I BrBri f -iograpthy / of The Members of the Honorary Boardo 'Filipino Comm'issioners-to the Louisiania Purchase__ Exposition Officer'in Charge ~ Hon. A. W. Fergusson * Executive Secretary of the Philippine Islands Disbursing Officer Mr. Thomas Hardemian Late Captainlsited Staies Volusteets 0 Washington Governmient Printing Office 1904 O — ~ 4 rf r Brief Biography of The Members -of the Honora ry Board of Filipino Commissioners to the Lou'isiana Purch'ase Exposition Officer in Charge Hon. A. W. Fergusson Enecutive Secretary of the Philippine Wsands Disbursing Officer Mr. Thomas Hardeman Late Captain, United States'Vohanteers 4 Washington Governsnent Printing Office 1904 C Brief Biography - of the Members of the Honorary Board of Filipino Commissioners to the Louisiana-Purchase Exposition. Hon. T. H. Pardo de Tavera. Born in Manila in 1857, educated in Paris, France, where he received his degree of M. D.; practiced his profession in Manila, where he was professor of the medical faculty of the University during the Spanish regime. He was a representative in the Malolos congress and director of foreign relations in Aguinaldo's revolutionary government. In 1899 he was the founder and first director of La Democracia, the first pro-American daily in the Philip pines; when the Federal party was organized he was elected its first president;. he devotes his time to the history,. languages, and bibliography of the Philippines and has published works on these and other subjects, such as medicinal plants, etc. He is at present a member of the Philippine Commission and president of the honorary board of commissioners to the St. Louis Exposition; speaks French and English. Hon. Benito Legarda. Born in 1853 in the city of Manila; he received the degree of bachelor of laws from the University of Santo Tomas, Manila; he has traveled much, having visited Japan and the expositions of Paris and Chicago; he was director of the treasury and vice-president of the Malolos congress up to December, 1898. -ie is at present a member of the Philippine Commission; speaks English. Hon. Victorino Mapa. Born in Calivo, Capiz, and is 50 years of age; he has been an attorney at law since 1877, having filled the following offices: Register of deeds of Iloilo, mayor of the city of Iloilo, member of the reform council of the federal state of Visayas, and president of the special court of the same;; he is also a licenciate at law, bachelor of philosophy and of civil and canonical law. He is at present an associate judge in the supreme court of the 3 4 Philippine 1slad(ls. to which ihe was appointed in 1X901. and nimember of thle executive cotiitmiittee of the hoonorary hoard of collm i.-sioners to the St. Iolis, Expl)oition. Juan de Leon. Born in Iloilo ill 1,ti;: lie is lan attorney at law Iand lhas heell a justice of the peacce. attorlnev and inmem(ier of the Imunicipal council (of Iloilo. julr'e of tlie court of tirst instance and of the twelfth juic ial district of tile Phililpilne Isla;ls. nmleliier1 of tile council of the fedelral state, of V\isvas and of tile -luperior court of justice of lie is niow tlhe uayor of tile city of Iloilo. president of the Panay alid Ne'r os Agiriciltiurail AsTociation and of tlie joilnt stock mIercantile,ocictv of the same Inamel. Imanalagilg l)lroprietor of El Tietpo." a Isltlvplper ill Iloilo. 1and 11melill( r of the executive colillmittee of the honi1ar!v )oaLrd( of c('omlilissionlers to tlie St. louis Exposition. Mr. Manuel de Iriarte. lorn ill Manila. in 1ii4. educaited in Europe: lhe was a cadet it the Sp)anishi Infaintry and Artillery School. 1and istudied law and mied ic ine ii Spain: lie lield several offices dutiring the- S)pa'isl rule i ill til Plhililppinis., tlie last bing dislburling officer of thle )oard of pulilic works anld priviate ecretar.l to several departllment chief,. IIe is nlow chief of the lburealli of archives. patents. copyrights, anti tralle-m(ark.