Class /W" No. SY, Presented by IH: H. BARTLETT COLiECTION > CON THE PHILIPPINES NO0 5_ DUE -f9'.c...... - -;? ""e".;c ylq 35 — ') DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PHILIPPINE LIBRARY kND MUSEUM LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE DIVISION CHECKLIST of PUBLICATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS SEPTEMBER 1,1900, TO DECEMBER 31, 1917 COMPILED BY. EMMA OSTERMAN ELMER CHIEF OF THI PUBLIC DOCUMENTS SECTION MACARIO ADRIATICO.DIRECTOR, PHILIPPINE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1918 153478 id: ( T.ABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introductory note..................... 7 Laws, Statutes, etc......... 9 The Official Gazette.............. 23 Philippine Commission, 1899-1900 (Schurman Commission)...... 39 LEGISLATIVE......-....... 40 l Philippine Commission, 1900-1916 (Taft Commission)........ 40 Philippine Legislature, 1907-1916.............................................. 46 Philippine Commission......................................................... 46 Philippine A ssem bly............................................................. 47 Philippine Legislature, 1916 -Senate.........-.. 52 House of Representatives................................................... 52 EXECUTIVE -............................................................. 53 Governor-General (Civil Governor) Military Governor........ 53 Office of the Governor-General (Civil Governor) and the M ilitary Governor................................................. 53 Bureau of Audits (Office of the Auditor). 58 Bureau of Civil Service (Civil Service Board)-........... 64 Department of the Interior........................................... 68 Office of the Secretary....................................................... 68 Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes (Act of Congress, August, 29, 1916).-............. 115 Philippine General Hospital................................................ 69 Executive Bureau.................................................. 70 Bureau of Constabulary (Philippine Constabulary, Insular Constabulary)............................................................ 75 Bureau of Government Laboratories.-.. 109 Philippine Civil Hospital....................................................... 113 Civil Sanitarium, Benguet-.................. 114 Ethnological Survey -.......... ' 114 Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes (Act No. 253)........ 115 M ining Bureau..................................................................... 116 Board of Medical Examiners.............................. 117 Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners-:......................... 118 Board of Dental Examiners...................... 118 Department of Public Instruction.............................. 119 Office of the Secretary................ -.... 119 Bureau of Education (Bureau of Public Instruction. Department of Public Instruction)................ 121 Philippine Health Service (Bureau of Health, Board of Health, Office of the Board of Health)............. 142 Quarantine Service................................................. 147 Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Commerce. 148 Philippine Library.-. 149 American Circulating Library.......................................... 151 Bureau of Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-marks.......... 152 Bureau of Archives................................................... 152 3 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Executive-Continued. Page. Department of Public Instruction-Continued. Bureau of Cold Storage (Bureau of the Cold Storage and Ice P lant)............................................................... 153 Bureau of Statistics......................................................... 153 Bureau of Census.................................................................. 154 Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public B uildings............................................................................ 155 Department of Finance.................................................. 155 Office of the Secretary........................................... 155 Bureau of Customs (Bureau of Customs and Immigration, Customs Service, United States Customhouse, M anila, P. I.).............................................................. 155 Bureau of Internal Revenue (Office of the Collector of Internal Revenue)................................................. 170 Bureau of the Treasury (Bureau of the Insular Treasury, Treasurer of the Philippine Archipelago, Office of the Treasurer of Public funds)............................... 175 Bureau of Printing (Bureau of Public Printing)........ 177 Department of Finance and Justice............................... 179 Offi ce of the Secretary..................................................... 179 Court of Land Registration............................ 181 D epartm ent of Justice............................................................. 181 Offi ce of the Secretary....................................................... 181 Bureau of Justice (Office of the Attorney-General)...... 181 Courts of First Instance................................................. 183 Philippine Library and Museum................ 183 Bureau of Prisons (Bilibid Prison, Carcel Publica, y Presidio de M anila)....................................................... 184 Public Utility Commission (Board of Public Utilities Commissioners, Board of Rate Regulation)................ 186 Code Committee.............................................................. 87 Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources............... 187 Office of the Secretary.................................................. 187 Bureau of Agriculture......................................................... 187 Bureau of Forestry (Inspeccion General de Montes).... 202 Bureau of Lands (Bureau of Public Lands).... 206 Bureau of Science......................... 210 Weather Bureau........................... 221 Department of Commerce and Communications..................... 228 Office of the Secretary.............................................228 Bureau of Public Works....................................... 8 Bureau of Posts (Department of Posts, U. S. Postal Service, Philippine Islands)...230 Bureau of Supply (Office of the Insular Purchasing Bureau of Labor.............................................. 23 2 Bureau of Labor233 Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey................... 234 Department of Commerce and Police.................................... 239 Office of the Secretary..................... --—............................... 239 Supervising Railway Expert...................... 240 Navigation Bureau (Coast Guard and Transportation Bureau)....................................241 Bureau)... 241 Bureau of Port Works (Office of Port Works, Office of the Improvement of the Port of Manila)................ 243 Consulting Architect.243 Bureau of Engin Architect....................................................24 Bureau of Engineering.......................................................... 244 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 5 Page. JUDICIAL....................................................................... 245 Suprem e Court............................................................................ 245 1UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES........................................................ 247 O TH ER O FFICES..................................................................................... 250 Captain of the Port...................................250 Office of the Consulting Engineer to the Commission........... 250 Sales Agency......... 251 Office of the Insurance Commissioner...................................... 251 Philippine Medical School........................................ 252 Agricultural Bank of the Philippine Government.................. 253 PROVINCES............................................................................................. 254 Department of Mindanao and Sulu (Moro Province)'........... 254 Province of Batangas................................................................. 254 Province of Pangasinan................................................ 254 M UN ICIPALITIES................................................................................... 256 Manila........................................... 256 OTHER BOARDS AND COMMITTEES.......................................................... 259 Board of Rate Regulation..................................................259 Committee to prepare specifications for cements.................... 259 Committee on Efficiency and Economy................ 260 Committee to study the' question of pension and retirement fund for the Philippine Constabulary and to prepare a bill for presentation to the Legislature................ 260 Exposition Board, St. Louis, Mo............................................. 260 Opium Investigation Committee............................................ 261 Philippine Board of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition........................................................................................ 262 Board of Food and Drugs Inspection........................................ 263 Committee on Standardization of Supplies.................... 268 Philippine Food Commission...................................................... 268 Publications of which there is insufficient information to make definite entries.................................................................................. 269 INDEX TO GOVERNMENT AUTHORS.................................................. 270 TNDEX................................................................................................ 273 d\ INTRODUCTORY NOTE. This book had its beginnings in the notes made by myself in my efforts to supply documents called for by researchers in the early days of the division in 1913. Public documents work was a new field to. me, and I found myself telling the researchers that I had not publications which were really on hand but not in the form in which I had expected to find them. As my knowledge of public documents increased it was found that the Philippine Government publications were very inadequately represented on our shelves, and a research was begun to ascertain what had been printed in order to secure as complete a file as possible. The notes made from time to time in i this research were preserved and were used for this work. It is believed that the list is a nearly complete one. In this research the Checklist of United States Public Documents 1789-1909, Vol. 1, List, the Monthly list of State Publications, the U. S. Document Catalogue, and other books were invaluable aids. The Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909, 3d edition, coming into my hands some time after my research had begun, has had, it will be noted, a strong influence on my work, but the confines of my book are not so closely limited to a checklist. The term "public document" is confined to publications printed at government expense. Note is made of the few publications listed which do not come under the term used in the above sense with the exception of the reports of the military governor, the Philippine commissions and a few other publications which were printed in Washington, D. C. No publication is listed for which there is not definite authority. A few for which some needed information is lacking but of which there is no doubt as to their having actually been printed are included but listed apart from the bureau to which they are supposed to belong. Circulars and bulletins, etc., which are executed by a manifold process have been entered if they are a part of a printed series. A few reprints which have title covers have been listed under General Publications. Dr. J~ames A. Robertson, former Librarian of the Philippine Library, who generously gave me the notes he had made at an earlier time in a similar research, and Mr. Enrique V. Filamor, Chief of the Legislative Reference Division, have given me their full support. Miss Syrena McKee, Chief Cataloguer, helped me over many a hard place. The bureaus and offices of the government have cooperated heartily, and special assistance was given me in the assembling of the publications by Miss Mary Polk, Librarian of the Bureau of Science; Mr. J. B. Morton, of the Executive Bureau; and Mr. Martin P. De Veyra, of the Library of the Philippine Assembly. Mr. Gaudencio Banting and Mr. Eustaquio G. Aquino, of my division, have been ctonstant and alert in their support and assistance. To all these, and to Mr. Conrado Benitez of the University of the Philippines, I owed.jmuch, and my debt to them is here gratefully acknowledged.' EMMA 0. ELMER. " 7 4 - LAWS, SrTATUTES, ETC. The instructions of the President of the United' States to the Philippine Commission vested in the P hlippine Commission the legislative functions of the government of the Philippine Islands beginning September 1, 1900 to the establishment of the civil central governmient or until Congress otherwise provided.1 From September 1, 1900, to the convening of the Philippine Legislature, October 16, 1907, the Philippine Commission, exercising this exclusive power of legislation passed Acts 1-1800. Later acts have been enacted by the Philippine Legislature, consisting of the Philippine Commission, the upper house, and the Philippine Assembly, the lower house, and by the Philippine Commission exercising its exclusive general legislative jurisdiction over that part of the Philippine Islands inhabited by Moros and other non-Christian tribes. Act of Congress of August 29, 1916, creates a Legislature to consist of a, Senate and a House of Representatives in which is vested the general legislative powers of the former Legislature and Philippine Commission. Each law is first published in two languages, English and Spanish, in loose leaf form. Later they are printed collectively in various forms and arrangements in one or both languages. The loose leaf laws are not recorded here. LAWS ISSUED SEPARATELY. Accounting act. The accounting act enacted October 10, 1905. Act No. 1402. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Administrative code of the Philippine Islands., [Act 2657.] Official Gazette-Special number-July 1, 1916. Published by. authority of law. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. 1916. Administrative code of the Philippine Islands of 1917. Act No. 2711, approved March 10, 1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Spanish. 1917. Civil procedure. An act providing a code of civil procedure in civil actions and special proceedings in the Philippine Islands. Published by authority of the Commission. Manila, P. I. 283 p. 8 vo. Civil procedure. Code of civil procedure of the Philippine Islands. Edited and translated for the U. S. Government in the Philippines by A. A. Montagne. Manila, 1900. 447 p. 8 vo. [ed. 1.] Same. [Ed. 2.] 246, ix p. Civil procedure. C6digo de procedimiento en juicios civiles y, actuaciones especiales en las Islas Filipinas. Publicado por autorizaci6n de la Comisi6n de los Estados Unidos en Filipinas. Manila, Tipo-Litograffa de Chofri y Ca. Escolta, 121 (antes 33). 1901. Civil procedure. C6digo de procedimiento en juicios civiles y actuaciones especiales en las Islas Filipinas. No. 190. Manila; Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. 1 President's instructions, April 7, 1900. 9 10 LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Commercial code. Codigo de comercio para las Islas Filipinas y demas archipielagos Espanoles de Oceania. Edicion oficial. Madrid, 1888. No English edition. Commercial code. Translation of the code of commerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, amended by the law of June 10, 1897, including the commercial registry regulations, exchange regulations, and other provisions of a similar character, with annotations and appendices. U. S. War Department, Division of Customs and Insular Affairs, October, 1899. Washington, Government Printing Office. 1899. Compilation of the acts of the Philippine Commission embracing the acts of the, Philippine Commission and military orders in force on the fifteenth day of October, nineteen hundred and seven, omitting all private, special, temporary, and local acts and laws which do not constitute a part of the general and permanent legislation of the Islands, as compiled by a committee created by resolution of the Philippine Commission together with the organic laws of the Philippine Islands being the treaties with Spain, the instructions and orders of the President, and the Acts of Congress having special reference to the Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Copyright law of the United States of America in force July 1, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Spanish. 1910. Corporation law. Act No. 1459. Enacted March 1, 1906. Amended to August 20, 1910... Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Correctional code. Proposed correctional code prepared by the Code Committee of the Philippine Islands in accordance with act numbered nineteen hundred and forty-one of the Philippine Legislature. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. 1916. Customs service. An act to constitute the customs service of the Philippine Archipelago and to provide for the administration thereof. Passed by the United States Philippine Commission, February 6, 1902. With table of contents, index, and an appendix containing article XX of the consular regulations, and sections 2497, 4219 and 4225, Revised Statutes of the United States... 355.] Manila, [1902]. Same. Spanish. [1902.] Customs tariff for the Philippine Archipelago. Division of Insular Affairs, U. S. War Department, September, 1901. Washington, 1901. Same. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Customs tariff for the Philippine Islands including an index and repertory of the tariff revision law of 1905 and appendix showing customhouse equivalents of foreign values, measures, weights, etc. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Customs tariff for the Philippine Islands including an index and repertory, and appendix showing customhouse equivalents of foreign values, measures, weights, etc. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. (Imprint on title page gives date of 1907; on cover, date of 1908.) Customs tariff. Philippine tariff Act of 1909 as amended by the United States tariff act of Oteer 3, 1913. With index and repertory and appendix. Man Bureau ofPrinting, 1.913. LAWS., STATUTFES, ETC. 1 E~l ction law enacted Jan. 9, 1907. Act No. 1582. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1907..Same. Amended by Acts of the Philippine Commission and /Philippifie Legislature down to and including May 20, 1909. Same, Spanish. 1909. Flection law. The election law.'and penalties for offenses relative to elections and elective officers. Being sections 489-580 and 2629.2653 of the Administrative Code (Act 2657) together with miscellaneous statutory provisions pertaining to- organization and administration. Enacted by the Philippine Legislature February 24, 1916, and published by authority of law. (Excerpts from the Administrative Code.) Manila, Bu'reau of Printing, 1916. Election law. La "Ley Electoral." Guia del Elector. [Manila, no date.] Income tax law of October 3, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same.. Spanish. 1914..Internal revenue law of nineteen hundred and four. [Act] 1189. Enacted by the Philippine Commission July, 2, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Same. Spanish. 1904. Same. (Without title page). [1905?] Same. Spanish. [1906.]. Internal revenue. Laws pertaining to the Bureau of Internal Revenue consisting, of Act No. 1189, the internal-revenue law of 1904; -Acts, No. 1338, No. 1407 (extract), No. 1417, No. 1426, -No. 1471, No. 1544; Act No. 1045, local currency law; Act No. 1461, opium law; -Act No. 1519, weights and measures law, enacted by the Philippine Commission; and proclamation of the GovernorGeneral of the Philippine Islands of the pure. food law enacted by the Congress of the -United States, approved June 30,' 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Jones law. Organic act for the -Philippine Islands, 'commonly known as the "Jones-law." Public-No. 240-64th Congress, [1st session,] S. 381. An act to declare the purpose Iof the people' of the United. States as to the future political'status of the people of the Philippine Islands, and to provide a more autonomous government for those islands. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916'.] Same. Spanish. 1916. Mining laws. Abstract of the ~mining -laws in force in the Philippine Archipelago: being the royal decree of May 14, 1867, "Concerning the control of the mining industry in the Philippines," with notation of the general regulations, subsequent royal orders, decrees, and decisions. Printed by authority of the United States Philippine Commission and compiled by Charles H. Burritt, first Lieutenant, 11th Cavalry, U. S. V., officer in charge the Mining Bureau. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1902. Mortgage., law. Translation of' general regulations for the execution of- the Mortgage law for Cuba, Porto Rico,- and the -Philippines. (1893.).U. S. War Department, Division of Customs and Insular Affairs, 1899. Washington, 1899. 12 LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Municipal code. A general act for the organization of municipal governments in the Philippine Islands, enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, January 31, 1901, with index, and an appendix containing forms for municipal documents and announcements required by the- provisions of the act. Published by authority of the United States Philippine Commission. [Act No. 82.] Manila, [1901.] Same. Spanish. [1901.] Same. Annotated, showing amendments down 'to Act No. '774, with index and' an appendix containing forms for municipal documents and announcements required by the provisions of the act. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Municipal code and provincial government act amended to May 31, 1905, revised and codified. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. Municipal code and the provincial government act, compiled and annotated, being 'acts Nos. 82 and 83, as amended by Acts of the Philippine Commission and Legislature down to Feb. 3, 1911, and as annotated with decisions of the courts, opinions of the AttorneyGeneral, Executive Secretary., etc., rulings and circulars, reference's to the authorities, etc., together with an introductio-n and an appendix containing Acts Nos. 308, 1147, 1458, 1487, and 1511. Edited'and compiled by George A. Malcolm', Assistant Attorney, Bureau of Justice. Published by direction of the Governor-General. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. [No Spanish edition..] Municipal Code. Proyecto de Ley. Le'y general para la oi'gan~izacion de Gobiernos municipales en las Islas Filipinas. [anila, no0 date.] Organic act (July 1, J902) of the Philippine Islands as amended or affected by subsequent legislation to December 1, 1913. Also instructions of the President, April 7, 1900, Act of Congress, March 2,? 1901, executive order, June 21, 1901, Act of the Philippine, Commission, Septemiber.6, 1901. Compiled by- the U. S. -War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs. Washington, 1913. Penal Code. An act providing a penal code in the Philippine Islands. A law. proposed to be enacted by the Philippine Commission,, Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Same. Spanish. 1904. Penal code of the' Philippine 'Islands, (English translation)'. with notations of decisions of the Supreme Courts.of' the United States and of 'the -Philippine Islands, found in volumes 1 to 15 of the Philippine -Reports with an appendix containing a general table of the duration of penalties prescribed in the Penal 'Code, penal laws enacted by the Philippine Commission and Legislature to'' and' including April, 18, 1911, General orders, No. 58, series of 1900, and some additional provisions of law relating to criminal procedure. Edited by the Attorney-General. Manila, 1911. The Philippine act. