-1 I ___...;7-, -. I _:. -:.1 _.1! - til',,j~- ' wnrmnA At w:te New York State Education Depart Division of Visual Instruction ment 0 A -f l - t E. E E Z l, X t. E E E 2 Catalogue of ' o - Lantern Slides and Photographs GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL PHILIPPInE ISLANDS [ *vnusF FG. rr-,_i-I-.. 1 Islands are listed in the order given below, the principal '; ones being arranged alphabetically and followed by the smaller' i', adjacent islands; ':. Cebu Negros' 'Luzon Siquijor < Corregidor Palawan'. Mindanao Calamian. Saccol 'Panay Samal Guimaras - Mindoro Sulu 'Archipelago: Siassi, ". Slllu, Tai Ta awi ': ' In each island natural features, cities and viilages 'are. -;. arranged in alphabetic order and. are followed by the.vatious',? tribes, general customs, industries and flora. The nami;e of the'.-, province in which a place or tribe is located has'beeh given.i i,-.i, parentheses..... Under eadh city the,subjects, generally speaking, are.:. grouped in the following order: '..,,. Panoramas, approaches etc.. '":' Streets, bridges-and gates-,. Parks... - '- '. j I', ' ' Outdoor statuary. '.; Churches ' ' ' '"''::^ Buildings, public and private. -.' Miscellaneous subjects, customs etc.,.; Environs n.!s, -..:'. Two hundred of the most.desirable subjects for a,'geae:e^ral '.~. study of. the Philippine islands are indicated by the astei:. -, This number inchides views -off the principal places,:trrb-i manners, customs anid indutrines. -"A::brief descriptive. ntotew.il ~* be sent with each picture or:slide of these suibjects.- -.." ':. 4 -2 0 (7-601).,....,' I' Gcography and Travel PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Call no. *F 3...... Map of Oceanica F2 I......Map of Philippine Islands *F2 2...... showing Provincial Divisions F2 3...... South of San Bernardino Strait F2 6...... showing Density of Population F2 7...... " showing Chief Tribal Divisions *F2 8....Maps showing Comparative Lengths of Philippine Islands & East Coast of United States F2 9...... Map of Cable Route from United States to Philippine Islands CEBU *F23 CeA....Cebu. Panorama from Harkhor F23 CeA3... " Harbor *F23 CeB.... " A Street, Carting Unbaled Hemp LUZON *F2 I 6......Map of Luzon & Adjacent Islands F2i Ag.....Agno River at Ambuclao (Benguet) Albay Volcano, see Mount Mayon F2I BaA.... Baguio (Benguet). Panorama of Country before Erection of Government Buildings *F2I BaY.... " Pine Trees, a Characteristic Benguet Landscape. F2'I BaZ3...Near Baguio. Trail from Trinidad Valley to Baguio *F2 Bu.....Bued River Cafion (Benguet). Panorama showing Monte Santo Tomas - a'2I Bvi....Bued River Valley (Benguet). Government Road / P2I Bv2.... Government Road on Side of Cliff F2I Bv3.... Building Government Road on Cliff F2i Bv4.... Government Road after Annual Rain F2i Bv5.... Government Road, The Cut F2I CiB....Cavite (Cavite Province). Principal Street F2 CiG.... " Fort F2I CiY2... " Natives at Boat Landing F2I CiY8.. " Tropical Foliage (scene in navy yard) F2i GuF....Guadalupe (Rizal). Church, Ruins F2I GuZi...Near Guadalupe. Brickkiln *F2I Ld7....Laguna de Bay. Native Village of Calamba *F2I MbA.. Malabon (Rizal). Panorama F2I MbY3. N ative Women at Home F2I MbY35. " Native Woman Carrying Child *F i MbY4. " Group of Filipino Children on the Street *F2I MbY6.. " Natives Weaving " Jusi " Cloth *F2I MbY7.. " Nipa " Huts in Process of Construction F2a MbY8. " Fishermen's Houses, Drying Fish Nets *F2 MbY82. Fish Net Derricks off Shore