GRAD 828p A24 1901 ---- SBUHR " OF . 4 A *LF '1RXC'- ý[., ý, 11-4 1 SEODV - - - >- - TT, g U-u----- Cfarbnon rees (rie~ ANGLO-SAXON READING PRIMERS I SWEET HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EDINBURGH NEW YORK Cfarenbon (pres ~trits SELECTED HOMILIES OF AELFRIC EDITED BY HENRY SWEET, M.A. Formerly President of the Philological Society Editor of 'Alfred's Version of the Cura Pastoralis' Author of 'An Anglo-Saxon Reader' '*A History of English Sounds,' and 'A Handbook of Phonetics' SECOND EDITION OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1901 !owlK <^<rY~ ftw^~ OXFORD PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE THIS book is the first of a series of Reading Primers, intended to give extracts from the more important works of Old English literature in a convenient and easily accessible form, and in a moderate compass. The want of such a series has often been felt by students who have worked through my Anglo-Saxon Primer and Reader, and are at a loss for further reading. The texts are printed exactly as in the MSS., except that.b and J are levelled under b, and that erroneous or anomalous spellings are occasionally relegated to the foot of the page. Letters not in the MS. are inclosed in []. The glossaries contain only such words and meanings as are not explained in the glossary to my Reader. The present selection of homilies is taken from the Cambridge MS. printed by Thorpe. Thorpe's erroneous accentuation has been corrected by the MS., and a long passage omitted by him (on p. 25 of the present text) has been supplied. HENRY SWEET. LONDON, September, 1885. NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION.-A few additions have been made to the Glossary. H. S. CONTENTS I. AELFRIC'S LATIN PREFACE II. AELFRIC'S ENGLISH PREFACE. III. THE CREATION IV. ST. STEPHEN. V. THE EPIPHANY VI. SHROVE SUNDAY. VII. FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. VIII. MIDLENT SUNDAY. IX. ST. GREGORY.. X. ST. CUTHBERT GLOSSARY...... PAGE 6...... 17.. 24.. 34.. 41.0. 5.. 55..... 64.. 75 SELECTED HOMILIES OF,ELFRIC. I. ALFRICIS LATIN PREFACE. EGO.Efricus, alumnus Adeiwoldi, benevoli et venerabilis praesulis, salutem exopto domno archiepiscopo Sigerico in Domino. Licet temere vel presumptuose, tamen transtulinus hunc codicem ex libris Latinorum, scilicet Sanctae Scripturae, in nostramn consuetamn sermocinationem, ob aedi- 5 ficationem simplicium, qui hanc norunt tantummodo locutionem, sive legendo sive audiendo; ideoque nec obseura posuimus verba, sed simplicem Anglicam, quo facilius possit ad cor pervenire legentium vel audientium, ad utilitatem animarum suarum, quia alia lingua nesciunt erudiri, quam in 10 qua nati sunt. Nec ubique transtulimus verbum ex verbo, sed sensum ex sensu, cavendo tamen diligentissime deceptivos errores, ne inveniremur aliqua haeresi seducti seu fallacia fuscati. Hos namque auctores in hac explanatione sumus secuti, videlicet Augustinum Hipponensem, Hieroni- 'i mum, Bedam, Gregorium, Smaragdum, et aliquando Haymonem; horum denique auctoritas ab omnibus catholicis libentissime suscipitur. Nec solum Evangeliorum tractatus in isto libello exposuimus, verum etiam Sanctorum passiones vel vitas, ad utilitatem idiotarum istius gentis. Quadraginta 20 sententias in isto libro posuimus, credentes hoc sufficere posse per annum fidelibus, si integre eis a ministris Dei B SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2LFRIC. recitentur in ecciesia. Alterum vero librum modo dictando habemus in manibus, qui illos tractatus vel passiones con25 tinet quos iste omisit; nec tamen omnia Evangelia tangimus per circulun anni, sed illa tantummodo quibus speramus suflicere posse simplicibus ad animarum emendationem, quia seculares omnia nequeunt capere, quamvis ex ore doctorum audiant. Duos libros in ista translatione facimus, persua30 dentes ut legatur unus per annum in ecelesia Dei, et alter anno sequenti, Ut non fiat taedium auscultantibus; tamen damus licentiam, si alicui melius placet, ad unum librum ambos ordinare. Ergo si alicui displicit, primum in interpretatione, quod non semper verbum ex verbo, aut quod 35 breviorem explicationem quam tractatus auctorem habent, sive quod non per ordinem ecciesiastici ritus omnia Evangelia tractando percurrimus; condat sibi altiore interpretatione librum, quomodo intellectui ejus placet: tantum obsecro, ne pervertat nostram interpretationem, quam spera40 mus ex Dei gratia, non causa jactantiae, nos studiose secuti valuimus interpretari. Precor modo obnixe almitatem tuam, mitissime Pater SIGERICE, Ut digneris corrigere per tuam industriam, si aliquos naevos malignae haeresis, aut nebulosae fallaciae in nostra interpretatione repperies: et adscribatur 45 dehinc hic codicillus tuae auctoritati, non utilitati nostrae despicabilis personae. Vale in Deo Omnipotenti jugiter. Amen. II. XfLFRIC S ENGLISH PREFACE. Ic 2Elfric, munuc and maessepreost, swapeah waccre Ponne swilcum hadum gebyrige, weary asend on AlPelredes daege cyninges framn Elfeage biscope, Apelwoldes aeftergengan, to sumum mynstre ]e is Cernel gehaten, }urh X Pelmoares bene 5 ]aes Pegenes, his gebyrd and g6odnys sind gehwzer cupe. ix'LFRIC'S ENGLISH PREFA CE. 3 Pa be'rn me on mode, ic truwige JPurh Godes gife, Jaet ic Pas boc of Ledenum gereorde to Engliscre spraece awende; na Purh gebylde miceire lare, ac for Pan Pe ic geseah and gehyrde mycel. gedwyld on manegum Engliscum bocum, Pe ungekoerede menn Purh heora bilewitnysse to miccium wis- io dome tealdon; and me ofhreow Pote hi ne cupon ne naefdon Pa godspellican lare on heora gewritum, buton Pam mannum anum Pe. paet Leden cupon, and buton Pam bocum Pe Elfred cyning snoterlice awende of Ledene on Englisc, Pa synd to koebbenne. For Pisum antimbre ic gedyrstkehte, on 1. Gode truwiende, Poet ic Pas gesetnysse undergann, and eac for Pam Pe menn behofiap godre lare swipost on Pisum timan Pe is geendung Pyssere worulde, and beop fela frecednyssa on mancynne oer Pan Pe se ende becume, swa swa ure Drihten on his godspelle cwae to his leorningcnihtum, 20 '1onne beop swilce gedreccednyssa swilce- naeron noefre aer fram frympe middangeardes. Manega lease Cristas cumap on minum naman, cwepende, 'ic eom Crist,' and wyrc4ý fela tacna and, w-undra, to bepaecenne mancynn, and eac swylce Pa gecorenan men, gif hit gewurpan maeg: and 25 butan se ae1mihtiga God. Pa dagas gescyrte, eall mennisc forwurde; ac for his gecorenum he gescyrte pa dagas.' Gehwa maeg Pe eajelicor Pa toweardan costnunge acuman, Purh Godes fultum, gif he bip Purh. b6clice lare getrymmed; for Pan Pe Pa beop gehealdene Pe op ende on geleafan 30 Purhwuniap. Fela gedreccednyssa and earfopnyssa becumap on Pissere worulde @'er hire geendunge, and Pa sind Pa bydelas, oes ecan forwyrdes on yfelum mannum, pe for heora mandoedum sippan ecelice prowiap on Jxere sweartan helle. Ponne cymk se Antecrist, se bip mennise mann and soP 35 deofol, swa swa ure Helend is soplice mann and God on anum hade. And se gesewenlica deofol JPonne wyrcp ungerima wundru, and cwy'p Pet he syif God beo, and wile B2 4 SELECTED HOMILIES OF &LFRIC. neadian mancynn to his gedwylde; ac his tima ne bib na 40 langsum; for ban Pe Godes grama hine fordep, and peos weoruld bip siPpan geendod. Crist ure Drihten gehaelde untrume and adlige, and Pes deofol pe is gehaten Antecrist, Poet is gereht '] wyrlic Crist,' alevap and geuntruma ]Pa halan, and nzenne ne gehaelp fram untrumnyssum, buton ]am 45 anum Pe he sylf aer awyrde. He and his gingran awyrda] manna lichaman digellice Purh deofles craeft, and gehoela] hi openlice on manna gesih]e; ac hd ne mreg naenne gehaelan }e God sylf aer geuntrumode. He neadab Purh yfelnysse ]Net men sceolon bugan fram heora Scyppendes geleafan to 50o his leasungum, se Pe is ord selcere leasunge and yfelnysse. Se selmihtiga God gepafap )am arleasan Antecriste to wyrcenne ta.cna, and wundra, and ehtnysse, to feorpan healfan geare; for Pan ]e on ]am timan bij swa micel yfelnyss and ]wyrnys betwux mancynne P]et hi wel wyrpe beo] pbere 55 deoflican ehtnysse, to ecum forwyrde Pam Pe him onbugap, and to ecere myrh]e Pam rPe him ]urh geleafan wipcwepa]. God gepafa] eac poet his gecorenan Pegenas beon aclensade fram eallum synnum Purh Pa ormretan ehtnyssa, swa swa gold bi] on fyre afandod. pa ofslihp se deofol ]e him 60 wiPstandaP, and hi ]onne farab mid halgum martyrdome to heofenan rice. pa Pe his leasungum gelyfap, ]am hd arap, and hi habba] sy]pan Pa ecan susle to edleane heora gedwyldes. Se arleasa de]p et fyr cym]b ufan swilce of heofonum on manna gesih]e, swilce hU God selmihtig sy, be ah 65 geweald heofenes1 and eorpan. Ac Pa cristenan sceolon beon Ponne gemyndige hu se deofol dyde Pa Pa he bWed set Gode b]et he moste fandian lobes. He gemacode pa pet fyr c6m ufan swilce of heofenum, and forbrernde ealle his scep utt on felda, and Pa hyrdas samod, buton anum Pe hit 70o him cypan sceolde. Ne sende se deofol Pa fyr of heofenum, 1 heofenas. ALFRICIS ENGLISH PREFACE. '5 Jeah Pe hit ufan come; for Pan Pe he syif nxs on neofonum, sy]4an he for his modignysse of aworpen waes. Ne eac se waelhreowa Antecrist nxfJ Pa mihte Poet he heofenlic fyr asendan maege, yeah Pe hM Purh deofles craeft hit swa gehiwige. Bi]p nu wislicor Jxt gehwa ýis wite and cunne his 75 geleafan, weald hwa jPa miccian yrmpe gebidan sceole. Ure Drihten bebead his discipulum jaet hi sceoldon Ireran and taecan eallum Ieodum Pa Ping Pe he sylf him taehte; ac Pwra is nu to lyt Pe wile wel taecan and wel bysnian. Se ylca Drihten clypode Jurh his. witegan Ezechiel, 'Gif Ju ne 8o gestentst Pone unrihtwisan, and hine ne manast, Paet hM fram his arleasnysse gecyrre and lybbe, JPonne swelt se arleasa on his unrihtwisnysse, and ic wylie ofgan zet Pe his blod,' Poet is his lyre. 'Gif bu Ponne Pone arleasan gewarnast, and hU nele fram his arleasnysse gecyrran, jýu alysdest 85 Pine sawle' mid jaere mynegunge, and se arleasa swylt on his unrihtwisnysse.' Eft cwaep se ilmihtiga to Pam witegan Isaiam, 'Clypa and ne geswic Pu, ahefe Pine stemne swa swa byme, and cy] minum folce heora leahtras, and Jacobes hirede heora synna.' For swylcum bebodum wearjp me go geJuht Poet ic naere unscyldig wip God, gif ic nolde o]prum mannum cyjan, opJe purh tungan o~pe Purh gewritu, Pa godspellican sopfoestnysse je he syif gecwmp, and eft halgum lareowum onwreah. For wel fela ic wat on Jisum earde gelaeredran Jonne ic sy, ac God geswutelap his wundra Purh 95 Pone Pe he wile. Swa swa aelmihtig wyrhta, he wyrcJ his weorc Jurh his gecorenan, na swylce he behofige ures fultumes, ac Poet we geearnion Paet ece lif jPurh his weorces fremminge. Paulus se apostol cwae], 'we sind Godes gefylstan,' and swa jPeah ne do we nan Ping to gode, buton 1oo Godes fultume. Nu bydde ic and halsige on Godes naman, gif hwa Pas boc awritan wylle, Poet h6 hi geoinkice geribte sawla. 6 SELECTED HOMILIES OF AZLFRIC. be Jxnre bysene, Jy las be we Purh gymelease writeras geleahtrode beon. Mycel yfel dep, se be leas writ, buton he io5 hit gerihte, swylce he gebringe Pa soban lare to leasum gedwylde: for Pi sceal gelwa gerihtlaccah Poet ]aet he aer to woge gebigde, gif h6 on Godes dome unscyldig beon wile. Quid necesse est in hoc codice capitula ordinare, cum prediximus quod XL sententias in se contineat; excepto quod '1o.Apelwerdus dux -vellet habere XL quattuor in suo libro. III. THE CREATION. AN ANGIN is ealra Pinga, poet is God.Timihtig. He is ordfruma and ende: he is ordfruma, for Pi Pe he woes aefre; he is ende butan aelcere geendunge, for ban be he bib refre ungeendod. He is ealra cyninga cyning, and ealra hiaforda 5 hiaford. 'He hylt mid his mihte heofonas and eorban, and ealle gesceafta butan geswince, and he hesceawab ba niwelnyssa be under byssere -eorban sind. He aweeb ealle duna mid anre handa, and ne maeg nan Ping his willan wibstandan. Ne maeg nan gesceaft fuifremedlice smeagan ne unio derstandan ymbe God. Maran cybbe habbab englas to Gode Ponne men, and beahhwebere hf ne magon fuifremedlice understandan ymbe God. He gesceop gesceafta ba ba he wolde; burh his wisdom he geworhte ealle Ping, and burh his willan he hi ealle geliffoeste. Peos brynnys is 15 an God: poet is, se Foader, and his wisdom of him sylfum gefre acenned; and heora begrav willa, Poet is, se Halga Gast; he nis na acenned, ac he g~je of Pam Fzeder and of Vain Suna gelice. Pas pry hadas sindon an almihtig God, se geworhte heofenas and eorban, and ealle gesceafta. He 20 gesceop tyn engla werod, Pxt sind englas and heahenglas, THE CREA TION. 7 throni, dominationes, principatus, potestates, virtutes, cherubim, seraphim. Her sindon nigon engla werod: hi nabbaj nanne lichaman, ac hi sindon ealle gastas swibe strange, and mihtige, and wlitige, on miceire faegernysse gesceapene, to lofe and to wur]pmynte heora Scyppende. Pot teoje 25 werod abreab, and awende on yfel. God hi gesceop ealle g6de, and let hi habban agenne cyre, swa hi heora Scyppend lufedon and filigdon, swa hi hine forleton. Pa wos Jxs teoban werodes ealdor swipe fbager and wlitig gesceapen, swa pot he waes gehaten 'Leohtberend.' Pa begann he to 30 modigenne for boere foagernysse be he haefde, and cwaeb on his heortan Poet he wolde and eape mihte beon his Scyppende gelic, and sittan on Pam norbdaele heofenan rices, and habban andweald and rice ongean God aelmiht[ig]ne. Pa gefoestnode he bisne raed wib jPat werod be he bewiste, and 35 hi ealle to bam rxde gebugon. Pa ba hi ealle hofdon bysne raed betwux him gefoestnod, ba becom Godes grama ofer hi ealle, and hi ealle wurdon awende of bam faegeran hiwe be hi on gesceapene waeron to lablicum deollum. And swipe rihtlice him swa getimode, ba ba he wolde mid modignysse 40 beon betera bonne he gesceapen wws, and cwaep Pbet he mihte beon bam rwlmihtigan Gode gelic. Pa wearp, he and ealle his geferan forcubran and wyrsan bonne anig ober gesceaft; and ba hwile be he smeade hu he mihte daelan rice wib God, ba hwile gearcode se aelmihtiga Scyppend him 45 and his geferum helle wite, and hi ealle adraefde of heofenan rices myrhbe, and let befeallan on Pat ece fyr, be him gegearcod was for heora ofermettum. Pa sona ba nigon werod, be brr to lafe waron, bugon to heora Scyppende mid ealre eabmodnesse, and betaehton heora rad to his 5o willan. Pa getrymde se 2elmihtiga God Pa nigon engla werod, and gestapelfoeste, swa bret hi noefre ne mihton ne noldon sybban fram his willan gebugan; ne hi ne magon 8 SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2LFRIC. nu, ne hi nellab, nane synne gewyrcan, ac hi wfre beoV ymbe ]m J~t an, hu hi magon Gode gehyrsumian, and him gecweman. Swa mihton eac Pa obre Pe Joer feollon don, gif hi woldon; for Pi Je God hi geworhte to wlitegum engla gecynde, and lt hi habban agenne cyre, and hi naefre ne gebigde ne ne nydde mid nanum PAngum to Jam yfelan rede; ne naefre se 6o yfela raed ne corn of Godes gepance, ac corn of Jaes deofles, swa swa we 2er cwaedon. Nu pencp menig man and smea]p hwanon deofol come; ponne wite he Poet God gesceop to maerum engle Pone Pe fu is deofol: ac God ne gesceop hine na to deofle; ac Pa 65 Ja he wzes mid ealle fordon and forscyldgod Jurh Pa micclan upahefednysse and wi]perweardnysse, Pa wearl he to deofle awend, se Pe kr woes mare engel geworht. Pa wolde God gefyllan and geinnian pone lyre Pe forloren woes of Pam heofenlicum werode, and cwaeb Poet h6 wolde wyrcan 7o mannan of eorpjan, Poet se eortlica man sceolde gepeon, and geearnian mid eadmodnysse Pa wununga on heofenan rice ]e se deofol forwyrhte mid modignysse. And God Pa geworhte aenne mannan of 1ame, and him on ableow gast, and hine geliffoeste, and he wearp Pa mann gesceapen on 75 sawle and on lichaman; and God him sette naman Adam, and he woes Ppa sume hwile anstandende. God Pa hine gebrohte on neorxnawange, and hine Paer gelogode, and him to cwx], 'Ealra Jmra Jinga Pe on neorxnawange sindon ju most brucan, and hi ealle beoj Pe betoehte, buton 8o anum treowe Pe stent on middan neorxnawange: ne brepa Ju Poes treowes waestm, for Pan Pe Ju bist deadlic, gif Ju ]aes treowes woestm geetst.' Hwf wolde God swa lytles Jinges him forwyran, Pe him swa miccle o]re Ping betohte? Gyse, hu mihte Adam tocnawan hwaet hU waere, buton hU 85 woere gehyrsum on sumumJ Pinge 1 his ilaforde? Swylce I Iince. THE CREA TION9 9 God cwa'ede to him, 'Nast Ju na Poet ic eom Pin hiaford and Poet Ju eart min peowa, buton ju d6 Pet ic be hite, and forgaing boet ic be forbeode. Hwaet maeg hit bonne beon Poet bu forgan sceole: ic be secge, forgang ]Pu anes treowes woestm, and mid Paere eabelican gehyrsumnysse bu 90 geearnast heofenan rices myrhbe and bone stede be se deofol of afeoll burh ungehyrsumnesse. Gif ]u bonne bis lytle beb6d tobrecst, bu scealt deabe sweltan.' And ba woes Adam swa wfs Poet God geIaedde to him nytenu, and deorcynn, and fugelcynn, ba ba he hi gesceapene haefde; and 95 Adam him eallum naman gesceop; and swa swa hM hi ba genamode swa hi sindon gyt gehatene. Pa cwaeb God, 'Nis na gedafenlic Poet bes man ana beo, and naebbe naenne fultum; ac uton gewyrcan him gemacan, him to fultume and to frofre.' And God ba geswefode bone Adam, and ba ba 0oo he slep, ba genam he an rib of his sidan, and geworhte of bam ribbe aenne wifman, and axode Adam hu heo hatan sceolde. Pa cwbep Adam, 'Heo is ban of minum banum, and flaesc of minum flasce; beo hire nama Virago, baet is fwmne; for ban be heo is of hire were genumen.' Pa sette 105 Adam eft hire oberne naman, Aeva, baet is 'lif'; forban be heo is ealra lybbendra modor. Ealle gesceafta, heofonas and englas, sunnan and monan, steorran and eorban, ealle nytenu and fugelas, sa and ealle fixas, and ealle gesceafta God gesceop and geworhte on six iio dagrum; and on bam seofoban daege hM geendode his weorc, and geswac ba, and gehalgode bone seofoban daeg, for ban be h6 on bam daege his weore geendode. And he beheold ba ealle his weorc be he geworhte, and hi waeron ealle swipe gode. Ealle Ping he geworhte buton ae1cum antimbre. "5S He cwaeb, 'Geweorbe leoht,' and boerrihte was leoht geworden. le cwaeb eft, 'Geweorbe heofen,' and baerrihte w~vas heofen geworht, swa swa he mid his wisdome and mid 10 SELECTED HOMILIES OF' ELFRIC. his willan hit gedihte. He cw]ep eft, and het pa eorpan pset I20 heo sceolde forplaedan cuce nytenu; and he pa gesceop of paere eorpan eall nytencynn, and deorcynn, ealle pa pe on feower fotum gap; ealswa eft of wetere he gesceop fixas and fugelas, and sealde pam fixum sund, and pam fugelum fliht; ac he ne sealde nanum nytene ne nanum fisce nane sawle; I25 ac heora blod is heora lif, and swa hrape swa hi beop deade, swa beop hi mid ealle geendode. pa pa he worhte pone mann Adam, he ne cwase na, 'Geweorpe man geworht,' ac he cwsep, ' Uton gewyrcan mannan to ure anlicnysse,' and he worhte pa pone man mid his handum, and him on ableow 130 sawle; for pi is se man betera, gif he g6de gepihp, ponne ealle pa nytenu sindon; for pan pe hi ealle gewurpap to nahte, and se man is ece on anum daele, poet is on paere sawle: heo ne geendap nafre. Se lichama is deadlic purh Adames gylt, ac peahhwepere God araerp