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Postal law. Book II, Chapter 35 of the Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Postal law. ' Chapter 52, sections 1928 to 2038, inclusive; Chapter 66. sections 2754 to 2757, incl usive, of the Administrative Code of the. Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 191.7. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. 13 Provincial government act. The special provincial government act enacted September 14, 1905. Act No. 1396. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Same. Spanish. Manila, 1905. Public land act. (No. 926) Enacted by the Philippine Commission, October 7, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. As amended by Act No. 979. 1905. Same. Amended by Act No. 979. Spanish. 1905. Public land act (No. 926) as amended by Act No. 979. Enacted by the Philippine Commission, October 7, 1903, and resolutions of said Commission extending the application of said act to territory therefore excluded, passed December 22 and 23, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Spanish. 1906. Same. English. 1906. [2d edition.] Same. Ley de Terrenos del Estado Noc 926. Segun quedo reformada por las leyes numeros 979, 1573, y 1864. Aprobada por la Comision en Filipinas el 7 de Octubre de 1903 con las resoluciones de dicha Comision haciendo extensivas las' disposiciones de las citadas leyes a territories anteriormente excluidos. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Public Utility Commissioners. Act No. 2307, as amended by Act No. 2362, creating a Board of Public Utility Commissioners for the Philippine Islands and rules of practice adopted by said board. (English and Spanish.) Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. School law. The school law of the Philippine Islands as amended by all Acts of the Philippine Commission up to and including act No. 1530, together with executive orders of the Governor-General and opinions of the Attorney-General rendered prior to or on August 6, 1906, which affect in any way the schools or employees of the Bureau of Education. [Act No. 74.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. This pamphlet is listed by the Bureau of Education as Bulletin No. 14. Tobacco bounties. Laws, rules, and regulations governing the awarding of tobacco bounties in the Province of La Union by the Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Lin-Linteg a rebbeng nga alagaden iti panangiwaras ti gobierno ditoy purpuro a Filipinas cadaguiti premios a maipafigguep ti panagmulaan ti tabaco iti provincia ti La Union. English and Ilocano. Township government act enacted September 14, 1905. Act No. 1397. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Same. Spanish. 1905. Trade-mark registration act enacted by the United States Congress, approved February 20, 1905, as amended to February 18, 1909, together with the amendatory Acts. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Spanish. 1910. PUBLIC JiWS WITH AMENDMENTS. [Yearly edition.] Vol. 1. Public laws passed by the Philippine Commission during the period from September 1, 1900, to August 31, 1902. Comprising *\ 1, 14 LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Acts Nos. 1 to 449, inclusive, with amendments indicated, down to and including Act No. 816, passed July 31, 1903, and an appendix containing the Treaty of Paris, the Acts of Congress of March 8, 1902, April 29, 1902, July 1, 1902, and general orders, No. 68. series of 1899, and Nos. 58 and 70, series of 1900. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. Spanish. 1904. Vol. 2. Public laws passed by the Philippine Commission during the period from September 1, 1902, to August 31, 1903. Comprising Acts Nos. 450 to 862, inclusive, with amendments indicated down to and including Act No. 1050 passed February 12, 1904, and an appendix containing the proclamation by the Military Governor, August 14, 1898, continuing in force the Spanish municipal law, the amnesty proclamation of July 4, 1902, the protocol of agreement extending the time fixed by the Treaty of Paris for the registration of Spanish subjects in the Philippine Islands, the Acts of Congress of January 30, February 9, March 2, March 3, 1903, an extract from the Sundry Civil Bill of March., 1903, and an alphabetical list of the executive orders and proclamations issued by the Civil Governor since the establishment of Civil Government in the Islands. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Same. Spanish. 1904. Vol. 3. Public laws passed by the Philippine Commission during the period from September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904, comprising Acts Nos. 863 to 1225, inclusive, with amendments indicated down to and including Act No. 1278, passed December 27, 1904, a table of repealed acts, the appointments of the Civil Governor and the Vice-governor, and an appendix containing the Act of Congress approved April 15, 1904, relating to shipping between the United States and the Philippine Islands and interisland ports; the neutrality proclamation, and order by the President of the United States with reference to the Russian-Japanese war; the proclamation by the Civil Governor, declaring in effect the Public Land Act; the executive order regulating the issue of passports; the circular with regard to applications for transportation over commercial lines; the civil-service rules, and an alphabetical list of the executive orders, proclamations, and circulars issued during the calendar year 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Same. Spanish. 1905. Vol. 4. Public laws passed by the Philippine Commission during the period from September 1, 1904, to August 31, 1905, comprising Acts Nos. 1226 to 1383, inclusive, with amendments indicated, a table of repealed acts, and an appendix containing the following Acts of Congress: "The Cooper law," approved February 6, 1905, amending the Act of July 1, 1902, known as "the Philippine bill," and other Acts; the Act approved February 6, 1905, relating to extradition; the Act approved March 3, 1905, entitled "The Philippine tariff revision law of nineteen hundred and five," together with the proclamations by the Governor-General announcing, respectively, the effective date of the Tariff revision law and the. completion and publication of the census of the Philippine Islands and an alphabetical list of executive orders and proclamations issued by the Governor-Geierp.l. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Same. Spanish. Manila, i1905. Vol. 5. Public laws passed by the. Philippine (,ommission (during the LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. 15 period from September 1, 1905, t/August 31, 1906, comprising Acts Nos. 1384 to 1536, inclusive, with amendments indicated, a numerical list of the acts, a table of repealed acts, and an appendix containing the following Acts of Congress: the act approved February 26, 1906; amending the Tariff revision law of 1905; the "Shipping act," approved April 30, 1906; the act approved June 13, 1906, relating to falsely stamped gold, or silver; the Act approved June 23, 1906, amending "The Philippine coinage act;" the act approved June 28, 1906, amending the revised statutes, section 2844; and "The pure food law," approved June 30, 1906, together with an alphabetical list of executive orders and proclamations issued by the Governor-General. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. Spanish. Manila, 1906. Vol. 6. Public laws passed by the Philippine Commission during the period from September 1, 1906, to October 15, 1907, comprising Acts Nos. 1537 to 1800 inclusive with amendments indicated, a numerical list of the acts, a list of the repealed acts, and an appendik containing the Act of Congress February 20, 1907, the Alien immigration act; the Act of March 4, 1907, providing for the establishment of the agricultural bank, and certain executive orders and proclamations issued by the President of the United States and by the Governor-General, together with an alphabetical list of the executive orders and proclamations issued by the Governor-General during the period covered by this volume. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. 1908. Vol. 7. Public laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature during the period October 16, 1907, to December 31, 1909, comprising Acts Nos. 1801 to 1968 and including the acts passed by the Philippine Commission acting within its exclusive general legislative jurisdiction over all that part of the Philippine Islands inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes, with amendments and repeals indicated, joint and concurrent resolutions of the Philippine Legislature, a numerical list of acts, and an appendix containing the following Acts of Congress: The Act of March 24, 1908, on exemption of hospital ships; the Act of April 29, 1908, on ships and shipping; the Act of May 11, 1908, authorizing an increase in the membership of the Philippine Commission; the Act of February 27, 1909, providing for a change in the date of the sessions of the Legislature; the Act of August 5, 1909, the Philippine tariff law; section 5 of the United States tariff act of August 5, 1909, providing for reciprocal free entry of United States and Philippine products; the United States trade-mark and copyright acts; civil-service rules of 1909; and an alphabetical list of executive orders and proclamations. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Spanish. 1910. Vol. 8. Public laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature during the period January 1, 1910, to October 15, 1912, comprising Acts Nos. 1969 to 2191 and including the acts passed by the Philippine Commission acting within its exclusive general legislative jursdiction over all that part of the Philippine Islands inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes, with a numerical list of acts, amendments, and repeals indicated, joint and concurrent resolutions of the Philippine Legislature, and an appendix containing the following Acts of Congress: the act of June 14, 1910, and 16 LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. the act of February 15, 1911, quadrennial elections of the Philippine Assembly and Resident Commissioners, and date of annual sessions of the Legislature; the act of March 1, 1911, to protect the uniforms of the United States; the Act of March 3, 1911, to prevent the disclosure of national defense secrets, and the act of March 23, 1912, concerning citizenship in the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. Spanish. 1912. Vol. 9. Public laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature during the period October 16, 1912, to October 15, 1914, comprising Acts Nos. 2192 to 2413 including the acts passed by the Philippine Commission acting within its exclusive general legislative jurisdiction over all that part of the Philippine Islands inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes; with a numerical list of acts, a list of acts with amendments and repeals indicated, a list of acts of the Philippine Legislature made applicable to the territory inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes; joint and concurrent resolutions of the Philippine Legislature; and an appendix containing section two of the Act of the Congress of the United States of October 3, 1913, known as the Income tax law. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. Spanish. 1915. Vol. 10. Public laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature during the period October 16, 1914, to October 15, 1915, comprising Acts Nos. 2414 to 2530, including the acts passed by the Philippine Commission acting within its exclusive general legislative jurisdiction over all that part of the Philippine Islands inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes; with a numerical list of acts, a list of acts with amendments and repeals indicated, a list of all repealed acts, joint and concurrent resolutions of the Philippine Legislature, and an appendix containing the Act of Congress of December 17, 1914, relating to the registration of persons dealing in opium or coca leaves; the Act of Congress of February 24, 1915, providing for the registration of vessels wrecked in American waters; and that clause of the Act of Congress of March 4, 1915, which ratifies the internal-revenue taxes imposed by the Philippine Legislature in Acts Nos. 2432 and 2445. Manila, 1916. Same. Spanish. 1916. Vol. 11. Public laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature during the period October 16, 1915, to February 24, 1916, comprising Acts Nos. 2531. to 2656 including the acts passed by the Philippine Commission acting within it exclusive general legislative, jurisdiction over all that part of the Philippine Islands inhabited by Moros and other non-Christian tribes; with a numerical list of acts, a list of acts with amendments and repeals indicated, a list of all repealed acts, and joint and concurrent resolutions of the Philippine Legislature. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. 1916. Vol. 12. Public laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature during the period March 3, 1916, to March 11, 1917, comprising Acts Nos. 2657 to 2710 including the acts passed by the Philippine Commission acting within its exclusive general legislative jurisdiction over all that part of the Philippine Iseds inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes; wi t a numer c Ast of acts a list of acts with amendments and repeals indicatedf a list of all repealed acts, joint and concurrent resolutions of the Phil2 LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. 17 ippine Legislature, and an appendix containing the clause of the Act of Congress of July 1, 1916, legalizing and ratifying the Internal Revenue taxes and the tonnage tax on vessels engaged in foreign trade, imposed by the Philippine Legislature, etc.; the act of Congress of August 29, 1916, known as "Jones Law;" title I of the Act of Congress of September 8, 1916, known as Income Tax Law, and the Act of Congress of February 5, 1917, regulating the immigration of aliens to, and residence of aliens in, the United States. Published by authority of the Philippine Legislature. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Spanish. 1917. PUBLIC LAWS AND RESOLUTIONS. [Quarterly issue.] The public laws and resolutions were published in quarterly issues until 1905. The series was discontinued by Act No. 1347 of the Philippine Commission, enacted May 19, 1905, which provided for their publication in the Official Gazette. 1900, quarter ending Nov. 30. [Acts 1-53. English and Spanish. Contains Civil Service Act, 1900, in Tagalog.] 1901, quarter ending February 28. [Acts 54-91. English and Spanish.] 1901, quarter ending May 31. [Acts 92-135. English and Spanish.] 1901, quarter ending August 31. [Acts 136-215. English and Spanish.] 1901, quarter ending November 30. [Acts 216-306. English and Spanish.] / if 1902, quarter ending February 28. [Acts 307-364. English and Spanish.] 1902, quarter ending May 31. [Acts 365-411. English and Spanish.] 1902, quarter ending August 31. [Acts 412-449. English and Spanish.] 1902, quarter ending November 30. Acts 450-541, inclusive. v. 9. Same. Spanish. 1903. 1903, quarter ending February 28. Acts 542-643, inclusive. v. 10. Same. Spanish. 1903, quarter ending May 31. Acts 644-780, inclusive. v. 11. Same. Spanish. 1903, quarter ending August 31. Acts 781-862, inclusive. v. 12. Same. Spanish. 1903, quarter ending November 30. Acts 863-1016, inclusive. v. 13. Same. Spanish. 1904, quarter ending February 29. Acts 1017-1071, inclusive. v. 14. Same. Spanish. 1904, quarter ending May 31. Acts 1072-1170, inclusive. v. 15. Same. Spanish. 1904, quarter ending August 31. Acts 1171-1225, inclusive. v. 16. Same. Spanish. 158478 —2 18 LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. 1904, quarter ending Nov. 30. Acts 1226-1274, inclusive. v. 17. Same. Spanish. 1905, quarter ending February 28. Acts 1275 1306, inclusive. v. 18. Same. Spanish. SESSION LAWS AND LAWS PASSED BY THE PHILIPPIN-; COMMISSION DURING RECESSES OF1 THE LEGISLATURES. [English and Spanish editions.] This series consists of slip laws, etc., bound together with title page, table of contents, and index. The pages are numbered at the bottom with a numbering machine. ENGLISH EDITION. First Philippine Legislature. Public la~ws and resolutions passed during the inaugural, first, and special sessions of the First Philippine Legislature covering the periods October 16, 1907, to February 1, 1908; February 3, 1908, to May 21, 1908; May 22, 1908, to June 19, 1908. [Acts 1801-1875.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. First Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine Commission during the recess and by both houses during the second session of the First Philippine Legislature covering the period June 20, 1908, to May 20, 1909. [Acts 1876 -1956.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Second Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine Commission during recess, First and Second Philippine Legislatures, and by both houses during the special session of the Second Philippine Legislature covering the period May 21, 1909, to June 9, 1910. [Acts 1957-1994.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Second Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine Legislature during the first session of the Second Legislature, and by the Philippine Commission in its exclusive legislative capacity, from June 10, 1910, to June 1, 1911. Nos. 1995-2063, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Second Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine Legislature during the second session and special session of 1912 of the Second Legislature, and by the Philippine Commission in its exclusive legislative capacity, from June 1 1911, to March 15, 1912. Nos. 2064-2180. Manila, Bureau o# Printing, 1912. Third Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine Legislature during the first session and special session of 1913 of the Third Legislature and by the Philippine Commission in its exclusive legislative capacity, from May 16, 1912, to June 13, 1913. Nos. 2181-2278, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Third Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine Legislature during the second session and special session of 1914 of the Third Legislature, and by the Philippine Commission in its exclusive legislative capacity, from June 14, 1913, to July 24, 1914. Nos. 2279-2409, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. I.AWS, STATUTES, ETC. 19 'Third Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Third Philippine Legislature during its third session, October 1.6, 1914, to February 5, 1915, and by the Philippine Commission in its exclusive legislative capacity, August 3, 1914, to June 10. 1915. Nos.. 2410 — 2521, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. 'Third Philippine Legislature. Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine Legislature during the fourth session and special session of 1916 of the Third Philippine Legislature and by the Philippine Commission in its exclusive legislative. capacity, from July 19, 1915, to June 19, 1916. Nos. 2522-2663, inclusive with the exception of No. 2657, the Administrative Code. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. SPANISH EDITION. First Philippine Legislature. Leyes y resoluciones publicas aprobadas durante los periodos de sesiones inaugural, primero y extraordinario de la Primera Legislatura Filipina, que comprenden los periodos del 16 de octubre de 1907 al 1.~ de febrero de 1908; del 3 de febrero al 21 de mayo de 1908; y del 22 de mayo al 19 de junio de 1908. [1801-1875.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Second Philippine Legislature. Leyes pfiblicas y resoluciones aprobadas por la Comision de Filipinas durante la clausura de la Primera y Segunda Legislatura y por ambas Camaras durante el periodo extraordinario de sesiones de la Segunda Legislatura Filipina, que comprende el periodo de mayo 21, 1909, a junio 9, 1910. [1957-1994.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Second Philippine Legislature. Leyes publicas y resoluciones aprobadas por la Comision de Filipinas durante la clausura del periodo extraordinario de *sesiones y por ambas Camaras durante el primer periodo de sesiones de la Segunda Legislatura Filipina, que comprenden el periodo de 10 de junio de 1910 a 3 de febrero de 1911. [Nos. 1995-2060.] Manila, Imprenta de I. R. Morales, 1911. Second Philippine Legislature. Leyes publicas y resoluciones aprobadas por la Comision de Filipinas durante la clausura del primer periodo de sesiones y por ambas Camaras durante el segundo periodo y segundo periodo extraordinario de sesiones de la Segunda Legislatura Filipina, que comprende el periodo de 10 de abril de 1911 a 6 de febrero de 1912. [Nos. 2061-2172.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Third Philippine Legislature. Leyes puiblicas y resoluciones aprobadas por la Legislatura Filipina durante la clausura del primer periodo y extraordinario de sesiones de 1913 de la Tercera Legislatura Filipina y por la Comision de Filipinas, dentro de exclusiva jurisdicci6n legislativa, desde el 16 de febrero de 1912 al 11 de febrero de 1913. Nos. 2173-2266, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing,, 1913. Third Philippine Legislature. Leyes Publicas y Resoluciones aprobadas por la Legislatura Filipina durante la clausura del segundo periodo y extraordinario de sesiones de 1914 de la Tercera Legislatura Filipina, y por la Comision de Filipinas, dentro de su exclusiva jurisdiccion legislativa, desde el 17 de Febrero de 1913 al 28 de Febrero de 1914. Nos. 2267 a-l 2393. inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 20 LAWS, STATUTES., ETC. Third Philippine Legislature. Leyes pulblicas y resoluciones aproba das por la Comisio'n de Filipinas durante la clausura del segundo periodo y extraordinario de sesiones de la Tereera Legislatura Filipina, y por ambas Caimaras durante el tercer peri'odo de sesiones de la misma, desde el 4 de i-narzo de '1914 a] 5 de febrero de 1915. Nos. 2394 -251.6. inclusive. Manila,, 'Bureau of Priniting, 1915. Third Philippine Legislature. Leyes pi~blicas y resoluciorx-esi aprobadas por la -Comisio'n de Filipinas, durante'is claugtira del terceu periodo, y extraordinario de sesiones de la Tercera Legisiatur;a. Filipina, y por ambas Ca~maras durante el cuarto periodo y extra - ordinario de sesiones, desde el. 16 de octubre de 1915 hasta el 24 de febrero de 1916; y desde el 3 hasta el 25 de marzo de..1.9116. Nos. 251.7 —2661., inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing,:1.9:1.6. ACTS AND PUJBLIC RIESOLUTIONS OF, 'THE PHILIPPIN E) comlMTSSTON, PUWlISHED By riHE I3RERAUT 01? INS U YjA1 AFFAIRS. 1901. Publi'c laws''and resolutions passed 'by Commission (Se ptember 1, 1900, to October 11, 1901;,acts 1-263, etc.). 1901. (U.- S. War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs.)'' Also ini LI. S. War Department annual report 1901, [vol. 1., pt. '10], and in the, U. S. Congressional set, vol. 11, serial numbei. 427S. House document No. 2, 57th Congress, 1st session. 1903. Acts of the Philippine Comrmission (July 2, 1902, t~o October:. 20, 1903; Acts 425-949). (Bureau of Insular -Affairs?)- 1903., Also in U. S. War Department annual report 1.903, vol. 8, and in the U. S. Congressional 'set, vol 8, -serial numnbert '4635. House document No. 2, 58th Congress, 2d session.. 1906. Apts -and.resolutions, 1906. (November 3, 1.905, to Septemnberl. 8, 1906.) Acts 1408-1538 and public resolutions, etc., October 19, 1905, to September 15, 1906. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs.' Also in U. S.'War Department annual'report- 1906,' vol.1 10.. and in the U. S. Congressional set, Vol. 11, serial, nube 1.14. House document No. 2, 59th Congress, 2c1 session. ACTS OF THE PHILIPPINE:r;EQxSLATjxIriU[NOTrE.-The Library has -non<e of th'is serties. j Acts of. First Philippine Legislature, inaugural, -first aric zipecial sessions [October 16, 1907, to August 22, 1908.]' Nos. 1801-78. public. resolutions, November. 