( l ad l el(lt er of tile execultive v'ommiittee of the honorary boardl of c('llllmissionler; to tile St. Iouis Exposition: speaks Engilish anid French. Dr. Manuel Gomez Martinez.-Born in Manila in. 1859; he received tie degree of doctor of medicine and surgery froni the University of Mllaila: lie was the pro vilcial physician of Antique and \Iourong and of the cholera hoospital ill 1SS2; president, iy delegation of the ilnspector-genceral of charity and health of the islands. of the cotinlis.ion to inspect anld aid tlie district of Tavtav during the cholera epideliic ill 1s;s7: lmuniipal physician of the district of Trozo, MIanila; representative of Dapitan in the Malolos congress; and muniincipal physician of the di-trict of Sanlta Cruz. under the American r'11le. lie is:t presenit secretary of the insulair board of health and imeni/ er of the. executive collllilittee of tle honorary boalrd of commliissiioner- to the St. Louis Explositioll. Hon. Bernardino Monreal. Bolrn ill )arao-a. Alhay, in 1856; he ia a liceitiate il medicinc anid was official physician of Bataan. iuntiicipal p)hysiciatn of Mallahbon. Rizal. and of tihe central hospital of Mala1)6n. duringi o tle r (oliltioii. Ie is nllomw ervilg- hlis third terni as provincial governor of Sorslgron, anid is a memihber of the execu(tive colllittee of the honorary board of commillissionlers —to the St. Louis Exposition. 5 Mr. Leon Novenario. A native of Pateros, Rizal, 28 years of age, and an A~. B. of the Univ-ersitv of Santo Touas: hie fought in the ranks of the revolution, and after'the compact of Biak-na-bato6 went to llongrkongr with Aguinaldo: hie later figrured on the staff of G'eneral.Malvar s hrigade, and subsequently entered the Philippine (vivi service. Ibeing at present at clerk in the executive llureau and also one of the two Filipinos who passed the tirst-gradle examination in English. lie is, a nlemler, of the execuitive conminttee of the Association of Civil Emiploy&s. and the representative of the samie on the honorary 1b0ard( of commissioners.. of wvhich he is the secretary. Speaks English. Hon. Epifanio de los Santos. Born in 'Malab6n. Rizal. and is 3.3 years of age,: he i5 an attorney at law, and was private secretary of H is Mjsysattorney-g-eneral in the(, Philippines., the representativeO of Nuieva Ecija ill the Malolos cong-ress. fiscal (if the court of first instance. and( provincial secretary. He has heeni a frequent contributor to the -pres~s, lts nom11 (le l1lI1nle of 6G. S-'olon -- bcing very well known. HeI is now servinug his second1( terin ats grovernor of \Nueva Ecija. Hon. Tomas G. del Rosario. Born in Binondo. 'Manila, and is 46 vears of age: he received tht" degree (If LL. B1. froni the University of Madlrid. and was edulcatedl in Europe. where he resided eight years; duringr the Spanish rgnine- hie held the offices of justice of the peace, fiscal and judge of tirst instance in the courts of MNanila; during the rev(olutionI of 18196 he was deported to Africa as an accomplice in the Philippine revolutionary movement; he was vice-president of th Malolos congress, and later assistant attorney-g-eneral of the supreme court under 'American mnilitary rule. He is at present provincial governor of Batatan. presidlelt- of the Rizal nionuml:ent commission, a mi13em IC ~e. stperior adlvisory hoard of public instruction, and the attorney for severi-if-seocieties. Hon. Juan Pimentel. B~orn ill Iaet, Ambos Camia'rn ',in 1855; he is a hemp grower and dealer. and has visited Hlongkong anRd other cities in China to studyl trade -conditiolus; he was justice of the peace andl acting jlidge of the court of first instance during the Spanish reginie: he has been municipal