eft pone lichaman to ecum pingum 135 on domes daeg. Nu icwzedon gedwolmen paet deofol gesceope sume gesceafta, ac hi leogap; ne maeg h6 nane gesceafta gescyppan, forpan pe he nis na Scyppend, ac is atelic sceocca, and mid leasunge he wile beswican and ford6n pone unwaran; ac he ne mseg naenne man to nanum leahtre geneadian, 140 buton se mon his agenes willes to his lare gebuge. Swa hwoet swa is on gesceaftum wiperweardlic gepuht and mannum derige, Plet is eall for urum synnum and yfelum geearnungum. pa ongeat se deofol p]et Adam and Eve waeron to py ge145 sceapene pset hi sceoldon mid eadmodnysse and mid gehyrsumnysse geearnian pa wununge on heofenan rice pe h6 of feoll for his upahefednysse, pa nam hM micelne graman and andan to pam mannum, and smeade hu he hi fordon mihte. Hle corn pa on naeddran hiwe to pam twam mannum, erest to I50 pam wife, and hire to cwep, ' Hwf forbead God eow pIes treowes waestm, pe stent on middan neorxnawange?' pa THE CREA TION. I I cwJep Poet wf, 'God us forbead joes treowes woestm, and cwa]e Poet we sceoldon deabe sweltan, gif we his onbyrigdon.' Pa cwaa] se deofol, 'Nis hit na swa bu segst, ac God wat genoh geare, gif ge of bam treowe geetap, bonne beob eowere '55 eagan geopenode, and ge magon geseon and tocnawan agper ge g6d ge yfel, and ge beob englum gelice.' Naron hf blinde gesceapene, ac God hi gesceop swa bilewite Poet hi ne cujon nan Ping yfeles, najor ne on gesihpe, ne on spraece, ne on weorce. Wearp feah Paet wif Pa forspanen ]urh Poes deofles 16o 1are, and genam of Poes treowes wostme, and geat, and sealde hire were, and hM geaet. Pa woeron hi butu deadlice, and cubon xgper ge g6d ge yfel; and hi woeron ba nacode, and him baes sceamode. Pa cor God, and axode hwi he his bebod tobrace? and adraefde hi buta of neorxnawange, and cwop, i65 'For Pan be Pu woere gehyrsum bines wifes wordum, and min bebod forsawe, bu scealt mid earfoJnyssum Pe metes tilian, and seo eorpe be is awyriged on binur weorce: syib Pe bornas and bremblas. Pu eart af eorpan genumen, and Ju awenst to eorpan. Pu eart dust, and Pu awentst to duste.' God 170 him worhte Pa reaf of felluin, and hi wxeron mid bam fellupm gescrydde. Pa deadan fell getacnodon bzt hi waron ba deadlice Pe mihton beon undeadlice, gif hi heoldon bxt eaJelice Godes bebod. Ne borfte Adam ne eal mancynn be him sibban of '75 acorn naefre deapes onbyrian, gif Poet treow moste standan ungehrepod, and his nan man ne onbyrigde; ac sceolde Adam and his ofspring tyman on asettur tyman, swa swa rm dop claene nytenu, and sibban ealle buton deabe faran to Pan ecan life. Noes him gesceapen fram Gode, ne hM naes genedd bat iso h6 sceolde Godes bebod tobrecan; ac God hine 16t frigne, and sealde him agenne cyre, swa hU wxre gehyrsum, swa hM woere ungehyrsum. H6 wearp ba deofle gehyrsum, and Gode ungehyrsum, and wearb betoaht, hd and eal mancynn, aefter 12 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ZELFRIC. 185 Pisum life, into helle wfte, mid Jam deofle be hine forkearde. Pa wiste God hwoebere baet h6 woes forkoerei, and smeade hu he mihte his and ealles mancynnes eft gemiltsian. On twam Pingum haefde God Pxs mannes sawle geg6dod; oet is mid undeadlienysse, and mid gesaelpe. Pa burh deofles 9go swicd6m and Adames gylt we forluron Pa geswI'e ure sawle, ac we ne forluron na ba undeadlicnyssoe; heo is 6ce, and naefre ne geendaJ, beah se lichama geendige, Pe sceal eft burh Godes mihte arisan to ecere wununge. Adam Pa woes wunigende on bisum life mid geswince, and he and his wiff 195 ýa beam gestryndon, 2egper ge suna ge dohtra; and Md leofode nigon hund geara and Prittig geara, and sippan swealt, swa swva him aer behaten woes, for ban gylte; and his sawul gewende to helle. Nu smeagiap sume men, hwanon him come sawul? hwober 200 ýe of bam fieder, Pe of brere meder? We cwepaJ, of heora nabrum;, ac se ylca God be gesceop Adam mid his handum, he gescypý a1ces mannes lichaman on his modor innoJe;. and se ylca se be abldow on. Adames lichaman, and him forgeaf sawle, se ylca forgyfJ cildum sawle and liff on heora 205 moder innobe, bonne hi gesceapene beob; and he laett hi habban agenne cyre, bonne hif geweaxene beob, swa swa Ada'm haefde. Pa wearb ba hraedlice micel menniso geweaxen, and woeron swibe manega on yfel awende, and gegremodon God mid 210 mislicum leahtrum, and swipost mid forligere. Pa wear]> God to Pan swipe gegremod burh manna maindoeda beat he cwb be Pot him ofbuhte boet h6 vefre mancynn gesceop. Pa woes hwaepere an man rihtwis atforan Gode, se wzes N6e geha.ten. Pa cwaeb God to him, 'Ic wylie ford6n eal man215 cynn mid watere, for heora synnum, ac ic wylie gehealdan beaanne, and bin wff, and bine bry suna, Sem, and Chai, and Iafeth, and heora breo wif; for ban be bu eart rihtwis, and THE CREA TION. 13 me gecweme. Wyrc ]e nul anne arc, breo hund fbe~ma ling, and fiftig faepma wid, and Pritig foebma heah: gehref hit eall, and geclx'm ealle Pa seamas mid tyrwan, and ga inn sy]4'an 220 mid linum hfwum. Ic gegaderige in to be of deorcynne, and of fugelcynne symble gemacan, Poet hi eft to fostre beon. Ic wille sendan flod ofer ealne middangeard.' He dyde Pa swa him God bebead; and God beleac hi binnon Pam arce, and asende r~n of heofonum feowertig daga 225 togoedere, and geopenode ]rnr togeanes ealle wylispringas and woeterjeotan of paere miccian niwelnysse. Poet flod weox Pa, and abaer up bone arc, and hit oferstah ealle dMna. Wearp be aelc Ping cuces adrenct, buton bam re binnon bam arce waron; of bam wearb eft geedstapelod eall middan- 230 geard. Pa beh6t God Poet hM nolde naefre eft eal mancynn mid waetere acwellan, and cwaep to Noe and to his sunum, 'Ic wylie settan min w~dd betw6x me and 6ow to bisurn behate; Pat is, bonne ic oferteo heofenas mid w6lcnunm, Jonne bip aeteowod min r~nboga betwux bam wolcnum, bonne 235 beo ic gemyndig mines weddes, Poet ic nelle heononforb mancynn mid waetere adrencan.' Noe leofode on eallum his life, ar Pam flode and after Pam flode, nigon hund geara and 'fiftig geara, and he ba forpferde. Pa wos Pa sume hwile Godes ege on mancynne aefter bam 240 flode, and was An gereord on him eallum. Pa cw'don hi betwux him Poet hi woldon wyrcan ane burh, and aenne stypel binnon baere byrig, swa heahne boet his hrof astige up to heofenum: and begunnon ba to wyrcenne. Pa cor God Poerto, ba ba hi swibost worhton, and sealde ae1cum men be 245 bxr wos synderlice spraece. Pa woeron baer swa fela gereord swa brer manna woeron; and heora nan nyste hwwt ober cwamb. And hi ba geswicon brere getimbrunge, and toferdon geond ealne middangeard. Pa sibpan wearb mancynn burh deofol beswicen, and 250 14 SELECTED HOMILiES OF ALFRIC. gebiged fram Godes geleafan, swa Poet hi worhton him anlicnyssa, sume of golde, sure of seoifre, sume eac of stanum, sume of treowe, and sceopon him naman: ]ara manna naman Pe woeron 6ntas and yfeldaade.. Eft Jonne hi deade woeron, 255 ]ponne cwaedon Pa cucan ]aet hi waron. godas, and wurbodon hf, and him lac offrodon; and comon Pa deoflu to heora anlicnyssum, and bieron wuunodon, and to mannum spracon swilce hi godas woeron; and Pmt heswicene mennisc feoll on cneowum to Pam anlicnyssum, and cwaedon, 'Ge sind ure 260 godas, and we besettaJ urne geleafan and urne hiht on eow.' Pa asprang Pis gedwyld. geondi ealne middangeard, and woes se sopa Scyppend, se Pe ana is God, forsewen and geunwurPod. Pa woes hwaapere an maegp Pe niefre ne abeah to nanum deofolgylde, ac aefre wurpode bone sopan God. Seo maegp 265 asprang of N6es eltstan suna, se waes gehaten Sem: h4 leofode six hund geara, and his sunu hatte Arfaxap, se leofode Preo hund geara and Preo and Prittig, and his sunu hatte SalM, se leofode feower hund geara and xxxiii; ba gestrynde he sunu, se woes geb~ten Eb~r, of Pam asprang Poet Ebreisce 270 foic, be God lufode; and of bam cynne comon ealle heahfwederas and witegan, Pa be cybdon Cristes tocyre to bisum life: boet hU wolde man beon, fornean on ende byssere' worulde, for ure alysednesse, se be oefre woes God mid bam healican Faeder. And byssere maegpe God sealde and gesette 275 0, and h~ hi kledde ofer sk mid drium fotum, and hU hi afedde feowertig wintra mid heofenlicum hiafe, and fela wundra on P am folce geworhte; for Pan be he wolde of byssere maegpe him modor geceosan. pa vet nexstan, ba se tima com be God foresceawode, ba 280 asende he his engel Gabrihel to anur maedene of bam cynne, seo woes Maria gehaten. Pa corn se engel to hire, and hi gegrette mid Godes wordum, and cydde hire biet Godes Sunu sceolde beon acenned of hire, buton weres gemanan. And THE CREA TION, 15 heo Pa gelyfde his wordum, and weary mid cilde. Pa Pa hire tima c6m heo acende, and Purhwunode maeden. paet cild is 28 tuwa acenned: he is acenned of pam Foeder on heofonum, buton oelcere meder, and eft pa Pa hM man gewearp, Pa wxs h6 acenned of Pam ckoenan meedene Marian, buton xlcum eorplicum faeder. God Foeder geworhte mancynn and ealle gesceafta Purh Pone Sunu, and eft, Pa Pa we forwyrhte 290 wseron, Pa asende hM Pone ylcan Sunu to dre alysednesse. Seo halige moder Maria Pa afedde jPot cild mid miceire arwurpnesse, and hit weox swa swa opre cild dot, buton synne anum. He wxs buton synnum acenned, and his liff woes eal buton 295 synnum. Ne worhte he yeah nine wiindra openlice or Pan Pe hM was Pritigwintre on paJre menniscnysse; Pa, sippan geceas he him leorningcnihtas; aerest twelf, Pa we haitap 'apostolas,' Poet sind 'aerendracan.' Sippan he geceas twa and hundseofontig, Pa sind genemnede 'discipuli,' ]aet sind 300 'leorningcnihtas.' Pa worhte h6 fela wundra, Jpet men mihton gelyfan Poet he wos Godes beam. H6 awende woeter to wine, and eode ofer sk mid drium fotum, and he gestilde windas mid his haese, and hb forgeaf blindum mannum gesihpe, and healtum and lamum rihtne gahg, and hreoflium 305 smepnysse, and hoelu heora lichaman; dumbum h6 forgeaf getingnysse, and deafum heorcnunge; deofolseocum and wodum hM sealde gewitt, and Pa deoflu todraefde, and xlce untrumnysse he gehoelde; deade men he araerde of heora byrgenum to life; and la-ýrde Pxt fobc Pe h6 to cor mid 3y0 miccium wisdome; and cwaep paJt nan man ne maag beon gehealden, buton he rihtlice on God gelyfe, and he beo gefullod, and his geleafan mid godum weorcum geglenge; he onscunode aelc unriht and ealle leasunga, and taehte rihtwisnysse and sopfostnysse. 3V3 -pa nam paet ludeisce foic micelne Andan ongean his, 16 SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2ELFRIC. and smeadon hu hf mihton hine to deape ged6n. pa wearp in ]aera twelfa Cristes geferena, se wses Iudas gehaten, purh deofles tihtinge beswicen, and he eode to ]Pam Iudeiscum 320 folce, and smeade wip hi hu he Crist him belawan mihte. peah pe eal mennisc were gegaderod, ne mihton hi ealle hine acwellan, gif he sylf nolde; for Pi he c6m to us Pset hd wolde for ds deajp prowian, and swa eal mancynn pa pe gelyfap mid his agenum dea]e alysan fram helle wite. Hd nolde geniman 325 ds neadunge of deofles anwealde, buton he hit forwyrhte; ]a hd hit forwyrhte gen6h swipe, pa pa he gehwette and tihte paera Iudeiscra manna heortan to Cristes siege. Crist pa ge]pafode paet pa waelhreowan hine genamon and gebundon, and on rodehengene acwealdon. Hwset ]a twegen gelyfede 330 men hine arwurplice bebyrigdon, and Crist on P]ere hwile to helle gewende, and pone deoful gewylde, and him of anam Adam and Evan, and heora ofspring, pone dal pe him aer gecwemde, and gelaedde hi to heora lichaman, and aras of deape mid ]am micclum werede on pam priddan daege his 335 prowunge. C6m pa to his apostolum, and hf gefrefrode, and geond feowertigra daga fyrst him mid wunode; and pa ylcan lare pe he him er tsehte eft geedlaehte, and het hf faran geond ealne middangeard, bodigende fulluht and sopne geleafan. Drihten ]a on pam feowerteogopan dege his aeristes astah 340 to heofenum, aetforan heora ealra gesihle, mid pam ylcan lichaman pe he on prowode. and sitt on Pa swij]ran his Faeder, and ealra gesceafta gewylt. H6 haefJ gerymed rihtwisum mannum infter to his rice, and pa pe his beboda eallunga forseop beop on helle besencte. Witodlice hd cymj] 345 on ende ]yssere worulde mid micclum maegenprymme on wolcnum, and ealle pa pe aefre sawle underfengon arisap of deape him togeanes; and hd ]onne pa manfullan deofle betaecp into pam ecan fyre helle susle; pa rihtwisan he laet mid him into heofenan rice, on pam hi rixia] a on ecnysse. THE PASSION OF ST. STEPHEN, PROTOM. 17 Men ]a leofostan, smeagaý Pysne cwyde, and mid miceire 35o gymene forbugap unrihtwysnysse, and geearniaj mid godum weorcum Pact ece liff mid Gode, se ýe ana on ecnysse rixap. Amen. IV. DECEMBER XXVI. THE PASSION OF ST. STEPHEN, PROTOM. WE racdap on Pxre b&c Pe is gehaten Actus Apostolorum Poet Pa apostolas gehadodon seofon diaconas on Paere gelaPunge Pe of ludeiscum folce to Cristes geleafan beah, aefter his Prowunge, and kriste of deape, and upstige to heofenum. Pacra diacona woes se forma STEPHANUS, Pe we on Pisum 5 daege wurpiap. He woes swipe geleafful, and mid Pam Halgum Gaste afylled. Pa opre six woeron gecigede Pisum namum: Stephanus woes se fyrmesta, over Philippus, Pridda Procorus, feorpa Nicanor, fifta Timotheus, sixta Parmenen, seofoj'a Nicolaus. Pas seofon hi gecuron and gesetton on io paera apostola gesihpe, and hi Pa mid gebedum and bletsungum to diaconum gehadode wurdon. Weox Pa doeghwomlice Godes bodung, and woes gemenigfylld Pact getel cristenra manna ýearle on Hierusalem. Pa weary se eadiga Stephanus mid Godes gife and mid miceire strencpe afylled, and worhte 15 forebeacna and micele tacna on Pam folce. Pa astodon sume Pa ungeleaffullan Iudei, and woldon mid heora gedwylde Pas eadigan martyres oferswipan; ac hi ne mihton his wisdome wipstandan, ne Pam Halgum Gaste, Pe P urh hine spraec. Pa setton hi lease gewitan, Pe hine forlu- 20 gon, and cwaedon Poet h6 tallice word spraece be \Ioyse and be Gode. paet foic weary Pa miccium astyred, and pa heafodmenn, and Pa ludeiscan boceras, and gelehton Stephanum, and tugon to heora gepeahte; and Pa leasan gewitan him on 0C 18 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ALFRIC. 25 besmedon, 'Ne geswicp, Jes man to sprecenne tallice word ongean Pas halgan stowe and Godes k. We gehyrdon hine secgan poet Grist towyrp] Pas stowe, and towent Pa gesetnysse Je us Moyses toahte.' Pa beheoldon ba hine be on bam gepeahte soton, and gesawon his nebwlite swylce sumes 30 engles ansyne. Pa cwoeb se ealdorbiscop to aram eadigan cypere, 'Is hit swa hi secgap?' Pa wolde se halga wer Stephanus heora ungeleaffullan heortan geriht1acan mid heora forbfaedera gebysnungae and gemynde, and to sobpfastnysse wege mid ealre lufe gebigan. Begann ba him to reccenne be 35 bram heahfoedere Abrahame, hu se heofenlica God hine geceas him to gepoftan, and him behet boet ealle beoda on his ofspringe gebletsode wurdon, for his gehyrsumnysse. Swa eac b era obra heahfaedera gemynd, mid langsumere race, aetforan him geniwode; and hu Moyses, burh Godes mihte, heora 40 foregengan ofer ba Readan Sk wundorlice gelaedde, and hi hf sipban feowertig geara on westene waaron, mid heofenlicum bigleofan doghwomlice gereordode; and hu God hf ldde to bam Iudeiscan earde, and ba haebenan beoda aetforan heora gesihpumn eallunga adwoescte; and he Davides mxrbe, Pxs 45 maeran cyninges, and Salomones wuidre 1, be Gode beet mare tempel araerde. Cwvep ba aet nextan, 'Ge wibstandabp am Halgum Gaste mid stibum swuran and ungeleaffuire heortan; ge sind meldan and manslagan, and ge bone rihtwisan Crist nibfullice acwealdon; ge underfengon 2'a on engla geset5o nysse, and ge hit ne heoldon.' Hwoet ba Iudeiscan ba wurdon bearle on heora heortan astyrode, and biton heora teb him togeanes. Se halga Stephanus wearb, ba afylled mid bam Halgun Gaste, and beheold wib heofonas weard, and geseah Godes wuldor, and bone Haelend standende aet his Foeder 55 swibran; and he cwaep, 'Efne ic geseo heofenas opene, and mannes Sunu standende oet Godes swibran.' Iudei ba, mid 1 wuldor.. THE PASSION OF ST. STEPHEN, PROTOM. 19 miceire stemne hrymende, heoldon heora earan, and anmodlice him to scuton, and li hine gelachton, and of Pare byrig ge1oaddon to strenenne. Pa leasan gewitan Pa l6don heora hacelan atforan fo tur sumes geongescnihtes, se woes geciged 6o SAULUS. Ongunnon Pa oftorfian mid heardum stanum Pone eadigan Stephanum; and h6 clypode, and cwaej, 'Drihten Hklend, onf6h minne gast.' And gebigde his cneowu, mid miceire stemne clypigende, 'Min Drihten, ne sete Pu Pas dxda him to synne.' And h~ mid Pam worde Pa gewat to 65 Pan oelmihtigum Haelende, Pe he on heofenan healicne standende geseah. Se wisa Augustinus spraec ymbe Pas radinge, and smeadelwi se halga cy~ere Stephanus cwaede Poet he gesawe mannes Beam standende aet Godes swypran, and nolde cwepan Godes 70 Beam; ýonne Pe is gepuht wurplicor be Criste to cwepenne Godes Beam Ponne mannes Beam. Ac hit gedafenode Poet se Haelend swa geswutelod woere on heofenum, and swa gebodod on middangearde. Eall paera ludeiscra teona aras Purh ýaet, hwi Drihten Crist, se Pe aefter floesce soplice is mannes 75 Sunu, eac swilce waere gecweden Godes Sunu? for Pi gemunde swipe gedafenlice jPet godcunde gewrit mannes Sunu standan wt Godes swipran, to gescyndenne ]?era ludeiscra uingeleaffulnysse. Crfst wos oeteowed his eadigan cypere Stephane on heofenum, se Pe fram ungeleaffullum on mid- 8o dangearde acweald woes, and seo heofenlice sopfaestnys be Pam cydde gecypnysse, Pone Pe seo eorp1ice arleasnyss huxlice taelde. Hwa maeg beon rihtlice gecfged mannes Beam, buton Criste anum, Ponne aelc man is twegra manna beam, buton him anum? Se eadiga Stephanus geseah Crist standan, 85 for Pan Pe h~ wxs his gefyista on Pam gastlicum gefeobte his martyrdomes. Witodlice we andettap on urum credan Poet Drihten sitt aet his Fxder swipran. Seti gedafenap d~man, and steall fyistendum oppe feohtendum. Nu andet ure C 2 20 SELECTED HOMILIES OF,ELFRIC. 90 geleafa Cristes setl, for ]an pe he is se sopa dema lybbendra and deadra: and se eadiga cypere Stephanus hine geseah standende, for ]pan ]e he waes his gefylsta, swa swa we er saedon. Ealra gecorenra halgena dea] is deorwurpe on Godes gesihpe; ac Peahhwzepere is gepuht, gif -nig todal 95 beon mreg betwux martyrum, Pset se is healicost se pe pone martyrdom eefter Gode astealde. Witodlice Stephanus woes to diacone gehadod set psera apostola handum; ac he hi forest6p on heofenan rice mid sigefoestum deape; and swa se pe waes neoJor on endebyrdnysse, wearj fyrmest on ]ro1oo wunge; and se ]e wass leorningcniht on hade, ongann wesan lareow on martyrdome. pone deap soplice pe se Haelend gemedemode for mannum prowian, pone ageaf Stephanus fyrmest manna pam Hrelende. He is gecweden 'protomartyr,' pset is 'se forma cy]ere,' for pan pe he aefter o15 Cristes Prowunge 2erest martyrd6m geprowode. Stephanus is Grecisc nama, bPet is on Leden corona/us, ]saet we cwepap on Englisc 'gewuldorbeagod'; for Pan ]e he hefp ]bone ecan wuldorbeah, swa swa his nama him forewitegode. pa leasan gewitan, pe hine forssedon, hfne ongunnon aerest to torfienne; I1o for pan pe Moyses se taehte, P]et swa hwa swa o]erne to deape forszede, sceolde wurpan pone forman stan to p]am pe he aer mid his tungan acwealde. pa repan Iudei wedende bone halgan stzendon: and he clypode, and cwe], ' Drihten, ne sete pu pas dseda him to synne.' 