110 BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT LABORATORIES. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, year ending August 31. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended. September 1. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904, September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904. 3d. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also, with changes in plates, in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905, year ended August 31. 4th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, with slight changes and reports of subordinate officers, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. See, for later reports, Bureau of Science, annual reports. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Analysis of Manila water supply. 1905. Birds. Price and exchange list of Philippine birds in the collection of the Bureau. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Previous publications of dhe Bureau of Government Laboratories. no date. T Previous publications of Bureau of Government Laboratories. Manila, 1905. Rules governing work done in the Bureau of Government Laboratories for other bureaus or private persons. Manila, Burgeau of Printing, date not known. Scale for Government laboratories analysis. 1903. Vaccine virus: method of preparation at the serum laboratory. By Paul G. Woolley. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. PUBLICATIONS. 1.. Preliminary report'of the appearance in the Philippine Islands of a disease clinically resembling glanders. By R. P. Strong. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Same. 2d edition 1904.. ' 2. The preparation of Benzoyl-acetyl peroxide, and its use as an intestinal antiseptic in cholera and dysentery. Preliminary notes. By Paul C. Freer. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Also, in the annual report of the superintendent of the Bureau of Government Laboratories, in the Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. Same. 2d edition 1904. 3. A preliminary report on trypanosomiasis of horses in the Philippine Islands. By W. E. Musgrave and Norman E. Williamson. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. Spanish, 1903. BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT LABORATORIES. 11 4. Preliminary report on the study of rinderpest of cattle and carabaos in the Philippine Islands. By James W. Jobling. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. Spanish. 5. Trypanosoma and trypanosomiasis, with special reference to surra in the Philippine Islands. By W. E. Musgrave and Moses T. Clegg. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also, with ommissions, in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 6. I. New or noteworthy Philippine plants. II. The American element in the Philippine flora. By Elmer D. Merrill. Issued January 20, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 7. Gutta percha and rubber of the Philippine Islands. By Penoyer L. Sherman, Jr. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also, without bibliography, in the Philippine Commission, 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2, 1904, and, with bibliography, in Philippine.Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 3. Also in U. S. Senate document No. 356, pp. 3-23, 59th Congress, 2d session, in Congressional set, vol. 5, serial number 5072. 8. Dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine Islands. By Elmer D. Merrill. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. 9. Report on hemorrhagic septicaemia in animals in the Philippine Islands. By Paul G. Woolley and J. W. Jobling. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also, without charts, in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 10. Report on two cases of a peculiar form of hand infection, due to an organism resembling the Koch-Weeks bacillus. By John R. McDill and Wm. B. Wherry. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also, a preliminary report, with ommissions in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 11. Preliminary bulletin on insects of the cacao. Prepared especially for the benefit of farmers. By Charles S. Banks. Entomalogical division bulletin No. 1. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also, with title, Preliminary report, etc., in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 12. Report on some pulmonary lesions produced by the bacillus of hemorrhagic septicemia of carabaos. By; Paul G. Woolley. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904.. 13. Fatal infection by hitherto undescribed chromogenic bacterium: Bacillus aureus foetidus. By Maximilian Herzog. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 14. Texas fever in the Philippine Islands and the Far East. By James W. Jobling and Paul G. Woolley. Australian tick (Boophilus australis Fuller) in the Philippine Islands. By Charles S' Banks. Bulletin No. 2 of the Entomological Division. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing. 1904. 15. Report of bacillus Violaceous Manila: a pathogenic microorganism. By Paul G. Woolley. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 16. Protective inoculation against Asiatic cholera. (An experimental study.) By Richard P. Strong. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 112 BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT LABORATORIES. 17. New or noteworthy Philippine plants, II. By Elmer D. Merrill. Issued October 1, 1904. Manila, Bureau( of Public Printing, 1904. 18. Part 1. Amebas: their cultivation and etiologic significance. By' W. E. Musgrave and Moses T. Clegg. Pt. 2. Treatment of intestin'al amebiasis (amebic dysentery) in the tropics. By W. E. Musgrave. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 19. Some observations on the biology of the cholera spirillum. By Wm. B. Wherry; Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 20. 1. Does latent or dormant plague exist where the disease is endemic. By Maximilian Herzog, and Charles B. Hare. 2. Broncho-pneumonia of cattle: its association with B. bovisepticus. By Paul G. Woolley and Walter Sorrell. 3. Report on pinto (paiio blanco). By Paul G. Woolley. 4. Notes on analysis of the water from the Manila water supply. By Charles L. Bliss. 5. Framboesia: its occurrence in natives of the Philippine Islands. By Paul G. Woolley. Manila, Bureau of. Public Printing, 1904. 21. Some questions relating to virulence of micro-organisms, with particular reference to their immunizing powers. By Richard P. Strong. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 22. 1. Description of new buildings. By Paul C. Freer. 2. Catalogue of the Library. By Mary Polk. Manila, Bureau of PPublic Printing, 1905. 23. Plague: bacteriology, morbid anatomy, and histopathology, including a consideration of insects as plague carriers. By Maximilian Herzog. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 24. Glanders: its diagnosis and prevention, together with a report on two cases of human glanders occurring in Manila and some notes on the bacteriology and pleomorphism (polymorphism) of bacterium Mallei. By. Wm. B. Wherry. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 25. 1. Birds from the islands of Romblon, Sibuyan, and Cresta de Gallo. 2. Further notes on birds from Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Calayan, Lubang, and Luzon. By Richard C. McGregor. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 26. Clinical and pathological significance of balantidium coli. By Richard P. Strong. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 27. Review of the identifications of the species described in Blanco's Flora de Filipinas. By Elmer D. Merrill. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 28. 1. Polypodiaceae of the Philippine Islands. 2. New species of edible Philippine fungi. By Edwin Bingham Copeland. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 29. 1. New or noteworthy plants, III. 2. Source of Manila elemi. By Elmer D. Merrill. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 30. 1. Autocatalytic decomposition of silver oxide. 2. Hydration in solution. By Gilbert N. Lewis, Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 31. 1. Notes on a case of hsematochyluria, together with some observations on the morphology of the embryo nematode filaria nocturna. By Wm. B. Wherry and John R. McDill. 2. Search into the nitrate and nitrite content of Witte's."peptone. with PHILIPPINE CIVIL HOSPITAL. 113 special reference to its influence on the demonstration of the indol and cholera-red reactions. By William B. Wherry. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 32. 1. Intestinal hemorrhage as a fatal complication in amoebic dysentery and its association with liver abscess. By Richard P, Strong. 2. Action of various chemical substances upon cultures of amoebae. By J. B. Thomas. 3. Pathology of intestinal amoebiasis. By Paul G. Woolley and W. E. Musgrave. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 33. Further observations on fibrin thrombosis in the glomerular and other renal vessels in bubonic plague. By Maximilian Herzog. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 34. 1. Birds from Mindoro and small adjacent islands. 2. Notes on three rare Luzon birds. By Richard C. McGregor. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. 1. New or noteworthy Philippine plants, IV. 2. Notes on Cuming's Philippine plants in the herbarium of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. By Elmer D. Merrill. 3. Notes of Philpine graminew. By E. Hackel. 4. Scitiminese Philippinenses. By H. N. Ridley. Philippine acanthacee. By C. B. Clarke. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. 36. Handlist of the birds of the Philippine Islands. By Richard C. McGregor and Dean C. Worcester. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. This series was superseded by the Philippine Journal of Science. PHILIPPINE CIVIL HOSPITAL. Established by Act No. 247, enacted October 1, 1901. Abolished as a separate bureau by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, and merged into the Bureau of Health, becoming a division thereof. By Act No. 1989, enacted April 19, 1910, the Civil Hospital was abolished and was officially closed September 1, 1910, and the new Philippine General Hospital was opened, the division now being called the Philippine General Hospital Division. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, year ending August 31. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs, n. d. [Bound with annual reports of chief quarantine officer and civil sanitarium for 1903.] Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904 [year ended August 31]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905 [year ended Aug. 31]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. 158478- 8 -114 ETHNOLOGICAL SURVEY. CIVIL SANITARIUM, BENGUET...... ' Provided for by Act No. 330, of Philippine Commission, enacted January 9; 1902, and inaugurated as a branch of the Philippine Civil Hospital, February 3, 1902. Act No. 429, enacted July 14, 1902, amended by Act No. 757, enacted May 20, 1903, placed the sanitarium under the direct supervision of the Secretary of the Interior. Abo-, lished by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, and merged into the Bureau of Health as a division thereof. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing these reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, year ending August 31. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs. (Bound with annual reports of chief quarantine officer and Philippine Civil Hospital for 1903.) Also, 'dated September 1, 1902, to Aug. 31, 1903, in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904, year ended September 1. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also dated September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904, in Philippine Commission 5th. annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905, [September 1, 1904, to June 30, 1905.] In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. ETHNOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.. ~. The Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes was created October 2, 1901, by Act No. 253 of the Philippine Commission and placed under the Department of the Interior. The name was changed to Ethnological' Survey for 'the Philippine Islands, on Aug. 24, 1903, by Act No. 841. Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, abolished the Ethnological Survey as a Bureau, and constituted it a division of the Bureau of Education, Department of Public Instruction, called Division of Ethnology. Later, this division was transferred from the Bureau of Education to the Bureau of Science, Department of the Interior, by Act No. 1541, enacted October 6, 1906. The research work of thisdivision practically ceased by administrative/order of the Secretary of the Interior of July 11, 1914. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The annual report of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes for 1902 is the first report of the series. 1903, year ending August 31. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. BUREAU OF NON-CHRISTIAN TRIBES. 115 1904? year ending September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1905. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2.. 1905. 1905, year ending August.31. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. Later reports are incorporated in the reports of the Bureau of Education and the Bureau of Science. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. PUBLICATIONS. Vol. 1. The Bontoc Igorot. By Albert Ernest Jenks. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Vol. 2. Pt. 1. Negritos of Zambales. By William Allan Reed. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Pt. 2 and 3 (bound together). The Nabaloi dialect. By Otto Scheerer. The Bataks of Palawan. By Edward.Y. Miller. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Vol. 3. Relaciqnes Agustinianas de las razas del Norte de Luzon. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Vol. 4. Pt. 1. Studies in Moro history, law, and religion. By Najeeb M. Saleeby. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. See, for later publications of this series, Bureau of Science, Division of Ethnology, Publications. BUREAU OF NON-CHRISTIAN TRIBES.1-. Created October 2, 1901, by Act No. 253 of the Philippine Commission, and placed in the Department of the Interior. Name changed to Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands, by Act No. 841, enacted August 24, 1903.. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other documents in which this report may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, year ending August 31. Bureau of Insular Affairs, no date. - Also in Philippine Commission 3rd annual report, 1902 pt. 1. 1903. 1 BUREAU OF NON-CHRISTIAN TRIBES. [Act of Congress of August 29, 1916.] Act of Congress of August 29, 1916, establishes a Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes, which shall have general supervision over the public affairs of the inhabitants of the territory represented in the legislature by appointive senators and representatives. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, enacted November 18, 1916, places. this Bureau in the Department of the Interior, and Act No. 2674 of the same legislature and session, approved February 20, 1917, makes provision for its organization. 116 MINING BUREAU.,..... See, for later reports, Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Circular of information, instruction for volinteer field workers. The museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Commerce. 1901. BULLETINS. None Issued..,CIRCULARS. None Issued. ANNUAL REPORTS. MINING I]BUREAU. General order 31, Office of the Military Governor, dated March 10, 1900, reestablished the Inspecci6n General de Minas, established under the Spanish law, and named it the Mining Bureau. It was reorganized under Act No. 17 of the Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, enacted October 10, -1900, amended by Act No. 233, enacted September 20, 1901, and again reorganized under Act No. 916, enacted October 1, 1903, and placed in the Department of. the Interior. Act No. 1407 of the Philippine Commission, effective November 1, 1905, abolished the Mining Bureau as a separate bureau and constituted it the Division of Mines in the Bureau of Science. ANNUAL REPORSTS. See, for other; publications containing the reports to the Military Governor, Military Governor, Annual reports, and for other publications containing the reports submitted to the Civil Governor and to the Secretary of the Interior, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military reports are cited for convenience and continuity. 1900, [fiscal year, ending June 30.] Appendix II. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur'...Military governor in the Philippine Islands. 1900. Vol. 2. 1901, [to May 31]. Report to the Secretary of the Military Governor. Appendix KK. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. 1901. Vol. 2.. Same. Report to the civil governor for the fiscal year ending June 30. In Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902, July 1, 1901, to August 31, 1902. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also, from August 23, 1902, to August 31, 1903, in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904, year ending August 31. 5th. Manilit Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also, with omission of some plates and maps, in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905, year ended August 31. 6th. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also, without plate and map, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Abstract of mining laws in force in the Philippine Archipelago. Compiled by Charles H. Burritt. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1902. Also listed under P. I. Laws, Statutes, etc. BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERSe 117 Coal measures of the Philippines. A rapid history of the discovery of coal in the Archipelago and subsequent developments, with the full text of the record of the Macleod coal concession in Cebu, or the Uling-Lutac coal and railway concession. Compiled by Charles H. Burritt. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, 1901. BULLETINS. No. 1. Platinum and associated rare metals in placer formations. Information for prospectors and placer mine:rs. By H. D. McCaskey. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. No. 2. Complete list of Spanish mining claims recorded in the Mining Bureau. Compiled from the records and archives. By Chas. H. Burritt. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903.. No. 3. Report on a geological reconnoissance of the iron region of Angat, Bulacan. By H. D. McCaskey. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also without plates and m-aps, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. No. 4. Preliminary reconnoissance of the Mancayan-Suyoc mineral region, Lepanto, Philippine Islands. By A. J. Eveland. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. Also, without plates and maps, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. No. 5. Coal deposits of Batan Island with notes on the general and economic geology of the adjacent region. B y-Warren D. Smith. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. Also, with omissions and without plates and maps, and bearing the title Advance report to the chief of the Mining Bureau upon the coal deposits of Batan Island, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. This series was discontinued when the bureau became the Division of Mines of the Bureau of Science. CIROULARS.. i I None issued. - BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS. Act No. 310 of the Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, enacted December 4, 1901, regulates the practice of medicine in the Philippine Islands, and empowers the Commissioner of Public Health, with the advice and consent- of the Board of Health, to appoint a Board of Medical Examiners, which shall be under the executive ---— control of the Department of the Interior, so, far as executive action may be required in connection with it. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature first ses sion, approved November 18, 1916, placed the Board of Medical Examiners under the direct control, direction, and supervision of the' Department of the Interior. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1904 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905, [year ending June 301. In Philippine Commission 6th annual' report, 1905, pt. 2.. 1906. 1906, no report printed. ~ 118 BOARD OF PHARMACEUTICAL EXAMINERS. See, for brief account of the work of later years, Bureau of Health, Annual reports, and Philippine Commission annual reports. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BOARD OF PHARMACEUTICAL EXAMINERS. Act No. 597, enacted January 26, 1903, by the Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, regulates the practice of pharmacy in the Philippine Islands, and empowers the Commissioner of Public Health, with the advice and consent of the Board of Health, to appoint a Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners, which shall be under the executive control of the Department of the Interior, so far as executive action may be required in connection with it. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, placed the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of the Interior. - ANNUAL REPORTS. 1904, [April 16 to June 30]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905, [year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906, no report printed. See, for brief account of the work of later years, Bureau of Health, Annual reports, and Philippine Commission annual reports. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Programa oficial de materias para los examenes de farmaceuticos registrados que regira desde el enero de 1916. (Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915?) BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. -'BOARlI OF DENTAL EXAMINERS. Act No. 593, enacted January 10, 1903, by the Philippine Commission, regulates the practice of dentistry in the Philippine Islands, and authorized the Commissioner of Public Health, with the advice and consent of the Board of Health, to appoint a Board of Dental Examiners, which is under the executive control of the Department of the Interior, so far as executive action may be required in connection with it. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, placed the Board of Dental Examiners under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of the Interior. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1904, [year ended August 31]. In. Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 119 1905, [year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906, no report printed. See, for brief account of the work of later years, Bureau of Health annual reports, and Philippine Commission annual reports. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Established by Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission) 1900 -1916, enacted September 6, 1901. This Department included the Department of Public Instruction organized in accordance with Act No. 74, enacted January 21, 1901, which later became the Bureau of Public Instruction and is now called the Bureau of Education. Reorganized under Act of Congress of August 29, 1916. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these annual reports appear, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, year ending October 15. 1st. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Also,. with reports of chiefs of bureaus, etc., in APilippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903, year ending Octobtr 15. 2d. With reports of chiefs of bureaus, etc., in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, year ending October 15. With report of the general superintendent of education and report of superintendent of Filipino students in the United States. [3dj Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also, in Philippine Commission 5th annual report (without exhibits), 1904, and with reports of chiefs of, bureaus, etc., in Philippine Commission 5th annual reports, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, year ending June 30. [4th.] In Philippine Commission 6th annual report (without exhibits), 1905, and, with reports of chiefs of bureaus, etc., and with maps, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1906 [year ending June 30. 5th.] In Philippine Commission 7th annual report (without exhibits), 1906, and with reports of chiefs of bureaus, etc., in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907, fiscal year ended June 30. 6th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also, without plates, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report (without exhibits), 1907, and with reports of chiefs of bureaus, etc., in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. Same. Spanish. 1908, fiscal year ended June 30. 7th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with reports of chiefs of bureaus, etc., and without plates, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 19.09. Same. Spanish. 120 IDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 1909, fiscal year ended June 30. 1909. 8th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Also, without plates, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1909. 1910, fiscal year ended June 30. 9th. Manila, 'ureau of Printing, 1910. Also in Philippine Commission annual rt, 1910. 1911 [fiscal year ended June 30. 10th]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1911. 1912,' fiscal year ended June 30. 11th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1912..1913, fiscal year ended June 30. 12th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1913. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, six months ending December 31. 13th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. Same. Spanish. 1914, fiscal year ending December 31. In Philippine Commission annual report, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. 1915, fiscal year ending December 31. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1915. 1916. Not on hand at time of going to press. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Bureau of Education. Statement of organization and aims published for general information. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Development of the Philippines. A summary of the results of special investigations made by Henry Jackson Waters, president of the Kansas State Agricultural College, by authority of an Act of the Legislature of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, -1915. Same. Spanish..' Fellowships. Statement of conditions upon which appointments will be made to the fellowships created by Act No. 2095 of the Philippine Legislature. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date.] Immunization. Draft of proposed law for immunization of cattle and carabaos in the Philippine Islands and correspondence relative to such immunization. Manila, September 29, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. English and Spanish.. Private Schools. [Annual report on private schools and colleges of the Philippine Islands. By the special representative of the Department of Public Instruction on private schools. lst.] Not printed. Same, period ending August 1, 1911. 2d. Same, period ending September 1, lf4 3d. Manila, 1912. Telegraphic code approved for use in the Bureau of Education. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. r BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 121 3BULLETINS. None issued -.I Non isuei.CIRCULARS. None issued. it BUREAU OF EDUCATION. [Bureau of Public Instruction, Department of Public Instruction.] Established by Act No. 74 of the Philippine Commission, enacted January 21, 1901, as the Department of Public Instruction. Act No. 222, enacted September 6, 1901, designated an executive department as Department of Public Instruction. The office bearing that name was renamed Bureau of Public Instruction by the same act, and placed under the control 'of the executive department above mentioned. Act No. 477, effective November 1, 1902; changed the name to Bureau of Education. The bureau was reorganized under Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Under Act of Congress, approved August 29, 1916, the Bureau of Education continues under the Department of Public Instruction. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports; for other publications containing the reports to the military governor, Military Governor, Annual reports. The reports to the military governor are listed here for convenience and continuity. 1899 [August 13, 1898, to June JO, 1899?]. Appendix M, Exhibit N. In appendices to annual report of Maj. Gen. E. S. Otis.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1899]. 1900 [fiscal year ending June 30]. Appendix PP, from annual report of U. S. Military Governor in the Philippine Islands, 1900, Vol. 2. Also in annual report of Maj. Gen. Arthur MacArthur.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands. 1900, vol. 2. Appendix PP. 1901 [November 5, 1900, to May 27, 1901]. Appendix GG, from report of U. S. Military Governor in the Philippine Islands, 1901, vol. 2. Also in annual report of Maj. Gen. Arthur MacArthur. Military' governor in the Philippine Islands. 1901, vol. 2, Appendix GG. 1901, year ending September 30.' Separate. Also in Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902, year ending September 1. Separate. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903, year ended September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 4th report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, September 1904 [September 15, 1903, to.September 15, 1904]. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905, and in the Report of the Secretary of Public Instruction for the year ending October 15, 1904. 1905 [September 15, 1904, to September 15, 1905]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1906 fiscal year. 6th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt.' 3. 1907. 122 BUREAU OF. EDUCATION. 1907, July 1. 1906 to June 30, 1907. 7th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. With ommissions. 1908. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908, July 1, 1907 to June 30, 1908. 8th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also with ommissions, and without illustrations and without plates, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909, July 1, 1908 to June 30, 1909. 9th. Manili, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, July 1, 1909 to June 30, 1910. 10th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, fiscal year, July 1, 1910, to June 30, 1911. 11th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1912, fiscal year, July 1, 1911, to June 30, 1912. 12th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, July 1, 1912, to June 30, 1913. 13th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, Second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semi-fiscal year ending December 31, 1913. Not printed. 1914, January 1, 1914, to December 31, 1914. 15th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1915, January 1 to December 31. 16th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1916, January 1 to December 31. 17th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLIC4ATIONS. Abraham Lincoln. A selection of passages" from his speeches and letters with brief comments. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Accounting regulations. Circular No. 131, September, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Agricultural clubs for Filipino Boys and Girls. Organization pamphlet. [Circular No. 64, s. 1916.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. 1917. Agriculture. Supplementary problems for classes in agriculture. Grades VI and VII. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. 1917. Appointment. [Circular relative to appointment of teachers in Philippine Islands, issued by general superintendent of Education. Manila, 1901.] Arbor day. Suggestions for the third annual observance of Arbor day in Philippine schools to be held on Saturday, August 29, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 123 Barrio schools. Plans for barrio school buildings. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] English and Spanish. Cholera. Circular to all superintendents and teachers [re cholera circulars issued by the Board of Health. Manila, August 29, 1905]. Colonial History. An introduction to the study of colonial history for use in secondary schools. By Emma Sarepta Yule. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Commercial Geography; the materials of commerce in the Philippines. By Hugo H. Miller, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Revised. 1915. Same. Revised. 1916. Corn Campaigin, [1913]. Facts and recipes. Corn building, Exposition grounds. January 31 to February 14, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing. No date. [Corn campaign, 1913.] [A printed series.] Follow-up No. 1. Selection of seed corn. Follow-up No. 2. Testing seed corn. Follow-up No. 3. Preparing land for corn....,~ Follow-up No. 4. Planting the corn. Follow-up No. 5. Cultivating corn. Foll w-up o. 6. Cross-breeding of corn. Follo Ni 7. Corn pests. Follow-up No) 8. Sterile stalks and suckers. Follow-up M. 9. Green corn as food. Follow-up No. 10. Seed ears forynext crop. Follow-up No. 11. Legumes and corn. Follow-up No. 12. Harvesting and storing corn. Follow-up No. 13. Corn as a human food. Follow-up No. 14. Selecting ears for exhibit. [Corn campaign, 1914.] [A printed series.] Follow-up No. 1. Beginners in corn-growing. Follow-up No. 2. Corn land. Follow-up No. 3. Planting legumes. Follow-up No. 4. Planting root crops. Follow-up No. 5. Corn production. Follow-up No. 6. The uses of corn. Corn exhibit and corn demonstration at the Industrial Exhibition, Philippine Carnival, 1913. [Manila, Bureau of Printing. No date.] Folder. Correspondence study notes for secondary English-i. In two pts. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Course of study for intermediate grades, with suggestions to teachers. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Course of study for primary grades with suggestion to teachers. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. 124 BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Course of Study. Suggestive course of study. 1902. Department of 'Public Instruction for the Philippine Islands. Office of General Superintendent, Manila, P. I. Domestic Science. A guide to practical instruction in housekeeping, sewing, cooking, and laundering in grades three and four of the Philippine public schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Domestic Science. Supplementary problems for domestic science classes. For use in grades 6 and 7. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. - Same. 1915. Economic conditions in the Philippines including a study of the economic and physical laws which underlie them. Outline of a year's course. By Hugo H. Miller. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. English composition. A manual for use in Philippine Public Schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. 1917. English. Outline in conversational English for Grades I, II, II1, and IV, Tayabas Province. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Free-hand drawing for primary grades. Grades I and II. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. 19 7. Same. Grades III and IV. Bureau of PrintfAg, 1915. Same. 1917. Health conditions. A talk on health conditions in the Philippines. By Dr. Victor G. Heiser. '-"May, 1912. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, No date]. Housekeeping. A textbook for girls' in the public intermediate schools of the Philippines. By Alice M. Fuller. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. 1915. Industrial and sales exhibit at the Philippine Carnjal. 1911. Education building, Carnival grounds. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date]. Same. 1913. Industrial and sales exhibit at the Philippine Exposition, 1912. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date]. Same. 1914. Folder. Industrial instruction for municipal teachers. September 1, 1909. Ma ila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Locust extermination. Prepared at the Bureau of Education from notes) f rished by D. B. Mackie, entomologist. Bureau of Agri-' cultu e [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date]. (The) Manila Normal School. Announcement of preliminary term commencing Wednesday, April 10, 1901. The United States Military Government in the Philippines. Department of Public Instructi6n. No imprint. English and Spanish. Minimum and maximum prices received for various articles sold in the Bureau of Education exhibit at the Philippine Exposition of 1912, compiled from Form A. [Manila, July 1, 1912.] BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 125 Music for primary grades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. 1917. Organizaci6n y fines de las Escuelas Puiblicas de Filipinas. Publicado para conocimiento publico, Abril, 1913. Manila, Bureau of,Printing, 1913. Organization, aims, etc. Statement of organization and aims [of Bureau of Education] published for general information. December, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. 1908. Organization aims, etc. Statement of organization, aims and conditions of services in the Bureau of Education, published for general information. November, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Philippine Normal School. Announcement of new special courses of instruction for women offered at the Philippine Normal School, beginning June 10, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Philippine School of Arts and Trades. Announcement of new courses. Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Manila, P. I. Manila, - Bureau of Printing, [No date], -; (-Thte) Phf ile S.hoool of Arts and Trades, Manila, P. I. Midyear:ifiouncement for the school year of 1907-8. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date]. Philippine School of Arts and Trades. Announcement of new courses. Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Manila, P. I. Normal courses for industrial teachers. Preparatory engineering. Drafting. Ceramics. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date]. Philippine School of Commerce. Outline of courses. Investigations of business opportunities for young men and women. The Museum of Philippine commercial products and industries. The industrial schedules. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same.:1910. Posters. The bureau has issued many posters. Price list of school books and general supplies. (Revised to June 1, 1909.) Same. (Revised to February, 1911.) Same. (Revised to October 1, 1914). Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Programs. Suggested daily programs for primary schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Qualifications. Circular letter relative to qualifications necessary for teachers in Philippines. Manila. [1901]. Library has a typed copy. Recipes. Some corn recipes. Certain of these recipes will be demonstrated and free samples served daily from 5.30 to 7 p. m., Bureau of Education Building, Carnival grounds, from February 1 to 9, 1913. [Manila, Bureau of Printing. No date.] Recipes. Some recipes for preparing jellies, preserves, pickles, and candies from Philippine fruits. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. r 126 BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Samuel Johnson. [By] Macaulay. Self reliance. [By] Emerson. Gettysburg address. [By] Lincoln. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. ^ Same. 1913. Same. 1914. School and home sanitation. Memorandum for teachers on school and home sanitation including the reports of the Baguio teachers' vacation assembly committees on sanitation and school-grounds improvement and extracts from the remarks of Dr. Paul Monroe, Dr. Miriam Griffin, and Dr. Victor Heiser, with design and description of sanitary outhouses. June, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. School of deaf mutes. Announcement. School for deaf mutes. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date.] English and Tagalog. School of household industries. Announcement relative to the establishment of the school of household industries. Manila, P. I., March 25, 1912. Same. Spanish. School of household industries. Memorandum of instructions for pupils of the school of household industries, Manila, P. I. Is sued September 1, 1914. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Selected short poems by representative American authors. Annotated. [By] George W. St. Clair. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. 1913. Same. 1915. Teachers' vacation assembly. Announcement of Teacher's vacation assembly. [Manila, April 14, 1913.] [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date.] Same. [1914.] Same. [1915.] ' Trade schools. Supplementary problems for trade schools and trades classes in the Philippine public schools. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913.] Same. 1915. Woodworking. A manual of elementary carpentry for Philippine public schools. Prepared from the outline submitted by the woodworking committee of the industrial convention of 1907. Text by R. B. Blackman. Drawings by Epifanio L. Villimil. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Woodworking for beginners. A textbook for use in trade schools and school shops of the Philippines. Compiled by Frank W. Cheney. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Writing course. Primary course in writing. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. 1916. BULLETINS. No. 1. Philippine Normal School, Manila, P. I., prospectus for 1903-4. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 2 pts. in 1 vol. [Part I is English and Part 2 is Spanish.] No. 2. Course of study in vocal music for vacation normal institutes in the Philippine Islands. Based on the Normal Music Course. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 127 No. 3. Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Manila, P. I., 1904-5. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. [English and Spanish.] No. 4. Philippine Nautical.School, Manila, P. I., prospectus for 1904-5. Manila; Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. [English and Spanish.] No. 5. Notes on the treatment of smallpox. By Jerome B. Thomas. Bulletin to the teachers of the Bureau of Education. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. No. 6. Report of industrial exhibits of Philippine Schools at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. No. 7. Courses of instruction for public schools of the Philippine Islands. Prescribed by the general superintendent of education, Manila, P. I., June 15, 1904. Manila Bureau ofPublic Printing 1904. No. 8. Cursos de enseinanza en las escuelas publicas de las Islas Filipinas. Dispuestos por el superintendente general de educacion, Manifa, I. F., Junio 15, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. [Translation of Bureau of Education Bulletin No. 7.] No. 9. A list of Philippine baptismal names. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Same. Revised. 1915. No. 10. Government in the United States. Prepared for use in Philippine public schools. By Albert H. Putney. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. No. 11. Courses in mechanical drawing, woodworking, and ironworking for provincial secondary schools. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. No. 12. Advanced and post-graduate studies offered by the Philippine Normal School for preparation for entrance to American colleges and universities or to the University of the Philippines. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. [English and Spanish.] No. 13. Not printed. No. 14. School law of the Philippine Islands as amended by acts of Philippine Commission up to and including Act No. 1530, with executive orders of Governor-General and opinions of the Attorney-General rendered prior to August.6, 1906, which affect schools or employees of the Bureau of Education. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. See also P. I. Laws, statutes, etc., School law of the Philippine Islands etc. Manila, 1906. This pamphlet is listed by the Bureau of Education as Bulletin No. 14 although not bearing that number. No. 15. Not printed. No. 16. Not printed. No. 17. Not printed.... No. 18. Not printed....~, ~, O 128 BUREAU OF EDUCATION. No. 19. Not printed. No. 20. Not' printed. No. 21. Philippine Normal School. Manila, P. I. Catalogue for 1904-5 and prospectus for 1905-6. Manila' Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. [English and Spanish.] No. 22. Lessons on familiar Philippine animals. (Part one). By Edgar M. Ledyard. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. No. 23. Standard course of study in vocal music for the public schools of the Philippine Islands as recommended and indorsed by the American Institute of- Normal Methods-based on the Normal School Course and the Modern Music Series. By Mary E. Gordon-Dunster. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Revised. 1910. No. 24. Outline of a year's course in botany. II. Key to the families of vascular plants in the Philippine Islands. By Edwin Bingham Copeland. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. 2d edition. 1907. Same. 3d edition. 1908. Same. 4th edition. 1911. No. 25. Official roster of the Bureau of Education. Corrected to March 1, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. No. 26. High Schools and secondary courses of instruction. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. No. 27. Philippine Normal School, Manila, P. I., Catalogue for 1906-7 and prospectus for 1907-8. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. No. 27(A). Philippine Normal' School, Manila, P. I., Courses of study. Secondary studies. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. No. 28. Milkfish or Bangos (Chanos Chanos Forskal). Its culture in the fishponds about Manila Bay and the Gulf of Lingayen, Island of Luzon. Prepared by William D. Carpenter. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. No. 29. Constructive lessons in English designed for use in intermediate grade By Mary Helen Fee. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1 2 Same, revised. 1911. Same, revised. 1912. No. 30. Philippine Normal School, Manila, P. I., Catalogue for 1909-10, announcement for 1910-1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. 31. School and home gardening. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same, revised 19*3. Title reads School and home gardening for use in primarygrades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 32. Courses in mechanical and freehand drawing for use in trade and intermediate schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 129 No. 88. Philippine hats. By Hugo H. Miller. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. No. 84. Lace making and embroidery. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. No. 85. Housekeeping and household arts. A manual for work with the girls in the elementary schools of the Philippine Islands. By Alice M.Fuller. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. No. 36. Philippine Normal School, Manila, P. I. Catalogue for 1910 -' 11, announcement for 1911-12. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. No. 37. School buildings and grounds. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 38. School buildings. Plans, specifications, and bills of material for standard revised school buildings of the Bureau of Education. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 39. Not printed. No. 40. Athletic handbook for the Philippine public schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same, revised. 1913. No. 41. Service manual of the Bureau of Education. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same, revised. 1917. No. 42. Intermediate English-II. Notes, directions, and general aids to the preparation of the correspondence study course. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. No. 43. Philippine school of Arts and Trades. Catalogue 1911-12 with announcement for Vacation Assembly. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. Catalogue 1917-18. 1917. No. 44. Libraries for Philippine public schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. ` Same, revised. 1916. Manifold. No. 45. School of Household Industries. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 46. Industrial museum, library, and exhibits of the Bureau of Education. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 47. Good manners and right conduct for use in primary grades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Revised. 1915. No. 48. Not printed. No. 49. Industrial fiber plants of the Philippines. A description of the chief industrial fiber plants of the Philippines, their distribution, method of preparation, and uses. By Theodore Muller. Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 50. Programs for frbor day and other special days. Philippine public schools. " Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. No. 61. Philippine School of Commerce. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. 158478 —9 130 BUREAU OF EDUCATION. No. 52. Philippine School of Arts and Trades. Nautical department. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 63. Elementary course in plain sewing for use in primary grades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same, revised. Title reads Primary and intermediate sewing. A manual for use in Philippine public schools and Normal institutes. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. No. 54. A handbook of industrial plants in common use. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. CIRCULARS. The series examined were issued under three names during the earlier years: circulars to teachers, circulars to division superintendents, and circulars. The 1901, 1902, and 1903 series were incomplete. The series examined were bound singly by years and in g -roups of years, each book containing an index. Executed by manifold process with a few exceptions. 1901. Only No. 1903. 11 was seen. 1902. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25., 1904. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. 1903. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. —.Nb6.15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. — No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No.31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No.35. No. 36. No.1. No. 2 No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. 1904. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. - No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No.31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No.35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. No. 54. 1904. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No.61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No.65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No.69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No.81.No. 82. No.83. 1905. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No.8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 131 1905. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 16. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No.27. No. 28. No.29. --— No. 30. No.31. No. 32. No.33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. -- — No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No. 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. 1905. No..71 No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No.81. 1906. No. 1.,No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7.. --- —--— No.-8.No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No.22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No.31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No.46. No. 47. No. 48. 1906. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No. 61., No.62. No. 6". No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82. No.83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89. No. 90. No.91. No. 92. No.93. No. 94. No.,95. No. 96. No. 97. No. 98. No. 99. No. 100. No. 101. No. 102. 1907. No. 1. No. 2. No.3. No.4. No. 5. | t. ' ~~.- ). ~r 1907. No. 6.. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 101 No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No.,27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No.53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No.61. No. 62. No. 63. /Y No. 64. 132 BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 1907. No. 66. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82. No. 83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No.89. No. 90. No. 91. No. 92. No.93. No. 94. No.95. No. 96. No. 97. No. 98. No.99. No. 100. No. 101. No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No, 105. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. Nok 109. No. 110. No. 111. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 11. No. 11. No. 117. No. 118. No. 119. No. 120.,1908. No. l. No. 2. No.3. 1908. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. 'No.12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No.30. No. 31. No.32. No.33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. '.-.No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No.61. No. 62. 1908. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. -No. 69. No. 70. No.71. No. 72 No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No.80. No.81. No. 82. No.83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89. No. 90. No.91. No. 92. No.93. No. 94. No. 95. No. 96. No. 97. No. 98. No.99. No. 100. No. 101. No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No. 105. No., 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. 1909. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No.11. No. 12.,A 1909. No. 13. No. 14. No. 16. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18.. No. 19. No.20. No. 21. No.22. No.23. No. 24. No.25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No.30. No.31. No.32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No.42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No.48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51 No. 52 No.53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No: 59. No. 60. No.61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No.71. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 133 1909. No. 72. No. 78. No. 74. No.75. No.76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 1. No. 82. No. 83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No.89. No. 90. No.91. No. 92. No. 93. No. 94. No. 95. No.96. No. 97. 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No. 36. No.37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No.41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No.46. No.47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No.51. No. 52. No.53. No. 54. No.55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No.61. No. 62. No.63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No.69. No. 70. 1916. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No.79. No. 80. No.81. No. 82. No.83. No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No.89. No. 90. No. 91. No. 92. No.93. No.94. No. 95. No. 96. No. 97. No. 98. No. 99. No. l10). No. 101 No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No. 105. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. No. 110. No. 111. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 115. No. 116. No. 117. No. 118. No. 119. No. 120. No. 121. No. 122. No. 123. No. 124. No. 125. No. 126. No. 127. No. 128. 138 BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 1916. No. 129. 1917. No. 10. 1917. No. 23. 1917. No. 36. No, 130. No. 11. No. 24. No. 37. No. 131. No. 12. No. 25. No. 38. No. 132. No. 13. No. 26. No. 39. 1917. No. 1. No. 14. No. 27. No. 40. No. 2. No. 15. No. 28. No. 41. No. 3. No. 16. No. 29. - No. 42. No. 4. No. 17. No. 30. No. 43. No. 6. No. 18. No.31. No. 44. No. 6. No. 19. No. 32. No. 45. No. 7. No. 20. No. 33. No. 46. No. 8. No. 21. No. 34. No. 47. No. 9. No. 22. No. 35. DIVISION OF THE AMERICAN CIRCULATING LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF MANILA, PHLIPPINE ISLANDS. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. List of books in the American Circulating Library at Baguio. (Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910.) List of books in the American Circulating Library of Manila. Compiled by Nelly Young Egbert, Librarian. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. CIVICO-EDUCATIONAL LECTURES. No. 1. Rights and duties of citizens of Philippines. By Prescott F. Jernegan, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. No. 2. Prevention of diseases..Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. No. 3. and 5. Rice, section 1. Coconut beetles, section II. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. No. 4. Diseases of animals. Manila, Bureau of'Printing. 1910. No. 5. Rice. Printed with No. 3. No. 6. Housing of public schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Nos. 1-6. [Tagalog edition.] Mga talumpating nauukol maalaman ng mga mamamayan. I. Ang mga katwiran at ang mga katungkulan ng mga mfmamayan sa Filipinas. II. Ang pangingilag sa sakit. III. Ang mga u-ang sa niyog. IV. Ang sakit ng mga hfyop. V. Ang palay. VI. Ang paggawa ng ma. Bihay-P1aralan sa Kapuluang Filipinas. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. No. 7. Coconuts. (Circular No. 7. Bureau of Agriculture.) By 0. W. Barrett. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. No. 8. Corn. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 9. Good citizenship. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. No. 10. Good manners and right conduct. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. No. 11. Agriculture and other industries as honorable vocations. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. No. 12. A garden for every home. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. No. 13. Care and treatment of domestic animals. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. No. 14. The care of children. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 139 NoTE.-Civico-Educational lectures Nos. 9 to 14 are the property of the Public Welfare Board. THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN. Vol. 1. 1912-13. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. NQ. 10. No. 11. No. 12. Index. Title page and contents. Vol. 2. 1913-14. \ o No. 1. f{ No.2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. d > No.6. No. 7. No. 8. 5No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. ~ 1x Index. Title page and contents. Vol. 3. 1914-15. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Vol. 3. 1914-15-Continued. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. Index. Title page and contents. Vol. 4. 1915-16. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. Index. Title page and contents. Vol. 5. 1916-17. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. Series discontinued. PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN REPRINT SERIES. No. 1. Philippine mats. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 2. Manual in woodworking for Philippine public schools. By Frank W. Cheney, principal, woodworking department, Philippine School of Arts and Trades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. 2d edition. 1917. NORMAL INSTITUTE LESSONS. Embroidery. A manual for -use in the Philippine public schools. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. 1916. Same. 1917. Housekeeping. A five-weeks course for teachers. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. 140 BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Intermediate gardening. A four-weeks course for teachers of intermediate grades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. 1916. Phonics. A five-weeks course for teachers of primary grades. Ma nila, Bureau of Printing, 1915., Same. Revised. 1916. School and home gardening. A four-weeks course for teachers of primary grades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. 1916. School-ground improvements. A four-weeks course for teachers of all grades. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. 1916. LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES. Note.-A printed series. Mountain Province. Province of Agusan. Province of Albay. Province of Antique. Province of Bataan. Province of Batangas. Province of Bohol. Province of Bulacan. Province of Cagayan. Province of Capiz. Province of Cavite. Province of Cebu. Province of Iloilo. Province of Ilocos Norte. Province of Ilocos Sur. Province of Isabela. Province of Laguna. TEACHERS' Province of La Union. Province of Leyte. Province of Mindoro. Province of Misamis. Province of Nueva Ecija. Province of Nueva Vizcaya. Province of Occidental Negros. Province of Oriental Negros. Province of Palawan. Province of Pampanga. Province of Pangasinan. Province of Rizal. Province of Samar. Province of Sorsogon. Province of Tarlac. Province of Tayabas. Province of Zambales. ASSEMBLY HERALD. Vol. 1. 1908. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No, 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. Vol. 1, 1908. No. 23. No. 24. No.25. No. 26. No. 27. No index. Vol. 2. 1909. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. /No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. Vol. 2,1909. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. Index. Vol. 3. 1910. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Vol. 8, 1910. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No.19. No. 20. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 141 Vol. 8, 1910. Vol. No.,27. No. 28. No.29. No. 30. Index. Vol. 4. 1911. No. 1. No. 2. No.3. Vol. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. Superseded TEAC1 [ [Vol. 1.] April 20 t May 25, 1914. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No.-6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No.26. No. 27. 4,1911. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. Index. 5. 1912. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6.,No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. by Teachers Vol. 5, 1912. No 18. No. 19. No.20. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No.26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. Index. Vol. 6, 1913. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. Assembly News, Vol. 6. 1913. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No.25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. Index. Baguio. ). IERS ASSEMBLY NEWS (BAGUIO [Executed-bk a manifold process.] o[Vol. 1.] April May 25, 1914. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. Index. [Vol. 2.] April May 22, 1915. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No.13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. 20 to[Vol. 2.] April 19 to May, 2, 1915. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No.21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. 19 to No. 26. ' No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No.31. No. 32. Index. [Vol. 3.] April 16 to May 19, 1916. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. 142 PHILIPPINE HEALTH SERVICE. [Vol. 8.] April 16 to [Vol. 8.] April May 19, 1916. May 19, 1916. No. 10. No. 30. No.11. No. 31. No. 12. No. 32. No. 13. No. 33. No. 14. Index. No. 15. [Vol. 4.] April No. 16. May 19, 1917. No. 17. No. 1. No. 18. No. 2. No. 19. No. 3. No. 20. No. 4. No. 21. No. 5. No. 22. No. 6. No. 23. No. 7. No. 24. No. 8. No. 25. No. 9. No. 26. No. 10. No. 27. No. 11. No. 28. No. 12. No. 29. No. 13. 16 to [Vol. 4.] April May 19, 1917. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. 16 to No. 19. No. 20. No.21. No. 22. No.23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. 16 to PHILIPPINE HEALTH SERVICE. [Bureau of Health, Board of Health, and Office of the Board of Health.] Act No. 157 passed by the Philippine Commission, July 1, 1901, provided for a Board of Health of the P. I. and City of Manila, effective July 1, 1901. By Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, the board was reorganized, the Philippine civil hospital and civil sanitarium, Benguet, being added to it, and the name changed to Bureau of Health, under the supervision of the Department of the Interior. Act No. 2468 of the Third Philippine Legislature, third session, effective July 1, 1915, transferred the Bureau of Health to an organization to be denominated the Philippine Health Service. This new organization includes also a board known as the Council of Hygiene. Act of Congress of August 29, 1916, places the Philippine Health Service (Bureau of Health) in the Department of Public Instruction. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports to the military governor, Governor-General, Annual reports, Military Governor; for other publications.containing the reports in the Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military reports are listed for convenience and continuity. 1899, September 29, 1898, to June 30, 1899. Appendix M. Exhibit C in appendices to annual report of Major General E. S. Otis... Military Governor in the Philippine Islands. Manila, 1899. 1900, dated July 31, 1900. In Appendix UU in annual report of Major General Arthur McArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. 1900. Vol. II. Manila, 1900. 1901, dated June 5, 1901, in Appendix VV, in annual report of Major General Arthur McArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. 1901. Vol. II. Manila, 1901. Same. August 7, to October 10. In Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902, September 1, 1901, to July 31, 1902. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. Same. Supplemental report for August, 1902. 'In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. PHILIPPINE HEALTH SERVICE. 143 1908, September 1, 1902, to September 1, 1903. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. Same. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1904. 1904, September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also, with omissions and with changes in plates, in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905, September 1, 1904, to August 31, 1905. With reports of subordinate officers. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. (Contains reports of the two Commissioners of Public Health who acted during the year.) Also, with fewer plates, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906, July 1, 1905, to June 30, 1906. Without report of subordinate officers. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906..Also, with omissions, fewer plates and no maps, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907.. (This report contains an -historical sketch of the bureau.) 1907, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also, with omissions, with changes in plates, and no maps, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, July 1, 1907, to June 30, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with omissions and with changes in plates, in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909, July 1, 1908, to June 30, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, July 1, 1909, to June 30, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year July 1, 1912, to June 30, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, short fiscal year from July, 1 to December 31, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. English and Spanish. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1914, fiscal year January 1, to December 31, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1915, fiscal year from January 1, to December 1. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1916. January 1 to December 31, 1916. Manila, 1917. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Ang cagauian sa anfion ng sa iyang guinicanan. Without date, folding sheet of 8 p. 23-5 x 10 cm. three plates, (Cebuan). [About opium.] Bubonic Plague. Manila, October 25, 1912. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912.] 144 PHILIPPINE HEALTH SERVICE. Climate. Relation of climate and health, with special reference to American occupation of the Philippine Islands. By Dr. Win. S. Washburn, 1905. 21 p. Manual of the Bureau of Health for the Philippine Islands. 1909. Same, rev. ed. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Nomenclature of diseases. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Nursing. Catalogue of the Philippine Training School for Nurses, Manila, P. I. November, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Philippine General Hospital. History and description of the Philippine General Hospital, Manila, P. I., 1910-1911. Compiled by John E. Snodgrass. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Philippine General Hospital. Rules and regulations for the Philippine General Hospital. 1st ed. Manila, Bureau of Printing. Philippine General Hospital. Rules and regulations for the Philippine General Hospital prepared by Victor G. Heiser, M. D., Director of Health. Approved Nov. 20, 1912. Dean C. Worcester, Secretary of the Interior. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Regulations governing examinations, appointments, and promotions of candidates and commissioned officers of Philippine Health Service. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Regulations governing the uniforms of officers and employees of the Philippine Health Service. Manila, 1915. Sanitary achievements in the Philippine Islands, 198-1915. Smallpox and vaccination in the Philippine Islands, 1898-1914. Leprosy in the Philippine Islands. Written December, 1914, for the Panama Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, California. By Dr. John E. Snodgrass. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Sanitary inspectors' handbook. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913.HEALTH BULLETINS. (No. 1.) Infectious diseases in the Philippine Islands: period of incubation, quarantine and infection, sources of infection. By Thomas R. Marshall. English and Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. No. 2. Asiatic cholera in the Philippine Islands. Distribution and sources of infection, etiology, morbid anatomy, and pathology symptoms, diagnoses and treatment. Prevention. By Thomas R. Marshall. English and Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Same. Pampangan. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. No. 3. The care of infants. By Drs. Juan Miciano, Ariston Bautista, Mariano Martin, and Manuel Gomez. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. (Also, in Board of Health 2d report, September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904. 1905. Same. Spanish. Same. Bicol. Same. Ilocano. Same. Pampango. PHILIPPINE HEALTH SERVICE. 145 Same. Pangasinan. Same. Tagalog.... Same. Visayan. No. 4. Bubonic' Plague. Sanitary and port precautionary measures. Not printed? No. 5. Tuberculosis. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. No. 6. Dysentery and how to avoid it. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. Revised 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 7. Cholera measures. (Extract from Bureau of Health manual.) (Manila, Bureau of Printing, n. d.) Same. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, n. d. No. 8. Instructions for simple remedy packages. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. (English, Spanish, Visayan and Tagalog.) No. 9. Poisonous fishes of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 10. Philippine habitations. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. English and Spanish. No. 11. Insects and disease. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 12. Beriberi and how to prevent it. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 13. March, 1914. Disposal of human wastes in the provinces with particular reference to public convenience stations. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. English and Spanish. No. 14. The deadly fly. Manila, Bureau of -Printing, 1914. Same. Tagalog. No. 15. Provincial hospitals. Their construction and management. Prepared under the direction of the Director of Health. By Dr. Vicente de Jesus y Serapio, Assistant Director of Health, chief, division of hospitals, Philippine Health Service. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. English and Spanish. No. 16. Plans and instructions relative to the construction of the sanitary model house. Manila, 1917. English, Spanish, and Tagalog. ~ CIRCULARS. LETTER-NUMBERED SERIES. The letter-numbered series is the yearly series. Only a few are of general interest. Manifold. K-31. The extermination of mosquitoes. April 1, 1912. Printed. Same. Spanish. K-77. Dysentery, typhoid fever, and cholera. Sept. 5, 1912. Manifold. CIRCULARS OF INFORMATION. Philippine Training School for hospital attendants, Manila, P. I. Circular of information (1910). Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. 15847 ---10 146 PHILIPPINE HEALTH SERVICE. Philippine Training School for nurses, Manila, P. I. Circular of information, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. English and Spanish. Rules governing the admission of patients to the Philippine General Hospital, with list of hospital charges. No date. CHOLERA CIRCULARS. No. 1. August 29, 1905. (Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905.) lish and Spanish. Same. Cebuano. Same. Ibanag. Same. Ilocano. Same. Pampango. Same. Pangasinan. Same. Tagalog. Same. Visaya Panayano. Eng Cholera circular. Prepared by the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands. September 11, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, n. d. VITAL STATISTCS, MONTHLY REPORTS, AND QUARTERLY REPORT. The narrative.part of these reports is printed in English and Spanish. A continuous series, with changes of name and period of publication. VITAL STATISTICS. 1900. November, Vol. I, No. 1. December, (Vol. 1, No. 2.) 1901. January, (Vol. 1, No. 3.) February, (Vol. 1, No. 4.) March, Vol. 1, No. 5. 1901. April, (Vol. 1, No. 6.) May, Vol. 1, No. 7. June, Vol. 1, No; 8. July, Vol. 2, No. 1. August, Vol. 2, No. 2. 1901. September. October. November. December. 1902. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1903. January. February. March. April. MONTHLY REPORT. 1903. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1904. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. % QUARANTINE SERVICE. 147 1905. January. February. March. April. May. June. 1905. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1906. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1907. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1908. 1st quarter, 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1909. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1910. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1911. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. QUARTERLY REPORT. 1912. 1Ist quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1913. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1914. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1915. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1916. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. 1917. 1st quarter. 2d quarter. 3d quarter. 4th quarter. QUARANTINE SERVICE. Established under American authority coincident with occupation of city of Manila by United States Army. Army medical officers tool over and continued the Spanish "Sanidad Maritima." United States quarantine laws and regulations were put into effect and the administration of the Bureau of Quarantine Service vested in the United States Marine Hospital Service by executive order of January 3, 1900, which was promulgated by War Department Circular No. 35, division of Customs and Insular affairs, January 4, 1900. The Marine Hospital Service established their offices and assumed full charge January 9, 1900. The medical officers are detailed from the United States Public Health Service (formerly the United States Marine Hospital Service) but the expenses of the Bureau are borne by the Government of the Philippine Islands. The subordinate employees are appointed locally by the Secretary of the United States Treasury and are not included in the Philippine Civil Service. Reorganized under Act No. 1407, of the Philippine Commission, effective November 1, 1905, and placed under the executive control and supervision of the Department of the Interior. Reports of this Bureau were submitted to the Secretary of the Interior as early as 1902. By reor 148 USEUM OF ETHNOLOGY, ETC. ganization Act No. g666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the quarantine service is placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Public Instruction. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports, and Military Governor, Annual reports. The military report is listed for convenience and continuity. 1901 [February 1, 1900, to May 31, 1901]. Appendix 00. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Isands. 1901. Vol. II. 1901. 1902, fiscal year ending June 80. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs (bound with annual reports of Philippine Civil Hospital and Civil Sanitarium, for 1903). Also (year ended August 31) in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904, year ending August 31. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1905. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual^report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905 [year ended August 31]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906 [year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30], n Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. Accounts of the work of later years are found in the reports of the Secretary of the Interior. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Information for owners, agents, shippers, masters of vessels, and others concerned relative to quarantine procedures for vessels entering and leaving ports in the Philippine Islands. Issued by the Chief Quarantine Officer for the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. BULLETINS, None issued. CIRCULARB. None issued. CIRCULAR LETTERS, Some are included in annual reports of the chief quarantine officer for the years ending 1902-3, 1904, 1905. MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, AND COMMERCE. Act No. 284 of the Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, enacted October 29, 1901, created a Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Commerce, under the Department of Public Instruction, placing it under the immediate direction of the chief of the Bureau of NonChristian Tribes in the Department of the Interior. In November, 1904, the Natural History Museum was transferred to the Bureau of Government Laboratories. The commercial museum was discontinued.. \ PHILIPPINE LIBRARY. 149 by executive direction in 1905 or 1906. Act No. 841, enacted August 24, 1903, changed the name of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes to Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Islands. The Museum of Ethnology continued under the immediate control of the Ethnological Survey when that Bureau became the division of Ethnology in the Bureau of Education, by Act No. 1407, of the Philippine Commission, effective November 1, 1905. It was transferred with the Division of Ethnology from the Bureau of Education to the Bureau of Science, *by Act No. 1541, of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 6, 1906. By Act No. 2572 of the Third Philippine Legislature, fourth session, enacted February 4, 1916, the museum became a part of the Philippine Library and Museum. The names "Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Commerce," and "Philippine Museum" apply to the same museum. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902. Not printed. An account of the work is given in the first annual report of the Secretary of Public Instruction to the Philippine Commission for the year ending October 15, 1902. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 3. 1903. 1903 [year ending August 31]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904. Not printed. 1905 [Report of commerce museum, September 1, 1904, to August 31, 1905]. In Philippine Commission Annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. See, for later years, annual reports of Bureau of Education and of Bureau of Science. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BU-T.LETINS, These have been issued as bulletins of the Philippine Museum, which is indentical with the above museum. 1. On birds from Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Cagayan Sulu, and Palawan. By Richard C. McGregor. Issued January 10, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public.Printing, 1903. 2. List of bird skins offered in exchange. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. 3. Birds from Benguet Provine, Luzon, and from the islands of Lubang, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo. By Richard C. McGregor. Issued January 30, 1904. -Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 4. Birds of Calayan and Fuga, Babuyan Group. By Richard C. McGregor. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. CIRCULARS. None issued. PHILIPPINE LIBRARY. Created by Act No. 1935, First Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted May 20, 1909, which provides for the consolidation of all libraries belonging to the Philippine Insular Government. 150 PHILIPPINE LIBRARY. Act No. 1849, First Philippine Legislature, special session, enacted June 3, 1908, providing for the Philippine Public Library was repealed by Act No. 1985. Act No. 2572 of the Third Philippine Legislature, fourth session, enacted February 4, 1916, authorizes the consolidation of the Philippine Library, the Division of Archives, Patents Copyrights, and trade-marks of the Executive Bureau, and the Law and Library Division of the Philippine Assembly, to form an organization to be known as "Philippine Library and Museumi" under the administrative control of the Secretary of Public Instruction, which went into effect April 1, 1916, by Executive Order No. 22, March 28, 1916. ANNUAL REPORTS. See for earlier reports or accounts of the library, American Circulating Library and Bureau of Education reports. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912. Not printed. 1913, fiscal year ending June 30. Abstract of annual report for year ending June 30, 1913, in Bulletin of Philippine Library, vol. 2, no. 3, November, 1913. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Commission, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semi-fiscal year. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. See, for later reports, Philippine Library and Museum. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. An act providing a penalty for willful destruction, injury, of taking or carrying away of any property of the Philippine Library. Act No. 2293, Third Philippine Legislature, Secoid session, enacted November 8, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Poster.. English and Spanish. List of hooks, branch library, Baguio, season of 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911; Same. 1912. Same. 1913. See, for earlier publications, Bureau of Education, Division of American Circulating Library. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BULLETIN OF THE PHILIPPINE LIBRARY. Vol. 1, 1912-13. Vol. 1, 1912-13-Cont. Vol. 1, 1912-13-Cont. No.1. No. 6. No. 11. No. 2. No. 7. No. 12. No. 3 No. 8. Vol. 2, 1913-14. No. 4. No. 9. No. 1. No. 5. No. 10. No, 2. AMERICAN CIRCULATING LIBRARY. 151 Vol. 2, 1913-14 —Cont. Vol. 3, 1914-16. Vol. 3, 1914-15 —Cont. No. 3. No.1. No. 11. No. 4. No. 2. No. 12. No. 5. No. 3. Vol. 4, 1915-16. No. 6. No. 4. No. 1. No. 7. No. 5. No. 2. No. 8. No. 6. No. 3. No. 9. No. 7. No. 4. No. 10. No. 8. No. 6. No. 11. No. 9.. No. 6. No. 12. No. 10. See, for continuance of this series, Philippine Library and Museum, Monthly Bulletin of the Philippine Library and Museum. AMERICAN CIRCULATING LIBRARY OF MANILA. Originally a private institution called the American Library of Manila, opened March 9, 1900, by the American Circulating Library Association of Manila, Philippine Islands. Offered to the military government and succeeding government by the board of trustees and the executive board of the association. The offer was accepted and by Act No. 96 of the Philippine Commission, enacted March 5, 1901. the library became a government institution. By Act No. 222, enacted September 6, 1901, it came under the control of the Department of Public Instruction. Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, abolished the library as a separate office and made it a division of the Bureau of Education, to be known as the Division of the American Circulating Library Association of Manila, Philippine Islands. Act No. 1936, First Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted May 20, 1909, creating a Philippine insular government library placed this library in the circulating division of the new library. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing these reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1904, September 30, 1903, to August 5, 1904. In Philippine Commission, 5th annual report 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, fiscal year ending June 30. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. See, for later accounts of the work in the library, the annual reports of the Bureau of Education. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. The general publications are listed for convenience. An appeal in behalf of the American Library in the city of Manila, P. I. Manila, 1900. [Published by the Association. Not a government publication.] Constitution and by-laws of the American Circulating Library Association of Manila, P. I. 1900. [Not a government publication.] Letter regarding the building up of the American Circulating Library of Manila. March 31, 1902? [Not a government publication.] See, for later publications, Bureau of Education, Division of American Circulating Library Association of Manila, Philippine Islands, aBULLETINS. None issued. CIROULARS. None issued. 152 PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, AND TRADE-MARKS. BUREAU OF PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, AND TRADE-MARKS. Organized pursuant to General Orders No. 24 of the Military Governor, issued June 26, 1899. Placed under the Department of the Interior by Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901. Act No. 744, enacted April 8, 1903, placed the Bureau under the immediate control of the Bureau of Archives, subject to the executive control of the Secretary of the Department of Public Instruction. By Reorganization Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, the bureau together with the Bureau of Archives became a division of the Executive Bureau called the Division of Archives, Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-marks. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing reports to Military Governor, Military Governor, Annual reports, and for other publications containing reports to civil authorities, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual Reports. The military reports are cited for convenience and continuity. 1900 [year ending June 30]. Appendix HH. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1900, vol. 2. 1901 [July 1, 1900, to May 17, 1901]. Appendix MM. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur. Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1901, vol. 2. 1902, year ending August 31, 1902. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903 [year ending August 31]. Title reads Report of the Bureau of Archives, Bureau of Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-Marks, 1903. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, in annual report of the chief of the Bureau of Archives for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [fiscal year]. Title reads Report [of] Bureau of Archives, Patents, Copyrights, etc. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued, BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES. ' Created by Act No. 273 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 21, 1901, and placed under the Department of Public, Instruction. Act No. 744, enacted April 8, 1903, placed the Bureau of Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-marks under the immediate direction of the chief of the Bureau of Archives. Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, abolished the Bureau of Archives and Bureau of Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-marks, and made them a division of the Executive Bureau, called the Division of Archives, Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-marks. ANNUTAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which the reports of this bureau may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. BUREAU OF COLD STORAGE. 153 1902 [dated October 25, 1902]. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903 [year ending August 31.] In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, fiscal year ending June 30 [and supplementary report]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission Oth annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Special report of the chief of the Bureau. Lands of Arroceros and Aguadas. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. English and Spanish. Also, in English, in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF COLD STORAGE. [Bureau of the Cold Storage and Ice Plant.] Created by Act No. 315 of the Philippine Commission, enacted December 10, 1901. Under the executive control of the Secretary of Finance and Justice. Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, transferred the bureau to the Department of Public Instruction and changed the name to Bureau of Cold Storage. Act No. 1609, enacted March 14, 1907, abolished the Bureau of Cold Storage as a separate Bureau, constituting it a division of the Bureau of Supply to be known as the Division of Cold Storage. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1902. 1st. [And supplemental report, July and August, 1902.] In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903, fiscal year, and supplementary report for July and August, 1903. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, [fiscal year. Also a supplemental report for July and August,. 1904]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1906, [July 1, 1905 to June 30, 1906]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF STATISTICS, Established by Act No. 7 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 26, 1900. Placed in the Department of Public Instruction 154 CENSUS BUREAU. by Act No. 222 of the Commission, enacted September 6, 1901. Abolished by Executive Order No. 68, August 12, 1903, in accordance with Act No. 807, enacted July 27, 1903. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which this report appears, Military Governor, Annual reports. The military report is listed for convenience. 1901, to May 31. Appendix NN. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1901. Vol. 2. Appendix NN is issued separately also. 1902. Not printed. 1903. Not printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. CENSUS BUREAU. Act No. 467 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 6, 1902, provides for a census of the Philippines, and the establishment of a Bureau of Census in the Department of Public Instruction. The bureau was a temporary one, and cooperated with the U. S. Bureau of Census. ANNUAL REPORTS. None issued. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Census of the Philippine Islands taken under the direction of the Philippine Commission in the year 1903. Director, Gen. J. P. Sanger; assistant directors, Henry Gannett, Victor H. Olmsted. Compiled and published by the U. S. Bureau of Census, Washington, 1905. Vol. I. Geography, history, and population. English. [1st edition.] Same. Spanish. [1st edition.] Same. English. [2d edition. June 1, 1905.] Vol. II. Population. English [1st edition.] Same. Spanish. [1st edition.] Same. English. [2d edition. June 1, 1905.] Vol. III. Mortality, defective classes, education, and families and dwellings. English. [1st edition.] Same. Spanish. [1st edition.] Same. English. [2d edition. June 1, 1905.] Vol. IV. Agriculture, and social and industrial statistics. English. [lst edition.] Same. Spanish. [1st edition.] Same. English. [2d edition. June 1, 1905.] BULLETINS. 1. Pdptilftion of the Philippines by islands, provinces, municipalities, and barrios. Taken in the year 1903. Census of the Philippine Islands [U. S.]. Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Census, 1904. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. 155 2. The Climate of the Philippines. By Rev. Jose Algue, S. J., director of the Philippine Weather Bureau. Census of the Philippine IslariA [l. Y.]. Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Census, 1904. 3. Volcanoes and seismic centers of the Philippine Archipelago. Census of the Philippine Islands [U. S.]. Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Census, 1904. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Created by Act No. 268 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 18, 1901, and placed under the control of the Department of Public Instruction. The bureau became a division of the Bureau of Public Works by reorganization act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, and was named Division of Building Construction and Repair. ANNUAL REPORT. See, for other publications in which these reports appear, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, October 18, 1901, to September 1, 1902. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903, September 1, 1902, to August 31, 1903. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, fiscal year and (supplemental report) July 1, to August 31. Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS; None issued. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Created under Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. [Bureau of Customs and Immigration. Customs Service. United States Customhouse, (Manila, P. I.).] General orders No. 5, Headquarters Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps, dated August 16, 1898, appoints a Collector of 156 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. Customs. Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901, provides for a Bureau of Customs and Immigration under the Department of Finance and Justice. Act No. 355 enacted February 6, 1902, created an executive branch to be known as the Customs Service under the Secretary of Finance and Justice. The name was changed to Bureau of Customs by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Act No. 2308 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913, abolished the Bureau of Navigation, and transferred a part of its functions and duties to the Bureau of Customs. By Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the Bureau of Customs is placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Finance. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports to the military governor, Military Governor, Annual reports; for other publications containing the annual reports in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The reports to the Military Governor are listed here for convenience and continuity. 1899 [Aug. 13 to June 30, 1899]. Appendix S. In appendices to annual report of Major General E. S. Otis.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands. (July 1, 1898, to Aug. 31, 1899.) 1899. 1900 [fiscal year ending June 30]. Appendix DD. In annual report of Arthur McArthur... Military governor (May 5 to October 1, 1900.) Vol. 2. 1900. 1901 [July 1, 1900 to May 31, 1901]. Appendix DD. In annual report of Major General Arthur McArthur... Military governor in the Philippines. (October 1, 1900, to July 1, 1901). 1901. Vol. 2. 1901. > 1902, June 1, 1901, to Sept. 1, 1902. [Title reads Special report of the Collector of Customs for the Philippine Archipelago, covering the period from June 1, 1901, to Sept. 1, 1902]. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. Same. Supplemental report (September 1, to Oct. 24). In same. 1903, September 1, 1902, to October 8, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. [Title reads Second special report. W. Morgan Shuster, Collector of Customs. Covering the period from September 1, 1902, to October 8, 1903.] Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, September 1, 1903, to September 1, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. [Title reads, Third special report. W. Morgan Shuster, Collector of Customs for the Philippine Islands. Covering the period from September 1, 1903, to September 1, 1904.] Also, without plates, in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, July 1, 1904, to September 1, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. [Title reads Fourth special report. W. Morgan Shuster, Collector of Customs for the Philippine Islands. Covering the period of from July 1, 1904, to September 1, 1905.] Also, with additions and different arrangement, in Philippine Commis~ sion 6th annual report. 1905, pt. 4. 1906. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 157 1906, July 1, 1905, to June 30, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. [Title reads Fifth special report. W. Morgan Shuster, Insular Collector of Customs. Covering the period from July 1, 1905., to June 30, 1906.] Also, with omissions, in the Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also, with omissions, in the Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908, fiscal year ended June 30..Marrila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. Same. Spanish. 1909, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1910, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1911, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission report 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31. See annual report for 1914. 1914, July to December, 1913; January to December, 1914. Title reads, Foreign commerce of the Philippine Islands, January to December, 1914; July to December, 1913. 1915, year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Title reads Annual report of the Bureau of Customs and of Foreign Commerce of the Philippine Islands for the year ended December 31, 1915. 1916, fiscal year eneded December 31, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Title reads Annual report of the Bureau of Customs and of Foreign Commerce of the Philippine Islands for the year ended December 31, 1916. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Boarding officers. Manual of instructions for boarding officers and discharging inspectors. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. [Interleaved]. Certificate of origin. Mail-Baggage. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 1911. Folder. Certificate of origin. Memorandum regarding certificate of origin. Mail-Baggage. June 29, 1911. Manifold. Coastwise trade. List of Philippine vessels licensed for the coastwise trade. Compiled up to August 11, 1914. Manifold. 158 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. "El faro administrativo, etc." Colecci6n de "El faro administrativo Reglamento general para la imposicion, administracion y cobranza de la contribucion industrial de las Islas Filipinas. Con tarifas y modelos, aprobado por real decreto No. 19 de 'Junio de 1890. Cumplimentado en 29 del mes. siguiente, con las modificaciones introducidas. Manila. Foreign commerce of the Philippine Islands. January 1914; July to December, 1913. Manila, Bureau 1915. (See also Bureau of Customs, annual report to December, of Printing, for 1914.) Lights, buoys, beacons, etc. List of lights, buoys, beacons, and day marks of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. 1916. Passengers. Notice to passengers. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. [Narrow]. Philippine Government piers. Rules and regulations and scale for charges. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Philippine Government piers, Manila, P. I. Rules and regulations and pier and arrastre charges. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Philippine marine regulations. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. [Customs marine circular No. 53.] Regulations. Division of vessels. Manila, Bureau of Printffg. 1917. Regulations prescribed by Insular Collector of Customs for free admittance into Philippine Islands of 'articles shipped from United States and its possessions. January 3, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. [Narrow.] Signal letters. A list of signal letters assigned to Philippine and foreign vessels together with signal letters of the International Code and report signals of Iloilo, P. I. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. Some of the numbers of these series are printed in the Official Gazette. Issued by a manifold process with some exceptions. Circulars issued from 1899 to 1902, Nos. 1-374, are general. In 1902 separate series were started. UNITED STATES CUSTOMHOUSE CIRCULARS. 1899. No. 1. No. 2. 1899. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No date. Oct. 11, 1899. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. 1900. No. 18 (erroneously dated Jan. 2, 1899). No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. 1900. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. -No. 29. No. 30. No.31. No. 32. No.33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No.37. No. 38. No. 39. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 159 1900. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No 49. No. 50. No. 51. No.,52. No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No.61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82.. 190X. No. 83. No. 84. No.85. No. 86. No. 87. No.88. No. 89. No.90. No.91. No. 92. No.93, Jan. 31. No.93, Feb. 15. No. 94. No. 95. No. 96. 1901. No. 97. No. 98. No. 99. No. 100. No.101. No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No. 105. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. No. 110. No. 111. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 115. No. 116. No. 117. No. 118. No. 119. No. 120. No. 121. No. 122. No. 123. No. 124. No. 125. No. 126. No. 127. No. 128. No. 129. No. 130. No. 131. No.' 132. No. 133.No. 134. No. 135. No. 136. No. 137. No. 138. No. 139. No. 140. No. 141, No. 142. No. 143. No. 144. No. 145. No. 146. No. 147. No. 148. dated No. 149. No. 150. dated No. 151. No. 152. No. 153. No. 154. No. 155. 1901. No. 156. No. 157. No. 158. No. 159. No. 160. No. 161. No. 162. No. 163. No. 164. No. 165. No. 166. No. 167. No. 168. No. 169. No. 170. No. 171. No. 172. No. 173. No. 174. No. 175. No. 176. No. 177. No. 178. No. 179. No. 180. No. 181. No. 182. No. 183. No. 184. No. 185. No. 18: No. 187. No. 188. No. 189. No. 190. No. 191. No. 192. No. 193. No. 194. No. 195. No. 196. No. 197. No. 198. No. 199, No. 200. No. 201. No. 202. No. 203.No. 204. No. 206. No. 206. No. 207. No. 208. No.209. No. 210. No. 211. No. 212. No. 213. No, 214. 160 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 1901. No. 215. No.216. No.217. No. 218. No. 219. No. 220. No. 221. No.222. No. 223. No. 224. No. 225. No. 226. No. 227. No. 228. No. 229. No. 230. No. 231. No. 232. No. 233. No. 234. No.235. No. 236. No. 237. No. 238. No. 239. No. 240. No. 241. No. 242. No. 243. No. 244. No. 245. No. 246. No. 247. No. 248. No. 249. No. 250. No. 251. No. 252. No. 253. No. 254. No. 255. No. 256. No. 257. No. 257(a) No. 258. No. 259. No. 260. No. 261. No. 262. No. 263. No. 264. No. 265. No. 266. No. 267. No. 268. No. 269. No. 270. No.271. 1901, No. 272. No. 273. No. 274. No. 276. No. 276. No. 277. No. 278. No. 279. No. 280. No. 281. No. 282. No. 283. No. 284. No. 285. No. 286. No. 287. No. 288. No. 289. No. 290. No. 291. No. 292. No. 293. No. 294. No. 295. No. 296. No. 297. No. 298. No. 299. No. 300. No. 301. No. 302. No.303. No. 304. No. 305. No. 306. No. 307. No. 308. No. 309. No. 310. No. 311. No. 312. No.313. No. 314. No.315. No. 316. No. 317. No. 318. No. 319. No. 320. No.321. No. 322. No. 323. No. 324. No. 325. 1902. No.326. No. 327. No. 328. No. 329. Same. Spanish. 1902. No. 330. No. 331. No. 332. No. 333. No. 334. No. 335. No. 336. No. 337. No. 338. No. 339..No. 340. Same. Spanish. No. 341. $So. 342. No.343. No.344. Same. Spanish. No. 344(b) No. 345. Same. Spanish. No. 346 Same Spanish.~ No. 347. No. 348. No. 349. Same. Spanish. No. 350. Same. Spanish. No.351. Same. Spanish. No. 352. No. 353. No. 354. No. 355. No. 356. No. 357. No. 358. No. 359. Same. Spanish. No. 360. Same. Spanish. No. 361. No. 362. No. 363. Same. Spanish. No. 64. BUlREAU OF CUSTOMS. 161 No. 866. No. 3B6. Same. ish. No. 367. Spa 1 -..~ No. 368. No. 869. Same. ish. No. 370. No. 371. No. 372. No. 373. No. 374. Span CIRCULARS [NEW SERIES]. 1917. No. 1. December 27. CHINESE AND IMMIGRATION CIRCULARS. These circulars are first issued by manifold process and later printed. The printed numbers. and the copies by manifold process not yet included in a printed volume are listed here also. Circulars 1 -218, 1901-8, are included with index in Bureau of Customs, Customs Decisions, vols. 1-13. This series was discontinued with number 305. The Customs administrative orders will include regulatory announcements relating to the public administration of the Immigration and Chinese exclusion laws. Vol. 1. Nos. 1-197, December 1901, to December, 1907. (Vol. 2.) Nos. 198-255, January 1, 1908, to March 31, 1912. Manila, 1912. 1912. No. 256. No. 257. No. 258. No. 259. No. 260. No. 261. No. 262. No. 263. No. 264. No. 265. 1913. No. 266. No. 267. No. 268. No. 269. No. 770. No.271. No. 272. No. 278. 1913. No. 274. No. 275. No. 276. No. 277. No. 278. No. 279. No. 280. No. 281. 1914. No. 282. No. 288. No. 284. No. 285. No. 286. No. 287. No. 288. No. 289. No. 290. 1915. No.291. No. 292. No. 293. No. 294. No. 295. No. 296. No. 297. No. 298. 1916. No. 299. No. 300. No. 301. No. 302. No. 3b3. No. 304. No. 305. Series tinued. discon CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULARS. Many of these circulars are issued by a manifold process olly. 1902. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7.' No. 8. No. 9..No. 10. No. 11. — No. 12. No. 18. 1 3478 ---] 1 1902. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No.20. No.21. No. 22. No.28. No. 24. No.26. No. 26. 1902. No. 27. No. 28. No.29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 36. No. 86. No. 377.-; No. 8. No. 89. -JA 162 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 1902. No. 40. 190 No.41. No. 42. No. 48. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. No. 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No. 58. No. 59. No. 60. No. 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. ' No. 71. / No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No7- - - - No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82. No. 88. 190! No. 84. No. 85. No. 86. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89. No. 90. No. 91. No. 92. No. 98. No. 94. No. 96. No. 96. No. 97. No. 98. )2. No. 99. No. 100. No. 101. No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No. 105. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. No. 110. No. 111. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 115. No. 116. No. 117. No. 118. No. 119. No. 120. No. 121. No. 122. No. 128. No. 124. No. 126. No. 126. No. 127. No. 128. No. 129. No. 130. No. 131. No. 182. No. 188. No. 134. No. 135. No. 136. No. 137. No. 138. No. 139. No. 140. No. 141. 3. No. 142. No. 143. No. 144. No. 145. No. 146. No. 147. No. 148. No. 149. No. 150. No. 151. No. 152. No. 168. No. 154. No. 155. No. 156. No. 157. 1903. No. 158. No. 159. No. 160. No. 161. No. 162. No. 163. No. 164. No. 165. No. 166. No. 167. No. 168. No. 169. No. 170. No. 171. No. 172. No. 173. No. 174. No. 176. No. 176. No. 177. No. 178. No. 179. No. 180. No. 181. No. 182. No. 183. No. 184. No. 185. No. 186. No. 187.. No. 188. No. 189. No. 190. No. 191. No. 192. No. 193. No. 194. No. 195. No. 196. No. 197. No. 198. No. 199. No. 200. No. 201. No. 202. No. 208. No. 204. No. 205. No. 206. No. 207. No. 208. No. 209. No. 210. No. 211. No. 212. No. 213. No. 214. No. 215. No. 216. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 163 1903. No. 217. No. 218. No. 219. No. 220. No. 221. No. 222. No. 223. No. 224. No. 225. No. 226. No. 227. No. 228. No. 229. No. 230. No. 2S1. No. 232. No. 233. No. 234. No. 235. No. 236. No. 237. No. 238. No. 239. No. 240. No. 241. No.242, No. 243. No. 244. No. 245. No. 246. No. 247. No. 248. No. 249. No. 250. No. 251. No. 252. No. 253. No. 254.. No. 255. No. 256. No. 257. No. 258. No. 269. No. 260. No. 261. No. 262. No. 268. No.264. No, 265. No. 266. No. 267. No. 268. No. 269. No. 270. No. 271. No. 272. i904. No.278. No. 274. No.275. 1904. No. 276. No. 277. No. 278. No. 279. No. 280. No.281. No. 282. No. 283. No. 284. No. 285. No. 286. No. 287. No.288. No. 289. No. 290. No. 291. No. 292. No. 293. No. 294. No. 295. No. 296. No. 297. No. 298. No. 299. No. 300. No. 301. No. 02. No. 303. No. 304. No. 305. No. 306. No. 307. No. 308. No. 809. No.310. No. 311. No. 312. No. 813. No. 314. No. 315. No. 316. No. 317. No. 318. No. 819. No. 320. No.321. No. 322. No. 323. No. 324. No. 326. No. 326. No. 327. No. 828. No. 329. No. 330. No. 831. No. 832. No. 833. No.884. 1904. No. 8335. No.336. No. 337. No. 838. No. 339. No.340. No. 841. No; 342. No. 843. No.344. No. 345. No. 346. No. 347. No. 348. No. 349. No. 350. No. 381. No. 352. No. 363. No. 354. No. 355. No. 36. No. 357. No. 358. No. 359. No. 860, No. 861. No. 362. No. 368. No. 364. Index. 1905. No. 365. No. 366. No. 367. No. 368. No. 369. No. 370. No. 371. No.372. No. 378. No. 874. No. 375. No. 376. No. 377. No. 378. No. 379. No. 380. No. 881. No. 882. No. 383. No. 384. -No. 885. No. 386. No. 387. No. 888. No. 889. No. 390. No. 891. No.892. 164 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. Index to 365-392. 1906. No. 393. No. 394. No. 395. No. 396. No. 397. No. 398. No. 399. No. 400. No. 401. No. 402. NoL,4Q03. No. 404. No. 405. No. 406. No. 407. No. 408. No. 409. No. 410. No.411. No. 412. No. 413. No. 414. No. 415. No. 416. No. 417. No. 418. No. 419. No. 420. No. 421. No. 422. No. 423. No. 424. Index to 393-424. 1907. No. 425. No. 426. No. 427. No. 428.No. 429. No.430. No. 431. No.432. No. 433. No. 434. No. 435. No. 436. Same. ish. No. 437. No. 438. No. 439. No. 440. No, 441. No. 442. No. 443. No. 444. No. 445. Nos. 1907. No. 446. No. 447. No. 448. No. 449. No. 450. No. 451. No. 452. No. 463. No. 454. No. 465. No. 456. No. 457. No. 458. No. 469. No. 460. No. 461. No. 462. No. 463. No. 464. No. 466. No. 466. No. 467. Index to 425-467, Nos. 1907, Nos. SpanSpan 1908. No. 468. No. 469. No. 470. No. 471. No. 472. No. 473. No. 474. No. 475. No. 476. No. 477. No. 478. No. 479. No. 480. No. 481. No. 482. No. 483. No. 484. No. 485. No. 486. No. 48. No. 488. No. 489. No. 490. No. 491. No. 492. No. 493. No. 494. No. 495. No. 496. No.497. No. 498. No. 499. No. 500. No. 501. No. 502. 