F2I MeY.. Malolos (Bulacan). Group of Natives in Principal Street *F2I MI.....Manila Bay. Map F2I M4..... " Panorama from Lighthouse at Mouth of Pasig River F2I M6......Manila. Map of Environs *F2I M7.... " Map of City F2I MAa... " Pasig River, Panorama at Mouth, showing Anda Monument (photographed before construction of new docks) F2I MA3.. " Pasig River, Panorama East from Lighthouse F2I MA35. " Pasig River, Panorama from City Wall F2I MA4... " Panorama down Pasig River from College of San Juan de Letran *F2 MA43... " fomn College of San Juan de Letran showing Pasig River & Magellan Monument See paragraph under "Information," p. r Philipp/ine Islands 3 Call eno. P21I MA6... Manila. P21 MAT... P21 MA75.. F21 MA... *F21 MBr... F 2I MB2... F21 MB22.. F21 MB3.. F2I MB35-. F21 MB4 *F21 MB43. *F21 MBP21 MB5. P21 MB59g. *F2 I MB6.. *F2 I MB65-. F21 MB67.. F2I MB7-. F2I MB8. *F2 I MB9. F21 MB95.. P2I M C... *P21 MD. *Fzi MFP.. P2i MFI.. F21 MFI.. P21 M P2.. P21 MF23. P21 MF3P. P21 MFV. P21 MF5P. P21 MF63. P21 )1P64.. F21 MF7P. P21 MF7P' P21 MGi. *F21 MG2 PF21 MG2 P21 MG32. F21 MG52. PF2I MG26. *p21 MGI 5. P21 M L5.. *F21 MO.. P21 M O 2.... F21 MYI2. P21 MY i3.. *P21 MY 14.. LUZON (con inued) Panor-ima showing Portion of Binondo & the Spanish Bridge Northwest from Binon~do Church Southwest from San Sebastian Church of Outskirts of New Manila Bridge of Spain Suspension Bridge North Approach Binondo Canal. South from General Blanco Bridge Calle Jolo (street) & Plaza -de Calderon de la Barca (Binoando) Calle Real (street) Paseo San-ta- Lucia (part of Malecon Drive) The -Escolta before the Advent of Electricity (Binondo) The Escolta, Coiner of Calle Nueva (Binondo) City Wall, Section showing Construction Parian Gate (Walled City) Royal Gate (Walled City), Outer Gate Inner Gate Santo Tomas Plaza (Walled City) Plaza near Bridge of Spain Quay near Custom House Quay near Bridge of Spain Luneta, Panorama to the West. Photo-, aphed before 1899 (Ermita) Paco Cemetery (Ermita) Cathedral (Walled City), F aqade - Main Portal Interior, Side Aisle Altar & Side Aisle Binondo Church & 13eneral Blanco Bridge Paqade, Detail Santo Domingo Church & Public Square (Walled City) St Ignatius Church, Interior.1 Gallery San Sebastian Church (Quiapo) Interior Bilibid Prison (Santa Cruz), Court. Prisoners Making Bamboo Cots 'Civil Govemnment Building, or Ayuntam-iento" (Walled Cit\y). Statue of Magellan Custom' House, Derrick on Wharf Port Santiago, Interior Court (Walled City) Earlv Defenses Mounted Krupp Guin Shot Pile Insular Tobacco Pactory Lighthouse, Mouth of Pasig River Observatory (Ermita) Entrance & Garden A Pilipino's Palatial Residence, Porch A Spanish Residence 11 & Garden Interior of a House, Spanish Mestizas (half-caste women) See paragraph under " Informatisn," p. i 4 Geography and Travel LUZON (continued) Call no. *IF 2 MY 5..Manila. Native Houses, showing Unsanitary Conditions *F21i MYi;i. F21 MYi 2. 15 F2 I MY I 2 F21 MYi3. I.. 3 F21 1YI54. F2I MYIX ". F2 I MY2.. Soldiers & Tagalog Women of Educated Class F21 MY21. Young Filipinos on River Bank under Suspension Bridge *F2 1 I Y2 2. A Cock Fight F2 1 Y2.. '" Street' Parade on the Iuneta,' Rizal Day 1F2 51I M24. Natives Fishing for ('rabs on Edge of Rice Field *F21 MY28.. Barbler Shop on Street aF2 2 MY3.. " Betel Nut Vendors F21 M135. " Grass Peddlar on Paco Bridge F21 MI.. Street Vendor, Man with Bananas & Cakes F2i M1 37.. " Man with Earthen Jars in Balanced Baskets -F2 aI\MY... M" an with