president of Daet,mndinovpvnca governor (If Amubos Camuarines. Hon. Mariano Trias. A nlative of Saim Francisco (le Malabo'n Cavite, and horn in 1811): he has the degree (If A. B1. and is a suga/ planter; duringr the revolutionl he-held the following offices: Secretam~y of justice, vice-president of tile repbl~icf, secretary of the treasux'y, and lieutenant-ge-neral commnandingr the depptirtent of the south, and was ISecomld in command under Aguinal1f10 he wams the first piovincial governor of Cavite under the Americani rule. (3 Hon. Simeon Luz. Boi r in Lipa. Bataiitas, ill 1853; he was municipal captailln of the i,-alll towin iaill lieiiteiant-col(iiel coimaniinding the lBatlanas ordnl. e (I(l)ot dtrin' t(he revoltttioon: he assisted o'reatly in the ltacificatioiii of tlhe rov-illce (al(d vwa the lir.t govelrnlor of the same afteAl 'ces.,ati1l' A\meri.cai mil itary rile. Speaks EnglLsh., "'Potenciano Lesaca. B)o in Botolai. Zaiihales iin 1i-7: he -- is a exper)it accotilitalit tild i i low erviio Ilis third ternii aIs provinicial gove n11l' ()O1 Zaillltl(es. Itin, the yo)gq-i'est of the pr)invinlcial governors. Hon. Juan Villamor. IBoln ill 3Banlg-ed. Albra. in ls.3: lie is an A. 1I. aol at liprofec'o( o)f.Latiii: tie wa-, att li(ulltenanlt of infantry in the Spanislh arl ll. Ilial.r ()f i 1l II Irald de la l evolclmio6. and aI colonel of illfailtr-' ill tle revoltlotiollarY arimav: lie was tilie firt proxvsiioal gov(rniioi o)f Alra.'l adl(l iiio\ ro lretl iit l R11iiaciniiinito. ta Manila ' w,<sp)1 )'ape'. I. Hon. Alfonso Ramos. Borll in Ita. Zainl)al,,. in 1,t;>: he has Iee('n lll llit il)pal 'l)tlail-rf (a rl(a. prov\illcial ')\ov(,rl( of Tarlac under t- lihe revoltioll. alltii, IIowV (er xil' hi, seco(ind terin as iprovinial gove(lollr of tlhe saill'. Hon. Joaquin Ortega. Borii in tie( ci(iv of ('el) in 18.s: he has the dleg'ree o(f A. II.. atl was (catlie( of tlhe (Coilpafiia (Genleral dtI Tallbacos (-Filipiina, in the lproviltce of Ia.l lni6n. wlich lihe formlrly rel)r(lseint(ed in the Maliolo s c() nires- land ofwf which 1ie seired two terms as goveritor inider Aiuericaii rule. Hon. Julio Agcaoili. Borni iln lPiddli. 1 loco- Norte. iln ls,5(: dtuirilng the Spaiiisli rgii(ie lihe h}eld the oii( ce, of niitarv, clerk and registrar of th( c()tirit of fir.t iistanie of I loc), No rte. andi during the revolution' was ti.cal there(of: upoll tie ()organizatioln of the p)rovinlcial governmlent ill tlie prov i llces tder te A.il riiii.a, hlie was appointted provincial secretary. and has I eenl el(ecte(d twice to tlie, prov(incial govxernorship since tlien. -. Dr. Alejandro Albert. lBor i i aiht ill l1Si;'): he ha., the degree of doctor o(f pharliiiacv aiil(I is professi(r of cheiiiistry in the Liceo de Manila: lie ii ati( ex-plresident ()f tile phallrmacet(ltical examining 1o oard of tlle IPliil)il(e I.-sltl(s andl( tle plreenlt secretary of the Federal party: 'lie wia.s a surIoi'((ll-((olo)nlI in tli( rev(- luitioll. i a di( is now presid(ent of tle lil t(erlatioltahl ('111.1 a(nd vice-pl)r(ident of tlie ('olle(oe of lhysi(ci'nu alltl land a Pam'acit:. Mr. Juan Sumulung. Iollrn ill A\ltilpolo. Rizal. ill 1i75: forlmerllv a joiIurn;lit. 1. lie itag l) L l.raci. the orgaan of L Ie i. the oru.an of the Feidera:ll I)i'part: lie i.