1908. No. 503. No. 504. No. 505., No. 506. No. 507. No. 508. No. 09. No. 510. No.511. No. 512. No. 513. No. 514. No. 515. No. 516. No. 517. No. 518. No. 519. No. 520. No. 521. No. 522. No. 523. No. 524. No. 525. No. 526. No. 527. No. 528. No. 529. No. 530. No. 531. No. 532. Index to 468-532, 1909. No. 533. No. 534 n4 sued. No. 35. No; 536. No. 537. No. 538. No. 539. No. 540. No. 541. No. 542. No. 548. No. 544. No. 546. No. 546. No. 547. No. 548. No. 549. No. 550. No. 551. No. 55662. No. 558. No. 554. No. 565. No. 556. No. 557, No. 558. Nos. 1908. ot is 4 - BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 165 19)0.). No.. No. 560. No. 661. No. 662. No. 563. No. 564. No. 565. No. 566. No. 567. No. 568. No. 569. No. 570. No. 571. No. 572. No. 573. No. 574. No. 575. No. 576.. No. 577. No. 578. No. 579. No. 580. No. 581. No. 582. No. 583. No. 584. No. 585. No. 586. No. 587. gNo. 588. No. 589. No. 590. Index to 533-590. 1910 and 1911. No. 591. No. 592, No. 593. No. 594. No. 595. No. 596. No. 597. No. 598. No. 599. No. 600. No. 601..... N o. 602.............. No. 60. No. 604. No. 605. No. 606. No. 607. No. 608. No. 609. No. 610. No. 611. No. 612. No. 618. No. 614. 1910-K Nos. 19]I. No.'615. No. 616. No.,617. No.618. No. 619. No. 620. No. 621. No.622. No. 623. No. 624. No. 625. No., 626. No. 627. No. 628. No. 629. No. 630. No. 681. No. 632. No. 633. No. 634. No. 635. No. 636. No. 637. No. 638. No. 639. No. 640. No. 641. No. 642, No. 643. No. 644. No. 645. No. 646. No. 647. No. 648. No. 649. No. 650. Index to Nos. 591-650, 1910 -11. 1912. No. 651. No. 652. No. 653. No. 654. No. 655. No. 656. No. 657. No. 658. No. 659. No. 660. No. 661. No. 662. No. 663. No. 664. No. 665. No. 666. No. 667. No. 668. No. 669. No. 670. 1912. No. 671. No. 672. No. 673. No. 674. No. 675. No. 676. No. 677. No. 678. No. 679. No. 680. No. 681. Index to Nos. 651-681, 1912. 1913 and 1914. No. 682. No. 683. No. 684. No. 685. No. 686. No. 687. No. 688. No. 689. No. 690. No.691. No. 692. No. 693. No. 694. No. 695. No. 696. No. 697. No. 698. No. 699. No. 700. No. 701. No. 702. No. 703. No. 704. No. 705. No. 706. No. 707. No. 708. No. 709. No. 710. No. 711. No. 712. No. 713. No. 714. No. 715. No. 716. No. 717. No. 718. No. 719. No. 720. No. 721. No. 722. No. 723. Index to Nos. 682-723, 1913 -14. 166 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 1915. No. 724. No.725. No.726. No.727. No. 728. No. 729. No. 730. No.731. 1915. No. 782. No. 783. No. 734. No. 785. 1916. No. 736. No. 787. No. 738. No. 739. 1916. No. 740. No. 741. No. 742. No. 743. No. 744. Series discontinued. CUSTOMS MARINE OIROIXUARS 1908. No. 1. No.2. No. 3. No. 4. No.5. 1911 No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. N —No. 12. No. 13. No.14. 1912 No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. See index to Nos. 1-32, 1908-9. 1909. No. 20. Same. Tagalog. No.21. No. 22. No, 23. 1913 No. 24. No. 25. No. 26, No. 27. No.28. No. 29: No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. Index to Nos. 1 -32, 1908-9. 1914 1910. No. 33. No. 34. No.35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 88. No. 89. 1914. No. 74. See index to Nos. No. 75. 33-66, 1910- No. 76. 1912. No. 77. No. 40. No. 78. No. 41. No. 79 not issued. No. 42. 1915. No. 80. No. 43. No. 81. No. 44. Same. SpanNo. 45 not issued. ish. See index to Nos. No. 82. 33-55, 1910- No. 83. 1912. No.84..No. 46. Same. SpanNo. 47. ish. No.48. No.85. No. 49. Same. SpanNo. 50. ish. No. 1. No.86. No. 52. Same. SpanNo. 53. ish. No. 54. No. 87. No. 55. Same. SpanIndex to Nos. 33- ish. 55, except 53; No. 88. 1910-1912. No. 89. No. 56. No. 90. No. 57. No. 91. No. 58. No. 92. No. 59. No. 93. No. 60. No. 94. No. 61. No. 95. No. 62. No. 96. No. 63. No. 97. No.64. No. 98. No. 65. No. 99. No. 66. Index? No. 67. No. 100? No.68. 191G. No. 101. No. 69. No. 102. No. 70. No. 103. No. 71. No. 104. No. 72. Series discontiNo. 73. nued. TARIFF-DECISION OIRCULARS. These circulars are also printed with indexes, in Customs Bureau, Customs Decisions. The circulars listed here have been issued later BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 167 than Customs Decisions, Vol. XIV, and are executed by a manifold process. 1912. No. 959, 8. No. 960. 1918. No. 961. No. 962. No. 968. No. 964. No. 965. August,1914. No. 966. No. 967. No. 968. No. 969. No. 970. No. 971. 1916. No. 972. No. 978. No. 974. 1916. No. 976. No. 976. No. 977. 1917. No. 978. No. 979. No. 980. OUSTOMB-DEOISIONS, These are composed of tariff circulars, and Chinese and immigration circulars, collected and issued at irregular intervals, with index, although bearing words "published monthly" on publication. These are also issued in Spanish. (From Checklist of United States, Public Documents. 1789-1909.) Vol. 1. No. 1,January 15,1902. No. 2, February 15, 1902. No. 8, March 81, 1902. No. 4, May 31, 1902. No. 5, June 30, 1902. Vol. 2. No. 1, July 31, 1902. No. 2, September 30, 1902. No. 8, October 31, 1902. No. 4, November 30,1902. No. 5, December 31, 1902. Vol. 3. No. 1, January 31, 1903.. No. 2, February 28, 1903. No. 3, March 31, 1903. No. 4, April 30, 1903. No. 5, May 31, 1903. No. 6, June 30, 1903. Vol. 4. No. 1,July31,1903. No. 2, August 81, 1903. No. 3, September 30, 1903. No. 4, November 30, 1903. No. 5, December 31, 1903. Vol. 5. No. 1,February 29,1904. No. 2, April 30, 1904. No. 3, May 31,1904. No. 4, June 30, 1904. Vol. 6. No., July 31, 1904. No. 2, August 31, 1904. No. 3, September 30, 1904. No. 4, October 31, 1904. No. 5, December 31, 1904. Vol 7. No. 1, January 31,1905. No. 2, February 28 1905. No. 3, March 31, 1905. No. 4, April 29, 1905. No. 5, May 31, 1905. Vol. 8.No. 1, December 29, 1905. ber 29, 1905]. Vol. 9. No. 1, February 28, 1906. ruary 28, 1906]. No. 2, March 31, 1906. [Covers period June 1, to Decem[Covers period January 1, to Feb 168 BUR!AU OF CUSTOMS, Vol. 10. No. 1, September 29, 1906. [Covers period April 1, to September 29, 1906]. No. 2, October 31, 1906. No. 8, December 29, 1906. Vol. 11. No. 1, June 30, 1907. [Covers period January 1, to June 30, 1907, for Tariff Decision circulars, and November 1, 1906 to June 30, 1907, for Chinese and Immigration circulars.] Vol. 12. No. 1, December 30, 1907. [Covers period July 1, to December 30, 1907]. Vol. 13. No. 1, December 31, 1908. [Covers"period from January 1, to December 31, 1908]. Vol. 14. Being tariff decision circulars 874 to 958, covering the period from January 1, 1908, to March 81, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. MANILA CUSTOMHOUSE GENERAL ORDERS. Executed by manifold process with a few exceptions. 1902. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No.25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. Index. 1903. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No.34. No. 35. No. 36. No.37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. 1903. No. 42. No.43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. No. 47. No.48. No. 49. No. 50. No.51. No. 52. No..53. No. 54. No. 55. No. 56. No. 57. No.58. No. 59. No. 60. No. 61. Index. 1904. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 71. No. 72. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75. No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 79. No. 80. No. 81. No. 82. 1904. No. 83. No.84. No. 85. No.86. See index to 1905. 1905. No. 87. No. 88. ' No. 89. No. 90. No.91. No. 92. No. 93. No. 94. No.95. 'No. 96. No. 97. No. 98. No. 99. No. 100. No. 101. Index to general orders Nos. 62-101, 1904-5. 1906. No. 102. No. 103. No. 104. No. 105. No. 106. No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. No. 110. No. 111. See index, 1908. 1907. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. No. 115. No. 116. No. 117. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. 169 1907. No. 118. No. 119. No. 120. No. 121. No. 122. No. 123. No. 124. No.125. No. 126. No. 127. No. 128. No. 129. No. 130. No. 131. No. 132. No. 133. See index, 1908. No. 184. No. 135. No. 136. No. 137. No. 138. No. 139. No. 140. Same. ish. Same. log. No. 141. No. 142. No. 143. No. 144. No. 145. No. 146. No. 147. No. 148. No. 149. No. 150. No. 151. No. 152. No. 153. No. 164. No. 155. No. 156. Index to 102-156, 1908, incl 1909. No. 157. No. 158. 1909. No. 159. 1912. No. 160. No. 161. No. 162. No. 163. See index, 1911. 1910. No. 164. 1913. No. 165. No. 166. No. 167. No. 168. No. 169. No. 170. No. 171. No. 172. No. 173. 1908. No. 174. No. 175. No. 176. No. 177. 1914. No. 178. No. 179. No. 180. No. 181. Span- No. 182. No. 183. Taga- No. 184. No. 185. See index, 1911. 1911. No. 186. No. 187. No. 188. No. 189. No. 190. No. 191. No. 192. 1915. No. 193. No. 194. No. 195. No. 196. No. 197. No. 198. No. 199. No. 200. Nos. No. 201. 1906- No. 202. lusive. Index to Nos. 156-202, 1909 -1911, inclusive. CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS. No. 203. No. 3Q4. No. 205. No. 206. No. 207. Index? No. 208. No. 209. No. 210. No. 211. No. 212. No. 213. No. 214. No. 215. No. 216. No. 217. No. 218. No. 219. Index? No. 220. No. 221. No. 222. No. 223. No. 224. No. 225. No. 226. No. 227. No. 228. No. 229. No. 230. No. 231. No. 232. No. 233. No. 234. Index? No. 235. No. 236. No. 237. No. 238. No. 239. No. 240. No. 241. No. 242. No. 243. Index. Series discontinued. Executed by manifold process with a few exceptions. 1916. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4, No. 5..No. 6. No. 7. 1916. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. 1916. No. 15. 1917. No. 16, No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. 170 INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU. 1917. No. 22. 1917. No. 30. 1917. No. 38. No. 28. No. 81. No. 89. No. 24. No. 82. No. 40. No. 26. No. 88. No. 41. No. 26. No. 84. No. 42. No. 27. No. 85. No. 48. No; 28. No. 86. No. 44. No. 29. No. 37. No. 45. INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU. [Office of the Collector of Internal Revenue.] The office of Collector of Internal Revenue was opened under the military governor to carry on the work of the Spanish colonial office and was continued under the Philippine Commission. Act No. 222 enacted September 6, 1901, includes a Bureau of Internal Revenue in the Department of Finance and Justice. Act No. 1189 of the Philippine Commission, effective August 1, 1904, established the Bureau of Internal Revenue under the Department of Finance and Justice. The Bureau was reorganized by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Commission, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the bureau under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Finance. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports to the military governor, Military Governor Annual reports; for other publications containing the reports which appear in the Philipipne Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military reports are listed for convenience and continuity. 1899, August 21, 1898 [establishment] to June 30, 1899. Appendix Q. In Appendices to annual report of Major General E. S. Otis..... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1899.] 1900 [fiscal year ending June 30.] Appendix FF. In Annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1900.] Vol. 2. 1900. 1901 [July 1, 1900, to May 31, 1901]. Appendix EE. In Annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1901.] Vol. 2. 1901. 1902 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903 (September 1, 1902 to August 31, 1903]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 [September 1, 1903 to August 1, 1904.] [Annual report of the Acting Collector of Internal Revenue, Office of the Collector of Internal Revenue.] In Philippine Commission 5th annual report 1904, pt. 3. 1905. Same, dated September 19, 1904. [Annual report of the Bureau of Internal Revenue.] In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [Aug. 1, 1904 to July 31, 1905. 1st.] In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1906, fiscal year. 2d. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commnision 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1/ INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU. 171 1907, fiscal year. 3d. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also, with additions, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908, fiscal year. 4th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908 pt. 2. 1909. 1909, fiscal year ended June 30. 5th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, fiscal year ended June 30. 6th.. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. 7th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. 8th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. 9th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ending December 31. Not printed. 1914, fiscal year ended December, 1914. Title reads "Statistical information contained in the eleventh annual report of the Collector of Internal Revenue... for the (new) fiscal year 1914 ended December 31, 1914. James J. Rafferty Collector of Internal Revenue. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. [The narrative part of the report for 1914 was not printed.] Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1915, fiscal year ended December 31. 12th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1916, fiscal year ended December 31. 13th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Currency. Notice [regarding local currency]. Manila, December 27, 1904. Industrial Tax and table of exemptions with general rules for the imposition; administration, and collection of the tax in the Philippine Islands. Provincial Form No. 46. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Internal revenue manual... Vol. 1. Compiled by Daniel T. Brown. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. 1909. Same. First supplement. February 1, to December 31, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. a Same. -ISpanish. `i10. --- J Same. Second supplement. January 1, to June 30, 1910. 1910. Same. Spanish 1910. Same. Third supplement, July 1, to December 31, 1910, including all amendments to laws administered by Bureau of Internal Rev 172 INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU. enue, enacted during same period. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. 1911. Same. Fourth supplement, January 1, to June 30, 1911, including all amendments to laws administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue during the same period. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. To July 30, 1911. [Opium]. Habit and its effect. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. 1907. Same. Bicol. Same. Cebuano. Same. Ilocano. Same. Pampanga. Same. Panay. Same. Pangasinan. Same. Tagalog. 1907. Rulings, regulations, and administrative decisions. Compilation of rulings, regulations, and administrative decisions of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, digests of various decisions of the Supreme Court and opinions of the attorney-general, and rulings of the insular auditor upon Act No. 1189, the internal revenue law of 1904; Act No. 1519, an act to provide for inspecting and sealing weights and measures and to regulate their use; Act No. 1655, the pure food and drugs act; and Act No. 1761, an act gradually to restrict and regulate the sale and use of opium, covering the period January 1, 1908, to January 31, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Statistical information contained in the eleventh annual report of the Collector of Internal Revenue to the Honorable the Secretary of Finance and Justice of the government of the Philippine Islands for the fiscal year 1914, ended December 31, 1914. James J. Rafferty, Collector of the Internal Revenue. Manila, Bureau of Printing 1915. Listed also as annual report for 1914. Tables and rules for gauging spirits and for computing proof spirits and taxes... Manila, Bureau of Printing. 1905. Same. Spanish. 1904. Same. Spanish. 1905. Same. Spanish. 1912. Tobacco. Joint report on the economic and agronomic conditions in the Cagayan Valley in relation to tobacco. By Colin M. Hoskins, chief clerk, Bureau of Internal Revenue; Charles F. Baker, tobacco inspector, Bureau of Internal Revenue; professor of agronomy, University of the Philippines; North H. Foreman, inspector of school gardens, Bureau of Education; [and] Thomas R. Manus, agricultural inspector, Bureau of Agriculture. Published under the direction of James J. Rafferty, Collector of Internal Revenue for the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 1916. Same. Spanish. 1916. Tobacco. Report on Philippine tobacco investigation in the United States. By James J. Rafferty, Collector of Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU. 173 to His Excellency the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. Spanish. 1915. Same. English. 1917. [Report on investigation made in 1917.] Same. Spanish. 1917. [Report on investigation made in 1917.] Weights and measures pamphlet, Excerpts from Act.No. 1519, Philippine Commission, and table of metric weights and measures and other systems in general use in Philippine Islands. January 2, 1909. Same. Revised edition. October 1, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Revised edition. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. No. 1. Preliminary instructions as to the assessment and collection of taxes on distilled spirits, manufactured liquors, fermented liquors, manufactured tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, and matches. August 1, 1904. Same. Spanish. No. 2. Instructions as to the issue of certificates of registration (cedulas personales) and the collection of said poll tax on and after the first Monday in January, 1905. (Secs. 120-125, Act No. 1189, Philippine Commission.) December 12, 1904. Same. Spanish. No. 3. Rules, regulations, and instructions governing the assessment and collection of taxes and charges on forests products. (Acts Nos. 1148, 1189, and 1407.) April 16, 1906. Same. Spanish. No. 4. Regulations and instructions for the control of leaf tobacco. May 7, 1907. Same. Spanish. No. 5. Reglamentos para el, contraste y sello de pesas y medidas. (Ley No. 1519 de la Comision de Filipinas). Julio 31, 1907. Same. English. No. 6. Regulations and instructions for the control of leaf tobacco. October 19, 1907. Same. Spanish. No. 7. Regulations for the enforcement of the opium law (Act No........ 1761) on and after March 1, 1908. September 9, 1908. Same. Spanish. No. 8. [Regulations governing the handling of taxable merchandise to and from Internal Revenue Bonded Warehouse.] October 1, 1909. Manifold. No. 9. Regulations governing the registration of cigar makers and apprentice cigar makers, under provisions of paragraph 11, section 68, of Act No. 1189. July 23, 1912. Manifold. Same. Spanish. 174 INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU. No. 10. Regulations governing the collection of internal revenue taxes on imported articles. August 27, 1912. Manifold. No. 11. Uniforms for Bureau of Internal Revenue field force. August 22, 1912. Manifold. No. 12. Regulations governing the registration of cigar makers, under the provisions of paragraph 11, section 68, of Act No. 1189. September 20, 1912. Same. Spanish. No. 13. Not seen. No. 14. Regulations governing the collection of charges on forest products. November 20, 1912. Same. Spanish. No. 15. Regulations governing the manufacture, s:ale and control of domestic fermented liquors. March 1, 1913. Manifold. Same. Spanish. No. 16. Regulations governing distilled spirits, manufactured liquors, wines, imitation wines, and denatured alcohol. [May 5, 1913.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Spanish. No. 17. Preliminary instructions for collection of income tax. 1913. No. 18. Regulations governing the storage of merchandise in Internal Revenue Bonded Warehouse No. 1. March 18, 1914. Manifold. No. 19. Regulations concerning the tax imposed by section II, Act of Congress approved October 3, 1913, on the net income of individuals. March 23, 1914. Same. Spanish. No. 20. Regulations relating to the income tax imposed by section 2 of the Act of October 3, 1913, on corporations, joint-stock companies or associations, and insurance companies. March 23, 1914. Same. Spanish. REGULATIONS. No. 1. Regulations and instructions governing the collection of the cedula tax. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. Spanish. No. 2. Regulations and instructions governing the collection of the documentary stamp tax. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 3. Regulations and instructions governing the business of distillers and rectifiers. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 4. Regulations and instructions governing the business of manufacturers of cigars and cigarettes and chewing and smoking tobacco. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. BUREAU OF THE TREASURY. 175 BUREAAU OF THE TREASURY. [Bureau of the Insular Treasury. Treasurer of the Philippine Archipelago. Office of the Treasurer of Public Funds.] General Orders No. 7, Headquarters Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps, dated August 18, 1898, named an officer of the United States Army to receive the Spanish public funds. Act No. 90, Philippine Commission, enacted February 28, 1901, created the Office of the Treasurer. Act No. 222, of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901, providing' for the organization of the departments of the Insular Government names a Bureau of the Insular Treasury, under the Department of Finance and Justice. The Division of Currency in the Bureau of the Insular Treasury was created by Act No. 938 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 10, 1903, and was abolished February 1, 1905, in accordance with Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. By Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the Bureau is placed under the direct control, supervision, and direction of the Department of Finance. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the annual reports to the military governor, Military Governor, Annual reports; for other publications containing the annual reports appearing in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The reports to the military governor are listed here for convenience and continuity. 1899 [August 18, 1898, to June 30, 1899]. Appendix 0. In appendices to annual report of Major General E. S. Otis.. military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1899.] 1900 [July 1 1899, to June 30, 1900]. Appendix BB. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1900.] Vol. 2. 1900. 1901 [July 1, 1900 to May 31, 1901.] Appendix BB. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1901.] Vol. 2. 1901. 1902. Not printed. 1903r Not printed. 1904. Not printed. 1905. Not printed. 1906, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also with title, Report of the Insular Treasurer, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also with title, Report of the Insular Treasurer, in Philippine Commision 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909t fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission report. 176 BUREAU OF THE TREASURY. 1910, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914, fiscal year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1915, fiscal year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1916, fiscal year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Agricultural Bank of the Philippine government. Regulations for provincial agencies. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. English and Spanish. Assembling disbursing officers' checks and vouchers and verification of disbursing officers' balances. Report to the President of the \ Committee on Department Methods. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Banco Agricola del Gobierno de Filipinas. Ley de la Legislatura Filipina, creando y estableciendo el banco y estatutos adoptados por la junta de directores. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Important notice to the public by the Treasurer of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. The New Philippine Currency. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. English and Spanish. Same. Ilocano-Spanish. Same. Tagalog-Castellano. Report of chief of Currency Division concerning the advisability of establishing a government agricultural bank in the Philippines. Dated February 7, 1905. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs, i.. 1906. Same. [Supplementary report.] Report on the agricultural bank of Egypt. (See Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, General Publications.) Suggestions to persons intending to visit the Philippines. 1902. Treasury bookkeeping. Report to the President by the Committee on Department Methods. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. The circulars of this Bureau are administrative in character and are not printed. BUREAU OF PRINTING. 177 CURRENOY DIVISION. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1904, October 10, 1903, to September 1, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, July 1, 1904, to September 1, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. La nueva moneda corriente Filipina. Una proclama del Jefe de la seccion de la moneda en circulacion. Oficina de la Tesoreria Insular. Manila, I. F. (Bisaya Negros-Castellana). Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Same. Banaag. 1904. Same. Tagalog-Castellano. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARIS. - None issued. BUREAU OF PRINTING. [Bureau of Public Printing.] Created by Act No. 296 of the Philippine Commision, enacted November 7, 1901, and placed under the supervision of the Department of Public Instruction. The name was changed by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, to Bureau of Printing. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the bureau under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Finance. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports which appear in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900 -1916, Annual reports. 1902, May 29, 1901, to June 30, 1902, with appendix, covering period from July 1 to August 31, 1902. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 1903, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 [July 1, 1903, to June 30, 1904]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [July 1, 1904, to June 30, 1905]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 163478 -12 178 BUREAU OF PRINTING. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. Same. Spanish. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature second session, to coincide with the calendar year, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semi-fiscal year ended December 31, 1913. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Apprentice instruction in the Manila Bureau of Printing. A description of a new system of cooperative vocational training and what it has accomplished. By Samuel H. Musick, craftsman instructor. [Reprinted from the Philippine Craftsman, November, 1912. Second printing.] Manila, Bureau of Printing. 1913. Bureau of Printing. Apprentice instruction. 1907. Not seen. Bureau of Printing. A brief description of the Bureau of Printing... its productions and apprentice instruction... 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing [1914]. Desk book containing a manual of stylet governing composition and proof reading, a vocabulary of the double words in the International dictionary, some useful information, specimens of type, rule, etc. 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. Revised manual of style, useful information and specimens of type used by Bureau of Printing. Government of the Philippine Islands. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910.] Distribution list of public documents, corrected to October 10, 1913. Forms carried in stock by the Bureau of Public Printing. Same. Corrected to July 1, 1905.. Same. Corrected to October 1, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Bureau of Public Printing Form No. 79. Same. Corrected to September 1, 1907. Same. Corrected to March 1, 1908. Same. Corrected to April 1, 1909. Same. Corrected to October 1, 1910. See, for latter issues, Stock forms. Office rules. Bureau of Printing, Manila, P. I., 1909. Same. 1912. Photo-engraving in the Bureau of Printing, Manila, Philippine Islands. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, n. d.]. Price list of public documents for sale by Bureau [of Printing]. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND JUSTICE. 179 Same. Corrected to-November 1, 1906, English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to July 1, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to February 1, 1909. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to September 20, 1909. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to May 15, 1910. English and —Spanish. Same. Corrected to February 1, 1911. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to February 1, 1912. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to October 15, 1912. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to May 15, 1913. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to July 10, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to September 20, 1915. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to July 20, 1916. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to February 24, 1917. English and Spanish. Same. Corrected to October 1, 1917. English and Spanish. Stock forms. Corrected to November 1, 1911. Same. Corrected to July 1, 1912. Same. Corrected to April, 1913. Same. Corrected to September 1, 1913. Same. Corrected to April 1, 1914. Same. Corrected to September 1, 1914. See, for earlier issues, Forms carried in stock, etc. Vocational training. Comments on the system of vocational training originated by the Bureau of Printing, Manila. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913.] Vocational training. The system of vocational training in use in Manila, Bureau of Printing. By Samuel H. Musick, craftsman instructor. [Manila, 1914.] BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND JUSTICE. Organized by Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901. Reorganized under Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Under Reorganization Act No. 2666 Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the Department of Finance and Justice ceases to exist and two departments, one of Finance and one of Justice are created. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications which contain the reports printed in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900 -1916, Annual reports. 1902, October 15, 1901, to September 30, 1902. 1st. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 180 OFFICE OF TIHE SECRETARY. 1903, September 30, 1902, to September 1, 1903. 2d. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 [September 1, 1903, to September 1, 1904]. 3d. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904 (without exhibits), and in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [fiscal year]. 4th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, (without exhibits) and in Philippine Commission 6thi annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report 1906 (without exhibits), and in Philippine Commission 7th annual reports, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907 (without exhibits), and in Philippine Commission 8th an-' nual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year]: In Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909 [fiscal year].- In Philippine Commission annual report, 1909. 1910, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1910. 191.1 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1911. 1912, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1912. 1913, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1913. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by'Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, six months ending December 31. In Philippine Commission annual report, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. 1914, fiscal year ending December 31. In Philippine Commission annual report, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. 1915. 1915, fiscal year ending December 31. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1915. (Jan. 1, 1915, to December 31, 1915.) 1916. 1916. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Celebration of: marriage. Circular letter No. 13. July 2, 1912. Slavery and peonage. Opinion of the Attorney-General of the Philippine Islands, of November 19, 1913, on the slavery and peonage cases in the Philippine Islands, mentioned in the report of the former secretary of the Interior, Dean C. Worcester. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Spanish 1913. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. - - - ' ' - - - -.. - - -:. -H DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. 181 COURT OF LAND REGISTRATION. Established under Act No. 496 of the Philippine Commission, effective January 1, 1903. Act No. 2347 of the Third Philippine Legislature, special session of 1914, effective July 1, 1914, conferred the jurisdiction and powers of the Court of Land Registration and of the land registration judges, upon the Courts of First Instance and the judges thereof... ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1903, February 1 to September 1, 1903. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 [September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Instructions to surveyors in preparation of plans to be filed in the court of land registration. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. DEPART MIENT OF JUSTICE. Created under Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS, None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF JUSTICE. [Office of the Attorney-General.] The Office of Attorney-General was organized under Act No. 136 of the Philippine Commission, effective June 16, 1901. Act No. 222, enacted September 6, 1901, places a Bureau of Justice under the executive control of the Department of Finance and Justice. The Bureau was reorganized under Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1906. Act No. 2666 Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the Bureau of Justice under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Justice. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports printed in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916. 1902, July 16, 1901, to September 1, 1902. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 2. 1903. 182 BUREAU OF JUSTICE. 1903 [year ending August 31]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 [year ending August 31]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [September 1, 1904, to August 31, 1905]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4. 1906. 1906 [year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 1910 fiscal year ending June 30. Manila Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Criminal statistics. Accompanying the report of the Bureau of Justice corresponding to the fiscal year 1911. By Ignacio Villamor, Attorney-general. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. English and Spanish. Criminality in the Philippine Islands. 1903-1908. By Ignacio Villamor, Attorney-general. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Spanish. 1909. Expulsion of Chinese. Opinion of the Attorney-general of the Philippine Islands of June 8, 1910, on the power of the GovernorGeneral to order the expulsion of Chinese persons under certain circumstances. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Also in Bureau of Justice, Official opinions of Attorney-general of Philippine Islands, 1911, Vol. 5. Same. Spanish. Judicial statistics. Accompanying the report of the Bureau of Justice corresponding to the fiscal year 1912. By Ignacio Villamor, Justices of the peace. Reglamento y progr d examaen para jueces de paz. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. PHILIPPINE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. 183 Attorney-general. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. English and Spanish. Municipal code and government provincial act. See Laws, statutes, etc. Penal Code. See Laws, statutes, etc. Penologia y Estadistica criminal. (Apendices "A" y "B" al report de la Oficina de Justicia correspondiente al afno fiscal 1910) Por Ignacio Villamor, Fiscal General. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. BULLETINS. None issued. CIROULARS. The circulars pertain mainly to the administration of the Bureau and are executed by a manifold process, with a few exceptions. The Library has one number. No. 118. Nov. 28, 1911. English_-and Spanish. Executive order No. 62. OFFICIAL OPINIONS OF ATTORNEY-GENERAL. The official opinions of the Attorney-General are also published in the Official Gazette. Vol.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Series discontinued. COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE AND INFERIOR COURTS. Organized under Act No. 136 of the Philippine Commission, effective June 16, 1901. Act No. 2347 of the Third Philippine Legislature, special session, effective July 1, 1914, reorganized the Courts of First Instance. Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first' session, approved November 18, 1916, places the Courts of First Instance and the inferior courts under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Justice. ANNUAL REPORTS. Reports on the work of the judiciary are submitted to the AttorneyGernpal. PHILIPPINE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. Act No. 2572 of the Third Philippine Legislature, fourth session, enacted February 4, 1916, authorizing the consolidation of the Philippine Library, the Division of Archives, Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks of the Executive Bureau, and the Law and Library Division of the Philippine Assembly to form an organization to be known as "Philippine Library and Museum" under the administrative control of the Secretary of Public Instruction, went into effect April 1, 1916, by Executive Order No. 22, March 28, 1916. By Act of Congress, approved August 29, 1916, the Philippine Library and Museum came under the Department of the Interior. Reorganization Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the Philippine Library and Museum under the executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Justice. 184 BUREAU OF PRISONS. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for earlier accounts and reports, the reports of the Department of Public Instruction,'the Philippine Library, Bureau of Education, and the American Circulating Library. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. Circulars of administrative character only, have been issued. Executed by manifold process. MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE PHILIPPINE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. See, for earlier numbers i?::this series, Philippine Library, Bulletin of the Philippine Library. Vol. 4. No. 7. No. 11. No. 8. No. 12. No. 9. Discontinued. No. 10. BUREAU OF PRISONS. [Bilibid Prison. Carcel Pdblica, y Presidio de Manila.] The Spanish penal institution, Carcel Publica y Presidio de Manila was taken over by the United States Government in 189g. Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901, places a Bureau of Prisons in the Department of Commerce and Police. Reorganization Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, transferred the Bureau to the Department of Public Instruction. Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the bureau under the direct executive -control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Justice. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other reports in which the military reports appear, Military Governor, Annual reports; for reports to civil government, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military reports are listed here for convenience and continuity. 1899 [period ended June 30]. Appendix M, Exhibit O. In Appendices to annual report of Major General E. S. Otis, military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1899.] 1900 [period ending July 31]. In appendix UU, in Annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur.. military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1900.] vol. 2. 1901, [July 1, 1900, to May 31, 1901]. In appendix VV, in annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1901.] vol. 2. Manila, 1901. 1902. Not printed. 1903. Not printed. 1904 fiscal year ending June 30, [with supplementary report for July and August]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905.....- -. \ e -. I 1,~~ BUREAU OF PRISONS. 185 1905 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission Gth annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Also in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912. Not printed. 1913. Not printed. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semi-fiscal year ended Dec. 31. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Bureau of Prisons. [By] Dr. Walter M. Dade; Director of Prisons. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913.] Folder. Catalogue "A". Silver horn, and wicker ware, leather goods, sea grass and hardwood furniture, carriages, carromatas, calesins, carts, trucks, wagons, baseball outfits, croquet sets, hammocks, and various articles. Salesroom at Bilibid Prison. Bureau of Printing, 1906. Catalogue "A". Supplement to catalogue "A". 1906. Catalogue of products of the industrial division of Bilibid. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Sampe. 1917. Good conduct. Computation table for determining the time to be credited prisoners for good conduct while serving sentence and instructions governing the deductions of forfeitures of the good conduct time allowance earned. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Good conduct. Computation table of good-conduct time allowance and instructions regarding deductions of forfeitures of good-conduct time allowance. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Guard manual. Bilibid Prison. 1st edition. Same. 2d edition. 1909. Same. 3d edition. 1917. Bureau of Prisons form No. 74. Iwahig Penal Colony. Rules and regulations governing Iwahig Penal Colony. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Iwahig Penal Colony. Reglamento de la Colonia Penal de Iwahig. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 186 PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION. Prisoners. Rules and regulations for the government of insular and provincial prisoners in the Philippine Islands. 1913. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. INDUSTRIAL DIVISION. Catalogue "B". Industrial division, Bureau of Prisons. Silver, horn, and wicker ware, leather goods, sea grass and hardwood furniture, carriages, carromatas, calesins, carts, trucks, wagons, baseball outfits, croquet sets, hammocks, and various articles. Sales rooms at Bilibid Prison, Manila, P. I. Bureau of Printing, 1908. Catalogue. Industrial division, Bureau of Prisons. Sales rooms at Bilibid Prison, Manila, P. I. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION. [Board of Public Utility Commissioners.] The Board of Rate Regulation was created by Act No. 1779 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 12, 1907. Act No. 2307 of the Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913, created a Board of Public Utility Commissioners, transferring to it all the powers and duties of the Board of Rate Regulation. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the Board of Public Utility Commissioners under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Justice. Act No. 2694, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved March 9, 1917, abolishes the Board of Public Utility Commissioners and creates a Public Utility Commission. ANNUAL REPORTS. None issued. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Amended rule 23 of Act No. 2307 and rules of practice of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners of the Philippine Islands. (Manila, 1914). Same. Spanish. Board of Public Utility Commissioners. Act No. 2307, as amended by Act No. 2362, creating a Board of Public Utility Commissioners for the Philippine Islands and rules of practice adopted by said Board. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. English and Spanish. In re order No. 16 of the former Board of Rate Regulation as amended. Issued September 1, 1915. (Manila, 1915). (Also printed in Spanish by the Philippine Shipowners' Association.) BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. ORDERS. No. 1 5 8 11 2 6 9 12 3 7 10 18 4 Spanish orders were executed by manifold process. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ETC. 187 REPORTS. Vol. I. Feb. 4, 1914, to December 31, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. -CODE COMMITTEE. Created under Act No. 1941 of the First Philippine Legislature, second. session, effective July 1, 1909, to revise and amend the Civil, Commercial, Penal, and Procedure Codes in force in the Philippine Islands and to prepare new codes on said subjects, the work to be completed not later than five years after'the date of the appointment of the committee. Act No. 2540 of the Third Philippine Legislature, fourth session, effective January 16,1916, extended the time to December 31, 1916, under the extension provision in Act. No. 1941. Under Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the Code Committee was placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Justice. Act No. 2672, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, effective January 1, 1917, provides for the committee to June 30, 1917, on which date it ceased to exist. ANNUAL REPORTS. Annual reports were submitted to the Governor-General, the Philippine Commission and the Philippine Assembly. 1910 [dated October 20]. Spanish. Not printed. 1912 [dated October 16]. Spanish. Not printed. 1913 [dated October 20]. Spanish. Not printed. 1914 [dated October 26]. Spanish. Not printed. 1915 [dated November 15]. Spanish. Not printed. 1916 [dated October 31]. Spanish. Not printed. 1917 [dated June 30]. Spanish. Not printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Administrative Code. See Laws, statutes, etc. Proposed Correctional Code. See Laws, statutes, etc. Table of references in volumes I to XII of the Philippine Reports (English edition) showing citations and constructions. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL " ''''''''''''''' -....RE$OURCES..,.. ~ ~~~~~~~~~; ~~...............,,,.. t..U. s. Created under Act No, 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916.!..... OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. Created by Act No. 261 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 8, 1901, and placed under the Department of the Interior. 188 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. Organized under Act No. 393, enacted April 30, 1902. Reorganized under Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Act No. 1972, enacted April 11, 1910, transferred the Bureau to the Department of Public Instruction. Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the bureau under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other documents containing the annual reports of this bureau which appear in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, year ended August 1 [31]. Bureau of Insular Affairs. n. d. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended 'September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs. n. d. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904, year ended August 31. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905, year ended August 31. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906 [for ten months ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1908, and, with omissions and slight changes, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. Same. Spanish. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1908. Spanish edition. 1908 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, January, 1909, and, with omissions, slight changes, and without plates, in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. Same. Spanish. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1909. Spanish edition. 1909 [fiscal year ending June 30.] In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, January, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. Same. Spanish. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1910. Spanish edition. 1910' [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. Same. Spanish. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1911. Spanish edition. 1911 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. Same. Spanish. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol, 5, No. 1, 1912. Spanish edition. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. 189 1912 [fiscal year] 1911-1912. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 13, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. Same, Spanish? In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 13, 1912, Spanish edition? 1913, fiscal year 1912-1913. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 12, December, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. Same. Spanish. In Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 12, 1913. Spanish edition. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913. Semi-fiscal year. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAl PUBLICATIONS. Abaca (Manila hemp) in the Philippines. By M. M. Saleeby, chief, fiber division. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Agriculture. Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. U. S. War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1907. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, pp. 361-470 and 779-788. Agriculture. Five-hundred inquiries relative to agriculture in the Philippines. Manila, 1903. Coconuts in the Philippine Islands. By H. O. Jacobson, chief, Division of agronomy. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Crops. Servicio de informacion sobre cosechas. Division de estadistica. Circular No. 1. No imprint. No date. Hemp, etc. Bulletins and circulars on hemp, maguey, jute, and other fiber plants. U. S. War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1907. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, pp. 471-564 and 779-788. Importations, etc. Laws, rules, and regulations governing importation, quarantine, and shipment of domestic animals; and for the control of dangerous communicable animal diseases, together with general order No. 13 of the Bureau of Agriculture. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. 1909. Maguey. Propagation of maguey. [By] H. T. Edwards. [English and Spanish. Questions and answers. Ip. 45 cm.] Philippine Agricultural Review. List of officials, institutions, etc., who will receive free subscriptions to the Philippine Agricultural Review, either English or Spanish, as they may elect. [1912.] Planting. Instrucciones para la siembra de semillas de campo huerta. March 19, 1906. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Reprint. July 19, 1906. 190 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. Rice in the Philippine Islands. By H. O. Jacobson, chief, Division of agronomy. Manila, Bureau of- Printing, 1914, Shipments. Regulations prescribing the course of procedure to be taken by persons making shipment of plants from the Philippine Islands to the United States and other -foreign countries in accordance with the provisions of Executive order numbered eighty-eight. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Singalong Experiment Station. Catalogo y lista de precios de arboles, plantas y arbustos que vende la oficina de Agricultura. en la Estacion Experimental de Singalong, Calle San Andres, No. 158, Malate, Manila. 1906. Sugar. Handbook on the sugar industry of the Philippine Islands. In two parts. By G. E. Nesom, Herbert S. Walker and three collaborators. Pt. 1. The sugar industry of the Philippine Islands. Pt. 2. The sugar industry in the Island of Negros. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. Spanish, 1912. Sugar industry of the Philippine Islands. By C. W. Iines, Station superintendent. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Sugar industry of the Philippine Islands. By G. E. Nesom and four collaborators. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Also in Bureau of Agriculture General publications, Handbook of sugar industry. By G. E. Resom and others. Manila, 1912. Tobacco bounties. Laws, rules, and regulations governing the awarding of tobacco bounties in the Province of La Union by the Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. [English and Ilocano.] See also Laws, statutes, etc. Tobacco in the Philippine Islands. By H. O. Jacobson, chief, Division of agronomy. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. BULLETINS. See, for other documents in which the publications which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports are also found, Philippine Commission 1900-1916, Annual reports. These bulletins are a technical series embodying the results of experiments and investigations carried on by the bureau. No. 1. Report on the agricultural soils of Union Province, Luzon. By Clarence W. Dorsey, Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, page 371, and in Bureau of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 3, Manila, 1903. Same. Spanish. Manila, 1902. No. 2. Reports on the abaca or Manila hemp soils of the Philippines. By Clarence W. Dorsey. In Bureau of Agriculture annual report 1902; in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1, and, with omissions, in Bureau of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 3, Manila, 1903. Same. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. No. 3. Soil conditions in the Philippines. By Clarence W. Dorsey. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1903. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. 1907. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. 191 No. 4. Botanical work in the Philippines. By Elmer D. Merrill. Issued September 25, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. No. 5. List of Philippine agricultural products and fiber plants. By F. Lamson-Scribner. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in P. I. Exposition Board Official handbook of the Philippine exhibits, pt. 1, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo. 1904, Manila, 1903. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on "emp, maguey, jute, and other fiber plants [in the Philippine Islands]. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1904. Same. English. 2d edition. 1904. No. 6. Soil fertility. By W. C. Welborn. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippine Islands. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1905. No. 7. The garden. Compiled by Harold Cuzner. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Revised edition. 1910. Same. Revised edition. Spanish. 1910. No. 8. Not printed. No. 9. Not printed. No. 10. Not printed. No. 11. Not printed. No. 12. Not printed. No. 13. Not printed. No. 14. Not printed. No. 15. Not printed. No. 16. Not printed. LNo. 17. -Not printed. No. 18. The Mango. By P. J. Wester. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. No. 19. Experiments on the efficiency of antirinderpest serum. By Archibald R. Ward and Frederick Willan Wood. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 20. Notes on muscular changes brought about by intermuscular injection of calves with the virus of contagious pleuropneumonia. By William Hutchins Boynton. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 21. A study of the normal blood of carabao. By William Hutchins Boynton. Manila, Buerau of Printing, 1912. No. 22. Rice culture in the Philippines. By Chas. M. Conner. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 192 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. No. 23. Corn culture in the Philippine Islands. By Sam H. Sherard. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. Spanish. 1912. No. 24. The role of stomoxys calcitrans in the transmission of trypanosoma evansi. By M. Bruin Mitzmain. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 25. Philippine coconut industry. By O. W. Barrett. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 26. The kapok industry. By Murad M. Saleeby. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 27. Citriculture in the Philippines. By P. J. Wester. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 28. The mechanical transmission of surra by tabanus striatus. By M. Bruin Mitzmain. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. No. 29. Duration of the infectiveness of virulent rinderpest blood in the water leech, Hirudo Boyntoni Wharton. By William Hutchins Boynton. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. No. 30. Experiments upon the transmission of rinderpest. By Archibald R. Ward, Frederick Willan Wood, and William Hutchins Boynton. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. No. 31. An atypical case of rinderpest in a carabao. By William Hutchins Boynton. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. No. 32. Plant propagation in the tropics. By P. J. Wester. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. CIRCULARS. Some of these circulars are by a manifold process only, while others have editions both printed and manifold; Ctoe are issued as reprints from the Philippine Agricultural Review. No. 1. Circular not found. No. 2. Tobacco seedbed. By R. W. Rowe. August 17, 1911. Manifold. Same. Spanish. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Ibanag. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.3 Same. Ilocano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] No. 3. Circular not found. No. 4. Circular not found. No. 5. Cigarette Beetle. By D. B. Mackie, August 15, 1911. Planotyped. Same. Spanish. Planotyped. No. 6. Cultural directions for papaya. By P. J. Wester. ['Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Spanish. Planotyped. Same. Cebuano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Tagalog. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] No. 7. Coconuts. By O. W. Barrett. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Spanish. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. 193 Same. Cobuano Visayan. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Pangasinan. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Tagalog. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] No. 8. Locusts. By D. B. Mackie October 24, 1911. Planotyped. Same. Spanish. Planotyped. Same. Cebuano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] No. 9. Directions for planting vegetables and flowers. September 13, 1911. Planotyped. Same. Spanish. Planotyped. Same. Bicol. Same. Cebuano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Ilocano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Pangasinan. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Same. Tagalog. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] No. 10. Directions for planting forage seeds and roots. By 0. W. Barrett. October 5, 1911. Same. Spanish. No. 11. Seed cane distribution. 1911. Planotyped. Same. Spanish. No. 12. Plant pest remedies. By P. J. Wester. Also in Philippine.Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, February, 1912. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, February, 1912. Spanish edition. No. 13. Rats. By D. B. Mackie. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1912. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1912. Spanish edition. No. 14. Corn blade fodder. By C. M. Conner. December 27, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1912. Same. Reprint. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1912. Spanish edition. Same. Cebuano. Same. Ilongo. No. 15. The mango. By P. J. Wester. Reprinted from the Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1912. Same. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of- Printing, 1912. Reprinted from the Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1912. Spanish edition. No. 16. Pineapple culture. By P. J. Wester. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 10, October, 1912. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 10, October, 1912. Spanish edition. No. 17. Corn culture. By Sam. H. Sherard. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No, 10, October, 1912. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 5, No. 10, October, 1912. Spanish edition. 158478i 13 * 194 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. No. 18. Rice culture. By Chas. M. Conner. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912.] Same. Spanish. No. 19. Maiz pests. By C. R. Jones. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 1913. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 1913. Spanish edition. No. 20. Mango bark borer. By C. M. Jones. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 1913. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 1913. Spanish edition. No. 21. Kapok culture. By M. M. Saleeby. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 4, April, 1913. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 4, April, 1913. Spanish edition. No. 22. Maguey (Cantala) and sisal culture. By M. M. Saleeby. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 5, May, 1913. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1913. Spanish edition. No 23. The locust pest. By Chas. R. Jones. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 9, September, 1913. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agriultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 9, September, 1913. Spanish edition. No. 24. Citrus growing in the Philippines. By P. J. Wester. August 16, 1913. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 10, October, 1913. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 10, October, 1913. Spanish edition. No. 25. Cultural directions for vegetables and flowers. By P. J. Wester. Manila, [Bureau of Printing, 1913]. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 11, November, 1913. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 6, No. 11, November, 1913. Spanish edition. No. 26. Cacao culture. By O. W. Barrett. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 1914. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 1914. Spanish edition. No% 27. Banana culture. By O. W. Barrett. Manila. Reprinted from i,- Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, February, 1.... 1914. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, February, 1914. Spanish edition. No. 28. Propagation of the' seedless breadfruit. By P. J. Wester. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, March, 1914. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, March, 1914. Spanish edition. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. 195 No. 29. Guinea grass. By H. O. Jacobson. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 5, May, 1914. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 5, May, 1914. Spanish edition. No. 30. Cultural directions for the papaya. By P. J. Wester. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 6, June, 1914. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 6, June, 1914. Spanish edition. No. 31. Sugar-cane distribution. By C. W. Hines. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 7, July, 1914. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 7, July, 1914. Spanish edition. No. 32. Sugar-cane cultivation. By C. W. Hines. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 8, August, 1914. Same. Spanish. Reprinted from Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, No. 8, August, 1914. Spanish edition. No. 33. La fabricacion de azucar mascabado. Por Cleve W. Hines. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] No. 34. Peanuts. [n. d.] Manifold. No. 35. Cultural directions for Para rubber, Hevea brasilensis. [n. d.] Manifold. No. 36. The vegetable garden. By A. M. Burton. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917.] CIRCULARS OF INQUIRY. No. 1. Not found. No. 2. Inquiries relative to agriculture in the Philippines. English. Also in Bureau of Agriculture annual report, 1902, and in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903'. Same. Spanish. No. 3. Inquiries relative to fiber plants and fibers. Also in Bureau of Agriculture annual reports, 1902, and in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. EXTENSION WORK CIRCULARS. No. 1. 1910-1911. Rubber culture. Planotyped. No. 2. Tobacco. By R. W. Rowe. Planotyped. No. 3. 1911. Cultural direction for young Para rubber. By 0. W. Barrett. Manifold. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, March, 1911. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, March, 1911. Spanish edition. No. 4. 1910-1911. Circular sobre la marchitez del tabaco. Por R. W. Rowe. Manifold. OFFICE CIRCULARS. No other numbers than No. 16 were seen. No. 16. 1910-1911. Regulations for combating rinderpest. Manila, May, 15, 1911. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. 196 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. RINDERPEST CIRCULARS. No. 1. April 1, 1910. lp. [By G. E. Nesom.] narrow folio. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 3, No. 8, August, 1910. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 3, No. 8, August, 1910. Spanish edition. Same. [Large. 11 by 18 in.]. English and Spanish. Same. [Large. 11 by 18 in.]. English and Ilocano. Same. [Large. 11 by 18 in.]. English and Tagalog. Same. [Large. 11 by 18 in]. English and Visayan. Series discontinued. CROP-REPORTING SERVICE. No. 1. Crop reporting service, Nov. 11, 1906. Same. Spanish. Series discontinued. GENERAL ORDERS. No other than No. 33 has been found printed separately. Others are printed in The Philippine Agricultural Review. No. 33. [Governing certain phases of the grading and bailing of Philippine fibers.] Manila, July 10, 1914: Also in Philippine Review, Vol. 7, Nos. 10, 11, and 12 [one number], October, November, December, 1914. Same. Spanish. Also in Philippine Agricultural Review, Vol. 7, Nos. 10, 11, and 12, October, November, December, 1914, Spanish Edition. FARMERS' BULLETINS. No. 1. Primer on cultivation of sugar cane. By William S. Lyon. [Includes Growing sugar cane in Hawaii. By W. C. Stubbs.] Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. English and Spanish. Also, in English, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture General publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. 1907. Same. English. 2d edition. 1903. Same. Spanish. 2d edition. 1904. Same. English. 3d edition. 1904. No. 2. Cacao culture in the Philippines. By William S. Lyon. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Also in the Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. 1907. Same. English. 2d edition. Same. Spanish. 2d edition.. 1903. Same. English. 3d edition. No. 3. Modern rice culture. By Wilfred J. Boudreau. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. English and Spanish. Also in English and without illustrations, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications Ru!!letins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. 1907. Same. 2d edition. 1904. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. i97 No. 4. Preliminary report on the commercial fibers of the Philippines. By John W. Gilmore. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. English and Spanish. Also, in English, and without plates, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General i publications, Bulletins, and circulars on hemp, maguey, jute, and other fiber plants [in Philippine Islands]. 1907. Same. Ilocano. 1903. Same. English. 2d edition. 1903.. Same. Spanish., 2d edition 1904. Same. English. 3d edition. 1904. No. 5. Cultivation of tobacco. By Clarence W. Dorsey. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also, with illustrations, in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 4; in same, 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3; and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1904. No. 6. Ensayos sobre las enfermedades fungosas de las langostas. Por L. O. Howard. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. In English in U. S. Department of Agriculture Yearbook, 1901. Same. 2d edition. 1904. No. 7. Report on the introduction and distribution of seeds and plants by the Bureau of Agriculture. By Williams S. Lyon. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also, without plates, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General Publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. 1907. No. 8. The coconut. By William S. Lyon. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also, without illustrations, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines. 1907. [Title page of this edition reads Bulletin No. 8.] Same. English. 2d edition. 1905. No. 9. Algitnas sugestiones sobre el cultivo del algodonero. Por W. C. Welborn. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. Spanish. 2d edition. 1904. No. 10. Miguey in the Philippines. By H. T. Edwards. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Aloo, rearranged, and with omissions, in U. S. American" Republics Bureau. Monthly bulletin, 1905, vol. 19, pp. 405-4(d; in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on hemp, maguey, jute, and other fiber plants [in the Philippine Islands]. 1907. No. 11. The jute industry considered in relation to its introduction to the Philippines. By Wm. S. Lyon. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture General publications, Bulletins and circulars on hemp, map,. I V I 198 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. guey, jute and other fiber plants [in the Philippine Islandsj. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1904. No. 12. Abaca (Manila hemp). By H. T. Edwards. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904.' Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on hemp, maguey, jute, and other fiber plants [in the Philippine Islands]. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1904. Same. Revised edition. By H. T. Edwards and Murad M:. Saleeby. 1910. Same. Revised edition. Spanish. 1910. No. 13. Cultivation of maguey in the Philippine Islands. By H. T. Edwards. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, without plates, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on hemp, maguey, jute, and other fiber plants [in the Philippine Islands]. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1906. Same. Spanish. Reprint August 27, 1906. No. 14. El cultivo del sesamo en las Islas Filipinas. Por Wm. S. Lyon. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. No. 15. Tobacco growing in the Philippines. By G. E. Nesom. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. Spanish. 1907. Same. Ibanag (Cagayan). 1908. Same. Ilocano. 1908. No. 16. Cultivation of tobacco in the Philippine Islands. By B. E. Brewer. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Spanish. 1910. Same. Ibanag. 1911. Same. Ilocano. 1911. No. 17. Coconut culture. By 0. W. Barrett. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. 1911. Series superseded by the Philippine Agricultural Review. PRESS BULLETINS. No. 1. Maguey cultivation in Mexico. An extract from a report received by the Bureau of Agriculture from the United States" 'Consul at Mazatlanii, Mexrico. Manila, ureau 6o. Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on hemp, maguey 'jute, and other fiber plants [in the Philippine Islands]. 1907. Same. Spanish. 1904. No. 2. White cotton tree. By H. T. Edwards. Not found. Same. Spanish. Not found. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. 199 No. 3. Abaca cultivation in Southern Mindanao. By H. T. Edwards. Not found. Same. Spanish. Not found. No. 4. Relative use of abaca and sisal for the manufacture of binder twine. By H; T. Edwards. Not found. Same. Spanish. Not found. No. 5.. Values of milk. By W. C. Welborn. Not found. Same. Spanish. Not found. No. 6. Tamarind. By Wm. S. Lyon. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. No. 7. Not found. No. 8. 1. Maguey. 2. Propagating abaca from seed. 3. Philippine exhibit for the Pacific Commercial Museum. 4. Miscellaneous notes. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and in Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on hemp, maguey, jute and other fibers [in Philippine Islands]. 1907. No. 9. 1. Bureau of Agriculture districts of the Philippines. 2. Control of rinderpest. 3. Carolina golden rice. 4. Miscellaneous notes. By George E. Nesom. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. No. 10. 1. Weevil pest and its remedy. 2. Maguey. 3. Crop-reporting service. 4. Provincial reports. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. Spanish. 1907. No. 11. 1. Seed distribution. 2. Need of diversified farming. 3. The avocado. 4. Publications of the Bureau of Agriculture. By G. E. Nesom. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. Spanish. 1907. Series superseded by the Philippine Agricultural Review. POPULAR BULLETINS. These publications are listed in various lists made up in the Bureau of Agriculture -as Popular Bulletins. [1] Maguey. By H. T. Edwards. [July 27, 1906.] Same. Spanish. Same. Spanish. [Reprint. September 12, 1906.] Same. Boholano. Same. Cebuano. -..-,...-......-...,.. a. —.locanol., -.. Same. Masbate. Same. Tagalog. Same. Tagalog. [Reprint. September Same. English and Spanish. [Reprint. [2] Kapok. By H. T. Edwards. Same. Spnish. Samle. Cebuano. 12, 1906.] May 16, 1907.]. 200 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. Same. Visayan. Same. Visayan. 2d edition. Same. Visayan. 3d edition. Same. Ilocano. Same. Tagalog. 3. Guia para la siembra de semillas de campo y huerta. Lyon. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURAL REVIEW. Por Wm. S. [Eng Beginning with Volume 8, became a quarterly publication. dlish edition.] the Philippin e A Vol. 1,1908. No. 3. No.1. No. 4. No. 2. No. 5. No. 3. No. 6. No. 4. No. 7. No. 5. No. 8. No.6. No. 9. No. 7. No. 10. No. 8. No. 11. No. 9. No. 12. No. 10. Same, supNo. 11. plement. Vol. No. 12. Index. Index. Vol. 5, 1912. Vol. 2, 1909. No. 1. No. 1. No. 2. No. 2. No. 3. No. 3. No. 4. No. 4. No. 5. No. 5. No. 6. No. 6. No. 7. No.7. No. 8. Vol No. 8. No. 9. No. 9. No. 10. No. 10. No. 11. No. 11. No. 12. No. 12. No. 13. Index. Index. Vol.3,1910. — Vol.6,-1913. No. 1. No. 1. No. 2. No. 2. No. 3. No. 3. Vol. No. 4. No. 4. No. 5. No. 5. No. 6. No. 6. No. 7. No. 7. No. 8. No. 8. No. 9. No. 9. No. 10. No. 10. No. 11. No. 11. No. 12. No. 12. Index. Index. Vol. 4,1911. Vol. 7, 1914. No.. No. 1. No. 2 No. 2. grictiltural Review, No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. Index. 8, 1915. No. 1, first quarter. No. 2, second quarter. No. 3, third quarter. No. 4, fourth quarter. Index. 9, 1916. No. 1, first quarter. No. 2, second quarter. No. 3, third quarter. ---- No. 4, fourth quarter. Index.. 10, 1917. No. 1, first quarter. No. 2, second quarter. No. 3, third quarter. No. 4, fourth quarter. Index. Not on hand at time of going to press. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. 201 'PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURAL REVIEW. [Spanish edition.] Vol. 1, 1908. No. 6. No. 1. No. 7. No. 2. No. 8. No. 8. No. 9. No. 4. No. 10. *No. 5. No. 11. Vol. 6, No. 6. No. 12. No. 7. No index. No. 8. Vol. 4, 1911. No. 9. No. 1. No. 10. No. 2. No. 11. No. 3. No. 12. No. 4. No index. No. 5. Vol. 2, 1909. No. 6. No. 1. No. 7. No. 2. No. 8. No. 3. No. 9. No. 4. No. 10. No. 5. No. 11. Vol. 7, No. 6. No. 12. No. 7. Same, supNo. 8. plement. No. 9. No index. No. 10. Vol. 5, 1912. No. 11. No.1. No. 12. No. 2. No index. No. 3. Vol. 3, 1910. No. 4. No. 1. No. 5. No. 2. No. 6. No. 3. No. 7. No. 4. No. 8. No. 5. No. 9. THE PHILIPPINE FARMER. [English edition.] No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13? No index. 1913. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No index. 1914. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. Spanish edition discontinued. Vol. 1, 1915. - -No- 1. --- — No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. Index. Vol. 2, 1916. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. Index. Vol. 3, 1917. No. 1. No. 2..:': o. 3. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. Index. Vol. 1, 1915. No. 1. No. 2. THE PHILIPPINE FARMER. [Spanisedition.] No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. 202 FORESTRY BUREAU. No. 9. No. 6. No. 3. No. 10. No. 7. No. 4. No. 11. No. 8. No. 5. No. 12. No. 9. No. 6. No index. No. 10. No. 7. Vol. 2, 1916. No. 11. No. 8. No. 1. No. 12. No. 9. No. 2. No index. No. 10. No. 3. Vol. 3, 1917. No. 11. No. 4. No. 1. No. 12. No. 5. No. 2. No index. BUREAU OF FORESTRY. [Inspecci6n General de Montes.] A Spanish colonial office reorganized pursuant to General Orders No. 50, of the U. S. Military Governor in the Philippines, April 14, 1900, and placed under the executive control of the Department of the Interior by Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901. By Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the bureau is placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other documents containing the reports which appear in the reports of the military governor, Military Governor, Annual reports, and for those in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military reports are listed for convenience and continuity. 1900 [year ending June 30]. Appendix KK. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1900.] Vol. 2. Manila, 1900. 1901 [July 1, 1900, to May 16, 1901]. Appendix II. In anual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. [1901.] Vol. 2. Manila, 1901. Same. Separate. Appendix II. Same. Fiscal year ending June 30. Report to the civil governor. In Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902,. A report for the period July. 1,to October 2, 1901, is submitted to the..... Secrety.of the Interior. In Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902, July 1, 1901, to September 1, 1902. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ended September 1. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 1904, September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Also, with some omissions, in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905 [September 1, 1904, to August 31, 1905]. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. FORESTRY BUREAU. 203 1906, July 1, 1905, to June 30, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907, July 1, 1906, to June 30, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with slight omissions and without maps, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, July 1, 1907,..to June 30, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.' Also, with slight omissions, in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909, July 1, 1908, to June 30, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, July 1, 1909, to June 30, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1 1911, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine 'Commission annual report. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914, fiscal year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915.. Not' in Philippine Commission annual report. 1915, fiscal year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1916, fiscal year ended December 31. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. --— harcoal, lumber and..sawmills. Bulletins and circulars on char*:. coal, lumber; and sawmills [in the Philippine Islands]. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1907. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. Communal forests. Manila, October 9, 1908..[Circulars. Nos. 1 and 2. Manila, 1908.] Circular No. 1 contains regulations for cutting. No. 2 contains additional instructions for the utilization of the forest products of the communal forest. Spanish. This does not belong to the regular numbered circulars series. Conservation of forests. To the people of the Philippines. [Statement of purpose of the Bureau of Forestry, conservation of forests, etc.] Manila, July 1, 1915. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915.] Large sheet. [Forest regulations XX (n) and (o) amended] February 10, 1908. Circular [letter No. 4. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] English and Spanish. Leaflet. Forest regulations. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917.] 204 FORESTRY BUREAU. Laws. Spanish public land laws (English translation) in the Philippine Islands and their history to August i3, 1898. Translated and compiled in the Forestry Bureau under the direction of George P. Ahern assisted by Gregorio Basa. Published through the Division of Insular Affairs, U. S. War Department. 1901. Manual. Forest manual containing the forest act (No. 1148), extracts from other laws of the Philippine Commission relating to the forest service, and the forest regulations prepared in accordance with the provisions of the forest act. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. 1908. Same. Spanish. Map. "Manila," the future distributing center for the Far East. September 13, 1909. Money accounts. Instructions relating to money and property accounts. Manila, P. I., 1904. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1904. Municipal presidentes. Instructions to municipal p-^sidentes. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Spanish. Philippine woods. [Information as to distribution of samples of Philippine woods of commercial importance and of rare and little known species. Manila, October 1, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910.] Plants. Catalogue of plants for sale. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. Publications. Available publications of the Bureau of Forestry, [P. I.] October 1, 1911. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Regulations governing the utilization of forest products of State lands. No imprint. This is a reprint of General orders 92, June 27, 1900, issued from the office of the Military Governor in the Philippine Islands. 26 p. Same. English. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1902. 28 p. Same. Spanish. 30 p. Same. English. 1903. 29 p. Same. English. 1903. 28 p. Same. Spanish. 1903. 29 p. Report. Special report of George P. Ahern, in charge of Forestry Bureau, Philippine Islands, April, 1900, July, 1901. 1901. [Bureau of Insular Affairs.] Also in U. S. War Department annua report, 1901, [vol. I, part 1] and in U. S. Congressional set, in vol. 2, serial number 4269. [House document No. 2, 57th Congress, 1st session.] Timber tree species. Compilation of notes on the most important timber tree species of the Philippine Islands. Prepared by George P. Ahern. Manila, [1901]. Tree species of Philippine Islands arranged according to family. Manila, May 1, 1901. BULLETINS. See, for other documents in which the publications which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports are also found, Philippine Commission 1900-1916, Annual report. FORESTRY BUREAU. 205 No. 1. Report on investigations made in Java in the year 1902. I. Report of trip. II. Plantae Ahernianae. III. The method of work on the forest flora of Java. IV. The botanical institute at Buitenzorg. By Elmer D. Merrill. Issued October 15, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. No. 2. Charcoal industry in the Philippine Islands. Native methods. Japanese, methods and comparison. Waste in making.. Prices. Species used. [By W. M. Maule.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. [English and Spanish.] Also, in English and without illustrations, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, 1907, and in Forestry Bureau, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on charcoal, lumber and sawmills [in the Philippine Islands]. No. 3. A compilation of notes on India rubber and gutta-percha [By] Capt. George P. Ahern. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, without map, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, 1907, p. 589, and in U. S. Sen. doc. No. 856 59th Congress, 2d session, in Congressional set, vol. 5, serial number 5072. No. 4. 1. Mechanical tests, properties, and uses of thirty Philippine woods. 2. Philippine sawmills, lumber market, and prices. By Rolland Gardner. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, without illustrations, in Philippine Commision annual report, 1906, pt. 3, 1907, and in Forestry Bureau, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on charcoal, lumber and sawmills [in the Philippine Islands]. Same. Spanish. 1906. Same., 2d edition, revised. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. [Contains tests of thirty-four woods.] No. 5. A preliminary working plan for the public forest tract of the Insular Lumber Company, Negros Occidental, P. I. By H. D. Everett and H. N. Whitford. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, without plates and maps, in Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 3, 1907, and in Forestry Bureau, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on charcoal, lumber and sawmills [in the Philippine Islands]. No. 6. A preliminary working plan for the public forest tract of the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company, Bongabon, Mindoro, P. I. By Melvin L. Merritt and H. N. Whitford. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, without plates and map, Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 3, 1907, and in Forestry Bureau, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on charcoal, lumber and-sawmills -[inthe Philippine Islands]. No. 7. A preliminary checklist of the principal commercial timbers of the Philippine Islands. By H. N. Whitford. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. No. 8. The forests of Mindoro. By Melvin L. Merritt. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. No. 9. A Philippine substitute for Lignum vitae. By W. I. Hutchinson. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. No. 10. The forests of the Philippines. 2 pts. By H. N. Whitford. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Pt. 1. Forest types 206 BUREAU OF LANDS. and products, [with bibliography of forests and forest products in Philippines]. Same. Pt. 2. The principal forest trees. No. 11. The uses of Philippine woods. [By] Major George P. Ahern. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 12. Volume tables for round timber. Compiled by William Klemme. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 13. Ipil-ipil. A firewood and reforestation crop. (Leucaena glauca (L.) Benth.) By D. M. Matthews. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. No. 14. Commercial woods of the Philippines: their preparation and uses. By E. E. Schneider. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. CIRCULARS. No. 1. Opportunities for lumbering in Philippine Islands. December 1, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 3, 1907, and in Forestry Bureau, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on charcoal, lumber, sawmills [in the Philippine Islands]. No. 2. Useful information concerning Philippine public forests and possibilities for their exploitation. May 28, 1908. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] No. 3. A few pertinent facts concerning the Philippine forests and needs of the forest service, that should interest every Filipirf6. [By] Major George P. Ahern. Issued December 1, 108. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. No. 4. Useful information concerning Philippine _Pblic forests and possibilities for their exploitation. [ByJ]'.Major George P. Ahern. Issued October 1, 1909. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Revised. Title reads Opportunities for lumbering in the. Philippine forests. [By] Major George P.;Ahern. tManila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.: No. 5. Memoria descriptiva de la Provincia de gusani l::sus boaques. 1916. [By] W. F. Sherfesee. Manila, Bureau of Printing, - 1916. QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER. [Manifold.] 1913. July 1. 1915. Jan. 1. July 1.; 1914. Jan. 1. July 1. 1917. Jan. 1. Apr. 1. Oct. 1. Apr. 1.: July 1. 1916. Jan. 1. July 1. Oct. 1. Apr. 1. Oct. 1. BUREAU OF LANDS. Bureau of Public Lands. Bureau of Public Lands was created by Act No. 218 of the Philippine Commission enacted September 2, 1901, and placed under the Department of the Interior. Name changed to Bureau of Lands by"". Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Under reorganization,,, BUREAU OF LANDS. 207 Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the Bureau of Lands was placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the pepartment of Agriculture and Natural Resources. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which the reports printed in the Philippine Commission annual, reports are also found, Philippine ommlss ion,;900-1916, Annual reports.' 1902,^year ending August 31. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report^19D02. pt. 1. 1903. 1903 [September 1, 1902, to August 31, 1903]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903,,pt. 2. 1904. 1904 [Septeimber i, 1903, to August 31, 1904]. In Philippine Comf mission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905 [year ended August 31]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual,, report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual A report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. ';" 1909 [fiscal year ending June 30]. House document No. 914, 61st. Congress, 2d session. In Congressional set, in vol. 131, serial number 5834. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1_ 917. Not on hand_ aLt-imeof —going - to-press. ----: ---- _ GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Homesteads, sales, leases, grazing on the public domain. A brief outline, issued March 1, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Manual of instructions for the survey of lands in the Philippine Islands by surveyors of the Bureau of Lands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Manual of instructions for surveyors. To be verified by the Director of Lands, for presentation to the Court of Land Registration in accordance with section 5 of Act No. 1875 and section 58 of Act No. 926. English and Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 208 BUREAU OF LANDS. Mining laws of the Philippine Islands. Instructions to locators land mining recorders and forms of declarations of location. Being the provisions of the Act of Congress approved July 1, 1902, as amended by section 9 of the Act of Congress approved February 6, 1905; also Act No. 624 of the Philippine Commission, as amended by Acts 777, 859, 1134,and 1399 of the Philippine Commission, and Act No. 1128 of the Philippine Commission, issued September 1, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Mining laws. Pamphlet containing the mining laws of the Philippine Islands, being the provisions of the Act of Congress approved July 1, 1902, as amended by section 9 of the Act of Congress approved February 6, 1905; also Act No. 624 of the Philippine Commission, as amended by Acts Nos. 777, 859, 1134, and 1399 of the Philippine Commission; and Act No. 1128 of the Philippine Commission. Issued February 1, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. 1908. Same. Spanish. 1906. Primer containing questions and answers on the public land laws in force in the Philippine Islands. Issued February 26, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. 1908. Same. Spanish. 1906. Same. Tagalog. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. [Unnumbered.] See, for other publications in which the circulars which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports are also found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. Coal lands. Circular containing the coal land law and instructions and forms pertaining to the same. Issued August 22, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. 1908. Free patent circular containing Chapter IV of the public land act, providing for the issuance of free patents to native settlers, and instructions and forms pertaining thereto. Issued March 2, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. English and Spanish. Same. English. Issued June 11, 1906. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. 1908. No separate was efound. -Bicol dialect and English..... -. —. ---. --- -- -.............. Same. Bicol dialect and English. Sam'. Cebuano dialect and English. Same. Ilocano dialect and English. Issued March 2, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Pampanga dialect and English. Issued March 2, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. Panayano dialect and English. Same. Tagalog dialect and English. Issued November 22, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. BUREAU OF LANDS. 209 Homesteads. Circular containing the law relating to homesteads and instructions thereunder. Issued November 7, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. (Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3; Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on agriculture in the Philippines; in same, Bulletins and circulars on hemp, maguey, jute, and other fiber plants [in the Philippine Islands]; Forestry, Bureau General publications, Bulletins and circulars on charcoal, lumber, and sawmills [in the Philippine Islands]. Homestead circular containing Chapter I of the Public Land Act providing for homesteading portions of the public domain and instructions and forms pertaining thereto. Issued April 1, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. Same. Spanish. Publicado el 1.~ de abril de 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. English. Issued November 1, 1911. 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. English. Issued November 1, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. English. Issued November 1, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Ilocano. Naaramid idi umuna ti aldao ti Agosto iti tawen a 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing,.1909. Same. Tagalog. Ipinahayag ng ikitlo ng Julio fig 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Visayan. Ipinahayag sang na unang adlao sa Agosto sa tuig 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Leasing lands. Circular containing instructions relative to the leasing of agricultural public lands and sections 13, 17, 18, and 75 of the Act of Congress approved July 1, 1902 (32 U. S. Statutes, 691); Chapter III of the public land act (Act No. 926 of the Philippine Commission); and Act No. 1404 of the Philippine Commission. Issued May 1, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. Same. Spanish. Issued May 1, 1906. 1906. Leasing lands. Circulari containing the law relating to leasing public lands and instructions thereunder. Issued November 7, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3, and with omissions, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix; in P. I. Bureau of Agriculture, General publications, Bulletins -— and circulars on -agriculture in the-Philippines; and in same, — Bulletins and circulars on hemp maguey, jute, and other fiber plants (in the Philippine Islands); in P. I. Forestry Bureau, General publications, Bulletins and circulars on charcoal, lumber, and sawmills [in the Philippine Islands]. Same. English. 1905. Provincial Treasurers. Circular containing Act No. 1404, authorizing provincial treasurers to act as local land officers, and instructions thereunder. Issued November 22, 1905. Manila Bureau of Printing, 1905. 158478 —14 210 BUREAU OF SCIENCE. Sales circular containing Chapter II of the Public Land Act, providing for sales of portions of the public domain, and instructions and forms pertaining thereto. Issued November 23, '1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. Also, with omissions in text, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2, appendix. Same. Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Spanish. [Reprint.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. English. [Reprint.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. BUREAU OF SCIENCE. The Bureau of Government Laboratories, was reorganized with the Bureau of Mines as a division, and named the Bureau of Science by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, under the Department of the Interior. By Act No. 1541, of October 6, 1906, the Ethnological Survey and Museum of Ethnology became a division of this Bureau by transfer from the Bureau of Education. By Act No. 2666 Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the bureau is placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports which are printed in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. See, for earlier reports, Bureau of Government Laboratories. 1906, year ending August 1. 5th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, without appendix, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907, year ending August 1. 6th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with additions, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, year ending August 1. 7th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908,. pt. 2. 1909. 1909, year ending August 1. 8th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1910, year ending August 1. 9th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, year ending August 1. 10th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1912, year ending August 1. 11th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1913, year ending June 30. 12th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ending December 31. See annual report for 1914. BUREAU OF SCIENCE. 211 1914, year ending December 31. 13th. Including essential information concerning the six months ended December 31, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1915, year ending December 31. 14th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1916, year ending December 31. 15th. Manila Bureau of Printing, 1917. -Not if Philippine Commission annual report. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Analytical work and examination rules governing filling out of request blanks. Effective August 2, 1906. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906.] Bacterial vaccines. Directions for using bacterial vaccines. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Directions for collecting and forwarding material for clinical and pathological laboratory examinations. [Manila, Bureau of PrintIng, 1914.] Industrial resources of the Philippine Islands. (Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.) This pamphlet was reprinted for distribution at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. See PanamaPacific International Exposition, General publications. Same. Spanish. International plague conference. Report of the International plague conference held at Mukden, April. 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not a Philippine Government publication. Fishery products. March 30, 1916. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916.] English and Spanish. Medicinal and poisonous plant investigation. April 16, 1916. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916.] English and Spanish. Philippine birds. Food and habits of Philippine birds. [Letter to secure data for study of the economic relation of birds to agriculture.] Manila, November 15, 1915. (Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915.) English and Spanish. Philippine bird skins. Price and exchange list of Philippine bird skins in the collection of the Bureau of Science, Manila, Philippine Islands. [Effective January 1, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] Same.- Effective 1911. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Philippine insects. Price and exchange list of Philippine insects in the collection of -the Breau -of-Science, Manila, Philippine Islands. [Effective January 1, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Philippine fishes from colored drawings made in the Bureau of Science, Manila, Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Philippine Journal of Science and other publications. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Philippine Journal of Science. Style for Journal of Science. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, no date.] 212 BUREAU OF SCIENCE. Philippine photographs. Price list of Philippine photographs fori sale by the Bureau of Science, Manila, Philippine Islands. Effective February 1, 1912. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912.] Publications. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Publications. Previous publications of bureau. [Manila, 1908.] 3 p. Rabies. Prophylactic treatment against rabies. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916.] English and Spanish. Same. 1917. Schedule of charges for' work done by the Bureau of Science. Effective February 8, 1908. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] Same, effective November 7, 1910. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.] Sugar. Notas de interes para los hacenderos de Azucar. Exposicion y Carnaval de Silay Occidental. Febrero 18-23, 1915. Sugar. Fabricacion del azuicar de cania. Por L. W. Thurlow. (Quimico en azucar, de la Oficina de Ciencias del laboratorio de Iloilo, Iloilo, I. F.) [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916.] Tanning industry. La industria de curtidos en las Islas Filipinas. Issued December 29, 1915. Por Vicente Q. Gana. Translation of an article in the Philippine Journal of Science, Section A (1915), Vol. 10, Nov. 6. [Issued December 29, 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915.] Tuberculin. Directions for using the tuberculin as a diagnostic agent. Issued by the biological laboratory of the Bureau of Science, Manila, Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Wassermann reaction. Directions for submitting specimens for Wassermann reaction. (Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916.) Weights and measures. Tables of equivalent weights and measures conforming to Act No. 1519 of the Philippine Commission. By Alvin J. Cox. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. PUBLICATIONS. [No. 1.] Check-list of the species of fishes known from the Philippine Archipelago. By David Starr Jordan and Robert Earl Richardson. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. [No. 2.] Manual of Philippine birds. By Richard C. McGregor, Pt. 1. Galliformes to Eurylemiformes. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Pt. 2. Passeriformes. Manila, Bureau of Printing,,..- 909. [No. 3.] Sugar industry in the Island of Negros. By Herbert S. Walker. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. [No. 4.] Manual of Philippine silk culture. By Charles S. Banks. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. BUREAU OF SCIENCE. 213 [No..]li Flora of Manila. By E. D. Merrill. [December 31, 1912.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. [No. 6.] Infant mortality in the Philippines. Report of the Government committee for the investigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands, January 31, 1914, [Department of the Interior, Bureau of Science. Manila. Publication No, 6. Actual date of publication April 5, 1914.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Printed at private expense. [No. 7.] A catalogue of Philippine Coleoptera. By Willie Schultze. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Also in the Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 11, section D, Nos. 1 and 2, January and February, 1916. [No. 8.] The Philippine Journal of Science. Contents and index. vol. I (1906) to vol. X (1915). Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. [No. 9.] An interpretation of Rumphius's Herbarium Amboinense. By E. D. Merrill. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. [No. 10.] Studies in Philippine Diptera, II. By M. Bezzi. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Studies in Philippine Diptera, I, is in the Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 8, section D, pp. 305-332. (1913.) DIVISION OF MINES. [Mining Bureau.] MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE PHILIPPINES. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands with a statement of the production of commercial mineral products during the year 1907. By Warren D. Smith. Manila, Bureau-of Printing, 1908. Same. 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Same. 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Same. 1915. Manild, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. ETHNOLOGICAL DIVISION. C E [IEthinoiogial Survey, Bureau of Non-Christian eribes. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS.. Directions for ethnographic observations and collections. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. PUBLICATIONS. See, for earlier publications, Ethnological Survey. Vol. 4. Pt. 1. See Ethnological Survey publications. Pt. 2. History of Sulu. By Najeeb M. Saleeby. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. / 214 BUREAU OF SCIENCE. Vol. 5. Parts 1 and 2. The BatAn Dialect as a member of the Philippine group of languages. By Otto Scheerer. Pt. 2. "F" and "V" in Philippine languages. By Carlos Everett Conant. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Pt. 3. A vocabulary of the Igorot language as spoken by the Bontok Igorots. By the Rev. Walter Clayton Clapp. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. (Igorot-English and English-Igorot.) Pt. 4. A vocabulary of Bontoc stems and their derivatives. By Margaret P. Waterman. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Pt. 5. A vocabulary and phrase book of the Lanao Moro dialect. By Charles Winslow Elliott. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Pt. 6. A grammar of Lepanto Igorot as it is spoken at Bauco. By Morice Vanoverbergh. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Index to volume 5 is in part 6. Vol. 6. Pt. 1. The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay. By Emerson Brewer Christie. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. See also, for papers and articles dealing with subjects pertaining to this division, Philippine Journal of Science. MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, AND COMMERCE DIVISION. [Philippine Museum.] This is part of the division of ethnology and had no separate organization until Administrative Order of the Secretary of the Interior of July 11, 1914, practically abolished the division of ethnology, retaining the museum as an exhibit. No publications. PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. This: is the official organ of the Bureau of Science, superseding the publications of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. Beginning with volume 2 a lettered section plan is used, and classified as follows: A, general sciences, B, medical sciences; C, botany; with volume 5 (1910) the series changes somewhat; A, which was general sciences was changed to chemical and geological sciences and the industries, and a new series, D, ethnology, anthropology; and general biology was added. In volume 7 (1912) name of section B is changed to "Philippine journal of tropical medicine which is shortened to tropical medicine in volume 8. In volume 6 in section D the arrangement of the name is changed, becoming general biology, ethnology, and anthropology. The articles printed in the Journal are also issued as separates with title covers. Not listed. See, for the contents and index to volumes 1 and 10, inclusive, this bureau, Publications [No. 8]. Vol. 1, 1906. Vol. 1, 1906-Continued. No.No. 1. No. 6. No. 2. Supplement 3. No. 3. No. 7. Supplement 1. Supplement 4. No. 4. No. 8. No. 5. No. 9. Supplement 2. No. 10. BUREAU OF SCIENCE. 215 Vol. 1, 1906-Continued. Vol. 4, 1909-Continued. Suplement 5. No. 5 [section] A. Index. In No. 10 an in Same [section] B. supplement 5. ' Same [section] C. Vol. 2, 1907. No. 6 [section] A. No. 1 [section] A. Same [section] B. Same [section] B. Same [section] C. Same [section] C. Index. In No. 6 of each No. 2 [section] A. section. Same [section] B. Vol. 5, 1910. Same [section] C. No. 1 [section] A. No. 3 [section] A. Same [section] B. Same [section] B. Same Isection C. Same section C. Same sectionection] D. No. 4 [section] A. No. 2 [section] A. Same [section] B. Same [section] B. Same [section] C. Same section] C. No. 5 [section] A. Same [section] D. Same [section] B. No. 3 [section] A. Same [section] C. Same section] B. No. 6 [section] A. Same section C. Same [section] B. Same [section] D. Same [section] C. No. 4 [section] A. Index. In No. 6 of each Same [section] B. section. Same [section] C. Vol. 3, 1908. Same [section] D. No. 1 [section] A. No. 5 [section] A. Same [section] B. Same [section] B. Same [sectin] C. Same section] C. No. 2 [section A. Same [section D. Same [section] B. No. 6 [section] A. Same [section] C. Same [section] B. No. 3 [section] A. Same.[section] C. Same [section] B. Same [section] D. Same [section] C. Index. In No. 6 of each No. 4 [sectionsection. Same [section B. Vol. 6, 1911. Same [section C. No. 1 [section] A. No. 5 [section] A. Same [section] B.Same [section] B. Same [section] C. Sa sectioSame [section C. Same secton D. No.- 6 section] A. No. 2 [section] A.;:' Same [sectioif]- B.- - Same asection] B. Same [section] C. Same section C. Index. In No. 6 of each Same [section] D. section. No. 3 [section] A. Vol. 4, 1909. Same [section] B. No. 1 [section] A. Same [section] C. Same [section] B. Same [section] D.. Same [section] C. No. 4 [section] A. No. 2 [section] A. Same [section] B. Same [sectionl B. Same [section] C. Same [section] C. Same [section] D. No. 3 [section] A. No. 5 [section] A. Same [sections B. Same [section] B. -Same section] C. Same Isection] C. No. 4 [section]. Same [section D. Same [section] B. No. 6 [section] A. Same [section] C. Same [section] B. ~~, :"" '".b I"' 2!::~:~r:: T Ihl 216 BUREAU OF SCIENCE. Vol. 6, 1911 —Continued. Same [section] C. Same [section] D. Index. In No. 6 of each section. Vol. 7, 1912. ' No. 1, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 2, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 3, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Memorial Number. No. 4, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 5, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 6, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Index. In No. 6 of each section. Vol. 8, 1913. No. 1, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 2, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 3, section A..-. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 4, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 5, section A. Same, section B, Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 6, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Index. In No. 6 of each section. Vol. 9, 1914. No. 1, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Nor 2, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 3, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 4, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 5, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 6, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Index. In No. 6 of each section. Vol. 10, 1915. No. 1, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 2, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 3, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 4, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 5, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section I. No. 6, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Index. In No. 6 of each section. Vol. 11, 1916. No. 1, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. BUREAU OF SCIENCE. 217 Vol. 11, 1916-Continued. No. 2, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 3, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 4, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 5, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 6, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Index. In No. 6 of each section. Vol. 12, 1917. No. 1, section A. Same, section B. Vol. 12, 1917-Continued. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 2, section A. Same, section B. 'Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 3, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 4, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 5, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. No. 6, section A. Same, section B. Same, section C. Same, section D. Index. In No. 6 of each section. PRESS BULLETINS. Executed by a manifold process, with a few exceptions. No. 1. Not seen. No. 2. Oil fields in Tayabas Peninsula. July 28 (1909). No. 3. Not seen. No. 4. Sand, gravel and crushed stone available for concrete construction in Manila, September 26, 1909. No. 5. Not seen. No. 6. Not seen. No. 7. Not seen. No. 8. Not seen..* No. 9. [Occurrence of cinnabar in sample from Bataan Creek, Benguet.] June 23, 1910. No. 10. [Report on precious stones submitted to Bureau of Science for examination.] June 22, 1911. No. 11. [Investigation of reported occurrence of oil, gold, copper and other minerals in northern portion of Pangasinan.] July 17, 1911. No. 12. [Occurrence on petroleum in Pangasinan district.] Nov. 6, 1911. No. 13. [Announcement of completion of new assay office.] Nov. 6, 1911. No. 14. [Re reported discovery of natural gas in artesian well at Oas near Legaspi, Albay Province.] April 21, 1913. 218 BUREAU OF SCIENCE. No. 15. The financial loss occasioned by harvesting unripe sugar cane May 30,1913. No. 16. [Re statistics of mineral production in the Philippine Islands for the year 1912.] June 6, 1913. No. 17. Petroleum on Bondoc Peninsula, Tayabas Province, Philippines. July 9, 1913. No. 18. Black bass for distribution. September 1, 1913. No. 19. The geology and petroleum resources of the southern part of Bondoc Peninsula, Tayabas Province, Philippine Islands. September 8, 1913. No. 20. [Re amoebic dysentery.] September 25, 1913. No. 21. [Re mosquito fish for distribution.] November 5, 1913. No. 22. Bureau of Science discovers gold in the drill cuttings from an artesian well at Casiguran, Sorsogon. December 5, 1913. No. 23. Coconut insects in the Philippine Islands. January 3, 1914. No. 24. Recent progress in the study of Beriberi. March 26, 1914. No. 25. Statistics of mineral production in the Philippine Islands for the year 1913.] April 24, 1914. No. 26. [Re tiqui-tiqui on sale in Manila. No. date.] No. 27. [Re the investigation of the chlorination of the city water supply.] July 25, 1914. No. 28. Rabies or hydrophobia. July 29, 1914. Same. Spanish. July 29, 1914. No. 29. [Re investigation of beriberi.] August 3, 1914. No. 30. Re the cigarette beetle as a destroyer of tobacco.] August 18, 1914. Same. Spanish. August 18, 1914. No. 31. The moulds of cigars and their prevention. September 19, 1914. Same. Spanish. No. 32. Birds in their economic relation to man through agriculture and forestry. September 28, 1914. Same. Spanish. September 28, 1914. Same. Revised. Issued December 29, 1915. No. 33. [Re cyanide; shortage and its remedy.] October 19, 1914. No. 34. [Re fishery resources of Mindanao and Sulu Archipelago.] December 15, 1914. No. 35. [Translation of Notas de interes para los hacenderos de azucar.] January 28, 1915. No. 36. Investigation of iron-ore deposits in Surigao, Mindanao. February 6, 1915. No. 37. Philippine gold production for 1914 shows great increase. February 6, 1915. No. 38. Mosquitoes and malaria in the Philippine Islands. February 8, 1915. BUREAU OF SCIENCE. 219 No. 39. [Re the return of the Bureau of Science party which made a survey of the Surigao iron-ore.] March 31, 1915. No. 40. [Re gold mining in Mindanao.] April 14, 1915. No. 41. [Re improvement of tanning industry in the Philippines.] May 20, 1915. Spanish. No. 42. Asphalt in Leyte. June 10, 1915. No. 43. Copper deposit in Zambales Province. June 15, 1915. No. 44. Rock asphalt in Leyte. July 12, 1915. No. 45. Iron ore deposits in Surigao. July 13, 1915. No. 46. Copra-fifteen million pesos loss to the Philippine industry in five years. October 14, 1915. Same. Spanish. October 14, 1915. No. 47. Rabies in the Philippine Islands. October 22, 1915. Same. Spanish. October 22, 1915. No. 48. Importance of soil surveys and Bureau of Science methods of taking samples. Released March 23, 1916. No. 49. Bureau of Science indicates the value of industrial alcohol as motor fuel. Released April 28, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 50. The manufacture of 96-degree sugar by the use of open kettles (cauas) and the vacuum pan. By L. W. Thurlow and J. F. Armstrong. August, 1916. Same. Spanish. December 27, 1916. Same. English. 2d edition. Issued Dec. 1917. No. 51. The melting and reboiling of muscavado sugar. June 27, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 52. Philippine natural dyestuff materials. Released June 16, 1916. No. 53. Philippine bamboo, fibers, and grasses as materials for paper and paper pirlp. By the Bureau of Science. Released August 30, 1916. No. 54. Some industrial possibilities in the Philippine Islands. Prepared on July 17, 1916, as a memorandum for the Hon. Rafael Palma by the Director of the Bureau of Science. Released in Aufrust 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 55. Planting and care of mulberry trees. Released September 11, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 56. Detection of "carriers" and cholera control. Released September 16, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 57. Sugar planters suffering from economic waste. By the Bureau of Science. Released October 9, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 58. Suggestions to authors. October, 1916. No. 59. Hacenderos shows their interest in the erection of modern sugar centrals. Released November 10, 1916. 220 BUREAU OF' SCIENCE. No. 60. Water analysis in the Philippines. By George W. Heise. Not distributed to the press. Date of issue-,November, 1916. No. 61. Rare turtle in the Bureau of Science aquarium. Released December 23, 1916. Same. Spanish. No. 62. The Bureau of Science describes a simple method for cleaning. silverware. Released March 3, 1917.Y No. 63. The alcohol industry of the tropics. Released March 6, 1917. No. 64. Directions for taking soil samples. Released March 8, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 65. La sal gruesa no siempre es comestible. Enviado el 12 de Mayo de 1917. No. 66. Not released. No. 67. La savia de la palmera (nipa) como materia prima para la fabricaci6n del azucar en cantidades comerciales. August, 1917. No. 68. Philippine substitute for cork. By the Bureau of Science. Same. Spanish. No. 69. Foodstuffs, the use of which should be extended. By the Bureau of Science. Released July 28, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 70. The manufacture of roofing tiles. Released August 10, 1917. No. 71. Philippine Bureau of Science charts. Issued November, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 72. The milk supply in the Philippine Islands. Released August 23, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 73. Some interesting notes on the sugar provinces of Luzon. By the Bureau of Science. Released August 30, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 74. Comparison of the manufacturing units in some of the centrals of the Philippine Islands. Issued December, 1917. Same. Spanish. Issued December, 1917. No. 75. Methods of clarifying cane juice. December, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 76. Fish and fish products. By the Bureau of Science. Released August 29, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 77. Kapok. By the Bureau of Science. Released September 1, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 78. The castor oil plant in the Philippine Islands. The industry should be greatly extended. Released September 19 (erroneously dated September 24) 1917. Same. Spanish. WEATHER BUREAU. 221 No. 79. How to prepare coconut butter. By the Bureau of Science. Released September 24, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 80. Flour substitutes that are beneficial to health. By the Bureau of Science. Released October 6, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 81. On the methods of preservation, drying, or otherwise utilizing -.-food products. By the Bureau of Science. Released October, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 82. Nutritive value of the Philippine vegetables. Released November 6, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 83. Grow Tangan-tangan. By the Bureau of Science. Released November 8, 1917. Same. Spanish. No. 84. Philippine shark oil and fin posibilities. Released December 11, 1917. Same. Spanish. WEATHER BUREAU. [Philippine Weather Bureau.] Established May 22, 1901, by Act No. 131 of the Philippine Commission as the Philippine Weather Bureau. The act does not place the Bureau under any department but the first report is submitted to the Secretary of the Interior. Act No. 222 enacted September 6, 1901, places it under the Department of the Interior. The name of the bureau was changed to Weather Bureau by Act No. 1407, effective ~November 1, 1905. By Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the bureau was placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. ANNUAL REPORTS. The Weather Bureau makes two reports-an administrative report and a scientific report which is issued in several parts. The two reports are listed here separately. These reports were issued separately up to 1908. The administrative report has been issued since then with the scientific parts, the administrative reports being part 1., of the first volume which includes parts 1 and 2. See, for other publications in which the administrative reports which appear in the Philippine Commission reports are also found, Philippine Commission 1900-1916, Annual reports. The scientific reports and later administrative reports do not appear in the Commission reports. ANNUAL REPORTS, [ADMINISTRATIVE]. 1901, June 1, 1901, to September 30, 1901. In Philippine Commission 2d annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902, year ended August 31. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1908, year ended September 1. Bureau of Insular Affairs. No date. A Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 2. 1904. 222 WEATHER BUREAU. 1904, year ended August 31. Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1905. 1905 [year ended August 31]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 2. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, fiscal year. Pt. 1 of annual reports, 1908. Bound with pt. 2. See scientific annual reports. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909, fiscal year. Pt. 1 of the annual reports, 1909. Bound with pt. 2. See scientific annual reports. Not in Philippine Commission annual reports. 1910, fisclJ.year. Pt. 1 of annual reports. Bound with pt. 2, scientif..r'ports,,.$e scientific annual reports. Not in Philippine Commission annual report..1911, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1 of the annual reports 1911. i -J! Bound with pt. 2. See scientific ahnual reports 1911. Bound with pt. 2, See scienitific annui!l reports. Not in Philippine Commissiorf: annual report..3: ~:, I I - 4,,, - c;.... z..: I., - 't 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1 of the annual report. Bound with pt. 2. See scientific annual reports. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Pt. 1 of the annual report. Bound with pt. 2. See scientific annual reports. 'Not in Philippiine Commission annual report.. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature second session, '! enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914, calagdar year. Pt. 1 of the annual report. Bound with pt. 2, scieftiticreports. See scientific report. Not in Philippine Commission inual report. 1915, calendar year. Pt. 1 of the annual report. Bound with pt. 2. See scientific reports. 1916. Not on hand at time of going to press. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. ANNUAL REPORTS, [SCIENTIFIC]. 1901-1902. Pt. 1. Climate of Baguio (Benguet). By Rev. Fr. Jose Algue. Manila, Observatory Printing Office, 1902. Contains a list of the publications of Manila Observatory issued by the Jesuit Fathers, 1865-1902. Pt. 2. Meteorological service of the Philippine Islands. Report of its establishment and development under the Spanish government and its reorganization under the government of the United States. 1865-1902. By Fr. Marcial Sola. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Pt. 3. Hourly observations of atmospheric phenomena at the Manlia Central Observatory, 1902. Manila, Bureau of Print. ing, 1903. WEATHER BUREAU. 223 Pts. 4 and 5. Hourly magnetic observations made at the Manila Central Observatory, and meteorological results of the stations, 1902. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 1903. Pt. 1. Hourly observations of atmospheric phenomena at the Manila Central Observatory, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Pt. 2. Hourly magnetic observations made at the Manila Central Observatory, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations of the secondary stations" during 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905, 1904. Pts. 1 and 2. Hourly meteorological and magnetic observations. Manila Central Observatory, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations of the secondary stations during 1904. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. 1905. Pt. 1. Hourly meteorological observations at the Manila Central Observatory, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Pt. 2. Meteorological observations at the secondary stations during 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 1906. Pt. 1. Hourly meteorological observations at the Manila Central Observatory, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Pt. 2. Meteorological observations at the secondary stations during 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. 1907. Pt. 1. Hourly meteorological observations at the Manila Central Observatoty, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Pt. 2. Meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912..., i 1908. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Administrative report for the fiscal year 1908. Pt. 2. Hourly meteorological observations made at the Central Observatory during the calendar year 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 1909. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Administrative report for the fiscal year 1909. Pt. 2. Hourly meteorological observations made at the Central Observatory during the calendar year 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. 1910. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Administrative report for the fiscal year 1910. Pt. 2. Hourly meteorological observations made at the Central Observatory during the calendar year 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. 1911. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Work of the bureau durinci the fiscal year ended June 30, 1911. Pt. 2. Hourly meteorological observations made at the Central Observatory, during the calendar year 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations made at the secondary 224 WEATHER BUREAU. stations during the calendar year 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Pt. 4. Hourly results of the observations made at the Magnetic Observatory of Antipolo, near Manila, P. I., during the calendar year 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 1912. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Work of the bureau during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1912. Pt. 2. Hourly metetorological observations made at the Central Observatory of Manila during, the calendar year 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. 1913. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Work of the bureau during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913. Pt. 2. Hourly meteorological observations made at the Central Observatroy of Manila during the the calendar year 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Pt. 3. Hourly meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913. Semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Work of the bureau during the calendar year 1914. Pt. 2. Hourly meteorological observations made at the Central Observatory of Manila during the calendar year 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1914. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. 1915. Pts. 1 and 2. Pt. 1. Work of the Bureau during the calendar year 1915. Pt. 2. Hourly meteorological observations made,f at the Central Observatory of Manila during the calendar year 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Pt. 3. Meteorological observations made at the secondary stations during the calendar year 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. 1916. Not on hand at time of going to press. 1917. Not on hand at. time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Barocyclonometer. By Rev. Jose Algue, Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Also in General Publications, Cyclones of the Far East. Barocyclonometer for use in the North Atlantic. By Rev. Jose Algue. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Cantabria cyclone, September 22-28, 1905. By Miguel Saderra Mata. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. Spanish. El Baguio del Cantabria Septiembre 22-28, 1905. Por el P. Miguel Saderra Mata. Asistente del director de la Oficina Meteorologica, Observatorio de Manila. Departamento del Interior. Del Boletin Mensual de Septiembre de 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. WEATHER BUREAU. &26 Cyclones of the Far East. Special report of the director. Cyclones ^of the Far East. By Jose Algue. 2d edition. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. [1st edition, printed in Spanish in 1897.] Drought. Extraordinary drought in the Philippines, October, 1911, to May, 1912. By Rev. Jose Coronas, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. English and Spanish. Earthquakes. Catalogue of violent and destructive earthquakes in the Philippines. With an appendix, Earthquakes in the Marianas Islands. 1599-1909. By Rev. Miguel Saderra Mas6. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Eclipse. Annular eclipse of the sun, October 22, 1911. By Rev. Juan Comellas. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Ground temperature observations at Manila, 1896-1902. By Jose Algue. March 19, 1902. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Halley's comet. The return of Halley's comet and popular apprehensions. By Rev. George M. Zwack. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. (The) Harmonic formula of Fourier and Bessel and its application to the study of the diurnal variation of the atmospheric pressure in Manila during the period 1890-1909. By Rev. Antonio Galan. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Instrucciones de meteorol6gica teorico-prictica, No. 1, Lluvia. Por Baltazar Ferrer. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Instrucciones prdcticas y breves nociones de meteorologia para los observadores del Weather Bureau por el P. M. Saderra Mas6. Manila, Imprenta de Santos y Bernal, Dulumbayan 80, Sta. Cruz, 1908. [Private publication of the Observatory.] Same [2d edition. English.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same [2d edition. Spanish.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. International meteorological code. C6digo meteorologico internacional. Resoluciones adoptadas en conferencias y congresos meteorologicos internacionales 1872-1910. Preparado por encargo el Comite Meteorologico Internacional por G. Hellman, Berlin, y H. H. Hildebrandson, Upsala. Version Espafiola de la segunda edici6n alemana publicada por el Observatorio Central de Manila. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Mirador Observatory, Baggio, Benguet. A new meteorological-geodynamic station of the Weather Bureau. By- Rev. Jose Algue. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Rainfall. Annual amount and distribution of rainfall in the Philippines. By Rev. Miguel Saderra Mas6. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. English and Spanish. Rainfall in the Philippines. By Rev. Miguel Saderra Mas6. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Seismic and volcanic centers. Report on seismic and volcanic centers of the Philippines Archipelago. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Taal volcano. The eruption of Taal volcano, January 30, 1911. By Rev. Miguel Saderra Mas6. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. English and Spanish. 158478 ---16 226 WEATHER BUREAU. Telegraphic transmission. Code for the telegraphic transmission of weather notes and warnings from the central office of the Weather Bureau. By Jose Algue. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. English and Spanish. Telegraphic transmission. Key for the telegraphic transmission of weather notes. By Jose Algue. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Typhoons. Three typhoons which caused heavy floods in Luzon. Sept. 6, 1911. [Sheet 48 by 29 cm. map on verso. English and Spanish.] Typhoons. The Hongkong typhoon September 18, 1906. By Rev. Jose Algue. Advance sheet of the Monthly Bulletin of the Weather Bureau for September, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Typhoons. Three typhoons in Luzon. Oct. 4 to 13, 1908. By Jose Coronas. Reprint from the Bulletin of the Weather Bureau for October, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Typhoons. Depressions and typhoons for July, 1909. By Rev. Jos6 Coronas. (Reprint from the Bulletin of the Weather Bureau for July, 1909.) Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Typhoons. The typhoons of July 1911. By Rev. Jos6 Coronas. (Reprint from the Bulletin of the Weather Bureau for July, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Typhoons. The typhoons of the Batanes Islands and Southern Formosa, August 21-29, 1911. By Rev. Jose Coronas. Advance sheets of the Monthly Bulletin of the Weather Bureau for August, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Typhoons. The typhoons of October, 1912. By Rev. Jose Coronas. (Reprint from the Bulletin of the Weather Bureau for October, 1912.) Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Typhoon-warning code of the Manila Observatory. Coronas. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Spanish. BULLETINS. By Rev. Jos6 English and; The Bulletin is a continuation of the Manila Central Observatory Climatological Data for Manila and is issued monthly. English and Spanish. No index. 1901. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1902. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. 1902. September. 1903. November. October. December. November. 1904. January. December. February. 1903. January. March. February. April. March. May. April. June. May. July. June. August. July. September. August. October. Same.- Supple- November. ment. December. September. 1905. January. October. February. WEATHER BUREAU. 227 1905. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1906. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1907. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1908. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1909. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. 1909. August. September. October. November. -.December. 1910. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1911. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1912. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1913. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. CIRCULARS. 1914. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1915. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1916. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1917. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November, Not received at time of going to press. December, Not received at time of going to press. Administrative circulars only have been issued, executed by a manifold process, with a few exceptions. DEPATRTMENT OF C(OMMERCE AND COMIMUNICATIQNS. t,..i Created under Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippihe Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916. OFFICE OJ' THE SECRETARY..ANNUAL REPORTS. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. - BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS. Created by Act No. 1407, of the Philippine Commission, effective November 1, 1905. The Bureau of Engineering was merged into the Bureau of Public Works by the same act. Tne Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings was abolished as a bureau by the act, and became a division of the Bureau of Public Works called Division of Building Construction and Repair. By Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916,- the bureau was placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Commerce and Communications. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports of this bureau which are in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1906, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. In Philippine Commission, 7th, annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. i907, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission, 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Also, with omissions, in Philippine Commission, 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909, fiscal years ending June 30, 1909 and 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1910. Printed with report for 1909. 1911, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1912, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission report. ': 1913, fiscal year ending June 30. Not printed. Library has'a copy executed by a manifold process. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 228 BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS. 229 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31. Not printed. Library has a copy executed by a manifold process. Title reads fiscal year 1914. Beginning July 1, 1913, ending December 31, 1913. 1914, new fiscal year beginning January 1, 1914, ending December 31, 1914. Not printed. Library has a copy executed by a manifold process. 1915, fiscal year ending December 31. Not printed. Library has a copy executed by a manifold process. i 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Engineer's handbook. Compiled by W. C. West, assistant engineer, P under authority of the Director of Public Works. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Hydrographic manual for guidance of engineers, hydrographers, and other employees engaged in hydrograplhic works; compiled by G. K. Larrison. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Irrigation. Preliminary report on irrigation in Java. By J. W. Beardsley. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Labor conditions in the Philippine Islands. By J. W. Beardsley. Reprinted from Engineering News, November 22, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Road book. [Capataz manual of road work. Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Spanish. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Bicol. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Cebuano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Ilocano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.]j Same. Pampangan. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Panayano. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Tagalog. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] Same. Visayan-Samar. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.] None issued. None issued. Vol. [1], 1912"-1913. [No.1.] [No. 2.] No. 3. No. 4. Vol. [2], 1913-1914. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Vol. 3, 1914-1915. BULLETINS. OCIRCULARS. QUARTERLY BULLETIN. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Vol. 4, 1915-1916. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Vol. 5, 1916-1917. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Vol. 6, 1917-1918. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. not on hand at time of going to press. 1 The volume and number are not indicated on Nos. 1 and 2 of this volume. 230 BUREAU OF POSTS. BUREAU OF POSTS. [Department of Posts. U. S. Postal Service, Philippine Islands.] Under the Military Governor this bureau was first called U. S. Postal Service, Philippine Islands, and was-later designated as Department of Posts. Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901, places a Bureau of Post Offices under the Department of Commerce and Police. Act No. 462, enacted September 15, 1902, changes the name from Department of Posts to Bureau of Posts. Act No. 2666 of, the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, places the bureau under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Commerce and Communications. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which the reports appearing in the reports of the military governor are also found, Military Governor, Annual reports; for others containing those which appear in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The reports to the military governor are listed here for convenience and continuity. 1899 [year ended June 30]. Appendix P. In Appendices to annual report of Major General E. S. Otis.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1899. 1899. 1900 [year ending June 30]. Appendix LL. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the.Philippine Islands, 1900, vol. 2. Manila, 1900. 1901 [fiscal year. Dated June 5, 1901. To the military secretary]. Appendix HH. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1901, vol. 2. Manila, 1901. Same. Fiscal year ending June 30. [To the civil governor.- Dated October 1, 1901]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1902. 1902 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In the Philippine Commission annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903, 1903 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Ph-ilippine Commission annualreport, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commissio-annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908.:; -.":... 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. Inr Philippine Commission annual: report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. Library has a typewritten copy. t... -~ ~ ~ ~ "b BUREAU OF POSTS. 231 1910. Not printed. Irbrary has a typewritten copy. 1911. Not printed. Lrbrary oas a typewritten copy. 1912. Not printed. Library has a typewritten copy. 1913. Not printed. Library has a typewritten copy. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted Dedember 19, 1918. 1913, semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed..;...1916. Not printed. - 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Extracts from General Order No. 3, dated November 23, 1912, establishing a collect on delivery service for the collection of trade charges on parcels sent through the mails effective January 1, 1913. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. English and Spanish.] General scheme of the Philippine Islands, May 1, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. English and Spanish. Municipalities. List of municipalities, post-offices, postal savings banks, and telegraph offices in the Philippine Islands. July 1, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. English and Spanish. Same. July 1, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909.- English and Spanish. Same. July 1, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. English and Spanish. Money-order regulations. Effective July 1, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Official postal and telegraph guide of the Philippine Islands July 1, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. English and Spanish. Same. October 1, 1914. Manila, Bureau of Prnting, 1914. English and Spanish. Philippine postal savings bante lablished under Act No. 1498, U: -nited -States.Phlippime - Co ssin..hat.Pot al savings banks are and rules a-d regulations governing their use. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Form No. 8032. Same. Spanish. Bureau of Priining, 1907. Post-offices. List of post-offices. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Registry regulations. April 1, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. English and Spanish. OIROULARS. Several series have been issued, executed by a manifold process with a few exceptions. A series, general circulars, begun in 1914 includes the general orders. The general circulars contain general information as well as purely administrative matter. *.......: -,-; -I "'...... ~~~~., i:"' -s r. — `;F r: ~ it.. I I ~:i;~ ~ ~ `,. ~'" ~ . I~..I ~~~~, g r.-.* $i '~~ '" k.l I~ ~. ~1~ ~~ i,i 232 BUREAU OF SUPPLY. GNERAL CIBOULARS. 1914. No. 15 No. 2 1916. No. 3 No. 1 No. 16 No. 3 No. 1 No. 4 No. 2 No.17 No. 4 No. 2 No. 5 No. 8 No. 18 No. 5 No. 3 No. 6 No. 4 No. 19 No. 6 No. 4. No.7 No. 5 No. 20 No.7 No. 5 No. 8 No. 6 No. 21 No. 8 No. 6 No. 9 No. 7 No. 22 No. 9 No. 7 No. 10 No.8. No. 23 No. 10 No. 8 No. 11 No. 9 No. 24 No. 11 No. 9 No. 12 No. 10 No. 25 No. 12 No. 10 No. 13 No. 11 No. 26 No. 13 No. 11 No. 14 No. 12 No. 27 No. 14 1917. Index. No. 13 1915. No. 15 No, 1 No. 14 No. 1 Index. No. 2 GENERAL ORDERS. General orders have been issued irregularly, executed by a manifold process with a few exceptions. The general orders are now issued in the General circulars series. The library has the following printed numbers. General Order No. 4. [Re the Official Postal and Telegraph Guide of the Philippine Islands dated July 1, 1911.] 1908. No. 5. [Amending the regulation requiring that postage stamps to be acceptable for postage or telegraph charges must be absolutely without defacement.] Manila, June 10, 1908. [Manila, 1908. English and Spanish.] 1909. No. 3. [Re Customs administrative circular No. 585, prescribing regulations for the treatment of articles imported into the Philippine Islands through the mails.] Manila, December 3, 1909. [Manila, 1909. English and Spanish.] General Order No. 8. [Amended regulations governing the sending of merchandise, tobacco, digars, or cigarettes from the Philippine Islands through the mails to the United States.] Manila, August 25, 1910. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910.] BUREAU OF SUPPLY. [Office of the Insular Purchasing Agent.] The office of the Insular Purchasing Agent was created by Act No. 146 of the Philippine Commission, enacted June 21, 1901. It was an independent office under the Governor-General. Reorganization Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, placed the bureau under the Department of Public Instruction, changing the name to Bureau of Supply. Under Reorganization Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session,-approved November 18, 1916, the Bureau of Supply is placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Commerce and Communications. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. BUREAU OF LABOR. 238 1902 [fiscal year eniink June 30]. With supplementary relfort to September 30. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, year ending September 30. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 1. 1904. 1904, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. Also in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 1. 1905. 1905, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 1. 1906. 1906 [July, 1905,toJune30,1906]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 3. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912. Not printed. 1913, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ending December 31. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Stock. List of stock in the Bureau of Supply, June 15, 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF LABOR. Created by Act No. 1868 of the First Philippine Legislature, special session, June 18, 1908, under the Department of Commerce and Police. By Reorganization Act No. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the bureau was placed under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Commerce and Communications. ANNUAL REPORTS. These reports are not in the Philippine Commission annual reports. 1909. Not printed. 234 BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 1910, fiscal year. 1st. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. 1911, fiscal year. 2d. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. 1912, fiscal year ended June 30. 3d. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Same. Spanish. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. 4th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Spanish. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by.Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. 5th. Not printed. 1914, new fiscal year embracing the period from January 1 to December 31, 1914. 6th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. Same. Spanish. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIROULARS. A numbered series.has been issued, executed by a manifold process. They pertain mainly to internal affairs of the Bureau. Spanish with a few exceptions. BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. [U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Manila Suboffice.] The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey suboffice was established at Manila September 19, 1900. An equitable division of expenses between the United States Government and the Philippine Government was made,, and the work was placed under the supervision of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted September 6, 1901, places the bureau under the Department of Commerce and Police. Act No. 2666 of the Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, places the bureau under the direct executive control, direction, and supervision of the Department of Commerce and Communications. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports of this bureau which are in the Philippine Commission reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1901, January 1, 1901, to October 1, 1901. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1901, pt. 2. 1901. i BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 235 1902 [October 1, 1901, to September 10, 1902]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903 [September 10, 1902, to August 31, 1903]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, July 1, 1903, to June 80, 1904. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [fiscal year ending June 30.] In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year ended June 30,] In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30.] In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30.] In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912. Not printed. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission report. The fiscal year was changed to end December 31, by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ended December 31. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. General instructions for coast surveys in the Philippine Islands. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. i,. as.. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. CATALOGUE O OCHARTS, SAILING DIRECTIONS, AND TIDE TABLES OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Catalogue of Charts, sailing directions, and tide tables of the Philippine Islands. 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing? 1903. Same, 1905. Bureau of Public Printing 1905. Same 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 236 BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. NOTIOE TO MARINERS. 1901. No. 1, March 1. No. 2, April 1. No. 3, July 1. No. 4, August 1. No. 5, September 16. No. 6, October 5. No. 7, November 8. No. 8, December 24. No index. 1902. No. 1, January 20. No. 2, February 19. No. 3, March 1. No. 4, April 9. No. 5, May 12. No. 6, June 26. No. 7, July 26. No. 8, August 26. No. 9, October 10. No. 10 November 22. No index. 1903. No. 1, January 2. No. 2, February 2. No. 3, WMarch 14. No. 4, April 22. No. 5, May 7. No. 6, June 6. No. 7, July 1. No. 8, August 7. No. 9, October 1. No. 10, October 19. No. 11, October 30. No. 12, December 1. No index. 1904. No. 1, January 1. No. 2, February 1. No. 3, March 1. No. 4, April 1. No. 5, May 1. No. 6, July 1. No. 7, August 4...... - No. 8, September 4. );: ' No. 9, October 8. No. 10,'November 1. No. 11, November 25. No. 12, December 16. No index. 1905. No. 1, January 9. No. 2, February 1. No. 3, March 23. No. 4, April 13. No. 5, May 11. No. 6, June 15. No. 7, June 20. No. 8, July 7. No. 9, July 27. No. 10, August 11. No. 11, September 1. No. 12, October 3. 1905. No. 13, October 24. No. 14, December 1. No. 15, December 18. No index. 1906. No. 1, January 19. No. 2, February 13. No. 3, March 10. No. 4, May 15. No. 5, June 8. No. 6, June 20. No. 7, August 1. No. 8, September 1. No. 9, October 20. No. 10, November 28. No index. 1907. No. 1, January 7. No. 2, January 26. No. 3, March 1. No. 4, March 18. No. 5, April 17.. No. 6, May 17. No. 7, June 22. No. 8, July 27. No. 9, August 26. No. 10, September 25. No. 11, October 26. No. 12, November 25. No index. 1908. No. 1, January 23. No. 2, March 5. No. 3, March 20. No. 4, April 30. No. 5, May 29. No. 6, June 29 - No. 7, July 31. No. 8, August 10. No. 9, September 10. No. 10, October 5. No. 11,,October 19. No. 12, November 14. No. i3, December 14. No index. 1909. No. 1, JanuaryNo. 2 March 10. No. 3, May 3.....No. 4,June 14. No. 5,: Jul 20. No. 6,:September 3. No. 7, October 22. No. 8, December 6. Index ifor 1909 in No. 8. 1910. No. 1, March 4. No. 2, March 10. No. 3, May 3. No. 4; J 4y 14. No. &, Aigust 3. No. 6, S> eember 20. No. 7, November 21. i;,, An} u* BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 237 No. 8, December 14. Index for 1910 in No. 8. 1911. No. 1, January 23. No. 2, March 10. No. 3, April 24. No. 4, June 15. No. 5, July 26. No. 6, September 11. No. 7, November 7. No. 8, December 6. Index for 1911 in No. 8. 1912. No. 1, January 25. No. 2, April 17. No 3, July 12. No. 4, November 8. No. 5, December 18. No index. 1913. No. 1, February 1. No. 2, May 6. No. 3, September 10. No. 4, December 26. No index. 1914. No. 1, June 22. No index. 1915. No. 1, December 9. No index. 1916. No. 1, April 1. No. 2, June 20. No index. 1917. No. 1, March 31. No. 2, June 30. No. 3, September 30. No. 4, December 31. No index. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS SAILING DIRECTIONS-BULLETINS. Each section and edition contains an index, and a general index to the seven sections, first edition, is in section 7, 1st edition. [Section 1.] North and west coasts of Luzon and adjacent islands. From Cape Engafio to -ManilaBay.- [1-st edition.].Bulletin compiled at the Coast and Geodetic Survey Suboffice, Manila, P. I., from various sources of information Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Same. 2d edition. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. 3d edition, 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 1906. Same. Supplement to 3d edition. Same. 4th edition, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Section 2. Southwest and south coast of -Luzon and adjacent islands between Manila and San Bernardino Strait. [1st edition.] Bulletin compiled at the Coast and Geodetic Survey Suboffice, Manila, P. I., from various sources of information. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Same. 2d edition. Same. Supplement to 2d edition. Same. 3d edition. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. 4th edition, 1910. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Section 3. Coasts of Panay, Negros, Cebu, and adjacent islands. [1st edition.] Bulletin compiled at the Coast and Geodetic Survey Suboffice, Manila, P. I., from various sources of information. ( Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Same. 2d edition. Same. Supplement to 2d edition. Same. 3d edition. 1906. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Same. 4th edition. 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Section 4. Coasts of Samar and Leyte, and the east coast of Luzon. l1st edition.] Bulletin compiled at the Coast and Geodetic Survey uboffice, Manila, P. I., from various sources of information. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. 2d edition. Same. Supplement to 2d edition. 238 BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Same. 3d edition, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. 4th edition, 1912. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Section 5. Coasts of Mindanao and adjacent islands. [1st edition.] Bulletin compiled at the Coast and Geodetic Survey Suboffice, Manila, P. I., from various sources of information. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. 2d edition. Same. Supplement to 2d edition. Same. 3d edition. eManila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Fourth edition. 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Section 6. Mindoro Strait, Sulu (Jolo) Sea, and Archipelago. [1st edition.] Bulletin compiled at the Coast and Geodetic Survey Suboffice Manila, P. I., from various sources of information. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same. Supplement to 1st edition. Section 7. Coasts of Paragua [Palawan] and adjacent islands, 1903. [With general index to the seven sections, 1st edition]. Bulletin compiled at the Coast and Geodetic Survey Suboffice, Manila, P. I., from various sources of information. Manila, Bureau Q f Public Printing, 1903. Saie. Supplement to 1st edition. NTrE.- Sections 6 and 7 are combined in later editions. Sections 6 and 7. Mindoro Strait, Palawan Island, and Sulu Sea and Archipelago. 2d edition. 1906. Bulletin, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Manila, Bureag of Printing, 1906. Same. 3d edition. a911. Msnila, Bureau of Printing, 1911.! Or in;.^-,;C r J~ ~I I' ~:) I,,t',, IDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND POLICE. Organized on September 6, 1901, by Act No. 222 of the Philippine Commission. Reorganized under Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905. Under Act N6. 2666, Fourth Philippine Legislature, first session, approved November 18, 1916, the Department of Commerce and Police ceases to exist, and a Department of Commerce and Communications is created. OFFICE OF THE SECRETA.RY. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which these reports appear, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902 [year ending October 1]. An account of the work of the department is in the report of the civil governor for year ending October 1, 1902. Also, with exhibits, in Philippine Commission 3d annual report 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903 [year ended September 1]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 [year ending June 30 with supplementary reports for July and August, 1904]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, (without exhibits), and in Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905.. 1905 [year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905 (without exhibits), and in Philippine Commission annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906 (without exhibits), and in Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907 (without exhibits), and in Philippine Commission annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1909. 1910 [fiscal year ended June 30]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1910. 1911 [fiscal year ended June 30]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1911.1912 [fiscal year ended June 30]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1912. 1913 [fiscal year ended June 30]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1913. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1918, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1913. In Philippine Commission report, July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. 1914, fiscal year ending December 81, 1914. In Philippine Commission report July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. 289 240 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND POLICE. 1915, fiscal year ending December 31. In Philippine Commission annual report January 1, 1916, to December 31, 1915. 1916. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. The Philippines, the land of palm and pine. An official guide and handbook. Prepared by John R. Arnold, under the direction of Hon. Charles B. Elliott, Secretary of Commerce and Police of the Government of the Philippine Islands. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912.] Road policy. Letter of the Secretary of Commerce and Police to all provincial, municipal, and other officials relative to the present road policy in the Philippine Islands. Manila, June 16, 1908. No imprint. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. SUPERVISING RAILWAY EXPERT. An office created by Act No. 1507, of the Philippine Commission, enacted June 29, 1906, under the Department of Commerce and Police, and placed in the Bureau of Public Works from which it was separated during the fiscal year 1906-1907. Abolished as a separate office, its duties were transferred to the Board of Public Utility Commissioners by Act No. 2320 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted January 31, 1914. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the annual reports of this office which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1907, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Also in Philippine Commission, 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 1908, year ended June 30. In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912, fiscal year. 6th. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305, Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. Nt -printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIROULARB. None issued. NAVIGATION BUIEAU. 241 NAVIGATION BUREAU. [Coast Guard and Transportation Bureau.] Act No. 266 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 17, 1901, created the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation and placed it under the supervision and control of the Department of Commerce and Police. The name was changed by Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905 to Bureau of Navigation. Act No. 1568, enacted December 10, 1906, abolished the Bureau of Port Works which became a division of the Bureau of Navigation. The Bureau of Navigation was abolished by Act No. 2308 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913, the functions and duties of the bureau being transferred to the Bureau of Customs and to the Bureau of Public Works. ANNUAL REPORTS.' See, for other publications which contain the reports of this bureau which appear in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902 IOctobor 17, 1901, to September 30, 1902]. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, fiscal year ended June 30, [with supplemental report for July and August]. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, fiscal year ending June 30. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. 1906 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. 1907 [fiscal year ended June 301. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2.,1908. 1908 [fiscal year ended June 30]. In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912.' Not printed. 1913, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second. session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. Not printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Allowance table of outfit and expendable stores for coast guard cutters and seagoing launches. Form 43. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Instrucci6n para la mejor inteligencia y cumplimiento de la dispuesto en el Reglamento de Faros. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. 158478 —16 242 NAVIGATION BUREAU. Inter-island transportation schedule of departures and arrivals and passenger and freight rates in force on contract steamers belongmg to Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, Compania Maritima, Ynchausti & Co., Manila Shipping and Transportation Co., Limited, and Smith, Bell & Co., and on Bureau of Navigation vessels. In effect July 1, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. English and Spanish. Same. 1908. English and Spanish. List of rivers of the Philippine Islands with information as to location navigability, shelter afforded, and adjacent population. Compiled by the Division of Port Works. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Regulations for lighthouse division. Manila, Bureau of Printing 1910. English and Spanish. Schedule of departures and arrivals and passenger, freight, and express rates... in effect August 15, 1908. Interisland transportation office. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. English and Spanish. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. LIST OF LIGHTS, BUOYS, BEACONS, AND DAY MARKS OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1903. List of lights, buoys, beacons, and day marks of the Philippine Islands. Corrected to April 1, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1903. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904. Same. Corrected to January 1, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 1905. Same. [Corrected to July 1, 1905.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. 1906. Same. [Corrected to July 1, 1906.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. 1907. Same. [Corrected to July 1, 1907.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. 1908. Same. [Corrected to July 1, 1908.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 1909. Same., [Corrected to July 1, 1909.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Copy in library has manuscript and typewritten corrections to May 15, 1910. 1911. Same. [Corrected to January 1, 1911.] Manila, Bureau of - - --— Printing, 1911. Copy — in- libray has typewritten corrections to June 1, 1911. 1912. Same. [Corrected to January 1, 1912.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. See, for later publications of this series, Bureau of Customs, List of lights, buoys, beacons, and day marks of the Philippine Islands. CONSULTING ARCHITECT. 