINAGIWA Water's edge,bank MINAMI APURIKA REMP6 Union of South Africa MINAMI NIHON GYOGY6 South Japan Fishing Company 4, b Jb;~a R b Kil U (ti* ~ OL PQ 49 K4) R1t wN6 K I I @I 9 K m Ka th #EA (4t la@i83 K Vim& K 0 It KiljL K #t-7 lit 4* # MA K4] B~tWS ~r E~t i r.B KSf I~tki KN ý J Wltile RXE KJWQ t '50 40 1E ~13 3 E 13 ) ' Sl~n t 3 40tu 1)9 i- i g IL ~J 4i11t E Att; u 3 g jkl tf4~ jAA dt r,tit AME j~t~t MIBSH MINAMITORIJIMA Marcus Island MINAMI URI Squash MINAOSHI Another look,improvement MINAREZAO Pole for propelling boats MINAZUKIJIMA Midway Island MINDAN People's Association MINGUNJUMAI Rice for civilians and the army MINGY6 Private enterprise MINJI Administration of people MINJUT Civilian demands or needs MINJU BUSSEHI Civilian hoods MINJUHIN Civilian goods MINKAI People's Society MINKAN BKKO Civilian air raid defense MINKAN HIKgKA Civilian aviator MINKANKI Civilian plane MINKANSEN Privately owned ship MINK.AN TEIKI KoKURO Scheduled commercial air routes MINKENRON Democracy MINXKN SHUGI Democracy MINKI Will of the people MINKO People's homes MINKOKU MINKAI Republic Citizens Association MINKOKU NIPP5 National Daily,A Chinese newspaper MINNA All,every one,all together MINOGASU To let escape,overlook,let by MINd KIN Arrears,outstanding amount MINOUE Personal history MINO-UE So6DAN Complaint,advice as to one's future MINSEI Voice of the people MINSEI CH5SA Census MINSEIKA Civil Administration Section MINSEITb IKAMBU Minseito Party Leaders MINSEN Privately owned ship MINSHOKUMAI Civilian rice MINSHU Manners and customs MINSHU DOKUSAI SEIDO Dictatorship of the proletariat MINSHOKA SURU To popularize,democratize MINSHUIKEI NO Democratic MINSHO NI K6EI ARE Long live the people MINSH SEIJI Popular goyernment MINSHO TAIKAI Mass meeting MINTAN Civilian coal MINTOKU Civic virtues MIN-UN People's Movemenb,in China MIN-YAKU Social contract MINIYU NO Privately owned MIN-YUCHI Private land MIN-YURIN Private forest MINZAI Wealth of the people,public fortune MIIZOKU BY6D6 Racial equality MINZOKU JIKETSU Racial self-determination MINZOKtUTEKI TAIRITSU Racial strife MIOTORU To depreciate with familiarity MIO-UCHIBUNE Tugboat,tug,towboat MIPPA SURU To send a person secretly MIPPU MEIREI Sealed orders.MIPPOSHO Letters close MIRI Millimeter MIRIK& KEIYAKU Executory contract MIRISU Milice,militia MIRU Radical 147 MIRU KAGIRI As far as one can see MISA.DAME Verificationexpert appraisal MISAI Finenets,tininess,nlances,details MISAIBUN Unloaded portion MISAEZRU To look at from a distance MISAKKAKU Gustatory illusion MISAO Boatman's pole MISEDAI Counter,shop counter MISEHON Sample, specimen,model MISEIJUKIu Unripeness,immaturity MISEI SEN Uncompleted line MISESAKI Store front,shop front MISETWSUJU Not yet received MISETS9U E Show,display MISETTd Not received MISHIKI Acquaintance unmade MISHIYb SHIKIN Unused funds or credits MISHfKA.N FUSAI Outstanding liabilities MISHCKAN SH6EE. Outstanding securities MISH6NIN Not yet approved MISHORI Not yet taken care of MISHO Incompletion,failure to finish MISHO E Not yet received -1 A A41I41 -=Iiv g I Ft 4t fAt M.t* ý *ls. f -*1ia RA Ist *Of 04 JK*%A, ) XrSEUOItPXI j159 MISHUGITHKI Unprincipled MISHIJKAIU Unharvested MISHUKAKEJ KAJITSU Standing crops..in law MISHUNYC KIN Accounts receivable MISHO RISHI Interest accrued MISOKA Thirtieth or last day of month MISONAWASU To see,deign to see or look at MISONZTJRU To see wrongly MISSAKtJ Secret plan,secret plot,intrigue MISSEI Growth in clusters,dense vegetation MISSHITSU KAIGI Meeting in camera MISS5 Secret burial MISUE Discrimination~distinction,hope MISIJI Attempt,failure in performance MISUIZAI Attempt to commit a crime MITABI Three times~on the third occasion MITARIRU To see enough of MITATSU Sd7K:IN' KANJ6 Remittance in transit account MITCHIKU Thick bamboo grove MITE Onlooker,,spectator, observer MITEISHUTSU Not presented,not filed MITORIZU Sketch, rough draught,outline MIT6ROKU Unregistered MITSU Three MITSU To be full,mature,fill up~suffice MITSU Impassability MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi Company MITS1JB5EK.I Smuggling.,secret or illicit trade MITSUDAS6 Lead oxide MITSUDEN Secret telegram MITStJDO Heavy soil MITSIJGEI' Soft language,flattery MITSUGI Secret intimate conversation MITSUGYO Poa~ching MITSUHITOTSU Third~one third MITSUI Mitsui Company MITSU-I Hidden intention.,secret thought MITSUJIN Phalanx~close formation MITSUKE Finding,discovery, MITSTJKEDASTJ To discover.,find MITSUKUR0I Toilet,,grooming,,dressing MITSUMIDASHIBUII Amount not yet shipped MITSUMORIDAKA Estimate.,estimated amount MITSUMORI FUTAI Computed tare MITSUMORI KAITStJKE Pro forma purchases KANJ63HO account MITSIJIORI KAKAKU Estimated value MITSIJMORI OKURIJ6 Pro forma invoice MITSUMORI URIAGE Pro forma sales KANJ6GAKI account MITSUMU Secret business MITSU6 Queen bee MITSUREI Secret orders,,confidential instructions MITSURI Fine grain,close grain MITSURINSEN Jungle warfare MITSURYAKU Secret plan.,stratagem MIT$TJWA Secret talk.,confidential talk MITSIJWARI Division into three,,one third MITSUY6 Dense foliage MITSUYU Secret warning.,secret instructions MITSUYU Smuggling MITSUYUBHUTSU Smuggling out MITSUZAKEMead..hydromel MITSUZUKE Preserving in honey MITTEIH5 Secret-agent report MITTOKU Concealment~covering up, MIZ6YO NO Unprecedented MIZU Radical 085 MIZUABIRU Take a cold bath or shower MIZUAGEBUIIE Lighter,,sailing barge MIZUAGE NINSOKU Bargeman,,unloader of lighters t 7k;1 L 7K Ad 7k o OK 91 Ak41 Sk A 7k~t,A.7Kt 7K 4~m A04 J4 * * JV MOCRIASOBU MIZUAOGE Dun color MIZUBA Marshy land,land subject to floods MIZUBAKARI Water level MIZUBARE Dropsy MIZIJBITASHI Submersion.,wetting MIZUBU Water space MIZIJBIRO Cold bath MIZUCHAYA Inn,roadside teahouse MIZIJDOI Water pipe,hose MIZIJDOME Stopcock MIZUFURUI Filter, strainer MIZUGARE Drying,drying up MIZUGIRE Drying, drying up,running dry MIZUGOKORO Swimming,,fondness for swimming MIZUGUCHI Water outlet,faucet MIZU HAJIKI Syringe,squirt.,air pump MIZUHAKI Draining trap,cesspool,sink MIZURANA Beginning, start,,commencement MIZUHANA First gush of water.,start of flood MIZUHIYASHI Cooling in water,,water cooler' MIZUHORI Ditch,channel, trench,drain MIZUJAKU Water gauge MIZUKAGE Reflection of Image in water MIZUKAI Watering of animals MIZUKAIBA Watering place for animals MIZUKAKE Sprinkling, sprinkler~watering pot MIZUKAKI Oar blade.,paddle.,blade., floatboard MIZUKAKI Web of foot,,webfootedness MIZUKANE Mercury, quicksilver MIZU KASA Volume of water MIZU KEMURI Water spray* MIZUKI Harpooning a fish MIZUKIRI Putting cargo ashore MIZTJKIRI Weather molding,,drip MIZl Ko-FUJO Water distributing center MI'ZUKUI To soak in water~make sodden MIZUMtTA Dartre'around children's mouths MIZUMAWASHI Water strider,,pond skater,, an insect MIZ1JMESHI Cooked rice soaked in water MIZUJMICHI Aqueduct.,water route,,waterway MIZUMONO Liquid, juicy fruit,,uncertainties MIZIJMUSHI Athlete's foot MIZUNAGARE Fire,,conflagration* MIZU NAWA Rigging, tackle~surveyor' a line, plumb line MIZUNOMI HYAKU3AHo Poor peasant or farmer MIZU NO TE Drinking-water supply or source MIZU NO TE Water pipe~faucet,tap MIZUNUKI Drain..drainage ditch MIZUNUKI IDO Sump MIZURA Appearance.,face~expression~mien MIZUSAKI ANNAIRY5 Pilotage fee MIZUSAKI AJINAI RY6KINHY6 Pilotage fee schedule MIZU SEKI Dam.,dike,,causeway.,sea wallMIZU SEN Water line MIZUSHI Scullery maid MIZU SHIKKUI Whitewash MIZUSHIME Kitchen maid MIZU SOKO Bottom of water,,river bed MIZU SUJI Current~undercurrent, underground stream MIZUTA Paddy field MIZUTAMA Drop of water,dewdrop,glass globule MIZUTEMMA Water-supply ship).tanker MOCHIAJI Characteristic,,peculiari ty MOCHIAMARI Excess MOCHIASOBU To play with .1 L -*t eft rm) Upir 4 NOCH"IATStJKAU 16o MOCHIATSUKAU To have trouble -handling~not kniow what to do with MOCHIAT3UK:AU To manage,handle MOCHIDORI Bird caught on birdlime MOCHIIGATAXI Difficult to use MOCHIKABU KAISHA Holding company MOCHIKARRU To shift to other hand MOCHIEEATSU Shara,ratio of holdings MOCHIK RENAI Unable to hold or carry MOCHIKITARI Old posses sion..heirloom, legacy MOCHIKITARU To bring,,fetch, cause MOCHIKOMI NXDAN C. I.F.,cost -insurance - freight price MOOHUtCHI Place that one must -guard MOCHIIIUSARASU To waste~let go to waste MOCHITS1JTAERU To hand down.,pass from father to son MOCHITSUZTJXXRU To keep,,hold,,keep up., hold on to MOCHIWAKE Stockholdings MOCHIYA House that one owns 'MOCHIYORI ENKAI Picnic MOCHIiYUK:I NO Portable M6CHO Hemp string for making nets M6CH6CH0Y6 Appendix, vermiform appendix M CH 6EN Appendicitis MOOED Mourning,,period of mourning M&DAN Blind shell MODASU To keep uilent,hold peace,dioregard M6D6 SURU To act blindly MODOKASHIGE Air of impatience MODOKI Opposition~resistance,criticism MODOKtI. To criticize~find fault with MODOKU To oppose,resist,,contraditct,disobey MODORI ASHI' Recovery of prices MODORI 1410111 ay back MODORfINI Homeward cargo,,returned goods MODOSHI TEGATA Redraft,re-exchange.,.renewed bill MODOSHI ZEI YUSHUTTStJHIN Drawback export TSDKAN TETSUZUKI entry MOE Burning,,combustion MOEGI Tree beginning to bud MOEHIROGARU To burn and spread MOE KUSA Combustible material MOE KUZU Cinders.,embers MME Acute inflarmation MOESASHI Firebrandjbrand,half-burned log M5FO Typhoon,,hurricane, tempest M63GAI Screen, cover M6GAN Meshes of a net MOGARI Importunate demand,extortion MOGASA Smallpox M5UHN Li,,e,falsehood~careless talk M6GIN Mengohiang Bank M60INKEN Mengchiang Bank note MOHAN JICHISON Model self-governing village 1MMII Brave soldier,,formidable troop M&IHEI SURtT To conceal.,hide.,overgrow 140111 Morphi a.,morphine MOHI HKI Morphine solution MOHI-J6 Morphine -tablet Mo-HIJU Furred animals,fur bearers M&1ISH6 Fur trade.,furrier MOHON Model~rough sketch,draft, study MOHO SHA Imitator,mimicker, copier MOJID6RI Literally MOJIJ6 Literal MOJI RETtM Alphabe~tr%1 wp ýMOKEZTSU Wedge. MOEKO Cargo net sling MOKKO udlY Carpenter's tool MOKKOTSU Wooden frae'se,tislberwork M fYAKO SURU To sink,,lose, forget, efface, destroy tI V, AA-,Kt Mt1 m M OMEN ORI MOKKY6 Wooden bridge MOK6 Imitation,,copy..forgery,,facsimile Mo-K& Blind attack Md-K6 Menchiang industries Mo-K6 Violent attack M6KOCH06 Mongol dynasty MdKON NA Confused,disordered MdKO RENG6 JICHI SEIFtI Mongolian Federal Autonomous Government Md&KO SEIF1 S6-MBU Mongolian Government General Affair T Department MOICU Thursday MOKUBAII Plank MOKMtUTSU, Wooden image of Buddha MOK=DAN Target shell MOKUGEI Greeting with the eyes,greeting MOKUGEKISHA Eyewitness MOKUGU Wooden tools~wooden utensils MOKIUHAIGA Woodcut MOKUHANJI Block letter MOKUHANSHI Wood engraver MOKUI Silence on a secret.,concealment MOKUHITSU Lead pencil MOK=H5DAN Target shell MOKUHY NO JUJUJ Assigning a target MOKU=Y6TAI Target unit MOKU-dIN Quiescence,nonpror~unciation MOEU-IN Wooden seal MOKUNEN Silently,,in silence,,mutely MOKUNEN' SUET To reflect,ponder MOKUNIN HIKI-UKE Implied acceptance MOKUNIII KIMIAI Implied partnership MOKUON Quiescence, nonpronunciation MOKUJRI Grain of wood,age ring,vein MOKUSAI Wooden plug or stopper MOKUSANSOKtIZU Eye sketch MOKU:5EI KIBUTSU Wooden utensils MOKUSHA Blockhouse MOKUSHA SIJET To write from memory MOKUSHI Look,view, sight~inspection MOKUSHI Meditation, contemplation,reverie MOKUSHI Outer eye fold or canthus MOKUSHI Wink.,sign with the eye MOKUSHI Discreet observation,,disdain MOKtISII SURlY To look indifferently,wink aat,let be MOKUSHI SURU To watch in silence MOKtJSHI1KI Intuitive knowledge or perception MOKUSH5 NO MA NI SE4AJRU To be close at hand MOKUSH6 SEMARU To be close at hand M6KUSHU Violent air attack MOKUS6 Wooden trough or manger MOKU-TAARU Wood tar MOKEJ-TAARU NANK5 Tar ointment MOKUTANSEN Charcoal pig Iron MOKUTEI Lever.,crowbar,,handspike MOKUTENIBUTSUCHI Target M.OKUTEICHI Destination MOKUTEKIGAI Wide of the mark,beside the purpose MOKUTEKITEN Point aimed at,objective MOKUTEN Objective MOKTE=TSU Wood and iron MOKUTO Aim.,object~purpose,view,subject MOKUTO Method.,means~way ' MOKUY6 Leaves of tree.,foliage MOKUZAI GENSHIRY6 Wood pulp MOKUZ.AI HOD6 Wooden pavement MOMBU JIUAN ioe-Minister of Education MOKBlYSH6 Ministry of Education 0MOME ITO Cotton thread MOME!.ORI Cotton fabric MOMIDANE 161 4Att $410 013 13 Sff 1~fM 1 rig( ARI JR ral 9 0U rMim. MOS Fl5-ft m ri*4g Wla~ 9 MOMIDANE Seed rice MOMIGAMI Crumpled paper,crepe paper.MOMIGARA Rice husk,rice hull,rice bran MOMIGAWA Pliant leather,chamois MOMIGOME Urthulled rice MOMI ITA Washboard, scrubbing board MOMIJI Training plane MOIJI KAWA Pliant leather,chamois MOM4I=ICHA Rumpled appearance,with folds MOMIXIJDAKU To grind between the hands, MOMI NUKM Rice husk~rice hull,rice bran MOMIOTOSU To rub off MOMISURI Hulling~husking MOMITE Rubbing of hands MOMIYONE Unhulled rice MU4OKU, Meshes of a net M6MOKU HIK6 Instrument flying MOMOK= H6 Dummy target MOMONE 'Groin MOMPAI Doorplate~in China MOMPI Gate leaf MOMPtIKU Garment with family crest M6-MU Thick fog,,mental depression., melancholy MON Counter for cannon or torpedo tubes MON Counter for footwear sizes MON AYA Light figured taffetas MONOXI 51)1W To learn by inquiry MON CHIRIMEN Figured crepe MONCX& Family crest catalogue MONDAIROIKU Questionnaire MOIWOME Closing the gate MOND&RAN Question -and -answer column MONGAMAB Radical 169 MONGO Password MONG6 Inquiry.,password, challenge MONGUCHI Carriage gate MON J U4YAKU Portal vein MOIIKO KAIH6 SAUIGI Open-door policy MONKtJ Anguish~distress,trouble MODIXYU Inquiry, investigation,,ascertaining MONKY(U Tears of anguish MOMIIASHI Lack of money,penniless person M&N6 Epiploic sac~omental sac MONOATARASHII New MONOATARI Indigestion.,poisoning MONOAWARE NA Sad,,pitiful~pathetic, melancholy MONOD6I Distant, careless,roundabout, tedious MONO GA GOTOSHI It seems that MONOGASIIIRA Head, chief,master,employer MONOGENAI Unworthy of mention MONOGIKI Espionage, spying, spy MONOGOTOKU Probably.,it. seems that.,as MONOGURUT Madness, insanity.,dementia, lunacy MONOHAXANAI Changeable, vain,fleeting, chimerical MONO-IRE Pocket MONO-IWAI Happy anniversary, celebration, congratulations MONOJIKAI Near,,neighboring~close MONO KARA Wh~ile~although~in spite of the fact that MONOKAZU Number of objects..number of words MONOMEZIJRASHII Curious.,rare, extraordinary MONOMIBtJNE Pleasure boat MONOMIDAI Lookout, watchtower, viewpoint MONOMIGURUMA Touring car~pleasure car MONOM6SU To talk, chat~converse MONONARAI Practical study MONONARERU To get used to,be adept in,be 0?ý with reserve MONOWABISHII Sad,,lonely,forlorn,miserable Ito #Ai~POW1 F4J-9 loo3 V *'I S fir i~ At-' 1-- -17- 7) wy + PA Atj3 MOSUSO MONOWASURERU To be forgetful MONOYOMI Reading., study MONOZUTSUMI Dissimulation,affectation of mystery MONSHIN Consultation with physician MONTO Interview,questions and answers MONTSUKI BAORI Crested gown MONWAKI Approaches to door or portal?4ORAIPPANASU To receive without reciprocating MORAITA MER U To save what one gets MORAIWA.AIM Laughing in sympathy MoRA SHGI Comprehensive principle M&IETSUKASURU To become violent MORIAGE 'Relief MORIAGERU To emboss,put in relief MORIXAESHI Recovery of strength,rally MORIKO Nursemaid MORISODATERU To raise,,bring up,,take care of MORIYAKU Attendance,attendant, tutor, guardian M6-R6 Apibiguity.,vagueness.,looseness MOROHIZA Both knees MOROKISEI Fragility M6-RON Futile or absurd discussion M606 TO SHITA Dense,thick,,overgrown MORU To guard.,defend, keep,protect~care.for MORY5 Equivocation,,inconclusBiveness M6SAI Capillarity M6SAI KIKAXISHI Bronchiole,,minute bronchial tube MOBAI=tJ HIKI Mosaic type M.QSEI SURU To grow thick.,flourish MoSEI Violent natureoferocioua disposition MO-SEI Great power, overwhelming influence MO-SEI NA Fieroe,ferocious M63EIS6 Mongolian Government General Affairs Department M6SEN Net ship M63HA Blind person MOSHABUTSU Copy MOSHAKI Mimeograph MZ5SHIAG1KANERU To be hard to say M6SHIBtTN NAI Faultless,,above reproach M63HIHIRAKU To clarifyJustify~plead a cause M63HI-IDEDo-RI As you say,,suggest M63HI-IRE Offer,proposal,notice M63HI-IRERU To make representations, requ est M?5SHIXASUI'ERU To speak deceitfully or misleadingly M6SHIKIKASERU To admonish.,warn~tell,, chide,reprove M6SHIKITARU To say,,request M6SHIKOMI K.IBOSHA Prospective subscriber,, in finance M6SHIOMI NI 6ZURU To accept an offer M6SHIKOMISHO Letter of application~ Mc3SHIKOMI SHOSHIK Application form M65SHIXOMI Y6SHI Application blank, Iapplication form M6SHIN Dash.,drive.,thrust M53HIOKI Will.,parting instructions M63SHIOKURICE6 Memorandum M6SHISOERU To agree,,comply M65HISOU To say in addition.,add M6SBHISUSUMU To state~to set forth M6SHITASBRU To decreAe,prescibe^onveyb counterfeit MOSUSO Hem,,border.,skirtwtail.,train of gown MOTAZARU KUNI 162 0t* V l B Q MOTAZARU KMNI The have-not nations 0irf L 1J MOTEAMASHIMONO Unendurable thing,excess, too much 1taRli MOTEATSUXAU To make use of,employ,use, conduct,direct MOTEHE Mongolian soldier-agent APli M6TEI,Net boate t 44ii MOTEKATA Handling,treatment,manner of use - MOTEN Mongolian woman-agent IN# + MOTESHI Mongolian civilian-agent VIA M5TETSU Mongolian Railways T NXt 1 1 MOTETSUKERU To behave toward someone it *14) MOTOCH5 SHIMEKIRI Closing accounts 7i MOTODAXA Principal,capital L ~ MOTODANE Materials,raw materials MOTOGOMEJO Breechloader c44t' MOTOHARAI Payment in advance itt Di MOTOHARAI UNCHIN Advance freight,carriage paid MOTOHE Mongolian soldier-deserter MOTO KAMA Main boiler MOTOKUCHI Foot of telegraph pole,butt end of pole MOTOMAI Rice used in making sake MOTON Mongolian woman-deserter 5 MOTO NI FUKUSURU To return to the origin SMOTORU Radical 004 MOTOSHIKI Original deposit,first investment *J1B ~MOTO URISABAKININ Wholesale dealer zX MOTSUNYU Immersion,dive,plunge,falling into,confiscation W~t MOTSURASU To tangle,knot,mat,confuse, complicate MOTSUREAU To become fouled,lock,get tangled with -1 +(k MOTTEARUKU To carry around with one 7 MOTTEMAWARU To take all about with one JA1At1 MOTTE UMARETA Inborn MKU Fine rain,drizzle M6U Fog and rain M6U Hair and feathers MBUN Blind fortune or chance MdUTSU Overcast,gloomy or sultry weather MOYAI MINO-UE Common estate MOYAITSUME Group of boats moored together M 401 MOYAITSUNA Guide ropes,in landing cargo MOYAIZUNA Painter,mooring line MOYAMOYA Confusedlyindistinctly,obscurely MOYAMOYA Sadlydejectedly,with discouraged air 01AMOYASHIDOKO Greenhouse,hotbed Af i1 MOYASRI MAME Bean sprouts MoYD Courage,bravery,valor M6ZEN TO Absent-mindedly,inattentively M6Z8 Mongolia and Tibet - MOZ6HIN Imitation,counterfeit A MOZ6 HISHI Vellum paper MOZ6 H6SEKI Imitation gem M 3 MZB6 I-INEAI China Commission on Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs M6Z6IN China Bureau of Tibetan and Mongolian Affairs tP MOZ5 KAWA Leatherette kif MOZoSBI Japanese vellum,a job-printing paper 4+A M6ZUI Medulla or pith of a hair 4 MU Mist 4 KMU Radical 028 t MU Six t MU Subhead 23 * MUATSU XNi"htmare hkR MUBAISHo Want of compensation or indemnity ~rrL MUBI Taillessness MUBB Hopeless {MUB BI Defenselessnes s MTJBY6 SOKUSAI Hale and hearty MUCHAKUCHABANASHI. Jabber,gibberish,jargon j~1'r.1W ~MTJCHAKLJRIKU HI1b Nonstop flight SMCHAKUSUI Nonstopover sea MUCHIIAKU Insensitiveness,lack of perception * MUCHIMUSHIBY8 Whipworm disease MUCHINAWA Whipcord MUCKEN HAITAT5U KU-IKI Free delivery limit *#-~I~ MUCHIN JaSHAKEN Free train pass UMCHIN SEIGENGAI Excess luggage '1'lThTTM('P5rTTQ bfl MUCHIN TENIMOTSU Free luggage 1 MUCHIN YUSb Free transport MUCH6 Dream taken as a presage fUJCH MAN Coward,milksopdastard MUCHU In the fog,in the mistbewildered Itilll~~Qf lot gI-) 11 ý4)$ (Act delt, klt 1 38 Oi MW IA 4 k 813 AlR MRt$ea 9rEaP D s c $ pAR ~t Ra a,fA8 L 8g ~ F j?;~~P OfPe L PC a EBe r k4~it ~Pltti 9RBdi t94Ba Mb Rf& a i@E6 i #aaI#f r f W5E EA~Lf \r ~it$ t 4aB ~f~ 13w;9 irt~s~ slaEL$ T 48$gyf 7 wes 4R~ $B$cr, tA*# no * MUKABARA MUCHO HOK5 Sl eepwalking,somnambulisam MUCHO HYTEKI Target obscured by fog MUCHU K5K6 _ Underway in fog MUCHOUSUI Nonflooding MUDAI SHINTEI Free gift MUDAN SHAKUY6 Unauthorized borrowing MUDENDAI Wireless station MUDENKI Radio apparatus 'a MUDo Perversity,injustice,tyranny, wickedness,lack of principles MYDOKU Harmlessnessinoffensiveness MUEN Nightmare,incubus MUEN NO Helpless MUEN KAYAKUI Smokeless powder MUE RYO Lack of reserve,cheek MUENTAN Anthracite coal MUFUKA SHIKEN No-load test MUFUTAI Doldrums,calm latitudes MUFTi T5=6 Unsealed ballot MUGAI NA Limitless MUGAI KASHA Open truck MUJGAISRA Open car MUGA MUSHIN Innocence MUGAWASE YUSHUTBU Exports not involving exchange MUGE NO Unhindered,unobstructed MUGEN Apparition in a dream,vision MUGENKID3SHA Caterpillar tractor MUGEN KTJ6 Caterpillar treads MUGEN KYUSU Infinite series MUGEN SEKININ Unlimited liability MUGEN SEKININ SHA-IN General partner,with unlimited liability MUGENSU InfinityMUGETSU Moonlessness MUGI Radical 199 MUGIBUKURO Nose bag MUGI CHA Barley tea MUGI HEN Radical 199 MUGIKARI Harvesting grain MUGI KASU Bran MUGIMAKI Sowing of grain MUGI NO AKI Wheat harvest MUGIWARA SANADA, Straw braid MUGIWARAZAIKU Strawwork MUGIYU Hot barley water MUGO Talking in one's sleep,telling one's dreams MUGURU To dive,get in,slip in,creep in MUHAIT5 Nondividend MUHAIT6 HOKEN Dividend insurance MUHAITB SEIMEI HOKEN Nonparticipating pollcy MUHAIT6 SEIMEI HOKEN Nonparticipating SEKPEN policy MUHATSUDdKgI HIKdKI Glider MUHEIG5 Nonannexation MUHEN Changelessness,immutability MUWEN Impartiality MURENKA Changelessness,monotony,flatness MUH5RITSU J5TAI Disorder MUHOS6 Unpaved MU-I Uneventfulness,peace, tranquility MU-I DE Involuntarily,unintentionally, unconsciously MU-IGI Meaningless MUIHAN Involuntary or unintentional crime MUIKA Six days,sixth day of the month MU-IN NO Unsealed MU-INSHI Unstamped paper MU-ITEKI;CHOI Divided attention,distrait attention MUJIN Absence of human beings MUJINA HEN Radical 153 MUJINTC Desert island,uninhabited island MUJb NA Rude,insolent,rough,unruly,wicked MUJIKEN CHOMON Open order MUJ6KEN EIDAI SHAKUCHI Fee simple absolute MUJiKEN KIFUKU Unconditional surrender MUJzKEN KgSAN Unconditional surrender MUJ6 MEIREI Categorical imperative MUJ6YAKU Nontreaty MUJ6YAKUEOKU Nontreaty country MUJ NO Unarmed MUJUMBI Unpreparedness,want of reserves MUJUMBI NO Fiduciary or unreserved,in currency MUJUMBI-HAKK6 Fiduciary issue,fiduciary issue as flat money MUJUMBI KI= SHIHEI Unbacked paper money MUJUN RITSU Law of contradiction MUKABARA Irascibility MUKACHI NO 163 WW4RI\ MUAOCHI NO Valueless OeW MUKAETORU To welcome and take in V^r-t MUKAIAWASERU To confront,bring face to face 3Vt' K MUKAIAWASERU To present one to the other f5)?t tMUKAIBI Backfire to check another fire h) ( MUKAIBI Provocation to wrath,indignation at another's anger J MUKAIGISHI Opposite bank or shore;tAf k)4 MUKAIKETSU NO Unsolved,unsettled MUKAITAN Ashless coal M KUKAU Foghorn MUJAN NO Private,as opposed to holding public office MUKANJ5 Apathy AUX.MUKANJ6 Ineptitude in money matters 1P ~MUKANSETSU Nonarticulation AitI MUKANSHB SHUGI Hands-off policy, nonintervention MUKATSUKI Nausea,qualm,retching, queasiness MUKAWASE Barter iRA UKEI Baselessness,absurdity f% MUKEI Nightmare WMK MUKEIGB Fog signal W *5-L ~MUKEIJ6 Moral,spiritual A 15 T) MUKEIRUI NO Unencumbered 'j- A MUKEI SKISAN Intangible assets MUKEI ZAISAN Intangible property MUKEKIAERU To change direction of,redirect MUKEN DAIRI Unauthorized agency MUKENUGEN Want of authority or powers *4,Q) MXUKENGEN NO Titleless,without deed MUKENSOKU Unrestraint,lawlessness MUKETSU Flawlessness,perfection MUKETSU NO Bloodless -MDKI Bound for SAJ7 MDXI NO Railless,without rails MUKIAWASU To set- opposite each other, confront MUXI CH'EKI Unlimited conscription MUKIDB DENSHA Trackless trolley MUKIDOKEI Life penal servitude MUKID5 SEIJI Irregular management of the government MUKID6 TORAXUTAA Caterpillar tractor MUKI ENKI Indefinite postponement, adjournment sine die S~ MUKIKA Inorganic Section a irJ* MDXI XAGAKU Inorganic chemistry $1te4.46 MtIKIMEI KABUKEN Nonregistered shares * iltt MUKIIEI KAWASE TEGATA Blank bil'l1 RJ dL8f MUKINEI K6SAI Bearer government bonds.-L14 MUTJKIMEI KoSAI Unregistered publio bond WIZlý#f MUKIMVI SAIlEN Bearer bond * ifjg1 MUKIMEISHIKI Unregistered,blank,general E ititt MUKIMEISHIKI URAQAKI General endorsement B4 MUXIMEI SHMEN Bearer certificate f MUKINMEI ToBY6 Secret voting 1 g- MUXIMEI URAGAXI Blank endorsement *0+1b MUKIN GYaNYU Pasteurized milk *M$ i MUKI TOMEI Life imprisonment t '( I MUKEG TO Suddenly MUKXBIKI Pulling in front fus).S MUKIGASHI Opposite bank t-.s MUM6GATA Other party,the other side fo) -SMUK6GISHI Opposite bank S MUKdKA SURU To invalidate MEJ6 KAZE Head wind MUKOKU Helplessness,abandonment 2 MUX6MOCHI Provided or carried by the other party MUXON NO Unscarredunmarked MUKoSAI 'Absence of relations MUK6SEgI No trace or track,as of torpedo BX f MUXOSHE,FJNANI SH1IGEN Clean bill of lading h MU6K 8HXWEN Confronting side,side facing one MUTKOSgH SENXA SH6KEN Clean bill of lading MUXbSOKU Unrestraint,freedom,liberty * MUX6SOXCU xYoAKU Nudum paotum,in law MUK6ZUNE Front of the leg,shin MUKoZURA Face turned toward one,rivalry MDXU Absence of suffering MUKUD TO Suddenly SMUKUMEKU To crawl,creep,drag oneself e$c#M IEIT NO SIT Euthanasia,death without suffering S MUUJON Quiescence,nonpronunciation MUKY6 Boundlessness,infinity, eternity S MKYdiKA SURU To heathenize,arbarize MUXYOIEU Boundlesaness,infinity MUSEN BoGAI 9,ggg MUKYg K6SHI Unpaid leoturer t:4:1 MUKYO SHOKI Unpaid secretary -f A MUMA Nightmare A,)% o 9 MUMEI D6MYfAKU Innominate artery *J.Z*)Yk MUMEI J6IMYAKU Innominate yein V. 56 MUMEI KEIYAXU Innominate contract *:z, MUMEI KOTSU Innominate bone,hipbone *Zo P v MUMEI NO IKUSA Unjustifiable war *4K ) MUMON NO Without a crest jM MUNA-ATE Breastplate,cuirass aW MUNABONE Sternum,breastbone MUNADAKA NI Breast-high,up to the breast at MUNAHABA Breadth of chest,across the chest 3 MUNAKI Disgust,naused,repulsion j MUNAKUSO Feelings of disgust Q MUNAN Safety 3Yi MUNASAKI Chest of horse rz MUNASHIDE Emnpty hand 401k) MUNAWARI NAGAYA Tenement house S MUNAZUMORI Approximate mental estimate MUNE Back of a blade MUNE Principal part,important point SL MUNEMUNESHII Main,principal,first,sure, certain #` MUNEUCHI Blow with the back of a sword f4J MUNEWARU Evil nature,rascal,knave fl MI MUNEWARUI Rascally,knavish a$d NMUNEYASUME Consolation in sorrow,diversion WAA MUNIN Want of persons,lack of personnel $to MUNIN NO Inhuman,heartless (fo"i MUNINSHO Without portfolio *4ui&ýZE MUNINSHO DAIJIN Minister of State without portfolio fiMi2-ft MUNINSHO K6SH1 Minister plenipotentiary unattached Afirft MUNINSHOS6 Minister without portfolio 1-f1i M/I MUNINSHO TAISHI Ambassador without portfolio Sf MUN6 KANRI Incompetent official SMURA Counter for rolls of cloth MURA Thicket,cluster,clump,bunch li P MURADACHI Group,mass r4 MURAGARI Group,troop,band,associates idA MURAGIE Melting in spots l MURAMURA Groups,troops,separate bands V( -" MURAMURA In groups,in bands SMURATORI Flock or flight of birds W MURE Counter for flocks W D MUREDATSU To fly up in a flock S MUREKUSAI Close,stuffy,fetid - MURERAKA Outright,at one time,en bloc $th MURERU To assemble,flock together,gather MUREYUXU To go in a group S!Vifi MURI HID 6 Violence,inhumanity,cruelty AItffLt MURIOSHI NI Forcibly jf MURISOKU K6SAI Noninterest-bearing bonds 'J. j fd MURISOKU SAIMU Passive debt MUROKU Without salary XB t)7 0 MURUI TOBIKIRI NO SHINA High grade article 3jhipfl MURYOKXA SURU To become powerless S MURY6 OKU Incalculable number S'j MUSABETSU Uniformity Xfl;E MUSABETSU BAKUGEKI Indiscriminate bombing L Kgll LMUSABETSU KOY6 K-BA Open shop MUSAI Incompetence,want of talent or skill W11, FA, MUSAIGEN Endlessness,boundlessness MUSAKUROSEII Dirty,filthy,sordid, squalid MUSAMUSA Untidily,disgustingly Ki WMUSAN Dissipation of fogdispersal 33 ~ MUSAN Incalculability,knowing no arithmetic gtscpgbk MUSAN KAIKYD Proletariat gBgl ~ MUSANTb Proletarian party Mi5 MUSAYA No profit oujp( MUSESINAKU To sob,utter 4obs galcf agf3 MUSEIFU KYoSAN SHUGI Anarchistic communism IMUSEIFU SHUGI Anarchiam MUSEIFUT6 Anarchist party g p wgg MIJSEIGEN TSUXA Free currency i0A)t7% MUSEIXYOHIN Unclaimed article i MUSEISAI Unconstraint,want of coercion gf6gy ~ MUSEI TAMAGO Wind egg MUSEIYAKU Unconditionality jtjg-yj MUSETYAKUTE KI Unoonditionalabsolute q44 ~ 4 MUSEKAERU To keep choking,keep sobbing MUSEKISHA Person without registered damicile WAN MUSEMP6 Radio report I ft" I MUSEN BbGAI Radio janming -mm OR CHONO 164 Mttlf< MAXIM 1 @016D Am bIt. 4LR; f~up OAS Az I - ZIA WPi At *1thPfit 'A*1*Jt ~ J8^ 1^^ / ityt~ A I X fit AI0) NOW" ^J-^ i fc'J AJLRi~, ^*H4? ~li ~;iiT ^ - $ Kt? - l~^!l 5~f!I.lflt^X ^ir Msr M tja:^. ^tS)ffm^)( mW$f ^AW wttim~ 5~^JK ^R ( m^ -^ ^^^gig MXAW~gg Mf'TilO ~5~^tt HtRaA! %~rq) dilrL^## 4^gy %^y M^^ft ~^tto mfiowe M^ggM ~Xt0f ~, ~ ^~^^th M^: ^<1 UK 1(0 g: m^^t^(A ~JS~^) mnheL*~t R141L v) UtJSEN CHH5 Radio intelligence report MUSENCHU Radio tower MUSEN DAIHYTKAN.Radio guard ship representing group of ships MUSEN H6I Radio bearing MUSEN JUWAKI Radio headphone MUSE KA Wireless Section MUSERKI Radio set MUSENKYOKU Radio station MUSENTAI Radio unit MUSEN TANSOKU Radio observation MUSEN TSOSHIN Radio communication MUSETSU Snow mist MUSHI Radical 142 MUSHI S3eaming,braising,fomentation MUSHI Tire valve insides MUSHI Without beginning MUSHI NO Wingless,apterous MUSHI SURU To see in a dream MUSHI ANA Worm hole MUBHIATATAMERU To heat with steam MUSHIBARAI Airing,clothes etc. MUSHIGUSURI Vermifuge,worm medicine MUSHI HEN Radical 142 MUSHIKAESHI MOCHIDASHI To rehash MUSHIKAKUSHA Incompetent person MUSHIKAMEBA Decayed tooth MUSHIKI NO Colorless MUSHIMONO Steamed vegetables,steamed cake MUSHI MUSHO Eternity MUSHIN Unbelief,lack of faith MUSHINI Steam cooking, steaming,braising MUSHINK5 Unbelief, infidelity, irreligion MUSHINORnRU To evaporate,be dissipated MUBHIOKURI Extermination of noxious insects MUSHIRIAU To pull each other's hair, tussle MUSHIRITSUKU To cling to,wrap around, clasp,seize MUSHISAN Insolvency,want of wealth or property MUSHITORI AMI Insect net.,sweep net MUBH6- Extremely,inordinately,recklessly MUSH6 NO Unsubstantiated MUSHo SURU To lift,clear up,of fog or mist MUSH6HEI Unspecialized personnel MUSHMKAN Nonredemption MUSH6KAN K6SAI Perpetual bond MUSHSKAN URAGAKI Endorsement without recourse MUSH6 KEIYAKU Unilateral contract MUSHMKIN Nonindemnity, absence of indemnity MUSHOKU T6IEl Transparent MUSHo SAIMU Debts of honor MUSH6SHA Firing without aiming,wild fire MUSH6 URAGAKI Endorsement without recourse MUSHOZOKU CHITAI No man's land MUSHOZOKU DAIGISHI Independent member MUSHOZOKU SEIKAKU Independent politician MUSHOZOKUSHA Free lance MUSHO Swarm, crowd,multitude MUSHO NO Endless,immortal MUSHUCHI Ownierless land MUSHO GASU Odorless gas MUSHUSEI NO Unrevised MUSHUSEI INRY6 Nonalcoholic beverage MUSOCHI Tax-exempt land MUSOKU Without interest MUSUBARERU To be tied,form knots MUSUBU To scoop up with hand MUSUI RANORIN Wool fat MUTAMPO KASHITSUKE KIN Unsecured loan MUTAMPO SAIKEN Plain bond,unsecured bond MUTEIKA NO Free,gratuitous,open MUETBIKo NO TEIKo Passive resistance MUTEIK5 SHUGI Principle of nonresistance MUTEIT5 NO Unsecured,without mortgage MUTEIT5 KASHIKIN Unsecured loan MUTEKI KANTAI Invincible armada MUTEN Officer not from war college MUT5 Unlighted,buoys etc. MUT5 NO Headless MUTODOKE KEEKKIN Absence without leave MUTODOKE KESSEKI Absence without leave MUT5 ENGYO Headless salt fish MUT6 KdK6 Running without lights MUTOKU NO Without virtue MUTOKUSHIN Disapproval,nonconsent, obtuseness 9i.5 st 1L-- 'i l of A %t It A l 4*1*1 *.m;t^ sSA A A zm t Py ^fg ^^^.^ jg^ ^>< *^ ^45 11^^ m^A ^^ wl ^ ^ 8 ^ ^^ ^t Sa511 t^S a m4 ^A @^ ^@ ^| ^a t ^^. ^ ^1 S l-d< i-fe 4 ^ %u i A^ < NAGAREMIZU MUTSUBU To be intimately connected with MUTSURERU To act in a friendly manner MUTTSURI4A Taciturn person MU-U Drizzling rain MU-UTAI Rainless zone MUYAKU Unemployment MUYAKU Uselessness,unprofitableness MUY6 NO Leafless,aphyllous MUYMKA SURU To become useless MUY6 KENKSSH5 Clean bill of health MQZAI HNMEN Acquittal and discharge MUZEIHIN Nondutiable goods MUZEIHIN RIKUJ6 KYOKASHO Landing order for free goods MUZEIHIN YUNYU SHINKOKU Declaration of tax-free imports MUZEIHIN YUNYU Entry for free goods SHINKOKUSH6 MUZEI YUNY Free entry MUZEI YUNYuHIN Duty-free imports MUZEN NO Unprecedented, invincible MUZETSU NO Tongueless,aglossate MUZUKAYUI Itchy,itching, tickling MUZUTSUKAS;ERU To twitch, jerk,ydnk MYAKKA SAY Vascular function MYAKUHAKU JUFUKU Dicrotism,in physiology MYAKUMON - Pulse MY6- Tomorrow MYWASA Tomorrow morning MY6GO- The...after next,of days.months, years etc. MY5GOBAN Evening of day after tomorrow MY6GOCH6 Morning of day after tomorrow MY6JO Divine help or protection MYoJUTSU Marvelous cunning,clever means, wonderful accomplishment MYoMOKU DAKE Nominal MYoMOKUJo NO SONGAI Nominal damage )fYoMOKU KAHEI Token money MYoMOKU KAKAKU Nominal value MYoMOKU KANJo Nominal account MYoMOKU NEDAN Nominal price MYoMOKU SHA-IN Nominal partner,ostensible _partner MYoMOKU 'SHINTAKU Naked trust MYfMY6GONEN Year after next MY&NENDO Next fiscal year MY6SAKU Remarkable plan,well-conceived plan MY6SHUN Next spring MY6S6CH6 Tomorrow dawn MY5TAN Tomorrow morning MYoYA Tomorrow evening N NA Seven NA Subhead -21 NABEBUTA Flat face NABEBUTA Potlid NABEBUTA Radical 008 NABEKAMA Cooking utensils NABETE On the whole,generally,vulgarly NADAI Personal representative NADARAMERU To comfort,calm,mitigate NADATARU Famous,renowned,notorious NADEGAKU Rounded angle NADOKORO Address,name and place NADOKORO Famous place NAFUT6RU Naphthol NAGA- Length,long duration NAGABIKASU To prolong,drag out NAGABITSU Long box NAGABOSOI Long and thin NAGADACHI Long saber NAGAE Changing of name NAGAGATANA Long saber NAGAJIKE Long rains,prolonged wet spell NAGAK6J5 Long verbal communication NAGAME Broadness of mind NAGAME For a long time,lengthily NAGAME Long rain NAGAME-IRU To contemplateadmire NAGAMUCHI Long whip,horse trainer's whip NAGANAWA Long line,fishing line NAGANOBI Length of a.road or canal etc. NAGANOBI Long delay or postponement NAGARAE Life,existence,length of life NAGARE-E Estuary NAGAREMIZU Running water, stream of water NAGAREMONO 165 NAGAREMONO Floating object NAGAREMONO Forfeited pawn NAGAREMONO Vagabond,wanderer NAGAREMUSHI Amoeba;tNAGARE SAGY6 Assembly line NAGARE SAGY H86SHIKI Assembly line system "NAGARESARU To be carried away by a stream NAGASHI Cruising,a taxi etc. NAGASHIMONO Exile,deported person NAGASU To cruise along,taxis etc. 7 JJ 7 NAGATACHI Long saber NAGATE Long route or road A, NAGATE Oblong form NAGATEBUKURO Gauntlet NAGAYAKA For a long time,lengthily NAGAYAMI Long illness NAGAYO Long night l NAGAZA Long session,prolonged visit 1 NAGAZUKAE Long turn of duty NAGE Indolence,negligence NAGE Mere form,exterior,mere show NAGE Unimportant thing v NAGEAI' Throwing at one another NAGEASHI Seated with legs outstretched NAGEGAMA Sickle-sh&ped weapon f L NAGEKATA Way of throwing NAGEKOSU To throw over top of or across Alf -F NAGEOROSU To make fall,throw down NAGETAOSU To throw down 4x NAGETSUKU To throw at NAGEWANA Lasso it NAGEYARI SAMB6 Culpable negligence RIX$1 NAGEYARU To not care about,neglect NAGEYARU To throw away or against, abandon,reject NAGIFUSERU To mow,cut down NAGI SHIDAI As soon as it is calm NAGITAOSU To mow down NAGOYA IDAI BY6IN Nagoya Medical School Hospital NAGOYAKA NI Calmly,tranquilly,amiably NAGURI Blows,drubbing 1 NAGURI Renunciation,disinterestedness, indifference C I 'f NAGURITSUKERU To beat roughly upon jI rL 3 NAGURITSUKERU To do carelessly or thoughtlessly NAI Interior,internal,the inside NAI- Secretly,in private NAIAN Part of a bill NAI-ATSU Internal pressure NAIBU Affront from within not from abroad NAIBU HAIBIUN Distribution among insiders NAIBU KANSA Internal audit NAIBU KIKEN Internal hazard,in insurance NAIBU K6YU Mineral oil,in medicine NAIBUN Bribe to conceal ownership NAIBUN SURU To divide internally NAIBUN SURU To keep a matter secret '-NAIBU NO SEIHb Inside information NAICHIBARAI Payment in Japan tV NAICHI B=EKI Domestic trade Y- NAICHIJIN Japanese person ti NAICHIMAI Rice grown in Japan Ir)it$$~ NAICHI MENKA JUY6DAKA Interior cotton A receipts S NAICHISEI Domestic manufacture '1 NAICHI ZEIKAN Internal customs NAICHOKU Secret Imperial decree r ~J4! NAIENTAN Naibuchi coal NAIGAN Escarpment NV1AIGASHIRO Disdainful treatment N4IGASHIRO Negligence,indifference to orders NAIGEKA-I Physician and surgeon NAIGEN Inside a ship NAIHB Inner fortification or work NAIH6 Internal NAIH6 Inward NAIHY6 Secret deliberation or.discussion 31 NAI-I 0 UKETE By secret order r'X4 FNAIJI Internal hemorrhoids ~9J~ " NAIJI SURU To report privately or secretly NAIJIN Native of the country rstk INAIJB Sentiments,real?eelings,private circumstances,inside affairs NAIJ? NI TSUZURU To be in the know NAIKA Inland China NAIKA Inner rivers,in the river NAIKA 'Internal combustion?AIKA-I Physician n SAitM Fr hrL nS AA AN n~?A L nS 41, r1) 'MFt rFl RA A& nsfi~b@aT 1 rn BA I-if n*A P*I t~ I~~fll tr1* *f 4 rfli - PFli4 n Alp ~ mt;4i t rA-$ r? 3cp nP &t$tA rODK~it $ P1S t r61975 r10fh r?%QM' nSHff ~Og ~Il ~t f~1 iifty J P 49 Fr-K) MI $ NAISHOGUICB NAIKAI KANTAI Home fleet NAIKA KoK6 Inland waterways navigation NAIKAKO DAIJIN Cabinet minister NAIKAKU FUSEIRITSU Check in formation of cabinet NAIKAKU J6HoBU Information Bureau of the Cabinet NAIKAKU KAIGI Cabinet Council meeting NAIKAKU KOMON Adviser to the Cabinet NAIKAKU SEIRITSU Success in formation of a cabinet NAIKAKU SHOKIKANCH6 Chief Secretary to the Cabinet NAIKAKU ISHUH6 Government weekly report NAIKAKEU S5RIDAIJIN Prime Minister,Premier NAIKAN Internal troubles NAIKAN GAIYU Troubles inside and difficulties outside NAIKANSHISH6 Inner ring of sentries NAIKA RANCHI Motor launch NAIKA RINSEN Inland Waterways Steamship Co. NAIKASEN River boat NAIKATEI Motor launch NAIKA TEMMASEN Motor sampan NAIKA UN-.EI KUMIAI China Inland Operations Association NAIKEIBETSU By inside diameter NAIKIMBARAI Payment on account NAIKIN JUNSA Policeman on station service NAIK6 Inner harbor NAIK6 Private conduct NAIKOKUJIN Natives NAIKOKU KAWASE Inland exchange NAIKOKUSAI Internal debt or loan NAIKOKU SEMPAKU Vessels under Japanese colors NAIK0OKU SHIJ6 Domestic market NAIKOKU SHIMMIN Native subjects NAIKOKUTYUKI YOZEI Domestic postage NAIMAKUO Behind the curtain NAIMEN Insides NAIMEN KUTSO Internal pain NAIMUBU Ministry of Home Affairs,in China NAIMU BUCH6 Deputy governor NAIMUCH6 Administrative officer NAIMUCEB First lieutenant,navy NAIMU DAIJIN Minister for Home Affairs NAIMU JIKAN Vice-Minister or Undersecretary for Home Affairs NAIMUKA First Lieutenant's Department,in naval land and air units NAIMUKACHf First lieutenant,naval land and air units NAIKU KANSATSUKAN Administrative inspector NAIMUKY6 Secretary of State for Home Affairs,Secretary of Interior NAIMUSHI Assistant to the first lieutenant,naval land and air units NAIMUSH6 Ministry of Home Affairs NAINEN Internal combustion NAINENKI Internal-combustion engine, NAINEKIYU Engine oil NAINENYU Diesel oil NAINETSU Internal heat or warmth NAI6 GAIG6 From within and without NAIRAN GAIKAN Foreign and domestic troubles NA-IRE FUDA Name plate NAIREI Interdepartmental order, administrative order NAIREI Secret orders NAIREI TEIY6 Navy manual NAIREI TEIY6 Summary of interdepartmental order NAIRIKU NO Inland NAIRIKU DENSHIN Inland telegram NAIRO Inner route NAISA Secret investigation NAISEI Inner nature,inmost qualities NAISEIBU Ministry of Interior,in China NAISEKI Agnation,agnates,consanguinity NAISEN Japan and Korea NAISEN BUTAI Snpire battle force NAISHAKU Borrowing against expected payment NAISHAKU Secret borrowing NAISHI Secret order NAISH6 Cataract of the eye NAIS6b Internal illness NAISH65 Minister of Home Affairs NAISHOGUCHI Job lot WAISO 166 NANA MIRI NANA KIKANJu I1 p1 ft P g f ft I MA 4f. P9 -A-^ -hL ft Rh 21W,-A$t A 7 Atk VA *( r? e b- - faih4 rP1 W~ t ~ft) -eS~~ )f, JtL s AfZ ( Be)~~ 1431 S 1 fP eL$'K I (MP f1 (Ptf Y B}ltg g~ B MR t js]EL t1i;3'" RkiA R lIPbtbaP W184h ca MA$J NAISO Secret accusation NAIS6 Minister of Home Affairs NAIS6 SURU To send to Japan NAISOKU Informal rules NAISOKU Interior,internal,inside NAISON Hidden defect NAITAIJIN Japanese and Formosans NAITEI Inner bottom,of ship NAITENRAN Private exhibition NAITo Subqaliberp NAIWA Confidential information,private conversation NAIWAN Basin,in geography NAIYAKU Medicine taken internally NAIY6 Inland sea NAIY6 Internal anthrax or carbuncle NAIY6 MIHON Sample pages NAIY6 SHiMEI YUBIN Contents-certified mail NAIYU Advice given in secret NAIYU GAIKAN Troubles within and without NAKABA IPPAI Half-full NAKABIYORI Interval of good weather during rains NAKABIYORI Momentary improvement presaging advent of death NAKACHIGAI Disagreement,rupture, estrangement NAKADACHI EIGY6 Brokerage NArADACHIGY6 Brokerage NAKADAE Disagreement,breaking off of relations JAKADnAE Interruption NAKADATSU *To interpose,intervene NAKAD6RI Middle course,middle street, mean,average NAKAGAI K6SEN Brokerage,commission NAKAGAI SdBA Brokers' market NAKAGAI TESURY6 Brokerage,commiSsion NAKAGI Clothes worn over others NAKAGO Center,heart,tang NAKAGOTO Meddling,harmful interference NAKA-IRE Stuffing,padding NAKAJIMA Central island of archipelago NAKAJIMA Island in a river IAKAJIMA Nakajima Aircraft Co. NAKAKAJI Midship helm NAKAMABIIKI Partiality of colleagues NAKAMADAOSHI Ruinous rivalry among colleagues NAKAMAGUMI Association,corporation NAKAMA S6BA Trade price NAKAMATSUBUSHI Ruinous rivalry among colleagues NAKAMA WARIBIKI Trade discount NAKAMI Sword blade NAKAMICHI Halfway NAKANE Middle price NAKAORIBUNE Collapsible boat NAKARAI Friendship,intimacy NAKARE Radical 080 NAKASHIMA Nakajima Aircraft Co. NAKA SHINA Central China NAKASU Delta,sandbank in niver,holm NAKASU To embarrass,overwhelm,bother NAKASU To move to tears NAKATAE Disagreement,breaking off of relations NAKATAE Interruption NAKATSUGI B6EKI Bonded goods trade NAKATSUGI H5M6 Rebroa;tcast,relayed broadcast NAKATSUGI TONYA Wholesaler, jobber NAKAZUMI Middle,center NAKIGUSE Morbid emotionalism, tearfulness NAKIHITO Dead person,missing person NAI KAGIRI Unless NAATKURmU To be wild with grief NAKIMAROBU To be convulsed with grief NAKISUGARU To cry on one's shoulder NAKITARANU To feel that one cannot cry enough NAKIT6SU To keep crying NAKITSJUBURERU To break down emotiopally NAKITSUZUKU To cry and cry NAMACHI Fresh blood NAMA CHICHO Unboiled or fresh milk NAMAE Live bait NAMA FUIRUMU Unused film NAMAGAI Fresh shellfish NAMAGAEX Iron ore,crude iron NAKA GATEN Imperfect comprehension I NAMAGUSA Green forage -1 4 NAMAHANJAKU Medium length,half-length, halfway Sr-' NAMAHARADATSU To become slightly angry 13N L NAMAHAZUKASHII Slightly 'timid or bashful NAMA-IE Incomplete healing or recovery NAMA-IKI Half-dead condition NAMA ITA Plank of unseasoned wood St NAMAKE KUSE Indolence,habitual laziness I:l N NAMAKIBUKI Smelting,of ore 1AAA NAMAKO ITA Corrugated iron -"( NAMAMBKU To be beautiful,want to appear young i < NAMAMEKU To be inexperienced 1 NAMAMONO Novice,inexperienced person 1JA1 NAMANARI Incomplete formation or development r1 NAMA NIKU Fresh meat,raw meat NA 1 NAMA SUIGYU KAWA Untanned water buffalo hides A NAMA UO Fresh or raw fish I tk NAMA YASAI Raw vegetables _ NAMAZAI Green lumber i NAMAZAKE Fresh or raw salmon Tf NAMAZATORI Half-comprehension &ilRl NAMAZUHADA Pityriasis versicoloi,a skin disease fl"I~ NAMBEN MO Often,over and over ligt ig ( NAMBEN MO TO NAKU Times without number, over and over IlA t NAMBITO MO Nobody r9~ NAMB6 South Seas Trading Company h-r x ) h NAMBOKU AMERIKA North and South America tra NAMBOKUCH6 Northern and Southern Dynasties NAMBOKU SEN North-soutte line i3i NAMBOKU SENS6 American Civil War NAMBU Soft portion 4ppSff p tP* NAMBU KEIBI BUTAI Southern guard force ijIh ) NAMBU SHOSHO Southern states,south IP W NAMBYAKU 'Hundreds SNAME Diarrhea;;4 NAMERU To be smooth or slippery $I NAMESHI Tanning, tannage $1T. NAMESHIGAWA Radical 178 40, L L NAMESHII Impolite or gross SNAMIDA AME Light rain AR t NAMIDAME Watering of the eyes,epiphora NAMIGURUMA River boat A Jk J NAMI IJ6 Above average i0 ik NAMIJI HARUKA NI Across the sea,far 6ut at sea Aid4 NAMIKAKEGOROMO Mariners' clothes tA-4 NAMI KAWASE Sending money by draft;2A ir * NAMIKIRIBUNE Catamaran i NAMI MONO Common or ordinary thing 14 NAMINE Usual price A 4# NAMI SHAGEKI Ordinary shooting or firing At' "NAMI SHINA Articles of medium quality A NAMI SHIZUKA Calm sea A t7U6) NAMI TAITEI NO Ordinary -tot" NAMITATSU To stand aligned in formation;S.: 7 NAMITATSU To undulate,swell,get wavy r)AA j NAMMAN TETSUD6 South Manchurian Railways t;-f5 NAMMEN SURU To face south Ktr NAMMIN Sufferers NAMPATSU Southern Territories Development Banking Agency IWsa NAMPATSUKEN South Seas Development scrip _i;t 5 NAMPI SURU To retire,flee 4A 2" k NAMPIN Stupidity -rr-4 NAMPIN AKINAI Trading at the common price rW$'* 'i* NAMPo GUN HOKYiSHo Southern Army Supply Depot #i'41#' NAMPo JIMUKYOKU Southern Regions Bureau 43r9Ci NAMPo KAIHATSUKEN South Seas Development scrip r1 3 NAMPo KAIHATSU KINKO Southern Territories Development Banking Agency m 3 ni 4cf NAMPo KAIHATSU KINKOKEN South Seas 7* Development scrip #94 3 ~i~ NAMPE KAINEN South Seas ii34Z NAMPo KgKgi Southern Airways St: INAMPOKU North and south f-rI~V INAMPo S9GUN Southern Theater Army k33b NAMP6YU Southern oil S INAN Nanking -I NANA Seven IDb4 NAN-A JICHIRY6 Union of South Africa. A A-44tit YANA MIRI NANA IJU Machine gun,7.7 mm I R-A PNt 1NANA MIRI NANA KIKANJU Machine gun,7.7 mm #IA t -T #p C3 r1 L -1Si Cqi 4 *1 I rB t 4A4 At 4 -t3 4-% 4 -14t 4 453* 41 4 #( - OT 8* M 0: ff x R) R9 It$2 Icsr iOW0 ~ Xa;t (tctj 2 ~tf ##I U ~ r ~c 1 a Ji 4;t ~tR ~t ~flt A ~1~Ti a SXi t ~ fel-P 8 It 4Fx LOX j~ LeY ~a \T 4x NAN-AN 167 NAN-AN Difficult project or bill NAN-A REMPb Union of South Africa NANATSU D6GU Outfit,paraphernalia NANATSUYA Loan office,pawnbroker's NANCHU NO NAN Hardest of all,nothing can be more difficult NANCHU NO NANJI Most difficult of all things NANCHUSHI South and Central China NANDAI Nanking Diplomatic Office NANDAN Southern section,of a railroad etc. NANDEMOYA Jack-of-all-trades NANDO Soft earth NAND5 Annealed copper NANDOKU Difficult reading NAND6 SEN Annealed wire NANGAN Southern coast NANGEKAN Soft chancre NANGEN Affability,agreeable language NANGETSU What month NANGO Difficult word NANGOKU Southern country or region NANGOKU What country NANGUN Southern Army NANGY6 Difficult or laborious work NAKHI SURU To retire,run away,flee NANIBITO Who,what person,anyone NANIBITO MO Anyone,everyone NANIBb So and so,a certain person NANIBUN NI MO In any way,by all means NANIBUN NO GI Please,do the best you can about it NANI GA SATE Certainlyit goes without saying,at any rate,however NANIGOKORO NAI Inattentive,indifferent NANIMONO MO Nobody,no one,with negative NANIMONO MO Nothing,with negative NANINANI In such and such a way,so and so NANISAMA Certainly,by all means NANISAMA Such,so NANISAMA What way or manner NANITOTE Why,how NANIY6 Certainly,by all means NANIY5 What way or manner NANIYORI MO Above all,first of all,before anything else NANJAKU GAIK6 Weak foreign policy NANJI Difficult character NAN JIKAN How many hours,how long NANJI SHIMMIN You,our subjects NANKAI How many times NANKAI South Seas NANKAISHI Rabaul NANKAISHO KASHIDASHI Distressed loans NAENKAN Difficulty,difficult thing NANKAN Distress,affliction NANKAN Violence,roughness NANKATEN Melting point NANKATSU Unctuousness,suaveness NANKEMP6 Flexible constitution of a country NANKEN Southern Area NANKEN Steep incline,difficult pass NANKEN KANTAI Southern Expeditionary Fleet NANKIN Strict prohibition NANKIN SURU To be held or confined * NANKIN SURU To incarcerate NANKIN RAIDEN Telegram from Nanking NANKITSU Reproach, rebuke,taunt NANKO How many,what number NANK6 Orientation to the south NANK6 Southern Airways NANKM Southern suburb or district of a city NANK6 SURU To go south NANKmKI Southern Airways plane NANKOTSUKA SURU To become cartilaginous NANKYAKUBYa Beriberi NANKYO Southern sea routes,southing NANXY6 Misfortune NANKY6 Southern frontiers or borders NANKY6 South Seas Assdciation NA.I(KYOKUtY6 Antarctic Ocean NANNIN DE MO Any number of people NAN NI OCHI-IRU To have difficulty NANOKA Seven days,seventh day NANOME Inclined, slanting, oblique,diagonal NANIORI Name of person NANORIDERU To present oneself,give oneself up NANRFIN Areas bordering on the south NAZO Rig NANRON Difficult discussion or question, objection AA3 NANRYU SURU To flow south NANSE Anyway,at any rate,in any case i0 NANSEI Southwest 9x E NANSEIDAN Soft steel shell jfib~PP NANSEI H MEN KANTAI Southwestern Area Fleet r NANSEN Southern Korea lC$thh NANSEN KYOJO Salvage operations NANSHIKI Nonrigid NANSHIN NA Supple,pliant NANSHO Dangerous or difficult place * A ~NANSHdSHA Soft car,on Trans-Siberian Railroad At4. NANS6 Nanking Consulate General lij- t NANS6 SURU To ship south IA* NANSUREZO Therefore,also,consequently A NANSUREZO Why,for what reason NANTAI NO Hard to bear or endure Jk NANTAISEIY6 South Atlantic i3 NANTAKU South Seas Colonization Co. NANTAN Bituminous coal NANT6 Southeast - NANT5 HEMEN KANTAI Southeast Area Fleet t NANTOMO IEZU Indescribable LT& d NAN TO NAREBA Because,for the reason that AlS- i NANY6CHR South Sea Islands Government Office &If~ NANYd KIGY5 KABUSHIKI South Seas tht i KAISHA Syndicate AiAM4 NANYdKYOKUCH6 Head of the South Seas Bureau AttS NANYB SHOTB Polynesia,South Sea Islands NANZAI Softwood NA 6 Napoleon NAOKI Irreproachable,honest,upright NAOKI Right,direct,straight 4 NAONAOGAKI Postscript S NAORI Recovery,healing,cure,restoration 104 1~ NAORIKAKE Convalescence 5 A's- NAORISOKONAU To miss the chance of healing due to negligence I L NARABENAOSHI Restoring to order, rearrangement i L NARASHI Custom,habit,usage f Lb NARASHI Training,instruction,drill ~ NARAU To train or accustom oneself NARE Maturity,mature thing M NARE Understanding,closeness,friendship, familiarity I NAREKKO Familiarity,congeniality,habit NARI Formation,development,growth, maturation NARI Livelihood,work,occupation,calling )5ý9 NARI Realization,accomplighment V V L 3 NARIAGARU To increase in loudness rV I ( NARIHATAMEKU To resound with force,roar, thunder I 9, h53 NARI-IZURU To begin to grow,come up in the world 4j V 9 NARIOTORU To deteriorate,weaken,wear out h1 9V NARIS5 Likelihood A 9i;itJ NARISUMASU To put on airs,pose as AI9 L4 U NARI TO NASHI Consider that it is oQ9 tA: NARIYAMU To cease sounding,die away rf4i%.C NARIYUKI CHUMON Discretionary order,in securities trading lit 44ta k NARIYUKI NEDAN Best price obtainable Ni6iffl NARIYUKI S6BA BAIBAI Sale at daily market n price 'j7( NARIYUKU To take a turn,have a trend Oj 3 4:9 NARUKAMI Thunder '5OUa NASHIATAU To be able to do A1 LA NASHIGATAI Hard to do 1m U IbA- NASHIGATAI Impracticable,unfeasible 4rii NASHIMONO Caviar,salted spawn or roe Abjt~-3 NASHIOKURERU To be late doing something NASHI-URI Cantaloupe.-NASU Like I4 NATANE KASU Rapeseed waste NATANEYU Rapeseed oil NATSUGUCHI Early summer NATSU-IN Name seal,signature NATSUKASHIGE Longing air,yearning look 'th $ NATTE ORANU Slovenly IAYASU To let wither,paralyze,temper, forge NAYASU To make supple or flexible,weaken I0LJ&L4 If NAZE TO NAREBA Because,for the following reason 44 k NAZO Why,wherefore 10 NAZOE 168 i ^ ^-\ R U z^ tV t~tJ ^48j ^gt '^^S t^HRf ^B^# ~r/9 ~Xok 1~6M ^l tR^F ^ At^ ^RAU yifr$4 ^JbH ^^ 94 ^t.$ 4(^t9 ^^ 6 4X^ &^s iXSt IXWI ^40/ ^l~tX74 ^^Xt7A ^><036 ^a^^ ^3?^ ~j~ 5^^ ~J ^#4 M?,3 4It NAZOE Incline,slope,diagonal NAZOERU To compare,liken,imitate NAZORAU To resemble,be like,be copied from NAZURAERU To compare,liken,imitate NE Subhead 20 NEAEU To be tired of sleeping WEASHI Stiff legs,lazy legs NEBA Clay, slime NEBARAI Prompt payment NEBARI Deep root,solid root NEBARIZUNA Halter rope NEBASA Adhesiveness,tenacity NEBASU To make sticky,make tenacious NEBOKEZURA Look of being only half-awake NECHATSUKU To become sticky,adhesive,or viscrus NEDAISHA. Sleeping car,Pullman NEDANGAKI Price list NEDEIT8 Mortgage for cash NEDOI HADOI Tiresome and importunate questions NEDOKI Bedtime NEDOKO Bedroom NEDOKORO Bedroom,perch,roost NEFUROZE Nephrosis NEFUSU To lie down to sleep,go to bed NEGA Negative film NEGAIJO Written petition NEGAKE On the point of going to sleep NEGAN Coffin NEGARI Cutting close to ground or root NEGAWAREMAJIKI YA Could we not ask you to... NEGIRIYA Haggler,close buyer NEGISHI Foot of a hill or slope NEGOE Drowsy voice NEGUI Eating in bed,idle life NEGUSHI Dandy brush currycomb,dandy brush NEI Nanking NEI Ningsia NE-IRI Length of part buried in earth NEISEI Calm,peace, tranquility NEJIAGERU To twist NEJIKEMONO Cross-grained person NEJIKUBI Twisting head from body NEJIMAWASU To screw, turn a screw NEJIME Laying solid foundation NEJIMODOSU To unscrew NEJIRE Twist,kink,contortion,crookedness NEJISHIBORU To wring out NEJITAOSU To send spinning to ground, topple NEJITAOSU To throw someone by twisting arm NkKATA Base,root,bottom NEKATORU Nekator,a hookworm type NEKIRI Excavation, trench, removing roots NEKIRI HAKIRI Completely, entirely,root and branch NEEKATSU Burning desire NEKKOKU TAISEN Prickly heat NEKOAEGI Purring tremor of the heart NEKUSARIBY5 Root rot NEKUSARU To oversleep,lie abed NEMADOU To be dazed after abrupt awakening NEMARU To crawl,lie down,prostrate oneself NEMARU To kneel and sit on heels, quat NV4AWARI Circumference of tree at its base NEMB5 Demand,desire,anticipation NEMIMI NI MIZU Great surprise,bolt from the blue NEMMATSU SH60.Year-end bonus NEMPU Annals,chronicle NEMUGE Sleepy look NEMURASU To send to bed,put to sleep NEMERITSUKU To begin to sleep NENAI Rootless,groundless,baseless,false NENASHI FUHY5 Baseless buoy NENDAIJUN Chronological order NEN-EKI SENK5 Pituitary foramen NENGUMAI Rice paid as rent or land tax NEN HEIKIN Yearly average NENJI Order of years NENJI Year class in mobilization NENJI HoKOKU Annual report NENJIN SURU To burn itself out NENJI REIKAI Annual meeting NENKA SURU To agglutinate ( A1 e J014 MA A -i A~L 6 7 9 c( UU1 r, Ol a tA t t* 4F U* (4 i 4 Vt ~ O"St SA S 94 A 4 -^*^< WA^( *AdMr a 1A A ); IMIA V Z 4 ij 1Alo fi *t /AM A# if NETSUKEDOKEI NENKAI Annual meeting or conference NENKAN For the year,yearly NENKETSU Coking, caking NENKETSUSEI Coking or caking quality NEN3ETSUTAN Coking coal NENKI Adhesive power NENKI Death anniversary NENKI End of the year NENKI Term of service,apprentice years, employment of domestics NENKI Year,age NENKI BdK5 Service for a term, apprenticeship NEUIl BdKNIN Apprentice NENKIN HOKEN Annuity insurance NENKIN JURY6SHA Pensioner,annuitant NENKIRI End of term of service NENKI TEIGAKU HOKENRY5 Annual level premium NENK5 KAH5 Long-service allowance NEN NI KI Semiannually NEN NO TAME For your information,as a caution,in case of need NEN-ON Brat note,in radio NENREI NO SEIGEN Age limit NENREI SoKEI Combined ages NENREKI Calendar, almanac NENRITSU Annual rate NENRYO Anxiety,perplexity NENRYO Profound reflection, consideration NENRY6KA Fuel Section NENRY KaSH Fuel engineering depot NENRYoKYOKU Fuel Bureau NENRY6SEN Fuel ship NENRY6S6 Fuel tank NENRY6YU Fuel oil NENSAN Annual production NENSANGAKU Annual yield,annual value NENSANRY5 Yearly production NENSEI Stickiness,viscosity NENSHO Beginning of the year NENSH6SHA Young people NENSOKU Wire strand NEN-YU Fuel oil NEN-YU BEN Fuel-oil valve NENZA Sprain NENZEI Annual taxes NEOBIRERU To be dazed on awaking NEODOROKU To remain frightened on awaking NEODOROKU To wake up with a start NEOSHI Bargaining,haggling NEPPA Heat wave NEPPORO Hot-blast stove NERAIMOTOMERU To aim at,aspire to NERAISUMASU To be sure of one's intention NERAISUMASU To take careful aim NERAITSUKERU To aim NERAI-UTSU To pick off,sharpshoot NERAIYORU To approach target aiming NERATON KATEETERU Neraton's catheter NERIGAMU To ruminate,chew the cud NERIKATAMERU To harden by tempering NERIKATAMERU To rub together NERIKAWA Leather,tanned hide NERU To walk slowly,parade,file past NESAGE KY535 Rate war NESASHI Price lowering NESETSUKERU To put to bed NESOBERU To lie flat NESOKONAU To be unable to sleep NESSETSU Ardor,passion,avidity NESSHA Hot sand NESSHITSU Hothouse NESSHIYASUI KOKUMIN Excitable people or nation NESSORI Heavily,slowly NESUGIRU To sleep too much NETAI Envied,hateful,enviable NETAMERU To get ahead on sleep NETARANU To have too little sleep NETARIRU To have enough sleep NETCHI Tropics,hot region NETE KURASU To spend one's time sleeping NETSU Jehol NETSUBYCYAKU Febrifuge,antipyretic NETSU HOSSA Attack of fever,pyrexia NETSU-I NO Warmhearted NETSUJI SURU To maintain strongly,insist NETSUKASU To put to bed,send to bed,lull NETSUKE Chills premonitory of fever NETSUKE Valuation,estimate,bid,offer NETSUKEDOKEI Watch NETSU ETIEKY HATSUDEISHO 169 ul A 4 134 4444 I: ~ f4 Kt ich~p? IA a S? 00 0, lo 1) 0A ( - It E3 0 8 Er 3F3 0 (P ~ "J3 A, a A a P a I a ~i a B& 3'j a 5 e 7 an f a FP~ 6N C3 e a r~ 6 A 0 * o 4 00 am fx~a u i 8 $J ojl~ a fCt NETSUTJ 1YD HATBUDEISHO Heating and power plant NETSURYO Heat value NETTAIBY6 Tropical disease NETTETSU Molten iron NETTja SURU To boil up,bubble NEWATASHI Prompt delivery NEYASU Low price NEZATOI Sleeping lightly,easy*to wake up NEZUBASHIRI Lintel NEZUMAI Hesitation, indecision NEZUMI Radical 208 NEZUNAKI Rat squeaks NI Nepal NI Radical 007 NI Subhead 04 NIABURA Cooking.oil NIAGEBUNE Lighter,barge NIAGEK5 Port of discharge NIAGE NINSOKU Dock hand,stevedore, iongshoreman NI ARAZU SHITE Not...but... NI ATARI In,to,in the event of NIATSUKAI Consignment of cargo,freight NIAWA3ERU To adjustmake fit,adapt NIAWASERU To boil together NIBAEI Two-horse NIBAKO Packing box or case NIBAMU To turn a dark color IIBITSU Packing box.NIBUSA Dulness,stupidity BICRAKU Arrival of goods NICHATSUKU To be sticky,adhesive,or viscous NICHI Counter for days NICHI Japan NICHI Sunday NICHIA Japan and Asia NICHIBO Dusk,twilight NICHIB6 Japan Spinning Company -NICHIBUN Portion for....days NICHICHITSU Japan Nitrate Company NICHIDAI Japan University,Tokyo NICHItD)KU Japan and Germany NICBIDOKU-I Japan-Germany-Italy NICHIDORI Date NICHIFUTSU Japan and France NICHIFUTSU RENRAKU Japan-French indoJIMUSHO China Liaison Office NICHIGEN GA KURU To fall due NICHIGINKEN Bank of Japan notes NICHIGO Japanese language NICHIHATSU Japan Electric Company NICHI HEN Radical 072 NICHIHI Japan and the Philippines NICHI-I Japan and Italy NICHI-IN Japan and India NICHI-IN GUN Japanese and Indian Armies NICHIJI Dateorder of days NICHIJI Day and hour,date, time NICHIJIN Japanese person NICHIJIN HANSEN DWKEI Japanese Antiwar Alliance NICHIKA Sino-Japanese NICHIKA GdBEII KdKC IAISHA JapaneseChinese Airways Co. NICHIKAI Japanese Association NITCEIKA XYCKAI Sino-Japanese Sogiety NICHIKA RoMU KY-KAI Sino-Japanese Labor Importing Association UNICHIK0I Japanese,as of agents etc. NICHIK6 Japan Airways "NICHIKrKI Japan Airways plane NICHIMAN Japan and Manchukuo -NICHIME -th day NICHIMEI Daily orders NICHIKEN Japan and Burma NICHIMEN Japan Cotton Company NICHIM6 Japan and Mongolia NICHId Japan and Austria NICHIPO Japan and Portugal NICBI1EI Order of the day NICHIRENSHD Nichiren sect of Buddhism NICHIRIN Japan Phosphate Company NICHIRO Japan and Russia,Russo-Japanese, Soviet -Japanese NICHIROKiJ Diary, journal NICHIRO BEN-EKI Russo-Japanese War NICHIRY? Daily portion NICHIRY5 RY5MATSU Daily provisions and fodder NICHISEKI Japanese Red Cross all BEA 13ftL )y Z E J 9 t itEL tA LO, < ig ~ L h L i v IjLV3 4 1A3 14 ~.t 3 A 3 Aiit $ 3 6 3 9 ~ = L -t s-tlCWS g -t ag 6 I: 0t U at g -T; 13 O *E4 Sa *EI1 s.6 II LE a alW an a?k X &P nk iP) C1 NIHON JIMIIN KAIAo K&MMI NIICHISO Japan and the Soviet NfCHI5UI Japan and Switzerland. NICHITAI Japan and Thai NICHITAI KAIUN KAISHA Japan-Thai Marine Transportation Co NICRITETSU Japan Iron Manufacturing Co. NICHIY8HIN Daily necessities NICHIZEN Some days agopreviously,the other day NICHIZUKE Date NICHOKU Number two watch NICHE NO YUMI Double-dealing,duplicity, two bows NI CH53HI In view of,judging by NI DAISEIT0 TAIRITSU Two-party system SHUGI NIDASHI Bouillon,soup stock,decoction NIDASHI Sending goods,delivery,forwording NID6 Two roads,two branches NIEAGARU To boil up NI El Seaman 2nd class,medical NI EISEIHEI Seaman 2nd class,medical NI EISEI HEISO Petty officer 2nd class, medical NI eIS5 Petty officer 2nd class,medical NIEKI Loading NIEKIRANAI Irresolute,wavering NIEKIRAZU Irresolute,wavering NIEKI R MUSHA Coolie NIEKISHA Stevedore NIEKURIKAERU To boil up NIESOIKONAU To be underboiled NIESUGIRU To boil too much NIETAGIRU To seethebubble,boil up NI GAKU Seaman 2nd class,musician NI GAKURRI Seaman 2nd class,musician NI GAKU HEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class, musician NI GAKUS(i Petty officer 2nd class, musician NIGAMERU To make bitter or disagreeable NIGAMIBASHIRU To wear a cold or hard look NIGAMIKIRU To look extremely angry NIGAMU To be bitterlook peevish NIGAMU To be biting,be sharp,be sarcastic.NIGARA Groundsdregs NIGASA Capacity,bulk,overstock,glut NIGAWASEZUKI C.O.D.,cash on delivery NIGEHASHIRU To flee at top speed NIGEMADOUU To run about trying to escape NIGENI Jetsam.,jettison NIGENOKU To retreat headlong NIGE6SERU To effect or make good one.'s escape NIGESARU To flee,escape,get away NIGESUTERU To drop everything and flee NIGEYUKU To flee,slip away,escape NIGINIGISHII Hurr ied,busy, frequent NIGINIGISHII Thriving,bustlingactive, lively I NIGIRIKATAMERU To squeeze hard between the hands NIGIRI SUPANA Wrench NIGIRITSUMERU To squeeze between the hands NIGIWASEHISA Prosperity,great animation NI GOREN RAKU Refer to... NIGORI Voicing NIGORI KOTOBA Ambiguous words NIGORI TEN Voicing or nigori mark NIGURUMA Cart,wagon,dray NIHAKU Postscript NI HANSHI Against,contrary toin opposition to NI HANSHITE Against,contrary to,in opposition to NIHEI Two teams of.horses NIHI Seaman 2nd class,flight NI HISHI In comparison with,in pzoportion to NIHIS6 Petty officer 2nd class,flight NIHOMBARE Ideal weather,cloudless sky NIHOMBARE Untroubled heart NIXON BUTTAI I-INKAI Japan Materials Commission NIHON EIGASHA Japan Movie Company NIHON-ENTOTSU Two-funneled NIHONFu Japanese style NIRONGAWA BMEKI RENGdKAI Japan Trade Association SNIRON JIMMIN KAWH6 RD4MEI JapAnese Emancipation Alliance NIHONJIN HAISEKI UNDo 170 8>i~. NIHONJIN HAISEKI UND6 Anti-Japanese if thMovement *'k9 NIHONJIN HANSEN DANTAI Japanese People's me Anti-war Organization 8*AYARM NIHON MARUSHIKI SENT6KI Zero planes S*, 0) * * NIHON NO SEINEN Young Japan NIHONSEI Made in Japan ik~ t NIHRON SEINEN KAIKAN Japan Young Men's Association Hall E3i NIHDN SHIMMIN Japaiese subjects #A * NIHON SHOHEI DAIHYo Mass meeting of TAIKAI representatives of Japanese soldiers E3*9k NIHONYAKU Japanese translation 3 #kt- NIHON ZENDO Whole of Japan, VT* 9 NIIMAIRI New arrival,newcomer R,4 NIISAN Elder brother If I NI ITARI As for,as to,up to LI~EI NI ITARU MADE To,as far as,up to,until NIJI Secondary ~13 ~NIJI KAIRO Secondary circuit NIJI KAISEN Secondary circuit NIJIKI -Dunnage,loose material to pad cargo NIJIRIDERU To push oneself out on one's knees NIJIRUSHI Shipping mark S NI JWJI Taking advantage of,under,in 'i: 7 V NI J6JITE Taking advantage of,under,in t NIJODAI In one's twenties ý*W~j NIJO HdKOKU Duplicate advice i4A NIJO KAKKO Double parentheses Ai a NIJO KOKUSEKI Dual citizenship 7 NI JUNJI In proportion to,according to 4k NIJU NUSUMI Double steal +y NIJO SASHIOSAE Double foreclosure Of e 4i 4 NIJUSHIJIKAN TAIKI Twenty-four-hour alert S NIJUSU Twenty odd -Ai31 NIJU SUJIHIKI Double-crossing,of check S NIJUTEI Double-bottom,double-sole S NIJO YAKITSUKE Double-printing,in photography NIKA Confidential,on a telegram S NI KAERIMI In view of i0719 NIKAESHIMONO Warmed-up dish or food, rehash ne NIKAI Twice Ff NIKAIKA Ground floor NIKAISHA Double-decker bus * L: NI KAKARI Depending on 1:: rT NI KAKAWARAZU Irrespective of it NI KAUE Extending over,from...to Lc#t7T NI KAKETE Extending over,from...to * NIKAJU KEN Chinese twenty-cent note NI KANGAMI In view of 10* L NI KAXRENSHI In connection with LA4 L NI KANSHI Regarding,in reference to LT NI KANSHITE Regarding,in reference to 1=f wt NI KANSURU Re,concerning 4V NIKARAGE Packing 1*ANIKASAMI Overstock NIXAWASE Documentary bill or draft fs-) R NIKAWASE SHIN-Y6J< Letter of credit against documents AVPtt NIKAWASE SH6REN Draft with documents attached S NIKI Seaman 2nd class,engineering 1M L NI KISHI On the occasion of E WF NIEKA HAISEKI Boycott against Japanese goods S NIEKAI Piece of meat,body,mass of flesh #49-4- NIKKAII HEIGO Annexation of Korea a R*~th NIKXA TEISEI Boycott of Japanese goods mnNIEI Corporal punishment ajt ~ BNIKKIN Daily service,daily function eA rlNIKC6 Imperial Japanese Airways eitap NIXEK STSUYAKU Daylight saving B# #**) NIETYU R6D8EHA Day laborer a j4g mNaU iYJYATOI Waged staff e&~WJ NIKKYO ZENTAI Waged staff %Ai*t/ NIKOBORERU To boil over 1zIt*C ~A I NK2EI ARE Long live... SNIKOGE Down,fluffy feather NI KOKU Second National Army NIKOROSU To boil to death NIKO RYUHO Two reservations NIKU Radical 130 # NIKUBEI Minced meat,minced fish IP ~ NIXUBEYA Pantrydispensary,buttery m NIMUDAN Mass 6f flesh rUat NIKUDANSEN Storming with human bullets, suicide attack it RNIKUDATSU Emaciation 0m1. m$#il ~ At, 49A 45 It t~1 a 4 FIs t -1 "4M t I:aJ U~~nt K ~ 9 A I- t0Jt x ~5 14"9 K> F *4~pj. K ~ K1 4~c j~ ARvU -, K 1, -.4~- - WL wi i5Jg% NINKASHf NIKEEN Kinship,blood relationship NIKUGARU To come to hate NIKUGE NA Hateful,repulsive,ugly NIKUHAKU SURU To press the enemy hard NImKUHAKUTEI Close quarters craft NIKUIMEI Piece of meat,shied of flesh NIKUKA SURU To incarnate,enflesh NIKUKAI Lump of meat or flesh NIKUK6HAN Close combat section NIKUMAREGO Unpopular boy NIKUMI Taste of flesh or meat NIKUMIAU To hate each other NIKUMIKIRAU To dislike extremely NIKIU-PAI Meat pie NIKURI Schedule of freight shipments NIKURIN Abundance of all kinds of meat NIKUSAGE Disagreeable way or manner NIKUSEKISHOKU Flesh color,flesh red NIKUSHIN Flesh and blood,body NIKUSHINJC Corporeally,in the flesh NIKUSHITSU NO Fleshy,meaty NIKUSHOKU Flesh color NIKUTAIKA SURU To materialize NIKUTAI RoDb Physical work NIKUTARASHII Hateful,repulsive,detestable NIKIUTARASU To- boil to a pulp or to pieces NIKUTEKI Carnal NIKUTEN Butcher shop NIKUZAN KETCHI Carnage,massacre NIKUZUKE Fattening,molding,modeling NIKUZUKERU To fatten,mold,model NIKUZUKI Radical 130 NIKYU Two classes or grades,second class NIKYIHIN Second-class goods,seconds, coarse mbal NI MASUTO Two masts NIMBEN Radical 009 -NIMBUN Allotment for...persons NIMEI Two persons NI MENsHI Out of consideration for NIMMAE Counter for portions,food,cups, dishes,etc. NIMMENS6 Necrosis of the kneecap NIMMU TASSEl Mission accomplished NIMOCHI Porter, carrier,bearer NI MO KAKAWARAZU In spite of NIM6SAKU Two crops a year NIMBSAKU Two-crop farming NI MOTOZUKI Based upon,according to NIMOTSU DENSEA Electric freight train NIMOTSU KATA Baggageman,porter NIMPUCHIN Porterage,coolie hire NIMPUGASHIRA Boss,coolie master NI MUKAI Facing,against,towards,to NI MUKATTE Facing,against,towards,to NIN Counter for human beings NINAI Incomparable,peerless NIN-AI Kindness,tenderness NINAOSU To reboil,recook,reheat NI NARAI In harmony with NINAWA Packing rope or cord NINAWASU To load with,saddle with, entrust NINCHI Place of appointment NINCHI Appointment,placement NINCHI SURU To assign to a post NINGAI Inhumanity,outcast WINGEN Term of service NINGEN D6SHI Fellow men NINGEN IJb Superhuman NINGENKA STJRU To humanize NINGEN NAMI Ordinary men NINGYITEN Doll shop NIN-I KIGY6 RENG6 Discretionary'pool NIN-I KBY6 KAMOTST Optional cargo NININNORI Two-seater NININSH6 Sentry group of 2 men NININ SHOMEI TEGATA Two-name paper,in commerce NIN-I SENTAKU Discretion NIN-I SHUTTs Voluntary appearance,in law NIN-I TSUMITATE KIN Discretionary reserve fund NINJI Kindness,goodness NINJrMI Human touch,human appeal NINJU Patience,resignation NINJU Span of human life NINKEA Patience, forbearance NINKAK Patiently enduring cold NINEAX JbSHIN SURU To request an assignment XINKASHO Certificate,charter,permit, license A, 4k /L. /L ifn.4, (3410 t ýAE rig A A 4, f R AP. 7 k A.:b L 4:1 7 1 LT ($b 1# A 4: ~' -~ kl -~ ~ ite~l ~ tak Ia 4: ~r - Li 4:e 4:~, S-4dt4 Iht# 'a It? 3 a:= c') 4: j8v~ 4:3H-( 1~ 4 48A L 8)L~ t NINKI KABU 171 NINKI KABU Popular stocks NIN-KIRO Man kilometer,a passenger-travel unit NINKOKU Country to which one is accredited NIN MICEITE At the expiration of one's tenure NINNYB Radical 010 NINSHIKIHY6 Dog tags,identification disc or card NINSHIN Patience,forbearance NINSHO Post,place where one is employed NINSHOKU Official appointment NINSH6 TdHON Certified copy NINSOKUGASHIRA Overseer,coolie foreman NINTEI Official approval NINTEI KABU Authorized stock NINUSHI NO KIKEN FUTAN Merchant's risks, in maritime law NIN-Yb SURU To acknowledge,admit NINZUME Passenger capacity NIOIBITO Porter,carrier,bearer NI OITE MO As for NI OITE WA As for NI OITE WA If,in,at,among,by means of,by, through,subject particle NIOI UMA Pack horse NIOTYAKA Luster NI 6JITE In accordance with,in answer to NI OKARETE MO As for KI OKERU In,on,at,among,by,by means of, through NIOKURININ Consignor, sender NIOWASHII Odorous,fresh-colored,bright NIPPI Seaman 2nd class,flight NIPPON HIIKI Japanophile NIPPON H5S5 KY5KAI Japan Broadcasting Association NIPPONJIN HANSEN.Japanese Revolutionary KAKUMEI DoMEI Antiwar League NIPPONKA SURU To Japanize NIPPON KEIZAI REMMEI Japanese Economic Federation NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA Japan Mail Line NIRA HEN Radical 179 NIRAMIAWASERU To bring into line,cause to correspond NIREN Duplex NIRENSHIKI Duplex NI RETSUME Second row NIRINSIHA Two-wheeled vehicle NI RUI Second base,in baseball NISABAKININ Landing agent NI SAISHI At the time of,on the occasion of NI SAISHITE WA At the time of,when NI SAISHITE WA Facing NISAMASU To cool after boiling or cooking NISE Seaman 2nd class,maintenance NISE-E Portrait,likeness NISEGANEZUKAI Counterfeiter NISEI Seaman 2nd class,maintenance NISEI Second generation Japanese in America NISEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class, maintenance NISE NO CHIGIRI Eternal fidelity NISENSOKU Second battle speed NISENTb NO Bicuspid NISERU To imitate,counterfeit,forge NISE SHbEMON Forged or counterfeit bond NISESb Petty officer 2nd class, maintenance NI SETSUON NO Disyllabic NISHI Radical 146 NISHI HONGAIJI Nishi Honganji sect of Buddhism NISEIKI NO MIHATA Imperial standard NISHIN Parents NISHIN Postscript NISEISEN West Korea NI SIITAGAI In accordance with,in obedience to NI SHITE Being,as,in the capacity of NISEOKUBUN "Double ration NISHU Seaman 2nd class,sipply NISEU NO Bimanous,two-handed NISHUS6 Petty officer 2nd class, supply NI 61I NAKU Without fail,without doubt NISOKONAU To spoil the cooking NISSAN Daily production 8 1 BEl 8 1 -A T ALI 1W I or or TA r k"4if~ Q 8 T4 ~ 4q~3 1 ~ 9 tf. - k~ f eWF r~a - T - k 8,mtr -E -s aE r~kt-~ 5 s-4 t - 7 ~FI~~, g i~~ i1f4 8 I: kfy i t 9 ML NITTo NISSAN Nissan Automobile Company NISSEI Japan and Spain NISSHI Japan and China NISSHI G6BEN KAISHA Sine-Japanese JointManagement Company NISSHI JIMMIN People of Japan and China NISSHIN Daily progress,constant progress NISSHIN Daily renovation,constant renewal NISSHIN Japan and China especially in period 1644-1911 NISSHIN SENS6 Sine-Japanese War of 1894-1895 NISSH6 Classical 4th tone in Chinese, Mandarin 5th tone NISSHUTSUBOTSU Sunrise and sunset NISS6 Daily shipment NI SUGIZU Is not more than NIStI Radical 015 NISUI Seaman 2nd class NISUI KEN Radical 015 NI SURU To make into NI TAISHI To,tbwards,against,for, in reference to,in contrast to, as against NI TAISURU To,towards,against,for,in reference to,as regards,in contrast to, as against NITCHOKU SURU To be on day duty NITCHO Daytime NITE Being,gerund of naru NITE By,with,through,by means of,in,at NITO Branch roads,cross roads NIT6BIKI BASHA Two-horse cart NIT6DATE Two-horse team NI TODOME Merely,only NIT5 EISEIHEI Seaman 2nd class,medical NIT6 EISEI HEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class, medical NIT6 GUNGAKUITEI Seaman 2nd class, musician NIT6 GUNGAKU HEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class,musician NITMHEI Private 2nd class NITb HEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class NIT6 HEISd Warrant officer 2nd class,army NIT6 HIK6BEI Seaman 2nd class,flight NIT6 HIK6 HEIS5 Petty officer 2nd class, flight NITb HoK6CH6 Sergeant master tailor NIT6 KANJA Class 2 patient,ambulatory patient NITb KEISHU Finance sergeant,intendance sergeant NIT6 KEISHUHEI Intendance man 2nd class NIT6 KEISHU HEIS& Intendance petty officer 2nd class NITB KIKANHEI Seaman 2nd class, engineering NIT6KIN Biceps muscle NITd K6HEI Seaman 2nd class,construction and repair NIT6 K6HEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class, construction and repair NIT6 K5IN Worker 2nd class,navy NITd-OKU Second-rate power NIT6 KdSAKUHEI Seaman 2nd class, construction and repair NITd KbSAKU HEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class,construction and repair NI TOMONAI Attendant upon,accompanying, with,in conjunction with NI TORI To,for NIT6 SEIBIHEI Seaman 2nd class, maintenance NIT& SEIBI KEIS6 Petty dfficer 2nd class, maintenance NIT&SHI Bicuspid tooth NIT&SH6 Second prize NIT6 SHUKEI Intendance lieutenant NIT6 SHUKEIHEI Seaman 2nd class,supply NITB SHUKEI KEIS5 Petty officer 2nd class, supply NIT6 SHUKEISEI Intendance lieutenant colonel NITB SUIFU Journeyman sailor NIT6 SUIHEI Seaman 2nd class NIT6 SUIHEIS6 Petty officer 2nd class NI TSUKI Concerning,per,since,because,as, owing to NI TSURE In proportion to,with,as NITTAN Japanese spy NITT6 Japan NITToKOKU 172 / 9 Pjt ( 1, 19 I #-tf ' fi '2 L' ~40;Lttl 4) t Irr it 4aR)' cTfgt g LF9 ftl r(r4tc trr. I Ld M Epe tr O u 4t ' f ziTf ( Pff ~L rtig Pi ~te ~5 -4P(s# aqtifb 0 O$R;W 4a>) 1C L AtiWf(h 2 AOlb.lksE 4I(A 46 ~ f(itnlt ire r iMrtt t 0 $~ ~31. NITTdKOKU Japan,land of the rising sun NI-UEENIN Consignee NI-URI MISE Restaurant NI-JRIZAKAYA Cheap restaurant NI WA In,for,to,about,according to NIWAKA SURU To be agitated,fear NIWAKAJINI Sudden death NI WARIBIKI Twenty percent discount NIWASHI Gardener,landscape gardener NI WATARI Extending to,during,over a period of,for NIWATAZUMI Mud puddle,mire,muddy pool NIWATSUKURI Gardener,gardening,landscape gardening NIYAKERU To mince,play the fop,act the cad NIYAKUtFU Stevedore NIYAXUHI Lay days,for loading or unloading ships NIYAKU NIMPU Stevedore,longshoreman NIYAKURYOKU Longshoring Gapacity NIYAWASHII Suitable,fitting NI YOREBA According to NI YORI, By,through,by means of,by reason of,at the hands of,,owing to NI YORU TOKI WA When we proceed on the basis of NI YOTTE Owing to,because of,by means of, according to NIZAKI Two-seater plane NIZA SENTKI Two-seater fighter -NIZA SUIJB TEISATSUKI Two-seater reconnaissance seaplane NIZUKURI MOKtROKU Packing list NIZUNIA Packing cord or rope NO Counter for widths of cloth NO Subhead 26 N6- Concentrated,of acids etc. -No Supply,supplied to 0NO AIDA During,while NOBAERU To lengthen,prolong,postpone NOBE Total NOBEBARAI FUSAI Deferred liabilities NOBEBARAI SHISAN Deferred assets NOBEKI Total number of planes or sorties NOBETATERU To expound,expatiate on NOBETORIHIKI Sale for account,transaction ixi futures,executory sale NOBEURI Prompt sale NOBEWATASHI Prompt delivery,forward delivery NOBI Elongation NOBIRAKA Comfortably,easily,at one's ease NOBIYUKU To expand NOBOKAIN Novocaine NOBORIBUNE Upboat,for Tokyo NOBORI RESSHA Uptrain,for Tokyo NOBORITSUMERU To move upward,be exalted NOBOSERU To push back to origin,invite, emboss NOBOSERU To register,enter,inscribe NOBOSERU To send up,raise,send to capital NOBUTOI Bold,daring,presumptuous N6CHI Cultivated land,farm land, NODACHISHO Field headquarters NODATSU To grow tall,grow up,shoot up NODEPP6 Swaggering,boasting,reckless talk N6DO Density,thickness,degree of conaentration,shade tint NODOBIKO Uvula NODOBONE Adam's apple,thyroid cartilage NODOKESWHII Calm,tranquil,mild N6DOKU Effect or properties of a remedy NODOMERU To calm,relax,soften Na D6MYAKU KCEA Hardening of brain arteries NODONODO Calmly,softly,peacefully NODO NO KAWAKI Dryness of the throat NdCDTAI Active voice NOEKI Pus,purulent matter N6EN Thick smoke KPER NUSHI I armerfamn owner N6ENSAN Concentrated hydrochloric acid NRF1 Peasant wmnan,farmer's wife N GAI Brainpan, cranium N6GAIU Total amount of taxes NOGARIGATAI Inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable NOGARE KgJO Pretext,ssubterfugeexcuse NOGARE KOTOBA Pretextsubterfugeexcuse NOGARENICHI Escape route NOGAWA Brook winding through fields 1 t it tai M ed A i* 1 L I *4 40 PAA ft-ttx.A4t 44 it, $40 Y I T; S I 4' oA 0*0* 44ts *t~b tz* 4,,,, 4,,,, '-1l 4,stq ~i 4t 1' A t $t t~ RRA YT di IIPg `M0 ~ MEf ii 45A t $1r tr it; 19RAI t a3.