Firewood F21 M.. " Man. with Ice Cream F2 MY5 4. " " Woman Carrying Jar on her Head F2 1 M Y4 Street Vendors, Women Carrying Baskets on their Ileads 2 1 MY4.. " Women swith Chico, 2 51 44.. " Girls with Fruit IF2 1 5.. Filipino Boys Going to Market *F2 1 IMY41.. Tagalogs ('arrying Milk to Market F21 M Y4.. " Natives at Market 1F2 I 5Y... " Market 2 M 2.. " MIarket, Bananas & Sugar Cane F 21 1.., Meat Market F2 I \;(. Market Stands Protected from Sun by Screens *F2a Y. I.. -" Drying liemp, Pasig River Quay F12i MY'(2. Ioad(ing Ilemp, Pasig River Quay F21 IMX'. Salt Ilats F2 1 M1'7 A. " ('Carromata" *F2i MI " X Transptorts (" cascos ") on Pasig River F21 M. " Ferrv. Binondo Canal F2 I M1I \ " Sail Boat swith Outriggers on Pasig. River F21 515'Y-5 Ships on Pasig River at Fort Santiago F21 MIY. " Loading Steamer on Pasig River near Bridge of SIpain F2 1 (... " 1(Old uns on Wall F21 MZ3... Ncar Manila, Block lIouse no. I r F2 1 Mn.....Mount Mayon (Allbay). Distant View from the Sea F21 Mn i.... " mitting Smoke & Steam *F21 I... " Summnit E'nveloped in Vapor I2I PlB.. Pagsanjan -(Laguna). Entrance Gate F21 PaB....Pandacan (Rizal). A Street F22i Pdl....Pasig (Rizal). Church. Damaged by Shells during SpanishAmerican War '2 I PdY5... " Filipinos in Stocks F2I Pe....Pasig River near San Pedro Macati *F2 Pe2.... Small Town & Church on Bank F21 Pe.... " Natives in Large Flat Bottomed Boat F21 QiY3..Quisao (Rizal). Frame House with " Nipa" Roof F2 SfA... San Fernando (Pampanga). Panorama from the Cathedral *F2I SfA2... Panorama showing River F2I SfP.... " The Provost Marshal's Headquarters F2 SmB...San Pedro Macati (Rizal). Street with Natives & Carabaos See paragraph under " Information," p. i Philip pieec Islands5 - 5 Cal o LUZON (continue]) F2I StF.....Santa An-a (Rizal). Church Fli TgA.....Taguig (Rizal). Panorama showing Village & Stream from Church Tower Fli TgF... ' Church, Defended hy American Soldiers F2 V....Large Party of Natives Travelink through a Forest,F21 Y....Chinamen Carrying &. Drying, Toharro for Ci~garettes, Manila F2I Y i.... Group of Filipinos *F2 IY1 2o. X Filipino Family of the Better ('lass F2I Y12; ~.. Group of Young Filipinos near Paraniq~ue F2I Y3 3.... Filipino Lardies *F2 I I.... Filipino Women Bathing- & Washing Clothes in River *F2 i Y I...... Filipino Girl P2I Yi......-ilipino Children on Country Road P2I... Native Woman Using a Singer Hland Seswing Mlachine *F21 Yx75...Natives Saswing Lumher F21 Yi8.....Chief of a Wild Trihe of Northern Luzon F2r VoS5....Chief & Guard from Northerrn Luon Gaddanes (Isabela) *F21 Y2....Chief Wearing Short jacket *F 2.... -,Chief with Feather Headdress *F21 Y22..... Man in Working Costume without Jacket F21 Y23.. 'Young Man Wearing jacket F2I Y2 4...Wife of Chief / *F21 iV242... Woman F2I Y2.... Young Woman' FI Y2 so... Young Wom-an with Arms 'Tattooed F2X5 2... Young Girl *F2 I Y25 3... Girl, 12 Years Old *F2I Y26.... Group of Boys *F21 YS27.... House of the Low Ty-pe *F2 I V2 7 s... Hlouse of Medium Heighlt *F2o I 277... Tree Hlouse, Side F21 Y 278... End F2I 2 CS.... Garden Igorrotes (Bengyuet) *F21, V....Grout) of Men, Women & Children F2I V3 I.... Man, Woman & Child F21 YV15... Father & little Daughter FII Y,3 2.... Man at Prime of Life (full length) F21 Y32I... (half leoogth) *2 V323.. Mann Cotton Blanket *F21 N 28. Man-with Pointed Sticks Usedl for Turning, Sod (mnethod. of plowing in- Benguet) 0F I'3.. Musicians, Baguio, Benguiet *F21 Y333... Old Priest F21 X335. Boy F2o N337.. Schionlhoys, Cahavan F21 V338.. Schoolhoys near Baguio F2I V34. Group of Women, Cahayan F2o N 342... Woman F2o N34.. Wife of WealthN, & Influential liorrote F2 N34.. Woman Wcarinig Gold Ornament hetween Teeth & Lips F2I X349... Woman with Bunch of Wild Benguet- Lilies *F21 V3 5.... A Well To Do Woman in Working Dress F2o Y352... -Woman of Poorer Class P21Y V.5 5. Woman w,%ith Hair Bound hy Grass Chaplet F2o V3 56.. 