115 Understandap nu, mine gebropra, pa micclan lufe pbes eadigan weres. On deape h6 wses gesett, and peah he bWed mid sopre lufe for his cwelleras; and betwux Psera stana hryre, pa pa gehwa mihte his leofostan frynd forgytan, pa betzehte he his fynd Gode, pus cwepende, 'Drihten, ne sete 120 pu pas daeda him to synne.' Swijor he besorgade pa heora synna ponne his agene wunda; swipor heora arleasnysse ]onne his sylfes deap; and rihtlice swipor, for pan pe heora THE PASSION OF ST. STEPHENVV PROTOM. 21 arleasnysse fyligde se eca deab, and Poet ece Hff fyligde his deabe. Saulus heold Jxera leasra gewitena reaf, and heora mod to ]are stoeninge geornlice tihte. Stephanus soblice 125 gebigedum cneowum Drihten baed Poet h6 Saulum alysde. Wearb Pa Stephanes b~n fram Gode gehyred, and Saulus wearp alysed. Se airfasta was gehyred, and se arleasa wea4p gerihtwisod. On Pyssere daede is geswutelod hu miccium fremige Jare iso soban lufe gebed. Witodlice naefde Godes gelapung Paulum. to lareowe, gif se halga martyr Stephanus swa ne kaede. Efne ni' Paulus blissab mid Stephane on heofenan rice; mid Stephane h6 bricb Cristes beorhtnysse, and mid him h6 rixap. eider Pe Stephanus forestop, mid Saules stanum oftorfod, '35 bider folgode Paulus, gefultumod: burh Stephanes gebedu. Joer nis Paulus gescynd burh Stephanes siege, ac Stephanus gladaP on Paules gefoerroadene; for ban be seo sope- lufui on heora 2egprum blissab. Seo sobe lufu oferwann baera Iudeiscra rebnysse on Stephane, and seo ylce lufu oferwreah 140 synna micelnysse on Paule, and heo on heora aegprum samod geearnode heofenan rice. Eornostiice seo sobe lufu is wylspring and ordfruma eaira godnyssa, and bepele trumnys, and se weg Pe laat to heofonum. Se be faerb on sopre lufe ne maeg h6 dwelian, ne forhtian: heo gewissap, and gescylt, 140 and gelaot. Purh ba soban lufe woes bes haiga martyr swa gebyld bmt he beaidlice bora ludeiscra ungeleaffulnysse breade, and he orsorh betwux bram greatum hagoistanum burhwunode; and he for bam staenendum weiwiliende gebad, and boertoeacan ba heofenlican healie cucu and gewuldor- 150 beagod innferde. Mine gebropra, uton geefeniaecan be sumum daeie swa miccies lareowes geleafan, and swa maeres cyberes lufe. Uton lufian ure gebropra on Godes gelapunge mid swilcum mode swa swa Jes cybere Pa lufode his fynd. Beoý gemyndige 15 - 22 SELECTED HOMILIES OF iELFRIC, hwaet seo sylfe Sopfbestnys on bam halgan godspelle bebdt, and hwilc wedd us gesealde: se Haelend cwae], 'IGif ge forgyfaP Pam mannum Pe wi} eow agyltap, bonne forgif'p eow eower Faader eowere synna: gif ge bonne nellap forgyfan, 16o nele eac eower Faoder eow Porgifan eowere gyltas.' Ge gehyrab nu, mine gebrojra, Poet hit stent burh Godes gyfe on uirum agenum dihte hu Us bib a~t Gode geddred. He cwab, 'Gif ge forgyfaP, eow bib forgyfen.' Ne bepaece nan man hine sylfhe: witodlice gif hwa furbon oenne man hatab on 165 Iisum middangearde, swa hwaot swa he to g6de ged -, eal he hit forlyst; for ban be se apostol Paulus ne bib geligenod, Pe cwaeb, 'yeah Pe ic aspende ealle mine oehta on bearfena bigleofan, and Peah be ic minne agenne lichaman to cwale gesylle, swa boet ic forbyrne on martyrdome; gif ic naebbe ba 170 sojan lufe, ne fremab hit me nan Ping.' Be ban ylcan cwraeb se godspellere Johannes, 'Se be his brobor ne lufab, he wunap on deabe.' Eft hM cwaab, '.,1c bzra be his brobor hatab is manslaga.' Ealle we sind gebropra be on God gelyfap, and we ealle cwepab Paler nos/er qui es in cells, baat is, r17 'Ure Faeder be eart on heofonum.' Ne gedyrstloace nan man be mwgphade, butan sobre lufe. Ne truwige nan man be zelmesdoedum obbe on gebedum, butan brere foresoedan lufe; for ban be swa lange swa hU hylt bone sweartan nip on his heortan, ne maeg he mid nanum tinge bone mildheortan iSo God gegladian. Ac gif he wille boet him God milde sý, bonne blyste hU g6des raedes, na of minum mube, ac of Cristes sylfes: he cwaeb, 'Gif bu offrast bine l*c to Godes weofode, and bu brer gemyndig bist boet Pin brobor hbafp sum Ping ongean be, forkoet baerrihte ba lac aetforan bam weofode, and 185 gang rerest to binum breber, and be to him gesibsuma; and bonne bu eft cymst to bam weofode, geoffra bonne Pine lac.' Gif bu bonne binum cristenum breper deredest, bonne hoefý he sum ping ongean be, and Pu scealt be Godes taecunge hine THE PASSION OF ST. STEPHEN, PROTOM. 23 gegladian, Tr ]u Pine 1ic geoffrige. Gif bonne se cristena mann, be Pin brobor is, Pe ahwar geyfelode, Poet Ju scealt 9go niltsigende forgifan. Ure gastlican 1ac sind ure gebedu, and lofsang, and huseihalgung, and gehwilce opJre 1ic Pe we Gode offriaJ, ba we sceolon mid gesibsumere heortan and broberlicere lufe Gode betacan. Nu cwyb sum man ongean bas raedinge, 'Ne maeg ic minne feond lufian, bone Pe ic 195 doeghwomlice waehreowne togeanes me geseo.' Eala pu mann, bu sceawast hwoet bin brobor be dyde, and bu ne sceawast hwaet bu Gode gedydest. Ponne bu micele swafrran synna wib God gefremodest, hwf nelt bu forgyfan ba lytlan gyltas anum menn, boet se a1mihtiga God be ba miccian 200 synna forgyfe? Nu cwyst bu eft, ' Micel gedeorf bib me bzet ic minne feond lufige, and for bone gebidde be me hearmes cepb.' Ne wibcwebe we boet hit micel gedeorf ne sy; ac gif hit is hefigtyme on byssere worulde, hit becymb tomiceire mede on Paere toweardan. Witodlice burh bines 205 feondes lufe bu bist Godes freond; and na boet an bxt bu his freond sy, ac eac swilce bu hist Godes bear, burh ba roedene boet bu binne feond lufige; swa swa Crist syif cwaep, 'Lufiab eowere fynd, dop Pam tela be eow hatiab, pat ge beon eoweres Faeder cild, se be on heofenum is.' Menigfealda 210 earfobnyssa and hospas wolde gehwa eabelice forberan wip ban boet he moste sumum rican men to bearne geteald beon, and his yrfenuma to gewitendlicum aehtum: forberab nu gepyldelice for bam ecan wurbmynte, boet ge Godes beam getealde beon, and his yffenuman on heofenlicum spedum, 215 bot baet se over forlyldigan wolde for ateorigendlicere edwiste. We secgap eow Godes riht; healdab gif ge willon. Gif we hit forsuwiab, ne bif us geborgen. Cristes lufu us neadaf' boet we simle ba g6dan tihton, pabt hi on godnysse burh- 220 wunion; and ba yfelan we mynegiap baet hi fram heora 24 SELECTED HOMILiTES OF 2ELFRIC. yfelnessum hraedlice gecyrron. Ne beo se rihtwisa gymeleas on his anginne, ne se yfela ortruwige burh his unrihtwisnysse. Ondroade se goda Poet he fealle; hogige se yfela pmt he' 225 astande, Se P~e yfel sy geefen1aece H6 Paules gecyrrednysse; se be g6d sy Purhwunige h6 on go'dnysse mid Stephane; for ýan be ne bib nain anginn herigendlic butan godre geendunge. ASlc ]of bib on ende gesungen. Mine gebropra, gyrstandoeg gemedemode ure Drihten hine 23o sylfnie bxt h6 bysne middangeard burh sobe menniscnysse geneosode: nu toda'g se rebela cempa Stephanus, frarn lichamlicere wununge gewitende, sigefoest to heofenum ferde. Crist niber asta'h, mid flaesce bewaafed; Stephanus up asta'h, burh his blod gewuldorbeagod. Gyrstandoeg sungon englas 235 ' Gode wuldor on heannyssum;' flu todaeg hf underfengon Stephanum blissigende on heora geferroedene, mid barn h6 wuidrap and blissab 'a on ecnysse. Amen. V. JANUARY VI, THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. MEN ba leofostan, flu for feawum, dagum we of'erroeddon P~is godspel aetforan cow, be belimpb to bysses doages Penunge, for gereccednysse baere godspellican endebyrdnysse; ac we ne brepodon bone traht na swibor bonne to bees daeges wurb-. ~5 mynte be1imp: flu wille we eft oferyrnan ba ylcan godspellican endebyrdnysse, and be byssere andweardan freolstf'de trahtnian. Matheus se Godspellere cwaeb, I'Cum natus esset lesus in Bethleem IudT, in diebus Tierodis regis, ecce Magi ab io oriente venerunt Hierosolimam, dicentes, Ubi est qui natus THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. 25 est Rex Iudeorum?' et reliqua. 'pa pa se Hxelend acenned wes on paere Iudeiscan Bethleem, on Herodes dagum cyninges, efne pa comon fram eastdaele middangeardes pry tungelwitegan to Paere byrig H[i]erusalem, ]us befrlnende,' Hwaer is Iudeiscra leoda Cyning, sepe acenned is? We gesawon I5 soplice his steorran on eastdsele, and we comon to pi P]et we us to him gebiddan.' Hwset pa Herodes cyning pis gehyrende wear] micclum astyred, and eal seo burhwaru samod mid him. He pa gesamnode ealle pa ealdorbiscopas and p]es folces boceras, and befran hwmer Cristes cenningstow waere. 20 Hi sedon, 'On ]aere Iudeiscan Bethleem.' pus soplice is awriten ]purh ]one witegan Micheam, 'Eala pu Bethleem, Iudeisc land I ne eart pu nateshw6n wacost burga on Iudeiscum ealdrum: of pe cym]p se heretoga, se pe gewylt and gewissap Israhela folc.' pa clypode Herodes pja pry tungel- 25 witegan on sunderspraece, and geornlice hf befran to hwilces timan se steorra him aerest seteowode; and sende hi to Bethleem, pus cwepende, 'FaraJ ardlice, and befrina] be pam cilde; and ponne ge hit gemetap, cya]p me, pjet ic maege me to him gebiddan.' pa tungelwitegan ferdon sefter paes cy- 30 ninges sprsece. And efne pa se steorra pe hi on eastdsele gesawon glad him beforan, o> ]pet h6 gestod bufon pam gesthuse paer Paet cild on1 wunode. Hi gesawon pone steorran, and pearle blissodon. Eodon Pa inn, and Pset cild gemetton mid Marian his meder, and niperfeallende hi to 35 him gebaedon. Hi geopenodon heora hordfatu, and him lac geoffrodon: gold, and recels, and myrran. Hwset Pa God on swefne hi gewarnode, and bebead p]et hi eft ne gecyrdon to pam repan cyninge Herode, ac Purh operne weg hine forcyrdon, and swa to heora epele bec6mon.' 40 pes daeg is gehaten Epzihania Domini, Pet is ' Godes geswutelungdaeg.' On pysum daege Crist waes geswutelod pam onn. 26 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ALFRIC. ]ryrn cyningum, be frar eastdele middangeardes hine mid brimfealdur lacum gesohton. Eft embe geara ymbrynum -5 h6 wearb on his fullubte on bysum &aege middangearde geswutelod, ba Pa se Halga Gist on cuifran hfwe uppon him gereste, and ]xes Foeder stemn of heofenum hhuide swegde, Pus cwe]~ende, 'yes is min leofa Sunu, Pe me w61 licaJ; gehyrap him.'. Eac on Jisum daege he awende woeter to a4'e50 lum wine, and mid bam geswutelode Poet he is se soJa Scyppend, Pe ba gesceafta awendan mihte. For jisum ]rym Pingum is bes freolsdag Godes swutelung gecweden. On bam forman daege his gebyrdtide he wearp aeteowed brym hyrdum. on ludeiscum earde, burh Joes -engles bodunge. On aram 55 ylcurn dage he wearb gecydd bam rrym tungelwftegum on eastdoele, burh bone beorhtan steorran; ac on bysum daege hi coron mid heora lacum. Hit woes gedafenlic boet se gesceadwisa engel hine cydde bram gesceadwisum Indeiscum, be Godes k cubon, and bam haepenum, be bees godcundan 6o gesceades nyston, na burh stemne, ac burh tacn waere geswutelod. Pa Tudeiscan hyrdas geticnodon ba gastlican hyrdas, boet sind ba apostolas, be Crist geceas of ludeiscum folce, Us to hyrdur and to lareowum. Pa tungeiwitegan, be woeron on 65 haebenscipe wunigende, haefdon getacnunge ealles habenes folces, be wurdon to Gode gebigede burh baera apostola 1are, be woeron ludeiscre beode. Soblice se sealmsceop awrat be Criste, boet h6 is se hyrnstan be gefegp ba twegen weallas togoedere, for ban be he gepeodde his gecorenan of ludeiscur 7o folce and ba geleaffullan of haebenum, swilce twegen wagas -to anre gelapunge; be bam cwaeb Paulus se apostol, 'Se Halend bodade on his tocyre sibbe us be feorran wawron, and sibbe bam re gehende wkron. H6 is ure sibb, se pe dyde ageger to anum, towurpende ba krran feondscipas on 75 him sylfum.' Pa ludeiscan be on Crist gelyfdon woeron him THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. 27 geh~ndor st6wlice, and eac ]urh cyppe pxre ealdan 0: we woeron swipe fyrlyne, aegper ge st6wlice ge ]urh uncypple; ac he ds gegaderode mid Thum geleafan to Pam healicum hyrnstane, paet is to annysse his gelapunge. Pa easternan tungeiwitegan gesawon nfwne steorran 8o beorhtne, na on heofenur betwux obrum tungylur, ac was angenga betwuix heofenum and eorpan. Pa undergeaton hi Jet se seldcuba tungel gebienode Pas soban Cyninges acennednysse on bram earde be he oferg1ad; and for Pi comon to Iudea rice, and bone arleasan cyning Heroder mid heora 85 bodunge bearle afrkrdon; for ban be buton tweon seo eorblice arleasnys wearb gescynd, ba ba seo heofenlice healicnyss wearb, geopenod. Swutol is bret ba tungeiwitegan tocneowon Crist sobne -mann, ba ba hi befrunon, 'Hwaer is se be acenned is?' Hi 90 oncneowon hine sobne cyning, ba ba hi cwaedon 'Iudea cyning.' Hi hine wurbodon sobne God, Pa ba hi cwaedon, 'we comon to by baet we us to him gebiddan.' Eabe mihte God hi gewissian burh bone steorran to paere byrig be boet cild on waes, swa swa he his acennednysse burh Paes steorran 95 upspring geswutelode; ac he wolde bat ba ludeiscan boceras bPa witegunge be bam roeddon, and swa his cenningstowe geswutelodon, baet hi gehealdene waeron, gif hi woldon mid ban tungeiwitegum hi to Criste gebiddan: gif hi bonne noldon, Pabt hi wurdon mid brere geswutelunge geniperode. Pa tung- 100 elwitegan ferdon and hi gebzedon, and ba ludeiscan boceras baeftan belifon, be ba cenningstowe burh b6clic gescead gebicnodon. Ealle gesceafta oncneowon heora Scyppendes tocyme, buton bam arleasum ludeiscum anum. Heofonas oncneowon io5 heora Scyppend, ba ba hi on his acennednysse niwne steorran aeteowdon. Sae oncneow, ba ba Crist mid drium fotwylmum ofer hyre yba mihtelice eode. Sunne oncneow, Pa ba heo on z8 SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2LFRIC. his ]rowunge hire leoman fram middaege op n6n behydde. 110 St'nas oncneowon, ba Pa hi on his forlsibe sticmelum toburston. Seo eor}e oneneow, 12a Pa heo on his aeriste eall byfode. Hell oneneow, ba ba heo hire hoeftlingas unjances forlet. And beah Pa heardheortan Iudei noldon for eallum Pam tacnum bone sopan Scyppend tocnawan,4'e ba dumban 115 gesceafta undergeaton, and mid gebionungum geswutolodon. Naeron hi swapeah ealle endemes ungeleaffulle, ac of heora cynne waaron xg]per ge witegan ge apostolas, and fela Jusenda gelyfedra manna. Pa Pa Pa. tungelwitegan Pone cyning gecyrdon, Pa wearb 120 se steorra him ungesewen; and eft, ba Pa hi to Pam cilde gecyrdon, ba gesawon hi eft bone steorran, and he ba hi geloedde to Pam huse baer hM inne wunode. Ne glad hM ealne weig him oetforan, ac syppan hi comon to ludeiscum earde, sybban he woes, heora latteow, op boet he bufan Cristes gest125 huse zetstod.. Ierodes hafde deofles getacnunge; and se be fram Gode bichb to deofle he forlyst Godes gife, Paet is, his modes onlihftinge, swa swa ba tungeiwitegan bone steorran forluron, ba ba hi bone reban cyning gecyrdon. Gif he bonne eft bone 130 deofol anraedlice forko't, bonne gem~t hM eft bees Halgan Gastes gife, be his heortan onliht, and to Criste ge1't. Us is eac to witenne, boet waeron sume gedwolmen be cwMdon baet alc man beo. acenned be steorrena gesetnyssum, and Purh heora ymbryna him, wyrd gelimpe, and namon to 135 fultume heora gedwylde boat niwe steorra asprang ba ba Drihten lichamlice acenned wearb, and cwaedon beet se steorra his gewyrd woere. Gewite bis gedwyld fram geleaffullum heortum, beet aanig gewyrd sy, buton se oelmihtiga Scyppend, se be aelcum men foresceawab lif be his geearnungum. Nis 140 se man for steorrum gesceapen, ac ba steorran sirt mannum to nihtlicere libtinge gesceapene. Pa ba se steorra glad, and THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. 29 pa tungelwitegan gelsedde, and him ]ses cildes inn gebicnode, pa geswutelode he P]et he wses Cristes gesceaft, and rihtlice his Scyppende benode: ac he noes his gewyrd. Eft we bidda] ]Poet nan geleafful man his geleafan mid Pisum I45 gedwylde ne befyle. Witodlice Rebecca, Isaaces wif, acende twegen getwysan, Iacob and Esau, on,nre tide, swa P]et Iacob heold Pone yldran broper Esau be pam f6t on psere cenninge, and hi naeron peah gelice on peawum, ne on lifes geearnungum. Witodlice ]set halige gewrit cwyjp Poet God 150 lufode Iacob, and hatode Esau; na for gewyrde, ac for mislicum geearnungum. Hit gelimp] forwel oft ]set on anre tide acenp seo cwen and seo wyln, and peah gepic] se e]peling be his gebyrdum to healicum cynesetle, and paere wylne sunu wunap eal his Iff on peowte. I55 Nu cwepa] oft stunte men paet hi be gewyrde lybban sceolon, swylce God hi neadige to yfeldaedum! Ac we wylla]p yssera stuntra manna ydele leasunge adwasscan mid deopnysse godcundra gewrita. Se aelmihtiga Scyppend gesceop englas bjurh his godcundan mihte, and for his micclan i60 rihtwisnysse forgeaf him agenne cyre, Wpet hi moston purhwunian on ecere gesoel]e purh gehyrsumnysse, and mihton eac pa gesaelpa forleosan, na for gewyrde, ac for ungehyrsumnysse. His deope rihtwisnys nolde hineadian to naprum, ac forgeaf him agenne cyre; for pan pe paet is rihtwisnys 165 paet gehwylcum sy his agen cyre gepafod. ponne woere seo rihtwisnys awaged, gif he hi neadunge to his peowte gebigde, o]pe gif he hi to yfelnysse bescufe. pa miswendon sume pa englas heora agenne cyre, and purh modignysse hy sylfe to awyrigedum deoflum geworhton. 17o Eft pa pa se primwealdenda Scyppend mancyn geworhte, bpa forgeaf hd Adame and Evan agenne cyre, swa hi purh gehyrsumnysse a on ecnysse, butan deape, on geszelpe wunodon, mid eallum heora ofspringe, swa hi Purh ungehyr 30 SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2LFRIC. 175 sumnysse deadlice wurdon. Ac Pa Pa hi Godes bebod forgagdon, and jPos awyrigedan deofles lare gehyrsumodon, Pa wurdon hi deadlice and forscyldegode Purh agenne cyre, hi and eall heora ofspring; and beah Je noefre ne wurde sy}4an mancynne gemiltsod, Je ma Pe Pam deoflum is, ]eah woere iSo Godes rihtwisnys eallunga untoele. Ac eft seo miccie mildheortnys ures Drihtnes us alysde Purh his menniscnysse, gif we his bebodum mid ealre heortan gehyrsumiap. Witodlice Pa Je fu purh agenne cyre and deofles tihtinge God forlaetaJp, God for1aet hi eac to pam ecan forwyrde. x8s Georne wiste se oe1mihtiga Scyppend, aer Pan Pe he Pa gesceafta gesceope, hwaet toweard woes. He cure gewislice getel ager ge gecorenra engla ge gecorenra manna, and eac Pera modigra gasta and arleasra manna, Pe Purh heora arleasnysse forwurpap; ac he ne forestihte naenne to yfel9go nysse, for Pan Pe he syif is eall g6dnyss; ne hd noenne to forwyrde ne gestihte, for P2an Pe he is sop 11f. He forestihte Pa gecorenan to Pam ecan life, for Pan Pe he wiste hi swilce towearde, Purh his gife and agene gehyrsumnysse. He nolde forestihtan Pa arleasan to his rice, for pan Pe he wiste hi swilce 195 towearde, Purh heora agene forgaegednysse and Pwyrnysse. Heald4p Pis faeste on eowerum heortum, Poet se aelmihtiga and se rihtwisa God naenne mann ne neadap to syngigenne, ac he w~t swapeah on 2r hwilce Purh agenne willan syngian willap. Hwf ne sceal he Ponne rihtlice wrecan Poet yfel Pxet 2oo he onscunap? He lufap alc g6d and rihtwisnysse, for Pan le he is gecyndelice g6d and rihtwis; and he hatap, ealle Pa ýe unrihtwisnysse wyrcap, and Pa fordep pe leasunge spreca>, Witodlice Pa pe on God belyfap, hi sind purh Pone Halgan Gist gewissode. Nis seo gecyrrednys to Gode of us sylfum, 205 ac of Godes gife, swa swa se apostol cwyp, 'Iurh Godes gife ge sind gehealdene on geleafan.' THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. 