% l - 4 ev I t At Ir - 93rk ~ AXiA~6( a At n&<^ ~~4tE In44 ~t13 #rr Ift e. rC 1 40 5 Kef3&At NONKO NGE1KI Slack season for farmers NO GEN NI YOREBA According to what...says NOGI HEN Radical 115 NOGOMA Wild colt NOGOME Radical 165 NOGOME HEN Radical 165 NO GOTOKI Like NO GOTOKU Like N6GY6 HOKENKA Agricultural Insurance Section N6GY 6 ANTOKUTAI Agricultural work supervision unit NaGYB TPAISEI Agrarian bloc N HANKI Height of farming season N6HATSU SURU To discharge pus NiBEI Presentation of gift,payment of tribute NoHI Ability or inability NBHI Whether possible or not N6HINSHO Invoice N61HO Fields,cultivated lands NoH6. Cerebral vesicle,brain bladder N6 IKETSU Cerebral hemorrhage NO-INU Wild dog NOJI Zigzag N6JI Farming season N6JIN Farmer,peasant N&JI SHIKENJo Agricultural experimental station N6Ja BEN Cystic valve,sac-shaped valve N6Jb6SEN Sac-like gland N6JU Reception,receipt,acceptance N6JU SURU To receive N6JUKU Breaking of abacess,coming to head N6KA Concentration,in chemistry NMKA Department of Agriculture,in a college NMKA SURU To grow serious NO KAGE NI Due to your kindness,behind, in the shade of N KAI Concretion of pus NBKAN Complete payment NCKAN Slack season for farmers NO KAWARI NI Instead of,rather than,in exchange for NOKEMONO Exception,thing left out NOKESAMA Upside-down position,lying on back N KETSU Sanious pus,pus mixed with blood NOKEZORIKAERU To bend backwards,throw the head back N6 KI Delivery date,payment date NOKIBISASHI Eaves NOKIGUCHI Loophole,path of retreat NOEXKARU To mount,seat oneself on NOKO Saw NMKO SURU To put in a hangar N6K6 Cavity of abscess N6Kb Dark red,crimson NiK6 Tilling,cultivation,farming NOKOGIRI KUZtJ Sawdust NWi. 86DA Concentrated caustic soda NdKYU Drop of pus NOMA Wild horse NOMENOME Shamelessly,boldly NOMESUT To topple or push over NMiG Pronounced taste NOMICHIGAERU To drink the wrong thing NOMIKONASU To assimilate,digest absorb NOMIKUDASU To swallow NOMIKURASU To spend one's time drinking NOMIKURAU To drink and eat NBMIN GIYOTAI Farmer's volunteer unit NOMISAWAGU To carouse,go on a spree NOMITARANU To have too little to drink N6MITSU NA Thick,dense,abundant NOMISUBUSHI Ruination by drink NOMITSUIYASU To spend on drink tOMI-UKARERD To go on a spree NOMIWAKFK U To taste,judge by drinking NOMIYOI Pleasant to drint N0 MOTO NI With,by means of NO MoYa ARII' It sepms that N6NYMUK Minister of Agriculture,Secretary of Agriculture NoNA1IKA Encephalomalacia,softening of brain NONDO Throat,scotia,concave molding NONIEKO Wild oat,stray cat NaMEN-EKI BUNPITSUSEN Pituitary gland NONKO Shamelessly,brazenly NONOMEKU 173 4 o 4 < NONOMEKU To shout 0) 0 NONOSAMA Naive person.X NONOSHIRU To shout,talk abusively Sl NONTAR Drunkard IA A NNI UHIN Supplies ~ N65 Suffering,pain,vexation,bitter regret S> NORA Idler,laziness,dissipation,loose habits *? * NORAGOE Harsh voice,coarse voice fWL5 5 NRRAN BURU To be bewildered,be delirious Ji NoRANSHOKU Dark blue 7 7 < ) 1 NORARIKURARI Indolently,lazily *k; S NORIAGARU To mount,run aground,be stranded,-*- NORIAI BASHA Stagecoach NORIAIBUNE Passenger boat,ferryboat *A- R-A NORIAI HIK6KI Aerobus ~ *h- NORIAI JIDOSHA Bus NORIAU, To travel together in same conveyance S 7 * A NORIHAZURERU To miss a train or boat!A^ NORI-IRU To ride or drive into,attack vigorously * * *~ NORI-ITAMERU To gall a horse "Jt'--* NORIKAE TEISHAJo Transfer station NORIKAE UCHIKIN Premium, backwardation aL . NORIKIRU To sail across ` 1'2 NORIKONASU To manage a horse I A NORIKOSHI CHINGIN Extra fare B NORIKUMI Junior officer of ship's company tf NORIKUMI-IN Ship's crew *0 NORIKURA Saddle k+ NORIMAWASU- To ride about or around U1* NoRIMBU Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in China A e. NORIN DAIJIN Minister of Agriculture and Forestry k N5RINKA Agriculture and Forestry Section *AX' NORISUGIRU To ride beyond one's stop NORITSUGI Relay NORITSUGU To transfer 4i NoRITSUKA Efficiency Section "MO NORITSUKI FUT6 Adhesive envelope *0 NORIZOME First trip NORIZUKE Pasting,gluing,starching NORO Whitewash NORU To censure,criticize,slander.V NORU To say,state,report -'1 NORUSO-RO Curran-Knowles furnace S NoRYOKU S6SHITSU Disability, disqualification S NRYOSAN Concentrated sulphuric acid 0) NO SAI At that time,after J| N6SAI Talent,ability,capable person N6SAKUCHI Cultivated land,farms SNSAN Agricultural products ") y NO SAN ARI There are indications that... S ~ NO SAN DAI NARI There is a strong possibility of... fA1 " N6SANKA Agricultural Products Section 4,) A NOSANOSA Slowly, steadily,ponderously, unconcernedly Co os a N6SAN SHOKUHINKA Agricultural Food Products Section t$j -5 N5SATSU SURU To vex,harass,fascinate, charm g4 m N6 SAY6 Cerebration,brain action f^ N5SEI Purulence XA2M N6SEIKA Agricultural Administration Section HA N&SEIKYOKU Agricultural Administration Bureau BtL*R & NoSEI N6MAKUEN Purulent meningitis -t ti NOSEWATASHI F.O.B. freight cars,delivered and loaded - N6SHA Man of talent 4_h~'f NOSHIAGERU To elevate,enrich A3# N6SHINKEI Brain and nerves ff N5SHITSU Cerebral ventricle f N6SHO Place of installation X NSHI6 Agriculture and commerce X~^ NSSH6BU Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce,in China '#I)*= N5SH5MU DAIJIN Minister of Agriculture and Commerce X^< NoSHoSHO Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce 'A~' NO SHUSHo DE At the instance of N6S5 Abscess,suppurated tumor A N6SON KIN-YU Agricultural credit S NSUI Trepan,a surgical instrument N6 TANDO Gradation,depth 685892 0- 45- 12 0) Ah t ) 9. 0t 3 tn Ar* S tf 6 lit v. 44 -$tflf (As 4445 9 7P 6S< ^^A. f5 WAL If@ Ot! lAt.5 is 0* 04 9 Ii ti SM a^ ^ 9 X5 ^6 ^T ^@ > ^^41 3. NURUaU NOTARERU To fall by the wayside NOTARINOTARI Slowly, sluggishly,drowsily NOTARU To crawl,squirm along NOTA-UCBIMAWARU To writhe, twist,contort oneself NOT6 NO Adequate,full,complete,perfect NOTORO Infinitely, immensely,extremely NOTTO Suddenly, abruptly NO UE NI After,upon,on the basis of,in addition to,with N6UN Dense clouds N6YAKU Agricultural chemicals N6Y6 NO Agricultural No-6YCHI Land in cultivation NOZARE Sun bleaching NOZAREMONO Person dead by roadside N5ZEI KOKUCHISHO Tax papers N6ZEI TORITATE UKEOININ Tax collection contractor NOZOKU To draw near NOZOKU To overlook,overhang,dominate NOZOMI NI 6ZURU To meet expectations NOZOMI SHIDAI At one's pleasure NOZOMI-USU Little hope NOZUE Edge of a field NOZURA Impudence, insolence NOZURA Surface of a field,face of uncut stone NU Subhead 10 NUGASU To undress,unclothe,strip NUGISARU To remove one's clothes NUGUI-ITA Blackboard NUGUISARU To wipe away,of tears NUIAGERU To finish sewing or embroidering,tuck NUIAWASE Suture NUITORI SURU To embroider - NUITORU To embroider NUITSUGU To sew together,piece together NUEABA Front teeth, incisors NUKABATARAKI Fruitless effort NUKA NI KUGI Plowing the sands, to no effect NUKARI Muddiness NUKARI Oversight,slip,fault NUKARI MICHI Muddy road NUKARU To be inattentive,make a slip NUKARU To be muddy XUKEAGARU To retreat,recede NUKEBA Fallen tooth NUKEJI Omitted character NUKEME Lack,omission, slip NUKEMONO Contraband goods NUKEMONO Exceptional man,expelled member NUKEMONOKAI Purchase of stolen goods, fence NUKENUKE Stealthily,impudently,boldly NUKIATSUMERU To collect extracts,compile NUKIDASU To select,extract NUKIDE Extraction,removal,tearing out NUKIGAIKICH6 Memoranda book NUKIHANASU To draw out,make a person talk NUKINDERU To choose,select NUKINDERU To excel NUKISARU To pull up or out NUKIT6SU To pass through NUKI-UTSUSHI Analysis,resume,extract NUKUBAI Hot ashes NUKUMARU To warm oneself NUKUMI Sensation of heat NUKUMORI Heat,warmth NUKJUMORU To warm oneself NUKUN1KU Warm, comfortable NUMENUME Unctuously, smoothly NUMERU To be slippery,give oneself airs NUNO HY6SHI Cloth cover NUNO KUZU Cloth rags NURATSUKU To be slippery or oily NUREBAMU To appear to be wet or moist NUREMONO Wet things NURENI Wet goods NURENURE Soaked through,wringing wet NURE SON Damage by water NURET6RU To be wet,be drenched NURIFUSAGU To fill up gaps with plaster or paint NURIKOMERU To hide under a coat of paint NURINAOSU To replaster,repaint NURITSUBUSU To color up NURITSUKUROU To repaint, revarnish, excuse NURUMU To become tepid,have a slight fever NURUYU 174 OXrbl NURUYTJ Tepid later,tepid bath If it 1 NUSUMIDASU To carry away secretly SI i NUSUMITORT To stealmake away with,poach N e NUTA Swampy rice field 6# ( NUTAKURU To wriggle,squirm,twist and turn 16t R UTA-UTSU To sprawl,squirm,wriggle about * NUU Radical 204 INY6 Radical at left and bottom of character NY6HEISH6 Urinary obstruction tob$9 INYOH6 AN-.YA Pitch-dark _L 6)~NYOJb NO Above-mentioned.&* NY5SHA Gallstones,kidney stones soaf# NY6SHINDAN Urinalysis it NYU Radical at left and bottom of character C& YYUBACHI Mortar,vase IL)Vt a f NYUBIKA SURU To chylify,in physiology a TNYUBOKU Touching up manuscripts or pictures h NYUCHAKU Entrance,arrival r E NYUCH6 Registration,entry in book X''-3 NYOCHU SURU To enter x-r 3, NYODAN SURU To enter a group xt NYODEN Telegram received xist NYOD6 KUMO Cumulo-nimbus clouds $LL NYDEKI nulsion X * NYUEN Entering Yenan ' IuNYUFU Entry into the capital Xf NYUGAKU KIN Matriculation fee IL NYUGY6 Milk business >ý'C N YUGYOKEN Fishing right,in law " f 35 NYUHAKU SURU To enter anchorage IL k NYUHI Cream >t1 1 NYUJIKU SURU To enter a private school IL rt-; NYUJU BUMPITSU Lactation,secretion of Smilk XtI NYOKAI KIN Entrance fee x ~M NYUKAIRY6- Initiation gee IkYUK6 Payment of tribute 1LtO) NYJK6 NO Opalescent,opal >,)1# 5t NYIKO KAMOTSUSH6 Dock warrant d NYUKOKIT Entering the country x4t$i* NYUK6 SHOGAKARI Port charges Xt.4) NYEK6 TETSUZUKI Clearance inwards > 44'tj5W NYUK6 TETSUZUKIZUMI Port cleared inwards >=ýfltx NYUK6 YOTEI Scheduled to enter port.k.44 NY0K5.ZEI Port dues keelage X~Akgffnj NYiKYO EKIMU NO. A indrance to docking and 1 SASHITSUKAE commissioning xi&$g NYUKYO KENSA Docking and inspection F KNYUIKYORY6 Dock rent X. 11. NYUKYO SHURI Docking for repairs xJE NYUKY Entrance into veterinary hospital xS NYOMAN Entering Manchukuo xg5 b NYUMETSU SURU To enter nirvana xt~ NYUMONSHO Handbook X; ~ NYUM6SHA People entering Inner Mongolia >, +F%1 NYURB M6SHITSUKERU To sentence,condemn to prison L- NYGSAN KARUSHUMU Calcium lactate #Lg o NYOSANKIN Lactic acid organisms,bacillus acidophilus NYOSATSU Sealed proposal xtL tit NYUSATSU NEDAN Price tendered )AL 4- NYUSATSUSHO Bid >-Isit NYUSEKI BANG6 Service number >kg NYUSEN Arrival of ship in port X49 1 3 NYUSEN SURU To enter port JLAs NYOSHI Cream >' NYUSHI Entering China >1 KNYUSHIN Entrance into a port ~h r NYOSHITSU Under medical care,assigned to quarters $LA *+ NYUSHOKU GARASU Alabastei glass xSRt NYUSHO SHIKI Opening ceremony, for training course x ii~-NYOS0 Entering the Soviet Union Slkt 3 NYIJTAI SURU " To be inducted A NYUT6 J6RIKIT Disembarking and taking a bath x35 NYiJZUI Entering Switzerland 0 b A~i 4 II At S2 k e 4 (f 9 ~ 4 u '.S' UM, A;it tifb M# p $4 Ok k,?5 - /$~P4 d.j $4P $Ms 3 39gt 3:CA.a:;r #$t e$@4J T~klltg h th plw 9 ( ras bCtp (~ U'11 oC.o 8i4 1 3 Aggs ~ At ' r L iEtzS rgs 1 --9 m. tt~rdCg q$d)fQ\b', PL OFURE O Foot of a mountain O0 Subhead 12,formerly pronounced WO 0 Subhead 27 0- Diminutive prefix 0- Honorific prefix 6 Austria 5 Europe 6 Radical 043 6A Pit,hollow 5A KONKETSUJI Eurasian 6A RENRAKU HIK6 Euro-Asiatic air service 6AWA Italian millet,Bengal grass 6AWAGAERI Timothy grass 5BAN Intaglio plate,engraving 6BANT6 Head clerk,manager 6BAN YdKEISHI Foolscap 6BANZURI Concave block printing 6BEIKYOKU Bureau of European and American Affairs OBI BUREEKI Band brake OBIEJINI Death from fright OBIGANE Band metal OBIKI Instigation, enticement,seduction OBIKIDASU To lure out,decoy OBIKI-IRERU To cause to fall in to a trap OBI NOKO Band saw OBI NOKOGIRI Band saw OBIRUI Belting OBI TETSU Band iron oB6 Visit OBOE Memo OBOEGAKECH6 Memorandum book oBOKU Horizontal bar,parallel bars OBOMEKASU To insinuate,imply,allude to OBOMEKU To be vague or uncertain OBORAKASU To drown,submerge,devote oneself to OBOROBUNE Old unused boat 6BU Sunken part,hollowed out section 6BUNE Large boat 6BUN HY6KI Romanized address 6BY5 YOYAK1C Giving of proper remedies for an illness OCIA NO KAI Tea party OCHA 0 NIGOSU To be an opportunist,save appearances,muddle on, patch up OCHARAKASU To banter,make fun of 6CHI Interior of a country OCHIBOHIROI Gleaning,gleaner OCIIIBURE Ruin,poverty,adversity OCHICHIRU To fall and scatter,surrender OCHI-IRU To become calm or free from worry OCHIKAERU To return to one's starting point OCHIKAKARU To be about to fall OCHIKAKARU To start to swoop down upon OCHIKUBO Hollow,cavity,ravine OCHITSUKASU To calm,reassure 6DA CHISHI Beating to death 6DAIKO Bass drum 6DAKI Cataract,big waterfall 6DAMMEN Cross-section 6DAN Xorrupt judgment,maladministration 5DANRG Short cut 5DAN SEN Transversal line 6DA 5BSH6 Assault and wounding 6DO Nausea 6D6 Road hollowed dut or excavated ODOKE-E Cartoon,caricature 6DO 6SHIN Imperial domain and subjects ODORASU To cause to palpitate or dance ODORIDASU To begin to dance ODORIDERU To jump out ODORINUKU To dance through the whole program ODORO-ODOROSHII Alarming,fearful ODOSHITSUKERU To browbeat,bully 6DOTSU Unevennesses,roughnesses bEKI Availability for service or duty 6EK1-IN Men available for duty 6EKIRYOKtU Capacity for service 6EW NO Far,distant,remote OENAI Ungovernable,insupportable 6EN -GUN Reinforcements 6ENXEI Concavity,concave shape OFFUA SURU To offer 6FUKU Reciprocity 6FJPUKU HAGAKI Return postcard 6FUKU SEN Duplex circuit OFURE Official notice or statement O Hemp,flax 0- Male At ', At A7 * 16- 05 g ~ S I f * gA* ~1 j F9 it titk$ Atv k #,L i j~I 4~Lq, 4*' ~5 ) AI ~ ~FL ~:4 t '; it IA t @bt ~ ~$i-r IB ~P.5 f 3;k i'g I ilAt Ir ii oGAI 175 6GAI Radical 181 6GANE Money in large amounts 6GATA Large type 6GATA HIK6TEI Large flying boat 6GATA JUTfl5KAN Heavy cruiser 6GATAKI Heavy bomber BGATA YUS5SEN Large transport,over 5000 tons 6GEKI SURU To strike,assault GI Arbitrary,obstinate,or perverse views 6GI SURU To discuss freely 6GIGATA S6SHOKU Scalloping OGINAIGUSURI Tonic,restorative OGINORU- To buy on credit 5GON BANN6 Almighty dollar 5GON BANN6 SHUGI Almighty dollar principle 6GONJUTSU Alchemy 5GONKOKU El Dorado 6GON RITSU Golden mean 6GON RITSU Golden rule 6GON SEIRYAKU Bribing policy 5GON SEKAI Utopia 6GONSHOKU Golden color 6GON SOHAI Plutolatry,worship of wealth 5GONSUI Potable gold,a stimulant OGORI Vanity,pride,affectation OGURA AKAGIXU KEIYU Ogura akagiku light oil OGUTSU Hemp slippers or shoes 5GYAKU Cruelty,harsh treatment 6HA Transverse waves,transverse seismic waves 5HABA General,over-all 6HABA NI WATARI General,over-all 6HAI Sway-back horse OHAMOJI Shame,embarrassment 6HAN S5CHI NO FUNE Square-rigged vessel 5HEI Troops raised to meet an emergency 6HEISHA Draftee 5HEN Action taken in an emergency 6HEN Going and returning 5HEN Necessitated changes 61I Secret,secrecy,mydtery 5HIIE S6BA Closing price 6H-K6 Lateral 61 Imperial prestige OIATSUMERU To round up,pursue and get together 6IBABA Covered stables OIBUKURO Knapsack,haversack,pursB OIHAGO BAKUGEKI Shuttle bombing OIHAGU To steal,rob,plunder OIHANATSU To set free,drive away,exile OIHASHIRASU To force or cause to flee OIHATERU To grow old and decrepit OI-IRE Advanced age,decrepitude OIKABUSARU To become too big,overgrow OIKABUSERU To overgrow,overhang 01 KAMMURI Radical 125 OIKARIPUTSUSU-Y6 Eucalyptus leaves OIKARIPUTSUSU-YU Eucalyptus oil OIKAZE Tail-wind OIKOSHI Outstripping another OIKOSHI TSUIGEKI Outstripping pursuit OIKUDASU To chase down,pursue OLKUZUSU To pursue and scatter or rout OIMAWARU To pursue,track down OIMAWASHI Pursuit OIME Debt,loss in a game,reduction OIMONO Load on the back,debt OIMUKERU To change the front in battle OIMUKERU To chase in another direction 6TB Assent,approval OINAMI Following wave,in sailing OINARU To grow,increase 6IRKI Stamping or punching machine OINOKERU To drive back,throw off,repulse OI-NUNO Drapes to cover patient during operation OIOROSU To cause to descend OIOTOSHI Pursuit, thief,brigand OIOTOSU To pursue,take a castle OIOTOSU To take to brigandage OISEMARU To press hard,gain upon OISHIKU To become more and more luxuriant OISHIO Running tide 6ITSU Lack of restrain libertinism OI-USHINAU To lose siglt of during pursuit OI-UTSU To pursue and attack WJAKU Weakness 4A 4- $ ctWPt Vif 4A& i- A 2Yl i.,L 4 A' kItT iZ! 1F7@ Fd~i ~ 94 1vu 3 B4~5 #;t t e;ticr t 1& & ~ I t )> -3 56 ~I~ z f et i## 4 rrali) 1 R R + i Ra ~r ~i rA R i: Ajc i 4 t OKUNZN 6JI European letters 6JIKANERU To be unab3e to comply with oJIN SURU To massacre,slaughter, exterminate 6JI WA TOWAZU Let bygones be bygones 65J Concavity,concave shape 0JOKU Muddiness,dirtiness,filth OKA SURU To defile,envenom 6KA Misfortune,advertity 6KA Unexpected calamity 6KA SURU To pass to the side 6KABUNUSHI Big stockholder OKACHI Upland,highlands OKADA Cultivated field,waterless rice field oKAIGAN Beach perpendicular to main axis of mountain OKAMI NO GOY6 Official business OKAMONO Products of the earth oKANCHI Depression OKASHIRATSUKI Whole fish OKASHITE MADE MO Even in the teeth of... o ASHIYASUI Plastic,adaptable 6KgAWA Big river OKAZURI Fishing on shore OKAZURI Tricking people without seeming to 65KEI Misfortune and happiness OKE ITA Stave 6KENAI Grateful person who feels undeserving OKEYA Hooper,cooper 6KI NI Really,in truth OKIAU To get up and meet 6KIBO Grand,extensive,gigantic OKIGAKE On the point of getting up 0KI-IKARI Anchor aweigh OKIKAKARU KAMOTSU Cargo afloat OKIKOROBI Rise and fall,ups and downs, vicissitudes 6KIMI Emperor,prince, lord OKINASABIRU To look old and venerable OKINAWA Fishing line OKIPPANASU To throw aside OKISARU To desert O KISO TO SHITE On the basis of... OKITODANA Storage cabinet OKITORI SURU To put out to sea OKITSUCII Earth brought to fill a hole OKITSUKE Permanent placing of an object OKIWATASHI NEDAN C.I.F.price, including cost,insurance,and freight OKIWATASHI OKURIJ6 C.I.F.invoice OKKAESU To force back,cause to return OKKAKE Pursuit,continuation of a matter OKKANAGARU To fear,be afraid or worried OKKOCHIRU To become enamored of OKKOCHIRU To fall,fail an examination OKKOTOSU To drop,lose OKKUSU Dumbarton Oaks 010 Folly,presumptuousness,vanity, silliness oK6 Macao,Hong Kong 5K6 SURU To become prosperous,flourish dK6 SURU To go,proceed OKOGARU To regard as absurd oKOGATA Large and small type OKOMEKU To play the fool OKONAU YOTEI Schedule of putting into effect OKORITAOSU To m Me someone cringe by scolding 6KRO0 Outward route OKOSHI Clearing and breaking up land OKUBUKAI Abstract,abstruse,hard to understand OKIOBUKAI Deep,profound OKUDAKAI Extremely cowardly OKUDEII Inner chamber OKUDO Conjecture,surmise,assumption OKUDO SURU To calculate,scheme OKUGAI BAMEI Exterior OKUHAI Back of a house 01U-I' Mystery OKUJ6 TEIEN Roof garden OltilEI Guess,supposition OKUMAN Innumerable quantity,myriads OKUMA.NCIHiJA Multimillionaire OKUMARU To be secluded,be apart,be isolated OKUNAI BAMEI Interior OKUNEN Memory or profound recollection OKURA FUKA SBEgEN 176 AA~ '6 *4 A 19 AtI g 4 4 MV g&M i4I*ry i A B 14 A ( lk *( $4 3:~I 14t ~ 4-4 wK 6,Mt& &-t L aa MA4 A, Of lk OF EA** ~ "-'-4A kit A, 4 3E K WE k mte 4B Ak ETV dfi-t L~a Sa ai Atta I sE a L & ffu r@sAL~, str t @@47 D M ft4 ~ 4td (G 4 Raf31 3 set, t I(w tt 3 -;;92 OW=i:; ~t~Pt 6XURA FUKA SH!Nr Treasury Additional Paper 6KMRASH5 SHKENr Treasury bill or note OKURE Go ahead,in telegraphy OKTREGACHI Likeky to be late OKUREGAKE Delayed departure,late arrival OKURI-I Posthumous promotion OKURIJ6 KINGAKU Invoice value OKURIJ6MEI KAKAKU Invoice cost,invoice value OKURIMUKAE SURU To meet and see off a person OKURINAOSU To send in corrected form OKURITODOKERU To send,have sent to one's home,usher,take to OKGURIYARU To send,dispatch,expedite OKUR6 Leak in the roof 0 KURUMETE Including,inclusive of OKURU NI OYOBAZU To fail to send,be unable to send OKUSAN Estimate, calculation OKUSE Timidity,fear,cowardice OKUSHITSU Inner chamber OKUS6 Private opinion or views QgY6 Austria and Hungary 6KYU Ancient. times 0KY0 Moxa cautery 6KYUBU Damage Control Department MKYUH5 Emergency method 6KYUIN Temporary or emergency personnel 6KYOYb For temporary or emergency use OMBAN Recording disk,record OMEKISAKEBU To shriek OMERU To be timid,be fearful,be confused or ashamed OMESHIKAN Imperial Flagship ONESHI RES=HA Imperial Train OMESHITEI Imperial Boat 6ME YASURI Veterinary's rasp OMI1 Spinning or twisting of hemp OMI-. Honorific prefix 4MI- Honorific prefix 6M1CHI Thirty-six cho,3.972 km 6MI0CHI Wide road,highway 61IDASHI Large headlines 6MIMI Inattentive ear 6MIN Subjects of a king OMMEN Gracious pardon OMMI Warmth, affability, courtesy OM1MI You,your person or body or health OMOITSU HAKAI Secret destruction OM0- Adds idea of weight or importance OMO NA Principal,chief OMODACHI Physiognozy,facial features OMODATASHII Authoritative-looking,of fine appearance OMODATSU To be outstanding OMOGAKUSHI Timidity,reserve,extreme shyness OMOGAWARI Change in facial features OMOGIRAI Shyness,extreme shyness OMOGURUSHII ITAMI Dull aching OMOHAYUI Reserved, shy,diffident,retiring OMOIAGARtU To become proud,self-important, or pretentious OMOIAEASU To spend the night thinking OMOIAMARU To be unable to control thoughts or emotions OMOIAMARU To imagine all sorts of things for the future OMOIAYAMARU To be mistaken,be wrong OMOICHIGAERU To be mistaken in,take one for the other OMOICHIGAI Misunderstanding OMOICHIGAU To be in error,be wrong OMOIDASHIWARAU To laugh upon recalling OMOIDEGYUSA Souvenirreminder OMOIDORI Acceptance,assent,understanding OMOIGAWA Trend of one's thoughts OMOIGUMANAI Forgetting nothing,attentive to every detail OMOIGUMANAI Indifferent,callous,unfeeling OMOIGUMANAI Worrying needlessly OMOIGTJRUSHII Causing worfy or uneasiness OMOIGUSA Cause for reflection or anxiety OMOIARKART To,think,suppose,imagine OMOIHATERO To stop thinking of OMOIHOgERU To fall into eccentricity OMOIHOKERU To repeat oneself tiresomely, drivel on OMOI-IZUJU To think of or recall,remember OMOIJIlI Death from grief C. Q-~;7 gm " Tiubk-f X -t T;f 5 'A" Al 0;5 A tk -1t A I & f *db A' o 49* 5J L *kIM.4*4 f- t %;G4 cty)h 3 Ait t 3 jWjrs 7 iif t (.i ja 5L (4j kL gbrMS ~ 3 d66- ~ Ra~tt Rti e -be ~t~ArttLs ~ ($E03f < #k~Ai 4N4 ~etg)a oNATSU SURU OMOIKAMAERU To make ready for,prepare for, await OMOIKANERU To be unable to bear the thought of OMOIKITTE Decisively,resolutely,boldly OMOIKOSU To anticipate,be preoccupied with OMOIKUDAKU To cudgel one's brains over OMOIKURABERU To compare mentally OMOIKERASU To spend one's time thinking of OMOIKUSARU To have a low opinion of, scorn,despise OMOIMAYOU To be bewildered,be at a loss OMOIMEGURASU To consider closely,review, recall OMOIMIRU To ponder,imagine,look at, examine, consider OMOINASU To regard asjpresumeinfer, deduct OMOINOKORU To be left behind at someone's death OMOIOTORU To have a humble opinion of oneself OMOIOTOSU To disregard,scorn,despise OMOISADAMERU To make up one's mind, resolve to OMOISAGERO To scorn,despise OMOISAMASU To attach no importance to, take lightly OMOISHIZUMU To concentrate on,be absorbed by the thought of OMOISUGIRU To think too much about,love too much OMOISUMASU To study or examine carefully OMOISUTERU To renounce,put out of one's mind OMOITAGAERU To be mistaken about OMOITARANU To love too little OMOITORU To understand,grasp OMOITSUMORU To be more and more concerned about OMOITSUYORU To be more and more concerned about OMOIWAKERU To judge,discern OMOIWASURERU To forget,no longer think about OMOIWATARU To meditate,dwvll at length on OMOIYAMU To banish from one's thoughts OMOIYAMU To tire oneself thinking about OMOIYORANU Unexpected OMOIYORU To expect,foresee OMOKUROI Uninteresting 0OMOIUKERU To direct towards,have follow OMOMUKI ISAI RY6SH16 Contents carefully noted OMOMUKI 0.MOTTE On the grounds that, saying in effect that OMOUKI HY6SH6 SURU To have taken note of the contents OMONAGE Modestly,humbly,timidly OMONAI Ashamed,embarrassed,impudent, shameless OMONARERU To be familiar with OMONERIGOTO Flattery,honeyed words, obsequiousness OMONZUBEKI Respectable,estimable OMORAKA NI Seriously,gravely OM6SAMA. To one's heart's content, thoroughly Q' OMOSHIRO-OKASHII Joyous,merry,amu sing OMOSUGIRU To be too heavy or burdensome OMOTAI Heavy,weighty,excessiveunwieldy OXOTEBUSE Dishonor,disgrace,humiliation OMOTEDACHITE Publicly,openly,officially OMOTED6RI Main street OMOTEMON Front gate OMOTE NIHON Pacific seaboard OMOTE URA Duplicity,hypocrisy,pretense OMOTE URA Inside and outside,before and behind,right side and wrong 0 MOTTE By means of,through,by,in,at,on, as of,because, since, because of OMOU NI In my opinion OMOU NI Upon consideration OMOWAEUD6RI As one desires OMOWAKUGAI Speculative purchase OMPA Favor,kindness,goodwill OMPO Additional gratuity or bonus ON- Adds idea of warmth or gentleness ON- Honorific prefix 6NATSU SURU To press,exert pressure or force -a i tip Q RE MAP& 5$ k L ~' it6 44 4 Z. t 417K JfM 49 5& ( 4?4 FW CFO 90 & -3 6 444 44" -# 7 ~ P h T 9a ~ 33s tJc) ONCHA XE1nKYIBU 177 ONCH6 KENKY0BU Sonics Research Department ONEGAI Request ONGENt Source of sound ONHA Secret destruction ONI Radical 19.4 ONIMISO Coward,cad,poltroon ONIONISHII Diabolic,cruel,inhuman, bloodthirsty ONI SHBGTN Intrepid general ONI YAKU Undesirable duty,distasteful role ONJI SHARIBETSU Syrup of onjiONJ6 Love,affection,tenderness,kindness ONJ5 SURU To brew,carry on ONJO Mildness,affability,pleasantness ONKA Benevolent influence,favor ONKAKU Sense of warmth or temperature ONKIN Pension,gratuity,alms ONKYUH6 Pension law ONKYU KYOYO KITEI Pension regulations ONNA Radical 038 ONNA D6SHI Sisters ONNA KEN Radical 038 ONNA JINUSAI Landlady ONNA JOSHU Coadjutress ONNAKUSAI Effeminate,soft,cowardly ONNEN Hatred,enmity,resentment ONO Oneself ONO-ONO Each,every,all,severally ONO TSUKURI Radical 069 ONO TSURUBASHI Pickaxe O NOZOKI Excluding ONOZU TO Naturally,spontaneously, involuntarily, ONOZUKURI Radical 069 ONREI Temperature,warm and cold ONREI Thanks,gratitude ONRYd Warmth and coolness,temperature ONSHA Gratitude for favors received ONSHI KIN Imperial bounty ONSHIPPU Hot compress ONSHdKA Pensions and Decorations Section, Rewards Section ONSUI Lukewarm water ONTOKU Kindness,favor,beneficence ONWAKA SURU To humanize ONYAKU SURU To transliterate 6NYi Xanthinuria,xanthine in the urine ONZON BAIY6 Morale building OPPANATSU To drive out,expel OPPESU To crush,break violently OPPIRAKU To push open OPPUSERU To throw to the ground,subjugate 6RAICH9 In the open street bRAIDOME No traffic ORANDA-RY6 Dutch possession 5REEFU-YU Olive oil BREN EKISU Coptis extract QRETE DERU To become conciliatory ORI Counter for boxes of cake etc. ORIDASU To weave with a design ORIDOKORO Place of residence,one's room ORIGAMIZUKI NO HIN Warranted article ORIHAERU To prolong,continue ORIHAETE Continually, incessantly ORI-IRERU To put back in,tuck up, interpolate ORI-IRERU To weave,interweave ORI-IRU To be eager,act eager ORI-IRU To descend,abdicate ORIXAESHI By return wire or mail ORIKAESHI Shuttle,trains etc. ORIKAESEI HIKg6 Shuttle flight ORIKAGAMI Joint,greeting,politeness ORI KUGI Hook nail,hook,holdfast ORIMAZERU To interweave,weave together ORIMEDAKA Hard crease,formalitystiffness ORIMONO Folded thing,fold of paper, folding ORI M3O ORI Just at this juncture ORI MO ORI TOTE Just at the moment ORINAI Is not disembarking ORI NI FURETE From time to time ORINOBORI Descent and ascent,going and coming ORINUXOKI Cloth-weaving machinery ORITATAMESHO Collapsible boat ORITATAMIBUNE Collapsible boat ORITATAMI KISHO Powered collapsible boat ORITATERU To assemble ORITORU To snap off ORIWARUI Inopportune,unfortunate aptR Olktz 41 L 4 * 4 5 TL, Sp~~ lp F* IP u 11, 1 t t Ot~ &P, tt 5 1WO llý Wf t; 4P1 40 Th t. 5 4 11 4443:1 41 $tS ~4 t 5 14P 4T to 4-T *t 4,I7 51 rt ( 4V ~fA 4y;f1't ' 31pt)tb 4L% ry WtR t ~t 5 7tE b $f~e j 3B -fpm n4 ~ 3#Pr sJ6 -&IQ##t ( L ~ L 3'3 J b ~st OSHINUGU ORIYA Weaving mill,cloth mill,weaver 6RO European Russia 6RO Outward route ORO-ORO Piecemeal,tearfully,hesitantly OROSHI Unloading,waste,trash OROSHIKI Unloader OROSHI KO-URI Wholesale and retail OROSHINE Wholesale price OROSHI NEDAN Wholesale price OROSHI NI SURU To sell wholesale OROSHISH6 Wholesale merchant OROSHI SH6BAI Wholesale trade OROSHI WASABI Grated horse-radish ORUJISU Aldis lamp 6RY6 Yellow dragon signal bRY6 SURU To govern,confiscate,usurp dRY5ZAI Embezzlement OSAE Pressure,weight,holding down,holding back OSAE Rail,balustrade OSAE Stopping an attack,rear guard,rear OSAKI MAKKURA Shortsighted OSAKI NI TSUKAU To make a cat's paw of OSARU It is surmised 6SATSU SURU To beat to death 6SEI Monarchical regime 6SEI Undue influence 6SEI Unjust government,despotic regime o SEIFU Wan& Ching-wei's government 6SEI FUKKO Restoration of imperial rule 5 SEIMEN Wang regime 6SEN War of extermination,bloody battle 6SEN SURU To fight fiercely 5SEN SURU To massacre,slaughter 6SE NO T6RI As you say,as ordered 5SERU To finish,succeed in,achieve 6SERU To have carry,load with,wound bSERU To say,order,decree,honorific verb 6SERU To tax,assign tasks,condemn to 6SETSUKERARERU To be commanded bSETSUKERARU To be appointed 6SHA Growing transversely,extendfng crossways 6SHI Caprice,whim,fancy 6SHI Deflected arrow 5SHI Inner meaning,profound significance OSHIATO Imprint,dent,impression OSHI-BOTAN SUITCHI Push-button switch OSHIDASHI Protrusion,propulsion,appearing OSHIDORI Seizing,extortion,taking by force OSHIESODATERU To bring up,instruct and educate OSHIFUSERU To bring to earth,overthrow, defeat OSHIGAI Purchase made at insistence of buyer OSHIGAMI Sign,placard,label,blotter OSHIGENAI Liberal,generous OSHIHIKI Pushing and pulling OSHIHIRAMERU To flatten or make level by pressure OSHIHISHIGU To smash,crush,force,coerce 6SHIKAHI Elk hides OSHIKAKE Halter,tie,bridle,assault,attack OSHIKAWA Tanned or soft leather OSHIKIRU To cut or break by pressure OSHIKIRU To row a boat OSHIKIRU To see a thing through OSHIKIWAMERU TPo investigate thoroughly OSHIKOMU To push in,break in,repress a thought, confine, imprison OSHIKOWASU To break,birst in,crush OSHIKUDAKU To break or crush by pressure OSHIKUDASU To throw down,overthrow,bring low 6SHIMA Large island OSHIMAGERU To bend or curve using force OSHIMAKU To start moving~and roll up OSHIMAROMERU To make round by pressing OSHIMOND6 Debate,argument,questions and answers OSHIMURAKU WA It is a pity that 6SHIN My last letter 6SHIN Reply OSHINABERU To generalize,average, standardize OSHINAOSU To straighten or adjust by applying pressure OSHINARASU To generalize,average,equalize by pressure OSHINUGU To strip,take off,tear away OSHIOKURI 178 VI3 OSHIOKURI Boat,rowboat 4 fif OSHIOKIMONO Criminal, jailbird * tL 0SHISA Esteem TL 5 OSHISEMARU To approach an event?*X) 5 OSHISHIZUMERU To calm,pacify rt 5 0 5 OSHISHIZUMERU To dip or plunge into water 1 -r 0 SHITE Causative indicator 4 L '(' 0OSHITE SHIRU To infer,imagine,deduce 49 y 5 0SHITODOMERU To stop,detain,restrain by force y 03 0SHI TSUMBO Deaf and dumb person P OSHITSUTSUMU To cover,hide,disguise I03 0SHI UGOKASU To move by pushing "P1 59 OSHIZUYOI Irresistible,stubborn,tenacious 6$H5 Report for induction Af.# 5 6SH5 SURU To muster,call out 8 6SH6IN Reservists who have been called up 6 6SHOKKIKON Hibiscus root.'*AJ@j 6SHOKKI SHARIBETSU Syrup of hibiscus 6SHOKU Yellow W6* 6SHOKU SANKA K6 Mercuric oxide 6- 5HOKU WASERIN Petrolatum 6 5SHOKEYAKU Picric acid S- 6 SHOKU Y6DO K6 Yellow merucric iodide 3 o6SH6SHA Conscripts - 0SHU Tobacco and wine %K 6 SHU AJU SHUGI Policy of Europe fir'it and Asia second it 6 SHUSEKI Wang Ching-wei At." t 6SHUSEN Battle of revenge &,1M 6SHU0 SHIMON I-INKAI European Advisory 1$ |^ Commission 4 5 6SHUTSU SURU To break out of Sk1 56SHU Y6SAI European fertress B 5SO30 European Russia #^t 5 668 SURU To transfer prisoners 0Yt 0OSOHAYA MO Sooner or later #4j s - OSOIKAKARU To swoop down on, fall on tt?1 OSOJIE Slow-moving mind eo oSON NO Dented 5, OSONAWARU To be slow,postpone,slow up.- 0SOREAU To be afraid of each other l O" 0SOREBUKAI Extremely fearful or timid v < 0OSORE6KU MO Respectfully,graciously tL 5 0SOROSHIGARU To fear,be afraid? 5 OSORUBEKI Formidable,fearful $t - OSU BOTAN Push button % 6SUJI Generalities,outline, sketch SOTAIKO Clown,wit,joker,flatterer St A, L OTANCHIN Fool,blockhead A 56TARU Cask it IV 6TATEMONO Prominent person,big shot S+*1f- j OTEGARU RY6RIYA Lunch room,refreshment counter ft1i OTEHAI Arrangements,preparations * 4 6 OTEKAZUNAGARA I am sorry to trouble you but 1 - OTEMOTO KIN Privy purse S-iT t OTESU DESU GA I am sorry to trouble you but % OTO Radical 180 S# OTO Masonry J^i 56T6 Correspondence,agreement T 86To Lineage or line of kings 5u - 5 6T6 SURU To fight with ~#6 6TOBUTSU Vomit 't&' 6." TOGIMI Tendency to vomit 'Il OTOKOGOROSHI Murder,murderer, OTOKOHIDERI Scarcity c f men ^X X OTOKO MOJI Chinese characters t A.- OTONAU To ring,resound,knock at door, visit % OTORI Inferiority,disadvantage,handicap 1 OTORIHAKARAI Management,arrangement, disposal,discretion c 5 TORIJIMA Wake Island f. OTORIKI Dummy plane 9: 7 5 SA OTORI NI NARU HITO Stool pigeon S W OTORISEN Decoy ship t OTOROE Decline,enervation,degeneration L LP OTOSHI TAMAGO Poached egg "- \f 5 OTOSHITSUKERU To pacify,soothe,check kt OTOSU To scorn,belittle -- OTOTSUI Day before yesterday L OTSU Radical 005 5TSU Vell-frequented anchorage **V5 TSO0 BURU To pass through from the side * OTSU BUTAI Class B force 6 5TSUCHI oMaul 0WOTSU CHI-IKI B area,Thai and French Indo China st 0OTSU CHIKU B area,Thai and French IndoChina b~ ia btn La L'f L AX L4 j2 ( * L t -tfat - J "ort 4 P5 Ay"MAJ A1Ix 41~ Ad) A, I A Omif AEM I AV PJ^fttil ~ r ^^' ^^. ^-^ %t(i ^mR. ^-^^ ^^A ^il^$ ^t wn 7 ^ f^T 5 ^t^ PIASUTA-KA OTSU DAI ICHI B-1 draft classification OTSUG6 B-type OTSU GUN Army B OTSUJI The character otsu 0 TSUJI Through OTSUJUN Class B cruiser,light cruiser OTSU JUNYdKAN Class B cruiser,light cruiser OTSU K6HEI Underground construction engineers OTSUKYU JUNYoKAN Class B cruiser OTSU NY6 Radical 005 OTSURYU Class B OTSUSHU Noncommissioned officer material, B class OTSU YOREN B enlisted primary trainee OTTE Furthermore OTTORIKAKOMU To surround,besiege,invest OTTORIKOMERU To surround,besiege, invest OTTORIMAKU To surround,besiege,invest OTTSUKATTSU NI KURU To come in the nick of time OU To grow,grow big 0-UKAGAI Inquiry,visit,question 5URISABAKI Wholesale trade 6UTSU Luxuriance,denseness,thickness 6UTSU Melancholy,sadness,dejection, doldrums 6WA Hollows in the ground 6WA Rim or tire or shrouding of wheel 6WARAWA Great effort,large scale activity OWARI That is all,out,end of transmission OWARI OKURE That is all,come in,over OWASERU To cause to pursue OWASERU To tax,allot,assess,assess taxes OWASU To be,come,go OYADOKEI Master clock OYAGAINAI Unfatherly,unparental OYAGARU To pose as master,act the lord OYAGE Parental attitude OYAGI Male goat,billy goat OYA KAISHA Parent company OYA KANGO Parental nursing OYAKO SH6IDAN Compound incendiary bomb OYAKUSHOFU Officialism,red tape OYAKUSHOMUKI Official OYAMEKU To act like a parent 6YANE Roof of main building OYA YUBI Thumb,big toe OYAYUZURI Inherited from parents OYOBAZARU GI Unnecessary or unimportant matter OYOBU KAGIRI As far as possible OYOGIKIRU To swim through to the finish OYOGINARERU To get used to swimming oY6 JIRAI General purpose mine aY6 KAGAKU Applied science 5YOKU SURU To obstruct,hinder oY6 SENJUTSU Applied tactics 6YUBI Thumb,big toe 6ZAI Beam OZASHIKI SHAKAI-SHUGI Parlor socialism 6ZATO Radical 163 OZOI Dull,stupid 6ZUCHI Blacksmith's hammer,sledge riammer, maul P PA Paris SPAA Par S- PANKUREACHIN Pancreatin - PARAA Parachute troops PARAPE Parapet PARARI Here and there,on all sides PARARI Helter-skelter,in confusion PARIKKO Parisian citizen - PARUCHIZAN-SHIKI SEMP6 Guerilla warfare - f PASUTA-ZAI Paste,in pharmacology PEDARU BUTAI Bicycle unit - " Q PEKOTSUKU To be hungry - PENIHI Pfennig -kZ^- PEROPERO By licking with the tongue - PESUTO YOB6 SESSHU EKI Plague inoculation PIA Piaster - * PIASUTA?-KA Piaster currency Blli Aý7 -tk rs 4~~~4 r Air4 *tI 4 KA T 4WOU TK 6A-j4io Ji rzR 9 @ML 4k-f I iyt 1 a913? ~3M1~ E ) 9 ~1W PIKKU KoKO 179 PIKKU KKB Salicylated soap plaster PIKURIN-SAN Picric acid PIOKUTANIN-SEI Pyoctanin PIRAMIDON Pyramidon PIRISEPUCHIN Pyriseptin PIROGAR6RU Pyrogallol PISHA Clicking or cracking sound PISUTO Briefing room PO Portugal P6 Whistle of locomotive PODOFUIRUMU-SHI Podophyllum resin POINTO TESUTO Pointing test POJI Positive film POKA Portuguese money POMPU-SEN Fireboat PORANDO-KA Polonization PORISUTAIRU Polystyle,having many prongs or points P6TSUMASU JdYAKU Treaty of Portsmouth P6TTO Obcurely,confusedly,with light rose tint PUI TO Suddenly,abruptly PUN TO Quite angry,beside oneself PUN TO Softly,vaguely,sweetly PUROTEIN GIN Protein silver PYOI, TO Brusqely, suddenly R RA Rome RA Subhead 22 RABAN Compass RABEI Latin America RACHAKU SURU To be screwed into RACHI SURU To take into custody,confine, take,take away l RACHI AKAZARU Inconclusive RADATSU SURU To unscrew RAFU Hempen cloth RAFU Los Angeles RAFU SURU To arrange,place in a row RAKENDERU-SEI Spirit of lavender RAIBAKU Comin to Moscow RAIBAKU Torpe oes and bombs,explosion of a torpedo RAIBAKUGEKI Torpedo and bombing attack RAIBAKUGEKIKI Torpedo bomber RAIBAKUKA Torpedo Section,navy RAIBAN Coming to Bangkok RAIBANCHO Now in Bangkok RAIBIN Letter which has just arrived RAIBIN Next mail,next opportunity RAIBYd CHIRYbSHO Leprosy-treatment station RAICHB Coming to Tokyo RAICH6 Incoming tide RAIDAI Coming to Formosa RAIDEN Incoming telegram RAIDEN Name of plane,thunder and lightning RAIDEN KANSOKUKI Thunderbolt observation machine RAIDd Shaking,agitation,reverberation RAIDB Torpedo path RAIEN Coming to Peking RAIENCHO While in Peking RAIETSU SURU To come for an audience RAIFUKU Return,going back RAIGAKU SURU To come to study RAIGEKI SURU To be struck by lightning,be totpedoed RAIG2I SURU To make an attack RAIGEKIBU Torpedo Department RAIGEKIKA Torpedo Section RAIGEKIKI Torpedo plane RAIGON Coming to Saigon RAIHAKU Coming to Berlin RAIAKU SURTU To come into an anchorage RAIHO Coming to Portugal RAlH6 Latest news or information RAl-I NO TdRI As you suggest RAIJI Incoming communication,instructions RAIJB. Letter of request RAIJU SURU To come to reside RAIKA Coming to China 3R t 3Krm IE x &R ~ 4c e *14+4 *AX AtrQt i t a r ~ 98 4~ 7 iqt 4I 6A4 Lg I AL a)l& I A A #4 35O~3 a a(t1R3 aiJ (a ( Pi 1 i(P d95:4 ffi?13RF t I-. im (rU Maa tst i RANSATSU RAIKA Next summer RAIKAN Letter or report just received RAIMAN Next ship,coming ship RAIKAN Percussion cap RAIKAN Torpedo tube RAIKO Coming to Shanghai RAIKX Coming to Hong Kong RAIKb Coming to Saigon RAIKB Flash of lightning RAIKB SURU To arrive in port RAIK5 SURU To attack,engage in battle RAIKbCHU While in Hong Kong RAIKUN Instructions received RAIKYo Coming to Tokyo RAIKY6CHU While in Tokyo RAINMEI Instructions received RAIMEN Coming to Burma RAINEI Coming to Nanking RAId Traffic,coming and going,street RAISEI Coming to Tsingtao RAISEI Request RAISEI Coming to Spain RAtSEKI Torpedo wake RAISEN Ship just arrived RAISHA Leper RAISHIN Letter received RAISHINKAN Letter box RAISHO Letter received RAISH6 Coming to Singapore RAISHU fANT5 Leichow Peninsula RAISHUKI Attack plane RAISHUN Next spring RAISOKU Speed of torpedo RAISO Number of torpedoes RAISUKI Radical 127 RAITAI Coming to Thailand RAIT5 Arrival RAIT6 Coming to the islands,coming to the Philippines RAITd Next winter RAIWAN SURU To arrive in port RAIYU Coming to Chungking RAJIO HOKEN Radio insurafce RAKAN Bolt RAKISHITORU Laxitol,a medicine RAKKASANTAI Parachute troops RAKKASEIYU Peanut oil,arachis oil RAKKA SdCHI Parachute equipment RAKIATEN Point of impactof bomb RAKKA ZS6.Detachable belly tank RAKKU NISU Lac varnish RAKUCHAKU SURU To strike the target RAKUGOSEN Straggler ship,in convoy RAKUJI Amusement,pleasure RAKUSHA Reel RAKUSHA SURU To drop a torpedo RAKUSHAKI Torpedo dropping gear RAKUSHITSU Loss of something dropped, mistake RAMA-I SEKKY6 Rama-i,a Bangkok bridge RAMBATSU Illegal punishment RAMMA Tangled hemp,disorder RAMd Net RAMPU-UKE Light socket RAMUNUSU PURUSHIANA-HI Cascara sagrada bark RAN Holland,the Netherlands RANCHd SURU To go wild,as in pitching RANCHKA SURU To confuse,obscure RANGEHANSU-SHITU Island of Langerhans, in anatomy RANGO After the rebellion RANGfIJBA Irregular set of teeth RANGUN-DAI Embassy in Rangoon RANGYAKU Rebellion,revoltsedition, treason RAN-I Enclosure RAN-I GUN Bandit army RAN-IN Netherlands East Indies RAN-ISHA Bandit RANJI Foundling RANJIN Ho2.lander, Dutchman RANJUKUKI Full maturity RAIKAI Rout,defeat RAIKEI Unjust or excessive punishment RANKIKU Orchids and chrysanthemums RANK6 Unreasonable action RANKON Broken packages RANNAI In the columns of a newspaper RANRI Civil war,rebellion,confusion RANSAKU Rail fence RANSATSU Massacre RANSEKI 180o A~44 it t 10 -V4 O SLI T 2 t. tI AL tft 4 &t 9 A P #A* TOL~ -0 #$J 0 J A A, 4t *sk $it S0 *PRO $Lh SA sIto t-t a za 4s~it 4 1I1N a i' Abl >#>Abth ~f;$AAF 44P1I;t Sl +a1 ~q YI)B rggi R,Pi4;JWi rn ~4E e RANSEXI Dutch nationality RANSHA Excessive firing RANSHO Dutch books RANSHOKU Deep blue RANSO SURU To make groundless charges RANS6 Orchid RANS6TUN Nimbus-stratus clouds RAN-UN Nimbus clouds RANYO SURU To screw in RANZEN Before the rebellion RANZEN TO SHITA Glittering,bright, glistening RANZOKU Insurgent,rebel,seditionist RAPPASOTSU Bugler RASEN SHIKETSUTAI Tourniquet RASHA HAKE Clothesbrush. -RASHIKI MONO ARI There seems to be RA-SHIKI SAMP6 Rheinmeil type mountain gun RASHINGI Compass RASHUTSU SURU To uncover,expose RATEN-KA SURU To Latinize,Romanize RE Subhead 17 RE Zero REI Regulation REIBAKU Zero bomber REIB6 Cooling REIBUN Sentence example REIBY6 Nothing flat,simultaneous REIFUN Zero minutes REIHI Zero plane REIHoREI Oun salute REIHY6 Channel marks REI-I Gratitude REIJITSU NO T6RI As usual REIJ5 Above zero REIJb SHIKK6 Committal,commitment REIKAN Cold sensation REIKAN Zero observation plane REIKEI Courtesy and deference REIK5 Dawn attack REIKYAKUKI Coo-ler,refrigerator REIMEIJI Dawn REIMEISEN Dawn battle REIMEI SHdAI Dawn patrol' REINAKI No order REINEN NI NAI Unusual REINEN NO TdRI As usual,as in other years REI NQ GOTOKU As. usual,in harmony with precedent REI NO HITO Man in question REIINYU SURU To reimburse REI O MATAZU Not awaiting orders REIREI NO Ostentatious REIREI TO Coldly,indifferently REIREI TO SHITA Beautiful,fine REISAI Your honorable wife REISAI NA JIKAN Odd moments REISAN Adoration REISEI NA Clear and fine,of weather REISEN Cold mineral spring REISEN Zero fighter REISHI SURU To cite an order REISHIKI Established rules,method in use REISHIKI SUIJ& TEISATSUKI Zero reconnaissance seaplane REISHIPPU Cold compress REISHITSU Your wife,his wife,honorigic REISHO Modified seal character REISON Your honorable father REISURU To issue an order REISURU To salute,greet,return thanks REITAI Cold reception REITAI Deference,courtesy,polite reception REITATSU SURU To issue orders REITEI Your honorable younger brother REITEI Zero reconnaissance plane REIT6 Ceremonial sword REIT6GYU Refrigerated beef REIT'KIYU Refrigerator oil REIToRAN Refrigerated eggs REITbSEN Refrigerator ship -REI TO SU It is customary to do... REIYAKU Refrigerant,medicine to allay fever RETYU Cool oil,cooled oil REIZ KO Refrigerator REIZbS6 Refrigerator cabinet REKICHI Stony ground,pebbly land REKITDAISHI Chronicle,annals..REN00 SEINENDAN itl REKIDEN Traditions,chronicles RV- REKIDO Gravelly soil,pebbly soil MA REKIGETSU Calendar month P)awA REKIH6 Calendar making,calendar,almanac T REKIKAI Elevation by degrees REKINEN Civil year,calendar year QG REKINICHI Caleidar day REKIRAN Tour of inspection,study trip t REKISEI Successive generations,or dynasties aR REKISEKI Gravel REKISEN To go through battle S REKISHIJ6 Historical REKISHO Calendar,almanac O REKKA Radical 086 l s RETKKA SURU To materialize f1Pa REKKAN Interval between rows or ranks Ig REKKAN Line of the fleet 3ti REKKAN Severe cold Y4 REEKASEN Spring coming from a crevice 31O 6 REKK6 Direction of column FlJ iJt REKK6 HENKAN SURU To change front fIJ NV4Of REKKOKU GUNKAN Warships of the powers 1I34W ' REKKOKU GUNTAI Troops of the powers -1 IN V REKKOKU KAIGUN Fleets of the powers d REMBAI KYbS, Price war,dumping SREMBAKU Repeated bombing W1 l REIMBEI JISHOKU Resignation in a body 110 REMB6 Joint defense 10 q REMMEI Regiment orders 10 tf5 REMMEI SURU To make a covenant REMMEIBO Alphabetical list a REMMEI GUN Allied army -t REMMEIKOKU Federated country jjZ REMMEI K6SHO Joint note ' REMMEI SHIKO SURU To call jointly W REMPATSUJO Magazine rifle e t REMPATSU KENJO Revolver Jqt REMP6 JUMBIKYOKU Federal Reserve Board *t j i REMP6 TANTEIKYOKU FBI iA REMP 6 TSUSHIN I-INKIAI Federal Communications Commission i REN Counter for conveyor belts,sections of track etc 400 RENCHIKU Hitching,yoking, team,yoke c RENCH6 Liaison officer RENCHO Company,band, team, set, clique,club RENDA Repeated blows,succession of blows RENDO Degree of training REND6 Interlocking,in interlocking drive etc. tid RENDdKI Auto clutch i9 REN-EN Prolongation,continuation, succession r RENGA Radical 086 4tt RENGA EEI Brick wall Ati RENGA KAMA Brickkiln SREDIGA KOTE Brick trowel - RENGAKU Mountain chain qfLj RENGA KUZU Brickbats,fragments of brick KU it$1 RENGA T6SEI DANTAI Brick Regulating ýi t Association Xfo A RENGATSUMI Bricklaying 041 ) RENGAZUKURI Brick construction I RENGEKI Successive attacks A RENGETSU Every month,monthly t RENGIN Federal Reserve Bank i RENGINKEN Federal Reserve note.*14 RENGINK6 Federal Reserve Bank account f ~ RENGO Compound word,connecting word 4sltr ~RENG6DAN Syndicate,trust,ring 4904 RENG6 GUN Allied forces Pk)g3fbdts RENG& GUN SAMBiBU Allied Army General Staff a~t# RENGbJO Junction, joining place -9-8 RENGmKAN SHIREI CHbKAN Commander in Chief 1J 9h $ of Combined Fleet )k IP$. ReNGa KANTAI Combined Fleet lr)8g$X4tt RENGC(OKU KYiiSAI UNRRA,United Nations R~ s4 FUKKR KAIGI Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 2 *~Eae d vaRENGx KraO SBTAI Combined Air Corps -1.-A" RENG6 K6SAKtJ Combined engineering 4p-binja RENGm KUNREN Combined training 11 i 4apF RENG6 KOSHU BUTAI Combined air attack force 4WI4* RENG 6 KYREN Combined training 4* a' V RENG6 NAIKAKU Coalition cabinet rI&-LI RENG6 6KOKU United Kingdom r49S9 RENG8 6 SAKUSEN Combined operations J uL 4* & RENG6 SEIMEI HOK ' Joint life insurance * ~tO~-I RENG6 SEINENDAN Federated Young Men's Association RENGooSHu 181 Y0001i RENG6SHU Federated States,Malaya *AO it RENGbSHO United Provinces,India V-9 44 RENGZ S KAI Combined sweeping,of mines etc. RENG6 SOKUTEI Combined direction finding if 616 RENGbTEN Junction point P4 I4Zr RENG6 TOKUSETSU Combined special navy S RIKUSENTAI landing party RENGO TSUSHIN Associated Press!ki1 RENG6 TSUSHIN Combined communicationas i RENG6 UND6 Concerted action REN-IN Remote cause,secondary cause RHEN-IN Succession of overcast days RENJITSU Lotus seeds RENJO Continued assistance RENJ? Compassion,pity,mercy,commiseration RENJ6 Wave condition of the sea RENJUKU Skill acquired by practice RENEA Radical 086,variant RENKA Liaison noncommissioned officer IRENKA Lotus flower RENKAN Multiple torpedo tubes REN'EI Enchairnment REMKEI Lateral communications,during combat SRENTEI Liaison,cooperation '$ 3 RENKEI SURU To hoiststring up in a row it4liS~te RENKEI SHING6T5 Hoist signal light A0tht RENKETSU SEN Connecting line WPA~t RENKETSUSHI Coupling # RENXO Repeated call & RENK6 Row,line,continuous line Ali*f RENK6 SURU To accompany 441 J RENK6B SURU To go in line #V& RENKYU Light-duty assignment it a REMMICHI Day after day,day by day it4p REAEN U Liaison Department 0Vts, RENRAKLCHO Now contacting iS tr RENRAKU CHUSo Communication center _TR,A RENRAKU FUNB Contact impossible,liaison impossible i 4 01 RENRAKU JIK? Communication condition A06AAli RENRA[U JIXOKU Time of contact,by radio etc. Wt tR RENRAU KANSEN Main line of communication Aeo$ br RENRAKUJ KIKAN Liaison agent 4 tvvt_ RENRAKU KITEI Liaison regulations it16 t1 4, RENRAKU 0 HOJI SURU To protect liaison, 1 keep in touch with S RENRAKUSEN Ferry steamer,connecting steamer SRENRAKUSHO Liaison office at RENRAKUTEI Liaison boat fA54l4t RENRAKU TOZETSU Breaking off of contact, 'interruption of communications 4a6 RENRUISHA Accomplice,person involved 1l4a% RENSA KYUKIN Streptococcus AV? RENSATSU Compassion,sympathy,benevelonce *m RENSEI Indoctrination ICE RENSEI Integrity,honesty,probity so A RENSEI SURU To miX,compound I RENSEI HOKEN Joint or partnership insurance tijet RENSEI-IN Indoctrination institute 9r RINSEIKA Forestry Administration Section 4*1 RENSEIKA Training Section ~J'Mf RENSEISHO Indoctrination office A4 1* RENSEKI SURU To attend jointly Ai f RENSEN Continual flashes 4ia RENSEN Straight line,beeline,direct line Ai#tXi RENSEN RENSH5 Succession of victories AF nb RENSETSU Integrity,simplicity, incorruptibility, frugality )jifL=* RENSETSU XEKKAN Azygous vein,unpaired vein RENSHI Honest man,upright man L&- RENSHI Lotus seeds *tV401 RENSHU HIKi Training flight cf Jr RENSHGKAN Training ship ars44~ RENSHUKI' Training plane *4dF RENSHUKU Crimping, crimp, fluting, goffering aWI1 RENSHPSEI Trainee,student.tVP f RENSHUSIO Training site itLR RENSHUTSU Succession,series,sequence RENSUiJY6 For training 4Z RENS6 Multiple barrel RENS6 Uninterrupted sounding of bugle RENS& SURT To repeat continuously S RENTAI SURU To join FSl~~~ RENTAI HIKI-UKENIN Joint acceptors * RENTAIH6 Regimental gun P RENTAI KAMBU Cadre ri~ff [ f O'd * VJII AM IF" I A 1-:F U4 " a $1. Ui~sit A~J Jt~ NA 4+1 1#iý Akdt& 7 A*iJ 7K *'JgAAA J~A As tjs7tj - 4']t 43 F) r $ R;4 -M a ssttj 7) - Sit aPr@ ~ gbat $II ~?1II ~5 412-7i;~~94 Ifi? Frti~ 'J 0 RENTAIKEI Attributive stem RENTAI KIKAN Regimental headquarters RENTAI SEKININ Joint and several liability RENTAN Inculcation of courage,hardened courage RENTATSUSHA Expert RENTETSU Shuttle,as of boats RENTETSU SURU To write repeatedly RENTO Chain of islands RENTOKU Combined special navy landing party REN-U Prolonged humidity,continual rain RENY6 Lotus leaf RENYZ SURU To use together or jointly REN-Y6KEI Continuative stem,substantival form of verb RENZANCHI Mountainous terrain RENZOKU BANG6 Serial number RENZOKU HIK6 Uninterrupted flight RENZOKU KANSA Continuous audit RENZOKU SAIKEN Serial bonds REPPA SURU To be broken,be fractured REPPAI Defeat of the weak REPPAKU NA Worthless,useless RESSEN Line,straight line RESSHA KEIJ6TAI Train guard unit RESSHA KIRO Passenger-train kilometer, a travel unit RESSHIN Violent earthquake shock RESSHITSU Inferior quality,low grade RESSHB Weakness,puniness,insignificance RESSO Generations of ancestors RESSOKU Slow speed RETCHI Arrangement,display,exhibition RETCHU Bridge pile RETCHU In the ranks RETSOAN Fragmentation bomb RETSUbO Stupidity RETSUGAI Outside of rank,column,or line RETSUGAI-IN Civilian RETSUGO. Rows,ranks,files RETSU H6I Position of a column RETSU-I Inferior position RETSUJAKU Weakening,weakness,impotence RETSUJO Order,rank,array RETSUJU Row of trees RETSUKAN Between columns RETSURITSU Standing in ranks or rows RETSU YOKU Column wing RETSUZA SURU To sit in rows RETSUZETSU SURU To sever relations RETTAN Column front,column end RETTEI Hoofbeats RI Knot,nautical mile RI Subhead 09 RI Unit of length,one rin,0.303 mm RI Unit of linear measure,3927.2727 meters RI- Leaving -RI Officer,official RIBAI Accummulation of interest RIBAKU Leaving Moscow RIBIUN Interest,gain,profit,advantage RICHAKURIKU Take-off and landing RICHAKUSUI Take-off and landing on water RICHI Reason,rightness,justice RI-DAN Lyddite shell RIDAN SURU To separate,leave the group RIDATSU Secession,separation,severance, withdrawal RIDb Village road RIDON Keenness and bluntness,wisdom and stupidity RIDON Success and failure RIEKI ATOTORI KABU Deferred share RIEKI ATO-UKE TStJJ KABU Appreciation stock RIEKI DAIBYK Representative of a belligerent RIEKI DAIHYaKOKU Country representing the interests of another RIEKI HAIT6 KIN Dividend' RIEKI RATT5 SH6MEISHO Certificate of beneficial interest RIEKI HAIToZUKI HOKEN Participating SHoKEN policy RIEKI HOKEN Profit insurance RIEKI HOSHB HOKEN SH5KEN Policy proof of interest RIEKI KIN Profits RIEN Likin tax RIFUDAZUKI KIMEI SAIKEN RIFUDAZUKT KIMEI SAIKEN 182 RINQHI.f ^ ^ts# #1 *A46 JA~ At I 1.7* #4v f 4 AA OiJ 2 ERWW T05 pt--T Pt 45A ^^^~^'I ^*1^^^ ^a <M - ^^ ^.^J^ -h ft9KA ^*.9 ^^O~dt XAG R^lk I^^?/ ^-~9& ^t^^i - ^*~. l$M^ *fije 5:^j& &^t ~ ^2jo ^^ 9th f'Jl5 ~tf PV A i Ptwm^f PAW* Registered coupon bond RIGAI TOKUSHITSU Advantages and disadvantages RIGAKU Utilitarianism RIGAN Offshore RIGAN SURU To stay offshore,to pull out from shore RIGIN Money paid as interest RIHAKU Leaving Berlin RIHARAI Interest payment RIHATSUSHI Barber RIHI KYOKUCHOKU Merits of a case RIJUN BUMPAI SEIDO Industrial copartnership RIJUN SHOEKITEN Break-even point,in business RIKA Physics and chemistry RIKAGAKU KENKYUJO Physics and chemistry research laboratory RIKAI Caspian Sea RIKAISHIGATAI Incomprehensible, unintelligible RIKAKU Betterment,amelioration,reform RIKAN Take-off from a ship RIKEN Official's power RIKEN Renunciation of a right RIKEN ASARI Graft,grafting RIKENSHA Concessionaire,person holding concessions RIKIMI Authority,power, vainglory RIKIN Chinese transit tax,likin RIKISHA Jinrikisha, handcart RIKISHA. Strong person RIKITEN Emphasis RIKKAI Land and sea RIKKAI GUNJIN Soldiers and sailors RIEKEN NO Constitutional RIKKEN DAIGI SEITAI Constitutional and representative government RI1XKENKEN Constitutional power RIKKETCHIYA Rikettsia,in medicine RIEKKKI Land-based attack plane RIKKUN DOKUSAI Absolute monarchy RIKKUN SEIJI Monarchy,monarchic government RIKKYU SURU To steady,become stabilized RIKO Selfishness,egoism RIK8 Outport RIK& Skill,dexterity,address RIK6 SURU To leave Saigon RIK&GAKU Physics and engineering RIK6SA Wisdom,sagacity RIKUAGECHI JIYU SENTAKU Option of discharge RIKUAGE HARAIKOMI Landed price,price NEDAN inclusive of landing cost RIKUAGE H6KOKU Landing account or report RIKUAGE KANTOKURI Landing master RIKUAGEKO Cable house RIKUAGEK5 Port of discharge RIKUAGEK5 MUSHITEI Optional cargo KAMOTSU RIKUAGE KYOKAJo Landing permit RIKUAGE KYOKASHO Landing permit RIKUAGE SETSUBI Landing accomodations RIKUAGEY5 SAMBASHI Landing pier RIKUAGEZUMI NEDAN Landed price RIKUBAKU Land-based bomber RIKUBY8 Army hospital ship RIKUBY6SEN Army hospital ship RIKUDAI Army college RIKUDI Shore duty RIKUEI Configuration of the land RIKUPU General army order RIKUGAN Shore,coast RIKUGtMBU Military authorities,the military RIKUGUN BUKAN Military attache RIKUGUN BY6INSEN Army hospital ship RIKUGUIN DAIGENSUI Grand Marshal,the Emperor RIKUGUN DAJIN Minister of War,Secretary of War RIKUGUN GAHo Army Pictorial RIKUGUN GISHI Army civilian technician RIKUGUN GUNSEICH5 Army Military Administration Office RIKUGUN ID5 Military appointments RIKUGUN JUN-I Army precedence RIKUGUNKI Army plane fty f X RIKUGUN KoBUNSHO Official army documents FIJT c + RIKUGUN KoSEKI J6SHIN Recommendation of merit awards K RIKUGUN KYOYO Army pay !#.Ji RIKUGUN MAIS6 KISOKU Military funeral regulations -$ RIKUGUN SEINEN SENSHA- Army Senior Cadet H EEI GAKK6 Tank School Ti'6' RIKUGUN SHIKAN Army officer f RIKUGUN SHISEIKAN Army civilian administration officer F RIKUGUN YOCHI Military reservation Tf RIKUGUN YOSAN Military estimates ^ RIKUGUNZOKU Civilian employees of the army S 4 RIKUHAKU SURU To stop on land, stay on land J~ RIKUI-URI Profit-taking f RIKUJO Army intelligence report FiLttj RIKUJ KEIEITAI Land guard unit -LAL RIKUJSKI Land-based plane 1jAW RIKUJ6 KIKEN Land risk in marine insurance PlJ;L RIKUJ6 KoGEKIKI Land-based attack plane LFL RIKUJOSEN Land warfare -JUA^ ~' RIKUJO TEISATSUKI Land-based reconnaissance plane -LJ is RIKUJo UNS6 Transportation by land fL RIKUJO YUSiKI Land-based transport plane F RIKUKAI Land and sea RF RIKUKAIGUN Army and navy V7jBfiAP RIKUKAIGUN DAIGENSUI Grand Marshal of Army and Navy ~VK1 RIKUKAIGUN KANJo JUYO Award of letter of - commendation I i~ RIKUKAIKOGUN Army,navy,and air forces RIKUKEIKA Land Guard Branch P -t RIKUKEIKA Land Guard Section i RIKUK6 Land-based fighter plane P "C RIKUKqFU Army announcement ,T RIKUKOKUJI War Department bulletin SLI, RIKUKoTAI Land-based attack plane unit RV'I RIKUKUN Army bulletin i RIKUKUN War Department instructions ^ RIKUREI Army order 4 RIKUSATSU SURU To kill,slay ~&PRk RIKUSEN BUTAI Landing force ~7?A RIKUSEN HoKI Articles of War Fi-i RIKUSEN SoSHIKI Land warfare drill f RIKUSENY5 For use in land combat -t~ RIKUSHI Army Officers School Sr2 RIKUSHIKI Army type FIT 4 RIKUS6 SURU To send by land PIA.- RIEUSUI YUS6 Land and water transportation S RIKUTATSU Order of Minister of War SA A RIKUTEI Land-based reconnaissance plane rS^Wg RIKUTOKU KIMITSUREI Army special secr.et order RIX RIKUWASHI Army Air Force,army plane,army flier [S RIKUY5 For army use,for land use F W RIKUYo KIKAR Land engine ff RIKUZU Contour map 5 4 RIKYO SURU To live apart from,live in " retirement,be a recluse , Z RIKY5 SURU To leave Tokyo fi^W RIKYOGATA Crescent-shaped RIMAON Medicine for severe diarrhoea W^S RIMBOHAN Settlement squad M RIMBOKU Forest tree Ituo)t RIMEN NO SAKUSHI Wirepuller,in politics etc. S RIMIN Rustics, countrypeople,villagers - RIMMO Drawing,pattern, copy f--T 4 RIMMO SURU To trace through tissue paper )&^5l t b RIMMoHIKI NASHI No reductions )l t^ RIMMo NO SA Trifling difference >^ ^ RIMPAEN Inflamation of lymphatics *^& RIMPISHo Ichthyosls,a disease Fr1^ RIMPO Neighbors SlF) RIMP5 NO YOSHIMI Good neighbor relations R , RIMP5 SHINA Our neighbor,China RIN Counter for flowers 9 RIN Metallic sound,with a metallic sound K RIN On the spot,present at J^ RIN One tenth of one percent Jf RIN Unit of cloth measure,0.379 millimeters A RIN Unit of linear measuro 0.0003 meters SRIN Unit of weight,3.75, centigrams $k5 RINCHI Wooded terrain,woodland RINCHA 183 a J RINCHb Next ward RINCHU In a forest SI RINDAN Phosphorus bomb Ej RIN-EI Temporary barracks s RIN-EITAI Emergency construction unit RIN-EN Wheel rim "MRIN-EN Woods and garden,park ht. RINGOKU NO YOSHIMI Good neighbor relations - RINGO TETSU CHINKI Tincture of ferric malate * %PRINGUN Neighboring district t11 *` RINGUN KAIKEI Special military account AtK4 4 RININ SURU To leave one's post BX l RINJI SURU To be lined up in close order, follow in close oDder sgf RINJICH5 Acting commander MAOi/4Z"1" RINJI DAIRI K6SHI Charge d'affaires ad interim P.A1 RINJI FUSAI Contingent liabilities ".B8M3U*S _INJI GAIKE SHISETSUHI Emergency. Adiplomatic establishment expense ftlli f RINJI GAIKb SHI- Emergency diplomatic AA SETSU SHOHI establishment expense ~BlfBE RINJI GAISEI SHORIKI Emergency funds for foreign administrative use S RINJI GIKAI Extraordinary session of Diet -8t' RINJI HAITb Interim dividend RINJIHI Emergency fund,contigent expense MV PRINJIHI Extraordinary expense Va i It RINJI HoRUI Temporary fort O>M# RINJIJIN Position in depth ~B~k&~ RINJI JdYAKU Provisory treaty RINJIKAI Extraordinary session Ot RINJIKU KYORI Wheel base F4N RINJIN Al Love of fellow men,Samaritanism SRINJI NO SHIGOTO Odd jobs ~KO J ~RINJIN NO YOSHIMI Neighborliness RINJISAI Temporary loan bond EBv RINJI SAINYU Extraordinaxy revenue BB J RINJI SHISSEI Provisional government ~U* RINJI SH6SHU Partial mobilization &Bi1 RINJI SHUNYU Extraordinary income V RINJI S KAI Extraordinary general meeting RINJI SUID6 KAKUCH6KA Emergency watersupply expansion station RINJI TAISAI Extraordinary grand festival RINJI TEATE Special allowance RINJI YATOI Special or extra employee ~Bt RINJI ZdKAN Extra edition RINJ6 HISHIN Scaly eruption RINJU Forest tree RINKA Next door RINKAI Adjacent sea,near the sea RINKAI Turn of a wheel RINKAI SURU -To go to meeting,attend assembly RINKAJU Wheel load W" RINKAKU Border,rim,margin Wei RINKAN Interior of a forest f,49 RINKAN Next ship,neighboring ship RINKEN DAHO SURU To visit and seize RINKIEN SSAKUKEN Right of visit and search P. RINKENTAI Raiding squad,boarding party RINKI Adaptation to circumstances RINKOEKU Neighboring country or province RINK5SEKI Rock phosphate Bt.f RINK& TETSUD6 Port railway IRI RtNKU Forestry district R3Af RINKU Neighboring district hed ~RINKEUSHO Forestry district office RINKYI Wooded hill eRj1 24 RINKYU SURU To hurry Ilf8 1RINRETSU Overlapping,imbrication 1feA!1t I RINRIKA SURU To ethicize RINROKU Skirt of a mountain forest RINSAKU Rotation of crops J Ma'el RINSAN HIRYb Phosphate fertilizer A4 E RINSANKA Forestry Products Section AJk~ RINSAN KODEIN Codeine phosphate RINSAN NATORYUMU Sodium phosphate L RINSEI Change,alteration,improvement - RINSEI SURU To request,petition,apply for,present Atil RINSEIDAN Phosphorus bomb 1,U -t4 1 RINSEI SERARETASHI Please apply for RINSEN Coiled wire RINSEN Steamship,paddle steamer RINSEN Turning,gyration,rotation RINSENCHI Place near the war zone $&$M RINSEN CH6SA Investigation held directly on the ship RIZEI f 7tzAx{ RINSEN JUMBI Preparation for attack 6s44t5F RIN~ETSUCHI Adjacent land 54/9, RINSHA Neighboring house Odb RINSHI Cog ýýAr RINSHIN Wood,forest 1't RINSHIN SURU To speak to a superior ME7A RINSH6 Adjacent sentries R16 f Yý RINSH6 GEKA Clinical surgery RRINSHO SURU To die RINS6 Transportation RINS&KIN Sphincter,a muscle TRINTAI Tire 04RINTAN Edge of woods RINTEI Wheel tracks,tread of wheel RINTEN SHIZAI Rolling stock RINTETSU Iron tire RINTETSUHAN Emergency Iron Committee RINTOKUEN Special emergency maneuvers RIN-UKI Rainy season RINY5TS0 Urodynia,painful urination NA T RINZA SURU To sit in a circle #444A RINZAIKA Rolling Stock Section RINZ6 Unusual increase RIPP&BU Legislature 1t RIPP6IN Legislative Yuan,China i -RIPP&KEN Legislative power PArifi RIPP5 KIKAN Legislature RIPP6SEKI Volume RIPPY6 Beacon AA S RIREKISHO Personal history 't17 RIRETSU SURU To fall out,leave the line i RIRIKU Take-off,leaving shore 17\ RIRONKA Theorist,rationalist 4 RISAICHI Afflicted district S RISAIMIN Victims 9i RISAYA Margin of profit 1 RISEI Leaving Saigon i 5 RISEN SURU To abandon ship 1 RISHI HOKYU Government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest;t RISHI ISHOKUSHA People living on interest from loans 41 A RISHIKI Interest period 41 -J-,+4 RISHI MIHARAI Interest unpaid A4t RISHIN Leaving Tientsin Aia RISH5 Fence JJy ~ RISUKA Utopian,visionary -r~ RIS&KAI Ideal world 41 40i RISOKU SEKISO Interest numbers 41 3 RISOKU SHIHARAI Interest coupon or SASHIZUSHO warrant 1A1rr~ RISSHA SAMPEIG6 Standing fire trench ' RISSHIMBEN Radical 061 It~t- 5 RISSHIN SURU To tremble with fear St RISSHOKUJ5 Buffet 411 )( RISUIYAKU Hydragogue,a medicine 3If- 5 RISURU To benefit 4*It: RITAIFUKU Width of tread RITAKU Profit,gain,return 2 RITCHOREI Imperial Ordinance on Investiture of Crown Prince 14i14t? RITEIHY5 Milepost,milestone 4,Wt RITEKI Self-seeking,profiteering, advantageous 4'Iif'1Ti RITEKI K6I Aiding the enemy 4 RITEN Advantage RITSU Ritsu sect of Buddhism, 4f RITSU Purgation RITSUANKEN Initiative,right to initiate x RITSUBUN Text of a law *Jlt. RITSUD6 TAISB Calisthenics RITSU-I Plan,idea RITSU-MEE Cubic meters RITSURY6 Laws and ordinances RITSUZEN Shivering with fear or cold RITTA Liter RITTAI Solid body RITTAISEN Three-dimensional war, triphibious warfare RITTAIZU Relief map 22) ') RITT& Radical 018 RIYAICAA Rear cart RIYAN Liang RIYO Distance over one ri 4I/W4l'7 RIYd FURYOKU Available buoyancy J1) 41),t RIY5H6 Utilization,use I- FY RIZAI Offence,crime,criminal MQ v RIZATGAKU Political economy ITO*1 RIZAIKA Economist RIZAIKA Financial Section VT RIZAIKYOKU Financial Management Bureau RIZEI Likin and customs duties RIZETSU SURU 184 Aftl, RIZETSU SURU To break or cease relations -4 R-MEI Regiment orders Ig RO Radical 197 RO Russia SRO Shantung S RO Subhead 02 R6 Radical 125 R6BA Old horse,hack Ro6BAI Infirmity of old age,dotage T 56 RoBAI SURU To be exhausted P ROBAN Railway roadbed t R6BARAI Amnesty,release of prisoners p R BEN Incontinence of urine #_h R RBEN Toil,labor T k ROBERIA CHINKI Tincture of lobelia SROBERIA-S6 Lobelia RidB5 Senility RdBOKU Old tree i&ti; R6B6SEI CHIH6SH6 Dementia senilis ROBUN Russian text M4 R6BY6 Dredger,drag fa R6CHAKU Soldering 4dTJ ROCH6 Top of furnace aat RbCH6 Caged bird *U0M~ ROCH6 KANKOTSU Interparietal bone ROCHO En route,during the trip APRt T RoDATSU SURU To divulge,disclose A.t RODO Russia and Turkey Vf*1i R6D6 CH6Y6 Labor draft RODO EKISU Diarrhoea morphia drug *1ik R6D6 FUNGI Labor trouble V*J4$b h R D6 ID6 Labor turnover 5ý* 90 R5D6 KAIKYU Working classes I%. is R6DiKEN Right to labor Vftf W R6D6KEN Working conditions *bA3 R6D6SHA BAISH6 HOKEN Workmen's AffAWOR compensation insurance *It (-.r R6DB S6DKMEI Labor federation 3A t R6D S5GI Labor dispute VA R6D6 TAISHU Working masses V44W RV6DT6IN Laborite Ao -4 t R6Db UND6 Labor movement *140I ) R6D6 YOKO ID6 Horizontal mobility of labor j1i ROEIBI Camp fire ROEICHI Bivouac area 4tl R6EKIJ6 Prison workshop,workhouse l R oFU Oilcloth,oilskin,cerecloth S R6FU. Old man RbFU Old woman lf ROFUKU Road width ROGAI Off the road,cross-country R6GAI Consumption Ii R6GAI Snare,trap, seduction RA ROGAIN Crag,jutting rock ROGAN Exophthalmus R5GASA Ulcers from jail dampness and' filth S RB6GENGAKU Leakage,waste SRh R6GETSU Bright moon,full moon SJI R6GETSU Moon hidden by clouds o R6GIN Wages,salary eb ROGO Russian languagel7 ROGUN Route army *a'I0) ROG(O NO AYAMARI Copyist's error ROHA Filter R67HEI Workers and soldiers ROHEKI Furnace wall A63 ROHEN Fireside,chimney corner ROKEN Wayside,side of a road RdHI Labor costs R W TI RiTI SURU To be exhausted gY RBHITSIJ Old man's penmanship jrSI~% ROH6 Exposed cannon,exposed gun g ROH6 GUNKmA Battleship with open batteries ROH6HA Broadcast band ROIDO HOKEN Lloyd's insurance ROJI Distance,length of road,lane,alley ~IX ROJI En route,on the way,on the road R6JI Laborious work ` 10 ROJI SHIMBtIN Rissian language newspaper ROJ6 On a road,en route 4t RbJB Upper story,up on a tall structure $lltRT R6J6 GUN Besieged armg RB6JU Labor demands B#W ROKA Russian currency RiABABBI Covered bridge cbnnecting two houses 15- ROWA MNISU Aloe extract AS fA ROKAIQAN Aloe tablets )V*tk ROXAI TETSU GAN Iran and aloe tablets lit - I L "16 ' 3L.93 ti) I -V6 f-kl Vn~- af bQ#j; - 3 r\A i sftsW- ftig It $cg8S $/gf4 ~~ ~~ajs$. (gQ (eafr r $@a5t Qz $R @ a L -b (114 iz difs9-3 A52&# ~E Q a;tA r AV E [ ti RoSEI NA ROKAI YARAPPA-GAN Aloe and jalap tablets ROKAKI Filter ROKAKUHTIN Booty,trophy ROKAYU Filtered oil R EM Old dog RdKEN SURU To be exhausted RKETPSU Bleeding piles RQKI Indelible impression R6KI Loss of spirit RdKI Serene spirit 3OKKAKU Deerhorn ROKO Rocker arm grease RdKd Fistula RoK6 Laborers RiK6 Leakage of.light R6iK Reward of labor RiK5 Skill acquired with age,mature skill R6KdKAI Labor union ROKOKUKA SURU To Russianize R6K6 KY6KAI Labor association ROKOTSU Cranium,skull,bones of cranium ROKOTSUKA SURU To become open,obvious ROKU Bridle ROKUDAKA Amount of stipend ROKUDENASHI Good-for-nothing,ne 'er-dowell ROKUHI Deerskin ROKUM6 Deerhair ROKUOMBAN Phonograph record ROKEON SURU To record sound ROKUROKU Well,enough,satisfactorily, properly ROKUSEI SURU To bridle a horse ROKUSHA SURU To copymaJe a copy of ROKUTANT6 Hexose ROKUT6 Hexose ROKtZAI Rib of a ship,frane ROKUZAI Timber frame ROKY6 Blast-furnace situation R6MA Rd66 Pope RiMA H6bCH6 Vatican RoMA JITAI Roman type R6MA-JI TSUZURI Romanized Japanese R6MA-KA SURU To Romanize RbMA-KYgKA SURU To Romanize,make Catholic,Catholicize RoMAN SHUGIKA SURU To romanticize ROMBAEU Refutation, confutation,rejoinder RiMEI NA Bright ROMIYAKU Thread of argument R-MNUGYO5 Service industriesa,utilities R MUSHA Laborers RoMU SHUSSHI SHA-IN Working partner RONDAN Discussion,debate Ro6NENKI Old age I RMNENTAI Old People's Corps,in China RONICHI Russia and Japan RO-NICHI Russian to Japanese,interpreting RON-IKI Scope or bearing of an argument RO-NIN Russians RONKEN Subject,subject matter,argument RONKETSU Conclusion,peroration RONKHTSU Flaw in an argument RONKITSU Exhaustive discussion or debate ROMNNAN K6GEKI Denunciation RoBN6 Old farmer,experienced farmer R6N6 GUN Soviet army RoN 6KI Soviet flag Ro6N ROKA Soviet rouble R6N6 ROSHIYA Soviet Russia R6N6 SEIFU Soviet Government R6N6TB Labor-Farmer party RONSEI Cogency,force of proof or argument RONSEKI Denunciation,accusation, arraignment RONSETSU KISHA Editorial writer RONSETSU RAN Editorial column RONSHQ Point in question,object of discussion RONS6CHU In dispute RONTEI Decision after discussion ROlYOKU Faction,wing,group RbOKU Leaky house R6 0 TA TOSU To appreciate one's service ROPP6 Six sides,six directions,east,west, north,south,up,down R6RAKU SHUDAN Enticing measures R6REIKA.N Superannuated vessel R5REI NENKIN Old-age pension R8RENKA Veteran,past master R YOKUJ KYdEYU Supplying labor ROSEI NA Clear,bright A . ROSEKI 185 A( ROSEKI Road patrol ROSEN Way,course of the road fgS6,,d It ROSHIA-JINKA SURU To Russify tffj R6SHIN Aged parents V# R6SHIN 'Anxiety,worry AA R68HIN Old body,old man,old person 4k%. R6SHIN. Savage nature,rapacity,avarice AA L 7 ROSHIN NI SHITE Stripped to the waist R6SHITSU Leakage,seeping,oozing A - R6SHU Old hand,a veteran;MV ROSHUKU Bivouac,camping out "RbSOKUBY6 Paresis,brain syphilis R680ON Leak,waste 4L' ~RO85TEI Rowboat ROSUI SURU To spring a leak ROSUIKI Filter R6SURU To play with,dally with,use RbTAN Old picul ROTEI Rowboat ROTEMBORI Open-air mining RMTEN Blue sky,clear sky ROTEN GAKKB Open-air school R6TETSU Clarity,transparency, limpidity ROTO Russia and Turkey ROT6 Street lamp R6TO CIINKI Tincture of scopolia R5TO EKISU Scopolia extract R6TO KaK6 Scopolia plaster RBTO NANK6 Scopolia ointment R6TOY6 Scopolia leaves R5TO ZAZAI Scopolia suppositories O ROWA JITEN - Russian-Japanese dictionary ROYA Thatched house Wit R6Y6 HENSHITSU. Bacony,waxy degeneration ROYUKI Oil filter t~19 RdZAIKU NINGY5 Wax-work doll,wax figure ROZOKO Bottom of the furnace RU Subhead 11 RU-CHI KAIDAN Roosevelt-Churchill conference RUG6RU EKI Compound solution of iodine RUIBETSUHY6 Table of classification Ono RUIDB Analogy,affinity, similitude Al RUIEKI Scrofula,chronic cervical lymphadenitis lie* RUIRANSHA Old offender,recidivist " RUIHI SURU To become thin RUIJI Similar characters RUIJITSU Several days running,day after RU day S RUIXA HAIT5 YOSEN KABU Cumulative preferred stock RUIKA ISAN Cumulative legacy RUIKAN Catalepsy RUIKA SENKYOH5 Cumulative voting RUINEN TdKEI Annual statistics RUISAI Successive years,sequence of years RUISHIN SHOTOKU ZEI Progressive income tax RUISHIN ZEl Progressive taxation, "graduated taxation RUISH6SHA Fire sufferers RUISHU Collection by classes RUIS6 SURU To,waste away,grow thin 10 IUA RUISUIHB Analogy RUIYAKEU Spurious medicine RUIY6 Successive generations 1RUIZOKU Kind,species,sort,class,genre RUIZOKU Kinship,relationship, consanguinity RUKUCHI Name of element of certain characters "~ % RUMATA Radical 079 ~f4 RUtNIN Remaining in office RUREpI Scrofula,chronic cervical lymphadenitis 16 3 RUSHOKU SURU To stud with,enchase,bejewel. E#P' RUSU Acting as caretaker e1%P RUSUCHO During one's absence VJ ' RUSU GY6MU Home duty irfOl RUSU SHIDANX Depot,division "dfitE RUSUTAKU Family,the folks at home E0li &/3 RUSUTAKU WATASHI Home allotment "~d'P4i RUSU TANNIN Home duties RUSU YATOININ Employee left behind Z71tl4$ RUtAICHI Penal colony Wi A ~ RUZAININ Exile >04 RUZAI NO MI Exile 40eild RYAXXINCHI Approximate value RYAKUCHI Pillaged land,land taken by force eet L RYAKUDATSURIN Lootplunder 491 09 -A mg * it t( 4 -v 44tA *AA 4 J 9 7A m fitt Is$t9f# 3 SA i At f 7 &1; J4I4 lljr (jt.3e ~ it z ~a# MSiTZ)r L r4jRa &#C9 ~tB <#if 6t W ~33 9g - 4sR 3 3Lj #R&3 St Rk L <%M 4 #(i1 tr hk~t f 3 iR319 j9pi P i FLUk (~ 4;kth 13 *sRi i ~r & ~~~k 4~- 311 t A 4~ ~tt~1 fX32 ~8JI+;C RYOJI DAIRIKAIN RYAKUGA Rough draft,sketch RYAKUR6 Abridged method RYAKEJHY Abridged table RYAKUE Undress uniform HYAKUJO Brief exposition,outline fTRYAKUMEN Sketch RYAKURON Summary,brief discussion,essay YAKEIRYO Pillage and capture of prisoners RYAKUSHA Sketch,outline,general idea RYAKUSHIKI KEIYAKU Informal contract RYAKUSHIKI OKURIJB Abstract invoice' RYAKUSHIKI SHOMEI Initialed check KOGITTE RYAKUSHIKI SAIBANKEN Summary jurisdiction RYAKUSH6 SURU To abbreviate RYAKUSHOMEI Initials,signature in initials RYAKUS6 SURU To sweep an area relatively safe of mines RYAKUSOKUZU Sketch RYAKUTEI SURU To map out,define limits RYO Brigade,in China RYO Port Arthur,Ryojun RY6 Completed RY65 Counter for armor RY6 Counter for railway cars,locomotives etc. RY6 Good,excellent RY6 Imperial mound or grave RY6 Liaoning RY, Taelliang,l.333 ounces RY6- Both RY6AMI Hunting net,fishing net RY5AMI Hunting with net,fishing with net RYMAN Good plan RY&BAI Good intermediary RY6BO Mausoleum,imperial tomb RY6BU Two parts,two fractions RY6BUN ARASOI Territorial dispute RY6CHI Both places,two places RY6CHI SURU To detain,to retain RY5CHI ARITASHI Please understnad RY5CHb Crest,peak,summit RYOCHU En route,on the way RYODAI Port Arthur and Dairen RY6DAKU Consent,agreement,acquiescence RYODANCH6 Brigadier general,brigade commander RYODAN FUKKAN Brigade major RY6DENKA Their Highnesses RY6DO Magnanimity, liberality RY6DO Twice,both times RY5DO KAKUCHB Territorial expansiun, aggrandizement RY6DO KUKEN Territorial sovereignty RY6D6RYOKU Ability to furnish supplies RY6DO SHUKEN Territorial sovereignty RY615OYOKU Territorial ambition,greed for land RYOFU Prisoner of war,captive RY6FM Cool or refreshing breeze,zephyr RY6GAECHIN Exchange commission RYOGAEYA Exchange broker,moneychanger RYOGAI Unexpectedly,asuddenly RYoGAI Outside the territory RY6GEN IKARI Anchors of both sides RY6GEIKI Catapult planes on starboard and port RY5GIN SHUSSEN Alternating boats RY6G0KU Two countries,two states RY6GOKUMIN Subjects of two countries or states RY9GUN Two armies,both armies RY GYO Fishing, fishery RYOHAKU SURU To stop at a hotel RY&HAN Two kinds,both ways RY6HASEI Seaworthiness RYoHEN Two sides,two directions,both sides RYHrIN Medical supplies RY6HINSHa Medical stores depot RY6HO Bastion RY6HON-I Gold and silver standards RY6HON-IKOKtE Bimetallic country RY HON-IRON Bimetallism,bimetallic doctrine RY6HON-ISEI Bimetallismbimetallio system RYBI Double sense,ambigiity RYBI SURU To understand clearly RYBIGI Double sense.ambiguity RYEIN KYoGI I-iN Joint committee, yrliamentary RY-JI DAIRIKAN Consular office RYoJI DAN 186 O L A** *r-n gl~ 4i f )T * It4 A 6)3 im V mge M)1W,ýik Yt m 1%,~ gCi Jy( Ctt 6 IT 5 *fl- - Mtt S) vH 3 &GWT t1R; t,i th PPSInk Pa# 5 -refih;ff t34 ppt? ggtg ~ W43gae a ag 3t t Q gtg2 ntle t14733 I Mip l61' fi)& ~g~f SiM (QAg 'j it~ ( j W5 g &F A clIJ 3 t FR5 jp ri$SJ L "gg P/f p95 4 m-M ~ f ait crti RYBJI DAN Consular corps RY6JI JIMIKAN Consular agent RY6JIKAN Consular jurisdiction RY6JIKANHO Consular attache RYoJIKAN JIMU In charge of consulate DAIRI RYoJIKAN JIMU Consular business RY6JI KARI NINCHI Temporary consul RY5JIN NO Double-edged RY6JI OKURIJ6 Consular invoice RYBJI SASH6 Consular clearance papers RYbJITSU Both days RY6J6 Rhombus,lozenge,diamond-shaped RY6KA Change for the better RY-KAIKEN Right of territorial waters RY6KAIZUMI Understanding secured RYOKAKUGY6 Tourist trade RY6KAN Both officials RY6KAN Both ships RY6KEMBAI Hedge purchase RY6KEN Both shoulders,the two shoulders RY6KEN Good sword RY5KETSU Conclusion,end, termination RY&KI Both planes RYdKI Consort plane RYoKI Coolness RYoKINHY5 Tariff,list of prices RY6KIN RITSU Table of charges or fees RY&KIN RUIKAH6 Increasing premium plan RYiKIN WARIMODOSHI Return premium RYOKK5 Green light,green beam RYOKK6 SURU To attack in force RYdKO Both RYIK6 Both banks RY6K6 Good harbor RYoK6 Reconstruction RYOK6DAN Travelling group RYg 6-H6 Mode of travel fRY&KOKU Both countries RY KOKU Grains RY6KOKU Possession,colony,dependency RYOK6 MEIREI Travel orders RYdK NARAZU Poor,unfavorable, unsuccessful,unsatisfactory RYOKUATSU Powerful pressure RYOKUCHIKU Green bamboo RYOKOHA Waves RYOKUHI Green manure HYOKUHIYB For green manure RYOKUJU H6SH6 Green Ribbon Medal RYOKURIN Dense forest,bandit,highwayman RYOKURY6 Strength, capacity RYOKUSAKUSHA Utility truck RYOKUSANXAKKEI Triangle of forces RYOKUSEXKKN Green soap RYOKUSEN Desperate combat,struggle RYOKUSHO Green book,in diplomacy RYOKUS6 Violent dispute RYOKUTAI Green moss RYOKUT6 Green light RYOKUTIT STRU To fight hard RYHKYAKU Both feet RYOKYAKUKI Passenger plane RYOKYAKU UNCHIN Passenger fares RY KY6 'Prism RY3MAI Rice for provisions RY6MATSU KASHIKAN Commissary noncommissioned officer RY6MATSU KdFUJO Rations and forage distributing point RY6KE Weight RY6ME FUSgKU Ullage,loss by sifting etc. RYKMEN SAKUSEN Two-front war RYlMOKU Both eyes,the two eyes RY6MOKU Measure,weight RY6NIN Two persons,both persons RY6N6 Instinct,natural talent,ginius RY6N Provisions sack,haversack,garland HY6N6 SURU To receive,acknowledge receipt RY6RON Both arguments,both opinions RYBRYAKU Good policy RY6oRKY TO Distinctly,clearly,cleanly RY&SA Fork, crotch RY6SAI Genius,great talent RYbSAN - Two or three RY&SANDO Two or three times cRY6SANNICHICHI Within two or three days RY6SEI Good government,wise administration RY6SEI NO Gentle,mild,benigngood-natured RY6SEKI Volume, amount RY6SEN Both ships RY6SEN Consort ship RYbSEN Crestline 3 IA& 4 0 4 qk4 -t 5 ~tdt 7 3 if I aA Ak - 01 9 3 74 ~R, tis 4 _ Akt AL On, -V A ý o MAa F4 r c 4 4 Ja4 A ~rf9~ - Tq 8 f4it ~ &f~ ~J m4j8t an & 38 4 4? 