'Woman Carrying Child on her Back Fio V 357... Woman Carrying Child inher Arms & Basket on her Back P2I 39. Woman Smoking Cigar *F21 N'36.... Women Packing (" cargadoring See paragraph under- " Infsormation," p.i 6 Gcography and Travel LUZON icortl'itrd) Call no. Igorrotes (Benguet) (continueta) F2 1 V )2... Young Woman P2 Y3')3... Girl F21 'Y3,4... Girl ith Bunch of Wild Benguet Lilies *F2i '37... Panorama of Settlement, ('abavan F2I ','372.. & sRice Fields, Cabavan *F2 73... Rice Terraces, (abavan *F2ir Y374. Ilouse of Wealthy Igorrote F21 37... Servants & Ser\ ants' cuarters of Wealthy Igorrote F2i Y\'7.. louse of an Igorrote of the Middle Class *F21 '377. Grass House F2 '378... Grass Hut Built for Temporary Shelter I21 ` s. Y ('hief's Grave, Portion of (offin Fashioned in Imitation of a Water Buffalo (" carabao ") 21 ' 82,.. ('hief's Grave. Wall Torn )pen so that- Chief May Be Fed 2 i 'i,... A.\ Typical Trail F'2 1 Y3'... A Zigzag Trail Igorrotes (Bontoc) F21 i '4.... Man (full length) F21 'Y42... " (head & shoulde;s) F2 414.. "Side View showing Cap & Pipe F21 Y415. " Side View showing ('ap Decorated with Horsehair Plume F2 1 '4S.. "Specially Photographed to Show Tattoos F2 1 Y4... " Elaborate Tattoos F21 '42.... " Holding C'hild F2i '424... Warriors F21 Y425.. \arrior F2i Y'a2 0... Armed sith Shield & Lance *F2i ' 42-... " Armed with Shield, Lance & Iead Axe F21 '42... ith Ilead Axe in Girdle F21 ' 42).. '' Throwsing MIany Barbed Lance F21 '... L ong-haired lHead-hunting Warrior, 9go0 IF2i Y43..1. Man with Rattan' Cap & American Coat, 1902 (same man as shown in F21 '4.3) F2 1 '432 Sergeant of Constabulary (same man as shown in F21 Y43 & Y431 ) F21 433.. (' onstaltularv Soldier without Uniform F21 Y'434. in Uniform F21 '43()... Young Mlan F2i Y437,. d Wealring Necklaces, Earrings etc. *F21 Y4 38. A Dude F2i 44.... Boy with Tattoos on Face & Arm F2i1 '442... Schoolboy *F21i '44(.. 'Woman F2I Y447... in Leaf ('ostume, Front F2i1 '448... " Side F21i 'a " with I)og-tooth & Bead Hair Ornaments F21 Y45.... with Tattoos on Arms *F21 452..., with Carrying Basket (squatting) F-2 453. " (standing) F21 Y45)i Y'oung W'oman F21 Y46i. Young Girl Badly Scarred F2 Y46.. Young Girl with Large Hole in Lobe of Ear F2I Y46'. -. Very Wild Girl *F2I '4(.... Little Girls F2a1 '4f 7... Little Girl F21 Y468... Little Girl in Fern Leaf Costume F21 V47.... An " Ato," Town of Bontoc F21 471i... See paragraph under "Information," p. I Philippin e Islands7 LUZON (continued) Call no. Igorrotes (Bontoc) (continued) *F2 I Y472... An " Ato," Talubing *F2 I Y474... Houses & Pigpens, Town of Bontoc *F2 s.475.... Beginning the Head Dance in Plaza, Town of Bontoc F2 I Y476... Dancing in Plaza, Town of Bontoc F2I Y477... Dancers Resting in PlAza, Town of Bontoc *F2 r.478... Group of " Anitos " on Crest of Ridge between Towns of Bontoc & Talubing *F.7.... An " Anito " on Ridge between Bontoc & Talubing P2I.48.... Burial Place under a-Limestone Cliff *F2 I Y48I.. (near view of F21 Y4~8) Igorrotes (Lepanto) *F2 I Y49 I... Woman Weaving under Granary F 2.Y'49 2... Girl of Tiagan Threshing Rice *F2 s Y493... Typical House, Bagnen F2I Y494... F21 Y49 5...A *P2 I Y496... ADance, Bagnen F21 Y49 7... Gold Mines,'Suy~uc F2 s Y4.98... Gold Omnaments -from Southemn Lepanto *F21s Y5. - Ilocano Lady of Bangued Kalingas (Cagayan) P21 Y55.... Man, Front View *F2 I Y55I... 1;Side View F2I Y554... Young Man (full length) F21 Y555... (half length) *F2 I Y56..... Woman Mayoyaos (Nueva Viscaya) *F2 I Y57..