31 Pa P~e ne gelyfaP ]Purh agenne cyre hi scoria], na Jurh gewyrd; for Pan Pe gewyrd nis nan Ping buton leas wena; ne nan Ping soplice be gewyrde ne gewyrp, ac ealle Ping Jurh Godes dom beop geendebyrde, se Pe cwaeJ Purh his witegan, 210 'Ic afandige manna heortan, and heora lendena, and aalcum sylle oefter his foerelde, and aefter his agenre afundennysse.' Ne talige nan man his yfelan doeda to Gode, ac talige zerest to Pam deofle, ]e mancyn beswac, and to Adames forgaegednysse; ac Peah swipost to him sylfum, ]aet him yfel gelicap, 215 and ne licap g6d. Bip Jeah gelome ofsprincg forscyldegod Purh forpfhedera mandceda, gif he mid yfele him geefenhaehp. Gif Jonne se ofspring rihtwis bit, Ponne leofap he on his rihtwisnysse, and nateshwon his yldrena synna ne aberp. Ne sy nin man 220 to pan arleas Poet hU Adam wyrige obbe Evan, Pe nu on heofenum mid Gode rixiap, ac geearnige swipor Godes mildheortnysse, swa Poet h~ wende his agenne cyre to his Scyppendes gehyrsumnysse and bebodum; for Pan Pe nan man ne biU gehealden buton Purh gife Hoelendes Cristes: Pa gife 225 he gearcode and forestibte on ecum raede aer middangeardes gesetnysse. Mine gebropra, ge habbaP nu gehyred be Pan leasan wenan, Pe ydele men gewyrd hatap: uton nu f6n on paes godspelles trahtnunge, Paer we hit aer forleton. 230 Pa tungeiwitegan eodon into ]oes cildes gesthuse, and hine gemetton mid ]xere meder. Hf Pa mid astrehtum lichaman hi to Criste geboadon, and geopenodon heora hordfatu, and him geoffrodon Pryfealde lac, gold, and recels, and myrran. Gold gedafenap cyninge; st6r gebyrap to Godes 235 Penunge; mid myrran man behwyrfJý deadra manna li, Jat hi late rotian. Pas Pryf tungelwftegan hi to Criste geba'edon, and him getacnigendlice lac offrodon. Jaet gold getacuode Paet he is sop cyning. Se st6r ]aet he is sop God. 32 SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2ELFRIC. 240 Seo myrre Poet he woes Pa deadlic; ac he purhwuna] nu undeadlic on ecnysse. Sume gedwolmen woeron Pe gelyfdon Poet he God woere, ac hi nateshw6n ne gelyfdon Poet hU zghwar rixode: hi offrodon Criste gastlice recels, and noldon him gold offrian. 245 Eft woeron opre gedwolmen Pe gelyfdon Poet he sop cyning woere, ac hi wipsocon Poet he God woere: Pas, buton twyn, him offrodon gold, and noldon offrian recels. Sume gedwolan andetton Poet he sop God woere and sop cyning, and wipsocon jet hU deadlic flaesc underfenge: Pas witodlice him 250 brobton gold and stor, and noldon bringan myrran Pxere onfangenre deadlicnysse. Mine gebrojpra, uton we geoffrian urum Drihtne gold, Poet we andettan Poet hd sop cyning sy, and reghwoer rixige. Uton him offrian st6r, Poet we gelyfon Poet hd Ofre God woes, se Pe 255 on paere tide man ateowde. Uton him bringan myrran, Poet we gelyfan Poet he woes deadlic on urum flaesce, se pe is unprowigendlic on his godcundnysse. He woes deadlic on menniscnysse aer his Prowunge, ac he bib heononfor] undeadlic, swa swa we ealle beop oefter Pam gemaenelicum 260 weriste. We habbap gesad embe pas pryfealdan lac, hii hi to Criste belimpap: we willap eac seogan hd hi to Us belimpap aefter peawlicum andgite. Mid golde witodlice bip wisdom getacnod, swa swa Salomon cw~ep, 'Gewilnigendlic goidhord 265 lip on paes witan mupe.' Mid store biP geswutelod halig gebed, be Pam sang se sealmscop, IDribten, sy min gebed asend swa swa byrnende st6r on Pinre gesihpe.' Jurh myrran is gehiwod cwelmbaernys ures flosces; be Pam cwep seo halige gelaPung, 'Mine handa drypton myrran.' Pam 270 acennedan Cyninge we bringap gold, gif we on his gesihpe mid beorhtnysse paas upplican wisdomes scinende beop. St6r we him bringap, gif we ure gepohtas Purh gecnyrdnysse THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 3 33 haligra gebeda on weofode ure heortan onzlap, Poet we magon hwoethwega wynsumlice burl heofenlice gewilnunge stincan. Myrran we him offriap, gif we ba flaesclican lustas burh for- 275 hoefednysse cwylmiab. Mlyrra deb, swa we aer cwoedon, Poet Pioet deade floesc eajelice ne rotab. Witodlice Pmt deade floesc rotab leahtorlice, bonne se deadlica lichama beowab b cre flowendan galnysse, swa swa se witega be sumum cwreb, 'Pa nytenu forrotedon on heora meoxe.' Ponne forrotiab 280 bPa nytenil on heora meoxe, ]onne floesclice men on stence heora galnysse geendiap heora dagas. Ac gif we ba myrran Gode gastlice geoffriap, ]onne bib ure deadlica lichama fram galnysse stencum purh forhzefednysse gehealden. Sum ping miccies gebicnodon ba tungeiwitegan us mid 285 bPam Pat hi burh operne weg to heora earde gecyrdon. Ure eard soplice is neorxnawang, to Pam we ne magon gecyrran 1oes weges be we comon. Se frumsceapena man and eall his ofspring wearb adrafed of neorxenawanges myrhpe burh ungehyrsumnysse, and for Pigene bres for- 290 bodenan bigleofan, and Purh modignysse, ba ba he wolde beon betera bonne hine se elmihtiga Scyppend gesceop. Ac us is micel neod Poet we burh oberne weg bone swicolan deofol forbugan, boet we moton geseliglice to urum ebele becuman, be we to gesceapene woeron. 295 We sceolon burh gehyrsumnysse, and forhaefednysse, and eadmodnysse, anmodlice to urum ebele stoappan, and mid halgum maegnum bone eard ofgan be we purh leahtras forluron. Rihtlice wxs se swicola Herodes fram bam tungelwitegum bepoeht, and he to Criste ne becom, for ban be hM 300 mid facenfullum mode hine sohte. He getacnode ba leasan licceteras, be mid hiwunge God secab, and naefre ne gemetab. He is to secenne mid sobfaestre heortan and anraedum mode, se be leofab and rixab mid Fzeder and Halgum Gaste, on ealra worulda woruld. Amen. 305 D 34 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ZLFRIOS VIe SHROVE SUNDAY. ADSUMPSTT Tesus xii. discipulos suos, et reliqua. Her is geraed on Jissum godspelle, Pe we nu gehyrdon of ýoes diacones mupe, ]p t 'se Haelend gename onsundron his tweif leorningcnihtas, and cw~ep to him, 'Effe we sceolon 5 faran to paere byrig Hierusalem, and JPonne beob gefyllede ealle Pa Ping Pe waeron be me awritene Jmrh witegan. Ic sceal beon belkwed beodum, and hi dob me to bysmore,. and beswingap, and sypjan ofsleab, and ic arise of deabe on Pam Priddan daege.' Pa nyston his leorningcnihtas nan io andgit Pyssera worda. Pa gelamp hit Poet hi genealohton anre byrig Pe is gehaten Hiericho, and Pa sot Jaer sum blind man be Pam wege; and P~a Pa he gehyrde Joes folces far mid Pam Halende, Pa acsode he hwa Pmer ferde. Hi cwm.. don him to, Poet Jxt woere Jaes Holendes fier. Pa begann 15 he to hrymenne, and cwaJp, 'Hoelend, Davides beam, gemiltsa min ' Pa men Pe beforan P~am Hoelende ferdon ciddon ongean bone blindan, Poet he suwian sceolde. He clypode Pa miccie swibor, 'Hinelend, Davides beam, gemiltsa mini' Pa st6d se Haelend, and het loadan Pone blindan to 20 him. Pa Pa he genea1ahte, Pa acsode se Haelend hine, 'Hwoet wylt bu Poet ic be d6?' He cwaep, IDrihten, baet ic mage geseon.' And se Haelend him cwaep to, 'Loca nu: bin geleafa hafJ` be gehxeled.' And'he bierrihte geseah, and fy ligde bam Haelende, and hine maersode. Pa eal Poet folc 25 Pe Poet wundor geseh herede God mid miceire onbryrdnysse.' Pyses godspelles anginn hrepode ures HIelendes Prowunge; beahhwoeere ne browade hM na on Pysne timan,; ac M wolde feorran and lange or cyban his Prowunge his leor SHROVE SUNDAY. 35 ningcnihtum, poet hf ne sceoldon beon to swipe afyrhte purh pa. rowunge, ponne se tima come ]aet he pjrowian wolde. 30 Heora m6d wear] afyrht purh Cristes segene, ac he hi eft gehyrte mid pam worde pe he cwsae, ' Ic arise of deape on p]am priddan daege.' pa wolde he heora geleafan gestrangian and getrymman mid wundrum. And hi pa comon to psere stowe bPer se blinda man saet be pam wege, and Crist hine 35 gehalde aetforan gesihpe ealles pbes werodes, to pi p]et he wolde mid p]am wundre hi to geleafan gebringan. peahhwoepere pa wundra pe Crist worhte, oper ping hi seteowdon purh inihte, and opre ping hi getacnodon purh geryno. He worhte pa wundra soplice purh godcunde mihte, and mid 40 pam wundrum paes folces geleafan getrymde; ac hwbepre poer waes oper ping digle on pam wundrum, aefter gastlicum andgite. pes an blinda man getacnode eall mancynn, pe wear] ablend purh Adames gylt, and asceofen of myrhpe neorxenawanges, and gebroht to pisum life,. pe is wipmeten 45 cwearterne. Nu sind we ute belocene fram pam. heofenlican leohte, and we ne magon on pissum life Pas ecan leohtes brucan; ne we his na mare ne cunnon buton swa micel swa we purh Cristes lare on bocum roedap. peos woruld,.>eahpe heo myrige hwiltidum gepuht sy, nis heo hwaepere pe 50 geliccre ]aere ecan worulde pe is sum cweartern leohtum daege. Eal mancyn waes, swa we ser cwaedon, ablend mid geleafleaste 1 and gedwylde; ac purh Cristes tocyme we wurdon abrodene of urum gedwyldum, and onlihte purh geleafan. Nu haebbe we ]et leoht on urum mode, bapt is, Cristes ge- 55 leafa; and we habba]p pone hiht ]aes ecan lifes myrhpe, peah pe we gyt lichamlice on urum cwearterne wunian. Se blinda man saet et paere byrig pe is gehaten Hiericho. Hiericho is gereht and gehaten 'mona.' Se mona dep aegper, ge wycxp ge wanap: healfum monpe he bip weaxende, heal- 6o geleaflaeste. D 2 36 SELECTED HOMILIES OF XLFRIC. fum he bi] wanigende. Nu getacnap se mona ure deadlice lif, and ateorunge ure deadlicnysse. On operne ende men beop acennede, on operne ende hi forpfarap. pa P]a Crist corn to P]xre byrig Hiericho, ]Pe pone monan getacna], Pa 65 underfeng se blinda man gesihpe. poet is, Pa ]Pa Crist com to.ure, deadlicnysse, and. ure menniscnysse underfeng, Pa wearb mancyn onliht, and gesihpe underfeng. He soet wip Pone weig; and Crist cwoep on his godspelle, ' Ic eom weig, and sopfaestnys, and lif.' Se man Pe nan Ping ne cann ]aes 70 ecan leohtes, he is blind; ac gif h6 gelyf] on ]pone Haelend, Ponne sitt he wip ]one weig. Gif he nele biddan Pses ecan leohtes, he sitt Ponne blind be ]am wege unbiddende. Se ]e rihtlice gelyfj on Crfst, and geornlice bitt his sawle onlihtinge, he sitt be pam wege biddende. Swa hwa swa 75 oncnaew] Pa blindnysse his modes, clypige he mid inweardre heortan, swa swa se blinda cleopode, 'Haelend, Davides Beam, gemiltsa mln I' Seo menigu pe eode beforan bam Haelende ciddon ]am blindan, and heton P]et he stille wmere. Seo menigu getac80 nia) ure unlustas and leahtras Pe us hremma], and ure heortan ofsittab, ]oet we ne magon us swa geornlice geLbddan swa we behofedon. Hit gelimp] gelomlice, Ponne se man 'wile yfeles geswican, and his synna gebetan, and mid eallum mode to Gode gecyrran, Ponne cumaba pa ealdan 85 leahtras Pe hU er geworhte, and hf gedrefap his mod, and willa] gestillan his stemne, P]et he to Gode ne clypige. Ac hwaet dyde se blinda, Pa Pa ]oet folc hine wolde gestyllan? He hrymde ]pes be swipor, o] Poet se HIelend his stemne gehyrde, and hine gehaelde. Swa we sceolon eac d6n, gif 90 us deofol drecce mid menigfealdum gepohtum and costnungum: we sceolon hryman swipor and swipor to }am Haelende, Paet he todraefe Pa yfelan costnunga fram ure heortan, and Pset he onlihte ure mod mid his gife. Gif we SHROVE SUNDA 37 37 bonne burhwunia] on urum gebedum, bonne mage we gedon mid urum hreame Pwt se Haelend stent, se Pe aer eode, and 95 wile gehyran ure clypunge, and ure heortan onlihtan mid godum and mid claanum gepohtum. Ne magon ba yfelan gepohtas Us derian, gif hi U's ne liciab; ac swa Us swibor deofol bregP mid yfelum gepohtum, swa we beteran beop, and Gode leofran, gif we bone deofol forseob, and. ealle his loo costnunga, ]Purh Godes fultum. Hwaet is bos Haelendes stede, oPPe hwoet is his fxr? He ferde burh his menniscnysse, and he stod burh ba godcundnysse. He ferde burh ba menniscnysse, swa paet he woes acenned, and ferde fram stowe to stowe, and deab, browade, io5 and of deabe aras, and astah to heofenum. Pis is his fier. He stent burh ba godcundnysse; for bon be hM is burh his mibte acghwmer andweard, and ne bearf na faran fram stowe to stowe; for bon be M is on aelcere stowe burh his godcundnysse. Pa ba he ferde, ba gehyrde he baes blindan iio clypunge; and ba ba he stod, ba forgeaf he him gesihpe,; for ban burh Pa menniscnysse he besargap ures modes blindnysse, and burh ba godcundnysse he forgifp us leoht, and ure blindnysse onliht. He cwaep to bam blindan men, "Hwoet wilt bu boet ic be do?' Wenst bu bet hM nyste 115 hwret se. blinda wolde, se be hine gehalan mihte? Ac he wolde boet se blinda bzede; for bon be M tiht 2elcne swibe gemaglice to gebedum: ac hwoebere he cwyp on obre stowe, "Eower heofenlica Faeder wat hwms ge-behofiap, Eer ban be ge hine aeniges hinges biddan,' beahhwoebere wile- se- goda 120 God' jPet we hine. georne biddon;- for ban. burh ba gebedu bib ure heorte onbryrd and gewend to Gode. Pa cwxeb se blinda, 'La leof, do boet ic mmge geseon.' Ne baed se blinda nabor ne goldes, ne seolfres, ne nane woruldlice Ping, ac bWd his gesihpe. For nahte he tealde 125 axnig ring to biddenne buton gesihpe; for Pan Peah se blinda '38 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ZLEFRIC. sum Ping habbe, he ne maeg butan leohte geseon poet he kaefP. Uton for Pi geefenlawcan bisum men, Pe woes gehaeled fram Criste, aeg'er ge on lichaman ge on sawle: ne bidde we 130 va lease welan, ne gewitenlice wurpmyntas; ac uton biddan Ileoht aet urun Drihtne: na ]Pot leoht be bi] geendod, Pe bib mid jPare nihte todraefed, boet Pe is gemoene Us and nytenum; ac uton biddan ]oes leohtes be we magon mid englum anum geseon, Poet Pe nzefre ne bib ge6ndod. To bam leohte sop135 lice ure geleafa us sceal gebringan, swa swa Grist cwaep to Tam blindan menv, 'L6ca nu, Pin geleafa be gehaelde.' Nu smea] sum ungeleafful man, Hu mmg ic gewilnian Ps gastlican leohtes, Poet Paet ic geseon ne maeg? Nu cwe]e ic to bam menn, Poet ba Ping be hU understynt and undergytan 140. moeg, ne undergyt he na Pa Ping purh his lichaman, ac Purh,his sawle; beahhwoebere ne gesihp nan man his sawle on ]isum life. Heo is ungesewenlic, ac Peahhwoepere heo wissabp one gesewenlican lichaman. Se lichama, Pe is gesewenlic, haefj, lif of biere sawle, be is ungesewenlic. Gewite 145 poet ungesewenlice ut, bonne fylp adune poet gesewenlice; for ban Pe hit ne stod na o'r burh hit syif. JJes lichoman lif is seo sawul, and pIaere sawle lif is God. Gewite seo sawul ut, ne maeg se mub clypian, Peah be h6 gynige; ne eage geseon, beah be hit open sy; ne nin limr1 ne deb nan Ping, 50..gif se lichama bib sawuhleas. Swa eac seo sawul, gif God hi forlat for synnum, ne deb heo nan Ping to g6de. Ne rneg Pan man nan Ping to g6de gedon butan Godes fulture. Ne bib seo synfulle sawul na mid ealle to nabte awend, yeah be heo gode adeadod sy; ac heo bib dead aalcere dugupe and 155 gesalale, and bib gehealden to bram ecan deabe, brer par heo xfre bib on pinungum wunigende, and beahhwoebere naefre ne ateorap. Hu marg be nid twynian Poes ecan leohtes, yeah hit unge'limn. SHROVE SUNDAY. 39 sewenlic sy, Jonne Ju haefst 1if of ungesewenlicre 'awle, and Pe ne twynab nan Ping Poet bu sawle hsebbe, beah Ju hi i6o geseon ne mage? Se blinda, aa ba hM geseon mibte, ba fyligde he bram Haelende. Se man gesihP, and fylip Gode, se Pe cann understandan God, and g6d weorc wyrcp. Set man gesihP, and nele Gode fylian, se be understent God, and nele g6d wyrcan. Ac uton understandan God, and g6d 165 weorc wyrcean: uton behealdan hwider Crist gange, and him fylian; Poet is JPet we sceolon smeagan hwoet hM twce, and hwzet him licige, and Poet mid weorcum gefyllan, swa swa hM syif cwaeP, 'Se be me Penige, fylige hM me;' Poet is, geefenlace he me, and onscunige aelc yfel, and lufige aelc g6d, 170 swa swa ic do. Ne teah Grist him na to on bisum life land ne welan, swa swa he be him sylfum cwaep, 'Deor habbab hola, and fugelas habbab nest, hwoer hi restab, and ic naebbe hwider ic ahylde min heafod.' Swa micel he haefde swa he rohte, and leofode be obra manna oehtum, se be ealle Ping Th. 17-5 We racdap on Cristes bec Poet Poet foic raedde be him, Poet hi woldon hine gelaeccan, and ahebban to cyninge, Poet he woere heora heafod for worulde, swa swa he waes godeundlice. Pa ba Grist ongeat Poe folces willan, Pa fieah hM anstandende to anre dune, and his geferan gewendon to sk, and se Haelend iSo wxs up on lande. Pa on niht eode se Haelend up on bam waetere mid drium fotum, op Poet he com to his leorningcnihtum, beer brer hi woeron on rewute. He forfleah bone woruidlican wurbmynt, ba Pa he waes to cyninge gecoren; ac he ne forfleah na Poet edwit and bone hosp, ba Pa ba ludeis- i85 can hine woldon on rode ah6n. He nolde his heafod befon mid gyldenum cynehelme, ac mid byrnenum, swa swa hit gedon woes on his Prowunge. He nolde on Pissum life rixian hwilwendlice, se be ecelice rixab on heofonum. Nis beos woruld na ure ebel, ac is ure wroecsib; for bi ne sceole we 9go na besettan urne hiht on bissum swicelum life, ac sceolon 40 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ALFRIC. efstan mid godum geearnungum to urum epele, ]aer we to gesceapene waeron, pset is, to heofenan rice. Soplice hit is awriten, 'Swa hwa swa wile beon freond 195 pisre worulde, se bip geteald Godes feond.' Crist cwe]p on sumre stowe P]et ' Se weig is swipe nearu and sticol, se pe ]et to heofonan rice; and se is swipe rum and smepe, se pe lbet to helle wite.' Se weig se pe let to heofenan rice is for pi nearu and sticol, for pi pset we sceolon mid earfop200 nysse geearnian urne epel. Gif we hine habban willap, we sceolon lufian mildheortnysse, and clhennysse, and sopfsestnysse, and rihtwisnysse, and eadmodnysse, and habban gope lufe to Gode and to mannum, and don aelmessan be ure maepe, and habban gemet on urum bigleofan, and gehwilce 205 opere halige ping began. pas ping we ne magon don butan earfopnyssum; ac gif we hi dop, ponne mage we mid pan geswincum, purh Godes fultum, astigan pone sticolan weg pe ds gelaet to pam ecan life. Se weg se pe loet to forwfrde is for pi brad and smepe, for pi pe unlustas gebringap pone 2I0 man to forwyrde. Him bip swipe softe, and nan geswipc p]et he fylle his galnysse, and druncennysse, and gytsunge begange and modignysse, and pa unstrangan berype, and d6n swa hwaet swa hine lyst: ac pas unpeawas and opre swilce gelsedap hine butan geswince to ecum tintregum, 2I5 buton he ser his ende yfeles geswice, and g6d wyrce. Dysig bip se wegferenda man se pe nimp pone smepan weg pe hine mislaet, and forlet pone sticolan pe hine gebrincP to pbere byrig. Swa eac we beop soplice ungerade, gif we lufiaP ]a sceortan softnysse and pa hwilwendlican lustas to 220 pan swipe pset hi us gebringan to pam ecan pinungum. Ac uton niman pone earfopran weg, pbet we her sume hwile swincon, to Py pset we ecelice beon butan geswince. Eape mihte Crist, gif he wolde, on pisum life wunian butan earfopnyssum, and faran to his ecan rice butan prowunge, and THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. 