30 t t( F~~ $tcC 1 I ',A~~.t 3;k f;c At~ - h 41 t lad RYuGAN RY6SETSU Two views,two theories RY5SHA Both people,both parties RYbSHI SURU To understand RY6SHIN Double-dealing,duplicity RY6SHIN Imperial mausoleum,imperial tomb RY6SHb Able minister of state RY6SH6 Skilled artisan,good worker RY5SH6 SUIJRU To receive,acknowledge receipt RYBSH5 SURU To take note of RY6SHOKUBU Ministry of Food,China RY5SHOKU CHBSEI I-INKAI Food Control Commission RYBSHOKUHIN Provisions RY6SHOKU HONKO Main provisions storehouse RY6SHOKU I-IN Mess comnittee RY6SHOKU JUHIN Supplies of provisions RY6SHOKU JURETSU Supply column RYB6SH6 0 ETASHI Please acknowledge RY6SHU Two or both hands RYbSHU Two or both kinds RY6SHUSHA Receiver,recipient RY6SHU SHIKEN Examination of receipts RYdSHUSHO Receipt RY5SHUSH6 Receipt,voucher RY6SHUSHO HIKAE Duplicate receipt RY6SHUZUMI Paid,received RY5S6 Fodder RYbSOKU Both feet,two feet,both legs RY6SOKU Both sides,either side RY6SUI Territorial waters RYdSURU To sympathize with,feel for RY6TAI Both units RY6TAI Consort unit RY5TAKU SURU To estimate,appraise, evaluate RY5TEI Both boats RY6TEI Conclusion RY6TEI Consort boat RY6TEI SURU To measure,weigh,estimate, judge RY6TEKI Quantitative RYOTO Route RY6TO Excellent plan RY6T5 Both islands HYT6 Both parties RYdT6 Good sword RYBTOKU SURU To grasp,comprehend,see RY6T6 ROMP6 Dilemma RY6 TO SURU To comprehend,understand RY6YA Dormitory RYdY6 Both uses RY5Y6 Double use RYdY6IN Sanitarium, convalescent hospital RY6Y5JO Sanitorium RY5Y6SHO Sanitorium RY6ZAI Efficacious remedy RYdZEI Both taxes RY6ZEN NA Excellent,good,fine RY6ZEN TO SHITA Lonely,quiet,vast, deserted RYoZETSU NO Douole-tongued.false,two-faced RYO Counter for flags RYU Counter for grains,pellets etc. RYU Howitzer RYU Radical 212 RYU Sulphur RYDAN Ammonium sulphate RYUBOKU Driftwood RYOBUN Residue,remaining amount NYU BUTAI Howitzer force RYOCHI Fluvial basin RYOCHIJB House of detention,police cell RYUCHIKEN Lien RYUCH6 Length of a river RYOCHa Rate bf tidal flow RYUCHO SURU To flow into,run into 1IYODAMP6 Howitzer RYiiDAN Ordinary shell EYODO Landslide RYUD6 Liquid RYOD6 EKISU-ZAI Fluid extracts RYOD& JUMBI KIN Liquid reserve RYODOKU SURU To sow the seeds of evil RYUD6 PARAFUIN Liquid paraffil RYODB SEKITANSAN Liquefied carbolic acid RYOD6 SHIKIN Operattng fbnd RYUD5 SHiKEN Liquid securitiBs RYUD6 SOG6K5 Liquid storax RYOD6MTEI FUSAI Floating liabilities RYOGAN Crumbling rook RYGOKU SURU 87 WI W RYUGOKU SURU To be in prison WX HRYJGU Wandering,roaming,temporary sojourn S RYuHEI I-IN Military personnel attached to foreign army A HRYUHI Current expenses 4 ' RYDI Grade of nuts etc. *:140 RYOJO Fluid condition A4,:, RYUKAI ENSEN Along the Lunghai Railway Alt - RYUKA KARYUMU Potassium sulphide A t RYUKAN SURU To conduct,lead,or divert water It RYOKA SEKKAI Sulphurated lime 7^' RYOKEI Gorge,canyon ^^ RYOKI Quinine sulphate AJI RYUKIJ6 Quinine sulphate tablet a*t RYUKIJ6 Sulphur-base tablet LWK RYUKIMATSU Quinine sulphate powder /, RYUK6GATA Prevailing style RYOK6GO Cant AU, RYOK6KAI World of fashion 4i RYUK6 KAM!'B Influenza RYOKOKU Grains;AAW RYUK5 N5SEKIZUIMAKUEN Epidemic 4A cerebrospinal meningitis Ai RYOK6OKURE Old-fashioned; 1ti i RYUK6SEI Epidemic ~ RYUKCSEI KAMB6 Influenza,flu,grippe A W W RYUK6SEI N5SEKIZUIMAKUEN Epidemic ^- cerebrospinal mpningitis L1ir'iA RYOKoSEI SHUKKETSU NETSU Epiemic hemorrhagic fever ALA RYuMIN Emigrants,vagrants, rovers, nomads 1W RYONICHI Studying in Japan AkA RYURAKU Ruin,decadence,downfall, crumbling of a fortune,declining >X RYUSA Sandslide,quicksand,shifting sands, sand desert W- HRYUSAN ARUMINYUMU Aluminum sulphate SA6@t1 RYUSAN A-SANKA TETSU Ferrous sulphate L- TRYUSAN FUIZO3UCHIGUMIN Physostigmine sulphate - RYUSAN KARYUMU Potassium sulphate ^ - RYUSAN KINIINE Quinine sulphate A-4 RYUSAN MORUFUINE Morphine sulphate ^H- RYOSAN NATORYUMU Sodium sulphate ^^W H RYUSAN SANKA TETSU EKI Ferric sulphate solution k HRYUSEI Force of current,stream g RYUSEIDAN Rocket bomb,robomb,buzz-bomb.",M RYUSEI-U Meteoric shower RYOSEN Streamline RYUSHA Residents RYUSHA Sandslide,shifting sands, quicksand,sand desert RYDSHI Particle,grain RYUSHI Stray arrow RYiSHICHI Abandonment of pledge or - security 04 * IRYUSHITSU HoKOKU Flood damage report 1 RYUSHITSUSEN Sulphur spring rF RYUSH6 Prosperity *Af RYUSHU Tumor,tumescence 049 RYUSHUKU Sojourn,temporary residence -;t RYUSHUTSU Distillation - RYOS6 SURU To float logs down a stream;j, RYOSOKU Speed of current,rate of drift. ~ RYUSUI SURU To have a hangover R HYUTAN Japanese gentian root,rt iA. RYUTAN CHINKI Tincture of Japanese gentian -/^il RYUTSUSEI Negotiability >^ RYUTSO SHIHON Circulating or floating capital >^^ RYOTSU SHAKEN Negotiable paper -if RYOTSU SHoSHO Negotiable bond 4 $ RYCTSD TEGATA Negotiable bill >X^ RYUYU Money circulation,A4 RYUZAI Punishment of exile;^. RYOZAISAN Liquid assets ^'1^ SABETSUKAI Sphere of perception *14 SABETSUTEKI ZEIRITSU Differential tariff, discriminatory tariff tý SABI Trifle, small amount 00 SABI IRO Rust color,rusty-looking i *; SABIRERU To become decadent SABO Sabotage oU SABi Trick,ruse,fraud,deceitfulness it # SABUN SURU To sort,classify tit SACHI Sandy piece of land Ri SACHO Crutch sy 5 SADA SURU To stumble,make a false step w'k - A-$ SADAMARAZARU TENK6 Unsettled weather S* SADAMEGAKI Regulation,order,statute ^B SADEN Sand flats,tidal lands 5i SAD6 Heresy,false doctrine 4 f# SAD6 SURU To operate,to act tA SAEKI Price differential profit 5 SAEKIGAKU Amount of price differential profit T%* SAERU To obstruct,interrupt,run up against 5kk SAEZAE TO Brilliantly,clearly, coldly, strongly SAGAI Tort, in law ^^ SAGAN Sandy shore or bank 4Li - SAGASHIDASU To discover,ferret out,track down PL ' SAGASHII. Steep,precipitous 4L 4 SAGASHITE Searcher,one who ferrbts out 4 SAGE Counter for strings of small dried fish or persimmons T if SAGE Fall,decline 477 SAGEGATANA Sword carried in the hand 4fiR< SAGEHAKU To gird on KV SAGEKI Forked attack,pincer tio SAGEN False statement ~^H^ SAGEN BY5SA Port chain anchor AMj SAGEN GENT6 Port light 2t-0M SAGEN IKARI Port anchor t-L*f SAGENKI Port side plane A- 1 n#-t SAGEN 0 DoK6 SURU To sail on the port side in the same direction 1r * Ftkt SAGEN 0 HANK5 SURU To pass to port in opposite direction r ý4 SAGEN SEl6 Port beam Itur SAGEN SENTO Battle off the port side Alf SAGENT5 Port light I SAGEN T5CHOKU Portside watch SIt SAGESHIMU To despise,scorn,iake light of T 140i SAGE S6BA Falling rate,bear market X^ SAGIASHI Stealthy steps,stilts A,4 - ' SAGIFUE Oyster catcher,a bird ^E 4A-* SAGI HASAN Fraudulent bankruptcy S SAGITAKA Secretary bird 3-t^ SAGO Error,mistake,blunder S1E' < SAGURIARUKU To walk feeling one's way lk t SAGURIDASU To feel out, find out,probe ' MF < SAGURIKIKU To make indirect inquiry J '' , SAGURIMIRU To scrutinize,probe to the bottom "4 ' SAGURITE Groping, spy 140g SAGY6B6 Fatigue cap 4w* SAGY5CHI Operations area 4 SAGY6CHO While at work {4 llj SAGY5 FUKU Fatigue dress or clothing ^4 SAGYoHAN Gang of workers ^4X SAGYEHI Expenditure for operations 4tf[7L SAGYoHI MOTOCH5 Factory cost-accounting ledger ^4 SAGY6IN Workmen 4a487'1 SAGY6 JIKANHY6 Time book ^ X- SAGYoKA Operations Section 4 j. SAGYo KANSHI-IN Work lookouts 4*Ii SAGY6K5 Service shaft,in mine 44 4 SAGY&SHU Workman,worker 4^J SAGY6 SHORYo Completion of works, construction, exercises 4DLQt SAGY6To Mine lamp S$ft4 SAHAISHO Agency i 5 SAHEI SURU To shOt,close .; SAHEN Deceit,fraud i# 5 SAHEN SURU To lean to the left,list to port g SAHo SURU To investigate and report SL SAHYo Table to the left ^ SAI Broken rice 4 SAI Debt,loan,obligation SAI Radical 210 . SAI Time,moment,occasion S_ SA-I Difference,divergence,disagreement ^ s SAI- Re-,again,once more S SA Subhead 37 SAABE Survey,in insurance SAABEI Survey,in insurance SA-AN The following plan SABAKEGUCHI Market,sale,outlet SABAKITE Judge,seller,dealer SABETSU SURU To sort,classify A T kkiti 4kk 44 IC60 4m 4-. 41001r) Attrrfnfl3$ JW k k Ate *tW # c #10-611 Ait 4 44- J" AK M;Q4 $ 44 M4k 44M.A 4 -AL t* -A34t ~ 10t&4a 3 4;l sU i I (a-iBR h BRA 1t Lt9;tft -fl 4 BRt 3 (a ~ -4 I So a t r)-4NE b, i3-JI $;~ 4s;J) 44Cisi SAIAN 188 SAIAN New or revised plan SAIBAI Resale,second sale SAIBANCH6 Presiding judge SAIBANGAI Extrajudicial,out of court SAIBAN HIYB6 Court costs SAIBAN IGAKU Medical jurisprudence SA:hBANKAN Judge,benrich SAIBANIEN Jurisdiction SAIBA1NREI Judicial precedent SAIBANTEI Court of justice SAIBAN TETSUZUKI Legal procedure SAIBANZATA Lawsuits,legal proceedings SAIBARAI Reimbursement,repayment SAIBASHIRU To be sharp-witted or quick-witted SAIBEN Eloquence SAIBI End,bottom,the last SAIBI NA Dolicate,fine,exquisite SAIBI NO Most beautiful,prettiest SAIBI NO Smallest,humblest.meanest,dimmest SAIBItSOXU Lowest speed,dead slow SAIB6CHB Reflation SAIBON Second offence SAIBUN Minutest subdivision,hairsplitting SAIBUNZU Detailed plan SAIBUS 6 Rearmament SAICH6 Maximum lengththe longest SAICH? Reinvestigation,re -examination SAICHf NA Long and thin,slender S3AICHU Detailed explanation SAIDAI UMKA Breaking load SAIDAIGEN Maximum SAIDAI GENDO Maximum,maximum limit SAIDAI HASSRA SOKUDO Cyclic rate of fire SAIDAI H6I Maximum azimuth SAIDAI KYORI Longest distance SAIDAI SEISOKU Full-battle speed SAIDAI SHIY6 ATSURYOKU Maximum pressure used BAIDA-I SHIYo SOKORYOKU Maximum speed used SAIDAISU Greatest number SAIDAI YUK6 SHATEI Maximum effective range SAIDAN Detailed conversation SAIDANKI Cutter SAIDAN YBSEI Demand for a decision SAIDO Maximum SAIEKI Re-engagement SAIEN Most remote SAIENKI Re-extension,repostponement SAIETSU Detailed examination SAIRTSU Re-examination SAIFUKUEKI Re-engagement SAIFUN Bleaching powder SAIFUII Fine powder,flour SAIFUTAKU Recommitment SAIGA Minute drawing SAIGAI NO Outermost SAIGAICHI Stricken district SAIGAI HOKEIN Accident insurance,casualty insurance SAIGAI IGAKU First-aid medicine SAIGAI TEATE Accident allowance SAIGO Again,later SAIGOH6 Toward the end SAIGON KdK( YOTEI Scheduled to sail to Saigon SAIGO NO SHEIMPAIN Last Judgment,doom SAIGONTAI Saigon Embassy Business Office SAIGO SEIZONSHA NENKIN Last survivor HOKEN annuity policy SAIGO TSUCHB Ultimatum SAIGTUMBI Rearmament SAIHA Breakers,reef SAIHA Ripples,small waves SAIHA SURU To be broken or damaged SAIHAI Destruction,breaking to pieces SAIHAI Exclusionrejection SAIHAI SURU To smash,crush SAIHAKKb Refssue SAIHAIU Pressure,urging,insistence SAIHAN Retrial SAIHANKEN Reprint or reproduction rights SAIHANSHA Second offrnder SAIHATSU NO MONO Clever person SAIHATSU OKURIJ6 Duplicate invoice SAIEMN Reorganization SAIHINSEI Recomposition,reweaving SAIHR Additional report SAIH8 Detailed report,detailed news SAIH6 Pronouncement of the verdict 1 e$rk T lffýi -1 l ItLt$i Akt -A 319s lkit.4 ýw4 I i -049 Cht fibbtf? Bt dlik J (1ftsiB #j#fik g~t ~ru0 k 1t38iC-$90 ~ 1f ~;5 )t ift Ut $tWh[ ~ Ii ia~ kje d: a 3r;E -k## ~r~ ~PML $P4fit ajgft A;: 3A _pth##j $ttc by 2 -PS45:l ~ sBs Btlit P~ #4kh[ #ik8fi 1~0t0 $sil 3r Ibij i- ~ $(Bk9 r j&A$ ~ ut4lt ~s LW~O2 i~ 1e3)i aMI AAItAA SAIKX KIKAN SAIHM Rebroadcast SAIHOKEN KAISHA Reinsurance company, treaty company SAIHBSHI Tailor,seamstress SAIHY6 Breaking of ice,broken ice SAIHYSA.N Icebreaker SAIHYTKI Icebreaker,deicer SAIHY6 SHMEN Listed securities SAIJI Religious ceremony SAIJIN Fine dust SAIJB-I Highest rank or position SAIJ6 KAMPAN Upper deck SAIJKEXN Supreme power,supremacy SAIJbTAN Highest place SAIKA SURU To plant flowers SAIKA SURU To water flowers SAIKAERU To return,come again,reappear SAIKAH6 Allowance for wife SAIKAI SURU To smash,crush SAIKAISHI SURU To reopen,renew,resume SAIKAITEI Second revision SAIKAJ6 Written approval SAIKAN Second attack of an illness SAIKAN Spy,secret agent SAIKAN Thoughtfulness,consideration SA-IKAN Field and company officers SAIKANCHB6 Lowest ebb tide SAIKANS6 Redrying SAIKARYOKU Resistance or sustaining capacity SAIKA TONSU Deadweight tonnage SAIKATSU Lubrication,greasing SAIKATSURY6 Lubricant SAIKEI Fiscal yearts accounts SAIKEIKOKU JKANd Most-favored-nation clause SAIKEIKOKU JdK6 Most-favored-nation clause SAIKEN Clear-sighted intelligence SAIERN Reconstruction,re-establishment SAIKEN Muspicion,distrust SAIKEN SURU To rebuild,re-erect SAIKENGAKU Face value of bond SAIKENH6 Law of obligations SAIKEN J6TO Cession of an obligation SAIKENK0KU Creditor power or country SAIKEISHA Creditor, lender SAIKEN SHOJISHAKAI Bondholders' teeting. SAIMEN SHOYUSHA Bondholder SAIKERN SHUSENRY6 Loan broker's commission SAIKEN TAMPO Security for an obligation SAIKENT6 Reinvestigation,restudy SAIKEN TORITATE Collection of claim or debt SAIKETSUKEN Deciding vote SAIKETSUKEN Vote,right to vote SAIKETSUSHA Arbitrator,referee,umpire SAIKETSUSHO Written verdict SAIKI Reinscription,new inscription SAII S1RU To repeat aAIKIK6 SURU To call again at a port SAIKIMBY' Mycosis SAIKIN Gold dust,amall gold payment SAIKIN Gold mining SAIKINBIN Earliest available facilities, as ship etc. SAIKINCHI Gold field,placer,Iayer of.gold ore SAIKIN MASUKU Sterile gauze mask SAIKIN RY6HZ Bacteriotheraphy SAIKINSEI SEKIRI Bacilla'y dysentery SAIKIN SEKIRI Bacillary dysentery SAIKINSHINSHA Nearest relatives SAIK6 Careful consideration SAIK6 Crushingbreaking,pounding SAIKS Subparagraph SAIKbAN Reconsidered plan or bill SAIKbBEN Retort,reply SAIKPCHI Maximum value SAIKgCHI Mining district,diggings SAIK6DO Highest degree SAIK6FU Miner SAIK6GAgEI Mining engineering SAIKB HBIN Supreme Court,China SAIKI Highest rank SAIKKIA Maximum value SAIKB KAIGI Supreme Council SAILK KIAAKU Maximum price SAIK KOAMBU The executive,the leadership SA.IKIER Absolute or supreme power SA~lgEKI Mining rights SAIKO KIMAI Highest organ SAIKo KoGAKUSHA 189 $AL, f SAIB KBGAKUSHA Mining engineer 'AfM SAIK6 KOKUBM KAIGI Supreme Defense Council AIAMf)L SAIKb KSHRI Mining engineer DIRVd* SAIKOKUKI Cutting machines lt)i SAIKOKKI Tobacco-cutting machine L Ke SAIKb KY6BAININ Highest bidder S SAIKON Edible roots,coarse food Pig SAIKON Retilling gt34b SAIKb NEDAN. Day's high tl) P 4 SAIK5 SAITEI ZEIRITSUSEI Maximum and i minimum tariff system S SAIKOSANSHA Doyen,father SAIK5SHA Mine operator or owner I kl4k SAIKB SHIKIKAN Commander in chief, command1-ng general R RJ4 SAIK6 SHIREIKAN Supreme commander 1in10A* SAIKb SHUN6BU Highest authorities 4RM SAIK6S6 Window,port for admitting light #Az SAIK6TEN Highest number of votes,highest marks etc. At", SAIK6ZURI Second revision or proof sheet 41t$ && SAIKUTSU K5KU Mining district,mining lot lkP SAIKY5 NO Strongest #,A SAIKYOKU Extremity,remotest part,highest degree $A SAIKY0 Extremely urgent SAIKYOK5 Travel by fastest means possible t SAIMAI Broken rice SL ( SAIMAKURU To interrupt a conversation, chatter CAfIAt SAIMAN SURU To load to capacity 4,+1 SAIMATSU End,extremity SAIMEI Reputation for great ability 4F-,6 SAIMEIREI Repetition of orders jP; 4 - SAIMIN SURU To assist the people.47 SAIMO Gathering seaweed,Wb SAIMOKU Minor details MRA SAIMU Minor details 11 M SAIMU FURIK6 Default of obligations j)S SAIMUKA Ritual Section * t SAIMU MEIGI Title of debt if(* SAIMUSHA Debtor 0SAINAI Innermost SAINAN Great difficulty j197 - SAINAN JIKEN Tsinan Incident -XT4 SAININ SURU To reaffirm a SAINYU Re-entry ci 00i SAINYU CH6KAGAKU Excess of receipts over expenditures,excess revenue AK k41 SAINYO CII5SA I-IN Budget or Ways and Means Committee W4 A SAINYU I-IN Committee on Ways and Means,A t SAINYU SAISHUTSU Annual revenue and expenditure 14I SAId Inclination to vomit,nausea SAI6 Misfortune,adversity,catastrophe SAI6 Utmost depth,remotest part SAId NO Intimate,secret,inmost FJ~ SAI6ZAI Emetic SAIRAN Careful examination SAIRAN Second view tOA SAIREN Small waves 4m 4 SAIRETSU SURU To be shattered,split apart Itei.SAIRIN Small fish scales,small fish ýp 2,9- SAIRO Narrow road,path,lane,alley Iý SAIRUI Inducing tears 11" SAIRUIB6 Lachrymotor sticks Ifi Ati- SAIRUISEI Lachrymatory l -tA A jI SAIRUISEI GASU Tear gas VonM SAIRUITd Tear gas tube?t~ U6N~ SAIRUIZAI Lachrymator,fsF1S SAIRYO Careful consideration SAIR d Amount of cargo,Ietp SAIRYd Careful consideration ~fl SAIRYd Weight,heaviness $4 1 SAIRY EN Governing or managing authority 31f)W'fZ SAIRYd MEISAISHO Waybill T(i# SAIRY6SHA Superintendent afiAk* SAIRYU GANYAKU Granules,very small pills ek? SAISA Fine sand,iBt SAISA Thorough inspection SAISAI TO Minutely,in detail 4ik~ SAISAN Margin of profit \E-#e9 SAISAN SAISHI Repeatedly,again and again t$)Cu1i SAISANTEPI KAIMONO Investment speculation (Sa~ SAISATSU Thorough inspection 7~k- 6 SAISATSU SURU To slaughter SAISEI New request S 3 SAISEI SURU To direct,manage,control P4i SAISEI GOMU Reclaimed rubber 665892 0 - 45 - 13 A# 0) %4;E ~L fM Pi 0 ( fa"s hfG ýl 14 MF 0) 4 t 9; A 44'r 2) &41 4 -filf~fs I tE i SAT AZLh 4ý'A -AAVf 4 941 4 $ 4) Ail ~ kT n *V 4O zilMJt j -f4irMcf phs s ptp f2:h-7(c ob1 5 49 s (iAj -g ~t#t; tr i6 (8)517 K $i1 g rfi iarece ieL 1 3i 10t Q SAITEI KYoBAI KAKAKU SAISEIHA K6A HdKOKUKAI Canton Asia Development Patriotic Society SAISEIRYOKU Regenerating power SAISEISAN SURU To remanufacture SAISEISANHI Reproduction cost SAISEKI Breaking of stones,broken stone SAISEKI Cargo,freight,weight,loading SAISEKI Small stones SAISEKI Useless thing SAISEKI NO Crushed rock,macadam SAISEKIDd Macadamized road SAISEKIJUTSU Lithotrity,lithotomy,in surgery SAISEKIKI Rock-crusher SAISEKIKI Steam shovel SAISEKIRYd Loading capacity SAISEKISAI Reshipping,reloading SAISEKISHO Quarry SAISEN SURU To battle again SAISENBAKO Offertory chest,alms box SAISEN KAISHI Reopening of hostilities SAISENTAN 0 YUKU To go the limit SAISETSU Mineral dust SAISETSU SURU To break,rupture,crush SAISHI Beginning,at the very outset SAISHIKIBAN Colored print SAISHIKI SHASHIN Color photograph SAISHIMBU Deepest point SAISHIMPAN Newest edition SAISHIN Fresh advance,another advance SAISHIN God of wealth SAISHIN Postscript SAISHIN SURU To do one's utmost SAISHINSA Reconsideration SAISHIN SAIBANSHO Court of revIew SAISHISHb Chromatopsia,in medicine SAISHO Fine print,detailed report SAISH6 NO Fewest SAISH6GAKU Smallest amount SAISHGAKEUT JUMBIH6 Minimum reserve method SAISHdGEN Minimum SAISH6 GENDO Minimum SAISH5 GENGAKU Irreducible minimum SAISH6 KAJU Minimum load SAISH6KBI Beeline SAISHOKU Decoration,ornament,embroidery SAISHOKU SURU To cultivate SAISHOKUKA Vegetarian SAISHOKU KEMBI Beautiful and talented SAISH&RY6 Minimum quantity SAISH5 TEIK6 SEN Line of least resistance SAISHU Seed-raising SAISHU SURU To sow seed' SAISHU SURU To attack a second time SAISHU SURU To sieze,commandeer SAISHUKA Collector SAISHUKAN Commandeered ship,seized ship SAISHUK6 Terminal port SAISHUT& Revaccination SAISHUTSU SAINYU Annual receipts and expenditures SAISO Fine and coarse,quality SAISO SURU To press for tax payment SAIS6 Gathering of seaweed SAISo NO Earliest SAISd SURU To infer,guess,presume SAISd DEMPb Retransmitted telegram SAISUI SURU To sprinkle SAISURU To conjecture,guess SAISURU To cut,judge,decide,determine SAITA Maximum,greatest number SAITAGAKU Largest amount,maximum amount SAITAISHA Married man SAITAMMATSU Extreme outer edge SAITAMMON Coal port SAITANJO Coal mine SAITANKI Shortest period of time SAITAN KYORI Shortest distance SAITANRYd Coal output SAITANTo Coal chute SAITEGATA Re -ex change SAITET Re-establishment,resettlement SAITEI AZUKEJIRI Minimum balance,in banking SAITEIBAN Revised edition SAITEIBU Bottom,lowest part SAITEIDO Minimum,lowest degree SAITEIGAKU Lowest amount SAITEI HIKA Parity rate SAITEI KAKAKU Minimum price or value SAITEI KAWASE Arbitrated exchange SAITEI KY6BAI KAKAKU Reserve price 15AITEI RYo-KIN 190 t~it 4= iA 7 anljw J4I* Mot~ 9 A*~ lk~fi* SAITBI RY6-KIN Minimum charge SAITEI TORIHIKI Arbitration SAITEKI Most suitable SAITEKI NA Idel.L,fitting SAITEMIBAN Scoreboard SAITEMvBO' Mark or grade book SAITENHY6 Scoring card or board SAITENSHA Marker, scorer SAITENSHI Score sheet SAIT6 STIRU To catch' smallpox again SAIT6 StTRU To crush, smash,sannihilate, overwhelm SAIT6 STJBU To overturn~upaet SAIT6EY5 Repolling, second balloting SAITOKtJ EMBI Virtuous and talented SAITOSHI Coming again to China SAITOZAI Emetic, SAITSUCHI Another notification, report SAIYAKU Retrsanslatjon,new translation SAIYO More than a year SAJ:Y6 Most important,primary SAIY6SHA Selectee.,appointee SA.TYG Overwhelming superiority SAIYU Repossession SAJYURAN Oil-drilling squad SAIYIJSEN Top priority SAIYU SHIZAI Oil-drilling resources or materials SAIZARTJ ASA Sisa* hemp SAIZEISEI Friableness SAIZEMP6 Furthest forward SAIZEN Rekindling, reawakening, reaUrrecti on SAIZEN SEN Extreme front or forward line SAJIGATA Spoon-shaped SAJIN Dust.,sand SAJO Aid,assistance SAJ5 Surface of the sand,on the sand SAJUTSTJ Deoeptionsruseltrickpliepfalsehood SAKAIRON Boundary dispute SAKAEIJ Difference.,discrepancy SAKA.KU SUIRU To corroborate~confirm SAKAMKUSIRU To examine,scrutinize,obtain intelligence SAKAMATSUGE Trichiasis,in medicine SAKA.N Inspection, exanination' SAXAN Left tube,port torpedo tube SAXA.NA B5CH6 Fish knife SAKANADANA Fish market SAKANOBORU To-trace back,recapitulate SAKA.RU To oppose,resist,act contrary to SAKASAKASHII Wise, shrewd SAKASHIDATSU To pose as an exp~ert SAKASHIMA NA Inverted,reverse,upaide-down SAXAIJ To bound, limit, separate,divide SAKAU To oppose,resist,,act contrary to SAKAYUKU To prosper,be successful SAKEGATAI Hard to avoid SAKEI Ruse, stratagem, chicanerySAKEN Inapection,examination, scrutiny SAKEN Left shoulder SAMEN Proof,evidence. SAKEN TO SIIRU To try to avoid SAKI Edge SAKI Lie,,falsehood SAKILB6 Dupe,cat's paw~apy SAKIBOSO HIRAYASIJRI Flat file SA.KI: BtIKEEN Following articles SAKIDACRI Precedence. antecedence SAKIDACHI Superiority, guide, forerunner SAKIDARTT To begin to bhlooim SAKINIOU To be very fragrant SAKIII SHIJ6 Future market.,spot market toA ot&A 7 tAý V041 'fiwtt wi-s-7 t ý Tl~ýt ý I'VAKO P, It AK ý4 TAKM SAKMJEKIKEN SAJII NO KEN Pr~evious reply S SAKI 0 KOSU To foreatall,get the start on, anticipate S SAKIOTOTSUI Three days ago S SAKISOROU To be all out in bloom 7. SAKIWAKER To bloom in different colors 7~SAKIWAXERU To break~divide SSAKIWATASHI S6-BA Forward quotations SAKIZONAE Vanguard column SAKKA Last summer SAKKA Scratch.,graze,abrasion SAKKAID6 Sunken roadway 'I SAKKA JU56 Bullet graze.,grazing bullet wound B AKKEN SURIJ To perceive,discern,discover SAKKIN Bactericide 3 SAKK6SURU To probe 3 SAMK6STIRU To start,promote,encourage. ~. SAKKO KITAI Search-and-attack plane unit 3SA.KKUTSU StTRU To dig SAKKYG NA Urgent SAK6 Chain steel BAKUJ- Preceding,day etc. SAKEJANCHU Plan in preparation 4 SAKUB6 SURIJ To ltshm SAKUCHI H5DAI Sunken battery in artillery SAKUDO Arable land SAKUD6 Maneuveroperations SAXUGETSU Last month I3SAKUGO 0 SH5ZURU To give rise to an error SAKUG0SH5 Paraphrasia.,a speech defect SAKU-I Purpose, scheme SAKET-IHAN Commissive crimes BAKUJ-IN Operating cause or agent SAKET-IN Winch,~SAKET-IN SURU To index,look up in a dictionary SAKET-INSIJA Winch truck SAKET-ITAI Well-drilling unit SAKEJKA Last summer SAXUKARAI Since last summer S SAKUKo KITAI SeArch-and-attack plane unit SAKiUIEI Operational orderi 1~SAKUMETSU SURU To abolish,,cancel S SAKUNENDOHI Compared with last year SAKUNTEERAI Since last year -53 BAKUT NI IZURU To embark upon a plan SSAKURETSU RYIJDAN Fragmentation shell SAKURYAKUKA Schemer,strategist~tactician S( AKUSAN AMMONfYUMI EKI Ammonium acetate solution S SAKUSAN ARUMINYUMET EKI Aluninun acetate solution ~. SAKUSAN KARYIJME EKI Potassium acetate solution RIýi SAKUSHI HOTWIAKU Y6SHI Translation form ~. SAKIJSEI Y6SHI Work sheet SAKUSEKI Volume of production SAKUSENCHI Field of operations B AKEJSEN CHI-IKI Theater of operations ~4 SAKtJSEN H6SHIN Object of military operations SAKUSENJ6 From the standpoint of military operations S SAKUSEN KAIMEN Operational waters I~SAKUSEN KEIKAKET Plan of military operations It SAKUSEN KICHI Base of operations M SAKUSEN NIMMU Operational duty. Wtig' SAKUSEN SENT 5 CHI-IKI Combat operations SAKUTHI SURU To make up,draw up SAKUTEKI SURU To search for the target SAKUT EKBUTAI Offensive search force SAKEJTEKIH6 Rules for offensive search SAKUTEK1E- Radius of offensive search kw~t Li;;-t WRtt-if P 14 &f $i4P88 At t4 Lb T - Y LL A Lb 1 Lb* si~ t t Dog ag194 bF -5-$ -BFE gti t9 2 (XAjPf) &#t s~t $$cr8tt LLIE W100~a aF 14L\0 ri 10rf4 lWdi AkXIS ~id = MSF EESKib -t 5j-; WW tr E LLt~it J,) bf3i ECO) ~J At ~'il A ti~7R "At SAKUTEKI KITAI 191 SAXUTEKI KITAI Offensive search plane unit SAKUTEKI SANKAI SURU To spread out on an / offensive search SAKUTEKI SHINRO Offensive search course SAKUTEKI S6T6 Offensive search sweep SAKUTSUKE Planting crops,cultivation SAKUTSUKI TAMBETSU Area under cultivation SAKUYARAN Midnight yesterday SAKUYAKUDAN Bursting shell SAKUYAKUN6 Bursting charge bag SAKUYU Oil extraction SAKUY -Last evening SAKUZ6 SURU To make,produce! SAMAGAWARI Change,modification SAMBASHI SHIY6RYb Pier dues,quayage SAMBASHI WATASHI Ex pier,in commerce SAMBENNURI Three coats SAMB6BU Staff Headquarters,China SAMBEBU DEMPE Staff Department telegram SAMB5CH5 Chief of Staff SAMBb HOMBU General Staff Headquarters SAMB5 JICH6 Vice-Chief of General Staff SAMBON KAWA Three-stroke character for river SAMB5 S6CH6 Chief of General Staff SAMBUNKA Prose writer SAMBUNSHI Prose poem SAMBY5 Three dreaded diseases, leprosy,consumption,syphilis SAMEGAWA Shagreen,grained leather SAMEHADA Shagreen,goose flesh SAMISHII Lonely,quiet,desolate,bleak SAMMEN Surface of a mountain SAMMON Main temple gate SAMMON BUNSHI Hack writer SAMON I-IN Investigating committee or member thereof SAMPATSU Sporadic outbreak SAMPATSU NO Three-motored,three rounds SAMPATSU HIK6TEI Three-motored flyingboat SAMPEIK5 Fox hole SAMPEN Scattered pieces or fragments SAMPI D&HYo Tie vote SAMPIS6 Air sergeant 3rd class SAMPU Woman tending silkworms SAMUKEDATSU To shiver,shudder,feel cold SAMURAI Radical 033 -SAN Powder,in medicine -SAN Produced in... SAN Staff SANAKA In the midst of,during SANCHAKUBARAI Sight payment SANCHAKU KAWASE TEGATA Sight draft SANCHI Contaminated area SANCHI Terrain where troops can be deployed SANCHIKYAKU Foothills SANCHI SH6MEISHO Certificate of origin or production SANCH6 Mountain top,summit SANCHB Three cheers SANCH6KAN Big Three SANCHOKU HAIBI Three watches,navy -SAN DAI NARI There are strong indications that... SANDAN Canister scatter shots SANDANT6 Canister SANDARAKEUJ Sandarac SANDO Degree of acidity SANDO Place of production,habitat SANDb Participation SANDOKUCHI Contaninated area SANDOKU CHI-IKI Gassed area SANGAKU Mountains and valleys SANGAKUBYB Mountain sickness SANGAKU CHITAI Mountainous region SANGAKUSEN Mountain warfare SANSO Shaded side of a mountaix SANGO SUEU To be interspersed,be mixed SANG6 Bandit SANGOKAI Coral Sea SANGOKU J6YAKU Three-power treaty SANGOSH6 NO NAIBU Lagoon. SANGOD6 Approach to a shrine SANGUN Mountain massymassif SANGUN NO OSAE Rear guard of army SANGY6BETSU By industries SANGYB DbIN Industrial mobilization SANGY6 HON-I Industrialism SANGY65 I-IN Industrial doctor SANGYMKA Industrialist AL Al ~ez, A 0. t A A 4 J A osn ~p r 5 t~0 = -, Ai A L4 J,i] L4 ~o ImI'll A# ~/~SI# $t ~~t -ý,$ 3 0 c 3 i V-af At g L4 C 3$S I# ~-r Ak P s4 ~~t~~ won @ iD tj ~ A, SANNINSHo SANGYaKA Industries Section SANGYoKAI Industrial world SANGY? KAKUMEI Industrial revolution SANGY5 KAKUMET SHUGI Syndicalism SANGY6 KIKAIKA Industrial Machinery Section SANGY6 KOKUYM SAKU Policy of industrial mobilization SANGY6 KUtMIAI Industrial guild SANGY6 MINSHU SHUGI Industrial democracy SANGY6 NETSU Industrialism SANGY5 RIKKOKU Industrialization SANGYB SHOKUBA Workshop SANGYOTEKI SHIPPEI Industrial disease SANGY6 Z6KA Industrial accession SANHI Bandit SANHIN Products SAN-I Approval,support SAN-I SURU To.seize the throne SANJIKAN Counselor,adviser SANJIN Mountain god SANJI SEIGEN Birth control SANJISHITSU Advisory office SANJ5 Mountain fortress SANJOIN Supporter,patron SANJO KAI-IN Supporting member SANJ5 NO SUIKUN Sermon on the Mount SANJU NO SHINKI Three Imperial Regalia, the Mirror,Sword,and Jewels SATrJU StrCHI -HACHI Russo-Japanese War NEN NO EKI SANJUTSU Compilation,composition SANKA Foot of a'mountain SANKA Mountain flower SANKA Mountain fruit SANKA Mountains and rivers SANKA NI Under the banner of SANKACH6 Chief of Section Three SANKA HIKI-UKE Acceptance by accommodation party SANKAI Third time SANKA-I Obstetrician SANKAI SURU To correct SANKAIMEN, Deployment area SAHKAI SEN Line of deployment SANKAISEN Skirmishing,skirmish SANKAKI Planes. participating SANKA KIKAN Participating agencies SANKAKOKU Participating nations SANKAKKIN Triangular bandage BANKAKU Aid,assistance SANKAKU SURU To participate in a plan, scheme or stratagem SANKAKUHA Choppy sea SANKAKUK5 Estuary SANKAKUSHRO Delta SANKAKU T656 Three-cornered fight SANKAN Visit of inspection SANKA NO TAME In order to participate SANKAN SEIBATSU Subjugation of Korea SANKA SAIHOKEN Participating reinsurance SANKASHA Participant SANKA SOSHONIN Intervening party in lawsuit SANKA TANSO Carbon monoxide SANKE Ovari,Kil,and Mite families SANKEI Calculation,reckoning SANKEI Mountain and valley,gorge SANKEI Umbrella-shaped SANKEN Silkworm and cocoon,sericulture SANKI Production machinery SANKI Three periods,third period SANKIN UNDj Triple prohibition movement against opium,gambling,and dancing SANK6HIN Specimen SANKOKO Jo(AKtJ Tripartite treaty SANKBNIN Witness SANK0 SHIRY;SHO Data book SANX6SHO Reference book SANK6SHOMOKU Bibliography SA.NK6Y5 For reference SANKU Grief,anguish,sorrow SANXYAKU Foot of mountain or hill SANIYO SURU To live in the mountains SANKYB Mountain village SANXY5 Pitiful condition SANKY6 Three Religions SAKKYOKU Tripolar SANKYU Third class -SAN MAI Rice produced in... 9AINAN Three boys,third boy SANNINSHO Three-man sentry group SANNURU 192 *k^ as> > dA /tt@ 1^*^ 40 ~ )(^9 t~ti *1 -# A fAt (^?<~* if St ^ ^^f ^^f -^4 ^^t * ^?i p * -A ^Mg '^ Q ^ ^ f ^^ Stif^ ^ At SANNURU Past,gone-by,last SA NO DEN Following message SA NO KEN Following matter SA NO TORI As follows SANRAKU Dispersion,scattering SANRAKU Mountain village SANRAN Silkworm eggs SANREI Mountain summit or peak SANRETSU NA Disastrous,violent,poignant, tragic SANRIN Three wheels SANRINKYOKU Forestry Bureau SANRI RY5KAI Three-mile limit SANRITSU Trembling with distress,fright, horror SANROKU Summary SANRYAKU Plan, scheme, expedient SANRY6 Output. SANRYMKIN Pyramidal or deltoidal muscle SANRYUKA ANCHIMON Antimony sulphite SANSAI Mountain fortress SANSAKU Vinegar SANSAN Adviser,secretary of legation, attache,in China SANSAN TO SHITA Bright, dazzling SANSAN TO SHITA Distressed,pained SANSEI Mountain's form SANSEI GI-IN Yes man,rubber stamp SANSEI HANNo Acid reaction SANSEI HdK6 CHINKI Aromatic sulphuric acid SANSEIKAI People's Political Council SANSEIKAN Parliamentary Undersecretary of State SANSEKI Loading in bulk SANSEKI Ridge of a mountain range SANSEN Mountain spring SANSEN Skirmishing SANSEN NAKI ENJO Aid short of war SANSENSOKU Third battle speed SANSHA Three companies SANSHA SURU Expression of deep gratitude SANSHI Foot of a mountain SANSHIGY5 Silk-reeling industry SANSHITSU Scattered and lost SANSH6 Praise,eulogy,commendation SANSH5 Woodcutter SANSHOKU Silk production SANSHOKU SURU To be destroyed by acid SANSHU Silkworm eggs SANSHM Compilation,collection, accumulation SANSHIKOKU Participating countries SANSHU MOAI Three-section collapsible boat SANSHUTSUCHI Place of origin SANSO Silkworm larva SANS6 Mountain herbs SANS6 Rout,flight SANS, Sericulture SANSO BIN Oxygen bottle SANS6 H6GA Triple-gun mount SANSOKU Foot of a mountain SANSOKU NA Sad,pitiful,grievous SANS6 TO SHITA Sad,pitiful,distressing SANSUISHA HOKEN Sprinkler insurance SANTARU Pitiful,tragic,disastrous SANTEI KAWASE SoBA Computed exchange rate SANTO Mountain road SANTO Three chief cities of Japan SANT6 Broad bean,horse bean SANT6 Mountain summit SANT6DATE Three-horse team SANTo GUN-I Surgeon sublieutenant SANT5 GUN-ISEI Surgeon major SANTo HEIS5 Petty officer 3rd class SANT6 HIKX HEISo Petty officer 3rd class, flight SANT6 KEISHU Intendant corporal SANTo KIKANSHI Engineer 3rd class,navy SANToKOKU Third-rate power SANTONIN-J5 Santonin troche SANT6 SENKYAKUSHITSU Third-c)ass cabin SANT5SHIN Relative of the third degree SANT6SHITSU Third-class cabin * SANT5SH5 Class 3 illness SANTo SHUKEI Intendant sublieutenant SANTS SHUKEISEI Intendant major SANTSO Severe pain SAN TSUKURI Radical 59 SAN-UN Towering clouds -ijW Mil E L 14 k ' J; IA IA IA -\ V 4+ J3Q A:Xt sA2L UA ^t& 4; ^b r-il ^ * afi '6 L4 aS f ^i ~h ^-^. ^ ~k ^ ^4 ^J ~A 44, ^34 ^( ^4 ^(4 s^^ ^AL Ijo ^ a^ ii 4 ^s^ ^ x^44 ^ 44 *ID -^i?^ ^-^tft ^- ^ ^g * ^ ^^ 4 SI ~;-s4 SASHIGASA SAN-Y5 TriSAN-Y5 HIK6KI Triplane SANYO I-IN Assistant, judge etc. SANYOKEN Right to participate SANZA Three seats SANZAI Estate,property,assets SANZAN Mountains,hills SANZU Broad bean horse bean SANZUI Radical 085 SANZUI HEN Radical 085 SANZUKURI Radical 059 SAO Counter for chests,cupboards etc. SAO' U To right and left,here and there, roundabout SARA Counter for dishes of food SARA Radical 108 SARA- Countersunk SARABOU To grow weak,become thin,waste away SARACHI Uncultivated or virgin land SARAE Dredging,dragging,cleansing SARAEDASU To dredge,clean out,drain, scrape,cleanse SARAEKOMU To fill up a hole etc. SARAIKOMU To clean up thoroughly,make away with everything SARA NI OKURE Repeat SARARI Without delay,without a hitch SARASHI-AN Powdered bean jam SARASHI KIMPU Bleached shirting SARASHIKO Chloride of lime SAREBA Therefore,for this reason SAREDO Although,nevertheless,but SAREDOMO However SAREPPU-SH5 Salep mucilage SARETSU Left column SARICHIIRU-SAN ANCHIPIRIN Antipyrine salicylate SARICHIIRU-SAN EZERIN Physostigmine salicylate SARICHIIRU-SAN FUENIIRU Phenylsalicylate SARICHIIRU-SAN FUI- Physostigmine sulZOSUCHIGUMIN phate SARICHIIRU-SAN GAAZE Salicylic gauze SARICHIIRU-SAN Ko Mercuric salicylate SARICHIIRU-SAN MEN Salicylic cotton SARICHIIRU-SAN Sodium salicylate troche NATORYUMU-Jo SARICHIIRU-SAN NATORYUMU Caffeine sodioKAFUEIN salicylate SARICHIIRU-SAN NATORYUMU Theobromine TEOBUROMIN sodiosalicylate SARICHIIRU SEKKEN KoK6 Salicylated soap plaster SARO Fork in a road SARU Latch, catch,bolt SARU Spy,secret agent SAPUKAWA Keeper,a device to hold something in position SARUMATSU Joker,chatterer,faultfinder SARUNI Resemblance between unrelated people SARU RIK5 Limited intelligence SARUSA-KON Sarsaparilla SASA Only a little SASAEKATAI Difficult to support SASAEZUNA Guy rope SASAGASU To mince,cut up,chop into pieces SASARAGETA Stringer on bridgeboard,in construction SASATSU Investigation SASAWARA Bamboo grass field SASAWARU To be an obstacle,be troublesome SASAWARU To be obstructed,be stopped,be interrupted SASEKI Gravel,sand and stones,grit SASHI Hindrance,obstacle SASHI Left foot,left footprint SASHI Sand paper SASHI Sediment,deposit -SASHI Container,box,case,receptacle SASHIATARU To happen at the desired time SASHIATERU To allocate directly,divide among SASHIATERU To apply one thing to another, touch SASHIAU To run up against,collide,conflict SASHIBUTA Trap door SASHICHIGAERU To mention malapropos, introduce by mistake SASHIDASHI Offer,proposal,consignment SASHIGASA Umbrella AA~ k A( k ~L~ 5' A JA 4-A I L IV* 4t~ SASHIHAGO 193 SASHIHAGU To strip.,rob,,skin SASHIHASAMU To cherish~rely or presume upon SASHIHIKAE Waiting, reserve~modesty, temperance SASHIHIKI KIN Balance,off money SASHIHIKI NOKORI Balance,,remainder SASHIHIKI ZANDAKA Balance SASHI..IDASU To offer,,send,,present SASHI-.ISOGI In a hurry SASHI-ISOGU To hurry.,rush iforward SASHI-IZURU To go out SASHI-IZTJRU To meddle.,importune.,act presupiptuou sly SASHIKS4KARI Right now.,for the time being SASHIKAMAI Concern, consideration, care,, anxiety% SASHIKAMAU To pay attention to.,heed SASHIKPLTAMERU To guard strictly SASHIKAiTAMERU To set or consolidate firmly SASHIKIN TORIHIKI Speculating for margin SASHIKOMERU To close tightly and securely SASHIKOMI Plug-in 3ASHIKUI Makeshif t, shif ting., expedient SASHIKURU To make shift.,wiggle out of, temporize SASHIKURU' To reel.,wind BASHIKUWAERU To add to BASHI MIZU Infiltration of water BASHI MO Such,so much,in spite of that SASHIMODOSU To send back,resend SASHIMOTSURE Confusion, complication., dissension,trouble SASHIMOTSURERU To be complicated.,be at variance SASHIMUKAU To face.,turn to SASHIMUKERtJ To send,send a messenger SASHIMtJKRU To draw a revolver on SASHIMU M To face~turn toward SASHINAWA Tether, cord SASHINE Limit price SASHINE BAIBAI Sale at fixed price SASHINE CHUMON Limited order,,stop order SASHIN DE URU To sell at limit price SASHIOKI Puttling in place,giving up SASHIOKURTJ To send.,dispatch SASHIOSAB BUKEXN Attached or seized goods SASHIOSAX KAIJO Replevin.,restoration of goods taken in restraint SASHIOSAE MEIRBI Garnishee order,thirdparty order SASHXO0SAE REIJ6 Garnishee order SASHIOSAE SAIKBISHA Garnisher, execution creditor SASHIOSAE SHOWNJI Foreclosure, garnishment SASHISEMARU To be urgent SASHISHIRIZOKERtJ To allow to get away SASHISOERU To add to, join to SASHITSU Arenaceous SASHITSU Error, blunder,mi stake SASHITSU Tea ceremony room SASHITSUGU To follow,come after SASHITJSKAE NAKI KAGIRI As long as there are no,. objections SASHITSUKE Blow, push, lunge SASHITSUKE Confrontation~sllusion, hint SASHITStTMERtJ To be at a loss~be SA.SH6 Cotton nillls 5AS5116Inspectionexamination SASH6 Observation post SASH6 Praise Xi-A ~All 4 V I'* + W4r. $1 VT 4,ifr WACI R K);ft/4, I f *1 SEBIRE SASHU Left hand SASHUT3tJ SURU To discover,search out 3SA6 Sand bed~layer of sand SASOIDASU To seduce,entice SASOIKOMU To entice~allure SASOKU Left foot SASOKU Port side SASOK1JE6 Chain surveying SASOKUH Port side SASON Price differential loss SASON-EKI Price differential profit or loss SASONGAKU Amount of price differential loss SASSAFURASU-BOKU Sassafras SASSEI. Completion of the printing 13ASSEI SURU To clean SASSEN SURU To wipe or brush clean SASSHI Brush SASSHI Murder,assassination SASShI Printing paper SASSH6 Killing~taking life SASU To be hindered,be Interrupted SASU To dispatch,send posthaste SASU To Illuminate, shin~e on SAStI To lift.,of clouds -SASU Interruption or suspension of an action SATAI Sandbank SATAN Left extremity o~r end V~SATAYAMI NI SURU To drop a matter SATE Besides~in addition SATEI Sandy bottom SATEI SURU To examine and decide SATEI-IN Inspector SATEI YEJKETSU Mutual aid SATEN Bankruptcy,closing of a store SATEN Counterclockwise,moving to the left SATO Radical 166 SATO Rural district~the country~province SAT& Left,,in politics SAT6BASAMI Sugar tongs SAT 6 DAIKON Sugar beets SATODONARI Neighboring village.,vicinity, environs SATO HEN Radical 166 SAT6 KIBI Sugar cane SAT6 NENDO Fiscal sugar year SAT6 511611 ZEI Sugar tax SAT6 TSUBO Sugar jar SAT56YA Sugar dealer SATSU Chahar SATSU Counter for books' SATSU Ticket, label, card SATSUBATSU Assassination.,massacre ýSATSUGENH6 Elimination SATSU-IRE Pocketbook,portfolio SATSUJINHAN Homicide SATSUJIN JIKEN Murder case SATSUJINKI Suicide plane SATSUJIN K63EN Death ray SATSUJINKY5 Homicidal insanity SATSUJIN MISUISHA Would-be murderer SATSUJINSHA Murderer SATSTJJINZAI Homicide SATSURY6 Understanding,perception SATSUZEN TO Suddenly, quickly, abruptl-y SATT6 CHUMON Rush order SAWADATSU To become agitated or noisy, make a fuss S.ýAW -"DATSU -b To --feel- at e -Asefe% a SE Unit of square measure,O.9917 are, 119 square yards SEBIRAKI Opening fish by slitting the back SEBIRE Dorsal fin SEBURUI SURU 194 " %T; iLw;5 t i j3 i~C~ HAK r- - tlJ!T)~ ft A Vi T I ca 10 AA1 A 9t ' 14 9 it AVS A-Iis If SEBURUI SURU To shake itself SED5 Public morals,public morality SEGIRU To dam a current SEGUKUMARU To bend the back,stoop SE2URU To force its way SEI Chinghai SEI Radical 100 SEI Spain SEI Student unit *SEI Tsingtao -SRI -ity, -ness,-tion,nature -SEI System SEIA West Africa SEIA Western Asia SEIA NO KEN Narrow views,one-sided opinirn SEIATSU Restraint,hindrance SEIATSU Suppression,repression,check SEIATSU SURU - To subjugate SEIBAKU Hulled barley SEIBAKU Restriction,restraint SEIBANSAN Eucharist SEIBETSU By sex SEIBI Consummate beauty,perfection SEIBI SURU To overhaul,organizeequip SEIBIBU Organization Adjustment Department SEIICH6 MFaintenanbe officer SEIBIHEI Maintenance man,ground-crew man, army SEIBI REICE6 Leading seeman,maintenance SEIBI HEIS5 Petty officir,maintenance SEIBI HEIS6CH6 Warrant officer, maintenance SEIBI-IN Maintenance personnel,ground crew SEIBIKA Organization Adjustment Section SEIBIKYOKU Organization Adjustment Bureau SEIBIN Alert intelligence,cleverness, shrewdness SEIBISHI Assistant maintenance officer, navy SEIBI TOKUMU0... Special duty..., maintenance,in navy commissions SEIBI TOKUMU SHIKAN Special duty officer, maintenance SEIBdKI Spinning machine or frame SEIBUN Component,ingredient SEIBUTSU Manufactures SEIBUTSUT Universe SEIBUTSU SaHAI Animal worship SEICHI Clear lake SEICRI Land readjustment,ground leveling SEICHI Natural intplligence SEICHI Palestine,the Holy Land SEICHI Unknown country SEICHI SURU To level SEICHIN Tranquilization,suppression SEICHb Leading seaman,maintenance SEICH6 NA Clear SEICH6 SURU To adjust,harmonize SEICHB SURU To listen attentively SEICHOKU Imperial rescript SEICHU Casting SEICHO In a well SEICHO Loyalty SEIDAI Prosperous times SEIDAN Clear mild weather SEIDAN Western section,of a railroad SEIDEN Field of young rice SEIDEN Sacred tradition SEIDO Accuracy SEIDO Degree of accuracy SEIDO Law,rule,ordinance,statute, system BEIDb Power SEIDB Public morality SEIDb NO Static,motionless SEIhO BUMBUTSU Culture and institutions SEIDOGA Organization Section SEID6KISHEJ Brakeman SEIDOXD Antidote,for poison, or gas SEIDOKET Poison-gas control SEIDOKUTAI Gas control unit SEIDON Clear or overcast weather,state of weather SEIDOSHI Constitutional history SEID5HU B Rakeman SEIEI Prosperity O A iEVI~ 3l~ AKfft 7 P 1PMR4 -R4I RA+n. f $)A IP i A - fbil Plmp J ~I1q 2(rA 4 ~ "SA~ dEA 41iE Aall ita~ i~4stp iE~B Eg~Cfg tP44ty ~ 11i4J-a4P AR ~ Phya i~ b AAf tsg -3is j 4J4 \R~ 24c 3 $1- w 5 SE)t ~ Mg A~tiB- ` #ill s.6 & if ~ i~E;So 9 Atk$ "SEIJIKAI SEIEI SURU To lead,compel,constrain SEIEN Refined salt SEIFU West Prussia SEIFU AN Government measure or bill SEIFU HAKK6 SHKEN Government securities SEIFU I-IN Government delegate SEIFUKU Sincere submission SEIFUKUHM Reduction,in medicine SEIFU SHUCHb Reichskanzler,German Chancellor SEIFU SUJI Government circles SEIFUT5 Government party,party in power SEIFU TdKYOKU Government authorities SEIGAI Outside of the law,outside of jurisdiction SEIGAI Unworldy,ultramundane, tranrscendental SEIGAN Flight of wild geese SEIGAN JUNSA Private policeman SEIGANSHO Written petition SEIGEN Oath,vow,solemn promise SEIGEN SURU To reduce,diminish SEIGENCHI CHAKJRIKU Small-field landing SEIGEN CHUZ6 Limited 6oinage SEIGENGAI HAKK6 Excess issue SEIGENGAI TENIMOTSU Excess baggage SEIGEN HIKI-UKE Qualified acceptance SEIGEN KAIHEIKI Limit switch SEIGEN URAGAKI Qualified endorsement SEIGENZUKI TSUKA Conditional currency SEIGETSU Month of birth SEIGI Essential meaning SEIGI Truth and falsehood,true and false, character SEIGI SURU To request consideration SEIGOSHI Correction sheet SEIGUN Constellation,asterism SEIGYO Fish living in well,person with narrow views SEIGY6 Great undertaking SEIGYOKI Controller SEIGYU Livestock SEIHA Domination SEIHA Political party SEIHAKU Blue and white,pallor SEIHAKU Immaculate whiteness SEIHAKU NA Pure,upright SEIHAKUMAI Hulled rice,white rice SEIHAN SURU To suppress rebellion SEIHANKYU Western Hemisphere SEIHANKYi SEIHA Domination of the Western Hemisphere SEIHANSHU Sailmaker SEIHEI Tranquility,placidity,calm,repose, SEIHEN Organization SEIHEN West,westernmost part SEIHI Living expenses SEIHI Right or wrong SEIHIREI Direct proportion SEIHITSU BUSSHI Necessities of life SEIHITSUHIN Necessities of life SEIHO Life insurance SEIHO SURU To capture alive,make prisoner SEIH6 Just law SEIH6 Lag,ordinance,legislation,enactment SEIHOKU Northwest SEIHOKU ROTO Northwest Route SEIHON Student unit headquarters SEIHO T5SEIKAI Life Insurance Control Association SEIHY& Tabulation SEI-I All one's will,all one's energy SEI-I Barbarians,Europeans,foreigners SEI-I Fame and power,prestige SEI-I Influence,power,authority,prestige SEI-I Legitimate rank,proper position SEI-I Real intentions,true meaning SEI-I Subjugation of barbarians SEI-I NI Earnestly SEI-I-INKAI Political Council SEI-IKU S'RU To rear,nurture,cultivate SEI-IN Member of the government SEI-IN Pure tones SEI-IIQKA Personnel Assienment Section SEI-ITSU Precision SEI-ITSU NA Equalidentical,level SEI-ITSU IJI Maintaining the status quo SEIJI Correct thing SEIJIDb Statecraft SEIJI-IN Member of the Government SEIJIKAI Political circles,political world SEIJI KoSAKU 195 4r~1~aF-t~ab o iE 3 ~I13B ia3a) ~ liifi ~td4f I8 & IEl e19# 7 lgirft a iElp 4 llj -SE#- i I3: O ~ ZE ilorbC ~ 5E * 4;E 6 ii M &1A;tUpiA$ 5 r1g6k8 n3igf: 4 -: AYe;fi; 194 ~ ~j OL i$3 Z O ~5dL Ef ~t ~ jEki 5A. & ~ 9i4i4 4s0flJ IRMA3S It4~ StIJI Kb3AKU Political machinations SEIJI NETSU Political fever SEIJISEI Political system SEIJISHI Political history SEIJITEKI KY6TEI Political arrangement SEIJITSU Bright day SEIJITSU Day of birth SEIJITSU NA Certain,positive,reliable SEIJIYA Professional politician SEIJ6 Character,nature,temperament SEIJ6 Heart,feeling,sentiment SEIJ- His Majesty,the Emperor SEIJ5 Law,rule, ordinance SEIJ6 Sincerity of heart SEIJ6 NO Usual,regular,correct SEIJU NA Gentle,docile SEIJJ Live cattle SEIJUN Order according to height SEIJUN Sincerity,frankness SEIJUN NA Pure,unmixed SEIJUT5U Statecraft,statesmanship SEIKA Milky way SEIKA Minted money SEIKA Peace,tranquillity,freedom from trouble SEIKA Shoe manufacture SEIKA SURU To etherealize SEIKA SURU To integrate SEIKA GENS6 Specie shipment SEIKA GENSbTEN Specie point,specie shipping point SEIKA HOYUDAKA Specie holdings SEIKAI Authentic interpretation SEIKAI Mastery of the sea SEIKAI-IN Regular member of a society SEIKAI KAKUHO SURU To ensure the command of the sea SEIKAI NO WAKUSEI Dark horse,in politics SEIKA JUMBI Gold reserve SEIKA KIKAI Shoemaking machine SEIKAKU Correctness,accuracy,preciseness SEIKAKU Fraxnkness,sincerity,honesty SEIKAXU Production plan SEIKAKU Static sense SEIKAKU Tanning of leather SEIKAKU NO Minute,detailed,precise SEIKAKU SURU To awake,become sober SEIKAKUDO Degree of accuracy SEIKAMPAN Main deck SEIKAN Calm,tranquility,quiet moment, leisure SEIKAN Construction of steam boilers SEIKAN Manufacture of cans SEIKAN Quiet,calm SEIKAN SURU To entrap,ensnare SEIKANKI Pipe-making machine SEIKANK6 Pipe maker SEIKAN TAIDO Wait-and-see attitude SEIKA 0 AGETSUTSU ARU To be having success SEIKATSU BUSSHIKYOKU Subsistence Commodities Bureau SEIKATSUHI Cost of living,living expenses SEIKATSU HITSUJU BUSSHI Essential commodities SEIKATSU HITSUJUHIN Necessities of life SEIKATSU JdTAI Living conditions SEIKATSUJUTSU Art of living SEIKATSUKU Hardships of life SEIKATSU NO MICHI Means of living SEIKATSU NO MOTODE Means of living SEIKATSU TEIDO Standard of living SEIKA YUSHUTSUTEN Gold export point, specie point SEIKA YUS6TEN Export gold point SEIKEI Family genealogy SEIKEI Family line,lineage,genealogy SEIKEI Politico-economic SEIKEI Regular form SEIKEI Shape,form SEIKEI Star-shaped,radial SEIKEI NA Bravecourageous SEIKEI ~SJRU To form SEIKEI GEKA Plastic surgery,orthopedic surgery SEIKEIKI Ridging tool SEIKEI SHID6 Politico-economic guidance SEIKEMPEI Regular military police SEIKEN NA Robust,healthy SEIKENGEN Legal source of right SEIKETSU Fresh blood I1;kE $1 2 I0V A AnA SlVt A 17E) (1) ILI Pý 4MA 4t 4 3 I#4k f51 R A 3 ~$ -k 3 'f~exd 3 etil r mABs 9 4 f~ t' 1 8V" 41M gg ~m J@i44 i i(( z 653fR s;:-,7104 70% b~iA Ir_-~~ tiY 1 IR lfs P~ -e ~ ~ii lM IaR f4t ix bbif - Q21ff Ar yrC10( ~ yX#0il~ Jb -S d5TPOi ~ rhlvc ~cits;;f iP $ hss, cg SEINEI SEIKETSU Lawful decision,irrevocable decision SEIKETSU Pure blood SEIKETSU SAIH6 Haematoblast SEIKETSUZAI Anticachectic SEIKI Christian era SEIKI Crisp air,pure air SEIKI SURU To awaken SEIKI SURU To cause,bring about SEIKI SURU To come about,arise,happen, occur SEIKIN SHfYO Diligence bonus SEIKO Full-dress trousers SEIK6 Deliberate attack SEIK6 Westbound SEIK6 Western mouth or entrance SEIKb West harbor SEIK5 SURU To go west SEIKo SURU To manufacture rope or hawsers SEIKo SURU To sail vest SEIKOBU Armor Plate Department SEIKO JIKKEMBU Armor Plate Experimental Department SEIKMK6 Steelworker SEIKOKU Spain SEIKOKU Western countries SEIK6 NO AKATSUKI Dawn of success SEIKOTSU Bonesetting SEIKOTSU Natural skill or ease in doing SEIKOTSUKb Reliquary SEIKU Mackerel sky SEIKU BUTAI Air intercept unit SEIKUKEN Command of the air SEIKUN Correct Japanese reading of Chinese characters SEIKUN Training SEIKUTAI Air control unit SEIKYO Death,decease SEIKY5 Fierce,ferocious SEIKY5 Prosperous conditions SEIHYU BAISHIN Jury trial on application SEIKYOCHO Now requesting,while requesting SEIKYOGAKU Amount claimed SEIKYOKEN Right of claim SEIKYONIN Applicant,claimant SEIKYO 0 MATTE Awaiting claim SEIKYUSHO Application,written claim SEIMAIJO Rice-polishing mill SEIMAI KIKAI Rice-polishing machine SEIMEIBO Name register SEIMEI FUDA Identification tag SEIMEI HANDAN Onomancy,divination by names SEIMEI HOKEN SHdKEN Life insurance policy SEIMEI KITOKU Life seriously in danger SEIMEI NI BETSUJ5 NAKI Without loss of life,without injury SEIMEI NO MIJIKAI Short-lived SEIMEI NO NAGAI Long-lived SEIMEI OBOTSUKANAI Little hope of living SEIMEI SEN Life line SEIMEISHO Public statement SEIMEI ZAISAN Life and property SEIMEN Cotton manufacture SEIMEN SURU To face west SEIMIN G6D6 Seiyukai and Minseito.coalition SEIMITSU KIKAIKA Precision Instruments Section SEIM6 Glaucoma SEIMONBARAI Bargain sale SEIMU I-IN Political council SEIMU JIKAN Parliamentary vice-minister SEIMUKA Political Affairs Section SEIMUKAN Administrative official SEIMUKYOKtU Bureau of Political Affairs SEIMUKYOKUCH6 Head of the Political Affairs Bureau SEIMt SAIrYOKAN Parliamentary counsellor SEIMU SiKAN Chief civil administrator, civil governor SEIMYAKU Vein SEIMYAKUNAI CHESHA Intravenous injection SEINANKU Southwest Area SEINAN NO EKI Satsuma Rebellion SEINAN SENS6 Satsuma Rebellion SEINAN TAIHEIY6 Southwest Pacific SEINANTAN Southwestern end SEINEI Calm,peace,tranquillity SEINENDAN 196 "*-@B SEINENDAN Young Men's Association *-v5+ SEINEN DANJO Young men and women SEINEN GAKK6 Part-time youth schools 3LM B SEINENGAPPI Date of birth *~A# SEINEN GIYOTAI Voluntary Youth Corps k SEINENKA Youth Section SEINENKI Adolescence ,~ SEINEN SHINSHI Young gentleman S SEINENTAI Youth corps,in China SEINIKU Beef of high quality 1 SEIN6 Performance,capacity L SEINYO Fresh milk,unboiled milk SEINY0 Pure milk 8 SEI BUMMEI Western civilization 9 SEIoKA SURU To westernize S SEION SOKKIH6 Phonography SEI-PAN Baking SEIRAI NO BYoKI Congenital disease X SEIRAI NO FUGU Congenital deformity ~ SEIRAKU Dairying. *f SEIREISETSU Animism SEIRET8U NA Clear,pure,limpid SEIRI Hedge SEIRIAN Readjustment plan X SEIRI-IN Adjustment crew lJ SEIRIJ6 From the standpoint of adjustment SEIRI KIKIN Consolidated funds f SEIRI K SAI Consolidated public, loans, refunded Government bonds tJn SEIRI KUR6RU NA- Physiological solution TORYOMU EKI of sodium chloride J SEIRINKI Brake jj SEIRI SHASAI Adjustment bond i SEIRI SHOKUENSUI Physiological solution of sodium chloride SEIRI TEIT6 Consolidated mortgage, adjustment mortgage 6 M SEIRITEKI BUNGY6 Division of functions SEIRITSU J6KEN Essentials SEIR6 West corridor Wt SEIRONKA Publicist Awala SEIRYAKUTEKI Political S -t l SEIRY6 SURU To complete manufacture I SEIRY6HIN Fresh or raw stores,of food 2 4, SEIRYO INRYO Soft drinks a- 4 SEIRYOKU Green, verdure, verdancy *7 'V\ SEIRYOKU ARASOI Struggle for power S [ SEIRYOKU HAN-I Sphere of influence #PK SEIRYOKUKA Energetic person P'7 SEIRYOKUKA Man of influence ^/7T SEIRYOKUKA NI Under the power of 7JB SEIRYOKUKEN Sphere of influence (7)<4#i*^ SEIRYOKU NO KENdK Balance of power PO)n;T SEIRYOKU NO KINKo Balance of power A7 f SEIRYOKU 0 GENZU -To reduce power or influence 8'y7J SEIRYOKU SUIM6 Impotence,in medicine '%i SEIRYoKI Rectifier 1 ^- SEIRYUSHI Commutator 4U,^ SEISAI NA Accurate and detailed SEISAKU Plan already formed,plan sure of success f. SFISAKU Standing rigging 41. SEISAKU Well rope k SEISAKU BANG5 Factory number S SEISAKUHI Manufacturing costs 1 O SEISAKUJO mactory, plant j)r 2T SEISAKUKA SURU To make into a policy P$-4 SEISAKUSHO Factory,plant ^ &^I SEISAKUHIKOMI NEDAN Cost-plus price SEISAMBI Production expense is AEISAN Diffusion, scattering ^6 SEISAN Plan,promising plan ~rtHt8$SEISANCHI SHoMEISHO Certificate of origin H SEISAN FUSOKU Underproduction SEISANHI Production cost ^ SEISAN JIPPI Cost of production ~i j SEISAN KAJ& Overproduction I.X'^- SEISAN KUMIAI Producers' guild ^k f2 SEISAN KY5TEI Clearing agreement Il SEISAN NEDAN Maklng-up price,on stock exchange lU0D SEISAN NO SAITEKITEN Optimum point of production I/7,EISANRYOKU Product'ive power W SEISAN SEIGEN Curtailment of production ^tf^ SEISANTEKI Productive 6 SEISANTEKI R6D6 Productive labor , SEISATSU Minute examination S SEISEI In good order SSEISEI Prosperity SEISEI Quiet AS A nS4 "I AL it*1 4A t iE ~ ft^ ^*3 4009 # A$C I U P Iff*. fl3 SEISo KANRNY SURU SEISEI Quiet strength SEISEI GAAZE Purified gauze SEISEI GUTTA PERUKA Purified gutta-percha SEISEI HAKUA Prepared chalk SEISEIHIN Refined article SEISEI H6MITSU Clarified honey SEISEI KASSEKI Purified talc SEISEI MEN Absorbent cotton SEISEI RYOD6 SOG6K5 Prepared storax SEISEI SH6N5 Camphor SEISEI SHUSEKI Potassium bicarbonate SEISEI TAMARINDO Purified tamarind SEISEI TEREPIN-YU Rectified oil of turpentine SEISEKI SHINSA Investigation of results SEISEMMA Choice hemp SEISEN Clear river SEISEN Clear spring SEISEN Expeditionary war SEISEN Fresh,of meat etc. SEISEN Holy war SEISEN Manufacture of pig iron SEISEN Pitched battle SEISEN Refining SEISENKYOKU Political and war situation SEISENRO Finery,refining furnace SEISEN RYoRYAKU Political and military strategy ISISEN SHIRY6 Accepted stock for paper making SEISHA Direct firing SEISHA Faithful copy,exact reproduction, clean copy SEISMA-IN Regular member SEISHATEKI Point-blank SEISHAYAKU Drug to combat loose bowels SEISHI Nuncio SEISHI Occidental history SEISHI Permanent teeth SEISHI Raw silk SEISHI DOTAI T5KEI Vital statistics SEISHI FUMEI Unknown whether alive or dead SEISHIKI Regular pattern SEISHIKI HAPPY5 Official announcement SEISHIKI JUDAKU Formal acceptance SEISHIKIKI Service type plane SEISHIKI SAIBAN Formal trial SEISHIKI YUNYU TETSUZUKI Formal entry,of imports SEISHIN Needle manufacturing SEISHIN Sincere heart,sincerity SEISHIN Truth,sincerity,sincere faith SEISHIN SURU To advance west SEISHINBYOGAKU Psychopathy SEISHINBYoTEKI HOSSA 'Nervous breakdown SEISHIN J6TAI Frame of mind SEISHIN 0 MOTTE Earnestly SEISHIN SAKURAN Dementia,distraction SEISHIN SHoM6SH6 Psychasthenia,a neurotic condition SEISHIN TENKAN SURU To restore a disordered mind SEISHI TcKEI Vital statistics SEISHO Written oath,affidavit SEISHOKU Rust SEISHOKU NO Predatory SEISHOKUKI Period of reproduction SEISHOKUKIBY6 Disease of genital organs SEISHOKU KIN. KETSUB6 Anaphrodisia,in medicine SEISHOKUSEN Genital gland SEISHOKUHITSU Germ plasm SEISHoNENDAN Youths' clubs SSEISHoNEN KY6IKUKA Youth Education Section SEISHO Y6GO Biblical language SEISHu 'Rust SEISHUSEKI Pure tartar SEISO Vital principle SEISo Clearing, sweeping SEISo Green forage SEISo Green grass SEISo Preventive war SEISo SURU To clear the ground SEISo SURU To laminate SEISo SURU To send west SEIS5 SURU To sweep thoroughly,of mines etc. SEIS6CH6 Warrant officer,maintenance,navy SEIS5 KANHRY SURU To complete a thorough sweep,for mines SEIS@MEN 197 A-) I S iA t -t;00#3 iit~~2 4 6ý t4 49-' 1 53 tt $ t -0 ~;-;iD U0~b J-k tk f it E) d ~44 Alt 09M 5L f~ I r9 A W4lb #, 4 t DOpE f A tB-: ~ 0t$J s 6iS, I t 4 4- Fe AR ii i $k ~rJj iL.;34 r$ #e45 Y5ft $igp OE Q Satf^ i~~ gEs BCM i~tf AL4j3 [6L. r t3109ci, n ~ i1~ SEISOKEN Stratosphere SEISOIU Latrine SEISOKU Rest SEISOKU SURU To take exact measurements SEIS6NEN Young able-bodied men SEISON KY5Sd Struggle for existence SEISONSHA Survivor SEISONSHA SHIHARAI HOKEN Tontine insurance SEISO Green forage SEISUI Clear water,pure water,fresh water SEISUI Essence,quintessence,marrow SEISUI NA Pure,un ixed SEISUISHITSU Fresh-water chamber SEITAI Bag manufacture SEITAI Political situation SEITAI World conditions SEITAI RIKIGAKU Vital dynamics,in medicine SEITAIRIKU North and South America SEITAN Western end SEITEI Absolute low,in meteorology SEITEI Bottom of a well,shortsighted SEITEI Nail-making SEITEN NA Accurate SEITEN HAKUJITSU Innocent,bright sun in blue sky SEITEN HAKUJITSUKI National flag of Chinese Republic SEITEN HAKUJITSU NO MI TO To be cleared, NARU of a charge SEITENKI Brake SEITEN NO HEKIREKI Bolt from the blue, bombshell SEITETSUJO Iron works,iron foundry SEITETSUKA Iron and Steel Manufacturing Section SEITETSUSHO Iron foundry SEITO Course of life SEITO Officer candidate SEIT5 Careful SEIT6 Imperial line,emperor SEIT6 Midwinter SEITo West and east SEIT6HA Orthodox party SEITO HIKAEJO Students' common room SEITOKAN Preceptor SEITdKAN Interparty SEI-fON Net ton SEIT6 NAIKAKU Party cabinet SEITONDANA Kit shelf SEIT6 SEIFU De jure Government SEIUKEI Barometer SEIWAN Western bay SEIYAKU Agreement,understanding SEIYAKU Herbs,simples SETYAKU Obstruction in manufacture SETYAKU Western medicines SETYAKUSHA Party to a covenant SEIYAKUSHO Written pledge SETYh SURU To use widely SETY6F0 Foreign style SEIYoKA SURU To westernize,occidentalize, Europeanize SEIYoKAN Foreign style building SEIY6SHI Foreign paper SEIY6 SHISb Western ideas SEIY6TSO Occidentalist SEIY6 UDO Asparagus SVlY5ZUKURI Foreign style building SE(YUSHA Living persons SETYUSHO 01l refinery SEIZA Holy See,Apostolic See SEIZAI Manufactured drugs,synthetic drugs SEIZAISHO Saw or lumber mill SEIZEIWRON Doctrine of inherent good SEIZ BU Coinage Department SEIZ~BUJ Construction Department SEIZoBU Manufacturing Department SEIZjGA.KU Iconology SEIZ KHI: Manufacturing cost SEIZ6HIN Manufactured articles SEIZ6H6a Manufacturing process SEIZ6KEN lManufacturing license SEItZ&~~I Manufacturing machine SEIZON SURT To survive SEIZON HOKEN Endowment insurance SEIZa N6RYOKU Manufacturing capacity SEIZONSRA Survivor SEIZ6 REflTAI Iconolatry SEIZU Star map SEIZTJBAN Drawing board i10: ~ R- -A At$A 4t fi t ftig ia 4-3 95 Iti;GhL qEitt** F.t AtJA ~tifS ~2 ~?t 3 1t ~r -i ~ #kilf - tdi ~c #1 i k E8 a 4;3 h hf 7 ag 1 ag 3;3\ - fA$4itr 3Bf5 i 4-k SEKININ JUMBI KIN SEIZUGAMI Drawing paper SEKAI ICHIMEN Rntire surface of glove SEKAI ISSH HIK6 Round-the-world flight SEKAI KAZE Pandemic influenza SEKAI MIZOU Unprecedented 8EKAI SAISHO Best in the world SEKAI SHUK6 Round-the-world trip SEKAI YOREKI Globe-trotting SEKAI YUREKISHA Globe-trotter SEKEMBANARE Strange,uncommon SEKENDAMASHII Savoir-faire SEKEN NO TEMAE For the sake of appearance SOKEN SUZUME Man who makes his way in society SEKEX.NT5 0 Man of the world SEKI Counter for ships SEKI Duty,rdbponsibility SEKI Jewel in a watch SEKI Measure of capacity,l.803 centiliters,surface measure, 0.033 square meters SEKIAGERU To dam up water SEKIBA' Chestnut-red horse SEKIBETSU Sorrow of parting SEKIBUTSU Stone Buddha SEKICHI Barren ground,red earth,desert, site of conflagration SEKICHI Embankment SEKICHI Location of seats SEKICHI Stony ground SEKICHID Emnbanked road SEKICHIKU SURU To defeat,rout,disperse SEKICHIN. Mercurochrome SEKICHU Among stones,inside a stone SEKICHi Stone column,stone pillar SEKICHG WANKYOKU Scoliosis,curvature of the spine SEKIDAN Pile of bullets,pile of bombs SEKIDAN Stone terrace,stone steps SEKIDEN Stony rice field,barren rice field SEKIDEN Unfertile rice field SEKIDO Barren or burnt-over ground SEKIDO Rocky earth SEKID 6 Copper SEKID5 Stone cave SEKIDOBU Fill,as in a roadway SEKIDS CHOKKA Right on the equator SEKID6 MUFOTAI Equatorial calm belt, doldrums SEKIEN Family relationship SEKIFUN Bezoar,antidote SEKIGAI Cliff SEKIGAN Crag SEKIGdK6 NANK6 Mercuric oxide ointment SEKIGUCHI Sluice gate in dam SEKIGYOKU Red precious stone SEKIEAKU Unproductivity,sterility SEKIHEKI Stone wall,crag SEKIHEN Stone chips SEKIHE SURU To banish SEKI-IN Relationship by marriage SEKI-IN Stone seal SEKI-IRERU To draw water by a dam SEKIJI Stone seal SEKIJIN Red,Communist SEKIJITSU Setting sun SEKIJ6 Meeting place SEKIJ6 Red rope,marriage bonds SEKIJS Upper side of stoneon a stone rSEKIJ5 SURU To heap up SEKIJOJI I-IN Red Cross physician SEKIJOJIKAI Red Cross Society SEKIKA Petrification SEKIKAESU To dam up water SEKIKAI Stone stairs SEKIKEKKYO Red blood corpuscles, erythrocytes 8EKIKI Red flag SEKIKS Stonecutter, stonemason,masonry SEKIKS Stone quarry SEKIKOMU To irrigate by damming a stream S~EKTTIKOTSU Spine SEKIKUTSU Defomnitg of the spine SEKIXYS Stone bridge S'EKIMEN Face of a stone,surface of a, stonp SEKIMIN Registered citizens SEK MU SENIN Confession of judgment SEKINEN NO RS Years of labor SEKININ JUMBI KIN Liability reserve fund 'SEKININ KAIJO 198 SEME 0 OU #4 -rt;icj~ Q*i GA EE 2 4 * 22,1 ~ ~it; iL ~i6~~~ ~5 6i $;4; g, g ft nfg6%tr k air1 ~ fk4g ir~ Y## ag L s4( ~h (Ttgll~ 7-6 )i rC k 6q;ig g I 3 gS& s( aEg gStf ~i~ eti i l tigg#R;i4w 715;5 ti JAc si 1 i~ Shti 6 t EPdah)cM kj jk#tt ~~ 4rQ4Dd i r;;6 L-gSt SEKININ KAIJO Absolution,release from responsibility SEKININ NAIKAU Responsib]e cabinet SFKININSHA Responsible person SEKININSHA KYUDAN YcKYU Demand for arraignment of responsible parties SEKIRAN Stone balustrade SEKIRAN-UN Thundercloud SEKIREKI Gravel SEKIRI CHIRY6ZAI Antidysenteric SEKIRI KIN Dysentery germs SEKIRI SESSHU EKI Dysentery inoculation SEKIRI YOB6 SESSHU EKI Dysentery inoculation SEKIRO Stony road SEKIRY6 Stone bridge SEKISAI TONSU Capacity tonnage SEKISAKU Notochord,in anatomy SEKISEI Red Star,a newspaper SEKISEKI Continually,incessantly -SEKISHA Jewelled,as of watches SEKISHITSU Rocky cavern,stone shelter SEKISHITSU Stone,stony character SEKISH5HY6 Red tag for wounded fit to be moved SEKISHOKU Red SEKISHOTKU ROSHIYA Red Russia SEKISHOKU RYOKA K6 Red mercuric sulphide SEKISHIKU SANKA K5 Red mercuric oxide SEKISHU Accumulation, conglomeration,pile, mass SEKIS6 SURU To send by ship SEKIS6 SURU To send,ship SEKIS&HIN Freight, shipment. SEKISO Number of ships SEKISUI Great expanse of water SEKITAI Heap,accumulation,pile SEKITAMBU Coal Department SEKITAMIBUKURO Coal bag,coal sack SEKITAMMATSU Pulverized coal SEKITAN GENZAIDAKA Amount of coal on hand SEKITAN KATSUGI Coal heaver SEKITAN K6FU Coal miner SEKITAN SH6HIGAKU Amount of coal consumed SEKITANS6 Coal bed SEKITAN TONYA Coal wholesaler SEKITAN T6SAIGAKU Amount of coal loaded SEKITAN UNS6SEN Collier SEKITANYA Coal dealer SEKITATSU To be hurried,to hurry,to rush forward SEKITATSU To hurry,hasten,urge,speed up SEKITEI Stone embanlkment SEKIT6 Red candle,a flare SEKIT6 Red light --- SEKIT6 Stone lantern SEKI-TON-SU Tonnage SEKITSUI HERUNIA Spina bifida,cleft spine SEKITSUI HIRETSU Spina bifida,cleft spine SEKITSUMERU To annoy by insistence SEKIYUBU Petroleum Department SEKTYUDEN Oil field SEKIYU KAN Oil can SEKTYU 6 Oil king SEKIYURUI Petroleum prod 's SEKIZAI Accumulated wealtl. SEKIZAN Stone chisel SEKIZUI CHUSHA Spinal injec on SEKIZUI EKI Spinal fluid % SEKIZUI KARIESU Tuberculosis of the spine,Pott's disease SEKIZUI ZEKKAKUEN Poliomyelitis,anterior SEKKAI HAIN6,Incision drainage SEKEAIKA SURU To calcify SEKKAIK6 Limelight SEBKAI SATSUZAI Lime liniment SEKKAN Ships approaching each other SEKKAN SURU To roll up SEKKASRb Coral SE3KASH6 KAIGAN Coral beach SEKKEI Snowy landscape,snow scenery SEEKEKKYU CHINK6 SOKUDO Sedimentation rate of red corpuscles SEKKEN Frugality,economy,thrift SEKKEN SURU To overwhelm,sweep over SEKIEN SHON6 SATSUZAI Opodeldoc SEKKETSUBU Slot,groove SEKKI Red flag SEEKI JIDAI Stone age. SEKKIN KAKAEK Close market 4JA4 ' 4 Al;44-[ fF fjklpý SA 4144 to)If3 A Sý at4 1 t tit vvt " A X ý-rHr hAl stai - I L MR.,& 1 ~ A ~ A 194 ~ 1#4 ~ / / A"ft @1 t p IA,, MrtXya ~ Ritt 4 ~i a 2 14t 3~ i 1-~t 2#4?A I ~' 2 0 5A,i h a 24, 13 &i la 4 '2APX *~~1 JA-4 a~ z~tz xK%)k -- c 1 k, 1 5 ( xi5 k SEKKITAI Red banner unit SEKK6 Stonemason SEKK6 SURU To sail close,to skirt SEKK6CHB Patrol leader SEKKMEEI Reconnoitering party SEKK6 SAMPEI Skirmishes SEKK6SEN Scout skirmishes,patrol encounter SEKK6TAI Reconnoitering party SEKKOTSU-I Bone setter SEKK6ZAIKU Plaster work SEKK6Z6 Plaster bust SEKKUTSU Cavern,grotto SEKKY6 SURU To cross the border SEKKYBY6 Red muscardine SEKXY DAN Pulpit SEKKY6 GdT6 Preaching burglar SEKKYOKKA SURU To become positive SEKKYOKU GAIK5 Positive foreign policy SEKKYOKUTEKI HIBAI DoMEI Positive boycott SEKKYYSHI Preacher SEKKY6SHO Preaching hall SE KaI Stone mortar SEK6 Enforcement SEKONDO Second of time,second hand of watch,pocket watch SEKU To cough SEKURABE Comparison of stature SEMBA Gelding SEMBA War horse SEMBAI Pre-emption SEMBAI KAKAKU Monopoly price SEMBAIKEN Monopoly SEMBAI KYOKA Monopoly concession SEMBAIKYOKU Monopoly Bureau SEMBAI TOKKYOHIN Patented article SEMBAI TOKKYOKEN Patent rights SEMBAI TOKKYOKYOKU Patent Bureau SEMBAI TOKKYOSH6 Letters patent SEMBAI TOKKYOSH5 Patent SEMBAKU Fighters and bombers SEMBAN Pedal SEMBAN Several nights ago SEMBAN Thousandth SEMBARI Prop,support,fastening SEMBATSU Felling of selected trees SEMBATSU Tree-pruning SEMBATSU War,battle,fight,warfare SEMBATSUHY6 List of selections SEMBATSU KY6S6 Elimination match,tryout SEMBATSUSEI Picked student SEMBATSUTAI Picked troops SEMBETSU SURU To distinguish,choose,sort SEMBI Brightness,freshness of color, vividness,cleanness SEMBIKA Military Preparations Section SEMBIN Available steamer SEMBIT6 Stern light SEMBIZAI Stern frame. SEMBO Submarine tender SEMBb Delirium,nonsense SEMB6 SURU To die in battle SEMBiK5 Peephole SEMBOKU Northern Shensi SEMB6 MADO Periscope windbw,on a tank SEMBOTSU SURU To fall in battle SEMBOTSU SENSUIKAN ' Submerged submarine SEMBOTSUSHA Person killed in action SEMBU Pacification SEMBU SURU To proclaim peace SEMBUHAN Pacification squad SEMBUN Thousand parts,division by one thousand SEMBY6 Battle sickness SEMBY& Epidemic SEMBYdSHI SURU To die of illness in war SEMEAI Attacking one another SEMEAU To blene mutually SEMEDAIKO Beating of drum for an attack SEMEDASU To begin to torment SEMEDASU To force out SEMEFUSERU To attack and subjugate SEMEGUCHI Point of attack,breach SEMEHATARU To ask with tiresome insistence SEME-IRI Invasion,inroad,irruption SEMOMU To invade,make an inroad SEMENOBORU To set off to attack the capital SEMENUKU To take by attack;to attack violently SEME 0 OU To take the blame SEMERU 199 / nb SEMERU To approach,be imminent,be obstructed k A T- 4 SEMETATERU To attack spiritedly,urge on kIh, SEMETORU To put to the rack,crossexamine,extort from SEMETSUZUMI Beating of drum announcing attack ke SEMEYORU To close in on i t) SEMEYOSERU To close in on,draw near for an attack t V 7 i SEMICHIKKU-GO Semitic languages tz. SEMMAI Rice offerings x SEMMAI Thousand flat things A SEMMAN KEIYU Via Korea and Manchukuo -A SEM-MAN-SHI Korea-Manchuku o -China SEMMEI Formal declaration,official notification S SEMMEI Name of the railway line 19 SEMMEI Name of the river 2 z SEMMEI Name of the ship ZzSi; f* SEMMEI KAKUTEI HOKEN Named policy,in marine insurance 4, i; 6 4q, SEMMEI MISAI TSUMINI Floating policy,in 4xPf HOKEN maritime insurance FAa SEMMEIROKU Register of ships f& SEMMEN Battle front AF SEMMEN Vermicelli;c 4 SEMMEN SURU To wash the face )J ASEMMEN SHUYAKU Shortening of the front lk SEMMEN TARAI Washbasin is SEMMITSU Fineness of detail A* SEMM5 Glandular hair sRB SEMM6 Pubescence,cilia 6 ap SEMMONGAI Out of one's line -pf3g SEMMON GAKUMUKYOKU Bureau of Special School Affairs bt ~ SEMMON-I Medical specialist *it SEMMONK6SOTSU Technical school graduate 1Aifqa SEMMON KY6IKUTKA College Education Section #f8a SEMMON KY(6TKKYOKU College Education Bureau #i19;j SSEMMONTEKI CHIRY6 Hospital care SEMMU Battle duty 3 ~ SEMMU Managing director I q SEMMU RIJI Managing committee jf4,1 SEMMU TORISHIMARI YAKU Managing director 401I tif dtSi SEMPAKUT CHURITSUNIN Broker's order Wt, SASHIZUSHO *01g 4it SEMPAKUDAN Shipping group A04%4,ti fl SEMPAKU EISEITAICH6 Shipping Medical Unit Commander Ab1#j jiD'k- SEMPAKU EISEITAI HOMBU Shipping Medical ip Unit Headquarters 4Aofti3-S] SEMPAKU HA556 SHIREIBU Shipping Despatch 0Q Headquarters t 0A1 SEMPAKUHJ Marine act,shipping law V41e1Fk SEMPAKU HOKEN Ship insurance At & 40 # SEMPAKU JbIN Ship's crew 47gkk- SEMPAKU J5TAI Shipping report 410,146 SEMPAKUKA m1arine Section 4 jxJ SEMPAKUJ KANRININ Ship's husband A4 4ggLeg SEMPAKU KOKUSEKI SH5HO0 Certificate of ship's nationality 44- 4(3 tAk SEMPAKU KKiKOSH- Ship air depot 46gi SEMPAKU KY6D6TAI Shipping guide unit SEMPAKUXYOKU Shipping Bureau A t )-1 SEMPAKU NAKADACHININ Ship broker v x- it'f SEMPAKU NYOK6 TODOKE Ship's entry report S SEMPAKU RINKENKEN Right of search SAn&e t SEMPAKUJ SHIBUCH6 Shipping commander Jfi 400OF SEMPAKU SHIKENJO Office of Marine Inspection and Survey 41L'4Ut SEM3PAKe SHTY6RoY Charterage 4t86 ~ SEMPAKJSHO Ship's papers *a~ R 1 SEMPAKET SHORUI Ship's papers S16 Arfi SEMPAKEU T6CKAKU HOKEN Date of arrival insurance SEMPAKU T6KIBO Shipping register RfoS SEMPAKU Y&IIN Ship's stores SEMPAN Arrow wound 3Al= SEMPANRAI For some time itk~p SEMPEI CHUTAI Point company SEMPEN Tnnumerable changes,infinite variety SEMPI Vulgarity,baseness lt~1~4~SEMPO War -time insuraxice SEMP6 Large mat coverings for junks SSEMP6 Method of fightingmilitary tactics,rules of military science, strategy A SEMP6 Mountain peak,pointed rock SSEKPM3ARAI Charge forward Ak ll t 00 4 t t~iH & Ay I Ag P Si13 0r j~q Ap PQ 3) h~o h \ f 4-9 Aýk it ri Ilk ft (D~f AL & &~ h ft 2 ~i k~t khig~g a(4 4/Zlt 4t~t1L l j42f@ j A;"$ ~ i(To~ a 14k &#:3d fi ~ t;t W;3 11 Q 4892S4 $et0 r I iA ~it SEN-I SURU SEMP6 TSQSHINSHO Forward signal station SEMPU Boatman,waterman,bargeman SEMPU Korean Government General SEMPUKUKI Latent period,in medicine and physiology SEMPUKUSEN Ship SEMPUKUT SHARIN Wire wheel SEMPUKU ZoHAI Increased shipping allotment SEMPUN Washed powdered coal SEMPY6 Criticism of a war SEMPY6 Ship's distinctive mark SEN Korea SEN Pig iron SEN Shensi SEN Ship SEN Submarine division SEN Swatov SEN Szechwan SEN-AI Fine dust,insignificant thing SENCHI Centimeter SENCHI Foresight SENCHI