-.. " Head Man " of Banaue P21 Y573.. " The Wise Old Man of Banaue" F21 Y574.. Old Man Squatting on Rice Mortar *F2I.58..... Warrior with Shield & Lance, Front View P21 Y58i... "1 Side View P21.582.... Warrior with Tattoos on Neck & Breast F21 Y584... Young Warrior, Banaue F2I.58.... Woman (full length) P21.588... (three quarter length) P21.589... with Tattooed Arms P21 Y59.... Old Woman - P21 Y59I... with Bark Shirt, Front View PhI Y592... --— Side View *F21 I 55. Young Woman (full length) P21.596... "' (three quarter length) P21 T. 59... Little Girl.F 6...;. Settlement Protected by Rice Terraces, Banaue.F2. Y6I.. 'Head-hunter's House Decorated with Skulls of Enemies & Water Buffaloes, Banaue P21 Y6s6... Head-hunter's House with Skull Omnament on Corier, Banaue P2I Y62.....Type of House in which the Dead Are Usually Buried, Banaue Burial of a Beheaded Man, Banaue: *F21 Y623,.. Entrance -to Grave P21 Y624.. Arms &~Legs Tied Against Body with a Burial Blanket F21 Y625... Trunk Bound in Blanket, about to be Placed in Grave P21 Y626... Moumners Standing on War Shields P21 Y627... Moumners Filling Grave & Beating Tattoo on War Shields P21 Y628... Grave Marked with Headdresses of Attendants P21I.Y2.... Grave Filled and. Marked See paragraph under " Infsrmation," p. x 8 Gcography -and Travel LUZON (continued) Call no. Negritos F2I Y65.....A Group F2I Y6 2... ". on Rock.in Forest Stream *F2i Y6 3... Negrito & Hon. D': C. Worcester shov.ing Relative Size *F2i 0654... Remarkably Tall Negrito & lion. D. C. Worcester *F2I YO9.... Full-grown Negrito Woman & -Ion. D. C. Worcester F2i Y'7... M.an (full length) F21 Y659... (half length) F2I Y6.... Man & Wife F2I Y664... Chief of Mariveles Tribe (full length) / F2I '66... (head & shoulders) F2I Y666.. " at Home with his Family F2I Y68... Man showing Pointed Teeth *F2I Y67.... Man being Cut for Scar Pattern F2I Y-07i... an with Wounds Made by Cutting for Scar Pattern F21 Y674... M.en with Bows & Arrows - F2I Y675. Man with Bow & Arrow *F2 Y676... -Man Drawing Bow F2I Y77...Man Shooting with Bow & Arrow: Drawing the Bow F2i Y678..... Aiming, with Bow Drawn, Front F2I Y679... " Aiming, with Bow Drawn, Back F2 Y68.... " After Shooting Arrow F21 Y682.. Old Man, Back of Head, showing Shaved Spot F2I Y684.... Old Man F21 Y686.. Y. oung Man *F2I Y687... Boy Baby F2I Y'688... ith Long Matted Hlair F2 ')0. W.. oman F2i Yo 0... Woman with Skin Disease Common to Negritos & all Unclean Tribes of Philippine Islands F21 'Y6(... Middle-aged Woman F2i Y7 I.... Old Woman F2 72... (" (weight about 60 Ib) F2I '5... Mother & Child *F2 I 8... \ Woman Carrying Two Children F21 Y~72.... Two Women on Rock in Forest Stream F2I 7 22... Woman showing Pointed Teeth *F2I Y 72...- Woman -with Ornamental Bamboo Comb & Horsehair Plume in Hair F2I Y724... Woman with Ornamental Bamboo Comb & Horsehair Plume in Hair F2I Y726... Young'Girl F2I Y73... Typical tIouseF2I Y732.... Men Beating Tam-tams &.Dancing on Knees F2I Y734... Circle Dance *F2I Y736... Mariveles Wedding Ceremony: Groom & Friends Dancing before Bride *F2 Y7 38... Making Fire by Friction of Bamboo Pampangans (Pampanga) *F2 Y75.... Group at Angeles *F21 Y7 52... Large Group of'Men, Women & Children at Angeles F2I Y754.. 