41 butan deape; ac he nolde. Be Pam cw~4p Petrus se apostol, 225 'Grist Trowode for us, and sealde us bysne, Poet we sceolon fyligan his fotswapum;' ]pet is, Poet we sceolon sum Ping ])rowian for Cristes lufon, and for urum synnum. Wel P)rowa]) se man, and Gode gecwemlice, se Pe win] ongean leahtras, and godnysse gefrema]), swa swa he fyrmest mEeg. 230 Se Pe nan Ping nele on Pissum life Prowian, he sceal prowvian unpances wyrsan Prowunga on Pam toweardan life. Nu genealaec] clane tid and halig, on ])ere we sceolon ure gimeleaste gebetan: cume for Pi gehwa cristenra manna to -his scrifte, and his diglan gyltas geandette, and; be his 235 lareowes taecunge gebete; and tihte aelc o])erne to g6de mid g6dre gebysnunge, Pxt eal foic cwele be us, swa swa be Pam' blindan gecweden woes, Pa ]a his eagan woeron onlihte; Poet is, 'Iall folc Pe Poret wundor geseah, herede God, se Pe leofab aid rixa], ' butan ende. Amen.' 240 THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT*. Ic wolde eow trahtnian P)is godspel Pe mann nu- beforan eow roedde, ac ic ondroade Poet ge ne magon Pa micelan deopnysse ]os godspelles swa understandan swa hit gedafenlic sy. Nu bidde ic eow Poet ge beon gepyldige on eowerum ge])ance, op Poet we Pone traht mid Godes fyiste 5 oferroedan magon. 'Se Fielend woes gekoed fram ]am Halgan Gaste to anum westene, to Py ]aet he woere gecostnod fram deofle: and he Pa fteste feowertig daga and feowertig nihta, swa Poet he ne onbyrigde ates ne woetes on eallum ]am fyrste: ac si])an io him hingrode. Pa genealmhte se costnere, and him to cwae), 'Gif ]u sy Godes Sunu, cwep to ])isum stanum pmt hi beon 42 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ZLFRIC. awende to hiafum.' Pa andwearde se Haelend, and cwrep, 'Hit is awriten, Ne leofap se mann na be hiafe anum, ac 15 lyfaj be eallum Pam wordum Pe gap of Godes mube.' Pa genam se deofol hine, and gesette hine uppan bram scylfe poas heagan temples, and maep, I'Gif bu Godes Sunu sy, feall nu aduin: hit is awriten boet englum is beboden be be Poet hi be on hira handum ahebbon, Poet bu furbon ne Purfe binne 20 fot aet stane actspurnan.' Pa cwaeb se Haelend eft him to, 'Hit is awriten, 'Ne fanda bines Drihtnes.' Pa genam se deofol hine eft, and gesette hine uppan anre swibe heahre dune, and aeteowde him ealles middangeardes welan, and his wauldor, and cwreb him to, 'Ealle bas ping ic forgife Pe, gif 5 bpu wilt feallan to minun fotum and gebiddan Pe to me.' Pa cwob se Haelend him to, 'Ga Pu underboecc, sceocca! Hit is awriten, Gehwa sceal hine gebiddan to his Drihtne anum, and him anum Peowian.' Pa forlet se deofol hine, and him comon englas to, and him Penodon.' 30 Se Halga Gast leedde bone Haelend to bam westene, to by Poet he wmre baer gecostuod. Nu wundrab gehwa hii se deofol dorste genealoacan to bam HaeLende, boet he hine costuode; ac hM ne dorste Cristes findian, gif him alyfed maere. Se Haelend cor to mancynne for Pi bnet'he wolde. 35 ealle ure costnunga oferswiban mid his costnungum, and oferswipan urne bone ecan deap mid his hwilwendlicum deape. Nu woes he swa eadmod Poet he gejafode bam deolle Poet he his fandode, and he gepafode lybrum mannum b at hi hine ofslogon. Deofol is ealra unrihtwisra manna 40 heafod, and Pa yfelan men sind his lima: na gepafode God boet Pact heafod hine costnode, and bmt Pa limu hine ahengon. Pam deofle woes micel twynung, hwxt Grist woere. His 1ff mes na gel6god swa swa obra manna liff. Grist ne 2et mid 45 gyfernysse, ne he ne drainc mid oferflowendnysse, ne his eagan THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. 43 ne ferdon worigende geond mislice lustas. Pa smeade se deofel hwot he woere; hwoe}er he woere Godes sunu, se be manncynne behaten woes. Cwrep ba on his gepance, Poet he fandian wolde hwoet he wwere. Pa faeste Crist feowertig daga and feowertig nibta on an, Pa on eallum bam fyrste ne cwaep 50 se deofol to him }xet he etan sceolde, for ban be hM geseh ýaet him nan Ping ne hingrode. Eft, ba ba Crist hingrode aefter swa langum fyrste, ba wende se deofol soblice Pmt he God naere, and cwxeb to him, 'Hwi hingraý Pe? Gif bu Godes sunu sy, wend bas stanas to hiafum, and et.' 55 Eabe mihte God, se be awende waeter to wine, and se be ealle gesceafta of nahte geworhte, eabelice he mihte awendan bPa stanas to hiafum: ac he nolde nan Ping don be bees deofles taecunge; ac cwaeb him to andsware, 'Ne lifab na se man be hiafe anum, ac lifab be bam wordum be gap of 6o Godes mube.' Swa swa boes mannes lichama leofab be hlafe, swa sceal his sawul lybban be Godes wordum, bEet is, be Godes lare, be he burh wise menn on bocum gesette. Gif se lichama naef' mete, obbe ne maeg mete Picgean, bonne forweornab he, and adeadab; swa eac seo sawul, gif 65 heo naefP ba halgan lare, heo bib bonne weornigende and mzegenleas. Purh ba halgan lare heo bib strang and onbryrd to Godes willan. Pa waes se deofol aene oferswibed fram Criste. 'And he ba hine genam, and baer upp on bmt tempi, and hine sette aet 70 bam scylfe, and cwaeb to him, 'IGif bu Godes Sunu sy, sceot addn; for ban be englum is beboden be be, boet hi be on handum ahebban, baet bu ne Purfe binne f6t aet stane zetspurnan.' Her begahn se deofol to reccanne halige gewritu, and he leah mid baere race; for ban be hM is leas, and nan 75 sobfaestnys nis on him; ac he is freder x1cere leasunge. Naes baet na awriten be Criste boet hM ba saede, ac wees awriten be halgump mannum: hi behofiab engla fultumes on bissum 44 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ELFRIC. life, paet se deofol hi costnian ne mote swa swipe swa he 80 wolde. Swa hold is God: mancynne, pazt he haefj geset his englas us to hyrdum,. et hf ne sceolon na gepafian pam repum deoflum; pet hi us fordon magon. Hi moton ure afandian, ac hi ne moton us nydan to nanum yfle,, buton we hit sylfe agenes willan d6n, purh pa yfelan tihtinge pses 85 deofles. We ne beopl na; fulfremede buton we beon afandode: purh pa fandunge we sceolon gepeon, gif we aefre wipsacap deofle, and eallum his larum; and gif we genealaecap urum Drihtne mid geleafan, and lufe, and godum weorcum; gif we hwaer aslidon, arisan eft paerrihte, and betan georne paet paer 90 tobrocen bip. Crist cwsep] pa to pam deofle, 'Ne sceal man fandigan his Drihtnes.' paet wsere swipe gilplic dad gif Crist scute pa aduin, peah pe he eape mihte butan awyrdnysse his lima nyper asceotan, se pe gebigde pone heagan heofenlican 95 bigels; ac he nolde nan ping d6n mid gylpe; for pon pe se gylp is an heafodleahter; pa nolde he adun asceotan, for pon pe he onscunode pone gylp; ac cwep, ' Ne sceal man his Drihtnes fandian.' Se man fandap his Drihtnes se pe mid dyslicum truwan and mid gylpe sum wundorlic ping on 1oo Godes naman d6n wile, oppe se pe sumes wundres dyslice and butan neode aet Gode abiddan wile. pa waes se deofol opere sipe burh Cristes gepyld oferswiped. 'pa genam he hine eft, and abaer hine upp on ane dune, and etywde him ealles middangeardes welan and his wuldor, io5 and cwse]p to him,." Ealle pas ping ic forgife pe, gif pu wilt afeallan to minum: fotum, and pe to me gebiddan."' Dyrstelice spraec se deofol her, swa swa he aer spraec,.pa pa he on heofenum wses, pa pa hd wolde delan heofonan rice wip his Scyppend, and beon Gode gelic; ac his dyrstignys hine Io awearp pa into helle; and eac nu his dyrstignys hine geniperode, pa pa he purh Cristes Prowunge forlet mancynn of THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. 45 his anwealde. He cwcel', 'Pas Ting ic forgife be.' Him juhte Poet he ahte ealne middangeard; for Pon Pe him ne w4'stod nan man aer Pam be Grist com jPe hine gewylde. Hit is awriten on halgum bocum, 'Eorbe and eall hire i11 gefyllednys, and eal ymbhwyrft, and Pa be on bam wuniab, eale hit syndon Godes oehta,' and na deofles. Peahhwaepere Grist cwa4' on his godspelle be Pam deofle, baet he wNare middangeardes ealdor, and he sceolde beon iitadraefed. He is b~era manna ealdor be lufiab bisne middangeard, and ealne 120 heora.hiht on bissum life besettab, and heora Scyppend forseoP. Ealle gesceafta, sunne, and mona, and ealle tunglan, land, and sk, and nytenu, ealle hi beowiab hyra Scyppende; for bon be hi farab aefter Godes dihte. Se lybra man Ana, bonne he forsihp Godes beboda and fullgae deofles willan, 125 oppe burh gytsunge, oPPe burh leasunge, obbe burh graman, oppe burh obre leahtras, bonne bib he deofles beowa, bonne he deofle gecwemp, and bone forsihp be hine geworhte. 'Grist cwoeb ba to bam deofle, " Ga bu.underbaecc, sceocca! Hit is awriten, Man sceal hine gebiddan to his 13o Prihtne, and him anum beowian."' Quidar dicunt non dixisse Salvatorem, 'Satane, vade retro,' med tantum 'Vade': sed taren in rectioribus et vetustioribus exemplaribus habetur, ' Vade retro Satanas,' sicut interpretatio ipsius norinis declarat; nar diabolus 'Deorsum ruens' interpretatur. 135 Apostolo igitur Petro dicitur a Christo, -' Vade retro me,' id est, 'Sequere me.' Diabolo non dicitur, 'Vade retro me,' sed, 'Vade retro,' sicut jam diximus, et sic scripsit beatus Hieronirus, in una epistola. He cwaeb to bam deofle, 'Ga bu underixec.' Deofles nama is gereht 'Nyber-hreosende.' 140 Nyber he ahreas, and under baec he eode frar frimpe his anginnes, ba ba he was ascyred fram bpare heofonlican blisse; on hinder he eode eft burh Cristes tocyme; on hinder he sceal gan on domes daege, bonne he bib belocen on helle 46 SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2ELFRIC. 145 wite on 6cum fyre, he and ealle his geferan; and hi naafre sikban U't brecan ne magon. Hit is awriten on ]xere ealdan k Pot nan man ne sceal hine gebiddan to nanum deofelgylde, ne to nanum Jinge buton to Gode anum; for Pon Pe nan gesceaft nys wyr]e 150 pJes wurbmyntes buton se ana se be Scyppend is ealra Pinga; to him anum we sceolon U's gebiddan: he ana is sop Hiaford and sob God. We biddab Pingunga aet halgum mannum, Poet hi sceolon Us Pingian to heora Drihtne and to urum Drihtne; ne gehidde we na, Jeahhwoepere, us to him, swa 755 swa we to Gode doJ, ne hi baet gepafian nella]; swa swa se engel cwaJp to lohanne bam apostole, Pa ba he wolde feallan to his fotum: he cwmp, INe do Pu hit na, Poet u -to me abuge. Ic eom Godes Jeowa, swa swa ]u and Pine gebrobra: gebide Pe to Gode anum.' iGo 'Pa forl&t se deofol Grist, and him comon englas to, and him ]enodon.'. He wzes gecostnod swa swa mann, and xfter ]aere costnunge him comon halige englas to, and him ] enodon, swa swa heora Scyppende. Buton se deofol gesawe Poet Grist man woere, ne gecostnode he hine; and buton he 165 sob God wvre, noldon ba englas him benian. Mycel waas ures Helendes eabmodnys and his gepyld on Pisre doede. He mibte mid anum worde besencan Pone deofol on Jrere deopan nywelnysse; ac hM ne aeteowde his mihte, ac mid halgum gewritum he andwyrde bam deofle, and sealde us 170 hysne mid his gepylde, Poet swa oft swa we fram bwyrum mannum 2enig Ping browiab, Poet we sceolon wendan ure mod to Godes lare swipor bonne to zenigre wrace. On Preo wisan bib deofles costaung: boet is on tibtinge, on lustfullunge, on gepafunge. Deofol tiht Us to yfele, ac 175 we sceolon hit onscunian, and ne geniman nane Iustfullunge to bore tihtinge: gif bonne ure mod nimp gelustfullunge, konne sceole we huru wibstandan, bret baer ne heo nin ge THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. 47 ýafung to ]am yfelan weorce. Seo yfele tihting is of deofle; bonne bi]p oft }oes mannes m6d gebiged to pa]re lustfullunge, hwilon eac aslift to Paere gepafunge; for bon Pe we sind of x8o synfullum flaesce acennede. Noes na se Helend on Pa wisanI gecostnod; for bon be he wMes of maedene acenned buton synne, and noes nan Ping Pwyrlices on him. He mihte beon gecostnod burh tihtinge, ac nan lustfullung ne hrepede his mod. Paer noes eac nan gepafung, for bon be b~er noes nan 185 lustfullung; ac woes ]oes deofles costnung for Jy eall wiputan, and nan Ping wibinnan. Ungewiss com se deofol to Criste, and ungewiss he eode aweig; for ban be se Hae1end ne geswutulode na him his mihte, ac oferdraf hine gepyldelice mid halgum gewritum. 9go Se ealda deofol gecostnode urne fbeder Adam on breo wisan: boet is mid gyfernysse, and mid idelum wuidre, and mid gitsunge; and ba wearb he oferswibed, for bon be he gepafode bam deofle on eallum bam brim costnungum. Purh gyfernysse he woes oferswibed, ba ba he burh deofles lare oet 195 bone forbodenan oappe1. Purh idel wuldor he woes oferswibed, ba ba he gelyfde Poes deofles wordum, ba ba hU cweb, 'Swa maere ge beob swa swa englas, gif ge of bram treowe etab.' And hi ba gelyfdon his leasunge, and woldon mid idelum gylpe beon beteran bonne hi gesceapene waeron: ba 2oo wurdon hi wyrsan. Mid gytsunge he waes oferswibed, ba ba se deofol cwaeb to him, 'And ge habbab gescead aeg'er ge g6des ge Yfeles.' Nis na gytsung on feo anum, ac is eac on gewilnunge miceire gepincpe. Mid bam ylcum brim Pingum be se deofol bone frum- 205 sceapenan mann oferswijde, mid bam ylcan Crist oferswibde hine, and astrebte. Purh gyfernysse fandode se deofol Cristes, ba Pa he cwaab, 'Cweb to bysum stanum baet hi beon to hiafum awende, and et.' Jurh idel wuldor he fandwison. 48 SELECTED HOMILIES OF IELFRIC. 210 ode his, Pa Pa he hine tihte poet hU sceolde sceotan nyper of ]oes temples scylfe..Purh gitsunge h6 fandode his, Pa Pa he mid leasunge him behet ealles middangeardes welan, gif he wolde feallan to his fotum. Ac se deofol woes Pa oferswiped j urh Grist on Pam ylcum gemetum Pe he or Adam ofer215 swipde; Poet he gewite fram urum heortum mid Pam innfaere gehaft mid Pam Pe he inn afaren woes and us gehaefte. We gehyrdon on Pisum godspelle Poet ure Drihten faeste feowertig daga and feowertig nihta on 'n. Pa Pa he swa lange faeste, Pa geswutelode he Pa micelan mihte his god2 20cundnysse, Purh Pa he mihte on eallum Visum audweardum life butan eorjlicum mettum lybban, gif he wolde. Eft, Pa Pa him hingrode, Pa geswutelode he Pot h6 woes sop man, and for Pi metes behofode. Moyses se heretoga foeste eac feowertig daga and feowertig nibta, to Pi Poet he moste un225 derfon Godes O; ac he ne foeste na ]urh his agene mihte, ac Jurh Godes. Eac se witega Elias fbaste ealswa lange eac ]urh Godes mihte, and silpan woes genumen butan deape of Visum life. Nu is Pis fiesten eallum cristenum mannum geset to heal230 denne on oelces geares ymbryne; ac we moton zelce dzg ures metes brucan mid forhaefednysse, brera metta Pe alyfede sind. Hwi is Vis faesten Pus geteald ]Purh feowertig daga? On eallum geare sind getealde Preo hund daga and fif and sixtig daga; Vonne, gif we teopial Pas gearlican dagas, 25 ]onne beop }aer six and Pritig teopingdagras; and fram Visunm dgeop oP Vone halgan Easterdeg- sind twa and feowertig daga: d6 Ponne Pa six sunnandagas of Vam getele, Vonne beoV Va six and Pritig joes geares teopingdagas ds to forhaefednysse getealde. 240 Swa swa Godes r us bebyt Poet we sceolon ealle Va Ping Pe us gesceotap of uires geares teolutige Gode Va teopunge syllan, swa we sceolon eac on Visum teopingdagum urne THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. 49 lichaman mid forhoefednysse Gode to lofe teo]ian. We sceolon us gearcian on eallum pingum swa swa Godes' enas, aefter paes apostoles tsecunge, on micclum ge]ylde, and on halgum waeccum, on foestenum, and on claennysse modes and 245 lichaman. Lxetap aweg ealle saca, and selc geflitt, and gehealdap pas tid mid sibbe and mid sopre lufe; for pon ne bip nan faesten Gode andfenge butan sibbe. And dop swa swa God taehte, tobrec ]inne hlaf, and syle ]pone operne dael hungrium men, and laed into pinum huse wedlan, and pa 250 earman selfremedan men, and gefrefra hi mid pinum godum. ponne pu nacodne geseo, scryd hine, and ne forseoh pin agen flaesc. Se mann pe faest buton elmyssan, hd dep swilce he sparige his mete, and eft ett ]pet he aer mid forhaefednysse foreode; ac Poet faesten tselp God. Ac gif pu faestan wille 255 Gode to gecwemednysse, ponie gehelp pu earmra manna mid pam daele pe ]u pe sylfum oftihst, and eac mid maran, gif pe to onhagige. Forbugap idele spellunge, and dyselice blissa, and bewepap eowre synna; for pon pe Crist cwse], ' Wa eow pe nu hlihga-p, ge sceolon heofian and wepan.' 260 Eft he cwsep, 'Eadige beop Pa pe nu wepap, for pon pe hi sceolon beon gefrefrode.' We lybbap mislice on twelf mon]um: nu sceole we ure gymeleaste on pysne timan geinnian, and lybban Gode, we pe oprum timan us sylfum leofodon. And swa hwoet swa 35 we dop to g6de, uton d6n paet butan gylpe and idelre herunge. Se mann pe for gylpe hwaet to g6de dep, him sylfum to herunge, nsefP he p]es nane mede et Gode, ac hfefb his wite. Ac uton d6n swa swa God taehte, paet ure godan weorc beon on pa wisan' mannum cupe, ]pet hi magon 270 geseon ure g6dnysse, and paet hf wuldrian and herigan urne heofenlican Faeder, God elmihtigne, se pe forgilt mid hundfealdum swa hwaet swa we dop earmum mannum for wison. E 50 SELECTED HOMILIES OF Z2LFRIC. his lufan 1, se ]pe leofa] and rixap 'a butan ende on ecnysse. Arneni VII1I. MIDLENT SUNDAY. 'Se Hwlen'd ferde ofer Pa Galileiscan sk, Je is gehaten Tyberiadis, and him filigde micel menigu, for Pon Pe hi heheoldon Pa tacna Pe h6 wo'rhte ofer Pa untruman men. Pa astah se Hze1end up on ane dune, and Joer saft mid his leorn5 ingcnihtumi and woes Pa swip'e gehende seo halige Eastertid. Pa beseah se Hae1end up, and geseah Poet Par woes mycel mennisc toweard, and cwaap to anum his leorningcnihta, se woes gehaiteni Philippus, ' Mid hwam mage we bicgan hl6.f bisum folce?' P~is he cwae to iiindunge Poes leornio ingcnihtes i-he syif wiste hwoet he d6n, wolde. Pa andwyrde Philippus, I'yeah her woeron gebohte twa hund peningwurpblhafes, ne mihte furpon hyra me1c anne bitan of barn gekecccan.' Pa cwoep an his leorningcnihta, se haitte Andreas, Petres bro]por, ' Her hyrP 'an cnapa fif berone hiafas, and 5 twegen fixas, ac to hwain rnmg Poet to swa miccium werode?' Pa cwxp, se Hm1end, 'Dob Poet Pmet folc sitte.' And Pae woes inicel gm'rs on Pore stowe, myrige on to sittenne. -And hi P a ealle sweton, swa swa mihte heon fif busend wera. Pa genam se Urelend Pa fif hla'fas, and bletsode, and tobraec, 2o and todoe1de betwux Pam sittendum; swa gelice eac Pa fixas todwelde; and hi ealle genoh haefdon. Pa Pa hi ealle fulle wacron, Pa cwaep se Hm1end to his leorningonibtum, ' Gadeniab ba lafe, Poet hif ne: losion.' And hi ba gegaderodon Pa bricas, and gefyldon tweif wilian mid Poere lafe. Poet folc ba 25 be Pis tacen geseah cwzp Poet Grist woere sob witega, se be wxs toweard to bisum middangearde.' I lufon. MJDLENT SUNDA Y. 5 51 Seo sk, P~e se Haelend oferferde, getacnaj, Pas andweardan woruld, to hecre corn Grist and oferferde; poet is, he corn to jisre worulde on menniscnysse, and Pis lif oferferde; he corn to deaje, and of deabe aras; and astah up on ane dune, 30 and ]~er szet mid his leorningrcnihtum, for bon Pe he astah up to heofenum, and Poer sitt nupa. mid his halgum. Rihtlice is seo sae- wipmeten Jisre worulde, for Pon Pe heo is hwfltidum smylte and myrige 6n to rowenne, hwilon eac swipe hreoh and egeful on to beonne. Swa is peos woruld: 35 hwfltidum- heo is gesundful. and myrige on to. wunigenne, hwilon heo is eac swipe styrnlic, and mid mislicum PIngum gemenged, swa Poet heo for oft bUP swipe unwynsum. on to eardigenne.. Uwilon we beop hale, hwilon untrume;- nu blipe, and eft on miceire unblisse; for Py is jI's lif, swa swa 40 we aer cwaedon, }aere sk wiPmeten. Pa se, Haelend gesoet up on Paere dune, P~a aho~f W 'up his eagan, and ges~h Poet paer woes micel mennise toweard. Ealle Pa Pe him to cumap, Poet is, Pa Pe hugap, to rihtum geleafan, Pa gesihp, se Haelend, and Pam hM gemiltsap, and hyra mod 45 onliht mid his gife, pzet hl' magon him to cuman butan gedwylde, and Pam hM forgifp Pone gastlican fodan, Poet hif ne ateorian be wege. Pa Pa he axode Philippum, hwanon, hf" maihton hlaif Pam folce gebicg-an, Pa geswutelode hM Philippes nytennysse. Wel wiste Grist hwaet hM d6n wolde, and he 5o wiste Poet Philippus Poet nyste. Pa cwmep Andreas, Poet an cnapa Poer boere fif berene- hia'fas and twegen fixas. Pa cw~ep se Haelend, 'Dop Poet pxt foi-c sitte,' and swa for Po~n swa we eow aer rehton. S-e Hae1end geseh Poet hungrige foic, and h6 hi mildheortlice fedde, aegper ge Purh his g6dnysse 55 ge ]mrh his mihte. Hwxt mihte seo go~dnys ana, buton paer waere miht mid Paere godnysse? His discipuli woldon eac pxt folc fedan, ac hi1 naefdon mid hwam. Se Haelend haefde P~one godan willan to Pam fostre, and Pa mihte to Parm fremminge. E 2 52 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ELFRIC. 