Shallow intelligence,superficial ability SENCHIN Boat fare SENCHIN Ship sinkings SENCHI TEATE Field allowance SENCH5 Omen,augury SENCH5H6 Enema SENCH6 KAINAN H6KOKUSHO Mariner's report on shipping casualty SENCH6 NO H6KOKU Ship captain's report SENCH6 REIKIN Hat money,primage SENCH6 SHAREI Primage SENCH6 TEKININSH6 Mariner's class and grade certificate SENCHCi During war,during battle SENCHO Point company SENDA Diving rudder,on submarine SENDAI Slipway,in shipbuilding SENDAI RIKUGUN Sendai Army NoncommissionKY5D6 GAKE5 ed Officers Preparatory School SENDAN Arbitrary decision SENDAN Shoal SENDAN KANYD SURU To enter convoy SENDANI UNKI T6SEIXAN Convoy-control officer SENDATSU SURU To seize,snatch,steal SENDEKIKI Syringe SENDEKTY6 Wash,a medicine used as a wash SENDEMBI Publicity day SENDEMBUJ Propaganda Department SbEN Previous dispatch SENDEN SEN Propaganda line SENDO Numbers of times SENDO Recently,the other day SEND6 Boatman,sailor SEND6 Trembling,shivering,vibration, oscillation,quivering SEND6KAN Leading ship SEND6SHA Instigator,agitator SEN-El Ship silhouette SEN-El NA Clear,distinct SEN-El NO Acute,aggravated,pointed, sharp, caustic SEN-El BUNSHI Radical elements SEN-EIDAN Pointed shell SEN-EIKA SURU To be radicalized SEN-EKI Glandular epidemic SEN-EN SAKU Delaying policy SENFUN Washed powdered coal SEN~GAI Outside the line SENGAIKI Outboard motor SENGAN Eyewash SENGAN Rock awash SENGANZAI Eyewashcollyrium SENQGEKI~TAI Assault troops SENGEN Gunwale,gunnel,gangway,waist of shin SENGEN Source of a river SENGEN Source of a spring SENGE=N Thousand yuan SENGENSHO Manifestodeclaration SENGI Apt of war,war skill SENGIN Bank of Korea SENG6 Ship name SENCO SAIKEN Postwar reconstruction SENGU MOKUTROKET Ship's inventory SEN HAIBI Disposition of the line SENHO War insurance SEN-I Ship's position SEN-I SURU To occupy,hold,locate A Ot A?A 0 vIL YR 0 44 4 121 wl fit 2z it Ok~o t I 4 R4 A~ lo 'je1i C) lK Ailý #l WTI* )A 0) f kP, I\ df;L l i-i RAW; B J- - $t\fic 8Z:# t5 ~ t ii tf& ~b~~ 9F1i~ *f hl oQ Q jt ' 1 4@3 & Wi e~~ FjO4 16 1934 If As - 40L# )i 3f+ i0Y s SEN-ICI 200 SEN-ICBHI Supposing that, one chance in a thousand. SENIETTO Rochelle salt,sodium potassium tartrate SENIETTO-EN Iron and sodium tartrate SEN IGAI Outside the line SEN-I JIGY6 Textile manufactory SEN-I KoY6 Stirring up the war spirit SEN-IKYOKU Textile Bureau SEN-IN Combatant SEN-IN Passengers SSEN-IN HI16 J6K6 Barratry clause SEN-INKYOKU Seamen's Bureau SEN-I NO I61 Fibrous SEN-IN Y6SEI-JO Seamen's training school SENJI Militany affairs SENJI SUFT To proclaim,promulgate SENJICHU During the war SENJI FtUKU Field service uniform SENJI HENSEI War organization,war footing SENJI HOKEN War-risk insurance SENJI HOKENKA War Insurance Section SENJI HOKENRY6 War insurance premium SENJI JoHdKYOKU OWI,Office of War Information SENJI JMAI State of war,war conditions SENJIKA During war,in time of war SSENJI KASAN NEN S Extra credit for war service SENJI KEIZAIKYOKU Wartime Economic Bureau SENJI KINSEItIN Contraband of war SEINJI KOKUSAIH6 Wartime international law SENJI K6SAI War loan SENJI MEIBO Service record SENJIN Dust of battlefield,tumult of war SENJIN Sailor,seaman,boatman SENJINKUN Soldier's codebattle instructions SENJIN MIHATSU Unprecedented SENJIRU' To steep,decoct,boil SENJI TEI-IN War strength,war footing SENJITSUMARU To become thick by cooking slowly SENJITSUMERU To boil down,to bring to boil and cook slowly over low fire SENJITShUMERU To discuss something until a conclusion is reached SENJI ZEI War tax SENJO Washing,ablution SENJO SURU To abolish,do away with SENJ6 Fan-shaped SENJ6 Filament SENJ6 Many forms SENJ6 On the line SENJa On the ship SENJ6 NO Navicular SENJ5JO Rifle SENJ6 K6SHAH6TAI Shipboard antiaircraft unit SENJ6 S6JITAI Field salvage unit SENJUIIN Munitioxts of war SENJUTSU BUTAI Full tactical forces,main forces,infantry SENJUTSUJ6 Tactical SENJUTStKA Tactician SENJUTSU TAN-I- Tactical unit SENKA Bottom of boat SENKA Results of a battle or a war SENKA Ship's cargo SENKA Ship's cost,ship's value SENKA. Whirlpool,eddy,whirlvortex SENKAI Shallow sea,shallow water SENKAIHEIXI Telephone plug switch SENKAI 116 Circuitous flight SENIAI HbT6 Revolving turret SEnKAI KIJO Flexible-mount machine gun SENKA IKITAI Corpse abandoned on field of battle SENKAIgt6Y Swinging bridge SENEAI SHIN-YE Revolving credit SENKAI S5KAIGU FUZOKU Transports equipped YUS6SEN with shallow water sweeping apparatus SENKAIU Ship's hull SENKAN Leading ship SENKAN Perforation SENAN SURU To return,turn back SENKAN KYORYUCHI Exclusive settlement SENKAN SEKKAI Transfixion in amputation SEIA SH6k"EN Bill of lading SENEEI Advance plans SENIEI Fan-shaped 10 I AM 7t 49 A #Witt -W~ REl. iuiKtb U-14 -.ITSE j;%V ~S P 3 tfi ~4 (pzS Eic~P i $MI ~sg 1 i4 Ai 4,prm a9R $554. A0+h 3~ ft4 a 4jf - Atl Ao g8 (g -49 g5 Agf4 gR J ~l~o~ $jcer fat A-ciy s IIPba4C Qoai~ k SENKEI Numberless forms SENKEI Pro1totype, foretype SENKEI Type-of ship SEKEEI NO Conical,pointed SENKEN Foresight,prescience, foreknowledge,prevision SENKIEN SURU To act in excess of one's authority SENKEN BAKURY6 Advance staff officer SENKEN SAMB6 Advance staff officer SENKENTAICH6 Advance unit commander SENKETSU Blood shed on battlefield SENKETSU SURU To decide the war SENXETSU MONDAI Matter for first consideration SENKI Laws of war SENKI Lumbago,renal colicenteralgia, colic SENKI Opportune time for battle SENKI Previous rule,precedent,previous exejnle SENKI Ship's flag or colors,bunting SENKI War flag,battle flag SENKO Boathouse SENKO War drum,battle drum SENK6 Choice ore SENK6 College preparatory school SENK6 Fineness,elegance,delicacy, refinement SENK6 Washing of mineral ores,orewashing.ibuddling SENK6 SURU To measure,calculate SENK6 SURU To precede SENK6 SURU To proceed submerged SENKdKA Postgraduate course SENKOKU Country at war SENKbSHA Excavators SENK6 SUIRAITEI Submarine torpedo boat SENK6TEI BOKAN Submarine depot ship, submarine tender SENK6TEISEN Submarine warfare SENKOTSU Bones of soldiers killed in battle SENKU Occupied zone SENKU Section of a railway SENKU War zone,sector SENKU SURU To tremble with fear SENJUN Battle lessons SENEUN Lessons from the war SENKUTSU Hiding place SENKY6 Bridge,of a ship SENXY6 Preaching of a religion SENKY6 Sector boundary SENKY6 Sendai Army Noncommissioned Officers Preparatory School SENKMOJ.6 Election booth SENKYO KIJITSU Election day SENKYONIN Voter,elector SEHNKYUHIN Comfort bags for sailors SENNAI In Korea SENNAI Inside the ship SENNAI Within the line SENNAI YUBIN Sea post SEMNNAI. YZEIHIN Mariner's declaration and SHINKOKUSHO store content SENINAN Shipwreck,accident at sea SENNARIMIN Shipping millionaire SENNICHI The other day SENNIMBARI Thousand-stitch belt SENNIN Nomination, election,appointment SEZNIN Thousand men,many men;ENNINJUN Order of seniority SENNINKAN Senior warship,senior officer's ship SENNINSHA Senior official SEN NI SOTTE Along the line SENN6 Korean farmer SENNYU Penetration SEN 0 KAKERU To lay wires BEN PESUTO Bubonio plague.SEN0AN Arrogant coxduct SENREI GENKA Age depreciation,in shipping SENRFKI Ship's record SENRETSU Division,fiusure,tear,fission SiEZNR Victory SENRIHIN KISOKU Booty regulations SENRIN SURU To revolve SENRO Steamship line,sea route,ship's course SENROKA Roadbed Section SENRON Main argument SENR6SHI War and the Working Classes, a newspaper SENRNOSHI SENRO TATEMONO IJIHI 201 ft44$jt** SENRO TATEMONO IJIHI Maintenance of way and structures %UPPi SENRYAKU BUTAI Rangers,commandos, paratroops,etc. SENRYO Prisoner of war SENIRY6 Sole possession &P8 d SENRY6 CHI-IKI Occupied territory SENRYbCHU Now occupied SENRY&-A NI Under the'occupation of SENRYOKU War strength ~A'7f SENRYOKUHAN War strength group j F SENRYOKU ONZON BAIYo Morale building PT~AeI SENRY6 SKAMBU Office of Governor General of Occupied Territory ' SENRY So-KAN Governor General of Occupied Territory ICA- SENRYU Current of springstream SENRYU River current SENRYU Shallow current,ford,shallow SENSAI Arbitrary decision SENSAI Fresh vegetables SENSAI War disaster II SENSAI War loan VASENSAI Ship's cargo 41t SENSAI SURU To mount on a ship 4S'T6P~ SENSAI K5SHAH6TAI Ship's antiaircraft unit INA! SENSAISHA War victim SENSAKU Battle plan SENSAKU SURU To point,sharpen SENSAN Korean product 104", SENSAN Shipping Staff A4SENSAN KEMMEI Shipping Staff organizational order L RfA4 SENSATSUZUKI SAIKEN Premium bond 41 SENSEI Initiative 'i SENSEI Battle situation SENSEI War potential S SENSEI FURYO Prisoner on parole T V A-- SENSEI HOKEN Increase of property coverage i4 SENSEI IHAN Perjury,violation of an oath S SENSEI KUNSHU Despot,absolute monarch ] ii 1SENSEI KUNSHU SEITAI Absolute monarchy S SENSEI RYUDAN Shell of low-grade steel d[X SENSET SEIJI Absolute government WFJ1[ SENSEI SEITAI Autocracy,despotism SENSEISHIKI Administering of an oath LaSENSEISHO Written oath,affidavit #*]IA SENSEI SHUGI Absolutism,despotism SENSEKI foading a boat,cargo SENSEKI Military exploits,meritorious service in war SENSEKI War marker A SENSEKI KIKAN Allotted loading time for ship SENSEKIK6 Port of registry SENSEKISH6 Ship's certificate of registr ASENSEKI SH6KEN Shipping papers SENSEKI SH6SHO Certificate of ship's nationality SENSEKI T6ROKUK6 Port of registry SENSEN Warship SENSHA Boats and vehicles,ships and cars SENSHA Equipment used to hull rice SENSHA Tank ff SENSHA DANRETSU Tank echelon S SENSHAG6 Antitank trench * b 6g SENSHAH6 Tank guns 01iA M USENSHA JIRAI Tank land mine (-Afiaftil1 SENSHATAI NO DANRETSU Tank echelon ~i~S^ SENSIA Y6RIK SENTEI Tank landing ship ~~*~83Mt~ SENSHA Y6RIKUTY~ SHOTEI Tank landing craf 1 ~p~ g~SENSHI Combat division SENSHI Imperial rescript or command, Imperial proclamation a SENSHI Ship captain SENSHI Special messenger SENSHIKAN Ship commanding officer SENSHIKI NA Shallow,superficial sa ~-~IQ SENOSHINDO Depth SENSHINSHA Senior,leader SENSHI SHA Persons killed in action if di SENSHISThTJ' El~ection SENSHITSU Lumbago,renal colic,enteralgia SENSHITSU War lossescasualties A~~4A4 SENSEITSU TSUMINI Berth cargo,cargo shipped at low rates 54 A4 SENSHO Shallow place SENSHb Secret trade,smuggling,fraud SENSH6 Ship's carpenter SENSH6 Ship's mast SENToCHu IVrX SENSH6 Wounded in battle?IPA 0 SENSH KOIKU Victorious country 4 SENSHaSHA Battle wounded A SENSH6SHA Victor,conqueror SENSH6SHI Battle casualties,killed and wounded ýN 0T SENSH6 SHUKUGAKAI War celebration meeting g SENSHU Choosing,sorting out,sorting, selection + SENSHU Countless kinds Aam SENSHU Sailor,seaman,boatman AOf SENSHU Ship class at -t-1 SENSHU DAIRI Managing shipowner SENSHU HoDAI Foremost battery a SENSHU KEISAKtU Bowfast,headfast Aý 10 SENSHUR6 Forecastle VA SENSHIUTSU Extraction,daily production SENS6 Farewell gift 444 SENSb6 Impetigo SENSb6 Physiognomy,countenance o9 SENS6 BOPPATSUGO After the outbreak of war _K SENSBDAN War talk,war story + SENS6 JbTAI State of war SENS6 KEIKI War prosperity SENS6 KIBUN War atmosphere or spirit SENSOKU Bare feet SENSOKU Battle speed SENSOKU WATASHI Free alongside ship Afi SENS&NAN Shipwreck SENS6 NARIKIN War profiteer? #iWt4 SENS6 SEND6SHA War mongers 117Ej3 SENSBSHI SURU To die of battle wounds W ý. SENS6 TO R0D6 KAIKYU War and the Working pgqClass,a newspaper AK SENSUI Shallow water,shoal,shallow igAlPPiA SENSUI BUTAI Submarine force Uti SENSUI FUKU Diving suit i<A, OiAti SENSUIKAN HAIBICHI Submarine base UA(.fst, SENSUIKAN KICHI Submarine base,VA&K s StP6 SENSUIKAN KICHITAI Submarine base unit I K At SENSUIKAN-ON Sound of submarine A# 0(3A1 A SENSUI SAGY5TEI Diving tender Awl SENTAI Battleship,cruiser or minelayer division TfI SENTAI Regiment,army air tA'kz 'lx SENTAI BANJ5 Myriad-shaped AWtP SENTAI HOKEN Hull policy a1f jf) SENTAI SHIY5SHO Hull specification I r SENTAKU Rivers and marshes SENTAKUDARAI Wash tub,I SENTAKU ITA Washboard D SENTAKUKAI Selective buying ýU_4t SENTAKU KAMOKU Optional course SENTAKUKEN Right of choice M1 O~i~ 'SENTAKUXENZUKI KEIYAKU Option contract i: IV SENTAKUMONO Wash, laundry SENTAKU SAIMU Alternative obligation S SENTAKU SEKKEN Laundry soap C -,:'4 SENTAKUYB SEKKEN Laundry soap SENTAN Coal washing and sorting SENTAN Edge,periphery '9 $ SENTAN First,front,head,first rank, advanced guard,beginning,source ~iap SENTAN Front of ship SSENTAN KAISHI Outbreak of hostilities SENTANKI Coal washer;&' ~SENTAN K6J6 Coal washing works S tU& I! SENTAN 0 YUKU To take the lead,surpass Ast l SENTEI Ships and boats jAL4C SENTEI Sub-chaser ~u W,~~13P~Z SENTHI KICHI BUTAI Ship bjase unit t SENTEI'KID6 BUTAI Mobile-boat unit ~3~t&E33 SENTEI KID6TAI Mobile-boat unit SENTEKI Washing,abstersion r SENTEKIY6 Medicinal wash ~~ 98SENTEN Rotation ~ ~ SENTENKIN Rotator niuscles,the rotators L SENTE 0 UTSU To make the first move SENTETSU Korean Railways SENTETSU SUrU To penetrate,pass through SENTO Plan of field of battle,limits of operation-s SENTO Slaughtering,butchery SENT5 Bathhousepublic baths kO- SENT6 Cape,promontory,sharp point SENf4T6 Hsuan-t'ung,Chinese era 1908-1911 SENT6 Ship's lights SENT 6 Swab SENT6B6 Field cap VSENT6 CHIKYd Sector boundary l SENTbCHU In action,engaged * SENTo CHITAI 202 ^Wl pfaL 0 $it Alt ^sj & Ag T ~S5 tt8Jt t - 4~ * g fg ~ 9 (tf Ate ~ iE~ L fel^T ^S^^A -a~t 6f tt 9 tl t -, *m t? t^ ^ i/M t^/c^. 5 a~t ^ ~fflt5 JfL oo ^^48 SENT6 CHOTAI Pursuit company SENT6 GAIH6 Action summary SENT6 GUN Field army SENT 6IN Combatant,fighter SENT6 JINCHI Battle position SENT6 JORETSU Order of battle SENT5 JUMBI Preparation for action SENT3 JUN-Yo-KAN Battle cruiser SENT6AI Battleship SENT KAN Leading ship SENT6 KANTAI Battle fleet SENT KI Action flag SENT KI SJMu-IN Fighter pilot SENTo K6I Act of hostilities SENT6 KYoREN Battle practice SENT6 SEKK6 Combat patrol SENT6 SEN Battle array,line of battle SENT6 SH6TAI Leading section SEN TO SURU To try to do SEN~TTAI Forward echelon,leading unit, navy SENT6 TAIKEI Battle formation SENT6 Y&H6 Battle summary SEN-YAKU Previous engagement SEN-Y6 First importance SEN-Y6 Use in war,utilization in combat SEN-Yo SURU To monopolize SEN-Yo SURU To select and use SEN-YoHIN Ship's stores SEN-YoKI Private plane SEN-YuBUTSU Possession SEN-YOBUTSU HOZEN Maintenance of possession SEN-YUGUMI Fellow-soldier's team SEN-YU KAIFUKU Recovery of possession SEN-YUKEN Monopoly,exclusive right SEN-YDKEN Right of possession SEN-YUSHA Occupant,possessor,sole owner SENZAI Shipbuilding materials SENZAI Whippletree SENZAI FUKYO Immortality SENZAIXA Invisible supply SENZEMMEN Prewar level SENZU Ship diagram SEOIBUKURO Improvised haversack SEOIGO Pack frame SEOIKIRENAI Unable to carry SEOIKOMU To take charge of a matter SERIAGERU To raise with effort SERIDASHI Expulsion,emergence,pushing out SERIKOMU To plunge into,penetrate,fall to bottom,enter by contracting,penetrate by force,sink in,merge into SERITATERU To incite,excite,stimulate SERITSUMERU To press,press hard,molest SERO DANS6SHA Cellist SERU Self-starter SERU M6TAA Self-starter motor SESERAGI Murmur of shallow water,gurgle SESERIDASU To hollow out or furrow,, excavate,pick out,bring to light SESERIDASU To look for faults in others, let out secrets SESERU To be urgent,be imminentcome closer,menace,toy with,peck SESHO FUD6SAN Freehold fee SESHU KARI JIDAI Freehold ground rent SESHU SHISAN Inherited property SESSA Cutting and polishing,assiduity, diligence SESSAIBU Point of contact between ground units SESSE TO Diligently,assiduously, attentively,insistently,sadly,often SESSEI Western Chekiang SESSEI SURU To be moderate or temperate, abstain from SESSEIH6 Hygiene SESSEIKA Valetudinarian,dietarian SESSEN NA KEIEI Bad management SESSHA I,my SESSHI Forceps SESSHI Grafting,in horticulture SESSHI Loyal warrior,virtuous man SSSSHI Grinding or gnashing of teeth, chagrin,profound regret,the icoisors SESSHI SURU To grind one's teeth SESSHIAWASERU To contact,confer with SESSHIN My letter SESSHSCHO In midst of negotiations SESSH5 KaGO Empress Regent,Queen Regent SESSHOKU DENSEN Contagion 9- A To 16AVI TX 2 4#vr 2, $4" Z. 2, Itz -t 2, a Ktd 6 ~1 2 4f 4 2, if 4 6-P GC 2 4iti ^ ^et 4 2, 3 X T ^ L M*e 61,t 3 ^4^t tY)4 ^ir^ f^N -t^ t^^ ^ ^ t^ w I wm ^1&9 1 MIn 41414A SETSUZOKUHI SESSHOKUMEN Contact surface SESSH6 NO MIYA Prince Regent SESSHU SURU To inoculate,vaccinate SESSHU SURU To steal SESSHD SURU To obtain,aoquire,collect, commandeer,requi si tion SESSHU SURU To take over control of SESSHU EKI Inoculation SESSHUKU Reduction, curtailment SESSHU RYoHI Vaccine cure SESS6 Incised wound SESS6 Sword cut,sword wound SESSON SURU To break down SESSUI Economy of water SESSUI In contact with water SETAGERU To oppress,maltreat,tyrannize over,press,urge on SETAKA Tall man SETAMERU To reprimand,criticize,torture, tyrannize over SETARAOU To carry on bent back SETARA UMA Sway-backed horse SETCHAKU Contact, junction,union, connection SETCHAKU SURU To be close to,border upon SETCHAKUZAI Bonding material SETCHI SURU To touch the ground SETCHI BUTAI Construction unit SETCH5 SURU To intercept,in radio SETCHU In the snow SETCHU SETSU Eclecticism,compromise on conflicting views SETOJI Stitching or sewing of books SETSU Chekiang SETSU Holiday, anniversary SETSUBIHI Equipment expense SETSUBIJUTSU Rhinoplasty,in surgery SETSUBOKU Grafting,in horticulutre SETSUBUN Spelling SETSUDAN Fracture in metal SETSUDAN SURU To disconnect,break contact SETSUDANKI Switch SETSUDEN Wire received SETSUDoRIN Flywheel SETSUEI SURU To construct SETSUEIHAN Construction squad. SETSUEITAI Construction unit SETSUGAN SURU' To approach the shore,hug the coast SETSUGAN SURU To land,hit the beach SETSUGEN Limitation SETSUGEN SURU To urge,emphasize,speak to the point SETSUG6BU Commissure,in anatomy SETSUG6H6 Inosculation,method of connection,synthesis,in surgery SETSUHAN ToCHOKU Dogwatch SETSUHAZURE Out of season SETSUHY6 SURU To lay markers,in channel etc. SETSUHYoKAN Marking vessel,vessel laying channel markers SETSUJI *URU To explain SETSUJ5 On the snow,over snow SETSUJ6 Surface of the snow SETSUJoKI Folder,bone blade for folding paper SETSUJoKOKU Neighboring countries SETSUKAN SEN Hangchow-Hankow Railroad SETSUMEIGO Predicate SETSUMEI JIMAKU Subtitle SETSUMEISHO Explanatory note SETSUM6 Snow blindness SETSUMON Pressing demand,urgent questioning SETSUMON Problem,question SETSUMYAKU Anastomosis, inosculation SETSUNATEKI Fugitive,transient SETSUNYU EMPP Wedge tactics SETSURITSUSHA Founder,organizer SETSURYOKU Construction capacity SETSUSETSU Diligently,earnestly SETSUSETSU Sadly,desolately SETSUSETSU Sincerely,politely,kindly SETSUWA Telephone interception SETSUWAKI Listening set SETSUYAKU SETSU Abstinence theory,in economics SETSUYAKU S6CHI Saver,economizer SETSUY65 Great importance,urgent need BETSUZOKU EKI Junction station SETSUZOKUHI Transhipment charge SETSUZOKU SEN 203 9 0 1 SETSUZOKU SEN Connecting line,junction rails $# a SETTAIBI Reception day t-4-4 9 SETTAIGAKARI Receptionist $4fg i SETTAIHI Entertainment expenses or allowance.3 s1 SETTAISHITSU Reception room ItM E SETTEISHA Grantor,in law APISttJ. SETTEKI CHI-IKI Territories adjoining the enemy SETT& SURU To receive It t i O SEZARU KAGIRI Unless we do SESEZARU 0 EZARU Must do -_SA Noun of agent,person indicator, person engaged in SHABA Carriage horse,cart horse SHABAKU SURU To fire off SHABAKURA Gunnery and Bombardment.Section SHABAN Ramp SHABAN Sand table 'a 9 i SHABERIDASU To start one's tongue wagging SSHABERIPPANASU To talk without coming to a conclusion SHAB6 SURU To protect S SHABYb SURU To break out anchor SHACHI Precincts of a Shinto shrine SHACHI Sandy ground S SKHA-CHI-HO Archivers classifiers SHACH5 Wheel base SHACHU In the sand SHADA Butt,earthen bank -AtWSHADAN Beveling S SHADAN Shrine altar;tiLg- SHADAN H6JIN Legal corporation,juridical association j5 B SHADANSH5 Traverse,in fortification L4MifMl SHADAN SOSHIKI Corporate organization 8M SHADEN Telegram of thanks 4J( SHADO Obliquity SHAD6 F.mp,sloping road SHAEI Oblique reflection SHAEI Reverberation SHAEI Shadow,projection SHAEI SHIREIKAN Billeting commander SHAEN Associaticon tax or contribution 4zU SHAEN Lengthening of range SHAEN Luxury tax,China SHAEN SURU To shade,veil,screen SHAENT6 Flash hider,for machine guns etc. SHAFU Sand dunes SHAF0 Side wind ~L z SHAFO Windbreaker,windshield SHAGA Car frame SHAGAI Wagon cover SHAGAI JuYAKU Outside director SHAGAN Brown face,tanned complexion SHAGEKICHU While firing,during the shooting SHAGEKI HdI Flanking fire SHAGEKIKA Armament Section SHAGEKIKAI Shooting match. SHAGEKIKAN Firing ship,ship to fire SHAGEKI K6KA Result of fire SHAGEKISHIKI S6CHI Fire-control apparatus SHAGEKI SHOGEN KANSAMBAN Firing-data corrector SHAGEKIY6 For firing,for shooting SHAGO Next astern SHAGO SURU To shade,veil,screen SHAGYO Archery and horsemanship,physical education SHAGYO Coachman,driver 41t. SHAHAN Slope ~P A4 23 z SHAHAN SURU To lower a sail z~ SHAHATSU SURU To shoot SHAREI BUTAI Screening force,naval SHAHEIBUTSU Cover,shelter SHAHEICHI Close country 5L~4t SHAHEIT JINCHI Covered position SHAHEIKAl Sheltered zone SHAHEI MAKU Camouflage covering SHAH6 Archery SHAH6 Slanting side SHAHIK6 Obliquity SHAHY Range,or firing table 4 SEA-I Tilting,incline,slant itks SHA-IKI Shrine area SHAJI Shrines and temples SHAJIKUYU Axle oil SHAJIN Dust SHAJIN Dust raised by vehicle t4T id ii P it I Rit it 4 3 LL ~,i~f 4fV f IYi) it ii m TIT~ I t 4Ai it & Ri 7 944t * 1#)t4# 490 f~t TaLF ~ dt brlf &13a 4685;f( k ~itt)iff s ' X04 ~a?& $:# ~'fShi$ ~SI ti 4t t9 -i SHAKUHo SHAJITSU Setting sun SHAJ5 Letter of pardon SHAJ6 Shooting range SHAJUTSU Archery SHAKA Incline,sloping descent SHAKA SURU To dismount,of a gun,unload, take off SHAKAI Company SHAKAIBU Ministry of Social Affairs,China SHAKAIGA Social self SHAKAI GENSH5 Social phenomenon SHAKAI HOKEN Social security insurance SHAKAI HON-I SHUGI Societism SHAKAI JIJITSU Social fact SHAKAIKA Public Welfare Section SHAKAIKA SURU To socialize -SHAKAI KAIRYoKRA Social reformer SHAKAf KAIRY5RON Meliorism SHAKAI KAKUHAN NO All sorts of men HITOBITO SHAKAI KANZOKU Social usage SHAKAI KEJYAKU SETSU Doctrine of social contract SHAKAI KEIZAI Social economy SHAKAI KY6IKU Social education SHAKAI KY6SAN SHUGI - Communism SHAKAI MINSHUT6 Social Democratic Party SHAKAI NO KAIKYU Social scale SHAKAIRYOKU Social force SHAKAISEI Social nature SHAKAI SEIDO Social system SHAKAIS6 Phases of life SHAKAISB Social strata SHAKAI SOSHIKI Social system,social structure SKAKAITEKI BUNKAI SAY5 Social disintegration SHAKAITEKI HOINN Social instinct SHAKAITEKI TEIKOKU SHUGI Social imperialism SHAKAIT5 Socialist party SHAKAI T5SEI Social control SHAKAI TdTA Social selection SHAKAI UNDb Social movement SHAKAKU SURU To refuse to see a visitor SHAKAN Path of bullet in a wound SHAKEI Inclination SHAKEI Sloping path SHAKI Rut SHAKIN Gold dust,placer gold SHAKIN Honorarium,fee SHAKIN SAISHO Placer mining SHAKKIN 5 Debt king,debt magnate SHAKKINTORI Bill collector SHAKK5 Interpretation,explanation SHAKKU Leased area,of fishing grounds, mining concession,or land SHAKKURY5 Lease payment for fishing grounds,mining concession,or land SHAK6 Bean,of light etc. SHAK5 Black-out SHAK5 Carriage building SHAK6 Cartwright,wheelwright SHAK5 Raked aft SHAK5 Sailing loxodromic course SHAK& Sand pit SHAK5 Sloping drain SHAK5 To use something as an excuse SHAK5 HOKEN Gambling insurance SHAK5 JINCHI Switch position SHAK& MAKU Black-out curtain SHAKU Dipper SHAEU Unit of capacity,0.0180 liters SHAKU Unit of cloth measure,37.9 cm SHAKU- Unit of linear measure,30.30 cm SHANT Unit of square measure,3.30 square cm SHAXU Field of fire SHAKUBEN SURU To make a loan SHAKUBYAKU Red and white SHAKUCHIKEN Lease,leasehold SHEAUCHIRKE HOKEN Leasehold insurance SHAKUCHININ Lessee,leaseholder,tenant SHAKUCHIRYb Ground rent SHAKUCHI SH26SHO Lease of land,the document SHAKUDAN SURU To cut,cut off SHAKMDM IRO NO Brown,tanned,sunburnt,red SHAKUGIN Borrowing money SHAKUG5 Name of a title SHAKUGO Nickname SHAMKEH Debit,debtor side SHAKU-IKI 204 'A~V 94 J OF,o KAR f M, 01 3 cl tkA *%+K M. t j 51ibel ViN likS't r l& s'Ag ~ $4P-8 $ tthod 5E AD~e Ej[ ~i~tld ETR; ~ 3i Ri4 AiNT l +-0 -A 4 1.i t -4 A c E ck~SB, 'IC JP/k\btt SHAKU-IKI Certificate of peerage SHAKU-IKYOKU Peerage Bureau SHAKUJIME Unit of timber measure,144 board feet,l by 1 by 12 feet SHAKUNETSU BAKUDAN Thermite bomb SHAKU NI SAWARU To lose one's temper SHAKUNYU SURU To borrow SHAKUTJY KIN Loan SHAKURY6 Amount loaned SHAKURY5 Rent SHAKUSHAKU Sparklingly,brilliantly SHAKUSHIGATA NO Dipper-shaped,spatulate SHAKUSHI JBGI Hard and fast rule, officialism SHAKUSH6 Cauterization SHAKU S6GANKY5 Antiaircraft telescope SHAEKUYANIN Tenant SHAKJYARY6 House rent SHAKUY6SH6 Bond of debt SHAKMY5 SH6SHO Evidence of debt,the document SHAKUYO Tenancy SHAKUZEN SURU To clearly understand SHAKUZEN TO Clearly SHAKUZEN TO Clearly,plainly,remarkably SHAKUZEN TO Glitteringly,radiantly SHAKUZEN TO Liberally,generously SHAKYb Frame of chassis SHAKYOKUSEN Oblique line SHAMEI Commercial company's orders SHAMEI Name of a company SHAMEI NI YORU At the company's orders SHAMINT6 Social Democratic Party SHAM6 Expenditure of ammunition SHAMU Office routine SHAMUKA Engines and Cars Section SHZMUSHO Shrine office SHANAI Interior of a vehicle SHANDAI Shanghai Diplomatic Office SHANETSU Radiation SHANHAIDAI Shanghai Diplomatic Office SHANHAISb Shanghai Consulate General SHANS6 Shanghai Consulate General SHANYUK6 Point of entrance SHAREI Amnesty order SHARIBETSUZAI Syrup SHARO Incline,ramp SHARO Roadway,carriageway SHARUK6-SHIBY6 Charcot's disease SHARY6 CHUTAI Ambulance company SHARYKiA Vehicles Section SHARY6 KIRO Freight-car kilometer, freight-haul unit SHARY6 SH6J3 Ford for vehicles SHARY6 Y6RIKUY6 SHUTEI Workshop landing craft SHARY6YU Vehicle oil -SHARYV Class,sect,type,school,order SHASAI Loading of a vehicle SHASAI Shrine festival SHASAI GEMBO Debenture ledger SHASAIKEN Debenture,bond SHASATSUSHA Killer,assassingunman SHASEKI Gravel,sand and stones SHASEN Archery battle SKASEN Company railway line SKASEN Line of elevation,line of fire SHASEN Sand colic SHASEN 0 SAKERU To avoid the line of fire SHASETSU KISHA Editorial writer SHASHIGAN Squint-eye SHASHIN Oblique advance SHASHIN BUMK6KI Spectrograph SHASHINCHB Photograph album SHASHIN DENS6 Phototelegraphy SHASHIN DENaSKI Telephoto device SHASHIN DENS9 SaCHI Telephoto apparatus SHASHIN D6RAKU Photo hobby,photo fad SHASHINHAN Newspaper cameramen SHASHINHAN Photography group SHASHIN EASSEA SURTY To angle fire SHASHIN HIKINOBASHI KIKAI Enlarger SHASHIN-IN Photographic personnel SHASHIN INGASHI Photographic paper SHASHINJU Camera gun SHASHINJUTSU Photography SHASHINKAN Photographic studio SHASHIN KEKKON Picture marriage SHASHINKI Camera SHASHINKYh Photographic lens SHASHIN NO GEMPANKAKE Plateholder,in photography SHIBo KrOKU Ak) t& SHASHIN NO SEKIBAN Photolithography SSHASHINSHI Photographer SSHASHINSHJ Photographer S v SHASHIN ZAICHU Contents photos only SHASHI ZET Luxury tax SSHASH& Cartwright,wheelwright A*( SHASH6 Motor pool SHASHo DAI Conductors platform *1NT SHASH6JO Fording place for vehicles Ot SHASHK K6SEN SHIKI Indicating slope by shading rays striking obliquely SHASHOKU Ochre g SHASH6SHITSU Conductor's compartment t SHASHUTSU HAKKAN SURU To catapult from a ship SHASHUTSUKI Airplane catapult SHASOKU Company rules SHASOKU Firing speed SHASOKU Speed of a vehicle SHASUI Priming,as of pump SHASUI Water that carries sand %jfwi SHATAIZAIKUJ Coachwork SHATAKMTRY Rent allowance SHATEKIBA Rifle range SHATEKI ENSHO Target practice,rifle practice SHATEKI NO MEIJIN Crack marksman SHATEN Firing point SHA-UN Car sickness SIIA-UN Prosperity of a company SSHAWAKU Frame,chassis SHAYAKU Purgative SHAY6 Company business SHAYU Company's or society's property '114 SHAZAI Buttress li:14 SHAZAI Company's property mfix k SHAZAIJ6 Letter of apology SHAZEN Space before a shrine SHI Branch office SSHI China A SHI Radical 065 ~ SHI Counter for pulse beats SE HI To,with dates etc. t SHI Division SHI Division,Chinese SSHI Limited partnership SHI Newspaper It SHI Radical 077 S HI Shilling SSHI Subhead 42 6 ~ tjght SHIAGE KANJ6 Payment by the piece ti j t SHIAGEK5 Finisher L ' i SHIAKIRU To get tired of doing 4 SHIAN Personal safety SHIAN Test plan SHIANGAO Pensive look 4S SHIAN KEISATSU Private police 49 SHIATSU Control of bleeding by finger pressing SHIATSU Pressure indication i SHIATSU Pressure of the fingers SSHIAU To have a bout p SHIBA Team of four horses SHIBAGAKI Brushwood fence SHIBAGURUMA Cart for brushwood SHIBAHARA Grass,turf * SHIBAI Sale on approval id o SHIBARHIN Memorandum goods SA s SHIBAIZUMI Trial shipment Yi SRIBAKICARI Firewood gathering,firewood gatherer SEIBAKARKTI Lawn mower ks~ SHIBAKU Experimental bomber Y014 SHIBA NO IORI Brushwood hut,humble cottage -(t 1 SHIBARAKEU MATE Stand by < ( SHIBARAKU SHITE Soon,shortly SHIBARIAGERU To chain up,bind up "i 5 SHIBARITSUKERU To tie up,bind up,make fast ~g 3. SHIBARU ITO Binder twine 44 SHIBAYAMA Hill covered with brushwood t L SHIBAYAMA Turfed hill &ta 6 SHIBIRIA ENKAISHO Maritime Province 1 fof Siberia be, SHIBb Face,shape,appearance S SHIBb GAgKK School of one's choice Age SHIB6 HENSHITSU Fatty degeneration * t IkM SHIB6 HOKEN Life insurance 0 LtSHIBWHY5 Death list *tL * SHIBM KIKOKU Obituary notice SHIBORITORU 205 SHIBORITORU To seize wrongfully,extort 4tet-4 SHIB6 SEIZONHY6 Mortality table it 1* SHIB6SHA Applicant,candidate A 4 SHIB6SHA Dead people,the dead PE t- SHIBBSH6 Death certificate I SHIB6 SHOSHO Death certificate SHIB6SU Number of deaths SHIB6 TODOKE Notice of death.;Ftt SHIB6 ToEI Mortality returns SHIB6 T6KEIHY65 Mortality returns I t SHIBOTSU SURU To die Ak 0 HIB6 TSUCHI Obituary notice SHIBOTSUSHA Dead people,the dead St 3HIB6YU Fat oil Auk SHIBUCH6 Branch office head SHIBUNSHO Private documents SHIBUSA Sourness,tartness,astringency SHIBUTSU Private property SHIBUTSURA Sullen countenance,wry face, grimace tSHIBY6 FUJY6 Anchorage marker buoy 44it, SHICHI Private land SHICHI Superior intelligence,very intelligent person SHICHI FUDA Pavn ticket SHICHIH6 Seven precious treasures SHICHIHYAKUNENSAI Septicentennial St HICHI-IRE SH6KEN Instrument of pledge SHICHI-IRI NUSHI Pledger SHICHIKEN Right of pledge,in pawning t ~T@ SHICHIMEN TOKAGE Chameleon W4i SHIIHIMOTSU Pawned article V A10, SHICHIMOTSU TSOCH5 Pawn passbook tjt/\g SHICHINAN HAKKU Chapter of misf'ortunes tz*A. SHICHI NEN SHIKI Type of Japanese year 2597 or 1937 3o 3 L SHICHI NO NAGARE Forfeited pawn ts'k SHICHITEMBAKKI Ups and downs,vicissitudes S SHICHITORI NUSHI Pledgee #A SHICHIYAGY5 Pawnbroking t56e SHICHIY6BI Seven days of the week -ta* SHICHIY6HY6 Calendar flw SHICH6 Cities and towns SHICH6 Divisional commander SHICH6 Extreme importance SHICH6 Sub-district S SHICH6 SURU To loosen,unfasten,spread out SHICHdHEI Commissariat,service troops C SHICH6HEI KAMBU Commissariat inspection office S SHICH6HEIKAN Transport corps inspector SHICHOKU Honesty,uprightness,integrity Add SHICHOKU Straight as an arrow SHICH6NETSU Remittent fever SHICH6SONSEI Organization of municipalities PIC SHICH6TAI Transport corps,army service corps SHICH6 TOKUMUHEI Horse leaders ij 1P SHICHO On the market 1 j1 SHICHOHIN Ship steward's supplies S1A SHICHU NABE Stewpan SHIDAI Teachers college SHIDAI Circumstances,situation,as soon as ýX 3 1 SHIDAI NI Gradually,more and more 0,0 SHIDAN Historical stories 014Ma SHIDAN ENSHU Interdivision maneuver ^J? SHIDAN MEIREI Division orders -IM SHIDAN SH5SHO Composition agreement S SHIIDASHICHI Place of origin S SHIDASHIK6 Port of shipment 41iI U f SHIDASHIYA Caterer,cookshop t 1 SHIDEN History,biography,biographical story aid SHIDB Byroad SHID6 City street,road to a market tab SHID6 Four roads,four directions SHIDB Private road 14 '3 SHID6 SURU To start a motor t SHID6 DENDiKI Electric starter SHID6HY6 Guidepost SHID6 I-IN Direction committee SHIDBIN Director,in China SHIDMIN Foreman SHID6KA Guidance Section 1aj -5 SAIDiKAN Leader,director 49if5 t SHID6 KEIZAI Planned economy $ý T, SHID6 NO TAIKA Authority on the subject SHIDdRYOKU Stimulus,incentive SHID-SHA Starter truck SHIDoT& Guide light 665892 0 - 45 - 14 SHIHARAI MEIREI a SHIEI Descendants Z11 SHIEI Sanitary volunteer 4 (* SHIEI DENSHA Municipal streetcars SSHIEI HOKEN Municipally managed insurance 1:1t SHIEI JOTAKA Municipal dwelling house 9f ( 1 ~SHIEI NORIAI JID5SHA City bus 4 j SHIEI SEISAKU Municipalization policy S SHIEKI Profit,benefit,advantage 3J SHIEN Assistance ikk& SHIENTAI Supporting unit T it tr t SHIETAGERU To oppress,tyrannize 4 10SHIETSU Private audience Oil$ SHIFU Tutor,mentor flkrg SHIFUKU Width of a sheet of paper 1e'A sR SHIFUKU JUNSA Plain-clothes policeman hitm h SHIFUN NO KI Effeminacy Slii iPt SHIGAICHI Municipal area T14*,t * SHIGAI DENSHA Suburban streetcar *1 it - SHIGAI EISEI Street sanitation t SHIGAISEN Street fighting A,44,A SHIGAISEN RY6HB Ultraviolet treatment S41r SHIGAISH6 Local government F44 f SHIGAI S6JI Scavengery ý PFA SHIGAI SdJIFU Scavenger,street sweeper fýAji6 SHIGAI TETSUDB Street railway SHIGAEKAN School inspector 361 SHIGAKU Useless knowlbdge SHIGAKU Volunteer musician SHIGAN Historical view '1, ~SHIGAN Hope nourished from the outset 4 R, SHIGAN Secret desire,personal request I-R SHIGAN FUKUEKI Voluntary service SHIGANSHO Written application U -SHIGATAI Difficult,impossible SA SHIGATSU BAKA April fool SHIGEGAKI Thick hedge *b SHIGEKIBUTSU Stimulus,incentive -a&i I SHIGEKI DOKUBUTSU Harassing agent fi jil- SHIGEKISEI Stimulative, irritative tj Oit SHIGEKIZAI Stimulant,irritant i 3g SHIGEMBU Resources Department SHIGEN CH6SA Survey of resources S SHIGEYAMA Mountain with dense vegetation ql S HIGI Secret conference SHIGI Thought,idea 43~k SHIGOKUKAN Warden in Formosa;i' 4k 4 SHIGO KYbCHOKU Rigor mortis $tig k SHIGO SOKUMEN JUTAI Quarter column SHIGOTOCHIN Wages 4J t VYk1 SHIGOTO NI ABURERU To be out of work; SHIG6 TSUSHINXEI Visual signalling system t SHIGU Four corners SHIHA Branch,division *K9 SHIHAI Back of paper k CF1 SHIHAI KAIKYU Governing class A Adt SHIHAIKEN Management, control, supremacy A, KPT SHIHAININ DAIRI Managing agent aP SHIHAISHA Ruler,governor 1i SHIHAJIME Commencement of work 4k 0011 SHIHAMMAI Smuggled rice gT r, SHIHAN Model, example U Ak SHIHAN Private publication SHIHANDAI Acting instructor,assistant instructor Mt ' SHIHAN HINSHITSU Merchantable quality I SHIHANKA Normal course ' + A%' SHIHANKIBETSU By quarters f SHIHAN KIKAN Marketing organization 4L. 19 SHIHAN KY6BIKUKA Teachers Education Section aiai V SHIHARAI BENGI Credit,payment facilities h 4S H8IHARAIBI Payday &I44 SHIHARAICHI Place of payment ft4 9SHIHARAIDAKA Amount paid,amount payable ab1 SHIHARAI DEMPY6 Payment slip,debit slip k 1~ ~ SHIHARAI ENKI Moratorium?P$ SHIHARAI ENKI KINKYJREI Moratorium law KdbTi SHIHARAI FUNJ Insolvency SHIHARAIGAKARI Paying teller ~l~'J'S SHIHARAI HOSH6 KOGITTE Certified check a a SHIHARAI HOSH6 TESDRYB Del credere commission Ui1~&SiiiJ'~ SHIHARAI HOSHBZUKI Certified check KOGITTE a Jf~1c1~ SHIHARAI J6KEN Terms of payment i&I3F 1IA SHIHARAI JUMBI KIN Reserve fund for payment SHIHARAI KIJITSU Payment date SHIHARAI KYOZETSU SH6SHO Protest for nonpayment SHIHARAI MEIREI Order for paysient,draft SHIHARI MEIREI ANNAISHO 206 U^Ir 144 *L UXl ^ a )4 ~ - -i;.4i 9 ^ 4 * A A j '~ X^^~? A^W ^^ ^ Ii -t lixi liX - Ii Nltf lix,^ 1k A ^ liN \ ~., ^^As& SHIHARAI MEIREI ANNAISHO Advance order of payment SHIHARAI MEIREIKAN Paymaster SHIHARAININ Drawee SHIHARAI NoRYOKU Solvency SHIHARAI RJSOKU Interest payments SHIHARAI SAKI Payee SHIHARAI SEIKYO Demand for payment SHIHARAI SEIKYOBHO Written application for payment SHIHARAI TEGATA Bills payable SHIHARAI TEISHI Suspension of payment SHIHARAI TEISHI GINK5 Bank failure SHIHARAI YOSAN Payment estimates SHIHARAI YUYO Moratorium SHIHARAI YOYO KIJITSU Moratory period SHIHARAI YUYO KIKAN NO Interest on RISHT delayed payment SHIHARAI YOYOREI Moratorium law SHIHARAIZUMI Paid SHIHASSHA Test firing SHIHATERU To finish,complete SHIHATSU Four-motored SHIHATSU SURU To test fire SHIHATSUDAN Trial shot SHIHEI Soldier SHIHEI HAKK6 Issue of paper money SHIHEI HAKKo GINK6 Bank of issue SHIHEI HAKKc-EN Right of issue SHIHEI RAMPATSU Overissue of paper money SHIHEI RYOTSODAKA Note circulation SHIHEI ZoHATSU Inflation SHIHEKI Walls on four sides SHIHI Volunteer aviation rating SHIHI SURU To fertilize,manure SHIHIK6 Test flight SHIHISEI Paying student SHIHO Assistant professor SHIH6 Death notice SHIHo Environs,vicinity SHIH6BU Ministry of Justice,China SHIH6 DAIJIN Minister of Justice SHIH6 GY6SEI Administration of justice SHIH6 HACHIMEN All directions SHIH6 HAPP6 KARA From all sides SHIH6 HAPP6 NI In every direction, SHIH6 I-IN Judiciary committee SHIH6IN Judicial Yuan,China SHIH6KAN Judicial officer,the judiciary SHIH6 KEISATSU Judicial police SHIH5KEN Judicial power, jurisdiction SHIH6 K6SEIBU Ministry of Justice,China SHIHONGAKU Capitalization SHIHONKA KAIKYU Capitalist classes SHIHONKA SEIDO Capitalism SHIHON KAZEI Capital levy SHIHON KIN Capital SHIHON KIN AGARIDAKA Capital turnover SHIHONKOKU Capitalistic country SHIHON MANN6 JIDAI Capitalistic era SHIHON NO ID6 Migration of capital SHIHON NUSHI KANJ6 Investor's account SHIHON RISHI ZEI Capital levy SHIHON SHUGI KEIZAI Capitalistic economic SOSHIKI system SHIHON ZEI Capital levy SHIH5 RY6JI Judicial consul SHIH6SH6 Ministry of Justice SHIH6 SH6MEN Everywhere SHIHYAKUNENSAI Quartercentenary SHII Pasania oak SHI-I Action,performance SHI-I Intention,plan SHI-I Meaning, sen s e SHI-I Wilfulness,lack of restraint SHI-IDASU To do,execute,carry out SHI-I IGYo Illegal medical practice SHI-IN Sign of the arrow SHI-IN GIZo Private seal forgery SHII NO MI KATA Acorn-shaped SHIIRARETARU TAIKYAKU Forced retirement SHI-IRECH6. Invoice book SHI-IREDAKA Amount of goods in stock SHI-IREHIN Stock in trade SHI-IRE KAKAKU Cost price SHI-IRE KATA Buyer SHI-IRE KATA Buying wholesale,laying in stock SHI-IRE KIN Money for stocks SHI-IREMONO Ready-made article SHI-IRE MOTOCH6 Purchase ledger 8HI-IRE MOTONE Buying cost,prime cost, first cost I. f~,X\I $11>11 I k t SN -61A ^itw WK. thoif 4A*A t^B^k.j ^aBT-^ ^^TiriE j: T-E^ 90), ^1" A ^^ ^ MEtt RI ^4# ^^dik ^f^ 0% %^f & ^~.ikt^_hotg^H ^^^^44 *^-^^ ^4( ea ^^t ^ ^ ~ BK M4 *^~1At A^ ^814 *^- igy ^t ^^~ t &44^t4 ^^-^~t ^9^ r^;& af-EMR ^^i#H 41w W^^^A. TO^G3~i RAl T^^^t a-ti^^ AVIS Oki*,a SHIKAN SHI-IRENE Cost price SHI-IRE NEDAN Cost SHIIRU To be of no more use SHIITAKE Edible mushroom SHIITSUKERU To force someone to do something SHI-I UND6 Demonstration,parade SHIJI Directions,orders SHIJI CHITEN Indicated place or point SHIJI DAIMEISHI Demonstrative pronoun SHIJIHI Maintenance costs SHIJI JIKOKU Time of an order SHIJI JUNJO Order of instructions SHIJIKA NI Backed or directed by SHIJIKEN Directive authority SHIJI KIG6 Landmark SHIJIN City dust SHIJIN Exhausting,using up SHIJIN Maker of arrowsarcher SHIJIN Messenger SHIJIN Warrior,knight SHIJI 0 AOGU To ask for instructions SHIJI 0 KOtJ Please give instructions SHIJIRERU To be twisted,be wrung SHIJo Beak-shaped SHIJ6 Branch,branchlet SHIJ6 Death,state of death SHIJo Rifling of a gun SHIJ6 Sieve-shaped SHIJo CH6SA Market research SHIJ3 FuSA Paper blockade SHIJ6GAI ZAIKA Invisible supply SHIJo KAKAKU Market price SHIJ6KEN Supremacy,sovereignty SHIJ6 MIZOU Historically unprecedented SHIJ6 NO RONSEN Paper warfare SHIJ5 ZAIKA Visible stock,visible supply SHIJ6 ZEI Market tax SHIJU Dead weight SHIJO Fourfold SHIJUN KIKAN Advisory organ SHIJO NO KOTO Constant occurrence SHIJUNSETSU Lent SHIJO SHICHI SHI Forty-seven ronin SHIKA Radical 198 SHIKA Price of silk SHIKA SURU To poetize SHIKABANE Radical 044 SHIKABANE KAMMURI Radical 044 SHIKACHU On furlough SHIKAE Replacement, renewal SHIKAGARI Deer hunting SHIKAGAWA Deerskin, buckskin SHIKA GIK6 Dental technician SHIKA HEN Radical 198 SHIKA-I... Dental corps,in navy commissions SHIKA-I Dental surgeon SHIKA-I CHUI Dental corps lieutenant junior grade SHIKAI DdB6 Universal brotherhood SHIKAI D6B6 SHUGI Cosmopolitanism SHIKAIGAI Outside the field of visibility SHIKAI GICH6 Municipal assembly president SHIKAI GI-IN Municipal assemblyman SHIKAI GI-IN SENKYO Municipal election SHIKAI GIJID6 City hall SHIKA-IKA Dental corps,navy SHIKAINAI Within the field of visibility SHIKAIY6 Gumboil SHIKAKE Begixming SHIKAKE HANABI Set piece of fireworks SHIKAKETA SHIGOTO Work in hand SHIKA KIKOKU Returning to one's country on leave, SHIKA K6To Price inflation SHIKAKU Dead space SHIKAKU HAKUDATSU Disqualification SHIKAKU KENTEI SHIKEN Qualifying examination SHIKAKUMEN NA HITO Methodical person SHIKAKU SHIMEN NA Cold reasoning RIKUTSU SHIKAKU SHING6 Visual signal SHIKAKU SHoMEISHO Certificate of qualifications SHIKAKU SoSHITSU Incapacitation SHIKAKU S6SHITSU KAHEI Demonetized coins SHIKAKU TSOSHIN Visual signaling SHIKAKYO Furlough pay SHIKAN Branches and trunk,of a tree SHIKAN Embassy,legation SHIKAN 207 dt SHIKAN Nozzle,jet SHIKAN Personal resentment fee09 SHIIAN Space between the fingers XrL0I SHIKAN Space between toes SHIKAN Vision,sense of sight 1- ý SHIKA7N SURU To relax,slacken ba SHIANENU To be capable of anything SHIKiANERU To be unable to do ~'5' SHIKAN GAKK6 Military academy ' SHIKAN KANSHA Government quarters for officers,bachelor officers' quarters S SHIKAN KdHOSEI Officer candidate, midshipman SHIKANSHITSU Officers' quarters J1TýTiI: t SHIKA 0 KUGIZUKI NI SURU To peg the market -4 `63-- SHIKARAZARU BAAI If not so,otherwise Q+ t l t SHIKARAZARU TOKI WA If not so,otherwise Sf SHIKARAZU Not so,it is not so I SHIKARAZU SHITE On the contrary oýý ktO SHIKARIKORASU To chastise by admonishing!! 'b I SHIKARI SHIKASHITE And,and further oU) -ti SHIKARITAOSU To make someone cringe by scolding t N f) 1t~ 7 SHIKARITSUKERU To scold severely iP SHIKARU So,it is so Br SHIKARU AIDA Meanwhile,during this time S SHIKARU BAAI In that case,if so ) 5 ( SHIKARUBEKU At one's discretion,suitably at \ L SHIKARUBESHI Fitting,proper,it is fitting ' I SHIKARU NI MATA On the other hand,while, whereas S SHIKARU NOCHI Afterwards,thereafter $6 SHIKARU TOKI WA In that case,if so;'PAA SHIKARU TOKORO WA However,nonetheless twx i k SHIKA SENSHU Anthology ý,lj- t; \2 SHIKATA GA HAI Inevitable F 1R-11 T SHIKATSU MONDAI Vital question,life-anddeath matter +4 R1 A SHIKA Y6GU Dental instruments SHIKE Humidity jhi SHIKEI Branch and stem +Z SHIKEI Secret agreement 5t) o)Q SHIKEIFu Light air,in meteorology PTEh14-lFt SHIKEI HAISHI Abolition of capital punishment S SHIKEIJ6 Execution ground S SHIKEI NO SENKOKU Death sentence 3PEVF#Y SHIKEI SHIKK6 Execution of a criminal i kt 4 & SHIIEI SHIKET SKK MEIREIJ6 Death warrant ft-,~ATR SHIKEI SHIIKKNIN Executioner PI 'fVTSHIKEI SHIKK6 YOYO Reprieve 7EMta SHIKEISHO Condemned criminal 61 SHIKEI TETSUD5 Cog railway SHIKEIZAI Capital offence +i4 SHIKEIZAI Private economy,finance L L..L SHKEK=OMU To creep stealthily in SHIKEN Tortuous,steep - 5 SHIKEN SURU To send to China SHIKENHI Trial flight SHIKEN H6S6 Experimental broadcast SHIKEN I-IN Examination board SHIKENJ6 Experimental station - SHIKENKAN Examiner SHIKEN KANTOKU Proctoring,invigilation SHIKEN KEKKON Trial marriage SSHIKENKI Experimental plane i4i K SHIKENKI Testing instrument tYLj3 1 SHIKEN NO KY6YU Enjoyment of private rights A%1A4a SHIKEN TSUSHIN Test signaling (Sinhf( SHIKEN YjSHI Examination paper AI ~a j SHIKETSUHK Method of stopping bleeding ik 2~ SHIKETSUTAl Tourniquet SHIKI Volunteer engineering rating SHIKIBETSURYOKU Discrimination,power of discernment l SHIKIBETSU SEN Recognition line SHIKIBETSUT& Identification light 4tI6 SHIKIBb Baton SHIKIBUCH6 Grand Master of Ceremonies APThW SHIKI BUCH5KAN -Grand Master of Cermonies -1 >PZ-t SHIKIBU JICHa Vice-Grand Master of Cermonies i SHIKIBUITAN Master of Ceremonies a1 -1'?i SHIKI BUNRITSD HOKEN *Insurance payable in four installments 4r * SHIKIBU SHUJI Senior Master of Ceremonies SHIKIDO Degree of color LAf SHIKIGAWARA Tile iaAil SHIKIHAN Command post or headquarters section F v SHIKKO NO TSiCHI t9 _+ # SHIKIH6 Quarterly report F SHKIC-IKIKA NO Subconscious,subliminal SHIKI-ITA Floor SHIKIJARI Gravel,ballast IF SHIKIKA Under the jurisdiction of, jurisdiction f4'' SHIKIKAN Commander,officer in charge 4ffCLjAg,4g SHIKI KANJo SENT6KI Carrier-borne fighter plane;4 I41i *f 44 SBIKI KANJo TEISATSUKI Carrier-borne reconnaissance plane Fjl ~ SHII KANTOKU Command,direction tIJ SHIKIKEI Line of command $ 4cJ SHIKIKEN Right of command k = % 7 SHIKIKIN MITSU Three months' rent deposit #(X4 SHIKIKOROSU To crush or smother ~ ýPp4 SHIKI K&Y6 Morale is high V119 SHIKIMBU Assaying Department SHIKIN Government grant L SHIKIN Immediate vicinity SHIKIN Personal funds,private funds S SHIKIN Unit of weight,l.33 lb.,chin catty,in China SHIKINAMI Waves following one another k-4 SUB SHIKIN CH6SEIKA Funds Adjustment Section V e,2t1I4if SHIKIN CH6TATSU SHASAI Funding loan Aivr SHIKINDAN Near miss i SHIKINDAN Point-blank fire *- 10 SHIKIN HOKEN Capital insurance,single premium SHIKININ Recognition,acknowledgment, admission Ito SHIKINKA Capital Section iL SHIKIN KETSUBo Lack of funds jP$1A kl5~SHIKIN NAISHI BUSSHI Flow of capital and KoRYu commodities s ~ SHIKIN6 Ability,oapability 8f B SHIKI 8SEI Morale is high 8A v44 SHIKI 0 TOKU To relieve of command 41:;tit SHIKI 0 UKU To receive orders,be under one's command SHIKIRETSU NA Violent itrnl SHIKIRIBA Countinghouse,booking office i4t mt f' SHIKIRI BASHO Place where settlement is made k MPit SHIKIRI BEN Sluice valve,gate valve 11M k SHIKIRICH5 Invoice book im4k SHIKIRIJ5 Invoice -ittjj SHIKIRI KABE Partition wall IttAVh x SHIKIRI KANJ5 For account and risk it v) SHIKIRISHO Invoice SHIKIRU To follow,do continuously SHIKIRY5 Mental capacity SHIKISEI NA Violent 1It/ 1% SHIKISETSU GENKA Laid-down cost SHIKISHA Noncodmmissioned officer commanding a unit At f ý4 SHIKISHA 0 MATAZU You don't need a genius SHIKISHO Command post SHIKISHO Control room t F1ig SHIKI SH6TAI Command platoon S SHIKIS6 Aspect,form,appearance,phenomenon S SHIKI 5056 Morale breaking (f7 SHIKISO TAMPAKU Pigmented albumen 4 SHIKITEI Command craft,lead boat,control boat SHIKITb Colored light jth4 SHIKIT5 Saber,parade sword E 9 SHIKIT6 SHING6 Colored light signal L 2- SHIKITTE Incessantly,insistently SHIKI-UTSUSU To trace,copy by tracing [ 5 HIKKA SURU To scold SHIKKAKU Pppliteus,popliteal space,the ham,hock SHIKKAKUKIN Popliteal muscle SHIKKAKUSHA Those disqualified SHIKKAN Loss or fall,of a city etc. SHTCKEN Hamstring,in anatomy SHIKKEN Knowledge and judgment SHIKKEN SETTEISHA Pledgor SHIKKENSHA Pledge holder,pledgee SHIKKENSHOKU Regent's office,regency III. rL n SHIKKIDOME Dampproof SHIKK6 Lacquerer SHIKKI I-IN Executive committee SHIMK6 I-INKAI Executive committee AIA 3 SHIKKM KIJITSU ' Date of carrying out AtI SHIKKM KIKAN Execution term SHIKM6 KIKAN Executive organ SL SHIKK6 NO TSUCHI Notice of forfeiture smI-&o REIJý 2q8 *S fT IeEMBaKUl R4'j3 SHIKBATSU SURU To attack,make an assault 8.?i v4AitG r a att o ovi 4;5 L -K L" *I mffI 4 p 40( wz *3 fl ~ tA a I 9L i) Ait ts,16prt -6~ 71 r ~3 11 ~t4i'tt 1 *31*:, $19 1tP -T rdb es Aist 5~ 33 ' Z~i `9 1; &,,~fiitP & pl it e Lf r f9h 3% 4%P 1 rJ9 W4tl k6)tt 4tW480= 94t8i Mi5lf ri 4 r9 - dbA Ei 9k~) jt] &H gF~ dC4fl& ~9t~lri%?; l SHIKKB REIJB Writ of execution SHIK6B SHOBUN Executive measure SHIX'; TETSUZUKI Execution proceedings SHIKKUI NURI Plastering SHIKKY5FU Fresh gale SHIKO Branch warehouse or storehouse SHIKO Rigor mortis SHIK6- Branch bank SHIK6 Design SHIK6 Doing as one pleases SHIK6 Experimental attack plane SHIK6 Fat,grease SHIK6 Test,trial SHIKB Volunteer engineer SHIK6 SURU To consider as SHIK6 SURU To make a trial voyage SHIK5 SURU To point toward,orient a gun SHIK6 BASHO Place of enforcement or operation SHIK6D6 Side gallery SHIX6HIN Luxury article SHIK6 H6AN Enforcement plan or program SHIKOJIRAKASU To botch a thing SHIKOJIRASU To botch a thihg,to do a thing wrong SHIK6J5 From private relations SHIK6 KANKEI Private relations SHIK6 KATA Method of operation or enforcement SHIK6KIN City municipal funds SHIK6 KISOKU Regulations relative to the application of a law SHIKOtU Do-EI Four-power alliance SHIOKUO KYbTEI Four-power agreement SHIKON Gingiva,gums,in anatomy SHIKON Purple blue SHIK6REI Enforcement order SHIK6 SAISOKUJ Detailed rules for enforcdment or operation SHIK1 SAY6 Operation of thought SHIK6SHITE Yet,still,and SHIKOTSU Bones of a dead man SHIKOTSU Bones of the hands and feet SHIKU To be repeated frequently,recur often SHIKU KAISEI Town planning,street improvement SHIKU KAISEI J6REI Street improvement laws SHIKUN Teacher's instruction SHlKTSUKENr Prospecting right SHIKYO Visual range SHIKY6 Silk market SHIKY6 Very strong SHIKY6 HdOKU Market report SHIKYOKU Summit,height,acme SHIKYORI Distance of vision SHIKYU Coffin SHIKYU Imperial coffin SHIKYUGAKU Allowance,amount supplied SHIKYUHIN Supplies SHItYU KAISW~SU Urgent installation SHIKYO RITSU Rate of supply SHIK USHA Supplier,provider SHIKg0 SHORUI Urgent papecrs SHIKYUTAI Carrier pigeon unit SHIMAGAKURERU To be hidden by an island SHIMAGARA Striped patterns SHIMAGUNfI KONJ6 Insti arism SHIMAIGIWA NI Eleventh hour,near the end SHIMAJKAN Sister ship SHIMAI KISHA Last train SHIMAIKgOU Sister nations SHIMAIMONO Goods soon out of season SHIMAIMONO Unsold.goods SHIMAISEN Sister ship SHIMAIWASURERU To forget where one has put a thing SHIMAI Y6SA.I Mutually-supporting fort~resses SHIMAKU To whirleddy,blow violently SHIMA NEEZIJMI Chipmunk SHIMA OKUSOKU Conjectures,surmises, speculation SHIMAZUTAI Island hopping SHIMAZUTAU 'J~o go from one island to another SHIMBA Partlytrained army ponies SHIMBAKN Trial,examination,umpireship SRIMAMI!AI~ Judge,,umpire,referee SHIMBATSU Ferry raft Piq ti p *Jz efit;Yv 04 R a TvS, ~ $PB 1 f~,~:~ 9:4 ~9 *aPy ~AS I 14 T)Ws A (* i8 ~ 14!1)P upon SHIMBEI SEISAKU Pro-American policy BHIMBEI SHUGI Pro-Americanism SHIMBEI SIIHUGISHA Pro-American person SHIMBIGAKUJ6 From an aesthetic point of view SHIKBIGAN Aesthetic appreciation SHIMBI SHUGI Aestheticism' SHIMBO New recruitment SHIEMBOKU Firewood SHIMBUN BAITEN Newsstand SHIMBUN BUNGAKU Journalism SHIMBUmNDANE News,news item SHIMBUN DEMP6 Press cables,press telegrams SHIMBUN J6REI Press law SHIMBUN JURANSHO Newsroom SHIMBUNKAI Newspaperdom,the press SHIMBUN KIJI Newspaper article SHIMBUN KISHA Reporter, journalist SHIMBUN K6KOKU Newspaper advertising SHIMBUN RENG6 Associated Press SHIMBUNSEN Press campaign SHIMBUN SENDEN Newspaper propaganda SHIMBUNSHA Newspaper publisher SHIMBUNSHI Newspaper SHIMBUNSHI J5REI Press law SHIMBUN TEISEI Text revision SHIMBUN URIKO Newsboy,news vendor SHIMBUN URISABAKIJO News agency SHIMBUN Y6SHI Newsprint SHIMBUTSU Genuine article SHIMBUTSU New things SHIMBUTSU KONK6 Buddhism and Shinto amalgamation SHIMBUTSU NO KAGO Divine protection, divine intercession SHIMBUTSURYOKU Divine protection SHIME Team of four horses SHIMEAGERU To add up SHIMEAUERU To press hard,cast up,of accounts SHIMEGAI Large-scale purchasing, monopolizing cartel SHIMEI Command SHIfEI Division orders SHIMEI NYUSATSU Limited tender SHIMEI SASH6 Misrepresentation SHIMEI TENKO Roll call SHIMEKIRIDO Blocked-up door,imitation door SHIMEKOMU To shut up,lock up,bar in SHIMEKUGI" Rivet SHIMEN China and Burma SHIMEN Letter,contents of a writing SHIMENAWA Pack rope SHIMEN GANKAI Sea-girt,encircled by the sea SHIMEN KBGEKI Enveloping attack SHIMEN NO TSUG6 DE For lack- of space in newspaper SgIMEN TOMO On all sides SHIMERU To dye,soil SHIMESU Radical 113 SHIMESU HEN Radical 113 SHIMETSU SURU To come to an end SHIMETSUKERU To fasten,attach,tie,bind SHIMETSUKERU To strangle SHIMEYOSERU To seize and draw towards one SHIMI Freezing BHIMI Delicious taste SHIMIDARAKE NO Spotty,blotted SHIMIMOCHI Frozen mochi SHIMI4OmOGURUI Tied up in a knot SHIMIN Lethargy, sleep SHIMINBY6 Sleeping sickiiess SHIMIN DAIGAKU University extension course SHIMIN9 D6HI Fellow citizens SHMINflKEN Citizenship rights SHIIMIN EhKU SH~KAI Civil air patrol SHIMINSEI N6EN Encephalitis lethargica SBIMIN TAIKAI Citizens' mass meeting SHTMIIUKI Removal of stains SHIMINUKIYA Stain remover,dry cleaner SHIMITSDIKU To be frozen SHIMITSUUJ To be frozen onto SHIMITSUKU To stick toadhere to SHIMIZORA Icy sky: SHIZMMEIREI: Fresh order or command SHI'MMEMBKU New appearance,aspect,or face SHIMMEN SMINDAN-Yo KANSo KORERA IKEIKIN MEN-EKI KESSEI 209 SHIMMEN New cotton SHIMMI Bitter or tart flavor jp~ SHIMMI Freshness,newness,novelty SR,, SHIMMINSHUSHUGI The new democracy i SHIMMITSU NA Dense,growing thickly SHIMMONCHU On trial IF 1" 4 SHIMMON KAISHI SURU To open the trial or hearing i - 4 SHIMMU SURU To interpret dreams I -"M SHIMMUHAN. Postal section SHIMMYAKU Pulse examination "SHIMOBUKURE Swelling by frost 4LR4 SHIMOGAREDOKI Dull winter season, dead season * SHIMOGAREKI Dead season IS% SHIMOGERU To be frostbitten __T-A SHIMO HANGETSU Last half of the month T"T SHTMO HANKI Last half. of a term T - SHIMO ICHI DAN Third conjugation,e.g.,eru TM SHIMOKI Last half of the year. SHIMOKUCHI Cracks made by frost SHIMON SURU To question,inquire of FS SHIMO NAMP6 Lower Southern Territories 1 SHIMON-AN Draft submitted for deliberation SHIMO NI DAN Fifth conjugation,e.g.,uku SHIMON I-IN Consultative committee X SHIMON JIKo Agenda 4o)jiR SHIMON JeK6 Consultative clause oZ SHIMON JoYAKU Consultative treaty SHIMON KIKAN Consultative body,A- SHIMPAIGOTO Cares,troubles NfT) SHIMPAI NO TANE Source of anxiety kw SHIMPAMBUTSU New publication I SHIMPAN Encroachment,violation,usurpation V rV)tkt. SHIMPANCHI NO HENK6 Change of venue -fi* SHIMPANCH6 Umpire IT\ SHIMPANKAN Judge,umpire,referee, arbiter VIM SHIMPANSHO Court of justice At SIHIMPATSU New cases of a disease Wl SHIMPEI Imperial bodyguard,personal bodyguard SHIMPEI Pew money SHIMPEI Untrained troops 9 SHIMPEIGAKARI Officer in charge of training recruits i SHIMPEN Acupuncture + SHIMPEN Needles used in acupuncture SHIMPEN New compilation SHIMPEN Personal safety I SHIMPEN NA Supernatural,mysterious, SHIMPEN NO Newly organized,newly formed ~iV^ SHIMPEN ZATSUJI Miscellaneous personal affairs [ SHIMPI Epithelium SHIMPI True and false lk SHIMPIN New goods 4Y,. SHIMPI SETSU Mysticism it $ SHIMPI SHUGI Mysticism SHIMP6 New information,new report JprN SHIMP5 News,newspaper SHIMP6 New law t 1 SHIMP6 SURU To report 1 SHIMPO SEN Tientsin-Pukow line iAtEi SHIMPO SHUGI Progressivism SHIMPOT6 Progressive Party i SHIMPO T6IN Progressionist,A^ SHIMPU One's intimate thoughts ^^ SHIMPU Divine wind, timoly wind f SHIMPU Favorable wind 6S SHIMPUKU Vassalage, submission,obedience ^ SHIMU Private duties. ^ SHIMU To smart,permeate t int SHIMUKECHI Destination ife14 SHIMUKE MINATO Port of destination ~iY -I SHIMUKE SAKI Destination ^ SHIN Ch'ing or Manchu Dynasty,164L-1911 SHIN Kobe S SHIN Radical 131 S SHIN Radical 160 SSHIN Shansi S SHIN Sinkiang SSHIN Tientsin S SHIN- ProS SHINAGAKU Study of -things Chinese S i SHINAGIRE NEDAN Famine price f~tlA'4 SHINAGIRE SBA Famine prices xtr " SHINA GORO Chinese adventurer -~ SHINAHEI Chinese soldiers SHINA HOMBU China proper l^ SHIN-AI Affection,love *Th 9(I ~ it ý9M R A x rrfiC^ ihff 4k Ak r^^im A--ttf -; 5 Nfr NR. ~ 14- MEb A IA A 30 7 wt 4 A$k MK I MA A 0 IA ~~r~~& - t f^ ^1 ^m ~ o do A ^k*^A^ \^mtd^fE&?ot ^ ^tkfo+1 ^ ^S4T7 k 4M^ ^iL Ac1 SHINAI CHUKAININ Street broker SHINAI DENSHA City streetcar SHINAI HAITATSU City delivery SHINAI HAITATSU MURY6 Free delivery withing the city SHINAIHAN City edition SHINAI KYOJUSHA City residents SHINA JIHEN China Incident,Second Sino-Japanese War SHINA JIMUKYOKU China Affairs Bureau SHINA JIMUKYOKU BUNKA Chief of Cultural KACH5 Division of China Affairs Bureau SHINAJIN Chinese SHINA-KA Santonica SHINA KAI China Sea,Chinese waters SHINANJO School,gymnasium,institute SHINANSHA Compass vehicle,guiding principle SHIN-AN TOKKYO Utility model patent SHIN-AN ToROKU Registration of a new design SHINAN YAKU Instructor SHINAOSHI CHUMON Renewed order SHINA RoNIN Adventurer in China SHINA RY6RI Chinese cooking SHINA SHAKKANDAN Chinese loan consortium SHINATS0 Authority on China SHINAZEME Corner,in the stock market SHINCHAKU KAMOTSU New arrival,of goods SHINCHI Occupied territory SHINCHI Profound intelligence SHINCHI SURU To know,be aware of SHINCHI SURU To know well SHINCHIKU Young bamboo SHINCHIN NA Quiet,still SHINCHIN K6KAN Substitution,replacement, renewal,of stores etc. SHINCHITSUJO New.Order SHINCHITSUJO KENSETSU Establishment of the New Order ' SHINCHo Elongation,expansion SHINCH6 Stimulation,encouragbment,rousing SHINCH6 Seriousness,importance, dignity SHINCHSKIN Extensor muscle SHINCH6 K6RYO Careful consideration SHINCHOKU Advance SHINCHOKU Steadiness,steadfastness SHINCHU New coinage,new minting SHINCHO Newly stationed SHINCHO Invasion, occupation SHINCHO SURU To move up, advance SHINCHO GUN Army of occupation SHIN CHUKOKU H5 New Chinese currency SHINCHO KUZU Scrap brass SHINDAIKEN Berth ticket SHINDAI RYMKIN Berth charge SHINDAISHA Sleeping car SHINDAITSUBUSHI Spendthrift SHINDAMBO Patient's roster,diagnosis book SHINDANSHO Diagnosis,medical certificate SHINDAN-Y6 For diagnosing SHINDAN-Y6 BII KESSEI Serum for diagnosing type B paratyphoid SHINDAN-Y5 El KESSEI Serum for diagnosing type A paratyphoid SHINDAN-Y6 GENKEI KESSEI Serum for diagnosing original type bacillus SHINDAN-Y5 GERU- Serum for diagnosing TONERU KESSEI Gaertner's bacillus SHINDAN-Y6 KANS6 Dry serum for diagnosing GERUTONERU immunity to Gaertner's CH5ENKIN Bacillus enteritidis MEN-KI KESSEI SHINDAN-Y5 KANS5 Dry serum for diagnoses KENK5 KATO taken from a healthy KESSEI rabbit SHINDAN-Y5 KANSKIN Dry mixed serum for KONG8 MEN-EKI diagnosing immunity KESSEI to cholera bacillus SHINDAN-Y5 KANS5 Dry serum for diagnosing KORERA CHUKAN- immunity to middle type KEIKIN MEN-EKI cholera bacillus KESSEI SHINDAN-Y5 KANS6 Dry serum for diagnosing KORERA GENlEI- immunity to original KIN MEN-EKI " type cholera KESSEI SHINDAN-Y6 KANS6 Dry serum for diagnosing KORERA IKEIKIN immunity to varied MEN-EKI KESSEI type cholera bacillus SHINDAN-Yo KANS 1 210 St Rk A fit SHINDAN-Y6 KANSB Dry serum for diagnosing E t# 4? PESUTO-KIN immunity to plague MEN-EKI KESSEI bacillus WIAlrj At AL* SHI]RDAN-YZ KANS6 Dfy serum for diagnosing li-t i RYOK6SEI N6SEKI- immunity to epidemic Ak i ZUI MAKUEIKIN cerebrospinal ýa * MEN-EKI KESSEI meningitis 1-61,1h lZ SHINDAN-Y5 KANS6 Dry serum for diagnosing 4$lF R!J SEKIRI immunity to type F EFJU-KEIKIN dysentery bacillus MEN-EKI KESSEI 91f 14k~t SHINDAN-Y6 KANS6 Dry serum for diagnosing A-4P f-P4 SEKIRI MANNITTO immunity to type u2 HIBUNKAIKEIKIN of dysentery bacillus s MEN-EKI KESSET that does not ferment mannite C1 fti5h I ZA i SHINDAN-Y6 KANSB Dry serum for diagnosing 7 SEKIRI immunity to Shiga type 1#t zA SHIGAKEIKIN dysentery bacillus MEN-EKX KESSET I.A ft 44 SHINDAN-Yo KANSU Dry serum for diagnosing I Y 4a SEKIRI immunity to type Y 4J WAI-KEIKIN dysentery bacillus MEN-EKI KESSEI,fN'jrf41 VR SHINDAN-Yo XENKE Serum of a healthy,k do A KATO KESSEI rabbit for diagnosis 3j1 13i0% &ii SHINDAN-Yb KONG6 KESSEI Mixed serum for ik diagnosing cholera %:iP- SHINDAN-Y6 KORERA Serum for diagnosing ij ~ CHiHKAMKEI KESSET middle type cholera fr1 _- k SHINDAN-Y5 KORERA. Serum for diagnosing * IKEI KESSEI varied type cholera ýi1 - mA SHINDAN-Y6 PESUTO KESSEI Serum for dilgnosing plague bacillus ýJE flor SHINDAN-.Y6 RYON6 KESSEI Seium for diagAf nosing epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis 8F1b Al* 4ZF SHINDAN-Y6 SEKIRI Dry serum for diagnosLsn 6n EFU-KEI KESSEI ing type F dysentery it;l~A - SHINDAN-Y6 SEKIRI Serum for diagnosing fto 1-i6m MANNITTO type of dysentery* A HIBUNKAIKEI that does not ferment KESSEI mannite gtmi4l SHINDAN-Y6 SEKIRI Dry serum for diagnoslmjSf HIGAKEI KESSEI ing Shiga type dysenterv W Mi4)4 Y SHINDAN-Yo SEKIRI Dry serum for diagnos5ý sq A WAI-KEI KESSEI ing type Y dysentery 9ftlflC.do A SHINDAN-Y6 SHII KESSEI Serum for diagnosing type C paratyphoid * t SHIINDATSU Forcible dispossession,plunder, pillage _f ) SHINDATSU SURU To forward A5*;:bWt SHINDEKI SURU To be steeped in 1 ~SHINDENREI Order sent by visual or radio 1tf61 SHINDEN REISAKU Operation order sent by visual or radio SHINDO Violent anget',rage ASHIND6 Shinto X A SHINDOKU SHUGI Pro-Germanism ir SHIN-El Brand-new hitr*. SHIN-EICHIKU New construction $Ki4T SHIN-El K6JI New construction 'AAX SHIN-EI SEISAKU Pro-British policy 1*T A SHIN-El SKUGI Anglophilism MCfIf M HIN-ETSUSHO Reviewing stand $i l SHINFO Monsoon SHINFUEN T6IN Sinn Feiner ~ SHINGAI Infringement fft SHINGAI New town $g SHINGAICHI Earthquake-stricken area * ft t SHINGAKU HAKUSHI Doctor of divinity otkA SHINGAN Eye of a needle diatt SHINGARIKI Tail plane of a formation ~r@ SHINGATA New style SHINGEI Cordial reception,warm welcome t fia-t SHINGEKI SURU To advance and attack t1)#l SHINGEKITAI Attacking force f SHINGETSUKEI Crescent-shaped (frLFj SHINGETSUKI Crescent flag nA ~kSHINGI Axis,pivot,dominant factor SHINGIKAI Deliberative assembly 868MA SHINGIN-EN Gingivitis 3Mik i$ SHINGO Deep moat SHING&H6 Signalling method iB ~A. SHING.&IN Signalman lbgff3 SHING0I Signal flag (ad~;f SHIMGON SHO Shingon sect of Buddhism 7~týW SHINGaRYOKU Signal strength a -a SHING6SHO Signal book f-t SHING6SHO Signal station fis g SHING6T6 Signal'light,on aircraft etc. j gxSHINGUNKA Marching song 1ý- k pr 13A "i o i4 l IM 'U ~ ~k# rL T 4 iALA4 2;TL 8 I~ rc A k Oif SA N B L Jk fl U\ aA df ri 'PAMt A~Likt $E9 4f 5 (RiZWh % ~f# 1F4 i Mlt; t ~ 0103 5 AliRm a4- pk -g& l-kat I NtAt t30 A ~i f;7. 4 ~t 41:~ 4yT,flj^;f ~f Y 3),f# 129 i fftr ~I Rf004 ro 1 4FfELfMj48 ~ -g de rx808wa ~3tL;t rKL SHflKR SHINHAIBI New disposition or arrangement SHINHIANI Osaka and Kobe SHINHAN SURU To trespass SHINHATSUMEI New invention SHINIEI New currency BHINH6 New law SHINH6GAKUSHI New-fledged Bachelor of Laws SHINHUI True bearing SHINHY6 Route marker SHIN-I Deep meaning SHIN-I Medical specialist in acupunture SHIN-I New meaning SHINIBA Place where someone died SHINIHATERU To die out SHINI-IRU To die SHINIMI Person resolved to die SHIN-IN Immersion,submersion SHIN-IN Registered seal SHININ NO Visible SHIN-IN SURU To be steeped in SHININ KYORI Visible distance SHININOKORU To escape death,survive SHINIYAMAI Fatal disease,serious illness SHINIZAMA Condition of death SHINJI Jewels,one of 3 Imperial Regalia SHINJI Newly coined character,new words SHINJI Truth,fact SHINJI What is in one's mind,feelings SHINJI CHuKAKU Dividing wall of heart auricles SHINJO Promotion SHINJO Affection,friendliness SHINJ3Y5 Needle,of a tree SHINJU Progressiveness SHINJUGAI Pearl oyster,mother-of-pearl SHINJUK5 Iridescence SHINJUKUGO New term,new phrase SHINJUMAGAI Imitation pearl SHINJUN I-IN Consultative committee SHINJU SAISHUJ6 Pearl fishery SHINJTUTSU Acupuncture SHINJUTSU Declaration SHINJUTSU SURU To advance,debouch SHINJUTSU KIN Alms,relief fund SHINJU WAN Pearl Harbor SHINKA Intrinsic value,true value SHINKA New consignment SHINKA Newly built house SHINKA Newly coined money SHINKA SURU To deify,apotheosize SHINKA SURU To evolve,transmute SHINKABU New shares SHINKABU OCHI Ex-stock dividend SHINKAICHI Reclaimed land SHINKAI K6GY6 Deep-sea salvage SHINKAI SEN Deep-sea cable SHINKAKUCH6 Cardiac dilation SHINKAN Hardship,difficulty,suffering SHINKAN New patient SHINKAN New warship SHINKAN SURU To shake,to scare SHINKA NIPP6 New China Daily SHINKAN KINKEN New customs gold note SHIN KARA Heartily,from the bottom of one's heart SHINKAWASE True exchange SHINKEIHAN Osaka,Kyoto,and Kobe SHINKEI KAN Nerve duct SHINKEIKENHY6 New experience table,in life insurance SHINKEI SAIBO Nerve, cell SHINKEISEN War of nerves SHINKEISH6 Neurosis SHINKEMMI Eagerness SHINKEN New bank notes SHINKENSHO Court of inquiry SHINKETSU Decision;sentenceverdict SHINKI Golden opportunity SKINKI New term 2 SHINKI ITTEN SURU To change one's mind SHINKI JIGYO New enterprise SHINKIK'Sij Number of new accounts SHINKI MAKINAOSHI Revamping SHINKIN Diligence in fulfilling painful duties SHINKIN My9cardium,heart muscle SHINKI YOKIN New deposits SHINK6 Eye of a needle SHINKM Height above sea level SHINKM Itimscy SHINKM Intimate relations ST INKo 211 &T Iit p v w #q99 # ~t7) 8 ttt. i At A A8 A v fk ~ 8iiI A t 19 L, ~ * 81 v pr -'T1"9 L 1k 13 )V 111 F Th h SE -5tnB a ~f 2 ~e 24-j sgf 3(fA i $100 IP t ~ etOL itlFe Ald~i~fjt -tgiq y E -ftWEX~5 19 fgg 1- 0k i(W fi ~Fi3f 'r L ~;R PS tJ ~ jb kab fE ##E (ABf ~ %tB 1st g~ih~te,it'c#L A:.\ I)Ki3 L ýE (1 Utt TE (i A tj,o IF (1) tl SHINK6 Intimate terms,familiarity SHINK6 Invasion SHfIK6 Needle maker SHINK6 Newly established SHINK6 New meritorious deeds SINK05 New works SHINK6 SURU To advance and attack SHINK6 SURU To advance to the attack,raid SHINK6 BUTAI Advance attack force,nhvy SHINK5GEKI Genuine attack SHINK6HI Development expense SHINKiKAI Friendship Society SHINKb KAIKYD Newly risen class SHIRK6 KAISHA Promotion company SHINK6 KAJ6 Articles of faith,creed SHINKOKKA New national anthem SHINK6KB New mine entrance SHINK6 K6FUKAI Society for the Propagation of the Faith SHINK16KOKU Rising nation SHINK6KOKU Tributary nation" SHINKOKUT Japan,country of the Gods SHIINKOKU New country SHINKOKU Ravine SHINKOKU SURU To inform personally, bring charges against SHINK6OKUKA SURU To become profound, seriousor severe SKINKOKUMIN UND6 New National People's Movement SHINKOKU SHIMEKIRIHI Final day for filing SHINKOKUSHO Declaration,statement HINKB KYORI Operational range HIN1 KYORI Radius of effective action SHINKON Newly opened up land SHINKON Secret motive,true purpose SHINK6 NO JIYU Religious liberty SHINKOTSU Spicule SHINKU Anxiety,trouble SHINKU Consternation SHINKUFU Novel contrivance SHINKgKAN Vacuum tube SHINKU RY6H6 Vacuum treatment SHINKUi S6JIKI Vacuum cleaner SHINKY6 New capital city SHINKY6 NO JIYU Religious freedom SHINKYoTO Protestant SHINKYU Acupuncture SHINKYODO Degree of sphericity or precision,of ball bearings SHINKYU H6HEI Old and new fapi SHINKYU RY6KY6 Protestantism and Catholicism SHINKYd SEIGANSHO Application for promotion SHINNAMBOKU SEN True north and south line SHINNANK6 Lip salve SHINIEN ENKAI New Year's banquet SHINNENJ6 New Year's card. SHINNEN OMEDET6 Happy New Year SHINNERISHITA Sticky,gummyviscid SHININICHIDO Degree of pro-Japanese leanings SHINNICHIHA Pro-Japanese faction SHINNICHIKA Pro-Japanese person SHINNICHI NETSU Japanomania SHINNICHI SKUGISHA Japanese sympathizer SHINNINCHI New post of duty SHINNINJ6 Credentials SHINNINKAN Official personally appointed by the Emperor SHINNIN TAISHI Newly accredited ambassador SHINNIN T~6HY6 Vote of confidence SHINN6 Prince of the blood SHINN6KE Imperial family SHIN11YB Radical 162 SHINNYO Deep penetration SHINNYU Radical 162 SHINNYO SURU To flood,take water SHINNYi GUN Invading army SHINNYrRO Route or path of penetration SHINNYUSEI New student SHINNYiTEN Point of attack SHINNY1 TSIKA Invasion currency SHINOBIKOMU To steal into SHINOBI NO MONO Spy,scout SHINOBIYAKA NI Secretly,stealthily SHINOBlYUKU To go by stealth SHI NO KY6FU Terror of death SHI NO SHBRI Triumph of death SHINRAI NO SAKU Inspired work 49 ift dt L IT.~ it Al 4 4 L ~ rLr iZ j0ihit S1M, 1 * - *4 A +4 Nvil - 5" t 13aQ *kll-vu 4 AsMa 40iP% 3t,\t.!i4~rr F $[ti$ $ i64 $Pti Lig j9 5l4 bi EMt A Il Uk~Fte k813 Ok dBtLL &FBiA f I~~~t-W- ~ $i3 WUr Fik c %rA 14Wic;tt (PF 5~ Ws pmA 4)sP $4$ tF)~ 39~E R3 9 R3A i~ alE' r Gai~4 ~~ tf4 r. (e [ rirt r~~f~ L IS- tj et j4 pt 3 F 3 3SHINSHIN SURU SHIMREI Signal order SHINREI GENSH6 Spiritualistic phenomenon SHINREIKA SURU To deify SHINREIKAI Spirit world SHINREI KYdKAI Baptist Church SHINREIRON Spiritualism SHINREISAKU Visual operations order SHINREI TOKU Special order,visual SHINRICHO On trial SHINRII Deep forestthick woods SHINRINCHI KAITAKU Disafforestation SHINRINGOKU Wooded country SHINRIN HOKEN Forest insurance SHINRIN KAIKON Disafforestation SHINRIN KAITAKU Disafforestation SHINRIN K6HAI Forest denudation SHINRI SAY6 Mental process SHINRISHO Document of trial SHINRITSU Laws recently promulgated SHINRITSU Trembling,shivering SHINRo Percolation,tranaud&tionooze SHINROHA Pro-Russian Party SHINRO HY6JI Route marker 6HINRON New argument or theory SHINRO SETTEITAI Route construction unit SHINRO SHUGI Russophiilism SHINRUI ENJA Friends and relatives SHINRUI KANKEI Kinsmanship SHINRYAKU Deep plan,subtle scheme SHINRYAKU Looting SHINRYAKU GUN Invading army SHINRYAKU SHUGI Aggressive policy SHINRYAKUTEKI KBI Aggressive act SHINRY6 SURU To take by force,seize, snatch SHINRY6 KIROKU Medical history SHINRY6SHO Clinic,medical office SHINRYUK6 Latest fashion SHINSA Interlacing,melange,intricacy SHINSA Irregularities SHINSA New tea SHINSA H6KOKU Medical report,in life insurance SHINSAI Disaster assistance SHINSAI Firewood SHINSAICHI Earthquake-stricken district SHINSAI HOKEN Earthquake insurance SHINSA I-IN Jury,juror SHINSA I-INCH6 Jury foreman SHINSAI MINKY5JO Ear.thquake sufferers' relief SHINSAI YOB6 CH5SAKAI Earthquake investigation committee SHINSAKAN Judge,exasminer SHINSATSU Inspection,enquiry SHINSATSU New bank note SHINSATSUKEN Consultation ticket SHINSATSU MURY6 Consultation free SHINSATSURY6 Physician's fee SHINSATSUSHITSU Consultation room SHINSEI Deep well SHINSEI Recent or new manufacture SHINSEI D5MEI Holy Alliance SHINSEI HASAN Voluntary bankruptcy SHINSEI HEIKA Real par of exchange SHINSEI I-INKAI National Relief Commission,in China SHINSEIKA Sanctity SHINSEIKATSU UND6 New-Life Movement SHINSEI K6SA Mental test SHINSEI RYDRO Unaffected simplicity SHINSEISANHIN New products SHINSEISHA Applicant SHINSEN Filament SHINSEN Iron wire SHINSEN Iew boat SHINSEN SURU To advance and fight SHINSEN SURU To take by force,seize, snatch SHINSETSU True story SHINSETSU SHIDAN Newly created division SHINSHA Enlargement,of photos SHINSHA New car 511SH11 CHUSHINIU K11SHO New Municipal Central District Office SHINSHID6 Gentlemen's code S1INS1 I KY6YAKU Gentlemen's agreement SHINSHIN Body and mind SHINSHIN Sincerity SHINSHIN SURU To apply for,request, suggest SHINSHIN SURU To propose,advance SHINRBINAI 212 **trfi SHINSHINAI Within the new city limits JAiA SHINSHIN KIEI Young and energetic;S SHINSHINRO New course. 