1, 1907,'to' September '15, 1908, Crn' minal procedure, amendments to code of, 'to September 1., '1908. appointments, municipalities, post and telegraph offices.' [and 1 postal savings banks. 1909. xi+258 p. Acts of the First Philippine' Legislature, second- sessiorn tI-IC" of the -Philippine Commission. [August 2.3, 1908, -to JulnOt 26, 19091! Nos. 1879-195-9, public resolutions, August,.23, 1908..1o May 20'. 1909, official changes,. September 16, 198-ugst 190 jd list of notaries public. 1909. xi+287 -p. Acts of Second Philippine Legislature, special-session, 'anc] o1 P1 1iil pine-Commission (July 28, 1909, to June 9. 1910),.Nos. 1960 1 9J4 public resolutions, Legislature, May 21, 1.909, to A. pril 19, 19 10 [and] official changes, August, 1, 1.909. A!,C ogvls:4 ) 1 vii + 182 p LAWS, STAITUTES, ETC. 21 Acts of Second Philippine Legislature, first session, and of Philippine Commission [June 10, 1910, to June 23. 1911] Nos. 1995 --2065, public resolutions, Legislature, October '17, 1910, to Febr-uary 3, 191-1, Commission, July 24, 1910, to July 11, 1911, [and] official changes, Junte 1, 1.910, to July ii., 1.911. 1.911.. xi,- 34 -1.70 p Act;8 of Second Philip pine Liegislature, first sessicori, and of the Philippine Commission [June 10, 1910, to October 3, 19-11] Nos. 1995 -20j75, public 'resolutions, Legislature, October 17, 1910, "to Febriuary 3, 191-1, Commission, July 24, 1910, to October 30, 1911 [and] official chankes, June 1., 1910, to. July '1i, 1.91-1. 1912. xii, 31 -202 p. A ets, of Second Philippine Legislature,, second and special sessions, and of Philippine Commission, [October 4', 1.911., to J'une 1.8, 1912] Nos. 2076-2187 [and] public resolutions, legislature, October 1.6,111 to February 6, 1912, Commissioii, October 31, 1.911, to January [June]l 27, 1,91.2. 1912. 203 p. AXDSF~ I)JESOLIJT'ION'S LN THE ANNUAL 'REPOR~TS OF THE 13H. flJIPPINI;1 COMMISSION. 'U. S. W~A.R D1EPARTMENTI, ANI') '1j. S. (DCON G) 1R. 4IS S] ON A I SET1. Enactment dates are used here. The dates of the resolutions vary.somewhat from the dates of the acts and are omitted. Acts cited in the text 'of the various reports have not been noted. ACTS IN PHILIPPINE COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORTS. 1-5,5 [September:1.2,. 1.900. to December, 5, 1.9001. Annual 'ireport, 1900. '425 4938. Annual ieport,.1902', p t. 2. LAWS IN WAR DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT& I63 Sepeb,1,21 190,to'toe 1 0]:-o] 1 P. 10]. peie,190,t coe 1.0].0.[.1,p. 64-424. [Octo'ber.14,:1A01. to y1, 1902]. 1902, Nr. 11. '1:25.493 [J uly. 2, 1902, to 0 ober 27, 1902]. -1902, v. 10, pt. 2. 425-949 [July 29, 1.902, to October 20, 1903]. 1903, v.. 8. 950-1251 [October 21,:1903, to October 20,;1904]. 1904, v. 1.4. 1'252.41407 [October 26, 1904, to October 26, -1905]. 1905, v. 14. 1408-1538 [November 3, 1905, to September 8, 1906]. 1906, v., 10. -1539-1-800 [October 5,:1.906, to October 12, 1907]. 1907, v. 10., '1801-1878 [December 20, 1907, to August 22, 1908]. 19-08, v. 9. 1.879-1959 [October.10, 1908, to June 26, 1909]. 1909, v. 8. 1.960-1994 [July 28, 1.909, to June 9, 1910]. 1.910, v.. 4. 1.995 ---2075 [July 23,.191.0, to October 3, 1.911]..1911-i, v. 4 LAWS IN Ii. 5. CONGRESSIONAL SET. 1_5 [September:12, 1900 to December 5, 1900). [Senate document:t12, 56th Congress, 2ci session, in v. 12; sefial number 4040]. 1-.263 [September 1.2, 1900, to October 1.1, 1901]1. [House document 2, 157th Congress, 'Is session, v. 11; ncuilmi~ber 4278.] 22 LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. 264-424 [October 14, 1901, to July 1, 1902]. [House docunment 2, 57t.h Congress, 2d session, v. 15; serial number 4454.1 425-493 [July 2, to October 27, 1902]. [House document 2. h7th (-Co gress, 2d session in v. 14; serial number 4453.1 425-949 [July 2, 1902, to October 20, 1903]. [House,-io,",ument. 2-, 2.58t1h Congress, 2d session, v. 9; serial number 4635.] 950-1251 [October 21, 1903, to October 20, 1904]. [House documert; 2, 58th Congress, 3d session, v. 15; serial number 4794.] 1252-1407 [October 26, 1904, to October 26, 1905]. [House doculent; 2, 59th Congress, 1st session, v. 15; serial number 4955.j 1408-1538 [November 3, 1905, to September 8, 1906]. [House docu ment 2, 59th Congress, 2d session, v. 11; serial number 5114.] 1539-1'800 [October 5, 1906, to October 12, 1907]. [House document 2, 60th Congress, 1st session, v. 11; serial number 5280.3 1801-1878 [October 19, 1907, to August 22, 1908]. [House document; 1042, 60th Congress, 2d session, v. 19; serial number 5429.] 1879-1959 [February 1, to May 20, 1909]. [House document 103, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 20; serial number 5723.] 1960-1994 [July 28, 1909, to June 9, 1910]. [House document 1002. 61st Congress, 3d session, in v. 14; serial number 5958.] 1995-2060 [July 23, 1910, to February 3, 1911]. [Senate document. 78, 62d Congress, 1st session, in v. 29; serial number 6107.] 1995-2075 [July 23, 1910, to October 3, 1911]. [House document 1.16, 62d Congress, 2d session, in v. 18; serial number 6200.] 2076-2187 [October 19, 1911, to June 18, 1912]. [Senate document 927, 62d Congress, 2d session, in v. 40; serial number 6179.] 2188-2287 [August 5, 1912, to October 4, 1913]. [House document 656, 63d Congress, 2d session, v. 16; serial number 6613.] 2288-2401 [October 31, 1913, to April 1, 1914]. [Senate document 568, 63d Congress, 2d session, v. 21; serial number 6588.] 2402-2530 [June 27, 1914, to September 4, 1915]. [Senate document 21, 64th C"gress, 1st session, in v. 4; serial number 6914.] 2531-2663 [October 26, 1915, to June 19, 1916. Exclusive of Act No. 2657, the Administrative Code, the text of which comprises volume 2 of this document. Senate document No. 529 (parts 1 and 2, 64th Congress, 1st session, vols. 33 and 34; serial numbers 6943 and 6944.] T'HE OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Authorized by Act No. 453 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 2, 1902, under the general direction of the Department of Public Instruction. Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, placed the office of the Official Gazette in the legislative division of the Executive Bureau. Act No. 1675, enacted July 23, 1907, provided for the editing and compiling of the Official Gazette in the office of the Reporter of the Supreme Court under the general direction and supervision of the Governor-General. Two editions,, English and Spanish, are issued. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1903 [year ending August 31]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, June 30, 1903 to August 31, 1904. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. OFFICIAI GAZETTE. [English Edition.] Vol. 1. Preliminary number. January 1, 1903. The preliminary number contains the general orders of public interest, the proclamations, and the notices of the military government; the President's instructions to the Commission; the announcements, proclamations, and important acts of the Philippine Commission, and other matter of a public nature issued prior to September 1, 1902 (date of establishing the Official Gazette), relative to the establishment and development of the United States Government in the Philippine Islands. [Index.] Vol. 1, Sept. 10, 1902~. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9 No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. Vol. 1, Sept. 10, 1902-Continued. Index to Nos. 1-17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. f9. No. 0. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. 28 24 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Vol. 1, Sept. 10, 1902-Continued.Vol. No. 35. No.36. No.37. No. 38. No.39. No.40. No.41. No. 42. Index to Nos. 18-42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No.50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No. 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. Same, Supplement. No. 69. Index to Nos. 43-69. Index to decisions of the Supreme Court of P. I. published in Vol. 1, Nos. 1-69, September 10, 1902, to December 31, 1903. 2, Jan. 1, 1904-Continued. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 1-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No.~4. N^ 46. N647. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. \ No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Index to decisions of the Supreme Court published in Vol. 2, os. 1-52 of Official Gazette Jan-Dec., 1904. ) Vol. 2, Jan. 1, 1904: No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12.: No. 13. Vol. 3, 1905: No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No.19. No 10. No.lI. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 25 Vol. 3, 1905-Continued. No, 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 1-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No.:33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39 No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No.51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Vol. 4, 1906. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Vol. 4, 1906-Continued. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No.25. No.26. Index to Nos. 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No.14. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Vol. 5, 1907. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 3-.1. No. 14.. 26 OFFI1 Vol. 5, 1907-~Continued. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No."19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index'-to Nos. 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. 'No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41, No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Vol. 6, 1908. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos.. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. [CIAL GAZETTE. VoiL 6, 1t908 —Con ti n ued. No. 16. No.,:.-7. No1.:8. No. 19. No. 20. N'qo.- 21.. N\o. 22. No. 2 3. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to:Nos..1-2 No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No.3. No.34 -4No.35 No.3. No. 7 No' 8. Iexto Nos. 27-40. N.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. Index to Nos. 1-53. Vol. 7, 190.. No. 1.' No~ 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No.6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to' Nos. 1.13 No. 14. No. 15.. No. 16. k, OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 27 vol. i, 909 - CGontinAmedl. N. 18. No.- 19. No 20. No. 21. No 22. No. 23., "N d 24., No. 25: No. 26. Index to 'Noss. I.1.4 -No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. -N o. 31.No. 32. -No. 33. N. —o. 3 4. No. 35. No. 36. NO. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39 No. 40. No. 4 1. No. 4 2. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47.No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 15. VOL. 8,11910. No.I No. 2. No. 22 No. 4. No. 5 No. 6. No. 7 No. 8. No. 9 No. 10. No. I11. No. 12. No. 13. Index t;o Nos. [1~ No. 14. No - 15, No.17.1. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 2 1. 'No. 2 2. N o. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index iw(- 'Nos. 14 'No. 2 7. INo. 2 8. N,\o.29 No.- 3. No. $1.. No. 32. No. 3. No 34 No. 35. No. 36. No. 37-. N o. 38. No. 39. I[ndex to(- N cis. 2? L, No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. -No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to 'Nos..1 _52. Vol. 9, 1911. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. 'No. 4 No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. -No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. 'No. 16. No.- 17. No..1.8. 28 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Vol. 9, 1911-Continued. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30.' No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49.. No. 50.' No. 51.' No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Vol. 10, 1912. No. 1. *No.)2 No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No'.8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-1 3. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. Vol. 10 1912- C ~ i~ d No. 20. No. 2J..No 22' IN o No 924. No, 2 Index N \':,s I No -27'. No. 29. N O. 290. 'No. 0 'No. 1 'No. 32`8. No. 33. No 3 6. No.3 37. 'No. 38., No. 39. Index!o N ob 7 32 No. 40. N o 1. '41. o.42.. -No. 43. No. 44. No. 46. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 5i.. No. 52. 'index to) N~os...2 No.1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. ii-.. No. 12. No. 13. Index tco Noti.,1? No'. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 29 Vo.1.913-Conltinlued. No. 21. No. 22. No. 2 3. No. 24. No. 256. No. 26. lndex- to Nos. 14-2,6 No. 27. No. 28. N~o. 29. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. N"TO. 3 8., No. 39. Index to -Nos. 27 —39 No. 40. No. 41..No. 42. No. 43. Nio. 44. N\o. 46. *No. 46. No. 471 N'o. 48. N,.o. 49. No. 50. NKo. 51..No. 52. No. 53. lndex Nos. 1.-6," N.2. NTO. 3. No. 6. -No. 8.,No. 9. N o. 10. No. 1 N.12. 'Index tC) Nos. 1-4-12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18.. No. 119. NT o, 2fl I ).' I Vol. 12, 1914-Continued. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. Index to Nos. t3-.25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. N~No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 26-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nios. '1-52. V ol.:J.3, 1915. No.1I. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4.No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8 No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to 'Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 1.7. No. 18. -No. 19. No. 20. Ngo. 21'. I 30 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Vol. 13, 1915-Continued. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos.:14-26. No.'27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51.. No. 52. Index to- Nos. 1-52. Vol. 14, 1916. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos.1-8 No.- 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17'. No. 18.No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. V ol. 1J1.4, 1916 —Co. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Special 1 91 6 'Code IslandE I J. tlAY ki ie d.I N'os. 14-2 Number,, A dm in i., of the Phi No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 3 9. Index to Nos. 27-31 No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 5 1. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Vfol. 1.5, 1917. No. 1.. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Nso. 6. N o. r7. No.89. -No.91 O N'~o. 1 1. No. 12. No. 013. Index -io 'Nos.1-1. No. 14. No. 18 ~,6. July, strative tilippine,9. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 31 Vol. b1.5. 1917-Continued. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. 'No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. Vol. 15, 1917-Continued. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. [Spanish Edition.] Vol. 1. Preliminary number. January 1, 1903. Vol. 1, Sept. 10, 1902. Vol. 1, Sept. 10, No. 1.!L No. 35. No. 2. No. 36. No. 3, No. 37.. No. 4. No. 38. No. 5. No. 39... No. 6. No. 40. No. 7. No. 41. No. 8... No. 42. No. 9. Index to No. 10. No. 43. No. 11. No. 44. No. 12. No. 45. No. 13. No. 46. No. 14. No. 47. No. 15. No. 48. No. 16. No. 49. No. 17. No. 50. Index to Nos. 1-17. No. 51. No. 18. No. 52. No. 19. No. 53. No. 20, No. 54. No. 21. No. 55. No. 22. No. 56. No. 23. No. 57. No. 24. No. 58. No. 25. No. 59. No. 26. No. 60. No. 27. No. 61. No. 28. No. 62. No. 29. No. 63. No. 30. No. 64. 'No. 31. No. 65. No. 32. No. 66. No. 33. No. 67. No. 341. 1902-Continued. Nos. 18-42. 32 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Vol. 1, Sept. 10, 1902-Continued. Vol. 2, No. 68. Same, supplement. No. 69. Index to Nos. 43-69. Index to decisions of the Supreme Court of P. I. published in Vol. 1. Vol. 3, Vol. 2, 1904. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. ' No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 1-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No.45., No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. 1904-Continued. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Index to decisions of the Supreme Court published in Vol. 2. 1905. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. TO. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 1-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33."; No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. ~ No. 46. No. 47, No. 48. No. 49. ~o. 50. OFFICIAL GAZETTBE 33 V ol. 8, 1905-Continued. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Vol. 4,' 1906. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-1 3. No.'14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No'.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26 No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. -32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39~ No. 40. No. 41. No. 42, No. 43. No..44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. -No. 50. No~. 5 1. 168478 ---S 'Vol. 4, 1906-Continued. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. Vol. 5, 1907. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No.11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos, 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. 'No. 29. No. 30..No. 31. No. 32. No. 33.' No. 34.' No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No.. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No'. 52. [ndex to Nos. 1-52. B. D. 34 OFFIC Vol. 6, 1908. No.1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 6. No. 6. No. 7..No:'8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No.12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No.18. No. 19. No.'20. No.21. No. 22. No.23. No. 24. No. 25. No.26. Index to Nos. 14-26. No.27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. No. a No. No.4. No. 35. No.36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. Index to Nos. 27-40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. Index to Nos. 1-53. IIAL GAZETTE. Vol. 7. 1909. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. 'No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. O1~'G1 LGAZETTE. 35 No.1 No. 2. No. 3. N o. 4 No. 6. No4.7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. I1. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18..No.- 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. 'Index to Nos. 14-26, No. 27 No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39 No. 40. No. 41. 'No. 42. No. 43. No.- 44. No. 45. 'No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. NO. 50. N o. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos -J-62. p -I \Vol. 9, 1911. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. N o. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. -No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. -1-52. I 36 OFFICIAL (-T'AZE'rt1'1.. Vol. 10, 1912. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No.- 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27 —39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. VOL..EL 1913. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6.,No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10., No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to 'Nos. '1-1.3. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No.' 26. Index to Nos. 1.4-26. No. 27. No. 28. 'No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 3.3. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. 'No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45.9 No. -46. No. 47. N-o. 48. No.- 4 9. N'-o. 50. No. 51. No. 52. NSo. 53. 'Fndex to N c) I 53.) OFI4PCIAL~ GAZETTE. 37 VOL] 12,1 1914. No. 1. No. 2 No. 3. No. 4. No.5 'No. 6. No.7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. 'Index to Nos. -1912 No. 13. 'No. 14. No.- 15..No. 16. *N-o. 1-7. *No.- 18. No. 19. No. 20.:No. 21. No. 22. *No. 24. No. 25. Index to Nos. 1.3-26 No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. 'No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35.. No. 36.No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 26-39 No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. 'No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. 'No. 49. -No. 50. -No. 51. No. 52. Tfndex to Nos.15. 5. Vol. 1 3, 1915. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. -No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14,-26 No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32.' No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27- 39 No. 40. -No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. Index to Nos. 1-52. 16 4. 38 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Vol. 14, 1916. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17., No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21.' No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26. Special Number, 1 9 1 6. Administr Code of the Phili] Islands. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33.No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39., No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43.' No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. July, rative ~ppifle Vol. '14, 1916~ —Continued. Index to Nos. 1-52. VOL. 1.5, 1917. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No.9D. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. Index to Nos. 1-13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. -20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No'. 26. Index to Nos. 14-26 No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. Index to Nos. 27-39 No. 40, No. 41. No., 42.. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48, No. 49. No.. 50. No. 51. No, 52. 'Ide to 'Nos. 1.-52. 3. D. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1899-1900. [SCHURMAN COMMISSION. ] In January, 1899, President McKinley appointed a civil commission (not a peace commission as it is often called) to investigate the conditions of the Philippine Islands with the establishment of civil and peaceful government under American authority in view. The Commission received the instructions of the President in January, 1899, sailed from America the latter part of that month and reached Manila March 4, 1899. The final volumes of the Commission's report were submitted December 20, 1900, and printed in 1901. REPORTS. Preliminary report, dated November 2, 1899. Exhibit I in vol. 1 of the final report, 1900. Also in U. S. Senate document 138 (pt. 1), 56th Congress, 1st session. In vol. 44, serial number 3885, vol. 1, U. S. Congressional set. Report. Vol. 1. January 31, 1900. Washington, 1900. Also published as U. S. Senate document 138 (pt. 1), 56th Congress, 1st session. In vol. 44, serial number 3885, vol. 1, U. S. Congressional set. Same. Vol. 2. (Testimony and exhibits). Washington, 1900. Also published as U. S. Senate document 138 (pt. 2), 56th Congress, 1st session. In vol. 44, serial number 3885, vol. 1, U. S. Congressional set. Same. Vol. 3. Washington, 1901. Also published as U. S. Senate document 138 (pt. 3), 56th Congress, 1st session. Vol. 45, serial number 3885, vol. 2, U. S. Congressional set. Same. Vol. 4. Washington, 1901. Also published as U. S. Senate document 138 (pt. 4), 56th Congress, 1st session. Vol. 46, serial number 3885, vol. 3, U. S. Congressional set. Atlas of Philippine Islands (to accompany report). U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, special publication 3. Also published as U. S. Senate document 138 (atlas), 56th Congress, 1st session. Vol. 47, serial number 3885, vol. 4, U. S. Congressional set. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Pahayag sa mafga taga Filipinas, Manila, 4 de Abril de 1899. Proclama. Al pueblo Filipino. [Manila, 1899. Broadside, 71 by 61 cm. Tagal[og] and Spanish.] 89 LEGISL.ATIVE. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- 1916. [TAFT COMMISSION. ] The Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, was appointed by the Pres ident of the United States in March, 1900, and was placed under the control of the War Department. Under the instructions of the President, dated April 7, 1900, the legislative, and some executive, authority was transferred to the Commission on September 1, 1900, the military governor remaining the chief executive. Under executive order of June 21, 1901, the executive authority in all civil affairs theretofore vested in the military governor and in the Philippine Commission was transferred to a civil governor on July 4, 1901, the military governor continuing to exercise authority in all territory not fully organized for civil government until July 4, 1902. Act of Congress of July 1, 1902, approved and ratified the President's action in creating the Philippine Commission and the Office of Civil Governor, and temporarily provides for administration of civil affiairs in the Philippine Islands. In accordance with the organic act of Congress of July 1, 1902, the Philippine Commission passed Act No. 1582, enacted January 9, 1907, to provide for the holding of elections in the Philippine Islands for the organization of the Philippine Assembly, and for other purposes. The Legislature, of which the Assembly was the lower house, convened on October 16, 1907, and exercised the legislative powers theretofore conferred on the Philippine Commission in all that part of the Philippine Islands not inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes. The Philippine Commission was the upper house of the Legislature. In its capacity as a commission, the Philippine Commission continued to exercise exclusive general jurisdiction over the parts of the Philippine Islands inhabited by the Moros or other non-Christian tribes. Act of Congress of August 29, 1916, creates a Philippine Legislature consisting of a senate and a house of representatives, which exercises the legislative powers of the former legislature and the exclusive legislative jurisdiction and authority of the Philippine Commission. Under the provisions of Act of Congress of August 29, 1916, the Philippine Commission ceased to exist when the Fourth Philippine Legislature, 1st session, convened on October 16, 1916. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1900 [dated November 30]. 1st. Washington, 1901. Also in U. S. Congressional set in vol. 12, serial number 4040 (Senate document 112, 56th Congress, 2d session). [Not in U. S. War Department report.] j 1901 December 1, 1900, to October 15, 1901. [2d.] pt. 1. Published y the U. S. Division of Insular Affairs. 1901. Also in War Department annual report 1901, vol. 1 [pt. 8] and in U. S. Congressional set, vol. 9, serial number 4276 (House document 2, 57th Congress, 1st session). Same. Pt. 2. 1901. Also in War Department annual report, 1901, vol. 1 [pt. 9], and in U. S. Congressional set, vol. 10, serial number 4277 (House document 2, 57th Congress, 1st session). 40 PHILIPPINE COMMISSION 1900-1916. 41 1902 [year ending Oct. 1]. 3d. pt. 1. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1903. Also in War Department annual report 1902, vol. 10, pt. 1, and in U. S. Congressional set, vol. 13, serial number 4452 (House document 2, 57th Congress, 2d session). Same. Pt. 2. 1903. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1902, vol. 10, pt. 2, and in U. S. Congressional set, vol. 14, serial number 4453 (House document 2, 57th Congress, 2d session). 1903 [November 1, 1902, to December 22, 1903]. 4th. pt. 1. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1904. Also in War Department annual report 1903, vol. 5, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 6, serial number 4632 (House document 2, 58th Congress, 2d session). Same. Pt. 2. 1904. Also in U. S. War Department annual report 1903, vol. 6, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 7, serial number 4633 (House document 2, 58th Congress, 2d session). Same. Pt. 3. 1904. Also in U. S. War Department annual report 1903, vol. 7, and in U. S. Congressional set, vol. 8, serial number 4634 (House document 2, 58th Congress, 2d session). Same. Without reports of departments, bureau chiefs, exhibits, etc. Published by the Bureau of Insular Affairs. Not in Congressional set. 1904 [December 22, 1903, to November 1, 1904]. 5th. pt. 1. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1905. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1904, vol. 11, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 12, serial number 4791 (House document 2, 58th Congress, 3d session). Same. Pt. 2. 1905. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1904, vol. 12, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 13, serial number 4792 (House document 2, 58th Congress, 3d session). Same. Pt. 3. 1905. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1904, vol. 13, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 14, serial number 4793 (House document 2, 58th Congress, 3d session). Same. Without exhibits. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1904. Also in U. S. Congressional set in vol. 74, serial number 4853 (House document 232, 58th Congress, 3d session). 1905 [November 1, 1904, to November 1, 1905]. 6th. pt. 1. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1906. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1905, vol. 10, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 11, serial number 4951 (House document 2, 59th Congress, 1st session). Same. Pt. 2. 1906. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1905, vol. 11, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 12, serial number 4952 (House document 2, 59th Congress, 1st session). Same. Pt. 3. 1906. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1905, vol. 12, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 13, serial number 4953 (House document 2, 59th Congress, 1st session). Same. Pt. 4. 1906. Also in. the U. S. War Department annual report, 1905, vol. 13, and ih the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 14, serial number 4954 (House document 2, 59th Congress, 1st session). Same. Without exhibits. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1905. Not in Congressional set. 42 PHILIPPINE COMMISSION 1900-1916. 1906 [fiscal year ending June 30]. 7th. pt. 1. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1907. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1906, vol. 7, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 8, serial number 5111 (House document 2, 59th Congress, 2d session). Same. Pt. 2. 1907. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1906, vol. 8, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 9, serial number 5112 (Iouse document 2, 59th Congress, 2d session). Same. Pt. 3. 1907. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1906, vol. 9, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 10, serial number 5113 (House document 2, 59th Congress, 2d session).. Same. Without exhibits. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1906. Not in Congressional set. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30). 8th. pt. 1. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1908. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1907, vol. 7, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 8, serial number 5277 (House document 2, 60th Congress, 1st session). Same. Pt. 2. 1908. See part 2, appendix. Same. Pt. 2. Appendix. 1908. Also in War Department annual report, 1907, vol. 8, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 9, serial number 5278 (House document 2, 60th Congress, 1st session). (The two volumes of part 2 are issued in one volume in the U. S. War Department annual report, and in the U. S. Congressional set). Same. Pt. 3. 1908. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1907, vol. 9, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 10, serial number 5279 (House document 2, 60th Congress, 1st session). Same. Without exhibits. Washington. 1908. The title page reads in part, War Department, U. S. A., annual reports, 1907. Not in Congressional set. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. [9th.] pt. 1. Washington, 1909. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1908, vol. 7, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 16, serial number 5426 (House document 1042, 60th Congress, 2d session). Same. Pt. 2. 1909. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1908, vol. 8 [pt. 1], and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 17, serial number 5427 (House document 1042, 60th Congress, 2d session). Same. Appendix. 1909. Also in the U. S' War Department annual report, 1908, vol. 8, pt. 2, and in the U. S. Congressional set, vol. 18, serial number 5428 (House document 1042, 60th Congress, 2d session). 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30). [10th. Without exhibits.] Washington, 1910. Also in the U. S. War Department annual re ports, 1909, vol. 7, and in the U. S, Congressional set in vol. '19, serial number 5722 (House document 103, 61st Congress,?d session). 1910 [fiscal year ended June 30]. [lth. Without exhibits, etc.J Washington, 1911. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1910, vol. 4, and in the U S. Congressional set in vol. 1.4, serial number 5958 (House document 1002, 61st Congress.3d session). FHILIPPINE COMMISSION 1900-1916. 43 1911 [fiscal year ended June 30]. [12th. Without exhibits.] Washington, 1912. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1911, vol. 4, and in the U. S. Congressional set in vol. 18, serial number 6200 (House document 116, 62d Congress, 2d session). 1912 [fiscal year ended June 30]. [13th. Without exhibits]. Washington, 1912. Also in the U. S. War Department annual report, 1912, vol. 4, and in the U. S. Congressional set in vol. 15, serial number 6381 (House document 929, 62d Congress, 3d session). 1913 [fiscal year ended June 30]. [14th. Without exhibits.] Washington, 1914. Also in War Department annual report, 1913, vol. 4, and in U. S. Congressional set in vol. 14, serial number 6611 House document 428, 63d Congress, 2d session). The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by act 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted Dec. 19, 1913. 1914 July 1, 1913, to Dec. 31, 1914. [15th.] Washington, 1915. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1915, vol. 3, and in the Congressional set in vol. 15, serial number 6969 (House document 92, pt. 3, 64th Congress, 1st session). 1915, Jan. 1, 1915, to Dec. 31, 1915. [16th.] Washington, 1916. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1916, vol. 3, and in the U. S. Congressional set in vol. 16, serial number 7142 (House document 1378, 64th Congress, 2d session). 1916. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Agricultural bank. Report on agricultural bank of Egypt to the Secretary of War and to the Philippine Commission; by E. W. Kemmerer, special commissioner to Egypt. [June 1, 1906.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission report, 1906, pt. 1. 1907. Correspondence between the Holy See and Hon. Wmin. H. Taft. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Filipino Commissioners. Brief biography of members of honorary board of Filipino commissioners to Louisiana Purchase Exposition; officer in charge, A. W. Ferguson; disbursing officer, Thomas Hardeman, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission report, 1904, pt. 1. 1905. Ii orbes, William Cameron. Inauguration of Honorable William Cameron Forbes as Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, Wednesday, November 24, 1909. Contains the inaugural address. [Minutes of proceedings of a public session of the Philippine Commission, Wednesday, November 24, 1909.] Manila, Bureau of Printing,:1.909. Same. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Hearings before Secretary of War and Congressional party accompanying him to the Philippine Islands [on complaints in regard to policy of government in Philippine Islands], held at Manila, August 29-30, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. I Ibor conditions in the Philippine islands. By C. W. Beardsley. 1a nial, 1907. ['Fomr Engineering News, Nov. 23, 1905.] I 44 PHILIPPINE COMMISSION J 900-1 91 6. Legislative procedure containing rules of the Commission, legislative rules established by law and joint resolution, certain important precedents of the United States House of Representatives, and notes as to statutes. Compiled by William H. Donovan, Secretary of the Commission. Published January 1, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Compiled by the Secretary of the Philippine Commission. Published September, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Minutes of the executive session of the Philippine Commission and the Secretary of War and the members of the Congressional party accompanying him to' the Philippine Islands, held at Manila, August 11, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Numerical list of acts, list of amended acts, and index from vol. 1 of the new edition of public laws. Acts Nos. 1-449. July 31, 1903. (Compiled by David Lewis Cobb.) Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Public Hearings in the Philippine Islands upon the proposed reduction of the tariff upon Philippine sugar and tobacco, extension of. the United States coastwise navigation laws to the Philippines, and the general economic conditions in the Islands, held during the month of August, 1905, before the Secretary of War and the Congressional party... Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also in Philippine tariff hearings before Ways and Means Committee, U. S. Congress [published 1906] and in Revenue for Philippine Islands hearings, January 20 to February 13, 1906, etc., before Philippine Committee, U. S. Congress. Remarks on Act No. 78. [By] Wm. H. Taft [and] Luke E. Wright. [English, Spanish, Tagalog, Bicol, Hiligaynon, Visayan and Ilocano.] Together with appendix containing the law as passed in English, Spanish, and four [Tagalog, Cebuano-Visayan, Hiligaynon-Visayan, and Ilocanol languages. Published by authority of the United States Commission, Manila, January 26, 1901. Reports of the Philippine Commission, the civil governor, and the heads of the executive departments on the civil government of the Philippine Islands, 1900-1903. Published by the U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Washington, 1904. Report on proposed improvements at Manila. By B. H. Burnham June 28, 1905, Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1.905, pt. 1.. Resefia historica de Filipinas desde su descubrimiento hasta 1908. Por T. H. Pardo de Tavera. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Rules and instructions relative to accounting system of military gov ernment by the United States in Philippine Archipelago ['and regulations in case of public civil property in the Philippin, Islands for which civil and military agents may be responsibleJ], [1901]. San Jose College Case. [Manila, 1901. Also in Lands hleld lor ecclesiastical and religious uses in the Philippine Islands. Senate document 190, p. 26-46, 56th Congress, 2d session in vol. 12, 4040, U. S. Congressional set, and in Philippine Commission, Public laws and resolutions passed during quarter ending:Feb. 28, 1901. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION 1900-1916. 45 School Bill. Remarks on section 16 of school bill (relative to teaching.of religion). [By] Wm. H. Taft. [Manila] January 2, 1901. Taft, William Howard. Address by Honorable William Howard Taft, Secretary of War of the United States, at the inauguration of the Philippine Assembly, October 16, 1907. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907.] Also in Special report of William H. Taft..... to the President on the Philippines, 1909, and in the Commission Journal of the First Philippine Legislature, Inaugural Session, vol. 1, English and Spanish. Same. Spanish. Also in Actas de la Asamblea Filipiaa. vol. 1. JOURNAL OF THE PHILIPPINE COMMISSION. (The first four volumes of this document were printed in both English and Spanish, but with volume 5 the Spanish edition was discontinued.] [Vol. 1] being the inaugural session of the First Philippine Legislature begun and held at the city of Manila, October 16, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. [Vol. 2] being the first session and a special session of the First Philippine Legislature February 3, 1908, to June 19, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. [Vol. 3] being the second session of the first Philippine Legislature, February 1, 1909, to May 20, 1909. This volume also contains a brief record of action taken by the Commission in executive session during the periods between the close-of the special session of the legislature on June 19, 1908, and the opening of the second regular session on February 1, 1909, and the close of the second' regular session on May 20, 1909, to the termination of the First Philippine Legislature on December 31, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Spanish, Manila, Bureau of: Printing, 1910. I Vol. 4] being a special session March 28, 1910, to April 19, 1910, and the first session October 17, 1910, to February 3, 1911, of the Second Philippine Legislature. This volume also contains a brief record of action taken by the Commission in executive session during the period January 1, 1910, to February 3, 1911, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish, Mania, Bureau of Printing, 1911. I Vol. 5] being the second session October 16, 1911, to February 1, 1912, and a special session February 2, 1912, to February 6, 1912, of the Second Philippine Legislature. This volume also contains ae brief record of action taken by the Commission in executive session during the period February 4, 1911, to February 6, 1912, inclusive. Manila. Bureau of Printing, 1912. I Vol. 6] being the first session October 16, 1912, to February 3, 1913, and a special session February 6,:1913, to February 11, 1913, of the Third Philippine Legislature. This volume also contains a. brief record of action taken by the Commission in executive session during the period February 6, 1912, to February 11, 1913. in(lusive. Manila. Bureau of Printing, 1913. 46 PHILIPPINE LEGISLATURE 1907-1 916. [Vol. 7] being the second session October 16, 1913, to February 3, 1914, and a special session February 6, 1914, to February 28, 1914, of the Third Philippine Legislature. This volume also contains a brief record of action taken by the Commission in executive session during the period February 12, 1913, to February 28, 1914, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. [Vol. 8] being the third session October 16, 1914, to February 5, 1915, of the Third Philippine Legislature. This volume also contains a brief record of action taken by the Commission in Legislative session in non-Christian jurisdiction and in executive session during the period March 1, 1914, to February 5, 1915, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. [Vol. 9] being the fourth session October 16, 1915, to February 4, 1916 and a special session, February 14, 1916, to February 24, 1916, of the Third Philippine Legislature. This volume also contains a brief record of action taken by the Commission in legislative session in non-Christian jurisdiction and executive session during the period February 6, 1915, to February 24, 1916, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. [Vol. 10] in legislative session in non-Christian jurisdiction and in executive session for the recess period February 25, 1916, to October 15, 1916, inclusive. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Volume 10 ends this series. Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress approved August 29, 1916, the Philippine Commission ceased to exist and determine on October 15, 1916. PHILIPPINE LEGISLATURE, 1907-1916. The Philippine Legislature was authorized by Act of Congress approved July 1, 1902. It was vested with all the legislative power theretofore conferred on the Philippine Commission in that part of the Islands not inhabited by Moros or other non-Christian tribes. The Philippine Legislature consisting of two houses, the Philippine Commission, the upper house, and the Philippine Assembly, the lower house, convened Oct. 16, 1907. Act of Congress approved August 29, 1916, created a Philippine Legislature, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives, which exercises the legislative powers of the former legislature and the exclusive legislative jurisdiction and authority of the Philippine Commission. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. ACTS. Note.-The acts of the Philippine Legislature and of the Philippine Commission exercising its exclusive legislative jurisdiction are numbered consecutively and are placed under Laws, statutes, etc. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION. In accordance with the Organic Act of Congress of July 1, 1902 the Philippine Commission passed Act No. 1582, enacted January 9, 1907, to provide for the holding of elections in the Philippine Islands for the organization of the Philippine Assembly, the lower house of the Philippine Legislature, and for other purposes. The Philippine Commission is the upper house of the Legislature. In its capacity as a Commission, the Philippine Commission continued to exercise exclusive, general jurisdiction over the parts of the Philippine Islands PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY. 47 inhabited by the Moros or other non-Christian tribes. Under the provisions of Act of Congress of August 29, 1916, the Philippine Commission ceased to exist when the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, convenced October 16, 1916. NOTE.-All publications of the Philippine Commission, as a separate body and as the upper house of the Philippine Legislature, are listed under Philippine Commission, 1900-1916. PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY. Act of Congress of July 1, 1902, provided for a legislature to consist of the Philippine Commission the upper house, and the Philippine Assembly, the lower house. In accordance with this organic act, the Philippine Commission enacted Act No. 1582 on January 9, 1907, to provide for the holding of elections for the organization of the Philippine Assembly. Act of Congress approved August 29, 1916, creates a Philippine Legislature consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives, the Philippine Commission being abolished and the Assembly, in part, continuing as the House of Representatives. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Vida y obras de Ferdinand Blumentritt. Folleto preparado por la Secretaria de la Asamblea Filipina. Asamblea Filipina, Tercera Legislatura, segundo perfodo extraordinario de sesiones. Documento No. 6633-A 1. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Calendarios de la Asamblea Filipina, con el orden del despacho de los asuntos, calendarios de la Asamblea, directorio de Diputados, listas de comites, registro de bills de segunda lectura, asuntos resueltos por la Camara, lista de miembros de la Comision, Comites de la Comision, compromisos sociales y memorandum. Preparados por Ramon Diokno, Secretario de la Asamblea Filipna. Segunda Legislatura Filipina, primer periodo de sesiones. Manila, 1910. Dadivas, Simeon. En memoria del difunto Hon. Simeon Dadivas, Diputado por el Segundo Distrito de Capiz. Octubre 21, 1914. Asamblea Filipina, tercer periodo ordinario de sesiones. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. [Declaracion de Independencia ante el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, aprobada por la Asamblea Filipina el febrero 28 de 1914.] Filipinos en Hawaii. Investigacion llevada a cabb por el Honorable Joaquin Balmori, Diputado a la Asamblea Filipina y presidente del comite de trabajo e inmigracion sobre las condiciones en que se encuentran los obreros filipinos en las haciendas de cana dulce de la Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association del territorio de Hawaii, EE. UU. Para el Honorable Gobernador General, Honorable Speaker de la Asamblea Filipina, Honorable Secretario de Comercio y Policia. [Imprenta de Staples-Howe Printing Co., Manila. 1912.] La Independencia como Aspiracion Nacional. Resoluciones y declaraciones de la Asamblea Filipina, de la Legislatura Filipina y del Speaker Osmefia sobre la Independencia de Filipinas durante la primera, segunda y tercera legislaturas, junio 19, 1908-febrero 4, 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Manual de Prfctica parlamentaria, de Jefferson. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. 48 PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY. Memorial politico del Partido Nacionalista y memorandum ounjunta de los Partidos Nacionalista y Progresista presentados al Secretario de Guerra de los Estados Unidos en 1.