6o Fela wundra worhte God, and doeghwamlice wyrcIp; ac Pa wundra sind swiple awacode on manna gesihpe, for P~on Pe hi sind swibe gewunelice. Mare wundor is Poet God aelmihtig zelce dreg f6t ealne middangeard, and gewissa]ý Pa g6dan, bonne Poet wundor waere, Poet he ba gefylde fif Pusend manna 65 mid fif hiafum: ac bres wundredon men, na for Pi Poret hit mare wundor woere, ac for Ji boet hit woes ungewunelic. Hwa syl}, nu woestm urum aecerum, and gemenigfylt boet gerip of feawum cornum, huton se Pe Pa gemrenigfylde jPa fif hiafas? Seo miht woes Pa on Cristes handum, and Pa fif hiafas woeron 70 swylce hit sred wwre, na on eorjan besawen, ac gemenigfyld fram bam Pe eorban geworhte. Pis wundor is swibe micel, and deop on getacnungum.,Oft gehwa gesihp fwgre stafas awritene; Ponne herab he bone writere and ba stafas, and nat hwaat hi maenap. Se Pe cann 75 paera stafa gescead, he herap, heora fregernysse, and roet' ja stafas, and understent hwoet hi gemrnenaP. On obre wisan we -sceawiab metinge, and on obre wisan stafas. Ne goey na mare to metinge buton boet Ju hit geseo and herige; nis na gen6h bret Ju stafas sceawige, huton ]u hi eac roede, and So boet andgit understande. Swa is eac on bam wundre be God worhte mid Pam fif hiafum: ne bib na genoh Pret we b res tacnes wundrian, oppe burh boet God herian, buton we eac boet gastlice andgit understandon. Pa fif hiafas be se cnapa baer getacniap ba fif bec be 85 Moyses se heretoga sette on brere ealdan 06. Se cnapa be hi bmr, and heora ne onbyrigde, woes Poet Iudeisce foic, be ba fif bee roeddon, and ne cube bmrr6n nan gastlic audgit, oer ban Pe Crist cor, and ba h6c geopenode, and hyra gastlice andgit onwreah his leorningcnihtum, and hi sibban eallum go cristenum folce. We ne magon nu ealle ba fif bec areccan, I rce d. MIDLENT SUNDAY.5 53 ac we secgaj eow Jaet God syif hi dihte, and Moyses hi awrat, to steore and to lare Jram ealdan folce Israhel, and eac us on gastlicur andgite. Pa bec woeron avritene be Criste,. ac Pot gastlice andgit woes bam folce digle, op Poet Crist syif corn to mannum, and geopenede pxra boca digel- 9 -nysse, xfter gastlicum andgite. Alli evangelistae ferunt,. quia panes et pisces Dominus'discipulis distribuisset, discipuli auten ministraverunt turbis. He tobrkc Pa fif hiafas and sealde his leorningcnihtum, and bet beran Pam folce; for bon Pe h6 tabte him Pa gastlican 1oo Uare; and hif ferdon geond ealne middangeard, and bodedon, swa swa him Grist syif toehte. Mid bam r e h6 tobrac Pa hlafas, ba Nvoeron hi gemenigfylde, and weoxon him on handurn; for bon Pe Pa fif bee wurdon gastlice asmeade, and wise lareowas hi trahtnodon, and setton of bam bocum 105 manega obre b6c; and we mid baera boca lare beop daeghwomlice gastlice gereordode. Pa hlafas woeron berene. Bere is swipe earfobe to gearcigenne, and beahhwoebere fet bone mann, bonne h6 gearo bib. Swa wos seo ealde 0 swibe earfobe and digle to under- iio standenne; ac Peahhwoepere, bonne we cumab to bram smedman, Poet is to baere getacnunge, bonne gereordap, heo ure rod, and gestrangap mid Pxre diglan lare. Fif hiafas Peer Nvaeron, and fif busend manna beer waaron gereordode; for ban be Poet Judeisce folc waas underbeodd Godes a3, be st6d n55 on fif bocun awriten. Pa ba Crist axode Philippur, and he his afandode, swa swa we aer reeddon, ba getacnode be mid baere acsunge ]2es folces nytennysse, be wos under ]aere O, and ne cube bot gastlice andgit be on baere O'e bediglod waes. 120 Pa twegen fixas getacnodon sealrsang and Jaera witegena cwydas. An hera gecydde and bodode Cristes tocyme mid 54 SELECTED HOMILIES OF,ELFRIC. sealmsange, and oijer mid witegunge. Nu sind ]a twa gesetnyssa, jset is, sealmsang and witegung, swylce hi syflinge I25 weron to ]am fif berenum hlafum, aset is, to Pam fif Elicum bocum. poet folc, pe p]er gereordode, set ip on pam gserse. paet gaers getacnode flsesclice gewilnunge, swa swa se witega cwle], ' lc flsesc is gsrs, and P]es flssces wuldor is swilce wyrta blostm.' Nu sceal gehwa, se Pe wile sittan set Godes I30 gereorde, and brucan pere gastlican lare, oftredan ]bet gers and ofsittan, bset is, bset he sceal pa flsesclican lustas gewyldan, and his lichaman to Godes Peowdome symle gebigan. pser wseron getealde set pam gereorde fif pusend wera; for pon pe pa menn pe to pam gastlican gereorde belimpap I35 sceolon beon werlice geworhte, swa swa se apostol cwse]: he cwse], ' Beop wacole, and standap on geleafan, and onginnap werlice, and beop gehyrte.' peah, gif wifmann bip werlice geworht, and strang to Godes willan, heo bip ]onne geteald to pam werum pe set Godes mysan sittab. pusend 140 getel bip fulfremed, and ne astihp nan getel ofer bpet. Mid pjam getele bip getacnod seo fulfremednys psera manna pe gereordia] heora sawla mid Godes lare. 'Se Hoelend het pa gegadrian ]a lafe, pset hf losian ne sceoldon; and hi pa gefyldon twelf wilion mid bpam bricum.' 145 pa lafe pes gereordes, p]et sind pa deopnyssa:sere lare pe woroldmen understandan ne magon, pa sceolon pa lareowas gegaderian, Pset hi ne losian, and healdan on heora fsetelsum, bet is, on heora heortan, and habban sefre gearo, to teonne forp pone wisdom and pa lare segPer ge Psere ealdan e ge 150 Psere niwan. Hi pa gegaderodon twelf wilian fulle mid pam bricum. poet twelffealde getel getacnode ]a twelf apostolas; for pan pe hi underfengon pa digelnyssa paere lare, pe bpet laewede folc undergitan ne mihte. 'Paet folc pa, pe bpet wundor geseah, cwsedon be Criste, 155 b]et he wxere sop witega, pe toweard wes.' Sop hi ssedon, ST. GREGORY. 55 sumera Pinga: witega h65 woes, for ban be hM wiste ealle towearde Ping, and eac fela Ping witegode, be beob gefyllede butan twyn. He is witega, and he is ealra witegena' witegung, for Pan be ealle witegan be him witegodon, and Grist gefylde heofa ealra witegunga. Poet folc geseah ba Poet wun- T6o dor, and hi bfe swibe wundredon. Pmt wundor is awriten, and we hit gehyrdon. P@t be on him heora eagan gedydon, baet deb ure geleafa on us.. Hi hit gesawon, and we his gelyfab be hit ne gesawon; and we sind -for bi beteran getealde, swa swa se Haelend be Us on obre stowe cwaeb, 'Eadige 16_ beob ba be me ne geseop, and hi hwobepre gelyfap on me, and mine wundra maersiab.' Iaet folc cwbp ba be Criste, boet he waere sob witega. Nu cwebe we be Criste, boet he is Poas lifigendan Godes sunu, se be woes toweard to alysenne ealne middangeard fram 170 deofles anwealde, and fram belle wite. J1et foic ne cupe b era goda, Poet hi cwaedon bpet he God waere, ac soedon P et he witega wore. We owebab, nu, mid fullum geleafan, bet ~Crist is sob witega, and ealra witegena witega, and boet he is soblice Poes anlmihtigan Godes sunu, ealswa mibtig s'fa 175 his foader, mid bam hM leofab and rixab on annysse Paes Halgan Gastes, a butan ende on.ecnysse. Amen. I X. ST. GREGORY. GREGORIUS se halga papa, ENGLISCRE PEODE APOSTOL, on bisum andwerdan dwge, oefter menigfealdum gedeorfum and halgum gecnyrdnyssum, Godes rice gesoaliglice astah. He is rihtlice Engliscre beode apostol, for ban be he burh his r'd and s.nde 's fram deofles biggengum aetbrde'd, and to 5 witegana. 56 SELECTED HOMILIES OF 2ELFRIC. Godes geleafan gebigde. Manega hilige bec cypab his drohtnunge and his halige lHf, and eac [HI isloria Anglorum, P a P~e A~lfred cyning of Ledene on Engliso awende. Seo b6c sprec4 genoh swutelice be bisum halgan were. Nu 10 wylie we sum Ping scortlice eow be him gereccan, for Pan Peseo foresoede b6c nis eow eallum cup, Peali Pe heo on Englisc awend sy. Pes eadiga papa Gregorius waes of aeelborenre megpeand eawfeestre acenned; Romanisce witan woeron his magas; u~ his faader hatte Gordianus, and Felix, se eawfeasta papa, wees his fifta feeder. He waes, swa swa we cwaedon, for worulde aeelboren, ac hM ofersta.h his 2ebelborennysse mid halgum JPeawumn, and mid godum weorcum geglengde. Gregorius is Grecisc nama, se sw~igJp on Ledenum gereorde Jig:?anfzis, 20 Jaet is on Engliso I'wacolre.' He woes swipe wacol on Godes - bebodum, P~a Pa he syif herigendlice leofode, and h6 wacollice ymbe manegra }Peoda bearfe ho'gode, and him lIffes weig geswutelode. H6 woes fram cildha~de on bo'clicum larum. getyd, and h6 on Jaere lare swa gesaeliglice beab, Pet on 25 ealre Romana-byrig naes nan his gelica gepuht. He gecneordlaehte aefter wisra la'reowa gebysnungum, and naes forgytol, ac gefoestnode his lare on feesthaifelum gemynde. He hl6d P~a mid Jurstigum breoste Pa ilowendan lare, Pe U~ eft aefter fyrste mid hunigswettre Protan Paeslice bealcette. On 30 geonglicum gearum, Pa Pa his geogop aefter gecynde woruldPing lufian sceolde, Pa ongann h6 hine sylfne to Gode ge~eodan, and to epele Pee upplican lifes mid eallum gewilnungum orpian. Witodlice vefter his feeder forpsipe he" araerde six munuclif on Sicilia-lande, and Poet seofoJpe bin3n non Romana-burh getimbrode, on Pam he sylf regollice under abbodes haesum drohtnode. Pa seofon mynstru he gelende mid his agenum, and genihtsumlice to daeghwomlicum bigleofan gegodode. Pone ofereacan his aahta h6 ST. GREGORY. 57 aspende on Codes Jearfum, and ealle his woruidlican aIpelborennysse to heofonlicum wuidre awende. He eode aer his 40 gecyrrednysse geond Romana-burh mid pwllenum gyrlum, and scinendum gymmum, and readum golde gefraetewod; ac aefter his gecyrrednysse he ]enode Godes bearfum, he sylf Jearfa, mid wacum wafelse befangen. Swa fuifremedlice hM drohtnode on anginne his gecyrred- 45 nysse swa Paet h6 mibte Pa g&u beon geteald on fuifremedra halgena getele. He lufode forh2'fednysse on mettum, and on drence, and woeccan on syndrigum gebedum; Joertoeacan he Jrowade singallice untrumnyssa, and swa hM stiblicor mid andwerdum untrumnyssum ofsett waes, swa hM geornfullicor 50 Paes ecan lifes gewilnode. Pa undergeat se papa Pe on bam timan P~et apostolice seti gesaet, hu se eadiga Gregorius on halgum maegnum Jeonde waes, and he ba hine of jrere munuclican drohtnunge genam, and him to gefyistan gesette, on diaconhade geende- 55 byrdne. Pa gelamp hit oet sumum smele, swa swa g)t for oft deJp, Jaet Englisce cypmenn brobton heora ware to Romanabyrig, and Gregorius eode be 1aere stro't to Pam Engliscum mannum, heora Ping sceawigende. Pa geseah he betwux Pam warum cypecnihtas gesette, ba waeron hwites lichaman 6o and fxgeres andwlitan menn, and aebellice gefexode. Gregorius Pa beheold Jaera cnapena wlite, and befran of hwilcere JPeode hi gebrohte woeron. Pa saede him man Paet hi of Englalande waeron, and Paet Jaere beode menniso swa wlitig waere. Eft jPa Gregorius befran hwaeper paes landes 65 foic Cristen waere be. haepen? Him man saede bxt hi hbxene waeron. Gregorius Pa of innweardre heortan langsume siccetunge teab, and cwaep, 'Waiaw Poet swa fageres hfwes menn sindon bram sweartan deofle underpeodde!' Eft hM axode hu Jaere beode nama woere, be hi of comon. Him 70 wes geaudwyrd Poet hi Angle genemnode woeron. Pa cwbep 58 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ZLFRIC. hey Riht-lice hi sind Angle -gehatene, for Jan be hi engla wlite habbap, and swilcum gedafena ]Poet hi on heofonum engla geferan beon.' Gyt Pa Gregorius befran hu Paere 75 scire nama woere, P~e ba cnapan of ahaedde woeron. Him man soede Poet Pa scfrmen waeron Dere gehatene. Gregorius andwyrde, 'Wel hi sind Dere gehatene, for ban be hi sind fram graman generode, and to Cristes mildheortnysse gecygede. Gyt ba he befrin, 'flu is baere leode cyning 8o gehaten?' Him woes geandswarod Poet se cyning iElle gehaten waere. Hwaat ba Gregorius gamenode mid his wordum to bar naman, and cwae, 'Hit gedafenap boet Alleluia sy gesungen on Pam lande, to lofe oes 7Elmihtigan Scyppendes.' 85 Gregorius ba sona eode to bram papa-n poe apostolican setles, and hine baed baet he Angelcynne sume lareowas asende, be hi to Criste gebigdon, and cwoeb Pbet hM sylf gearo woere boet wNeorc to gefremmenne mid Godes fultume, gif hit bram papan swa gelicode. Pa ne mihte se papa bat go gejafian, beah be hM eall wolde; for ban be ba Romaniscan ceastergewaran noldon ge~afian boet swa getogen mann, and swa gepungen lareow ba burh eallunge forlete, and* swa fyrlen wraecsib genarne. AEfter bisum gelamp boet micel ranncwealm becom ofer 95 jaere Roraniscan leode, and aerest bone papan Pelagium gestod, and buton yldinge adydde. Witodlice ofter boes papan geendunge, swa micel cwealm wearb boes folces, boet gehwmr stodon aweste huis geond ba burh, buton bugigendum. Pa ne mihte swabeab seo Romana-burh buton papan 10owunian, ac eal foic bone eadigan Gregoriur to ]azre gebinebe anmodlice gecea,,beah be h6 mid eallum magne wi~erigende woere. iregorius ba asende oenne pistol to b am casere 'Mauricium, se -wos his gefoedera, and hine halsode, and micclum bWed, Poet hU nafre pam folce ne gepa ST. GREGORY. 59 fode p]et he mid JFes wur]myntes wuldre geuferod waere, ic5 for ban pe he ondred paet he purh pone micclan had on woruldlicum wuldre, pe he aer awearp, et sumum saele bepaeht wurde. Ac p]es caseres heahgerefa, Germanus, gelaehte pone pistol aet Gregories zerendracan, and hine toter; and sippan cydde b]am casere paet pot folc Gre- Io gorium to papan gecoren haefde. Mauricius pa se casere Paes Gode pancode, and hine gehadian het. Hwset pa Gregorius fleames cepte, and on dymh6fon aetlutode; ac hine man gelaehte, and teah to Petres cyrcan, paet he b]~er to papan gehalgod wurde. Gregorius ]a aer his hadunge b2et 11, Romanisce folc, for pam onsigendum cwealme, pisum wordum to be[h]reowsunge tihte: 'Mine gebropra pa leofostan, us gedafena] bpet we Godes swingle, pe we on aer towearde ondroedan sceoldon, Poet we huru nui andwerde and afandode ondraedan. Geopenige ure 120 sarnys us infker sopre gecyrrednysse, and p]et wite pe we prowiap tobrece ure heortan heardnvsse. Efne nu pis folc is mid swurde p]es heofonlican graman ofslegen, and gehwilce aenlipige sind mid faerlicum slihte aweste. Ne seo adl pam deape ne forestaepp, ac ge geseo]p pet se sylfa deap 1,23 paere adle yldinge forhradap. Se geslagena bip mid deape gegripen, er ban be he to heofungum sobre behreowsunge gecyrran msege. H6giap for pi hwilc se becume wetforan gesihpe p]es strecan Deman, se pe ne maeg paet yfel bewepan pe he gefremode. Gehwilce eorpbugigende sind setbrodene, 130 and heora hus standap aweste. Faederas -and moddru bestandap heora bearna lic, and heora yrfenuman him sylfum to forwyrde forestaeppap..Uton eornostlice fleon to heofunge sopre doedbote, pa hwile pe -we moton, er pan pe se faerlica siege us astrecce. Uton gemunan swa hwset swa we dweli- 135 gende agylton, and uton-mid wope gewitnian ]aet ]aet we manfullice adrugon. Uton forhradian Godes ansyne on 6o SELECTED HOMILIES OF ZLELFRIC. andetnysse, swa swa se witega us manap, 'Uton ahebban ure heortan mid handum to Gode,' poet is, Pot we sceolon 140 Pa gecnyrdnysse ure bene mid geearnunge g6des weorces up araran. He forgifj truwan ure forhtunge, se Pe Purh his witegan clypap, 'Nylle ic paes synfullan dea], ac ic wille Poet h6 gecyrre and lybbe.' Ne geortruwige nan man hine sylfne for his synna micel145 nysse: witodlice Pa ealdan gyltas Niniveiscre Jeode ]reora daga be[h]reowsung adilegode; and se gecyrreda sceapa on his deapes cwyde Joes ecan lifes mede geearnode. Uton awendan ure heortan; hroedlice biI se Dema to urum benum gebfged, gif we fram urum Pwyrnyssum beo] gerihtlzehte. i.o'Uton standan mid gemaglicurm wopum ongean pam onsigendum swurde swa miccies domes. Soplice gemagnys is Pam sopan Deman gecweme, Jeah Pe heo mannum unpancwurje sy, for Pan Pe se arfaesta and se mildheorta God wile Jxt we mid gema'glicum benum his mildheortnysse ofgan, and he i55 nele swa miccium swa we geearniap Us geyrsian. Be pisum he cwae Purh his witegan, 'Clypa me on daege Pinre gedrefednysse, and ic Pe ahredde, and Pu maersast me.' God sylf is his gewita Poet he miltsian wile him to clypigendum, se Pe manab Poet we him to clypian sceolon. For, pi, mine ge[60 brojra Pa leofostan, uton gecuman on Pam feorpan daege Jysre wucan on aernemerigen, and mid estfullum mode and tearum singan' seofonfealde laetanias, Poet se streca Dema us ge~rige, ponne h' gesihP ]aet we sylfe ure gyltas wrecap. Eornostlice, pa Pa micel menigu, ageger ge preosthades ge 165 munuchades menn, and poet laewede folc, aefter Joas eadigan Gregories hbase on pone wodnesdaeg to Pam seofonfealdum letanium gecomon, to Pam swipe awedde se foresaeda cwealrn, Poet hundeahtatig manna, on poere anre tide feallende, of life gewiton, Pa hwfle pe Poet foic Pa letanias sungon. Ac se I singon. ST. GREGORY. halga sacerd ne geswkc poet foic to manigenne Paet hf pJere i 7 bene ne geswicon, op Jaet Godes miltsung pone reban cwealm gestilde. Hwaet ba Gregorius, sippan hM papanhad underfeng, gemunde hwoet hM gefyrn Angelcynne gemynte, and jParrihte Paet luftyrne weorc gefremode. He na to Poe hw6n ne 1-5 mihte bone Romaniscan biscopst6l eallunge forkaetan, ac M asende o]re bydelas, geJpungene Godes Jeowan, to bysum Iglande, and he syif miccium mid his benurn and tihtingurn fyiste, Paet baera bydela bodung forpgenge, and Gode woestmbaere wurde. oe-ra bydela naman sind Pus gecigede, AJGUS- iSo TINUS, MELLITUS, LAJJRENTIUS, PETRUS, IOHANNES, ITSTUS. P3as 1aireowas asende se eadigra papa Gregorius, mid manegumn ojrum munecum, to Angelcynne, and hi }isum wordum to b ere fare tihte: 'Ne beo ge afyrhte Jurh geswince ]os langsuman fxreldes, oppe ]mrh yfelra manna ymbesproece; 185 ac mid ealre anraednysse and wylme Jaere sopan lufe ]as ongunnenan Ping Jurh Godes fultum gefremma]p. And wite ge Jaet eower mnd on bam ecum edleane swa miccie mare bin, swa miccium swa ge mare for Godes willan swincab. Gehyrsumiab eadmodlice on eallum Pingum Augustine, bone 9go be we eow to ealdre gesetton; hit fremab eowerum sawlum swa hwa'et swa ge he his mynegunge gefyllap. Se elmihtiga God burl his gife eow gescylde, and geunne me Poet ic mote eoweres geswinces woestm on bram ecan ebele geseon, swa bmt ic beo gemet samod on blisse eoweres edleanes, 195 beah be ic mid eow swincan ne maege; for bon be ic wille swincan.' Augustinus ba mid his geferum, Poet sind gerehte feowertig wera, ferde be Gregories hbwse, ob poet hi to bisum fglande gesundfullice becomon. On bram dagum rixode ~belbyrht cyning on Cantware- 200 byrig riclice, and his rice wxs astreht fram ýore miccian 6a Humbre oP subso. Augustinus haefde genumen wealh 6:2 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ZLFRIC. stodas of Francena rice, swa swa Gregorius him behead; and hM Purh Poera wealhstoda mup Pam cyninge and his 205 leode Codes word bodade: hu se mildheorta Haelend mid his agenre Prowunge Jysne scyldigan middaneard alysde, and geleaffullum mannum heofonan rices infaer geopenode. Pa andwyrde se cyning 1Epelbriht Augustine, and cwoep paet h6 fregere word and behat him cydde; and cwaep Pact 210 he ne mihte swa hroedlice -Jone ealdan gewunan Pe hM mid Angaelcy7nne heold forkoetan; cwaap Pret hM moste freolice ]a. heofonlican la'e his leode bodian, and poet he him- and his geferan bigleofan Penian wolde, and forgeaf him Pa wu, nunge on Cantwarebyrig, seo w-os ealles his rices heafod215 hurh. Ongann ba Augustinus mid his munecum to geefenleecenne }rera apostola lilf, mid singalum gebedum, and wa-ccan, and faestenum Gode Jeowigende, and lifes word Pam Pe ht mihton hodigende; ealle middaneardlice Ping, swa swa aelfre220 mede, forh6gigende; pa Ping Ana be hi toý bigleofan heh6 -fedon underfonde; he Pam Pe hi toahton sylfe lybbende; and for joere sopfoestnysse Pe hi' bodedon gearowe woeron ehtnysse to poligenne, and deabe sweltan, gif hi Jorfton. Hwret Ja gelyfdon forwel menige, and on Codes naman 225 gefull6de wurdon, wundrigende Paere bilewitnysse heora unscaep}igan lifes,- and [paare] swetnysse heora heofonlican lare. Pa ot nextan gelustfullode Pam cyninge IEpelbrihte heora claene lif and heora wynsume behit, Pa soplice- wurdon mid manegum tacnum gesepde; and he- baý gelyfende wearj 230 gefullod, and miccium Pa cristenan. gearwurpode, and swa swa heofonlice ceastergewaran lufode:- nolde swapeah naenne to cristendome geneadian; for ban be hM ofaxode aet bram lareowuum his haele poet Cristes beowdom ne sceal beon geneadod, ac sylfwilles. Ongunnon ba dreghwomhice forwel 235 menige efstan to gehyrenne Pa halgan bodunge, and forleton ST. GREGORY. 