'Young Musician F2I Y756... Native House near Angeles Remontados * F2I Y'76.... Man F2I Y764... Young Man F2 I Y766... Woman F2I Y768... Boy See paragraph under "Information," p. x Philippine Islands.9 LUZON (constinued) Call no.,Tagalogs *F2 IY77-.Group of Typical Tagalogs on Street, Malolos P21 Y771... An Insurgent General F21 X772...* Herb Doctor P21 Y773... A Laborer, Malabon *F2 I Y775... Tagalogs of Educated Class F2I Y776... Women of Educated Class P2I.777.... A Belle, Manila F2I Y778... Woman & Children F2I Y779... Village Street near Laguna de Bay Tinguianes (Abra) F2I Y8... Man *P2 I Y85 i..Man in Working Costume P21 Y8I7... First Popular Representative P21 Y.x..... Municipal Officials, Darrglass F2IY82.... Teacher, Scholars & Schoolhouse at Municipal School, Danglass *F2 I Y82 1... Teacher & Schoolboys*F2 I Y82 2... Teacher & Schdolgirls *F2o I Y824.. Boy P21 Y826... Boys Playing at a Game *F2 I Y82 7... Boys Play'ing at a Game Similar to Marbles, Using Sheds of Soap Plant P2I Y83.... Women & Girls, Baac *F2 I Y83 I... Woman *F2 I Y83 2... Woman with Arms Raised to show Enlarged Wrists *F2o IY833... Woman in Town Dress P21 Y834... A Wealthy Woman *F2o I 835... Woman &- Baby *F21.836.... Water Carrier F21 Y83 7... Young Woman P21 Y839... Wealthy Young Woman P21 Y84..... Girl P20 Y84'i... Two Girls P20.843.... Schoolgirl P20 I.847... House *F2 I.Y848... Houses, Baac P20.85.... Wooden Cotton Gin *F2 I Y85 I...' Woman Operating Cotton Gin in the Street *F2 I Y852... Preparing Cotton Batting for Spinning *F2 I Y853... Rolliiog Folded Cotton *F2 I Y854... Wrapping Rolled Cotton Preparatory to Spinning P20 Y855... Girl Spinning: Setting the Spinner in Motion F21 Y856... Girl Spinning *F2 I Y857... *F2 I Y858... Girl Reeling Spun Thread on Large Mechanical Reel' *F21 Y859>.. Woman Reeling Spun Cotton Thread on Hand Reel *F2 I Y86.... Woman Dyeing Yarn *F20 IY862... Girl Weaving P20 Y865... Woman Weaving Bark *2I.87..... Woman Threshingy Rice *F2 I Y8 7..2 Girls Pounding Rice in Wooden Mortar P20 Y873... Girls with Rice P~unding Outfit *F2o IY875... Woman Winnowing Rice.F 88..... Feast, Propitiatory Offering to Spirits of Departed *F2 I Y882... Dancers at Feast F21.884.... Sl)plter to Protect Water Buffaloes from the Sun, Baac *ZM BuW i.. Water Buffaloes Taking Mud Bath *ZM BuY3..Water Buffalo with Cart P21....... with Sledge See para~graph under "Information," p. i Geography and Travel Call ~ LUZON (continued) P2I Y887... Swarm of Locusts Flying over a Field. Distant 'View *F2aI Y888... 11 Near View Fax Y889... Alighting on a Building F2I YqI2 a... Bunch of Benguet Lilies F21 Y9I i... Native Boy with Bunch of Benguet Lil~es *F2 I V9 I5.. -. Benguet Lilies Growing *F2 V9a.:..Coffee Bush (4 years old) in Flower, Benguet *F2aI Y92I... in Fruit, Benguet PaI Y 925... Fem-,covered Rock, Naguilian Trail Fa I Y93.... Orchid Plant & Blossoms Fa' Y93 I'...Orchid Blossoms FaI a 932 2... Orchids Growing from Moss-covered Stumps FaI Y93 5....Pine Trees, Benguet Fa1.936.... Poinciana Tree in Garden, Pasig F2 a Y-93 7...Poinciana Tree, Blossoms F2I.94.... Rhododendron from Province of Benguet Fa a Y943... Tra veler's Tree near Manila Fax 45....T Tre Fem on Naguilian Trail, Benguet F2I.948.... Wild Flowers Growing on Rocks, Beniguet Fax