4+W SHINSHINRO True course i SV HINSHIN SAKKA Rising writer 1A ' SHINSHIN S6SHITSU Mental derangement 9 +t SHINSHIROKU Who's Who SHINSHITSU Infiltration,seepage SHINSHO New book SHINSH6 Needle maker 4 f SHINSH6 New paragraph SHINSH6 Proof,evidence + f B SHINSH6 SURU To state in detail SHINSHB D5GU Household goods SHINSHOKU Biting into,gaining upon SHINSHU Radio operator' sHINSHU SURUD To take by force,seize, snatch SHINSHO Invasion SHINSHU Raid,assault SHIN SHU Shin sect of Buddhism 4SHINSHUK New plan,novel idea SHINSHUKU JIZAI NA Elastic,flexible, telescopic SHINSKHUKU JMK6 Flexible provision SHIiNSUIUSEI TSUKA Elastic currency SHINSHUKU ZEIRITSU Flexible tariff, sliding scale of rates SHINSHUN A new spring,a new year SHINSO0 Pro-Soviet SHINSO Sinkiang and the Soviet Union ir SHINS5 Dispatching,sending SHINS6 Imaginationfancy 44* SHINSOKU Great speed #a~ SHINSON Descendant of the gods FA7 SHINSUI Deep water,depths SSHINSUI Fuel and water K SHINSUI Water Vhich has seeped in MK SHINSUI DAI Launching platform SHINSUI SHIKI Launching ceromony SHINTAI New style 1iP SHINTAI KENSA Physical examination 8ji1f SHINTAI KENSA BUNRUI Medical classification (ftt Vb SHINTAI NO JIYO Personal liberty iAiait SHINTAI RY6NAN Between the devil and the deep blue sea "41 f SHINTAISEI New Structure ~A li SHINTAKANE Record price,new price level 410tW SHNfTAKUBUPTSU Trust,that held in trust 4ibIb SHINTAXU JURIBO Fiduciary's register of trusts accepted Att&t1 SHINTAKUSHRA Settlor,of trust 11t~ii SHINTAKU YOKIN Trust deposit SHINTAN Abyss,chasm,depth SHINTAN Cementation SHINTANHI Fuel expense SHINTANSH5 Fuel dealer SHINTEI Distance covered,march,progress a SHINTEI SURU To examine,diagnose $4tT X S HINTEIHAN Newly revised edition ts SHINTEI HON Complimentary copy as~I SHINTEI WA At heart N6!?l*. SHINTEI GENSH6 Mental phenomenoh,k'Akt!L SHINTEKI JBTAI Mental state,mentality "-1~4rt-3 SHINTERIKA SURU To deify ~k. A' iM SHINTEKI SAY6S Mental action Ckl A SHINTEKI TAIDO Mental attitude SHINTENSHO Confidential letter J4E* ' SHINTETSU SURU To soak into,penetrate SHINTO Pro-Turkish SHIMNT Invasion and pillage $ SHINT6 New party S SHINT6 New way SHINTa Pinhead *it SHINTb SURU Infiltrate,penetrate SHINT KA Shintoist iE SHINTOTSU Rushdash, advance # i*P sHINTSOKA TAISAKU 1-ThIAI Committee oin W$-E New Currency Policies SHINUKU To conclude,complete,carry through SHIN-UN New canal *4+'t SHINWA JIDII Legendary age SHINWARIBIKI True or arithmetical discount Wo~ SH sINWASEI Sympathy i* SHIN-YAGY63 Midnight labor SHIN-YAGY3 Midnight operation SHIN-YAKU Adjuvant,in medicine SHIN-YAKU New duty or post SaR SHIN-YAKU New official 4it r.," 144- 17 3Z, 4 1R tk4A 0) I, fGA A Itt rAk A - V40J Ropt I 4tc- r) i t r34 fM I$ a 8 ~t84 ~ $1 j$LM Ifi8030 Ip:/2t0 j7F~,4t! 9054 DPri ~i i #l#ib10 aj,\$AMe,~\~ati I~9r t t e4 (F~rrM,F Aor- 'bR ItNt sRd I5tAL m 4B it ~b e i" Wi~r 0 B 'g 1f t f3t IJ $i81f 3 B6t0j ( e fUK SHIRA-ITO SHIN-YAKU New Testament SHIN-YU Beginning of spring SHIN-YE New foliage SHI NY5 Radical 065 SHI NY3 Radical 162 SHIN-Y6 SURU To swing,shake,wag,flap, flutter SHIIN-Y6 CHSA KdEANJO Credit clearing house SHIN-Y5 HAKI Breach of faith SHIN-YE HOKEN Fidelity insurance 9HIN-Y6Jb Letter of credit SHIN-Y6J6 MICHAKU NO MONO Goods for which letter of credit has not arrived SHIN-Y6bJU Coniferous tree SHIN-Y6 KARI Debt of honor SHIN-Y6 KASHI Character loan,unsecured loan BHIN-YS KASHI KIN Personal loancharacter loan 8HIN-Yo KASHITSUKE Open credit 8HIN-YE KIKAN Credit institution 3HIN-Y KUMIAI Credit association,trust SHIN YON GUN New Fourth Army SHIN-.Y6 SASHIZUSHO Letter of instruction SHIN-Y6 SHKENI Credit paper SHIN-Y6 TORIHIKI Dealings on credit SHIN-Yd TORIHIKI Personal loan SHIN-Y6 T6SEI Regulation of credit SHIN-Y6 TSUCHISEO Letter of instruction SHIN-Yi Reliable or trustworthy friend SHINZAI Infusion SHINZAIRYb New factor,in stock market SHINZAN YUKOKU Steep mountains and dark valleys SHINZEN Soaking,seeping,saturation SHINZEN HIK' Goodwill flight SHINZ5 New construction SHINZb Shinto image SHINZU SURU To hoard,secrete SHINZ6 BEMMAKUSH6 Cardiac failure SHINZb BEN Heart valves SHINZU KEZKAN Cardiovascular,heart and blood vessels SHINZ6 KINB SH6GAI Cardiac tamponade SHINZOKU KANKEI Relationship SHINZ68EN Newly constructed vessel SHINZUBEKI SUJI Reliable sources SHIOBA Salt production area SHIODARA Salt cod SHIOGAMA Salt evaporating boiler,salt pan SHIOHIGATA Dry beach SHIO IDO Brine pit,salt-water well SHIO-IRI IKE Salt-water pool for keeping fish SHIO-IRI NO KAMOTSU Sea-damaged goods SHIOJIMU To become salty or soaked with salt water SHIOJIMU To become used to SHI 0 KAKESU To risk death SHIOKARETASHI Would like to have done SHIOKERI Did SHIOKUMI Drawing sea water SHIOKURI KIN Allowance SHIOMACHI Waiting for the tide SHIO MICHI Tideway SHIOMIZU Sea water,brine SHIOMIZU FURO Salt-water bath SHIONAME YUBI Forefinger SHIO SABA Marinated mackerel SHIO SAKANA Salt fish SHIOSASHI Flux,flood tide SHIOSE Marine current SHIOTA Salt marsh,salt field SHIOTARERU To be drenched by salt water SHIO UNGA Salt-water canal SHIO UO Salt fish SHIOZAKE Salt herring SHIPPAI TSUZUKI Repeated failures SHIPPEI Disease,aickness SIPPEI HOKEN Health insurance SHIPPO Fresh breeze SHIPPO JINTRAITEKI Swiftly,like a whirlwind SHIRA-AWA White foam SHIRABAMU To become white or whitish SHIRABEDASU To discover through research SHIRAGINU UTAI Paratroopers SHIRAHADA Skin with white spots,vitiligo SHIRABAMA Beach of white sand SHIRA-ITO White thread SHIRAJI 213 SHISOMERV b t gc) t *t 9 -Bt56liFW1 b A (3 L`1j sJ 4n P d) Jv ý0;ýL rz~ AGO 8 3,t -A* SIA -0 kWfR l SHIRAJI Unbaked earthenware SHIRAJI NO Blank,in banking SHIRAJI KOGITTE Blank check SHIRAJISHIKI NI Drawn in blank,in blank SHIRAJISHIKI URAGAKI Blank endorsement SHIRAJI SHIN-YbJ5 Blank letter of credit SHIRAJI TEGATA Blank bill or note SHIRAKIZUKURI Plain woodwork 41 SHIRAMASU To cause to pale or become white SHIRAMI TSUBUSHI Close or minute examination SHIRAMUSHI Louse SHIRANDE YUKU. To dawn SHIRASHIBORIYU Rapeseed oilcolza oil SHIRASU NO ZAININ Prisoner at the bar SHIRAYUKI White snow SHIRAZUGAO SURU To pretend not to know, look unconcerned SHIREI. Polish SHIREIBU Headquarters SHIREIBUCHb Chief of Staff SHIREIBUZUKI SHIKAN Officer on the Staff SHIREI KAIRO Instruction circuit SHIREIKAN Commander SHIREISHITSU Control room SHIREISHO Written instructions SHIREITEI Flagboat SHIREN NO Very cheap,dirt-cheap SHIRETA KOTO Matter of course SHIRETA MONO Trifle,trivial thing SHIRETSUKA SURU To grow violent SHI-RI Unit of distance,Chinese li,onethird mile SHIRI ASHI Hind legs SHIRIBI Fire spreading against the wind SHIRIBONE Ilium,hipbone SHIRIKJCHI Beginning and end,first and last,before and after,front and rear SHIRI METSURETSU Incoherence,illogicality SHIRIN Neighborhood,vicinity SHIRIN Private forest or wood SHIRINSHA Four-wheel cart SHIRINSHITSU Gearbox SHIRO Radical 106 SHIRO Road fork,junction SHIROBORI Castle moat SHIRO BUD6SHU White wine SHIROGANE Galvanized iron SHIROKANE Silver,silver money SHIRO KEISEKI White silica SHIROKURO JI Black-and-white background SHIROMU To whiten SHIRONAMAZU Vitiligo,piebald skin SHIRONANI Whitecaps SHIROTAE NO FUJI Snow-capped Fuji SHIROT6 White sugar SHIR6TO BIJUTSUKA Dilettante SHIRdTO GESHUKUYA Private lodginghouse SHIR TO KANGAE Layman's idea SHIR6TOME Nonprofessional eyes SHIR6TOREN Laity SHIR6TO SoBASHI Outside speculators SHIIR6TO SUJI* Outsiders,general public SHIR5TO YAKUSHA Amateur actor SHIROZARA White crystal sugar SHIRU Shilling SHIRUAME Wheat gluten,glutinous rice jelly SHIRU ICHIZEN Mess of pottage SHIRUSHIBATA Marker flag SHIRY6 Materials for testing SHIRY6 Provisions,food SHIRYa HENSANiKAN Official historian SHIRY6 HENSANMYOKU Bureau of Compilation. of Historical Materials SHIRY6 HENSHOKA Historical Materials Section SHIRY~gA Feeds Section SHIRYjKA Historical Materials Section SHIRYOKLT Mortality rate,in insurance SHISAI Private debt SKISAI SURU To rule,direct S'I SAXU Policymeasur~es SEISAKU SURT To carry out a plan SHISAKIUHEIAN Staysaail SHIISAUSEN Supporting operation SHISAN Trial balance SHISANJ ]FUSAIHY6 Statement of assets and liabilities SHISAN FUSAI KANJ5 Asset and liability accounts 1KVi A SHISANHY6 Trial balance W $k, SHISANKA KAIKYO Propertied class n' Y4, SHISARO Crossroads Iiit L SHISAST To leave unfinished,stop.half way. l4z SHISAT8U SURU To kill by stabbing '1 lE T SHISATSUDAN Inspection party,commercial mission h SHISATSU-IN Inspection committee, inspector u4 SHISEI Four old families,Minamoto,Taira, Fujiwara and Tachibana S(~ HISEI Nature,disposition <h;. SHISEI Prosperity A SHISEI Trial manufacture,experimental manufacture ijkA~ik SHISEI CHBSAKAI Civic research committee 13 th SH1 SEIFU City government 4AV1 SHISEI HAGAKI Private postcard ýtj f ' SHISEIHI Funds for administration C, % SHISEIHIN Article of private manufacture ltfkat SHISEIKA Government Administration Section l elk4* SHISEI KAIKAKU Civic reform $ SHISEIKAN Administrator Seit SHISEI NO TO Street Arabs ot U SHISEI SEKIBAN Paper slate f 6 1k SHISEI TANE-ITA Negative paper V0 SHISEKI Dead space 6 SHISEKI Whetstone,grindstone >6k: SHISEKISHA Abrasive wheel SHISEN Finger tip ft SHISEN Guide ropes,stay ropes SHISEN Privately owned boat A SHISEN Sebaceous glands SHISEN Tributary stream 144 SHISEN DAHO Privateering 3A AAtkSHISEN DAHO MENJ6 Letter of marque 2 J SHISENKI Time of beginning of battle or war b SHISETSU SURU To establish privately 4t SHISETSUBU Installations Department 1r&9 E SHISETSUDAN Mission,committee,commission &Z P SHISETSU HOMBU Installations Headquarters iY6 P SHISETSUJI Time lost ps&OX SHISETSUKA Installations and Equipment Section S SHISETSU KBSHI Goodwill minister rSHISETSUKYOKU Installations Bureau X, & SHISETSU TAICHB Construction unit commander $A tvx SHISETSU TETSUD6 Private railroad S SHISHA SURU To grease a wheel "SHISHADAN Trial shot SHISHAKU FUJIN Viscountess SHISHI Directions,orders SHISHI Private br personal funds # %is,~ SHISHI JIK6 Suggested items 4"W- t SHISHIN TAKUKYM Pointer base 0TK:- SHISHIT6 Marker light If, 1 L LI SHISHI TO SHITE Assiduously SHISHITSU Dentine SHISHITSU Morgue SHISHO Branch office S SHISH5 NA Very small 4&4- 'o SHISH6 STRU To indicate ka ' SHISH& SURU To spend,disburse,advance money 34144 SHISHO GIZ& Forgery of private document IA rl SHISHOKAN Private post office box 15j SHISHU SURU. To defend to death 1t SHISHOKA Embroidery frame,tambour CI8~44W SHISHU KONG6 SESSHO Mixed vaccination,for typhoid,paratyphoid A and B bacteria food poisoning JL~ fYTSHISHKUUSHO One's lodgings SKISHUT SGAKU Expendi tures SHISHUTSUHY6 Payment slip J~ R& SHISHUTSU KAIKEI KACH3 Chief of Accounting Section SHISHO WAKU Embroidery frame,tambour SHISO Resistance SHIS& Feed rack H1 SIS6 Nanking Consulate General kl~ 5H15 Stab wound r SHISB SURU To entice,incite ~' SHIS& SURT To run quickly SHIS6 B~RYAKU Propaganda scheme SHISgA Thought Section -~*t SL HISOKTJ Di~BUTSU Quasdrup ed SHI SOKJOJ ii Cu adru oed S SHISOMERU To do for first time,start doing SHISON 214 Sp, SHISON Cities and villages. )t-* *t SHISo 0 HoKAI SURU To entertain an idea, Sevolve an idea AIM SHISSEISHOKU Dictatorship S SHISSETSU Geniculum ýoa SHISSHIN Loss of trust > s SHISSHO Written with lacquer SHISSH6 Full,minute, thorough, SHISSOKU SURU To lose speed,stalling speed x i SHISS5 SENKOKU Adjudication of disappearance o @ SHISS5 TODOKE Report of disappearance -7K SHISUI Volunteer seaman ot, SHISSURU To scold,reprimand 44 SHISSURU To take SHISUMASU To succeed,accomplish one's purpose.*#t'i SHISO TEISOKU Index law SHITA Radical 135 7 I SHITA AGO Lover jaw ]T SHITABA Lower part,lover end,soffit * SHITABI Smoldering fire t+,!t SHITADAMU To speak a patois,speak indistinctly T f.i SHITAESHI Designer,pattern drawer C $f SHITA GA But,however,still,though, nevertheless,and yet T. SHITAGANE Foundry metal t 4 SHITAGARU To be eager to do something T '41 SHITAGAWA Underside T + SHITAGI Shrubs underneath large trees SHITAGIKI Preliminary hearing or inquiry 7 ' SHITAGOKORO Radical 061 S" SHITA HEN Radical 135 SHITAI Arms and legs a SHITAI Entire body S SHITAI Paper bags SHITAIDOKU Ptomaine poisoning t SHITAI IKI Abandonment of a corpse W\ SHITAI KAIBo Autopsy 9( SHITAI KEN-AN Autopsy SHITAJIKI Pinned under,lying beneath "SHITAKAGAMI Bending downwards,proneness T WT SHITAMACHIFO Downtown fashion T A15 SHITAMAWARU To fall,in finance FTV SHITAMAWARU To tend downward,be lower T 4, SHITA MIZU Radical 085 T 4 SHITA MIZU Subterranean water Tk SHITAMOE Fire burning underneath FfJ-9,-I SHITAMUKI TEIRAKU SHIKY6 Falling market 1K SHITAN Grief,distress T SHITAPPA YAKUNIN Underling,petty official 1'' SHITATSU SURU To designate, specify t, 5 SHITATSU SURU To notify M 1 SHITATSU SURU To reach or extend in every direction -F7 r* SHITA UKENIN Subcontractor TA 4f SHITA UKEOININ Submanufacturer Tfl SHITAZARA Saucer T.F SHITAZASHIKI Room on ground floor T SHITAZURI Proof sheet,trial print SHITCHI Lost territory,lost territories * SHITCHIKU Lost area t! SHITCHOKAKU Interventricular septum s)i SHITEI Headquarters reconnaissance plane I-IT SHITEI Office boy,messenger f, SHITEI,Visibility,range of vision JAX SHITEIBI Appointed day 4,tl SHITEI CHI-IKI Specified area A Lt HITEI GYORY6CHI Reservation for fishing and hunting SHITEIJI Appointed time 4r SHITEIK5 Particular port,port named 4LA& SHITEI K6KENNIN Appointed guardian W~C8 SHITEISH5 Recognized merchant,purveyor SHITEKI Enemies everywhere 4tfr ' SHITEKI SURU To point out the enemy t> SHITHI SURU To sight the enemy 9 g SHITEKI YUIBUTSURON Historical materialismi SSHITEN Branch store S SHITEN Strong point f I & SHITENCHo Branch manager S1W i T - SHITE O0TE KUDASAI Would like to have v' done " tI g SHITE YARARERU To be tricked VA SHITO Use SHIT5 Death feud,death struggle SHITO Support,prop SHITP Tip of toe ý7 t SHIT6 NO Unjust,improper,unreasonable % it r ^f ^wTp ^1 1\A) L ^ *^ ^t 4? SHIT SURU..To arrive SHI T6KYOKU Municipal authorities SHITOMERU To kill,finish SHITO SHINKY Apostolic Creed SHIT6 TAZUNA Checkrein SHITUTEN Pillar,support SHITOTSU SURU To thrust,stab SHITSUAI Loss of affection SHITSUAKU SURU To dislike,hate SHITSUB6. Forgetfulness SHITSUBY6 Mistake, blunder SHITSUCH6 Office head SHITSUGEKI SURU To sally,make a sortie SHITSUGEN Appearahce SHITSUGI 6T6 RAN Answers-to-questions column SHITSUGO Blunder,fault,mistake SHITSUGYo CH6SA Unemployment census SHITSUGYo HOKEN Unemployment insurance SHITSUGYo JIHY6 Timecard SHITSUGYoKU Strain of unemployment SHITSUGYoSHA HOGO H6AN Unemployment relief bill SHITSUGY6SHA KYUSAIH5 Unemployment relief SHITSUGY6 TEATE Unemployment benefit SHITSU HATTATSU NO CHI Center of traffic SHITSU-I Forgetfulness SHITSU-I JIDAI One's dark days SHITSUJITSU Sincerlty SHITSUJUNKI Wet season. SHITSUKE ITO Basting.thread SHITSUMEI Loss of life SHITSUMONSEN Interpell-ations SHITSUMONSHO Written inquiry SHITSUMU JIKAN Office hours SHITSUNAIHON Knock-knee SHITSUNIKUS6 Laceration,lacerated wound SHITSUNYU KABU Hypothecated stock SHITSURAI Building, masonry SHITSURY6 Mass,in physics SHITSURYUHIN SHOBUN Foreclosure of mortgage or pledge of personalty SHITSUSHITSU Noise of swelling of waves SHITSUSHITSU Whistling of wind SHITSUTEKI Qualitative SHITTA KABURI SURU To pretend to know SHITTOBUKAI Jealous SHITTOSHIN Jealousy,envy SHITTSU Physical pain,suffering SHI-UND6 Apparent motion,in astronomy SHI-UNTEMBA Proving ground SHI-URU To be able to do SHIWAKECH6 Journal., in bookkeeping SHIWAKE NIKKICH6 Journal daybook SHIWAKESHO Specifications SHIWAMERU To wrinkle,crumple,crinkle SHIWAMUSHI Stingy person,miser SHIYA Country or fields in every direction SHIYO Forage SHIYO SURU To give alms,dispense charity SHIY6 ATSURYOKU Pressure used SHIPCHU In use SHIY65O0 Degree of use SHIY6H6 Directions for use SHIYo-H6 Method of using SHIY6 JISO Number of hours used SHIYo6J Farm, ranch SHIY6 KACHI Utility value,value in use SHIY6 KAN6 KISO Number of planes available SHIYQKEN Right of using SHIYOKU Self-interest SHIY5 MOTOCH5 Private ledger _SHIYoNIN KYOJO HOKEN Employee's benefit insurance SHIYoREI Example of use SHaY.RY5 Rent,hire SHIYSSHO Contract specifications SHIY5SHO Printed instructions SHIY6 TAISHAKU Loan of use,loan for use SHIYU 01eoresins,lubricants SHIYU Starting oil SHIYOBUTSU Municipal property SHIYOBUTSU Private possessions SHIYOCHI Private land SHIYOHIN Privately owned articles SHIYOKEN Right of private ownership SHIYO ZAISAN Private property SHIZAI Dead load SHIZAI Private fortune,funds or property SHIZAIKA Funds Section SHTZA IKA 215 WOE SHIZAIKA Resources Section 3P+* SHIZAIMk Research Material Section SHIZA:KYOKU Materials Bureau S4 SHIZAN Piles of dead bodies Wt SHIZEI Tax on paper oJ-4k SHIZEN CHAKKA Automatic ignition $ SHIZEN DOKUSEN Natural monopoly SHIZEN HAISUIH6 Free drainage 3 HIZEN HAKKA Spontaneous combustion 0, z SHIZEN HASSEI Spontaneous generation SHIZEIKAI Nature S SHIZEN NENSH6 Spontaneous combustion SHIZEN RITSU Natural law SHIZENSEI Nature,essence 54' SHIZEN SHINKY6 Deism A SHIZEN SHdMETSU ISAN Lapsed legacy ~J"'%-~ SHIZEN ZdKA Unearned increment >f-4 40 N SHIZEN Z KA HOKENRY5 Graduated premiums Y)_t'J( SHIZEN Z6SHO Unearned increment A,;W SHIZOKU Branch of family i ýkOk A ý SHIZOKU NO SH6H6 Amateurish venture SHIZUMINI Lagan,goods temporarily sunk SH6 Chiang Kai-shek SH6 Province in China "A SH6 Radical 042 SH6 Showa Era SH6 Unit of capacity,1.8039 liters SHOAI Love A ') SHOATARI Heatstroke,sunstroke tA SH6BAIBURI Bbsiness methods SHWBAININ KISHITSU Commercialism IAJ SH6BAININ KONSE I Mercenary spirit it J a SHBAI NO KOTSU Tricks of the trade 41V SHOBAN First night A-ir SHOBATSUREI Penal regulations Aguit SHOBATSUROKU Default book Vf) A SHOBATSU SO0KENHY6 Ready-reference list 3~ SH6BEN Valvule S0 SH6BI NO KYU Impending danger,emergency; -i- SH0B6BASRIGO Fireman's ladder,fire ladder Iis fl SH6BB EINSHU Fire drill j1 V SH6B6FU Fireman sg R# SH oB6GUMI Fire company A? Pf SH6Bo6HAAN Fire fighting detachment S SHoBOKU Camphorwood tree ti S SHdBOKU SURU To char wood iAP+L SHo6B6 KUMIGASHIRA Fire master,leader of fire brigade SH6B6 POMPU Fire-fighting pump jg P3 SH6B5SEN Fireboat SH&B6SHO Fire station IAd MW SH&B6TAI Fire department,fire brigade it 2P SHOBU All parts or sections tiP F SH6BU Patrol area '),-6P SH6BU Small section A, 4P i, SH6BUBUN Small part',particle,fragment 4t"It SHOBUKKA All prices St4it 4 SHOBUKKEN All articles g&* KA SHoBUKON-YU Calamus oil tA o,* SH6BU NO KISH6 Militaristic spirit fA r SH6BU NO TAMI Martial nation /1,P SHABURAKU Hamlet SPPk SHOBUTAI All units (d SHOBUTSU Various things,all sorts of things (i ~ SHOBY6 Various illnesses + i S iBYO Kedge anchor &AA1 3 SH5BYB SURU To pretend to be ill lA 4L fk SHoBY&HEI K6S6 Removal of sick and wounded l4 j9i- d SH6BY6HEI YUSMKI Ambulance airplane AAAi4 SHMBY8 MEI Type of wound or illness 1%j94[ SHoBY6 T6SA Wound or illness classification SHBCHI Thorough knowledge R SH6CHI SURU To inform in detail A)() SHOCHIBURI Manner of handling Xt 'i SH&CHI GAKUSEI Invited students ~S3 SHOCHIHB All areas Kb&CLAE SHOCHI ITASHITASHI Please note,we want you to know SH&CHIKU Pine and bamboo 4tjFoL SH6CHI NO UE Deliberately,consciously SHOCH6 Chief of police SHbCH6 Officer in charge of depot SH6CH6 Provincial governor,China trfc. 5H6...CHB Material assistant to the... officer t 1 5 SH5CH6 SURU Toreward and punish V- b RSH6CH6 SURU To swell,bloat 5' ' SHCCH6 USHIO Provincial government office,China A$4 A Af 4.AE ILL 07 tf1 % I ] 7C, E3 i#:9 3 rt i "i~dg 4~r TW$ 444E A 4V) ~ ~10 $~t B $ spt BE a SlkE - lWt t jis L~ita A iOir p 0g P la~8 t Z E iC5 f cr 3it ~ ~G ~,)t r~ IBi jr2 fSA ~,Lbt 3 4t0B W igMD ~B tinj~rr - is) if F~pr o SHEoGYo KOKUMIN SH6CHOKU Severity,sternness,strictness;HOCHU At first SHMCHU Cook SH6CHUBON Pocket edition SH6CHOKI Climbing gear SH6DAI University of Commerce, Tokyo SHMDAI NO CHI Strip of land SHSDAKtUHO Written consent SHODAN. First shot SH6DAN Bullet,small arms ammunition SHMDAN Incendiary bomb or shell SHMDAN NO NARTYUKI Course of transactions SHDENKI Electrician artificer SH6DENSHIN Telegraphist SHODO First time,first degree SH6DO Scorched earth SH6Db Belfry SH6D5 Excitement,thrill,shock SH6DO FUJUBUN Low intensity of light SHODO JUNSHI Preliminary tour of inspection SH DOKA SURU To be reduced to ashes SH6DOKI Dirt scraper SH6DOKU DASSHIMEN Sterilized cotton SH6DOKUSHITSU Disinfecting room SH6DOKUSHO Disinfecting station SH6DOKU WATA Sterilized cotton SHbDON SURU To dull by fire,anneal SýHDONRO Annealing furnace SHUDO' SAKUSEN Scorched earth operations SH6DO SENJUTSU Scorched earth tactics "ZH65DYAKU Exciter 5H6EISEI Sanitation controller SH6EKICHI SHOYDSHA Dominant owner SHMEN Antiphlogistic medicine, counterinflammatory SH6EN SURU To extinguish a flame SH6EN SURU To smother smoke SH6ENKI Flash eliminator SH6FUDA Price mark,fixed price SHoFUDA NEDAN Fixed price,labelled price SH6FUDAZUKI NO Plainly marked SHOGACH6 Album SH6GAIBUTSU Obstacle SHbGAI CHISHI Fatal injury SH6GAI DOSM RITSU Accident rate SHbGAI HIETSU Jumping of obstacles SH6GAI HOKEN Accident insurance,casualty insurance SH&GAIKA External Liaison Section SH6GAI SHIEYO SHIKIN Accident compensation fund SHOGAKARI KANJ' Charge accounts SHOGAKARIKOMI NEDAN Overhead price, all-inclusive price SHOGAKARIKOMI OKURIJB Franco invoice SHOGAKARI TSUKIKOMI NEDAN Franco,delivered free SH5GAKU Small amount,oxall sum SH6GAKU JID6 Primary school children SH6GAKU KIN Scholarship,endowment SH6GAKUSEI Primary school children SH6GAKU SHIHEI Small bank note SHMGAKU SHIKIN Scholarship fund SHOGAKUSHO Elementary book SH6GAKU TOKUHON Elementary reader SH6GATSU GANJITSU New Year's Day SH&MAZUKE Candied ginger SH6GEKI Small crevice SHOGEN Details SH&GEN Amusing conversation,jokes, witticisms SBHGEN SURU To decrease,diminish,lessen, be reduced SH6GI Chamber of commerce SH6GI-IN Trustee,councillor SHIGIN East India Company rupee SH&GITEKI J6Kb Consultative clause SH6GITENI JTYAKU Consultative treaty SHOGB All numbers SH6GUNSHOKU Office of shogun,shogunate SHWWYO Small fish SH6GYi BOlI Commercial bookkeeping SH6GY6CHI Business district SH6GY6 FUKHY Commercial depression SH6GY6 IEIK;A Commercial par,real exchange SHOGYbJI Various ceremonies SHB6GxKA SURU To commercialize SH6GY5 KAIGISHO Chamber of commerce SHbGY3 KIIKEN Commercial risk SH6GYMKOKU Commercial country SHbGY6 KOKUMIN Commercial nation 3 9 1 0 1% lit 9 vA I 4 1 4% j~ "MAO FA roo -c7 loa r2eToE 1?A ~ $jartf PJC (lwzo "Ao kt $.5#A ~3; $f/it k tas0f ri~ Soit~; ~ Xi 7i A SH3GYO KE1SHINJo / *216 SH5GY5 _E SBINJO Mercantile agency,for credit investigation SHGY 6 KU-.]IKI Business quarter SHOGYOKU KIKAN Semi-Diesel or hot-bulb engine SHbGY{ MEIKAN Business directory SH6GY6SEN Commercial competition SHWGY6 SHIN-Y6 CH6SANIN Credit investigator SSH6GY( SHIN-Y6 HOKEN Commercial credit insurance SH6GY6 TAYORI Commercial notes 8H6GY6 TORIHIKISHO Stock exchange 'SHbGY6 TOSHI Commercial town 8H6GY6 WARIBIKI Commercial discount,bank discount SH6HA SURU To damage slightly SH6IHAKU Trading ship,merchant ship SHOHAN Crime,offense,misdemeanor MHEHANHEI Deck specialist SHOHAN NO JUMBI Complete preparations OH6HATSU Small landing craft BH5IATSU Small motorboat SHoRATSUDMKISEN Small motorboat BHRATSUD6TEI Small motorboat MHOHATSU IRAI Since the outbreak SH6HATSU MOIKY6 Small landing-craft with gate ramp SH6HATSU OKIBA Motorboat mooring SHIHEI Officers and men SHbIEI Wounded soldiers SH-...HEI Specialist or artificer in... SHdIEI SURU, To raise troops SH6BZIHI Mustering expense SH6REI-INH5 Wounded Soldiers Institute Law SH6BEI KIMMU Sentry duty SH5REIK6 Rifle pit SHOIEI RENGb Combination of armed forces SH6MEI SEN Sentry line,cordon SH6KEISEN Skirmish SHOHEI SHIKIKAN Commander in chief SH6HEKI Partition,enclosing wall,barrier SH ItEI Precipice,cliff SH6HEKICH6 Top of enclosing wall SHIHEKI SHAGEKI Barrage fire,curtain fire SHOHEN First volume SH6 HEN Radical 090 SHOHI General expenses SHBRHIDAKA Amount expended SHBdI FUSOKU Underconsumption SH6HIGAKU Amount consumed SBHII KEIZAI Economy of consumption SHl6HIKCH6 Flight controller SHR6HIKHEI Aircraftsman SH5 1 KUMIAI Consumers' cooperative SHdHIN ARIDAKA Goods in stock SHIHIN ARIDAKACH6 Stock boolF SH6HIN BUCH6 Merchandise manager SHiHIN JUYO SHIKI Distribution of prizes SH6HIN KAHEI Commodity currency SH6HIIN KAITENSU Merchandise turnover SH&IIN KAJ-UKESHO Fence for stolen goods SHMHIN KANJ6 Merchandise account SH6HIN KIN Gold,the commodity SH6HIN MIHON Sample post SH6HIN MOKUROKU Catalogue,inventory SHUHIN SHI-IRECH -Invoice book inwards SH5H-IN SHIJ6 Commodity market SH6HIN SHIOKURICH6 Invoice book outwards SH6HIN TEGATA Commercial paper secured by commodity,commodity certificate SHoHI SETSUYAKU Economy on consumption, cut in consumption SHoHI TAISHAKRE Loan of money or goods repayable in kind SH'HI ZEI Consumption tax or excise SE6FII ZEI NO MODOSHI ZEI Rebate of import duty of raw materials upon export as finished produdts SHOH8 All directions 51101 Service telegram SH16H6 Gunner SHORH6D6RI As prescribed SHOH5GAKI Medical prescription SHIHON FUNAII SHiKEN Original bill of lading SHOH63EN Prescription slip SHO1BSEN DAICHO Prescription book SHB6Y6 Reef marker 4% ii'ii~i~i ~ 3 AR 4 fak~ r#,i F-eZt MA A @ga i selbA0 ifkfl4 a 4 \ tti 5 ~4 4, ~T4 3t.3 3 tJ *A 1- K ~ tsf t'f A'dfd ~5 r~ stlefb ( - 4itce S 5s4t tt f IIf-l$e4 4ir '87 aM r?',B4c j,~ ~t4~~j 1 0.,A SHijAI SEN SH6HY6 Specification tally for wounded SHRY6 Voucher SH6iHYi6KEN SHINGAI Trade-mark infringement SH161Y6 TOROKtH6 Trade-mark Registration Act 5HO-I First intent SH6I Incendiary SH6I Wound SHI BIN Incendiary bottle,Molotov cocktail SHOIBUKURO Hold-all of rectangular piece of cloth SH6IDAN Incendiary bullet SH6I GUNJIN Wounded soldier SH6I K6HOSEI Midshipman,naval cadet SHO5IN Personnel of a government office SHBIN Depot personnel SHoIN SURU To accept,consent SHBIRY0 Subsistence controller,a shipboard station SHoIRYoHEI Specialist subsistence man,a grade of specialist school 5111 SANDAN Incendiary case shot SH6ISHA Wounded person SHBJI Small character,minuscule SHOJI BANTAN Everything SH6JIGAMI Translucent door paper 3HOJIHIN Personal effects SH6JI HOKEN Infantile insurance SH5JI KEIYAKU Commercial contract SHOJI KENYAKU All-round thrift SH6JI KUMIAI Commercial partnership SH6JIMBARA Small fry SH6JIMBI Day.of abstinence,fast day SH6JIMBUTSU Narrow-minded person SH6JIN SURU To turn up,consume completely SH6JIN AGE Fried vegetables SH6JIN-OCHI End of fast day SH6JIN RY6RI Vegetable diet 3H6JINUSHI Small landowner SHOJZ All items SH6J6 Bell-shaped SH6J6 B Emporium,market SH6J6 Letter of invitation SH6J6 On the rocks,on the reef SH6JOBASýMI Letter clip,ietter file SHOJOCHI Virgin soil SH6JO GIYUDAN Girl Scouts SHOJ6 HATTCHAKUBO Letter record SH6J6KISEN Small steamship SHOJO KiKAI Maiden voyage SHOJORIN Virgin forest SH6J6 SAKU-IN Reference SHOJO SHUPPAN Maiden publication SH6J6TEKI NI MIRU To take a narrow view SH6JUDAN Bullet,rifle shot SH6JU HATSUENT6B Smoke rifle grenade SHOJUN Permission SH6JUN B6ENKY6 Telescopic sight SH6JUNKI Bombsight SH6JURIN Copse SH3Ju SHATEI Rifle range,rifle shot SH6JUTSU SURU To state in detail SH6JUYU Camphorwood oil SHOKA Bookstack SH6KA Lighter,tender,barge,small boat SH6KA Merchandise,saledble objects,goods SH6KA Short rest,moment of leisure SH6KA SURU To absorb SHdKA SURU To crystallize SH6KAGEKI Operetta SH6KA HOJOZAI Digestive,aid to digestion SH6KAI Business world,merchant class SHKAI Chamber of Commerce and Industry SH6KAI Provincial Assembly,China SH6KAI Sma2l mass,small lump SH6KAI Small square characters SH6KAI SURU To patrol SH6KAICHI Open country SH6KAIGAN Reef limestone SHiEAIJ6 Letter Of inquiry SH6KAIJ6 Letter of introduction SH6KAI KITAI Patrol plane unit SH6KAIMEN Patrol surface SHiKAININ General agent,business representative, intermediary,middleeman ~SH6AI NO KEN Matter referred to or inquired about SH6KAI OYOBI KEIKAI Patrol and defensive screening SHZKAI SEN Patrol line SA-EAI SENSUI BUTAI 217 jW if jpa SHCKAI SENSUI BUJTAI Submarine patrol force,f SHfAISON Accustomed average,in marine insurance c* @ 3SHdKAITEI,Patrol boat t#.4*f1t - HKAITEIHAN Patrol boat section q#patf SHdKAI TEITAI Coast guard cutter unit, patrol boat division s )it- SHdKAITEKI Introductory i4tL SIfKAJAN Digestive tract /k41 B9SHiKAKI Digestive organs,J\41f* SHWKAJ O Parentheses 1 1SHKAKUBUTSU Small sized lumber.4 1 tLlk BHdKA KYUSHU Nutrition -Pw - SHOKAMBUKURO Envelope for letter $jc SHOKAN All officers $6 ( SHOKAN All warships $M. SHOKAN Book box,letter box SHOKAN You,plural SSHKANZ Boiler room artificer SHiKAN Gas decontaminator SHoKAN Little cold,period from January 6 to 21 S SHdAMI Mast,spar,pole 4. SH6KAN Small warship A',IL SHOKANCHB Competent authorities, authorities concerned iA 4 SHMKAN GIMUSHA ' Recourse debtor tkS SHIKANJ6 Writ of summons,subpoena t * SH&KAN KAIGI Board of Admirals or Generals 4itV SH6KAN KEISANSHO Recourse account *~1' SH&KANKI Admiral's flag Iit 09. SH6KAN KIGEN Term of redemption f3E)ca' 9 SHOKAN SANSH6 BANG6 Letter reference number SHOKANSEN Letter paper,pad f SHOKANSHU Collection of letters S SH KAN S6TMKAN Officer ranking with general officer S-reSYi~ SHMKAN TSUZURIKOMIKI Letter file (Uf$1* SHdKAN YBSHI Letterhead *h1* - SHOKAQAWASE First meeting Y~Lit SH6KARYOKU Digestive power,absorptive power 1t1~ff/ SH6KA SAY6 Digestive process;i4 SH6KASO Pepsin >As SHdKA SUIKAN Fire hose k49A SHdKATEI Fireboat ef*p- SHOKATSUCH6 Competent authority # SHOKATSU KEISATSUSHO Police authorities concerned Mi1A SHOKATSU SAIBANSHO Court having jurisdiction 4L49f4-5 SH8KAZOMI SHKEN Securities sold directly SHOKEI Punishment lf SHKEI Bell-shaped SH6KEI Figure,picture,ideograph 48 A SH6KEI Hunan-Kwangsi At f'] SHOKEI DAI Scaffold,gallows SHOKEIHI Overhead charges SHdKEIKI Small type plane f SH6KEIRI Intendence controller I { SH6 7KEIRIHEI Specialist supplies and accounts men iSHOKEN All matters Safi SH6KEN BUINRUI CH6SA Analysis of securities 5L h j SH5EN DbIN Mobilization of securities t4 SHtKEN DOROB6 Bond thief SHdME HAIT6 Scrip dividend Rt& SHMRMK HAKKbSHO House of issue if#fPA& SH6KEIN INSII Revenue stamp ~f~-~t% 4 SHiKEN JISAN IRIHARAI Document to bearer ~ ' SEN KE6KEgI 'Bond transactions: an SHXKEI SAGI YUZURIWATASHI Forgery HOKEN insurance SSH7KEN YUZTURIWATASHISH6 Stock receipt SHiKETSU Sintering S, SHIKETSIUJK Sinter k SH6KETSURO Sintering furnace ij4t SH KI Engine-room artificer SHgKI Malaria,miasma R45 SHEKI Officer's flag SHoKIHEI Machinist SHOKIHO Assistant clerk *7JJ*!i SHOKI J6oYO Initial surplus ZG SHOKIKA Clerical Section S SHOKIKANCH6 Chief secretary W SHOKIKANKYU Secretary class SHKIMBARAI Cash payment 47 it Alt~ ri 4-M It - Jt, L jA T T Ir A * MA I ~4V# 1: 1.4 I'pjTi 4P r MM-t4Rt, r ~nit - ~fitWB riliP~t 8fPtit WLF.Lnk ~ 1T4; 9 l i~f r a~e iL 2 ER Bfi IS% I u BRAistri SHoK7 SIHIRYo SH6KIN Yokohama Specie Bank SHCKIN BANKOKU Yokohama Specie Bank at Bangkok SH61I NETSU Marsh fever,malarial disease,paludism SH6KIN HIKIKAE Cashing,encashment SHQKIN SH3NAN Yokohama Specie Bank at Singapore SHOKINYUCH65 Original entry books SHZKIN YUNYO Importation of specie SH6KIN YUS6TEN Specie point SH6KIRAICH6 Chief mine specialist SHOKISEI Student secretary SHOKI YAKU Secretarial post,secretariat SHOKKAN Sense of touch,tactile sense SHOKE71GAI Outside one's authority SHOKEINJ5 Officially SHOEKEN NI YORI Ex officio SHOKKEN RANY6 Misfeasance,malversation SHOEKIKA Plate rack SHOKKIN Absorption of pathogenic germs SHOKKIN Pecuniary indemnity SHOKKIN SAIB6 Phagocyte SHOKKISHITSU Pantry SHOKKI TODANA Dish cupboard SHOKK6 Weaver SHOKK6CH6 Foreman SHOKK6FUKU Overalls,jumper SHOKK6 KISHITSU Artisan spirit.SHOKK6 KUMIAI Labor union SHOKK6 RYUCHIKEN Mechanic's lien SH6KK6 SHIY6 TOKKEN Mechanic's privilege SHOK6 All paragraphs SHOK6 Various ports SHIKO Lagoon SH5KO Marshes and lakes SHaKb Brilliance,shine,bCight light SHMK6 Camphor odor SH6K6 Careful consideration SH5K6 Commercial port,commercial. harbor SHiK6 Cross arm,cross bar SH6K6 Mercuric chloride SH-K6 Reduction,abatement.,diminution SHi6K Resin SH5K6 Scarlet,bright red SHaK6 SURU To receive and carry out,as of commands SH6KO BULKEN Material evidence SH5KOBUTSU Evidence SH-K6DAI Step,steppingstone SH&Kb DAIJIN Minister of Commerce and Industry SHoKo-DAN Step,steppingstone SH6K6 DEMP6 Collated telegram SH6KO FUJUBUN Insufficient evidence SH&K6 GAAZE Mercuric chloride gauze SHoK6GUCHI Hatchway SH&K6GY6 Small industries SH6KbGYb TOSHI Commercial and industrial city SH&K6HEI Artificer SHoKoHEI ITAGANE Artificer, metalsmith SHKd-HEI KAJI Artificer,blacksmith SHoK6HEI KIKAI Artificer,mechanic SHoK HEI MOKEI Artificer, patternmaker SHiK6HEI MOKK5 Artificer,carpenter SHQKO HOZEN Perpetuation of evidence SHaK6J6 Mercuric chloridd troche,a poisonous corrosive SH6KBJB Platform SHiKO JuBBUN Conclusive evidence: SHagiKA Cemmerce and Industry Section SHOKgKAI First voyage SH6KiKAI Commercial and industrial world SHSKdKAICH6 Chief navigator SHGB~ KAIGISHO Chamber of Commerca and Industry SH6KiKEIHb Small caliber gun SHiKOKI Elevatorhoist SH6KKIBAN Elevator boy SHKOKIMBAI Margin purchase SHKO KIN Warrant money,margin,covex' SHKiKIKL Aircraftsman SH5Kb MEIKAN Business directory SH5K& MICHI Elevator well SHNKO SAIBAN Trial by evidence SHdK6SAKU Repairman SH5K6 SHING67I Heliograph SHMKO SHIRYM Corroborative facts SHMoSHO 218 iSH6K6SHO Provincial government office ^t'- SHKOH56 Ministry of Commerce and Industry I$ A SHOKO SHORUI Documentary evidence #4Fl*V SH6K5 S6CHI Lifting apparatus,lifting gear, SH6KBTAI Searchlight unit t SHOKU Radioal 184 SHOKU Szechwan 47 SHOKU Initial sentence,in composition %_: SHOKU Sufferings,pains,troubles 41 M SH5KU Business district S09 SH6KU Patrol sector 14 SHOKUBA Workyard,workshop,mill,factory w SHOKUBAN Germ culture U lT SHOKUBUTSU SAISHOKAN Vasculum,flowezr collection box Wt9i SHOKUBUTSUSEIYU Vegetable oil SHOKUBUTSUSHITSU Vegetable matter NA SHOKUBUTSUYU Vegetable oil Ml SHOKUCHAKU Contact kt TSHOKUDoSHA Dining car AT SHOKUEI Shadow cast by a light Y SHOKUEKI Position' SHOKUEN CHOSHA Salt injection "SHOKUENSUI Saline solution SHOKUEN Y6KI, Salt cellar S4L. SHOKUFU K6J6 Weaving mill - SHOKUGEN SURU To gloss over to deceive SHOKUGYo ANNAI Help-wanted ads T t SHOKUGY6 CHODOKU Occupational poisoning WkV%,V SHOKUGY5 DAIHY5SEI Professional " representative system I^ SHOKUGY6KA Occupations Section l SHOKUGY6KA SURU To vocationalize, SHOKUGY6 KUMIAI Trade-union SHOKUqYG SEIJIKA Professional politician 14 t M SHOKUGY SH&KAIJO Employment agency %* - SHOKUGY6TEKI SHIPPEI Occupational disease t*t Af SHOKUGY5 T6KEl CH6SA Occupational census T SHOKUHATSU SURU To explode on contact 3 SHOKU HEN Radical 184 4F 1 SHOKUHI Skin-grafting . T SHOKUHIJUTSU Skin-grafting SHOKU-IKI Position,post of duty BHOKU-IN Official seal SHOKU-IN MEIBO Staff directory , SHOKU-INROKU Government officials directory IX SHOKU-INSHITSU Instructors' room, officials ' room -i SHOtUJI Mealtime S- SHOKUJI FUSOKU Diethry deficiency SHQKUJIK6 Typesetter 4-L SHOKUJI SHOKK56 Compositor SHOKUJ6 Cleansing by wiping SHOKUJ6 Place of employment SHOKUJO BoKuGUN Works air defense party SHOKUJUEN Arboretum SHOKUKAI Occupational rank I ~ ISHOKUKAI First voyage SHOKUMAI Rice SHOKUMEI Title,position Ut LT SHOKUMINCHIKA SURU To colonize,turn into a colony AA -8tV SHOKUMIN JIDAI Colonial period 4 KL#* SHOKUMIN JIGY6 Colonization 0 Mj:X SHOKUMIN SEISAKU Colonial policy SHOKUMINSH6 Colonial office . SHOKUNOTSU CHSSETSU Food control t t SHOKUMOTSU SEIGEN Rationing * u nSHOKUMUH5 Payment for service rendered ^"L ^SHOKUMUJ5 Official SHOKUMU SH6TEI Office regulations W-I*M- SHOKUMU TAIMAN Neglect of duty .li' SHOKUNIN KONSEI Artisan spirit S SHOKURAI Contact mine S SHOKURY6 Food Administration Bureau j^' SHOKURY5 Food ration 1Xtl SHOKURYo FOSA Hunger blockade i o\ tU-] SHOKURY6HIN KANRIKYO0KU Food Administration Bureau I.5 X SHOKURY5 I-IN Provisions committee tVI J! SHOKURY5 KANRI Provision rationing i I SHOKURY5 KANRIKYOKU Food Administration Bureau A677 SHOKURYOKU Candle power A SHOKURY KYOKU Provisions Bureau "C SHOKURYMAI Rice luJ SHOKURYBSEN Provisions ship 4-" SHOKURYSSHITSU Pantry ot/ *k 444 m 4 -'t A wkit 4%NA kWE Itiri ^^ Mflf E dt 51 At A### kE 4 k ii 4 E I ^IT ^'^^t 5h IF 'f4 A ^5 ^' 6 ^^6^^ gat ill >~)^^+ h r^-^^^^r ^.^g ^^r^? ^^tfgg *y^ JE^^^f /^^19 ^^~hK;k^0 gtt N If^^^R 83 ^ ^^ ^^ e~0^ P I(Ht A'it &iR Af A It ^^9& ^M^ia *^u^6 SHEMo HE0oKU SHOKUSAI SURU To plant and cultivate SHOKUSAN Food production SHOKUSANKA Development. of Industries,Section SHOKUSANKA Food Production Section SHOKUSETSUKI Contact plane SHOKUSETSU KITAI Contact plane unit SHOKUSH6 Weaver SHOKUSH6 SURU To collide SHOKUSH5 SURU To strike a reef, touch bottom SHOKUSH6GARA By virtue of one's office SHOKUSH5Jo As an official SHOKUTAKU Noncareer employee,temporary employee SHOKUTE Chief worker SHOKUY6 KAERU Bullfrog SHOKUY6 USHI Beef cattle SHOKUZAI KIN Ransom SHoKYAKUKI Incinerator SHXKYAKU KIKIN Depreciation fund SHAKY5 Ginger SHoKY6 Provincial border,in China SHoKY6 Small bridge SH6KYd CHINKI Tincture of ginger SHoKY6 FUSHIN Slack market SHIKY6 KAPPATSU Brisk trade SHoKYOKU Ministries and bureaus SH5KYOKUKA SURU To become conservative SH5KYOKUKA SURU To weaken,grow negative SHKEYOKUSEI Negative character SH6KYOKUTEKI Negative SH6KYOKUTEKI HANK5 Passive resistance SHoKYOKUTEKI HIBAI Negative boycott DoMEI S10KYOKUTEKI TAIDO Conservative attitude SHoKY6 SHARIBETS.U Syrup of ginger SHKY6 SHISATSU SURU To inspect the condition of trade SH6KYo SHISATSU RYOK6 Commercial inspection tour SHOKYD Starting salary SHOKYU KANSETSU Enarthrosis,ball-andsocket joint SHOKYUYO Miscellaneous allowances SH6MA Wear,wear and tear SH6MAI SHIJo Spot rice market SHOMEI Order SH6MEI. Name of province -SHOMEI Under immediate authority of.. SH6MEIDAN Illuminating shell,flare bomb, star shell SHOMEI HAKUSHI Carte blanche,signature to blank paper SHOMEI INSATSUKI Signagraph SHOMEIJ6 Certificate, testimonial SHoMEI JK56 Attestation clause SH6MEIKA Flare SH51EI KIGU Lighting fixtures SHoMEI KITAI Searchlight unit SHOMEIKOKU Signatory powers SH6MEIKYO Illuminating torch SHoMEISHO *Certificate,affidavit SHMENF UKU Frontage, width SHOMEN ININ Proxy,power of attorney, procuration SHOMEN KEIYAKU Written contract SH6MEN SHNTOTSU Head-on collision SHaMENZU Front view,elevation plan SH6METSU Destruction by fire SHSMETSU JIK6 Lapse of prescription,in law SHoMI FuTAJ Real tare,in commerce SH16MI GENKIMBARA1 Net cash SH1MI JURY6 Net weight. SH6MI KINGAKU Net amount SH6MI NEDAN Net price SH1MI NISSU Net number of days SHOMIN KI1OKA People's Banks Section SH5MI SHAKUDO Net measurement SHSMI SHIHARAI KIN Net account due SHoMI S6JORY5 Total net weight SH4MITSU NA Minute,thorough SH1MI URIAGEDAKA Net proceeds SH8MI ZAISAN Net worth SH6M5 Destruction by fire SH546 BAKUDAN Bombs expended SH1M6HI Cost of wear and tear, depreciation expense SHSMOHIN Expendable articles SH1M4 H6KOKU Consumption report,as of "ammunition SHoMON SURU 219 MeP"1- 3 ra t -63 t M 4i 1ý;9 r)9 111 4 J- C ~1 ti- A4 -'A7$1 ~-~ ~ff%$ 1;i h )k SAH% ~ctJih T r$fid ~'J ~1l CR Y ~1\i G~~I f ~I-bzt ~ ~A# 8 14 ~~ R Y Bi ~5 t ~ ~AM ~;78 M~t # f MS s - 9-I A -2 # fi P Rfegcs s Ma t f If aizz n~ U-*k 9fae SH5MON SURU To question minutely SH6MB NETSU Hectic fever,slow fever BE6M5SEN War of attritionSHB6M6SH6 Marasmus,wasting disease SHOMOTSU D6RAKU Bibliomania SHOMU Function of government bureau SH5MU CII&AN Secretary of Commerce SH6MU DAIJIN Secretary of Commerce, SHoMU-IN Provincial administrative council,in China SHOMUKA General Affairs Section SH6MUKA Business Affairs Section SHOMU KASHIKAN General affairs noncommissioned officer SHOMU KITEI Office routine regulations SH6MU SANJIKAN Commercial counsellor SHoMUSH6 Ministry or Department of Commerce SH6MYAKU Reefs SEHNAI Within the ministry SH6iNAI KOKOROE Station instructions SH5NE Net price SH5NENDAN Boy Scouts SH6NEN DANCH6 Scoutmaster SHoNEN GIYUDAN Boy Scouts SHENEN KoIKUHEI Air cadet SHONENKYU Beginner's class SHONENSEI Freshman SHoNEN SHIGANHEI Youth volunteer SH6oNEN TSUSHINHEI Signal cadet SHONETSU Summer heat SHoNETSU Torridity,burning heat SH5NETSU SURU To allay fever SH5NETSUZAI Sedative,refrigerant SH5 NI ATARU To be in charge of,bear the brunt of 0 SHlNI MAHIBYo Infantile paralysis SHENIN HOSHo KIN Acknowledgement money. SHoNICNJ6 Acknowledgment,letter of approval SH6NIN KONJ6 Mercehary spirit, commercialism SHONINKYU Starting salary SH5NISAN Infants' powder SH6NISEI MAHI Infantile paralysis SH5NbCHI Small holdings SH6N6HA Agrarian party,agrarians SH5N6H6 Pustule, sore SH6N6H5SHIN Impetigo SH6N6 KAIKYU Peasantry SH6N6 SEIDO Intensive agricultural system SH6N6SHU Camphorated wine SH6516 SOSHIKI Peasant proprietor system SH6N6 TOKKI Cerebellar process,in anatomy SHONYOY6 Sundry expenses,sundries SH6RAISEI Future,possibilities SH6RAKUSHA Reel SHOREI Rules of etiquette,the formalities SH6REI KIN Bounty,subsidy SHOREISOKU All rules,all regulations SHOREN Primary trainer SHo6R1 Commercial profits SH6RI Palm of the hand,in the hands SHORIH6 Method of handling SH5RIN Small wheel,ringlet SH6RIN Wood,thicket,brake SH6RINKUSHO Minor Forestry Office SH5RO Path,small road SH6RO Woodcutter's path SH6R6 Crow's nest,top of mast SH6R6IN Topman,topsman SHOR6 KE-KIN Absence on account of illness SH6ROKU Detailed notes,detailed report S6-ROSHIA Little Russia SH-ROSHIA-GO Ruthenian laarguage,Little Russian SH6-ROSHIA-JIN Ruthenian person,Little Russian SHORUIBASAMI Folder SHORUI DENDATSU MEIREI Written orders SHORUI-IRE Brief case SHORUI KANRIKA Voucher Section SHORUI NO HIKIWATASHI Surrender of documents SHORUI SEIRIBAKO Filing cabinet SHORUISHIKI KOGITTE Voucher check SHORUI SHORIBAKO Letter file SH6RYAKU Extract,outline, summary,precis SH6RYAKU Short extract,summary 'I' Ii 1 49 t.4401 t& G) 4 W tI 1 ' I SJ ~ ~ 4; A %F ' OA A ti - 16,3 Ft~Xb L* AfRt in@ W7 V 'j ' Ufj ' o 1! i49 k~~ i(R4 F St4 th a 3g B 1BE ggk Ff?gt ~E P'g ~ Mg- g rtJ S gif 3 L tB@ ~ M ~c 3 7 ~I~4 r a7 47 iF ar@ tr ~1\% Q SHoSO SH6RYAKUBUN Abridged sentence SH5RYAKUFU Apostrophe SH6RYAKIH6 Ellipsis SHoRYAKUSAN Approximation,contraction SHORY5 First aid SH6RY5 Net weight,conditioned weight SH6oRYBUNE Straw boats of the dead SB6RYOKU Little influence SHoRYU Granule,small grain SH6RYG Stream SH6SA Proof SH6SA Small variation or difference SHOSAGY6 All works,various construction jobs SHOSAI NO Reported,in newspaper etc. SHOSAI SURU To state,report SH6SAN Eulogy,panegyric SH6SAN GIN EKI Silver nitrate solution SHOSATSU Book,volume SH6SATSU Killing by fire,burning SH6SEI Starlet,small star SH6SEI State of business,commercial affairs,business reputation SH6SEIBI Air maintenance controller SH5 SEIFUIJ Provincial government,China SHE SEIKEN Chungking government's authority,Chiang's authority SHoSEIKOKU Inviting power "SH6SEKI Reef,rock SHOSEKIGY6 KUMIAI' Publisher's guild SHOSEKI KAIDAI Bibliography SHdSEKKYOKU Negative and positive poles SHOSEN First encounter of two armies, first phase of battle SHOSEN Writing tablet SH6SEN Glandule SH6SEN Line of sentries SH6SEN Picket line of small radar boats SH6SEN Osaka Shosen Kaisha,Osaka Commercial S. S. Co.' SH55EN Patrol boat,guard ship SH6SEN Small boat SH6SEN DENSHA Government-operated electric interurban trains SH6SENKI Merchant flag SH6SýNSHA Tankette SH5SENTAI Merchant marine,merchant fleet SH56SENTAI Merchant ship group. SH6SENTAI UND6 Merchant ship maneuvers SH6SETSU Light snow SHOSETSUBI Various equipment,all installations SH6SHA Wounded person SH6SHA Blinker light SH5SHA SURU To shineand glitter SH6SHA H6GEKI Illumination cannonade SH6KSHAKUKI Cauterizing instrument,cautery SH6SHA MAKU Screen of light SHOSHI Various newspapers SH6SHI Bestowal of awards SHb6SHI Provinces and cities,China SH6SHI Wounded and dead persons SHSHI DANTEI Tentative judgment SHOSHIKISHU Collection of forms SH5SHING6 Signalman SHOSHIN SAIBANSHO Court of first trial SH6SHI SEMBAN Perfectly absurdiridiculous SHOSHISETSU All facilities SH6SHITSU Details,particulars SHSHITSUT KAOKU Fire-destroyed houses SH6SHITSU KU-IKI Burned district SHOSHO Several places SHOSH5 Documentary evidence SHOSH6 SURU To handle,control,deal with SH6SHO Sentry post SH6SHO Writ of summons,subpoena SH65H6 Bruise 5H65H6 SURU To encourage by rewards SHOSHO HoB6 Far and near SH6SHOKU Us,ourselves SH6SHOMEN Text of a document SH6SHbTOTSU Skirmish, brush SH6SHU Arbitrage SH6SHUCHU Being called up by the army SH6SHi FU6 Draft dodging SH6SHUKOKU Inviting power SH6SHiJREI Induction order SH6SHU REIJb Summons to the colors SH6SHORI Small repairs SH630 Lawsuit,legal action,case, litigation SHOS 220 AgA a J3M Bt A 4 45 A SbA A a assBr ~#ttfFb i 891 4 +HJh sots Vr# ~.,AJl to i n~gi Fag c~ ~fglg x,sg) ~3 s10per r8 i841 yk - ktS 5131 8~ fA d ) s F Ags n$s,ff*W 2: /Ir~ttl b iJ##f ibtir g~L,IZ, ~ ggf Ql i8P tfPgg~B ~ i000.F R j SHMS3 Funeral BHM6S NO Young SHOSCKAIGU Small sweeping equipment SHOSOKU First attempt to walk after illness SHMOSHU Muzzle velocity SB6SO0KUBUN Personal letter BSH6SOKU BUJI Informed sources SMiSOgUTEKI Range-finder controller SH6SON Loss by fire SH6SONRAXU Small village &SH6S MSIIKAN Young officer SH6SUHA Minority SH6SUI General,commander SH560I Decimal place SHdSUIRAI Torpedoman SH6SUIRAIBEI Torpedoman SH6SUJI Commercial circles SHb6STEN Decimal point SH6S$UT Minor political party,minority S5H630 TiHalKEN KABUNUSHI Minority stockholder SHOTAI Various units,all units SH6TAI Formation of three planes SHOTAI DBGU Household furniture,domestic utensils SBR6TAI JUTAI Column of troops SHOTAIMOCHI Married person,family man SHOTAI NUSHI Head of the house SHOTAISO Number of households SH5TAI Admiration SH6TAN Coke SHOTE Initial,first SH6TEI Plan,constitution,rule,regulation SH6TEIKI Boat-recall flag SH6TEISHAKU Small scale SHOTE KARA From the first SROTEKT Droplets,small drops SHRTEKI Trade rivalry SHOTEN Various points,all points SH6TEN Speck,spotsmall point SHoTEN Vanishing point SHOTENCHB Chief ritualist SHOTb Beginning of,early part SH6T6 Beacon SHWT6 Lowest rank SHMT6 Petty thief SE6BT Rise in rank SHbT6 SURU To collide with and upset SHM6T6 DEK6 Saint Elmo's fire SMT6 HATSUDENSHA Searchlight-generator car SH65T6 JIKAN Lights out SE6T6gAI Commeroial Control Association SHOTOKUGAKU Income total SHMTOKUHI Monument in one's honor SHCMTOKMY8 Eulogy,memorial SHOTOKU ZEI Income tax SHOTOKU ZEI SBINKOKU Income tax YoSHI return blank SHoT6 RAPPA Lights out,taps SHOTOSHI All the cities SHMT6T Masthead lantern SHMTOTSU J6K6 Collision clause SHM6TSUSHINCH6 Chief specialist in communications SHU Drizzle SHMUN Fortunes of trade SHEN Prosperous and aappy state SH6iUN-Y For use in controlling transportation SHAUMm-YbCHA Director of transportation SM6WA Japanese era 1926 -SMbWA1f Cove,small bay SHOYAKU Various offices and duties SMbYAKUGO Abbreviation,contraction SMOY6 Various items of business SMBYO Field ordnance depot for spare parts SHTYhiBtJ Business letter SKBY6CMI Commercial value 5M6Yb DENSEN Commercial wire line 5BMYb D6RO Promenade SMOY6GAKU Necessary amount S5M6Y00 Commercial term SMOYBHI Necessary expenses S1EYB6 11) Commercial aviation SM6YOE(6 Price list SHIOY JIKA1 Tine required SHLAO KIN Bonus,gratuity,premium 5H!YO KIM SEIDO Premium system r% )q mot rPi 104 * 19;-K3 8 Bg$C 944A0 aim i Uj4:t.~k.jtb~t;\* AIR MAI Pr q 1$K4 JE Jgk4 b -/i - ~ ia444 $ 4 ii i I& e af184$ eE 19; P fi9 rfr illr ~ St 4 S1 f eA 4~r tDL 2( too>1 ~~i 4 jE~4o) 1h~ sHUD 1DNO ICHI 5H6Y6 RYAKUGO Commercial abbreviation SHM66 SHOSHIKI Business form SHOYOBUTSU Personal property SHOYUCHI Land in one's possession,estate SHOYGMIN Personal effects SH6YUKAI Friendship Association,,Tapan SMOYUKAKU Possessive case,genitive case SHOYUKEN Right of ownership,proprietary rights SHOZAIC3I Location SHOZAI FUMEI Whereabouts unknowh.,missing SHOZAI KANSHO Local administration office SHOZEI Taxes SH6ZEI Commercial taxes SM6ZEI Provincial tax,China SHoZEIKYOKU Provincial Tax Bureau SH6ZEN Clearly,brilliantly,splendidly, plainly SH6Z6GA Portrait SHOZOKU BUTAI One's regiment,home post SHOZOKU KANRI Officials attached to SHOZOKU KANTEI All attached men-of-war SHOZOKU MITEI Unassigned,unattached SHOZOKU 0 TENZURU To be reassigned SH6ZUKU Cardamom SMHU Counter for poems SHU Culture,smear,in bacteriology SHU Unit of weight,0.626 grams,mere trifle SHU- Bupply,supply branch -SHt Special duty...,supply,in navy commissions HU1 Pontoon SHUBA Led horse SHUBAA Fur coat SHUBAI SURU To buy up SHUBAI KIKAN Purchasing agency SHUBAN SMIKAN Officer of the week SHUBATSU Boats and rafts SHUBI Halitosis,offensive breath SHUBIHEI Garrison,guards SHEBI IKKA1 Consistency SHUBI SEN Line of defense SHUBITAI Guards,garrison unit SHUBO Pearl oyster SHUB6 Ringleader SHMUBSHOKU Hand spinning SHUBUN SURU To edit and revise a document SHUBY'6 Main anchor SHUCHI Fineness,delicacy,detail, perfection SHUCHI STJRU To mae lIknown SHI CHIJI State governor SHUCHIKU Cattle for breeding purposes SHUCHIMBAN Pocket edition SHUCHIMBON Manual,handbook SHUCHIN JISHO Pocket dictionary SHUCHI RONSHA Intellectualist SHUCH6 Chancellor,chief,head SHUCHM6 Chief,leader,head,director SHUCHMON Essential harmony SHUCHU In the hands of,controlled by SHUCHa Interior of boat,in a. boat SHOCHO HAKK6 SEIDO Bank note ipsuing system SHOCHO KANJ6 Exchange holdings account SHUCHO SMAGEKI Concentrated fire SHUDAIKA Theme song SHUDAN Concentrated fire SHODAN BAKUGEKI Massed bombing SHUDAN GUN Group army SHUDAN HOKEN Group insurance SHODAN 11081 Collective security SHUDANJU Clump of trees SHODAN JUTAI Mass.column SHODAN KAOKU Group of houses SHUDAN KEIYAKU Collective bargaining SHODAN SAMB6 Staff of a group SMUDAN SEIKATSU Group segregation,group living SMODAN SEIKATSUSHA Internees SHUDAIISMO Segregation center SHMUDAN 36GAI HOKEN Group accident insurance SHMUENKEN Hand key SMUDENT6 Flashlight SH1)36 Hand-operated g51)6 Incitement control,initiative SH0D6 SURU To find employment SHUD6 CH6WEI Hand regulation SHUDOJO Nun SHUD6 NO ICHI Having the initiative 'tV4d ~41,? 4t R1 k L$( t tl cft i 3 3 B 6 $j13 ~ 4 4 0 ~AB s F3- a $r= SBUDoSrI 221 SHUD6SEI Initiative SHUDBSHA Handcar SHOZKI Convict or forced labor SRUEKI Terminal station I J S3HUXKI SURU To put to work SHOUEKIDAEKA Amount of profit SHOEKIHI Revenue expenses A SHUEKIKEN Right to profits SHUEKI KIN Profits,gains S SHIUEKI SAIKEN Income bond SHUEKI SHISAN Earning assets SHUEKI TEIGEN Diminishing returns n t) SHUEKI TEIGEN NO H6SOKU Law of diminishing returns RHUETSU Excellence,pre-eminence SHUFU Landing place,jetty, SHIFUKU Chief and vice-chief S SHUFUKU SURU To be overawed,lie low in fear S SHUFUNX6 Main jet SHUGAKU GIMU Compulsory school attendance SHUGAKU JID6 RITSU School attendance percentage SHUGAN Red face o SHUGEIHIN Fancy articles S SHUGEI SHOKUNIN Craftsman SHUGEKIKI Attack plane S SHUGEKITAI Attacktg unit SHUGEKITEN Point of attack SHUGETSU Autumn moon t SHUGI-IN GICA6 President of the House of Representatives S SHUGI-IN GI-IN Representative,congressman SHUGI KESSEZU Divided in opinion SJUG5BBUTSU Mixture,compound S SHUG6CHI Rendezvous,assembly point ItA SHUG6 CHI-IKI Assembly area tThTft SHUGBCHI KARRIKAN Assembly point control officer # SHUG6 TIKOKU Assembly time S SHUG6 MEISHI Collective noun js SHUG6 RAPPA Muster call SHUGOSHIN Guardian deity SSHUG6SHO Meeting place SHUGOSHOKU Guardianship SHUG5TEN Cpnfluence L SHE GOTO NI Weekly BR BUGU SEIJI Mob rule SHUGY6 Handicraft,manual labor SHUGY6 Apprenticeship SHUGY6 Employment S SHUGYbCHU During one's study B, SHUGY6 JIKAN Closing hour S SHUGY6 JIKAN Working hours SHUGYb NENGEN Course of study, school years SHUGY6 RETSUJO Order of completion of studies SHUGY6 SH6SHO Certificate of study SHUHACH6 Wave length S SHURAIGAKARI Collection-and-delivery man SHUHAININ Postman SHUHAN Leader,headman SHUHAN Main offence,main offender S SHUHAS Frequenoy,periodicity SHEMEKI Surrounding wall 5 SHUHEN SURU To collect and organize 3e SHUHITSU JISEKI Senior editor SHUHO Correction,repairing,restoring, improvement $ SHUHO BUPPIMBU Canteen Department g-j SHIUHO I-IN Canteen committee j SHURO SH6NIN Sutler,camp hawker,canteen steward SHU-IN Red seal SHuIN Overcast sky of autumn SHU IRO Vermillion SHU-ISHO Prospectus ~t~L SHOITSU MUTEKI Concentration of mind SHUJAKUXYOKU Tenacity,adhesive power SHUJAKEJSHIN Deep attachment,tenacity of purpose ~-L SHJIGAKQJ6 Rhetorical SHOJIN FUKU Prison garb S SHUJIN GOS BASHA Patrol wagon I4 SHUJIN GOS65.HA Patrol wagor SHUJIN KgGEI Prison industry SHUJITSU Seeds and fruits SHUJITSU Weekday,workday i SHIIJITSU SHUYA Day and night SHUJ6 Boat-shaped SHUJ6KAI Land of the living 665892 0 - 45 - 15 4,5- -re $A-1 41 77 4901 tt ~fi # t~it4 ) IAlitA Ali 4E f -K -If up 94 Af-i 4 -hA1A4 P- 61:t 1 f JýIf4r- i# 4f MSk- t A- t lt wi:itn9 1 d:lt ~j r Ett p E t ~if ~I At FAe sfi tYR rcfit ~st R $ l u 6 Af ~j i LMk -j $%4iP 1t@ 7 1 804 3~5; = ibJt =tkL8 tf= g IrSif k: 85?6; SHUsaNtSo SHUJOKU Shame,disgrace,dishonor, humiliation SHUJ& NO ON Debt to fellow creatures SHUJUTSU DAI Operating table SHUJUTSU FUKAN6 Inoperability, irreducibility SHUJUTSU-I Operating surgeon SHUJUTSU KY6SHITSU Operating theater SHUJUTSTUSHITSU Operating room SHUJTUTSUT6 Surgical knife'SHUJU ZATTA NO MONO Odds and ends SHUKA Boat rest SHUKA Absorption of currency SHUKA Accumulation of freight SHUKA SURU To buy up or collect goods SHUKA GY5SHA Jobber SHUKAIJITSU Day of meeting oa assembly SHUKAI REI Public meeting regulations SHUKAIKEN Sea superiority SHUKAIKEN Right to assemble SHUKAIRO Main circuit SHUKAISHITSU Assembly hall SHUXAISHO Meeting place SHUKAKUDAKA Yield,crop SHUKAKUDOKI Harvest time SHlUKAKU HAIBUNHZ Distribution of crops SHUKAKUKI Harvester,reaping machine SHUKAKUKI Harvest season SHUKAKURY6 Amount of the crop SHUKAKU TEIGEN Diminishing returns SHUXAMP6 Common law SHUGKAINCHU To be in confinement SHUKAN JIK56 Matters in one's charge SHUKANJ5 Commitment paper SUKANKA SURU To subjectify SHUKANRYOKU Prison-cell capacity SHKAENTEKI Subjective SHUKATAKAN Capital ship SHUKEI Poultry breeding SHUKEI... Supply corps,in navy commissions SHUKEI Compilation of statistics SHUKEIBU Paymaster's office SHUKEICH6 Chief paymaster SHUKEICHB Supply officer SH=KEI CHOI Assistant paygmaster SHUKEI CHUJ6 Paymaster vice-admiral SHUKEI CHUSA Fleet paymaster SHUKEIMHEI Nonrated man,supply SHLUEI HEICH6 Leading seaman,supply SHUKEI HEISE Petty officer,supply SHUKEI HEIS3CH9 Warrant officer, supply SHUKEIHYo Accountant table SHUKEIKA Accounts Section,Intendance Section SHUKEIKA Supply Section,shipboard and some naval land forces SHUKEIKAN Intendance inspector SHUKEIKA SHIKAN Officer of the paymaster branch SHUKEIKYOKU Accountant's Bureau SHUKEISEI Cadet paymaster H.UK.I...SHU Special duty...,supply,in navy commissions SHUKEI SoKAN Intendance inspector general SkUKEI TOKMU... Special duty...,supply, in navy commissions SHUKEI TOKUMU SHIKAN Special duty officer, supply SHUXEN Fist SHUBETSU StJRU To gather together concentrate StJKHI Principal machinery SKI Period SHUKIDOME Deodorizer SHUKIIBUTSU Collection item SHUKIN Receipts,money received SHUKIKUKI Deodorizer SBHUKIN YOBIN Collect-on-delivery mail SHUKISHb Machine repair shop SHuRmA SURU To be delivered at the wharf BHUKKAI SURU To send around SHUKKAI Encouragement SHUEKAN. Leaving prison SHUKKA TSUCHI Notice of shipment SHUKKE TONSEI Monastic seclusion SHUKKETSUANS Petechiae,purplish spots on skin SRUKXIMBO Attendance book SHUEMflGAKU Amount of investment SHUNKIIHR Full pay,full-duty pay Le *b 13 ik EM I UNW, If f~~ Lb ýb( 4 Lit q9 a A 41 t a H-P 1341 L3~sisa.A t4t6j9X $4t7 t~~ W~ilbB 00A ~4 t tifg4p #2 -? t#lt ti 1 I ~ sit 7L~ I ~-~ MAS -ij Pt [i llhi ~1 R x w td f r 1~3h~' 40i3 ) ii~ ~i ifills M~bd 1t tt 8030 P RsxDA 4s0 t7 ##3 ~ f 9B 3b - 2 jb ft. SHtJKIN JIKAN 222 SHUfl 3 JIMAI Hour of attendance HUoElI NISSU Number of days attended SHu-B6 Output of ore SHUKK6 SURU To go to a place SHUIKOCHIN Warehouse discharge fee SHUKKbGEN Reduction in output of steel SHUBX6J Ship clearance certificate SHUMMOgU SURU To leave a country SHUKK6 MEIREI Sailing orders 3f11=K6 MENJ6 Clearance permit SHUKK6SEN Outgoing vessel,clearance SHU683SHO Clearance bill SHUm6 TEISHICHU Under an embargo SHUK5b TESURY 6 Clearance fee SHUXX6 TETSUZUKI Clearance outwards SHUKB TETSUZUKIZUMI Outward clearance, clearance granted SHBUK6 TODOE Clearance,bill of clearance SHUKK6 TSUCHISHO Clearance notice SHUXEYO STURU To leave dock SHUK6 Main attack SHUK5 Repairs SHUX6 Surprise attack SHUK6GEI Mechanical arts.HEJK6GU Hand tool SHUK6GY6 Manual labor, handicraft SHUK6 JoYAKU Treaty of amity SHUKON Disfjgurement SHUK6RYb Entertainment money SHEKo WAKYo CHoTEI Treaty of friendship, JoYAKU conciliation,and arbitration SHUKUCHOKUBAN One's turn for night duty SHUKCUROKU-IN Night watohmai SHUKUCHOKURY Night duty allowance SHUIUCHOKUSHITSU Night duty room SHUKU ICHI Billeting area SHUKUEIJ6 Billeting area SHJUKUGAJ5 Congratulatory note SHUKUGEN SURU To reduce SHUKUHAKUKAN Ship in berth SHUKURAKUIEN Billeting order SHUKUHAKUK6 Billeting port SHUKUHAKURY6 Lodging charge SHUKUHAKUSHO Lodging SHUKUJUKI Fulling mill SHKU MEIRON Fatalism SHUKUM6 Cherished desire SHUKUNEN Long-cherished intention SHUKUNICHI Public holiday SHUKUNSH6 Distinguished service medal SHUKUSATSUHAN Pocket edition SHtUKUSEI Calm,quiet,peace SHUKUSEI I-INKAI Purge committee SHUKtSHAKEN Billeting order SHUKJSHATAI Billeted unit SHUKUSKHA, WARI Billeting SHIUKSHAZU Miniature drawing SHBUKUSHO SEIMEI Name and address SHUKUZUJUTSU Pantography SHUKY6 - Pontoon bridge SHUKYB Provincial or state boundary SHUKYB DANTAI Religious organization SHOKY6 DANTAIH6 Religious organizations law SHKY(dKA Religious Section SHUKY6KAI Religious circles SHUKY6 KAIGI Religious conference SH0KYhKEN Religious authority SHUKYA KICHIGAI Fanaticism,fanatic SHUK(OKU NO Circumpolar SHOKYOKU HANKETSU Final judguient SHUKYOKU UNDB Circumpolar motion SHUKYiKYb Religious mania SHUKYiWOKU Bureau of Religious Affairs SHUKY6 SAIBANSHO Inquisition SHOKY&SHIN Piety SHUKYO SEIDO Weekly payment system SHUMERY3 Bureau of Imperial Stables SHUMET6 Master of the Horse SHUMITSU NI In minute detailcarefully SHUMOKUHYB Main target SHUMOKUTEKI Main purpose SHUMPYG Spring ice SHUMU NO Proper,concerned,competent SHUMU DAIJIN Competent minister,minister having jurisdiction SHUMU KANCH6 Competent authorities, authorities having jurisdiction SHUMUSHA Person concerned SHUMUSH6 Competent ministrygministry having jurisdiction SHUN- Instantaneous,of a fuse igt V L Sitti J A1A0k4 OtA$Pfld A X A ý\A )A9j 44 IP~f i4 ý jk 0 9 I AJA f JRk2}Z IR I ft~ 13'& 1A Af~ifl c Ii! ~119; ~ 1 I1 ISVt 7 ItEF ~)rX Ir @tW:AiRls r ErR" a $$O I i f t Ri~ r: i f431 ~ litC 3T 5 & aRxl p ( kii 151]R t;'o~ -3 SHiIRYRTHA SHUNCHIKU Dredging area SHUNCH6 Dredging,cleaning out SHUNDEI Dredging,dragging of river SHUND6 Conniving scurrilous activities SHUNEN Throughout the whole year SHRUNEMBKAI Vindictive SHUNENBUKAKU Spitefully SHUNG6 Unusual talent,man of talent SHUN-I Spring clothing SHUNIMMU Main duty SHUNIN HAN-IN Chief members of the group SHUNINKAN Chief officials SHUNIN KANJI Leaders,promoters SHUN-ITSU Excellence,superiority,superior man SHUNJI Instantaneaus SHUNJI NI SHITE Immediately SHUNJ6 HATSUDMKI Adolescence SHUNJU Spring and autumn SHUNJUN Infiltration,permeation, saturation SHUNKA SURU To clean out a river SHUNKAN ATSUEI Snapshot SHUNKAN SHIB6 RITSU Instantaneous death rate SHUNKA SHUTb Four'seasons,the whole year SHUNKI K6REISAI Spring festival SHUNKUKI Time of completion SHUNdBU Governing body,brain trust SHUN6SHA Authorities SHUNSEI Completion,finishing,conclusion SHUNSEI SURU To clean out a well SHUNSEN Dredging of rivfers,dredged river SHUNSETSUSEN Dredger SHUNSHUN Wriggling,crawling SHUNSOKU NO AIDA In a moment of time SHUN-U Spring rain SHUNURI Cinnabar varnish,coral lacquer SHUN-YA Spring night SHUNYUDAKA Total receipts SHONYU HOKEN Insurance proceeds payable in installments SHUNYU KANJd Revenue account SHUNYUKEN Right to income SHUNYU KIN Revenue,cash income SHUNYU TAMPOSAI Revenue bond U SH1O Filth, stench., corruption SHUO NA Base,vile SHUPPAMBI Sailing date SHUPPAN BUSO Size of issue SHUPPANH6 Press law SHUPPANHY5 Shipping schedule SHUJPPANKEN Publication rights SHUPPANKI Blue Peter,a flag SHUPPAN MEIREI Sailing orders SHUPPAN MOTO Publisher SHUPPATSU AIZUSHA Starter SHUPPIGAKU Total expenditures SHUPPIN SHINSA I-IN Exhibition jury SHURAKU Community,colony SHURAN SURU To take in a hawser SHURENKA Training Section SHURENSETSUKAN Master connecting rod SHURENZAI Astringent, styptic SHURI Judge advocate SHURI NI In hand SHURICHU Under repair SHURI KICHI Repair base SHORINCHI Adjacent territory SHURISEN Repair ship SHURISHO Repair shop SHURITSU Yield,yield percentage SHUR6 Baseness,vileness,infamy SHURd SURU To employ or engage workers SHUR&CHU Now employed or engaged,of workers etc. SHUROHI Hemp palm bark SHiURON Public opinion SHURYO Prisoner of war,captive SHURYb Amount collected or gathered SHURYb SURU To collect and treat patients or wounded SHURYiBA Game preserve SHURYbCHI Hunting ground SHURY&GO After completion SHURYOKU KABU Important shares,leaders SHURYOKUKAN SEIGEN Capital ship limitation SHURYOKU KANTAI Main squadron SHURY6 MENJ6 Hunting license SHURY6 MENKYO Hunting license SHURY6SHA Graduate SHURYii 223 31,19 SHURYO Main current,main school 95V SHURYODAN Hand grenade 4 SHUSAI1EN Autocracy SEit a SHUSAIKOKU Inviting power ) T ISHUSAI NO MOTO NI Under the auspices or supervision of I SHUSAI TSISH6 I-INKAI Interstate Commerce Commission AV'I~a11 SHUSAI TSUSH6 J6REI Interstate Commerce Act iij SHUSAKU Thinness, emaciation,atrophy SHUSAN Hand distribution SRUSAN Principal production SHUSAN Compilation,editing SHUSAN Production,yield 4A0$tit SHUSANCHI Distribution center SHUSANKA Principal intervention,in law SHUSAN SERYUMU Cerous oxalate I IX4T b SHU SASATSU K-MOKU Chief items of the inspection SHUSEI Rust SHOSEIAN Amendment Y'f SHUSEI B6GYO Passive defense SHUSEI CHUDOKU Alcoholic poisoning SSHUSEI RENSEIH6 Alcohol denaturing -V SHUSEI H6KOKU Amendment,amended bill 0l- SHUSEI H6BTEN Amended code S SHUSEI INRY 6 Intoxicants SHUSEI KEIKENHY6 Combined experience table,in life insurance SHUSEIRY5 Amount of correction SHUSEIT6 Alcohol lamp SHUSEIZAI Spirits SHUSEKI Chief seat,place of honor SHUSEKI CHUSA-IN Head inspector SHUSEKI-EI Cream of tartar SHUSEKI GALKdCAN Doyen of the diplomatic corps I) # SHUSEKI HANJI Presiding judge S SHUSkKIJ6 Depot,dump SHUSEKIJ5 Ore-storage area t1 k SHUSEKI KANSHUCH6 Head jailer SHUSEKI SAMB6 Senior staff officer Z6 SUUSEKISAN KARYOMU Potassium tartrate '5 7 SHUSEKISAN KARYiMU Iron and sodium NATORYMUT tartrate SHUSEKISAN TETSU KARYiiMU Iron and potassium tartrate I 4 IAASHUSEKI SHIHAININ Manager in chief SSIUSEKI SHUCHI SHOSH6 Overseas base depot SHUSEKI YUS6 Accumulated shipping SHUSEN Advocacy of war,main battle 4P1.4 SHUSEN Red line f-X) SHUSEN NO Hand-picked.Knt72 SHUSEN SURU To end a battle,break off contact n- SHUSEN D6MEI Defensive alliance * SHUSENJ5 Repair dock,dry dock )ijA SHUSENNIN Agent,middleman;a90 SHUSENRY6 Allowance for food and wine AOr SHUSENRY6 Brokerage,commission -S1 SHUSHA Concentrated fire 4Q SHUSRHA Ships and vehicles SHUSHIEN Dactylitis - SHUSHI ICHIRANHY6 Balance sheet Sp SHUSHIKEI Conclusive stem tCf; f SHUSHIN CHbEKI Life imprisonment c WJ SHUSHIN FUBARAI Continuous installment HOKEN SH6KE5 policy St~A SHUSHIN HOKEN Life insurance S SHO SHIN KAI-IN Life member $ is SHOSHINKAN Officer appointed for life,* j. SHUSHIN MURYd J&SHAKEN Life pass on railroad,L SHUSHIN NENKIN Life annuity - \ SHUSHIN ONKYU Life pension SHUSHINSAN Life estate,life interest, in law $k - 4'0IX- SHUSHIN SEIMEI HOKEN Whole life insurance AM I SHOUSHINSHOKU Permanent office $E 1610 SHUSHIN TAKUSHIN PIKIN Life trust fund ~S+,A i p SHUSHIN TOCHI SHOYUKEN Life interest WEP#4y SHUSHIN ZAISAN Life estate JtCkAflWid SHUSHI S56H6 WA SASERU To make both ends, -t:4 ~ meet SHUSH6 Palm of the hand Y9 IV SHUSH6 Injury by horse-kick tfgtTa SHUSH6 DAIRI Temporary or Deputy Premier * SHUSHOKU Red,vermillion ftqý; SHUSHOKU SURU To plant 01 C"' SHUSHOKUBUTSU Main article of diet >1 ~ rts Al4L fiF ttP 4~ f. ~ ~ Lb 4~1( Lb $11 Lb ~ t ItE T 1t; 4 4 1Lb {- 3 ALAdt. 44 3 t fl;t 4~t% ~ff-4 & ~cR 40f: (Eg Pf: Yr R F~ 8 ~i~ mAtu SHITSUBE sURU SHUSHOKUGAKARI Employment agent SHUSHOKUGO Modifier SHUSHOKUNAN Difficulty of finding employment SHUSHOKU NI FUKERU To plunge into dissipation SHUSHOKU SAKI Place of employment SHUSHOKU SHIGANSHA Applicait for position SHUSH6 RAPPA Taps SHUSHU Stubbornness,bigotry SHOSHU SURU To pick up and gather together SHUSO Chief complaint,of a patient SHUS3 Chief pilot SHUS6 Prime minister SHUSOGKU SURU To concentrate,focus SHUSSAN HOKEN Maternity insurance SHUSSAN RITSU Birth rate SHUSSAN SEIGEN Birth control SHUSSAN TODOKE Birth report SHUSSEI Birth SHUSSEICHI Birthplace SHUSSEICHU At the front SHUSSEI GUN. Army in the field SHUSSEI GUNJIN Soldiers at the front SHUSSEIKI War memoirs SHUSSEISHA Native SHUSSEKIBO Attendance book SHUSSEKIHYb Attendance table SHUSSEKI NISSU Days in attendance SHUSSEKISO Number in attendance SHUSSEKI TEISHI Suspension of a member SHUSSEN Pig iron output SHUSSHA Person who is leaving SHUSSHI' Agent,detached personnel SHUSSHIGAKU Amount invested SHUSSHI KANKEISHA Financial interests, backers SHUSSHI KIN Money contributed, contribution SHUSSHIN,Source,extraction, origin,of a person SHUSSHINKIBETSU Divided according to time of graduation SHUSSHINK5 Alma mater SHUSSHINSHA Graduate SHUSSHISHA Investor,financial supporter SHUSSHbCHI Birthplace SHUSSHO HI Source secret SHUSSH6 NENGAPPI Date of birth SHUSSHb RITSU Birth rate SHUSS6 Flight,fleeing SHUSSOKEN Right to take legal action SHUSSO KIGEN Time limit for bringing action SHUSSO KIGENHB Statute of limitation SHUSSURU To die,pass away SHUTAI Main body SHUTAI Main column SHUTAI Principal ingredient,main portion SHUTAI SURU To be the main element, nucleus or backbone SHUTAN End,tel'mination SHUTCHb CHUZAI 0 MEIZTJURU To be ordered to some place SHUTCH6JI Period of time one was there SHUTCHU RYOHI Travelling expenses SHUTCH6 SAKI Place where one has gone SHUTEI Barge SHUTEI Bottom of a boat SHUPEI Revision SHUTEI Ships and boats,barges,small craft SHUTEI-IN Boatkeeper SHUTEI KIDB Small craft maneuvers SHUTEI KID6 ENGOOAI Small draft transportation protection unit SHUTEI KID6TAI Small craft mobile unit SHUTEI RENRAKUJO Small craft liaison point SHUTEN Point marked in red SHUTEN EKI Terminal station SHUT6 Hand-thrown SHUTb Autumn and winter SHUT6 SURU To attack SHUT6 HARI Vaccihator SHUT6JO Vaccination station or clinic SHUTO JdKU Metropolitan Upper Ward SHUTOKU JIKl Acquisitive prescription SHUTON Assembling of troops SHUTONJO Place of assembling of troops SHUT5 SHo4EISHO Vaccination certificate SHUTSUBb SURU To disappear SHUTSUB< SUBRU 224 S1 b SHUTSUB5 SURU To have a desire for, to wish for iA 3. t O SHUTSUBOTSU JIZAI NO Elusive A SHUTSUDS SURU To sortie PAWA SHUTSUDS BUTAI Sortie unit A i SHUTSUD6 MEIREI Moving orders AXk*4 SHUTSUGAN BANG6 Application number Atso SHUTSUGAN KIGEN Time limit for application A 3 SHUTSUGEN SURU To speak At 5 SHUTSUGIN SURU To pay out money SHUTSUGUN Dispatching or departure of troops A SHUTSUMU Attendance at the office SHUTSUNETSU Output of heat 4 SHUTSUNI Forwarding baggage or freight X *I SHUTSUNIDAKA Visible supply Ai i SHUTSUN o Payment A 0 SHUTSUNYUK6 Entrance,passage Skk A SHUTSUINYOK5 TETSUZUKI Customs entry Ka SHUTSUNYORO Incoming and outgoing route +J SHUTSURO Outlet,exit,gateway t SHUTSUR6 Discharge from prison E / SHUTSURYOKU "Output SHUTTAN Output of coal SHUTTANCHI Coal-producing place Ait SHUTTO Departure &'7i SHUTTO Source or object of expense t N 5 SHUTTO SURU To catch smallpox iSf K SHU-UND6 Principal exercises 044 SHOWAI JIKEN Bribery case Sl SHUWANKA Man of resources im SHOYAKU Contraction, shortening ft4 SHUY6 Tenacity, obstinacy, 4Z*t 7 SHOY6 SURU To cover,of withdrawing troops, collect,of St 3 SOUY6 SURU To intern,accommodate 3 t 5 SHUY5 SURU To demand 4t4 V SHUY6 SURU To take in and care for 4tk f SHOY6 SURU To take on board F3 SHUY6BO Principal account books I lM, SHUY6 BUMKA Prices of staple commodities 4 ^VPt SHUY6 BUTAI Supporting or covering unit Sl f SHUY6CHI Principal place,important position SJi SHUY6 CHIKUT6 Manual stake-driver S SHUY5KU Principal phrases,gist SHUY6RY6 Hand capacity? 11 SHUY6RYOKU Capacity,accommodation IVA SHUY6 SAMBUTSU Staple products If L SHUY6 SANGY6 Chief industry tr SHUY6SHA Internee TWf SHUY6 SHIJ6 Primary market qv SHUY6SHO Internment camp,home,asylum SHUYoTEN Main point,keynote b sHUY6 YUSHUTSUHIN Staple article of export SHUZAI Principal offence or offender SHUZAI Vinegar SHUZEIKAN Revenue officer 4ft W SHUZEI KANKU Collectorate 4fl SHOZEIKEN Collectorship,of taxes & SHUZEIKU Collectorate,tax collector's district Ii SHUZEIKYOKU Revenue Bureau 4X$ 9t SHUZEIRI Tax collector i} SHUZENCHO Under repair,out of order Wl t SHUZENHI Repair expense AIKW SHUZEN J6TAI Repair report i1\Wo SHOZENSEN Ships being repaired 4_4 4 SHUZENSHA Repa. L'men iti * b SHOZ6 SURU To ropair r O SHUZOKUKAN NO Intertribal a S SHUZ6MAI Rice for brewing sake i SHUZ6 ZEI Brewery tax @< SO Kiangsu X SO Soviet,Soviet Union S30 Subhead 18 SSo Counter for boats or ships S$5 Counter for pairs of folding screens A S6 Ship's hold K S5 Soong family SS5 Waseda ^ -$5 Consignment S' -35 Tank,cistern,vat.||J SOA Soviet Union and Afghanistan l SAKU NA Ferocious-looking,repulsive -^ SOAKUHIN Inferior articles (I 5 SOBAERU To play,trifle with, joke,flirt 3.k E SOBAGAKI Buckwheat mash * SOBAGARA Buckwheat chaff &I" J46@ ^1 5* 11 &7 L L I? Is I; RA VA A~g if < t Tit5A I I 'a' 0) *jt7 *4k4 4^^a g* U.fty@ t x(aw JLt ^ ^ 3 ~ 3 yg bx7( f $^? I < i. 5?# t< f# 1 mit ^ ^^-^^# ^iSA ^^# 3 w.4# ^^E <T ^f^^^'s ^1) fl a ^~ ^ ^t fi W\^tU 1 SdBAGY6 Stock dealer SMBABY6 Quotations,price list S6BA HY!JIKI Ticker,stock ticker SBAI Times as much,times larger SOBAI KQSHITSU LyophObic colloid SdBAJ6 Speculatively,in finance SOBAKO Buckwheat flour SOBAMERU To be contemptuous of,be at discord with,turn away SOBAMU To turn away, look around SOBAN Base,foundation S6BA NO RANCH6SHI Irregular market SOBASOBASHII Snappish,distant,cold, indifferent SdBAT6 Revolving lantern S6BAT6TEKI Kaleidoscopic SWBATSU Stockmarket expert S6BATSUKE Price list,quotations SOBEETO Soviet SOBEETO SHAKAI-SHUGI Soviet Socialist KY-WAKOKU Republic SOBEETO SHAKAI-SHUGI Union of Soviet KYoWAKOKU REMPo Socialist Republics SOBEN SURU To lodge complaint against,sue SoBEN General superintendent S6BI Equipment SOBIETTO-KA Sovietization SdBIGAE SURU To re-equip SOBIRERU To lose the chance SOB6 Long-cherished wish SOB6 Obstacle,hindrance S5B6 Both eyes or pupils SBB6 Dimness,gloominess,vastness S6B6 Loss SOBOKU Coarseness,rudeness SOBONURERU To be thoroughly soaked SOBORO Confusion,seasoned minced fish SOBOSOBO Poorly,wretchedly,drizzlingly SOBOTSUKU To drizzle SBY6 Two anchors SdBY6HAKU Mooring SOCHA Coarse tea S5CHAKU Quick arrival S6CHAKU Fixation S6CHAKU SURU To attach,equip S6CHAKU SURU To dress up,put on clothes SOCHI Soviet and Czecho-Slovakia SOCHI You,there,in that. place S6CHI Parched land S6CHIJ6 Mittimus,in law SOCHI NI IZURU To take steps S6CH6 Director of General Affairs Section S6CH6 Over-all length S6CH6 Piling up in layers S6CH6 JIMU TORIATSUKAI Acting president S6DA SURU To steer S6DA-BAI Soda ash S6DAI Waseda University,Tokyo S6DAI I-IN Delegation S6DAIRININ General agent,sole agent SODAN SURU To be blocked,be obstructed S5DANCHU Under consideration So6DANZUKU DE By mutual consent S3DA SEKKAIH6 Soda-lime process of making alumina S5DATSU TENRIN Alignment adjusting wheel SODE NI Up one's sleeve SODEGAKI Postscript SODE KIN Bribe S6DEN Transmission,transfer SODENAI NO Unjust,dishonest,improper, callous S6DEN FUD6SAN Family estate S0DE-UTSUSHI Slipping something into fold of the sleeve So6DINKYOKU General Mobilization Bureau SOE Addition,increase,help SO-E Soviet Union and Egypt SOEBUMI Letter of introduction intrusted to bearer SOEFUDE Postscript S56EKI Gross profit SOEN Low grade lead S5EN Wound edges SoEN SURU To send salt SOFO Head wind,dead wind S6FU Head wind,dead wind SMFO GAKKI Wind instrument SoFUHY6 Forwarding mark, sign, SOFUIN-SEN Russo-Finnish War S6FUKI Blower, ventilator SpUNKI 225 Sk SFUNKI General stimulation Sg6 F'FUSHO Remittance or consignment papers ixq So6FU-SHO Text which was sent PAT 45 SOGAI SURU To interrupt,intercept S 3 6GAI HOKEN Frost insurance SOGAKU Amount of the tax 3t S5GAKUD6 Concert hall ak SOGAN Sober face,sobriety 35GS 6GAN Both qyes 6S SoGAN SURU To become blind iWSqe S6GAN BBENKY6 Binocular telescope sor 6GAN SHASHINGA Stereoscopic photograph SEtl SOGEN SURU To investigate the origin, trace to source 4 3S6GIDAN Strikers Ap SGITEN Point at issue S 6G0 Inserted words 5GO NA Intelligent,clever,acute S 6G6 Uproar,din 01 % 65GO00 BBEKI Fair trade,# ifI 5600GO CH6SA KENKYOJO Cooperative Research Ot Institute AV * - 566B CHiJITSUDO Over-all fidelity 56G6 DAIGAKU University li~ W S5GO D5SAKU Reciprocal action AICA 500 FUTAN J6K6 Cross liabilities clause, maritime law 6 8GO HOKEN Mutual insurance 4 5 iGO6 J6YAKU Reciprocal treaty - SGAKA General department 8t3 P ) S5GOKAN NO Mutual IsEY a I 50 GO KANKEI Reciprocity 3 S 5GO KEIYAKU Mutual contract S is 35G0 KO UMIAI Cooperative society i 9 At S6G5 G N6RITSU Over-all efficiency A 53-- 6G00 SAY6 Reciprocal action A. -a * 5V, 6Gb SENKA Total war genius n -2 % 8506 SHASHIN Composite photograph; o560 SGO SHUGI Reciprocity t Al 56G0 0SSHIKI Cooperative system -WMi t f S6G6 S5TEI HIY6 Estimate of the whole expense $ S3#4t S5GO TENJU Intermigration - S6G6 ZEl Aggregate tax S 6GU Bone of contention S 6GU Meeting SOGUN Soviet army tC S6GUN General army,theater army itiEt 5GUSEN Encounter,incidental operation Ti4 56GY6 Early dawn S GxGYB Reeling,spooling S 5GY6H-I Initial expenses Jab S6GY6HI Operating expense eJllVtJi&I S3GY6KI KESSON Initial loss,in insurance 13&t V S6GY6 TANSHUKU Output restriction ff SOHA Russia and Poland 4 6HA1K Contention for supremacy S6HAN Contrariety,opposition So-HAN Transport S 6HANGEKI General counteroffensive 35Hi SHASSEN Twin-engined fighter 4% r 6HiATEN Issue,point of contest for supremacy csr S5HATSU Bimotor,bimotored plane 4ft I S6HATSUD-KI BAKUGEKIKI Twin-engined 4t bomberb 4*rVdtW l4( S6HATSUD6KI SENT6KI Twin-engined fighter BPiRjjg S6HATSUSEI CHIH6SH6 Dementia praecox 3 fS6HEI All the troops,all the military forces ag p S6HIK6KITAI All-air s'uadrons 4 13P( S6HIN SURU To send goods 5 616 Management,handling,manipulation s00 5616 SURU To mount a gun,eg4#Ij S5616 K6SAKU Extensive agriculture Ar3L SOHOKU Northern Kiangsu l5616 14H11E1 GUl Combined area armies x S8H6 N116 l6 Extensive agriculture yLA ~S6Hb6 116H6 Extensive farming system 56(HY6 General critique or criticism S6I General intention,common will e Jr 58I Mutuality, interdependence, correlation *1 5 961 Wound margin SQIBA Double tooth R-5( 65 ICIIIZOKU Soong family i0 5 361I1 SURU To send to the hospital ~rQRIE ~6111CH6 Abbot )R S98IUN KISH6 Everybody up OR *81 5 58UN SH15HU General levy A6- UN11 SHUG6 Muster htt 936IN UE E All hands on deck SOJI Ground,nature,quality WiT FAt Mu, &I &,$9 )I I L ff$ 41 4 *it ARt t2 ik 11~ 14 ~f~ Ativ lf$_4 94 0- -iT-* 0it t idir 31g 1TOi ~ &I BP9 (-s~iA ~O 19T0-?R 6srR9fls$k.9A% tR~fli24 i t 8- IJ s14; itg 4 qT ARS% Ai~t#i rr# 5 ic t,( I BfLM 14 r? A stib # 1ff ~Aft4taff A~t# 3 W~Y)~fe (3 ~) 8 e $4;B jC ARfC1 u f# ~ jt##ip $8 iL SBJ4B hitt1f MA~Tr a iA# $ii it 4 TAt iA fst ~ SoKIN TESuRYo SOtTI Russian letters S6JI SURU To insert a letter or character SOJIH6 Syntax SOJIKI Coarse food,simple diet SOJINTEKI Dustproof S6JITEN Points of agreement 56JO Cleaning 36J6 General condition S56Jb SUTRU To make an uproar 56J6 CHIH6 Disturbed area 86J6ZAI Crime of sedition S68JU Grove SBJU Mulberry tree S6JU Vegetation S6JU SURU To send and receive S6JU Gross weight SWJUH6 Control,manipulation,piloting method S6JUIN Pil6t S6JORYB Total weight S6JJSEI Maneuverability S6JuSHI Pilot s6JUSHIMBU Transmitting and receiving mechanism SJUSHIN Sending and receiving messages Sb6J SHURIN Control wheel S6JUWAKI Telephone transmitter and receiver SaKA SURU To idealize S6KA SURU To stratify SoKA ENCHAKU Delay in delivery SOKAI SURU To spread out,decentralize, disperse S6KAI Sargasso Sea SoKAI BOKAN Mine-sweep'r. depot ship SOKAIGAI Outside a settlement or concession S6KAIGU Mine-sweeping device SOKAIKA Evacuation and Decentralization Section SOKAINAI.Inside a settlement or concession S6KAI RENTAI Combined mine-sweeper group So5KAI SAGY6 Mine sweeping S6KAISEN Mine sweeper SOKAI SENTb Development for action S6KAITEI Mine sweeper,the ship S6KAKU Total amount SOKAN Soviet warship SoKAN All boilers SoKAN All warships SoKAN General supervision S6KAN SURU To maneuver a ship SoKANJ6BO General ledger S6KANJ6 MOTOCH6 General ledger,key ledger SOKAKA INKEI Reciprocity S6KA TSUCHI Advice of shipment SaKATSUGO* General term S6KATSU HOKEN Blanket policy,all-risk policy S6KATSU HOKEN SH6KEN Blanket policy, all-risk policy SoIKATSU KAKAKU Lump pricJ SoKATSU TEIT6 Blanket mortgage S6KATSUTEKI NI In the gross S6KATSUTEKI KETSUGIAN Omnibus resolution -SQKATSU UKEOI KiJI Lump work SIKATSU UNCHIN Lump sum SiKATSU UNCHIN Y6SEN Lump-sum charter KEIYAKU S EEI Perspicacity, shrewdness S6KEIKI Twin-engined light bomber S KEKKI General call to action S6KEN SURU To contend for power SOKEN HEIG6 Duplicity S6KEN IS6 Evocation,in law S6KENSHA Caterpillar tractor S56111N -UN Strato-cirrus cloud S6KI Equipped with tracks,as tanks etc. S5K1 Speedy, early S6KI Transport plane 56K1 Twin cylinder 56KI SURU To insert,enter S6KIKAN Fleet flagship S6KI KASHA Half-track truck SiKI KEN-IN-SA Caterpillar tractor S6KINGAKU Amount of remittance SKhIN GINK6 Remittance bank SiKN KAWASE Remittance check 56KIN NUSHI Remitter S3KIN TEGATA Remittance draft S5KIN TESURY5 Remittance charge SOXINzoKU 226 *fAFt 14 ff 9P AAM j)P1( ~[~L 3~~?PAOP 9P A I ~PEAtzA IP 1 I')A BP k iigfk;agfz' t itcl" " -r A kw Mii t WPO4 7h lt 5 W-.. VP IF Pw 9IPHIA, L 0, 1P T i *1 t# 3 tm6t EIt IF tP~ef4SI S 4 tPX L gin 3 irghf 6 (VQFJ;t SS4l0i iePtlr($ 6P20J4i rBM( t;B]VaMA Fe~et 3 $Ur44ti t % 41 ~ (~ #PRi2K 2L~' iAth E O$ LQ9 r V-s ~~ & E &aF;s~i Mas' iC# Lp ~ '~th $tt? %R trX P I ~r JP jd)J&# p~ik PhiMA idgitL t2i i9 r~A5 iB PSURd tjl ptjA t Ac SnKINZOKU Bimetallic SKIBSHIKI KEIS6SHA Light armored car with half tracks S6KISHU Operator of machine SdKISU Total number of planes SOMA Rapid-fire gun SOWKAI SURU To take soundings SOKE'SU Prompt decision SOKKETSU SAIBAN Summary trial,summary decision SOEKETSU SOXKX Summary judgment SO KKSU TETSUZUKI Summary proceedings 0SKKI Measuring instrument 0SM1I Surveyor's flag SOXKIJUTSU Stenography SOCXIMBARAI Cash payment 501KI MOTJI Logogram,stenograph SOIKIN Vicinity,neighborhood SOKKIN NO Close to,intimate with SOKKIN NO Personal,of staff etc. SOKKIN NEDAN Spot pricb SOKKINSHA Close associate SOKIN TORIHIKI Cash transaction SOIKIROKU Shorthand notes 0SK16 Photometry SOKKb6 SURU To stop up holese SO0K6GAKU Photometry SOKb6GI Height finder 0KK16GU Meteorological appliance SOK516SE Instantly effective SOKK6bSHI Adhesive tape,gold-beater's skin SOKMY0 SURU To measure distance SOKKYO-IN Range finding personnel SO1fYU NI Immediately SO56 Crude ore SO56 Tax SO6 SURU To go upstream 0SK6 SURU To navigate upstream i566 Iron-clad S63K Radical 140 5W66 This and that,meanwhile,while,when 5616 SURU To dispute S561 SURU To sweep,as mines etc S566 BUTAI Armored unit SOKOGIMIWARUI Feeling uneasy 5d66 HANS6KISHA Armored half-track SOKOHIKIBUNE Dragging boat S56K6 H6DAI Armed battery 56K6 JID6SHA Armored automobile 56K6 JUN-Y61AN Armored cruiser S51 KAKUEIEKI Armor bulkhead 561O KANRININ Storekeeper 5K01KU Grain stored in warehouse SOKONI TSUMIKOMIRY6 Ballastage,ballasting charges SOKORACHO All over the place 56K6 RESSHA Armored.train SKORY6 Warehouse charges S6KO SHSHO5 Warehouse certificate Z56O SHUTSUTYUCHb Warehouse book S66KTAI Armored belt 61d6TE1 Armored boat 5dKbTEI Total distance of ship's run SO0-bO Fish of deep waters 81KO WATASHI Ex warehouse S56O WATASHI NEDAN Ex-warehouse price SOtU Counter for pairsfootwear etc. SOKUBAI Spot purchase SOTUB6 Flanking,lateral defense SOK B6 KIN6 Measures for flank defense SOKUBUI BURU To hear indistinctly SOKUC01 SURU To know quiokly SOKUDOIEI Speedometer SOIODO 0 OTOSU To drop speed SOKUEN SEN Sounding line SOKUPUKEI Anemometer SOKUHAI Side and back,beside and behind 5OIUHATSU Speedy departure SOKUHATBUDOME Hairpin SCOKUIEN Side,edgevicinity 50t13H6 Broadside,side-gun 5S01111 Side,flank 5011116 Spot report SOKUJI Sudden occurence SOKUJIBARAI Spot payment SOKUJIBARAI TEGATA Sight bill SOKIJJI CH6SA Immediate investigation SOKUJI C610KU Isnnediate complaint SOKUJI 511611N Spot payment. SOKUJI TORIHIKI Spot transaction SOPKUJI WATASHI Spot delivery SOKUJI WATASHI YAKUJO Spot contract 491 0 A)I op Alr -f -fall JOS&..i44 e tp f (@J s I.Il t A sf 44 3 vPj i 4Ff 0-1 ý) 1. V SAE@ &P 3 J RiA &P MA 4 R 4 T 4 * 4 F46 1 4: 3;wlg 5 i~L &r 4g4t a:al tlf 3 SY fi~t]# 1l,,u 7 MP itAil ft ~ fHjs ~ fo ry i5 l.