~ de septiembre de 1910, con ocasion de su visita a las Islas Filipinas. Asamblea Filipina, Segunda Legislatura, primer periodo de sesiones. Do cumentos Nos. 4581 y 4581 —A 1. Manila, Imprenta de Jl. R. Morales, 1911. Message of the Philippine Assembly to President Wilson. (IResolution 87, adopted on October 16, 1913.) Same. Spanish. Mindanao y Sulu, Hermanos de. Por los hermanos de Mindanao y Sulu. Sesion informal en la Asamblea Filipina. Diciembre 2, 1914. Asamblea Filipina, tercer periodo de sesiones. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Provinces, districts, and post-office addresses of the members of the Second Philippine Assembly. [Manila, no date.] Quezon, Hon. Manuel. Discursos del Hon. Manuel L. Quezon, Comisionado Residente de Filipinas, pronunciados en la Camara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos con motivo de la discusion del Bill Jones, 26, septiembre-14, octubre, 1914. Asamblea Filipina, Tercera Legislatura, tercer periodo de sesiones. Documento No. 4042-A 87. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Quezon, Hon. Manuel. Felicitacion al Comisionado Quezon. (Diario de Sesiones de la Asamblea Filipina, jueves, 28 de enero de 1915.) Resident Commissioners. Election of Resident Commissioners to the United States. Record of the discussions between the conference committees of the Philippine Commission and the Philippine Assembly, with a brief account of the facts preceding the appointment of said committees, and an excerpt from the journal of the Assembly giving an idea of what occurred after the report of disagreement. Philippine Assembly. Second legislature, first session. Documento No. 250-A 38. (Translation.-) Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. Manila, Imprenta de I. R. Morales, 1911. Resoluciones de ambas Camaras en sesion conjunta adoptada el octubre 16, 1915. Resoluciones Nos. 112 y 118 de la Asamblea Filipina adoptadas unanimemente por la misma el 25 de enero de 1916 y 4 de febrero de 1916. Sanidad en Filipinas. El Ramo de Sanidad en Filipinas (I. A. No. 363). Informe del comit6 especial investigador sobre los asuntos de la sanidad y sus dependencias, presentado al Presidente de la Asamblea en 6 de enero de 1914. Asamblea Filipina, Tercera Legislatura, segundo periodo de sesiones. Documento No. 4931-A 17. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Slavery and peonage. Informe sobre la esclavitud y peonaje en Filipinas. Compilado en vista de los informes parciales y exhibitos presentados por el comite especial investigador de la Asamblea Filipina al Honorable Presidente de la misma. Asamblea Filipina, Tercera Legislatura, segundo periodo de sesiones. Documento No. 3472-A 56. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY. 49 Slavery and peonage. Resumen dS la investigacion sobre esclavitud y peonaje en las Islas Filipinas por el comite que investig6 el asunto. Asamblea Filipina. Tercera Legislatura, segundo perfodo de sesiones. Documento No. 3472-A 130. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Speaker Osmefa. La Asamblea y el Speaker Osmena. (Sesion No. 90, Feb. 5, 1915.) Speaker (Osmefia). Speech of the Speaker of the Philippine Assembly at San Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan, P. I., May 7, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. Manila, 1911. Speaker Osmenfa. La Unidad del Pueblo Filipino. Discurso del Hon. Sergio Osmefia, Speaker de la Asamblea Filipina en la clausura del primer periodo extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea Filipina, Tercera Legislatura, precedido de una resolucion de la Camara aprobando su conducta como speaker, y del discurso contestando a dicha resolucion. Febrero 3 y 11, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. RULES OF THE ASSEMBLY. Reglamento de la Camara de Representantes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de America, adoptado por la Primera Asamblea Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Reglamento de la Asamblea Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Con un apendice que contiene disposiciones del Congreso, de la Legislatura y otras de interes para el diputado Filipino. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. See, for later rules, House of Representatives. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. First Philippine Legislature. Gregorio Nieva, Secretary. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. Segunda Legislatura Filipina. Ramon Diokno, Secretario. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Tercera Legislatura Filipina, tercer periodo de sesiones. Teodoro Kalaw, Secretario. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. See, for later directories, Philippine Legislature, 1916-, Official Directory. ACTAS DE LA ASAMBLEA FILIPINA. First issued in parts. No English edition. Vol. 1. Inaugural session. Vol. 2. Not printed. Vol. 3. Not printed. Vol. 4. Not printed. 168478 — 50 PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY. Vol. 5. Segunda Legislatura Filipina, periodu txtraordinario de sesiones, celebrado en la ciudad de Baguio, Benguet, desde el 28 de marzo de 1910, de acuerdo con las aisDosiciofeS' de ia LeN del Congreso. de los Estados, Unidos de L.o de julio de 1902 y las proclamas del Gobernador General de 'las Islas Filipinas de 28 de febrero ~ 28 de marzo de 1.91.0 Marifla. Bureau of Printing. 1911. Vol. 6. Segunda Legislatura Filipina, primer, periodo de sesiones, celebrado en la ciudad de Manila desde e-l 1.7 de octubre de 1910. de acuerdo con las disposiciones de las 'Leyes del Congreso de -los Estados Unidos de fecha 1.0 de julio de 1902 y 27 de febrero de 1909 y de la Ley No, 1929 de la 11egislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.. Vol. 7. Not printed. Vol., 8. Tercera Legislatura' Fillipina, primer peid essionefs celebrado en el Salon de Mairmol del Ayuntamiento, en 'la ciudadde Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el mi'rcohles, 1.6 de octubre del afio del Sefior de 1912, de acuerdo, con las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.0 de julio de '1902 y 15 de febrero de 1911 y con la Ley No. 2114 aprobada por la Legislatura Filipirna el dia 1.0 febrero de 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1918. Vol. 9. Tercera Legislatura Filipina,. segundo periodo de sesiones, celebrado en el Salon de Ma'rmol del Ayuntamiento, en la ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el jueves, 16 de octubre del afio del Sefior de 1913-, de acuerdo con las Leyes de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.0 de julio de 1902 y 15 de febrero de 1911 y con la Ley No. 2114 aprobada por la Legislatura Filipina' el dia 1.0 de febrero de 1912. Manila, Bur eau of Printing, 1915. Vol. 10. Tercera Legislatura Filipina, tercer periodo de sesiones, celebrado en el Salo'n de Mairmol. del Ayuntamiento, en la ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el viernes, 16 de octubre del afio del Sefior de 1914, de acuerdo con las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.0' de julio de 1902 y'15 de febrero de 1911 y con la Ley No. 2114 aprobada por la Legislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1.91.5. Vol. 11. Tercera Legislatura Filipina, cuarto perfodo de sesiones, celebrado en el Salon de Mairmol del Ayuntamiento en la ciu'dad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el -Sabado 16 de Octubre del aflo del Sefior de 1915, de acuerdo con las leyes del Congreso de Estados Unidos de fechas 1.0 de julio de 1902 y 15 de febrero de 1911 y con Ia Ley No. 2114 aprobada p or la Legislatura Filipina en el 1.0 de febrero de 191.2. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. DIARIO DE SESIONES. No English edition. Vol. 1. Primera legislatura Filipina, perilodo inaug ural de sesiones. (Oct. 16, 1907-.Jan. 31, 1908.) (Nos. 1-20.) Vol. 2. Not printed. Vol. 3.- Not printed. Vol. 4. Not printed. PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY. 51 Vol 4. S. Segunda Legislatura Filipina periodo extraordinario de sesiones, celebrado en la ciudad de tlaguio, Benguet, Islas Filipinas, desde el 28 de marzo de 1910, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de la Ley del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de 1.~ de julio de 1902 y de las proclamas del Gobernador General de las Islas Filipinas de 28 de febrero y 28 de marzo de 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Vol. 6. Segunda Legislatura Filipina, primer periodo de sesiones, celebrado en la ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el 17 de octubre de 1910, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.~ de julio de 1902 y 27 de febrero de 1909 y la Ley No. 1929 de la Legislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. \Vot 7. Segunda Legislatura Filipina, segundo periodo y periodo exLraordinario de sesiones, celebrado en la ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el 16 de octubre de 1911, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.~ de julio de 1902 y 27 de febrero de 1909, y de la Ley No. 1929 de la Legislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Vol. 8. Tercera Legislatura Filipina, primer periodo ordinario y primer periodo extraordinario de sesiones, celebrados, en la ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el 16 de octubre de 1912 y desde el 6 de febrero de 1913, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.~ de julio de 1902 y 27 de febrero de 1909 y de la Ley No. 1929 de la Legislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Vol. 9. Tercera Legislatura Filipina, segundo periodo ordinario y segundo periodo extraordinario de sesiones, celebrados en la ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el 16 de octubre de 1913 y desde el 6 de febrero de 1914, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.~ de julio 'de 1902 y 27 de febrero de 1909 y la Ley No. 1929 de la Legislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Tol. 10. Tercera Legislatura Filipina, tercer perfodo ordinario de sesiones, celebrado en la. ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el 16 de octubre de 1914, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, de fechas 1.~ de julio de 1902 y 27 de febrero de 1909 y de la Ley No. 1929 de la Legislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Vol. 11. Tercera Legislatura Filipina, cuarto periodo ordinario y tercer periodo extraordinario de sesiones, celebrados en la ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, desde el 16 de octubre de 1915 y desde el 14 de febrero de 1916, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de las Leyes del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de fechas 1.~ de julio de 1902 y 27 de febrero de 1909 y de la Ley No. 1929 de la Legislatura Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. P IILIPPINE:LEGTSLA.TTURE, 1916 --- Act of Congress approved August 29, 1916, creates a Philippine Legislature consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives, which exercises the legislative powers of the former legislature and the exclusive legislative jurisdiction and authority of the Philippine Commission. 52 PHILIPPINE LiEGISLATURE 19.16 — &*ENERAL PUBLICATIONS None issued. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Cuarta Legislatura Filipina. Primer periodo de sesiones..Directoric. oficial del Senado y de la Camara de. Representantes. Fernando Ma. Guerrero, secretario del senado. Rafael Villanueva, secretario de la Camara de Representante.s-. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. See note under Philippine Legislature 19'1.6 -GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Reglamento del Senado de Filipinas. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. ACTAS DEL SENADO DE FILIPINAS. Vol. 1. Cuarta Legislatura Filipina.correspondientes al primer periodo ordinario y al extraordinario de sesiones celebradas en. la Ciudad de Manila, Islas Filip'inas, desde el lunes, 16 de octubre de 1916, hasta el jueves, 8 de febrero de 1917, inclusive, y desde el lunes, 12 de febrero, hasta el jueves, 22 de febrero de 1917, inclusive, de acuerdo con la Ley Orgainica de las Islas Filipinas, conocida comunmente por "Ley Jones," aprobada el 29 de agosto de 1916. (Documento 603.5-3). Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. HO USE OF RElPRHESENrP"ATIVTES. See note under Philippine Assembly. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Reglamento de la Camara de Representantes con la Ley Jones. Mfanila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. ACTAS DE LA CAMARA DE REPRESENTANTES. NOTE.-Continuation of Actas de Ila Asamblea Filipina. Vol. 12. Cuarta Legislatura Filipina, primer periodo ordinario y extraordinario, de sesiones comenzados y celebrados en el Salon de Mairmol del Ayuntamnienito en la Ciudad de Manila, Islas Filipinas, el lunes 16 de octubre de 1916, de acuerdo con la ley del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, que entr6' en vigor el 29 de agosto de 1916, y 'el 12 de febrero de 1917, en virtud de la proclama del Gobernador General, expedida, el.9 de febrero de 1.91.7. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1.91.7. _EXihE'cu ' lvr GO1VERNOR-G-ENERAL, CIVIL GOVERNOR, AND MJ1LITAIRlY GOVrERNOR. The central government of the Islands was established September.1, 1900, under the instructions of the President with a military governor as the chief executive and the Commission as the legislative body with certain executive duties. It continued in this way until July 4, 1901, when Executive Order of the President of the United States,. under date of June 21, 1901, transferred the executive authority over all the organized provinces theretofore reposed in the military governor and in the Commission to a-civil governor. The government continued partially under the military governor until July 4, 1902, when the Office of Military Governor was abolished and the civil governor assumed entire executive control of the Phil ippine Islands. The title. of Civil Governor was changed to Governor-General by Act of Congress, February 6, 1905. OFFICE OF TILE GOVERNOR-GENERAL (CIVIL GOVERNOR), AND TILE MILITARY GOVERNOR. See, for other publications in which the reports of 'the Civil Governor and the Governor-General appear, Philippine Commission, 1900 -1916, Annual reports. The military reports are listed for convenience and' continuity. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1.899, July 1, 1898-August 31, 1899. Title reads Annual report of E. S. Otis, commanding Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps, Military Governor in the Philippine Islands, Ma.. nila, 1899. Also in U. S. War Department annu~al report, 1899, [vol. 1, pt. 4] and in the U. S. Congressional set, in vol. 5, serial number 3902. (House document No. 2, -56th Congress, 1st session).' Same. With title Report of E. S. Otis on military operations and civil affairs in Philippine Islands, 1899. Washington, 1899. Same. Appendices. [Reports of chief of staff departments, heads of departments of civil administration, etc., 1899.] Manila, 1899. Also, with ommissions, in U. S. War Department annual report, 1899, [vol. 1, pt. 4], and in the U. S. Congressional set, in vol. 5, serial number 3902. (House document No. 2, 56th Congress, Ist session.),19.00, September 1, 1899-May 5, -1900. ' Title reads Report of Major General E. S. Otis, United States Army, commanding division of -the Philippines, Military Governor. September 1, 1899, to May 5, 1900. Washington, 1900. Also in U. S. War Department. annual report, 1900, [vol.' 1, pt. 4] and in the U. S. Congressional slet, in vol. 5, serial number 4073. (House document No. 2, 56th Congress, 2d session.) 53 54 GOVERNOR-GENERAL. Same. May 5, 1900-October 1, 1900. Vol. 1. Title reads Ann'.al report of Major General Arthur MacArthur, U. S. Volunteers, commanding, Division of the Philippines, Military Governor in the Philippine Islands. Manila, 1900. Also with ommissions, in U. S. War Department annual report, 1900, [vol. 1, pt. 5], and in the U. S. Congressional set, in vol. 6, serial number 4074. (House document No. 2; 56th Congress, 2d session.) Same. Vol. 2. Title reads Report of Military Governor of Philippine Islands on Civil affairs. Manila, 1900. Also in U. S. War Department annual report, 1900, vol. 1, pt. 10, and in the U. S. Congressional set, in vol. 11, serial number 4079. (House document No. 2, 56th Congress, 2d session.) 1901, Oct. 1, 1900, to July 4, 1901. Vol. 1. Titles reads Annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur, U. S. Army, Commanding, Division of the Philippines, Military Governor in the Philippine Islands. Manila, 1901. Also with different arrange-. ment and additional matter, in U. S. War Department annual report 1901, [vol. 1, pt. 4], and in the U. S. Congressional set, in vol. 5, serial number 4272. (House document No. 2, 57th Congress, 1st session.) Same. Vol. 2. [Civil reports]. Also in U. S. Department annual report 1901, [vol. 1, pt. 4], and in the U. S. Congressional set, in vol. 5; serial number 4272. (House document No. 2, 57th Congress, 1st session.) 1902, year ending October 1. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Also, with exhibits, in the Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, period ending December 23. [Without exhibits.] In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903 [without exhibits]. Also with exhibits, in the Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 1. 1904. 1904, fiscal year and other stated periods. [Without exhibits.] In the Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904 [without exhibits.] Also with exhibits, inthe Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 1. 1905. 1905, fiscal year, and other stated periods. [Without exhibits.] In the Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905 [without exhibits]. Also, with exhibits, in the Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 1. 1906. 1906, fiscal year, and other stated periods. [Without exhibits.] In the Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906 [without exhibits]. Also, with exhibits, in the Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 1. 1907. 1907, fiscal year. [Without exhibits.] In the Philippine Commission 1900 8th annual report, 1907 [without exhibits]. [Title page of this report is headed "War Department, U. S. A. Annual reports, 1907."] Also, with exhibits, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 1. 1908. 1908, fiscal year. [With exhibits.] In Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 1. 1909. 1909, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1909. 1910. p 1910, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission annual -report, 1910. 1911. 0 GOVERNOR-GENERAL. 55 1911, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1911. 1912. 1912, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1912. 1913. 1913, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1913. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31, 1913 [included in report of 1914]. In Philippine Commission annual report, July 1, 1913 to December 31, 1914. 1914, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1914. 1915, January 1, 1915, to December 31, 1915. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1915. 1916. Report of the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands to the Secretary of War 1916 (January 1, 1916, to December 31, 1916). (In one part). Washington, 1917. Title page bears heading Annual reports, War Department, fiscal year ended June 30, 1917. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Advice of the governor-general alloting funds for purposes of government for fiscal year 1911-1912 under Act of Congress approved July 1, 1902. Manila, December 18, 1911. Same, corrected copy. Manila, December 18, 1911. Title reads... "for fiscal year 1912" etc. Advice of the governor-general alloting funds for purposes of government for the fiscal year 1913 under Act of Congress approved July 1, 1902. Manila, July 24, 1912. Advice of the governor-general allotting funds for purposes of government for the fiscal year 1914 under Act of Congress approved July 1, 1902. Manila, July 1, 1913. Budget of the Central Government of the Philippine Islands for the fiscal year 1918, submitted by the Governor-General to the Philippine Legislature. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. English and Spanish. Forbes, William Campron. Inaugural address of the Honorable William Cameron Forbes, inaugurated Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, Nov. 24, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Spanish. Handbook on the executive departments of the government of the Philippine Islands [1912], Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Harrison, Francis Burton. Inaugural address and message of Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison to the Third Philippine Legislature [second session] delivered in October, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Spanish. 1918. 56 GOVERNOR-GENERAL. Reply to Jones. [By] W[illiamj Cameron Forbes, Governor-General of the Philippine Islands. Replies to false charges contained in the speeches made by William A. Jones, of Virginia, in the House of Representatives January 28 and February 13, 1913. Manila, 1913. [Not a government publication.] Smith, James Francis. Inaugural address of the Honorable James Francis Smith, Governor-General, delivered Sept. 20, 1906. Same. Spanish. Trading with the enemy act. No. 46. Proclamation by the GovernorGeneral of the Philippine Islands promulgating an Act of Congress of the United States, approved October 6, 1917, entitled "An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes," and the Executive Order of the President of the United States of October 12, 1917, vesting power and authority in designated officers and making rules and regulations under Trading with the Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act approved June 15, 1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Spanish. 1917. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. MESSAGES. The messages which have been issued in pamphlet form are the only ones listed here. All other messages, together with these, are in the Journal of the Philippine Commission and in Actas de la Asamblea Filipina. [1907]. Message of the governor-general to the Philippine Commission and the Philippine Assembly, constituting the Philippine Legislature. [October 16, 1907. First Philippine Legislature, inaugural session. James F. Smith, Governor-General.] Same. Spanish. 1909. Message of the governor-general to the Philippine Commission and the Philippine Assembly, constituting the Philippine Legislature. [February 1, 1909. First Philippine Legislature, second session. James F. Smith, governor-general.] Same. Spanish. 1910. Message of the governor-general to the Second Philippine Legislature, [first session. October 17, 1910. W. Cameron Forbes, governor-general.] Same. Spanish. 1911. Message of the governor-general to the Second Philippine Legislature, [second session. October 16, 1911. W. Cameron Forbes, governor-general.] Same. Spanish. 1912. Message of the governor-general to the Third Philippine Legislature, [first session. October 16, 1912. Newton W. Gilbert, acting governor-general.] Same. Spanish. 1913. Inaugural address and message of Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison to the Third Philippine Legislature [second session] delivered in October, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 1913. [Also listed under general publications.] Same. Spanish. GOVER N()R-GENERAL 57 1914. Message of Governor-General Harrison to the Third Philippine Legislature [third session] delivered October 16, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. Spanish. 1916. Message of Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison to the Third Philippine Legislature delivered October 16, 1915, at the opening of the fourth session. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915, Same. Spanish. 1916. Message of Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison to the Fourth Philippine Legislature delivered October 16, 1916, at the opening of the first, session. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. 