Y96...ative Boat *F2a I 97.... Native Cart Fax Za...Corregidor Island. Panorama East from Lighthouse Fax Zax. " ' showing Town & Bay IF2a Z2.... " San Jose, a Street P21 Z25.,. *F2 I Z26.... "" Bamboo Houses *F2 I Z27.... Lighthouse MINDANAO *F26 XA.... Zamboanga. Panorama from Hlarbor *F26 XY.... 11 Nativ'~s Atas (Davao) *F26 V....Man (full length) F26 ii.... "(three quarter length) Bagobos (Davao) F26 2....A Chief P26 Y~23.... Man with Carrying-bag on his Back F26 Y24.... Teacher of Music & Dance *F26 Va5.... Group of Warriors F26 Y26..... A Warrior *F26 Y27..... Wife of a Chief Bilanes (Cotabato) P26 V3....Young Warrior Calanganes (Davao) F26 V33.... A ChiefGuiang~as (Davao) P26 '35.... A Chief Moros (Davao) *F26 V4....Chief or " Dato" Tagacaolos (Davao) Fa6 V....A Chief Tirurayes (Cotabato) *F26 YVs3.... Dancers P26 V54.... A Dancer See paragraph usder "Information," p. Philippine Islands I Call 1'a. Saccol 191and. Moros *F26 ~Zci.... ' Group of Women and Children *F26 ZC2....A Dato & his 'lfibe *F26 Zc,.... Hoss nShr P26 Zc4.... " Lieu~t. Reeves, Drato Mandi & Group of Moros Samal Island, Samales F26 Ze. Chief F26 Ze2.... " Chief & One of the Head Men of Tribe F26 Ze3.... One of the Head Men of Tribe MINDORO P2 2 Bc....Baco River. Head of Navigation P22 BcS.... Near Baco River, Hon. D. C. Worcester's Camp P22 Nd~.. Near Naujan Lake, Typical House P2 2 Y i. Capitan " Valeriano with Wife & Child Manguianes *F2 2 Y3....A Group, Mt Halcon *F2 2Y32.. A Family & their House, Mt Ilalcon P2 2 X34..... Married Woman, Mt Halcon P2 2 Y3 5.... Unmarried Girls, Mt Halcon *P22 V37.... Storehouse for Grain, Mt Halcon P22 Y38.... A group, Baco River P22 Y39...., Group of Lowlanders showing Effect of Contact witn Civilized Natives, Naujan Lake *F22 Y302... Group of Lowlanders Partially Civiliied, Subaan River *F22 Y394... TyFical Houses of the Lowlaniders, Adlobang River *F2:? X4. Ta..Grou, Calaspan P22 Y6a..... Forest Canmp near Subaan River P22 Y7....Native Sail-bbat with Bamboo Outriggers P22 Y....A Crocodile, Naujan Lake F24 Yor...rocodile Skin, Naujan Lake ZM BuX... Wild -Water-Buffalo (" timarau " NEGROS P24 Du F.... Dunmaguete. Church, " Convento" & Watchtower *F24 DuT.. ' A Typical Tribunal *F24 Ysi..-..A Gobernadorcillo" & his Wife at Home, Bais P24 Y12 2.... Son & Daughter of a' Gobernadorcillo,"Bais P24 3....Spanish Lady in Native Dress, Bais P24 Y32. -.. Spanish Mestiza in House of a Prosperous Merchant, Bais *F24 4....Visayan Girl of Pure Blood, Daughter of Governor of Eastern Negros *F24 Y5....A Merchant's House, Bais P24 Z43.... Siquijor Island. A Typical "Gobernadorcillo" P24 Z44.... ", Watchtower foir Defense against the Moros P24 Z45.... Market-place & Entrance to Cockpit PALAWAN~ (PARAGUA) Taghanuas P28 Y12.... A Group of Laborers *P28 YI3.... T~ypes of Men P28 Yi5..... Man F28 Yi8..... Woman See paragraph ssder "Isformsatios," P.I I2 Gcography and Travcl PALAWAN (PARAGUA) (continued) Call no. Tagbanuas (continued) *F2-& Yi9.... Group of Women & Girls IF28 Y'2.... Mother Carrying 'Two ('Children *F28 23.... Women I larvesting Rice *F28 Y'24.... -Woman Threshing Rice F28 \4..... Visayan Girl F2S Y5.....Native Shelter in ('ocoanut (;rove F28 Y8.....Skin of Huge Python F28 ZCI....Calamian Island. 