#t S61ANFU SOKUMEIEN B6GYO Flank defense SOKUMEN!KAN Side view,by-view SOKUMEN EOKUZ6 Silhouette SOKUMENTEKI NI From the side lines SOKUMEN UND6 Lateral movement SOKgUMENZU Side view,lateral view SOKUMETSU SURU To disappear suddenly SOKUMOKU SURU To look askance,gaze with wonder or contempt SOKU6 SURU To reply immediately SOKURO Side road,path SOKURY6KAN Survey ship SOKURYOKUMEI Speedometer SOKURY6TEI Surveying vessel SOKUSA Side chain SOKUSAI EMMEI Health and longevity SOKUSAN SURU To measure,calculate SOKUSEI SURU To encourage,urge,hurry SOKUSEIHAN Casual offence SOKUSEKI Sole of the foot,planta SOKUSEN Blitzkrieg SOKUSEN Measuring wire SOKUSHA Sidecar,jmotorcycle with sidecar SOKUSHAKI Snapshot camera SOKUSHAKU Scale SOKUSHI Plunger SOKUSHI Son SOKUSHI SURU To arrive promptly SOKUSHI SURU To stop SOKUSHIN Rapid progress SOKUSHIN SURU To be relieved from anxiety SOKUSHIN SURU To be under restraint SOKUSHINSHA Accelerator SOKUSHINZAI Acoelerator,in photography SOKUSURU To follow,be in accord with SOKUSURU To stick to,accord with SOKUTATSU NO TEGAMI Special-delivery letter SOKUTATSU YOBIN Special-delivery mail SOKUTEI Direction finding,range finding SOKUTBI DEMPAKI Direction finder SOMKTEI -IN Direction finder personnel, operator SOKUTEIKI Direction finder,measuring apparatus S30UTEIY6 For use in measuring SOUT11EKI Enemy on one's flank SOKUTEKI SURU To find the range,spot SOKUTEKI KITAI Spotting plane unit SOKUTOKU SURU To get the measurement SOKU-UNKI Cloud-speed measurer SdKYAKU Both legs SoKY6 SURU To destroy communism S5KYOKU Headquarters,head office S iY6SEN Anticommunist campaign S6KYU GU 1 Emergency forces SOKYU HOKEN Marine insurance retroactive to start of voyage S5dYUKINSEI KAN6SEI Diplococcus suppuration SOMEAGERU To dye or color up SOMEGAMI Colored paper SOMEN Rough surface S6MEN Ginned cotton S3MEN Surface of wound S6MEN SURU To put on gas mask SOMENUKU To discharge,of dyes B6METSUTAI Mopping-up unit SOMEYA Dyer,dyehouse SOMMiHIN Consumables,expendables 50M6 Soviet Mongolia,Outer Mongolia S6K1411 All items S6MOIU SURU To please the eye S6MON Porthole S6MOREI Funeral regulations SOMPA SURU To ruin,destroy,spoil SOMPAI Decay,decadence,decline SOMPI Existence SOMPI High and low SOMPO Insurance against loss 50MU To be dyed,be influenced S4ITU CHg1AN Commissioner-general, secretary-general S614UKA General Affairs Section S&MUKYOKU General Affairs Bureau SON Counter for barrels,casks,etc. SONAETSUKE IOTU Fittings S6NAI Interior of a warehouse,in a warehouse S61ANCHI Scene of disaster SWAINWU Distress signal v 440 #1 -itt Mt # ifxM it o - A I l 41 t 4 L. 40 A;W k L $ ISe 4 OR - f 6 t( d SS$~3 AeA r6"A~ A~ejt ~ 1 x # 9 19-r ~Q (eA r ~ s4fh l F 6 f 8s ~if! 4 ý 8i~ ~ SoNAN GEMBA 227 S3NAN GEMBA Scene of disaster S6NANKI Wrecked plane SoNANSEN Ship in distress SiNAN SHINGB Distress signal 36NAN SH4MEISHO Extended protest,in shipping SONATA There,you SONCH6 Blemish SONCH6SHI Villages,towns,and cities SONDAIBURU To bear oneself haughtily SONDAI1Y6 Megalomania,swelled head SON-EKI BUAI Profit-and-loss ratio SON-EKI H6KOKU Profit-and-loss report SON-EKIHY6 Profit-and-loss statement SON-EKI ICIIRANBY6 Condensed statement of profit and loss SON-EKI KANJ6 Profit-and-loss account SON-EKI KEISANSHO Profit-and-loss statement, SoNEN Able-bodied person So6NEN JIDAI Prime of life So6NENiTAI Able-bodied corps SONGAI BAISH6 HY6BJUN Measure of damages SONGAIDAKA Extent of damage SONGAI HOKEN Insurance against loss SONGAI HY6KA Assessment of damages SONGAI MIKOMI Possible loss,estimated damage SONGAI 0 K6MURU To sustain a loss SONGAI SEISANNIN Public assessor SONGAI SH1MEISHO Certificate of damage SONGAI Y6S35 Claim for damages SONGEN Decrease,diminution,loss SON GY6SEI Administration of a village SONHO Damage insurance So6NINKAN Official appointed with Emperor's approval SONJ6 Reverence the Emperor and expel the foreigner SONKAI Collapse,demolition,injury,damage SONKAI GI-IN Member of village assembly SOWINARA If that is the case,if so SONN6 jI Reverence the Emperor and expel the foreigner SONNEKA Imperialist,royalist SONN6T6 Imperialists SON-5 Reverence for the Emperor,loyalism SONO CHI That place SONO GI That affair,that matter SBON GO NO Later,subsequent SONO I That idea,meaning,or intention SON-6 JbI Reverence the Emperor and expel the foreigner SON 0 KMTURU To sustain a loss SONG MUNE To that effect S6N6RITSU Gross efficiency 'SON SAI At that time,at that moment SON0 S0 That number SONO TOKI CH6DO Just at that moment SONO TSUDO NI Each time SONG YO Over and beyond that,more than that SONRITSU KIKAI Duration BON R6N6KAI Village soviet BONSHITSUGAKU Amount of loss SONSO SESSH6 Diplomatic negotiations SONSURU To lose,suffer loss SONTAN Outskirts of a village SONTEN Village store SONTOKU Loss and gain SONTOgKU NASHI DE Without loss or profit SONTSUZUKI Succession of losses 56 NY6 Radical 087 56 NYB Radical 156 56 NYO Radical 156 S6NYO Starting up,firing,blowing, admission S6NYP BUMPAIKI Stock distributor S6NYOBUTSU Enclosure S6QYU OKIJOKI Charging crane 65NYUKU Parenthesis S6NYOIY6 Charge,for furnace etc. S6NYOTAN Coal charge,for a coke oven 360 SURU To clear away refuse 366 NO SHISAN Sufficiency, competency BORADANOME Empty hope SORAGOKORO Absent-mindedness,hypocrisy, treachery,falsehood SORAJIGI Mock courtesy,empty compliments SORAKU SURU To fall and scatter 8ORAMAKE Sham or feigned defeat SORAME Mistaken sightseyes upturned, pretending not to see0 1 Aftt 71 % 4 ai 11 i, 11 3 Sf 6 W4td j$ ) 1JO +A 66[ 4ti~ir it oI 40 rll x 0 ~1Srf 99~#~~ &6;fr> * + Mt~i ~L /S h8 f AA t $fs Ilh TA UAilP IeY;~ it ~ IRtZ ~ (tRil- a# *1jt ( RhiLA TA$~E S l 1 9 Wav i lk 2 f 4 ARA" SOSEI TANSAN KARYUMJ S6RAN General view So6RAN Outbreaks,disorder,uebellion SORA NO 3TABI Flight SORA NO Y6SAI Flying fortress SORA-OBOE Illusion,faint recollection.SORA SEIMON False oath SORA SEJI Mock courtesy,empty compliments SORA TORIHIKI Fictitious transactions SORA YAMI Feigned sickness,malingering SORA YOMI Repeating from memory SORA YUME Foolish dream,false dream SORE Divergence,swerve,deflection,miss SORE Now,therefore S6REI Young men,manhood,prime of manhood SOREMP6 Soviet Union SOREMP6 GUN Soviet Army SOREMP6 GUNKAN Soviet warship SOREN Soviet Union SoRENJU Twin guns SORE TO NAKEU Tactfully,as if that were not the case SoRETSU NA Fierce,raging,intense SOREYUE Therefore S5RI DAIJIN HISHOKAN Private secretary to the Premier SORIGURUMA Sledge SORI-IZURU To warp,buckle,become twisted SORIKABURE Barber's itch,parasitic sycosis SORIXATA NO Arched,curved,ridged, razor-backed SoRIN Two wheels,two-wheeled machine, bicycle SoRIN NO Equipped with wheels SoRINSHIKI KEIS6SHA Light armored car SORIOTOSU To shave off SORITSU Scale of tariff or duty charges S6RITSU I-IN Organizing committee SoRITSU SHU-ISHO Prospectus SoRITSU SoKAI First general meeting SORIZUCHI Tilt hammer SOROI Counter for suits of armor SoRONTEN Disputed point SORORI Stealthily,slowly,gently,softly SdRY5 Lading capacity or tonnage of a ship So5RY6 Total amount SoRYBJI DAIRI Acting consul general S6RY6JIKAN Consulate general S6RY6JIKAN JIMU DAIRI In charge of consulate general S6RYOKU Full powers S6RYOKUSEN Total War S6RYO SEIJI Hierarchy SORYU SURU To go upstream SOSA Coarse sand 6S5AI Kuomintang Party chief S6SAIBUTSU Offset SOSAIEN Truck farm S56AI KAMB6 President's Secretariat S53AI KANJ6 Offset account SOSAKU Poor workmanship,coarse manufacture S5SAKU Labor,handling,working S6SAKUKEN Right of search 56SAKU NETSU Inspiration,in work S6SAKU REIJ6 Search warrant S?5SAKU RETSU Line of search S6SAKURYOKU Originality S6SAKU 56T6 SURU To make a search-sweep S6SAKUTAI Searching unit SOSAN NO Spotty,irregular,scattered,loose SOSAN SURU To scatter,dispersemove out SOSAN SURU To assemble 565AN Grand total S6SATSU SURU To infer,guesssuppose SOSEI Dispositionnature 565E1 Creation,introduction 565E1 Double star 565E1 Premature development 565E1 NA Prosperous,thriving SOSETHIN Inferior article S6SEIJI Twin SOSEI KUREZ6RU Crude cresol SOSEI MOKUSAKPi Unrefined vinegar from wood i SOSIE RYS0AN A-SANKA Green vitriol TETSU SOSEISHA Creator,God SOSEI SHOSAN Spirit of niter SOSEITAI Organism,organic body SOSEI TANSAN EARYOMV Crude potassium carbonate SOSEI TANSAN NATORYuMU 228 Wo*s 4RL A)t U IEL*.it* faIw 4ta Lfltf &fidt& J41 ^9, aftI 3 I~t,7t Al W^^ 1-,*4 A A 1 SI )A T 7cL~ 3 At +:1 t;ti^ AxWA ^UM ' 7)'^ ~. ^^ 5# * Mt ^s^HlA ^tit ^: It^ ^fgo a^^t ^ (4t^.;a ^St 4^t *A ihtfct ^-^ >~&44 L4 SOSEI TANSAN NATORYOMU Crude sodium carbonate SOSEKI Rubblestone,rubble S5SEKI Twin-seat S8SEN Along the river S5SEN SURU To insert a cork or plug SOSEN DAIDAI NO Ancestral SOSEN DENRAI Ancestral,hereditary S6SENEY0 KIJITSU General election day SOSEN SOHAI Ancestor worship S6SENZA Plug cord outlet S6SETSUHI First cost SOSETSUKAN Kiangsu,Chekiang,and Anhwei S6SHA Strafing S6SHA-IN All personnel,all members SOSHAKUCHI Leased territory SOSHAKU H6AN Lend-Lease Program SOSHAKU HOJi Lend-Lease SOSHAKUKEN Lease SO-SHI Soviet Union and China SOSHI GEKIJ6 SURU To check and repel S6SHIHAININ General manager S5SHIKI Field command SOSHIKIKA SURU To organize,coordinate SOSHIKI KAIZ6 I-IN Reorganization committee SOSHIKIKEI Tissue system SOSHIKITAI Organism,organic body S6SHIKITEI Central command craft S6SHIN FUKOKU Keying,in radio S6SHINJO Sending station S8SHINKAN Transmitting tube S6SHINKI Transmitter S5SHINKYOKU Sending station S6SHINSHO Sending station S8SHIN SHOHAS0 Transmitting frequency SoSHIN SOKUDO Speed of transmission SOSHIRANU KAO Assumed ignorance SOSHIRINOKERU To ridicule,laugh off SoSHITSU SURU To be obstinate,disagree SSSHITSUKEN Forfeited right SOSH6 DAIRININ Counsel SdSHOHAN Library edition SOSH6 IRAININ Client SOSH5 JIKEN Lawsuit SOSH5 KANKEININ Litigant SOS8H KANTEISHA Associate trial counsel, counsel on the brief S6SHOKUBUTSU Ornament, decoration S6SHOKUHI Decoration expenses S6SHOKUHIN Ornaments,decorations SOSHoNIN Plaintiff S6SHOTAI KATSWJI Grass-hand type SOSH6 TEKIY6SHO Docket SOSH6 TETSUZUKI Judicial procedure SOSH6 T6JISHA Litigants SOSHU Hold stevedore S6SHUJUN Order of oarsmen in a boat S5SHUKAI General assembly,plenary court S6SHUKEN Suzerainty,preponderance S6SHOKI Outboard motor SOSHUSSEKI Plenary assembly S5SHUTSU SURU To sail out,run out,pf a boat S6SHUTSU SURU To send 56S5 Briefly,hastily 6SO5 Canal transportation S6S6 Uproar,disturbance SOSOKASHII Heeldess,rash,hasty, impetuous SOSOKU TAKO Barrage kite 0SS6 NO K6BO Policy of Imperial ancestors SOSSHI SURU To die S6SUI Commander in chief,duce SS5UI HONKAN Water main, service main SS5UI KAN Water pipe SSTAI CHOMON Matched order,on stock market S3TAI GIMU Reciprocal obligations SoTAI KANJ5 Contra account S5TAI KINY0 Contra entry SSTAIKYAKU Full retreat S6TAISHAKU TAISH6HYS Consolidated balance sheet S6TAN Coal shipments SSTANGU Mine probe STAJTEI All ship's boats S6TATSUB0 Delivery book S6TATSU SAKI Destination SOTATSUSEN Service or delivery ship SOTCHI That,you,there SOTEHE Soviet soldier-agent SZo-RYOKU S S5TEI Estimate S STEI Presentation 4A S6TEI Ship's hold tJ1tt DoTEI SURU To establish,introduce, *-t ý So-TEI SURU To present to the Emperor A~Ta SMTEIDAN Home Defence Corps,in Formosa a T*&A STEI KENSA- Physical examination of -conscripts TZ " SoTEI MEIBO List of conscripts S6TEI TEKIKOKU Hypothetic enemy,imaginary AA enemy SOTEN Soviet woman-agent SOTESHI Soviet civilian-agent S6TETSU SURU To shoe,fit with iron SOT6 Raw sugar S STo Fuehrer, President S SOTOBAKO Packing case SOTOBE Outside,outer side SOTOBORI SEN Loop tramway along outer moat S S6TFU President's office @'s S6T6GAKU Suitable amount,substantial amount SOTOHE Soviet soldier-deserter 5, S6T5HY65 Total votes cast' 4*S, -S5ToKAN Officer with rank of... t'* S5T5 KINGAKU Reasonable amount of money f2" S6TOKU Special mine sweeper -- S5TOKUFU Government-general,viceroyalty AL '-- SOTON Soviet woman-deserter?A S6-TON Gross tons A, SOTO NANY6 BUTAI Outer South Seas Force S STONS0 Gross tonnage *M$1 SoTONSU SEIGEN Gross tonnage limitation!ttq S6TOREI Order of the Fuehrer \^i SOTOSHI Soviet deserter-civilian S1 SOTOWA Rim 4tl SOTO WARIBIKI Bank discount ^ SOTSU Graduate I Ak SOTSUGY6SEI SoDAI Valedictorian %tE SOTSUGY5 SHIKIJITSU Commencement day ^t SOTSUGY5 SH6SHO Diploma jtV-*N SOTSUGYo SHSHoSH JUYO Commencement SHIKI exercises tki 3 SOTSUI SURU To prosecute t t SOTTO MO At all,in the least S So6UN Clouds i So-UN Transport E.= S6URIAGEDAKA Gross sales,turnover SOWA It,that,as for that,the reason for that A1 S56WAKI Microphone,transmitter * SSo-WAKU All categories lt SOWASU To cause to accompany,marry to S-9 ( SOWATSUKU To be restless or uneasy 44 SSo-YAKUH5 Charge container 4W O So-YAKU KO Powder in a metal case S SOYASHITATERU To praise,encourage,incite SOYASU To praise,encourage,incite SSY6 Pruritis,itching ~se 56 Y5 NO HIKUKI Biplane S SYOSAN Total budget S5 SMYU SURU To ship oil,send oil S SYU KAN Oil pipe line ^,P<'r So-YUYUGAKU Total amount of imports SOZAI Basic materials SS6ZATSU NA Tangled, confusea t*4^ SOZEI CH6SHU Tax levying,tax collection ^,\ SOZEI DAIGENSOKU Taxation principles ^ L % SOZEI FUTANSHA Taxpayer @4*. SOZEI HOKEN Insurance against tax increase 4tg SOZEIMUSHI Inspector General of Chinese Customs 4@ g SO0ZEI NO FUTAN Taxation burden 4^ 0TA SOZEI NO KEIGEN Tax reduction S S SOZEI SH6KEN Tax anticipation note 'iX>' SOZEI SHDNYI Internal revenue et 6 SOZETSU SURU To cut,obstruct 0 SOZ Coarse manufacture 'l. \- SSZ6GAI NI Beyond imagination,.t S5Z6KA SURU To idealize Ws SOZOKU NA Rough,boorish,uncouth 6 SZOKUBUN Portions,in law of succession T S5ZOKU D6SAN Heirloom?'S S6ZOKUH6 Law of succession I 1 SZOKU NO HIKI-tUKE Acceptance of succession AM* 3 S6ZOKU ZAISAN Inheritance %14. S5ZOKU ZEI Inheritance tax S SOZWY5 Utopia S SSZRYOKn Originality 8~Z- SETSU 229 %tta SOZb SETSU Rypothesis *Y5a M SbZTEO I HONN16 Creative instinct S8ZU Complete map, 04k S36ZUI-IN Entire suite SU Stefani News Agency t SU Subhead 47 SU To do,finish,make,accomplish SU- Slovakia,Spain SUBAI Several times as much SUBAI SURU To increase by several times ilY SUBERAKASU To let alip,slip SUBERI BEN Slide valve SUBERI ITA Slipboard i SUBERIOTOSU To let slip off or down SUBESUBE SHITE With smooth surface SUBUTAI Several units SUBY6 Several seconds j SUCHI Necessary to be known SU0CH6 Several guns SU0DAI Several dynasties,several generations 0SUDAN Several corps,convoys,etc. F SUDAN Several grades or steps SUDO Several times,frequently SUE Sweden SUEGUCHI Small end,of pole etc. SUEKAERU To replace,put in another place, ý91, ~remount SUEOKIBARAI Deferred payment i PIT SUEOKI CHOKIN Deferred savings 49 *ý SUEOKI KARIKATA Deferred debits,j)a SUEOKI KIKAN Term of loan 4S'Lz SUEOKI K6SAI Past-due bond tj~- SUEOKI NENKIN Deferred annuity;2 SUEOKI NENKIN SHMKEN Deferred annuity policy SUETSUKATA Latter part,latter period STJETSUKEHI Installation charges SUFU Staple fiber,ersatz SUGATA 0 KURAMASERU To disappear,decamp SUGEGASA Sedge hat SUGIBASHI Cedar chopsticks SUGIGAKI Cedar hedge SUGI ITA Cedar boards 4ý, SUGI KAWA Cryptomeria bark SUGIMONO Thing beyond one's deserts SUGIMURA Cryptomeria grove -SUGIRU To exceed SUTGIZAI Cryptomeria wood SUGIZU Not more than,only SUGUBARAI Immediate cash payment SUGU HEN Reply immediately ~Fr 5 SUGURETARU Better than SUGURU Last,past VT SSGYb Several columns S 4UHEN Several times,frequently Ih SUHYAKUIIN Several hundred people SUI Counter for spindles SUI Spindle SUI Suiyuan SUI Switzerland K( SUI Wednesday 7K SUI- Deck,deck branch K -SUI Special duty...,deck,in navy commissions atZ SUIAI SURU To regard kindly SUIATSU PURESU Hydraulic press SUIBAKU Seaplane bopiber SUIBI KAISHA Sinking concern SUIBO Seaplane tender ~iq SUIB5 Waterproof 7klý SUIBUN Water content SUICH6 Leading seaman 41Sf StJICHOKU NITb BUNSEN Perpendicular bisector 4'~~j-;4~ SUICHOKUSHIKI SEIRIH& Vertical filing system SUICHi In one's sleep,while asleep SUICHi While intoxicated IkAg SUICHu BAIYo Water culture i SUICHci CH5ONKI Hydrophone 7'k~)1E SUIClIqi CHOSOKUKI Underwater sound detector SUICHUDA Float rudder K K SUICHU HAISUIRY6 Submerged displacement * SUICHO SEN B6S5 KIRAI Mines strung together by cable to prevent sweeping SUIDAN Drunken conversation SSUIDEI Cement Se ~ SUIDENKU Water-power area SUID 6 Tunnel.'kditfl 'kiit; 'kiE0 4til E A04 AD +GA t4Qi9 1 *kt 7k4 t.~~~ 7k T 'k1k 7k it M 7+ 1 A ~Ik4 ~ 7kwL 7ko 7idq 7k -T %t 7~ k + 9 1 It A 7k t, tk~ t %, Yk -r-Mk 7k _L V'-A W 7K _Lrk ~11 -6 -7Ck _ZL ft a * * 1- if Ott 7Xf -T +'It 7k4 *F9~ 1 7k;"4Z 4 7k I 4;AM, -tit ~3it lk dItte a Pi a 7ct 1 f?Q IWE a6il I * v.' ( t" AT PiI ~1%iMM L-F tv'I(t(SW SUIRAI B6GYOME SUID6GAKARI-IN ' Water official SUID6 K(SAI Waterworks bonds SUID6WY6 Water supply charge SUID6SEN Hydrant,tap SUID5SHI Smoking incessantly SUIDB TEKKAN Water main SUID& ToKYOKUSHA Water supply authorities SUIFUCH6 Boatswain SUIFU NAKAMA, Shipmate SUIGAI Shore,waterside SUIGAICHI Flooded area SUIGAI KAOKU Submerged houses SUIGAI RISATIMIN Flood victims SUIGAI YOB6 Flood control SUIGAN Bank,shore SUIGEKI Concussion of water SUIGENCHI Watershed,headwaters SUIGENRON Etiology SUIG6 Ditch full oP water SUIHA Waves SUIHAN Shore,bank SUIHEI Nonrated man SUIHEICHZ Leading seaman SUIHEI KAJI Horizontal rudder SUIHEIKI Level,the instrument SUIHEIMEN Horizontal plane,water level SUIREIMEN KbSA Level grade crossing SUIHb Blister,bleb,bulla,tumor SUIH5SEI Bullous SUIHY6 Buoy SUI-I Water level SUI-IKI Sector of the sea SUIJI SURUIJ To show,explain SUIJIBA Kitchen SUIJIFU Cook SUIJIGAKARI Cook specialist,cook SUIJIGAMA Kettle SUIJI ToBAN Cook's duty SUIJI ToBAN Cook's mate SUIJ6 SURU To yteld,concede to another SUIJ6 HAISUIRY6 Surface displacement SUIJ6 HIK5Jb Floating airport SUIJ6 J&TAI Condition of surface of water SUIJ6KAN Surface craft SUIJ5 KASS6 SURU To taxi on the water SUIJ6 KElBITAI Sea guard unit SUIJ5KI BOKAN Seaplane carrier SUIJiKI BUTAI Seaplane unit SUIJ6KI KICHI Seaplane base SUIJ6KI OKIBA Seaplane mooring SUIJ6 K6K6 SURU To travel on the surface SUIJ6 SENT5KI Fighter seaplane SUIJ6 SHIREIBU Maritime headquarters SUIJt UNSB Transportation by water SUIJ6 YUS6KI Transport float plane SUIKA NO Subaquatic SUIKAN Flood damage,flood disaster SUIKAN HOKEN Water-pipe insurance SUIKANKEI Water vascular system SUIKI 0NO Perilous,dangerous SUIKIN Sea duty SUIKZFUJ6 Water distributing center SUIKOTSU Vertebra SUIKUN Teaching,instruction SUIKYO Canal,ditch SUIKY6 - Teaching,instruction SUIKYG SURU To decay,become decrepit SUIMETSU Ruin,extinction SUIMIMBY6 Sleeping sickness SUIMIN FUSOKU Insufficient sleep SUIMINZAI Sleeping drug SUIM6 Decline,decrease SUIMON Inquiry,investigation,crossexamination SUIMON Water gate,drawgate SUIMONO ICHIZEN Bowl of soup SUIMONO WAN Soup bowl SUIMON TSUKb ZEI Lockage,the charge SUIMYAKU SEN-EN Lymphangitis SUINAN KYOJO Rescue at sea SUINAN KYuSAIKAI Sea Disaster Relief Association SUINIKU Goiter,jovl,dewlap,fetlock SUINm Pustule,pimple SUI NYo Radical 034,name taken from radical 035 SUI NY6 Radical 035 SUIOKI KARIKATA Deferred debits SUTOKUBI Heartburn,pyrosis SUION Temperature of water SUIRAI B6GYOH6 Antitorpedo armament SUIRAI B6GYOM6 Torpedo net,crinoline 7KtO* 'kRt U 'kt VkA 'k~i ~ I'll't e' ~kt goo ~jI4 )$j 14 4 7kPA PAT~ 7k *9# +11 " *Ait6 Ar.'" + t15'ILI A, I if 7k W. 104~ *At Ml *L - 3 1*4 I Ak 7 (ltf 7k ot lulit # lit ~Itdi ar~a.7kop** ISC~ tk,$ IZ## ~F ARE ~ tkMlM [ M~t a <tilf ~i;Imit r Ac$ lt~ Iht L SUIRAI BOKAN 23( SUIRAI BOKAN Torpedo tende~' SUIRAIDAN Torpedo division SUIRAI FUSETSU Mine lay ing SUIRAI FUSETSUKAN Mine 1hyer SUIRAI FUSETSUKI Mine-laying aircraft SUIRAI FUSETSU KU-IlI Mine field SUIRAI HASSHAKAN Torpedo tube SUIRAI H6DAI Torpedo battery* SUIRAIJUTSU Torpedo technique SUIRAI KAMMON Torpedo-tube port SUIRAI KAYAKUKO Torpedo magazine SUIRAI KUCHIIKUTEI Torpedo-boat destroyer SUIRAITAI Torpedo-boat division SUIRAI TEITAI Torpedo-boat flotilla SUIREI NO Water-cooled SUIREN Waterfall, cataract BUIRI I-INKAI National River Conservancy Commission,China SUIRIKEN Water rights SUIRIKU Amphibious SUIRIKU JID6SHA Amphibious car SUIRIKUXI Amphibious plane SUIRI KUMIAI Water Utilization Association SUIRIKU SENSHA Amphibious tank SUIRIN Green wood SUIRI SAIKEM Irrigation bonds. SUIRO Tunnel,subway,subterranean passage SUIR6 SURU To become decrepit SUIROHY5 Beacon SUIRO KOKUJI Notice to mariners SVIRO KYE6D6 Pilotage SUIRO 0 KANSHI SURU To keep watph over a waterway SUIROSHI Sailing directory SUIRO ZUSHI Sailing chart and directions SUIRY6 Weighted sinker SUIRY=EI Water gauge SUIRYOKU Green,verdure SUIRYD Weeping willow SUISAI Flood disaster SUISAI Water's edge,beach SUISAI SENTb Combat on beach SUISAMBUTSU Marine products SUISANGYB Fisheries SUISANKA Fisheries Section SUISAINKA AMMONYUMU Ammonium hydroxide SUISEI Declining tendency SUISEI Degenerate world,decadent age SUISEI Draft,in metallurgy SUISEI Name of airplane,comet SUISEI DAI6 CHINKI Aqueous tincture of rhubarb SUISEN Destroyer squadron SUISEN Fighter seaplane IUISEN Sea fight,naval battle SUISEN Water-supply ship SUISENJ6 Letter of recommendation SUISENKI Washer SUISEN K6YU Honorary alumnus SUISENTdKI Fighter seaplane SUISIABb Water-wheel mill SUISHI Mud fever SUISHIN SURU To advance,move up SUISHIN SURU To launoh SUISHIN JIKU Propeller shaft SUISHIN JUKU Propeller shaft SUISHINKI Propeller, screw SUISHINKION Sound of a propeller SUISHINTAI Promotion group SUISHI TEITOIU Admiral,cammodore SUISH{IEN Quartz crystal or flake SUISHUKU SURU To diminish,deline SUISHUSEI Edematous SUISb Seaweed,aquatic plants SUISb Water layer SUISGtAU Military music SUISOIU Current velocity STIlSOltU Hydrographic survey SUISOKUlDSRI As conjectured SUISOIUNH Dead reckoning SUISON Flood damage SUISON River village BUISON NO Worn-out SUISU FURAN Swiss franc SUISURU To conjecture,assumesuppose SUITAI Decay,decline SUITEI Float-type reconnaissance plane SUITEI Reconnaissance seaplane SUITEI Run of a ship,distanoe by sea SUITBI DENSEN Underwater cable SUITEI KI-I Assumed plane position a ~s4 x al t 41 t~ If* it f tr it t 4A 8tti 7r3 4\ it V @[40ro I A ttAL i, 7W tt(E 4 9 ates a ilk 15 -k: IV (R 7 $4 ~ lijwr Rt! 73 40#0 -BgL a s: M p4lh #FT itt e$bij 3 sRE 1 t (IiBfs9 ~ Pth F0 pjt:1 I j t gi cT j Qri3Q 3 t UR to L t/ ~ $tm - i ~r t - t Z~t - ~t a1~ b $ kr ~lhLd3b s(24 3 ftM ~ it 15~ ~Pt~; if sal ~ ~t a ~t~ & I SUNaABA SUITEI SAGI Constructive fraud SUITEI SEN-YU Constructive possession SUIIII SHINTAEU Constructive trust SUITEI SHdKO Presumptive evidence SUITEI S3ZOKU1EN Heir apparency SUITI Sb6ZOKUNIN Heir apparent SUITEITAI Seaplane scouting squadron SUITEI YAKU-IN Presumed consideration SUITEI ZAISAN Expectant estate SUITETSU Leech SUITB SURU To throw to the ground SUIT6BO Cashbook SUITiGAIARI Cashier,treasurer SUIT5 KANRI, Accounting official SUITOKY0KU Revenue Bureau SUITORIGAMICH6 Bldtting pad SUI-UN IAMOTSU Water-borne goods SUIY6 Weeping willow SUIYOSERU To draw by suction SUIZETSU SURU' To die out,become extinct SUJI Counter for roads,brooks, towels,etc. SOJI Several hours SUJIBONE Cartilage,muscle and bone SOJfIHYb Numeration table SUJIJ6 Numerically SUJIIAI Brace SUJIXIASHO Scores of places SUJI KoMA Jute fiber SUJIlUJOKU Axis Nations SUJIMOMI Massaging of muscles SUJIPPOI Stringy,lean SUJITSU Several days SUJITSURAI For the last few days SUJITSUZEN Several days ago SUJ6 Several articles,clauses,or items SUJ6 Several lines,streaks,or stripes SUJU Few score SUJUMAN Several hundred thousand SUJUN Several ten day periods SUKIE Several matters or items SUKI KEN Radical 127 SUKIKAESU To plough,furrow,fallow SUIKIIRU To slice up,become threadbare,be tired SUKIKOMU To watermark SUKIMA lAZE Draught,current of air SUKIME Crack,fissure,hole,crevice SUKI NI J5ZURU Take a person off his guard SUKI NO SAKI Plowshare SUKITORI Bulldozer ST1KIRI Fresh,freshly,well,completely, entirely,totally SUIMOMU To retire,hide,shut oneself up SUl0 Several packages,several pieces SUIKOPPU Scoop,shovel SUKbRU Squall SUKOSHI MO HAYAKU As soon as possible SUIOSHIZUTSU Little by little STKU To break ground,plough,furrow,till SUKU To slice,cut into slices SUKUMARU To crouch,cowercontract,shrink SUJKUMU To contractshrink,become smaller STKUNAIARAZARU Not a little SUMAKI SURU To roll up in a bamboo blind iUbASU To people,populate,inhabit SUMASU To washpurify SOMATSU Forage SUMBUN CHIGAWANU Identical,just like SUMEI Number of people SUMIDOEORO Residence,dwelling,home SUMINOBORU To become increasingly shrill StMITSU Secret affairs of the government, state secrets SUMITSU Secret and important SUMITSU-IN GICH6 President of the Privy Council SOMIT'ISU-IN tAIGI Privy Council SiEMITSU KOMONKAN Privy councilor SUMITBSUU To take up residence SUMIWATARO To be very clear,of weather SUMJYAIT To be in a hurry,grow impatient SUM4 NO TE. Wrestling trick SUMP6ZAI Dimension lumber,dimension stock SUMPUR csall quantity,amall piece SUN Radical 041O SUN Unit of cloth measure3.79 centimeters SUN Unit of linear measure,3.03 centimeters SUNABA Sandy soilsandy te:train SUNABAKO 231 (,73 5S J ~49 Alp IVA I Mt 3s4 *'1 L 4 1 Va g-N 7,,Y t~ 's Sa6M t IL - ~i~t I (5;B 4 3i-~~~j Lt I~~;t~I -t A. -L t 652 Af-;tf Z $i#t4 SJi~t@ %$C tk f5s ~ ~JpF - 8 (f@ g tid a -~f~t -s~ E L -t-4 %fd s~-~5 UER r04;ca a r)a SUNABAKO Sandbox SUNADORU To fish SURAFUKI Gust of wind carrying sand SUNA FUNMHA Sandblast SUNAGAWARA Sands,sandy regions,sand dune sandy beach SUNA MICHI Sandy road SUNDO Measurement,size SUNIN Several persons SUNIN Several persons SUNKOKU Short time SUNKOKU 0 ARASOU MONDAI Problem needing speedy solution SUNNOBI Extra length,greater length than usual SU NO MONO Vinegared dish SUNRETSU SURU To tear to pieces SUPEIN KAZE Spanish influenza SUPEIN 6bI KEISR6SHA Successors to the Spanish throne SUPEIYA MAAKU Block mark SUPIROHEETA Spirochete SUOITO Medicine dropper SURE Wear and tear SURE KIZU Abrasion,graze,in medicine SURI Impression,in printing SURIBACHIGATA Conical SURICHIGAU To pass by each other,go past SERTKA Computation Section SURIKAERU To change secretly SURIKO Ground powder,rice flour SURIKOBACHI Earthenware mortar SURIKtZUSU To raspgrate SURIMIGAKU To polishrub,scour SIRINUKERU To pass surreptitiously,dodge the consequenices SURISOKONAU To fail in pickpocket attempt SURU BIRU Through bill SURUPUOAMIN Sulfanilamide SURUFU1AM1IN CHOSBA EKI Sulfanilamide for intravenous use SURUFUOAMIN-ZAI Sulfa drugs SURUFU0-IHICHI&RU-SAA Ammonium AMMONYiMU ichthyolsulphonate SURUTJFUO-SEKITANSAN AEN Zinc phenolsulphonate SURUFUO -SXKITANSAN Sodium NATOAYiMU phenolsulphonate SURY6 Several carriages SUSEI Several epochs,several generations SUSEIKI Several centuries SUSEN Several thousands SOSUM Several kinds SUSMUKAN Period of several weeks S038 Several layers,several times, frequently SUSUDOI Keen, smart, sharp SUTABI Several times,many times SUTAI Several units SUTAI NO Many-zoned SUTRARIN-SAN Octadecanoic acid SUTEFUANI Stefani News Agency SUTEIGANE Money thrown away,money wasted SUT OROSHI Abandonment at moment of extreme peril SUTEEI Rod antenna SBUT NI NIKUHTAXU Suicide attack SUTEMONO Thing abandoned,object left behind BUTER Several points or places SUTESARU To abandon SUTE-IIUKI Ploating,in swimming SUTOROFUANCHIN Strophanthin SUTQROFUANTSUSU CEInKI Tincture of strophanthus SDTOROFUANTSUSU-8HI Strophanthus seeds SITSU Several messages SUTTEN TO Abruptly,suddanly,violantly SUT'"tO SBaoothly,quietly,stealthily, rapidly speedily SUWAKARE SfRU To swarm SUZUIAKU Tin foil SUZUAII Lump tin SUEUKS Tin ore SUUMIE NO NAMIbA BODO Modicum,atom,mere particle SUZUTJIBUUE EvCWzfg pleasure boat SUZUMIDAI Benoh,in the park etc. SUZURIBAKO Inkataoe case SUZUNI N0 UDI Inkatone well BUZURIS1I Inketane rUZUSrI Made of tin tz V~Ji i: it -L~---3 ~ rSLR~ 1A t4 t 77 PL4 fox t 38 S1, 7) ~L1& t -L k(A.L ili aF 9aiiU) b( br fW( -3IPsw~If ~t OfiA$ T] 91; a f49 PCf ( s et5 1S&ff 3 s$JrrF. SiR3~5 fite ~ 2 jgA Jrga-~8;Sutja 4Lie ilL TACEISUKUMI TA Radical 102 T TA Subhead 16 TAABIN-YU Turbine oil TAARU PASUTA Tar paste TABAKO JIGYWBU Tobacco Cultivation Division TABAKO-KA Tobacco Section TABAKO KIZAMIKI Tobacco cutter TABAKO SEMBAI Tobacco monopoly TABAKO SEMBAIES Tobacco Monopoly Law TABAKO SEMBAIKYOKU Tobacco Monopoly Bureau TAASAIRU To bound,rebound,spring up, fly back TABED6SHI Eating continually TABEHAGURERU To miss a meal TABEKAKE NO Half-eaten TABEKIRENAI Unable to eat TABEKIRU To eat up TABEKONASU To take nourishment TABEKURABERU To compare the taste of TABEKtRASU To spend one's time eating TABEOWARU To finish eating TABEPPANASU To take sudden leave after eating TABESASU To leav'e a meal unfinished TABESOKONAU To miss A meal TABEWAKERU To taste,judge by eating TABEZUGIRAI Prejudice TABIAKINAI Peddling,peddling in the country TABIDOKORO Stopping place on journey TABIGOTO NI Every time TABI-J Lodging on a journey TABI KAZU Frequency,number of times TABINARERU To become accustomed to travelling TABIYADO Hotel,inn,hostelry TABITYADORI Hotel,innd,hostelry TABUN Great information,vast knowledge TABUN NO Well informed TABUTSU Other thing,the restthe other TACHI Cutting, soission, separation, division TACHI Different place TACHIARAI Kumamoto airfield TACHIBARAI TEGATA Note payable at place other than maker's TACHIDO Place to stand TACHIDOMARI Stopping,standing still, pausing,halting TACHIE Branches which thrust out vertically TACHIGATAI Unable to stay on one's feet, useless,good-for-nothing TACHIGIE NI NARU To fizzle out,die out TACHIGIRE Shred,clipping TACHIGIRE Standing up until completely exhausted TACHIHANARERU To part,separate TACHI-IE Edifice,building,housestructure TACKHI-KI Other areas TACHI-IRI Penetration, entrance,free access to someone,person who has free accessintervention,meddling TACHI-IRI KIN No admittance TACHI-IRU To be standing TACHI-IZURU To get up and go out, take leave of TACHIKAKEARU To be about to get up,get up briskly and rush against TACHIZAWARU To take another's place TACrIKU Other areas TACHIKURAMI Ditziness,vertigo TACHIMAJIRD To frequentassociate with TACHIMAD To dance,be one with,associate - with TACHISkWARI SAKI One's resort,a haunt. TACHIMOTORU To go here and there,walk slowly and irresolutely,wander aimlessly TACEIWOKIBA Place of refuge TACHIN(EI MEIRRI Eviction order TACHINEKININ Quitterremover TACBINOKIRY8 Compensation for removal TAHINOIKI BAlI Place of refuge,place temporarily removed to TACHINUI Cutting out and sewing, tailoring,dressmaking TAOGISIIRIZOKU To flee TACHISOIIAD To err in cutting TACHISUMM Giving way,sagging,squatting or crouching Art $$ 2 -L-i4b2 ^I4 2 j2,, $$T. 4 & $ ~ 5 2 1t $4 ) ^t4 -^t 1^ * ^M ^) l 0 jb^0 r i&^ ^^0@ ~n##RM X~^ ( i^^,, ^^ ggy ^t^g ^?flL< Al^e A@go ^*^i 1^ ffi ^^^, ^ -a iti TACHITOBI 232 TACHITOBI Standing jump TACHITSUZUKE Continuance of standing TACHITSUZUKE Successively,without respite TACHITSUZUKERU To make stand,compel to follow,force to form in line TACHITSUZUKU To remain standing,follow in single file TACHI-URI Selling by the piece TACHI-URI SURU To cut and sell TACHI-URI SURU To sell standing TACHI-USU Mortar on stand TACHIWAKARERU To separate,segregate, disunite TACHIWAKERU To cut ap&rt TACHIWARU To cut straight,cut open, cleave,dissect TACHIYASTJRAU To hesitate,reduce speed, seem perplexed TACHIYORIK6 Port of call TACHIYUKU To set out TADANAKA Center,middle TADANORI Trip made entirely in vehicle TADARAKASU To irritate,inflame,touch to the quick TADASHI Examination,investigation, researches TADASHITA Checked, corrected TAD5 B6EKI Passive commerce TADOKORO Rice field,region of rice fields TADONKO Charcoal dust TADORITSUKU To limp into port,arrive with difficulty TADORU To grope one's way,seek,study, investigate,make one's way TADoSHI -Transitive verb TAEKI NO Juicy, succulent TAGAI Difference TAGAIME Difference,degree of difference TAGAKAKE Hooper, cooper TAGAKU N6ZEI GI-IN Highest taxpayer's representative TAGAKU N5ZEISHA Highest taxpayers TAGANERU To bind, tie in a bundle,sheaf, make into sheaves TAGATAKUMI Hooper, cooper TAGEI WA MUGEI Jack-of-all-trades and master of none TAGI NO Versatile,many-sided TAGUERU To compare,put together,align with,make agree, harmonize TAGUI MARE NA Rare,unequalled TAGUINAKI Matchlessunique TAGUI SUKUNAKI Rare,unequalled TAGURIKOMU To pull,haul TAGUU To equal,align with,go along with, compare,resemble TAHATAKE Fields of rice and other crops TAHATSUD5KI Multiengined TAHATSUDdKI BAKUGEKIKI Multiengined bomber TAHATSUDSKI HIK6KI Multiengined aircraft TAHATSUD6KI SENT5KI Multiengined fighter TAHATSU SHIKEAN Prevalent diseases TA HEN Radical 102 TAHENTEKI J6YAKU Multilateral treaty TAHIBARI Meadow titlark,pipit TAH6 Different method,other procedure TAHo NO Many-celled TAH6 NO Many-sided TAI Counter for ashes of the dead TAI Counter for bags TAI Counter for images TAI Formosa TAI Radical 171 TAI Thailand TAI Unit TAI- Against,toward,with regard to TAI- AntiTAI- From,of imports etc. TAI- To,of exports etc. TAI- Staying in... TAIAKU Great wickedness,depravity TAIAN Peace,tranquillity TAIATSU Pressure resisting TAIBA JIRAI Antihorse mine TAIBAKU Bombproof TAIBAKUCHO While in Moscow TAIBEICHD While in America TAIBEI H5SHIN Policy toward the United States TAIBEI KAWASE Exchange on America TAIBEI SEISAKU Our American policy t^~(f im Rjfý tit (4P4 ~ V 1NW5X tt9MA t K fl * "\ 9W i ( (tm) t-m^ 73 lif,^ f *A 7 19X ^^1^ ^til^ ^t^ At It lAk ^ 1 f^^^ ED t^^^ item V YLi TAIHI ROMPS TAIBEI SENS6 War with America TAIB5 Form, appearance TAIB5 SEISAKU Waiting policy TAIBUSHA Vis-a-vis,one who faces another TAIBUTSU KANJo Real accounts TAIBUTSU KASHIT3UKE Loan on security TAIBUTSU KEIYAKU Real contract TAIBUTSU SHIN-Y5 Real credit TAIBUTSU TAMPO Security against something TAICH=KU SURU To wear TAICHI Air-ground TAICHI Superior intelligence,great ability TAICHIATSU Pressure against the ground,as of a tank TAICHI SHAGEKI SURU To strafe TAICH1 Counterintelligence TAICH5 BbEI Security of information against compromise TAICH5 JIKAN Closing time TAICHOI Lieutenant senior grade and junior grade,captains and first lieutenants TAICHUDJ Admirals and vice-admirals, generals and lieutenant generals TAIDAI Embassy in Thailand TAIDAN Bulletproof TAIDAN SURU To withdraw from a corps or convoy TAIDAN EMPEIBU Bulletproof dugout TAIDEN. Taiwan Electric Company TAIEI KAWASE Exchange on England TAIEI SEISAKU. Conservative policy TAIEKI NENREI Age l~nit for retirement TAIEKI ONKYU Retiring pension TAIEKI SHoK6 Retired officer TAIFU Loan TAIFO Against the wind TAIFUSHIYU Chaulmoogra oil TAIFUTSU-IN Thailand and French IndoChina TAIGAI Formosa Foreign Affairs Department TAIGAI Outgoing TAIGAI Outside a unit TAIGAI B6EKI Overseas trade TAIGAI KANKEI International relations TAIGAI K6HA Strong-foreign-policy party TAIGAI RIKEN International rights and interests TAIGAI SAIKEN Foreign credit TAIGAI SAIMU Foreign liabilities TAIGAI SEISAKU Foreign policy TAIGAI TSOSHIN Telegrams leaving Japan TAIGANKY6 Eyepiece TAI-GASU Antigas TAIGEKI SURU To pursue and attack TAIGEN Assuagement,abatement,decline, reduction TAIGEN Big talk,bragging TAIGEN Tundra TAIGI Physical skills TAIGIN Bank of Taiwan TAIGO 'In the rear TAIGO Retreat,after having retreated TAIG6 SENDEN Propaganda directed toward Australia TAIGUN Large crowd TAIHA Heavy damage TAIHA Large wave TAIHA Wave resisting TAIHAI Defeat and disorderly retreat TAIHAI Degradation,deterioration, decadence,dilapidation TAIHAKU Staying at anchor TAIHAKU AME White rice jelly TAIHAKU K6SHOKU Flavescent,yellowish TAIHAN Generally,in short,as often as not,in most cases TAIHAN Gist, summary TAIHAN Large sail TAIHEIY5 ENGAN Pacific coast TAIHEIY5 KANTAI Pacific Fleet TAIHEIY5 K5RO Trans-Pacific service TAItEIY6 MANJ5 SAKUSEN Waging an all-Pacific war TAIHEIY5 MONDAI Pacific question TAIHEIYS6 DAN HIK5 Trans-Pacific flight.TAIHI SURU To withdraw,fly away,retire to,flee to,avoid,take refuge TAIHIJO Shelter TAIHI ROMP6 Analogy TATIEI USBIDO 233 440 gj #slA( 1i ffX ALWO *k R gt I, (16if P OLK ifi flftgxx ý\- Vr~, it Ikf 4 r~C flv t *It tit R 4?i V A rel &IA * $4Af@ ~It2 $. w K M ) #I 3 (c-laSp rt, MA~ fB Mr-P4IS f fli~t~i P 40Qit MD tEt Z JrffX LI Q, n14 ~;Isalt TAIHI SEIDO Loan system TAIHI SHIKIM Scholarship loan fund TAIHISHO Retreatplace of seclusion TAIMYO Unit symbols TAI-tI Atlas,the first vertebra of the neck ( TAI-IKJKAU N Gymnasium TAI-IKUYMOKU Physical Education Bureau TAI-NIN Retreat,departure TAI-IN Thailand and India TAI-IN Unit personnel,hands TAI-IfRY6 Retiring allowance TAI-I SETSU Proposed abdication TAI-JI Thai syllabary TAIJIN Antipersonnel,of mines etc. TAI-JIN Thai,Thailander TAIJIN JIRAI Antipersonnel mine TAIJINgOKU Land of giants TAIJINSEN Pitched battle TAIJIN ZEI Personal tax TAI-JISHI Thai language newspaper TAIJO NO ZiKA Gain in weight TAIJURY6 Dead weight TAIKA Accumulation of freight TAIKA Against,toward,to,or from China TAIKA Antigas TAIKA SURU To materialize,corporify TAIKABURU To pose as an authority TAIKABUTSU Accumulated goods TAIKAI Emnbassy, account TAIKAI TODOKE Notice of withdrawal TAI KAI-UN Thai Marine Transportation Co. TAIKA KAOKU Fireproof building TAIKA KINKO Fireproof safe TAIKAN Confrontation of ships TAIKAN SURU To endure cold TAIKAN SURU To leave a ship TAIKA NENDO Fire clay TAIKAN HIK6 Cold weather endurance flight TAIKAN K6GUI Cold weather endurance march TAIKAIN KYOH6 SHUGI Big-navy principle TAIKAN SHIKIN Retiring allowance TAIKA RENGA Firebrick TAIKA SAY6 Degeneration process TAIKA SENT6 Antichemical warfare TAIKA SHINSEISAKU New policy toward China TAIKATACHI Prominent men, TAIKA UTETORIZUMI Value received TAIKEI Severe punishment 4 TAIKEI HEKMAN Change of formation, in navy convoy TAlEXN Constitution TAIKENSA Physical examination TAIKI Vital force,physical force TAIKI Alert,readiness TAIKI SURU To await an opportunity,be ready,stand by TAIKI BUTAI Stand-by force TAIKI BUTAI Unit standing by in readiness TAIKICHU Waiting TAIKI KAMB6 SBIJGI Opportunism TAIKI MEIREI Alert order TAIKI 0 TOKU To relax readiness TAIKI SaGANKYU Binocular type TAIK6 Band steel TALK6 Regression,retreat,retrogression TAIK6 DANTAI Counterorganization TAIK6 DBMEI Counteralliance TAIKB ENSIIU Maneuvers between two sides TAIKO HASHI Humped bridge TAIKgHI Grand duchess TAIKgiEI Large caliber TAIKb KEIKAKU Counterplot TAIgK~I Large size attack plane TAIKb KIGEKI Counterattack, counteroffensive TAIKgglOU Archduchy TAIKOKU Great empire,large country TAIKg SAGYB Counteroperations TAIKb SAID Counterplan TAIK6SEI Opposability TALiOSHI Ancient history TAIEKSHI Ambassadors and diplomats, foreign diplomatic representatives TAIKg6HIKgAl Foreign diplomatic establishments TAIKoSHI-URU HITO Match,an equal TAIK6 TAIKO Grand empress dowager TAIKiT6 Drum tower TAII6 TSOSHIN Intercommunication E 5 ~J i j Ki4k~ Aj9j fM ' P i sR 1: P;A "9 biJ$a ~ frA fiEP I AIt;Mg ~ R- 5 733~ O% t<$ 4. ~9 ti i~$ 9 gf ~ O9t-1 %D 4 if3 P,Oklj AgtN r q C IS(sa4, i4nf~-p ~ i4 ( FPTI f4~ n S fi 9 ~t 3 tit P2 ~r j fi"; $ iP-t - f4les ti?t;40 ~ -)1\9 II-Xv 9 ýLlf th t-> TAIRO O TATSU TAIK` UNDr Countermovement TAIKO Air-ground,oommunications, etc. TAIXU Remaining aloft TAIKO BBI Antiairoraft defense TAIKi BBI HOMBU Antiaircraft Defense Headquarters TAIKO CHOKUEI Antiaircraft defense TAIKU FUBAN Ground-air liaison panel TAIKEU KANSHISH6 Antiaircraft observation party TAIKEU KE2IAI Antiaircraft defense TAIKO MIHARI Antiaircraft lookout TAIKUN SEIJI Shogunate,tycoonate TAIKU SHAG.I Antiaircraft fire TAIKM SBAGZI BUTAI Antiaircraft unit TAIM SOKAI Dispersion in air raid TAIKYAKEU GUN Retreating army TAIKYAKU MEIREI Order to retreat TAIKYAKU SEN Line of retreat TAIKYO BAKUGEKI Mass bombing TAIKYb6CHU While in Tokyo TAIKYO DENDB Evangelical drive TAIKgYFU Strong gale TAIKYOKUTEKI NI WA Generally speaking TAIKYO NEIREI Deportation order TAIKYU SURU To leave and take a rest TAIMA Antifriction TAIMAI Large amount TAIMAI Rice in sacks TAIMAM6SEI NO Wear resistant TAIMAN Thailand and Manchuria TAIMAN JOGAI HOKEIN SHc0 Error and omission policy TAIMANZAI Criminal neglect TAIMASEI Hempen TAIMATSUMOCHI Linkman TAIMEI Famous name,great honor,fame or reputation TAIMEI Unit name TAIMEI KAIGUJN CHUSH6 Vice-admiral on waiting list TAIIEI KMKA Issue of an Imperial mandate TAIMEISEN Ships awaiting orders TAIMEN Interview,meeting,audience, tete-a-tete TAIMEN Thai and Burma TAIMENJ5 From the standpoint of face, prestige,honor TAIMORU Thymol TAIMU Unit duty TAINAI Incoming TAINAI Within a unit TAINAI SEISAKU Domestic policy TAINAI TSUSHIN Telegrams to Japan TAINAKI In agreement. TAINETSU K6GUN Heat-endurance march TAINICHI BUKI Trade with Japan TAINICHI KAIJ6 Feeling towards Japan TAINICHI KArNKEI Relations with Japan TAINICHI YUINYU Imports from Japan TAINICHI YUSHUTSU Exports to Japan TAIN(GAKU Amount in arrears TAIN6 KIN Arrears TAINI6SHA MEIBO Delinquent list TAIN6 SHOBUN BAIBAI Tax sale TAIN6 ZEI Taxes in arrears TAI600GO Corresponding word TAIB KAWASE European exchange TAION Great favors TAIONKEI Clinical thermometer TAIONKI Thermometer TAlON KIROKIHYb Temperature chart TAIRAGI Agreement,arrangement,peace, reconciliation TAIRAGU To become calm,be reconciled TAIREI SURU To await orders TAIREI H6SHUKE Celebration of coronation. TAIREISHI Commissioner of coronation TAIRIKI Great strength TAIRIKUKA SUDRU To continentalize TAIRIKUMEI Imperial Army order TalARJU 6DAI~ TETSUD6 Transcontinental railway TAIRIKU RENRAKU KAIGI Continental liaison conference TAIRIKUt SEISAB= Continental policy TAIRIKUSHI Iiperial Army directive TAIRIKU SEIMP6 Continental News,a Chinese newspaper TAIRO Road,wide road,main road,highway TAIRO BEKI Trade with Russia TAIRO 0 TATSU To cut the path of retreat TAIRO SBISAEO 234 V9JA TAIRO SBISAKU Policy towards Russia "I4r 0 TAIRYMOIA Physical Training Section AtV N & TAIM6 KIA.IRE Bulk purchase Ra TAIRYCKI Scales S TAIRY*5- MBAI Bulk purchase i3 TAIRYOKU E durance.fortitude LAri4 TAIRY6 SEISAN Large-scale production. tt A 3t TAXRY6 SEISANKA SURU To enforce mass production TAIRYU Large grain,bolus,large pill TAIRYU Large river kiL ) 0 TAIRYUKEN Troposplere,in meteorology l f1 6 TAISA SURU To check,inventory,view TAISAI Great calamity,terrible scourge, ruinous disaster A TAISAI Great talent,superior intelligencegreat ability M TAISAI Sea breamn relish TAISEI Condition, situation TAISEI Imperial rule S TAISEI Opposition jAI4 TAISEI BUNKA SURAI Occidentalism (i~ ~TAISEI ECKAN Restoration of Imperial Rule -IM LW TAISElXXR Absolute rightsrights against all the world S TAISEI NO KI Man full.of promise STAISEIY6B KANTAI Atlantic Fleet X TAISEIY0 KENSHI Atlantic Charter C Vt TAISEI YOKUSAKAI Imperial Rule Assistance Association S TAISEI YOKUSANKAI Asia Development Bureau K6AKYOKU of the Imperial Rule Assistpnce Association A*b ON 11 TAISEIY6 bDAN HIK6 Transatlantic flight 7 TAIS I Large stone,rock #14 TAISEKI Stagnation and piling up of matter in a stream V1A TAISMI Opposite seats,confrontation l# 6 f TAISMKI SURU To sit opposite S 1 6 TAISEKI SURU To drive away,repel V" TAISEI Againsttoward,to,or from Korea ftqi TAISEN Antisubmarine TAISEN Ship awaiting orders TAISEN Demurrage TAISEN SURU To tie up a ship i 1 6 TAISEN SURU To abandon ship.-t lb TAISEN smURU To lend a ship Vi& Lilt TAISEN CIOKUEI Antisubmarine direct escort TAISENCHU Tied-up,of a ship,goods,etc. V I ~TAISEN KEIMAI Antisubmarine screening or protection. j TAISEN KINENHI Cenotaph -1 L R *19 TAISENSHA BAKURAI Antitank depth charge V IA$A TAISXNSHAJO Antitank rifle VA*9K9 TWAISENSHA KAKI Antitank weapon OtUr TAISEN SHiKAI Antisubmarine patrol V S TAISEN TAIKU KEIKAI Antisubmarine and antiaircraft precautions TAISETSU Reavy snowfall IlkTAISHA Antiaircraft fire toU- TAISHA-IN Retired partner _KWHnk TAISHA KIN6 Metabolism Zj%$ C TAISHAKU KA.NJOSHO Debtor and creditor accounts tJg~I TAISHAKU KA1KEI Relations arising from loans (it TAISHAKU KETYAKUSHO Charter 1 iV TAISHAIU KIGEN Term of loan ta ~ TAISHAKUfIIrO Debtor and creditor r dr' TAISEHAU SOSbH Action of debt 3fif~F TAISHAKJU TAISHB6Y6 Balance sheet ~Y4s.IAISHAREI Act of amnesty 1-f*i@f I1. TAISHA SAYd Metabolism TAISHI Thailand and China (Ct ~ TAISII To or against China t,bq TAISHI Wrapping paperwrapper f111V TAISHI B8ENI Trade with China;Itrie1 TAISHIFU Administrative imbassy in French Ino -China &tk4 TAISHI FUJIN Ambassadress tl9k T TAISHI GA1KB Policy toward China it#e 4 TAISHIKAN ITTb SHOKIKAN First secretary $t2 ~ of the embassy ~!ii TAISHIKAN ITT6 TSOYAKUAICC Secretary interpreter,first class Qf TAISHI KAMII Relations with China c 7' TAISHIKAN SANJIKAI Counselor of embassy tf tQS TAISRIAN SHOKIQKAN Secretary of embassy *1R#$~ TAISHIKANZUKI BUKAN Embassy attache TAISHIN Leave of absence,resignation, retirement fit lit# '7t$8rab3 ~ / A 3 AIKOA-t~k~.1 411 t iR4i i$ "it v t 4$AAAWf 7; 3 F4 1i~ I~ I I isA 4-, 7t 3 R ~aA gF 7t$ali3 aa t a Ubtif ~ P $frP4jil3k 2~ ~ RSii~ Jg~ A 38W- 74 W4~e~~it5 04f ~j-90 i@ft i i04 IAR tkfj 70tt st-4 ~i~t~' 7t S B7 it -fit ~ *4ZlfS TAKAKUMORI TAISHITSU Cross-examination TAISMITSU SURU To leave the room TAISHT ZUI-IfI Ambassador's suite or member thereof TAISHDO SURU To face,take care of a situatiaon,counter,take measures TAISH6 Comparing of evidence TAISHB Japanese Era 1912-1926 TAISHO SURU To leave the ministry TAISHIBUTSU Consideration TAISH5 DAIEICSHI Pronoun of the second person TAISHM KAMBATSU Promulgation of Imperial resoript TAISHOKU SURU To return home from office TAISHOKU GUNJIN Retired officer TAISHOKU KANRI Retired official TAISHOKU KIN Retirement or quitting allowance TAISHOKU 1NMREI Retirement age TAIBSHOBKU SHIKIN Retiring allowance TAISHOKU TEATE Retiring allowance TAISH6 TENN6 SAI Emperor Taisho's death anniversary TAISHMCADO Caravanserai TAISHU Large cont4nent TAISHUKOKU Rival country TAISHU SEISAKU Policy towards the masses TAISOJUTSU Gymnastics TAISB KIGU Gymnastic apparatus TAISOKU General principles,general rules TAISON Serious damages,heavy losses TAIS6 RYMH6 Physical culture cure TAISUI Flood,torrent,vast lake or sea TAISUI Recession of flood waters TAISUI Stagnant waters TAISUI StURU To decline,deteriorate TAISUIFU Tarpaulin,waterproof cloth TAITAI Embassy in Thai TAITAI SURU To equal TAITAI SURU To leave a unit TAITAI SHISBH6GY6 Chinese commerce with Thailand TAITAKU Formosa Development Co. TAITEI Large flying boat TAITE11 BURU To wait for the enemy TAITE'I TSUSH6 KINSHI Prohibition of trade with the enemy TAfT6GAKU Equivalent amount TAIT6 J6YAKU Treaty on equal terms TAITOKU Great virtue,cardinal virtues TAIT6 NO KENRI Equal rights TAIWAN CHA Oolong tea TAIWAN GINK6 Bank of Taiwan TAIWANJIN Formosan Chinese TAIWAN MAI Formosan rice TAIWAN NO EKI Formosan Expedition TAIWAN SHUIJBITAI Formosan garrison TAIWAN S6TOKU Formosa Governor Geperal TAIWAN S5TOKUFU Formosa Government General TAIWAN U1WU Formosa Transportation Company TAIYAKU Retirement from service, retirement,resignation TATY6 Aspect, appearance TAIYB Form,mode,phase,appearance,relation TAMY( Important business TAIYOHo Lend-Lease law TAIYOHo KANRIKYOKU Lend-Lease Administration TAIYOgATA Lending TAIYd KiRO Ocean route TATY6 KIROSEN Ocean-going vessel TAIY6 bDAI HIKg Transoceanic flight TAIYBTENI KlK6 Ocpanic climate TAIY6T6 Oceanic islands TAIYESEI Oilproof,oil resistant TAIZAICHI Temporary place of residence TAIZAIHI Hotel bill TAIZAI NISSU Length of visit TAIZEN JIJAKU Imperturbability TAIZUKI O YARU To serve with troops TAJI Another time TAJIN Third party,others,neighbor TAJZ TAKON Sensibility,susceptibility TAJO DENHRINH6 Multiplex telegraphy TAJU JUSHIN Multiplex reception TAKA GA. Only,after all TAKAGAKI High fence TAKAGETA Clogs with high supports TAKAKUMORI High overcast TAKAMADO 235 4f, If AT A A * NiL 114 itft AUJ #r tG n Una 44 l S X I,4 rt yr. ^ 6 ^M 3 n^ ^t ^0 51 ^El ^^]A t^, W^ 1 ^^pt ^mt w-^^ * ^^ It2 <^ v4'x ^ 5 '^^74 ^?i^ ^tt z iti.;Myt TAKAMADO Dormer window TAKAN Another office TAKANE NO HANA Unattainable object TAKANI Heavy load of baggage TAKA 0 KULURU To underrate,treat lightly TAKARA NO YAMA Golconda TAKASAGO ZOKU Natives of Formosa TAKASE Shallow,shoal,in river TAKASEBUNE Flat-bottomed boat TAKASUGIRU To be too expensive TAKAYAMA High mountain TAKEBASHIGO Bamboo ladder TAKEBAYASHI Bamboo grove TAKEDOI Bamboo gutter TAKEGAKI Bamboo fence TAKEGAMMURI Radical 118 TAKEI Another plan or project TAKE KAMMURI Radical 118 TAKEMURA Bamboo thicket TAKEMUSHIRO Bamboo mat TAKEN Other prefectures TAKENAGA Thick paper of large format TAKERIKURUU To be on the rampage TAKESEI NO Made of bamboo TAKESHIKI Bamboo covering TAKE SUDARE Bamboo window blind TAKESUGATA Height and shape of body TAKE TAGA Bamboo hoop TAKE Y8JI Bamboo toothpick TAKEZAO- Bamboo pole TAKEZUE Bamboo cane,bamboo TAKEZUTSU Bamboo tube TAKI Another season TAKI Numerous ramifications,many branches,many side toads TAKI SURU To digress from the subject TAKIGARA Fresh cinders TAKIGI NO TABA Faggot TAKIGUCHI Top of the waterfall TAKISASHI Firebrand,blazing wood TAKOGATA Kite type TAKOKU Many countries TAKOKUJIN Alien TAXOTSUBO Improvised air raid shelter TAKUCHI Clearing,cleared land TAKUCHI Marsh,swamp,bogland TAKUCHIRY6 Ground rent TAKUCHISO Residential land tax TAKUJ6 ENZETSU After-dinner speech TAKUMU DAIJIN Minister for Overseas Affairs TAKUMUKA Colonial Affairs Section TAKURERU To be crumpled,be or become bald TAKURIAGERU To pull up TAKURY5 Rent allowance,house allowance TAKUSHOKU GINK6 Colonial bank TAKUS6 SURU To consign TAKUSoHIN Consignment TAKUZA Support TAKUZEN Excellently,out and away, pre -eminently TAKYU Many grades or classes TAMA Radical 096 TAMADASUKI Cord for tying back sleeves TAMAGO NARI Oval-shaped TAMAGUSURI Powder, gunpowder TAMA HEN Radical 096 TAMA JIKU-UKE Ball bearing TAMA KANSETSU Ball-and-socket joint TAMA KIBI Corn,maize TAMA KIZU Bullet wound TAMAMIGAKI Polishing of precious stones, lapidary,jeweller TAMAMUSHI IRO Iridescence TAMAOKURI Gun wad TAMARINDO Tamarind TAMASURI Lapidary TAMATSUKURI Lapidary TAMAWARIMONO Donation,gift, grant TAMAWARU To bestow,give,said of Emnperor TAMAWARU To receive TAMBI Time,occasion TAMBI Short tail TAMB6 Divagation,wandering delirium TAMB6 KISHA Newspaper reporter TAMBOKU Light ink, thin ink TAMBO MICHI Lane through rice fields TAMBYoHAKU Riding at single anchor TAMEI NO Polyonymous TAMEJIRI Accumulated balance TAMEMASU Manhole, sewer sump ~t~ A4A 19+ 90*M 2 44Ut ~ I ~A-I 14~t ~ X A I At x Yi V01 I ^ 5( ^. ^^ ^eA ^ XBi 'r ME.t w^ ^ ^^o-o ^^o^^- E -^t^X ^W\ ^Wit ^ww\ *^^000 ^mw^48 ^14 f\ET4 ^AE x12 ^~S$ ^61 ^ty4 '^. ^ fth ^i-^ 0 m^y] ^itt ^BkT ^ M^^^t) ^^00 ^i~^ ^fl^/\ ^^r ^ ^ 1^ ~4$T^^7^ 1^^ a-^ ^xA ^s1 ^21 ^8^di TANGANKYo TAMUIZU Accumulated water TAMESHIDAMA Sighting shot TAMESHI-URI Venture TAME85 Hopper,storage space TAMICHI Path between rice fields TAMIZO Irrigation ditch between rice fields TAMMA Magnesium carbonate TAMMATSU Extremity,limit,end,conclusion, objective TAMMEI Conciseness and clarity TAMMEI Name of coal TAMMI Plain or simple taste,in food TAMMOCHI Bronchial asthma TAMMON Inquiry,investigation TAMMUKA Coal Affairs Section TAMo_ Spoon net,scoop net,hand net TAMPA Short wave TAMPAKU NA Insipid,dull TAMPAKU NA Plain,simple TAMPEISEN Hand-to-hand combat TAMPI Coal consumption TAMPO Liability insurance TAMPo SURU To search for news TAMPOHIN Collateral,security TAMPOHIN 0 SUEOKU To nurse an account TAMPOHIN SASHI-IRESHO Bill of sale, memorandum of deposit TAMPOZUKI HIKI-UKE Secured acceptance TAMPOZUKI SAIMU Secured liabilities TAMPOZUKI WARIBIKI Discounted collateral TEGATA bills TAMPOZUKI YAKUSOKU TEGATA Secured note TAMYAKU Multinervate,multinervose TAN Bhutan TAN Counter for cloth in lengths TAN Unit of cloth measure,10.612 meters TAN Counter for loads carried on back TAN Picul TAN Railway station,China TAN Unit of square measure,9.9173 acres, 0-.245 acres,300 tsubo TANAGUMO Stratus,cloud layers TANAGUMORU To become overcast,be very cloudy * TANA ITA Shelf TANAKO Tenant TANA-OROSHIHY5 Inventory TANA-ORISHI SH6HIN Inventoried articles TANARASHI Preparing rice field for planting TANASOKO Hollow of the hand TANA-UKESHO Tenant security bond TANA-URA Palm of hand TANCHI K6GEKI Search attack TANCHI MOKUHY6 Search target TANCHO Clue TANCH6 SURU To seek information TANDAI SHINSH5 Bold and prudent TANDEI Peat TANDENRO Short circuit TAND6 Level road TAND6 SURU To act singly TANDOKUBY6 Cholaemia TANDOKU FUKoWA No separate peace TANDOKU FUKoWA Jo-YAKU Treaty not to conclude a separate peace TANDOKU HIK6 Solo flight TANDOKU HIYo Particular charges,in marine insurance TANDOKU H6JIN Corporation sole TANDOKU KAISON Particular average,in marine insurance ST4NDOKU KAISON FU- Insurance free of TAMPO NO HOKEN particular average - TANDOKU KAISONZUKI To insure with DE FUHO SURU particular average TANDOKU KoD6 Independent movement or sailing TANDOKU KoWA Separate peace TANDOKU SHSHO0 Deed poll TANDOKU S6Z0KUNIN Sole heir TAN EKI Phlegm,mucus,glair TANEKO AiURA Rapeseed oil TANEMOMI Seed rice TAN-EN Light smoke, thin mist TAN-EN Slight percentage of salt TANE WATA Unginned cotton TANEYA Seed shop,seed trade,seedsman TANGAI Cover TANGAKU Unit cost TANGANKY6 Telescope TANGANSHO 236 It~q (1F0a AR1? 6 Q~ 8 K 49-t 1, A r~rlftwl.T 3Jie WiAA~t / )ýM4 Att ýi A 4 PMMATIm dA L A AiM~fA WAOk YIt; -4,a % Ift ~ $ T 4 1~?~ ~t ~~~ ~tjt:%:~ TANGANSHO Written petition TANGOHEN Vocabulary,glossary TANGOSHU Glossary TANGY6 Coal industry TANGYdKA Coal Production Section TANHaKASEI Legal monometallic system TAINHON-ISEI Monometallism TANI Radical 150 TAN-ICHI Unity,singleness TANIGUCHI Valley mouth TANIKUKA Pulpy fruit TANI MICHI Mountain pass TANJAKU, NO Short TANJIJITSU Short time TANJIKAN Short space of time TANJITSU Short day,short time TANJ6CHI Birthplace TANJ6 IWAI Birthday celebration TANIJU Short-wave receiver TANJU Single gun,single machine gun TANJU NO Single TANJUN NA Absolute,unconditional TANJUN HIKI-UKE Absolute acceptance TAINJUN IZ5 Absolute or unconditional bequest TANJUNKA Simplification TANJUN KEIYAKU Unconditional contract TANJUNRIN Pure forest TANJUN SHIHARAI ITAKU Unconditional order to pay TANJUN SHIHARAI YAKUTEI Absolute promise to pay TANJUN SHWNIN Absolute acceptance TANJURETSU Single column TANKA Price of coal TANKA Small boat,dinghy,lighter,barge TANKA Carrying a burden TANKABU MoSHIKOMI KEN Fractional warrant, on stock marke't TANKABU NAIAGAININ Odd-lot broker TANIKAI SURU To search the sea,drag TANKAIGU Dragging equipment TANKAKI Carburetor TANKAN Gall ductbile or biliary duct TA.NKAK Single ship TAIIAN SItKI Individual ship formula, score,or type of practice TANKASEI Monometallism,monometallic system TAIKASOTSU Stretcher-bearer TANKE Desire to expectorate,phlegm,mucus TANKEN SURU To look for,discover TANXEN RYOK6 Expedition TAMKENSEN Research ship TANKENSHARYO Shortsighted people TANOKEWTAI Expeditionary party TANKEN TAICH6 Expedition leader TAtENTm 6 Flashlight TANKI Single plane TANKIBARAI Short-date payment TANKI BOKI Single-entry bookkeeping TANKI FUKUEKI Short service TANKI HOKEN Short-period insurance TANI IJ5 SHIKI Single transferable system TANIt KARI-IRE Short-term loan TANKI KARI-IRE KIN Unfunded debt TANKI KASHIITSUE Short loan TANKI KESSEN Short,decisive battle TANKI N K6 Short-term workers TANKI KGSAI Short loan TAKRI T Stopping expectorationin pharmacology TAKISAI Short -term securities TANkI BAlgEIE Short-term bond TAN~gi. SHASAI: Short-term debenture TAIIKI SHIKIN Short-term funds TANKI SHIN-Y6 KASHI Short credit TAIKISHO Short-term prisoner TANKI TEGATA Short bill TA.NITIU TETSLTD6 Monorailvay TANKMI THY6 Single vote TANI~g TORIHIKEI Short-term transaction TANIQCE TSOfSHINm Wigwag sl2Jgnaling TANKLO Short haksma,shorts TANKS~ Single direction TANKC Yolk of egg,vitellus TANK~Z One way TANKt SURU To proceed alone TANK5 SURU To carry with one TANK6 CHIH6 Coal-sining areas TANKWGY8 Coal mining 4i ~ 4 jf,) S EQ11R #~$0 s Kif tit 441k s MAI A. 0 9* Z k bo- A( v 0- a ix t i, tfr *xit)9 4ý ti ll~t f 4 A 0 1 S ff i Pk 0- 0 ft $ A -tZg a It 7ti~~d S* rift A f * /t vt1 Vex ~z3 -4Aq i~~QQ S ~ S ~-t 4:~*h Ai ~'AB *a *i( s 4:k~ ~?\S~h "jJ lk~ if kZ At ~fi ~ 1*'t t p p~ALaait x$stit ~ TANToCHI TANK6REI Separate order TANK6BSHO Blacksmith TANK5SHOKU Egg yolk color TANKURI Coal arrangements TANKUSHU Phrase book TANY,6 Single-lane bridge TANKYUMONO Quest TANKYU SOSHIKI Single-class system TANNINKAN Guard ship TANNINKAN Radio guard ship TANNINKANSHO Guard-ship station TANNIN-SANJ6B Tannic acid troche TANNIN-SAN KINIINE Quinine tannate TANOMU NI TARU To be reliable TA.N-ONGO Monosyllabic word TANRAIKI Mine locator TANRAKU Short circuit TANRAKU SEN Short connecting line TANRENDO Forge degree TANRENKA Physical Training Section TANRETSU Single line TANRIH6 Simple interest method TANRITSU SURU To tremble with fear TANRY6 Amount of coal TANSAN GUAYAK6RU Guaiacol carbonate TANSAN KARYOMU Potassium carbonate TANSAN KURES6TO Creosote carbonate TANSAN KURES6TO-GAN Creosote carbonate tablets TANSAN MAGUNESHuMU Magbsium carbonate TANSAN NATORYOMU Sodium carbonate TANSAN RICHUMU Lithium carbonate TANSAN SEKITAN Calcium carbonate TANSANSUI SEIZiKI Gazogene TANSEI HOKEN Single life insurance TANSEIKA Coal Administration Section TANSEKI SURU To mourn for TANSEN-I Short fiber TANSETSU Small scrap TANSETSU NA Short-cut,abbreviated,urgent TAIJSETSUGOZOKUT Monosyllabic languages TANSHA Motorcycle TANSHA Searching fire TANSHA Short bursts of gunfire TANSHARIBETSU Syrup TANSHIB Single capsule TANSHIKI BOKI Single-entry bookkeeping TANSHIKI KINYO Single entry TANSHIN Firewood and charcoal TANSHIN Search TANSHIN Kb Cement steel TANSHINB Single capsule TAJNSHIN S6T5TAI Search and mopping-up unit TANSHI SHIJ6 Short-loan market TANSH6 Coalyard,coal depot TANSH SURU To search with light,spot with search'light TANSH6TdK5 Light from a searchlight TANSHU Coal type TANSHU Odor of charcoal TANSO Anthrax TANS6 Single mount TANS6 Stretcher case casualty TANS SURU To send in someone's charge TANS6 SURU To transport in one trip TANSO Bb Carbon rod TA1~SOBY6 Anthrax TANSOBY6 Smuta corn and wheat disease TANSUIGYO Fresh-water fish TAIISUI KANQGEN Fresh-water freeboard line TANQSUIKO Fresh-water lake TANSUI KYiKYOSEN Supply ship for coal and water TANSUIRAIHIN Coal,water,and torpedo supplies TANSUISEN Supply ship for coal and water TANSUISHA Tender attached to looomotive for carrying fuel and water TANBSUIS Fresh-water weeds TANSUYA Cabinetmaker TANTAN Indifferently,faintly,insipidly TANTEI Single bottom TANTEIJIN* Single quarter lineechelon TANTEI EYdREN Boat drill TANTEITAI Boat unit TANTaCHI Cohtrolled areas TANTSUB0O 237 4- TANTSUBO Spittoon P TANUKI OYAJI Old fox of a man TAN-YA Forging, smithing 4 0 TAN-Y HEIKKI Monoplane St TANI-Y6SETSU Welding S TANYUSUI Coal,oil,and water X TANZAIKA Coal and Materials Section S TANZEI Obligation to pay th ~ TANZEIRYOKU Taxability elr TANZEN Asthma 3- a TANZUBEKI Regrettable TARAGANTO Tragacanth - f TARAGANTO-SH6 Tragacanth glue WnL U TARAIMAWASHI NI SARERU To be taken from 5 one police station to another Of I5 TARAKASU To coax,cajole 5, u ix 1 TARASHIKOMU To cajole,cheat ikt~ TARASHIKOMU To pour out,let drip TARE Radical at top and left of character,in 3 cases #Lf) TAREKAZARI Pendant S TAREMABUTA Drooping eyelids,ptosis,in medicine S TARENUNO Curtain,portiere S TARESAGARU To droop,hang down - 5 TARESAGERU To hang something down TARI Counter for people 1 TARO Another road W u L TARUDASHI Draught,from cask or keg o ) TARUGUCHI Bunghole 53 TARUMERU To loosen,release,relax,slacken TARUZAI Staves TARUZUME Barrelled,casked 5 t TARYOKIJ Great strength,numerous forces TARYOKU Strength of others TASAKU Another means,plan,or method 4f TASEI Great number,great odds,large company U 01.1v TASETSUGO Polysyllable Sit TASHA Another company I _i Wb TASHA HOKEN SH6NIN Other insurance permitted 18c f"a TASHAKU SURU To borrow 4.' TASHIMI Accomplishment,proficienpy, skill 4 ' TASHIMI Prudence,modesty,self-denial 4t TASHIMU To relish,be prudent,deny oneself V( TASHINAMU To grieve,worry,rebuke 99ui4t4 i TASHINKYdTO Polytheist (ftTASHITSU Another room Iftff$94f TASHOBARAI TEGATA Domicile bill 1t MU TASHOKATSU Other jurisdiction 4PA tkIK TASHO SHIHARAININ Domicile drawee It) V 1 I4-,/ TASHO WARIBIKI TEGATA Domicile discount bills 994+ TASHU Variety,multiplicity 9 4TASOT6 Majority party fl43 1 TATAKAIGAMAE Radical 191 t o TATAKAIZUKI NO Warlike U9;( TATAKIKUDAKU To crush,pulverize 4') TATAMARI Heap,pile,accumulation 4 % TATAMARU To be folded,fuiFl,be doubled vt 4? TATA MASUMASU More and more l TATAMI KOGATANA Pocketknife $i&1 TATAMIKOMI SHINDAI Folding bed *fl TATAMI NAIFU Folding knife,jackknife 4A, P TATAMI SH6GI Folding stool TATAMI TATEGU Mats and fittings furnished TATAN Eventful Sotk ~c TATARABUKI Foot-bellows type 44 ' i LU TATAWASHII Abundant,sufficient,fair-sized # TATE Shie)d,defense,shelter $it TATECHI Ground plot,building plot TATEDOI ~ Down pipe,downspout Lk m TATEGATA Shield-shaped 4%E 9.TATEGAWARA Tile plates to cover earthen walls itaR ~ TATEGUYA Cabinetmaker f4 TATEGU Z6SAKtZUKI KASHIYA Furnished house for rent i5i C TATEIIKI Pecuniary aid,rivalry,obstinacy 3-9 TATEHIKU To help generously,aid financially P "S ~ TATERAEBARAI Charges forward TATEKAE KIN Money advanced 8+35 to 4 TATEKIRU To shut up,intercept,cut off, close,make hold out,hold to the very end R- sTATEK6 Shaft i9- ) 6 TATEKOMERU To shut up,as a room or house Ak i TATEMAE Policy,arrangement,plan &:. TATE NI TORI On the pretext of 41f&thr TATEN KANJ6 Correspondent's account 665892 0- 45- 16 9 4 a II 141&;t) u) 17 +_tg Ali 9 -t rl 45tit Hg ~ E~i cF> WA 4, Ll &A,.9", r*lV H,9,t) r- ~,7, 5ER t 4.:? IC~A~ TEIBIHIN TATENUKI Warp and filling TATE RAN Ordinate column TATETASHI Extension of house,annex TATETSUKERU To close door or a-blind,do in succession TATEYA Building,house TATEZA Sobieski's.Shield,a constellation TATE ZAHY6 Ordinate TATEZAMA NI Lengthwise TAT6 Many islands TATOSHIENAI Incomparable TATSU Radical 117 TATSU Radical 161 TATSUGAN Farsightedness,perspicacity TATSU HEN Radical 117 TATSUMAKITEI PT boat TA-UEDOKI Rice-planting season TAWARA-IRI In a straw bag TAYA Other dwelling TAY5 Other business,other purpose TAYOWAI Feeble,delicate TAYUMERU To slacken,relaxease TAYUMI Relaxing, slackening,listlessness, negligence TAYUMU To flag,yield,give way to,bend TAYUTAU To flutter,hesitate,pause,hang back TAZA Multi-seater TAZ6 Polyopia,multiple vision TAZUNEAU To seek each other's society, ask each other TAZUNEDASU To uncover,meet,find TAZUSAU To go together,walk together TE Radical 064 TE Subhead 35 TEAMASU To consider beyond one's ability TEANA FUTA Handhole cover TEARAISHO Washstand TEATARI BATTARI At random TEATARI SHIDAI At random TEATECHU Being treated TEAWASE SURU To play a game,strike a bargain TEAWASEDAKA Volume of business TEAWASE NEDAN Price agreed on TEAYAMACHI. Unintentional error,mistake TEBATA Hand loom TEBATA Small flag TEBATA GENJI TSUSHIN Semaphore signaling TEBATA SHING6 Flag signaling TEBAYAKU SURU To work quickly or adroitly TEBIKAECHb Notebook TEBIKI Handsaw TEBUKURO Gloves TEDORI RIMAWARI Actual interest TEFUIGO 'Hand bellows TEGAKARI NO SHIGOTO Business on hand TEGARAMONO Person of great exploits TEGARUI Lighteasy,unceremonious,flighty, irresponsible TEGARU RY6RI Refreshment,quick lunch TEGATA Bill of exchange TEGATACH6 Bill register TEGATA FURIDASHI Draft TEGATA HIKI-UKE GENDO Acceptance line TEGATA HIKI-UKE KINYOCH6 Acceptance book TEGATA HIKI-UKE SHIJb Acceptance market TEGATA HOSH6 Endorsement of a bill TEGATA HOSHoNIN Note guarantor TEGATAI SH6KEN Seasoned securities TEGATA KESSAIBI Due date TEGATA KiKAN KUMIAI Clearing house association TEGATAMEN Amount of a bill of exchange TEGATA NO KAKIKAE Renewal of a bill TEGATA NO YUZURIWATASHI Sale of bills TEGATA SiKIN Remittance by draft TEGATA TORITSUGININ Running broker* TEGATA YOBI SHIHARAININ Referee in case of need TEGURI ITO Hand-spun yarn TEHABA Handbreadth TEHAN Hand imprint TE HEN Radical 064 TEHIKAE OKURIJb Memorandum bill TEHIKI Leading by the hand,guide TEI Denmark TEIAN Definite plan,fixed plan TEIBAN Mold TEIBI Designated equipment TEIBI Stern of boat TEIBIHIN Designated equipment *TEIBO 238 44 TEIBO Seaplane tender E TEIBU Bottom,underside t TEICHAKUSEI Steadiness At TEICHI Bottom land,bottom,river bed A ý0 TEICHI Detection Api14 TEICHI SURU To reconnoiter,find out by spying TEICHB Boat commander TEICH6 Spy,scout 1TEICH6 SURU To spy on S TEICH6 SURU To listen attentively 1A ~ TEICH6CHI Secret intelligence 1 TEICHWJI Time of low tide TEIDAN Shipping group S TEIDEN SURU To send by relays AJ TEIDENTEKI Successively,in waves TEIENCHI Garden plot ~-4 ~TEIENJUTSU Landscape gardening TEIGAKU HAKK6H6 Maximum issue method i TEIGAKUl KURIKOSHI Fixed amount carried forward h 'L TEIGAKU MODOSHI-IRE Refunding appropriations 1 TEIGAKU RY6KIN HOKEN Stipulated insurance tilAP TEIGAKU SH6KYAKUH5 Fixed instalment method of depreciation TEIGAKU ZEI Light taxes TEIGATA Standard size TEIGEN Low plain 3rli TEIGENTEKI HANDAN Categorical judgment TEIGENTEKI MEIDAI Categorical proposition TEIGIN Reichsbank S TEIGIRON Dogmatics 3l TEIHA Embankment,dike 1&i ~ TEfHAIBUN Low ash content 4;ijg TEIHAKUBA Anchorage x4t g*07f TEIHAXUBA KA1BU Embarkation inspectorate p&it TEIHAXU BUTAI Force at anchor )1b0t TEIHAKUCHI Anchorage k6S t ~ TEIHAKUCHU At anchor rX It TEIHAKUKAN Anchorage commander RAI- i)h44 TEIHAKU KANSHIBU Anchorage directorate AW3tV Pal TEIHAKU KIKAN Anchorage period;Z 1 TEIHAKEK6 Anchorage harbor;i A, X 0 TEIHAXURY6 Anchorage fee TEIHAKUSEN Ship at anchor 4i -TEIRAKUSHO Anchorage S TEIHAKUT6 Anchor light,r.ding light ta% TEIHAKU ZEI Groundage,in shipping TEIH6 Gun of boat TEI-ICHI Station,proper station,given position 01 TEI-INGAI Supernumerary;6C if TEI-INREI Establishments Law *+UTEIJ6 On a boat f&T TEIKA Decrease,successive decline l114 TEIKAN SURU To suspend publication Pl4 TEIANKAKUO At fixed intervals TEIKA SHorENH6 Valued policy law TEIKA ZEI Progressive tax All TEIKEI Contract,agreement TEIKEI Imperial line Sf TEIKEI T-shaped StQ TEIKEIJ6 Fixed moorage 3 - ~ TEIKEIK6 Definite anchorage } TEIKEI SHUGISHA Coalitionists ij ~ TEIKEN Imperial power TEIKETSU Decision,resolution TEIXETSU NA Pure,virtusus %ýUmg TEIKETSUATSU Low blood pressure, hypotension TEIKI Regular plane TEIKI BAIBAI Time bargain TEIKIBARAI TEGATA Time note 194 TEIKI HASSABYB Periodic sickness ftl* TEIKI HIKB Regular air service STEIKI HIKKiI Airliner 1&~A1AfA TEIKI HOKEN Term insurance $i1 z k-Z TEIIKI HOKEN SHiKEN Time policy ZtrFl } TEIKI KARI-IRE Time money S I~t TEIKI KASHITSUKE KIN ~ Time loan 2 TEIKI KISEN Regular steamer A ta TEIKI KgKAI Regular ship service ~StrltS TEIKI KiROSEN Regular liner (LEfi 'TEIKIN Depressor muscle 2tt00-? TEIKI NENKIN Terminable annuity t~31914 TEIKI SEIMEI HOKEN Term life insurance 2E8 8 TEIKITEKI Regular Z$~iu '1PEIKI TORIHIKI Settlement dealings,time bargain fl 5 TEIKI TORIHIKI Time transaction iFJita TEIKI WATASHI Future delivery TEISEN KIKAN ýt $4 TEIKI YOKIN Time deposit j1r, g TEIKI Y6SEN KEIYAKU Time charter,in shipping,ýCAV*A0 TEIKI YUBINSEN Regular mail liner S*A4 il TEIKI ZAIA Regular stock 1 f)Qa f ý TEIKI ZAIKA MOKUROKU Regular stock inventory fl&) TEIK6 Fluctuation f TEIK6 Successive sinking or deterioration,decrease -? TEtKg SURU To establish friendly relations S TEIK6 SURLY To stop work A) 4, TEIK6DO Low altitude -L; TEIK6HEI Shipping engineers T I TEIKOKU Denmark Nr -tk TEIKOKU GAKUSHI-IN Imperial Academy 'tyl? i TEIKOKU GAKUSHI-IN KAI-IN Imperidl Academy member '476&t TEIKOKU GIKAI Imperial Diet _JikNi1 TEIKOKU GIKAI KAI-IN Opening ceremony of tSHIKI Imperial Diet ~: TEIKOKU HATSUMEI KY6KAI Imperial Institute of Invention il fl t TEIKOKU HIKd KY6KAI Imperial Aeronautical Association ' 4 TEIKOKU HWJIN Japanese TEIKOKU KEIHATSU Imperial Development Company TEIKOKU KEMPb Imperial constitution ~''( TEIKOKU SEIFU Imperial Government ~ TEIKOKU SEMPAKU Imperial Shipping Company TB & TEIKOKU SHIMMIN Japanese citizens TEIK6 SEN Line of resistance TEIK6SHIGATAI Irresistibe TEIK6S5 Nest of resistance 1 TEIKU HIK5 Low altitude flight 1%I4 ~TEIKY6 KAKAKU Price offered TEIMEI Boat's name TEIIMEIKOKU Treaty Power TEIMEIRON Fatalism TEINAI Inside a law court TEINENHb Age-limit law t TEINEN MEIBO Army list I r 8 TEINEN MEIBO Seniority list *\`4 TEINEN MIMANSHA Mihor,person under age i TEINEN SHINKYU Promotion by seniority *1' V TEION KANRYU KIIHATSUYU Low-temperature dry-distilled gasoline "TEI6 SHINKEN Divine right of kings TEI6 SHINKEN SETSU Theory of divine right of kings ' TEIRA SURU To patrol TEIRAKU JoKB Fall clause TEIREI JOKUN Decoration by precedence TEIREI KAKUGI Ordinary cabinet meeting TEIRETSU NA Inferior,low TEIRITSU Normal rate TEIRITSU ZET Proportional taxation TEIRY6 BUNSEKI Quantitative analysis TEIRYUKEN GENKAI Tropopause,in meteorology TEISATSUHEI Scout TEISATSU HIKb Scouting flight TEISATSU HIK6TEI Reconnaissance flying boat TEISATSU-IN Observer 1 TEISATSU JUN-YdKAN Scout cruiser 4 TEISATSU KANTAI Sdouting fleet TEISATSUKI Reconnaissance plane f i rit TEISATSU SEK6d Reconnoitering patrol 1~ i TEISATSUSEN Reconnoitering skirmish ~j 4 TEISATSUSHA Reconnaissance car 4 40 TEISATSU SHdKd Scout -i~ t C TEISATSUTAI Reconnoitering party (C k TETSEI Fixed rule,regulation,law g1iiL TEISEIHAN Revised edition 'me' TEISEI JIDAI Monarchical days kI. TEISEI.O KOU To requedt correction or revision (1iE i, TEISEI SAIHAN Second edition $17 3A TEISEISHI Correction sheet ~ TEISEITB Imperialist party 0J %t I TEISEI Z6RO Revised and enlarged 9a TEISEN Anchoring,boat at anchor 14'~k TEISEN Armistice TEISEN Imperial Textile Company; 4fb ) TEISEN HOKENRY6 Laying-up rebate,in WARIMODOSHI maritime insurance TEISENJ6 Ferry station fiA TEISIN KIKAN Quarantine of ships TEISHA 239 si41 TEISHA Raking fire,grazing fire,enfilade fire TEISHABA, Railway station $ f, TEISHAJSKA Stations Section W$ 4* TEISHAJ6 KoNAI Station yard TEISHAKU* Scale of a map ^ TEISHI Ladder Si TEISHI *Reconnaissance TEISHI Student,adolescent ti TEISHI CH6ON Stationary use of sound detectors $L41 TEISHI J5KEN Condition precedent ^2--M TEISHI KIKAN Suspension period t TEISHIKI SoKAI Regular general meeting S^^ TEISHIN SURU To present,offer ^t TEISHIN SURU To shape a course S TEISHIN BUTAI Detached raiding or reconnaissance troop TEISHINCHO In the raiding,during raid rib I TEISHIN DAIJIN Minister of Communicatioins TEISHIN JIMU Post and telegraphic service ' TEISHIN KANRIKYOKU Communications Superintendence Bureau TEISHINKYOKU Communications Buteau "TEISHINSH6 Ministry of Communications TEISHINTAI Raiding unit TEISHIN YUS5 Communications and transportation ^y^ TEISHITEN Stationary point * TEISHITSU Character of the bottom,nature of soil ^ TEISHITSU Nature of the sea bed. TEISHITSU BUNSEKI Qualitative analysis ' '4W'ri TEISHITSU RIN-YA Imperial Forestry and KANRIKYOKU Estate Bureau 'M TEISHO Designated or fixed place 91 TEISHO Low place SRTOI TEISHoJUN Ascending order S;TEISHU Bow,stem TEISHU Fixed types iAf ' TEISHUTSU SURU To surpass i 4 TEISHUTSUCHU Impending St TEISHUTSUZUMI Filed,submitted (i TEISoHI Postage I-Ki TEISOKU Low speed I TEISOKU SURU To halt S0 TEISOKUD6 Steady movement J) TEISOKU SENDAN Low-speed convoy ' ^ TEISoNIN Mailman S TEISUGAI Beyond or outside an allotment 'TEISUHY6 Allowance list TEISUI Reconnaissance seaplane TEISURU To examine into,judge,correct, revise TEITAI Echelon formation TEITAI Hull of boat TEITAI Raiding unit TEITAI Small-bbat unit TEITETSUGATA U-shaped S TEITETSU KWJ6 Farriery TEIT6 Dike,mound, embankment TEIT6 Imperial line fa TEIT-BUTSU Security,hostage V [K1 TEIToBUTSU SHUTOKU Foreclosure %,1W TEITo HOKEN Mortgage insurance 4,$1 TEITO HoMON HIK6 Plane flight to the capital ^tfi~ TEIT6 KASHITSUKE KIN Mortgage loan I6&t 4tZt TEIT5KEN SETTEISHA Mortgagor4 TEITONCHU Pending '^ " TEIT6 SH5MON Mortgage Stb TEITo SH6SHO Mortgage . TEITSUKI Assigned or attached to a boat W'jI TEIYAKUKOKU Signatory powers,high contracting parties it41 ' TEIY6 SURU To use in rotation \- TEIYOKU Low-wing ~ TEIY6SHO Manual,handbook 1 6 TEIZ6 SURU To increase by degrees, reinforce successively S4 TEIZ6 NENKIN Increasing annuity ~ TEIZSSEI Ascending scale,of wages etc. 4 T TEKA Subordinate,subject,follower TEKATSUKU To glow, shimmer S1 TEKAZURYo Fee,commission,percentage, "brokerage TEKI Counter for drops AMP TEKI BURAKU Enemy settlement jm TEKICHI Suitable location A T TEKICHO In the midst of the enemy 1P? TEKIDANJU Grenade rifle !kM TEKI FUJO SENSUIKAN Surfaced enemy submarine TEMATORI KONSEI ^ TEKIGAN Enemy bullets STEKIGUN Horde of enemies jj TEKIHAI Enemy's rear S^ TEKI HAMKEN Sighting the enemy .f^ TEKI HENTAI KAKUNIN Sighted enemy formation gfg TEKIHI Enemy bandits,guerrillas ^ 1'jT TEKI HIKoKI CHUGATA Enemy aircraft, medium type 4iA TEKIHIN Satisfactory or suitable goods Ott TEKIH6 Enemy ground fortification 40@ TEKIH6 Enemy guns & fif4 TEKIH5 SEKININ HOKEN Legal liability insurance )J 1s Y TEKI-I NA KOTO Amenities AT,; & TEKIJI SURU To point out i4k TEKIJ6 Enemy intelligence AAA TEKIKAKUSHA Qualified person &I6 IW TEKIKAKU TAMPO Legal mortgage 0IA*$. TEKI KANSAIKI Enemy carrier planes AItM4 TEKI KANSEN Enemy ships itIS$M# TEKIKOKU HEJOZAI Offence of aiding the enemy M3I*,jhE TEKIKOKU TORIHIKI Anti-Enemy-Trading Law 19* TEKIKoSEI Seaworthiness TEKIKYo Frontier of an enemy country &4 TEKI KYOTEN Enemy key position {ltt TEKININSHo