243, BUREAU OF PORT WORKS. [Office of Port Works. Office of the Improvement of the Port of Manila.] The Office of the Improvement of the Port of Manila was created by Act No. 22 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 15, 1900, under the Military Governor. The name was changed by Act No. 1339, enacted May 4, 1905, to Office of Port Works which was placed under the general supervision of the Secretary of Commerce and Police. Act No. 1407, effective November i, 1905, changed the name to Bureau of Port Works, and placed the bureau in the Department of Commerce and Police. Act No, 1568, enacted December 10, 1906, abolished the Bureau of Port Works as a separate bureau and made it a division of the Bureau of Navigation. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing report which appears in the annual report of the military governor, Military Governor, Annual "reports, and for others containing the reports which appear in the annual reports of the Philippine Commission, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military report is listed for convenience and continuity. 1901 report of chief engineer. Appendix RR. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. 1901, vol. 2. 1902, year ending September 30. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, fiscal year ending June 30. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 1. 1904. 1904 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 1. 1905. 1905 [fiscal year ending June 30]. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. 1906 [July 1, 1905, to August 9, 1906]. In Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 2. 1907. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued., CIRCULARS. None issued. CONSULTING ARCHITECT. Position created by Act No. 1495 of the Philippine Commission, enacted May 26, 1906, in the Department of Commerce and Police. -Transferred- to the -Bureau of Public Works by Act No. 2314 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted January 16, 1914. ANNUAL REPORTS. For other publications in which these reports may be found see Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1907 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 2. 1908. 244 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING. 1908 [fiscal year]. In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909. Not printed. 1910. Not printed. 1911. Not printed. 1912. Not printed. 1913. Not printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BUREAU OF ENGINEERING. Created January 8, 1903, by Act No. 584 of the Philippine Commission, as a bureau in the Department of Commerce and Police, with the consulting engineer to the Commission as its chief. Merged with the Bureau of Public Works by Act No.'1407, effective November 1, 1905. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which the reports of this bureau also are to be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1903, year ending August 31. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904, fiscal year. Washington, Bureau of Insular- Affairs. Also in Philippne Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 3. 1905. 1905, fiscal year. Washington, Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. JUDICIAL. SUPREME COURT.1 General Orders No. 20, of the Military Governor in the Philippine Islands, May 29, 1899, reestablished the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands (Audiencia Territorial). Act No. 136 of the Philippine Commission, effective June 16, 1901, abolished the existing Audiencia or Supreme Court and substituted the Supreme Court provided by this act in place thereof. ANNUAL REPORTS. For other publications in which these reports appear see Military Governor, annual reports. No separate annual reports have been printed by the Supreme Court provided for by Act No. 136, enacted June 11, 1901. Information concerning the work of the Supreme Court is included in the reports of the Secretary of Finance and Justice and in the reports of the Attorney-General for the Philippine Islands. The military reports are listed for convenience. 1900 [May 29, 1899, to date not given.] Appendix GG in report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1900, vol. 2. 1901, dated June 15 1901. Appendix TT in annual report of Major General Arthur MaeArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands. (1901) vol. 2. See, for accounts of the work of the Supreme Court, Bureau of Justice, Annual reports of the Attorney-General. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Rules of Supreme Court and Courts of First Instance of the Philippine Islands, with amendments. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. English and Spanish. BULLETINS. None issued. -. —.-......-.-CIRCULARS. '. None issued. [PHILIPPINE] REPORTS. Reports of cases determined in the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands. 1 Courts of First Instance and inferior courts are listed under the Department of Justice. 245 4 -"' 246 SUPREME COURT. ENGLISH. Vol. 1. 9. 17. 25. 2. 10. 18. 26. 3. 11. 19. 27. 4. 12. 20. 28. 5.13. 21. 29. 6. 14. 22. 30. 7. 15. 23. 31. 8. 16. 24. SPANISH. Vol. 1. 9. 17. 26. 2. 10. 18. 26. 3. 1. 19. 27. 4. 12. 20. 28. 5. 13. 21. 29. 6. 14. 22. 30. 7. 15. 23. 31. 8. 16. 24. l.._. UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES. Founded and organized as a corporation under Act. No. 1870, First Philippine Legislature, special session, enacted June 18, 1908. The government of the university is vested in a board of regents. ANNUAL REPORTS. BOARD OF REGENTS. The annual reports of the Board of Regents are submitted to the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands in accordancewith the provision of Act No. 1870. Not printed. ' PRESIDENT. 1912 [June 1, 1911, to June 80, 1912]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. 1913. Not printed. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2805, Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year ending December 31. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916 [academic year, July 1, 1915, to April 4, 1916] 5th. Manila, December 15, 1916. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. 1917, covering the period from July 1, 1916, to June 30, 1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1918. GENERAL PUBLIOATIONS. Addresses of Manuel L. Quezon, Resident Commissioner, Henderson S. Martin, Chairman of the Board of Regents, [and] Ignacio Villamor, President of the University of the Philippines, delivered at the inaugural ceremonies held in the auditorium of the Philippine Normal School, Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila, P.. I., Thursday,1 August 12, 1915..Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916.. Same. Spanish. 1915. Addresses' of Rafael; Palma.. Newton W. Gibert... Murray. -. Bartlett.. —. delivered at the inaugural ceremonies held on the -campus of the University, Wednesday, December 30, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Announcement of the opening of the College of Agriculture, College- -- ~ of Veterinary Science, the. School of Fine Arts. School year 1909-10. - Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Commencement. Seventh annual commencement of the University of the Philippines. April 4, 1917. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 247 248 UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES. Pre-Spanish past. The particulars of the Philippines' Pre-Spanish past. [By Austin Craig.] Manila, 1916. [Public document by purchase?] Pre-Spanish Philippine chronology. [By] Austin Craig. [No date. No imprint. Public document by purchase?] Pre-Spanish Philippines. A suggestive scrap book for students. Manila, 1914. [Public document by purchase?] A university for the Filipino. Inaugural address of Murray Bartlett, president of the University of the Philippines, delivered at the inaugural ceremonies held on the campus of the University Wednesday, December 20, 1911, Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Same. Spanish. 1911. BULLETINS. No. 1. Catalogue of the College of Agriculture 1909-10. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. The University of the Philippines. Catalogue 1910-11. Announcements 1911-12. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. No. 2. The University of the Philippines. Catalogue 1911-12. Announcements 1912-13. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 3. The University of the Philippines. Catalogue 1912-13. Announcements 1913-14. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. No. 4. The University of the Philippines. Catalogue 1913-14. Announcements 1914-15. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. No. 5. The University of the Philippines. Catalogue 1914-15. Announcements 1915-16. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. No. 6. The University of the Philippines. Catalogue 1915-16. Announcements 1916-17. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1916. No. 7. The University of the Philippines. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. 431 pages. Same. College of Agriculture. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. College of Engineering. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. School of Fine Arts. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. The Forest School. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917, Same. College of Law. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. College of Liberal Arts. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. College of Medicine and Surgery including the School of Dentistry, the Graduate School of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, and the School of Pharmacy. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Conservatory of Music. Catalogue 1916-17. Announcements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. College of Veterinary Science. Catalogue 1916-17. Announeements 1917-18. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 249 CIRCULARS. None issued. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Catalogue. Eigth annual catalogue and announcement. [Catalogue 1913-14. Announcements 1914-16.] Reprint from the University Bulletin No. 4.. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914. Catalogue. Ninth annual catalogue and announcement. [Catalogue 1914-15. Announcements 1915-16.] Reprint from the University of the Philippines Bulletin No. 5. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915. Dentistry. Department of dentistry. Special course for undergraduates in dentistry. Announcements [1915]. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915.] 1910 blue book of surgery. Technic of the surgical clinic, anesthesia and anesthetics, pre-operative and post-operative care of the patient, and diagnosis and treatment of some of the most important and frequent surgical diseases. Compiled for the interns, students, and nurses of the College of Medicine and Surgery, University of the Philippines, and the Philippine General Hospital.... By Hans E. Schiffbauer. [Also published in part in the Bulletin of the Manila Medical Society.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Craig. Report of Associate Professor Craig on a research trip to the United States, December 15, 1914, to May 5, 1915. Department of history, economics and sociology. [Manila, 1915.] COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. THE PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURIST AND FORESTER. Beginning with volume 6, this publication becomes a government publication. Formerly issued by the student body. Vol. 6, 1917-18. No. 1. No. 2-3. No.4., '! OTHER OFFICES. CAPTAIN OF THE PORT. A Spanish colonial office taken over by the Military Governor, August 13, 1898. Upon the establishment of the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation by Act No. 266, enacted October 17, 1901, the captain of the port was made chief of that bureau also. Act No. 625 of the Philippine Commission, enacted February 9, 1903, abolished the Captain of the Port Office, transferring the functions and equipment of the office to the Insular Collector of Customs. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications containing the reports of this bureau which are in the annual reports of the military governor, Military Governor, annual reports, and for others containing the report appearing in the Philippine Commission report, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. The military reports are cited for convenience and continuity. 1899 [August 13, 1898, to June 30, 1899.] Appendix N. In annual report of Major General E. S. Otis... Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1899, appendices. 1900 [July 1, 1899, to June 30, 1900.] Appendix MM. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur.. Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1900, vol. 2. 1901 [July 1, 1900, to May 31, 1901.] Appendix FF. In annual report of Major General Arthur MacArthur... Military governor in the Philippine Islands, 1901, vol. 2. 1902 [year ending September 30.] Included in the annual report of the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation in Philippine Commission 3rd annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIROULARS. None issued. OFFICE OF CONSULTING ENGINEER TO THE COMMISSION. Created August 7, 1902, under Act No. 444, of the Philippine Commission. By Act No. 584, enacted January 8, 1903, the duties of the chief of the Bureau of Engineering devolved upon the Consulting engineer to the Commission. Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, merged both office and bureau into the Bureau of Public Works. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other documents in which the annual reports of this Bureau may be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 250 SALES AGENCY. 251 1902 [dated October 18]. In Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 1903, included in Bureau of Engineering report for year ending August 31, 1903. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 3. 1904. 1904 included in Bureau of Engineering report for fiscal year 1904. In Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 8. 1905. 1905, included in Bureau of Engineering annual report, 1905. In Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 3. 1906. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. SALES AGENCY. Created under Act No. 2061 of the Philippine Commission, enacted April 10, 1911, its administration vested in a Sales Agency Board. Abolished by Act No. 2324 of the Third Philippine Legislature, special session, enacted February 18, 1914, and effective January 1, 1915. Act No. 2438 of the Third Philippine Legislature, third session, enacted December 29, 1914, amending Act No. 2324 provided for the continuation of the Sales Agency until the 28th of February, 1915. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1912, fiscal year. 1st. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Not printed. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. None issued. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. The office of the Insurance Commissioner was created by Act No. 2427 of the Third Philippine Legislature, third session, effective July 1, 1915, the Treasurer, of the Philippine Islands being designated as the Insurance Commissioner ex officio. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Preliminary instructions to foreign insurance companies desiring to transact business in the Philippine Islands subsequent to July 1, 1915. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1915.] Property insurance law. Notice to provincial and municipal treasurers (announcing regulations.governing insurance). Manila, March 14, 1917. [Manila, 1917.] 252 PHILIPPINE MEDICAL SCHOOL. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. PHILIPPINE MEDICAL SCHIOOL. A corporate body established by Act No. 1415 of the Philippine Commission, enacted December 1, 1905, under a board of control to be known as the Board of Control of the Philippine Medical School. Located in Manila and opened in 1907. Act No. 1870, of the First Philippine Legislature, special session, enacted June 18, 1908, founding a university for the Philippine Islands, provided that the Philip — pine Medical School should become the College of Medicine and Surgery of the Philippine University as soon as two or more colleges had been established and in actual operation. It became a college of the University on December 8, 1910. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which the report in the Philippine Commission annual report may also be found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports.,1907. Not printed. 1908, fiscal year. In Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 2. 1909. 1909, year ending August 1. 2d. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, year ending August 1. 3d. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS, [Letter and queries to secure data for contemplated publication on surgery of "Tropical diseases,"] Manila, P. I., March 81, 1911. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. Circular No. 1. Announcements for 1908-9. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CATALOGUES. First annual announcement of the Philippine Medical School established by the Government of the Philippine Islands. [For the year 1907-8]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Same. Spanish, 1907. Same. 2d. [1908-9]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. 1908. Same. 3d. [1909-10.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Same. Spanish. Same. 4th. [1910-11.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Same. Spanish. See, for later catalogues and announcements, University of the Philippines, College of Medicine and Surgery. AGRICULTURAL BANK. 253 AGRICULT'URAL BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT. Act No. 1865 of the Philippine Legislature, special session, enacted June 18, 1908, and effective July 1, 1908, created and established a government agricultural bank. Act No. 2612, Third Philippine Legislature, fourth session, enacted February 4, 1916, abolished the Agricultural Bank, the assets and liabilities being transferred to the Philippine National Bank created under the same act. ANNUAL REPORTS. An account of the work of the bank is given in the annual reports of the treasurer of the Philippine Islands. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Agricultural Bank of the Philippine Government. Act of the Philippine Legislature creating and establishing the bank, and by-laws adopted by the Board of Directors. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Same. Spanish. 1908. Agricultural Bank of thd Philippine Government. Regulations for provincial agencies. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. English and Spanish. PROVINCES. BATANGAS. Reglamento uniforme para la policia de todos los municipios de la provincia de Batangas, Islas Filipinas. Propuesto por el gobernador Dr. Jose Losada y aprobado por todos los concejos municipales de la provincia. Batangas, abril, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SUIU. [Moro Province.] The Moro Province was organized under Act No. 787 of the Philippine Commission, effective July 15, 1903. Act No. 2309 of the Philippine Commission enacted December 20, 1913, changed the name to the Department of Mindanao and Sulu. ANNUAL REPORTS. See, for other publications in which the reports printed in the Philippine Commission" annual reports are also found, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1904, September 1, 1903, to August 31, 1904. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1904, pt. 2. 1906. 1906, fiscal year ended June 30, 1905. 2d. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1905, pt. 1. 1906. 1906, July 1, 1905, to April 16, 1906, and April 16, 1906, to August 27, 1906. Zamboanga, Moro, P. I., August 27, 1906. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1906, pt. 1. 1907. 1907, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1907, pt. 1. 1908. 1908, fiscal year ended June 30. Zamboanga, The Mindanao Herald - -.Pub. Co., 1908. Also in Philippine Commission annual report, 1908, pt. 1. 1909. 1909 fiscal year ended June 30. Zamboanga, The Mindanao Herald Pub. Co., 1909. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, year ending August 31. Zamboanga, The Mindanao Herald Pub. Co., 1910. Not in Philippine Commission report. 1911, year ending June 30. Zamboanga, The Mindanao Herald Pub. Co., 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1912, year ending June 30. Zamboanga, The Mindanao Herald Pub. Co., 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Zamboanga, The Mindanao Herald:* Pub. Co., 1913. Not in Philippine Commission report. - The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913, semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914, January 1, to December 31. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. Also in Philippine Commission annual report July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1914. 264 PANGASINAN. 255 1915 [fiscal year ending December 31]. In Philippine Commission annual report, 1916 (January 1, 1915, to December 31, 1915). 1916, fiscal year ending December 31. In annual report of the Governor-General for 1916. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Addres.es on the occasion of the inauguration of provincial government at Zamboanga, September 1, 1914. No imprint. English and Spanish.] Engineer. Annual report of the engineer of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1905. Zamboanga, Mindanao, Moro Province, September 1, 1905. Magindanaw reader for the public schools of the Moro Province. Prepared by the provincial superintendent of schools. Zamboanga, P. I., Mindanao Herald Press, 1905. Municipal code. An act to amend act numbered 82 of the Philippine Commission entitled "The Municipal Code" as amended, in its application to the Moro Province. Enacted by the legislative council of the Moro Province January 27, 1904. Zamboanga, P. I., 1904. Sulu reader for the public schools of the Moro Province. Prepared by the provincial superintendent of schools. Zamboanga, P. I., Mindanao Herald Press, 1905. Treasurer. Annual report of the treasurer for 1904. Not seen. Treasurer. Annual report of the Treasurer of Moro Province [for the] fiscal year ending June 30, 1905. Zamboanga, Moro, P. I., September 1, 1905. Treasurer. Annual report of the treasurer to the governor of the Moro Province. Fiscal year ending June 30, 1906. Zamboanga, Moro, P. I., August 15, 1906. Treasurer. Fiscal year ended June 30, 1909. Zamboanga, The Mindanao Herald Pub., Co., 1909. BULLETINS. None issued.' CIRCULARS. None issued. PUiLIC LAWS. Vol. 1. Public laws passed by-the legislative council of the Moro Province during the period from September 4, 1905, to September 19, 1907, comprising Acts Nos. 1 to 200, inclusive, together with the Organic Act No. 787 of the Philippine Commission, as amended and appearing as title 8, "The Moro Province" compilation of the Acts of the Philippine Commission (1908). Published by authority of the legislative council. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Alagaden a sapasap maipapan iti panagmula iti tabaco ditoy provincia ti Pangasman, Islas Filipinas. [Ilocano. 1915.] No imprint. Lapag iran bilin nipaakar ed panagtanem na tabaco. [Pangasinan. 1915.] No imprint. .MUNICIPALITIES. CITY OF MANILA, Act No. 183 (Manila Charter), enacted July 31, 1901, vested the government of Manila in a Municipal Board. The provisions of the act went into effect August 7, 1901, by proclamation of the Civil governor. On that day in accordance with General Orders 207, Headquarters Division of the Philippines dated August 6, 1901, the provost marshal general turned over the city government to the Municipal Board, under the Civil Governor. Act No. 1407, effective November 1, 1905, placed the city in the Department of Finance and Justice, Act No. 1706, enacted August 31, 1907, effective July 1, 1907, transferred it again to the executive control and supervision of the GovernorGeneral. ANNVAL REPORTS. MUNICIPAL BOARD. See, for earlier reports of the government of the city of Manila, Military Governor, Annual reports; for other reports which contain the annual reports found in the Philippine Commission annual reports, Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Annual reports. 1902, August 7, 1901 to June 30, 1902. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Also in Philippine Commission 3d annual report, 1902, pt. 1. 1903. 190?, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 'i 1904. Also in Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1908&-1 pt. 1. 1904. 1904, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing,1905. Also in. Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 1. 1905, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. Also, with different arrangement and without plates, in the Philippine Commission 6th annual report, 1905, pt. 1. 1906. 1906, fiscal year ended June 30 [to Secretary of Finance and Justice]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. Also, without reports of officers and with only two plates, in Philippine Commission 7th annual report, 1906, pt. 3. 1907. 1907, fiscal year. [To the Governor-General.] Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Also, without plates, in Philippine Commission 8th annual report, 1907, pt. 1. 1908. 1908, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Also, without plates, in Philippine Commission 9th annual report, 1908, pt. 1. 1909. 1909, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1910, fiscal year. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1911, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1911. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 256 MANILA. 257 1912, fiscal year ending June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. 1913, fiscal year ended June 30. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1918. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. The fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year by Act No. 2305 of' the Third Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913. 1913. Semifiscal year. Not printed. 1914. Not printed. 1915. Not printed. 1916. Not printed. 1917. Not on hand at time of going to press. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS; Advertisement, proposal, contract, specifications, and bond for furnishing and delivering cast-iron pipe and specials (for) Manila. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Assessment laws. Report of the secretary of the Murricipal Board of Manila, on various forms of special or local assessment laws in force in some cities of the United States. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. Same. Spanish. Charter. The Manila Charter as amended with which are printed such further laws as concern the government of the City of Manila and revised ordinances of the City of Manila, being a compilation and revision of all ordinances except such as are special in nature, in force June 30, 1908, together with certain special ordinances not repealed, and an appendix. Compiled,.- revised, and annotated by George A. Malcolm. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Charter. The charter of the city of Manila, with which are printed such further portions of the administrative code and other laws as mention and directly concern the government of the city, and the revised ordinances of the City of Manila, being a compilation and revision of all ordinances, except such as are special in nature in force October 14, 1916, together with certain special ordinances not repealed. All annotated with decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and of the Philippines. Prepared for enactment and edited by George A. Malconm, professor of public law and dean of the College of Law in the University of the Philippines. Published under authority of the Municipal Board. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Driving. Rules for driving and the regulation of street traffic. 1909. Same. Tagalog. Fire department. Rules and regulations. Hugh Bonner, chief of department. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Organic law. Ley organica de la Ciudad de Manili aprobada por la Comision de los Estados Unidos en Filipinas el 31 de Julio de 1901. Con un Indice. Impresa p6r orden de la Comision.. Manila, P. I. 153478 —17 258 MANILA. Plants. Catalogue of the plants cultivated in the city nursery at the Cementerio del Norte. 1910. Plants. A descriptive catalogue of the plants cultivated in the city nursery at the Cementerio del Norte, Manila. By E. D. Merrill. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. Police department. Rules and regulations of the police department of the city of Manila. 1909. Steam boilers. An ordinance governing the installation of steam boilers and other apparatus liable to endanger human life or property and providing for regular inspection of the same together with rules and specifications governing the construction and use of boilers in the city of Manila. No. 128. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. ORDINANCES. Only ordinances later than No. 285 are listed here. English and Spanish. See, for earlier ordinances, General Publications, Charter. ENGLISH. No. 286. No. 302. No. 318. No. 334. No. 287. No. 303. No. 319. No. 335. No. 288. No. 304. No. 320. No. 336. No. 289. No.305. No. 321. No. 337. No. 290. No. 306. No. 322. No. 338. No. 291. No. 307. No. 323. No. 339. No. 292. No. 308. No. 324. No. 340. No. 293. No. 309. No. 325. No. 341. No. 294. 'No. 310. No. 326. No. 342. No. 295. No.311. No.327. No.343. No. 296. No. 312. No. 328. No. 344. No. 297. No. 313. No. 329. No. 345. No. 298. No. 314. No. 330. No. 346. No. 299. No. 315. No. 331. No. 347. No. 300. No. 316. No. 332. No. 348. No. 301. No. 317, No. 333. SPANISH. No. 286. No. 302. No. 318. No. 334. No. 287. No. 303. No. 319. No. 335. No. 288. No. 304. No. 320. No. 336. No. 289. No. 305. No. 321. No. 337. No. 290. No. 306. No. 322. No. 338. No. 291. No. 307. No. 323. No. 339. No. 292. No. 308. No. 324. No. 340. No. 293. No. 309. No. 325. No. 341. No. 294. No. 310. No. 326. No. 342. No. 295. No. 311. No. 327. No. 343. No. 296. No. 312. No. 328. No. 344. No. 297. No. 313. No. 329. No. 345. No. 298. No. 314. No. 330. No. 346. No. 299. No. 315. No. 331. No. 347. No. 300. No. 316. No. 332. No. 348. No. 301. No. 317. No. 333......... BOARDS AND COMMITTEES. BOARD) OF RATE REGULATION. The Board of Rate Regulation was created by Act No. 1779 of the Philippine Commission, enacted October 12, 1907. Act No. 2307 of the Philippine Legislature, second session, enacted December 19, 1913, created a Board of Public Utility Commissioners, transferring to it all the powers and duties of the Board of Rate Regulation. ANNUAL REPORTS. None issued. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Proceedings of the Board of Rate Regulation October,12, 1907, to June 30, 1913. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. ORDERS. ENGLISH. No. 1. No. 7. No. 13. No. 19. No. 2. No. 8. No. 14. No. 20. No. 3. No. 9. No. 15. No. 21. No. 4. No. 10. No. 16. No. 22. No.. No. 11. No. 17. No. 23. No. 6. No.12. - No. 18. No. 24. SPANISH. No. 1. No. 6. No. 11. No. 16. No. 2. No. 7. No. 12. No. 17. No. 8. No. 8. No. 13; No. 18. No. 4. No.9. No. 14. Nos. 19 to 24 No. 5. No. 10. No. 15. were not issued in Spanish. COMMITTEE TO PREPARE SPECIFICATION FOR CEMENT. Appointed by Executive Order No. 22, series of 1908. Other information lacking. PUBLICATION. Specifications for Portland cement with methods of testing. Abstracted from the report of a joint committee embracing representatives from the American society of civil engineers, American society for testing materials, American institute of architects, Engineer Department of the United States Army, Association of Portland cement manufacturers, and American railway engineering and maintenance of way association, with minor abstracts from Taylor and Thompson's work on 'Concrete, plain and reinforced," and modified to meet climatic conditions in the Philippine Islands. Prepared in accordance with Executive Order No. 22, serifs of 1908. April, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 259 260 COMMITTEE ON EFFICIENCY. [COMMITTEE ON EFFICIENCY aND ECONOMY.] A committee to investigate the conduct of the business of the various bureaus and offices in the Insular Government was appointed under Executive Order No. 52, series of 1913. Other information is lacking. "Office efficiency as it affects the men." By Leon Orr Fisher, C. P. A. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1913.] COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE QUESTION OF A PENSION AND) RETIREMENT FUND FOR THE PHIiIPPINE CONSTABULARY, AND TO PREPARE BILL FOR PRESENTATION TO THE LEGISLATURE. Appointed by Acting Governor-General, May 12, 1912. Other information is lacking. Report of a committee appointed on May 12, 1912, by the Honorable Newton W. Gilbert, Acting Governor-General of the Philippine Islands to study the question of a pension and retirement fund for the Philippine Constabulary and to prepare a bill for presentation to the Philippine Legislature. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1912. English and Spanish. EXPOSITION BOARD. Created by Act No. 514 of Philippine Commission, November 11, 1902, for the purpose of preparing an exhibit for the' lLouisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. ANNUAL REPORTS. An account of the Commissioners' visit to the United States and,a brief biography of the Commission, is found in the report of the Executive Secretary in the Philippine Commission 5th annual report, 1904, pt. 1. 1905. 1903, dated October 2. In Philippine Commission 4th annual report, 1903, pt. 1. 1904. 1904 [from organization to close of Louisiana Purchase Exposition.] Dated December 10. U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1905. Also -in Philippine Exposition Board, General publications, Report of the Philippine Exposition Board to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and official list of awards granted by the Philippine International jury at the Philippine Government Exposition, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo. 1904. Not in Philippine Commission annual report. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Act 514, creating the Exposition Board. Circular letter of Governor Taft. Information and instructions for the- preparation of the Philippine exhibit for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition to be held at St. Louis, Mo., United States of America, 1904; preliminary exposition in Manila, 1903, and permanent museum of Philippine products in the capital of the Archipelago. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Same. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. (Publication 4.) Same. Spanish, with Reglamento y clasificaci6n sobre la exposicion Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. (Publication 2.) OPIUM COMMITTEE. 261 Same. Bicolano. Same. Cebuano. Same. Ilocano, Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Maikadua a ioarnak. Same. Pampangan. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Caduang capsiagan. Same. Pangasinan. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Comadua ya inpangui pacabat. Same. Tagalog. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Pangalawang lathala. Same. Vicol. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing. Same. Visayan. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Sago nga ika 514. Carta circular del Gobernador Taft. Invitaci6n solicitando una cooperaci6n. General informaciones e instrucciones que se deberan tener en cuenta para la Exposicion Universal de San Luis, Estados Unidos, en 1904. La Exposicion preliminar de Manila en 1903. El Museo permanente de productos Filipinos. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Educational work in the Philippines. Philippine exposition board, St. Louis, 1904. (St. Louis, 1904.) Handbook. Official handbook of the Philippines and catalogue of the Philippine Exhibits pt. 1. Compiled in the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, Washington, D. C. Revised and completed with the aid of chiefs of bureaus and experts of the Philippine government. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1903. Same. Pt. 2. Official handbook. Catalogue of Philippine exhibit. St. Louis, 1904. Philippine types. Album of Philippine types (found in Bilibid Prison in 1903), Christian and Moros (including a few Non-Christians), eight plates, representing 37 provinces and islands.. by Daniel Folkmar, Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Posters. [Many posters in English, Spanish, Tagalog, Visayan, Bicol, Ilocano, Pampangtn, and Pangasinan were distributed throughout the Islands.] Report of the Philippine Exposition Board to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and official list of awards granted by the Philippine International Jury at the Philippine Government Exposition World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo. Greeley Printery of St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. 1904.. BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. Many circular letters.were distributed throughout the provinces. The library has none. ' ' OPIUM INVESTIGTION COMMITTEE.,.,-............ - -—...;...... Act No. 800 of the Philippine Commission, enacfte July 23, 1903, provided for a committee for the purpose of investigating the use of and the traffic in opium. The committee was dissolved March 15, 1904. 262 PHILIPPINE BOARD, PANAMA-PACIFIC. REPORT. Report of the committee appointed by the Philippine Commission to investigate the use of opium and the traffic therein and the rules, ordinances, and laws regulating such use and traffic in Japan, Formosa, Shanghai, Hongkong, Saigon, Singapore, Burmah, Java, and the Philippine Islands. Members of the committee: Major E. C. Carter, U. S. A.; Dr. Jose Albert- Right Rev. Charles H. Brent. Bureau of Insular Affairs. War Department, 1905... PHILIPPINE] BOARD OF THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. Act No. 2163 of the Second Philippine Legislature, special session, of 1912, enacted February 6, 1912, appropriated money for a Philippine exhibit to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition and provided for the appointment of a board to be known as the Philippine Board of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. ANNUAL REPORTS. 1916, from organization to June 30, 1916. Submitted to the GovernorGeneral. Not printed. Library has a typewritten copy. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. NoTE.-Each of the following pamphlets also reads on the title cover "The Philippine Islands" and "Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, California". Aback (Manila hemp) [in the Philippines. (Musa textilis.) By M. M. Saleeby, chief, fiber division, Bureau of Agriculture. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Bureau of Printing. [A brief description of the Bureau of Printing, its productions, and apprentice instruction. 1915. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Cement raw materials [of the Philippines. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Climate [of the Philippines. By Rev. P. Jose Algue, Director, Weather Bureau. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Coconuts [in the Philippines. By H. 0. Jacobson, chief, division of agronomy, Bureau of Agriculture. Manila, Bureau of Printing, "1914."' '.,.., Export timbers. of the Philippines. -Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.].. orest_ resources [of the Philippines. Manila, Bureau of Printing, Gold [in the Phiiippines-. -- Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Paper —materia"ls-. [-Man'ila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] The Philippine schools at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. The exhibit in the palace of education. Organization and administration of the Philippine schools. Facts and figures on the Islands and the schools. [San Francisco, Press of Marnell & Co., 1915.] Public Health. [Sanitary achievements in Philippine Islands, 1898 -1915, Smallpox and vaccination in the Philippine Islands 1898 -1914. Leprosy in the Philippine Islands. Written December, 1914, for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Fran -I-!,", 11 '.J FOOD AND DRUGS INSPECTION. 263 cisco, California, February 20, 1915, to December 4, 1915, by John E. Snodgrass, Assistant to the Director of Health, Manila, P. I., June, 1915.] [Janssen Press, San Francisco, no date.] Rice [in the Philippines. By H. O. Jacobson, chief, division of agronomy, Bureau of Agriculture. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Sugar and alcohol from palm sap. (Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.) Sugar industry [of the Philippines. By C. W. Hines, station superintendent, Bureau of Agriculture. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Tobacco [in the Philippines. By H. O. Jacobson, chief, division of agronomy, Bureau of Agriculture. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] Vegetable and essential oils. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1914.] BULLETINS. None issued. CIRCULARS. None issued. BOARD OF FOOD AND DRUGS INSPECTION. The members of this board were designated in Executive order No. 7, dated February 11, 1911, to act in an advisory capacity to the Director of Health to aid in carrying out the provisions of the Pure Food and Drugs Act (No. 1655) enacted May 18, 1907. ANNUAL REPORTS. No reports have been printed. (For accounts of the work accomplished see Bureau of Health, annual reports, and Philippine Commission reports.) GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Some of these publications are also printed in the Official Gazette. Administrative regulations for the interpretation and enforcement of Act numbered 2342 as amended by Act numbered 2680 entitled "An Act regulating the labeling, sale, and advertising of patent and proprietary medicines, fraudulent therapeutic appliances and. devices, and for the protection of the people of the Philippine Islands against the exploitation of such articles", and other acts. No imprint. Standards of purity for food products. Rules and regulations for the enforcement of the Pure Food and Drugs Act. Printed as an appendix to Act No. 1655, enacted May 18, 1907. FOOD AND DRUGS ACT; ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS. The decisions, with some exceptions, are also published in the Official Gazette. Adapted for the most part on the food inspection decisions of the United States Department of Agriculture. 40. Filing guaranty. 41. Approval of labels. 42. Mixing flours. 48. Relabeling of goods on hand..:~-. — ~~- ~ ~ ~if,. -. 1If 264 FOOD AND DRUGS INSPECTION. 44. Scope and purpose of food-inspection decisions. 45. Blended whiskies. 46. (As amended.) Ficticious firm names. 47. Flavoring extracts. 48. Substances used in the preparation of foods. 49. Time required to reach decision on different problems connected with the Food and Drugs Act. 50. Imitation coffee. 51. Coloring of butter and cheese. 52. Form of label. 53. Formula on the label of drugs. 54. Declaration of the quantity or proportion of alcohol present in drug products. 55. Method of stating quantity or proportion of preparations (containing opium, morphine, etc.) used in manufacturing other preparations. 56. Names to be employed in declaring the amount of the ingredients as required by the law. 57. Physician's prescriptions. 58. The labeling of products used as foods and drugs as well as for technical and other purposes. 59. National formulary appendix. 60. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 61. Cocoa butter substitutes. 62. Guaranty on imported products. 63. Use of the word "compound" in names of drug products. 64. Labeling of sardines. 65. The labeling of whisky, blends, compounds, and imitations thereof. 66. The use of sugar in canned foods. 67. Polishing and coating rice. 68. Labeling of food and drug products "manufactured for," "prepared for," "distributed by," etc. 69. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 70. Abuse of guaranty for advertising purposes. 71. Labeling of succotash. 72. Use of guaranties and serial numbers thereof. 73. Meat and meat-food in original packages stamped under regulations governing the meat inspections of the United States Department of Agriculture. 74. Certificates for imported meats and meat-food products of cattle, sheep, swine, and goats. 75. The labeling of mixtures of cane and maple sirups, and corn sirup. FOOD AND DRUGS INSPECTION. 265 76. Dyes, chemicals, and preservatives in foods. 77. Certificate and control of dyes permissible for use in coloring foods and foodstuffs. 78. Relabeling of goods on hand. 79. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 80. Glazed coffee. 81. Labeling of caramels. 82. Labeling of coffee produced in the Dutch East Indies. 83. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 84. Not seen. 85. Labeling of bitters. 86. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 87. The labeling of mixtures of cane and maple sirups, and of corn sirup. 88. Private importations. 89. Dyes, chemicals, and preservatives in foods. 90. The labeling of foods and medicinal mixtures for stock and poultry. June 11, 1909. 91. The labeling of Mocha coffee. June 11, 1909. 92. The use of copper salts in the greening of foods. September 14, 1908. 93. Amendment to regulation 32. Denaturing. June 11, 1909. 94. The labeling of medicinal and table waters. June 11, 1909. 95. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 96. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 97. "Soaked curd" cheese. June 11, 1909. 98. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 99. Change in form of guaranty legend. (Amending section (b) of regulation 8.) June 11, 1909. 100. Bleached flour. June 11, 1909.. 101. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 102. Entry of foods greened with copper salts. March 1, 1909. 103. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 104. Amendment to adaptation of food inspection decisions Nos. 76-89, relating to the use in foods of benzoate of soda. June 11, 1909. 105. The labeling of canned salmon and whitefish. May 12, 1909. 106. Amendment to adaptation of food inspection decision 77. (A definition of the terms "batch" and "mixtures" as used therein.) June 1, 1910. 107. Not adapted to the Philip-pine Islands. 108. Importation of coffee. June 1, 1910. 266 FOOD AND DRUGS INSPECTION. 109. The labeling of wines. June 1, 1910. 110. Shellfish. June 1, 1910. 111. The labeling of yeast, June 1, 1910. 112. Amendment to regulation 27 (labeling of -derivatives.) June 1, 1910. 113. The labeling of whisky, mixtures, and imitations thereof, under the Philippines Food and Drugs Act. April 5, 1910. 114. The labeling of "Caracas Cocoa." June 1, 1910. 115. On the use of geographical names. September 15, 1910. 116. Amendment to adaptation of food inspection decision 74. June 1, 1910. 117. The use of certified colors. September 15, 1910. 118. Labeling of whisky compounds under food inspection decision No. 113. September 15, 1910. 119. Use of shellac and other gums for coating chocolates and other confections. -September 15, 1910. 120. Labeling of Ohio and Missouri wines. September 15, 1910. 121. The floating of shellfish. September 15, 1910. 122. The labeling of port and sherry wines. 123. Labeling of rices. August 19, 1911. 124. Labeling of stock feed. August 19, 1911. 125. The labeling of cordials. August 19, 1911. 126. Salts of tin in foods. December 19, 1910. 127. Decision in regar4 to the labeling of whiskies sold under distinctive names. August 19, 1911. 128. Sago and tapioca. August 19, 1911. 129. The certification of straight dyes and mixtures under secondary certificates. (Amendment to administrative decision No. 77.) August 19, 1911. 130. Amendment to regulation 4. (Hearings.) August 19, 1911. 131. The composition of evaporated milk. August 19, 1911. 132. The use of homogenized butter and skimmed milk in the manufacture of ice cream. August 19, 1911. 133. The coloring of green citrus fruits. August 19, 1911. 134. The labeling of New Orleans molasses. August 19, 1911. 135. Saccharin food. August 19, 1911. 136. Labeling of chocolate and cocoa. August 19, 1911. 137. The use of charlock as a subtitute for mustard. August 19, 1911. 138. Saccharin in food. July 24, 1912. 139. Use of the term "sweet oil." July 26, 1912. 140. Labeling of vinegars. July 26, 1912. 141. The labeling of maraschino and maraschino cherries. July 24, 1912. FOOD AND DRUGS INSPECTION. 267 142. Saccharin in food. July 26, 1912. 143. The labeling of candied citron. July 26, 1912. 144. Canned foods: Use of waters brine, sirup, sauce, and similar substances in the preparation thereof. July 24, 1912. 145. Bleached oats and barley. August 16, 1912. 146. On the use of saccharin in foods. October 9, 1912. 147. Absinth. October 9, 1912. 148. Use of copper salts in the greening of foods. September 11, 1912. 149. Use of copper salts in the greening of foods. February 10, 1913. 150. Frozen citrus fruit. March 26, 1913. 151. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 162. Brandy. November 6, 1913. 153. Amendment to regulation S, relating to guaranties by wholesalers, jobbers, manufacturers, and other parties residing in the Philippine Islands to protect dealers from prosecution. June 23, 1914. 154. Not found. 155. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 156. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 157. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 158. Condensed milk, evaporated milk, concentrated milk. May 21, 1915. 159. Certification of mixtures containing coal-tar colors. (Amending administrative decisions 77, 106, and 129,) February 28, 1916. 160. Gluten products and "diabetic" food. February 28, 1916. 161. Maple products. February 28, 1916. 162. Egg noodles and plain noodles. February 28, 1916. 163. Amending regulation 28, which relates to marking the quantity of food in package form. March 10, 1916. 164. Colors in foods. (Amendment to administrative decisions 76 and 89, 117, and 129, and Circular K-44.) March 6, 1916. 165. Cocoa products. April 4, 1916. 166. (Amending administrative decision 115.) Rocky Ford melons. June 12, 1916. 167. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 168. Not adapted to the Philippine Islands. 169. Edible vegetable fats and oils. May 17, 1917. 170. Sweetened condensed milk, condensed skimmed milk, sweetened condensed skimmed milk, dried milk, dried skimmed milk, and -— malted milk. May 23, 1917. 171. Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, flour macaroni, flour spaghetti, and flour vermicelli. /, - 1Nl..J.1. -.~ 268 STANDARDIZATION OF SUPPLIES. COMMITTEE ON STANDARDIZATION OF SUPPLIES. Executive Order No. 62, June 24, 1914, named a permanent committee to be known as the Committee on the Standardization of Supplies. Executive Order No. 21, March 28, 1916, revoked Executive Order No. 62, series of 1914, and pursuant to the provisions of section 1905 of the Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands (1916), section 2050, Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands of 1917, and Proclamation No. 8, series of 1916, designated members to constitute a committee of the same name. STANDARDIZATION. No. 1. May 8, 1917. Specification for "Portland cement". No. 2. April 18, 1917. Automobiles. No. 3. May 8, 1918. Pumps. No. 4. June 1, 1917. Galvanized iron. No. 5. June 1, 1917. Adding machines. No. 6. August 16, 1917. Motorcycles. No. 7. August 16, 1917. Carbon paper. No. 8. November 2, 1917. Road rollers. PHILIPPINE FOOD) COM)MISSION. A committee to consider the food supply of the Islands was appointed by Executive Order No. 50, June 8 1917. Executive Order No. 59, July 18, 1917, added a member to this committee, continuing it as a Food Commission. ANNUAL REPORTS. None issued. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Executive Order No. 59. July 18, 1917. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917.] Food Production. Ang mungo sa tubican. Tagalog. 1917. Manifold. BULLETINS. None issued. CIROULARS. No. 1. Organization and supervision of provincial and municipal food committees and civic clubs. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. LEAFLETS. No. 1. Selection of seed palay. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917., Same. Bicolano. Same. Cebuano. Same. Ilocano. Same. Pampango. Same. Panay (Visayo). Same. Samar (Visayo). Same. Tagalog. No. 2. Selection of corn for seed. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. Same. Spanish. PUBLICATIONS OF WHICH THERE IS INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO MAKE DEFINITE ENTRIES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Conversation. Lessons in conversation. 1902. Devices. 1902. Drawing and nature work. 1902. Each little flower that opens. 1902. English. Introduction of English. 1902. Metric system. On teaching metrical system. 1902. Rules for spelling. 1902. Rules to be observed. 1908. School materials and appliances. 1902. Stories. 1902. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Proposed opium law. Same. Spanish. 269 INDEX TO GOVERNMENT A-UTHORS. Page. Agriculture Bureau............................................................. 187 Agriculture and Natural Resources Department........................... 187 Agricultural Bank of the Philippine Government....................... 263 American Circulating Library............................................... 151 Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings (noted)........ 156 A rchives Bureau............................................................................ 160 Attorney-General's Office....................................... 181 Auditor, Office of the.......................................................................... 58 Audits Bureau....................... 58 Batangas Province.......................... 254 Bilibid Prison............................................................... 184 Captain of the Port......................................................................250 Cfrcel Publica y Presidio de Manila............5................58 Census.Bureau................................................................... 54 Civil Governor...................................................................................... 53 Civil Sanitarium, Benguet................................. 114 Civil Service Board.................................................................: 64 Civil Service Bureau......................................................................... 64 Coast and Geodetic Survey Bureau............................................... 234 Coast Guard and Transportation Bureau....................................... 241 Code Committee...........187 Cold Storage Bureau............................................................. 153 Cold Storage and Ice Plant Bureau.................... 153 Collector of Internal Revenue Office........................................... 170 Commerce and Communications Department...............................:: 228 Commerce and Police Department............................................... 239 Constabulary Bureau..................... 7 Consulting Architect.............243 Consulting Engineer to the Commission Office.....................250 Court of Land Registration..................................................181 Customs and Immigration Bureau........................................... 156 Customs Bureau............... 156 Customs Service........................................ 156 Dental Examiners Board...........-................................. 18 Education Bureau..................................................... 121 Efficiency and Economy Committee............................. 