1917. Message of Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison to the Fourth Philippine Legislature, delivered October 16, 1917, at the opening of the second session. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Spanish. SPECIAL MESSAGES. 1916. Message of the governor-general [Francis Burton Harrison] to the Third Philippine Legislature (fourth session) relative to the proposed purchase of outstanding stock of the Manila Railroad Company by the Philippine Government, Manila, January 10, 1916. Same. Spanish. [Special message to the Third Philippine Legislature, first session, regarding the construction of railroads in the Philippine Islands. Newton Gilbert, acting governor-general.] Manila, December 2, 1912. Same. Spanish. EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND PROCLAMATIONS. With the exception of the years 1901-2 the executive orders and proclamations are issued by calendar year. They are first issued in loose leaf in English and in Spanish. The yearly edition has the title page, index, and list of amended orders, in English, and the text in English and Spanish, with the exception of a few orders which are not printed in Spanish. An alphabetical list of the executive orders and proclamations is in Public Laws, Statutes, etc., Public Laws, with amendments [yearly edition], in vols. 2 to 7 inclusive. Vol. 1, Public Laws with amendments [yearly edition], contains a list of amended orders. The orders and proclamations are printed in the Official Gazette, English and Spanish editions, and those issued during the fiscal year 1903, 1904, 1905, are in part 1, of the Philippine Commission annual reports for 1903, 1904, and 1905. 1.901-02. [English. Loose leaf orders and proclamations bound together with title page and index. Library has no Spanish edition.] 1903. [English and Spanish. A few executive orders in Spanish are not included.] 1904. [English and Spanish. A few executive orders in Spanish are not included.] 1906. [English and Spanish. A few executive orders in Spanish are not included.] 1906. [English and Spanish. A few executive orders in Spanish are not included.] 58 BUREA(i OF A DITS. 1907. [English and Spanish. l 1908. [English and Spanish. 1 1909. [English and Spanish.I 1910. [English and Spanish.J 1911. [English and Spanish.] 1912. [English and Spanish.] 1913. [English and Spanish.] 1914. [English and Spanish.] 1915. [English and Spanish.] 1916. [English and Spanish.] 1917. Not on hand at time of goig ti press. BUREA'U C0''.iX'I11')ITS. [Office o.I Tae,.\AidiloI..*. General order No. 3, of the Military Governor, September 6, 1898, designated an auditor for the Philippine Islands. The office of auditor for the Islands was created by an order of the President under date of May 8, 1899. This order was amended by Act No. 90 of the Philippine Commission, enacted February 28, 1901. Act No. 90 was repealed by Act No. 1402, enacted October 10, 1905. Act No. 222 enacted September 6, 1901, placed the Bureau of the Insular Auditor under the executive control of the Department of Finance and Justice where it remained until July 1, 1907, when it was transferred by Act No. 1679 to the executive control and supervision of the Governor-General. The name, Bureau of Audits, is used in Act No. 1402 and in reorganization Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Under act of Congress of August 29, 1916, the bureau remains under the general supervision of the Governor-General. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports to the military governor, Military Governor, Annual reports; for other publications containing the reports printed in annual reports of the Philippine Commission, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military reports are listed for convenience and continuity. 1900 [fiscal year ending June 30]. [This report covers the work of the auditor's department from its inauguration to June 30, 1900.] Appendix CC, in annual reports of Major General Arthur Mac — Arthur... Military Governor in the Philippine Islands. [1900.] Vol. Il. Manila, 1900. 1901 [July 1, 1900, to May 31, 1901]. Report to military governor. Appendix CC, in annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military Governor in the Philippine Islands. [1901.] Vol. 2. Manila, 1901. Same, fiscal year ended June 30. Report to Secretary of War, Civil Governor of the Philippine Archipelago, and the United States Philippine Commission. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. (Not in Philippine Commission annual report.) fUiREAAU OF AUDITS. 59 Same. Report to Secretary AJf Finance and Justice. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902, fiscal year ended June 30. Report to Secretary of War, Civil Governor of the Philippine Archipelago, and the United States Philippine Commission. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. (Not in Philippine Commission annual report.) Same. Report to Secretary of Finance and Justice. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1.904, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1.906, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1907, pt. 1. 1908. Same. Pt. 2, Pertaining to the provinces and municipalities for the provincial fiscal. year ended June 30, 1907, and the municipal fiscal year ended December 31, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1907, pt. 1. 1908. 1.908, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for the fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 1. 1909. Same. Pt. 1. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Pt. 2. Pertaining, to the provinces and municipalities for the provincial fiscal year ended June 30, 1908, and the municipal fiscal year ended December 31, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, in English, with omissions, in Philippine Commission, annual report, 1908, pt. 1. 1909. (Title page and pages 1-5, English; contents, glossary and loans to provinces and municipalities, English and Spanish; the remainder, Spanish.) The reports for 1909 and later years are not printed in the Philippine Commission reports. 1909, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for fiscal year ended June 30. Manila Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Pt. 2. Pertaining to the provinces and municipalities for the provincial fiscal year ended June 30, 1909, and the municipal fiscal year ended December 31, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. (Title page and pages 1-5, English; contents, glossary and loans to provinces and municipalities, English and Spanish; remainder, Spanish.) 60 BUREAU OF AUDIT'!S. Same. Pt. 3. Pertaining to municipalitle io. th t:numlci.pa1 tiscal year ended December 31, 1909. Manila. Bureau of Printing, 1910. (Title page and pages 1..-3, English; contents, glossary and loans to municipalities, English and Spanish; remainder, Spanish.) 1910, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1.. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Print ing, 1911. Same. Pt. 2, Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the provincial governments and the city of Baguio for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1.911. Same. Pt. 3. Pertaining to the municipalities for the municipal fiscal year ended December 31, 1.910. Manila, Bureau of Print-. ing, 1911. (Title page and pages 1-3, English; contents, glossary, and loans to municipalities. English and Spanish; the re. mainder, Spanish.) 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1.,:Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1.91.1.. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. Pt. 2. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the provincial governments and the city of Baguio for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Pt. 3. Pertaining to the municipalities for the municipal fiscal year ended December 31, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. Pt. 2. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the provincial governments for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Pt. 3. Pertaining to the municipalities for the municipal fiscal year ended December 31, 1.912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1.. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Pt. 2. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the provincial governments and the city of Baguio for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. Pt. 3. Pertaining to the municipalities for the municipal fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 1913. -Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine. Legislature, second session, enacted JDecember 19, 1913..v m BUREAU OF AUDITS. 61 19:13, semifiscal year ending December 31. Pt. 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the insular government and the city of Manila for the semifiscal year ended Decemeber 31, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 1914, fiscal year ended December 31, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. Supplement 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the provincial governments for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing,.1915. Same. Supplement 2. Pertaining to the municipalities for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. 1915, fiscal year ended December 31, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Supplement No. 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the provincial governments for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Supplement No. 2. Pertaining to the municipalities for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 1916, fiscal year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Supplement No. 1. Pertaining to the fiscal affairs of the provincial governments for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Supplement No. 2. Not received at time of going to press. 1917. Not received at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Manual of instructions to provincial and municipal treasurers. In two parts. Pt. 1. Chapter 1. Provincial accounts, general. Chapter II. Provincial accounts, special features. Pt. II. Chapter III. Municipal accounts, general. Chapter IV. Municipal accounts, special features. Compiled by E. G. Abry, chief district auditor. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Manual of instructions to municipal treasurers. Pt. II. Chapter III. Municipal accounts, general. Chapter IV. Municipal accounts, special features. Compiled by E. G. Abry. Manila, Bureau of Printing 1915. BULLETINS. Nonre issued. CIRCULARS.:'he Bureau of Audits has issued several series of circulars executed by manifold process with a few exceptions. 62 BUREAU OF A WDI CIRCULARS. N U NIIERED. 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17.18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28,.,29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58.59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 638 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Series discontinued. GENERAL CIRCULARS., NUMBERED..1 2 3 4 '5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36, 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74.75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91.92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135. 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159. 160 161 AUDITORS CIRCULARS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Series discontinued,, B~UREAll OF AUDITS. 63 PROVINCIAL DIV`JSION CIRCULARS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45, 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 79' 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 -122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 P7 4 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 -182 183 184 185 186 187 188' 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221. 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Index to the provincial circulars of the Bureau of Audits, Nos. 1 to 255, covering the period November 29, 1905, to September 28, 1912. 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271' 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303.304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316,317 -318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 '350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 '365 366 '367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 64 BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE. DISTRICT AUDITOR CIRCULARS1 29 57 84 111 138 1.65 192 2 30 58 85 112 139 1166 193 3 31 59 86 113 140.167 194 4 32 60 87 114 141 168 195 5 33 61 88 115 142 169 196 6 34 62 89 116 143 170 197 7 35 63 90 117 144 171 198 8 36 64 91 118 145 172 199 9 37 65 92 119 146 173 200 10 38 66 93 120 147 174 201 11 39 67 94 121 148 175 202 12 40 68 95 122 149 176 203 13 41 69 96 123 150 177 204 14 42 70 97 124 151 178 205 15 43 71 98 125 152 179 206 16 44 72 99 126 153 180 207 17 45 73 100 127 154 181 208 18 46 74 101 128 155 182 209 19 47 75 102 129 156 183 210 20 48 76 103 130 157 184 211 21 49 77 104 131 158 185 212 22 50 78 105 132 159 186 213 23 51 79 106 133 160 187 214 24 52 80 107 134 161 188 215 25 53 81 108 135 162 189 216 26 54 82 109 136 163 190 217 27 55 83 110 137 164 191 218 28 56 BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE. [Philippine Civil Service Board.] The Civil Service Board was organized September 20, 1900, under the provisions of Act No. 5, of the Philippine Commission enacted September 19, 1900. The name was changed to Bureau of Civil Service and reorganization by Act No. 1407, of the Philippine Commission effective Nov. 1, 1905. The bureau is under the supervision of the Governor-General. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the report to the military governor, Military Governor, Annual reports; for other publications containing the reports in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. With a few exceptions the annual reports contain the acts, rules, etc., pertinent to the Civil Service. 1900, September 26, to December 31. 1st. [English and Spanish.] Manila, [E. C. McCullough & Co.] 1901. [Submitted to the military governor and to the Philippine Commission.] Also in English, without exhibits, in annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1901, vol. 2. Appendix LL. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1901 [January 1, to September 30, supplementary reports]. In Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. BUJREAC OF CIVIL SERVICE. 65 1902, year ended September 30. 2d. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also, with many exhibits omitted in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended September 30. 3d. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 1. 1904. 1.904, for 9 months ended June 30. 4th. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also, with some omissions, in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904. pt. 1. 1905. 1905, year ended June 30. 5th. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also with additional matter, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 1. 1906. 1906, year ended June 30. 6th. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Washington, 1907. Also, without additional matter, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 1. 1907. Same. Appendix only, containing laws relating to Philippine civil service, civil service rules, etc. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Washington, 1907. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1907, fiscal year ended June 80. 7th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with revised civil-service act, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 1. 1908. Same, with revised civil-service rules. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Washington. 1908, year ended June 30. 8th. With the revised civil-service act and civil-service rules, January 9, 1909. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Washington, 1909. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 1. 1909. 1909, year ended June 30. 9th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, year ended June 30. 10th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. 11th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. 12th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. 13th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in the Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, half year ended December 31, 1913. 14th. Manila, 1914. Manifold. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1914, fiscal year ended December 31, 1914. 15th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1915, fiscal year ended December 31, 1915. 16th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916.' [With revised Civil Service Act, Act to abolish the privilege of gratuitous medical attendance, Act providing for a gratuity by reason of retirement, revised civil-service rules of January 9, 1909, etc.] Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 168478 ---. 66 BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE. 1916, fiscal year ended Dec. 31. 17th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. [With civil-service rules of January 9, 1909, extracts from the Administrative Code relating to the civil service, etc.] 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Civil service rules prepared and adopted by Philippine Civil Service Board. [1901.] [Manila, McCullough & Co., 1901]. Also in Philippine Civil Service Board, Manual of Information, [1901], and in Philippine Civil Service Board annual report, 1900. Same, Spanish. Also in Philippine Civil Service Board, Manual of Information [1901], and Philippine Civil Service Board annual report, 1900. [Civil service rules, 1904, are in the Philippine Civil Service Board Manual of Information, 1904, English and Spanish editions, and in laws, statutes etc., Public Laws, 1905, vol. 3, yearly edition English and Spanish editions.] Instructions to local civil service examining committees 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. 1917. Revised civil-service act and civil-service rules, January 9, 1909. Executive Order No. 5. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Also in Bureau of Civil Service annual reports, 1908 and later years except semi fiscal year 1913. [The Civil Service Act [No. 5] in Tagalog is in Public Laws and resolutions quarterly issue, for quarter ending November 30, 1900.] Same, Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCUIjARS, NUMBERED. 1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 2 I 20 29 38 47 56 65 3 12 21 30 39 48 57 66 4 13 22 31 40 49 58 67 5 14 23 32 41 50 59 68 6; 15 24 33 42 51 60 69 7 16 25 34 43 52 61 70 8 17 26 35 44 53 62 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 MANUAL OF INFORMATION. 1901. Manual of information relative to Philippine Civil Service. Manila, [McCullough & Co.], 1901. [English and Spanish.] Contains civil service act and civil service rules, etc. Also in Civil Service Board annual report, 1900. Same. English. Manila, 1901. 1902. English. Manila [McCullough & Co.],.1902. Same. Spanish. Manila [McCullough & Co.], 1902. Same. English. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairsl, [October. 1902.] HBJREAtU (OF C(IVIL. SERVICE. 67 1903. English. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. 1904. English. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 125 p. [Contains civil service act and civil service rules.] Same. English. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 57 p. Same. English. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 56 p. 1905. English. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Same, Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 1.906. English. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. 1907. English. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. 1908. Revised to January 1, 1908. English. -Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 1909. Revised to January 1, 1909. English. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Revised to September 1, 1909. English. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. 1910. None issued. 1911. None issued. 1912. Revised to January 1, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 1913. None issued. 1914. Revised to January 1, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 1915. None issued. 1916. Revised to March 1, 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. 1.917. None issued. OFFICIAL ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. The official roster is published in English only. 1902. Official register of officers and employees in civil service of Philippine Islands, January 1, 1902. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1902. 1903. January 1, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. 1904. Official roster... January 1, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 1905. January 1, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 1906. None issued. 1.907. January 1, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. 1908. January 1, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 1909. January 1, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. 1910. January 1, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. 1911. January 1, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. 1.912. January 1, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 1913. January 1, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. 1914. July 1, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 68 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERiOHR. 1915. July 1, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. 1916. July 1, 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. 1917 July 1, 1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. DEPARTMENT OF TIlE JINTERIOR.. Organized by Act No. 222, enacted September 6, 1901 and reorganized by Act No. 1407 effective November 1, 1905. Reorganized by Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, under Act of Congress of August 29, 1916. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports are printed, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, year ending August 31. [1st.] Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903 [year ending August 31. 2d]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904, September 1, 1903, to August 31. [3d.] In Philippine Commission 5th annual report (without exhibits), 1904. 1904. Same. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905 [year ending August 31. 4th]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report (without exhibits), 1905. 1905. Same. Year ending August 31. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906 [year ending June 30. 5th]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report (without exhibits), 1906. 1906. Same. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [year ending June 30. 6th]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report (without exhibits), 1907. 1908. Same. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, fiscal year ended June 30. 7th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909 [year ended June 30. 8th]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1909. 1910. 1910, fiscal year ended June 30. 9th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1910. 1911. 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. [10th.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1911. 1912. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. [11th.] Manila Bureau of Printing, 1912. Also in Philippine Commission, annual report, 1912. 1912. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. [12th.] Manila Bureau of Printing, 1.913. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1913. 1914. PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL. 69 The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31, 1913. In Philippine Commission annual report for 1914. 1914, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. [13th.] In Philippine Commission annual report July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. 1915.:1915, January 1 to December 31. [14th.] In Philippine Commission annual report, 1915. 1916. 1916. Not on hand at time of going to press. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Asiatic cholera. A history of Asiatic cholera in the Philippine Islands. Bt Dean C. Worcester, Secretary of the Interior. Manila, B reau of Printing, 1908. Same, with an appendix. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same, with an appendix Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same, appendix only. English. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Coconut growing in the Philippines. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1911. Ornithological work. [Circular letter concerning ornithological work in the Philippines.] Rubber growing industry of the Philippine Islands. Cost of production and profits. [Dean C. Worcester.] Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1911. Shells. [Circular regarding the collecting of shells of land and freshwater mollusks of the Philippine Islands for the National Museum.] Manila, P. I., January 16, 1909. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Slavery and peonage in the Philippine Islands. By Dean C. Worcester Secretary of the Interior. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL. Act No. 1989 of the Second Philippine Legislature, special session, enacted April 19, 1910, declared the New Philippine General Hospital a division of the Bureau of Health, the Civil Hospital being abolished upon the opening of the new hospital. The Civil Hospital was officially closed September 1, 1910. Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, reorganizing the executive departments of the government of the Philippine Islands places the hospital under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of the Interior. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for accounts of the work of the hospital and division reports, Bureau of Health and Philippine Health Service annual reports. 70 EXECUTIVE BUREAU. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. See, for earlier publications, Bureau of Health, General publications. Organization, rules, and regulations of the Philippine General Hospital. Manila, Philippine Islands, January 1, 1916. Manila., Bureau of Printing, 1916. Special report of the investigation of the Philippine General Hospital by the Director of Civil Service, special investigator appointed September 2, 1916, by the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING. Act No. 1931, First Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted May 20, 1909, established classes for training in nursing in the Normal School, practical instruction in the Civil Hospital supplementing the class work. Act No. 1975, Second Philippine Legislature, special session, enacted April 18, 1910, repealed Act No. 1931, reorganizing the school under the Bureau of Health. Act No. 2467, Third Philippine Legislature, third session, enacted February 5, 1915, changed the name of the school to Philippine General Hospital School of Nursing. Under the supervision and direction of the Philippine General Hospital, with the concurrence of the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines. ANNUAL REPORTS. None printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. See, for earlier publications, Bureau of Health, General publications. Philippine General Hospital School of Nursing. Tenth annual announcement and catalogue, 1916-1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Philippine General Hospital School of Nursing. Twelfth annual announcement and catalogue, 1918-1919. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. EXECUTIVE BUREAU. The Executive Bureau was established by Act No. 167 of the Philippine Commission, enacted and effective, July 16, 1901, under the supervision of the Civil Governor. The bureau was reorganized by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Placed in the Department of the Interior by Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, under Act of Congress of August 29, 1916. ANNUAL REPORTS, See, for other publications in which these reports ma. be found. Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. EXE('t'IJ'VE BUREAU. 71 1902 [July 16, 1901, to September 30, 1902. 1st]. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended September 30. 2d. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 1. 1904. 1904, year ended September 30. 3d. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 1. 1905. 1905, October 1, 1904, to September 30, 1905. 4th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, differently arranged and with omissions, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 1. 1906. 1906, July 1, 1905, to June 30, 1906. 5th. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 1. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year. 6th]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1907, pt. 1. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year. 7th]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 1. 1909. 1909 [year ended June 30. 8th]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1909. 1910. 1910 [year ended June 30. 9th]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1910. 1911. 1911 [year ended June 30. 10th]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1911. 1912. 1912 [year ending June 30. 11th]. In Philippine Commission 13th annual report, 1912.. 1912. 1913 [year ending June 30. 12th]. In Philippine Commission 14th annual report, 1913. 1914. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31, 1913. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916, fiscal year ended December 31, 1916. In annual report of the Governor General January 1, 1916, to December 31, 1916. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Appropriations. Letter of the assistant executive secretary transmitting to the Philippine Assembly appropriation estimates as submitted by chiefs of insular bureaus for the fiscal year 1909 together with other data regarding revenue and expense operations concerning general funds of the government of the Philippine Islands for the fiscal years 1907, 1908, and 1909. English and Spanish. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] 72 EXECUTIVE BUREAU. Autonomous Government. H. R. 18459. Report No. 1115... A bill to declare the purpose of the people of the United States as to the future political status of the people of the Philippine Islands, and to provide a more autonomous government for those islands. 63d Congress, 2d session. Union Calendar No. 322. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Same. Spanish. Classification. (Decimal index system.) Dickinson, Jacob M. Address of the Honorable Jacob M. Dickinson, Secretary of War, delivered at the popular banquet given by the Filipino reception committee, at the Hotel de Francia, on the evening of September 2, 1910. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910.] Same. Spanish. Manila, 1910. Friar-land inquiry, Philippine Government. Reports by W. Cameron Forbes, Governor-general, Dean C. Worcester, Secretary of the Interior, and Frank W. Carpenter, Executive Secretary. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Locust vs. Agriculture. Lecture delivered at the Marble Hall on August 8, 1914. By Ignacio Villamor, Executive Secretary of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 23.5 cm. Same. Spanish. 23.5 cm. Same. 27 cm. Same. Spanish. 27 cm. Lotteries. [Circular letter, dated Manila, August 8, 1912. Re lotteries, etc. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912.] Same. Spanish. Price list. Acts of the Philippine Commission, Executive orders and proclamations and other publications for sale by this Bureau. No imprint. No date. Prontuario de practica administrative municipal y provincial. Por Ignacio Villamor, Secretario Ejecutivo. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Real Property tax law and regulations concerning the levy, assessment and collection of the real property tax. Provincial circular No. 37, 1913. [English and Spanish.] Taft, Wm. H. Special report of Wm. H. Taft, secretary of War, to the President on the Philippines. Manila. Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Spanish. Tavera, Dr. T. H. Pardo de. Address of Dr. T. H. Pardo de Tavera at the farewell banquet given him in Manila by his friends on the night of the 17th of April, 1909. English and Spanish. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Spanish. Taxation and debt. A comparative statement of the per capita taxation and debt of the Philippine Islands, the United States. and the principal foreign countries of the world. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] Same. Spanish. (Manila. Bureau of Printing, 1908.) EXECUTIVE BUREAU. 73 BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. The circulars are executed by manifold process with a few exceptions. INSULAR AND PROVINCIAL CIRCULARS. 1913. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. See, for later numbers, "Insular" and "Provincial" series. This series was discontinued with No. 5, two series 'Insular" and "Provincial" superseding it. The two series are occasionally issued as one circular bearing the name and number of each series. INSULAR CIRCULARS. Numbers 1 to 5 inclusive were issued in the Insular and Provincial series. 1913. No. No. No. No. 1915. No. No. No. No. No. 1916. No. No. 6. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 16. 7. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 20. 8. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 22. 9. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 75. 10. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 112. 11. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 113. 12. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 117. 13. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 122. 14. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 129. 15. 16. Numbered also Provincial Circular No. 143. PROVINCIAL CIRCULARS. Circulars N Provincial serin 1913. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. [os. 1. to 5 inclusive were issued in the Insular and es. 1913. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. Numbered also In- No. 35. sular Circular No No. 36. 6. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. Numbered also in- No. 41. sular Circular No. No. 42. 7. No. 43. No. 44. N umbered also In- No. 45. sular Circular No. No. 46, 8. No. 47. No. No. No. No. 17. 18. 19. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 28. No. 2 1. No. No. 48. 49. 74 EXECUTIVE BUREAU. 1913. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. 1914. No. 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 67, revised. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. Numbered also Insular Circular No. 9. 1914. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. No. 110. No. 11I1. 1915. No. 11 2. Numbered aiso in - sular Circular No. 10. No. 113. Numbered also Intsular Circulari No. 11. No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. 0 I No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82. No. 83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89. No. 90. No. 91.. Ngo. 92. No. 93. No. 94. No. 95. No. 96. No. 917. No. 98. No.0 99. No 100. No. 1.01 Nc.102. No. 103. No. 104. No. No. 1.916. No. No..No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. INo. No. 1,917. No. No. No. No. No. ' 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 1.43. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 1.52. Numbered also Insular Cir-cula r No. 12. Numbered aiso 1Insular Circula r No. 13 Numbered also In1-1 sular Circular No. 14 Numbeiced &Jisc),Ii s u a.t,,o 1 II. 6 1. ~. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 75 1917. No. 1.53. 1917. No. 156. No 154 No. 157. No. 155. i NNUMBERED CIRCULARS. This series is executed by a manifold process. The unnumbered circulars for 1904 are printed in Executive Orders and Proclamations issued by the Civil Governor during the year 1904 together with Executive Bureau Circulars. DIVISION OF ARCHIVES, PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS AND TRADE-MARKS. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Trade-marks and trade names. Laws, rules and regulations governing the registration of trade-marks and trade names. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Trade-marks and trade names. Rules and regulations governing the registration of trade-marks and trade names. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. [Philippines Constabulary, Insular Constabulary.] Created by Act No. 175 of the Philippine Commission, July 18, 1901, as Insular Constabulary under the general supervision of the civil governor. Placed under the Department of Commerce and Police by Act No. 222, enacted September 6, 1901. Under the reorganization Act 1407, effective Nov. 1, 1905, the name was changed to Bureau of Constabulary. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the bureau in the Department of the Interior. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, itor other publications containing the reports of this bureau which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-4916, Annual reports. 1901, July 18, 1901, to October 4, 1901. In the Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902 [year ending July 31]. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report:, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903 [year ending July 31, and supplemental report]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. J904 [fiscal year ending June 30, with supplemental report July 1, to September 2]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt '3..1.90-5. 11.06, fiscal year ending June 30. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1.906. 1.906, Jul 1.905, to Aug. 31, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1.906. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, ipt. 2. 1907. 1907, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Also with omis 76 BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. ions i, the, Philippine Commission annual report. 1908, pt. 2. 909. '9,)9. fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission report. 9:.l0, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission report. i.911, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission report. I912, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission report. I913, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, fiscal year ending December 31. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Constabulary school. Regulations for Constabulary school. Baguio, Benguet, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. 1911. First aid in camp and station. By Samuel C. Gurney, M. D. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Guard regulations. Philippine Constabulary. 1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Inspections. Guide for constabulary inspections. 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. 1917. Municipal police. Manual of municipal police. 1910. Same. Spanish. 1911. Same. Revised to July 1, 1912. (English and Spanish.) Same. Revised to Sept. 1, 1913. Municipal form No. 10. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Philippines Constabulary. Manual for the Philippines Constabulary. 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Spanish. 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. 1911. Same. 1915. Small-arms firing regulations. Philippine Constabulary. 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Summary couirt manual. Philippine Constabulary. 1916. Manila Bureau of Printing, 1916. Target practice. Manual of target practice. General orders No. 84, July 3, 1904. Headquarters Philippine Constabulary. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. (' and telephone stations. List of telegraph and telephone BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. stations in the Philippine Archipelago. January 1, 1904 Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 77 Manila, None issued. BULLETINS. CIRCULARS AND CIRCULAR LETTERS. Circular letters were issued during 1901, 1902, and 1903, after which the series is called circulars. Both circular letters and circulars were issued during 1902. This series is executed by manifold process with a few exceptions. CIRCULAR LETTERS. 1901. No. 1. 1901. No. 5. No. 2. No. 6. No.3. No. 7. No. 4. No. 8. Index. See index under 1902. 1902. No. 1. 1902. No. 19. No. 2. No. 20. No. 3. No. 21. No. 4. No. 22. No. 5. No. 23. No. 6. No. 24. No. 7. No. 25. No. 8. No. 26. No. 9. No. 27. No. 10. No. 28. No. 11. No. 29. No. 12. No. 30. No. 13. No. 31. No. 14. No. 32. No. 15. No. 33. No. 16. No. 34. No. 17. No. 35. No. 18. No. 36. Index to circular letters issued 31, 1902. 1901. No. 9. No.10. No.11. No.12. 1902. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. from organization to December 1902. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. CIRCULARS. 1902. No. 6. No.7. No. 8. No. 9. No.10. 1902. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. Index. 1903. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. CIRCULAR LETTERS. 1903. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. 1903. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No.31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36 78 BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 1908. No. 37. 1903. No. 41. 1903 No. 45. No. 38. No. 42. No. 46. No. 39. No. 43. No. 47. No. 40. No. 44. Index. Title reads index to circulars for 1903 CIRCULARS. 1904. No. 1. 1904. No. 15. L1904. No. 29. No. 2. No. 16. No. 30. No. 3. No. 17. No. 31. No. 4. No. 18. No. 32. No. 5. No. 19. No. 33. No. 6. No. 20. No. 34. No. 7. No. 21. No. 35. No. 8. No. 22. No. 36. No. 9. No. 23. No. 37. No. 10. No. 24. No. 38. No. 11. No. 25., No. 39. No. 12. No. 26. NTo. 40. No. 13. No. 27. No. 41. No. 14. No. 28. No. 42. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, circulars, and special orders, issued from Headquarters Philippine Constabulary during the year 1904. 1905. No. 1. 1905. No. 17. 1905. No. 33. No. 2. No. 18. No. 34. No. 3. No. 19. No. 35. No. 4. No. 20. No. 36. No. 5. No. 21. No. 37. No. 6. No. 22. No. 38. No. 7. No. 23. No. 39. No. 8. No. 24. No. 40. No. 9. No. 25. No. 41. No. 10. No. 26. No. 42. No. 11. No. 27. No. 43. No. 12. No. 28. No. 44. No. 13. No.. 29. No. 45. No. 14. No. 30. No. 46. No. 15. No. 31. No. 47. No. 16. No. 32. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1905. 1906. No. 1. 1906. No. 16. 1906. No. 31. No. 2. No. 17. No. 32. No. 3. No. 18. No. 33. No. 4. No. 19. No. 34. No. 5. No. 20. No. 35. No. 6. No. 21. No. 36. No. 7. No. 22. No. 37. No. 8. No. 23. No. 38. No. 9. No. 24. No. 39. No. 10. No. 25. No. 40. No. 11. No. 26. No. 41. No. 12. No. 27. No. 42. No. 13. No. 28. No. 43. No. 14. No. 29. No. 44 No. 15. No. 30. No. 45. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 79 1906. No. 46. 1906. No. 56. No. 66. No. 47. No. 57. No. 67. No. 48. No. 58. No. 68. No. 49. No. 59. No. 69. No. 50. No. 60. No. 70. No. 61. No. 61. No. 71. No. 52. No. 62. No. 72. No. 53. No. 63. No. 73. No. 54. 1906. No. 64. No. 74. No. 55. No. 65. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1906. 1907. No. 1. 1907. No. 26. 1907. No. 49. No. 2. No. 27. No. 50. No. 3. No. 28. No. 51. No. 4. No. 29. No. 52. No. 5. No. 30. No. 53. No. 6. No. 31. No. 54. No. 7. No. 32, English No. 55. No. 8. and Spanish. No. 56. No. 9. No. 33. No. 57. No. 10. No. 34. No. 58. No. 11. No. 35. No. 59. No. 12. No. 36. No. 60. No. 13. Same. Spanish. No. 61. No. 14. No. 37. No. 62. No. 15. No. 38. No. 63. No. 16. No. 39. No. 64. No. 17. No. 40. No. 65. No. 18. No. 41. No. 66. No. 19. No. 42. No. 67. No. 20. No. 43. No. 68. No. 21. No. 44. No. 69. No. 22. No. 45. No. 70. No. 23. No. 46. No. 71. No. 24. No. 47. No. 72. No. 25. No. 48. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1907. 1908. No. 1. 1908. No. 13. 1908. No.25. No. 2. No. 14. No. 26. No. 3. No. 15. No. 27. No. 4. No. 16. No. 28. No. 5. No. 17. No. 29. No. 6. No. 18. No. 30. No. 7. No. 19. No. 31. No. 8. No. 20. No. 32. No. 9. No. 21. No. 33. No. 10. No. 22. No. 34. No. 11. No. 23. No. 35. No. 12. No. 24. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1908. 1909. No. 1. 1909. No. 6. 1909. No. 11. No. 2. No. 7. No. 12. No. 3. No. 8. No. 13. No. 4. No. 9. No. 14. No. 5. No. 10. No. 15. BUIREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 19No. ci 1909 - No. 25. ously number-!No. 17. No. 26. ed 31. o. I18. No. 27. No. 33. ertoneN o. 19. No. 28. ously numberNo. 2 0. No. 29. ed 32. No. 21. No. 30. No. 34. No. 22. -No. 31. No. 35. No. 23. No. 32, errone- 'No. 36. No. 24. iidex.- See General Orders, Index to- general orders, 5peci~al orders, and circulars issued during 1909. 1.910. No. 1. 1910. No. 15. 1.910.- No. 29. No. 2. No. 16. No. 30. No. 3. No. 17. No. 31. No. 4. No.'18. No. 32. No. 5. No. 19. No. 33. No. 6. No. 20. No. 34. No. 7. No. 21. No. 35. No. 8. No. 22. No. 36. No. 9. No. 23. No. 37. No. 10. No. 24. No. 38. No. 11. No. 25. No. 39. No. 12. No. 26. No. 40. No. 13. No. 27. No. 14. No. 28. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during' 1910. 1911. No. 1. 1911. No. 14. 1911. No. 27. No. 2. No. 15. No. 28. No. 3. No. 16. No. 29. No. 4, No. 17. No. 30. No.5. No. 18. No. 31. No. 6 No. 19. No. 32. No. 7. No. 20. No. 33. No. 8. No. 21. No. 34. No.9. No. 22. No. 35. No. 10. No. 23. No. 36. No. 11. No. 24. No. 37. No. 12. No. 25. No. 13. No. 26. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1911. 1912.- No. 1. 1912. No. 11. 191.2. No. 21. No. 2. No. 12. No. 22. No. 3. No. 13. No. 23. No. 4. No. 14..No. 24. No. 5.. No. 15. No. 25. No. 6. 'No. 16. No. 26. No. 7. No. 17. No. 27. No. 8. No. 18-. No. 28. No. 9. No. 19. No. 29. No0. 10. No. 20. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1912. 11.No.1.:1913. No. 4. 1.913. No7 No. 2. No. 5. No. 8. N.3No. 6. N O. 9. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 81 19:1. No. 10. 1913. No. 13. 1913. No. 16. No. 11. No. 14. No. 12. No. 15. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1913. 19141. No. 1. 1914. No. 12. 1914. No. 23. No. 2. No. 13. No. 24. No. 3. No. 14. No. 25. No.. 4. No. 15. No. 26. No. 5. No. 16. No. 27. No. 6. No. 17. No. 28. No. 7. No. 18. No. 29. No. 8. No. 19. No. 30. No. 9. No. 20. No. 31. No. 10. No. 21. No. 32. No. 11. No. 22. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1914. 1915. No. 1. 1915. No. 11. 1915. No. 21. No. 2. No. 12. No. 22. No. 3. No. 13. No. 23. No. 4. No. 14. No. 24. No. 5. No. 15. No. 25. No. 6. No. 16. No. 26. No. 7. No. 17. No. 27. No. 8. No. 18. No. 28. No. 9. No. 19. No. 29. No. 10. No. 20. No. 30. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, and circulars issued during 1915. 1916. No. 1. 1916. No. 10.:1916. No. 19. No. 2. No. 11. No. 20. No. 3. No. 12. No. 21. No. 4. No. 13. No. 22. No. 5. No. 14. No. 23. No. 6. No. 15. No. 24. No. 7. No. 16. No. 25. No. 8. No. 17. No. 9. No. 18. Index.~ See General Orders, Index to general orders, and circulars issued during 1916. 1917. No. 1. 1917. No. 13. 1917. No. 25. No. 2. No. 14. No. 26. No. 3. No. 15. No. 27. No. 4. No. 16. No. 28. No. 5. No. 17. No. 29. No. 6. No. 18. No. 30. No. 7. No. 19. No. 31. No. 8. No. 20. No. 32. No. 9. No. 21. No. 33. No. 10. No. 22. No. 34. No. 11. No. 23. No. 35. No. 12. No. 24. No. 36. GENERAL ORDERS. The.1.901 series is issued as "Orders." All are executed by manifold process. Nos. 1 to 31, series of 1902, are executed by manifold process. 1 8478- -- 82 BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. Beginning with few numbers. 1903 the series is printed, with the exception,of a ORDERS. 190)1. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. Index. 1902. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No.4. No.5. No. 6. No.7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. Index. 1903. No. l. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. (6; 1901. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No. 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. See index under 1903. GENERAL ORDERS. 1902. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No.-20. No. 21. No. 22. See index under 1903. 1903. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No.11. No.12. 1901. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74 No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82. No. 83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89. No. 90. No. 91. No. 92. No. 93. No. 94. No. 95. No. 96. No. 97. No. 98. No. 99. No. 100. No. 101. No. 102. 1902. No: 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. 1903. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. I I BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 83 1908. No. 1.. 1.903. No. 46. No. 20. No. 47. No. 21. No. 48. No. 22. No. 49. No. 23. No. 50. No. 24. No. 51. No. 25. No. 52. No. 26. No. 53. No. 27. No. 54. No. 28. No. 55. No. 29. No. 56. No. 30. No. 57. No. 31. No. 58. No. 32. No. 59. No. 33. No. 60. No. 34. No. 61. No. 35. No. 62. No. 36. No. 6,. No. 37. No. 64. No. 38. No. 65. No. 39. No. 66. No. 40. No. 67. No. 41. No. 68. No. 42. No. 69. No. 43. No. 70. No. 44. No. 71. No. 45. No. 72. Index of orders, general orders, and spec 1901, 1902, and 1903. 1904. No. 1. 1904. No. 31. No. 2. No. 32. No. 3. No. 33. No. 4. No. 34. No. 5. No. 35. No. 6. No. 36. No. 7. No. 37. No. 8. No. 38. No. 9. No. 39. No. 10. No. 40. No. 11. No. 41. No. 12. No. 42. No. 13. No. 43. No. 14. No. 44. No. 15. No. 45. No. 16. No. 46. No. 17. No. 47. No. 18. No. 48. No. 19. No. 49. No. 20. No. 50. No. 21. No. 51. No. 22.. No. 52. No. 23. No. 53. No. 24. No. 54. No. 25. No. 55, English No. 26. and Spanish. No. 27. No. 56. No. 28. No. 57. No. 29. No. 58. No. 30. No. 59. 1903. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No.77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No.81. No.82. No.83. No.84. No.85. No.86. No.87. No. 88. No.89. No. 90. No.91. No. 92. No. 93. No.94. No. 95. No. 96. No. 97.:ial orders issued during 1904. No. 60. No, 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74 No. 75. No. 76. Same. Spanish. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81, English, S p a nish, Tagalog Pampango, Ilocano, and Viscayan. No. 82. No. 83. No. 84. 84 BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. I904, No. 8b. 1904. No. 103. No. 86. No. 104. No. 87. No. 105. No. 88. No. 106. No. 89. No. 107. No. 90. No. 108. No. 91. No. 109. No. 92. No. 110. No. 93. No. 111. No. 94. No. 112. No. 95. No. 113. No. 96. No. 114. No. 97. No. 115. No. 98. No. 116. No. 99. No. 117. No. 100. No. 118. No. 101. No. 119. No. 102. No. 120. Index to general orders, circulars, from Headquarters Philippine year 1904. 1905. No. 1. 1905. No. 33. No. 2. No. 34. No. 3. No. 35. No. 4. No. 36. No. 5. No. 37. No. 6. No. 38. No. 7. No. 39. No. 8. No. 40. No. 9. No. 41. No. 10. No. 42. No. 11. No. 43. No. 12. No. 44. No. 13. No. 45. No. 14. No. 46. No. 15. No. 47. No. 16. No. 48. No. 17. No. 49. No. 18. No. 50. No. 19, Bicol. No. 51. No. 20. No. 52. No. 21. No. 53. No. 22. No. 54. No. 23. No. 55. No. 24. No. 56. No. 25. No. 57. No. 26. No. 58. No. 27. No. 59. No. 28. No. 60. No. 29. No. 61. No. 30. No. 62. No. 31. No. 63. No. 32. No. 64. Index to general orders, special o during 1905. 1904. No. 121. No. 122. No. 123. No. 124. No. 125. No. 126. No. 127. No. 128. No. 129. No. 130. No. 131. No. 132. No. 133. No. 134. No. 135. No. 136. and special orders, issued Constabulary during the 1905. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No.81. No. 82. No. 83. No. 84. No.85. No.86. No. 87. No.88. No. 89. No. 90. No.91. No. 92. No.93. No. 94. No.95. rders, and circulars issued 1906. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9.:1906. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. 1906. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 85 1906. No. 10. No.11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No.21. Index to during 1907. No. 1. No. 2. No.3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No.7. No. 8. No, 9. No.10. No.11. No.12. No.13. No.14. Index to during 1908. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No.7. No. 8. No. 9. No.10. No.11. No.12. No.13. No.14. No.15. Index to during 1909. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. 1906. No. 22. No.23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. general orders, special orde 1906. 1907. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No; 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No.'28. general orders, special orde 1907. 1908. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. NO. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. general orders, special orde. 1908. 1909. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. Same, 2d ed. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. 1906. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No.39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No.43. No. 44. No. 45. rs, and circulars issued 1907. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36 No.37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. rs, and circulars issued 1908. No. 31. No. 32. No.33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. rs, and circulars issued 1909. No. 22. No. 23. No.24. No.25. No.26. No.27. No.28. No.29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. 86 BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. Index to general orders, special during 1909. 191.0. No. 1.:1911.0. No. 17. No. 2. No. 18. No. 3. No. 19. No. 4. No. 20. No. 5. No. 21. No. 6. No. 22. No. 7. No. 23. No. 8. No. 24. No. 9. No. 25. No. 10. No. 26. No. 11. N6. 27. No. 12. No. 28. No. 13. No. 29. No. 14. No. 30. No. 15. No. 31. No. 16. No. 32. Index to general orders, special during 1910. 1911. No. 1. 1911. No. 13. No. 2. No. 14. No. 3. No. 15. No. 4. No. 16. No. 5. No. 17. No. 6. No. 18. No. 7. No. 19. No. 8. No. 20. No. 9. No. 21. No. 10. No. 22. No. 11. No. 23. No. 12. No. 24. Index to general orders, special during 1911. 1912. No. 1. 1912. No. 12. No. 2. No. 18. No. 3. No. 14. No. 4. No. 15. No. 5. No. 16. No. 6. No. 17. No. 7. No. 18. No. 8. No. 19. No. 9. No. 20. No. 10. No. 21. No. 11. No. 22. Index to general orders, special during 1912. 1913. No. 1. 1913. No. 11. No. 2. No. 12. No. 3. No. 13. No. 4. No. 14. No. 5. No. 15. No. 6. No. 16. No. 7. No. 17. No. 8. No. 18. No. 9. N,. 19. No. 10. No. 20. orders, and circulars issued 1910. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No.39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. orders, and circulars issued 1911. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27, misprinted No. 25. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No.31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. orders, and circulars issued 1912. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No.29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. orders, and circulars issued 1913. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. B3UREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 87 No. 32. Index 1914.. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. Index 1915. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Index 1916. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. [9113. No. 33. No. 34. 1918. No. 35. No. 36. to general orders and circulars issued. '1914. No. 9. [914. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. -No. 15. No. 16. to. general orders and circulars issued 1915. No. 7. 1915. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. during 19 13. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. during 1914. No. 13. No. 14 No. 15. No. 16. to general orders and circulars 1916. No. 7. No. 8..No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. INo. 12. issued during 1915. 1916. No. 13..Same. Spanish. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. Index to general orders and circulars issued during 1916. 1917. No. 1. 1917. No. 10. 1.917. No. 19. No. 2. No.,11. No. 20. No. 3. No. 12. No. 21. No. 4. No. 13. No. 22. No. 5. No. 14. No. 23. No. 6. No. 15. No. 24. No. 7. No. 16. No. 25. No. 8. No. 17. No.- 26. No. 9. No. 18. Index not received at time of going to press. SPECIAL ORDERS. The special exceptions. 1902. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No.8S. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No6. 13,. No. 14. No. 15..No. 16. No. 1.7. orders are executed by a manifold process with -a few 1.902. No.- 18. No.- 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27., No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. 1902. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45.. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. -No. 51. 88 IIUREAlU OF CONSTABULARY. 19(i2. N'o.52. 1902. No. 69. 1902. No. 86. No. 53. No. 70. No. 87. No. 54. No. 71. No. 88. No. 55. No. 72. No. 89. No. 56. No. 73. No. 90. No. 57. No. 74. No. 91. No. 58. No. 75. No. 92. No. 59. No. 76. No. 93. No. 60. No. 77. No. 94. No. 61. No. 78. No. 95. No. 62. No. 79. No. 96. No. 63. No. 80. No. 97. No. 64. No. 81. No. 98. No. 65. No. 82. No. 99. No. 66. No. 83. No. 100. No. 67. No. 84. No. 101. No. 68. No. 85. No. 102. Index. See General Orders, Index of orders, general orders, and special -orders issued during 1901, 1902, and 1903. 190. No.,1. 1903. No. 40,notissued.1903. No. 79. No. 2. No. 41. No. 80. No. 3. No. 42, not issued. No. 81. No. 4. No. 43. No. 82. No. 5. No. 44. No.. 83. No. 6. No. 45. 'No'.84. No. 7, not issued. No. 46. No. 85. No. 8, not issued. No. 47. No. 86. No. 9. No. 48. No. 87. No. 10. No. 49. No. 88. No. 11. No. 50. No. 89. No. 12. No. 51. No. 90. No. 13, notissuedi. No. 52. No. 91. No. 14. No. 53. No. 92. No. 15. No. 54..No. 93. No.. 16. No.'55. 'No. 94, No -17. No. 56. No. 95. No. 18. No. 57. No. 96. No. 19. No. 58. No. 97. No. 20. No. 59. No. 98. -No. 21. No. 60. No.99.' No. 22. No. 61. No. 100. 'No. 23, m.t0isue6. No. 62. No. 101. No. 24. No. 63. No. 102. 'No. 25. No. 64. No. 103. No. 26. No. 65. No. 104. N!Po. 27,not~iss'tieo. No. 66. No. 105. -No. 28. No. 67. No. '106. No. 29. No.,68. No'.107.' Nio. 30,r tbi ssne No. 69. N.18 No. 31. No. 70. No, 109. No. 32 No. 71. No. 110. No. 38 No. 72. No. 111, No. 34. No. 73. No. 112;' No. 35. No. 74. No. 113. 'No. 36,not-issuiedL No. 75. No. 114. No. 37. No. 76. No. 115. N14o. 3 8, n ot'.is-s i e. No. 77. No. 116. No. 39. No. 78. No. 117. I BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 94):-. No. 118. 1903. No. 127. 1903. No. 13i6. No. 119. No. 128. No. 137. No. 120. No. 129. No. 138. No. 121. No. 130. No. 139. No. 122. No. 131. No. 140. No. 123. No. 132. No. 141. No. 124. No. 133. No. 142. No. 125. No. 134. No. 126. No. 135. I ndex. See General Orders, Index of orders, general,., and special orders issued during 1901, 1902, and 1902. 1904. No. 1. 1904. No. 48. 1904. No. 95. No. 2. No. 49. No. 96. No. 3. No. 50. No. 97. No. 4. No. 51. No. 98. No. 5. No. 52. No. 99. No. 6. No. 53. No. 100. No. 7. No. 54. No. 101. No. 8. No. 55. No. 102. No. 9. No. 56. No. 103. No. 10. No. 57. No. 104. No. 11. No. 58. No. 105. No. 12. No. 59. No. 106. No. 13. No. 60. No. 107. No. 14. No. 61. No. 108. No. 15. No. 62. No. 109. No. 16. No. 63. No. 110. No. 17. No. 64. No.111. No. 18. No. 65. No. 112. No. 19. No. 66. No.113. No. 20. No. 67. 114. No. 21. No. 68. No.115. No. 22. No. 69. No. 116. No. 23. No. 70. No. 117. No. 24. No71. No. 1189. No. 25. No. 72.No 120 No. 26. No. 73. No. 121. No. 27. No. 74. No 122. No. 28. No. 75.No12 No. 29.No. 76. No. 124. No. 30. No. 77.No. 125. No. 31. No. 78.No. 12 No. 32. No. 79.No 1 No.. 80.No. 128. No. 34. No. 81. No. 129. No.35. No. 82. No.130. No. 36. No. 83. No. 131. No. 37. No. 84.No.132 No. 38. No. 85. No. 133. No. 39. No. 86.No. 134 No. 40. No. 135. No. 41. No. 88. No. 136. No. 42. No. 89. No. 137. No. 43. No. 90. No. 138. No. 44. No. 91. No. 139. No. 45. No. 92. No. 140. No. 46. No. 93. No. 141. No. 47. No. 94. No. 142. 90 H UREAU OF CONSTABULARY. I19i No. 14,2, 1.9104. No. 173. 1.904. No. 203. No. 1.44- No. 174. No. 204. NLo. 145. No. 175. No. 205. N'o. 1.46. No. 176. No. 206. No. 147. No. 177. No. 207..No. 148. No. 178. No. 208. No. 149. No. 179. No. 209. N".o. 150. No. 180. No. 210. No. 151. No. 181. No. 211. No. 152. No. 182. No.. 212. No. 153. No. 183. No. 213. No. 154. No. 184. No. 214.No. 155. No. 185. No. 215.No. 156. No. 186. No. 216. No. 157.- No. 187. No. 217. No. 158. No. 188. No. 218. No. 159. No. 189. No. 219. No. 160. No. 190. No. 220. No. 161. No. 191. No. 221. N.o 162. No. 192. No. 222. No. 163. No. 193. No. 223. No. 164. No. 194. No. 224. No. 165. No. 195. No. 225. No. 166. No. 196. No. 226. No. 167. No. 197. No. 227. No. 168. No. 198. No. 228. No. 169.. No. 199. No. 229. No. 170. No. 200. No. 230. No. 171. No. 201. No. 231. No. 172. No. 202. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, circulars, and special orders, is'sued from Headquarters Philippine Constabulary during the year 1904..1.905. NO. 1. 11.905. No. 27. 1905. No. 53. No. 2.,,.No. 28. No. 54. No. 3. No. 29. No. 55. No. 4. No. 30. No. 56. No. 5. No. 31. No. 57. No. 6..No. 32. No. 58. No. 7. No. 33. No. 59. No. 8. No. 34. No. 60. No. 9. No. 35..No. 61. No. 10. No. 36. No. 62. No. 11. No. 37. No. 63. No. 12. No. 38. No. 64. No. 13. No. 39. No. 65. No. 14. No.'40. No. 66. No. 15. No. 41. No. 67. No. 16. No. 42. No. 68. NO.17. - No. 43. No. 69. No.-18. No. 44. No. 70. No. 19. No. 45. No. 71. NKo. 20. 'No. 46. No. 72. No. 2 1. No. 47. No. 73. NKo. 22. N1o. 48. No. 74. No. 23. No. 49. No. 75. No. 24.. No. 5 0.No76 No.- 25. N —o. 51. No. 77., No C.?M. N O. 52.- N O. 7 8. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 91 145) No. 79. 1905. No. 116. 1905. No. 153. No. 80. No. 117. No. 154. No. 81. No. 118. No. 155. No. 82. No. 119. No. 156. No. 83. No. 120. No. 157. No. 84. No. 121. No. 158. No. 85. No. 122. No. 159. No. 86. No. 123. No. 160. No. 87. No. 124. No. 161. No. 88. No. 125. No. 162. No. 89. No. 126. No. 163. No. 90. No. 127. No. 164. No. 91. No. 128. No. 165. No. 92. No. 129. No. 166. No. 93. No. 130. No. 167. No. 94. No. 131. No. 168. No. 95. No. 132. No. 169. No. 96. No. 133. No. 170. No. 97. No. 134. No. 171. No. 98. No. 135. No. 172. No. 99. No. 136. No. 173. No. 100. No. 137. No. 174. No. 101. No. 138. No. 175. No. 102. No. 139. No. 176. No. 103. No. 140. No. 177. No. 104. No. 141. No. 178. No. 105. No. 142. No. 179. No. 106. No. 143. No. 180. No. 107. No. 144. No. 181. No. 108. No. 145. No. 182. No. 109. No. 146. No. 183. No. 110. No. 147. No. 184. No. 111. No. 148. No. 185. No. 112. No. 149. No. 186. No. 113. No. 150. No. 187. No. 114. No. 151. No. 188. No. 115. No. 152. No. 189. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1905. 1906. No. 1. 1906. No. 21. 1906. No. 41. No. 2. No. 22. No. 42. No. 3. No. 23. No. 43. No. 4. No. 24. No. 44. No. 5. No. 25. No. 45. No. 6. No. 26. No. 46. No. 7. No. 27. No. 47. No. 8. No. 28. No. 48. No. 9. No. 29. No. 49. No. 10. No. 30. No. 50. No. 11. No. 31. No. 51. No. 12. No. 32. No. 52. No. 13. No. 33. No. 53. No. 14. No. 34. No. 54. No. 15. No. 35. No. 55. No. 16. No. 36. No. 56. No. 17. No. 37. No. 57. No. 18. No. 38. No. 58. No. 19 No. 39. No. 59. No. 20. No. 40. No. 60. 92 BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. j906. No. 61. i906, No. 85. 1906. No. 109. No. 62. No. 86. No. 110. No. 63. No. 87,. No. 111. No. 64. No. 88. No. 112. No. 65. No. 89. No. 113. No. 66. No. 90. No. 114. No. 67. No. 91. No. 115. No. 68. No. 92. No. 116. No. 69. No. 93. No. 117. No. 70. No. 94. No. 118. No. 71. No. 95. No. 119. No. 72. No. 96. No. 120. No. 73. No. 97. No. 121. No. 74. No. 98. No. 122. No. 75. No. 99. No. 123. No. 76. No. 100. No. 124. No. 77. No. 101. No. 125. No. 78. No. 102. No. 126. No. 79. No. 103. No. 127. No. 80. No. 104. No. 128. No. 81. No. 105. No. 129. No. 82. No. 106. No. 130. No. 83. No. 107. No. 131. No. 84. No. 108. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1906. 1907. No. 1. 1907. No. 34. 1907. No. 67. No. 2. No. 35. No. 68. No. 3. No. 36., No. 69. No, 4. No. 37. No. 70. No. 5. No. 38. No. 71. No. 6. No. 39. No. 72. No. 7. No. 40. No. 73. No. 8. No. 41. No. 74. No. 9. No. 42. No. 75. No. 10. No. 43. No. 76. No. 11. No. 44. No. 77, No. 12. No. 45. No. 78. No. 13. No. 46. No. 79. No. 14. No. 47. No. 80. No. 15. No. 48. No. 81. No. 16. No. 49. No. 82. No. 17. No. 50. No. 83. No. 18. No. 51. No. 84. No. 19. No. 52. No. 85. No. 20. No. 53. No. 86. No. 21. No. 54. No. 87. No. 22. No. 55. No. 88. No. 23. No. 56. No. 89. No. 24. No. 57. No. 90. No. 25. No. 58. No. 91. No. 26. No. 59. No. 92. No. 27. No. 60. No. 93. No. 28. No. 61. No. 94. No. 29. No. 62. No. 95. No. 30. No. 63. No. 96. No. 31. No. 64. No. 97. No. 32. No. 65. No. 98. No. 3.. No. 66. No. 99. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 93 1907. No. 100 No. 101. No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No. 105. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. No. 110. No. 111. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 115. No. 116. No. 117. No. 118. No. 119. No. 120. No. 121. No. 122. No. 123. No. 124. No. 125. No. 126. No. 127. No. 128. No. 129. No. 130. No. 131. No. 132. No. 133. No. 134. No. 135. No. 136. No. 137. No. 138. No. 139. No. 140. No. 141. No. 142. No. 143. No. 144. No. 145. No. 146. No. 147. No. 148. No. 149. No. 150. No. 151. No. 152. No. 153. No. 154. No. 155. No. 156. No. 157, No. 158. 1907. No. 159. No. 160. No. 161. No. 162. No. 163. No. 164. No. 165. No. 166. No. 167. No. 168. No. 169. No. 170. No. 171. No. 172. No. 173. No. 174. No. 175. No. 176. No. 177. No. 178. No. 179. No. 180. No. 181. No. 182. No. 183. No. 184. No. 185. No. 186. No. 187. No. 188. No. 189. No. 190. No. 191. No. 192. No. 193. No. 194. No. 195. No. 196. No. 197. No. 198. No. 199. No. 200. No. 201. No. 202. No. 203. No. 204. No. 205. No. 206. No. 207. No.208. No. 209. No. 210. No. 211. No. 212. No. 213. No. 214. No. 215. No. 2i6 1907. No. 217. No. 218. No. 219. No. 220. No. 221. No. 222. No. 223. No. 224. No. 225. No. 226. No. 227. No. 228. No. 229. No. 230. No. 231. No. 232. No. 233. No. 234. No. 235. No. 236. No. 237. No. 238. No. 239. No. 240. No. 241. No. 242. No. 243. No. 244. No. 245. No. 246. No. 247. No. 248. No. 249. NO. 250. No. 251. No. 252. No. 253. No. 254. No. 255. No. 256. No. 257. No. 258. No. 259. No. 260. No. 261. No. 262. No. 263. No. 264. No. 265. No. 266. No. 267. No. 268. No. 269. No. 270. No. 271. No. 272. No. 273. No. 274. No. 275. 94 HI IRfEAU OF CONSTABULARY. 1907. No. 276..1907. No. 282. 1907. No. 288. No. 277. No. 283. No. 289. No. 278. No. 284. No. 290. No. 279. No. 285. No. 291. No. 280. No. 280. No. 281. No. 287. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1907. 1908. No. 1. 1908. -No. 52. 1908. No. 103. No. 2.,No. 58. No. 104. No. 3. No. 54. No. 105. No. 4. 'No. 55. No. 106. No. 5. 'No. 56. No. 107. No. 6. No. 57. No. 108. No. 7. No. 58. No. 109. No. 8. No. 59. No. 110. No. 9. No. 60. No. 11. No. 10. No. 61. No. 112. No.1II. No. 62. No. 113. No. 12. No. 63. No. 114. No. 13. No. 64. No. 115. No. 14. No. 65. No. 116. No. 15. No. 66. No. 117. No. 16. No. 67. No. 118. No. 17. No. 68. No. 119. No. 18. No. 69. No. 120. No. 19. No. 70. No. 121. No. 20. No. 71. No. 122. No. 21. No. 72. No. 123. No. 22. No. 73. No. 124. No. 23. No. 74. No. 125. No. 24. Nlo. 75. No. 126. No. 25. No. 76. No. 127. No. 26. No. 77. No. 128. No. 27. No. 78. No. 129. No. 28. No. 79. No. 130. No. 29.:No. 80. No. 131. No. 30. No. 81. No. 132. No. 31. No. 82. No. 133. No. 32. No. 83. No. 134. No. 33. No. 84. No. 135. No. 34. No. 85. No. 136. No. 35. No. 86. No. 137. No. 36. 'No. 87. No. 138. No. 37. No. 88. No. 139. No. 38. N-o. 89. No. 140. No. 39. -No. 90. No. 141. No. 40. No. 91. No. 142. No. 41. N.Io. 92. No. 143. No. 42. No. 93. No. 144. No. 43. No. 94. No. 145. No. 44. N~o. 95. No. 146. No.. 45. N o. 9 6. No..14 7. No. 46. N'PZo. 9 7. No. 148. No. 47. Nqo. 98. No. 149. No. 48. No. 99. No. 150. No. 49. o.100. No. 151. No. 50.. No. 101. No. 152. No (.-5,1L N~o. 102. No. 153. BUREAU OF CONSTABULARY. 95 1908. No. 164. 1908. No. 194. 1908. No. 234. No. 155. No. 195. No. 235. No. 156. No. 196. No. 236. No. 157. No. 197. No. 237. No. 158. No. 198. No. 238. No. 159. No. 199. No. 239. No. 160. No. 200. No. 240. No. 161. No. 201. No. 241. No. 162. No. 202. No. 242. No. 163. No. 203. No. 243. No. 164. No. 204. No. 244. No. 165. No. 205. No. 245. No. 166. No. 206. No. 246. No. 167. No. 207. No. 247. No. 168. No. 208. No. 248. No. 169. No. 209. No. 249. No. 170. No. 210. No. 250. No. 171. No. 211. No. 251. No. 172. No. 212. No. 252. No. 173. No. 213. No. 253. No. 174. No. 214. No. 254. No. 175. No. 215. No. 255. No. 176. No. 216. No. 256. No. 177. No. 217. No. 257. No. 178. No. 218. No. 258. No. 179. No. 219. No, 259. No. 180. No. 220. No. 260. No. 181. No. 221. No. 261. No. 182. No. 222. No. 262. No. 183. No. 223. No. 263. No. 184. No. 224. No. 264. No. 185. No. 225. No. 265. No. 186. No. 226. No. 266. No. 187. No. 227. No. 267. No. 188. No. 228. No. 268. No. 189. No. 229. No. 269. No. 190. No. 230. No. 270. No. 191. No, 231. No. 271. No. 192. No. 232. No. 193. No. 233. Index. See General Orders, Index to general orders, special orders, and circulars issued during 1908. 1909. No. 1. 1909. No. 18. 1909. No. 35. No. 2. No. 19. No. 36. No. 3. No. 20. No. 37. No. 4. No. 21. No. 38. No. 5. No. 22. No. 39. No. 6. No. 23. No. 40. No. 7. No. 24.- No. 41. No. 8. No. 25. No. 42. No. 9. No. 26. No. 43. No. 10. No. 27. No. 44. No. 11. No. 28. No. 45. No. 12. No. 29. No. 46. No. 13. No. 30. No. 47. No. 14. No. 31. No. 48. No. 15. No. 32. No. 49. No. 16. No. 33. No. 50. No. 17. No. 34. No. 51. '9" RU.1REA II OF CONSTABULARY. No. 53. No. 56 No. 55 No. 58. No. 59. No.- 60. No. 61. No.- 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67.No. -68. No. 69. No.. 70. 'No. 71. No. 72. 'No. 73. No. 74. 'No. 75. No. 76. -No. 777 No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82.. -No. 83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89..No. 9-0 No. 91. No. 92. No. 93. No. 94 No. 95, No. 96. Ngo.97. No. 98. No. 99. No. 100.. No.. 101. No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No. 105.. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. -No. 110. 1QN O. I111. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 115. No. 116. No. 117. Nfo. 118. No. 119. N~o. 120. No. 121. No. 122. No. 123. N~o 124. No 125. Nro- 126. No. 127. No. 128. No. 129. N~o. 130. No. 131. N'-To. 1 32. No. 133. Nqo. 134. Nio. 135. 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No. 272. No. 245. No. 259. No. 273. No. 246. No. 260. No. 274. No. 24'. No. 261. No. 275. No. 248. No. 262. No. 276. No. 249. No. 263. No. 277. No. 250. No. 264. No. 278. No. 251. No. 265. No. 279. No. 252. No. 266. No. 280. No. 253. No. 267. No. 281. No. 254. No. 268. Index. No. 255. No. 269. No. 256. No. 270. CONSTABULARY NOTES. [Constabulary School Notes.] No. 1. Philippine Constabulary as a career. By J. G. Harbord. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] No. 2. Report of lecture on topographic sketching, delivered to class at Constabulary School, July 6, 1908. By K. A. Joyce. [Manila, 1908.] No. 3. Report of lecture on value of military organization and training in constabulary work, delivered to class at Constabulary School, July 26, 1908. By Dennis Nolan. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] No. 4. Report of lecture on care and shipment of [Government] property, delivered to class at Constabulary School, July 16, 1908. By A. F. Fisk. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] No. 5. The preservation of the moral health of the young officers. By L. B. Hillis. No. 6. Address on For the good of the service, delivered to students of Constabulary School, Baguio, December 6, 1908. By W. C. Taylor. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] No. 7. An address on the relations between a company or detachment commander and the provincial and municipal officials and the best manner of maintaining them. By Colonel Herman Hall. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910.] OFFICIAL CONSTABULARY REGISTER. Roster for early years have been issued in General orders. 1912. December 31, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 1913. December 31, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. 1914. January 1, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 1915. January 1, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. 1916. January 1, 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. 1917. January 1, 1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. BUREAU OFP GOVERNMENT LABORATORIES. Created by Act No. 156 of the Philippine Commission enacted July 1, 1901. Under the Department of the Interior. Act No. 1407, effective Nov. 1 1905, changed it into the Bureau of Science with the Bureau of iines as a division.