Certificate of competence k0ttiA TEKI NO HoEl 0 SAKERU To avoid an enemy 6 onslaught 001 TEKIREI Exact precedent,established usage i1t TEKIREISHA Persons liable for conscription iA TEKIREI TODOKE Report upon reaching conscription age TEKISAI Enemy fortress TEKISAKU Good plan TEKISAN Enemy property, TEKISEI Enemy strength ,j TEKISEI Quality,correctness mr TEKISEI NO Appropriate,right iE1I4& TEKISEI KAKAKU Normal price 0[ TEKISEI KOKKA Hostile nonbelligerent country ^ TEKISEN Appropriate ship 4y TEKISEN Enemy submarine M.4t TEKISHAH6 BUTAI Howitzer force iAW TEKISHIN Enemy course Ot TEKISHU Enemy hands At-1 TEKI,SHUTAI Main enemy unit.U f 6 TEKIS6 SURU To go over to the enemy ^ TEKISOKU Enemy speed ] TEKISOKU Target speed atfJt TEKITAI KdD6 Hostilities S. L 't TEKITEKI TO SHITA Rain pattering or dripping down if9 TEKIY6GAI Inapplicable aix TEKI YOKU Enemy flank i) 1 56 TEKIYo 0 UKERU To come under the application of 3 * TEKIYo RAN Remarks column Aft TEKIY6SHO Abstract statement,docket OX I fl) TEKIZEN JoRIKUY6 NO Landing barges +'V KOBUNE fit b TEKKA SURU To steel oneself At't&t TEKKAN YUS6 SEN Pipeline I4AA 6 TEEETSU SURU To point out,expose tAft TEKKETSU SAISH5 Iron Chancellor tM4f4&f TEKKETSU SEIRYAKU Blood-and-iron policy 1A T 5 TEKKI SURU To abandon,relinquish 1AA TEKKIN Reinforcing rods _Hii i61 TEKKI SEISAKUJO Ironmongery tfi TEKKISH6 Ironmonger ST TEKK6 Iron helmet tlt TEKKo Steel I5 6 TEKK6 SURU To suspend work,rest 1A-PI TEKK6 BAKUDAN Armor-piercing bomb f TEKKKYOKU Iron and Steel Bureau texM TEKKoSHO Iron works t.ti,^. TEKK6 T6SEIKAI Iron Ore Control Association $j&^t TEKO DAI Fulcrum S4 TEKOMARI Short-handed S@ TEKUBARICHU In the midst of preparing TEKUBARIZUMI Arrangements completed STEKUBI Wrist STEMAE Front JA: TEMAEDOMO We tyr t TEMAE J5GI Rules established by oneself tt TEMAKI Hand winding t TEMAME NA Active,industrious TEMATOI Burden, encumbrance tF TEMATORI KONSEI Mercenary spirit TENAWASHI 240 +1w TEMAWASHI Hand-operated 4 r Ltk TEMAWASHI DENT - Dynamo flashlight it 10 L TEIAWASHI HATSUDENKI Hand generator 2t TEMBAISHI-URU Resalable TEMB6 DAI Lookout platform TEMBOKU Logs t* TEMB6SH5 Observation post X TEMB63 Pemphigus in medicine {j TEMB6T6 Lookout platform TEMBUN Seal character t TEMBY6 SURU To change anchorage Sb TEMBY6 SURU To let fall the anchor 4 TEMISE Test of one's ability iIgi TEMMAKU SEIXATSU Camp life 4a.ls TEMMASEN Rowboat,dinghy,junk-'s jolly boat - TEMMEN RUTO Yunnan-Burma Road Mf 6 TEMMETSU SURU To turn on and off,blink, flash TEMMONREKI Astronomical calendar 4 t jf TE MO ASHI MO IDEZU To be unable to do anything + 0 TEM4OCHIHIN Holdings t# )TEMOCHIRY6 Goods on hand TEMOCHI SUJI Holders 4 iP TEMIOCHIT6 Hand lamp 4 $ TEMOCHI-USU Light holdings t TEMODORI Return to preceding condition 0 iW TEMOTO ARIDAKA Cash on hand +1l TEMOTO ARINI Stock on hand _t i4t TEMOTO NORIDAKA Balance on hand t P isk TEMOTO SONAEGANE Till money 4 0 TEMOTSURE Tangle, confusion,perplexity if b TEMP6 SURU To inform A A03 TEMPOGO Expletive a f A TEMPO SURU To veer agU K a TEMPU JINIEN Inherent rights of mart 0 i1 it TEMPU MEIREI Assignment order A tik TEMPU MORE Failure to enclose jijFý t TEMPU NO CHI Rich country # TEMPURA SOBA Buckwheat macaroni with fried fish 4iVit D$t TEMPUSERU SHORUI Accompanying documents (1~5$- TEMPU SHORUI Appended papers TEN Yunnan TEN TO Completelyentirely,totally t TENAGE NO Hand-thrown TENAGE DAN Hand grenade J4k#VW TENAGE RYUDAN Hand grenade 3tTTENARE Experience,training TEN ARU Spotted #L TENASHI Armless person TEN-ATSU HAN Crusher section Mf TEN-ATSUKI Roller,steam roller Al t TENCHAKU SURU To intertwine,coil around Jts"J TENCHI BAMBUTSU Universal nature, universe,whole creation;iztMMP*l - TENCHI KAIBYAKU IRAI Since the beginning of the world AtMCMM TENCHI KAIBYAKURON Cosmogony it4PC TENCHI RY6Y6SHO Convalescent camp *lt ~ TENCHI UJ6 Sentient world Rt~K TENCHB SURU To lay,as a smoke screen, span,as a bridge,string,as a cable Kf "Z TENCHSSETSU SHUKUJITSU Imperial birthday celebration 491W TENCHETAI Layer unit,of smoke screen 1W-,i TTENCHBTEN Zenith agl TENCHI Punctuation marks Stt TENDA SURU To turn the helm -TENDAI SHO Tendai sect of Buddhism 1et 3 TENDEN SDRU To transmit,pass on!J)IJ t TENDS SURT To revolve,rotate,turn,travel J)tb TEN-El SURU To change encampments TENGA Rarity,world,universe W3F-.ttViJ TENGAI CHIKAKU Four corners of the earth XRBE TENGAKU Astronomy Kc~at 3 TENGAN SURU To apply eyewash rabc TENGANSUI Eyedrops TENHSSHIN Pemphigus,in medicine 4?41r ~L TENIMOTSU AIFUDA Baggage check *7~1t$3- TENIMOTSUGURUMA Luggage car 4 $JEL TENIMOTSU HARIFUDA Luggage label 4 3gf f- TENIMOTSU HOKEN Baggage insurance *~~V8-#f TENIMOTSU ICHIJI Cloakroom,parcel room I ~ AZUKARISHO 4 ti*')1i$tt TENIMOTSU TORIATSUKAIJO Baggage office jt3 j#X TENIMOTSU WATASHIJO Luggage delivery office PM 6 TEN-IN SURU To move to a hospital $ TENJI Seal characters V., TENJI SURU To exhibit Ea if>b TENJI SURTU To point out one by one TENSON KtRIN TENJIKU AOI SHUKI Geranium odor S5 TENJIN SURU To change camp EV TENJISHO Braille book t TENJI SHOSHAKI Braille-writing instrument 4Ift TENJITSU SURU To fill up 0fV*t TENJI YOMIKATA Braille reading KtX V TENJ6 MUKYU Eternal heaven and earth Ui TENKADEN Point charge IS- ~ TENKAGO Corrupt word A TENKA ICHI Only one of its kind ORAdE TENKANJb Letter of transfer 1 TENKASEN Spark plug >6li TENKA SEN Supplementary signal line F7 4 TENKA TAIHEI All the world at peace J##0 S TENKATSUYB SURU To divert,use elsewhere SP TENKEN BAIBAI Sale on approval TENKETSU Binding, tying 3F4t S TENKI.,SURU To supplement,add ijl 6 TENKINSHA Persons transferred &( E TENKI TSUZUKU Good weather continuing unchanged X VA6 TENKI YOHB Weather forecast ##3*ý i- TEMNK SURU To deliver to iwA% L TENK5 AKKA Weather deteriorating kq"ft. 3 TENK6FU SURU To deliver,hand over to XfIk 9 TENKB HSKOKU Weather report ik &iJf)t TENKS KAIFUKU Weather improving KIK1- 9 TENK6 KUMORI Cloudy weather TENK6TEN Turning point Ri&ii /4 t TENK6 WARUKU NARU Weather deteriorating k ~ TENKYOKU Winding,circuitous 15b TEN NAKI. Unspotted Ii f TENNENG6 Natural gullies K,%fX Jr TENNEN KAJITSU Natural fruits Uif t TENNINCHI One's new post t TENNIN SAKI One's new post Vk.04 TEN NO BIROKU Drink of the gods,wine,sake kIPNT TENN6 HEIKA His Imperial Majesty:kfl TENNSKI Imperial standard j TENOBI Delay,postponement 4 l) TE NO MAME Callus on the hand TENRA Screw TENRAI Thunder 4 TENRAKI Screwdriver Ii, TENRAMBUTSU Exhibit i ' TENRANCHU Now showing,now being exhibited S TENRANHIN Exhibit Sit TENRANSHITSU Showroom 0TENRASHI Screwdriver TENREI Ceremony # iTENRIN Wheel TENSADAN Shell filled with explosive in powder form,dummy shell # 3 TENSAI SURU To transload,transship X FQ TENSAI JSKS Act-of-God clause k TENSAKU Work of heaven & TENSAKURY6 Correction fee ) +fL t1 5 TENSEIKA SURU To ingrain A,1E41 TENSEI SH6JIKI Honest by nature # 1 b3 TENSEKI SURU To transfer cargo ýkl 5 TENSEN SURU To revolve,rotate t TENSHA Burst of fire t#P 5 TENSHA SURU To be deflected 9R TENSHI Roller MAet 3 TENSHI SURU 'To examine with care,inspect in detail %It 1t TENSHI SURU To point to *$zAi TENSHI EIMAI To be endowed with high intelligence # 4ibt TENSHIN SURU To change direction,wheel, move Ab 1 TENSHIN SURU Tb develop one's opinion X44iret TENSHIN HASHIKE UN-YD Tientsin Lighterage Co. PA I% TENSHIN KSGY6 Tientsin Industrial Co. TENSHO Changing a location S P TENSHO Commercial company TENSHE Illness which has replaced another X 9;) TENSHE DAIJIN Sun-goddess ## st TENSHUKU SAKI New address *fdt4U TENSHUKYSKOKU Catholic nation XIJAA( TENSHUKYB KYSKAI Roman Catholic Church &t4Ct&1 TENSHUKYS SHINJA Roman Catholic believer #i St i TENSHUTSU SURU To shift,move,spread,widen out #*r1f S TENSHUTSU SURU To transfer Ssit 3 TENS6 SURE To send in addition At TENSOKU Astronomical observation tGi S a TENSOK[T Supplementation,complement WE t b TEN80U SURU To tie in bundle,to collect and bind *F- l TENSON KIRIN Descent of the descendants of the Sun-goddess TENSON SHUZOKU 241 ToBYo SEIZUSHO ##*041 t- T ~ I)ii$ ( i) A* 4ff m 01 A. Sl I I Mit-* ~1- M ) - f'CT f. 3 i5 Af( 4Ss'AIL #,L $t Skti k Ei~iti ## 5t $gL0i m f$0iir ~L ~t ~ra PG Shdit lii- ~sl ~5y~tglrk #i\diftil $pa ( @tt: totB WSlji TENSON SHUZOKU Chosen people TENSUSEI Point system TENTATSU SURU To deliver,forward TENTEI Weather observation plane TENITEKIYAKU Drops,of medicine TENT6 SURU To fight on all sides TENTGO After dark TENTOKU Subsequent acquisitipn,in law TENT6 S6SHOKU Window decorations TENUGUIKAAE towel rack TEN-YA WAN-YA Tumultuously,in a disorderly-manner,confusedly TENZAIYSHA Logging wagon TENZOKU SURU To transfer to the jurisdiction of TEOBOE Skill,dexterity,manual sicill TEOBUROMIN Theobromine TEOFIRURINI Theophylline TE 0 HIKU To back out TEORIKI Randloom TEOSHI KEIBEN TETSUD6TAI Railway handcar unit TE 0 UTSU To clap hands TE 0 UTSU To strike a bargain,get together TEPPI Iron doors TEPP6RO Bomb furnace TEREBINCHINA Turpentine TEREPIN Terpentine TERIAU To collate,to compare TERIAWASU To check,collate,compare with TERIKAGAYAKU To shine,be dazzling TERITSUZUKI Long spell of dry weather TERO Terror TERO BAKUGEKI Terrorist bombing TERO K6I Acts of terror TERYODAN Hand grenade TESSA Iron chain,cable TESSEKISHIN Iron will TESSEMBASAMI Wire cutters TESSHIN Iron needle for acupuncture TESSHO Iron works TESSHU SURU To evacuate,carry away TESSHU SURU To take up,strike,remove,as a bridge,cable,or tent TESSHUKI Pontoon engine TESURY6 Service fee TETANII Tetany TETORACHIONATO Tetrathionate TETSU Radical 045 TETSUBAN Sheet iron TETSUBb Steel helmet TETSUJBY6 Anchor TETSUBY6 Iron rivet,iron nail TETSUDAI SHIGOTO.Odd jobs TETSUD6 Iron and copper TETSUD6 ANNAISHO Railway inquiry office TETSUD6 B6EI JIMULYOKU Railway Defense Bureau TETSUDdBU Ministry of Railways,China TETSUD6 DAIJIN Minister of Railways TETSUD6 FUSETSUAN Railway construction bill TETSUD6 FUSETSUKEN Railroad concession, railway charter TETSUD6 FUSETSUTAI Railway construction crew TETSUD5HI Cost of establishing, maintaining,and developing a railroad line TETSUD6 JIKO Railway accident TETSUD6 KABU Railroad shares TETSUD6 KAMOTSU Railway freight HIKIKAESH& acknowledgement TETSUD6 KAMOTSU T6CHAKU Railway advice,re KOKUCHIJ6 freight arrival TETSUDj K6HEITAI Railway engineer unit TETSUD& KOKUYO Nationalization of railways TETSUDB SENKU SHIREIBU Railroad line sector headquarters TETSUD6SH6 Ministry of Railways TETSUD6 SEKYOKU Railway Bureau TETSUD6TEI Railway embankment TETSUDB TSUMIKOMI WATASHI Free on rail TETSUD6 UtJTU RENG6 Railroad traffic pool TETSUDb WATASHI NEDAN On rail price TETSUD5 PtCHI Railway land TETSU EIDAN Iron Guard,in Rumanies TETSUGAKU HAXASE Doctor of Philosophy TETSUGAN Iron projectile,iron ball,bullet TETSUGYU Tank;t TETSU-I Armor ) TETSUIDE NI While one is in the act -tt TETSUJ6 Iron rod,iron cane fZifA TETSUJ3BASAMI Wire cutter IA1ZR47rtXt TETSUJ6M6 HAKAI Destruction of barbedwire entanglements U1A ZIert TETSUJBM6 HAKAIH6 Anti -entanglement gun %A TETSU KABU Railroad stock 04-1 TETSU KABUTO Iron helmet %A46, TETSUM6HA Destruction of barbed wire STETSUMON Iron Gate,on the Danube TETSU RIN Iron hoop TETSURO Small portable iron stove TETSUT6 Steel tower TETSU YOKIN Witholding deposit 4TETSUZUKIH6 Adjective law,procedural law TETTAI Iron band 4k T6 TETTEMA SURU To become thoroughgoing )iS TETTB NO B6EIJIN Air-tight defense position I - + i TEUCHI SOBA Handmade buckwheat vermicelli +) TEUMA Led horses + # - TEUSUI SHIRYOKU Slender means S TEYOWAI Effeminate,weak,timid, cowardly TEZUKAE Having one's hands full,obstacle St TEZUMEURI Liquidation sales TEZUMORI SURU To measure with the fingers,estimate with the hand 4 TEZURAMAE 5URU To catch with the hands S TEZURI ITO Hand line TO Metropolitan district L TO Subhead 07 S ~ TO Turkey 4 TO Unit of capacity,18.039 liters STO- Going to... T6 Controlled commodity A T6 Counter for quadrupeds,whales, helmets,and masks T6 Per STaA East Africa S T6A East Asia L It b TO AIMACHI Hand in hand with LA4-2` TO AIMATTE Hand in hand with L 46 TO AITOMO NI Together wlth,at the same time as,and ID- 4 ToA KAI-UN KAISHA East Asia Marine Transportation Co. -l ToA KASAI KAIJ.o East Asia Fire and Marine AiK~i t HOKEN KAISHA Insurance Co. T&AN Answer X.ah T6AN Y6SHI Examination paper STOBAN Going to Bangkok $ T BANHYb Duty roster f *ToBATSU GUN Punitive force Z T. T6BATSUTAI Punitive expedition 4X1 A T5BATSU TEISATSU Punitive reconnaissance; 8AR TOBEI ANNAI Visitors' guide to America A TOBEI GI-INDAN Parliamentary mission to America 34 f A TOBEI JITSUGY6DAN Party of business men visiting America ToBEDDB Tung Pien Tao Development Company T6BENSHO Written reply TOBIGASHIRA Head fireman 4-PL TOBIHANARETE Out of the ordinary TOBIHI Flying sparks,leaping flames TOBIKAERU To fly back TOBIMAU To glide,hover,soar TOBISOKONAU To fail in a jump TOBIWATARU To fly from tree to tree etc. T6B6 HANNIN Fugitive from justice I TPBo HANNIN HIKIWATASHI Extradition T6BORY6 Registration fee at L 1 TOBOSHIKARAZU Plentiful TiBO TONSa Registered tonnage T&BOZUMI Registered TOBU Radical 183 ~jgy T6BU Local councils of the Nationalist party T6BU Party headquarters 4t8p ToBU This department ~Fk ToBUNKYU Temporary alloivance g8p g T&BUSHIjESU Head lice,pediculosis capitis TBBUTAI This unit )agrg T6BY6 Let the anchor go ' ' BY6 BAIYiSHO Vaccine farm faPht T6BY6CHI Anchorage fifgtl TdBY6 KINSHI Anchorage prohibited I T6BY6 SEIZMSHO Vaccine Lymph Institute St PI] $ 4 ~ ~ Sit4 ++tf r 01 n + Lit iý ý a? 41 J (Aft:hit Rtf u tC6 ~1 ik*4 ~iitkf*44" ~ i ti~~~~i t 1 Ar Y S ofteAL It 19--i A At S A- W * 10A* - it - 1 4*10~ ga$ ria~ s6 f rg W rg3fii ToCHAKU BAIBAI 242 TýVFRIN T 6CHAKU BAIBAI Arrival sale TCHAKD CHITEN Objective point,military TBCHEAKU EKI Arrival station T6CHAKU OGEMA Laid-down cost T6CHAKU BORb Arrival platform T6CHAKU JUN Order of arrival T6IHAKIJI6 Arrival port T6CHAKU NEDAN Franco price T6CHAKU SHIDAI As soon as one arrives T6CHAKUTEN Point of arrival TdCHAKU WATASHI NEDAN To arrive price T6CHI Island,insular country TOCHIAN Land bill TOCHI BAIBAI Land-jobbing TOCHI BAIBAI SHUSENYA Real estate agent TOCRI BOSSED Escheat TOCHI DAICHB Landbook TOCHI GINK6B Land bank TOCHI HEIBUNE6 Agrarian law TOCHI HEIBUNRON Agrarianism TOCHI HEIDON Annexation of territory TOCHI HEAN 50 SOSR6 Eviction suit T6CHIRH6 This area or locality TOCHI KABU Reality shares TOCHI KAFU Land grait TOCHI KAOKU Land and buildings TOCHI KATSUJ6 Cession of territory T6HI7KEN Supreme power T6CHI KIKAN Machinery of government TOCHI KIMBUNX6 Agrarian laws TCHKOIKU Sovereign or independent country TOCHI.KOKUUY State ownership of land TOCHI KOMYORON Land nationalization advocacy TOCHIKUJ6 Slaughterhouse TOCHIMEMB6 Bewilderment,confusion,fright TOCHI NAMARI Local dialect TOCHI SASHIKUBARISHO Land agency T6CHISHA Ruler,sovereign TOCHI SEHYUKEN Land ownership,domain TOCHI SHOYUMKEN ITEN Land transfer,in law TOCHI SHUY6 Land expropriation TOCHI SHUoY6H6 Land expropriation law TOCHI SHUY6KEN Right of eminent domain TOCHI TdKI BAIBAININ Real estate speculator TOCHIYOKU Desire to possess land T6CH6 Party leader,party chief TbCHB This government office T6CHOKUHYB Watch bill TWCHOKU-IN Person on watch TBCHOKU KIROKU Watch log,navy T6CHOKURY6 Night duty pay T6CHOKU SHIKAN Officer on watch TWCHOKU SH6K Officer of the day T6CHOKUTAI Unit on duty TdCHOKUTEI Duty ship TOCHO GESHA EKI Stop-over station TOPAI SURU To go to Formosa T6DAIMORI Lighthouse keeper T6DAININ MEIROKUTJ Who's Who. TMDAIB Rhubarb root,in pharmacology T5DAIRY6 Lighthouse fees TiDAISEN Lightship TIDAI ZEI Lighthouse dues TMDAN Eastern section of railroad TMDAN This corps TDAIN SURU To bomb TDANISU Number of bombs dropped TO D6JI NI Simultaneously with TODOK6RIGASHI Outstanding debts,loan in arrears TODOKIRI MIZU Stagnant water T6EI Lee of an island T6EKI Sugar solution,syrup T6EN Kuomintang-Yenan,Chungking and Chinese Communists T6ENSHU Leadsmanin navigation TbFU East Prussia TBFU This embassy or government-g'eneral T6F-.IN Member of this embassy or govermnent-general T6FUT6 Right or Vrong,justice TOFUYAKU Ointment T6GA Cpld and hungerdestitution T6GAI In question,the said T6GAI Skull, cranium T6GAI KANCH6 Proper authorities T6GAI KANRI Competent official T6GAI SANT6 Third subgrade TGAKU KAKEKIN Even money T? W T 4GAMAE Radical 191 T6GAN East bank PTOGASbIRA Radical 063 WP T6GICHU Under discussion Ikt TOGIDASU To polish up kýt ~TOGIHERASU To grind down tA+A T6GIJ6 Arena,field WU TOGIMONO Sharpening,polish,thing to be polished T6G6 Password0 t TbGOKU This country JUT T6GU DEMKA His Imperial Highness,the Crown Prince TbGU GOGAKUMONSHO Crown Prince's study S T0GU GOSHO Crown Prince's Palace S TGU HIDENKA Her Imperial Highness,the Crown Princess I T6GU JT=5 Tutor to the Crown Prince STOGUN Eastern Army T6GUN Gang of robbers TGItUN This army TOGURO Coiling,coil *19A T6GGSHOKU Crown Prince's Household T6GU TAYU Lord Steward to the Crown Prince T6GY6sHA Persons engaged in this industry TOGYUGY6 Butchery TOGYUJ6 Slaughterhouse ToHAI Allotment S ToHA KANKEI Party affiliations T6HA KONJ6 Partisanship TOHAN N6RYOKU Gradient of a tank Cc T6HASHIN Party feeling A TOHO Going to Vladivostok ToH6 Return visrt,return mission T6H6 We,I,this place R4k TdH6 Written reply PK TOHO BUTAI Soldier unit on foot 2i 9 j TOHOD6 Foot path * T6HbJIN Oriental 'Xtkki T6H6 KOKOROE MADE For our information #t ta-_irP T6H6 KiKU BUTAI Eastern Air Force T6HOKU Northeastern Japan _1t T T3THOKU CHIH6 Northeastern provinces tJY& T oHOKEUF U Northeast wind T&{HOKUJIN Northeasterner T6HOMBU Party headquarters Sdi T-Ho6ME This region V i TIH6 SAKUSEN BUTAI Eastern Operating Force { fkt TOHO SAMPEI Dismounted skirmishers ti TOHOSEN Dismounted fighting Tt4P o1 H T6H SHIKIRI DE For our account and risk LU( TbH6 TO SHITE As for me T H(Y5 Lighted buoy TdHY6 Rattan facing for clogs T6BY6JITSU Election day T6HY6KAN Ballot box ToHY-KEN Suffrage T HYIMKU Voting district T 5HY6SHO Polling station T6HY3SU Number of votes T T6MY Y6SHI Ballot T6I Classification, category T6I Sugar-coated ro Z TOIAWASE SAKI Reference Lr TO IEDOMO Although T6IN This institution,this hospital S TOINATO Whether or not S TBIN MEIBO0 Membership list tL1 T6I SEIBATSU Subjugation of eastern barbarians TBITSU Plightescape k T6ITSU KANTAI Homogeneous fleet r '- & T6ITSU SENSEN United front > '( TO ITTE Because,on the grounds that LiZlr "UI TO IWAN YORI WA 'Not only that but T6JI Control T6JI Order,rankclass T6JIBA Hot springs ~~ $ T6JICHb Manager TOJIKATA Binding method TbJIgKOU Sovereign or independent country TOJIEKMI HY6SHI Binder,notebook covers TbJIN Islander T6JIN KONJB Partisanship er:& A TOJINSHI Townsapeople 1 T6JISHA Authorities IRV TWJI SHOMEI Signature by initials Agif TOJ8 Slaughterhouse,abattoir At T d t -On the tower,lookout TWJOIN Air crew ToJo JIMBUTSU 243 is)" " T6J6 JIMBUTSU Stage cast Jl- L 7 TOJb NI ARUT To be in the process of,b. under way 4ij*tjAi T6J6 SEIBI-IN Flight mechanics *1gie T6J6SB HIKI Premier Tojo's special plane TbJ6TUN Thunderhead,castellatus clouds i- T6JO * Sugar cane juice,molasses TOKA Crdssing,passage,transit fiZ T6KA Price of sugar T dKA Transparency -- TdKA SURU To vitrify T 9T T6KADAN Dropped bomb,aerial bomb $L3At! ToKAHOKUCHIKU This North China area TOKAI Soil depreciation T KAI Baltic Sea,Eastern Sea To-KAI This meeting ~iut TdKAIBUTSUJ Debris,wreckage *#*t TOKAICHI Urban district Pt TOkAIFU Urbanity T6-KAKAN Light control,black-out R SiI T6KA KANSEI. Black-out S T6KA KAYU East China Kerosene Company ifMb T-I TYKAKU UNDB Movement to overthrow the Cabinet "*&P T5KAMBU Superintendent's quarters ii T6KAMBU TSOSHIN Headquarters communication + EH T6KA MICHI Ten days' journey P TO KAMMURI Radical 063 kff T(iKAN Black-out,light control W;f ToKAN Staff light nsa ToKAN Tubular light,neon light Atl kil TdKAN DAIRI Acting resident general S It &I TdKANFU Residency general AM ah TKAMNKAN Headquarters ship IMPP4 To T-XANKANSHO Headquarters ship station Of t TdKANSHO Headquarters station tARM TdKANTAI This fleet TdKA RITSU Penetrating power F ToKARYB Equivalent czA] T5KASEI Light control,black-out TT TKA SHIHON Investment fikt-, Pa ToKA SHoMEI Airdrome lights Aitr- k T6KASUI Orange-flowern water iv E To-KAYU Orange-flower oil A97"fk TOKEAI NEDAN Made-up prices 3M+v TOKEGATAI Insoluble 77tFV T KEI Sword-shaped A + TMEI HYAKU HACHIJUDO International date line T6KEIJb Statistically *+SToKEIKA Statistics Section TOKEISHI Watchmaker *hl TaEN Greater East Asia Research 7Institute "T6KEN KANTEIKA Sword connoisseur /IVA T KENSH 6 Sword dealer TgKETSU SURU To freeze T KBTISU SURU To freeze,funds etc. TolETSUTEN Freezing point TOKEYASUI Soluble TKI Lamp,light TMKI Party flag,banner:*A? TdI BINRAN Breach of party discipline T6KIBO Register book 010' TMKI CHOTOHIN Fair average quality of the season TIV-, T6oKI EMMIN Registered opium smoker,Tt4-A T KI FUD6SANKEN Copyhold tsoeCt TdKI HAIT6 Dividend for this term ow V TOKIHOGOSU To pick to pieces,unravel 4tit TQKI ICHIBA Speculative market T6KI JIGYB Speculative business T Kflr This money,cash money A;ld% TiKI NETSU Speculation craze 91P(31:'. i TOKI NO IKANARU Eventually 9f a>;3 0 TOWAZU A41 56-P TaKI RENGB Speculative pool P M~L% T KISEI China, ceramic 1RA S TgISEI Speculative trend;3daa~ T KISHA Speculator TOKISHI Speculator 4aa W T5KI SHIJ6 Speculative market ~sNz T KISHO Registry officQ ~- #a TsI 5811I61 Current expenses SiL*a4 T6KIg S51150 Registered bond '3k3~ T6KI TEIHAXUJO Winter anchorage e TOKI TO TOMO.NI In time,with time STOKIWA KAKIWA Everlasting f. TOKEKA SURU To influence morally,moralize "TOKKA LAMBAI Bargain sale *frito1 TOKKARIN Bargain goods TOKUBETSU KONKYOCHITAI 1rKP TOKIANTAI Storming party 44 AA# TOKKANTEI Special observation boats Sits TOEKATEN Particular objective,in fighting S TOKKA URIDASHI Special sale I *TOKKEI KANZEI Preferential duties it@ TOKKEI TAIGO Preferential treatment ftl4Vl TOKETI ZEIRITSU Preferential tariff 44 A TOKKEN KAIEYU Privileged classes 4OitM11 TOXKEN NAIKAKU Cabinet of the privileged few ##i44f TOKKEN SHINGAI Breach of privilege!tfi4b4 TOKKEN SOSHITSU Loss of privileges f TOKKENZUKI BAIBAI Put and call TOKKI Special duty agency TOKKB Overseer,foreman a t TOKK6 Special account 1 ~fkAW TOKKON KITAI Special base plane unit, navy 7 TrX K TOKKbTAI Special attack unit fTlOKK6YAKU Specific medicine I4 TOKKU Auxiliary subchaser TOKKU Special district i s4 TOKKYO FUT5 Legal quay I ýJT TOKKYO GEMBO Register of patents FP ' TOKKYO GINK6 Chartered bank I{ MU*5A9T TOKKYOHIN CHINRETSUJO Patent museum Sith TOKKYOH6 Patent law 14 25- T TOKKIOJb Charter,special license,letters patent $t+Yt TOKKYO KAIKEISHI Chartered accountant T4f4 f' TOKRYOKEN SHINGAI Patent infringement 115 9 r TOKKYO KIGEN Term of license 4t4 C7 / TOKKYOKYOKU Patent Bureau 6- 7 itAf TOKKYOKYOKUCHii Director of Patent Bureau f TOKKYOSH6 Letters patent if k44;t TOKKYO SHOYGiSHA Commissionaire,patentee S-1k kP TOKKYO SHUTSUGANCHU Patent applied for, patent pending 01ý fItA TOKKYO T&ROKUBO Patent roll /Y TOKO Place,point,feature,thing,time,case 1 TOK6 Painting work 4k TOKM Travelling on foot J:# "J TOK5 SURU To cross a river t-Bt TTKB Ascent and descent,rise and fall TQK6 Eastern suburbs.; TiK6 This port ToK6 This school *A A f T6K6 SURU To sail eastward *14:t T6K6 SURU To travel east f 90-L-L5 T6K6DAN Dropped star-shell 14 TKoBY&6 Surrender tickets RT&VJ T6dK J5YAKU Capitulations hl,- _ T6K6JTTSU Ceramics TiKOKU Island country T6KOKU This country I TOK6 MENJ6 Passport r"I T6KON Fighting spirit Qtl -T TOKON CHINKI Tincture of ipecac 0t 0-Z TOKONJ6 Ipecac troche 0 0TOKONJ6 Ipecacuanha tablet f -1-1gI TOKON SHARIBETSU Syrup of ipecac T6iK&RAN Readers' column f TOKORO Whereas,but,when,although,because Air ~ TOKOROBANCHI Address AT It M TNKbSEN CHIZU Contour map S A TOK6SHA Passenger TOKU Special T6KU This district TOKU ARAIFUN Special washed powdered coal TOKUBAIHIN Articles for special sale TOKUBAI ICHI Bazaar '~IIZh TOKUBETSU BUTSUD6 Special allotment 14XlK~ri4 TOKEBETSSU CH6H6 Special spy report t1 TOKUBETSU DAIRI TAISHI Charge d'affaires ad hoc TOKUBBTSU EN Special yen l~ )~1 A0 TOKUBflSU GIKAI Special session of legislature 1H t TOKUBETSJ GINK6KA Special Banks Section $t4#I1ie TOKUBFISU RAITATSU Special delivery It $t TOKUBETSU HAIT6 KIN Extra dividend rUz Jtf TOKUBETSU HAKEN GUN Task force,large Ijs& tr TOKUBETSU HAKENTAI Task force,small ~449'Il TOKUBETSU HoRYA.KU Special instructions 4 LI-L TOKUBETSU J6T6HIN Extra-fine brand t>i$] A TOKUBETSU KIKIN Specific fund V f b TOKMUBETSU KITEI Express provision SIR M - TOKUBETSU KiGEKGITAI Special attack unit.i*llV U'tir? TOKUBETSU KONKYOCHI KITAI Special base wk plane unit,navy 14i kPtt! TOKUBETSU KONKYOCHITAI Special base force,navy TOKUBETSU KYuDAI 244 1\^k, TOKUBETSU KYUDAI Passed for special considerations 14\^ TOKUBETSU KYUKo Special express 14)q TOKUBETSU NIMMU Special duty, special mission SWWH. TOKUBETSU RIKUSENTAI Special naval landing party *1 - TOKUBETSU RIRA Special lira.earmarked for special use $W TOKUBETSU'SHI Special municipality \%1E i TOKUBETSU SHISETSUKA Special Facilities Section 4 E91Hii TOKUBETSU SHITATE RESSHA Limited train Tr I Af TOKUBETSU SHOKUBA Special workshop 4$'?\ I <% TOKUBETSU YURY6HIN Superfine goods 1M1 TOKUBETSU ZEI Special tax it TOKUBd NO Inspiring reverence t$ff TOKUCHOKEN Special savings bonds S4.it - TOKUCH6ZUKERU To characterize,mark,stamp J*.k TOKUDAIEN Special grand maneuvers IfI' ) TOKUDAN NO Special,particular It TOKUDEN Direct wire,special dispatches Vi TOKUEKI Superintendence of work ^^ TOKUEN Special contribution or subscription ~$1J TOKUEN Special yen VfN TOKUENSHOKU Special smoke candle I4A TOKUGEN Extraordinary reduction itk TOKUGIHEI Specially qualified men t- TOKUGIJ5 Morally,in honor of TOKUGI MONDAI Question of honor t TOKUGISH6 Badges of qualification 44 TOKUG0 Special treatment,courteous treatment 169C TOKUHAI Special allowance 1ý66 TOKUHAI Special distribution or disposition S;@. TOKUHA-IN Envoy,mission,delegate $t+ TOKUHA-IN Special correspondent 14 A @.t l TOKUHA-IN KYoKAI Foreign press association 1(#?k V TOKUHA JIMUKAN Special commissioner ^ ^fQ^ TOKUHA K5SH6IN Special Commissioner of Foreign Affairs,Provincial 4d', " TOKUHA KoSHoSHO Office of Special Commissioner of Foreign Affairs,Provincial I1 ft TOKUHA SHISETSU Special envoy 1. ýk TOKUHATAI Detail ^- fl TOKUHA TAISHI Special envoy t TOKUHATSU Special sending by messenger 1 TOKUHA TSUSHIN-IN Special correspondent TOKUHI Advantage or disadvantage, advisability St TOKUIITSU SURU To write in large characters ^ <-' TOKUHITSU SUBEKI Worthy of special mention $ * TOKUHITSU SUBEKI JIKEN Events worthy of z, mention 4 07 TOKUH5 Special report 0 Z VO TOKUH6TEI Special gunboat 4 Ad TOKU-I MAMMEN Proud,triumphant 4 k. TOKU-I SAKI Customer,client <^ t TOKU-I SAKI KANJ6 Customer's account it 'TOKU-ISEI Singularity 0*$ TOKU-ISHITSU Idiosyncrasy i$ l TOKU-I SOSHITSU Diathesis,in medicine - -, TOKU-ITSU NO Single,sole,only 4# + TOKUJ5 Special intelligence,special report A.A TOKUJUN Auxiliary ci-iser X x ) TKIU K5SHI Tung Kung Company ^^.0- TOKUKUB0 Auxiliary aircraft carrier ^ 4 TOKUKUSEN Auxiliary subchaser ^- TOKU KUSENTEI Auxiliary subchaser Hi. TOKUKUUN Auxiliary aircraft transport SK TOKUMEI DAIRI Power of attorney in blank S t, TOKUMEI KAISHA Anonymous association $$r^it TOKUMEI KEN-ETSUSHI Special inspector f i. TOKUMEI SHA-IN Dormant partner,silent partner d t. TOKUMEI T~HYo Secret ballot $ fj TOKUMEI ZENKEN K6SHI Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary f.*$ j TOKUMEI ZENKEN TAISHI Envoy extraordinary and ambassador plenipotentiary TOKUMEN Special exemption,amnesty t. TOKUMt Ten sets,ten groups,division of ten 4^ TOKUMUHEI Specialist i<$ TOKUMU JUNS3A Policeman on special service o: TOKUMUKA Special Duty Section O'} TOKUMUKAN Special service ship TOKUYAKU* 4A M TOKUMU KIKAN Special service facilities I^w TOKUMUSEN Special service' ship $f-T TOKUMU SHIKAN Special duty officer 1.,'1 i- TOKUMU SH6SA Special service major f-I t TOKUMU 86CH6 Special sergeant major ^.M TOKUMUTEI Special ship type W TOKUMU TEITAI Special service boat division f: %i TOKU NI MEIKI NAKI KAGIRI Not otherwise ff specified -i TOKUNIN Special appointment W TOKUON Special favor TOKUREI Special orders "t8j TOKURI Profi, gain I^~ TOKURIKUTAI Special landing force,navy 41 TOKURY6 Amount obtained IE1 TOKUSANKA Special Products Section 11$ TOKUSEI Special system of government. SfI TOKUSEI BUNRUI Diagnosis "o' TOKUSEIHIN Specially made goods V-3 TOKUSEN SURU To force battle,by pressure from behind VZiA TOKUSENFUN Special washed powdered coal ~4Mý TOKUSENKO Special washed powdered coal 1-4 TOKUSENRAN Preferred position,of advertisement on newspaper page TOKUSETSU Auxiliary ship type TOKUSETSU DoRO Accommodation road %o - TOKUSETSU JUN-YoKAN Auxiliary cruiser - T'OKUSETSU KANSHITEI Special observation boat "14i-t@i TOKUSETSU KoBO Converted aircraft carrier .M-- TOKUSETSU KoKG BOKAN Converted aircraft carrier tt TOKUSETSU KoKUTAI Special air group,navy t JL TOKUSETSU KoKUTAI Special mobilized naval air unit t-Y?. TOKUSETSU KUSENTAI Special subchaser unit fi4L ' - TOKUSETSU SUIRAI BOKAN Converted torpedo-boat tender It I, TOKUSHA NC KEN Prerogative of mercy 140 TOKUSHAREI Act of amnesty S,, TOKUSHI Special volunteer officers TOKUSHI JIGY& Labor of love TOKUSH6 Specially named TOKUSHo Specific or generic name X TI TOKUSHOKU KMI Corrupt practices TOKUSHOKUZAI Bribery,misconduct in office -&I^ TOKUSHOKUZUKERU To characterize,color tt*~I TOKUSHO SHAKAI Reading public TOKUSHU NO Exclusive TOKUSHO Special odor TOKUSHU Special training 4K] TOKUSHU BURAKU Outcaste or pariah community f TOKUSHU GINK5 Chartered bank TOKUSHUHEI Trade students 4-^Ii TOKUSHU HIK6 Acrobatic flight S TOKUSHUKA SURU To specialize, particularize TOKUSHUKA Trade course TOKUSHUK6 Special steel f i TOKUSHUKoKA Special Steel Section i fVX-.- TOKUSHU MUSEN HY6TEITAI Special radio( location unit T- TOKUSHUSEI Peculiarity,speciality 1^Sfl1A i TOKUSHU TORIATSUKAI YUBIN Special mail matter,special post It 1 TOKUSHUTSU SURU To surpass,excel fJi W -X TOKUSHU ZAIKENKA Special Property Section S-I TOKUS6 Auxiliary mine sweeper I-AT 3 TOKUS6 SURU To send specially ~A TOKUSOKUJo Demand note Mt TOKUSOKU TETSUZUKI Summary procedure 4* TOKUSUIKIBO Auxiliary seaplane tender P- TOKUTAI Special landing force,navy 4- TOKU-TAN Special tanker 1-A t TOKUTAN BUNSON Particular average,in insurance 14A* TOKUTAN BUNSON FUTAMPO Free of particular S1 average,P.P.A.,in marine insurance l TOKUTEI BUTAI Special established force 1 Z t TOKUTEI CHINGIN Exceptional rate - TOKUTEI ISAN Specific legacy _-J TOKUTEO MEIDAI Subaltern proposition I^WKA TOKUTEI SHSKEININ Singular successor -, * TOKUTEI ZEI Differential tax TOKUTEN Advantage,favorable point C. 2 A$ TOKUTEN KINYUBO Scorebook o, TOKUT6HIN Extra-fine article TOKU-UN Auxiliary transport - TOKUYAKU Special medicines TORTYAKU CHINGIN 245 #,]' t 'TOKUYAKU CHINGIN Special rates Mff-S' TOKUYAK U HITOTE HAMBAI Special sole agent -1 AA TOKOYAKUTEN Special agent,in trade 1F * TOKUJY Special use 1tAp TOKUYbRIN Economical article Vi TOKUYU Auxiliary transport 1J4 TOKUZEI Special tax S TEKYAKU NO Isoceles TOKY5 Footbridge TOKYB SURU To cross a bridge It UL TO KYB6B SHITE In conspiracy with I, T-KY6 CHUG H683MYORX Tokyo Central IX1YA Broadcasting Station *n TiK(YOKU This bureau ~ ~1 ToKYOKUDAN Authorities ToKY6TO Metropolitan Tokyo To-KYEBETSU Classification a TOMABUKIYANE Roof thatched with rushmatting TOMABUNE Rush-roofed boat TOMAE Entrance,door ToMAKI NI SURU To surround at a-distance S TOMAN SURU To go to Manchukuo S9 * 9 TOMARIBAN Night duty turn S9 I TOMARIBUNE Ship at anchor Y 9 W TOMARICHIN Hotel charges TOMARI YADO Inn,hotel S TOMASU Radical 068 TOMATSUZAI Liniment,ointment TOMAYA Hut thatched with rushes TOME Stop,prohibition,end TOMEBARI Thumbtack S TOME HEN Radical 077 TOME KUGI Hasp TOMEMONO Fastener,fastening,stop T6MEN Toyo Menka Company ToMEN SURU To face east TOMEOKI DEMPb6 Telegraph restante S TOMEOKI KAMOTSU Goods held till called for TOtEOKIRYb Demurrage TOMEOKI YUBIN General delivery mail TOMESEN Set pin T 6METSU SURU To kill,chastise,subjugate TOMI NO BUMPAI Distribution of wealth ToMI YAGURA Watchtower TOMMB Hog bristle ToMB SURU To drop a net TdMOROKOSHI MOCHI Corn-meal cakes,dodger TOMOSAKI Front of escort or convoy TOMPI Hog hide T, T6MYBZARA Light diph,a lamp AM TONAI Within the capital ToNAI Island interior T6NAI^ Within the party T&NAMP5 Southeasterly direction ToNAMtf Southeasterly wind ToNANHIN Stolen goods!a ToNAN H6CHIKI Burglar alarm ai% ToNAN HOKEN Burglary insurance A tp T-NAN JIKEN Burglary,theft,robbery To-NAN SATA Reports of robberies S To6NAN YOBB Burglarproof WAR TONARIGUMI Neighborhood association 4fkV TONCHAKU "Care,anxiety -IT, TONCHIN HOKEN Tontine insurance ý11* TON-El GUN Stationary.troops S TON-EIHEI Garrison E Vt T6NETSUKEI Diathermometer &4 r T6NETSU RY6H6 Diathermic treatment 19jB TONICHI Going to Japan ~e T6NICHI Appointed day Mi a T6NICHI Tokyo Nichinichi,a newspaper 4ff TONIKU Butcher's meat i(i:1i( TO NI TSUKU To leave for DF0i TON-XY J Ton class it; TONNYU SURU To flee or retire to 'a7f A T6 NO HONNIN Person in question jZgpth TONSEISHO Hermitage,cloister Ukti TONSEI SHUGI Asceticism,monasticism it4i~ TONSEKI Accumulated reserves qk8b TONSHI Lard eip- TONSHU SAIHAI Yours very respectfully '4tj3i P; TONSU NO YUZE Transfer of tonnage to different classification tWL1P rl' TONTO WAKARANAI Cannot make out Ma l~ TONYA EIGYb Commission agency,wholesale agency a- TONYAGY6 Commission agency,wholesale agency NolJ TOWIA K6SEN rokerage,commission? AIfC TONYA.NEDAN Wholesale price TORIMICHI IAt T6NYU SHIHON 'Investment 4 ~ 3 TONZAI SURU To stay TONZAN Flight,escape O$ TON-ZEI Tonnage dues T56 6b Eastern Europe A7 3 TB6 SURU To reply AOTr p T05 ANNAr Guide to Europe ti 4* L T6 0 ENAI To be ambiguous 4#3 TV 0 ERU Suitable,fitting *4/1 4 T1 0 ETARU To be right,be just 4' 4' 3 To 0 EZARU To be inopportune,be untimely lhgk* TOb KYAXU Tourist in Europe S T56 REMMEI Eastern European Federation S TOPPAGUCHI Break-thtough TOPPAN Letterpress printing,relief printing STOPPA TANTEITAI Tactical penetration boat unit similar to a raiding party using boats to reach objective Aký1 4T TOPPATSU JIKEN Unforeseen occurrence r X 6, TOPPATSUTEKI Sudden,unexpected TORAGAMMURI Radical 141 ~ ' TORAGASHIRA Radical 141 SP ToRAI, Future,time to come A- q TORA KAMMURI Radical 141 kE-tA L TORA NO KO WATASHI Makeshift - s# 0`1 TORASUTO KAMEISH6 Trust deed - 109 TORASUTO SOSHIKI Trust system MtLc7 4 TORAWARE NO MI Captive,prisoner V-1400 T6REI SHISETSU Good-will envoy - j, I T6RETSU Sam6 rank or class TOR'I Radical 164 STORI Radical 196 Yr TORIAEZU That's all for the present R ) TORIAGARI Proceeds,yield,returns 95Z t4 TORIATSUKAI CHUI Handle with care X4tkIA TORIATSUKAIXATA Method of treatment or handling R 4tA TORIATSUKAININ Agent,person in charge Xa U 9 TORIATSUKAISHA Operator,of an engine etc. &R4+Vk4 TORIATSUKAI TESURY5 Management commission ~4tM TORIAWASEMONO Mixed lot,hotchpotch TORIBUR 6MUETAN5RU Tribromoethanol, avertin - TORIBUR-MU SEKITANSAN Bismuth S6EN tribromo-phenolate TORIE Merit,value,strong point T 3 TORIHAKOBU To carry,transport z 9 if TORIHAKOBU To make arrangements,proceed with STORIHAZUSHI NO DEKINAI Fixed,immovable S' TORI HEN Radical 164 A, 'ORT 1W Radical 196 AR 9I1TP1 TORIHII ANNAI Store bulletin 1 TORIHIKIDAKA Turnover,volume of business IR X TORIHIKI ENKI Carrying over 4a Z4 TORIHIKI GINK6 One's bankers -l E TORIHIKI-IN Broker,agent M1 ) TORIHIKIJ6 Correspondence card )T Mr>T/*- TORIHIKIJOH6 Exchange Law aX Ift 4i TORIHIKIJO KABU Stock exchange share II4P1?0t)iA TORIHIKIJO NO S6BA Exchange quotations zI fr/rVIi TORIHIKIJO TORIHIKIDAKA Volume of exchange trading JgvJil TORIHIKI KANJ6SHO Statement of current account 49 41 X TORIHIKI KANKEI Commercial relations, business connections;I* J TORIHIKI KETSURY6 Settlement ý lfeJfn2 TORIHIKI KYOZETSU D6MEI Boycott &1S L TORIHIKI NASHI No account,in banking sx'l Ig TORIHIKI NEDAN Price negotiated 435 14 ~ TORIrIKI SAKI Customer,friend,connection ~411*t TORIHIKI Y0YO KIN Contango,interest for delay in payment i)KA I TORI-IREDAKA Crop,yield 4n AX I TORI-IREDOKI Harvest time Arl X.Ak TORI -IREGUCHI Intake x-*F TORIKAJI IPPAI Hard astarboard takL z l TORIKAJI NI SURU To starboard the helm hi 9 4 9 ~ ToRIKAKARI NO KYAKU Chance customer 4A L TORIKESHDIEN Right of recision or repeal e L c TORIKPSHI MEIREI Countermand 4trl. TORXITWAMElJ To determine - TORIKKU S&CHI Booby trap Aijz TORIKOMERU To shut in,besiege,surround T6RIKU Tugrik,Outer Mongolian currency wxtah TORIKUMIHY6 Program,of wrestling etc. %~406 TORIKUMI SAKI Drawee e- m TORIKURiRU SAKUSAN Trichloroacetic acid anif TORIMATOMU To gather together,put in order IZ f TORIMICHI Road to be taken,way TORIM#DOSDI3 30SHo 246 AISk Ittf 3 047 - SXgdfJ A _r S1rt'I Ap 1I~'~ L~jt~i %Ait H Soft ~Jti~ 63 3 3 4i r, 6 tri t +A0 1 At 16 a f 4 13-m ra * A -pi A O -r I 0 *-* r of*-* `rk j( kl -kf'3 JL Ik3)~P$ 9Plt)% E r63Mf t ~J3 slleit mi $it jI Rijit-t 39 sk3 ib f $g4 Z;CgSut H iStil~t- a sari -t /a-a 1 fLgt? A Ag ~X S ~$gm ~t ~ *44 TORIMODOSHI SOSH6 Action of detinue TORIMiKERU To secure and set up TORIMONOCH6 Detective's notes TORINAOSU To recover one's courage,mend, gather up TORINIGE Theft and' flight TORINIKg Poultry,bird meat TORI NO TSUKAI Urgent messenger,express ToRINMKE KMUY6 No thoroughfare TORINUKU To take,away,weed out TORIOSU To catch,arrest,capture TORIPANOZ6MA Trypanosome TORIPUSHIN Trypsin TORISHIMARIHI Supervisory expenses TORISHIMARI KISOKU Disciplinary rules TORISHIMARIYAKEKAI Board of directors' meeting TORISHIRABECHJ Investigation pending TORISHIZUMERU To repress,subdue a mob, etc. T6RI S6BA Current quotations TORISOERU To supply completely TORITATE KIN Money collected TORITATE MEIREI Collection order TORITATE TEGATARUI Collection items,in banking TORITATEZUMI Collected TORITE Hasndle,knob,button TORITOMU To ascertain TORITSUGIGY6 Agency TORITSUGI HAMBAI Sale on commission TORITSUGIJO Agency TORITSUGIKYOKU Relay Bureauw TdRITSU JUMY5 GENSH6 Equal decrement of life TORITSUKE Fitting, installation,attachment TORITSUKE SHOKUDAI Bracket candlestick TORITSUKU To obtain TORITSUMU To pick up,as a load TORIUCHIB6 Hunting cap TORIYAMERU To cease,stop,cancel TORIYAMU To stop,cease,suspend ToRO Russia in Asia ToRO ' This route,way,or course TiROKU Copy,transcription ToROKU BANG6 Registration number ToROKUBO Register TROKUH6B Registration law ToROKU ISH1 Registered design T6ROKEKA Registration Section ToROKU K5SAI Registered bonds,inscribed bonds ToROKURY6 Registration fee T6ROKU SHIHON KIN Authorized capital ToROKU SH6iHY6 Registered trade-mark T5ROKUZUMI Registered TORONB6GEN Thrombogen TbRON SHUKETSV Closure, cloture TORU TOKORO NI ARAZU Not worth considering T6RYAKUJ6 As a party policy TdRY& Amount of sugar T6oRY5 Light charge T6RY6 This territory,the area in question ToRY6 Transparency,complete understanding tP6RY6DAN Gestapo T6RYU Same sort or class T6RY0 SURU To flow eastward T6SA Distance T6SAI Present debt T6SAI SURU To preside over,manage, controlsupervise T6SAIGO Yearling T6SAIHIN Articles loaded on ship,cargo TBSAI KAISHI Commencing to load TBSAIKAN Director T6SAIKI Ship-borne planes TBSAIRYb Burden,carrying capacity TbSAISE& Ships loading T6SAIZUMI Finished loading T6SAN SURU To flee in' all directions, scatter TbSASAGE Kidney bean T6SATSU SURU To kill a person in fighting TOSATSUGYa Butchery TOSATSU RY&W5 Treatment by inunction TOSATSUZAI Liniment T6SA ZEI Discriminating rates,graded tariff T6SA ZEIRITSU Graded tariff TMSEI Equal strength Iil i AVIN fitqER OEM (4 orAB ~ 9 Atl Kav1 AI A * 4 9 ik ACV-te &#9E r 6 RK] ~~sipt~ '0 JOT M-t ER % V i M" -9.,Q i f f 4-it?z7 tit 3 it Ilr m ~cP ifi R l I5 11 j j7 3a 73 ~ 7~3P,'~Q # 211,g (p-tg Q 1s~ 0 oi1 LO s1 -% -9;p ff9Sa- - BP iti ~ ntt f $Qi (-OF 3 h~F7j TOSHO ETSURAN YoSHI TBSEI Rising tendency TB6SEI System T6SEI BAIBAI Controlled sales T6SEI DANTAI Control association T6SEI-IN Flying mechanic,naval T6SEIJO Control station T6SEIKA Control Section T6SEIKAI Control association T6SEI SHIiHY SEMYOKU Index constituency, in politics T6SEI SHINGI I-INKAI Trade Regulation Commission T6SEI S6KAI Control Association Headquarters T6SEI TSUSHINSHO Net bcontrol station TOSEMBA Ferry station T6SEN SURU To be on board,travel by ship TOSEN SURU To cross a river T6SEN SURU To penetrate T6SEN HKOKU Election returns TOSENJ6 Ferry-boat landing,ferry T6SEN SAIKEN Drawn bond TOSENSHIN Ferry charges T6SEN SH6SHO Certificate of election T6SETSU. Winter season TOSIHA Bettor TOSHA Empty truck TOSHA Slaughterhouse T5SHA This company T6SHABAN Hand mimeograph T6SHABAN GENSHI Stencil TaSHABANZURI Mimeographed copy TOSHABUTSU Excreta T5SHABUTSU Projectile TdSHAFU Tracing cloth T5SHAGAMI Tracing paper TOSHAKI Basin for vomiting T5SHAKI Hand mimeograph T6SHAKI Projector,of gas TdSHARY6 Copying fee TOSHASEN Ferryboat T6SHASEN Arbor,for depth charge TOSHAZAI Emetic TOSHI Going to China T6SHI SURU To look through T6SHIDAN Investing public T5SHI FUNANI SHdKEN Through bill of lading T6SHI GINK6 Investment bank T6SHI I-IN investment board TOSHIKA SURU To urbanize T6SHI KABUSHIKI KAISHA Investment holding company T6SHIKAI Investment buyirg T6SHI KAMOTSU Through cargo TOSHI KEIKAKU City planning TOSHI KOKKA City-state TbSHI KUMIAI Investment association T6SHIKYAKU SUJI Investing clientele TOSHI MONDAI Municipal problems TOSHIN Heart of the capital TOSHIN Jealousy,envy,jealous disposition T6SHIN-AN Draft of report T6SHINGUSA Rush,a plant T5SHINKY Kleptomaniac TbSHIN NO HI Rushlight TaSHIN OSAE Wickweight T6SHINSHO Report,findings T6SHIN TETSUDb Eastern Chinese Railway T6SHINZ6 Life-size statue TbSHIREIBU This headquarters TOSHI RENRAKU HIK6 Interurban flight TOSHI SEISAKU Municipal administration TO SHITE As,in the capacity of TO SHITE WA Emphatic waas far as...is concerned T&SHI UNCHIN Through freight rates TOSHIYORI KABU Seniors in the business TOSH& SURU To ford TOSHb SURU To paint T SHO This station T6SH6 Degree of illness T SH& Sword wound TBSH6 This arsenal or depot TBSH6 This ministry TbSH6 SURU To ascend,go up,rise TOSHIBOKU TAARU Juniper tar TOSHO ETSURAN Reading room TOSHO ETSURANNIN Reader TOSHO ETSURANRY6 Library admission fee TOSHO ETSURANSHITSU Reading room STOSHO ETSURAR Y6SHI Call slip / 1Ra( tt ME 3 Bii,$1 7 MAC 5* 7 St * n %, 3 13 Ni~1i 73 QijbEg t 1 LA at Sh 3 Roy ~3 $41~3? ( 8 ~~ i$i1 a sff )iff 6.L0 - r C1A i ILF% 73xt$~o $~ n34 a TOSHOGo, 247 TOSHOG6 Library catalog number T6SHO I-INKAI Insular committee TOSH6JITSU Juniper fruit TOSHO KAIDAI Bibliography T6SHOKAN Contribution box,for newspaper axticles TOSHOKAN-I1 Librarian T6SHMK6 Frostbite ointment TOSHOKU Paint color TOSHO MOKUROKU Catalogue of books TOSHOSHITSU Library T6SHU SURU To rob,steal T6SHU Eastern provinces TBSHU Fall and winter TOSHU OKEIM DE Empty-handed,without capital TOSHUTSU SURU To vomit,disgorge,breathe out T6SHUTSU SURU To throw,cast TQS5 SURU To repaint TW50 Eastern Soviet Union T6S6 Sword wound T6S6 SURU To send eastward T5SOKU UND& Uniform motion TbSON This village T536 SEIKEN Government in exile TOSSATSU SURU To kill by stabbing TOSSEN SURU To launch a furious attack,to fight fiercely TOSSHI Thrust TOSSHISBHA Supporting fire for an assault TOSSHUTSUBUTSU Projection TOSSHUTSUGAN Goggle-eyed TOSSHUTSUTEN Projecting point ToSUI Syrup T6SUT SnUJ Tb crush underfoot T5SUIKEN Prerogative of supreme command TO SURU In the capacity of,as TOTAI Going to Thai T5TAI This unit T6TAN, Eastern edge,extremity TOTANBUKI Galvanized iron roofing TOTAN ITA Sheet zinc,galvanized iron sheet TOTAN YANE Galvanized iron roof ToTATSUCHI Destination T6TATSUK6 Port of destination T6TATSUK6 WATASHI Free at port of destination T6TATSUKYOKU Office of destination T6TATSUTEN Destination TOTE Because,on the grounds that T9TEI Dike,embankmnent TOTEI JIKAN One's apprenticeship TTETKI SURU To throw T6TEXKII Mortar,50 mm T6TEN Pillar, support ToTETSU SERU To be transparont TOT6 Going to China ToMT Leader of a party or faction TO TOMO NI Together with,at the samee time as,hand in hand with,and TOTSUD6 Convex surface road TOTSUGEKIHEI Shook troops TOTSUGEKI SAGY6TAI Assault operations troops TOTSUGEKI SHIEN SHAGEKI Supporting fire for assault TOTSUGEKITAI Shock troops TOTSUJIDOKUHo Brail reading TOTSUJISHO Braille book TOTSUJI SHOSHAKI Braille writer TOTSUIJMrEY& Convex mirror TOTSUNYU BAKUGUEIKI Dive bomber TOTSUNYUSEN Advance ship TOTSUNYUTAI Infiltration unit TOTSURO Convex surface road TOTSURYOKU Elasticity TOTTE YUKU To grow old TBUN Eastern clouds,dawn TdWAItJGAO Puzzled look T6WAN Eastern bay TOWATARI Perineum,in anatomy T6YA That night,the said evening T6YAXU Chirata TOYB SURU To cross the sea T6YO Island TdY 'fU Orientalism T6YB GASU -Illuminating gas TMY HITSUYMHIN Immediate requirements TMYJIN Oriental person TMYMKA SURUT To orientalize tjj*N i 4A i I- t At BIýQ fi i4f A 14 1 U6 I Hiri 1*a 1li,f I Mjj $At 4, AIt I,14 jL ~~3 & 1 L fNL 7 7)~LL4 RtI wift&h 84 9J S] I FiL j~ 5tfi ~ 1,~g TSUGIOKURI DR T6Y6 KANTAI Eastern squadron T6Y6 MENKA Oriental Cotton Company ToY6 MBY6 SENCHU Oriental threadworm T6Y6 NIKI Diary,memorandum book T6Y6 SEKIYU Kerosene ToY6 Sf15 Orientalism ToY6 SHOKOKU Orient,countries of the Orient ToY6 SBHUGI Orient-for-orientals principle To6YTSU Oriental affairs authority TOYU Towns and cities TUYU Bean oil T6YU Kerosene ToYU Tung oil T6YUSHI Money thrown into circulation T6ZA FUSAI Current liabilities T6ZAI Rattan T6ZAI Theft TBZAI NAMBOKU Four cardinal points T6ZAI SEN East-west line T6ZAKAI - Provisional purchase T6ZA KANJ6 Account current T6ZA KANJB K6GO KEISAN Running account TbZA KASHI Call loan,money at call,cash credit,demand loan T6ZA KASHIKOSHI Overdraft TBZA KASHITSUKE KIN Call loan T6ZA KOGITTE Check T6ZAKU SUJRU To become more distant,die away,stand off,drift apart TOZANJ6 Alpenstock TOZANKI Mountain-climbing season TOZANSHA Mountain climber T6ZA YOKIN Current account T6ZEI Tax on lights TUZOKU EZIH6KI Burglar alarm T6ZUE Rattan cane TOZURU To shut TSU Morse dash TSU Subhead 19 TSi Counter for letters and manuscripts -TSI ' Scholar TSUAI Profobnd griefintense suffering TSUBANAKASU To card wool by hand TSUBARA NI In detail,minutely TSUBARAKA NI In detailminutely TSUBARATSUBARA Very detailed TSUBASA Wings,vanes,wing span TSUBO Unit of area,3.3057 square meters TSUB6 Collusion,connivance TSUBOSJ Area,floor space,in tsubo TSUBU Counter for fish eggs,grainspills, and small round things TSUBUDATSU To have goose flesh TSUBUFUSHI Ankle,in anatomy TSUBUMMO Common denominator TSUBJRAKA NA Round,rotund TSUBURE IDO Caved-in well TSUBUTSUBU Scatteredly,in droplets TSUCHI Radical 032 TSOCHI Deposit at call TSUCHIBOKORI Dust raised by wind TSUCHIBUNE Barge for hauling dirt or sand TSUCHIDO Earthen door TSUCHIDOME KABE Retaining wall TSUCHIGAKI Dredger TSUCHIGURUMA Cart for hauling dirt or sand TSUCBIHARAI Mudguard TSUCHI HEN Radical 032 TSUCHIHORI KUMADE Digging fork TSUCHIKE Rusticity TSUCHITRS Earthy nature TSICXISHO Notification TSUCHI YOKIN Deposit at call ThUCH6 Dispatch TSOD6 Public road TSUDOERU To assemble,meet TSUDOTSTDO Regularly,each time,whenever TSUERU To crack under pressure TSUFU Rheumatic fever TSUGAI Counter for couples of animals TSUGAI Street,thoroughfare TSUGAKU PFIJU School uniforsi TSOGAKUSIE Day scholar TSUGARU To connect TSUGESATOSU To counsel,give to understand TSUGIASHI Artificial leg TSUGIBA Relay station TSUGIKAHHU To decant TSUGIMONO Patchwork TSUGIOKURI DI In turn 248 TSUGITATERU ~Is 1 T A;SB TA i~2~ (. ~r4 L ARC i~A~ft: AA AM*R i#2~ ii~4 A itAT 400 tiki z CA T W AII A 4 I It, t jLl I; AI i&~t A~ ibMT A 3i~;~U3 A P Nf 110) it' i&i)-1 4 itEJ A i A tfi t -d E-fT 4 igglAit, i40t r itAj TSUGITATERU To relaychange TSUG6J6 Because of the circumstances TSUG6 NI YORI Because of oircumstances,as you wish TSUGU To suffice TSUGUNOIGATAI Irreparable TSUGURA Straw mat TSOHEI Inspector General of Telegraphs TSOH6 General rule,universal law TSUHIKAN' Dispatch boat,advice boat TSUH6KI Communication apparatus TSJH6 KIKAN Information agency TSUH6 SAKI Addressee of report TSUH6SHA Addressee of report,sender of report TSIH6 TORIHAKARAU To arrange to notify TSUI Counter for pairs of vases TSUIBATSU Supplementary punishment, pursuit of rebels TSUIBATSU SURU To pursue and attack TSUICHI SURU To pursue TSUICHIKU SURU To chase,participate,vie with,rival TSUICHE SURU To levy additionally TSUICH6 KIN Additional imposition or collection TSUIDEN Follow-up message,another wire TSUIFD Following wind TSUIGAN SURU To renew a petition TSUIGEKICHU In pursuit TSUIGEKIH6 Chase gun,chaser TSUIGEKIKI Pursuit plane TSUIGEKISEN Running fight TSUIGEKITAI Pursuit unit TSUIHEI Pursuing troops TSUIHO SURU To overtake,arrest TSUIH6 Later report TSUIHWNIN Exile TSUIJ6 BUTAI Trailing force,shadowing force,navy TSUIJb SEKK6 Contact patrol TSUIKA SURUJ To fall,throw down TSUIKA DEMP6 Following telegram TSUIKA JKa6 Added article,rider,codicil TSUIKA KINYU Postentry,in accounting TSUIKAN Companion ships TSUIKAN SURU To pursue,chase TSUIKA SHOTOKU Excess profits TSUIKA YOSAN Supplementary budget TSUIKEI Postscript TSUIKI SURU To extend the period TSUIK6 SURU To progress,advance, prosecute,carry out TSUIKU SURU To pursue,run after TSUIKYO SURU To pursue TSUIKY0 Vertebral arch,in anatomy TSUIKYI Additional grant TSUIKYU SURU To supply a deficiehey TSUIKYU SURU To cross-examine,inquire thoroughly TSUIHY0 SURU To pursue to the extreme TSUIOYTAI Follow-up unit TSUIMATSU Torch of resinous wood TSUIMEI Pursuit unit order TSUINKA Heavy drinker TSUIRO Route to be followed TSUISEKI Mourning TSUISHKISHA Trailer,tracer,pursuer TSUISETSU SURU To pursue,follow closely TSUISHI SURU To die in an airplane crash TSUISHIN Additional statement TSUISHIN NO Progressive TSUISHO Addenda TSUISH6 Pursuit,chase TSUISH6 SURU To follow,emulate TSUIS6 SURU To confer posthumously TSUISi SURU To send afterwards,in addition to TSUIS& SURU To send on supplies etc. TSUIS6DAN Memoirs,reminiscences TSUIS&ROKU Reminiscences,memoirs TSUISURU To pair,match TSUITAI Centrum,body of vertebrain anatomy TSUITATE ITA Dashboard TSUITEI Companion boats TSUITb SURU To pursue TSUIIYASU To fatigue beyond measure TSUJYASU To ruin,pillagemassacre, demolish TSUIZURU To put in order TSUJIAKINAI Street vending it# ~ i ts ta 0 041 Bit ~ii fit ~f4 1j~ v' At# I K $ t o ~ & j ys IPIfh 4ii I t ~I44t s a1 S kfi DG ~I ki 4I1 i d'~j~l) 5 t~ff ') S PI4 d id fih$t 5 TSUoINUErU TSUJIBAN Village watchhouse TSUJIBAN KOYA Watchhouse TSUJI DANGI Street oratory TSUJIGURUMA Public jinrikisha TSUJIKAZE Cyclone TSUJIMACHI JID5SHA Taxi TSUJI MISE Stall,booth TSUJI S6JININ Street sweeper TSUJITSUJI Each crossroad,every street corner TSUJ6 Feelings common to all men TSUJ6DAN General purpose shell or bomb TSDJ5 HIKI-UKE General acceptance TSOJ5 KAI-IN Ordinary member TSUJ6 KAWASE TEGATA Clean bill of exchange TSUJ6 KIKER Normal risk,comnmon hazard, commercial risk TSUJ6 UNCHIN Rate for freight sent at shipper's risk TSUKA ANA Grave trench TSUKABASHIRA Prop,support TSUKAE Service TSUKA EKI Nonstop station TSUKA FUKrKYU Remonetization TSUKA FUKUHON-ISEI Bimetallism TSUKAHIN Transit goods TSUKA HON-I Monetary unit TSUKAI SURU To overcome obstacles and open a passage TSUKAIBAN Orderly TSUKAIBARAI Payment TSUKAICHIN Errand charge,tip given for doing an errand TSUKAIDE Amount used,durability, serviceability TSUKAIHERASU To wear out TSUKAIPPANASU To use without returning TSIKAMEN Currency phase of the situation TSUKAMIKAKARU To pounce upon TSUKAMIKUDAKU To crush With the hand TSUKAN SURU To go right through TSUKAN TETSUZUKI Customs clearance TSUKARASU To tire,exhaust TSUKAREKIRU To be tired out TSUKA RYOKYAKU Through passenger TSUKASA Chief,director TSIKASEN Ships passing through TSUKA SENS6 Currency var TSUKA SHUGI Currency principle TSUKA TANHON-ISEI Monometallism TSUKA TAN-I Monetary unit TSUKA ZET Transit tolls -TSUKE Indioates habitual action TSUKEGAMI Tag TSUKXHANASHI Mooring and unmooring TSUKEKAERt'- To convert,money etc. TSUKEKAZARI Fixings,arrangements TSIKEN General manifestation TSUXENE Bid price TSUKETSU SEIKY6 By-election TSUKI End,last,termination TSUKI Radical 074 TSUKIATE Per month TSUKIBA Landing place TSUKIBAN SURU To keep watch on a person TSUKIBITO Attendant TSUKIFU Monthly payments TSUKIHATERU To be completely used up TSUKI HEIKIN Monthly average TSUKI HfEN Radical 074 TSUKIBERASU To decrease by polishingrice etc. TSUKI-IRERU To push into by force TSUKIJI Reclaimed land TSUKIJUN Ten-day period TSUKIKAESU To reject,push back TSUKIKAKARU To charge at,strike against TSUKIKATAMERU To make firm,harden,ram TSUKIKAWASU To strike each other TSUKIKIRU To cut through TSUKIKOMI NEDAI Lump price,blanket price, inclusive price TSUKIKOROBASU To upset,overturn TSUKIKUZUSU To put to flight,cut an army to pieces TSUKIUZUSU To upset,run over TSUKINE Price offered TSUKINICHI Date TSUKINSEI Living-out system TSUKINUKERU To pass through,be thrust through tit fl~ CICtr T- g - It'6 \~L.lb H- A,~ it Wkf jiI\ Io A P~L ik TSUKIN KRU 29 TSUJMU~R To run through a thoroughfare.,go through a pipe TSUKI SHIP)AI Upon arrival TStJKISHIRAGERU To hull grain q!StJITATERU To thrust into,push forward TSUKITATSU To be pierced through,,rise sheer T.SUKIT0MERU To stab to death TSUKITSUMERU To corner,think in vain of a way out TSIJXIYA' Rice huller TSTJKIYAXE Dark of the moon TSUKIZtJE End of the month TSTJXIZUKISHII Suitable,,pleasing,agreeable!PSUKKAU To prop up.,support TSUE~OROStJ To stab to death TSUK6GAKARI Steering committee TSUKQKXN Pass,safe-conduct TSUK65KE! Right of way,passage TSU0KOTJ NA Cruel~severe TSUK6 KYOKA Wayleave TSUKOMATSURU To do TSUK6NIN Piedestrian,passer-by TSUKONJI Matter of deep regret TSUK6-RY6 Toll TSUK6 ZEI Transit tax TSUKU To become saturated,absorb,become damp TSUKtJ To construct,build TSUKU Road, street,passage, crossroad TSVKURI Phonetic of -character with radical on left TSUKEYRIBITO Builde'r~manufacturer~author TSUKtJRIKAWA Finished leather TSUKL1RIXAZARI Affectation TSUKURIMONO Agricultural product.,toy., ornament TSUKURIMONO Artificial thing, spurious article TSUKURINA Alias,false name TSUKURINAKI Crocodile tears.,feigned tears TSUJKERI So-BA Forced quotations TSUKURITSUK To fix, secure.,fasten firmly TSUKUROI NURI Refitting and painting TSUKUSARERU To be used up.,be exhausted TSOKY(6 Communications association* TSUEY6 SURU To pass through.,mountains etc. TSUMA End, edge,border TSUMAMARERU To be charmed.,be bewitched TSUMARI Obstruction,of nose~ear etc. TSUMAWARI Dactylitislinflammation of a finger TSUME. Radical 087 TSUMEAI Colleague TSUMEBAN Thumbprint seal TST.ThE GA AOJIROKtJ NARU Nails becoming blue TSUMEGALMMURI Radical 087,variant TSUl4EI Signal order TSOMEI SIJRU To understand perfectly TSUME KAMMURI Radical 087 TSUMEK.IRI Nail scissors TSUMEKIRIBASAMI Nail:3cissors TStUhE KIZU Nail scratch TSUMERU To assemble,bring together.,group TSUMIAWASERU To load together with TSUMICHI Port of loading TSUI4IDASHTK6 Port of lading TSUMIDASHI YOTEI Scheduled shipment TSUMINIGUCHI Hatchway TStJMINI HIKAECH6 Cargo booký TSUMINI HIYO Loading costs TSUMINI HOKEN, Cargo insurance ~1SUMINI KANSANIN Stewedore T8UJMINIK6 Port of loading' TSUMINI MOKUHOKU Manifest,inwoioe.,in shipping TSiSHIIN HEIEKAN 4fio-1JTo.#f TSUMINI MOKUROKUMIN Manifest weight I JURY6 1iIF TSUMINIRY5 Stowage p41:910,144-TSTJMINI SHORUT HIXKIAE- Cash against 1ABARAI delivery 4#i{kHAVK TSUMINI SHUSEtWNIN Loading broker 443;UiAl TSUMINI UKETORISH6 Shipping receipt ~VIfr,9*J TStJMINI URIAGEDAKA Proceeds~of cargo I-,f TSUNINOKOSU To leave supplies unlcaded ~i'TSUMIOKI HAIT6 Cumulative dividend TSIJMIOKEJ To pile up,put aside it TSUMIOKURIHIN Consignment IPA'ai TSUMIOROSHIHI SENSHIJ Free in and cut MUFUTAN TSUMIOWARU To finish loading TSIJMITATE KIN Reserve~fixed reserve 4*Ol A TSUMITORI KAMOTSUSEN Freighter 44 JjK TSUMITORU To load,,place on board 44P- TSIJMITSUKERU To load up. 10M TSUMITSUXE SHOGPKARI Loading charges "A " TSUMON SURU To go through a gate etc. 47 TSUMORITSUMORU To pile up and up Ilk TSUMU To pinch,pinch off Q t TSUMUJIMAGARI NO Crabbed,,perverse 4tI TSUMUJI 0 MAGERU To-become perverse t~ft TSIINABASHIGO Rope ladder TSUNADE Towing line TSUNAGIBTJNE Moored boat TSUNAGI HASHIGO Aerial ladder Sl TSIYNAGI KOTOBA Conjunction~in grammar AL TSUNAGU. Rigging.,cordage TSUNA HASHIGO Rope ladder,ratline ~:( TSUNE NI NAKU Uncommon TS1YNODATSU To be rude and surly S TSIINO HEN Radical 148 TSUNOTSUKI Bullfight, conflict, quarrel TSIJRABONE Cheekbones TSURAMAERU To arrest~apprehend TSURAMARU To be apprehended S TSURANURU SEN Line joining TSURATSUKURI Physiognomy ýJt,7 TSURATSURA Smoothly i /> 3, TSUREAU To accompany,go together~be married TSIJREDASU To take someone along TSUREMODORU To accompany..bring back TSURFETATSU To accompany 4~ 11 TSIJRETE YUKU To take someone along TSURETSU NI Intensely~actively,earnestly -'TSUREZURE Completely,absolutely.,with boredom TSURIAGEKI Lift,elevator TSURI ASHIBA Flying scaffold ~At TSURIBARI Fishhook. J A TSURIBITO Angler 1.143 TSURIBJJNE Fishing boat 11j~tL TSURIDASHI Bait ýtt I TSURIGANE Hook Jý.~ff TSIYRI HIMO ~Sash cord TST.TURI HORI Fishing pond b~ft, TSURI ITO Fishing line JtLj TSTJRI KAGO Angler's basket,creel TStJRI NEDAI Stretcher * TSURIOTOSU To lose the fish TSDRITSU General-rules TSUR6 Aisle TSURUKAME Long life TSURU KUSA Climbing plant.,creeping plant W A. TSURUSHIAGARU To be hung up TSIJSHIN HAMBAITEN Mail-order house TSUSHIN HEIKAN Inspector General of Telegraphs TSUSHIN-IN 250 sht) 34~8ttes 6 1~*I AB&44e it A is " JA Au( l~ I ta it UT it ia it A41 A4 K 1*3 r 8 ~ it ~ ACV A t it % 4Q~~~b kid if$ All 1E m Al' A 3 gp ip4 Mt ib hj4 4a crs imM1 44L rits ~1 a r3(% PAb;/ic IE4rS ~ b (R at $t.g C( b (3B 3 ( 9F ~ t Zlfdkde TSUSHIM-IN Reporter,correspondent TSUSHIN JIIOEKU Time of transmission TSUSHINKA Communications Section TSDSHQIItAN Carrier-pigeoan' capsule TSOSHINMAK Communications ship TSUSHIN KANSEN Main line,of communication TSEJSHIN ANITOK0YOKU Communications Supervision Bureau TSUSHIN KIXAN Organ or means of communication TSUSHIN K6SHU Signal technician TSUiSHINKU Communication district TSUSHIN KYoKAI Communications association TSUSHIN KY KJAN Signal instructor TSUSHINRAN Correspondence column TSUSHI= SAKUMEI Signal orders TSUSHIN SAIMB6 Staff communication officer TSUSHINSEN Signal ship TSUSHIN SEN Line of communication TSUSHINSHA Correspondent,reporter TSUSHINSHI Communications clerk,operator,.signal man TSUiSHINSHI Correspondence card TSUSHIN SHISETSU Signal installations TSUSHINSHO Signal office TSDSHIN SHOCHB Signal officer TSUISHINSHU Signal operator TSUSHIN TANNINKAN Radio guard ship TSUSHINTEI Communication boat TSUSH6 All night TSOSH6 Name under which one is generally known TSUSHB Pain,deep distress TSUSHI KAKAISEN Commerce-raiding warfare TSUSH6b HAAITAI Commerce-raiding unit TSUSH6 IH6 Commercial bulletin TSUSH6 I-IN Trade commissioner TSOSHO J6YAKU Commercial treaty TSUSH6 K6KAI J6YAKU Treaty of commerce and navigation TSUSHtKYOKU Bureau of Commercial Affairs TSUSH6RO Trade route TSUSH6 SHINK6HI Trade development expense TSOSHU General custom TSDTATSU SURU To notify TSUTAU To hand down,transmit TSUTEGOTO Thing known by rumor TSUTEN General rule TSUTETSU Penetration TSUT6 SURU To remember with sadness TSUT6oRAKU They say that,we hear that -TSUTSU -ing TSUTSUGA Illness,sickness TSUTSUGATA NO Cylindrical,barrel-shaped TSUTSUJIRI Breech,butt end of gun TSUTSUMI Prudence TSUTSUMIGAMAE Radical 020 TSUTSU NOKO Trepan,tool in mining or surgery TSUWACHU While telephone is in use TSOWA DOS3KEI Message register TSUWA DOSU SEIDO Message rate system TSUWAGUCHI Mouthpiece TSOWARY6 Telephone call fee TSUYAGAMI Glazed paper TSUYAGAWA Patent leather TSUYAGUSURI Glaze TSUYAKUKAN Secretary-interpreter,official interpreter TSUYAKUSEI Commensurability,in mathematics TSUYAKUSEI Student interpreter TSUYAKUSRA Interpreter TSUYAXEKE To shine TSUYOGARU To make a show of power TSUYGO Word in current use TSUY6 EAHEI Currency TSUYOKEHAI Strong trend,in the market TSUY6 KIgEN Stipulated period TSUYORU To become strong,arousebe aroused TSUYt EABI Mildew TSUZOKU BUTAI People's corps TSOZOKU GAKUJUTSBU Popular science TSUZOKUKA Popularization TSUZUEXZAMA Continuously, successively TSUZuIKU To be continued TSUZUKU UKE6 Series of misfortunes TSUZUMI Radical 207 TSUZUTRI AYAMARI Misspelling TS3iZ=RIJI KAIRY6 UND6 Simplified spelling reform movement m. 7 -1k 4T 4i7194;fSL 411t* fl 7c %4T'' Z rfJ - IT d tE t Z4 INI 439 1 i2 431 r o 4TftI r'1jx rTA s?J4t; 7 rt 194~; 9r~ VTJ 53 T rT j) 41 t (a3;i3 LJ;d~~ I?7 At 1B ni~A 3 -tr zf;nn7 L r?$ $]i T iht 71o6i I~t t ARSx? UDE SHIDAI DE TSUZURIKATA Spelling,composition TSUZURU SEN Communicating line U U Subhead 24 U Uruguay UBENAU To consent to,agree to UCHI Blow,slap,beat,stroke UCHI Including UCHIAGARU To be washed or cast ashore UCHIAGARU To dash against,of waves UCHIAGE SOSAIDAN Barrage flortar shell UCHIAGE SOSAITB barrage mortar UCHIAGET6 Barrage mortar UCHIAGETb Rocket launcher UCHIATERV To knock or strike against UCHIATO Dent,mark of a blow UCHIAWASED6RI As previously arranged UCHIAWASEKAI Meeting,preliminary assembly UCHIBAN Anvil block UCHIBARI Beam,crossbeam,rafter UCHIBARU To cover over,paste on,spread over UCHIBI Fire by striking flint UCHIBITEI Launch UCHIBb Cudgel,club UCHIBUCHITAN Naibuchi coal UCHICHIGAU To be crossed,intersect UCHICHIRAKASU To scatter,strew about UCHICHIRASU To beat and put to flight UCHIFUSERU To knock down,make bite the dust UCHIGAMI Smooth or glossy paper UCHIGIRI Punch instrument,puncheon UCHIGURUMA Inside wheel UCHIGURUMA Private jinrikisha UCHIHASHI Temporary bridge hastily constructed UCHIHASHIRASU To repel,force to flre UCHI KANJJ Private account UCHIKATA HAJIME Begin firing UCHIKATA YAME Stop firing UCHIKIMBARAI Part payment UCHIKIN Part payment UCHIKORASU To punish,chastise UCHIKUIKI Pile driver UCHIKUTSUROIDE At ease,without reserve UCHIMAKASERU To entrust with,put in custody of UCHIMAKASERU To have to let things take their course UCHIMAKU Private affairs UCHIMI Impression left by something suddenly seen UCHIMQKO Inner Mongolia UCHIMONOSHI Swordsmith,toolmaker UCHIMUKI Pointing inwards UCHI NANYM BUTAI Inner South Seas Force, navy UCHINOPE Thinning out by hammering UCHIStIGOSU To exaggerate,exceed,overdo, pass UCHITE Assassin,murderer UCHITE Rifleman,gunner UCHITO Outside and inside UCHITOKE Frankness UCHITOMERU To bring matters to a close UCHITSUIUSU To smash UCHITSUKUSU To use up all one's ammunition UCHITSURERU To accompany,go along with UCHI--URA Inner family circle UCHIWAKE Itemization UCHIWAKESHO Itemized statement UCHIWARE Domestic or family disagreements UCHIWARI Bank discount rate UCHIWATASU To deliver,transmit UCHIWATASU To gaze off,take in with sweeping gaze UCHIWATASU To throw over,as a bridge UCHIZOKO Inside bottom of boat UCHIZOKO Insole,inner sole UCHU SHINKAROX Evolutionary aosmogony UCHUSHINKYo Pantheism,universalism UDE2AKO Boiled octopus UDEGANE Bracket UDEGI SHING6 Semaphore UDEKAiE Arm of chair UDE SHIDAI DE According to one's ability UDo 251 i UD5 Movements of floating object j_ UE After,upon _J,^ IUHAJI Uphelm jý4ý UEKIBACHI Flower pot AJi?. 6 UEKOGOERU To suffer from hunger and cold iit UEKOMU To plant thickly _L*\' UENAI Incomparable,unsurpassable LTl 71. UESHITA NI NARU To be upside down Sft UETSUKE TAMBETSU Acreage under cultivation Lf*4 UEZUMI Placed on top k UGAI CHAWAN Gargling bowl 'ggk UGAI KUSURI Gargle,mouthwash.tAmr UGENBY6 Starboard anchor SZ~c UGENHE Starboard gun ZX* UGENKI Starboard planes 3E 4 UGEN SEI5 Starboard beam UGENSOKU Starboard side tIi UGEN T5CHOKU Starboard watch UG6 Confused crowd J. UGOKITARANU To have insufficient.exercise ~ c) UG6 NO SHU Disorderly crowd,mob UEA Right wing,of a building ^ J UHEN SURU To list to starboard. UHI Right gun UI- First,first time I N UIGENZAN SURU To see for first time,make a debut UIKY6 MIZU Fennel water,in pharmacy S UIKY6SEI Spirit' of fennel UIKo-YU Fennel oil,oil from fennel seed -Kk UIRUKINSON NANKo Wilkinson's ointment S UIRUSON NANK6 Wilson's ointment SUJI Radical 083 W:a;it UJIDARAKE Maggoty A A UJIMUSHIDOMO Small fry,rabble N ts 5 UJINAKI Lowborn vfi, UJISUJ6 Lineage,family stock,ancestry 1-f -T UKABASU To make float / \' g UKABIDERU To come to the top,9-J Z, UKAI SURU To take a circuitous route < UKAIJ6 NO Beak-shaped 1,t UKAIKOTSU Coracoid jl^ $ UKAI SEN Loop line,roundabout route S U KAMMURI Radical 040 4Ax UKAREBITO Vagabond, libertine?i4.,-T UKAREDASU To be gay UKE Cork or float of fishing line SUKE Life buoy,buoy UKE Tray,basket,for cards etc. S UKEGAKI Letter of acceptance At- UKEGAKI Written acknowledgment,receipt $T) DUKEI NO Material, substantial;60 UKEIHA Conservative bloc A $fj UKE-IRE KAITSUKE ITAKU Inward indents UKEKOMU To receive,take in 4- UKEMOCHI KU-IKI Section under one's charge,district served ,07 UKEMODOSHIKEN SHIMEKIRI Foreclosure I--k UKENAWA Buoy rope,,rope attaching anchor to buoy tt UKEOIGY6 Contracting business UKEOININ Contractor UKEOISHA Contracting company t4 UKEOI SHIGOTO Piecework,contract work fil UKERU To buy back,redeem ""XUKERU To cause to float,support,carry,of water AW zLu UKESUERU To launch,set afloat - ^jr,( UKETORICH6 Receipt book ,< UKETdRI KANJ6 Accounts receivable 17 Kt UKETORI TEGATA Bills receivable 9 ' UKEURI CHISHIKI Secondhand knowledge 'Ub B UKEWATASHIBI Settlement day,delivery day ^ti ^- JKEWATASHI ENTAI RISHI Discount for delayed delivery of securities ^A-t^^ UKEWATASHI HYoJUN NE Settling price .1Z YKEWATASHI JoKEN Terms of delivery ^ UKEWATASHIKI Del ivery period ~, IUKEWATASHI KURIKOSHI Backwardation i I UKEWATASHISH6 Bill of parcels -- UKI Buoy,float, life-belt 4iL '* UKIAGERU Refloat,salvage ^B, UKIAKE End of the rainy season.,4 UKIAMI Float net,floating fish net 4 -J,,4 L UKIBORIZAIKU Embossed work )^ UKIBUNE Rubber boat U tKICHA Tea fanning S4 UKIDERU To come to the top 4$o UKI-DOKKU Floating dry dock UKIFUNE Boat afloat S. UKIGUTSU Life buoy UNCHIN WARIMODOSHI SA UKIKI Skiff,raft W4- UKIKUSA KAGY65 Precarious post UKIMAWARU To float or drift around ft UKIMO Floating seaweed, UKIMONO Floating body of drowned person, floating object LUrINAMI Small waves,ripples Si UKISENKYO Floating dock S UKKE7.SU Melancholy UK6 SAHEN Going to the right and left S UKYOKU Winding UMA Radical 187 UMABA Region of good horses a'.6 UMABUNE Horse-transport ship "UMABUNE Large wooden bucket UMAGUI Tethering-stake for horses UMA HEN Radical 187 AX UMA IKADA Raft to carry horses across stream "_ 7UMAKEBURI Dust clouds raised by running horses UMAKEMURI Dust clouds raised by running horses "UMA MICHI Bridle path,pack-horse trail UMANI Baggage sent by pack horse "" - vUMA 0 USHI NI NORIKAERU To make a change ^ for the better UMAREDOSHI Year of one's birth UMAREGO Newborn infant,baby "/ UMATATE Tethering-place for horses "UMATORI Horse drover UMBO Mica S UMEANA Hole where something is buried S UMEDOI Covered or underground conduit St UMEKOMU To bury UMEMIZO Covered or underground drain S UMETATSU To fill in,reclaim,of land UMIGOSHI NI Over the sea, overseas UMIJI Sea route.i UMIKIZU Running wound 40,.. -V UMI NI KANSEZU Regardless of situation *0 o UMI NO SEI Mermaid UMIO Spun hemp,hempen thread UMISHIRU Pus UMITE Seashore Si h UMITORA Fast Diesel freighter. UMIWASHI Sea eaglesnavy fliers:1i' UMIWASHI BUTAI, Navy air unit >). UMIWATA Sponge UMIYAMA Great quantity,great depth and height,sea and mountain 9 UMMAKU Cloud sheet So UMMEI NO KAIRAI Sport 6f fate l es UMMU Mist,haze t! UMPANFU Porter UMPANHI Cartage expense i 01 UMPANKAN Transport ship I WUMPANNIN Porter UMPANSEN Transport ship t, 1 UMPANSHIKI KIKAN Portable boiler. -r 3 UMPEI SURU To transport troops T UMPEN Cloud flake,cloud rack,wispy cloud S( UMPI Transportation charges z UMP6 Mobile gun SUMP6 Wadded winter clothes UMU Presence,existence,yes or no,whether or not SUN Yunnan UNAGI DOMBURI Eel and rice bowl R K UNAGI MESHI Eel and rice dish., UNAGIYA Eel restaurant UNATE Ditch for irrigating rice field S~ " E UNAU To plough, till S UNCHIN Passenger fares,freight rates s UNCHIN HARAIZUMI Freight prepaid Si? w" UNCHIN HOKEN Freight insurance 3 k UNCHINHY6 Tariff i?41S_ UJNCHINKOMI NEDAN Cost-and-freight prile [ . UNCHIN KY6D6 KEISAN Pooling contract ~ Ai KEIYAKU S$. UNCHIN KY6S5 Tariff war J -* UNCHIN KYoTEI Freight tariff agreement 1I I @!V UNCHIN MAEBARAI Freight prepaid {t1|^ @'T UNCHIN MUK5BARAI Freight payable at destination S, (-UNCHIN MURY6 Freight free 4 &' UNCHIN OYOBI BASHACHIN Freight and ^ drayage UNCHIN RITSU Freight rates A V lt ~ I UNCHIN SAKIBARAI Freight payable at destination $t^AJL UNCHIN WARIMODOSHI Freight rebate UnCqy 252 (TV UNCHUI Cloud ceiling 1r UNCHU In the cl6uds i!t -f 5 UNDAN SURU To transport ammunition S e)A 9 UNDEI NO SA ARI All the difference in the world 9-0 * UNDdKAI Sporting world ifftE 7, UIND& N6RYORKU Performance 6iU mNDBSHA Political agitator,electioneer, canvasseyr i UND6 TIKI Movable target t' aUN-El SURU To operate,carry on ~:tt UN-EISHA Operations company im UN-EKI Epidemic 5 V( IJNEKUNE Zigzag, winding $~i AA,W UN-EN KAGAN Indifference if4 1 i L R UNGA FUNE TSURIAGEKI Canal lift Ir UNGAI. Beyond or above the clouds if A46p UNHEISEN Troop transport ship xire~f UNHoITd Submarine waterproof deck chest Irrx UN-I Position of the clouds dat, UNJ6 Brewing of sake ir c UNJ6 NO Cloud-like,nebulous UNKA Beneath the clouds j ' TfINKA SURU To transport goods UNKASEN Cargo ship UNKATb Cargo tube for supplying outlying positions from submarine UNKEI Cloud system UNKEI Cloud type ""UNKI Cloudy appearance,cloud,vapors in the sky UNKI Luck,chance,fortune UNK6 Cloud direction 1 mUNK8 Height of clouds,ceiling f4t mUNK6 Transportation a444gi UNK6KA Ore Transport Section 1114 'UNK-KA Traffic Section X-1WVV UNK6 SEIKIeAN Maritime transport commander lr7w UNKYAKU Movement of the clouds if " UNKYU Classification of clouds lej 4 UN NO TSUXI End of one's luck or destiny *UN6 Rain cover Wk UNRIN Ripples rA,-t UNR6 SURU To suffer from seasickness UTNRY Cloudiness,cloud density,cloud formation UNSAI Loading of merchandise for shipment C)f- UNSAI Sky,edges of the clouds % UNSEN Freighter 7 j UNSHI SURU To faint -f UNSHIKAI, Cloud range of vision fi UNS6 Cloud stratum IW+FB UNSO CHUKAN Between layers of clouds if ii I UNS6GY6 Transportation business AA J't UNS6GY6 HOKEN Common carriers' insurance, maritime A UNS6 GY5SHA Forwarding agent UNS6HI Freight charge UNS 6 HIKlI Transport plane t UNS6KACH6 Traffic manager UNS6KAN Transport ship UNS KI Cargo plane N UNS6 NAKADACHININ Forwarding broker UNS6NIN Porter ik Itl UNS6RY6 Freight charge iZk- UNSWSEN Transport ship (AIý, UNS63EN JdTAI Transport report g.ftW UNS6SENTAI Convoy ýfA Wt- UNS6SENTAICH6 Convoy commander 44 UNS&TEN Freight agency,express office At; UNTAN SURU To transport coal UNTANSEN Coal ship gl(i UNTEI Cloud base UNTEI Long ladder,siege ladder t2. UNTEN Sky,cloudy sky,overcast UNTENCHU During operations,during the trip ~i ) 3 UITEN CHUSHI Suspension of train service i J UNTENHI Operating expense Ls )W UNTEN-IN Driver G UNTEN EYUSHI Suspension of train service O94tL*. UNTEN MENJW Driving license $[44 UNTEN SHIHON Working capital 9!