260 Engineering Bureau..........244 Ethnological Survey..................................... 114 Ethnology, Natural history, and Commerce Museum............. 148 Executive Bureau..................... 70 Exposition Board Committee.............................................................. 260 Finance and Justice Department.................... 179 Finance Department...............1... 156 Food and Drugs Inspection Board..................................... 263 Forestry Bureau.........................................202 Government Laboratories Bureau:.....................................109 Governor-General........................................ 53 Health Board..142 Health Board Office..142 Health Board Offce......................................................................... 142 Health Bureau..1...............-............ 142 Improvement of the Port of Manila, Office................................ 243 270 INDEX TO GOVERNMENT AUTHORS. 271 Page Inspecci6n general de Montes................................. 202 Insular Constabulary........................................................................ 75 Insular Purchasing Agent, Office................................................ 232 Insular Treasury Bureau...................................................................... 175 Insurance Commissioner. Office........................................................... 251 Interior Departm ent...................................................................... 68 Internal Revenue Bureau..................................................................170 Justice Bureau........................... 181 Justice Department......................................... 181 Labor Bureau....................................... 233 Lands Bureau...................................... 206 M anila............................................-........................... 26 Medical Examiners Board.................................................................. 117 M ilitary Governor............................................................................ 53 Mindanao and Sulu Department........................................ 254 Mining Bureau............................. 116 Moro Province..-........................254 Navigation Bureau................................. 241 Non-Christian Tribes Bureau (Act No. 253)................................ 175 Non-Christian Tribes Bureau (Act of Congress, August 29, 1916) (noted).......-.................. 175 Opium Committee........................ 261 Panama-Pacific International Exposition Board.......................... 262 Pangasinan Province................................................. 254 Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-Marks Bureau.............................. 160 Pension and retirement fund for the Philippine Constabulary Com m ittee................................................................. 260 Pharmaceutical Examiners Board.................................................. 118 Philippine Assembly.................... 47 Philippine Civil Hospital.........................................................:......... 113 Philippine Commission. .........46 Philippine Commission 1899-1900. (Schurman Commission).. 39 Philippine Commission 1900-1916 (Taft Commission)................ 40 Philippine Constabulary........................................................ 75 Philippine Food Commission........................................... 268 Philippine General Hospital 2............. 69 Philippine Health Service.................................... 142 Philippine House of Representatives............ 52 Philippine Legislature 1907-1916........................46 Philippine Legislature 1916-...................................... 51 Philippine Library....................... 149 Philippine Library and Museum................................................. 252 Philippine Medical School.................................. 183 Philippine Senate..................,.................. 52 Port Works Bureau..............,..................243 Port W orks Office............................................................. 243 Posts Bureau............................................. 5230 Posts Department (Bureau)................................................................. 230 Printing Bureau............................................... 177 Prisons Bureau.... -.-........................................................ 84 Public Instruction Department (Bureau)........................................ 121 Public Lands Bureau.................................. 206 Public Printing Bureau........................................... 177 Public Utility Commissioners Board.................................. 186 Public Utility Commission.ers r...................................... 186 Public Utlity CommissionBureau................................ 186 Public W orks Bureau............................................................................ 228 272 INDEX TO GOVERNMENT AUTHORS. Page Quarantine Service Bureau............................1......4.........7.... 147 Rate Regulation Board........................................................................ 259 Sales Agency.......................................... 251 Science Bureau.............................................................. 210 Specification for Cement Committee............................. 269 Standardization of Supplies Committee............................................ 268 Statistics Bureau (noted).........153 Supreme Court......................................... 245 Supervising Railway Expert.................................................... 240 Supply Bureau..........32 Treasury Bureau.................. 175 Treasurer of Public Funds Office.......................................... 175 Treasurer of the Philippine Archipelago...................................... 175 United States Customs House, Manila................................. 156 United States Postal Service, Philippine Islands............................ 230 University of the Philippines........................................................... 247 Weather Bureau............................ 221 INDEX. A Pages. Abaci.......................................... 189, 198, 262 Mindanao........................................ 199 propagation of............................ 199 soils................................................. 190 Abraham Lincoln................................ 122 Abry, E. G................................................ 61 Abscess, liver........................................ 118 Absinth................................... 267 Acanthacema, Philippine.................... 11 Accounting act..................................... 9 Accounting regulations................. 122 Accounting system, military................ 44 Accounts: money and property...................... 204 municipal................................. 61 provincial........................................ 61 Act No. 78. Remarks...............4...... 44 Acts:' compilation of....................... 10 customs service............................ 10 numerical list of............................ 44 Philippine Legislature................ 20 price list of..................................... 72 Acts-and resolutions, P. I.: in Bureau of Insular Affairs...... 20 in Philippine Commission............ 20, 21 in U. S. Congressional set...... 21 in U. S. War Department........ 21 Acts of Congress, see P. I. Public laws, yearly edition. Adding machines.................................. 268 Administrative code: 1916............................................ 9, 22, 187 1917.................................................. 9 Agricultural bank act.......................... 258 Agricultural bank of Egypt.............. 176 Agricultural bank, P. I...... 165, 48, 176, 253 annual reports.............................. 258 general publications..................... 258 regulations..................................... 253 report of Chief of Currency division, Treasury............... 176 Arigcultural clubs..................... 122 Agricultural products.......................... 191 list of..................................... 191 Agricultural Review, Philippine........ 200 Agricultural soils..................... 190 Agriculture........................ 72, 122, 188, 154 bulletins and circulars.................. 189 five hundred inquiries.................... 189 inquiries............. 195 Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department of............. 187 annual reports.......... -- 187 bulletins.......................................... 187 circulars.......................................... 187 general publications................. 187 Agriculture, Bureau of..................... 187 annual reports................................ 188 bulletins...................................... 190 circulars......................................... 192 extension work.. 195 office................................. 195 of inquiry...... 195 rinderpest............................. 196 158478 ----18 I I Page. Agriculture Bureau of-Continued. crop-reporting service........1......... 196 districts............................................ 99 farmers' bulletins..................... 196 general orders.................... 196 general publications................... 199 Philippine Agricultural Review.. 200 Philippine Farmer........................ 201 popular bulletins......................... 199 Agriculture,. College of.................2...48, 249 Agusan province.................................. 140 Ahern, George P................................ 204, 206 Albay province...................................... 140 Alcohol: denatured..174 from palm sap............................ 268 industrial....................219 industry................................. 220 Algodonero...................,...... 197 Algu6, Jos6...... 165, 222, 224, 225, 226, 262 Alien immigration act.................. 16 Aliens: registration of........................... 17 immigration of 17........................... 17 Allowance tables.............................. 241 Amebas........................................ 112 Amebiasis, intestinal........................... 112 American Circulating division, Bureau of Education..................... 188 list of books.................................... 188 American Circulating Library........... 151 annual reports......................1......... 161 appeal.......................................... 51 bulletins...................................... 151 circulars......................................... 151 constitution and by-laws.............. 151 general publications.................... 151 letter re building up of.................. 151 Amnesty proclamation....................... 14 Amoebae............................................. 118 Amoebiasis, intestinal.......................... 118 Amoebic dysentery............................ 118 Analytical work, Science Bureau...... 211 Animals.................................................... 111 diseases.................................. 138 domestic................................... 188 'importation of........................ 189 Philippine........................... 128 Annual reports. See:the Offices, Departments, Bureaus, etc. Antique province....................... 140 Antirinderpest serum................... 191 Appointments...................................... 122 Appropriations..................................... 71 Arbor day.................................. 122, 129 Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau........ 155 annual reports............................. 155 bulletins.......................................... 155 circulars..................'..................... 155 general publications..... 155 Archives, Bureau of..........,.. 152 annual reports.............................. 152 bulletins....................... 158 circulars................................... 158 general publications..................... 158 lands of Arroceros, etc.............. 158 special report..................................158 278 274 INDEX. Archives, Patents, Copyrights and Trade Marks division: Executive Bureau....................... Philippine Library and Museum 'Arts and Trades School, see Philippine Arts and Trades School. Asiatic cholera..................................... Asphalt: Leyte................................................ rock, Leyte..................................... Assay office............................................ Assessment laws in cities.................... Athletic handbook............................... Atlas of P. I..................................... Atmospheric pressure....................... Attorney-General's office, see Justice Bureau. Attorney-General, official opinions of Auditor, office of the............................. Audits, Bureau of.............................. annual reports...................... bulletins......................... circulars. generalr..................................... auditor's.................................. general...................................... numbered................................ provincial................................ general publications...................... Authors, Government, index of.......... Australian tick...................................... Automobiles............................................ Autonomous government.................... 1 Avocado............................................. A zucar...................................................... Azucar muscavado............................... Page. 75 188 69 219 219 217 257 129 89 225 188 58 58 58 61 61 62 62 62 68 61 270 111 268.1, 72 199. 218 196 B Bacillus aureus f6etidus........................ 111 Bacterial vaccines.................................. 211 Bacterium, choxmogenic...................... 111 Bacterium Matlei....................................... 112 Baker, Charles T.................................. 172 Balantidium coli.................................... 112 Balmori, Joaquin............................... 47 Bamboo, Philippine.............................. 219 Banana culture.............................. 194 Banco Agricola....................................... 176 Banks, Charles S............................... 111, 212 Ba igos..................................................... 128 Baptismal names............................... 127 Barley, bleached.............................. 267 Barocyclonometer.......................... 224 North Atlantic.................................. 224 Barrett, O. W.... 188, 192,198, 194, 19, 198 Barrio school buildings......................... 128 Barlett; Murray, addresses of....... 247, 248 Baseball outfits.................................... 186 Bass, black, distribution of............... 218 Bataan province...................................... 140 Blataks of Palawan....................... 115 Batan dialect........................................ 214 Batangas province............................ 140, 264 Batch, term............................................ 265 Bautista, Arist6n................4....4....... 144 B. vobisepticus...................................... 112 Beacons, etc.................................... 168, 242 Beardsley, J. W.................................... 48, 229 Beetle, cigarette......................... 192,218 Benzoate of soda........................... 265 Benzoyl-acetyl peroxide....................... 110 Beriberi............................ 145, 218 Besael, Fourier and............................. 226 Bezzi, M................................................ 218 Binder twine......................................... 199 I I Page. Birds.............................................. 110,112,118 economic relation to man............ 218 food and habits of............................ 211 handlist of........................................ 218 Philippine....... 149 manual of................................ 212 as - * skins. of.............................. 211 Bitters, labeling of.................................. 266 Blackman, R. B.................................... 126 Blanco's Flora de Filipinas................ 112 Bliss, Charles L...................................... 112 Blue book of surgery, 1910............... 249 Blumentritt, Ferdinand........................ 47 Boarding officers...................................... 167 Boards and committees.......................... 269 Bohol province.............................. 140 Boilers, steam, instalation of............ 268 Bonner, Hugh....................................... 257 Bontoc Igorot.......................................... 116 Bontoc stems............................................. 214 Books, school, price list of.................... 126 Bookkeeping, treasury........................... 176 Boophilus australis Fuller.................... 111 Bosques, Agusan...................................... 206 Botanical work in P. I......................... 191 Botany, outline of course of study.... 128 Boudreau, Wilfred J................................ 196 Boynton, William Hutchins............ 191, 192 Brandy.......................................... 267 Breadfruit, seedless.............................. 194 Brewer, B. E........................................... 198 Broncho-pneumonia....................... 112 Brown, Daniel T.............................. 171 Bubonic plague................................... 118, 148 precautionary measures................ 146 Budget, central government...4........... 66 Buitenzorg, botanical institute of.... 206 Bulacan province................................... 140 Bulletin of the Philippine Library.... 160 See also Monthly Bulletin of the Philippine Library, and Museum. Bulletins. See Offices, Departments and Bureaus, etc. Buoys.......................................................... 168 Buoys, etc.............................................. 242 Burham, B. H..............................4.......... 44 Burritt, Chas. H....................... 116, 117 Burton, A. M......................... 196 Butter: coloring...................................... 264 homogenized................................... 266 C Cacao...............................................111 Cacao culture....................................... 194,196 Cagayan province................................... 140 Calesins.................................................... 185 Calves............................................. 191 Campo................. 200 Candies.............................. 125 Cane juice, clarifying....................... 220 Cane, seed.............................................. 198 Canned foods, sugar in........................ 264 Cantabria cyclone.................................. 224 Cantala......................... 194 Capat6z manual...................................... 229 Capiz province........................................ 140 Captain of the Port.............................. 260 annual reports................................ 260 bulletins.......................................... 260 circulars................................. 250 general publications........................ 260.t.. l,,,; -- x, s,,~ I INDEX. 275 Page. Carabao, normal blood................. 191 Carabaos.............................................. 111, 120 Caracas cocoa.......................................... 266 Caramels, labeling of......................... 265 Carbon paper.......................................... 268 Carpenter, Frank W............................ 72 Carpenter, William D............................ 128 Carriages.185 Carriages......................................... 18 Carromatas...................................... 186 Carts....................................... 185 Cast-iron pipe....................................... 267 Castor oil plant, P. I........................ 220 Cattle............................................ 11,112,120 Cavite province........................................ 140 Cebu province.................................... 140 Cedulas personales.................................. 178 Cedula tax.............................................. 174 Cement: | committee to prepare specifica tions of........................................ 269 publication.............................. 269 Portland......................................... 268 raw materials of............................. 262 Census Bureau...............1..................... 154 annual reports............................. 164 census of the P. I............................ 164 general publications...................... 154 Central Government, P. I, budget.... 55 Ceramics................................ 126 Certificates of origin............................ 167 Certificates of registration.................. 178 Chanos Chanos Forskal....................... 128 Charcoal............................................... 208 Japanese methods.......................... 206 native methods............................. 206 Charlock............................................... 266 Charter, Manila: 1908..................................... 257 1916................................. 257 Charts, Bureau of Science................... 220 Cheese: coloring...................................... 264 soaked curd...................................... 266 Chemicals in foods.............................. 266 Cheney, Frank W............................... 126, 189 Cherries, maraschino............................ 266 Children, care of.................................... 189 Chinese and immigration circulars.... 161 Chinese, expulsion of........................... 182 Chocolate.............................................. 266 Cholera............................. 110, 111, 128, 144 carriers.................................. 219 circulars.......................... 146 measures.......................................... 146 red reactions....................... 112 spirilum....................................... 112 Christie, Emerson Brewer.................... 214 Cigarette beetle................................ 192, 218 Cigarettes................................................ 282 assessment and collection of taxes............................................ 178 Cigar makers, registration of........ 178,174 Cigar moulds........................................ 218 Cigars: -. assessment and collection of taxes................ 178 through mails............................... 282 Cinnabar, Benguet................ 217 Circulars. See Offices, Departments and Bureaus. Citizenship in P. I............................... 16 Citizens, rights and duties of.......... 188 Citriculture..................... 192 Citron, candied...................................... 267 Citrus growing..................................... 194 City of Manila..................................... 256 I Page. Civic clubs..;........................................ 268 Civico-educational lectures................... 188 Tagalog edition................................ 188 Civil Government, P. I., reports on, 1900-1908.................................... 44 Civil Governor.......................................... 68 annual reports............................... 54 Civil procedure..................................... 9 Civil sanitarium, Benguet................... 114 annual reports.................... 114 bulletins.......................................... 114 circulars....................... 114 general publications..................... 114 Civil Service: examinations..............,..... 66 medical attendance, gratuitous... 66 retirem ent....................................... 66 rules................................................. 14, 65 revised Jan. 9, 1909....... 66 Civil Service Board, Philippine.......... 64 Civil Service Bureau............................ 64 annual reports............,................. 64 bulletins.................................... 66 circulars..................................... 66 general publications.................... 66 manual of information,................. 66 official roster.............................. 67 Clapp, Rev. Walter Clayton................ 214 Clarke, C. B1.................-....... 118 Classification.......................................... 72 Clegg, Moses T.................................. 111, 112 Climate................ 144, 166, 262 Baguio -............................... 222 Coal deposits, Batan.......................... 117 Coal lands................................................ 208 Coal measures...................................... 117 Coal-tar colors,......................... 267 Coast and Geodetic Survey Bureau-... 284 annual reports............................ 2 bulletins............................ 286 catalogue of charts, etc............... 286 circulars............................ 286 general publications.................... 285 notice to mariners........................ 286 sailing directions........................... '237 Coast Guard and Transportation Bureau. See Navigation Bureau. Coast guard cutters, allowance tables............. 241 Coast surveys, P. I.. general instructions.................... 285 Coastwise vessels....................... 157 Cobb, David L'ewis........................... 44 Coca leaves; registration of persons dealing in.................................. 16 Cocoa.............................. 266 butter substitute........................... 264 products............................. 267 Coconut: beetles.............. 188 butter................................. 221 culture.................. 198 growing in P. I........................... 69 industry............................. insects, P. I................................. 218 Coconuts.................... 188,189, 192,197, 262 Code Committee................................... 187 annual reports.........................187 general publications.................... 187 Coffee: Dutch East Indies......................... 265 glazed......2...-........................... 26 imitation........................... 264 importation.................................. 265 mocha, labeling of.........-.....- 265 276 INDEX. Page. I Page. Coinage act........................................... Cold Storage and Ice Plant Bureau. See Cold Storage Bureau. Cold Storage, Bureau of........................ annual reports.................................. bulletins........................................... circulars............................................ general publications...................... Coleoptera, Philippine.......................... Collect on delivery.................................. Collector of Internal Revenue. See Internal Revenue Bureau.. College of Agriculture.................. 248, opening............................................ Philippine Agriculturist and Forester............... College of Engineering....................... College of Fine Arts............................. College of Law...................................... College of Liberal Arts........................ general publications....................... College of Medicine and Surgery........ catalogues........................................ general publications.................... College of Veterinary Science............ opening............................................ Colleges, announcements and catalogues. See University of the Philippines. Colonial history....................................... Colors: certified............................................ food............................................... Comellas, Juan...................................... Comet, Halley's.................................... Commencement, 7th, University of the Philippines............................ Commerce and Communications, Department of.................................. annual reports.............................. bulletins........................................... circulars................ general publications..................... office of the secretary................... Commerce and Police Department of................................................. annual reports............................. bulletins.. I bulletins...................:;.......:.........;.... circulars.......................................... general publications..................... office of the secretary.................... Commerce, foreign............................ 17, Commercial code.................................. Commercial fibers................................. Commercial geography......................... Commercial museum............................. Commercial woods, P. I........................ Committees............................................ Communal forests................................ Compilation of acts................................ Compound, use of word........................ Conant, Carlos Everett......................... Concrete construction.......................... Conduct, good....................................... Conduct, right.................................. 129, Congress, acts of. See P. I. Public laws, yearly edition. Congressional party (1905): hearings, Aug. 29, 30, 1906........ minutes of executive session....... Conner, Chas. M.................... 191, 198, Conservatory of Music........................ Constabulary Bureau........................... annual reports................................ bulletins........................................... circular letters............................... circulars.......................................... 15 L63 153 163 168 153 163 218 281 249 247 249 248 248 248 248 249 249 249 249 248 247 128 266 267 226 226 247 228 228 228 228 228 228 239 289 240 240 240 289 158 10 197 123 148 206 269 203 10 264 214 217 185 138 48 44 194 248 76 75 76 77 77 Constabulary Bureau-Continued. general orders......:.......................... 82 general publications...................... 76 official register........................... 109 special orders............................. 87 Constabulary inspections.......:;........... 76 Constabulary notes................................ 109 Constabulary pension committee....... 260 report................................................ 260 Constabulary school...................... 76 Constabulary school notes.................... 109 Consulting architect...................... 248 annual reports.................................. 248 bulletins........................................... 244 circulars................................. 244 general publications........................ 244 Consulting engineer, office of.............. 250 annual reports................................. 260 bulletins......................................... 261 circulars................................... 251 general circulars.. 251 Conversation....................................... 269 Cooper law........................................... 14 Copeland, Edwin Bingham.............. i12, 128 Copper: Pangasinan...................... 217 Zambales......................................... 219 Copper salts............................... 266,-26 Copra, financial loss................................ 219 Copyright law........................................ 10 Cordials, labeling of........................... 266 Cork, Philippine, substitute for.. 220 Corn.......................................................... 188 blade fodder.................................. 198 campaign...................... 128 campaign, follow-up................. 128 culture.................................... 192, 198 exhibit........................................... 128 recipes............................. 128, 126 seed........................................... 268 Coronas, Jos4.............................. 225, 226 Corporation law................................. 10 Correctional code...................... 10,187 Correspondence study....................... 128 Cotton.................................................. 197 Cotton tree, white.............................. 198 Course of study: intermediate................................. 128 primary................................... 128 suggestive.................. 124 Courts of First Instance....................... 183 annual reports...........:................ 188 Court of First Instance rules............ 24 Court of Land Registration............... 181 Courts, inferior....................4........ 188 Cox, Alvin J.....:............................. 212 Craig, Austin................................ 248 Craig, report of...................................... 249 Criminality in P. I.............................. 182 Criminal statistics.................. 182 Crop-reporting service.................... 196,199 Crops................................................... 189 Croquet sets,.............................. 185 Crushed stone.................................... 217 Cuming's Philippine plants.............. 118 I Currency............,.......................... 171 Philippine, new....................... 176 Currency division, Treasury.............. 177 annual reports............................. 177 bulletins.......................... 177 circulars...................................... 177 general publications..1............... 177 Customs administrative circulars...... 161 Customs and Immigration Bureau. See Customs Bureau. INDEX. 277 Page. Customs, Bureau of.............................. 155 annual reports............................. 156 bulletins........................................ 158 circulars.............................. 158 administrative.................... 161 Chinese and immigration..: 161 marine................................. 166 new series......................... 161 tariff decision..................... 166 decisions....................................... 167 general publications.................... 157 orders: administrative........,~........... 169 general................................... 168 special reports. See Annual reports. Customs Service act........................ 10 Customs Service. See Customs'Bureau. Customs tariff 10............................... i Cuzner, Harold................................. 191 Cyanide.................................................. 218 Cyclones of Far East.......................... 225 ~.... * - " 1 ) Dade, Walter M.................................. 186 Dfdivas, Sime6n................................ 47 Day marks, etc............................... 158,242 Deaf mutes, school of......................... 126 Debt, comparative statement of...... 72 Defective -classes......................-......... 154 Denaturing................................... 265 Dental Examiners, Board of............. 118 annual reports.................... 118 bulletins....................................... 119 circulars................................. 119 general publications.................... 119 Dentistry............................................... 249 Dentistry school................-.-.... —.... 248 Desk book, Printing Bureau........... 178 Devices................................................... 269 Diabetic foods...................................... 267 Dickinson, Jacob M.............................. 72 Dipterat Philippine.................... 218 Disbursing officers checks, etc........ 176 Diseases: nomenclature of................... 144j prevention of...................... 188 Distillers..............................174 Domestic science................................ 124 Donovan, Wm. H.................................. 44 Dorsey, Clarence W.......................... 190, 197 Drafting................................................. 12 Drawing...269 free-hand....................................... 124 mechanical and free-hand......... 128 Driving, rules' for......................... 257 Drought................................................... 225 Drug products, alcohol present in.... 264 Dwellings..........................1.......-; 154 Dyes................266 et cetera in foois........................ 266 Dyestuff, Philippine......................... 219 Dysentery.................................... 110, 145 amoebic...................................... 118, 218 E Each little flower.................................. 269 2265 Earthquakes........................................... 225 Eclipse...........................................-....... 22 Page. Education, Bureau of......................... 121 American Circulating Library division........................................ 188 annual reports............................. 21 bulletins.......................................... 126 circulars.......................................... 180 civico-educational lectures........ 188 general publications............ 122 geographical. and historical notes, local....................... 140 normal. institute lessons............ 189 official roster............................. 128 organization and aims of the.. 120, 126 Philippine Craftsman................ 139 reprint series........................ 139 Teachers' Assembly Herald........ 140 Teachers' Assembly News....:..... 141 Edwards, H. T.................. 189, 197,198, 199 Efficiency and Economy Committee.. 260 Election law.................................... 11 Elliott, Charles Winslow..................... 214 Embroidery.......I............................. 129, 139 Engineer, consulting........................... 260 Engineering Bureau..........................244 annual reports.............................- 244 bulletins.......................... 244 circulars;.............................. 244 general publications................. 244 Engineering, College of................... 248 Engineering, preparatory................125 Engineer's handbook.......................... 229 English.: I........................................................ 128 II, intermediate........................... 129 composition........................... 124 constructive lessons in................ 128 conversational outline in......... 124 introduction of...........................269 Ethnographic observations and collections........................................ 218 Ethnological survey, P. I...................... 114 annual reports......................... 114' bulletins...................................... 115 circulars...............-...... --- 115 general publications............... 115 publications..11 Ethnological division, Science Bureau..218 reau.......................................... 218 general publications.................... 218 publications........................ 218 Eveland, A. J....................................... 117 Everett, H. D.................................. 205 Executive............................................ 8 Executive Bureau.....0................. 70 annual reports.......................... 70 Archives, Patents, Copyrights and Trade-Marks division...... 7 bulletins.........................78 circulars.......................................... 78 insular.................................... 8 insular and provincial........ 78 provincial 78 provincial............................ - 7 unnumbered......................... 5 general publications................... 71 Executive departments, handbook ' of the......................-...... --- — 6 Executive orders.................................. Executive session, Aug. 11, 1905.... 44 Exhibits, Bureau of Education....... 129 Experiment station, Singalong....... 190 Export timbers, P. I............2......... 262 Exposition Board.......................-...-... 260 Act No. 514................................... 260 annual reports.............................. 260 bulletins..............T.a. 261 circular letter, invitation."........... 261 1.11, Economic conditions in P. L........... hearings. 1906......................-.... Economy and Efficiency Committee.. Education....................... Educational work in P. I................ 124 44 260 154 261 278 INDEX. Exposition Board-Continued. ' circulars........................................ general publications................ posters............................ report...................................... Exposition, St. Louis, Mo. See Exposition Board. FFam ilies..................................... "F" and "V," Philippine languages Farmaceuticos...................................... Farming, diversified............................ Faro administrative............................ Faros, reglamentos de...................... Oats and oils, vegetable........................ Fee, Mary Helen.................................. Fellowships........................................... Ferguson, A. W................................... Ferrer, Baltazar.................................... Fiber plants........................................ industrial, P. I.............................. inquiries...................................... list of................................ Fibers: commercial................................... grading and baling of.................. inquiries...................................... Philippine................................... Fibrin thrombosis.-.................. Filing guaranty.................................... Filipino Commissioners, Louisiana Purchase Exposition................ Filipinos en Hawaii.......................... Finance, Department of................... annual reports............................ bulletins................................... circulars...................... general publications.................... Finance and Justice, Department of annual reports.............................. bulletins.................................... circulars.......................................... general. publications................ office of the secretary................... Fine Arts, College of............. Fire department, rules, etc................ Firewood.................................... -- Firm names, ficticious....................... First aid............................ Fish and fish products.................. Fisher, Leon Orr....................... Fishery produts........................ Fishery resources, Mindanao and Sulu......................................... Fishes, Philippine................................ checklist of.......-.-..-......-.. Fishes, poisonous............................... Fish, mosquito, distribution of........ Fisk, A. A. -..... —... --..................... Flavoring extracts.............. Flora of Manila................................ Flora, Philippine.................................. 'Flour, bleached............................ Flours, mixing of........................... Flour substitutes............................... 'Flowers: cultural directions.................. ' directions for planting.............. Fly, house...................................... Fodder, corn blade....... Folkmar, Daniel.................................... Food and drug products, labeling of Food and drugs act: administrative decisions.......... time required for docision-_... Page. Page. 261 Food and Drugs Inspection Board.... 268 -261 administrative regulations....... 268 260 annual reports................................ 268 281 general publications.................. 268 Food and drugs, products used as.... 264 Food Commission, see also Philippine ]Food Commission.............. 268 Food committees.............................. 268 Food inspection decisions.................. 264 154 Food production................................. 268 214 Food products: 118 Preservation, etc............................ 221 199 standards of purity >f................ 268 158 Foods: 241 canned................ 267 267 copper salts in.............................. 265 128 preparation of.............................. 264 120 Foodstuffs.................................... 220 48 Forbes, William Cameron.... 48, 55, 56, 72 226 Foreman, North H.............................. 172 189 Forest' man; L............................. 204 129 195 Forest products: 191 assesment and collection of taxes............................ 178 197 'bibliography.................................. 206 196 collection of charges................ 178, 174 195 195 Forest regulations.............................. 208 219 Forest resources, P. I........................ 262 118 Forestry, Bureau of........................... 202 268 annual reports...................... 202 bulletins.......................................... 204 48 circulars........................................ 206 47 general publications.................. 208 155 publications................................... 204 155 quarterly bulletin........................ 206 155 special report.............................. 204 1655 Forests: 155 Agusan.......................... 206 179 bibliography.................................... 206 179 commercial............................... 208 180 conservation of........................ 208 180 Mindoro.......................................... 205 180 Philippine.................................... 205 179 information about................ 206 248 pertinent facts about........ 206 267 public................... 206 206 Spanish public land laws........... 204 264 utilization of................................ 204 76 Forest tract, public............................ 205 220 Forest trees, principal....................... 206 260 Fourier and Bessel............................. 225 211 Framboesia....................................... 112 Free admittance.... 158 218 Free-hand drawing....................... 128 211 Free patent circular..................... 208 212 Freer, Paul C.......... 110, 112 145 Friar land inquiry................................ 72 218 Fruits: 109 citrus.......................................... 266, 267 264 Philippine................................ 125 218 Fuller, Alice M............................ 124, 129 1 Funds, allotment of.....5........... 566 265 Fungi, edible Philippine.................. 112 268 Furniture, hardwood.................. 185 221 ' G 194 198 Galan, Antonio....................................... 225 146 Gana, Vicente Q..................................... 212 198 Garden..................................................... 191 261 vegetable......................................... 195 264 Gardening........................................... 140 school and home....................... 128, 140 268 Gardens.................................................. 188 264 Gardner, Rolland................................ 205 INDEX. 279 Page. Gas, natural, Albay................................ 217 General (postal) scheme...................... 281 General publications, see Offices, Departments Bureaus, etc. Geographical names, use of................. 266 Geographical notes on provinces........ 140 Geography.................................... 164 Geology, Bondoc peninsula............... 218 Gilbert, Newton C.....5............... 6, 57,247 Gilmore, John W..;................................ 197 Glanders...................... 110, 112 Gluten products............................. 267 Gold....................... 262 Casiguran, Sorsogon...................... 218 Pangasinan......... 217 Gold mining, Mindanao.............. 219 Gold production, P. I., 1914......... 218 Gomez, ManueL.............................. 144 I Good conduct........................................... 186 Good manners........................... 129, 188 Gordon-Dunster, Mary E..................... 128 Government act, provincial............ 188 Government authors, index............ 270 Government in U. S.............................. 127 Government Laboratories, Bureau of..-............. 109 analysis, scale of......................... 110 annual reports......................... 110 bulletins.......................................... 110 catalogue of library........................ 112 circulars............................... 110 general publications..................... 110 publications................................... 110 work done by..................y.......... 110 Governor-General......................... 58 allotment of funds..................... 5566 annual reports..................4...... 564 bulletins........................... 56 circulars...............5.6.... 6. executive orders................. 7 general publications............... 5566 messages....................................... 66 special......................-.............. proclamations............................ Graduate School of Tropical Medicine and Public Health............ 248 Gramineae, Philippine....................... 118 Grasses, Philippine................................ 219 Gravel....................... 217 Griffin, Miriam.......................... 126 Ground temperature observations...... 225 Guaranties............................. 267 use of............................................ 264 Guaranty: abuse of................................... 264 legend........................ 265 Guard manual, Bilibid Prison............ 186 Guard regulations............................... 76 Guinea grass........................................... 196 Gums, coating chocolate.................... 266 Gurney, Samuel C............................. 76 Gutta-percha............................... 111,206 Page. Harbord, J. G......................................... 109 Hardeman, Thomas............................ 48 Hare, Charles B..................................... 112 Harmonic formula......................... 226 Harrison, Francis Burton: inaugural address............................ 66 messages..5............................., 6, 67 Hats, Philippine...................................... 129 Hawaii, Filipinos en.............................. 47 Health Board of, see Philippine Health Service. Health, Bureau of, see Philippine Health Service. historical sketch............................ 143 Health conditions, P 'I..................... 124 Health in P. I...................................... 48 Health, office of Bo ed of, see Philippine Health service. Hearings: Aug. 29, 80, 190.......................... 48 public, P. I., sugar and tobacco, etc.............................. 44 Heise, George W................................... 220 Heiser, Victor G....................: 124, 126, 220 Hellman, G..................... 226 Hemorrhage, intestinal.................... 118 Hemorrhagic septicaemia................... 111 Hemp................................... 189 Herzog, Maximilian............... 1, 112, 113 Hevea brasilensis............................. 19 High school course.................. 128 Hildebrandson, I. H....................... 225 Hillis, L. B.................. 109 Hines, C. W................... 190, 195, 263 Hirudo, Boyntoni Wharton............ 192 Historical notes, provinces.................. 140 History, P. I........................ 154 Holy See, correspondence................... 43 Homestead circular............................ 209 Homesteads................................... 207, 209 Hornware......................... 185 Horses................................ 110 Hoskins, Colin M................................. 172 Hospital attendants.................. 146 Hospital ships.......................... 15 Hospitals, provincial........................... 146 Household arts...................................... 129 Household Industries, School of......... 126 Housekeeping............................ 124, 129,189 House of Representatives: actas.................................... 652 general publications...............5.... 62 reglamento..2................... 52 House, sanitary model........................... 145 Howard,' L. 0..................................... 197 Huerta............................ 200 Hutchinson, W. I................................. 206 Hydrographic manual........................... 229 Hydrophobia............................ 218 I Ice cream.................................. 266 Igorot: Bontoc....................................... 214 Lepanto.................................... 214 Igorot language.......................... 214 Ilocos Sur province......................... 140 Iloilo province....................................... 140 Immigration circulars, see Chinese and immigration circulars. Immunization...................................... 120 Imbortations, private...................... 266 Improvement of the port of Manila, see Port Works Bureau. Improvements at Manila................... 44 Hbit H abit........................... Habitations, Philippine....................... Hackel, E.............................. Haematochyluris............................ Halley's comet.................................... Hall, Herman........................................ Hammocks.................................... - Handbook: athletic................................. executive departments............... official, P. I................................... 172 145 118 112 226 109 185 129 65 261 280 INDEX. Page. Inaugural addresses.............................. 55, 66 Inauguration of William Cameron Forbes.............................. 48 Income tax, instructions.................. 174 Income tax law..................................... 11, 16 Independencia: declaraci6n de................................ 47 resoluciones de...................... 47 Index to government authors............. 270 Indol reaction......................................... 112 Industrial fiber plants.......................... 129 Industrial museum, Bureau of Education............................. 129 Industrial plants.......................... 180 Industrial possibilities, P I............... 219 Industrial resources, P. I............... 211 Industrial schedules.............................. 125 Industrial statistics................................ 154 Industrial tax....................................... 171 Industrial teachers................................. 126 Infant mortality..................................... 213 Infants, care of.................................... 144 Infection, hand....................................... 111 Infectious diseases in P. I.................. 144 Inferior courts...................................... 188 Insects.............................. 111 coconut............................................ 218 Philippine....................................... 211 Insects and disease.................................. 146 Inspecci6n general de montes........... 202 Inspections, constabulary.................... 76 Inspectors, discharging.................... 167 Insular Lumber Co............................ 206 Insular Purchasing Agent office, see Supply Bureau. Insurance Commissioner, office of the...............2.1..... 251 bulletins....2.................. 252 circulars.................................. 262 general publications................ 251 Insurance companies, foreign, instructions................................. 261 Insurance law, property..................... 251 Interior, Department of the.............. 68 annual reports............................. 68 bulletins...................................... 69 circulars..... 69 general publications..................... 69 office of the secretary............. 68 Inter-island transportation schedule.. 242 Internal Revenue, Bureau of............. 170 annual reports................................ 170 bulletins........................................ 173 circulars.....................17 general publications..................... 171 rulings, regulations, etc............... 1.72 spirits, tables and rules for gauging, etc........................... 172 statistical information.................. 172 uniforms................... 174 Internal Revenue law...................... 11 Internal Revenue manual.................... 171 supplements................. 171 Internal Revenue tax............................ 16, 17 Internal Revenue taxes, imported articles.......... 174 International Plague Conference........ 211 Ipil-ipil..................... 206 Iron, galvanized................. 268 Iron-ore, Surigao...:...................... 218, 219 Iron region, Angat, Bulacan................ 117 Ironworking............................................ 