> at )prset l)rac'ti(igI' law iln Matiila: is a 1ml(mnier of tlie (lirector of til(e iFeral party:- lprof(essor of the Mmliila law s( oolil. iiid mll('lll)be o(f tile 1)a atssc,()ciation of tlhat city. 7 Mr. Jose de Loyzaga y Ageo. Born in 'Manila In 1864. he received the LL. B1. degree from the University of M1anila., and is the editor and proprietor of El (oinercio. the oldest newspaper in in Manila. Speaks Engrlish. Mr. Ramon B. Genato. Born in Manila oii Angnojst 20, 1860(-: he was edncated in Manila. London. and Paris. securing the degree of A. B.. and expert accountant: he is'a wvholesale grocer and landowner, vice-president of the Manila Telephone Com11pany, a niemler of the governing, board of the Lice~o (d Manila, a mnenibe r of the tax-revis-ion board of 'Manila, of the directory of the Federal party. of thie Rizal nionunient cononission, of the International (job, and of the hboard of directors of the Filipino Cham1iber of Conmnierce. which body he represents on the honorary board of cononissioners. Speaks English. Mr. Vicente Nepomuceno. Born in Canmalaniiugan. Citgavin, and is 4:3 years of age: he is an attorney at law, and was professor of seeondarv inst rnction and lprovincuial governor of Cagav~n wider the rev-ol ntion, and judg-e of first instance nndei the American military role: he is at presn prvncial fiscal of Cavayvin. Mr. Leoncio Gonzales Liquete. Born in Aliaga. Nuaeva Ecija, aind is 2.5 -ears of agoe- hie was edncated in Barcelona.'. Spain. and Manila: hie is an A. B3. and an expert acconntant-; he hia5 been in the newspaper bnsiness sinc-e 18947. having clone editorial work on the Diario de Manila, El Comercio. El Progreso. and other dlailies and weeklies; he accompanied the Philippine Comniission on its trip throug~hout the archipelago for the establishment of civil rnile in the provinces. spreading American ideas as correspondeiit of several newspapers, an d popularizing the work.of the Commissio n; he w~as secretary of the Federal party and is now editor of Lai Dtrmociacia, the organ of the party and Supporter of th~ Americanization ot the Dr. Baldomero Roxas. Born in 187o in Lipa. Batangas. he received the degriee of M. D. from the Central Universityv of Madirid, S'oain. and the degree of A. B. ini the University of Santo Tom-6s ot MaLnila; hie Nvas admitted as a medical studeiit, aftei competitiv e examination, in the greneral hospital of M'adrid. aiid was assistant in the ovwmecoiogi - cal sectioii of the Runbio Institute (if Madirid durinco the rev olution he was a surgreon-iiajor aind head of 'the Lipa Hospital aiid fot mer ly a member of the Governing Counicil if the F eidea partN. lie is now a member of the MdoPhiiantCal(ollecre of Masnila aud ot the Manila Medical Society, assistant 1)01ice suroeoin of Manila land p~hvsician of the girls dlormitory of the M'\amiilt 'Nommal ~Shool. Speaks English. v Mr. Marcial Calleja. Born in Malinao. Allav. in 1853: he has the ((eg(re(c of LL. B. and lie is,an experIt ag'roomiOt: lie was forn'erlv.(1cre tarv of the conncil of All)y, after comipetitive examination. and rep'rec(' l(tcd tlhe prlovince of Alav ill the IMalolos congress: lie is at piesent plo iltiall tical of Alliav. Mr. Rafael 0. Ramos. lorn in IIinianavlan. Occidental Negros. ill 1).',: lie is enllgagI(d in a'rilcultuvel il his district. is an expert ac(oiltaltt. 11and w\\a' 1nlltniil)pl l1reSi(ident of the formlir town o'f-uay. il ihis l)rovilice. g-overnlr( of tlhe is.land of Neg'lros. and fiscal of the fon(irth d(istri t ()f tlie ailtotnllotl)is governm(ent of Negros during the lrev(oltionl: he 1a a -lo 1ei(en 'llnlllici)pal 1)pesident of Ilimalmaylan. Mr. Tomas Arguelles. lorn in Manila in lS;h: lie is a silvevor 1a( architect. anll wa-\\";I (vcrs\er of pu)lllic wo'rks 1(and overnmllent insli)ctolr of tlh Man:tlila and Il)a.npan lRaillroad under the Spanish ie:illle: \va, a liteileIII of the lboarld of tax revision of Manila, anld of tile jury on architectlire for the St. Loti.,s ELxposition: he is at present It e11(11l}er of tli(e advisorv boarid of- iManila and of tile directory of the Federal liartv. Mr. Juan Araneta. Ilornl in Bogo. Occidental Negros. in 1853: he is aln agricillturil-it and landowner. and an expert accoutInt ant he has been 111111nicipatl lp't-i(le'it of his town\\: 1duriing the revolution he was secretary of war in the provisional