*4t UNTEN SHIKIN Operating fund,working capital *$#3e + UNTENSHU JOSHU Assistant motorman tr UNTETSU Yunnan Railway T m<UNTETSU Yunnan Steel Co. UNTSUSH6 Ministry of Transport and -Communications S UN-U Clouds aid rain ( ~Att7 km 5,,; '7:8 A a A 4P i~ ~ IL 4 4A:,9; 4W ~ WA *4-@ * ~ * ~ ( c *e n; * 4;4 A * $;:Jftj t Fk $ R A sR h *4t\ ~1~A!f * '5 A.,* )i ~4 Mii UROKUZU UN-UN And so forth,etc. UWYbJUTSU Seamanship UNg-KA Investment Section UN-YOKUBA If fortune smiles UN-YUBU Transportation Department UN-YU BUCH6 Transportation Dep't.Chief UNYUGYb Transportation UNYU HIKdKI Transport plane UN-YUKA Transportation Section UNYU KIKAN Means of conveyance UN1CU N6RYOKU Carrying capacity UNYU TSUSHINSH6 Transport.and Communications Ministry UNZAISHA Equipment truck UNZAN Mountain covered with clouds UO HEN Radical 195 U6 SA6 To right and left,here and there, roundabout,. UOSMH Fish dealer UOYA Wholesale fish dealer URA SURU To back up URABE Seacbast,seashore URABITO Mariner,fisherman URABITO Someone who lives on the seacoast URADO Back door URAGAKI KINSHI TEGATA Nonnegotiable note URAGAKININ Indorser URAGC'SHI Strainer,filter,colander URAHAME Back lining,in construction URA HASHIGO Backstairs,service stairway URAJI Seaside road URA KAIDAN Backstairs,service stairs URA KBJI Back alley,side alley,lane URAMIGAO Reproachful look URA NAGI Calm creek,quiet bay URA NAMI Waves in cove or creek URA SHIMA Island in bay or cove URA TOBIRA Back leaf,of book URATSUKE Reinforcing underneath URA-URA Bays and creeks everywhere URAWA Creek,bay,indentation of a coast URAZUKE BUSSHI Necessities URAZUKERU To back up,financially etc. UREAAZE Urease URETSU Right hand column URI Radical 097 URIAGECHB Sales book URIAGEDAKA Amount sold URIAGE KANJB Sales account URIAGE KANJ5 TEKIY6SHO Abstract of sales account URIAGE KIN Amount sold URIAGE KINYGGAKARI Entry clerk URIAGE MOTOCHB Sales ledger URIBATAKE Melon patch URIDASHI KAKAKU Issue price,offering price URI FUTATSU Replicas,two peas in a pod URIGYOKU Bear account,short account,in stock market URIHIROGERU To extend a market URTHIROMERU To extend a market URI H5SHIN Selling short URIJIMEN Land for sale URIKAKE DAIKIN Credit,accounts,money due from accounts URIKAKE KANJ6 Credit sales account URIKAWASE Exchange sold URIKIRU To sell out,of goods URI KOEKI Selling exchange URIKOSHI Excess of selling URIKUZUSHI SHIJO Liquidating market URIMAWARU To go about peddling URINOKORIHIN Goods unsold URINOKU To liquidate or unload goods URIRENGO Bear pool URISABAKININ Agent,dealer URISABAKISHO Shop, store URISABAKI TES0RYO Selling commission URISAGEJO Office for sale by government URISAGENIN Dealer in governmant goods URISAKI DOSHO Bill of sale URISAKI SEIRYOKU HOSHO Del credere KEIYAKU contract URISOKONAU To fail to sell URISUGI J6KEY Long market URITATE Sale URI-UME Resale URIWATASHISH6 Bill of sale URIWATASHI TAMPO Mortgage UR6 Leak in a roof UROKUZU Fish scale,fish Sgbit; 44E ~ 0)3 f4 #tt b7$1 A. LMQ L 3 4JERf BI ~Z $ s r sS i 3Q O 55g b iMB: OtE a iPR 3 4 t I 193~ Mr 3 PD< 3 ~ L: r AtT ~,at-- 4t~0J 1^rSL I^( i~r $ot. i _th t 47t3 W 3- IF 31 7k -h Aj0 UROTROPIN 253 UROTOROPIN Urotropin URU Nonglutinousness URUAWA Nonglutinous millet 3 URUGAERU To be inside out 3 URUGAWRU To go over to enemy URUGOME Naonglutinous rice 3 URUXERU To be humid,moist,or wet URUSHIE Lacquer painting URUSHIXAKI Harvesting or harvester of gum-lac S URUSHI NURI Lacquering URUSHIYA Lacquer shop U RUSHIZAIKU Lacquerware USAQI SHIY6J5 Rabbit warren USAKU Avkward plan USAN NO Doubtful,suspicious USEN Clockwise movement USETSU Foolishness,lack of good qualities USETSU Rain and snow,snowfall USHI Radical 093 USHI HEN Radical 093 USHI KONJ6 Bullheaded obstinacy USHI NO ABURA Suet USHI NO KAWA Cowhide S1:v USHI 0 UMA NI NORIKAERU To make a change S for the worse USHIROGOTO Slander of person not present USHIRO KAZE Favorable wind wind behind one USHIROYASUI Having or leaving no anxiety i USOKEI Right flank guard 1 USOKU TSUK5 Keep to the right USSH? Melancholy,despondency,hypochondria USU Radical 134 USUAKARUI Dimly lighted,crepuscular USUBAI Hollow tooth SUSUDE NO CHAWAN Thin teacup USUGASUMU To grow slightly hazy USUGINU Thin dress,thin clothing USUGIRI Light fog 3 USUGUMORU To be slightly clouded over USU ISHI Millstone,burrstone USUNEZUMI Light gray,pearl gray I3 USURAGERU To thin,lightenmitigate,weaken USURAI Thin ice S USURAKA NI Lightly,weakly,very thinly USURO Silk gauze,tiffany USUSHIROI Whitish USUTETSUBAN Sheet iron USUWARAU To smile USUZUKI Moon behind a cloud 4i $jJ UTAGAINAKI KEMRI Clear title L L- UTAGAWASHII TEN Disputable point UTAN Right tip,right end 0 UTEN JUN-EN Postponed for rain s UTENKAI Wheeling right,swinging right:z4f UTEN NI TSUKI Because of rainy weather UT6I Roundabout,devious,indirect,tortuous Q UTO S6S5 Time flies like an arrow S UTO-UTOSHII Very cold or indifferent, distant 3 UTSUKIRU To end,discussion etc.,draw the line,at a certain date UTSUMI Inland sea,gulf,bay UTSURIGAMI Paper token of gratitude UTSUROBORI Hollow sculpture UTSUROI Changetransition,vicissitude UTSUSHIBITO Ordinary or average person IJTSU-UTSU TO Dejectedly,melancholily S U I'AEDERU To complain UTTEGAE NI By turns,alternately,in inverse order U-UN Rain clouds UWABARE Swelling in the upper part 4 UWABEDAXE Outwardly UWABUKI Outside part of thatched roof UWAGAKE Covercoverlet,overlay UWAGASUMI High *ispy clouds rL1 UWAGIKAXE Coat rack UWAQIRUI Overclothes UWAG6RI Covering layer of ice UWAGOTO Talking in delirium UWARI Cataract of eye UWAHRIMO Wrapping cord UWAKAZE Gentle breeze UWAMAMAWARU To rise,comq to the surface UWAMIZU Water on the surface UWAMUKO To look up,show an upward tendency UWANAMI Lipper or alight roughness of the sea UWASUBEI SIlipping, sliding, slippery 665892 0 - 45 - 17 54 1" # t @li~LE ~s Wi-tleik &#lk `L WANGAN UWASUBERI Superficiality, shallowness of mind etc. UWA-UWA TO Hesitatingly,waveringly, capriciously UYA Rainy night UYAMAUBE3I Respectable,venerable UYOKU GUN Right flank of army UZU Chart to the right UZU Rain chart UZUDAKAI Heaped up,piled high UZUMAKI NO Centrifugal UZUMAKI HATSUJ6 Coiled spring UZUMAKU KYURYU Swirling torrent UZUMAKU MIZU Swirling waters UZUMIDOI Covered or underground drain UZUSHIO Tide which sets up eddies UZU-UZU Creepingly,with creeping sensation UZZU Bretton Woods w 4t4 RA 6) ffi4 tv JT 4 k to tv W tt G in( 1Ae * 3,t MS 5y A *g I I) f J - 3 4D~ 4It *I-@ 3 ailjkr t~F WaogF tt 9i 0if3 ~ ~PCE] 1L, $Rt I ig b taL 40% a 7 ~hfflotiH 94 of 3 i4 0 -t ` At P idS )C WA Counter for birds and hares WA Subhead 13 -WA- Japan,Yamato,Japanese language WABUN DEMP6 Japanese telgram WABUN EIYAKU Japanese to English translation WACHI KY0D6 Harmonious cooperation WADAN Conversation,talking, chat WAD6 Harmony,agreement WAEI JISHO Japanese-English dictionary WAGA GUN Our forces WAGA HAIGO Our rear WAGAHEI Our troops WAGAH6 We,us,our side WAGAT6 NAIKAKU Our own ministry WAGAT6 NO MEKMEN Members of our party WAHEI CHIKU Occupied areasChina WAHEI JilXN Peace terms WAHERIKU Occupied areas,China WAHI Peace or war WAIRO K6SHISHA Briber WAIRO SHUJUSHA Receiver of a bribe WAISB SURU To send a bribe WAIWAISHII Clear,distinct,obvious WAIZATSU Confusion,disorder and filth WA4TJIU SURU To agree WATJUN Engaging pliability of character WAJUN Seasonableness, obedience WAKAGO Very young child WAKAI I-IN Conciliation committee WAKAI SH6SHO Composition deed WAKAMEKJ To appear young WA KAMMURI Radical 014 WAKAMOTO Yeast tablets WAKANAE Early rice plant,young plant WAKANE Young root WAKATAKE Young bamboo WAKATEZOROI Company of young men WAKA-UDO Young man WAKAYU Young trout a5 WAKE2E NO TSUKU TOKI Psychological moment WAKE NI WA ILENAI It wouldn't do to,is impossible to L WAKERARENAI Indivisibleinseparable WAKESHIRI Well-informed person WAKETE Apart, separately WAKEURI Split sale WAKI Armpit WAKIAGARU To boil,gush,effervesce,ferment 3 WAKI AIAITARU Harmonious WAKIBONE Ribs WAKITE Especially,particularly WAKOKU Japan WAKON Japanese spirit or soul WAKU Category WAKU Frame,yoke WAKU Mildness,moderate temperature WAKUGAI Outside the allotment WAKUGI Doubt, suspicion WAKUSEIGI Planetarium WAKY6 J6-AKU Treaty of conciliation WAMEKISAKEBU To screamn,shriek WAIEKITATERU To raise the voice,shout out WAMPAKU SURU To anchor WAMPAKU KOZ6 Urchin,spoiled child WANCHAIKU SURU To arrive at port WANGAI Outside the bay WANGAN Bay shore Ai t *AMt X-4 -- #IA tl t 3 1w *Ai t14L VA t02 1 3 lo M ~s44 -r~ C F~ Ainti~ WANGETSUJo 254 WANGETSUJt Crescent -shaped WANHCAKU SURU To anchor WANIRURA Vanilla WARKAN Bent pipe,siphon WANK6 Natural port entered through narrows WANKYOKUBU Curve, elbow, flexure, joint WAON Japanese pronunciation WAONKI Japanese signal flag WAPPU KIN Allotment,share WARABIGARI Bracken gathering WARABI NORI Bracken paste WARA BUTON Straw mattress WARAIAU To laugh together WARAIKURASU To spend one's time in merriment WARAIKURUU To be convulsed with laughter WARAIKtJZURERU To laugh hysterically WARAIKY6ZURU To laugh and be merry WARAITE Laughter WARAJISEN Travelling expenses WARAKASU To amuse,make laugh,mock,make fun of WARA IUSHIRO Straw matting WARRAZAIKU Straw work WAREDANOMI Self-reliance WAREMONO Fragile object,frail thing WARESHIRIGA0 Knowing look WAREWAGAO Proud looks,triumphant face WAREZUM5 Draw in wrestling WARI Ten per cent WARIATE SAIHOKEN Reinsurance by quota WARIAWASERU To distribute to each his share WARIBIKI BUAI Discount rate WARIBIKIGAKU Discount WARIBIKI GINK6 Discount bank WARIBIKI GY6SHA Discount house WARIBIKI J6SHAKEN Discounted train ticket WARIBIKIKEN Commutation ticket WARIBIKI NEDAN Discounted price WARIDAKA Relatively high price WARIDASHI KYUKIN Progressive wages WARIGAKI Explanatory note WARIGOMI Squeezing in,wedging in, penetration WARIMASHI CHINGIN Extra pay WARIMASHI HOKENRY6 Extra premium WARIMASHI KIN Premium WARIMASHIKINZUKI SAIKEN Premium-bearing debentures WARIMODOSHI KIN Rebate,bonus WARIMUGI Roughly ground barley WARINAI Intimate, inseparable WARI NO II Remunerative WARI NO WARUI Unprofitable WARITAKE Split bamboo WARITSUKE KIN Allotment,dividend WARIWATASHI Dividend, distribution, apportionment WARYU Japanese style WARYU SURU To vulcanize WASABIZUKE Preserved horse-radish WASAN Japanese product WASAWASA Excitedly,on tenterhooks WASEDA Waseda University,early-rice fields WASHI I,me WASHI Japanese paper WASHI Price agreed upon WASHIBANA Aq iline nose WASHIN J5YAKU Peace treaty WASHINKOKU Friendly power WASHIRU To run,flee,gush ou-t WASHO Japanese custom or practice WASUREMIZU Hidden spring WASURESARU To throw out of one's mind WATADANE Cotton seeds WATA KUZU Cotton refuse,cotton waste WATA MUtJSHI Apple blight insect WATAN Japanese coal WATANUKI Cleaned fish WATARAI Occupation,way of living WATARIARUKU To wander,roam,knock about the world WATARI NI FUNE Timely rescue WATASE Ford easily crossed on foot WATASHIBA Ferry WATASHIBA Place of delivery WATASHI PUSOKU Short delivevy WATASHIKI Delivery date WATASHIKIRIHI Discretionary funds *ct4r s 4-- 16A 4f - 3 ry, f( krfy>M ItI 1 101 thf~l 4 L~" 14 4A k rtil 3, -kt ý ý100 sA k -to r 44VI R I'X/i4tip; C k s@:-#R;it Mi( L4 i fi. 1 491;r~ t~.1rk 3 ityi1 It.. ~ L. t It ~ * 1J A9 A IT i YAKEI WATASH6 Cotton trade,cotton dealer-,cotton broker WATA SHUSHI Cotton seed WATATSUMI Cotton picking,cotton picker WATA-UCHI Cotton beating or willowing WATA-UCHI KIKAI Willowing machine WAWANA Running noose WAYAKU Japanese pharmaceutical products WAYAKU Peace treaty WAYAWAYA Noisily,boisterously, clamorously WAY6 SETCHU Blending of Japanese and European styles Y YA Eight YA Subhead 29 YA Radical 111 YA Sign of question,something to the effect that YA-AN Darkness YABA Wild horse YABAI Wild plum tree YABANJIN Barbarian,savage YABANKA SURU To barbarize YAB6SHI Field air defense commander YABUJIKARA Herculean strength YABUKISONZURU To spoil by tearing YABUREGOROMO Threadbare clothes YABURE-IE Dilapidated house YABUREKABURE Desperation,despair YACHI House and land YACHI Valley YACHI Wasteland YACHIN SEIGENREI Rent restriction act YACHIN SONSHITSU HOKEN Rental insurance YACHB Nighttide YACHOKU Night duty,night watch YADOCH5 Hotel register YADO KOYA Roadside cabin YADOYA SUMAI Living in a hotel YAEICHI Camp site YAGAI ENZETSU Outdoor speech YAGAI GAKK6 Open-air school YAGAI GEKI Outdoor play YAGAI HIKM Cross-country flight YAGI Yagi Company YAGI HIGE Goatee YAGIKAI Goatherd YAGI KAWA Goatskin YAGURA Sepulcher,tomb YAGURA DAIKO Announcing-drum for performance YAGY0 SURU To fish at night YAGY6 Walking at night YAHAZU Y6SETSU Fork weld 'YA HEN Radical 111 YAH6 Fieldwork,in fortification YAH6TAI Field artillery unit YA-IN Under cover of night YAINAYA Whether or not YAJIRI Rear of a house or shop YAJIRIKIRI Housebreaking,housebreaker, rascal YAJIRUSHI Arrowhead YAJUN SURU To patrol at night YAJOSEI Brutality YAKAN BAKUGEKIKI Night bomber YAKAN BOGY0 Night defense YIAKAN HIK Night flight YAKAN KAIKA Night flowering YAKAN SENT-KI Night fighter YAKAN SHUCGY Nightwork,night shift YAKAN TEISATSUKI Night reconnaissance plane YAKANT For night use YAKEAGARU To bu:n,be consumed by fire YAKEANA Burnt hole YAKEBA Scene of a fire EYAKEBARA Angry fit of despair YAKEBATA Field dried up or laid waste by fire YAKEBATAKE Field dried up or laid waste by fire YAKEBOKORI Dust rising from a burnt area YAKEBOKORI Prosperity after a fire YAKEBUTORI Prosperity after a fire "YAKEFU New grass on burnt area YAKEI Field intendance YAKEKOMU 255 YAKEKOMUJ To burn in,into A4 YAKEKUSO Desperation " ) YAKENGARI Stray dog roundup it XYAKEOCHIRU To burn and fall,burn down YAKI Night air YAKI Pottery,porcelain 4-*; 6 YAKI SURU To return at night YAKIDAMA Semi-Diesel or hot-bulb engine S YAKIDAMA CHAKKA KIKAN Semi-Diesel or hot-bulb engine YAKIFU Baked gluten cakes YAKIHOROBOSU To burn without leaving a trace 4~hl 5 YAKI-IRERU To stick in the fire kit YAKIKIN Pure gold,refined gold IN YAKINAOSU To recast,reforge,refurbish, rehash,adapt YAKIN-IN Night shift YAKISEKK5 Plaster of Paris YAKITATERU To burn completely YAKITE Deceit,trickery,deceitful person Ai4 F YAKITE Stubbornness,jealousy,wildly jealous person YAKIZAT6 Caramel YAKKAN Official interpreter or translator YAKKY6 Portable medicine kit S YAK YOKUHIN Pharmacopoeial drugs YAKCYOKUH55HIN Pharmacopoeial drugs, official remedies YAK6 Blacksmith YAK5 Night attack 4-rR YAK5 GUN Night march ~igh YAK5 JUNSA Policeman on night duty rI R YAKOKU Dark polar regions &4Ii-l4r YAK5 RESSHA Night train Irut ti* YAK5 TORYo Luminous paint fI YAKOZEN Would-be philosopher t YAKUBM Dispensary YAKUCHIKU Work cattle IVA- YAKUCH6 SURU To bound,hop,jump about YAKUCHU Large medicine chest YAKUDOKU Injurious effects of medicine f At - YAKU EKI Chemical fluid,medical fluid *iAftf YAEKUEMMAKU Smoke screen S4> YAXUGAI NO Unofficial SJ. YAKUGAN Pills re 1 YAKU HAJIME First climacteric in one's life S YAKUH5 Laws easy to understand YAKUHON Translated book k 44 YAKU-IN KABU Management shares 45' YAKU-INKAI Officers' meeting,court 4 4r YAKU-IN SEKI Officers' seats J YAKUJIN Detestable person,god of the plague F YAKUJIN SURU To examine through an interpreter VI YAKUJO Treaty,pact,agreement YAKUKI Date agreed on 42LA YAKUMAWARI Part responsibility,buiden IZf- YAKUME Duty office,function,business YAKUMAE Assignment,role,office,function, duty Q',M*O YAKUMEGARA DE By virtue of one's office 01 0 Ao) YAKUMEGARA NO Functional fi -f YAKUME GA TATSU To have one's duty done 'YAKUMEI Name of a medicine ~ YAKUIIU Official duties ý YAKUMUKA Pharmaceutic Section flhk(t- YAKUNIN KONJO Officialism,red tape Q ih~ YAXININ SEIKATSU Official career f ~Z YAKU NI TATSU To be useful,serve the purpose Qa YAK1Nb Virtues of a medicine,efficacy of a drug YAKURIKI Efficacy of a remedy 9grc YAKURYAKU Gist,summary YAKURYd Amount of powder jit YAKUTRY Medicine,materials used in treatment S YAKURYO Price of remedies FP f YAKURY$ SURU To finish translating YAKUSATSU SURU To kill by poisoning S YAKUSEI Nature of a medicine E4~ YAKUSEN Prescription,~n medicine?CYAKUSETSJU Translation with verbal explanations 4aC YAKUSHA SH6BAI Stage career Nt6i-4 5 YAKUSHI SURU To compel to stop or halt % YAKUSH6 Druggist,pharmacist (1s4 YAKUSHOKU-IN Officials and personnel -t '- YAKUSHU SURU To guard strictly TH ~ "tE CT 4 c /-y z$ 4A nAt;fu" AL ~ I4 Ff LL4 9 si J,) I~x t% T LL T "tt LLi Q~ZJ( 4 IL ftAt r 2 f 1A -1 ti ~"A J c t as l. z 34 ' J,1 ~i~ L4;j lt Wr iiWat i ftBC 4a:s ok B "r t1o It T A B~it /\E Ar a,\Fj EB YAREMA YAKUSHU Flavor of translation YAKUSHU GY6SHONIN Drug peddler YAKUSHUTSU SURU To spring out,rush out YAKUSOKU SURU To be obstructed,be impassable YAKUSOKUSI15 Written agreement YAKUSUI Liquid medicine YAKUTAI MO NAI Unreasonable,absurd, useless YAKUTE Promissory note YAKUTEN Apothecary's shop YAKUT5 Medicinal bath YAKEU-UN Perilous situation,crisis YAKUY5 Government service,official business YAKUYU Drug importer YAKUZAI Medicinal raw materials YAKUZAI... Pharmacy corps,in navy commissions YAKUZAIKA Pharmacy Section YAKUZAl TAISA Pharmacist captain 6YAKUZAI TOKUMU... Special duty..., pharmacy corps,in navy commissions YAKUZAI TOKUMU SHIKAN Special duty officer,pharmacy corps YAKUZAI TOSATSU, Anatripsis 'YAMA Counter for piles or lots of fruit YAMA Radical 046 YAMA-AGE Eruption of pustules of smallpox YAMABETSI Mine by. mine YAMADA Mountain rice field YAMADACHI Bandit,highwayman,hunter YAMADOME Landslide protection work YAMAGAWA Mountain stream YAMAGI Mountain tree YAMAGIRI Mountain mist YAMAGIWA Base or approaches of the mountain YAMAGOE Mountain crossing,YAMAGOTO Speculations,in finance YAMAGUCHI Access to a mountain,beginning, outset YAMAHATSU Leaving the mine YAMA HEN Radical 046 YAMAIDARE Radical 104 YAMAJIO Rock salt YAMAKAMI Mountain summit YAMAKAN Speculation,quackery,adventure YAMAKAWA Mountains and rivers YAMA4EGURI Downpour,cloudburst YAMAMOTO At the mine YAMAMOTO Foot of mountain YAMATODAMASHII Japanese spirit YAMATO KOTOBA Japanese language YAMATSUMI Piling up high YAMATSUZUKI Mountain range YAMA-UCHI SHIKI Yamauchi type YAMA-URI Speculator in mines,charlatan YAMAZUMAI Sojourn or stay in the mountains YAMAZUMI Accumulation,pile,heap YAMAZURA Approaches of a mountain,side of mountain YAMI Suffering,illness YAMIHoKERU To be weakened by illness YAMIME Diseased eyes YAMINE Black market price YAMI NI J5ZURU To take advantage of darkness YAMI SHIDAI As soon as it stops YAMI S-BA Black market price YAMI TORIHIKI Black market transaction YAMMASEN Chinese junk,sampan-type motor-driven landing craft YAMO Nyctalopia,night blindness YAMOME NO SHUSHINSAN Dower estate YAMO0 SHOSHINSAN Estate by courtesy YAMORI Caretaker, watchman YAMOSHIREZU Perhaps YAMUINAKI Unavoidable,necessary YAMU 0 EZARU Unavoidable,necessary YANEMEN Roof top,roof surface YANETSU Nocturnal fever,night heat YANIME Waxy eye,bleareye YANIWA House and garden,residence YAO Eight hundred,large number of YAOJI Numerous roads,distant region YAOMO Eight sides,many directions YAOMOTE Front of a house YAQYAMONO Vegetables YARE Tear,fracture,breakage YAREMA Split,rent,rip,crack YARIAI 256 YARIAI Cooperation,attack,figbt,joust YARIAU To cooperate,compete,fight YARICHIGAERU To do badly,manage awkwardly YARICHIGAU To act clumsily,behave improperly Ape) YARIHAJIMERU To begin,undertake,resume itg o YARIKAKE Beginning,launching of project, being in process AiM YARIKAMP6 Indifference, carelessness, abandon J9 P7 YARIKIRENAI To be unable to finish YARIKIRU To complete,carry out,bear with iQi L; YARIKOMU To refute,put to silence YARIKURU To make shift,temporize, manage to f WYARIOTOGAI Undershot jaw 4 /- YARI SHIAWASE Spear tournament t & YARITSUZUKERU To keep on doing,follow out,carry out YARU To put to flight,defeat YARU To shatter,tear,break,destroy YARY6 Coolness of night YARYU Stream through a plain A\t, <)ý_ty YASAKANI NO MAGATAMA Jewels,one of 3 Imperial Regalia & YASE Gauntness, thinness,emaciation YASEGAO Emaciated face *tZ YASEGARERU To be emaciated ARMl YASEGAWA River with many rapids YASEGO Puny child,;6 YASEHATERU To grow extremely thin YASEHOSORU To get thin,become emaciated YASEN Night fighter YASEN B5EKI Field sanitation YASEN BoKu SHIREIKAN Field air defense commander K F. YASEN BUTAI Night operations force,navy YASEN BY6IN Field hospital.t YASEN DENSEN Field wire line YASEN GUN Night battle group YASEN KEN-ETSU BUCH6 Chief field censor YASEN KIK6SH6 Field machinery and ordnance depot YASEN KIN Field pay YASEN KISH& BUTAI Field meteorological unit L YASEN KoKiK BUTAI Night battle air force YASEN KoKu HOKYu Field air supply SHUTCHoJO sub-branch f t 5 YASEN K&KU SHORI BUCH6 Field air repair department commander If!A YASEN K6KU SHOZENSH6 Field air repair depot J ' YASEN SHITAI Night battle detachment U YASENTAI Night battle unit 4I& YASEN TETSUD6 GAWA Army railroad authorities tWi YASEN YOBI BYMIN Field reserve hospital If *'t-k YASEN YOBIN SHOCH6 Field post office commander Sff i YASEN YUS6BU Field transport command V_*& 6 YASEOTORERU To become emaciated,waste away t z-ftt YASETA TOCHI Barren soil YASET5RU To be emaciated YASETSU Night snow YASETSUCHI Thin soil,unproductive soil YASHIEN Coconut grove - YASHIGARA SEN-I Coconut-shell fiber X Ito YASHIGARATAN Coconut-shell charcoal ^ YASHISHI Unofficial historian -' YASHIYU Coconut oil 3 YASHOKU Night illumination YASHO Night study.. YASHO -Rustic manners YASHOKI Night attack plane YASHUKU SURU To spend the night at ar inn T YAS5 Burial in wasteland YAS6 Night frost W YASo Uncultivated plants S YASUFUKU Cheap ready-made clothes S YASUGENK8 Cheap or hack writing 15ES~ YASUKUNI JINJA Yasukuni Military Shrine ^ it ~ YASUKUNI JINJA SAI Yasukuni Shrine Festival YASUMORORUI Cheap lines,of goods YASUNE TEIKY6 Offered down,in securities I exchange YASURAU To rest,relax,hesitate A\ YATA NO KAGAMI Mirror,one of 3 Imperial Regalia YATANSEN Single-seater night fighter f, f ffik AL 1 ftL& t1 ^ 0-- ftFoo 1fe W4It 921;( 'f' ^J~3 4il fti ffi ft. J^B^^ 6 HtA?(^o otFf h TtLg t fft fll ^n 3 Nt ofy'^ S4 t^^^^Q J~t ^^){3 ^45 itft 6 ^^t 5 ft I - YoDO TETSU SHARIBETSU YATEI Night reconnaisance YATETSU Field railway transport YATOIDOME Dismissal from employment YATOIGURUMA Carriage for hire YATOI-IRERU To hire YATOINUSHI SEKININ HOKEN Employers' liability insurance YATSUHANAGATA Octagon YATSUREHATERU To waste away YATSUYATSUSHII Very shabby,miserablelooking YATTOKOSA At last,finally YATTOKO SUTTOKO With difficulty YAWA Talk at night YAWARA NI Gently,softly,leisurely YAWARI Wedging YAYA Each night,every night YAZAMP6 Field mountain artillery YO Four YO Subhead 15 YO Honan Y6 Counter for skirts,swords,and articles worn around the waist Y6 Measurement ton Y5 Radical 052 Y Well, indeed, thoroughly Y6 Yang,the male,positive,bright,and beneficent principle Y6 Radical 101 -Y5 For S-Y6 -form, -shaped, -like Y6 NI So that,that YOBI Call,summons YOBIEKI Reserve,in military science YOBI FURYOKU Reserve buoyancy YOBIGANE Call bell YOBIHI Reserve expenses YOBIHIN Spare parts,reserve supplies YOBI-IDASU To call,summon,subpoena,ring up YOBIKAN Reserve ship YOBIKI Reserve plane YOBI KICHI Reserve base YOBI KIN Reserve fund YOBIMAI Reserve rice YOBINE Offered price,price asked YOBISHIN Preliminary examination YOBISUTERU To call someone omitting title and honorifics YOBIYOSE SHoMEI Certificates enabling Japanese abroad to call relatives YOBO Dotage,dotard YOBo Fame,popularity YOBo Participation,collaboration YoB6 SURU To gaze into the distance Yo-B 6DRI As requested YOB6H6 Precautionary measure Yo-B NI 6ZURU To meet a demand YOBoYAKU Preventive Y6BU Principal men in a government YBY6 SURU To hoist anchor Y6CHAKU Fusing Y6CHI Unloading place,destination YoCHIKU Young cattle YoCHIKU SURU To rear,breed Y6CHIN' Wages YOCHI NAKI There is no room or possibility for Y6CH6 NO SHI Punitive expedition Y6CHO On the high seas YoCHU SURU To melt down,fuse Y6DAISHO Bulletin re a patient YODAN First conjugation,e.g.,kaku YoDAN SURU To hoist ammunition YODATSU Disposition Y6DO Degree of importance Y&DO Degree of use Y6D6 Deceptive movements Yo-D Demonstration of force Yo-D Oscillation Y6D5 Young child YoDO CHUDOKU Iodism YoDO CHOSHA Iodine injection YODOFUORUMU Iodoform YoDOFUORUMU GAAZE Iodoform gauze YODOFUORUMU KOROJYuMU Iodoform collodion YoDOFUORUMU MEN Iodoform cotton Y6DO KARYUMU-Ja Potassium iodide paste YoDO KARYOMKU NANK Potassium iodide ointment YODOKU Remaining poison,evil effects Y6DO TETSU SHARIBETSU Syrup of ferrous iodide 1A34 (tIef 3 tnfiP4 1r( it ~*A. mR ~- r~e irBB4 72P' 6 r 5 r 54 ~ ~iQ PC 6 ~eb iLZt 3 i 5 II~~ LDEX~R $t$f lz d AS iA - ~ ~tAi 3 A~ S iS # t:Ai e; fi kft$ MiT 3 3 1k t lly b ~dS E t 1 i~ht3 YoDOZAI 257 Y6DOZAI Iodine preparation Y6EI SURU To be reflected Y6EKI nEmployment,hired labor YdEKI Forced labor YOEN Dying flames,embers YOEN Smoke from dying embers Y6EN Gossamer YbFU Foreign cotton cloth Y6FU Hired laborer Y6FU SURU To weld Y6FUHO Subject to insurance Y6FUKU Lumbo-abdominal,in anatomy YoFUKU SAIMIN Poor salaried men,the salaried poor Y6FUKU SUGATA In European clothes YOGAI Evil effects,injurious consequences Y5GAKUKA Player of Western music Y6GAKUSHA Scholar of Western learning Y6GAN Rocking stone YOGEKI Clearance Y&GEKI SURU To lie in wait,intercept YdGEKI SURU To meet an attack Y6GEKI SAKUSEN Waylaying operations Y6GEKI SHITAI Interceptor detachment YOGENSHA Prophet,seer YOGETSU Offset,outgrowth,remnants Y6GI Uncertainty YOGINAKARASHIMERU To make necessary Y5GO Important word Y6GO KUSE One's phraseology YOGOREPPOI Easily soiled YOGOSHI SURU To pass whol6 night,sit up all night Y6GU Necessary materiel,requisite materials Y6GUKO Storeroom YdHAI SIJIKI Praying from a distance YoHAKU Potassium iodide Y5HATSU SURU To excite,stir up Y6HEI SURU To employ YoHEI SURU To unload troops Y6HI Necessary or not necessary Y5H6 Foreign gun Y6lH6 Report,dispatch Y5HMIA Keeper of bees 5HY 6( Required list YO-I Surplus power Y6IKI Important area Y6IKORA Yo-heave-ho Y6IKU Training,education Y6IKUHI Expense of child rearing YZIKIUH6 Child-rearing methods Y6IN Employee,needed personnel Y6INKA Personnel Section Y6-ION Positive ion YOI ORI Favorable opportunity YMITSU SURU To overflow Y6JAKU NA Young and weak YOJI Another time,the time remaining Y5JI European letters Y5JI Important matter Y6JI AZUKARISHO Public nursery YOJIKAN Remaining hours YOJIKURERU To be twisted,be bent,be curved Y.JIN Essential people Y6JIN Influential people,important man Y5JIN Foreigners Y6JIN Ordinary man YOJIRU To climb up,scale Y6JI SHIB& RITSU Infant mortality YOJ& SURU To concede YaJa At sea,over the ocean Y6Jd SURU To concede,yield YOJ6 KIN Surplus funds YtJ6RIKU Feint landing,false landing Y&JJU Arboriculture YiJU Demand,needs Y JUTSUSHI Magician YOKA Excess goods YOKA Roughly estimated value YOKAI SURU To forewarn YaKAI Cement YTKAI Dissolution YiKAI Ocean YJEAI.SOMME Refining loss,in minting Y&KAKU SURU To seize,clutch YijAKU SJRU To shake,agitate YOKAN Leisure,spare time YoKARYOKU Lifting capacity of crane Y6KATSU SURU To revive YOKEMICHI Subterfuge MI ' 041. t i$ ~~i 1 )~~~ 4%t ~i-tif4 ) ~iib~5 fTk 0# ~ klit 4 3 8 8 A: ~yI~.# 73 1t I fi r ffit f~~f 39 ~ 32# Iht It'4l t 3s6 1b ~ jt j JSE L EiE i Le i E ~~ #ZI(c P 9I~ ~a~ 3CMe B OB$f 5 I wfvgxt - YOKUSA1 SEIJIKAI YOKEN Previous right YOKEN SURU To anticipate,foresee,look forward to YOKETSU SURU To decide beforehand YoKETSU MIKAN KEIYAKU Escrow deed SH6SHO YoKI Receptacle,vessel,reservoir YOKI HEIKIN MEISO Life expectancy YOKIMBU Deposits Department YOKIN Money on deposit YOKIN Spare money Y5KIN SURU To melt metal YOKINGAKARI Deposit teller YOKIN GINK6 Bank of deposit YOKINHY6 Deposit slip YOKI NI HANSURU To be contrary to expectations YOKIN KANJ6 Deposit account YOKIN KA.RIKA Deposit Supervision Section YOKIN RIRITSU Deposit rate YOKIN RISHI Interest on deposit YOKINSHA Depositor YOKIN SH6SHO Certificate of deposit YOKIN TEGATA Banker's note Y6dKINTSO Lumbago YOKIN UN-Y&KA Deposits Investment Section YOKKA Under the wing YdKO SURU To employ,hire Y K6 Essentials,outline Y oK Feint,deceptive attack YdK6 Flickering light Y6K5 Worker hired by the day YOKO AKARI Side light YOKO ASHI Side step YOK&BI Reserve YOKOBORI Moats at sides of citadel YoKo&BU Naval station Y-K6GAERI Person returned from abroad YOKOHAMA SHdKIN GINK6 Yokohama Specie Bank YOKO-IJI Obstinacy YOKO JIKU. Horizontal axis,transverse axis YOKO KAKUHEKI Transverse bulkhead YOKOKU Allied country,friendly country YOKOKU Other countries YOKOKU Satellite country YOKO KURA Sidesaddle YOKOMACHI Side street,alley YOKONAGARE Escape,diverting YOKO NI SURU To lie in horozontal position YOKO NO RENGB Horizontal combination,in business YOKORYO Crosscurrent YOKOSEI Made in Yokohama YOKO SEN Dash,in punctuation YOKO SEN Horizontal line YOKO SHIKI Horizontal type YOKOSUBERI East-west shipment,side shipment,in South Pacific YOKOSUBERI Sideslip,in aeronautics YOKOTAOSHI Overturning on side,disloyal discussion YOKOTE Side,flank Y6KOTSU Membranous bone,in anatomy YOKOTTSURA Side view,profile,side YOKOYARI 0 IRERU To cut in,break in, intercept YOKO ZAHY6 Abscissa YOxKU Radical 056 YOKU SURD To improve,make good YOKUATSU Repression,oppression,restraint YOKUB5 SURU To long for. YOKUD6I Avaricious,rapacious YOKUD&SHII Avaricious,rapacious Y6KUGI Nail,foreign nail YOKUIIITSU WATASHI BAIBAI Regular sales YOKUJ6 Greed YOKUJ6 On the wing YOKUJ6 Wing-shaped YOKUJUN Next period YOKUKAN Sprinkler YOKUMOKU SURU To take a hot bath YOKUNAI Inside a wing YOKU 0 FURE Dip your wing YOKURYOJO Internment camp YOKURYOSEN Ship under detention YOKURYOSHA Internees YOKUSAN Imperial Rule Assistance Association YOKUSAN SEIJIKAI Political Aid Association YOKUSEI SURU L58 7t b YOKUSEI SURU To assist in bringing about, to aid Zt j YOKUSEN SURU To bathe j 4 3 YOKUSHU SURU To wash the hands HP# YOKUSBCHB Early next morning i YOKUSOKU Foot bath W 'ot YOKIJSON SURU To be modest,depreciate oneself,humble oneself 2T5l YOKUTAN UKIBUNE Wing-tip pontoon t YOKUTEI Wing boat S YOKUTO SURU To take a hot bath YOKUTOSHI Next year,year after YOKU-U Fertilizing rain S YOKU-UTSU NA Dejected YOKUYA Next evening,until tomorrow night YOKUYOKU Modestly,respectfully %14- ~Yd iKYOBARAI Payable on demand $II1q4Y4KYOBARAI TEGATA Note on demand Sit 3 YdKYU 0 IFU SURU To abandon claim YOMEGURI Night watchman gt~ YOMIAWASERU To collate,check YOMIKAKARI Half-completed reading 6i, I4t YOMIKIRENAI To be unable to finish reading U9 YON Four *4 Y6NAN Young boy YONDAISETSU Four main national holidays YONEN Remaining years of life YON Go Mark IV,tank etc SYONHATSU BAKUGtRIKI Four-motored bomber S) Y6NIKU Sirloin Jb ~ YONIN Other people YdNIN Important people S Y6NIN SURU To allow,admit,forgive,pardon, tolerate Y6NB Acceptance VCq Y5N6 Containing,contents rf ~YO NO SHIHY5 Salt of the earth,light of the world YONSEN Fourth election of Roosevelt YONT6DATE Four-horse teamn t YONT6 KAIGI Big Four Conference S YONYU SURU To deposit yoYNYU SURU To charter,employ " Y5 0 ETARU To the point YoRAN Manual YORE Twist,kink YORI Margin of profit,additional profit t~ t ~ YORIAWASERU To interwist,intertwine YORIKAKE Twisting in reeling ~IS 3 YdRIKU SURU To land,disembark "/ t ' Y6RIKU SURU To unload or land,of people or goods YORIKUJIRA Dead whale washed ashore Y6RIKUJo Debarkation point YORITSUKI NEDAN Opening price YOROI Flexible armor,coat of mail YOROKOBIAU To rejoice together YoRON Important views YORON KENKYOJO Institute of Public Opinion r i YORON NI UTTAERU To appeal to public opinion S-4 ~YORON NO ITCHI Consensus of public opinion **0$ YORON NO RISO Trend of public opinion S YORON NO SEISAI Heavy yoke of public opinion Ai.; Ja YORON 0 KAERIMINU To defy public opinion *,*144 YORON 0 KANKI SURU To arouse public T b opinion tkr- I YORON 0 TSUKURU To mould public opinion MEXB cr 3 YdROPPA-KA SURU To Europeanize, Westernize YoROSHA Authorities YOROSHIKU Greetings ml' L ( YOROSHIKU 0 NEGAU To leave to another's best judgment S(*UZ YOROSHIKU TANOMU To leave to another's best judgnent YOROTSUKU To stagger,totter,be unsteady on feet YORUYOIARA Midnight,dead of night YORUYORU Each night,every night YORY6 Anticipation,expectation Y6RY6 Care of health,recuperationi Y6RYbIN Sanatorium, sanitarium YORYORU Surplus YORYOKU Aid,assistance ~f -" 3 YORYOKU SUTRU To lend assistancerender aid YORYD Branch,sect,division,party IT A r$ (P 2 ~E $14 R 4 3e$ 3f tt 4I ~g4 hL ~ fiv I fit it n 4ý A5 I A Art f k Etft HO P 18 4/"X7 -~ t;'t~ -if~r a A: ~ tC td 1~ ~ Rit IQeP YOSORU SURU YoRYU Ocean currents Y6SAI Leaf vegetable Y5SAI Slag Y6SAI CHITAI Strategic zone,prohibited area,fortified zone Y6SAI GUNKRb ortified port YBSAI H5HEI Garrison artillery Y6SAI H5HEI SHIKIRAN Fortress artillery commander YBSAIKA SURU To fortify Y5SAI KIMMU Garrison duties Y5SAISEN Attack on a fort,siege warfare Y6SAI SH6MEIT6 Fortress searchlight Y6SAI TANSH6Tb Fortress searchlight Y6SAI WA BID6DA MO Fortress is SHIORAZU.impregnable Y6SAN Foreign mathematics YdSAN Foreign umbrella,umbrella YOSAN-AN Budget proposal YOSAN BUNKAKAI Budget subcommittee Y6SANCHI Silk-growing district YOSAN CHdKA Excess over estimates YOSAN FUSEIRITSU Failure of budget YOSANGAI SHISHUTSU Defrayment unprovided for in budget YOSANGAI SHISHUTSU Extraordinary disbursements YOSAN SATEI Budget making YOSAN SHOBUN JZRAN Residuary clause YOSANTEKI Budgetary YOSATSU Preliminary examination YOSEATSUMEMONO Odds and ends Y6SEIKA Training Section YOSEKI Stores of grain,hoards YOSEKI Vacancy,room,spare space on ship Y6SEKI Loading and tinloading Y6SEKIBUTSU Goods in bulk YbSEKIDATE UNCHIN Measurement rate YOSEKIJO. Depot for tools,materiel etc. Y5SEKI KAMOTSU Measurement cargo Y6SEKI TON Measurement ton Y6SEKI TONSO Measurement tonnage YOSEN Remaining money Y6SEN Occidental style ship YdSEN KETYAKU Chlarter party,charter,in shipping YbSEN KEIYAKUCHU Under charter,in shipping YBSEN KETYARKUSHO Charter,charter party,in shipping Y5SEN KIRITSU Charter party fee Y6SENRY5 Charterage YOSHI That,after indirect quotation YOSHI NARU It appears that Y 5SHI Mutton suet Y5SHI Premature death Y6SHI Slag,dross YOSHIARIGE NA Significant Y6SHI ENGUMI Adoption Y6SHI ENGUMI TODOKE-IDE Report of adoption Y6SHIKI KETYAKU Formal contract Y6SHIN Adoptive parents,care of parents Y6SHIN Important letter YOSHIN CR6SHO Preliminary examination protocol YOSHINCHU On trial YOSHIN HANJI Examining judge or magistrate YOSHIN KETTEISHO Preliminary examination written decision YOSHIN SHCUETSU Conclusion of preliminary trial YOSHINTEI Preliminary court of inquiry Y6SHI SAKI Adoptive family YbSHI SH&RYAKU Gist in brief YOSH6EEI Honan,Hunan and Kwangsi Y6SHOKKI European dishes and silverware Y6SHORUJ& - Nursery,farm Y6SHOKU SHTRJU Cultured pearl Y6SHOKUYA Restaurant, cafe Y6SHU SURU To beckon Y&SHD SURU To pick up,recover Y6SHUN SANGETSU Height of spring Y6SO Nutritious substance,nutrient Y656 Itching eruption YOS6DAKA Estimates YOSjDoRI As expected YOS6GAI Unexpected YOS6 JUMY6 Life expectancy Y6SOKU SURU To block up,obstruct,suppress Y6SOKU SURU To close,shut,cover,fill YOS RIEKI 259 fit tj Y056 RIEKI Estimated profit S It Yi O YOSO RIEKI IHOKE Insurance on prospective I I*114 -4tPRM f 4? '39 ~ St 5 Mi R 3~.~ ft *,k Ag lt 4 )T - < M* 4 A it BB 44 AL~t ti:tt4 fits', t 1et(tK fiia ~1 s ~ ftt~t ')E K (a g MA; 9-1 41 Y 09LI l 1) H K -0 Rep jif * (dFMA it <tftS f F0) 504 SOik iJ i gg. ~c~ ClRif ~3 44b i; $tN' ~ $ffit 5 <ZPr3 5 S F &#:a 4 ~t jitifi j it~K L`R ik# ~ s~ ~ 18 }bt$8) > w MFRab 8i a si ~ profit Y60SORON Doctrine of elements,in logic YOSO SHOKAKUDAKA Estimated production, estimated crop Yb3OTEKI KEISHIKI Elementary form YOSUGA Means,manner,reason Y6SUI1EN Water rights Y5SUIKI Pump Y5SUIRO Irrigation canal,flume Y6 SUMI SHIDAI As soon as the work is finished YOTAKU SURU To deposit Y6TAIN Stretcher cases YZTAN.SURUT To unload coal Y6TAN KANJA Stretcher case Y TANKI Coaling winch Y6TATSU SH6NIN Contracted merchant for army supplies Y6TEI Nail YOTEIAN Schedule,program YOTEICHI Destination YOTEIGAKU Estimated amount YOTEI HOKEN Open policy,-in marine insurance YOTEI HOKEN SHoKXEN Open policy,in marine insurance YOTEI AYAKU KIN Liquidated damages YOTEI SAIHOMKESEI Reinsurance open-cover system YOTEI SHIB6 CHHKA Heavy mortality YOTEI S&KIN Covering remittance YOTEISU Prescribed number YOTEI YORI HAYAXU Ahead of schedule Y3TETSURO Cupola furnace Y5TO Use Y6T6 Loading and unloading Y6T6 Ocean island Y5TOJ6 Rabbit warren YOTOKU Profit,gain YB-TON Measurement ton Y6TONJ5 Swinery,piggery Y6TONRY6 Pannage,feeding hogs in a forest YOTSUGO Quadruplets YOTSUMEGAKI Rough bamboo fence,trellis YOTSUMEGIRI Square drill YOTSUMEGSHI Trellis work,lattice YOTSUMI Excess loading YOTSUORIBAN Quarto YOWAGE Weak will,poor courage YOWAKIREN Bears,on stock exchange YOWAKI SUJI Bears,on stock exchange YOWAKI ZAIRY6 Bearish factor YOWAMI Weakness,weak point YOWARIKIRU To be utterly exhausted YOWARIME NI TATARIME Misfortunes nev-r come singly YOWATARI NO MICHI Worldly wisdom YoYAKU SURU To condense,epitomize, summarize YoYAKU SURU To promise,sum up YOYAKU BOSHUO Invitation for subscriptions YOYAKU DAIKA Subscription price YOYAKU HAMBAI Sale by subscription YOYAKUIJ KIN Subscription price YOYAKUSHA MEIBO Subscription list YOYAKU SHUPPAN Publication by subscription YdY6 Slowly Y5Y5TARU ZENTO Bright future YOYU Remaining courage YoYU SURU To melt YoYU J6TAI Molten state Y&Y1TEN Melting point YBZAN SURU To rear silkworms Y&ZANKA Sericultural Section YOZATOI Easily awakened Y&ZU Sketch map,sketch YOZ[TMI Overload YU Chungking YU Subhead 39 YU Transport plane "-YO Radical 163 YOAI KUMIAI HOKEN Fraternal insurance YUBE Radical 036 YUBEKI NARI May be said to be YUBENJUTSU Oratory YOBENKA Eloquent speaker YUBE NO IRO Appearance of evening YUBI Having a tail YUBIKU To steep in hot water,to scald YuGO SURU oggiig YUBINBUTSU NO FUKUS6 Congestion of mail matter #P1jt't4i YUBIN CHOKINCH6 Postal savings passbook "ffP jjf 1 YUBIN CHUMON TORIHIKI Mail-order business lggt YOBIN FUSOKU ZEI Postage due #it 12+k YBIN HIKAECHB Outgoing-mail record kfpwqjty YUBIN HIK6 Mail flight WfN YUBIN J6REI Postal regulations WiA0C YOBIN J6YAKU Postal treaty top ffAýV YUBIN KAWASE Postal money order #Pf jk;f@JA YUBIN KAWASE SdBA Postal rate of exchange flbl. YUBINKYOKUCH6 Postmaster "IpfjE r YUBIN NENKIN Mail pension system,postal annuity Ap1f J. YUBIN RESSHA Mail train Plo YOBINSEN Mailboat if trt.ý YUBIN SHISHOKAN Post-office box *P j/ YUBIN SHUHAININ Letter carrier W46 u YUBISAKI SHIGOTO Finger work @3 YUCHI Bravery and intelligence S YOCHI Intelligence apW YiCHIN Postage i, RXa0 YUCHI UND6 Feint 9 YUDAMA Bubbles in boiling water Ab YUDAN Brave determination,resolution K YUDARU To boil,seethe,to cook in boiling water $s YUDAYAJIN Jew, Hebrew 4A tcL YUDAYAKY5 Judaism Wkkt YUDAYA KYdKAI Synagogue IkSA t YUDAYA KY5TO Jew,Judaist A6 K * YUDAYA MINZOKU Jewish race *;kK ý - YUDAYA MINZOKU SHUGI Zionism - i'~ YUDEAZUKI Boiled and seasoned red beans YUDENIKU Boiled meat Ap V-4 YUDEISHB Post and Telegraph Ministry, Afghanistan -7,Z{ YUDE TAMAGO Boiled egg 1 YUDO Land transport S YUD6 Rules of friendship r r YUD5 SURU To move,travel *i W M YD6 BYBIN Ambulance hospital,mobile hospital 1V YGDB HAN Guide squad 1t-RM YOD5 JIMMON Leading question YODdKI Pathfinder plane SYODb K6GEKIHA Leading assault wave X E YUDOKU GASU Poisonous gas E*MA YUD5KY6 Drawbridge i2 YUD5R'O Taxi strip,taxiing strip ýb rTF-V V YuDo SHUBI KEISATSU Mobile guard &P K BUTAI 0 P YUDTAI Guide unit it P YUDUTAI Mobile corps,marching regiment 0401ý YuD5TEKI Inductive,derivative YUEN Bituminous YUEN Smokiness YUEN Existing relations t: I YUE NAKI NI ARAZU Not without reason YUETSUKAN Sense of superiority S YUETSUSEI Superiority YUFU Strong breeze YOFUKU Wealth,riches g YUFUN Boldness T$7 3 YOFUN KANT d SURU To press daringly forward jQi *$ YUGAI BASHA Covered carriage SYUGAI KASHA Covered wagon At YJGAISHA Covered wagon 3Ifr YUGAMI KEISO Modulus of rigidity YUGAMI RITSU Coefficient of rigidity $% 1$2%i YUGAMI SOKUTEI S6CHI Strain-measuring device a YUGEKIHEI Partisans EtYst YUGEKI KANTAI Flying squadron 4r YOGEKISEN Guerilla warfare - 1 YUGEKITAI Commando unit,ground intercept unit,air I YUGEKITAI Flying column,mobile forces A Pli' R6 YUGEN HARAIKOMI HOKEN Limited payment life policy iiA YUGEN HdKA Limited legal tender VRA YOGEN NEEKIN Limited annuity jAf it YUGEN SEKININ KABUSHIKI Limited joint$pMt KAISHA stock company 5P&t*4*i YUGEN SEKININ SHA-IN Partner with limited liability trA4 YUGEN SHOYUKEN Limited ownership,estate tail r$ YuGI DANTAI Friendly party YUGIN Idle money,idle capital $ 1 - YUGO SURU To protect i*- -3 Adi3 I " 0A 3' as 4gi 4) ^Fg ^p lt^ 3 sL( ^ t ( i yft wS ^*X A^ %^^^.0 ^~g ^$ ^w^- 2 11;'Mg 111 ^h[ ^~ah ^idc ^^ ^^^fb ^ftgt 5'^'lt ^~^^W ^^$ ^^0 ^s ^mbi *mA $ ^^o9 ^fe& 4?i~ ^^## ^itti 4kT^ r ^^^-fifi w'flpi^ ^i&9 ^^4-^^ ^1 ^ 4T ^~> na 4 ^a^@@ ^^it ^^^ 9 - 4fX WWT ^ YiGa 260 YOGO Mail circular YUGS SURU To play YUGO DAI IKKI Primary intention of wound YUGO DAI NI KI Secondary intention of wound YUGUCHI Mouth of a hot spring,public bath entry YOGUNKI Friendly plane YOGY6S6 Itinerant priest YOHAINYO Albuminous YUHAKU Oil cake YOHEI Courageous soldier,brave troops YOHEICHU In confinement YOHEISHITSU Confine,prison YUHIN Excellent product YOH5 Right side,right YOUH5 ews received by post YOUH SURU To report by mail YOH6 KAMPAN Promenade deck YU-I Method,way YUI Raincoat made of oiled paper YUIGONJ6 Will,testament YUIGON KENSH6 Probate XUIGON N6RYOKU Testamentary capacity YUIGON SHISK6SHA Executor YUIGON SHIKK8SHA Letters testamentary SHITEISHO YUIGONSHO Will, testament YUIGON TORIKESHI Revocation of a will YUIGONZUKI ISAN KANZAI Administration with will annexed YUI-ITSU MUNI Unique,peerless YUIME Knot,tie,a bend YUTIMUSUBU To tie the hair YUIN Origin, cause YUIN6 KIN Betrothal gifts YUISEKI Heritage,the past YUI TAIKiNSHA Holders of court rank and decorations YUJI SURU To mourn over the times YUJIN Leisurely man,visitor,tourist YUJITSU Oil-producing seed YIJO Aid,assistance YOJ KA SURU To animate,in art YUJU NO Easygoing, indulgent YUKA SURU To soften,deliquesce YUKABUTSU Valuables YUKAI HAN Abduction YuKA K6SHI Yuhua Co.,Enriching China Co. YDKAKUCHIKU Horned cattle YUKAN Oil drum YUKAN Oil pipe YUKAN Audible,having signal strength YUKAN Mailbox YUKAN NO Vascular,vasculose,vasculous YUKAN KAIKYO Leisure class,idle rich YUKAN-URI Evening-paper roy YUKA SHoKEN Negotiable securities, valuable papers YUKATA Evening YOKEIKAI Material world YOKEI SHIHON Tangible capital YDKEI ZAISAN Tangible property YDKEN With swords,as in decoration YUKETSU Blood transfusion YUKIAI Meeting,meeting place,time of a meeting,passage from summer to autumn YUKIAI KY6DAI Half brothers YUKIATARI Meeting an insurmountable obstacle YUKIBA Appointed meeting place YUKIBUTSU Organic matter YUKIGAKA.RIJ5 By force of circumstances YUKIGAMAE Radical 144 YUKI HARAIKO4I HOKENRY6 Limited premium YDKI HIRY5 Organic fertilizer YOKIKA Organic Section YUKIKAERU To go and return YOKI KAKEKIN SHUSHIN Limited policy, HOKEN limited payment life policy YUKIKAU To keep passing one another YUKIKAYOI Traffic, circulation,social intercourse YUKIKAYOU To come and go,associate with YUKIKAZE Snowy wind YOKI K6SAI Time loan YUKIMA Thawed spot,interval during snow YUKIMODORU To go and return, come and go Y-uKIN Idle capital, idle money YUKINADARE Avalanche, snowslide YUKISAKI SHIJIBAN Destination board m C (, l ft$ - ^ 2 niL-^ ^ WC ^(f ) ^^K '1niRM OD, P( 9@ ^^%i~ <it^ ^ \ ^Nw1 ^ V 4 ^^t^ ^IS2' ^9txy ^ < ^ < ^ ^fr ^^41 ^^40 ^^^*s. t l^^o At:vs ^ v 5 ^^ St >^X 9ttfe ^^s ^~([ ^^ tp#x-r ^:P*} $~('gh ^\^&R \^g& NE\1)W ^ ffrfif ^41tt t^Aflts0 sdfft ^3M-dE ^^^ i%xw w 6 ILT$ %.^^ ^^A% >~ ^FU aEt as ^gi %.1? YUKISHINA NI On one's way to,at moment of leaving YUKI SHINTAKU Limited trust YUKI SORI Snow sledge YDKITAI Organism YUKITARANU To be remiss or at fault YUKITATSU To start,set out,get along YOKI TOKEI Penal servitude YUKIWAKARERU To part in opposite directions,go one's own way YUKIYAKE Chilblain,frostbite, chap YUK6 Friendship,friendly relations YUK6 Oil,fat,grease YUK6 CHITAI. Sphere of influence YOK6 DAIY6 DAN Practice shell with holes YOK5DAN Effective shells YUK6 KIKAN Term of validity YOK6 KINSHU Effective type of bacterium YUKOKU Friendly country,friendly powers YUK6 KYORI Effective range YUKON Heroic spirit,courageous spirit YUKo SHAGEKI Effective fire YOK6 SHATEI Effective range YUK6SH6 Certificate of merit YUK6 SH6HAI Medal for merit YUKo SHoMEI Certificate of validity YOK5 SUJI Significant figures YUK6TEKI Effective YUKUE FUMEI Whereabouts unknown YUKUE S5SAKU Searching, locating YUKURAKA Oscillatingly,vacillatingly, hesitatingly YUKUIUKU Easily,gradually,by degrees, continually YUKY5HI Amusement expenses YUKY5 ZEI Amusement tax YOKYU NO Idle,available,at liberty YOKYU GAIKXIN Salaried canvasser YUKYJtIN Available goods YOKYU I-IN Salaried committee. YUKYUSEN Pleasure craft,yacht YOKYOSHOKU Salapied position YU MADE MO NAI Needless to say YUMEI KEIYAKU Legally-defined contract YUMEI SUBEKI Nominal YUMI Radical 057 YUMI HEN Radical 057 YUMIYA HACHIMAN God of war YUMIYA NO MICHI Military arts,archery YUMIYA TORU NO MI Military man YUM5 Amount of wool YUMON Oil slick YOMoSHIN Intrepid spirit YUMU Presence,existence YUMUDEN Wire and radio messages YUMUKA Postal Section YOMUKKKAI Postal Workers Association YUNIKU Granulation,a medical term YUNo Oil bag,oil float TUN6 Shipping capacity YON6 Mailbag,diplomatic pouch,mail pouch YUNYU BoEKI Import trade YUNYO CHdKA Unfavorable balance of trade YUNYO FUKAZEI Primage duty YUNYUHIN Imports YUNYU KAMOTSU Inward cargo YUNYUKZ Import port YUNYUKOKU Importing country YUNYU M6SHIKOMISHO Inward entry YUNYOSH6 Importer YUNYU TEGATA Bills inward YUNYU TETSUZUKI Import procedure YUNYU WARIATE SEI Contingent,quota system,of import control YUNYO ZEI Import duty YUNYU ZEIRITSU Import tariff Y05U Courageous advance YU5 MAISHIN SURU To press on vigorously YU6T6 lojimaIo Island YURAIGAKI History,memoir YURAIGO Derivative YORAN ANNAISHO Tourist bureau YORAN KYAKU Tourist YORAN ZEI Visitor's tax YURARI TO Swinglngly,waveringly YUREDASU To begin to shake YUREDOKO Swinging cot,cot,cradle YUREI Oil -eoled YOREIBUNE Phantom ship YOREI KABU Bogus shares YOREKISHA Tourist YURI Tossing,shaking,oscillation YURIMARKURA 261 YuZu KIKAN itft~n A #4;Wr i~ t~ I4s. Aqftf f 4 4iq-t ~ A it RAtA f tA f R D# ~ 1Fb& YPER ~i#tRp fikf ~-1~ rP 432 3 $1 5 R itf$t rt$qa - (140E (t1if4;t; r (dj i (0s 4 3F~3k x 1:Ti35[ a;)# ~ 3 -E6MXt3 ~ rAqS R Sb 13 ~7##5 31~ ~iJZ5 ft;g ~ 19 il bttr 3 t 4st i ~9:tcQT rt,St Oft;A ~ ~CN~ oo YURIMAKURA Hammock YURI NO CHIHO Advantageous position YUJRU To swing,sway,shake,rock,dangle YURUI Oils YURUKASE NI Negligently,carelessly, perfunctorily YORYAKU Daring plan,bold scheme YURYAKU Grandiose plan,courage and strategy YURY6 Oil-bearing raw materials YURYB Preponderance YORY5CHI Shooting grounds YURY6HIN Choice articles YORY-K6 Superior ore YORY6 MENJ6 Shooting license -YURY6 SHEJIN A trusty YURY& SHUJITSU Oil-bearing seeds YURY6 TEGATA Fine bill YUSABURU To shake,jog,rock,swing,roll, joggle,oscillate YUSAN YUKAN KAIKYU Wealthy leisure class YUSEI Oil well YUSEI China Postal System YUSEI Postal Administration YUSEI EIGA Sound picture YUSEIGAWA Postal authorities YUSEIKA Petroleum Administration Section YUSEIKAN Oil pipe line YUSEI KAWASE Postal money order,foreign YUSEIKYOKU Postal Bureau,China YUSEI SoKYOKU Postal Headquarters,China YUSEN Oil ship,tanker YOSEN Japan Mail Line,NYK YUSEN Postage YUSEN SURU To fight bravely YUSEN DENSHIN Wire telegraph YUSEN DENWA Wire telephone YUSEN Jo-6 Primary consideration YUSEN KABU Preferred shares YUSENKEN Priority,preferential right YUSEN K6SAI Preference bond YUSEN KY6KYU Priority YUSEN NITE OKURE Send by wire telegraphy YUSEN SH6KEN Patent-pending rights YUSEN SHOYCKEN Outstanding title YUSENTEKI Preferential treatment YUSEN YADO Riverside teahouse YUSHAKUJ GI-IN Titled members of House of Peers YUSHI Oils and fats,oleoresins YOSHI Idle money,uninvested capit1l YOSHI Vbolunteer,person interested, supporter YUSHI SURU To provide capital YUSHI ENZETSU Admonitory address YUSHIKA Oils and Fats Section YISHIKAKU SHoNIN Competent witness YUSHIKI KAIKYO Learned classes YOSHI KIKONSHA Married men with children YUSHIKISHA Informed people YUSHI SAKUMOTSU Vegetable-oil crops YUSHITSU Paint, varnish, lacquer YUSH6 Superiority,predominance YUSH6 SURU To melt away YISHd KASHIKIN Debt of record YOSH6 KEIYAKU Contract made for a consideration YUSH5 KbI Juristic act done for a consideration YUSHOKU Steel gray YUSHOKUEN Colored smoke YJSHOKU JINSHU Colored races YUSH6 SHUTOKU Acquisition for value YUSHUTSU B6lZI Export trade YUSKUTSU B6EKI S6GAKU Total exports YUSHUTSU CH6KA Favorable balance of trade YUSHUTSU GANSHO Entry for export,entry outwards YUSHJUTSUGY6 Export business YUSHUTSUGY&SHA ATE Negotiation credit SHINYBJO YUSKUTSUHIN Exports YUSHUTSU HOSRH&H Export indemnity law YUSHUTSUKA Export Section YUSHUTSUKg Exporting port YUSHUTSU MENJb Export permit YUSKUTSUMUKI CHOION Export order,shipping order YUSHUTSTJ NEDAN Export price YUSHUTSUNYUHIN Exports and imports YUSHUTSU SHINKOKUSHO Declaration for export W.0 YUSHUTSU SHINKOKUZUMI Entered outward Ottim YUSHUTSU SHWNIN Exporter uto YUSHUTSU SH6REI Encouragement of export trade O#t IV k YUSHUTSU SH65REI KIN Export bounty Wt S14 YUSHUTSU TETSUZUKI Process of export, export procedure wtqd YUSHUTSUZAN Export balance "~t*O - YUSHUTSU ZET Export dutyjexport tax A$fil YUS6 Cicatrization,healing over ý434 YUS6 Gasoline tank sBJ YUS5 Oil tank 1t P YUS6 BUTAI Transportation unit 47 YUS6CHU In transit ]Af ElRTj4 YUS6 HIKdTEI Transport flying boat 9 LxO YUSXKA Transportation Section $4,_ YUS6KAN Efferent duct =EI YUS6KAN Oil line,pipe line *-tPA YUSo KANTAI Naval transport force di YUSdKI Transport plane jP i YUS6 KINSHI Postal ban 5A 2tA YUS6 KITAI Transport plane unit 44,61 * YUSdK5 Healing ointment YUSOKU Advantage in speed 4 j A YUS6 MURY6 Postage free >d ~ YUS6 POMPU Cargo oil pump 9i]) YtJS6 RESSHA Freight train * 0 YUS6RY6 Postage fCtLA YUS6RYOKU Carrying power ii A YUS5RYOKU GEN Decrease in shipping capacity 0) YUS6 SASHITOME Postal ban b4Ad YUSbSEN Oil tanker,tanker o:it*.x YUS5SEN Transport ship L YUS5 SEN Transportation line W4At* [ YUS5 SENDAN Convoy F& YUS6 SENTAI Transport merchantman unit Lt 41 YtUS6SHA Shipping company Eid YUS6SHA Tank car YUS3SHA Troop train fitpt YUS6TAI Transportation unit 4it0 YUS6 WAKU Shipping allotment 0A M- 4f YUS6Y6 SHIZAI Packing materials $ YUJSURI Shake,shaking,blackmail, blackmnailer > YUTAI Oil zone YUTAI Friendly unit 4 tt YUTAIBUTSU Materiality th it YUTAI D6SAN Corporeal property 4#4+# YUTAIKEN Complimentary ticket,h4t t YUTEN SURU To fill with oil P f YUT6 Heroic combat a YUT KASHIKIN Debt of record YUT6SEI Honor student S YUT6SH6 Honor prize S YUT6 SOTSUGY5SEI Honor graduate A YUTSU Circulation P W'1 YUTSO TEGATA KANKEININ Accommodation parties *i--t* YUTSU TEGATA URAGAKININ Accommodation endorser n YUTTARI Calmly,quietly,composedly,easily SYOUTSUSH5 Melancholia p ~ YOUTSUSH& KANJA Hypochondriac YUWAYURU So-called ýAitI YOYO HOKEN Extended insurance 1iM YOY6 KAKAKU Value in use isgftiw YUYO KIKAN Renewal period,legal delay tlt 4 YUYOKU SURU To assist,support t YUYO NISSU Days Qf grace /jyfi4t YUY5 SAKUMOTSU Oil-vegetable crop ai rot YUYa TO SHITA Stately,imposing YOZAI Ability,talent ai s YDZAI SURU To pardon an offense SPAiz YOZAI HASAN Criminal bankruptcy j1stEli YUZAI KENGISHA Suspected criminal 4 5Ea YOZEICHI Taxable land S ) YUZEI FUSOK[T Insufficient postage 4 sF4qs YDZEI FUY6 Postage free 4 ftO YOZEIHIN Dutiable goods ~isc YtZEI-IN Campaigner 4Mst04l YUZEI MUtRYZ Postage free 'iLt, At YUZEI RYOK6 Speaking tour *PktMt YUZEI SAKIBARAI Postage paid on delivery 4 ttAB; YOZEI SHIHARAIZUMI Postage paid d it?, YOZETSU SURU, To travel around and lecture 4 *fA i YUZ6 MUZ6 RENGb Discretionary pool $4ta * YUZU SURU To send,transfer igPZ s YOZO NO Negotiable,circulating, accommodation AIIbR YUZU KIKAN Circulating medium YiiZUKIYO 262 ZAKMY ý9 R4-E k(iv ýp 4R1 ~ A*L* (+ il St iK 4 ~t AtlkP 4f', @Al & ~t;atty A~e A M 43 A li 44 44 ~ k 4 4iO ~ 4 7 4*l a gj% rt~ 3OP K - A 0 It It ý,;3ffýi-ua A- It A1 > JIM IL;t$4t t ~t SiF ~r te;ttg ~ S;toA t 7 if&~ o&;t7A[;rt)r0~1 X~t;(A % YUZUKIYO Moonlight evening YUZUNEMBUTSU SHU Yuzunembutsu sect of Buddhism YUZU NO KIKU Elastic,versatile,Adaptable YUZURIMONO Heirloom,inheritance YUZURIWATASHI DAIKA Transfer price YUZURIWATASHI KEISHIKI Escrow depositary HOKANSHO YUJZURIWATASHI SH6SHO Deed of transfer YUZU SHIHON Circulating capital YOZU SHdKEN Negotiable instrument YOZU TEGATA Accommodation bill YOZU TEGATA HIKI-UKENIN Accommodation acceptor Z ZA Counter for mountains ZA-BAIKA Trans-Baikal Railroad ZABB SURU To forget self ZADANKAI Discussion meeting ZADORU To become black and blue ZAGURI ITO Back-reeled raw silk ZAT- Residing at,in ZAIAN Indictment ZAIBAN On duty,on guard ZAIBATSU NAIKAKU Plutocratic cabinet ZAIBU Residing in Vichy ZAICHI On the ground ZAICH6CHi While in office ZAICHUBUTSU Contents ZAIDAN H6JIN Juridical person,foundation ZAIDOKU Residing in Germany ZAIEICHU In military service ZAIEKIKAN Commissioned ship ZAIEKI KIKAN Period of active service ZAIFUTSU Residing in France ZAIGAI KIMMU Foreign service ZAIGAI K-KAN Foreign diplomatic establishments ZAIGAI KoKAN HiKYU Foreign diplomatic salaries ZAIGAI KdKAN SHUY6HI Expense of interning foreign diplomats ZAIGAI SEIKA Specie abroad,holdings abroad ZAIGAI SEIKA GENZAIDAKA Present foreign specie holdings ZAIGAKUCHU In school ZAIGAKU KIRAN Period of school attendance ZAIGAKUSEI Students in attendance ZAIGAKU SHIMEISHO School certificate ZAIG6 GUNJINKAI Association of reservists ZAIGOKUCHU In prison ZAIKA Residing in Harbin ZAIHAKU At anchor I ZAIHI Residing in the Philippines ZAI-I Residing in Italy ZAIJ6 MEIHAKU TO NARU To stand convicted of a crime ZAIKA Demerit,offense,criminal negligence ZAIKA Residing in China ZAIKAB6 Association of Spinning Companies,China ZAIKA B6SEKI D6GYoKAI Association of Spinning Companies,China ZAIKA CHUMON Stock order ZAIKAI NO FUKYB Economic depression ZAIKAN Ability,talent ZAIKAN On board ZAIKNEMN Foreign diplomatic salaries ZAIKIN Foreign service ZAIKIN In service ZAIKIN BUKAN Resident officer ZAIKIN BUKA.NSHITSU Office of reserve naval officer ZAIKINHB Service allowance ZAIKINI MEIZURU To order to take up work ZAIKO Residing in Shanghai ZAIKO NO Stored,in the storehouse ZAIKO SURT To be stored ZAIKb In the harbor ZAIKOHIN Goods in store ZAIKOHIN BAIBAI Sale in bond ZAIKOHIN SHICHI-IRISHE Pledge certificate of goods in warehouse ZAIKO KINGAXU Cash in hand ZAIKOMAI Rioe in storage ZAIK&SEI Students in attendance 4-44~ 44 ~ )r if V VIe - Ifhls 3 g t 44 Qggg v A ~Sl Ar L, ft 419 A441 ~ff gf qtk 0f a 9 Ov D A~ 94 V R4c) ~4A 41, e* l ogt A 5 R4A WA 5 M4$ 444ta *g4 A [iSgR e QýAiff EjZ10 4> ~ oft 4tt44 BAX k te # &t f~ ~ Itfit p 4id JR 81M r. t b ( MtrRSY B s(siff r 4a$ i A g S Q7ORk f i 8f Z 1R ~ WA s rK? ~r& B ## 3 &AQ r jpt$;i (4r s- #c# $4ti ol A It * 41Of ZAIK5SEN Ships in the harbor ZAIKU In the air ZAIKY6CHU While in Tokyo ZAIMOKU HIKIBA Sawmill ZAIMOKU OKIBA Lumberyard ZAIMOKU UMPANSEN Lumber carrier ZAIMOKUYA Timber merchant ZAIMUKA Financial Section ZAIMU KOMON Financial adviser ZAIMUKYOKU Bureau of Finances ZAINEI Residing in Nanking ZAININCH0 While in office ZAININ HIKIWATASHI J5YAKU Extradition treaty ZAIb Residing in Europe ZAIPA Residing in Paris ZAIRAI Hitherto,up to now ZAIRYGKO Materials warehouse ZAIRY6 SAIKU TOMO NI In material and workmanship ZAIRYd S6KO Material storehouse ZAIRYU GAIJIN Foreign residents ZAIRYD H5JIN Japanese living abroad ZAIRYOMIN Japanese residents abroad, residents ZAISAN BUNYO Settlement of estate ZAISAN HOKEN Property insurance ZAISANJ5 NO SHIKAKU Property qualification ZAISAN KANJ5 Financial status ZAISAN KANRI SH6SHO Letter of administration ZAISANKEI Pecuniary punishment ZAISANKEN Right of property ZAISAN MOKUROKU Property inventory ZAISAN NO KYUYU Community of goods ZAISAN *SASHIOSAE Attachment of property ZAISAN T5ROKU Property registration ZAISAN YUZURI-UKENIN Assignee ZAISAN YUZURIWATASHI Conveyance of an estate ZAISAN ZEl Property tax ZAISAN ZdKA Accession of property ZAISEIBU Ministry of Finance,in China ZAISEI HIPPAKU Financial stringency ZAISEI HbSHIN Fiscal policy ZAISEI JdTAI Financial conditions ZAISEIKA Financial Administration Section ZAISEI KANTOKU Financial control ZAISEI KEIKAKU Financial program ZAISEI KOMON Financial adviser ZAISEI KONNAN Financial difficulties ZAISEI SEIRI Financial readjustment ZAISEI SEISAKU Financial policy ZAISEITSU Authority on finance ZAISEKI Ancient times,formerly ZAISEKI At work ZAISEKI Guilt ZAISEKI Enrolled,registered ZAISEKI Fixed domicile ZAISEKI Person with registered domicile ZAISHITSU Material ZAISHITSU Property,quality,composition ZAISHITSU Nature of a crime ZAISHOKUCHU While in office ZAISHU Capitalist ZAISHU Grades of lumber ZAISHU Leader of a band of criminals ZAISHU Criminal,prisoner,captive,offender ZAISHUKU Stay in a hotel,presencg at home ZAITAI Corpus delicti,in law ZAITAI Residing in Thailand ZAITEKIKOKU KYORYOUMIN Office concerned KANKEI JIMUSHITSU with residents in enemy countries ZAITO Residing in Turkey ZAIYAKU Presence at work ZAIYAT6 Party out of office ZAJI Order of precedence ZAEKAN Miscellaneous cans ZAKKASH6 Generl merchandise store ZAKKATEN General store ZAIKI Various instruments,all sorts of. tools ZAKKO Small fish ZAKK6 Various ideas,different plans ZAKK6GY& Miscellaneous industry ZAKKOKUSH6 Dealer in cereals ZAKKOKU TONYA Dealer in cereals ZAKKOKU TORIHIKIJO Grain exchange ZAKKYO Miscellaneous salaries ZA1KO A K 263 ft& 4 #$4 & 9 S;t8 ~ Ii P% ~ t it Jk; RI 1- ~ P& kf1 A ~ 9R, MA I ~9j~ rA 0 ( AP- b ~ct j- ~ ~IE~ is flSL~ ~i~ 5) PI11~ 5Rlt ZAKO AMI Dip net ZAKO EBI Shrimp ZAKO NO TOTOMAJIRI Social climber ZAKOTSU Broken bone ZAKOTSU SHINKEITS0 Sciatica,hip gout ZAMBAKEN Keen sword ZAMBATSU Cutting,slaughter,extermination ZAMBATSU Very cruel expedition against rebels ZAMBEN Temporary setup ZAMB6 Destruction,complete rout ZAMB6 Savage cruelty ZAMMETSU Total destruction ZAMMETSU SURU To be completely destroyed, to annihilate ZAMMIU Interrupted dream ZAMMU SEIRI Winding up of pending business ZAMPAI SURU To suffer a crushing defeat ZAMPANDAI TSUMITATE KIN Slush fund ZAMPANYA Scrapman ZAMPON Unsold copies ZAN Remainder ZANAMI Order of places,arrangement of seats ZANCHI SURU To leave behind or stranded ZANDAKACHd Balance book ZANDAKA FUSOKU Insufficient funds ZANDAKAHYb Balance sheet ZANDAKA KANJ5 Balance account ZANDAN Remaining ammunition ZANDAN SURU To cut off,sever,break off ZANDEN Telegrams left over ZAN-EN Lingering smoke ZANGAI Damage,destruction,massacre ZANGAI HAIJO Clearing troops out of trenches ZANGAKU IZ6 Residuary legacy ZANGEKI Sword thrust ZANGEN SURU To decrease temporarily ZANGIN Balance of money unpaid ZANGIRI ATAMA Cropped head ZANGb KYUHb Trench mortar ZANG& NETSU Trench fever ZANGBSEN Trench warfare ZANGYAKUKA SURU To become cruel ZANGYAKU NA K6I Cruelty,atrocity ZAKKA Residual value ZANKA Unsold stock ZANKAI Regret,sorrow,grief ZANKET3U Bold decision ZANKETSU Defect,lack, imperfection ZANK5 SURU To go for a short time ZANKON Stump ZANNEN S6 NI Regretfully ZANNIN Cruel person ZANNIN HID6 Inhumanity ZANNIN NA NINGEN Brute ZANNYU GUNKAN Interned warship ZANRI Tyrannical officials ZANRY6 Remainder,remaining quantity, balance ZANRYOKU Remaining strength ZANRYU SURU To be banished ZANRYU BUTAI Remaining units ZANRYOBUTSU Residue,dregs ZANRYOSH4 Persons left behind ZANSA Sediment ZANSA ABURA Residue oil ZANSATSU SHITAI Murder victim ZANSHI Dregs,refuse,residuum ZANSHI Remains,vestiges ZANSHIN Shame, remorse, compunction ZANSHIN Slanderous spirit ZANSON-IN Remaining personnel ZANSURU To cut,decapitate ZANSURU To exile,banish ZANSURU To slander ZANTAN Remaining coal ZANTEI SURU To correct,revise ZANTEI Jo(YAKt Provisional treaty,modus vivendi ZANTEKI Remnants of defeated enemy ZANTO Survivors of a faction ZANYOGAKU Balance ZANYO JU-ISHA Residuary legatee ZANYO ZAISAN Residual property ZANIYU Remaining oil ZANZAMEKU To be noisy,be boisterous ZANZOKU Remaining families ZANZOKU Robbery,damage,remaining robbers ZANZON Remaining, surviving $41 -t:~ ~) f;;;;;;;;;;;~ i ~P 4EA Sfff s ~gy ~; I 4A t* A 401 0 Pýr t Iti;KMA I RAI virvtj '.A ~R `f;(rZ? AtciaF it3$1J ZEISHU ZAPPI KANJ6 Petty expense account ZAPPITSU Literary potpourri ZARA Completely,entirely,generally ZARA Unsized paper ZARAGAMI Unsized paper ZARARI Entirely,completely ZARARI Roughness,roughly ZARE Amusement,badinage,frolic ZAREAU To tease each other ZAREGOKORO Clownishness,inclination to flirt ZAREMONO Joker ZARERU To have fun,joke,play the fool, flirt ZARETSU Row of seats ZARI Pebbles,gravel ZARICHIN Salicin,a glucoside ZARON Academic discussion ZARUK MU Sarcoma ZARUSO EKI Salt solution ZASA SHINTAI Discretion,behavior ZASHOKU KAIKYU Idle classes ZASHU Stranding,grounding ZAS6 Contusion ZASSETSU Various opinions,different views ZASSHI KISHA Magazine writer ZASSHUKEN Mongrel dog ZASSHUNYU Miscellaneous receipts ZASSHUSHI Miscellaneous kinds of paper ZASSO Various lawsuits ZASS6CHI Place overgrown with weeds ZASSON Miscellaneous losses ZATSUBOKU Different sorts of wood ZATSUBU Miscellaneous parts ZATSUDOKU Haphazard reading ZATSUEKIFU Charwoman ZATSUEKIFU Handy man ZATSUEKITAI Fatigue detail ZATSUGEKI Comedy ZATSUGd SURU To mix together ZATSUGUN Irregulars,of troops ZATSUGY6 Mixed operations ZATSUHIN Miscellaneous goods ZATSUM6 Coarse wool ZATSUMON All sorts of questions ZATSUN6 Satchel,ditty bag ZATSURON Confused discussion ZATSUY5 Used for various purposes ZATTA NA MONO Thousand and one things ZAZAI Suppositories ZAZANZA Revelry,festivals ZE GA HI DEMO Whether right or wrong ZEIBUN Diffuse style,redundancy ZEIGEN Source of taxation ZEIGIN Tax ZEIKAKU Amount of taxation ZEIKAN Tax collector ZEIKAN Tax office ZEIKANCH6 Customs director ZEIKAN HKOlKU Customs bills of entry ZEIKAN KAMOTSU Customs broker TORIATSUKAININ ZEIKAN KANRI Customs officer ZEIKAN KANTEIKAN Customs appraiser ZEIKAN KANTEININ Customs surveyor ZEIKAN KANTOKURI Customs inspector ZEIKAN MEISAISHO Customs specification ZEIKAN NO SHIRABE Customs inspection ZEIKAN SHINKOKUSHO Customs declaration ZEIKAN SHUTCH6JO Branch customhouse ZEIKAN TESORYd Customhouse entry fees ZEIKAN TETSUZUKI Customs formalities ZEIKAN UWAYA Customs shed ZEIKAN UWAYA WATASHI Ex customs shed ZEIKAN WATASHI In bond delivery ZEIKANY6 TSUMINI MOKUEOKU Customs manifest,ship's manifest ZEIEEIDAN Shui Ching T'uan,revenue policoe ZEIKIN FUNd DKMEI Taxpayer's strike ZEIKINKOMI Tax or duty paid ZEIKOMI Tax or duty paid ZEIMU KANRI Tax collector ZEIMUSHO Revenue office ZEIMUSHOCH6 Revenue office superintendent ZEIMUSHO TOKUBEN Commissioner of revenue office ZEIRI Tax collector,treasury employee ZEIRITSU Tariff ZEIRON Superfluous argument ZEISEI KAIKAKUL Tax reform ZEISEI SEIRI Tax system adjustment ZEISHU Classes of taxes ZEISHu 264 - ttA M[ 0 $1 n I JA& ^~ @it ^i$ ^W^ ^ >N t ZEISHU Tax collection ZEISO. Tax,duty ZEISOKU Fiscal or tax regulations ZEITAKUHIN KANZEI RITSU Luxuries tariff ZEKKEITAI Frenum of the tongue ZEEKI NA Strange,marvelous,grotesque ZEKKON Root of the tongue ZEMBA Good horse ZEMBAN Preceding number ZEMBAN Previous night,last night,on the eve ZEMBARAIY5 JUMBI KIN Impress cash fund ZEMBEI SHUGI Pan-Americanism ZEMBI Perfect beauty, excellence, perfection ZEMBI Steady br gradual weakening ZEMBI SURU To lose strength by degrees ZEMBo Good strategy ZEMB6 Whole situation,the whole aspect ZEMBOTSU Completely sunk ZEMBUNSEKI Total analysis ZEMMEI Advance guard orders ZEMMEN Complete pardon,complete exemption from taxes ZEMMIN Law-abiding or good people ZEMMIN Whole people,whole nation ZEMMITSUHEI Entirely enclosed ZEMMOKU Objective of advance ZEMPA All-wave,receiver etc. ZEMPAI SURU To abolish completely ZEMPAIRON Abplitionism ZEMPA JUSHINKI All-wave receiver ZEMPAKU Forearm ZEMPEKI Front wall ZEMPEN Preceding part or section ZEMPI Landing barge ramp ZEMP6 All guns ZEMP6 Previous report ZEMPY6 Foregoing chart ZEN Counter for chopsticks,bowls of food etc. -ZEN Before ZEN-AKU NIGEN SZTSU Dualism ZEN-AN Previous plan or project ZEN BZTJ Zen priest ZENCHI 'Foreground ZENCHI Foreknowledge, foresight ZENCHI Introduction,preface ZENCHI SURU To prefix ZENCHIN NO Aforesaid,above-mentioned ZENCHISHIKU Prepositional phrase ZENCH6 Preceding dynasty or reign ZENCHUMON Previous order,advance order ZENDAIGISHI Ex-member of Diet ZENDAMA AKUDAMA Good and bad, sheep and goats ZENDAN First paragraph,preceding section, first part ZENDAN Whole shell ZENDEN Complete biography ZENDEN Preceding telegram,previous wire ZEN-EI EIGA Short,in movies ZEN-EI MEIREI Advance guard orders ZEN-EI SEMPEI Advance guard point ZEN-EISEN Advance guard fighting ZENESUJTO General strike ZENFUKA Full load ZENFUKA DENRYO Full-load current ZENFUKA UNTEN Full-load running ZENGAKUBARAI Payment in full ZENGAKU FUTAN HOKEN Full protection SH KEN policy ZENGAKU FUTAN JciEN Full contribution clause,in fire insurance ZENGAKU HARAIKOMI Payment in full, fully paid up ZENGAKU HARAIKOMI KABUKXN Full-paid stock certificate ZENGAKUI HARAIKOMIZUMI NO Full-paid stock KABU ZENGAKU KY6D6 HOKEN Full coinsurance ZENGAKU SHIHARAI Payment in full ZENGETSU Previous month ZENGETSU TAIHI Z6 Increase over last month ZENGIKAI Last session of the Diet ZENGUN Advance guard troops ZENGUN Whole county ZENHANKI First half year ZENHANSHA Total reflection ZENHI Previous day i^ 4-- 21f ital )K AIr# ý e- t k -A ^-T Tt 4f - t? 3 ^^ c PA tp 7f ih ^ ^1 ^ 4^^ ^^^l^ ^^ ^ -t 3 W ^ ^^^4 ^7t 2 4A I 3 ZENSEIHIN ZENH6 Whole aspect,whole affair ZENHON Advance guard headqukrters ZENI Money, coin,metal,metals, change ZEN-I Whole soul ZENIDAMJSHI Ringworm ZENIGASA Ringworm ZEN-IKI Entire area ZEN-IN I-INKAI Committee of the whole, plenary meeting ZEN-I NO DAISANSHA Bona fide third party ZEN-I NO M6SHI-IDE Bona fide offer ZEN-IN ZENKA Sow virtue and reap virtue ZEN-ISAN HI-IZ6SHA Universal legatee ZENJAKU SURU To weaken by degrees ZENJIN Honest man,good person ZENJIN MIHATSU Unprecedented ZENJUN Preceding ten-day period ZENKA Gradual or regular change ZENKA SURU To meliorate ZENKA SURU To sink or fall down gradually ZENKAI Full,throttle etc. ZENKAI Total ruin or destruction ZENKA-I General practitioner ZENKAI ITCHI Unanimous ZENKAI ITCHI T5HY6 Solid vote ZENKA SoKO SHdKEN Prime warrant ZENKA SUHAN Several previous convictions ZENKEI Perfect plan,complete project ZENKEI Whole figure or shape ZENKEN Foresight ZENKEN Preceding case,affair,or article ZENKEN Whole prefecture ZENKEN I-IN Plenipotentiary ZENKEN ININJ5 Commission of full powers ZENKEN KAIJOJ6 General release ZENKEN K6SHI Minister plenipotentiary ZENKEN TAISHI Ambassador plenipotentiary ZENKI Advance guard cavalry ZENKI All planes ZENKI Whole term ZENKIKEN 0 FUHO SURU To insure for all risks ZENKI KESSAN Settlement for first half year ZENKI KURIKOSHI KIN Amount carried forward ZENKIMBARAI Payment in advance ZENKIN Open triangular bandage ZENKINDAN All shots short ZENKISH5 Bulimia,disease of insatiable hunger ZENKo Previous voyage ZENKo SURU To advance,go ahead ZENKo SURU To concur,agree completely ZENKcKAI Whole run of a ship ZENKOKU CHOKEI H6S6 Nation-wide radio hookup1 ZENKOKU IGAKU TAIKAI National Medical Conference ZENKOKU KEIZAI I-INKAI All-China Economic Commission ZENKOKU SHoGYO All-China Commerce Control T1SEI SoKAI Association ZENKOKU SHoKo All-China Commerce and InT6SEI S3KAI dustry Control Association ZENK5SH6 Good-conduct badge ZENKo SH6SHO Good-conduct certificate ZENKU Whole district ZENKY6F0 Whole gale,in meteorology ZENKYOKU General or over-all situation ZENKYORI Entire distance ZENNENDO Preceding fiscal year. ZENNENHI Comparison with preceding year ZENNIN Previous appointment ZENNIN AKUNIN Sheep and goats,good and bad ZENNINCHI One's former post ZEN-C All Europe ZEN-U Former king ZEN 6SHO SENS6 World War I ZENREI Previous example ZENREI Previous order ZENRETSUHEI Front rank men ZENRIN NO GI Good neighbors ZENRYOKU 0 AGETE With all one's might ZENSAI Complete settling of an account ZENSAI Old debt,former loan ZENSAIGAI HOKEN All-risk insurance ZENSAKU Clever plan or stratagem ZENSEI SURU To be completely finished ZENSEIHIN Perfect manufactures, finished products ZENSEI JIDAI 265 ZENSEI JIDAI Golden age,palmy days S%$ ZENSEIT6 KAIGI All-parties conference ZENSETSU Preceding passage,or section or paragraph ZENSHA Leading vehicle ZENSHAKU KIN Money borrowed in advance t V A ZENSHASEN Whole firing line __:t ýZENSHI All China ZENSHIMBY6 Constitutional disease ZENSHIN Previous judgment,preceding processin law cii ZENSHIN BUNSHI Progressive elements tl ZENSHIN BUTAI Advance force ZENSHIN FUZII Total paralysis ~kJiit ZENSHIN GAZU Full length portrait AiM3 ZENSHIN HK5b Direction of advance or flight h ZENSHIN KARI KONKYOCHI Advanced base of operations ZENSHIN MEIREI Orders for advance z5 ZENSHIN NO CHIKARA All one's strength ZENSHINSH6 Advanced post iii ZENSHIN SHUGI Slow-but-sure principle SZENSHIN UND6 Forward movement ZENSHINZb Full-size figure ZENSHITSU Forward room Alt'f 13 ZENSHO SURU To give priority to 41) # ZENSH5 Previous section V, A V Ft ZENSH5 BUTAI Advance patrol force ýkmt ZENSH6 GUN Ever-victorious army * VA M% ZENSH6 KIHEI Outpost. cavalry *V)1t ZENSHb KIMMU Oupost duty 44 ZENSHoRb Foretop UZENSH6SEN Skirmish ZENSH6 SEN Outpost line ZENSHU All around,circumference 91 ZENSHU Whole country ZEN SHU Zen sect of Buddhism S ZENSHUKU SURU To diminish gradually or progressively Ta ~ ZENS6 Previous remittance t 3 ZENSB SURU To send ahead ZENSOKU Full speed ZENS6KYOKU Prelude ZENSON Whole village 44 *1K ZENSON FUTAMPO Free from all average 9 ~AL ZENSON HOKEN 0 TSUKERU To insure against 1414 f total loss only,in marine insurance A -* ZENSON KIKEN TAMPO- Against all risks,in marine insurance S ZEN SoRIDAIJIN Ex-prime minister ZENSO Total,total number *0 ZENSUI Gradual or progressive deterioration ZENTAISEN Total war ~t9AA ZENTAI SHUGI Totalitarianism Ti~ ZENTAN Forward pointendedge,or tip ZENTEI Preceding emperor ZENTEKI Complete Alu3t3 ZENTQ SURU To make an advance payment ZENT6 Identity,sameness of kind ZENTO KIN Advance payment 00k ZENTO SHIKIN Advanced funds ZEN-UNRY6 Total cloud amount ZEN URAGAKININ Prior indorsement SZENYAKU Subscription,precontract 'tiT- \ZENZAISAN SASHIOSAE Grand distress to 0) ZENZOKU NO Next ahead 4ti-A ZENZON TAMPO Security for total loss only A-98 ZENZU Preceding chart,iI~et ZESSHOKU D6MEI Hunger strike fl ZESSHOKU RY6H6 Fasting treatment ZESSO Abscess on the tongue )1 ZETSUBbSHI SURT To look upon as hopeless, consider desperate fe~Rr~iZBTS1EUEiBAN Insulating plate )~~6~~fi ~ ZE~TSTYEMBUTSU Insulator as~i~tzZEISUENSHI Insulating paper )g ka ZETSUENYU Insulator oil *h'iA ZETTAI ANSEI Absolute rest?4M&C ZBTTAI FUKUJO Absolute obedience ZEZTTAIH6 Absolute law t14M ZETTAI KAHANSO Absolute majority i) M4P'1tir ZETTAI KAKUBETSU Top priority shipping TSUTMITORIf 90t;W ZB'TAIKEN Absolute authority or power tMWi. ZKTTAIKEN Absolute command,in maritime law Pffr/ rft ZETTAI SHOYOKEN Absolute ownership,fee simple @46tV# ZETTAITEKI T6SHIKI Absolute equality f k ZETTAI YUETSU Absolute advantage ZOKURI KONJo 6 ZETT6 SURU To cut off q IS ZEZE HIHI SHUJGI Unbiased policy Zb Increase Z6 Tibet -..Zb Organ,in anatomy ZdBI Additional provision or equipment Z6CHI-IN Increased personnel s ZBCHIKUI Cost of extending a building SZ6CH6 Increas in levy or collection Kitt b Z6DAIKA S1URU o increase %a ZDO SURU To conceal one's anger 1 0 3 ZbEIBUTSU Buildings ZdEICHI Building ground Z&EIHI Building expenses Z6HEIKA Construction and Maintenance Section Z6e CiIncrease,growth,development Z6ENTAI Reinforcements S Z6GANSHI Inlayer,damascene worker Z6GEHORI Ivory carving Z6GE IRO Ivory color Z6GEN Change,fluctuation S L Z6GEZAIKU Ivory work If; Z6GEZAIKUSHI Ivory worker Z6HAI Increased allotment Z6HATSU Increase in the currency issue Z6KEI Ordnance i ZdHEI CHUSA Ordnance commander,navy Zo5HETKAN Ordnance officer SZ6-IEIKYO:KUCH6 Treasurer of the mint LjZ Z BHEIRY6 Arsenal aZ6HIN Present oBt ZbHIN KAI-U.E Acceptance of goods,taking over stolen goods % 1 ZoHIN KOBAI Receiving of stolen goods ts h Z6JINKA Misanthrope,man-hater JRi Z KA Increase in price,increment value rs ZoKAGAKU Increase r4Z ZaiKfNHI Naval construction expenditure AT1i ZaEAN KEIKAKU Naval construction program ZdEKA KY6S6 Nayal construction race tt- ZoEA RITSU Rate of increase ftN4IFSW ZIKEN KAXTAI Reinforced fleet & *. Z6KI Naval engine construction "t4 ZKIBAYASHI Copse, coppice 449-A ZgKIKA Engine Construction Section ZOIKAI Common interpretation ZOKKAKU Genitive case ZOKKAN Branch office I ZOgMAN Rebel warship S t ZOKKAN SURU To continue to publish ZOEKEI Stratagem of the rebels ZOKKI Series of incidents,succession ZOKKOKU Rebelling province,rebel country ZOKKU Commonplace phrase ZdKO Warehouse Z KOTSUSJ3TSU Osteoplasty,in medicine ZOIEU Clerkemployee ZOKTBEI Millet and rice,grains ZOKUBE3SU Division by families or species ZOgKUB Hope, expectation,promise ZOKUB6 SURU To raise hopes,hope,expect ZOKUCHI Land occupied by rebels,spot infested by robbers ZOKUCHb Rebel chiefrobber chief INA ZOKUDAN Small talk,ordinary conversation PZOIUEI Rebel camp 4ctIU ZOKUFU NO0 Attached to,belonging to 11-*ZOKUGAKU Commonplace learning 49 -1 ZOKUGEN Common speech,public rumor,town talk A ZOKUGU HOKEIN Ship's fittings insurance ZOKgflI Band of thieves,band of rebels ZOKUII6 Dependency,subject state,tributary staste ZOKUH6j Subsequent news new information ZOKU-.IN Attached personnel ZOKUJI Imperfect character used by the common people ZOKUJIN Members of a family 4 k tt ZOKUJIN CHIEKI Personal servitude A kTI ZGKUJIN TOIKEN Personnel privileges ZOK r GUJU Pedant 4iW. ZOKCUJO Attachlment to,devotion for 4 At ZOKUJO SURt To serve in,be employed in ZOKUMeTSU Extermination of a family ZOKUMIN People,the masses ZOKUMIN Rebels i ZdKUN SURU To present. a decoration ZOKUNEN Worldly ambitionearthly desires Ilak wZOKURATSU Vtilgaritytriviality %tr ~ZOKURI KONJ6 Petty officialdom ZOKURITSTJU SURU 266 4 A A A AM I ftt Ii E ON J Ar - & A ti %tfi If it 1ý Pff "r 114% r 1 Lot t44 1t~i~i -1~ & 1~ LA iftt ac' o3F I i Hs ZOKURITSU BURU To have goose flesh ZOKURUI Relatives,oconnections ZOKURYUJ6 Granular,miliary ZOKUSEI Power of the rebel army,military force of rebels, ZOKUSEN Succession of battles ZOKUSHA Dependent ZOKUSHI Heir ZOKUSHIN Aftershock ZOKUSHIN Continual advance,continuation ZOKUSHIN Thieving propensity,treacherous heart,wickedness ZOKUT6 Adjacent islands ZOKUYAKU Subordinates ZOKUYM Mundane affairs ZOKUJY-KA SURU To secularize ZOKUZOKT In great quantity,in a crowd ZMKY3 Increased supply ZKB6i SURU To increase,reinforce, strengthen, expand Z6KY6 BUTAI Reinforcing unit Z6KY!S6HU Pontonier ZtKYU Additional pay ZUMEN GOKEI Tibeto-Burman group of languages ZOMMEICHU During one's lifetime ZOMPI Existence ZONCHI SURU To keep,retain ZON-I Thought,idea, opinion ZONJI Thought,knowledge ZONJIGAKENAI Unexpected,unhoped for, unknown ZONJIRU - To know,be aware,think ZONJIYORAIRAI Unexpected,unknown,unhoped for,unforeseen ZONRYO Wish,intention,desire ZONZOKU Continuance,preservation ZiRINH6 Forestry ZdRINKA Afforestation Section ZURINSHO Afforestation office Z6RITSU Erection,construction ZURY6 Increase,increased amount Z63AKU TORITSUKEIIN Furnisher ZbSAKUZUKI KASHISHITSU Furnished apartment for rent Z 6AKUZUKI KASHTYA Furnished house for rent Z6SAN Increase in production Z6SATZU SURU To print more,increase the printing Z6SEI SURU To increase,reinforce, strengthen,build up Z6SEI SURT To make up,build up,complete, finish Z6SEN Shipbuilding Z6SEKA Shipbuilding Section Z6SEN Y6SEKI Shipbuilders' measurement Z6SETSU SURU To increase,add Z6SETSU TANKU Auxiliary tank,belly tank Z?5RA Increase in freight cars Z6SHI Ration supplement Z651 SURU To increase capital Z6SHITSU Hatred ZOSHOHYb Bookplate 26SH ICHI-I First court rank of senior grade,posthumously conferred Z4SHOEY6 Bibliomaniac Z6SHO MOKUROKU Library catalog ZUS6 Increased shipment Z6586 Jettisonable belly tank Z6SOKU SURU To increase speed Z75 SURU To increase the bulk ZdSUIK Flood season Z6T~EIfIN Present,gift Z6TEI HON Complimentary copy Z6TdHIX Return gift Z6TSUKAI Mahout,elejhant driver ZBWAI YOCHI Solicitation,bribery Zb6AKU Various jobs,miscellaneous duties Z6Ya Increased consumption ZbZAI Crime of receiving and concealing stolen goods Z 8ZANRYOKU Orogeny ZUANKA Designer ZUBAZUBA Frankly,openly,without reserve ZUBON.-JI Trouser material ZUCHb Peak, summit ZCCH6 Scalp,vertexin anatomy ZUCEC On the chart ZUHY6 Diagram ZUI Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure ZUI Sweden '4 rC Ll *4A 1% IA $iPBt 3 PAR -tf - ELff itff4 18 rl sX; ti5r; 3~sa d B$11 u eW rt; f ZuZuSHISA ZUI Switzerland ZUI TO Directly,immediately,simply, vithout ceremony ZUIBAI SURU To accompany a superior ZUIDB Tunnel ZUIHEI Soldier who is a member of an escort ZUIH8SH6 Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure ZUIH6SH( NI Second Order of the Sacred Treasure ZUI-I Wishes,convenience ZUI.I KEIYAKU Private contract ZUI-IN Staff or member of the same ZUI-I SE14TAKU Free choice ZUI-ITSU First Order of the Sacred Treasure ZUTI-I UND6 Voluntary movement ZUIJI KAIMA SHKEN Marketable securities ZUIJO Attendance ZUIJUN Obedience,submission ZUIKA Swedish currency,Swiss cuvrency ZUIKAN ZUISoROKU Stray notes ZUIK6IN Retinue,entourage ZUIK6SHA Attendant ZUI NI Second Order of the Bacred Treasure ZUISHA Trailer ZUI..T6 Grade...of the Order of the Sacred Treasure ZUJ6 On the map ZUKKU Duck,canvas haversack -ZUMI Finished,completed ZUNUKE NO Extraordinary -ZURAI Difficult,hard,bitter,painful ZURIKOXXU To glide down,slide down ZURIOTOSU To let slip down ZURUFTAMIN Sulphamin. ZURUGITTO Dulcite or dulcitol ZURUKKOKERU To glide down,slide down ZUSAI SURU To put on map ZUSHI SURU To diagram,to illustrate ZUSHIZUSHI Heavily,with a heavy step ZUS6 Eczema capitis,in medicine ZUSSHIRI Heavily,abundantly,plentifully -ZUTAI Along ZUTAI Body,frame,physique -ZUTSU Each,per piece each,apiece ZUTSUK6 Headache.plaster ZUZUSHISA Impudence,impertinence, effrontery UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02909 89 I II 3 9015 02909 8905 'cS I I