63 heora haepenscipe, and hf sylfe gepeoddon Cristes gelapunge, on hine gelyfende. Betwux pisum gewende Augustinus ofer se to pbam ercebiscope Etherium, and he hine gehadode Angelcynne to ercebiscope, swa swa him Gregorius aer gewissode. Au- 240 gustinus pa gehadod cyrde to his biscopstole, and asende aerendracan to Rome, and cydde pam eadigan Gregorie paet Angelcynn cristendom underfeng, and he eac mid gewritum fela pinga befran, hu him to drohtnigenne waere betwux pam nighworfenum folce. Hwoet pa Gregorius micclum Gode 245 bpancode mid blissigendum mode pazt Angelcynne swa gelumpen wses, swa swa he sylf geornlice gewilnode, and sende eft ongean aerendracan to pam geleaffullan cyninge iB]pelbrihte, mid gewritum and menigfealdum lacum, and opre gewritu to Augustine, mid andswarum ealra bPaera pinga pe 250 he hine befran, and hine eac pisum wordum manode, 'Broper min se leofosta, ic wat p]et se selmihtiga God fela wundra purh pe Pbare peode pe he geceas geswutelap, P]es pu miht blissigan, and eac pe oridredan. pu miht blissigan gewisslice P]et P]ere peode sawla purh pa yttran wundra beo] 255 getogene to pzere incundan gife. Ondred pe swapeah pbet pin mod ne beo ahafen mid dyrstignysse on pam tacnum pe God purh pe gefremap, and pu ponon on fdelum wuldre befealle wipinnan, ponon pe pu wi]utan on wurpmynte ahafen bist.' 260 Gregorius asende eac Augustine halige lac on msessereafum, and on bocum, and pzera apostola and martyra reliquias samod; and bebead paet his aeftergengan symle pone pallium and pone ercehad ast pam apostolican setle Romaniscre gelapunge feccan sceoldon. Augustinus gesette aefter pisum 265 biscopas of his geferum gehwilcum burgum on Engla peode, and hf on Godes geleafan beonde purhwunodon op pisum daeg]erlicum daege. 64 SELECTED HOMILIES OF E~LFRIC. Se eadiga Gregorius gedihte manega halige trahtbec, aznd 270 mid miceire gecnyrdnysse Godes folc to P~am ecan life gewissode, and fela wundra on his life geworhte, and wuldorfullice pws papan setles geweold JPreottyne gear, and six monJpas, and tyn dagas, and sippan on Jisum doege gewat to Pain ecan setle heofenan rices, on Pam he leofaP mid Gode 275 aelmihtigum 6 on ecnesse. Amen. x. ST. CUTHBERT. CUTHBIERHTUS, se halga, biscop, scinende on manegum geearnungum and healicum gepinc]pum, on heofenan rice mid Pam xlmihtigum Scyppende on ecere blisse rixiende, wuldraj. Beda, se snotera Engla. ]eoda la'reow, Pises halgan lif endebyrdlice mid wunderfullum herungum, oeg4er ge aefter anfealdre gereccednysse ge aefter leoplicere gyddunge, awra't. Us saede so}phice Beda Pot se eadiga Cu]pberhtus, P~a Pa hM woes eahtawintre culd, a'rn, swa swa him his nytenlice yld io tihte, plegende mid his efenealdum; ac se oelmihtiga God wolde styran Jaere nytennysse his gecorenan Cujberhtes V urh mynegunge gelimplices 1a'reowes, and asende him to in JPrywintre culd, Jxet hit his dyslican plegan mid staeppigum wordum wislice Preade. So]Aice Poet foresi'de J'rywintre culd 15 P~one gaemnigendan Cupberhtum befrain, ' To hwifunderpeodst bu Pe sylfne bisum ydelum plegan, bu Pe eart frain Gode gehalg-od mid roderlicum wurjmynte? Ne gedafenap biscope Poet he beo on daadum folces mannum gelic. Geswfc, la leog, swa unVaeslices plegan, and ge~e6d be to Gode, be 20 be to biscope his folce geceas, Pain bu scealt heofonan rices infaer geopenian.' Hwaet ýa, Cuthberhtus Pagyt mid his ST. CUTHBERT. 65 plegan forParn, op pset his lareow, mid biterum tearum dreoriglice wepende, ealra paera cildra plegan farlice gestilde. Witodlice eall se cildlica heap wolde zaes anes cildes dreorignysse gefrefrian; ac hi ealle ne mihton mid heora frofre his 25 dreorignysse adwaescan, aer pan pe Cu]~berhtus hit mid arfaesturn cossum gegladode. And he sylf sippan sefter pses cildes mynegunge on healicere steppjignysse symle purhwunode..Efter pisum wear} pres eadigan Cupberhtes cneow mid heardum geswelle alefed, swa poet he mid criccum his fepunge 30 underwrepode. pa gesset he sume daege under sunnbeame ana on sundran, and his sceancan bepode; him com pa ridende to sum arwurpe ridda, sittende on snawhwitum horse, and he sylf mid hwitum gyrlum befangen wses; and he pone halgan mid gesibsumum wordum swaeslice grette, biddende 35 ]aet he him daegwistes gedafenlice tipode. Cupberhtus pa to pam engle anmodlice cwsep, ' Ic wolde pine penunge sylf nu gearcian, gif ic me mid fepunge ferian mihte: min adlige cneow is yfele gehaefd, jaet ne mihte nan laecewyrt awiht gelipian, peah pe heo gelome to geled waere.' pa gelihte se 40 cuma, and his cneow grapode mid his halwendum handum, and het hine geniman hwaetene smedeman, and on meolce awyllan, and swa mid paere hetan paet topundene lim gewripan; and aefter pisum wordum his hors bestrad, on pam sipfaete Pe he pider c6m aweg ferende. Hwset pa Cupberh- 45 tus sefter ]pes engles lare his cneow bepode, and he sona gesundfull his faereldes breac, and ongeat pset God purh his engel hine geneosode, se pe giu ser pone blindan Tobfan purh his heahengel Raphahel mihtelice onlihte. Eft se halga Cu]pberhtus, pa pa he wacode mid hyrde- 50 mannum on felda on his geogope, geseah heofonas opene, and englas gelaeddon Aidanes biscopes sawle mid micclum wuldre into ]aere heofonlican myrhpe. Hwilon eac Cupberhtus ferde geond land bodigende Godes geleafan, pa for F 66 SELECTED HOMILIES OF -ELFRIC. 55 unwedre gecyrde he to sumes hyrdes cftan, Pe st6d weste on ]am westene Pe hM oferferde, and getfgde his hors Jaerbinnon. Pa, mid Pam Pe he his gebedu sang, Pa tar Jaet hors Jaet ]aec of Jmre cytan hrofe, and Jar feoll addiie, swilce of Pam hrofe, wearm hiaf mid his syflinge. He Pa gepancode 6o Gode Paere sande, and mid Jwre hine sylfne gereordode. Se eadiga Cupberhtus xfter jisum ealle woruldjjing eallunge forlet, and mid halgum Peawum hine sylfne to munuclife gepeodde; and he hroedlice, sij4an M munuc woes, wear] geset cumena Pen, Poet he cumena huses gymde, and 65 mynsterlicum cumum gepensum woere. Pa aet sumon saele on wintres daege him com to Godes engel on cumon hiwe, and Cuiberhtus hine mid ealre cumlipnysse underfeng. Pa gecyrde hM Ut ymbe Jxes cuman jPenunge, ac he ne gemette naenne cuman Pa Pa h6 inn c6m, ac lagon Pry heofenlice 70 hlafas on lilian beorhtnysse scinende, and on hrosan braeJe stymende, and on swaecce swettran Jonne beona hinig. Pa sceawode se halga Cubberhtus on Jam snawe gehwzr, hwyder se cuma sijpigende ferde, ac Pa Pa h6 nane fotswa]pe on Pam snawe ne geseah, P'a ongeat hM jPt se cuma wxs 75 engel and na mann, se Pe pone heofenlican fodan him brohte, and ]xes eorblican ne rohte. Pes foresoeda halga wer waes gewunod Poat he wolde gan on niht to sk, and standan on Pam sealtan brymme o, his swyran, syngende his gebedu. Pa on sumere nihte hl6snode 8o sum ober munuc his faereldes, and mid s1~accre stalcunge his f6tswajum filigde, op Poet hf begen to sa' becomon. Pa dyde Cujberhtus swa his gewuna woes, sang his gebedu, on so'elicere ype standende opl pone swyran, and sypban his cneowa on P'am ceosle gebigde, astrehtum handbredum to 8- heofenlicum rodore. Efne Pa comon twegen seolas of saelicum grunde, and hi mid heora flyse I his fet drygdon, and y over co. ST. CUTHBERT. 67 mid heora b1ede his leoma be]edon, and si]pan mid gebeacne his bletsunge bWdon, liegende at his foton on fealwum' ceosle. Pa Cubberhtus Pa saflican nytenu on sund asende mid sopre bletsunge, and on merigenlicere tide go mynster gesohte. WearJ Pa se munuc miccium afyrht, and adlig on ernemerigen hine geeadmette to Jaes halgan cneowum, biddende Poet hM his a'dl eallunge aflfgde, and his fyrwitnysse faederlice miltsode. Se alga Pa sona andwyrde, "Ic pinum gedwylde dearnunge miltsige, gif Ju Pa gesihpe 95 mid swigan bedfglast, op Poet min sawul heonon sijige, of andwerdum life gelapod to heofonan.' Cubberhtus Pa mid gebede his sceaweres seocnysse gehelde, and his fyrwites ganges gylt forgeaf. # Fela wundra wurdon geworhte ]urh lone halgan Cup- 1oo berht, ac we wyllab for sceortnysse sume forsuwian, Jy Iks be beos racu eow to lang ]ince. Witodlice Cubberhtus ferde, swa swa his gewuna woes, ymbe geleaffuire bodunge, Poet he Pam ungelaeredum folce lifes weig toehte. Pa fleah sum earn aetforan him on sibe, and he his geferan befrmnan o5 ongann, hwa hi to bam daege afedan sceolde. Pa cwaeb his gefera Poet he gefyrn smeade hwoer hi bigleofan biddan sceoldon, Pa ba hi Pa fare ferdon buton wiste. CuJberhtus Pa him togeanes cwa, 'La hwoet'se xlmihtiga God maeg for eabe uno Jurh }isne earn at foresceawian, se P~e giu or i10 Elian afedde burh bone sweartan hremm, oer hM to heofonan sibode.' Hi ba ferdon forpsipigende, and efne se earn on Pam 6fre gesa't, mid fisce geflogen, bone hM parrihte gefeng. Pa cwa se halga to his geferan, 'Yin to bam earne, and him of anim jPos fisces dxl be he gefangen hbefb unc to gereorde. 115 Sy 16f bam Elmihtigan, be unc burh bisne fugel fedan wolde. Syle swabeah sumne dael bam earne to edleane his geswinces.' Hi ba aefter gereorde on heora weg ferdon, and Cub1 fealwun. F2 68 SELECTED HOMILIES OF SLFRIC. berhtus pam folce fsegere bodade, ]aet hf wasre wseron wip I20 deofles syrwum, P]y laes pe hd mid leasunge heora geleafan awyrde, and fram baere bodunge heora mod abrude. paet folc pa fierlice ongann for] araesan betwux pyssere minegunge, micclum bepoeht, aoet hi pbere lare to lyt gymdon. Hwset se swicola feond hi swi]e bedydrode, swilce p]er sum 125 hus soplice forburne, brastligende mid brandum, gedwymorlice swa]eah. pa wolde Pset folc Pbet fyr adwoescan, gif hit enig woeta wanian mihte; ac poes halgan andwerdnyss eapelice acwencte paes deofles dyderunge, pe hi dwollice filigdon, and }res lifes word lythwon gymdon. paet folc 130 pa ofscamod ongean cyrde to pbere lare ]e hi ser forleton, biddende st pam lareowe lipe miltsunge, poaet hi his lare kr to lyt gymdon 1, pa pa he ba frsecednysse him fore soede. Cupberhtus swapeah on oprum timan eallbyrnende hus ana ahredde wip fyres dare mid halgum benum, and pone 135 windes blaed aweg fligde, se pe ser for oft pa aettrigan flan deoflicere costnunge on him sylfum adwoescte, ]urh gescyldnysse sopes Drihtnes. He wolde gelome leodum bodian on fyrlenum lande unforhtigende. Hwoet ]a him geupe se aelmihtiga God faegre getingnysse pam folce to lare, and him 140 men ne mihton heora m6d behydan, ac hi eadmodlice him geandetton heora digelnyssa, and elles ne dorston, and be his dihte digellice gebetton. Sum eawfoest man eac swilce hoefde micele cyb]e to p]am halgan Cupberhte, and gelomlice his lare breac; ]a geti145 mode his wife wyrs b2onne h6 beporfte, paet heo purh wodnysse micclum was gedreht. pa cor se eawfaesta to pam eadigan Cupberhte, and hd waes on }ram timan to prafoste geset on pam munuclife pe is Lindisfarnea gehaten. pa ne mihte he for sceame him openlice secgan ]aet his eawfoeste I50 wif on baere w6dnysse leg, ac bed pet he asende sumne broper pe hire gerihta ged6n mihte, ~r pan pe heo of life 1 gymdom. ST. CUTHBERT. 69 gelaed wurde. pa wiste Cu]berhtus eal be }am wife, and wolde Purh hine sylfne sona hf geneosian; for pan Pe heo oar pon eawfmst leofode, PJeah Pe se unsip hire swa gelumpe. pa begann se wer dreorig wepan, anpracigende Pses unge- 155 limpes. Cupberhtus hine Pa mid wordum gefrefrode, cwaep poet se deofol pe hire derigan wolde on his geneosunge [hi] forlaetan sceolde, and mid micelre fyrhte aweg fleon, and Paet wif mid gewitte wel sprecende him togeanes gin, and his bridel onf6n. Hit Pa gelamp be P]es lareowes wordum ]oet i6o Poet wff gewittig hine mid wordum gegrette, boed ]oet heo moste him mete gearcian, and cydde hu se deofol hf dearnunge forl&t, and swipe forhtigende fleames cepte, Pa ]pa se halga rider sipode. Cupberhtus se halga sippan gefremode mihtiglice wundra, 165 on Pam mynstre wunigende. Begann Pa on mode micclum smeagan, hu hU pes folces 16f forfleon mihte, py laes pe hM wurde to hlfsful on worulde, and ]es heofenlican lofes fremde woere. Wolde Pa anstandende ancerliff adreogan, and on digelnysse eallunge drohtnian: ferde Pa to Fame, on flow- 70o endre ype. paet igland is eal beworpen mid sealtum brymme, on sae middan, Joet wipinnan eall er pam fyrste mid sweartum gastum swipe woes afylled, swa P]et men ne mihton Pa moldan bugian for Peowracan sweartra deofla; ac hf ealle pa endemes flugon, and poet igland eallunge rymdon ]am 175 sepelan cempan, and he Pser ana wunode, orsorh heora indan Purh aelmihtigne God. pa woes Poet igland mid ealle bedeled waeteres wynsumnysse on pam westum cludum, ac se halga wer Pa sona het Pa heardnesse swipe h61ian onmiddan]aere flore his faegeran botles; and P]er woetermeddre Pa wynsum aspring, 180o werod on swacce, pam were to brice, se Pe hwilon waeter to winlicum sw'cce wundorlice awende, Pa Pa hit wolde God. Se halga Pa het him bringan sged, wolde on Pam westene waestmes tilian, gif hit swa geupe se aelmihtiga God, pat he mid his foton hine fedan moste. He seow Pa hwoete on ISs 70 SELECTED HOMILIES OF A2ELFRIC, beswunoenum lande, ao hit to wostme aspringan ne moste, ne furPon mid gorse growende noes. Pa bet he him bringan bere to sade, and ofer aelcne timan Pa eorpan aseow. Hit weox Pa mid wynne, and wel geripode. Pa woldon bremmas 9go hine bereafian aet his gedeorfum, gif hi dorston. Pa ewo4p se halga to Pam heardnebbum, 'Gif se AElmihtiga eow pises geupe, bruca]p ]aera woestma, and me ne biddap; gif he Ponne eow Jises ne getipode, gewitap aweg, weelhreowe fugelas, to eowrum epele of Jisum iglande.' Hwmt, pa 195 hremmas Pa ricene flugon ealle tosomne ofer Pone sealtan brym, and se halga Pa his geswinoes breac. Eft Pa sippan obre twegen swearte hremmas siplice oomon, and his bu's toeron mid heardum bile, and to neste baeron heora briddum to hleowpe. Pas eao se eadiga mid ealle 2oo aflfgde of Pam ebele mid anum worde; ac an ]oera fugela eft fleogende cor ymbe bry dagas, ]earle dreorig, fleab to his foton, fribes biddende, Poet he on Pam lande lybban moste symle,unsca4ppig, and his gefera samod. Hwat Pa se halga him paess.geupe, and hi lustbaere Pmt land gesohton i, 205 and brobton Pam lareowe laic to mede2, swines rysl his soon to gedreoge, and hi paer sippan unscoe4'ige wunedon. Pa wolde- se halga sum hd's -timbrian to his nedbricum, mid his gebropra fultume.; Pa baed he hf anre sylle, jPot he mibte Poet bus on Pa so'healfe mid bmre underleogan. Pa gebropra 210 him beheton ]aet'hif woldon Poet treow, ]Ponne hi eft comon, him gebringan. Pa comon hi, swa swa hi cwaedon, and wurdon swabeab ]oes treowes ungemyndige; ac se a2cmihtiga God his wos gemyndig, and him Pa sylle sylf asende mid Ppam saelioum flode, and Poet fl6d hi awearp ]aer Paer h6 sylf 215 smeade Pmt huis to araerenne on bam sealturn ofre. Pa wunode se halga wer manega g~ar on Pam anoerlife swiplice stiJe, and hine geneosodon gel6me eawfoeste meun, and be his lare heora 1ff gerihtloehton. I gesohten. "2 medes. ST. CUTHBER T. 71 Pa corn him to sum abbudysse, seo was BElflad geharten,.ipas cyninges sweostor Ecgfrides; wolde burh his myregun- 220 gum hire m6d getrymman. Pa betwux heora spraece begann lieo to halsigenne bone halgan wer pot hM sceolde hire secgan 2hd lange hire brobor Ecgfridus moste his rices brucan. Pa andwyrde hire se halga mid twylicere spraece and cwaeb,.1 For nahte bib geteald anes geares lust, boar bar se swearta 225 deab onsigende bib.' Pa undergeat heo boet se brober ne jumoste his lifes brucan ofer bam anum geare, and baerrihte, dreoriglice wepende, hine befrin, 'La leof, sege me, hwa sceal to his rice f6n, bonne hM brober naefb, ne he beam ne belefJP?' Pa cwaeb se halga wer eft to bram maedene, 'Se 230 2elmihtiga Scyppend hafb gehealden sumne gecorenne byssere leode to cyninge, and se bib be swa leof swa fu is se,ober.' Pa gedyrstlxhte. baet maeden b~et heo him bagyt to spraec, and cwab, 'Mislice sreagap manna heortan: sume wilniab gepincpe byssere worulde, sume gefyllap heora fra- 235 cedan lustas; and hi ealle syppan sorhlice waedliab. Pu forsihst bone healican wurbmynt, and be is leofre on bisum wacum scrafum bfonne bu on healle 'healic biscop sitte.' Pa.cwaeb se witega Poet he wurbe naere swa miccies hides, ne b es heahsetles, -ac, swabeah, nan man Godes mihte ne 240 forflihb3 on,nanum heolstrum heofenan, opae eorban, abpe sM& briddan. Ic gelyfe, swabeab, gil se Elmihtiga me hktt b e hides bean, baet ic eft mote bis igland gesecan after,twegra geara ymbrene, and byses ebeles brucan. Ic bidde bpe,,Elflad, baet bu uncre sprxce on minum life nanum ne 245 ameldige.' AEfter bisum wordum wearb gem6t gehaefd, and Ecgfridus b xron gesx't, and Peodorus, bises iglandes ercebiscop, mid manegum obrum gepungenum witum, and hi ealle anmodlice bone eadigan Cubberhtum to biscope gecuron. Pa sendon 250 hi sona gewritu mid bam aerende to bam eadigan were; ac hi ne mibton hine of his mynstre gebringan. Pa reow se 72 SELECTED HOMILIES OF ALFRIC. cyning syif Ecgfridus to bam iglande, and Trumwine biscop, mid obrum eawfaestum werum, and hi Pone halgan swibe 255 halsodon, heora cneow bigdon, and mid tearum badon, op Pot hi hine wepende of bam westene atugon to bam sinobe samod mid him; and he bone had be heora hUse underfeng, swa swa hit gefyrn kr gesoad wes burh bats cildes mubi, and b es maeran biscopes Boisiles, be him mid sobre witegunge 260 his iffes endebyrdnysse saede. On bram ylcan geare wearb eac ofslegen Ecgfridus, se oebela cyning, on his unsibe, ba ba hU on Peohtum begann to feohtenne to dyrstelice ofer Drihtnes willan; and his cyfesborena brobor sibban rixode, se be for wisdome wende 265 to Scottum, bEet he oleleodig on lire gepuge. Pa waes gefylled seo foresoede spraec, swa swa se halga wer soede bam mxdene be hire gebroprum, or he biscop wore. Hwaet ba, sibban se halga. Cubberhtus, Lindisfamensiscere gelapunge leodbiscop, mid ealre gecneordnysse his folces gymde, to 270 geefenhaecunge baera eadigra apostola, and hi mid singalum gebedum gescylde wib deofi, and mid haiwendum myngungum to heofonan tihte; and he swa leofode swa swa h6 syif laerde, and A his bodunga mid gebysnungum astealde, and eac mid wundrum wel geglengde, and mid sobre lufe 275 symle geswette, and gemetegode mid miccium gepylde, and woes swibe estful on aelcere sprmce. He nolde awendan his gewunelican bigleofan, ne his gewx'da, be he on westene hafde, ac ba stibnyssa his stearcan bigleofan betwux kaewedum folce on his life. geheold. He wos swibe welig woedlum 280 and bearfum, and symle him sylfum swibe hafenleas. Pa geworhte he fela wundra eac binnon bam fyrste be h~ biscop woes. Mid halgum woetere he gehelde sum wff, anes ealdormannes awe, fram earmlicere cobe, and heo sona gesund him sylfum benode. Eft on paere ylcan tide h6 mid 285 ele gesmymode an liogende maeden on langsumuin sare burh hefigtymum heafodece, and hire sona wos bet. Sum eawfaest ST. CUTHBERT. 