government of the island of Negros. (riga'dier-ge'eral l il the revolutionarv. arln. land was a Imemller of the colllmission that conlferred with the American arlm officers in Iloilo: hle wa., secretary of agrlicllltllre in the autononious goverlnment of Neg(os. aind the illanalger of the Carlota model farin. Mr. Alfredo de Castro. Born in Atimonan, Tayabas. in 186(9; he received thle degree iof expert taronlolmit ist from the University of Manila. and is an ag'ricultiiurist and landowner: during the Spanish rgime lie hheld the ottice of justice of the lpetce for four years. IIe is at prte-'nt the mlnicilpal president of Atillonan and the repreIsentative in the provine of Taa'la of severa-tl Manila commercial houses. Mr. Guillermo Gomez. Born in lloilo. Pana.y in 1SSO; lie has the degree of A. B. ant exl)ert accountant. and is at plresent the secretary of the collectror (f c'tstotil of Iloilo. Speaks EngIlish. Mr. Ceferino de Leon. IBorn ill Sainl lMiguel de Maviumo. Bulacan, in 1,~59: he received thie degree of.LL. B. from the Universitv of Madrid, 'and has len tii-,cal of Barotac Viejo. justice of the peace of San MIituel te Mvnm!-Ulllo. atl1( represented Benguet in the Malolos Congress. Mr. Vicente Llamas. Born in. Pao-sanjan. La Laguna. in 1876; hie is an A. B.. and has been ninnicipal secretary nnder the Spainish rdginie: during, the American ride hie was jnstice of thye peace. memher of the hoard of tax rev-ision of La ~iiguna. and at present is a muncipl cunclorofPagsanjan. La Lagnna. Mr. Eusebio Luzuriaga. Born in 1869. in the niunicipality ot Bacolod. Neg,(ros Occidental. driii i the reN-olnitioii he was secretary of the treasnr1v of the provisional vov-ernnienlt of -Negros and niember of the coillin1ission to confer w ulh the Amierican anthorities in Iloilo and Manila. Speaks EngiIidih Mr. Alejandro R. Mendoza. Born in Agoo- La Union. in 1874:, lie is an agricuiltnrist and landow~ner: dnrlingi the revolnitioii he was unuiicipal fiscal of Binalonan. Ianvasinan. and is now mnnnicipal president of the samfie. 81)eaks, E nglih. Mr. Mariano Moreno Ramirez. Born in Daet. AmibosCamiarines, in 1872: he is an agr"iVnltUrist and landowner. and head of the hemp exporting housev of Moreno in 1)aet, he wvas a miember of the hoard of tax revision of his Pro-iiice. Mr. Hilarion Raymundo. Born in 'Manifla in 1546): he was secretroftepcdOitico-mdlitary governiiient of the pro\iiin-ee of Samar and! Morong (diring the Spanish reC-gimie and is now a notary in the province of Rizal. Mr. Jose Rivera. Borii in Pagsanjaii. La Lagnuna. in 1862; he has the degree of LL. B.. and has been a jastice of the peace and assessor of the court of first iiistance of La Laguna, beino at pre-sent the provincial secretary of that prov-ince. Mr. Vicente Singson Encarnacion. Born in -,S7 iii the city of Vigan, Ilocos Sur; he is lawyer. landowner, aomiculturiit. and maguey aiid indigo planter, hav-ing, the degriee of A. B. and being at present the provincial fiscal of Ilocos Sin. Mr. Gervasio Unson. Born iii Pag,,anjani La Lagnna, on June 19, 1856; he is aii A. B1. and' has been primai\ shool teacher-, being at present the iprov-incial secretary of 'rmayaat Mr. Vicente Noel. Born in the city- of Cebu. in 187-4: he is aii A. B3. and expert -accountant; he has, been municipal treasurer of Carcar, Cebu. and is now president of tile Jockey Club of that. town. Mr. Alejandro Roces. Born in Manila, in 1876; lie is a I-andowner and manufacturer-; lie has traveled- much and v-isited the important cities of Europe; he has the ronly furiiiture factory, in the islands equipped with t~merican machinery and conducted onl modern lines. 10.\N.\"'T ( 'ritlltt' lIl h1 it l,r;r lltr' l t I-i clllll,,l't-r. (-, ilI,,t,- l,of tiity Filipilln,i o) rofnlil naee OlT l.III ll 'ti,,11. l,, ' I ilItIv I.,Ptl-l:ilIl l Ill'Ih-e Exl lXI ti,,n i lt S il it I ll ii, tit (;we t.r lllllklt u xI )eIlel.. I;./,, utli,,,;t, (,ri It,, 'n,l i,I.tt,'.. 