'ulion, ()(l Stone Fort & Church PANAY *F2 1 I1A..... Iloilo. Panorama of Town & H-arbor F2, IIA8.... I arbor & Fort F25 I1B.... A Street F25 11B3.... F25 IY.. Building Made from (orrugated Iron Roofing F25 IY.... Native Iouse Built of Corrugated Iron, Group of Visavans in Doorway *F25 I1.... " Native ( x (arts at l)(ck *F25 116.... " Native Boat with ()utriggers F25 JB.....Jaro. A Street *F25 J'.... " Cathedral & 'I'owr F25. JY2.... Iouses F25 Zgi...Guimaras Island. Nati\e Village *F25 Zg2.... " A 'l'Tua Gatherer F25 Zg3.... lumlering with Sled(ges SULU (JOLO) ARCHIPELAGO F27 3...... Relief Map Siassi F272 A.....Panoramna of (oast showing Town. of BuTsbl)u F272. Siassi Sulu F27 MA I....Maibun. Pm'Torama of Bay showing Town *F27 SA.....Sulu. Panorama from Seal 1F27 SA2...." Ianorama of Residential Section *F27 SB.... Entrance to Town F27 SB3... " A Re'sidential Street *F27 SC..... Public Garden IF27 SC.... F27 SF..... " A Mosque F27 SP.... Pesthouse & (Corcueral Mionument.F27 SS.... " Sultan ltarun's Palace F27 SYI.... " Sultan Ilarun &. Attendants F27 SYI2.. " The (ld Sutltiana with Bodyguard F27 SYI4... " State Boat of Sultan F27 SY5.. " Meeting of Gen. Bates & the Sultan's Representatives F27 SYi 6.. Dato 'Mandi & U. S. Arnv Officers F27 SYI7... " Dato lMandi Reading Treaty *F27 SY2.... " Searching Natives at Moro Gate F27 SY22... " Moros (arrying Bundles of IlemI), Moro Gate F27 SY23... Moro Man & Girls at Moro Gate F27 SY25... Moro Woman at Moro Gate F27 SY28... " Moros Working on Streets F27 SY3.... " Natives at Boat Landing *F27 SY5.... " " Durian " Sellers - See paragraph under " Information," p. i Philippine Islands '3 SULU (JOLO) ARCHIPELAGO (continued) Call no.z Sulu (conisiiued) P27 SV52...Sulu. Fruit Stand *F2 7 S.54... " Hemp Market F27 SZ i.... Near Solo. Fort Princtssa de Asturias & Avenue of Palms F27 SZI2... Fort Princessa de Asturias *F27 SZo5... Blockhouse F27 SZ2.... Spear Market *F27 SZ2 2.. Momos with Spears *F2 7 SZ24-. Native Horse P27 SZ3.... Soldiers Cutting Grass, Spear Market in Distance F27 SZ4.... An Avenue of Palms F27 SZ45.. - Vegetable Garden Moros F27 I....Man P27 YI5.. Armed with Straight Krises & Shields *F27 Yi 6.. Man in Coat of Mail P27 Y2....Group of Men *F2 7 Y2..Fencers about to Begin a Spear Dance, Solo F27 Y4..2 Fruit Carriers P27.26.... orsemen *F2 7 Y8..2 In Canoe with Outriggers *F27-. Y3 ---.. Musicians in a Plaza, Solo *F2 7Y32 Types of Soldiers P27 V35- Women P27 V37.. A BelleP27.39.... Children F27 Vs....Houses F27 V42 House, Men & Boys P27 V44... Interior of House, Women & Children P27 Y4..Interior of Housie with Musical Instruments & Girl Dancing *F2 7 V48.. Village at Low Tide F27 V5....A Grave F27 V55.... Canoe with Outriggers on Shore P27.58...... Fleet *F2 7 V6....Coffee Plantation P,27 V6i.... Coffee Tree *F2 7 V65......Hemp Plantation P27 V67..... Native Climbing Cocoanut Tree *F2 7 V7...A Military Road Tawi Tawi P274 TS...Tataan, Spanish Outpost *F2 Z5...Buni Palm *F2 Z55.....Cacao Tree P2 Z 56.'.. Preparing Cocoanuts for Shipment -*P2 Z57.... Shipping H~emp *F2 Z58..... Assorting Hemp Fiber in a Rope Factory, Manila *F2 Z59....Makin Rope, Womea Twisting Fiber by Hand *F2 Z6.. Papa Tree & Fruit *F2 Z....Rice Olltivation: Irrigated Land and a Native Harrow *F2 Z7I.... Plowing a Field *F2 Z72.... Harrowing a Field *F2 Z73.... Reaping *F2 Z74... Stacking -*F2 Z75.... Pounding & Winnowing *See parsgraph under "Information," p. 14. Geography adid Travel SULU (JOLO) ARCHIPELAGO (continued) Call no. Sulu (continued) *F Z8.. Native Carrying Zacate- (grass for fodder' P2 Z82.... Hauling Zacate with Carahao, Es Z85... -Shelter & Zacate for Horses *F Z88...Native Plow * See paragraph under "Infsrmatsk-.." pr