73 wer was eac yfele gehkfd, and leg et forpsipe, his freondum orwene. pa haefde heora sum haligne hlaf, pone se eadiga wer sr gebletsode, and he pone pserrihte on weter bedypte, and his adligum mege on pone mup begeat, and he pserrihte 290 pet adl gestilde. Eac on oprum timan sum adlig cniht fserlice wearj] geferod atforan pam witan, pa pa he mid lare geond land ferde; pa bsedon pa barmen his bletsunge georne, and hd perrihte pone cniht arserde, swa pbet h6 gesundful sipode on fotum, se pe on bsere pider geboren wses. Sum 295 earm moder uneapelice baer hire samcuce cild, swipe dreorig, on pam ylcan wege pe se wit[eg]a ferde; pa besargode hM paere sorhfullan meder, and geswseslice pa hire sunu cyste; cwaep paet hire cild gesund beon sceolde, and eal hire hfwisc haelpe brucan; and pses witegan w6rd wurdon gefyllede. 300 Elflaed pa eft, pset sepele maeden, pone halgan lareow to hire gelapode; pa geset he et mysan micclum onbryrd, he beseah to heofonum and his sex awearp. pa axode hine seo eadige faemne, hwf he swa hraedlice his gereod forlete. pa cwaep se biscop mid onbryrdum mode, 'Efne nu ic ge- 305 seah englas ferigan gesselige sawle of pinum b6clande to healicre heofenan mid halgum sange, and his nama pe bip ardlice gecydd on aernemerigen, ponne ic offrige Gode pa liflican lac on geleaffulre cyrcan.' Hit wearp pa gewfdmersod, swa swa se witega cwbep, pbet hire hyrdeman, purh 31o holdradene pa sume ac astah, and his orf lIeswode mid treowenum helme, and he hearde feoll, gewat of worulde mid wuldre to Gode for paere hylde his hirdraedene. Hwa maeg aefre ealle gereccan pa mihtigan tacna pises halgan weres, hu oft he eapelice adlige gehaelde, and pa sweartan 315 gastas symle afligde, and fsegra manna forpsip foregleaw soede, wis purh witegunge wisdomes gastes. pa wunode sum sacerd swipe gelyfed on ancersetle aefter his lare, and on gehwilcum geare hine geneosode, Hereberhtus gehaten, h6hful on mode. Cupberhtus pa sona hine 320 74 JSELECTEJJ HOMILIES OFP XLFRIC~. onsundron gesp *rac, cwxe Poet he Pa sceolde swiplice befrfnan his nydpearfnysse aer his nextan doege; cwae Pot hU ne moste on menniscum. life hine eft geseon of P~am andweardan daege. Hereberhtus Pa swipe hohful wear]2, and feol to his -325 fotum, mid flowendum tearum Wed Poet hM moste him mid sihian to heofenlicum prymme ýof ]Pysum gewinne, swa' swa Hon life his lare gehyrsumode. IHwaet P~a se biscop his cneowa gebigde to Pissere bene mid blipum mode, and sypp~an bone sacerd sona gefrefrode; cw~ep Poet him geupe.330 se ae1mihtiga Wealdend Poet hi oetsomne sibian moston of J isum earfobnyssum to ecere myrh]pe. Hereberhtus ba haima gewende, and on legerbedde licgende aba'd Jzes o]pres geen.. dunge mid adlium lymum. Cubberhtus se halga Pa swipe onette to P~am ancersetle 335 pae h6 &r gesket burh halige mynegunge mibtiges Drihtnes:wolde on barn lande his 1ff geendian, beer Paer hM &r lange lybbendle drohtnode. And h6 on P~am lande Pa gelegered wearb on his forbsibe swipe fiis to Gode, on Pam Priddan geare his biscophades, and on bisum dxege to Drihtne ýgewat, 340 and 'Hereberhtus, samod, se halga, sacerd, swa swa hi on life,:or geleornodon, Purh;Godes gast, mid godum willan. 'His.11o wearp bebyrged o~n Lindisfarneiscre cyrcan, JPaer -wurdon,geworhte wundra forwel fela, Puth geearnungum his eadigan Iffes. Va gelicode 'hit Pam leodbiscope, '.Eadberhte sylfum, 345 his aeftergengan, b~et he,:.his lichaman,up ba -:gel-6gode, on b-am. endlyftan geare lhis, geendunge. Pa weary Pmt halige -I'c MI. on eorban gemdt, gesundful licgende,.swil~ce hd slapende waare, lipebige on limum, swa swa U~ geledvaw~s..SY wuldor and lof Pam welegan Drihtne, se be his geico350 renan swa cfstelice wurbab aefter deadlicum iffe, mid him lybbende 'a on ecnysse ealra worulda. Amen. GLOSSARY &-bfigan, sv. bow, do reverence. A-cuman, sri. endure. iL-d~adlian, wri. become dead, become callous. i-dr~ogan, sv. carry on, do. Mlic, adj. of the Law. fen-lipig, ad]. single, individual. wt-ltitian, wv. lurk out of sight, hide. eat-spurnan, sv. spurn, strike against. ffittrig, ad]. poisonous. &w, sf. wife. &-fe-ran, wv. terrify. 1.fundennys, sf. invention, device. ft-hyldan, wri. incline, lean, rest. ii-16fan, wv. injure, maim. &-meldian, wriv. betray, let out. ancer-lif, sn. life of an anchorite. ancer~setl, sn. hermitage. anda, smn. envy, anger. &n-g~nga,,m. solitary. an-timber., sn. cause. an-Pr~cian, wv. w. gen. dread, be agitated. i-r~esan, wri. rush. are, sin. ark. i.-soyrian, wri. separate, expel. i-slidan., sri. slip. i-standan, sri. stand forth, arise. i-stqUan, wv. institute, begin. i-strqccoan, WV.,. prostrate. &-teorigendlic, ad]. perishable. A-wician, wriv. become weak. &-w~dan, WVi. rage. A wegan, sri. weigh. &-wyllan, wv. bodl. i-wyrdan, =r. destroy. i-wyrdnys, sf. injury. b~ar-mann, sm. bearer. gebiacn, Sfl. gesture. bealcettan, wv. belch forth, bring up. be- dydrian, wri. deceive. be-frinan, sv. ask. be-fy-lan, WV. defile. be-h6fian, wv. w. gen. need. be-liwyrfan, wri,-. change, pi epare. be-lewan, wv. betray. be-lyfan, wv. believe. b~o, Sf. bee. b~re, sm. Larley. be-sirgian, wri. pity. be-s~ncan, wv. sink, throw down. be-stridan, SV. bestride, mount. be-swincan, sri. plough, prepar~e (land). beswingan, SV. beat, scourge. be-:pearf,.vwv. w. gen. require, need. b~pian, WV. warm, foment. be-wfffan, wri. wrap. be-yrnan, s-v. run;~ pa beamn me,on mode, it owcurred to me, I thought of. Rebicflian, -WV. betoken. bigeis, sm. bend, vault. bile, si. bill, beak. biscop-st6l. sm. episcopal see. bita,, sm. bite, morsel. bl~stm, sm. flower. b6cere, sin. Scribe. b6c-land, Sn. private land, estate. br~p, smn. exhalation, vapour, fragrance. GLOSSAR Y. brogan, wv. terrify. br6mbel, sm. bramble. bridel, sm. bridle. brymm, sm. ocean. gebyldo, sf boldness, confidence, presumption. byme, sf. trumpet. ceosol, sm. gravel, beach. capan, wv. w. gen. attend to, seek,. take to. cidan, wv. w. dat. chide, reprove. gecleman, wv. smear, caulk. gecneord-lfcan, wv. be zealous, study. geonyrdnys, sf. diligence, study. coss, sm. kiss. copu, sf. disease. crdda, sm. creed. cryce, sf crutch. culfre, sf. dove, pigeon. cuma, sm. stranger. cum-lipnys, sf. hospitality. cwelmbffrnys, sf. mortality. cyfes-boren, adj. born of a concubine, base-born. gecyndelice, adv. naturally. cpe-cniht, sm. boy for sale. cOp-mann, sm. merchant. cyre, sm. choice. eystelice, adv. munificently. cyte, sf. cottage. cypere, sm. witness, martyr. ckppu, sf. familiarity. deeg-wist, sm. food for a day, a day's entertainment. delan, wv. share. gedafenlic, adj. fitting, proper. dearnunge, adv. secretly. d~ofol-sioc, aadj. possessed of a devil. gedeorf, sn. labour, hardship, difficulty. diacon, smn. deacon. digle, adj. secret, hidden, obscure. gedrccednys, sf. trouble. gedraog, sn. preparing, smearing. drohtnian, wV. live, conduct oneself. drYpan, wv. drip. dumb, adj. dumb. gedwymorlice, adv. illusively. dyderung, sf. delusion. dym-hof, sn. obscure place. gedyrst-liecan, wv. venture, presume. dyrstelice, adv. daringly, arrogantly. eahta-wintre, adj. eight years old. Basterne, adj. eastern. eawfmest, = efaest. geed-lUcan, wv. repeat, renew. geefen-lMcan, wv. imitate. 9gefull, adj. fearful. geende-byrdan, wv. ordain. endemes, adv. together. ýrce-hid, sm. archiepiscopal dignity. 6stfull, adj. devout, gracious. gefedera. sm. godfather. fear, sn. passage, passing by. fereld, sn. power of motion, locomotion, journey, course of life, conduct. fsast-hafol, adj. tenacious. gef6r-rfden, sf companionship. f6pung, sf walking, motion. gefgxod, adj. with a head of hair. geflit, sn. dispute, quarrel. flys, sf. fleece, fur. for-cap, adj. infamous, despicable. fore-b6acn, sn. portent, sign, miracle.. fore-genga, sm. ancestor. fore-gl~aw, adj. prescient, prophetic. fore-scawian, Wv. pre-ordain, appoint. fore-stgppan, sv. precede. fore-stihtan, wv. pre-ordain. fore-witegian, ww. prophecy. for-fieon, sv. flee from, evade. for-gfgan, wV. transgress. for-gfgednys, sf. transgression. for-gytol, adj. forgetful. for-lran, wv. seduce, lead astray. for-1Mogan, sv. slander. GLOS.SAR Y. 77 for-nban, adv. nearly. for-rotian, wv. rot. for-secgan, wv. slander. for-spanan, sv. allure, seduce, lead astray. for-sitwian, wv. keep silent about, suppress, pass over. forp-g4nge, adj. progressive, successful. for-pyldigan, wv. endure. forp-yrnan, sv. continue. for-wyrcan, wv. forfeit. f6t-wylm, sm. sole of foot, foot. frum-sceapen, adj. first-created, first. gefylsta, sm. helper. fyistend, sm. helper. fyrwit, sn. curiosity. fyrwitnys, sf. curiosity. gamenian, wev. play, pun. geare, adv. accurately, well. gEonglic, adj. youthful. gest-hils, sn. inn. gilplic, adj. boastful, presumptuous. geg6dian, wv. endow. gyddung, sf. poetical recitation, metre. gymen, sf care. gynian, wv. gape. gyrstan-deg, adv. yesterday. gyse, adv. yes, yea. hacele, sf. coat, mantle. hidian, wv. ordain. hfdung, sfJ ordination. heftling, sm. prisoner. hlpo, sf: health. hafen-l1as, adj. indigent. h6afod-ýce, smn. headache. bgah-ger6fa, sm. prefect. hesalt, adj. halt. heannys, sv. height. heard-ngbba, smn. hard of bill, raven. hefig-tyme, adj. hard, grievous. heorcnung, sf. hearing. hird-raden, sf. herding, care. hiw, sn. form. hiwa, sm. member of a family. gehiwian, wv. figure, signify; feign, pretend. hIwisc, sn. household. hiwung, sf. pretence, hypocrisy. hladan, sv. draw water, imbibe. hl6owp, sf shelter. hlosnian, wv. listen, spy on. hoh-full, adj. thoughtful, pensive. hol, sn. hole, cave. hold-reden, sf fidelity. holian, Wv. become hollow, be perforated. hord-feet, sn. coffer. gehrafan, Wv. roof. hrgmn, = hrcefn. hraoflig, ad]. leprous. hr6se,= rose. hund-feald, adj. hundredfold. hunig-swate, adj. sweet as honey. hweten, adj. of wheat. gehwgttan, wv. incite. hwil-tidum, adv. sometimes. hyrde-mann, sm. shepherd. hyrn-stfn, sm. cornerstone, keystone. gehyrt, adj. of good heart. gehyrtan, wv. fortify, cheer. inn-feer, sn. entrance. geinnian, wv. fill up, make good. gelseccan, ev. take, get. lMce-wyrt, sf medicinal herb. lffswian, wv. pasture. 1Mm, sm. loam, earth. late, adv. slowly. lMttjow, sm. leader, guide. leahtrian, wV. blame. leger-bedd, sn. sickbed. gelegered, adj. confined to bed. gelQndan, wv. endow with lands. l9nden, sf. loins. lMoplic, adj. poetical. geliffeestan, wv. animate. geligenian, wv. give the lie, gainsay. Jilie, sf. lily. lipe-bige, adj. flexible in limbs. gelipian, wv. alleviate. 78 GLOSSARY. luf-tyme, adj. benevolent. lust-bere, adj. joyous. lust-fullung, sf desire, pleasure. lyre, sm. loss, destruction. gemaca, sm. companion, mate, wife. gemaglic, adj. importunate. gemaglice, adv. importunately. gemagnys, sf. importunity. gemana, sin. community, intercourse. gemedemian, zv. ref. condescend. gemqnig-fyldan, wv. multiply. meox, sn. dung. merigenlic, adj. morning. gemet, sm. moderation; way, manner. meting, sf. painting. mis-ledan, wv. mislead. munuc-lif, sn. monastic life; monastery. mynegung, sf. admonition. myrige, adj. pleasant, cheerful. myrhp, sf. joy. myse, sf. table. n6adunge, adv. forcibly. neb-wlite, sm. complexion, countenance. ned-brice, sm. need. neorxna-wang, sm. Paradise. geneosian, wv. visit. neopor, adv. beneath. nest, sn. nest. nig-hworfen, adj. newly converted. geniperian, wv. condemn. nytenlic, adj. ignorant. nyper-hreosende, adj. downfalling. of-axian, wv. be told, informed. ofer-drifan, sv. confute. ofer-fl6wendnys, sf. overflow, excess. ofer-glidan, sv. glide over, traverse. ofer-reedan, wv. read over. ofer-wreon, sv. cover over, hide. ofer-yrnan, sv. run over. of-gan, sv. demand, require; attain, gain. of-sittan, sv. sit on, oppress. of-tredan, sv. tread down. on-bfigan, sv. w. dat. side with, submit to. on-byrigan, wv. w. gen. taste. on-hagian, wv. suit; be convenient. on-hinder, adv. behind. on-sigan, sv. assail. on-sundron, adv. apart. ord-fruma, sm. beginning. geor-truwian, wv. despair. orpian, wv. breathe, aspire. or-wene, adj. hopeless. pening-wurp, sn pennyworth. pinung, sf. torture, punishment. pistol, si. epistle, letter. prafost, sm. provost. reden, sf. condition, terms. ren-boga, sm. rainbow. gereord, sn. feeding, meal. gereordian, wv. feed, feast. rewut, sn. rowing. ribb, sn. rib. riclice, adv. powerfully. gerihtu, sn. pl. last offices. gerip, sn. reaping, harvest. roderlic, adj. heavenly. geryne, sn. mystery. rysl, sm. fat, grease. sacerd, snm. priest. s8alic, adj. of the sea. sam-ucuc, adj. half-alive, halfdead. sand, sf. mission; course, repast. gescead, sn. wisdom, sagacity. sceawere, sm. spy. scenca, sm. leg. sceocca, sm. sprite, demon. gesceotan, sv. (shoot), contribute, accrue. scrift, sm. confession, confessor. scylf, sm. shelf, ledge, pinnacle. gescyndan, wv. put to shame. GZJOSSAR Y. 79 gescyrtan, uv. shorten. sealm-sang, sin. psalm-singing. sealmu-sceop, sin. psalmist. 316am, smn. seam, joint. s~gen, sf. saying.. Beti, Sn. sitting. ges~pan, "v. confirm.,gesewenlic, adj. visible. sinop, sm-. synod. siplice, adv. journeying. sleac, adj. slow, stealthy. smedma, sm. flour. sm6Pnys, sf. smoothness. gesmyrian, wv. anoint. 86ftnys, sf. luxury. stgenan, wv. stone. st~aning, sf. stoning, st~eppig, ad]. steady, serioug. stalcung, sf. stalking. gestandan, sv. oppose, stop;. assail, attack. steall1, smn. standing. stearo, adj. severe. st~de, sm. standing. stic-mi~lum, adv. in pieces. sticol, ad]. prickly, rough. gestillan, wv. still, silence, stop. st6r, sm. frankincense. st6wlice. adv. in place, locally, strec, adj. severe. stunt, adj. stupid. st~man, wv. steam, exhale fragrance. sty 'pel, sm. steeple. styrnijo, ad]. severe, rouigh. sunn-biaan, smn. sunbeam. sweace, smn. flavour, scent. sw~are, ad]. heavy. sweshice, adv. politely. gvswi~slice, ad]. kindly. gesw~fian, =V. put to sleep. swegan, wv. sound. geswell, Sn. swelling. gresw~tan, wv. sweeten. swige, sf. silence. swingel, sf. scourge. syfling, sf. seasoning. syll, sf. Sill,- foundation. get~cnigendlic, adj. emblemnatic. talian, wz'. tell, impute. tallic, ad]. blasphemous. teolung, sf. tillage, gain, income. tdona, sm. malice. taopian, wv. divide' by ten, tithe. t~oping-dmg, sm. tithing-day, tenth day. t~opung, sf. tenth part, tithe, tithing. tihting, sf. enticement. t6-cna-wan, SV. distinguish. t6-dal, Sn. separation, distinction. t&dri~fan, wv. disperse. getogen, ad]. trained, learned. torfian, wv. pelt, stone. t6-pindan, SV. swell. traht, sin, treatise, discussion, exposition. traht-b6c, sf. treatise. trahtnian, WV. treat, expound. trumnys, sf. strength, firmness. trfiwa, sm., confidence. tungel-witega, sin. astrologer. tweif-feald, adsý. twelvefold. twýlicl ad]. doubtful, ambiguous. twyn, = tw~on. tyrwe, sf. tar, pmsi~ce, adv. aptly. p~awlic, ad]. moral. p~ow-racu, sf. threat. pigen, sf. receiving, taking, eating. g'epofta, sm. companion. Prim-wealdend, adj. glorious. Pritig-wintre, ad]. thirty years old. protu, sf. (zveak) throat. Pry-feald, ad]. threefold. pry-wintre, ad]. three years old. pw-yr, =Pwveorh. pwy-rlio, ad]. contrary, perverse. pyrnen, ad]. of thorns. geuferian, wtv. exalt. un-c-yppu, sf. unfamiliarity. under-bmo, adv. back, behind. under-ginnan, sv. begin. under-l~cgan, wv. underlay, support. under-wr~pian, WV. support. 8o GLOSSAR Y. un-gelimp, n. misfortune. un-lust, sm. evil desire lust. un-gerfd, adj. ill-conditioned, wrong. un-salp, sm. disastrous expedition. un-strang, adj. weak. un-tele, adj. blameless. un-Peslic, adj. unbecoming. un-panc-wurpe, adj. ungrateful, inacceptable. un-prowigendlio, adj. on-suffering. un-wear, adj. unwary. un-gewiss, adj. uncertain, doubting. wacol, adj vigilant. wacollice, adv. vigilantly. westm-bfre, adj. fruitful. waster-fddre, sf. vein of water, spring. wmter-p1ote, sf torrent, cataract. weald, conj. less. wedan, wv. rage. weornian, wv. fade, wither. werlice, adv. manfully. gewid-mffrsian, wv. proclaim, noise about. wilige, sf basket. gewilnigendlic, adj. desirable. wislic, adj. wise, prudent. gewissian, wv. direct. gewitendlio, adj. transitory. wip-cwepan, sv. contradict, deny. wiperian, wv. oppose. wiper-weardlic, adj. rebellious/ perverse. wip-metan, sv. compare. w6dnes-dseg, sm. Wednesday. gewripan, sv. bind up. wuldor-bbag, sm. crown of glory. gewuldor-biagod, adj. crowned. wuldrian, wv. live in glory. wyll-spring, sm. well, fountain. wyln, sf female slave. gewyrd, sf. fate, destiny. yfel-dad, adj. evildoing. ymbe-spr~o, sf comment, criticism. ymb-ryne, sm. revolution, course, lapse of time. yrfe-numa, sm. heir. geyrsian, wvw. dat. be angry with. THE END. i UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 04340 2224 14 I I S t.4 K.r IHENRY FROGWDE,,V-A.' PUBISHEiRjn TO THS unvE;S1fn *rOlOR D 4 VLo4OK.- UGj NDNWVR I A