1,,;t,,,,,,<,l,, 1 1I., tl, I',;1;1,i,hl;i' C i,,,i.;,/n. tirt:;SECTI(N 1. Tile Ii\ il;verillir it anlth(oriz(l amti( directed to appolint. by and with tile (c-I, llct (tf tilt I'liil il pite Comi missii, ani HIlonorary BoI)arld of C('(mlllissioners, c() sistintg (tof ilt more than lifty tilipinols )of ltomllinentce andl edlucation. to visit the Louisiana Pu'lrcla-e lx1p -itiont tto 1,c leldl at Saint LIotis tduring thie year nineteen liunldredl and( ftour. Thle Civil ( i;,overnl,,r is ithorized to):appoint Fililimlos nIo holding ottitt i tl tlIe Islands. if their a:lstet'ti'e friml otticial dutyt- in ttilt Islands during the timll nt'lclt tI, make tle vi iit to tlte I'lnitc l Statcs may 1)e imade cotnsistent Nwith the inltere-ts (of lie p,ullic erice. S.(. 2. Tlie 11(1onra!ry hoardl1 if C'olliiis-iolers hlerein autllorizet( to Ie alppoinlted shall trax\el ill a -dvy, i far as lpac(ticabllc, 1an11l tle periodl }between thle date of their deparllittmrt iro lll anila fir tilt' l'lite'l States aand tlie date of their return to Manila sllhall not excet'd live 1 oIlllh.-. Tllt' 'ivil;overir.'li llll fix tile late of the departure oif tlte Iiard. Tlte ic lal -hallll be acc(-olpanieI-bly an American (tiicial of the Philit)ilp e <;o'velmllIllt. to} l)e dlesivnated v the li ('ivil (iiveirnor. whlo shall have a kio,\\leli,,te of tle Eniglishl a111 Sllanishl lanlgtia.ss sufficient to enal~le him to act as inlterlprettr on all loc11 oct asi(. iai1 w\\Il sihall have clharge of the Board in making the arrang-ctlltits foo, travel.1anl sil.-i-tenIt. \ sectll cficiail of tile I'hilippine Governl enllt slall ble desilgnate(l v! tlie Civil l (;,vernl,,r as tle lislbursin officerto disburse tile rillills In(leIe tellp til xl<e Ifm tl _ exlLs,t te Burltl. SEC. 3:. Tlier 1 iliall ]t atllotwedl.;it travelinl atun siubsistence expenises. to each nonotticial m11(111ter of tilte ool(im'arv lI(ardl of Commissioners, tle suill,f tell ollars, I-nited Statt(- correnlcy. petr la, Iroill tile timle of his delparture froim Manila until tli le late tof }lis return to, Mianiila. andl t<teac h,ofiicial mellber. in addition to his salarv a> Iroviled }! law. tllt 1nill,( f seven (IOitllrs, It'itetl States tcurrenty per day. The per dt( itl.s if t tlt Am erican;ll tictial i ll chlarg of t le Board an(l of the dlisbursing officer slhall l e fixed b1 tl- e Civil (,otvernlir. SE(4. 4. Tiei II, ltlnrar Il, l,i ( '(llllli mmis si1oers sliall otrganize b! the election of a chliairmlan. a secretart. and1:il exetcti\ve (colmillittee of fitve. The secretary shall ket,1 miniutes i,f tll ft r1 lal actioll tak'llen i thle Board aldl sliall make report of the saime th te Civil (T overnor oll tile retlrnl of tile BI(ard to Manila. The Boarl shall als, appoint a commtiltlittee of thrtee memblltiers whIose Iluty it shall be to keel) a history if tile journclv andil tio Iimkte a onlnectedt accoilmt anll report tlereof to the Civil Governor oli thle retlrn tof tilte oardl to.Manila. SiEc. 5.. Thle lloiorarv BIardt (if (i mmlissiolers slhall lno(-t onnly visit Saint Louis, wtltere it.t.llal.Iti Ia lit Ita-t Ii t1,ilthl ill tile exalinilatinll )f tile EJxposition. but it shlall also vi.cit tiltos( lprintcial ti- o t i tei t l Statles which sliall ble agreetl upon l!- tliw c t'xteti\-t (toillltiitttc' oi' tlle IB'art-i afttr cltrl'frence withl tlhe Phililppinee Expo — sitilli J',ar,. Tli( dlislnr-inir )tlicer i-; alutil rizle to Ilay the traveling and sub-istenc exlpesl.-s of tilte lellmlber- of tilte I'oar l (lirectly, and to charg.e tile salle to tle respectiv Illtll'er- if t'le Iltoar,l. paying ali' lialance -relaining, lIte tto each met'1ell} at tilh t1 ol (f each weetk. -. i;. 