127 Irrigation, Java..................................... 229 Isabela province..................................... 140 Iwahig Penal Colony.............................. 186. J Page. Jacobsen, H........... 189, 190, 195, 262, 268 Java: botanical investigation.................. 206 Buitenzorg, botanical institute of.................................................. 206 forest flora....................................... 205 irrigation....................................... 229 Jefferson's manual................................. 47 Jellies........................................................ 126 Jenks, Albert Ernest............................ 116 Jernegan, Prescott F........................... 188 Jesds y Serapio, Dr. Vicente de........ 146 Jobling, James W...................... 111 Jones, C. R.............................................. 194 Jones law............................... 11, 17 Jones, William A.......................... Jordan, David Starr............................ 212 Journal of Science, see Philippine Journal of Science. Joyce, K. A............................................ 109 Judicial.......................................... 246 Judicial statistics.................................... 182 Justice, Bureau of.................................. 181 annual reports................................ 181 bulletins.................................. 188 circulars.......................................... 183 general publications..................... 182 official opinions of the attorneygeneral.......................................... 18 Justice, Department of....................... 181 annual reports....................... 181 bulletins........................................... 181 circulars........................... 181 general publications................. 181 Justices of the peace.............................. 182 Jute.189 Jute.......................................................... 189 Jute industry.......................................... 197 Kapok....................................... 119, 220 Kapok culture........................................ 194 Kapok industry...........1...................... 12 Kemmerer, E. W.................................. 43 Klemme, William................................... '206 Koch-weeks bacillus................1............... 111 L Label: drugs formula........................... 264 form of.264 form of........................................... 264 Labels..................................................... 268 Laboratory examinations, directions 211 Labor -Bureau.......................... 288 annual reports........................... 288 bulletins............................................ 234 circulars.......................... 284 general publications.................... 284 Labor conditions.............................. 48, 229 Lace making.................................... 129 Laguna province............................ 140 Lamson-Scribner, F....................... 191 Lanao Moro dialect............................ 214 Land officers, provincial treasurers.. 209 Land registration, court of.............. 181 annual reports.................... 181 bulletins........................................... 181 circulars................................... 181 general publications................... 181 instructions to surveyors............ 181 INDEX. 281 Page. Lands: coal................................................... 208 ecclesiastical.................................. 44 leasing.............................................. 209 public: " grazing.............................. 207 leases...................................... 207 sales...................................... 207 Lands, Bureau of............................... 206 annual reports................ 207 bulletins...................... 208 circulars, unnumbered............. 208 general publications..... 207 Land surveys.............................. 207 Langostas........................................ 197 Larrison, G. K................................... 229 La Union province............................. 140 Law, College of................................ 248 Laws: in annual reports: Philippine Commission..... 21 U. S, War' Department....... 21 in U. S. Congressional set........ 21 Moro province.................... 255 public land, Spanish.................... 204 quarterly issue............................... 17 recess, Philippine Commission.. 18 separates................... 9 session............................................ 18 Spanish editions. See English editions. yearly edition................................ 18 Laws for Non-Christian Tribes. See Laws, yearly edition. Laws, statutes, etc.............................. 9 Leases, public lands............................. 207 Leasing lands.................................... 209 Leather goods....................... 186 Ledyard, Edgar M................................ 128 Legislative.............................................. 40 Legislative procedure............................ 44 Leucaena glauca (L.) Benth......... 206 Lewis, Gilbert N................................ 112 Leyte province...................................... 140 Liberal Arts, College of.................... 248, 249 Libraries, public schools.................... 129 Library, Bureau of Education......... 129 Lighthouse division regulations........ 242 Lights, buoys, beacons, etc......... 158,242 Lignium' vitae.............................. 206 Liquors: fermented: assessment and collection of taxes.............................. 178 regulations governing........ 174 manufactured: assessment and collection of taxes.......................... 178 regulations............................ 174 Locust extermination..................... 124 Locust pest............................................ 194 Locusts.......................................... 72, 198 Losada, Jos4................................... 254 Lotteries................................................. 72 Louisiana Purchase Exposition. See also Exposition Board. Filipino Commissioners.................... 48 industrial exhibits, P. I., schools.................................. 127 Lum ber.................................................... 208 Lumbering opportunities.............. 206 Lyon, Win. S........................ 196, 197, 198, 199 M Page. Macaroni.......267 Machines, adding.............................. 268 Mackie, D. B............................ 124, 192, 198 Macleod coal concession.................... 117 Magindanaw reader........................... 255 Maguey............................ 189,197,198,199 culture............................................. 194 in Mexico................................. 198 propagation of.............................. 189 Mails, articles imported throtigh...... 282 Maiz pests.............................................. 194 Malaria................................. 218 Malcolm, George A............................... 267 Mancayan-Suyoc mineral region...... 117 Mango................................. 191, 198 Mango bark borer.................................. 194 Manila: flora of...................................... 213 map of........................................... 204 Manila, City of...................................... 266 annual reports, Municipal Board 256 bulletins.................................. 258 charter: 1908........................................ 267 1916......................................... 267 circulars.......................................... 268 fire department...................... 257 general publications.................. 257 ordinances...................................... 258 organic' law 257 organic" law.................................... 267 police department...... 258..... 258 proposed improvements at......... 44 Manila hemp................................... 189,262 Manila Normal School, preliminary term, 1901.................................. 124 Manual de prictica parlamentaria.. 47 Manual, Philippine Constabulary.... '76 Manufacturers, cigars, cigarettes, etc............................................... 174 Manus, Thomas R.................................. 172 Maple products.................................... 267 Map of Manila........................................ 204 Maraschino 266 Maraschino............................................ 266 Marine circulars................................... 166 Marine regulations, Philippine.......... 158 Mariners, notice to................................ 286 Marriage, celebration of...................... 180 Marshall, Thomas R.............................. 144 Martin, Henderson S., address.......... 247 Martin, Mariano.................................. 144 Mas6, Miguel Saderra...................... 226 Mats, Miguel Saderra.......................... 224 Matches, assessment and collection oi taxes..................................... 178 Mats, Philippine.................................... 189 Matthews, D. M...................................... 206 Maule, W. M.......................................... 205 McCaskey, H. D...................................... 117 McDill, John R.................................. 111, 112 McGregor, Richard C...... 112,118, 149, 212 Meat and meat-food.............................. 264 Meats, imported............................... 264 Mechanical drawing...................... 127, 128 Medical Examiners, Board of............ 117 annual reports.............................. 117 bulletins........................1......... 118 circulars........................................ 118 general publications..... 118 Medical School, Philippine. See Philippine Medical School. Medicinal plant investigation............ 211 Medicinal waters................................. 265 ( 282 INDEX. Page. Medicine and Surgery, College of.... 248 Merchandise: storage.......................................... 174 through mails............................. 282 Merrill, Elmer D............................... 111, 112 113, 191, 205, 218 Merritt, Melvin L.................................. 205 Meteorological code, international.... 225!Meteorological observations. See Weather Bureau, annual re-' ports, scientific. Meteorological service, P. I................ 222 Metric system............................... 269 Miciano, Dr. Juan................................ 144 Micro-organisms, virulence of............ 112 Military general orders. See Laws, yearly edition. Military governor................................ 53 annual reports.............................. 58 Military organization.......................... 109 M ilk........................................................ 199 concentrated.................................. 269 condensed..................................... 267 evaporated................................. 266, 267 malted....................................... 267 Milkfish........................................... 128 Milk supply, P. I............................... 220 Miller, Edward Y................................ 115 Miller, Hugo H......................... 123, 124, 129 Mindanao and Sulu,.Department of.. 254 annual 'reports........................... 254 bulletins..................................... 255 circulars.................................. 255 engineer's report........................... 255 general publications.................... 266 inaugural addresses.................. 2665 municipal code..................... 2566 public laws............i.A.................255 treasurer's reports...................... 255 Mindanao y Suld, Hermanos de....... 48 Mindoro forests.................................... 206 Mindoro Lumber and Logging Co.... 206.Mindoro province............................... 140 Mineral production, P. I.: 1912.218 1913.218 Mineral resources, P. I....................... 213 Mines division, Bureau of Science.. ~218 Mining Bureau.................................... 116 annual reports......................... 116 bulletins..................................... 117 circulars.. 117 circulars........................................ 117 general publications............... 116 Mining claims, Spanish............... 117 Mining laws................... 11, 116, 208 Mirador observatory............................ 225 Misamis province..................... 140 Mitzmain, Bruin M.............................. 192 Mixtures, term.......................... 265 Model house..................... 145 Molasses, New Orleans.................... 266 Moneda corriente, nueva...............:... 177 Money-order regulations.................... 281 Monroe, Paul....................................... 126 Monthly bulletin of the Philippine Library and Museum. See also Bulletin of Philippine Library.................................. 184 Moro dialect, Lanao......................... 214 Moro history...................................... 115 Moro law............................................... 115 Moro province. See Mindanao and Sulu Department. Moro religion...................................... 115 Morphine, quantity in manufacture of preparations...................... 264 Page. Mortality....................................... 154 Mortgage law....................................... 11 Mosquito fish, distribution.................. 218 Mosquitoes.............................................. 218 Motorcycles.............................. 268 Moulds, cigar......................................... 218 Mountain province................................ 140 Mulberry trees...................................... 219 Muller, Theodore....................... 129 Municipal Board, Manila................... 256 Municipal code................................... 12, 188 Moro province.............................. 255 Municipalities........................................ 256 list of.............................................. 281 Municipal police..........7......... 76 M usa textilis.......................................... 262 Museum of Ethnology division, Bureau of Science............. 214 Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Commerce................ 148 annual reports............................. 149 bulletins.................................. 149 circulars........................................ 149 general publications.................... 149 Museum of Philippine commercial products and industries.......... 125 Museum, Pacific Commercial, exhibits............................................... 199 Musgrave, W. E................ 110, 111, 112, 113 Music: primary grades.............................. 125 vocal, course of study............ 126, 128 Music, Conservatory of........................ 248 Mustard......................... 266 N 'Nabaloi dialect.................................. 115 National defense secrets...................... 16 National formulary appendix.......... 264 Natural gas, Albay.............................. 217 Natural history museum..................... 148 Nature work o.269 Nature work::............26.................... Nautical departments, Philippine School of Arts 'and Trades...... 180 Nautical School, Philippine................ 127 Navigation Bureau.......................... 241 annual reports.............................. 241 bulletins......................................... 242 circulars........ 242 general publications.................. 241 Navigation laws, coastwise, hearings............................................ 44 Negritos of Zambales........................ 115 Nematode filaria nocturna.................. 112 Nesom, George E.................. 190, 198, 199 Net income.......................................... 174 1910 blue book, surgery....................... 249 Nipa......................................... 220 Nolan, Dennis............................... 109 Nomenclature of diseases.............. 144 Non-Christian Tribes, Bureau of..... 115 annual reports................ 115 bulletins............................................ 116 circulars......................................... 116 general- publications.................... 116 Non-Christian Tribes, laws governing. See Laws, yearly edition. Noodles.................................................... 267 Normal institute lessons...................... 189 Normal School. See also Philippine Normal School. M anila......................................... 124 Philippine................................ 125, 126 Notice to mariners............................. 286 Nueva Ecija province.......................... 140 INDEX. 283 Nueva Vizcaya province..................... Numerical list of acts.......................... Nursing.................................................. Nursing, School of............................... 0 Oats, bleached............................... Observers, Weather Bureau, instructions................................... Occidental Negros province............... Office efficiency...-................................... Offices, other....................................... Official Gazette...................................... annual report on......................... Official handbook, P. I........................... Official opinions of the AttorneyGeneral '........................................ Oil: Page. 140 44 144 -70 267 225, 140 260 250 28 28 261 188 Pangasinan................................... shark.................................. sweet............................... Oil fields, Tayabas................................ Oils, Vegetable and essential............ Opium................................................ 148, quantity in manufacture of preparations................................ registration of persons dealing in.............................................. Opium Investigation Committee...... report........................................... — Opium law............................................ ~Opium law, enforcement.................... Organic act.......................................... Organic laws, Manila............................ Organic laws.......... -.-....-......-....Oriental Negros province................... Ornithological work..............:............. Osmefia, Speaker............................... speeches....................................: — - 217 221 266 217 268 172 264 16 261 262 269 178 12 257 10 140 69 47 49 Page. Petroleum: Bondoc peninsula............................ 218 Pangasinan.............................. 217 Petroleum resources, Bondoc peninsula...................... 218 i Pharmaceutical Examiners, Board - of.............................................. 118 annual reports..... 118 bulletins..................................... 118 general publications...................... 118 Pharmacy 'School.................................... 248 Philippine Act............................... 12 Philippine' Agricultural Review.... 189, 200 Philippine Agriculturist and Forester.....................249...................... 249 Philippine Arts and Trades School_ 125,127 announcements.......................... 125 Philippine Assembly............................ 47 actas................................................ 49 calendarios................................. 47 diario de sesiones............................ 50 general publications................... 47 independencia: declaraci6n de..................... 47 resoluciones de....................... 47 message to President Wilson...... 48 official directory........................ 49 rules.................................................. 49 Philippine Assembly, Second, postoffice addresses of members.... 48 Philippine Bill.............................. 14 Philippine Board, Panama-Pacific International Exposition........ 262 annual reports............................... 262 bulletins:......................................... 263 circulars................................. 268 general publications...................... 262 Philippine carnival: facts and recipes.......................... 128 industrial and sales exhibit......... 124 Philippine Civil Hospital.................... 113 annual reports.............................. 113 bulletins............................................. 118 circulars................................... 118 general publications...................... 113 Philippine Civil Service Board............ 64 Philippine coinage act..................... 15 Philippine Commission.......................... 46 Philippine Commission 1899-1900...... 89 general publications.................. 89 reports.............................................. 89 Philippine Commission 1900-1916...... 40 annual reports............................... 40 lFurnal,.45 journal,............................................ 46 iputes of executive session, 1 5g. 1 1906............................... 44 reports 1900-1908............................ 44 Philippine Constabulary as a career.. 109 Philippine Craftsman........................... 139 reprint series..........-...................... 189 Philippine Exposition Board. See Exposition Board. Philippine Exposition, minimum and maximum prices........................ 124 Philippine Farmer..................... 201 Philippine Food Commission.............. 268 annual reports.............................. 268 bulletins.................................... 268 circulars......................................... 268 general publications...................... 268 leaflets.......................................... 268 Philippine General Hospital................ 69 annual reports............................ 70 bulletins................................... 70 circulars.................................... 70 general publications.................. 70 history................................... 144 P Palawan province............................-.... 140 Palay, seed..........................................-..... 268 Palma, Rafael, address....2............... 247 Palm sap.................................................. 268 Pampanga province........................... 140 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, Philippine Board.......... 262 Pangasinan province....................... 140, 255 general' publications..................... 255 Pafio blanco.............................................. --- —112 Papaya, cultural directions.............. 192, 195 Paper and paper pulp................. 219 Paper, carbon.......................................... 268 Paper materials..-.........-............ 262 Para rubber, cultural directions........ 195 Pardo de Tavera, T. H................44.... 44 address..........72.................................. Partido nacionalists,......................... 48 Partido progresista..................... 48 Passengers............................................. 1568 Passports......................................... 14 Patents, Copyrights and TradeMarks, Bureau of....................... 152 annual reports................................ 152 bulletins........................................... 152 circulars..................................... 152 general publications..................... 152 'Peanuts........................................ 196 Penal code-................................... 12, 183 Penal colony, Iwahig............................ 185 Penologia y estadistica criminal........ 188 Pension, Constabulary......................... 260 Peonage................................... 48, 49, 9, 180 284 INDEX. Page. Philippine General Hospital-Cont. organization, rules, etc................ 70 rules and regulations.................... 144 rules for admission........................ 146 school of nursing............................ 70 special report.............................. 70 Philippine Health Service..i................ 142 annual reports................................ 142 appointments to........................ 144 bulletins, Health............................. 144 circulars.......................................... 145 cholera.........................................................146 information............. 145 general publications.................. 143 manual............................................ 144. monthly reports............................. 146 quarterly report.............................. 147;uniforms.................................. 144 vital statistics................................. 146 Philippine Journal of Science............ 214 and other publications...:.............. 211 contents and index....................... 218 style.................................... 211 Philippine Legislature 1907-1916...... 46 acts........................ 46 general publications...................... 46 Philippine Assembly...................... 47 Philippine Commission.................. 46 Philippine Legislature 1916................ 51 general publications.................... 52 House of Representatives............ 52 official directory.............................. 52 Senate............................................ 52 Philippine Library. See also Philippine Library and Museum........ 149 annual reports...1.......................... 150 bulletins.......................................... 150 Bulletin of the Philippine Library............. 160 rary............................................. 150 circulars..................... 150 general- publications................... 150 property, destruction of............ 150 Philippine Library and 'Museum....... 183 annual reports................................ 184 bulletins.......................................... 184 circulars...................................... 184 general publications...................... 184 monthly bulletin............................ 184 Philippine Medical School.................... 252 announcements.............................. 252 bulletins........................................... 252 circulars.......................................... 252 general publications................... 252 Philippine museum...................... 149, 214 Philippine Nautical School.................. 127 Philippine Normal School................ 125,126 advance and post-graduatecourses.......................... 127 catalogue1904-5...................................... 128 1906-7.................................. 128 1910-11.................................... 128 courses of study.............................. 128 prospectus 1903-4.......................... 126 special courses for women.......... 125 Philippine public forests................... 206 Philippine reports.................................. 24 table of references......................... 187 Philippine School of Arts and Trades: catalogue 1911-12......................... 129 mid-year announcement 1907-8.. 125 new courses...................................... 125 nautical department..................... 180 Philippine School of Commerce.... 12, 129 outline of courses........................ 125 Philippine training school for hospital attendants......................... 145 Page. Philippine training school for nurses............................................. 146 Philippine types...................................... 261 Philippine woods.............................204, 20 tests, properties and uses............ 205 uses................................ 206 Philippines: development of the...................... 120 land of palm and pine............... 240 official guide and handbook of the................................................ 240 Phonics.................................. 140 Photo-engraving................................... 178 Photographs, Philippine...................... 212 Physician's prescriptions..................... 264 Pickles..................................................... 125 Piers, Philippine Government......... 158 Pineapple culture............................. 198 Pinto........................... 112 Pipes, cast iron............................... 267 Plague...................................................... 112 bubonic..................................... 118, 143 carriers......................... 112 Conference, International............ 211 Plantae Ahernianae.............................. 205 Planting........................................ 189 Plant names, dictionary of.................. 111 Plant pest remedies.............................. 193 Plant propagation................................. 192 Plants: catalogue of..................................... 204 Cementerio del Norte: catalogue: 1910........................ 258 1912.............................. 258 Philippine: II........................ 111 III........................................... 112 IV.............................. 118 shipments..................................... 190 vascular, key to............................... 128 Pleuropneumonia................................ 191 Poems, selected...................................... 126 Poisonous plant investigation.............. 211 Police: Batangas.......................................... 254 municipal............................... 76 Police department, Manila, rules, etc...................................... 258 Polk, Mary.............................................. 112 Polypodiaceae.............................. 112 Population....................... 154 Portland cement............................... 259, 268 Port Works Bureau...2............................ 248 annual reports............................... 248 bulletins............................................ 248 circulars................................... 248 general publications..................... 248 Port Works office................................... 248 Postage stamps................................ 282 Postal and telegraph guide.................. 232 Postal guide, official................................ 231 Postal law.............................................. 12 Postal Savings Bank, Philippine........ 281 Postal savings banks, lists.................... 231 Posters....................................................... 125 Post offices, list........................................ 231 Posts, Bureau of................................... 230 annual reports................................ 230 circulars.......................................... 281 general...................................... 232 general orders................................ 281 general publications...................... 281 Posts Department. See Posts, Bureau of. Poultry mixtures.............................. 265 Precious stones.................................. 217 Preservatives in foodw..;...................... 265 INDEX. 2856, Page. Preserves..*................................. 125 President, instructions and orders.... 10 Presidents, municipal, instructions.. 204 Pre-Spanish past................................... 248 Pre-Spanish Philippine chronology.... 248 Pre-Spanish Philippines..................... 248 Price list of acts, etc........................... 72 Price lists, school books................. 125 Printing, Bureau of.............................. 177 annual reports.......................... 177 apprentice instruction................. 178 bulletins........................................... 179 circulars............................ 179 description............................... 178, 262 desk book.................................... 178 office rules........................................ 178 photo-engraving........................... 178 Prisoners................................................ 186 Prisons, Bureau of................................ 184 annual reports.............................. 184 bulletins............................................ 186 catalogues...................................... 185 A................................. 185 supplement...................... 185 B................................................ 186 industrial division................. 186 circulars.................................. 186 description...................................... 185 general publications................ 185 industrial division......................... 186 Private schools................................... 120 Proclamations........................................ 14 Programs................................................ 125 Prontuario de pr&ctica administrativa................................................ 72 Property tax law, real.......................... 72 Provinces............................... 254 Provincial government act................ 18 Publications, Forestry Bureau............ 204 Public convenience stations............. 146 Public documents: distribution.................... 178 price list........................................ 178 Public domain. See Lands, public. Public forest tract............................ 205 Public Health, P. I.............................. 262 Public Instruction Bureau of............ 121 Public Instruction, Department of.. 119, 121 annual reports.............................. 119 bulletins..................................... 121 circulars.......................................... 121 general publications..................... 120 office of the secretary.................... 119 Public land act.................................... 18 Public land laws, primer................... 208 Public Lands Bureau. See Lands, Bureau of. Public laws and resolutions........... 17 Public laws. See Laws. Public laws with amendments............ 18 Public Printing Bureau. See Printing, Bureau of. Public school libraries................... 129 Public schools: courses of instruction.................... 127 housing....................................... 188 Public Utility Commission.......... 186 annual reports.............................. 186 bulletins........................................ 186 circulars.................................... 186 general publications................... 186 order No. 16, Rate Regulation Board.......................................... 186 orders.......................................... 186 reports.......................................... 187 rules of practice.................... 186 Public Utility Commissioners. See Public Utility Commission. Public Utility Commissioners act....... Public Welfare Board........................... Public Works, Bureau of..................... annual reports............................... bulletins............................................ circulars................................ general publications..................... quarterly bulletin.......................... Pulmonary lesions.................................. Pumps....................... Pure food 'and drugs act, rules, etc.... Pure food law.......................................... Putney, Albert H.................................... Q Qualifications, teachers'..................... Quarantine Service........................... annual reports.............................. bulletins. circultar letters............................ circulars............................. general publications................... quarantine procedures................ Quezon, Manuel L. address.............................. discursos. felicitaci6n................................ Page. 18 189 228 228 229 229 229 229 111 268 268!1, 15 127 125 147 148 148 148 148 148 148 247 48 48 R Rabies...................................... 212, 218, 219 Rafferty, James J............................ 171, 172 Rainfall, P. I...[...................................... 226 Rate Regulation, Board of.................. 269 annual reports.............................. 259 bulletins.......................................... 259 circulars.2.............................. 2659 general publications........... 259 orders............................. 259. proceedings............................. 259 - Rats..................................... 198 Recipes..................................... 126 corn.........;.................................... 125 Rectifiers................... 174 Reed, William Allen............................ 115 Reforestation crop............................... 206 Registration of vessels.............. 16 Registry regulations, Posts........... 281 Regulations, division of vessels.......... 158 Relabeling................................. 268, 265 Relaciones Agustinianas................. 115 Reply to 4ones........................................ 56 Resident Commissioners, election...... 48 Retirement fund................................... 260 Rice.............................................. 188, 190, 268 Carolina golden............................ 199 polishing and coating.......... 264 Rice culture................................ 191, 194, 196 Rices, labeling..................................... 266 Richardson, Robert Earl...................... 212 Ridley, H: N........................................... 118 Rinderpest............................................ 111, 196 circulars.................................... 196 combating.................................. 195 control................. 199 in water leech............... 192 serum.................................. 191 transmission.................................. 192 Rivers, Philippine, list..................... 242 Rizal province................................- 140 Road book........................................... 229 Road policy................ 240 Road rollers............................... 268 Roofing tiles.....................2.......-:....... 220 Rowe, R. W....................................... 192, 195 286 Rubber................................................... culture............................................. growing in P. I......................... India, compilation of notes.......... Para, cultural directions.............. Rumphius's herbarium Amboinense.. Russian-Japanese war........................ INDEX. Page. 111 196 69 206 195 213 14 S Saccharin.................................... 267 food................................................. 266 Sago......................................... 266 Sailing directions, P. I.................... 235, 287 Saleeby, M. M................... 189, 192, 194, 262 Saleeby, Najeeb M............................ 213, 251 Sales agency: annual reports.............................. 261 bulletins....................................... 251 circulars......................................... 261 general publications.................... 261 Sales circular.............................. 210 Sales, public lands............................. 207 Salmon, canned, labeling.................... 265 Salts of tin.................................. 266 Samar province................................... 140 Samuel Johnson................................... 126 Sand..................................................... 217 Sanidad en Filipinas............................ 48 Sanitary achievements in P. I............ 144 Sanitary inspector's handbook............ 144 Sanitation, school and home................ 126, San Jos6 College................................... 44 Sardines, labeling............................... 264 Sawmills................................................. 208 Philippine..................................... 206 Scheerer, Otto................................... 116, 214 Schneider, E. E.................................... 206 School appliances................................. 269.School- bill.....4......5..............-.....__-6 -School buildings................................... 129 plans, etc........................................ 129 School grounds..................................... 129 School law.......................................... 13, 127 School material.............................. 269 School of — deaf mutes............................ 126 School of dentistry............................... 248 School of Fine Arts, opening.............. 247 School of Household Industries........ 129 establishment................................ 126 instructions.......................... 126 School of Pharmacy.............................. 248 Schools, Philippine.............................. 262 Schultze, Willie.................................. 218 Schurman Commission........................ 89 Science, Bureau of............................ 210 analytical work........................... 211 annual reports.............................. 210 bulletins.................................. 212 charts.............................................. 220 circulars........................................ 212 ethnological division................... 218 general publications................. 211 mines division........................ 218 museum of ethnology, etc., division of.......................................... 214 publications..................... 211, 212 schedule of work....................212 Scitimine e, Philippine nses................ 113 Sea grass............................................ 185 Secretary of War: (Dickinson).................................. 72 (Taft): hearings, Aug. 29, 80, 1906.. 43 minutes of executive session, August, 1905............ -44 Page. Seed cane distribution.......................... 198 Seeds: distribution.......................... 197 forage.............................................. 198 introduction................................... 197 Seismic centers.................................. 166, 226 Semillas....................................... 200 Senate: actas...................................... 2. general publications.................... 52 reglamento...................................... 52 rules..................................52 Service manual................................... 129 S4samo.................................................. 198 Sewing, plain...................................... 180 Shark oil, Philippine............................ 221 Shellac......................................... 266 Shellfish...................................... 266 Shells..................................... 69 Sherard, Sam H.............................. 192, 193 Sherfessee, W. F.................................... 206 Sherman, Penoyer L. Jr...................... 111 Shipments, plants............................... 190 Shipping act.......................................... 1 Signal letters.......................................... 168 Silk culture, Philippine, manual........ 212 Silver oxide............................................ 112 Silverware............................................. 186 cleaning.......................................... 220 iimple remedy packages..................... 146 Sindangan Bay.................................... 214 Singalong experiment station............ 190 Sirups: cane and maple................................ 265 corn...........2..............-. - 264 Sisal........................................... 199 culture.................................... 194 Slavery.......................... 48, 49, 69, 180 -Small-am.. iring regulatio............... Smallpox................................................ 27 Smith, James F................ 66 Smith, Warren D............................. 117 Snodgrass,, John L............................ 144, 268 Social statistics.................................... 164 Soil conditions......................1.......... 190 Soil fertility.......................................... 191 Soils: abac&............................................... 190 agricultural.......................... 190 Soil samples......................................... 220 Soil surveys...................................... 219 Sola, Marcial.......................................... 222 Sorrell, Walter..................................... 112 Sorsogon province............................... 140 Spaghetti.............................................. 267 Spain, treaties with................................. 10 Spanish editions. See the English editions, Spanish municipal law....................... 14 Spanish publications, listed with English editions. Spanish subjects, registration of........ 14 Speaker, see Osmefia. Special days............................................ 129 Spelling.................................. 269 Spirits: assessment and collection of taxes...................................... 173 distilled, regulations.................. 174 tables and rules for gauging........ 172 Standardization of Supplies Committee......................................... 268 Statistical information, Internal Revenue..................................... 172, INDEX. 287' Page. Statistics: criminal......................................... 182 industrial........................................ 154 judicial 1.................................. 182 vital.......................................:.......... 146 St. Clair, George W................................ 126 Steam boilers, installation of............. 258 Stock feed, labeling............................... 266 Stock foods, etc...................................... 265 Stomoxys calcitrans............................. 192 Stories..................................................... 269 Street traffic, regulations:.........2....... 257 Strong, R. P......................... 110, 112, 118 Subanuns.......................................... 214 Succotash, labeling................................ 264 Sugar..................................... 212 centrals........................................ 219, 220 from palm sap................................ 263 handbook.......................................... 190 industry..................................... 268 Negros............................... 190, 212 P. I............................................ 190 muscavado................................... 219 96-degree........................................ 219 planters............................................ 219 provinces, Luzon....................... 220 public hearings, Aug., 1905....... 44 Sugar cane: cultivation.............................195, 196 distribution.................... 195 financial loss...................... 218 juice, clarifying............................ 220 Sulu, history.......................................... 213,Sulu reader................................... 255 Summary court manual........................ 76 Sundry civil bill............................. 14 Supervising Railway Expert.............. 240 annual reports............................... 240 bulletins.......................................... 240 circulars......................................... 240. general. publications.................... 240 Supply, Bureau of.................................. 2 annual reports............................. 282 bulletins..................................... 238 circulars................................... 238 general publications.................... 288 stock list.......................................... 288 Supreme Court...................................... 245 annual -reports............................ 245 bulletins...................................... 245 circulars.......................................... 245 general publications.................... 245 Philippine reports........................ 245 Surgery, 1910 blue book....................... 249 Surra............................................... 192 Survey, land............................................ 207 Surveyors' manual.......................... 207 Surveyors, instructions........................ 181 Sweet oil........................................... 266 T Taal volcano.......................................... 225 Tabanus striatus.................................. 192 Table waters.................................... 266 Taft Commission.................................. 40 Taft, Wm. H............................................ 72 address, Oct. 16, 1907.................... 45 correspondence with Holy See.... 48 remarks on act No. 78.................. 44 teaching religion on schools........ 45 Tamarind.............................................. 199 Tanning industry............................ 212, 219 Tafigan-tafigan................................... 221 Tapioca................................... 266 Target practice......................... 76 Tariff acts, 1909, 1918......................... 10 Page. Tariff decision circulars...................... ' 166 Tariff laws. See Laws, separates, and Laws, yearly edition. Tariff revision law, 1905.................... 10, 14 Tavera, T. H. Pardo de, see Pardo de Tavera. T. H. Tarlac province.................................... 140 Tax: cedula............................................ 174,documentary.................................. 174 industrial........................... 171 table 9f exemptions........................ 171 tonnage........................................... 17 Taxation, comparative statement...... 72 Tayabas province................. 140 Taylor, W. C........................................... 109 Teachers' Assembly Herald................ 140 Teachers' Assembly News.............. 141 Teachers' Vacation Assembly............ 126 Telegraph guide, official....................... 281 Telegraphic code.................................... 120 Telegraphic transmission: code................................. 226 key........................................ 226 Telegraph stations................................ 76 Texas fever............................................ 111,Thomas, Jerome B............................ 118,127 Tide tables, P. I................................... 285 Tiles, roofing........................................ 220 Timber: round, volume tables.................... 206 tree species.................................... 204 Timbers: -—.., commercial, checklist................. 206 export............................................ 262 Tiqui-tiqui......................................... 218 Tobacco. ':......................... 190, 195, 255, 268 bounties....18, 190 Cagayan Valley............................ 172 cultativation.................... 197,198 growing................................ 198 investigation............................. 172,178 leaf control.................................... 178 manufactured, assessment and collection of taxes.;..................... 178 marchitez del............................. 175 public hearings, Aug.,..1905........ 44 seedbed............................................ 192 through mails.......................... 282 Tonnage tax........................................... 17 Topographic sketching....................... 109 Township government act................... 13 Trade, coastwise............................... 157 Trade-mark 'registration act............. 18 Trade marks......................................... 75 Trade names..............-......................... 76 Trade schools.................................... 126 Trading with the enemy act.......... 56 Transportation...................................... 14 Treasurers: instructions to................................ 61 provincial, local land officers...... 209 Treasury Bureau................................... 176 annual reports.............................. 175 bulletins........................................... 176 circulars.......................... 176 general publications.................... 176 -Treaties with Spain............................ 10 Treaty of Paris....................... '14 Tree species: compilation of notes.................... 204 families........................................ 204 Tropical medicine and public health, graduate school.......................... 248 I 288 INDEX. Page. Trucks............................................. 185 Trypan, oma.......................................... 111 evansi.............................................. 192. Trypanosomiasis....................... 110, 111 Tuberculin.......................................... 14, 212 Tqr le, rare.......................................... 220 Twine, binder..........._............. 199 Typhoons.............................................. 226 Typhoon-warning code........................ 226 Uling-Lutac coal and railway concession.............................. 117 Uniforms, U. S....................................... 16 U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Manila sub-office........................ 284 U. S. Customhouse circulars.............. 168 U. S. Customs House, Manila, P. I., see Customs Bureau. U. S. Postal Service, P. I., see Posts Bureau. U. S. trade-mark and copyright acts 16 University for Filipinos............. 248 University of the Philippines.......... 247 announcements, see bulletins. annual reports: Board of Regents................... 247 President.................... 247 bulletins................................ 248 catalogues, see bulletins. circulars......................................... 249 general publications...................... 247 inaugural addresses................ 247, 248 Utility Commission, Public............ 186 V Vaccines, bacterial.................. 211 Vaccine virus..................................... 110 Va erIerghfrh, Morice..._............. 214 Vegetable garden.............. _.............; 196 Vegetables: cultural directions.................. 194 directions for planting................ 198 Philippine, nutritive value...... 221 Vermicelli......... _..................... 267 Vessels: coastwise............................ 157 division bf, regulations.......... 158 registration of.......... 16 Veterinary Science, College of............ 248 Villamor, Ignacio...................... 72,183, 247 Villimil, Epifanio L1........... 126 Vinegar......................'................... 266 Violaceous Manilae.................... 111 Vital statistics................................. 146 Vocational training................. 179 Vocations, agriculture......... 188 Volcanic centers.................... 226 Volcanoes................................ 166 Volume tables, round timber.... 206 AV Page. W agons.................................................... 185 Walker, Herbert S............................ 190,212 Ward, Archibald R......................... 191, 192 Washburn, Dr. Wm. S........................ 144 Wassermann teaction.......................... 212 Water analysis, P. L............................. 220 Water, City, chlorination................... 218 Waterman, Margaret P........................ 214 Waters, Henry Jackson...................... 120 Water supply, Manila.................... 110,112 Weather Bureau......................... 221 annual reports: administrative........................ 221 scientific....................... 222 bulletins.............. _.......... 226 circulars.......................... 227 general publications.................. 224 Weevil pest.................................... 199 Weights and measures........ 10, 11, 178, 212 Welborn, W. C....................... 191,197,199 Wester, P. J............ 191,192,198,194,195 W est, W. C............................................... 229 Wherry, Wm. B............................. 111, 112 Whiskies, blended................................ 264 Whisky: blends, labeling........................ 264 compounds, labeling.................... 266 labeling............................................ 266 Whitefish, labeling............................ 265 Whitford, H. N....................................... 205 Wickerware.......................................... 186 Williamson, Norman E................. 110 Wines.................. 266 imitation, regulations......1........ 174 Ohio and Missouri, labeling........ 266 port.............................................. 266 regulations................................ 174 sherry.......................................... 266 Witte's "peptona".......................... 112 Wood, Frederick Willan........... 191,192 commercial........................ 206 I Philippine................... 204, 206 - Woodworking.............. 126, 127 for beginners................. 126 manual........................................ 189 Wooley, Paul G............. 110, 111. 112,118 Worcester, Dean C................... 69, 72, 118 Wright, Luke E., remarks on act No. 78.........-...... __.... 44 Writing course, primary................... 126 Y Yeast, labeling.................................... Yule, Emma Sarepta............................ z Z Zambales province................................ Zwack, George M................................ -SN 266 128 140 225 0 A