'littlre is hireblt 1y ar il riatedl. (utit ft' allny ftunls ill tile Insular Treasury not!tier\\ i.-ca!irt,jlpriat'il. tl1' -11u11f s ev'\nt -five t tll il,.andt dollars, ill mone! of the l'llite Stal;tes to) ietfray tle expenseV- herein atllthorizedl to e incurred. (r. -. -ectiols cle\ve( anLI tw\\elve f Act' t Nulle ve hundred vnd f(onrteen, qnllct(edl N\'o'elllber' elhve.nt(hll. ineteen tll'unded anll two,. are lherelby repealed. 11 SEC. 8. The public good requiring the speedl enactment f tihis bill, the passage of the sainme is hereby expelitedl in accordance with sectimi two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the-enactinent of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred. SEC. 9. This Act shall take effect on its passage. Enactedt, I)ecembcer 22, 1903. [No. 10SO.] AN ACTI Anilelidnii, ectionm two. three. alltd ivte if Act Numnberel (he t th l irty. etitled "An A.(t creating ani Honorary Boanlr of Comni-iltner-.. cotnnmposled of fifty Filipinos of prominence all ttd edl ttion. to) vi. t tettt int Ptr a - itie Lillisi I'r a x )iti) at tatinrt n.lii at Gover nlent expense.' ]B! l atlior'ift!,f /the UIit:,,.S/ate.s, 1,, it el,,tqe I, f,!! th,' Piil>ippl;ae C',mimiii.,xi, thlt.: SE(CTIoN 1. Section two of Act Numb)erel ()ne thousand and thirty is herebl) amendedt bv striking out the whole otf sai'd section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "SEC. 2. The lhonorarv Bart of Commissioters herein autthorized to be appointed shall travel in a bodly, so far as racticalble, and the periodl betwen the (late of their departure from Manila for the Unite(t States antl the ldate of their return to Manila shall tmt exceedi five months. The Civil ( overnor shall fix the date of the departure of the Boardl. Thie Board shall b)e accompaniet by anti be in charge of the Executive Secre'tarv for the Philippine Istlin s as the representative,of the Philippine (Government, twho shall as such representative make all arraogenments for travel and subsistence. A setond o(fficial of the Phili)ppinel tiovernment shall be designtated by the Civil ( overnor as the dtisbursing oftficer to dis)utrse the funds needed to pay the expenses (f thie Board." SEC. 2. Section three of said Act Numberel ()ne thl, usand and thirty is hereby amended by' striking tot the last sentence antl inserting in lieu thereof the following: "The per diems tof the Executive Secretary andt of the disbursin-g officer shall be fixe(d by the Civil (;overnor. Iersons holding otffice in the Philippine Islands who accept appointment or are detailed for luty tinder tie tertmis o)f this Act and visit the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in pursuance hereof, shall be ieenme(l thereby to have waived all claim for leav e o thtt inmay have accriued to them under existincg laws both heretofore and down to the tite ) of their return from the visit to the United States provided by this Act." SE'c.. Section five of said Act Numbered On(e thousand atli thirty is here)by amiended by adding at the end of the first sentence thereof the 'following words: "and the Executive Secretary," so that the said sentence shall read: "The Hlonorarv Board of ('otmmissiotners shall not toill visit Saint Lolis., where it shall spenll at least a month in the examination of thle expsition, but it shall also visit those principal cities of the U'nited States which shall be agreed upon by the executive committee of the Board, after conference with the Philippline Exposition Board and the Executive Secretary." SEC. 4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section tw)o of "Ani Act prescribing the order of procedure bv the Comnision the Ce enacttmtent of laws," passed September twent y-sixth, nineteen hundred. SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage. Enacted, March 10, 1904. 0